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"^ T Bi E


* The Larger and Shorter


Witb the Serif ture-P roofs at large.

Together with

The Sum of Saving Know- Naitional aod Solemn.

LEDGE (contain'd in the Holy League.

Scriptures, and held. forth ia Acknowledgement of Sins

the faid CoaFcuion and Gate- and Engagement to Du-

chifms) and pradlical ufe there- ties.

of% Directories. v

Covenants ; Form of Church*Govern»

ment, ^c*

Of Public Authority in the



ACTS of Ailembly and Parliament, relative to, and ap* probative of the fame*

Deut, vi. 6, 7. Andihefe Words -which I command thee this Lay, /hall he in thy Heart, And thou jhalt teach them diligently unto thy Children, and Jhalt talk of them -when thou fitteji in thy Houfe, and when thou walkeji by the Way, and -when thou Heft do-wn, and -when thou rifeji up.

Primed in the Year, M DCC LXVUI.


■•'ff^W^^'- >^


THE Preface, byfundry Englifh Divines. Mr. Manton's Epijlk to the Reader.

I. ihe Confejfwn of Faith,

II. T^he Larger Catechifm,

III. The Shorter Catechifm.

IV. Ihe Sum of Savijig Knowledge,

V. The National Covenant,

VI. The Solemn League and Covenant. "yil. The Acinowledgment of Sins, &c,

VIII. The Diredoryfor Public k Worfiip, ,

IX. The Form of Presbyterial Church-Government.

X. The Diredory for Family-worfhip,



in E A D S o F F A M I L 1 E S.

A S we cannot but with grief of foul lament thofe multitudes pf,er- '^-*- rors, blafphemies, and all kinds of profaaenefs, which have ifk this age, like a mighty deluge, overflown this nation ; fo, among feveral other fins which have helped to open the fiopd-gates of all thefe impietes, wc cannot but efleem the difufe of family inftruftioa one of the grcateO. The two great pillars upon which the kingdpiji of Satanls erected, and by which it is upheld, are ignorance and error,; the firft ftep of our manumiflion from this fpiritual thraldom confift4i in having our eyes opened, and being turned from darknefs to light, AfVs xxvi. i8. How much the fefious endeavours of godly parent^ and mafters might contribute to an early feaioning the tender years c^ fuch as are under their infpe«flion, is abundantly evident, not only frpj» their fpecial influence upon th^m, in refpeft of their authority over them, intereft in them, continual prefence with them, and froq.u,cnc opportunities of being helpful to them ; but alfo from thefsd effects which by woful experience we find-to be the fruit of (he pmi/Iioa this duty. 'Tweie eafy to ftt before you a cloud of v/i;nefl^es, tli language of whofe praOice hath been not only an eminent commcnda- .tion of this duty, but alfo a ferious exhortation to it. As /^beh though? dead.y-etjpeaks by his example to us for our imitation of his fauh, iirc. Heb. xi. 4. So do the examples of Abraham, of Joihua, jof the pa- rents of Solomon, of the grandmother and cr.Qther of Timothy, thff mother of Augufline, whofe care was as well to nurfe up the fouls^as the bodies of their little ones ; and as their pains herein w^s great, ip .was their fuccefs no way unanfwerable. ■>

Wc (hould fcarce imagine it any better than an impertincncy, ]fL this noon-day of the gofpd, either to. inform or peduade a duty ib exprcfly comoaaaded, fg frequently urged, fo highl? ejiCQUr^ed,

A a ' tad

4 The EpiJlU to the Reader

anJ {o f minenily owned by the Lord in nil ages wiih his btefliiig, but that onr fad experience tells us this duty is not more needful than 'tis of late negletftcd. For the rel>orind of this duty to its due obfervaQce, give us leave to fiigpeft this double advice.

The rir(> concerns heads of families in refie(f> of thcrafelves, that as the Lord hath fct them in place above the reft of their family, they would labour in all wildom and fpiritual undcrllanding to be above them alfo. 'Tis an uncomely fi^ht to behold men in years babes ia knowledge ; and how unmeet are they to inflnic^ others, who need themfelvcs to be taught which ' be the firft principles of the oracles ot God ?• Hcb. V. \2. Knowledge is an r.ccompIi(hment fo dcfire- ablc, that the devils thenrfelves knew not a mo'-e taking bait by which to tempt our firft parents, than by the fruir of the * tree of

* knowledge. So (hall you be as gods, knowing good and evil.* When Solomon hnd that favour fhcwed him of the Lord, that he was made his own chultr whi-.t to afk, he knew no greater mercy to beg than Wifdom, i Kings iii. 5, 9. The under/landing is the gui4e and pilot of the whole man, that faculty which fits at ::ie flern ot the ioul : But as the mod expert guide may miAake in the dark, (o may the underftanding when it wants the light of knowledge ; Without

* knowledge the mind cannot be good,' Prov. xix. 2. Nor the life j^ood. nor the eternal condition fafc, Eph. iv. iS. * My people are

* deftroyed for lack oF knowledge.' HoC iv. 6. 'Tis ordinary in Icripture to let profanenefs and all kind of mifcarriigcs upon the fcore of ignorance. Difcafes in the body have many times their rife from diflcmpers in the head, and exorbitancies in praflice from errors in judgment : And indeed in every fin there is fomething both of igno- rance and error at the bottom; for, did finncrs truly know what they do in finning, we might fay, of every fin, what the apodk fpeaks concerning that great fin, ' Had thev known him, they would

* not have crucifieci the Lord of glory ;' did thev truly know that every Un is a provoking the Lord to jealoufy, a proclaiming war againfl hea- ven, ' a crucifying the Lord Jelbs afrefh, a treainring up wrath unto ' thcmfelves againft the day of wrath,' and that, ifeVer they be par- t?oned, it inufl be at no lower a rate than the price of blood, it were fcnrce pofiible but fin, inOead of alluring, (hould affright, and ifiAead of tempting, Icare. Tis one of the arch devices and principal methods of Satan to deceive men into fin : thus he prevailed acrainlt full parcn^, not as a lion but as a ferpent, a^ing his enmity under a pretJbce of fricndinip, and tempting them ^o evil under r^n appearance of good; and thus hath he all along carried on his dcfigns of darknefs, by transforming himfelf into an angel of IiRht, making poor deceived men in love with their mileries' and hug thiir own deflruaion. A moft iovercign antidote n^rainfl all kind of errors, is to Iv: grounded and fettled in the fai(h : Perfons, unfix- ed in the irog religion, are very receptive of a falfe ; and they who


W^^ff The E01e to the Reader, 5

dvc nothing in fpirituai knowledge, are eafily made any thing. Gcuds ivithcut -water are driven to and fro 'with every wi?id, and (hips without ballaft liable to the violence of every terapelK But yet the knowledge we elpecially commend, is not a brain knowledge, a mere fpeculution ; this may be in the worft of men, nay, in the worll of creatures, the devils ihemfelves, and that in fuch eminency, as the beft of laints cannot attain to in this life of imperfection : But an inward, a favory, an heart-knowledge, fuch as was in rhat martyr, who, tho* fhe could not difpute for Chrilf, could die for him. This is that fpi- rituai fenfe and feeling of divine truths, the apoftle fpcaks of fieb. v. 14. ** Having your fenfes exercifed,* &c.

But, alas, we may fay of the moA mens religion what learned Rivet * fpeaks concerning the errors of the Fathers, " they v»/ere not fo much ** their own errors, as the errors of the time wherein they lived." Thus do moft mea take up their religion upon no better an account than Turks and Papifts take up theirs, becaufe 'tis the religion of the times and places wherein they live ; and what they take up thus flightly they,

. lay down as eafily. Whereas an inward tafte and reliih of the things of God, is an excellent prefervative to keep us fettled in the mod uufet- tied limes. Corrupt and unfavory principles have great advantage up- on us above thole that are fpirituai and found ; the former being fuit- able to corrapt nature, the latter contrary ; the former fpringiag up of themfelves, the latter brought forth not without a painful induOry. The ground needs no other midwifry in bringing forth w^eeds, thaa only the negle(5t of the hufbandman's hand to pluck them up ; the air needs no other caufe of darknefs, than the abfence of the iun ; nor water of coldnef^, than its diftance from the fire, becaufe thcfe are the ge-^ Duine products of nature : Were it lb with the foul (as fomeof the phi- lofophers have vainly imagined) to come into the world an ** ab rafa Tabula," a mere blank or piece of white paper, on which neither any thing written, nor any blots ; it would then be equally receptive of. good and evil, and no more averfc to the one than to the other : But how much worfe its condition indeed is, were fcripture lilcnt, every man's experience does evidently manifeft. For who is there that knows any thing of his own heart, and knows not thus much, that the fuggefUons of Satan have Co eafy and free admittance into our hearts, that our utmoft watchfulnefs is too little to guard us from them? whereas the morions of God's Spirit are fo unacceptable to lis, that our utmoft diligence is too little to get our hearts open to en- tertain them. Let therefore the excellency, necefiity, difficulty of true wifdom (fir up endeavours in you, fomewhat proportionable to fuch an accomplilliment ; * Above ail getting, get underflanding,' Prov. iv. 7. * And fearch forwildom as for hidden treafures,' Prov.iv, 4. It much concerns you io refpeft of yourfelves. Our fecond advice concerns heads cf famiiics, in refpcfl of their fa* A 3 milies

* Rivet, Crit, Sjcr*

i Tht Eptjils fh the leader,

iMilic*. Whatever tftfth teen faid already, tho' it cotiiGerns every pri ^atc Chrlftian that huh a foul to look after, yet upon a' double account," Jt concerns parents and mafters, as having themfelvcs and others to \6(fx. after: Some there are, who becaufe of their ignorance, cannot ; dthcrs becanfe of their fluggillinefs, will not miqd^ this duty. To the former we prdpcmnd the method of Jofhua-, who lii'ft began with hitfllelF, and then is careful of his family. Tothe latter we fhall only frint, what dreadful meeting thofe parents aiid mafVers muft have ae that great day, with their children and fervams, when all that were tind^ir their infpe^tiom (hail not only accufe them^, but charge their e- ternal mifcarrying upon their fcore. Never did aiiy age of the church tfujoy fuch choice helps, as this ofours. Every age of the gofpcl hath had its creeds, cdnfefTions, catechifms, a^d fuch breviaries and models tff divinity as have been fingulary ufeful, Such forms of found words (hfovxrever in thefe days decayed) have been in ufe in the church, ever ince God hitnfelf wrote the decaiogu^c, as a furamary of things to be dolie, and Chrift taught us that prayer of his, as a dire<5tory what to *k. Concerning the ufefulnefsof fuch compendiary fyftera*, fo much hath been faid already by a learned divine * of this- age, as is fufficient to iatiofy all who are not refolved to remain unfatisfied.

Concerning the peculiar excellency of thefe enfuiug tt^atifes, we judge it needful to mention thofe eminent teftimonies which bath been given them, from perfonsf of known v;orth in the refpe<5l of their jtidgment, learning, and integrity, both at home and abroad, becaufe iticmfelves fpeak fo much th£ir own praile : gold Hands not in need ^ varniili, nor diamonds of painting: give us leave only to tell you, that we cannot but account it an eminent mercy to enjoy fuch helps as thefe are. *Tis ordinary in thofe days, for men to fpeak evil of things i?hey know not ; but, if any are pofTefied with mean thoughts of thefe treatifes, we Ihall only give the fame couniel to them,^ that Philip gives Nathaniel, * Com- and fee,' John i. 46. 'Tis no fmall advan- tage the reader now hath, by the addition of fcriptures at large, whereby with little pains he may more profit, becaufe with every truth Yc may behold its fcripture foundation. And indeed, conildcring what a Babel of opinions, what a (trange confufion of tongues there i* this day, among them who profefs they fpeak the language of Canaan ; there is no intelligent perfon but will conclude that advice of the pro- phet efpccially fuitcd to fuch an age as this, Ifa. vii. 30. * To the

* law and to the teftimony, if they fpeak not according to this word,

it is becauf* there is u6 light in them.* If the reverend and learned <i(Jmpofers of rhefc enining trcatiles were willing to take the pains of annexing fcriptnre proofs to every truth, that <he faith i>f people ttiight not be built upon the dic1-ates of men, but the authority of God ; fo fomc confiderable pains hath now been further taken in tran- fcribiog thofe fcriptures, partly to prevent that grand inconvenience,

(whi9^ * Do^QX Tuckncy, in his Scrmcn on 2 Tim. i. 13.

The Epijlle to tht Reader. 7

(which all former imprcifions, except theLat'm, have abounded with, to the great perplexing and diiheartning of the reader) the mifquo- tatioQ of fcripture ; the meaocft reader being able, by having the words at hrge, to rectify whatever miftalce may be in the printer ia citing the particular place ; partly to prevent the trouble of turning to every proof, which could not but be very gerat ; partly to help the memories of fuch who are willing to take the pains of turning to every proof, but are unable to retain what they read ; and partly tliat this may fcrve as a bible common-place, the feveral paflages of fcripture which are fcattered up and down in the word, being in this book re- duced to their proper heads, and thereby giving light each to other. The advantages, you (ee, in this defign, are many and great: The way to fpiritual knowledge is hereby made more eafy, and the igno- rance of this age, more inexcu fable.

If therefore there be any fpark in you of love to God, be not con*" tent that any of yours ihould be ignorant of him whom you fo much admire, or any haters of him whom you i'o much love. If there be a- ay compaffion to the fouls of them who are under your care, if any re- fpe(5t to future generations ; labour to fow the feeds of knowledge, which may grow up in after-times. Thai you may be faithful here- in, is the earned prayer of,

Henry Wilkinfon, D,

D, A. M. P. Roger Drake. William Taylor. Samuel Annefley. Thomas Gouge. Charles Ofspring» Arthur Jackfon. John Crofs. Samuel Clark. Samuel Slater. William Whitaker. John Fuller. James Nalton. Thomas Goodwin.

Matthew Pool. William Bates. John Loder. Francis Raworth. William Cooper. William Jcnkin. Thomas Man ton. Thomas Jacomb. George Griffiths. Edward Perkinsi Ralph Venning. Jeremiah Burwel. Jofeph Church. Haf. Bridges. . Samuel Smith.

Samuel Rowles. John Glafcock. Leo. Cooke. John Sheffield. Matthew Haviland William Blackmore. Richard Kentifh. Alexander Pringle, William Winkins. Thomas Waifon. John Jackfon. John Seabrooke, John^Peachie. James Jollife. Obadiah Lee>



( 8 )

Mr. Thomas Mantqn's Epiftle to the Reader.

Christian Reader,

T Cannot fuppofe thee to be fuch a ftranger in England, as to be ig- c °?,''.'""r°'^ '"^ 8^°"'^' coinp'aiDt concerning the decay of the power of godlinefs, and more elpecialiy of the great corruption of yonth wherever thou goeib, thou wilt hear men ,crying out of bad childrea' and bud fervants : Whereas indeed the fource of the mifchief muff be fought a httle higher ; 'tis bad parents and bad m.iners that malce bad children, and bad fervants ; and we cannot blame fomuch their unto- wardncls, as our own negligence in their education

The devil hath a great fpite at the kingdom of Chrift, and he knoweth no Inch compendious way to crulh it in the egg, as by the perverhon of youth and fupplanting family duties. He Oriketh a: all dut^., thof. which are public iu the aff.mbiies of the faints; b. thefe are too well guarded by the foletan inju„aio„s apd dying charge of Jefus Chnft, as that he Ihould ever hope totally to iubvert and ,n!

tZT .V"" J,""" " ^^"'''^ ''""" ^' f' '"'"h with ,he mo cc ft becsufe the inn.tut.Qu ts not fo folemn, and the practice not fo " I

iTfo t.'^tr.'''^'^''."°"fiy '^g^rded as il^^oyy be.'^aod the o^>ffion not fo babe to uot.ce and publ|(f.cenfure., Religion was firft hatch .d .n famihes. and there th'e d*^i fecketh to crufh i ; the f mi fe of he patriarchs wer? all the churches God had in the world for

fv ,!, M*^' I ' !^'^, °" ^'°'" '^^ f''" °f ti>e Lord Gen IV. .6. Now the devil knoweth that this is a blow at the root and a

«i ^:i '°r'"'"' '^^ '"^■^^'^°" "f ^"'^^^ ■■ 'f he an "vou fa! ^ft with arv "'"'".^ communities will not long flouri.h and ub-

Li y g" o'h r^K -^'r "; ''"""' ■■ " ^'-"' ^^ ''-^ -■' i" 'h

nv,v;ni ^ '^ " '*"'"* ""d coinmon.wealili ; there is ibc firft


Epijlle to the Reader. $

^ixl. 5. that the difciples brought Paul on his way with their wives and children ; their chiidrea probably are mentioned, to intimate that their parents would, by their own example and affe^lionate hrewel to ipaul, breed them up in a way of reverence and reipetl: to the paftois of the church.

For the future, 'tis comfortable certainly to fee a thriving nurfery of young plants, and to have hopes that God (hall have a people to (crve him when we are dead and gone ; the people of God comforted themfeives in that, Pial. cii. 28. * The children of thy ftrvaats Ciall ' continue,' &c.

Upon all thefe confideraiions how careful fliould miniOers and pa- rents be to train up young ones, while they are yet pliable, and, like wax, capable of any form and impreflion in the knowledge and fear of God; and betimes to inftil the principles of our moll holy faith, as they are drawn into a (liort ium in catechiims, and fo altogether laid ia the view of conleience?- Surely thefe leeds of truth planted in the field of memory, if they woik nothing elfe, will at leail be a great check aftd bridle to them, and, as the calling in of cold water doth Itay the boiling of the pot, fomewhat allay the fervors of youthful lulls and paifions.

I had upon intreaty refolved to recommend to thee with the greateft earneilnelS the work of catechifing, and, as a meet help, the uieful- oefsofthls hookas thus printed with the large: But meeting with a private letter of a very learned and godly divine, where- in that work is excellently done to my hand, 1 iliali make bold to tranfcribe a part of it, and offer it to public view.

The author having bewailed the great diihaftions, corruptions and divifions that are in \he church, he thus repreients the caule and cure : Among others, a principal caufe of thefe milchiefs is the great and com- mon negiett of the governors of families, in the dilchaige of that duty v^hich they owe to God for the fouls that are under their charge, e- fpecially in teaching them the do(Strine of chriHianity. Families are focieties that mull be lun<fiified to God, as well as churches : And the governors of them have as truly a chaige of the fonls that are therein, as paftors have of the churches. But, alas, how little is this confidered or regarded ! But, while negligent miniilers are (de- fervedly) caft out of their places, the negligent mailers of families take themfeives to be almoll biaraelefs;. They offer their children to God in baptifm, and there thy promife to teach them the do6lrine of the gofpel, and bring them up in the nurture of the Lord; but they eafiiy promife, and eafily break it ; and educate their children for the world and the flelh ; aliho' they have renounced thefe, and dedicated them to God. This covenant-breaking with God, and betraying the fouls of their children to the devil, mufi lie heavy on them here or hereafter. They beget children, and keep families, merely for the Wi)rld aad the ficfii : but little coafider what a charge h yommiited to >. J them.

2 o Mr. ThonuN Manion^i

them, and what it is to bring up a child for God, and govern a family^ as a fanftified fociety. O how fweetly and fuccefsfully would the work of God go on, if we would but all join together in our leveral places to promote it ! Men need not then run without fending to be preachers : But they might find that part of the work that belongeth to them to be enough for them, and to be the beft that they can be imploycd in. Efpecially women (hould be careful of this duty, be- caufe as they are moll about their children, and have early and fre* quent opportunities to inftiuft them, fo this is the principal fervicc they can do to God in this world, being reftrained from more publick work. And doubtlefs many an excellent magillrate have been fent in- to the common wealth, and many an excellent paftor into the churchi and many a precious laint to heaven, through the happy preparations of a holy education, perhaps by a woman that thought herfeif ulelel^ and unferviceable to the church. Would parents but begin betimes, and labour to afFe<5l the hearts of their children with the great matters of everlafting life, and to acquaint them with theiiibftance of the doc- trine of Chrift, and when they find in them the knowledge-and love of Chriil, would bring them then to the paflors of the church to be tried, confirmed and admitted to the further privileges of the church, what happy, well ordered churches might we have ! Then one paftor need wot be put to do the work of two or three hundred or thoufand gover- nors of families ; even to teach their children thofe principles which they fhould have taught them long before ; nor Ihould we be put to preach to lo many milerable ignorant fouls, that be not prepared by e- ducation to underfland us ; nor (hould we have need to ihut out fa many from holy communion upon the account of ignorance, that yet have not the grace to feel it and lament it, nor the wit and patience to wait in a learning ftate, till they are ready to be fellow citizens with the faints, and the houfhold of God. But now they come to us with aged felf conceitednefs, being paft childrea ; and yet worfe than children fiill ; haviog the ignorance of children, but being over- grown the teachablenefs of children, and think themfelves wife, yea, wife enough to quarrel with the wifefl of their teachers, becaufe they have lived long enough to have been wife, and the evidence of their knowledge is their aged ignorance ; and they are readier to flee in our faces for church-privileges, than to learn of us, and obey our inIlru6lions, till they are prepared for them that they may do them good ; like fnappilh currs, that will fnap us by the fingers for theit meat, and fnatch it out of our hands ; and not like children, that ftayp till we give it them. Parents have io ufed them to be unruly, that minifleis have to deal but with too k\v but the unruly. And it is for want of this laying rhe foundation well at firfl, that profefTors themfelves arc fo ignoiant as mofl are, and that io many, efpecially of the younger fort, do fwallow down almoft any error that is offered them, and follow any fc6t of dividers that will entice them, fo it bo


^'' 9 ,^^^ ^^ ^'^^ Reader. II

but (ioae with enrneflnefs and plaufibility. For slas, tho' by the grace of God, their hearts may be changed in an hour, (whenever ihcy underftand but the effentials of the faith) yet their underftand- ings murt have lime and diligence to furnilh them with luch know- ledge as muff Ifabliih them, and fortify them againft deceit, Upoa theleand many the like con fiderations, we (liould inireat all Chriffian families to take more pains in this neceffary work, and to get better acquainted with the lubftance of chriftianity. And to that end (tak- ing along fome moving treatife to awake the heart) 1 know not what work fhould be fitter tor their ufe than that compiled by the alTsm- bly at Wertmiuifler ; a lynod of as godly, judicious divines, (notwith- ftauding all the bitter words which they have received fiom difcontent- ed and feK-conccitcd men) I verily think, as ever England faw. Tho' they had the unhappiiiefs to be employed in calamitous times, when the noife of wars did flop men's ears, and the licentioufnefs of wars did let every wanton tongue and pen at liberty to reproach them ; and the profecuiioa and. event of" thofe wars, did exafperate partial difcoa- tenied men, to diihonour themfelves by leeking to difbonour them : I dare lay, if in the days of old, when couuciis were in power and account, they had had but fuch a council of bifhops, as this of prefby- ters was, the fame of it for learning and holineis, and all mioifterial a^ biiities, would with very great honour have been traaiinitted to po- flerity.

1 do therefore defire, that all mafters of families would fird ftudy well this work themfelves ; and then teach it their children and fer- vants, according to their feveral capacities. And, if they once under- {land thefe grounds of religion, they will be able to read other books more uoderftandingly, and hear fermons more profitably, and confer more judicioufly, and hold faft the doctrine of Chrift more firmly ihaa ever you are like to do by any other courft. Firft let them read and learn the Shorter Catcchifm, and next the Larger, and lafily, read the Confeflion of Faith.

Thus far he, whofe name I (hall conceal (though the excellency of the matter, and prefenr rtile, will eafily difcover him) becaufe I have publiihed it without his privity and coofent, though, I hope, not a- gaii^lt his liking und approbation, 1 ihali add no more, but that,l am


In the Lord's -worht



{ .)#• m

^n ordinance of the Lords and Commons ajfcmbled in parliament , for the calling of an afl'embly of learned and godly divines, and others, to be C9nfulted "with by the parliament, for the fettling (f the government and liturgy of the church of England ; and for vindicating and clear* ing of the doHrine of the f aid church from falfe afperfwns and inter' pretations. June 12. 1643.

TTT" Herca?, amongft the infinite blefTings of Almighty God upon this nation, none is," or can be more dear unto us than the purity of our religion ; and for that, as yet, many ^things remain in the liturgy, diicipline and government of the church, which do necefTarily require a further and more per fe<5t reformation, than as yet hath been attained : And whereas it hath been declared and refolved by the lords and com- mons aHembled in parliament, that the prefect church government by archbifhops, their chancellors, commiflars, deans, dtans and chap- ters, archdeacons, and other ecclefiaflical officers, depending upon the hierarchy, is evil and juflly ofFenfive and burdenfome to the kingdom, a great impediment to reformation and growth of religion, and very prejudicial to the itate and government of this kingdom ; and therefore tnty are refolved, that the fame (hall be taken avi^ay, and that luch a government fhall be fettled in the church, as may be moft agree- able to God's holy word, and moft apt to procure and preferve the peace of the church at home, and nearer agreement with the church cf Scotland, and other reformed churches abroad : And for the better atFt<fliDg hereof, and for the vindicating and clearing of the do^rine of the church of England from all falfe calumnies and a> fperf ons ; it is (hoiight fit and necefiary to call an afitmbly of learned godly and judicious divines, who, together with iome members of both the houles of parliament, are to confult and advife of fuch mat- ters and things, touching the premifTes, as (liall be propofed unto them by both or either of the houfes of parliament, and to give their advice and ccunfcl therein to both, or either of the frvid houles, when, and as often as they ihall be thereunto required. Be il therefore or- dained, by the lojds and commons in this prefent parliament afiembled, that all and every the pcrlbns hereafter in this prefent ordinance named,

that is to fay,

And fuch other pcrfon or perfons as (ball be nominated and ap- pointed by both houfes of parliament, or lo many of them as ihall Dot be letted by fickneis, or othtr necefiary impediment, fiiall meet and aflemble, and are hereby required and injoined upon fummons




hgncd by the clerks of both houfes of parliament, left at their rcfpec- tive dwellings, to meet and alTcmble themfelves at Weftminfier, in the chapel called king Henry the Vllih's chapel, on the firft day of July, in the year of our Lord, one thoufand fix hundred and forty three, and after the firft meeting, being at leaft the number of forty, Ihall from time to time fit, and be*removed from place to place, and alfo, that the faid afTembly fhall be dlffolved in fuch manner, as by both houfes of parliament fliall be directed : and the faid perfons, or fo many of them as Ihall be fo aflembled, or fit, (hall have power and authority, and are hereby likewife injoined from time to time, during this prefent parliament, or until further order be taken by 1)oth the faid houfes, to confer and treat among themfelves, of fuch matters and things, touching and concerning the liturgy, difcipline and government of the church of England, for the vindicating and cj/^aring of the do^lrine of the fime, from all faUe afperfions and mifconftru^lions, as (hall be propcfed unto them by both or either of the faid houfes of parliament, and no other ; and deliver their opinion, advices of, or touching the matters aforefald, as (hall be moft agreeable to the word of God, to both or either of the houfes, from time to time, in fuch manner and Ibrt, as by both or cither of the faid houfes of parliament, (hall be required ; and the fame not to divulge by printing, writing or other- wife, without the confent of both, or either houfes of parliament. And be it further ordained, by the authority aforcfaid, that William Twiffe do<9-or in divinity Oiall fit in the chair, as prolocutor of the faid aflembly ; and if he happen: to die, or be letted by fickncfs, or o- ther neceffary impediment, then fuch other perfbn appointed in his place, as fhall be agreed on by the faid houfes of parliament : And in cafe any difference in opinions fhall happen amongfl the faid perfons fo affembled, touching any the matters that fhall be propofed to them as aforefaid, that then they fhall reprefent the fame, together with the reafons thereof, to both or either the faid houfes refpe<^ively, to the end fuch further direiTtion may be given therein, as fhall be rc- quifite to that behalf. And be it further ordained by the authority forefaid. That for the charges and expence of the faid divines, and every one of them, in attending the faid fervice, there fliall be allowed cv'jry one of them that (hall fo attend, during the time of their faid artendatjcc, and for ten days before, and ten days after, the fiim of four fhillings for every day, at the charges of the common-wealth, at fuch tin?e, and in fuch manner, as by both houfes of parliament fhall be appointed. And be it further ordained, That all, and every the faid divines, fo as aforefaid, required and injoined to meet and af- femble, fhall be freed and acquitted of, and from ev^ery offence, for- feiture, penalty, lofs or damage, which fliall or may enfue or grow by reafon of any non-refidence, or abfence of them, or any of them, from his, or their, or any of their church, churches or cares, fcr or in refpe(5t of their faid attendance upon tUe faid fervice | any


( 14 )

h\v or ftatute of non-reficfenee, or other law or ftatiitc iojoining t -rh alteudance upoti their rcJpc(^tive minKters, or charges, to the contrary thereof, notwithlhindiog. And if ai^y of the perfons nbovc named iliall happen to die before the faid affembly (hai; be dilTclved by order of both houi'es of parliament, then fuch other perfon or perfons, fhiall be nominated and placed in the rootn and fttad of fuch perfon or per- i'ons fo dying, as by both the faid houfes ihall be thought fit, and a- grccd upon ; and every fuch perlbn or perfons, fo to be najncd, (hall have the like power and authority, freedom and acquittal totll intents and purpofes, and alto all fuch wages and allowanccc for the faid far- vice, during the tinrj^»of his or their attendance, as to nny other of the (aid pcribns in this ordinance, is by this ordinance -limited and ap- pointed. Provided always, that this ordinance, or any thing there- in contained, Ihail not give unto the perfons aforcfaid, or any of them, nor ihall they in this afll-mbly a(fume to cxercife any jurifdi^tion, power or authority cccIe(iafHcal whatfocver, or .any other power than is herein particularly exprelfed.

j^piHhly a: EDIN>BURG'H, Auv^uft 19, 1643. ^S"^/ i.).

Commifliou of the General Aflenlbly to fom« Miniflers and'RuiIng'EMersr, for repairing to the Kinjgdom of England.

THE General Affembly of the Church of Scotland iinding itneceffary to fend fome Godly and Learned cf this Kirk to the Kingdom of j'Eogland, to the Effeft under- v/r'tten ; Therefore gives full Power antl Commiflion to Mr. Alexander Hendeifon, Mr. Pv.obett Douglas, Mr. ,Sa- -muel Ruiherfcord, Mr. Robert Bailie, and Mr. George Giiiefpie, Mini- fters, John Earl of CsffJs, John Lord Maithiid, and Sir Archibald Johnfton of WarillouH, Elders, or any three of tliem, whereof two fhall be Minifteis, to repair to the Kingdom of England, and tfiere,to deliver the Declarauon fen: unto the Parliament of England, and the Letter Tent unto the Affembly of Divines now fitting in that Kingdom; and to propone, confult, treat and conclude with ti at Affembly, .or any Com- miiTioners deputed by them, or any Committees or CommiTioners deputed by the Houfes of Parliament, in all Matters which may further'the Union ti this Ifland in one form of 'Kirk- government, one Confeilion of Faith, one Catechifm, one direcflory for the Worfhip of God, according to the ■Jnfiruif^ions which tiicy ha\'c received from the AlTembly, or fhall receive •from Time to Time hereafter'from the Ccmmiffioners of the Affembly, de- puted for t.^at Effeft : With Power alio to them no convey to his Ma- jeOy the humble Anfwer fent: from this Affembly to his Majeity'srLetter, by filch occiificn as they fltall thinkconvcnient ; and fuchihke, to. deliver the Affcmbly's hx^W,.<ir to tlve Letter fcnc from fume VvtU affev^ed JBre« -ihren of tha Miniltry there ; and .generally .authorizes vthem >to do ail Thinjgi, »hich,pay»iir:};eri*)c,ii) nyjch^efircci jJjMon, .^dxearefl Con-


( ^5 )•

:un<flftmofthe Two fGhurches of Scotland and England, conform to the Inftruiilions aforefaid.

Many ^of the Perfons who were called by the forefaid Ordinance of the J.ords and Commons, (in that broken State of the Church) to attend the Aflembly, appeared not ; whereupon the whole Work lay on th« Hands of the Peifons hereafter mentioned.

The P«)mife and Vow taken by every Member admitted to fit in the AfTerably.

IA.B. doferioufly Promife and Vow, in the Prefence of Almighty GOD. That in this Afferably, whereof I am a member, I will maintain nothing in Point of Do<ftvine, but what I believe to be moft agreeable to the Word of GOD ; nor in Point of Difcipline, but what may make moft for GQD's Xjlory, and the Peace and Good of this Church.

A LIST of the DIVINES who met in the Aifembly at Wcftminfter. l

Dr.lVilliam TwifTe cf Newbury, Prolocutor t)r. Cornelius Burges of Waterford John Whiteof Dorchefter, AfTefTors Dr. William Gouge of Blackfriers

London Robert Harris of Hanwell, B. D. Thomas G.attaker of Cotherhithe,

B. D. Oliver Bowks of Sutton, B. D. Edward Reynolds of Bramfton Jeremiah Whitaker of Streton Dr. Anthony Tuckney of Bofton John Arrowfmirh ofJLynne Siiweon Afhe of St. Brides Philip Nye of Kimbolton Jeremiah Burroughs of Stepney JOiSn Llghtfoot of Afliley Stanley Gower of Biarhpton Bryan Richard Heyrick of Mancheftcr Thomas Cafe of London Dr. Thomas Temple of Battery George of Gipps Aylefton Thomas Carter Dr. Humphrey Chambers of Claver-

ftoun Thomas MicklsUiV/ait of Cherry

burton - v

John Guibon of Waltham

Chriftopher Tefdai of Uphufborne

Henry Philps

George Walker, B. D.

Edmond Calamy, B. D. of Alder-

manbury Dr. Lazarus Seaman of London Jofeph Caryl of Lincoln's -Inn Dr. Henry Wiikinfon Senior of WV

derfton Richard Vines of Calcot Nicolas Proffet of Marlburrough Stephen Marihal, B. D. of Finchicg*

field iJr. Jofliua Hoyle late of Dublin Thomas Wilfon of Othain Thomas Hodges of Kenfi ngton Thomas Bailie of Mildenball,B. p, Francis Taylor of Yalding Thomas Young of Stownmarket Thomas Valentine, B. D, of Chal-

font St. Giles William Greenhill of Stepney Edward Pele of Comptan John Green of Pencomb Andrew Pern of Wilby Samuel de la Place Joho ds la March



Jchn Dury Philip Delme

Sidrach Siinpfon of London John Lan;;ly of Wcfludcrly Richard Clayton of Showers " Arthur Sallaway of Savernftock John Ley of Budworth Charles Herle of Wlnwick, prolocu- tor after Dr. TwifTe Herbert Palmer, B. D. of Afnwcl,

Afllflor after ^Tr. White Daniel Ca'.vdrey of Great Hilling Heniy Painter, B. D. of Exeter Henry Scudder of Culingborn Thomas Hill, B. D. of Titchmarch William Keyror, B. D. of Fgham Di . Thomas Goodwin of London Dr. William Spurflow of Hampden Matthew Nfwcomb of Dedh;ini Dr. Edmond Sfaunton of Kingftoim John Conant of Lymmington, B. D. Anthony Surges of Sutton CoJdfield William R-athband Dr. Francis Cheynel of Oxon Dr. Henry Wiikirfon younger of

Oxford Obadiah Sedgwick, B. D. of Cogfhal Edward Corbilt of Merton College,

Oxford Samuel Gibfon of Builey

6 )

Thomas Colem.m of Eliton

Theodore Backhurft

William Carter of London

Peter Smith

John Maynard of Mayfield

William Price of Paul's Church in

Covent Garden John Whincop of St. Martins in the

Fields William Bridge of Yarmouth Peter Sterry of London William Mew, B. D. of Eflington Benjamin Pickering of Eaft Hoatly John Strickland of St. Edmonds in

Sarum Humphrey Hardwlck Jafper Hicks of Lawrick or Lanrake John Bond

Henry Hali, B. D. of Norwich Thomas Ford of London, afterwards

of Exter Thomas Thorowgood of Mafling-

ham Peter Clark of Kerby Under-hiU William Good John Foxcroft of Coiham John Ward

Richard Byficld of Long-Ditton Francis Woodcock John Jack fen of Marske

G)imrilili oners from the General AfTembly of the Church of SCOTLAND.

A Lcxarder Henderfon of Edln- ^^ burgh

Robert Douglas of Edinburgh Samuel PvUiheifoord of St. Andrews Robert Bailey of Glafpow George Giiicfpy of Edinhutgh


Henry Robrough Adoniram Byfield John Walli*

John Earl of Caflils

John Lord Maitland, afterwards

Duke of Lauderdale Sir Archibald Johnltoo cf Wariftoua Ruling Elders.




'^AJcmlly at EDINBURGH, Augvfl 27th, 1647. ^4^ 23, A<51 approving the ConfeiTion of Faith.

A Confcffion of Faith for the Kirks of God, in the Three Kingdoms, •^^ being the chiefeit P<irt of that Uniformity in Religion, which, by ♦the Solemn League and-Covenaat, we are bound to endeavour ; and there being accordingly a Confeffion of Faith agreed upon by theAflem- bly of Divines fjrting at Wedminftcr, with the Affiflance of Comiifi- oncrs from the Kirk of Scotland ; Which confeffion was fent from ouc Couimillioncrs at London, to the Commiffionersof the Kirk met at E- dinburgh in January laft, and hath been in the affembly twice pubJick- ly read over, examined and coniidered : Copies thereof being alfo print- ed, that it might be particularly perufed by allthe Members of this Affembly, unto whom frequent Intimation was publickly made, to put in their Doubts and Objc(5tions, if they had any : And the faid Confef- fion being, upon due Examination thereof, found by the Affembly to be,mol> agreecabie to the Word of God, and in nothing contrary to the received Do61rine, Worlhip, Dilcipliiie and Government of this Kirk» And latily, it being fo nectlTary, and {<d much longed for, that the faid Confeflion be, with ail poffible Diligence and Expedition, approved and eftabiifhed in both Kingdoms, as a principal Part of the intended Uniformity in Religion, and as a fpecial Means for the more efFeffual fuppreilingof the many dangerous Errors and Herefies of thefe Times. The General Affcmbly doth therefore, after mature Deliberation, agree unto; and approve the faid Confeflion, as to the Truth of the Matter ; (judging it to be moft Orthodox, and grounded upon the Word of God) and alfo, as to the Point of Uniformity, agreeing for our Part/that ic be a common ConfefTion of Faith for the Three Kingdoms, The Af- fembiy doth alio blefs the Lord, and thankfully acknowledge his great Mercy, in thu fo excellent a Confeflion of Faith is prepared, and thus far agreed upon in both kingdoms; which we look upon as a great Ibcngthcningof the true Reformed Religion, againft the common Ene^ mies thereof. But, lefl our intention and Meaning be in fome Particu- lars miiimdcrftood, it is hereby exprefly declared, and provided. That the not mentioning in this ConfefHon, the feveral Sorts of Ecclefiaflical Officers and Aflemblics, lliall be no Prejudice to the Truth of Chrift, in thefe Particulars, to be exprefled fully in the Direfrory of Govern- ment. It is further declared, That the/\(rcmbly underltandcth fome Parts of the fecond Article of the Thirty-one Chapter, only of Kirks not fettled, orconflitutedin Point of Gtovernment: And that although, in fijch Kirks, a Synod" of Minillers, and other fit Perfons, may be called by theMagiOrates authority and Nomination, withoutany other Call to confalt and advife with, about Matters of Religion ; andaltho' likewife ihe.Miaifters of Chrlft, without Delegation from their Churches, may of

^ "^ ^' B them-

( i8 )

themfelves, ami by virtue of their Office, meet together Synodically ^a fuch Kirks, not yet conflimted ; yet neither of thefe ought xc be done in Kirks conflituted and fettled : It being always frte to the Magifirate to advife wifii Synods of Minifters and Ruling Elders, meeting upon Delegation from their churches, either ordinarily, or, being indited by his authority, occafionally and pro re nata ; it being alfo free to af- fcmble together Synodically,as well pro re nata as at the ordinary times, upon Delegation from the Churches, by the intrinfical Power received from Chrifi, as often as it is neccfTary for the Good of the Church fo to aflemble, in cafe the Magillrate, to the Detriment of the Church, withhold or deny his Confent ; ihe Neceflity of occafional afTemblies being firft remonftrate unto him by humble Supplication.


Charles L Pari. 2, Sef 2. Wa i6.

Act anent the Catechifms, Confeflion of Faith, and Ratification thereof.

At EDINBURGH, February 7th, 1649.

THE Eftates of Parliament now prefently conreened in this fecond Sedion of the fecond Triennial Parliament, by Vertue of an a6l of the Committee of Eftates, who had Power and authority from the laft Parliament for conveening the Parliament, having ferioufly confider- ed the Catechifms, viz. the Larger and Shorter ones, with the Confef- (jon of Faith, with the Three afts of approbation thereof by the Com- mifTioners of the General aflembly, prcfented unto them by the Commifli- onersof the faid General Aflembly ; Do ratify and approve the faid Cate- chifms, ConfeiTion of Faith, and afts of approbation of the fame pro- duced as it is ; and ordains them to be recorded, publifhcd and pra^lifcd.





With the AfTiftance of





A Pan of the Covenanted Uniformity in Religion betwixt the Churches of Christ in the Kingdoms of Scotland, Englandy and Ireland^

Approved by i\\t General AJfemhly 1^47, and ratified and eflabliihed by Ad of Parliament 1649, as the public and avow^ed Confession of the CHURCH of SKOX- LAND.

JVkb the Freofs frem the Scripture.

Primed in the Year, MDCCLXVIH.

[ 10 3

The contents.


I. /^-^ ^^^^ ^(^h Scripture.

II. V^ ^f G^^ ^^d of the Holy Trinity.

III. Of God's Eternal Decree.

IV. Of Creation. Y. OJ Providence

VI. Of the fall of Many of Sin, and of the punifhment thereof

VII. Of God's Covenant with Man.

VIII. Of Chrif} the Mediator.

IX. Of Free JVill

X. Of Effeaual Calling.

XI. Of yuflification.

XII. Of Adoption.

XIII. 0/ Sanaification.

XIV. Of Saving Faith.

XV. 0/" Repentance unto Life. Xm. Of Good Works.

XVII. 0//7j^ Perfeverance of the Saints.

XVIII. ,0/" Affurance of Grace and Salvation,

XIX. 0/ the Law of God.

XX. Of Chriflian Liberty, and Liberty of Confcieme,

XXI. Of Religious Worflnp, and the Sabbath-Day.

XXII. Of lawful Oaths andVows. X.XIII. of the Civil Magi/Irate.

XXIV. of Marriage and Divorce,

XXV. Of the Church.

XXVI. OfComtnunion of Saints^

XXVII. of the Sacraments.

XXVIII. OfBaptifm.

XXIX. Of the Lord's Supper,

XXX. of Church'Cenfures.

XXXI. Of Synods and Councils.

XXXII. Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Refurrec- tion of the Dead.

XXXIIL Of the lajl judgment.



[ 21 1



Agreed, upon by the AJfembly of Divines at Wejlminfler : Ej^- mined and approved, ^«wc? 1647, by the General As- sembly of the Church oiSCOTLAND ; And rati- fied by A61 of Parliament 1749.

Chap. I. Of the Holy Scripture.

ALTHOUGH the light of nature, and the works of cre- ation and providence, do fo far manifefl: the goodnefs, wifdom, and power of God, as to leave men inexcufable a ; yet are they not fufficient to give that knowledge of God, and of his will, which is neceffary unto fahation^; Therefore \i


\,a Rom, II. 144 For when the Gentiles which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the Jaw, thefe having not the law, are a law unto themfelves : v. 15. Which fliewthe works of the law written in their hearts, their confcicnce ajfo bearing witnefs, and their thoughts the mean while accufing or elfe excuf- iijg one another. Rom. i. 19. Becaufe that which may be known of God, is manifefted in them ; for God hath fhewn it unto them. v. 20. For rlje invifible things of him from the cre- ation of the world, are clearly feen, being underftood by the things that are made, even his eternalpower and Godhead ; fo that they are without excufe. Pfal. xix. i . The heavens declare the glory of God; and the fir- mament (hev/eth his handy-work, v. 2. Day unto day uttcretli fpeech, and


night unto night flieweth knowledge. V. 3. There is no fpeech nor lan- guage, where their voice is not heard, Rom. i, 32. Who knowing the judg- ment of God, (that they which com- mit fueh things are worthy of death) not only do the fame, but have plea- fure in them that do them. With Rom. ii. I . Therefore thou art inex- cufable, O man, whofoever thou art that judgeft ; for wherein thou judg- ed: another thou condemned thyfelf ; for thou that judgell doft the fame things.

b I Cor. I, 21. For after that, in thewifdom of God, the world by wif- dom knew not God, it pleafed God by the foolifhnefs of preaching to fave them that believe, i Cor. ii. 13. Which things alfo wefpeak.not in the words which man's wifdom teacheth^ but which the holy Ghofl teacheth^ ^ com.

2 2 The Confesfm of Faith.

pleafed the Lord, at fandry times, and in dirers manners, to re* veal himfelf, and to declare that his will unto the church c ; and afterward, for the better preferving and propagating of the truth, and for the more fure eftablifhment and comfort of the church againft the corruption of the ilefh, and the malice of Satan and of the world, to commit the fame wholly unto writing d: which maketh the holy fcripture to be moft ne- cefTary ^; thofe former ways of God's roealing his will un- to his people, being now ceafed/.

II. Under the name of Holy Scripture, or the word of God


comparing fplritual things with fpirl- tual. V. 14. But the natural man re- cciveth not the things of the Spirit of God ; for they are fooliihnef^ unto him : neither can he know them, be- caufe they are fpiritually difcerned. £• Heb. i. I. God who at iundry times, and in divers manners, fpake in time pad unto the fathers by the pro- phets.

</Prov. xxii. 19. That thy truft may be in the Lord, I have made known to ihee this day, even to thee. V. 20. Have not 1 written to thee ex- cellent things in counfels and know- ledge ; V. 2 1 . That I might make thee Icnow the certainty of the words of truth ; that thou mighteft anfwer the words of truth to them chat fend unto thee ? Luke i. 3. It feeraed good tp me alfo, having had perfed under- ftanding of all things from the very firft,to wiire unto thee in order, mofl excellent Theophilus. v. 4. That thou mighteft know the certainty of thofe things, wherein thou halt been inllrufted. Rom. xv. 4. For what- foever things were written aforetinie, "Were written for our learning; that ue thro' patience and ^omfort of th^ fcripturcs might have hope, Maith, ^v. 4. But he anfwered and faid. It iji written, Man Ihall not live by bread >1qoc, but by every wor^ that pry-

ceedeth out of the mouth of God. v. 7. Jefus faid unto him. It is written again, thou (halt not tempt the I ord thy God. V. iq. Then faith Jefuis to him, Get thee hence Satan: for it is written. Thou Ihah worfhip the Lord thy (Jod, and him only (halt thou ferve. Ifa. viii. i^ r\nd when they fhall fay unto you. Seek unto them that have familiar fpirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter ; fheuld not a people feek un- to their God ? for the living to the dead I v. 20. To the law and to the teftimony : if they Ipeak not accor- ding TO this word, it is becaufe there is no light in them.

e 2 Tim. iii. 15. And that from ^ child thou hail known the holy fcrip- tures, which areable tomake tlieewile unto falvation, through faith which is in Chrid Jefas, 2 Pet. i. 19. We have alfo a more lure word of pro- phecy, where unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto alight that (hineth in a dark, place, until the day dawn, and the day-dar arifeiu your hearts.

/Htb, i. I. God, who at fundry times, and in divers ntanners, fpake in time pad unto the fathers by the prophets, v, 2t Hath in thefe lait days fpoken unto us by his fen whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom alfo he qiac(e the world.

Chap.l. The Confejfm of Faith. 23

written, are now contained all the books of the Old and New Teftaraent, which are thele :

Of the Old Testament,


II. Chronicles,























1. Samuel.

The Song of Songs.


II. Samuel,



I. Kings.



ir. Kings.



L Chronicles.




:he New Testam


The Gofpels accor-

Corinthians II.

The Epiflle to the

ding to





The Epiflle of








ThelTalonians L

Epiflles of Peter.

The Afts of the

Thefialonians li.

The firft, fecond


To Timothy 1.

and third Epiflles

Paul's Epiftles to

To Timothy II.

of John.

the Romans,

To Titus.


Corinthians 1.

To Philemon.

The Revelation.

All which are given i)y infpiration of God, to be the rule of faith and life g,


g LulvQ xvi. 29. Abraham faith un- to him, they have Mofes and the pro- phets, let them hear them. v. 31. And he faid unto him, if they hear not Mofes and the prophets, neither '^ill they ^ perfuaded, tho' one rofe

from thedeadc Eph ; ii : 20. And are built upon the foundation of the apo^ files and prophets, jefus Chrift him- felf being thechief corner (lone. Rev, xxii: i8:ror Itetiifyuntoeveryman B 4 that

24 '^'^^^^ Confejjzon r>f Faith. Cliap. T,

III. The books commonly called Apocrypha; not beini of divine infpiration, are no part of the canon of the fcripiure ; and therefore are of no authority in the church of God, nor to be any otherwife approved, or made ufe of, than other hu- man writings h.

IV. The authority of the holy fcriptiire, for which it ought to be believed and obeyed, depenfleth not upon the teflimony of any man, or church ; but wholly upon God (who is triith itfelf) the Author thereof; and therefore it is to be received, becaufe it is the word of God /.

V. We may be moved and induced by the teftimony of the church, to an high and reverend efteera of the holy fcripture k, and the heavenlinefs-of the matter, the efficacy of the doc- trine.

thatheareth the words of the prophe- cy of this book, if any man fhall add unto thele things, (Jodihall add un- to him the plagues that are written in this book. V. 19. And if any maortiall take awayfrom the wordsof thebook ofthis prophecy, God fliall take away liis part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. sTim.iii. 1 6. All fcripture is given by infpiration of God, and is profitable fordodrine, for reproof.for corredi- 00, for inftruftion, in righteoufnefs. HI. h Luke xxiv. 27. And begin^ ning at Mofes, and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the jcriptures the things concerning him- felf. V. 44. And he faid unto them, Thefe are the words which I fpako unto you, while I was yet with j^ou, that all things muft be fulfilled which were written in the law of Mofes, and in the prophets, and in the Pfalms, concerning me. Rom. iii. Much every way: chiefly bircaufe un- to them were committed the oracles of God- 2 Pet. i. 21. For the pro- phecy camenot in fid time by the will of men, but holy men of God fpakeas %\i^y were moved by the holy Ghoft.

IV. / 2 Pet. i. 9. We have alfo a more fure word of prophecy^ where- unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that (hineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-Har arife in your hearts, v. 21* Fortheprophecy came not in oldrime by the will of man, but holy men of Godfpake as they were moved by the HolyGhoft, 2Tim.iii. 16. All fcrip. tuie is given by infpiration of God, and is profitable for doftrine, for re- proof, for correfticn, for inftru^iicn in- righteoufnefs, i John ^ 9. If we receive the witnefs of men, the wit- nefsof greater: for this is the witnefs of God, which he hath tefli- fied of his So;i. i Thefi'. ii. 13. For this caufe alfo thank we God without ccafing, becaufe v/hcn ye received tha word of God, v.-hich ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men,but a ' is in truth, the word of God, which efiecftualJy worketh alfo in you that believe.

V. k I Tim. iii. i^. ]3ut if I tarry long, that thou maycft know how thou oughteftto hchave thyfcJf in the houfe of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truih»

/ J Jo%

Chap. I. The Confeffm of Fait L 25

trine, the majefty of the (Hie, the confenr cf all the parts, the fcope of the whole, (which is to give all glory to God) the full difcovery it makes of- the only way of man's falvation, the mai*iy other incomparable excellencies, and the entire perfec- tion thereof, are arguments whereby it doth abundantly evi- dence itfeif to be the word of God; yet notwithilanding our full perfuafion and ailurance of the infallible truth, and di- vine authority thereof, is from the inward work of the holy Spirit, bearing witnefs by and with the word in our hearts/. VI. The whole counfel of God, concerning all things necef- fary for his own glory, man's falvation, faith and life, is either exprefly fet down in fcripture, or by gooiand necelTary con- fequence may be deduced from fcripture : unto which nothing at any time is to be added, whether by new revelations of the Spirit or traditions of men m, Neverthelefs, we acknowledge


/ 1 John li. 20. But ye hav* an unc- tion from the holy One, and ye know ail things, v. 27. But the anointing which ye have received of him abid- eth in you, jwd ye need not that any man teacli you : But as the fame a- nointing teachcth you cf all things, and is truth, and is nolle; and even as it hath taught you, ye (hall abide in him. John xvi. 1 3 . Ho\vbeit,when the Spirit of tru*h is come, he will gui/ie- you into all truth : for he fhall not fpeak of himfelf, but whatfoever he Ihall hear, that (hall he fpeak: and he will fhew you things to come. v. 1 4. He Ihall glorify me: for he fhall re- ceive of mine, and flvtill fliew it unto you. I Cor. ii. 10, But God hath re- vealed them unto us by his Spirit : for the Spirit fearcheth all things,, yea, the dct^ things of God. v, 1 1. For what man knoweth the things of a man/avc the fpirit of man which is ia him? even fo the things of God know- eth no man, but the fpirit ot God, v. 12. Now we have received, not the fpirit of the world, but the fpirit which is of God; tJiat we might know tihe thii-igs that are freely giveu us of

God. Ifa, lix. 21. Asforme, thisis my covenant with them, faith the Lord, My Spirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, fhaU not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy feed, nor out of the mouth ct thy feed's feed, faith the Lord, from henceforth and for ever.

VI. M 2 Tim. iii. 15. And that from' a child thou haft known the holy fcriptures, \^hich are able to make thee wife unto falvation, thro* faith which is in Chrift Jefus. v. 1 6. All fcripture is given by infpiration of God, and is profitable for do(5lrine, for reproof, for correcTcion, for iil- firu6tion in righteOufnciS- v. 17. Tliat the man ot God may be per- fea, throughly furciihed unto all good works. Gal. i. 8. But though we, or an angel from heaven, prcacii any other gol'pel unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accurfed. v. 9. Aswefaid before, fo fay 1 now again ; If any man preach any other golpei unto you, than that ye have icceived, let him be accurfed. sThefllii, 2. That


2 6 The ConfeJJion ef Fuili,

the inward illumination of the Spirit of God to be neccilary fo^ tiie faving underflanding of fuch things as are revealed in the word n\ and that there are fome circumflances concerning the worftiip of God, and government of the church, common tohu- man adlions and focierjes, which are to be ordered by the light of nature, and chriftian prudence, according to the general rules of the word, which are always to be obferved o.

VIl. All things in fcripture are not alike plain in themfelvcs, nor alike clear unto d\\ p\ yet thofe things which are necef- fary to be known, believed and obferved for falvation, are fo clearly propounded and opened in fome place of fcripmre or other, that not only the learned, but the unlearned, in a due life of the ordinary means, may anain unto a fufficient under- Handing of them q,

Vlli. The Old Teftament in Hebrew, (which was the na- tive language of the people of God of old) and the New Te- ftament in Greek, (which at the time of the writing of it was mo(t generally known to the nations) being immediately in-


ye be not foon Hiaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by fpirit, nor by word, nor by letter, as from us, as that the day of Chrift is at hand.

fi John vi. 4^. It is written in the prophets, And thevihall be all taught of God. Kvery man therefore that hath beard, and hath learned of the Father, Cometh unto me. iCor.ii. 9. But as it is written. Eye hath not feen, nor ear heard, neither hath it cnrered into the heart of man, the tilings which Cod liath prepared for them that Icve him. v. 10. Rut God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit : for the Spirit fearcheth all tilings, yea, the deep things of God.

V. 1 1. Tor what man knoweth the things of a man, fave the Spirit of man which is in him ? even fo the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of Cod. v, 12. Now we Jiave received, not the fpirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the thinj^s

that arc freely given to us of God, 0 I Cor. xi. 13. Judge in yourfelves, is it comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered i* v. 14. Doth not e- ven nature itfelf teach you, that if a man have long hair, it is a fhame un- to him .^ I Cor. xiv. 26- How is it then, brethren, when ye come toge- ther, every one of you hath a pfalin, hath a dodrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath .^n interpretation^ Let all things be done unto edifying, v. 40. Let all things be done decent- ly and in order.

VIL/* 2 Pet. iii. 1 6. As alfo in alt his epiftles, fpeaking in them of thefe things, in which are lome things hard to be underflood, which they that are unlearned and unflable wreft, as they do alfo the other fcriptures unto their own dellrudlioa.

q Pfal. cxix. 105. Thy \yord is a lamp unto my feet, and a hght unto my path- v. 130. The entrance of thy words §iveth Jijht, it giv-


Chap. L The ConfeJJzon of Faith. 27

fpired by God, and by his fingular care and providence kept pure in all ages, are therefore authentical r ; fo as in all con- troverfies of religien, the church is finally to appeal unto themy^ But becaufe thcfe original tongues are not known to all the people of God, who have right unto and intereft in the fcriptures, and arc commanded^ in the fear of God, to read and fearch them /, therefore they are to be tranflated into the vul- gar language of every nation unto which they come v, that, the word of God dwelling plentifully in all, they may wor- fhip hira in an acceptable manner Wy and, through patience and comfort of jthe fcriptures, may have hope ;v.

IX. The infallible rule of interpretation of fcripture, is the fcripture itfelf; and therefore, when there is a queflion ^bouc the true and full fenfe of any fcripture, (which is noc


eth underftanding unto the fimple,

VIII. r Mat. V. 18. For verily I fay unto you, Till heaven and eanh pafs, one jot, or one title fliall in no wife pafs from the law, till all be fulfilled.

/Ifaiah viii, 20, To the lav/, and to the teftimony: if they fpeak not according to this word, it is becaufe there is no light in them. Ads xv. 15, and to this agree the words of the prophets, as it is written. John V. 39« Search the fcriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which tefiify of me, V. 46. For had ye believed Mcfes, ye would have believed me ; for he wrote of me,

/ John V, 39. Search the fcrip- tures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and ihey are they which t edify of me,

V 1 (^or. xiv. 6. Now, brethren, jf I come unto you fpeaking with tongues, what Ihail I profit you, ex- cept I ftiall fpeak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophefying, or by dodrine ? v. 9. §Q Jiltewife you, except ye utter by

the tongue words eafy to be under- ftood, how (hall it be known what is fpoken ; for ye (hail fpeak into the air. v. II, Therefore, if I know not the meaning of the voice, 1 fhall be unto him that fpeaketh a barba- rian ; and he that fpeaketh ft^iail be a barbarian unto me, v. 12, Even fo ye, forafmuch as ye are zealous of fpiritual gifts, feek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church. V. 24. But if all prcphefy, and there pome in one that beiievtth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged of all. v, 27. if any man fpeak in an unknown tongue, let it be by tv/o, cr at the moll by three, and that by courfe ; and let one interpret, v. 28. But if there be no interpreter, let him keep filence in the church ; and let him fpeak to himfelf, and to God. «u;Cor.iii.i6. Let the word of Chrift dwell in you richly in all wifdoni, teaching and admonifhing one ano- ther in pfalms, and hymns, and fpi- ritual fongs, Hnging with g<ace in your hearts to the Lord.

.V Rom. XV. 4. For whatfoever things

2 8 The Confejfion of Fait/.. Qit

manifold, but one) it mud be fearched and kttown by other places that ipeak more clearly y. « - ^

X. The fupreme Judge, by which all controverfies of reli- gion are to be determined, and all degrees of councils, opini- ons of ancient writers, do«51rines of men, and private fpirits, are to be examined, and in whofe fentence we are to reft ; can be no Other but the holy Spirit fpeaking in the fcripture z.

Chap. IL Of God, and of the Holy Trinity,

^HERE is but one only a, living and true God b, who is infinite m being and perfection r, a moft pure fpi-


things were written aforetime, were written for our learning; that we through patience and comfort of the fcripturcs might have hope.

IX. y 2 Pet. i. 20. Knowing this firft, that no prophecy of the fcrip- ture is of any private interpretation. V, 21. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man : but holy men of God fpake as tliey were moved by the holy Ghoft. Ads.xv, I 5. And to this agree the words of the prophets, as it is written, v. 16. Aiier this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David which is fallen down, and I will hhild again the ruins thereof, and I will fet it up.

X. z Mat. xxii. 29. Jefus anfwer- cd and faid unro them, Ye do err, Eot knowing the fcriptures, nor the power of God. v. 31. But as touch- ing the refurredion of ihe dead, have ye not rtad that which was fpoken unto you by God, faying. Eph. ii. 20. And are built upon the foundation of the apoftles and pro- phets, Jtfus Chrift hmifeir being the cliief corner-ftore. With Ads xxviii. 25:. And when they agreed not a- mspg ihemfelves, they departed, af-

ter that Paul had fpoken one word. Well fpake the Holy Ghoft by Efaias the prophet unto our fathers.

I. a Deut. vi. 4. Hear, O Ifrael, the Lord our God is one Lord, iCor. viii. 4. As concerning therefore the eating of thofe things that are offer- ed in facrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that tliere is none other God but one. v, 6. But to us there is but one God, the F&ther, of whom are all things, and we by him ; and one L-ord Jekis Chrifl, by whom are all things, and we by him.

b I Their, i. 9. For they them- felvcs /hew of us, what manner of entering in we bad unto you, and how ye turned to God from idols, to ferve the living and true-^Sod. Jer. X. 10. But the Lord is tlie true God, he is the living God, and an everlafting King*

c Job xi. 7. Canft thou by fearch- ing find out God .•* canft thou find out the Almighty unto perfection ? v, 8. It is as high as heaven, what canft thou do ? deeper than hell, what canft thou know .' v. 9. The meafure thereof is longer than the tiirth, and broader than the fea*


Chap. ll The Confejficn of Faith. 2 9

rit^/ihtifible/?, without body, parts/ or palTions^, immutable h^ immenfc /V eternal i, incoinprehenfible/, Almighty /;2, moflwife

rty moft

Job xxvi. 14, Lo, thefe are parts of his ways, but how little a portion is heard of him? but the thunder of his power who can underftand i

^ John iv. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that worfhip him, muft worfhip him ia fpirit and in truth.

e I Tim. i. 17. Now unto the Kiag eternal, immortal, invifible the on- jy wife God, be honour and glory, for ever and even Amen.

/"Deut. iv. 15. Take ye therefore good heed unto yourfelves (for ye faw no manner of fimilitude on the day that the Lord fpake unto you in Horeb, out of the raidft of the fire) V, i6« Left ye corrupt yourfelves, and make you a graven image, the fimilitude of any figure, the likenefs of male or female. John iv, 24. God is a Spirit, and they that worihip him, rnuft worihip him in fpirit and in truth. With Luke xxiv. 39. Behold my hands and ray feet, that it is I myfelf ; handle me, and fee, for a fpirit hath not flelh and bones, as ye fee me have I

^Afts xiv* 1 1. And when the peo- ple faw what Paul had done, they lift up their voices,faying in the fpeech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likenefs of men. Vi 1 5. And faying. Sirs, why do you thefe things ? We alfo are men of like paf- fions with you, and preach unto you that ye (hould turn from thefe vani- ties unto the living God, which made heaven and earth, aod the fea, and all things that are therein.

h James i. 17. Every good gift and every perfed gift is from above, and Cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variable

nefs, neither ftiadow of turnings Mai. iii. 6. For I am the Lord, I change not : therefore ye fons of Jacob are not confumed,

/ I Kings viii. 27. But will God indeed dwell on the earth ? behold, the heaven, and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee, how much lefs this houfe that I have builded ? Jer, xxiii. 23. Am I a God at hand, faith the Lord, and not a God afar off I V. 241 Can any hide himfeif in fecret places, that I (hall not fee him ? faitU the Lord : do not I fill heaven a*d earth \ faith the Lord.

k Pfal. xc. 2. Before the moun- tains were brought forth, or ever thou hadft formed the earth and the world, even from everlafting to ever- lafting thou art God. i Tim. i. 17* Now unto the King eternal, immor- tal, invifible, the only wife God, b& honour and glory, forever and even Amen,

/ Pfal. cxJv. 3. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praifed ; and his greatnefs is unfearchable.

VI Geui xvii. i. And when Abram was Tiinety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abram, and faid unto him, I am the Almighty God x walk before me, and be thou perfe<5l> Rev. iv. 8. And the four beafts had each of them fix wings about him, and they were full of eyes within, and they reft not day and night, faying. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and i$ to come.

n Rom. xvi. 27. To God only wife, be glory through Jefus Chrift> for ever» Amen*

go . The ConfeJJlon of Fahh Cl\ap|PII

moft holy o, moil free />, mod abiblute q, workifag all things ac- cording to the ccunfel of his own immutable and mofi: righteous will r, for his own glory x ; mod loving t, gracious, merciful, long-fuffering, abundant in goodnefs and truth, forgiving iniqui- ty, tranfgreffion, and fm v; the rewarderof them that diligently feekhim zu; and withalmoftjuft and terrible inhisjudgments x^ hatins: all fm y, and who will by no means clear the guily z.

II. God

0 Ifa. vi. z,. And one cried unto another, and f'»id, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hofls, the whole earth is full of his glory, Rev. iv, 8. (See letter m immediately foregoing.)

/f Pfal. cxv. 3. But our God is in the heavens : he hath done whatfo- eKV he pleafeth.

y Exod.iii. 14. AndGodfaidun* to Mofes, I AM THAT I AxM : And he faid, Thus (halt thou fay unto the children of Ifrael, I AM hath fent me unto youi

r Eph. i. II. In whom alfo we have obtained an inheritance, being predeftinated according to the pur- pofe of him, who worketh all things after the counfel of his own will.

/ Prov. xvi, 4. The Lord hath made all things for himfelf : yea, even the wicked for the day of evil. Romi xi. 3 6. For of him, and through him, and to him are all things : to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

/ I Johniv. 8. He that loveth not, knoweth net God, for God is love. V. 16. And 've have known and be- lieved the love that God hath to us, God is Icve ; and he that dwclleth in love, dwel'eth in God, and God in him.

V Exod. xxiv. 6. And the Lord p^iffed by before him, and proclaim- ed, The Lord, the Lord God, mer- ciful and gracious, longfufFering, and abundant in goodnefs and truth. V. 7. Keeping merry fur thoufands, iorgiving iniquity, and tianfgreinon, and fm, and that will by no means

clear the guilty ; vifiting the iniquity of the fathers upon tlje children, and upon the childrens children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.

IV Heb. xi. 6. But without faith it is impolTible to pleafe him : for he that cometh to God, muft believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently feek him.

X Neh. ix. 52. Now therefore, our God, the gre,at, the mighty, and the terrible God, who keepeft covenant and mercy ; let not all the trouble feem little before thee ; that hath come upon us, on our Kings, on our princes, and on our priefts, and on our prophets, and on our fathers, and on all thy people, fince the time of the kings of Aflyria, unto thie day. V. 33. Howbeit, thou art juft in all that is brought upon us : for thou haft done light, but we have done wickedly.

j> Pfal. V. The foolifh fhall not ftand in thy fight : thou hateft all workers Ojiniquity. v. 6. Thou fhait deftroy them that fpeak leafing : the Lord will abhor the bloody and de- ceitful man.

z Nahumi. 2^ God is jealous,and the Lord revengeth, the Lordreven- gf;th and is furious, the Lord will take vengeance on his adverfaries, and he refcrveth wrath for his ene- mies. V* 3. The Lord is flow to an- ger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked : the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind, and in the ftoiro, and the douds are


lappt The Confefton of Faith, 3 1

ili^cdhath all life a, glory Z', goodiiefsf, bleffednefs^, in ani of himfelf; and is alone in and unco himfelf all-fuffi- cient, not (landing in need of any creatures which he hath made e, nor deriving any glory from them/, but only raanifeft- ing his own glory, in, by, unto, and upon them : he is the alone fountain of all beings, of whom, through whom, and to whom are all things^: and hath moil fovereign dominion over them, to do by them, for them, or upon them, whatfoever himfelf pleafeth h. In his fight all things are open and manifeft ?; his


tlifiduftofhisfeet. Exod. xxxiv, 7. Keeping mercy for tboufands, for- giving iniquity, and tranfgreflion, and (in, and that will by no means clear the guilty ; vifiting the iniqui- ty of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth ge- neration.

II.« John V. 26. For as the Father hath life in himfelf, fo hath he given to the Son to have life in himfelf.

b Ad:s vii. i. And he faid, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken, The God of glory appeared unto our fa- ther Abraham, when he was in Me- fopotamia, before he dwelt in Char- ran.

c Pfal. cxix. 681 Thou art good, and doft good, teach me thy ftatutes. d I Tim. vi. 25. Which in his times he fhall fhew, who is the blef- fed and only Potentate, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, Rom. ix. 5. Whofe are the fathers, and of whom as corceraing the flefh Chrift came; who is over all, Godbleifed for ever. Amen.

e Ads xvii, 24. God that made the world, and all things therein, feeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelletli not in temples made with hands : v. 25. Neither is worfhifped with mens hands, as though he need- ed my thing, feeing he giveth to all Jiti and breath, and all things. /Job xxii. 2. Can a man be profit-

able unto God, as he that is wife may be profitable anto himfelf? v. 3. Is it any pleafure to the Almighty that thou art righteous ? or is it gain to him, that thou makefl thy ways per- fed?

g Rom. xi. g6. For of him, and through him, and to him are all things : to whom be glory for ever. Amen.

h Rev. Iv, 1 1. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and ho- nour, and pov/er: for thou haft cre- ated all things, and for thy pleafure they are, and were created, i Tim, vi. I ^.(Seelettert/immediatelyfore- going.) Dan. iv. 25. That they fliall drive thee from men, and thy dwel' ling lliall be with the beafts of the fields, and they Qiall make tiiee to eat grafs as oxen, and they fhall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and {tvtn times fhail pafs over thee, till thou know that the moft High ruleth ip the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomfoever he will. v. 35. And all the inhabitants of the earth arc reputed as nothing : and he doth ac- cording to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth : and none can ftay his hand, or fay unto him, "What doft thou ?

/ Pleb. iv. 15. Neither is ther»' any creature that is not /nanifeftin his fight : but a\\ things are naked


The Confeffion of Riith.

knowledge is infinite, infallible, and indepen(fehf:,upo:i ih,* creature /', fo as nothing is to him contingent or uncertain /. He is mod holy in ail his counfels, in all his works, and in all his commands m. To him is due from angels and men, and e- very other creature, whatfoever worfhip, fervice or obedience he is pleafed to require of tliem 7i.

III. In the unity of the Godhead tliere be three perfons, of one fubftance, power and eternity; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghofl o. The Father is of none, nei- ther begotten nor proceeding : the Son is eternally begotten of the Father/, che Holy GhoU eternally proceeding from


and open unto tlie eyes of him with v/hom we have to do*

k Rom. xi. 33. O the depth of the riches, both of the wifdoni and knowkdge'^of God ! how unfearch- able are his judgments, and his ways part finding out ! v. 34. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, or who hath been his counfeller ? Pfal. cxlvii. $1 Gi-eat is the Lord, and of great power : his under- ftanding is infinite,

I Ad.^ xy. 18. Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. Ezek. ?d. 5. And the Spirit of the Lord felTtipon me, and faid unto me, fpeak, Thus faith the Lord, thus have ye fiiid, O houfeof Ifrael : for 1 know the things that come into your mind, every one of them.

wPfal. cxlv.f 7. The Lord is righ- teous in all his ways, and hoJy in ail hisworks. Rom, vii. 12. Wherefore the law is holy, and the command- ment holy, -and juit, and good.

n Rev. V. 12. Saying v/ith a loud voice. Worthy is the Lamb that was flain, to receive power, and riches, and wifdom, an^ ftrength. and ho- nour, and glory, and bicfling. V. 13. And every creature which is in hea- ven, and on the earth, and under the eartli, aLd fuch as are in the fea, and

all tJiat are in them, heard I, faying, BlefKng, and honour, and glory, und power be unto him that fitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. v. 14. And the four beafts faid, Amen. And the four and twenty elders fell down and worfliipped him that liveth for ever and ever.

IfL 0 John V. 7. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghoft: and thefe three are one : Mat. iii. r6. And Jefus, when he was baptized, went up ftraightway out of the water : and lo, the hea- vens v/ere opened unto him, and he faw the Spirit of God defcending like a dove, and lighting upon him. V, 17. And lo, a voice from heaven, faying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleafed. Mat. xx viii, 19. Go yg therefo'"e and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. 2 Cor. xlii. 14. The grace of the Lord Jefus Chiift, and the love of God, and the communi- on of the Holy Ghoft, be with yea all. Amen.

p John i. I/;., And the Word was made^flefh, ard dwelt , Smong ns, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the daly begotten of the Fa- ther)


Chap.iE T/je Confejftofi of Faith

'he Father and the Son q.


Chap.HL Of God's Eternal Decrees.

if^^i 0X> from all eternity did, by the mod wife and holy \jr counfel of his own will, freely and unchangeably or- dain whatfoever comes to pafs a : yet fo, as thereby neither is God the author of fin ^, nor is violence offered to the will or the creatures, nor is the liberty or contingency of fecond caufes taken away, but rather eilablifhed c,

II. Al-

thef) full of grace aild truth, v. i8i No man hath feen God at any time ; the only begotten Son, which is in the bofom of the Father, he hath declared him.

q John XV. 26. But when the Com- forter is come, whom I will fend un- to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the father, he (hall teftify of me. Gal. iv. 6. And becaufe ye are Tons, God hath fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

L a Eph. i. i ii In whomalfo we have obtained an inheritance, being predeftinated according to the pur- pofe of him who woikcth all things after the counfel of his own will. Rom.xi.35. Othedepthof the riches, both of the wifdom and knowledge of God ! how unfearchable are his judgments, and his ways pad find- ingout! 17. WhereinGod willing more abundantly to fhew unto the heirs of promife the immu- tability of his counfel, confirmed it by an oath. Rom. ix. 15. F'or he faith to Mofes, I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compaffion on whom I will have compafficn. v. 18. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he willhav€ mer- cy, aqd whom he will, he har4neth,

h James i. 13, Let no man fay when he is tempted, I am tempted of God : for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any. nun. v. 17. Every good gift, and every perfe«5l gift is from above, and , Cometh down from the Father of lights, witk whom is no variable- nefs, neither fliadow of turning. I John i. 5 . This then is the meifage which we have heard,of him, and declare unto you, that God is lightj and in him is no darkiiefs at all,

c Ads ii. 2 5 . Him, being delivered by the determinate counfel and fore- knowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and fldin. Mat. xvii. i 2. But 1 fay unto you. That Elias is come alrea- dy, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatlbever they lift- ed : likewife fhall alfo the Son of man fuffer of themi Adls iv. 27, For of a truth, againft thy holy child Jefus, whom thou haft anointed, both He- rod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Jfrael were gathered togettier. v. 28. For to whatfoever thy hand and thy counfel determined before to be donei John xix. 1 1 . Jefus anfwered. Thou couldft have no power fatall agaicft me, except it were given thee: C from

34 '^^s Confejfton of Faith. ^^^^CT^I^'

II. Although God knows whatfoever mayor cai. . to pafs upon all luppofed conditions d) yet hath he not decreed any thing becaufe he forefaw it as future, or as that which would come to pals upon fuch conditions e.

III. By the decree of God, for the manifeflation of his glory, fome men and angels /are pxedeflinated upto everlall- ing life, and others fore-ordained to everlafling death ^.

IV. Thefe angels and men, thus prededinated and fore- ordained, are particularly and unchangeably defigncd; and their number is fo certain and definite, that it cannot be cither increafed or diminifhed L V. Thofc

from above : therefore he that de- livered me unto thet- hath the great- er fin. Prov. xvi. 33. The lot is cad into the lap; but the whole dif- poling thereof is of the Lord.

II. ^A(5lsxv. 18. Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world, i Sam. xxiii. 11. Will the men of Keilah deliver me up in- to his hand ? Will Saul come down, as thy fervant haih heard ? O Lord God of Ifiael, I befeech thee, tell thy fervant. And the Lord faid. He will come dowtti v. i 2. Then faid David, Will the men of Keilah deliver me and my men into the hand of Saul ? And the Lord faid, they will deli- ver thee up. Mat. xi. 21. Wo unto thee Chorazin, wo unto ihe€ Beth- faida : for if the mighty works which were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidcn, they wouW have repented long, ago in fackcloth and a(hes. V. 23. And thou Capernaum, which art exalted unto lieaven, fhai: be brought down to hell : for if the mighty works which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. e Rom. ix. 11. For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, tliat the piw - pofc of God according to eleftion might (land, not of works, but of him that calleth. v. 13. As it is writ- teO| Jacob have I loved, but Efau

have I hated, v. 16. So then, it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that (lieweih mercy, v. 18. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have filer cy, and whom he will he hardneth. Tim. v. 21. 1 charge thee before God and the Loidjefus Chrid, and the elefl angels, that thou obferve thcfe things, without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality, Mat. xxv. 41 . Then Ihall he fay alfo unto them on the left hand. Depart from me, ye curfed, into everlalKng fire, prepared for the devil and his ang^els.

^Rom, ix. 22. Whatif God,v/iI- ling to fliew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much long-furlering the veflels of wrath fitted for deffrudion : v. 23, And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the veffcls of mercy, which he had afore prepared unto glory .-* Kph. i. 5. Having pre- deftinated us unto the adoption of children by Jefus Chriff to himfelf, according to the good pleafuie of bis will, v. 6. To the praife of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted m the Belovtdi Prov. xvi. 4. The Lord hath made all things for himfelf; yea, even the , wicked for the day of evil,

J,V« h 2 Tini..iii 19. heverthclefs \ the

Chap. Ill , The ConfeJJion of Faith, j5

V. Thofe of mankind that are predeftinated unto life, God, before the foundation of the world was laid, according to his eternal and immutable purpofe, and the fecret counfel and good pleafure of his will, hath chofen in Chrift, unio everlaft- ing glory i, out of his mere free grace and love, without any forefight of faith, or good works, or perfeverance in either of them, or any other thing in the creature, as conditions, or caufes moving him thereunto i; and all to the praife of his glorious grace /.

VI. As God hath appointed the ele£t unto glory, fo hath he, by the eternal and moft free purpofe of his will, fore-ordained


the foundation of God ftandeth fure, having this feal, The Lord knoweth them that are hisii And let every one that nameth the oame of Chrift de- part from iniquity. John xiii. i8» I fpeak not of you all ; I know w1iom 1 have chofen : but that the fcrip- ture might be fulfilled, He that eat- cth bread with me, hath lift up his heel againft me.

V. / Eph. i. 4. According as he hath chofen us in him, before the foundation of the world, that we fhould be holy, and without blame before him in love : v. 9. Having made known unto us the myftery of his will, according to his good pleafure, which he hath purpofed in himfelf; v. 11. In whom alfo we have obtained an inheritance, be- ing predeftinated according to the purpofe of him, who woiketh all things after the counfel. of his own will. Rom. viii. 30 Moreover, whom he did predeftinate, them he alf© called : and whom he called, them he alfo juftified : and whom he jufti- fied, them he alfo glorified. 2 Tim. i. 9. Who hath faved us, and called ks with an holy calling, not accord- ing to our .works, but according to his own purpofe and grace, wjiich was given us ir. Chrift Jefus, before tlie wprld began* i Theff* v* 9. Fjor

God hath not appointed us to wrath; but to obtain falvation by our Lord Jefus Chrift.

iRom, ix. II, 13, 16. (Sec letters immediately foregoing,) Eph. i. 4, 9, (See letter / immediately foregoing,)

/ Eph. i. 6. To the praife of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved, vi

12. That we fliould be to the praife of his glory, who firft trufted in Chrift.

VI. vt T Pet. i. 2. Ele£l according to the fore knowledge of God the Father, through fan<ftification of the Spirit unto obedience, and fprinkling of the blood of Jefus Chrift. Eph. i. 4, According as be hath chofen us in him, before the foundation of the world, that we ftiould be holy, and without blame before him in love : V. 5. Having predeftinated us unto the adoption of children by Jefua Chrift to himfelf, according to the good pleafureof his will. Eph. ii, 10, for we are his workmanftiip, creat- ed in Chrift Jefus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we fnould walk in them. 2 TheC ii.

13, But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren, bc^ loved of the Lord, becaufe God hath from the beginning cholen you to falvation, through faniflification of

C 2 the

36 The Confejtcn of Faith. <; ..Chap. III.

all the means thereunto 7n, Wherefore they who are ele^ed, being fallen in Adam, are redeemed by Chrift n, are efFe^lu- ally called unto faith in Chrifl, by his Spirit working in due feafon; are juftified, adopted, fan^lified o, and kept by his power through faith unto falvation^. Neither are any other redeemed by Chrill:, elTe^ually called, juftified, adopted, fan<5lified and faved, but the eleft only q.

VII, The reft of mankind, God was pleafed, according to the unfearchable counfel of his own will, whereby he extend- ech or withholdeth mercy as he pleafeth, for the glory of his fovereign power over his creatures, to pafs by, and to ordain them todiflionour and wrath for their fm, to the praife of his glorious judice r. the Spirit, and belief of tlie truth.

// I Their. V. 9. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain falvation by our Lord Jeius Chriil, v. 10. Who died for us, that whether we wake or i\tt'^y we fhouid live lo- gether'with him. Tit. ii. 14. Who gave himfeir for us, that he might redeem, us from all iniquity, and f urify unto hiinfelf a peculiar people, 'zealous of good works.

0 Rom. viii, 30. Moreover, whom he did predeflinate, them he alfo cal- led ^ and whom he called, them he alfo ju(tified : and whom he juftified, them he alfo glorified. Eph.i. 5. Hav- ing predeilinnted us unto the adop^ tion of children by Jefus Chrifl: to )-.imfelf, according to the good plea- fure of his will. 2 ThefT. ii. i 3. But we are bouml to give thanks to God al- way for you, bretlircn, brlo?ed of the Lord, bccaufe Cod hath from the beginning chofen you to falvati- on, through fan^fification of the Spi- rit, and belief of the truth.

/ 1 Pet.i, 5. Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto ialvation, ready to be revealed in the laft time.

q John xvii. 9. I p'-ay for them : I pray not for the world, but for them which thou haft given me, for they arc thine. Rom. viii. 28. And we

Vill. The

know that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpofe, &c. (to the end of the chapter.) John vi. 64. But there are fome of you that believe not.. For Jefus knew from the beginning, who they were that believed not, and who ftiould betray him. v. 65. And he faid, Therefore faid I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except" it were given unto him of my Father. John X. 26. But ye believe not, be- caufe ye are not of my fheep, as I faid unto youi John viii. 47. He that is of God, heareth God's words : ye therefore hear them not, becaufe ye are not of God . i John ii , 19. They went out from us, but they were not of us : for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with ; but they went out, that they might be made manifeft, that tliey were not all of us.

VI L r Mat. xi., 25. At that time Jefus anfwered and faid, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, becaufe thou haft hid thefe things fiom t!ie wife and prudent, and haft revealed them unto babes» v. 26. Even fo. Father, for fo it feemed good in thy fight. Rom. ix;. 1 7, Fdi- the fcripture faith unto Pha-.


Chap. Ill The Confefion of Faith. 37

VIII; Tlie doiflrine of this high myftcry of predeflination is 10 be handled wich fpeeial prudence and care/ that men at- tending the will of God revealed in his word, and yielding (a|edience thereunto, may, from the certainty ©f their effec- feal vocation, be affured of their eternal election t. So fliaii this doftrine afford matter of praife, reverence, and admira- tion of God v'y and of hureility, diligence, and abundant con- folation to all that fmcerely obey the gofpel w.


raoh, Even for this fame purpofe have I raifed thee up, that I might fliew my power in thee, and that my name might be declared throughout all the earth, v. 18. Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he harden - eth. V. 21, Hath not the potter power over .the clay, of the fame lump to make-one vcflei unto ho- nour, and another unto diftionour ? V. 22, What if God, willing to (hew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with long-fiiffering the veiTels of wrath fitted for de- {Iruftion ? 2 Tim. ii. 19. Neverthe« lefs, the foundation of God ftandeth fure, having this feal. The Lord knoweth them that are his. And Let everyone that nameth the name of Chrift depart from iniquity, v, 20. But in a great houfe, there are liot only veffels of gold and of filver, but alfo of wood, and of earth ; and fome to honour, and fome to difho- nour. Jude 4. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were be- fore of old ordained to this condem- nation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lalcivioufnefs, and denying the only Lot^J God, and our Lord Jefus Chrilt. i Pet. ii. 8. And a ftone of {tumbling, and a rock of offence, even to them which {tumble at the word, being difobe- dient, whereuoto alfo they are ap- pointed.

VIII. / Rom. ix. 20. Nay but, O man, who art thou that repliefl againft God ? (hall the thing formed fay to him that formed it, Why haft thou made me thus ? Rom. xi. 33. <) the depth of the riches both of the wifdom and knowledge of^ God! how unfearchable are his judgments, and his ways paft finding out ! Deut. xxix. 29* The fecret things belong unto the Lord our God : but thofe thinr^s which are revealed belong unto us, and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

/ 2 Pet. i. 10. Wherefore the ra- ther, brethren, give ail diligence to make your calling and ele(5tioB fare : for if ye do thefe things, ye (hall never fall. "

V Eph. i, 6. To the praife of the glory of his grace, \cherein he hath. made us accepted in the Beloved. Rom. xi.' 33. (*^ee letter / immedi- ately foregoing.)

lu Rom, xi. 5, Even fo then at this prefent time alfo tliere is a rem- nant according to the ele<5tion of grace, v. 6. And if by grace, then is it no more of works: otherwife grace is no more grace. But if it be of works, then it is no more grace : otherwife work is no move work, v* 20. Well; becaufe of unbelief tliey were broken off, and thou rtandeft by faith. Be not hi^h-minded, but fear. 2 Pet..i. 10,, (See. letter,/ »"»- C 3 tttcdi^


The ConfeJJlon of Faith Chap. IV;

Chap. IV. Of Creation,

IT plcafed God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghofl a, for the manifeftation of the glory of his eternal power, wifdom, and goodnefs b, in the beginning, to create, or make of no- thing, the world, and all things therein, whether vifible or inviiible, in the fpace of fix days, and all very good c.

II. After God had made all other creatures, he created man, male and female d^ with rcafonable and immortal fouls e, endu- ed

mediately foregoing.) Rom.Tiil, 53. Who flinll lay any thing to the charge of God's eledl ? it is God that jufti- fieth. Luke x. 20. Notwithrtanding in this rejoice not, that the fpirits are fubjef^ unto you : bvK rather re- joice becaufe your names are writ- ten in heaven.

I. a Heb. i. 2. Hath in thcfe lad days, fpoken untct-'us by his ?on, whom he hath appointed Heir of ail things, by whom alfo he made the worlds. John i. 2. The fame was in the beginning with God. v. 3. All things were made by him ; and without him was not any thing made, that was made. Gen. i. 2. And the earth was without form and void, and darknefs was upon the face of the deep : And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Job xxvi. 13. By his Spirit he hath garniHicd the heavens ; his hand hath formed the crooked ferpent. Job xxxiii. 4. The Spirit of God hath made me, and the brearh of the Al- mighty hath given me life.

b Rom. i. 20. For the invifible things of him, fron> the creation of the world, are qlcarly feen, being un- derftood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; to that they are without cxcnfe, Ter. X, 12. He hath made the earth Pjr lV5 power, he hath cftabli(he4

the world by his wifdom, and hath flretched out the heavens by his'dif- cretion. Pfal. civ. 24. O Lord, how manifold are thy works ! in wifdom haft thou made them all : the earth is full of thy riches. Pfal. xxxiii. 5 . He lovetk righteoufnefs and judg- ment : the earth is full of the good- nefs of the Lord. v. 6, By the word of tlie Lord were the heavens made: and all the hoft of them, by the breath of his rnouth.

<r The whole iirft chapter of Gen.) Heb. xi. 3. Through faith we under- ftand, that the worlds were framed by the word of God, fo that things which are feen, were not made of things which do appear. Col. i. 161 For by him were all things created that are in heaven, and that are in earth, vifible and invifible, whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities or powers ; all things were created by him, and for himi Ads xvii. 24. God that made the world, and all things therein, fee- ing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwellelh not in temples made with har-»>i

M. d Gen. 1. 27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him : male and female created he them.

e Gen. ii, 7. And the Lord

Ced formed man of the duft of the


Chap.tV. The Confcjion of Faith 39

ed with knowledge, rlghteoufnefs, and true hollnefs, after his own image/, having the la\V of Got], written in their hearts^, and power to fulfil iih ; and yet under a poUibility of tranfgref- iing, being left to the liberty of their ownwill, which was fubje^ onto change /. Befide thisjaw written intheir hearts, they receiv- ed a command, not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ; which while they kept, they were happy in their com- nmnion with God i, and had dominion over the creatures /.


ground, and breathed into his no- ftrils the breath of life; and man became a Hving foul. With Ecd. xii- 7. Then (hall the duft return to the earth as it was : and the fpirit fhall return unto God who gave it. And Luke xxii/. 43* And Jefus faid unto him, Verily I fay unto thee, to- day thou flialt be with roe in paradife« And Mat. x, 28. And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the foul : but rather fear him which is able to deftroy both foul and body in hell .

/ Gen. i. 26. And God faid, let us make man in our image, after our likenefs ; and let him have don^inion over the fi(h of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. Col. iii. 10. And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge, after the image of him that created him. Eph,iv. 24. And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteoufnefs and true holinefs. *

g Rom.ii. 14. For when the Gen- tiles which have not the law, do by nature tha things contained in the law, thefe having not the law, are a law unto themfelves.vcr. 15. Which fliew the work, of the law written in their hearts, their confcience alfo bearing wiinefs, and their thoughts the mean while accufing, or elfs ex- «ufing one another.

^•Eccl.vii. 29. Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright ; but they have fought out many inventions,

/■ Gen. iii. 6. And when the wo- man faw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleafant to the eyes, and a tree to be defired to make, one wife ; Ihe took of the fruit there- of, and did eat, and gave alfo unto her hufband with her and he did eate Eccl. viii 29. (See letter h im- mediately foregoing.)

k Gen. ii. 17. But of the tree of the knowledgeofgoodandevil, thou fhalt not eat of it ; for in the day that thou eateft thereof, thou fhalt furely die. Gen iii. 18. And they heaidthe voice of the Lord God walking in the gar- den in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themfelves from the prefence of the Lord God amongft the trees of the garden, v. 9. And the Lord called unto Adam, and faid unto him. Where art thou ? v. io». And he faid, I heard thy voice in the garden; and I was afraid, becaufe I was naked : and I hidmyfelf. v. 1 1. And he faid. Who toldtheethatthoii waft naked ? Haft thou eaten of the tree, whereof Icommanded thee, that thou (houldft not eat ? v, 23. There- fore the Lord God fent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground, from whence he was taken.

/ Gen. i. 26. And God faid, let us

make man in our image, after our

C 4 like-


TU Confeffion ef Faith. C H A p. V, Of Frovidence,

Chap. V.

GOD, the great Creator of all things;, doth uphold /2,dire<^, difpofe, and govern all creatures, a6Hons, and things b, from the greatefl even to the leafl c, by his moft wife and ho- ly providence d^ according to his infallible foreknowledge e,


llkcnefs : and let them have domini- on oyer the fifti of the fea, and over t)ie fowl of the air, and over the cat- tle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, v- 28. And God blefled them, and God faid unto ihem. Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenifii the earth, and fubdue it : and have dominion over the fi(h of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

I. a Heh. i. 3. Who being the brightn^s of his glory, and exprefs image of his perfon, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himfelf purged our fms, fat down on the right hand of the Majefty on high.

b Dan. iv. ;4. And at the end of the days, 1 Nebuchadnezzar lift up mine eyes unto heaven, and mine under (landing" returned unto me, and I ble{lc:d the moft High, and i praifed and honoured hira that liv- eth for ever, whofe dominion is an everlaftir.g dominion, aod his king- dom is from generation to generati- on, v. 35. And all the inhabitants cf the earth are reputed as nothing.: and he doth according to his will in the army of heaven, and among the inhabitants of the eaith : and none can ftay his hand, or fay unto him, "What <loft thou? Pfah cxxxv. 6. "XVhatfoever tlie l,ord ^leafed, ths.t did he in heaven and in earth, in the feas, and aU deep places. Afts-b:vii«.

2 J. Neither is worfnipped with mens hands^ as though he needed any thing, feeing he giveth to ail life, and breath, and air things, v. 26. And hath made of one blood, all na- tions of men, for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and h^th deter- mined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation : V. 58. For in him we live, and move, and have our being ; as certain alfo of your own poets have faid. For we are alfo his off-fpring. Job xxxviii, xxxix, xl, xH, chapters.

c Mat. X. 29. Are not two fpar- rows fold for a farthing ? and one of them fhall not fall to the ground without your Father, v. 30. Bat the very hairs of your head aie all num- bred. v. 31. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many fparrows.

d Prov. XV. 3, The eyes of the Lord are in everyplace, beholding the evil and the good. Pfal. civ. 24. O Lord, how manifold are thy works! in wifdom hafl thou made them all : the earth is f.ill of thy riches, Pfal. ^xlv. 17, The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works* ' c A<^s xvi 18. Known unto God are all his works from the beginning of the world. Pfal.xciv. 8. Under- hand, ye brutiOi among the peoplp : and ye fools when will ye be wife ? V, 9 : He that planted the ear, fliall he not hear ? he that formed the eye, fhall he not fee ? v. 10. He that chaftifetb the heathen, fiiall not he


Chap. V. The Confejftm of 'Faith, 41

and the free and immutable counfel of his own will/ to the praifc of the glory of his wifdom, power, juftice, gooduefe, and mercy g,

II. Although, in relation to the foreknowledge and decree of God, the €rfl caufe, all thmgs come to pafs immutably and infallibly h : yet, by the fame providence, he ordereth them to fall out, according to the nature of the fecond caufes, cither neceflarily, freely, or contingently /.

III. God

corredt ? he that teacheth man know- ledge, fliall not he know ? v. 1 1 . The Lord knoweth \\\e thoughts of man, that they are vanityi

/ Eph. i. 14. In whom alfo we have obtained an inheritance, being predeftinated according to the pur- pofe of him who worketh all thinjrs after the couHfel of his own will. Pfalm xxxiii. 1 0. The Lord bring- eth the counfel of the heathen to nought : he maketh the devices of the people of none effeft. v. i r. The counfel of the Lord ftande^h for ever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations.

g Ifaiah Ixiii. 1 4. As a beaft goeth down into the valley, the fpirit of the Lord caufed him to reft ; fo didft thou lead thy people, to make thy- felf a glorious name. Eph. iii. 10. To the intent that nov/ unto the principalities and powers in heaven- ly places, might be known by the church the manifold wifdom of Go^i. Rom. ix. 17. For the fcripture laith unto Pharaoh, Even for this fame purpofe have I raifed thee up, that J might (hew my power in thee, and tliat my name might be declared throughom all th? canh. Gen. xlv. 7. And God fent me before you, to preferve you a pofterity in the earth, and to fave your lives by a great de- liverance. Pfal. cxlv. 7. They fhall abundantly utter the memory of thy great goodnefsj-and ihall fing of thy ii^t-'teoufnsfs4

11. /) A&t ill 25. Him, being de- livered by the determinate counfel and foreknowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked bands have crucified and flaio.

y Gen. v iii. 22. While the earth remaineth, feed-time and harveft, and cold and heat, and fummer and winter , and day and night, ftiall not ceafe. Jer. xxxi. 35. Thus faith the Lord, which giveih the fun for a hght by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the ftars for a hght by night, which dividcth the fea, when the waves thereof roar ; the Lord of hofts is his name. Kxod, xxii 31 : And if a man lie not in wait, but God deliver him into his hand ; then I will appoint thee a place whither he fliail flee,. With Deut.xix. 5, As when a man goeth into the wood with his neighbour, to hew wood, and his hand fetch- eth a ftroke with the ax to cut down the tree, and the head flippeth from the helve, and light^eth upon his neighbour that he die; he (ball flee unto one of thofe cities, and live. I Kings xxii. 28. And Micaiah faid. If thou return at all in peace, the Lord hath not fpoken by me. And he faid. Hearken, O people, every one of you. v. 34. And a certain man drew a bow at a venture, and fmote the King of ifrael between the joints of the harnefs : wherefore he -laid unto the driver of his chariot,

42 The Confgfton of Faith. Qh^p, V.

III. God in his ordinary providence nlaketh life of me;ms, k, yet is free to werk without /, above /«, and againft* them at his pieafiire n,

IV. The Almighty power, unfearchablc wifdom, and infi- nite gooduefs of God, fo far manifeft themlelves in his provi- dence, that it extendeth itfeif even to the firll fall, and all other


Turn tliine hand, and carry me out of the hoft, for I ami wounded. Ifa, X. 6. 1 will fend him againft an hy- pocritical nation ; and againft the people of my wrath will I gixt him a charge to take the fpoil, and to take the prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the ftreets. V, 7. Howbeit, he meaneth not fo, neither doth his heart think fo, but it is in his heart to deftroy, and cut off nations not a few.

III. >^ Afts xxvii. 31. Paulfaidto the centurion, and to the foidiers, Except thefe abide in the (hip, ye cannot be faved. v. 44. And the reft, fome on boards, and fome on broken pieces of the fhip : and fo it came to pafs that they efcaped all fafe to land. Ifaiah Iv. 10, For as the rain cometh down, and the fnow from heaven, and rcturneth not thi- ther, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give feed to the fower, and bread to the eater. V. 11. ?ofhalImy word be that goeth forth out of my mouth : It (hall not return unto me Toid, but it fnall accompliih that which I pleafe, and it fliali proiper in the thing whereto I fent it. HoC ii. 21 . And it Ihall come to pafs in that day, I will hear faith the Lord, I will hear the heavens, and they fhall hear the earth, v. 22. And the earth (hall hear the corn, and the wine, and the oil, and they fliall hear Jezreel.

/ Hof. i, 7. But I will have mer-

cy upon the houfe of Juda, and will fave them by the Lord their God, and will not fave them by bow, nor by fword, nor by battle, by horfes, nor by horfe-men. N;[at. iv. 4. But he anfwered and faid, it is written, Man faall not live by bread alone, but by every word that prO' ceedeth out of the mouth of God. Job xxxiv. 10. Therefore hearken unto me, ye men of underftanding : far be it from God, that he fhould do wickedflefs, and from the Al- mighty, that he ftiould commit ini- <iuity.

7n Rom. iv. 19. And being not weak in faith, h& confidered not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadnefs of Sara's womb. v. 20, He flaggered not at the promife of God through unbelief; but was ftrong in faith, giving glory to God : V. 21. And being fully perfuaded, that what he bad promiled he was able alfo to perforn).

n 2 Kings vi. 6. And the man of God faid. Where fell it? And he fnewed him the place. And he cut down a llick, and caft it in thither, and the iron did fwim. Dan. iii. 27. And the princes, governors and captains, and the king's counfellors bting gathered together, faw thefe men, uponwhofe bodies the lire had no power, nor was an hair of their head finged, neithg: were their coats chani^ed, nor the fmell of fire had pafTed upon them*

Chap. V. The Confejfton of Faith. 45

fms of angels andmenc), and that not by a bare pertnilTion />, but fuch as hath joined with it a inoft wife and powerful bounds ing 7, and otherwife ordering, and governing of tliem, in a xnanifold difpenfation, to his own holy ends r\ yet fo, as the


IV. 0 Rom. xi. 3-2. For God hath concluded them aH in unbelief, that he might have mercy upon all. v, 33.0 the depth of the riches, both of the wifdom and knowlege of God i how unfearchable are his judgements, and his ways paft finding out ! v. 34. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, or who hath been his counfeller ? 2 Sam. xxiv. i. And a- gain the anger of the Lord was kindled againft Ifrael, and he mov- ed David againft them, to fay, Go number ifracl and Judah. With 1 Chr. xxi. I. And Satan ftood up againft Jfrael, and provoked David to number Ifrael. i Kings xxii. 22. And the Lord faid unto him, Where- with ? And he faid, I will go forth, and I will be a lying fpirit in the mouth of all his prophets. And he faid, Thou fiialt peifuade him, and prevail alfo : go forth , and do fo, V. 23. Now therefore behold, the Lord hath put a lying fpirit in the mouth of all thefe thy prophets, and the Lord hath fpoken evil con- cerning thee» I Chr. X. 4. Then faid Saul to his armour-bearer, Draw thy fword, and thraft me through therewith ; left thefe uncircumcifed come, and abufe me* But his ar- mour bearer would not, for he was (ore afraid. So Saul took a fworcf, and fell upon it. V, 13. So Saul died, for his tranfgrefiion which he com- mitted againft the Lord, even againft thewordofthe Lord, which he kept not, and alfo for aiking counfel of one that hath a familiar fpirit, to en- quire of it; V. 14. And enquired iwt of tbe Lord ; therefore he flew

him, and turned the kingdom into David the fon of Jehe. 2 Sami xvi. 10. And the king faid. What have I to do with you ye fons of Zerui- ah ? fo let him curfe, becaufe the Lord hath faid unto him, Curfe Da- vid. W'ho fhall then fay. Where- fore haft thou done fo ? Ads ii. 23* Him, being delivered, by the deter- minate counfel and fore-knowlegc of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands have crucified and flain, A&s iv. 27. For of a truth againft thy holy child Jefus, whom thou haft a* Eointed, both Herod and Pontius Piiate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Ifrael were gathered toge- ther, v. 28. For to do whatfoever thy hand and thy counfel determin- ed before to be done.

p Ads xiv. i^. Who in times paft fuffered all nations to walk in their own ways. yPfalmlxxvi. 10. Surely the wrath ofma n fliall praifethee : the remain- der of wrath fhalt thou reftrain. 2 Kings xix. 28. Becaufe thy rage a- gatnft rne, and thy tumult is come up into mine ears, therefore I will put my hook in thy nofe, and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou cameft.

r Gqv.. 1. 20. But as for you, ye thought evil againft me ; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pais, as it is this day, to fave much peo- ple alive. Ifaiah x. 6. I will fend him againft an hypocritical nation, and againft the people of my wrath will I give him a charge to take the fpoil and to take the prey, ^nd to




4^ T/je Confcjfton of Faith. Cha

fmfulnels thereof prcccedeth only from hc^ creature, and not from God, ^vho, being mofl holy and righteous; neither is nor can be the .author or approver of {inf.

Y. The mod wife, righteous and gracious God doth often- times leave for a feafon his own children to manifold tempta- tions, and the corruptions of their own hearts, to chaftife them for their former fms, or to difcover unto them the hidden flrength of corruption, and deceitfulnef^ of their hearts, that they may be humbled /; and to raife them to a more cioft ' and conflant dependance for their fupport upon hirafelf and 10 make them more watchful againil all future ocealiops of fm, and for fundry other jull and holy ends v,

m As

tread them down like the mire of the flreets. v. 7. Howbeit, he mean- eth not fo, neither doth his heart think fo, but it is in his heart tode- ftroy, and cut of nations not a few. V. 12. Wherefore it fhal come to pafs, that when the Lord hath per- formed his whole work upon mount Zion, and on Jernfalem, 1 will pu- ni(h the fruit of the ftout heart of the king of Affyria, and the glory of his high looks.

f James i. 13. Let no man fay when he is tempted, I am tempted of God : for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man. v. 14. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his ov/n luft, and enticed, v. 17. Every good gift, and every perfe<^ g\hy is from above, and comeih down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variablenefs, nei- ther fhadow of turning, i John ii. 1 6< For all that is in the world, the luft of the flefh, and the luft of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. Ffalm I, 2 1 . Tisefe things haft thou ^one, and 1 kept filetice : thou though teft that I was altogether jfuch ao one as thyfelf : but I will

reprove thee, and fet ' them in order before thine eyes. '^

V. / 2 Chr. xxxii. 25. But Heze- kiah rendered rot aga;n, according to the benefit done unto him : for his heart was lifted up ; therefore there was wrath upon him, and u- pon Judah and Jerufaiem. v. 26. Noiv.'ithftanding Hezekiah humbled himfelf for the pride of his heart (both he and the inliabitants of Je- rufaiem) {q that the wrath of the Lord came nbt upon them in the days of Hezekiah. v. 23. Howbeit, in the bufmefs of the ambaffadors of the princes of Babylon, who fent unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land, God left him to try him, that he might know all that was in his heart. 2. Sam. xxiv. I. And again the anger of the Lord was kindled againft ifrael, and he moved David againft them to fay. Go number Ifrael and Judah.

V 2 Cor. xii, 7. And left I ftiould be exalted above meafure, through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flefli, the mefienger of Satan to buffet me, left I fhould be exacted above meafure. v. 8. For this thing I be- fonght the Lord thrice, that it might (iej^/art;

Chap. V* The ConfeJJlon of Faith. 4?

VL As for thofe wicked and uiigoJly men, whom God as a righteous judge, for former fms, doth blind and harden w, from them he not only withholdeth his grace, whereby they might have been enlightened in their underftandings,and wrought up- on in their hearts ;^; but fometimes alfo withdraweth the gifts ch they had 7; and expofeth them to fuch objects as their


corruption makes occafion of fm z ; and withal, gives them over


depart from me. v. 9. And he fald unto me. My grace is fufficient fur thee : for my itrength is made per- fedt i^wcaknefs. Mo(t gladly there- fore will I raiher glory in my in- firmities, that the power of Llhrill may reft upon me, Pfal. Ixxiii, thrqughout. f Plalm Ixxvii. i.I cried unto God with my voice : even unto God with my voice, and he gave ear unto me. v. i20i And I faid, This is my infirmity : but I will remember the years of the right hand of the mo(\. High. v. 12. I will meditate aifo of all thy works, and talk of th^' doings. (Read the intermediate verfes in the Bible.) Mark. xiv. from the 66. v. to the end, with John xxi. 15* So when they had dined, Jefus faith to Simon Peter, Simon fon of Jonas loveft thou me more than thefe ? He faith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou know- t9i that I love thee. He faith unto him, Feed my lambsi v. 16. He laith to him again the fecond time, Simon fon of Jonas, loveft thou me ^. He faith unto him. Yea, Lord ; thou knoweft that 1 love thee. He faith, unto him, Feed my Oieep, v. 17. He faith unto him the third time, Simon, fon of Jonas,loveft thou me? Peter was grieved, becaufe he faid unto him the third time, loveft t>.ou me ? And he faid unto him, Lord^ thou knoweft all things ; thou knOW- eft that 1 love thee. Jcfus faith un- to him, Feed ray ftieep.

vr, tu Rom, i. 24, Wherefore God alfo gave them up to unclean- nefs, through the liifts of their owa hearts, to difiionour their own bo- dies between themfelves: v. 26, For this caufe God gave them up unto vile affections : For even their women did change the natural ufe into that which is againft nature : v. 28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do thofe things which are not conveni- ent. Rom. xi. 7. What then ? Ifrael hadi not obtained that which he feek- eth for, but the eledion hath obtain- ed it, and the reft were blinded, v, 8. According as it is written. Cod hath given them the fpiritofflumber, eyes that they (hould not fee, and earsthat they (hould not hear unto this day.

X Deut. xxix. 4. Yet the Lord hath not given you an heart to per- ceive, and eyes to fee, and ears to hear, unto this day.

y iVlatth. xiii. 12. For whofoever hath, to him Ihall be given, and he (hall have more abundance : but whofoever hath not, from him (hall be taken away, even that he hath. Mat, XXV, 29, For unto every cne that hath ftiall be given, and he fhall have abundance : but from him that hath not (hall be taken a- way even that which he hath.

z Deut. it, 30. But Sihon king of Heftjonwould not let us pafs by him: for the Lord thy God hardned his


^ 6 The Confejftm of FMfk Chap/^P

to their own lu ft, the temptations of the world, and the power of Satan a: whereby it comes tp pa fs, th%t they harden therav' felves, even under thofe means which God ufeth for the foftening of others b, ' ^ ^


fpliit, and made his heart obftinate, that he might deliver him into thy hand, as appeareth tliis day. 2 Kings viii. 12. And Hazael faid, Why, weepeth my lord ? And he anfwer- cd,Becaufe 1 know the evil that thou wilt do unto the children of ifrael ; their ftrong holds wilt thou fet on , fire, and their young n)en wilt thou flay with the fword, and wilt dafli their children, and rip up their w®- men with child, v. 13. And Ha- zael faid, but what, is thy fervant a dog, that he (houid do this great thing •■* And EllHia aofwered, the Lord hath /hewed me that thou ihalt be king over Syriai

a Pfal. Ixxxi. lit But my people \ysuld not hearken to my voice : and llrael would cone of mei 12. So I gave them up unto their own hearts lufh, and they walked in their own counfelsi 2 ThcflT. ii. lOi And with all deceiveablenefs of unrighteouf- ncfs in them that perifti ; becaufc they received not the love of the truth ; that they might be faved. Vi II. And fortius caufe God.fliall fend them ftrong delufion, that they ftiould believe a lie, v. 12. That they all might be damned, who be- lieved not the truth, but had plea- fure in unrighteoufnefs.

b Exod. vii. 3. And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and multiply my fjgns and my wonders in the land of Egypt, With Exod, viii. 15. But when Pharoah faw that there was refpite, he hardned his heart, and hearkned not unto them ; as the Lord had faid. v. 32. And Pha- raoh hardned his liearc at this time

alfo, neither would he Jet "th^ people go. 2 C4tf ii. 15. For we are unt'p God a fw^^ favour of Ghrifl, in them that are favficjvji;and in them that perifh. v. i<^ .^To.the one we are the favour ofdeaft'unto death ; and to the other, the fa«?our of lif^j »nto life : and who is fuffifri^nt fojj^^cfe things? I fa. viii. 14. And Iwctlhall be for a farfftuary ; b^^ for a ftone of (tumbling, and for ^a rock gj of- fence to both the houfes of Ifrael, for a gin, and for a fnare to the in- habitants of Jeruftlem. i Pet. ii. 7. Unto you therefore which believe, he is precious : but unto them which be difobedient, the Itone which th^ builders difallowed, the fame is made the head of the corner, v% 8. And a ftohe of ftumbling, and a, rock of offence, even to them which ftumble at the word, being difobedient, whereurito alfo they were appointed. Ifa. vi. 9. And he faid. Go and tell this people. Hear ye indeed, but un- derltandnot; and fee ye indeed, but perceive not. v. 10. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavv, and fhut their eyes : left theyfee with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and underftand with their heart, and convert, and be healedi Wij:h A(5ts xxviii. 26. Saying, Co unto this people, and fay, Hearing ye (hall hear, and (hall not under- (tand : and feeing ye (hall fee, and not perceive, v. 27. For the heart of this people is waxed grofs, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes have they clofed ; left they (hiDuld fee with thein eyes, and hear with their cars, and undtrftand with


Cbap. :i The Confijton of Faitb, 47

VIL As the providence of God doth, in general, reach to all creatures ; fo, after- a moft Jpecial manner, it taketh care of his church, and difpofeth ail things to the good thereof c.

» --

Chap. VI. Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and cf the Punifh- nient thereof

OUR fird parents being feduced by the fuLtilty and teiTiptariQTi..of Satan, finned in eating the forbidden fruit a. This cheir fin, God was pleafed, according to his wife a\id\hoiy counfel, to permit, having purpofed to order it tohiihwn glory ^.

II. By this fm they fell from their original righteoufnefs, and communion with God c, and fo became dead in fin d,


their heart, and fiifl^lci be convert- ed, and I Ihould heal' them.

VII, r I Tim. iv. 10. For there- fore we both labour, and fuifer re- proach, becaufe we truft in the Hy- ing God, who is the Saviour of all men, efpecially of ihofe that believe. Amos ix. 8. Behold, the eyes of the Lord God are upon the iinful kingdom, and I will deftroy it from off the face of the earth ; faving that I will not utterly deflroy the houfe of Jacob, faith the Lord. v. 9. For lo, I will command, and I will (ift the houfe of Ifrael among all nations, like as corn is iifted in a fieve, yet ihall not the leaft grain fall upon the earth . Rom.viii, 28. And we know that all things work toge- ther for good, to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpofe. I fa. xliii. 3. For 1 am the Lord thy God, the holy one of Ifrael, thy Saviour : I gave Egypt for thy ranfora, Ethio- pia and Sheba for thee. v. 4. Since thou waft precious in my fight, ihou haft been honooraJble, and I have loved iheia : therefore will I give men. for ihee, and people for xiiy

life. V. 5. Fear not, for 1 am with thee, I will bring thy feed from the eaft, and gather thee from the weft. V. 1 4. Thus faith the Lord, your Redeemer, the holy One of Ifrael, for your fake I have fent to Baby- lon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, whofe cry is in the fliips.

I. a Gen. iii. 13. And the Lord God faid unto the woman. What is this that thou haft done ? And the woman faid, The ferpent beguiled me, and I did eat. 2 Cor. xi. 3. But I fear leaft by any means, as the fer- pent beguiled Eve through his fub- tilty, (o your minds ihould be cor- rupted from the (implicity that is in Chrift.

h Rom , xi , 3 2 . For God lia^ h con - eluded them all in unbelief, that he might have meicy upon all.

II. c Gen. iii. 6. And when the woman faw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleafant to xh6 eyes, and a tree tp be defiieJ to make one wife ; flie took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave alfo u.-3to her hufband with her, apd he*


48 The Confeffion of Faiik Chap. V|*

and wholly defiled in ail the faculties and pam of foul and body e.

in. They being the root of all mankind, the guilt of this fin was imputed/, and the fame death in fm and cornjpted na- ^


did eat. v. 7. And the eyes of them both were opened, and tliey knew that they \yere naked: and they fewed fig-leaves together, and made themfelves aprons, v. 8. And they heard the voice of the Lord God, walking in the garden, in the cool of the day : and Adam and his wife hid themfelves from the prefence of the Lord God, amonglt the trees of the garden. EccL vii. 291 Lo, this only have I found, that God hath nade man upright ; but they have fought out many inventions* Rom. iii, 23. For all have finned and come fhort of the glory of God.

d Gen. ii. 17. Hut of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou (halt not eat of it : for in the day that thou cateft thereof, thou fhalt furely die, Eph.'iii i. And you hath he cjuickned, who were dead in trefpafl'es and finsi

e Tit. ii 15. Unto the pure all things are pure, but unto .them that are defiled, and unbeUeving, is no- thing pure, but even their mind and confcience is defiled. Gen. vi. /5. And God faw that the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart, was only evil continu- ally. Jer. xvii. 9. The heart is de- ceitful above dl things, and defpc- rately wicked, who can know it ? Rom. iii. 10. As it is written, there is none rigliteous, no not one, v. ii. There is none that unJerflandeth, there is none that feekctli after God. V. 12. They are all gone out of the way, they are together become un- profitable, there is none thatdotli

good, no not one. v. 13. Their throat is an open fepulchte ; with their tongues they have ufed deceit ; the poifon of afps is under their lips. V. 14. Whofe mouth is full of curf- ing and bitternefs. v. 15. Their feet are fwift to Ihed blood, v. 16. Deftrudion and mifery are in their ways. 17. And the way of peace* have they not known, v. 18. There is no fear of God before their eyes; in, /"Gen. i. 2 7 So God created man in h's own image, in the image of God created he him : male and female created he them, v. 28. And God blefled then», and God faid un- to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenifh the earth, and fubdue it : and have dominion over the filh

' of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And Gen. ii, 16, And the Lord God com- manded the man, faying. Of every tree of the garden thou mayft freely eat. V. 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou flialt not eat of it : for in the day that thou eateft thereof, thou fhalt fureJy die. And Ads xvii. 26. And hath made of one blood, all nations of men, for to dwell on all the face

. of the earth, and hath determined the times b.efote appointed, and the bounds of their habitation. With K-om. V. 12. Wherefore, as by one man fin entered into the world, and death by fin ; and fo death pafftd upon all men, for that all have fin- ned. V. 15. But not as the offence, fo alfp is the ^ita gift. For if through the .olflTence gf one many bs dead ; . much.

Chap. VB ^T/?e ConfeJJlon of Faith. ^9

mre cc to all their pofterity, defceriding from them

by ordinary generation ^^.

IV. From this original corruption, whereby we arc utter- ly indifjjofed, difabled, and made oppofue to al' good b, and wholly mclined to all evil /, do proceed all adual tranf-


much more the grace of Cod, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jefus Chrilt, hath abounded unto many, v, 16, 'And not as it Was by one that finned, fo is the gift : for the kingdom was by one to condemnation ; but the free gift is of many offences unto juftification. 17, For if by one man's )ffence, deatii reigned by one ; much more- they which receive abundance of grace, and of the gift of righteouf- nefs, fliall reign In h"fe by one Jefus ChrKh \r. 18. Therefore as by the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation : even fo by the righteoufnefs of one, the free gift came upon all men unto juftifi- cation of life. v. 19 For as by one man's difobedience, many were made finner's : fo by the obedience of one, (liall many be ni.^de righte- ous. And I Cor. xv. 21. For fince by man came death, by man came alfo the refurre^tion of the dead,T. 22, For, as in Adam all die, even fo jn Chrlft rtiall all be made alive. Vi 45;. And fo it is wiitteo, The firft man Adam was made a living foul, the laft Adam was made a quickening fpirit; V. 49. And as we born the image of the eaithly, we alfo fhali bear the image of the hea- venly.

g Pfal. II. 5. Behold I was fliapen in iniquity ; and in fin did my mo- ther conceive me. Gen. v. 3. And A- dam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a fon in his own likenefs, after his image ;. and called b;s na:;ie Seth, Job xiv. 4. Who

can bring a clean thing out of an unclean.^ not one. Job xv. 14'. What is man that hefhouldix: clean ? and he which is born of a woman, that he fhould be righteous ?

IV, h Rom. V. 6. For when we v/ere yet without ftrength, in due time Ghrift died for the ungodly, Rom viii. 7. Becaule the carnal mind is enmity againft God : for it is not fubje6l to the law of God, nei- ther indeed can be. Rom, viii. i8, Foi I know that in me, (that is, in my"fie{h) dwe^eth no good thing : for to will is prefent witK me, but how to perform that which is good, I find not. Col, i. 2f, And you that were fometimes alienated, and ene- mies in your minds by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled,

/ Gen. vi. J. And God faw that the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imagina- tion of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Gen. "vil* 21. And the Lord fmelled a fweet favour, and the Lord faid in his heart, 1 will not again curfe thTe ground any more for man's fake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth : neither will I again fmite any more, every thing living as 1 have done. Rom. ill. jo. As it is written, There is none rigK- teous. no npt one : v, 1 1 . There is none that underflandeth, there i% none that feekcth after God. v. is. They, are all gone frut of the way, they are altogether become.cnprofi- table, there is notie that doth good, ;:no not one.

The Confejfton of Faith.

Chap. VL

grefilons i.

V. This corruption of nature, during this life, doth remaiii in thofe that are regenerated /: <ind although it be through Chrift pardoned and mortified, yet uoth itfelf, and all the mo- tions thereof, are truly and properly fin m*

VI. Every fin, both original and a£lual, being a tranfgref- fion of the righteous law of God, and contrary thereunto ;;, doth, in its own nature, bring guilt upon the finner o, whereby


k James i. 1 4. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lull, and enticed, v. 15. Then when luft hath conceived, it hringeth forth fin : and fin when it is finifhed, bringeth forth death. Eph. ii. 2. Wherein in time paft ye walked according to the courfe of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fpirlt that now worketh in the children of dlfobedience. v. 3, Among whom a!fy we all had our converfation in times paft, in the luft of our flefli, fulfilling the defires of the flelh, and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others- Mat. XV. 19. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, a- dulteries, fornications, theft*, fdlfe vn'tnefs, blafphemies,

V. / I John i. 8. If we fay that we have no fin, we deceive ourfelves, and the truth is not in us, v. 10. If we fay that we have not finned, we make him a liir, and his word is not in us. Horn, vii, 14. For we know that the '.iw is fpiritual : but I am carnal, fold under Cn^ v, 17, Now, then, it is no more I that do it, but fin that dwelleth in me, v, i8- For I know that in me, (fhat is in my flefli) dwelleth no good thing : for to will is prefcnt with me, but how to per- form that which is good, 1 find not, V, 25, But I fse another law in my rncmbers. warring againft the hw of my mind, and bringing Hie into

captivity to th^ law of fin, which is in my members, James iii, 2. For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not io word, the lame is 3 perfe(5l man, and able alfo to bridle the whole body. Prov. xjir*9.' Who can fay, I have made my*heart clean, I am pure from my fin? Eccl, vii. 50. For there is not a juft man up- on the earth that doth good and Cnneth not.

7n Rom. vii. ji For when wc were in the flelh, the motions of fin which were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death. V. 7. What (hall we fay then? Is the law fin? God forbid. Nay, 1 had not known fin but by the law : for I had not known Inft, except the law hadfaid, Thou flialt not covet, v. 8. But fin taking occafion by the com- mandment, wrought in mc all man- ner of concupifcence. For without the law fiti was dead. v. 25. I thank God, through Jefus Chrift our I ord» So then with the mind I myfelffsrve the law of God ; but with the flelh thelaw offin, Gah v, 17. For thcflefh lufleth againft the Spirit, and the Spi- rit againft the flelh; and thefe are con* tray the one to the other, io that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

\{. n I John iii. 4. Whofeve*' commiteth fin, tranfgreffeth a!fi» the law, for fin is the tranfgrefHon of the law.

0 Rom. ii. 15. Which fliewtht work

Chap. VII. The Conftjfton rf Faith. $1

he is bound over to the wrath of God p, and curfe of the law qy and fo made fubje6l to death r, with all miferies fpiri- tualy, temporal /, and eternal v.

Chap. Vil. Of God* s Covenant with Man.

THE dillance between God and the creature is fo grear^ that although reafonable creatures do owe obedience unto him as their Creator, yet they could never have any fru- ition of him as their blcfiednefs and reward, but by fome vo- luntary condefecnfion on God's part, which he hath beea pleafed U) exprefs by way of covenant a,

IL The

work of tMI Hvf written in theif hearts, cheii* confcience alfo bearing witnefs, and their thoughts the mean while accufing, or eifc excuf- ing one another, Rom. iii, 9. What then ? are we better than they ? No, in po wife : for we have before prov- ed both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under fini v. 19. Now we know, that what th'ngs Ibever the Jaw faith, it faith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be (lopped, and all the world may become guilty before God,

p Eph^ii. 3. Among whom alio 5(»eall had our converfation in times paft, in the lufts of our fleih, fuIHI- \ii\% the defires of the flcfh and of the ratiKj ; anii were by nature the ehil<fren of wrath, even as others*

q Gal. iii. lOt For as many as ar^ of the works of the law, are under l^e curfe : for it is written, Curfed h every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.

r Rom. vi, 23. For the wages of fin is death : but the gift of God is •ternallife, through Jefus Ghrift our Lord.

/Eph. iv. i8. Having the under- ftinding darkened, berng alien;


from the life of God, through the ignorance that is in them, becauis of the blinduefs of their heart.

t Rora. viii. 20- For the creature was made fubje^ to vanity, not wil- lingly, but by reafon of him who hath fubjeded the fame in hope* Lam « iii. 39. Wherefore doth a liv- ing man complain, a man for the puaifhment of his fins .^

V Mat. XXV. 41. Then fliall he fay alfo unto them on the left hand. De- part from me ye curfed, into ever- iafting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. 2 The/T. i. 9. Who ihall be punifhed with everlafting deftrudtion, from the prefence of the Lord, and from the glory of kil( power.

L a Ifa. xL r 3. Who hath diredled the Spirit of the Lord ? or being his counfellor hath taujjht him ? r. 14. With whom took he counfel : aiid who inftrufted him, and tafcght him irt the path of judgment, and taught him knowledge, and fhewed to him the way of «nderftanding ? v. 1 5* Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the fmall dull of the balance : Behold, he taketh up the ill s as a very litdc thing. V, 16, Aod JUkanoo is Dot 2 fulK*


52 The CoJifcJpon of Faith. Ci. ^

II. Tne firft covenant made with man v/as a covenant of works i', wherein life was promifed to Adam, and in hioi to his^ pofcerity ^/upoirconditron of perfe£l and perfonal obedience d, ..

III. Man by hi;? fall having made himfelf uncapable of life by*, that covenant, the Lord was pleafed to make a fecond e, com- monly

rj.ftcient to burn, nor the Hea^ls thereof, fufficient for a burnt offer- ing. V. 1 All n itions b-fore him are as nothing, and they are counted to him lefs than nothing, and var.ity. Job ix. 35. For he is not a man, as I am', that I fhould anf.ver him, and we fhould come together in judg- ment. V 35. Neither is there any days-man betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us bajh. i Sam. ii. 25. If one man (in againd another, the judge ihali judge him : but if a man fin againft the Lord, who ftiall iatrtat for him ? Pfal. cxili. 5. Who is like unto jthe Lord oar God, who dwtlletTi on high ? v. 6> Who hum- bleth himfeif to beijold the things that are in heaver, and in the earrh^ Pfnh c. 2. S^rvG the Lord with dad- T^'ih : come^^tfore nis preience \nth fingi!ig.;-v; ?, Know ye that the Lord he isjt&od, it is he that hath made us, a^id not iye ourfelVes: we are his peop'c, and' the fheep of his pa- J^ure. Job xxii. 2. Cart a man be prolit^ble unto God, as he that is wife Ynay h$ profitable unto himfeir? V. 3. Is it any pleafure to the Al- mighty that thuii art righteous ; or 15 it g^'m to him, that" thou raakeft thy v;ays pcrfea ? Job xxxvii, 7. If thou be*'ri£litcoug what giveft thou him ? or wliat receiveth he of thine hand? v. 8, Thy wickednefs m?y hurt'' a man as thou' art, and thy righteoufnefs may- profit the fpn of man /Luke xvii. lo. So likewife ye, whetrye {hall have, done all thofe thingi^ wjirch aTicrtdmrhanded you-, fay,' Wt are unprgnriijle fervaats ;

we hare done that which wa? our duty to do. A^s xrii 24. Gbd that .«! made the world, atid all things M therein, feeing that hc'.^ Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleih nut ia temples made with hands : v. 25, K-ither is worfhipped v/ith men* hands, as though he needed any thing, feeing he giveth to all Irfe and bteath, and all ihings. t -

li. /> Gal. iii. 12. And thf Lw is not of faith; but. The man that doth them fliall live in them.

c Kom. X. f . For ALofts defcrib- eth the righteoufnefs which is of the law, that the man which doth thefft things {hall live by tliera.. Rom. v^ 12. to 2a (See chapter vi. Sc<S. 3^- letter/)

ii Gen. ii, 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and .evil, thou fhait not eat of It : for in the day that thou eatefr thereof, thoU: lli-<tli furelydie. Gal. iii. 10. for as many as are of the works of the law, are under the curfe : for it is writ- ten, Curfed is every one that conti* . nueth not in ail things which are written in tlje book of the law, to do them.

irir <? Gal. iii» 21, Is the law thea agjinrt the p»*omifss of God ? God forbid ; for if there had been a law given, v»fhicn could have given life, verily righteoufnefs Ihould have been by tlie Jaw. Rom, viii. 3. For what tjie law could not do, in that it was weak through the-flefh, God fending his own Son in the likeoels of fmfol flcih, and. fox- fin condemn- .

«fin ill tlic liefh. Rom, iii, 20. [ Thei;-

Chap. VIL ^ The Cmfajfion of Faitk 53

Mpniy called the Covenant of, .Grace: wherein he freely of*- iereth unto Tinners life and faivation by Jefus Cbrift, requiring of them faith in him, that they^may be faved/; and promif- ing to give unto all tbofe that are ordained unto life, has ho- ly Spjrit-3 to niake them willing and able to believe^. .

IV. This covenant of grace is frequently fet forth in the fcripture by the name of a teftament, in reference to the death of Jefus Chrift theTeftator,and to the everlafiing inheritance, with all things belonging to it, therein bequeathed h,

V. This

Therefore by the deeds of the law there (hall no flefh be juftified in his {Ight : for by the law is the know- ledge of Hn. V. 31. But now the rigliti^ufuefs of God without the jaw is rriariftefted, being witnsfled k>y die law and the prophets. Gen. iii. 15. And I will put enmity be- tween thee and t\\t woman, arod be- tween thy feed and her feed :' it fhall bruife thy head, and thou (halt bruile his heel. Ifa. iv. 6. I the Lord have called ihee in lighteoufncfs, and will liold.thice hand, and will keep thee, I ^nd^,ive thee for a covenant of the people, for a Hght of the Gentiles. /"Maik.xvi. 1 J. And hefaid unto them-, Go ye into ai! the world, and freach the gofpel to every creature. V, 16. He that believeth and is bap- tized, ihali be faved ; but he that be- lieveth not, fhall be danined. John iii. 16. For God fo loved the world, tliat he gav€ his only begotten SoTi, that whofgeyer believeth in him, fiApuld not perilli, but have everlad- ing life. Rorh. x. <j. But liie riphte- cufnefs v/hich is .of faith, Ipeakeih en. this wife, fay not in "thine heart, who fliaJl afceod into heaven ? '(that ^s to bring Chnll down from ahove.) y. 9. That if thou (halt confers with thy mouth the Lord Jefus, and (lialt believe in thine heart, that God hath 3^aifed him from the dejfd, thou Hialt be faved* Gal* iii. iii But ihaijao

man is juftified by the law in the fight of God, It is evident: for. The juft (hall live -by faith.

g Ezek. xxKvi. 26. A- new lieart alfo v;iU I give you, and a new fpirit wdl I put v/ithin you. iind 1-will take away the i^ony heart out of your fieth, and 1 will give you, an heart of ficfli. V, 27. Afid I wi4l pot my fpirit vvithin you, and canle vou to walk in my (l^intes, and ye (hall keep my judgments, and do them, John vi, 44. No man can come to, eKcept- the Fadier which hath fcnt me, draw him : and I will raile him -up at the kit d.ay. v- 45. It is written in the prophets^. And thty faall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, arid h^th learned of the Father, cometh unto me.

IV. :h Heh.ix. 15. Ar^for this caufe he is the Mediator of the new teitanientjthat by niednsof death for the redemption 0/ the tranfgreffions that were under.the nrft^ telhment, they which are <:»! led might receive the promife of eternal inheritance, V. 16' For wlvere a., teftament is, there mufi alfo of necelfuy be the death of the ie(i:aior..- v. 17. For a tedament is of force after men are dead '.' otherwife it is of noihength at all whiHithe teitatoriiveth. Hei). vii. 22, By. fo much was jefus made a Suiety of a better teilameiat, Luke D 3 xxii*

54 The Conffffkn' of Faitk , Chj

V. This covenant was differently adminiftre^ in the time off the law, and in the time of the gofpel i : under the \?'^ it was adminiflred bypromifes, prophecies, facrifices, circumt on^ the Pafchal Lamb, and other types and ordinances delivered to thi. people of the Jews, all fore-fignifying Chrift cp come k, which, were for that time fufficient and efficacious, through the ope- ration of the Spirit, to indru^^ and build up the ele^ in faith in the promifed MefTiah /, by whom they had full remiffion of fins, and eternal falvation j and is called the Old Teftsment m,

VI. Under

xxii. 20. Llkewlfe alfo thccnp after liipper, faying, This cup is the new teftament in my blood, which is fticd for you. I Co;, xi. 2 5. After the fame manner alfo he took the cup, y^hen he had fupped^ faying* This cpp is the new teftament in my blood ; this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in re- membrance of me.

V, / 2 Cor. iii. 6. Who a^fohath made us able mlnifters of the new •teftament ; not of the letter but of thefpirit : for the Utter, killeth ; but the tmx\K givech life. v. 7. But if the miniftration of death written and engraven in ftone? was glorious, fp that the children of ifrael could not : ftedfaftly behold the face of Mofcs, for the glory of his countenance^ which glory was to be done away ; V. How (ha'I not the miniftration q( the Spirit be rather glorious ? v, 9. For if the mmiftration of con- demnation be glory, much more doth the miniftration of rlghteowf- nefs exceed in glory.

It (Heb. vii. ix. x. chapters. )Rom. iv. II- '^nd he receiv-ed the fign of circumcifion, a feal of ?he righte- oufnefs of the faith, whicl? he had yet being unctrcun^cifed ; that he mieht be the father of all them that bcUey^s \Ho,wsH they be not circum- cifrf\;>ha^ rigbteoufnefs might bq jfliwijiteci W<!>, them alfo< Col. ii. \V \f( 'i^m «}fo yc ire circvmcif-*

«d with the circomcifion made with* out hands, in putting off the bodjf of the 6ns of the i3efh, by the ciiu cumcifion of Chrifti v. 12. Burie^ With him inbaptifm, wherein alfoy« are rifen with him through tbe faith of the operation of God, who hath raifed him from the dead. 1 Cer. r, 7. Purge ottt therefore the old leav- en, that ye may be a new lump, as yc are unleavened. For even Chrift our Paffover is facrificed for us.

/i Cor.x. I. Moreover, brethrei!, I would not that ye feould be igno« rant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all paffed thro* the fea : v. 2. And were all baptij, ed unto jMofes in the cloud, and in the fea ; v. ^. And did ajl eat the, fame fpiritual m^at ; v. 4. And did all drink the fame fpiritual drink : ffor they drank of ^hat fpiritual rock that followed them: and that rocJf wa« Chiift.) Iltb.. xi. 15. Thefe all died in jfaiih, not having recei^'*ed the promifes, but haviBg fcen them afar off, and were pcrfuaded of them- and embraced them, and coufelTed that they were ftrangerj and pilgrims on the earths John viii. ^6. Your father Abraham rejoiced to fee my day : and faw it, and was glad.

Pi Gal, iii. 7. Know ye therefore, that they which are of fnitb, the imfi we th^ ghi^r^O o( A^^raham.

Chap. Vir. .. 7 he Confy/ion of Faith, $$

VI. Under the gofpel, when Chrilt the fubftance n was cx- hibitec^ he ordinances in which this covenant is difpenfed ard fjhe preaching of the word, and the adminiflration of the facra- raents of baptifm and the Lord's fupper <?, which though fewer in number, and adminiflred with more fimplicity, and lefs out- ward glory; yet in them it is held forth in more fulnefs, evi- dence and fpiritual efficacy/*, to ail nations, both Jews and Gen- tiles f

V. 8, And the fcripture forefeeing, that God would juftify the heathen tiirough faith, preached before th^ gofpel unto Abraham, faying, In thee (halt all nations be bleffed, v, 9, So then they which be of faith are blefled v;ith faithful Abraham. t. 24. That the bleffing of Abra- ham might come on the Gentiles ihrouuh Jefus thrift ; that we might jeccivc the promife of thel Spirit through fairh.

VI. 72 Col. ii, 17. Which area fnadow of things tocomt; but the body is of ehrift.

<7 Mat, xxviii. 19. Go ye there- fore, and teach all nations, baptiz- ing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft ; V. 20. Teaching them to cbferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you: andlo, I am with you, alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen, i Cor, xi. 23. For i have received of the Lord, that %vhich 1 delivered unto you, that the Lord Jefus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread: r. 24. And when he^ had given thanks, h€ brake it, and faid. Take, eai ; this is my body, wl ich is bro- ken for you: this do in remembrance of met V. 25. After the fame man- lier alfo, he tbok the eup, when he had fupped, faying. This cup is the cew teitaraent in ray blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remem- brance of me»

p Heb, xil. 22. But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the Hving God, the heavenly Je- rufalem, and to an innumerable company of angelsi Vi 23. To the general aflembly and church of the firft born, which are written in hea. ven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the fpirits of jurt men made perfe^, V. 24. And to Jefus the Me- diator of the new covenant, and to the blood of fprinkling, that fpeak- eih better things than that of AbeJ. V, 25. See that ye refufe ncthim thit fpeaketh: forif they efcaped not who refuled him that fpak<; on earth, much more (hall not we efcapeif we turn away from him that fpeak* eth from heaven, v. 26. Whofe voice then (hook the caith ! but now he hath promifed, faying. Yet once more 1 {hake not the earth only, but alfo heaven* v. 27. And this word. Yet once more, fignifieth the remov- ing of thofe things that are fhaken, as of things that are made, that thofe things which cannot be fhaken may remain* Jer. xxxi. 33. But this fhail be the covenant that I will make with the houfe of ifrael, after thofe days, faith the Lord, I will pL^i my law in their inwaid parts, and write it in their hearts, and Avili be their God, aad they (lull be my people. V. 34. And ihey Ihall teacfh no more every man his neighbour^ and every man his bt other, fayingn Know the Lord ; for they fiull ail D 4 know

5 6: The Corfefion of Fattk Chap.

tiles q ; and is called the NcwTedament r. There aren( ^, therefore two covenants of grace differing in fubflance, but one and the fame under various difpenfatiohs/ "


know me from the leaft of them, iinro the greateft of them, faith the Lord : f'^r I will forgive their ini- quity, and 1 will remember their fin no more.

q vlat.xxviii. 19. (See letter <?im- Biediately foregoing,) Eph. ii, 15:. Having aboU'.hed in his flefh the en- mitv, even the law of command ments, contained in ordinances, for to make in hinifelf of twain, one new man, fo making peace; v. » 6. And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the crofs, hav- ing flain the enmity thereby ; v. »7. And came, and preached peace to you which were afar of, and to them that were nigh, v, i3. For through him we both have an acceis by one Spirit unto the Father, v. 19. Now therefore ye are no more (li angers and foreigneis, but fellow citizens with the faints, and of the houfhold ©f God.

r Lukexxii.20, LikewifealCothc cup after fupper, faying, This cup is the new teftament in my blood, which is filed for yovi,

/Gal. iii. 14, That the bleflirg of Abraham might come on the Gen- tiles through Jefus Chrill:, that we might receive the promife of the Spirit thro' faith, v. i6' Now to A bram and his feed were the promifes made. He f^ith not. And to feeds, as of many; but as of one. And to thy feed, which is Chrift, ^di% xv. II. But we believe, that thvoirgh the grace of the f>ord jtfus Chriit, we fhall be faved, even as they. Rom, ?ii» 21. Butnowtheri^hieou(nef5 of

God without the Jaw Is manifefted, being witnefled by the law and the prophets, v, 22. Even the righte- oufaefs of God which is by faith of Jefus Chrift unto alf; and upon all them that believe ; for there is no difference : v. 23 For all have fin- ned, and come,Oiort of the glory of God; v, 30. Seemg it is one God which (hall judify the circumcifion by faith, and uncircumcifion thro' faith. Pfal. xxxii. i. Bleffed is he whofe tranfgrcflion is forgiven, whofe fin is covered. ^Virh Rom. iv 3. For what faith tl^e fcriplure ? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteoufnefs* V. 6. Even as David alio delcribeth the bleflednefs of the man unto whom God imputeth righteoulnefs without works, v. j6. Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace, to the end the promife might be furc to all the feed, not to that only which is of the law, but te that alfo wlsich is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of Us all. V. 17 (As it is written, I have njade thte a father of many nations) before him whom he be- lieved, even God, who quickneth the dead, and callcth thofe things which be not, as though they were. V, 23. Now it was not writ- ten for his fake alone, that it was imputed to him ; v. 24. But for us aHo to whom it fhall be imputed, if we believe on hifti that raifed up Jefus our Lord from the dead. Heb. xii. 8. Jefus Chrift, the fame yefterday, and to-day, and for ever*




The Cdnfejmt rf Faith,



: Chap. VIII. 0/ Qhri/l 4%e Mediator.

IT pleafed God j iii his eternal purpofe, to cbufe and ordain the Lord jfsus, his only begotten Son, to be the Me- diator between God and man a\ the prophet ^, prieftr, and king d\ thQJiead and Saviour of his church e\ the heir of all things/^ and judge of the world ^; unto whom he did from all eternity give a people to be his itcd h^ and to be by him in


fTulcD, I

of nany chcbe-

I. tf I fa. xlii. 1 . BeKoId my fervant whom I uphoM, mine cle<5l, in 'whom nw foul delighteth : I have put my fpirit upon him, he fhkll biing forth judgment to iTie Gentiles, i Pet. i, iq. But with the precious blood of Chi ill, as of a Limb" without blemifh and without fpot : v. 20. Who ve- rily was fore- ordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifeft in thefe laft times for you, John iii. 16. For God fo loved the worlji, that he gave his only be- gotten Son, that whcfcever believeth in him, THould net perifli but have everlafting life, i Tim. ii, '5.For there is One God, and one Mediator between God iand- man, the man Chrid jefus.

b A<Jls iii. 22, For Mofes truly faid unto the fathers, A prophet Jhall the Lord your God raife up unto you, of your brethren, hke unto me; him "Ihall ye hear in- all things vyhatfdever b<J ihali fay unto you.

c Heb.v. 5. So alfo Chrift glorified rot himfeif, to be made an high prielt : but he that faid unto him. Thou art my Son, to day have [ begotten thee, v, 6. As he faith alio in another place, Thou art a prieft for ever after the order of Mekhif-dec,

v/Pfal. il. 6. Yet have I fet my King upon my- holy hill of Zion, Luke i. 53. And he faall re-gn over the houfe of Jacob for ever, awd of his kingdom there fliall be'no end,

e Eph. V. 23. For, the hufhand is head of the wife., even as Chrifl is the head of the church;, and he is the Saviour of tlie body.

../" .Heb. i. 2. Hath in thefe laft days fppken- unto us by his Son, whom he hath .appointed heir of all things', by whom alfo he made the worlds.

- ^ Ads xvii. 2 1 . Becaufe he hath appointed a day in the which he will jud^e the world "in righteoufnefs, by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given affurance un- to ail men, in that he hath raifed him from the dead,

h John xvii, 6. I have manlfefled thy nanie unto the men which thou gaveft me out of the world : thine they were, ar-d thou gavefl them me : and they have kept thy word, Pfai, xxii. ;o. A feed (hall ferve him, it fhall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. J fa. liii. 10. Yet it pleafed the Lord to brivfe him, he hath put him to grief: when thou flialt make his Ibul an offering for fm, he (hall fee his (^td, he fhall prolong his days, and the pfeafure


56: The Co^feffion'of F^^h. Oiap.

tiles q ; and is called the New Teftament r. There are nc, therefore two covenants of grace differing in fubftance, but one and the fame under various difpenfatiohs/ "



know me from the leafl of them, unto the greatefl of them, faith the Lord : for I will forgive their ini- quity, and 1 will remember their fin nomore.

q ^lat.xxviii. i9.(See letteroim- Biediately foregoing,) Eph. ii 15. Having aboHihed in his flerti tlie en- mitv, tvm the law of command ments, contained in ordinances, for to make in himfelf of twain, one new man. fo making peace; v. 16. And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the crofs, hav- ing flain the enmity thereby ; v. 17. And came, and preached peace to you which were afar of, and to them that were nigh. v. i 3. For through him we borh have an acce(s by one Spirit unto the Father, v. 19. Now therefore ye are no more III angers and foreigneis, but fellow citizens witli the faints, and of ;he houfhold ©f God.

r LukeXxii. 20, Likewifealfothc cup after fupper, faying, This cup is the new te(hment in my blood, which is filed for you,

/Gal. iii. 14, That the bleflir.g of Abraham might come on the Gen- tiles through Jefus Chfill, that we might receive the promife of the .^'pirit thro' faith, v. i6< Now to A bram and his feed were the promifes made. He f^.iih not. And to feeds, as of many; but as of one. And to thy feed, which is Chrift, AcH^s xv. II. l>ut we believe, that throirgh the grace of the Lord Jtfus Chriit, we fball be faved, evf:n as they. Rom, riu 21. But novvthe rj.'.hieouinefs of

God without the Jaw is maniferted, being wiinefled by the law and the prophets, v, '22. Even the righte- oufaels of God which is by faith of Jefus Chrifl unto al^; and upon all them that believe ; for there is no difference : v. 23 For all have fin- ned, and come,(]iort of the glory of' God; v. 30. Seeing it is one God which fhall juf^ify the circumcifion by faith, and uncircumcifion thro' faith. Pfal. xxxii. BlefTed is he whofe tranfgreffion is forgiven, whofe fin is covered. ^Vitli Rom. tv 3. For what faith tlijC fcripture ? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto hfra for righteoufnefs* V. 6. Even as David alio defcribeth thebleffednefsof theman unto whom God imputeth righteoulnefs without works, v. 16. Therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace, to the end the promife might be fuic to all the feed, not to that only which is of the law, but that alfo which is of the ^ faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. V. 17 (As it is written, I have made thee a father of many nations) before him whom he be- lieved, even God, who quickneth the dead, and callcth thofe things which be not, as though . they were, v, 23. Now it was not writ- ten for his fake alone, that it was imputed to him ; v. 24. But for ns aHo to whom it fhall be imputed, if we believe on hife that raifed up Jefus our Lord from the dead. Keb. xii. 8. Jefus Chriff, the fame yefterday, and to-day, and for ever*

I. a Ifa-.

Chap. VllL The €dnfefu,n rf Faith.


Chap. VIII. Of Qhrijl the Mediator.

IT plcafed God/ in his eternal purpofe, to cbufe and ordam the Lord Jf.sus, his only begotten Son, tx) be the Me- diator between God and man a\ the prophet by prieft r, and king d\ thq^ead and Saviour of his church €\ the heir of all things/^ and judge of the world ^; unto whom he di,d from!, all eternity give a people to be his izt6i h, and to be by him in- time

Ktf Ifa. xlii. I. BeHoId my fervant whom I uphold, mine cl<'(5l, in "whom my fpui delighteth : I have put my fpirit upon him, he (hall bring forth judgment to the Gentiles, i Pet. i. 19. But with the precious blood of Chi id, as of a lamb" without blemifh and without fpot : v, 20. Who ve- rily was fore- ordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifeft in thefe lad times for you, John iii. 16. For God fo loved the worlfl, that he gave his only be- gotten ^on, that whofcever believeth in him, fhould ikjC perilh but have everlafting life, i Tim. ii; 'j.For there is One God, and one Mediator between God iand man, the raan Chriil jefus.

b A<5ts iii. 22, For Mofes truly faid unto the fathers, A prophet; iiiall the Lord your God riife up unto you, of your brethren, hke unto me J him Ihall ye hear in- all things vyhatfoever be ihall fay unto you.

c Heb.v. 5 . So alfo Chrift glorified rot Viimfey, to be made an high prielt : but he that faid urito him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee, v, 6. As he faith alio in another place. Thou art a piieft for ever aftor the order of irklchifedec.

VPfal. il. 6. Yet have I fet my' King upon my holy hHl of Zion, Luke i. 53. And h€ faall re'gn over the houfe of Jacob for ever, awd of his kingdom there (lull Be "no end,

e Eph, V. 23. For the hufband Is head of the wife, even as Chriil is the head of the church;, and he is the Saviour of the body. " .,y Heb. i. 2. Hath in thefe lafl days fppken- unto us by his S<>r, whom he hath .appointed lieir of all things', by whom alfo he made the worlds.

g Ads xvii. 2 1 . 3Becaufe he hath appointed a day in the which he wi!! judge the world in righteoufnefs, by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given affurance un- to all men, in that he hath raifed him from the dead.

h John xvii, 6 I have manifelled thy name unto the men which thou gaved me out of the world : thine they were, apd thou gavefl them me : and they have kept thy word, Pfal, xxii. 30. A feed fiiall ferve him, it fhall be accbuhted to the Lord for a generation, ]fa. liii. 10. Yet it pleafed the Lord to brivfe him, he haih put him to grief: when thou flialt make his Ibul an offering for fm, he Ihall fee his feed, he fhall prolorg his days., and the pleafure


5 8 Ihe ConfeJJim ^f Faith.

tMne T€d€«mcd> called, juftilkii, fanftified and glorified /.

11. The Son of God, the fecond pecfbn in the Trinity, be- ing ?cry and eternal God, of on? fubfVance arid e^ual with the Father, did, when the ftilnefs of time was coine, take upon him man*s nature i, with all the ef&ntial properties and com- icon infimities thereof, yet without fin /, being conceived by the power of the Holy Ghoft, iri^tie womb of the Virgin Mary, of her fubfUnce«. So that two whole, |)erfe£i^^d diHina natures, the Godhead and the manhood, were infeparably join- |

cd ^

cf the Lord (kail profper in his hand.

i I Tim. ii, 6. Who gave himfelf i ranfona for ail, to be teftiiied in <iue time. Ifa^ Iv. 4. Behold, I have given him for a witnefs to tlie people, a leader and commander to the people* v. 5. Behold j thou flialt call a nation that thou knowed not, and nations that knew not thee (hall run unto thee, becaufe of the Lord thy God, and for the holy One of ifrael; for he hath gloiified thee. I Cor. i. JO, But of him are ye in Ghrift Jefus, who of God is made un- to us wifdom, and righteoufnefs, and fafl<ftificatioo, and redemption.

II, k John i. I. In the beginning was the Word, and tlie Word was with God, and the Word was God. V. r 4. Ard the Word was made flc/h , and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the gl<^ry as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth, i John v. 20. And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an underf landing, that we may know him that is true: and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jcfus Clirid:. This is the true God, and eternal life. Phil, ii, Who beiqg in the form cf God, thought it not robbery to be equal vith God. Gal. iv. 4. But when the fulnefs o^ the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of d, womaoy made under the law.

/ Hcb. ii. 14^ Forafmuca then as the children ar^^ partakers of flelh and blood, he ailfo himfclf Jikewife took part of the faitfe, that through death he might ddlrcy him that had the power of deaths that is, the devil, v. 16. For verily hiT'took not oahini the nature of angels; but he took on hini the (tt6 of A- brahaiii. v, 17. Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren ; that he might be a merciful and faithful high-prieft, in things pertaining ta God ; to rhake reconciliation for the (Ins of the people. Heb. iv. 1 5. For we have not an high prieft which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities ; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without (in.

m Luke i. 27. To a virgin efpouf- ed to a man whofe name was Jofeph of the houfe of David ; and the vir- gin's name was Mary, v, 31. Aad behold, thou (halt conceive in thy womb, and bring ^orth a Son, and (halt call his name Jefus. v. 3 5. And the angel anfwered, and faid unto her. The holy Ghoft (hall come upon thee, and the power of the Highed (hall overfhadow thee; therefore alfo that holy thing which (lull be born of thee, (hall be called the Son of God. Gal. iv. 4. (See letter ^ ini- ijaediately for££;oing.)

;; Luke;

Chap. VIII. The Cmfcjj.^.. lj ^..jh. 5*^

cd together ki one perlbn, without convcrfion,eomporidonpr confufiou «. Which pcrfon is very God, and very man, yet jne ChriH, the otlly Medi^or between God and man

ill. The Lord Jefus, in his human nature thus united to t\\t divine, was fahftified andanointed with the holy Spirit abotc pacafurc/>; having in him all the treafuresof wifdom and know- ledge q\ in whom it pleafed the Father that all fulnefs fhould dwell r ; tp the eqd^ that being holy, harmlefs, undeiiled, and full of grace and truth yj he might be thoroughly furnifhed to execute the office of a Mediator and Surety /. Which office he tookfiot unto himfelf,but was thereunto called by his Father •»>


n Luke i. 25. (See the foregoing vcrfe.) Col. iii, 9, For in him dwel- leth all the ful-nefs of the Godhead bodyy. Rom. ix. 5. W hofe are the fathers^ and of whom as concerning the fiefii, Chrift eame, who is over all,. God bleflcd for ever. Amen, X Pet. iii. 18. For Chrift alfo hath once fuiFered for our finSjthe juft for the unjuft, (that he might bring us to God) heing put to death iu the flefti, but quickned by the Spirit. I Tim. iii. 16. And without con- troverfy, great is the myftery of

dlinefs; God was marifeft in the I, juftisfied in the Spirit, feen of angels, preached unto the GeutiJes, l>eliev€d on In the world, received |3p into gloi y.

0 Ronn. i. 3. Concerning his Son Je&s Chrift our Lord, which was made of the feed of David, accord- ing to the flefh : v. 4. And declared to be the Son of God with power, Siccording to the Spirit of ^olinefs, by the rcfurrtc^ion fri^m the dead. I Tim. ii* 5. For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and man, the man Chriit Jefus.

p III. Pfalm xlv. 7. Thou love{^ jiglueoufnefs, and hateft wicked- pels : therefore God, thy God hath ^d^i&tsd thee with the oiX of elaUoeft

above thy fellows. Jbhn iii, 34* For he whom God hath fent, fpeak- cth the words of God ; for God giveth not the Spirit byjneafure un- to him.

q Col. ii. 5. In whom are hid a£[ the trcafures of wifdcm and known^ ledge.

r Col. i. 19. For it pleafed the Father, that in hiro fhould all ful- nefs dwell.

/Heb. vil. 26. For ftich an high prieft became us, who is holy, harm- lefs, undefiled, feparate from fmners, and inade higher than the heavens, John i. 14. And the Word wa« made flefh, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Fa« ther) full of grace and truth.

/ A^s X, 38. How God anointed Jefus of Nazareth, with the Holy Ghoft, and with power ; who went about doing good, and healing all that were opprcfTed pf the devil : for God was wiih him. Heb, xii. 24. And to Jefus the Mediator of the new covenaiit, and to the blood of fprinkling, that fpeaketh better things than that of Abel. Heb, viii* 22» By fo much was Jefus made i, liirety of a better tcllament*

V Helx^y*^ And no mao taketh this

6o The Confefflon of Fuitk Chap. VIIL

wjio put all power and Judgment into his hand, and gave him/ commandment to execute the fame w/

IV. This ofHce the Lord jefus did raoft willingly under- take a*; which that he might d^fcharge, he was made under the law;/, and did perfectly fulfil it z\ endured moft grievuas torments immediacely in his foul a^ and moll painful fulFerings


this honour tihto hirnfelf, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron. ▼,' $. So alCi Chrift glorified not hinifelf, tp be made an high prieft: bit he that faid unto him, Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee.

'' w John V, 22. For the Father judgeth no man; but hath com- mitted all judgment mnto the Son : V. 27. And hath given him autho- rity to execute judgment alfo, be- cauff* he ts the Son of man. Mat, XX tHi. i 8. And Jefus came and fpake unto them, faying, All ppv/er is given unto me in heaven and iu earth.' Ads ii, 36. Therefore let all tke houfe of Ilrael know afTutedl)'', that God harth mud^ that fame Je- fas, whom ye have crucified, both Lord and Ciiri/i,

IV. .V Pfai. xl. 7. Thffi faid I, Lo*, I c-:Smt :. in the volume of the book it i$ written of me. v. g. I de- light to do thy .will, O-i'^V God; yea, thy law is within my hearr. With Heb. X. 5, '^Vherefore ,when he Cometh into the v/'»rld, he iaith, Sacrifice and offering thou wouldft r'»t, but a body had thou prepared me: Vi 6. In burnt offerings and facrifices for fin,, thou liad had no ptealurc; V, 7, Then faid I. Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me) to do thy will, O God. r. 8. Above, when he faid, Tncrifice, and oiferinjr, and burnt- oiTcvings, and offering for fiiv, thou wouldit not, neither -badll pleafure tlierfiin, ^ which, arts, offered .b^ tl^e

law;) V, 9, Then faid he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God, he fllj taketh away the firft, that he may - il eflablifh the fecpnd, v. 10. By the which will we are faniflified, through the offering of the body of Jeiiis y Chrift once for all ^ John x. 18. Ko man taketh it from me, but 1 lay it down of myfelf: I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again* This commandment have 1 received of my Father. Phil,- ii, 8.- And being four^d in faihion as a man, he humbled hirnfelf, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the crofs,

y Gal. iv. 4. But when the ful- iiefs of the time was come, God fent forth, his Son made of a woman, made under the law.

z Mat iii. 15, And Jefus anfwer- ing, faid urjto him'. Suffer it to be fa now : for thus it bec'oineth us to fulfil all nghieoufnefs. Then he fuffered himi .Mat,, v. i«^. Think n6t that I am come to deflroy the law or the prophets: lam not come to de/froy, but to.fulfiL

a Mati ?cxvi. 37. And he took with him Peter, and the two fons of Zebedee, and began to be forrow- ful, and v.erv heavy, v. ^8. Theri faith he unto th-^'ni, 'JiTy foul is ex- ceeding forrowftil, even unto death. Tarry ye bele, and watch with me. Luke xxii. 44. And being in an a- gony, he puayed more earneflly : and his fweat was as.. it were great drops of blood falling down to the ^rqundi. .Mat, xxtH. 45. And a- '*'■'■•■ •% - bout

Chap. Vill. The Confejfwn of Faith, 6i

in his body b-, was crucified, and died ^; was buried, and'.re- i-nained under the power of death : yet faw no corruption dl On the third day he rofe from the dead e, with the fame bodjr in which he fuffered/j with which alf<^ he afcended into hea- ven, and there fifreth at the right-hand of his Father ^^, mak- ing iniereelfion h ; and {hall return to judge raen and Angels,' at the end of the world /,

. ..V. The

bout the ninth hour Jefus cried with a loud voice, faying, ElI, Rli, lama fabachlhani ? that is to fay, My God, my God, \yhy haft thoii jforfaken'me ? >:" '

b Mat. xxvi. and xxvii. chapters, c PhiL ii. 8. fSeethelaftfcripture in X immediately foregoing.) , d xhz ii. 2 V Hi'^ being delivered by the determinate counfel and fore-, knowledge of God, ye have taken, and by wicked hands, have crnci- iied and Oain, v, 24. Whom God hath raifLd up, having loofed the pains of death, becaufe it was not polTible that ht fhouid be holden of it. V. 27. Becaufe thou wilt not ieavemy foul in hell, neither wile tliou fuffer thine holy one to fee corruption. And .'ids xiii. 37. Bat he whom God raifed again, faw no corruption. Romi xi. 3. Knowing tliat ChriiT: being raifed from the dead, dieth no more: death hath 1^0 more dominion over him,

e I Cor. XV. 3. For I delivered untovoufirflofall, that which I alio received, hov/ that Chrift died for our fins according to the fcriptures : V, 4, And that he was buried, and that he rofe again the third day ac- cording to the fcriptures : * v, 5, And that he was feen of Cephas, then of the twelve,

yjohn XK. 25. The other d-ifci pies therefore faid unto him. We have feen the Lord. Buthefaid unto them, Except \ (hall fee in his^ the

print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrull ray hand into his fide, I will not be- lieve. V.-27, Tbenfaitii he t!> Tho« ' mas, Reach hither thy finger, and; behold my hands ; and reach hither thy hand, and thrutl it into my fide: and be not faithlefs, but be-, lieving.

g Mark xvi. 19. So tbeA, after the Lord had fpoken unto them, he was received up into heaven,, and fat on the right hand of God,

h Rom, viii, 34, Who is he that condcmneth ? It is Chrill that died, . yea rather that is rifen again, wh.9 is even at the right-hand ©f Godj^ who alfo makcth inter ctilion for us, Heb. ix, 24, For Chrifi is not.ea-; tered into tlie holy places made with hands, which are the figures of th«^ true ; but into heaven itfeif, now IQ appear in the prefence of God for us, Heb. vii, 25. Wherefore he is a- ble alfo to lave the%tp the. mtermflrr, that com;: unto Go^ Ijy him, feeing he ever hvethio make inttiCefiioa for them. ., : ; .

/■ Rom. xiv* 9, For to this end Chrift both died, and rofe and re- vived, that he might be Lcrd loii^ ' - of the dead and living, y. 1 0- Biit> why doft thou ji-dge thy b^o^her,^ or why doft thou {^i at nought thy brother ? for we fhall all iiapd be- for the judgment feat ofChrift. A""^* i, II. Wh^h ah^o.frdd, Ve men o£- . . eahlbe; u'-hy (^-iip i?-,-;:


62 ^ The Confejion of Fakh. .Chap. VIII^

V. The Lord Jefus, by his perfeft obedience and facrificc of himfclf, which he through the eternal Spirit once offered up unto God, hath fully fatisfied the juftice of his Father k ; and purchafed not only reconciliation, but an everlafting inheri- tance in the kingdom of heaven, for all thofe whom the Fa- ther bath given unto him /.

VI. Al-

to heaven ? this fame Jefus which is taken up from you into heaven, (hall fo come in like manner as ye have feen him go imo heaven. Afts x, 42. And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to teftify that it is he which was ordained of God to be tlie judge of q^uick and dead. Mat. xiii. 40. As therefore the tares are gathered and burnt in the fire ; fo ftiall it be in the end of this world. ▼.41. The fon of man (hall fend forth his angels, and they fhall ga- ther out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do ini- quity; V. 42. And fhall caft them into a furnace of fire : there fhall l)e •^tailingandgnafhingof teethi Jude 6. And the angels" which kept not their firfl cilate, but left their own habitation, he hath refervcd, in ever- lafling chains under darknefs, unto the Judgment of the great day. 2 Pet. ii. 4. For li God fpared not the angels that finned, burcaft them dowato hell, anddelivered them in- to ^chains of darknefs, to be referved unto judgment.

V. /iRom.v. 19, For as by one man's difobedience many were made finners : fo by the obedience of one, fhall many be made righteous. Heb. tx. 1 4. How much more (hall the blcod of Chrift, who through tlie eternal Spirit offered himfelf with- out fpot to God, purge your con- (ciencc from dead works to ferve the jwng God ? V. 16. For where a te- ifament is, there mufl alfo, of ncccf- txy be the dcatii of ti\e icftator.

Heb. X, 141 For by one offering he .^ hath perfefted for ever them that ^' are fan<5lified, Eph. v. 2. And walk in love, as Chrift alfo hath loved us, and hath given himfelf for us, an , offering and a facrifice to God for a { fweet-fmelling favour. Rom. iii. 25. Whom God hath fet forth tc be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteonfnefs for the remiffion of (ins that arepafi, through the forbearace of God. v. 26. To declare, I fay, at this time his righteoufnefs : that he might be juft, and the juftifier of him wh« beiieveth in Jefus.

/Dan. ix.24. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy citv, to finilh the tranfgreffioo, and to make an end of fins ; and to make recoociliatior> foriniquity. and to bring in ever lad- ing righteoufnefs, and to feal up the viiion and prophecy, and to anoint the moi\ holy, y. 26. And after threefcore and two weeks fhall Mef- fiah be cut off, but not for himfelf; and the people of the prince that fhall come, (hall deftroy the city and the fan<?tuary, and the end thereof ftiall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war defolations are determinedi Col. ii 19. For it pleafed the Father, that in himfhould all fulnefs dwell ; T, 20. And (having made peace through thf blood of his crofs) by him to reconcile all things untohini' iolf; bf him, I fay, whether they be things in earth, or things ia heaven. E|>h. i, XI. I3 whom alfo we have obtained

Chap. VW.. Tkt Conftjm of Faith. 4j

"VI, Although the work of redemption was not anally wrought by Chrift till after hi§ incarnation, yet the vcrtue, ef - ficacy aiicl benefits thereof were communicated unto the ele<5 in all ages, fuceeiTiyely from the beginning of the world, ip .and by ihofe promifes, types and facrifices, wherein he wa$ revealed and fignified to be the feed of the woman, which fhould bruife the ferpent's head, and the Lamb flain from the beginning of the world, being the fame yefterday, and to-d«y, and for ever m,

VI I. Chrift, in the work of m*ediation, a(ftcth according to both natures ; by each nature doing that which h proper to iifclf n : yet, by reafon of the unity of the perfon, that which is proper to one nature, is fometimes in fcripture attributed to the perfon denominated by the other nature o,

VIII. To all thofe for whom Chrift bath purchafed re- demption, he doth certainly and cffedually apply and comnju-


obtained an inheritance, being pre- deftinated according to the purpofe of him who workcth all things after the counsel of his own wilL v. 14* Which is the earned of our inheri- tance, until the redemption of the purchafed pofleflion, unto the praife of his glory. John xvii. 2. As thou haft given him power over all fleih, that he (hould give eternal life to as many as thou haft given him. Heb. ix. 12, Neither by the blood of goats and calvw, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. V. 15. And for this caufe he is the Mediator of the new teftament, that by means of death, for the re- demption of the tranfgreffions that %vere onder the iirft teftament, they which are called might receive the promife of eternal inheritance.

Vl. r; Gall iv, 4. But when the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the lanv, v. 5, To re- deem them that were under the law, that we might receive ihc adoption

of fons. Gen. iii. i f . And 1 will put f limity between thee and the wemftRn and between thy feed and her feed i it {hail bruife thy head and thou (halt bruife his heel. Rev, xlii. 8. And all that dwell upon the earth ftiitli wot' (hip him, whofe names are not writteia in the book of life of the Lambilaiu from the foundation of the world. Hebi xiii. 8. Jefus Chrift the fame yefterday, and to day, and for ever,

VI!. 71 Heb. ix. 1 4. (See letter i fcripture the fecond.) i Peti tii. iS, For Chrift alfo liath once (ufTefed for fins, the juft for the unjuft, (tha* he might bring us to God) being put to death in the fleih, but quickened by the Spirit*

0 AAs XX. 26. Take heed there* fore unto yourfelves, and to all the fiock over the which tbe holy ehoft hath made you orcrfeers, to feed the church of God, which he hath pur- chafed unth his own blood, John iii, 13, And no man hath afcended wp to heaven, bui he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man, v/hich is in hearen. i Jtjha iii. 1 6,


^4 The Confeftoncf Fsitif . Chap. Vllt.

cicate the fame /> ; making interceffion for them 5^; and reveal- ing unto them, in and by the word, the myftery of falvation r\ ciFe^tually perluading them by his Spirit to believe and obey; and ^ovcrncth their hearts by his word ajid Spirity"; overcoming all their enemies by his almighty power and wifdom; in fueh


Hereby -perceive we the love of God, becaule he laid down his life for us : and v/e ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.

VIM./ Joliri vi. 37. All that the Father giveth me, (hall come to me; and him that cometh to me, I will in no wife caft out. v 39, And this is th^J'ather'swill which hathfentme, that of all which he hath given me, 1 fhould lofe notliing,. but fliould raife it up again, at the laft day. John X. I 5. As the Father knoweth me, even fo know I the Father : and I lay down my life for the fheep. v. 1 6. And other fheep I have, wnich £re not of this fold : them alfo I muil: bring, and they (liall kear my voice : and there ihali be one fold, and one fliepherd. . " *■

y I.John ii. I. My little children, thefe things v/rite I unto you, that ye fin not. And if any man fin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jefus.Chriji the righteous : v. 2. And he is tlie propitiation for our fin's : and not for ours only, but alfo for the fins of the whole world. Kom. viii. 3^4. VVhp is he that condemn- eth .? It is Chrift that died, yea ra- ther that is lifen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who alfo jaiaketh Interctilien for us.

r John XV-. ij. Greater love hath no ma^ tl;an this, that a man lay downhis hfe-for his friends, v. 15. Hencsfoith I calLyou rotfervanis ; for the fcrvaut knoweth not what his lord dot!; : biit j have c;illed you friends; for all things that I have Jkajrcl of my Father,"! have made kndwD unto you, JJoh* i. 7. in whon

we have redemption through hi? blood, the forgivenefs of fins, ac- cording, to the riches of his grace ; V. 8, Wherein he hath abounded towards us in all wifdom and pru-r dence. v. 9. Having made known unto us the myftery of his will, ac- cording t0 his good pleafiire which he hath purpofed in hinifelf. John xvii. 6. I have manifeftcd my name unto the men which thou gavell mc cut of the world: thine they were, and thou gaveft them me ; and they have kept thy word* . .

/John xiv. 1 6- And I will pray the Father, and he fhall give you another Comforter, that he may abide wjth you for ever* Heb. xii. 2i Looking unto Jefus, the au»hor and finifher- of cur faith ; who for the joy that was fet before him, eniluied the crofs, defpifing the fiiame, and is iet down at the right hand of the throne of God. 2 Cor, iv. 1:?, We having the fame fpirit of faith ; ac- cording as it is wji:ten, ,1 belie.vtd, and therefore hav-e I fpoken : we rJ- fo beUeve, and therefore fpeak. Rom. viii, 9. But ye are.not in the i3eih» but in the fpirit, if fo be, that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Chrifl, he is none of his. v,-i4. For as many as are Jed by the Spirit of God, they are the fons of God. Rom. xv. iS, For I will -not dare, to fpeak of any of thofe things, wjiich Chriit hath not wrought by me, to make the Gen iik» obedient by word and deed. ,r. 19^ Through miohty figns and wonders, by ihe-navfer of tjje- Spirit Qf -Cod ;-


Chap. IX. The ConfeJJion of Faith. 6$

manner and ways as are moil confouant to his wonderful and unfearchabie difpenfation t.

QiA Kv. X. Of Free Will

dT'i OT> hath endued the will of man with. that natural If^ \jX berty, that it is neither forced, nor by any abiolute neceifity of nature determined, to do good or evil a,

II. Man, in his flate of innocency, had freedom and power to will and to do that which is good and weli-pleafmg to God b ; but yet mutably, io that he might fall from it c.

lil. Man

fo that from Jernfalem, and round about unto lllyricum, I have fully preached the gofpe! of Chril'K John xvii. 17. Sandtify them through thy y.ruth : thy word is truth.

/ Pf?!, ex. I. The Lord faid unto jmy Lord, Sit thou at rny right hand, vinttl t make thine enemies thy foot- ftool. I Cor. XV. 25. For he mufl: leign, till he hath pat all enemies under his feet. v. 26. The lad enemy that fhall be deftroyed, is death. Mai. iv. 2, But unto you that fear my name, fhall the fun of righte- oUfnefs iarife with healing in his wings ; and ye (hall go forth and grow up as calves In the (lall. v. 31 And ye (hall tread down the wick- ed ; for they (hall be afhes under the foles of your feet, in the day that I ftiaJl do this, faith the Lord of hofts. Col. il. 15. And having fpoilecl prin- cipalities and povN^ers, he made a Ihew of them openly, triumphing over ihem in it.

I. a Mat. xvii. 12. But I iay unto you, that Llias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him v/hatfoever they lifted ; Jikev/lfe (hail alfo the Son of man fufFer of them, James i. i^. But every man is tempted, when he is drav.n away of his oWn luft, and

enticed, Deut. xxx. 19. I call hea- ven and earth to record this day a- gainft you, that I have fet before you life and death, bleffing and cutfing : therefore choofe liLs that both thoa and thy feed may live.

U. b Eccl. vii. 29. Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright ; but they have fought out many inventions. Gen. i. 26, And God faid, Let us make man in our image, afctr our likenefs : and let them have dominion over the lifh of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over ail. the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

c Gen, ii. 16, And the Lord God commanded the man, faying. Of every tree of the garden thou mayeft freely eat. v, 17. But of ihe tree of. the know, ledge of good and evil, thou (halt not eat of it : for in the day that thou eateft thereof, thou fhalt furely die. Gen, iii. 6. And when the wo- man faw that the tree w;is good fur food, and that it was pleafant to the eyes, and a. tree to bedefired to make one wife, fhe took of the fiuit there- of, and did eat, and gave alfo unto> her hufbasd with her, and he di4 eat,

£ in.

66 The Confeffion of Faith. Chap. IX-

IlL Man, by his fall into a (late of fm, hath wholly lofl all ability of will to any fpi ritual good accompanying falvation d: fo as a natural man, being altogether averfe from that good e^ and dead in fm/, is not able, by his own flrength, to convert himfelf, or to prepai'e himfelf thereuntb g,

IV. When God converts a fmner, and tranflates him intojhc ftate of grace, he freeth him from his natural bondage under fin hy and by his grace alone enables him freely to will and to do


!!!. d Rom. v. 6. For when we were yet without (Ircngth, in due time Ch rift died for thi ungodly.

Rom. viii. 7. Becaufe the carnal mind is enmity againft cod : for it is not fubje<5t to the law of cod, neither indeed can be. John xv. 5. I am the vine, ye are the branches ; He that abideth in me, and T in him, The fame bringeth forth much fruit : for without me ye can do nothing.

e Rom. iii. 10. As it is written, There is none righteous, no not one : v. 1 They are all gone out of the way, they are together be- come unprofitable, there is none that doth good, no not one.

/"Eph. ii. I. And you hath he quickened, who were dead in tref- pifles and fins. v. j. Even when we were dead in fins, hath quickened us together with Chrift, (by grace ye arefaved.) Col. ii. 13. And you be- ing dead in ycur fins, and the un circumcifion of your flefh, hath he quickened together with him, hav- ing forgiven you all trefpafies.

^ John vi. 44. No man can come to me, except the Father who hath fent me draw him : and 1 will raife him up at the laft day. v. 65. And he fiiid, Therefore f.iid I unto you, that no man can come unto me, ac- cept it were given unto him of my Father. Eph. ii, Wherein in time paft, ye walked according to the courfe of this worldj accc^^ding to

the prince of the power of the air, the {pirit that now worketh in the children of difobedieoce. v. 3, A- mong whom alfo we had our con- verfation in times paft, in thelufts of our flefh, fulfilling the defives of the flefh, and of the mind ; and were by nature the children of wrath, cvea asoti ers, V. 4. But God wh ; isricii in mercy, for his great love where- with he loved us. v. 5. Even whea we were dead«in fins, hath quicken- ed us together with Chrift, by grace ye arefaved.) 1 Cor. ii 141 But the natural man receivcth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolifiinefs unto him : neither can he know them, becaufe they are fpirit- uaily difcerned. Tit, iii. 3. For vc ourfelvesaifo were fomc times foolifh, difobedient, deceived, ferving di- vers lufts and pieafures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hat- ing one another, v. 4. But after that the kindnefs and love of God our Sa- viour towards man appeared, v. 5, Not by works of righteoufnefs which we have done, but according to his mercy he faved us by the walbing of iegen£*tion, and renewing of the Holy Ghoft.

IV. /5 Col. i. 13. Who hath deli- vered us from the power of dark- nefs, and hath tranflated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. John viii* 34, Jefus anfwered them. Verily,, verily, I fay unto you, whofoever


Chap. X. Th Confefftm rf Faith. 67

that which is fpirituaily good /; yet (o as that, by reafon of his remaining corruption, he doth not perfectly nor only will that which is good, but doth aHb will that which is evil L

V. 'The will of man is made perfedlly and immutably free to good alone, in the flate of glory only /.


X. Of Efedual Calling.

AL L thofe whom God hath predeflinated unto life, and thofe only, he is pleafed in his appointed and accepted time effectually to call a, by his word and Spi- rit bj

committeth fin, is thefervant of fin. V. 36. if the Son therefore ftiall make you free, ye (hall be free in- 4eedi

/ Phil, ii. 1 3. For it Is God who Xvorketh in you both to will and to do of his good plsafure. Rom. vi. 18. Being then made free from fir, ye became the fervants of righteouf- nefs. V. 22' But now being made free from (in, and become fervants to Ciod, ye have your fruit unto ho- lidefs, and the end everlafting Hfe.

k Gal. V. 1 7. For ihe flefh lufteth againfl the fpirit, and the fpirit a- gainft the ficlh, and thefe are con- trary the ©ne to the other ; fo that ye cannot do the things that ye Would. Rom. vii, £5. For that which I do, 1 allow not ; for what 1 wauld, that do I not, but what I hale, that do I. V. r8. For I know, that in me (that is, in my flefhj dwelleth no good thing : for to will is prefent v/ith me, but how to perform that which is good, I find not. v. 19. For the good that I would, I do not ; but th.e evil which I would not, that I do. V, 21. I find then a law, that V^hen I wcuM do good, evil is pre fen: v/rth roe. v. 25. But I fee ano- ther law ia ray members warring a- ^ainfl the la\v ef my mind, and

bringing me into captivity to the law of fin, which is in my members.

V. /Eph. iv. 13. Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perftdt man, unto the meafure of the ftature of the fulnefs of Chrift, Heb. xii. 22. To the General afiem- bly and church of the firft born, which are written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to 'the fpirits of jult men made perfe^, I John iii. 2. Beloved, now are we the fons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we fhall "be ; but we know, that when he fiiall appear, we fliall be like him ; for we (hall fee him as he is. Jude 24. Now unto him that is able to keep you fiom fal« ling, and to prefent you faultlels be* fore the prefence of his glory with exceeding joy.

I. a Rora. viii. qo. Moreover, whonx he did prede(Hnate them he alfo cal- led : and whom h^ called, them he alfo juftified : and v/hora he jultifi- ed, them he alfo glorified. Rom. xi* 7. What then ? llrad hath not ob- tained that which he fceketh for ; but the ele(ftion hath obtained it, and the reft were blinded. Eph. i, IQ, That ia the difpenfaden of the ^ a fuJndf

68 The Cortfejfion of Faith. Cha|^^

rit ^, out of that (late of fin and death in which they are by na- ture, to grace and falvation by Jefus Chriftf; enlightening their minds, fpiritually and favingly to underftand the rhirigT of God d\ taking away their heart of Hone, and giving unto


fulnefs of times, he might gather together in one all things in Chrift, both which are in Ue^i'en, and which are on earth, even in him. V. II. In whom alfo we have obtain- ed an inheritance, being predeftinated according to tlie purpofe of him who worketh ail things after the counfel of his own will.

b 2 The/r. ii. i j. But we are bound to give thanks alway toGod for you, brethren, beloved of the Lord ; be- caufe God hath from the beginning chofen you to falvation, thro' fanc- tification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth: "v. 14. Whereuntohe cal- led you by the gofpel, to the obtain- ing of the gloj-y of our Lord Jefus Chrifh 2 Gor.iii. 3. Forafmuch as ye are mr.nifeiHy declared to be the epifHe of Chriit,- miniltred by us, written not with ink, hat with the Spirit of the living God, not in ta- bks of itone, but in fle/lily tables of the heart. ^, 6. Who alfo made us able minifters of the new teftament, i)pt of the letter, but of the Spirit ; for the letter killeili, but the Spirit givcth life.

c Rom. vlli. %. For the law of the Spirit of life, in Ghrill .Jefus, h;ith made me free from the law of fin and death. Enh. ii. i. And you haih he quickened, who were (iead in tr^f- paHes and fins, v^ 2. Wherein in time part ye walked according to the courfe of this v/orld, according to tlvc '^r nee of the power of the air, the fpirit that now worketh in the ciir, . .n of difobedience. v. 3. A- mong whom alfo we all had our converfatiun in times pad, in the iuit Qf our flefh, fulfilling tlie dc-

fires of the flefli, and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. 4. But God who is rich in mercy, for his great love wher-^with ,he loved us, v, 5. Even when we were dead in (ins, hath quickned us together with Chrift, (by grace ye are faved :) 2 Tim. i. 9. Who hath faved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but ac- cording to his own purpofe and grace, wliich was giren us in Chrift Jefus, before the worhl began, «♦ 10* But is now made raanifeft by the ap- pearing of our Saviour Jefus Chrift, who hath abolifhed death, and hath brought life and immortality to light, tlirough the gofpel.

^A(flsxxvi. 18. To opea their eyes, and to turn them from dark- nefs to light, and ffom the power of Satan unto God, ihat they may re- ceive forgivenefs of fins, and inhe- ritance among them who are fandifi- ed by faith that is in me. 2 Cor. ii, 10. But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit : for the Spirit fearcheth ail things, yea the deep things of God. v. 12. Nowwehave received, not the fpirit of the world, but the fpirit which is of God ; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Eph. i^ 17. That the God of our Lord Je- fus Chrill the Father of glory, may give unto ycu the Spirit of wildora and revelation, in the knowledge of him : v, 18. The eyes of your un- derilanding being enlightned; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the richiss of


Chap. X. The ConfeJJton of^Faith, 69

them an heart of flefli^; renewing their wills, and by his Al- mighty power dctennimng them to that which is good/; and effe^ally drawing them to Jefus Chrift^^; yet fo as they come mofl freely, being made willing by his grace h.

II. This effedlual call is of God's free and fpecial grace a- lone, not from any thing at all forefecn in man i, who is alto- gether

the glory of his inheritance in the faints,

e Ezek» xxxvi. 26. A new heart alfo will I give you, and a new fpi- rit will I put within you, and i will take away the (tony heart out of your fleih, and I will give you an heart of lleih.

/*Ezek. xi. 19. And I will give them one heart, and I will put a new fpirit within you ; and I will take the fton-y heart out of their flefli, and will give them an heart of fleih, Phil. ii. 13. For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleafure Deut. xxx. 6. And the Lord thy God will cir- cumcife thine heart, and the heart of thy feed, to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all all thy foul, that thou mayeft live, Ezek. xxxvi. 27. And I will put my Spirit within you, and caufe you to walk in my (latutes, and ye (hall keep my judgments, and do them.

g Eph. i. 19. And what is the exceeding greatnefs of his power to us -ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. John vi. 44. No man can come to me, except the Father who hath fent me, draw him : and I will raife him up at the la(t day. v. 45. It is written in the prophets. And they fliali be all taught of God, Kvery man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, comeih unto me.

h Gaat. i. 4, Draw me, we will run after thee. piaJ. ex. 5. Thy people

fliall be willing in the day of thy power, in the beauties of holioefs, from the womb of the morning thou halt the dev/ of thy youth. John vi, 37. Ail that the Father giveih me, fliill come to me ; and him that cometh to me, I will in no wife caft out. Rom vi. 16. Know ye not, that to whom ye yield your- ftlves fervants to obey, his fervants ye are to whom ye obey ; whether of fin unto death, or of obedience

Cnto rigUteoufueis ? v. 17 But God e thanked that ye ^yere the fervants of fin ; but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doftrine which was delivered you. v. 18. Biirrg then made free from fin, ye became the fervants of righteoufntfs.

11 . / 2 1 im. i. 9. Who hath faved us, and called us with an holy cailirfg, not accoiding to our works, but ac- cording to his own purpofe and grace which was given us in Chrid Jefus, before the world began. Tit. iii. 4. Put after that the kindnefs and love of Cicd our Saviour towards man appeared, v. 5. Notby works of righteoufnefs wiiich we have done, but according to his mercy, he iav- ed us by the; waOiing of regenerati- OB, and renewing of the iloly Ghoit-, Fph ii. 4. But God who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us. v. 5 F.ven when we were dead in fins, hath quickened us together witl, Chrift, ^hy grace ye are faved.) v 8. For by grace are ye faved, through faith ; and that DOt of yourfelves, it is the gift of £ 3 God;

^Cf . Thf Confejfton €f Falth.i Chap. X.

gether paflive therein, until, being quickened and renewed by the Holy Spirit ky he is thereby enabled to anfwer this calj^, and to embrace the grace oiFered and conveyed in it /. ^

HI. £left infants, by dying in infancy, are regenerated and faved by Chrift through the Spirit m^ who worketh when, and where, and how he plcafeth n. So alfo are all other elect per- fons, who are uncapable of being outwardly called by the mi» niftry of the word o,

IV. Others

God : V, 9i Not of works, left any inan (hould boaft. Rom. ix; ti; For trie children being not yet born, neither having done good or evil-, that the purpofe of God according to clecftion might ftand, not of works, but of him that calleth.

k I Cor. ii. 14, BvJt the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God : for they are foolifh- nefs unto him : neither can he know, them, becaufe they are fpiritually difcerned, Rom viii 7.Bccaufethe carnal mind is enmity againfi: God i for it is not fubjed to the law of God, neither indeed can be, Eph. ii, 5. Even when we were dead in fvns, hath quickened us togetherwith Ghrift, (by grace ye are faved.)

/John vi, 37. All that the Father giveth me, fliall come to mc ; and him that comerh to me, I will in no uifecaltout. Exek. xxxvi. 37. And I will put my fpirit within you, and caufc you to walk in my (laiutes, and ye (hall keep my judgments, and do them. John v. 25. verily, verily, I fay unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead fiiall hear the voice of the Son of God : and they that hear fliali live. III. w Luke xvi'ii. 15. And they l>rcught unto him alfo infants, that lie would touch them : but when his <lifciples faw it, they rebuked them V. 16. But Jefus called them unto hinij an'i fai4 Suffer Uttic ciuldren

to come unto me, and forbid then* not : for of fuch is the kingdom of God. And Ads ii. 38. Then Peter faid unto them, Repent, and be bap- tized tv'hf'y tif^^^i you in the name of Jefus Chriflj'fo^^le remiffion of fins, and ye (hall receiv'e'the gift of the Holy Ghoft. v. 39. Fp^the pro- niife is unto yon, and to jfcur chil- dren, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the L6rd our God fhall call. An5 John iii» 3, Jefus an- fwered and faid unto him. Verily verily, I fay unto you, Except a man be born again, he cannot fee the kingdom of God* v. 5. Jefus an- fwered. Verily, verily, I fay unto thee, Except a man be born of wa- ter and of the Spirit, he cannot en- ter into the kingdom of God. And I John v. I 2, He that hath the Son, hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God, hath not life. And Rom. viii. 9. But ye are not in the fie(h, but in the Spirit, if fo be that the Spirit of Cod dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Chrift, he is none of his. (Compar- ed together.)

n John iii. 8. The 'wind bloweth where it lifteth, and thou heareft the found thereof, but canft jioi tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth : fo is every one that is bom of the Spirit.

0 I John V, 1 2. He that hath the SoDj hath life j »Qd he ihat hath not

Qiap*X.^ Tbfi ConfeJJlon of Faith, yi

IV. Others not ele<51ed, although they iray be called by the niiniftry of the word p, and may have fome common o- peration of the Spirit q ; yet they never truly come to Chrift, and therefore cannot be faved r: much lefs can men, not profeffing the Chriftian religion, be faved in any other way whatfoever, be they never fo diligent to frame their lives according to the light of nature, and the law of that reli- gion they do profefs/; and to affeit and maintain, that they may, is very pernicious, and to be detelled /.


tbe Son of God, hath not life, Afts iv. 12. Neither is there falvation in any other : for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we muft be faved.

IV. Mat. xxiit 14. For many are called, but few are chofen.

g Mat. vii. 22. Many will fay to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophefied in thy name ? and in thy name have caft out de- vils ? and in thy name done many wonderful works ? Mat. xiii. 20. But he that received the feed into ftony places, the fame is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiv- cth it. V. 21. Yet hath he not root in himfelf, but dureth for a while : for when tribulation or perfecuiion arifeth becaufe of the word, by and by he is offended. Heb. vi, 41 I'w it is impoffible for thofe who were once enlightened, and have tailed of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghoft, V. 5* And have tailed the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,

r John vi. 64. But there are fome of you that believe not. For Jefus knew from the beginsing who they were that believed not, and who fhould betray him : y 65. And he faid, therefore faid 1 unto you, that no man can come unto me, ex- icept it wert given unto him cf my

Father, r, 66, From that lime many of his difciples went back, and walk- ed no more with him. John viii. 24, 1 faid therefore unto you, that you fhall die in your fins : for if you be- lieve not that I am he, ye ^all die in your (ins.

/Adtsiv.'i 2. Neither is there fal- vation in any other : for there is pone ©ther name under heaven given a^ mongmen, whereby we muft be fay- ed, John xiv. 6. Jefus faith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life ; no man cometh unto the Father, hut by me. Fph. ii. 12. That at that time ye were without Chrift, being aliens from the com- monwealth of ifr.rel, and ftrangers from the covenants of prcmife, hav^ ing no hope, and without God in the world. * John iv. 22. Ye worfhipye know not what^: we know what we worftiip; for falvation is of the Jews, John xvii. 3, And this is life eteroal, that they might know thee, the on- ly true God, and Jefus Chrift whom thou liaft fent.

/ 2 John 9. Whofoever tranfgref- feth and abldeth not in the dodrine of Chrift, haih not God : he that a- bideth in the doftrine of Chrift, he hath both the Father and the Son. V. 20. If theie come any unto you, and bring not this dodrine, receive him not into your houfe, neither bid him God fpecd. v. u. For he that E 4 biddeth


The ConfeJJion efTaM. Chap. XL

Chap. XL Of "Suftification.

THOSE whom God effeaually calleth, he alfo freely, juflifieth a : not by infufing lighteoufnefs into them, but by pardoning their fms, and by counting and accepting their perfons as righteous : not for any thing wrought in them, or done by them, but for Chrid's fake alone : not by imputing faith itfelF, the a£i: of believing, or any other evangelical obe- dience, to them as their righteoufnefs; but by imputing the obedience and fatisfsdion of Chrifl unto them b, they receiving


biddeth him God fpeed, is partaker of his evil deeds, i Cor. xvi. 2 2. If any man love not the Lord Jefus Chrift, let him be Anathema Mara- ratha. GhI. i. 6. i marvel, that ye are fo foon removed from him that called you umo the grace of Chrift, unto another gofpd. v. 7. IVhich is not another ; but there befome that trouble you, and would pervert the gofpel of ChriPr. v. 8. But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gofpel \jnto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let hirn be ac- cur fed.

I. a Rom. viii. c^o. Moreover, whom he did predefli^ate, them he felfo called, and whom he called, them he alfo juftified : and whom he juftified, them he alfo glorified, Rom. iii. 24. Being juftified freely by his erace, through the redempti- on that is in Jefjs Chrift.

1/ Rom. iv, 5. But to him that worketh not. but believeth on him that jud'fieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteoufnefs. v. 6. Even as David alfo defcribeth the tlcffediiefs of the man unto v/honri Cod imputeth righteoufnefs without works, V. 7. Saying, BieiTed are tJiey whnfe iniquities are furgiven, an4 whoie fiiis are cuveie4i 2*

RlefTed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute fin, 2 Cor. v. 19, To wit, that cod was in Chrill, re- conciling the world unto himfelf, rot imputing their trefpaifcs unto them ; and hath committed unio us the word of reconciliation, v. 21* For he hath made him to be fin for «s, who knew no fin, that we might be made the righteoufnefs of God in him, Rom. iii. 22. Even th« righteoufnefs of cod, which is by fai»h of jefus Chrifi unto all, and upon all them that believe ; for there is no difference! v. 24. Being juflified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in jcius Chrift; v. 2^. Whom cod hath fet forth to be a propitiation, through f^ith in his blood, to declare his righteoufnefs for the remiflion of fins that are paft, through the forbear- ance of ood. V. 27. Where is boaft- ing then ? It is excluded. By what law ? of works ? Nay : but by the law of faith, v, 28. Therefore we conclude that a m;\n is jufHfied by faith without the deeds of the kw4 Tit. iii, 5. Not by works of righte- oufnefs which vve have done, but ac- cording to his mercy he faved us, by the wafliing of regeneration, and renewing of the holy oholt : v. ^, T hai l^ifl^ ]uftiJi€d by h.U grac^.

Cliapu Xr The Cmfefton of Faith, 75

and reflingon him and bis righteoufnefs by faith; which faith they have not of 'thcmtclves, it is the gift of God c.

il. Faith, thus receiving and reiting on Chriftand his righ- teoufnefs, is the alone inllrument of juflification ^; yet is it not alone in the perfon juRified, but is ever accompanied with all other faving graces, and Is no dead faith, but worketh by love e.


we fhould be made heirs according to the hope of eternal life. Fph. i. 7. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgivenefs of fins, according to the riches of his grace. Jeri xxiii. 6. In his days Judah ihali be faved, and IfraeJ faali dwell fafely ; and this is his name •whereby he Oiall be called, THE LORD OURRiGHTEOUS WESS I Cor. i, 30. -But of him are ye in Chrift Jefus, who of God is made unto us wifdom, and righteoufnefs, fanftification and redemption, v. 3 1 . l^hat, according as it is writ- ten. He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord. Rom. v. 17. For if by one man's offtnce death reigned by one ; much more they who re- cei»'e abundance of grace, and of the gift oi righteoufnefs, (hall reign in life by one, Jefus Chrift. v. 18. Therefore as by the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to con* demnaiion : even fo by the righte- oufnefs of one, the free gift came Upon ail men unto juftification of life, V, 19. For as by one man's difobedience, many were madt fin- ners : fo by the obedience of one, ftiall many be made righteous,

c A61s X. 44. While Peter yet fpake thefe words, the Holy Ghotl: fell on all them who heard the word. Gal. ii. 16. Knowing that a man is not jufUfied by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jefus Chrift : even we have believed is Jefus Chriftj

that we might be jnftified by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the law : for by the works of the law Ihail no fiefh be juftified. Phil. iii. 9.- And be found in him, not having mine own righteoufnefs, which is of the laWj bnt that which is through the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith. A<^s xiii. 38. ]3e it known unto you therefore, men and breth- ren, that through this man is preach- ed unto you the forgivenefs of fins : V. 39. .-^.nd by him all that believe are juftified from all things, from wliich ye could not be juftified from by the laVv cf Mofes. Eph. ii. 7.Thal in the ages to ccme he might fliew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindnefs towards us, through Chiift Jefus. V. 8. For by grace are ye faved, through faith ; and that not of yourfelves : it is the gift of God,

II. d John i, 1 2. But as many as received him, to them gave he pow- er to become the fons of cod, even to them that believe on his name. Rom. iil. 28. Therefpre we con- clude, that a man is juftified by faith, without the deeds of the law. Rom. V. I. Therefore being juftifi- ed by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jefus Chrift.

e James ii, 17. Even fo faith, if it hath not works, is dead being a- lone. v. 22. Seeft thou how fajili wrought with his wcrks, and by


y4 Th CoYif^ffim of Faith. Chap. XI,

ill. Chrtft, by his obedience and death, did fully difcharge the debt of all thofe that are jiiftified, and did make a pro. per, real and full fatisfa£iion to his Father's jwftice in their be--; half/ Yet, in as much as he was given by the Father for them J?, and his obedience and fatisfa^lion accepted in their ^ ftead.

works was faith made perfeft ? v. 26. For as the body without the fpjrit is dead, fo faith witHout works is dead aJfo. Ga!. v, 6. For in Jefas Ch»ift, neither circumcifion availeth any thing, nor uncircumcifion ; but faith whtch worketh by love.

III. /Rom. V. 8, But cod com- niendeth his bve towards us, in that while we were yet finners, Cbrift died for us. v. 9. Much more then being bow jaftified by his blood, we (ball be laved from wrath through him. V, 10. For if when we were enemies we wsre reconciled to cod by the death of his Son : much more being reconciled, we (hall be faved byftislife. v. 19. For as by one man s difobedience, many were made finners : fo by the obedience of one ftiall maay be made righteons. I Tim. ii. 5. For there is one cod, and one Mediator between cod and men, the roan Chrifi Jefus ; v. 6, Who gave himfelf a ranfom for all, to be ttftified in due tim'e. Heb. x. 10. Ey the whicb will we are /anc* tified, through the offering of the body of Jefus Chrilt once for all. y. »4. For by one offering he hath ptr- fcftcd for ever them that are f«ncti- fied. Dan. ix. 24. Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy holy city, to finilh the iranfgreffion, and to make an end of fins, and iO make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlafting rigbteoufnefs, and 10 feai up the vi- fion and pronhecy, and to anoint the moft holy, v, 26. And after tbreefcore aud twa wedcs, ihail

Mefliah be cut off, but not for him- felf; and the people of the prince that fhall come, (hall deftroy the city and the fandtuary, and the end thereof (hail be with a fiood, and irato the end of the war defolations are determinedi Ifa. liii. 4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and car- ried our forrows: yet we did efteeni him ftricken, fmitten of God, and aiHidcd. V. j. But he was wounded for our tranfgrellions, he was bruife d , for our iniquities : the chaftifcment of our peace was upon him, and with his (hijjes we are healed, v. 6. All we like fheep have gone aflray : we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. v. 10. Yet it pleafed the Lord to bruife him, he hath put him to grief : when thou (halt make his foul an offering for fin, he fhall fee his feed, he fliall prolong his days, and the pleafure of theLord fhall profper in his hand. V, 1 1. He (hail fee of the ttavail of his foul, and fhall be fatisfied : by his knowledge fhati my righteous fervant jufHfy many : for he fhall bear tl,-tir iniquities, v. 12. There- fore will I divide him a portion with the great, ard he fhall divide the fpoil with the ftiong : bccaufe he hath poured out his foul unto death : and he was number'ed with the tranf- grefTors, and he bare the fins of ma- ny, and made intercefEon for the tranfgrefTors.

g Rom. viii. 32. He that fpared not his own Son, but dclirered hint up for ii& ^\i how fhall he not witb


Cajap. XI. The Confejpon of Faith. f%

ftead h, and both freely, not for any thing in them; their ju- ftification is only of free grace /: that both the exa£i: juitice and rich grace of God might be glorified in the julUficaiion of fiDaiers k,

IV. God did, from all eternity, decree to juftify all the clc£i:/: and Ch rift did, in the fuinefs of time, die for their fins, and rife again for their juftification m : neverthelefs they are not juftified, until the holy Spirit doth in due time adually apply Chrift unto them ;;.

V. God

him klfo freely gire us ?!! things ?

/) 2 Cor V. 2 1 . For he hath made him to be fin for us, who knew no fin: that we might be made the rightecufnefs of God in him. Mat, ilu 17, And lo, a voice from hea ven, faying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleafcd, £ph, V. 2. And walk in love, as Chrift alfo hath loved us, and hath given himfelf for us, an offering and facrifice to cod, for a fweet fmelling favour.

; Rom. iii, 241 Being juftified freely^by his grace, through the re- demption that is in Jefus Chrift. Eph. i. 7. In whom we have re- demption thro* his blood, the for- givcnefs of fins, according to the riches of his grace.

i Romi ii. 26, To declare, I fay, at this time, his righteoufnefs : that he might be juft, and the juftifier of him that beheveth in jeius. Eph« ii. 7. That in the ages to come he might (hew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindnefs towards us, through jefus Chrift.

IV. /Gal. iii. 8. And the fcrip- tare forefeeing that God would ju- ftify the heathen through faith, preached before t^e golpel unto Abraham, laying, In thee Ihall all nations be blefled. i Pet, i, 2. E- left, according to the foreknowledge •f Cod the Father, ihrou^h faafti-

ficatlon of the fpirit, unto obedience, and fprinkling of ihe blood of jefuf Chrift. V. 19. But with the preci- ous blood of Chrid, as of a lamb without blemifti and without fpoL, V. 50. *V\'ho verily was fore-ordain* ed before the foundation of the world, but was manifeft in thefe laft times for you. Rom. viii. 30. More- over, whom He did predeftinate, them he alfo called : and whom he called, them he alio juflified : and whom he judified, them he alfp glorified.

m Gal. iv 4. But when the fui- nefs of the lime was come, God fent fwrth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law. i Tim. ii. 6. Who gave himfelf a ranfom iot ally to be teftified in due time. Rom. iy» 26. Who was delivered for our of- fences, and was raifed again for our juftification,

^t Cq1» i, 21. And you that wer« fometime jjlienated, and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath he reconciled, v, 22. In the body of his flelh througl) death, to prefent you holy and uoblameable, and nnreproveable in his fight. Gal. ii. 16. (Sec letter e immediatly fore- going.) Tit. iii. 4. But after that the kindnefs and love of Cod our Saviour towards man appeared, v, 5. Not by works of righteoufnefs which we hare dooe^ but according


7 6 The Confejfton of Faith. Ghap. XL

V. God doth not continue to forgive the finsof thofe that arc juftified o: And although they can never fall from the ftate of jurtification /), yet they may by their fins fall under God's fa-p therly difpleafure, and not have the light of his countenance reftored unto them until they humble themfelves, confefs their fins, beg pardon, and renew their faith and repentance a.

VL The

td hts mercf he favcd us by the waihing of regeneration, and renew- ing cfthe Holy Ghoft ; v. 6. Which he fted on as abundantly, through Jefos Chrilt our Saviour ; v. 7. That being jul^ified by his grace, we fhould be made heirs according to the hope cf eternal life.

Vi <7 Mat» vii 12, And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. I John i^ 7. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fcHowihip one with another, and the blood of jefus Chrirt his^Son cleanf- ethus from all fin. vi 9. If we con- fefs our iins, he is faithful and juft to forgive us our fins, and tocleanfe us from all unrighteoufnefs. i John ii. J. My little children, thefe things write i unto you, that ye iin not^ And if any man fin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrilt the righteous, v. 2. And he it the propitiation for our fins : and not for ours only, but alfo for the fios of the whole world.

p Lnke xxii. 32. But 1 'have pray- ed for thee, that thy faith fail not ; and when thou art converted, /lren:ithen thy brethren. John x. 28. And 1 give unto them eternal Jife, and thev f])^!l never perifh, nei- ther fhall any piuck them out ofuy band. ileb. x, 14. For by one of fering he hath perfected for ever them that are fanOified.

q Pfal. Ixxxix. 31. if they break my flatutes, and keep not my com- fBandmcnis; v, 32. llien will I

vifjt their tranfgrefHon with the rod, and their iniquity with flripes. v. 3^. Neverthelefs, my loving kind* nefs will I not utterly take from him, nor fuffer my faithfulnefs to fail, Pfal. li. 7. Purge me with hyfTop, and I fhall be clean : wafli me, and I* fhall be whiter than the fnow* V. 8 Make me to hear joy and glad- nefs : that the bones which thou hafl broken may rejoice, v. 9. Hide thy face from my fins ; and blot out all mine iniquities, v. 10. Create in me a clean heart, O God ; and renew a right fpirit within me. Vi 1 1 . Cafl me not away from thy prefence ; and take not thy holy Spirit from me. v. 12. Reflore un- to me the joy of thy falvation : and upliold me with thy free Spirit. Pfal. xxxii. 5. 1 acknowledged my fin un- to thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid : I faid, 1 will confefs my tranfgreiTions unto the Lord; and thon forgavefl the iniquity of my f^r)4 Mat. xxvi. 75'. And Peter re- membred the wordsof Jefus, which faid unto him, Before the cockcrow thou fhalt deny me thrice. And he Went out, and wept bitterly, I Cor, xi. 30. For this c^ufe many are weak and fickly among you, and many fleep. v. 32, Hut when we are judge<^, we are chaftened of the Lord, that we (hould not be con- demned with I lie world. Luke i. 20, And behold, thou fhalt be dumb, and fpieak, until The day that thefe thin^is ihaU be performed, becaufc

Ghap. XIL The Confefion of Faith. 77

VI. The juilification of believers under the Old Tefta- ment was, in all thefe ref(;e<^s, one and the fame with chc juilification of believers under the New Teftament r.

Chap. XIL Uf Adoption,

ALL thofe that are juflified, God vouchfafeth in and for his only Son Jefus Chriil, to make partakers of the grace of adoption ^: By v/hich they are taken into the number, and enjoy the liberties and privileges of the children of God^; have his name put upon theuK, receive the fpirit of adoption //,


becaufe thou believeft not my words which (hall be fulfilled in their (ea-

VI. r Gal, iii.. 9, So then they who be of faith, are blcflfed with faithful Abraham, v. 13. Chrift hath redeemed us from the curfe ©f the law, being made a curfe for us : for it is written, Curfed is every one that hangeth on a tree. v. 14, That the bielding of Abraham might come on the Gentiles, through Jefus Chrift: that we might receive the promife of the Spirit, through faith, Rom. iv, 22, And therefore it was imputed to him for righteoufnefs. v, 23. Now it was not \critten for his fake alone, that it was imputed to him \ v. 24. But for us alfo, to whom it fhall be imputed, if we believe on him that raifed up Jeins our Lord from the dead. Heb. xiii, 8. Jefus Chrifi the fame yefterday, and to day, and for ever.

L /!jr Eph. i. 5, Having predefiJ- nated us unto the adoption of chil- dren by Jefus Chrift to himfelf, ac- cording ro the good pleafure of his will. Gal. iv. 4. But when the ful- neis, of time was come, God lent forth his Son^ made of a womaOj made uader the law, v. 5. To re- dseiathem that were under the lawi

that we might receive the adoption of fons.

b Rom. viil. 17. AnJ if chiMren, then heirs ; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Chrifl : if fo be that fufFer with him, that we may be al- fo glorified together. John i. 12. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the fons of God, even to them that be- lieve on his name.

c Jer. xiv. 9. Yet thou, O Lord, art in the midff of us, and we are called by thy name, leave us not. 2 Cor. vi, 18. And will be a Father unto you, and ye Ihall be my fons and daughters, faith the Lord Al- mighty. Rev. iii. 12. Him that o- vercometh, will I make a pillar io the temple of my God, and he fhall go no more out : and I will write ujion him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerufaiem, which Com- eth down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.

d Rom. viii. 1 5. For ye have not received the fpirit of bondage again to fear: but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, father,


78 The ConfeJfM of Fakh. Chap. XIll

have acCefs to the throne of grace with boldnefs e, are e- nabled to cry, Abba, Faiher/j are pitied ^, proteded /?, pro"- vided for;, and chaftned by him as by a lather k\ yet never caft off/, but lealedto tlic day of redemption w, and inherit the promifes w, as heirs of everlafling faivation o.

Chap. XIII. Of SanBif cation.

THEY who are efFe^ally called and regenerated, having a new heart and a new fpirit created in them, are farther fanflified really and perfonally, through the vertue of Cbrift's death and refurreiftion a, by his word and Spirit dwelling in


f Eph. ill. 12* In whom we have boWoefs and accefs with confidence by the faith of him. Rom. v. 2. By whom alfo we have acoefs by faith into this grace, wherein we ftand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God,

yCal. iv. 6. And becaufe ye are fons, God hath fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

g Pfal. ciii, 3. Like as a Father pitieth his children: fo the Lord pi - lieih them that fear him.

h Prov. XIV. 26'. In the fear of the Lord is ftrong confidence : and his children fhali have a place of refuge.

/ .vlat. vi. 30. Wherefore if God fo clothe the grafs of the ii^\6^ which to-day is, and to morrow is caft into the oven, ihall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith ? v. 32. For your heavenly Father know- cth that yc have need of all^thefe things. I Pet. v. 7, Casing all your care upon hini>for he careth for you.

k Hcb. xii.<^. For whom the Lord loveth, he chaltneth, and igourgeth every fon whom he receivech.

/ Lam. lii. 3 1 . For the Lord Will D«t cafl off for ever.

tn Eph. iv. 30, And p.rievenot the holy Spirit of God, > .ereby ye are lealed unto the day of redemption.

n Heb. vi. 12. That ye be not flothful, but followers of them, who through faith and patience inherit ti»« promifes.

0 I Pet. i. 3. BlelTed be the God arid Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, who according to his abundant mer- cy hath begc ten us again unto a lively hope, by the refurreflion of Jefus Chrifi from the deaJ, v. 4. To an inheritance incorruptible, an4 undefiled, and that fadeth not away, rcferved in heaven for you, Heb. i. 14. Are they not all miniftring fpi- rits, fent forth to minifter for them who fliall be heirs of faivation ?

It ^ I Cor. vi. 1 1, And fuch were fomt of you: but ye are vv'aOied, but ye are fandified, but ye are juftified in the name of the Lord Jefus, and by the Spirit of our God. Ails xx. 32. And now, brethren, 1 commec'd you to God, and to the word of hia grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance a- mong all them who are fandified^ Phil, iii. 10. That I mr^y know him^: aad the power of his refurre^ion,


Chap. XIII. The Confejfion of Faith. 79

them h : the dominion of the whole body of fm is deftroyed r, and the feveral lulls thereof are more and more weakned and moriiiied d, and they more and more quickned and tlrength- ened in all faving graces e, to the pradice of true hcdinefs, without which no man (hall fee the Lord/.

II. This fandification is throughout in the whole man^; yet impcrfe^ in this life, there abideth (llll fome remnant of corruption in every part;^: whence arifeth a continual and


and the fellowfhip of his fufferings, being, made conformable unco his death. Rom. iy, 5. For if we have been planted together in the Ilkenefs of his death: we fliall be alfo in the liknefs of his refurrt<5tion. v. 6. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of fin might be deftroyed, that hence- forth we fliould not ferve fin.

h John xvii. 17. Sandlify them thro' thy truth, thy word is truth. Eph. T. c>6. That he might fan^tify and cleanfe it with the wafliing of water by the word. 2 ThefT. ii. 13. But we are bound to give thanks al- way to God for you, brethren, be- loved of the Lord, becaufe God hath from the beginning chofen you to falvation, through fandification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth.

c Rom. vi. 6. Kno\<ring this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of fin might be de- ftroyed, that henceforth we fhould not ferve fin. v. 14, For fin (hall not have dominion over you : for you are not under ths law, but un- der grace.

d Gal. v, 24. And they that are Chrift'9, have crucified the fle(h, with the affe^ftions and lufts. Rom. Tiii. 13. For if ye live after theflefli, ye ftiall die : but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye fhall live.

tf Go], i. II. Strengthened wkh

all might according to his glorious power unto all patience, and long« fufFering with joyfulnefs.r ,Eph. iii. 16. That he would grant you ac- cording to the riches of his glory, to be ftrengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man : v. 17. That Chrift may dwell in your hearts by faith ; that ye being root- ed and grounded in love, v. 18. May be able to comprehend with all faints what is the breadth and length, and depth and height; v, 19. And to know the love of Chrift, which paffeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulnefs of God.

/2 Cor. vii. I. Having therefore thefe promifes, dearly beloved, lee us cleanfe ourfelves from all fikhi- nefs of the flefh and fpirit, perfefting holinefs in the fear of God. fieb. xii. 14. Follow peace with all men, and holinefs, without which no mau fhall fee the Lord.

11.^ I ThefT. V. 23. And the very God of peace fandify you wholly : and I pray God your whole fpirit, and foul, and body be preferved bl.^melefs unto the coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift.

h I John i. 10. If we fay that w* have not finned, we make hirn a iiar, and his word is not in us. Rom. vii, 18. For 1 know that in me (that is, in my fie 'h) owelleth no good thing: for to will is prefsnt with me, bat


$0 The Confefflon of Faith. . Cha^pVXlV.

concileable war; the fiefti lufteth againfl the iSpirit, and the Spirit again ft the iielh /. ^ . -

"'■ 111. In which war, although tKe remaining corruption for a time may much prcNail i, yet, through the contimial fupply of (Irength from the fan6hfying Spirit of Chrift, the rege- nerate part doth overcome /. And (o the faints grow in grace w, perfeding holinefs in the fear of God n.

Chap. XIV. Of Saving Faith.

THE grace of faith, whereby the eleift arc enable^ to believe to the faving of their fouls a^ is the work of the


how to perform that which is good, 1 find not. V. 23. But i lee another law in my members, warring againll the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of fin, which is iu my member?. Phil. iii. 12, Not as though I had already at- tained, either were aheady perfed: but I follow after, if thgt I may ap- prehend that for which alfo 1 am apprehended of Ghrift Jefus.

/■ Gal, V, 17, For the flelh luCteth againft the Spirit, and the Spirit a- gainft the fiefh : and thefe are con- trary the one to the other ; {0 that ye cannot do the things that ye would. I Pet, ii. i r. Dearly belov- ed,* I befcech you as ftranoers and pilgrims, abftain from fiefiiiy lulb Which war againfl the foul.

III. /^Pvom. vir. 23. But f fee ano- ther law in my members, warring againft the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of fm, wliich is in my

/ Rom, vi'. 14. For fin fl-iall not have dominion over you : for ye are not under the lav/, buc under grace, I Jolm V. 5. For whatfoever is born of God, orercometh the world : and this is the viftory that overcom-

eth the world, even our faith. Eph. iv, 15. But (peaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Chrift. v, i6< From whom the whole body fitly Joined together, and coropafled by that which every part fupplieth, according to the effeflual working in the meafure of every parr, maketh increufe of the body, unto the edifying of itfelf in lovcx

m 2 Pet. iii. 18. But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of cur Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrill ; Trt him be glory both now and for ever. Arnen, 2 Cor, iii. 18. But we all v*'ith open face, beholding as in a glafs the glory of the Lord, are changed into the fame image, from glory to glory, even as by xhe Spi- rit of the Lord.

n 2 Cor. vii, i. Having therefore thefe proroifcs, dearly bclovtd, let us clcanf'e ourfelves from ail fihhinefs of the fle{h and fpirit, perfedling ho- linefs in the fear of God.

I. a Heb, x. 39. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdi- tion ; but of them that bdicTC to the fiivirg of the foul,

h 2 C&r,

Chap. XIV. The ConfeJ/ion of Faith. 9 1

Spirit of ChriR in their hearts ^; and this is ordinarily wrought by the miniilry of the word c: by which alfo, and by the ad» miniftration of the facraments, and prayer, ic is increafed and it rengihened^.

IL By this faith, a Chrifllan believerh to be ^v\^z whatfoever is revealed in the word, for the authority otGod himfelf fpeak- ing therein^; and afleth differently upon that which each parti- cular

b 1 Cor, Jv. 13. We having rhe fame fplrit of faith, according ar) it isMynUcn, I bdievecl, and therefore have^I fpoken : we alfo believe, and thereTore fpeak. Fph. i. ^ 7. That the God of our Lord jefas Chrift, the Father of glory, may give unio you the Sjiirit of vvildom and reve- lation in the knowledge of him. v. iS. The eyes of your underftanding being enliphtened ; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the faints, v. 19, And what is the exceedmg greatnefs of hi* power to us- ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty power. Eph. ii. 8, For by grace are ye faved, through faith ; and that not of yourfelves ; it is the gift of God.

c Rom. X. 14. How then fhall they call on him of whom they have not believed ? and how (hall they believe in him of v/hom they have not heard ? and how (hall they hear without a preacher ? v. 17. So then, faith Cometh by hearing, and hear- ing by the word of God.

d I Pet. ii. 2, As new born babes defire the finccre milk of ihe word, that ye may grow thereby. A<fls xx. 52. And now, brethren, I commend yea to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you uj), artd to give you an inherirance a^ mong all them which are fantftifi^d. Rom. iv. II. And h^ recdved tha

fign of circumclfion, a fcal of the rig'iteoufnefs of the faith, which he had yet being uncircumcifed ; that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcifed ; that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo, Luke xvii, 5. And the apoftles faid unto the Lord, Increafe our faiih, Rom. i. 16. For I am not alhamed. of the gofpel of Chrift : for it is the power of God untofalvation t,o every one that believeth, to the Jew firft, and alfo to the (J reek. v. 17. For therein is the righteoufnefs of cod revealed from faith to faich : as it is written, The juft {hall live by faith* II. e John iv, 42. And faid unta the woman, Now we believe, not be- caufe of thy faying ; for we have heard him ourfeives, and know that this is indeed the Chnfi, the Saviour of the world, i ThefT. ii. 13. For this caufe alfo thank we God with- out ceafin|, becaufe when ye receiv- ed the word of Ged which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but (as it is in truth) the word of God, which cfFeftually workeih alfo in you that believe. I John v. J He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witnefs in himfelf : he that believeth not God, hath made him a liar, becaufe he believeth not the record that cod gave of his Son. A(5is xxiv. 14. But this I confefs unto thee, that after tbfi- ^rijr which they call herefy, fo F worfhip

8i The Ckfejton of Faith. Chap. XIV

cwlar paffage thereof containeth'; yielding obedience to the commands/, trembling at the threatnin^gs g, and embracing the pFomifes of God for this life and that which is to come h. But the principal aft s of faving faith "^re, accepting receiving, and reding upon Ch rift alone for juftification, fanftification, and eternal life, by virtue of the covenant of grace i,

III. This faith is different in degrees, weak ot;Y{lrong k ; may be often and many ways alTailed and weakned,~ Biit gets the viftory /; growing up in many to the attainment of a full


worfhip I the God of my fathers, be- lieving all things which are written ID the law and ths prophets.

y.Rom. xvi. 26. Bttt nowis made fnanifcfl, and by the fcriptures of Ihe prophets, according to the com- mandment of the everlafting God, made known to all nations for the obedience of faith.

^ i£a. Ixvi. 2. For all thofc things hath mine hands made, and all thofe things have been, faith the Lord : but to this man will 1 look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite fpirit, and trcmbleth at my word.

h Heb. xi. 13. Thefe all died in faith, not having received the pro- mlfes, but having feen them afar off, and were perfuaded of them, and embraced them, anci confefTed that they were Grangers and pil- grims on the earth, i Tim. ivl 8. For bodily exercife profiteth little : but godlinefs is profitable unto all things, having promife of the hfe that now is, and c^f that which is to. come.

/ John i. 12. But as many as re- ceived him, to them gave he power to become the Tons of God, even to them that believe on his name, a(51s xvi, 31. And they faid, Btilievc on the Loiid Jefus Chrifl, and thou (halt Be faved, and ihy houfe. Gal. ii. 20t \ .am crucified with Chrifl : Never- thdeis lliy^ ; yctjjot I, but Ghrift

Ilveth in me ; and the life which I now live in the flefh, I live by^aith of the Son of <iod, who loved me, and gavehimfelf for me. A6ts xv. 1 1. But we believe that thro' the grace of the Lord Jefus Chrift, we (hall be faved even. as they.

III. k Heb; V. 13. For every one that ufeth milk is unfldlful in' the word of righteoufnefs : for he is a babe. v. 14. But (trong meat be- longeth to them that are of full age, even thofe who by reafon o^ ufe have their fenfes exercifed to difcern both good and evil. Rom. iv. 19. And being not weak in faith, he conlider- ed not his own body now dead, when he was about an hundred years old, neither yet the deadnefs of Sarah's womb, v.- 20. He dag- gered not at the promife of God through onbeHef, but was (Irong in faith, giving ^TJory to God. Mat. vi. 30, Wherefore if God fo clothe the grafs of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is caft into the oven, (hall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith ? Mat. viii. 10. Wlien Jefus heard it, he marvelled, and fiid to them that followed, Ve- rily I iay unto you, I have not found fo great faith, no not in Ifrael,

/ Luke XX ii. 31. And the Lord faid, Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath defircd to have you, that he may fift yoii as wheat ; v. 3 2. But 1


Ghap. XY. The ConfeJJisn cf Faith. $3

aflurance through Chriil my who is boththe author and fini- flier of our faith n.

Chap. XV: Of Repentance unto Life.

REPENTANCE unto life is an evangelical grace a^ jtfee do<*l:nne whereof is to be preached by every mini- fter of the gofpe), as v*ell as that of faith in Chrill b,

II. By it a finner, out of the fight and fenfe, not only of the danger, but ^\(o of the filthinefs and odioufnefs of his fms, as co!iCj;ary 10 the holy nature and righteous law of God; and jp'o^ the apprehenfion of his mercy in Chrift to fuch as are penitent; fo grieves for, and hates his fins, as to turn from


have prayed for thee that ?hy faith fail not; and svhen thou art eonvert- Ijd^.llreogthcn thy brethren. Eph. VI. 16. Absve ail, taking the fhield of faith, wherewith ye (hall be able to t|uanch t'oe fiery darts of tbe wicked, i John v. 4. For whRtfo- ever is born of God qvercomcth the world: and this is the vidory that overcome th the world, even our faith. V. 5. Who is he that over- cometh the world, but he that be- Jieveth that jefus is the Son of Goaf «zHeb. vi. 1 1. And we defire that everyone of you do fhsw the fame diligence, to the full afTurance of hope unto the end : v. 13. That ye be not flothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience in- herit the promifes. Heb. x. 22. l<et draw near with a true hejirt, in fAill afTurance of faith,, having ouf hearts fprinkled from an evil con- feience, and our bodies wafhed with pure water. Col. ii. 2. That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full afTurance of under; (landing, to the ackqwledgcment of the myflery of God, and of the fa- ther, and of Chrift.

n Heb. xii. 2 . Looking unto Jefus, the author and finiflier of our faith 5 who for the joy that was fet before hiiu, endured the crofs, defpifing the lliame, and is fet down at the right hand of the throne of God.

I. a Zech. xii. 10. And I will pour upon the houfe of £)avid,-and upon the inhabitants of jerufalem, th« fpirit of grace and of f»<pplications, and they fha-ll look upon me whom they have pierced, and they fhall mourn for him, as one mournetli for hrs only fon, and Ihail be in bit- ternefs for him, as one that is in bit* ternefs for his lirft born. Adts xi. 18, When they heard thefe things, they held their peace, and glorified God, faying. Then hath God alfo to the Gentiles granted repentance untcJife^

^ Luke xxiv. 47. And that repen- tance and remiffion of (ins fhould be preached in his name, among all nations, beginning at Jerufalem. Mark i. { And faying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of cod is at hand: repent ye and believe the gofpel. Ads xx. 2 1 . Teftifying both to the Jews, and alfo to the Qreeks, repentance to^ward- God, f 2 suid

84 : The Confeffion of Faith. Chap. XV.

them all unto God c, propofmg and endeavouring to walk with him in all the ways of his commandments d,

III. Although repentance be no: to be refled in, as any fatis-


and faith toward our Lord Jefus Chria.

II. c Ezek. xvlii. 30, Therefore I will judge yon, O houfe of ifrael, every one according to his ways, f^aith the Lord cod : repent, and turn yourfelves from all your tranf- greflions ; fo iniquity fhall not be your ruin, v. 31. Cafi away from you "your tranfgreffions, whereby ye have tranfgrefTed, and make you a new heart and a new fpirit ; for why will ye die, O houfe of ifrael, Ezek. xXvi. 31. Then fhall ye re- member your own evil ways, and your doings that were not gdod, and fliall lothe yourfelves in your own fight, for your iniquities, and for your abominations,, 22. Ye (hall defile alfo the covering of thy graven image of filver, and the ornament of thy moJten images cif ;»old : thou flialt cafi them away as a menftruous cloth : thou fhalt fay unto it, Get thee hence. Pfal. li. 4, Againft thee, thee only have I fin- ned, and done this evil in thy fight : that thou mighteft be juOified when thou fpeakefl:, and be clear when thou judgefh Jer. xxxi. 18, 1 have furely heard Ephraim bemoaning himfelf thus, Tliou haft chaftifed me, and 1 was chaftifed, as a bul- lock unaccuflomed to the yoke : turn thou me and I fhall be turn- ed ; for thou art the Lord my God, v. 19* Surely after that I was turn- ed, I repented ; and after that I was inflrucfted, I fmote upon my thigh : I was afhjimed, yea, even confound- ed, becaufe I did bear the reproach of my youth, Joel ii. 12. Therefore aifo now, faith the Lord,; Turn ye

even to mc with all your heart, and with fafting, and with weeping, and with mourning, v. 15, And rent your heart and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, flow to anger, and of great kindnefs. and repenteth him of the evil. Amos v, 15. Hate the evil, and love the good, and eftablifh judgment in the gate : it may be that the Lord God of hofts will be gracious unto the remnant of Jofeph, Pfal. cxix. 128. Therefore I efteem all thy precepts concerning all things to be right ; and I hate every falfe way* 2 Cor. vii, II. For behold, this felf-fame thing that ye forrowed after agodly foit, what carefulnefs it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of your- felves, yea, what indignation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement de- fire, yea, what zeal, yea, what re- venge ! in all things ye have ap- proved yourfelves to be clear in this matter.

d Pfal. cxix. 6. Then fliall I not be afliamed, when I have refpedl unr to all thy commandments, v. ^9.1 thought on my ways, and turned my feet unto thy tefl^imonies. v. 10^. I have fworn, and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judg- ments. Luke 1.9. And they were both righteous before cod, walking in all the commandments and ordi- nances of the Lord biamelefs. 2 Kings xxiii. 1 5.And like unto himwas there no king before him, that turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his foul, and with all his might, according to all the law of Moiiss ; neither

Chap. XV. The Confeffloh of Faith. 9^

faftion for (iri, or any caufe of the pardon thereof f, which i^ the a6l of God's free grace in Chrift/, yet it is of fuch necef- fity to all finners, that none rnay expert pardon without it^.

IV. As there is no fin fo fmall, but it deferves damnation h\ io there is no fin fo great, that it can bring damnation upon thofe who truly repeili /.

V. Men

neither after him arofe there any like him.

lil.^Ezek. xxxvi. 3r.Theufhall ye remember your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and fliall lothe yourfelves in your own fight, for your iniquities and for your abominations, v. 32, Not for your fakes do 1 this, faith the Lord God, be it known unto you : beafliamed and confounded for your own ways, O houfe of Ilrael. Ezek, xvi, 61* Then /halt thou remember thy ways, and be afiiamed, when thou (halt receive thy filters, thine elder and thy younger : and I will give them unto thee for daughters, hut not by thy covenant, v. 62. And I will eftablifii my covenant with thee, and thou fhalt know that 1 am the Lord. v. 63. That thou mayed remember and be confounded, and never open thy mouth any more^ be- caufe of thy fiiame, when I am pa- cified towards thee for ail that thou had done, faith the Lord God.

/*Hofea xiv. 2. Take with you words, and turn to the Lord, fay unto him. Take away all iniquity, and receive us gracioufly : fo will we render the calves of our lips. v. 4. I will heal their backiliding, I will love them freely : for mine an- ger is turned away from him. Rom. iii. 24. Beirig juitified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Chrift 3 elus. Eph, i.7. In whom \te have redemption thro' his bJood. the forgivennefs of fins, according to tiie riches of his griice.

g Luke xlil» 3. 1 tell you. Nay : but except ye repent, ye fhall all likewife perifh. v. 5. 1 tell you. Nay : but except ye repent, ye (hall all likewife perifh. Aits xvii. 30. And the times of this ignorance' cod winked at ; but now commandeth all men every where to repent, v, 31. Becaufe he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in rightedufnefs, by that man whom he hath ordained ; whereof he hath given alTurancc wnto all men* in that he hath raifed him from the dead.

IV, /; Rom. vi. 2 3! For the wages of fin is death ; but the gift of God is eternal life, through Jefus Chiift our Lord. Rom. v. 1 2. Wherefore, as by one man fin entered into the world, and death by fin ; and fo death pafTed upon all men, for that all have finned; Mat. xii. 36. Hut i fay unto you, that every idle word that men lliall fpeak, they Ihall give account thereof in the day of judg- ment.

/ Ifa. Iv. 7. Let the wicked for- fake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him re- turn unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him, and to our God, for he v/ill abundantly pardon. Rom. viii. i. There is therefore now ■no condemnation to them vyho are in Chrilt Jefus, who walk not after the fiefh, but after the Spirit, ifa. i. 16. Wadi ye, make you clean, put away the. evil of your doings from before mine eyes, ccafti to do evil. f 3 V. 18,

^6 The Confejion of Faifk Chap. XV.

V. Men ought not to content themfelves with a general repentance, but it is every man's duty to endeavour to repent of his particular fins particularly k.

VI. As every man is bound to make private confeffion of his fins to God, praying for the pardon thereof /; upon which, and the forfaking of them, he ftiall find mercy m: So he that fcan- dalizeth his brother, or the church of Chrift, ought to be wil- ling, by a private or public confefTion and forrow for his fm, to dedare his repentance to thofe that arc offended n; who are


▼. 1 8. Come now and let us reafon together, faith the Lord; though your fins be as fcarlet, they (hall be as white as fnow ; though they be red like crimfon, they fhall be as wool.

V. k Pfal. xlx. 13.' Keep back thy fervant alfo from prefumptuous fins, let them not have dominion over ine ; then fliall I be upright, and I fliall be innocent from the great tranfgreffion. Luke xix. 8. And 2ac- cheus ftood and faid unro the Lord, Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor, and if I have ta- J;en any thing from any man by falfe^ accufation, I reftore him four fold. I Tim. i. 13. Who was before a blafphemer, and a perfccutor, and injuri ius. But I obtained mercy, becaufe I did it ignorantly, in un- belief. V. 15. Tliis is a faithful fay- ing, and worthy of all accepution, ihat Jcfus Chrid came into the world to fave finners 5 of whom I am chief.

VI. /Pfd. li. 4. Againft thee, thee only have ! finned, and done this evil xo thy fight : that thou mighteft he juftified when thou fpeakeft, and be clear when thou judgeft-, v. 5. be- hold, 1 was fhapen m iniquity : and in fin did my mother conceive me. v. 7. Purge me with hyfTop, and I fliall be clean^; wafli me, and 1 (hall be whiter than the foow. v. 9, Hide

thy face from my fins ; and hlot out all mine iniquities, v. 14, Deliver me from blood-guiltincfs, O cod, thou God of my falvaticn : and my ton-gue fliall fing aloud of thy righ- teoufnefs, Pfal. xxxii. 5. I acknow- ledged my.Hn unto ihee, and iiiiae iniquity have I not hid: I faid, i will conftfs my tranfgrefiions unfo the Lord; and tbou forgaveft the iniquity of my fin, Selah. v. 6. For this fliall every one that is godly pray unto thee, in a time when thou mayeft be found : furelyin the floods of great waters, they (hall not come nigh unto him.

M Prov.xxviii. 13. Fie that cover* eth his fins, ftiall not profper : but whofo confeffeth and forfaketh them, ftiall have mercy, i John i. 9. if we confefs our fins ; he is faithful and JLift to forgive us our fins, and to (pleanfe us from all unrightcoufnefs.

n James v. 16. Confe^ your faults one to another, and pray one for a- Bother, that ye may be he-aled : The efft.^ual fervent prayer of a righte- ous man availeth much. Luke xvii. 3. Take heed to yourfelves : If thy brother trefpafs againlt thee, rebuke him ; and if he repent, forgive him, V. 4. And if he trefpafs againft thee feven times in a day, and feven times in a day turn again to thee, faying, 1 repent; thou flialt forgive him. Jofli. vii. 19. Asd Jcfhua faid untQ y^^han^

Chap.-XW. The Confeffion of- Faith. ^

thereufton to be reconciled to him, and in love lo receive him «?•

Chap. XVI. Of Good Works.

GOOD works are only fuch as God hath commanded in his holy word ^, and not fuch as, without the warrant thereof, are devifed by men, out of blind zeal, or upon ainy pretence of good intention ^.

II. Thefe good works, done in obedience to God's com* mandments, are the fruits and evidences of a true and live- ly faith c: and by them believers manifeft their thankful-


Achan, My fon, give, I pray thee, glory to the Lord Godof Ifraol, and make conffeflion unto him ; and tell me now what thou hall done, liide It not from me, (Pfal. li, through- out.)

^2 Cor. ii. 8. Wherefore I befecch you, thai you would confirm your love towards him.

I. a Micah vi. 8. He hath ftiewed thee, O man, what is good ; and >what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do juftice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God ? . Rom. xiii 2. And be not conformed to this world : but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable and perfeft will of God. Heb. xiii. 2 1 . Make you p«. \t6t in every good work to do his will, working in you that v/hich is well- pleafmg in his fight, through Jefu3 Chri{i ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

b Mat. XV. 9. But in vain they do worfhip me, teaching for do<5lrines the commandments of men. Ifa. xxix. 13. Wherefore the Lord iaid, Foraf- much as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have remov-

ed t^eir heart far from me, and their

fear towards me is taught by the pre- cept of men, 1 Pet. i. 1 £. Forafmuch as ye know that ye were not redeem- ed with corruptible things, as filver and gold, from your vain converfa- tion, received by tradition from your fathers. P^om, x. 2. For I bear them record, that they have a zed of God, but not according to know M^Q. John xvi. 2. They (hall put you out of the fynagogues, yea, the time cometh, that whofoever killeih you, will think that he doth God fervice. i Sam. xv. 21. But the peo- ple took of the fpoil,iheep and oxeti, the chief of the things which Ihould have been utterly deftroyed, to facri- fice unto the Lord thy God in GilgaU v. 22* And Samuel faid. Hath the Lord ars great delight in burnt offer- ings and facrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord ? Behold, to obey is better than facriuce ; and tohear- ken, than the fat of rams. v. 23. For rebdiion is as the fm of witch chraft, and flubbornnefs is as iniquity and idolatry : becaufe thou haft rejeclred the word of the Lord, he hath alfo rejeded thee from being kin'gi

U. i: James ii. 18. Yea, a man

may -fay, thou haft fait-h, and ' have

Fa ; -works-

«^8 The Confejfion ef Faith. Chap. XVL

nth d, ftrengthen their aflurance e, edify their brethren/, adorn the profeffion of the gofpel^, flop the mouths of iha adverfaries h, and glorify God /, whofe workmanfhip they are,


works : Hiew me thy f;iith ^vithout thy works, and.l will ihew thee my faith by my works, v, 22. Seeft thou how faith wrought with his works, ai5d by works was faith made per-

^Pfal. cxvi. 1 2. What fhall I ren- der unto the Lord for all his benefirs towards me? v. 15. I will take the cup of falvation, and call upon the name of the Lord, i Pet, ii. 9, But ye are a chofen generation, a royal priefthood, an holy nation, a pecu- liar people ; that ye fliould fnew forth the pralCes of him, who hath called you out of darkricfs into his marvellous lighti

c r John ii, 5. And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments, v. 5. But wliofo keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfeded : hereby know we that we are in himi 2 Pet. i. 5. And beiides this, giving all di- ligence, add to your faith, virtue : and to virtue, knowledge ; v. 6. i^nd to knowledge, temperance ; and to temperance, patience ; and to pa- tience, godiinefs; v. 7. And to god- lincfs, brotherly kindnefs; and to brotherly kindnefs, charity, v. §. For if thcfe things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye (hall neither be barren, nor unfruit- >^ul in the knowledge of our Lord Jefus Chrift. V. 9, But he that lack- eth thcfe things, is blind, and can- rot fee afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old fins. V. 10. Wherefore the rather, breth- ren, give dijigence to make your cal- ling and cJedion fure : for if ye do Ihefe things, ye fliall never falJ.

♦/ 2 Ccr. ixi 2. For I know the for- wardnefs of yoin mind, for which [ boaftof you to them of Alacedonia, that Achaia was ready a year ago ; and your zeal hath provoked very many. Mat. v, 16. Let your light fo ihine before men, that they may fee your good works, i-vA glorify you Father who is in heaven.

^Tit. ii. 5. To be difcreet, chafle, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own hufonnds, that the word of God be not blafphemed. v. 9. Ex- hort fervants to be obedient unto their own mafters, and to pleafe them well in all things ; not an- fwering ag;)in ; v, 10. Not purloin- ing, but (hewing all good fidelity ; that they may adorn the dodrine of God our Saviour in all things, v. 1 1 . For the grace of God that bringeth falvation, hath appeared unij ail men; v. 12. Teaching us, that de- nying ungodllnefs and worldly iufts, we fhould live foberly, rightecudy, and godly in this present world. I Tim. vi. I. Let as many fcrvanis as are under the yoke, cou!it their own mafters worthy of all honour ; that the name of God and his doc- trine '^ not blafphemjcd.

h I i^et, ii. 15. For fo is the will of God, that with well-doing ye may put 10 filence the ignorance of fooi- ilh men.

/ I Pet. ii. 12. Having your con- verfation honei'i among the Gentilest that whereas thev Ipeak againfl you as evil doers, they may, by your good works which they ftiali behold, glo- rify God in the day of vifitatioDi PhiL i. II. Being filled with the. (ruiis of righieoufncf?, which, ace


Chap. XVI. Tbe'ConfeJimof-Fahh, ^ g^

created in Chrid Jefus thereunto ^, that, having their -fruii;- unto holinefs, ihey may have the end eternal life /.

III. Their ability to do good works is not at all of them-: felves, but wholly from the Spirit of Chrifl m. And that they may be enabled thereunto, befides the graces they have alrea- dy received, there is required an a£lual influence of the fame jholy Spirit, to work in them to will and to do of his good plea- fure";?, yet are they not hereupon to grow negligent, as if they were not bound to perform any duty, unlefs upon a fpe- cial motion of the Spirit ; but they ought to be diligent in ftir- ring up the grace of God that is in them o.

IV. They who in their obedience attain to the greateft height which is pofTible in this life, arc fo far from being able to fuper- erogare and to do more than God requires, as that they fall


by jefus Chrlft, unto the glory and praife of cod. John xv. 8. Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fralt, fo fhalJ ye be my difci- ples.

k Eph. ii. TO. For we are his workmanfliip, created in Chrift jefus unto good works, which cod hath before ordained that we fiiould walk in them.

/ Rom. vi. 22. But now being made free from (in, and become fer- vants to God, ye have your fruh unto holinefs, and the end everlafting life.

\\\. m John XV. 4. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itfelf, except it abide in the vine ; no more can ye, except ye abide in me * v. 5. I am the vine, ye are the branches : He that abld- eth in me, and I in him, the fame bringeth forth r.^uch fruit, for with- out me ye can do nothing, v. 6. If fk man abide not in me, he is caft forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them and caft them into the fire, and tl\ey arc burned. Ezek. xxxvi. 26. A new heart alfo will I gi^^you, aadjt-ntwfprit Will

1 put v/lthin you, and I will take a- way the ftony heart out of your flefli, and I will give you an heart cffiefh. v. ^7. And 1 will put ray Spirit within ybu, and caufe you tot walk in my ftatutes, and ye (hall keep my judgments and do them.

n Phil. ii. 13. For it is God Vv'ho wbrketh in you, both to will and to do, of his good pleafure. Phil. iv. 13. I can do all things thro' Chrift who ftrengtheneth me. 2 Cor. iir. 5. Not that we are fufFiclent of our- felves ; but bur fufficiency is of God.

0 Phil. ii. 12. Wherefore my be- lovsd, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my prefence only, but now niuch more in my abfehce : work out your ov/n falvation with fear and trembling. Heb. vi. n* An^ we defire that everyone of you da fhew the fame diligence, to the full afiurarice of hope unto the end : v% 12. That ye be not fiothful, but followers of them, who thro' faith and patience inherit the promifes.

2 Pet. i. 3. According as his divine power hath given unto us all thing* that pertain unto life and godlinefs, through the knowledge of hiln that


f^p The Confejwn bf Faith Ghap. XVL

fliort bf much which in duty they are bound to do p,

V. We cannot, by our beft works merit pardon of fm or e- ternal life at the hand of God, by reafon of the great difpro- porrion that is between them and the glory to come, and the infinite diilance that is between us and God, whom by them we can neither profit, nor fatisfy for the debt of our former fms q\


hfcth called us to glory and virtue. V. 5. And befides this, giving all diligence, add to your faith, virtue ; and to virtue, knowledge, v. 10. Wherefore the rather, brethren, ^ive diligence to make your calling and eleftion fure : for if ye. do thefe things, ye fhall never fall : v. 11. For fo an entrance fhall be minidred unto you abundantly, into the ever- JaRing kingdom of our Lord and Sa- viour jefus Chrift* ifa. Ixiv. 7. And there is none that calleth upon thy name, that liirreth up himfelf to take hold of thee ; for thou haft hid thy face from us, and haft confunv cd us, becaufe of our iniquities. 2 Tim. i. 6* Wherefore I put thee in remembrance, that thou ftir up the gift of God which is in thee, by the putdng on of my hands. Ads xxvi. 6. And now 1 (tand, and am judged for the hope of the promife made of Cod unto our fathers : v. 7. Unto wh'ch promife our twelve tribes in- ftantly feiving God day and night, hope to come ; For which hope's fake, king Agrippa, F am accufed of the Jews. Jude 20t But ye beloved, building up yourfelves on your moft holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghoft. v, 2 I . Keep yourfelves in the Jove of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jefus Chriit unto eter- nal lifci

IV. ^ Luke xvii. 10. So likewife ye, when ye fhall have done all thofe things which are commanded you,

fay, Wc are unprofitable feryants : we have done that which was our duty to do. Neh. xiij. 22. And I commanded the Levitcs, that they fhould cleanfe themfelves, and that they fhould come and keep the gates, to fanflify the Sabbath' day. Re- member me, O my cod, concerning this alfo» and fpare me according to the greatnefs of thy mercy, job ix. 2. I know it is fo of a truth : bur. how fhould man be jufl with God ? V. 3t If he will contend with him, be cannot anfwer him one of a thou- fand» Gal. v. .1 7. For the fiefh lufl.; eth againft the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flefh : and thefe are con- trary the one to the other ; fo that ye cannot do the things that ye v/ould.

V. q Rom. iii. 20. Therefore by the deeds of the law there fhall no iiefh be juftified in his fight : for by the law is the knovviege of fin. Rom. iv. 2. For if Abraham were juftified by works, he hath whereof to glo- ry, but not before God. v. 4. Now to him that worketh, is the reward not reckoned of grace but of debt. V, 6. Even as David alfo defcribeth the blelTednefs of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteoufnefs without works. Eph. ii. 8. For* by grace are ye faved, through faith ; and that not of yourfelves : it is the gift of God. V. 9. Not of works, left any man fhould boaft. Tit. iii. 5. Not by wcrlis of righUoufnefs,


Chap. XVI: The Confeffim cf Faithy ^

bur, when we have done all we can, wc hare done but our duty, and are unprofitable fervants r ; and becaufe, as they arc good, they preceed from his Spirity- and, as they are wrought by us, they are defiled and mixed with fo much weaknefs and imperfection, that they cannot endure the feverity of God's judgment/.

VI. Yet notwithftanding, the perfons of believers being ac- cepted through Chrift, their good works alfo are accepted in him Vy not as though they were in this life wholly unblameable


which we have done, but according to his mercy, he faved us by ihe wafhing of regeneration, and renew- ing of rh.t Holy Ghoft : v. 6 Which he fned on us abundantly, through Jtfus Chrift our Saviour, v. 7, That being j uffified by his grace, we fhould be made heirs, according to the hope of eternal life. 'Rom. viii. 18. For 1 reckon that the fuffeiings of this prcfent tin^e are not worthy to be compared with the glory which fViall "be revealed in us, Pfal. xvi. 2 O my foul, thou hafl faid unto the Lord, thou art my Lord : my goodnefs exter.deth not to thee. Job xxii. 2. Can a man be profitable un- to himfelf ? v. 3. Is it any pleafure to the Almighty that thou art righ- teous .'' or is it gain to him, that thou makeft thy ways perfecft \ Job XXXV. 7. If ihcu be righteous, what giveft thou him .? or what receiveth he of thine hand ? v. 8. Thy wick- edneis m&y hurt a man as thou art, and thy righteoufnefs may profit ihe ion of man,

r Luke x?ii. lo. (See letter / in this chapter.)

/Gal. V. 22. But tfee fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace ^ long fuf- ferirg, gentknefs, goodnefs, faith, 7. 23. iMeekncfs, temperince: a- gainlt fuch there is no law.

f Ifa, Ixiv, 6. BufWe are all as an

imclean thing, and all oar nghtii- oufnefs are as iilthy rags, and we all do' fade as a leaf, and our iniqui- ties, like the wind, have taken irs away. Gal. v. 17. For the flefh luft- eth againll: the Spirit, ard the Spi- rit agairft the fielh : and thefe are contrary the one to the other; io that ye caniiot do the things thait ye would, Rom. vii. 15. For tflat which 1 do, I allow not : for vihit I would, that do I not, but what I hate, that do L v. 18. 1 know, tliat in me ^that is, in niy flefh) dwelieth no good thing : for to will is prefent with me, but how to per- form that which is good, 1 find not* Pfal. cxliii. i. And enter not into judgment with thy fervant : for in thy fight (hall no man living be juf- tified. Pfal. cxxx. 3. if them. Lord, fliouldft mark iniquities : 0 Lord, who (ball (tand ?

VI. V Eph. i. 6. To the praife of the gloi'y of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the Be- loved. 1 Pet. ii, 5. Ye alfo, as lively ftones, are built up a fpiritual houfe, an holy priefthood, to offer up fpiritual facrlfices, acceptable to God by Jefus Chtift. Exod. xxviif. 58. And it fhall be upon Aaroft's •forehead, that Aaron may bear \ht iniquity of the holy things, which the children of Iftaei (hall hiillow in


92 Jhc Confejfionof Faith. Chap. XVI.

and unreproveable in God's fight w\ But that he, looking up- on them in his Son, is pleafed to accept and reward that which is fincere, although accompanied with many weakneffes and imperfefiions x,

VII. Works done by unregenerate men, although for the matter of them, they may be things which God commands, and of good ufe both to themfelves and others^: yet, becaufe they


all tbeir holy gifts ; and it fhall be always upon his forehead, that they may be accepted before the Lord, Gen. iv. 4. And Abel, he alfo brought of the firftlings of his flock, and of the fat thereof ; and the Lord had refpe<rt umo Abel, and to his offering. With Heb. xi. 4,67 faith Abel offered unto God a more ex- cellent facriSce than Cain, by which he obtained witnefs tliat he was righteous, God tefrifying of his gifts : and by it, he being dead, yet fpeaketh,

ay Job ix. 2a If 1 juftify myfelf, my own mouth fnall condemn me : If 1 fay, 1 am perfed, it ftiall alfo prove me perveife. Pfa!. cxliii. 2. And enter not into judgment with thy fervant, for in thy fight fhall no roan Hving he juftificd.

X Heb. xiii. 20. Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jefus, that great Shepherd of the flieep, through the blood of the ererlafting covenant, V, 2F. Make you perft<5l in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is u'ell-pfeafing in his fight, through Jefns Chrift ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 2Cor,viii. i 2. For if there DC firft a willing mind, it is accepted accordirg to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. Heb. vi. 10. For God is not unrigh- teous, to forget your work and la- bour of bvc, which ye have /hew-

ed toward his name, in that ye have miniftred to the faints, and do mi- nifter. Mat. xxvi 21- His lord faid unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful fervant ; thou haft been faithful over a few things; I will make thee ruler over many things : enter thou into the joy of thy Lord, v. 23. His lord faid unto hini. Well done, good and faithful fen^ant ; thou haft been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things : enter thou into the joy of thy Lord,

VIl. ^ 2 Kings X. 30. And the Lord faid unto Jehu, Becaule thou haft done well in executing that which is right in mine eyes, and haft done unto the houfe of A.hab ac- cording to all that was in mine heart, thy children of the fourth generati- on (hall fit on the throne of Ifrael, V, 31, But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the Lord God of Jlrael, with all his heart, for he de- parted not from the fins of Jeroboam, which made Ifrael to fin. i Kings xxi. 27, And it came to pafs when Ahab heard thcfe words that he ren t his cloaths and put fackcloth upon his flefti, and fafted, and lay in fack- cloth, and went fofily. v. 29. Seeft thou how Ahab humbleth himfelf befrjre me, 1 will not bring the evil in his days : but in his fons days will 1 bring the evil upon his houfe. Phil. i. 15. Some indeed preach Chrift e- veu of envy and ftrife ^ and fome al- fo

Chap. XVL The anfefion of Faith. P^

proceed not from an heart purified by faiths:; nor are done ia a right manner, according to the word a; nor to a right end* the glory of God b-^ they are therefore fmful.and cannot pleafe. God, or make a man meet to receive grace from God r. And


lb of good- will. r. i6. The one preach Chrift of contention, not fin- cerely, fuppofing to add affliction to my bonds, v. 1 8. What then ? not- withftanding every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Chrift is preached; and therein do 1 rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

X Gen. iv. 5. But unto Cain and to his offeririig he had not rerpe<9t. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell. With Heb. xi, 4, By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent facrifice than Cain, ^y which he obtained witnefs that he "Was righteous, God teftifying of his gifts, and by it he being dead, yet fpeaketh. Heb. xi. 6. But without faith it is impoflible to pleafe him : for he that cometh to God, muft believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently feek him.

a I Cor. xiii. 3, And though 1 beftow all my goods ;o feed the poor, and though 1 give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Ifa. i. 12. When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts ?

b Mat. vi. 2. Therefore, when thou doft thine alms, do not found a trumpet before thee, as the hypo- crites do, in the fynagogues, and in the ftreets, that ihey may have glo- ry'of men* Verily, I fay unto you^ they have their reward, v. 5. And when thOu prayeft, thou (halt not be as the hypocrites are : for they love to pray (landing in the fyna-

gogues, and in the corners of the Itreets, that they may be feen of men. Verily I fay unto you, they, have their reward, v. 16. More-^ ever, when ye faft, be not as the hy- pocrites, of a fad countenance : for they disfigure their faces, that they^ may appear unto men to faft. Ve- rily I fay unto you, they have their reward. '

c Hag. \u 1 4. Then anfwered Haggai, and faid, So is this people, and io is this nation before me, faitlt the Lord ; and fo is every w^ork of their hands, and that which they offer there is unclean. Tit, i. 1 5. Unto the pure all things are pure^- but unto them that are defikd, and unbelieving, is nothing pure, but e- ven their mind and confcience is de- filed. Amos. V. 21, 1 hate, I defpife your feaft-days, and I will not fmell in your folemn aflerablies. v. 22. Though ye offer me burnt offerings, and your meat-offerings, I will not accept them ; neither v;ill I regard the peace-offerings of your fat beafh. Hof. i. 4. And the Lord faid unto him, call his name Jezreel ; for yet a little while, and I will avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the houfe of Jehu, and will caufe to ceafe the kingdom of the houfe of Ifrael, Rom. ix. 16. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor bf him that runneth, but of Godthat fheweth mer- cy. Tit. iii. 5. Not by woiks of righ- teoufnefs, which we have done, but according to his mercy he {dVQd us, by the walhirg of regeneration, and renewing of the HoW Ghoft.


94 The Confejfton of Faith, Chap; XVIf.

yet their neglc^ of them is moreiiuful, and difpleafmg unto Godr/.

Chap. XVII. Of the Perfeverence of the Saints.

THEY whom God hath accqjted in his heloved, efFec^ual- ly called and fanftified by his Spirit, cao neither totally nor finally fall away from the ftate of grace; but (hall certain- ly perfevere therein to the end, and be eternally faved a.

ll. This perfeverance of the faints depends not upon their Qwa free-will, but upon the immutability of the decree of elec- tion, flowing from the free and unchangeable love of God the Father b] upon the efficacy of the merit and interceffion of Je-


d Pfal. xlv^- 4. Have all the work- «rs of iniquity no knowledge ? who eat up my peopU as they Qat bread, mud call aot up.on the Lord. Pfal. XXXV!. 3, The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit : he hath left off to b9 wife aad to do good. Job xxi. 14. Therefore they fay unto God, depart from us, for we dedre not the knowledge of thy ways, v, 15. What is the Almighty, that we (hoald fcrv« him ? and what profit fhould we have, if we pray twito him. Mati x xv. 4 1 . Then fhall he fay alfo unto them on the left hand. Depart from me, ye curfed, into everlafting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels, Vi 42. For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meit : I was thirdy, and ye giive me no drink : v. 43, I was a (han- ger, and ye took me not in : naked, and ye clothed me not : fick and, in prifon, and ye viiited me- not, V4 45; Then fliail he anfwer ihem, faying, Verily, I fay unto you, In as much as. ye did it not to one of the leaft of thefe, ye did it not to me. Mat. Scxiii. 25. Wo unto you fcribes and Pharifces, hypocrites; for ye p^y tithe of mint, and annife, and oum- xnin, and haye omitted ibe weigh;

tier matters of the law, judgment^ mercy and faith ; thefe ought ye to have done, and not to leave the o- ther undone.

I. a Phil. i. 6. Being confident of this very thing, that he who hath begun a good v/ork in you, will perform it until the day of Jtfus Chrift. 2 Pet. i. 10. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and eledion fure ; for if ye do thefe things, ye (hall never fall I John x. 28. And I give unto theSi eternal life, and they fhall never perifh, neither fhall any pluck them out of my hand. v. 29. My Father, who gave them me, is greater than all : and none is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand, i John iii. 9. Whofoever is born of God, doth i70t commit fin ; for his feed remaineth in him: an.d he cannot (ixi^ hecaufe-he is horn of God, I Per, i. 5. .Who are kept l>y the power of God. throbgh faith UQto falvation, ready to be levealed in the laf^ time. v. 9, Receiving the end of your faith, even the fair vation of your fovds.

II. b 2 Tim. ii. r8 Who conf cerning the truth have erred, fay- ing, that \\x rcfurrsftioa is paft al- ready >

Chap. XVIt. Thfi Qwfefton of Faith. ^^

fus Chrift e; the abiding of the Spirit and of the htdi of God


ready ; and overthrow the faith of fome. V. 19. Neverthelefs, the foundation of God ftandeth fure, having this feal, the Lord know- cth them that are his. And, Jet every one that nameth the name of Chrift, depart from iniquity. Jar. xxxi. 3. Ths Lord hath appeared of old unto me, faying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlafting love ; therefore with loving kindnefs have I drawn thee.

c Heb. X. I o. By the which will we are fandified, through the offer- ing of tlie body of Jefus Chrift once for all, v. 14. For by one offering he hath perfedled for ever them that are fanflified. Heb. xiii. 20, Now tfie God of peace, that brought a- gaiii from the dpacl our Lord jefus, that great fiiepherd of the (Keep, through the blood of the everlafting covenant, v. 2 f . Make you perfed in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well- pleafing in his fight, through Jefus Chrift; to whom be glory for ever and ever* Amen. Heb. ix. 12. Neither by the blood of goats and cakes, but by his own blood he en- tered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. v. 13. For if the blood of bulls, and of goats, and the adies of an heifer fprinklipg the unclean, fandifieth to the purifying of the flelh ; V. I 4. . How much more ftiall the blood of Chrift, who through the eternal Spirit, offered himielf without f^ot to God, purge your coBfcience from dead works, to feiTe the living God ? v. i j. And, for this caufe he is the mediator of the newteftament, that by means of death, for the redemption of the

tranfgrcffiorts that were under the firft teftament, they who are called might receive the promife of eternal, inheritance. Rom. viii. 33. Who fliall lay any thing to the charge of Gad's elea? Jtis Godthatjuftineth : V. 34. Who is he that condemneth ? It is Chrift that died, yea rather that is rifcnagain, who is even at the right hand of Gq<\, who alG? maketh interceffion for us. v.' 35. Who fhall feparate us from the love of Chrift > fhall tribulation, or dif- trtfs, or perfecution, or famine, or nakednefs, or peril, or fword ? Vi 36. (As it is written, for thy fake;, we are killed all the day long ; we are counted as fheep for the flaugh- ter.) V. 37. Nay, in all thefe things we are more than conquerors thro* him that loved us. v. 38. For I am perfuaded, that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things prefcni, nor things to come, v. 39. Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, fhall be able to feparate us from the love of God which is in Chrift Jefus our Lord. John xviii 11. And now I am no more in the World, but thefe are in the world, and I corns to thee. Holy Father, keep thro' thine own name, thofe whom thou haft given me, that they may be one, as we are. v. 24/ Father, I will, that they alfo whom thou haft given me, be with me where I am ; that they may behold my glory which thou haft given me ; for thou lovedft me before the foundation of the woild. Luke xxii. 32. But I have prayed for ihee, that thy faith fail not J and when thou art con* verted, ftrengthen thy brethren*. Heb, vii. 2 5- Wherefore he is able ,.: . - .^. 1: . . . aifa-

p6' The Confejfm of Faith. Chap. XVII.

within them <i; and the nature of the covenant of grace <? : From all which arifeth alfo the certainty and infallibilitj thereof /I liL Neverthelefs they may, through the temptations of Sa- tan and the world, tlie prevaiency of corruption remainingin them, and the neglect of the means of their prefervation, fall into grievous fms g ; and for a time continue therein /5 : where- by they incur God's difpleafure i, and grieve his holy Spi- rit ^ :

alfo to fave thera to the uttermoft, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liveth to make interceffion for them.

d John xiv. i6. And I will pray the Father, and he fliali give you another Comforter, that he may a- bide with you for ever ; v. 17. Even the Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive, becaufcit feeth him Eot, neither knoweth him : but ye know him, for he dwelleih with you and Ihall be in you. i John. ii. 27. But the anointing which ye liave re- ceived of him, abidetli in you : and ye need not that any man teach yon : But, as the fame anointing reacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie :/ and even as it hath taught you, ye (hall abide in him, i John iii. 9. Whofoever is born of cod. doih rot commit fin ; for his feed remaineth in him, and he cannot fin, becaufe he is born of cod.

e Jer. xxxii. 40. And I will make an everlafting covenant with them, ThatI v/ill not turn away from them, to do them good : but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they fhall not depart from me,

yjohn X. 28, And I gave unto them eternal life, and they Ihall ne- ver perifh, neither fhail any pluck them out oi my hand. 2 Theif. lii. ^, But the Lord is faithful, who fhallftablifh you, and keep you from evil, I John ii. 19. They went out from us, but they were not of us : for. if ihey hiad been of us, they

would no doubt have continued with US: but they went out, that they might be made manifell that they were not all of us.

in./ Mat. xxvi. 70. But he de- nied before them all, faying, 1 know not what thoii fayeft. v, 72. And aga'n he denied with an oath, I do not know the man. v. 74. Then began he to curfe and to fwcar, fay- ing, I know not the man. And im- mediately the cock crew.

/? Pfal. li. f the title) To the ck-ef mufician, a pfalm of David, when Nathan the prophet came unto him, after he had gone into Bathfheba. V, I 4. Deliver me from blood guil- tinefs, O God, thou God of my fal- vation : and my tongue (hall fmg aloud of thy rightcoufuefs.

/' ifa. Ixiv, 5, Thou meeted him that rejoiceth, and worketh riglite- oufnefs, thofe that remember thee in thy ways : behold, thou art wroth, for we have finned ; in thofe is continuance, and we (hall be faved. V. 7. And there is none that calleth upon thy rame, that (liireth up himfeif to take hold of thee: for thou haft hid thy fdCe from us, and haft confumed us be- caufe of our iniquities, v. 9. Be not wroth very fore, O Lord, neither remember iniquit) for ever : be- hold, fee, we befeech thee, we are all thy people. 2 Sam. xi. 27. And when the morning, was paft, Da- vid fent, and fet her to his houfe, and ft)C became his wife, and bare


Chap. XVIII. The Govfefton of Faith, 9 7

rit k ; come to be deprived of fome meafure of their graces and comforts /; have their hearts hardened ;«, and their coni-^ fciences wounded 71; hurt and fcandalize others <?, arid bring temporal judgments upon themfelves/?.

Chap. XVIII. Of the AJfurance of Grace and Salvation.

ALTliOUGH hypocrites and other unregenerate men may vainly deceive Bhemfelves with falfe hopes and carnal pre-


him a fon : but the thing that Da- Tid had done difpleafed the Lord.

k Eph. i?. 30, And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are fealed unto the day of redemp- tion.

/ Pfal. H. 8, Make me to hear joy snd gladnefs : that the bones which thou hall: broken may rejoice, v. lo. Create in me a clean heart, O cod ; and renew a right fpirit within me. V. 12. Reftore unto rne the joy of thy falvation ; and uphold me with thy free fpirit. Rev. ii. 4, Never- thelefs, 1 have fomewhat againft thee, becaule thou haft left t!iy firft love. Cant. y. 2. 1 ileep, but my heart waketh : it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh, faying. Open to me, my fifter, my love, my dove, my undefiicd : for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night, v. 3. I have put oft my coat, how fiiail I put it on ? I have wafhed my feet, how fhall I defile them ? v. 4. My be- loved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were niov- ed for him. v. 6, I opened to my beloved, but my beloved had with- drawn himfelf, and was gone ; my foul failed when he fpake ; I fought him, but I could not find him ; I called him, but he gave me no an- fwer._

m Ifa. Ixlil. 17. O Lord, why haft thou made us to err from thy ways? and hardened our heart from thy fear ? Return for thy fervants fake, the tribes of thine inheritance. Mark vi, 53. For they confidered - not the miracle of the loaves, for their heart was hardened, Marie xvi. 14. Afterwards he appeared unto the eleven, as they fat at meat, and upbraided them with their un- belief and hardnefs of heart, becaufe they believed not them who bad feeri him after he was rifen.

n Pfal. xxxii. 5. When I kept illence, my bones waxed old thro* my roaring all the day long. v. 4. For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moifture is turned into the drought of fummer. pfal. li. 8. Make me to hear joy ar.d gladnefs : that the bon-es which thou haft broken may rejoice.

0 2 Sam. xii. 14. Howbeit, be- caufe b.y this deed thou haft givea great occafion tx) the enem es of the Lord to blafpheme, the chfild alfo that is born unto thee (hall furely die.

p Pfal. Ixxxix. 31. If.they break my ftatutes and keep n^ t my com- mandments, V. 32. Then will I vifit their traofgreHiGn with the roil«; and their iniquity with ftripes, r Cor. xi. 32. But when we are judg- ed, we are chaftened of the Lord, G that

p8 ' The Confejm of Faith. Chap, XVIIJ.

fumptions of being in favour of God and edate of falvation a; which hope of theirs ihail periih^ : yet fuch as truly believe iu the Lord Jefus, and love him in fmcerity, endeavouring to walk in all good confcicnce before him, may in this life he certainly affured that they are in the ftate of grace c, and may rejoice in the hope of the glory of God; which hope fliali never make them afliamed d, ^

II. This certainty is not a bare conjeflural and probable perfuafion, grounded upon a fallible hope e; but an infallible


that v/e fhould not be condemned with the world.

I. a Job vili. I3« So are the paths of all that forget God, and the hy- pocrites hope (hall perifh. v. 14, VVhofe hope fhall be cut off, and whofe truft fhall be a fpiders web. Micah iii. n. The heads thereof judge for reward, and the prieds thereof teach for hire, and the pro- phets thereof divine for money ; yet will they lean upon the Lord, and fay. Is not the Lord among us? none evil can come upon us. Deut, xxix. [9. And it come to pafswhen he heareth the Words of this curfe, that he blefs himfelf in his heart, fdying, I fhall have peace, though I walk in the imagination of my heart, to add drunkennefs to thirft. John viii. 41. Ye do the deeds of your father. Then faid they to him, We be not born of fornication, we have one Father even God.

b Mat. vii. 22, Many (hall fay to Vir.e in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophcfled in thy name ? and in thy name have caft out de- vils ? and in thy name done many wonderful works ? v. 23. And then will { prbfefs unto them, I never knew you ; depart from me, yc that work iniquity.

c I John ii. 5. And hereby we do know that wc know him, if we keep hiscomraandmciits, i John iii, 14*

We know that we have pqfTed from death unto life, becaufe we love the brethren : he that loveih not hh brother abideth in death, v. i3. My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth, v. 19. And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and fhall afTure our hearts before him. V. 21. Beloved, if our heart condeinn us not, then have we con- fidence towards Cod. v, 24. And he that keepeth his commandments, dwelleih in him, and he in him : and hereby we know that he abid- eth in us, by the Spirit that he hath given us. i John v. r3.Thefe things have I v/ritten unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God ; that ye may ksow that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son God,

d Rom. V. 2. By whom aifo we have accefs by fairh into this grace wherein we fland, and rejoice in hope of the glory of cod. v. 5. And hope makerh not afliamed, be- caufe the love of God is fhed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy choft which is given unto usi

JL e Heb. vi. 1 1. And we defire that every one of you do ihew the fame diligence to the full aflurance of hope unto the end. v. 19. Which hope we have as ao anclior <jf the


Chap. XVIII. The Confejfton of Faith. ' 99

aiTiirance of faith, founded upon the divine truth of the pro- 'mifes of falvation/, the inward evidences of thofe graces un- to which thefe promifes are made^, rhe teflimony of the Spi- rit of adoption witneiTing with our fpirits that we are the children of God h: which fpirit is the earnefl: of our inheri- tence, whereby we are fealed to the day of redemption /.

III. This infallible affurance doth not fo belong to the cf- fcnce of faith, but that a true believer may wait long, and confli6t with many difSculties, before he be partaker of it k : yet

foul, both fure and ftedfaft, and which entereth into that within the tail.

/Heh. vu 17. Wherein God wil- ling more abundantly to (hew unto Th<^ heirs of promife the immutabi- lity of his counfe), coofirmed it by on oath: v. 18. That by two im- irtutable things, in which it -was impoflibie for God to lie, we might have a ftrong confolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope fet before us.

g 2 Pet. i. 4. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious j!>ronnfes, that by thefe you might be partakers of the divine nature, having efcaped the corruption that is in the world through luft. v. 5. And befidcs this, giving all diligence, add to your f^ith, virtue; and to virtue, knowledge, v, id Where- fore the rather brethren, gi^e dili- ligcnce to make your calling and ele<5lion fure : for if ye do thefe things, ye ftiall never fall. v. li. For fo an entrance Ihall be miniftred unto you abundandy, into the ever- hfbng kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chriit. i John ii. 3. And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his command- ments. I John iii* 14. We know that we have pafFed from death un- to life.becaufe we love the brethren ; he tbatloveth not his broiher, abid-


«th in death. ^ Cor. i^ 12. For our rejoicing is this, The tcftimony of our coftfcience, that in fimplicity, and godly- lincerity, not with flelhly wifdom, but by the grace of cod we have had our converfation in the world, and more abundantly to you-wards.

/j K^om. vili. 15. For yc have not received the fpirit of bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the fpirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father, v. 16. The fpirit ilfelf beareth witnefs with our fpirit, that we are the children of God,

/ Eph. i. 13. In whom ye alfo trufted, after that yc h?ard the word of truth, the gofpel of your falva- tion ; In whom alfo, after that ye believed, ye were fealed with that holy Spirit of promife, v. 14. WhicK is the earneft of our inheritance, un- til the redemption of the purchafed pofleilion, unto the praife of his glo- ry. Eph. iv. 30. And grieve not the holy Spirit ()f God, whereby ye are fealed unto the day of redemp- tion. 2 Cor. i. 21 , Now he who fta- bliflieth us with you, in Chrift, and hath anointed us, is God, v. 32- Who hath alfo fealed us, and given the earneft of the Spirit in our hearts.

III. k 1 John V. 13* Thefe things

have I written unto you that believe

on the name of the Son ofGod; tha^

yenia^ know that ye have eternal

G 2 life.

,^^^ The Confejfton of Faith. Chap. XVIII.

beine enabled bv the Spiric, to know the. things which arefreeiy given him of God, he may, without extraordinary revelation., in the rif^ht ufe of ordinary means, attain thereunto /. An4 therefore ii is the dury of every one, to give- all diligence to- .make his calling and eleftion fure m ; that thereby his heart may be enlarged in peace and joy in the Holy Ghoft, in love and thankfulnefs to God, and" in flrength and cheerfulnefs in the duties of obedience j the proper fruits of this alTurancc n:


life, and that ye may believe en the name of the Son of God, Ifa. 1. lo. VVho is arTiOng you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth ^the voice of his -fervant, th^it walketh ii> darkiiefs, and hatb no light ? let him trulHn the. name of the Lord, and ftay up- on is God. Mark ix. 24. And ftralghtway the father of the child cried out, and faid with tears, Lord I believe ; help thou mine unbelief. (See. Pfal. Ixxxviii. throughout, Pfal. Ixxvii. to the I 2, verfe,)

I ( Cor, ii. T 2. Now we have re- ceived, not the fpirit of the world, but the fpirit which is of God ; that we might knovv' the things that, are freely given to us of God. i John iv^ T3. Hereby know we that we dwell inrbim, and he in us, becaufe he hath; given us of his Spirit. Hcb. vi. II. And. we defire, that every one of you do fliew the fame diligence, to. the full alTurance of hope unto the end; v.. I2. That ye be not flothful, but followers of them, who fiirough faith and patience inherit the promifes. Eph.iii. 17* That Chrifl may dwell in your hearts by jaiilv, that ye being rooted aad grounded, in love, v. 18. Maybe ;i life to comprehend with all faints, ^vhat is tiie breadth, and length, and deptli, and height, v. 1 9, And to knj^v/ the love of Chrift, which paflctb knowledge, tl-at ye might be filled with all the fulnefs of cod.

7n 2 Pet. 1. 10. Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election fure : for if ye do thefe things, ye fhall ^ never fall. :

n Rom. V. I. Therefore being judified by faith,, we have peace with God through aur Lord j^fus Chrift. v. 2. By whom alfo we., have accefs by faith into thjs grace whereiq we .(land, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. v, 5. And hope m^keth not aihamed, bs- caufc the love of God is £hed %- broadin our hearts, by the HolyGhofl which is given unto us. Pvom. xiy. 171 For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteoufnefs and peace, and joy in the Holy GhoiK Rom. XV. 13, Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may a- bound in hope,' through the power of the Holy Ghofl. Kph. i. 3. Bleffed be the God and Father of our Lord Jefus Ghrill, v.ho hatjh blefled us with all fpi ritual bleflings in heavenly places in Chriil: : Accord- ing as he hath chofen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we fliould. be holy, and without blame before him in love. Pfal. iv. 6. There be many that fay, Who will fiiew us any good ? Lord, Hft thou up the light of thy countenance upon us. V. 7. Thou halt put glad- nefs in my heart, more than in. the

iim« I

Chap. XVIII. The Confef ion of Faith, loi

^o far is it from inclining men to loofenefs o,

IV. True believers may have the afTurance of their falvation divers ways (haken, diminiihed and intermitted ; as, by negli- gence in prelerving of it, by falling into fome fpecial fm, which woundeth the confcience, and grieveth the Spirit; by fome fudden or vehement teniptarion; by God's withdrawing the light of his countenance, and fuffering even fuch as fear him to walk in darknefs and to have no light /> : yet are they never ut- terly deftitute of that feed of God, and life of faith, that love of Chrid and the brethren, that fmcerity of heart and confci- ence of duty, out of which, by the operation of the Spirit,


time that their corn and their wine, increafed. Pfal-. cxix- 32. I will ran the way of ihy commandments, when thou (lialt enlaige my heart.

0 I John ii. I. My litcle children, thefe things write 1 unto you, that ye fia net. And if any man fm, we have an advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift the righteous, v. 2 i\nd he is the propitiation for our fins : and not for ours only, but al- io for the iins of the whole world. Rom, vi. I. What (hall we lay then ? Ihall we continue in fin, that ^race may abound .^ v. 2 Cod forbid: how fnail we tiiat are dead to (in, Hve any longer therein ? Tit, ii. 11. Fpr the grace of God that bringeih falvation, hath appeared to ail men, y. 12. Teaching us, that denying ungodlinefs and worldly lufts, we fliould live foberly, righteoufly, and godly in this prefent world, v. 14, Who gave himfelf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zeaIov\s of good works. 2 Cor. vii. I. Having therefore thfefe promifcs (dearly beloved) lef us clearife ourfelves from all filrhinefs .of the flefli and fpirit, perfecting liolinefs in the fear of God. Rom. viii. I, There is therefore now no condemnation to them vko are in

Chrift Jefus, who wklk not after the flefh, but after the Spirit, v. f2. Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flefli, to live after the fle(h. I John iiii 2. Beloved, now are- we the fons of cod, and it doth not yet appear what we ihall be : but we know that when he fiiall appear, we (hall belike him: for we fhall fee him as he is: v. g, 4nd every man that hath this hope in him, purifieth himfelf, even as lie is pure. Pfal. cxxx 4. But tiiere is forgive- nefs with thee; that thou mayeft: be feared. 1 John i. 6. if we fay that we have fellowlhip with him, and walk in darknefs, we lie, and do not the truth, v. 7. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowfliip one with another, and the blood of jefus Chrilt his Sun cleanfeth us from all fin.

IV. p Cant. V. 2. I fleep, but my heart waketh : it is the voice of my beloved that knockech, faying. Open to me, my filler, my love, my dove, my undefiied : for my licad is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of th^ nigTit. V. 3. I have "put 6ffmy coat, how (hall I put it on ? I have waihcd my feet, how Ihali I defile them ? v. 6. I opeQC-J to my beloved, but my Q 3 beio.ved

^01 The Confejion of Faith, Chap. XVIlT.

this affurance may in due time be received j, and by th<5 which, in the mean time, they are fupported from utter defpairr.

Ch A rr

beloved had withdrawn himfelf, and was gone : my foul failed when he fpake; I fought him, but I could not find him ; I called him, but he gave me no anfwer. Pfal. \u 8, Make me to hear joy and gladnefs ; that the bones which thou haft bro- ken, may rejoice, v. 12, Reftore onto me the joy of thy (alvati- on ; and uphold me with thy free Spirit. V. i4» Deliver me from blood - guiliinefs, O God, thou God of my ialvaiion : and my tongue fhall (ing aloud of thy righteoufnefs. Eph.iv.

30. And grieve not the holy Spirit cf God, whereby ye are fealed unto xhe day of redemption, v, 3 1 . ^.et all bitterrefs, and wraih, and an- per, and clamour, and evil-fpeak- jipg be put away from you, with all jiJslice. Pfal. Ixx^'ii. i. I cried un- to God with my voice : even unto Cod with my voice, and he gave car unto me. v. 2. In the day of my trouble I fought the Lord : my fore ran in th^ night and ceafcdnot : any foul refufed to be comforted, v.

31. I femembered God^ and was troubled ; 1 complained, and ray fpirit was overwhelmed. Selah. v. 4. Thou holdcft mine eyes waking : Jgm fo troubled, that 1 cannot fpeak. V,., 5. I have confidered the days of old, the years of ancient times, v. 6. I call to remembrance my fong in «he night : I commune with mine own heart, and my fpirit made di- ligent fear-ch. v. 7. Will the Lord cail-off for ever ? and will he be fa- vourable no more ? v. 8. Is his ^ercy clean gone for ever ? doth his promife fail for evermore ? v. 9. |j[ath God forgotten to be gracious ? \^\l^ .h« io aoger Uiut up bis tender

mercies ? Selah. *v. 10. And I faid» This is my infirmity, but I will re- member the years of the right hand of the moft high. Mat. xxvi. 69, Now Peter fat without in the palace ; and a damfel came unto him, fay-* ing, Thou alfo waft with Jefus of Galilee, v. 70, But he denied be- fore them all, faying, I know not what thou fayefl. v. 71 And when he was gone cut into the porch, a- pother maid faw him, and hid untp them that were there. This fellow v/as alfo with Jeius oi Nazareth, v, 72- And again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man. Pfa.Ii xxxi. 22« For I faidin my hafte, I am cut off from before thine eyes : neverthelefs thou heaidft the voice of my fupplications, when 1 cried unto thee. (Pfal. Ixxxviii through- out.) ifa. 1. 10. Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of his fervant, that walk- eth in darknefs. and hath no light ? kt him truft in the naihe of the Lord, and ftay upon his God.

q I johniii. 9. Whofoeveris born of God, doth not commit fm ; for liis feed remaineth in him, and he can- not fin becaufe he is born of God, Luke xxii. 32. But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not ; and when thou art converted, Itrengthen thy bjethren. Job. xiii, 1-5. Though he flay me, yet will I truft in him 1 but I will maintain mine own ways before him. Tfal. ixxiii. 15. If I fay, I will fpeak tkus : Behold, I fliould offend againft the generation of thy children. Pfal, li. 8, 12. (See letter^ immediately before.) Ifa. 1. 10. (See letter/) immediately foregoing.)

r Wi^.vii. 7. Tbsrcfore J wililook uatQ

Chap. XIX. The Confejfm rf Faith,


Chap. XiX. Of the Law of God.

G1 OD gave to /\.dam a law as a covenant of works, by whi«h f he bound him and all his poderity to perfonal, entire, exa(^l: and perpetual obedience, promifed \\h upon the faltil- ling, and threatned death upon the breach of it; and endu* €d him with power and ability to keep it a^

II. This

unto the Lord : I will wait for the God of my (iilvation : my God will hear me. v. 8. Rejoice not againft me, O mine enemy ; when I fall, 1 fliall arife : when I At in darknefs, the Lord rtiall be a light unto me. V. 9. 1 will bear the indignation of the Loi(^, becaufe I have finned a- gainfi him, until he plead my caufe, and execute jndgment for me : he will bring me forth to the light, and I (hali behold his righteoufnels. Jcr. xxxii, 40. And 1 will make an erer- lafting covenant with them. That 1 will not turn away from them, to do them ;:ood ; but J will put my fear in their hearts, that they fhall not depart from me. Ifa. liv. 7. For afmall moment have Iforfaken thee ; hut with great mercies will 1 gather thee. V. 8. In a little wrath I hid my face from thee, for a moment ; but with everlading kindnefs will I have mercy on thee, faith the Lord thy Redeemer, v. 9. For this is as the waters of Noah unto me : for as I hzvQ fworn that the waters of Noah /houid no more go over the earth ; fo have I fworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee, V. 10. For the mountains fhall de- part, and the hills be removed, but my kindnefs Ihall not depart from thee, neither (hall the covenant of my peace be removed, faith the Lord, that hath mercy on thee. Pfal. xxii.i. My eod,my cod, why

haft thou forfaken me ? why are thou fo far from helping me, and frera the words c^ my roaring? (Pfal. Ixxxviii. throughout,)

1. a Gen.i. 26. And God fcTkl, Let us make man in our image, after our Jikenefs : and let them have domini- on over the fifli of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cat- tle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth, v. 27. So cod crea-' ted man in his own image, in the i- mage of God created he him : male and female created he them. With Gen. ii. 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou {hi>lt not eat of it : for in the da^ that thou eateft thereof, thou Ihall fu rely die. Rom. -<:. 14. For when the Gentiles who have not the law, do by . nature the things contained in the law, thefe having not the law, ar* a law unto themfel vest v.if.Wholhew the works of the law written- in their hearts, their confcience alfo bearing witnefs; and their thoughts the meaH" while accufing, or elfe excufing one^r another. Rom. x. 5. For Mofes de-*' fcribeth the righteoufnefs which is of the law, that the man who doth, . thole things, Ihall live by them;: PvOm. V. J 2. Wherefore, as by one rain fin entred into the world, and death by fin : and fo death -polled i upon all men, for that all have fin-r^- ned. v. 19. For as by ooe nw^'s diO.: ^ Q A obedi*

104 The Confejton cf Fmth, Chap. XlXl

11. This law, after his fall, continued to be a perfect rule of righteoufnefs; and, as fuch, was delivered by God upon mount Sinai in ten commandments, and written in two tables b ; the four firfl commandments containing our duty towards God, and the other fix our duty to man c,

ITT. Befide this- law, commonly called Moral, God was pleaf- ed to give to the people of Ifrael, as a church under age, ce- remonial laws, containing feveral typical ordinances, partly of worftiip, prefiguring Chrift, his graces, anions, fufFerings and


obedience many wci?e made finners : foby the obedience of one (hall many be made righteous. Gal. iii. lO. For as mariy as are of the works of the law, are under the curfe : for it is written, Curfed is every one that continueth not in all things, which are written in the book of the law, to do them. v. i2. And the law is not of faith : blit, The man that doth them, (hall live in them. Eccl. "vii. 29. Lo, this only have 1 found, that God haih made man upright: but they have fought cut many in- ventions Job xxviii. 2B, And unto man he faid, Behold the fear of the Lord, that is wifdom ; and to de- part from evil, is underflanding.

11. b James i. 2 jz'^ut whofo look- eth into the perfeft law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the "word, this man Iball be blefled in \\h dtt(\, James ii- 8- If ye fulfjj the royal law, according to the fcripturcj Thou (halt love thy neighbour as thyfel-f, ye do well. V. 10. For whofoever (hall keep the >vhoIe law, and yet offend in one point, he is guihy of all. v. 11 . For he that faid. Do not commit adul- tery ; faid alfo. Do net kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou Itill, thou art become a tranfgreflbr of the law. v. 12. So fpeak ye, and fo do, as they thai (hall be judge J

by the law of liberty. Rom. xiii. 8^ Owe no man any thing, but to love one another : for he that loveth a- nother, hath fulfilled the law. v. 9. For this. Thou flialt not commit a- dultery. Thou (halt not kill. Thou (halt not fteal, Thou (halt not bear falfe witntfs. Thou (halt not covet, and if there be any other command- ment, it is briefly comprehended in this faying, namely, Thou flialt love thy neighbour as thyfelf. Deut. V. 32. Ye (hall obferve to do there- fore as the Lord your cod hath commanded you ; youfliatinot turn afide to the right hand or to the left. Deut. x< 4. And he wrote on the tables, according to the firli writing, the ten commandments which the Lord fpake unto you in the mount, out of the midftofthe fire, in the day of the a(rembly : and the Lord gave them unto me. Exod. xxxiv, I. And the Lord faid unto Mofes, Hew thee two tables of (lone like unto the firft ; and 1 will write upon thefe tables the words that were in the firft tables which thou brajLeft.

c Mat. xxii. ^7. Jefus faid unto him. Thou (lialt love the Lord thy Cod with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy mind. v. 58. This is the firft and great com- mandment. V, 39. And the fecond is like unto it. Thou Hull love thy


Clia|). XIXJ The Confefflon of Faith, lo^

benefits d; and partly holding fortli divers inflruftions of mo- ral duties e. All whith ceremonial laws are now abrogated .under -the New Teftament/.

.^ IV. To them alfo, as a body politic, he gave fuojdry judi- cial laws, which expired together with the flare of that people, not obliging any other now, further than the general equity thereof may require ^.

V. The

neighbou.r as thyfelf. . v. 40. On thefe two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

HI. d (Heb. ixt chapter.) Heb. x. i.For die law having a Ibadow of good things to come, and not the very image of the things, can never with thofe facrifices, which they of- fered year by year continually, make the comers thereunto perfect, cai. iv, I . Now 1 fay that the heir as long as he is a child, difFereth nothing from a feiTant, though he be lord of all : Vi 2. But is under tutors and governors, until the time ap- pointed of the Father, v. 3. Even fo we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world, Coh ii, 17. Which are a fliadowof things to come ; but the body is of Chriih

e I Cor. V. 7. Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened : for even Chrift our paflbver is facri- liced for us. 2 Cor. vi. 17. Where- fore come out from among them, and be ye feparate, faith the 'Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, Jude 23. And others (ave with fear, pulling them put of the fire-i hating even the garments fpotted by the flelh.

/Col. ii. 14. Blotting out the hand-writing of ordinances, that was againft us, which v/as contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his crofs. v. i6. Let no man therefore judge you in meiit or

in drink, or in refpeft of an holy day, or of t]ie new moOn, or of the fabbath-days. v. 17. VVhicli are a (hadow of things to. come, but the body is of Chrift. Dan, ix. 27. And he Ihall confirm the cove- nant with many for one week : and in the midlt of the weeic, he fhall caufe the facrifice and the oblation to ceale ; and for the overfpreading of abominations, he fhall make it delblate, even until, the coRfumati- on, and that determined fliall be poured upon the defolate. Eph. ii.' 15. Having abolifhed in his fiefti the enmity, even the la\v of com- mandraents,, contained in ordi- nances, for to make in himfelf of twain, one .new. man, fp making peace; v. 16. And that he, might: reconcile both unto Goid in one bo- dy by the crofs, having flain the en- mity thereby.

IV,^ (Exod. xxi. chapter. Exod. xxii.i. to the 29. verfe : See both in the Bible.) Gen. xlix. 10. The fcep- tre Ihall not depart from J ud ah, nor a lawgiver ftoni . between bis feet, until Shiloh come ; and unto him Hiall the gathering of the people be. With I Pet. ii, i j.Subnwt yourfelves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's fake, whether it bz to t'hc king, as fupreme ; v. 14. Or unto governors, as unto tbem that are fent by him, for the punifiiment of evil-doers, and for vhe praiie fi them that do well.. Mat. v. .1^ Think not that 1 ani ccme to'de'-


lo6 The Confejion of Faith.: Q4j>: XIX

V. The moral law doth f^ ever bind all, as well juftified pcrfons as ethers, to the obedmncc thereof b; and that not only in regard of the matter coiltained in it, but alfo in rc*^ fpcft oi the authority of God , the Creator who gave it/V Neither doth Chrifl in the gofpcl any way diflblvc, but much; £lrengthcn this obligation L

VI. Altho' true believers be not under the law as a covenant of works, to be thereby juf lifted or condemned /j yet is it of;


ftroy the law or the propbcts : I am Bet come to dei^roy, but to fulfil. With V. 38. Ye have heard, that it hath been faid, An eye' for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth : v. 39^ But I fay unto you, that ye refiit not evil; but whofoever ftiall fmite thee on the right cheek, turn to hira the Other alfo. i Cor. ix. 3. Say I thefe things as a man ? or faith not the Jaw the fame aifo ? v, 9. For it is written in the law of Mofes, Thou ^alt not muzzle the mouth of the ox that treadeth cut the corn: Doth God take care for oxen ? v. 10. Or (aith he it altogether for our fakes ? for our fakes no doubt, this is writ- ten, that he that ploweth Oiail plow in hope ; and that he that ihreflieth in hope, (hould be partaker of his hope.

V. ff xiiii 8, 9. (See abore in letter L) v. i o. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour : therefore love is tlie fuIfilHng of the law. Eph. vi. 2. Honour thy father and mother, which is the firfl commandment wiih promife. i John ii. 3. And hereby do we know that we know htm, if we keep his commandmentSi T. 4, He that faith, 1 know him, and keepeih not his ccmmandments, U a liar, and the truth is not in him. ▼. 7. Brethren, I write no new com- mandment unto you, but an old commandment, which ye had from the beginning : the old command^

ment is the vrard which ye hare heard from the beginning, v. 8. Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: becaufe the darknefs is paft, and the true light now (hineih. /■ James ii. i o, 1 1 . (See in letter^. ) i Mat. V. 17. (fee in letter^,) v. 1 8. For verily, I fay unto you. Till heaven and earth pafs, one jot or one title fhall in no wife pafs from the law, till all be fulfilled, v. 19. Who- foever therefore fhall break one of thefe leaft commandments, and fliall teach men fo, he ftiall be called the lead in the kingdom of heaven ; but whofoever fhall do, and teach them, the iamc fl:all be called great in the kingdom of heaven. James ii. 2* See letter I> before.) Rom. iii. 3 r. Do we then make void the law thro* faith ? God forbid : yea, we efiablifh the law,

VJ. /Rom. vi. 14, For fin fliall not have dominion over you : for ye are not under the law, but under grace. Gal. ii. 16. Knowing that a man is not jiiftified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jefus Chrifl, even we have believed in Jefus Chrift; that we might be jultified by the faith of Chrifl, and not by the works of the law : for by the works of thclaw fhall no flefh be juflified. Gal. iii. 13. Chrift hath redeemed us from the curfe of the law, being' n^.ade a curfe for us : lor it is writ- ten.

ChJtp. XIX. The ConfeJJion of Faith, 107.

great ufe to them, as well as to others; in that, as a rule of life, informing them of the will of God and their duty, it directs and binds them to walk accordingly /«; difcovcring alfo the fin- ful pollutions of their nature, hearts and lives n\ fo as, examin- ing themfelves thereby, they may come to further conviction of humiliation for, and^hatred againft iino; together wich a clear- er fight of the need they have of Chri(l,and the perfeilion of his obedience/. It is likewife of ufe to the regenerate, to re-


ten, Curfed is every one that hang- eth on a tree. Gal. iv, 4. But when the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law, v, 5, To redeem them that were under tlie law, that we might receive the adoption of Ions. Adts xiii. :^9. Ard by him all that believe arejuftified from all things, from the which ye could not be juftified by the law of Mofes, Rom. viii. i. There is there- fore now no condemnation to them who are in Ghrift Jefus, who walk not after the Heih, but after the Spirit.

;//Rom.vii, 12. W^herefore the law is holy ; and the comra«ndm€nt ho- ly, and juft and good, v. 22. For 1 delight in the law of God , after the JBWard man. v, 25. I thank God through Jefus Chrift our Lord. So then, wTui the mind, 1 myfelf ierve ihe law of God ; but with the flefli, the law of fin, Pfal. cxix. 4. Thou haft commanded us t.o keep thy pre- cepts diligently, v. 5. O that my ways were diredled to keep thy fta- tutes J V. 6, Then (hall I not be a- /hamed, when I have refpejfl: unto all thy commandments* 1 Cor. vii. 19. Circumcifion is nothing, and uncircumcifion is nothing, but the keeping of the commandments of God. Gal- v. 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, .71, 22, 23. See in the Bible. ti Rom. YJi. 7. Wh^it fhall we fay

then ? Is the law fin ? God forbid. Nay, 1 had not known fin, but by the law : for I had not knov/n luft, except the law had faid. Thou fhalt not covet. Rem. iii. 20. Therefore by the deeds of the law, there fhall no fiefh be judified in his fight : for by the law is the knowledge of fin. 0 James i. 23. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding hi$ natural face in a glafs : v. 24. For he beholdeth himfelf, and goeth his way, and flraightway forgettetU what manner of man he was. v. 25. But whofo looketh into the perfeA law of liberty, and continueth there- in, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the word, this mati ihall be blefied in his deed. Rom. vii. 9. For I was alive without the law once : but when the commandment came, fin revived, and I died. v. 14. For we know that tlic law is fpiri- tual : but 1 zm carnal, fold under fin. V. 24. O wretched man that I am, who fliali deliver me from the body of this death J

p Gal. iii. 24. Wherefore the law was our fchoolmafier, to bring us unto Chrift, that we might be jufti- fi«d by faith. Rom, vii, 24. (See be- fore in the letter 0. v. 2 5. in letter in) Rom, viii. 3. For what the law Could not do, in that it was weak through the flefh, God fending his own Soa ia the Ukcnefs of finfui flefli, and for


io8 The Confejfion of T&ithi Chap. XIX.

ftrain tHeir corruption ; in that it forbids {mq\ and the threaten- inj^s of it ferve to (liew what even their fins deferve, and what afili6lions in this life they may expe<^ for them, although freed from the curfe thereof threatned in the law r. The prom.ifes of it, in like manner, ihew them God's approbation of obedience, and what blefTings they may expeft upon the performance there- of/ altho' not as due to them by the law as a covenant of works t. So as a man's doing good, and refraining from evil, bccaufe the law encouragcth to the one, and deterreth from


fin condemned fin in the flefh : v. 4. That the rightcoufnefs of the law imght be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the fiefh, but after the Spirit.

q James ii. i r. For he that faid, Do not commit adultery, faid alfo, 'Y^ci not kill. Now if thou commit no adultery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a tranfgrefTor of the law* Pfal. cxix. 1 01. 1 have refrained my feet from every evil way : that ( may keep thy word. v. 104. Through thy preceots I get underRanding : therefore I hate every falfe way. v, 128. Therefore I eiteem ail thy pre- xepts concerning all things to be right ; and I hate every falfe way.

r Ezra ix. 13. And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds and for our great tiefpafs, feeing that thou our God haft puniflied us lefs than our iniquities deferve, and hafl given us luch deliverance as this; V. 141 Should we "again break thy commandments, and join in affinity with the people of tbefe abo- rni nations ? would(t not thou be an- ^ry with U3, till thou hadll confum- cd us, fo that there fnould be no remnant for efcaping ? Plal. Ixxxix. 30. If his children fi»rfake my law, and walk .not in my judginents ; v. 31; If tUey break my ftatutes, and keep not my commandments : v. 32. Then will 1 vilit their tracfgreffion

with the rod, and their iniquity with ftripes. v. 33. Neverthelefs, my loving kindnefs will I not utter- ly take from fiini> f'or fuffer my faithfulnefs to fail. Vi 34. My cove- nant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my I'ps.

(/Lev. xxvi. to the 14. verfe.) With 2 Cor. vi. i 6. And what agree- ment hatli the temple of God with idols ? for ye arc the temple of the living God ; as God haih faid, 1 will dwell in them, and walk in them ; and I will be their God, arid they (hall be my people. Eph, vii 2. Ho- nour thy father and tiiy mother (vrhich is the firft commandment with promife, ) v. 3. That it may be well with thee, arid thou mayefl live long on the earth. Pfal. xxxvii. 1 1. But the meek fhall inherit the earth ; and (hall delight themfelves in the abundance of peace. , With Mat. V. 5. BlefTed are the meek, for they (hall inheiit the earth. Pfal. xix. 1 1. Moreover, by them is thy fervant warned ; and in keeping of tKcni there is a great re v/ard.

t Gal. ii. 16, Knowing that a man is net jufHficd by tioe works 'of the law, hui by the faith of jefiis Chfilt, even we have believed in Jefus Chrirt that we might be judified by the faith bf Chrill, and not by the works of the law ; for by the works of the law ftiaii no fleCi be juftificd. Luke xvii.


Ghap. XX.- The Confeffion of Faith, 109

the other, is no evidence ot his being under the law, and not under grace v.

VII. Neither are the fore-mentioned ufes of the law contra- ry to the grace of the gofpel, but (^o fweetly comply with it lu ;' the Spirit of Chrift fubduing and enabling the will of man to do that freely and cheerfully, which the will of Gbd revealed in the law requireth to be done x.

Chap. XX. Of Chrifiian Liberty y and Liberty of Ccnfcience.

THE liberty whicli Chrifl hath pufchafed for believers un- der the gofpel, confifts in their freedom from the guilt of


10. So Ilkewlfe j^e, when ye fiiall have done all ihofe things which are commanded, you, fay, We are unprofuible fervants : we.havedoae that which was our duty to do.

V Rom. vi. 12. Let not fin there- , fore rei^n in your mortal body, that ye ihoiild obey it in the lulls there- of. V. 1 4, For fin (hall not have do- minion over you; for ye are not un- der the law, but under grace, i Pet. iii. 8. Finally, be ys all of one mind, having corapafRon one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous. V. 9. Not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing: but contrariwife, bleffing : knowing that ye are thereunto called, that ye ftiould inherit a bleffing. v. 10. For he that will love life, and fee good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they fpeak no guile. v,.i i. Let him ef- chew evil, and do good ; let him feek peace and enfue it. v. i 2. For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open un- to their prayers ; but the face of the Lord is againfl: them that do evil. With Pfal. xxxiv- 12. What man is he that defireth life, and loveth many days, that he may fee go^d ?

V. 13. Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from fpeaking guile, v. 14. Depart from evil, and do gopd; feek peace, and purfue it. v. 15. The eyes of the Lord are upon the rij^h- teous, and his ears are open nrito > tlieir cry. v. 1 6. The face of tlie . Lord is again(t them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them fi om the earth. Heb, xii. 98. Where* fore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may ferve cod accept- ably, v/ith reverence and godly fear, V. 29. For cur God is a confuming fire. *

> VlLivcal. iii. 2T.Isthelaw then againft the promifes of God ? God forbid ; for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteoufnefs mould have been by the law.

xEzek, xxxvi, 27.i^ndl will put my Spirit within you, and caufe you to walk in nay (latutes, and ye (hall keep my judgments, ard do ihem, Heb*.viii. lo. For this is the covenant that I will make wii!^ the houfe of Ifrael after thofe day5, faith the Lord ; I will put my fav.s into their mind, and write them in their hearts ; and I wiilbe t^them a Go^^^


1 lo The Confefion of Faith. Chap. XX.

iin, the condemning wrath of God, the curfe of the moral law a; and in their being delivered fiom this prefent eTil world, bon- dage to Satan and dominion of iin ^, from the evil of afHiftions, the fling of death, the vielory of the grave, and everlafting damnacion c, asalfo in their free accefs to God dy and their yielding obedience unto him, not out of flaviftifear, but a child- like love and willing mind e, allwhich: were common alfo to be-


and they (hall be to me a people. With Jer. xxxi. 53. But this (hall be the covenant that i will make with the houfe of ifraeJ, after thofe days, faith the llord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts, and will be their cod, and they (hali be my people.

I. a Tit.ii. I 4. Who gave himfelf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto lumfilf a peculiar people, zea'ous of good works. I I'hcfl'. i. 10. And to "wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raifed from the dead, even jefus who delivered us from the wrath to come. Gal. iii. 13, Chrid hath re- deemed us from the curfe of the law, being made a curfe for us: for it is written, Curfed is every one that hangeth on a tree.

b Gal. i. 4. VVho gave himfelf for our fins, that he migtit deliver us from this prefent evil world, ac- cording to the will of God and our Father. Col. i. 19. Who hath deli- vered us from the power ofdark- nefs, and hath trandated us into the kingdom of his dear Son. Ac^s xxvi. 18. To upen their eyes, and to turn them from darknefs to light, and from the power of Satan unto cod, that t'.iey may receive forgive- Refs of fins, and inheritance among them who are fanftified by faith that is in me. Rom. vi. 14. For fin (hall Dot have dominion over yoii : for ye ate not under the law, but un- der grace.

cRom. viii. c8. We know that

all t^hlng? work together for good, to them that love God, to them who are the called according to hisr pur- pofe, Pfal, cxix, 7 1 . tt is good far me that I have been aifii(5led : that i might learn thy ftatutes, 1C0r.xv.54. So when this corruptible (hall have put on incorrpution, and this mortal ftiall have put on immortality, thea fhall be brought to pafs the faying that is written, Death is f /allowed upinvi^ory. v, 95.0dea^h, where is thy fiing ? O grave, where is thy vi<5iory? v. 56. The fling of death is fin ; and the ftrength of fin is the law. V, 57. But thanks be to cod who giveth us the vidory, through our Loid Jefus Chrift. Rom viii. 1. There is therefore nov/ no condem" nation to them who are in Chrift jefus, who walk not after the flefh, but after the Spirit.

^Rom. V. I. Therefore being ju- (lified by faith, we have peace witli God, through our Lord jefus Chri(}. V. 2. By \\hom alio we have accefs by faith into this grace wherein we ftand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God,

e Rom, viii. 14. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the fons of God. v. ! 5. For ye have not received the Spirit of bondage again to fear ; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby wc cry, Abba, Father, i John iv. 18. There is no fear in love ; but perfe<5t Icve cafleih out fear : becaufe fear hath torment : he that feareth is not made perfe(^ in love* /cal.

ehap. XX. The Confefm of Faitk ill

lievcrs under the law/I Bur, under the New Teflamenr, che liberty of Chrillians is further inlarged, in their freedom from the yokcof the ceremonial law, to which the Jevvifh church was fubje(fted^; and in greater boldnefs of accefs to the throne of grace h, and in fuller communications of the free Spirit of God, than believers under the law did ordinarily partake of i. II, God alone is the Lord of the confcience k, and hath left it

/*Gal. Hi. 9. So then they who ht of faith, are blefied with faithful A- braham, v. 14. That the blefliHgof Abraham might come on the Gen- tiles through Jefus Chrift : that we might receive the promife of the Spirit through faith.

^ Gal. iv. I. Now 1 fay, that the heir, as long as he is a child, differ « eth nothing from a fervant, tho\igh ht be lord of all ; v. 2. Bat is under tutors and governors until the tira^ appointed of the father, v, 3. Even fa we, when we were children were in bondage under the elements of the world, v. 6. And becaufe ye are funs, God hath fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father, v. 7, Wherefore thou art no more a fervant, but a fon ; and if a fon, then an heir of God through Chriii. Gal, v. i. Stand fafl therefore in the liberty wherewith Chri(t hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Acfls xv. 10. Now there- fore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke upon the neck of the difciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear ? v. 11, But we believe, that through the grace of the Lord Jefus Chrift, we fhall be faved, even as they.

h Heb. iv. 14, Seeing then that we have a great high priefl that is pafTed into the heavens, Jefus the Son of God, let us hold fafi; our profefli- on* f. 1 6. Let us therefore come

boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Heb. X. 19. Having therefore, bre- thren, boldnefs to enter into the ho- Heft, by the blood of jefus, v. 20, By a new and living way which, he hath confecraied for us through the vail, that is to fay, his flefh; v. 2f. And having an higli prieft over the houfeofcod. v. 23. Let us draw near with a true heart, in fu 11 alTur- ance of faith, having our hearts fprinkled from an evil confcience, and our bodies wafiied with pure water.

/John vii. 3 9. He that believeth on me, as the fcriprure hath faid, out of h?s belly fliall flow rivers of living water. V. 39. Bat this fpake he of the Spirit, which they that be- lieved on him fh6uld receive ; for the Holy Gho(1: was not yet given, becaufe that jefus was not yet glo- rified. 2 Cor. iii. 15. And not as Mofes, who put a vail over his face, that the children of Ifrael could not ftedfaftly look to the end of that which is aboliilied. V. 17. Now the Lord is that Spirit ; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liber- ty. V. 1 8. But we all with open face, beholding as in a glafs» the glory of the Lord, are chaiiged into the fanje image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

\\, k James ir, i?. There is one law-giver, who is able to fave, and


1 1 2 The Ccnfejfim of Faith. Chap. XX.

free from the doclrines and commandments of men, which arc in any thing contrary to his word, or befide it, in matters of faith or wordiip/. " So that to believe fuch dodlrines, or to o- bey fuch commandments out of confcifece, is to betray true liberty of confcience m ; and the requiring of an implicite faith, and an abfohite and blind obedience, is to deflroy liberty of confcience, and reafon alfo n.

III. They

to tkftroy : who art thou that judg- ed another ? Rom, xiv. 4. Who art thou that jadgeit another man's fer- vant ? to his own mafl-cr he ftandeth ©r falleth : Yea, he (hall be holden up : for God is able to make him (bnd. .

/Ads Iv. 19. But Peter and John anfwered and faid unto them, Whe- ther it be right in the fight of God to hearken unto you, more than unto God, judge ye. A<fls v. 29. Then Peter and the other apoftles anfwer^ ed and faid. We oug^it to obey God rather.than men, I Cor. vii. 23- Ye are bought with a price, be not ye the fervants of men. Mat. xxiii. 8. But be not ye called Rabbi, for one is your Mafler, even Chrift, and all ye are brethren, v. 9. And call no man your Father upon the earth : for one is your Father, who is in heaven, v. 10. Neither be ye called mafters ; fgr one is, your Mafter, even Chrifh 2 Cor. i. 24. Not »*jr that we have dominion ovex your faith, but are helpers of your joy : for by faith ye ftand. Mat. xv. 9, But in vain they do worlhip me, teaching for dodrines the command- ments of men.

m Col. ii. 20. Wherefore if ye be dead with Chrift from the rudiments of the world ; why as though livirrg in the world, are ye luhjed to ordi- nances. V, 22. Which all are to pe- rifti \yith the ufing, after the com- mandments and dodrines of men ?

V. 23. Which things have indeed a fhew of wifdom in will w'or{hip and humility, and neglediog of the bo- dy, not in any honour to the fatis- fyingofthe flefli. Gal. i. 10. Fordo I now perfuade men, or God ? or do I feek topleafe men .? For if I yet pleafed men, I fhould not be tlie fer- vant of Chrift. Gal. ii. 4. And that becAufe of falfe brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to fpy out our liberty, which we have in Chrift Jefus, that they might bring us into bondage: v. 5, To whom we gave place by fubje<5tion, no not for an hour : that the truth of the gofpel might continue with you. Gal. v. i. Stand faft therefore in the liberty wherewith Chrift hath made us free, and be not entangfed again with the yoke of bondage.

n Rom. X. 17. So then, faith com- eth by hearing, and hearing by the word of God, Rom. xiv. 23. And he that doubteth, is damned if he eat, becaufe he eateth not of faith : for whatfoever is not of faith, is fm, Ifa.- viii. 20'. To the law and to the tefti- mony : if they fpeak not according to this word, it is becaufe there is no light in them. Ads xvii, it. Thefe were more noble than thofe in Thef- falonica, in that they received the word \\*th all readinefs of mind, and fearched the fcriptures daily, whe- ther thofe things were fo. John ivi 22. Ye worihip ye know not what : we know w4iat w^ worfhip ; for fal-


Chap. XX. The Confcfion of Faith, 113

III They who, upon pretence of Chri-Itian liberty, do prac- tife any fin, or chcrilh any iiifi, do thereby deflroy the end of Chriitian liberty; which is, that being delivered out of the hands ot our enemies, we might ferve the Lord without fear, ia holinefs and righteoufnefs before him all the days of our life 0. IV. And becaufe the powers which G©d hath ordained,and the liberty which Chriit hath purchafed, are not intended by God to deftroy, but mutually to uphold and preferve one ano- ther; they who, upon pretence of Chriflian liberty, fliall op- pofeany lawful power, or the lawful exercife of it, whether ic be civil or ecckfiaflical, refifl the ordinances of God/. And


vatlon is of the jews. Hofea v. 11. Kphraim is oppreired, and broken in judgment; becaufe he willingly walked after the commandment. Rev. xiii. 12. And he exercifeth all the power of the firft beaft before him, and caufeth the earth, and them who dwell therein, to worlhip the lirft beaft, whofe deadly wound was healed, v. 19. And he caufeth aH, both fmall and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in iheir right hand, or in their foreheads, v. 17, And that no man might buy, or fell, fave he that had the mark, or the name of the beaft, or the number of his name. Jer. vili. 9. Tke wife men are afhamed, they are difmayed and taken; lo, they have rejeaed the word of the Lord, and what wifdom is in them.

in.<?Gal. V. 13. For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty, only life not liberty for an occafionto ths flelh, but by love, ferve one another.

1 Pet. ii. 161 As iitt^ and not ufing your liberty for a cloke of malici- oufnefs, but as the fervants of God.

2 Pet. ii. 19. While they promlfe ihem liberty, they themielves are the fervants of corruption ; for of whom a man is overcome, of the fume is he brough: inbQadage. John

vili. 34. Jefus anfwered them. Verily, verily, I fay unto you, VVhofoever committeth fin, is the fervant of fini Luke i. 74. That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies, might ferve him without fear, v. 75, In holinefs and righteoufuefs before him all the days of our life.

IV,/»Mat.xii. 2j. And jefusknew their thoughts, and faid unto them. Every kingdom divided againft itfelf, is brought to dcfolaiion : and every city or houfe divided ag^iinft itfelf, ftiall not ftand. i Pet. ii. 13. Submit yourfelves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's fake: Vvhether it be to the king as fupreme ; v. 14. Or unto governors, as unto ihem that are feat by him, for the punithment of evil doers,, and for the praife of them that do welh v.

16. As free, and not ufing yoiir liberty for a cloke of malicioufnefs, but as the fervants of God. (Rom, xiii. I. to the 8. verfe.) Hcb. xiii.

17. Obey them that have the rule over you, and fubmit youifelvest for they waich for your fouls, as they that mud: give account; tlia^ they may do it with joy, smd r-oc with grief j for that is ti iprcfna )Je for Jicwj,

H I^cm.

jl. The Confeffion of Faith. Chap. XX

for their publilhing of fuch opinions, or maintaining of fuch praaices, as are contrary to the light of nature, or to the known principles of Chriflianity. whether concerning faith, worlhiporconverfation; or to the power of godhncfs; or fuch erroneous opinions or praaices as either in their own nature, or in the manner of publiftiing or maintaining them are de- ftruftiveto the external peace and order which Chnil hath eita- bliihed in the church ; they may lawfully be called to account, and proceeded againfl by the cenfures of the church q, and by

q Rom. i. 3:. Who knowing the judgment of God, (that they who commit fuch things are worthy of death) not only do the fame, but have pleafure in them that do them. With 1 Cor. V. I. It is reported com- monly, that there is fornication a- mong you, and fuch fornication as is not fo much as named ^mong the Gentiles, that one (hould have his father's wife. v. ^- to deliver fuch an one unto Satan, for the deftrufti- on ofthef^edi, that the fpirit may be faved in the day of the Lord je- fus. V. II. Bat now 1 have written unto )0U, not to keep company, if any man that is called a brother, be a fornicator, or covetous, or an ido- later, or a railer, or a drunkard, or an extortioner, with fuch an one, no not to eat. v. 13. Butthem that are without, Godjudgeth. Therefore put away from among yourfelves that wiciicd perfon. 2 John 10, If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your, houfe, neither bid him God fpeed. V. 11. For he that bid- deth him God fpced, is partaker of his tvif deeds. And 2 Thefi". iii. 14. And if any man obey not our word by this epiftle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be aOiamcd. And i Tim. vi. ;?. If any man teach otherwife, and confent not to wholfume words, even

the word* of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and to the doftrine which is accord- ing to godiinefs ; v. 4. He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about queflions and ftrifes of words, where- of cometh envy, ftrlfe, railings, evil fiirmifmgs, v. 5. Perverfe difputings of men of corrupt minds, and defti- tute of the truth, fuppofing that gain is godiinefs : from fuch with- draw thyfeif. And Tit. i. 10. For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers, efpecially they of the circumcifion. v. 11. Whofe mouths muft be flopped, who fub- vert whole houfes, teaching thin^ they ought not, for filthy lucre's fake. V, 13. This witnefs -sue: wherefore rebuke them fharply, that they may be found in the faith. And Tit. iii. 10, A man that is an here- tic, after the fir ft and fecond ad- monition, rejea. With Mat. xviii, I J. Moreover, if thy brother fhall trefpafs againft thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him a- lone : if he fhall hear thee, thou hafl gained thy brother, v. 16. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnefTes every word may be eftablifhed. v. 1 7. And if he fhall neglea to hear them, tell it unto the church, but if he neglea to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heaxhen man and a l?ubh-


Chap. XX. The Confejfwn of Fahk

the power of the civil magiftrate r.


can. I Tim. \. 19. Holding faith and a goi)d confcience : which fome hav- ing put away, concerning faith have made fhipwreck. v. 20. Of whom is Hymeneus and Alexander: whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blafpheme. Rev. ii. 2. I know thy works, and thy la- bour, and tliy patience, and how thou canft not bear them who are evil ; and thou haft tried them, wh|o fay they are apoftles, and are not ; and haft found them liars, v. 14. But I ha/ea few things againft thee, Becaufe thou hs^ there them that hold the dodrine of Balaam, who taught Balack CO caft a ftumb ling- block before the children of ifrael, to eat things facrificed unto idoU, and to commit fornication, v. 15. So haft thou alio them that hold the do.5l:rine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate. v. 20. Notwithftand- ing, I have a few things againft thee, becaufe thou fuftereft that woman Jezebel, which calleih her- felf a prophetefs, to teach, and feduce my fervants to commit fornication, and to eat things facrificed unto i- dols. Rev, iii, 91 Behold, I will make them of the fynagogue of Sa- tan, (who fay they are jews, and are not, but do lie) Behold, I will make them come and worfliip before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

r (Deut. xiii. 6. to the 12.) Rom, xiii. 3. For rulers are not n terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the pow- er ? do that which is good, and thou fhalt have praifeof the fame. v. 4. For he is the minifter of (iod to thee fur good, But if thou do that which 16 evil, be afraid j for he beareth not

the fword in vain : for he is th^ mi- nifter of God, a revenger to execute, wrath upon him that doth evil* .With 2 John f o. 1 1. (See in the let- ter ^.) Ezra vii. 23. Wkaifoever is, commanded by the God of heaven, let it be diligently done, for the! houfe of the God of heaven; for why fliou'd there be wrath againft the realm of the king and his fons ? V. 25. And thou, Ezra, .after the. wifdom of thv God, that is in thioa hand, fet magiftrates and judges, who may judge all the people that are beyond the river, all fuch as know the 15ws of thy God ; and teach ye them that know them not, V. 26. And whofoever will not do. thelawofthyGod,andthe law of the king, let judgment be executed fpeedily upon him, whether it be unto death, or to feanifhmcnt, ,or to confifcation of goods, or to impri- fonment. v, 27 . Blefled be the Lord cod of our fathers, who hath put fuch a thing as this in the King's heart, to beautify the houfe of the Lord, which is in jerufalem : v. 28. And hath extended mercy unto me, before the king, and his counfellors, and before all the king's mighty princes : and I was ftrengthened, as the hand of the Lord my cod was upon me, and I gathered toget!ier out of ifrael, chief men to go up . v/it|i me. Rev. xvii. i 2. And the ten horns wliich thou faweft, are ten kings, which have received no king- dom as yet ; but receive power as kings cne hour v;ith the beaft. v. 16. And the ten. horns which thou faweft upon the beaft, thefe ftiall hate the whore, and (hall make her dejTolate, and naked, and ftiall eat hfejt.' ^s-i^* an^^, burn her with fire ' H 2 V. 17.'

1 1 6 The ConfeJJlon of Fqlth, Chap. XX

V. 17. For Go3 liath put in their planets, and to all the hoft of hea-

hearts to fulfil his will, and to a- gree, and to give their kingdom unto the beafl, until the words of God {hall be fulfilled. Neh. xiii. 15. In thofe days favv I in Judah fome treading wine prefTes on the fabbath, and bringing in (heaves, and lading afTes ; as alfo wine, j^rapes, and figs, and all manner of burdens, which they brought into jerufalem on the fabbath day : and I teftified againft them in the day wherein they fold vi(51uals. V. 17. Then I contended •With the nobles of Judah, and faid •unto them, What evil thing is this that ye do, and prophane the fab- bath day ? V. 21. Then I teftified againft them, and faid unto them. Why lodge ye about the wall ? If ye do fo again, I will lay hand? on you. From that time forth came they no more on the fabbath. v, 22. And I commanded the Levites, that they fhould cleanfe themfelves, and that they (liould come and keep the gates, to fandtify the fabbath day. Remember me, O my C^od, concern ing this alfo, and fpare me accord- ing to the greatnefs of thy mercy, v. 25. And I contended with them, and curfed them, i^nd fmote certain of theiri, and pluckt off the hair, and made them fwear by God, faying. Ye fhall not give your daughters unto their fons, nor take their daughters unto your fons, or for yonrfelves. v. 50. Thus cleanfed I them from all ftrangers, and ap- pointed the wards of the priefts, and the Levites, every OaC in his bufi- nefs, 2 Kings xxiii. 5. And he put tlown the idolatrous prie(h, whom the kings of judah had ordained to burn incenfe in the high places, in the cities of Judah, and in the pla- ces round about Jerufalem, them alfo that burn incenfe unto Baal, to the fun and to the mooo, and to the

ven. v, 6, And he brought out the grove from the houfe of the Lord, without Jerufalem, unto the brook Kidron, and burnt it at the brook Kidron, and flampt it fmall to pow- der ; and caft the powder thereof upon the graves of the children of the people, v. 9. Neverthelefs, the prlefU of the high places came not up to the altar of the Lord in Jeru- fakm, but they did eat of the un- leavened bread among their breth- ren. V. 20i And he flew all the priefls of the high places that were there, upon the altars, and burnt mens bones upon them, and return- ed to Jerufalem. v. 21. And the king commanded all the people, frying, Keep the pafTover unto the Lord your God, as it is written in the book of this covenant. 2 Chron. xxxiv. 33. And jofiah took away all the abominations out of all the coun- tries that pertained to the children of Ifrael, and made all that were pre- font in Ifrael to ferve, even' to ferve the Lord their God. And all his days they departed not from follow- ing the Lord, the God of their fa- thers. 2 Chron. xv. 12. And they entered into a covenant to fcek the Lord God of their fathers, with all their heart, and with all their foul ; V. 13. That whofoever would not feek the Lord cod of ifrael, fliouH be put to death, whether fmall or great, whether man or woman, v. i6. And alfo concerning Maachah the mother of Afa the king, he re- moved her fr®m being queen, be- caufe fhe had made an idol in a grove : and Afa cut down her idol, and (tamped it, and burnt it at the brook Kidron, Dan. iii. 29. There- fore I make a decree. That every people, nation, and language, which (peak any thing amifs againft the cod of Shadrach, Mefliach, and


Chap, XXI.

The Confejpon of Faith,


Chap. XXL Of Religious Worjhip, afid the Sabbath Day.

THE light of nature flieweth that there is a God who^hath lordfhip and fovereignty over all'; is good, and doth good unto all; and is therefore to be feared, loved, prai fed, called upon, trufted in, and fcrved, with all the heart, and with all the foul, and with all the niight a. But the acceptable way of


Abednego, (hath be~^ut in pieces, and their houfes (hall be made a dunghill ; becaufe there is no other god that can deliver after tlds fort. 5 Tim. ii. 2, For kings, and for all that are in authority ; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godlinefs and honefty, ifa. xlix. 23, And kings (hall be thy nurfing fa- thers, and their queens thy nurfing mothers ; they fhali bow down to thee, with their faces toward the earth, and lick up the dull of thy feet, and thou (halt know that 1 afa the Lord : for they (hail not be a fhamed that wait for me. Zech. xiii. 2. And it fhall come to pafs in that day, faith the Lord of hofh, that I will cut off the namts of the idols •ut of the land, and they flirJl r/o more be remembred : and alfo I will caufe the prophets, and the unclean {pirit to p-ifs out of the land. v. 3. And it fliallcome to pafs, th;tt when any fhall yet prophefy, tljen his fa- ther and his mother, that begat him, (hall fay onto him, Thou (halt not live : for thou fpeakeft lies in the name of the Lord : and his father and his mother, that begat him, fhall thrufl him through when he prophefieth.

I. a Rom. i. 20. For the invifible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly feen, being imderftood try the things \\rA.i arc ' raade, even his ttcrcaJ Power and

Godhead ; fo that they are without excufe. Adsxvii. 24, God that mad« the world, and all things therein, feeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands. Pfal. cxix. 68. Thou art good, and doft good ; teach rae thy llatuies. Jer» x. 7. Who would not fear thee, O King of nations? for to thee doth it appertain : foraf- uinch as among all the wife men of the nations, and in all their kii^g- doms, there is none like unto, thee. Pfal. xxxi. 23.0 love the Lord, all ye his fairits : for the Lord preff;rv- eth the faithful, and plentifully re- wardeth the proud doer. Pfal. xviii. 3. I will call upon the Lord who is. worthy to be prailed ; io (hall 1 be faved from mine enemies. Rom. x. 12, For thtre is no difference be- tween the jew and the Greek : for the fame Lord overall, is. rich unto all that call upon him. Pfal. Jxii. 8. Truft in him at all times ; ye peo^ pie, pour out your hearts befure him : God is a refuge for us. jofbua xxiv. 14. Nov/ therefore, fear the Lord, and fcrve him in fincerity and in truth, and put away the gods which your fathers ferved on the other (ide of the flood, and in E- gypt : andferveyethe Lord. Mark xii. 33. And to love him with all the heart, and with ail the underlland- •ingi and with all. the foul, and wiili aii ih- firength, and to love h?^

Ii8 The ConfeJJton of Faith. Chap. XXL

worihipping the true God is inilituted by himfelfjand fo limit- ed by his own revealed will, that he may not be w^orftiipped according to the imaginations and devices of men, or the fuggeftions of Satan, under any yifible reprefentatibn, or any other way not prefcribed in the holy fcripture b,

II. Religious vTorfliip is to be given to God, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghofl: ; and to him alone c : not to angels, faints, or any other creature d : and fmce the fall, not without a Media- tor ; nor in the mediation of any other but of Chrifl alone e,

111. Prayer

neighbour as hlmfelf,. is more than all whole burnt-offerings and facri- ces.

b Deut. xii. 32. What thing foever I command you, obferve to do it : thou (halt not add thereto, nor di- minifli from it. Mat. xv. 9. But in vain do they worfhip me, teaching for dodtrines the commandments of men, Afts xvii. 35. Neither is wor- {hipped with mens hands, as though Jie needed any thing, feeing he giv- cth to all life, and breath, and all things. Mat. iv. 9, And faith unto him. All thefe things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and wor- fhip me, V. I o. Then faid Jefus un- to him, Get thee hence, Satan : for it is written, thou flialt worfliip the Lord thy God, and him only (halt thou ferve. (Deut. xv, to the 20, verfe.) Exod. xx. 4. Thou fhaltnot make unto thee any graven image, or any likenefs of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the wa- ter under the earth, v. 5, Thou fhalt not bow down thyftlf to them, nor ferve tkcni : for I tl;e Lord thy God am a jealous God, vifiting the ini- C[uities of the fathers upon the chil- dren, unto t!T€- third and fourth ge- iicration of them that hate me : v. (). And /hewing mercy unto thou- fands of them that love me,andkeep my Qommandmenis. Co]« ii. 23,

Which things indeed haveafhewof wifdom in v/ill worihip and humili- ty, and Bcgle^ing of the body, not in any honour to the fatisfying of the flefti.

IL r Mat.iv. 10, (See before in letter^.) With John v. ;2 3. That all men fhould honour the Son, even as .they honour the Father, He that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father who hath fent him. And 2 Cor. xiii. 24, The grace of the Lord Jefus Ghrift, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghoft, be with you all. Amen.

dCo\. ii. 18. Let no man beguile you of your reward, in a voluntary humility, and worshipping of angels, intruding into thofe things which he hath not feen, vainly putt up by his fiefhly mind. Rev. xix. 10. And I fell at his feet to worfhip him : and he faid unto me. See thou do it not : I am thy fell ov/-fer van t, and of thy brethren that have the leftimony of Jefus : worihip God : for the tefti- mony of jefus is the fpirit of prophe- cy. Rom, i. 25. Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worfhip- pf-d and ferved the creature m.ore than the Creator, who is bleifed for ever. Amen.

e John xiv, 6. Jefus faith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life : no man comeih to the Father butjjy me. i Tim. ii. 5. 3?or there


Chap. XXI. The Confeffion of Faith. 1 19

HI. Prayer with thankfgiving, being one fpecial part of re* ligious worfliipy, is by God required of all men ^]; and that it may be accepted, it is to be made in the name of the Son h, by the help of his Spirit/, according to his will/^, withunderftand- ing,reverence, humility, fervency, faith, love and perfeverance /;


is one cod, and one Mediator be- tween God and men, the man Chrift Jefus. Eph. ii. i8. For through him we both have an accefs by one Spirit vinto the Father. CoL iii. 17, And wliatfoever ye do in word or in deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jefus, giving thanks to God, and the Father by himi

III. /Phil. iv. 6. Be careful for nothing : but in every thing by prayer and fupplication with thankf- giving, let your requ^ifts be made known unto Godi

g Plal. Ixv. 2. O thou that hear- eft prayer, unto thee fhall all fiefti come.

h John xiv. 13. And whatfoever ye (hall aflc in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorifi. ed in the Son. v. 14. Ifye^fhall aflc any thing in ray name, 1 will do it. I Pet, ii, 5. Ye alfo as lively ftones are built up a fpiritual houfe, an holy priefthood to offer up fpititual facrifices, acceptable to God by Je- fus Chrift.

i Rom. viii. 26. Likcwife the Spirit alfo helpeth our infirmities ; for we know not what we Ihould pray for as \JQ. ought ; but the Spirit itfelf maketh interceflion for us with groanings v/hich cannot be uttered.

k I John v. 14. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we aflc any thing according to his will he heareth us.

/ Pfal. Ixxv, .7. For God IS tlie king of all the earth, fing ye praifes with underftanding.. Eccl. v. i. Keep thy foot whea thou gped to

the houfe of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the fa- orifice of fools : for they confuler not that they do evil, v, 2. Be not rafh with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hafty to utter any thing before God : for cod is in heaven, and thou upon earth ; therefore let thy words be few. Heb, xii. 28. Wherefore we receiv- ing a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may ferve cod acceptably with reverence and godly fear. cen. xviii. 27. And Abraham anfwered and faid. Behold now, I have taken up- on me to fpeak unto the Lord, who am but duft and afhes . j ames v. i 6. Confefs your faults another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed : The effedual fer- vent prayer of a righteous man a- vaileth much. James i. 6. But let him afli in faith, nothing wavering : for he that wavereth, is like a wave of the fea, diiven wi<h the wind and toffed. V. 7. For let not that man think that he Ihall receive any thing of the Lord. Mark xi, 24. Tiiere- fore 1 fny unto you. What things foever ye defire when ye pray, be- lieve that ye receive tiiem, and ys fiiall have them. Mat. vi. 12. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, v 14. For if ye for- give men iheir trefpafles, your hea- venly Father will alfo forgive you. Vi 15. But if ye forgive not men their trefpaffes, aeither will your Father forgive your trefpafics. Col. iv. 2 Continue in prayer, and watch n 4 m

lio The Confejfion of Faith. Chap. XXL

and, if vocal, in a known tongue m,

IV. Prayer is to be made for things lawful w, and for all forts of men ^ivino^, or that fliall live hereafter o: but not for ihe dead />, nor for thofe of whom it may be known that they have finned the fm unto death q,

v. The reading of the fcriptures with godly fear r ; the


in the fame v/ith thankfgiving. Eph, vi. 1 8. Praying always with all prayer and fupplication in the Spi- rit, and watching thereunto with all perfeverancc, and fupplicaiion for all faints.

m I Cor. xiv. 1 4* For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my fpirit prayeth, but my uuderftanding is unfruitful. .

IV. « (i John V. 14. See letter k.)

0 I Tim. ii. 1. 1 exhort therefore, that firft of all fupplications, pray- ers, interceflions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men : v. 2. !For kings, and for all that are in authority ; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all gcdlinefs and honefty. John xvii. 20. Neither pray I for thcfe alone, but for them alfo who fhall believe ob rae thro' their word. 2 Sam. vii. 29. There- fore now let it pleafe thee to bleis the houfe of thy fervant, that it may continue for ever before thee : for thou, O lord God, haft fpoken it ; and with thy blefling lot the houfe €»f thy fervaRt be blefied for ever. Ruth iv, 12. And let thy houfe be 3ike the houfe cf Pharez (whom Tamar bare unto Judah) of the feed "which the Lord fhall give thee cf this young wpman.

p 2 Sam. xii. 21. Then faid his fervants unto him, What thing is this that thou hafl. done ? thoudidft faft and weep for ti»e child while it was alive ; but when the child was dead, thou didft arife and eat bread.

T. 22. And he faid, while the child was yet alive, I faftcd and wept : for I faid, Who can tell whether Cod will be gracious to me, that the child may live ? v. 23. But now he is dead, wherefore fhould I h[\ ? Can I bring him back again ? I faall go to him, but he (hall not return tome. (With Luke xvi. 25.) But Abraham faid, Son, remember that thou in thy life-time receivedft thy good things, and likewi(e Lazarus evil things : but now he is comfort- ed, and thou art tormented, v. 26. And befides all this, between us and you, there is a great gulf fix- ed : fo that they who would pafs from hence to you cannot, neither can they pafs to us, that would come from thence. Rev. xiv. 13. And I heard a voice from heaven, faying unto me, Write, BlefTed are the dead who die in the Lord, from henceforth : yea, faith the Spirit, that they may reft from their la* hours : and thejr works do follow them.

q I John r. 16. If any man fee his brother fm a lin which is not un- to death, he fhall aflc, and he fhall give him life for them th?t fin not unto death. There is a fin unto death ; I do not fay, that he fhall pray for it.

V. r A<5l:s xv, 21. For Mofcs of old time hath in every city, them that preach him, being read in the fnagogucs every fabbaih day. Rev. i. 3> Bleiftd is he that readeth, and


Chap. XXL The Confefton of Faltk 12 1

found preaching / and confcionable hearing of the word, in obedience unto God, with underltanding, faith and reverence t: fmging of pfalms with grace in the heart v; alfo the dus adminidration and worthy receiving of the facraments inflitut- ed by Chrifl; are all parts of the ordinary religious worfhip of God w\ befides religious oaths x and vows^, folemn fadings z


they that hear the word of this pro- phecy, and keep thofe things which ate written therein ; for the time is Kflt hand,

f 2 Tim. iv. 2. Preach the word, be inftant in fealon, and cut of fea- fon ; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long IbfFering and do<^rine.

/ Jam. i. 2 2. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, de- ceiving your own felves. AS.S x. 33. fmmeiHately therefc^re I fent to thee ; and thou haft well done, that thou art come. Now therefore are we ail here prefent before God, to "hear all tilings that are commanded thee of God. Mar. xiii. 19. When any one heareih the word of the kingdom, and urderfiandeth it not, then comeih the wicked one, and catcheih away tliat wliich was fown in his heart : this is he, who receiv- ed feed in the way fide. Heb. iv. 2. For unto us was the gofpei preach- ed, as well as unto them : But the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faiih in them that heard it. Ifa. Ixvi. 2. For all thofe things hath mine hand made, and all thofe things have been, faith the Lord : but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor, and of a contrite fpirit, and trembieth at my word.

V Col. iii. 16. Let the word of Chrift dwell in you richly in ail wif- dom : teaching and admonifhing one another in pfalms, and hymns, and Ipiritual fongs, iinging with grace in your hearts to the Lord. Eph. v. i ^ . Speaking to yourfelyes ia pfalms.

and hymns, and fpiritua! fongs, iinging and making melody in your hearts to the Lord. Jam, v. 13. Is any among you affli(5ted .? let him pray. Is any merry ? let him fing pfalms.

luMat. xxviii. 19. Go ye there- fore, and teach all rations, baptiz- ing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. (i Cor. xi. 23, to Verfe 29.) Afts ii. 42. And they continu- ed ftedfaftly in the apofties doftrine and fellowfhip, and in breaking of bread, and in' prayers.

X Deut. ,vi, 13, Thou /halt fear the Lord thy God, and ferve him, and (halt fwear by his name. With Neh.x. 29. They clave to their bre- thren, their nobles, and entered in- to a curi«e, and into an oath, to walk in God's law, which was given by Mofes the fervant of God, and to obferve and do all the command- ments of the Lord our Lord, and his judgments and his Ibtuies.

y Ifa. xix. 21. And the Lord fliall be known to Egypt, and the Egyp- tians (hall know the Lord in that day, and (hail do facrifice and obla- tion : yea, they lliall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it. With Eccl. V. ^. When thou vov/eft: a vow unto cod, defer not to pay it. , for he hath no pieafure in fools ; pay that which thou halt vowed, v, 4. Better is it that thou fiiouidelt not vow, than that thoa fhculdell v.ow^ and not pay;

z Joel ii. 12. Therefore alfo now, iaith

2 2 2 The Confejfton if Faith. Chap. XXT.

and thankfgivings upon fpecial occafions a, which are, in their feveral times and feafons, to be ufed in an holy and religious manner b,

Vl. Neither prayer, nor any other part of religious wor- fhip, is, now under the gofpel, either tied unto, or made more acceptable by, any place in which it is performed, or towards which it is dire^ed c: but God is to be worfhipped every* where ^ in fpirit and truths; as in private families / dai-


faith the Lord. Turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with faft- ing, and with weeping, and with mourning. Efthi iv. i6. go, gather together all the Jews that are pre- fent in ShuHian, and fart: ye for me, and nvcither eat nor drink, three days, night or days ; I alfo and my maidens will faft likewife, and fo will I go in unto the king, which is not accord- ing to the law ; and if I perifli, I perifh- Mat. ix. 15. And jefus faid unto them, Can the children of the bride-chamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them ? but the days will come, when the bride- groom rtiall be taken from them, and then fhall they faft. i Cor. vii. 5. Defraud ye not one tbe other, except it be with confent for a time, that ye may give yourfelves to fart- ing and prayer ; and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency.

a (Pfal.cvii. throughout.) Erther ix. 22. As the days wherein the Jews relied from their enemies, and the month which was turned unto them from forrow to joy, and from mourn- ing uoio agoodday, that they fliould make them days of tearting and joy, and of fending portions one to ano- ther, and gifts to the poor.

i> Hcb. xii. 28. Wherefore we le- eeiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whe»eby v.e may lerve ood. acceptably, with

reverence and godly fear.

VI. c John iv. 21. Jefus faith un- to her. Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye fhall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerufa- lem, worfliip the Father*

d Mai. i. 1 1 . For from the riling of the fun even unto the going down of the fame, my name ftiall be great among the Gentiles, and in every place incenfe ftiall be offered unto my name, and a puie offering: for my name fhall be great among the hea.- then, faith the Lord of hofls. i Tim, ii. 8. 1 will therefore, that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

tf John iv. 13. But the hour com- eth, and now is, when the true worfhippers fliall worfliip the Father in fpint and in truth ; For the Fa- ther feeketh fuch to worfhip him. v. 24. God is a Spirit, and they that worfliip him, mull worfhip him in fpirit and in trtxh.

y^Jer. X. 25. Pour out thy fury upon the heathen that know thee not, and upon the families that call not on thy name ; for they have eaten up Jacob, and devoured him, and confumed him. and have made his habitation defolate. Deut. vi. 6. And thefc words which J command tiiee this day, fliall be in thine heart, v. 7. And thou flialt teach them di- ligently unto thy children, and flialt talli of ihem when thou litteft in


Chap. XXL The Cenfiffion of Faith. 125

ly^, and in fecret each one by hlmfelf />; fo.more folemnly in the public afTemblies, which arc not carelefly or wilfully to be negle£led or forfaken, when God by his word or pro- vidence calleth thereunto /.


thine houfe, and when thon walk- eft by the way, and when thou Heft down, and when thou rifelt up. Job. i. 5. And it was fo, when the dayi of their feafting were gone a- bout, that Job fent ai»d fandified them, and rofe up early in the morning, and offered burnt-ofFer- ings, according to the number of them all : for Job faid. It may be that my fons have finned, and cuif- ed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually. 2 Sara. vi. 18. And aifoon as David had made an end of offering burnt- offerings, and peace-offerings, he bleffed the peo- ple in the name of the Lord of hofts. -V. 20. Then David returned toblefs his houfhold, i Pet. iii. 7. Like- wife ye hufo^ands, dwell with them according to Itnowledge, giving ho- nour unto the wife as unto the weak- er vefTel, and as being heirs together of the grace of Ufe, that your pray- ers be not hindered. Ads x. 2. A devout man, and one that feared God with all his houfe, which gave much alms to the people, and pray- ed to God alway.

g Mat. vi. II. Give us this day our daily bread.

h Mat. vi. 6. But thou, when thou prayeft, enter into thy clofet, arid when thou haft ftiut thy door, pray to thy Father who is in fecret, and thy Father who feeih in fecret fhall reward thee openly. Eph. vi. 10. Praying always, with all pray- er and fupplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perfe- verance and fupplication for all faints.

;■ IHi. Ivi. 6. aIIq the Tons of the

ftranger, that join themfclves to the Lord, to ferve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his fervants, every one that keepeth the fabbath from polluting it, and taketh hold of my covenant ; v. 7. Even them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my houfe of prayer : their burnt-offerings and their facrifices fhall be accepted upon mine altar ; for thine houfe fhall be called an houle of prayer for all people. Heb. x. 25. Not forfaking the affembling of ourfelves together, as the manner of fome is ; but ex- horting one another; and fomuch the more, a$ ye fee the day ap- proaching, Prov. i. 20. Wifdom crieth without, fhe uttereth her voice in the flreets : v. 21. She crieth in the chief place of concourfe, in the openijigs of the gates : in the city flie uttereth her words, fay- ing, V. 24. Becaufc I have called, and ye refufed, I have ft retched out my hand, and no man regarded. Prov. viii. 34. BlefTed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, watching at the pofts of my doors. A6ts xiii. 42. And when the jews were gone out of the fynagogue, the Gentiles be- fought that iliefe words niight be preached to them the next fabbath. Luke iv. 16. And he came to Na zareth, where he had been brought up : and, as his cuftom was, he weht into the fynagogue on the fabbathi day, and ftood up for to lead, A&.S ii, 42. And they continued ftedfaft- ly in the apoftles dodtrine, and fel- lowaiip, in breaking of bread, and


114 -^-^^ Confejfion of Faith » Chap. XXf.

VII. As it is of the law of nature, that, in general, a due proportion of time be fet apart for the worfhip of God ; fo, ia his word, by a pofitive, moral, and perpetual commandmenr, binding all men in all ages, he hath particularly appointed one day in feven, for a Sabbath, to be kept holy unto him k : which, from the beginning of the world to the refurreflion of Chrift, w^s the lad day of the week; and, from the refurredtion of Cnrift, was changed into the firfl day of the week /, which, in fcripture is called the Lord's day tb, and is to be continued to the end of the world, as the Chriflian Sabbath n. . .

VIIL This Sabbath is then kept holy unto the Lord, when: men, after a due preparing of their hearts, and ordering of their common affairs before- hand, do not only obferve an holy refl all the day, from their own works, words and thoughts, about their-


in prayers.

Vir. k Exod. XX. 8, Remember the fabbath day, to keep it holy, y, lb. But the feventh day is the fab- bath of the Lord thy cod, in it thou fhalt not do any work, thou, nor thy fen, nor thy daughter, thy man- fervant, nor thy maid-fervant, nor thy cattle, nor thy ftranger which is within thy gates, v, ii.Forin fix days, the Loid made heaven and earth, ihc fea, and all that in them is, and refted the feventh day; wherefore the* Lord blefied the fab- bath day, and hallowed it. Ifa. Jvii 2. BleiTed is the man that doth this, and the fon of man that lay- eth hold on if, that keepeth the fabbath from polluting it, and keep- eth his hand from doing any evil. V. 4. For thus faith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my fabbaihs, and choofe the things that pleafe me, and take hold of my covenant. Vi ^, 7. (See in letter /,)

/Gen. ii. 2. And on the feventh day, God ended his work which he Iiad^ade ; and he refled on the feventh day from all his wi>rk which he had made. \er. 3. And cod

blefTed the feventh day and f^n(5ls- fied it : becaufe that in it he had reft- ed from all his work, which God Cre- ated and made. Cor. xvi, I, Now coricerning the coiledtion for tha faints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even fo do ye. V. 2. Upon the firfl day of the week, let every one of you lay by him iii' ftore, as God hath profpered hini, that there be no gatherings when \ come. A(fls. XX. 7. And upon the firft day of the week, when the dif- ciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continu- ed his fpeech until midnight.

VI Rev. i. 40. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and Heard behind me » great voice, as of a trumpet.

n Exod. XX. 8, 10. (See lettet^.) Witli Mat. v. 17. Think not that I am come to deflroy the law or the prophets; I am not come to delhoy, but to fulfil: v. 18. For verily I fay unto you, till heaven and earth pafs, one jot or one tittle (hall in no wife pafs from tlie law, till all be fulfil- led.

VIII. 0 Exod.

Chap. XXt. The Cenfejfion of Faith. 125

worldly employments and recreations 0; but alfo are taken up the whole time in the public and privatc-exercifesof his wor-


VITI. 0 F.xod. XX. B. (See letter k.) Exod, xvi. 2 And he faid unto them, This is that which the Lord hath faid, to morrow is the reft of the holy Sabbath unto the Lord ; bake that which you will bake, to iay, and feethe that ye will feethe ; and that which remaineth over, lay xip for you to be kept until the morn- ing. V. 25^. And Mofes faid, Eat that to day ; for to day is a fabbath unto the Lord : to day ye (hall not find it in the field, v. 26. Six days ye (hall gather it, but on the feventh day which is the fabbath, in ir there fliall be none, v, 29. See, for that the Lord hath given you the fab- bath, therefore he giveth you on the Cxth day the bread of two days : abide ye every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the feventh day. v. 30, So the people relted on the feventh day. Exod* xxxi. 15. Six days may work be done, but in the i<:venth is the fab- bath of reft, hoJy to the Lord : who- foevf'r doth any work in the fab- bath day, he fliall furely be put to death, v. 16. Wherefore the cliil- dren of Hrael (liall keep the fabbath, to obferve the fabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant, v; 17. It is a fign be- tween me, and the children of If- rael for ever: for in fix days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the feventh day he refted, and was refredied. ffa. Iviii. 13, If thou turn away thy foot from the fab- bath, from doing thy pleafure on my holy day, and call the fabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable, and flialt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor find«

ing t])ine 'own pleafure, nor fpeak- ing thine own words, Nc'h. xiii. I'f. In thofe days faw I in Judah, fome treading wine prefTjs on the fab- bath, and bringing in (heaves, and leading aifes ; as alfo wine, grapes, and figs, and all manner of burthen?, which they brought into Jerufalent on the fabbath day ; and I teftified againftthem in the day wherein they fold viduals. v. 1 6. There dwelt men of Tyre alfo therein, who brought fifli, and all manner of ware, and fold on the fabbath, un- to the children of Judah, and in Je- rufalem. v. 17. Then 1 contended with the nobles of Judah, and faid unto them. What evil thing is this that ye do, and prophane the fab- bath day ? vi 18. Did not your fa- thers thus, and did not our God bring this evil upon us, and u- pon tliis city ? yet ye bring more wrath upon Ifrael, by profaning the fabbath. v, 19. And it came to pafs, that when the gates of Je- rufalem began to be dark before the fabbath, I commanded that the gates (hould be (hut, and charged that they (hould not be opened till after the fabbath ; and fome of my fervants fet I at the gates, that there (hould no burthen be brought in on the fabbath day, v. 21. Then t teftified againft them, and faid un- to them. Why lodge ye about the wall ? If ye do fo again, I will lay hands on you. From that time forth came they no more on tic fabbath. v. 22. And I commanf^- ed the Levites, that they (hould cleanfe themfelves, and that they (hould come and keep th.e gates, tj fan^ftify the fabbath day. Remember


12 6 The Confeffion of Faith.

fliip, and In the duties of neceffity and mercy />.

Chap. XXII.

Chap. XXll. Of lawful Oatbs and Vows,

A Lawful oath is a part of religious worftiip tf, wherein upon j lid: occafion, the perfon fwearing, folemnly call- eth God to witnefs what he aflerteth or proraifeth; and to judge him according to the truth of what he fweareth b.

ll. The name of God only is that by which men ought to fwear, and therein it is to be ufed with a holy fear and reve- rence c: therefore, to fwear vainly or raflily by that glorious and dreadful name, or to fwear at all by any other thing, is fmful, and to be abhorred d. Yet as, in matters of weight and moment, an oath is warranted by the word of God, under the New Teflament, as well as under the Old ^; fo a lawful oath


me, O m^'" God, concerning this alfo, and fpare me according to the greatnefs of thy mercy.

/> Ifa. Iviii. 13. (See in letter c,) Mat. xii. 12. to the 13. verfe.

I. a Deut. X. 20. Thou (halt fear the Lord thy God : him (halt thou ferve, and to him fhalt thou cleave, and fwear by his name. h Exod. XX. 7. Thou (halt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ; for the Lord will net hold him guiltlefs that taketh his name in vain. Lev. xix. 1 2. And ye Ihall not fwear by my name falfly, nei- ther iTialt thou prophane the name of thy God : I am the Lord, 2 Cor. i. 23. Moreover, I call God for a re- cord upon my foul, that to fpare you, I came not as yet unto Corinth. 2 Chron. vi. 22>. Ifa man (in again(t bis neighbour, and an oath be laid upon bim, to make him fwear, and the oath come before thine altar in this houfe; \\ 24. Then hear thou from heaven, and do, and judge thy O.rvants, by requiting the wick- ed, by recjmpenfing his way upoa

his own head, and by juftlfying the righteous, by giving him according to his righteoufnefs.

IL i-Deut. vi. 13. Thou fhalt fear the Lord thy God, and ferve him, and (halt fwear by his name.

^Exod, XX. 7. (See letter b) Jer* 7. How (hall I pardon thee for this •• thy children have forfakea me, and fworn by them that are no gods : when 1 fed them to the full, then they committed adultery, and adembled themfelves by troops in the harlots houfes. Mat. v. 34, But I fay unto you. Swear not at all ; neither by heaven, for it is God's throne, v. :;7. But let your communication be. Yea, yea ; Nay, nay : for whatfoever is more than thefe, Cometh of evil. Jam. v. 12. But above all things, my Brethren, fwear not neither by heaven, nei- ther by the earth, neither by any other oath : but let your Yea, be yea, and your Nay, nay ; left y^ fall into condemnation.

c Heb. vi. 16. For men verily fwear by the greater, and an oath


Chap. XXII. The Con fejfton of faith. 127

being impofed by lawful authority, in fuch matters, ought to be taken/.

111. Whofoever taketh an oath, ought duly to confider the weightinefs of fo folemn an a6l, and therein to avouch nothing but what he is fully perfuaded is the truth ^, Nei- ther may any man bind himfelf by oath to any thing but what is good and jufl:,and what he believeth fo to be, and what he is able and rcfblved ro perform h. Yet it is a fm to refufe an oath touching any thing that is good and juft, being impofed' by lawful authority /,

IV. An

for confirmation is to tbem an end of all (Irife. 2 Cor. i. 25. (See Ict- rer ^.) ifa. Ixv, 16. That he who blefTeth himfelf in the earth, fhall blefs himfelf in the God of truth ; and he that fweareth in the earth ; fti^ll fwear by the cod of truth ; be- caiife the former troubles are for- gotten, and becaufe they are hid from mine eyes,

f I Kings viii. 3 1. If any man trefpafs againft his neighbour, and an oath be laid upon him, to cauie him to fwear, and the oath come before tliine alcar in this houfe. Neh. xiii. 25. And I contended with them, and curfed them, and fmote certain of them, and pluckt off their hair, and made them fwear by cod, faying, Ye (hall not give your daughters unto their fons, nor take their daughters unto your fons, or for yourfelves, Ezra x, 5. Then arofe Ezra, and made the chief priefts and Levites, and all ifrael to fwear, that they fliould do according to this word : and they fware.

III.^ Exod. XX. 7. See letter h.") Jer. xiv, 2. And thou (halt fwear. The Lord liveth, in truth, in judg- ment, and in righteoufnefs ; and the nations (hall blefs themfelves in him, and in him (hall they glory.

h Gen. xxiv, 2. And Abraham faid unto his elded fervaiit of his

houfe, that ruled over all that he had, Pat, I pray, thee, thy hand under my thigh : v, 3. And 1 will make thee fwear by the Lord, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou (halt not take a wife unto my fon, of the daughters of the Canaanities, amongft whom I dwell V, 5. And the fervant faid unto him, Peradventure the woman will not be willing to follow me un- to this land; muft I needs bring thy Son again unto the land from whence thou camelt ? v. 6. And Abraham faid unto him. Beware thou, that thou bring not my fon thither again, V. 8. And if the woman will not be willing to follow thee, then thou (halt be clear, from this my oath ; only bring not my fon thither again. V. 9. And the fervant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his mafter, and fware to him concern- ing that matter.

/■ Numb. V. 19. And the priefl: (liall charge her by an oath, and fay unto the woman, if no man have lien with thee, and if no man haft not gone afide to unclcannef* with another inftead of thy hu(band, be thou free from this bitter water that caufeth the curfe, v. 21. Thea the prieft (liall charge the woman with an oath of curfing, and thft pried (hall fay unto the woman.


1 2 8 The ConfeJJion of Faith. Chap. XXil.

IV. An oath is to be taken in the plain and common fenfe of the words, without equivocation or mental refervation k. It cannot oblige rofm; bat in any thing not fmfulj-being taken, it binds to performance, although to a man's own hurt /. Nor is it to be violated, although made to heretics or infidels ;;/.

V. A

The Lord make thee a curfe and an oath among the people, when the Lord doth make thy thigh to rot, and thy btlly to fwell. Neh^ v. 12. Then ' faid t!iey, we will reftore them, and will require nothing of them, fo will we do as thou fayed. Then i called the priefls, and took an oath of them, that they fhould do accordiBg to this promife. Exod. xxii. 7. If a man (lull deliver unto his neighbour money or ftuifto keep, and if it be ftolen out of the man's houfe : if the thief be faund, Jet him pay double, v. 8. If the thief be not f^und, then the mafter of the houfe fhall be brought unto the judges, to fee whether he hath put his hand unto his neighbour's goods. V. 9. For all manner of trefpafs, whether it be for ox, for afs, for fheep, fof laiment, or for any man- ner of loft thing, which another challengeth to be his : tlie caufe of both parties (hall come before the judges ; and whom the judges Ihali condemn, he fliali pay double unto liis neighbour, v. 10. If a man deliver unto his neighbour an afs, ot an ox, or a fheep, or any beaft to keep ; and it die, or be hurt, or driven away, DO man feeing ir, v. 1 1. Then fhall theoaihofthe Lord be between them both, that he hath not put Ins hand unto his neighbour's goods: and the ow.ner of it (hall accept thereof, and he fhall not make it good.

IV. jk Jer. iv. 2. (See letter ^.) Pfal. xxiv. 4. He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart, who hath not lift up his foul umo vaaity, nor ^vQ;n deceitfully.

/ I Sam. XXV. 22. So and more alfo do God unto the enemies of David, if I leave of all that pertain to him, by the morning light, any that pifTeth aginft the wall. v. 52. And David faid unto Abigail, Blef- fed be the Lord God of Ifrael, who fent thee this day to meet me : v. 33. And blefTed be thy advice, and blefTed be thou that haft kept me this day from coming to fhed blood, and from avenging myfilf with mine own hand. v. 34. For in very deed, as the Lord cod of Ifrael liveth, v/ho hath kept me back from hurt- ing thee, except thou had haftned and come to meet me, furely there had not been left unto Nabal, by the morning light, any that piftcih againft the wall. Pfal. xv. 4.* la whofe eyes a vile perfon is contem- ned ; but he honouieih them that fear the Lord : He that fvv'earcth to his own hurt, and changeth not.

7H Ezek. xvii. 16 As I liv:^, faith the Lord Gcd, farely in this place v^here the king dwelleth that made him king, whofe oath he defpifed, and whofe covenant he brake, even with him, in the midft of Babylon he fliall die. v. 18, Seeing he de- fpifed the oath, by breaking of the covenant, (when lo he had |ilv^n his hand) and hath, done all thefe thingtJ, he fiiall not efcape. v. jq. Therefore thus faith the Lord God, AS I live, furely mine oath thai he hath defpifed, and my covenant that he hath brckes, even it will J re- compenfe upon his own head. Jofh. ix. iS. And the children of Ifiael


Chap. XXII. The CmfeJJion cf Faith, 129

V. A vow is of the like nature with a promiiT^ry oath, and ought to be made with the like religious care, and to be performed with the like faithfultiefs n.

VI. It is not to be made to any creature, but to God alone e: and that it may be accepted, it is to be made voluntarily, out of faith, and confcience of duty, in way of thankfulnefs for mercy received, or for the obtaining of what we want; whereby we more flriftly bind ourfelves to neceifary duties, or to other things, fo far and fo long as ihey may fitly conduce thereunto ;&.


- fm©te them not, becaufe the princes of the congregation had fworn unto thera by the Lord Godof ifrael: and all the congregation murmured a- gainft the princes, v. 19. But all the princes faid unto all the congrega» tion. We have fworn unto them by the Lord God of Ifrael : n©w there- fore we may not toach them. With 2 Sam. xxi, i. Then there was a fat- mine in the days of David three years, year after year ; and David enquired of the Lord. And the Lord anlwered, It is for Saul and his bloody houfe, becaufe he flew the Cibeoniies.

V.n ifa, xiK. 21. And the Lord (hall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians fhall know the Lord in that day, and (hall do facrifice and oblation, yea, they fhall vow a vow unto the Lord, and perform it. Eccl. V, 4, When thou vowefl a vow unto God, defer not to pay it : forhehjtth no pleafure in fools, pay that which thou ha/l vowed, v. 5. Better it is that thou fhouldd not voWj than that

thou fhouldft vow and not pay* v. 6. Suffer not thy mouth to caufe thy flefli to fin, neither fay thou .before the angel, that it was an error; v/heiefore ihould God be angry at thy voice, and deftroy the work of thin6 hands i Pfal. Ixi. 8. So will I fing praife unto thy name for ever,

r.that I may daily perform my vows*

Pfal. Ixvi. 13. I will go into thy houfe with burnt-offerings ; I will pay thee my vows, v. 1 4, Which my lips have uttered, and my nieuth hath fpoken when I was in trouble.'

VI.o Pfal. Ixxvi. 1 1. Vow and pay unto the Lord your God : let all that be round about him bring prefents unto him that ought to be feared. Jer. xliv, 2J. Thus faith the Lord of hofls, the God of Ifrael, faying. Ye and your wives have boih fpoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with, your hands, faying, We will furely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incenfe to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink- offerings unto her : ye will furely accomplifh your vows, and furely perfivim your vov/s. r. 26. There- fore, hear ye the word of the Lord, 'all J ud ah that dwell in the land of Egypt, Behold, I have fworn by my great name, faith the Lord, that my name fhall no more be named in the mouth of any man of Judah, in all the land of Egypt, faying. The Lord God liveth.

Deut. xxiii. 21, When thou flialt vow a vow unto the Lord thy God, thou flialt not flack to pay it : for the Lord thy God will furely re- quire it of thee ; and it would be fin in thee. v. 23. But if thou fhalt for^ bear to vow, it fhall be no fin in thee, . V. 2^> That which is gone i out.

1^0 The Cufifejf.on of Faith. Chap. XXII.

VI r. No man may vow to do any thing forbI«Jden in the word of God, or what would hinder any duty therein commanded, or which is not in his own power. and for the performance where- of he hath no promife or ability from God^. In which refpe^ls, popifli monaftical vows of perpetualfingle life, profclTed pover- ty, and regular obedience, are fo far, from beingr degrees of higher perfe^lion, that they are fuperflitious and iinful fnares, i


out of thy lips, thou fhalt keep and perform ; even a free will-offering, according as thou haft vowed unto the Lord thy God, which thou liafl promifed with thy mouth. Pfal. 1.- 14. Offer unto God thankfgiving, and pay thy vows unto the moft High. Cen. xxviii. 20. And Jacob vowed a vow, faying, if cod will be with me, and will keep me in this- way that I go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on ; V. 21. So that I come again to my father's houfe in peace : then fhall the Lord be my God. v, 22. And tljis ftone, which I have fet for a pillar, fliall be cod's houfe : and of all that thcu (halt give me, I will furely give the tenth unto thee. I Sam. i, 1 1 . And fhe vowed a vow, and faid, O Lord of hofts, if thou wilt indeed look on the aiBi<5lion of thine handmaid, and remember me, and not forget thine handmaid, l)ut will give unto thine handmaid a jTian child, then will I give him un- to the Lord all the days of iiis life, and there ftiall no razor come upon Ills head. Pfal. Ixvi. 13, 14. (See letter n.) Vh\. cxxxii. 2. How he fwarc unto the Lord, and vowed unto the mighty God of jacob. v. ■^. Surely I vv'ill not come into the iHbernacls of my houfe, nor go up into^'my bed : v. 4, I will not give fleep to mine eyes, or /lumber to mine eye-lids, v. 5. Until I find out ^i place for the Lord, an Habitation for the mighty God of Jacob.

Vn. q A(5lsxxiii. i2.''And when it was day, certaid of the Jews banded together, and bound themfelves un- der a curfe, faying, that they would "^ neither eat nor drink, till they had killed Paul, v. 14. And they came to the chief priefts and ciders, and faid. We have bound ourfelves un- der a great curfe, that we will eat nothing until we have flain Paul, Mark. vi. 26* And the king was ex- ceeding forry, yet for his oath's fake, and for their fakes who fat with him, he would not reject hei*. Numb. XXX. 5. But if her father dif- allow her in the day that he hear- eth ; not any of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith fhe hath bound her foul, fhall fland : and the Lord fhall forgive her, becaufe her father dif- allowed her. v. 8. Rut if her husband difallowher on th's day that he heard it; then he fliall make her vow which fhe vov/ed, and that which fhe uttered with her lips, where- with file bound her foul, of none efFeft : and the Lord fhall forgive her. V. 12. But if her husband hath utterly made them void on the day he heard them; then whatfocver proceeded out of her lips, concern- ing her vows, or concerning the bond of her foul, fhall not ftand : her husband hath made them void, and the Lord fliall forgive her. v. 13. Every vow, and every binding oath to afflidl the foul, her husband may eflablifh it, or her husband may make it fwid. r Mat*

Chap. XXIIL The Confeffion of Faith.

in which no Chridian may iniangle himfeif r.


Chap. XXIIL Of the civil Magijlrate.

r^OT>, the fupreme Lord and King of all the world, hath Vjr ordained civil magiflrates to be under him, over the peo- ple for his own glory, and the public good ; and, to this end, hath anned them with the power of the fword, for the de- fence and encouragement of them that are good, and for the punifhment of evil doers <7,

II. Ic is lawful for Chriflians to^accept and execute the office oF a magiflrate, when 'called ^hereunto b: in the manapinjr v/hereof, as they ought efpecially to maintain piety, judice'and


r Mat. xix. 1 1. But he fald unta th^m. Ail men cannot receive this faying, fave ihey to whom it is giv- en. V. 12. For there are fome eu- nuchs, who were fo born from their mother's womb ; and there are fome eunuchs, who were made eunuchs of men : and there be etinuchs, who have made tbemfelves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's fake : he that is able to receive it, let him re- ceive it. 1 Cor. vii. 2. Neverthe- lefs, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband, V. 9. But if they cannot contain, let them marry : for it is better to mar- ry than to burn. £ph. iv. 28. Let him that flole, (leal no more : but rather let him labour, v/orking with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. i Pet. iv. 2. That he no longer fhould hve the reft of his time in the flefh, to the lufts of men, but to the will of God. 1 Cor. ?ii. 53. Ye are bought with a price, be cot ye the fervants of men.

I. a Rom, xiii. i. Let every foul befiibje(5t unto the higher powers. For there is bo power but of God :

the powers that be, are ordained of God, V. 2. Whofoever therefore re- Ijfteth the power, refifteth the ordi- nance of God : and they that refift, fhall receive to themfelves damna- tion. V. .3. For rulers are not a ter- ror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou tl>en not be afraid of the power > do that which is good, and thou fliah have praife of the fame. V . 4. For he is the minilter of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the fword in vain : for he is the minifter of God, a reven- ger,to execute wrath upon him that doth evil, i Pet. ii. 1 3. Submit your- felves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's fake : whether it be t(^ the king as fupreme, v. 14. Or ua- to governors, as unto them riiat are fent by him, for the punifliment of evil doers, and for the praife of thera that do well.

ir. i) Prov.viii, 15. By me kings reign, and princes decree juftice. t. 16. Byrne princes rule, and nobles, even all tlie judges of the earth. Rom. xiiii i, 2, 4. (See in let- ter a.)

I 2 rPfaJ.

131 The ConfeJJion of Fattk Chap.XXIIL

peace, according to the wholfome laws of each commonwealth c; fo, for that end, they may lawfully, now under the New "Ireltament, wage war upon juil and nceffary occafions d.

III. The chii magiflrate may not affume to himfclf the ad- min idration of the word and facraments, or the power of the keys of the kingdom of heaven e : yet he hath authority, aDd it


c Pfal. ii. lo. Be wife now there- fore, O ye kings : be inflru(^ed, ye judges of the earth, v. 1 1, Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling, v. 12. Kifs the Son, le(t he be angry, and ye perifh from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a Jittle ; blcflld are all they that put their trufl in him. i Tim. ii. 2- For . kings, and for all that are in autho- rity, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinefs and ho- •efty. Pfal. Ixxxii, 3. Defend the poor and fatherlefs : do jufticc to the afflided and needy : v. 4. Deli- yei the poor and needy ; rid them out of the hand of the wicked. 2 Sam* xxiii. 9. The God of Ifrael faid, the Rock of ifrael fpakc to me. He that rulcth overmen muftbe jull, luling in the fear of cod. i Pet* ii. 13. (See in letter a.)

d Luke iii. 1 4. And the foldiers likewife demanded of him, faying, And what fhall we do ? And he faid unto them, Po violence to no man, neither accufe any falfly, and be con- teot with your wages. Rom. xili. 4. (See letters.) Mat. viii. 9.For I am a man under authority, hating fol- diers under me : and I fay to this man, go, and he goeth : and to a- nother, Come, and he cometh : and to my fervant. Do this, and he doetb it. V. 10. When Jefus heard it, he marvelled, and faid to them that followed. Verily, I fay unto you, I have not found to great faith, no not in Ifrael. A(5ts x, li There was a ccitain iiun in Cefaiea cdkd Come*

lius, a Centurion of the band callo'i thfe Italian band, v. 2. A devout man, and one that feared cod with all his houfe, who gave much alms to the people, and prayed to God alway.f- Rev xvii, 14. Thefe {hall mak» war with the Lamb, and the Lamb fhall overcome them : for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings ; and they that are with him, are cal- led, and chofen, and faithful, v. 1 6. And the ten horns wUich thou faw- eft upon the beaft, thcfe fliall hate the whore, aod fhall make her defo- late, and naked, aiid fhall cat her flefh, and burn her with fire.

Ilf. ^ Chron. xxvi. 18. And they withflood Uzziah the king, and faid unto him, it appettaineth not unto thee, Uzziah, to burn incenfe unta the Lord, but to the priefts the fons of Aaron, that are confecrated to , burn incenfe : go out of the fan(5tu- ary, for thou haft trefpalTed : nei- ther fliall it be for thine honour from the Lord cod. With Mat. xvlii. 17. And if he fhall negle(5l to hear them, tell it unto the church ; but if he negle(5l 10 hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man, and a publican. And Mat, xvi, 19* And 1 will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatfoever thou fhalt bicd on earth, fhall be bound in heaven: and what- foever thou fhalt loofeon earth, fhall Ue looted in heaven, i Cor. xii. 28. And God hath fet fome in the church, firfl apoflles, fecondarily ' prophets, thirdly teachers, after


Chap. XXIII. The Confejfton of Fa'ifh. I3I

is his duty, to take' order, that unity and peace be preferved in the church, that the truth of God he kept pure and eniire, that all blafphemi^s and hcrefies be fupprefled, all corruptions and abufes in worfliip anddifcipline prevented or reformed ; and all the ordinances of God duly fettled, adminiflred, andobferved/i


that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, govtrnments, diverfitles of tongues. V. 29. Are all apoftles I are all prophets ? are all teachers ? are all workeri of miracles ? Eph. ? ivi ij. And he gave fome, apoftles : and fome, prophets : and fome, e- vangelifts : and fonae pafiiors and teachers; v. 12. For the perfefting of the faints, for the work of the miniftry, for the edifying of the body of Chrift, r Cor. iv, i. Let a man fo account of us, as of the rai- nifters of Chrift, and ftewards of the myfteries of cod. v. 2, Moreover it is required in ftewards, that a man be found faithful. Rom. x. 15. And how fliali they preach, except they be feat f as it is written. How beau- tiful arc the feet of them that preach the gofpei of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things ! Heb, v. 4. And no man laketh this honour un- to himfelf, but he that is called of cod, as was Aaron.

yifa. xlix. 23.AndkIng8 (hall be thy nurfing fathers, and their queens thy nurfing mothers : they fliall bow down to thee with their face towards the earth, and lick up the duftcfthy feet, and thou flialt know that I am the Lord : for they Hiall not be a- (hamed that wait for me. Pfal. cxxii. 9. Becaufe of the houfe of the Lord our God, 1 will feek thy good. Ezra vii. 23. Whatfoever is commanded by the God of heaven, let it be dili- gently done, for the houfe of the God of heaven : for why (houJd there be wrath ag linft the realn^ of t]?e king and his fons. ▼• 25. And

thou, Ezra, after the wifdom of thy God, that is in thine hand, fet ma- giftrates and judges, who may judge all the people that are beyond the river, all fuch as know the laws of thy God; and teach ye them that know them not. v. 26. And whofo* ever (liall not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed fpeedily upon him, whether it be unto death, or to baniftiment, or to confifcation of goods, or to imprifonment. v. 27. Blefied be the Lord God of our fa* thers, who h^T) put fudi a thing ae this in the king's heart, to beautify the houfe of the Lord wkich is in jerufalem : v. 28. And hath ex* tended mercy unto me, before the king, and his counfellers, and before all the king's miglity princes: and 1 was ftrengthent^d as the hand of the Lord my God v^ras upon me, and I gathered together out of Ifrael chief men to go up with mc. Lev. xxiv. 16. And he that blafphemeth the name of the Lord, he Ihall furc- ly be put to death, and all the con- gregation lliall certainly ilone him : as well the ftranger, as he thai; born in the land, when he blaf- phemeih the name of the Lord, fhall be put to death. Deut, xiii. 5. And that prophet, or that dreamer of dreams, fhall be put to death (be- caufe he hath fpoken to turn yoa away from the Lord your God, v/ho brought you out or the land of E- gypt, and redeemed you out of the houfe of bondage, to tliruii thee out- of the way which the Lord thy G»d I 3 com"

154 The. ConfeJJtm of Faith. Chap. XXIII.

for the better ei!e£ling whereof, he hath power to call fynods, to be prefent at them, and to provide that whatfoever is tranf- a^led in them be according to the iiiind of God^.

IV. It is the duty of people ro pray^or magiftrates h, to ho--


commanded thee to walk in) fo fhalt thou put the evil away from the inidft of thee, v. 6. If thy brother the fon of thy mother, or^hy fon, or thy daughter, or the wife of th/. bofom, or thy friend, which is as ihine own fouJ, entice thee fccretly laying* Let us go and ferve other gods, which thou haft not known, thou nor tiiy fathers, v. 1 2. If thou ihalt hear fay in one of thy cities, which the Lord thy cod hath given thee to dwell there, faying, 2 Kings xviii. 4. He removed the high pla- ces, and brake the images, and cut down the grijves, and brake in pie- ces the brazen ferpent that Mof«s bad mad6 : for unto thofe days the children of Ifrael did burn incenfe to it, and he called it Nehufhtan. (l Chron. xiii. i. to the 9. verfe. 2 Kings xxiii. i, to the 26. verfe.) 2 Chron. xxxiv, 33^ And Jofiahtook ^way all the abominatious out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Ifrael, and mads all that were prefent in Ifrael to ferve, even to ferve tlie Lord their God, And ail his days they departed not from following the Lord, the God of their fathers. 2 Chron. xv. 12. And they entred into a covenant, to feek the Lord God of iheir fa- thers, with all their heart and with all their foul ; v. 15, That whofo- ever would not feek the Lord cod of Ifrael, (hould be put to death, whether fmall or great, whether raap or woman.

g 2 Chron, xix. 8. Moreover, in Jjerufaleni did JehoIha|)hat fet of the

Levites, and of tlje priefts. and of the chief of the fathers of Krael, for the judgment of the Lord, and for controverfies, when they retnrn- ed to Jerufaleno, v^ 9. And he charged them, faying. Thus fhall ye do in the fear of th«'Lord, faith- J# fully and wdth a perfeA- heart, if^.^. IP, And what caufe foever fliall' come to you of your brethren that dwell in their cities, between blood and blood, betv.een law and com- mandment, ftarures and judgments, ye fliall even warn them that they trefpals not againft the Lord, and ' fo wrath come upon you, and upon yeur hretiircn : this do, and ye fliall not trefpafs. v. 1 1. And behold, A- rnariah the chief prieft is over you in ail matters of the Lord : and 2eba- diah the fon of llhmael, the ruler of the houfe of jlidah, for all the king's matters : alfo the Levites lb ail be of-, ficers before yon. Deal couragioufiy, and tlie Lord Hiall be with the good^ (2Chron. xxix. and xxx. chapters.) Mat, ii, 4. And when he had ga-? thered all the chief priefts ar»d fcribes of the people together, he demand- ed of them where Chrift iliofild be born. V. 5:. And they faid unto him. In Bethlehem of Judah : for thus it is written by the prophet.

IV.>&I Tim.ii. i. Uxhort there- fore, that firft of all fupplications, prayeis, intercefBons, and giving of tjiauks be made for all men : v, 2c For kings, and for all that are in authority ; that we may lead a quiet an^ peaceable life in all godlinefs and honefty:

i I ?<;t,

Chap. XXin. The Confejfion of Faith. I3J

nour their perfons /, to pay them tribute and other dues k, to o- bey their lawful commands, and to be fubjedl to their .tathority for confcience fake /. Infidelity, or indifference in religion, doth not make void the magiflrate's juft and legal authority, nor free the people from their due obedience to him ?n : from which ec- clefiaflical perfons arc not exempted n; much lefs hath the pope any power orjurifdi^tion over them in their dominious, or over any of their people j and lead of all to deprive them of their


i I Pet, ii. 17. Honoarall men. Love the Bf6therhood. Fear God, j^oBour tfee king,

k Rom. xiJi. For, for this caufc pay 3'ou tribute alfo ; for they are God's minilters, attending continu- ally upon this very thing, v. 7. Render therefore to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute is due, cu- ftom to whom cuftom, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour.

/Rom xiii. 5. Wherefore ye muft needs be fubje<51:, not only for wrath, but alfo for confcience fake. Tit. v. 1, Put them in mind to be fubje<5l to principalities and powers, to obey magiftrates, to be ready to every good work.

m I Pet. ii, 13, Submit yourfelves to every ordiriance of man for the Lord s lake, whether it be to the king, as fupreme, V-..14. Or unto governors, as unto them that are fent by him, for the punidmient of evil doers, and for the praife of them that do well. v. 16, As free, and net ufing your liberty for a cloke of malicioufnefs, but as the fervants of God.

» Rom. xiii. i. Let every loul be fabjefl unto the higher powers. For ll:ere Is no pov/er but of God ; the powers that be, are ordained of God. I Kings it, 35. And tiie king put Eenalah t'le Ion of Jehoiadah in his room over the hoft ; and Zadok the frie-t did the king put ia tli^ room

of Ablathar. Afts xxv. 9. But Feflus, willing to do the Jews a pleafure, anfwered Paul, and faid. Wilt thou go up to jerufalem, and there be judged of thefe things before me ? V. 10. Then faid Paul, 1 (land at Cefar's judgment-feat, where I ought to be judged; to the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou very well knoweft* v. ii. For if I be an offender, or have committed any thing worthy of death, I refufe not to die ; but if there be none of thefe things whereof thefe accufe me, no man may deliver me unto them, I appeal unto Cefar. 2 Pet. ii, r. But there were falfe prophets alfo among the people, even as there ft all be falfe teachers among you, who privily fhall bring in damnable hertfie?, even denying tU,e Lord that bought them, and bring upon tliem- felves fwlft defiruclion. v. 10. Buc chieiiy them that walk after theflefh in the luft of uncleannefs, and de- fpife government, prefumptiious arc they, lelf- willed ; they are not afraid to fpeak evil of dignities; v, 11. W'hereas angels, wlio arc greater in power and might, bring no railing accufation againfc them before the' Lord. Jude 8. Like wife alfo ihef-.j filthy dreamers delile the flel!i, de- fpife dominion, and fpcak evil of dignities, v. 9. Yet Michael tjie archangel, when contending with tho d;,vil^ he djfputtd about the 1 4 buly

136 The Confeffion of Faith. Chap. XXIV.

dominions or lives, if he (hall' judge them to be heretics, or upon any other pretence whatfoever 0,

Chap. X^flV. Of Marriage and Divorce,

Tk^ARRIAGE is to be between one man and one wo- j[\{j^ man ; neither is it lawful for a man to have more than •nc vrife, nor for any woman 10 have more than one husband at the fame time a. ^^

IL Marriage was ordainedr'for the mutual help of huf- band and wife b; for the iricreafe of mankind with a legi- tiaiaie iflue, and of the church with an holy feed c; and for preventing of uncleanncfs

111. It

body of Mofes, durft not bring a- gain(} him a railing acfrufaiion, but faid, the Lord rebuke thee. v. 10. But thele fpeak evil of thofe things which they know not; but what they know naturally, as brute hearts in thofe things they corrupt them- felves. V. 1 1 . Wo unto thern, for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perifhed in the gain-faying of Core.

« 2 TheiT. ii. 4. Who op.poferh and exalteth himfelf abov« all that is called C^od, or that is worshipped; fo that he as cod liiteth in the tem- ple of God, fliewing himfelf that he is Cif**. Rev. xiii. 15. And he had power to gire life unto the image of tii« heart, that the image of the heart Ihould both fpeak, and canfe that as many would not worfhip the image of the beaft fiiould be lulled, V. i6. And he caufeth all, both fmp.ll and great, rich and poor, free and bond, t> receive a mark in their right hand, or in their fore- heads : 17. And that no man might buy or fell, fave he that had the mark, or the name of the beafi^j or the nimiber of his namci

I. a Gen, ii. 24. Therefore fhall a man leave his father and his mo- ther, and fhall cleave to his wife : and they fhall be one fiefh. Mat. xix. 5. And faid, For this caufe fhall a man leave his father and mo- ther, and fliall cleave to bis wife : and they twain fhall be onefiefh : v, 6. Wherefore they are no more twain but one flefh. What there- fore God hath joined together, let no man put afurder. Piov. ii. 1 7. Which forfr.keth the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant of her God.

II. ^ Gen. ii. 18. And the Lord God faid, It is not good that the man fhould be alone : I will make him an help irieet for him.

■c Mai. ii. 15. And did not he make one ? yet had he the refidue of the Spirit : and wherefore one ? th at he nvght feek a godly i^^cd : therefore take heed to your fpirit, and let none deal treacheroufly a- gainrt the wife of his youth.

d I Cor. vii. 2. Neverthelefs, to avoid fornication, let every maa have his own wife, and let every woman have her owa liufbind. v.

Chap; XXIV. 7he Confijfton of Faith, 15^

I if. It is lawful for all forts of people to marry, vybo arc able with judgment to give their confent e. Yet it is the duty of Chriitians to marry only in the Lord/; aijd therefore fuch as profess the triie reformed religion^ ihould not marry with infi- dels, papifts or other idolaters : neither fliould fuch as are god- ly be unequal!) yoked, by marrying with fuch as are notoriouf- ly wicked in their life, or maintain damnable hercfies. g,

IV. Mar-

9., Bat if they cannot contain, let them marry : fork is better to mar- ry than to bum. i

111. e Heb. xiil. 4. Marriage isho- rourable in all, and the bed unde- 61ed : but whoremongers and adul- terers God will judge, i Tim. iv, 3. Forbidding to marry, and command- ing 10 abltain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thankfgiving, of them who believe and ktiow the truili. i Cor. vii. 36. But if any man think that he behaveth hiralelf unccmly to- wards his virgin, if {Vie pafs the flower of her age, and need fo re- quire> let him do what he will, he iinneth not: let them marry, v. 37. iNieverthelefs, he that ftandeth (icd- fart in hia heart, having no neceffi- ty, but hath power over his own will, and hath fo decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin d©th well. V. 38. So then, he that giveth her in marriage, doth well ; but he that giveth her not in mar- riage doth better. Gen. xxivi 57. And they faid. We will call the damfel, and enquire at her mouthi V. 58. And they called Rebekaij, and (aid unto her. Wilt thou go with this map? and ihe faid, I will go.

f\ Cor. vii. 39. The wife is bound by the law as long as her hufband jiveth : but if her hulband be dead, fhe is at liberty to be married to whom flie will ; only in the Lord,

g Gsa, xxxivi 14. .And they faid

unto them, We cannot do this thing, to give our filler to one that is uncir- cumcifed : for that were a reproach 'unto us. Exod. xxxiv. 16, And thou take of their daughters unto thy fons, and their daughters go z wlioring after their gods, and make thy fons go a whoring after their gods. Deut. vii. 3. Neither Ihalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter the?. Ihalt not give wnto his fon, nor his daughter fhalt thou take unto thy Ion. v, 4, For they will turn away thy fon from following me, that they may ferve other gods : lo will the anger of the Lord be kindled againft you, and dtflroy thee fuddently. i Kings xi. 4. For it ci^me to pafs when Solo- mon was cid, that his wives turned avvay his heart after other gods : and his he?rt was not perfed with the Lord his God, as was ihe heart of David his Father. Neh, xiii. 25. And \ contended with them, and curfed them, and fmote certain of tliem, and plackt off their hair, and made them fwear by God, faying. Ye fliall not give your daughters unto their fons, nor take their daughters unto your fons, or for yourfelves. v. 26, Did not Solomon king of Ifrael (in by thefe things I Yet among many nations was tiiere no king like hirn, who was beloved of his God, and God made him king over all Ifrael : neverthelefs, even him did outbndilh women caufe to £n, V. 27* Shall we tiiea hearken


2 3^ The Confejfion ef Faitk Chap. XXIV.

IV. Marriage ought not lo be within the degrees oFconfan- guiniry or affinity forbidden in the word h ; nor can fuch in- ceftuous marriages efver be made lav/ful by any law of man, or confent of parties, fo as thofe perfons may live together as man and wife /. The riiain majr not marry mf of his wife's kindred nearer in blood than \\!^ may of his own, nor the woman of her husband^s kindred nearer in blofxl than of her own i.

V. Adultery or fornication committed after a contract, being dete^cd before marriage, giveth juft occafion to th^: iimocs^t party to diffolve that central /. In the cafe of adultery aft-er

unto you to do all this great evil, to tranfgrefs againil our God, in mar- rying ftrange wives ? Mai. ii. 1 1 , Judah hath dealt trcacheroufly, and an abomination is comrnited in If- rael, and in Jerufi!em: forjudabhath profaned the holinefs of the J-.ord, v/hlch he loved, and hath married the daughter of a ftrange god. V. I2. The Lord will cut off the man that doth this ; the mafter and j he fcholar out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and him that oifereth an offering unto the Lord of hofb, 2 Cor. vi. 14. Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers : for what feilov/- fhip hath righteoufnefs with un- rigiiteoiifnefs ? and what commu- nioo hath light with darknefs ?

IV. / (Lev. xviii. chapter.) i Cor^ V. 2.. It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and fuch fornication as is not fo much as named amongft the Gentiles, that ont fhould have his father's wife, Amos ii. 7. That pant after the duft of the eaith on the head of the poor, and turn afide the way of the meek : and a man, and his father vn\\ go in unto the fame maid, tg profane my holy name.

i Mark vi. i8. For John had faid unto Herod, It is not lawful for ihee to have thy brother's wife. Lev. xviii. 24. Defile not yourfeives in any of thcfe things : for in all


thefe the nations .are deliled which I cart out before you. v. 25. And the land is defiled : therefore 1 do vifit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land iifelf vomiteth out her in- habitants. V. 26. Ye (hall there- fore keep my ftatutes and my judg- ments, and Ihall not commit any of thefe abominations ; neither any of your own nation, i^or any ftranger that fojourneth among you: v. 27. (For all thefe abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled,) v. 28. That the land fpue not you out alfo, when ye defile it, as it fpued out the nations that were before you.

iLev. XX. 19. And thou /halt not uncover the nakednefs of thy mo- ther's fifter, nor of thy father's filter : for he uncovereth his near kin : they (hail bear their iniquity. V. 20. And if a man fhall lie with his uncle's wife, he hath uncove.^-ed his uncle's nakednefs : they (halj bear their fin, they fhall die childiefs. V. 2 1 . And if a man fhall take his brother's wife,it is an unclean thing 1 he hath uncovered his broiher's nak- ednefs, they (hkW be childlefs.

V. / Mat. i. 18. Now the birth

©f Jefus Chrift was on this wife :

"When as his mother Mary was e-

fpoiifed to Jofeph, before they came



Chap. XXIV. Tht^CmfeJtm of Fenth. t^i^

marriage, it is lawful for the innocent parry to fue out a di- vorce friy and, after the divorce, to marry another, as if the ofiending party were dead n. ^

Vi. Although the Corruption of man be fuch as is apt to flu- dy arguments, unduly to put afurider tlipfe whom God hath joined together in marriage j yet nothing but adultery, or fuch vilfui djfertion as can no way l>e remedied by the church or civil magi (irate, is caufe fuilicient of diiiblving the bond of iiiari iage:4,* wherein a public and orderly courfe of proceeding ij I.) be dfeferved ; and the perfons concerned in it, not left to ti:eir owq wills and difcretion in their own cafe/>.


together, fhe was found with child ef the Holy Ghoft. v. i^. Then Jofcph her hufband being a juft man, and not wiJhng to make her a pub- lic example, was minded to put her away privily, v. 20, But while he thought on thefe things, behold the angel of the Lord appealed un- to him in a dream, laying, jofeph, thou Ton of David, fear not to take unto thee M^ry thy \vife ; for that v.hich is conceived in her is of the Holy Chad.

m Mat. V. 31. Iriiath been faid, AVhofoever fh?ll put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorce- ment, V. 32. But I fay unto you, that v/holoever Ihall put away his wife faving for the caufe of forni- cation, caufeth her to commit adul- tery: and whofoever fhall many her that is divorced, committeth a- duitcry.

/; Mat. xix. 9,^nd I fay unto you, Whofoever fhall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and fnall marry another, commit- teth adultery : and whofoever mar- rieth her which is put away, doth commit adultery* Rom. vii. ?. for the woman which hath an hufband, is bound by the law to her hufband fo Jong as he liveth : but if the huf- \ax\^ l?e d^ad, fhe is Icofcd from the

law of her hufband. v, 5. So then, if while her hufband liveth, (he be married to another man, fhe fhall be called an adulterefs : but if her hufband be dead, flie is free from that law ; fo that fhe is no adulte- rds, though fhe be married to ano- ther man,

VI. 0 Mat. xixi S. He faith unto them, Mofes, becaufe of the hard- nefs of your hearts, fuffered you to put away your wives : but from the beginning it was not fo. v. 9. (*^ee letter «. 1 Cor* vii. ij. But if the unbelieving depart. Jet him depart. A brother or a fifler is not under bondage in fuch cafes: but God bath called us to peace. Mat. xix. 6, Wherefore ihey are no more twain, but one flefli. What therefore cod hath joined together, let no man put afunder

;>Deut, xxiv. i. When a man hath taken a wife and married her, and it come to paCs that fhe find no fa- vour in his eyes, becaufe he hath found fome uncleannefs in^her : then let him wriie her a bill of divorce^ ment, and give it in her hand, and fend her out of his houfe» v. 2. And when flie is departed out of his houle, flie may go, and be another man's wife. v. 3. And if the latter hufband hate her, and write her a



The Confejfton of Faiib.

Chap. XXV.

Chap. XXV. Of the Church.

THE catholic or univerfal church which is invifible, confifts of the whole number of the Elect, that hate been, are, or fiiail be gathered unto one, under Chrift the head thereof; and is the fpoufc, the body, the fulnefsof him that filleth all in afl a. 11. The viiiblc church, which is alfo catholic or uniterf4 under the gofpel (not confined to one nation, as before un- der the law) confilts of all thofe throughout the world, ftiat profefs the true religion b, together with their chil- dren c; ^

bill of divorcement, and giveth it in her hand, and fendeth her out of hishoufe; or if the latter hufband ^ty who took her to be his wife ; V. 4.; Her former huihand who fent her away may not take her again to be his wife, after that ihe is defiled : for that is abomination before the Lord, and thou fhalt not caufe the land to fin, v/hich the Lordtiiy God giveth thee for an inhentance.

1, a Eph. i. 10. That in the dif- penfation of the fulncfs of times, he migl)t gather together in one all things in Chrift, both which are in tieaven, and which are on earth, even in him, v. 22. And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be ibe head ovtr all things to the church, v. 23. Which is his body, the fulnefs of him that filleth all in all. Eph. v. 23. For the hufband is the head of -the wife, even as Chrift is the head of the church : and he is the Saviour of the body, v, 27. That he might prefent it to himfelf a glorious church, not having fpot or wrinkle, or any fuch thing; but that it (houldbc holy, and without blemlfh, V, 32. This is a great myftery : but I fpcak co»cerning Chrift and the church. Col. i. 18. And he is the head of the body, the church : who

is the beginning, the firft born from the dead ; that in all things he might have the pre-eminenee.

II. h I Cor. i. 2. Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to them that are fanflilied in i hrift Jefus, called to be famts, with ail that in every place call upon the name of Jefus Chrift our Lord, both theirs afid ours, i Cor. xii, 12, For as the body is one, and hath many membets, and all the mem- bers of that one body, being many, are one body : fo alio is Chrifti v, 13. For by one Sp.rit, are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether wc be bond or free : and have been all made 10 drink into one fpirit. Plal. ii* 8. Afk of me, and I ihall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermoft parts of the eanh for thy pofteftion. Rev. vii, 9. After this I beheld, and lo, a great mul- titude, which no man could num- ber, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, ftood be- fore the throne, and before the Lamb clothed with white robes, ^d pahns in their hands. Rom. xv J9, And that th^Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy, as it is written. For this caufe 1 will confefs to thee ameng

Chap. XXV, The Confeffionjf Faith. 14 1

drcn ^; and is the kingdom of the Lord Jefus Chrift d, the houfe and family of God e, out oif which there is no ordinary poflibilicy of falvation/* *

III. Uflto this catholic vifible church, Chrifl hath giyea the mimliry. Oracles, and ordinances of God, for the gather- ing and perfe(fting of the faints, in this life, 10 the end of the world: and doth by his ownprefencc and fpirit, according to his promifc, make ihem effectual thereunto^.

IV. This

among the Gentiles, and fing unto thya^me. v. to. And again he faith, Rejoice ye Gentiles with his 'people. V, II. And again, Praife -the Lord all ye ceniiles, and laud hitn all ye people, v. 12. And a- gain Efaias faith, there fhall be a root of Jefle, and he that fhall rife to r<iign over the Gentiles ; in him (hall the Gentiles truft.

c \ Cor. vii. 34, For the unbe- lieving huftand is fandlified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is fan<ftified by the hafband : elfe were your children unclean ; but now are they holy, A<Ss. ii, '^<). For the promife is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God rtiall call. Ezek, xvi. 20. More- over thou haft taken thy fons and thy daughters, whom thou hait born unto me, and thefe haft thou facrificed unto them to be devoured : is this of thy whoredoms a fmall matter? v. 21. That thou haft flain my childres, and delivered them to caufe them to pafs through the fire for them ? Rom. xi, 16. For if ths lirft fruit be holy, the lump is alfo holy ; and if the root be holy, fo are the branches. Gen. iii. 15. And 1 will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy feed and her feed : it fhall bruife thy head, and thou (hah bruife his heel. Gen. xvii. 7. And I will cftablifh my co- venant between mc and thee, and tby feed after thee, in their genera-

vtions, for an everlafting covenant ; to be a cod unto thee, and to thy feed after thee,

d Mat, xiii. 47. Again, the king- dom of heaven is like unto % net that was caft into the fea, and ga- thered of every kind. Ifa. ix. 7. Of the increafe of his government and peace there (hall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to efta- bli{h it with judgment and with ja« ftice, from henceforth even for e- ver : the zeal of tlie Lord of hofts will perform this.

e Bph. ii. 19. Now therefore ye are no more ftrangers aad foreign- ers, but fellow-citizens with the faints, and of the houfhold of God, Eph. iii, 154 Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, /A(5tsii. 47. Praifing God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily fuch as Ihould be faved.

IIL g I Cor. xii. 28. And cod hath fet feme in the church, firft a- poftles, fecondarily prophets, third- ly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, govern- ments, diverfities of tongues. Eph, iv. II. And he gave fbme, apoftles : and fome, prophets : and fome, e- vangeUfts : and fome, paftors and teachers : v. 12. For the perfc<5Ving of the faints, for the work of the ,miniftry, for the edifying of the body ofChfift: v. 13. Till we all


142 T/jtf Cmfejftm $f Faith. Chap, XXV.

IV. This catholic church hath been fometimes niore^ foinetimes lefs vilibie h. And particular churches, which are members thereof, are more or lefs pure, according as the do^lririe of the gofpel is taught and embraced, ordinan- ces adminiftred, and public wor(hip performed more or lefs purely in them /.

V. The purefl churches under heaven are fubjefl both to mixture and error k ; and fome have fo degenerated, as to be- come no churches of Chrift, but fynagogues of Satan, /. Never-


come lo the unity of the faith, and given two wings ef a great eagle, ^.

of the knowledge of the Son of God, that fhe might tlee into the wilder-/^^

unto a perfe<5t man, unto the mea- nefs, into her place : where fhe is

fure o[ the llature of the fulnefs of nourifhed for a time, and times, and

Chrift. Mat. xxviii. 19. GO ye half a time, from the face of the

therefore and teach all nations, ' bap- ferpent.

tizing them in the name of the Fa- / (Rer* li. and iii. chap, through-

thcr, and of the Son, and of the out.) i Con v. 6. Your glorying is

Holy Ghoft : v, 20. Teaching them not good : Know ye not that a little

to obferve all things whatfoever i leaven leaveneth the whole lump ?

have comma.qded you : and lo, I am v. 7. Purge out therefore the old

with you aiway, even unto the end leaven, that ye may be a new lump,

of the world. Amen, ifa, lix, 21. as ye are unleavened. For eved

As for me, this is my covenant with Chrift our paffover is facriticed for

them, faith the Lord, My Spirit that us.

is upon thee, and my words which V. i r Cor. xiii, 12. J'or now we I have put in thy mouth, fhall not fee through a glafs, darkly ; but then depart out of thy mouth, nor out face to face : now I know in part ; of the mouth of thy feed, nor out of but then (hall I know even as alfo I the mouth of thy feeds feed, faith am known. (Rev. ii, iii. chapters.) the Lord, from henceforth and for Mat. xiii. 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, :q* ever. Another parable put he forth unto IV. /> Rom. xi. g. Lord, they them, faying. The kingdom of hea- have killed thy prophets, and digg- ven is hkened unto a man, v/ho ed down thine altars ; and I am left fowed good feed in his field : Bnt alone, and they feek my life. v. 4. while men flept, his enemy came But what faith the anfwer of God and fowed tares among the wheat, ^ wnro him ? I have rtferved to my- and v.ent his way. Pmt when the felf feven thoufand men, who have blade was fprung up, and brought not bowed the knee to the image of forth fruit, then appeared the tares Baal. Rev. xii. 6. And the woman aifo, 5:c. v. 47. Again, the king- fled into the wildernefs, where (he dom of heaven is like unto a net hath a place prepared of God, that that was caft into the fea, and ga« they fhould feed her there a thou- ihered of every kind, fand two hundred and threefcore /Rev, xviii. 2, Andhecriedmigh- ^ days, V. 14. And to the woman w?re tUy v/jih a ilrong voice, faying, Ba-


Chap. XXV. The. Confeffion of Faith. 143

thelefs, there (hall be always a church on earth, to' WorQiip God according to his will nu

VI. There is no other head of the church but the Lord Jefus Chrlft n. Nor can the pope of Rome in any fenfe be head thereof; but is that antichrifl, that man of fin, and fon of perdition that exalteth himfelf in the church agaiafl Chrill, and all that is called God 0.


fey « 00 the grekt Is fallen, is fallen, and IS become the habitation of de-- ^ vils, and the hold of every foul fpi- Krit, and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird. Rom, xi. 18. Boaft not again ft the branches : but if thou boaft, thou beareft BOt the root, but the root thee. v^_i9. Thou wilt fay then, The branches Vv'ere broken off, that I might be grafted in, v, 20. Well ; becaufe of unbelief they were broken off, and >hou ftandell by faith. Be not high-minded, but fear. 21. For if God fpared not the natural branches, take heed left he alfo fpare not thee. v. 221 Behold therefore the goodnefs, and feverity of God: on them who fell, feverity ; but to- wards thee, g©odnefs ; if thou con- tinue in his goodnefs : otherwife thou fhalt be cut off.

^ Mat. xvi. 18. And I fay alfo unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church : and the gates of hell ftiall not prevail againft it, PfaL Ixxii. 17. His name (hall endure for ever : his name fhall be continued as long as the fun : and men fhall call him blefied. Pfal. cii. 28. The children ef thy fervants fhall continue, and their feed fhall be eftablilhed before thee. Mat, xxviii, 19, 20. (See in letter^.)

VI. n Col i. 2S. And he is the head of tli€ body, the church ; who

is the beginning, the firft born frora the dead : that in all things he might have the pre-cmiuence. Eph. i. 22, And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church.

0 Mat. xxiii. 8. But be not ye cal- led Rabbi ; for one is your Mafter, even Chrift, and all ye are brethren, V. 9. And call no man your Father, upon earth ; for one is your Father, who is in heaven, v. 10. Neither be ye called mafters ; for one is your Mafter, even Chrift. 2 Theff. ii. 3, Let no man deceive you by any means ; for that day (hall not come except there come a falling away firft, and that man of fin be reveal- ed, the fon of perdition; v. 4; Who oppofeth and exalteth himfelf above all that is called God, or that is worfuipped ; fo that he as Cod fit- teth in the temple of God, (hewing himfelf that he is God. v. 8. And then fhaU that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord fhall ccnfume with the Spirit of his mouth, and fhall deftroy with the brightnefs of his coming; v. 9. Even him whofe coming is after the working cfSa* tan, with all power, and figns, and lying wonders. Rev* xiii, 6. And he opened his mouth, in blafphemy againft cod, to.blafpheme his name and his tabernacle, and them that dv/ell in heaven.

I. a, John


The Confeffton of Faith. Chap. XXVI.

Chap. XXVI. Of the Communion of Saints,

AL L faints that arc united to Jefus Chrifl their head, by his Spirit and by faith, have fellowfliip with him in his graces, fufferings, death, refurre£lion and glory a : and, being united to one another in love, they have communion in each others gifts and graces b ; and are obliged to the performance of fuch duties, public and private, as do conduce to their mu- tual good, both in the inward and outward man c.

IL Saints

I. a John i. 5. That which we have feen and heard, declare we unto you, that ye alfo may have fellowfhip with us : and truly our fellowlhip is with the Father, and with his Sen jefus Ch.rift. Eph. iii»

16. That he would grant you ac- cording to the riches of his glory, to be ftrcngthned with niiglit, by his Spirit in the inner-man ; v,

17, That Chrift may dwell in your hearts by faith ; that ye being root* €d and grounded in love, v. i8. May be able to comprehend with all faints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height ; v. 19. And to know the love of Chrift, which pafieth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulnefs ofccd. Johni, 16. And of his fulnefs have ail we received, aed grace for grace. Eph. ii. j. Even when we were dead in fins, hath quickened us together with Chrift; (by grace ye are faved). v. 9. And hath raifed us up together, and made us fit to- gether in heavenly places in Chrift jefus. Phil. iii» io. That I may know him and the power of his re- fitfretf^ion, and the fellowftiip of his (ufferings, being made conformable unto his death* Rom. vi. 5. For if we have been planted together in th« llkenefs of his death ; we ftiall be alfo in the llkenefs of his refur- re<5lion. v. 6. Knowing this, that ©ar old man is crucified with him.

that the body of fin might be de-^* ftroyed, that henceforth wc fliouldl^ not ferve fin. 2 Tim» ii. 12. If we fuffer, we ftiall alfo reign with him: if we deny him, he alio will deny »s.

b Eph. iv. 15. Put fpeaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Chrift. v. 16. From whom the whole body fitly joined toge- ther, and compa(^ed by that which every joint fupplieth, according to the efFetStual working ia the raeafure of every part, maketh increafe of the body, unto the edifying of itfelf in love. 1 Cor. xii. 7, But the ma- nifeftation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal, i Cor* iii. 2 1. Therefore let no man glory in men, for all things are yours : V. 22. Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things prefent, or things to come, all are yours ; v. 25. And ye are Chrift's, and Chrift is cod's. Col. ii. 19. And not holding the head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourifliment miniftred, and knit together, in- creafeth with the increafe of cod.

c I ThefT, V. 1 1 . W herefore com- fort yourfelves together, and edify one another, even as alfo ye do. v, 14. Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that arc unruly, comfort

Chap. XXVI. TL ,:.Jion of Faith. MS

II. Saints, by profefTion, are bound to maintain an holy fel- lowiliipand commnnion in the worfhip of God, ard in perfrjrm- ing fuch other ipirimai fervices as tend to their mutual edifica- tion ^, as alfo in reiieviug each other in outward things, ac- cording to iheir feverai abilities and neccflities^ Which com- munion, as God offereth opportunity, is to be extended unto all thofe who in every place call upon the name of the lord Jefus c,

III. This. communion which the fiunts have with Chrift, doth not make them in any wife pf^rtakersofthe fubflanceof his God- head, or to be equal with Chrift in any refpe^l: either of which


the feeble-minded, fupport the weak, be patient toward all men. Rom. i. II. Fori long to fee you, that 1 may impart unto you fome fpirit- ual gift, to the end ye may he efta- blillied: v, 12. That is, that I may- be comforted together v/lth yon, by the mutual faltn boi:h of you and me, V. 14. I am debtor borh to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians, both to the wife, ^\v\ to tiie unwife. I John iii 16. Hereby perceivo we the love of God, becaufe he laid down his life for us : and we onghc to lay down our lives for the bre- thren. V, 17. But whofo- hath this world's good, and feeth his brother have need, and fhutteth up his bow- els of companion from him, ho\v dwelleth the love of God in him ? V, 18. My lirile children, let us not love in woid, neither in tongue, but iu deed and in truth, cal, vi. ixD. As we have therefore opportu- nity, let us do good unto all men, efppcially unto them who are of the hou:hold of faith.

II. ^Heb. X. 24. And let us con- licjer one another, to provoke unto love and to good works, ver. 2J. Not forfakirg the a/Tembling of cur- felves together, as the manner of fome is ; but exhort'ng one another: aud fo xauch the more, as you fee

the day .approp-cblng. /fts ii. 42. Afid they contmued ibofaitly ia the apoflles do(ftrine and felloM'fiiip, ?.nd in breaking of bread, and in pray- er. V. 46. And ihey contifluirj daily with one accord in the tempte, and breaking «jf bread from houfa to houfe^ did eat their meat wirK gladnefs and finglenefs of heart. Ifi» ii. 3. And many people ihall go and fay : Come yc and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the houfe of the God of Jacob, and he will tepch us of his ways, and we will wak in his paths : for out of Zlon Ihall go furth the lav/, and the word of the Lord from Jerufa- lem. I Cor, xi. 20« V/hen ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's fupper* e A<5f3 ii. 44. And all thatbdiev- ed were together,' and had all things common, v. 4^. And fold their poflefiions and goods, and 'parted them to all men, as every man had need, i Jo-hn iii. 17. (See irj let- ter c.) (2 Cor. vili, and ix. chap- ters.) Ai^s xi. 291 Then the d'l^- ciplcs, every man according to his; ability, determined to fend relief unto the brethren wh«> dwelt in Ju- dea. Vi 30, Which r:',^^ they did, and fent it to the ciders ^y the hands oi Barnabas and Saul.

1 4^ The Confijton of Faith. Chap. XXVI.

to affirm, Is Impious and blafphemous/ Nor doth their commu- nion one with another, as faints, take away or infringe the title or property which each nian hath in his goois and poiTeflions^.

Chap. XXVII. Of the Sacraments.

ACRAMENTS are holy figns and feals of the covenant of grace j, immediately inflituted by God^, to reprefcnt


IH. /Col. i. 1 8. And he is the head of ihe body, the church : who is the beginning, the firft born from the dead ; that in all things he might have the pre-eminence, v. 19. For it pleafcd the Father that ia him ihoalii all fullnefi dwell, i Car. viii. 6, But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things. and we in him ; and one Lord Jefus Chrilt, by whom are all things, and We by him. Ifa. xlii. 8. I am the Lord, that is my name, and my glory v/ili I rot give to another, neither my praife to graveu images. I Tim. vi. 15, Whichin his times he fl)'all (hew, who is the blefTed and only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords, v-. 16, \Vho only hath infmortality, dwelling in the light which no man can ap* proach unto, whom no man hath feen, nor can fee : to whom be ho- r.our and power everlaiiing. Amen, Pfal. xlv. 7. Thou \o\Qi\. righteouf- nefij and hateft wickednefs : there- foic God, thy cod, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladnefs above thy follows. With Heb. i. 8, But unto the Son he faith, Thy throne, n Gtd, is for ever and ever; a fce|nre of righteoufnefs is the fceptre of thy hin^^dom : v. 9. Thou haft }ov«?d rig'ti /oufnefs, and hated ini- quity, therefore cod, even thy Gud, h^ih aaoiuted thee with the

oil of gladoefs above thy fellows.

g Exod. XX. 15. Thou flialt not Heal, Eph. iv. 28. Let him that dole, (teal no more : but rather let him labour, working with his hand* the thing which is good, that he may have to gi\re to him thAt need- eth. Afts v. 4. Whiles it remain- ed, was it not thine own ? and after it was fold, was it not if. thine own power? why ha(t thou conceived' this Thing in thine heart ? thou haft not lied unto men, but unto Cod.

I. a Rom iv. 1 1. And he receiv- ed the fign of circumcifion, a feai of the righteoufnefs of the faith, which he had yet being uncircum- cifed, that he might be the father of all them that believe, tho' they be not circumcifed ; that righteouf- refs might be imputed unto them alfo. Cen. xvii. 7. And I v/ill efta- blifli my covenant between me and thee, and thy feed after thee, in their generations, for an everlafting covenant ; to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee, v. 10. (See below in letter/^)

b Mat. xxvili. 19. Co ye there- fore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. I Cor. xi. 23. For I hare received of the Lord, that whidh alfo I delivered unto you, That the Lord j^fus, thef&ra; night in which


Chap. XXVII. The C^nftfion of Faith. 147

Chi ill and his benefits; and to confirm our intereft in him c ; as alfo to put a viiible dill^:;rence between rhofe that belong unto the church, aiid the re(t of the world d\ and folemniy to engage them to the fervicc of God in Chrid, according to his word

il. There is- in evefy facrament a fpi ritual relation, or iricramental union, between the fign and the thing fignified; whence it comes to pafs, that the names and eiFecls of the t>ne are attributed to the other/.

III. The

^ he was brayed, took bread.

c I Cor. X. 16. Thecup of blef- fing which wc blefs, is it not the coiji- munion of the blood of Chrifl ? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrift ? I Cor. xi. 25. After the fame man- ner alfo he took the cup, when he had fupped, faying, This cup is the

. Kew Teibment in my blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in te- membrance of me. Vi 26. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do fiiew the Lord's death till he come* * Gal, iii, 27. For as many of yolii as have been baptized into Chrll^ have put on Chriit, Gal. iii. 1 7'. And this, I fay,- That the covenant that was con- firmed before of God in Chrill, the law which was four hundred and thirty years after cannot difannul, that it fhould make the promife of none e0e<^,

^Rorn. XV. Z, Mow I fay, That Jcfus Ghrifl was a minifter of the circumcifion for the truth of God, to confirm the promifes made unto the fathers. Exod. xif. 48. And when a ftranger fhall fojourn with. ihee, and will keep tbe pafibver to the Lord, let all his males be oir- cumcifed, and then let him come near and keep it : and be ihali be as one that is born in the land : for #0 uucircuracifed perfoa ihali 9*t

thereof. Gen, xxxiv. 14. And thev fiid unto them, We cannot do this thing, to give our fifter to o?ie that is uncircumclfed : for tiiat were a reproach unto us.

e Rom. vi. 5. Know ye not, that {0 m my of us as were baptized inta Jefiis Ghrift, were baptizled into his <ieath I V. 4. Therefore we are bu- J'ied with him bybaptifni into death s ^hat hke as Chrift was raifedupfrom ^he dead by the glory of ti^e Father, even fo we alfj fhould walk in new- nefs of life, i Cor, x. 16. (See ia letter c.) v, 21. Ye cannot drin'c the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils : ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.

If./Gen. xvli. 10. This is my <:o- venant, which ye fhall keep between me and you, and thy feed after thee ; every man child among you fliall be -.* rcumcifed. Mat. xxvi. 27. And he took the cup, and gav« thanks, and gave it unto them, fay- ing. Drink YiP all of it, v. 28. For this is my blood of the New Tefta- ment, wiiich is flied for many for the reraiHion of fins. Tit, iii. x. Not by works of righteoufnefs, whicS - we have done, but according to his mercy he iaved us, by the wafliing of regeneration and renewing of thft Holy Gl^ofb

X^ 2 UJ-£ l^om^

148 The Confejion af Faith. Chap. XXVII.

III. The grace which is exhibited In or liy the facraments rightly ufed, is not conferred by any power in them; neither doth the efTicacy of a facrament depend upon die piety or intention of bim that doth adminifter it ^, but upon the work of the Spirit /j, and the word of inflitution, which con- tains, together with a precept authorifrng the ufc thereof, a promifc of benefit to worthy receirers /,

IV. There be only two facraments ordained by Chrifl our Lord in the gofpel, that is to fay, baptifm and the fup- per of the Lord; neither of which maybe difpenfed by a- ny but by a minlfter of the word lawfully ordained i.

V. The facraments of the Old Teflftm.ent, in regard of the fpiritual things thereby fignified and exhibited, were for fubilance, the fame with thofe of the New /.


A P.

III.^ Rom. ii, 28. For he is not a Jeu', who is one oivtwardly ; nei- ther is that circiinicifioD, which is outward in the flefu : v. 29. Bat he is a Jew, who is one inwardly ; and circumcifion is that of the hea,rt. in the fpirit, and not in the letter, whofe pralfe is not of men, but of God. I Pet. iiii 21. The hke figure whttreunto, even baptifrri, doth aifo now fave us, (not the putting away of the filth of the ilefh, but the an- fwer of a good confcience towards God) by the refurredion of Jefus Chrift.

h iNIatth. iii. 11. 1 indeed baptize you with water unto repentance; but he that Cometh after me, is mightier tfian I, whofe (hoes I am not worthy to bear ; he Hiali baptize you with the Holy Ghoft, and with fire. I Cor. xii. 13. For by one >^pirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gen- tiles, whether we be bond or free ; and have been all made to drink in- to one Spirit.

/■ Mat. xxvi. 27, 28. See in let- ter/.) Mat xxviii. 19. (See in let- ter ,'}.) V. 20, Teitfhing them to obiei ve ail things whfatfoQvei: I have

commanded you; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

IV. k Mat. xxviii. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, bap- tizing them in the name of the Fa- ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. I Cor. xi. 20. When ye cornc together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's fupper. V. 23. For 1 have received of the Lord, that which alfo I de- livered unto you, That the Lord Jefus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread, i Cor^ iv. I. Let a man fo account of us, as of the minifters of Chrift, and flewards of the mylleries of God. Heb» v. 4. And no man taketh this honour unto himfelf, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron*

V. / I Cor. X.I. Moreover, bre- thren, I would not that ye (hould be ignorant, how that all our fa- thers were under the cloud, and all palled through the fea ; v. 2. And were all baptized unto Mofes in the cloud, and in the fea; v. 3. And did all eat the fame fpiritual meat ; V. 4. And did all drink the lame fpiritual drink ; (foK they drank of


Chap. XXVIIL The Confejfion of Faith. 149

Chap. XXVIIL Of Bapfifm.

BAPTISM is a facramcnt of the New Teftament, ordained by Jeliis Chrilt a, not only for the folemn admifTion of the party baptized into the vifible church b\ but alfo to be un- to him a fign and feal of the covenant of grace Cy of his in- grafting ioto Chrift dy of regeneration e, of remiffion of fins/, and of his giving up unto God thro' Chrill Jefus, to walk in newnefs of life g, Which facrament is by Chrifl's own ap- pointment to be continued in his church until the end of the world h,

11. The outward element to be ufed in this facrament is water, wherewith the parry is to be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Gholl, by a minifter of the gofpel lawfully called thereunto /.


that fpiritual Rock that followed them ; and that Rock was Chrift.)

I, ^Mat. xxviii. 19, (See letter k of the foregoing chapter.)

b I Cor. xiU 13. For by one Spi- rit are we all baptized into on.e body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free ; and hsve been all made to drink, into one Spirit.

£• Rom. iv. II. And he received the (if,n of circumcifion, a feal of the righteoufnefs of the faith, which he had yet being iincircumcifed: that he might be the father of all tl.em that believe, though they be not circumcifed ; that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo. Vv^ith Col. ii. 11. In whom alfo ye are circumcifed with the circumci- fion made without hands, in putting off the body of the fins of the flefh, by the circumcifion of Chiift. v, 12, liuried wiih him in baptifm, where- in alfo ye are rifen with him, thro' the faith of the operation of God, who hath raifed him from the dead.

d Gal. iii. 27. For as many of you as have been baptized into Chrift, have put on Chrift, Rom.

vi. 5. For if v/e have been planted together in the liksnefs of his deaths we Hiall be alfo in the likencfs of his refurredion.

e Tit. iii. 5. Not by works of righteoufnefs which we have done, but according to his mercy he faved us, by the walking of regeneration, and renewing of the floly choft.

y^Mark i. 4. John did baptize in the vv'ildernefs, and preach the bap- tifm of repentance, for the remiffiuii of fns.

g Rom. vi. 3. Know ye not, that fo many of us as were baptized into Jefus Chrid, were baptized into his death ? v. 4. Therefore we are bu- ried withjiim by baptifm into death; that like as Chrifi: was raifeJ up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo we alfo ihould walk in newnefs of life.

h Mat. xxviii. 19. (See In letter k foregoing chapter.) v, 20. Teach- ing them to obferve all tinngs wlii^t- foever I have commanded you : and Jo, I am with you alw.iy, even u .to the end (f the world. Amen.

11. /■ Mat." iii. l u 1 indeed b:4p-

Tbs Confefm $/ Faitb. Chap. XXVIIL

in. Dipping of the perfon into the water is not necelTary, but baptifin is rightly adminiflred by pouring or fprinkling water upon the perfon i.

IV, Not only thofe that do a(51ua]Iy profefs faith in and obedience unto Chriit /, but alfo the infants of one or both believing parents, are to be baptized ;«.

V. Al-

llze you v/ith water unto repen- tance ; but he that cometh after me, is mightier th&n I, whofe fhoes I am not worthy to bear; he flull baptize yon with the Holy Ghoif^ and uith fire. John i. 33. And I kns'.v him not : but he that fent me to baptize with water, the farHe faid unto me, Upon whom thou Ihalt fee the Spi- rit defcending, and remaining on liim, the fame is he who baptizeth v/ith the Holy chofL Mat. xxviii. 19, (See in letter / fnreaoing chap- ter.) V. 20. (See in letter b.)

III. k Heb. ix, 10, 19, 20, 21, 22. Acfls ii. 41. Then they that gladly received his word, were bap- tized : and the fame day there were dddcd unto them about three thou- fand fouls. a<^s xvi, 33. And he took them in the fiime hour of the night, and wa(hed their (tripes, and was baptized, he and all his frraight- way. Mark vii. 4. And when they come from the market, except they v/n{h, they eat not. And many o- ther things there be, which they have received to hold, as the wafh- ing of CUPS and pots, brazen vefleis, and of uoles.

IV. / Mark xvi. 1 5, And he faid unto them, Go ye into all the world, ' and preach ye the go^'pel to every creature, v. 16. He that balieveth and is baptized, (hall be faved ; but be tliat believeth not, fiial! be dam- ped. ACiS viii. 37. And Philip faid, if thou believed: wlih all thine |je.irt, thou mayed. And he an- (\f?red and faid, I tjelieye that je-

{ui Chrid is the fort^f God, v. 38. And he commanded the chariot to (Vand fHll : and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him,

Gen. xvii. 7. And I will cflabHllv my covenant between me and thee, and thy feed after thee, in their generations, for an everlafting co- vepant ; to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. v. 9. And God faid unto Aoraliam, Thoa flialt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy feed after thee, in their generations. A\ iih caK iii. 9. So then they who be of faith, arc bJeifed with faithful Abraham, v, 14. That the bleiling of Abrahajn might come on the Gentiles through jefus ChrUt; that we might receivo the promife of the Spirit through fjjith, Anri Col.fil. n. In whom alio ye are circumcifed wiih the cir- cumcilion made without hands, in putting off the body of the fms of the flelh, by the circumciijon of Chri/h V. 12» Buried with him i.\ baptifm, wherein alfo ye are rifen witJi him throyph the faith of th& operation of cod, who hath railed him from the dead. And a^s ii. 38. Then Peter faid unto them. Re- pent and be baptized, everyone of you in the name of Jefus Chriil, for the remi(rion of fins, and ye (hall rccHjive the gift of the Hcly cho/l. V. 39. For the pronufe is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar 0^, even as many as tho

Chap. XXVIII. The Cenfeffion of FaitJj. 151

V. Although it be a great fin to contemn or negle(f^ this ordi- nance n, yet grace and falvation are not fo,infeparate!y annexed unto it, as that^io perfon can be regenerated or fared without it ^,or that all that are baptized are undoubtedly regenerated/-. Vj, The efficacy of baptifm is not tied to that moment of time wherein it is adminiitred q] yet notwithftanding, by the right ufe of this ordinance, the grace promifed is not only oiTer- ed, but really exhibited and conferred by the Holy Ghoil, to


Lord our cod fhall call. And Rom. iv. II. And he received the fijjn of cicnmcifion, a feal of the rigl" iouf- nefs of the faith, which he had yet being uncircumcifed : that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be oot circuracifed ; that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo : v. 12, And the fa- ther of circOmcifion to them, who are not of the circumcifion only, but alfo walk in the fteps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcifed. i Cor, vli. 14. For the unbelieving huf- band is fandified by the wife, and the unbeHeving wife is fancflified by the huiband : elfe were your chil- dren unclean : but now they are ho- ly. Mat. xxviii. 19. Go ye there- fore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghofl. Mark x, 13. And they brought young children to him that he (hould touch them; and his dif- ciples rebuked thofe that brought them. V. 14, But when jefus faw it, he was' much difpleafed, and fiiid ui!to them. Suffer the little children to come unto me, and for- bid them not : for of fuch is the kingdom of God. v. 15. Verily I fay unto you, Whofoever (hall not receive the kingdom of God as a litte child, he lliall not enter there- in, Y, i6. Aad h$ took them up

in his «rms, put his hands upon them, and blelTed theni. Lukexviii. 15. And ihcy brought unto him al- fo infants, that he would touch them r but when his difciples faw it, they rebuked them.

V. n Lnke vii. 30. But the Pha- rifees and lawyers reje(Jled the counh {t\ of God againft thcmfelves, being not baptized of him. With Exod, iv» 24. And it came to pafs by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him, and fought to kill him. v. 25. Then Zipporah took a fharp frone, and cut off the fcrefldn cf her fon, and caft it at his feet, and faid. Surely a bloody hufband art thoa to me. Vf 26- So he let him go: then (lie faid, a bloody hufband thou art, becaufe of the circumcifion,

0 Rom. iv. II. (See in letter w.) ha^.x. 2, 4, 22, 31, 4S,47»

p A<5t3 viii. I 3. Then Simon him- felf believed alfo : and when he was baptized, he continwed with Philips and wondered, beholding the mira- cles and figns which were done, v, 23. For 1 perceive that thou art in the gall of bitternfcfs, and in the bond of iniquity.

VI. q John i.i. 5. Jefus anfwer- ed. Verily, verily, I fay unto thee. Except a man be born of water ami cf the Spirit, he canr.ot enter into the* kingdom of God. v. u. The wind bJoweth wlierc it lifieth, and ihoa he*.r€(l the found thsreof, but

K 4 canit

152 The Confefion of Faith, Chap. XXIX.

fuch (whether of age or infant?)as that grace belongeth unto, ac- cording to thecounfel of God's own will^in his appointed timer, VII. The fdcramcnt of baptifrn is but once to be admini- Urcd to any pcrfon/

Chap. XXIX. Of the Lord's Supper,

OUR Lord Jefns, in the night wherein he was betrayed, inftiturcd the facrament of his body and" blood, called the X-ord'fi Supper, to be obferved in his church unto the end of the world, for the perpetual remembrance of the facrifice of himfelf in his death, the fealing all benefits thereof unto true believers, their fpirirual nourilbment and growth in him, their farther engagement in and to all duties which they owe unto him; and to be a bond and pledge of their communion with him., •and with each other, as members of his myfiical body a.

IT. In

canft not tell whence it cometli, and ■whither it gocth : fo is every one that is born of the Spirit.

r GaL iii, 27. For as many of you, as have been baptized into Chrift, have put on Chrift. Tit. iii. ^. Not by works of righteoufnefs which we have done, but according to his mercy, he faved us by the wafliing of regeneration, and re- newing of the Holy Ghoft. Epfs. v. 55. Hufbands, love your v/lves, even as Chrid'aHo loved the church, and gave himfelf for it ; v. 26, That jjie might fandify and cleanfe it with the wafhing of water by the word. Ad.% ii. 38. Then Peter faid unto them, Repent, and be baptized c- very one of you in the name of Je- fus Chrifl, for the rcmif/ion of (los, pnd ye fhall receiv- the gift of the Holy Ghofr. v. 41. Then they thnt ^Jadly recei«'ed his word, were bap- tized : and the lame di^y »here were ^dded unto them above three thou- fand fouls. '

\'i?,/Tit, iii. 5. (Sedn letter /•.)

I, a I Cor. XI. 25, For I have re- ceived of the Lord, that which alfo I deUvered unto you, That the Lord Jefuf?, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread : v. 24. And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and faid. Take, eat; (his is my bo'iy which is broken for yon, this dp in remembrance of me, v, 25. After the lame manner alfo he took the tup, when he had fupped, faying. This cup is the new tefta- nient in my blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. V, 26. For as often u: ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do Oiew the Lord's death till he come. I Cor, X. 16. The cup of hkiliag which v/e blcfs, is it not the com- munion of the body of Ciirift ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of ChriO: ? V, 17. For we beinjjj i-naiiy, are one bread and one body : for v/e are all partakers of that one bread, v. 21. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, atid the cup of devils ; ye cannot be part3kqr4

Chap. XXIX. The Confe/fm of Faith. 1 5 ^

IL In this facrament, Chrift is not offered up to his Father, nor any real facrificc made at all, for reiailTion of Uns of the quick or dead b ; but only a commemoration of that one offer- ing up of himfelf,by himfelf, upon the crofs, once for all; and a fpiritaal oblation of all poilible praife unto God for the fame c ; (o that the popifh facriiice of the mafs,a3 they call it, is mod abominably injurious to Chrifl's one only facrificc, the alone propitiaiion for all the fms of the ele£t d,

HI. The Lord Jefus hath, in this ordinance, appointed his miiiidcrs to declare his word of inftitution to the people, to pray, and blefs the elements of brei^d and wine, and, hereby to fet them apart from a common to a holy ufe; aud to take, and bresk the bread, to take the cup, and (they communicating al- fo themfelves) to give both to the communicants e; but to none


pnrtakers of the Lord's table, and cftheiable of devils, i Cor. xii, 13. For by oac Spirit are we all baptiz- ed into «nie body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free ; and have bt en all made to drinL into one fpirit*

II. b Heb. ix, 221 And almoft all thuigs are by the law purged with blood ; and without fheddlng of blood is no remifiion. v. 25. Nor yet that he fhould offer hirnfelf of- ten, as the high priefl entereth into the holy place every year v/ith blood of others : v. 26. (For tlien mud. he often have fuffered fince the foun- dation of the world) but now once in the erd of the world hath he sp- peared to put away fin by the facri- iSce of himfeif. v. 2 8., So Chrift was once offered to bear the fins of many, and unto thofe that look for him, Ihall he appear thefecond time, without fin, unto falvadon.

c I Cor. xi. 24, 25, 26. (See them In letter a.) Mat. XKvi. 29' And as they were eating, Jcfus iooJiL bread, and blefftd it, and brake it, and gave .ft to the d fciples, and faid. Take, %4,X\ thiii^my body, v. 27. .'indh^

took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, Ia)i«g, Drink ye all of it.

d Heb. vii. 23. And they truly were many pricfis,bccaufe they were not fuffered to continue by reafon of death : v. 24* But this man, bccaufc he continu«th ever, hath an un- changeable priedhood. v. 27. Who needeih not daily, as thofe high priefts, to offer up facrif.ce, firft for his own fins, and then for the peo- ples : for this he did once when he offered up himfelf. Heb. x. 1 1. And every priefl ftandeth daily minifler* ing, and offering oftentimes the fame facrifices, which can never take away fins: v. 12. But this man, after he had offered one facrifiee for fifiS for ever, fat down on the right hand of God. v. 14. For by one of- fering he hath perfedled for ever them that are fan<fl:ifi':d. v. 18. Now where remifTion of ihde is, there is no more offering for fin.,

lil. e Mat. xxvii 26, 27. (See in letter c.) v, 28. Foi ihisis my blood of the new tefhimenr, v/hich is fhed for many for the femiifion of fins. And Markxiv, 22. And iis ihcy did


T 54 The Confejfion ff Faith. Chap. XXIX,

who arc not then prt-fent in the congregation/.

IV. Private mailes, or receiving this facrament by a priefl or any other abne g, as likewife the ienial of the cup to the people by worfliipping the elements, the lifting thern up, or carrying them about for adoration, and the referving them for any pretended religious ufe, arc all contrary to the nature of this facrament, snd to the inflirution of Chrill /.

V. The outward elements in this facrament, du^Iy fet apart to the ufes ordained by Chrilt, have fuch relation to him crucified, as that truly, yet facramen tally only, they are ibmetimes cal- led by the name of the things they reprefenr, to wit, the body and blood of Chridi ; albeit, in fubftancc and nature, they flill remain truly bread, and wine, as thesy were before /.

VI. That

cat, Jefus took bread, and blefTed, and brake it, and gave lo them, and fdid, Take, eat ; this is my body. v.

23. And he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them; and they all drank of it. v.

24. And he fiiid unto them. This is my blood of the new teftament, which is fried for many. And Luke^ xxii. 19. And he took bread, and gAve thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, faying, This is my body vhich is broken for you : this do in remembrance of me. v, 20. Like- \^\{t alfo the cup after fupper, fay- ing, This cup is the new teiTiAment in my blood, which is fhed for you, Wiih I Cor.xii. 23, 2.'], 25, 26. (See all in letter a.)

f A€tt XX. 7. And upon the firft oay of the week, when the difcipks cAmc together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, readv to depart on the morrow, and continued his fpeecli until mid -night, i Cor, xi. 20. When ye come together there- fore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's fupper.

IV. g I Cor. X. 61 Now thefe things were our examples, to the intent we Ibould not lull after evil things, as they alfo luded.

h Mark, xiv, 23. (See in letter c.) I Cor xi, 25, 26. See letter a) v. 27. Wherefore, whofoever fhall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, fhall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. v. 23. But let a man examine himfelf, and fo let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. v. 29. For he that eateth and driaketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation ta himfelf, not difcerning the Lord*s body.

/■ Mat. XV, 9, But in vain they do worfhip me, teaching for do^rines the commandments of men.

V. k Mat. xxvi, 26. And as they were eating, jefus took bread, and hie/led jt, and brake it, and g;ATe it to thedifciples, and faid. Take, eat ; this is my body. v. 27. And he took the cup, and gave tl»anks, and gave it to them, faying, Drink ye all of it : V. 28. For this is my blood of the new teftament, which is Ihed for many for the remi/non of (ins.

/ 1 Cor. xi. 26. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do (hew the Lord's dea'h till he come. V. 27. Wherefore, whofoever fhall eat this bread,, and ddnk this

Chap. XXIX. The Confefflon of Faith. 1$^

VI. That doftrine which maintains a change ofthefubflance of bread and wine, into the fubflance of Chriirs body and blood (commonly called tranfubilantiation) by confeciation of a pried, or by any othjer way, is repugnant, not to fcripture alone, but even to common fenfe and rcafou; ovcrthroweth the nature of the facrament, and hath been and is the caufe of manifold fuperdidons, yea, of grofs idolatries ?iu

VII. "Worthy receivers, outwardly partaking of the vifible e- lements in this facrament n, do thenalfo inwardly by faith real- ly and indeed, yet not carnally and corporally but Ipiritually, re- ceive and feed upon ChriO: crucilied, and all benefits of his death : the body and blood of Chriil being then, nor corporally or car- nally, in it, or under the bread and wine; yet as really, but fpiritually, prefent to the faith of believers in that ordinance, as the elements thcrafelves are to their outward fenfes

Vlli. Altho' ignorant and wicked men receive the outward elements in this facrament^ yet they receive not the thing fignifi- ed thereby; bur, by their unworthy coming thereunto, are guil- ty of the body and blood of the Lord, to their own damnation. Wherefore all ignorant and ungodly perfons, as they are unfic to enjoy communion with him, fo are they unworthy t)f the Lord's table, and cannot without great fm againll Chriff, while


cup of the Lord unworthily, (hall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. V. 28. But let a mao examine himfelf, and fo \tt him eat cf that bread, and diink. of that cup. Mat. xxvi. 29. But I fay unto yon, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit the vine, until that day wl^n I drink it new with you in ray Fa- ther's kingdom,

VI. fft Ads, iii. 2 1 . Whom the hea- ven nuift receive, until the times of reftitution of all things, which God hath fpoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets, fince the world be- gan. With I Cor. xi. 24. And whea he had given thanks, he brake it, and faid. Take, eat ; this is my body, which is broken for you ; this ^Q iii rcmenibranee of mc v. 25.

After the fame manner alfo he tobic the cup, when he had fcpped, fay- in(», This cup is the new teilament in my biood ; this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of mc. 26. (See letter /} Luke x\iv. 6. He. is not here, but is rifen : remem- ber how lie fpake unto yon when h^ was yet in Galilee, v. 391 Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I my-^ felf: handle me, and fee, fur a fpi- rit bath not flelh and bones, as ye fee me have.

VII. n I Cor. xi. 28. (See In let- ter A)

0 I Cor.x. t6. The cup of b!c(rm2 which we blcfs, is it nut the com- munion of the blood of Chrift ? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrlft ?



The Confeffion of Falt^,

Chap. XXX.

they remain fuch, partake of thefe holy myfteries/, or be ad- mitted thereunto 5'.

Chap. XXX. Of Church Cmji


TH 6 Lord Jefus, as: King and Head of his church, hath therein appointed a government in the hand of cbiiirch-

oracers, diilinfl from the civil magillrate a.


VIIK;^ I Cor.xi. 27, 28. (See in letter /.) V. 29. For he thateateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh ditmnation to himfelf, not difcerning the Lord's body. 2 Cor. vi. 14, Le ye not unequally yoked together with unbelierers : for what feliowflilp hath unrighteoufnefs with unrighteournefs ? and what commu- nion hath Hght with dHrknefs ? v,

15. And what concord hath Chrifl: with Belial ? or what part hath he that believeth with ar) infidel ? v.

16. What agreement hath the temple of God with idols ? for ye are the temple of the living cod ; as God ha^h, faid, I will dwell in them, and walk in them ; and I will be their God, and they ihall be my people.

q I Cor. V, 6. Your glorying Is not good : Know ye not that a little Jeaven leaveneth the whole lump ? V. 7. Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump as ye are unleavened. For even Ghrilt our pafTover is faciliced for us. v. I ^. But them that arc without, God judgcth, therefore put away from among yourfelves that wicked per- lon. 2 ThefT. iii. 6. Now we com* mnnd you, brethren, in the name of our LorJ Jefus Clirift, that ye withdraw yourftlves from every brother that walketh diforderly, and not after the tradition which he received cf us. v. 14, And if any

man obey not our word by this e- piftle, note that man, and have no company with hijri» that he may be alhamed. v. 15;. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonifh him as a a brother. Mat. vii. 6. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither caft ye your pearls before fwine, left they trample them under their feet,- and turn again and rent you,

1. a Ifa. ix. 6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a fon is given, and the government fliall be upon his flioulder: and his name fliall be called, Wonderful, Counfellor, The mighty cod, The everlaOing Fa- ther, the Prince of Peace, v. 7. Of the increafe of his government and peace, there fliall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to efta- blii'h it with judgment and with ju- flice, from lienccforth even forever : the zeal of the Lord of hofls wiii perform this, i Tim. v. 17. Let the elders that rule well, be counted worthy of double honour, Specially they who labour in the word and doctrine, i Theff. v. 1 2. And we befeech ycu, brethren, to know them who labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and ad' monifli you. Adsxx. 171 And from Miletus he fent to ^phefus, and cal- led the elders of the church, v. 18. And wheq they were coRie to him,


Chap. XXX. The ConfeJJion of Fait b, 157

IT. To thefe olHccrs the keys of the kingdom of heaven arc committed, by virtue whereof they have power refpeftively to retain and remit fms, to ihut that kingdom againft the impeni- tent, both by the word and cenfures ; and to open it unto pe- nitent fmners, by the ^liniftry of the gofpel, and by abfolu^ tion from cenfures as occafion ihall require b,

lil. Church cenfures are necelTiiry for the reclaiming and gaining of offending brethren, for deterring of others from the like oftences, for purging out of that leaven which might iafeft the whole lump, for vindicating the honour of Chrilhmd the holy profeffion of the gofpel, and for preventing the wrath of God, which might jaftly fall upon the church, if they ftiould fulFer his covenant, and the feals thereof, to be profaned by


fie faid imto them. Ye know from the firft day that I came into Alia, after what manner I have been with you at all feafons. Heb. xiii.^. Re- m niber them who have the rule over you, who have fpoken unto you the word of cod : whofe faith follow^ confidering the end of their converfation. v. 17. Obey them that have the rule over you, and (ubmit yourfelves ; for they watch for your fouls, as they that muftgive accv)unt, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofi- table for you. V. 24. Salute all them that have the rule over you, and all the faints. They of Italy falute you. I Cor. xii. 28. And God hath fet feme in the church, firfl: apoOles, fecondarily prophets, thirdly teach- ers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, governments, diver- lities of tongues. Mat. xxviii. 18. And Jefus came, and fpake unto them, faying. All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth, v. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the HolyGholt : v. 20. Teaching them to obferve ail tJiia^s whatfo*

ever I have commanded you : and lb, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

\i. b Mat. xvi. 19. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatfoever thoa (halt bind on earth, fliali be bound in heaven ; and whatfoever thou flialt loofe on earth, fliall be loofed in heaven. Mat.'xviii. 17. And if he (hall negledt to hear them, tell it un- to the church : but if he negle^ft to hear the cburch, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a pub- lican. V. 1 8. Verily I fay unto you, Whatfoever ye (hall bind on earth, (hall be bound in heaven : and what- foever ye (hall loofe on earth, (lial! be loofed in heaven. John xx. 21. Then faid Jefus unto them again. Peace be unto you ; as my Father hath fent rae, even fo fend I you.

22. And .when he had faid this, he breathed on ihem, and faith unto thcin, Receive ye the Holy Ghoft. v.

23. Whofe foeverlins ye remit, they are remitted; and whofe foever (ins ye retain, they are retained. 2 Cor, ii. 6. Sufficient to fuch a man is this puni(h- ment, which was inflided of many, V, 7. So that cOntrariwife, ye ought


15^ TheCcmfeftcnofFaitk Chap. XXXI

notorious and obftinate offenders c. ^

IV. For the better attaining of thefe ends, the officers of the church are to proceed by admonition, ^fufpenlion from the facrament of the Lord's fuppei* for a feafon, and by ex- communication from the church, acc#-ding to the nature of the crime, and demerit of the perfon ^.

Chap. XXXL Of Synods and Councils.

FOR the better government and further edification of the church, there ought to be fuch aifemblies as are com- monly called fynods or councils a, ^.

II. As

rather to forgive him, and comfort him, ieft perhaps fuch a one fiiould be fwaliowed up with overmuch for- rov/, V. 8. Wherefore I befeech you, that you would confirm your love towards him»

HI. c (I Cor. V. ch. throughout.) I Tim. V, 20. Them that fin, rehuke before all, that otheis alfo may fear. Mat, vii. Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither caft ys your pearls before fwine, left they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rent you. i Tim, u 20. Of whom is Hymeneus and A- lexander, whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blafpheme. (i Cor. xi. 27. to the end.) With jude 23. And others fave with fear, pulling them out of the fire : hating even the garments fpottedby the fleflj.

IV. I i/ TheiC V. 1 2. And we be- feech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonifh you. 2 Their, iii. 6. Now we com- niand you , brethren, in the name of our Lord fefus Chrift, that ye with- draw yourfelves from every brother tlat walkeih difcrderly, acd not

after the tradition which he receiv- ed of us. V. 14. And if any man obey not our word by this epiftle, note that man, and have no com- pany with him, that he may be a- (hamed. v. 1 5. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonifh him as a brother, i Cor« v. 4. In the name of our Lord Jefus Chrift, when ye are gathered together, and my fpirit, with the power of the Lord jefus Chrift, V. 5. To deliver fuch an one unto Satan for the deftru<5lion of the flefti, that the fpirit may be faved in the day of the Lord jefus. v. i 2, But them that are without, God judgeth. Therefore put away frora among yourfelves that wicked per - fon. Mat. xviii. 17. And if he fhall negleft to hear the?n, tell it unto the chuj-ch ; but if he negled to hear the church ; let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a pub- lican. Tit. iii. 10. A man that is an heretic, after the 6rft and lecond admonition, rejccfl:.

I. a AOs XV, 2. When therefore Paul and 'j^arnabas had no fmall dif- fention and difputation with them» they determined tharPaul and Bar- ■aaJbas, and certain other of them.


Chap. XXXI. The Confejfton of Faith. 15^

II. As mafjiflratcs may lawfully call a fynod of miniHers and other fit perfons, to confult and advife with about matters of religion b : {q, if maglftrates be open enemies to the church, the iBiniilers of Chrill:, of themfelves, by virtue of their of- fice ; or they, with other fit perfons upon delegation from their churches, may meet together in fuch afTemblies c,

m, Jt belongeth to fynods and councils, minifterially to de- termine, controverfies of faith, and cafes of confcience; to fee down rules and dire<ftions for the better ordering of the public wo rfliip of God, and govern men: of his church; to receive com- plaints in cafes of mal-adminidration, and authoritatively to de- termine the fame : which decrees and determinations, if confo- nant to the word of God, are to be received with reverence and fubm.ilTion, not only for their agreement with the word, but al- fo for the power whereby they are made, as being an ordinance


fliould go lip to Jerufalem unto the apollles and elders about this quelH- on. V. 4^nd when they were come to Jerufalem, they were received of the church, and of the apofllcs and el- ders ; and they declared all things that Ged had done with them. r. 6. And the apoiiles and eiders came together for to confider of this mat- ter.'

II. b Ifa. xllx. 25. And kings fhall be thy nurfing fathers, and their queens tliy nurfing mothers : they fhali bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dull of thy feet, and thoia Hiah know that I am the ..ord : for they fliall not be afhamed that v/ait for me. I Tim. ii, i. I exhort therefore, that firft of all fuppiications, pray- ers, interceflions, aad giving of thanks be made for all men. v, 2. For kings, and for ail that are in authority ; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinefs and honefty. (2 Chron. xix. 8. to the end.) (2 Chron. xxix. and xxx. chap/throughout.) Mat. ii, 4. And

when he had gathered all the chief prieus and fcribes of the people to- gether, he demanded of them where Chrifl /hould be born. v. 5. And they faid unto him, In Bethlehem of Judea : for thus it is written by the prophet. Prov. xii 14. Where no counfel is, the people fall s but in ths muldtude of counfellers there is fafcty.

c a61s XV, 2, 4, (See in letter a.) V. 22, Then pleafed it the apoftles and elders, with the whole church, to fend chofen men of their own company to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas ; namely, Judas firnamed Barfabas, and Silas, chief men a- mong the brethren, v. 25. And wrote letters by them after this manner. The apoftles, and elders, and brethren fend greeting unto the brethren who are of the Gentiles in Antioch, and Syria, and Gilicia, v. 25, It feemed good unto us, being aflembled with one accord, to fend chofen men unto you with our be Io7ed Barnftba« and Faul.


7 6o The Confefwn-of Faith. Chap. XXXII.

of God appointed thereunto in his word d.

1V» All fynods or councils fince the apoRIes times, v^hether general or particular, may err, and many- have erred : there- fore they are not to be made the rule of faith or practice, but to be ufed as an help in both e. ^

V* Synods and councils are to handle or conclude nothing but that which is ecclefiaflical : and are not to^ intermeddle with civil affairs, which concern the commonwealth, unlefs by way of humble petition, in cafes extraordinary j or by way of advice for fatisfa^tion of confcience, if they be thereun- to required by the civil magiiiratey.

Chap. XXXll. Of the Slate of Men after deaths and of the Refurre6tion of the Dead*

THE bodies of men, after death,return to duft, and fee cor- ruption a\ but their fouls (which neither die nor fleep,)


!II.£?Aasxv. 15, 19, i>4, 27,2s, 29, 50, 31- (See in the Bible.) A<5ls xvi, And as they went thro' the cities, they delivered tbem the de- crees for to keep, that were ordain- ed of the apoiUes and elders who were at jerufalem. Mat. xviii. 17, And If he ihall negledt to hear them, tell it unto the church : but if he neg!e<5t to hear the church, let him be unt» tliee as an heathen man and a publican, v. 18, Verily 1 fay unto you, Whatfoever ye (htill bind on earth', fhall be bound in heaven : and whatfoever j^ou fhall loofe on earth, fhall be loofed in heaven, v.

19. Again I f-ty unto you, that if two of you fhall agree on Isarth as touching anv thing that they fhall afli, it fhall be done for them of my Father who is in heaven, v,

20. For where two or three are ga- thered together in my name, there am I in the midil of tjiem.

IV. * Eph. ii, 20. And are built upon the foundation of the apodles ftiid prophets, Jefus Ghrifl himfeljf

being the chief corner flone. a<51s xvii. II. Thefc were more noble than thofe in ThefTi^lonica, in that they received the word with all rea- dinefs of mind, and feavched the fcriptures daily,whether thofe things were fo. i Cor. ii. 5. That your faith fhould not fland in the wifdom of liKn, but in the power of God, 2 Cor. i, 24. Not for that we h'<»ve dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy ; for by faith ye fland.

V,/L,uke xii. 13. And one of the company faid unto him, Mafkr, fpeak to my brother, that he divide the inheritance with me. v. 14. And he faid unto him, Man, who made me a judge, or a divider over you ? John xviii. 46. Jefus anfwered. My kingdom is noi of this world, if my klogdc.m vvere of this world, then wovild my lervants fight, that ! fliould not be delivered to the J^^ws r but now is my kiingdoni not from hence.

\.a Gen. iil. 1 0, In the fweat of thy


Chap. XXXIL Thi Confefon of Fa'dh. \ 6 1

having an iinmort.jl rubiiftence, immediately return to God who gaveth;;m b. 'i'he fouls of the righteous, bein^ then made per- fect in hoiiaefs, are received into the hlghefl heavens, where they behold the face of God in light and glory, waiting for the full redemption of theit bodies c : and the fouls of the wicked are caft into hell, where they remain in torments and utter darknefs, referved to the judgment of the great day d. BelVles thefe two places for fouls ieparated from their bodies, the fcrip-

ture acknowledgech none.


face fhalt thoii eat bread, till thou return unto the groujid ; fur out of it wait thou taken : for dufi thou art, and unto dull: thou flialt return. Ads y'ln. g6, For David, after he hdd fervedhis Ovvr generation by the will of God, fell on fleep, and was luid unto his fadiers, and faw corrup- tion, \

b Luke xxiii. 43. And Jefus fiid unto him, Verily I fay unto thee, To day fiialt thou be with me in pa- radife. Eccl. xii. 7, Then fhall the duft returi) to the earth as it was : and the fpirit (hall return unto God who ,i';ave it,

cHeb.xii. 25. To the general af- fem'jly, and church of the firifborn Vv'hich are written in heavers, and to Ciod the Jud^e of all, and to the fpirits of jufi:, men made perfect. 2 Cor. V. I. For we know, that if our earthly houfe of this tabernacle were diiTolved, we have a building of God, an houfe riot made with hands, eternal in the heavensi v. 6. Therefore we are always confident, knowing that whilft we are at home in the body, we are abfent from the Lord. V. 8. We are confident, I fay, and willing rati^er to be abfcnt from the body, and to be prefect with the Lord. Phil. i. 23, For I am in a (bait betwixt two, having a defire to de- part, and to be with Chriit; which Is fiii- better. With Ajfts iii> 21.

Whom th-e heavens mufl receive, until the times of reditution of all things, which God harh fprksn by tlie moudi of all his holy prophets, fince the world began. And Eph. iv. 10, He that defcended, is the fame alfo that afcended up far above all heavens, that he might fdl all things,

6' Luke xvi.23. And in lull he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and fceth Abraham atar off, and Lazaius in his bofom. 24. And he cried, and faid. Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and fend Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my congus ; for 1 am tormented in this flame. Acls i. 25. That lie may take part of this miiii_ flry and apoltlellVip, from v/hich Ju* das by tranTgrefnon fell, that l;e might gd, to his own place, Jude 6. And the angels who kept not their fird eddte, but left their own habi- tation, he haih referved in everiaft*.. ing chains,unGer darknefs, unto ihej judgment (jf the great day. v. 7. Even as Sodom and Gomorrah, and ihe cities about them in like manner giving fhemfelves over to fornican- on, and going after flrange fldli, are fet forth for an example, fuiter- ing tliC vengeance of eternal fire. I Pet. iii, 19. By which alio he went and preached unto the fpirits in ' piifco.

L 11. #

1 6, The Confejm of Faith. Chap. XXXIII.

II. At the laft day, fucb as are. found alive fliall not die, but be changed e, and all the dead (liall be raifed up v/ith the felt fame bodies, and none other, altho' with different qualitie?, which (liall be united again to their fouls for ever/.

III. The bodies of the unjuft fliall by the power of Chrift be raifed to dilhonour; the bodies of the juft by his Spirit unto ho- nour, and be made conformable unto his own glorious body^.

Chap. XXXIJI. Of the lajl judgment.

(H. OD hath appointed a day, wherein he will judge the world J in righteoufnefs by Jefus Chrill a, to whom all power and judgment is given of the Father Z'. In which day, not only the

a po-

ll. ^ I Theff. iv. 1 7. Then we who jre alive and remain, Urall be caught IT together with them in t!ie clouds, \j me<^t the Lord in the air : aad fo full v.e ever he with the Lord. 1 Cor. XV. 5 1. Behold, I fhew you a r.iyflery ; we fliall not all fleep, but V e fliall all be changed, v, 52. In a Moment, in the twinkling of an eye, ; *: t'»e Lift trump, f )r the trmipet f .at.ld {ouvA, and the deld (hall be laifed i-icorruptlblc, and we fliall be changed.

/Job XIX. 26. And though after my Tcin, worm;', deflroy this body, yet in my fiefh fliall 1 f:e God. v. J7. Whom I fl.iall fe fjr riyftlf, and xiinc cy^-s fliall behold, rnd nor a- I other ; though my reins be con- fjoicd viihin ma. i Cor. xv. 42 So slfo i> the refurreiflion of the dead. li is fown iii corruption, it is raifed j 1 incoi I up ion : v. 4 3. It is fown in diflioiioui, it is raifed in glory ; it is lown in wcaxntfs, ir is raifed m pjwer : v. 44. U is fown a natural lody, i: i . raifed a f.) bod/. 7here ii- a natural bjdy, aud there ii a fpiitual body.

IIL^ Aas xxiv, 1 5 . And have hope towards cod, which they themfellr^s a!fo allow, that there (hall be a re- farre(5tion of the dead, both of the juft and unjuft. John v. 28, Marvel rot at this : for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in their graves flull hear his voice, v, 29. And fliall come forth, they that have c^one good, unto the refurre<ftlon of Ife; and they that have done evil, unto the refurre;51ion of damnation. I Cor, XV. 45. (See in letter/.) Phil. i;i. 21. Who fliall change cur vile body, that it may be fafliioned liice iinto bis glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to fubdue all things unto himfelf.

\.a Ads xvii. 31. Becaufe he hath appointed a day in the which he w.U judge the world in righteoufnefs, by that man whom he hath ordained ; where€)f he hath given r^fiurance un- to all men, in that he hath raifed him Irom the dead.

^ John v , 22. For the Father judg- elh no man ; but hath committed all judgment unto the Son : v. 27- ■'^"d hath £ivcu him autlioiity to execute


Chap. XXXITI. The Conftfton of 'Faith. 1 63

apoilate angels Hull he judged r; but lilvewlfe all perfong, that have Jived upon eartii, fhail appear before the tribunal of Chrifl, to give an account of their thoughts, words and needs; and to receive according to what they have done in the body, whether good or evil^.

If. The end of God's appcnnting this day is for the mani- feftarion of the glory of his mB^cy, in the eternal falvaiion of theele^; and of his juflice, in the damnation of the repro- bate, who are wicked and difobedient. For then IkJl the righteous go into everlading life, and receive that fulnefs of joy and refreihing which fliail come from the prefence of the Lord; but the wicked, who know not God, and o- bey not the gofpei ofjefus Chrilt, ihall be cad into eternal torments, and be punifhcd with everlaftingr deftruifliioh from the prefence of the Lord, and from the glory of his powe'r <?.

liL As Cnrift would have us to be certainly perfuaded that there iliall be a day of jadgmenr, both to deter all uiea from f n,


judp^mentairojbecaufe he is the Son of man.

c I Cor. vi, g. Know ye not that we fliali judge angels ? how much more things rhat pertain to this life ? Jude6. (See letter ^chapter forego- ing.) 2 Pet, ii. 4. F<^r if God fp^red not the angels that finned, but cafl them down to hell, and deliv':^re(l them into chains of darknefs, to be reierved unto judgment.

d^ Cor. V, 10, For we mufl; all

we fliall all fland before the


appear before i!>

jmentfeat of

Chrift, that every one niay receive the tilings done in liis hody, accord- ing to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Eccl. xii. \/\. For Cod (hall bring every work unto judgment, with every fecret thing, whether it he good, or whether it be evil. Rom. ii. i6. In the day when God (hall judge the fecrets of men by j:fis Ciirift, accordi^^g to my ^"ofpel. Rom. xiv. lo. Bm. why doi^ Unu judge thy brother ? or why doH thou fetatnoaghcthy brother ?

ment feat of Chrift. v. i2i So then every one of us fliall give account of himfelf 10 Grd, Mat xii. ;6. But I fay unto you, that every*iole word tliat men fliall fpeak, they Hia!! give account thereof m the day of judg- ment. V. 57. For by tiiy words tiioa flialt be jufHned, and by thy words thou (halt be condemned.

IL e (Mat, XXV. 51. totheeiul.) Rom. ii, 5. But after thy Iiardncf; and impenitent heart, treafureft u^> unto thyfelf "wrath againft ti;e A-jl^ of wrath, and revelaiivonof the ligh- teousjudgment of God ; v. 6. Who Will render to every man accordin;^ to his deeds. Rom. ix. 22. What ii God, willing to f.-.ew his vv^rath, and to make liis power knov/n, endured with much long fjfFt.rin;', the vtiT<;l:i of wrath fitted to dr ihuclion : v. 2 5* Ajid that h'.' might make kuown the riches of his glory on the veflcls of m^ircy which he had afore prepared unto glory ? Mat. xxv. 2:. J^iis lord L 2 fiiid

1^4 7/;# Confefm cf Faith. Chap. XXX III.

and for the greater confulatlon of the gov^ly in their advcrfity/. So will he have that day unknown to men, that they may fhake off all carnal fecurity, and be always watchful, bccaufe they know not at what hour the Lord will come; and may be ever prepared to fay, Come Lord Jefus, come quickly. Amen g.

frtid unto him, Well done, thou good s ■jd^'liithful fcrvant ; thou haft been fiithful over a few things, I will riiikci thee ruler over many things : enter tbou into tlie joy of thy lord, /"iftsiii. 19. Repentye thertfoie,and be convcrttd, that y^ur fins may be blotted out, when the times ofie- fre'hing faall come from the prefencc of the Lord. 2 Thcff. i. 7, 8, 9, lo. (See in the Bible.)

ill. /2 Pet. iii. II. Seeing then ihtiL ail thcfe tilings fnali be diilolv- cd, what manaer of perfons ought ye to be in all holy eonverfation and godhnefs ? v. 14. Wherefore, be- loved, feeing that ye look for fuch things, be diligent that ye maybe fuuad of hirn in peace, without fpot End blemiCi. 2 Cor, v. 10. (See let t<.r d^) V. II, Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we perfuade men ; butwc are nude manifeil unto Cod, and 1 trud alfo are made mani- iA\ in yourconfcicnces. 2 Theif. i.5, Whicii is a raaniftft token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye mfiy be counted worthy of the king- dom of O'od. for whicii ye alfo fuf- ler. V. 9. Seeing it is a righteous thiag^, with God to recornpenfe tribulation to them that trouble you; v. 7, ^nd to you who are troubled, rell: with us, when the J^ord Jefus fnall be revealed from heaven, wiih his iiiigliiy imor]^, Luke xxi. 27. And Tt..n Ih. 11 ihey fee the Sen of man

coming in a cloud wi^h power and great glory, v. 28. And when thefc things begin ttf come to pafs, thcQ look up, and lift up your head* ; for your rcd.emption drawcth nigh. Rom. viii. 25. And not only they, but ourfelvcs alfo, who have the firft fruits of the Spirit, even wc ourfelves groan within ourlelvct, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of ou; body, v, 24, For we arc faved by hope : but hope that is feen, is not hope : for what a man fetth, why doth he yet hopefor ? v. 25. But if we hope for-

that wc fee not, then do we with patience wait for it. ■'

g xMat. xxiv. 36, 42, 43, 44. CSee in the Bible,) Mark xiii. 35. Watch ye tiicreforc, (for yc know not when the mafter of the houfc comcth ; at even, or at midnight, or at the cock- crowing, or in the morning, W. 36. Left coming fuddenly, he find yoii deeping, v. 27. And what I fay unto you, 1 lay unto you all. Watch. Luke xi(« 35. Letyour'loins be girded a. bcur, and your lights burning : v. 36. And ye yourfelvei like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding, that wlien he cometh and knocketh, they may open unto him immediately. Rev. xxii, 2 0. He who teftifieth thefe-^ things, faitij, Surely I come quick- ly. Amen. Even io, come, Loi< Jefus.

F I N I S.


Agreed upon by the ASSEMBLY of DIVINES


With the Affiftance of





A Part of the Covenanted Uniformity in Religion betwixt the Churches of Christ in the Kingdoms of ScQiland, Eniriands and Ireland,


Approved Anno i6j^^,hj tht General Alfemblyo^ tht<Z\i\5Kcn of SCOTLAND, to be a Directory for Catechifmg fuch as have made fome Proficiency in the Knowledge of ih^i Grounds of Religion.

With the Frsofs from the Scripture,

Primed in the Year, JIDCCLXVUL


AlTembly at Edinburgh, ^uJy id. 1648. %t^. 10.

A (fl: approving the Larger Catechism.

THE General AJfemhlyy having exadly eocanuned andfe* rioyjly co?}ftdered the Laiger Catechirni, agreed upon hy the AJfemhly of Divines fitting at Wejiniirifler, with the ajftf tance of Commifjioners frcm this Kirk, copies thereof being printed, and fent to presbyteries, for the more ex ad trial there- tf, and public intimation being frequently made in this of fembly, that every one that had any doubts or objcdions npm it might put them in; do find, upon due esiCrnination thereof that the faid Catcchirm is agreeable to theijord of God, and in rot king contrary to the received dccirine, zvorfljif^ dif upline ifvi goifermnent of this kirk ; a neccffary part of the intendid unijormity in religion, and a ric^j tre.'ffiire fsr increafing know- ledge among tie people of God : and therefore the ojcmbly, as ihey blefs the Lord that fo excellent a Cafechifm /j prepared ; 'Jo thty approve the fame, as a part of uniformity ; agreeing, for their part, that it be a common CaiechiVm^^r the three king- cioms, and a DireBory for Catecbifng fuch as have made fame proficiency in the knowledge of the gr ounds of Religion.


C 1^7 )



Agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines at V/eftmln- Her: Examined and approved, Anno 1648/by the Gene- RAL Assembly of the Church of Scotland, &c.

Queflion i . ^T jHA T is the chief and highcfl end of man f

\'Y Anfwer, Man's chief and highefc end is to glorify God ^, and fully to enjoy him for ever b, Q^ 2. Hqw doth it appear that there is a Godf A. The very light of nature in man, and the works of God declare plainly that there is a God c; but his word and Spirit


i./7Rom. xi. 56.For of'himjand through him, and to him are all things : to whom be glory for ever. Amen, i Cor. x. 3 r. Whether there- fore ye eat or drink, or whatfoever ye do, do si) to the glory of God.

h Plal.lxxiii. 24. Thou ^iialt guide me with thy counfcl, and afterwards receive me to glory, v. 25, AVhom have I in heaven but thee ? and there is none on earth that I defire befidcs thee. V. 26. My flefh and ray heart faileth : but God is the (Irength of my heart, and my portion for ever. v. 27. For lo thty that are far from thee, ihall perifh : thou flialt deltroy ail them that go a whoring from thee. V. 28. But it is good for me to dfaw near to cod : 1 have put niy trud in the Lord cod, that I may declare all thy works. John.xvii, 21. That they all may be one, as thon, r ather, art in me, and I in thee^ that ihcy alfo

may be one in us ; that the world may believe that thou haft fent me. v. 22. And the glory which thou gaveft rae, I have given them : that they maybe one, even as we are one. v, 23. I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfed in one, and that the world may know that thou haft fent me, and haft loved them, as thou haft loved me.

2. c Rom i. 19. Becaufe that which may be known of God, isma- nifeft in them ; for ood hath fhew- ed it unto them, v., 20, For the In- vifible things of h'm fruni the crea- n'ooofthe world arc charly feer, underftood by tiie things that are madj, cvf.n his eternal power and Godhead ; fo that ihey are with out eXLufc. Pfnl. xix. i. The hea- vens declare the glory of Ccd : and the Grmatnent ihevveth his huidy- woik. V. 2. Day unto day utttreth L 4 fpecch,


1 60 Tlje Larger CatecUfm,

only do fiifficiently and effedually reveal him unto men for

ihelf falvation d,

Q^ i^ . What is the word cf God?

A, The holy fcriptures of the Old and New Teflamcnt are the "ti^ord of God e, the only rule of faith and obedience /.

Qv ^. How doth it appear that the Scriptures are the vjord ofGedf

A. The fcriptui cs manifeU: themfelvcs to be the word of God,


fpecch, and night unto night fhew- cih knowledge, nj. 3. Thera is no fpeech nor language, where their voice Is not heard. A^s xvli. 28. For in l^im we live, and move, and have our bem^r.

d I Cor, il. 9. Bat as it is written, hath not feen, ncr car heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which cod hath prepared for them that love him. v. 10. But God hath revealed them to us by his Spirit : for the Spirit fearchcth all tiiin;;s, yea, the deep things of God. i Tim. iii. 15. And that from a child thou hafr known the holy fcriptures, which are able to make thee wife unto falvation, through faith which is in Chrill: je- fus, V. i6« All fcripture is given by iiifpiiation of cod, and Is profitable ior coclrine, for reproof, for cor- redlon, for Infliuclion in righteouf- ncfs : V, 17. That i\\z man of Gcd rrr^y he pcrtea, throughly furniihed iinio all good works. ' Ifa. li.^. 2r. A3 for me, this is my covenant with them, faith the Lord, My Spirit ihat is upoa thee, and my vvoros which 1 have put in thy mouth, Aiall not depart out of thy mouth, nor, out of the mouth of thy feed, nor out nf the mouth of thy feeds feed, fairh the Lord, from herxefurih d.n<:i for ever.

'^. e 2 T'm.iii. t.

11 f(

cr;pturc 13

given Ivy inlpiration oi God. 2 V'-^x. i.

19. We have alfo a more fure word of prophecy whereunto ye di> v/el! that ye take heed, as unto a light that fliiueth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day- (tar a- rife in your hearts : v, 20. Know-. ing this fnft, that no prophecy of the fcripture is of any private inter* pretaticn. v, 21. Fo-- the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God fpake as they were moved by the Holy Chofh /Eph. ii. 2Q. And are built upon the foundation of the apoflles and prophets,' Jefus Chrill hinifelf being the chief corner ftone. Rev. xxii. 18. For I tedify unto every man, that heareth the words of tlie prophecy of this book, If any man thall add unto thefe things^ God fliali add unto him the plagues that are writ- ten in this book : v. 19. And if any man fnall take away from the word? cf the book of this prophecy, God fliall t.Uic away his part out of the book cf hfe, and out of the holy ci- ty, and from ths things which are written In this book. Ifa. tIII. 20, To the law and to the lelHmony : \^ they fpeak not according to this word, it is becaufe there is no light in th.jni. Luke xvi. 29. 1 hey have Mcks and the proplicts ; let him hear them : v. 51, If they not M'jfis and the propl^cts, neither will they tje perluaded, though one rofe fioni tiic dead. crd. i. 8. Dut tho*


The Larger Cafechifm. 16*.;

by their majefty g, and purity h ; by the confent 6f all parts /, and the fcopc of the whole, which is to give glory to God k ;

we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gofpcl unto you, than that which we have preached unto you, let him be a«curf€d. v. 9. As we faid before, fo fay I now again, if suiy preach any other gofpel unto you, than that yc have received, l2t him be accurfed. Tim, ili. 15, 16. (See letter <^.)

4.^ Hofea viii. 12. I have writ- ten to him the great things of my law, but they were counted as a itrangt thing, i Cor. iii 6. Howbe- it, we fpeak wifdom among them that arc perfect: : yet not the v/ifdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that come to nought, v. 7. But v/e fpeak ike wifdom of cod in 2 myfi.ery, even the hiddert wif- dom which God ordained btfore the world unto our glory, v. 1 3. Which things alfo we fpeak, not in the words which man's wifdom tcach- eth, but which the holy Ghoft teach- cth ; comparing fpiritual things with fpiritual. Pfal. cxix. 18. Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold won- drous things out of thy law. v. i 29. Thy teitimonies are wonderful : therefore doth my foul keep thern^

h Pial. xii. 6. The words of the Lord are pure words : as iilver tried in a furnace of eartii, pmified feven times. Pfal. cxix. 140. Thy v/ord is very pure : therefore thy ferva^t loveth it.

/ Adls X. 43. To him give all the propliets wltnefe, that through his name whcfoever believeth in him, fiiall receive reir>ii5on of fins. AS.Z XAvi, 22. {iavingtherci'jre obtained


help of God, [ continue unto this day, witneiTmg both to fniall and great, faying none other things than thofe which the proph«ts and Mofes did fay Ihould come,

k Rom. iii. 1 9. Now we knov/ that what things foever the law fiith, it faith to them who are under the law; that every mouth may be (topprd, and all the world may become guil- ty before God. v. 27. Where is boafting then ? It is excluded. By what law ? of woiks ? Nay : but by the law of faith.

/ A(5ls xviii. 28. For he mightily convinced the Jews, and thnt pub- licly, (Iiev;ing by the fcriptures, that Jefas was Chrift. Heb. ix. 1 2* Fgr the word of God is quick, and powerfa!, and (harper than ai-y two- edged fword, piercing even to the dividing' afunder of foul and fpirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a difcerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. James i. 16. Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we moulj be a. kind of firft fruits of his creatures, Pfal. xix. 7. Tlielaw of the Lord i^

perleft, con

vertina the foul ; thi

teflimony of the Lord is fure, mak- ing wife the fimple. v. 3. The fta- tutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. v. 9, The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring for ever ; the judg- ments of the Lord are true and righ- teous altogether. Rom xv. 4. For whatfoever thinas were written a- fore time, wsre wriiun for out


173 ^ha Larger Catechifm.

man, Is alone able fully 'to perfuade it that they are the very

word or God m.

Q_ 5. What do the fcriptures principally teach f

>^.*The fcriptures principally teach, what man is to believe

concerning God, and what duty God requires of man n.

What man ought to believe concerning God.

Q^ 6. What do the fcriptures 7nake known of God? A. Tlie fcriptures make known what God is o,the perfons in the Godhead/),' his decrees Oy and the execution of his decrefe r% Q^y.WhatisGodf

A, God


Ifarning ; that we through patience and comfort of the fcriptures might have hope. A(5ls xx. 32. And bow, brethren, I comiuend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to buiJd you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them who are fandiHed.

7^ John xvi. 13, Howbeit, when he the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth : for he fhdil not fpeak of himftif; but v/hatibever he ihall hear, that fhall he fpr'ak ; and he will fhew you things 10 come. v. 14. He fhall glo- rify me : for he Hiall receive of mine, and (hall fhev/ it unto you. i John ii. 20. But ye have an undion from the holy One, and ye know all things. V. 27. But the anointing which ye have received of him, a- bideth in you : and ye need not that any man teach you : But, as the fame anointing teacheth you of ail things, and is truth, and is no lie : and even as it hath taught you, ye fhall abide io him. Juhn >.x. 311 Buc thefe are written, thi^t ye might be- Jieve that jefus is the Chriil the Son of God, and that believing ye raighc

have iife through his name.

7. « 2 Tim.' i. 1 3. Hold fail the form of found words, which thou haft heard of me, in faith and Ipve which is in Chrifl Jefus.

6, 0 Heb. xi. 6. But without faith It is impolTible to pleafe him : for he that Cometh to God, muft believe that he is, and that he is a reward- er of them that diligently feek him*

p I John V. 7. For tl)ere are three that bear record in heaven, the Fa- ther, the Word, and the holy Choll : and thefe three are one.

q A<fls XV. 14. Simon hath de- clared how God at the lirfl did vilit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name, v, 15, Andto this agree the words of the prophets,, as it is written. V. 18. Known unto ood are all his works from the be- ginning of the v/orld.

r Ads iv. 27. For of a truth a- gainft thy holy child Jefus, whom thou hait anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pdatc, with the Gentiles, and the people of Ifrael were ga- thered together, v, 28, For to do whatfoEver thy hand and thy coun- fei determined before to be done.

^. / Joha

The Larger Catechtfm, xyi

A, God is a Spirit/ in a»d of himfelf infinite in being /,

glory V, ^lefTednefs w, and perfeclinn x ; all-fufficient;', eter-

nil 2-. unchangeable a, incomprehenfible h, every where prefent,

c, Ahnighry ^, knowing all things .*, mod: wife/ moft h»ly g,


7./JohnIv. 24. God is a Spirit; and ihey that worfhlp him, muft Avorfnip hiirt in Spirit and in truth.

/Exod. iii. 14. And God laid unto Mofes, I AM THAT I AM: And he l^iid. Thus (halt thou fay unto ti-e children of Ifrael, I AM hath

nt na unto you. job. xi. 7, 8, 9. Canft ihou by fearching find out God ? Cand thou find out the Al- mighty unto perfeaion ? v. 8 It is as high as heaven, what canfl thou ^o ? deeper than hell, what canil thou know > v. 9. The meafure thereof it longer than the earth, and broader than the fea.

V Aa$ vii. 2. The Cod of glory ap»«ared unto our father Abraham wheft he was in Mefopotamia^ bcfors he dwelt in Charran.

%}j I Tim. vi. 15. Which in his times he (liailfhew, who is the blef fed and only Potenate, the King of kings, and Lords of lords,

X Mat, V. 4S. Be ye therefore perfc6i, even as your Father who is in heaven is perfect.

y Gen. xvli. i. And when Abra- ham was ninety years old and nine, the Lord appeared to Abraham, and faid unto him, I am the Almi^Kry God : walk before me, and be thou perfcft-

z Pfiil. X :. 2. Before the moun- tains W! re brought forth, or ever then hadlt formed the earth and the world : even from everlaflin^ to e- yerldting thou art (Jod.

a Mai. iii. 6. For 1 am the Lord, 1 change not : therefore ye fens of Jacob are n-ot confumed. james i. 17, Every good gift, acJ every per-

h&. gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variablenefs, neither fliadow of turning.

b' I Kings viii. 27. But will God indeed dwell on the earth ' Behold, the hearen, and heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much lefs this hcufe that I have builded I

c Pfal. cxxxix. I. to the 13, ran" O Lord, thou haft fearched me and known me ! thouknowe(^ my down- fitting and miiie up rifing, thou utiderdandeft my thoughts a.^ar off, &c. Whither fhall I go from thy Spirit ? or whither fliali I flee frojli thy pre fence ? &c.

d Pvev; iv, 8. A nd the four beafts had each of them fix wings abou: him, and they were full of eyes within ; and they reft rot day and night, faying. Holy, holy, holy. Lord God almighty, who was, and is, and is to come,

f Heb. iv. 13. Neither is there any creature tliat is not manifeft in his fight; but all things are niiked, and open unto the eyes of hini wldi whom we have to do, Pfal. cxlvij, 5. Great is our Lord and of grcac power : his underfianding is infinite. y'Rom, xvi. 27. To cod only wife be glory through Jefus Chrift, for ever. Amen.

g ifa. vi. 3. And one cried unto aaother, and Uld, Holy, holy, ho- ly, is the Lord of f lofts, the whole earth is full of his glory.' Rev. xv. 4. Who ftuli not fi'ar thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name ? fcr thou on- ly ait holy; for ail nation* Hiall come and woidiip before thee; for


172 The Larger Catechifni,

mod jail ^, moft merciful and gracious, long-fuffering, anda-

bundant in goodnefs and truth f.

CX8. Are there more Gods than one?

-^T^here is but One only the living and true God h,

0^9- Riw many ptrfons are there in the Godhead?

A. There be three perfons in the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft; and thefe three are one true, eternal God, the faaae in fubflance, equal in power and glory ; although diflinguiflied by their pcrfonal properties /.

Q^ TO. What an the ferfoneil -properties of the three perfons in the Godhead?

A. It is proper to the Father to beget the Son m, and to the


thy judgments are made manlfeft.

h Oeut. xxxli. 4. He is the Reck, his work is perfect : for all his ways are judgment : a cod of truth, and without iaiquily, juil and right is he.

/ Exod. xxxiv. 6. And the Lord pafTcd by before him, and proclaim- ed, The Lord, The Lord God, mer- ciful and gracious, long-fuffering, and abundant in goodnefs and truth.

8. k Dent. vi. 4. Hear, O ifrael, The Lord our God is one Lord, I Cor. viii, 4. As concerning therefore the eating of thofe things that are ortcred in facrifice unto idols, wc know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one. v, 6. But to us there is but one God, the father, of vvhom are all things and we in him : and one Loid Jefas Chrift, by whom are ail things, and we by him. jer. Xi 10. But the Lord is the true God, he is the living cod, and an everJaftIng King : at his wrath the earth fhall tremble, and the rations fhall not be able to abide his indignatior.

9. / I John V. 7. For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, a«d tlie ho* Jy Ghoil : and thefe three iire one.

Mat, iii. 16. And Jefus, \vhen he was baptized, went up ftraightway out of the water ; and lo, the hea- vens were opened linto him, and he faw the Spirit of God defccnding like a dove and lighting upan him. V. 17. And lo, a voice from heaven, faying, This is my beloved Son, in whom I ana weilpleafed* Mat.xxviii* 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy choft. 2 Cor. xiii. 1 41 Tlie grace of the Lord Jefus Chrift, and the love of God, and tlie com- munion of the Holy Ghofl:, be with y<5u alL Amen. John x. 30. 1 and my Father are onei

10. fn Heb, i. 5. For unto which of the angels faid he at any time. Thou art my Son this day have I begotten tliee I And again, I will be to him a F^tJier, and he fliall be to me a Son. v, 6. And again, wfecn he bringeth in the firfl begotten into the w»rid, he faith, And let all the angels of God wtrfhip him. v, B. But unto the San he faith. Thy Lhrone, O God, is for ever and ever ; a fceptre of rightcoufnefs is the fceptre of iliy king'lom.

n Joha

The Lfirger Catechifm, 17^

Son to fee begotten of the J^uher n, to the Holy Ghoft to proceed from the Father anS the Son, from all eternity 0.

Q. 1 1 How doth it appear that the Son and the Holy Gbojl are God equal with the Fat her f

A, The Scriptures manifeft that the Son and the Holy Ghoft are God equal with the Father, afcribing un- to them fuch names />, attributes q, works r, and wor-

« Jolm I. I /}. And the Word was made flc(h, aad dwilt among us (and we bcJieldhis jlory,thc£lovyas of the onjy begotten of die Father) fall of grace and truth, v. 18. No m;.ahath fben God at any time ; the only be- gotteo Son, who is in the bofoni of the Jfather, he hath declared him.

0 John XV, 26. But when the C<»inrorter is come, whom 1 will feod umo you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth which proceedetli from the Father, he Ihall tedify of me. Gal. iv. 6. And becaufe ye are fons, God hath fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father,

1I« p Ifa. vi. 3. And one cried unto aaot)ier, and faid, Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hods, tlie v/hoie earth is full of his glory, v. 5. Then faid I, M'^o is me, for I am undone, becp-ufe I am a maa of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midd of a peopls of ujiclian lips : for mine eyes have feen the King, the Lord of hofis : V. 8. ilfo I heard the voice of the Lord, faying. Whom fhall 1 fend .^ and who will go for us ? Then faid I, Here am I, fend me. Com- pared with John xil. 41. Thefe things faid Efaiac, when he fiw his glory and fpake of him. And with A<5ts -xxviii. 25. And when they agreed not among themfeltes, ihej departed, after tJiat Paul had fpokcn one Word; Well fpake tl»e Holy Ghoft by Ffaiai the prophet unto our fathers, i jobn v. 20. And wc kn(^v that the *on of God is

come, and hath given us an undcr- (landing, that wc may know hira that is tru« : and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jefui Chrlfl". This is the true God, and eternal life. A(5ls V. ^.Dut Peter f^id, A- nanias, why hath Satan filled ihir.e heart to lie to the H0I7 Ghoft, and to keep back part of the price of th« land I V. 4. Whilfl it remained, was it not thine own ? and after it was fold, was it not in thine owni power ? why haft thou conceived this thing in heart ? tht;u haft not hed unto men, but unto God.

q John i. i. In the beginning w<is the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Ifa. ix, 6, For unto us a child is born, unto us a foh is given, and the go- vernment fliall be upon his fliouhitr: and his name fhall be called Won- derful, Counfellor, the mighty God, The evcrlafting Father, The Princ** of peace. John ii, 24. But Jefus did not commit himfelf unto therr>, becaufe he knew all men; v. 25. And needed not that any flionld tefti- fy of ; for he knew what v/as in man. i Cor, ii. lo. But God h»ih revealed ihem unto us by his Spirit ; for the Spirit fearcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. v. 1 For man knowcih the things of a man, fave the fpirit of man that is in him ? even fo the things of cod knoweth no man, but tlie Spirit of

GOd. ;

r Col. u id. For by him lere all things

174 ^'^^ Larger CatecMfm^

Clip/ as are proper to God only.

Q^ i 2. What are the decrees of Gedf

A. God's decrees are the wife, free and holy a<^s cf the counfel of his will/, whereby, from all eternity, he hath, for his own glory, uachangeably fore-ordained whatfoever comes. to pafs in the time v, efpecially concerning angeis^ and men.

Q^ 1 3. What hath God efpecially decreed concerning angels and men f

A. God, by an eternal and immutable decree, ont of his mere love, for the praife of his glorious grace to be manifeded in due time* hath elected fome angels to glory w\ and in Chriil hath chofen fome men to eternal life and the means thereof .v:


things created that are in heaven, and that are in earth, vifible and in- vifihle, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principaUties, or pow- ers: all things were created by him, and for him. Gen. i. 2. And the earth was without form and void, rnd d^rkriefs was upon the face of the deep: and the ^^-pirit of God »oved npon the face of the waters.

/Mat. xxvlii. 19. Go ye there- fore and (each »ll nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy choft. 2 Cor, xiii. 14. The grace'of our Lord Jefns Chriil, and tlie love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghofi, be with yo'.i all. Amen.

12. / Eph. i. ii» In whom alfo we have ohiained an inheritance, be- ing predefHnated according; to the purpofe of him who wofketh all things after the counfel of his own Vvlll. Rom. xi. 33. O the depth of the riches both of the wiftlom and knowledj^e of God ! how unfcarch- able are his JLidgments, and his v/ays pa(} finding out I Rom. ix. 1 4, What fJiall we fay then i* Is there unrigh- tcoufnels with God ? God forbid, v. 15. for he faith to Mofes, 1 will have mercy on whom I wijl have mrrcy, and 1 will liAve tompallion

on whom I will have compaflion. v. t5. Therefore hath he mercy oa whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardneth,

V Eph. i. 4. Accordmg as he hath chofen us in him before the founcia- tipn of the world, that we fhoul4 be holy, and without blame before him in love, v, 11. In whom dfo we have obtained an inheritance, be- ing predeftinated according to the purpofe of him who worketh all things after the counfel of his own will. Rom. ix. 22. What if cod, willing to fhew his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much long- fuffe ring the veffels of wrath fitted to deftruftion: v. 25. And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the veffels of mercy, which he Jiad afo^-e prepared unto glory? Pfal. xxxiil. 11. The counfel of the Lord ftandeth for fi- ver, the thoughts of his heart to all generations,

13. ix; I Tim. v. 21. I charge thee before cod and the Lord jsfus Chrifl, and the eled angels; that thou obferve thefe thinp without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality.

y Eph. i. 4. According as he hath chofen us in him, before the foun- dation

The 1 . h'lfm. i*- z

and alfo, according to his fovereign power, and die u-ifearch- able counfel of his own will (whereby he exrendeth or with- holdeth favour as he pleafeth) hath palTcd by, and fore-or- dained the reft to difhonour and wrath, to be for their fm i:> fli<fted, to the praife of the glory of his jufl ice 7,

Q^ 14. How doth God execute his decreees f

A. God executeth his decrees in the works of creation and providence; according 10 his infallible fore -knowledge, and the free and immutable counfel of his own willr.

Q^ 15. What is the zvcrk of ere at Ion f .

A, The work of creation is that wherein God did in the beginning, by the word of his power, make of nothing, the


datlon of the world, that we fhould he holy, and without blAme before Hm in love: V. 5. Having predefti- rated us unto the adoption of chil- dren by jefos Ghrift to himfelf, ac- cording to the good pleafare of his will, v^ 6. To the praife of t'le glo- ry cf his grace, wherein he hath made cs accepted in the Bsloved. 2 ThefT. ii. 13. But we are bound to give thanks a! way to God for you, brethren, beloved of tlie Lord, be- caufe God hath from the beginning chofen you to filvation, through fandification of the Spirit, and be- lief of the truth : V. 14. Whereun- to he called you by our gofpel, to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord Jefus Chrift.

y Rom. ix» 17. For the fcrlpture faith unto Pharaoh, Even for this fame purpofe have I raifed thee up, that I might (hew my power in thee, and tt*at my name might be declar- ed throughput all the eanh. v. 18, Therefore hath he mercy on whom he will have mercy, and whom he will he hardneih. v. 21. Ilath not the p.itter power over the clay, of the fame lump, to make one vcfTel unto honour, and another ucto dif- honour ! v. 22* What if cod, wil-

ling to (hew his wrath, and to make his power known, end jred with much long-futfering the vefiels of wrath fitted to dellruffiion ? Mat. xi. 25. At that time Jefas anf\v:;red and faid, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, becaufe thou hafl hid thefe things from the wife and prudent, and haft revealed them unto babeSi v. 26. Even fo. Father, for (o it feemed good in thy fight, I Tim. ii, 20. But in a great houfe, there are not only vefTels of gold, andcflllvcr, but alfo of wood, and of earth : p.nd fome to honour, and fome to di/honour. Jade 4. For there are certain men crept in una- wares, who v/ere before of old or- dained to this condemnvition, un- godly men, turning the grace of onr ' cod into lafcivioufhefs, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jefus Chrift. i Pet. ii. ?.. And a flone of (tumbling, and a reck of of- fence even to thetn who Humble at the woid, being dilobedlent, where- unto alfo they were appointed.

1 4. z Eph. i. 1 1 . In whom aifo we have obtained an inheritance, being predellinated according to rlie pur- pofe of him who woikcth all things after the counfel of his ov.-n will.

(15. a Ge»t


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world and all things therein for himfeif, within tlic fpaceoF

fix days, and all very good ^.

Ql 1 6. How did God create angehf

jL God created all the angels b fpirits r, immortal d, ho- ly ^, excelling in knowledge/, mighty in power ^, to execute his commandments, and to praife his name h, yet fnbje^l to change /,

O 17. How did God create 7nan^.

A7 Aktv God had made all ether creatures, he created man male and female k ; formed the body of the man of the dud: of the ground /, and the woman of the rib of the man m\ endued


i^t a (cen. i. chapter.) Heb, xl. 3. Thro' faith we underftand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, ^o that things which are feen were not made of things which do appear. Pro^.xvi, 4. Tae Lord hath nude all things for himfeif; yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

1 61 h Col. i. 16. For by him were all thicks created that are in heaven, and tiuit are in earth, vifible and in- vifible, whether they be thrones, or doraiaions, or principaUties, or pow- ers: all things were created by him, and for him.

c Pfal. civ. 4. Who raaketh his angel 5 fpirits : his minifters a flam- iag fire,

(/Mat. xxii. 30. For in tlie refur- re^lioii ihey neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but areas the ang-^ls of God in heaven.

t Milt. XXV. 31. When the Fon of man HihU come in his glory, and all the holy angels ,with him, then fliall he liC upon the throne of his glory.

f2 Sam. xiv. 17. Then thine hand- maid faid, The word of my lord the king Jhall now be comfortabh: : for an angel of God, fo is my lord th« kipg to difceri) g^;od aad bad :

therefore the Lord thy cod will be with thee. Mat. xxiv. 36. But of that day and hour kno\^eth no man, no not the angels of heaven, butniy Father only.

g 2 ThefT. 1. 7. And to yon who are troubled, reft with us, when the Lord Jefus fiiall be revealed from heaven, with his mighty angels.

/j Pfal. ciii, 20. Blefs the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in ftrength, that do his commandments, heark- ening unto the voice of his word, v. 2U Kiefs ye the Lord, all ye his hoft, ye miniflers of his that do his pleafure.

/ 2 Pet. ii. 4. For if cod fpared not the angels that fmned, but call them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darknefs, to be referved unto judgment,

17. k Gen. i, 27. So cod created man in his own image, in tl:e image of God created he him: male and female created he them.

/ Gen. ii. 7. And the Lord God formed man of the dull of t? e ground, and breathed into his nof- irils the breath of life.

jrj Gen. \'u 2 2. And the rib, which

the Lord Cod had taken from ii'^an,

made he a woman, and brought her

uoro the man. ^>. ,'-v^;

n Gea.

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them with living, reafonable, and immortal fouls n; made ihem after his own image o, in knowledge />, righteoufnefs iand holinefs q, having the law of God written in their hearts r, and power to fulfil ity^ with dominion over the creatures t^ yet fubjeft to fall v.

Q^ i 8. What are God's WDrh ofpro'uidence^

J, God's works of providence are his mod holy w, wife x, and powerful preferving y, and governing all his crea- tures;

bearing witoefs, and their thoughts the mean while accufing, or elfe ex- cufing one another,

/"Eccl. vii, 29. Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright, but they have fought out many inventions.

/ Gen, i. 28. And God hlefTed them, and cod faid unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenifh the earth, and fubdue it: and have dominion over the filli of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

t^ Gen. iii. 6. And when the wo- man faw that the tree v/asgood for food, and that it was pleafant to the eyes, and a tree to be defired to make one wife ; fhe took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave alio unto her hufband with her, and he did eat. Eccl. vii. 29. Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright, but they have fought out many inventions.

iS.*!!; Pfal, cxlv- 1 7. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works,

X Pfal. civ. 24. O Lord, how ma- nifold are thy works ! in wifdom haft thou made them all : the earth is full of thy riches, ifa. xxvlii, 29. This alfo comcth from the Lord of holts, who is wonderful in counfel, and exceilent in working.

^Heb.i. ^.Whobeingthebright- ncfs of his ^ory, and exprefs image M of

n Gen. ii. 7. And the Lord God formed man of the duft of the ground, and breathed into his no- ftrils the breath of life : and man became a living foul. Compared with Job XXXV. 1 1. Who teacheth Us more than the beads of lije earth, aiid maketh us wifer than the fowls of heaven. And with Eccl. xii. 7. Then fliall the duft return to the earth as it was ; and the fpirit fhall return unto God who gave it. And with Mat. x. 28. And fear not them who can kill the body, but are not able to kill the foul : hut rather fear him who is able to delfroy both foul and bodey in hell. And with Luke xxiii. 4:;, And Jefus faid unto him. Verily I fay unto thee, Today (halt thou be with me in paradife.

o Gen, i, 27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and fe- male created he them.

p Col. iii. I o. ^nd have pu t on the flew man, who is renewed in know- ledge, after the image of him that created him.

^Eph.iv. 2 4. And that ye put on the new man, who after God is created in righteoufnefs, and true holinefs.

r Kom. ii, 14. For when the Gen. tiles who have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, thefe having not the law, are a law unto themfclves : v. 15 Who fhew the work of the law written in their hearts, their confcience alio

17 S The Larger Catechtfm.

turesr; ordering them, and all their a£lions ^, to his own

glory b,

Q^ 1 9. What is God's providence towards the angel sf A. God by his providence permitted fome of the angels, wil- fully and irrecoverably, to fall into lin and damnation r, limit- ing and ordering that and all their fms to his own glory d; and eftabliihed the reft in holinefs andhappinefs^; employing them


of Ms pciTon, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himfclf purged our fins, fat down on the right hand of t!ie Majefly on high.

z Pial. ciii. 19. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens : and his kingdom rvdeth over all.

a Mat. X. 29. Are not two fpar- rows fold for a farthing ? and one of them fliall not fall to the ground Without your father, 30. But the very hairs of your head are all num- bred. v. 31. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many fpanov/s. Gen. xlv, 7. Ar.d God (ent him before you to prcferve yoii a pofterity in the earth, and to fave your lives by a great deliverancci

b Rom. xi. 26. For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things ; to uhom be glory for ever. Anifcn. Ifa Ixiii. 14. As a beafl: go- eth down into the valley, the Spirit of the Lord caufeth him to reft : fo did It thou lead thy people, to make thyfilf a glorious name.

\q. c Jiidc 6. And the angels who 1(( pt rot their firft eftate, but left their own habitation, he hath re It i-ed in everlafting chains under cliknefs, unto the judgment of the grtat day. 2 Pet. ii. 4. For if God fp^ied not the angels that finned, bu' ca'^ them down to hell, and de- liv^rcd them into cliains of darknefs, ic bs releived unto judgment. Heb.

ii, 1 6. For verily he took not on him the nature of angels : but he took on hira the feed of Abraham. John viii. 44. Ye are of your father the devil, and the lufts of your father ye will do : he was a murderer ftonn the beginning, and abode not in the truth, becaufe there is no truth in hira. Whcnhe fpeaketha fpeakethof his own : for he is a liar, and the father of it.

d Job i. 12, And the Lord faid unto Satan, behold, ail that he hath is in thy power, only upon himfelf put not forth thine hand. So Satan went forth from the prefence of tb« Lord. Mat. viii. 3 1. So the devils befought him, faying, If thou caft tis out, fuffer us to go away into the herd of fwine.

e I Tim. v. 2I« I charge thee before cod and the Lord Jefus Chrift, and the eleft angels, that thou obferve thefe things without preferring one before another, do- ing nothing by partiality. Mark, viii. 38. AVhofoever therefore fhall be afhamed of me, and of rny words, in this adulterous and finful generation, of him alfo fhall the Son of maa be afhamed wheu he comeih in the glory of his Father, with the holy angels. Heb. xii. 22. But ye are come unto mount Sion, and un- to the city of the living God, the heavenly jerufalcm, and to an in- numerable company of angels.

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ill/, at his picafure, in the adininiflrarions of his power, mer- cy, and juft ice ^.

Q^ t o. What was' the providence of God toward man in the tjlatein which he was created?

A. The providence of God toward man in the eflate in which he was created, was, The placing him in paradife, ap- pointing him to drefs it, giving him liberty to eat of the fruit of the earth /?, putting the creatures under his dominion /, and ordaining marriage for his help k ; affording him commu- nion with himfelf /, inftituting the Sabbath ;?;, entring into a


/Pfal. civ. 4. Who makeih hiS arigels rpirics : his mintfters a ^am<> ing fire.

g 2 Kings xix. 55. And it came to pals that night, that the angel of the Lord went out and fmote in th« camp of the Aftyrians, an hundred fourfcore and five thoufand : and when tbcy arofe early in the morn- ing, behold, they were all dead Corpfes. Heb, i. 14. Are they not all miniftring Spirits, fedt forth to minifter for them who (hall be heirs of falvatioB ?

20. /} Gen. ii. 8. And the Lord God planted a garden eaft-ward in Kden: and there he put the man whom he had formed, vi 15. And the Lord cod took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, to drefs it and keep it. v. 16. And the Lord God commanded the man, faying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayefl: freely cat.

i Gen. i. 28. And God blefled them, and God faid unto them. Be fiuit- ful and mulciply, and replenifh thft earth, and fubdue it j and have do- minion over the fiOi of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that raoveth upon the earth.

^ Gen. ii, 18, And the Lord Cod faid, fi is not good that the man fhouid be alone ; I will make bini ift help meet for hicj.

/ Gtn, 1. 26. And God faid. Let us make man in our image, after our likenefs : and let them have domi- nion over the fiih of the iea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earih, and over every creeping thing that cree'peth upon the earth, v* 27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him: male and female created he them. \r. ■2S. And God bleffed them, and God faid unto them. Be fruitful and multiply, and replenifh the earth, and fubdue it : and have dominion over the fifh of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every liv- ing thing that moveth upon the earth, v. 29. And God faid, Behold I have given you every herb bearing feed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding feed : to you it fiiall be for meat. Gen. iii, 8. And they heard the voice of the Lord cod walking in the gar- den in the cool of the day : And A- dam and his wife hid themfelves from the prcfence of the Lord cod amongft the trees of the garden.

j;i den. ii. 3. And God blefled the Seventh day, and fandified it : be- caufe that on it he had refted from all his work, which God hid created And made.

Ms » QA

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covenant of life with him, upon condition of perfonal, pcrfeft, and perpetual obedience n^ of which the tree of life was a pledge 0 ; and forbidding to eat of^he tree of the knowledge of good and evil, upon the pain of death/). -iii

Q. 2 1. Did man continue in that ejl ate iv herein God at fir ft created him f*

A. Our firfl: parents being l^ft to the freedom of their own will, through the temptation of Satan, tranfgrefTed the com- mandment of God, in eating the forbidden fruit, and thereby fell from the eflare of innocency wherein they were created

Q^ 2 2. Did all mankind fall in that firfl tranfgrejjion f

A. The covenant being made with Adam, as a public per- fon, not for himfelf only, but for his poflerity; all mankind defcending from him by ordinary generation r, fmned in him, and fell with him in that firfl tranfgreiTionyl


« Gal. iii. 12. And the law is not of faith : but, The man that doth them fiiall live in them. Rom, x. 5. For Mofes defcribeih the righteouf- ncfs which is of the law. That the r.iiin that doth thefe things fhall live by them.

0 Gen. ii. 9. And out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleafant to the fight, and good for food : the tree of life aJfo in the midd of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

p Gen. ii, ry. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou (halt not eat of it : for in the <lay that thou eateft thereof thou fhalt furely die.

11 > q Gen. Iii. 6. And when the woman faw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleafant to the eyes, and a tree to be defired to make one wife ; ihe took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave al fo unto her bufband with her, and he did eat. v. 7. Andthe eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked : and they ft wed fig-leaves together, and mads

tbemfelves aprons, v. S. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day : and Adam and his wife hid themfelves from the prefence of the Lord God among{l the trees of the garden, v. 15. And the Lord God laid unto the woman. What is this that thou haft done ? And the wo- man faid, The ferpent beguiled me, and I did eat. EccI, vii. 29. Lo, this only have I found, that God made mail upright : but they have fought out many inventions. 2 C^r. xi. g. But I fear left by any means, as the ferpent beguiled Eve through his fubtilty, fo your minds (hould be corrupted from the llmplicity that is in Chrift.

22. r Aifts xvii. 26. And hath made of one blood all nations of men, for to dwell on all the face of the earth : and hath determined the times be- fore appointed, and the bounds of their l\abitation.

/cen, ii. 16. And the Lord God commanded the man, laying, O^ e- very tree of the garden thou mayeft freely eat: v. 17. But of the tree of


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Q^ 2g. Into what eft ate did the fall bring mankind?

A. The fall brought mankind into an ellate ot fin and mifery t,

Q^ 24. What isftnf

A. Sin is any want of conformity unto, or tranfgreflion of any law of God, given as a rule to the reafonable creature v.

(^25. Wherein confifteth thefinfulnefs of that eflate where- into man fell f

A, The fmfulnefs of that eflate whereinto man fell, confift- eth in the guilt of Adam's fm w, the want of that righte- oufnefs wherein he was created, and the corruption of his nature, whereby he is utterly indifpofed, difabled, and made oppofite unto all that is fpiritually good, and wholly inclined to all evil, and that continually ;?: which is commonly called origi- nal

the knowledge ofgood and evil, thou flialt not eat of it : for in the day that thou eateft thereof, thou (halt furely diet (Compared with Rom. V. 12. to 20. verfe.j Wherefore as by one man fin entered into the world, and death by fm; and fo death paiFcd upon all men, for that all have finned, v. 15. For if thro' the offence of one, many be dead ;

much more v. 16. For the

judgment was by one to condemna tion ; V. 1 7 . For if by one man's offence, death reigned by one ; much more -v. 18. Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation ; even fo, —V. 19. For as by one man's dif- obedience many were made fmners,

fo by the obedience And v/ith

I Cor. XV. 2!. For fincehy mancArae deatli, by man came alfo the refur reition of the dead, v, 22. For as m Adam all die, even fo in Ghrift iliall all be nwde alive.

23. / Rom. V. 12, Wherefore, as by one man fin entered into the world, and death by fin ; and fo death paffedupon all men, for that «llhav« finned. Rora. iii* 23. For

all have finned, and come fliort of the glory of God.

24< f I John iii. 4, Wh)foever committeth fin, tranfgreffeth alfo the law : for fin is the trangrellion of the law. cal. iii. 10. For as many as are of the woiks of the law, are under the curfe : for it is written, Curfed is every one that contimeth not in all tfaings which are written in the book of the law to do them, V. 12. And the law is nor of fa»rh : but, The man that doth them, fliall live in them.

25, ay Rom. v. 12. Wherefore as by one man, fin entered into the world, and death by fin ; and {o death pafled upon all men, for that all have finned, v. ig. For as by one man's difobedlence many were made finners ; f\) by the obt^dience of one fiiall many be made righteous,

X Rom. iii, 10. as it is written. There is none righteous, no not one : v, n. There is none that un- derflandeth, there is none that fetk- eih after God. v. i2« Fhey are all gone out of the way, they are alto- gether become unpro^table, there is none that doe-h good, uo not one. M 3 V. 13.

i82 The Larger Catechifm.

nal fin, and from x^hich do proceed all a£lual tranfgreflions y^

Q^ 2 6. //<?t4^ zV original fm conveyed from our fir ft parents unto their poftetityf

A. Original fin is conveyed from our firfl: parents unto their pofteriiy by natural generation, fo as all that proceed from them in that way, are conceived and born in fin z.

Q. 27. What mifery did the fall bring upon mankind I

^rThe fall brought upon mankind the lofs of communion with God a, his dilpleafure and curfe j fo as we are by nature


V. 15. Their throat is an open fe- pulchre ; wiih their tongues they have ufed deceit ; the polfon of afps is under their lips. v. i^. Whofe mouth is full of curfing and bitter- nefs, V, 15. Their feet are fwift to filed blood, v. i6. Deflrudion and mifery arc in their ways : v, 1 7, And the way of peace have they not knowni v. 18. There is no fear of God before their eyes. v. 19. Now We know that what things focver the law faith, it faith to them who are under the law : that every mouth may be flopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. Eph. ii. I. And you hath he quickened who were dead in trefpalTes and lins ; V. 2. Wherein in time part ye walk- ed according to the courfc of this •world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that row worketh in the children of dif- pbedience. v. 3. Among whom alfo ve all had our converfatlon in times paft, in the lufh of our fiefn, fulfil* Jing the defires of the fiefii, and of the mind ; and were by nature the children of v/ratU, even as others. Rom, V. 6. For when we were yet without flrength, in due time Chrift ^iedforthe ungodly. Rom, viiii 7. Becaufe the carnal mind is enmity againft God : For it is not fubjed to the law of cod, neither indeed can 1^. V, 8v 3o. then thry tha; ar^ in

the flelh, cannot pleafe* God. Gen, vi. 5. And God faw that the wick- ednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

y james i. 14. But eveiy ms tempted when he is drawn awj his own luf^, and enticed, v. TheH when luft hath conceived, it bringeth forth fin : and fin when it is finifhed,, bringeth forth death. Mat. XV.' 19. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, a- dulteries, fornications, thefts, falfe witnefs, blafphemies,

26. z Pfalm li. 5. Behold, I was fhapen in iniquity : and in fip did my mother conceive me. Job xiv. 4. Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean ? not one. Job. x v. 14. What is man, that he ffjould be clean ? and he who is born of a wo- man, that he fnould be righteous ? John iii. 6. That which is born of the flefli, is ilefh ; and that which is horn of the Spirit, is fpiriti

27. ^ Gen. iii. 8. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden ia the cool of the day : and Adam and his wife hid them- felves from the prefence of the Lord God, amongft the trees of the gar- den. V. 10. And he faid, I heard thy voice in the garden : and I was afraid, beca«fe I was naked j and I

The Larger Catechlfm. 1^5

children of wrath /^, bond ilavcs to Sawn c, and juflly liable to all punifliments in this world, and that which is to come d, Q^ t8. What are the puniJJments offm in this itwldf A The pnniftimentsof fin in this world, are either inward, as blindnefs of mind e, a reprobate fenfe/, ftrong delufions^^, hardnefs of heart h, horror of confcience i, and vile alkaions i;

hid myfclf. r. 24,- So ht drove out the man : and he pliced at the eaft of the garden of Eden, cherubims, and a flaming fword which turned every way,' to keep the way of the tree of life,

b Eph. ii. 2. Wherein in time pad ye walked according td the courfe of this world, according lo the prince of the power of the air, the Tplrit that now worketh in the chil- ureh of difobedience. v. 3. Among whom alfo we all had our converfa- tion in times paft, in the lufls of oup flcfii, fulfilling thedefiresofthe flefli, and of the mind; and were by na- ture the children of wrath, even as others.

c 2 Tim. ii. 26. And that they may recover themfelves out of the fnare of the devil, who arc taken captive by him at his will.

d Gen. ii. 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou Jhalt not eat of it : for in the day that thou eatelt thereof, thou (halt furely die. Lam. iii. 39. Where- fore d<Sth a living man complain, a man for the puniftiment of his (ins ? Rom. vi. 13. For the wages of fin is death : but the gift of God is eler- jial life, tlirough Jefus Chrift our Lord. Mat xxv. 41. Then (liall he fay alfo unto them on the left- hand. Depart from me, ye curfed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels, v. 46. And thefe fiiall go away into everlafting puniihment : but the righteous into life eternal. Jude 7. Even as Sodom

and Gomorrah, and the cities about them ia like manfter giving them- felves oter to fornication, and go".f:g after Orange fiefti, are f^t forth for an example, fufferiog the vengeance of eternal fire.

28. f Eph. iv. 18. HJtving the underftanding darkened, being a- lienated from the life of God, thro* the ignorance that is in them, be- caufe of the blindnefs of their heait. /Rom. i. 28. Even as they did not like to retain g od in their knowr ledge, Godgave them over to a re* probate mind, to do thofe things which are not convenient.

g 2 Thefl', ii. n. And for this caufe God fiiall fend them flrong delufions, that they (hould beUcve a lie.

/) Rom ii, 5. But after thy hard- nefs and impenitent liesrt, treafur- eft up unto thyfclf wrath againfl the day of wrath, and revehtion of the righteous judgment of God.

/ Ifa. xxxiii. 14. The finners 11 ZioR are afraid, fearfulnefs h«hfur- prifed the hypocrites : who among us fhall dwell with the devouring fire ? who amongft us fiiail dwell with everlading burnings ? G^n. iv. I 3. And Cain faid unto the Lord, niy punifliment is greater than ! c^n bear Mat. xxvii. 4. ^'aying, 1 have finned, in that I have brtrayed in- noc'.u. blood. Apd they faid, What is that to us ? fee thou to that.

k Rom. i, 26. For this caufe God

gave them up unto vile nffcc^lions :

for even their women did change

M 4 t»»e

l34 The Larger Catechlfm.

Or outward, as the curfe of God upon the creatures for oiir

lakes /; and all other evils that befal us in our bodies, names,

eflates, relations, and employments m j together with death


Q^ 29. IVhatarethepunif^mentsofftn intheworldtocomf-

A, The punifhments of fm in the world to come, are, ever-

lafling feparation from the comfortable prefence of God,

a!i4 moft grievous torments in foul and body, without inter-

miflion, in hell-fire for ever 0,

Q^ 30. Doth God have all mankind to perij% in the eflate cffin and mifery f

A, God doth not leave all mankind to perifli in the eftate of fm and mifery p, into which they fell by the breach of the firft covenant, commonly called the covenant of works 5^; but of his mere lore and mercy delivereth his eleft out of it, and brings

the natural ufe into that which is a- ^ainft nature. '

/Gen. iii. 17. And unto Adam he faid, Becaufe thou haft hearken- ed unto the voice of thy wife, and haft eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, faying, Thou /halt not eat of it: curfed is the ground for thy fake ; in forrow (halt thou eat of it all the days of thy life.

7A Deuf. xxviii. i^. to the end. . But it fhaJl come to pafs, if thou wijt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy cod, to obferve to do all his commandments, and his /fa- tutes which I command thee this day.; that ail thefe curfes fhall come upon thee, and overtake thee, v, 16. Curfed fhait thou be in the city, and curfed /halt thou be in the field. •V. 17. Curfed fhall be thy baHcet and thyftore. v. 18. Curfed {hall be the fnut of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, &c.

»Rom. vi. 2 1. What fruit had ye then in thofe things, whereof ye are now afhajped? for the ecd of


ut till


but through

thofe things is death, v. the wages of fin is death ; gift of God is eternal life, Jefus Chrift our Lord,

29. 0 2 TheC i, 9, Who fhall be punifhed with evcrlafting deAru<^i- on, from the prefence of the Lord^ and from the glory of his power. Mark ix. 44, 46, 48. To go unto helJ,— Where their worm dieih not, and the fire is not qnenched. Luke xvi. 24. And he cried and faid. Fa- ther Abraham, have mercy upon meJ^ and fend Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue ; for I am torment- ed in this flame.

qo, p I Theff. V. For Go^ hath not appointed us to wrath ; but to obtain falvation by out Lord Je- fus Ghrift.

q G^l, iii. 10. For as many as are of the works of the law, are under the curfe, for it is written, Curfed is every one that continueth not ia all things which are written in the book of the law to do them. v. 1 2 And the law is not of faith: but.

The Larger Catechifm. T85

eth them into an eftate of falvaiion by the fecond covenant, commonly called 'the covenant of grace r.

Q^ 2 1. With whom was the covenant of grace made?

A. The covenant of grace was made with Chrift as the fe- coad Adam, and in him with all the ele£l: as his feed/

Q^ How is the grace of God manifejled in the fecond cove*


A, The grace of God is manifefted in the fecond covenant, in that he freely provideth and offereth to fmners a Mediator t, and life and falvation by him v, and requiring faith, as the con-




The man tbat doth them, fhall live in them,

r Tit. iii. 4. But after that the kindnefs and love of God our Savi-

J toward man appeared, v. 5. Not torks of rightcoufnefs, which ■ve done, but according to his ty he faved us, by the wafhing regeneration, and renewing of holy Ghoft; v. 6. Which he filed on- us abundantly, through Je- fus Chrift our Saviour: y.'lThat being juftified by his graofe; we fhould be made heirs according to the hope of eternal lifei Gal. iii. 2ii Is the law then againft the promifes of God I God forbid : for if there had been a law given, which could have given life, verily righteoufnefs fhould have been by the law. Rom. iii. 20, Therefore by the deeds of the law, there ihall no flefh be juf- tified in his fight : for by the law is the knowledge of fin. v. 21. But now the righteoufnefs of God with- out the law is manifefted, being wit- nefldd by the law and the prophets ; V, 22. Even the righteoufnefs of God which is by faith of jefus Chrift unto all, and upon all them that be- lieve ; for there is no difference.

31. /caK iii. 16. Now to Abra- ham and his feed were the promifes made, fie faith not. And to feeds, IS of iri^ny J but as of one;^ Aad to

thy feed, which is Chrift. (Rom. v, I 5. to the end,) ifa, liii. 40. Yet it pleafed the Lord to bruife him, he hath put him to grief: when thou fhalt make his foul an offering for fin, he fhall fee his feed, he fhall prolong his days, and the pleafurtf of the Lord fhall profper in his hand. v. ti. He ftiall fee of the travail of his foul, and (hall be fa- tisfied : by his knowledge fhall my righteous fervant juftify many ; for he fhall bear their iniquities.

52. / Gen. iii. 15. And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy feed and her feed: it fliall bruife thy head, and thou fhalt bruife his heeh ifa. xHi. 6. I the Lord have called thee in righteoufnefs, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee, and will give thee for a covenant of the peo- ple, for a light of the Gentiles. John vi. 27. Labour not for the meat which periftieth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlaft- ing life, which the Son of man fhall give onto you : For him hath God the Father fealed.

V I John V. II. And this is the record, that Cod hath given unto us eternal life : and this life is in his Son. V. 12. He that hath the Son, hath life ; and he that hath not the Son of God, hath not life.

«ui Luke

1 86 Tlje Larger €atechifm,

dition to intereft them in hira w, proraifeth and givcth his holf Spirit * to all his cle^:, to work in them that faith;/, with all other faving graces 2^; and to enable them unto all holy obe- dience a, as the evidence of the truth of their faith b, and thankfulnefs to God c, and as the way which, he hath appoint- ed them to falvation d.

Q* 33. Was the covenant of grace always adminijlnd af» ter one and the fame mamier ?

A, The covenant of grace was not always adminiflred aftCF the fame manner, but the adminiftrations of it under the Old Teflament were different from thofe under the New e,

Q^ 34. U^w was the covenant rf grace admimjl red under the Old leftament f

A. The covenant of grace was adminiflred under the Old Te- flament,

ay Luke iii. 1 6. For God fo loved the world, that he gave his cnly begotten Son, that whofoever be- lleveth in him, fhould not perifh, but have everhfling life. Joi)n i. 12. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the fens of God, even to them that believe on h's name.

X Prov, i. 2^. Behold, I will pour out my Tpirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.

y 2 Cor. iv. 13. We having the fame fpirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I fpoken : We alfo believe, and therefore fpeak.

z GaU v. 22. But the fruit of the .Spirit, is love, joy, peace, Jong- fuffering, gentlenefs,goodnels, faiih, V. 23. Meekncfs, temperance: a- gaioft fuch there is no law.

a Ezek. xxxvi. 37. And I will put fny Spirit within you, and caufe you to walk in my flatutes, and ye (hall keep my judgments and do them.

b James ii. 18. Yea, a man may fay. Thou haft faith, and I have works : fiiew me thy faith without thy works, and I will ihcw thee my

faith by my works, r. 22. SeeifWOU how faith wrought with his workfe, and by works was faith made jJCr- fed?

c 2 Cor. Vi 14. for the love of Chrift conftraineth us, becaufe wc thus judge, that if one died for all, then, were ail dead: v. 15. A«d that he died for all, that they who live, fiiould not henceforth live un- to themfelves, but unto him who died for them, and rofe again.

^ Eph. ii. 10. For we are his workmanfiiip, created in Chrift je- fus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we fhould walk in them,

33. <? 2 Cor. iii. 6. Who alfo hath made us able mini/lers of the New Teftament, not of the letter, but of the fpirit : for the letter kil- leth, but the Spirit giveih life. v. 7, But if the miniftration of death written and engraved in (tones, was glorious, (o that the children of If- rael could not ftedfallly behold the face of Mofes, for the glory of his countenance, which glory was to be done away. v. 8. How fhall not the minifbraiion of the Spirit be rather


Th Larger Catechifm, \ 87

(lament, by promlfes/, prophecies^, facrifices h, circumcifiGn /, the paflbveri, and other t)^pes and ordinances; which did all forciignify Chrilt then to come, and were for that time fuffici- ent to build up the ele^t in faith in the promifed Meffiah /, by whom they then had full remilTion of fin and eternal falvation m.

Q^ 1^5. How is the covenant of grace adminijlred under thi f{e^ fe/Iamtnt,

y/. Under the New T€fl:ament,whcn Chrift the fubflance wa§ exhibited, the fame covenant of grace was and dill is to be admi- niftred in the preaching of the word n, and the adminiftra- tion of the facrameuts of baptifm 0, and the Lord's fup-


glorious ? V. 9. For if the miniftra- tion of condemnation be glory, much more doth the miniftration of yighttoufners exceed iu glory.

34, /Rom. XV. 8. Now I fay, that Jcfus Chriit was a minlfter of thil" circumcifion for the truth of God, to confirm the promifes made unto the fathers.

g A<^s iii. 20. And he ihall fend Jefus Ghrlfl, who before was preach- ed unto you, v. 24. Yea, and all the prophets, from Samuel and thofe that follow after, as ';-!any as have fpoken, have likewile fortold of thefe days.

A Heb. I . For the law having 9 fnadow of good things to come, ?ind not the very image of the things, can never with thofe facri- fices which they offer year by ye'Ar ♦ontinually, make the comers there- pnto perfe(5t.

/Rom. iv. 11. And he received the fign of circumcifion, a feal of ^he righteoufnefs of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcifed, that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcifed ; that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo.

i I Cor. v. 7 . Purge out tiierefore the old leaven, that ye may be a l^w lump, as yc are unleavened.

For even Chrift our pafTover is fa- crificcd for us.

/ (Heb, viii. ix. and x. chapters,) Heb, xi. 13, Thefe all died in faith, not having received the promifes, but having feen them afar off, and were perfaaded of them, and em- braced them, aad confefTed that they YJtxQ. {hangers and pilgrims oq the earth.

M Gal. Iii. 7. Know ye therefore that they who are of faith, the fame are the children of Abraham, v. 8. And the fcripture forefeeing that God would jufHfy the heathen through faith, preached before the gofpel unto Abraham, faying, Ia thee fliall all nations be blcffed. 9. So then they who be of faith, are bleffed with faithful Abraham, v. 1 4. That the blefTing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles througli jefus Ghrili:, that we might receive the promife of the Spirit through faith.

3 J. « MRrk xvl. I J. And he faid vioto them, go ye unto all the worlds and preach the gofpel to every crea- ture.

0 Mat. xxviii. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptiling thera in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghofi : v. 20. Teaching them to obferve all things

1 88 The Larger Cateehijm,

j>er^; in which grace and falvation are held forth in more

fiilnefs, evidence and efficacy to all nations q.

Q^ ^6. Who is the Mediator of the covenant of grace?

A, The only Mediator of the covenant of grace is the Lord Jefus Chrift r, who being the eternal Son of God, of one fub- flance and equal with the Father/ in the fulnefs of time be- came man t, and fo was and continues to be God and man in two entire diflinft natures, and one perfoo for ever -v.


-things whatfoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.

p I Cor. xi 73. For I h.ive receiv- ed of the Lord, that which alfo I de- livered unto you, that the LQrd Je- fus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread : v. 24. And when he had given thanks, he brake ii, and faid, Take, eat ; this is my body which was broken for you : this do in remembrance of me. v. 55. After the fame manner alfo he took the cup, when he had fupped, faying. This cup is the new tefta- ment in my blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink it in remembrance of me.

q 2 Cor. iii. 6. to the end, Who hath alfo made us able minifters of the ne\v teftanient, not of the letter, but of the fpirit : for the letter kil leth, but the Spirit giveth life. Vi 7. But if the adminirtration of death v/ritten and engraven in frones, was glorious, V. 8. How fhall not the minidration of the Spirit be rather glorious ? V. 9. If themir.'ftration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the miniftration of righteouf- ne(s exceed in glory, &c. * Heb. viii. 61 But now ha h he obtained a mora excellent miniftry, by how much alfo he is the mediator of a better covenant, which was elhbliftied upon better promifes. v. 10. For this is the covenant that I will make with the houfe of Ifracl after thofe

days, faith the Lord ; I will put my laws into their mind, and writ© them in their hearts v.^5j^ I will be to the;Ti a God, and tli^y fiiall be to me a peopffc. v. 1 1. And they fhalL not teach every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, faying. Know the lord, for ail fhall kp|^.W me, from the ieaft to the g;ca§§ft. Mat. xxviii. 19. go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of, &c,

36, r I Tim. ii, 5^. For there is one God, and one Mediator betweea God and men, the man Chrift Jefus.

/John i, I. In the beginning was the Word, a'.d the Word was with God, and the word was God, v, 14, And the Word was made fleih, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only be- gotten of the Father) full of grace and truth. John x, 30. I and my Father are one. Phil. ii. 6, Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God,

/ Gal. iv. 4. But when the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law.

V Luke i, 55, And the angel an- fwcred and faid unto her. The Ho- ly choft fliali coHie upon th?e, and the power of the highert Ihall over- fhadowthee : therefore alfo that ho- ly thing which (hall be born of thee fliall be called the Spa of God. Ron** ix. 5.

The Larger Caiechifrn. lOp

5 7 Hozv did ChriJ}, Ifeing the Son of God, become man f


A Chrift the Son of God

became man, by taking to him-

fell a true body, and a reafonable foul w, htxnx conceived by the power of the Holy Ghoft, in the womb of the virgin Ma- ry, oF her fubftancc% anJ born of her x, yet without fmj. - Q. :? 8. W^jy was it reqmfite that the Mediator fkould he <


A. It was requifire that the Mediator ihould be God, that he Tiio^ht fuilain and keep the huinan nature from finking under the infinite wrath of Qlo^l, and the power of death z: give worth -


iJc. 5. Whofe" are the fathers, and of whom as dGncerning the flefh Chrift cameit^ho is ^overall, God blefTed for erer. Amen CIol. ii. 9. For in him dwelleth all «ie fulnefs of the Godhead bodily. Heb. vii. 24. But this man, becaufe he con tinUeih ever,. hath an unchangeable prieflhtod. v. 25. Wherefore he is able alfo to fave them to the utter- moit, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liveth to make inter- ceflion for them.

37. ly John i. 14. And the Word was made flefli, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of thQ only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth. Mat. xxvi. 38. Then faith he unto them, My foul is exceeding forrow- ful , even unto death : tarry ye here and watch with me,

X Luke i. 27. To a virgin efpouf- ed to a man whofe name was Jofeph, of the houfe of David ; and the vir- gin's name was Mary. v. 3 1 . And behold thou (halt conceive is thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and (halt call his name Jelus. v. 35. And the angel anfwered and faid unto her. The Holy Ghoft fhall come upon thee, and the power of the HigheC: thai! over(htidow thee: therefore a'u^ that holy thing which fhall be born of thee, fhall be called the Soa oi cod. v., 421 And (Ell»

fabeth) fpake out with a loud voice, and faid, Blefled art thou among women, and blefTed is the fruit of thy womb. Gal. iv. 4. But whea the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law.

y Heb. iv. i j. for we have not an high piieft who cannot be touch- ed with the feeling of our infirmi- ties ; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without fin. Heb. vii, 26. For fach an high prieft be- came ns, who is holy, harralefs, un- defiled, feparaie from finners, and made higher than the heavens.

38. s Ads ii. 24. Whom God hath raifed up, having loofed the pains of death ; becaufe it was not pofTible that he fhould be holden of it. V. 25. For David fpeaketh con- cerning him. I forefaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand that 1 fhould not be moved. Rom, i. 4, And declared to be the Son of God with power, according' to the Spirit of holinefs, by the refurrcftlon from the dead< Compared with Rom. iv. 25. Who was delivered for our offences, and was raifed again for our juftification. Heb. ix. 14. How much more fhall the blood of Chrift, v/ho through the eternal Spirit offered himfclf without fpot to God, purge yonr^ coDfcienccfrom dead works to ferve.


ipo The Larger CaUchtfrh,

^nd efficacy to his fufFerings, oluedience and intercefliGn d] arid tofatisfy God's juflice by procure his faTourr, purchafe a pe- culiar people d, give his Spirit to them e, conquer all their ene- mies/, and bring them to evcrMing falvation^.


the living God ?

a Ads XX. 28. Take heed there- fore unto yourfelves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghoft hath made you overfeers, to feed the church of cod, which he hath purckafed with his own blood. Heb, ix, 14* How much more (hall the blood of Chrift, who through the eternal Sj»int offered himfeif with- out fpot to God, purge your con- fcience from dead works, to ferve the living God? Heb. vii. 25. Wherefore he is able alfo to fave them to tl»e uttermoft, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever Itveth to make interceffion for them. V. 26. For fuch an high prieft be- came us, who is holy, harmlefs, un- defiled, feparate from fmners, and Blade higher than the heavens : v, 27 . Who needeth not daily, as thofe high priefts, to offer up facrifices, firit for his own fias, and then for the people : for this he did once, when he offered up hirafelf. v. 28. For the law maketh men high priefts who have infirmity ; but the word of the oath which was fince the law, maketh the Son, who is confecrated for evermore.

b Rom. iii. 24. Being juftified freely by his grace, through the re- demption that is in jefus Chrifl. t. 25. Whom cod hath fet forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteouf- nefs, for the remiiTion of fins that are part, through the forbearance ofcod; Y. 26. To declare, 1 fay, at ihis time his righteoufnefs : that he might be jull, and the jviftifier

of him who belieTeth in Jefus.

c Eph. i. 6. To the praife of the glory of his grace, wherein lie hath made us accepted in the beloved. Mat. iii- 17. And lo, a voice from heaven, faying. This is ray beloved Son, in whom I am well pleafed,

dT'ii.ix, 13. Looking for that blefTed hope, and the glorious ap- pearing of the great cod, and our Savioiir Jefus Chrift : v. 1 41 Who gave himfeif for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himfeif a peculiar pibo- pie, zealous of good works.

e Gal. iv, 6, And becaufe ye are fons, God hath fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.

/Luke i, 68. BlefTedbe the Lord God of Ifrael, for he hath vifited and redeemed his people, v. 69. And. hath raifed up an horn of falvation for us, in the houfe of his fervant David. V. 71. That we (hould be faved from our enemies, and from the hand of all that hate us. v. 74.* That he would grant unto us, that we being delivered out of the hands of our enemies, might ferve him without fear.

g Heb. v. 8. Though he were it Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he fuffered. v. <;» And being made perfeft, he became the author of eternal falvation unto all them that obey him. Heb. ix. 11. But Chrifl being coine an high prieft of good things to come, by a great- er and more perfe(5l tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to fay, not of thw building 5 v.. 12. Neither by


The Larger Catechjfm. i^X

0^39, Why was it requifiu t^at the Mediator Jhould be manf A. It was requilite the Mediator (hould be man, that he might advance our nature hy perform obedience to the law i^ fujFcr and make interceffion for us in our nature i; have a fel- low-feeling of our infirmities /; that we might receive the a- doption of fons /«, and have comfort and accefs with boldnefs unto the throne of grace «. ^

Q^ -^o. Why was it nqwjite that the Mediator JJoould be God and man in one per/on f

A, It was r'equifite that the Mediator, who was to reconcile God and man, lliouid himfelf be both God and man, and this in one perfon; that the proper works of ench nature might be accepted of God for us o, and relied on by us, as the works of


the blood of goa^s and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into ihe holy place , having obtained eternal redemption for us. v. 13. For if the blood of feulls, and of goats, and the aihes of an heifer, fpriokliag the unclean, fandiiieth to the purifying ©f the flefti : v, 14. How much more (hall the blood of Chrid:, who through the eternal Spirit offered himfelf without fpot to aod, purge your confcicnce from dead works to ferve the living God? v. 15. And for this caufc he is tht Me- diator of the new teftaraent, tjiat by means of death for the redemp- tion of the trarifgreflioDS that were under the firft tsflameot, they who are called, might receive the promife of eternal inheritance.

39. h Heb. ii, 16. For verily he took not ttpon him the nature of au- geU ; but he took on him the feed of Abraham.

/ Gal. IV, 4. But when the fulnefs of the timt was come, God fent forth his Son made of a womao, made un< dcr the law.

k Heb. iii 14. Forafmach then as the children are partakers oi fie{h aad blood, alfo himicif Hkewiff

took part of the fame, that through death he might deftroy him that had the power of death, that is the devil. Heb. vii. 24. But this man becaufe he contlnucth ever, haih aa unchangeable prieft-hood. v. 25. "Wherefore he is able alfo to fave them to the uttermoft, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liveth to make interceffion for them,

/ Heb. iv. \ 5. For we have not an high prieft who cannot be touch- ed with the feehng of our infirmi- ties; but was in all points temptedl like as we are, yet without iin,

ni Gal* iv. 5. To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of fons,

« Keb, iv, 16. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, aad find grace to help in time of need.

40. 0 Mat. i. 21. And fhe fhall bring forth a fon, and thou (halt call his name Jefus : for i^e fhali fave his people frem their (Ins. v. 23. Behold, a virgin Ih^ll be with child, and (hall bring forth a fon, and they (hall call his name Eramanud, which being Interpreted, is, God with lis. Mil. iii. J 7. And lo, a


1^2 The Larger Catechifm.

ihc whole perfon />. ^

Q^ 4 1 . Why was our Mediator called ^efus f A. Our Mediator was called Jefus, becaufe he faveth hiS people from their fins q,

0^42. Why was our Mediator called ChriJ}^

A. Our Mediator was called Chrift, becaufe he was anoint*

ed with the Holy Ghofl above meafure r; and fo fet apart,

and fully furniflied with all authority and ability f^ to

execute the offices of prophet /, pried v, and king of his

church j

voice from heaven, faying) this is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleafed. Heb. ix. 14. How much more (hall the blood of Ghiift, who through the eternal Spirit offer- ed himfelf without fpot to God, purg*; your confcience from dead works to ferve the living God.

p I Pet, ii. 6. Wherefore alfo it is contained in the fcripture, Behold, I lay in Zion a chief corner- ftone, eleft, precious : and he that believ- eth on him (hall not be confounded.

41. f Mat. i. 21. And (he fhall bring forth a Son, and thou fhalt call his name Jefus : for he fhall favc his people from their fins.

42. r John iii. 34. For he whom God hath fent, fpeaketh the words of God : for God giveth qot the Spirit by meafure unto himi Pfal. xlv. 7. Thou loveft righteoufnefs, and hatefl wickednefs ; therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladnefs above thy fellows.

/"John vi. 27. Labour not for the meat which periflieth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlafl- ing life, which the Son of man fhall give unto you ; for him hath God the Father fealed. Mat. xxviii, 18. And Jefus came and fpake unto them, faying. All power ijs given unto me in heaven andin earth. v< n;. GO ye therefore and teach ail

nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghofl : v. 20. Teach- ing them to obferve all things what- foever I have commanded you: and lo, 1 am with you alway, even un- to the end of the v/orld. Amen.

/ Afts iii. 21. Whom the heaven mufl receive, until the times ofre- titution of all things, which God hath fpoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets, lirtce the world be- gan, V. 22. For Mofes truly faid unto the fathers, A prophet fhall the Lord your God raife up imio you, of your brethren, like unto me ; him fhall ye hear in all things whatfoever he fhall fay nnfo you. Luke iv. 1 8. The fpirit ot the Lord is upon me, becaufe he hath anoint- ed me, to preach the gofpel to the poor, he hath fent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach deliver- ance to the captives, and recovering of fight to the blind, to fet at liber- ty them that are bruifed, v. 21* And he began to fay unto them. This day is the fcripture fulfilled in your ears.

V Heb. V. 5. So alfo Chrifl glori- fied not himfelf, to be made an high priefl : but he that faid unto him. Thou art my Son, to day have I begotten thee. v. 6. As he faith alfo in another place, Thou art a pricft for ever after the order of Melchife-


The larger Catechlfm. ipo

church w, in the efkte both ^F his humiliation and exalratloh.

0^4^. How doth Ghrtjl execute the office of a prophet?

A, Chriil cxecuteth the ollice of a prophet, in his reveal- ing to the church ^ in all ages, by his fpirit and word ^y, m divers ways of admini ft ration r, the whole will of God a,


Melclufedec. v. 7. Who in the days of his flefh, whan he had offered up praycrg and fuppllcations, with jftrong cryings, and tears unto him that was able to fave him from death, snd was heard in that he feared. Heb. i\r, 14. Seeing then that we have a great high prielt, that is pafTed into th.e heavuns, jefus the Son of God, let us hold fail our pro- feflion. V. 15. For we have nor an high prieft who cannot be touched with the feeling of cur infirmities, but was in all points tempted hke as We are, yet without fia.

nu Pfal. ii. 6. Yet have I fet my King upon my holy hill of Zion. Mat. xxi, 5. Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy king comsth unto thee, meek, and fitting upon an afs, and a colt the fole of an afs. Ifa. ix. 6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a Ton is given, and the government fliall be upon his Hloulders : and his name fliall be called, Wonderful, Counfeller, the mighty God, the evcrlading Father, The Prince of peace,' v. 7. Of the increafe of his government and peace there Oiall be no end, upon the throne of David and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to eftablifh it with judgment and with jultice, from henceforth even for ever : the zeal of the Lord of hefts will perform this.. Phil. ii. 8. And being found in fafliion as a man, he humbled htmfelf, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the crof?, V. 9. Wherefore God alfo hath highly exalted him, and given him a name whicliis above every name ;

V. 10. That at the name of Jefiis every knee fhould bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth ; v. rr. And that every tongue Ihould confefs, that Jefus Cbriit is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

43. X Johni. 18, No man hath feen God at any time ; the only be- gotten Son, wiiich is in the bofom of the Father, he hath declared him,

y I Pet. i. I o. Of which falvatioji the prophets have enquired, and fcarched diligently : who propheGed of the grace that lliould come unto you: V. II. Searching what, or what manner of time \\\z Spirit of Chrift which was in them did fgni- fy, when it t edified before hand the fufferings of Ghrift, and the glory that (houli follow, v. 1 2. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themfelves, but unto us they did minifter the things which are now reported unto you, by them that have preached the gofpel unto you, v.'ith the Holy choll fent down from heaven ; which things the an- gels defire to look into.

z Heb. i. I. God who at fupdry times, and in divers manners, I'pake in time paft unto the Fathers, by the prophets, v. 2. Hath in th^fe laft days fpoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed iveir of all things, by whom alio he made the worlds.

a John XV. 1 j. Henceforth T rail

you not fervants; for the fcrvnnt

knoweth not what his lord dotii :

bin I have called you friends ; for

N nil

■-4 The Larger Calechifm.

in all things concerning their edification and falvation h^

0^44. How doth (thrift execute the office of a Pnejlf

A. ChriH; executeth ihe office of a prieft, in his once offering himfelf a facrifice without fpot to God Cy to be a reconciliati- on for the fms of his people d\ and making continual inter- cellion for them e.

Q^ 45. How doth Chrijl execute the office of a King ?

Chrifl executeth the office of a King, in calling out of the world a people to himfelf/; and giving them offi- cers.

aU tliirgs that I have heard of my Father, I have made known unto you.

^ Al^s XX. ?2. Andrew, bre- thren, I commend you to cod, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them who are fandified. Eph. iv. Ui AnA he gave fomc, apoftles : and fome, prophets : and fome, evange lifts : and fome, paflors and teach- ers; V. 12, For the perfecting of the faints, for the work of the miniftry, for the edifying of the body of Chrifl : v. 15. Till we all come in the unity cf the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of cod, \into a perfetfl man, unto the rnea- fnre of the fhiture of the fulnefs of Chrifl-. John xx. 31. But thefe are written, that ve nvight believe that jefus is tlie Chiifl the Son of God, and that believing ye might havfe life through his name.

44. c Meb. ix. 14. How much more Hjall the blood of Chrifl, who through the eternal Spirit offered himfeJf without fpot to God, purge your confcience from dead works to Jerv? the living God ? v. 281 So .Chrifl was o-^ce offered to bear the -fms of many ; pnd unto them that look for him fhall he appear the fe- cond time, without fm, unto falva- tiou.

</Heb. 11. 27. WTierefcre in^all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren ; that he might be a merciful and faithful high priefl, in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the fins of the people.

^ Heb. vi-. 25. Wherefore he Is able alfo to fave them to tlie utter- mofl, ihit come unto God by him^ feeing he ever liveth to make inter- cefSon for them. *

45. /Ads XV. 14. Simeon hath declared how God at the firll did vifit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name: v. 15, And to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, v. 16. After this I will return and will build again the tabernacle of David which is fallen down : and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will fet it up. Ifa. Iv. 4. Behold I have given him for a witnefs to the people, a leader and commander to the people, v. 5. Behold, thou Ihalt call a nation that thou knowflt not, and nations that knew not thee, fhall run unto thee, becaufe of the Lord thy God, and for the holy One of Ifrael; for he hath glorified tjiee. Gen. The fceptre fhall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come, and unto him fhall the ga- thering of the peoplo be. Pfal. ex. 3, Thy

The Larger Catichifin, 1(^5

cers gy laws h, and cenlures, by which he vifibly govcros them / ; in beftowing faviiig grace upon his ele£l i, rewarding their obedience /, and corrediing them for their lins /«, pre- ferving and fupporting under all their temptations and iuffcrings n^ reilraining and overcoming all their enemies o^ and powerfully ordering all things for his own glory f, and


3. Thy people fhall be willing in the day of thy power; in tlie beauties ©f hollnefs from the wornb of the raurning-j -ti.hau haft the dew of thy youth.

g Eph. iv u. And he gave fome, apo(Ues : and fom^, prophets: and fome, evangelilis : and fome, paibrs and teachers; v. 12. For the p-^r- fecting of the faints, for the worlc of the minl'try, for the edifying of the bodyofChrlft. i Cor. xii. 28. And God hath fct fome In the church, iirft apoftles, fecondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, govern- ments, diverfitie^ of tongit«s.

b ifi. xxsiii. 22. For i!ie Lord Is our Judge, the Lord is our Law- giver, the Lord is our King, he will iave us.

I Math, xvili. 17. And if he fhall reg!e(5i: to hear them, tell it unto the church ; but If he negleft to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heatl>en man and a publican, v. 18. Verily I fay unto you, whatfo- ever ye Ihail bind on earth, (hall be bound in heaven : and v/hatfoever ye fhall ioofe on earth, fhall beloof- td in heaven, i Cor. v. 4. In the name of our Lord Jefus Chrift, when ye are gathered together, and my fpirit with the power of oar Lord Jefifls Ghrifl, v. 5, To deliver fuch an one unto Satan for the dellru^- ©n of the flelh, that the fpirit may be faved in the day of the Lord Jefjs.

k A<5ls T. ji, Kim hath Gcd ex-

alted with his right hand to be a prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Ifrael, and forgivenefs of fms.

/Rev.xxii,2 1. And behold, I come quickly ; and my ^e^yard is with me, to give every man according ?^ his work, fhall be. Rev. ii. lo. Fear none of ihofe things which thou llialt fuf- fer : behold, the devil fhaii caft fome of you into' prifon, that ye may be tried ; and ye fliall have tribuJatioD ten days : be thou fairhful unto» deatli, and I will give thee a crowa of life.

m Rev. ili, 19. As many as I love I rebuke and chaflen : be zealous therefore and repent,

n Ifai Ixiii. 9. In ail their Rffl!<5tien he was affli(5ted, and the angel of his prefence faved them, in his love aud in his pity he redeemed them, an^ he bare them, and carried them all the days of old.

0 I Cor. XV. 25. For he muftreiga till he hath put all his enemies under his feet. Pfal. ex. throughout, v, The Lord faid unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand until I make thine cnemieB tliy footflcol. v. 2. The Lord (hall ftnd the rod of thy ftreng^h out of Zion, rule thou ia the midft of thine enemies, &c.

p Rom. xiv. 10. But why doft thou judge thy brother ? or why dofUhou fet at nought thy brother ? for we fhall all (land before the judgment- feat of Chrift. V. 1 1 . For it is writ- ten. As 1 five, faith the Lord, every koee (hall bow to me, and every ^ a tODguo

1^5 The Larger Catechif7tu

their f^ood q ; and alfo in taking vengeance on the reil, who

know not God, and obey not the gofpel r.

Q^ 46* What was the eflate of ChrijVs humiliation ?

A. The eflate of Chrift's humiliation was that low condition, wherein he, for our fakes, emptying himfeif of his glory, took upon him the form of a fervant^ in his conception and birth, life, death, and after his death until his refurre^ionyT

Q^ 47. Hqw did Chrift humble htmjelfin his conception and birth f

A. Chrift humbled himfeif in his conception and birth, in that, being from all eternity the Son of God in the bofom of the Father, he was pleafed in the fulnefs of time to become the Son of man, made of a woman of low eftate, to be born of her, with divers circumdances of more than ordinary abafement t.

0^48. How did Chrift humble himfeif in his life?

A, Chrift humbled himfeif in his life, by fubjecfling himfeif


tongue (hall confefs to God.

q Rom. viii, 28. And we know tl^at all things work together fcr good, to t!>em:hat love God, to them who are the called according to his purpofe.

r 2 Thef. I. 8. In flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gof- pel of our Lord Jefus Chrijl : v. 9. "Who fliall be punifhed with ever lad- ing deftru6lion from the prefence of the Lord, and from the glory of'Jns power. Pfal. ii. 8. aAc of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermoft parts of the earth for thy polTellion. v. 9. Thou fhalt break them with a rod of iron, thou /halt dafh them in pieces like a potter's veffel.

46./Phil. ii. 6. Who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with cod : v, 71 But made himfeif of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a fervant, and was made in the Hkenefs of men : V. 8, And beinjg found in fafhion as

a man, he humbled himfeif, and ba- . came obedient unto death, even the death of tht crofs.lL-ukc i. 31, And behold, thou (lialt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and fhalt call his name Jefus. 2 Cor. viii. 9. For ye know the -grace of oar Lord Jefus Chrift, that though he was rich, yet fo^ your fakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich. A(5ls ii. 24, Whom God hath raifed up, having loofed the pains of death : becaufe it was not poffible that he fhould be liolden of it.

47. / John i. 14. And the Word was made flefh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of tlie Fa- ther) full of grace and truth, v. if>. No njan hath feen cod at any time ; the only begotten Son, who is in the bofom of the Father, he hath de- clared himi Gal. iv. 4. But when the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law. Luke

.. ^ " ii.^

The Larger Cafechifm, 197

to the law -y, which he perfei^Iy fuh'illed w\ and by confli<n:ing with the indignities of the world x, temptations of Satan^, and infirmities in hisflefli, whether common to the nature of man, or particultrly accompanying that his low condition z,

Q^ 49. How did ChriJ} humble himfelf in his death?

A, Chrift humbled himfelf in his death, in that having beea betrayed by Judas a, forfaken by his difciples^, fcorned and re- jected by the world c, condemned by Pilate, and tormented by


Hi 7. And ftie brought forth her fifft-horn fon, and wrapped hi rain fwadlirg clothes, and laid him in a manger, becauft there was no room for them in the inn.

48. V Gal. iv. 4. But when the fulfiefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law.

•w Mat. V, 17, Think not that I am come to deflroy the law or the prophets : I am |feot come to dedroy, but to fulfil. Romi V. 19. For as by ORe man's difobedience many Were made finners : fo by the obedience of one, fiiall many be made righ* teous.

X Pfal. xxii. 6. But I am a worm, and no mtrn, a reproach of men, and defpifed of the people. Heb. xii. 2. Looking unto Jefus the author and finidier of our faith ; who, for the joy that was fet before him, endur- ed the crofs, defpifing the (hamc, and is fet down at the right hand of the throne of God. v, 3. For confi- der him that endured fuch contra- diftion of finners againit himfelf, left ye be wearied and faint in your minds.

y Mat. iv, I, to ver. 1 2. Then was Jefus led up of the Spirit into the wildernefs, to be tempted of the de- vil, &c, Luke iv. 13. And when tiie devil had ended all the temptation, be departed from him for a feafon.

z iieb* ii. 17. Wherefore iu all

things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren ; that he might be a merciful and faithful high prieft, in things pertaining to God, to make reconciliation for the fins of the people, v. 1 8* For in that he himfelf hath fuffered, being tempted, he is able to fuccour them that are tempted. Heb. iv. 15. For we have not an high prieft whicli cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities ; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without fin, Ifa. Hi. 13. Behold, my fervant fhall deal prudently ; he fhall be exalted and extolled, and be very high. v. 14. As many were aftoniftied at thee; his vifage was (o marred more than any man, and his form more than the fons of uieni

49. a Mat. xxvii. 4. Saying, \ have finnedj in that I have betrayed the innocent blood. And they faid. What is lUat to us ? fee thou <.p that. ,

b Mat. xxvi.^6. But all this was done, that the fcriptures of the pro* phets might be fulfilled. Then all the dilciples forfook him, and fleri. . r Ifa. liii. 2. For he (hall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground : he hath no form nor comtilMiefs : and when we fhall fee him, them is no beauiy that we (hould defirehirw. v. 3, He is defpifed and rejeflcd. of nien, a of forrows, and acqUftintecl N 3 wiia

ipS The Larger Catechifm,

his peffccntors d\ having aifo conflifted with the terrors of death and the powers of darknefs, felt and borne the weight of God^s wrath e, he laid down his life an offering for fmyj enduring the painful, fliameful, and curfed death of the crofs^. Q^ 50. Wherein confifled ChrijVs humiliation after his dcathf A. ChrilVs humiliation after his death, confifled in his being burled/^, and continuing in the ftate of the dead, and under the power of death till the third day /, which hath been otherwife


^\i\\ grief: afld we hid, As it w^re, our faces from him; he was defpif- cd, and we efteemed him not.

d Mat. xxvii. 26. to v. 50. Then rtleafed he Barrabbas unto them: and •w-'hen he had fcourgcd Jefas, he de- livered him to be ctucilied, &c. John xix. 34. But one of the foldi- ^rs with a fpcar pierced his fide, and forthwith came there out blood and water.

e Luke xxii. 24. And being in an agony, he prayed more earneftly : and his fweat as it were great drc7S of blood falling down to the ground. Mat. xxvii. 46. And about the liinth hour Jefus cried with a io«d Voice, faying, Eli, Eli, lama fabach- thani .^ that is to fay, my God, my cod, why haft thou forfaken me ?

yifa. liii. 10. Yet it pleafed the JL.6rd to bruife him : he hath put liim to grief: when thou (halt make Iiis foul an offcrirg for fin, he (hall fee his feed, he {ball prolong his 4ays, and the plcafurc of the Lord ihall profper in his hands.

g Phil. ii. S. And being found in falhioB as a man, he humbled hitrj- felf, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the Crofs. Jieb, xii. ^. Looking unfo jefus, the author and finifher of our faith t who for the joy that was fet befote ^im, endured th^ crofs, defpifing fhe fhame, and is fet down at the yi^ht hand of tlis ihrone gf God,

Gal. iii. 13. Chrifl: hath redeemed us from iH« curfe of the law, betng made a curfe im us : for it is writ- ten, Curfed is every one that hp^ng- eth on a tree.

^6. hi. Cor. XV, 3. For I delivered unto you fir ft of ail, that which I alfo received, how that Chrift died fur our fins according to the fcrip- tures : v. 4. Ard that he was bunetl, and that he role again the third day, according to the fc*ij:<ures;

/ Pfal. xvi. 10. For thou wilt not leave mv foul in hell ; neither wdt thou fuifer thine holy One to fee corruption. Compared with a61s li. 24. Whom God hath raifed up, having loofed the pains of death ; becaufe it was not pofiible that he fhould be holden of it. v. 25. For David fpeaketh conce|:ning him, I forefaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right hand, that I ftiould not be moved, v. 26. Therefore did my heart rejoice, and ftiy tongue was glad : moreover alfo my flefh fhall reft in hope. v. 27. Becaufe thou wilt not leave my foul in hell, neither wilt thou fufFer thine holy One to fee corruption, v. 31. He feeing this before, fpake of the refurrcftion of Chrift, that his foul was not left in hell, neither his fitfli did fee corruption. Rom. vi. 9, Knowing that Chrift being raifed from the dead, dieth no mere; death bath no more dominijn over

The Larger Catechlfnu 199

cxprefled in thefe words, He defcendcd into hell Q^ 5 1 . What was the eft ate of Ohrift^s exaltation f A, The eftate of Chrill's exaltation comprchendeth his re- furre(^ion i, afcenfion /, fitting at the right hand of the Fa- ther ;«, and his coming to judge the world n,

Q:_ 52. How was Chrift exalted in his refurre6lionf A. Chrift was exalted in his refurrec^ion, in that, not having feen corruption in death fof which it was not pofTible for him to be held c) and having the very fame body in whi<:h he fuf* fered, with the effential properties thereof/), (but without mor- tality and other common infirmities belonging to this life) really united to his foul j, he rofe again from the dead the third day by his own power r; whereby he declared himfelf to be the Son of Godj/^ to have fatisfied divine juftice /, to have van^


him. Mat. xii. 40. For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly ; fo (hall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of Ihe earth.

51.^1 Cor. XV. 4. And that he was buried, and that he rofe again the third day according to the fcrip- lures.

/Mark xvi. 19. So then, after the Lord had fpoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and fat on the right hand of God,

VI Hph. i. 20. Which he wrought in Chrift, when he laifed him from the dead, and fet him at his own right hand in the heavenly places.

n Adls i. II. Who alfo faid, Ye men of Galilee, why Rand ye gazing up into lieaven .^ the fame Jefus who is taken up from you into hea- ven, (hall fo come in like manner as ye have feen him go into heaven. A(5ts xvii. 51. Becaufc he hath ap- pointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righceoufnefs, by that man whom he iiath ordained ; whereof he hath given ailurance un- to all men, in that he haili raifed him from the dead. . *

52, <?A^sii.24,Who:nGodhaih

raifed up, having Icofed the pains of death : becaufe it was not pofTi* ble that he (hould be holden of ir. V. 27. Becaufe thou wilt not leave my foul in hell, neither wilt thou fuffer thine holy One to fee corrup- tion.

p Luke xxlv. 39. Behold ray hands and ray feet, that it is 1 myfclf: handle mc, and fee, for afpint hath not iklh and bones, as ye fee mfe have.

q Hom. vi. 9. Knowing that Chrift being raifed from the dead, dieth no more; death hath no more domi- nion over hlm^ Rev, i.18.1 am he that liveth and was dead ; and behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen ; ai.d have the keys of hell and death,

;• John X. 18. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of m\- felf : 1 have power to lay it down, and 1 have p(»wer to take it again. This commandment have 1 received of my Father*

/Rom. i. 4. And declared to be the Son of God with power, accord- ing to the Spirit of holinefs, by the rcfurre^lon from the dead.

/ Rom» viii. 34. Who is he that K 4 coil-

200 The Larger Catechifm,

quifhcd death, and him that had the power of it r, and to Lord of quick and dead w. All which he did as a public per- fon :>(, the Head of his church y, for their jufliScation Zy quick- ening in grace a, fupport againft enemies b, and to afTurc theni of their refurrc6lion from the dead at the lafl day c. Q^ 53. How was Chrijl exalted in his afcenfionf J. Ihrift was exalted in his afcenfion, in that having after his refurre£lion often appeared unto, and converfed with his apoftles, fpeaking to them of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God d, and giving them commiffion to preach

' '-' the

condemneth ? it is Chrifl: that died, yea rat^her that is rifen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who alfo maketh interceflion for us.

V Heb, ii. 14* Forafmuch then as the children are partakers of flsfh and blood, he alfo himfelf hkewife took part of the fafse : that through death he might deftroy him that had the power of death, that is ttiie devil.

1;; Rom, xiv. Q. For to this end Chrid both died, and rofe, and re- vived, thai he might be Lord both of the dead and living.

X I Cor, XV. 21. For fince by man C^n^e death, by man came a!fo the rci'urreilion of the dead, v, 22. For as ir Adam ail die, even fo in Chriit iha'l p\l be made alive.

y Eph. i. 20. Which he wrought in Chriit when he raife<i him from the dead, and fet him at his own Tight hand in the heavenly places. V. 22. And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the Head over all things ;o the church, V. 23. Which is' r^is body, the ful- nefs of him that filleih sll in all. Col. i. I 8. Aad he is the head of the body, the church j who is the be- ginning, the firft born from the dead; that in ail things h.e might have the pre-eminence,

z Rom iv. 25. Who was deliver- ed for our offences, and was r^ifed «Saifl (q? our jufiifict^ipjQ,

a Epb. ii. i. And you hath he quickened, who were dead in tref- ^fles and fins. v. 5. Even when we were dead in fins, hath quickened us together with Chrifl-, (^by grace ye are faved.) v. 6. And bath raifed us up together, and made us fit to- gether in heavenly places in Chriit Jefus. Col. ii. 12. Buried with him in baptifm, wherein alfo ye are rifea with him through the faiih of the operation of Gcd, who hath raifed him from the dead.

h I Cor. XV. 2 $ . For he mufl: reign till he hath put ail enemies under his feet. v. 26. The laft enemy that (hall be deftroy ed, is death, v. 27. For he hath put all things under his feer. But when he faith, all things are put: under him, it is manifeft that he is excepted who did put all things un- der him.

c I Cor. XV. 20. But now is Chf ift rifen from the dead, and become the firft fiuits of them that ficpt.

53. d A(5ls i. 4. Umil t!ie day in which he was taken up, after that he through the holy choft had given commandments unto the apoftles ♦whom he had chofen. v. ^j. To whom alfo he fhewed himfelf alive after his paflion,,.^many infallibly proofs, being fcen of them forty days, and fpeaking of the things pertaining to tlie kingdom of cod, $ MaVv

The Larger Caftchlfm, 20I

the gofpel to all nations e; forty days after his rcforre^ion, he in our nature, and as our head /, triumphing over ene- mies^, vifibly went up into the highefl heavens, there to re- ceive giffs for men hy to raiie up our afFG<51ions thither;, and toprej-ared place for us i, where himfelfis, and fliall conti- nue until his fecond coming at the end of the world /,

0^54. How IS Chrijl exaltediji his fj ting at the right hand of God f

A. Chrift is exalted in his fitting at the right hand of God, in tljat as God -man he is advanced to the higheft favour with God the Father m, with all mlnefs of joy w, glory (?, and pov;er


e Mat, xxviii. 19. go ye therefore and teach all nations, haptizirf| them in the nan<c of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Choft : V. 20. Teaching them to obfcne all things whailoever I have comraar.d- ed you ; and lo, I am with you al- way, even unto the end of the world. Amen,

/ Heb. vi. 20. Whither the fore- runner is for us entered, even Jefus, made an high prit it for ever after the order of Melchii'edec.

g Eph, iv. 8. Wherefore he faith, "When he afccnded up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

h A(5ls i. 9. And when he had fpo- ken thefe things, while they beheld, he was taken up, and a cloud receiv- ed him out of their fight, v. 10. and while they looked (tedfaftly to- ward heaven, as he went up, behold, two man ftood by them in white ap- parel; V. II. Who alfo faid. Ye men of cahlee, why (land ye gazing up into heaven ? This fame Jefus, who is taken up from you into hea- ven, Ihall fo come in like manner as ye have feen him go into heaven, Eph. iv. 10. He th^^ defcended, is the fame alfo that afcended up far above all heavens, th^t he might fill ^11 thiros. pfal.lxviii. 1%. Thou ha(t

afcended on high, thou haft led cap- tivity captive : thou haft received gifts for men ; yea, for the rebelli- ous alfo, that the Lord God might dwell among thenii

/■ CoL iii. I . If ye then be rifea with Chrift, feek thofe things which are above, where Chrift fitteth on the ri^t hand of cod. v. 2. Set your affciStions on things above, not on things on the earth.

k John xiv. 3. And if I go and prepate a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myfelf, that where I am, there ye may be* alio.

/ '^<51s iii, 21. Whom the heaven muft receive, until the times of refti- tution of all things, which God hath fpoken by the mouth of ail hisTholy prophets, fince the v/orld began.

54. ;/; Phil, ii. 9. Wherefore God alfo hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name.

n Ads ii. 28. Thou haft made known to me ti:e ways of life ; thou flialt make me full of joy with thy countenance. Compared with Plal. xvi. II. Thou wilt ftiew me the- path of life : in thy prefencc is ful- nefs of joy, at thy right hand ther«; are pleafures for evermore.

Q John xvii. 5. And uosv, Q Fa;

202 The Larger Catechifm.

over all things in heaven and earth /»; 2nd doth gather aad defend his church, and fubdue their enemies ; furnifhing his miniilers and people with gifts and graced j, Jnd maketh in- terceflion for them r. ' ■.

0^55. How doth Chrijl make mtercejjionf'

A. Chrift maketh interceflion, by his appearing in our nature continually before the Father in heaven y,* in the merit of his obedience and facrificfe on earth /, declaring his will to have it applied to all believers v ; anfwsring all accufatlons againft them v); and procuring for them quiet of confcience notwith-


ther, glorify thou rae with thine own fclf, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.

p Eph. i. 22. And hath put all things under his feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church. I Pet. iii. 22. Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God, angels, and authorities, and powers being made fub}e6l unto him.

q Eph. iv. 10. He that defcended, n the fif-ne alfo that afcended up far above all heavens, that he might fill &II things. V. II. And he gave fonie, apoLiies : and fome, prophets : and forae, evangeliils : and rome,paflors and teachers; v. 12. For the per- fedingofthe faints, for the work of the miniflry, for the edifying of the tody fcf Chrirt. Pfal. ex, through- out. The Loid faid unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right liand, until 1 make thine enemies thy footftooL

r Rom. viii. 54, Who is he that condemneth .■' it is Chrifl that died, yea rather that is rifcn again, who is even at the right hand of God, who alfo maketh interGcfTion for us,

fS.yHeb. ix. 12. Neither by the blood of goats and calves, bat by his own blood he entered in once in- to the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us, v. 24.

For Chrift is not entered into the ^oly places made with hands, which are the figures of the true ; but in- to heaven itfelf, now to appear in the * prefence of cod for us.

/ Heb. i. 3. Who being the bright- nefs of his glory, and the exprels i- mage of his perfon, aud upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himfelf purged our fins, fat down on the right hand of the Majefty on high.

V John iii. 16. For God fo loved - the world, that he gave his only be- gotten Son, that whofoever behev- fcth in him (hould not perifli, but have evei lading life. John xvii 9. I pray for them ; 1 pray not for the world, but for them which thou hail given mc, for they are thine, v. 20. Neither pray I for thefe alone, but for them alfo who fliall believe on me tljrough their word. v. 24^ Fa- ther, 1 will that they alfo whom thou haft given me, be with me where 1 am ; that they may behold my glory which thou hafi given rae : for thou lovedii me before the foun- dacion of the world.

IV Rom. viii. 53. Who /hall lay any thing to the charge of God's ele*.^ ? it is God that juflifieih : v. 34. Who is he that condemneth ? it is Chrid that died, yea raihsr thar is rifen


The Larger Calechtfnu 205

fland kg daily failings;^, accefs with boldnefs to the throne of grace J, and acceptance of their perfons 2 and ferviccs a.

^ id. How is Chrift to be exalted^ In his coming again to judge the ivorld?

A. Chrift is to be exalted in his coming again to judge the workl, in that he, who was unjuftly judged and condemned by wicked men b, fhali come again at the lalt day in great power ^, and in the full manifcftation of his oWn glory and of his Fa- ther's, with all his holy angels d, with a ftiout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God ^, to judge the world in righteoufnefs /.


tgain, who is even at the riglj|; hand of God, who alfo inakeih in- tercefTion for us.

X Rom. V. I. Therefore being juf- llfied by fiiith, we have peace with God, through our Lord jefus Chrift. V. 2. By whom alfo we have accefs by fiith irto this grace, wherein we itind, and rtjoice in the hope of the glory of God, i John ii. i . My little thildrtn, thefe things write I unto you, thai ye fin not. And if any man fin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jefus Chrift the righteous : V. 2. And he is the pro- pitiation for our fins : and not for ours only, but alio for the fins of the whole world,

^Heb. ir. 1 6. Let us therefore come boldly unto>the tkir®Reorgrace,that ve may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in tinae cf need.

z Eph. i, 6. To the praife of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

a iPet.ii. 5. Yealfoaslively ftoncs are bulk up a Ipiiitual houfe, an ho- ly priefthood, to offer up fpiritual iacrifices, acceptable to cod by Je- fus^hriit

56. ^ A<51s ill. 14. Bot yc denied the holy One, and the juft, und de- iired a m«r4e-^er tg be granted wnto

you. V. I J. And kiiiedthe Prince of life, whom Gcd liath railed from the deiid, whereof we are witnefies.

c Mat. xxiv. 30. And then (ball appear the fign oi the Son of man in heaven : and then (hall alhthe tribes of earth mourn, and they ih^U fee the Son of ir,an coming in the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory.

d Luke ix. 26. Forwhofoever fnall be afhamed of me and of my words, of him {ball the Son cf man be a- ftiamed, when he (hall come in his own glory, and in his father's, aud ot the holy angels. Mat. xxv. 31. When the Son cf maa ftiall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then (hall he fit upon the throne of his glory.

t I ThefT. iv, 16. For the Lord himfelf(l.all defcend from heaveh with a (hout, Vvith the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God ; and the dead in Chrift ihall life firft.

/Ads xvii. 31. Becaufe he hath appointed a day in the which he will jadge the world in rigl.teoufnefs, by x\y<j. man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given alfuraKCe un- to all men, in that he hath raifed iiim fi;>m ific dead,

51' g

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Q^ 57. What benefits hath Chriji procured hy his mediation f

A, Chrift by his mediation hath procured redemption^, with all other benefits of the covenant of grace

Q-^ 58, How do we come to be made partakers of the bene* jits which Chriji hath procured f '- " *

A, We are made partakers of the benefits which Chriil hatlv procured, by the application of them unto us /, which is the work efpccially of God the Holy Ghoft k. , * .4

(^59. Who are made partakers of redemption through Chriji?

A, Redemption is certainly applied, and effe<fhially commu- nicated, to all thofe for whom Chrift hath purchafed it /; "^Itho are in time by the Holy Gholl enabled to believe in Chriil - ac- cording to the gofpel m,

Q^ 60. Can they wh9 have never heard the gofpel, andfi know not fefus Chriji, nor believe in him^ be faved by their liv" ^ ing according to the light of nature f

A. Ther

57. g Heb, ix. 12. Neither by the blood ot goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained e- ternal redemption for us.

h Cor. i. 20. For all the promifes of God in him are yea, and in him Amen, unto the glory of cod by us.

78. / Johni. I i»Hecameuntohis own, and his own received him not. V. 12. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the Tons of ijod, even to them that believe on his name.

i Tit.iii. 5. Notby worksof righ- teoufnefs whicfi we have done, but according to his mercy he faved us by the walking of regeneration, and renewing of the Hoiy choft ; v, 6. Which he (bed on us abundantly, through Jefus Chrirt our Saviour.

59. / Eph, i. I :?. In whom ye a!fo tnifttd after that ye heard the word of truth, the gof( el of your falvati- on ; in whom alio after that ye be- lieved, ye werefealed with that holy Spirit of proroife, y. 14. Which is

the earnefl: of our inheritance, until the redemption of the purchafed poiTefiion, unto the praife of his glory. John vi. 37. All that the Father giveth me, fhall come to me ; and him that cometh untonie, I will in no wife caft out. v. 39. andthis is the Father's will who hath fent me, that of all which he hath givea me, I ftiould lofe nothing, but Ihould raife it up again at thelaft day. John X. 15. As the Father knoweth me, even fo know I the Father : and I lay down my life for the (heep, v, 16. And other fheep 1 have, who are not of this fold : them alfo I m«i{t bring, and they (hall hear my voice ; and tiiere fliali be one fold and one flicpherd.

w Eph, ii. 8. For by grace are ye faved through faith; and that not of yourfelves, it is the gift of God, 2 Cor. iv. 13. We having the fame fpirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I fpoken : we alfo believe, and therefore ff eaki

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The Larger Catechifm. IQ5

^, They who, haying never heard the gofpcl », know* not Jefus Chrifl 0, and believe not in him, cannot be fared />, be they never fo diligent to frame their lives according to the light of nature ^, or the laws of that religion which they pro- fefs r ; neither is there falvation in any other, but in Chrift: a-,


60. « Rom. X. 14. How then (hall Ihey call on him in whom they have not believed ? and how fiiall they believe in him of whom they have not heard ? and how Ihall they hear without a preacher ?

0 2 TheC i. 8. In flaming fire» taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gof- ^pel of our Lord Jefus Ghri(t : v. 9, * Who (hall be punifhed with everlaft- ing deftrudtion from the prefence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. Eph. ii. 12. That at that time ye were wiihoat Chrift, being aliens from the commonwealth^ of Ifrajcl, and ftrangers from the cove- nants of promife, having no hope, and without cod in the world. John i> I o. He was in the v/orld, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. v. ii. He came unto his own, and his own re- ceived him not, v. 12; But as many as received him, to them gave he powar to become the fons of God, even to them that believe on his name.

p John vili, 24. I faid therefore unto you, that ye fliall die in your lins: for if ye believe not that I am he, ye (hall die in your fins. Mark xvi, J 6, He that believeth aud is baptized, (hall be faved ; but he that believeth not (hall be damned.

q I Cor. i. 20. Where is the wife.^ where is the fcribe ? where is the difpqter of this world ? hath not God made fooli(h the wifdom of this world ? V. 21. For after that, in the wifdom of-God, the world by wif- dom knew not Ged, it pleafed God

by the foolilhnefs of preaching to fave them that believe, v. 22. For the Jews require a (ign, and the Greeks fcek after wifdom: v. 23. But we preach Gliiift crucified, un- to the Jews a ftumbling block, and unto the Greeks foolifhnefs; v. 241 But unto them who are called, both Jfewsand Greeks, Chrift, the power of God, and the wifdom of God.

r John iv. 22. Ye worfliip ye know not what : we know what we worfhip, for falvation is of the Jews : Roai. ix. ^ I . But Ifrael who followed after the law of righteoufnefs, hath not attained to the law of righteoufnefs V. 32. Wherefore ? Becaufe they fought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law : for they ftumbled at that flumbling- ftone. Phil.iii. 4, Though I raiglit alfo have confidence in the flefh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might truft iotheiiefh, I more : v. 5. Circumcifed the eighth day, of the ftock of Ifrad, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews: as touching the law, a Pharifee ; r. Concerning zeal, perfecuting the church ; touching the righteoufnefs which is in the law, blamelefs. v. 7. But what things were gain to me, thofe I counted lofs for Chrift, v, 8. Yea, doubtlcfs, and I count all things but Jofs for the ex- cellency of the knowledge of Chrift jefus my Lord : for whom 1 have fufftred the lofs of all things, ard do count them but dung that I mif win Chrift. v. 9. And be found in him, not having mine own righte-


2 ': Ths Larger Catechi/m.

lone/ who is the Saviour only of his body the church L

Q^ 6 1 . Are ail they faved who hear the gofpel, and live in the church f

A. All that hear the ^ofpel, and live in the vifible church, are nor faved ; but only they who are true members of the church invifible v,

0^62. What is the vifihle church f

A. The vifible church is a fociety made up of all fuch as in all ages and places of the world do profefs the true religion -w/,


oufnefs, which is of the law, but that which is throiigli the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs xvhich is of God by faith.

/Acfts iv. 12. Neither is there fal- vatlon in any other : for there is rone other name under heaven gi- ven among men, whereby we mud be faved.

/ Eph. V. 23. For the huHjaod is the head of the wife, even Chrift is the head of the church, iand he is the Saviour of the body.

61. f John xii. 38. That the fay- in;T of Efaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he fpaice, Lord, who hath believed our report ? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed ? v. 39. Therefore they could not believe, becaufe that Efaias faid again, v, 40. He hat.i blinded their eye?, and hardened their hearts ; that they fhould not fee with their ej'es, nor under (land with their heart, and be converted, and I (hould heal them. Rom. ix. 6* Not as though the word of God hath taken none effed. For they are not all Ifrael, who are of Ifrael. Mat. xxil. 14. For many are called, but few are chofen. iMat. vii, 21. Not every one that faith unto me. Lord, Lord, (ha*Ii enter into the kingdom of heaven : but he that doth the will of my Father v\/hois in heaven. Rom. xi, 7. What then i Ifrael l^ath not

obtained that wlnclij^he feekcth for; but the ele<ftion ^'ath obtained it, and the reft were blinded.

62. nu I Cor.i. 2.tfnto thj| church of God which is at Corinth, to thenx that are fandified in Ghrift Jefus,'!!' called to be faints, with all that in every place call upon the name of jefus Cbrift our Lord, both theirs and ours, i Cor, xii, 13. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into onp body, whether we be Jews or Gen tiles, whether we be bond or free ; and have all been made to drink in- to one fpirit. Rom. xv. 9, And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercy, as it is written. For this caufe I will confefs to thee among the Gentiles, and fing unto thy name. r. 10. And again he iaith. Rejoice ye Gentiles with his people, v. II. And again, Praife the Lord all ye Gentiles, and laud him all ye people. V. 12. And again Efaias faith, There fiiall be a root of JelTt?, and he that fiiall rife to reign over the Gentiles ; in him fhall the Gen- tiles truft* Rev. vii, 9. After this I beheld, and lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds* and people, and tongues, flood before the throne, and before the Lamb, cloihed with white robes, and palms in their hands. Pfdl. ii. Aflc of me, and 1 ihall gire ihec the heathen for


Tki Larger Cat;chjfm. 207

and of their children .V.

0^63. What are the fpeclal privileges of the vijlhle church '

ui. The vifible church hath the privilege oF being under

God's fpecial caie and government^; of being prore<rted and

preferved in all ages, notwithftanding the oppofition of all ene-

raies^/ and of enjoying the comnaunion of faints, the ordinary


fhine inheritance, and the uttermofl: parts of the earth for thy pofTeiTion. Pfal. xxli. 27. All the ends of the world (hall remember and turn un- to the Lord : and all the kindreds cf the nations ftiall worfhip before thee. V. 2S. For the kingdom is the Lord's; and he is the governor a- mong the nations, v. 29. All they W that he fat upon earth (hall eat and worfliip : all they that go down to the duft, fhall bow before him, and none can keep alive his own foul. Vi 30. A feed Ihall ferve him, It (hall be accounted to the Lord for a ge- neration* V. 31. They (hall come, and fhall declare his righteoufnefs unto a people that (hall be born, that he hath done this. Pfal. xlv. 17. I will make thy name to be re- membred in all generations : there- fore (hall the people praife ihee for ever and ever. Mat. xxviii. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghoft : v. 20. Teaching them to nbferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with yoa alway, unto tlie end of the world. Amen. Ifa. lix. 21. As for me, this is my covenant with them, faith the Lord, My fpirit that is upon thee, and my words which I have put in thy mouth, (hall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy feed, nor out of the month of thy feed s feed, f«iith the Lord, from henceforth ar.d for ever.

X j^or, vil. 14. For the unbeliev- ing hufband is fan<5liried by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is fanftified by the hufband : elfe were yo;jr chil- dren unclean; but now are they holy. Adts ii. 39. For the promife is un- to you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our Cod fiiall call. Rom* xi. 16. For if the fird fruit be holy, the lamp is alf> holy: and if the root be holy, Jj^re the branches. Gen. xvii. 7. Arttd iwill cflablifh my covenant between me ar.d thee, and thy feed after thee, in their genera- tions, for an everlalVmg covenant : to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee.

634 y Ifa. iv. 5. And the Lord will create upon every dwelling- place of mount Sion, and upon her afTemblies a cloud, and fmoke by day, and the fhining of a flaming fire by night : for upon all the glory fhall be a defence, v. 6, And there fhall be a tabernacle for a fhadow in the day- time from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and fur a covert from ftorm and from rain, i Tim. iv. 10. For, therefore we both la- bour, and fuffer reproach, becaule we truft in the living God, who is the Saviour cf all men, efpccially ihofe that believe.

z (Pfal. ex v. throughout.) v. t% Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but V. 2. Wherefore fiiould the heathen fay. Where is row their God ? Sec, V. 9, O Ifrr?el, truft ihoa in the Lord : he is tluir Jielp and


is8 The Larger Catechifm.

means of fakation^i, anJ otfers of grace by Chrift to all the Kiembers of it in the miniflry of the gofpel, teftifying that Vv'hofoever believes in him (hall be faved o, and excluding none that will come unto him c.

Q^ 6 4. What is the invifible church f

A The invifible church is the whole number of the ele£l, that have been, are, or Ihali be gathered into one under Chrill


their (hield. Sec. ifa. xxxi. 4. For thus hath the Lord fpoken unto me, Jike as the lion and the young lion roariog on his prey, when a multi- tude of (liepherds is called forth a- gainft him, he will not be afraid of their voice, nor abafe hirafelf for the noife of them : fo fhall the Lord of hods come down to fi^ht for mount Sion, and for the hill thereof. V. 5. As birds flying, To will the Lord of hofts defend Jerufalem, de- fending alfo he will deliver it, and palling over he will preferve it. Zech. xii. 2. Behold, I will make Jerufalem a cup of trembling unto all the peeple round about, when they fhall be in th? fiege, both a- gainft judah, and againft Jerufalem. V. 3. And in that day will I make Jerufalem a burthenfome ftone for all people: all that burden themfelves with it fliall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth were ga- thered together againft: it. v. 4. In that day, faith the Lord, I will fmite every horfe with aftonifhment,and his rider with madnefs, and I will open mine eyes upon the houfe of Judah, and will fmitc every horfe of the people with blindncfs. v. 8. In that day fhall the Lord defend the inha-- bJtants of jerufalem, and he that is feeble among them at that day fhall be as David ; and the houfe of Da- vid (hall be as God, as the ang*:l of the Lord before them. v. 9. and it fh J! come to pafs in that day, that I

will feek to df firoy all the nations that come againft Jerufalem. '

a Ads ii. 39 For the prcmife is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as ma- ny as the Lord our cod fhall call. V. 42. And they continued ftedfaftly in the apoftles dodrine and fellow- fiiip, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

If Pfal. cxlvii. 19. He fheweth his word unto Jacob, his fhtutes and his judgments unto Ifrael. v. 20. He hath not dealt fo with any nation : and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praife ye the Lord, R,om. ix. 4. Who are Ifra- elites; to whom pertaineth the a- doption, and the glory, and the CGvenanis, and the giving of the law, and the lervice of God, and the proniifes. Eph. iv. 11. And he gave feme, apoflles : and fome, prophets : and fome, evargelifts : and fome paflors and teachers; V. I2i For the perfefting of the faints, for the work of the mi- nifiry, for the edifying of the bo- dy of Chrift. Mark xvi. 15. And he faid unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gofpel to every creature, v. 16. He that be- lieveth and is bapnzed, (hall be fav- ed ; but he that believeth not lliall be damned.

c John xi. 57. All that the Father giveth me, fhall come to me ; and him that cometh to me, 1 will in bo wiie caft out. 64. d

The Larger Catechifm» 209

the bead (/.

Q^ 65. What ffscial benefits do the members of the invifMe church enjoy by Cm ijl?

A, The members of the inviiible church, by Chrift, enjoy union an J communion with him in grace and glory e,

Q. 6(i. What is that union which the elett have with Chrijlf ^^ a7 Tfie union which the t\^^ have with Chriil is the "iirdrk of God's grace J\ whereby they are fpirituaily and myflically, yet really and infeparably, joined to Chrift as iheir Head and Husband g; which is done iu their efie£lual Cidling h.

-: 0,67.

64. d Eph. i, 10. That in the dlf- penfations of the tlilnsfs of times, he ^ might gather togetlier in one all things in Ghrift, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth, even in him. v. 22. And hath put all things under his feet, and he gave him to be the head over all things to the church, v. 23. Which is his body, the fulnefa of him that fiileth all in all. John. x. 16. And other flieep I have, whd are not cf this fold : them alfo muft I bring, and they (hall hear my voice ; and there Ihall be one fold, and one ihepherd. John xi. 52. And not for that nati- on only, but that alfo he iTiould ga- ther together in one, the children of God that were fcattered abroad.

6S' John xvii. 21. That they all may be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee ; that they alfo may be one in us : that the world may believe that thou haft fent me. Eph. ii. 5. Even when v/e were dead in fins, hath quickened us together with Chrifl, (by grace ye ate faved.) V. 6. And hath raifed us up together, and made us fit together in heaven- ly places, inChvift jefus. John xvii. 24. Father, I will that they alfo whom thon haft given ma, be wirh me where I am 3 that «liey oiay be-

hold my glory, which thou haft giv- en me : fi)r thou lovedft me before the foundation of the world.

66. /"Eph. i. 22. And hath puf all things under his feet, and gave him to be the heid over all things to the church. Eph. ii. And hath raifed us up together, and hath made us fit together in heavenly places, in Chrift Jefus. v. 7, That in the ages to come he mig^.t fliew the exceed- i.ig riches of his grace, in his kind* nels towards us, through Chrilt je- fus. V. 8. For by grjceye are {^st^^ through faith ; and that not of yourfelves : it is the gift of cod »

g I Cor. vi. 17. But he -that is joined unto the Lord, is one fpirit. John X. 28. And I will give unto them eternal life, and they (hall ne- ver perilh, neither ftiall any pluck thern out of my hand. Eph. v. 23, For the hufband is the head of the wife, even as Chrift is the head of the church : and he is the Saviour of the body, v, %6. For we are members of his body, ofhisfiefh,- and of his bones.

h I Pet, v. 10. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Chrift Jsfus, after that ye have fuffered a while,' make you perfeel:, ftabliih, flrengthen, O fettle

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Q^6i, JVhat is efl'^ual calling f

A. Effeflual calling is the work of God's almighty power and grace /, whereby (out of his freehand efpecial love to his cle^l, and from nothing iii them moving him thereunto kj he doth in his accepted time invite and draw them to Jefus Chriil, by his word and Spirit/; favingly enlightening their


fettle you. i Cor. I 9. God is faith-, ful, by whom ye were called unto the fjlowfhip of his Son Jefus Chrift our Lord.

67. /■ John V. 2 5". Verily, verily I fiy uiito you, The hour is coming,;-^- and now is, when rhe dead fhall heaf the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear fhall live. Eph. i. 18. The eyes of your underftaoding be« ing enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling ; and what the riches of the glory of his inheritaace in the faints; v. 19. and what is the exceeding great- Eefs of his poM/er to us-ward, who believe, according to the working of his mighty power, v. 20. Which he wrought in Chrilf , when he raifed him from the dead, and fet him at his own right hand in the heavenly places. 2 Tim i, 8. Be not thou therefore afliamed of the teftimony of our Lord nor of me his prifoner : but be thou partaker of the afflifli^ ons of the gofpel, according to the power of God ; v. 9v Who hath laved U3, and called us with an ho- ly calling, not according to our works, but according to his own puipofe and grace which was given us in Chrilt jefus, before the world

k Tit. i:i. 4. But after that the kindnefs and love of God our Saviour toward man appeared, v. 5. Not by works of rig!)teoufn<,fs which we have done, but according to his mercy he ikved us by the wafhing

of regenerati^; and renewing of the Holy Glioft. Eph. ii 4. 'But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, V. 5. Even when we were dead in iins, hath quickened us together with Chrift (by ;graGe ye arlii feved,) V, 7i That in'the ages to come he^m might fhew the exceeding riches of his grace, in his kindnefs towards us, through Chrtft.Jefusi v. 8, Foi^ by grace ye are faved, thro' faith^" and that not of 3'ouflelves : it is tW^ gift of God. V. 9, Not of works, lelt any man fhould boaft,- Rom. ix. I r. For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpofe of cod ac- cording to eleftion might ftand, not of v/orks, but of him that calleth.

/ 2 Cor. v. 20. Now then we are ambafTadors for Chrift, as though God did befeech you by us : We pray you in Chrift's (lead, be ye reconcil- ed to God. Compared with 2 Cor. vi. I. We then as workers together with him, befeech you alfo, that ye receive not the grace of God in vain, V. 2. For he faith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of falvation I have fuccoured thee : behold, BOW is the accepted time ; behold, now is the day of falvation, John vi, 44. No man can come to me, except the Father who hath fent me, draw him : and I will raife him up at the laft day. 2 ThefT. ii* 13. But we are boupd to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren, beloved

The Larger Cattchifm, 211

mluds TJij renewing and powerfully determining their wills «, fo as they (iltho' in them.felves dead in fin) are hereby made wil- ling and able freely ta^nfwer his call, and to accept and em- brace the grace ofFered and conveyed therein 0, Q^ 08. Ariihe fle6t only effe^iiaily called? A. All the ele£t, and they only, are effectually called j!>; al- ^|hough others ma'y be and often ar^. outwardly called by the roiniihy of the word^, and have fomte common operations of he Spirit r ; who, for their wilful negle<it and contempt of the


beldved of the Lord, becaufe cod harh from the beginning chofen you to ralviition, .through findificarion ofihejj)iiit and belief ofthe truth: V. 14. Whereunt^^.be called you by our gofpej, to the obtaining of the glory of oar Lord Jefus Ghrilh

7n A(5ls xxvi, 18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from dark- Hefs to light, ^nd from the power of Satan unto God^ that they may re- ceive forgivenefs of fins, and an in- heritance among them who arcfanc- lified b) faith that is io me. i Cor. ii. IO; But God hadi revealed thera unto us by his fpirit : for the Spirit fearcheth all things, yea the deep things of cod. v. I2. Now we have received, not the fpirit of the world, but the Spirit wliich is of God : that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God,

n Ezek. xi. 19. I will give them one heart, and I will f ut a new fpi- rit within you, and Iwil! take the llony heart out of their fli^lh, and will give them an heart of flefh, Ezek. xxxvi, 26. A new heart alfo will \ give you, and a new fpirit will I put within you, and I will take away the ftony heart out of your flelh, and I will give you an heart of fled), v. 27, And I will put my Spirit with- in you, and caufe you to walk in my (latutes, and ye fhall ki?ep my judg- meets, iiad do them. John vi, 4j.

It is written in the prophets, And tKey,fhalI bs all taught of cod. £- very man therefore that hath heard, and iiath learqed of the Father, com- eth unto me.

0 tph. ii. 5. Even when we were dead in fins, hath quickened us to- gether with Chrifi, (by grace ye are faved.) Phih ii. 13. For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleafurew Dcut. XXX, 6. And the Lord thy cod will circumcifc thine heart, and the heart of thy feed, to love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy foul, that thou mayeft live.

68. p A(51s xiii. i^8. And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word ofthe Lord : and as many as were ordain- ed to eternal life, believed.

q Mat. X55.ii. 14, ^or many are called, but few are chofen.

/• Mat. vii. 22. Many fhall fay to me in that day. Lord, Lord, have we not prophefied in thy name? and in thy name have cait out de- vils I and in thy name have done many wonderful works I Mat. xiu. 20. But he that received the feed into ftony places, the fame is he that heareth the word, and anoa with joy receivelh it : v. 21. Y"et hath he not ro.->t in liimielf, but dmclh for a while : for\vbcn tribu- Q ^ kiioU

a 12 The Larger Catechifm.

grace ofFjpfed to them, being juftly left in their unbelief, do ne- ver truly come to Jelus ChriiiyT

0^69. What is the communion ingrace^ which the members of the invifihle church have with Chrijl f

A. The communion in grace, which the members of the in- vifible church have with Chrifl, is their partaking of the virtue of his mediation, in their jurtilication ^adoption v, fanftification, and whatever eife in this life manifefls their union with him w%

Q^ 7 o . What is jujlification ?

A. Juftification is an a6t of God's free grace unto fmners m, in


laiion or perfecntien arlfeth be- caufe of the word, by and by he is offended. Heb. vi. 4. For itMs impofiible for thofe who were once enlightened, and have tafted of the heavenly gift, and were made par- takers of the holy choft, v. 5. And liave tafted the good word of God, and the powers of thcworld to come, * V. 6. If they fhall fall away, to renew them again unto repentHnce. /John xii. 3B. That the faying of Efaias the prophet might be ful- filled, which he fpake, Lord, who harh believed our report i* and to whom hatli the arm of the Lord been revealed ? v, 39. Therefore they could not believe, becaufe that Kfaias faid again, v. 40, He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart, that they fhould not fee with their eyes, nor underfland with their heart, and be con- verted, and I (hould heal them. Ads xxviii. 25. And when they a- greed not among themfelves, they departed, after that Paul had {poken one v/ord. Well fpake the Holy Ghofl by Efaias the prophet, unto our fathers, v. 26* Saying, Go un- to this people, and fay, Hearing ye fliall hedr, and fhall not underftand ; und feeing ye fiiaii fee, and not per- ceive. V. 27. For the heart of this people is waxed grofs, and their cais are dull of hearing, gad their

eyes have thay clofed; left they fhould fee with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and underftand with their heart, and fhould be con- j& verted, and I fhould heal them* John vi. 64, Bat there are fome of you that believe not. For Jefus knew from the beginning, they who were that believed not, and who fnould betray him, 65. And he faid, Therefore faid I unto you, that no man can come unto me, ex cept it were given unto him of my Father. Pfal. Ixxxi. 11. But iny people would not hearken to my voice : and Ifrael would none of me. V. 12* So I gave them up unto their own hearts lufts : and they walked in their own counfels.

69. / Rom. viii. 30. Moreover, whom he did predeftinate, them he alfo called : and whom he called, them he alfo juftified : and whom he juftified, them he alfo glorified.

vEph. i. 5. Having predeftinated us unto the adoption of children by Jefus Chrift to himfelf, according to the good pleafure of bis will.

tw I Cor, i. 30. But of him are ye in Chrifi Jefus, who of God i& made unto us wifdom, and righte- oafnefs, and fan^tification, and re- deiXJpiion.

70. X Rom. iii. 221 Even the righleouffiefs <>f God which is by


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which he pardoneth all their fm, accepteth and accounteth their perfons righteous in his Tight >'; not for any.thing wrought in them, or done by them 'z, but only for the perfe*^ obedience and full fatisfa^lion of Chrift, by God imputed to them a^ and received by faith alone b,


^aith of Jefus Chrlft unto all, and ipon all them that believe ; for there is no difference, v. 84. Being jufti- fied freely by his giace, through the redemption that is in Jefus Chrlft : V, 25. Whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation thro' faith in his blood, to declare his righte- oufnefs for the remiflion of fins that |k are paft, through the forbearance of God. Rom, iv. 5. But to him that worketh not, but beJieveth on him that juftifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteoufne/s,

y 1 Cor. V, 19. To wit, that cod was in Chrlft, reconciling the world unto himfelf, not imputing their trefpaftes unto them ; and hath committed unto us the word of re- conciliation. V. 2r. For he hath made him to be fin for us, v/ho knew , no fin ; that we might be made the righteoufnefs of God in him. iii. 22. Even the righteoufnefs of God which is by faith of Jefus Chrift unto all, and upon ail them that believe : for there is no difTerence. V, 24. Being juftified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Jefus Chrift: f. 25. Whom cod hath fet forth to he a propitia- tion, through faith in his blood, to declare his righteoufnefs for the re- mifTion of fins that are paft, through the forbearance of God. v, 27. Where is boaliingthen ? It is ex- cluded. By what law ? of works ? Nay : but by the law of faith. 28. Therefore we conclude, that a man is juftified by faith without the deeds of the law.

z Tit. iii. J. Not by works of righteoufnefs, which we have done, but according to his mercy he faved us by the waftiing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghoft< *v, J. That being juftified by his grace we fliould be made heirs ac- cording to the hope of eternal Iife< Eph. i. 7. In whom we have re- demption through his blood, the forgivenefs of fins, according to he riches of his grace.

a * Rom. V. 17. For If by one man's offence, death reigned by one : much more they who receive abun- dance of grace, and of the gift of righteoufnefs, fhall reign in life by one, Jefus Chrift. v, r8» There- fore as by the offence of one, judg- ment came upon all men to con- demnation ; even fo by the righteouf- nefs of one, the free gift came upon all men unto juftiiication of life. v. 19. For as by One man's difobedi- ence many were made finners : fo by the obedience of one, fjiall many be made righteous. Rom. iv. 6. E- ven as David alfo defcribeth the blefTcdncfs of the man unto whom God imputeth righteoufnefs with out v/orks. V. 7. Saying, Blefled are they v/hofe iniquities are for- given, and whofo fins are covered* V. 8. Bleifed is the man to whem the Lord will not impute fin.

b Aas X. 43, To him gave sM the prophets witnefs, that through his name whofoever believeth in him, fhall receive remiflion of fins, call ii. 1 6. Knowing that a man is not juftified by the works of the law. 03



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Q^ 11. How \s jiijlijication an ad: of God* s free grace f A. Although Chrift by his obedience and death, did make a proper, real, and full fatisfa6tion to God's juflice in the be- half of them that are juftified c. yet in as much as God accep- te'ih the fatisfaftion froma furety ^^hich he might have demand- ed of them; and did provide this furety, his own only Son dy


but by the faith of Jefas Chrift, e- ven we have believed inJerusChrift ; that we might be juftified by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the law : for by the works of the law fliall no flc(h be juftifi- ed. Phil. iii. 9. And be found in liim, not having mine own righte- oufnefs, which is of the law, but that wtiich is through the faith of Ghrift, the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith.

7 I. c Rom. V, 8. But God-com- inendeth his love towards us, in that v;hile we were yet finners, Chrift died for us. v. 9. Much more then being now juftified by his blood, we Ihall be faved from wrath through him. v. 10. For if when we were enemies, we were reconcil- ed to God by the death of his Son: much more beirg reconciled, we fhall be faved by his life. v. 19. For as by one man's difobedience many vere made fiuners : fo by the obe dience of one ftiall many be made lighteous.

d I Tim. ii. 5. For there is one Cod, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Clnift Je- fus; V. 6. Who gave himfdfa ran- fom fur a)l,-i to be teftified in due time. Heb. x. 10. By the which will we are ran<51ified, thiough the ofTering of the bcxly of Jefus Chrift once for all. Mat. xx. 28. Even as the Son of man came not to be mi- riftred unto, but to minifter, and to give his life a ranfom for many. Pjin. ix. 24. Seventy weeks are de-

termined upon thy people, and u- pon thy holy city, /to firjifli the tranf- grtflion, and to make an end of fins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in ever- lafting righteoufnefs, and to fsai up the vifioo and propheey, and to a- noint the moft Holy. v. 26. and ^v after thrcefcore and two weeks ftjall Mefliah be cut off, but not for him- felf: and the people of the prince that fhall come, fiiall deliroy the city and fanduary, ancf the end thereof fhall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war, defolations are determined^ Ifa. liii. 4. Surely he hath born our griefs, and carried our forrows : yet we did efteem him ftricken, fmitten of God, and af- fli<5ted, V. 5. But he was wounded for our tranfgreflions, he was bruif- ed for our iniquities : the chaftife- ment of our peace was upon him, and with his ftripes we are healed, V- 6. All we like ftieep have gone aftray : we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. V. 10, Yet it pleafed the Lord to bruife him, he hath put him to grief : when thou fhalt make his foul an offering for fin, he fhall fee his {t^.d., he fliall prolong his days, and the pleafure of the Lord fhall profpei in his hand. v. 1 1 . He fhall fee of the travail of his foul and fliall be fatisfied ; by his knowledge fiiali my righteous feivanit juftify many; for he ll'iall bear their iniquities, v.


The Larger Catechifm. 215

imputing his righteoufnefs to them e, and requiring nothing of them for their julVificatioa but faith/, which alfo is his gift^, their juflification is to them of free grace h.

(172. What is juftifying faith f

A Jadiiying faith is a faving grace /, wrought in the heart of a fmner by the Spirit i, and word of God /, whereby he, be- ing convinced of his fm and mifcry,and of the difabiiity in him- felf and all other creatures to recover him out of his lofl condi- tion,

V ^■

of yourfelves : it is the gift of God.

h Eph.i. 7. In wiioni we have redemption through his blood, the forgivenefs of fins, according to the riches of Jiis grace.

72. / Heb. X. 39. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdi-

12. Therefore will I divide him a portion with the great, and he fhall divide the fpoil with the ftrong : be- caufe he hath poured ouf his foul unto death ; and he was numbred with the tranfgreflbrs, and he bare the fin of many, and made inter- cefFion for the tranfgreflbrs. Heb. ii. 22. By fo much was jefus made a furety of a better teftament. Rom. viii, 32. He that fpared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how (liall he not with him alfo freely give us all things ? i Pet. i. r8. For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corrup- tible things, as filverand gold, from your vain converfatioa received by tradition from your fathers ; v. 19, But with the precious blood of Ghrift, as of a lamb without blemiili and without fpot.

e 2 Cor, V. 21. For he hath made him to be fin for us who knew no fin; that we might be made the righteoufnefs of God in him.

/ Rom, iii. 24. Being judified freely by his grace, through the re- demption that is in Jefus Ghrill : v. 25. Whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation Airough faith in his blood, to declare his righteouf- nefs for the remiflion of fins that are^ paft, through the forbearance of God.

g Eph. ii. 8. For4>y grace are ye faVed, through faith j and that not

tion ; but of them that believe to the faving of the foul.

k 2' Cor. iv. 13. We having the fame fpirit of faith, according as it is written, 1 believed, and therefore have I fpoken : wealfobeheve, and therefore fpeak. Eph.i. 17. That the God of our Lord jefus Chii(t, the Father of glory, may give unto you tlie fpirit of wifdom and revela- tion, in the knowledge of him : v. 18. The eyes of your underflanding being enhghlened; ^hat ye may know what is the hope of his cal- ling ; and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the faints* V. 19. And what is the exceeding greatnefs ofhis power to uswaid, 1 who believe, according to the work- ing of his nii^hiy power.

/ Rom. X. 14. How thenihall they call on him in whom they have not believed ? and hov/ fhall they believe in him of whom they have not heard ? and how Ihail they hear without a preacher ? * v. 17. So then, faith cometh by hear- ing, and hearing by the word of


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tion w, nor only alTenteth to the ti-uth of the pr omife of the gorT- pel w, but receiveth and refleth upon Chrifl: and his righteouf- nefs therein held forth, for pardon of fin c, and for the acccp* tinai and accounting of his perfon righteous in the fight of God for falvation p.

Q. 7 '■;. How doth faith juflify afinner in the fight of God ?

/I. Faith juftifies a finner in the fight of God, not becaufe of thofe other graces which do always accompany it, or of good works that are the fruits of it q; nor as if the grace of faith or any a£l thereof, were imputed to him for his juflification r; but only as it is an inftrumenr, by which he receiveth and^applieth Chrifl and his righteoufnefi/


tn A<5ls IT. q|7» Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts, and faid unto Peter, and to the refl of the apoftles, Men and brethren, what fliajl v/e do ? ^<5ls X'i, 30. And brought them out, and faid, Sirs, what mud: I do to be laved ? John xvi. 2. And when he is come, he will reprove the ■world of fin, and of righteoufnefci, and of judgment : v. 9. Of {In, be- caufe they believe not in me. Rem. V. 6. For v/hen we were yet with- out ftrength, in due time Chriil died for the ungodly. Eph. ii. r. i^nd. you hath he quickened, who were dead in trefpaffes and (jns. Ads Iv. 12. Neither is there falva- tion in any other ; for th^re is none other name under heaven given a- mong men whereby rae mull be iaved.

n Heb. i. iq. In whom ye alfo trufted after that 3-e heard the word of 11. J, the gofrel of your falva- tion, in whom alfo after that ye beheved, ye were feakd with that ^oly Spirit of promife. ( « John 1. 12. Kut as many as re- ceived him, to them gave he power to become the funs of God, cve/i to th^.-n_ th^t beUeve on his naiiuc, A^%

xvi. 3I4 And they faid, believe on the Lord jefus Chrift, and thoa flialt be faved, and thy houfe. Ads X. 43, To him gave all the prophets witnefs, That through his name whofoever believeth in him, (hall receive remillion of fins. ...

p Phil. iii. 9. And be found in him, not leaving mine own righteoufnefs, which is of the ];iw, but that which is through the faith of Chrifl:, the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith. A(5t3 xv. 11. But we believe that through the gr^ce of our Lord Jcfus Chrift we fhall be-iaved even as they.

73. 2' Gal. iii. II. But that no man is ju/lified by the law in the fight of God, it is evident : for. The jufl fhall live by faiib. Rom. iii. 28. Therefore we conclude, that a man is juflified by fiiith without the deeds of the law.

r Rom. iv. 5, But to hiiii that worketh not, but believeth on him that juflinerh the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteoufnefs. Com- pared with Rom.. X. lOi Tor with the heart man believeth unto righ- teoufnefs, and with the mouth con- ft^Tion is made unto falvation. /joho i. 22. But as nuny as ie- Cs:ivecl

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Q^ 74. What is adopt ion f

A. Adoption is an a(£t of the free grace of God t, in and for his only Son Jefus Chrifl Vy whereby ali thofe that are juftified arc received into 'the number of his children u\ have his name put upon them a*, the Spirit of his Son given to thcm^, arc under his fatherly care and difpenfationsz, admitted ro ail the liberties and privileges of the fons of God, made heirs of all the promifes, and fellovjr- heirs wiih Chrifl in glory a.

ccived him, to ttiem gave he power to become the fons of God, even to them that believe on his came, Phil. iii. 9. And be found in him, not having mine own righteoufnefs, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith. Gal. ii. 16, Knowing that a man is not juftified by the works of the law, but by the faith of jefus Chrift, even we have believed in Je- fus Chrift, that we might be jufti- fied by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the law : for by the works of the law ftiail no fleft be juftified.

74, / I John iii, j. Behold, what manner of love the Father hath te- flowed upon us, that we Ihould be called the fons of cod.

V Eph. i. 5- Having predeftinated us to tlie adoption of children, by jefus Chrift to himfelf, accoiding to the good pleafure of his will cal. iv. 4. But when the fulnefs of the time was ccme, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law, V. 5. To redeem them that were under the lav/, that we might receive the adoption of fons*

nv John i. 12. But as many as re- ceived him, to them gave he power to become the fons of God, even to th^m that believe on his name.

X 2 Cor. vi. 18. And will be a Father unto you, and ye (hall be my fons aod d?ughters, f?.iih the Lord almightyi Kev. iii. 12. Him that overccmeth, will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he (hall go no more out : and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of ray cod, which is new Jerufalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God : and 1 wiii write upon him my new name.

y GJif. iv. 6. And becaufe ye are fons, God hath fent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father,

z Pfali ciii. 13. Like as a father pivleth his xhiidren : fo the Lord pitieth them that fear him. Prov, xiv. 26 In the fear of the Lord is ftrong ccnildence : and his children (hail have a place of refuge. Mat. vi. 32. For your heavenly Father knowcih that ye have need of all thefe things.

a Heb. vi. 12 That ye be n>t (lothful, but followers of them, who through faith and patience in- herit the prornifes. Rom. viii. 17. And if children, then heirs ; heirs of God, and joint heirs wit 1 Chrift : if (b be that we fuffcr with him, that we may be alfo glorified toge- ther.


2r8 The Larger Catechifm,

Q^ 75. What is fanclijication?

A. Sanctification is a work of God's grace, whereby they whom God hath before the foundation o\ the world chofen to be holy, are in time, through the powerful operation of his Spirit ^, applying the death and relurre<ftion of Chriil unto them Cy renewed in their whole man after the image of God d\ having the feeds of repentance unto life, and ail oiher faving graces put into their hearts>, and thofe graces fo ftirred up, increafed and (Irengthenedy) as that they more and more die


75/ ^ Eph. i. 4. According as he liaih chofen hs in bim, before the foundation of the world, that -we fhoaid be holy, and without blame before him in love, i Cor, v. 11. And fuch were fome of you : but ye are wafhed, but ye are fanftified, bat ye are juflified in the name of the Lord Jefus. and by (he Spirit of our God. 2 The/I, ii. 13. But we are bound to give thanks to God alway for you, brethren, beloved of the Lord, becaufe God hath from the beginning chofen you to falvati- on, through iandification of the Spi- rit, and belief of the truth.

c Rom. vi. 4. Therefore we are buried with him by baptifm into death : that like as Chrift was raifed up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo we alfo fliould walk in newnefs of life, v, 5. For if we have been planted together in the likenefs of his death : we fliall be alfo in the likenefs of his refur- re<?lion : v, 6. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of fm might be de- ftroyed, that henctforth we fhould not ferve fin.

^Eph. iv, 23. And be renewed in the fpirit of your mind; v. 24. And that ye put on the newmaa, which after cod is created in righ- leoufnefs, and true holinefs.

Ads xi. 18. When they heard

thefe thing?, they held their peace, and glorified cod, faying, Thea hath G< d alfo to the G entiles grant- ed repentance unto life, i John iii. 9. Whofoever is born of cod doth not commit fin ; for his feed remain- cth in him ; and he Cannot fin, be- caufe he is born of God.

/ Jude 20i Ettt ye beloved, build- ing up yourfelves on your mofl: holy faith, praying in the Holy choft. Heb. vi. II. And we defire that e- very one of you do fiiew the fame diligence, to the full affurance of hope unto the end : v. 12. That ye be not flothful, but followers of them, who through faith and patience inherit the promifes. Ephi iii. id. That he would grant you, accord- ing to the riches of his glory, to be ftrengtliened with might, by his Spirit in the inner-man; v. 17, That Ghrift may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being root- ed and grounded in love, v. 18. May be able to compreliend with all faints, what is the breadth and length, and depth, and height, v. 1 9. And to know the love of Chrift, which pafierh knowledge, that ye might be filled with 'A\ the fulnefs of God, Col. i. 10. That ye might walk worthy of the Lord, unto all pleafing, being fruitful in every good work, and increafing in the knowledge of cod ; v. 1 1. Strength- coed

The Larger Catechifm, 21^

unto fin, and rife unto newnefs of life ^. Q^ 76. What is repentance unto Itjef A, Repentance unto life is a faving grace h, wrougUt 10 tjie heart of a finnej" by the Spirit i and word of God k^ w hereby out of the fight and fenfe, not only of the danger /, but alfo of the fikhinefs and odioufnefs of his fins m, and upon the apprc-


eneiJ with all might according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long-rufFering with joyfulnefs.

^ Rom. vi. 4. Therefore we are buried with him by baptifm into death : that like as Chriit was raifed up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo we alfo fhould r^? walk in newnefs of life. v. 6. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of fin might be deftroyed, that hence- forth we (hould notferve fin. v. 14. For fm Ihail not have dominion o- ver you : for ye are not under the lav/, but under grace. Gal. v, 24. And they that are Chrift's have Cru- citied the flelli, with the affeftions and kids.

79. ^ 2 Tim. ii. 25. In meeknefs inftrucling thofe that oppofe thera- felves ; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknow- ledging of the truth,

/ Zeeh, xii. 10. And I will pour upon the houfe of David, and upon the inhabitants of jerufalem, the fpirit of grace and of fupplications ; and they fhall Icok upon me v/honi they have pierced, and they fliall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only fon ; and ihail be in bitter- nefs for him, as one that is in bitter- ncfs lor his firft born.

k A<5ls xi. 18. "When they heard thefe things, they held their peace, and glorified God, Taying, Then hath God alfo to the Gentiles grant- ed repentance unto HFe. v. 20. And feme of them were men of Cyprus

and Gyrene, who when they were come to Antioch, fpake unto the Grecians, preachirg the Lord JefuF. V. 21. And the hand of the Lord was wit h them : 'Sind a great num- ber believed, and turned unto the Lord.

/ Ezek. xviii. 23. Becaufe he con- (idereth and turneth away from all his tranfgreflicns that he hath com- mitted, he fliall furely live, he fliall not die. v. 30. Tiierefore I will judge you, O houfe of Ifrael, every one according to his ways, fuch the Lord God: repent, and turn your- felves from all your tranfgrcfTions ; fo iniquity fhali not be your ruin^ V. 33. For I have no plcafure in the death of him that dieth, faith the Lord God, wherefore turn ycur- felves, and live ye. Luke xv. i 7, And when he came to himfelf, he faid, How many hired fervants of my father's have bread enough, and to fpare, and I perifli with hunger ! V. 18. I will arife, and go to my father, and will fay unto him. Fa- ther, I have finned againfl heaven, and before thee. Hof. ii. 6. There- fore behold, 1 will hedge up thy way wiih thorns, and make a wall, that (he fliall not find her paths, v, 7. And fhe (hall follow after her lovers, but (he (Iiall not overtake them ; and ftie (hall feek them, but fhall not find them : then ihail (he fay, I will go and return to my firfl: hufband, for then was it better with nie than now.

m Ezek. xxxvi. 31. Then (hall ye remem'

22 o The Larger Catechijm,

hcnfion of God's mercy in Chrifl, to fuch as arc penitent n, he fo grieves for (?, and hates his fins />, as that he turns from them all to God q, purpofmg and endeavouring conftantly to walk with him in all the ways of new obedience r.

Tcmembcr your own evil ways, and your doings that were not good, and (hall lothe yourfelves in your own fight, for your iniquities, and for your abominations, Ifa. xxx. 22. Ye (hall defile all the covering of thy graven images of filver, and the or- nament of thy molten images of gold : thou fhalt caft there away as a menftruous cloth ; thou flialt fay unio it. Get thee hence.

n joel ii. 1 2. Therefore alfo now, faith the Lord, Turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fad- ing, and with weeping, and with muurning. v. 13. And rent your heart and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God : for he is gracious and merciful, flow to anger, and of great kindnefs, and repenteth liim of the evil.

0 Jer. xxxi. 18. I have furely heard Ephraim bemoaning himfelf tlius, Thou ha/l chaftiled me, and I was chaft;fed, as a bullock unac- cuftomed to the yoke : Turn thou me, and I fhall be turned; for thoa art the Lord my cod. v. 19. Sure- ly after that I was turned, 1 repent- ed ; and after that I was intruded, I fmote upon my thigh : f was a- fltamed, yea, even coi.founded, be- caule I did bear the reproacli of my youth.

p 2 Cor. vii. II. For behold this felf-fame thing that ye forrowed 'af- ter a godly fort, wliat carefulnefs it wrought in you, yea, what clearing of yourfelves, yea, what indignati- on, yea, what fear, yea, what ve- hement defire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge : in all things ye hiive

approved yourfelves to be clear in this matter. v ^^

q A(5ls xxvi. 18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from dark- nefs to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may re- ceive forgivenefs of fins, and inhe- ritance among them who are fanc- tified by faith that is in me. Ezek. xiv. 6. Therefore fay unto the houfe of Ifiael, thus- faith the Lord cod. Repent and turn yourfel?es from your idols, and turn away your fa- ces from all your abominations. 1 Kings viii. .47, Yet if they fhall bethink themfelves in the land whi' ther they were carried captives, and repent, and make fupplication to thee in the land of them that carri- ed them captives, faying, We have finned, and have done pervierfely, we have committed wickednefs ; v. 48, And fo return unto thee with all their heart and with all their foul.

r Pfal. cxix. 6. Then fhall not I be afiiamed, when 1 have refpe^ un- to all my cominandments. v. 59. 1 thought on my ways, and turned ray feet unto thy teilimoniesi v. 1 28. Therefore I efteeni all thy precepts concerning .all things to be right, and I hate every falfe way. Luke i, 6. And they were both righteous before God, walking in all ihe com- mandments and ordinances of the Lord, blamelefs. 2 Kings xxiii. 25* And like unto him was there no king before him, that turned to the Lord with all his heart, and with all his foul, and with all his might, accordiog to all the law of Mofes; neither

The Larger CaUchifm. 221

Q^ 77. Wherein do ji^jVificatton and fan^ificatlon differ? A. Although ran6iitication be infeparably joined witci jufliii- cationyjyet they differ, in that God in judification imputeth the righteoiifnefs of Chrifl/; in faniflification his Spirit infufeth grace, and enableth to the exercife thereof -y; in the former, fin is pardoned iv\ in the other, it is fubdued.v; the one doth e- qually free all believers from the revenging wrath of God, and >.that perf e^fkly in this life, that they never fall into condemnati- on jy; the other is neither equal in all z, nor in this life perfed

reltlier after him arofe there any like him*

77./1»ii. ^nd fuch were fome of you : but ye are v/afhed, but ye are fandified, but ye are juftified in the name of the Lord Jefus, and by the Spirit of our God. iCor.i. 30. But of him are ye in Chrift jefus, who of God is made anto us vvif- (dom, and righteoufnefs, and fandi- ficatJon, and redempiioni

/ Rom. iv. 6. Even as David alfo defcribeth the blelTednefs of the man unto whom God imputeth righteoufnefs without works, v. 8. BlefTed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute fin.

vEzek. xxxvi. 27. And I willput my Spirit within you, and caufe you to walk in my ftatutes, and ye (hall keep my judgments, and do them. nwRom. iii. 24. Being juftified free- ly by his grace, through the redemp- tion that is in Jefus Chrift : v. 25. AVhom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation, through faith in his blood, to declare his righteoufnefs for the remiflion of fins that are part, through the forbearance of God.

X Rom. vi, 6. Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of fin might be de- ftroyed, that henceforth we fliould not ferve fin. v. 14. For fin (hall not haye dominion over you : for ye

are not under the law, but nnder grace,

y Rom. viii, 33. Who (hall lay any thing to the charge of cod's eled ? It is God that juftifieth : v. 34. Who is he that condemneth ? it is Chrift that died, yea rather that is rifen a- gain, who is even at the right hand of Cod, who alfo makeih ini^rcef- fion tor us.

2 I John ii. 12. 1 write unto you, little children, becaufe your fins are forgiven you for his name's fake. t. 13. I write unto you, fathers, be- caufe ye have Vnown him that is from the beginning, I write unto you, young men, becaufe ye liave o- vercome the wicked one. I writeun- to you, little children, becaufe ye have known the Father, v. 14. I have written unto you, fathers, be- caufe ye have known him that is from the beginning, I have written un- to you, young men, becaufe ye are (Irong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. Heb, v. 12. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you a- gain which be the firft principles of the oracles of God ; and are become fuch as have need of milk, and not of ilrong meat. v. 13. For everyone that uleih milk,.is unskilful in the word of righteoufnefs, for he is a


the Larger CatechiftTU

in any a, but growing up to perfeaion b, , .

Q^ 78. Whence arifeth the imperfe6lion of fanCliJication m

believer sf ^ . . , ,. •/■ 1 r

A, Theimperfeaion of fanaification in believers arileth from the remnants of fin abiding in every part of them, and the per- petual luftings of the flelh againfl the fpirit; whereby they are often foiled with temptations, and fall into many fms c, are hicdred in all their fpiritual fervices^, and their beft works are imperfeft and defiled in the fight of God e, ^ Q. 7... May not true believers by reafon of their imperfeflions, ^^^^ -^ and

babe. v. 14. But ftrong meat be- longeth to them that are of full age, even thofe who, by realon of ufe, have their fenfesexercifed to difcern both good and evil.

a I John i. 8. And if we fay that ve have no rin,we deceive ourfelves, and the truth is not in us. v. i o. If we fay that we have not finned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in ns.

h 2 Cor. vii. I. Having therefore thefe promifes, dearly beloved. Jet us cleanfe cnrfelves from all filthi- nef* of the fle(h and fpirit, perfed- ing holinefs in the fear of cod. Phil, iii. 12. Not as though I bad already attained, either were already per- fe<5l : but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which alfo I am apprehended ofChrift jefus. v. 13. Brethren, I ccunt not myfelf to have apprehended : but this one thing I do, forgetting thofe things which are behind, and reaching forth unto thofe things which are before, v. 14. I prefs towards the mark, for the prize of the high cal- ling of God in ChfiA jefus.

7S. c Rom. vii. 18. For I know that in me, (that is, in my flefh) dwtlleth no good tbir.g : for to will is pr-wfent with me, bur how to per- form that which is gorjd, I find not. T. 2?. But I fee another law in my mawibers, warring againft the law

<>f my mind, and bringiRg me into captivity to the law of fin, which is in my members. Mark xiv. 66. to the end. And as Peter was beneath in the palace, there cometh one of the maids of the high priefts, &c. Gal. ii. II, But' when Peter was come to Antioch, I withflood him to the face, becaufe he was to be blamed, v. 12. Fer befere that cer- tain came from James, he ^'A eat with the Gentiles ; but when they were come, he withdrew, and fepa- rated himfelf, fearing them who were of the circumcifion.

d Heb. xii. i. Wherefore, feeing we alfo are compared about with lb great a cloud of witneiTes, let us lay afide every weight, and the fin which doth fo eafily befet us, and let us run with patience the race that is fet before us.

e Ifa. Ixiv. 6. Bat we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righte- cufnefTes are as filthy rags, and we all do fade as a leaf, ^nd our ini- quities, like the wind, have taken us away. Exod. xxviii. 38, And it r.iall be upon Aaron's forehead, that Aaron may. bear the iniquity of the holy things, which the children oi Ifrael (hall hallow in all their holy gifts : and it (hall be always upon his forehead, tliat they may be ac- cepted before the Lord.


The liitrger Catnhifm, 225

and the temptations a?id ftns they%re overtaken with, fall a- IV a^ from the Jl ate of grace f

A, True believers, by reafon of the unchangeable love of God/ and his decree and covenant to give them perfeverance ^, their inieparable union with Chriil /^,'his continual intercefEon for thein /, and the Spirit and leed of God abiding in themyf, can neirher totally nor finally fall away from the Hate of grace/ but are kept by the power of God thro' faith unto falvadon m,

Q: 80. Can true belivers be infallibly affured that they are in the ejlate of grace, and that they Jh all perfevere therein un- to fahat ion f

A. Such

79-/ J<?r- xxxi. 3.The Lord hath appeared of old unto me, faying, Vea, I have loved thee with an ever- lafting love ; therefore with loving kindnefs have I drawn thee,

g 2 Tim. ii. 19, Neverthelefs the foundation of God ftandeth fure, having this feal, The Lord knoweth tliem that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Chrift depart from iniquity. Heb. xiii. 20. Now the God of peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jefus, that great fiiepherd of the fheep, through the blood of the everlaftmg covenant, v. 21. Make you perfed: in erery good work to do hi^ will, v/orking in yeu that which is weli- pleafing in his fight, through jefus Chriil ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. 2 Sam, xxiii. 5. Although my houfe be not fo with God ; yet he hath made with me an everlafting covenant, ordered iaall tilings and fure : for this is all my falvation, and all my defire, altho' he make it not to grow.

/> I Cor. i. 8. Who ftiallalfo con- firm you unto the end, that ye may be blamekfs in the day of our Lord jefus Chrift: v. 9. God -is faithful, by v/hom ye were called unto the ^eilowlhip of his Son jefus Giuift

our Lord.

/ Heb. vii. 2^. Wherefore he is

able alfo to fave them to the utter- moft, that come unto cod by him, feeing he ever liveth to make inter- ccffion for them. Luke xxii. 32. But I have prayed for thee,that ihy faith fail not ; and when thou art convert- ed, ftrengthen thy brethren.

i I John iii. 9. Whofoever is bom

of God, doth not commit fin ; for his feed remaineth in him and he cannot fni, bccaufe he is born of Godi I John ii. 27. But the anoint- ing which ye have received of him, ahideth in you : and ye need not that any man teach you : b«t as the fame anointing teacheih you of aii things, and is truth, and is no lie : and e- ven as it hath taught you, ye ftiall abide in him.

/ jer. xxxii. 40. And I w>ll make an everlaftir.g covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good ; but I will put my fear in tlieir hearts, that they (hall not depart from me. john x. 28. And I give unto them eternal life, ^nd they fhall never perifh, neither fhall any pluck them out of my hand.

M I Pet. i. 5. Who are kept by the power of cod through faith un- to

2 24 T^^c Larger C^techi/m.

A. Such as truly believe in Chrift,- and endeavour to walk in all good confcience before him«, may, without extraordinary revelation, by faith grounded upon the truth of God's promi- fcs, and by the Spirit enabling them to difcern in thenifelves thofe graces to which the promifes of life are made o, and bearing witnefs with their fpirits that they are the children of God />, be infallibly affured that they are in the eftate of grace; and {hall perfevere therein unto falvation 5'. .

Q^ Hi, A^e all true believers at all times ajpured of their pre^ fent being in the eftate of grace, and that they /hall befavedf

A. Affurance of grace and falvation not being of the eflence of faith r, true believers may wait long before they obtain it/;


to falvation, ready to be revealed in the !a^ time,

80. n I John ii. 3. And hereby we, do know that we know him, if we keep his comirjandments.

9 I Cor, ii. 12. Now we hare re- ceived, not the fpliit of the world, but the fpirit which is of God ; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of cod. i John iii. 14. We know that we have paiTed from death unto life, becaufe we love the brethren : he that loveth not hi3 brother, abideih in deatlu V. 1 8. My little children, let U3 not Jove in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth, v. 19. And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and ihall alTure our hearts be- fore him. V. 21. Beloved, if our hear condemn us nor, then we have con- fidence to v/ards God. V. 24. And be that keepeth his commandments, dwelleih in him, and he in him : and hereby we know that he abid- eth in us, by the Spirit which he haih given us. i John iv. 13; Here- by we know that we dwell in him, and he in us, becaufe he hath giverk us of liis Spiiii. v. i6. And v/e have known, and beli:ved the Jove that God hath to us* Cod is lo?e ; and

he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God, and cod in him. Heb. vi. II. And we defire, that every one of you do (hew the fame diligence, to the full afTurance of 'hope unto the end; v. 12. That ye be not flothful, but followers of them, who through faith and patience inherit the promifes.

p Rom. viii. 16. The Spirit itfelf beareth witnefs with our fpirit, ihal we are the children of God.

f I John V. 1 3, Thefe things have I written unto you, that bt;lieve on the name of the Son of cod, that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of cod.

81. r Ephi I. 13, In wVom ye alfo trufled after that ye feeard the word of truth, the gofpel of our falvation : in whom alfo after that ye believed, ye were fealed with that holy Spirit of promife,

y*lfa. 1. 10. Who is among yoa that feareth the Lord, that obeyeth the voice of his fervant, that wtilk- eih in darknefs, and hath no light I let him truft in tt.e Lord, and (lay upon his God. Pfal. Ixxxviii. through- out. V. T, O Lord God of .iiy falva- tion, I have cried day and night be- fore

The Lar^/r Catechifm. 225

Rnd, after the enjoyment thereof, may have it weakened and intermitted, through manifold diilempers, fms, temptations and defer tions t : yet are they never left without fuch a pie- fence and fupport of the Spirit of Go J, as keeps them from finking into Uiter deQ^air v.

Q. 82.

fore thee, v, 2. Let my prayer come before thee : incline thine ear unto my cry. v. 3. For my (oul is full of trouble : and my life draweth nigli unto the grave,— -v. 6, Thou haft laid mt m the loweft pit, in dark- nefs, in the deeps, v. 7. Thy wrath lieih hard upon me, and thou haft affll^ed nic \yith all thy waves. Se- !ah. V. 7. Mine eye mouincth by Tcafon of aifli^ion : Lord, I have called daily upon thee, I have ftretched oat my hands unto thee. V. 10. Wilt thou fliew wonders to the dead.^— V, 1%, But unto thee have I cried, O Lord, and in the morning (hail my prayer prevent thee, V, 14. Lord, why cafteft thou o^ my foul ? why hideft thou thy f»ce from me ? v. 15. 1 am afflicted and ready to/lle, from my youth up, while I fuffer thy terrors, I am dif- traifled, &c,

/(Pfal.lxxvii. I. to the 12. verfe.) V. I.I cried unto thee with my voice: even unto God with my voice, and he gave ear unto me. v. 2. In the day of my trouble I fought the Lord; my fore ran in tiie night, and ceafed not : my foul refufed to be comforted, v. q. I remembered God, and was troubled : I complain. cd, and my fpirit was overwhelm- ed.—v. 7. Will the Lord caft off for ever ? and will ht be favourable no more ^ &c» Cant, v. 2. I lleep, but my heart waketh : it is the voice of my beloved t!:^t knocketh, fay- ing. Open to mc, my (ifter, my love, niy doye, my unclefilcd : for my .

head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the nigtit. v. 3. I have put off my coat, how /hail I put it on .^ I have wafhed my feet, how fhall I defile them ? v, 6, I o- pened to my bfelovcd, but my belov- ed haJ withdrawn hlmfelf, and was gone : my foul failed when he fpake: I fought him, but I could not Und him ; I called him, but he gave me no anfwer. Pfal. li. i. M^e me t(> hear joy and gladnefs : that the bones which thou haft broken, may fejoice. V. 12. Reftore unto me the joy of thy falvation, and uphold mq with thy free Spirit. Pfal, xxxi. 22. For I faid in my hafte, I am cut off from before thine eyes : neverthe- lefs thou hcardeft the voice of my fappli«ations,when I cried unto thee, Pfal. xxii. J. My God, my cod, why haft thou forfakeii mc ? wljy art thou fo far from helping mc, ai^ from the words of my roaring ?

V I John ili. 9. Whofoever is born of Goi, doth not commit fin; for his feed remaioetK in him : and he can- not (in, becaufe he is born of God. Jobxiii. 1 5, Though he ihy me, yet will I truft in him : but I will mainy tain mine own ways before hlm^ Pfal. Ixxiii. 1 5. If 1 fay, I will fpcak thus : behold, I (hould olfend againlfc the generation of thy children. 23. Neverthelcfs, 1 am continually with thee : thou haft hoJden me by my right hand, Ifa. liv. 7. For a fmal! moment hare I forfaken thee, but with great mercies will I gather theei V Se h\ a htile wrath I hid my V face

t2 6 The Larger Satcclifhi.

Q^ 8 >. What is, the communion in g^^ory, which the mem- hers of the invijible church have with Chrijlf

A. The commimion in glory, \7hich the members of the in vifi hie church have v/ith Chriil, is in this life w, immedi- ately after death ^, and at Isd perfedcd at the refarre^lioa ^nd day of judgment^'.

Q^ 85. What ts the C07n?nunim in glory with Chrijl which the members of the invifihle church enjcy in thii lifel

A, The members of the invifible church have communicated to them, in this life, the firil-fniirs of glory with Chrid, as they are members of him their Head, and fo in him are intereflcd in that glory which he is fuUy pofifeffed of 2:; and, as an earned thereof.enjoy the fenfe of God*s love^, peace of confciencc, joy in the Holy Ghoft, and hope of glory I?: as, on the contrary, fenfe of God's revenging \yrath, horror of confcicnCe^ and a fearful expeftation of judgment, are to the wicked the beginning


face fro;ii thee for a moment ; but witU everlafling kindnefs will I have tnercy en thee, faith t!;e Lord t!iy Kedeemer. v. 9, For this is as the %vater5 of Noah unto me : for as I have {worn that the waters of Noah fhould no more go over the earth ; fo have I fworn that I would not be xvroth with thee, nor rebuke thee. Vi 10. For the mountains Ihtll de- part, and the hills fhall be removed, but my kindnefs fnall not depart from thee, neither (lull the coveniot of my peace be removed, faith the Lord that hath mercy on thee,

82. iu 2 Cor. iii. 18. But we all V'ith open face beholding as in a ^lafs, the glory of the Lord, are changed into the fame image, from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

X Luke xxiii. 45. And jefus fitid unto him, Verily I fay unto thee. To day (halt thou be with me in pa- jadife.

y 1 ThcfT. iv. 17. Then we v/ho .ats aliv?, and remain, {hall be

caught up together with them ia the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and fo fliaU we ever be with the Lord. .

83. z Eph. ii. 5. Even when we weie dead iu fins, hath quickcneci i3s together with Chrift, (by grace ye are faved.) v. 6. And hath raif- cd us ap loghether, and made us fit t igeiher in heavenly places, in Chrift jefus.

a Rom. V. 5. Andhopcmakethnot afhanied, becaufe the love of God is (hed abroad in our hearts, by the Holy Ghoft which is given unto us. Compared with 2 Cor. i. 22. AVho alfo hath fealed us, and given the earned of the Spirit in our hearts.

b Rom, V. I . Therefore being juf- tified by fiith, wc have peace with God, through our Lord jefus Chrid. V. 2. By whom alfo we have accefs by fiith into this grace wherein wc (land, and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Rtrni. xiv. 17, For the kingdom of God is not mtat .^jnd drink, but rightsoufncls, aod peace,


The Larger Catechijrn. 227

of the torments, whicli they (hali endure after death c,

0^84. Sbnll all mmdiif

A. Death being threatened as the wages of fin t/, It is 3 p*. pointed unto all men once to diei?; for that all have finned/.

Q^'Ss. Death being the wa>^es of fin, why are not the righ^ teous delivered from deaths feeing all their fins are f«rgiven in Chrifir

A. The righteous fliall be delivered from death itfclf at the iafl day, and even in death are delivered from the (ling andcurfc of ir^, fo that, although they die, yet it is out of God's love h^ to free them perfe<flly from fm and mifery /, and to make them capable of further communion with Chrift in glory, which they


and joy in the Holy Ghofti .

c Gen. Iv. iji And Cain faid unto the Lord, My i)ur»i{hiTic:nt is greater than I can bear. Mat. xxvii. 4. Say- ing, I have finned, in that I have be- trayed the Inj^oceot bioc.d. And they laid, W)ut is that to us ? fee thou to that. Heb . >i. 27. But a certain fear- ful looking for of judgmeat, and fiery indignation, which Ihall devour the adverraries. Rom. ii. 9. Tribu- lation and anguifh upon every foul of man that doth evil, of the jew firft, and alfo of the Gentile. Mark ix. 44. Where their worm dicth not, and the fiie is not qucuched.

84. ^Rom. vi. 23. For the wages of fill is death; but the gift of cod is eternal Hfe through Jefus Chrift our Lord.

e Heb. ix. 27. And as it is ap- pointed unto rnen once to die, but after this the judgment.

yRom. V. 12. Wherefore, as by one man fin entered into the world, and deat!\ by fin : and fo death paf- fed upon all men, for that ail have finnedi

85.^1 Cor. XV. 26. The Iafl ene- my that rtiali be dcltroyed, is death. * V. 55. 0 death, where is thy (tiog.^ O grave, -.yhprs is ihy vi^o^y ? v , 5

The fting of death is Co, and the ftrength of fin is the law. v. 57. Bat thanks be to cod, who givet!i us the vidory, through our Lord Jefus Glwift. Heb. ii. 15. And deliver them who through fear of death, were all their life-time fubjedt to bondage.

h Ifa. Ivii. I . The righteous periih* eth, and no man layeth it to heart : and merciful men are taken away, none confide ring that the righteous are taken away from the evil ta come. V. He fliali enter into peacc» they fhall reft in their beds, each one walking in his uprightncfs, 2 Kings xxii. 20. Behold, therefore, 1 will g^ither thee unto thy fathers, and thou fiialt be gathered into thy grave in peace, and thine eyeg fhall not fee all the evil which i will bring upon this place.

/ Rev. xiv. f ^. And I heard a voice from he4ven, faying unto me, AVi ite, Ble/fed arc the dead v/ho die in the Lord, from henceforth : Yea, faith the Spirit, that they may re(i: from their labours ; and their works do follow tiiCtr:* Eph. v. 27. That he might prefect it ta himfelf a glori- ous church, net having fpot or .wriiiklCi gr any fuch thing, but that P 3 «

2:3 The Larger Catechifnt,

then enter upon h

Q^ 86. Wkat is the communion in glory with ChriJI, which the members of the itmfible church enjoy immediately after death ? ^ A. The communion in glory with Chrid, which the mem- bers of the invifible church enjoy immediately after death, is in tliat iheir fouls are then made perfe(fl in holinefs /, and received into the highefl: heavens ;w, vi'here they behold the face of God iQ light and glory ;r, vi-aiting for the full redemption of their bo- dies Oy which even in death continue united to Chrlfl/?, and reft in their graves as in their beds q, till at the lad day they be a- crain united to their fouls r. Whereas the fouls of the wicked are


it ftiould beholy, and \yIthocit ble-

k Luke xxiii. 451 And JefuR fald unto him. Verily i fay unto thte, To day (hall thou be with me in paradife. Phil. 1. 23. For I am in a flrait beuvixt two, kaving a defire to depart, and to be with Chrrft ; ^vhich is far better/

86. /'Htibi xii» 23. To the general afiehibly and church of the firft born vhich iare written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the fpi« j-its of jti(t men made perfect.

m 2 Cor. V. r. For we know, that if our earthly houfe of this tabernt- cle were diffolved, v;e have a build- ing of ffod, an houfe not made with }iands, eternal in the lieavens. v. 6. Therefore we are always confident, knowing that wl^ili we are at home in the body, we are abfent from the Lord. V. 8. We are confident, I fay, and willing rather to be abfent from the body, and to be prefent with the Lord* Phil.i. 25, For I arain a (triit betwixt two, having a dcfirc to de- y\t\^ aad to be with Chrift; M'hich is fir beirer. Compared with Ads lii. 21. \Vhcm the heaven rnu/t re- c iyr, until the lifTr^s of refhtutioti .)F r.ll things, which God hath fpo- ken by the mouth of all his holy j^rophcts, "fnce the world began,

And with Eph, iv. 10, He that de- fcended, is the fame alfo ihat af- cended up far above all heavens,- that he might fill all things.

n I John ill. Bdovcd, noward we the Tons qf God, und it doth not yet appear ivhat v/e ihall be : but we kuow, that when he fhall appear we fliall be like tim ; for we ih?>li fee him as he is. i Cor. xiii. 12. For now v/e fee throUj^^h a glafs darkly, but then face to i'^zt : Now I know in part ; but then ihall 1 know even as alio I am known.

^Rom.viii. 23. And not only they, but ourfilves alfo.who have the lirlt- fruits of the Spirit, even onrfelves groan within eurfdves, v*alting for i^he adopticn, to wit, the redempti- on of our body. Pfal, xvi. 9, There- fore my heart is glad, and jny glory rejoiceth ; my flelh alfo fliall re{i iri hope, '

p iThef. iv. i4i For if wa believe thaJ Jefusdied and rofe aijain, even To them alfo who fiecp iri Jefus, will God brifig with him.

7 Ifai ivii. 2- He fliall enter into ■peace : they (hall reit in their beds,' each one walking in his uprighuiT (s. ' r Job xix. 26. And though after my skin, worms ddlroy this bodjl^ yet in my fieih Ihall I fee cod : v. 27. \^'hora I fiiaii fe« f©r myfel^>


The Larger CaUchifni» 229

Txt their death caft into hell, where they remain in torments and utter darknefs; «nd their bodies kept in their gravei,a3in their pri/bns, imril the relureflionand judgment of the great dayyT ' Q_ ^7- '^^^^ ^^^ '^^ io belUve concerning the refurreclion f A, We are to believe, that at the lad day there Ciall be a ge- neral rcfurreiftion of the dead, both of the jufl and uujufl t: when they that are then found alive fhall in a moment be chan- ged ; and the felf-famc bodies of the dead which were laid in the grave, beiug then again united to their fouls for ever, fhall be raifed up by the power of ChriH: v. The bodies of the jufl, by the Spirit of Chrift, and by virtue of his refurreclion as their head fliali be raifed in power, fpiritual, incorruptible, and made


and mine eyes fhall behold, aad not another ; the' my reins be coafura- cd withiJn me.

/Luke xvi, 25. And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and feeth Abraham afar off, and Laza- rus Id his bofom. v. 24. And he cri- «d and faid, Father, Abraham, have mercy on me, and fend Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my longue; for I am tonrtented in this flame. A6ls i, 2^. That he may take part of this mintiiry and apoille(hip, from which Judas by tranfgrellioQ fell, that he might go to his owa place. Jude 6. Aid the angels who kept not tUeir tirft eftate, but left their own habi- tation, he hath referved io everlaft- ing chains under darknefs, unro the judgment of the great day» v. 7. Even as Sodom and Gomonha, and xhe cities about them, in like man* ner giving themfelves over to for- nication, and going after (bange ilelh, are fet forth for an example, fdtFcring the vengeance of eternal iire»

87. / A<5ts xxiv. 15. And have hope towards cod, wh^tij, they themfelves alfo follow, that there fljail be a refarreaioa of the dead.

both of the juft and unjufl-.

V 1 Cor. XV. 51. Behold, I fhew you a niyflffry ; We (hall not all deep, but we fhall all be changed. V. 52. In a moment, in the twink- ling of an eye, at the laft trunip (for the trumpet fliall found) and the dead ihall be raifed incorruptible, and we faall be changed, v. 53. For tiiis corruptible mult put on incor- ruptlcn, and this mortal mull put on immortality, t Theff. iv. 15. For this wc fay unto you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and jemain unto the coming of the Lord, fnaJl not prevent them who are a- fleep, V, 1 6. For the Lord hinifelf fhall defcend from keaven with a ftiout, with the voice of ihe arch- angel, and with the trump of God, and tUe dead in Chrill fhall rifefirftt V. 17. Thtn we who are alive, and remain, fhall be caaght up together with them in the clouds, to meec the Lord in liie air : and fo fhall we ever be with the Lord. John' v. 28. Marvel noi at this ; for the hour is coining, ia tiie wiiich all that are ill the graves fluli hear his voice, v. 29. .^lid ri}ail «omc forth, th«y th^t have don^ good, unt6 tile reuurer- tion of hie j they that have done *-

«50 The Larger Catednfm.

like to his glorious body w : and the bodies of the Wicked fliall •be ralfed up in diflionour by him as an offended judge a*. Q^U^. What Jhall immediately follow after the rcjurt edion f A. Immediately after the refurreflionfhall. follow the gencr ral and final judgment of angels and men^ .- the day and hour whereof no man knoweth, that all may watch and pray, and be ever ready for the coming of the Lord z,


•sil, uoto the rclurrs^tion of damna» tion

nu I Cor. X f . 2 1 , For fince hy man c»me ^eiitK, by maD carae alfo the ifcfurre<Sion of the dead. v. 22. For as in Adam afJ die, even fo in Chrift f]:a!] all be- made alive - v. 23. But every man in his own order : Chrift the fir/i fruits, afterwards they tkat are Ghrifl's, at his coming, v. 42. So »lfo is xVp refurre<fU»n of the df Ad. It is fown in corruption, it is raifcd in incorruptioni ▼, 43. It is fown in diflionour, it is raifed in glory : it is fown in wcaknefs, it is raifed in power: v. 44. It is Town a natural body, it is raifed a fpiritual body. Phil. iii. 21. Who fhall change our vile body, that it may he fafhion^ ed like unto his glorious body, ac- cording to the working whereby he its able even to ftibdue all things un- to himfelf.

X John V. j:7. And ha»h given him ^juthority to execute judgment alfo, bccaufe he is the Son of man. v. 28. riarvel not at this ; for the hour is coming, in the which ^11 tha; are in ihe graves (lull hear his voice, v. 29. Ar\'\ fiiallcoine forth, they that have done good, unto the refurre<n:ion of iifc, and they ihr,t have done evil, unto the rcfurrcfiion of damnation. .Mat. XXV. 33. And he /hall {ct the •licep on hi? right hapd, but i^a ;goats on the kfr.

88.^' 2 Pet, ii. 4. For if God fpay- iJL not the ani^ls that finned, bu^

ca(^ them down to hell, and deliver- ed them into chains of darknefs, to be referved unto judgment. Jude 6. And the angels which kept not their firll eftate, but left their own habi- tation, he hath referved in everlaH:'' ing chains under darkntfs, unto the judgment of the great day. v. 7.^ Even as Sodom and Comorrha, and the cities about them, in like man- ner giving thcmfelves over to fornix catioM, and going after (Irange flefii, are fet forth for an example, fuffer, ing the vengeance of eternal fire, v, 14. And Enoch alfo, the feventh from Adam, prophefied of thefe, faying, Behold the Lord cometh vith ten thoufands of his faints, 16. To execute judgment upon alj, and to convince all that ave ungodly among them, of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their harj fpecches, which ungodly iinners have fpoken againft him, Mati xxv, 46. And theie (hall go away into everlafting puni(hment : but the righteous into life ciernah

z Mat. %y.\-7. 36. But of that day and hour knoiveih no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Fa- ther only. v. 42. Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour ycur Lord doth come. v. 44. Therefore be ye alfo ready t for in fuch an hour as you think not, the Son cfmaa comet h, lukexxi. 3 5. For as afnare fliall it en aj] them that dwell


The 'Larger Cattchifnu

0^89'. What pall he dune to the widedai the day of judgment?

A, At the day of judgincnt the wicked ihall be let on Chnft's iefthand a^ and upon clear evidence, and full conviction of their owa confcicnccs h^ lliall have the fearful but jafl fenience of cou- deinnation pronounced againfl them c; and thereupon fnail be caft out from the favourable prefence of God, and the glorious fellowflilp with Chriil:, his faintF,and all hii holy angels, into hell, to be punifhed with unfpcakabie torments both of body and foul, with the devil and his angels for ever d,

(^90. What Jh all hi done to the righteous at the day cf judgment f the. day of judgment, the righteous, being caught up to Chriftin the clouds e, Ihall be fet on his right hand, and there openly acknowledged and acquitted/, (liall join with him in the judging reprobate angels and men g: andfiiall be received into


00 the face of the whole earthy v. 36r Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to efcape aJi thefc things that (hall c«me to pafs, and to (land before the Son of man.

89. rtMat. XXV. 33. And he fliall fet the lliecp on his light hand, but the goats on tlie hh.

b Rom. ii* i j. Which fiiew the woik of the law written in their hearts, their confcicnce alfo bearing witnefs, and their thoughts the mean whil^ accufing or elfe cxcufjag one another, v, 16. In the day when cod <hail judge the fetrets of men by je- ius Chiilt, according to my gofpel.

c Mat. XXV. 41. Then flull he fay alfo unto them on the left hand, De- part from me ye curfed, into ever- lafting fire, prepared for the devil and his a«gels. v. 42. For I was an Ijungered, and ye pave me no meat: \ was thirfiy, and yegaveme no drink ; V. 43. i v/as a ftranger, and ye took me not in : nakeg', and ye clothed me not : fick, and in prifon, awd ye vifited me nor,

^Lukcxvi. id, Acd bcHdes all

this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed, fo that they ^ hich would pafs from hence to you, can- not; neither can they pafs to us, that would cpme frcm thence. 2 Their, i. 8. In flaming fiic, taking vengeance on them that know not Qo^^ and that obey not the gofpsl cf our Lord Jefus Chrift : v. 9. Who ^hali punifaed with everlafting defhuftion from the pVefcncc'of the Lord, and frum the glory of his power.

90. f r ThefT. iv. 16. Then we which are alive, and remain, fiiall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet ilie Lord in the air: and fo ftial* we ever be with th^ Lord.

/Mat. XX7. 33, And he (hall fet tk)e (lieep on his right hand, but the f oars on the left. Mat. x. 3 2. Who- ioever therefore fhall confcfs mc be- fore men, him will I cc nfef$ aJfo be- fore my Father which is in heatcn.

g I Ccr. vi. 2. Do ye not know

that the fainti (hall judge the. world?

and if the world (h»!l be.juJgtd^by

vou, are ye. unworthy to judge the

P 4 iinah

2 32 The Larger Cufechijm.

heaven h, wliere they fliall be fally and for ev«r freed from all fin and mifcry z ; filled with inconceivable joys i; made perfc^- ly holy and happy both in body and foul, in the company of in- numerable faints tnd angels /, butefpecially in the immediate vifion and fruition of God the Father, of our Lord Jcfus Chrift, and of the holy Spirit to all eternity m. And this is the perfeft and full communion, which the members of the invilible church fliall enjoy with Chrifl in glory, at the refurredion and day of judgment.

Having feen v/hat thcScripturcs principally teach us to believe concerning God, it follows to confider what they require as the duty oi man.

Q: 9 1 WHA T Is tbe duty which God requireth of man ? A, The duty v;hich God requireth of man, is obe-^


finallefr matters ? r. 3. Know ye not that ye fhall judge angels ? how much more then the things tliat pertain to this Jife ?

^Mat. itxr. 34. Then fiiall the King fay unto them on his light hand, Come ye ble/Tcd of my Fa- ther, inherit the kingdom prepared for you iVom the foundation of the world. V. 46. An<i thefefhall go a- vay into evcrlafting punifhment : but the righteous into life eternal.

/ Eph. r. 27. That he might pre* fent it to himfelf a glorious church, not having fpot or wrinkle, or any fuch thing, but that it fhpuld be ho- ly and ^^'ithout blemifh. Rev. xiv. 1:5. And I heard ^, voice from hea- ven, frying unto n-.e. Write, Bleifed ^re the dead which die in the Lord, from henceforth : yea, faith the Spi- rit, that they may vcft from their la- bours ; and their woiks do follow them,

k Pfal, xfi. II. Thoa wilt fnew irne the path of life: in tliy pre f^nce is fuJn^fs of joy, at thy ri^ht

hand there are pleafures for erer- more.

/Heb.xii. 22. But ye are copie un- to mount Sion, and unto the city of the living G\id.^ the heavenly jerufa- lem, and to an innumerable compa- ny of angels. V. 25. To the general ^ffembiy, and chuich of the firft- born which are written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the fpirifs of jufi: men made perfe<fi:.

m I John iii. g. Beloved, now are we the fbns of God, and it doth not yet appear what we fhali be : but we know that when he fhall appear we (hall be like him ; for we {hall fee him as he is, \ Cor. xiii. 1 2. For now we fee tht;ough a g'afs daikly, l>ut then face to face : now I know in part, but then fhall I know even as I am koown. I Theff. iv. 17. Then we who are a- live and remain, flull be caught up together with them in the clouds, to. meet the Lord in the air : and fc> fh»ll we ever be with the Lord. v. \%. Wherefore, comfort one anothci; tyith thefe words,

91, r/

Thd Larger Catechifni, 22 j

dlcnce to his revealed will ;;.

Q^ 92. What did God at firjl reveal unto man as the rlih of his obedience?

A, The rule of obedience revealed to Adam in the cdate of innocence, and to all mankind in him, befides a fp^cial com- mand not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, was the moral law 0,

Qj^ 95. What is the moral law f

A, The moral law is the declaration of the will of God 10 mankind, dire<^ing and binding every one to perfonal perfc(fk iind perpetual conformity and obedience thereunto, in the frame and difpofition of the whole man, foul and body/>, and in per-


9T. « Rom. xli, I. 1 befeech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye prefent yuur bodies a living facrifice,koly, and acceptable unto God, which Is your rcafcnabls fervice, v. 2. And be not conform- ed to this world ; but be ye tranf foriied by the renewing of your mini, that ye may^rove what is that good. ;^od t^cceptable, and per- fea will of God. Mic. vi. 8. He hath (hewed thee, O man, what is good ; and what doth the Lord re- c[ulre of thee, but to do juftly, and to iuve mercy, anJ to walk hum hiy with thy God ? i S^m. xv. 22, And Saniuel Hiid, Hath the Lord as great delight in bumi (>fl'»iring'5 and facrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord ? behold, to obey, is bet- ter than facrilice; and to hearken than the fat of rams.

92. 0 Gen, i. 26. And God faid, Let us make man in our image, af- ter our likenefs : and let them have dominion over the 6fli of the fsa, and over the fowl of tde Air, snd over ihe cattle, and over all the earth, and ovjir every creeping thing that creepah upon the earth, v. 27^ So God created nun in his own i- i^ia^e : in the iaia^c of God creaud

he hlra, male and female created he them, Rom ii. 14. For when the Gentiles who have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, thefe having not the law, are a law unto thcrafeives : v. 5. Who fnew the workct the law v<rit- ten in their hearts, their confcience alfo bearing witoefs, and their thoughts the mean while accufing, or elie excufing one another. Rom, X. 5. For Mofes defcribetb the righ« (couinefs which is pf the law, That the man wko doth thofe things ^hall live by them. Gee. ii. 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou fhalt not eat of it : for in the day that thou eatL^it thereof, thou flialt furcly die.

63./? Dent. V. I . i^ nd Mofes cal- led all ifrae], and faid unto thcns. Hear, O Urael, the {bn.tes and judgments which I fpeak in your cars this day, that ye may learn , them, and keep, and do them, vi 2. The Lord our God made a co venant wi'vh us in Horsb. t. 3. The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers, bat with us, even us, who are a I .f us hcxr ^hvc this day. V. 3 1 . Bur for thee, (land then iiere by me, Jind i will ipeak unto thee / ' ail

234 The Larger Cafechif/ti.

formance of all thofe duties of holinefs anchrightccnfncfs whkh he oweth to God and man q : promiirjg life upon the fulfilling, and thrcatning death upon the breach of it r.

Qi 94- ^^ i^^^^ ^«y ^f^ of the moral law to manfince the fall?

A Altho' no man, fince the fall, can attain to rightccufnefs and life by the moral law/; yet there is great ufc thereof as well common to all men, as peculiar cither to the uarcgenc* rate, or the regenerate /.

Ql 95' Of what ufe \s the moral hw to all menf

A. The moral law is of ufe to all men, to inform ihem of the holy nature and will of God ^y, and of their duty, binding them


all the commandments, and the (la- tutes, and the judgments which thou fnalt teach them, that they may do them in the land which I gave them to pofiefs it, v. 33. You ihall walk in all the ways which the Lord your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that you may proiorg your days in the land which ye fliall poflefs. Luke s. 26. He faid unto him. What is written in the lav/? how lesdcH: thou? V. 27. And he anfwering, fiid, Tliou ffialt love the Lord thy Goi with all thy heart, and with all thy fou), and with all thy ftrcngth, and with all thy mind; and thy reighbour as thyfelf. Gah iii, 10. For as many as arc of the works et the law, are unddr the curfe ; for It is written, Curfed is every one .that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them, r ThtiT. v, 23. And the very God of peace fanftify you "wSolIy: And I pray God, your whole fpirit and foul and body, be preferved blamelcfs unto the coming tof our Lord jtfus CbriH^.

q Luke i. 7;. In holinefs andrigh- teoufnefs before h^m all the days of our life: A<flsxxi7. 16. A^d herein

do I cxercife myfelf to have always a confcience void of offence both to* ward God and toward men,

r Rom. X. 5. For Mcfes defcribeth the righteoufnefs which is of the law, that the man which doth thofe things, ihall live by them. Gal. iii, 10. For as many as are of the works cf the law, are under the curfe : for it is written, Curfed is every one that continucth not in all things which are written in the bock of ike law to do them, v, 1 2. And the law is not cf faith : but. The man that doth them (hall live in them.

94. /Rom. viii. 3, F©r what the law could cot do, in that It was weak through the fleHi, God fend- ing his own Son, in the likcnefs of (inful ilelh, and for fin condemned fm in the flelh. Gal. ii. 16. Know- ing that a man is not jufliiied by the v/orks of the law, but by the faiUi of jefus Chrift, even we Jiave be- lieved in Jcfas Chiift, that wc might be jufiified by the faith of Chnii, and not by the works of tiie law : io( by the works of the law ihall no flelh bcjuTtiSed.

/ I Tim. i; 8. But v/e know that the law is good, if a man ufe it law^ fully.

5^5, V Lev- xi. 44. For I am the L0t4

The Larger Catechtfm, 2g.j

to walk accordingly ivy to convince them of their dlfability to keep it, and of the fintul pollution of their nature, hearts and lives ^; to humble them in the fenfe of ihcir fm and mifery^, and thereby help them to a clearer fight of the need ihcy have of Clirillz, and of the pcrie6lion o\ his obedience a,

Q^ 9(5. I'Vhat particular tffe is there of the moral la'U) unregenerate men?

A, The moral law is of ufe to unregenerate men, to awaken their confciences to flee from wrath to conac b, and to drive


Lord your God : ye IKall therefore fandify yourlelves, and ye fliall be holy ; for I am holy ; neither (hall ye defile your {elves with any man Ustv of creepirg thing that creepeth upon the earth, v. 45 For I am the Letd that brinj^eth you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your (jcd: ye fha 1 therefore be holy : for 1 am holy. Lev. XJ?. 7. Sanflify yourfelvcs tlicrefore, and be ye holy: k^v I am the Lord your God. v. 8. A.'d ye fliall keep my ftatutes, and do them : I am the Lord vhich iandify you. Rora, vii. 12. Wherefore the law 13 holy ; and the commaiidiBent holy, and \\x{\ and good.

w Mic. vi. 8. He hath {hewed thee, P man, what is good ; and what doih the Lord require of thee, but to do julliy, and to love mercy, and walk humbly wi>th thy God ^ James ii, lOi For whofoever fhall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all. v. II. For he that (aid, Do not com- mit adultery, faid alfo, Do not kill- Now if thou commit noadidtery, yet if thou kill, thou art become a tranfgrefTar of the law.

X Pfal. xix. 1 1 . Moreover by ihem is thy fervant warned : and ia keep- ing of them there is a great reward. V, 12. Who can hinderftand his f rrors I cleanfe thou mc from fe- fi$if^u!u. 5loni. iii. 20. Therefore

by the deeds of the law there (hall no fi<:fh be juflified in his (ight : for by the law is the knowledge of floi Rom. vii. 7. What fliali we fay ilien ? is the law fm ? God forbid* Nay, I had not known f n, but by the lavvT : for i hsd not known luft, except the law had laid. Thou fliaJt Dot covet.

y Rom, iil. 9. What then ? are we better than they 1 No, incovajs: for we have before proved both jews and Centilts, tl)at they are ail urder fm. V. 33. For all have fnned, and come faort of the glory of Gcd.

z Gal. iii. 21. i* the law then a- gairft the promifes of God? cod forbid, for if there had been a law given which could have given life, vcrilf righteoufnefs Ihould have been by the law. v. 22. But the (cripture hath concluded all under fin, that the promife by fiith of je- fas Cliriil might be given to theia that believe.

/7 Rom. X. 4. For Ghrift is the cud of the law for righteoufnefs to every ope thai belie veih.

96. b I Tim. i. 9, Knowing this that the law is net made for a righteous man, hut for the Uv/Iefs and difobe- c!ient,far the ungodly and for finners, for unhc'y and profar.e, for mur derers of fathers, and murderers of mothers, for man-flayeis. v. 10. For whcreiir gcrs, for tkem that


2 5^ The Larger Caiechifrtu

them to Chrlfl: ^.- or, upon their continuance in the t?i:Mt tnd.

way of fin, to leave them inexcufable dy and under tRc curfc


Q. 97. What fpecial ufe h there of the moral law to the re^ ;gcnerate?

A, Altho' they that arc regenerate and believe in Chrift, be delivered from the moral law as a covenant of works^i fo as thereby they are neither juflified j^ nor condemned h\ yet, be- fide the general ufes thereof common to them with all men, it is of fpecial ufe, to ftiev^r them how much they are bound to Chrift for his fulfilling it, and enduring the curfe thereof in' their {lead and for their good i\ and thereby to provoke them


thenifel^es with mankind, for men- ftealers, for liars, fdr perjured per- fons, and if ther« be aiiy other thing that is contrary to found doc- trine.

c Gal, iii. 24. Wherefore the law vas cur fchool-mafier to bring u^ unto Chrill, that we might be jufli- ficd by faith.

d Rom. i. 20< For the invifible things of him from the creation of the world are dearly feen, being undeiftood by the tilings that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead ; fo that they are without cxcufe. Compared with Rom. ii. 15, Which Hie w the work of the law written in iheir iicarts, tJieir confcience alfo bearing witnefs, and their thoughts the mean while accufing or eifs cxcufing one ano- ther. "

<? Gal. iii. 10. For as many as are of the works of the law, are undpr the curfe : for it is written, Corfed is every one that continueth not i^ ell things which are written in the b^ok of iht law to them.

97. ARom. VI. r 4. For f:n fhall not have dominion over you : for ye are not under tht law, but under grace. Rom, vii, <j. Whsref ^te;,my breth-

ren, ye alfe are become dead to tlie law by the body of Chrift : that ye fhould be manied to another, even to him who is raifcd from the dead, that ye fliould bring forth fiuit un- to God. V. 6. But BOW we are deli- vered from the law, that being dead wherein we were held : that we ffloujd ferve in newnefs of fpirit, and not in the oldnefs of the letter. Gal. iv. 4. Bat when the falnefs of the time was come, Cod fent forth his Son, made of woman, made un- der the law V. 5. To redeem them that were undex the law, that we might receive the adoption of fons.

^Rom. iii. 20. Therefore by th* deeds 4)f the law there fhall no fleOi be j uftlfied in his fight : for by the law is the knowledge of fm,

h cal. V. 23. Meeknefs, tempe- rance ; againft fuch there is no law. Rdm, viii. i. There is therefore no\/ no condemnation to them who are jn Chrifl Jefas, who walk not after the fiefli, but after the Spirit.

i Romt Vii. 24. O wretched man that \ am, who (hall deliver from the body of this death ? Vi 25 . I thank God through Jefus Chrift our Lord. So then, with the mind I inyfclf ferve the law of cod j bujt


. The Larger Catuhifm. 2^7

to. more thaukfulnefs i, and tocxprefs the facie in their greater care to conform themfclves thereunto as the rule of their obe- dience /.

Q^ 9 8. Where is the moral lawfummarily comprehended ?

A, The moral law is fummarily comprehended in the ten coaimandments, which were delivered by the voice of God upon mount Sinai, and HTitten by him in two tables of flone m; and are recorded in the twentieth chapter bf Exodus. The


with the flcHi, the law of fia. Gal, iii. 13. Chrift hath redeemed us from the curfe of the law, beipg niade a curfe for us : for It is writ- ten, Curfttd is eveiy one that hang- eth on a tree: v. 14. That the Wefling of Abraham might come 00 the Gca tiles thro' Jefus ChriR ; that we might receive the promife of the Spirit through faith. Rom. viii. ^. For what the law could not do, in that it was w^ak thro' the fle/h, God fending his own fon in the iikc- cefs of finful flefli, and for fin con- demned (in in tho fiefh : V. 4. That the righteoufnefs of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not af- ter the flcHi, but after the Spirit.

k Luke i. 68. Bieifed be the Lord cod of Ifraal, for he hath vifited and redeemed his people, v. 691 And hath raif«d up an horn of fal- vation for ue, in the houfe of his fervant David. v. 741 That he would grant unto us, that we being d(jiiv«red out of the hands of our enemies, might ferve him without fear, v. 75. In holinefs and righte- oufnefs before him all the days of our life, CoL i. 1 2, CiviLg thanks unto the Father, wl\o hath made us meet to be partakers of the Inhe- ritaacc of the faints in light ; v. 13. ^Vho hatli delivered us from^tbe power of.darknefs, and hath ttarf- Iwted us into the kingdom of his ,;rffar Son: v, .14. la whom we have

ffdemption through his blood, even the forgivenefs of fins.

/Rom. vii. 22. For I delight in the law of God, after the inward mani Rom. xii, 2. And be not con- formed to tliis woild : but be ye transforme^by the renewing of your mindsi that ye may prov^ what is that good, and acceptable, and per- fe<5t will of God» Tit. ii. 11. For the grace of cod that bringeth fai- vation, hath appeared to all men ; V. 12. Teaching us that denying iingodlinefs and wordly lulls, we fhould hve foberly, righteoufly, am! godly in this prefent world ; v. 13.- liOoking for that blefled hope, and the glorious appearing of the gre^t cod and our Saviour Jefus Chrift : V. 14, Who gave himfelf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himfelf a peculiar people, zealous of good works.

<,'8. V! Deut. Xx 4. And he wrote on the tables, according to the firR' v/rjting, the ten commandmepts, which the Lord fpake unto you ia the mount, outer the midftcfihe fire, in the day of the affembly : /nd the Lord them 'unto r-'e. Exjd. jcxxiv, u And the 1 o d faid unto Moles, H«w thee two t?.hies of flone like imio the i\\^ : and 1 \uU writ* upon thefe tables the words that weie in the fii ft tables which tliO'i brakcft. t. 2. ArJ te ready


238 The Larger Cafcchifm,

fourfirft: commandmehts contaimng our duty to God, and the other (ix our duty to man n,

Q- 99' ^^^^^t rules are to he ohfetved for the right under* fianding of the ten commandments f

A> For the right uadellanding of the ten commandments, theic rules are to be obferved ;

1. That the law is perfeft, and bindcth every one to full con* formity in the whole man unto the righteoufnefs thereof, and unto entire obedience for ever; fo as to require the utraoft per- fe<ftioa of every duty, and to forbid the lent degree of every fin 0.

2. That k is fpiritual, and fo rcacheth the underflanding,


in the morning, and come up in the morning unto mount Sinai, and prefent thyfelf there to me, in the top of the mount, v. 3. And no man fhall come up with thee, &c. V, 4. And he hewed two tables of /tone like unto the firft ; and Mofes jofe up early in the morning, and went up unto mount Sioai, as the ,i,ord had commanded him, and took in hii ha^^d the two tables of ftone.

n Mat. xxii. 37. Jefus faid unto him, Thou ihalt love the Lord thy cod with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy mind. V. 38. This is the firft and great commandment, t. 39. And the fe- cond is like unto it. Thou (halt love thy neighbojv as thyfelf. v. 40. On thefe two conimandmects hang all the law and the prophetsi

'>9. 0 Pfal. xix. 7. The law of the Lord is psrfed, converting the foul : the tellimony of the Lord is fare, malcing wife the fimple. Jam. ii. 10. For whofoevcr (liall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one paint, he is guilty of all. Mat. v. 2a. to the end. V. 21. Ye have heard that it was faid by them of old time, Thou fhalt not kill, and whofoever Hull kill, (hail be in dan-

ger of the judgment. V. 22. But I fay unto you. That whofoever is angry v/ith his brother without a caufe, fiiaii be in danger of the judg^ . mentj and whofoever (lull lay to his brother, lUc'a, fhall he in dan- ger of the counfel ; but whofoevef ftiall fay. Thou fool, (hail be ia danger of hell fire. v. 27. Yehave heard that it was faid by them of old time, Thou fliait not commit adultery, v. 28. Bat I fay> you. That whofoevex iooketh on a woman to lufl after her, hath coni- mittcd adultery with her already in his heart. —v. 33. Again, ye have heard that it hath been faid by ihem of old time. Thou fhalt cot for- fwear thyfelf, but fhall perform^ unto the Lord thine oaths, v* 34. But I fay unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven, for it is God's throne : v. 37. But let your communication be. Yea, yea ; Nay, nay: for whatfoever is more thaa thefe Cometh of evil. v. 38. Ye have heard that it hath been faid. An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. V. 99, But Ifay unto you, that ye refift not eyil.—v. 43. Yehave heard that it hath been faid, Thou fhalt love thy neighbour, and bate ihi^c enemy, t. 44 But I fay hq-


The Lafgeir Catuhifm. . 239

Will, aiiciftioas, and all other powers oF the foul; as well as words, works, and gcflurcs p,

3. That one and the lame thing, in diverfe rcfpefls, is re- quired or forbidden in fevcral commandments^.

4. That as, where a duty is commanded, the contrary fm is forbidden r; and v/here afm is forbidden, the contrary duty k corammded/; hj where a promife is annexed, the contrary

'■^o you, Love your ecernlcs, blefs

v^them tliiit curls yo'j, da goyd to

thera thit hate you, and pray for

them who defpitefuily uf^ you, and

pErfccute you, i;cc.

Jf Rom. vli. i/'.For ws know that t!ie law is rpiriiaai : Bjt I am car- nal, fold under fin. Deut. vi. 5. Thou flult love the. Lord thy God with all thine heart, aad v/ich all thf foul, and with all thy mig-ht. Compared with Mat. xxii, 37. Je- fus faid unto him, Thou fiiait lov^e the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and widi all thy mind. v. 5S. This is the firil and great comniandinent. v. 39. and the (econd is like unto it, Thou ihalt love thy neighbour as thyfelf. y Col, iii. 5. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth : fornicatloa, uncleannefs, in- ordinate affedion, eiril concupif- cence, and covctoufnefs, which is idolatry. Amos vlii. 5. Saying, Whea will the new- moon be gone, that we may fell corn ^ and vhe fabbath, that we may fet forth wheat, making the ephah fmali, and the (hekel great, and falfifying the balances by deceit ? Prov. i. 19. So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain : which t^keth away the life of the owners thereof, i Tim. vi. 10. For the love of money is the root of all evil; which y/hiie forae coretcd after, ihey have erred from the fiutb, aad pierced them-


felves through with many furrows.

r Ifa. lriii» 13. If thou turn away thy foot from the fabbath, from do- iftg thy pleafure on my holy day, and call the fabbath a deli]>hr, the holy of the Lord, honourable, and fiialt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine ov/« pleafure, nor f/iiakiog thine ow^i words. Deut, vi. 13. Thou flialc f;:ar the Lord thy God, and fcrve him, and (halt fwear by his name; Compared with Mat. iv, 9. And faith unto him, All thefe things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worfhip me. v. 10. Then faith Jems unto him. Get thee hence, Satan : for it is written. Thou fhalt worfhip the Lord thy God, and him only fhalt thou ferve. Mat. XV. 4. For cod commanded, faying. Honour thy father and mo- ther: and. He that curfeth father or mother, let him die the death » V. 5. But ye fay, Whofoever fnall fay to his Father or his mother, Ic is a gift by whatfoever thou might- efl be profited by me. v, 6. And honour not his father or his mother, he ihall be free. Thus have ye made ihe commandment of cod of DOnc effect by your tradition.

/Mat. V. 21, 22. (See letter (?.'( v* 23. Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there remen;brcft that thy brother hath ought agiinft thee: v* 2n. Leave tl-ece thy gift betore the altar, and po th^ way.

I 4^o' The Larger CaUchifnu

threarnlng is included/; and where a threatning isannexed>

the contrary prcmife is included

5. That what God forbids, is at no time to be donew^/ what he commands, is always our duty *; and yet every par- ticular duty is not to be done at all times j^.

6. Thar, under one fm or duty, all of the fame kiad arc for- bidden or commanded; together with all the caufes, means, oc*


frfl be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and ofFjr tliy gift. Eph. iv. 28. Let him that ftole, fleal no morej but rather let hiia laboL'/, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

/ Exod. XX. 12. Honour thy fa- ther and thy mother : that t!iy days may be long upon the laud which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Com- pared witli Provr XXX. 17. The eye that mocketh at his f^ither, and de- fpifeih to obey his mother, the ra* vens of the valley Hiail pick it out, and the young eagles fliali eat it.

V Jer. xviii. 7. At whft inftant I fVii!! Ipeak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up and to pull down, and to deilroy h : v. 8. if that nation againft whom I have pronounced, turn from their v'il, I will repent of the 'evil that I liought to do unto them. Exod xx. 7. Tliu-J ft^alt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vaio : for the Lord Vv'iJi not hold him guiltlefsthat takcth his name in vain. Com.pared witi"!. Pfal. XV. I. Lord, who rtiall iibide in thy tabernacle ? who (hall dwell in thy holy hill ? v. 4. In whofe ey(js a vile peifon is contem- ned ; bat he hoaoureth them that fear the Lord': he that fweareth to liis own hurt, and diaogeth not. v. 5. He tliat puit«th not out hia money t ) ufciry, nor takcth revv'ard ag;dnfl tha iiinocent. He that . doth the fs

things fhall never be moved. And with VL\k xxiv. 4. He that ha^h clean hands, and a pure heart ; who hath not lift up his foul unto vanity, nor fworn deceitfally, v. 5. He fhall receive the bleffiog from the Lord, and rlghteoufnefs from the God of his falvation.

nv Job xiii. 7. Will ye fpeak wick- edly for God .•* and talk dcceltfuljy for him ? v. 8, Will ye accept his perfon ? will ye contend for God ? Rom. iii. And not rather, as we be flanderoufly reported, and as fome alF.rm that we fay, let us do evil, that good may corne .^ whofs damnation is jufl. Job xxxvii 21, Take heed, regard not iniquity : for this haft thou chofen rather than aiHidion. Heb. xT. 2J» Ghoofing rather to fufFcr alHIdion with the people of God, tkan to enjoy tlie pleafures of fin fof a feafon,

X Deut, iv. S. And what nation is there fo great, that hath iiatutes and juJgments, fo righteous, as all this law which I fet before you this day : v, 9. Only take heed to thy- felf, and keep thy foul diligently, left thou forget the things which I 'nine eyes have feen, and left they depart from thy heart all the days •of thy life : but teach them thy fons, and thy fon's fons,

y Mat. xii. 7. But if ye had known what this meanetk, I will have mer- cy and not facrifice, ye would not have condemned the guUili^f:.


The Larger Catechifm, . s'^ji

i'afions, and appearances thereof, and provocations thereunto z.

7. That what is forbidden or commanded to ourfelves, ws are bound, according to our places, to endeavour that n may- be avoided or performed by others, according to the duty of their places a.

8. That, in what is commanded to others, we are bound ac* cording to our places and callings to be helpful to them b-, and to Uke heed of partaking with others in what is forbidden them c.


z Mat. T. 21, 22, 27, 2S. (Seem latter 0 before.) Mat. xv, 4 For God commanded, faying. Honour thy father and mother : and, He that curfeth father or mother, let him die the death, v, 5. But ye fay, Whofoever fliall faj'to his father or his mother, It is a gift by whatfo- evex thou mighteft be profiled by me, V. 6. And honour not his fa* ther or his mother, he fhall be free. Thus have ye made the command- ment of God of none effeft by your tradition. Heb. x. 24, And let us Confidsr one another to provoke un- to love and to good works : Vi 29. Not forfakieg the a/feajjling of our- felves together, as the manner of fome is ; bat exhorting one another: and fo much the more, as ye fep the day approaching, i ThefT. v. 22. Abftain from all appearance of evil. Jude 23. And others fave with fear, pulling them out of the fire ; hating even the garment fpot- ted by the flefh. cal, v. 2/>. Let us not be defirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying ooe anoiher. Coi. iii. 21. Fathers, pro- voke not your children to anger, left they be difcou raged.

a Exod. XX. 10. But the feventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou flialt not do any work, thou, nor thy fon, Bor thy daughter^ thy man fervaat, nor thy maid fcrvant, nor thy cattle, DOr thy'ftranger tiiat is withia

thy gates. Lev. xix. 17. Thou

flialt not hate thy brother in thine heart: thou flialt in any' wife rebuke thy neighbour, and rot fuffer fin I'ipoB liimi Gen, xviii, 19. For I know him, that he will commapd his Children and his houniold after him, and they fiiall keep the way of the Lord, to do jufHc;;^ and judg- ment; that the Lord may bring up- on Abraham, that which he hath fpoken of him, Jofh. xxiv. 15. And if it feem evil unto you to ferve the Lord, choofe you this day whom ye will ferve, whether the gods which your fathers ferved, that were oa the other fide of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whofe land ye dwell : but as for me and ir.y Loufe, we will ferve the Lord. Deut. vi. 6. And thefe words which I command thee this day, lliall be In thine heart: v, 71 And thou (halt teach them diligently unto thy chil- dren, and fhalt talk of them when thou fitteft in thine houfe, and whetl thou walkefl by the way, and v/hea thou lieft down, and when thou rifeft up.

b 2 Cor. i. 24. Not ht that wc have dominion over your faith, hut are helpers of your joy : for by faith ye (land.

c I Tim. v. 22. Lay hands fud*

denly on no man, neither be par«

taker of other mens fins : keep tiiy-

f«lf pure. Eph. v. 11. And have no

Q^ fellow.

242 Th Larger Catechifnu

Q^ TOO. V/hat fpecial thtfigs are we to confider in the teH commandment sf

A, We are to coufider in tli€ ten commandments, the pre- face, the fubftance of the commandments themfelves, and feve- ral reafons annexed to.forae of them the more to enforce them.

Q^ I o I . What is the preface to the ten commandment i f

A, The preface to the ten commandments is contained in thefe words, I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the houfe of bondage d* V/herein God manifefteth his fovereignty, as being Jehovah, the eternal, immutable, and almighty God^; having his be- ing in and of himfelf/, and giving being to all his words^ and works h : and that he is a God in covenant, as with ifrael of old, fo with all his people /; who as he brought them out of their bondage in Egypt, fo he delivered us from our fpi ritual thraldom k\ and that therefore we are bound to take him for our God alone, and to keep all his commandments /.

Q^ 102.

f<?]lawfliip with the unfruitful works of daiknefs, but rather reprove them,

101 » ^Exodus XX. 24

e Ifa. xHv. 6. Thus fiith the Lord the king of iTrael, and bis Redeemer the Lord of hofb, I am the firft, and I am the lad, and befides me there is no Godi

/"Exod. iii. 1 4. And Cod faid un- to Mofes, I AM THAT i AM: and he faid, thus (halt thou fay unto the children of Ifrael, I AM hath fent me unto you.

g Exod. vi. 3, \T\f\ I appeared un- to Abraham, unto Ifaac, and unto Ja- cob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I Dot known to them.

h A(5ts xvii. 24. God that made the world, and all things therein, feeing that he is Lord of heaven, and of earth, dwelieth not in temples made with hands, v. a8. For in him we live, and move, and have our being j as certain aifo of your

own poets have faid. For we are al* fo his off fpring.

/ Gen. xvii. 7. And I will eftablifK my covenant beiweeri me and thee, and thy feed after thee, in their ge- jierations, for an everlafting cove- nant ; to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. Compared with Rom. iii. 29. Is he the God of the Jewt only ? is he not alfo of the Gentiles? Yes, of the Gentiles alfo.

k Luke i. 74. That he would grant unto us, that we being deli- vered out of the hands of our ene- mies, might fcrve him without fear, V. 75. In holinefs and rightcoufnefs before him all the days of our life«

/ I Pet. i. 15. But as he who hath called you ia holy, fo be ye holy in all manner of converfation ; v. 16. Be- caufe it is written. Be ye holy, for I am holy. v. 17. And if ye call on the Father, who without refped of peifons judgeth according to e- very man's work, pafs the time of your fbjourning here ia fear : v. i8,


The Larger Catechifm, a^lg

Q^ 102. What is, thefum of the four commandments which contain our duty to Godf

A. The (um of the four commandments containing our duty to God, is, to love the Lord our God with all our heart, and with all our foul, and with all our flrength, and with all our mind w.

Q^ 109. Which is fhefirjl C4immandment ?

A. The firfl commandment is, Thou flialt have no other gods before me n.

Q_ lO-^. Y/loat Are the duties required in the frft cemmand* mentf

A. The duties required in the firfl commandment are, the knowing and acknowledging of God to be the only true God, and our God*?; and to worihip and glorify him accordingly />,


Porafmuch as ye kn<)w that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as filver and gold, from your vain converfation received by tradition from your fathers. Lev. xviii. 30. Therefore fnail ye keep inine ordi>iance, that ye commit not any one of thefe abominable cultoms, vhich were committed before you, that ye defile not yourfelves there- in : I am the Lord your cod. Lev, xix, 37. Therefore fliaU ye obferve all my ftatutes, and all my judg- nients, and do them : I am the Lord*

i02« m Luke x. 27. And he an- fwering, fnid. Thou (halt love the Lard thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy ftrcngtb, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyfeifl

107,. n Exod. XX. 3.

104. 0 I Chron. xxviii. 9. And thou, Solomon my ion, know thou the God of thy father, and ferve him with a perfedl lieurt, aod with a willing mind : for the Lord learch* eth all hearts, and undcrftandcth all the imagJRationsof the thoughts: if thou feek him, will be found

of thee: but if thou fprfake him, he will cad thee off forever. D ut. xxvi. 17. Thou haft avouched tha Lord this day to be thy God, and to walk jn his ways, and to k«*ep his ftatures, aed his commandments^ and his judgments, and to hearken unto his voice, ifa. xliii. 10: Ye are my witnefles, faith the Lord, and my fervant whom I have chofen : that ye may know and believe me, and underitand that I am he : be- fore me there was no G(^d formed, neither fhail there be after me. Jer, Xfv» a2. Are there any among the vanities of the Gentiles that can caufa rain ? or can the heavens give (howers ^ Art not thou he, O Lord our God ? therefore we will wait' upon thee, for thou haft made ail thefe things,

p Pfal. xcv. 6. O come, and let us worfhip and bow down : let us kned before the Lord our Maker. V, 7. For he is our God, and we arc the people of his pafture, and the Iheep nf KIs hand. Mat. iv» ia« Ther. faid jefus unto him, Get thee hence, Saton : for it is written, Thoa ftiiilt worlhif the Lord thy God,

244 ^^^ Larger Cahchifm,

by thinking q, meditating r, remembring/ highly efleeming f, honouring -y, adoring Wy choofing^, loving jy, defiring 2r, fear- ing of him /j; believing him ^; tru (ling <:, hoping ^/,delighfing<f, rejoicing in him/; being zealous for him^ j calling upon him ;


and him only thou ferve, Pfal. xxix. 2. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name ; worfliip the Lord in the beauty of hollnefs.

y Mai. iii. i6. Then they that feared the Lord, fpake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remem- brance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his namei

r Pfal I Jxiii. 6, When I remem- ber thee upon my bed, and medi- tate on thee in the night-watches.

/Eccl. xi. I. Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, and the years draw nigh,, when thou ibalt fay I have no pleafure in them.

/ Pfal. Ixxi. 19. Thy righteouf- fiefs alfoj O God, is very high, who haft di)ne great things: O God, who is like unto thee ?

:v Mai. i. 6. A fon honouretU his father, and a fervant his roafter ; if then I be a father, where is mine honour .•* and if I be a mafter, where is my fear ? faith the Lord of hofts imto you, O priefts; that defpife my name :

w Ifa. xlv. 25. 1 have fwotai by myfelf, the word hath gone out of my mouth in righteonfnefs, and fhall not return, that unto me every Is' nee flialK bow, every tongue fliall fwear.

X Jofii. xxiv. i^. And if it feem evil unto you, to ferve the Lord, choofe you this day whom you will ferve, whether tire gods wiiich your fathers ferved, that were on the o- llisr fide of the flood, or the gods

of the Amorites, in whofe land ye dwell : but as for me and my houfe, we will ferve the Lord. v. 22. And Jofluia faid unto the people. Ye ar« witneiTes againft yourfelves, that ye have chofen the Lord, to ferve him. And they faid, "We are witnefles.

y Deut. vL j. And thou fiialt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy foul, and with ail thy might,

X Pfal. Ixxiii. 2J. Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I defire befides thee^

^ Ifa. viii. 13. San(5lify the Lord of hofts himfelf, and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.

b Exod. xiv. g i . And Ifrael faw that great work which the Lord did upon the Egyptians : And the peo- ple feared the Lord, and believed the Lord, and his ferrant Mofesi

c Ifa, xxvi. 4. Truft ye in the Lord for ever : for in the Lord Je- hovah is everlafting ftrength.

tf'Pfal. cxxx. 7. Let Ifrael hope lit the Lord : for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redempvloo.

e Pfal. xxxvii. 5. Delight thyfelf alfo in the Lord, and he Hiall give thee the defires of thine heart.

ypfal. xxxii. II. Be glad in the Lord, and rejoice ye righteous: and fhout for joy all ye that are upright in heart.

^ Rom. xii. II. Not flothful in bufinefs; fervent in fpirit'; fcrving the Lord. Compared with Numb. xx\'*. I r. Pliineas the fon of Eleazar, the fon of Aaion the prieft, hath turned my wrath away from the


The Larger Catechifm, 245

giving all praife and thanks h, and yielding all obedience and fubmiflion to him with the whole man i ; being careful in all things to pleafe him k, and forrowfiil when in any thing he is offended /; and walking humbly with him ;;/.

Q^ 105.- What are the Jins forbidden in the jirft command" vient^

AThe fins forbidden in the firft commmandment are atheifrn in denying, or not having a God n ; idolatry, in having or worfhipping more gods than One, or any with or in (lead of the true God 0; x\\t not having and avouching him for God, and our God / ; the omiflion or negleft of any


thee, O man, what Is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do juflly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

105. n Pfah xiv. i* The fool hath faid in his heart, there is no God : they are corrupt, they have done^ abominable works, there is none that doth goodi Eph. ii. 12. That at that time ye were without Chrid, being aliens from the com- mon* wealth of Ifrael, and ftracgcrs from the covenants of promife, hav- ing no hope, and witliout God in the world.

0 Jer. ii, 27. Saymg to a (lock. Thou art my father ; and toaftone. Thou haft brought me forth ; for they have turned their faces ; but in the time of their' trouble they will fay, Arife, and fave usi v. 28. But where are thy gods that thou haft made thea ? let them arife if they can fave thee in the time of thy trouble : for according to the num- ber of thy cities, are thy gods, O Judah. Compared Avith i ThelT. i. 9. For they themf-lves fliew, of us, wha^ manner of entering in we had unto you, and how ye returned to God from idols, to ferve the liv- ing and true cod,

p Pfal. Ixxxi. 1 1 . But my people

would not hearken to my voice : and

Q^ ^ Ili:ael

children of Ifrael (while he was Rcalous for my fake among them) that I confumed not the children of Ifrael in my jealoufy,

h Phil. iv. 6. Be careful for no- thing : but in every thing bj prayer and fupplication with thankfgiving, let your requefts be made known unto God.

/■ Jer. vii. 23. But this thing com* manded I them, faying. Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and ye fliall be my people : and walk ye in all tiie ways that 1 have com- manded you, that it may be well unto you. Jam. iv. 7. Submit your- felves therefore to cod : refift th^ devil, and he will flee from you.

k I Johniii. 22. And whatfoever we aflc, we receive of him, becaufe we keep his commandments, and do thofe things that are pleafmg in his fight,

/Jer. xxxi.18.1 have fur'ely heard Ephraim bemoaning himfelf thus, Tliou haft chaftifed me, and 1 was chaftifed, as a bullock unaccuftomc^ to the yoke : turn thou me, and 1 ihall be turned ; for thou art the Lord my God. Pfal, cj:ix. 136. Rivers of waters run down mine eyes: becawfe they keep not thy Jaw,

/;; MIcth vi. 8. He hath (hewed

24^ The Larger Cafechifm,

thing ^ue to him, required in this comniandment q; igno- rance r, forgetfulnefsy; mifapprehenfions /, falfe opinions v, unworthy and wicked thoughts of him w ; bold and curious fcarching into his fecrets x; all profannefs^, hatred of God z ; felflove a, felf-feeking b, and all other inordinate and immo-


Ifrael woylcl none of me.

q Ifa. xliii. 22. But thon haft not ealied upon me, O Jacob, but thou bait been weary of toe, O Ifrael. Y. 2g. Thou haft not brought mc the fniaJl cattle of thy burnt offer- ings, neither haft thou honoured me with thy facrifice. I have not caufed thes to ferve with an offering, nor wearied thee with incenfe : v. 24. Thou haft bought ma no fweat cane with raaney, neither haft thcu filled me with the fat of thy fjicri- £ces : but thou haft made me to ferve with thy fins, thou haft weari- ed me with thine iniquities. *

r Jer. iv, 22. For my people is loolifh, they h?ve not known me, they are fottifli children, and they iiave no underftanding ; they are wife to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledgei Hofea iv. i. Hear the word cf the Lord, ye chil- dren of Ifrael for the Lord hath a controverfy with the inhabitants of the land, beciufe there is no truth, Bor meicy, noi knowledge of cod in the land. v. 6. My people are! deftroycd for I'ck of knowledge: becaufe thou haft rejeded know- ledge, I alfo will rcje6l thee, that thou ftialt be no prieft to me ; fce- in<» thou haft forgotten the law of thy cod, I v/ill alfo forget thy children.

f Jer. ii. 32. Can a maid forget fier ornaments, or a bride her at- tire ? yot my people ha^e forgotten we days without number,

/ <51b xvii. 2^. For as I paftedby |i?»d beheld your devotions, 1 found m altar with ibis infcription, T O

THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worlTiip, him declare I unto you, v. 29. For as much then as we are the off fpring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or (liver, or ftone graven by art and' man's device,

V Ifa, xl. 18. To whom then wil! ye liken cod } or what iikenefs will ye compare unto him ?

ay Pfa!. I. 21. Thefe things haft thou done, and I kept (ilence ; thoia thoughteft that I was altogether fuch an one as thyfeJt ; but 1 will re- prove thee, and fet them in order before thine eyes.

X Deut. xxix. 29. The fecret things belong unto the Lord our God ; but thofe things which are revealed belong unto us, and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law.

J/ Tit, i, i6. They profefs that fhey kHow Cod ; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and difobedient, and unto every good work reprobate, Heb, xli, x6- Left there be any fornicator, or profane perfon, as E/au, who for one mor- fel of meat fold his birth-right.

X Rom. i. 30. Backbiters, haters of God, defpiteful, proud, boafters,—

a 2 Tim, iii. 2. For men fliall be Ifiverg of their own felves, covetous, boafters, proud, blafphemers, dif- obedient to parents, unthankful, un- holy,

h Phil, ii, 21. For all ftek their own, net ths things which are Jefus arift's,

c I Johft

The Larger Cattech'ifm. 247

derate fetting of our mind, will or affections upon other things^ and taking them ofF from hiro in whole or in part ^ ; vain cre- dulity d, unbelief e, herefy /, misbelief ^^, diilruft h, defpair i; incorrigiblenefs k, and infenfiblcnefs under judgments /, hard- aefs of heart niy pride «, prefumption 0, carnal fecurity /»,


'^.t I John ii, i 5, Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world, if any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him, v. 1 6. For all that is in the world, the luft of the flelh, and the lull of the eyes, and the pride of life, IS not of the Father, but is of the world. 1 Sam. ii. 29. Where ^ fore kick ye at my facrifice, and at mine offering which I have com- manded in my tabitation, and ho- noureft thy fons above me, to make yourfelvcs fat with the chiefeft of ail the offerings of Ifrael my people \ Col. iii. 2. Set your affr^ion on things above, not on things on the earth, v. 5. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth, fornication, uncleannefs, inordinate affedion, evil concupifcence, and covetoufnefs, which is idolatry.

d I John iv. i Beloved, believe not ever fpirit, but try the fpirits whether they are of God : becaufe many falfe prophets are gone out into the world.

e Heb, iii. 12. Take heed bre- thren, left there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.

/Gal. V, 20. Idolatry, witch- craft, hatred, variance, emuktions, wrath, ftrife, feditions, herefies. Tit» iii. lo. A man that is an here- tic, after the firft and fecond ad- monition, rejeft.

g A<5ts xxvi. 9. I verily thought with rayfelf, that I ought to do many things contrary to the name of jefus of Nazareth.

h Pfal. vii. 7, Becaufe they be- lieved not in God, and trufted not in his falvation.

/ Gen. iv. 13. And Cain faid unto the Lord, My punifhmcnt is greater than 1 can bear*

k Jer. V. 3. O Lord, are not thine eyes upon the truth? Thou haft ftricken them but they have not grieved ; thou haft confumed them, but they have fefufed to receive cor- re<S:Ioia ; they have made their faces harder than a rock, they have refuf- ed to return.

/Ifa, xlii. 25. Therefore he hath poured upon him the fury of his anger, and the ftrength of battle ; aud it hath fet him on fire round about, yet he knew not; and it burned him, yet he laid it not to heart*

m Rom. ii. 5. But after thy hard- nefs and impenitent heart, treafureft up unto thyfelf wrath againft tke day of wrath, and revelation of the righteous judgment of God.

n jer. xiii. 15. Hear ye, and give ear, be not proud; for the Lord hath {pok<?n.

0 Pfal. xix. 1 3. Keep bick thy fer- vant alfo from preftMnptuous Cos, let them not have dominion over me : then (hall I be upright, and iliall be innocent from the great tranfgreffion,

p Zeph. i. 12. And fnall come to pais at that time, that I will fearch Jerufalera wiih candles, and punifii the men that are fettled on their lees, that lay in their iieart. The J-ord will not do good, neither will CL4 ^e

24^ The Larger Catechifnu

tempting of God q ; ufing unlawful means r,andtrufling in law- ful means/; carnal delights and joys /, corrupt, blind, and in- difcreet zeal x»; lukewarmncfs w^ and deadnefs in the things of God ^; eftranging ourfelvcs, and apoftatizing from God/; praying, or giving any religious worfhip, lo faints, angels, or any other creatures i; all compacts and confulting with the


he do evil.

. q Mat. iv. 7. jefus faith unto him, It is written again, Thou Ihalt not tempt the Lord thy God.

r Rom. iii. 8. And not rather, as wc be flanderoufly reported, and as fome nffirm that we may fay, Let U5 do evil, that good may come .? whofe damnation is juft.

/Jer, xvii. 5. Thus faith the Lord, Curfed be the pian that trufteth in man, and maketh fleih his arm, and whofe heart departeth from the Lord!

/ 2 Tim. iii. 4. Traitors, heady, liigh minded, lovers of pleafure more than lov-ers of cod.

V GaUiv, 17. They zealcufly af- fetft you, but not well ; yea, they would exclude you, that ye might aifed them, john xvi. 2. They (hall put you^out of the fynagogues ; yea, the time cometh, that whofoever killeth you, will thick that he doth God fervice, Rom. x. 2. For I bear them record, that they have a zeal of God, but not according to know- ledge, Luke ix. 54. And when his difciples James and John faw this, they faid. Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to ccme down from lieaven, and confume them, even as Elias did? v. 5^. But he turned, and rebu'K^:d them, and faid. Ye know not whit manner of fpirit yc l^re ofi

nv Rev. iii. 16. So then, becaufe thou art iukev/arm, and neither cold ror hot, 1 will fpue thee out of my inputji^

xRev. ill, 1. And unto the angel of the church in Sardis, v/rite, Thefe things faith he that hath the feven fpirits of God, and the feven ftars ; I know^ thy works, that thou haft 2, name that thou liveft, and art dead.

y E^ck, xiv. ff. That I may take the houfe of Ifrael in their own heart, becaufe they are all ertrang- ed from me through their idolsi Ifa, f , 4. Ah fmful nation, a people la- den with iniquity, a feed of evil do-^ ers, children that are corrupters, they have forfaken the Lord, they have p^/vcked the holy One of If- rael unto anger, they are gone away backward, v. 51 Why (houldyebe ftricken any more ? ye will revolt more and more : the whole head is; fick, and the whole heart faint.

z Rom. x,i 3. For whofoever (hall call upon the name of the Lord, fhaJl be faved. v. i 4- How then fhall they call on him in whom they have not believed ? and how (hall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how (hall they hear without a preacher ? Hofea iv. 12. My people allc counfel at their flocks, and their ftafF declareth unto them : for the fpirit of whoredoms hathcaufed them to err, and they have gone a whor- ing from under their ced. Ads x. :>.^. And as Peter was coming in, Cornelius met him, and itW down at his feet, and worfhipped hira. v. 26^ But Peter took him up, faying. Stand up; I myfeJf alfo am a man. Rev. xix. 10. And I fell at his feet 10 worship him : and he faid unto

The Larger Catechifm, 2.^9

devil /7, and hearkening to his fuggeftions 3; making men the lords of our faith and confciencc c; flighting and defpifing God, and his commands ^; refifting and grieving oF his Spirit e, dif- contentand impatience at his difpenfations, charging hinifoolifh- ly for the evils he inilids on us/; and afcribing the praife of


Fne, Se^ thou do it not : I am thy fellow fervant, and of thy brethren th»rt have the teftimony of jefus.; worlhip God : for the teftimony of jefus is the fpirit of prophecy. Mat. iv. lo. Then faid Jefus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou fitalt worfhip the Lord thy God, and him only fhalt thou ferve. Col. ii. i8. Let no man beguile you of your reward, in a vo- luntary humility, and worfhipping of angels, intruding into thofe things which he hath not feen, vainly puft lip by his fiefhly mind. Rom, i. 25* Who chjinged the truth offeod into a lie, and worfhipped and ferved the creature more than the Creator, v;ho is bleffed for ever. Amen.

a Lev. XX. 5. And the foul that turneth after fuch as have familiar fpirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even fet nly face againft that foul, and will^ cut him off frcJm among his people. I Sam xxviii, 7. Then faid Saul un- to his fervants. Seek me a woman that hath a familiar fpirit, that i may go to her, and enquire of her. And his fervants faid -to him, Be- hold, there is a woman, that hath a familiar fpirit at En-dor, v. 1 1. Then faid the woman, whom fliall I bring up unto* thee ? and he faid, Bring me up Samuel. Compared with I Chron, x. 13. So Saul died for his tranfgreffion which he com- mitted againft the Lord, even agalnft the word of the Lord which he kept not, and alfa for asking coua- fd of one tha; had 9 familiar f^i'*

rit, to enqaiie of it : v. i4,vAnd enquired not of the Lord : therefore he flew him, a^d turned the king- dom unto David the foo of jefie.

b A(5ls V. 3. But l>etei *xaid, Ana- nias, why hath Satan filled thine heart, to lie to the Holy Ghoft, and to keep back part of the price of the land ?

c 2 Cor. i. 24- Not for that we have dominion over your faith, but are helpers of your joy : for by faith ye ftand. Mat. xxiii. 9. /^nd call no man your father upon enrth ; for one is your Father who is in hea- ven.

d'Deut. xxxii. 15. But Jeftiurun waxed fat, and kicked : thou arc waxen fat, thou art grown thick : thou art covered with fatp.efs ; thea he forfook God who made him, and lightly efteemed the rock of his fal- varion. 2 Sam. xii 9. Wherefore haft thou defpifed the command- ment of the Lord, to do evil in hiss Hgi'it? thou hart killed Uriah the Hiitite with the fword, and haft ta ken his wife to be thy v/ife, and haft (lain them with the fword of the children of Amrrton. Piov. xiii. ig. Whofo delpifeth the word, Ihall be deftroyed : but he that feareth the commandment, ihall be rewarded.

e A(5ls vii. ; i . Ye ftiiT necked and uncircumcifed in heart and ears, ye do always rcfift the Holy Ghoft t as your fathers did, fo do ye. Eph. iv. 30, And grieve not the holy Spi- rit of God, v/hareby ye •are lealcd unto the day of redemption.

/'Pfal. Ixxiii, 2. But as for me, my ' fea

^5^ ^^^ Larger Catechifm»

any god wc either are, have, or can do, to fortune j^> idols h

ourfelves /, or any other creature i.

0:^106.^ What are we efpec'ially taught by thefe words (Bt' fire Me) in the fir ft commandment f .

A. Thefe words [Before Me] or before my face, in the firfl: conimandmcnr, teach us, that God, who feeth all things, takcth fpccial notice of, and is much difpleafed with the fm of having any other god : that fo it may be an argument to diflua^e from k, and to aggravate it as a moft impudent provocation /: as alfo


feet were almoft gone t my fleps had well nigS flipt. y 3. For I was envi* ous at the fooJifh ; when I faw the profperity of the wicktd. v. 1 3 . Ve- rily I have cleanfed my heart in vain, and wafhed my hands in in- nocency. r. 14. For all the day long have I been plagued, and chaftened every raoroing. v. i 5. If I fay I will fpeak thus : behold, I ftiould offend agamft the generation of thy chil- dren. V. 22, So foolifh was I, and ignorant : I was as a bead before thee. Job i. 22. In all this Job fin- ned not, nor charged God foolilhly.

^2Sam. vi, 7. Now therefore make a new cart, and take two milch-kine on which there hath come no yoke, and tie tlife kine to tiie cart, and bring their calces home from them : V. 8. And take the ark of the Lord, and lay it upon the cart, and put the jewels of gold which ye return him for a trsfpafs offering, in a cof- fer by the fide thereof, and fend it away, tha«- it may go, v. 9. And fee if it goe»h up by the way of his own coalt to BethOnenie.1i, then he hi*th done us this great evil : but if not, then we fhall knew that it is not his hand that fmote us ; it was a chance that happened to us.

h Dan. v. 23. But haft lifted up >hyfelf agaioft the Lord of heaven, and they have brou^iht the veffels of ^s houfe before thee, and thou and

thy lords, thy wives and thy^conca- bines have drunk wine in tliem, and ih«u haft pralfed the gods ©f filver and gold, of brftfs, iron, wood, and ftone, which fee not, nor hear, nor know : and the God, in whofe hand thy breath is a,nd whofe are all thy wayi, haft thou not glorified.

/Deut. viii. 17, And thou fay in thine heart, my power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth. Dan. iv. 30, The king fpake, and laid. Is not this great Ba- bylon that I have built for the houfe of the kingdom, by the might of my power, and for the honour of my majefty ?

k Hab, i. 16. Therefore they fa- crifice unto their net, and burn ia- cenfe unto their drag; becaufe by them their portion is fat, and their meat plenteous.

106. / Ezek. viii. 5, Then faid he unto me. Son of man, lift up thine eyes now the way towards the north : fo I lift up mine eyes the way towards the north, and behold northward at the gate of the altar, tiiis image of jealoufy in the entry. V, 6. ir^e fiid furthermore unto me. Son of man, feeft thou what they do ? even the great abominations that the houfe of ifrael committeth here, that 1 Ihould go far off from my faniluary ? but turn thee yet agaln^ and thou ih»it fee greater


The Larger Catechtfm, 251

to perfuade us to do as in his fight, whatever we do in his fer^

vice m.

Q_ 107. Which is the fecond commandme7:t f

A. The fecond commandment is. Thou ilialrnot make unto thee any graven image, or any likenefs of any thing that is ia heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in th^ water under the earth. Thou ihak not bow down thyfelf tQ them, nor ferve ihem: for 1 the Lord thy God am a jealous God, vifiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children un- to the third and fourth generation of them that hate me ; and fliewing mercy unto thoufands of them that love me, and keep my conftiiandmcnts «.

(^108. What are the duties required in the fecond ccm* mandmeTtt?

A. The duties required in the fecond commandment are, the receiving, obferving, and keeping pure and entire, all fuch religious worfliip and ordinances as God haih hillituted in his word 0 : particularly prayer and thankfgiving in the came of Chrill/j the reading, preaching, and hearing


abominations, &;c. (to the end of the chapter,) Pfiti. xliv. 20, If we have forgotten the name of our God, or ftretched out our hands to a ftrange God: V. 21. Shall not God fearch this aut ? for he knoweth the (ecrets of the heart.

m I Ghron, xxviii. 9. And thou, Solomon ray fon, know thou the God of thy father, and ferve him v/ith a perfeft heart, and with a \yiiilng niiod : for the Lord featcheth ail hearts, and underlUndeth all the imaginations of the thoughts : if thou feek him, he will be found of thee ; but if thou forfake him, he will call thee off for ever.

107. n Exod. XX, 4, 5, 6.

108. 0 Dcut. xxxii. 46. And he faid unto them, Set your hearp un- to all the words which I teihTy a- mong you this day ; which ye fliall command your children to obferve 1^ 4o aU ^ word^ pf this law* ?^

47. For it is not a vain thing for you, becaufe it is your life ; and through this thing ye fiiall prolong your days in the land whither ye go over Jordan to pcflefs it. Mat. XAviii. 20. Teaching them to oblerve all things wh'itfoever I have commanded you: and lof I am with you alvvay even unto the end of the world. Ac^s ii. 42. And they continued ftcdfaflly in the apoftks dodlrine and fellow- (hip, and in breaking of bread and in prayers, 1 Tim. vi. 13. 1 give thee charge in the fight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Chri(l Jtfus, who before Pontius Pilate witnefled a good confeifion ; V. J 4, That thou keep this com- mandment without fpoi, unrebuk- able, until the appearing of our Lord Jefus Ghrilh

p Phil. iv. 6. Be careful for no- thing : but in every thing by prayer ^nd fupplicatioo with tiiankfgiving,



of the word q ; the facraments r ; the miniliry and

The Larger Catechifm, the adminiflrations and receiving of; church government and .di^cipline/J maintenance thereof/; religious faft-

let your requefts be made known unto God. Eph. vi 20. Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father, in the name of our Lord jefus Chrift.

q Deut. xvii, i8. And it fliall be when he (itteth upon the throne of his kingdom, that he fhall write him a copy of this law in a book, out of that which is before the priefls the Levites. v. 19. And it fhall be with him, and he fhall. read therein all the days of his \\^q. : that he may learn to /ear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law, and thefe ftatutes to do them. a<51s xv. 21. For Mofes of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the fynagogues every fabbath day. 2 Tim. iv. 2. Preach ^the word, be inflant in feafon, out rfleafon; reprove, rebuke, exhort, v/ith a'l long TufFeiing and do(5lrine, James i. 2 i. Wherefore lay apart all lilchinefs, and fuperfluity of naugh- tinefs, and receive with meeknefs the ingrafied word, which is'able to fave your fouls, v. 22. But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own felvcs. Arts X. 33. ImmediatCiy therefore I fiot to thee ; and thou haft well done that thou art come. Now. therefore ere we all here prefent before God, to hear all things that are com- manded thee of God.

r Mat. x^Kviii. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. I Cor. xi from \erfe 23. to verfe 30. For 1 ha\^c received of the Lord, that which aifo I delivered unto you,

That the Lord Jefus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread, &c.

/Mat. xviil. 15. Moreover, if thy brother fhall 'trefpafs againft thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone : if he fiiall hear thee, thou haft gained thy brother* V. 16, But if he will not hear thee, then takewith thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnefTes every word may be efta- bliiTied. v. 17. And if he fhall ne- gle<51 to hear them, tell it unto the church : but if he negleft to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. Mat. xvi. 19. And 1 will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven : and whatfoever thou Ihalt bind on earth, (hall be bound in heaven : and whatfoever thou fhalt loofe on earth, fhall be loofed in heaven. 1 Cor. v, chapter, i Cor. xii. 28, And God hath fet fome in the church, firfl apoflles, fecondari- ly prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diverfities of tongues.

/ Eph. iv. II. And he gave fome apoflles; and fome, prophets; and fome, evangelifh ; and fome, paftors and teachers; v, 12. For the per- feding of the faints, for the work of the miniflry, for the edifying of the body of Ghrifl. i Tim. v. 7. Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, efpecially they who labour in the word and doarine. v. 18. For the fcripture faith. Thou fhalt not ipuzzle the ox that trcadeUx out the corn j and,


The Larger Calechlfm, 253

ing v; fweanng by the name of God iv, and vowing unto him;v: asalfo the difapproying, detefting, oppofmg all falle worfhipj': and according to each one's place and calling, re- moving it, and all monuments of idolatry .v.

Q^ 109. What are the fms forbidden in thefecond command^ ment f

A, The fms forbidden in the fecond command- ment are, all devifing a, counfelling b, command- ing.

The labourer is worthy of his re- ward. I Cor. ix. 7. to 15. Whogo- eth a warfare any lime at his own charges ? -who plariteth a vineyard, and eateth not of the fruit thereof? or who feedeth a flock, and eateth rot of the raiik of .the flock ? &c.

V Joel ii, 12. Therefore u'fo now faith the Lord, Turn ye even to ine with all your heart, and with fart- ing, and with weeping, and with mourning, v. 13, And rent your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God; for he is gracious and merciful. i Cor. \n. 5, Defraud you not one the o- iher, except it be with confent for a time, that yt may give your- felVes to fading and prayer;

•w Deut. vi, 13, Thou* (halt fear the Lord thy cod, and ferve him, and flialt fwear by his name.

X Ifa.xix. 21. And the Lord fhall be known to Egypt, and the Egyp^ tians (hall know the Lord in that day, and (hall do facrifice and obla- tion, yea, they ihall vow a vow un- to the Lord, and perform it. Pfal. Ixxvi. I . Vow, and pay unto the Lord your cod ; let all that be ^ound about him bring ptefents unto him that ought to be feared.

y Ads xvii. 16. Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his fplrit was ftirred ii? him, when he faw all the city wholly given to idolatry, v. 17. Therefore Uifputed be in the

fynagogue with the Jews, and with the devout perfons, and in the mar- ket daily with them that met with him. PfaK xvi. 4, Their forrows fliall be multiplied, that haften af- ter another god: their drinl^ offer- ings of blood will I not offer, nor take up their names into my lips,

z Deut. viii 5. But thus fhall ye deal with them, ye fhall deflroy their altars, and break down their iiriages, and cut dovfti their groves, and burn their graven images with fire. Ifa, XXX. 22. Ye fhali defile alfo the co- vering of thy graven image? of fl!- vcr, and the ornament of thy mol- ten images of gold : thou fhalt cafl them away as a menflruous cloth ; thou fhalt fay unto it. Get thee hence.

109. a Num. XV. 39. And it fi^all be unto you for a fringe, that ye may look upon it, and remember all the commandments of the Lord, and do them : and that ye feek not af- ter your own hearr, and your owa eyes, after which ye ufe to go a whoring.

h Deut. xiii. 6. If thy brother the fon of thy mother, or thy fon, cr thy daughter, or the wife of thy bofom, or thy friend, which is as thine owq foul, entice thee fecretly, faying, Let us go and fcrve other gods, (which tliou hafi not knov/n, thou^, nor thy fathers ; v. 7. Namely of the g;;ds of the people who are


254 Thi Larget Catechifm,

ing c, ufing d, aPxd any wiTe approving any religious worflilp not inftituted by God himfelf ^.; tolerating afalfe religion/; the making any reprefentation of God, of ail or any of the three perfons, either inwardly in our mind, or outwardly jn any


round about you, nigh unto thee. Or far off from thee, from the ene end of the earth even unto the other end of the earth.) v. 8. Thou {halt not confent unto him, nor hearken unto him ; neither (hall thine eye pity him, neither (halt thou fpare, neither fhait thou con- ceal him.

c Hof» ▼« 1 1 . Ephraim is opprefled and broken in judgment ; becaufe he willingly walked after the com- inandmer\t. Micah« vi. i6. For the flatutes of Oinri are kept, and all the works of the hmifeof Ahab, and ye walk in their counfels, that f ihould make thee a defylation, and the inhabitants thereof an hiffing : therefore ye (hall bear the reproach of my people.

4 * I Kings xl. 35, Becaufe that they have forfaken me, and have worfhipped A(htaroth the goddefs of the Z:donians, Cliemorti the god of the Moabites, and ?4ilcom the god of the children of Ammon, and have not walked in my ways to do that v/hich is right in mine eyes, and to keep my (htutes and my judgments, as did David his father. I Kings xii. 33. So he offered upon the altar which he had made ia Beth el, the fifteenth day of the eighth month, even in the month Tvhich he had devifed of his own heart, and ordilned a feail unto the "Children of ifrael, and he offered Vpon the altar, and burnt incenfe.

<? Deut, xii. 301 Take heed to thy- felf, that thou be .not fnared by fol' lowing them, after t^at they be de- llroyed from before thee, and that thou inquire not after their gods, /ay ing, Kow did thefa natioDS (erve

their gods ? even fo will I do like- wife. V. 3 1 . Thou fnalt not do fo unto the Lord thy God : for every abo* mination to the Lord which he hat- eth, have they done unto their gods: for even their fons and their daugh- ters tiiey have burnt in the fire to their gods, v. 32. What thing fo- ever 1 command you, obferve to do it ; thou (halt not add thereto, nor diminidi from it.

/DeHt. xiii* from verfe 6. to 12. (See letter b,) Zech, xiii, 2. And it fliall come to pafs in that day, faith the Lord of hofts, that I will cut oiF the namss of the idols out of the land, and they (hall no mvre be rc- membred : and alfo I will caufe the prophets and the unclean Ipirit to pafs out of the land. v. 3, And it (hali come to pafs, that when any (hall yet prophefy, then his father and his mother that begat him, (hall fay unto him. Thou (halt not I've; for thou fgf akeft hes in the name of the Lord: and his father and his mother that begat him, (hall thruil him through wh<?n he pr-ophefieih , Rev. ii, 2. I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou can(i not bear them who are evil : and thou haft tried them who fay they are apoftles and are not ; and ha(l found them liars, v. 1 4. But I have a few things agal»(i thee, becaufe thou haft there them> that hold the dodtrine of Balaam, who taught B:ilac to caft a ftum- biing block before the children oa ifrael, to eat things Cicrificed unto idols, and to commit Ornication. v- I 5. So haft thou alfo them tka". hold the doitrineof the Nicolaitan?, which


The Larger Catechifm, 255

khid of image or likenefs of any creature whatfoever ^.• all worfliip of it h^ or God in it or by it /; the making of any reprefcntation of feigned deities ky and all wor(hip of them, or fervice belonging to them /; all fuperftitious devi- ces,

thing I hate. v. 20. Notwithftand- ing, 1 have a few things agaioft thee, becaufe thou fuffercft that woman jezcbel, which calleth herfelf a pro- phctefs, to teach and to feduce my fervaQts to coninnt fornication, and to eat things facrificed unto idols. Rev* xvii. 1 2. And the ten horns which thou faweit are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet ; but receive power as kings one hour ■with the bealhr.i 6. And the ten horns which thou faweft upon tlie beaft, thefe (hall hate the whore, and (hall hiake her defolate, and naked, and fliall eat her flefh and burn her with fire. Vi 171 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree and give their kingdom unto the bead, until the words of God (hall ' be fulfilled.

g Diut. iv. I J. Take ye therefore good heed unto yourfelves (for ye faw no manner of finiilltnde on the day that the Lord fpake unto you in Horeb, out of the midftof the fire.) V. 16. Left ye corrupt yourfelves, and make you a graven image, tlie fimihtixde of any figure, the likenefs of male or female, v. 17. The like- n«fA of any bead that is on the earth, the likenefs of any winged fowl that flieth in the air, v, 18. The likenefs of any thing that creepeth on the ground» the likenefs of any firti that ' u in the waters, beneath the earth ; V. 19. And left thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou feeft the fun, and the moon, and the ftars, even all ihe hoft of hea- •ven, fliouldft be driven to worfhip thtm, and ferve them, which the i^ord thy God hath divided uuty ail

nations under the whole heaven. Ads xvii, 29. Forafmuch then as we are the off-fpring of God, v/e ought not to think that the God- head is like unto gold, or filver, or ftone graven by art and roan's de- vice. Rom. i. 21. Becaufe that when ihey knew God, thev glorified him not as God, neither were thankful : but became vain in their iraaginati* ons, andtheir foolirti heart was dark- ened. V. 22. Profefling themfelvee to be wife, they became fools, v. 23. And changed the glory of the un- <:orruptible (Sod into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beafts, and creeping things. V. 25. Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and wor- fliipped and ferved th«cteaTure more than the creator, who is bleffed for ever. Amen.

^ Dan iii. 18. But if not, belt known unto thee, O king, that we will not ferve thy gods, nor worfliip the golden image which thou haft fet up. Gal. iv. 8. Howbeit, then when ye knew God, ye did fervice un- to them who by nature are no gods,

/ Exod. X xxii. 5. And when Aaron faw it, he built an altar before ir, and Aaron made proclamation and faid. To morrow is a feaft to the Lord,

k Exod. xxxii. 8. They have turned afide quickly out of the waw which I commanded them ; they have made them a molten calf, and have worlhipped it, and have facri- ficed thereunto, and faid, Thefe be thy gods, O Ifrael, who have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

7 1 Kings xviii. 26. And they took

25<5 The Larger Catechifm*

CCS my corrupting the woiiliip of God n, adding ^to il, or^ taking from it o, whether in -.enred and taken up ofour- felves/>, or received by tradition from others q, tho' under the title of antiquity r, cuilomy^ devotion /, good intent, or


the bullock which was given the-n, and they drefled it, andciflledon the name of Baal from morning even wntilnoon, faying, O Baal, hear us. But there was no voice, nor any that anAvered. And they leapt upon the altar which was made, v, 28, And they cried aloud and cut them- felves after their manner with knives and lancets, till the blood gtifhed out upon them. Ifa. Ixv. 11. But ye ^re they that forfake the Lord, that forget my holy mountain, that prepare a table for that troop, and that furmHi the drink- offering unto that number, ^ m Aflsxvii, 22. Then Paul flood

in the midft of Mars-hill, and faid, Ye men of -Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too luperftitious. Col. ii. 21. (Touch not, talte not, handle not : v. 22. Which all are to perifli with the ufing) after the commandments and doftrines of nien,'v, 23. Which things have in- deed a fhew of wifdom in will wor- fliip and humility,, and neglecting of the body, not in any honour to the fatisfying of theflefh.

n Mai. i. 7. Ye offer polluted bread upon mine a*tar: and ye fay. Where- in have we polluted thee i* in that ye fay, The table of the Lord is contemptible. . v. 8, And if ye offer the blind for facriiice, is it not evil ? aod if ye offer the lame and (ick, is it not evil ? offer ic now unto thy governor, will he be pleafed with tfiee, or accept thy perfbn ? faith the Lord of liofls. v. 14. But cuvfed be the deceiver, who hath in his flotk a male, and ?oweth and facri-

ficeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, faith the Lord of hofls, and my name is dreadful among the heathen.

0 Deut. iv. 2. Ye (hall not add unto the word which I command y<iu, neither (hail ye diminifh ought from it, that ye may keep the com- mandments of the Lord your God which I command you,

■f Pfal. cvi. 59, Thus were they defiled with their own works, and went a whoring with their own in- ventions.

a Mat. XV. 9. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for do<5trines the commandments of men.

r I Pet. i. 18. Forafmuch as ye kn ow that ye were n 01 redeemed with corruptible things, as fiher; and gold, from your vain converfa- tion received by tradition from your fathers.

/Jer. xliv. 17, But we will ccr- tai.'ily do v/hatfoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incenfe unto the queen of hea- ven, and to pour out drink offerings unto I er, as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings aod our prin- ces, in the cities of Judah, and in the ftreets of Jerufalem : for then had we plenty of victuals, and were well, and faw no evil.

/ Ifa. Ixv. 3. A people that pro- voketh me to anger continually 10 my face, that facnficeth in garden^, ' and burneth incenfe upon altars of brick : v, t,^ Vv hich remain among the graves, and lodge in the monu- ment<">, v/ho eat fwines flefh, a«d broth of abominably, ihiogs is in


The Lar^r Catechifm, 257

any other pretence whatfbever -y; Simony w; facrilege a-; nil negle^l^; c^onteinpt z, hindering a, and oppofingtiie worfliip and ordinances which God hath appointed b,

Q^ 1 1 o.

their vefTcIs : v. 9. AVho fay, Stand by thylelf, come not near to nie, for 1 am 'holier than thou i thefe are a fmoke in my nofe, a lire ihar burneth all the day. Gal. i, 13. For y^ have heard of my converfation in time part, in the Jews religion, how that beyond meafurc I perfecuted the church of cod, and wafted it : V, 14. And profited in the jevvs re- ligion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more ex- ceedin^^ly ^aloiis of the traditions of my fathers.

V I Sam. xiil. 1 1 . And Samuel faid, "What haft ihou done ? And Saul faid, Becaufe I faw that the people were fcaitered from me, and that thou cameft not within the days ap- pointed, and that the Philiftines gathered themfelves together to Michmafh : v. 12. Therefore faid I, the Philiftines will come down now upon me to Gilgal, and I have not made fupplication unto the Lord : I forced myfelf therefore^ and offered a burnt-offering, i Sam, xv. 21. But the people (faid Saul) took of the fpoil, fiieep and oxen, the chief of the things which fhould have been utterly delTroyed, to facrifice unto the Lord thy cod in Gilgal.

•u; *\<5c«viii. 18, And when Simon faw that through the laying on of the apoftles hands, the Holy Ghoft was given, he offered them money.

X Rom. ii. 22. Thou that ablior- reft idols, daft thou commit facrilege.^ Mah iii. 8. Will a man rob God ? yet ye have robbed me : but ye fa ', "Wherein have we robbed thee ? In tithes and offerings.

^ fiKo4. ir. 34. And it came to

pafs by the way in the inn, that the Lord met him, and fought to kill him. V. 25. Ihtn Zipporai» took. a fliarp fbne, and cut off the foreilcin of her Ton, and caft it al his feet, and faid, Surely a bloody huf- baiid art thou to me. v. 26. So he \tx him go ; then Ihe faid, A bloody hufbaod thou art, becaufe of fliecir- cumcifion,

z Mat. xxli. 5. But they madelight of it, and went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchan- dize. MaL i. 7. Ye offer polluted bread upon mine altar, and ye fay. Wherein have we polluted thee ? In that ye fay, The table of the Lord is contemptible, v. 1 3. Ye faid alfo. Behold, what a wearinefs is it, and ye have fnuffed at it, faith the Lord of hoftsj and y^i brought that which was torn, and the« lame, and the fick : thus ye brought an offering r fhould 1 accept this of your hands ? faiih the Lord.

a Mat. xxiii. 13. But wo unto you Scribes and Pharifees, hypocrites : for ye fliut up the kingdom of hea- ven againft men : for ye nf itlier go in youifelves, neither fulfer ye them tha.t arfi entering to go in.

b hS.s xiii. 24. And the iiext fab- bath day came almoft the whole ci- ty together to hear the word of Goc'. V. 45, But when the Jews faw the multitudes, they were filled wiih envy, and fpake againft thofe things whxh weie fpokcn by Paul, contrA- di(5Ving and blafphem^ng, 1 Theff. ii. 15. AVh© both killed the Lord Jefus, and their own prophets, and have perfecuted us ; and they r^' i^ife not God, "and are co.itra'y 10 ; 11 R. men :

:j3 The Larger Cafechifnu

Qj^lio. What are the reafons annexed to the feccnd com*> mandmenty the more to enforce it?

ilThe reafons annexed to the fecond commandment, the more to enforce it, contained in thefe words, for 1 the Lord thy God am a jealous God, vifiting the iniquity of the fathcri upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that bate me : and flaewing mercy unto thoufands of them that love me,andkeep my commandments c; arc,befideGod'ifoTercignty over us, and propriety in us d, his fervent zeal for his own wor- fliip^, and his revengeful indignation againfl all falfe worflaip, as being a fpiritual whoredom/; accounting the breakers of his


men.: v. 1 6. Forbidding us to fpeak to the Genri'es, that tkey might be faved ; to fill up their fins alway, for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermoft.

iio» ^ Exod. XX, 5, 6.

d Pfal. xk* II. So ihall the king greatly defire tliy beauty : for he is thy Lord, and worfhip thou him. Rev, X7. 3, Aod they fing tl)e fong of Mefes the fervart of God, and the fong of the Lamb, faying, Great and marvellous are thy woiks, Lord God almighty : juft and true are thy ways, thou Fving of faints, v, 4, Who fliall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name ? for thou on- ly art holy:^for. all nations fliall come and woi fhip before thee : for thy judgments are made maoifert.

e £xod. xxsiv. 13, But ye fliall deflroy their altars, break their i- mages, and cut down their groves. V, 1 4, For thou (halt woriliip no o- ther god : for the Lord whofe name is Jealous, is ajcalous cod.

fi Cor. X, 20. But I fay, that the things which the Gentiles facrifice, they facrifice to devils, and not to God : And I would not that ye fkould have fellowibip with devils* v., 2 1 . Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils : ye

cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils, v. 22. Do we provoke the Lord to jea- loufy ? are wc {Ircnger than he \ Jer. vii, 18. The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the, fire, And the women koead their dough to make cakes to the queen of hftaven, and to pour out drink- offerings to other gods, that they may provoke me to anger, v. 19. Do they provoke me to anger ? laith the Lord» do they not provoke themfelves to the confafion of their own faces ? v. 20. Therefore thus faith the Lord God, Behtld, mine anger aad fury fliall be poured out upon this place, upon man and upon bead, and upon the trees of the field, aad upon the fruit of the ground; and it fliall burn, and fliall not be qnenched. Ezek. xvii 26. Thou haft alfo committed fornicati- on with the Egypuaus thy neigh- bours, great of fl«fli, and haft in- crcafed thy whoredoms to provoke me to anger* v, 27. Behold there- fore, I have ftretched out my hand over thee, and have dimiuiflied thine ordinary food ; aod delivered thee unto the will of them that: hate thee, the daughters of the Philiftincs which are afliamed of thy lewd way.


The Larger Catechifm, 259

commandment fuch as hate him, and threatening to punifh them unto divers generations^^; and elteeming the obfervers of it fuch as love him and keep his commandments, and promiling mercy to them unto many generations h.

Q^ III. Which is the third commandrnent f*

A. The third commandment, is, Thou flialt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain ; fpr the Lord will not hold him guiltlefs that taketh his name in vain /.

Q^ < i 2. U^hat is required in the third conrtnandement f

A. The third commandment requires, That the name of God, his titles, attributes k, ordinances /, the


Deut. xKKft. r 6. They provoked him to jealouTy with ftrange gods, with aboniinaiions provoked they hira to anger, v. 17, They ucrificed unto devils, not tp God) to gods whem tliey knew not, to new gods tliat came newly up, whom your fathers feared not. v. 18. Of the rock that be^at thee thou art unmindful^ and hal^ forgotten God that formed thee. V. 19. And when the Lordfaw it, he abhorred tkeni, becaafe of the pro- voking of his fons and of his daugh- ters. V. 20. And he faid, I will hide my face from them, I will (ee what their end (hall l»e ; for they are a very froward generation, children in who<m is no faith,

g Hofea ii. 2. Plead with your mother, plead ; for the is net my wife, neither am I ker hufband ; let her therefore put away her whore- doms out of her fight, and her a- duheries frov.i between her breads : V. 3. Left I ftripher naked, and fet her as in the day that (lie was born, and miike her as a wiidernefs, and fet her like a dry land, and flay her with ihirlL v, 4. And I will not have mercy upon her children ; for they be the childr§n of whoredoms.

h Deut. V. 29. O that there were fucli an heart in them, that they v/puld feai f;e, aai keep all my com-

mandments, always, that it might be well with them, and with their children for ever.

HI./ Exod. XX. 7.

ji2.k Mat, vi, 9. After this man- ner therefore, pray ye : Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be «hy name. Deut. xxviii. 58. If thou wilt »ot obferve to do all the words of this law, that are written in this book, that thou mayeft fear this glorious and 'fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD. Pfal, xxix. 2. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name ; worfnip the Lord in the beauty of holinefs. Pfal. lxviii» 4. Sing urrto God, fing praifes to hia name, extol him that ridcih upon the heavens by his name J A H, and rejtice before him. Rev. xv. 3, 4, (See above in d.y

I Mai. i». 4, But curfed be the de- ceiver, who hath in his flock a male, and voweth and facrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing : for I am a great king, faith the Lord of hofts, and my name is dreadful among the heatheni Eccl. v. 1. Keep thy foot when thou goeft to the houfe of cod, and be more ready to hear, than to give the iacrifice of fool$» for they cocfidei not that they do eviJ.

R 2 m Pfal.

J The Larger Catechifm.

word m, facraments n, prayer o, oaths/, voWs q, lots r, works/ and whatfoever elfe there is whereby he makes himfelf known, be holily and reverently ufed in thcnight /, meditation v^ word iv,


ni PTal. cxxxviu. 2. 1 will worfhip towards thy holy temple, and praife thy name, for thy loving kindnefs and for thy truth: for thou haft magnified thy word above all thy name.

n I Cor. xi. 24. And when he had give thanks, he brake it, and faid, Take, eat ; this is my body which is broken for you; this do in remem- brance of me* V, 2^. After the fame manner alfo he took the cup, when he had fupped, faying. This cup is the new teftament in my blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink it in remem- brafice of me. v. 28. But let a man examine himfelf, and fo let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. V. 29. For he that eateth and drink- eth unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himfelf, not difcerning the Lord's body.

0 I Tim. ii. 8, I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

p Jer, iv. 2, And thou fhaltfwear. The Lord liveth in truth, in judg- ment, and in righteonfuefs ; and the nations (hall blefs themfelves in him, and in him (hall they glory.

q Eccl. V. 2. Be not rafh with thy mouth, and let not thine heart be hafty to utter any thing before cod: for God is in heaven, and thou upon earth : therefore let thy words be few. V. 4. When thou voweft a vow unto God, defer not to pay it : for li^e hath no pleafure in fools ; pay that which thoai haft vowed, v. 5. Better is it that thou fhouldft not Yow» than that thou fhouldft vow r.nd not pay, v. 6 Suffer not thy mouth to caufe thy Qe^ x^ fua, nei-

ther fay thou before the angel, that it was an error ; wfeerefore ftiould God be angry at thy voice, ard de* ftroy the work of thine hand ?

r A6ls i. 24. And they prayed, and faid, Thou Lord, who knoweft the hearts cf all men, fhew whether of thefe twd thou haft chofen. v. 26, And th'ey gave forth their lots ; and the lot fell upon Matthias, and he was numbred with the eleven apo- ftles.

/Job xxxvi, 24. Remember that thou magnify his work, which men behold.

/ MaL iii. 16. Then they that feared the Lord, fpake often one ta- anotlier, and the Lord hearketed, and heard it, and a book of remem- brance was written befere him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name,

V Ffal. viii. Throughout, v, 1, O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ! who haft fet thy glory above the heavens, v 5. When I confider thy heavsns, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the ftars which thou baft ord«ioed ; V. 4. What is man, that thou art mindful of him? v, 9. O Lord our Lord, hQw excellent is thy name in all the earth /

iw Col. iii. 17. And whatfoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of ih-r Lord jefus^jivin^thanks to Cod and the Faihtr by him. Pfal. cv. 2. Sing unto him, fin^ pfalms unto hfm : talk ye of all bis won- drous works, ▼. 5, R^muribcr his marvellous works that he hath done, his wonders and the judgments of his raouth.

.V ?fal^

The Larger Catecbifm, 26t

and writing x ; by an holy profeffion^, and anfwerable con- verfatioji z, ro the glory of God Uy and the good of ourfelves b, and others c.

Q^ < 1 3* What are the fins forbidden in the third command- mentf

A, The fiDS forbidden in the third commandment are, the not ufjjjg of God's name as is required d ; and the abufe of it in an ignorant ^, vain/, irreverent, profane^, fuperftitious Z',


X Pfali cii. 1 8. This fiiallbe wrlt- teo for the generation to conie : and the people which Ihall be created, (hall praifc the Lord.

y I Pet, iii. 15. But fandify the Lord God in your hearts : and be ready ahvays to give an anlwer to every maa that ail<eth you a reafon of the hope that is in you, with meeknefsand fear. Micah. iv. 5. For all people will walk every one in the name of his god, and we will valk in the name of the Lord our God forever and ever.

z Phil. i. 27. Only let your con- verfation be fuch as becometh the gofpel of Ghrift :

a I Cor. X. 3 1. Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.

b Jer. xxxii, 39. And I will give them one heart, and one way, that they may fear me fur ever, far the good of thera, and of their children after thera.

c I Pet. ii. .12. Having your con- verfationhoneft among the Gentiles : that whereas they fpeak againft you as evil doers, they may by your good works Nvhich they (hall behold, glo- rify God in the day of vifitation.

1131^ Mai. ii, 2. If you will not hear, and if you will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, faith the Lord of Hofts, I will even fend a curfe upon you, and 1 will carfe your bleffings : yea, 1 have

curfed them already, becaufe you do not lay it to heart.

e Ads xviii 23- For as I pafled by, and beheld your devotions, I fouad an altar with this infcription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worfhip, htm declare I unto you.

/Prov»xxx. 9. Left I be full, and deny thee, and fay, who is the Lord ? or left I be poor, and fteal, and take the name of my cod ia vain.

g Mai, i. 6. A fon honowreth his father, and a fervant his raafter : ,if then I be a father, where is mine honour ? and if 1 be a mafter, where is my fear ? faith the Lord ofhofts unto you, O priefts, that defpife my name : and ye fay, Wherein have we defpifcd thy name ? v. 7. Ye of- fer polluted bread upon mine altas ; and ye fay, WU^rein have we pol- luted thee ? in that ye fay, The ta- ble of the Lord is coaterrjptible. v. 12, But ye have profaned it, in that ye fay, The table of the Lord is pol- luted, and the fruit thereof, even his meat is contemptible. Mai. iii. 14. Ye have faid, it is vain to fcrvc cod ; and what profit Is it, that we have kept his ordinance, and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of hofls ?

' h I Sam. iv. 3 . And when the peo- ple were come into the camp, the eiders of Ifrael faid, Wherefore hath R 3 th«

t62 The Larger Cateckifm.

or wicked mentioning cr othcrwifc ufmg his titlet, attri- butes /, ordinances ^, or works /, by blafphcmy m, perjury ;/;


the I ord fmitten us to day before the Philiflines ? Let us fetch the ark of the covenant ©f the Lord out of Shiloh unto us, that when it com- eth among us, it may fave us out of the hand of our enemy, r. 4. So the people fcnt «> Shiloh, that they might bring from thence the ark of the covenant of the Lord of hoih, who dwelleth between the cheru- bim s : and the two fons of Eli, Hophni and Phiuehas, were there, with the ark of the covenant of God, V. 5. And when the ark of the cove- nant of theLord came into the camp, all ifrael (houted with a great lliout, fo that the csrth rang again, jer. vii. 41 Trud: ye not in lying words, fay- ing, Tlie temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord, the temple of the Lord are thefe. v. 91 Will ye ileal, murder, and corrmit adultery, and fw§ar falfly ; and burn incenfe unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not; v, lo. And conje and ffand before ine in this houfc, which is called by my aame, and fay. We are deliveied to do aji thefe abomlnuilons ? v, 14, Therefore will I do unto this houfe v/hiih is Called by my name, where- in ye trui'l, and unto the place which I gave to you, and to your fathers, as I have dose to Shiloh. v. 3 1. iiid they have built the high places of Tophsf," which i;; ia the valley of the fon ot Kinnom, to burn their fons and daughteis in tlie £re, which J commanded thein not, neither came h into ruy heart» Col. i:. 20, Whcrei'ore if ye be dead with Chriil: from the riidiments of the world ; •if/hy as t' ough living in the world, 4fe y? fwbje;^ tQ ordiinancqs ? y, 31.

(Touch not, tafio not, handle not; 22, Which all are to perifh with tha ufing) after the commandments and doftrines of men.

/ 2 Kings xviii. 30. Neither let He- zekiah make you truft in the Lord, fayiog, the Lord will furely deliver us, and this city (hall not be deliver- ed into the hand of the king of Af- fyria, v. 35. Who are they among all the gods of the couwtries, that have delivered their country out of mine hand, th^t the Lord fliould deliver Jerufalem out of mine hand? Exod, V. 2i And Pharaoh faid. Who is the Lord, that I (hould obey his voice, to let Ifrael go ? I knovv^ not the Lord, neither v.fill I let ifrael go. Pfal. cxxxix, 20 For they fpeaka- galnft thee wickedly, and thine ene- mies take thy rame in vain.

i Pfal. L 16. But unto the wicked God faith, What haft thou to do to declare my ftatutes ? or that thou fhouldft take my covenant in thy mouth ? v. IT* Seeing thou hateft inftrudlion, and cafteft my words behind thee.

/ Ifa. V. 1 2i And the harp and the viol, the tablet and pipe, and wina are in their feafts ; but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither confider the operation cf his hands.

vi 2 Kings xix. 22. "Whcm hafl: thou reproached and blafphemed ? and againft whom haft thou exalt- ed thy voice, and lift up thine eyes on high ? cveu againft the holy One of IfracJ. Ler. xxiv. 11. And the if- raelitifh woman's fon blafphemed th« name cf the Lord, and curfsd; and they brought him un» Mofes.

«Zech. V. 4. I will bring it forth, faith the Lord of hofti, and it (hall

The Larger Catcchifm. 26j

all finful curfings o, oaths />, vows 7, and lots r; vio- lating of our oaths and vows, if lawful/; and fulfilling v them.

enter Into the houf# of the thief, and into the houfc of him that fwe^reth faJfly by my nam*: tncl it fliall re- main In the midfi: of his houfe, and fhall confume it, wlt?i the limber thereof, and the ftones thereof. Ztch, viiii 17. And let none of you imagine evil in your hearts agpjnfl: your neighbour, and love no falfe oath : for all thefe are things that I hate, faith the Lord.

0 I Sam. xvii. 43. And the Phili. ftine faid unto David, Am I a dog, that thou comeft to me with (taves ? and ihe Phih'ftine curfed David by his gods. 2 Sam. xvi. 5. And when king David came to Bahurim, be- hold, thence came out a nian of the family of the houfe of Saul, wbofe name was Sljimei the fou cf Gerar, he came forth, and curfed dill as he came.

p Jer. V. 7. How fh all I pardon thee for this : thy children harefor- faken nie, and fworn by tktm that are no gods ; when I had fed them to the full, they then committed a- dultery, and aflfembled themfelves by troops in the harlots houfes. Jer, xxiii. io« For the land is full of a- dclterles, for becaufc of fv/earing the land mourneth: the pleafanc places of the wildernefs are dried up, and their courfe is evil, and their force is not right.

q Deut. xxiii. 1 8. Thou fhalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog into the houfe of the Lord thy Godforauy vov/ : for q- veo both thefe are abomination un. to the Ld»d thy cod. Ads xxiii. 12. And when it was day, certain of tlie jew» banded together, and bound theaifelvcs under a curfe, faying,

That they would neither eat nor drink, till they had killed Paul. v. 14. And they came to the chief priefls and elders, and faid, We have bound ourfelves «nder a great curfe, that we will eat /loihing un- til we have flain Paul.

r Efth. iii. 7. in the firfl month (that is, the month Nifan) in the twelfth year of King Ahafuerus, they caft Pur, that is, the lot, before Ha- man, from day to day, and from month to month, to the twelfth m©nUi, that is the month Adar, Efthi ix. 24. Becaufe Haman the fon of Hamedatha, the Agagite, the enemy of all the Jews, had devifed againft: the Jews to dertroy them, and had caft Pur, (th«t is, the lot), to confume them, and to deftroy them. PfaK xxii. x8. They part my garments among them, and cafl; lots upon my vefture,

/Pfal. xxiv. 4. He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart ; who hath not lift up his foul unto vanity, nor fv/orn deceitfully. Ezek. xvii. 16. as I live, faith the Lor<i cod, furelyin the place v.'here the king dwelleth, that made him king, whofe oath he defpifed, and wliofe covenant he brake, even wliU him, in the midft of Babylon he fliall die. v. 18. See- ing liedefplfed theoath, by break- ing the covenant, (v/hen lo, he had given his I. and) and haih done all thefe things, he ftiall not efcape. Vi 9. Therefore thiK faith the Lord God, As 1 live, furely mine oath that he hath defpifed, and my co- venant that he hath broken, even it will I rccompenfe upon his owo head.

R 4 > Mark

2 04 '^^^ Larger Catechtfm»

them, if of things unlawful t ; murmuring and quarreling at V. curious prying into zo, and raifapplying of God's de- crees ;^, and providences^': mifmterpreting z, mifapplying ^, Qr any way perverting the word, or any part of it 4 to pro- fane

/ Mark vi. 26. And the king was exceeding forry, yet for his oath's fake, and for their fakes who fat wi'h him, he would not reject her, 1 Sam. XXV. 32. So andmorealfodo God uoto the enemies cf David, if I leave of all that pertain to bira, by the morning h'ght, any that pliTeth agairf!: the wall. v. 32. And David faid to Abigail, BlefTed be the Lord God of Ifrael who fent thee this day to meet me : ▼. 53- And blefied be thy alvice, and blefled be thou who ha/^ kept me this day from coming to fhed blood, and from avenging myfelf Vv^ith miae own hand. v. 3 4. For in very deed, as the Lord God of Ifrael livreth, who hath kept me back from hurting thee, ej^cept rhou hadfl: haded i^nd come to meet me, furely there had not been left unto Naba!, by the mo^r/mg light, any that pi/Teth againft the \'?\\.

V Rom. ix. 14. What fli all we fay then ? Is there unrighteoufnefs v/!th God? God forbid, v. 19, 1h. u wilt fay then unto me. Why d'.:^' he yet ♦ind fault.? for who bat> r^firtcd his wilK? v. 20, Nay, bur, O man, who art thou tliat re piieil p^^inft codi' fiirvll the thing f y-\^d fay lo him that formed it, Wh •' iiaft thou made rae thus ?

iw Dent. xxix. 29. The fecret tl ings belong un^o the Lord our <jod, but tiiofe rhi'.jgs which are yevc-'ed belonj[» unto us and to our child en for ever, that we may do ^11 the words of this hw.

?f Rom. iii. 5. But if our unrlgh, V =' xufnefs commend the ri^hteoufnefs of Qod i whgt fh^.we fay ? h go4

unrighteous who taketh vengeance ? 1 fpeak as a man. v. 7. For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unro his glory, why yet am I alfo judged as a (inner? Rom, vi. 1 . What fliall we fay then ? fhall we continue in fin, that grace may abound ? 6od forbid.

J' Eccl. viii. 1 1. Becaufe fentence againft an evil work is not executed fpeedily ; therefore the heart of th^ fons of mc-n is fully fet in them to do evil. Eccl. ix. 3. This is an eviF among all things that are done un- der the fun, that there is one event unto all : Yea, aifo the heart of the fons of men is full of evil, and nud«» nefs is in their heart while they live, and after that, they go to the dead, Pfal, xxix. Throughout. I faid, I will take heed to my ways, that I fm not with my tongue.

z Mat. V. 21- To the end* (See Quell. 99. letters.)

a Ezek. xiiii 22. Becaufe with lies ye have made the heart of the righteous fad, whom I have not made fad, and flrengihened the hands of the wicked, that he fliould not return from his wicked way, by promifing him life.

S 2 Pet. iii. 16, As alfo in all his epiflles, fpeaking in them of thefe things : in which are fonjie things hard to be underftcod, which they that are unlearned and unftable wreft, as they do alfo the other fcnptures, unto their own deftru^i- on. Mat. xxii.24. tothe 31. laying, Mafter, Mofes faid, if a man die, having no ehildren, his brother lhal| marry his wife, »Dd raife up fee^

The Larger Caffechi/m. 2(^5

fenfi^ jefts^r, curious and unprofitable queflions, vain jang- lings, or the maintaining of falfe doctrines d; abufing if, the creatures, or any thing contained under the name of God, to charms e, or fmfui lufls and pra(nices /; the malii^n-


unto his brother, v. 25. Now there were with v.s feven brethren, and the firft V. 28. Therefore in the refarreclion, whofe wife (liall fhc be of the feven ? for they all had her. V. 29. jefus anfwered and fald unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the fcriptures, nor the power of God, V. 30. For in the refurreftion -

c Ifa. xxii. 131 And behold, joy, ^nd gladnefs, flaying oxen and kil- ling (heep, eating fiefh, and drinking wine ; let us eat and drink, for to- morrow we fiiall die. Jer. xliii, 34. And as for the prophet, and the prieft, and ihe people that fliall ia.y, The burden of the Lord, 1 will even punifa that man and his houfe. V. 36. And the burden of the Lord fliall ye mention no more : for every man's word fhall be his burden ; for ye have perverted the words of the living God, of the Lord of hofts our God. V* 38. But fith ye fay. The burden of the Lord ; therefore thus faith the Lord, Becaufe ye fay this word, The burden of the Lord, and I have fent unto you, faying. Ye fhall not fay, the burden of the Lord.

d I Tim. 1, 4. Neither give h-eed to fables, and endlefs genealogies, which minifl:er queftions, rather than godly edifying, which is in faith : fo do. V. 6. From which (faith) fome having fwerved, have turned afide untovainjangling; V. 7,r)efiringtobe teachers of the law, underftanding neither what they fay, nor whereof they affirm, i Tim, vi. 4. He is proud, knowing nothing, but dot- <«jj ^t>ottt ^ueitions and ii(\ki of

words, whereof cometh envy, firlfe, railings, evil iurmifings, v. 5, Per- vcrfe difputings of men of corrupt m nds, and delUtute of the truth, fuppoiing that ;3ain is godlinefs : from fuch wi»hdr;'W (hyfelf. y. 20. O Ti-iothy, keep that which is ccm- miut'd to thy truft, avoiding profane and vaih bib.Hngs, and oppofitions of Iciencp, falfly (o called. 2 Tim. ii. 14. Of thcie things put them in rememl)rance, charging them before the Lord, that they ftrive not about

words, to no profit, but to ihe fubverting of the hearers. Tit. iii. 9. But avoid foolifli queflions, and genealogies, and contentions, and ftrivings about the law; for they are unproiitaWe, and vain.

e Dcut. xviii. 10, ii, 12, 13, 14, There fhall not be found among you iny one that maketh his fon or his daughter' to pafs through the fire, or that ufeth divination, or an ob- ferver of times, or an inchanter, or a witch, Vi II. Or a charmer, or a confulter with familiar fpiriis, or a wizard, or a necromancer, v. 12, For all that do thefe things arc an abomination unto the Lord, Sec, Ac^is xix. 13. Then certain of the va- gabond jews, exorcifls, took upon them to call over them who hsd e- vil fpirits, the'name of the Lord Je- , fus, faying, We adjure you by Je« fus whom Paul preacheth.

/2 Tim. vi. 3. For the time will come when they will not endure found doctrine ; but aft?r th^ir om'q lafls fliall they heap to themfclves teiichers, itching ears* v. 41 Aiid they fhall turn away their cars


^66 The Larger Catechifm.

ing^, fcorning^, reviling/, or any wife oppofmg of God*s truth, grace, and ways k\ making profelfion of religion in hypocrify, or for fmiiler ends l\ being alhamed of


from the truth, and /hall be turned unto fables. Rom. xiii. 13. Let us walk, honeflly a* in the day ; not in rioting and drunkennef?, not in chambering and wantonnefs, not In ftnfe and envying, v. 14. But put ye on the Lord Jefus Chrift, and make not proviHon fortheflefn, to fulfil the lufts thereof, j Kings xxi. 9. And fhe wroie in the letters, fay- ing, Proclafm a faft, and fet N^both on high among the people : v. 10. And fet two men, fons of Belial, be- fore him, to beaj- witnefs againfl him, faying. Thou didft blafphenie God and the king : and then cany him cut. and Hone him that he may die. juds 4. for there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this con- demnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our cod into lafciviouf* Defs, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jefus Chrift.

g Avfts xiii. 45 . But when the Jews favv the multitudes, they v/ere filled with envy, and fpake agiinll thofc things which were fpoken by Paul, contradiaing and blafphcming. 1 John iii. 12. Nyt as Cain, who was cf that wicked one, and flew his brother : and wherefore flow he him.^ becaufe ills own works were evil, and his brodier's ilohteous.

h Pfa!. i, t. BlefTed is the man that wJkeih not in the counfcl of the ungodly, nor ftandeth in the v/ay of finners, nor fitteth in the ftat of the f^ornfuj. 2 Pel. iii. 3. Knowing this firii, that there ihail come in the la(l days fcofFers, walk- ing after tkeir own lufts. , i I Pet. iv. 4. Wherein ih^y think it ftrange liiat you run cot' with

them to the fame excefs of riot, fpeftking eyil Of you.

k A<5U xiii. 45. But when the jev/s faw the multitudes, they were filled witk e«vy, and fpake againft thofe things which were fpok^c by Paul, contradicHng and blafphem- iBg. V. 46, Then Paml and Bar- nabas waxed bold, and faid. It was nccelTary that the word of God fhould firft have been fpoken to you: but feeing ye put it from you, and judge yourfclves unworthy of ever* lafting life, lo, we torn to tlie Gen- tiles, V. 50. But the jews ftirred up the devout and hoaourable wo- men, and the chief men of the city, and raifed perfecution againft Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coafts. A(f(s iv. i8» And they called them, and com- jjKanded them not to fpeak at all, nor teach in the name of Jefas. Ads xix. 9. But when diyerfe were hard- ned, and believed not, bat fpake e- vil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and fepa- rated the difciples, difputing daily in the fchooi of one Tyrannus. I ThefT, ii. 16. Forbidding us to fpeak to the Gentiles, that they might be faved, to fill up their fins ahvay : for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermoft. Heb. x. 29. Of how much forer puaidiment, fuppofe ye, ftiall he be thought, worthy, v/ho hath trodden uiider foot theSonof God, and hath count- ed the blood of the covenant where- with he was fandified, an unholy thing, and hath done defpight unia the Spirit of grace ?

/ 2 Tim. iii, 5. Having a form^of god-

The Larger Catechifm. ^6j

It m, or a ftiame to it, by uncomfortable w, unwifc o, unfraic- (u\p and offenfive v/alking q, or backfikiing from it r,

Q. 1 H' ^^-'^^ reafons are annexed to the third command-' mentf

A. The reafons annexed to the third commandment, in thcfc words, (The Lord thy God) For the Lord will not held him


godlinefs, bnt denying the power thereof; from fuch turn away. Mar. xiii. 14. Wo unto you fcribes and Pharifees, hypociites ; for ye devour widow's houfes : and for a pretence make long^ prayers; therefore ye ftiall receive tke greater damnation. Mat. vi. I. Take heed that ye-do no; your alms before men, to be fcen cf them: otherwife ye have no re- ward of your Father who is in hea- ven. V. 2. Therefore when thou doll: thine alms, do not found a trumpet before thee, as the hypo* crites do, in the fynag^gues, and in the itscets, that they may have glo- ry of men. Verily I fay unto you, they have iheir reward, v. fj. And when thou prayeil, thou (halt not be as the hypocrites are : for they love to pray itandiog in the. fyn^- gogues, and in the corners of the ilreets, that they may be (z^n of men. Verliy I fay unto you, ibey have their reward, v. 16. More- over, when ye fad-, be not as the hypocrites, of a fad countenance : for they disfigure their facts, that thsy may appear unio men to iA.i\. verily I lay unto you, they have their reward.

m Mark viii. 38. Whofoever therefore ftiail be afhanied of nie, and of my words, ui this adulterous and finful generation, of him alfo ihall the Son, of man be alhamed, when he comeih in the glory of his Father, with the holy anj^eis.

n Pfal. Ixxiii, i 4. For all the day ipc^ Jiave I b^ea plagued, aftd

chaQened every morning, v. ij. If I fay, I will fpev.k thus ; bthoid, I fliould cffend the generati- on (if thy chiidran,

0 I Cor, vi. 5, 1 fpesk to your fiiame. Is it fo that there is not a wife man among you ? no »ot tjne that (hall be ib!e to judge between his brethren? v. 6. But brother goeth to law with broiher, and that before the unbeiiavers. Eph, v. 15. See then that ye walk{pe<n:- ly, not as fools, but as v.ife, v. 16. Redeemiriff ihe time, becaufe the days are evih v. 17. AVherefore be ye not unwife, but undeiftandiDg what the will of the Lord is.

p ifa. V. 4. What cculdhavc been done more to my vineyard, that I have not dene in it .^ Wherefore when I looked that it fliould bring forth grapes, brȣu^ht it forth wild grapes ? 2 Per. i. 8. For if thefe things be in you, and abound, they make you that ye fliall neither ba barren, r.or unfruitful in the know- ledge of our Lord Jefus ChrilV. v; 9. But he that lackeih ihcfe things^ is blind, and car.nt)t fee afar off, and hath forgouen that he was purged from his old fins.

q Rom. ii. 23. Thou that makeft thy boaif of the law, through break- ing the law difhonoureil thcu God ? V, 24. For the name of God is blaf- phtmed among the Gentiles, thro* yoxi, as it ia written,

r Gal. iii. i. O foolifh calatians, who hath b-iwitched you, thnt you fliouU not obty the tvi^th, before


2^8 The Larger Catechifm.

guiltlefs that taketh his name in vain/,) are, becaufe he is the Lord and our God, therefore his name is not to be profaned or any way abufed by us /; efpecially becaufe he will be fo far from acquitting and fparing the tranfgreiTors of this command- ment, as that he will not fufFer them to efcape liis righteous j udgment v, albeit many fuch efcape the cenfures and punifti- ments of men w.

Q^ 115. Which is the fourth commandment^ A, The fourth commandment is, Remember the Sabbath- day to keep it holy. Six days {halt thou labour and do all thy work : but the fevcnth day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou (halt not do any work, thou, nor thy fon,nor thy daughter, thy man-fervant, nor thy maid-fervant, nor thy


whofe €yes Jefus Chrl/l hath been evidently fet forth, crucified among you ? V. 5. Are ye fo fooli(h ? hav- ing begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfe<5t by the flefii ? Heb. vi. 6. If they ilialJ fall away, to renew them again unto repentance : feeing they crucify to themfelves the Son of God afrefli, and put him to an open fbame.

li4./Exod. XX, 7*

/ Lev. xix. 12. And ye Ihall not fwear by my name faifly, neither (halt thou profane the name of thy God : I am the Lord.

V Ezek. xxxvi. 2 But 1 had pity for mine holy name, which the houfe of Ifrael had profaned among tie heathen whither they went, v. 2 2. > Therefore fay unto the houfe of Ifrael, thus faith the Lord cod, I tlo not this for your fakes, O houfe of Ifrael, but for mine holy name's fike, which 3^e have profaned among the heatiien, whiiher ye went. v. 53, And I will fanftify my great rame, wiiich was profaned among the heathen, which ye have pro- faned in the midfl: of them ; and the heathen (hall know that I am the Lord, faith the Lord Gf)d, when I fhall be fandified in you, before their eyes. Dcut. xxviii. 58. If ihou wilt

not obferve to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayeft fear this glorious and fearful name, THE Lord thy GOD; v. 59. Then the Lord will make thy plagues "wonderful, and the plagues of thy feed, even great pUgues, and of long continuance, and forefickneffes, find of long continuance. Zech. v. 2. And he faid unto me, What feeft thou ? and I anfwered, I fee a flying roll, the length thereof is twenty cubits, and the breadth thereof ten cubits. V. 3. Then faid he unto me, This is the curfe that gocth forth over the face of the whole earth : for every one that ftcaleth fiiall be cut off as on this fide, ac- cording to it : and every one that fweareih, (hall be cut off, as on that fide, according to it. v. 4. 1 will bring it forth, faith the Lord of hofls, and it Ihall enter into the houfe of the thief, and into the houfe of liim' that fweareth faifly by my name. ' 'w I Sam, ii. 12. Now the fons of Eli were fons of Belial, they knew rot rhe Lord* v. 17, AVhcrefore the fin of the young men was very great before the Lord : for men ab- horred the ofiering of the Lord, v.-


The Larger CaUchifm* ^Sq

cattle, nor thy frranger that is within thy gates. For in fix, days the Lord made heaven and earth, the fea, and ali that in them is, and rcfled the feventh day : Wherefore the Lord bleifed the fabbath-day and hallowed it x,

Q^\l6, Wl)at is required in the fourth commandment f A, The fourth commandment requireth of all men the fano- tifying or keeping holy to God fuch fet times as he hath ap- pointed in his word, exprefly one whole day in feven; which was the feventh from the beginning of the world to the refur- l"e£lion of Chrift, and the firll day of the week ever fmce, and fo to continue to the end of the world : which is the Chridian Sabbath^, and in the New Teflament called, The Lord's


22. Now Eli was very old, and heard all that his fons did unto all Ifrael, and how they lay with the women that afTembled j»t the door of the tabernacle of the congrega- tion. V. 24- Nay, my fons: for it is no good report that I hear ; ye make the Lord's people to tranf- grefs. Compared with i Sam. iii. 13, For I hare told him, that I will judge his houfe for ever, for the iniquity which he knoweth: becaufe his fons made themfelves vile, and he retrained them not.

115:. X Exod. XX, 8, 9, 10, II. 1x6,^ Deut. V. 12. Keep the fabbath-day to faucftify it, as the Lord thy cod hath commanded thee, V. 13. Six days fhalt thou labour, and do all thy work : v. 14. But the feventh day is the labbath of the Lord thy God -. in it thou fhalt not do any work, thou, nor thy fon, nor thy daughter, nor thy man fervant, nor thy maid fervant, nor thine ox, nor thioe afs. nor any of thy cattle, nor thy ftrangsr that is within tJiy ;^at€s ; that thy man- fervaot and thy maid fervant may reft as well as thou. Gen.?i,2. And on the feventh day God ended his work which he had riwdc : and he

refted on the feventh day from all the work which he had made. v. 3. And God bleffed the feventh day, and fandified it : becaufe that in it he had refted from all his work which God created and made. I Cor, xvi. I. Now concerning the collection for the faints, as I have given order to the churches of ca- latia, even fo do ye. v. 2. Upon the firft day of the week let every one of you lay by him in ftore, as God hath profpered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. A6ls XX. 7. And upon the firft day of the week, when the difciples came to- gether to break bread, Paul preach-, ed to them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his fpeech until raidnight<. Mat. v. 17. Think not that 1 am come to deftroy the law or the prophets : I am not come to deftroy, but to fulfil, v. 18. For verily 1 fay unto you, Till heaven and earth pafs, one jot or one tittle ftiall in no wavs pafs from the law till all be fulfilled, ifa. Ivi. 2. Blef- fed is the man that doth this, and the fon of man that layeth hold on it : that keepeth the fabbath from polluting it, and keepeth his Iiand. from doiii^ any evil, v, 4. For thus


2 7<^ The Larger Catcchifm*

Daf z.

Q^ £ 1 7. liow IS thefiihhath or hordes day to he fanciijiedf A. The fabbath or Lord's day is to be fancftificd by an holy refting aii that day <r?, not only from fuch works as arc at all limes fmful, but even from fiich worldly employments and re- creations as are on other days lawful b\ and making it our de- light to fpend the whole rime (except fomuch of it as is to be

' taken

faith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my fabbaths, and choofe the things that pleafe me, and take hold of mycovenant, v. 6. Alfo the fons of the ftrangers that join themfelves to the Lord, to ferve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his fervants, every one that keepeth the fabbath from polluting it, and talceLh hold of my covenant: v, Even. them will I bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my houfe of prayer: their biirnt- ©fferings and their facrifices iliall be J^ccepted upon mine altar ; for mine houfe niaii be called an houfe of prayer for all people.

z Rev. i. 10. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard be- bifid me a great voice, as of a tram- pet.

117. ^ Exod. x'j. S. Hemember the lahbath day, to keep it holy, V. 10. Bat the fevenih day is the fabbath of the Lord thy God 1 in it thou (halt not do any work, thou, nor thy fon, &c.

h Exod. xvi. 2!^. And Mofes faid, Eit that to day; for to day is a fab- bath unto the Lord ; to day ye (hall not find it in the field, v, 26. Six days (hail ye gather it; but on the feventh day which is the fabbath, in it tiiere fliall be none, v. 27, And it came to pHf;^, that there west out fomc of the pecple on tlic feventh div for to g-tiher, and they found Doue. V. iS. And the Lord faid

unto Mofes, how long refufe ye to keep my commandments and my laws I Neh. xiii. i j. In thofe days faw I in judah fome treading wine- preflcs on the fabbath, and bring- ing in (heaves, and lading aff^s; as alfo wine, grapes, and figs, and all manner of burdens, which they brought into Jerufalem on the fab- bath-day : and I teftified againft them in the day wherein they fold vidtuals. V. 16. Th«re dwelt men of Tyre alfo therein, who brought filh, and all manner of ware, an^ fold on the fabbath unto the chil- dren of Judah, and in jerufaJemi V. 17. Then I contended with the nobles of Judah, and faid unto them. What evil thing is this that- ye do, and profane the fabbatn- day? V. 18. Did not your fathers thus, and did not our God bring all this evil upon us, and upon this city? yet bring more wrath upon Ifrael by profaning the fabbath. v, 19. And it came to pais, that when the gates of Jerufalem began to be dark before the fabbath, I com- manded that the gates fhould be fhut, and charged that they (liould not be opened till after the fabb? th : and fom'i of any fervants fet ] at the gates, that there /hould no burden be brought in on the fabbath day, V, 20. So the merchants, and fellers of all kind of ware, lodged v/ithout jerufalem once or twice, v. 21. Then I teftified aaainft them, and


The Larger Catechifm, 271

taken up in works of neccflity and mercy c,) in the public and private exercifes of God's worlliip d: And, to that end, we are to prepare our hearts, and with fuch forefighr, diligence and moderation, to difpofc, and feafonably difpatch our worJdly bufmefs, that we may be the more free and fit for the duties of that day.

Q^ 1 1 8. Why is the charge of keeping the Sabbath more fpC" dally directed to governers of families and other fufericrs f

A, The charge of keeping the Sabbath fe more fpecially di- re61ed to governors of families and other fuperiors,becaufe they are bound not only to keep, it themfelves, but to fee that it be


fald unto them. Why lodge ye abont the wall ? if ye do fo again, I will lay hands on you. From that time forth came they no more on the fabbath* v. 22. And I commanded the Levites that they fliould cleanfe themfelves, and that they fhould come and keep the gates, to faoftify the fabbath-day. Remember me, O my G»d, concerning this alfo, and fpare me according to the greatnefs of thy merc)^ Jer. xvii. 21. Thus faith the Lord, Take heed to your- felves, and bear no burden on the fabbath'day, nor bring it in by the gatfs of jcrufjlem. v. 22. Neither carry forth a burden out of your houfe on the fabbath-day, neither do ye any work, but hallow ye the, as I have commanded your fathers.

^ Mat, xii. from verfe i. to i:;. At tli^t time Jefus went on the fab- bath-day through the corn, and his difciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to tat. V. 2. But when the Pharifees faw it, 5cc.

dlh. Iviil, 13. If thou turn away thy foot from the fabbaih, from do- ing thy pJcitfure on my hely day, and call the libbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable, and fhdt honour him, not doing thine

own ways, nor finding thine owa pleafure, nor fpeaking thine own words, Luke iv. 16. And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up : and, as his cuflom was, he went into the fjnagogue en the fabbath-day, and (bod up for to read. A<5t3 xx. 7. And upon the firft day of the week, when the difciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready . to depart on the morrow. I Cor. xvi, r. N*ow concerning the colle<5lion for the faints, as I have given order to the churches of ca- latia* even fo do ye. v, 2, Upon the firft day of the week, let every one of you lay b_f him in (tore, as God hath profpered him, that there be no gatherings whenl come. PfJ» ix, (title) A Pfalm or Song for the fibbathday. ifa, Ixvi, 23. And it ihall come to pals, that from one new moon to another, and from one fabbath to another, ihall all flsfh come to worfhip before me, faith the Lord. Lev. xxiii. 3. Six days (hall work be done, but the feventh day is the fabbath of reft, an holy convocation : ye (hall do no work therein : it is the fabbath of the Lord in your dwellings.

e Exod. XX. S. Remember thefub- bauiddy, to keep it holy. Lukc^


272 The Larger Catechifm.

pbferved by all thofe that are under their charge ; and becauft they are prone oft- times to hinder them by eRiployments oi their own/.

C^ 419. What are the fms forbidden in the fourth cont"

mandment f

A. The fms forbidden in the fourth commandment are, aH omiifions of duties required^, all carelefs, negligent, and unpro« fitahle performing of them, and being weary of them h ; all profaning the day by idlenefs, and doing that which is in itfelf

linful ;

xxiii. J 4. And that day was the preparation, and the fabbath drew on. V. ^6* And they returned and prepared fpices and ointments ; and refted the fabbath day, according to the commandment. Exod.xvi.22. And it came to pafs that on the fixth day they gathered twice as much bread, two omers for one man : and all the rulers of the congrega- tion came and toid Mofes. v, 251 And Mofes faid. Eat that today; for to day is a fabbath unto the Lord : to day ye fhall not find it in the field, v. 26* Six days ye fhall gather it ; but on the feventh day which is the fabbath, in it there fhall be none. v. 29. See for that the Lord hath given you the fab- bath, therefore he giveth you on the fixth day the bread of two days, abide you every man in his place, let no man go out of his place on the feventh day. Neh, xiii* 19. (See in letter b.)

1 18, /'Exod. XX. 10. But the fe- venth day is the fabbath of the Lord thy Gcd : in it thou flialt not do any work, thou, nor thy fon, nor thy daughter, thy man fervant, nor thy maid-fervant, nor thy caitle, nor thy Granger that is within thy gates, jolli. xxiv. 15, And if it feera evil unto you to fcrve the Lord, choofe you this day whom you will ferve, whether the gods whom your fa-

thers ferved, that were on the othelf fide of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whofe land ye dwell : but as far me and my houfe, we will ferve the Lord. Neh. xiii. 1 j, 17. (See above in a.) Jer. xvii. 20. And fay unto them, Hear the word of the Lord, ye kings of Judah, and all Judah, and all the inhabitants of Jerufalem, that enter in by thefe gates. V. 21, 22. (See above in L) Exod. xxiii. 12. Six days flialt thou do all thy work, and on the feventh day thou flialt reft ; that thine ox and thine afs may reft, and the fon of thy handmaid and the flranger may be refrelTied.

ii9,^Ezek. xxii.26. Herpriefts have violated my law, and have pro- faned mine holy things : they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they fhewed difference between the un- clean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my fabbaths, and I am profaned among them,

^ Acts XX. 71 And upon the firft day of the week, when the difciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto the.m, ready to de- part on the morrow, and continued his fpeech until midnight, v. 9. And there fat in a window a certain young man named Kutychus, being; fallen into a deep fleep ; and as Paul was long preaching, be faak down


Th& Larger Catechifmi 275

finfiil /; and by all nccdlefs works, words, and thoughts about iom worldly C!r> ploy merits and recrcauont k,

Q_ I f o. What are the renfum annexed to the fourth com* mandment^ the ntore to enforce it?

A, The reafons annexed to the fourth commaadmcnt, the more to enforce it, are taken from the equity o^ it, God aU^w- ing us lix da\ s of feren i-or our own affairs, and referviog but one for himfelf, in diefe words. Six days (halt ihon labour and do all thy work /; from God ehallcnging a fpecial propriety iit that daVy the (eventh day is the fabbath of the Lord thy God mi from the example of God, who in jlx days made heaven and tanh, the fea, and all that in them is, and relied the fetenth day J and from that blefling whieh God put upon that day, not


was torn, and the lame, and the fick ; thus ye brought an ofTering : {hould I accept this of your i^ds ? faith the Lord.

/Ezek.. xxlii. 38. M»reover» thif they have dofje unto me ; they have defiled my Tanduary in the ftmt day, and have profaned my fabbirhs.

k Jer. xvii. 24. And it ihall come to pafs, if ye diligently hearken tiaio me faith the Lord, to briog in no burden thro' the gates of this city oa the fabbath day, but hallow the lab- bath day, to do no work therein, y* 27. But if ye will rot hcarkan unto me to hallow the (abbith Jay, and. not to bear a burJea, even entri w^' in at the gates of JftruT? ?m un the fabbaib day: then will Ikmdle afire in the gates thereof, and it (hall de- vour the palaces of Jerufalem, and ftiall not be quendied, ift. Iviii. i;. If thou tuvn away'.^y foot from the- fabbaih, from doi<jj|.fey pleafure on my holy day, and ^i-.the fabbath a delight, the holy of'-ibe Loid, ho- nourable, and ftialt hoai&ur him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own plcafuic, nor fpeakmg thine ivm words.

120. / Exod. XX. 9.

ri ]i2jd» XX. 10. ..

ivltkfl;ep, and fell dot^o from the third loft, and was taken up dead- Ezck. x^.xiii. 30. vlfo thou Ion of tean, the children of thy people ftill are talking agairiit tiiee by the walls, and in the doors of the houfes, and fpejik oae to another, every one to his brother, faying, Conic I pray you, and hcAr what is the word that Cometh forth from the Lord. V. 3 1 i And they come unto thee as the people cometh, and they fit be- fore thee as my people, and heair thy words, but they will not do them : for v/iih their mouth they fiiew much love, but their heart goeth«after their covetoufncfs. V, 32. And lo, thou art unto them as a very lovely fong of one that hath 2 pL afant viiice, and can play well €n an inliiument : for they hear thy words, but they do them not, Amo8 viii. 5. Saving, vv1)eB will the joew moon be gone, that we may fell corn? and xht iabbath that wc may fet forth wheat, m4king the ephah fm^ll, and. the fhekel great, and fallifying the balances by de- ceit ? Mtl. i. 13. Ye faid alic, Be- hold, what a weariuefs is it ! and Jre have feuffed at it, faitlj the Lord ^f hftfti; and. y e brouf lit that whicl*

1 r; ^' \^'' Catechifm, only in faH^Ifyuig it to be a day for his fetvice, butin ordainii]^ it to be a means of blefling to us in our fanctifying it ; tvherc- fore the Loid bleffcdthe fabbath-day, and hallowed it«.

Q^ 12 1. Why li the zvord Remember, ftt in the tegbifilng of the Jkirth commandment f\ '

A' The M'ord Ren:iember is fct in the tegimiing of the foarth con\mandment (?, partly beoaufe of the great benefit of remcmbrifL'^ it, wc being thereby helped m our preparation to kc»p it/); and, in keeping it, better to keep all the refl of I lie commandinenrs q, *and to continue a thankful remembr^nee of the two great benefits of crearion and redemption, which ccm- lain a iliort abridgment of religion r\ and partly bccaufe we are


ft Exod XX, IT. 121, (? Kxo'J. XX. 8.

/ KxcJ. xvi. 2;. And he faiJ un- to them. This is that which the Lord hath faid, To morrow is the reft of the hcly fibbath unto thi.^ Lord: bake that v/hicli ye will bake, Jo diy, and feethe that ye will feethe : and that which remaineth over, lay up for you to be kept un- til the morning. Luke xxiii. 54. And that day was the preparation, and the fkbbath drew on.v v. 56. And they retur.ned, and prepared fp'ces and ointmenrs; and refbd the fabbathnlay, according to the coni- mandmcnt. Con-ipared with Mark Xv, 42. ^tad no\'/ when the even was^come, becaufe it was the pre- paration, that is, the day before the fabbath. Nch. j^iii. 19. And it came to pafs that when the g^tes of JeruCilem began to be daik before the fabbath, I commanded that the gates ftiould be Ihut, and charged that they {hould not be opened til! after the fibbiih : and fome of my. (Servants fet.I at the g.ite, that there ihouid #0 burden be brought in on ti t r:ibbath-di!y.

f Pfal; xcii, (Title) A Pfalm or Song for the fabbathday. Compared V. 13. Thofe that be pUi^tsd ib the

houfeof the Lord, fliall flourifh In the courts of our God. Ard v, 14. They ihall (tiU bring f )f lo fruit in old affe : Hbey lliall be fat, and ilourilbing. Ezek. xx* t 2. More- over aifo, I gave tJiem my fabbaths, to be a fign between me and them, that they m'gbt kno'.v that I am the Lord that fanftify them. v. 19, f am the Lord your God t walk in my ftatures, and keep my judgments, and do them, v, 20. And hallow my fahbaths : and they fhall be a ffgn between me ard yen, th,*? ye may know that I am the Lord your God. r Gen. ii, 2. And on the feventh day God ended his v/ork \vhi«h he had made? and hirefted on the fe- venili day from all his work which he had ri\^ait, v. 3. And God bieffed the feventh day, and fansftified it : because that in it be had rcfted from all hi-3 work, which God created and made. Pfal. cxfiii. 22. The (lone which the builders refuffd is become the head (lone of the cor- ner. V, 24. This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will re- joice aod be gljfi in it. Compared v/ith A<5Vs iv. 10. Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Ifrael, that by the nanatof jefas Chrif! of Naxareth,

The Larger Catechifrn^ 27^

tery ready^to forget it/ for that there is Icfs light of nature for it /, and yet it rellrainefh our natural liberty in things at other tunes lawful "J ; that it cometh but once in fevcn days, and many worldly bufinelTes come between, and too often take off our minds from thinking of it, cither to prepare for it, or to fan^flify it zv\ and that Satan with his inftruraents much labour to bloc out the glory,^ and even the memory of it, to bring in all irreligioa and impiety ;v.


Nazareth, •Rvhom ye crucified, whom God raifed from the dead, even by him doth this nun ftand here before you whole, v. 1 1. This is the flonc which was fet at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Rev. i. 10. I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and heard behind me a great voice as of a trunrpct.

/Ezek xxii. 26. Her priefts have violated ihy law, and probried mine hoiy things : they have put no difFe rence betvveen the holy and profane, neither have they (hewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my fabbaths, and I am profaned among them.

/ Neh. ix, 14. And nndeft known unto them thy holy fabbith, and commanded them precepts, ftatutes, and laws, by the hand of Mofes thy fervant.

V Exod. xxxiv, 21. Six days fhalt thou work, but on the feventh day thou {halt reft : in earing-tinie, and in harveft tbou Ihalt reft,

1JJ Deut, V. 14, But the feventh day is the fabbaih of the Lord thy God : in it thou fhalt not da any work, thou, nor thy fon, nor thy daiighter, nor thy maa-fervant, nor thy maid fervant, nor thine ox, nor thine afs, nor any of thy cattle, nor any ftranger that is witkin thy gat?s ; tJiat xhy man- fervant and thy

maid-fervant may reft as well as thou. v. 15. And remember thak thou waft a fervant in the land of Egypt, and that the Lord thy GodL brought thee out thence, through a mighty hand, and by a firctched out arm : therefore the Lord thy cod commanded thee to keep the fabbath day. Amos viii 5, Saying, When will the ncw-nioon be gone, that we may fell corn ? and the fab- bath, that we may fet forth wheat, making the ephah fmall, and the fhekel great, and faJfifying the ba- lances by deceit ?

X Lam. i. 7, Jerufajem remembre^ in ihe days of her afflidion, and ec her miferies, all her things that fhe had in the days of old, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and none did help her, the adverfaries faw her, and did moclc at her fabbaths. jer. xvii. 21. Thus faith the Lord, Take heed to your- felves, and bear no burden on the fabbath-day, nor bring it io by the gates of Jerufalemi v, 22» Neither carry forth a burden ©ut of your houfes on the fabbath-day, ricithcf do ye any wor'-:, but hallow ye the fabbath-day, as I commaoded your fathers, v. 23. But they obeyed not, neither inclined their ear, but made their neck ftiff, that they mlgkt not hear nor receive inftruftion. Neb. - xiii. from verfe 15. to 23. In thofe davs faw I ip Judah, foOi? treading

27 o Tke Largtr Cattchifm*

Q^ 121. What is the fum of the ft ^ commandments tvbick C07ifain our duty to man ? .

A. The fum of the fix commandments which contain our duty toman, if, to love our ncig^'ibonr as ourfelvcsjy, ancj to ^o to others what we would have them do to us z.

Q^ 123. Which is the fifth commandment?

A. The fifth commandment is, Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days* may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee a,

(^124. Who are meant by father and mot her ^ in the fftb co?nmandment f

A, By father and mother, in the fifth comraandmeut, are meant not only natural parents b, but all fuperiors in age c ani gifts r/; and cfpccially fuch as by God's ordinance are over us in place of authority^ whether ia family e^ church/, or com- mon-*

ulne prefles on the fabbathday.— (See in l«tter bi)

\22. y Mat, xxii. 39. And the (Qcond. is like unto it. Thou fhalt love thy neighbour as thyfclf.

zMat. vii. 1 2- Therefore all things wharfoever ye would that men fiiould do to you, do ye even fo to them ; ibr ihis is the law and ihe prophets.

123. i* Exod. XX. 12.

124, b Prov. xxiii. 22. Hearken wnto thy father that begat thee, and Hefpile not ihy mother when ("he is M. 15. Thy father and thy r^oiher (hall he glad : and flie that bare thee fiiall rejoice. Eph. vi. r.. Children obey your parents in the Lordt for this is rights v. 2. Honour thy father and mother (which is the nril confimandment with promife.)

c f Timt V. I. Rebuke not an el der, bat intreat him as a father, and the younger men as brethren : v. 2. The elder women as mothers, the youngtr as fiftcts, with all purity.

d Gen. iv. 20, And Adah bare JaW4 : he was the father of fuch as dwell in tecu, and of fuch at have catrle. v. 2.1. And his brother's Mani« was jubai : ^% waj \h% i^\x^s

tt all fuch as handle the harp and- organ, v. 22. And Zillah, fhe alfo bare Tubal Cain, an inftrudlor of every artificer in braij and iron. Gen. xlv. 8. So now it ^yas not yoi* that fent me hither, but God : and he hath made ine a father to Pha- raoh, and lord of all his houfe, and a ruler throughout all the land of


e 2 Kings v. 13. And his fervant came near, and fpake uoto th^m, and faid, My father, if the prophet- had bid th«e do fome great things wouldd thou not have done it ? how much rather then, when he faith to- thee wafh and be clean ?

/" 2 King* ii. 1 2 . And EliHia faw it^ and he cried. My father, my father, the chariot of Ifiael, and the horfc- men thereof. 2 Kings xiii, 14. Now Elifha was fallen fick, of hfi ficknefs whereof he died, and joaOi the king of ifrael tame down unto him, and wept over his face, and faid, O my father, my father, tie chariot of Ifrael, and the horfemen thereof. Gal. iv, 19. My little chiK dren, gf, whom \ tray^i h birth again

The Larger Catechifrtu 277


Q^ . <5 Why are fuperiors flikd father and mother^ A, Superiors are ftiled father and mother, both to teach thcra in all duties toward their inferiors, like natural parents, to ex* prefs love and tendernefs to them, according to their feveral relations h\ and to work inferiors to a greater vvillingnefsand chearfulnefs in performing their duties to their fuperiors, as to their parents /".

Q^ 1 26. What is the general fcope of the fifth commandmentt A. The general fcope of the lifth. commandment is the per- formance of thofe duties which we mutually owe in our feve*^ ral relations, as fuperiors, inferiors or equals i.

Q^ 117. ^Vhat is the honour that inferiors owe tOk their fu* feri$rsf

A. The honour which inferiors owe to their fuperiors is,


until Chrift be formed in you.

g Ifa.xlix. 231 And kings iliall be thy nurfing fathers, and their queers thy nurfiQg mothers : and they (hall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the duft of thy feet, and thou (halt know that I am the Lord : for they foali not be afhamcd that wait for


1 25. h Eph, vi, 4. And ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: hut bring them i:p in the nurture ;tnd admonition of the Lord. 2 Cor. xii. 1 4. For the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but ihe pa- rents for the children, i Theff. ii. 7. But we were gentle among you, even as a nurfe cherirtietli her chil- dren : V. 8'. So being affef^ionately defirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gofpel of God only, but aifo our own fouls, becaufe ye were dear un- to us. V. 1 1. AS ye kn«w, how we exhorted and comforted, and char- ged every one of you, as a father iaoth his children. Numb. xi. it. 4Bd Mofes faid unto the Lord,

Wherefore had thou afflifted thy fervant ? and wherefore have I not found favour in thy i<ght, that thou layefl the burden of all this people upon rac? V. 1 2 Have I conceived all tl^iis people ? have I begotten them ? that thou fhouldft fay unto me* car- ry them in thy bofom, (as a nurfing father beareth the fucking child) unto the Isnd which thou fwarell unto their fathers ?

/ I Cor. iv. 1 4. I write not thefe things to fiiime you, but as my be- loved fons I warn you. v. i j. For iho' you have ten thoufand inilruc- tors in Ghrift, ypt have ye not many fathers : far in Ghrift Jefys 1 have. begotten you through the gol'pel, V. r6. Wherefore I befeech you be ye fol'owers of me. 2 Kings v, 13. (See letter e.)

126. i Eph. V. 21. Submit rin^; yv'iurfelves one to another in the fear ofcod. I Pet. ii. 17. Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour ti\e king. Rom. xii. 10, Be kindly afiTcaioned one to a- nother, with brotherly love, in ho- nour preferring one another.

S2 /lay,

2 7^ Tht Larger Catechijm

all due reverence in heart /, word m, and bcbntiour «;j prayer and thaklgiving for them<9; knitation of their vir- tues and graces/; willing obedience to their lawful com-^ niands and counlels q ; due fu>bmiffion to their corre£ti-


1 27. / Mai. i. ^. A fon honoureth his fatiicjL and a fervaot his mafter: If then I bs a father, where is mine lionour? md if I be a maPrer* where is my fear ? faith the Lord of hods unto you, O priefts, tl.«t defpife my rame f and ye fay, Wherein have vjz depifea thy name ? Lev. xix. 3. Ye fiiall fear every niafl his mother, and his father, and keep my fab- baths t I ani the Lord your God. ,

vt Frot. xxxi. 28. Her childrett trife up and call her blefl^d : her lujiband alfo, and he praifeih her* X Pet iii. 6. Ksren as Sarah obeyed iVbr^ham, calling him lord ; whofe daughters yc sre es long as ye do •well, and are not afraid with any amazement.

n Ltv. xix. 3 2. Thou {hah rife up befare the hoaiy head, and honour the face of the old man, and fear thy God : I arc the Lord, i Kings 11. ic;, Barhfbcba therefore went un to King Solomon, to fpeak unto him for Adofiijah ; and the king rofe pp to meet her, and bowed hirafelf tinto her, and fat down on his throne, s^nd cau^sd a feat to Idp fet for the king^s mother; and ihe fat on his right hand.

e I Tim. if. i. {exhort therefore, that firft of all, fuppiicarmns, pray- ers, intercefiior's, and giving o>" thanks be made L'.r all men: v. 2. Tf^or kinr«, and for all that are ia BUthoriry ; th}»t we may lead a qnief and peace?ible life in all oodliRefs ^nd hcneiiy.

/ Htb. xi-i. 7. Remfr^vl:>r them v.'h# have the rule over yo'u, who Slave rpokeu unto yni the word of «pod : %yhofe failh fbllow, qonfider-

ing the end of their converfatlon, Phil. iii. 17- Brethren, be followers together of r^je, and mark them who walk fo, as ye have us for an en- fample.

q Eph. vi. I . Children, obey your patents In the Lord: for tliis is V. 2. Honour thy father and mother, (which is the firft com* raandment with promife.) v. 5.Serf vants be obedient to them that are your mafiers, according to the fiefti, with fear and tremblirg, in fingle- nefs of your heart, as unto Chrift; V. 6. Not with e^ef«rvice, as men- pleafers, but a* the fervants of Chriff, doing the will of God from the heart; v. 7. \Vith goodwill doin^ Service, as to the Lord, snd not to meii. 1 Pet. li. 13. Submit yourfelves to every ordinance of man for tfce Lord's fake: whether it to the king, as fupreme : v, 14. Or unto governors, fiS unto" them that are fent by him for the puniOiment of evil doers, and ^V-r die praife of them that do wclj. Rom. xiii, j. Let every foul be Tubje^l unto the lii^her powers. For tiiere is no power but of God ; the powers that be, are cr- dained of G(>d. v. 2. Whofoever therefore rc/iflet!) the p6wer, rellft- erh the ordinances of cod : and they that rcfift flia)! receive to ihemfelves damnation, v. 3. For rulers are not a terror to good WOrks.but tcthe evil. \Vilt thou then not be afraid rf the ]»ower \ do that which is good, and t,hou ibalt have praife of the fame : V. 4. For he is the niinifler of God to thee for good. Hut if thcu do, that which is evil, be: afraid ; for he: ' <-'■'■■ '■■'"■■ ■' ' hssLK'^

The Larger Catechiffiu 27;^

mi r; l^dcllry to/ dcfrnce t, and maintenance of their pef- fons and authoriry, accordinf^ to iheir feveral ranks and the nature of their places; bearing with their iutlrmities,


teareth rot the fworrJ in vain : for \^ is tlis miaiiicr of God, a reven* ger to otetutc wrath upon him that cioO) evil. V. 5. Wherefore ye muft nc^Js W furtj*^, not only for wrath, but alfo for cnnfcience fake, Htb, xiii. 17. Obey them that hare the rule over you, and fnbmit your- ielvcs: for they watcli for your fouls, as they that mufl give ?c- €onnt ; that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. Prov. iv. 3. For I was my father's fon, tender and only beloved in the fi^lit of my mother. %'. 4. He taught me alfo, and faid unto me, Let thy heart re- tain my words, keep my command- ments and live. Prov. xxiii* 22. Hearken unto thy father that begat thee, and defpife not thy mother when (lie is old. Exod, xviii, 19. Hearken now unto my voice, I will ^ivc thee counfel, and cod fhall b^ with thee. v. 24. Sa Mofes hesrken* ed to the voice of his fddier-in-law, i^tk'X did all that he had friid. ' r Heb. xii» 9. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flsfh, v/ho corrcfted us," and we gave them re- Tcr^T.ce : (hall we fiot much lather I .; in fubjeciion unto the Father of i^oirirs, and lire \ i Pet, ii. 18. Ser- vants, be fubjeft to your mafters with all fear, not only to the j^,ood and gentle, but alfo to the froward. V. 19. For this is thank- worthy, if a man for confcience toward God endure grief, fuffering wrongfully. V, 20. For what glory is it, it when yc be buffeted for your faults, ye {hall take it patiently i* but if when ye do well, and fuffer foi^it, ye take

it patiently, this is acceptable with

/Tit.ii. 9. Exhort fervants tobc obedient unto their own msdcrs, andtopleafe them well in ell things; not anfwering again, v, 10. Not purloining, but iTiewing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the do(5).ririe of cod our Saviour in all things.

/ I Sam. xxvi. 15. And David faid to Abner, Art not thou a valiant man ? and who is Ifke to thee in if^ rael ? wherefore theij l.aft thou not kept thy lord the king? for there came one of the people in to dellroy the king thy lord. v. 1 6. Thii ihlnft is not good that thou haf^done : as the Lord llveih, ye are worthy to die, bccaufe ye hav.1 not kef t y(;ur mader the Lord's anointed. 2 Sam. xviii, 3. But the people anfwered. Thou (halt not go forth : for if we fiee away, they will not care for us; neither if h&?f of us die, will they care for ns : but now thou art worthy ten thonf,<nd of us : therefore now it is better that thou fuccour us out of tiiccity. Edh, vi. 2.. And it was found v/ritten, that Mordccai \\\^ told of Bi{^t liana ?nd Tercfli, two. of the king's chamberlains, the keepers of the door, who fought jttt lay hand on the kin^ Ahafuenis,

r Mar» xxii. 21. They fay vinta him, Cefar's. Then fjid he u«to them, Render unto Cefar the things which are 'Cefar's: and unto cod the things that are God's. Rom. xiii. 6. For, for tk caufc'pay you tri- bute alfo: for they are God's mini- (ters attending continually upon tl»is very thing, v. 7. Render therefore S 4


S8cj The Larger Catechifm.

and coTcrmg them in love w, that fo they may be an honour

to them, and to their government sc,

Q^ J 1 ?. What Mre theftm af inferiors againft thtirfuferi^rs?

A. The fms of* inferiors igainfl their fuperiors arc, all ncglc6l pf the duties required toward them^; envying at 2:, contempt oia,^


to all their dups : tribute To whom tribute is due, cuftom to whom cuttora, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour. 1 Tim. ▼.17. Let the elders that talc well, be counted worthy of double honour, efpecially they who labour in the word and do£irihe. 18. For the fcripture faith. Thou {halt not muzzle the ox that tread- cth out the corn : and, The labour* er is worthy of his reward. Gal. vi. ^. Let him that is taught in the ■word, communicate usito him that ♦eacheth in al! good things.. Gen. 3clv. ri,And there will I rouridi thee (for yet there are five years of famine) left thou, a»d thy houfhold, and all that thou haft come to po- verty. Gen. xltii. 12 And Jofeph noufiftied his father and his bre- thren, and all his father's houflitld with bread, according to their fa- milies.

'vj I Vtt. ii. x8. Servants, be fub- je^ to your mafters with si! fear, not only to the good and gcttle, but al- fo the f.oward. Prov. Kxili. 12. ffearken unto thy father that begat «hee, »nd dffpife not thy mother when (lie is old, Gcn. ix. 23. And Shcm and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both tbeir n»oul- d?"^*, and went backward, and co- hered the nakednefs of their father; tin^ their faces were backward, ?nd they fiw not tbeir father's naked- »efs.

X Pr?-] cxxyii. 5. Lo, childrer arc an heritage of the Loid : and the fi-uit of the woml? is his rey/ard. v.

4. As arrows are in the hand of ^ mighty man : fo are children of the youth. V. 5. Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them : they fhall not be afharacd, but they ft^.aU fpeak with the enemies in the gate, Prov. xxxi, 23. Her hulband is ksowR in the gates, when ha futeth among the elders of the land

1 28.^ Mat. XV, 4. For cod com- manded, faying, Honour thy father and mother, and, He that curfetK father or mother, let him die the death, v. 5. But ye fay, Whofoe- ever (hall fay to his father or his mo- ther, it is a gift by whatfoeyer thou mighteft be profited by me. v. 6. And honour not his father or his mother hf fiiell be freci Thus have ye made the commatdment ef Godj of none cffefl: by your tradlition,

z Num. xi. 28. And J#{hua thQ fon of Kin, the fervant of Mofes, one of his young mn, anfwered and faid, My lord Mofes, forbid them, vi 29. And Mofes faid unto hisi, Envieft thou for my fake ? Would God that all the Lord's people weTe prophets, and that the Lord would put his Spirit upon them.

a I Sam. viii. 7. And the Lord, faid unto Samuel, Hearken unto the ▼oice of the people, in all that they fay unto thee : for they have not rej$(51ed thee, but they have rejc<5led me, that I fhould not reign over themi I fa. iii. 5, And the people fi)all be cppteffed, every one by a- nother, and every one by his neigh- bour : the child (hali behave him-

The Larger Cattechifrtu sSfc

and rebellion /^ again their perfonsr, and places (f/, id thciP' lawful counfels e, commands, and con cations/ ,- curfmg, nDock- mgg, and all fuch refraf^ory and fcandalous carriage, as proves a fharae awd diihonour to them ai}d their government h.

Q^ I 29. What is required of fiiperiors towards thsir inferiors f"

A, It is required of fupcriors, according to that power

they receive from God, and that relation wherein they

ftand, to love /, pray for k, , and blefs their inferiors /;


felf prouxily agamft the ancient, and thf bafe againil the honourable.

b i Sam. XV. from v. i. to 1 2. And it came to pafs after this, that Ab falom prepared him chariots and horfes, &;c.

c Exod. xxi, I J, And he thai fmiteth Kis father or his raothefj (lull furfly be put to death.

d I Sam. X. 27. But the children of Belial faid. How fhall tliis man fate us ? and they defplfed him, and breught him no prefents ; but he beJd his peace,

i I Sara. li. sj.-T-Motwithftand- ing they (viz. the fons of Eh) hear kencd not unto the voice of their father, becaufe the Lord would flay th«m.

/"Deut. xxi. 18. If a man have a ftubborn and rebellious fon, who "will not obey the voice of his father or th-e voice of his mother, and that when they have cbaftened him, will not hearken unto them : v. 19. Then fhall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of the city, and unto the gate of his place : v 20. And they (ball fay unto the el lers of his city. This oar fon is ftubborn and rebel- lious, he will not obey our voice, he i^ a glutton and a d^'unkard. v. 21. 4nd all the uien of his city fhall: ftont him with ftones, that he die: fo Hialt thou put evil away from a loong vou, and all ifraci Ihall hear, ^dfear.

g Prov. XXX, 1 1, There Is a gene- ration that curfeth their father, and doth not blefs their mothen v , 1 7. " TUe eye that mocketh at his father,, and ilefpifeth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley (hall pick it out, and the young eagles (hall eat it.

h Prov. xix. 26. He that wafteth his father, and chafeth away his mother, is a fon that caufeth (hame, ^A bringeth reproach.

129. /Col.iii. 19. Hiiiibands, love your wives, and be not bitter againft them. Tit. ii. 4. That they may teach the yoving women to be fober, to lov«' their hiifbands, to love their chil-- dren.

k I Sam. xii. 23, Moreovsr, as for me, God forbid that I fhould fin a- gain ft the Lord in ceafiivg to pray for you : but I will teach you th« good and the right way. Job i. 5. And it was fo, when the days of their feafHng were gone about, that; job fent and fan^iiicd them, and rof* up early in the morning, and offered burnt- offerings, according to the number of them all : for Job faid, It may be that my fons have linned, and curfed God in theic hearts. Thus did job (Continual Syi

/ I Kings viii. jj. And he ftood, and bleffed all tUe congregation of Ifrael, with a loud voice," f-^ying, V. 56. Blefled be the Lord, that' hath given reil; unto his people If- rael,

f S2 The Larger Gattehtfm,

to indmf^ ;/?, counfel and admonifti them;?; countenancing^, commending/?, and rewarding fuch as do well q ; and difcouii- tcnancing r, reproving, and chaftifmg fuch as do ill/; pro- tc£ling /, and providing for them 'all things, necefiary for


r5t.el, acf!.'>rding to al! that he pro- mired : there hath nor fa.ii?d Hth. vii, 7. And without all contradicti- on, the lefs is blefP-d of the better. Gen. xiix. 28. AH thoTe are the t\v«ive tribe? of Ifraei : and this is it that their father fpake wnto them, and bleiTed them ; ' every one accord xng to bis bleiTmg he bleffed them.

fn Dcjut. vi. 6. And thefc words, which I command thee this <iay, fhall be in thine hea?rt. v. 7. And thou fhalt teach them diligenrly unto thy children, and fhalt talk ok them 5vhen thou fittefl in thine houfe, a«d when thou wplkcft by the way, and -.vhen thou Heft down, and when thou rifefl up.

n Eph. vi< 4, And ye fathers'pro- voke not your children to wrath : but bring rhem up in tlie nurture aad adinouition of the Lord.

0 I Pet. iii. 7. Likewife ye huf- bands dwell with them according to kno'.vlsdge, giving honour unto the wife as unto the weaker vefft^l, and as bfiog heirs together of the grace of hh ; that your prayers be not hindrcd.

p I Pet. ii. 14. Or unto governors, as unto then:) that are fent by him for the puniilimenr of erii doers, and for the praife of them that do weil, Rom. xiii. ;?. For rulers are not a ter- ror to good work*,* but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power > df> that which is gr^od, and thou flialt iiavc praife of the fame.

. q Elth. vi. 1. And the kingfaid. What honour and dignity hath been done to Mordecai ior this ? thea

faid the kings fervants thst ?r}ni- ilred unto him, There is nothing done for him.

r P^om. xiii. q. For rulers are not a terror to good works, but lo the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power ? do that which is good, and thou (halt have praife of the fame : v. 4, For l\e is the minl- f!:er of Gitd to ihee ior good. But if thou do that which is evil, t>e.a- fraid : for he beareth not the fword in vain : for he is the minflcr of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil.

/Pfov. xxix. The rod end re- proof give wifdom : but a child left to himfeif, bringeth his mother to fname. i Pet. ii. 14. ^See above in letter/,)

/ Job xx.X!X« 12. Becaufe I deliver- ed the poor that cried, and the fa- therlefs, and him that had none to help him, v. 13. The blefhng of him that was ready to perifh, came upon me : and I caufed the widows heart to fing for joy. v. 14. 1 put en righteouinels, and it clothed me; my judgment v/as a robe and a dia- dem, V. 15.1 was eyes to the blind, and feet wfis I to the lame, x, 16. 1' was a father to the poor ; and the caufe which I knew not, 1 fsarched out, V, 17. And I brake the jaws of the wicked, and pluckt the Ipoil out of his teeth. lU, i. 10. Hear the word of the Lord, ye rulers cf So- dom J give ear unto the Jaw ot our' God, ye people of Go/ 1 >rrah. v. 17, Learn to do well, feek judgment, relieve the oppreiTed, judge the fa- therJefsyi'

The Larger Catechi/m. 2^^

foul V and' body ^; and, by grave, wife, holy and exemplary carriage, co procure glory to God a-, honour to themfelvcs^, and fo to preferve that authority which God hath put upon (hem z,

Q^ 150. ifFbai are the fins offuperiorsf

A, The fins of fuperiors are, befide the negle^ of the duties required of them a, an inordinate leeking of them- fclves b, their owa glory c, eafe, profit, or pleafure d; com- mand'

therlcfs, plead for th« widow,

vEph. vi. 4. And ye fathers, pro- Toke not y©ur children to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord*

ay I Tim. 8. But if any provide not for his own, and efpecially for ihofe of his own houfe, he hath de- nied the faith, and is worfe than an infidel.

X I Tim. iv. 12. Let no man de- fpife thy youth, but be thou an ex- ample of tlie believers, in word, in converfallon, in charity, inspirit, in fdith in puiity. Tit. ii, 3. The aged women likewile, that they be in be- haviour as becoroeth hoHnefs, not falfe acculcrs, not given to much wine, teachers of good things, v. 41 That they miy teacli the young wo- men to be fober, to love their huf- bands, to love their cliildren. v, 5. To be difcret, challe, keepers at home, good, cbcditnt to their ov/n hufbinds, that the word of God be not blafphemed.

y I Kipgs iii. 28. And all Ifrael heard of tlie judgment which the king had judged, and they feared the king : for they faw that the wif- dom of Cod was in him, to do judg- ment.

z Tit, ii. 15. Thefe things fpeak and exhort, and rebuke with all authority^ let no man difpife ihee.

130,/; F.zek, xxxir. 2. Son of jj^Rn, prophefy <g\miX the fliephcrds

of Ifrael, prophefy, and fay unto them, Thus faith the Lord Gcd unto the fhepherds, Wo be to the lliepherds of ifrael that do feed themfelves : fliould not tlie fljep- lieids (ted the flocks ? v. 3. Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wcol, yc kill tiiem that are fed ; but yc feed net t!ie fiock. v. 5 . The dif- eafed have ye not flrengiUened, nei- ther have ye healed that which v/as lick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought .'igain that which was dri- ven away, neither have ye louche that which was left ; but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.,

q Phil. 51. CI. For all feek their own, not the things which arc Jefws Chriii's.

c John V. 44. How can ye be- lieve, who receive honour one of another, and feck not the honour that conjeth from God only ? John vii. 18. He that fpeaketh cf liimfelf, feeketh his own glory ; but he that fireketh his glory that fert him, the fame is true, and no uniig^lueouf- nefs is in him.

d iPa. Wi. .10. His watchmen are Mind ; they arc all ignorant, they are all dunib dogs, they cp.nnot bark; fieeplng, lying down, loving to number* v. 11. Yea, tlicy are greedy ciogs, who can never l^ave enough, and they are fliepherds that


i34 The Larger Catechifm.

mending tilings unlawful <?, or not in the power of inferiors t# perform/; counfelling^, encouraging h, or favouring thrm in that which is evil/; dilTuading, difcouragin^, or dif- countenancing them in that which is good k; corrcifting them iinduly /, carelefs expofing, or leaving them to wrong, tcmpta-

cianot underftand : they all look to their own way, every one for his gain from his quarter. Deat, xfii. 17. Neither fliall he multiply wives to himfelf, that his heart turn not aiway: neither (hail he greatly mul- tiply to hi-mfelf filler and gold.

e Dan. iii. 4. Then an heraM cried aloud, f you it is commaodcd, O people, nations, and languages, v. 5. That at what time ye hear the found of the cornet, flute, harp, fackbut, pfaltery, dulcimer, and ail kinds of nmGc, ye fall down and worfhip the golien image that Nebuchad- nezzar the king hath fet up. v. 6. And whofo falleth not down, and wprfliippeth, fiiaU the fame hour be caft into the midft of a burning fiery furnace. a«^s iv, 17. Bat that it fpread no further among the peo- ple. Jet ^s (-Iraitly threaten thcin, that they fpeak henceforth to no Bian in this name, v, 18. And they called them, and commanded them Rot to fpeak at all, nor teach in the came of Jefus.

/*Exod. V. from verfe fo. to the iS. And the ta/k mafters of the peo- ple went out, and their officers, and they fpake to the peaple, faying. Thus fiith Pharoah, 1 will not give you ftraw, &c. Mat. xxiii. 2. Saying, The fcribes and Pharifees fn in Mo- fes feat. v. 4. For they bind heavy burdens, and grievous to be born,

g Mat. xiv. 8, And (he, being be- fore in'lrudtcd of her mother, faid, <5ire me here John Btptift's head in « charger, Compared with Miirk vi.

24. And fhe want forth, and faid unto her mother. What ihall I aflc I and flie faid. The head of John th$ Baptiit.

/} 2 Sam. xiii. 28. Now AbfiJom had commanded his fervants, faying, Mark ye now wk«n Amnon'i httrt is merry with wine; and when I fay uato yu, Smite Amnon, then kill him, fear not : have not 1 command- led you ? be courageoiSs and be va- liant.

/ I Sam. iii. 13, For I have told him, that I will judge his houfe for ever, for the iniquity which he knoweth : becaufc his fons made themfelv^s vile, and he reftrained them not,

k John vii. 46. The officers an- fwcred,^ never man fpake like this man. v. 47. Then anfwered them the Pharifees, Are yealfo deceived? V. 48, Have any of the rulers, or of the Pharifees believed on hira ? v. 49» But this people who knoweth not the law ar'e eurfed. Col, iii. 21, Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, left they be difcouraged, Exod. V, 17, But he faid, ye are idle, ye are idle ; therefore ye fay. Let us go and do facrifice to the Lord.

/ I Pet. ii. i8i Servants be fub- je<5L to your mafters with all fear, not 9n\f to the good and gentle, but »Ko to the froward. v, 19 For this is thank worthy, if a man for con- fcience to'A'ard cod endure grief, fuffering wrongfully, v. 28- For what glory is it, if when ye be buf-

The Larger Catechifm» 2t^

tion and danf^er m / provoking them to wrath n ; or any way dif^*

honouring tliemrclves,orleircning theirauthorky, by an uniul!;,

indifcrcet, rigorous or remits behaviour o,

Q. I ;^ I What are the duties ofcquaU ?

A, The dudes of cquaU arc to regard the dignity and worth


feted for yonr fauUs, ye (hall talce K patiently ? bur if \vh»h ye do well, And fihTtr for it, ye 'flike it patient- ly; tbis is arcepiabie with cod. Heb. xii. lo. For they verily for a fc^v days chaftfned us after their d\vw pieafure ; but he f»r our profit, that We might be partakers of hi« holinefav Deut, xxv. g^Fortyii^ripes fie may give him, and not exceed : left if he fhould exceed, and beat him above thefe with many ftripes, then thy brother fhould feem vile unto thee.

ntOtw. Tixxviit. ii. Then fald JU» dah to Tamar bis daughter « law, Remain a vviJow at thy father's houfe, till STielah my fon be grown : (for he faid. Left psradveniurc he die alfo as his brethren did) and. Tamar went aad dwelt in her fa- ther's houfe. V. ^6. And Judah ac« knoJf^Iedged them, and faid, She haih &2en more righteous than \ : becaufe I gave her not to SheUh my fon : and he knew her again no TOOic A<^3 xviii. 17. Then ill the Greeks took Softiienes the chief ru- Isrofthe fynagogue, and beat him before th*^ judgment- feat : and Gal- lio cared for none of thofe things.

n Eph. vi. 4. And ye fathers, pro- voke not your children to wiath : but bring them up in the nurture aod admonition of the Lord.

0 Gen, ix. 21. And he drank of the wine and was drunken, and he %vai uncovered within his tent. I Kings xiL i;^. And the king (Re]i«boaiii) anfwered the people |«w&hly^ ;^ud iotfook th« ^^Id m«a'»

counfcl that they gave him : v. T4. And fpakc to them after the counfel of the youfig men, faying, ^ly fa- ther made your yoke heavy, and I will add to your yoke ; ray father alfo chaftifed you with whips, but i will chaftife you with fcorpions. Vi rj. Wherefore the king heark- ened not unto the people ; for the caufe was from the Lord, v. i^.. So when all Ifrael faw that the king hearkened not unto them, the peo- ple anfwered the king, faying. What portion have we in David ? nelth'er have we inheritance in the fon of jeffe : to your tents, O Ifrael : novf fee to thine own houfe, David. So ifrael departed unto their tcits. 1 Kings i. 6. And his father had not difpleafed him, viz. Adonijah at any time, in laying, Why haft thci\ done fo ? I Sam. ii. 29. Wherefore kick ye at my facrifices, and at mine offerings which I have commanded in my habitation, and honoureft thy fons above me, to make yourfelves fat with the chicfeft of all the of- ferings of Ifrael my people, v. 30. Wherefore the Lord God of Ifrael faith, I faid indeed, that thy houfe and the houfs of thy father fnould walk before me for ever : but oo'Y the Lord fiith. Be it far from me ; for them that honour me, I will ho- nour ; and they that defpife me, {hnll be lightly eftecmed» v. 31. Behold, the davs come that I will cut off thine arm, and the arm of thy fa- ther's houfe, that thei-e fhall not be an old man ia thine houfe.


$8(5 The Larger Cahchifm.

of each ofher/>, in giving honour to go one before another q :

and to rejoice in each others gifts and advancement, as their ownr.

Q^ i 3 2. What are thefms of equals?

A, The Uns of equals arc, befide the neglect of the duties required/ the undervaluing of the worth f, envying the gifts t;, grieving at the advancement or profperity one of another w ; and ufurping pre-eminence one over another x,

Q^ 133. What is the re a/on annexed to the fifth command* ment^ the more to enforce it ?

A. The reafon annexed to the fifth commandment, in thefe words, That thy days maybe long upon the land which the Lord thy God givtxh thee^, is an cxprefs promife^ of long life and profperity, as far as it fhali ferve for God's glory and their own good, taaii fuch as keep this commandment z.

i^i.p I Pet, ii. 17. Honour all men. Love the brotherhood. Fear Gcfd. Honour the king.

q Rom. xii. 10. Be kindly affe<^Ion- ate one to another ; with brotherly love, in honour preferring one ano- ther.

r Rom. xii. 1 5. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with theni that v/ecp, v. \G. Be of the fame micd, oi^ towards another. j>^ind not high things, but cqndefcend to men of low elf ate. Be not wife in your ov/n conceits, Phil. ii. 5. Let nothing be done througli iJrife or vain glory, but in lowlinefs of mind, let each ellcem other better than themfeives. v. 4. Look not every man on his own things, bat every man alfo on the things of others.

i52./Rom, xiii» 8. Owe no man any thing, but to love one another : ior he that loveth another, hath ful- iilled the law.

/ 2 Tim. iii. 3. Withont natural aSTedlion, truce- breakers, falfe ac- cufers, incontinent, fierce, defpifers of tliofts that are good.

V A(^s vii. 9. And the patriarchs, moved with envy, fold Jofoph into

Egypt : "but God was with him. Gall iii. 26. Let us not be defirtJus of vain glory, provoking one ano- ther, envying one another.

ay Numb, xii. 2. And they faid, Hath the Lord indeed fpoken only by Mofes ? hath he not fpoken alfa byus ? and the Lord heard it ? Efth. vi. 12. and Mordecai came again to the king's gate ; but Haman hafted to his houle, mourning, and having his head covered, v. 13. And Ha- man told Zerelh liis wife and all his friends, eve/y thing that had be- fallen him. Then faid his wife men,- and Zereih his wife unto him. If Mordecai be of the feed of the Jews, before whom thou haft begun to fall, thou /halt not prevail againft him, but flialt furiiy fall before him.

X 3 Joh« 9. I wrme unto the church ; But Diotrephes, who lov- eth to have pre-eminence among them, receivcth us not. Luke xxii, 24. x^nd there was alfo a (trife a- mono(t them, which of them ihould be accounted the greateft.

133. y Exod. XX. 13.

jzPsut* V, 16, Honoir thy father

The Larger Catechlfm, 2 87

C^ 1^4. Which is thejixtb commandment f A, The iixth command men c is, Thou {halt nor kill a, Q^ 1 35. What arc the duiies required in thejixth command* merJ f

A. The duties required in the fixth commandment are, all C2ieJul lluJies, and lawful endeavours, to prcferve the life of oiufclvcs Z*, and others r, by refilling all thoughts and piirpofes d, fubduing all pailions e, and avoiding all oc*


«f>d thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath cjmiianded thee; that thy ^idys miy be pro! jngsd, and that it may j-.v well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God givelh the?, r Kings vlii. 25. There- fore DOW, Lord God of ifrasl, keep w'th thy fervant David my father that thou prorairedfl him, laying, There fliall not fall tliee a man in my lighc to fit on the throne of If* rael ; fo that thy children take heed to their way, that ihey walk before m^ as thou halt walked before me. Eph. Ml. 2. Honour thy father and thy mother, (which is the firfl: com- mandment with promife.) v. 3. That It may be well with thee, and thou maye(l live long on the earth*

134. a Exod. XX. 13.

135.^ Eph. V, 28. £0 ought men to love their own wives, as their own bodies ; he that loveth his wife, loveth himfeff. v, 29. For no man eve? yet hated his own flefh ; but nourlihetli and cheriHicth it, even as the Lord the church.

cj Kings xviii. 4. For ir. was fo, whcii Jc2cbel cut utFihe prophets of the Lord, that Obadiah took an hundred prophets, and hi;i them by £f£/ in a c^ave, uad fed tlcp^ with bread a«id water.

^ Jeri xEvi, 151 But 'C.iow ye for certain, that if ye put n.a to death, ye fhali furely briiig iD:i.->cent blood npoii yourfelves, aad upon this city, attd iipoa tJie Jtjli»bitaat8 tliercuf ;

for of a truth the Lord hatf) fent me you, to fpeak all thefe words in your ears. v. 16. Then faid the princes, and all the people unto the prieits, and to the prophets. This man is not worthy to die; for he hath fpoken to us in the name of the Lord our God, A^i xxiii, 12. And when it was day, certain of tl:« Jews banded together, and bound tfiem- felv^es under a carfe, faying. That they would neither eat nor drink, till they had killed Paul. v. 16. And when Paul's fi/br'sfon heard of their lying in wait, he went and entered into the caftie, and toid Paul, v, 17. Then Paul callc3 one of tiie centu- rions unto him, and faid, bring this young man unto the chief captain ; for ^e hath a certain thing to tt\i him. V. 21. But do not thou y'eld unto them: for there ly in v/ait for him more thas forry men v/ho have bound themfeivcs with an oath, that they will neither eat nor drink till they have tilled him : aod now are they ready looking for a promife from v. 27. This man was taken of the Jows, and flionld have bi:en killed of them « the» came I witk an army, and refcued liim, having undeidood that he was a Roman.

f Eph, iv. 26, Be ye angry, and Cn not ; let not t!ie fun down upon your wrath ; v. 27. Neither £iv';ice to the devil,

/2 Samv

5S8 The Larger Catechifm.

occafions/, temptations g, and practices, which tend to th& >itv jufl taking away the life of any h; by jufl defence thereof a- gainll Yiolencc /; patient bearing of the hand of God i, quiet-


f2 Sara. ii. 2b. And Abner faid again to Afahel, Turn thee afide from following me r wherefore fhould I fmite thee to the ground ? Deut. ^xii. 8. When thou buildcft a new lioufe, then thou Hialt make a battlement for thy roof, that thou bring not blood upon thy houfe^ if any mtn fall from theilce.

g Mat . iv, 6. And faith unto hini^ If thou be the fon of God, cafl: thy- isS^ down ; V. '). Jcfns faid unto him, It is written agaie. Thou ihalt not tempt the Lord thy God- Prov. i. lo My fons, IffinBers en- tice thse, Gonfent thou not. v. ii. If they fay, Come with us, let us lay wait for blood ^ Ui us lurk pri- Tily for the innocent without caufe; ▼. 15- My ion, walk riot thou iri the way with them : refrain thy foot fiom their path. v. i6. For their feet run to evil, and make hade to ilied blood.

h I Sam.xxiv. 12. The Lord judge between me and thee, and the Lord avenge me of thee : but mfne hand iliali not be upon thee, i Sam. xxvi. 9. And David faid to Abifhai, De- ilroy him not : for who can ftretch forth his hand againft the Lord's a- nointed, and be guiltlefs ? v. 10. David ftid furthermore, as the Lord livcth, the Lord fhall fmite him, or his day fhall come to die, or he fhill defcend into battle and perifh. V. 1 1. The Lord forbid that I (hould ilre:ch lorth mine hand againfl the Lord's anointed: Gen. xxxvii. 21. And Reuben heard it, and he deli ▼erei him out of their hands; and faid. Let us not kill him. v. 22. And Reuben faid to them, Shed no i^lovd, but call him into this pic that

is in the wildernefs, and lay no hands upon him ; that he might lid him out of their hands j to deliver him to his father aaaio. / Pfal. Ixxxii. 4. Deliver the poor and needy, rid them oul^of the band of the wicked. Prov/xxivi 11. If thou forbear to dciiver them that are drawn into deilth, and thofe that are ready to be flaia : v. 12. If ihou fayeft. Behold, we know not: doth not he that pondcreih the heart coofider it ? and he that kecpeih thy foul, doth not he know it ? and (hall he not rtnder to every man according to his works ? i Sara. xiv, 45, And the people faid unto Saul, (Kail Jonathan die, who hath Wrought this great falvation in If- rael ? God forbid : as the Lord liveth, there fhall not one hair of his head fall to the ground : for he hath wrought with cod this day* So the people refcued Jonathan that he died not*

k Jam. v. ^. Be patient therefore^ btethren, unto the coming of the Lord* Behold, the husbandmanf waitcth for the precious fruif of the earth, and hath loi»g patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain, V, 8. Be ye alfo pati- ent ; ftablifti your hearts : for the coming of the Lord drawtth nigh* V. 9. Grudge not one againlt ano- ther, brethren, le{l ye be condem- ned : behold, the judgt ilandeth before the door. v. io» Take, my brethren, the prophets, who have fpoken in the name of the Lord, for an example of fufFering affl'dion, and of patience, v. 1 1. Behold, we count them happy who endure. Ye


7he Larger CaUchifm, 239

nefs of mind /, chcarfulnefs of fpirit m, a foberufe of meat ;;, drink Oy phjfic /, lleep y, labour r, and recreations /; by


have heard of the patience of Job, and have Teen the end ot the Lord; that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy, Hcb.xii 9. Further- more, we have had fathers of our flcfh, who correded us, and we gave, them reve^teape : fhall we not much rather be inTubjedion unto the Fa- ther of rpirit9,-and live ?

/ 2 ThefT. IV* 11. And that ye ftudy to be qiiiet^ and to do your own bufinefsj and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you. I Pet. iii. 3, Whofe adorn- ing, let it not be that outward a- doming -—v. 4. But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that vhlch is not corruptible, even the * ornament of a meek and quiet fpirit, "which is in the fight of God of great price. Pfal. xxxvii. 8. Ceafc /from anger, and forfake wrath: fret not thyfclf in any wife to do evil. v. 9. For evil doers (ball be cut off: but they that wait upon the Lord, they (hall inherit the earth v. 10. For yet a little while and the wicked (hall not be : yea, thou {halt dili- gently confider his place, and it fiiall not be. v. 11. But the meek (hall inherit the earth : and (hall delight themfelves in the abundance of peace.

Prov. xvli. 22. A merry heart doth good like a medicine : but a broken fpirit drieth the bones.

n Prov. XXV. 16. fiart thou found honey ? eat fo much as is fufficient for thee, left thou be filled there- ;with, and vomit it. v. 27. It is not good to eat much honey:

0 I rim. V. 23. Drink no longer water, but ufe a little wine lor thy ftoraach's fal^, and thine o.^tsn in* firmiries.

p Ifa xxxviii. 2 1 . For ifalah had faid, let them take a lump of figs, and lay it for a plaider upon the boil, and he (hall recover.

q Pfal. cxxvii. 2. It is vain for you to rife up early, to fit up late, to eat the bread of forrows : for fo he giveth his beloved deep.

rEccl V. 12. The fleep of a la- bouring man is fweet, whether he eat little or much : but the abun- dance of the rich will not fulfer liinn tofleep. 2The{r. iii. lO. For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, That if any would not work, neither (hould he eat. V. 1 2. Now them that are fuch, we command, and exhort by our Lord Jefus Chrift, that with quiet- nefs they work, and eat their own bread Prov. xvi. 26. He that la- bourcth, laboure;^ for himfelf ; for his mouth cnveth it of him ^ /Eccl. iin 4V A time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance, v ii. He hath made every thing beautiful in his time ; alio he hath fet the world in the heart,

/ 1 Sam xix 4. And Jonathan fpake good of David unto Saul his father, and faid unto him, Let not the king fin againft his fervant. V 5. For he did put his life in his hand, and (lew the Philiftine, and the Lord wrought a great falvation for all Ifrael : thou fawell it, and didft rejoice ; wherefore then wilt thou fin againlt innocent blood, to (lay David without acaufe ? i Sam. xxii. 13. and Saul faid unto him. Why have ye conlpired againft nie, thou and the fon of Jeffe, in that

« T thou

290 The Larger Catechifm,

charitable tliouj;hts /, love Vy compaffion w^ meeknefs, gea- tlenefs, kindnefs x ; forbearing, readincfs to be reconciled^ patient bearing and forgiving of injuries, and requiting good for evil a; comforting and fuccouring the diflrefled, and protecting and defending the innocent b.


thou haft given him bread, and a fword, V. I 4. Andz'lhimelechan- fwered the king, and faid, x'^nd who is fo faithful among all thy fer- vants, as David, who is the king's fon in law, and goeth at thy bid- ding, and is honourabie in tlnne houfe ?

V Rom. xiii, 10. Love workcth no ill to his neighbour : therefore love is the fulfilling ot the law.

rv Luke X. 33. But a certain Sa- maritan, as he journeyed, came where he was ; and when lie faw him, he had campaflion on him, v. 34. and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and winC; and fet him on his own bead, and brought him to an inn, and took care of himfo

X Col. iii, 12 ' Pulton therefore (as the eled of Go^t h^oly and be- loved) bowels of mercies, kindnefs, hiimbleDefs of mind, mteeknefs, long-fufFering : v. 13. Forbearing one another, and forgiving one a- nother, if any man have a quarrel againlt any : even as Chrift forgave you, fo alfo do ye,

y James iii. 17. But the wifdoni that is from above, is tirft pure, then peaceable, gentle and eafy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrify.

z I Pet. iii. 8. Finally, be ye all of one mind, having compaflion one of another, love as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous: v. 9. Not rendering evil for evil, orrailingfor railing; but contrarywife, bleffing; knowing that ye Hiould inherit a

blefling. V. 10. For he that v/ill love life, and fee good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they fpe^ktio guile. V. 1 1. Let him efchjjw evij, and do good; let him feck pei^afjd enfue it. Prov. xv» I. A foft anfwer turn- eth away wrath, but grievous words ftir up anger. Judg. viii. i. And the men of Ephr aim faid unto him. Why haft thou ferved us thus, that thou calledft us not when thou wenieft tofjghtwiththe Midianites? and they did chide with him fharp- ly. 2. and he faid unto them. What have I done now in compari- foD of you .'' is not the gleaning of the grapes of Ephraim better than the vintage of Abiezer ? v. 3. God hath delivered into your hands the princes of Midian, Oreband Zeeb; and what was I able to do in com- parifon of you .^ then thdir anger was abated toward him, when he had faid that.

a Mat. v. 24. Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way, firft be reconciled to thy bro- ther, and then come and offer thy gift. Eph. iv 2. With all lowli- nefs and meeknefs with long-fuffer- ing,Yorbearing one another in iove. v. 32. And be ye kind one to ano- ther, tender hearted, forgiving one another, even as God for ChriiVs fake hath forgiven you. Rom xii, 17. Recompence to no man evil for evil. V. 20. Therefore if thine e- nemy hunger feed him ; if he third give him drink; fur in fo doing thorn Ihalt heap coals of fire upon his head. V. 21. Be not overcome of ** evil,

The Larger Laiewbifru 291

Q^ 1 36. What are the Jins forbiddenwthe ftxth command- ment.

A, The fins forbidden in tiie fixth commandment are all taking away the life of ourfelves f, or of others d^ except in cafe of public juftice ^, lawful war /, or neceffary de- fence g: the negledling or withdrawing the lawful and neceffary means of prefervation of life h : fmful anger /, hatred k^ envy/, defire of revenge ;?/: all exceffive palTions w,


evil, bid 'oli^rcome evil with good.

b I The/r.v. 14. Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, fupport the weak, be patient toward all men. Job xxxi. 19. if I have ieen anyperifhfor want of clothing, or any poor without covering : v. 20. If his loins have not bleffed me, and if he were pot warmed with the fleece of my fheep. Mat. xxv. 35. For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat : I was thirfly, and ye gave me drink : I was a ftranger, and ye took me in: v. 56. Naked, and ye clothed me : I was fick, and ye vifited me : I was in prifon, and ye came unto me. Prov. xxxi. 8 Open thy mouth for the dumb in the caufe of all fuch as arc appoint- ed to deftrudlion. v. 9. Open thy mouth, judge righteoufly, and plead the caufe of the poor and needy.

136. c A(5ls xvi. 28. But Paul cried with a loud voice, faying. Do thyfelf no harm ; tor we are all here

d Gen. i»x. 6. Whofo fheddeth man's blood, by maa fhall his blood be (hed : for in the image of God made he man.

e Numb- xxxv. 3 1 . Moreover ye fhall take no fatisfadion for the life of a murderer, who is guilty of death, but he fhall be furely put to death, v. 33 So ye fliall not pol- ice the land wherein ve are: for

blood it defileih the land, and the land cannot be cieanfedof the blood that is (hed therein, but by the blood of him that (hed it.

yjer. xlviii. 10, Curfed be he that doth the work of the Lord de- ceitfully, and curfed be he that kecpeth back his fword from bloody Deut. chapter XX. throughout, v. I. When thou goeft out to battle againft thine enemies, and feefl horfes and chariots, and a people more than thou, be not afraid of ihem, for the Lord thy God is with thee, who brought thee up out of the land of Egypt, &c.

^Exod.xxii.2.If a thief be found breaking up, and be fmitten that he die, there (hall no blood be (hed for him. v, 3. If the fun be rifen upon him, there fliall be blood fhed for him: for he (liould make full refli- tutioB ; if he have nothing, then he (hall be fold for his theft.

h Mat. xxv. 42. For I was an hungred, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirfty, and ye gave me no drink : v. 43. I was a (tranger, and ye took me not i*i : naked, and ye clothed me not, fick and in prifon, and ye vifited me not.Jam,ii.i5.If a brother or fifter be naked, and delli- tute of daily food: v. i6. And one of you fay unto them, Depart in peace, be you warmed, and filled : notwithflanding ye give them not thofe things which are needful to T 3 t!.«P

^92 The Larger Ctifechlfm.

diftra£^ing cares o; immoderate ufe of meat, drink />, la^ bour^, and recreations r provoking words yj oppreilion f, quarreling Vy {hiking, wounding "jl", and whatioever elfe tends to the deflruftion of the life of any x.

(^137. Which

the body ; what doth it profit ? Eccl. V!. I. There is an evil which I have feen under the fun, and it is common among men : v. 2 a man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honour, lb that he wanteth nothing for his foul of all that he defireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a flrangcr eateth it ; this is vanity, and it is an evil difceafe.

i Mat. V. 22. But 1 fay unto you, Tiiat whofoever is angry with his l^rother without a caufe, fhall be in danger of the judgment : and who- foever fhall fay to his brother, Ra ca, fhall be in danger of the coun- cil; but whofoever fnall fay, Thou fool, fhall be in danger of hell fire.

k I Johnili. 15. Whofoever hat- cth his brother, is a murderer : and ye know that no murderer, hath e- ternal life abiding in him. Lev. xix. 17. Thou fnalt not hate thy bro- ther in thine heart : thou ftialt in any wife rebuke thy neighbour, and not iufTer iin upon him.

/ Prov. xiv. 20 A found heart is the life of the flefh : but envy the jouennefs of the bones.

wRom.xii. 19. Dearly beloved, avenge not yourfelves, but rather give place unto wrath : for it is written, Vengeance is mine ; I will repay, faith the Lord.

n Eph. iv. 5 I . Let all bitternefs, ahd wrath, and anger, and (glamour, and evil fpeaking be put away from you, with all malice,

0 Mat vi. 51. Therefore take no tjhought, faying, What fhail u'e eat ? <)\ wliat {IikII we drink ? or where- withal ill ail v/e be clcthcd? v. 34,

Take therefore \\q thought for the morrow: for the morrow fnall take thought for the things of itfelf: fuf- ficient uHto the day is the evil there- of.

p Luke xxi. 34. heed to yourfelves, led at any time your hearts be overcharged with furfeit- ing and drunkennefs, and the cares of this Ijfe, and fo that day come upon you unawares Rom. xiii. 13. Let us walk honeftly ts in the day ; not in rioting and drunkennefs, not in chambering and wantonnefs, not in flrife and envying.

q Eccl. xii. 12. And further by thele, my fon, be aditionifhed ; of making many books there is no end, and much ftudy is a wearincfs of the flefh. Eccl. ii. 22. For what hath man of all his labour, and of the vexation of his heart wherein he hath laboured under the fun ? v. 23. For all his days are forrows, and his travel grief; yea, his heart taketh not refi: in the night. This is alfo vanity.

r Ifa V. 12. And the harp and the viol, the tabret and the pipe, and wine are in their feafls: but they regard not the work of the Lord, neither confider the operati- on of his hands.

/Prov XV. I. Afoftanfwcrturn- eth axay wrath; but grievous words ftir up anger Prov. xii 18 There is that fpeaketh like the piercings of a fv/ord : but the tongue of the wife is health.

/ Fzek. xviii. 18. Ais for his fa- ther, becaufe he cruelly oppreffcd, fpoiled his brother by violence, and did that which is not good among


TJjc Larger Catecfjifm. ^^^

Q^ T37. Which is the /event h commandment f A. The feveiith commandment i j, Thou (lialt not com- mit adultery y,

(^1^8. What are the duties required in the [event b com- mandment f

A, The duties required in the feventh comm indment are chaftity in body, mind, afFedlions z, words ^, and behavi- our />; and the prefervation of it in ourfelves and others c\ watchfulnefs over the eyes and all the fenfes d\ tempe- rance ey keeping of chaile company/ modeiiy in apparel ^^;

^ marriage

his people, \0i eren he fliall die In his iniquity. Exod. i. 14 and they made tlieir lives bitter with hard bondage, in morter, and in brick, and in all manner of iervice in the field : all their fervice wherein they made them ferve, was with rigour.

V Gal V. 15. But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not confumed one of another. Prov.xxiii.29. Who hath wo? who hath forrow ? who hath contenti- ons ? who hath babbling ? who hath wounds v/ithcut a caufe ^

•u; Numb. xxxv. 16. And if he fmite him with an inftrumentof iron (fo that he die) he is a murderer : the murderer fliall furely be put to death, v. 17 and if he fmite him with throwing a (lone (v/herewith he may die) and he die, he is a murderer: the murderer fhrJl furely be put to death, v. 18. Or if he fmite him with an hand-weapon of wood (wherewith he may die) and he die, hs is a murderer : the mur- derer fhall furely be put to death. V. 21. Or in enmity fmite him with liis hand, that he die: he that fmote him fha!l furely be put to death ; for he is a murderer. The revenger cf blood (hall flay the murderer, ';7hen he meeteth him.

X Exod. xxi. from yerfe iS. to

the end. (Containing laws for fmiters, for an hurt by chance, for an ox that goretb, and for him that is an occafion of harm)

137. y Exod. XX. 14.

138. 2 I Theff iv. 4. That every one of you fhould know how ta po(fe(s his veffelin fan^ification and honour. Jobxxxi. i. I made a covenant with mine eyes; why then fliould I think upon a maid? i Cor, vii. 34. There is a difference alfo between a wife and a virgin : the unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that (he may be holy, both in body and fpirit : but (he that is married, careth for the things of the world, how fhe may pleafe her hufbmd.

a Col. iv. 6. Let your fpeech be alway with grace, feafoned with fait, that ye may know how ye ought to anfwer every man.

h iPct.iii.2. While they behold your chafle converfcition coupled with fear.

c I Cor. vii. 2. Neverthciefs, to avoid fornication, \tx. every man have bis own wife, and let every woman have her own hufband. v. 35. And thus I fpcak for your own profit, net that F may caft a foare upon yon, but for that which T 3 is

294 '^^^^ Larger^ Catechtfm.

marriage by thofe that have npt the gift oF continency i, conjugal love /, and cohabitation e, diligent labour in our calling?? /: (hunning all occafions of uncleannefs, and refift- ing temptations thereunto m*:^

Qi 139-

is comely, and that you ir ~y attend h i Cor. vii. 2. "NeiftdirtWelers to

upon tlie Lord without did'-aclion. avoid fornication. Jet every man

V. ;6. l^ut if any man think \ai he have his own wife, and let every

be'.Hveth hinrifelf uncomely towara woman have her own hufband : v.

his irgin, if fke pafs the flower " 9. But if they cannot contain, let

h:r age, and^nced fo require, let them marry : for it is better to mar-

'.im do wbat-he will, he finneth ry than to burn.

not: let rh%a mar^y.

d Jobxxii. Su I ni^dea covenant with m\nt-^fh why tfi^n fliould I think up'>;, - ^ '>

e \Ci% ',-.■> nd after certain

days, when rclix eame with his wife Drafilla, which was X Jewefs, he fent for Paal, sfcd heard hi^n con- cerwin^thc faith in Chrif^>.v. 25. and as«e reafoiafd of right temperance and judgmen Felix trembled.

/ ProF. ii. 16. To de!^^ thee from the (tramge womai?, t r^n frotn the ftranger which flatte^th with her words; v. 17. >^inch?for^ak- eth the guide of her ypmh, an4 .^i'- getteththe covenantof her Goo.'v. 18 For her houfe ittclineth unto

/ Prov. T. 19. Let her be as the 'oving hind, and pleafant roe; let her breads fatisfy thee at all times, and be thou ravifht always with her love V. 20. and why wilt thoq, my fon ? be ravifhed with a flrange woman, and embrace the bofom of ji (Iranger ?

k I Pet. iii, 7 Like wife ye haf- bands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unt» the wife as unto the weaker velTel, as being heirs together of the grace of life : that your prayers be not hindered.

/ Prov, xxxi. 1 1 The heart of her hufband doth fafely truft in her, fo that he fhall have no need of fpoil. v. 27. She looketh well to

^„. . . A 'r—" '• -/• -'"- ^"w... ..„.. vw

death, and her paths unto the dead4| the waysof herhoufliold,andeateth V. 19. None that go unto her return 'not the bread of idlenefs, v. 28. rgain, neither take they hold of Her children ariie up, and call her

bleffed ; her hufband alfo,^and he praiferh her.

m Prov. V, 8. Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the duor of her houfe. Gen. xxxix, 8. But he refufed, and faid unto his maflei's wife, Behold, my niafler wotteth not what Is with me in the houfe, and he hath committed all that he haih to my hand. v. 9- Ther^

the paths ot life. v. 20. That thou inayeft walk in the way of good men, and keep the paths of the righteous.

g I Tim. ii, 9. In like manne' j»](o, that the women adorn them- fwlvcs in modeil apparel, with iharaeficednefs and fobriety ; not with broidered hair, or gold, or psarls, or coftly array.

The Larger Catechifm. 295

(X 1 39. What are the fins forbidden in the Jeventh com- ma?idinent ?

A, The fins forbidden in the feventh commandment, be- fide the neglect of the duties required n, are adultery, for- nication Oy rape, inceft, />, fodomy, and unnatural lufls q: all unclean imaginations, thoughts, purpofcs, and affefti- ©ns r; all corrupt or filthy communications, or liftning


There is niibe^^ greater in this houfe than [ ; n^jftlier hath he kept back any thing fron> me, but thee.becaufe thou art his wife : how then cnn I do this great wickednefs, and fin a- gainft God? v. 10. and it came to pafs as (he fpake to Jofeph day by day, that he hearkened not unto her, to lie by her, or to be with her.

13V. 1/ Pro? V. 7. Hear me now therefore, O ye children, and de- part not from the words of my mouth.

0 Heb.xiii.4 Marriage is honour- able in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Gal. v 19. Now the works of the flefh are manifell, which are thefe, adultery, fornica- tion, uncleannefs, lafcivioufnefs,

p 2 Sam. xiii. 14. Howbeit he would not hearken unto her voict; but being ftronger than (he, forced her and lay with her. i Ccr.v. i . fu IS reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and fuch fornication as is not fo much as named among the Gentiles, that one (hould have his father's wife.

q Rom. i. 24 Wherefore God alfo gave them up to uncleannefs through the lufts of their own hearts, to dilhonour their own bodies be- tween themfelves. V. 26. Fur this caufe God gave them up unto vile affe^ions: lor even their women did change the natural ufe into that which isagainft nature: v, 27. and

Hkewlfe alfo the men, leaving the .atural ufe of the women, burned n their luft one toward another, men with men wor!:'-^ ''^it which isunfeemly, and re n them-

felves that recompence 0.*'^ fiir error which was^et, Lev.Kx, 15 and if a man JHHth a bcaft, Se (hall furely be SR* d%h: zr\C: ye (hail (lay the bl|(fl v> V6. and if a -vo- man appro^h unto any beaft, znd ly dow|g;l(ereto, thou (halt kill the womacind the bealt: they (hall fo «!v be put to death; their blood (liai. be upon them.

T ivlat.;v. 28- But I fay unto you, thiit whpfoever lookethon a woman to7uiTi-.^r her, hath 'Committed ^Hnlt^^^with her already in his heart '^U XV. 19. For out of the hf^rt proceed evil thoughts, mur- derjs, ^/Jul^jkSjfoiTications, thefts, falfe' witudsfblafphemies. Col. iii. 5. Mortify therefore your members, which are upon the earth ; fornica- tion, uncleannefs, inordinate af- itdion, evil concupifcence, and co- yetoufnefs which is idolatry.

/Eph. V. 3. But fornication, and all uncleannefs, or covttoufnefs, lel it not be once named amongil you, as becometh faints: v. 4. Neither (ilthinefs, nor fooli(h. talking, nor jefting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. Prov. vii. 5. That they may keep thee from the (Irange woman, from thcj flranger which flaitereth with her 1' A words.

2 9^ ^he Larger Catechif?n»

thereunto/; wanton looks t, impudent or light behaviour, immodeft apparel v\ prohibiting of iawful w, and difpen- fing with unlawful marriages x ; allowing, tolerating, keep- ing of flews, and reforting to them jy ; intangling vows of


words. V. 21. With her much fair fpeechfhe caufedhimto yield, with the flattering of her lipsfhe forced him V. 22 He goeth after her ftraightway, as an ox goeth to the flaughter, or as a fool to the cor- re<^ion of the (locks,

/ I fa. iii. 1 6 Moreover the Lord faith, becaufe the daughters of Zion are haughty, and walk with (tretch- ed forth necks, and wanton cye8, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet. 2 Pet ii. 14. Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot ceafe from lin; beguiling unliable fouls:- r- And behold, there met him a woman with the attire of an harlot, and fubtlle of heart V. 15. Softie caught him and kiiTcd him, and with an impudent face faid unto him

mj I Tim iv.3. Forbidding to mar- ry, and commanding to abltain from meats. which Godhath created tobe received with thankfgiving of them who believe and know the truth.

X Lev. xviii. from verfe i.to2l« Mark vi. 18. For John faid unto Herod, It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother's wife. Mai. ii. f i. Judah hath dealt treacheroufly, and an abomination is committed in If- racl and in Jerufalem : for Judjih hath profaned the holinefs of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a ftrange god V. \2. The Lord will cutoff the man that doth this : the mader and the fcholar out of the taber- nacles of Jacob, and him tl-at offer- ethanoffeiinguntotheLordofhoHs.

y, I Kings XV. 12 And he took :?-.vav the SodcTiirn: out of ih« land.

and removed all the idols that his fathers had made. 2 Kings xxiii. 7. and he brake down the houfes of the Sodomites, that were by the houfe of the Lord, where the wo- men wove hangings for the grove, Deut. xxiri. 17. There ftiall be no whore ofthe daughters of Ifrael, nor a ^odomite of the fon»of Ifrael. v. 18. Thou fhalt not bring the hire of a whore, or the price of a dog into the houfe of the Lord thy God for any vow : for even both thefe are abomination unto the Lord thy God. Lev. xix. 29. Do not pro- IHtute thy daughter, to caufe her to be a whore ; left the land fall to whoredom, and the land become full of wickednefs |Jer. v. 7. How fhali I pardon thee for this ? thy child reii have forfaken me, and fworn by them that are no gods: when I had fed them to the full, they then committed adultery, and afrembled themfelves by troops in the harlot's hcufes. Prov. vii. 24. Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth. V 25 Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go ROt altray in her paths, v. 26. For (he hath call down many wounded: yea, many (irong men have been Hain by her. v. 27. Her houfe is the way to hell, going down to the chambers ol death,

:: Mat. xix 10. His difciples fay unto him. If the cafe ofthe man be fo with his wife, it is not good to marry, v. i\. But he faid unto them. All men cannot receive this faying, fave they to whom it is given,

a I Cor. vii. 1. For I would that


The Larger Cateclnfml 297

finde life z, undue delay of marriage a ; having more wives or husbands than one at the fame time b ; unjufl divorce 6, or dcfertionr/; idl nefs, gluttony, drunkennefs <?, unchafte company/; iafcivious fongs, books, piftures, dancmgs, ^ "^ ftage-

all men were even as I myfelf : but every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, and another after that. v. 8. 1 fay there- fore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them, if they abide even as I v. 9. But if they cannot contam, let them marry : for it is better to marry than to burn. Ge!3. xxxviii. 26 and Judah acknow- ledged them, and faid, She hath been more righteous than I ; be caufe thatl gave her not to Shelah my fon : and he knew her again no more.

b Mal.ii. 14. Yet ye fay. Where- fore ? becaufe the Lord hath been witnefs between thee and the wife cf thy youth, againft whom thou baft dealt treacherouily ; yet is Hie thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant, v. 15. and did not he make one ? yet had he the refidus of the Spirit : and v/herefore one ? that he might feek a godly feed : therefore take heed to your fpirit, 2nd let none deal treacheroufly a- gainft the v/ife of his youth, ^kt. -xix. 5 and faid. For this caufe Ihall a man leave father and mother, and ihall cleave to his wife : and they twain fiiall be one flefli.

c Mai. ii. 16. For the Lord the Cod of Ifrael faith, that he hatcth putting away ; for one covereth vi- olence with his garment, faith the Lord cf hclts;therefore take heed to your fpirit, that you deal not treach- eroufly. Mat. v. ?2 Butlfayunto you, that whofoever (hall put away his wife, faving for the caufe of ibrnication, caufcih hei to commit

adultery : and whofoever (hall mar- ry her that is divorced, committeth adultery.

d I Cor. vii. 12. But to the reft fpeak I, not the Lord, If any bro- ther hath a wife that believeth not, and (he be pleafed todwell with him, let him not put her away. v. 13. and the woman which hath an huf- band that believeth not, and if he be pleafed to dwell with her, let her not leave him.

e Ezek. xvi. 40. Behold, this was the iniquity of thy filler Sodom, pride, fulnefs of bread, and abun- dance of idlenefs was in her, and in her daughters, neither did fhc llrengthen the hands of the poor 9nd needy. Prov. xxiii. 30 They that tarry long at the wine, they that go to feek mixt wine, v. 3 i , Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when itgiveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itfelf bright. V. 32 at the la(t it biteth like a ferpent, and (lingeth like an adder, v. 33. Thine eyes (hall be- hold (Irange wo-mcn, and thine heart (hall utter perverfe things.

/Gen.xxxix io. And it came to pafs, as (he (pake to Joleph day by day, that he hearkened not unto her, to ly by her, or to be with her. Prov. v. 8. Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her hou(e.

^Eph.v. 4. Neither (ilthinefs, nor fooli(h talking, nor jeding, which are not convenient : but rather giv- ing of thanks. Ezsk. xxiii. 14. and that (he increafed her whcrcdcms : for when flie faw men pourtrayed


298 The Larger Catechlfm,

ftage-plays^^; and all other provocations to, «r a^s of un-

cleannefs, either in ourfelves or others b,

(^140. \yhich is the eighth commandment?

A. The eighth commandment is, Th6*a (halt not fteal/.

C^ 1 4 1 . What are the duties required in the eighth com- mandment ?

A. The duties required in the eighth commandment are, truth, faithfulnefs and juflice in contrafts and commerce


upon the wall, the images of the Chaldeans pourtrayed with vermili- on. v. 1 5 . Girded with girdles upon theirloins,exceeding in dyed attire, upon their heads, all of them prin- ces to look to, after the manner of the Babylonians of Chaldea, the land of their nativity: v. 16. and as foon as fhe faw them with her eyes, fhe doted upon them, and fent meflengers unto them into Chaldea. Ifa. xxiii. 15. and it fhall come to pafs in that day that Tyre fhall be forgotten feventy years, according to the days of one king: after the end of feventy years fhall Tyre fing as an harlot, v. 16. Take an harp, go aboQt the city, thou harlot that hafl been forgotten, make fweet me- lody, fing many fongs, that thou niayeft be remembered, v. 17. and it fliall come to pafs after the end of feventy years, that the Lord will vifit Tyre, and fhe fhall turn to her hire, and fhall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the faceof the earth. Ife.iii.i 6. Moreover, the Lord faith, Becaufe the daughters of Sion are haughty, and walk with (Iretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking, and mincing as they go, and making a tinklmg with their feet : Mark vi 22. and when the daughter of the f'aid Herodjas came in, and danced and pleafed Herod, and tliera that fat with him, the king

faid unto the damfel, Aflc of me whatfoever thou wilt, and I will give it thee; Rom. xiii. i j. Let us walk honeflly as in the day : not in rioting and drunkennefs, not in chambering and wantonaefs, not in ftrife and envying. iPet.iv. 3. For the time pafl of our life may fuffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lafcivioufnefs, luffs, excels of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abo- minable idolatries.

h 2 Kings ix. 50. And when Jehu was come to Jezreel, Jezabel heard of it, and fhe painted her face, and tired her head, and looked out at a window. Compared with Jer. iv. 30. and when thou art fpoiled, what wilt thou do ? though thou ciotheft thyfelf with criralon, tho* tfeou deckefl thee with ornaments of gold, though thou renteil thy face with painting, in vain fhalt thou make thyfelf fair, thy lovers will defpife thee, they will leek thy life. And with Ezek. xxiii. 40. and fiir- tiliermore, that ye have fent for men to come from far, unto whom a mefTenger was fent ; and lo, they came, for whom thou didft wafh thyfelf, paintedft thy eyes, and deckedit thyfelf wiih ornaments.

140. /■ Exod. XX. 15.

141. /^Pfal.xv. 2. He that walk- eth uprightly, and worketh righte- oafnefs, and fpeaketh the truth in


The Larger Cafechlfm. 299

between man and man k, rendering to every one his due /; reftitution of goods unlawfully detained from the right owners thereof ;;z-, giving and lending freely, according to our abilities, and the neceffities of others n ; moderation


his heart, v. 4.— He that fweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not. Zech. vii. 4. Then came the word of the Lord of hofts unto me, fay- ing, V. 10, and opprefs not the wi- dow, nor the fatherlefs, the ftran- ger, nor the poor, and let none of you imagine evil againft his brother >n your heart. Zech. viii. 1 6. Thefe are the things that ye fhall do. Speak ye every man the truth to his neighbour: execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates, v. 17, and let none of you imagine evil in your hearts againft his neigh - hour, and love no falfe oath : for all thefe are things that I hate, faith the Lord.

/Rom.xiii. 7 Render therefore to all their does ; tribute to whom tri- bute is due, cuftom to whom cuf- tom, fear to whom fear, honour to whom honour.

m Lev. vi. 2. If a foul fin and commit a trefpafs againft the Lord, and lie unto hig neighbour in that which was delivered him to keep, or in fellowftiip, or in a thing taken away by violence, or hath deceived his neighbour; v. q. Or have found that which was loft, and lieth con- cerning it, and fweareth falfly : in any of all thefe that a man doth, finning therein : v. 4. Then it (hall be, becaufe he hath finned and is guilty, that he (hall reftore that which he took violently away, or the thing which he hath deceitfully gotten, or that which was deliver- ed him to keep, or the loft thing which he found: v. 5. Or all that about which he hath fworn falfly;

he fliall even reftore it in the prin- cipal, and ftiall add the fifth part more thereto, and give it unto him to whom it appertaineth, in the day of his trefpafs oft'ering. Compared with Luke xix. 8. and Zaccheus flood and faid unto the Lord, Re- hold, Lord, the halt of my goods I give to the poor ; and if 1 have taken any thing from any man by falfe accufation, I reftore him four- fold.

n Luke vi . 30 . Give to every man that aflvcth thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods, aflc them not again v. 38. Give and it fliall be given unto you ; good mcafure, prefted down, and iliaken together, and running over, Ihall men give into your bofom. For with the fame meafure that you mete withal, it ftiall be meafured to you again. 1 John iii. i 7. But whofo hath this world's good, and feeth his brother have need, and ftiutteth up his bowels of compaftion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him ? Eph. iv. 28 Let him that ftole, fteal no more ; but rather let himlabour, working with his hands the thing which is good, triat he may have to give to him that need- eth. 10. as we have there- fore opportunity, let us do good unto all men efpeciaily unto them who are of the houfhold of faith. 0 I Tim. vi. 6. Rut godlincfs with contentment is great gain. v. 7 For wc brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out V.8 anti having food and rai- ment, let us be therewith content.

V. o.


The. Larger Catechifm,

of our judgments, wills and afFeaions concerning Worldly

goods^. ; a provident care and ftudy to get/, keep, ufe and

diipofe thefe thnigs which areneceffary and convenient for

the fultentation of our nature, and fuitable to our condi- tion ^ ; a lawful calling r, aftd diligence in it/; frugality t ;


y.9. But they that win be rich, fall

into temptation, and a fnare, and

into many fooHlTi and hurtful iuils,

which drown men in deftruaion

and perdition. Gal. vi, 14. But God

forbid that I Hiould glory fave in the

crofs of our Lord Jelus Chrifl, by

whom the world is crucified unto

me, and I unto the world. p I Tim. V. 8. But if any provide

not for his own, and fpecially for

thofe of his own houfe, he hath de

nied the faith, and is worfe than

an infidei.

q Prov. xxvii. from verfe 2;?. to

the end. Be thou diligent to know

theihteofthyfiocks and look well .to thy herds. For riches are not for ever,~Eccl ii.24.Ther^ is nothing better fora man, than that he (hould eat and drink, and that he fhould make his foul enjoy good in his la- fcour. This alfo I faw, that it was from the hand of God Eccl.iii.12. I know that there is no good in them, but for a man to rejoice, and to do good in his life. v. i 3 . and alfo that every man (hould eat and drink, and enjoy the good of ail his labour, it is the gift of God. I Tim. vi. 17 Charge them that 5iie rich in this world, that they be

not high-minded, nor trn^ in un certain riches, but \t\ the living God, who giveth us richly all thhigs to enjoy : V 18. That they do good, that they be rich ia good works, iz^d^^j to dilUibute, v/illing to com- municate, [fa. Mxxviii. i. In thofe days wasliezeklah (ick uoto death : ir.d |iai;i!i the prophet the fen of

Amos came unto him, and faid un- to him, Thus faith the Lord, Set thine houfe in order ; for thou /halt die, and not live Mat. xi. 8. Be- hold, they that wear foft clothing, are in king's hou fes.

r I Cor vii 20. Let every man abide in the fame calling wherein he was called. Gen. ii. ,5. And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden, to drefsit, andtokeepit. Gen.iii. 19. In the fweat of thy face (halt thoa eat bread till thou return unto the ground ; -

/Eph.iv.28. Let him that flole, fteal no more; but rather let hini labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that ncedeth. Prov. X. 4. He becometh poor that dealeth with a flack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich. / John vi. 12 When they vvere filled, he faid unto his difciples. Ga- ther up the fragments that remain, that nothing be loft. Prov. xxi. 20. There is a treafure to be dcfired, and oil in the dwellings of the wife ; but a foolifh man fpendeth it up.

V I Cor vii. from ver. i to 9, Dare any of you, having a matter againfl another, go to law before ; the unjufl, and not before the faints > &c.

•u/ I to6 My fon, if thou be furety for thy friend, if thou hadflricken thy hand with a ftranger, thou art fnared with the words of thy mouth. Prov. xi 1 5-. He that is furety for a Uranger,fhall fmart

TJje Larger Cafechifm. g o i

avoiding unneceflary lawfuits v, and- furetyflilp, or other engagements It; ; and an endeavour by ail juil and lawful means to procure, preferve, and further the wealth and outward eflate of others, as well as our own x,

Q^ 42 What are the fins forbidden in the eighth com^ mandment f

A,' \ he fins forbidden In the eighth commandment, befidc the neglect of the duties required^, are, theft z, robbery a, man flealing b, and receiving any thing that is flolenc; frau^


fmart for it; and he that hateth I'uretyfiiip is fure.

X Lev. XXV. 35 . And if thy bro- ther be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee ; then thou (halt relieve him : yea, though he be a ftranger, or a fojourner ; that he may hve with thee. Deut. xxii. i, Thoufhalt not fee thy brother's ox, or his Iheep go aftray, and hide thy- fclf from them ; thou (halt in any cafe brin^ them again unto thy bro- ther. V. 2. and if thy brother be not nigh unto thee, or if thou know him not, then thou (halt bring it unto thine own houfe, and it fhall be with thee until thy brother feck af- ter it, and thou fnalt reftore it to him again, v. 5. In like manner fnalt thou do with his afs, and fo Ihalt thou do with his raiment, and with all lo(t thingsof thy brother's, which he hath loft, and thou haft found, fhaltthou dolikev/ife : thou mayeft not hide thyfelf v. 4 Thou (halt not fee thy brother's afs or his ox fall down by the v/ay, and hide thyfelf from him : thou flialt furely help him to lii't them up again. Exod. xxiii. 4. If thou meet thine enemy's ox or afs going aftray, thou ftiall furely bring it back to him again, v. 5. If thou fee the afs of him that hateth thee, lying un- der his burden, and wculdft forbear to htlp him J thou fhalt furely help

with him. Gen. xlvli. 14. And Jo- feph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, lor the corn which they bought : and Jofeph brought the money to Pharaoh's houfe. V. 20. And Jofeph bought all the land of Kgypt for Pharaoh ; for the Egyptians fold every man his field, becaufe the famine pre- vailed over them : fo the land be- came Pharaoh's. Phil. ii. 4. Look not every man on his own things, but every man alfo on the things of others Mat xxii. 39. And the fe- cond is like unto it, Thou ftialt love thy neighbour as thyfelf.

142. >- James ii. 15 If a brother or a fifter be naked, or deftitute of daily food; v. 16 And one of you fay unto them, Depart in peace, be you warmed, and filled; notwith- ftanding ye give them not thofe things which are needful to the bo- dy; what doth it profit ? 1 John iii.. 17. But whofo hath this world's good, and feeth his brother have need, and fliutteth up his bowels of companion from him, how dwell- eth the love of God in him i*

zEph.iv.28. Let him that ftole, fteal no more, but rather

a Pfal. Ixii. 10. Tru^l not in op- preifion, and become not vain in robbery,

i I Tim.


The Larger Catechijm. dulent dealing^, falfc weights and me alures ^, removing land-marks/, injuftice and unfaithfulnefs in contra dls be- tween man and man^, or in matters of truft b ; opprelGon /, extortion i, ufury /, bribery ;«, vexatious law-fuits ?/, unjuft inclofures and depopulatiohs o ; ingroiling commodities to


b I Tim. i. 10, (The law was made for whoremongers, for them that defile themselves witli man- kind, for men-lteaiers, for perjur- ed perions, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to found doctrine.

cPrcv. xxix.24 Whofo is part ner with a thief, hateth his own foul : he heareth Gurfihg, and be wrayeth it not. Pfal. 1. 17. When thou faweft a thief, then thou con- feniedft with him.

d I ThefT. iv. 6. Tiiat no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter : becaufe that the Lord is the avenger of all fuch, as we alfo have forev/arned you, and tef- tified,

cVrov. xi. I. Afalfe balance is abomination to the Lord : but a juft weight is his delight. Prov xx. 10. Divcrfe weights, and diverfe mea- fures, both of them are alike abo- mination to the Lord.

yDeut. xix. 14. Thou (halt not remove thy neighbour's land-mark, which they of old time have fet in thine inheritance. Prov.xxiii. 10. Remove not the old land-mark; and enter not into the fields of the fatherlefs.

^Amosviii.5. Saying, When will the new moon be gone that we may fell corn ? and the fabbath, that we *may fet forth wheat; making the ephah fmall, and the fiiekel great, and falfifying the balances by de ceit? Pfal. xxxvii. 21. The wick- ed borroweth, and paycth not a-


h Luke xvi. 10. He that is faith-

ful in that which is leaft, is faithful alfo in much ; and he that is unjuft in the leaft, is unjuft alfo in much. V.' 1 1 . If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mam- mon, who will commit to your truft the true riches ? v. 12. and if ye have not been faithful in that which is another mail's, who (hall give you that which is your own i*

/ Ezek. xxii. 29. The people of the land have ufed oppreflion, and cxercifed robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy; yea, they have opprelTed the (tranger wrong- fully. Lev. XXV. 17. Ye (hall not therefore opprefs one another; but thou (halt fear thy God : for 1 am the Lerd your God.

k Mat. xxiii. 25. Wo unto you, fcribes and Pharifees, hypocrites; for ye make clean the outfide of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and ex- cefs. Ezek. xxii. 12. In thee have they taken gifts to (bed blood: thou ha(} taken ufury and increafe, and thou ha(t greedily gained of thy neighbours by extortion, and halt forgotten, me, faith the Lord God.

/ Pfal. XV. 5- He that putteth not out his money to ufury, nor taketh reward againft the innocent,

w Job XV 34 For the congrega- tion of hypocrites (hall be defolate, and fire (hall confume the taber- nacles of bribery.

n 1 Cor. vi. 6 But brother goeth

to law with brother, and that before

the unbelievers, v. 7. Now therefore

there is utterly a fault among you^


The Larger Catechifm, 303

inhance the price/>, unlawful callings ^-j and all other un- juil or finful ways of taking or with-holding from our neigh- bour what belongs to hin%-Qr of enriching ourfelves r ; co- vetoufnefsyj inordinate prizing and aiFe(fting worldly goods/; diftruflful and diltra(5ling cares and iludies in getting, keep- ing and ufing them v\ envying at the prolperity of others wi


becaufe ye go to law one with ano- ther: why do ye not rather take wrong ? why do ye not rather fuf- fer yourfelres to be defrauded ? v. 8 Yea, you do wrong and defraud, and that your brethren Prov. iii. 29, Devife not evil againft thy neighbour, feeing he dwclleth fe- curely by thee. v. 30 Strive not with a man without a caufe, if he have done thee no harm.

olfa. iv. 8. Wo unto them that join houfe to houfc, that lay field to field; till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midft of the earth. Micah ii. 2. And they covet fields, and take them by violence ; and houfes, and take them away ; fo they opprefs ^ man and his houfe, even a man and his heritage.

p Prov. xi. 26 He that with- holdeth corn, the people fhall curfe him; but blelling ihali be upon the head of hiiii that felJeth it.

q Ads xix. 19. Many alfo of them who ufed curious arts, brought their books together, aid burned them before all men ; and they couated the price of them, and found it fifty thoufand pieces of fil- ler, y. 24. For a certain man named Demetrius,afilver-fmith, who made filver fhrines for Diana, brought no fmall gain unto the craftfracn. v. 25. Whom he called together with the workmen of like occupation and faid, Sirs, ye know that by this craft we have our wealth.

rjob xix 1 9. Becaufe he hathop-

prefled, and forfaken the poor; be- caufe he hath violently taken away an houfe which he builded not. James v. 4. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth ; and the cries of them who have reaped, are en- tered into the ears of the Lord of fabaoth, Prov. xxi 6.The gettmg of treafures by a lying tongue is a vanity to/Fed to and fro of them that feek death.

/Luke xii. 15. And he faid unto them. Take heed, and beware of covetoufnefs : for a man's life con- fifteth not in the abundance of the things which he pollefleth.

/ iTim vi.5.Perverfe difputings of men of corrupt minds, and delti- liite of the truth, fuppofing that gain is godlinefs : from fuch with- draw thyfelf. Col. iii. 2. Set your affedions on things above, not on things on the earth. Prov. x-xiii. ^. Wilt thou fet thine eyes upon tliac which is not .? for riches certainly make themfelves wings, they fly a- way as an eagle towards heaven. Pfal. Ixii. 10 If riches increafc, (et not your heart upon them.

vMat vi. 2 5. The re fore I fay un- to you. Take no thought for your life, what ye Ihall eat, or what ye fliall drink, nor yet for your body, what ye (hall put on : is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? v. 3 i. Therefore take no thought, faying, What (hall we eat ? ver. 34. Take therefore 00 thcv.aht

204 ^k^ Larger Catechijm:

as likeviife idlenefs a*, pTodiigality, waiteful gaming; and al! other ways whereby #e^do unduly prejudice our own outward eftate j/: And defraudiag ourfeives of the due ufe and comfort of that eftate which God hath given us 2-.

(y 1 4 ^ . Which is the ninth commandment f

A. T;)e ninth commandment is, Thou ilialt not bear falfe "Witnefs againft thy neighbour a,

Q 1 44. Which are the duties required in the ninth com mandment f

A, The duties required in the ninth commanviment are. the preferving and promoting of truth between man and

man b^

thought for the morrow; for the morrow fhall take thought for the things of itfelf ; lufficient unto the day is the evil thereof, Eccl. v. 12. The fleep of a labouring man is fweet, whether he eat little or louch : but the abundance of the rich will not fufFer him to deep.

ay Pfal. Ixxiii. 3. For I was envi- ous at the foolifli, when I faw the profperity of the wicked. Pf. xxxvii. I . Fret not thyfelf becaufe of evil- doers, neither be thou envious a- gainft the workers of iniquity, v. 7. Red in the Lord, and wait patiently for him : fret not thyfelf becaufe of hira who profpereth in his way, be- caufe of the man who bnngeth wicked devices to pafs.

X iThefT. iii.i i.ForwG hear that there are fomc who walk among you diforderly, working not at all, but are bufy bodies Prov. xviii 9. He aifo that is fiothful in his work, is brother to him that is a great waftcr.

^ Prov XX. 17. He that loveth pleafuresfhallbeapoorman he that loveth wine and oil (hall not be rich. Prov.xxiil. 20. De not amon* wine- bibbers ; .imong riotous eaters of fiefh. V. 2[ For the drunkard and the glutton fnall come to poverty :

and drowfinefs Hiall clothe a maa with rags. Prov xxvii 19.- He that tilleth his land, (hall have plenty of bread : but he that foUoweth after vain perlons, fhall have po^ verty enough.

2 Eccl. iv. 8. There is one alone, and there is not a fecond : yea, he hath neither child nor brother : yet is there no end of all his labour, neither is his eye fatisfied with riches, neither faith he, For whom GO 1 labour, and bereave my foul of good? This is alfo vanity : yea, it is a fore travel Eccl. vi. 2. A man to whom God hath given riches, wealth, and honour, fo that he v/anteth nothing for his foul of all that he defireth, yet God giveth him not power to eat thereof, but a, ftranger eateth it; this is vanity, and it is an evil difeafe. i Tim. v. 8- But if any provide not for his own, and fpecially for thofe of his ov/n houfe, he hath denied the faith, and is worfc than an infidel.

143. <7 Exod. XX. 16.

144. ^7'ech.viii. 16 Thefe are the things that ye fhail do, Speak ye every man the truth unto his neigh- bour: execute the judgment of truth and psace in your £:ites.

c 3 John

The Larimer Cateclnjnu . 505

man^,and the good name of ourneighbour, as well as our ownr: Appearing anc^ (landing;- for tlie triitlW; and from the hearr^/m- cerely/,freely^,c.Ieariy/-?,andfLilly/,fpeaking the truth,and only the truth, in matters of judgment and julHce/f, and in all other things whatfoevcr/: a charitable edeem of our neighbours ;// ;


3 John xii. Demetrius hath good

rr.port of all men, and of ihe truth

itfeif : yea, and we alfo bear record,

nd ye know that our record is true.

d Prov. xxxi. 8. Open thy mouth fbr the dumb in the cauie of all fuch as are appointed to de(iru6\ion. v. 9 Open thy mouth, judge rightcoufly, and plead the caufe of the poor and needy.'

e Pfal. XV. 2. He that walketh uprightly, and worketh riglueouf- nefs, and fpeaketh the truth from his heart.

/"2 Chron. xix. 9. And he charg- ed them, faying. Thus fliali ye do in the fear of the Lord, faithfully, and with a perfeft heart.

g I Sam. xix. 4. And Jonathan fpake good of»David unto Saul his father, and faid unto him, Let not the king fin agalnft his fervant, a- gainfl David : becaufe he hath not finned againd: thee, and becaufe liis works have been to thee-ward very good. V. 5 . For he did put his life in his hand, and flew the Philirtlne, and the Lord wrought a great falvation for all Ifrael : thou faweft it, and didft rejoice : wherefore then wilt thou fm againfl: innocent blood, to flay David without a caufe ?

h Jofh. vii. 19. And Jofliua faJd unto Achan, My fon, give, I pray thee, glory to the Lofd God of If- rael, and make canfeflion unto him : and tell me now what thou haft done, hide it not from me.

i 2 Sam. xiv. iS. Then the king anfwered and faid unto the woman, hide not from me, I pray thee, the

thing that I fliall aflt thee. And the woman Add, Let my lord the king now fpcak. v. 19. and the king faid, is not the hand of Joab with ihee in all this \ and the woman anfwer- ed and laid. As thy foul liveth, my lord the king, none can turn to the right-hand or the left from ought that my lord the king hath fpoktfn : for thy fervant Joab he bade me, and he put all thefe words in the mouth of thine hand maid. v. 20. To fetch about this form of fpeech hath thy fervant Joab done .this thing: and my lord is wife,

k Lev. xix. 15. Ye fhall do no un- righteoufoefs in judgment : thou iTialt not refpc(5l the perfon of the poor, nor honour the -perfon of the mightyi but in righteoufnefs fhalt thou judge thy neighbour. Prov. xiv. 5. A faithful witnefs will not lie but a falfc witnefs will utter lies. v. 25. A true witnefs delivereth fouls, but a deceitful witnefs fpeaketh lies.

/ i Cor. i. 17. When 1 therefore was thus minded, did I ufe light- neCs ? or the things that 1 purpofe, do I purpofe according to the flefh, that W'th me there ftiould be yea, yea, and nay, nay? v. 18. But as God is true, our word toward you was not yea and nay. Eph.iv. 25. Wherefore putting away lying, fpeak every man truth with his neighbour : for we are members one of another.

m Heb. vi 9. But, beloved, we are perfuaded better things of you, and things that accompany falvati- on, though we thus fpeak. 1 Cor. ' U ,xlii.

The, Larger Catechifm. loving, deliring, and rejoicing in their good name/?; forrowing fore, and covering of, their infirmities/); freely acknowledging of their gifts and graces^, defending their innocencyr; a ready receiving of a good report,/:and unwillingnefs to admit of an evil report concerning them/';difcouragingtale-bearers'y, flattcrsw,


xlii. 7. (Charity) beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endiireth ail things.

«Roni. i. 8 Fird I thank my God thro* Jefus Chrifl for you ail, that your faith is fpoken of throughout the whole world. 2 John 4. I re- joiced greatly that I found of thy chil-

'dren walking in the truth, as we have received a ccmmandment from the Father. 3 John 3 For [ rejoic- ed greatly when the brethren came and tedified of the truth that is in t-hee, even as thou walkeft in the

•%truth. V. 4. 1 have no greater joy than to hear that my chilj^ren walk in the truth.

0 2 Cor. n. 4. For but of much afilidtion and anguifii of heart, I write unto you with many tears.; not that you (hould be grieved, but that ye might know the love which

1 have more abundantly unto you.

2 Cor. xii 21. And left when I come again, my God will humble me a- mong you, and that I (liall bewail many who have finned already, and have not repented of thc-tniclei'.n- nefs, and fornication, and lafcivi- ournefc which they have committed.

p Prov. xvii. 9. He that covereth a tranfgreffion, feeketh love ; but he that repeateth a matter, feparateth very friends. 1 Pet. iv. 8. and above all things have fervent charity a- mong yourfelves : for charity (hall cover the multitude of fins.

q I Cor. i. 4. I thank my God al- v;ays in your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jcfus

Chrift ; v. 5.. That in every thing you are enriched by him, in all utter- ance, and in ail knowledge, v, 7. So that ye come behind in no gift ; waiting for the conain^ of the Lord Jefus Chrift. 2 Tim. i. 4. Greatly defiring to fee thee, being mindful of thy tears, that I may be filled with joy : V. 5. When I call to re- membrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt firil in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice ; and I am perfuaded that in thee al fo.

r I Sam. xxii. 14. Then Ahime- lech anfwered the king and faid, And who is fo faithful among all thy fervants, as David, who is the king's fon-in-law, and goeth at thy bidding, and is honourable in thine houfc I

f \ Cor. xiii. 6. (Charity) rejoic* eth not in iniquity, but rejoicetij^ja the truth : V. 7. Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, cndureth all things.

/ Pfal. XV. 3. He thatbackbit- eth not with his tongue, nor doth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach againlt his neigh- bour.

V Prov. XXV. 2;. The north-wind driveth away rain : fo doth an angry couotenance a bac-kbiting tongue

^jj Prov xxvi.24. He that hateth, diflembleth with his lips, and layeth up deceit within him. v. 25. When he fpeakcth fair, believe him not : for there are feven abominations in his heart.

X Pfal-.

The Larger Cafecbi/m. and {landerers;^; love and care of our own good name, imi defending it when need reqaireth v; keeping of lawtul pro- mifes z; ftudying and praaifing of whatfoever things are trii^-, honefl, lovely, and or good reports.

<X 145: IV bat are tbc fins forbidden in the nintb command-


A. The fms forbidden in the- ninth comm:indment are, all prejudicing the truth, and the good name of our neigh- bours, as well as our own i^, efpecially in publick judi- catures; giving falfe evidence^/, fuborning falfc witnef-


;f Pfal. ci. 5. Whofo privily flan- dereth his neighbour, him will I

cut off:

y Prov. xxii. I. A good name is rather to be chofen than great riches and loving favour, rather than fil- ver and gold. John viii. 49. Jefus anlwered, I have not a devil; but I honour my Father, and ye do dif- honour me-.

z Pfal. XV. 4. He that fv/eareth to his own hurt, and changeth not. a Phil. iv. 8. Finally, brethren, whatfoever things are true, what- foever things are honeft, whatfo- ever things are juA, whatfoever things are pare, whatfoever things are lovely, whatfoever things are of good report ; if there be any virtue, and \\ there be any praife, think on thefe things.

i4f. ^ I Sam. xvii. 2S. AndEli- ab his eldeft brother heard when he fpake unto the man ; and Eliab's an- fwer was kindled againft David, and he faid. Why cameft thou down hither \ and with whom haft thou left thofe few flicep in the wilder- nefs ? I know thy pride, and the naughtinefs of thine heart, for thou art come down that thou mighteft fee the battle. 2 Sam. xvi. 3. And the king faid. And where is thy matter's fon ? and Zi- ba faid unto the king, EdioM, hs

abideth at Jerufalem : for he fiid. To-day (hall the houfe of liratl le- ftore me the kingdom of my fatlier. 2 Sam i. 9. He faid unto me again, Stand, I pray thee, upon me, and flay me: for anguifh is come upon me, becaufe my life Is yet whole ia me : v. 10. So I flood upon him, and flew him, becaufe I was fure that he could not live after that he was fallen : and 1 took the crown that w^as on his head, and the bracelet that wa§ on his arm, and have brought them hither unto my lord. V. 15. and David called one of the young men, and faid, Go near, and fall upon him. And he fmote him that he died. v. 16. and Da- vid faid unto him. Thy blood be upon thy head : for thy mouth hath tertified againd thee, faying,. I have flain the* Lord's anointed.

c Lev.xix 15. Yeflialldonoun- righteoufnefs in judgment; thou {halt not refpea the perfon of the poor, nor honour the perfon of the mighty: but in righteoufneis (halt thou judge thy neighbour. Hab. i. 4. Therefore the law is flacked, and judgment doth never go liorth : for the wicked doth compafs about the righteous : therefore wrong judg- ment proceedeth.

d Prov. xix s. A falfe witnefs U - (hall

... "^he Larger Catechifnu

fes e, wittingly appearing and pleading for an evil caufe, out* facing and over-bearing the truth/; palTing unjuft fentence^^, calling evil good, and good evil; rewarding the wicked accord- ing to the work of the righteous, and the righteous according to the work of the wicked h\ forgery /, concealing the truth,


{hall not be iinpunlTnedj and he

that fpeaketh lies fliall not efcape. Prov. vi. I 6. Thefe fix things doth the Lord hate : yea, feven are an abomination unto him. v. 19. A faife witnefs that ipeaketh lies, and him that foweth difcord among brethren.

e Acls vi. 13. And fet up falfe witnefTes, who faid, This man ceaf- eth not to fpeak blafphemous words ag;iin(i this holy place, and the law. / Jer. ix. 3*. And they bend their tongirr like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth ; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know rot me, faith the Lord. v. 5. And tliey will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not Ipeak the truth : they have taught their tongue to fpeak lies, and weary themfelves to commit iniquity. A<5is xxiv. 2. And when he was called forth, TertuUus &egan to accufe him, v. 5. For we have found this man a peflilent fellow, and a mover of fedltion among all the Jews throughout the v/crld, and a ring-leader of the fe6!: vi the Nazarcnes. Pfal. xii. 3, The Lord fhall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that fpeaketh proud things, v. 4, Who have faid, With oiflr tongue will we prevail, our lips are ou,r own : who is Lord over us i* Pfal. hi. I. Why boafleft thou thy- felf in mifchief, O mighty man ? the goodnefs of God endureth con- tinually. V. 2. Thy tongue devifeth n^ifchiefs : like a (harp razor, work- ing deceitfully, v. 3- Thou loveft

eVlI more than good : and lying ra- ther than to fpeak righteoulnefs. Selah. v. 4. Thou loveft all devour- ing words, O thou deceitful tongue. g Prov. xvii. 15. He that julHii- eth the wicked, and he that con- demneth tjie jufl, even they both are abomination to the Lord, i Kings xxi. from v. 9, to 14. And flie (Je* zebel) wrote in the letters, faying. Proclaim a fait, and fet Naboth on high among the people : v. 10. and fet two men, fons of Belial, before him, to bear witnefs againft hin?, faying, Thou didli blafpheme God and the king : and then carry him out, and Hone him that he may die. V. II. And the men of his city, e- ven the elders and the nobles who were the inhabitants in hii city, did as Jezebel had fent unto them. v. 13, And they iloned him with /lones that he died,

h Ifa. V. 23. Who jultify th? wicked for a reward, and take away the righteoufnefs of the righteous from him. ,

; Pfal. cxix. 69. The proud have forged a lie againft me : but I will keep thy precepts with my whole heart. Luke xix. 8. And Zaccheus fiood, and faid unto the Lord, Be- hold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor : and if I have taken any thing from any man by falle accufation, I reflore hira four- fold. Luke xvi. 5. So he called e- very one of his lord's debtors unto him, and faid unto the firft, How much oweft thou unto my lord ? v. 6. And he faid, An hundred raeafures of oil. And he faid uato him.Takc thy


The Larger Gate chifm, goc^

undue filence in a jud caufei, and holdino^ our peace when iniquity calleth for a reproof from ourlelves /, or com- plaint to others m ; fpeaking the truth unfeafonably n, or malicioufly to a wrong end o, or pervertin^^^ it to a wrong meaning/), or in doubtful and equivocal expreilions, to the prejudice of truth or juftice q^ ; fpeaking untruth r,


bill, and fit down quickly, and write fifty. V. 7. Then fald he to another, And how much owe't thou ?

k Lev. \'. I. And if a foul fin, and hear the voice of fwearing, and is a witnefs, whether he hath leen or known of it, if he do not utter it, then he fhall bear his iniquity. Deut. xiii. 8. Thou (halt not confent unto him, nor hearken unto him : nei- ther fliall thine eye pity him, nei- ther ihalt thou fpare, neither (halt thou conceal him. Ads v. 3. But Peter faid, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the holy Gho(l, and to keep back part of the


price of the land? v. 8. And Peter anfwered unto her, Tell me whether ye fold the land for fo much. And (he faid. Yea, for fo much. v. 9. Then Peter faid unto her. How is it that ye have agreed together, to

tempt the Spirit of the Lord I

2 Tim. iv. 16. At my firft anfwer no man (lood with me, but all men forlbok me : I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.

/ I Kings i. 6. And his father had not difpieaf^d him at any time, in faying. Why had: thou done fo ?* Lev. X. 17. Thou fnalt not hate thy brother in thine heart : thou llialt in any wife rebuke thy neigiibour, and not fufFer fin upon him

m I fa lix. 4. None calJeth for juftice, nor any pleadeth for truth : ihey trud in vanity.

wProv. x'dx. II. Afooluttereth all' his mind : but a wife man keep- %\.\\ it in till afterwards.

« 1 Sam. xsii. 9. Then anfwered

Doeg the Edomite, who was fot o- ver the fervants of Saul) and faid, I faw the fon of; coming to Nob, to Ahimelech the fon of .'^hitub. v. 10. And he enquired of the Lord for him : and gave him vicftuals, and gave him the fsvord of Goliath the Philidine. (Compared with Pial.lii.) A pfalm of David, when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul, - r. i. Why boa(Le(l tliou thylelf in niif- chief, O mighty man? &c. to verfe 5.

p Pfal. Ivi. 5. Every day they wreft my words ; all their thoughts are againft me for evil. John ii. 19. Jefus anfwered and faid unto them, Deftroy this temple, and in three days 1 will rails it np. (Compared with Mat. xxvi. 60. At the la(t came two falfe witne(res, v. 61. And faid, This fellow fa-d, I am able to deftroy the temple of God, and to build it in three days.

^Gen. iii. 5. For God doth know, that in the day ye eat thereof, thea your eyes (liall be opened : and ye (hall be as gods knowing good and evil. Gen. xxvi. 7. And the men of the place r.fked him of his wife : and he faid. She is my (iiler : for he fearcfl to fay. She is my wife. v. 9. And Abimelech called ifaac, and faid, Behold, of a Jurety Ihe is ih/ wife : and how faidit thou. She is ray fifter ?

r Ifa.lix 15. In tranfgislTing and lying againd the Lord, and depart- ing away from our God, fpeaking opprelTiOB and revolt, conceiving^

u 3

2 I o The Larger Catechifm.

lyin- /; flandering/, backbiting .., detracting ^£;,tale^bearing^, Shif/ering,, fcoffing ., reviling ., raft, b, "^-f^-fj^^^^^^ ceufuring/; mifconaruc^ing intentions, words and ^c^^^^^^^^>

and uttering from the heart, words of fallliood.

/Lev. xix. II. Yeflullnot fteal, neither deal ialfly, neither iie coe toaoother. Col. iii. 9- Lie not one to another, feeing that ye have put otT the old man with his deeds.

/ Pfal I. 20. Thou fitted and fpeaked againd thy brother, thou flandered thin&^own mother s Ion. V Pfal. XV. :?. He that backbiteth

not with his tongue,

ru^Jam iv. II. Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He thatfpeak- eth evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, fpeaketh evil ot the law, and iudgeth the lawrbutif thoujudge the law.thou art not adoferof the law, but a judge. Jer. xxxviii. 4 There- fore the princes faid unto the king, xve befeech thee, let this man be put to death : 'for thus he weaken- eth the hands of the men of war that remain in the city, and the hands of all the people, in fpea^ing fuch words unto them : for this nan feeke'th not the welfare ot this people, but the hurt.

:c Lev. xix 16. Thou ni;ilt not ro up and down as a tale-bearer a- ^ongthypeople: neither (halt thou Oand againd the blood of- thy neigh- bour. I am the Lord.

vRom.i\29 Bfeing filled witn all unriohteoufnefs, fornication, wicjc ednefs, covetoufnefs, mahcioufne.s ; full of envy, murder, debate, de- ceit, mnlionityj whifperers, v. 30.

Backbiters, haters of God,

sGen.xxi 9. And Sarah faw the fon of Hagar the Egyptian, which jT.e had horn unto Abraham, mock- 'yc.o. Compared with GaL iv.'sQ.

But as then he that was born after the liefh, perfecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even fo it is now.

a I Cor. vi. lO. Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor re- vilers, nor extortioners, (hall inhe- rit the kingdom of God.

b Mat vii. I. Judge not, that ye be not judged. . , '

c Afls xxviii. 4. And when the barbarians faw the venomous bead hang on his hand, they faid among themfelves, No doubt this man is a murderer, whom, though he hath efcaped the fea, yet vengeance fux- fereih not to live.

d Gen xxxviii. 24. A.nd it came to pafs about three months aft«r, that it was told judah, faying, Tamar thy daughter-in-law .hath played the harlot; and alfo behold, (he is with child by whoredom : and Judah faid. Bring her forth, and let her be burnt. Rom, ii. 1 . There fore thou art inexcufable, O mar, whofoever thou' art that judged;' for \vhereiH thou, judged another, thou condemned thyfelf ; for th6u that judged, dod the fame things.

e Neh. vi. 6. Wherein was writ- ten : It is reported among the hea- then, andGaihmu faith it, that thoa and thejewithink to rebel: for which caufe thou budded the wall, that then mayed be their king, accord- ing to thefe words, v. 7. and thou had alfo appointed, prophets to preach of thee at Jerufalem, faying, There is a king in Judah : and now fliall it be reported to the king, ac- cording to thefe words. Come now


The Larger Catechifm, :> 1 1

flattering/, vain-glorious boainng^^, thinking or fpeaking too highly or too meanly of ourielves or others h ; deny- ing the gifts and graces of God/; aggravating fraaller

faults :

therefore, and let us take counfti together, v. 8. Then 1 lent unto him, faying, There are no fuch things done as thou fayeft, but tliou feigned: themout of thine own heart. Rom. iii. 8. And not rather as we be flanderoufly reported, and as fome affirm that we fay. Let us do evil that good may come ; whofe damnation is juft. Pfalm Ixix. lo. When I wept, and chaftened my foul with rafting, that was to my re- proach. I Sam. i. 13. Now Han- nah flie fpake in her heart, only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard : therefore Eli thought fhe had been drunken, v.14. And Eli faid unto her, How long wilt thou be drunken ? Put away thy wine from thee. v. 15. And Har,- nah anfwered and faid, Iso, my lord, I am a woman of a forrowful fpirit: I have drunk neither wine nor ftrong drink; but have poured out my foul before the Lord. 2 Sam. X. 3. And the princes of ihe chij- dren of Amnion faid unto Hanun their lord, Thinkeft thou that Da- vid doth honour thy father, that he. hath fent comforters unto thee ? hath not David rather fent his fer- vants unto thee to fearch the city, and to fpy it out, and to overthrow it?

/ Pfal. xli, 2. They fpeak vanity every man with his neighbour : with flattering lips, and with a double heart do they fpeak- v. 3. The Lord fliall cut oif all flattering lips and the tongue that fpeaketh proud things.

g 2 Tim. ili. 2. For men ihall be lovers of their own felves, covetous boailers.

h Luke xvili. 9. And he fpake this parable unto ceitaln who iruft- cd in themfeives tljat they were righteous, and defpiled others, v. 1 1 . And the Pharilec Itood and prayed thus with himfeif; God, I thank thee that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjuft, adul- terers, dv even as this publican. Rom.^ii 16. Mind not high things, but condefcend to men of low ellale. Yit not wife ir your own conceit, i Cor. iv 6 And thci'e things, bre- thren, I have in a figure transferred to myielf, and to Apollos, for your fakes : that ye might learn in us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one againll: another. Adts xii. 22. And the people gave a fliout, faying. It is the voice of a God, and not ot aman. Exod-iv. 10. And Mofes faid unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, nei- ther heretofore, nor fince thou halt fpoken unto thy fervant : but | am flow of fpeech, and of a flow tongue. V. n. And the Lord faid ugto him. Who hath made man's mouth ? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the feeing, or the blind ? have not I the Lord : v. 12. Now therefore go, and, I will be with thy mouth, and leach thee what tiiou (halt fay, V. 13. And he faid, O my Lord, fend, I pray thee, by* the hand of him whom thou wilt fend. v. 14. And the an(;er of the Lord was kind- led againll Mofcs, Sec,

i Job xxvii. 5. Go\l forbid that

I (hculd juftify you : till I die, I will

not remove my integrity from m«.

V. 6' My righteoulhefs I hold faft,

U .| and

5 T 2 The Larger Catechijm.

faults^; hiding, excufmg, or extenuating of fins, when called to a free confeifion /; unnecelTary difcovering of infirmities m ; raifing falfe rumours n^ receiving and countenancing evil re- ports^, and flopping our ears againftjuft defence/^; evil fufpi- cion^'; envying or grieving at tlie deferved credit of any r,


and will not Jet It go: my heart iliail not reproach me fo long as I live. Job iv. 6. Is not this thy fear, thy confidence, thy hope, and the uprightnels of thy ways ?

k Mat. vii. 3 And why beholdefl thou the mpie that is in thy brother's eye, but confiderelt not the. beam that is in thine own eye ? v. 4. Or how wilt thou fay to thy brother, .T^et me pull out the mote out of thine eye ; and behold, a beam is in thine own eye ? v. 5, Thou hypo- crite, firii caii out the beam out of thine own eye; and then thou ftialt iee clearly to caft out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

/Prov.xxviii 15 He that cover- eth his fins, (hall not profper ; but "whoio confelTeih and forTaketh them, (hall have mercy.- Prov, xxx. 20. Such is the way of an adulterous voman : (he eateth, and wipeth her inouth, and faith, I have done no wickednefs. Gen. iii. 12. And the man fai^. The ^yoman, whom thou gaveft to be with me, (he gave nac of the tree, and I did eat. v. 13. and the woman faid, The ferpent beguiled me, and I did eat. jer, ii. 15. Yet thou fayeft, Becaufe I am innocent, furely his anger fliall turn from me : behold, I will plead with thee ; becaiffe thou fayeft, I have

not finned. 2 Kings v 25. And

F-lilha faid unto him, Whence coraeli thou. Gehazi ? and he faid. Thy Arvant went no whither. Gen. iv 9. And the Lord faid unto Cain, "Where is Abel thy brother ? and he /did, I itnpwndtj Am I my fero*

ther's keeper ?

m Gen ix. 2 2. And Ham the fa- ther of Canaan faw the nakednefs of his father, and told his two bre- thren without. Prov. xxv. 9. De- bate thy caufe with thy neighbour himfelf; and difcover not a fecret to another t v. 10. Left he that heaieth it, put thee to (hame, and thine infamy turn not away.

n Exod. xxiii. i. Thou (halt not raife a falfe report: jput not thine hand with the wicked to be an up- righteous witnefs.

eProv. xxix.12.Tfa ruler hearken to lies, all his fervants arc wicked. p Aflsvii. 56. And (Stephen faid) Behold, I fee the heaven-s opened, and the Son of man (landing on the right-hand of God. v. 57. Then they cried out with a loud voice, and (lopped their ears,— -Job xxxi. 15. If I did defpife the caufe of my man-fervant or ef my maid-fervant, when they contended with me : y. 1 4. What then (hall I do when God rifeth up ? and when he vifitelh, what (hall I anfwer him .^

q I Cor. xiii. 5. (Charity) doth not behave itfclf unfeemly, feeketh not her own, is not eafily provoked, thhik^th no evil, i Tim. iv. 4. He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about qMeftions and Hrifcs of Avords, whereof conieth envy, ftrife, railings, cvil-fwrmifings.

r Numb. xi. 29. And Mofes faid rnto him, Envieft thou for my fake ? would God that all the Lord's peo- ple were prophets, and that the


TJje Larger Catechl/m. 3 i 3

endeavouring or defiring to impair itf, rejoicing in their dif- eracc tind infamy / ; fcornful contempt Vy fond adniiration w; breach of lawful promifes x\ negle<^ting fuch things as are of ^ood report y : and , radtifmg or not avoiding ourfeivcs, or not hindei ing what we can in others, fuch things as procure an ill


Q. 146. Which is the tenth co7iimand merit?

J, The lent'i commandment is, Thou ihalt not covet thy neighbour's Ixoufe, thou ihalt not covet thy neighbour's wife


Lord would put his Spirit upon them. Mat. xxi. 15 and when the cbicf priefts and fcribes faw the won- derful things that he did, and the children crying in the temple, and faying, Holanna to the fon of Da- vid; they were fore difplealed.

/"Ezra iv. 12. Be it known unto the king, that the Jews who came up from thee to us, arc come unto Jerufalem, building the rebellious and the bad city, and have fet up the walls thereof, ' and jeined the foundations, v. 13. Be it known row unto the king, that if this city be builded, and the walls fct up a- gain, then will they not pay toll, tribute, and cuftom, and fo thou fhalt endamage the revenue of the kings.

/ Jer. xlviii. 27. For was not if- rael a derifion unto thee ? was he found among thieves ? for fince thou fpakeft of him, thou ilcippedft for joy.

V Pfal: XXXV. 15. But In mine ad- verfity they rejoiced, and gathered themfelves' together: yea, the ab- jedts gathered thcmfelves together agalnft me, ---v. 16. With hypocri- tical mockers in feafts : they gnaflied upon me with their teeth, v. 21. Yea, they opened their mouth wide againft me, and faid. Aha, aha, our eye hath I'een it. Mat. xxvii. 28. and they ftnpped hina and put on

him a fearlet robe. v. 29. and when they had platted a crown of thorns, they put it on his head, and a reed in his right hand : and they bowed the knee before him, and mocked him, laying. Hail, king of the Jews.

ay Jude 16. Thefe are murmur- ers, complainers, walking after their own lufts ; and their mouth fpcak- eth great fwelhng words, having mens perfons in admiration becaufe of advantage. xA6\s xii. 22. and the people gave a fhout, faying, It is the voice of a god, and not of a man.

X Rom.i. 3 I . Without underitand- ing, covenantbreakers.---2Tim ni. 3. Without natural alFedion, truce- breakers, falfe accufers.

y I Sam. ii. 24. Nay, my fons: for it is no good report that i hear ; ye make the Lord's people to tranf- grefs.

z 2 Sam.xlH. 12. And (he anfwcr- ed him, Nay, my brother, do not force me : for no fuch thing ought to be don€ in ifrael: do not thou this folly. V. 13. and I, whither fhall I caufe my (hame to go ? and as for thee thou (halt be as one of the fools in Ifrael : now therefore,- - Prov. V. 8. Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the doorof herhcufe: v. 9. Lell thou give thine honour unto others, and



314 "^^^^ Larger Catechifm.

Dor his man-fervant, nor his maid-fervant, nor his ax, nor his

afs, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's'^.

Q^ 147. What are the duties required in the tenth cem- mandmefit f

A, The duties required in the tenth commandment are, fuch a full contentment Vvith our own condition b, and fuch a chari- table frame of the whole foul toward our neighbour, as that all our inward motions and afFe(n:ions touching him, tend unto, and further all that good which is his c.

(^148. What are the fms forbidden in the tenth command" mentf

^. The fms forbidden in the tenth commandment are, dif- contentment with our own eftate d-^ envying e and grieving at


thy years unto the cruel. Prov. vl. 3;. a wound and difhonour fhall he get, and his reproach fhall not be wiped away.

i/)6. a Exod. XX. 17.

147. b Heb, xlii. 5. Let your convcrfation be without covetouf- nefs ; and be content with fuch things as you have : tor he hath faid, I will never leave thee, nor for fake thee. I Tim. vi. 6. But godiinefs with contentment is great gain

c Job xxxi. 29. If I rejoiced at the deftrudtion of him that hated me, or lift up myfelf when evil found him. Rom. xii. 15. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep. Pfal, cxxii. 7. Teace be within thy walls, and pro- fperity within thy palaces, v. 8. For my brethren and companions fake, I will now fay, Peace be with- in thee. V. 9. Becaufe of thehoufe of the Lord our God, I will feek thy good. I Tim. i. 5. Now the end of the commandment is charity, out of a pure heart, and of a good con- fcienee, and of faith unfeigned. Eflh. X. 3. For Mordecai the Jew was next unto king Ahafuerus, and great among tlie Jews, and accept- ed of the multitude of bis brethren,

feeking the wealth of his people, and fpeaking peace tq all his feed. I Cor. xiii. 4. Charity fuffereth long, and'is kind; charity envleth not ; charity vaunteth not itfelf, is notpuflFedup, v. 5. Doth not behave itfelf unfeemly, feeketh not her own, is not eafily provoked, think- eth no evil, v 6. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth: V. 7. Beareth all things, believeth all thing-3, hopeth ail things, en- durcth all things.

J 48. ^ I Kings xxi. 4. And Ahab came into his houfe, heavy and dif- pleafed, becaufe of the word which Nabodi the Jezreelite had fpoken to him: for he h?.d faid, I will not give thee the inheritance of my fa- thers: and he laid him down upon his bed ^od turned away his face, and would eat no bread. Elth.v. 13. Yet all this availeth me nothing, fo long as I fee Mordecai the Jew fit- ting at the king's gate. 1 Cor. x. 10. Neither murmur ye, as fbme of them alfo murmured, and were deflroyed of the deftrGyer.^

e Gal. V. 26. Let us not be de- firous of vain. glory, provoking one another, envying one another. Jam.

ne Larger Latechifm.

the .ood of our neighbour /together v^^ all inordinate mo- tinn? and affeftions to any thing that is his g. ^149/^ any man able ferfediy to keep the commandments

'•^%'omanisable,eitherofhimfelf^,orbyanygracere^^^^^^^^ cdfn this Ufe, perfectly to keep the commandments of God j.

Hi 14. But if ye have bitter envying and ftrife In your hearts, glory not/. and He not againll the truth, v. 16. For uhere envyi •g and ftnie is, there is confufion and every evil work.

./Pfal cxii.9 He hath difperfed, he hath given to the poor ; his ngh- teoulnefs endureth for ever; his horn (liall be exalted v;iih honour V 10 The wicked niall fee It, and be grieved : he fliall gnaOi with his teeth, and melt away: the defire ot the wicked null perifh. Neh. n. 10. When Sanballat the fioronite, and Tobiah the ferrant the Ammonite, heardofit, it grieved them exceed-

inely that there was come a man to feek the welfare of the children of

Ifrael. . y.

^Rom.Yii.7- What (hall we fay thfn? Is the lawfm? God forbid. Nay, I had not known fin but by the law: for I had not known luft, except the law had faid, Thou ftialt not covet, r. 8. But fin taking occafion by the commandment, v/rcunht in me all manner ot con- cuplfcence. For without the law fin T/as dead. Rom, xm. ^. tor this, Thou (halt not com"^^t adu- tery, Thou (halt not kill. Thou (lull not ftcal, Thou Ihalt not bear falfe witnefs. Thou (halt not rovet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly com- prehended in this faying, name- }y. Thou Hialt love thy neighbour ;'\hyfelf. Ccl.iii 5. Mo^^'y therefore your members which are

upon the earth; fornication, un- cleannefs, inordinate affeaion, evil concupilceRce, and covetoufnefs, ^vhich is idolatry. Deut. v. 21. I<Ieither flialt thou defire thy neigh- bour's wife, neither fiialt thou covet thy neighbour's houfe, his field, or his nun-fervant, or his maid-ler- rant, his ox, or his afs, or any thing that is thy neighbour's.

149 >^ Jam. iii. 2. form many

things we offend all. If any man

offend not in word, the fame is a

perfea man, and able alfo to bridle

the whole body. John xv. 5. lam

the vine, ye are the branches: he

that abideth in me, and i in hira,

the fame bringeth forth much fruit :

for without me you can do nothing.

Rom. viii. 3- For what the law

could not do, in that it was weak

through the flefii, God fending h,s

o^^^n Son in the likenefs of hnful

flefh, and for fin condemned fin in

thefielh. r^ . - .0

i Eccl.vil.20. For there IS not a juft man upon earth, that doih tood, and finneth not. i John .. 8. If we fay that we have no fin. we deceiveourfelves,and the truth. snot in us, If we fay that we have not finned, we make him a liar and.

his word is not in us. Gal v. ,7. ForthefieihlufiethagainrtthcSpi.

rit, and the Spirit aga.nft the il 11.

ani thefe are contrary ^hc one o

the other ;fo that ye cannot do the


or 1 know, that in me, (that I. n


3^^ The Larger Caiechifm.

but doth daify break them in thought k, word, and deed /.

C^ .50. Are all tranfgrejjtons of the law of God equally hat nous in themfehes, and in the fight of God?

A, All tranfgreiilons of the law of God ai'e not equally hai- nou. : but fomefins in themfelves. and by reafon of feveral a?- gra^^atlons, are more hainous in the fight of God than others ni,

V^ I 5 1 . Pyhat are thofe aggravations that make fome fins more hainous than others f

A. Sins receive their aggra\4ations.

I. From

roy flefli) dwelleth no good thing: tor to will IS preient with me ; but how to perform that which is good, 1 lind not. v 19. For the good that I would, I do not, but the evil ^vbich I would not, that I do.

k Gen. vi. 5. And God faw that the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imagina- tion of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Gen. viii. 21 And the Lord faid in his heart, I will curfe the ground no more for man's fake ; for the imagina tion of man's heart is twil from his youth :

/Rom. iii. 9. _\Ve have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they arc all under fin; v. 10. as it IS written, There is none righteous, no not one: v. u. There is none that underftandeth, there is none that feeketh after God. v. 12. They ^ are all gone out of the way, ;hey are together become unprofitable, there is none that doth good, no «otone: r. ,3. Their throat is an open fepulchre: with their tongues they have ufed deceit, the poifonof aTps is under their lips; v. 14. Whofe mouth is full of curfmg and bitternefs. v. 15. Their feet are Iwitt to Ihed blood, v. 16. Deiiruc- tion and mifery are in their ways : V. 17. and the way of peace have rncy not known, y. r«. There is

no fear of God before their eyes. v. 19. Now we know that what things foever the law faith, it faith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be flopped, and all the world may become guilty before God. James iii. from verfe 2, to 13.

for in many things we offend all,

150. m John xix. 11. Jefas an- fwered, Thou couldft have no pow- er at all againft me, except it were given thee from above, therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater fin. Ezek. viii. 6. But turn thee yet again, and thou (halt ^

fee greater abominations, v. 13.

Turn thee yet again, and thou flialt fee greater abominations that they do. V. 15. Turn thee yet again, and thou fhalt fee greater abomi- nations than thefe. i John v. i^. If any man fee his brother fin a fin which is not unto death, he fhall a(k, and he fhall give him life for them that fin not unto death. There is a fin unto death ; J do not fay that he (hall pray for it. Pfal.lxxviii, 17. and they finned yet more a- gainft him, by provoking the molt fligh in the wildcrnefs. v. 32. For all this they finned flill : and be- lieved not for his wonderous works. V. 56 Yet they tempted and pro- voked the moft high God, and kept nc: his tefliinonies.


The Larger Catechifm. 317

T . From the perfons ofFending n : If they be of ri- per age «>, greater experience or grace^; eminent for profelTion q, gifts r, place f, office t ; guides to o-


151. » Jer. ii. 8. The priefls fald not, Where is the Lord ? and they that handle the law, knew me not: the paftors alfo tranrgrefled againfl me, and the prophets propheiied by Baal, and walked after things that do not profit.

* Job xxxii. 7. I faid, Days fliould fpeak, and multitude of years fhould teach wifdom. v. 9. Great men are not always wife : neither do the aged underfland judgment. Eccl. iv. 13. Better is a poor and a wife child, than an old and foollfh king, who %vill no more be admoniftied.

p I Kings xi. 4. For it came to pafs when Solomon was old, that his wives turned away his heart af- ter other gods : and his heart was not pcrfeft with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father. V. 9. and the Lord was angry with Solomon, becawfe his heart was turned from the Lord God of Ifrael , which had appeared unto him twice.

q 2 Sam. xii. 14. Howbeit, be- taufe by this deed thou haft given great occafion to the enemies of the Lord to blafpherae, the child that w born unto thee fhall furely die. i Cor. V. I It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and fuch fornication as is not fo much as named among the Gentiles, that one fliould have his father's wife.

r James iv. 17. Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is fin, Luke xii. 47. and that fervant who knew his lord's will, and prepared not him- felf, neither did according to his will, fhall be beaten with many

flripcs. V. 48. But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of ftripes, fhall be beaten v/iih few ftripes. For unto whcmfoever much is given, of him fhall be much re- quired : and to whom men have committed much, of him they will aflc the more.

/ Jer. V. 4. Therefore I faid. Surely thefe are poor, they are foolifh : for they know not the way of the Lord, nor the judgment of their God. v. 5. 1 will get me unto the great men, and I will fpeak un- to them : for they have known the way of the Lord, and the judgment ©f their God : but thefe have alto- gether broken the yoke, and burfl the bonds.

/ 2 Sam. xii. 7. And Nathan faid to David, Thou art the man, thus faith the Loiti God of Ifrael, I a- nointed thee king over Ifrael, v. 8. and I gave thee thy mafter's heufe, and thy mafter's wives into thy bo- fom, and gave thee the houfc of If- rael and of Jndah : and if that had been toolittle.Iwould moreover have given unto thee fuch and fuch things. V. 9. Wherefore halt thou defpifcd the commandment of the Lord, to do evil in bis fight ? Ezek viii. 11. and there ftood before them fcrcnty men of the ancients of the houfe of Ifrael, and in the midft of them ftood Jaazaniah the Ion of Shairtjan, with every man his cenfer in his hand, and a thick cloud of incenfc went up. V. 12. Then faid he unto me. Son of man, hafi thou fecn what the ancients of the houfc o( Ifrael do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery ? for

3 1 8 The Larger Galechifm.

thers "J, and whofe example is likely to be followed by o- thersw. .

2. From the parties offendedA*; if immediately againil God^, his attributes 2r, and worihip a\ againft Chrift, and his grace h\


they fay, The Lord feeth us not, the Lord hath foriaken the earth.

vRom.ii. 17. Behold thou art called a Jew, and refteft in the law, and makeft thy bead of God; v. 18. and knoweft his will,— -v. 19. and art confident that thou thyfeif art a guide of the blind, a light of thcni who are in darknefs, v. 20. an in- (iraftor of the foolilh, a teacher of babes, v. 21, Thou therefore who teacheft another, teacheft thou not thyfeif \ Thou that preacheft a man fliould not (leal, doft thou fteal? V. 22. Thou that fay eft a man {hould not commit adultery, do(t thou commit adultery ? thou that abhorrefl idols, dofl thou commit facrilege ? v. 23,. Thou that makert thy boaft of the law, through breaking the law, difhonourei'l: thou God? V. 24. For .the name of God is blafphemed among the Gentiles, through you.

•u; Gal. ii. 11. But when Peter was come to Antioch, I withftood him to the face, becaufe he was to be blamed, v, i 2 For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles ; but when they were come, he withdrew, and feparated himfelf, fearing them who were of the circumcifion. v. 13. and the other Jews diffembled like- wife with him, infomuch that Bar- nabas alfo was carried away with their diflimulation. v. 14. But when I faw that they walked not upright- ly, according to the truth of the gofpel. I faid unto Peter before them all, If thou being a Jew, livefl after the manner of Gentiles, and

not as do the Jews, why compelled thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews ?

X Mat. xxi, 38. But when the hufbandmen fiiw the fon, they faid among themfelves. This is the heir, come let us kill him, and let ws feize on his inheritance, v. 39. and they caught him, and caft him out of the vineyard, and flew him.

ji I Sam. ii. 25. If one man fin a- gainft another, the judge (hall judge him ; but if a man fin againft the Lord, who fliall intreat for him ? A(5^s V. 4. Thou haft not lied un- to men, but unto God. Pfal. Ii. 4. againft thee, thee only have I fin- ned, and done this evil in thy fight : that thou mighteft be juftified when thou fpcakeft, and be clear when thou judgeft.

z Rom. ii 4. Or defplfeft thou the riches of his goodnels, and for- bearance, and long-fuffering, not knov/ing that the goodnefs of God leadeth thee to repentance ?

a Mai i. 8. And if ye offer the blind for facrifice, is it not e?il ? and if ye offer the lame and fick^ is it not evil ? offer it now unto thy go- vernor, will he be pleafed with thee, or accept thy perfon ? faith the Lord of hofts. v. 14. But cur- fed be the deceiver, who hath in his flock a male and voweth and fa- crificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing : for I am a great King, faith the Lord of hofts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen.

h Heb. ii. 2. For if the word

fpoken by angels was ftedfaft, and

every tranf^rellion and difobedience


The Larger Catechifm, 319

the Holy Spirit c, his witnefs d, and workings e ; againft fupe riors, men of erainency/, and fuch as we Itand efpeciaily re lated and engaged unto^; againfl any of the faints h, parti- cularly


recelved a juft recompence of re- ward; V. 3. How fliall we efcape, if we negled fo great falvation, Heb. xii. 25. See that yourelufc not him that fpeaketh : for if they cfcap- ed not who retufed him that fpake on earth, much more ihall not we efcape, if we turn away from him that fpeaketh from heaven,

c Heb. X. 29. Of how much forer punlfhment, fuppofe ye fliall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, Mat. xii. 31. Wherefore 1 fay unto ^ou AH manner of fin and blafphemy fhall be forgiven unto men ; but the blafphemy againft the Holy Ghod (hall not be forgiven unto nien. y. 32. And whofoever fpeaketh a v/ord againft the Son of man, it fliall be forgiven him : but whofo- ever fpeaketh againft the Holy Ghoft, it Ihall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.

d Eph. vi. 30. And grieve not t^e holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are fealed unto the day of redemp- tion.

e Heb. vi. 4. For it is impoflible for thofe who were once enligktened, and have tafted of the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Ghoft, V. 5. And have tafted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come; v. 6. If they fliall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance:

f Jude verfe 8. Likewife alfo thefe tihhy dreamers defile the fleih, defpife dominion, and fpeak evil of dignities, Numb. xii. 8. Where- fore then were ye not afraid to fpeak againft my fervant Molt^s ? v. 9.

And the anger of the Lord was kindled againft them, and he de- parted. Ifa.iii. 5. The child ihall behave himfelf proudly againft the ancient, and the bale againft the honourable.

g Prov. XXX. 17. The eye that mocketh at his father, and defplfeth to obey his mother, the ravens of the valley fliall pick it out, and th« young eagles Ihall eat it. 2 Cor. xii. 15. And I will very gladly fpend and be fpent for you, though the more abundantly I love you, the lefs I be loved. 12. For it was not an enemy that reproach- ed me, then 1 could have born it; neither was it he that hated me, that did magnify, himfelf againft me, then I would have hid myfelf from him. V. 13. But it ^vas thou, a man, mine equal, my guide, and^ my acquaintance, v. 14. VVe took fwe^t counfel together, and walked unto the houfe of God in company, v. 15. Let death feize upon them, and let them go down quick into

hell ;

h Zeph. ii. 8. I have heard the r&proach of Moab, and the revillngs of the children of Amnion, where- by they have reproached my peo- ple, v. 10. This fliall they have

for their pride, becaufe they have reproached and magnified them- felves againft the people of the Lord of hofts V. I I. The Lord will be terrible unto them: Mat. xviii 6. But whofo fliall offend one of thefe - little ones who believe in me, it were better for him that a nuHtone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the



The Larger Catechifm,

cularly weak brethren /, the fouls of them or any other i, and the common good of all or many /.

3. From the nature and quauty of the offence m. If it be againlt the expreft letter of the law ;/, break many com- mandments,

fea. I Cor. vi. 8. Nay, you do wrong and defraud, and that your bre- thren. Rev. xvi. 6. And I fkw the woman drunken with the blood of the faints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jefus :- -

i 1 Cor. viii. ii. And through thy knowledge (hall the weak bro- ther perifh, for whom Chrift died ? ▼. 12. But when ye fin fo againft the bretliren, and wound their weak coofcience, ye iin againft Chrift. Rom. xiv. 13. Let us not therefore judge one another any more; but judge this rather, that no man put a ftumbling block, or an occafion to fall in his brother's way. v. 15. But if thy brother be grieved with thy meat, now walked thou not charit- ably. Deilroy not him with thy meat for whom Chrift died. v. 21. It is good neither to cat flefli, nor to drink win'c, nor any thing whereby thy brother ftumbleth, or is offend- ed, or is made weak.

k Ezek xiii. 19. And will ye pol- lute me among my people forhand- fuls of barley, and for pieces of bread, to flay the fouls that fliould not die, and to fave the fouls alive that fhould not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies. I Cor. viii. 12. But when ye fin fo againft the brethren, and wound their weak confcience, ye fin againlt Chrift Rev. xviii. u. (Themerchan- dife of gold) and cinnamon, and odours, and ointments, and frank- incenfe, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and beads, and fheep, and horfes, and chariots, and ftaves, and fouls of men.

Mat.xxlii. 15. Wounto you, fcrlbes and pharifees, hypocrites ; for ye compals fea and land to make, one prolelyte, and when be is made, ye make him two fold more the child of hell than yourfelves.

/ I ThefT ii. 15. Who both killed the Lord Je iis, and thcjr own pro- phets, and have persecuted us; and they pleafe not God, and are con- trary to all men : v. 16. Forbidding us to fpeak to the Gentiles, that they might be faved,---Jofh.xxii 20. Did not Achan the fon of Zerah commit a trefpafs in the accurfed thing, and wrath fell on all the congregation of Ifrael t and that man perilhed not alone in his ini- quity.

m Pror. vi. 30. Men do not de- fpife,a thief, if he fteal to fatlsfy Jbis foul when he is hungry: v. 31, But if he be found, he (hall reftore

feven-fold, v. 32. But whofo

commltteth adultery with a woman, lacketh underftanding : he that doth it dedroyeth his own foul. v. 33. A wound and difbonour fliall he get, and his reproach fliall not be wiped away. And fo on to the end of the chapter.

« Ezra ix "10. And now, O our God, fnall we fay after this X for we have forfaken thy command- ment V. II. Which thou haft commanded by thy fervants the prophets, faying. The land unto which ye go to poftefs it, is an un- clean land with the filthinefs of the people, ---V. 12. Now therefore give not your daughters unto their fons,


The Larger Catechifm* 3 2 r

mandmcnts, contain in it many fins o\ if not only conceiv- ed in the heart, but breaks forth in words and adlions /?, fcandalize others q^ and admit of no reparation r ; if againft


nor- I Kings xi. 9. And the Lord was angry with Solomon, becauTe his heart was turned from tlie l^ord God of Ifrael, who had appeared unto him twice, v. 10 And had commanded hfm concerning this thing, that he fliould not go after other gods: but he kept not that which the Lord commanded.

0 Col. iii. 5. Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth ; fornication, uncleannefs, in- ordinate afFe^ion, evii concupifcence, and covetoufnefs, which is idolatry. I Tim. vi. lb For the love of mo- ney is the root of all evil : which while fome coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced therafclves through with many for- rows. Prov. v. 8. Remove thy way far from her, and come not nigh the door of her houfe : v. 9. Left thou give thine honour unto others, and thy years unto the cruel, v. 10. Left ftrangers be filled with thy wealth, V. 11. And thou mourn at the laft, when thy flefti and thy body are confumed, v. 12. And fay. How have I hated inftrudion, and my heart defpifed reproof? Prov. vi. 32. But whofo committeth adul- tery with a woman, lackeih under- ftanding: he that doth it, deftroy elh his own foul. v. 33. A wound and difhonour ftiall he get, Jolh. vii. 21. When I faw among the fpoils a goodly Babylonifti garment and two hundred fhekels of fiiver, and a wedge of gold of fifty fhekels weight, then I coveted them, and took them.

p Jam. i. 14. But every man is tempted whea he \i drawn a^yay of

his own lufts, and enticed, v. 25. Then, when luft hath conceived, it bringeth forth fin; and fin, whea it is finifhed, bringeth forth death. Mat. V. 22 But I fay unto you, that whofoever is angry with his brother without a caufe. (hall be in danger of the judgment: and whofoever fliall fay to his brother, Raca, ihall be in danger of the council : but whofoever fliall fay. Thou fool, (hall be in danger of hell-fire. Mic. ii I. Wo unto them that devife i- niquity, and work evil upon their beds ; when the morning is light, they pradife it, becaufe it is in the power of their hand

q Mat.'xviii 7. Wo to the world becaufe of offences ; for it muft needs be that offences cdme : but wo to that man by whom the offence com- eth, Rom. ii. 23. Thou that makeft: thy boaft of the law, through break- ing the law, difhonoureft thou God ? v. 24. For the name of God is blaf- pheraed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.

r Deut. xxii. 22. If a man be found lying with a woman married to an hufband, then they fhall both of them die, both the man that lay with the woman, and the woman : fo /halt thou put away evil from If- rael. Compared with v. 28. If a man find a damfel that is a virgia which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and ly with her, and they be found: v. 29. Then the man that lay with her, fhall give to the damfel's father fifty fhekels of filver. and fhc fhall be his wife, becaufe he hath humbled her; he may not put her away all his days. Frov. vi. 32. X But

32 2 The Larger Cdlechifm,

means /J mercies /, judgments ij, light of mature w, con- viction of coufcience a', public or private admoniti- on y

But u'hofo committeth adultery with a woman, lacketh under fianding: he that dot,h it, dedroyeth his own ibul. V. 33. A wound and diOionour ftjall he get, and his reproach fliall not be wiped away. v. ^4. For jea

yet have ye not returned usto rne, faith th€ Lord. v. 8. I have fniitten you with blading, and mildew: when your gardens and vineyards, and your fig trees, and your olive- trees increafed, the pHlaier-worm

lout'y is the rage of a man ; therefore devoured them : yet have ye not re

he will not Ipare m the day of ven geance, v. 35. He will not regard any ranfom : neither will he reft content, though thou givtft many gif.s.

y"Mat X'. 2 I. Wg unto thee Cho- razin, wo unto thee Betbfaida : for if the mighty works whicfi were done in you, had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repent- ed long ago in' fackcloih and aflies, V. 22. But 1 fay unto you, It fhall be more tolerable for Tyre and Si-

turned unto me, faith the Lord. v.

10. I have fent among you the pef- tilcnce after the manner of Egypt: your young men have I (lain with the fword, and have taken away your houfes, and I have made the ftink of your camps to come up un- to yournoQrils : yet have ye not re- turned unto me, faith the Lord. v.

1 1. [ have overthrown forae of you, as God overthrew Scdom and Go- morrah, and ye were as a fire-brand pluckt out of the burning : yet have

don at the day of judgment than for ye not returned unto me, faith the

Lord. Jer. v. 3. O Lord, are not thine eyes upon the truth ? thou haft ftricken them, but tliey have

And thou Capernaum,

you. V. 23

which art exalted unto heaven, ihaJt be brought down to hell : for if the mighty works which have been done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day. V. 24- But I fay unto you, that it (haH be more tolerable for the land of Sodom, John XV. 22 If i had not come, and fpoken unto them, they had not had fin : but now they have no cloke for their fin.

/ Ifa. i. 3. The ox knoweth his owner, and the afs his matter's crib : but Ifrael doth not knov/, my peo- ple doth not confider. Deut. xxxii. 6. Do ye thus requite the Lord, O foolifh people and unwife ? is not he thy father that hath bought thee ? hath he not made thee, and eft^blifhed thee.

V Amos iv. 8. So two or three ci-

Dot grieved; thou haft confumed them, but they have refufed to re- ceive correction ; they have made their faces harder than a rock, they have refufed to return.

ouRom. i.'26. For this caufe God gave them up unto vile afFe^ions : for even their women did change the natural ufe into that which is againft nature: v. 27. and likewife alfo the men, leaving the natural ufe of the woman, burned in their luft one toward another, men with men working that which is unfcemly, and receiving in themfelves that re- compcnce of their error which was meet.

X Rom. i. 32. Who knowing the judgment of God, (that they who ties wandered unto one city, to drink commit fuch things are worthy of water; but they were not fatisfied; death) not only do the fame, but


The Larger Cafechifnu 32^

en jy cenfures of the church 'ir, civil punifliments a; and our prayers, purpofcs, promifes by vows c, covenants d, and engagements to God or men e: if done delibcrate-

Iiave pleafure in them that do them. Dan. V. 22. And thou his fon, O Beliliazzar, had not humbled thine heart though thou kneweft all this. Tit. iii. 10. Anjan that is an here- tic, after the fir(l and fecond ad- monition, rejeifl: v. ir. Knowing that he that is fuch, is fubverted, and finneth, being condemned of himfelf.

y Prov. xxix i . He that being of- ten reproved, hardeneth his neck, fhail fuddenly be dedroyed, and that without remedy.

2 Tit. iii, 10. A man that is an heretic, after the firft and fecond admonition, reje(5l. Mat. xviii. 17. and if he fhall negleft to hear them, tell it unto the church : but if he negled to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man, and a publican.

a Prov. xxvii. 22. Though thou Ihouldft bray a fool in a mortar a- mong wheat with a peftil, yet will not his foolifhnefs depart from him. Prov xxiii. 35. They have flricken me, flialt thou fay, and I whs not fick- they have beaten me, and I felt it not : when (hall I awake ? I will feek it yet again.

b Pfal. Ixxviii. 34. When he flew them, then they fought him : and they returned and enquired early after God. v. 35. and they remem- bred that God was their rock, and ' the high God their redeemer, v. 36. Neverthelefs, they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lied Hnto him with their tongues v. 37. For their heart was not right with him, neither were they Itedfad in his covenant. Jer. ii. 20. For of ©Id time I have broken thy yoke,

and'binft thy bands, and thou faidff, I will not tranfgrefs: when upon e- very high hill, and under every green tree thou wanderelt, playing the harlot. Jer. xlii. 5 Then they faid to Jeremiah, The L*)rd be ar true and faithful witnefs between us, if we do not even according to all things for which the Lord thy God Ihall fend thee to us. v. 6. NVhe- ther it be good, or whether it be e- vil, we will obey the voice of the Lord our God, to whom we fend

thee : v. 20 For ye diffenjbled in

your hearts, when ye fent me unto the Lord your God, faying. Pray for us unto the Lord our God, and according unto all that the Lord our God will fay, fo declare unto us, and we will do it. v 21. and now I have this day declared it to you, but ye have aot obeyed the voice of the Lord your God, nor any thing for the which he hath fent me unto you.

c Eccl V. 4. When thou voweil: a vow unto God, defer not to pay it ; for he hath no pleafure in fools : pay that which thou haft vowed, v. 5. Better is it that thou fliould not vow, than that thou Ihouldft vow and not pay v. 6. Suffer not thy mouth to caufe thy flefh to hn : nei- ther fay thou before the angel, that it was an error : wherefore fhould God be angry at thy voice, and de- ftroy the work of thine hands ? Prov. XX. 25 . It is a fnare to the man who devoureth that which is holy : and after vows to make enquiry.

^Lev. xxvi. 25. And I will bring a fword upon you. that Ihall avenge the quarrel of my covenant

e Prov. ii. 17. Which lerfaketh X 2 ihe

324 The Larger Catechlfm.

ly/, "Wilfully^, prefumptuou\ly /?, impudently/, boaflinglyi^ maiicioully /, frequently m, obllinately n, with delight 0, coniinuance />, or relapling after repentance q.

4. From

the guide 0^ her youth, and forget- teth the covenant of her God. Ezek. xvii. 18. Seeing he deipifed the oath by breaicing the covenant (when lo, he had given his hand) and hath done all thefe things, he fhall not cfcape. V. 19. Therefore thus faith the Lord God, As 1 live, furely mine oath that he hath defpiied, and ray covenant that he hath broken, even it will I recompence wpop his own head.

/P/"al. xxxvi.4. He devifeth mif- chief upon his bed, he fetteth him- self in a way that is not good j he abhorreth not evil.

^ 16. Thus faith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways and fee, and afk for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk theiein, and ye (hall find reft for your fouls : but they faid, We will not walk therein.

/} Num V. 90. But the foul that doth ought prefumptuoufly (whe- ther he be born in the Jand, or a firanger) the lame reproacheth the Lord; and that foul (hall be cut off from among his people. Exod xxi. 1 4. But if a man come prefumptu- oufly upon his neighbour, to flay him Aviih guile ; thou fhalt take him from mine altar, that he may die.

/ Jer.iii. 3. Therefore the fliowers have been with-holden, and there hath been no latter rain, and thou hadft a whore's forehead, thou re- fufedft lo be afhamed. Prov. vii., 1 3. So flie caught him and kiffed him, and with an impudent face faid un- to him.

i Pfal. Hi. I. Why boafleft thou

-Jiyfelf in mifchief, O mighty man?

/j John ip. Wherefore if I come,

I will rcraember his deeds which h* doth prating againft uswith malici- ous words :

r^Num xiv 22. Becaufe all thofc men who have feen my gloiy, and my miracles which I did in Egypt and in the wildemefs, atid have tempted me now thefe ten times, and have not hearkened to my voice.

« Zech, vii. I I. But they refufed to hearken, and pulled away the (houlder, and flopped their ears, that they fliould not hear. v. ,12. Yea, they made their hearts as an adamant flone, left they fliould hear the law, and the words which the Lord of hofls hath fent in his Spirit by the former prophets : therefore came a great wrath from the Lord of hefts,

0 Prov. ii. 14^ Who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the frowardnefs of the wicked.

/ Ifa. Ivii. 17. For the iniquity of his covetoulhefs was I wroth, and fmote him ; I hid me, and was wroth, and he went on frowardlyin the way of his heart.

q Jer. xxxiv. 3. This is the word that came unto Jeremiah from the Lord, after that the king Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people which were at Jerufalem, to proclaim liberty unto them : v. 9. That every man fliould let his man- fervant, and every man his raaid- fervant, being an Hebrew, or an Hebrewefs, go free, that none fhould ferve himfelf of them, to wit, of a Jew his brother, v. 10. Now when all the princes, and all the people which had entered into the cove- nant, heard that every ens iliould


TJje Larger Catechifm. 52 r

4. Fromcircumftancesof time r,and place/ if on the Lord's

day/,or other times ofdivinewor(llip^';or immediately before -c^;,


let his man-fervant, and every one his maid-fervant go free, that none fliould ferve themfelvcs of them any more, then they obeyed and let them go. V. II. But afterwards they turn cd, and caufed the fervants and the hand-matds, whom they had let go free, to return, and brought them into fubjeilion for fervants and for hand-maids. 2 Pet. ii. 20. For if af- ter they have efcaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrilt, they are again intangled therein, and overcome ; the latter end is worfe with them than the beginning, v.

21. For it had been better for them BOt to have known the way of righ- teoufnefs, than after they have known it, to turn from the holy com- mandment delivered unto them. v.

22. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit a- gain ; and, The fow that was walh- ed to her wallowing in the mire.

r 2 Kings V. 26. And he faid un- to him, Gehazi, Went not mine heart with thee, when the man turn- ed again from his chariot to meet thee? Is it a time to receive money, and to receive garments, and olive- yards, and vineyards, and flieep, and oxen, and men-fervants, and maid-fervants ?

yjer.vii. 10. And come and /land before me in this houle which is cal- led by m/ na.Tie, and fay, We are delivered to do all thefe abominati- ons. Ifa. xxvi. 10. Let favour be (hewed to the wicked, yet will he not learn righteoufnefs : in the land of uprightncfs will he deal unjultJy, and will not behold the majelly of the Lord.

/ Ezek. xxlii. 37. That they have committed adultery, and blood is in their hands, and with their idols

have they committed adultery v.

38. Moreover, this they have done unto me : they have defiled my fane- tup.ry in tiie fame day, and have profaned my fabbaihs. v. 39 For when they had flain their children to their idols, then they came the fame day into my fancluary to pro- fane it ; and lo, thus have they done in the midft of my houfe.

V Ifa Iviii. 3. Wherefore have we fafted.fay they, and thou feell not ? wherefore have we affliv51ed our foul, and thou takeft no knowledge ? Be- hold, in the day of your fall you find pleafure, and exa(^ all your la- bours, v 4. Behold, ye fad for flrife and debate, and to fmite with tke fifl of wickednefs, ye fhall not fait as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high v. ^. Is it fuch a fait that I have chofen ? a day for a man to afflidt his foul ? Is it to bow down his head as a bulrufh, and to fpread fackcloth and adies under him ^ Wilt thou call th;s a faft, and an acceptable day to the Lord? Numb XXV. 6 And behold, one of the children of Jfracl came and brought unto his brethren a Mldianitifli woman in the fipju of Mofes, and in the fi^lit of ail the congregation of the children of If-, rael, whi. were weeping before the door of the tiibernacle of the con- gregation, V 7. and when Phine- ha<; the fon of Eleazer, the fon of Aaron the pried, faw it, he rofe up from amongit the congregation, and took a javelin in his hand.

ay I Cor. xu. 20 When ye come

together therefore into one place^

X 3 thu

352 6 The Larger Cafechifm.

or after tliefe x^ or other helps to prevent or remedy fuch mif- carriagesj : if in public, or in the prefence of others, who are thereby likely to be provoked or deiilcd z.

O. 152. What doth every fin defter ve at the hands of God?

A, Every fin, even the leail, being againft thefovereignty^, goodnefs by and holinefs of God r, and againll his righteous

law dy

this is not to the Lord's fupper.* V 2 1. For in eating every one tslc- eth before other, his own fupper ; and one is hungry, and another is drunken.

X jer. vii. 8. Behold yetruH: in lying words, cannot profit, v. 9. Wiii ye (leal, murder, and com- mit adultery, and fwear falfly, and burn incenfe unto Baal, and walk after other gods whom ye know not ; T. 10- and €ome and ftnnd before me in this houfe, which is called |)y ■my name, and fay, Ve are deliver- ed to do all thefe abominations ? Prov. rii, 14. f have peace-offerings with me; th:s d:iy have J paid nay vows. V. 15 Therefore came \ forth to meet thee, diligently to feek thy l^ace, and i have found thee. John xjii. 27. and after the fop, Satan entered into him. Then faid Jefus unto him, that thou doft, do quick I7. V. 30. He tlien having received the fop, went immediately out,

y Ezra ix. 13. And after all that is come upon us for our evil deeds, and for our great trefpafs, feeing that thou our God hath puniflied us lafs than our Iniquities deferve, and haft given us fuch deliverance as this: V. 14. Should we again break thy commandments, and join in af- ^njty with the* people of thofe abp- minations? wouldft not thou be an gry with till thou hadft confum- ed us,

2 2 Sam. xvi. 11. f5o they fpread

Abfalom a tenr upon the top of the

}T)ufe, and Abialom went in unto

ra'':'ier's corcnbiTjes, in ihc rght

of all Ifrael. i Sam. ii. 22. NowE- li was very old, and heard all that his fons did unto all Ifrael, and how they lay with the women that alTem- bled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation, v. 23. and he faid unto them. Why do ye fuch things ? for I hear of your evil deal- ings, by all this people, v. 24. Nay, my fons : *for it is bo good report tl'at I hear; ye make the Lord's people to tranfgrefs.

152 a James ii. lO. For whofo- ever ihall keep the whole law, and yet ofFend in one point, he is guilty of all. V. II. For he that faid, Dd not commit adultery, faid alfo, Do

not kill.

b Exod.xx. I . God fpake all thefe words, faying, v. 2, I am the Lord thy God, who have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the houfe of bondage.

c Hab, i^ 13. Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canft not look on iniquity ; wherefore lookefl thou upon them that deal treacherouily. andholdeft thy tongue when the wicked devoureth the man th.1t IS move righteous than he? Lev, X. g. Then Mofes faid unto Aaron, This is that the Lord fpake, faying, I will be fandlified in them ♦hat come nigh me, and before all the people I will be giorined. Lev. xj. 4^. For I am liie Lord your God : ye fliall therefore fandify yourfelves, and ye /hall be holy, for i am holy: neither Ihall ye defile yourfelves with any manner of creeping things that


The Larger Catechifm. law dy deferveth his wrath and curfc ^, both in liiis iiic/, iind that \vhich is to come^^ ; and cannot be expiated but h\ the blood of Chrift h.

Q. 15-?. What d'Ah God require of us, that ice ^pi

his 'UJraih and curfe due to us by reafui of the tra/.^\^ ^, . cj

the laivf

J, That we may efcape the wrath and curfe of God due to us by reafon of the tranfgreiUon of the law, he requireth of us repentance toward God,and faith toward our Lord J efusChrift/,


creepcth upon the earth. V. 45. Fori am the Lord that bringeth you up out of the land of Egypt, ^o be your God ; ye fhall therefore be holy, for 1 am holy.

d I lohniii. 4. Whofoever com- mltteth fin^ tranfgreileth alfo the law; for fin is the tranrgreiaon of the law. Rom. vii. 12. Wherefore the law is holy ; and the command- ment holy, and jui\, and good.

e Eph.' V. 6. Let no man deceive you with vain words: for becaufe of thefe things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of difobedi- ence. Gal. iii. 10 For as many as are of the works of the la^v, are un- der the curfe : for it is written, Cur^ fed is every one that continueth not in all things vv'hich are Written in the book of the law to do them.

/Lam. iii. 39. Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punifhment of his l^ns ? Deut. xxviii. from.ver. 15. to the end. But it Itall come to pafs, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to obferve to do all his commandments and his lla- tutes which 1 command thee this day: xhat all thefe curfes ftiail come upon thee, and overtake thee. v. 16. Curled Ihalt thou be in the city, and curfed (halt thou be in the held. v. 17. Curfed {liall bc'thy baiVst and thy (lore, &c.

g Mat. XXV. 41. Depart fro^i me, ye curfed, into everlaiUng fire, prepared for the devil and his an- gels.

/• Heb. ix 22. And almod all things are by the law purged with blood ; and without facdding of blood is no remifiion. i Pet i. 18. Forafmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as Giver and gold, from your vain converfation, received by tradition from your fathers; v. 19. But with the precious blood of Cliril^ as of a lamb without blemiia and without fpot.

15^. /Acts XX. 21. Teflifying both to the Jews, and alfo to the Greeks, repentance to^vard God, and faith toward our Lord Jefus Chrift. Mat. iii. 7. But wh-^n he faw many of the Pharifees and Sadducees come to his baptifra, he laid unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to fiee from the wrath to come .' v. 8. Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repeotacce. Luke xiii 3,5! tell you, Nny : but except ye repent,, ye ihall all like- wife perilli. Aas xvi. 30. and (the j.<ylor) brought them out, and Hid, Sirs, what mud I do to be favcd ? V. 5 1 . And they faid, Believe od the LordJelusChrifJ, and thcu ihxlt be favcd, and thine houfe. John iii. 16. For God fo loved the world, that X 4 ^^

32S The Larger Cafech'ijm:

and the diligent ufe of the outward means whereby Chrift com- municates to us the benefits of his mediation k.

Q; 154. li" hat are the outward means whereby Chrifl couh- municates to us the benefits of his mediation f

A. T he outward and ordinary in^ans, whereby Chrill: com^ municates to his church the benefits of his mediation, are all his ordinances; efpecially,the word, facraments, and prayer all \vhich are made effeftual to the eleft for their falvation /.

a 13 5 . How IS the zvord made effetlual to falvation f

A. \ he Sprit of God maketh the reading, but efpecially the Dreachmg of the word, an effeaual meansof enlightning;^, convmcing and humbling fmncrs ?2i of driving them out of them^


he gave hi's only begotten Son, that wbofoever believeth in him. fliould not perilh, but have everlafling \i(t, V. 18. He that believeth on him, is not condemned : but he that believ- eth not, is condemned already,

k Prov ii. I. My fon if thou wilt «ceive my woHs, and hide ray com- mandments with thee; v. 2. So that thou incline thine ear unto wifdom, and apply thine heart to underftand- ing t V 3. Yea, if thou crieft after knowledge, and lifted up thy voice for uoderilanding : v. 4. U thou feckeft her as filver, and fearche/t for her, as for hid treafures, v. 5. Then (halt thou undcrfland the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge of God. Prov. viii. 35. Hear in- ilruftion, and be wife, and refufe it not. v. 34. Blefled is the man that heareih me, watching daily at my ^ates, waiting at the poHs of my doors V. :?5. For whofo findeth me, findeth life, and fhall ©btain favour of the Lord. V. 36.But he thatfin- neth againfi me, wrongeth his own foul ; ail they that hale me, love death.

154. / Mat. xxviif. 19. Co ye therefore and teach all nations, bap- tizing them in the Jiam^ of the iV

thcr, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghoft ; v. 20. Teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commanded ypu ; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Ads ii. 42. and they continued (ledfaflly in the a- poflles do<5lrine and fellowfhip, and in breaking oi bread, and in pray- ers, v. 46. and they continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from houle to boufe, did eat their meat with glad- nefs and finglenefs of heart, v. 47. Praifing God, and having favour with all rhe people. And the Lord added to the church daily fuch as ihould be faved.

155 wNeh.viii 8 So they read in the book, in the law of God dif- tinv.^ly, and gave the fenfe, and caufed them to underfland the read- ing. Ads xxvi. 18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from dark- nefs to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgivcnefs of fins, and inhe- ritance among them which are fanc- tified by faith that is in me. Pfal. xix. 8.— The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. n I Cor. Xiv. 21. But if all pro- phcfy

The Larger Catechif?n. 329

felves,and drawing them unto Chrilto ; of conforming them to his image />, and fubduing them to his will ^; of flrengthening them againil temptations and corruptions r; of building tnem up


j>hefy, and there come in one that believeth not, or one unlearned, he is convinced of all, he is judged ot all: V. 25. and thus are the fecrets of his heart made manifeft: and (0 fal- ling down on his face, he will worfliip God, and report that God is in you of a truth. 2 Chron. xxxiv.18 Then Shaphan the fcribe told the king, faying, Hilkiah the prieft hath given me a book. And Shaphan read it before the king. v. 19. and it came to pafs, when the king had heard the words of the law, thnt he rent his clothes, v. 26. and as for the king of Jadah, who fent you to en- quire of the Lord, fo fliall ye fay iMto him. Thus faith the Lord God of IfracJ, concerning the words which thou haft heard; v. 27. Be- caufe thine heart was tender, and thou didft humble thyfelf before God, when thou heardft his words againlt this place, and againft the inhabitants thereof, and humbledft thyfelf before me, and didft rend thy clothes, and weep before me; I have even heard thee alfo, faith the Lord. v. 28. Behold, I will gather thee to thy fathers, and thou (halt be gathered to thy grave in


0 A«5ls ii. 37. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and faid unto Peter, and to the reft of the apoftles, Men and brethren, what (hall we do ? V. 14. Then they that gladly re- ceived his words, were baptized : and the fame day there were added unto them about three thonfand fouls. \S.s viii. from verfe 27. to 39 .And behold, a man of Ethio- pia, an eunuch of great authority.

V. 28. Was returning, and fitting in his chariot, read Eiaias the pro- phet, v. 29- Then the Spirit faid unto Philip, Go near and join thy- felf to this chariot, v. 30. and Phi- lip ran thither to him. and heard him read the prophet Efaias, and faid, Underftandeft thou what thou readeft : v. 55. Then Philip open- ed his mouth, and began at the fame fcripture, and preached unto him Jefus. v. 36.— And the eu- nuch faid. Sec, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized ? v. 37. and Philip faid, If thou believ- elt with all thine heart, thou mayeft. And he anfwered and faid, I be- lieve that jefus Chrift is the Son of God. V. 38 '\nd they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch, and I.e baptized him.

p 2 Cor. iii. 18 But we all with 0- pen face, beholding as in a gkis the glory ot the Lord, are changed into the fame image from gi-ry to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.

q 2 Cor. X 4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but, mighty through God to the piillmg down of ftrong holds, v. 5 Carting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteih itIcH againlt the knowledge of God, i;nd bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Chrift : v. 6. and hav- ing in a readinefs to revenge all dif- obedience when your obedience is fulfilled. Rom. VI. 17. But God be thanked that ye were the fervants of fin ; but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of do^rine which

was delivered you.



2 :- o

The Larger Catechlfm*

in grace/ and eflabrifliing their hearts in holinefs and com- fort through faith unto falvation/.

Q^ 156. Is the word of God to be read by all?

A, Altho' are not to be permitted to read the word pub-


faid, It is written, Man fhall not live by bread aJone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the. mouth of Gk)d. v 7. Jefus faid un- to him. It is written again, Thou fhalt not tempt the Lord thy God. V. 10 Then faith Jefus unto him. Get thee hence, Satan ; for it is written, Thou ibait wprfliip the Lord thy God, and him only ibalt thou ierve. Eph. vi. 16. above all, taking the fhield of faith, where- with ye; (hall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked, v. 17. and take the helmet of falvation, and the fword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, Pial. xix. 11. Moreover, by them is thy fervant warned : and in keeping of thetn there is gr:at reward, i Cor. x. 11. Now all thefe things happened unto them for enfamplc.^ : an<i they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends cf the world are come,

/A61s XX. 32. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an in- heritance among all them who are fan<5liiied. 2 Tim. iii. 15. and that from a. child thou haft known :Iie holy fcriptures, which are itble to make thee wife unto fal- vation, through faith which is in Chrift Jeius v j6. all fcripture is given by inlpiration of God, and is profitable for dodrine, for i:e proof, {or corredion,for inftruftion in rjgh- teoufnefs : v. 17. That the man of Gcd nay be perftcl, throughly fur- i.^n.ed iinio all gr^ v.oiks.

/ Rom. XV. 25. Now to him that is of power to eftablifli you according to my gofpel, and the preaching of Jefus Chrilt according to the revela- tion of the myftery, which was kept fecret fjnce the world began. iTheC iii. 2. and fent Timotheus our bro- ther and minifter of God, and our fellow-labourer in the gofpel of Chriit, to eftablifh you, and to com- fort you concerning your faith ; v. JO. Night and day^praying exceed- ingly, that we might fee your face, and might perfect that wl«ch is lack- ing in your faith, v. 1 1. Now God himfelf and our Father, and our Lor-d Jeflis Chrift dired our way un- to you. V. 13. To the end he may eftabiifn your hearts unblameable in holiaefs before God, even our Fa- ther, at the coming of our Lord Jefus ChrlU with all his fainis, Rom. XV. 4 For whacfoever things were written aforetime, were written for our learning : that Vv'e pa- tience afid cc^iforr of the fcriptures might have hope. Rom. x, 13. For whcfoever fhall call upon the name of the Lord, fljall be faved. v. 14. How then fliall they call on him in whom they have not believed ? and liow fliail they believe in him of whom they have p.ot heard ? and how fliall they hear without a preacher ? v. 15. and how fhall they preach, except they be fent r as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gofpel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things ! V. i6. But tlwsy have not all obeyed the gofpel. For Efaias faith, Lord, who hath believed our rep-rt? v.

17. S^

The Larger Catechlfm. 331

lickly to the congregation v, yet all forts of people are bound to read it apart by themfelves zUy and with their famihes x : to


17. So then faith cometh by hear- ing, and hearing by the word of God. Rom. i. 16 For I am not aihamed of the gofpel of Chrift, for it is the power of God unto fal vation, to every one that believeth, to the Jew firll and alfo to the Greek.

156. V Deut. xxxi. 9 x'\nd Mofes wrote this law, and delivered it un to the priefh the fons of Levi, who bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and unto all the elders of If- rael. v. 1 1. When all Ifrael is come to appear before the Lord thy God, in the place which he fhal! choofe : thou (halt read this law before all IfraeU in their hearing, v. 12. Ga- ther the people together, men and women, and children, and thy ftranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear the Lord your God, and obferve to do all the words of this law: v. 13. and that their children who have not known any thing, may hear and learn to fear the Lord your God, as long as ye live in the land, whither ye go over to poflefs it. Neh. viii. 2. and Ezra the prieft brought the law be- fore the congregation, both of men and women, and all that could hear with underPianding, upon the firft day of the fevecth month, v. 3. and he read therein before the (Ireet that was before the water-gate, from the morning until mid-day, before the men and the women, and thoie that could underrtand ; and the ears of all the people were at- tentive unto the book of the law. Neh. ix. 3. and they ftood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of the Lord their God, one

fourth part of the day, and another fourth part they confeffed, and wor- fliipped the Lord their God. v. 4. Then (tood up upon the (tairs of the Levites, Jefhua, and Bani, &c. and cried with a loud voice unto the Lord ikeir God. v. 5. Then the Levites, Jeftiua, and Kadmiel, &c. faid. Stand ujj^ and blefs the Lord your God for ever and ever; and blefled be thy glorious name, which is exalted above all blefling and praife.

ruj Deut. xvii. 19. And it fliall be v/ith him, and he IhaJl read therein all the days of his life: that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, t& keep all the words of this law, and thefe flatutes, to do them. Rev. i, 3. BlefTed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this pro- phecy, and keep thoie things which are written therein ; for the time is at hand. John v. 39. Search the fcriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal life, and they are they which teitify of me Ifa. xxxiv \6. Seek ye out of the book of the Lord, and read ; no one of thefe iliall


X Deut. vi. 6. And thefe words which I command thee this day, fnall be in thine heart: v. 7. and thou (lialt teach them diligently un- to thy children, and fhalt talk of them when thou fitted in thine houfe, and when thou walked by the way, and when thou liefl down, and when thou rifeft up. v. 8. and thou flialt bind them for a fign upon thy hand, and they (lull be as front- lets between thine eyes, v 9. and thou flialt write them upon the pofls ot thy houfe, and on thy gates. Gen .


332 The Larger Catechifm.

which end, the holy fcripturcs are to be tranflated out of

the original into vulgar languages^.

(^ 157. How is the word of God to he read^

A. The holy fcriptures are to be read with an high and re-

verend efteem of them ^r; with a firm perfuafion that they are


the underftanding alfo. v. 16 glfe when thou fhait blefs with the {:;;x^ nt, how fhaU he that occapicth the room of the unlearned, fay, Araen ''^J'^y g'ving of thanks, feeing he underftandea not what thou fayeft >

V.24 But if all propheiy, and there come m one that believeth not, or o«e unlearned, he is convinced of ^^"^^ he IS judged of all. v. 27 If sny man fpeak in an unknown tongue, let it be by two, or at the moft by three, and that by courfe- and let one interpret, v. 28 Buti£ there be no interpreter, let him keep hlence m the church ; and let him ipeak to himfelf, and to God.

1572 Pfal. xix. JO. More 'to be defired are they than gold; yea than much fine gold ; fweeter alfo than the honey, and the honeyco/nb Neh. vui. 3. and he read therein betore the Itrect that was before the water-gate, from the morning until mid-day before the men and the women, and thofe that could un- derftand ; and the ears of the peo- ple were attentive unto the book of the law. V. 4. and Ezra the fcribe iood upon a puJpit of wood, which they had made for the purpofe,— V. 5 and Ezra opened the book in the fight of all the people) for he was above all the people) and when he opened it, all the people ftood up, V. u. and Ezra ble/Fed the Lord the great God, and all the people an- Iwered, Amen, amen, with lifting up their hands : and they bowed their heads, and worfhipped the Lord wuh their faces to ^m s^ound.

xviii. 17. and the Lord fald, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do ? V. 19. For 1 know him, that he will command his chil- dren and his houlhoid after him, and they Ihali keep the way of the Lord,— Pfal. Ixxviii. 5. For he e- ftabliOied a teftimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in lirael, which he commanded our fathers, that they (hould make them known to their children, v. 6. That the genera- tions to come might know them, even the children who fiiould be born : who fhould arife and declare them to their children : v. 7. That they might fet their hope in God, and not forget the works of God, but keep his commandments.

y I Cor. xiv. 6. Now, brethren, if I come unto you, fpeaking with tongues, what (hall I profit you, ex- cept I fhall fpeak to you either by revelation, or by knowledge, or by prophefying, or bydodrine ? v. 9. So likewife you, except ye utter by the tongue words eafy to be under- ftood, how fhall it be known what IS fpoken ? for ye fhall fpeak into the air. v. u. Therefore if I know not the meaning of the voice, I Ihall be unto him that fpeaketh a Barba- rian, and he that fpeaketh fliall be a Barbarian unto me. v. 12. Even fo ye, forafmuch as ye are zealous 'Of fpiritual gifts, feek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church V. 15. What is it then .^ I will pray

^yiththefpirit, andlwiUpraywith tlie underdanding alfo: I will fing uith the fplrit, and I will fing xvirh

J he Larger Catechifm* gjj

the Ycry word of God a, and that he only can enable us to un- der ftand them b; with defire to know, beheve and obey the will of God revealed in them c ; with diligence d, and attention to the matter and fcope of them e ; with meditation/, applica- tion.

&c. to verfe lo. Exod. xxiv. 7. and he (Mofes) took the book of the covenant, and read in the audi- ence of the people : and they faid. All that the Lord hath faid, will we do, and be obedieat. 2 Chron, xxxiv. 27 Becaufe thine heart was tender, and thou didft humble thy- felf before God, when thou heardft his words agatnft this place, and a- gainft the inhabitants thereof, and humblcdft thyfelf before me, and didft rend thy clothes, and weep before rae ; I have even heard thee alfo, faith the Lord. Ifa Ixvi. 2. But to this man will 1 look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite fpirit, and trembleth at my word.

a 2 Pet. i. 19. We have alfo a more fure word of prophecy, where- unto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that fhineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day-ftar arife in your hearts : V, 20. Knowing this firft, that no prophecy ef the fcripture is of any private interpretation, v. 21. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man : but holy men of God fpake as they were nnoved by the holy Ghoft.

k Luke xxiv. 45, Then opened he their underftanding, that they might underftand the fcriptures. 2 Cor. iii. 13. and not as Mofcs, who put a vail over his face, that the chil- dren of Ifrael could not ftedfaflly look to the end of that which is abo- liihed. V. 14. But their minds were blinded; for until this day remain- €th the fame vail untaken away, in the reading of the Old Ten.ameat :

which vail is done away in Chriff, v. 1 5 . But even unto this day, when Mofes is read, the vail is upon their heart, v. 16. Neverthelefs, when it fhall return to the Lord the vail Ihall be taken away.

^Deut. xvii. 19. And it (hall be with him, and he fhall read therein, all the days of his life ; that he may learn to fear the Lord his God, to keep all the words of this law, and thele (tatutes, to do them, v, 20. That his heart be not lifted up abov« his brethren, and that he turn not afide from the commandment, to the right hand or to the left : to the end that he may prolong his days,

^Adlsxvii. II. Thcfe (Bereans) were more noble than thofe in Thef. falonica ; in that they received the word with all readinefs of mind, and fearched the fcriptures daily, whe- ther thefe things were fo.

e Ads viii. 30. And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Efaias ; and faid, Un- derftandeft thou what thou readeft ? V. 34. and the eunuch anfwered Philip, and faid, I pray thee, of whom fpeaketh the prophet this ? of h4mfeif, or of fomc other man ? Lake x. 26. He faid unto him, What is written in the law ? how readeft thou? V. 27. and he anfwering, faid. Thou fhalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy ftrength, and with all thy mind: and thy neighbour as thyfelf. v. 28. and he faid unto him. Thou haft anfwered right: this do and thou (halt live.

/PfaJ. i. 2. But his delight is in


334 '^^^^ Larger Caiechtfm*

tion g, felf-denial /j, and prayer /'.

Q^ 1 5 B . By whom is the word of God to be preached^

^. The word of God is to be preached only by fuch as arc

fufficiently gifted ky and alfo duly approved and called to that


the law of the Lord, and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Pfal. cxix>. 97- 0 how love t thy law \ it is my meditation all the day.

g sChron. xxxiv. 2 1 . Go enquire of the Lord for me, and for them that are left in Ifrael, and in Judah concerning the words of the book that is found : for great is the wrath ©f the Lord that is poured out upon us, becaufe our fathers have not kept the word of the Lord, to do after all that is written in this book.

h Prov. iii. 3. Trull in the Lord with afl thine heart, and lean not unto thine own underdanding Deut, xxxiii. 3. Yea, he loved the people : all his faints are in thy hand ; and they fat down at thy feet, every one fhall receive of thy words.

/Prov. ii. I. My fon, if thou wilt receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee; v. 2. So that thou incline thine ear to wifdom, and apply thine heart to underilanding : v. 3. Yea, if thou crieft after knowledge, and lifteft up thy voice for underftanding : v. ,4. If thou feekelt her as lilver, and fearchefl for her, as for hid trea- fures; v. 5 Then (halt thou under- hand the fear of the Lord, and find the knowledge cf God. v. d. For the Lord giveth wifdom : out of his mouth Cometh knowledge and un- derftanding. Pfal cxix. 18. Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. Neh. viii. 6. And Ezra bleffed the Lord the great God ; and all the people anfwered, Amen, amen, with

lifting up their hands: and they bowed their heads, and worlhipped the Lord with their faces to the ground, v 8. So tliey read in the book, in the law of God dillinftly,— . 158. k I Tim. iii. 2. A bifiiop then muft be blamelefs, the huf- band of one wife, vigilant, fober, of good behaviour, giv#^i to hofpita- lity, apt to teach : v. 6. Not a no- vice, leil: being lifted up with pride, he fall into the condemnation of the devil. Eph. iv. 8. Wherefore he faid, When he afcended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. v. 9. (Now that he afcended, what is it but that he alfo defcended firft into the lower parts of the earth ? v. 10. fie that defcended, is the fame alfo that afcended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) v. 11. and he gave fome, apoltles: and fome, prophets: and fome, evange- lifts : and fome, paftors and teachers. Hof. iv.6. My people are dedroyed for lack of knowledge : becaufe thou haft rejefted knowledge, I will alfo rejejH: thee, that thou (halt be no prieft to me : feeing thou haft for- gotten the law of thy God, I will alfo forget thy children. Mai. ii. 7, For the priefts lips fhould keep knowledge, and they Ihould feek the law at his mouth : for he is the meffepger of the Lord of hofts. 2 Cor. iii. 6. Who alfo hath made us able miniftersef theNewTeflament, not of the letter : but of the Spirit: for the letter killeth^ but the Spirit giveth Iif«.


The Larger Gate chif?}u 335

office /.

Q^ T59. Hsw is the word of God to be preached by thofe that are called thereunto f

A. They that are called labour in the miniftry of the word, are to preach found dcftrine ;w, diligently ??, in feafonand outof feafono ; plainly />, not in the enticing words of man's wifdom, but in demonftration of the Spirit, and of power q\ faithfully r, making known the whole counfel of God /; wife- ly/, applying themfelves to the neceifities and capacities of the

hearers ;

/ Jer. xiv. 15. Therefore thus faith the Lord concerning the pro- phets that prophecy in my name, and I fent them not, Rom. x. 15. and how (hall they preach, except they be fent ? Heb. v. 4. and no man taketh this honour unto hira- feU, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron, i Cor xii. 28. and God hath fet fome in the church, firft apoftles, fecondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, go- vernments, diverfities of tongues. V. 29. are all apoftles ? arc all pro- phets ? are all teachers ? are all workers of miracles 1 i Tim. iii. 10. and let thefe alfo firft be proved : then let them ufe the office of a deacon, being found blamelefs, i Tim. iv. 14. Negledl not the gift that is in thee, which was given thee by prophecy, with the laying on of the hands of the pre{bytery. I Tim. V. 22. Lay hands fuddenJy on no man: neither be partaker of other men's fins, keep thyfelf pure. 159. mT\t. ii. I. But fpeak thou the things which become found doc- trine. v>. 8. Sound fpeech that can- not be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part, may be afliam- cd, having no evil thing to fay of you.

n A»5ts xviii. 29. This man wa» inftruded in the way of the Lord;

and being fervent in the fpirit, he fpake and taught diligently the things of the Lord,

0 2 Tim. iv. 2. Preach the word, be inftant in fcafon, out of feafon ; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-fuffering and dodlrine.

p I Cor. xiv. 19. Yet in the church I had rather fpeak five words wiih my underftanding, that by my voice I might teach others aUb, than ten thoufand words in an un- known tongue.

q 1 Cor. ii. 4. And my fpeech, and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wifdom, but in demonftration of the Spirit, and of power.

r Jer. xxiii- 28. The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream ; and he that hath my word, let him fpeak my word faithfully; what is the chaff to thje wheat ? fi^ith the Lord. 1 Cor. iv. i. Let a man account of us, as of the minifters of Chrift, and ftewards of the myfte- ries of God. v. 2. Moreover it is required in fteward^, that a man be found faithful.

/A6t3 XX. 27. For I have not fhunned to declare unto you all the counfel of God.

/ Col. i. 28. Whom we preach., warning every man, and teaching every man in all wifdom ; that wc mav piesfent every man perte(5l in


33^ The Larger Catechifnu

hearcrs-y; zealouflyzi;, with fervent love to God a? and the fouls of his people j/ ; finccre.y Zy aiming at his glory a, and


Chrift Jefus. 2 Tim. li. 15. Study to fhew thyfclf approved unto God, a workman, that needeth not to be afhamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

'J I Cor. iii. 2- I have fed you with milk, and not with meat : for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able. Heb. T. I J. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the firft principles of the oracles of God ; and are become fuch as have need of milk, and not of ftron^ meat. V. 1 3. For every one that ufeth milk, is unfkilful in the word of righte- oufnefs: for he is a babe. v. 14. But ilroBg meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even thofe who by reafon of ufe have their fcnfes exer- cifed to difcern both good and evil. Luke xii. 42. And the Lord faidj "Who then is that faithful and wife Reward, whom his Lord (hall make ruler over his houfhold, to give them their portion of meat in due feafon ?

nu Adls xviii. 25. This man was inftrufted in the way of the Lord ; and being fervent in the fpirit, he fpake and taught diligently the things of the Lord,

X 2 Cor. V. 1 3. For whether we be befides ourfelves, it is to God : or whether we be fuber, it is for yourcaufe. v 14. For the love of Chrift conftraineth us, becaufe we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead. Phil- i. 15. Some indeed preach Chrid even of envy and ftrife : and fome alfo of good will. V. 16. The one preach Chrift of contention, not fincerely,

fuppofing to add affli<^ion to my bonds : V. 17 But the other of love, knowing that I am fet for the de- fence of the goipel.

y Col.iv. ,2. Epaphras, who is one of you, a fervant of Chrili, fa- luteth you, always labouring fer- vently for you in prayers, that ye may Itand perfe<5t, and compleat in all the will of God. 2 Cor. xii. 15. and [ will very gladly fpend and be fpcnt for you, though the more a- bundantly I love you, the iefs I be loved.

2 2 Cor. il. 17. For we are not as raauy, who corrupt the word of God : but as of fincerity, but as of God, in the (ight of God fpeak we in Chrift. 2 Cor. iv, 2. But have renounced the hidden things of dilhonerty, not walking in craftinefs, not handling the word of God de- ceitfully, but by manifeAatiori of the? truth, commending ourfelves to every man's confcience in the (ight of God.

a I ThefF. ii. 4. But as we were allowed of God to be put in trufl with the gofpel, even fo we fpeak, not as pleafing men, but God, who trieth our hearts, v. 5. For neither at any time ufed we flattering words, as ye know, noracloke of covetouf- nefs ; God is witnefs. v. 6. Nor of men fought we glory, neither of you, nor yet of others, when we might have been burthenfome, as the apoftlesof (^hrifh John vii. 18. He thatfpeaketh of himlelf, feeketh his own glory : but he that feeketh his glory that fent him, the fame is true, and no unrighteoufnefs is in bim.

h I Cor*

The Larger Catechifm, 557

their convcrfion b, edifications, and falvation d.

Q^ 160. What is required of thofe that hear the word preached ?

A, It is required of thofe that hear the word preached, that theyattend upon itwithdiligence^, preparation/and prayer^; examine what they hear by the fcriptures h\ receive the truth


h I Gor. ix. 19. For though I be free from all men, yet I have made myfelf fervant unto all, that i might gain the more. v. 10. And unto the Jews, I became as a Jew, that I might gain the Jews ; to them that are under the law, as under the law that I might gain them that are un- der the Jaw, V, 21. To them that are without law, as without law (being not without law to God, but under the law to Chrift) that I might gain them that are without law. V. 22. To the weak, became I as weak, that I might gain the weak : I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means fave fome.

c 2 Cor. xii. 19. Again, think you that we excule ourfelves Dhto you ? we fpeak before God in Child : " brv we do all things, dearly belov- ed, for your edification. Eph. iv. 12. For the perfecting of the faints, for the work of the miniftry, for edify- ing of the body of Chriih

d I Tim* iv. j6. Take heed unto thyfelf, and unto thy do(?lrine, con- *tinue in them: for in doing this thou (halt both fave thyfelf, and them that hear thee. A<5ls xxvi. 19. But rife, and (land upon thy feet : for I havefappeared unto thee for this purpofe, to make thee a mini- fter, and a witnefs both of thofe things which thou haft feen, and of thofe things in the which I will appear unto thee; v. 17. Deliver- ing thee from the people, and from ihe Gentiles, unto whom now 1 fend

thee, v. 18. To open their eyes, and to turn them Irom darknefs to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgivenefs of fins, and inheritance among them who are fg-ndified by faith that is in me.

160 e Prov. iii. 34. Blefled is the man, that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the polls of my doors.

J Pet, ii, I. Wherefore laying afide all malice and all guile, and hypocrifies, and envies and all evil- ipeakmg. v. 2. As new-born babes defire the fmcere milk of ihe word, that ye may grow thereby. Luka viii. 18. Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whpfoever hath, to him ftiall be given ; and whofoever hath not, from him fhall be taken even that which he feemeth to have.

g Pfal. cxix. 18. Open thou mine eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. Eph. vi. 18. praying always with all prayer and fupplication in the fpirit, and watch- ing thereunto with all perfeverance and fupplication for all faints ; v. 19. And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the myftery of the gofpel.

h Ads xvii. II. Thefe were more noble than thofe in ThefTalonica, in that they received the word with all readinefs of mind, and fearched the fcripture's daily whether ihofe things

were fo.

y i Heb.

938 The Larger Catechifm,

with faith /, love k, meeknefs /, and readinefs of mind niy as the word of God ;/ ; meditate 0 and confer of it/?; hide it iii their hearts q, and bring forth the fruit of it in their Uves r.

^Q. .1 6 1 . How do the Jacraments become effectual means of falvation f

J. 'i'he facraments become effefiual means of falvation, not by any power in themfeWes, or any virtue derived from the piety or intention of him by whom they are adminiitred ; but only by the working of the Holy Ghoft, and the blelTmg of Chrift by whom they are inflituted/

have heard, left at any time we fhould let them flip.

p Luke xxiv. 14 And they talked together of all thefe things which had happened. Deut. vi 6. And thefe words which f command thee this day, fliall be in thine heart, v. 7. And thou flialt teach them dili- gently unto thy children, and flialt talk of them when thou fitteft in thy houfe, and when thou walkeft by the way, and when thou lieft down, jind when thsu rifeft up.

q Pror. ii. i. My fon, if thou wik receive my words, and hide my commandments with thee. Pfal. cxix. 1 1. Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not fin^- gainft thee.

r Luke viii. 15. But that on the good ground, arc they, which in an honefl and good heart, haviRg heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. Jam. i. 25. Bat whofo lookcth into the per- fc(5t law of liberty, and continueth therein, being not a forgetful hear- er, but a doer of the word, this man fliall be blefled in'his deed.

i6i / r Pet. iii. 21. The like figure whereunto, even baptifm, doth alfo now fave us (not the put- ting away of tlie filth of the flefli, but the anfwcr of a good confcience toward God) by the rcfurreflicn of


/ Heb. iv, 2. For unto us M^as the gofpel preached, as well as un- to them : but the word preached did not profit them, not being mix- ed with faith in the^n that heard it.

k 2 The fl". ii. 10. And v/ith all deceivablenefsof unrighteoufnefsjin them that perifli ; becaufe they re- ceived not the love of the truth, that they might be faved.

/James 1.2 1. Wherefore lay a- part all filthinefs, and fuperfluity of uaughtinefs, and receive with meek- nefs the ingrafted word, which is able to fave your fouls.

m Ads xvii. i c . Thefe were more noble than thofe in Thefialonica, in that they received the word v/iih all readmefs of mind, and fearched the fcriptures daily, whether thofe things vere fo.

n 1 Thefl. ii. 13. For this c.iufe alfo thank we God without ceafing, becaufe when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye re- ceived it not as the word of men, but (as it is in truth) the word of God, which efFe<5tually worketh alfo in you that believe.

0 Luke ix. 44. Let thefe fayings (ink down into your ears: for the Son of man fliall be delivered into

e hands of men.

herefore we ought "iiore earneft heed to the things wc

* Heb. ii. i. to give the

The Larger Catechifm. 53^

Q. 162. What is a facr anient f

^^A faciMment is an holy ordinance inllituted by Chrifl in his church /, to fignify, feal, and exhibit 1' unto thofe that arc within the covenant of grace it;, the benefits of his mediation a-;


jefus Chrlft. Acfls viii, n. Then Simon himfelf believed alio: and ivhen he was baptized, he continued with Philip, and wondered, be- holding the miracles and figns which were done, Compared with v. 23. For I perceive (faid Peter to Simon) that thou art in the gall of bitternefs and in the bond of iniquity, i Cor. iii. 6. I have planted, Apollos wa- tered : but God gave the increafe. V. 7. So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth: but God that giveth the increafe. i Cor. xii. 15. For by one fpirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gen- tiles, whether we be bond or free ; and have been all made to drink in- to one fpirit.

i62./Gen.xvii.7. Andl willefla- blifli my covenant between me and thee, and thy feed after thee, in their generations for an everlafting covenant ; to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. v. 10. 'I'his is my covenant, which ye fhall keep between me and you, and thy feed after thee ; Every man child among you fhall be circumcifed. Exod. eh. xii. containing the infti- tution of the pafTover. Mat xxviii. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. * Mat. xxvi. 26. And as they were eating, Jefus took bread, and blefTed it, and brake it, and gave it to the difciples, and faid, Take, eat, this is my body. V. 27. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, faying, Drink ye all of it ; v. 28.

For this Is my blood of the New Teftamcnt, whicli is flied for many, for the remiifion of fins

V Rom. iv. i I And he received the fii;n of circumcifion, a feal of the righteoufnefs of the faith which he had yet being uncircumctfed : that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcifed : that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo. I Cor. xi. 24. And when he had given thanks; he brake it, and faid. Take, eat ; this is my body, which is broken for you : this do in re- membrance ot me. v. 25. After the fame manner alfo he took the cup, when he had fuppcd, faying, 'I his cup is the New Teftament in my blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

IV Rom XV. 8. Now 1 fay, That Jefus Chrirt was a minider ot the circumcifion, for the truth of God, to confirm the promifes made unto the fathers. Exod. xii. 48. And when a Itranger fliall fojourn with thee, and will keep the paffover to the Lord, let all his males be cir- cumcifed, and then let him come near and keep it; and he fhall be as one that is born in the land; for no uncircumcifed perfon fhall eat thereof.

X Ads H. 38. Then Peter faid unto them, Repent, and be baptiz- ed every one of you, in the name of Jefus Chrill, for the remiffion of fins, and ye fhall receive the gift of the Holy Ghofl. i Cor. x. 16. The cup of blefling which we blefs, is it not the communion of the blood of y 2 ChriU?

2^0 *The Larger Catechtfm.

to ftpengtben and increafe their faith, and all other graces/,

to oblige them to obedience z ; to teflify and cherifh their

love and communion one with another dy and to diftinguifli

them from thofe that arje without b^

(T T 63. V/hat ure the farts of a facrarnent^

A The parts of a.liicrament are two: the one an outward

and fenfible fign ufed according to Chriil's own appointment ;

the other, an inward and fpiritual grace thereby fignified c, CX 1 64. How many facra?nents hath Chrijl injlituted in his

church imder the New 'Teft anient ?

J. Under

Chrift ? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body ot' Chrift.

y Rom. iv. ir. (See in v above.) Gal. iii. 27. For as many of you as have been baptized into Chrift, have put on Chrift.

z Rom. vi. 3. Know ye not that fo many of us as were baptized into Jefus Chrift, were baptized into his death .'* v. 4 Therefore we are bu- ried with him by baptifm into death : that hke as Chri/f was raifed up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo we alfo fhould walk in newnefs of life. 1 Cor. x,2l. Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils : ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and ihe table of devils.

a Eph. iv. 2. With all lowlinefs and»raeeknefs, with long fuffering, forbearing one another in love ; v. 3. Endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. v.4.Thereisonebody,andoneSpirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling: v. '5. One Lord, one faith, one baptifm. i Cor. xii. 13. For by one Fpirit are we all bap- tized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether We be bond or free ; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

h Eph.ii. ii.Whsrefore remem-

ber that ye being in times pafled Gentiles in the iieili, who are called uncircumcifion by that which is cal- led the circumcifion in the flefli made by hands; v. 12. That at that time ye were w^ithout Chriff, being aliens from the commonwealth of Ifrael, and ftrangers from the covenants of promife, having no hope, and without God in the world. Gen. xxxiv. i 4. And they faid unto them, We cannot do this thing, to give our fifter to one that is uncir- cumcifed ; for that were a reproach to us.

163. <: Mat. iii. II. I indeed bap- tize you with water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me, is mightier than I, vvhofe (hoes I am not worthy to bear: he (hall bap- tize you with the Holy Gholt, and with lire, i Pet. iii, 21. The like figure whereunto, even baptifm, doth alfo now fave us (not the put- ting away the filth of the flefh, but the anfwer of a good confcience to- wards God) by the refurreftion of Jefus Chrift. Rom. ii. 28. For he is not a Jew, that is one outwardly ; neither is that circumcifion, which is outward in the ilefli : v 29. But he is a Jew who is one inwardly ; and circumcifion is that of the heart, in the Sp)rit, and not in the letter, whofe praife is not of mea but of God .

The Largsr Catechijftu g^I

A. Under the New Teftament Chrill hatli Inflitutcd In his church only two facraments, baptifm, and the Lord's fupperr/.

Q^ I 6$ What is baptifm P

A. Baptifm is a facrament of the New Teftament. wherein Chrifl hath ordained the waftiing with water in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Qhoft <r, to, be a fign and fealof ingrafting into himfelf/, of remilfion of fnis by his blood ^^, and regeneration by his Spirit h ; of adop- tion /, and refurre(5i:ion unto everlafting life/^ : and whereby the parties baptized are folemnly admitted into the vifible church /, and enter into an open and profefTed engagement to be wholly and only the Lord's m,

(^l66. lf7ito whom is baptifm to be adminiftred?

A. Baptifm is not to be adminiftred to any that are out of the vlfible church, and fo ftrangers from the covenant of promife,


164. £^ Mat, xxviii. 19. Go ye

therefore and teach all nations, bap- tizing them in the name of the Fa- ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. 1 Cor. xi. 20. When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat the Lord's fupper. r. 23 For I have received of the Lord that which alfo I deli- vered unto you. That the Lord Je- fus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread. Mat. xxvi. 26, 27. (See above in /.)

165 e Mat. xxviii 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, bap- tizing them in the name of the Fa- ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft.

/ Gal. iii. 27. For as many of you as have been baptized into Chrift, have put on Ghrift,

g Mark i. 4. John did baptize in the wildernefs, and preach the bap- tifm of repentance, for the renai/Iion of fins. Rev.i. 5.— Unto him that loved us, and waftied us from our fins in his own blood.

h Tit. iii. 5. Not by works of rjphteoufnefs which wc have done

but according to his mercy he faved us by the waihing ot regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghoft. Eph. V. 26. That he might fanftify and cleanfc it with the wafhing of water by the Word.

/ Gal. iii- 26. For ye are al! the childreB of God by faith in Chrift Jefus. 27. For as many of you as have been baptized into Chriit, have put on Chrift.

yj I Cor. XV. 29. Elfe what fhall they do, who are baptized for the dead, if the dead rife not at all > why are they then baptized for the dead ? Rom vi. 5. For if we have been planted together in the likenefs of his death : we fhall be alfo in the likenefs of his refurredion.

/ I Cor. xii. 13. Far by ene Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jewi or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free ; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

7n Rom. vi. 4. Therefore we are buried with him by baptifm into one death : that like as Chrift was r.iifed up from the dead by the glory of

y 3 ^"

^Az The Larger Caiechifm,

till they profefs their faith in Chrift, and obedience to h\mn\ but infants defcending from parents, Either both or but one of them, profelliniT faith in Chrift, and obedience to him, are ia that refped within the covenant, and to be baptized o, Q. 1 67. How is our baptifm to be improved by us ^ A' The needful but much negle.^>ed duty of improving our baptifm is to be performed by us all our life long, efpecially in


his Father, even fo we alfo (hould walk in newnefs of life.

166 wA-ftsviii. 36. And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch faid. See, here is water ; what doth binder mc to be baptized I v 37. And Philip faid, If thou believeft with all thine heart, thou maycft. And he anfwered and faid, I believe that Jefus Chrift is the Son of God, Afts ii. 38. Then Peter faid unto them, Repent, and be baptized c- very one of you in the name of Jefus Chrift, for the remillion of fins, and ye (hall receive the gift of the HoIyGhod.

oGen xvii.7 And I will eflablifn my covenant between n:ie and thee, and thy feed alter thee, in their ge- nerations for an everlafting cove- naat; to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee, v 9. and God faid unto Abraham, Thou flialt keep my covenant theretore, thou and thy feed after thee, in their generations. Compared with Gal. iii. 9. So then they who be of faith, are blefied with faithful Abra- ham. V. 1 4. That the bleifing of Abraham might come on the Gen- tiles through Jefus Chri(l; that wc ivjight receive the proraife of the Sp'rit through faith. And with Col. ii. II. In whom alfo ye are circumcifcd with the circumcifion r.^.a.^e without hands, in putting off 15a ^ body of '.}:c f-rr 0: ihc fi-lh^ by

the circumcifion of Clw-ift : v. 12. Buried with him in baptifm, where- in alfo you are rifen with him thro* the faith of the operation of God, who hath raifcd him from the dead- And with Acls ii. 38 Then Peter faid unto them, Repent, and be bap^ tized every one of you in the name of Jefus Chrift, for the remiflion of fins, and ye ftiall receive the gift of the Holy Ghoft. ?. 39. For the promife is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God fhall call. And with Rom. iv. 11, and he received the fign of circum» cifion, a feal of the righteoufnefs of the faith, which he had, yet being uncircumcifed : that he might be the father of all -them that believe, though they be not circumcifed : that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto thegi alfo : v. 12. and the fa- ther of circumcifion to them who arc not of the circumcifion only, but alfo walk in the fteps of that faith of our father Abiaham, which he had being yet uncircumcifed. i Cor.vii. 14. For the nnbelieving hufband is fanftified by the wife, and the un- believing wife is fandified by the hufband: elfe were your children unclean : but now they are holy. Mat.xxviii.19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of theFathcr.and of the Son, and oftheholyGhoft.Lukexviii.15;. And thoy bron^ht vinio him alfo in-'


The Larger Catechifm, m^-i

the time of temptation, and when we are prefent at the admini- ftration of it to others/, by ferious and thankful conrideration of the nature of it, and of the ends for which Chrill: inlfituted it, the privileges and benefits conferred and fealed thereby, and our folemn vow made therein 5-; by being humbled for our fmful defilement, our falling (hort of, ,and walking contrary to, the grace of baptifra and our engagements r; by growing up to af- iurance of pardon of fm, and of all other bleiiings fealed to us in that facrament/: by drawing flrength from the death and refur- redion of Chrift^ into whom we are baptized, for the mortifying


Jcfas Chrlft, were baptized into his death ? V. 4. Therefore we are bu- ried with him by baptifm into death : that like as Chri(t was raikd up from the dead by the glory of bis Father, even fo we aUo Ihould walk in nevv- ncfs of life. v. 5. For if we have been planted together in the likenefs of his death : we fhall be aUb in the likenefs of his refurredlon.

r I -Cor. i. 1 1. For it hath been declared unto me of you, my bre- thren, by ihem who are of the houfe of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. v. 12. Now this I fay, that every one of you faith, I am of Paul, and I of Apolios, and I of Ce- phas, and I ot Chnit. y. 13. Is Chrill divided ? was Paul crucified for you .' or were ye baptized in the name of Paul ? Rom. vi. 2 God forbid : how fhall we that are dead to fin, *Hvc any longer therein \ v. 3. Know ye not, that fo many of us- as were bap- tized into Jefus Chnft, were bap- tized into his death ?

y Rom. iv ii. And he received the»lign of circumc:fion, a feal of the righteoufncls of the lailh whi'h he had yet being uncircuniciicd : that he might be the fatiicr of a!I them that belitrve, though they be not circu'mcried ; that righteouJncfs might be imputed unto them alfo : V. 12. and the father of ciicunKjGon Y 4 «•

fants, that he *vould toqch them : but when his difciples faw it, they rebuked th^m. v. 16. But Jefus called them unto him, and faid. Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not : for of fuch is tjie kingdom of God. Rom. ix. 16. For if the 6rft-fruit be holy, the lump is alfo holy; and if the root be holy, io are the branches.

i^T'p Col. ii. ir. In whom alfo ye are circumcifed with the circam- cifion made without hands, in put- ting off the body of the fins of the ilefh, by the circumcfion of Chriii. V. I 2' Buried with him in baptifm, wherein alfo yc are rifen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raifed him from the dead. Rom. vi. 4. Therefore we arc buried with lifm into death, that was raifed ap Irom the glory of his Father, even fo we alfo fiiould walk in newnefs of Jife. V. 6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of fin might be deftroyed, that henceforth we fhould not ferve fin, v. 1 1 Like wife reckon ye alfo yourfelves to be dead indeed unto fin, but alive unto God througii J[e- jfus Chrift our Lord

q Rom. vi 3 Know ye not, that fo many of us as were baptized into

him by bap- like as Chrift the dead by

344 The Larger Catechijm.

of fin, and quickening of grace/ ; and by endeavouring to live by taith v, to have our converfation in holinefs and rightcouf- nefs;^, as thofe that have therein given up their names to Chnlt X, and to walk in brotherly love, as being baptized by the lame Spirit into one body;/.

Q^ 1 68 . What is the Lord's /upper ?

A, The Lord's fupper is a facrament of the New Tef^a- ment^, wherein, by giving and receiving bread and wine ac^ cording to the appointment of Jefus Chrift, his death is fliewed torth ; and they that worthily communicate, feed upon his body and blood, to their fpiritual nourifliment and growth in grace a;


to them who are not of the circum- cifion only, but alfo walk in the ficps cf that faith of our father Abra- liam, which he had being yet un- circumci-red. i Pet. iii. 21. The Jike iiguie whereimto, even baptifra, doth alfo now fave us (not the put- ting away of the filth of the flefh, but the anfwer of a good confcience towards God) by the refurrcdion of Jefus ChrifL

/Rom. vi. 3, 4, 5. (See above in G.)

vGal. iii 26. For ye are all the diildren of God by faith in Chrift Jefus. V 27. For as many of you as have been baptized into Chriil, have put on Chrift.

f.' Rooi. vi. 22. But now being made free from Cm, find bsccme fer- Tants to God, ye have your fruit unto holinefs, and the end everlafl- ing life.

X Ads li. 38. Then Peter faid xintn them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Je- fus Chrift for the remiffion of iins, and ye fhall receive the gift of the Holy Gholl. ^

y I C0r.xii.r3. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into

one Spirit, v, 25. That there fliould be no fchifm in the body ; but that the members fliculd have the fame care one of another, v, 26 and whether one member fufPer, all the members fufFer with it .\ or one member be honoured, all the mem- bers rejoice with it. v. 27. Now ye are the body of Chrift, and mem- bers in particular.

168. z Luke xxii. 20. Likcwife alfo the cup after fupper, faying. This cup is the New Tcftament in my blood, which is flied for you.

a Mat. xxvi. 26. And as they were eating, Jefus took bread, and biciTed it, and brake it, and gave it to the difciples, and faid, Take, eat; this is my body. v. 27. and he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, faying, Drink ye all of it : v. 28. For this is my blood of the New Teftament which is fhed for many for the remiflion of fins. I Cor. xi. 25. For I have re- ceived of the Lord, that which alfo I delivered unto you. That the Lord Jefus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread : v. 24, and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and faid. Take, eat ; this is my body, which is broken for you : this do in remembrance of me. V. 25. uftci- the fame manner alfo


ne Larger Catechifm. 345

have their union and communion with him confirmed b\ tcilify and renew their thankfulncfs c and engagement to God ^^and their mutual love and fellowfliip each with other, as members of the fame mylHcal body e,

Q. 169. How hath Chrijl appointed bread and w'me to he qiven and received in the facrament of the Lord's [upper?

A, Chrifl hath appointed the ir.inifters of his word, in the adminiilration of this facrament of the Lord's funper, to fet a- part the bread and wine from common ufe by the word of in- ftitution, thiinkfgivingand prayer; to take and break the bread and to give bot'-. the bread and the wine to the communicants: who are by the fame appointment to take and eat thebread,and to drink the wine ; in thankful remembrance that the body of Chriil was broken and given, and his blood ihed for them/. Q. 170. How do they that worthily communicate in the Lord' s [upper feed upon the body and blood of Chrijl t herein f A. As the body and blood of Chrift are not corporally or carnally prefent in, with, or under the bread and wine in the


he took the cup, when he had Tup- ped, faying, This cup is the new Teftament in my blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. V. 26. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do (hew the Lord's death till he come.

h I Cor.x. 16. The cupof blef- fing which we blefs, is it not the com- munion of the blood of Chrlil ? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chnft? c I Cor. xi. 24. (See above in a.) d I Cor. X. 14. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, tiee from idolatry. T. T 5. I fpeak as to wife men ; judge ye what I fay. v. 16 The cup of bkffing which we blefs, is it not the communion of the blood of Chrift ? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrilt I V. 21 . Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of

the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.

e I Cor. X. 17. For we being many are one bread, and one body ; for we are all partakers of that one bread.

169. /i Cor. xl. 23, 24. (See be- fore under a.) Mat xxvi. 26, 27, 2S. (See before at i».) Markxiv.22. And as they did eat, Jefus took, bread, and bleffed, and brake it, and gave to them, and faid. Take, eat; this is my body. v. 25. and he took the cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them; and they all drank of it. v. 24. and he faid unto them, This is my blood of the new Teftament, which is ihed for many. Luke xxii. 19 and he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, fay- ing, This is my body whlcli is given for you : this do in remembrance of me. V. 20. Like wife alfo the cup after fupper, faying, This en »s


54^ ^^-f^ Larger Catechifm.

Lord's fuppcr^ ; and yet are fpiritualiyprefent to the faith of the receiver, no lefs truly and really than the elements them- felvcs are to their outward fenfes /6; fothey that worthily com- municate in the facramentof the Lord's fupper, do therein feed upon ihe body and blood of Chrift, not after a corporal or car- nal, but in a fpritual manner; yet truly and really /, while by faith they receive and apply unto themfelves Chrift crucified, and all the benefits of his death k,

Q^ 7 . How are they that receive the facrament of the hordes fupper to prepare thernjehes before they come unto it f

A, "i hey that receive the facrament of the Lord's fupper are, before they come, to prepare themfelves thereunto, by examining themfelves / of their being in Chrift m, of their fins and wants n-j of the truth and meafure of their


the new Teftament In my blood, which is (hed for you.

170. g Ads iii. 21. Whom the heaven mud receive, until the times of rellitution of all things, which God hath fpokcn by the mouth of all his holy prophets, (ince the world began.

^MHt.xxvi.26 And as they were eating, Jefus took bread, and blef- fed it^ and brake it, and gave it to the difciples, and faid, Take, eat; this is my body. v. 28. For this is my blood of the new Teltament which is fhed for many for the re^- miffion of fins.

/ I Cor. xi. 24. And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and faid, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in re- membrance of me. V. 25. after the fame manner alio he took the cup, when he had fupped, faying, This cup is the new Teftament in my blood: this do ye, as often as ye drink it, in remembrance of me t. 56 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cirp, ye do ftiew the J^ord's diath till he come. v. 27. Where fcvc, v/hofccvtr fhall eat thi^

bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthilj^ fhall be guilty ef the body and blood of the Lord, v, 28 Hut let a man examine himfelf, and fo let him eat of that bread, and drink cf that cup. v. 29 For he that eatcth and drinketh unwor- thily, eateth and drinketh damnati- on to himfelf, not difcerning the Lord's body. ,

k I Cor. X. 16. The cup of blef- fing which we blcfs, is it not the communion of the blood of Chrift? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of tiie body ofi..hrift?

171 / 1 Cor. xi. 28. But let a man examine himfelf, and fo let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup.

m 2 Cor. xiii. 5. Examine your- felves, whether you be in the faith ; prove your own felvts; know ye not your own felves, how that Je- fus Chrift is in you except ye be re- probates ?

» 1 Cor. V. 7. Purge out there- fore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump as ye are unleavened. For even Chrift our paflbver is fa- criflced for us. Compared witji Exod. xii. 15. Seven, days fliall ye


The Larger CUechlfm. 34?

knowledge c, faith/-, repentance q, love to God and the bre-

thrTrrchaHty to all men/, forgniiv. thofe that have done

hem w ong ^ of their defires after Chrn s and of the.r new

obcdiencei; and by renewing the exerofe of thefe graces ..

eat unleavened bread, even the firfl day ye (hall put away kavcn out of your houles : for whofoevcr eaieth leavened bread, from the fir( day until the feventh day, that foul (hall be cut off Irom Hratl.

0 I Cor.xi. 29 For he that eat- eth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himfelf, l»ot difcerning the Lord's body.

p iCor. xiii. 5. (See above in;77.) Mat. Tcxvi. 28 For this is my blood of the new Teftament, which is ihed for many for the remilTion of fins.

q Itch. xii. 10. And I will pour

upon the houfe of David, and upon

the inhabitants of Jerufalem, the

fpirit qf grace and of fuppUcations,

and they (hall look upon me whom

they have pierced, and they (hall

mourn for him. as one mourneth

for his only fon, and (hall be m bit-

ternefs for him as one that is in bit-

ternefs for h^s fiv(t born : i Cor. xi.

31. For if we would judge our-

felves, we iliould not be judged

r I Cor X. 16. The cup of ble(ring which we blefs, is it not the com- munion of the blood of Chnft ? the bread wAich we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrift ? V. 17. For we being many, arc one bread, and one body : for we are all partakers of that one bread. Ads ii. 46. And they continuing'daily with one accord in the temple, and break- ing bread from houfe to houfe, did eat their meat with gladnefs and finglenefsv.of heart, v. 47- ^^^'^'^f God, and having favour with all the people : and the Lord added to the church daily fuch as Ihould bf faved.

/ I Cor. V. 8. Therelorc let us keep the feaft, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malic* and wlckednefs; but with the un- leavened brcadoffincerity and truth. I Cor. xi. i8. For fir(l of all, whcu ye come together in the church, I hear that there be divifions among you; and 1 partly believe it. v. 20. When ye come together therefore into one place, this is not to eat thq Lord's fupper.

/ Mat v. 23. Therefore, if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there remembereft that thy brother hath ought againft thee; v. 24. Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way, fird be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and of- fer thy gift

vlfa. Iv. I. Ho, everyone that thirdeth, come. ye to the waters, and he that hath no money; come yc, buy and eat. yea. come, buy wine and milk without money, and without price. John vii. ??• ^'] ^)^ laft day, the great day ot the tet<t, Tefus (lood and cried, laying. It a^ iy man third, let him come unto me, and drink.

oi; 1 Cor V. 7. Purge out there- fore the old leaven, that tc may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Chrilt our pa(fover is facn- ficedforus v g. Therefore let us keep the fead, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of VJ» 'ce and wickednefs; but wnh the unlea- vened bread of fihccrity and truth. X, Cor.xi. 25. After the famo manner alfo he took the cup, wheft

bchadfupped, faying. This cupjs

34^ ^he Larger Catechifm,

by ferious meelitation y^ and fervent prayer z,

(y 172. May one zvho doubteth of his being in Chrijly or of his due preparation come to the Lord's fupper P

A, One who doubteth of his being in Chrift, or of his due preparation to the facrament of the Lord's fupper, may have true intereft inChrill, tho' he be not yet aflured thereof a\ and in God's account hath it, if he be duly afFe£led with the appre-


the new Teftament in my blood : this do yc, as eft as ye drink it, in re- membrance of me. V. 26. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, yedofhewthe Lord'sdeath till he corae. v. 28. But let a man examine himfelf and i'^ let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. Heb. X. 21. and having an high priert over the houfe of God; V. 22- Let us draw near with a true heart, in full affurance of faith, hav- ing o«r hearts fprinkled from an e- 7 11 confcience, and our bodies wafh- ed with pure water, v. 24. and let us ccnfider one another to pro- voke unto love, and to good works. Pfal. xxvi. 6. L will waih mine hands in innocence : io will I compafs thine altar, O Lord.

y I Cor. xi. 24. And when he had given thanks,, he brake it, and faid, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you : this do in remem- brance of me. V. 25. after the fame manner alfo he took the cup, when he had fupped, faying, This cupisthenewTeltamentinmy blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me.

2 2 Chron. xxx. 18. For a mul- titude ot the people, even many of Ephraim, and Manafleh, Iflachar, and Zebulun, had cot cleanfed them- felves, yet did they eat the paiTover, oiherwife than it was v^^rittcn : but ^'czekiah prayed for them, laying, !ie good Lord p?Tdon every one




iieart to

feek God, the Lord God of his fa- thers, though he be not cleanfed according to the purification of the fanduary. Mat xxvi. 26. and as they were eating, Jefus took bread, and bleffed it, and brake it, and gave it to the difciples, and faid, lake, eat ; this is my body.

i"]!. a Ifa. i. 10. Who is among you that feareth the Lord, that o- beyeth the voice of his fervant, that walketh in darknefs, and hath no light ? let him truft in the name of the Lord, and ftay upon his God, I John V. 13. Thefe things. have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God ; that yc may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. Pfal. Ixxxviii, throughout. Pfal. Ixxvii. to the 12. V. I. I cried unto God with my voice : even unto God with my voice, and he gave ear unto me. v. 2. In the day of my trouble I fought the Lord ; my iore ran in the night, and ceafed not : my foul refuied to be comlorted. v. 3. I remembred God, and was troubled : I complained, and my fpirit was overwhelmed. Se- lah. V. 4. Thou holdeft mine eyes waking: 1 am fo troubled, that I cannot fpeak, &c. v. 7. Will the Lord cail off for ever ? and will he be favourable no more ? v. 8. Is his mercy clean gone for evet? doth his promife fail for evermore .'' v. 9. Hath God forgotten to be gracious \ haih he in ang<-'i- Hv-it r.p his tender


The Larger Catech'ifm. ^49

hcnfion of the want of it ^, and unfeigned ly defires to be found in Chrilt c, and to depart from iniquity d : in which cafe (be- cafe promifes are made, and this facrament is appointed, for


ccUency of the knowledge of Chrift Jefus niy Lord : for whom I have fuffered the lofs of all things, and do count them but dung that I may win Chrift. v. 9. and be found in him, not having mine own righte- Gufnefs, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnels which is of God by faith. Pfal. x. 17. Lord, thou haft heard the defire of the humble : thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt caufe thine ear to hear. * Pfal. xlii. 1. As the hart panteth after the water-brooks, fo panteth my foul after thee, O God. V. 2. My foul thirfteth for God, for the living GoJ : when Ihall I come and appe;;r before God ? v. 5. Why art thou caft down, O my foul ? and why art thou difquieted in me ? hope thou in God, for I fliall yet praifc him for the help of his countenance. V. II. Why art thou cad down, O my foul ? and why art thou dif- quieted within mc ? hope thou in God, for I fiiall yet praife him, who is the health of Riy countenance, and my God.

d 2 Tim. ii. 29. Neverthelefs, the foundation of God ftandeth fure, having this feal, The Lord know- cth them that arc his. Anil, Let every one that nameth the n.^me of Chrift, depart from iniquity. Ifa. I. 10. Who is among you that feareth the Lord, thatobeyeth the voice of hisfervant, that walksth In darkncfs, and hath no light ? let him truft in the name of the Lord, and ftay u- ponhisGod. Pfal. Ixvi. i8. If I re- gard iniquity in my heart : the Lord will not hear me. v. 19. But verily God hath heard mj : he hath ?t-

mercies.' Jonah Ii. 4. Then I faid, I am caft o'lt of thy fight ; yet I will look again toward thy holy temple. V. 7. When my foul fainted within me, I remember the Lord, and my prayer came in unto thee, into thine holy temple.

b Ifa. liv. 7. For a fmall moment have I forfaken thee, but with great mercies will I gather thee, v. g. In a little wrath I hide my face from thee for a moment, but with ever- lalting kindnefs will I have mercy on thee, faith the Lord^hy redeem- er. V. 9. For this is as the waters of Noah unto me : for as I have fworn that the waters of Noah fliould no more go over the earth ; fo have I fworn that I would not be wroth with thee, nor rebuke thee. v. 1®. For the mountains fliall depart, and the hills be removed, bat my kind- nefs ftiall not depart from thee, nei- ther (hall the covenant of my peace be removed, faith tlje Lord, that hath mercy on thee. Mat. v. ;?. BlefTed are the poor in fpirit : for theirs is the kingdom of heaven, v. 4. BlelTed are they that mourn : for they fhall be comforted. Pfal. xxxi. 22. For I faid in my hafte, I am cut off from before thine eyes: never- thelefs, thou heardft the voice of my fupplicatlons, when I cried unto thee. Pfal, Ixxiii. 13. Verily I have cleanfed my heart in vain, and wafli- ed my hands in innocency. v. 22. So foolifh was I, and ignorant : I was as a beaft before thee. v. 23. Neverthelefs, I am continually with thee ; thou haft holden me by my right hand.

c Phil. iii. S. Yea doubdefs, and I count all things but lofs, for the ex-


2S^ ^^ Larger Cafechifm.

the relief even of weak and doubting Chriflians e) lie is to be- wail his unbelief/, and labour to have his doubts refoved gi and, fo doing, he may and ought to come to the Lord's fup-* per ; that he may be further fbengthened h>

(^173* May any who profefs the faith y and deftre to come to the Lord'^s Jupptr^ be kept from itf

-^. Such as are found to be ignorant or fcandalous, notwith- flanding their profeffion of the faith, and defire to come to the Lord's fuppcr, may and ought to be kept from that facrament, by the power which Chrid hath left in his church /, until they


tended to the voice of my prayer. T. 20. Blcffed be God, who "hath not turned away ray prayer, nor his mercy from me.

e ifa. xl. If. He fhali feed his flock like a fliepherd: he fhall ga- ther the Jambs with his arm, and carry them in his bofom, and fhail gently lead thcfe that are with young. V. 29- He giveth power to the faint ; and to them that have no might, he increaieih ftrength. v. 31. But they that wait upon the Lord, (hall renew their (Irength : they fhall mount up with wings as eagles; they fiiall runi and not be weary; and they fhall walk, and not faint. Mat. xi 28. Ccme unto me all ye that labour, and are heavy laden, and I will give you reil. Mat. xii. 20. A bruiled reed (hall he not break, and fmoking flax fliall he not quench, till he feijd forth judgment unto viaory. Mat. xxvi. 28. For this is my blood of the new Tefta- ment which is fiied for many for the remiflion of fins.

/ Mark ix 24. And ftraightway the father of the child cried out, and faid with tears, Lord, I believe, help thou mine unbelief.

g A&.S ii. 37 . Now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart, and faid unto Peter, and to the reft of the apoftles. Men and

brethren, what fliall we do? AiSs xvi. 39. and he brought th^m out, and, faid, Sirs, what muft 1 do to be faved ? ^

^ Rom iv. II. And he received the fign of circumcifion, a ieal of the righteoufnefs of the faith which he had yet being Uncircumciled ; that he rwight be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcifed : that righteouJ'neft might be imputed unto them alfo, I Cor. xi 28. But let a man examine bimfelf, and fo let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup.

173. / I Cor xi. 27. to the end. Wherefore, whofoever fhall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, fliall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. v. 28. But let a man examimc himfelf, and fo let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. v. 29. For he' that eateth and drinketh unworthi- ly, eateth and drinketh damnation to himfelf, not difctrning the Lord's body. v. 30. For this caufe many are weak and fickly among you. and manyfleep v. 31. For if we would judge ourfelves, we fliould not be judged, &c. to the end of the chap- ter. Compared with Mat. vii. 6. give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither caft ye your pearls be- fore fwice, iell they trample them


The Larger Catechifm, g5i

receive inftruflion, and manifeft their reformation k.

Q. 1 74. What is req uiredof them that receive ibefacrament ^f the Lord s /upper in the ti?rie of the admirjji ration of it?

A, It is required of them that receive the facrament of the Lord's fupper, That, during the time of the adminiitra- tionof it, with all holy reverence and attention they wait up- on God in that ordinance /, diligently obferve the facramental elements and actions /«,heedfullydifcern the Lord's body /7,and afFe£lionately meditate on his death and fufferings 0, and there- by flir up themfelves to a vigorous exercife of their graces/;


Under their feet, and turn again and rent you. And with 1 Cor. chap, ▼. to the end. And with Jude ver, 23. and others fave with fear, pul- ling them out of the fire ; hating e. ven the garment fpotted by the flefh. And with i Tim. v. 22. Lay hands ludilenly on no man, neither bejpartaker of other mens fins : keep thy Tel t pure.

k 2 Cor ii. 7. So that contrary* wife, ye ought rather to forgive him, and comfort him, left perhaps fuch a one (hould be fwaliowed up with over much forrow.

174. /Lev. X. 3 Then Mofes faid unto Aaron. This is it that the Lord fpake, faying, I will be fandlified in them that come nigh me. and bsfore all the people I will be glorified. Heb xii. 28. Wherefore we receiv- ing a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may ferve God acceptably, with reverence and godly fear. Pfal. v. 7. But as for me, I will c«m« into thy houfe in the multitude of thy mercy, and in thy fear will I wor- fhip toward thy holy temple. i Cor xi. 17. Now in this that I de- clare unto you, I praifc you not, that ye come together, not for the better, but for the worfe. v. 26. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do Ihew the

Lord's death till he come. v. 27. Wherefore, whofoever Ihall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, (hall be guilty oi the body and blood of the Lord.

M Exod.xxiv.8. And iMofes took the blood and fprinkled it on the people, and faid, Behold the blood of the covenant which the Lord hath made with you, concerning all thefe words. Compared with Mat. \xvi. 28. For this is my blood of the new Te (lament which is Ihed for many for the remiflion of fins.

n I Cor. xi. 29 For he that eat- eth and drinketh unworthily, eateih and drinketh damnation to himfeU, not dilcerning the Lord's body.

0 Luke xxii. 19. And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, faying. This do in remembrance of me.

/ I Cor. xi. 26 For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this ,cup, ye do (hew the Lord's death till he come. I Cor. x. 3. and did all eat the fame fpiritual meat: v. 4. and did all drink the fame fpiritual drink: (for they drank of that fpiritual rock that followed them: and that rock was Chrift.) v. 5. But with many of them God was not well pleafed : for they were overthrown in the wildernefs. v. 11. Now all thefe things happened unto them for cnfam-

552 'The Larger Catechifm,

in judging tliemfelves q^ and forrowing for fmr; in earnejft hungerings and thirftings after Chrift f, feeding on him by- faith /, receiving of his fulnefs i;,truftingin his merits w, rejoic- ing in his love x, giving thanks for his grace y-y in renewing of their covenant with God z, and love to all the faints a.

0.175. "^^^f '-f ^^^^ d^^^y rf ChrijliajiSy after they have re* ceived the facrarnent of the Lord^s fupferl

A. The duty of GhriRians, after they have received the fa- crament of the Lord's iupper, is ferioudv to confider how they have behaved themfelves therein, and with what fuccefs b ;


enfamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon Whom the ends of the world are come, v. 14. Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flse from idolatry.

q iCpr.xi. 31. For if we would judge ourfelves, we fhould not be judged.

r Zech. xii. 10. And I will pour upon the houfe of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerufalem, the fpirit of grace and 01 fupplications, nnd they (hall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they (hall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only fon, and fliall be in bit- ternefs for him, as one that is in bit- ternefs for his lir(t born.

j Rev. xxii. 17. And the Spirit and the bride fay, Come. And let him that heareth fay. Come. And Jet him that is athirft, come ; and whofoever will, let him take the water of life freely.

t John vi. 35. And Jefus laid un- to them, I am the bread of fife : he that cometh to me, (hall never hun- ger ; and he that bclieveth on me, ihall never third.

V John i. 16. And of his fulnefs have all we received, and grace for grace.

w Phil. iii. 9. And be found in him, not having mine own righte- ^ufn^sfs wliich is of the law, but that

which is through the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs which is of God by faith.

X Ffal. Ixlii. 4. Thus will I blefs thee, while I live : I will lift up my hands in thy name. v. 5. My foul (hall be fatisfied as with marrow and fatnefs : and my mouth (hall praife thee with joyful lips. 2 Chron. xxx. 21. And the children of Ifrsel that were prefent at Jerufalem, kept the feaftof unleavened bread fevcn days with great gladnefs : and the Le- vites, and the priefts praifcd the Lord day by day, finging with loud inllruments to the Lord.

y Pfal. xxii. 26. The meek fliall eat and be fatisfied : they fliall praife the Lord that feek him ; your heart fliall live for ever.

z Jer. 1 5. They fliall aflcthe way to Zion with their faces thitherward, faying, Come and let us join our- felves to the Lord in a perpetual co- venant thac fliall not be forgotten. Pfal.*l. %. Gather my faints toge- ther unto me : thofe that have made a covenant with me by facrificc.

a Aifts ii. 42. And they continued ftedfaftly in the apo(Ues dodrine and fellowfliip, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.

175. ^Pfal.xxviii. 7. The Lord is my ftrengtl) and my fliield, my heart trufl.d in hira, and I am help- ed

The Larger Catechtfm, 35:^

if they find quickening and comfort, to blefs God for it Cy beg the continuance of it <^, watch againil relapfes e, fulfil their vows/, and encourage themfelvcs to a frequent attendance on that ordinance ^: but, if they find no prefent benefit, more tx- a£Wy to review their preparation to, and carriage at the facra- ment ^; in both which if they can approve themfelvcs to Go J


ed : therefore my heart greatly re- joiceth, and with my fong will I praife him. Pfal. Ixxxv. 6. I will hear what God the Lord will fpeak : for he will fpeak peace unto his peo- ple and CO his faints:, but let them not turn again to folly, i Cor. xi. 17, Now in this that I declare unto you, 1 praife you not, that you come together not for the better, but for the worfe. v. 30. For this caufe many are weak and fickly among you, and many flecp. v. 31. For if we (hould judge ourfelves, we fhould not be judged.

c 2 Chron. xxx. 21, 2J, 23, 25, 26. V. 21. And the children of If- rael that were prefent at Jcrufaiem, kept the fead of unleavened bread feven days with great gladnefs : and the Levites, and the priefts praifed the Lord day by day, finging with loud inftruments unto the Lord, &c. Ads ii. 42. and they continued fted- faftly in the apoftles dodrine and fel- lowfhip, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers, v. 46. And they continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from houfe to houfe, did eat their meat with gladnefs and finglenefs of heart, V. 47. Prailing God and having fa- vour with all the people.

d Pfal. xxxvi. 10. O continue thy loving kindnefsunto them that know thee ; and thy righteoufnefs to the upright in heart. Cant. iil. 4. It was but a little that I pafTed from them, but I found him whom my foul lovcth : I held him, and would Bar let bi-n go, until I had brgught

him into my mother's houfe, and In- to the chamber of her that conceiv- ed me. I Chron. xxix. 18. O Lord God of Abraham, Ifaac, and of If- rael our fathers, keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and pre- pare their heart unto thee.

e I Cor. X. 9. And did all eat the fame fpiritual meat; v. 4. and did all drink the fame fpiritual drink; (for they drank of that fpiritual Rock that followed them : and that Rock was Chrilt ) v. 5. But with many of them God was not well pleafed: for they were overthrown in the wildernefs. v. 12. Wherefore let him that thinketh he ilandeth, take heed left he fall.

/ Pfal. 1. 14. Offer unto God thankfgiving, and pay thy vows un- to the mod: High.

g I Cor. xi. 25. After the fame manner alfo he took the cup, when he had funped, faying, This cup is the new Teftament in my blood : ihi» do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remem- brance of me : v. 26. For as often as yc eat this bread, and drink this eup, ye do fhew the Lord's death till he come. Acls ii. 42. and they continued ftedfallly in the apoftles dodrine and fellowlhip, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. V. 46. And they continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from houfe to houfe, did cat their meat with gladnels aud (inglenefs of heart.

h % Gaot, Y. I. I am come into Z n\v

554 ^<^ Larger Catechifm*

and their own confciences, they are to wait for the fruit of it in due time /: but, if they fee they have failed in either, they are to be humbled k, and to attend upon it afterward with more care and diligence /.

CX 176. Wherein do the facraments of bapt'ifm and the Lord's /upper a^ree^ * A. The


my garden, my filler, my fpoufe; I have gathered my myrrh with my fpice, I have eaten my honey-comb with my honey, I have drunk my wine with my milk : eat, O friends, drink, yea, drmk abundantly, O beloved, v. 2. I fleep. but my heart waketh : it is the voice of my be- loved that knocketh, faying, Open to me, my (ider, my love, my dove, my undefiled ; for my head is filled with dew, and my locks with the drops of the night, v. 3. 1 have put off my coat, how.fhall I put it on \ I have wafhed my feet, how fhall I defile them .^ v 4. My be- loved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my bowels were mov- ed for him. v. 5. I rofe up to o- pen to my beloved, and my hands dropped with myrrh, and my fin- <;ers with fweet-fmelimg myrrh up- on the handles of the lock. V. 16. I r«pened to my beloved, but my be- loved had withdrawn himfelf, and was gone : my foul failed when he i'pake: I fought him, but I could rot find him ; I called him, but he gave me no anfwer.

/ Pfal. cxxiii. 1. Unto thee lift I I'p mine eyes, O thou that dwelled in the heavens, -j- v. 2. Behold, as the eyes of fervants look unto the hand of their mailers, and as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of her mi( our eyes wait upon the Lord our God, until that he Kive mercy upon us. Pfal. Ixii. 5. Why art thou caft down, O my foul f and why art thou difquieted in me \ hope thou in God, for I

A. The

fliall yet praife him for the help of his countenance, v. 8. Yet the Lord will command his loving kind- nels in the day time, and in the night his fong fliall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my lite. Pfal. Ixiii. 5. .0 fend out thy light and thy truth : let them Itad me, let them bring me unto thy holy hill, and to thy tabernacle, v. 4. Then will [ go unto the altar of God, un- to God my exceeding joy : yea, up- on the harp will I praife thee, O God, my God. v. 5. Why are thou calt do>wn, O my foul ? and why art thou difquieted within me \ hope in God, for I fhall yet praife him, who is the health of my coun- tenance, and my God.

k 2 Chron. XXX. 18. For a mul- titude of the people, even many of Ephraim and Manaffeh, iffachar and Zebulun, had not cleanfed themfelves, yet did they eat the paf- fover, otherwife than it was writ- ten : but Hezekiah prayed for them, faying. The good Lord pardon eve- ry one v 19. That prepareth his heart to feek God, the Lord God of his fathers, though he be not cleanf- ed according to the purification of the fan(5luary. Ifa. i. 16. Wafh ye, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; ceafe to do evil v. 18. Come now, and let us reafon together, faith the Lord : though your fins be as fcarlet, they fliall be white as fnow ; tbougli they be red like crim- fon, they fliall be as wool.

/ 2 Cor. vii. II. For heboid, thi?


The Larger Catechifnu 3^^

A, The facraments of baptifra and the Lord's fupper agree, in that the author of both is God m ; the fpiritua! part of both is Chrifl and his benefits n\ both are feals of the fame cove- nant Oy are to be difpenled by miniflers of the gofpel and by none other /, and to be continued in the church of Chrift


felf-fame thing that ye forrowed af- ter a godly fort, what carefulnefs it wrought in you, yea, what clear- ing of yourfelves, yea, what indig- nation, yea, what fear, yea, what vehement defire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge i in all things ye have approved yourfelves to be clear in this matter, i Chron. xv. 12. And David faid unto them, Ye are the chief of the fathers of the Le- vites : fan(5lify yourfelves both ye and yoar brethren, that you may bring up the ark of the Lord God oflfrael, unto the place that I have prepared for it. V. 13. For becaufe you did it not at the firft, tlfe Lord our God made a breach upon us, for that we fought him not after the due order. V. 1 4. So the prierts and Levitesfanc- tified themfelves to bring up the ark of the Lord God of Ifrael.

176. tn Mat. xxvili. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, bap- tizing them in the name of the Fa- ther, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. I Cor. xi. 23. For I have received of the Lord, that which I alfo delivered unto you. That the Lord Jefus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread.

n Rom. vi, 3. Know ye not, that fo. many of us as were baptized into Jefus Chrift, were baptized into his death? v. 4. Therefore we are bu- ried with him by baptifra into death : that like as Chrifl was raifed up from the dead by the glory of his Father, even fo we alfo fhould walk in new- nefs of life, i Cor. x. 16. The cup

of blefling which we blefs, is it not the communion of the blood of Chrift ? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrift?

(9 Rom iv. II. And he" received the fign of circumcifion, a feal of the righteoufnefs of the faith, which he had yet being uncircumcifed : that he might be the Father of all them that believe, tho' they be not clrcumcifed ; that righteoufnefs might be imputed unto them alfo. Compared with Col. ii. 12. Buried with him in baptifm, wherein alfo ye are rifen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raifed him from the dead. Mat. xxvi. 27. And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, faying, Drink ye all of it: v. 28. For this is my blood of the new Tef- tament which is fhed for many for the remillion of fins.

p John i. 33. And I knew him not : but he that fent me to baptize with water, the fame faid untQ me, Upon whom thou (halt fee the Spi- rit defcending and remaining on him, the fame is he who baptizeth with the Holy Ghoft. Mat xxviii. 19. Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft. i Cor. xi. 23. For I have received ot the Lord, that which alfo I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jefus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread. I Cor. iv. r. Let a man io account of us, as of the minifters of Z 2 Chrift,


Jhe Larger Catechifm.

until his fecond coming q,

0^177. Wherein do the facraments of baptijm and thi Lord's flipper differ^.

A. The facrament of baptifm and the Lord's fupper differ, in that baptifm is to be adminiftred but once, with water, to be a. iign and feal of our regeneration and ingrafting into Chrift r, and that even to infants/; whereas the Lord's (upper is to be ^dminiftred often,in the elements of bread and wine^, to reprc- fent and exhibit Chrifl as fpiritual nourifhment to the foul^,and


Chrift, and flcwards of tBe myfte- ries of God. Heb. v. 4. And no ^Tjan uketh this honour unto him- ielf, but he that is called of God, as "Was Aaron.

q Mat, xxviii. 19. Go ye there- fore and teach all nations, baptiz- ing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Gholl: V. 20 Teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you : and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the \vorld. Amen, i Cor. xi. 26. For as often as ye eat this bread and <3rink this cup, ye do (hew the Lord'? death till he come.

177. rMat.iii. 11. I indeed bap- tize you with water unto repent- ance ; but he that cometh after me, is mightier than I, whofe flioes I am not worthy to bear: he (liall bap- tize you with the Holy GhoH, and with Ere. Tit. iii. 5. Not by works of righteoufnefs, which we have done, but according to his mercy be f?vcd us by the wafliin^ of rege- Tierjttion, and renewing of the Ho- 'Jy Ghoft. Gal. iii. 27. For as ma,- i.y of you as hav* been bapti2ed in- to Chrill, have put on Chrift.

/Gen. xvii. 6. And I will eftab.'iih riy covenrnt between me and thee, and thy h^^ after thee, in their ge- yjeratioTis,. for an everlaftin^ cove- f'fn; to Be ?. GocT ftntothee, and

to thy feed after thee. v. 9. And God faid unto Abraham, Thou (halt keep my covenant therefore, thou, and thy feed after thee, in their ge- 'nerations. Afts ii. 58. Then Peter faid unto them, Repent, and be bap» tized every one of you in the name of Jefus Chrift, for the remi/Tion of finS; and ye (hall receive th^ gift of the H»ly Ghoft. v. 39. For the promife is unto ypu, and to your children, and tcf all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God (hall call, i Cor. vii. 14. For the unbelieving hufhand is fandlified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is fandli(ied by the hufband : elfe were your children unclean; but now are tliey holy.

/ I Cor. xi, 23. For 1 have re- ceived of the Lord, that which alfo J delivered unto you, that the Lord Jefus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread: v. 24. And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and faid. Take, eat ; this is my body, which is broken for you : this do in remembrance of me. v. 25. After the fame manner aifo^he took the cup, when he had flipped, faying, This cup is the new Tefta- ment in my blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink it. in remembrance of me. v. 26- For as often as ye eat this bre^id, and drink this cup, ye do Hjcv/ the Lord's death till he


The Larger Catechlfirt. ^^j^

to confirm our continuance and growth in him v, and that only to fuch as are of years and ability to examine themfelves icK

Q^ 178. What is prayer?

A, Prayer is an offering up of our defires unto God *• In the name of Chrift y, by the help of his Spirit z; with confcffioii of our fms a, and thankful acknowledgment of his mercies b^

(^179. Are we to fray unto God only ? , A, God only being able to fearch the hearts r, hear the re- quefl d, pardon the fms e, and fulfil the defires of all /; and



, V I Cof. X. 16. The cup of blef-

''llng which we blefs, is it not the

tommunion of the blood of Chrift ?

the bread which we break, is it not

the communion of the body of Chrift ?

w I Cor. xi 28. But Jet a rrian

txamine himfelf and fo let him eat

of that bread, and drink of that

cup. V. 29. For he that eateth and

drinketh unworthily, eate^h and

drinketh damnation to himfelf, not

difcerning the Lord's body.

l78.xPfaI. xlii 8. Truft in him at all times ; ye people pour out your hearts before him : God is a tcfuge for us. Selah.

y John xvi. 23. And in th^t day ye fhall aflc me nothing : verily, ve- t-ily, I fay unto you, Whatfoever ye fhalJ aflc the Father in my name, he will give it yoa.

zRomiviiii26. Likewife the SpU i-italfohelpeth our infirmities: for we know hot what vft (hould pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itfelf maketh irttercefEon for us with groanings which cannot be uttered, .a Pfal. xxxii. 5. I acknov/ledged my fin unto thee, and raiine iniquity have I not hid: I faid, I will con- fefs my tranfgreffions unto the Lord : and thou forgaveft the iniquity of my fin. Selah. v. 6. For this fhall every one that is godly, pray unto thee, in a time when thou mayeft

be found— I)art. Ixi 4^ And I pray- ed unto the Lord my God, and made my confeffion, and faid, O Lord* the great and dreadful God.-^

b Phil. iv. 6. Be careful for no- thing : but in every thing by prat- er and fupplication with thankfgiv- ing, let your requelU be made known unto God.

17*9. c I Kings viii; tjp. The^ri hear thou in heaven thy dwelling place, and forgive, and do, and give to every nian according to his ways, whofe heart thou knoweft; for thou, even thou only knoweft the hearts of all the children of men. A<5ts i. 25. And they pray-* td, and faid. Thou Lord, whd knoweft the hearts of all men, (hew whether of thefe two men thou haft ehofen. Rom. viii. 27. And he that fearcheth the hearts, knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, be- caufe he maketh interceflion for the faints according to the will of God.

d Pfal. Ixv. 2. O thou that bear- ed prayer^ unto thee (hall all flefh come.

e Micah vii. i8. Who is a God like unto thee, that pardoneth ini- quity, and pafTeth by the tranfgref' lion of the remnant of his heritage ^ he retaineth not his ?,nger for ever, becaufe he delighteth in mercy.

/ Pfal. cxlv. 18. The Lord is

nigh unto all thern that call upon

Z 3, if a

35 S The Larger Catechifm.

only to be believed in ^, and worfhipped with religious wor- fhip h : prayer, which is a fpecial part thereof/, is to be made by all to him alone ky and to none other /.

Q^ 1 80. What is it to pray in the name of Chrifl ?

A. To pray in the name of Chrifl, is, in obedience to his command, and in confidence on his promifes, to ask mercy for his fakcT/i: not by bare mentioning of his name n\ but by draw- ing our encouragement to pray,and our boIdnefs,(i:rength,and hope of acceptance in prayer,from Chrifl and his mediation 0.

Q^ 181. Why are we to fray in the name of Chrijl I

A. The fmfulnefs of man, and his diflance from God by rea- fon thereof, be fo great, as that we can have no accefs into


him, to all that call upon him in truith, V. 19. He will fulfil the de- lire of them that fear him: he alfo will hear their cry, ^nd will fave them.

^ Rom. X. 14. How then' (hall they call on him in whom they have not helicved.

h Mat. iv. 10. Then faith Jefus unto him. Get thee hence, Satan : for it is written, Thou flialt worfliip the Lord thy God, and him only flialt thou ferve-

/ Cor. i. 2. Unto the church of God, which is at Corinth, to them that are fan<^ified in Chrift Jefus called to be faints, with all that in erery place call upon the name of Jefus Chrift our Lord, both theirs and ours.

k Pfal. 1. 15. And call upon me in the day of trouble : I will deliver thee, and thou (halt glorify me.

/ Rom. X. 14. How then fliall they call on him in whom they have not believed t

180. »? John xiv. 13. And what- foever ye (hall a(]c in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be fjorified in the Son. v. 14. If ye (hall a(k any thing in my name, I will do it. John xvi. 24. Hitherto

have ye aflced nothing in my name : aik, and ye (hall receive, that your joy maybe full. Dan. ix. 17. Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy fervant, and his fup- plicatioBs, and caufe thy face to (hine upon thy fanduary that is de- folate, for the Lord's fake.

n Mat.vii.21. Not everyone that faith unto me, Lord, Lord, (hall enter into the Kingdom of heaven : but he that doth the will of my Fa- ther who is in heaven.

0 Heb. iv. 14. Seeing then that we have a great high prieft, that is pafl'ed into the heavens, Jefus the Son of God, let us hold fait our pro- fe(fion. v. 15. For we have not a high prieft who cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, ye without (in. v. 16. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may ob- tain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need, i John v. 13. Thefe things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God : that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. V. 14. And this is the con- fidence

The Larger Catechifm. g59

his prefence without a mediator p ; and there beine; none in heaven or earth appointed to, or fit for, that glorious work,but Chrifl alone q\ we are to pray in no other name but his only r.

O 182. How doth the Spirit help us to pray?

A. We not knowing what to pray for as we ought, the Spirit helpeth our infirmities, by enabling us to underfland both for whom, and what, and how prayer is to be made; and by working and quickening in our hearts (alth</ not in all perfons nor at all times in the fame meafurc (tliofe ap- prehenfions, aife^lions, and graces, which are requifite for the right performance of that duty /.

Q. 183. For whom are we fray I

A We

fidence that we have in him, that If we afk any thing according to his will, he heareth us. v. 15. And if we know that he hear us, what- foever we a/k, we know that we have the petitions that we defired of him.

181. / John xiv. 6. Jefus faith unto him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life :. no man cometh unto the Father but by me, Ifa lix. 2, But your iniquities have feparat- ed between you and your God, and your fins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. Eph. iii. 12. In whom we have boldnefs and ac- cefs with confidence by the faith of him.

q John vi. 27. Labour not for the meat which perifheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlaf- ting life, which the Son of man fhall give unto you: for him hath God the Father fealed. Heb. vii. 25:. wherefore he is able alfo to fave ihem to the uttermoft, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liveth to make interceflion for them, v 26. For fuch an high prieft became us, who is holy, harmlefs, undefiled, feparate from finners, and made higher than the heavens; v. 27. "Who needeth not daily, as thofe high pricfts, to offer up facrifice,

firfl for his own fins, and then for the people's : for this he did once, when he offered up himfelf i Tim. ii, 5 . For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Chrilt Jefus.

r Col. iii. 17. And what foever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jefus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him. Heb. xiii 15. By him therefore let us of- fer the facrifice of praife to God con- tinually, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks in his name

182 /Rom.viii. 26 Likewife the" Spirit alfo helpeth our infirmities : for we know not what we Ihould pray for as we ought; but the Spi- rit itfelf niaketh interceflion for us with groanings which cannot be ut- tered, v. 27. And he that fearch- cth the hearts, knoweth what is the mind of the fpirit, becaufe he mak- eth interceffion for the faints accord- ing to the will of God. Pfal.x. 17. Lord, thou haft heard the defire of the humble ; thou wilt prepare their heart, thou wilt caufe thine ear to hear. Zech. xii. 10 And I will pour upon the houfe of Darid, and upon the inhabitants of jerufalem, the fpirit of grace and of fupplications, and they fliall look upon me whom Z 4 ihey

^6o The Larger Catechijm:

A. We are to pray for the whole church of Chrifl upoa earth /, for magiflrates z>, and miniiters iVy for ourfelves x, our brethren J, yea our enemies z\ and for all forts of men liv- ing ay or that fhall live hereafter b: but not for the dead Cy nor for thofe that are knov^n to have finned the fin unto death d. Q, 184. For what things are we to pray^ jj. We are to pray for all things tending to the glory of God Cy the welfare of the church f, our


they have pierced and they fliall mourn.—

183. / Eph. VI*. 18. Praying al- ways with all prayer and fupplicati- on in the fpirit, and watching there- unto with all perfeverance, and fup- plication for ail faints. Pfal. xxviii. 9. Save thy people, and blefs thine inheritance ; hid them aifo, and lift them up for ever.

V iTim.ii. I. I exhort therefore, that lirft of all, fupplications, pray- ers, interceflions, and giving of thanks be made for all men : v. 2. For kings, and for alj that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinefs and honefty.

au Col. iv. 3. Withal, praying al- fo for us that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to fpeak the myftcry of Chrift, for which I am alfo in bonds.

X Gen xxxii. 11. Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my bro- ther, froni the hand of Efau : for [ fear him, le(t he will come and fmite me, and the mother with the chil- dren.

y Jam. v. 16. Confefs yoar faults one to another, and pray one for a- nother, that ye may be healed: the cfFei^ual fervent prayer of a righte- ous man availeth much.

z Mat^ V. 44. But I fay unto you, I^ove your enemies, blefs them that curfe you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for thenrihat defpite- fully ufc you, and perfecutc you.

a 1 Tim. ii. i, 2. See above in v.)

b Johnxvii 20. Neither pray I for thefe alone, but for them alfo who fhall believe on me through their word. 2 Sam. vii. 29. Therefore now let it pleafe thee to blefs the houfe of thy fervant, that it may continue for ever before thee : for thou, O Lord God, haft fpoken it, and with thy blefling let the houfe of thy fervant be blcffed for ever.

c 2 Sam.xii. 21. Then faid his fer- vants unto him. What thing is this that thou haft done ? thou didft faft and weep for the child while it was alive, but when the child was dead, thou didft rife and eat bread, v. 32. And he laid, While the child was yet alive, I fafted and wept, for I faid, Who can tell whether God will be gracious to me, that the child may live ? v. 23. But now he is dead, wherefore fliould I faft ? can I bring him back again ? I fhall go to him, but he ftiali not return to me.

^1 John ▼.16. If any man fee his brother fin a fin which is not unto death, he ftiall ask, and he fhall give him life for them that fia not unto death. There is a fin unto death : 1 do not fay that he fhall pray for it.

184, e Mat. vi. 9. After this man- ner therefore pray ye : Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

/■ 18. Do good in thy good pleafurc unto Sion : build thou the


T7^ Larger Catechifm* 3 6 1

own g or others good h : but not for any thing that is un- lawful /.

(y 185. Ho'w are we to pray ^.

A* We are to pray with an awful apprehenfion of the ma- jefty of God /f : and deep fcnfe of our own unworthinefs/, neceffities m, and fins n ; with penitent 0, thankful/?, and enlar- ged hearts^; with undcrftanding r, faith y; fincerity^ fer- vency

walls of Jcrufiilem. Pfal. cxxli. 6. Pray for the peace of Jerufalem : they (hall profper that love thee.

g Mat. vii. 1 1 . If ye then being e- vil,know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more (hall your Father who is in heaven, give good things to them that afk him ?

h Pfal. cxxv. 4 Do good, O Lord, unto thole that be good ; and to them that are upright in their hearts.

i I John V. 14. And this is the coafideBce that we have in him, that if we aflc any thing according to his will, he heareth us.

\%^. k Eccl. V. I Keep thy foot when thou goeft to the houfe of God, and be more ready to hear, than to give the facrifice of fools : for they confider not that they do evil.

/Gen. xviii. 27. And Abraham anfwcred and faid. Behold, now, I have taken upon me to fpeak unto the Lord, who am but durt and afhes. Gen. xxxii. 10. I am not worthy of the Icaft of all the merties, and of all the truth which thou haft fhewed

unto thy fervant;

/B Luke XV. 17. And when he came to himfelf. he faid. How many hired fervants of my father's have bread e- noagh and to fpare, and I perifli with hunger! v. 18. I Avill arife, and go to my father, and will fay unto him. Father, I have finned againft heaven, and before thee, v 19 and am no more worthy to be called thy fon : make me as one of thy hired fervants. wLukc xviii. 13. And the publi- €an (landing afar off, would not life

up fo much as his eyes unto heaven, but fmotc upon his bread ,fayiog,God be merciful to me a finner. v. 14. I tell you, this man went down to his houfe juftified rather than the other : for every one that exalteth himfelf, fhall be abafcd; and he that hum- blcth himfelf, ftiall be exalted.

0 Pfal. li. 17. The facrifices of God are a broken fpirit : a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not defpife.

/Phil.iv. 6- Be careful for nothing, but in ever y thing by prayer, and fup- plicationwith thankfgiving, let your requefts be made known unto God. q I Sam. i. i 5. And Hannah an- fwered and faid. No, ray lord, [am a woman of a forrowful fpirit : I have drunk neither wine nor ftrong drink, but have poured out my foul before the Lord. \ Sam. ii. i. And Han- nah prayed, and faid. My heart re- joiceth in the Lord, mine horn is ex- alted in the Lord : my mouth is en- larged over mine enemies; becaufc I rejoice in ihy falvation.

r I Cor. xiv. i 5 . What is it then? I will pray whh the fpirit, and I wiU pray with the undcrftanding alfo. /Markxi. 24. Therefore I fay un- to you, what things foever ye defire when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye (hall have them. Jam. i. 6. But let him aflc in faith, no- thing wavering : for he that waver- cth is like a wave of the fca, driven with the wind, and toffed.

t Pfiil. cxJ. j8 . The Lord is nigh 'jr. to

3^2 The Larger Catechifm,

vency Vy love w, and perfeverance x, waiting Upon hiih^ with humble fubmiflion to his will z.

Q^ i86. What rule hath God given for our diredion in the duty of prayer ?

A. The whole word of God is of ufe to direfl us in the duty of praying a ; but !he fpecia! rule of dire^iion is that form of prayer which Our Saviour Chrifl: taught his difciples, com- monly called, The Lord's prayer b,

(^187. How is the Lord'^s prayer to be ufed?

A, The Lord's prayer is not only for diredlion, is a pattern according to which we are to make other prayers ; but may alfo be ufed as a prayer, io that it be done with underfland- ing, faith, reverence, and othei* graces necelTary to the right. performance of the duty of prayer f.

(^188. Of hotu many parts doth the Lord's prayer conftfll

A, The Lord's prayer confifls of three parts ; a preface^ petitions, and a conclufion.

(^189. What doth the preface of the Lord's prayer teach us>

A, The preface of the Lord'^ prayer (contained in thefe words, Our Father who art in heaven^) teacheth us, when we pray, to draw near to God with confidence of his Fatherly gooduefs, and our intereft therein e : with reverence, and all


unto all them that call upon him, will hear me. to all that call upon him in truth. z Mat. xxvi. 39. And he went a

Pfal. xvii. I. Hear the right, O little further, and fell on his face.

Lord, attend unto my cry, give ear and prayed, faying, O my Father,

unto my prayer that goeth not out if it be poffible, let this cup pafs

of feigned lips. from me: neverthelefs, not as I

V Jam. V. 16.— The cire(flual fer- will, tut as^thou wilt, vent prayer of a righteous man a- i^6. a i John v. 14. And this is

vaileth much. the confidence that we have in him,

iv I Tim. ii. 8. I will therefore that if we aflc any thing according

that men pray every where, lifting to his will, he heareth us. up holy hands, without wrath and ^ Mat. vi. verfes 9, 10, 11, 12.

doubting, l3.After this manner therefore pray ^

X Eph. vi. 18. Praying always ye: Our Father, &c. Luke xi. ver-

with all prayer and fuppli cation in fes 2, 3, 4. and he faid unto them,

the Spirit, and watching thereunto When ye pray, fay, Our Father,

ivith all perfeverance, and fuppli- £lc. cation for all faints. 187. c Mat. vi. 9. compared with

y Micah vii. 7. Therefore I will Luke xi. 2. (See above in letter i.) look unto the Lord 1 will wait for 189. d Mat. vi. 9.

the God of my falvation : my God e Luke xi. 13. If yc then,bcing e-


The Larger Catech'tffn, 363

other child-like difpofitions/, heavenly aifeftions^, and due apprehenfions of his fovereign power, majefty, and gracious condefcenfion h : as alfo, to pray with and for others /. Q. 1^0. What do we pray for in the fir jl petition f A. In the firft petition (which is, Hallowed be thy name k) acknowledging the utter inability and ind ifpofition that is inour- felves and all m^in to honour God aright /, we pray, That God would by his grace enable and incline us and others to know, to acknowledge,and highly to efleem him ;«, his titles;/, attributes^?,


vil, know how to give good gifts unto your children : how much more fhall your heavenly Father give ihefioly Spirit to them that afk him : Rom. viii. 15. For ye have not re- ceived the fpirit of bondage again to fear; hut ye have received the fpirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Ab- ba, Father.

/Ifa. Ixiv. 9. Be not wroth very fore, O Lord, neither remember ini- quity for ever: behold, fee, we be- feech thee, we are all thy people.

g Pfal. cxxiii. i. Unto thee lift I up mine eyes, O thou that dwelleft in the heavens. Lam. iii. 41. Let us lift up our heart with our hands un- to God in the heavens.

h Ifa. Ixiii. 1 6. Look down from heaven, and behold from the habi- tation of thy holinefs and of thy glory : where is thy zeal and thy ftrength, the founding of thy bow- els, and of thy mercies towards me ? are they retrained ? v. i6. Doubt- lefs thou art our Father, though A- braham be ignorant of us, and Ifra- cl acknowledge us not: thou, O Lord, art our Father, our Redeem- er, thy name is from everlafting. Neh. i. 4. And it came to pafs when I heard thefe words, that I fat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fafted, and prayed before the God of heaven, v. 5. And faid, I b^fcech thee, O Lord God of hea*

ven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and obferve his commandments : v. 6. Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou mayeft hear the prayer of thy fervant, which ! pray before thee now, day and night, for the children of Ifrael thy fcrwants, and confefs the fins of the chlfdren of Ifrael, which we have finned a- gainft thee : both I and my father's houfe have finned.

i A<5ls xii. 5. Peter therefore was kept in prifon ; but prayer was made without ceafing of the church unto God for him.

190. k Mat. vi. 9. / 2 Cor. iii. 5. Not that we are fufficient of ourfelves to think any thing as of ourfelves: but our fu/H- ciency is of God. Pfal. li. 15. O Lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth fhall (hew forth thy praife.

m Plal. Ixvii. 2. That thy way may be known upon the earth, ihy faving health among all nations, r. 3. Let the people praife thee, O God ; let all the people praife thee. n Pfal. Ixxxiii. i3. That men may know, that thou, whofc name alone is JEHoVaH, art the moil High over all the earth.

0 Pfal. Ixxxvi. 10. For thou art great, and doff wondrous things: thou art God alone, v, 11. Teach


g^4 ^^^ Larger Catechtfm,

ordinances, word />, works, and whatfoever he is pleaf^ ed to make himfeif known by q, and to glorify him in thought, word r, and deed/: that he would prevent and remove atheifm /> ignorance Vy idolatry Wy profane-


me thy wiy, (!) Lord, I will walk in thy truth : unite my heart to fear thy name. V. 1 2. 1 Will praife thee, O Lord my God, with all my heart : and I will glorify thy name for evei*- morCi V 13. For great is thy mer- cy toward me : and thou haft de- livered my foul from the lowed hell. V. 15. But thou, O Lord, art a God full of compaffion, and gracious : long fuffering, and plenteous in mercy and truth.

p 2 Theffl iii. 1. Finallyj bre- thren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free courfe, and be ^orifiedi even as it is with you. Pfal, cxlvii. 19. He flieweth his word unto Jacob, his llatutes and his judgment? unto Ifrael. v. 20. He hath not dealt fo with any nati- on : and as for his judgments, they have not known them. Praife ye the Lord. Pfal. cxxxviii. 1. 1 will praife thee with my whole heart, before the gods will I fing praife Unto thee. V. 2. I will worlhip toward thy holy temple, and praife thy name, for thy loving kindnefs, and for thy tru\h : for thou haft magni- fied thy word above all thy name. T. g. In the day when I cried, thou anfweredft me : and ftrengthcnedft me with ftrength in my foul. 2 Cor. ii. 14. Now thanks be unto God, who always caufeth us to triumph in Chrift, and maketh raanifeft the favour of his knowledge by us in e- Tcry place, t. 15. For we are un- to Cod a fweet favour of Chrift, in them that arc favcd, and in them that perifti.

y pfal. cxlv* thTOUghout, I will

extol thee, my. God, O King, &c. Pfal. viii. throughout. O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth ! &c.

f PfaJ ciii. I . Blefs the Lord, O my foul : and all that is within mcj blefs his holy name. Pfal. xix. i/^. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be ac- ceptable in thy fight, O Lord mr ftrengthj and my redeemer.

/Phil. i. 9. And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge, and in all judg- ment. T. II. Being filled with the fruits of righteoufnefsi which are by Jefus Chrift unto the glory and praife of Ga6i

t Pfal. Ixvii. r. God be merciful unto us, and blefs us : and caufe his face to ftiine upon us. Selah. v. 2. That thy way may be knowii upon earth, thy faving health among all nations, v. 3. Let the people praife thee, O God ; let all the peo» pie praife thee. t. 4. O let the na- tions be glad and fing for joy : for thou (halt judge the people righte- oufly, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah.

V Eph. i. 17. That the God ot our Lord Jefis Chrift, the Father of glory, may give unto you the fpirit of wifdom and revelation, in the knowledge of him: v. 18. Th« eyej of your underftanding being en- lightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheri- tance in the faints.

iju Pfal. xcvii. 7. Confounded be all they that ferve (raven ima^es^


The Larger Catechijm, 365

nefsAf, and whatfoevcr is dithonourable to him)/; and, by his over-ruling providence, aireft and difpofe of all things to his own glory z.

Q^ 1 9 1 What do we pray for in the fecond petition ?

A. In the fecond petition (which is, Ihy kingdom come a) acknowledging ourfelves and all mankind to be by nature un- der the dominion of fm and Satan ^, we pray. That the king- dom of fm and Satan may be deftroyed c^ the gofpel propagated


that boaft themfelves of idols : wor* {hip him, all yc gods.

X Pfal. Ixxiv. 18' Remember this, that the enemy hath reproached, O Lord, and that the foolifh people have blafphemed thy name. v. 22. Arifc, O God, plead thine own caufc : remember how the fooliih man reproacbeth thee daily, v.aj. Forget not the voice of thine cne- fliies : the tumult of thofe that rife up againd thee, increafeth conti- nually.

y 2 Kings xix. ^. AndHezekiah prayed before the Lord, and faid, O Lord God of Ifrael, who dwelleft between the cherubims, thou art the God, even thou alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth, thou haft made heaven and earth, v. 16. Lord, bow down thin* car, and hear : open. Lord, thine eyes, and fee : and hear the words of Senna- cherib, who hath fent him to re- proach the living God.

2 2 Chroo. XX. 6. And (Jehofha- phat) faid, O Lord God of our fa- thers, art not thou God in heaven ? and ruleft not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen ? and in thine hand is there not power and might, fo that none is able to with- ftand thee? v. 10. And now be- hold, the children of Ammon, and Moab, and mount Seir, whom thou wonldft not let Ifrael invade, when ^hey came cut oi" the land of Egypt;

but they turned from them and de- ftroyed them not : v. 11. Behold, I fay, how they reward us, to come to cart us out of thy pofTeflion which thou haft given us to iohcri^. v 12. O our God, wilt thou not judge them ? for we have no might againft this great company that cometh a- gainft us : neither know we what to do, but our eyes are upon thee. Pfal. Ixxxiii. throughout. Keep not thou (ilcnce, O God : hold not thy peace, &c. Pfal. cxl. 4 Keep me, O Lord, from the hands of the wicked, preferve me from the vio- lent man, who hath purpofed to overthrow my goings, v. 8. Grant not, O Lard, the defires of the wicked, further not his wicked de- vices, left they exalt themfelves, Sclah.

191. a Mat. vi. 10,

b Eph. ii. 2. Wherein in time paft, ye walked according to the courfe of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now worketh in the: children of difobedience. v. 3. A- mong whom alfo we all had our converfation in times paft, in the lufts of our flefh, fulfiliisg the de- fires of the flefh, and of the mind : and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

c Pfal. Ixviii. i. Let God arif^, let his enemies be fcattercd: let them alfo that hate him, flee bcfor-^


^66 The Larger Catechifm,

throughout the world d^ the Jews called e, the fulnefs of the Gentiles brought in/; the church furnifhed with all gofpel officers and ordinances^, purged from corruption /j, counte- nanced and maintained by the civU magiftrate / .-that the or- dinances of Chrilt miiy be purely difpenfed, and made effe^lu- al to the converting of thofe that are yet in their fms, and the confirming, comforting and building up of thofe that are al- ready

him. V. 18. Tliou haft afcended on high, thou halt led captivity cap- tive; thou had received gifts for men, yea, for the rebellious aifo, that the Lord God might dwell among thera. Rev xii. 10. And I heard a loud voice faying in heaven, Now is come falvation, and ftrength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Chrilt : for the accufer of our brethren is calt down, which accufed thera before our God day and night, v. 11. and they over- came by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their teftimony ; and the; loved not their lives unto the death.

d 2 Their, iii. i. Finally, bre- thren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free courfe, and be glorified, even as it is with you.

e Rom. X.I. Brethren, my heart's defire and prayer to God for Ifrael is that they might be faved.

/John xvii, 9, I pray for them : I pray not for the world, but for them whom thou halt given rae, for they are thine, v. 20. Neither pray I for thefe alone, but for them alfo who fliall believe on me through their word. Rom. xi. 25. For I would not, brethren, that ye fliould be ignorant of this myltery, (iel-t ye fhould be wife in your own conceits) that blindnefs in part is happened to Jfrael, until the fulnefs of the

Gentiles be come in. v. 26. and fo all Ifrael fhall be faved : as it is written, There Ihall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and fhall turn away ungodlinefs from Jacob Pfal. Ixvii. throughout. God be merciful unto us, and blefs us : and caufe his face to Ihine upon us, &c.

g Mat ix. 38. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the.harvelt, that he will fend forth labourers into his harveft, 2 Theff. iii. i. Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free courfe, and be glorified, even as it is with you.

h Mai. i. II. For from the riling of the fun, even unto the going down of the fame, my name Ihali be great among the Gentiles, and in every place incenfe Ihall be oifered unto my name, and a pure offering : for my name flialJ be great among the heathen, faith theLo^d of holts, Zech. iii. 9. For then will 1 turn to •the people, a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to ferve him w ith one confent.

/ I Tira.ii. 1. 1 exhort therefore, that firlt of all, fupplix:ations, pray- ers, interceflions, and giving of thanks be made for all men: v. 2. For kings, and for all that are in authority: that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinefs and honelty,

i Aa$

7he Larger Catechifm* g^y

ready converted i : that Chnft would rule in our hearts here / and haften the time of his fecond coming, and our reigning with him for ever ?n : and that he woulJ be pleafed fo to exercife the kingdom of his power in 4U the world, as may beft con- duce to thefe ends n,


J^ A6ls iv. 29. And now Lord, behold their threatening •• and grant UHto thy flrvants, tiiat with all boidncis they may fpeak thy word, V. 3 .;> By ftretching forth thine hand to neal ; and that ligns and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child fefus. Eph- vi. 18 Pray- ing always with all prayer and lUp- plication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perfeverance, and lupplication for all faints, v. 19. and for me that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the myllery of the Gentiles, v. 20. For which I am an ambaffador in bonds : that therein I may fpeak boldly as I ought to fpeak. Rom, xv. 29. and

1 am fure, that when I come unto you, I (ball come in the fulnefs of the blefling of the gofpel of Ghrift. V. 30. Now I befeech you, brethren, for the Lord Jefus Ch rift's fake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye ftrive together with me in your pray- ers to God for me ; v. 32. That I may come unto you with joy by the will of God, and may with you he rafrefhed. 2 Thefl". i. 11. Where- fore alfo we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of his calling, and- fulfil all the good pleafure of his goodnefs, and the work of faith with power.

2 Theff". ii. 16. Now our Lord Jefus Chrift himfelf, and God even our Father, .who hath loved us, and hath given us everlafting confolati- on, and good hope through grace, 17. Comfort your hearts, and

f^abMffi you in every good word and work,

/ Eph. iii. 14. For this caufe I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, v. 15. Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, v. 16. That ' he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be Ifrengtheoed with might by his Spi- rit in the inner man ; 7. 17. That Chrift may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love, v, 18. Maybe able to comprehend with all faints, what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; v. 19. and to know the Jove of Chrift, which pafl'ith knowledge, that yc might be filled with ail the fulnefs of God. v. 20. No\v unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we afk or think, ac- cording to the power that worketh in us

m Rev. xxii. 20. He who tefti- fieth thefe things, faicfi, Surely I come quickly. Amen . Even fo, come, Lord Jefus.

n Ifa Ixiv. i. Oh I that thou wouldfl rent the heavens, thar thoa wouldft come down, that the moun- tains might flow down at thy pre- fence, r. 2. as when the melting fire burneth, the fire caufeth the water to boil to make thy name known to thine adverfaries, that the nations may tremble at thy pre- fence. Rev. iv. 8. and the foui beads had each of them fix. win^s about him, and they were foil of


g68 ^he Larger Catechifm.

Q. 192. What do we pray for in the third petition i' A, In the third petition (which is, Thy will be done in earth as it is in heavens) acknowledging that by nature we and all men^re not only utterly unable and unwilling to know and do the will of God/, but prone to rebel againfl his word ^, to repine and murmur againft his providence r, and wholly in- clined to do the will of the flelh, and of the devil/; we pray. That God would by his Spirit take away from ourfelves and others all blindnefs ty wcaknefs and indifpofednefs Wy and per-


eyes within ; and they reft not day and night, faying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God x^lmighty, who was, and is, and is to come. v. 9 and when thofe hearts give glory, and honour, and thanks to him that fat on the throne, who liveth tor ever and c- ver. V. 10. The four and twenty el- ders fall down before him that fat on the throne, and worHiip him that liveth for ever and ever, and caft their crowns before the throne, fay- ing, V, ir. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory, and honour, and power ; for thou haft created all things, and for thy pleafure they are, aad were created. 192. c Mat. VI. 10. f Rom vii. 18. For I know, that in me (that is, in my flefh) duelleth no good thing : for to will Is prefent witk me, but how to perform that which is good, I find not. Job xxi. 1 4. Therefore they fay unto God, Depart from us : we defire not the knowledge of thy ways, i Cor. ii. 14. But the natural man receiveth rot the things of the Spirit of God : for they are fooliihnefs unto him: neither can he know them, becaufe they are fpirltually difcerned.

q Rom. viii. 7. Becaufe the carnal nind is enmity againfl: God : for it is not fubjeft to the law of God, neithrr indeed can be.

t Exod, xvii. 7. And he called

the name of the place Maflah, and Meribah, becaufe of the chiding of the children of Ifrael, and becaufe they tempted the Lord, laying. Is the Lord among us, or not \ Numb, xiv. 2. And all the children of If- rael murmured againft Mofes, and againft Aaron : and the whole con^ gregation faid unto them, Would God that we had died in the land of Egypt, or would God we had died in this wildernefs.

/Eph.ii. 2 Wherein in time paft ye walked according to the courfe of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now worketh in the children of difobedience.

/ Eph. i. 17 That the God of our Lord Jefus Chrift, the Father of glory, may give unto you the fpirit of wifdom and revelation, in the knowledge of him : v. 18 The eyes of your underftandirg being en- lightened : that ye may know whai is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inhe* ritance in the faints.

V Eph. ill. 16. That he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be ftrengthcned with might, by his Spirit, in the inner man.

•ii> Mat, xxvi. 40. And he cometh unto the difciples, and findeth them aflecp, andfiiih unto ptir-r, What,


W<j« Larger CaUchlJm, ^ 6

Verfenefs of heart x^ and by his grace make usable and willing to know, do, and fabmit to his will in all things y'y with the like humility 2*, chearfulnefs^Zjfaithfulnefs/', diligence c, zeai*^, fmcerity e, and conllancy/, as the angels do in heaven g.

could ye not watch with me one hour?^ V. 41. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation, the fplrlt indeed is wiUing, but the iiefli is weak.

X jer, xxxi. i8. I have furely heard Ephraim bemoaning himfeJf thus, 7 hou halt chaftifed me, and I was chaflifed, as a bullock unac- cuflomed to the yoke ; turn thou me, and I fhall be turned ; for thou art the Lord my God. v. 19, Surely after that I was turned, I repent- ed; and after that I was.inftruded, I fmote upon my thigh ; I was a- fhamed, yea, even confounded ; be- caufe I did bear the reproach of my youth.

y Pfal. cxix. i. BlefTed are the undcfiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. v. 28. I wiil keep thy ftatutes : O forfake me not utterly, v. 3J. Make me to go in the pith of thy commandments, for therein do I delight, v. 36. Incline my heart unto thy teftimonies and not to covetoufnefs. Adls xxi. 14. And when he would not be per- fuaded, we ceafed faying, The will of the Lord be done.

z Micah vi. 8 He hath fliewed thee, O man, what is good ; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do juftly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God ?

a Pfal. c. 2. Serve the Lord with gladnefs ; come before his prefence with fmging. Job i. 21. And (Job) faid. Naked came I out of my mo- ther's womb, and naked fhall I re- turn thithet- : the Lord gave, and the Lord bath taken away: blefTed

be the name of the Lord. 2 Sam. XV. 25. And the King f.iid unto Za- dock c;irry back the ark of God in- to the city : if I ihall find favour \x\ the eyes of the Lord, he will bring me again and ihew me both it and his habitation. § v. 26 But if he fay thus, I have no delight in thee : befiold, here am I, let him do tu me as feemeth good Unto him.

b Ifa. xxxviii. 5, And faid. Re- member,now, 0 Lord, I befeech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth, and with a perfe<5t heart, and have done that which is good in'thy light : and Hezekiah wept fore.

c Pfal. cxix. 4. Thou hail com- manded us to keep thy precepts dili- gently. V. 5. 0 that my ways were dire<5led to keep thy (latiues.

(/Rom.xii. 1 1. Notflothful inbu- flnefs, fervent in fpirit ; ferving the Lord.

e Pfal. cxix. 80. Let my heart be found in thy llatutes, that ! be no^ afhamed.

/Pfal. cxix. 1 12. I have inclined mine heajrt to perform thy ftatute.^ alway, even unto the end.

g Ifa. vi. 2. Above it (lood ths feraphims : each one had fix wings ; with twain he covered his face, and with twain he covered his feet, an. with twain he did fly. v. 3. And one Cried unto another, and laid. Holy, holy, holy is tlie Lord of hofts, the whole earth is full of hi. glory. Pfal ciii. 20. Blefs the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in ftrcngth, that do his commandments, hearken- ing unto the voice of his word. v. 2 i . blefs ye the Lord, all y,* his ho.t'^, A a y

370 The Larger Catechifm.

Q^ T95. What do we fray for in the fourth petition.

A, In the fourth petition (which is, Give us this day our daily bread h) acknowledging that in Adam, and by our own fm, we have forfeited our right to all the out- ^ ward BleiTings of this life, and defcrve to be wholly de- prived of them by God, and to have them curfed to us in the ufe of them /; and that neither they of them- felves are able to fuflain us i, nor we to m.erit /, or by our own induftry 'to procure them ;«; but prone to defire n,


ye miniflers of his that do his plea- fui-. Matth. xvii. 10. Take heed that ye defpife not one of thefc little- ones J for I iay unto you, that in heaven their angels do always be- hold the face of my Father who is in heaven.

J 93. (6 Mat.'vi. IT.

;■ Gen. ii. 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou fhalt not eat of it ; fof in the day that thou eateft thereof, thou (halt furely die Gen. iii. 1^, And unto Adam he faid, Becaule thou haft hearkened unto the voice of thy ■wife, and haft eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee, faying. Thou ftialt not eat of it : Curfed be the ground for thy fake ; in forroW fhalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life. Rom. viii. 20. For the creature was made fubjedt to vanity, rot willingly, but by reafon of him who hath fubjeded the fame in hope: V. 21. Bccaufe the creature itfelf alfo fhall be delivered from the bonr'a^e of corruption, into the glorious liberty of the children of God. V. 22. For we know that the whole creation groaneth^ and travaileth in pain together until now. Jer. V. 25. Your iniquities have turned away thefe things, and your fins have withholden good things from you. Deut. xxviii. from verfe 15. to the end of the chapter, v.

15. Beit it fhall come to pafs if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to obferve to do all his commandments, and his fta- tutes which I command thee this day ; that all thefe carfes fhall come upon thee, and overtakethee. v. 16. Curfed fhalt thou be in the city, and curfed (halt thou be in the field* V. 17. Curfed (hall be thy baiket and thy ftore, &c.

k Deut. viii 3. And he humbled thee, and fuffered thee to hunger, and fed thee with manna, (which thou kneweft not, neither did thy fathers know) that he might make thee know that man doth not live by bread only, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord doth rhan li^^e.

/ Gen. I am not worthy of the leaft of all the mercies, and of all the truth which thou haft fhcwed unto thy fervant,

w Deut viii. 17. And thou fay in thine hearty My power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth, v. 18. But thou (halt remember the Lord thy God : for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may eftablilh his corenant which he fware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

«Jer. vi. 13. For from the leaft of them even unto the grcatefl of them, every one is given to covet- oufncfs ;

The Larger Catechifm* ^ji

get Oy and ufe them unlawfully />r we pray for ourfclvcs and others,That both they and we, waiting upon the providence of God from day to day in the ufe of lawful menus, may cf his i^ree gift, and as to his Fatherly wifdom fliall feem bed, enjoy a competent portion of them 5-, and have the fame ccfntinued and bleffed unto us in our holy and comfortable ufe of them r, and contentment in them/: and be kept from ail things that are contrary to our temporal fupport and comfort/.

Q 1 94. PVbat do we pray for in the fifth petition ?

w4. In the fifth petition (which is, Forgive us our debts, as


oufnefs; and from the prophet evert unto the prieft, every one^iealeth ialfly. Mark vii. 21. For from within, out of the heart of men pro- ceed evil thoughts, adulteries, for- nications, murders j v. 22. Thefts, covetoufnefs, wickednefs, deceit,

9 Hof. xii. 7. He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand : he loveth to opprefs.

p Jam iv. ^. Ye aflc and receive iQOt, becaule ye aftc amifs, that ye may confume it upon your lults.

q Gen. xliii. 12. And take double money in your hand ; and the money that was brought again in the mouth of the facks, carry it again in your hand ; peradventure it was an over- fight, V. 13. Take alfo your brother, and arife, go again unto the man. V. I4. And God Almighty give you mercy before the man, -^Gen xxviii. 19. And Jacob vowed, a vow, fay ing, If God will be with me, and Will keep me in this way that 1 go, and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on. Eph. iv. 28. Let him that (tole, (leal no more : but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth. 2 TheC iii. 1 1 . For we hear that there are fome who walk among you diforderly, work- ing not at all, but are bufy bodies.

V. IS. Now them that are fa -h we command, and exhort by our Lotd Jefus Chrift, that with quietnels they work, and eat their own bread. Phil.iv.6 Be careful for nothing : but in every thing by prayer and lup- plication with thankfgiving, let your rtquclis be made known unto God.

r I Tim. iv. 3. Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abllain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thankfgiving of them who believe and know the truth. V 4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be re- fufed, if it be received with thankf- giving ; v. 5 For it is fan^^ified by the word of God and prayer.

/i Tim. vi.6. But godlinefs with contentment is great gain. v. 7. For We brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we caii car- ry nothing out. y. 8. And having food and raiment, let us be there- with content.

/ Prov XXX. g. Remove far from time vanity and lies ; give me nei- ther poverty, nor riches; feed me with food convenient for me : v. o. Left I be full, and deny thee, and fay. Who is the Lord, or left I be poor and fteal, and take the name ©f n»y God in vain.

A a a


372 The Larger Catechifm,

we forgive our debtors i;) acknowledging that we and all others are guilty both of original and aclual fm, and thereby become debtors tothe juilice of God, and that neither we nor any other creature can make the lead fatisfaflion for that debt -w. We pray for ourfelves and others, That God of his free grace \vould;thro'the obedience and fatisfa^lion of Chrift apprehend- ed and applied by faith, acquit us both from the guilt and pu- niiliment of fm .v, accept us in his beloved r, continue his fa- vour and grace to us j?, pardon our daily failings^, and fill us with peace and joy, in giving us daily more and more alTur- ance of forgivenefs h^ which we are the rather emboldened to


194. v Mat. vi. i2»

IV Rom. iii. from verfe 9. to 2 2. •r 9. What then .' are we better than they ? No, in no wife ; for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under lin ; V.' 10. As it is written, There is none righteous, no not one : v. 1 1. There is none that underftand- trth, there is none that feeketh after Cod. V. 12, They are all gone out of the way, they are together be- come unprclirablc, there is none that dotli good, no not one, &:c. v. 19. 1 hat every mouth may be (lop- ped, and all the world may become guilty before God, &c Mat. xviii.24. And when iie had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, vv'ho owed him ten thoufand talents, v. 25. But forafmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be fold, and his wife, and his chil- dren, and all tiiat he had, and pay- ment to be made, Pfi.'. cxxx. 3 If thou, Lord, fhouldft mark iniqui- ties : O Lord, who fliall Hand I v. 4. But tliere is forgivenefs with iliee : that thou mayeft be feared.

X Rom. iii. 24. Being jufHfied freely by his grace, through the re- demption that is in Chrift Jefus : v. i-^ Whom God hath fet forth to ht y propitiation, through faith in

his blood, to declare his righteouf- nefs for the remiffion of fins that are pall, thiough the forbearance of God ; V. 26. To declare, I fay, at this time his righteoufnefs : that he might be juft, and the juttifier of him who believeth in Jelus. Heb,. ix. 22. And almolt all things are by the law purged v/ith blood: and without fhedding of blood is no re- mifiion.

j; Eph. i. 6. To the praife of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved : v. 7. In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgivennefs of fins, according to the riches oT his grace.

z 2 Pet. i. 2. Grace and- peace be multiplied unto' you through the knowledge of God, and of Jefus our Lord.

a tlofea xiv. 2. Take with you words, and turn to the Lord, fay unto him. Take away all iniquity, and receive us grabioufly ; fo v/ill we render the calves of our lips : Jer. xiv. 7. O Lord, though our iniquities tcflify againft us, do thou it for thy name's fake : for our back- Hidings are many, we have finned againil thee.

b Rom. X. 13. Now the God of hops fill you with all joy and peace


The Larger Catechifm, •^y'l

askv^nd encouraged to expe(fl:, when we have this tedimony In ourfelves, that we from the heart forgive others their ofFencest:.

Q^ 195. What do we pray for in the fixth petition ?

A In the fixth petition (which is^ And lead us not Into temptation but deliver us from evil<i) acknowledging that the mod wife, righteous and gracious God, for divers holy and jull ends, mayfo order things, that we maybe alTaulted, foiled, and for a time led captive by temptations^; that Satan/, the world l^^■ and the flefli are ready powerfully to draw us afide,and infnarc us h: and that we, even after the pardon of our fins, by reafou of our corruption/, weaknefs, and want of watchfuinefs i, are not only fubje6i: to be tempted; and forward to expofe our- felves

ill believing, that we may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghoft Pfal. 11. 7. Purge me with hy{r)p, and I (hail be clean ; wafli me, and I fhall be whiter than fnow, V. 8 Make me to hear joy ahd gladnels : that the bones which tjiou hart broken, may rejoice, v. 9. Hide thy face from my fins ; and blot out all mine iniquities, v. 10. Create in me a clean heart, O God ; and renew a right fpirit with- in me. V. I 2. Reftore unro me the joy of thy falvation : and uphold me with thy free Spirit.

c Luke xi. 4. And forgive us our ,{ins ; for we alfo forgive every one that is indebted to us.-— Mat. vi. 14 For if ye forgive men their tref- palTes, your heavenly Father will aifo forgive you, v. 15. But if ye forgive not men their trefpaffes, nei- ther will your Father forgive your trefpafles. Mat. xviii. 35. So like- wife fhall my heavenly Father do aifo unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trefpafles.

195. d Mat. vi. 13.

e 2 Chron. xxxii. 31. Howbeit, in the;bu(inefs of the ambafladors of

the princes of Babylon, who feot unto him to enquire of the wonder that was done in the land, God \ei\ him to try him, that he might knov/ aJl that was in has heart.

y I Chron. xxi. i. And Satan flood up againft Ifrael, and provok- ed David to number Ifrael.

g Luke xxi. 34. And take heed ta yourfelves, left at any time vo'.;r hearts be overcharged with furfeit- ing and drunkennefs, and cares of this life, and fo that day come upon you unawares. Mark iv. 19. And the cares of this world, and the deceit- fulnefs of riches, and the lulls of o- ther things, entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.

S Jam i. 14. But every man Is tempted, when he is drawn away of his ov/n luds and enticed.

/' Gal. V. 1 7. For the ilefli luiletU againft the fpirit, and the fpirit a- gainft the fle(h : and thefe are coq-r trary the one to the other : fo that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

k Mat. xxvi. 41. Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation : the fpirit indeed is willing, but tl»a flefh is weak,

A a 3 / \UU

^jA The Larger Catechifm.

felves unto temptations /, but alfo of ourfelves unable and nn- willing to refill them, to recover out of them, and to im- prove themw, and worthy to be left under the power of


/ Mat, xxvi. 69. Now Peter fat •without in the palace, and a damfel came unto him, faying, Thou alio wall with Jefus of Galilee, v. 70, But he denied before them all, fay- ing, I know not what thou fayeft. \. 71. and when he was gone out into the porch, another maid faw }iim,,and faid unto them that were there, This fellow was alfo with Js- fus of Mazareth v. 72. and again he denied with an oath, I do not know the man. Gal. ii. 11 But whcB Peter was come to Antioch, I withitood him to the face, becaufe he was to be blamed, v. 12. For before that certain came from James, he did eat with the Gentiles; but when they were come, he withdrew, and feparated himfelf, fearing them who were of the circumcifion. v. 35. and the other Jews diflembled likewife with him, infomuch that Barnabas alfo was carried away with their diflimulation. v. 14 But when 1 faw that they walked not upright- ly, according to the truth of the gofpel, 1 faid unto Peter, 2 Chron. xviii. 5. And Ahab king of Ifi^el fnid umo Jehofhaphat king of Ju- dah, Will thou go with me to Ra- moth giiead ? and he anfwered, him, I am as thou art, and my peo- ple as thy people, and we will be with thee in the war. Compared with 2 Ch.ron. xix. 2. and Jehu the ion of Hanani. the fecr, went out to meet him, and faid to king Jehoflia- p'lat, Shouldfi thou help the ungod- ly and lore them that hate the J.ord ? therefore is wrath upon thee Irom before the Lord.

.*/? Ro.T). vii. 23. But I fee another

hw in ray members warring againft the law of my mind, and bringing mc into captivity to the law of fin, which is in my members, v, 24. O wretched man that 1 am, who ihall deliver me from the body of this death! i Chron. xxi. i. and Satan ftood up againft Ifrael, and provok- ed David to number Ifrael. v. 2. and Pavid faid to Joab, and to the rulers of the people. Go, Dumber ifrael, from Beerfiieba even to Dan, and bring the number of them to me, that I may know jt. v. 3. an4 Joab anfwered. The Lord make his people an hundred times fo miny more a$ they be ; but, my lord the king, are they not all my lord'* fer- vants ? why theq doth niy lord re- quire this thing ? why will he be a caufe of trefpafs to Ifrael! v. 4. Neverthelefs, the king*s word pre- vailed againft Joab: wherefore Joab departed, 2 Chron. xvi. 7. and at that time Hanani, the feer, came to Afa king of Judah, and faid i^^td him, Becaufe thou haft relied on the king of Syria, and not relied on the Lord thy God, therefore is the hoft of the king of Syria cfcaped out of thine hand. v. 8. Were not the E- thiopians and Lubims a huge hoftj with very many chariots and horfe- men ? yet, becaufe thou didfl rely on the Lord, he delivered them in- to thine hand. v. 9. For the eyes of the Lord rim to and fro through- cut the whole earth, to (hew himfelf ftrong in the behalf of them, whofe heart is perfect towards him. Herein thou had done foolifhly; therefore from henceforth thou (halt have wars. y. 10. Then Afa was wroth


The Larger Catechtfm. 375

xh^mn, wc pray, That God would fo over-rule the world and all in it^, fubdue the flefh/>, and reflrain Satan 5^, order all things r, beflow and blefs all means of gracey^ and quicken us to watchfulnefs in the ufe of them ; that we and all his people may by his providence be kept from being tempted to fm ^; or, if tempted, that by his Spirit we may be powerfully fupported and enabled to (land in the hour of temptation -y: or,


with the fesr, and put him into a prifon-houfe : for he was in a rage with him, hecaufe of this thing : and Afa opprefled fome of the peo- ple the fame time.

n Pfal. Ixxxi. 1 1. But my people would not hearken to my voice, and Ifrael would none of me. v. 12. So I gave them up to their own hearts lu(l : and they walked in their own counfcls.

0 John xvii. 15, I pray not that thou fhouldft take them out of the world, but that tho\i (houldft keep them from the evil.

p Pfal. li. 10. Create in me a clean heart, O God ; and renew a right ipirit within me. Pfal. cxix. J33. Order my fteps in ihy word : and let not any iniquity have dominion over me.

q 2 Cor. xii. 7. And left I fhould be exalted above meafure, through the abundance of the revelations, there Was given to me a thorn in the flefh, the mefTenger of Satan to btaffet me, left I fhould be exalted above meafure. v. 8. For this thing I befought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me.

r I Cor. X. !2. Wherefore let him that tljlnketh he ftandeth, take heed left he fall. v. 13. There hath no temptation taken you, but fuch as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will nor fnfFer you to be tempted above that ye are JtbJe; but will with the temptation

alfo make a way to efcape, that yc may be able to bear it.

/^Heb. xiii. 20. Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead our Lord Jefus, that great Shepherd of the fheep, through the blood of the everlafting covenant, V. 21. Make you perfect in every good work, to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleafing in his fight, through Jefus Chrift;

/ Mat. xxvi. 4 1 . Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation, Pfal. xix. 1 3. Keep back thy fervant alfo from prefumptuous (ins, let them not have dominion over me : then (hall I be upright, and I fhall be innocent from the great tranl- greffion.

V Eph. iii. 14. For this caufe ( bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift. v. 15. Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, v. 16. That he would grant you according to the riches of his glory, to be Itrengthened with might, by his Spirit in the inner-man; v 17. That Chrift may dweW in your hearts by faith; —i ThefT. iii. 13. To the end he may eftabiifh our hearts unblameable in holinefs be- fore God even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift with all his faints, Jude v. 24. No'A' unto him that h ablt to keep you from fal'if g, and to preienE you faultiefs betore th<. prtfence of ^ a 4 his

6 , T'be Larger Catechijnu

hen fallen, raifed again and recovered out of it w, and have .: fan£lified ufe and improvement thereof a*; that our fan6li-

nation and falvation may be perfe£i:ed^; Satan trodden

nder our feet z, and we fully freed from fm, temptation, >.ad al! evil for ever a. .

(^[96. What doth the conclufion of the Lord's prayer teach

^.The ronclufion of the Lord's prayer (which is,For Thine ]- the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever,Amcn^) ".eacheth us to enforce our petitions with arguments r, which are to be taken, not from any worthinefs in ourfelves, or in any other creature, but from Go&d: and with our prayers to join


Ills glory with exceeding jo3^

ou Pial. li. I 2. Reitore unto me the joy of thy ialvAtlon : and uphold me with thy free Spirit.

X I Pet. V, 8. Be fober, be vigi- lant '. becaufe your adverfary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh a- bout feeking whom he may devour V. 9. Whom refilt fUdfafl in the faith, knowing that the fame af- fli^iocs aie accompiiflicd in your brethren that are in the world, v, 10. But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Chrift Jefus, after that ye have fuffered a while, make you perfe<fl, ilablifh, ftrengthen, fettle you,

y 2 Cor, xiii. 7. Now I pi ay to God that ye do no evil ; not that ye Ihould appear approved, but that ye fhould do that which is honeft, though we be as reprobrates. v. 9. For we are glad when we are v/eak, and ye are llrong: this alio wc wifti, even your ptrfcciion.

2 Rom xvi 20 And the God of peace Hiall bruilc Satan under your feet fhortly. Zech. iii. 2. And the Lord faid unto Satan, The Lord fcbuke thee, O Satan, even the 'Lord that hath choien ferufalem.

pluckt out of the fire: Luke xxii. 31. And the Lord faid, Simon, Simon, behold, Satin hath defJrcd to have you, that he may fift you as wheat : v. 52. But I have prayed for thee, that thy.lajth fail not; and when thou ari converted, (trengthen thy brethren.

a John xvii, if. I pray not that thou Ihouldft take them out of the world, but that thou fhouldft keep them from the evil, i Theff. v. 23 . And the very God of peace fan(5iify you wholly : and I pray God your whole fpirit, and ioul and body be preferved hlamelefs unto the coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift.

169. b Mat vi. 13.

c Rom. XV. 20 Now I befeech you, brethren, for the Lord Jefus Chrift's fake, and for the love of the Spirit, that you drive together with me in your prayers to God for me.

d Dan. ix. 4. And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confeflion, and faid, O Lord, the great and drtadful God, keeping the covenant, and mercy to them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments, v 7. O Lord, richteoufncfs belongeth unto

rebuke thee : is noi .1 brand thee, but unto us ccnfunou of faces,


The Larger Caiechifm* 377

praife^, afcribing to ( rod alone eternal foverelgnty, omnipo- tency,and glorious excellency/; in regard whereof, as he is able and willing tolielp us^^ fo we by faith are emboldened to plead with him that he would/?, and quietly to rely upon him that he •will fulfil our requefts /. And, to teflify our defire and affur-

as at this day: v 8. O Lord, to us belongeth confufion of lace, to our kings, to our princes, and' to our fathers, becaufe we have finned againft thee, y 9. To the Lord our God belong mercies and for- givenefles, though we have rebelled againft hina v. 16. O Lord, ac- cording to all thy righteoufnefs, I befeech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerufalem, v. 17. Now there- fore, O our God, hear the prayer of thy fervant, and his fupplicati- ons, and caufe thy face to fhine u- pon the fanduary that is defolate, for the Lord's fake. v. 18 O my God, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes and behold our cie- folations, and the city, which is called by thy name : for we do not prefent our fupplications before thee iox our righteoufneffes, but for thy great mercies, v. 19. O Lord, hear O Lord, forgive, O Lord, hearken and do, defer not, for thine own fake, O my God : for thy city and thy people arc called by thy name. ' e Phil. iv. 6. Be careful for no- thing: but in every thing by pray- er and fupplication with thankfgiv- ing, let your requefts be made known unto God, &c.

f\ Chron. xxix. 10. Wherefore David bleffed the Lord before all the congregation : and David faid, Blcff^d be thou, Lord God of Ifrael our Father, for ever and ever. v. 1 1 . Thine, O Lord, is the greatnefs, and the power, and the glory, and the vidory, and the majefty : for all that :s in the heaven; i'.r!rl in


the earth is, thine ; thine is the king- dom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. v. 12. Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignefl over all, and in thine hand is power and might, and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give flrength unto all. v. 13. Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praife thy glorious name. .^ .

g Eph. iii 20. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abun- dantly, above all that wc alk or think, according to the power that worketh in us. v. 21. Unto him be glory in the church by Chrift Jefus, throughout all ages, world without end Amen. Luke xi. 13. If ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children : how much more fhall your heavenly Fa- ther give the holy Spirit to them that afk him ?

h 2 Chron xx. 6. And (Jehofha- phat) faid, O Lord God of our fa- thers, art not thou God in heaven .' and rulefl not thou over all the kingdoms of the heathen ? and in thine hand is there not power and might, fo that none is able to with- ftandthee? v. 11. Behold, I fay, how they reward us, to come to cart us out of thy pofreflion, which thou hail given us to inherit.

/■ 2 Chron.xiv. II. And Afa cried unto the Lord his God, and faid. Lord, it is nothing with thee to help, whether with many, or with them that have no power: help us, O Lord our God ; for we reft on


^78 The Larger Catechifnt,

ancc> wc fay, Amen L "

thee, and in thy name we go againft this multitude : O Lord, thou art our God, let not maq prevail agaicil thee.

k I Cor. xiv. 16. Elfe when thou (halt blefs with the fpirit, how (hall he that occupieth the room of the urdearned, fay Amen at thy giving

of thanks, feeing he underftandeth not whatthon fayeft ? Rev.xxii. 20. He which teftifieth thefe things, faith. Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even fo, come, Lord Jefus. v. 21. The grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift be with you aU. Amen.




Agreed upon by the

Aflembly of Divines



With the Affiftance of



Church of Scotland,


A part of the Corenanted Uniformity in Religion betwixt the Churches of Chrtjl in the Kingdoms of Scotland, England^ and Ireland,


Approved Anno 1648, by the General AJfetnlly of the Church of Scot- land, to be a Directory for Catechifing fuch as are of weaker Ca- pacity,

With the Proofs from the Scripture.

Printed in the Year M,DCC,LXX.

Affembly at Edinburgh, July 28, 164S, SeiT ip.

Aa approving the Shorter Catechism.

3^/f£ General Affembly having feriou/ly conftderedtheShoxitt Catechifm agreed upon by the AJfembly of Divines fttthig at Weltminfler, with AJfiftance of Commijjioners from this Kirk ; do find, upon due examination thereof that the f aid Catechifm IS agreeable tothe Word of God, and in nothing contrary to the received Doarine, Worfhip, Difcipline and Government of this Ktrk ; And therefore approve the f aid Shovttv Catechifm, as a Fart of the intended Uniformity, to be a Direcioryfor Catechifm tngfuch as are of weaker Capacity,



38* THE


Agreed upon by the AJfemhly of Divines at Weflminfter: Examined and Approved anno 1 648, by the General Af- femhly of the CHURCH of SCOTLAND &c.

Queftion f . Jf^HAT is the chief end of man ?

Anfwer. Man's chief end is, to glorify God ay and to enjoy Him for ever b,

(^2. What rule hath God given to dire6t us how we may glorify and enpy Him I

A. The word of God, which is contained in the fcriptures of the Old and New Teflaments c, is the only rule to direct us how we may glorify and enjoy Him d,

Q. 3 . What do the fcriptures -principally teQ,ch ?

A, The fcriptures principally teach what man is to believe concerning God, and what duty God requires of man e,

I. « I Cor. X. 31. whether there- all thy works,

fore ye eat or drink, or whatfoever 2, c 2 Tim. iii. 16. All fcripture

ye do, do all to the glory of God. is given by infpiration of God, and is

Rom. xi. 36. \'0T of him, and thro' profitable for doctrine, for reproof,

him, and to him are all things : to for corredion,forinftru<^ionin righ-

whom be glory for ever. Amen. teoufnefs. Eph. ii. 20. And are built

^Pfai.lxxiii.2j. Whom have I in upon the foundation of the apoftles

heaven but thee ? and there is none and prophets, Jefus Chrift himfelf

upon earth that I defire befides thee, being the chief corner-done.

V. 26. My lie/hand ray heart faileth: d i John .3. That which we have

but God is the ftrength of my heart feen and heard, declare we unto yoa,

and my portion for ever. v. 27. that ye alfo may have fellowfliip

For lo, they that are far from thee witJi us : and truly our fellowfliip is

fliall ptrilh : thou haft deftroyed all with the Father, and with his Son

them that go a whoring from thee. Jefus Chrift. v. 4. And thefe things

V. 28/ But it is good forme to draw write we unto you, that your joy

noar ^o God: I have put my truft may be fall.

in the Lord God, that I mav declare 3. e 2 Tim. i. 13. Hold faft the

38i The Shorter Catechifnt,

(^4. What is God f

A. God is a fpirit/, infinite ^, eternal ^, and unchangeable /, in his being ky wifdom /, power /«, holinefs «, juftice, goodnefs and truth 0,

Q^ 5: ^r^ there more gods than one?

A. There is but one only, the living and true God p.

Q^ 6, How many ferfons are there in the Godhead?

There are three perfons in the Godhead ; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghoft ; and thefe three are one God, the fame in fubflance, equal in power and glory jo

Q^y. What are the decrees of God?

A. I he decrees of God are, his eternal purpofe according


form of found words, which thou haft heard ef me, in faith and love which is in Chrift Jefus. 2 Tim. iii. 16. (See in letter c.)

4. / Johniv. 24. God is a fpirit, and they that worfhip him, muft worfhip him in fpirit and in truth.

g Job xi. 7. Canft thou bv fearch- ing find out God ? canft thou find out the Almighty unto perfedion ? V. 8. It is as high as heaven, what canft thou do ? deeper than hell, what canft thou Icbow ? v. 9. The meafure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the fea.

h Pfal. xc. 2. Before the moun- tains were brought forth, or ever thou hadft formed the earth and the world : even from everlafting to e- verlafting thou art God.

/ James i. 17. Every good gift and cvary perfccH: gift is from above, and Cometh dov/n from the Father of lights, with whom is no variabla- nefs, neither fhadow of turning.

i Exod.iii. 14. And God faid unto Mofes, I AM THAT I AM ; and he faid, Thus (halt thou fay unto the children of Ifrael, I AM hath fent me unto you.

/Pfal.cxivii. 5. Great is our Lord; and of great power : his underftand- ing is infinite.

^^Rev. iv. 8. And the four beafts

had eslch of them fix wings about him, and they were full of eyes within : and they reft not day and night, faying, Holy, holy, holy. Lord God Almighty, which wa6 and is, and is to come.

n Rev XV. 4. Who Ihall not feat thee, OLordj and glorify thy name.^ for thou only art holy ; for all nati- ons ftiall come and worfhip before thee ; for thy judgments are made roanifeil.

0 Exod. xxxiv. 6. And the Lord pafTed by before him, and proclaim* ed. The Lord, the Lord God, mer- ciful and gracious, long fuffering, and abundant in goodnefs and truth, v. 7. Keeping raercy for thoulands, forgiving iniquity and tranfgreflion, and fin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; vifiting the ini*- quity of the father upon the chil- dren, and upon the childrens chil- dren, unto the third anii to the fourth generation.

5. p 4. Hear, O Ifrael, the Lord our God is one Lord. Jer. X. 10. But the Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an ever- lafting King; at his wrath the earth ftiall tremble, and the nations fhali not be able to abide his indignation.

6. f I John v. 7. for there nre


The Shorter Catechtfm. 383

to the ccunfel of his will, whereby, for his own glory, he hath fore-ordained whatfoever comes to pafs r.

Q^ 8. Hov/ doth God execute his decrees f

A. God executeth his decrees in the works of creation and providence.

(^ 9. What is the work of creation f

A, The work of creation is, God's making all things of no- thing, by the word of his power, in the fpace of fix days, and all very good /

(y 1 o. How did God create man ?

A God created man male and female, after his own image, in knowledge, righteoufnefs, and holinefs, with dominion o- ver the creatures /.

Q. 1 1 . What are God's works of providence ^

A. God's works of providence are, his moft holyy, wife w,


three that bear record In heaven> the Father, the Word, and the ho- ly Ghoft: and thefe three are one. Mat. xxTiii. 19. Go yc therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft.

7. r Eph. i. 4. According as he hath chofen us in hira, before the foundation of the world, that we (hould be holy, and without blame before him in love. v. 11. In whom aifo we have obtained an inheritance, being predefHnate according to the parpofe of him who worketh all things after the counfel of his own will. Rom. ix. 22. What if God willing to (hevv his wrath, and to make his power known, endured with much long-fuffering the veflels of wrath fitted to defirudion; v. 23. And that he might make known the riches of his glory on the vefTcls of mercy, which he had afore prepar- ed unto glory.

9. /Gen. i. throughout. Heb xi.. 3. Through faith we underftand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God, fo that things which arc fcen were not made of things

which do appear.

10. / Gen. i. 26. And God faid* Let us make man in our own image, after our likcnefs : and let them have dominion over the fifli of the fea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creep- eth upon the earth, v. 27. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him : male and female created he them. v. 28. And God blelTed them, atid God faid unto them, Be fruitful, and multi- ply and replenifh the earth, and fub- due it : and have dominion over the filh of the fca, and over the fowl of the air, and ovei every living thing that moveth upon the earth. Col. iii. 10. and have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge, after the image of hira that created him. Eph.iv.::4. and that ye put on the new roan, which after God is created in righteoufnels, and true holinefs.

II. t^ Ffal. cxlv. 17. The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and ho- ly in all his works.

nv Pfal. civ. 24. O Lord, how ma- riloM

384 The Shorter Catechifm.

and powerful preferving a^ and governing all his crcatureS/

and all their anions j. -

Q. 1 2. What fpecial aSl of providence did God exercife to- ward man in the ejlate wherein he was created ? .

A, When God had created man, he entered into a covenant of life with him, upon condition of perfect obedience: forbid- ding.him to eat of ;he tree of the knowledge of good and evil, upon pain of death z,

Q. I j. Did our Jirjl parents continue in the ejlate wherein they were created ^.

A, Oar lirll parents* being left to the freedom of their own will, fell from the eltace wherein they were created, by fmning againft God a. ^Q^ 14. What is fin^

A, Sin is any want of conformity unto, or tranfgreflion of, the law of God b.

nlfold are thy works ! in wifdom haft thou made tkem all : the earth is full of thy riches. Ifa. xxviii. 29. This alfo cometh forth from the Lord of hods, who is wonderful in counfel, and excellent in working.

xHeb.i 3..Whobeingihebright- nefs of his glory, and the exprefs i- mage of his perfon, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himfclf purged our fins, fat down on the riglu hand of the majerty on high.

V Pfal. ciii. 19. The Lord hath prepared his throne in the heavens, and his kingdom ruleth over all. Mat. X. 29. Are not two fparrows fold for a farthing ? and one of them (hall not fall on the ground without your Father, v. 30. But the veiy hairs of your head are all numbered. V. ;^i. Fear ye not tl-erefore, ye are of more value than many iparrows.

12. 2 Gal. iii. 12. And the law is not of faith : but, the man that doth them, Ihall live in them. Gen ii, 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and- evil, thou flialt not eat of

it : for in the day that thou eaccft thereof, thou ihalt furely die.

i;. ^ Gen. iii. 6. And when the woman faw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleafant to the eyes, and a tree to be defired to make one wife ; (he took of the fruit thereof and did eat, and gave alfo to her huiband with her, and he did eat. V. 7. And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they fewed fig leaves together, and made themfelves aprons, v. 8. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the coo| of the day : and Adam and his wife hid themfelves from the prefence of the Lord God, amonglt the trees of the garden, v. 13-. and the Lord God (aid unto the woman, What is thif that thou ha(f done ? and the wo- man faidj The feipent beguiled me, and 1 did eat. Eccl. vii. 29. Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have fought out many inventions.

14. ^ X John iii. 4. Whofoever com*

ne Shorter Catechlfnu 385

Q. 15. tvhat was the fin whereby our fir ft parents fell from

the ejlate wherein they were created f

A The fm whereby our firll parents fell from the eftate

wherein they were created, was their eating the forbidden

fruit c.

O. 16. Did aU mankind f^ll in Ada77i^s firf} tranfgreffion> A. rhec6venantbcing made with Adapi, not only for him-

felf, but for his pofterity, all mankind defcending from him by

ordinary generation, fmned in him, and fell with him in his

firfl; tranfgrellion d.

(Y 17. IntowJ/at ejlate did the fall bring mankind^, A^The fall brought mankind unto an eftate of fmandmifery^. (y 18. PVherein conftjls theftnfulnefs of that ejlate whereinto


A. The fmfulnefs of that eflate, whereinto man fell, confifts in the guilt of Adam's firft fm, the want of orii^inal righteouf- nefs, and the corruption of his whole nature, which is common- ly called original fm ; together with all a£lual tranfgrefTions which proceed from it/ ^

Q 1 0. What is the mifery of that ejlate whereinto man felli ^ A, All

comltteth fin, tranfgvefTeth alfo the law ; for fin Is the tranfgreflion of the law

1 5. c Gen. iii. 6 (See in letter a!) V. 12. The woman whom thou gav- cft to be with me, (he gave me of the tree, and I did cat.

16. d Gen. ii. 16. And the Lord God commanded the man, flying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayeft freely cat. V 17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou (halt not eat of it : for in the day that thou eateft thereof,thou fhalt furely die. Rom. v. 12. Wkere- fore, as by one man ^xti entered into the world, and death by fin ; and {0 death pafTed upon all men, for that all have finned, i Cor.xv. 21. For fince by man came death, by man came alio the rel'urre^ion ofthe dead, V. 22. For as in Adam all die, fo in Chrift Ihall all be made aliv«.

17. e Rom.v. t2. Wherefore, as by one man fin entred into the world, and death by fin; and \q death paf- fed upon all men, for that all have finned.

I 8. /Rom.v. 12. Wherefore, as by one man fin entred into the world, and death by fin ; and fo death paf- fed upon all men for that all have finned v. 19 For as by one man's difobedience many were made fin- ners: fo by the obedience of one, (hall many be made righteous. Rora. v. rom ver. 10. to the 20. Eph. ii* I And you hath he quickened who were dead in trefpaifes and fins v. 2. Wherein in times pafl ye walked according to the courfe of this world, according to the prince of the pow- er of the air, the fpirit that now worketh in the children of difobedi- ence: V. 3. /^mong whom aifo we B b all

386^ T'he Shorter Catechifm,

A, All mankind by their fail loft communion with God ^,are under his wrath and curfe h^ and fo made liable to all miferies in this life, to death itfelf, and to the pains of hell for ever 1.

(^20. Did God leave all mankind to ferijh in the eflate of fin and miferyf

A, God having out of his mere good pleafure from all eter- nity elected fome to everlafting life k^ did enter into a co- venant of grace, to deliver them out of the eftate of fm and mi* fery,and to bring them into an eftate of fal vationby a Redeemer/.

(^ 2 f . Who is the Redeemer of God's elect.

ji* The only Redeemer of God's elefl the Lord Jefus


all had our converfation in times pafl, in the lufls of our flefh, fulfilling the defines of the flefii, and of the mind ; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. James i. 14. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own luft, and enticed, v. 1 5 . Then when lud hath conceived, it bringeth forth fin ; and fm when it is finifhed, bringeth forth death. Mat. xv. 19. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, falfe-witnefs, blafphemies.

19. ^Gen. iii. 8. And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day : and Adam and his wife hid them- felves from the prefence of the Lord God amongfl the trees of the gar- den. V. 10. And he faid, I heard thy voice in the garden: and I was afraid becaufe I was naked ; and I hid myfelf. v. 24. So he drove out the man : and he placed at the caft of the garden of Eden, cherubims, and a flaming fword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

h Eph. ii. 2. Wherein in times pad ye walked according to the courfe of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the fpirit that now worketh in the children of

difobediecce : v. 3. Among whom alfo we all had our converfation in times part in the lufts of our flefh, fulfilling the defires of the flefh, and of the mind ; and were by nature the children of wrath even as others. Gal. iii. 10. For as many as are of the works of the law, are under the curfe : for it is written, Curfed is e- very one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.

/■ Lam. iii. 39. Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punifhment of his fins ? % Rom. vi, 2;. For the wages of fin is death : but the gift of God is eternal life, thro* Jefus Chrifl our Lord. Mat. XXV. 41. Then (hall he fay unto them on the left hand ,^ Depart from me, ye curfed, into everlafting fire, prepared for the devil and his an- gels. V. 46. And thefe fiiall go a- way into everlafting puniflimcnt ; but the righteous into life eternal.

20. k Eph. i. 4. According as he hath chofen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we fhould be holy and without blame before him ixi love.

/ Rom. iii. 20. Therefore by the deeds of the law there fhall no flefh be juftified in his fight : for by the law is the knowledge of fin. v. 21.


^he Shorter Catechifnn 3S7

Chrift my ^)vho, being the eternal Son of God, became man n^ and fo was and continued to be God and man in two diftina natures, and one perfon for ever 0,

O 22. How did ChriJ}, being the Son of God, become mani

^rOhriftjthe Son of God,becarae man,by taking tohimfelf a

true body />, and a reafonablc foul q, being conceived by the

power of the holy Ghofl; in the womb ot the virgin Mary,

^ and

But now the righteoufnefs of God without the law is manifefted, be- ing witnefled by the law and the prophets; v. 22. Even the righte- oufnefs of God which is by faith of Jefus Chrift unto all, and upon all them that believe ; for there is no diiference. Gal. iii. 21. Is the law then againft the promifes of God ? God forbid : for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteoufnefs fhould have been by the law. v. 22. But the fcripture hath concluded all under fin, that the promife by faith in Je- fus Chrift might be given to them that believe.

2\. ni iTim. ii. 5. For there is one God, and ene Mediator between God and men, the man Chrift Jefus : V. 6. Who gave himfclf a ranfora for all, to be teftified in due time.

n John i. 14. And the Word was made flefh and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father) full of grace and truth. Gal. iv. 4. Bat when the fulnefs of the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law.

0 Rom. ix. 5. Whofe are the fa- thers, and of whom as concerning the flelh Chrift came, who is overall, God blefled for ever. Amen. Luke i. 35. And the angel anfwered and faid unto her. The holy Ghoft fliall come upon thee, and the power of the Higheft (hall overfliadow thee : therefore alfo ih*t holy thing which

fhall be born of thee, fliall be called the Son of God. Col. ii. 9. For in him dwelieth all the fulnefs of ihe Godhead bodily. Heb. vii. 24. But this man, becaufe he continueth e- ver, hath an unchangeable prieft- hood, V. 25 Wherefore he is abla alfo to fave them to the uttermoft, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liveth to make interccflion for them.

22. p Heb ii 14. Forafmuch thert as the children are partakers of flelh and blood, he alfo himfelf likewife took part of the fame : that through death he might deftroy him that had the power of death, that is, the de- vil : V. 16. For verily he took not orl him the nature of angels ; but he took on him the feed of Abraham. Heb. X. 5. Wherefore when he com- eth into the world, he faith, Sacri* fice and offering thou wouldft not, but a body haft thou prepared me.

q Mat. xxvi. 38. Then faith he unto them my foul is exceeding for- rowful, even unto death; tarry ye here, and watch with me.

r Luke i. 27. Toavirginefpouf«d to a man whofe name was Jofeph, of the houfe of David ; and the virgin's name was Mary. and behold, thou (halt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a Son, and (halt call his name Jefus. v. 35- And the angel anfwered and faid unto her. The holyGhoft (hall come upon thee, and the power of the Higheft (hall over- fhadow thee : therefore alfo that bo- Sb a Jy

383 "The Shorter Catechifm.

yet ^vithout finyi

(^ 2 V . What offices doth Chrijl execute as our Redeemer ? .

A, Chrift, as our Redeemer, executeth the offices of a pro- phet of a pried, and of a king, both in his eftate of humilia- tion and exaltation /.

Q^ ^4. How doth ChriJl execute the office of a prophet f

^. Chriil executeth the office, of a prophet, in revealing


ly thing which fhall be born of thee,

fhall be called the Son of God, v, 42. and fhe fpake out with a loud vpice, and faid, Bleffcd art thou a- mong women, and blefled is the fruit of thy womb. Gal. iv. 4, (See in the preceeding queltion, letter n.)

J Heb. iv. 1 5. For we have not an high prieft which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities: but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without fin. Heb vii. 26. For fuch an high prieft became us, who is holy, harmlefs, undefil- ed, feparate from finners, and made higher than the heavens.

23. / A<5ls iii.2i. Whom the hea- ven mu(l receive until the times of yeftiiution of ail things, which Cod hath fpoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets, fince the world be- gan. V. 22. lor Mofes truly faid unto the fathers, A prophet fliall the Lord your God raiie up unto you, of your brethren, like unto me ; him fhall ye hear in all things, whatfoe- vcr he fliall fay unto you, Heb. xii. 25. See that ye refufe not him that fpeaketh : for if they efcaped not who refufed him that fpake on earth much more (hall not we efcape, if we turn away from him that fpeak- eth from heaven. Compared with 2 Cor. xiii. 3. Since ye feek a proof of Chrift fpeaking in me, which to you ward is not weak, but is migh- ty in you Heb. v 5. So alfo Chrift glorified not himfelf to be Aiade an high prieft ; but he that faid unto

him, Thou art my Son, today have I begotten thee. v. 6. As he (aith alfo in another place, Thou art a prieft for ever after the order of Mel- chizedec v. 7. Who in the days of his flefh, when he had offered up prayers and fupplications, with ftrong crying and tears unto him that was able to fave him from death, and was heard in that he feared, Heb. vii. 25, Wherefore he is able alio to fave them to the uttermoft, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liverh to make interceffion for them. Pfiil. ii. 6. Yet have I fet my king upon my holy hill of Si- on. Ifa. ix. 6. For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government ftialj be upon his ftioulder, and his name ftiall be cal- led Wonderful, Counfellor, The mighty God, the everlaftyig Father, The Prince of peace, v. 7. Of the increafe of his government and peace there /hall be no end, upon the throne of David, arid upon his kingdom, to order it and to eftablilh it with judgment and with juftice from henceforth even for ever : the zeal of the Lordof hofts will perform this Mat. xxi. 5. Tell ye the daughter of Sion, Behold, thy king cometh unto thee, meek, and fitting upon an afs, and a colt the fole of an afs. Pfal. ii. 8. Aflc of me, and 1 (hall give thee the heathen for thme in- heritance, and the uttermoft parts of the earth for thy poftellion. v. 9. Thou (halt break them with a rod


T:'he Shorter Catechifm, 389

to us, by his word and Spirit, the will of God for our falva-

tion v.

(Y 25- How doth Chrift execute the office ofafrieftl A, Chrift executeth the office of a prieft, in his once offer- ing up of himfelf a facrifice to fatisfy divine juftice w, and re- concile us to God A^, and making .continual interceffion for us;'. O. i 6. How doth Chrift execute the office of a king P A. Chrifl executeth the office of a king, in fubduing us to himfelf z, in ruling a, and defending us b, and in reilraining


of iron, ihou (halt dafh them in pie- ces like a potter's veflel. v. 10. Be "wife now therefore, O ye kings : be intruded, ye judges of the earth. ▼.XI. Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling,

24 V John i, 18. No man hath feen God at any time : the only be- gotten Son, which is in the bofom of the Father, he hath declared him. I Pet. i. 10. Of which falvation the prophets have enquired, and fearch- ed diligently, who prophefied of the grace that (hould come unio you ; V II. Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Chrift "which was in them did fignify, when it teftified before hand the fufFerings of Chrift, and tFie glory that fhould follow. V. 12. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themfelves, but unto us they did minifter the things which are now reported un» to you, by them that have preach- ed the gofpel unto yeu, with the holy Ghoft fcnt down from heaven ; which things the angels delire to look into. John xv. 15. Henceforth I call you not fervants ; for the fer- vant knoweth not what his Lord doth : but I have called you friends ; for all things that I have heard of my Father, I have made known un- to you. John XX. 3 i. But thefe are written that ye might believe that Jefus is the Chrift the ,Son of God,

^nd that believing ye might have Jife through his

25. *\i) Heb. ix. 1 4. How much more fhall the blood of Chrift, who through the eternal Spirit, offered himfelf without fpot to God, purge your confcience from dead works to ferve the living God? v 28. So Chrift was once offered to bear the fins of many; and unto them that look for him ftvall he appear the fe- cond time without fin unto falvation.

X Heb. i. 17 Wherefore in all things it behoved him to be made like unto his brethren : that he might be a merciful and faithful high pneft in thingspertainingtoGod, to make re- conciliation for the fins of the people.

y Heb. vii. 24. But this man, be- caufe he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priefthood. v. 25. Wherefore he- is able alfo to fav* them to the uttermoft, that come unto God by him, feeing he ever liveth to make interceflion for them.

26 2 Ads XV. 14. Simon hath declared how God at the firft did vi- fit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for his name. V 15 x'lnd to thisagreethe words of the prophets; as it is written, v. 16. After this I will return, and build again the ta» bernacle of David, which is fallen down : and I will build again the rums thereof, and I will fet it up.

a Ifa. xxxiii. 22. For the Lord is our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king, he will fave us.

h Ifa. xxxii. I. Behold, a King' B b g flull

•?^o The Shorter Catechifm,

and conquering all his and our enemies c,

(X27. Wherein did Cbri/l*s humiliation coft/t/Ii' j^. Chrifl's humiliation confided in his being born, and that in a low condition dy made under the law ^, undergoing the miferies of this life/, the wrath ot God^, and the curfed death of the crofs h ; in being buried /, and continuing under the power ©f death for a time k,

(^28. Wherein conf.flethChri^^s exaltation^ A. Chrifl's exaltation confideth in his rifmg again from the


fhall reign in righteoufnefs, and princes fhall rule in judgment, v, 2. And a man (hall be as an hidirvg- place from the wind, and a covert from the tempeft ; as rivers of wa- ters in a dry place, as the (hadow of a great rock in a weary land.

c I Cor. XV. 25, For hemuft reign till he hath put ail his enemies un- der his feet. Pfal. xc. throughout.

27. flfLukeii. 7. And flie brought forth her firR born Ton, and wrapped him in Twaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, becaufe there wag no room for them in the inn.

e Gal. iv. 4. But when the fulnefs c;f the time was come, God fent forth his Son made of a woman, made under the law.

y'Heb. xii. 2. Looking unto Jefns the author and finifhcr of our faith, -who for the joy that was fet before him, endured the crofs, defpifing the fliame, and is fet down at the right band of the throne of God. v 3 For confider him that endured fuch contradidion of fmners againft him- felf, left ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ifa liii. 2. For he fhall grow up before hira as a ten- der plant, and as a root out of a dry ground : he hath no form nor comelineft ; and when we fhall fee him, there is no beauty that we (houid defire him. v. 3. He is de- fpil'cd and rejected of men, a man of

forrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces front him ; he was defpifed, and we e- fteemed him not.

g Luke xxii. 44. And being in ai) agony, he prayed more earneftly, and his fweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground. Mat. xxvii 46. And abowt the ninth hour Jefus cried with a loud voice, faying, Eli, Eli, lama fa- bachthani ? that is to fay. My God, my God, why haft thou forfaken me?

/} Phil, ii 8. And being found in fafhion as a man, he humbled him- felf, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the crofs.

/ I Cor. XV. 3. For I delivered unto you firft of all, that which I alfo received, how that Chrift died for our fins^ according to the fcrip- tures: v. 4. And that he was bu- ried, and that he rofe again the third day according to the ftriptures.

k A(5ls ii. 24. Whom God hath raifed up, having loofed the pains of death : becaufe it was not pefTible that he Ihould be holdcnof it. v. 25. For David fpeaketh concerning him, I forefaw the Lord always before my face, for he is on my right kand that I fliould not be moved, v. 26. Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad ; moreover al- fo my flefti fliall reft in hope : v. 27. Bedaufe thou wilt not leave my foul

The Shorter Catechtfm. 391

dead on the third day /, m afcending up into heaven ;;?, in fit- ting at the right hand of God the Father «, and in coming to judge the world at the lafl day 0,

Q. 29. How are we made partakers of the redemption pur- chafed by Chrijlf \ ca

A. We are made partakers of the redemption purchaled by Chrift, by the effeaual application of it to us/), by his holy Spirit q.

ago. How doth the Spirit apply to us the redemption pur-

chqhd by Chrijl> , ^ ^^^

A. \ he Spirit applieth to us the redemption purchaled by Chrift, by working faith in us r , and thereby uniting us to Chrift, in our efleaual calling/

Q q I. fVhat is efedual calling ? ^' .K-ttec--

hdl, neither wilt thou fufFer not. v. 12. But as many as received

him, to them gave he power to be- come the fons ot God, even to them that believe on his name.

q Tit. iii. 5. Not by works of righ- teoufnefs, which wc have done, but according to his mercy he faved us by the wafhing of regeneration, and renewing of tlie Holy Ghoft ; v. 6. Which he fhed on us abundantly, through Jefus Chrift our Saviour.

30. r Eph. i. 13. In whom ye al- fo trufted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gofpel of your falvation : in whom alfo after that ye believed, ye were fealed with that holySpiritof promife. v. 14. Which is the earneft of our inheritance, un- til the ledemption of the pui chafed poffeffion, unto the praife of his glo- ry. John vi. 37. AH that the Fa- ther giveth me, fliall come unto me : and him that cometh unto me, I will in no wife caft out. v. 39. And th;S is the Father's will which hath fent me, that of all which he hath given me, Ifhould lofe nothing, but fhould raife it up again at the laftday. Eph. ii. 8. For by grace are ye faved thro' faith ; and that not of your- felves : it is the gift of God. /Eph. i,ii. 17. That Chrifl may B b A ^^^'^

m ,

thine holy One to fee corruption, v.

31. He feeing this before, fpake of

the refurrcftion of Chrift, that bis

foul was not left in hell, neither his

flefh did fee corruption.

28. / I Cor. XV. 4. And that he

was buried, and that he rofe again

the third day, according to the


wMarkxvi. 19, So then, after the

Lord had fpoken to them, he was received up into heaven, and fat on the right-hand of God.

n Eph. i. 20. Which he wrought in Chrift, when he raifed him from the dead, and fet him at his own right-hand in the heavenly places.

0 Ads i. 1 1 . Which alfo faid. Ye men ot Galilee, why ftand ye gaz- ing up into heaven ? this fame Je- fus which is taken up from yoa in- to heaven, fliall fo come in like man- ner as ye have feen him go into hea- ven. Ads xvii. 31. BecAufe he hath appointed a day in the which he will judge the world in rightcouf- nefs, by that man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given afTurance unto all men, in that he hath raifed him from the dead.

29. p Jol^n i. II. He came unto his own. and his own received him

392 The Shorter Catechifm.

A Effetoal calling is the work of God's Spirit /, wherebf, convincing us of our fin and mifery -y, inlightning our minds in the knowledge of Chrifl Wy and renewing our wills a:, he doth perfuade and enable us to embrace Jefus Chrifl, freely offered to us in the gofpel y.

(^32 JVhat benefits do they that are effectually called par- take of In this life ^

A. They that are effeclually called do in this hfe partake of juflificationz, adoption^,fandification,and the feveral benefits which in this life do either -accompany or flow from them h,

Q^^l JVhat is jujlification ?

j4. Juftification is an aft of God's free grace, wherein he


<3weU in your hearts by faith; that ye being rooted and grounded in love. I Cor. i. 9. God is faithful, by whom ye were called unto tbe fellowfliip of his Son Jefus Chrift ©ur Lord.

31. / 2 Tim. i. 9. Who hath fa- ved us and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpofe and grace which was given us in Chrift Jefus, before the world be- gan 2 Thcff ii. 13. But we arc bound to give thanks alway to God i'or you, brethren, beloved of the Lord, becaufe God hathfrom the beginning chofen you to falvation, through fan(5lification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth: v. 14. Whereunto he called you by our j^ofpel, to the obtaining of the glo- ry of oiir Lord Jefus Chrift.

V Adls ii. 37 Now when they beard this, they were pricked in their hearts, and faid unto Peter, and to the reft of the apoftles. Men and brethren, what ftiall we do ?

•tu A^s xjivi. 18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from dark- ncfa to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may re- ceive forgivenefs of fins, and inhe- rit.^ofe amon^ ihem which are fanp-

tified by faith that is in me.

X Ezek. xxxvi. 26. A new heart alfo will 1 give you, and a new fpi- rit will I put within you, and I will take away the ftony heart out of your flefh, and I will give yo« an heart of flefh v. 27. And I will put my Spirit within you, and caufe you to walk in my ftatutes, and ye fhall keep my judgments, and do them.

y John vi. 44. No man can come to me, except the Father which hath fent me, draw him : and 1 will raife him up at the laft day. ?. 45, It is written in the prophets, And they fhall be all taught of God, Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. Phil. ii. 13 For it is God which worketh in you, both to will and to do of his good pleafure.

32. z Rom. viii. 30 Moreover, whom he did prcdeftinate, them he alfo called : and whom he called, them he alfo juftified: and whom he juftified, them he alfo glorified.

a Eph. i. 5. Having predcftinated us unto the adoption of children by Jefus Chrift to himfelf, according to the good pleafure of his will.

b I Cor. i. 26. For ye fee your calling, brethren, 'how that not ma-

The Shorter Catech'ifm. 393

pardoneth all our fins Cy and accepteth us as righteous in his fight d, only for the righteoufnefs of Chriil imputed to us^, and received by faith alone/.

Q 24. fVhat is adoption^

^ Adoption is an aft of God's free grace ^, whereby wc arc received into the number, and have a right to all the privileges, of the fons of God L

O. 7 r. ^hat is fandification ?

^-'•' J, Sanc-

ny wife men after the flefh, not ma- ny mighty, not many noble are cal- led. V. 30. But of him are ye in Chrift Jcfus, who of God is made unto us wifdora, and righteoufnefs, and fanftification, and redemption.

33cRora. iii. 24. Being jaftified freely by his grace, through the re- demption that is in Jefus Chriil ; v. 25. Whom God hath fet forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteoufnefs for the remiflion of lins that arepaft, through the forbearance of God. Rom iv 6. Even as David alfo de- fcrlbeth the bleflednefs of the man unto whom God imputeth righte- oufnefs without works. V. 7. Saying, Bleffed are they whofe iniquities are forgiven, and whofe fins are cover- ed. V. 8. Bleffed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute fin.

</ 2 Cor V. 19. To wit, that God was in Chritt, reconciling the world unto himfelf, not imputing their trefpaffes unto them; and hath com- mitted unto us the word of reconci- liation. V. 21. For he hath made him to be fin for us, who knew no fin : that we might be made the righteoufnefs of God in him.

^Rom V 17. For if by one man's offence, death reigned by one ; much more they which receive abundance of grace , and of the gift of righte- oufnefs, fhall reign in life by one, Jcfus ChrilK V. 18. Therefore a^

by the offence of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnati- on : even fo by the righteoufnels of one, the free gift came upon all men unto juftification of life. v. 19. For as by one man's difobedience, many were made finners : fo by the obe- dience of one, (ha,ll many be made righteous.

/ Gal il. 16 Knowing that a man is not juftified by the works of the law, but by the faith of jefus Chrift, even wc have believed in Jefus Chrift ; that we might be jufiified by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the law : for by tlie works of the law fhall no flefh be juftified. Phil.iii.9. Andbe found in him, not having mine own righteoufnefs, which is of the law, but that which is thro' the faith of Chrift, the righ- teoufnefs which is of God by faith. 34 g I Jo*^" i"- '• Behold, what manner of love the Father hath be- ftowed upon us, that we fliould be called the fons of God : therefsre the world knoweth us not, becaufa it knew him not.

h John i. 12. But as many as re- ceived him, to them gave he power to became the fons of God, even to them that believe oa his name. Rom. viii 17. And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heir? with Chrift : if fo be we fuffer with him, that we may be alfo glorified together.

35. /2

394 ^'^^ Shorter Caiechifnu

A, Sanflification is the work of God's free grace/, where- by we are renewed in the whole man after the image of God ky and are enabled more and more to die unto fin, and live unto rightcoufnefs/.

Q^ ^6. What are the benefits which in this life do acconi' fany or flow from jufli fie ation^ adoption^ and fanhificationl

A, The benefits which in this Hfe do accompany or flow from juftification, adoption, and fandlification, are, afiTurance of God*s love, peace of confcience m^ joy in the holy Ghofl w, increafe of grace o, and perfeverance therein to the end^.

Ql^7- What benefits do believers receive from Chriji at death ?

^.The fouls of believers are at their death made perfed in holinefs^', and do immediately pafs into glory r; and their bo- dies

35. / aThefT. ii. 15. God hath from the beginning cbofen you to falvation, through fandification of the Spirit, and belief of the truth.

k Eph. iv. 23. And be renewed in the fpirit of your mind ; v. 24. And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in rightcouf- nefs, and true holinffs.

/ Rom. vi. 4. Therefore we are buried with him by baptifm unto death : that like as Chrift was raifed up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo we alio fhould walk in ncwnefs of life. v. 6. Know- ing this, that our old man is cruci- fied with him, that the body of fin might be deltroyed, that henceforth we (hould not ferve fin.

g6./«Rom. v. i. Therefore be- ing juflified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jefus Chrift: v. 2. By whom alfo we have accefs by faith into his grace wherein we fland, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. v. 3 . And fcope maketh not afhamed, becaufc the love of God is fhed abroad in cur hearts, by the holy Ghoft which is riven unto us.

ff Rom. xiv. r7. For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but rightcoufnefs and peace, and joy ia the holy Ghoft.

0 Prov iv. 18. But the path of the juft is as the fhining light, that fhin- eth more and more unto the perfe<fl day.

p I John V. 1 3 . Thefe things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God ; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God. i Pet. i. 4. Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto falvation, ready to be revealed in the laft time.

O)']- q fieb. xii. 23- To the gene- ral aflembly and church of the firft- born which are written in heaven, and to God the judge of all, and to the fpiriis of juft men made perfeft.

r 2 Cor. v. I. For we know, that if our earthly houfe of this taberna- cle were diftblved, we have a build- ing of God, an houfe not made with hands, eternal in the heavens, v, 6. Therefore we are always confident, knowing that whilft we are at home in the bccly, we are abfcnt from the


TJje Shorter Catechlfm, 395

dies, being ftill united to Chri{ly;.do reft in their gravest

till the refarreifaon x;. - r ni -a .

Q. 38. What benefits do believers receive from Lbnjt at

the refurreaiGn^.

J. At the refurreaion, believers, being raiied up in glo- ry J, Ihall be openly acknowledged and acquitted in the day^ of judgment A% and made perfedly bleffed in full enjoying of God y to all eternity z. . , ^ 3

(y 29. What is the duty which God requireth of mani J^. I he duty which God requireth of man, is obedience to

his revealed will a, r i 1 r

Q. 40. What did God at fir ft reveal to man for the rule of

his obedience ?

Lord: V. 8. We are confident, I fay, and willing rather to be abfent from the body, and to be prelent with the Lord. Phil i. 25. For I am in a ftrait betwixt two, having a dcfire to depart, and to be with Chrift ; which is far better. Luke xxiii. 43. And Jefus faid unto him. Verily I fay unto thee, To-day fhalt thou be with me in paradife.

/ I Thef iv. 14. For if we believe that Jefus died, and rofe again ; e- ven fo them alfo which fleep in Je- fas will God bring with him.

/ Ifa. Ivii. 2. He fliall enter into peace : they fhall reft in their beds, each one walking in his uprightnefs. V Job xix. 26. And though after my (kin, worms deftroy this body, yet in my flefh fliall 1 fee God : v. 27. Whom I iliall fee for myfelf, and mine eyes (hall behold, and not another : though my reins be con- fumed within rae.

38. iu I Cor. XV. 43. It is fown in difhonour, it is raifed in glory : it is fown in v/eaknefs, it is raifed in power.

X Mat. XXV. 23. His lord faid un- to him. Well done, good and faith- ful fervant; thou haft been faithful pver a few things, 1 will make thee

A. The

ruler over many things : enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Mat. x. 32. Whofoever therefore (hall confefs me before m^n, him will I confefs alio before my Father which is in heaven.

y i John iii. 2. Beloved, now are we the fons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we fhall be : but we know, that when he (hall appear, we fhall be like him : for we {ball fee him as he is. i Cor. xiii. 12 For now we fee through a glafs, darkly : but then face to face : now I know in part ; but then (hall I know evea as alfo I am known,

z I ThefT. iv. 17. Then we who are alive and remain, fliall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air : and fo (liall we ever be with the Lord. v. 18, Wherefore comfort one another with thefe words.

39. a Micah vi. 8. He hath fliew- ed thee, O man, what is good ; and what doth the Lord require ef thee, but to do juftly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God ? 1 Sam. XV. 22. And Samuel faid. Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt-offerings and facrifices, as ia obeying the voice of the Lord ? Ke-


39^ "^^^ Shorter Catechifm.

J. The rule which God at firft revealed to man, for his obedience, was the moral law b.

0^4 T. fV herein is the moral law fummarily comprehended f

^. The moral law is fummarily comprehended in the ten commandments c,

Q^ ^2. ff^tat is the fum of the ten commandments ?

^. The fum of the ten commandments is, To love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our foul, with all our ftrength, and with all our mind ; and our neighbour as our- feives d.

(^4g. What is the preface to the ten commandments^

A The preface to the ten commandments is in thefe words, J am the Lord thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the houfe of bondage e.

0^44. fVhg^t doth the preface to the ten commandments teach tis ?

A, The preface to the ten commandments teacheth us. That becaufe God is the Lord, and our God, and Redeemer; therefore we are bound to keep all his commandments/.

J. 45, fVhich is the fir Jl commandment^,

A. The

hold, to obey is better than facri- fice ; and to hearken, than the fat of rams.

^ 40 b Rom. ii 14. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the Jaw, thefe having not the law, are a law unto themf;lves : v. 15. Which (lie w the work of the law written in their hearts, their confci- ence alfo bearing witnefs, and their thoughts the mean while accufing, or elfe excufing one another, Rom. X. 5. For Mofes defcribeth the righ- teoufnefs which is of the law, that the man which doth thofe things, ftiall live by them.

4i.fDeut X. 4. And he wrote on the tables, according to the firft writing, the ten commandments, "which the Lord fpake unto you in the mount, out of the midft of the fire, in the day of the afUmbly : and

the Lord gave them unto me.

42, d Mat. xxii. 37. Jefus faid unto him, Thou (halt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy foul, and with all thy mind. V. 38. This is the firff and great commandment, v, 39 And the fe-r cond is like unto it. Thou (halt Jove thy neighbour as thyfelf. v. 40. On thefe two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

43. e Exod. XX. 2.

44 / Luke i. 74. That he would grant unto us, that we being deli- vered out of the hands of our ene- mies, might ferve him without fear, V. 75 In holinefs and righteoufnefs before him, all the days of our life. I Pet. i. 15. But as he which hath called you is holy, fo be ye holy in all manner of eonverfation ; v. ]6. Becaufe it is v/ritten, Be ye holy, for I am hfc)iy. v. 17. And if ye call on


The Shorter Catechifm. 397

A. The firft commandment is, Hiou fhalt have no other gods before Me^.

(^ 46. What is required in the fir ft commandment ?

^. l*he firfl commandment requireth us to know, and ac- knowledge God to be the only true God, and our God/^j and to worfhip and glorify him accordingly /.

0^47. What is forbiddden in the firft commandment I

A, fhe firft commandment forbiddeth the denying i, or not worlliipping and glorifying the true God, as God /, and our God;/2; and the giving that worlhip and glory to any other, which is due to him alone n.

Q^ 48. What are weffecially taught by thefe words (Before Me) in the firft commandment P

A. Thefe

the Father, who without refped of perlbns judgeth according to every man's work, pafs the time of your rejourning here in fear : v. 1 8. For- al'much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as filver and gold, from your vain con- verfation, received by tradition from your fathers; v. 19. But with the precious blood of Chrift, as of a lamb without blemifh and without fpot.

45. g Exod. XX. 3.

46, h I Chron xxviii. 9. And thou, Solomon my Son, know thou the God of thy Father, and ferve him with a perfe^ heart, and with a wil- ling mind: for the Lord fearcheth all hearts, and underftandeth all the imaginations of the thoughts : if thou fe-ik him, he will be found of thee; but- if thou forfakc him, he will caft thee off for ever. Deut. xxvi. 17. Thou haft avouched the Lord this day to be thy God, and to walk in his ways, and to keep his flatutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and to hearken unto his voice.

i Mat. iv 10. Then faith Jefus ttnto tim, Get thee hence, Satan :

for It Is written. Thou (halt worrtiip the Lord thy God, and him only fhalt thou ferve. Pfal. xxix. 2. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name ; worfhip the Lord in the beauty of holinefs.

47. k Pfal. xiv. I. The fool hath faid in his heart. There is no God: they are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doth good.

/Rom. i. 21. Becaufe that whea they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imagina- tions, and their foolifh heart was darkened.

VI Ffal. Ixxxi. 10. I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt : open thy mouth xvide, and I will fill it. v. ir. But my people would not hearkea to my voice : and Ifrael would none cf me.

n Rom. i. 2j. Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and wor- fhipped aod ferved the creature more than the Creator, who is blef- fed for ever. Amen. v. 26. For thi6 caufe God gave them up unto vile af- fections : for even their women did

39S The Shorter Catechifm.

A, Thefe words {Before Me) in the firfl: commandment, teach us, That God, who feeth all things, taketh notice of, and is much difpleafcd with, the fm of having any other god^.

Q^ 49. Which is the fecond commandment ?

A* The fecond commandment is. Thou flialt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likenefs of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: thou fhalt not bow down thyfelf to them, nor ferve them : for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, vifiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me : and jfhewing mercy unto thoufands of them that love me, and keep my commandments^.

Q^ 50. What is required in the fecond commandment ?

A, The fecond commandment fequireth the receiving, ob- ferving and keeping pure and entire, all fuch religious worfhip and ordinances, as God hath appointed in his word q,

Q^ 5 1 . What is forbidden in the fecond commandment ?

A. The fecond commandment forbiddeth the worftiipping ©f God by images r, or any other way not appointed in his


change the natural ufe Into that which is againft nature.

48. 0 Ezek. viii. 5. Then faid he unto me, Son of man, lift up thine eyes now the way towards the north : fo I lift up mine eyes the way toward the north, and behold, northward at the gate of the altar, ihis idol of jealoufy in the entry, v. 6- He faid furthermore unto me, Son of man, feeft thou what they do ? even the great abominations that the houfe of Ifrael comraitteth here, that I (feould go far off from my fan(5luary ? but turn thee yet a- gain, and thou (halt fee greater a- bominations, &c. to the end of the chapter.

49. /> Exod. XX. 4, 5, 6.

50. q Deut. xxxii. 46. And he faid unto them, Set your hearts un- to all the words which I teltify among you this day : which ye fhall com-

mand your children to obferve to do all the words of this law. Mat. xxvili, 20. Teaching them to ob- ferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you, and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Adls ii. 42.' And they continued ftedfaftly in the a- poftles dodlrine and fellowfhip, and in breaking of bread, and in pray- ers.

51. r Deut. iv. 15. Take ye therefore good heed unto yourfelves (for ye faw no manner of (irailitudc on the day that the Lord fpake un- to y©u in Horeb, out of the midft of the fire.) v. 16. Left ye corrupt yourfelves, and make you a graven image, the fimilitude of any figure, the likenefs of male or female, v. 17. The likenefs of any bcaft that is on the earth, the likenefs of any winged fowl tliat flieth in the air,

T. 18.

The Shorter Catechifm. 399


Q^ 5 2. What are the reafons annexed to the fecond command- ment ?

y^. The reafons annexed to the fecond commandment are, God's fovereignty over us /, his propriety in us v, and the zeal he hath to his own worlhip w,

Qi 5 3- Which is the third commandment?

A, The third commandment is, Thou flialt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain : for the Lord v^ill not hold him guiltlefs that taketh his name in vain x.

CX 54. What is required in the third commandment ^ - A, The third commandment requireth the holy and reverend ufe of God's name y, titles z, attri- butes,

V. 18. The likenefs of any thing that cree.peth on the ground, the likenefs of any fifh that is in the wa- ters benea^ the earth: v. 19 And le(t thou lift up thine eyes unto hea- ven, and when thou feeft the fun, and the moon, and the ftars, even all the hoft of heaven, fiiouldft be driven to worlhip them, and ferve them, which the Lord thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven : Exod. xxxii.5. And when Aaron faw it, he built an al- tar before it : and Aaron made pro- clamation, and faid, To-raorrow is a feaft to the Lord. v. 8. They have turned afide quickly out of the way which I commanded them; they have made them a molten calf, and have worfhipped it, and have facrificed thereunto, and,faid,Thefe be thy gods, O Ifrael, which have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt.

/Deut. xii. gi. Thou (halt not do fo unto the Lord thy God : for every abomination to the Lord which he hatcih,have they done unto their gods : for even their fons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their gods. v. ;|2. What

thing foever I command you, ob- ferve to do it : thou (halt not add thereto, nor dimiaifli from it.

52. t Pfal. xcv. 2. Let us come before his prefence with thankfgiv- ing, and make a joyful noife unto him with pfalms. v. 3. For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods. v. 6.0 come let us worlhip and bow down : let us kneel before the Lord our Maker,

V Pfal. xlv. 1 1. Se fliali the King greatly defire thy beauty : for he is thy Lord, aad worlhip thou him.

IV Exod. xxxiv. 13. But ye fhall dcftroy their altars, break their images, and cut down their groves. V. 14. For thou Ihalt worlhip no o- ther god : for the Lord, whofe name is Jealous, is a jealous God.

53. X Exod. XX. 7.

54.^ Mat. vi. 9. After this man- ner therefore pray ye : Our Father which art in heaven, hallowed be

thy name. Deut. xxviii. 58. If

thou wilt not obferve to do all the words of this law that are written in this book, that thou mayeft fear this glorious and fearful name, THE LORD THY GOD.

z Pfal. Ix?iii. ^. Sing unto God,


400 The Shorter Catechifm,

butes a. ordinances by word r, and works d,

Q^SS ^f^<^ii ii forbidden in the third commandment^

A. file third commandment forbiddeth all profaning or abufmg of any thing whereby God maketh himfeif known ^.

0^56. What is the reafon annexed to the third command' ment ?

A The reafon annexed to the third commandment is. That how^ever the breakers of this commr)ndmentmay efcape punifli- ment from men, yet the Lord our God will not fuffer them 10


fing praifes to his name : extol him that rideth upon the heavens by his name J AH, and rejoice before him.

a Rev. XV. 3. And they fing the fong of Mofes the fervant of God, and the Tong of the Lamb, faying, Great and marvelJous are thy works. Lord God Almighty; juft and true are thy ways, thou King of faints. V. 4. Who (hail not fear thee, O Lord, and glorify thy name ? for thou only art holy : for all nations fhall come and worfhip before thee ; for thy judgments are made mani- feft.

b Mai. i. 1 1. For from the rifing of the fun, even unto the going down of the fame, my name fhall be great among the Gentiles, and in every place incenfe fhall be offered unto my name, and a pure offering : for my name fhall be great among the heathen, faith the Lord of ho/Is. V. 14. But curfed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth and faerificeih unto the Lord a corrupt thing : for [ am a great King, faith the Lord of hofts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen.

c Pfal. cxxxviii. j. I will pralfe thee with my whole heart, before ihe gods will f fing praife unto thee. v. 2. I will worfhip towards the holy temple, and praife thy

name, for thy loving Icindnefs, and for thy truth : for thou hafl magni- fied thy word above all thy name.

d Job xxxvi. 24. Remember that thou magnify his work, which men behold.

55. tf Mai i. 6. A fon honoureth his father, and a fervant his mafter : if then I be a Father, where is mine honour ; and if a Mafter, where is myfear \ faith the Lord of hofts unto you, O priefts, that defpife my name : and ye fay, Wherenl have we defpifed thy name ? v. 7. Ye offer polluted bread upon mine al- tar ; and ye fay. Wherein htre we polluted thee ? in that ye fay. The table of the Lord is contemptible. V. I 2. But ye have profaned it, in that ye fay, The table of the Lord is polluted, and the fruit thereof, even his meat is contemptible. Mai. ii 2. If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, faith the Lord of hofts, I will even fend a curfe upon you, and I will curfe your blefEngs: yea, 1 have curfed them already, be- caufe ye do not lay it to heart. Mai, iii 14. Ye have faid, It is vain to ferve God: and what profit is it, that we have kept his ordinan^ce,and that we have walked mournfully be- fore the Lord of hods I


The Shorter Catechifm. 401

cfcapc his righteous judgment/.

O 57 Which is the fourth commandment^.

y^.The fourth commandment is, Remember the fabbath-day to keep it hoiy. Six days fhalt thou labour, and do all thy work ; but the fevcnth day is the fabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thou Ihalt not do any work, thou, nor thy fon, nor thy daughter, thy man-fervant, nor thy maid-fervant, nor thy cattle, nor thy llranger that is within thy gates. For in fix days the Lord made heaven and earth, the fea, and all that iu them is, and refted the feventh day ; wherefore the Lord bkfTed the fabbath-day, and hallowed it/.

O. 58. What is required in the fourth commandment?

A. The fourth commandment requireth the keeping holy to God, fuch fet times as he hath appointed in his word ; exprelly one whole day in feven, to be a holy fabbath to himfelf /j.

(y 59. !>l^hich day of the feventh hath God appointed to be the weekly fabbath^.

A From the beginning of the world to the refurre£^ion of Chrift, God appointed the feVenth day of the week to be the weekly fabbath ; and the firil day of the week, ever fmce, to


56. / I Sam. 1. 12. Now the fons of Eli were fons of Belial, they knew not the Lord, v, 17. Wherefore the (in ot the young men was vcrj- great before the Lord ; for men abhorred the offering of the Lord. v. 22. Mow Eli was very old, and heard all that his fons did unto all Ifrael, and how they lay with the women that aflembled at the door of the taber- nacle of the congregation, v. 29. Wherefore kick ye at my facrificc, and at mine offering which I have comraanded in my habitation, and honourelt thy fons above me, to make yourfelves fat with the chieleft of all the offerings of Ifrael my peo- ple ? I Sam iii. r^. For I have told him, that I will judge his houfe for- ever, lor the iniqaity, which he knoweth : becaufe his fons made themfelves vile, and ho retrained

them not. Deut. xxviii 58. Tf thou wilt not obferve to do all the words of this law that are written in this book that thou mayeft fear this glorious and fearful name THE LORD THY GOD ; v. S9- Then the LORD will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of ihy feed even great plagues, and of long continuance, and fore iicknef- fes, and of long continuance. 57.^ Exod XX 8 9, 10, ir* 58. h Deut. V i 2. Keep the fab- bath-day to fan(51ily it, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee. v. 13. Six days Ihalt thou labour, and do all thy works: v. 14. But the feventh day is the fabbath of the Lord thy God ; in it thou Hi alt not do any work, thou, nor thy fon nor thy daughter, nor thy man- fervant, nor thy maidfervant, nor C c ^'^*"^

402 7he Shorter Calechlfm.

continue to the end of the world, which is the Chrlftian fab-

baih /.

Q^6o. How is the fahhath to he fanEliJiedl

yi. The fabbath is to be fanftified by a holy rcfling all that

dayi, even from fuch worldly employments and recreations as

are lawful on other days/; and fpcnding the whole time in the

pub lick

thine ox, nor thine afs, nor any of thy cattle, nor thy granger that is within thy gates ; that thy man- fervant and thy raaid-feryant may reit as well as thou.

59. /Gen. ii. 2. And on the feventh day God ended his work which he had made ; and he refted on the feventh day from all his work which he had made. v. 3. And God bleffed the feventh day, and fandlfied it : becaufe that in it he had reftcd from all his work, which God created and made, i Cor. xvi. I. Now concerning the colledion for the faints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even fo do ye. V. 2. Upon the Hrft day of the week, let every one of you lay by him in (lore, as God hath pro- fpered him, that there be no ga- thering when I come. Ads xx. 7. And upon the firft day of the week, when the difciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them ready to depart on the mor- row, and continued his fpeech until midnight.

60. k Exod. XX. 8. Remember the^fabbath-day, to keep it holy. V. 10. But the feventh day is the fabbath of the Lord thy God : in it thoa fhalt not do any work, thou, nor thy fon, &c. Exod. xvi. 25. And Mofes faid, Eat that to-day; for to-day is a fabbath unto the Lord : to-day ye fhall not find it in the field, v 26. Six days ye (hall gather it, but on the feventh day

which is the fabbath, in it there (hail be none. v. 27. And it came to pafs, that there went out fome of the people on the feventh day for to ga- ther, and they found none. v. 28. And the Lord faid unto Mofes, How long refufe ye to keep my command- ments and my law ?

/ Neh. xiii 15, In thofc days faw I in Judah fome treading wine- preffes on the fabbath, and bringing in (heaves, and lading a/Tes ; as alfo wine, grapes, aad fi^^* ^°^ ^^1 manner of burdens, which they brought into Jerufalem on the fab- bath-day : and I teftified againft them in the day wherein they fold vidluals. V. 16. There dwelt mea of Tyre alfo therein, which brought fi(h, and all manner of wares, and fold on the fabbath unto the chil- dren of Judah, and in Jerufalem, V. 17. Then I contended with the nobles of Judah, and faid unto them. What evil thing is this that ye do, and profane the fabbath day ? v, 18, Did not your fathers thus, and did not oar God bring all this evil upon us, and upon this city ? Yet ye bring more wrath upon Ifrael by profaning the fabbath. v. 19. And it came to pafs, that when the gates of Jerufalem began to be dark be* fore the fabbath, I commanded that the gates fhould be fliut, and charg- ed that they (hould not be opened till after the fabbath : and fome of my fervants fet I at the gates, that there (hould be no burden brought


The Shorter Catechifm. 405

publick and private exercifes of God's worfhip viy except (o much as is to be taken up in the works of neceffity and mercy ;^.

Q. 61. What is forbidden in the fourth cominandmentl %'%^. The fourth commandment forbiddeth the omiflion or carelefs performance of the duties required 0, and the profin- ing the day by idlenefs/>. or doing that which is in itfelf fm- ful 5^, or by unneceffary thoughts, w^ords or works, about our


in on the fabbath-day. v. 21. Then I teftified againft them, and faid unto them, Why lodge ye about the wall? If ye do {o again, I will lay hands on you. From that time forth came they no more on the fabbath. v. 22. And I command- ed the Levites, that they ihould cleanfe themfelves, and that they Ihould come and keep the gates, to fanflifythe fabbath day : Remember me, O my God, concerning this al- fo, and fpare me according 10 the greatncfs of thy mercy.

m Luke iv. 16. And he came to Nazareth, Avhjere he had been brought up : and, as his cuflom was, he went into the fynagogue on the fabbath day, and flood up for to read, A<5ls xx 7. And upon the iirft day of the week, &c. (See let- ter i.) Pfal. xcii. Title, A pf&lm or fong for the fabbath-day. Ifa. Ixvi. 2^ And it (hall come to pafs, that from one new moon to another, and from one fabbath to another, fhall all flefh come to worfliip before me, faith the Lord.

n Mat xii. from ver. i . to 3 1 . At that time Jefus went on the fabbath- day through the corn, and his dif- ciples were an hungered, and began to ^luck the ears of corn, and to cat. V. 2. But when thePharifees, &c. V. 12 u is lawful to do well on the fabbath days.

6 ( . 0 Ezek. xxii. 26. Her priefls have violated ray law, and hare

profaned mine holy things : they have put no di6Ference between the holy and profane, neither have they fhewed difference between the un- clean and clean, «cnd have hid their eyes from my fabbaths, and I anx profaned among them. Amos viii. 5. Saying, When will the new moon be gone, that we may fell corn ? and the fabbath, that we may fet forth wheat, making the ephah fmall, and the fhekel great, and fallifying the balance by deceit ? ' Mai i. 13. Ye faid alfo. Behold what a wearinefs is it ? and ye have fnuffedat it, faith the Lord of hofts ; and ye brought that which was torn, and the lame, and the fick ; thus ye brought an offering ; fhould I accept this of your hands, faith the Lord ?

p A(Ss XX. 7. And upon the firfl day of the week, when the difciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his fpeech until midnight, v 9. And there fat in a window a certain young man named Eutychus, being fallen into a deep fleep : and as Paul was long preaching, he funk down with fleep, and fell down from the third loft, and was taken up dead.

yEzek. xxiii 38 Moreorer this they have done unto me : they have defiled my fanftuary in the fame day, and have profaned my fabbaths

C c 2 r Jer.

404 The Shorter Catechifm,

v/orldly employments and recreations r.

Q^ 62 What are the reajons annexed to the fourth C07nmand'

7lt ?


yJ. The reafons annexed to the fourth commandment are. Cod's allowing us fix days of the week for our own employ- mentsyj his challenging a fpecial propriety in the feventh, his own example, and his blelTing the fabbath-day^.

Q^ 63. Which is the jifth commandment^.

A, 1 he fifth commandment is, Honour thy father and thy mother : that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee v. -*

0^64. What ts required in the fifth commandment^.

J. I he fifth commandment requireth the preferving the honour, and performing the duties belonging to every one in their feveral places and relations, as faperiors'ii?,inferiors;c, or equals j/.

Q^ 65. What is forbidden in the fifth commandment}

A. The fifth commandment forbiddeth the neglecfting of, or doing any thing againft, the honour and duty which be-


r Jer. xvii. 24. And it {hall come to pals if ye diligently hearken un- to me, faith the Lord, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the fabbath-day, but hallow the fabbath day, to do no work therein: v 25. Then (hall there enter into the gates of this city, kings and princes, fitting upon the throne of David, riding in chariots, and on hor/es, they and their princes, the men of Judah, and the rnhabiiants of Jerufalem ; and this city irali remain for ever, v. 26. And they ftiall come from the cities of fudah, and from the places about j'eruralem, and from the land of -BfeRJam'n, and from the plain, and - IP the mountains, and from the

^n, bringing burnt offerings and ,.^.r.ficcs, and meat-offerings, and 'iicenfe, and bringing facrifices of piiiiiC unto the houfc of the Lord, •ifa, Iviii. 13. If thou turn away thy

foot from the fabbath, from doing thy pleafure on my holy day, and call the fabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable, and (hah honour him, not doing thine owa ways, nor finding thine own plea- fure, nor fpeaking th:ne own words.

62.yFxod.xx 9. Six days fhalt thou labour, and do all thy work.

/ Exod XX. II. For in fix days the Lord made heaven and earth, the fea, and ail that in them is. and refted the feventh day; wherefore the Lord bleffed the fabbath-day, and hallowed it.

63. V Exod. XX. 12.

64 ou Eph. V. 21. Submitting yourfelves one to another in the fear of God.

X I Pet. ii, 17. Honour ail men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

^^ Be kindly affe<5lion- cd one to another; with brother- ly

^he Shorter Catechifm. ^0"^

longeth to every one in their feveral places and relations z, 0^66- fVhat is the reafon annexed to the fifth coimnand- inent f

A. The reafon annexed to the fifth commandment is a pro- mife of long life and profperity (as far as it (hall fervc for God*s glory, and their own good) to all fuch as ketp this commandment a.

0^67. (Vh'ich is thefixth commandment f ^- The fixth commandment is, Thou flialt not kill b. (^68, IV bat is required in the fixth commandment "i ^. The fixth commandment requireth all lawful endea- vours to preferve our o^vn life f, and the life of others^.

ly love; in honour preferring one


d). z Mat. XV. 4. For God com- manded, faying. Honour thy fa- ther and mother : and. He that curfeth father or mother, let him die the death, v. 5. But ye fay, Whofoever (hall fay to his father or his mother. It is a gift by whatfo- ever thou mighteft be profited by me, V 6. And honour not his fa- ther or his raotber, he (hall be free. Thus have ye made the command- ment of God of none efFtdt by your tradition. Ez?k xxxlv. 2. Son of man, prophefy againft the (hepherds of ifrael, prophefy and fay unto them. Thus faith the»Lord God un- to the (hepherds, Woe be to the {hepherds of Ifrael, that do feed themfelves : (hou!d not the (hep- herds feed the flocks!* v. 3. Ye eat the fat, and you clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed, but ye feed not the flock, v. 4 The difeafed have ye not (Irengthened, neither have ye healed that which was (ick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought ap-ain that which was driven away, neither have ye fought that which was loft ; but with force

and with cruelty have ye ruled them. Rom. xiii. 8. Owe no man any thing, but to love one anotlier : for he that loveth another, hath fulfilled the law.

66. a Deut. v. 16. Honour thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee ; that thy days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with thee, in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. Eph. vi. 2. Honour thy father and mother (wliich is the iirfl: commandment with pro- mife) v. 3. That it may be well with thee, and thou niayeit live long on the earth.

67. h Exod. XX. 13.

68. c Eph. V. 28. So ought men to love their own wives, as their own bodies : He that iovetli his wife, loveth hlmfelf. v. 29 For no man ever hated his own ^ *fh ; but nouriflieth and cherifhetii it, even as the Lord the church.

d I Kings xviii. 4 For it was {o^ when Jezebel cnt oft the prophets of the Lord, that Obadiah took, an hundred prophets, and hid them bv fifty in a cave, and fed them with bread and water,

C c 3 d^). e

2j.o5 The Shorter Catechljmi

O. <^9. »i^hat is forbidden in thefixth copimandment^

A. Vhe fixth commandment forbiddetli the taking away of our own life, or the hfe of our neighbour unjullly, or ■u-hatfcever tendeth thereunto e.

Qio. Which is the Jeventh commandment ?

A. ihe feventh commandment is, Thou (halt not commit adultery/.

CX 7 u What is required in the feventh commandment ?

A. The feventh commandment requireth the prefervation of our own and our neighbour's chaflity in heart, fpeech and behaviour^(^.

O. 72. What is forbidden in the feventh commandment T

A, The feventh commandment forbiddeth all unchaftc thoughts, w ords, and actions h*

Qjl^' Which is the eight commandment^

A, The eight commandment is. Thou flialt not fleal /.


69^ Aflsxvi. 28 But Paul cried with a loud voice, faying, Do thy- felt no harm ; for we are all here. Gen. ix. 6. Whofo (heddeth man's blood, by man (hall his blood be (hed : for in the image of God made he man

70. /Exod. XX. 14.

7 I. 1^ 1 Cor. vii. 2. Neverthelefs, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every "woman have her own hufband. v. 3. Let the hufband render unto the vife due benevolence ; and likewife alfo the wife unto the hufband. v. 5. Defraud ye not one the other, except it be v/ith confent for a time, that ye may give yuurfelves to fafting and prayer : and come together again, that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency. v. 34, There is difference alfo between a wife and a vir^n : the unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that (he may be holy, both in body and in fpirit : but (he that is married careth for t'le things of the world, how (he may p'.eafe h-r hufband v. 36. iiut

if any man think that he behaveth himfelf uncomely towards his virgin if (he pafs the flower of her age, and need lb require, let them do what he will, he finneth not : let them mar- ry. Col. iv. 6 Let your fpeech be alway with grace, fcafoned with fait, that ye may know how ye ought to anfwer every man. 1 Pet, iii. 2. While they behold your chafle converfation coupled with fear.

72 >&Mat.xv. 19. Foroutofthc heart proceed evil thoughts, mur- ders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, falfe witnefs, blafphemies. Mat. v. 28. But I fay unto you, That who- foevcr looketh on a woman to luft after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. Eph. V. 3. But fornication, and all un- cleannefs, or covetoufnefs, let it n6t be once named amongfl you, as be- cometh faints : v. 4 Neither filthi- nefs, nor foolifh talking, nor jeft- ing, which are not convenient : but rather giving of thanks,

73. /■ Exod. XX. 15.

74. k

The Shorter Catechifnu ^07

(^ 74. What IS required in the eighth commandment ? J. The eighth commandment requireth the liiwful procur- ing and furthering the wealth and outward ellate of ourfelves and others i. (^ 75. What is forbidden in the eighth commandment ^ A. The eighth commandment forbiddeth whatfoever doth or may unjuftly hinder our own or our neighbour's weakh or outward eitate/.

74. /f <Gcn. XXX. 40. For it was litde which thou hadft before I came, and it is no^y increafed unto a mul- titude ; and the Lord hath blefled thee fince my coming ; and now when fhail 1 provide for mine own lioufe aifo ? I Tim, V. 8. But if any provide not for his own, and fpeci- ally for thofc of his own houfc, he hath denied the faith, and is worfe than an inSdel. Lev. xxv, 35. and if thy brother be waxen old, and fallen in decay with thee ; then thou fhalt relieve him ; yea, though he be a ftranger, or a fojourner ; that he may live with thee. Deut. xxii. i . Thou (halt not fee thy bro- ther's ox or his fheep go aftray, and hide thyfelf from them : thou (halt in any cafe bring them again unto thy brother, v 2. and if thy bro- ther be not nigh unto thee, or if thou know hira not, then thou fhalt bring it unto thine own houfe, and it (hall be with thee until thy bro- ther fcek after it, and thou (halt reftore it to him again, v. 3. In like manner (halt thou do with his afs, and fo (halt thou do with his raiment, and with all- loft things of thy brothers, which he hath loft, and thou haU found, (halt thou do like wife : thou may ft not hide thy- felf. V. 4. Thou (halt not fee thy brother's afs or his ox fall down by the way, and hide thylelf from them : thou dialt furely help him to

lift them up again, v. 5. The v/o- m;in ihall not wear that which per- taineth unto a man, neither (hall a man put on a woman's garment : for all that do fo, are abomination un- to the Lord thy God. Exod. xxiii. 4. If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his afs going altray, thou (halt furely bring it back to him again, v. 5. If thou fee the afs of him that hateth 'thee, lying under his burden, and 'Wouldft forbear to help hiai ; thou (halt furely help with hina. Gen. xlvii. 14. And Jofcph gathered up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, and in the land of Canaan, for the corn which they bought : and Jofeph brought the money into Pharaoh's houfe. v. 20. And Jo(eph bought all the land of Egypt for Pharaoh ; for the Egyp- tians fold every man his field, be- caufe the famine prevailed ever them : fo the land became Pha- raoh's. \

75. /Prov. xxi. 15. He that lov- eth pleafure (liall be a poor man ; he that loveth wine and oil fiiall not be rich. Prov. xxiii. 20. Be not amongft wine-bibbers, amongft riotous eaters of flefli. v. 21. For the drunkard and the glutton fliall eome to poverty : and drowlinels (ball clothe a man with rags. Prov. xxviii. 19. He that tilieth his land (hall have plenty of bread : but he that foUoweth after vain pcrfon^, C c 4 ihall

40 8 ne Shorter Catechlfrtu

0-7^. Pf^hkh is the ninth Cominandment ^

A. The ninth commandment is. Thou {halt not bear fa^Ife witnefs againfl: thy neighbour;.^.

Q. 77 IV hat is required in the ninth commandment^,

A The ninth commandment requireth the maintaining and promoting of t'uth between man and man w, and of our own and our neighbour's good nameo,efpecially inwitnefs-bearing^.

Q. 78. What is forbidden in the ninth commandment ?

J. The ninth comandment forbiddeth whatfoever is pre- judicial to truth, or injurious to our own or our neighbour's good name 5', *

Q. 79. Which is the tenth commandment ?

.^. The tenth commandment is, Thou flialt not covet thy neighbour's houfe, thou (liah not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his man-fervant, nor his maid-fervant nor his ox, nor his afs, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's r,

O. 80. What is required in the tenth commandment ?

A The tenth commandment requireth full contentment with our own conditionyj with a right and charitable frame of


ihall have pwverty enough. Eph. iv. 28 . Let him that (tole Iteal no more : but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.

76. m Exod. XX. 16.

77. n Zech. viii. 16. Thefe are the things that ye fhall do, Speak ye every man the trnth to his neighbour : execute the judgment of truth and peace in your gates.

0 3 John 12. Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itfeif : yea, and we alfo bear record, and ye know that our re- cord is true.

p Prov. xiv 5. Afrithful witnefs will not lie : but a falfe witnefs will utter lies, v 2f. A true wit- nefs delivereth fouls, but a deceit- ful witnefs fpeaketh lies.

78 ^ I Sam. xvii, 28. And Eliab bis eldeft brother heard when he

fpake unto the men ; and Eliab's anger was kindled againd David, and he faid. Why cameft thou down hither ? and with whom haft thou left thofe few Iheep in the wil- dernefs ? I know thy pride and the naughtineis of thine heart ; for thou art come down, that thou mighteft fee the battle. Lev. xi^. 16 Thou flialt not go up and down as a tale- bearer among thy people; neither flialt thou fland againft the blood of thy neighbour: I am the Lord. Pfa). XV. 5. He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a re- proach againft his neighbour.

79. r Exod. XX. 17.

80 /"Heb. xiii. 5, Let your con- verlation be without covetoufnefs ; and be content with fuch things as ye have : for he hath faid, I will never leave thee, nor forfake thee, v Tiui. vi. 6. But godlincfs with con- ten tn-ient

The Shorter Catechifm. 40 p

fpirit toward our neighbour, and all that is his t.

(X 8 I. What is forbidden in the tenth commandment ?

W. 1 he tenth commandment forbiddeth all difcontentment "v\ith our own eitate v. envying or grieving at the good of our neighbour w, and all inordinate motions and affediions to any- thing that is his x,

(^82. Is any man able perfeclly to keep the commandments ofGodl

^. No mere man, fmce the fall, is able, in this life, per- fectly to keep the commandments of God^y; but doth daily


tentment is great gain.

/ Job xxxt. 29. if I rejoiced at the deitru-ilion of him that hated me, or liit up myfelt when evil found him, Rom xii. 15. Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep, i Tim. i 5 Now the end of the command- ment is charity, out of a pure heart, and of a good confcience, and of faith unfeigned. 1 Cor xiii. 4. Charity fufFereth long, and is kind; charity envieth n0t ; charity vaunt- eth not Jtfelf, is not puffed up, v. 5 , Doth not behave itfelf unfecmly, leeketh not her own, is not eafily provoked, thinketh no evil. v. 6. Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but re- joiceth in the truth : v. 7. Beareth all things, believeth all thing*;, hop- eth all things, endureth all things.

81. V I Kingsxxi. 4. And Ahab came into his houfe, heavy and dif- pleafed, becaufe of the word which Naboth the Jezreelite had fpoken to him : for he had faid, I will not give thee the inheritance of my fa- thers; and he laid him down upon his bed, and turned away his face, and would eat no bread. Either v. 13. Yet all this availeth me nothing, fb long as I fee Mordecai the Jew fitting at the king's gate, i Cor. X. 10. Neither murmur ye, as fome of them alfo murmured, and were

deftroyed of the deflroyer.

iy Gal. V. 26. Let us not be de- firous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another, James iii. 14. But if ye have bitter envying and ftrife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not againfl the truth. V. 16. For where envying and ftrlfe is, there is confuGon, and every evil work.

X Rom. vii. 7. What fhall we fay then ? Is the law fin ? God forbid. Nay, I had not known fin, but by the law : for I had not known luff, except the law had faid, Thoa fhalt not covet, v. 8. But fin tak'ng occafion by the commandnent, wrought in me all manner of con- cupifcence. For without the law fia was dead. Rom. xiii. 9. For this. Thou fhalt not commit adultery, Thou (halt not kill. Thou fhalt not fteal, Thou fhalt not bearfalfewitnefs. Thou (halt not covet ; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly compre- hended in this faying, namely. Thou flialt love thy neighbour as thyfelf. Deut. V. 2T. Neither fhalt thou defire thy neighbour's wife, neither fhalt thou covet thy neighbour's houfe, his field, cr his man-fervant, or his maid-fervant, his ox, or his afs, or any thing that is thy neii;h- bour's.

82. y Eccl. til. 20. For there Is


41^ The Shorter Catechif?n.

break them in thought, word, and deed ^,

(^83. Are alltranfgrejftons of the law equally halmusf

^. Some fms in themfeives, and by reafon of feveral aggra- Tations, are more hainous in the fight of God than others a.

0^84. What doth every fin deferve.^

A. Every fm deferveth God's wrath and curfe, both in this life, and that which is to corned,

(^ 85. What doth God require ofuSy that we may efcape his wrath and curfe, due to us for fin ?

A. To efcape the wrath and curfe of God, due to us for fin,


not a juft man upon earth, that doth good and finneth not. i John i, 8. If we iay, that v/e have no (in, we deceive ourfeives, and the truth is not in us. v. 10. If we fay, that wc have not finned, we make him a Ji- ar, and his word is not in us. Gal. V. I 7. For the fle(h Jufteth againft the Ipirit, and the fpirit againli the fielh: and thefe are contrary the one to the other; fo that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

z Gen. vi. 5. And God faw that the wickednefs of man was great in the earth, and that every imaginati- on of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continuaiiy. Gen. viii. 21. And the Lord fraelled a fweet fa- vour: and the Lord faid in his heart, 1 will not again curfe the ground a- ny more for man's fake, for the ima- gination of man's heart is evil from his youth : neither will f again fmite any more every thing living, as I have done. Rom. iii. 9. What then ? are ve better than they ? No in no wife, for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under fm— and fo onto verfe 21. James iii. 2. For in many things we offend all. \i any man offend not in word, the fame is a perfed man, and able alfo to bridle the whole body and fo on to verfe i;^. 83.^ Lzsk. viii. 6. He laid fur-

thermore unto me, Son of man, feeft thou what they do ? even the great abominations that the houfe of Ifra- el coMmitteth here, that i fhould go far off from my fanduary ? but turn thee yet again, and thou (halt lee greater abominations, v. 13. He faid alfo unto me. Turn thee yet again, and thou (halt fee greater abomina- tions that they do. v. 1 5. Then faid he unto me, Haft thou feen this, O fon of man ? turn thee yet again, and thou (halt fee greater abomina- tions than thefc. i John 16. If a- ny man fee his brother fin a fin which is not unto death, he (hall a(]{, and he (hall give him life for them that fin not unto death. There is a (in unto death: I do not fay, that he (hall pray for it. Pfal. Ixxvii. 17. And they finned yet more again{t him, by provoking the mod High in the wildernefs. v. 32. For all this they finned (till : and believed not for his wondrous works, v. 56. Yet they tempted and provoked the moft high God, and kept not his tefti- monies.

84. h Eph. V. 6. Let no man de- ceive you with vain words : for bc- caufe of thefe things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of difobedience. Gal. iii. 10. For as many as are of the works of the law, are uniis:r the curfe : for it is writ-


The Shorter Catechifm.. A\ i

God requireth of us faith in Jefus Chrift, repentance unto lifef, with the dilit^ent ufc of all the outward means whereby Chrill communicateth to us the benefits of redemption d.

O 86. What is faith in Jefus Chrijl^.

^ Faith in Jefus Chrift is a faving grace e, whereby we receive, and reft upon him alone for falvation, as he is offered to us in the gofpel/.

(y 8 7. lihdt is repentance unto life ?

^Repentance unto Hfe is a faving grace ^, whereby a fm-


ten, Curfed is every one that contl- nueth not in ail things which are written in the book of the law to do them. Lam. iii. 39. Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the puniftiraent of his fins ? Mat. XXV. 41. Then fhall he fay alfo un- to them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye curfed into everlafting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.

85. c A<?is XX. 21 . teftifying both to the Jews, and alfo to the Greeks, repentance tov\^ard God, and faith toward our Lord Jefus Chrift.

d Prov. ii. I . My fon, if thou wilt receive my words, aad hide my com- mandments with thee. v. 2. So that thou incliiie thine ear unto wifdom, and apply thine heart to underftand- ing; V. 3. Yea, if thou crieft after knowledge, and lifted up^'thy voice for underftanding : v. 4. If thou feekeft her as filver, and fearchefl for her, as for hid treafure: v. 5. then (halt thou underftand the fear of the Lord: and find the knowledge of God. Prov. viii. 3^. Hearinllruc- tion and be wife, and refufe it not. V. 3 4. BleiTed is the man that hear- eth me, watching daily at' my gates, waiting at the ports ot my doors, v. 35. For whofo findcth rae, findeth life, an.l fiiall obtain favour of the Lord V. 36 But he that finneth a- gainft me, wrongeth his own foul ;

all they that hate me, love death. Ifa. Iv. 3. Incline your ear, and come unto me: hear, and your foul (hall live, and I will make an ever- lading covenant with you, even the fure mercies of David.

86 f Heb.x.39. But we are not of them who draw back unto per- dition : but of them that believe, to the faving of the foul.

/John i. 12. But as many as re- ceived him, to them gave he power to become the fons of God, even to them that believe on his name. Ifa. xxvi. 3. Thou wilt keep him in per- {td. peace, whofe mind is fhyed on thee : becaufe he truftcth in thee. V. 4. Truft ye in the Lord forever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlaft- ingftrength. Phil. iii. 9- ^"** ^^ found in him, not having mme own righteoufnefs, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Chrift, the righteoufnefs which i8ofGodbyfaith.Gal.ii.i6.Know. ing that a man is not juRified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jefus Chrift; even we have believ- ed in Jefus Chrift; that we might be jaftified by the faith of Chrift, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of the law fliall no liefh be juftified.

87. ^Adsxi. 18. When they heard thefe things, they held their peace, and glorified God, faymg

i^ii The Shorter Catechifm.

ner, out of the true fenfe of his fm h, and apprehenfion of the mercy of God in Chrift i, doth with grief and hatred of his fm, turn from it unto God k, with full purpofe of, and endeavour after, new obedience /.

(T 8 8 . What are the outward means whereby Chr'ift com- municafeth to us the benefits of redemption f

A, The outward and ordinary means, whereby Chriil com- municateth to us the benefits of redemption, are, his ordinan- ces, efpecially the word, facraments and prayer; all which are made eifechial to the ele£i: for falvation m,

0.89. How is the word made effectual to falvation ^

A. The Spirit of God maketh the reading, but efpecially the preaching of the word, an effeftual means of convincing


Then hath God alfo to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.

h Ads ii. 37. Now when they heard this, they were pricked in their heart, and faid unto Peter, and to the reft of the apoiUes, Men and brethren, what (hall we do ? ▼. 28. Then Peter faid unto them, Re- pent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jefus Ghrift, for the remiffion of fins, and ye fliall re- ceive the gift of the Holy Ghoft.

/ Joel ii. 12. Therefore alfo now, faith the Lord, turn ye even to mc with all your heart, and with fafting, and with weeping, and with mourn- ing. Jer. iii. 22. Return, ye back- Hiding children, and I will heal your backflidings: Behold, we come unto thee, for thou art the Lord our God. /fjer.xxxi. 18. Ihavefureiy heard Ephraim bemoaning himlelf thus, Thcu haft chaftifed me, and I .was chaftifed, as a bullock unaccuftom- ed to the yoke : turn thou me, and I fnall be turned ; for thou art the Lord my God. v. 19. Surely after that I was turned, 1 repented ; and after that I was inftru<fted, I fmote upon my thigh : I was afhamed, yea, even confounded, becaufe I did bear the reproach of my youth. Ezek.

xxvi. 31. Then fhall ye remember your own evil ways, and your do- ings that were nut good, and fhall lothe yourfelves in your own fight, for your iniquities, and for your a- bominations.

/ 2 Cor. vii. II. For behold, this felf fame thing that ye forrowed af- ter a godly fort, what carefulnefs it wrought in you, yea, what clear- ing ct yourfelves, yea, what indig- nation, yea, what fear,, yea, what vehement defire, yea, what zeal, yea, what revenge! in all things ye have approved yourfelves to be clear in this matter. Ifa. i. 16. Wafh ye, make you clean, put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes, ceafe to do evil. v. 17. Learn to do well, feek judgment, relieve the opprefTed, judge the fatherlefs, plead for the widow.

88. m Mat. xxviii. 19. Go yc therefore and teach all nations, bap. tizing them in the name of the Fa- ther, and of the Son, and of the ho- ly Ghoft: V. 20. Teaching them to obferve all things whatfoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. A»51s ii. 42. And they continued fledfaftly in the a-


T'he Shorter Catechifm. zji2

and converting finner?, and of building them up in holinefs, and comfort, through faith unto falvation n.

C^ 90. How is the word to be read and heard that it may become effediial to Jahation ?

^. Ihat the word may become effedual to falvation, we mufl attend thereunto with diligence o, preparati- on/.

poftles dotftrine and fellowfhip, and in breaking of bread, and in pray- ers. V. 46. And they continued dai- ly with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from houfe to houie, did eat their meat with glad- ncfs and finglenefs of heart; v. 47. Praiiing God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily fuch as ihould be laved.

89. n Neh. viii. 8. So they read sn the book, in the law of God dif- tindly, and gave the fenfe, and cauf- td them to underftand the reading. I Cor. xiv. 24. But if all prophefy, and there come in one that belicveth not, or one unlearned, he is convinc- ed of all, he is judged of all : v. 25. and thus are the fecretsof his heart made raanifeft; and fo falling down on his face, he will worship God, and report that God is in you of a truth. Aftsxxvi. 18. To open their eyes, and to turn them from dark- nefs to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may re- ceive forgivenefs of fins, and inheri- tance among them which are fancfti- fied by taith that is in me. Pfal. xix. 8^ The llatutesofthe Lord are right, rejoicing the heart : the command- ment of the Lord is pure, enlight- niog the eyes. A(5tsxx. 32. And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are famftified. Rom. xv. 4. For whatfocvcr things were written a-

foretime, were written for our learn- ing; that we through patience and comfort of the fcripture might have hope. 2 Tim. ii. 15. And that from a child thou halt known the holy fcriptures, which are able to make thee wife unto falvation, through faith which is in Chrift Jefus. v, 16. All fcripture is given by infpiratioQ of God, and is profitable for doc- trine, for reproof, for corredion, for inftru(5lion in rightcoufncfs : y. 17. That the man of God may be perfedl, throughly furnifhed unto all good works. Rom. x. 13. For who- foever fhall call upon the name of the 'Lord, (hall be faved. v. 14. Row then {hall they call on him, in whom they have not believed ? and how (hall they believe on him of whom they have not heard? and how fhall they hear without a preacher? V. 15. And how Ihall they preach, except they be fent? as it is written. How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gofpel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things ? V. 16. But they have not all obeyed the gofpel. For Efaias faith. Lord, who hath believed our report ? v. 17. So then, faith cometh by hear- ing, and hearing by the word of God, Rom. i. 16. For I am not a- fhamed of the gofpel of Chrift : for it is the power of God unto falvati- on, to every one that believeth, to the Jew fir/l, and alfo to the Greek. 90. 0 Prov. viii. 34. Bleflcd is the man that heareth me, watching dai- ly at my gates, v/aitiog at the polls

414 ^^^ Shorter Catechifm,

on/, and prayer.^'; receive it with faith and love r, lay it up

in our hearts)^ and pradlife it in our lives /.

CX 9 1 - How do the Jacraments become effe6lual means of falvation ?

^. The facraments become ei!e<^ual means of falvation, not from any \irtue in them, or in him that doth adminifter them, but only by the blelTing of Chrifi: 'z;,.and the working of his ;Spirir in them that by faith receive them iv^

Q. p 2 what is a jar. ment ?

A. Aifacrament is an holy ordinance inflitated by Chrifi; wherein, by fenuble figns, Chrifi and the benefits of the new covenant are reprefented, fealed and applied to believers ».

Q. 9?-

of my doors.

p I Pet, ii. I. Wherefore laying a6dc 2!! malice, and all guile, and hypocrifies, and envies, and all evil fpeakings, v. '. as new born babes defire the fincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby.

q Pfal. cxix. 18. Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous ihings out of thy law.

r Heb iv. 2. For unto us was the gofpel preached, as well as unto ihem: but .the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it 2, Their, ii. 10. And with all deceivea- blenefs of unrighteoufncfs in them that perifli; becaufe they received not the love of the truth, that they might be faved.

/Pfal. cxix. 1 1 . Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not jBn againil thee.

/ Luke viii. 15. But that on the good ground are they, which in an honeft and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. James i. 25. But whofo looketh into the perfe^ law of liberty, and continucth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but ft doer of the work, this man (hall be bleiTed in his deed.

9i."t;. iPct.iii. 2f. The like fi- gure whereunto, even baptifm, doth alfo now fave uf, not the putting a way the filth of £oc flefh, but the anfwer of a good confcience towards God, by the refurredion of Jefus Chri/f. Mat. iii. 11. I indeed bap- tize you with water unto repentance; but he that cometh after me, is mightier than I, whofe fhoes I am not worthy to bear : he fliall bap- tize you with the holy Ghoft and v/iih fire, r Cor. iii. 6. I have plant- ed, ApoUos watered: but God gave the incrcafe. v. 7. So then, neither is he that planteth any thing, nei- ther he that watereth : but God that giveth the increafe,

lu 1 Cor . xii . 1 3 . For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free ; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.

92. X Gen. xvii. 7. And I will e- ftablifh my covenant between me and thee, and thy feed after thee, in their generations, for an everlafting covenant to be a God unto thee, and to thy feed after thee. v. 10. This is my covenant, which ye fhall keep between me and you, and thy feed after thee: Every man child among


The Shorter Catechijm. 4 15

Q^ 95. which are the facraments of the new 1 ejlament?

A. Ihc facraments of the new Teftament are, baptifm;', and the Lord's fupper z.

Q^ 94. what is baptifm ? A, Baptifm is a facrament, wherein the wafliing with water, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft at doth fignify and feal our ingrafting into Chrift, and partaking of the benefits of the covenant of grace, and ouif engagement to be the Lord's b,

Q. 95 . To whom is baptifm to be adminiflredl

A. Baptifm is not to be adminiftred to any that are out of the vifible church, till they profefs their faith in Chrift, and obedience to him c; but the infants of fuch as are members of the vifible church are to be baptized d,

(^96. What is the Lord* s fupper^,

A. The Lord's fupper is a facrament, wherein, by giving and receiving bread and wine according to Chrifl's appointment, his death is (hewed forth; and the worthy receivers are, not after a corporal and carnal manner, but by faith, made partakers of his


you fiiall be circumcifcd. Exod. xii. thronghout. i Cor. xi. 25. For I have received of the Lord that which alfo I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jefus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread, v. 26. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do fhew the Lord's death till he come.

93 jfMatxxviii. 19. Goycthere- fore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Ghoft.

2 Mat. xxvi. 26. And as they were eating, Jefus took bread, andbieffed it, and brake it, and gave it to the difciples, and faid; Take, cat ; this is my body v. 27^ And he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them, faying, Drink ye all of it : 28. For this is my blood of the new Teftament, which is (hed for many for the remlfiion of fins.

94. 4 Mat. xxviii, 19. Sec in let- ter^.

^ Rom. vi. 4. Therefore we are buried with him by baptifm into death : that like as Chrift was rai fed up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even fo we alfo fliould walk innewnefsof life. Gal. iii. 27. For as many of you as have been baptiz- ed into Cfarift, have put on Chrift.

95. ^ A<5ls viii. 36. And as they went on their way, they came «nto a certain water; and the eunuch faid. See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? v. 57, And Philip faid, If thou believeft with all thine heart, thou mayeft. And he anfwered and faid, I believe that Jefus Chrift is the Son of God. Afts ii 38. Then Peter faid unto them, Rep?nt, and be baptized eve- ry one of you in the name of Jefus Chrift, for the remllTion of fins, and ye ftiall receive the gift of the holy Ghoft.

i Aasii. 38. See before, v. 39.

4i6 ' TJje ShyterCatethiffn,

body and blood, with all his benefits^ to their fpirimal noiiriih- nient, and growth in grace ^.

CX 97. What is required to the worthy receiving of the hordes

A, It is required .of them that would worthily partake pf the Lord'sfupper,thatthey examine themfelves of their knowledge to difeernthe Lord's body/ oftheir faith to feed upon him^, of their repentance /^,Iove/,and new obedience i;le(l, coming un- worthi-

For the promife Is unto you, and to your children, and all that are afar oiF, even as many as the Lord our God (hall call Gen xvii, 10. See in letter x. Compared with Col. ii. 11. In whomalfo ye arc circuracifed wjth the circumcifion made without hands, in putting off the body ot the (ins of the flelb> by the circum- cilion of Chrift: V. 12. Buried with him in baptifm, wherein alfo ye are rifen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who haib raifed him from the dead. i Cor. vii. 14. For the unbelieving hufband is fandifiedby the wife, and the un- believing wife is fandified by the huf- band : elfe were your children un- clean, but now are they holy.

96. e I Cor. xi. 23. For I have received of the Lord, that which alfo I delivered unto you. That the Lord Jefus, the fame niglit in which he was betrayed, took bread: v. 24. And when he had given thanks, he brake it, and faid, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. v. 25. After the fame manner alfo he took the cap, when he had fupped, faying, This cup is the new Tefta- ment in my blood : this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. V. 26. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye doiliewtheLord'sdcathtillhecome. I Cor. X. 16. The cup of bleiEng,

wlalch we blefs, is it not the commu- nion of the blood of Chrili > The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrift?

97./ 1 Cor. xi. 2S. But let a man examine himfelf, and fo let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. V. 29. For he that eateth and drink- eth unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himfelf, not difcerning the Lord's body.

. g 2 Cor. xiii. 5. Examine your- felves, whether ye be in the faith : prove your own felves: know ye not your own felves, how that Jefus Chrift is in you, except ye be repro- bates ?

b I Cor. xi. 51. For if we would judge ourfelves, we (hould not be judged.

/■ I Cor. xi. 31. The cup of blef- fing which wc blefs, is it not the communion of the blood of Chrift ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Chrift? y. 17. For we being many, are one bread, and one body: for wc are all partakers of that one bread.

k I Cor. v. 7. Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be anew lump, as ye are unleavened For even Chrift our paflbver is facrificed for us, v. 8. Therefore let us keep the feaft, not with old leaven, nei- ther with the leaven of malice and wickednefs ; but with the unleaven- ed bread of fincerity and truth.

/ I Cor.

The Shor'tfif Catechifm, ^17

Worthily, they cat and drink judgment to themfelves /.

qr 98. Whut is prayer p

A. Prayer is an offering up of our defires unto God m^ for things agreeable to his will «, in the name of Chrifto, wi'Ii confeilion of our fms/^, and thankful acknowledgment of his mercies 5^.

Q^ 99 JVhat rule hath God given for our direBion in prayer ?

A, The whole word of God is of ufe to diredl us in prayer r/ butthefpecialruleofdire£lionisthatfo^mofp^aycr^^hichChrifk taught hisdifciples, commonly called the Lord's prayer/

Q^ I GO; fVhat doth the preface to the Lord's prayer teach us ?

A. The preface to the Lord's prayer (which is, Our Father which art in heaven/ : teacheth us to draw near to God with all holy reverence and confidence,as children to aFather able and ready to helpus-y; and that we ihould pray with and for others-z^;


/ I Cor. xl. 28, 29. See in letter/*.

98. m Pfal. Ixii. 8 Truft in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him : God is a re- fuge for us. Sclah.

n I John V. 14. And this is the confidence that we have in him, that if we afk any thing according to his will, he heareth us.

0 John xti. 23. And in that day ye ftiall afk me nothing : Verily ve- rily I fay unto you, Whatfoever ye {hall afk the Father in my name, he vill give it you,

p Pfal xxxii S . I acknowledged my fm unto thee, and mvne iniqui- ty have I not hid : I faid, I will con- fefs my trahfgreffions unto the Lord; and thou forgaveft the iniquity of my fin. Selah. v. 6. For this fhall every one that is godly, pray unto ihee, in a time when thou maycft be found : Surely in the floods of great waters, they fhall not conife nigh unto him. Dan. \t. 4. and I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confeffion, and fald, O Lord, the great and dreadful God, keeping the covenant, and mercy

them that love him, and to them that keep his commandments.

q Phil, ir, 6. Be careful for no- thing; but in every thing by prayer and fupplicatioii with thanklgiving, let your requeft be made known un- to God.

99 r I John V. 14. and this is the confidence that we have in him. That if we afk any thing according to his will, he heareth us.

/Mat. vi. 9, 10, II, 12, 13. after this manner therefore pray ye. Our Father, &c. Compared with I.uke xi. 2, 3, 4. and he faid unto them. When ye 'pray, fay. Our Father, &c.

100. / Mat. vi. 9.

V Rort. viii I 5 For hare not received the fpirit of bondagr again to fear t but ye have received the fpirit of adoption, whtreby wc cry, Abba, Father. Luke vi 13. If ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children : hoMf much more fhall your heavenly Fa- ther give the holy Spirit to them that afk him ?

ou Ac^ixii. 5. Peter therefore was C d kci^l

41 8 The Shorter CateMftn,

Q^ 1 01. What do we fray for. in the firfl petition I A in the iirll petition (which is, Hallov/ed be thy namejv) we pray, I'hat God would enable us and others to glorify hirTi ill all whereby he maketh himfelf known ^^ and that he would difpofe ail things to his own glory 2:. ;

Q 1 0 2. What do we fray for in the fecond petition^ J^ln the fecond petition (which is, Thy kingdom come ^2) we pr.\)\ That Satan's kingdom may be deflroyed by and that the kin^^dom of grace may be advancedf,ourfelves and others' brought into it, and kept in nd ; and that the kingdom of gio-y may be hafhenedf. 1

Q. 10:^. What do we pray for in the third petition^. ^Jnthe third petition (which is,Thy will be done inearth,as it is inhea ven/)we pray ThatCTod,by his grace,would make una- ble and willing to know,obey and lubmit to his will in all things^,


kept in prifon, bat prayer was made wichout ceafing of the church un- to God for him. 1 Tim. ii, i. I exhort therefore, that full: of all, jfup plications, prayers, interceffions, and giving of thanks be made for all men: v 2. For kings, and for all that aie in authority; ih<it we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinels and honeily.

lOi X Mnt. vi 9.

y Pfal. Ixvii 2. That thy way may be known upon earth, iby faving healtii among all nations., v. 3. Let Yhe people praife thee, O God ; let. all the people praife thee.

z Pfal. Ixxxiii. throughout.

J02 a Mat. vi. 10. ,

^Pfal.lxviii I, L.etGodarife,Iet his.enem es he fcattercd : let tJiem alfo that hate him, flee before him. V. 18. Thou haft afcended on high, thou haft led captivity captive : thou h^ft liceivcd g'fts for men ; yea, for the rebeJHous alfo, that the Lord God might dwell among them.

^Rev.xli. 10. And I heard a loud voice laying in heaven Now is come falvation, and tlrength,and the king-

dom pf our God, and the power of his C'hrift : for the acculer of di?r breth;-en is caft down, which accuf- ed them before our God day and night V. ir. And they overcame him \yj the blood of the Lamb, arid by the word of their teftimony : and they loved not, ih.eir live^_ unto the death. " ; '" " " ' '" ''^•

^ 2,Thef. iii. i . Finally^brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord" may have free courfe, and be glorified , e ven as ir is with you , Rom, X 1 . Brethren, my heart's defire and prayer to God for Ifrael is, That they might be faved. Joi:in xyil 9^ I pray for them : I pray not for the, world, but for them that thou haft given me, for they are thine, v. zq. Neither pray I for thefe 'alone, but. for them alfo which fliall believe on me through their word. - e Rev. xxil. 20. He which tefti- Tieih thefe things, faith, Surely I come^ quickly Amen. Even fo, come, Lord Jefus.

10-?./ Mat. vi. 10.

g Pfal. Ixvii. throughout. Ffal, cxix. 36. Incline my heart unto thy


The Siorter Catechifm* 4 1 9

as the angels dp in heaven h.

Q^ 104. fVhctt do we pray for in the fourth petition^ A. In the fourth petition (which is, Give us this day ouf daily bread i) we pray, That, of God's free gift, we may re* ceive a competent portion of the good things of this hfc, and enjoy his bleiTiiig with them i.

(^105. What do we pray for in the fifth petition P A' In the fifth petition (which is. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors /) we pray, l^hat God, for Chrill's fake, would freely pardon all our fins tn ; which we are the ra-


teftimonies, and not to covetoufnefs. Mat, xxvi. 39. and he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, faying, O my father, it it be poffible, let this cup pals from me : neverthelefs not as I will, but as thou wilt. 2 Sam. xv, 25. and the king laid unto Zadok, Carry back the ark of God into ttie city : if lihall find favour in the eyes of the Lord, he will bring me again, and fhew me both it, and his habitation. Job i. 21. and faid, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and nak- ed fliall I return thither : the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; bleiTed be the name of the Lord.

I3 Pfal <;iii. 20 Blefs the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in ilrength ; that do his commandments, heark- ning unto the voice of his word. v. 21. Blefs ye the Lord, all ye his hods, ye minifters of his that do his pleafure.

104 / Mat vi. II.

k Prov. XXX. 8 Remove far from me vanity and lies, give me neither poverty nor riches, feed me with food convenient for me ; v. 9. Left I be full, and deny thee, and fay. Who is tly Lord ? or left I be poor, and fteal, and take the name of my God in vain, Gen.xxviii. 20. and Jacob vowed a vow, faying. If God will be with me, and will keep me in this

Way that t go, and will give me bread to eat, and laimcnt to put on. 1 Tim. iv. 4. For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be re-* fufed, if it be receivj'd with ihankf- giving : v. 5. For it is fandified by the word, of God, and prayer.

105. / Mat. vi. 12.

VI Pfal. li. I. Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lov- ing kindnefs; according tinto the multitude of thy tendei- mercies blot out my tranfgrtflions. v. 2. Wafti me throughly from mine iniquity^ and cleanfe me from my fin v. ^, Purge me with hylfop, and I fhall be clean : v/a(b me, and I (liall be whit- er than fnow. V. 9. Hide thy face from my fins; and blot out all mine iniquities* Dan.ix, 17. Now there- fore, O our God, hear thou the pray- er of thy fervant, and his fupplica- tions, and caufe thy face to fhine u- pcn thy fanftuary that is defolate^ for the Lord's fake. v. 18. O my God, incline thine ear, and heaf^ open thine eyes, and behold our de- folatiohs, and the city which is cal- led by thy name : for we do not pre- fent our fuppiications before therf for our righteoufneftes, but f<>r thy great mercies, v \(). O Lord hear, O Lord forgive, O Lord hearken and do, defer not, for thine own fiike, O my God : for thy city, and ihi P d 3 i?4c"

4 ^ The Shorter Catechifnu^

ther encouraged to ask, becaufe by his grace w^ are enabled

from the heart to forgive others n.

Q^ ( 06. IVhat do we pray for in the fixth petition ?

j4. in the fixth petition (which is. And lead us not into temp- tation, but deliver us from evil 0) we pray, That God would either keep us from being tempted to fm /j, or fupport and deliver us when we are tempted q,

(^107. fi^ hat doth the conclufionofthe Lord's prayer teach us^

A, The conclufion of the Lord's prayer (which is, lo^ thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory for ever. Amen >) j teacheth us to take our encouragement in prayer from God on- lyyj and in our prayers to praifc him, afcribing kingdom, power,


people are called by thy name.

n Luke xi. 4 and forgive us our fins ; for wc aifo forgive every one that is indebted to us. Mat. xviii. 55. So iikewife fhall my heavenly Father do alfo unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trefpafles.

106. 0 Mat. vi. 13.

p Mat. xxvi. 41. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation : the fpirit indeed is willing, but the flcfh is weak.

q 2 Cor. xii. 7. And left I fhould be exalted abov6 meafure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the ilefh, the meftengcr of Satan to buf- fet me, left I fliould be exalted a6ove ineafurc, v. 8. For this thing I be- fought the Lord thrice, that it might depart Ironi me.

107. r Mat. vi. 13.

/Dan. ix. 4 And I prayed unto the Lord my God, and made my confeffion, and {aid, O Lord, the ;;reat and dreadful God, keeping the covenant, and mercy to them that \ovc him, and to them that keep his commandments, v. 7. O Lord righ- teoufnefs bclongeth unto thee, but imio us confaijon effaces, as at this (Uy : xo ths men of Judah, and to

the inhabitants of Jerufalem, and unto all Ifrael that are near, and that are far off, through all the countries whither thou haft driven them, becaufe of their trefpafs that they have trefpafled againft thee. Vr 8 O Lord, to us belongeth confufi- on efface, to our kings, to our prin- ces, and to our fathers, becauie we have finned againft thee. v. 9. To the Lord our God belong mercies and forgivenefles, though we have rebelled againft him. v. 16. O Lord, according to all thy righteoufnefs, I befeech thee, let thine anger and thy fury be turned away from thy city Jerufalem, thy holy mountain : becaufe for our (ins, and for the i* Riquities of our fathers, Jerufalem and thy people are become a reproach to all that are about us. v, 1 7. Now therefore, O our God, hear the pray- er of thy fervant, and his fupplica- tions, and caufe thy face to ftiine u- pon thy fancluary that is defolate, tor the Lord's fake. v. 18. O my God, incline thine ear, and hear; open thine eyes, and behold our de- folations, and the city which is €al- Ud by thy name : for we do not pre- fent our fupplicaiions before thee for our righteoufneffcs, but for thy great mercies, v. 19. O Lord hear,


The Shorter Catechifm, 421

and glory to him And, in teflimony of our defirc and affurance to be heard, we fay, Amen.

O Lord forgive, O Lord hearken and do, defer not, for thine own fak«, O my God ; for thy city, and thy people are called by thy name. / ( Chron xxix. 10. Wherefore David bleiied the Lord before all the congregation : and David faid, Blef- fed be thou, Lord God of Ifrael, our Father, for ever and ever. v. 11. Thine, O Lord, is the greatnefs, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the raajefly : for all that is in the heaven and io the earth, is thine ; thine is the kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as head above all. v, 12. Both riches and ho- nour corac of thee, and thou reign-

ed over all, and in thine hand is power and might, and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give ftrength unto all. v. 13. Now there- fore, our God, we thank there, and praife thy glorious name.

V I Cor. xiv 16 Elfe when tlion (halt blefswith the fpirit, how fhall he that occupieth the room of the unlearned, fay amen at thy giving of thanks, feeing he underftandeth not what thou fayed ? Rev. xxli. 30. He which tedifieth thefe things, falch. Surely I come quickly. Amen. E- ren fo, come, Lord Jcfus. v. 21. The grace of our Lord Jefus Chrilt be with you all. Amen.


GOD fpake all thefc words, faying, I am the Lord thy Go^y wh'ch have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the houfe of bondage.

I. Thou (halt have no other gods before Me.

IE. Thou (halt not make unto thee any graven image, or any like- nefs of any thing, that is in heaven above, or that is in the e:irth be- neath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou (halt not bow down thyfelf to them, nor ferve them : For 1 the Lord thy God am a jealous God, vifiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children un- to the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me : and (liewing mercy unto thoufands of them that love Me, and keep My comruandments.

IIL Thou (halt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain : For the Lord will not hold him guiltlefs that taketh his name in vain.

IV. Remember the Sabbath-day, to keep it holy. Six days (hxdc thou labour, and do all thy work. But the feventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God : In it thou (halt not do any work, thou, nor thy fon, nor thy daughter, thy man-fervant, .nor thy maid-iervanr, Jior thy cattle, nor thy (Iranger that is within thy gates. For in fix days the Lord made heaven and ear^h, the fea, and all that io them i?,

D d 3 and

4^2 The Shorter Catechifnu

find reftcd the feventh day : Wherefore the Lord bleffed the Sabbath- day, and hallowed it .

V HoDonr thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be Jong upon the land which the Lord thy God givcth thee.

VL Thou (halt not kill.

Vir. Thou (halt pot commit adultery.

VIII. Thou ilialt not fleal.

IX. Thou Ihi'.t not bear falfe witnefs againft thy neIghbour._^

X. Thou fhalt not covet thy neighbour's houfc, thou fhalt not co*- %'ct thy neighbour's wife, nor his man-fervant, nor his maid-fcrvant, nor his ox, nor his afs, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

The LORD'S PRAYER, Maith. y'u ^

OUR Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead ns not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

The CREED. T Believe in God the Father Al;-nighry, M.iker of heaven and earth: i And in Jeius Chrilt his only Son our Lord, Which was con- ceived by the Holy Ghoft, Born of the Virgin Mary, lufFe*ed under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified, dead and buried ; He deicended into ^, . . hell *, The third day he rofe again from the dead,

, . *• ^* ^^'^•*!^^- He afcended into heaven, and fjtte^h on the right- ed in ihejiateof the ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^y^^ p,^^j^^^ Almighty, from thence he a^idy und under the f, ., j l i j l j j i w

poiver of death till ^^^" ^^'"^ to judge the quick and the dead. I be- the third dav. ^^^^^ ^"^ '^^ ^"^'^ Ghoft ; The holy catbolick church.

The communion of (aints. The forgivencfs of fins, The refurreftion of the body, And the life everlafting. Amen.

SO much of eyery queflion both in the Larger and Shorter Catechifm, is repeated in the anfvver, as maketh every anfwer an entire propofi- tion, or fentence in itfcif ; to the end the learner may further improve it, upon all occafions, for his increafe in knowledge and piety, even out of the coiirfe of catechifing, as well as in it.

And albeit the fubfimce of the doflrine comprifed in that abridgment, commonly called the Apoftles Creed, be fplly fet forth in each ©f thij catechifms, fo as there is no necelTity of inferring the Creed itfelf ; yet it is here annexed, not as though it were compofed by the iipoflles, or ought to be efleemed canonical fcripture, as the Ten Commandments, and the Lord's prayer, (much lefs a prayer, as ignorant people have been apt to make botli it and the Decalogue) but becaufe it is a brief fum of the ChriRian faith, agreeable to the word of God, and antieutly received ill ;he churches of Chriit.





SAVING knowledge:

O R,

A Brief Sum of Chriftian Doctrine,

Contained in the


And holden forth in the forefaid


Together with

The Practical Use thereof.

J©hn VI. 37. All that the Father hath given me^ Jhallcot?ie unto me, and him that cometh unto mSy IvjiUin no 'wife cajl out.

Printed in the Year M,DCC,LV.





Sum of Saving Knowledge*

HEAD L Our woful condition by nature.

^ - II. The remedy provided in Chrijl Jtfus,

in. "the means provided in the covenant of grace* IV. The hlejfings conveyed by theje means.

The Ufe of Saving Knowledge.

'%.:■■ ' . . ' '

IV For convincing of fin by the law.

2. Of right eoufnefs by the law,

3. Of judgment by the law.

. For convincingofftny righteoufnefs an^djudgmen t hyt^e gofpeL Of righteoufnefs to be had only by faith m Cbrijif For ftrengthening a man^s fa^ithy &c«

Warrants and Motives to believe.

1. God^s hearty invitation*

2. His earnejl requejl to be reconciled,

3. His commandy charging all to believe.

4. Much affurante of life given to believer s^ &c.

Evidences of true Faitji.

1. Convi&ion of the believer's obligation to keep the moral law.

2. That the believer pradife the rules of godlinejs and righ*


3. That obedience to the law run in the right channel of faith

in Chrij}.

4. The keeping of fir ait communion with Chrijly the Fountain of

all grace and good works. For flrengthening the believer in faith and obedienccy by thefe •evidences. ' . . ,






The fum of faving knowledge may he taken up in thefe four heads; i. The iwoful condition nuherein aU men are by nature^ through breaking of the covenant of works 2. The remedy provided for the ele{l in Jefus Chrifl by the covenant of grace. 3 The means appointed to make them part ak' ers of this covenant . 4. The blefitigs myhich are effe£lually conveyed unto the ele^ by thefe means. Which four heads arc fit donvn each of them in fame fenxi propofit ions,

H E A D I.

Our nuoful condition by nature, through breaking the covenant of *worki, Hof. xiii. 9. O Ifrael, thow haft deftroyed tbyfelf.

1. -npHE almighty and eternal God, the Father, the Son, and the I holy Ghoft, three diftindt perfons in the one and the fame un- divided Godhead, equally infinite in all perteftions, did, before time, moft wifely decree, for his own glory, whatfoever cometh to pafs in time ; and doth moft holily and infallibly execute all his decrees, with- out being partaker of the (in of any creature.

II. This God, in fix days, made all things of nothing, very good in their own kind : in fpecial, he made all the angels holy; and he made our firft parents, Adam and Eve. the root of mankind, both up- right and able to keep the law written in their heart. Which law they were naturally bound to obey under pain of death ; but God was not bound to reward their fervice, till he entered into a covenant or con- tra(5l with them, and their pofterity in them, to give them eternal life tipon condition of perfeft perfonal obedience ; withal threatening death in cafe they (hould fail. This is the covenant of works.

III. Both angels and men were fubjeO to the change of their own ^^ " free-

^26 The Sum of Saving Knowledge.

hce will, as exp^ncnce proved (God having rdbrved to Iilmfelf the in- cotnrnunicable property of being naturaijy unchangeable:) for many angers of their own accord tell by fin from their firft eflate. and be- came devils. Our firft parents, being enticed by Satan, one of thefe devils rpeakmg in a ferpcnt, did break the covenant of works, in eat- icg the forbiden fruit; whereby they, and their pofterity, being in their loins as branches in the root, and comprehended in the fame co- venant w,rh them, became not only liable to eternal death, but alfo loft ad ability to pleaic God; yea, did become by nature enemies to God, and to all Spiritual good, and inclined only to evil continualiv. This IS our original fin, the bitter root of all our aftual tranibreifi- ons,. in thought, word, and deed. ^ ,


^r^J^d, provided in Jefus Chrift for the eha by the covenant of arace, Hof. xm. 9. O iir^^x^ ^hou haft deiiroyed thyfelf, but in m/is^hine

Th help

A Lbeit man, having brought himfdf into this woful condition, r P "f ^^^ '?^^ ^"^ ^'^P ^^^^^^^f> nor willip.g to be helped by God out of It but rather inclined to ly fliil umlaiible of it, till he perifh ; yet God, for the glory of his rich grace, hath revealed in his word a way to fave finntrs to wit, by faith in Jefus Chrift, the eternal Son o. God, by virtue of, and according to the tenor of the covenant of redemption, made and agreed upon between God the Father and God the Son, m the council of the Trinity, before the world began.

1 . The fum or the covenant of redemption is this; God havine freely chofen unto life, a certain number of loft mankind, for the glory ot his rich grace, did give them, before the world began, unto God the bon appointed Redeemer, that, upon condition he would hiJmble himlelf fo far as to afTume the human nature, of a foul and a body, in- to perionai union with his divine nature, and fubmit himfelf to the law as iurety for them, and fatisfy jnfticc for them, by giving obedience in their name, even unto the fufFering of the curfed death of the crofs, he mould ranfom and redeem them all from {m and death, and pur- cnaje unto them righteoufnefs and eiernal life, with all faving graces leading thereunto, to be effeaually, by means of his own appointment, spp.ied m due time to every one of them. This condition ihe Son of Uocl^Cwho is Jefus Chrift our tord) did accept before the world began, and in the fiilnels of time came into the world, was born of the Vir- gin Mary, fubjeffed himfblf to the law, and compieatly paid the ran- dom on the cro/s : But by vertue of the forefaid bargain, made before the world began, he is in all ages, fince the fall of Adam, ftill upon the work of applying adfually the purchafed benefits unto the ele^: ^AOd mat he doth by way of entertaining a covenant of fr;^e arare and


The Sum of Saving Knowledge, 427 1

recondlhnon with rheni, through biih hi hirnieh ; by which covenant, he mikea over to every bchever a right and intereA to hunieif.and to

^^^II' ^f'^./X accomplifhment of this covenant of ademption, and mikini; the eleft partakers of the benefits thereof in the covenant of or .ct' Chrift Jeius was chid with the threefold ofTice of a prophet, pricft', and king. Made a prophet, to reveal all lavino^ knowledge to his Dcople and to perfqade them to believe and obey the lame ; Made " J\J to offer up himlelf a facrifice once for them all, and to inter- ^eed continually with the Father, for making their perlons and (e. vices acceptable to him ; And made a king, to iubdue them to h.mfelf to feed and rule them by his own appointed ordmances, and to defend them from their enemies.


The ouf^^ard ^eans appointed to .nak. the ^^^/-'-^- ^J^ ^^^^ and Bll the r^fi that are called to he tne^cufuhle. Mat. xxn. 14. Many are called.

THE outward means and ordinances foj ™=''i'ng '"^'' P'^^f "j? °!' "he covenant of grace, are fo wifely difpenfed, as the eleft ftiall be intamblv converted and ftved by them : and the reprobate among whom they- are^ no, to be j«aiy ft"n,bled The means are fpecuUy the<e four- i The word of God. 2. The iacraments. 3 K. "-k- Bovrnmen. 4. Prayer. In the word of God preached by lent Srer the Lord makes offer of grace to all f,n..ers upon con- Sof f ith in Jefns Chrift ; and whofoever do confds .he.r (in a - ceut of Chrift offered, and (ubmit themfclves to h>s ordinances, he will have bol^ them and t'hei, children received into the ho-ur ^nd pr.v,. leoe; of the cov-nant of grace. By the iacraments, God will have the Se^l talTd -for confi^ningnhe bargain on «he ore a.d^nd.o.


reaUy c^l" Profeffion only, according to the quahtj of the covenaa-

Chrift came, and in the New fince he came >s one /"J 'he f ^^ 'l fubftance, albeit different in "««'"/ ,''f ?f T fa'cramen t, of ci - nant in the Old Tcftaraent. being ^^H'^uM ft- H^h o co^e cumciCon and the pafchal lamb, did ^=' ^-,^"^^^1 4 of t^ dyftcr t and the benefits pnrchafed 'hereby, under the mad^wot b^^^V gees, and fundry ceremonies : But fince Chrift came, the covenant oe^

4^8 The Sum of Saving Knowledge.

ing fealed by the facrameots.of baptifm and the Lord's fupper, doth clearly hold Chrift already crucified before our eyes, vicflorious over death and the grave, and glorioudy ruling heaven and earth, for the good of his own people.


The hlefifigs 'Which are efeaually conveyed by thefe meant te the Lord' t eUa, 9r chojen ones, Matth xii. 14. Many arc caljed, bat few are


DY thefe outward ordinances, as our Lord makes the reprobate in- JJ excufabe. fo, in the power of his Spirit, he applies unto the e- Icft, effeauaDy. all faving graces purchafed to them in the covenant of redemption, and maketh a change in their perions. In particular i He doth convert or regenerate them, by giving Ipiritual life to them' ID opening their underftandings, rtnewicg their wills, affeftions, and faculties, for giving fpiritual obedience to his commands. 2. He eives them faving faith by making them, in the fenfe of deferved condcm- natioD, to g've their confent heartily to the covenant of grace, and to embrace JefusChnft unfeignedly. 3. He gives them re^ntance bv making them, with godly (brrow, in the hatred of fin, and love of rignteoufnefs, torn from all iniquity to the fervice of God. And a He lanftifies them by making them go on and perfevere in faith, and fpiritual obedience to the law of God, manifefled by fruitfulnefs ia aU duties, and doing good works, as God ofFereth occafion.

11. Together with this inward change of their perfons, God chances alfo their rtate: for, to foon as they are brought by failh into theT

"'"f A K.?'"' 'v"' J""'^" "'"■"' •'y i"'P""''g "«o them that perfeft obedience which Chrift gave ,0 the kw, atd the fatisfaabn a^(o which upon the crols Chrift gave unto juftice in their name. 2 He reconciles them, and makes them friends to God, who were before enemies to God. 3. He adopts them, that they ftiall be no more chil' dren of Satan, but children of God, enriched with all fpiritual privi- leges of his ions^ And laft of all, after their warfare in this life is ended he peifeOs the holinefs. and bleflednefs. firft of their foul at their death, and then both of their fouls and their bodies, being jov- fully joined together again in the refurreftion, at the day of his elori ous coming to judgment, when all the wicked fhall be fen t aw!y to hdl, with Satan whom they have ferved : but Chrift's own chofen and redeemed ones, true believers, fludents of holinefs, Ihall remain with timfelf for ever, in the flate of glorification.


4^9 ^

The Practical Use of Saving Knowledge,

Contained in Scripture, and holden forth briefly in the fore- faid Confeflion of Faith and Catechifms.

THE chief general ufe of chriftiao doftrine is, to convince a maa of fin, and of righteoufncfs, and of judgment, John xvi. 8. partly by the law or covenant of works, that he may be humbled and become penitent ; and partly by the golpel or covenant of grace, that he may become an unfeigned believer in Jeius Chrift, and be ftrcngihned in his^ faith upon folid grounds and warrants, and give evidence of the truth of his faith by good fruits, and fo be laved

The fum of the covenant of works, or of the law, is this, If thou

* do all that is commanded, and not fail in any point, thou (halt be

* faved; but if thou fail, thou (halt die, Kom. x. 5. Gal. iii. 10, 12.*

The fum of the gofpel, or covenant of grace and reconciliation, is this, * If thou flee from defer ved wrath to the true Redeemer Jelus Chrift,' (who is able to fave to th« uttermoft all that come to God thro* him) ' thou (halt not pcrilh, but have eternal life, Rom. x. 8, 9, ii.'

For convincing a man of fin, of righteoulheis, and of judgment by the law, or covenant of works, let thele fcripiures among many more be made ufe of.

I. For convincing a man of fm by the law, confider Jer. xvii. 9, 10.

'THE heart is deceitful above all things, and defperately wic- kedy who can know itf I the Lord fearch the^ heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.

Here the Lord tcacheth thefe two things ; , o. 1 /-

1. That the fountain of all our milcarriage, and a^ual iinning a- gainft God, is in the heart, which comprehendeth the mmd, will, at feaions, and all the powers of the lOul. as they are corrupted and de- filed with original fm ; the mind being not only ignorant and ^^-capable of faving truth, but alfo full of error and enmity againft God ; and the will andaffeaions being obftinately dirobedient ^"^.^^^^^G^^^f.^^^f': ons, and bent toward that only which is evil: 1 he heart (fa th he) . is deceitful above all things, and defperately wicked ; yea, and uniurch- ably wicked, fo that no man cankno^^ it; and Gen. vi- 5 Eycry ima- ginatlon of the thoughts of man's heart s oniy evil con nu^ly la th ^e * Lord, whofe teftimony we muft trull in this and a I other tnatters and experience alfo may teach up, that, till God fl^uke us deny our-

43 o The Praakal Ufe

felve?, we never look to God io any thing, but flefhly fdf-mtcreft alone doth rule us, and move all the wheeJs of our anions

vvlrh Inl \ ^?f ^''''f'^ T °''^^°'^ ^"'' ^•* ^^'^^^^ inclination,

W Fw' f f ^"'K 'k^'^^' "'^^ '"^^^"^^g ^'^^'^ his judgment eat; f or ht fearcheth the and trie th the reins, to give every man according to hi^ -ways, and according to the fiuit of his doings/

Hence let every man feafon thus ;

- WharGod and my guiJty conlaence beareth uitnefs of. I am con- ** vinced that It IS true. ; , w;i

- B.ut God and my guilty confcleuce beareth wirnefs. that mv heart is deceitful above aJi things, and dtlperately wiclced ; and

- nuailv ' ""^g'^^^^*^'^^ ^^ ^y i^earr, by nafure, are only evil conti- *'.TlJerefore I am convinced that this is true." Thus a man may be convinced of fin by the Jaw.

^^V^^^l..^^"^'°^'ng a ™3o of righteoufnefs by the law, confider Oai. 111. 10. V , V*

^S many as are of. the works of the law, are under the curfe-

Jor It IS written, curfed is every one that cont'mueth not in

all things which are written in the book oj the law to do them.

Here th^ apoftle teacheth us three things ;

.n«' '^I'^u^y'^?^? °^ ^"'' "^^"»-^l rmfulnefs, the impofTibility of any man s being juft.fied by the works of the law. is lo certain, that whofoever do leek jultihcation b> the works of the law, are liable ro he curie of God for d. eaking of th. law ; ' For as many as are of the * law, are under the curie.' faith he.

2. That unto the perfc-a fulfilling of the law, the keeping of (^e .rM f r ^^ precepts, or doing of lome, or of all duties (if it were

pcliible) for a time, is not fufficient ; for the law requireth. that * a man continue m all things which are written in the book of the law, to do them/

3. That, becaufe no man can come up to tils per fedion every m:in by nature is under the curfc; for the hw faith, ' Curled is every

one thar cont.nuerh not in all things which are written in the book of

the law, to do them.'

Now,^ to be under the curfe, comprehendetb all the difpieafure of ^od with the danger of the breaking tonh more and more of his wrath upon foul and body, both in this life, and after death perpetually, If not prevent the full execution thereof.

l^ence let every man reaion thus ;

'< J' y*'?^^,!^^!"' according to the covenant of works, is liable to the curie of God, for breaking the law, times and ways out of number.


of Saving Knowledge. ^3 i>

" cannot tc juftified, or find r ightcouihels by works of the Jaw. ,

** But I may every man lay) according to the covenant of works *' am liable to the curie of God, for breaking the Jaw, times and ways *' out of number.

*''lherefore I cannot bejuftlfied, or have righteodnefs by the " works of the law."

, iThus may a man be convinced of righteoujhefs, that is not to be had by his own works, or by the law. » ;

III. For convincing a man of judgment by the law, confider, 2 ThefT.

'^HE Lord Jefus Jhall he^Yevealedfrom Iftaveti, with his fnicrh- ty angels: Ver. 8. Inflaming jircy taking vengeance on'-t tern that know not God, and that obey net the go fp el of our Lord J e- Jus Chrifl : Ver. 9. Whofhall be punijhed with everia/lnig de- ftrudion from the prefence of the Lor dy and from the glory <f his power , yer. 10. When he Jhall come tobe glorified in his faints y and to be admired in all 4 hem that belie'be, >

Wherein we are taught, that our Lord Jelus, who now offers to be a Mediator for tliem wHo believe in him, fhall, at the laft day; come/ armed with flaming fire, to judge, condemn, and deftr^oy all them Avho have not believed God, have not received the offer of grace made in :the gofpel, nor obeyed the dof^rine thereof; but remain in' their natural flate, under the law or covenant of works.

Hence ;fet every man reafoh thus;

** What the righteous Judge hath forewarned me, fhall be done at " the laf>. day, I am fure is juft judgment. -

** But "he righteous Judge iiath forewarned me, that if I do not ** believe God in time, and obey not the do^Vrine of the gofpel, I fhall *.' be fecluded from his prefence and his glory, at the laft day, and be ** tormented in foul and body for ever.

** Therefore I am convinced that this is a juft judgment.

*' And I have realon to thank God heartily, who hath forewarned <* me to flee from the wrath which is to come."

Thus every man may l)e, by the law or covenant of works, convinced of judgment, if he fhall continue under the covenant of works, or fhall not obey the gofpel of our Loi»d Jelus.

IV. For convincing a man of fin, righteousnefs, and judgment, by the gcfpeU

AS for convincing a man of fin, and righreoufnefs, and judgment, by the gofpel or covenant of grace, he muft underAand three J things ; I, That not believing in Jcfus Chrifl, or refufmg of the cove-


^•2 The PraSlical Ufe.

naat of grace offered in him, is a greater and more dangerous fm, thart all other fms againfl the law ; becaufe the hearers of the golpel, aot be- lieving' in Chrift, do reje(ft God's mercy in Chrift, the only way of freedom from fm and wrath, and will not yield to be reconciled to God. 2. Next, He muft underftand, that perfect remiflion of fm and true righteoufnefs, is to be had only by faith in ]elu«; •; bccaofe God reqoireth no other conditions but fiiith; and teftifics from heaven that he is well plcafed te juftify fmncrs upon this condition. 3. He muft underlland, that upon rightcoufnefs received by faith ; judgment fhall follow, on the one' hand, to the deftroying of the works of the devil in the believer, and to the perfecting of the work of lanftificati- on in him, with power: and that, upon refufing to take i^ighteouf- nefs by faith in Jelus Chrift, judgment (hall follow, on the other han4, to the condemnation of the misbeliever, and deftroying of him with Satan and his fervants for ever.

For this end, let thefe pafTages of fcrijpture, among many others, Icrve to make the greatne'fs of the fin of not believing in Chrift appear ; or, to make the greatiiefs of the fin of refufing oi the covenant of grace offered to us, in the offering of Gbrift unto us, let the fair of- fer of grace be looked upon as it is made. Ifa. Iv. 2. Incline your ear, and come unto me, (faith the, Lord) hear^ and your foul Jball live; and 1 'Will make an everlafting covenant -with you^ epen the jure mercies ef David, That is, if ye will believe me, and be reconciled to me, I will, by convenant, give unto you Chrifl, and all laving graces in him : re- peated, a61s xiii. 34. \ !

Again, confider, that this general offer in fubftance is equivalent to a fpecial offer made to every one in particular; as appeareth by the apoftles making ufe of it, A£fs xvi. 31. Believe on the Lord J ejus Chrijiy .and thou Jhatt be faved and thy houfe. The reafon of which offer is given, John iii. 16. For God fo loved the worlds that he gave his only begotten Son that luho/oever believeth in him, Jhould net perijb, but have everlafiin^ life. Seeing then this great falvation is offered in the Lord Jcfus, whofoever believeth not in him, but looks for happi- nefs fome other way, what doth he elfe but ob/erve lying vanities, and forfake his own mercy y which he might have had in Chrifl ? Jonah ii. 8, 9. What doth he elfe but blalpheme God in his heart ? as it is iaid, i John v. 10. He that believeth not Go J hath made him a liar, becaufe he believeth not the record that God hath given of his Son: and this is the record that God hath given to us eternal lifey and this life is in his Son. And that no fin againft the law is like unto this fin, Chrifl tefViiies. John xv. 22. If i had not came and fpoken to them, they bad not had [in ; but now they have n9 cloak for their fm This may con- vince a man of the greatnefs of this fin of not believing in Chrifl.

For convincing a man of riphteoufiiefs to be had only by faith in Jcfus Chrill, coufider how, Rom. x. 3, 4.


of* paving Kmnvledge^ 4 gj

IT is laid, that the Jews^ being ignorant of God's righteottfiiefs ^ and going about to efiabhjb their own righceouffiefsj have not fubmittcd themfelves unto the righteoujne/s of God, (and 16 they perilhcd) for .Chrift is the end of the law for righteoufnejs to every one that be/ieveth* And, Jcis xiii. 39 Bj^ C.hri/l Jj/us all that believe are juftified jtoni all thin^.,from which ye could not bejuliified by the law of Mofes. Aad^ I John i. 7. The blood of Jef us Lhrijly his Son^ clean/eth us from all fin.

For convincing a man of judgment, if a man embriicc this righteouf^ aefs : cpnfider, i John iii. 8. For this purpofe the Son of God was mani* fe/iedf that he might dejiroy the works of the devil. And, Hcb. ix. 14, How much mors Jhall the blood of Chrijlt who, through the eternal Spi- rit, offered himjelf without fpot to God, purge your confcience from dead 'works y to ferve the living God?

But, if a man embrace not this righteoufnefs, his doom is pronoun- ced, John iii. 18. He that belteveth not is condemned already, becaufe '' he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of Goa. /jnd this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men I'oveth darknefs rather than light.

Hence, let the penitent, deGfing to believe, reafon thus

" What doth fuffice to convince all the elc^f in, the world of the *' greatnefs of the fin of not believing in Chrift, or refufmg fO *v flee to him for relief from fins done againil the l;iw, and fr^m *• wrath due thereto; and what fufficeth to convince them, that righ- •' teoulnefs and eternal life is to be had by faith in Jefu? Ghrilt, or «* by confenting to the covenant of grace in him; and what liifficcth ** to conviace them of judgment to be exercifed by Chrift, for dellroy* if* ing the works of the devil m a man, and fanftifying and faving all '^ that believe in him, tpay luffice to convince me alfo.

" But what the Spirit hath faid, in thefe or other like fcriprures^ '* fufficeth to convince the eled world of the forefaid fin, and righte- '* oufnefs, and judgment.

** Therefore what the fpirit hath faid, in thcfe and other like fcrip* *' tures, ferveth to convince me thereof alfo."

Whereupon let the penitent defiring to believe, take with him words, and fay heartily to the Lord, feeing thou faycft, Seek ye my face, my foul anfwereth unto thee, Thy face. Lord, will I feek : I have hearkened unto the offer of an everlailing coveiiant of all faving mer- cies to be had in Chrifl, and I do heartily embiace thy offer. Lord, let it be a bargain; Lord, I believe^ help my unbelief '. Behold, I give myfelf to thee, to ferve thee in all things for ever; and I hope, thy right hand fhall fave me ; the Lord will perfect that which concerneth me ; thy mercy, O Lord endureth for everj forfak« Dot the works of thine awn hands*, _

434 "^^^ Fraalcal Ufe

Thus may a man be made an uufeigncd believer lo Chrift.

For ItrengtheniDg the man's faith, who hath agreed unto the covenaot

of i;race.

BEcaufe m?ny true believers are weak, and do mucH doubt if ever ihey fliaii be lure of the fbundDefs of their own faith and cfFcftual caiiiiV^', or made certain of their juftification and falvation» when they fee, ihat many, who profefs faith, are found to deceive themfelves; let us fee bow every believer may be made Arong in the faith, and furc of his own eieiftian and falvarion upon ibiid grounds, by fjirQ, warrants, and true tvidences of faiih. To this end, among many other fcripturcs, take ihefe loilowing.

I. For laying folid grounds of faith, confider 2 Pet. i. lo.

Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make fure your calling and elt^flion : for if ye do thele things, ye (hall never fall.

in which words, the apoflle teacheth us thcfe tour things, for help and direction how to be made Orong in the faith.

1. That kich as believe in Chrift jefus, and are fled to him for re- lief from fjn and wrath, albeit they be weak in the faith, yet they arc indeed children cv the fame Father with the apoftles; for fb he ac- counteth of them, while he calleih them brethren.

2. That, albfit we be not fure, for the time of our effeOual calling and election, yet we may be made lure of both, if ve ute diligence ; for this he prefuppoieth, faying, * Give diligence to make your calling

* and eleffion lure.'

3. That we mufl not be difcouraged, when we fee many Teeming believers prove rotten branches, and make detection j but we muO the ' rather take the better heed to ourfelves, * Wherefore the rather, brc*

* thren,' faith he, * give all diligence.*

4. I'hat the way to be fure Doth of our efre<fi:ual calling and electi- on, is to make fure work of our faith, by laying the grounds of it fcTiJly, and bringing forth the fruits of our faith in new obedience conilnntly .- '. Fornix ye do thcfe things,' faith he, * ye fhall never fall ;' un'-'erfiaoding, by * thefe thing?,' what he had faid of found faith, verfcs (, 2, 3, 4 and what he had Ikid of the bringing out of the fruits ot faith, verfes 5 6, 7, 8. 9.

To this fanie purpofe, confider, P^om. viii. i ' There is therefore no^v no condemnaririn to them that arc in Chriit Jefua^ who walk not ;$fi£r the flefh, but af^er the Spirit ' Ver. 2. * Foi the law of the Spirit of lire in Chrill Jefus haih made me free from the law of fin r-^ \ death.' Ver. 7,. * For what the lav.' could not do, in that it was

vcik through the ?Lt(i\ God icniiing his own Son in the likenefis of Imtul llcih, and fur fin condemned iin in the fi«lh.' Ver. 4. < That

« the

of Saving Knowled^^, 4^5 ^

* the righteoufnefs of the law might be lulfalltd in Us, who walk not

* after the flefli, but after the Spirit.'

WkereiQ the apoftle tca(.hcth us thefe four things, for laying of the grouoa of faith folidiy ;

1. That, every one is a true believer, who, in the fenfc of his fin, and fear of God's wrath, doth flee for {ull relief fro'n both unto Jc-luiJ ChiiA alone, as the only Mediator, and all-i'uffi<:ient Redeemer of men ; and, being fled to Chrlll, doth drive agninft his own fl. fh, or corrupt inclination of nature, and ftudieth to fullow the rule of God's Spiiiti fct down in his word : for the man, vhom the apofi'e dorh here bicfs as a true believer, is a man in Chnil Jelus, < who doth not walk after ' the fleih, but after the Spirit.*

2. That all fuch perlbns as are fled to Chrift, and do drive agamft /in, howfoever they may be poilibly exercifed under thcfenle of wrath and fear of condemnation, yet they are in no danger; fiar, * there is

* no condemnation,' faith he * to them that are in Chriil Jefus, v/ho walk not after the flefh, but after the spirit.*

3. That, albeit the apoftlc hirafelf brought iti here for example's caule, and ail other true believers in Chrift. be by nature under the law of fm and death, or under the covenant of works (called the law of fia and death, becaufe it bindeih fin and death upon us, till Chriil fet us free) yet the law of the fpirit of life in ChriO Jefus, or the covenant of grace, (fo called, becaule it doth enable and quicken a man to a fpi- ritual life through Chrill) doth let the apoftle, and all true believers, free from the covenant of works, or the law of fin and death ; fo every man may fay with him, * The law of the ipirit of life,' or rhc covenant of grace, * hath made me free from fke law of fin and death,' or covenant of works.

4. That the fountain and firfV ground, from whence our freedom from the curfe of the law doth flow, is the covenant of redemption, pail betwixt God, and God the Son as incarnate, wherein Chrift takes the curie of the law upon him for fin^ that the believer, who could not otherwife be delivered from the covenant of works, may be deli- Tered from it. And this dodfrine the apofUe holdeth forth in ihefe four branches : ( i.) That it was utterly impodible fot the law, or the covenant of works, to bring righteouinels and life to a finner, bccaui^ it was weak. (2 ) That this weaknefs and inability of the law. or covenant of works, is not the fault of the law, but the fault of finful flefh, which is neither able to pay the penalty of fin, nor to give per fecft obedience to the law (prefuppole bygone fms were forgiven;)

* The law was weak,' faith he, * through the flefh.' (3.) That the righteoufnefs and falvation of finners, which was impoffible to b** brought about by the law, is brought to pafs by fending God's owrt Sod, Jcfus Chrift, in the flefli. in whofe flefh fin is condemned and punilhed, for making fatisfaftion in the behalf of the eleft, that they might be fet free. (4.) That, by his means, the law lo.'<;ih uorhinr^y

E e 2 tscaui*^

43<^ The PraSlical life

becaufe the nghteoufnefs of the law is belt fulfilled this way; firft, by Chriit'b giving perfeft a6Vive obedience in our name unto it in all things : ncj^t. by his paying, in our name, the penalty (d:ie to our fins) in his death: and laftly, by his working of landtification % us, whg are true believers, who Ilrive to give new obedience unto the law, and * walk not after the flefli, but after the Spirit.'

O00O0vO«O0OO000O6O0©00C®00©0O WARRANTS to BELIEVE.

FOR building our confidence upon this folid ground, thele four warrants and ipecial motives to believe in Chrift may ferve.

The fiifl whereof is Goid*s hearty invitation, holden forth, Ifa. Iv. i, ^, 4. 5-

* TTO, every one that thirlteth, come ye to the waters; and he that

* X"l h'Jth no money, come and buy without money and without

* price.' Ver. 2. ' Wherefore do ye Ipend your money for that which

* is not bread > and your labour for that which fatisficth not > tfearken

* diFigently unto me, and eat ye that which is good, and let your foul

* delight itfeU in fatnels.' Ver, 3. « Incline your ear, and come unto

* me ; hear, and your foul fhall live, and I will make an evelafting co-

* venant with you, even the lure mercies of David ' Ver. 4. * Behold,

* I have given him for a witnefs to the people, a leader and commander < to the people/ &c.

Here (after fetting down the precious ranfom of our redemption by the fufferings of Chrift, and the rich blefTmgs purchalcd to us thereby, in the rwo former chapters) the Lord, in this chapter,

1. Maketh open offer of Chrifl and his grace, by proclamation of a free and gracious market of righteoufnels and falvation, to be had tnrough Chrifl to every foul, witliout exception, that truly delires to be laved from fin and wrath ; * Ho, every one that thirfteih/ faith he

2. H:3 inviteth all fmners, that for any reafon flacd at diflance with God, to come and take from him riches of grace, running in Chrifl as a jiver, to wafli away fin, and to flocken wrath ; ' Gome ye to the

* waters,* fa'ith he.

3. Left any (hould fland aback, in the fenfe of his own finfulnefs or nnworihinels, and inability to do any good, the Loid caileth upon fuch perloLS in fpecial, faying, ' He that hath no money, come.*

4. He craveth no more of his merchant, but that he be pleafed with the wares offered, which arc grace and more grace; and that he heartily conlent unto, and embrace this offer ot grace, that (o he may

^ clofc

Of Saving Knowledge. 4j^7

clofe a bargain, and a formal covenant with God ; ' Come buy wirh-

* out money,' faith he, * come, eat;' that is, confent to have, and take unto you all faving graces; make the wares you owu, poHcfs ihcm, and make ufe of all blefTmgs in Chrirt ; whatfocver makcth for your fpiritual life and comfort, ufe and enjoy it freely, without pay'mg any thing for it : * Come buy wine and milk, without money, and with-

* out price,' faith he.

5. Becaufe the Lord knoweth how much we are inclined to feck righteoufnefs and life by our own performances and latisfa(flion. to have righteoufnefs and life as it were by the way of works; and how loth we are to embrace Ghrift Jefus, and to take life by way of free grace through Jefus Chrift, upon the terms whereupon it is offered to us : therefore the Lord lovingly calls us off this our crooked and un- happy way, with a gentle and timeous admonition, giving us to under Hand, that we fhall but lofe our labour in this our way; * Where

* fore do you fpend your money,* faith he, * for that which is not

* bread ? and yoUr labour for that which fatisfieth not?'

6. The Lord promifeth to us folid fatisfaftion, in the way of betaking ourfelvcs unto the grace of Chrift, even true contentment, and fulncfs of fpiritual pleafure, faying, *• Hearken diligently unto me, and eat that

* which is good, and let your foul delight itfelf in fatnefs.*

7. Becaufe faith cometh by hearing, he calleth for audience unto the explication of the offer, and calleth for believing of, and liftcning to the truth, which is able to beget the application of laving faiih, and to draw the foul to truft in God ; * Incline your ear, and come un-

* to me,* faith he. To which end, the Lord proniifes, that this offer being received, fhall quicken the dead finner; and that, upon the welcoming of this offer, he will clofe the covenant of grace with the man that fhall confent unto it, even an indilfolvcable covenant of per- petual reconciliation and peace; * Hearken and your loul fhall live,

* and I will make an everlafting covenant with you.' Which covenant, he dcclareth, fhall be in fubftance the allignation, and the making over, of all the faving graces which David (who is Jefus Chrift, ^-i^ls xili- 3-^ ) hath bought for us in the covenant of redemption ; * I will make a co-

* venanr with you,* faith he, ' even the fure mercies of David.' By inre mercies, he means faving graces, fuch as are righteoufnefs, peace, and joy in the holy Ghoft, adoption, fanftification, and glorification, and what- foever belongs to godlinefs and lile eternal.

8 To confirm and affure us of the real grant of thefe faving mercies, and to perfuade us of the reality of the covenant betwixt God and ihe believer of this word, the Father hath made a fourfold gift of his eternal and only begotten Son ;

Firft, to be incarnate and born for our fake, of the feed of David his type; for which caufe, he is called here, and y4cls xiii ^5. David, the true and everlafting King of Ilracl. This is the great gift of God


4^8 'The PraBical U/e

fo man, John ir. lo. And here, / hane given himio he David, or bora of David, to the people.

Secondly, H? hath made a gift of Chrift to be a witnefs to the peo- ple, bo»h of the Aire and favjng mercies granted to the redeemed in the covenant of redemption ; and a)ib of the Father's wUiingnefs and piirpofe to apply themv and to make them fafl: in the covenant of recon- cili ition. made with fuch as embrace the offer: / have given htm (faith the Lord here) to be a witnefs te the people. And truly he is a luffici- cnt witnels in this matter, in many rerpe<fi"s; ift, Becaufe be is one of the blelfcd Trinity, and party-contra^er for us, in the covenant of re- demption, before the world was. zdly. He h by oflice, as Mediator, the McfTenger of the covenant, and hath gotten commillion to reveal it. 3dly. He began atflnally to reveal it in paradile, where he promiP ed» that the feed of the woman Oiould bruire*the head of the ferpent, 4thly, He fet forth his own death and fufFerings, and the greut bcne- jfits that flionld come thereby to us, in the types and figures of facrrfi- ces and ceremonies before his coming. 5thly, He gave more and more Jight about this covenant, fpeaking by his Spirit, from age to age, in the holy prophets. 6thly, He came himfelf in the fulnefs of time, and ^id btar witnefe of all things belonging to this covenant, and of God's M'il!in[5 mind to take believers into it ; pardy by uniting our nature in one perfbn with the divine nature ; p:trtly by pre-iching the good tidings of the covenant with his own mouth -, partly by paying the price of redemption on the crofs; and partly by dealing (lill with the people, from the begmning to this day, to draw in, and to hold in the redeem- ed in this covenant.

Thirdly, God hath made a gift of Chrifl, as a Leader to the people, to bring us through all difficulties, all affliftions and tenrations, unto life by this covenant : and he it is, and no other, who doth indeed lead his own unto the covenr^nt; and, in the covenant all the way on nnto falvation, j. By the direiflion of his word and Spirit. 2. By the ej^ample of his own life, in faith and obedience, even to the death of the cioh. 3. By his powerful working, bearing his redeemed Oiies in his arms, and cauOng them to lean on him, while they go up through the wildernefs.

Fourthly, God hath made a gift of Chrifl unto his people, as a Com- jnandcr .- which cfhce he faithfully exercifetb, by giving to his kirk and people, laws and ordinances, pallors and governors, and all ne- CtfTiry c^:ei's ; by keeping courts and afTemblics amon^ them, to fee that his laws be obeyed; fubduing, by his word. Spirit and difcip- line, -his people's corruptions; and, by his wildom and power, guard- ing them agaiaft ail their enemies whatfoever.

Hence he, who hath clofed bargain with God, may flrengtbcn his .

r.jtll; by reafbning after this manner: i

♦♦ Who'bever cjgtl^ lK«'^tily receive the offer gf free grace, made i

*' here '

df Saving KfioivUdge. ^30

*\here to finners, thirfting for righteoulbefs" and falvafion ; unto him, by an everlafting covenant, bclongeth Chriil, the true David, with ** all his lure and ftving mercies.

" But 1 (may the weak believer fay) do heinlly receive the offer of *' free gracp- made here to finocrs, thiriling for righteoulhels and ialvatioa.

•* Therefore unto me, by an everlafting covenant, belongcth Chrift ** Jefus, with all his fure and faving mercies."

The fccond warrant and fpecial motive to embrace Chrif}, and believe in him, is the earned requeft that God muketh to us to be reconcil- ed to him in Chrift, holden forth, 2 Cor. v. verles 14, 19, 20, 21.

QOD was in Chrijl reconciling the world unto himfelf^ not im- puting their trefpajfes unto them, and hith committed unto us the ihrd of reconciiiaiion. Vcr. 20. Now then we are am- hajfadors for Chrift, as though God did hefeechyou by us ; tee fray you in Chrift^ s ft:* ad, be ye reconciled to God. Vcr. 2 1 . For he hath made him to he fm for us, who knew 710 ftn, that we might be made the right eoufnefs of God in hinu

Wherein the apoftlc teacheth us thefe nine do^lrines ;

Firft, That the eleft world, or world of redeemed fouls, are by na- ture in the eftate of enmity againft God : This is preiuppofed in the word reconciliation; for reconciliation, or renewing of fricodfiiip, can- not be, except betwixt thofe that have been at enmity.

Second, 1 hat in all the time by-palV fince the fall of Adam, Chriil Jefus, the eternal Son of God, as Mediator, and die Father in him, hath been about the making friendihip (by his word and Spirit) be- twixt himfelf and the eleft world ; * God,' faith he, * was in Chrill

* reconciling the world to hirafeU.'

Third, that the way of reconciliation was in all ages one and the iame in lubltance, viz by forgiving the fins of them, who do acknow- ledge their fms and their enmiry againfl God, and do leek reconciliati- on and remi/TioQ of fins in Chrift ; * For God,' laith he, ' was in Chrirt

* reconciling the world to himfelf, by v/ay of not imputing their ircl-

* paflTes unto them.

Fourth, That the end and fcope of the gofpel, and whole word of God, is threefold; i. It fervcth to make people feniible ol tmir fius, and of their enmity againil God, and of their, if they fhoiild fland out, and not fear God's dilpleafurc. 2. 1 he word of God icrv- eth to make men acquainted with the conrfe, which God hath pre- pared, for making friendlhip with him through Chrift, viz. that if men /hall acknowledge the enmify> and ftiall be content to enter iiiro

E c 4 ii ^-

44^ The P radical life

a covenant of friendfliip with God, through Chrift, then God will be content to be rccoDcikd with them freely. 3. The word of God ier- veth to teach men how to carry themleives towaids God, as friends, alter they are reconciled to him, viz. to be loth to fin again ft. him, and to Hrive heartily to obey his commandments : and therefore the word of God here is called the word of reconciliation, becaufc it teach- eth us what fleed we have of reconciliation, and how to make it, and how to keep the reconciliation or friendfhip, being made with God tbiou^h Chiiil.

Fifth, That albeit the hearing, believing and obeying of this word, doth belong 10 all thofe to whom this gol'pel doth come : yet the office of preaching of it» with authority, belongeth to none, but to iuch only as God doth call to his miniflry, and fendeth out with comroii- fion for this work. This the apof^Ie holdeth forth, v. 18. in the|l< words, * He hath committed to us the word of reconciliation,'

Sixth, That the minifters of the gofpel fhould behave »hemfelves as Chrift 's mefTengers, and fliould clofely follow their commiilion let dewn in the word, Mat xxviii. 19, 20. and, when they do fo, they fhould bt; received by the people as ambafTadors from God ; for here the a- p( file, in all their names, laith, * We are ambg/Tadors for Chrift, as

though God did beleech you by us.'

Seventh, That miniftcrs, in all earneflnefs of afFe^lions, fliould deal with people to acknowledge their fins, and rheir na rural enmity a- gainft God, more and more ferioufly : and to conient to the covenant or grace and embafTage of Chrift more and more heartily ; and to evi- dence more and more clearly their reconciliation, by a holy carriage be- fore God. This be holdeth forth, when he faith, * We pray you, be

reconciled to God.'

Eight, That, in the miniflers affe<ffionate dealing with the people* the people fh«uld confider that they have to do with God and Chrift, requeOing them by the minifters to be reconciled : now, there cannot be a greater inducement to break a finner's hard heart, than God's making rcqucft to him for fricndfhip; for when it became us, who have done lo many wrongs to God, to ieek friendihip of God, he pre- venteth us: and (O wonder of wonders!; he.requefieth us to be con- tent to be reconciled to him ; and therefore moft fearful wrath muft abide them who do fet light by this rcqucft, and do not yield when they hear minifters with commifTion, faying, * We are ambafTadors for

* Chrifl, as though God did beleech you by us ; we pray you, in Chrift*s

* ftead. be ye reconciled to God.*

Ninth, To make it appear, how it cometh to pafs that the covenant of reconciliation ftiould be fo eafily made up betwixt God and a hum- ble Tinner fleeing to Chrift, the apoftle leads us unto the caufe of it, holden forth in the covenant of redemption., the fura whereof is this ; »* It is agreed betwixt God and the Mediator Jdus Chrift the Son of •* Godf (ure ly fpr tl^e redeemed, as parti^S'Contra<5ters, that the fins of

of Saving Knowledg:. ,^^1.

'* the rc^eerftcd fhould be imputed to innocent Chrlft, and he both •» condemced and put to death for them, upon this very condition, *< thd^ wholbever heartily confents unto the covenant of reconciliation " offered through Chrift, fhall, by the imputation of hts obedience <* UQto them, be- juifified and holden righteous before God ; for God « hath made Chriit ;" * who knew no fin, to be fin for us, faith the * apoftle, that we might be made the righteoufneis or God in him.'

Hence may a weak believer ftrengthen his faith, by reafoning from this ground afier this manner ;

•' He that, upon the loving requeft of God and Chrifl, made to him <* by the mouth of miniflers (^having commiffion to that effe(fi:} hath '* embraced the offer of perpetual reconciliation through Chrif>, and ' doth purpole, by God's grace, as a reconciled perfon, to ftrive a- «* gainft fin, and to (erve God to his power conflantly, may be as fure ^* to have righteouinefs and eternal life given to him, tor the obedience " of Chrifl imputed to him, as it is fure that Chrift was condemned ** and put to death for^the fins of the redeemed imputed to him.

** But I (may the weak believer fay) upon the loving requeft of <* God and Chrill, made to me by the mouth of his miniffers, have ** embraced the offer of perpetual reconciliation through Chrifi, and ** do purpofe, by God's grace, as a reconciled perlbn, to flrive againit " fin, and to ferve God to my power con(\antly,

*' Therefore I may be as lure to have righteoufnefs and eternal life ♦* given to me, for the obedience of Chrifl imppted to me, as it is •* lure that Ghrift was condemned and put to death for the fins of the ** redeemed imputed to him.'*

The third warrant and fpecial motive to believe in Chrifl, is the flralt and awful command of God, charging all the hearers of the gofpel to approach to Chrifl, in the order fet down by him, and to believe in him; holden forth, i John iii. 23.

^HIS is bis commandment, that wejhould believe in the name of his Son Jefus Cbrijl, and love one another, as he gave us his commandment.

Wherein the apoflle giveth us to underftand thefe five dodlrincs ;

I . That if any man fliall not be taken with the fweci invitation of God, nor with the humbic and loving requeft of God, made to him to be reconciled, he fhall find he hath to do with the fovereign autho- rity of the higheft Majefty ; * for this is his commandment, that wc believe in him,' faith he.

2 That if any man look upon this commandment, as he hath look- ed heretofore upon the neglcffed commandments of the law ; he mufl coafidqr that this is a command of the gofpel, pofterior to the law, gj,


442 The P radical Ufe

CD for making ufe of the remedy of all fins; which, if it be dlfoSeyed,

there is no orher commaQd to follow but tftis, * Go, ye curied into

* .the everl.aing fire of hell: For thi> is his Commandment, Mhc obe- dience of which is moftplcafant in his %ht, ver. 22. and without which It IS irnpofliblc to pkafe him, fieb. xi 6. '

3 That every one, who" heareth the gofpel, muft majce confcience of the duty of lively faith in Chrift : the weak believer mud: not think It prelumpnon to do what is commanded. The perfon inclined to def- peration mult take up himfelf. and think upon obedience unto this iwect and raving command The ftrong believer muft dip yet more m the fenfe of the need he hath of Jefus Chrili, and more and more grow m the obedience of thi. command ; yea. the moil impenitent, profane and wicked per/on muft not thruit out hiraielf, or be thruft, out by others from orderly aiming at this duty, how deiperate foeve| his condition fecm to be ; for he that commands all men to believe ia Chriif doth thereby com.nand all men to believe that they are damn- ed and loft without Chrift: he thereby commands all mea to acknow- ledge their fins and their need of Ghrift, and in tfftO: commands all men to repent, that th-y may believe in him. * And whofocver do re- tule to repent of their bygone fins, are guihy of dilbbcdience to this Command givrn to all hearers, but efpecially to thefe that arc within the vifible church : For this is his commandment, that wc fhould be- lieve on the mime of his Son Jefus Chrift,' faith he. 4. That he who obeycth this commandment, hath built his falvati- on a lohd ground; For. firft, He ha.h found the promifed Meffiah, comp^atly furniftied with aU perfedions unto the perfect execution of the offices of prophet, pricft, and king ; for he is that Chrift, in whom tnc man doth believe. 2. He hath embraced a Saviour, who is able ^ to lave to the uttermoft, yea, and who doth efFc^lualiy fave, every one that Cometh to God through him : for he is Jefus, the true Savi-

Tul M l^'^'^h ^'°''' '^^'' ^'""'^ 3- He that obeyeth this command, ha;h built his f^-^jvation on the Rock, that is, on the Son of God, to whom It is DO robbery to r,e called equal to the Fa;her, and who is worthy to be the oh\,a of laving f^ith. and of fpiritual worftiip: for this IS his command; laith he, * that we believe in the Lame of his

* Son Jelus Chrift '

. 5' That he who hath believed on Jefus Chrift (thonp,h he be freed ' trom ths curie of the law) is not free^l fiom the comm'^nd and obedi- ence of the law, but tied thereunto by a new obligation, and a new command from Chrift: which new command fn^m Chrift importeth help ro obey the command; unto which command from Chrift, the tarhcr addeth his authority and command alfo; ' For this is his cora- ^ mandmcnt (laith John) that we believe on the name of his Son Jefus;lt, and love one another, as he hadi commanded us.' The firft part r.f which command, injoioing bchrf in him. n-cc/Firily implieth love to Oc rj, and lo obedience to the firft table ; for believing in God, and


of Saving Knowledge. 443

ioving God, arc infcparable, and the lecond parr of the? command io- joineth love to our neighbour, (efpfciaHy to the houfnold of filth) and lb obedience to the fccond table of \he law.

Hence may a weak believer lliengthen himfclf, by reafoning from this ground after this manner >

*' Wholo^vtr in the fenlc of his own finfulners and fear of God's <• wrath, at the command of God, is fltd to Jefus Chiift, the only <* remedy of fin and milcry, and hath engaged his he^rt to the obedi *' ence of the law of love, his faith is not preiumptuous or dead, but <* true and faving faith.

** But I (may the weak believer fay) in the fenfe of ray own finful- ** neis, and fear of God's wrath, am fled to Jsius Chrift, the only rem^y of fm and milery, and have engaged my heart to the obedi- *' cnce of the law of love.

Therefore my faith is act a preiumptuous and dead faith, but <* true and faviug faith."

The fourth warrant and fpecial motive to believe in Chrift, is much affurance of life given, in cafe men fliall obey the command of be- lieving ; and a tearful certification of deilru(5tion, in cafe they obey not; holden forth, John iii. 35.

n^HE Father lovetb the Son, and hath given all things into bis hand, Ver. 36. He that believeth on the Son, hath

everlapng life ; and he that believeth not the Son, flmll not

fee life, hut the wrath of God abideth on him.

Wherein are holden forth to us thcfe five following doarines ;

1 That the Father is well fatisfied with the undertakings of the Son, entered Redeemer and Surety to pay the ranfom of believers, nnd to perfeO them in holioefs . and falvaiion. The Father loveth the Son, faith he : viz. as he flandeth Mediator in our name, undertaking to perfeft our redemption in all points: The Father loveth jiim, that is, doth heartily accept his offer to do the work, and is well plcafed with him ; his foul delighteth in him, and reHeth upon him, and mnketh him, in this his office, the Receptacle of love and grace and good-wiU^' to be conveyed by him to believers in him. 1x71

2. Tha*t, for fulfilling of the covenant of redemption, the Father hath given to the Son (as he ftandeth in the capacity of the Medrjtor, or as he is God incarnate, the Word made fiefli) all authority m hea- ven and earth, all furniture of the riches of grace, and of ipint and life, with all power and ability, which the union of the divine nature with the human, or which the fulncfs of the Godhead dwehing lub- flantidiy in his human nature, or which the indiv.fiblc all-iuftiriency and omniporency of the infeparable, every where prefent Trinity dot u import, or the work, of redemption can require? The Father (laitn ne)

444 "The Praaical Ufe

hath given all things into his Son's band, to wit, for accomplifliing his work.

3. Great afTurance of life is holden forth to all, who fliall heartily receive Chrift, and the offer of the covenant of grace and reconciliati- on through -him : He that belteveth on the Son (faith he) hath everhft^ mg life ; for it is made faft unto him, i. In God's purpofe and irrevo- cable decree, as the believer is a man clc(5led to life. 2. By efFeftual calling of him unto life by God, who. as he is faithful, lo wiU he do it. 3. By promife and everlafling covenant, fworn by God, to giire the believer Orong confoiation in life and death, upon immutable grounds. 4. By a pawn and infeftment under the great feal of the iacrament of the Lord's fupper, fo oft as the believer (hall come 10 re- ceive the fymbols and pledges of life. 5. In Chrift the Fountain and Head oi life, who is entered in pofleflion, as attorney for believers; ia whom our life is fo laid up, that it cannot be taken away. 6, By be- gun poflTe/fion of fpiritual life and regeneration, and a kingdom con- fining in righteoulnefs. peace, and joy in the holy Ghoft, cre'dfed with- in the believer, as earncft of the full pofTeffion of everlafting life.

4. A fearful certification is given, if a man receive not the doflrine concerning righteoulnefs and erernal life to be had by Jefus Chrift ; He that believes not the Son, /hall not Jes life, that is, not fb much as underftand what it meaneth.

5. He further cerrifieth, that, if a man receive not the doarine of the Son of God, he fliall be burdened rwice with the wrath of God- once as a born rebel by nature, he fliail bear the curfc of the law, or the covenant of works ; and next he fhall endure a greater condemnati- on, m rdpecfl ihat light being come into the world, and offered to him, he hath reje^ed it, and loved darknefs rattier than light : and this double wrath (hall be faftened and f^xed immoveably upon him, fo long as he remaineth in the condition of miftjelief ; The -wrath of God abideth on him, faith he.

Hence may the weak believer ftrengthen his faith, by reafoning from this ground after this manner;

" Wholbever believeth the doftrine delivered by the Son of God, «* and findeth himielf partly drawn powerfully to believe in him, by « the fight of life in him, and partly driven, by the fear of God's «* wrath, to adhere unto him, may be fure of right and intereft to *' life eternal through him.

♦' But fmful and unworthy I (may the weak believer fay) do believe " the doarine delivered by the Son of God, and do feel myfelf partly ** drawn, powerfully to believe in him, by the fjght of life in him " and partly driven, by the fear of God's vvratl), to adhere unto him. '

''Therefore I may be fure of my right and intereft unto eternal " \\\ti through him.'*


6f Saving Knowledge, 445

The Evidences of true Faithi

SO much for the laying the grounds of faith, and warrants to be- lieve. Now, for evidencing of true faith by fruits, thefe four things are requifiie ; i . That the believer be foundly convinced in his judgment, of liis obligation to keep the whole moral law, all the days of his life ; and that not the lefs, but ib much the more, as he is "de- livered by Chrift from the covenant of works, and curie of the law. 2. That he endeavour to grow in the exercife and daily practice of godlinels and righteouinefs. 3. That the courfe of his new obedience run in the right channel, that is, through faith in Chrift, and through a good confcience, to all the duties ot love towards God and man, 4. That he keep ftrait communion with the Fountain Chrift Jefus, from whom grace muft run along, for furniftiing of good fruits.

For the firft, viz. To convince the believer, in his judgment, of his obligation to keep the moral law, among many paflagcs, take Matth. V. 16.

* r ET your Hght fo (hine before men, that they may fee your good

* i J works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Ver.

* 17. Think not that I am come to dcftroy the law or the prophets : ' I am not come to deftroy, but to fulfil Ver. -18. For verily I fay

* unto you, till heaven and earth pafs, one jot, or one tittle ftiall in no

* wife pals from the law, till all be fulfilled Ver 19. Whofoever

* therefore (ball break one of thefe Icaft commandments, and ihall

* teach men fo, he (hall be called leaft in the kingdom oi heaven : but

* whofoever fhall do and teach them, the lame (hall be called great in ' the kingdom of heaven. Ver. 20. Fer I fay unto you, That except

* your righteoufnefs fhall exceed the righteoufneis of the Scribes and

* Pharifees, ye Ihall in no cale enter into the kingdom of heaven.*

Wherein our Lord,

1. Giveth commandment to believers, juftified by faith, to give evi- dence of the grace of God in them, before men, by doing good works ; Let your Ught fo /bine before men (faith he) that they may fee your good ivorks.

2. He induceth them fo to do, by fliewing, that albeit they be not juftified by works, yet ipe^Vators of their good works may be convert- ed or edified ; and io glory may redound to God by their good works, when the witnefTes thereof fba/i glorify your Father which is in heaven.

3. He gives them no other rule for their new obedience than the moral law, let down and explicated bj Mofes and the* prophets; Think not (faith hej that lam eome to dejlroy the law and the prophets.

4. He

44^ ^/^^ Praaical U/e

4. He gives them to uoderltand, that the do^rioc of grace, and freedom from the curie of the law, by faith in hioi, is readily mifta- ken by m^ens corrupt judgments, as if it did loole or flackcn the obli- gation of believers to obey the commands, and to be <ubjc6t to the authority of the law ; and that this error is indeed a dcftro> ing of the hw and of the prophets- which he will in no cafe ever en<; -e in any of his dilciples, it is lb contrary to the end uf his coming, which is firft to fanftify, and then to fave believers : Think net ^faith he; that 1 am corns to deftroy the iaiv and the prophets.

5. He teacheih, that the end of the gofpel and covenant of grace is to procure mens obedience unto the moral law: 1 am come (laith he) to fulfill the iavj and the prophets.

6 That the obligtion of the moral law, in all points, unto all holy duties, is perpetual, and (hall ftand to the world's end, that is, till heaven and earth pafs etivay.

7. That as God hath had a care of the fcriptures from the begin- ning, fo lliali he have a care of them flill the world's end, that there {hail net one jot or one title of the fubjiance thereof be taken away ; fo faith the text, verfe 18.

8. That as the breaking of the moral law, and defending the tranf- grcfTions thereof to be no fin, doth exclude men, both from he-ven, and juftly alio from the felluwfhip of ihe true kirk ; fo the obedience of the law, and teaching others to do the fame, by example, counfel and do^rine, according to every man's calling, provcth a man to be z, true believer, and in great elHmation with God, and worthy to be much cfteemed of by the true church. Verfe 19.

9. That the righteoulbefs of every true Chriftian muft be more than the righteoulnefs ot the Scribes an'' Pbariiees ; for the Scribes and Pha- rifees, albeit they tock great pains to discharge iiindry duties of the law, yet they cuttcd flicrt the expofirion thereof, that it might the lefs condemn their praifl-jce : they ftudied the outward part of the duty, but neg!c<5led the inward and fpiritual part ; they discharged feme meaner duties carefully, but negle6fed judgment, mercy, and the love of God : In a word, they went about to eOabii(h their own righteoulntTs, and rejee^ed the rif^h^eoufncfs >f God by faith in Jefus. But a true Ch'iAian muR have more than all this ; he rauft acknowledge the full extent of the fpiritual meunlng of the lav;, and have a refpe<^ to all the commandments, ani labour to clcanlc himfelf from all filthi- nefs of fleth and fpirit, and not lay loeight upon what fcrvke he hath done, or foall do^ but clothe himfelf with the imputed righteoulncfs,of Chrift, which only can hide his nakedncfs, or elfe he cannot be fared ; fo faith the text, Except your riohteoujnefsy i&c. .

The fecond thing requifite to evidence true faith, is, that the believer endeavour to put the rules of godiinefs and righteoufnefs in praftke, and to grow ia tlic dailv exercile thereof, halden forth, 2 Pet. i. 5.


of Saving Knowledge. ^^j

* A ^ ^ bcfidcs this, giving aU diligence, add to your faith, virtue ;

* 2.x, aad to virtue, knowledge ; ' verfe 0. * And to knowledge, tem-

* perance; and to temperance, patience; and to patience, godlincls;* ▼erle 7. * And to godlinels, broihe?ly kindnefs ; and to broiherly- « kindnefj*, charity. Vtrfe 8. ' For, if thele things be in you, and

* abound, Uiey make you, that ye (hall neither be barren nor unfruit- •fui io'the knowledge of our Lord Je(us Chrill/

Whercia, i. The apoflle tcachcih believers, for evidencing of pre- cious faith in thcmfdvesj to endeavour to add to their faith levtn other fifter graces ; 1 he firll is virtue, or the adlive exercife and practice of ail moral duties, that lb faith may net be idle, but put forth itfdf in work. The fecond is knowltoge, which lerves to furnifh faith with information of the truth to be believed, and to furnilh virtue w'irh di- re^lion what duties arc to be done, and how to go about them pru- dently. The third is temperance, which ierveth to moderate the ufe ot all pleafant things, that a man be not clogged therewith, nor made unfit tor any duly whereto he is called, J he lourth is patience, which fcrveih to moderate a man's affc£tir>n5, when he meeteth with any difficulty or unplcalant thing ; that he neither weary for pains required ]Q well-doing, nor faint when the Lord chaftiieih him, nor murmur when he crofleih him. The fifth is godlinels, which may keep him up in all the extrcifes of religion, inward and outward ; whereby he may be furnilhed from God. ^or all other duties which he hath to do. The fixth is brotherly kindness, which keepeih eltimation of, and af- fection to, all the houfhold of faith, and to the image of God in every one whercfoever i: is feen. The feventh is love, which keepcth the heart in readinefs to do good to all men, whatioever they be, upon all OGcafions which God (hall otrtr.

2. Albeit it be true, that there is much corruption and infirmity in the godly ; yet the apoftle will have men uprightly endeavouring, and doing their befl, as they arc able, to join all thele graces one to another, and to grow in the meaiure of exercifing them ; ' Giving all diligence, faith he, ' add to your laith,' &c.

4. He alTureth all proiefied believers, that as they fi^all profit in the obedience of ihis dire<5tion, fo they ftiall piofitaj)Iy pruve th- loundnels of their own faith ; and if they want thele graces, that they Ihali be found blind deceivers of themleives, verle 9.

The third thing requifite to evidence true faith is, that obedience to the law run in the right channel, that is, through faith in Chrifl, 6c, holdcn forth, i Tim. i. 5,


O^V", the end 0^ the commandment is love, out of a pure heart, and of aoood confcience, and of faith unfeigned.

44^ The Fraaical Ufe

Wherein the apoftle leachcth thcfe fevea do^rines ;

1 . That the obedience of the law muft flow Irom love, and love, from a pure heart, and a pure heart from a got>d conlcience, and a good confcience from faith unfeigned : This he makes the only right channel of good works ; * The end of the law is love,' &c.

2. That the end of the law is not, that men may be juftified by their ©bedience of it, as the Jewifh doftors did falfly teach ; for it is impof- fible that fmners can be juftified by the law, who for every tranlgref- fion, are condemned by the law : * For the end of the law is' (not fuch as the Jewidi docflors taught, but) * love out of a pure heart,* &c.

3. That the true end of the law, preached unto the people, is, that they, by the law, being made to fee their deferved condemnation, Ihould flee to Chrift unfeignedly, to be juftified by faith in him; fo faith the text, while it maketh love to fk>w through * faith in Chrift.*

4. That no man can fet him lei f in love to obey the law, except in as far as his conlcience is quieted b> faiih, or is iceking to be quieted in Chrift ; for the * end ot the law is love, out of a good confcience

* and faith unfeigned.*

5. That feigned faith goeth to Chrift without reckoning with the law, and lo wants an errand ; but unfeigned faith reckoneth with the law, and is forced to flee for refuge unto Chrift, as the end of the Isw for righteoulhels, fo often as it finds itfelf guilty for breaking of the law . * For the end of the law is faith unfeigned.*

6. That the fruits of love may come forth in aft particularly, it is necefTary that the heart be brought to the hatred of all In and un- cleannefs, and to a ftedfaft purpofe to follow all holinels univerfally :

* For the end of the law is love, out of a pure heart.*

7. That unfeigned faith is able to make the confcience good, and the heart pure, and the man lovingly obedient to the law : for, when Chrift's blood is feen by faith to quiet juffice, then the confcience be- cometh quiet alfo, and will not fuffer the heart to entertain the love of fin. but fets the man on work to fear God for his mercy, and to obey all his commandments, out ot love to God, for his free gift of juftification, by grace beflowed on him: * For this is the end of the

* law indeed,' whereby it obtaineth of a man more obedience than any other way.

The fourth tiling rcquifite to evidence true faith is, the keeping ftrait communion with Chrift, the Fountain of all graces, and of all good works ; holden forth John xv. 5.

« T Am the true Vine, ye are the branches : he that abideth in me,

* X and I in him, the fame bringeth forth much fruit; for without ' me ye can do nothing,*

V>i hereio

of Saving Knowledge. ^^^

Wherein Chrifl, in a flmilitude from a viae- tree, tencheth us,

1 . That by nature we are wild bun en briers, till we be dianged by coming unto Chrift ; and that Chrift is that noble vine-tree, having all lite and fap of grace in himfelf, and able to change the nature of every one that cometh to him, and to communicate Ipirit and life to as inuuy as (hall believe in him : I am the vine,* faith he, * and ye are the

* branches.'

2. That Chriil loveth to have believers fo united unto him, as that they be not feparated at any time by unbelief: and that there may be u mutual inhabitation of them in him, by faith and love ; and of him in them, by his word and fpirit : for he joineth theie together, if ye abide

in me, and I in you,* as things inlcparable.

3. That except a man be ingrafted in Chi iff, and united to him by faith, he canaot do any the lead good works of his own llrengrh ; yea, ex- cept in as far as a man doth draw fpirit and lite hom Chrid by faith, the work which he doth is naughty and null in the point of goodnefs, in God's eAimation : * For without me, * iai.h he, ' ye can do nothing.

4. That tnis mutual inhabitation is the fountain and infallible caufe of conftant continuing and abounding in well-doing : For, he that

* abideth * in me, and I in him, laith he, * the Ihme beareth much fruit.* Now, as our abiding in Chrift preluppofeth three things. 1 . That we have heard the joyful found of the goljjel, making o&x of Chrid to us who are loft finners by the law ; 2. That we have heartily embraced the gracious offer of Chrift, That by receiving ot him we are be- come the Ton? of God, Johri i. 12. and are incorporated into his mvfti- cal body, that he may dwell in us, as his cempJe, and we dwell in him as in the refidence of righteoufnefs and life : So our abiding in Chr.ft importeth other three things, i. An employing of Chrift in all our addrcfles to God, and in ail our undertakings of whailbevcr piece of fervice to him. 2. A contentcdncls with his lufficiency ; without going out from him to feek righteoufnefs, or life, or furniture in ciny c.ife, in our own or any of the creatures worthinefs. 3 \ fiKednefs in our believing in him, a fi\ednefs in our employing and making ulc of him and a fixednefs in our contentment in him, and adhering to him, fo that no allurement, no temptation of Satan o- the world, no terror nor trouble may be able to diive our fpirit? trom firm adherence to him, or from the conftant avowing of his truth, and obeying his com- mands, who hath loved us, and given himielf for us ; and in whom not only our lifeis hid up, but alfo the fu-nefs of the Godhead dweiltth bodily, by reaion of the lubftantial and perional union of the divute aud human nature in him.

Hence lee every watchful believer, for ftrengtheniog himfelf in faith and obedience, reaion after this manner..

F f Whofoevcr


The Praaical Ufi, &c.'

'' ^T/KOSOEVER doth daily employ Chrift Jcfus, for cleasfing •'' VV his coaicience and afFedtions from the guiltinefs and filthinefs ** of fins againO: the law, awd for enabling him to give obedience to *' the law in love, he hath the evidence of true lov» in himfelf.

''• But I (may every watchful believer fay) do daily employ Jcfus '* Chrift, for cleanfmg my confcience and afFe(5lions from the guiltinefs *' and filthinefs of fins againft the law, and for enabling of me to give ** obedience to the law in love.

•* Therefore I have the evidence of true faith in myfelf."

And hence alfo, let the flecpy and fluggiih believer reafon for his own up-ftirring, thus;

♦' Whatfocver is necelTary for giving evidence of true faith, I Itudy ** to do it, except I would deceive myiclf and perifti.

" But, to employ Chrift Jefus daily, for cleanfrng of my confcience ** and afTcftions from the guiltinefs and filthir.eis of fms againft the «« law, and for enabling me to give obedience to the law in love, is <' nccefTary for evidencing oJ true faith in me.

** Therefore, this I muft fludy to do, except 1 would deceive my- felf and perifli."

And, Laftly, Seeing Chrift himfelf hath pointed this forth, as an undoubted evidence of a man eiedled of God unto life, and given to Jefus Chrift to be redeemed, * if he come unto him/ that is, dole covenant, and keep communion with hifn, as he teacheth us, John vi. 37. faying, * All that the Father hath given me, fliall come to me ; * and he that cometh to me, I will in no wile caft out ;* let every per- fon, who doth not in earneft make ufe of Chrift for rcmiffion of fm, and amendment of life^ reaibn hence, and from the whole premifTes, after this manner, that his conicience may be awakened,

** Whofoever is neither by the law, nor by the goipel, (o convinced " of fm, righteoufnels and judgment, as to make him come to Chnft, '* and employ him daily for remiftion of fm, and amendment of life; ** he wanteth not only all evidence of laving faith, but alio ail appear- " ance of his elc<flion, io long as he remaineth in this condition.

*' But I (may every impenitent perfon fay) am neither by the law ** nor the goipel io convinced of fin, rightcouinefs and judgment, a$ " to make me come to Chrift, and employ him daily for remilTion of ** fm, and amendment of life,

*' Therefore I want, not only all evidence of faving faith, bat alfo " all appearance of my ele6lion, {o long as i remain in this condition."

I N I S,








A Defignation of fucb A£is of Parliament as are expedient for Jullifying the Union after-mentioned.

Jofli. xxir. 25. So Jtfjhua made a covenant 'with the people that dayt and fet them ajiatutd and an o^diname in Shichem .

2 Kings vi. 17. And Jehoiada made a covenant hetnueen the Lord, and the king and the people ; that they Jhould be the Lord's people; between the king alfo and the people,

Ifa. xliy. 5. One /hall fay, T am the Lord's : And anothr Jhall call bimfelf by the name of Jacob : At:d another Jhcill fubfcrihe ^ith his hand unto the Lord, and Jii name him/elf by the natne (f Ijrael,

Printed in the Year M,DCC,LV.


Aflembly at Edinburgh, Auguft 30, 1639, SefT. 23.

Act ordaining, by Ecclefia^^ical Authority, the Subfcriptlon of the Confeflion of Faith and Covenant, with the Aflem- bly's Declaration.

TfiE general aflembly confidering the great happinefs which may flow from a full and perfed union of this kirk and kingdom, by joining of all in one ar-i the fame Covenant with God, with the king's majclty, and among ourfelves ; having by our great oath declared the uprighmefs and loyalty of our intentions in all our proceedings ; and having withal fuppiicated his majefty's high commiffioner, and the lords of his majefty's honourable pri?y council, to enjoin, by a<5t of council, all the lieges in time coming to fubfcribe the Confefiion of Faith and Covenant ; which, as a tcftimony of our fidelity to God, and loyalty to our king, we have fubfcribed: and feeing his majefty's high commif- fioner, and the lords of his majefty's honourable privy-«ouncil, have granted the defire of our fupplication, ordaining by civil authority, all his majefty's lieges, in tirae coming, to fubfcribe the forefaid Covenant : that our union may be the more full and perfed, we, by our aft and conftitution ecclefiaftical. do approve the forefaid Covesant in all the heads and claufes thereof; and ordain of new, under all ecclefiaftical cenfure, That all the mafters of univerfitics, colleges, and fcholars at the pafTing of their degrees, all perfons fufpefted of papiftry or any other error, and finally, all the members of this kirk and kingdom, fubfcribe the fame, with thefe words prefixed to their fubfcriprion. The article of this Covenant, whicli was at the firft fubfcription referred to the determination of the general afTembly, being determbied ; and therebj^ the five articles of Perth, the government of the kirk by bifhops, the civil places and power of kirkmen, upon the realoDS and grounds con- tained in the afts of the genera! affembly, declared to be unlawful within this kirk : we fubfcribe according to the determination forefaid. And ordain the Covenant, with this declaration, to be infert in the reglfters of the affcmblies of this kirk, general, provincial, and preft^yterial, ad per' petuaj?z ret memoriam. And in all humility fuppiicate his majefty's high commiffioner, and the honourable eftates of parliament, by their authority, to ratify and enjoin the fame, under all civil pains ; which will tend to .the glory of God, prefervation of religion, the king's majefty's honour, and perfeft peace of this kirk and kingdom.


453 ^

Charles I. Pari. 2. Afl 5.

A6i anent the Ratification of the Covenant, and of the Aflem- bly's Supplication, Aft of Council, and Aft of Afrembly concerning the Covenant.

At Edinburgh, June nth, 1640.

THE eftates of parliament, prefently conveened by his majefty's fp^- cial authority, confidering the fupplication of the general aflembly at Edinburgh, the 12th of Augvift, 1639, to his majefty's high eopimif- fioner, and the lords of his majefty's honourable privy-council ; and the adt of council of the 30th of Auguft, 1639, cOataining the anfwer of the faid fupplication ; and the a6l of the faid general affembly, ordaining, by their ecclefiaftical conftitution the fubfcription of the ConfeffioB of Faitli and Covenant mentioned in their fupplication : and withal, having fup- plicated his maj«fty to ratify and enjoin the fame by his royal authority, under all civil pains, as tending to the glory of God, the prcfervation of religion, the king's majefty's honour, and the perfect peace of this kirk and kingdom ; do ratify and approve the faid fupplications, a&. of council, and adt of aflembly : and, conform thereto, ordain and command the faid Confeflion and Covenant to be fubfcribed by all his majefty's fubjeds, of what rank and quality foever, under all civil pains ; and ordain the faid fupplication, i6t of council, and aft of the aft'embly, with the whole Con- feflion and Covenant itfelf, to be infert and regiftrate in the ads and books of parliament ; And alfo ordain the fame to be prefented at the entry of every parliament, and, before they proceed to any other aft, that the fame, be publickly read, and fworn by the whole members of parliament, claim- ing voice therein ; otherwife the refufers to fubfcribe and fwear the fame, fhall have no place nor voice in parliament r And fuch like ordain all judges, magiftrates, or other officers, of whatfoever place, rank Or quali- ty, and minifters at their entry, to fwear and fubfcribe the fame Covenant, . whereof the tenor follows.



The National Covenant,

O R,

The Confeffion of Faith ;

^ubfcrihedj at frft, by the King^s Majejly and his Houjholdy in the year 15 Bo, thereafter by perfons of all ranks y in the year 1581, by ordinance of the Lords of fecret council^ and acts of the General Affembly : Sub/cribed agaiii by all forts cf perfons tn the year 1 5-90, by a new ordinance of council^ at the deftre of the General Affembly ; with a general bond for the maintaining of the true Chriflian religion^ and the king's perfon , and^ together with a refolution and promifey for the caujes after-e^preffed, to maintain the true religiony and the King's Majejly y according to the forefaid Confejfion and ads of parliament^ fuhfcribed by barons y nobles y gentle- rneny burgeffesy mimfters and commons y in the year 1638.* Jpproved by the General Affembly y 1638 and 16^^ ; and fuhfcribed again by per Jons of all ranks and qualities in the year •'6:? 9, by an ordinance of council^ upon the fuppli' cation of the General Affembly y and aSl of the General Af- fembly : ratified by an ad of Parliament i^^o ; and fub- fcnbed by Fiing Charles 11. at Speyy June 23, 1650; and Scoon, January iji, 1 65 i .

WE all and every one of us underwrUten* proteft, That, after long and due examination of our own confciences in matters of true and fajie religion, we are now throughly reiblved in the truth by the word and Spirit of God : and therefore we believe wiih our hearts, confefs with our mouths, fubfcribe with our hands, and conftantly affirm before God and the whole world, that this only is the true Chrif- tian faith and religion, plcafmg God, and bringing falvation to man, ■which now is, by the mercy of Go6f revealed to the world by the preaching of the blefied evar^' si ; and is received, believed, and de- fended by many and fundry notable kirks and realms, but chiefly by the kirk of Scotlnud, the king's majcfty and three cflaies of this realm, as God's eternal trinh, and only ground of our f:-ilvation ; as more particul^ly is exprctfcd in the ConfcfIi:)n of our Faith, ertablifned and publickly confirmed by fundry aifts of parliaments, and now of a long I'jme have been openly profCiTed by the king's majefty, and \vhole bo-

Or, National Covenant. ^^^

dy of this realm both in burgh and land. To the which confeflion arfd form of religion we willingly agree ii? our coniciencc in all points, as unto God's undoubted truth and. verity grounded only upon his writ- ten word. And therefore we abhor and deleft all contrary religion and «lo(5trine; but chiefly all kind of papiftry in general and particular he!ids, even as they are now damned and confuted hy the word of God and Kirk of Scotland. But in (pecial we deleft and refufe the ufurped authority of that Roman antichrift upon the fcriptures of God, upon the- kirk, the civil magiftrate, and confciences of men r all his tyran- icious laws made upon indifferent things againft our Chrillian liberty ; his erroneous doftrinc againft the iufficicncy of the written word, the perfeftion of the law, the office of Chrill, and his bleftcd evangel : his corrupted doftrine concevning original fin., our natural inability and rebellion to God's law, our juftification by faith only, our imperfect iaoftification and obedience to the law ; tlie nature, number, aud ufe of the holy facraments : his five baftard facraments ; with all his rites, ceremonies and falfe doflrine, added to the adminiftration of the truefii- craments without the word of God : his cruel judgment againft infants departing without the facrament : hi^ abfoJute necefTity of baptiim; his blaiphemous opinion of tranfubfUntiation, or real preience of Chrlft's body in the elements, and receiving of the fgmc hy the wick- ed, or bodies of men : his difpenfations with folemn oaths, perjuries, and degrees of marriage forbidden in the w.^rd : his cruelty againft the innocent divorced : his devil! Qi mafs : his blafphemous pricfthood : his profane facrifice for fins of the dead and the quick : his canonization of men; calling upon angels or faints departed; worfhipping of ima- gery, relicks and crofTes ; dedicating of kirks, altars, days ; vows to creatures -. his purgatory, prayers for the dead ; praying or fpeaking in a ftrange language; with his prcceffions and blafphemous litany, and multitudes of advocates or mediators : his manifold orders, auricu- lar cbnfeiTion : his defperate and uncertain repentance : his general and doubtfome faith ; his latisfa6fion of men for tneir fins; his juf- tification by works, Opus cpcratiim, works of fupererogation, merits, pardons, peregrinations, and ftarions : his holy water, baptizing of bells, conjuring of fpirlts, croiling, faying, anointing, conjuring, hallowing-of God's good creatures, with the (uperftitious opinion join- ed therewith : his worldly monarchy, and wicked hierarchy : his three folemn vows, with ail his fliavellings of fundry forts : his erroneous and bloody decrees made at Trent, with all the fubfcribers or approv- ers of that cruel and bloody banjl, conjured againft the kirk of God, And finally, we deleft all his vain allegories, rites, figns, and traditi- ons brought in the kirk, without or againft the word of God, and dcflriae of this true reformed kirk ; to the which we joiu our/elves willingly, in do(51:rine, faith, religion, difcipline, and ufe of the hc!y facraments, as lively members of the iame in Chrift our Head : promif- iD'T and fwearing by the ."reat name of the LORD pur GOD, that v/e

F f 4 ^y^w

^5^ "^he Confejfion of Faith,

fi^aall continue in the obeoience of the doOrine and diicipline of this k'lrk*, and (hall defend the iame, according to our vocation and po\A'er, all the days of our lives ; under the pains contained in the law, and danger both of body and foul in the day of God's fearful judgment.

And feeing that many Te ftirred up of Satan and that Roman anti- chrift, to promife, fwear, fubicribe, and for a time ufe the holy facra- jr.cDts in the kirk deceitfully, againft their own confcience; mind- ing hereby, firft. under the external cloke oi religion, to corrupt and Subvert fecretly God's true religion within the kirk ; and afterward, when time may ferve, to become open enemies and pcrfrcutors ot the I'mc,^ under vain hope of the pope's dilpenlation, devifed againft the word of God, to his great confufion. and their double condemnation in the day of tha Lord Jefu? : we therefore, -willing to take away all fufpicion of hypocrily and of fuch double-dealing with God and his kirk, prorefl, and call the Searcher of all hearts for witneis, That our minds and hearts do fully agree with this our conftflion, promife, oath, and fublcription ; fo that we are not moved with any worldly refpe<fV, but are pcrfuaded only in our conlcience,. through the knowledge and love of God's true religion imprinted in our hearrs by the holy Spirit, as we (hall anfwer to him iri the day when the iecrets of all hearts fhall be difciofed.

And bccaufc we perceive, that the quictnefs and ftability of our re- ligion and kirk doth depend upon the fatety and good behavioui of the king's majefty, as upon a comfortable inlfrument of God's mercy grant- ed to this country, for the maintaining ot his kirk, and miniftratioa cF jnOice amongft us: We proteft and promife with our hearts, under the fame oath, hand'-writ, and pains, that we ftiall defend his perfon and authority wirh our goods, bodies and lives, in the defence of Chrift his evangel, liberties of our country, miniff ration of juflice, and punifti- jnent of i^iqaity, againft all enemies within this realm or without, 2s we defire our God to be a ftrong and merciful Defender to us in the day of our death, and coming of our Lord Jefus ChriA : to whom, wirh the Father, and the holy Spirit, be all honour and glory eternally. Amen.

IIKEAS many a6f s of parliament, not only in general do abrO" _J gam, annul, and jeicind all laws, ftatiites, a^ts, conllitutions, canons civil or municipal, u'ith all other ordinances, and pracftique pf^nakies whatfoever made in prejudice of the true religion and pro- ie/Tors thereof; or of the true kirk^ difciplines, jurifdiftion and free- dom thereof ; or in favours of idolatry and {uperftuion, or of the pa^


* The Coufeflion which was fabfcribed at Halyrude-houfe, the 25th cf Ftbruary 1587 S, by the king, Lennox, Huntly, the Chancellor, :'nd nbout 95 other Perfons, hath here added, agreeing to the Word, ^•;r John MaxweJ, of Pollock, hath the original parchment.

Or, National Covenani. ^Sl

pimcal kirk: As aft 3. ^ft 3I' P^rl. i. aft 23. pari. ir. aft 114. pari 12 of Kiug James VI. That papiltry and fupcrftition maybe m- ierlv fupprciTed, according to the intention of the aft of parhament, repeated in the 5 aft, pari. 20. King James VI. And to that end they ordain all papills and priefts to be puniftied wim manifold civil and cc- clcfiaftical pains, as adverfaries to God's true religion, preached, and by law eftabliaitd within this realm, aft 24- pari. n. king James V I. as common enemies to all chriftian government, aft 18. pari. 16. king la VI. as rebellers and gainitandcrs of our fovcrcign lord's authority, aft 47. pari. 3. Ja- VL and as idolaters, aft 104^ pari 9. king Ta VI But alio in particular, by and attour the Confefiion of I' aith, do abolifhand condemn the pope's authority and jurifdiftion out ot this land and ordains the .maintainers thereof to be puniHied, aft 2 pari. I aft CI. pari. 3. aft 106 pari. 7- a<^ iM- parl i2 king Ja. VI. do condemn the pope's erroneous doftrine, or any other erroneous doftrine repugnant to any of the articles of the true and chriftian reli- oion publickly preached, and by law eftabliOied in this realm ; and ordains the fpreaders and makers of books or libels or letters or writs o.^ that nature, to be puniftitd, aft 46. pari. 3- aft »o6. pari. 7. aft 24 pari II K Ja. VI. do condemn all baptifm conform to the pope s kirk; ^.nd the idolatry of the mafs ; and ordains all fayers wilful hear- ers. and concealers of the mafs, the raaintainers and refetters ot the prieds, iefuits trafficking papifts, to be punifhed without any excep- iion or reftriftion. aft 5- pari- i. aft 120 pari. 12. f ;64- Parl. n. aft 193. pari. 14. aft i. pari. 19. aft 5. pari. 20. K. Ja- VI do condemn ail erroqeous book? and writs, containing erroneous doftrine aR'iinft the relij^ion prefently profefTcd, or containing luperftitious rites and ceremonies' papilVical, whereby the people are gieahy abuled ; and ordains the home-bringers of them to be pun 1 (bed, aft 23. par. 11. K la VI do condemn the monuments and diegs of bygone idolatry, as ^oing to croircv obierving the feftival days of faints, and fuch other fuperftidous and papiffical rites, to the diftionour of God, contempt ot true religion, and foftering of great error among the people ; and or- dains the ufers of them to be puniOied for the fecond fault, as idolaters,

aft 104. Pari. 7- K. Ja. VI. . . r (

Like as manvaftsof parliament arc conceived for maintainance of God's true and Chriftian religion, and the purity thereof, in doftrine andfacramentsof the true church of God, the liberty and freedom thereof, in her national, fynodal aiTemblies, prelbyteries, fefkons, po- licy, difcipline and jurifdiftion thereof; as that purity of religion and liberty of the church was ufed. profefTed. exercifed, preached, and conferred according to the reformation of religion m this realm, ^i

for inilance, the 99- ^^^ ^^'^' ''' ^^ ^?' /''^'u"* 'a f'^ r!^ * 12. aft 160 pari 13. of K. Ji- Vl. ratihed by the 4 aft of K. Clia.

'o that the 6. aft. pari. 1. and 6S aft, park 6. of K. Ja. V . in the year of God 1579, declares ths minilters of the blcfTed evangel, whom

45 S The Confefion of Faith.

God of his mercy hath raifed up, or hereafter fliall raife, anreeins with them that then lived, in doftriae and admitfiflration of the facra- ments; and the people that profefTed Chrift, as he was then offered in the evangel, and doth communicate with the holy facraments (as in the retormcd^irks of this realm they were prcfently adminiftrate) ac- cordmg to the ConfeflioQ of Faith; to be the true and holy kirk of Chrin Jefus with this realm. And decerns and declares all and (un- dry, who either gainfay the word of the evangel received and approv- cd, as the heads of the Contcffion of Faith, profefTed in Parliament, in the year of God 1560, fpecified alfo in the firft Parliament K Ja VI and ratitied m this prefent Parliament, more particularly do exprcr<^ or that retuies the admiaiftration of the holy facraments, as they were then miniftrated •. to be no members of the faidkirk within this realm. f^}\^^r^H^onj^xdlm\y profeffed, fo long as they keep themfelres fo divided trom the fociety of Chrift's body. And the lubfequent aft 09. Fir. 6 ot K. Ja. VI. declares, that there is no other face of kirk, nor other face of religion, than was prelcntly at that time, by the fa- vour ot God, eftablifhed within this realm: "Which therefore is e- ,, ""rl T r^-' true religion, Chrift's true religion, the true and « Chriftian religion, and a perfeft religion; which, by manifold afts ot Far.iami:nt, all withm this realm are bound to''» profefs, to fub- fcribe the articles thereof, the Confeffion of Faith, to recant all doc- trine and errors repugnant to any of the laid articles acH: 4. and g Parl- I. ^^/45, 46, 47. Patl, 3. adlyi. Pari. 6. aft 106. Pail 14 of K. Ja.Vi and all magiArates, fherifFs. &c. on the one part, are ordain- ed to iearch, apprehend, and puouli all contravecners : for inftance.

It!' Iff' v' '^. ^u^-^'^^ ^' ^^' ''^ ^^^^- ''• K-J^- VI. andthat- notwjthrtandmg of the king's majefty's licence on the contrary, which are d.ichargcd. and declared to be of no force, in fo far as they tend m any wile to the preju-lice and Iiinder of the execution of the afts of Par lament againll Papilts and adverfaries of true religion, ad 106.

^n -^'-"^j ^t ^7* ^^" ^'^^ °^^^^* P'^"^' ^" ^^« 'i7 aa. Pari. 3. K- Ja.

It 's declared and ordained. Seeing the caule of God's true reli^i- - on, and his highnels authority are lb joined, as the hurt of the one is common to both; that none-aiall be reputed as loval and faithful fub- jeets to our fovcreign Lord, or his authority, but be punifhable as rc- beiiers and ga^nftanders of the llune. who Ihall not give their confdfi- on and m.kc their profelTIon of the faid true religion : and that they who after dcfc^ion fnali give the confefTic^n of their faith of new, they m^^ll prornnc to continue therein in time coming, to maintain our (o- ve:c:gn Lord s authority, and at the uttermoft of tlieir power to fortify alult and maintain the true preachers and pro,^ffors of Chrift's reliaj, on aga.nft whatfbever enemies and gaindanders ,of the ftme ; and namely, ngainft i^ll Inch, of whatibcvcr nation, cilate or degree they be o^ that have joined and have bound themfeive?, or h.ive af- lifkd, or ail.ris to let forward and execute the cruel decrees of the


Ofy National Covenant. AS-

council of Trent, contrary to the t,ue prcnchcs and profcffixs of thr word f God Which is repeated, word by word, m ;hc nrt.c.s o Tcfication at Perth, the 23d February .572, approved oy P rl.ament ^e laft of April 1573, t»'ified in Parliament .587, and related aft TlVparl 12 of K Ja VI. with this adduion, " That they are bound «,o refill all treafonable uproars and hoftilities raifed agamft the true " religion, the king's majefiy, and the t,ue proff ITors,

Like as, all lieges are bound to mainium the kmgs majedy s royal perlbn and authority, the authority of Parliaments, wuho«t, he «.h>ch, Tather anV laws or lawful judicatories can be eftab ,med, aft .3°. and 3, Pari. 8. K Ja.VI. and the lubjcas, who ought only to live and be governed bv the king's laws, the common laws of this realm allenarly, aft 48 P"'- 3- K. J=>- L^?^ 79 P;>^1, <5- K. >. V repeated in the aft .3.. P.>rl. 8. K. Ja. VI. .f they be eno- vated and prejudged, " the commiflion apent the umon of the two " kingdoms of Scotland and England, which is the ioh aft of tnc 17 " Pari of K Ja VI. declares," Such confufion would enlue, as this realm could be no more a free monarchy : becaufe. by the tundinjen- tallaws, antient privileges, offices atid liberties of this kmgdom, not only the princely authority of his majefty's royal delcent hath been thcle many ages maintained ; but alfo the p.-ople's fecunty of their lands. livin<'S rights, offices, liberties and dignities, preferved. And there- fore''for the prefcrvatiou of the faid true religion, laws and liberties of this kingdom, it is Ibtute by the 8 aft Pa,l. ..repeated in the 00 aft Pari 7. ratified in the 23 aft, Pari. 11. and 114 =«. P"'- ?2 of K UVi. and 4 aft. Pari 1. of K Char I That all kings and princes at their coronation, and reception of thdr princely autho- rity (hall make their faithful promile of thdr lolcmn oath in the pre- fenc'e of the eternal God, that, enduring the whole time of their lives, th-v (hall ferve the fame eternal God. to the uttermoft of their po.ver, according as he hath required in his moft holy word, contained in the Old and New Teftaments. And, accordmg to the fame word, Aiall maintain the true religion of Chrift Jefus. the preaching of bis holy ^vord, the due and right miniftration of the lacraments now received and pre:=ched within this realm (according to the Confeflion of Faun immediately preceding) and (hall abolilh and gaioftand al fahe religion contrary toM. fame; and (hall rule the P-P'e/-7"f '" '^ - charge, according to the will and command of God revea ed in his fore- faid w^rd, and according to the laudable law5 and conftitu.ions receu- ed in this realm, no wiif repugnant to the faid will of the c.crna God and (hall procure, to the uttermoft of their pow-er, to the kirk of God, find whole Chriftian people, true and pertcft peace in all time coming: and that they fnall be careful to root out of their empire, a.l hcreticks and enen^ies to the true worlhip of God, who (^lal be con- Vifted by the tri:e kirk of God of the forefaid crimes. Which was .,-

^.^<^ The Confefton of Faith, ^^H

io obferved by bis niajeOy. at his coronation in Edinburgh 1633, as may be ieen in the order of the coronation.

^ In obedience to the commandment of God, conform to the prac- tics of the godiy in former times, and according to the laudable ex- ample of our worthy and religious progenitors, and of many yet living' ^moLigft us, which was warranted alfo by aft ok council, commanding a general band to be made and fublbribed by his majefly's fubjefti of 211 ranks; for twocaufes: one was. For defending the true religion as It was then reformed, and is exprcfled in the Confcflion of Faith aoove-written, and a former large Confefnon eflablifhed by fundry afts of lawful General A/Temblies and of Parliaments, unto which it hath relation, fet down in pubJick Catechifms; and which had been for many years, with a ble/fing from heaven, preached and profefTed in this kirk and kingdom, as God's undoubted truth, grounded only u- pon his written word. Xhe other cauic was, for maintaining the king's majefty, his perfon and e/late; the true worfhip of God and the king's authority being To Araitly joined as that they had the fame friends and common enemies, and did Hand and fall together. And finally being convinced in our minds, and confcffiig with our mouths, that the prefent and fucceeding generations in this land are bound to keep the forelaid national covenant and fubfcrlption inviolable.

We noblemen, barons, gentlemen, burgefTes, minifters, and com- mons under^Jublcribing, confidering divers times before, and efpeclal- iy at this time, the danger of the true reformed religion, of the king's honour, and of the publick peace of the kingdom, by the manifold in- novations and evils generally contained, and particularly mentioned in- cur late Supplications, complaints and protellations, do hereby pro- fels, and before God, his angels, and the world, folemnly declare. That with our whole hearts we agree, and refolve all the days of our life conftantly to adhere unto and to defend the forefaid true religion And forbearing the praftlce of all oovati(^ns already introduced in the matters of the worfhip of God, or approbation of the corruptions of rhe publick government of the kirk, or civil places and power of kirk- men, till they be tried and allowed in free AfTemblies and in parlia- ments ; to labour by all means lawful, to recover the purity and liber- ty of ^ the gofpel, as it was eftablifhed and profefTed before the forelaid novations. And becaufe, after due examination, we plainly perceive, and undoubtedly believe, that the innovations and evils contained in our fupplications, complaints and proteftations, have no warrant of the word of God, are contrary to the articles of the forefaid confefllon, to the mtention and m^-awng of the blefTed reformers of re'igion in this iand. to the above-written afts of parliament ; and do fenfibly tend to the re.ef}:ib]in:iing"of the popilh religion and tyranny, and to the lub- verfion and ruin of the true reformed religion, and of our liberties, lawsHnd eOates: We alfo declare, That the forefaid ConfefTions are to be interpreted, and ought to be undcrllood of the forefaid novati-


Or, National Covenant* 461 1

ons and evils, no Icfs than if every jne of them had been exprefled in the forefaid Confeffions : and that we are obliged to deteft and abhor them, amongft other particular heads of papiftry abjured therein. And therefore from the knowledge and confcience of our duty to God, to our king and country, without any worldly relpeft or inducement, fo far as human infirmity will fuffer, wifhing a further meafure of the grace of God for this efFeft; We promife and fwear by the GREAT NAME OF THE LORD OUR GOD, to continue in the profeflioji and obedience of the forefaid religion ; and that we (hall dcftnd the fame, and refift all thefc contrary errors and corruptions, according to our vocation, and to the nttermoft of that power that God hath put in our hands, all the days of our life.

And in like manner, with the lame heart we declare before God and men, that we have no intention nor defire to attempt any thing that may turn to the difhonour of God, or to the diminution of the king's greatncfs and authority : but, on the contrary, we promife and fwear. That we Ihall, to the uttermoft of our power, with our means and lives, fland to the defence of our dread ibvereign the king's majefty his perfon and authority, in the defence and prefervation of the forefaid true religion, liberties and laws of the kingdom : as alfo, to the mu- ' tual defence and afliftance every one of us of another, in the fame caufe of maintaining the true religion and his majefty's authority, with our bc(V counfel, our bodies, means and whole power, againft all forts of perfons whatfoevcr; fo that whatfoever (hall be done to the leaft of us for that caufe, (hall be taken as done to us all in general, and to every one of us in particular. And that we (hall neither direftly nor indi- re£lly fufFer ourfeives to be divided or withdrawn, by whatfoever iug- geaion, combination, allurement or terror, from this blefTed and byal conjunaion : nor (hall caft in any let or impediment that may (lay or hinder any fuch refolution as by common content (hall be found to con- duce for fo good ends; but on the contrary, (haU by all lawful means labour to further and promote the fame : and if any (uch dangerous and divifive motion be made to us by word or writ, we, and every one of us (hall either fupprefs it;, or, if need be, fliall incontinent, make the fame known, that it may be timeoufly obviated. Neither do we fear the foul afperfions of rebellion, 'combination, or what elie our adverfaries, from their craft and malice, would put upon u? : fee- ing what we do is fo well warranted, and ariletb from an unfeigned defire to maintain the true wor(hip of God, the majefty of our king, and the peace of the kingdom, for the common happinels of ourlelves and our pofterity. ^ ^ ,

And becaufe we cannot look for a bkHTing from God upon our pro- cecdings, except with onr profcifion and (ubfcription we join (uch a life and converfation as befeenieth chriftians who have renexycd their covenant with God : we therefore faithfully promife for ourfilvcs, onr followers, and all others under us, both in publick, and in cm p

ti- cu:-r

4<^2 The ConfeJJlon of Faith.

cular families and perfonal carriage, to endeavour to keep ourfelves within the bounds of Chriftian liberty; and to be good examples to others of all godlinefs, fobernefs, and righteoafnefs, and of every duty we owe to God and man. '

And, that this our union and conjun^ion may be obferved without violation. We call the Living God the Searcher of our Hearts to witnefs, who knoweih this to be our fincere defire and unfeigned refolution as we (hail anlwer to JESUS CHRIST in the great day, and under the pain of God's cverlading wrath, and of in- famy and lofs of a!i honour and refpe<5f in this world . moU humbly beiecch.^ng the LORD to ftrengihen us by his HOLY SPIRIT for this end, and to blefs our defires and proceedings with a happy fuccefs; that religion and righteoufncfs may flourifh in the land to the glory of GOD, the honour of our king, and peace and comfort of us all. In witnds whereof^ we have iublcribed with our hands all the premifles.

THE article of this covenant, which was at the firft fabfcription re- ferred to the determination of the General Afiembly, being now determined ; and thereby the five articles of Perth, the government of the kirk by bifhops, and the civil places and power of kirkmen, upon -the reafons and grounds contained in the Ads of the General Affembly, declared to be unlawful within this kiik ; we fubfcribe according to the determination forefaid.

F I N I S,






Reformation and Defence of RELIGION, the Ho- nour and Happiriefs of the King, and the Peace ana iSafe- ty of the Three KingdouMs of Scot/and, England, and Ireland,

Takeo and Subfcribcd f^veral Times by King Charles IL and by all Kanks m the laid three Kingdoms,


/in Aft of the General Affembly 1643, and an Aft of Parliament 1644, Ratifying and approving the iaid League and Covenant.

Jer. 1.5. Come 1st us join our/elves to the Lord tn a perpetual covenant ^ that Jh all not he J or gotten.

Prov. XXV. 5. Take aiuay the luickedfrom before the King^ and his throne

Jhall be e/tablijhid in righteou/nefs . 2 Chron. XV. 15, And all Judah rejoiced at the oath ; for they hadfmorn

nuith all their heart. Gal iii. 15. -. Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmf^

by an oath^ no man difannuletht nor addeth thereto*

Printed in the Year M,DCC,LV.


Affembly at Edinburgh, Auguft 17, 1643, Seff. 14.

The General Affembly's approbation of theSolemr; League and Covenant.

THE affembly having recommended unto t committee, appointed by them to join with the committee of the honourabJe convention of eftates, and the commiffioners of the honourable houfcs of the parlia- ment of England, for bringing the kingdoms to a more near conjundion and union, received from the aforefaid commitces the covenant after- mentioned, as the refult of their confultations : and have taken the fame, as a matter of fo public concernment and of fo deep importance doth re- quire, unto their graveft confideration, did with all their hearts, and with the beginnings of the feelings of that joy, which they did find in fo great meafure upon the renovation of the National Covenant ot this kirk and kingdom, All with one voice approve and embrace the fame, as the moft powerful mean, by the blelfing of GOD, for fettling and preferving the true proteftant religion, with perfeft peace in his majefty's dominions, and propagating the fame to other nations, and for eilablifhing his majerty's Throne to all ages and generations. And therefore, with their beft af- feAions, recommend the fame to the honourable convention of eftates, that, being examined and approved by them, it may be fent with all dili- gence to the kingdom of England, that, being received and approven there, the fame may be, with public humiliation, and all religious and aniwerablc folemnity, fworn and fubfcribed by al! tn«e profefllrs of the reformed re- ligion, and all his maj^fty's good fubjedls in both kingdoms.

A. Johnfloun.


Charles I, Pari. 3d. ScfT. I. AS: 5.

A<^ anent the Ratification of the calling pf the Covention, Ratification of the League and Covenant, *\rticlc3 of Treaty betwixt the Kingdoms of Scotland and England, and remanent A61s of the Convention of Jbdlates and Committee thereof.

At Edinburgh, July 15, 1644.

THE eftatcs of parliament prefently conveened by vertue of the lafl ad of the lad pHrliament holden by his majefty, and the three c- flates, in anno 1641, confidering, that the Lords ot his majefty's privy council, and comnaiiTioners tor conferving the articles of the treaty, hav- ing according to their intereils and trult committed to them by his ma- jefty and eftates ot parliament, uled all maans, by lupplications, remon- ftrances. and fending of commillioners, for fecuring the peace of this kingdom, and removing the unhappy diftradions betwixt his majefty and his fubjc<5l8 in England, in fuch a vizy as might ferve moft for his raajef- ty's honour, and good of both kingdoms ; and their humble and dutiful endeavours for:fo good ends having proven ineflPedual, and their offer of mediation and interceflion being refufed by his majefty; and thereby finding the weight and difficulty of aftairs, and the charge lying on them, to be greater than they could bear ; did therefore, in the month of May 1645, meet together with the commiflioners for the common burdens, that by joint-advice fome refolution might be taken therein ; and in re- fpe«5t of the danger imminent to the true Proteftant rehgion, his majef- ty's honour, and peace of thefe kingdoms, by the multitude of papifts and their adherents in arms in England and Ireland, and of many other publick and important affairs, which could not admit delay, and did require the advice of the reprefentatife body of the kingdom ; appoint- ed and caufed indi<5l a meeting of the convention of eftates ^his majefty having formerly refufed their humble delires for a parliament) to be on the 22d of June following; which diet being frequently kept by the no- blemen commiffioners of (hires and burghs, and they finding thefe dan- gers againft this kirk and ftate ftill increafir.g, refolved, after ferious de- liberation and advice of the general affembiy, and joint-concurrence of the commiflioners authorized by the parliament of England, that one of the chiefeft remedies, for preventing of thtfe and the like dangers, for prefervation of religion, and both kingdoms from ruin and dcftruc- tion, and for procuring of peace, That both kingdoms (hould, for thefft ends, enter into covenant ; which was accordingly drawn up, and chear-

fully embraced, and allowed. And at laft, a treaty was agreed unro

by both kingdoms, concerning the faid covenant, and aflidance craved from tkis kingdom by the kiagdom of England, in purfuance of the ends CKprefled therein : And the eltatcs being (Jill defirous to ufe all

G g &<^'-^


good means, that, without the effiafion of more blood, there may be fuch a bleffed pacification betwixt his majefty and his fubjeds, as may tend to the good of religion, his majefty's true honour and fafety, and happinefs of his people ; did therefore give commiffion to John earl of Loudon, lord chancellor, lord Maitland, lord Wariftoun, and Mr. Robert Barclay, to repair to England, and endeavour the effecSluating of thefe ends contained in the covenant of treaties, conform to their inftruc-

tions. 4,

And the faid eftates having taken the proceedings above-written to their confideration, do find and declare. That the Lords of council^ and confervers of peace, did behave themfelves as faithful confellor«, loyal fubjefts, and good patriots, in tendering their humble endeavours for removing the diftraftions betwixt his majefty and his fubjedts, and in vei- ling the commiffioners for the common burdens, and |>y joint advice 'ap- pointing the late meeting of convention, wherein they^^hare approvcn tiu,njfelves anfwerable to the duty of their places, arid thjit truft com- mitted to them ; and therefore ratifies and approves their whole proceed- ings therein, and declares the faid convention was lawfully called, and -alib full and free in itfelf, confifting of aJl the members thereof, as any convention hath been at any time bygone ; and ratifies and approves the feveral a<5ls made by them, or their committee., for injoining the cove- nant.— And alfo, The faid eftates of parliament (but prejudice of the pre- mifles, and of the general ratification above-mentioned) ratifies* approves and confirms the torefaid mutual league and covenant, concerning the re- formation and defence of religion, the honour and happinefs of the king, and the peace and fafety of the three kingdoms of Scotland, England, and Ireland ; together with the afts of the kirk and eltate authorizing the fame League and Covenant ; together alfo with the forefaid articles of treaty agreed upon betwixt the faid commiilioners of the convention of eflaies of ^cotland, and the commifiTioners of both the h.oufes of parlia- ment of England, concerning the faid Solemn League and Covenant. And the faid eftates ordain the fame ads, with the League and Covenant above-fpecified, Ads authorizing the fame, and the articles of treaty fore- faid, to h3vc the full force and flrength of perfcd laws and ads of parlia- ment, and tube obierved by ail his majefty's lieges, conform to the tenors

thereof refpedivc. Of the which League asid Covenant, the tsinor






Solemn League and Covenant


ReforiWation'and Defence of Religion y the Honour and Happi" mfs of the King, and the Peace a7id Safety of the tloree King* %ms of Scotland, England and Ireland ; agreed upon by CoiU" mijfiomt^frjom the Parliament and Affembty of Divines in England,ivith Commijfioners of the Convention ofEJlates and General Affemhly of the Church of Scotland, and by both Houfes of Parliament and Affembly of Divines in England, and taken and fubfcribed by them, anno 1643 / and thereaf-* ter, by the faid Authority, taken and fubfcribed by all Ranks in Scotland and England the fame Tear ; and ratified by Ad of the Parliament of Scotland, anno 1644/ and again re- newed in Scotland^ with an Acknowledgment of Sins, and Engagement to Duties, by all Ranks, anno 1 648, a?td by Far/iament T ^49/ and taken and juhfcribed by King Charles II. at Spey, June 25, 1 650 ; and at Scoon^January i, 1 65 1.

WE noblemen, barons, knights, gentlemen, citizens, burgefles, minifters of the gofpel, and commons of all forts, in the king- doms of Scotland, England and Ireland, by the providence of GOD, living under one king, and being of one reformed religion having be- fore our eyes the glory of GOD, and the advancement of the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, the honour and happineis or the king's majefty and his pofterity, and the true publick liberty, lafety, and peace of the kingdoms, wherein every one's private condition is included : and calling to mind the treacherous and bloody plots, con- fpiracies, attempts and prad^ices of the enemies of GOD, againlt the true religion and profefTors thereof in all places, elpecially in thete three kingdoms, ever lince the reformation of religion ; and how much their rage, power and prefumption are of late, and at tins time, increaled and exercifed, whereof the deplorable ftate of the church and kingdom of Ireland, the diftrelTed ellate of the church and kingdom of England, and the dangerous eftate of the church and kingdom of Scotland, are prelent and publick teftimonies : We have now at laft (after other means of lupplication, remonftrance, protellatioa and fuiFerlngs) for rhe

G g 2 preiervation

-, c The Solemn League and Co-venant,

prefervatlon of ourleivcs and our religion from utter ruin and deftruc- tion, according to, the commendable pra<ftice of theie kingdoms in former rimes, and the ^example of GOD's people in other cations; af- ter mature deliberation, refblved and determined to enter into a mu- tual and lolemn league and covenimt, whe;ein we all fubfcribc, and each or.e of us lor himleif, with our hands lifted up to the moft high GOD, do Kvtar,

I. ^"T^ HAT we (hall fmcerely, really, and conRantly, through the X grace of GOD, eadeavoun, in our feveral places and callings, the prefervction of the reformed religion In the church of Scotland, ia doctrine, worfhip-, difcipline and government, againfl our ntmies ; the reformation of religion in the kingdoms of England and Ireland, in dodlrice, worjfhip» difcipline and government, according to the word of GOD, and the example of the bed reformed churches : and (hall endeavour to bring the churches of GOD in the three king- doms, to the nearefl conjunction and uniformity in religion, confeffi- on of faith, form of church-government, diredory for worfhip and catechifing ; that we, and our pofterity after us may, as brethren, live in faith and love; and the Lord may delight to dwell in the midll of us.

II. That we fhall in like manner, without refpe<5t of perfons, en- deavour the extirpation of popery, prelacy, (that is, church-govern- ment by arch-bifhops, bifhops, their chancellors, and commiiTaries, deans, deans and cl;apters, archdeacons, and all other ecclefiaftical of- ficers depending on that hierarchy) fuperilition, herely, fchilni, pro- fanenefs, and whatfoever (hall be found to be contrary to found doc- trine and the power of godlinefs ; left we partake in other mens fins, and thereby be in danger to receive of their plagiies ; and that the Lord may be one, and his name one in the three kingdoms.

III. We (hall, with the fame fincerity, reality and con.lancy in our feveral vocations,, endeavour, with our eftates and lives mutually to prclerve the rights and privileges of the parliaments, and the liberties of the kingdoms; and to preieive and defend the king s miijefly's per- fbn and authority, in the prefer vaiion and defence of the true religion, and liberties of the kingdoms; iliat the world may bear witnels with our conleiences of our loyalty, and that we have no thoughts or in- tentions to diminifh his majcfty's juft p.iwcr and greatnels.

IV. We fhali alfo, with all faiihfulnels, endeavour the difcovery of all fuch as have been or fhall be incendiaries, malignauts, or evil inilru- ments, by hindering the reformation of religion, dividing the king from his people, or one of the kingdoms from another, or making any fac- tion or parties amongft the people, contrary to this League and Cove- nant; that they may be brought to publick trial, and receive condign puniihment, as the degree of their ofTcQces fliall require ur dcicive, or


The Solemn League and Covenant, 4^^

the fupreme judicatories of both kingdoms refpc<n:ively, or others hav- ing power from them for that cfFciSt, iliull judge convenient.

V. And whereas the happincfs of a blefled peace between thefc kingdoms, denied in former times to our progenitors, is by the good providence of God granted unto us, and hath been lately concluded, and fettled by both parliaments; we fhali each one of us, according to our place and intcrcif, endeavour that they may remain conjoined in a firm peace -and union to all pofterity; and that juftice maybe done upon the wilful oppofers thereof, in manner exprefTed iu the precedent article.

VI. We (haJl alfo, according to our places and callings, in this com- moo caufe of religion, liberty and peace of the kingdoms, afliO and defend all thole that enter into this League and Covenant, in the main- taining and purfuing thereof ; and fliall not fufFer ourlelves dire6>ly or indireftly, by whatibever combination, perfuafion or terror, to be divided and withdrawn from this blefTed union and conjunOion, whe- ther to make defe6tlon to the contrary part, or to give oui felves to a deteftable indifFerency or neutrality in this caule» which \o much con- cerneth the glory of GOD, the good of the kingdom, and honour of the king ; but fhall all the dayi of our lives zt-aloully and conflantly continue therein, againil all oppofition, and promote the fame, ac- cording to our power, againft all lets and impediments whatfoever; and, what we are not able ourfelves to fupprefs or overcome, we fliall reveal and make known, that it may be timely prevented or removed: all which we fliall do as in the light of GOD.

And, becaufe thefe kingdoms are guilty of many fins, and provoca- tions againfl God, and his Son Jefus Chrifl, as is too manifell by our prelent diflreffes and dangers, the fruits thereof; We profcls and de- clare, before God and the world, our unfeigned defire to be humbled for our own fins, and for the fins of thefe kingdoms : efpccially that we Iiave not as we ought, valued the ineflimable blefling oF the gofpel, that we have not laboured for the purity and power thereof, and that we have not endeavoured to receive Chrifl in our hearts, nor to walk worthy of him in our lives ; which are the caufes of other fins and tranfgreffions fo much abounding amongfl us : and our true and un- feigned purpofe, defire and endeavour for ourfelves, and all others un- der our power and charge, both in publick and in private, in all du- ties we owe to Qod and man, to amend our liveS; and each one to go before another in the example of a real reformation ; that the Lord may turn away his wrath and heavy indignation, and cflablifh thefe churches and kingdoms in truth and peace. And this covenant we make in the prefcnce of Almighty God, the fearcher of all hearts, with a true intention to perform the fame, as we Ihall anjwcr at that great day, when the fecrets of all hearts fliall be difcloicd ; moft hmn- bly befee^hing the Lord to flrengthea us by his holy Spirit for this end; and to blefs our defues and proceedings with fuch iuccefs, as may be

C n 3 dclivcraflct

470 The Solemn League and Covenant.

deliverance and fafety to his people, and encouragement to other Chrif-

tjan churches, groaning under, or in danger of the yoke of antichrif-

tian tyranny, to join in the fame, or like afTociation and covenant, to

the glory of God, the enlargement of the kingdom of Jefus Chrift

and the peace and tranquillity of Chrillian kingdoms aad common-











To all the DUTIES contained therein,


Thofe which do in a more fpecial Way relate unto the Dangers of thelc Times.

Together with

The AiJlof the Commiffion of the General Aflembly 1648, and A(\ of Parliament 1649, for Renewing the league and Covenant.

Printed in the Year M,DCC,LV.


7 he ACT of the Commijfion of the General AJfemhlyt for renewing the Solemn League and Covenant.

Edinburgh, O^ober 6, 1648,

THE commifTion of the genera! affembly confidering, that a great part of this land have involved themfelvcs in many and grofs breaches of the folemn league and covenant ; and that the hands of many are frown flack in following and purfuing the duties contained therein ; and that many, who not being come to fufficient age when it was firft fworn and jublcnbed, have not hitherto been received into the fame : Do, u- pon theie, and other graVe and important confideratibns, appoint and or- c'ain the folemn league and covenant, to be renewed throughout all the congregations of this kingdom. And, bccaufe it is a duty of great weight and confequence, minifters, after the fight hereof, would be careful to take pains, in their doftrine and otherwife, that their people may be inade fenfible of thefe things wherein they have broken the covenant, iind be prepared for the renewing thereof with fuitable affcflions and dif- pofitions : and, that thefe things may be the better performed, we have thought it neceffary to condefcend upon a foletnn acknowledgment of publick fins and breaches of the covenant, and a folemn engagement to all the duties contained therein, namely, thofe which do in a more fpe- cial way relate unto the dangers of thefe times ; and this folemn acknow- ledgment and engagement, fent herewith, fliall be made ufe of, and the league and covenant fhall be renewed in fuch a manner as follows. T'lrtt, There fhall be intimation of a folemn publick hnmiliatirra and iafl the fe- cor.d fabbath of December, to be kept upon the next Thurfday, and the 3Lord's day thereafter ; at which intimation, the league and covenant, and the publick acknowledgment of lins, and engagement unto duties, are to be publickly read by the minifler, in the audience of all the people ; and they are to be exhorted to get copies thereof, that they may be made ac- quainted therewith; and the humiliation and faft is to be kept the next Thurfday thereafter, in reference to the breaches of the covenant, con- tained in the folemn publick acknowledgment, as the caufes thereof; and the next Lord's day thereafter which is alfo to be fpent in publick humi- liation and falling, immediately after the fermon, which is to be applied to tke bufinefs of that day, the publick acknowledgments and engagement IS again to be publickly read ; and thereafter prayer is to be made, con- taining the confcffion of the breaches mentioned therein, and begging mercy for thefe fins, and flrcngth of God for renewing the covenant in fincerity find truth; after which prayer, the folemn league and covenant is to be read by the minifter, and then to be fworn by him and all the people, who are to engage themfelves for performance of all the duties contained therein ; namely, thefe which are mentioned in the public acknowledg- Tnent and engagement, and are oppcfite unto the fins therein confefTed : and the adlion is to be doled with prayer to God, that his people may be enabled, in the power of his ftrength, to do their duty, according to their oath, now renewed in fo folemn a way. It is alfo hereby provided, That all thofe who renew the league and covenant, fl^all again fubfcribe the fame ; and that none be admitted to the renewing or fubfcribing thereof, who are excluded by the other aft and dire(5licn fent herev/ith.

A. K E R.


The A^of the Committee of Eftates of Parliament, for re- newing the Solemn League and Covenant.

Edinburgh, Oaoberi4, 1648,

'J'HE Ccmm'ittee of EJlates, being v^ryfenfibk of the grievous B ackflidings of this Land, in the manifold Breaches of the Solemn League and Covenant, made and f worn to the moft hi^h God ; do therefore unanimoufly and heartily approve thejeafon^ able and pious Refdutionofthe Commijfion of the General 4 jfem- bly^forflfolemn Acknowledgment of Publick Sins and Provoca- tions, efpecially the Breaches of the Covenant^ and a Solemn Engagement to a more confcionable Performance of the Duties therein contained, and for renezuing the Solemn League and Covenant ; and do require and ordain, That the diredions of the faid Commijfion of Affembly, in their ad of the S'^ith of this Month, for a publick Acknowledgment cf Sins and Engagement to Duties, be carefully followed, that the Fajl a7id Humiliation, appointed by them, be religioufly obferved ; and that the Solemn League and Covenant be fincerely and cordially renewed and fuhfcribed, in the manner they have prefer tbed in their faid ad^ Extradum.

Mr, Tho. Henderson,


A Solemn Acknowledgment of Public Sins, and Breaches of the Covenant.


A Solemn Engagement to all the DUTIES contained therein, namely thofe which do in a more fpecial Way- Relate unto the Dang'ers of thefe Times.

WE noblemen, barons, gentlemen, burgefies, miniflers of the gofpel, and commons of all ibrts within this kingdom, by the good hand of God upon us, taking into ferious confideration the many fad aiBi<n:ions and deep diftrelTes wherewith we have been exercifed for a long time part ; and that the land, after it hath been fore wafted with the fword and the peftilence, and threatned with famine; and that ftiame and contempt hath been poured out from the Lord againft many thoufands of our nation, who did in a fmful way make war upon the kingdom of England, contrary to the teftimony of his fervants, and defires of his people ; and that the remnants of that army, re- turning to this land, having fpoiled and opprefTed many of our brethren and that the malignant party is Ail) numerous, and, retaining their former principles, wait for an opportunity to railc a new and dangerous war, not only unto the rending of the bowels of this kingdom, but unto the dividing us from England, and overturning of the work of God in all the three kingdoms : and confidering alfo, that a cloud of calamities doth ftill hang over our heads, and threaten us with fad things to come, we cannot but look upon thefe things as from the Lord, who is righteous in all his ways, feeding us with the bread of tears, and making us to drink the waters of afflidfions, until we be taught to know how evil and bitter a thing it is to depart away from him by breaking the oath and covenant which we have made with him; and that we may be humbled before him, by confefTmg our fin, and forfaking the evil of our way.

Therefore being prefTed with {o great necefTities and ftraits, and warranted by the word of God, and having the example of God's people of old, wiio in the time of their troubles, and when they were


An /Acknowledgment of Sins, &c. 47:

to feek delivery and a right way for ihetnlclves, that the Lord inighJ; be with them to profper them, did humble ihemfelves before him. and make a free and particular confelfion of the fins of their princes, their rulers, their captains, their prie(\s and their people; and did engage thcmfelves to do no more fo, but to reform iheir ways, and be fledfalt in this covenant: and remembering the pradlice of our prcdectfTors in the year 1596, wherein the general aflcmbly and all the kirk judicators, with the concurrence of many of the nobility, gentry and burgeircs, did» with many tears, acknowledge before' God the breach of the na- tional covenant, and engaged themfelves to a reformation ; even as our predeccfTors and theirs had before done, in the general afTembly and convention of eftates, in the year 1567 : and perceiving that this duty, when gone about out of conlcience and in fincerity, hath always been attended v^ith a reviving out of troubles, and with a blefliDg and fuc- cefs from heaven ; We do humbly and fincerely, as in his fight, who is the fearcher of hearts, acknowledge the many fins and great trauf- greffions of the land; Wc have done wickedly, our kings, our princes, our nobles, our judges, our officers, our teachers, and our people. Albeit the Lord hath long and clearly ipoken unto us, we- have not hearkened to his voice ; albeit he hath followed us with tender mercies, we have not been allured to wait upon him, and walk in his way ; and though he hath ftricken us, yet we have not grieved: nay, tho' he hath confumed us, we have refufed to receive correftion : We have not remembered to render unto the Lord according to his goodnefs, and according to our own vows and promifes, but have gone away back- ward by a continued courfe of backfliding, and have broken all the articles of that folemn league and covenant, which we iware before God. angels and men.

Albeit there be in the land many of all ranks, who be for a teftimony unto the truth, and for a name of joy and praife unto the Lord, by living godly, fludying to keep their garments pure, and being fiedfaft in the covenant and caufe of God ; yet we have reafon to acknowledge, that moft of us have not endeavoured, with that reality, fincerity and confiancy that did become us, to preferve the work of reformation in the kirk of Scotland : many have fatisfied themfelves with the purity of the ordinances, negleaing the power thereof: yea, fome have turned afide to crooked ways, deftru<51ive to both. The profane, loole and infolcnt cai riage of many in our armies, who went to the affirmance of our brethren in England, and the tamperiogs and un- ftraight dealing of fome of our commiffioners, and others of our nati- on, in London, the Ifie of Wight, and other places of that kingdom, have proved great lets to the work of reforination an d fettling of kirk- government there, whereby error and fchifm in that land have been increafed, and feaarics hardened in their way : We have beca^ fo far from endeavouring the extirpation of profanenefs, and what is con- trary to the power of godlinefs, that profanity hath been much winked


'\-l^ An Acknowledgment of Sins,

and prof?ine perfons much counlcoanced, and many times employed^ until iniquity and ungodlinefs hath gone over the face of th« l«nd as a flood ; nay, luihcient care hath not been had to feparate betwixt the precious^ and the vile, by debarring from tjic facrament all ignorant and Icandaious perfons, according to the ordinances of this kirk.

Neither have the privileges of the parliaments and liberties of the fubjea: been duly tendered : but fbcne among ourfelves have laboured to put into the hands of our king an arbitrary and unlimited povirer. deitru(5i-lve to both ; and many of us have been accefTory of late to' thole means and ways, whereby the freedom aad privileges of parlia- ments have been incroached upon, and the fubje^.s opprelTcd in their confciences, perfons and ellates; neither hath it been our care to avoid thefe things which might harden the king in his evil way ; but upon the contrary he hafh nor only been permitted, but many of us have been inflrumental, to make him exerciie his power, in many things tending to the preji^dice of religion and of the covenant, and of the peace and iafety of thefe kingdoms; which is fo far from the right way of prderviag his mnjefly's perfon and authority, that it caanot but provoke the Lord againft him, unto the hazard of both : nay, un- der a pretence of relieving and doing for the king whilft he refufcs to do what is neccfTary for the houfe of God, fome have ranverfed and violated moft of all the articles of th« covenant.

Our own confcience within, and God's judgments upon us with- out, do .convince us of the manifold wilful renewed breaches of that article, which coccerneth the difcovery and punifhmcnt of malignants, whofe crimes have not only been connived at, but difpcnfed with and pardoned, and themiclves received into intimate fellowfhip with our- felves, and intruftcd with our eounfels, admitted unto our parliaments, and put in places of power and authority, for managing the public affairs of the kingdom; whereby, in God's juftice, they got at iafl in- to their hands the whole power and ftrength of the kingdom, both in judicatories and armies ; and did employ the fame onto the enabling and profecuting unlawful engngements in war againft the kingdom of England, notwiihflanding of the dilTent of many confiderablc mem- bers of parliament, who had given conflant proof of their integrity in the caule from the beginning; of many faithful teftimonies and free warnings of the fervants of God ; of tlie fupplications of many fynods, presbytciies and {hires; and of the declnrations of the general a/Tembly and their comraiffioncrs to the contrary; which engagement, as it hath been the caufe of much iin, fo alio of much mileiy'and calamity unto this land ; and holds forth to us the grievoufneis of our fin, of complying with malignant?, in the greatnefs of our judgment, that we may be taught never to (plit again upon the fame rock, upon which the Lord hath fet fo remaikable a beacon. And afier all that is come to pal.s nnto us, becaufe of this our trefpais : and after that grace hath been fncwcd unto us from the Lord our God, by breaking thefe mens


and Engagement to Duties. ^77 1

yoke from off our necks, and putting us again into a capacity to a<fV for the good of religion, our own lafety, and the peace and the lutcty of this kingdom, Ihould we again break this commandment and cove- nant, by joining once more with the people of thtle abominations, aud taking into our bofom thofe ferpents, which had formerly Aung us al- moft unto death ; this, as it would argue great madnefs and lolly up- on our part, fo no doubt, if it be nor avoided, will piovoLi the Lord againft us, to conlume us, until there be no remnant nor cfcapicg ia the land.

And albeit the. peace and union betwixt the kingdoms be great blelTings of God unto both, and a bond which we are obliged to pre- ferve unviolated, and to endeavour that juftice may be done upon the oppofcrs thereof: yet fomc in this land, who have come under the bond of the covenant, have made it their great ftudy how to difTolve this union ; and few or no endeavours have been uled by any ot us for punilhing of f uch .

We have lufFered many of our brethren, in feveral parts of the land, to be oppfclled by the common enemy, without compaffion or relief : there hath been great murmuring and repining, bccaufc of cx- pence of means, and pains in doing of our duty : many, by pcrfuafioa or terror, have fufFeied themfelves to be divided and withdrawn, to the contrary part : many have turned off to a delegable indifferency and neutrality in this caufe, which To much concerneth the glory of God and the good of thele kingdoms ; aay, maay have made it their fludy to walk fo, as they might comply wiih all times, and all the re- volutions thereof. It hath not been our care to countenance, encou- rage, intruft and employ fuch only, as from their hearts did afFc(5l: and mind God's work ; but the hearts of fuch many times have been dil- couraged, and their hands weakened, their fufferings negleflcd, and themfelves High ted ; and many, who were once open enemies, and al- ways fecret underminers, countenanced and employed : nay, evea thofe who had beeA looked upon as incendiaries, and upon whom the Lord hath fet marks of delperaie malignancy, fallhood and deceit, "were brought in, as fit to manage publick affairs : many have been the lets and impediments that have been cafl in the way, to retard and obftruft the Lord's work ; and fome have kept iecret, what of them- felves they were not able to fupprels and overcome.

Befides thefe, and many other breaches of the articles of the cove- nant in the matter thereof, which it concerneth every one of us to fearch out and acknowledge betore the Lord, as we would wiih his wrath to be turned away from us; io have many of us failed exceed- ingly, in the manner of our following and purluing the duties con- tained therein ; not only feeking great things for ouifelves, and mix- ing of our private interefts and ends concerning ourlelves, aud friends, and followers, with thofe things which concern the publick good ; but many times preferring fuch to the honour of God, and good of his

478 An Acknowledgment of Sin},

caufe, and retarding God's work, until wc might carry along with tis our own interefts and defigns. It hath been our way to truft in the means, and to rely upon the arm of flefli for iuccef*, albeit the Lord hath many times made us meet with difappointment 'therein, and flaiu- ed the pride of all our glory by blafling every carnal confidence unto us : we have followed for the moit part the counsels of fleOi and blood, and walked more by the rules of policy than piety, and have hearkened more unto men than unto God.

Albeit we made folemn publick profefllon before the world, of our unfeigned defires to be humbled before the Lord for our own fins, and the fins of thcfe kingdoms, efpeciallyfor our undervaluing of the incftimable benefit of the gofpel, and that we have not laboured for the power thereof, and received Chrifl into our hearts, and walked worthy of him in our lives ; and of our true and unfeigned purpofe, dcfire and endeavour for ourfelves, and all others under our power and charge, both in publick and private, in all the duties which we owe to God and man, to amend our lives, and each one to go before another in the example of a real reformation, that the Lord might turn away his wrath and heavy indignation, and eflablifh thefe kirks and kingdoms in truth and peace : Yet we have refufed to be reformed, and have walked proudly and obf^inately againfi- the Lord, not valuing his gofpel, nor fubmitting ourfelves unto the obedience thereof: not feeking after Chrift, nor fludying to honour him in the excellency of his perfon, nor employ him in the virtue of his offices ; nor making conlcience of publick ordinances, nor private nor fcerej: dudes ; nor ftudying to edify one another in love. Ignorance of God, and of his Son Jefus Chrift, prevails exceedingly in the land ; the greateft part of mailers of families, amongft noblemen, barons, gentlemen, burgefTes and commons, negledf to leek God in their families, and to endeavour the reformation thereof j- and albeit it hath been much prelTed, yet few of our nobles and great ones, even to this day, could be perfi^aded to perform family duties themlelves, and in their own perfons; which makes ib neceilary and uieful a duty to be mifregarded by others of inferior rank : nay, many of the nobility, gentry and burrows, who fkould have been examples of godlinefs and fober walking unto others, have been ringleaders of excefs and rioting. Albeit we be the Lord's people, engaged to him in a folemn way ; yet, to this day, we have not made it our ftudy, that judicatories and armies (hould confifl of, and places of power and truft be filled with men of a harmlefs and Chriftian converfation, and of known integrity, and approven fidelity, afie61ion and zeal unto the caufe of God ; but not only thole who have been neutral and indifferent, but difafFcfted and malignant, and others who have been profane and fc^ndalous, have bcien intrufted : by which it hath come to pafs, that judicatories have been the feats of injuilice and iniquity ; and many in our armies, by their mifcarriage, have be- come our plague, unto the great prejudice pf the caufe of God, the


, and Engagement to Duties. ^-^^ 8

great fcandal of thegorpe], and the great increafe of loofenefs and pro- tanity throughout all the land. It were impoir.ble to reckon up all the abominations that are m the land ; but the blaipheming of the nam-^ of God, fwcarmg by the creatures, profanation of the Lord's d.v^ undeannefs, dhnkennefs, excefs andrioting. vanity of apparel, lyinJ and deceit, railing and curfmg, arbitrary and uncontrouledoppefTioo and grinding of the faces of the poor by landlords, and othe s in place and power, are become ordinary and common fins; and, befides al» thele thmgs, there be many other tranlgrcflions, whereof th- lands vvhereia we live are guilty. All which we deiire to acknowledge and to be hunibled for, that the world may bear witnefs with uf, that righteoufnds belongeth unto God. and Ihameand confufion of fac- un- to us, as appears this day.

And becau/e it is needful for thofe who find mercy, not ouly to confers, but alio to forlake their fm ; therefore, that the reality and Ijnccrity of our repentance may appear, we do refoive and lolemniy engige ourfelves, before the Lord, carefully to avoid for the time lo come all tnefe offences, whereof we have now made Iblemn publick acknowledgement, and all the Inares and tentations which tend there- unto: and to teftify the integrity of our reiolution herein, and that we may be the better enabled in the power of the Lord's Ihength to perform the fame, we do again renew our folemn league and covenant promifing hereafter to make confcience of all the duties, whereunto we are obliged, in all the heads and articles thereof, particularly of thefc that follow, '^ ^

I . Becaufe religion is of all things the moft excellent and precious, the advancmg and promoting the power thereof, againft ail ungodlinels and profanity, the fecuring and preferving the purity thereof againft all error, herely and fchifm ; and namely, independency, anabaptilm, antinomianifm, arminianifm, and focinianifm, famililm, libertinilm, Icepticifm, and eraftianifm, and the carrying on the work of uniformity fhall be fludicd and endeavoured by us before all worldly interefb, whether concerning the king, ourfelves, or any other whatfomevcr,' 2. Becaufe many have of late laboured to fupplani the liberties of the kirk, we ftiall maintaio and defend the kirk of Scotland, in all her liberties and privileges, againfl all who fhall oppofe or undermine tiic fame, or encroach thereupon, under any pretext, whatlomever. 3. We ihall vindicate and maintain the liberties of the fubjeds, in all thcfs things which concern their confciences, perlons and eflates. 4. Wc fhall carefally maintain and defend the union betwixt the kingdoms, and avoid every thing that may weaken the lame, or involve us in any mealure of acceiTion unto the guilt of thefe who have invaded the kiLg- dom of England. 5. As we have been always loyal to our king, To we fhall Ifill endeavour to give unto God that which is God's ai?d to Cacfar rhe things which are Caefir's. 6. Wc [huJJ be fo far from coa- mving ar, complying with, or couuteuaacing of mnlignaacy, injuaice,


480 An Acknowledgement of Sins, Sec.

iniquity, profanity and impiety, that (hall not only avoid and dif- couQtenance thofe things, and cherifh and encourage thef'e perfons who are zealous for the caule of God, and walk according to the gofpcl ; but alfo fhail take a more cffcftual courfe than heretofore, in our re- lpc<5tive places and callings, for punifliing and fuppreffing thefe evils ; and faithfully endeavour, that the bed and fitteft remedies may be ap- plied for taking away the caules thereof, and advancing the knowledge of God, and holinefs and righteoufnefs in the land. And therefore, in the laft place, as wc fhall carncftlf pray unto God, that he would give us able men, fearing Cod, men cf truth, and hating covetoufnejs, to judge and bear charge among his people; fo we AiaII, according \,o our places and callings, endeavour that judicarories, and all places of power and truft both in kirk and ftate, may confiil of, and be filled with fuch men as are of known good afFcftion to the caufe of God, and of a blamelefs and Chriflian converfation.

And, bccaufe there be many, who heretofore have not made con- fciencc of the oath of God, but fome through fear, others by perfuafion and upon bafe ends and human interefls, have entered thereinto, who have ' afterwards difcovered themfelves to have dealt deceitfully with the Lord, in fwcaring falfly by his name; Therefore we, who do now renew our covenant, in reference to thefe duties, and all other duties contained therein, do, in the fight of him, who is the Searcher of hearts, folemnly profefs, that it is not upon any public advantage, or private intereft or bye-end, or becaufc of any terror or perfuaH'on, from men, or hypocritically and deceitfully, that we do again take upon us the oath of God, but honeftly and fmcerely, and from the fenfe of our du^ty ; and that therefore, denying ourfelves and our own things, and laying afide all (eif-intcreft and ends, we fhall above all things fcek the honour of God, the good of his caufe, and the wealth of bis people -, and that forfaking the counfels ot flelh and blood, and not leaning upon carnal confidences, we (hall depend upon the Lord, walk by the rule of his word, and hearken to the voice of his fervants. In all which, profeiling our own weaknsfs, we do earneftiy pray to God, who is the Father of mercies, through his Son Jefus Chrift, to be merciful unto us, and to enable us by the power of his might, that wc may do our duty, unto the praife of his grace ia the churches. AmcQ.

? I N I S,





Agreed upon by the

AfTembly of Divines


fr E s T M I N s r E R,

With the Aififtance of



Church of Scotland,

A S A Part of the Covenanted Uniformity in Religion betwixt the Churches of Christ in the Kingdoms of Scotland England and Ireland.

WITH An \&. of the General Aflembly, and Aft of Parliament, botli io Anno 1645, Approving and Eftablifhing ihc faid Directohy.

I Cor. xiv. 46. Let all things he done decently, and in Order ^ Ver. 26. Let all things be dme to Edifying.

Prints in the Year M. C,LV.


Charles I. Pari, 5. Seff. 5.

An A CT cf the ParHrtrn^nt a/the Kingdom (^Scotland, Appnving and EJiahltJh.fig the Dire6lor) for Public Worjhtp.

At Edinburgh, February 6, 1646,

THE cftatei of parliament now conveened, "m the fccond feffion of this firll: trrecnjal {Tarliament, by vertwc of the lafl aft of the lail parliament, hoiden by his majetty aj^d t^e three eflates, in anno 164 1 ; alter public reading, and ferious confideration of the adl under-written of the General AlT^mbly approving the following Diredory for the pabiic worfhip of God in the three kingdoms, lately united by the S'>leinn League and Covenant, together with the ordinance of the parliament of Eng- land eftablifhing the laid ©iredory itfelf ; do h'eattily and chearfully a- gree to the faid Direftory, according to the aft of the general alTembly approving the fame. Which aft, together with the Direftory itfelf, the elates of parliament do, without a Contrary voice, ratify and approve ir; all the heads and articles thereof; and do interpone and add the au- thority of parliamefit to the faid aft of the general affembly. And do ordain the fame to have the Itreftgth and force of the !aw afid aft of par- liament, and execution to pals thereupon, for obferving the faid Direfto- ry, according to the faid aft of the general afTembly in all points,

Alex. Gibfon Cler. Regiflri.

Apyjihly at Edinburgh, February 3, 1645. Sejf. 10.

ACT of the General AJfembly of the Kirk of Scotland, for the EJlablifh^ ing and putting tn Execution of Z/;^, Directory for -the public IVorJhip of Gcd.

WHEREAS an happy unity, and uniformity in religion amongft the kirks of Chrifl, in thefe three kingdoms, united under one fovc- reign, having been lon^ and feai-tteftiy willed foV-, by the ^6dly ahd \^ell- affefted among us, wis propounded as a main article of the laYge trea- ty, witliout which band and bulwark, no fafe. Well -grounded fend iafi- ino peace could be expefted ; and afterward, with greater (Irength and maturity, revived in the Solemn League and Covenant of the three king- doms ; whereby they (land Uraitly obliged to endeavour the nearell uni- formity in onfe form of ChurGh-Sovernmeht, Dii-eftory of Worfhip, Con* feiTion of Faith, •and form of Catelchifing : \Vhich hath alfo before, and fince our entering into that covenant, been the matter of many fuppli- caticns and remonftra'ncts, and fending com miffi oners to the -king's ttsa* jelty, of declarations to the honourable houfes of the parliament of Eng- land, and of letters to the reverend affembly of divines, aad others of the ministry of the kirk of England ; being alfo the end of our fending commiffioncrs, as was defired, from this kirk, with commiiFion to treat of un forniity in the four particulars afore-mentioned, with fuch com- miuccs as fhould be appointed by both houfes ef parliament of Eng- land,


land, and by the afTembly of divines fitting at Weftminfter : and bedde all this, it being, in point vi conicience, the chiet motive and end our adventuring upon manifold and great hazards, for quenching ihe devouring flame of the preient unnatural and bloody war in England, though to the weakening of this kingdom within itfelf, and the advantage of the enemy which have invaded it. accounting nothing too dear to us, (6 that this our joy be fulfilltd. And now this great work being fo iar advanced, that a Dire<flory for the public wor(hip of God in all the three kingdoms, being agreed upon by the honourabk houfes of the parlia- ment of England, after conl'ultation wiih the divines of both kingdoms there aflembled, and fent to us for our approbation, that, being al.d agreed upon by this kirk and kingdom of Scotland, it may be in the name of Loth kingdoms prefented to the king, for his royal confent and ratiti- cation; The general affembiy having mo(t ferioufly con(»dered, reviled, and examined the Direftory aiore-mentioned, after feveral public read* ings of it, after much deliberation, both publicly and in private com- mittees, after full liberty given to all to obje6l againft it, and earneit in- vitations of all who have any fcruples about it, to make known the fame that they might be fatisfied ; doth unanimoufly, and without a contrary Toice, agree to, and approve the following Diredory, in ail the heads thereof, together with the preface fct before it : and d* th require, decern, and ordain, That, according to the plain tenor and meaning thereof, and the intent of the preface, it be carefully and uniformly obferved and praftifed by all the minillers and others within this kingdom, whom it doth concern ; which pradice (hall be begun, upon intimation ^ iven to the feveral prefbyteries, from the commiffioners of this general afTembly, who (hall alfo,take fpecial care for timeous printing of this Diredlory, that a printed copy of it be provided and kept tor the ufe of every kirk in this kingdom ; Alfo, that each prefbytery have a printed copy thereof in every congregation within their bounds, and make known the fame to the provincial or general affembiy, as there (hall be caufe. Provided always, that the claute in the Dire<5lory, of the adminidration of the lord's fupper, which mentioneth tJie communicant's fitting about the table, or at it, be not interpreted, as if, in the judgment of this kirk, it were indifferent, and free for any of the communicants, not to come to, and receive at the table ; or, as if we did approve the dirtriburing of the elements by the minifter to each communicant, and not by the cv-m- municants among themfelves. It is alfo provided. That this (hall be no prejudice to the order and practice of this kirk, in fuch particular! as are appointed by the books of difcipllne, and a(fts of general alfcmblies, and are not otherwife ordered and appointed in the Direftory.

FinaJlyi The a(rembly doth, with much joy yd thankfulnefs, acknow* ledge the rich blelTing and invaluable mercy of God, in bringing the fo* much wi(hed-for uniformity in religion to fuch a happy period, that thefe kingdoms once at fo great a diftaoce in the form of wor(hip, are novr by the blefling of God brought to a nearer uniformity than any other reformed kirks : which is unto us the return of our prayers, and a lightening of our eyes, and reviving of our hearts in the mid{t of our

H h a raany

many forrows and fufFerings ; a taking away, in a great meafure, the reproach of the peopie of God, to the flopping of the mouths of ma'lig* fiant and difafFeded perfons ; and an opening unto us a door of hope, that God hath yet thoughts of peace towards us, and not of evil, to give us, an expelled end: In the expedlation and confidence whereot, we do rejoice ; befeeching the Lord to preferve thefe kingdoms from herefies, fchifms, offences, profanenefs, and whatfoever is contrary to found doilrine, and the power of gedlinefs ; and to continue with us, and the generations following, thefe his pure and purged ordinances, together with an increafe of the power and life thereof, to the glory of his great name, the enlargement of the kingdom of his Son, the corroboration of peace and love between the kingdoms, the unity and comfort of all bis people, an4 our edifying one another in love.



j'HE Preface.

Of the Affembling of the Congregation, Of Public Reading of the Holy Scriptures, Of Public Prayer before the Sermen. Of Preaching of the PFord, . Of Prayer after Sermon. Of the 'Sacrament of Baptifm, Of the Sacra?nent of the Lord's Supper. Of the Sandif cation of the Lord*s Day* Of the Solemnization of Marriage. Of the Vifitation of the Sick. Of Burial of the Dead. Of Public Solemn tajling.

Of the Obfervation of Days of Public Thankfgiving. Of Singing cf Pfalms. An' Appendipi touching Days and Places of Public Worfhip.






Agreed upon by the Affembly of Divines at Weftminjler ; examined and approved, Anyio 1645, by the Gener-.l Assembly of the Church of Scotland; and ratilied by A^ of Parliament the fame Year.

Ue P R E F A C E;

I N the beginning of the blefled reformation, our wife and pious ■* anceftors took care to fet forth an order for redrefs of many things, which they then, by the word, difcovered to be vain, erroneous, fuperftitious, and idolatrous, in the public worftiip of God. This occafioned many godly and learned men to rejoice much in the book of common- prayer, at that time fet forth ; becaufe the mafs and the reft of the Latin fervice being removed, the public worOiip was ce- lebrated in our own tongue : Many of the common people alfo re- ceived benefit by hearing the fcriptures read in their owe language, which formerly, were unto them as a book that isfcaled.

Howbeit, long and fad experience hath made it manifeft, that the liturgy ufed in the church of England (notwithftanding all the pains and religious intentions of the compilers of it) hath proved an offlnce, not only to many of the godly at home, but alfo to the reformed churches abroad For, not to fpeak of urging the reading of all the prayers, which very greatly increafed the burden of it ; the many unprofitable and burdenlbme ceremonies contained in it, have occafioned much mifchief, as well by difquieting the conlciences of many godly mini- fters and people, who could not yield unto them, as by depriving them of the ordinances of God, which they might not enjoy without conforming or lublcribing to thofe ceremonies. Sundry good Chrilti. ans have been, by means thereof, kept from the Lord's table ; and divers able and faithful minifters debarred from the excrcife of their mini/Iry (to the endangering of many thoufand fouls, in a time of

H h 3 fuch

^36 The Freface.

fuch fcarcity of faith<'ul paflors) aad fpailed of their livelihood, to the Tindoing of thtm and thtir families. Prelates and their f.t(5^ion have laboured to raile the eltimarion of ir to Ibch an height, as if there were no other vvorQiip. or way of worfliip of GOD, amongft us, but only the iervice-book ; to the great hinderance of the preaching of the word, and \^in lome places, eipecially of late) to the juftling of It out, as un- tieceffary ; or (at beft) as far inferior to the reading of common pray- er, which was made no better than an idol by many ignorant and fu- periiiiious people, who pleafiDg thcmfelves in their prelerce at ihat iervice, and their lip-labour as bearing a part in it, have there' y harden- ed themlelves in their ignorance and carelefTnefs^of faving knowledge and true piety.

fn the mean time, Papifts boafled that the book was a compliance with them in a great part of their fervice; and fo were not a little con- firmed in their luperllition and idolatry, expe(fting rather our return to them, than endeavouring the reformation of themfclves; in which^ expt6larion they were of late very much encouraged, when, upon the pretended warrantabienefs of impofmg of the former ceremonies, fiew ones were daily obtruded upon the church.

Add hereunto <, which was not forefeen, but fmce hath come to pafs) that the liturgy hath been a great means, as on the one hand to make and increafe an idle and unedifyinq miniftry, which contented itfclf V'ith fet formes made to their hands by others, without putting fonh thcmfelves to cxercife the gift of prayer, with which our Lord Jeius Chrift pleafeth to furnifh all his fervants whom he calls to that office: fo, on the o^her fide, it hath been (and ever would be, if continued) a matter of cndlcfs ftrife and contention in the church, and a fnare both to many godly and faithful minifters, who have been perfecuted and filenced upon that occafion, and to others of hopeful parts, many of which have been, and more ftill would be, diverted from all thoughts of the miniffry to other (ludies ; efpecially in thefe latter times, where in God vouchlafeth to his people more and better means for the difco- "Very of error and fuperftition, and for attaining of knowledge in the myfferies of godlinefs, and gifts in preaching and prayer.

Upon thefe, and many the like weighty con fid era lions in reference to the whole book in general, and becaufe of divers particulars con- taiued in it; not from any love to novelty, or intention to difparage our firft reformers (of whom we are perfuaded, that, were they now alive, they would join with us in this work, and whom we acknowN ledge as excellent inflrnments, railed by God, to begin the purging and building of his houfe, and defire they may be had of us and poffe- rity in everlafting remembrance, with thankfulnefs and honour;) but that wc may, in fome meafure, anfwer the gracious providence of God, which at this time calleth upon us for further reformation, and jnay f-Hti-fy our own ccnfcience'?, and anUver the expe(flation of other ?i:(ormcd 'chqrfhes, apd the deTires of many of the godly among our-


The Diredory^ &C. 487

felves, and withal give fome public tcftimony of our endeavours for uniformity in divine worlhip, whicli we liave promifcd in our Solemn League and Covenant : we have, after earneft and frequent calling upon the name of God, and after much confultation, not with flefh and blood, but with. his holy word, refolved to lay afide the former lituigy, with the many rites and ceremonies formerly ufed in the worfhip of God ; and have agreed upon this following Directory for all the parts of public worfhip, at ordinary and extraordinary times.

Wherein our care hath been, to hold forth fich things as are qf di- vine inftitution in every ordinance ; and other things we have endea- voured to fct forth according to the rules of Chriftian prudence, agree- able to the general rules of the word of God : our meaning theieiu be- ing only, that the general heads, the fenfe and fcope of the prayers, and other parts of public wor(bip, being known to all, there m \y be a confent of all the churches in thofe things that contain the fubftance of the fervice and worfhip of God ; and the miniflers may be hereby directed, in their adminiftrations, to keep like foundnels in do6lrine and prayer, and may, if need be, have fome help and furniture, and yet fo as they become not hereby flothful and' negligent in ftirring up the gifts of Chrift in them ; but that each one, by meditation, by tak- ing heed to bimfelf and the flock of God committed to him, and by wife oblerving the ways of divine providence, may be careful to fur- ni(h his heart and tongue with further or other materials of prayer and exhortation as {hall be needful upon all occafions.

0/ the ^Jfembling of the Congregation^ and their Behaviour in the public

Worjhip of God.

WHEI^ the congregation is to meet for public worfhip, the people (having before prepared their hearts thereunto) ought all to come, and join therein ; not abienting themfelves from the public ordinances through negligence, or upon pretence of p^^ivate meetings.

Let all enter the aflembly, not irreverently, but in a grave and feemly manner, taking their feats or places without adoration, or bowing them- felves towards one place or other.

The congregation being affembled, the minif^er, after folemn calling on them to the worfliipping of the great name of God, is to begin with prayer.

' In all reverence and humility acknowledging the incomprehenfib^le ' greatnefs and majefty of the Lord, (in whole prefeoce they do then ' in a fpecial manner appear) and their o^vn vilenefs and unworthinefs ' to approach fo near him, with their utter inability of thcmfclvtrs

* to fo great a work ; and humbly beieeching him for paadon, aifiA-

* ance, and acceptance in the whole fervice then to be psrfprmcd : -a.d

H h 4 * for

488 The Directory for the

* for a bleffing on that paiiicular portion of his word then to be read* 5^nd all m the Dame and mediation of the Lord Jefus Chrift.'

The public \Vorlhip being begun, the people are wholly to attend upon it, forbearing to read any thing, except what the-rainifter is then reading or citing ; and abft aining much more from all private whii^ perings, conferences, ialutations, or doing reverence to any ^rfon pre- fent, or coming in ; as alio from all gazing, fletping, and other inde- ceut behaviour, which may difturb the minifter or people, or hinder themfejves or others in the lervice pf God.

]f any, through neceffity, be hindered from being preient at the be- ginning, they ought not, when they come into the congregation, to betake themlelves to their private devotions, but reverendy to com- pofe themlelves to join with the afTembly, in that ordinance of God which is then in hand.

Of Public Reading of the Holy Scriptjires,

READING of the word in the congregation, being part of the public worfhip of God, (wherein we acknowledge our depen- dence upon him, and lubjeftion to him) and one means fan6fified by him for the edifying of his people, is to be performed by the paftors and teachers.

Bowbeit, fuch as intend the miniflry, may occafionally both read the word, and exercife their gift in preaching in the congregation, if allowed by the prefbytcry thereunto^

Al- the canonical books of the Old and New Tcftament (but none of thofe which commonly are called apocrypha) fhall be publicly read in the vulgar tongue, out of the beft allowed tranflation, dillmftly, that all may hear and uaderftand. *

How lar^e a portion fhall be read at once, is left to the wifdom of the miaifter; hut it is convenient, that ordinarily one chapter of each TeOamtnt be read at every meeting, and lometimes more, where the chapters be fhort, or the coherence of matter requireth it.

It is requilite rhat all the canonical books be read over in order, that the people may be better acquainted with the whole body of the fcrip- tures ; ordinarily, where the reading in either Teffament endeih on one Lord's day, it is to begin the next.

Wc commend alfb the more frequent reading of fuch fcriptures, as be that readeth (hall think beft for edification of his hearers, as the book of Plalms, and fuch like.

When the minifter, who readeth, fhall judge it necefTary to expound any part of what is read, let it not be done, until the whole chapter or plalm be ended : and regard is always to be had unto the time, that neither preaching, nor other ordinance, be ftraitened, or rendered te- dious. Which rule is to be obferved in all other public performances.

Befidc public reading of thg /holy fcripturcs, every perlbn that can


Tubltc Worjhip of God, 489

read, is to be exhorted to read the fcripturcs privately j (and all others that cannot read, if not difabled by age, or otherwile, are likcwifc to be exhorted to learn to read) and to have a Bible.

Of public Prayer before the Sermon,

AFTER reading of the Word, (and Tinging of the Pfalm) the minijfter who is to preach, is to endeavour to get his own and his hearers hearts to be rightly affected with their fins that they may ail raourn in fenfe thereof before the Lord, and hunger and thirll after the grace of God in Jefus Chrift, by proceeding to a more full confefTioo of (in, with fhame and holy confufion of face, and to call upon the Lord to this tK^^-

* To acknowledge our great finfulnefs, Firft, by reafon of original

* fin, which (befide the guilt that makes us liable to everlafling dam-

* nation) is the ieed of all other fms, hath depraved and poiibned all

* the facnhics and powers of foul and body, doth defile our beft a<Sfi-

* on?, (aod were it not reflrained, or our hearts renewed by grace)

* would break forth into innumerable tranigrefTions, and greatefl re-

* bellions againfl the Lord that ever were committed by the vileft of

* the Tons of men. And; next, by reafon of a<5lual fins, our owq

* fms, the fins of maglfirates, of miniflers, and of the whole nation,

* unto which we are many ways acceffory : Which fms of ours receive

* many fearful aggravations, we having broken all the commandments

* of the holy, juft and good law of God, doing that which is forbid-

* den, and leaving undone what is injoired ; and that not only out of

* ignorance and infirmity, but alio more prefumptuoufly, againA the

* light of our minds, checks of our confciences, and motions of his

* own holy Spirit to the contrary, fo that we have no cloke for our

* fins; yea, not only defplfing the riches of God's goodnefs, forbear-

* ance, and long-fufFering, but ftanding out againft many invitations

* and offers of grace in the gofpel •, not endeavouring, as we ought, to

* receive Chrifl into our hearts by faith, or to walk worthy of him io

* our lives.

* To bewail our blindnefs of mind, hardnefs of heart, unbelief, im

* penitency, lecurity, lukewarmnefs, barrcnnefs; our not endeavouring

* after mortification and newnefs of life; nor after the exercife of god-

* linefs in the power thereof, and that the beft of us have not fo lled-

* faf\Iy walked with ^od, kept our garments fo unfpottcd, nor been ' h zealous of his glory, and the good of others, as we ought: And

* to mourn over luch other fins as the congregation is particularly ' guilty of notwithflanding the manifold and great mercies of our ' God, the love of Chriff, the light of the goipel, and reformation of

* leligion, our own purpofes, prom ifes, vows, folemn covenant, and

* other fpecial obligations to the contrary.

' To acknowledge and confefs, th^t, as we are convinced of our

* gailr.

49 o T>^^ DireSlory for the

* guilt, (Oy out of a d^ep lenfe thereof, we judge ourfelres unworthy

* of the fmallcft benefits, mofl worthy of God's fierceft wrath, and

* of all the carles ot the Uw, and heavieft judgments inflifted upon the « mort rebellious finners; and that he might mofl juflly take his king-

< dom and goipel from us, plague us with all forts of fpiritual and tem-

< poral judgments in this life, and after caft us into utter darknefs, in the

* lake that burneth with fire and brimftone, where is weeping and gnafh-

* ing of teeth for evermore.

* Notwithflanding all which, to draw near to the throne of grace, ' encouraging ourfelves with hope of a gracious anlwer of our prayers,

* in the riches and all-fufficiency of that only one oblation, the fatisfac-

* tion and interceilion of the- Lord Jefus Chrifl, at the right-hand of

* his Father, and our Father, and in confidence of the exceeding great

* and piecious promiles of mercy and grace in the new covenant, thro*

* the fame Mediator thereof, to deprecate the heavy wrath and curife'of

* God, which we are not able to avoid, or bear; and humbly and ear-

* neftly to fuppiicate for mercy in the free and tuil remiffion of all our

< fins, and that only for the bitter fuffcrings and precious merits of that ' our only Saviour Jefus Chrifl.

< That the Lord would vouchfafe to fhed abroad his love in our hearts

* by the Holy Ghofl ; Teal unto us, by the fame fpirit of adoption, the

* full afTurance of our pardon and reconciliation; comfort all that mourn

* in Zion, fpeak peace to the wounded and troubled ijjirit, and bind up

< the broken hearted : and as for lecure and prefumptuous finners, that

* he would open their eye3, convince their confciences, and turn them ' from darknefs unto light, and from the power of Satan unto God,

* that they alfo may receive forgivenefs of fin, and an inheritance among

* them that are landlified by faith in Chrift Jefus.

* With remillion of fin^ through the blood of Chrijft, to pr-^ for

* fan(rVificatioi3 by his Spirit; the mortification of fin dwelling \a and

* many times' tyrannizing over us; the quickning of our dead fpirits,

* with the life of God in Chrifl ; grace to fit and enable us for all du-

* tics of converlation and callings towards God and men, ftrength a-

* gainfl temptations, the /nn(5l:ified u(e of bleflings and crofTes, and per-

* feverance in faith and obedience unto the end.

* To pray for the propagation of the gofpel and kingdom of Chrifl

* to all nations; for the converfion of the Jews, the fulnels of the Gen-

< tiles, the fall of Anti-chrift, and the haftening of the fecond coming

* of our Lord ; for the deliverance of the diftrcfTed churches abroad

* from the tyranny of the anti-chriilian fadfion, and from the cruel op-

* preflions and blafphemies of the Turk ; for the bleiTing of God upon

* all the reformed churches, efpecially upon the churches and king-

* dcms of Scotland, England, and Ireland, now more flridUy and reli-

* gioiiHy united in the Solemn National League and Covenant ; and for our plantations in the remote parts of the world ; more particq-

* lariy jor that church ar.d kingdom whereof we are members, that

Tiibllc Worjhtf of God. 491

' therein Qo^ would eftabliih peace and tru'h, the purity of ail his or- ' dinances, and the power q\ godlinels ; prevent and rcinore hercfy, ' rchifm, proianenels, lupcrftiiion, fecurity and unFruitrulnels under the ' means of grace; heal all our rents and divifions, and preicrve us trom ^ breach of our Solemn Covenant.

* To pray for all in authority, elpecially for the king's majefty, that ' God would make him rich in bleilings, both in his pcrlon and go- ' vernmsnt; e(^abli(li his throne in religion and righitoulhefs, lave

* hini from evil coinfel, and make him a biefled and glorious iuftru- ' meat, for the conl'ervation and propagation of the gofpel, tor the en- ' couragement and proredlion of them that do well, the terror of them ' that do evil, and the gr«.^at good of the whole church, and of all his

* kingdoms ; for the converfion of the queen, the religious education

* of the prince, and the reft of the royal feed ; for the comforting the

* afflii^led queen of Bohemia, fiikrlo our fovereign. and for the rcHi-

* tution and eftablidiment of the illuflrious prince Charles, eleOor Pa-

< latine of the Rhine, to all his dominions and dignities; for a blefling « upon the high court oF Parliament (when fitting in any of thele king- « doms rtlpe^iively) the nobility, the fubordinate judges and magif-

* trates, the gentry, and all the commonality; for all paftors and teach- ' ers, that God would fill them with his Spirit, make them exampla-

< rJly holy, fober, juft, peaceable, and gracious in their live?, found,

* faithful, and powerful in their miniUry ; and follow all their labours

* with abundance of fuccefs of bicfling: and give unto all his people

< pallors according to his own heart: for the univerfities, and all fchools « and re'igious feminaries of church and common- wealth, that they

* may flourirti more and more in learning and piety ; for the particu-

* lar city or congregation, that God would pour out a bleiling upoa

* the miniftry of the word, facraments and difcipiine, upon the civil

* government, and all the feveral families and perfons therein ; for

* mercy to the afflidled under any inward or outward diftrefs ; for fea-

* fonable weather and fruitful leafons, as the time may require; for « averting the judgments ?hat we either feel or fear, or are iiabie unto,

* as famine, peftilence, thefword, and fuch like.

* And with confidence of his mercy to his whole church, and the

* acceptance of our perlbns, through the merits and mediation of our

* high prieli, the Lord Jefus, to profeis that it is the defire of our fouls

* to have fellowlTiip with God, in the reverend and confcionable ufc

* of his holy ordinances ; and, to that purpofc, to pray carneflly for ' his grace and efFefffual afliftance to the f^nftification of his holy fab- « bath, the Lord's day, in all duties thereof, public and private, both to

* ou: lelves, and to all other congregations of his people, according to ' the riches and excellency of the gofpel, this day celebrated and

* enjoyed.

* ^nd becaufe we have been unprofitable hearers in times pad, and

* now cannot of ourfelvcs receive as we (hould> the deep things of God,

< the

492 ne Dire^ory far the

« the myderies oF Jefiis Chrilt, which require a fpiritual difcernmg ; to

* pray, that the Lord, who tcacheth to profit, would gracioufly pleafe

< to pour out the Spirit of grace, together with the outward means

< thereof, caufing us to attain fuch a meafure of the excellency of the

* knowledge of Chrift Jefufi our Lord, and, in him, of the things which

* bc:long to our peace, that we may account all thing? but as drofs in « comparifon of him : and, that we, tafting the firft-fruits of the glory

* that is to be revealed, may long for a more full and perfe(51: commu-

* nion with him, that where he is, we may be alfo, and enjoy the fuU « ncfs of thofe joys and plcafures, which are at his right-hand for « evermore.

* More particularly, that God would in a fpecial manner. furaifti his

* fcrvant (now called to difpenfc the bread of life unto his houlhold) *■ with wildom, fidelity, zeal, and utterance, that he may divide the

* word of God aright, to every one his portion, in evidence and de

* monflration ot the Spirit and power ; and that the Lord would cir-

* cumciie the ears and hearts of the hearers, to hear, love, and receive « with meeknefs the ingrafted word, which is able to iave their fouls,

* make them as good ground to receive in the good feed of the word,

< and ftrengthcn them againft the temptations of Satan, the cares of the

< world, the hardneis of their own hearts, and whatfoever elle may

* hinder their profitable and faving hearing ; that fo Chriff may be io « formed in them, and live in them, that all their thoughts may be

* brought into captivity to the obedience of Chrifi, and their hearts

* cflablifhed in every good word and work for ever.'

We judge this to be a convenient order, in the ordinary public prayer -, yet fo, as the minifler may defer (as in prudence he fhall think meet) fome part of thefe petitions till after his fermoo, or offer up to God fome of the thankfgivings hereafter appointed, in his prayer be' fote his lermoQ.

Of the Preaching of the Word.

pReacliing of the word, being the power of God unto falvation, and ^ one of the greateft and moft excellent works belonging to the mi- nidry of the gofpel. fliould be fo performed, that the workman need not be adiamed, but may fave himfelf, and thofe that hear him.

It is prefuppoled ( iocordicg to the rules for ordination) that the mi- niflcr of Chrift is in fome good meafure gifted for fo weighty a fervice, by his fkill in the original languages, and in fuch arts and fciences as are hand-maids unto divinity; by his knowledge in the whole body of theology, but moft of all in the holy Ibripturcs, having his fenfes and heart excrciied in them above the common iort of believers ; and by the illuminarion of God's Spirit, and other gifts of edification, which (to- gether with reading and fliidying of the word) he ought flill to leek by prayer^ and an humble heart, refolvin^ to admit and receive any truth

Public Worjhip of God. 493

truth not yet attained, whenever God (hall make it known unto him. All which he is to make u<c of, and improve, in his private preparati- ons, before he deliver in public what he hath provided.

Ordinarily, rhe lubjcft of his lermon is to be Ibme text of fcripture, holding forth ^ome principle or head of religion, or fuitabie to lomc fpecial occi^oii emergent; or he may go on in lome chapter, pfalm, or book of the holy fcripture, as he fhall fee fit.

Let the introdiidtlon to his text be brief and confpicuous, drawn from the text itfelf, or context, or fome parallel place, or general fcntencc of fcripture.

If the text be long (as in hiltories and parables it fometimcs muft be) let him give a brief fum of it; if fhort, a paraphrafe thereof, it need be: in both, looking diligently to the Icope of the text, and pointing at *^t chief heads and grounds of the doftrine which he is to raile from it.

(n analyfing and dividing liis »ext, he is to regard more ihc order of matter than of words, and neither to burden the memory of the hearers in the beginning wirh too many members of divifion, nor to trouble their minds with obicure terms of art.

In railing do6trines from the text; his care ought to be, Firff, That the matter be the truth of God. Secondly, That it be a truth con- tained in, or grounded on that text, that the hearers may difcern how God teacheth it from thence. Thirdly, That he chiefly inlift upoa thofe doftrines which are principally intended, and make moil for the edification of the hearers.

The doftrine is to be exprefTed in plain terms; or, if any thing in it need explication, it is to be opened, and the confcquence alio from the text declared. The parallel places of fcripture corifiiming the do6trinc, are rather to be plain and pertinent, than meny, and (if need be) iomc- what infiflcd upon, and applied to the purpofc m hand.

The arguments or reafons are to be lolid, and as much as may be convincing. The illuftrations, of what kind foever, ought to be full of light, and fuch as may convey the truth into the hearers heart with fpiritual delight.

If any boubt, obvious from fcripture, reafon, or prejudice of the hear- ers, leem to arife, it is very requiiite to remove it, by re-^jnciling the feeming differences, anfwering the realons, «nd diicovering und taking away the caufes of prejudice and roiftake. Otherwiie, it is not Hi to de- tain the hearers with propounding or anfwering vain or wicked cavils, which, as they are endiels, fo the propounding and anlweriog of them doth more hinder, than promote edification

He is not to rcfl in general doctrine, although never fo much clear- cd and confirmed, but to biing it home to IJDkCial ufe, by application to his hearers: which albeit it p^ove a work of great difficulty to hjcn- felf, requiring much prudence, zeal and mcditarion, aud to the natu- ral and corrupt man will be very unpleaiant; yet he is to tndeavour to perform it in fuch a manner, that his auditors may feel the word of God


494 ^^^ DlreSlory Jor the

to be quick and powerful, and a difcerncr pt the thoughts and intents ef the heart ; and that, if any unbeliever or ignorant perlon be pre- fent, he may have the iecrcts of his heart niade maniieflj and givt glory to Godi

In the ufe of icftruflion or information in the knowledge of fome truth, which is a conlequence from his do<5frine, he may (when con- venient) coufirm it by a few firm arguments hom the text ichand, and other places of icripturc, or from the nature of that common-place in divinity, whereof that truth is a branch.

In confutation of falle dodlrines, he is neither to raife an old herafy from the grave, nor to mention a blaiphemous opinion unnecefTarily. But, ifthe people be in danger of an error, he is to confute it foundiy, and endeavour to fatisfy iheir judgments and confciences againft all obje£):ion$.

In exhorting to duties, he is, as he feeth caufe, to teach alio the means that help to the performance of them.

In exhortation, reprehenlion, and public admonition (which require fpecial wifdom) let him, as there lliail be caufe, not only diicover the nature and grcatnefs of the fin, with the milery attending it, but alfo fhew the danger his hearers are in to be overtaken and furpriicd by it, together with the remedies and beft way to avoid it.

In applying comfort, whether general againft all temptations, or par- ticular again it ibme fpecial troubles or terrors, he is carefully to aniwer fuch objeflions as a troubled heart and afflidted fpirit may fuggell to the contrary.

It is alfo fometimes requifite to give fome notes of trial (which is ▼cry profitable, efpecially when performed by able and experienced mi- nifters, with circumfpedion and prudence, and the figns clearly ground- ed on the holy fcripture) whereby the hearers may be able to examine themfclves, whether they have attained thole graces, and perfoi-med thofe duties to which he exhorteth, or be guilty of the fin reprehended, and in danger of the judgments threatened, orare inch to whom the confo- lations propounded do belong; that accordingly they may be quickened and excited to duty, humbled for their wants and fins, afilifled with their danger, and ftrengthened with comfort, as their condiiioa upon ex* amination {hall require.

And, as he needeth not always to profecute every doftrine which lies in his text, fo he wifely to make choice of ibch ufes, as by his re- fidence and converlirg with his flock, he findeth moft needful and fea- fonable,and, amongft thefe, fuch as may mofl: draw their fouls to Chrift, the Fountain of light, holincfs and comfort.

This method is not prefcribed as neceflary for every man, or upon every text ; but only recommended, as beirg found by experience to be very much bleffed, of God, aad very helpful for the people's under- ftandings and memories. ,


Public Worfiip of God, 495

But the fcrv^t of Chiift, whatever his method be, is to petform his whoic miniftry,

1. Painfully, not dolftg the work of the Lord negligently.

2. Plainly, That the meaneft may underftand ; dtlivering the truth, not in the enticing wcfrds of man's wifdom, but in demonftration of the fpirit and of power, left the crols of ChriA (hould be made of none cfFe^ ; abftaining alio from an unprofitable ule oi unknown, tongues, ftrange phrafes, and cadences of founds and words ; Iparingly citing fen- tences of ecclefiaftical or other human writers, antient or modern, be they never (o elegant.

3. Faithfully, looking at the honour of Chrift, the conrerfion, edi- fication and falvation of the people, not at his own gain or glory ; keeping nothing back which may promote thefe holy ends, giving to every one his own portion, and bearing indifferent relpcft unto all, without ncglefting the meaneft, or (paring the greatcft in their, fins.

4. Wifely, framing all his doctrines, exhortations, and elpecially his reproofs, in fuch a manner as may be moft likely to prevail ; flicwing all due rcfpe<5l to each man's perfon and place, and not mixing his owa paflion or bitternefs.

5. Gravely, as becometh the word of God; (hunning all fuch gci^ ture, voice and expreffions, as may occafioa the corruptions of men to dcfpile him and his miniftry.

6. With loving affe^ion, that the people may fee all coming from his godly zeal, and hearty defire to do them good. And,

7. As taught of God, and perfuadcd in his own heart, that all, that he teacheth is the truth of Chrift ; and walking before his flcKk, as an example to then) in it; earneftly, both in private and public, recommending his labours to the bleffing of God, and watchfully looking to himfelf, and the flock whereof the Lord kith made him overfcer ; fo ftiall the doftrine of truth be prcferved uncorrupt, many fouls converted and built up, himlelf receive manifold comforts of his labours even in this life, and afterward the crown of glory laid up for him in the world to come.

Where there are more minifters in a congregation than one, and they of different gifts, each may more efpecially apply himfelf to docfirine or exhortation, according to the gift wherein he moft excelleth, and as they ftiall agree between themfelves.

Of Frayer after Sennon,

'T'HE fcrffion being ended, the minifter is * To give thanks for the ■*■ * great love of God, in fending his Son Jefus Chrift un'o us ; for

* the communication of his holy Spirit: for the light and liberty (?f

* the glorious gofpel, and the rich and heavenly bleflings revealed

* therein; as namely, ck^Ion, vocation^ adoption, juftificatlon, fane-


49^ ^^^ Directory for the

* tification and hope of glory ; for the admirable goodoefs of God, « ifl freeing the land from anti-chriftian darknefs and tyranny, and for

* all other national deliverances ; for the reformation of religion ; for

< the covenant ; and for many temporal bleflings.

< To j^ray for the continuance of the go(peI, and all ordinances ^ thereof,: in their purity, power and liberty : To turn the chief and

* moft ufeful heads of the icrroon into (bme few petitions; and to pray ' that it nsiay abide in the heart and bring forth fruit.

* To pray for preparation for death and judgment, and a watching

< for the coming of our Lord Jefus Chrift : To in treat of God tbefor-

* givenefs.of the iniquities of our holy things, and the acceptation of

* our fpiritual facrlfice, through the merit and mediation of our great

* high Pricft and Saviour the Lord Jelus Chrift.'

And becaufe the prayer which Chrift taught his difciples, is not on- ly a pattern of prayer, but itlelf a moft comprehenfive prayer, we re- commend it alio to be ufed in the prayers of the church.

And whereas, at the adminiftration of the facraments, the holding public fafts and days of thankfgiving, and other fpecial occafions, which may afford matter of fpecial petitions and thankfgivings ; it is requifite to exprefs fomewhat in our public piayers (as at this time it. is our duty to pray for a blefBng upon the aflembly of divines, the armies by fea and land, for the defence of the king, and parliament, and kingdom) every minifter is herein to apply himfelf in his prayer, before or after fermon, to thofe occafions : but, for the manner, he is left to his liberty as God (hall direft and enable him, in piety and wildom to difcharge his duty.

The prayer ended, let a pfalm be fung, if with conveniency it may be done. After which (unlels iome other ordinance of Chrift, that concerneth the congregation at that time, be to follow) let the minifter difmifs the congregation with a folemn biefTmg.

Of the Adminiflration of the Sacraments : And frfty Of Baptifm.

BAptifm, as it is not unnecefTarily to be delayed, fo it is not to be adminiftred in any cale by any private perlon, but by a minifter ot Chrift, called to be the fleward of the myfteries of God.

Nor is it to be adminiftred in private places, or privately, but in the place of public worftiip, and in the face of the congregation, where the people may moft conveniently fee and hear; and not in the places where fonts in the time of Popery, were unfitly and fuperftitioufly placed.


Public Wirjhip of God, 497

The child to be baptized, after notice given to the minirter the day before, is to be prefented by the father, or (in aAc of his necelfary ab- fencc) by fome Chrifti|Q friend in his place, piofcfling his earnell «Jc- firc that the child may be baptized.

Before baptifm, the ininiftftr is to ufe fome words of inftru(5lion, touch- ing the inftiLutioQ, nature, ufe, and ends of this facrament ; (hewing,

* That it is inftituted by our Lord Jcfus Chnft ; That it u a leal of the covenant of grace, of our ingrafting into Chrift, and of our uni- on with him, of reraiiTioa of fins, regeneration, adoption, and life eternal; That the water, in baptifm, reprcfenteth and figniheih, both the blood of Chrift, which taketh away all guilt of lin, oiI"j- nal and adtual; and the fan(5lifying vertue of the fpirit of Chrifl a- gainft the dominion of fin, and the corruption of our finful nature : That baptizing, or fprinkling and wafhing with water, fignihcih the cleanfing from fin by the blood and for the merit of Chrift, to- gether with the mortification of fin, and rifing from fin to newnels of life, by vertue of the death and refurreftion of Chrift : That the promiie is made to believers and their feed ; and that the feed and pofterity of the faithful, born within the church, have, by the Wrth, intereft in the covenant, and right to the fcal of it, and to the out- ward privileges of the church, under the gofpel. no lels than the children of Abraham in the time of the Old Tcftament ; the covenant of grace, for fubftance, being the fame ; and the grace of God, and the confolation of believers, more plentiful than before: 1 hat the Son of God admitted little children into his prcfence, embracing and bleffing them, faying, For of fueh is th£ kingdom of God -. That chil- dren, by baptifm, are iblemnly received into the bofom of the vifible church diftinguiflied from the world, and them that are without, and united with believers ; and that all who are baptized in the name of Chrift, do renounce, and by their baptifm are bound to fight a- gainft the devil, the world, and the titfh : That they are Chriftians, and foederally holy before baptifm, and therefore are they bap:ized ; that the inward grace and vertue of baptifm is not tied to that very moment of time wherein it is adminiftered, and that the fruit and power thereof reacheth to the whole courfe of our life ; and that out ward baptifm is not fo neceffary, that through the want thereof the infant is in danger of damnation, or the parents guilty, if they do not contemn or negle<ri the ordinance of Chrift, when and where it may be had.'

In thefe or the like inftru6^ions, the minifter is to ufe his own liberty and godly wifdotu, as the ignorance or errors in the doffrinc of bap- tifm, and the edification of the people, ftiall require.

He is alfo to admonilh all that are prcfent,

* To look back to their baptilm; to repent of their fins againft their

covenant with God ; to Air up their faith ; to improve and mnke

* right ufe of their baptifm, and of the cotcnant foaled thereby betwixt ^ God and their fouls.* I i * To

49 8 The Dire&ory fer the

He is to exhort the parent,

To confider the great meicy of God to him and his child ; to bring

* up the child iii the knowledge of the grounds of the Chriftian religi-

* on, and in the nurture and admonition of the Lord; and to let hini

* know the danger of God's wrath to himielf and child, if he be ncgli-

* gent : requiring his folemn promife for the performance of his duty.*

This being done, prayer is alio to be joined with the word of infti- tution, for lan^lifying the water to this fpiritual ufe ; and the minifter is to pray to this, or the like efFe<ff ;

That the Lord who hath not left us as ftrangerf'without the cove-

* nant of promife, but called us to the privileges of his ordinances, ' would gracioufly vouchfafe to fanf^ify and blels his own ordinance of ^ baptifm at this time : That he would join the inward baptifm of his ^

* Spirit with the outward baptifm of water ; make this baptifm to the

* infant a feal of adoption, remiifion of iin, regeneration and ct^ifnal

* life, and ail other promiies of the covenant of grace : That the child

* may be planted into the likenefs of the death and refurreftion of

* Chrift ; and that, the body of fm being deftroyed in hhn, he may

* ferve God in newnefs of life all his days.'

Then the minifter is to demand the name of the child, which being told him. he is to fay, (calling the child by his name.)

/ baptize thee in the name cf the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoji,

As he pronounceth thefe words, he is to baptize the child with water : which tor the manner of doing of it, is not only lawful but fufficient and moft expedient to be, by pouring or fprinkling of the water on the face of the child, without adding any other ceremony.

This done, he is to give thanks and pray, to this or the like pur- pofe •,

.-Acknowledging with all thankfulncls, that the Lord is true and

* faithful in keeping covenant and mercy ; That he is good and graci-

* ous, not only ia ihat he numbereth us among his faintf., but is pleafed

* alio to beftow upon our children 'his lingular token and badge of his

* love in Chrift : That, in his truth and ipecial providence, he daily

* biingeth ibme into the bolom of his church, to be partakers of his

* iueflimable benefits, purchaied by the blood of his dear Son, for the

* coininuance and incrtafe of hi? church.

' Aad prajing, That the Lv^rd would ftill continue, and dally con-

* firm nriore and more this his unlpcaKablc favour : That he would re-

* ceive the infant, now baprizvid, and folemnly entered into the houfhold « of faith/ in'o his fatherly tuition and defence, and remember him

* with the favour 'hat he {he\*eth to his pc^ople: That, if he fhall be

* ral^en out of th's life in his infancy, the Lord, who is rich in mercy» ' woiikl be pleafed to receive him up into glory ; and if he live, and

* attain the years of difc»-euon, that the Lord would fo teach him by

* his word and Spirit, and make his baptifin elFedtual to him, and io

f uphold

'of God.

* uphold him by his divine power and grace, that by faith he may pre-

* vail againft the devi], the world, and the flcfh, till in the end he ob-

* taia a full and final viftory, and lb be kept by the p ,wcr of God < through faith unto ialvution, through Jcfus Chrilt our Lord.'

Of the Celebration of the Communion^ or Sacrament of the hordes Supper,

THE communion, or fupper of the Lord is freqnentlv to be cc* lebixted : but how often may be confideied, and dutermiaed by the miniftcrs, and other church-govei nors of each congregation, as they (hall find convenient for the comfort and edification ot the people committed to their charge. And, when it (hall be adminiflercd, we judge it convenient to be done after the morning fermnn-

The ignorant and the fcandalous are not fit to receive the facrameat of the Lord's fupper.

Where this ikcrament cannot with convenience be frequently admi- niOercd, it is requifite that public warning be given "he iabbath-day before the adminiftration thereof: And that either ti.en, or on iom« day of that week, fbmething concerning that ordinance thereunto, and participation thereof, be taught ; that by the diligent uie oi all means fanflified of God to that end, both in public and private, all may come better prepared to that heavenly feaft.

When the day is come for adminiftration, the minifter, having end- ed his fermon and prayer, ftiall make a (hort exhortation.

* ExpreiTing the inclUmable benefit we have by this facrament ; to-

* gether with the ends and ufe thereof: fetting forth the great oecef-

* fity of having our comforts and (Irength renewed thereby, in this

* our pilgrimage and warfare : how neceffiry it is that we come unto

* it with knowledge, faith, repentance, love, and with hungering and

* thirfting fouls after Chrift and his benefits : ho^v great the dauger,

* to eat and drink unworthily.

* Next, he is, in the name of Chri.'>, on the one part, to warn all

* fuch as arc ignorant, fcandalous profane, or that live in any fin or « offence againft their knowledge or confcicnce, that they prefu.Tie not « to come to that holy table; (hewing thrm, thit he that earerh and

* drinketh unworthily, eaterh and drinketh judgment unto himielt :

* And, on -the other part, he is in elpecial mantier to invite and en-

* courage all that labour under the fcnfc of the burden of thtir fins, ' and fear of wrath, and defi e to reach out unto a greuer progrels in

* grace than yet they can attain unto, to come to the Lords table ;

* alfuring them, in the fame name, of eale, refrelhing and ftrength to

* their weak and wearied foulr.'

After this exhortation, warning and invitation, the tabic being he- fore deceotly covered, and (o cunvcniently placed^ that the commnnl.

I i % cants

joo The B'lrehory for the

cants may orderly fit about it, or at it. The minifter is to begm the acMon with lanclifying^ and bleffing the element of bread and wine fet before him i^che t5read in comely and convenient refTels, fb prepared, that bting broken by him, and given, it may be diftributed amongft the communicants : the wine alfo in large cups) having firft in a few words llitvved, that thole elements, oiherwile common, are now fct apart and fanftified to this holy ufe, by the word of infliiutioa and prayer.

Let the words of inftitution be read out of the evangelifts, or out of the firft cpiftle of Paul to the Corinthians, chap. xi. 13. / have re- ceived of the Lord, Sec to the 27 th verfe, which the miflifter may, ■when he feerh requifite, explain and apply.

Let the prayer, thankfgiviug,. or blcffing of the bread and wine, be to this efflct ;

* With humble and hearty acknowledgment of the grcatnefs of our

* mifery, from which neither man nor sngel was able to deliver us,

* and of our great unworthinefs of the Icift of all God's mercies ; to

* give thanks to God for all his benefits, and efpecially for that great

* benefit of our redemption, the love of God the Father, the fufFerings

* and merits of the Lord Jefus Chrirt the Son of God, by which we

* are delivered ; and for all means of grace, the word and facramenls ;

* and for this facrament in particular, by which Chrift, and all his

* benefits, are applied and fealed up unto us, notwithftanding the de-

* nial of them unto others, are in great mercy continued unto us, after

< fo much and long abufe of them all.

* To prbfefs, that there is no other name under heaven, by which

< we can be faved, but the name of Jefus Chrifi-, by whom alone we

< receive liberty and life, have accefs to the throne of grace, are ad-

* mitted to cat and drink at his own table, and are fealed up by his

* fpirir to an affurance of happicefs and everlafting life.

* Earneftly to pray to God, the Father of all mercies, and God of

* all coulolation, to vouch fafe his gracious prefeuce, and the eftiftuai

* working of his Spirit in us ; and fo to ian61ify thefe elements, both « of br«ad and wine, and to blel-s his own ordinance, that we may re-

< ceive, by faith, the body and blood of Jefus, Ghritf, crucified for us,

* and fo to feed upon him, that he may be one with us, and we one

* with him ; that he may live in us, and we in him, and to him who

* hath loved us, and given himfdf for us.*

All which he is to endeavour to perform with fuitable afre(n:ions, anfvverablc to fuch an holy adtioa, and to (Mr up the like in the people.

The elements being now fancffified by the word and prayer, the miniQer, beinp at the table, is to take the bread in his hand, and fay, in thefe expreffions (or other the like, ufed by Chrift or his apoftlc Tipon this occalion ;)

* According to the holy inftitution, command, and exai^plc of our ' blefled Saviour Jcfcf Chrift, I take this brea^, and having given thanks, I

< break

Public Worjhip of God. 501

' break it, and give it unto you Cthere the miniAer, who is alfo him-

* felf to communicate, is to break tiie bread, and give it to the coni-

municant ; Take ye, eat ye ; This is the body of Chriji which is broken

Jar you ; Do this in remembrance of him'

In like manner the minifter is to rake the cup and fay, in thefe ex- preflions (or, other the like, ul^d by Chrifl or the apoftle upon the fame occafion : )

* According to the inftitution, command, and example of our

Lord Jefus ChrifV, I take this cup, and give it unto you, (Here he

giveth it to the communicants) This ctip is the New Tefiament in the

* blood of Chriji, which is Jhed for the remiJJiGn of the fms cf many :

Drink ye all of it:

After all have communicated, the minifter may, in a few words, put them in mind,

* Of the grace of God, in Jel'us Ghrilt, held forth in this facrament,

* and exhort them to walk worthy of it.'

The minifter is to give folemn thanks to God, ' For his rich mercy, and invaluable goodncfs, vouchiafed to them

* in that facrament; and to intreat for pardon for the dtt'-(5i:s ot the

* whole fervice, and for the gracious affiftance of his good Spirit,

* whereby they may be enabled to walk in the ftrength of that grace,

as becometh thofe who have received fo great pledges of lalvation*

The colledlion for the poor, is fo to be ordered, that no part of the public worlhip be thereby hindered.

Of the San8ification of the Lories Day,

THE Lord's Day ought to be ^o remembered before hand, as that all worldly bufinels of our ordinary callings may be fo ordered and fo timely and feafonabiy laid afide, as they may not be impedi- ments to the due fanftifying of the day when it comes.

The whole day is to be celebrated as holy to the Lord, both in public and private, as being the Chrifiian fabbath. To which end, it is requifite, that there be a holy ceflation, or refting all that day, from all unnece/Tary labours; and an abftaining, not only irom all fports and paftimes, but alio from all worldly words and thoughts.

That the diet on that day be lo ordered, as that neither fervants be unneceffarily detained from the public worfliip of God, nor any other perfon hindered from the fanftitying that day.

That there be private preparations of every perfon and family, by prayer for themfelves, and for God's afTiftance of the miniller, and for a blelTing upon his miniflry; and by luch other holy cxercifes, as may further difpofe them to a more comfortable ccmmunion with C^od in his public ordinances.



2 The Dire6lory for the

That all the people meet fo timely for public worfhip, that the whole congregation may be prcfent at the begiDDing, and with one heart iblemnly join together Iq all parts of the public worfhtp, and not depart till after the blefling

That what time is vacant, betv/een, or after the Iblemif'ibeetings of the congregation in publlic, he Ipent in reading, meditation, repeti- tion of lefmons \ efpecially by calling their faipilies to an account of what they have heard, and catcchifing of them, holy conferences, prayer for a blelTing upon the public ordinances, finging of pfalms, vifiting the Tick, reJicving the pcjor, and fuch like duties of piety, charity, aod mercy, accounting the labbath a delight.

The Solemnization of Marriage*

ALrhour,h marriage be no facrament, nor peculiar to the church of Go<\. but common to mankind, and ot public intereft in every common- wealth ; yet, becaufe fuch as marry are to marry in the Lord, anj nave jpecial need of indrudfion, dire<5fion and exhortation, from the word of God, at their entering into fuch a new condition ; and of the bleiliiig of God upon them therein; .we judge it expedient, that marriage be folemnized by a lawful minifter ot the word, that he may accordingly coanfel them, and pray for a bleiling upon them.

Marriage is to be betwixt one man and one woman only ; and they, fuch as are not \\"ithin the degrees of confanguinity or affinity prohi- bired by rhe word of God ; arid the parties are to be of years of dii- cietion, fit tp make their own choice, or, upon good grounds, to give thtir mutuni confect.

Before the folemnizing of marriage between any perfons, their pur- pole of marriage Ihall be pubiirhcd by the miniRer three feveral (ab- bath-dau, in the congregation, at the place or places of their moft wiiid and co'nftant abode, rffpcffively. And of this publication, the minifler who is to join them in marriage fhall have fufTicient teflimo- cy, before he proceed to Iblemnizc the marriage,

Befofv^ that publication of fuch their purpcfe (if the parties be un-^ dor age) the o^nfent of the parents, or others under whofe power they are (\n cafe ths parents be dead) is to be made known to the church -officers of that congregation, to be recorded.

The like is to be oblerved in the proceedings of all others, although of age, whofe parents are living, for their fuft marriage.

And, in after-marriages of either of ihofe parties, they fhall be ex- horted not to con tra£f marrii'.ge without firit acquainting their parents with it (if with conveniency it may be done) endeavouring to obtain the'r confcnt.

Parents ought not to force their chilrVen to marry without their free coulent, nor deny their owa confent without jufl caufe.


Fuhik Worjhip of God, ^"^^ 1

After the purpore or contraft of marriage hath been thus publiflicd, I the marriage is not long to be deferred. Therefore the minifter, having had convenient warning, and nothing been obje<^ed to hinder it, is publickly to folemnize it in the place appointed by authority for pub- lic worlhip^ before a competent number of credible witnefles, at fome convenient hour of the day, at any time of the year, except on a day of public humiliation. And we advife that it be not on the Lord's day.

And, becaufe all relations are fan^ified by the word and prayer, the miaifter is to pray for a blefling upon them to this effc^:;

* Acknowledging our fias, whereby we have made ourfelves lefs than « the lead of all the mercies of God and provoked him to imbitter all

* our comforts, earneftly, in the name of Chrift, to intreat the Lord

* (whofe prefence and favour is the happinefs of every condition, and

* fwceicns every relation) to be their poniou, and to own and accept

* them in Chrift, who are now to be joined in the honourable eftate of « marriage, the covenant of their God : And that, as he hath brought

* them together by his providence, he would fanftify them by his Spi- ' rit, giving them a frame of heart, fit for their new eftate ; enriching « them with all graces whereby they may perform the duties, enjoy the « comforts, undergo the cares, and refift the temptations which accom- « pany that condition, as bccometh Chriftians.' , v . n

The prayer being ended, it is convenient that the mioifter do briefly declare unto them, out of the fcripture.

* The inttitution, ufe. and ends of marriage, with the conjugal duties,

* which, in all faithfulnels, they are to perform each orher : exhorting

* them to ftudy the holy word of God, that they may learn to live by « faith, and to be content in the m1dft of all marriage cares and troubles. « fanaifying God's name, in a ihankfu!, fober, and holy uie of all conju- ' gal comforts; praying much with and for one another: watching o-

* ver, and provoking each other to love and good works: and to live to-

* ffcther as the heirs of the grace of life.' , . r u

After folemn charging of the perlbns to be married, before the great God who fearcheth all litearts, and to whom they mutt give a ftria account at the laft day, th*if either of them know any caufe, by precon- traa, or otherwile; why they may not lawfully proceed to marriage, that they now difcover it; The miniaer (if no impediment be acknow- ledged) (hall caufe firft the man take the woman by the nght-hand, lay- Ing thefe words. .^ . , .^ ^, ^

I^bl. do take thee N. to be my married -^ife, and do, in the pre- fence of Co^, and before this congregation, promife and covenant to be a loving and faithful hufhand unto thee, until God fhall fefarate us by

- ^ Then the woman Qiall take the man by the right-hand, and fay thefc

words. ' . , vr

Ii 4 •' ^-

5°4 The DireEiory Jor the

1 N; do take thu-^ to be my married hvfiand. and I do. in the

prefince of 0^ ana before thU congregaUon, prom.fe and covenant to m I 27h ^ '^"'""^ "'"*'"* '^'''' ""'" "'"> ^ntilCodfhallfiparate

Then without any further ceremony, the minifter fliall in the face of the congregation, pronounce them to be hufband and wife.

erTotifeffea; "'""'"'''' '"^ '°"^'"'^'= *^ ''^'°» ^i* P^^'y'

. .'-Vu- t'^°'^uT^'^ ^' P'"''""'' accompany his ewn ordinance wuhh.sbleffi.,g befecchinghim to enrich the perfons now ma^rie? a. w,th other pledges of his love fo par.icniarly with the c^X^

' So5ch-»T^' /°••'^p'^'^^ °^ "-^"^^-^ --y. i-^

Aregifter is to be carefully kept, wherein the names of the parties fo married, wuh the nme of their mariage. are forthwith to be fairly

Concerning Vifttation of the Sid.

Hed tt'hf,"7hf '^^ ™in!fter not only to teach the people commit- JL ted to h,s charge in public but privately, and particularly to ad- Z^ f.? V'^'"'" a"'^ comfort .them, upon all feafonable occa- Hons, fo far as his time, ftrength, and perfonal fafety will permit.

■,JT ='''"°'^^'^'"\»'- '""^ of health, to prepare for death ;

hi ,U %, P"/P°^5-;''fy '''f'"" <^°°f^' ^«h their minifter, a- bout the eftate of their fouls," and, in times of ficknefs, to defire his ad-

Z^&:Z'' '"' ''''°-'''' ^'- "'-«-§•'' -d-'i-

M7hr^\°^/"'^°*'"' ^'!''.„^'"'«'°n «■■« fpecial opportunities put into then H ? ' ?""'""■ * ^"<* '- ^''^°^ ""'"y fouls; becaufe

tnut ""fr^Vi "'? ■'■'• ,°^?°"''^ ^'- "^^^ ^^^kened to be! th.Dk themfelves of their fpintual eft.,te for e-ernity; and Satan alio

lot t f^" then to load them more with (ore and heavy ,emp? tons: therefore the mmirter, being fent for, and repairing to the fick rr^t^l himfelf w;,h all tenderiiefs and love, to adminifter fome fpi- luual good to his foul, to this efFeft. "^

n,nlfT- !'°"' 'f ^"""df •-•'ion of the prefent ficknefs, inftrua him out of /cnpture, that difeafes come not by chance, or by diftempe" o body only, but by the wile and orderly guidance of thj good hand

ther It beJaid upon him o'Jt of difplealure for f,n, for his correaion and amendent, or for trial and exercife of his graces, or for other fpecml and exce lent ends, all hi. fuftrings (hail turn to his profit, and work together for h,s good, if he linccrely labo-.r to make a (anftified


Public Worfhtp of God. 505

Bfc of God's vlfitation, neither ddpifing his chaftening, nor waxing weary ot his coi i e<5tion.

If he fulpciSt him of ignorance, he ihall examine him in the princi- ples of religion, especially touching repentance and faith; and, as he feeth caufe, in{\ru<5t him in the nature, ufe, excellency and ncceffity of thole graces ; as alio touchimrr the covenant of grace ; and Chriil the Son of God, the mediator of it, and, concerning remiflion of fins by faith in him.

He (h^ll exhort the fick perfon to examine himfelf, to fearch and try his former ways, and his cltatc towards God.

And if the fick peiion (hall declare any fcruple, doubt or temptati- on that are upon him, intlruftions and relolutioris (hall be given to fatisfy and fettle him.

If it appear that he harh not a due fenfe of his fins, endeavours ought to be ufed to convince him of his fins, of the guilt and defcrt of them ; of the filth and pollution which the foul contradls by them; and of the curfe of the law, and wrarh of God, due to them : that he may be truly afFerted wirh, and humbled for them : and v/ithal make known the danger of deferring repentance, and of negledinf» fiilvation at any tinne offered ; to awaken his conlcience, and rouzc him up out of a ftupid and lecure condition, to apprehend the jufiice and wrath of God, before whom none can fland, but he that, loA in himlclf, layeth hold upon Chrilf by faith.

If he have endeavoured to walk in the ways of holinefs, and to fervc God in uprighrnefs, although not wi hout many failings and infirmi- ties ; or if his fpirit be broken with the fenie of fin, or cad down through want of the fenie of God's favour ; theFi it will be fit to raiie him up, by fetting before him the freenefs and fulnels of God's grace, the fuf- ficiency of righteouinefs in Chriff, the gracious offers in the gofpel, that all who repent, and believe with all their heart in God's mercy through Chrift, renouncing their own righteouinefs, (hall have life and faivation in hitn; it miy be alio ufeful to (hew him, that death hath in it no fpiritual evil to be feared by thofe that arc in Chrifl:, be- caufe fin, the f^ing of deith is taken away by Chrifl, who hath deliver- /Cd all that are his, from the bondage of the fear of deathi triumphed over the grave, given us viffory, is himfelf entered into glory, to pre- pare a place for his people : fb that neither life nor death (hall be able to fcparate them from God*s love in Chrift, in whom fuch arc fure, though now they muff be laid in the duft, to obtain a joyful and glo- rious refurre(5f ion to eternal life.

Advice alio may be given, as to beware of an ill-grounded perfua- fion on mercy, or on the goodnefs of his condition for heaven, {o to difclaim all merit in himfelf, and to caff himfelf wholly upon God for mercy, in the fole merits and mediation of Jefus Chrift, who hath eiv gaged himfelf never to caft off them, who in truth and fincerity come «nto him. Care alfo muft be taken, that the fick pcrfon be not caft


5^':* The Direftsry for the

down into defpair, by fuch a fevere repre/cD ration of the wrath of God due to him for his fins, as is not mollified by a ffiifiye propounding of Chrift and his merit by a door of hppe to every penitent believer.

When the fick pcrfon is beO compofed, may be leaft difturbed, and other nece/Tary offices about him leaft hindered, the minifter, if dcfired ftiall pray with him, and for him, to this efFeiH:. '

* Confe/TiDg and bewailing of fin original and aftual, the miferable con-

* dition of ail by nature, as being children of wrath, and under the curfe ; ' acknowledging that all difcafes, ficknefles, death, and hell itfelf, are

* the proper iiTues and cffcffs thereof; imploring God's mercy for

* the fick pcrfon, through the blood of Chrift ; be(eeching that God

* would open his eyes, difcovcr unto him his fins, caufe him to fee him-

* felf loft in himfelf, make known to him the caufe why God fmiteth

* him, reveal Jefus Chrift to his foul for righteonfnefs and life, give un-

* to him his holy Spirit to create and ftrengthcn faith, to lay hold upon

* Chrift, to work in him comfortable evidences of his love, to arm him

* againft temptations, to take off his heart from, the world, to fandVify

* his prefent vifitation, to furnifh him with patience and ftrcngth to bear

* it, and to give him perfeverance in faith to the end.

' That, if God lliall plcafe to add to his days, he would vouchfafe ' to blefs and fanftify all means of his recovery, to remove the difeafe ,

* renew his ftreogth, and enable him to walk worthy of God, by a faith- ' ful remembrance, and diligent obferving of fuch vows and promifes of

* holinefs and obedience, as men are apt to make in times of. ficknefs, ' that he may glorify God in the remaining part of his life.

* And, if God have determined to finlfh his 'd'ays by the prefent vifita-

* tion, he may find fach evidence of the pardon of all his fins, of his

* intereft in Chrift, and eternal life by Chrift, as may caufe his inward ' man to be renewed, while his outward man decayeth ; that he may ^ behold death without fear, caft himfelf wholly upon Chrift without

* doubting, defire to be di/lblved and to be with Chrift, and fo receive

* the end of his faith, the falvation of his foul, through the only merits « and interccifjon of the Lord Jefus Chrift, our alone Saviour and all-

* fufficient Redeemer.

The minifter fhall admonifti him alfo, (as there fliall be caufe) to fet his houfe in order, thereby to»prevent inconveniences ; to take care for payment of his debts, and to make reftiturion or fatisfa^ion where he hath done any wrong: to be reconciled to thofe with whom he hath been at variance, and fully to forgive all men their trcipafies againft him, as he cxpe(5Vs forgivenefs at the hand of God.

Laftly, the minifter may improve the prefent occafion to exhort thofe about the fick perfon, to confider their own mortality, to return to the Lord, and make peace with him ; in health to prepare for ficknefs, death, and jidgment ; and all the days of their appointed time fo to wait un- til their change come, that when Chrift, who is our life, fhall appear, they Eiay -'ppear wiih him in glory.

Public Worfii^ .J L:.d. 507

Concerning Burial •/ the Dead,

W4EM any perfoa deparieth this life, let the dead body, upon the d'ly of burial, be decently attended from the houfe to the plact appoiared for public burial, and there immediately interred, without any

^^ And°be(nure the cuftoms of kneeling down, and praying by, or to- ' wards the dead corps, and other fuch ulagcs, in the phcc where it lies be-^ore it be carried to burial, arc luperftitious ; and for that praying, readius, and lioging both in going to, and at the grave, have been frtoa^ abfurd; are no way beneficial to the dead, and have proved ma- ny ways huitful to the living-, therefore let all luch things oe laid

^Howbeit,. we judge it very convenient, that the chiiftlan friends, which ?iccompany the dead body to the piacc appointed for public burial, do c^pply themfelves to meditations and conferences fuitable ro the occa- fitjn Van^ ^^^^ ^^e mioifter, as upon other occafions, fo at this time, it he be pieieut. may put in remembrance of their duty.

That this (hall not extend to deny any civil reipeas or deferences at the burial, fuitable to the rank and condition ot the party dcceafcd whiles he was living.

Concerning Public Solemn Fafling.

WHEN fome great and notable judgments are either ioffliOed up- on a people, or apparently imminent, or by fome extraordinary provocations notorioufly delerved ; as alfo when fome fpecial bleliing is to be fought and obtained, public folemn fafting (which is to conti- Bue the whole day) is a duty that God expefteth from that natien, or

^^A relioious faft requires total abftincnce, not only from all food (un- lefs bodily weaknefs do manifeftly difable from holding out till th;. talt be ended, in which cafe ibmewhat may be taken, yet very ^P^nng Y. to lupport nature, when ready to faint) but alio from all worldly la- hour, difcouries and thoughts, and from all bodily delights, and uch like, (although at other times lawful) rich apparel, ornaments and luch like, during the faft ; and much more from whatever is m the nature, crufe, fcandalous and ofFcnfive, as gaudiOi attire, lafcivious habits ana ocftures, and other vanities of either fex; which we recommend to all VDiuiCicxs. in their places, diligently and zealoufly to reprove, as at otncr times, fo eipecially at a fait, without rcipea of perlons, as there mail

before the public meeting, each family and perfon -part are P"Jj|^^[y to uie all religious care to prepare their hearts to fuch a folemn worK, ssi to be early at the congregation. g,j

3^3 The Diredory for I he

' Gmng glory to the great majefty of God, the Creator. Pre!>rver,

w th an holy rererence and awe of him. Acknowledging iis oia.i. fo.d, great and tender mercies, efpedally to the church fnd nation, the more cffeaualiy to foften and abafe our hear.s before him. Hum: bly confeffing of fins of all forts, with their feveral aggravations-

« do deferve ; ye. humbly and earneltly imploring his mercy and grace Jtr/nnr ft'"'') ^'"!."^"°°' fo^°"^ Wng and all in J.ho!

. t^J'o. r °''''" •°'' r*""" ''"^ "= ''°"""J *" P"y (according as

he prefent exigent requireth) with more Special importiuity and-en-

' LlTr"' V /! 'i °'^'' "T' "PP'^'^S' ''y ^^"h ' 'he profiles and

M? feLn "1' r°' r''°"j ^^'P' ^""^ ''^"^■^^^"'^ *™« -f'^ evils . nelninT ' °f. ''^'^^"f ; "P^ for obtaining the bkffings which we

rtefuXteffi"""''' ^'^'"^ "" °^ ourfelves^hoiiy and In all thefe. the miniflers, who are the mouths of the people unto

nrl',^"";^,^ " l''^^^^ from their hearts, upon foious and thorcufh

much affeaed, and even melted thereby, efpecially with (orrow for

ling rf"thetul." "°'^ '"''"'* ' ''^ °' ^''^ '>""'"^"°'' ^°<^ ='«^''

fuch''ltlf "''' ''v° *" """' ""^ '■"''' *""'?'"«= »° b^ r^^d, and of the flerll hTr''"?S'u''J"'y '''" ^°* "'^ hearts of the hearers to the fpecal bufinefs of the day, .->nd moft diljxjfe them to humiinuion

£-lTrT ^^^ °'°" °" "^"'■^ P^"''"'^^^. «hich each mn° te s obfervation and experience tells him are moft conducing to the e dihcanon and reformation of that congregation to which he preache.h. Before the clofe of the public duties, the minifler is, in his own .Id the peoples names, to engage bis and .heir hearts to be the Lord's, ^nh profeffed purpofe and refolution to reform whatever is amifs a- Lrlh^r' M T^ Pf '-^"'"ly fuch lins as .hey have been more re- clofeiy and faithfully with him m new obedience, .han ever before.

work of ,W 'f ,='^T"^ '■''. P'°P'' ^'"h =>" i-Cportunity, that the ri ° r -"^ ^""-^ r' ^^ ^"h 'he public duties of it, but that in rlinfnr '" ""P'°ve 'he remainder of the day, and of their whole life, Z]^wl7' "Poa themfelvts and .heir families in private, ail .hofe fh°.r^I.5 ? ="d/^-'oI«ions which they profeflid in public, as

IrV e ?n''''fi ^'^,"''l'"■'^''" •'""^ '°^«ver, and .hemielves may more te.fibly find .hnt God ha.h fmelt a fweet favour in Chrift from

.heirp.rformw«!, and is pacified towards them, bj anfwcrs of Pr^'ce,


Public Worjhip of God. 50,

in pardoniogof fm, in removing of judgments, in averting or prevcniinf; of plaguci. and in conferring of bleffings, fuitable to the condition And prayers of his people, oy Jelus Cnrift.

Belides (blcmu and general fafts injoined by authority, we judge that, at other times, congregations may keep days of fafting, as divine pro- viv!ence fliai) aduiinifter unto them fpeciai occafion ; and alfo that fami- lies may do the iairic, lo it be not on days wherein the congregation to which they do belong is to meet for fafting, or other public duties of worihip.

Concerning the Obfervation of Days of public Thankjgiving.

W''HEN" any fuch day is to be kept, let notice be given of it, and of the occafion thereof, iome convenient time before, that the people may the better prepare themfelves thereunto.

The day being come, and the congregaiion (after private preparati- ons) being aflembied, the minifter is to begin with a word of exhorta- tion, to itir up the people to the duty for which they are met, and with a (hort prayer for God*s affiftance and blefTing, (as at other con- ventions tor public worfiiip) according to the particular occafion of their meeting.

Let him then make fome pithy narration of the deliverance obtained or mercy received, or of whatever hath occiifioned that alTembliag of the congregation, that all may better underftand it, or be minded ot it, and more afTeifted with it.

And, becaufe linging of pfalms is of all other the mofl proper or- dinance for exprelTing of joy and thanfgiving, let fome pertinent pfilm or plalms be fung for that purpole, before or after the reading of fome portion of the word fijitable to the prefent bufinefs.

Then let the minifter, who is to preach, proceed to further exhor tationand prayer before his fermon» with fpeciai reference to the prefent work : after which, let him preach upon fome text of fcripture perti- nent to the occafion.

The fermon eoded, let him not only pray, as at other times after preaching is directed, with remembrance of the neceiljties of the church, kiug, and ftate (if before the fermon they were omitted) but inlarge himielf in due and fblemn thanfgiving for former mercies and delivei- ances, but more efpecialiy for that which at the prelcnt c^lls them to- gether to give thanks : with humble petition for the continuance and renewing of God's wonted mercies, as need fhall be, and for ianfti- Tying grace to make a right ufe thereof. And lb, having fung ano- ther pfalm fuitable to the mercy, let him difmifs the congregation wirh a blefTing, that they may have ibme convenient time for their repaft aod refrefhing.

But the minifter (before their dirmiffi:>n) is folemnly to acimoh!^ them, to beware of all excefs and riot, tending to gluttony or drunk-

510 The , Direilory &c.

enncfs, and much more of thefe l:ns themielves* in their eating and refrcfhing, and to take care that their mirth and rvjoicsng be not carnal, but rpiritual, M'hich may make God's praife, to be glorious?, and them- felves humble and fober ; and that both their feeding and rejoicing may render them more chearful and enlarged, further to celebrate his praifes in the midft of the congregation, when they retur^ unto it^ in the re- maining part of that day. *" ''

When the congregation ihall be again afllmbied, the like courfc ia praying, reading, preaching, finging of pfalms, and offering up of more praife and thankfgiving that is before directed for the morning, is to be renewed and continued fo far as the time will give leave.

At one or both of the public meetings that day, a colleftiori is to be made for the poor (and in the like manner upon the day of public hu- miliation) that their loins may blefs us, and rejoice the more with us. x^nd the people are to be exhorted, at the cnd^f the latter meeting, to ipend the refidue of that day in holy duties, and teftifications of chriilian love and charity one towards another, and of rejoicing more and more in the Lord; as becometh thofe who make the j'>y of the Lord their flrength.

Of Singing of Ffahns.

IT is the duty of chriflians to praife God publickly, by fmging of pfalms together in the congregation, and ailb privately in the family.

In finging of pflilms, ;he voice is to be tuneable and gravely ordered ; but the chief care muft be, to ling with underftanding, and with grace in the heart, making melody unto the Lord.

That the whole congregation may join herein, everyone that cad read is to have a pfalm book ; and all others, not diiabied by age or o- therwife, are to be exhorted to learn to read. But for the prelcnt, where many in the congregation cannot read, it is convenient that the mini- fter, or fome other fit peribn appointed by him and the other ruling offi- cers, do read the pfalm, line by line, before the Tinging thereof.

An /Appendix touching Days and Places for public Worfhip.

n^HERE is no day commanded m Scripture to be kept holy under the go/pel, but the Lord's day, which is the Chrljiian Sabbath.

Fejiival-dayst vulgarly called holy-days, having no warrant in the word of God^ are not to be continued.

Neverthdlefs, it is lawful and neceffdry, upon fpecial emergent '^■ccafions tofeparate. a day or days for public Jafling or ihankjgiving, as tne feveral eminent and extraordinary difpenfations f Cod's providence /hall admimjler caufe and opportunity to his people.

As no place is capable of any holinefs^ under pretence of whatfoever dedication or confecration ; fo neither is it fuhjtcl to Jucb pollvtiGn by any fuperftition formerly vfed andnow laid afide, as may tender it unlawful or inconvenient for Chriftians to meet together therein for the pubhc worfhip •f God. Jnd therefore we hold it requifue, that $he pi. ices of >ub!ic afjcm- blingfor worfJAp among us,fhould be continued and im^loyed to that ufe, FINIS.




Presbyterial Church-Government,



Agreed upon by the

Aflembly of Divines -



"With the AiTiftance of



Church of Scotland,

A S A Part of the Covenanted Uniformity in Religion betwixt the Churches of Christ in the Kingdoms of Scstland England and Ireland,


An Aft of theGeaeral AfleAbly, Anno 165^, Approving the Same.

Ezck. xliii. 1 1. And if they be ajhamed of all that they have done, Jbew them the form of the houfey ana the fiJlJ^n thereof, andthe gohigs out thereof and the commas in thereof^ and all the J or mi thereof ^ and all the lawi thereof; and -write it in their f.ght, that they may keep the -whole form thereof and all the ordinances thereof, and do them.

Printed in the Year M,DCC,LV,


Jfemhiy at EdidbuTgh, February lo, 1645:. Sef. i6.

jiCT of the General /^Jfembfy of the Kirk of Scotland, approving the Propojiti&ns concerning Kirk-Government ^ and Ordination of Mi- nifiers.

THE general aflembly being mod defirous and follcitous not only of the tftablifliment and prefervation of the form of ktrk govern- ment in this kingdom, according to the Word of God, books of difci- pline, a£ks of general aflemblies, and national covenant, but alfo of an u- Biformity in kirk-government betwixt thefe kingdoms, now more ftralt- ly and ftrongiy united by the late folemn league ?xi6 covenant : and con- fidering, that as in former times there did, fo hereafter there may arife, through the nearnefs of contagion, manifold miich'.tfs to this kirk from a corrupt form of government in the kirk of England : like as, the pre- cious opportunity of bringing the kirks of Chrilt in all th^ three king- doms to an uniformity in kirk government, being the happmcJ's of the prefent times above the former; which may alfo, by the blefling of God, prove an effedual mean, and a good foundation to prepare for a fafe and well grbunded pacification, by removing the caule from which the prefent preflures and bloody wars did originally proceed : And now the aflembly having thrice read, and diligently examined the propofitions (hereunto annexed) concerning the officers, aflemblies and government of the kirk, and concerning the ordination of miniflers, brought unto us, as the rcfults of the long and learned debates of the aflfembly of di- vines fitting at Weftminfter, and of the treaty of uniformity with the commiflioners of this kirk there refiding ; after mature deliberation, and after timeous calling upon and warning of all, who have any excepti- ons againft the fame, to make them knows, that they might receive fa- tisfaftion ; doth agree to and approve the propofitions aforementioned, touching kirk-government, and ordination ; and doth hereby authorize the commiflioners of this aflembly, who are to meet at Edinburgh, to agree to, and conclude in the name of this aflembly, an uniformity be- twixt the kirks in both kingdoms, in the aforementioned particulars, fo foon as the fame ftiail be ratified, without any fubffantial alteration, by an ordinance of the honourable houfes of the parliament of England; which ratification fliall be timely intimate and made known by the com- miflioners of this kirk refiding at London. Provided always that this ad be no ways prejudicial to the further difcuflion and examination of that article which holds forth, that the doctor or teacher hath power of the adrainifl ration of the facraments as well as the pa{tor: as alfo of the diftind rights and interefls of prcfl)yieries and people, in the calliog of mlniilers : but that it ftiall be free to debate gnd difcufs thefe points^i as God fliall be p!eafed to give further light.





J-HE Preface.

Of the Church. Of the Ojficers of the Church. Paflors,

Other Church-Governors. "Deacons.

Of f articular Congregations. Of the Officers of a particular Congregation.^ Of the Ordinances in a particular Congfeganon. . .. -

Of Church' Government, and the fever al forts of Affembhes fof

the lame. Of the Power in common of all theje AJfemblies. Of Congregational Affemhlies, that is, The meeting of the Riil-- tng Ojficers of a particular Congregation, for the Government

thereof Of Ciafical .Apmblies. Of Synodtcal A/fmblies. Of Ordination cf Mmtflers. Touching the doctrine of Ordination.

Touchinz the power of Ordination. ^ r- t^/t- -n

Concerning the T>oarinal part of the Ordination of Mmtflers. The "Direclory for the Ordination of Miniflers.






Presbyterial Church-Government^

Agreed upon by the AfTembly of Divines at Weftminjler j; examined and approved, Anno 1 645, by the GeMral Af" fembly of the Church of Scotlandy &c.


yESUS CHRIST, upon whofe Jhoulders the governmefit is^ wboje name is called Wonderful y Counfellor, the Mighty Gody the everlajVing Father, the Frince of Peace (a)j of the in-- creafe of whofe government and peace there f hall be no end, who fits upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to eflahlifjj it with judgment and jujlice, from henceforth even for ever ; having all power given unto him in heaven and in earth by the Father, who raifed him from the dead, andfet him at his own right hand, far above all principalities and power, and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this world, but alfo in that which is to come, and put all things under his feet, and gave, him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fulnefs of him that filet h all in all: he being afcended up far above all heavens, that he might fulfil all things y received gifts for his church, and gave of- ficers mceffary for the edification of his church, and per* feding of his faints (b).


' (d). Ifa. ix. 6, 7. (b). Mat. xxvlii. 18.— :io. Eph. u 20—23,

Compaicd wiih Eph. iv. 8, lU and Pfal. Ixviii, i8.

J o

The F^ni of Church 'Government. Of the Church, is one general church vilibie, held forth in the new tefta-

THERE ment a. The miniltry, oracles and ordinances of the new teft.^cncnt are given by JeliisChrift to the general church rifible, for the gaiiieriag and per- fecting of it in this life, until his fecond coming b.

Particular vifiblc bodies, members of the general church, are alfo held forth in the new teftament c. Particular churches in the primitive times, were made up ot vifible faints, viz of inch as, being of age, profeflcd faith in ChriA, and obedience unto Chrifl, according to the rules of faith and life, taught by Ghrift and his apoftles ; and of their

OJ truth in love may grow up unto him in all things, which is the head, e- ven Chrift v. i6. From whom the whole body fitly joined together, and compared by that which every joint fupplieth, according to the effe»5lu- al working in the meafure of every part, maketh increafc of the body unto the edifv*..g of itfelf in love.

c 'Gal. i. ?: afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and (lilicia; V, 22- and was unknown by face unto the churches of Judea, which were in Chrii Rev. i. 4. John to the feven churches in Afia, Grace be unto you, and peace from him which is, and which was, and which is to come, and from the feven fpi- rits which are before his throne, v. 20. The myftery of the feveri Itars wh:ch thou faweli in ray right hand, and the it^tn golden candleUicks, The feven (tars are the angels of the feven churches ; and the I'even can- dlefticks which thou faweft, are the fev^n churches Rev ii. i Unto the angel of the ci\urchofEphefus write, Thefe things faiih he that holdcth the feven itars in his right hand, who walketh in the midft of the fe- ven golden candlefticks.

d A(fts ii. 58. Then Peter faid un-

children d,

a I Cor. xii 1 2. For as the body is one and hath many members, and all the members of that one body being many, are one body ; fo alfo is Chrift. v. 13. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free : and have been all made to drink into one Spirit. V. 28. and God hath fet fome in the church; firfl apoftles, fencon- darily prophets, thirdly teachers ; after thai miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, governors, diverfi- ties of tongues. Together with the reft of the chapter.

b I Cor. xii. 28. See before. Eph. iv. 4. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling.* v. 5. One Lord, one faith, one baptifm. Com- pared with V. 10 He that defcended is the fame alfo chat afcended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things, v. 11. and he gave fome apoftles, and fome prophets, and fome evangelifls, and iomc paf tors and teachers, v. 12 For the perfeding of the faints, for the work of the miniftry, for the edifying of the body of Chrift. v. 15. Till we all come in the unity of the faith,

and of the knowledge of the Son of to them. Repent and be baptized in God, unto a peried man, unto the the name of Jefus Chrift for the re- meafare of the ftature of the fulnefs miffioh of fins, and ye ihall receive ©f Chrift. V. i;. But fpeaking the the gift of the Holy Gholt. v. 41.

' Kk2 Theo

51^ l.he Form of Church-Government,

Of the Officers of the Church,

TH E officers which Chrift hath appointed for the edification of his diurch, and the perfecting of the faints, are, fome extraordi- nary, as apofties, cvangelifts,* and prophets which are ccafed.

"Cthers ordinary and perpetual, as paftors, teachers, and other church- governors and deacons,

Paftors. ^ /.,

THE paAor i$aa ordinary and perpetnal officer in th^ chSrch e^ prophelying of the time of the gofpel/. Firft,

Then they that gladly received his Word were baptized : and the fame day there were added unto them a- bout tliree thcufand fouls, v. 47, Praifing God, and having favour with all the people ; and the Lord p.dded to the church daily fuch as ihould be faved. Compared with Ads V. 14 .-^nd believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women, i Cor. i. 2. Unto the church of God which is at Corinth, to ttiem that are fanc- tifitd in Chrift Jefus, called to be faints, with all that in every place, call upon the name of Jefus Chrift our Lord, both theirs and ours. Compared with 2 Cor. ix. i 3 . Whiles by the experiment of this miniftra- tion, they glorify God for yoUr pro- feffed lubj.".(5tion unto the gafpel of Chrift, and for your liberal diftri- bution unto them and unto all men. A(fts ii. ^9- For the promife is unto you, and to your children, and to all tl^at arc afar oiF, even as many as the Lord our Cod (hall call, i Cor. vii. 1 4. For the unbelieving hafoand is iandVified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is fand:ifi- ed bv the huft>and, elfe were your children unclean, but now are they hoiv Rom. xi. 16. For if the firft fruit be holy, the lump is alfo ho- ly ; and if the root be holy, fo are th? branches Mark x. 14. But when jefus fasv it, he was much di'pleaf- d. and faid unto them, Suffer the tie children to come unto me, and

forbid them not : for of Tnch is the k,ingdom of God. Compared with Matth. xix. ij?. Then we'#e there brought unto him little children, that he fhould put his hand on them and pray : and the difciples rebuk- ed them, V. 24. But J^fus faid. Suf- fer little children, and forbid them not to come unto me; for of fuch is the kingdom of^Jieaven. Luke'xvift. 15. i%nd they brought unto him al- fo infants, thiat he-woiild touch them; but when his difciples faw it, they rebuked them, v. \(:). But Jefus called theift onto him, and laid. Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not : for of fuch is the kingdom of CJod.

tfjer. iii 15. And 1 will give you paftors according to mine heart, which ftiall feed you with know- ledge and underftanding, ver. 16. And it Hiall come to pals when ye be multiplied- and increaled in the land; in thofe days, faith the Lord, they ftiali fay no more, the ark of the co- venant of the Lord; neither fhall it come to mind, neither ftiall they re- member it, neither ftiall they vifit it, neither ftiall that be done any more, V. 17. At that time they ftiall call Jerufalem the throne of the Lord, and all the nat.ons Ihall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerufalem : neither ftiall they walk any more after the ima- gination of their evil heart. / I Pet. y. 2. Feed the flock of ' God,

The Form of Church-Government, 5 i 7

Firft, It belongs to his office,

To pray with and for the flock, as the mouih of the people unto God g, A6ls vi. 2, 3,4. A£l3 XX. 3S. ^\hcre preachinj; and prayer aic joined as ieveral parts of the (ame office h. The office of the eldci (that is, the p»flor) is to pray for the fick, even in private, to which a bleffing is elpecially promiied ; much more therefore ought he to per- form this in the public execution of his office, as a part thereof /.

To read theTcriptures publicly -, for the proof of which,

I. That the priefts and Levites, in the Jewiffi church, were trufled with the public reading of the word, is proved k.

2 Thu

God, vhich is amonj; you, taking the overfight thereof, not by con- ftrainr, but willingly; not for fil- thy lucre, but of a ready mind, v. 3, Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being enf?.mplesto the ilock, ver. 4. And when the chief Shepherd (hall appear, ye Ihall re- ceive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. Eph- iv, 11. And he gave fome apoftles* and fome pro- phets, and fome evangelifts, and Ibme paftors an4 teachers, v. 12. For the perfeding of the faints, for the work of the miniftry, for the edifying of the body of Chrift; v. 13. Till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the meafure of the fta- ture of the fulnefs of Chrift.

g A6ls vi 2 Then the twelve cal- led the multitude of the difciples un- to them, and faid. It is not reafon that we fhould leave the word of God, and ferve tables, v. 3. Where- fore brethren, look ye out among you feven men of honeft report, full of the Holy Ghoft, and wifdom, "whom we may appoint over this bulinefs, ver. 4. But we will give ourfelves continually to prayer and to the miniftry of the word. Ads XX. 36. and when he had thus fpo- ken, he kneeled down and prayed with them all.

h James v. 14. Is any man fick

among you ? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord, v, rj. and the prayer of iaiih (hall fave the fick, and the Lord (hall raife him up; and if he have committed fms, they Ihall be forgiven him,

i I Cor. xiv. 15. What is it then? 1 will pray with the ipirit, and I wi,ll pray with the underllanding alfo ; I will fing with the fpirit, and I will fing with the underlianding alio : v. 16. EUe when thou flialt blefs with the fpirit, how fhall he that occu- pieth the room of the unlearned, fay Amen at thy giving of thanks, fee- ing he underilandcth not what thou fayeft \

k Deut. xxxi. q. and Mofes wrote this law, and delivered it unto the priefls the fons of Levi which bare the ark of the covenant of the Lord, and unto all the elders ot Ifiael, v. 10. and Mofes commanded them, faying, At the end of every lisven years. Is the folemnity oi the year of rcleafe, in the feall of taberna- cles, ver. 1 1 . When all Ifrael is come to appear before the Lord thy God, in the place which he ihnll chooie; thou Oialt read this law before all Ifrael in their hearing. Neh. viii. i. and all the people ^aihtred them- felves together as one man, into the flreet that was before the water- gate, and they fpake unto Ezra the

5 1 8 l^he For in ef Church-Government,

2- That the injnil^ers of the gofpel have as ample a charge and tom- iDi/TioD to dilpenle the word^ as well as other ordinances, as the priefts and Levitcs had under the law, proved, Ifa. Ixvi. 21^. Mat. xxiii. 34. where our Saviour intitleth the officers of the new teftament, whom he will fend forth, by the names of the teachers of jthe old /.

Which propoiitions prove, that therefore (the duty bejng of a moral nature) it followeth b> jnft confequence, that the public reading of the icriptures belongeth to the paftor's office.

To feed the flock, by preaching of the word, according to which he is to teach convince, reprove, exhort, and comfort m.

To catechife, which is a plain laying down the firft principles of the oracles of God », or of the do6\rinc of Chrifl, and is a -part of preaching.

To difpenfe other divine myfteries 0.

To adminifter the facrament p.


fcribe, to bring the book of the law of Mofes, which the Lord had com- manded to Ifrael. v. 2. and Ezra the prieft brought the law before the congregation, both of men and wo- men, and all that would hear with underftanding, upon tiie firft day of the feventh month, v. 3. and he read therein, v. 15, and on the fc- cond day v/ere gathered together the chief of the fathers of all the people, the priefts and the Levites, unto Ezra the fcribe, even to un- derRand the words of the law.

/Ifa. Ixvi. 21. and I will aifotake of them for priefts, and for Levites, fahh the Lord. Matth xxiii. 34. "Wherefore behold, I fend unto you prophets, and wife men, and fcribes, and /bmc of them ye fiiall kill and crucify, and fome of t-hem (hall ye jTcourge in your fynagogues, and perfecute them from city to city.

w 2 Tim. ili. 2. a bifliop then fnufl be bJamelefs, the hufband of one wife, vigilant, fober, of good behaviour, given to hofpltality, apt to teach. 2 Tim. iii. 16. All fcrip- ?we is given by infpiration of God, and if. profuable for do<^rine, for Iff-proof, for corredlon, for indruc*

tion in righteoufhefs : v. 17. That the man of God may be perfeft, thronghly farnifhed unto all good works Tit i. 9. Holding faft the faithful words as he hath been t*ught, that he may be able by found doflrine, both to exhort and to convince the gainfayers.

« Heb. V. 10. For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have n^ed that one teach you again, which be the firft principles of the oracles of God, and are become fuch as have need of milk, and not of ftrong nveat.

c I Cor. iv. I. Let a man fo ac- count of us as of the mini Iters of Chrifl, and the flewards of the mjrf- teries of God. v. 2. Moreover, it is required in flewards, that a man be found faithful. *

p Mat. xxviii, 19. Go yc there- fore and teach all nations, baptvz- ,ing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghofl. V. 20. Teaching them to obferre all things whatfoever I have commanded you ; and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world, amen. Mark xvi. 15. and he faid usto thc.m, Go ve into

' all

2r. for the

the , to

The Form cf Church-Government, 51

To blcfs the people frpm God. Numb. vi. 23, 24, 25, 26. compar cd with Rev. xiv. 5. (where the fame blelHngs, and perfons from whom they come, are exprcfely mentioned 7. ) Ifa. Ixvi 21. where; under the names of priefts and Levites to be continued under the gofpel, are meant evangelical paftors, who therefore are by office to blels the people r.

To take care of the poor/ And

all the world and preach the gofpel unto every creature, v. 16. He that belieyeth and is baptized fliall be faved, but he that believeth not (hall be damned, i Cor. xi. 23. For £ have received of the Lord that which alfo I delivered uato you. That the Lord Jcfus, the fame night in which he was betrayed, took bread, v. 24. and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and faid, Take, eat ; this is my body, which is broken for you ; this 4o in remembrance of me. v. 25. after the fame manner alfo he took the cup, when he had fupped, faying. This cup is tkc new tefta- ment in my blood, this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance ofme. Compared with I Cor. x. 26. The cup of bleffing which we blefs, is it not the communion of the blood of Chrift ? the bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body pf Chrid ?

q Num vi. 23. Speak unto Aaron and unto his fons, faying. On this wife ye (hail blefs the children of If- raeJ, faying unto them, v. 24. The Lord blefs thee, and keep thee. v. 25. The Lord make his face to (hine upon thee. v. 26. The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace. Compared with Rev. i. 4, John, to the feven church- fs which are in Ada, Grace be un- to you, and peace from him which is, and which was, and which is to come, and from the feven fpirits which are before his throne, v. 5. and from Jefus Chrift who is the faithful witnefs, and the firrt: begot- ten of the dead, and the prince pf


the kings of the earth. Ifa. vi. and I will alfo take of them prieds, and for Levites, faith Lord.

r Deut. X. 8. at rhat time Lord feparated the tribe ©f Levi bear the ark of the covenant of the Lord, to (land before the Lord, to minifter unto him, and to blefs in his name unto this day. 2 Cor. xiii. 14. The grace of the Lord Jefus Chrifl, and the love of God, and the communion of the holy Gholt, be with you all, amen. Eph. i. 2. Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jefus Chrift.

/ Afts xi. 50 Which alfo they did, and fent it to the elders by the hands of BaTnabas and Saul. A(fls iv. 34. Neither was there any among you that lacked, for as many as were poffefTars of lands or houfes, fjld them, and brought the price of tlia things that were fold, v 35. and laid them down at the apolUe's feet, and diRribution was made unto eve- ry man according as he had need. V. 36. And Joiiss, who by the apof- tles was firnamed Barnabas (whicii is, being interpreted, the fon *»f consolation) a Levite, and of the country of Cyprus, v, 37 Having land, fold it, and brought the mo- ney and laid it at the apoflles feet. A6ts vi. 2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the difciples unt-o them, and faid. It is not reafon that we fhould leave tlie word of God, and ferve tablfs. v. ^. Wherefore brethren, loo'c you out amon^ you feven men of honed report, full of

^20 The Form of Church'jCrtmernment.

And he hath alio a ruling power over the flock as a pallor f.

Teacher or DoElor. "

THE Scripture doth hold out the name and title of teacher, as well as ot the pailori;. Who is alio a minifter of the word as well as the pallor, dbd hath power of admiuidration of the facraments

The I^ord having given difF-rent g':*ts, and divers exercileS accord- ing to thefe gifts, in the miniftry of the word lu ; though thefe diffe- rent gitts may meet in, and accordingly be exercife^i by, one and t^


the holy Ghoft and wifdom, whom ye may appoint over this bufinefs. V. 4, But we will give ourfelvcs con- tinually to prayer, and to the mini- ftry of the word. 1 Cor. xvi. i. Now concerning the collection for the faints, as I have given order 10 the churches of Galatia', even fo do ye. V. 2 Upon the firfl day of the week, let every one of you lay by him in jftore as God hath profpered him, that there be no gathering when I come. V. 3. And wh°n I come, whomfoever ye (hall approve by your letters, them wll 1 fend to bring your liberality to Jerufalem. V. 4. and if it be meet that I go al- io, they (hall go with me, Gal. ii. ^. and when James, Cephas, and John, who feemed to be pillars, per- ceived the grace that was given un- to me, they gave to me and Barna- bas the right-hands of fellow(hip, that we fhould go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcifion, v. 10. Only they would that we (hould remember the poor, the fame which I alfo was forward to do.

t I Tim. v. 17. Let the elders t^at rule well be counted worthy of double honour, efpecially they who labour in the word and do<5lrine. A6ts XX. 17. and fro.m Miletus he lent to Ephefns, and called the el- ders of the church v. -28. Take heed therefore unto yourfclves, and

to all the flock over the which the holy Ghod: hath made you overfeers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchafed with his own blood. 1 ThefT. v. li?. and we be- feech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the'Lord, and admo- ni(h you Heb. xiii. 7. Refncmber them which have the rule 6ver yoUj who have fpoken unto you the Word of Godr whnfe faith follow, confi- dering the end of their converfati- on. V. 17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and fubmit your- felves, for they watch for your fouls, as they that mufh give account : that they may do it with joy and not with grief, for that is unprofitable for you.

V I Cor xii. 28. And God hath fet fome in the church, fir ft apof- tles. fecondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, govern- ments, diverfities of tongues. Eph. iv. II. and he gave fome apoftles, and fome prophets, and fome evan- gelifts, and fome paftors and teach- ers. •■

nv Rom, xii. 6. Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to \is, whether pro- phecy, let us prophefy according to the proportion ot laith.: , v. 7. Or miniftry, let us wait on "opr minif- tcrinc :

The Form of ChiercIi^Groeniment. 5 ^ i

fi,m^ mmifter x- yet, ^«'here be feveral miniftcrs in the lime coDRrcpa- [ton Zvlybe d Cgnea to fevcral employments .he rffiVrnrffiawhicbeachot them doth moft excel y. Andhe.nat ^'!t mor?Scel in ex>.fi"°° of fcriptures. in teachlog lound, doth more exceunep .^^ applicaiion, and is ac-

and m ."^^^^^^e/Xerein maybe called a teacher, or doflor (the

Mat:te7by t eTo'^^^^^^^^ ^f the word do prove the propofition.)

^,h!w, where is but one miniftcr in a particular conKtcfvmon, Neyerthekfs, where IS DU ^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^.^.^^^^ ^

'^ A TSX doaor is ofmor, excellent ufe i. khools and univer- firi« iJ ofold in the fchools of the Prophets, and at Jcrufalem ^Cc Gamaliel and others taught as doftors.


Other Church-Governors.


c. thefe ^vcreiD the Jevvifh church, elders of rhe people, joined ^^^Incds and Levites in the government ot the .^;

terlng : or he thatiteacheth, on teach- ing- V. 8. He that exhontth, on exhortauon : he that giveth, let him do it with fimphcity : he tt at rul- eth with diligence! he that Hiew- eth mercy, with cheerfulnefs, i Cor xil 1. Now concerning fpintual gifts, brethren, 1 would not have you ignorant, v. 4. Mowthere are diverfities of gifts, but the fame Ipi- rit. V. 5. aid there are differences of' adminiltrations, but the fanie Lord. V. 6. and there are diverh- ties of operations, but it is the fame God, which worketh all in all v. 7. But the manifeltation of the Spi- rit is given to every man to profit withal.

X iCor xiv. 3. But be that pro- phefieth fpeaketh unto men to edi- fication, and exhortation and coni- fort. 2Tim.iv. 2. Preach the word, be inftant in feafon, out of feafon, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all lonpfuffering and doflrine Tit. 1. 9 Holding fad the faithful word as be hath been taught, that he may be able by found do^nne both to exhort and to convince the gain- fayers.

y See in letter iu immediately pre- ceeding. 2 Pet. iv. 10. as every man hath received the g^ft, even io minifter the fame one to another, as good Rewards of the manifold grace of God V. 1 1 . If any man Ipeak, let bim fpeak as the orades of God ; if anv man minifter, let him do it as of' the ability which God g'.veth,. that God iri all things may be glo- rified through jefus Chriil, to whom be praife, and dominion, tor ever

and ever, amen.

z2Tim.iv.2. Preachtl.e^vcrd,

be inftant in feafon, out of ieafon, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-fuffering and doanne Tit i. Q Holding faft the faithl\il word as he hath been taught, that he may be able bv found do<5lrine, both to cKhort and to convince the gainfay- ers I Tim. fi. 2 and they that have believing mafters. let them notdefpife them, becaufe they are brethren, but rather do them fer- vice, becaufe they are faithful an^ beloved, partakers of the benehta •1 hefe things teach and exhort. ^lChron.xix.8, Moreover m Jerulaler.^

522 "^he Form of Church-Government.

SoChrift whohathiaftituted a government, and governors ecckCaf- ticnl m the church hath furnirhed feme in his church, befide the mi- mrters o the word, with gifts for government, and with commiffion to execute the lame when called tl,ereunto, who are to join with the Bj.>n,ftcr .n the government of the church b. Which officers, reformed churches commonly called elders. "uimcu


X^churchf"'^ ^""'^ ^'""^"^ """^ '^'''''°'' ^' dmiD£l officers in the

r^rZlt ''^'' '' Pfr!"^^^- To whofe Office it belongs not to preach he wora or adminifter the facraments, but to take fpecial care m diflributing to the ncceflities of the poor e!


Jerufalem did Jehofhaphat fet of the Levites arrd of the prieHs, and of the chief of the fatliers of IfraeJ, ior the judgment of the Lord, and for controverfies, when they return- ed to jerufalem. v.p.andhecharg. ed them, fayina, Thus /hall ve do ?n the fear <;>f the Lord, falthiuJiy, and witli a perfect heart, v. lo. and what caufe foeverihall come to you of your brethren that dweJI in their cities, between bjood and blood", between Jaw and commandment, nnd ftatutes and judgments, ye /hall even v/arn them* that they trcfpafs r.ot againft the Lord, and fo wrath come upon you, and upon your bre- thren : this do, and ye /hall not trefpafs.

b Rom. xii. 17. Or mini/lry, let ns wait on our minlflering; or he that teacheth, on teaching : v 8. Or he that exhorteth, on exhorta- tion ; he that giveth, let him do it vith fimplicity ; he that ruleth, with diligence: he that /heweth mercy, v/ith cheerfulnefs. i Cor. xii 28. and God hath fet fome in the church, firft apoftles, fecondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that mira- cles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diverfities of tongues.

c Phil, i. I. Paul and Timothcus the fervants of Jefus Chrlft, to all faints in Chri/l Jefss, which are at Philippi, with the bi/hops aod dea- cons. I Tim. iii, 8. Likewife mull the deacons be grave, not double- tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre'.

d I Tim. iii. 8. Likewife muft the deacons be grave, not double-tongu- ed, not giren to much wine, not gree- dy of filthy lucre. See in the Bible to V. 15. A&.S vi. I. and in thofc days, wheft the number of the dif- ciples was multiplied, there arofe a murmuring of the Grecians againft the Hebrews, becaufe their widows were negle^ed in the daily miniftra- tlon. V. 2. Then the twelve called the multitude of the difciples unt© them, and faid, It is not reafon that we /hould leave the word of God, and ferve tables, r. g. Wherefore brethren, look out among you feven men of honert report, full of the Holy Ghoft, and wifdom, whom we may appoint over this bu/inefs. V. 4. But we will give ourfelves con- tinually to prayer, and to the mini- f^ry of the word.

s Aa% vi. I.— 4. (See before in letter d. )



The Fffrm of Church-Government. 5 = 3

Of particular Ccngrcgaticns. yT-.s lawful and ^^^^ ^l^\^'J-^:^'lS ^

,hem, ''nd 'l*«'l''"*^^grHlrnrChril\'hnsmto dminft congregation.. and moft expedient for ediStAnon. .s oy i

to deftroy the law, ^'^ ".'"f' "f;. ,, ^^ft be fo ordered, ns may moral dudes. NvUhout refpea "f Pf^l^^^*^ , ,„,,,bU togemcr, as

'TSrco^paay fome muft be fe. apart to bear office. Of the Officers of a particular Cm^rcgathr,.

F°t^l:s. loth tXrre^.?=:a°s- ^;/j:

yr Cor. xW. =6. Let a,, things ^^^e -o ^T ^;tr ^^^^^^^

be done un.o edifying, v. 33. Foj ^"^ " »hy ^ J^ ^^^^_^^ .^ ^.^ ^„.

God is not the author of conMon. xx , 39 ,^^^ „^ig, b„„

but of peace, as in all ch»rcl e of to u . ^ .j.^.„^ ,

the faints, v. 40. all th.ngs as thy ^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ,^^

be done decently and m "'^"^ ^^^ ophets : I am not come to

^.Deat.xv..7.1f'here'.e'tmo°8 '"l^llLxoim.

you a poor man of one of thy bre ^^^J' ^^^ j^. Let all thinjsbc

hren within any ot thy gates m J" „„„ edifying. Heb. x 24.

,he land which the Lord thy God done un JJ^^^ ^„„,h,,. ,„

giveth thee, thou (halt "Ot ha den ^"^ W " ^^^ ,„ g„„i

thy heart, nor (Itut thy hand from provoke o ^_^^ ^^^^^^.^^ ,„^

,hy poor brother, v U. For he ;^'^^'j;ji-„P„„fel»es together, as

poorVall never ceafe out -i the ^"^"^^f^^f f^^e is: butexhort.n;-,

fe,"Tht^XTenX 11^^ one another, and fo the ..^.

5=4. rule i.

The Form cf Church-Government.

menti! '""" '''''""""' '^'' '''''' ^ould be_ other, to jo!a in govern- forlhf "V^ ;^ '"" "^^ ^ °*- - -^e fpecia. care .he'cLrntflToSgtt:' '' '""^ "-P-'-"^ -ordiogto

Of the Ordinances f a particular Congregation. ^ and linging ot pfalms ;? ; the word read (althounh there follow no

as ye fee the day approaching, James ii. i. My brethren have not the faith of our Lord Jefus Chrift the Lord of glory with refpe(5l of perfons. v. 2. For if there come into your a/Tembly a roan with a gold ring, in goodly apparel, and there come in alfo a poor man in

vile raiment

i Prov. xxix. iS. Where there is BO vifion, the people periih ; but he that keepeth the law, happy is he, I Tim. V. J 7. Let the elders that rule well, be counted worthy of double honour, cfpecially they who labour in the word and do<5lr}ne. Heb. xiji.7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have fpoken unto you the word of God, whofe faith follow, confidering the end ot their converfation.

i I Cor. xil. 28. and God hath

fct feme in the church ,- fird apofUes,

fecondarily prophets, thirdly teach'

f rs, after that miracles, then gifts

healings,, helps, governments,

diverfities of tongues.

/ A<^s vi. 2 Then the twelve called the multitude of the difciples unto them and faid. It is not reafon that we fhould leave the word of God, and ferve tables v. 3. Where- fore, brethren, look ye out among you feven men of honeft report, full of the Holy Ghoff and wifdom, ^^'hon» we may appoint over this bufincfs.

m I Tim. V. 17. Let the eiders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, efpecially they who labour in the word and doarine.

« I Tim. ii I. I exhort therefore that fira of all, fupplications, pray- ers, interceffions, and giving of thanks be made for all men. i Cor XJv. I J. What is it then I I will pray with the fpirit, and I will piay vith the under/tanding alfo: I will ^ng with the fpirit, and I will fing >vith the underffanding alfo- v. 16! X:ife when thou fhrilt blefs with the fi^:rit, how fhali he that occupieth

ne Form of Church-Government. 5 25

Of Chureh'Covernmsnt, and the fevcral forts f Affembliei for the fame,

CHRIST hath inftltuted a govemmeat, and governors ecclcfiafti- cal in the church: To that purpole, the apoltles did immediate- ly receive the keys from the hand ot Jclus Chrift, and did ulc and ex- ercife them in all the churches ot the world upon all occafions.

And Chrilt hath fmce continually furniihed lome in his church with gifts of government, and with commiffion to execute the fame, when called thereunto.

it is lawful, and agreeable to the word of God, that the church be governed ^, by feveral Ions of aflemblies which are coDgrcgational, clalfical, 'and iynodical.

Of the power in common of all thefe J^Jfemblies,

IT is lawful, and agreeable to the word of God, that the feveral aflemblid^ before-mentioned have power to convent, and call before them, any perfon within their feveral bounds, whom the ecclefiafti- cal bufmefs which is before them doth concerns

They have power to hear and determine fuch caufes and diiferenccs as do orderly come before them.

It is lawful and agreeable to the word of God, that all the faid af- femblies have fome power to dilpenie church-ceniures.

Of Congregational Ajfemblies, that is, The meeting of the Ruling Officers of a particular Congregation, for the Government thereof.

TH E ruling officers of a particular congregation have power, autho- ritively, to call before them any member of the congregation, as they fhall lee juft occafion. r t. r 1

To enquire into the knowledge and fpiritual eltate of the feveral members of the congregation.

To admonifh and rebuke. ^^^, . ,


the room of the unlearned, fay, one or two more, that in the mouth

Amen at thy giving of thanks, feeing of two or three wuncflos every

he underftandeth not what thou word may be eftablifhed. v 17.

fayeft > And if he fhall negleft to hear

0 Mat xviii. 15. Moreover, if them, tell it unto the church: but

thy brother fhali trefpafs againa if he negled to hear the church, let

thee, go and tell him his fault be- him be unto thee as an heathen

tween thee and him alone: if he man, and a publican, v 18 Ve-

fhall hear thee, thou haft gamed nly, I lay unto you. Whatfoever

thy brother, v. 16. But if he will ye Ihall bmd on earth. Ihall be

not hear thee, then take with thee bound in heaven : and whatloevcr

^26 The For fn of Church-Government,

which three branches are proved by Heb. xii. 17. i ThtiT. v. 12, 13. Ezck. xxxiv. 4.^.

Authoritaiive fuipenfroQ from the Lord's table of a perfon not yet csft out ot the chiircn, is agreeable to the laipturc :

Firit, Becaufe the ojrdiaauce itielf muft not be profaned.

Secondly, Becaufe we are changed to withdraw from thofe that "waJk diforderly.

Thirdly, Becaufe of the great fin and danger, both to him that comes unworthily, and alfo to the whole churchy. And there was power and authority, under the Old feitainenr, to keep, unclean per- ioDS from holy things r.


ye fhall loofe on earth, fliali be ioofed in heaven : v. 19. again, I iay unto you, That if two of you fnall agree on earth, as touching any thing that they (hall afl^, it fliall be done for th^m of my Fa- ther which is in hfeaven. v. 20. For where two or three are gather- ed together in my name, there am I in the midft of them.

p Heb. xiii. 17. Obey them that have the rule over you, ^nd fubmit yourfelves, for they watch for your Ibuls, as they that muft give account, that they may do it with joy and not with grief; for that is unprofitable for you. I Their, v. 12. and we befeech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and ad- monifh you ; v 13. and to edeem them very highly in love for their works fake. And be at peace among yourfelves. Ezek. xxxiv. 4. The difeafed hare ye not ftrengthencd, neither have ye healed that which was (ick, neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driveji away, ueithcr have ye fought that which was loft : but with force and with cruelty have ye ruled them.

q Mat. vii. 6 Give not that which 53 holy unto the dogs, ntither ca(t

your pearls before fwine, left they trample them under their feet, and tiirn again, and rent you. 2 ThefT. iii. 6. Now we command you, bre- thren, in the name of our Lord Je- fus Chrift, that ye withdraw your- felves from every brother that walk- eth diforderly, and not after tne tradition which yc received of usv y. 14. and if any man obey hot our word by this epiftle, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be afhamed, v. 15. Yet count hira not as an enemy, but admoni(h him as a brother, i Cor xi. 27. Wherefore, whofoever (hall eat this bread, or drink this cup of the Lord unworthily, /hall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. See on to the end of the chapter. Compared with Jude, v. 23. and others favc with fear, pul- ling them put of the fire ; hating even the garment fpoited by the fle/h. I Tim. v. 22. Lay hands fuddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other mens fins. Keep thyfelf pure.

r Lev, xiii. 5, And the pricft (hall look on him the feventh day ; and behold, if the plague in his fight be at a (lay, and the plague fpread not in the fldn, then the prieft fliall fliut him up feven days more. Numb. ix. 7, and thofe


The Form of Church-Government. 527

The like power aad authority, by WEy of analogy, continues under the New Teftament.

T he ruling ofTiccrs of a particular congregation have power autho- ritatively to iufpend from the Lord's table a perlon not yet caft out of the church ;

Firft, Bccaufe thofe who have authority to judge of, and admit, fuch as are fit to receive the facrament, have authority to keep back fuch as /hall be found unworthy.

Secondly, Becaule it is an ecclefiaflical bufincfs of ordinary prafticc belonging to that congregation.

When congregations are divided and fixed, they need all mutual help one from another, both in regard of their intrinfical weaknclfcs and mutual depeodance, as aiio in regard of enemies from without.

Of Clajftcal Jffemklies,

THE fcripture doth hold out a prefbytery in a church/ A pref- bytcry conftfteth of minifters of the word, and (bch other pub- lic officers as are agreeable to and warranted by the word of God, to be church-governors, to join with the minifters in the government of the church t.

The fcripture doth hold forth, that many particular congregations may be under one prefbyterial government.

This propofition is proved by icftances ;

I. Firfl, Of the church of Jerufalem. which con fifted of more con- gregations than one, and all thefe congregations were under one pref- byterial government.

This appeareth thus :

I. Firft, The church of Jerufalem confiftcd of more congregations thaa one, as is manifeft.


men fald unto him, Wc are defiled and Barnabas had no fmail diTTenti-

by the dead body of a man; where- on and difputation with them, they

fore are we kept back, that wc may determined that Paul and Harna-

not ofter an offering of the Lord in bas and certain 6ther of them fliould

his appointed feafon, among the go up to Jerufalem unto the apolUts

children of Ifrael ? 2 Chron. xxiii. and elders, and they declared all

19. and he fet the porters at the things that God had done with

gatesof the houfe of the Lord, that them, v 6. And the apoftles and

none that was unclean in any thing elders came together for toconlider

ihould enter in. of this matter.

/ 1 Tim. iv. 14. Neglefl not the / Rom. xii. 7. Or mrftiftry, let us

gift that is in thee, which was given wait on onr mir^iderin-g : or he thac

thee by prophecy, with the laying teachetli, on teaching ; v. 8. Or he

on of the hands of the piefl)ytery. that exhorteih, on txhortatica:

Aas XV. 2. When therefore Paul tjr»»

J 2c ^ he Fcrvi of Church-Government i

firlt, By the multitude of believers mentioned in divers, both be- fore the diiperfioa of the believers there, by means of the perlecnti- onv. And alio after the diiperfion w.

Secondly, By the many apoftles and other preachers in the church of Jerulaleip. And Jk there were but one congregation there, then each apoflle preached but IHdom x ; which will not conftft with Adh vi. 2.

Thirdly, The diverfity of languages among the believers', menti- oned both in the lecond and fixth chapters of the Aifls, doth argue more congregations than one in that church.

2. Secondly,

that giveth, let him do it with lim- plicity : he that ruleth, with dili- gence : he that fiicweth mercyi- with cheerfulnefs. i Cor. xii. 28. and God hath fat fome in the church ; firft HpofHes, fecondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, auer that mi- racles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diverfities of tongues.

V x^fls viii I . and Saul was con- (enting unto his death- And at that time there was a great perfecuti- 6n againft the church which was at Jerulalem, and they were ail fcat- tered abroad throughout the regi ons of Judea and Samaria, except the apolUes. Ads i.^ 15. and in thofe days Peter (tood up in the mldft of the difcipies, and f'aid (the number of the naraes together were about an hundred and twenty.) Ads ii. 41. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized; and the fame day there were added unto them about three thoufand ibuls. V. 46. and they continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from houfe to houfe, did eat their meat with giadnefs, and fmgleneis of heart, V. 47. Prailing God, and having J'avour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily iech as (hould be faved. Ads iy. 4.

Howbelt, many of them which heard the word, believed, and the number of the men was about five thoufand. Ads v. 14. and believ- ers were the more added unto the Lord, multitudes both of men and women. Ads vi. i. and in thofe , days, when the number of the dif- ciples was multiplied., there arofe a murmurmg of the Grecians againft the Hebrews, becaufe their wiiS'ows were negleded in the daily miniftra- tion. v 7. and the word of God increafed, and the number of the difciples multiplied in Jerufalcm greatly, and a great company of the priefts were obedient to the faith.

ni3 Ads ix. 31. Then had the churches reft throughout all Judea and Galilee, and Samaria, and were edified, and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghoft, were multiplied. Ads xiii. 24 But the word of God grew and multiplied. Ads xxi. 20. and when they heard it, they glorified^ the Lord, and faid unto him, Thoii* feed, brother, how many thoufands of Jews there are, which believe and they are all zealous of the law.

X Ads vi. 2. Then the twelve callvd the multitude ot the difciples unto them, and faid. It is not rca- fon'rhut we (hould leave the word


the Fdrrh df Church Government. 529

2. Secondly, All thole congregations were under one prcsbytcrU goverment, becaufe, Firft they were one church >'.

Secondly, The elders of the church are mentioned z.

Thirdly, The apoftles did the ordinary a^^s of presbyters as prtf- byters in that kirk; which proveih a presbyteri^ church before the dii- perfioo, A^tsvii.

Fourthly, The fereral congregations in jerufalcm being one church, the elders of that church are ai:;ntioned as naeeting together for adts of government a\ which |)ioves that thofe fcveral congr ligations were under one preshyterial government

And whether thel'e congregations were fixed, or not fixed, in re- gard of officers or members, it is alio one as to the truth of the pro- pofition.

Nor doth there appear any material difference betwixt the feveral congregations in Jerufalem, and the many congregations now in the ordinary condition of the church, as to the point ot fixedneis required of officers or members

3. Thirdly, Therefore the Icripture doth hold forth, that many congregations may be under one preshyterial government.

II. Secondly, By the inftancc of the church of Ephefus; for, I. That there were more congregations than oue in the church of


ef God, and ferve tables.

y A<5ls viii. i. and Saul was con- fenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great perfe- cution againfl the church which was at Jerufalem, and they were all fcattercd abroad throughout the re- gions of Judea and Samaria, except the apoftles. A<fts ii. 47. Praifing God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added unto the church daily fuch as fkould fce faved, compared with A<5ls v. II. and great fear came upon all the church, and upon as many as heard thefe things. Ads xii. 5. Peter therefore was kept in prifon, but prayer was made without ceaf- ing of tile church unto God for him. Ads XV. 4. and when they were received of the church, and of the apoitles and elders, and they de- clared all things that God had done with tkem.

z Ads xi 30. Which alfo they did, and fcnt it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul. Ads XV. 4. and when they were come to Jerufaleoi, they were received of the church, and of the apollies and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with thera. v. 6 and the aportles and eiders came together to confider of this mutter V. 22 Then it pleafed the apoftles and elders with the whol? church, to fend chofen men of their own company to Antioch, with Paul and Barnabas, namely Judas hrnamed Barlabas, and Silas, chief men a- mong the brethren. Ads xxi. 17. and when we were come to Jerufa- lcm, the brethren received us gladly. V. 18. and the day following, Paul went in with us unto James, and all the elders were prefent.

a Ads xi. 30. Which alfo they

did, and fent it to the elders by the

L 1 hands


53^ ^ ^ ^^''^ ^ Church-Government,

Ephefus, appears by A£ls xx. 31.^, where is -mention of Paul's coh- tiiiuance at Ephefas in preaching for the fp ice of three years ; and A^s xix. 18, 19, 20. where the Ipecial efFecl- of the word is mention- ed^; and V. 18. and 47. of the fame chapter, where is a diftinaion of Jews and Greeks J; and i Cor. xvi. 6. and 9. where is a realbn of Paul's ilayat Ephefus until Pentecoft ^ ; and v. 19. where is mention of a particular church in the houle of Aquiia and PriiciiJa then at E- pheius/, as appears A^s xviii. 19. 24. 2^. g. AW which laid toge- ther doth prove that the multitudes of believers did make more con- gregations t!:.^n one in the church of Ephefus. . 2. That there were many elders over thcfe many congregations, as


hands of Rarnabas and Saul. A<fls XV. 4 and when they were come to Jerufalem, they v/ere received of the church, and of the apoftles and elders, and they declared all things that God had done with them, v 6. and «he apoftles and elders came together for to confider of this mat- ter. V. 22. Then it pleafed the apoflles and elders, with the whole church, to fend chofen men of their own conipany to Antioch with Paul and Birnabas, namely Judas fir- named Barfabas, and Silas, chief men among the brethren. A*51s xxi. J 7. and when they were come to Jerufalem, the brethren received them gladly, v. 18 and the day following, Paul went in with us un- to James, and all the ciders were prefsnt, and fo forward.

b A<5i:s XX. qi. Therefore watch, and remember that by the fpace of three years, I ccafed not to warn every oks night and day v.'ith tears.

c A6>s xix. 18. and many that believed, came and confcfTed and Hie wed their deeds, v. 19. Many ;dfoof them which wfed curious arts, brought their books together, and burned them before all men : and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thoufand pieces of ■«lver. V, 20. So mightily grew the

word of God and prevaifed. . d Ads xix. 10. and this continu- ed by the fpace of two years : {q that all they which dwelt in Aiia hearW the word of the Lord Jefus, both Jews and Greeks, v. 17 and this was known to all the Jews and Greeks alfo dwelling at Ephefus, and fear fell on them all, and the name cf the Lord Jefus was magnified."

e 1 Cor. xvi. 8. But 1 will tarry at Ephefus until Pentecofl. v. ^. For a great door and effectual is opened unto me, and there are ma- ny adverfarles.

/ I Cor. xvi. 19. The churches of Afia, falute you, Aquiia and Prifcilh falute you much in the Lord, with the church that is their houfe.

g A<^s xviii. 19. and he came to Ephefus and left them there : but he himfelf entered in the fynagogucj and reafoned with the Jews. v. 24. and a certain Jew named Apq^los, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and n)ighty in the fcriptures, came to Ephefus. V. 26. and he began to fpeak boldly in the fynagogue, whom when Aquiia and Prifcilia had heard, they took him unto them, and expounded unto him the way •f God more perfe(5tly.

^ Aas

The rorrii of Church-Government, r^t

one flock, appeareih

3. That thefe m-iay congregations were one church, and that they werj under one prcsbyterial governmeat, appcaretm.

Of Synodical JjJcmbUcs.

np H E fcripture doth hold out another fort of afTemblles for the po* vcrnment of the church, befide clalTical and cougrcgaiionaj, all which we call Tynodical k.

PaOors and teachers, and other church-governors (as alfo other lit perfons, when it (hail be deemed expedient) are members of thofe af- femblies which we call fynodical, where they have a lawful calling there- unto.

Synodical afK mblies may lawfully be of feveral forts, as provincial, national and oecumenical.

It is lawful and agreeable to the word of God, that there be a fab- ordination of congregational, claiTical, provincial and national alTem- blies, for the government ot the church.

iyAtfls XX. 17. and from Miletus he lent to Ephefus, and called the elders of the church v. 25. and now behold, I know that ye all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, fliall iee my face no more v. 28. Fake heed therefore unto yourfelves, and to all the flock over the which the holy Ghoft hath made you overfeers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchafed with his own blood, V. 30. alfo of your own felves fhall men arife, fpeakinb perverfe things, to draw away dilpiples after them. V. 36, and when he had thus fpo- ken, ht kneeled down, and prayed with them ail. v. 37. and they all wept fore, and fell upon Paul's neck, and kifll'd him.

i Rev. ii. I Unto the angel of the church of Epaefus write, Thcfe things faith he that holdeth the feven ftars in his right hand, who walkcth in the midit of the feven golden candlefticks. v. 2. I know thy works, and thy labour, and

thy patience, and how thou canft not bear them which are evil ; and ihou haft tried them which fay they are apolUes, and are not, and haft found them liars, v. 3 and halt born, and haft patience, and tor my name's fake haft laboured, and haft not fainted v 4. Neferthclefs, I have fomewhat againft thee, becaufe thou haft left thy firft love. v. 5. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repertt, and do the firft works; or elfe I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlefHck out of his place, ex- ce^c thou repfQt. v 6: But thia thou haft, that thou hateft the deeds of the Nicolaitans, which alfo I hate. Joined with Afts xx: 17,28. (See in letter h )

k A>f^s XV. 2. When therefore Paul and Barnabas had no fmall dif- fcntion and difputation with them, they determined that Paul and Mar- ml IS, and certain other of them fliould go up to Jerufalem unto the apoftles and elders about this quefti- Ll 2 on

The Form of Church-Covernmenf.


Of Ordination of Minifters,

NDER the head of ordiDatioa of minifters is to be confidere^ either the doOrine of ordination, or the power of it.

Touching the daBrine of Ordination.

NO man ought to take upon him the office of a minifter of the word, without a lawful calling /. Ordination is always to be continued in the church w. Ordination is the folemn fetting apart of a perfon to fome public church-office «.


on. V. 6. and the apo/l/es and el- ders came together for to confider of this matter, v. 22. Then it pleafed the apoftles and elders, with the whole church, to fend chofen men of their own company. to Anti- och, with Paul and Barnabas, name- ly Judas firnamed Barfabas, and Silas, chief men among the bre- thren. V. 33. and wrote letters by them after this manner: The a- podles, and elders, and brethren, iiend greeting unto the brethren, which are of the Gentiles in Anti- och. and Syria, and Cilicia.

/ John iii. 17. John anfwered and faid, a man can receive no- thing, except it be given him from heaven. Rom, x. 14. How then {hall they call on him, in whom they have not believed ? and how ifliall they believe on him, of whciu Uiey have not heard ? and how (lialJ they hear without a preacher ? V. 15. and how (hall they preach except they be fent ? as it is written. How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gofpel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things ? Jer. xiv.14. Then the Lord faid unto me. The prophets prophefy lijfs in my name, I fent them not, neither

cVs I commanded them, neither

fpake I unto them ? they prophefy unto you a falfe vifion and divinati- on, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart. Heb. v. 4. and no man taketh this honour unto him- fclf, but he that is called of God as was Aaron.

771 I Tim. 1,5. For this caufe left I thee in Crete, that thou fliouldft fet in order the things that are wanting and ordain elders in every city, as 1 h vl appointed thee, i Tim. V. 21. I charge thee before God, and the Lord Jefus Chrift, and the eled angels, that thou obferve thefc things^ without preferring one before another, doing nothing by partiality, v. 22. Lay hands fuddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other mens fins. Keep thylelt" pure.

n Num. viii. 10. and thou fhalt bring the Levites before the'lLord, and the children of Ifrael fhatl put their hands upon the Levites. v. it. And Aaron fhall offer tbe Levites btfore the Lord, for an offering of the children of Ifrael, that they may execute the fervice of the Lord . V. 14. Thus (halt thou feperate the Levites from athong the children of Ifrael ; and the Levites Ihall be mine> V. ly. and 1 hare given the Levites


7 he Form of Church-Government. 535

Evtry minmer of the word is 'to be ordained by impofitiou of

hands, and prayer with fafting, by thofe preuchinn prc.bytcrs, to

whom it doth belong 0.

It is agreeable to the word of God, and very expedient that fuch

as are to be ordained minifters, be dcfigncd to lome particular church

or other minifterial charge/). *

He that is to be ordained miniftcr, muft be duly qualified, both foi-

life and minifterial abilities, according to the rules of the apofllc y.



as a gift to Aaron and to his fons, from amtng the children of ifrael, to do the fervice of the children of Ifrael, in the tabernacle ef the con- gregatioB, and to make an atone- ment for the children of Ifrael ; that there be no plague among the chil- dren of Ifrael, when the children of Ifrael come nigh unto the fan(5luary. T. 22. and after that went the Le- vites in, to do their fervice in the ta^rnacle of the congregation, be- fore Aaron and before his fons : as the Lord had commanded Mofes concerning the Levites, fo did they unto them. Ads vi. 3. Wherefore brethren, look ye out among you feven men of honeft report, full of the Holy Ghoft, and wildom^ whom we may appoint over this bufinefs. V. 5, and the faying pleafed the whole multitude : and they chofe Stephen a man full of faith and of the Holy Ghoft, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolas a pro- ielyte^of Antioch. v. 6. Whom they had fet before the apoftles ; and when they had prayed they laid their hands on him.

0 1 Tim. V. 22. Lay hands fud- denly on no man, neither be par- taker of other mens (ins. Keep thyfelf pure. A*51s xiv. 23. and when they had ordained them ei- ders in every church, and had pray- ed with ! fafting, they commended tjjem to the Lord, on Nvhom they

blieved- Ads xili. 3.'aneluhen they had fafted and prayed, and laid their hands on them, they fcni them away.

Aas xiv. 23 (See before.) Tit. i. 5. For this caufe left I thee in Crete, that thou fhouldft fei in, or- dcr the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as 1 had appointed thee. AS.s xx. 17. and from Miletus he fent to Ephe- fus, ana called the eldeis of the church. V. 28. Take heed there- fore unto yourfelves, and to all the flock over the which the Holy Gholl hath made you over/'ecr.-;, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchafed with his own Mood.

g I Tim. iii. 2. a bifliop then muft be blamelefs, the hufband ot one wife, vigilant, fober, of good behaviour, given to hofpitality, apt to teach ; v. 3. Not given to v/ine, n(j ftriker, not greedy of lih! y lucre. but patient ; not a brawler, nut covetous : v. 4. One that ruleth well his own houfe, having his children in fubje*51:ion with all gra- vity ; V. 5. (For if a man kno\y not how to rule his own horie, how (hall he take care of the cliurch »>f God .'*) V 6. Not a novice, left be- ing lifted np with pride, he fall in- to the condemnnt'ou of the devil. Tit. i. 5. For this caule left I thee in Crete, that thou HiouKlfl fet in ordsr the things that arc wanting, and ordiiin !:iders in ev? rv cirv, ss I

L I 3 ' ' I: ;

534 '^ke Form of Church-Governvient.

He is to be examined and approved by thofe by whom he is to- be ordained r.

No man is to be ordained a minifter for a particular congregatiOD, if they of that congregation can fhew juft cJiufe of exception againfl him/.

Touching the power of Ordination.

/^RDINATION is the a^: of a presbytery t,

^^ The power of ordering the whole work of ordination is in the whole presby^ery, which when it is over more congregations than one, ^vhelher thofe congregations be fixed or not fixed, in regard of officers or members, it is indfferent as to the point of ordination z;.

It is very requifite that no fingle cdngregation, that can conveni- ently aiTociate, do alTurae to itfelf all and fole power of ordination.

1. Becaufe there is no example in fcripture, that any fingle con- gregation, which might conveniently afTociate, did a/Tume to itfelf all and ible p6wer in ordination : neither is there any rule which may xvarrant fuch a pradlice.

2. Becaufe t-here is in fcripture example of an ordination in a pref^ bytcry over divers congregations; As in the church of Jcrufalera, "where were many congregations, thefe many congregations were un- der one presbytery, and this presbytery did ordain.

The preaching presbyters orderly afTociated, cither in cities or neighbouring villages are thofe to whom the impofition of bands doth appertain, for thofe congregations within their bounds refpcflively.


had appointed thee. v. 6. If any man be blamelefs, the hufband of one wife, hating faithful children, not accufed of not, or unruly, v. 7. For a bifhop m^ft be blamelefs; as the fteward of God ; not felf willed, rot foon angry, not given to (iltby lucre : v, 8. But a lover of hofpi. tality, a lover gI good men, fober, juft, holy temp: rate; ver. 9. Hold- ing {id the faithful word, as he hath been taught, that he may 5(f able by found dodrine, both to ex- hort, and to convince the gainfayers. r I Tim. iii. 7. Moreover he mult liavc a good repor: of them which ?ire v/ithout, leil he fall into re- proach, arid th» fnare of the devil.

V. 10. and let thefe alfo firfl be proved, then let then: ufe the office of a deacon, being found blameipfg. I Tirh. v. 22. Lay hands uiddenly on no man, neither be partaker of other mens fins. Keep thyfelf pure.

/i Tim. iii. 2. A bilhop then mufl: be blamelefs, the hufhjjjd of one wife, vigilant, fober, of a'lood behaviour, given to hofpitality, apt to teach. Tit. i. 7, I'or a bifhop muft be blaihelefs, as the fleward of God.

/ I Tim. iv. T^. Negle«Jl not the gift that 18 in tliee, which was gi\'en thee by prophecy, with the laying ing 0 1 of the hands of the prefbytery.

V I Tim, iv. 14. (See in letter /,) *w See

The. Form of Church-Goveniment. 53^

Concerning the D^clrinai part 0/ Ordination of Minificn.

I' ^\^^ "^^"^ o"ght to tiikc upon him the office of a miniftcr of the 1^ word, without a lawful calling u*.

2. Ordination is always to be continued in the church x.

3. Ordination is the Iblemn letting apart of a pcrfon to feme pub- lic church office^.

4. Every miniiler of the church is to be ordained by impofition of hands and prayer, with faiVmg by thefc preaching presbyters to whoia it doth belong z.

5. The power of ordeting the whole work of ordination i-. in the whole presbytery, which when it i.s over more congregations than one. whether thoie congregations be fixed or not fixed, in regard of oftv- cers or membcr^sl it is indifferent as to the point of otdination^.

6. It is agreeable to the word, and very expedient, that fuch as are to be ordained jninifters, be defigned to fome particular church, or other minifterial charged.

7. He that is to be ordained minifter, muit be duly quallfieJ, both for life and minifterial abilities, according to the rules of the apoflle c, .

8. He is to be examined and approved by thofe by whom he is to bff ordained d.

9. No man is to be ordained a minifter for a particular congregati- on, if they of that congregation can fhew juft caufc of exception a- gainft him<f.

10. Preaching presbyters orderly all^) dated, either in cities or neigh- bouring villages, arc ihofe to whom the impofition of hand sioth ap- pertain, for thofe congregations within their bounds refpeclively/.

11. Iq extraordinary cafes, fomethiog extraordinary may be dene, until a fettled order may be had, yet keepings as near as piiTijIy may be to the rule^.

12. There

iw See before in letter /. Qculd not flay all the burni-ofFcr X See before in letter m, ings ; wherefore their brethren the y See before in letter n. Levites did help thein till the work z §ee before in letter 0. was ended, and until the other ^'See before in l,etter v priefls had fanflified themlelve?, h See before in letter/. for the Levites were more upright 6 See before in letter q. in heart to fan<ftify thenifelvei d See before in letter r. than the prieaa. ?er. 35. and aUb e See before in letter/ the burnt-ofForlngs were in abim- f. I Tim. iv. 14. Negle<fl not the dance, with the fat ci the peace- gift that is in thee, which was given offerings, and the drink oflfcrinot thee by prophecy, with the laying for every bavnt-otfcring So the on of the hands of the prelbytery. fervice of the houfc of the Lord was g 2 Chron. xxix. 14. But the fet in order, v. 56. and Hcz-ikiah priefts were too fe% fo that they re'^iccd, and all the people, that

53^ The Form of Church^overnment,

11.. There is at this time (as we humbly conceive) an extraordinary occafion tor a way of ordination for the prelent iupply ot miniUers.

The DireElory for the Ordination of Minifiers,

IT being manifeft by the word of God, that no man ought to take upon him the office of a ininifler of the gofpd, until he be iawfulfy called and ordained thereunto; and that the work of ordina- tion is to be performed with all due care, wifdoro, gravity, and foiem- nity : we humbly tender theie dire<!^ions, as requifjte to be obferved. Firft, He that is to be ordained, being either nominated by the pe pie, or orht-rwiie commended to the presbytery for any place, muft «dureis himfelf to the presbytery, and bring with him a teftimonial of his taking the covenant of the three kingdoms, of his diligence and pro- ficieucy in his Qudies ; what degrees he hath taken in 7he tiniverfitv and u'hat hath been the time of his abode there; and withal of his age, which is to be twenty-four years ; but eipecially of his life and CoiiVeriatipn.

2 Which being confidered by the presbytery, they are to proceed to enquire touching the grace of God in him, and whether he be of inch holinefs of life as is required in a minifter of the gofpel ; and to €xam,Qehim touching his learning and lufficicncy, and touching the evidence? of his calling to the holy miuiary, and in particular his fair and dirett calling to that place.

The Rules for cxaminatioQ are thefe;

. ''J'^M^* *!?^ party examined be dealt withal in a brotherly way wuh m.ldnefs of ipirit, and with fpecial re-peft to the gravity, mo-

* defty, and quahty of every one 5 /> »"

. ^'j \^'' ^f ^^ examined touching his (kill in the original tonq„es

* and his trial to be made by reading the Hebrew and Greek TeOaments' ^ and rendering fome portion of ibme into Latin; and. if he be de-

fe^iye in them, enquiry fhall be made more fhiaiy after his other learmug, and whether he has fkill in Logic and Philofbphy.

3. 'I^hat

God had prepared the people : for ruf^Iem. y. 4. and the thing pleaf.

the thiog was done fuddenly. 2 ed iJk^ king, and all the con/rega.

Chron. XX? 2. For the king had tio«. v. 5 So thev eflabJiihed a

laken counfel and his princes, and decree, ;o make' prodamatioa

all the congregation 10 Jerufalem, throughout all Ilrael from Becr-

%o keep the pafTover in the fecond flieba even to Dan, that they fliould

iiionth. V. 3. For they could not come to keep the p.aiTover unto the

Iceep It at that time, becaufe th« Lord God of ifrad, at Jerulalem :

pricfts had not fanained thcmfelvcs for they had not done it o\ a long

Juftjciertly, neither had the perple time "

|'-i;.;iered thcmfclves together to Je ten.

The F$nn of Church Government. 537

3. * What authors in diviDity be hath read, and is beA acquainted « with : and trial (hall be made in his knowledge of the groundfi of re-

* ligion, and of his ability to dcfeaJ the orthodox doOrinc contai'icd

* in rhem, againll sll uolound and erroneous opinions, efpccially thefe

* of the prtlent age; ot his fkill in rhe fenle and meaning ot Inch places

* of fcrip' ureas (hall be propofcd unto him, inqalesot conlciencc and

* in the throniiogy ot ;hc Iciipiure, r.nd ihe eccltfi^ftical hifiory.

4. * If he hath not before preached in publick with approbation of

* inch as are able ro judge, he (hall at a con.petent time afligncd him,

* expound before the piciDytery Inch a portion of Icripturc as (hall be

* given him

5. * He (hall alfo, uithin a competent time, frame a difcourfe in

* L.ttio, upon iuch a c-jiiimon place v\ controverfy in divinity as (hall

* be afligned to him, and exhibit to the prefbytery Iuch theies as ex-

* preis (he Turn thereof, and maintain a dii'putc upon ihem.

6. He (hail preach before the people, the prtsbytcry, or fome of

* the mioiders ot the word appointed by them, being prefent.

7. * The proportion his gifts in relation to the place unto which

* he is called (hall be conitdered.

8 Bcfide the trial of his gifts in preaching, he (hall undergo an

* exdmination in the premifTcs two icvcral days, and more if the pref-

* bytery (h^ll judge it necediiry.

9. ' And as for him that hath formerly been ordained a miniftcr, and ' is to be removed to another charge, he (hall bring a teftimonial of hi?

* ordination, and of his abilities and obfervation, whereupon hif ht-

* nefs for that place (hall be trieid by his preaching there, find (if it

* (hall be judged necc/Tary^ by a further examination of him.'

In all which he being approved, he is to be lent to the church where he is to ferve, there to preach three leveral days, and to convcrfe with the people, that rhey may have trial of his gifts tor their edificaiioo, and may have time and occafion to enquire into, and the better to know, his life and converfation.

4. In the laft of thefe three days appointed for the trial of his gifts In preaching, rherc (hall be fent from the presbytery to the congrega- tion, a public intimation in writing which fhail be publicly read be- fore th. people, and after affixed to the church-door, to lignify that fuch a day, a competent number of the members of that congrep.atioQ, nominated by themlelves, (hall appear before the presbytery, to give their con fent and approbation to Iuch a man to be their minifler; or otherwife, to put in, with all Chriilian difcretion and meekneis, what exceptions they have againlt him, and if, upon the day appointed, there be no juft exception againft him but the people give their cou- ient, then the pre-^bytery (hall proceed to ordination.

5. Upon the day appointed for ordination, which is to be perform- ed in that church where. he that is to be ordained is to ferve, a lolemii fail is to be kept by the congrep;ation, that they may the more earncft*

S^S 'The Form of Churcb-Government.

lyjoin in prayer for a ble/Ting upon the ordinaDce of Chrhl, and the labours of his fervant for their good. The prefbytery (hall come to the place, or at Ic-^ft three or four minifters of the word fhall be km th.ther from the prefbytery ; of which one appointed by the prefbyte- ry ihallpreacn to the people, concernirrg the office and duty of mi> ni(.ers ot Chrilf, and how the people ought to receive them for their work's lake.

6. After the fermon, the miniOer who hath preached, fhall, in the face of the congregation, demand of him who is now to be ordained concemmg his faith in Chrifl Jefus, and his perfuafion of the truth of tnc reformed religion, according to the Icripture; his /inccre intenti- ons and ends in dehring to enter into this calling ; his diligence in pray- ing, reading, meditation, preaching, miniHering the facraments, dif- cipline, and doing all rainifleiial duties towards his charge; his zeal and faithfulnefs^ in maintaining the truth of the gofpel, and unity of the church, agamft error and Ichilm ; his care that himfcif and his fa- mi y may be unblame^ible, and examples to the f^ock; his willin^nefe and humility, m meeknds of {piiit. to fubmit unto the admonidons of his brethren, and difcipliue of the church ; and his refolution to continue in his duty againit all trouble and perfecution

7. In all which having declared himfelf, profefTed his willingrefs. and promifed his endeavours, by the help of God: the mincer like- wife Ihall demand of the people, concerning their willingnefs to receive and acknowledge him as the minifler of Chrift : and to obey, and fub- mit unto him, as having rule over therj in the Lord ; and to maintain encourage and ?M\ him iu all the parts of his office.

8 Which being tnutually promifed by the people, the prefbytery,

or the rainifters fent from them for ordination, fhall loiemnly <n him

apart to the ofhce and work of the miniftry, by laying their hands on him,

which is to be accompanied with a (hort prayer or blefling to this effect

T 7 ^^^-fl ^^,^"ow^edging the great mercy of God, in fending

* Jefus Chriff for the redemption of his people; and for his afcenfion

* to the nght-hand of God the Father, and thence pouring out his Spi ' rit, and giving gifts to men, apoflles, evangelills, prophets, paftors,

and teachers, for the gathering and building up of his church ; and « for frtting and inclining this man to this great work* : To intreat < h:m to fit him with his holy Spirit, to give him (who in his name we ' thus let apart to this holy fervice) to fulfil the work of his mini/fry ' m all things, that he may both lave himfelf, and his people commit- ted to his charge.'

9. This or the like form of prayer and blefUng being ended, let the miniLcr who preached, briefly exhort him to confider of the greatnefs of his office and work, the danger of negligence both to himfelf and his peop.e the b!e0ipg which will accompany his faiihfulcefs in this ' hfe, and that to come ; and withal exhort the people to carry them- ' to ])im, as to their minifier in the Lord, according to their fo. " H-£ ut them ir-p'J'c hamh on his head. ]e^;na

The Fsrm of Church-Government. 539

leoiB promjfe made belorc ; and lo by prayer commending both him and his flock to the grace ot God» alter imging of a plalm, let ihc al- fembly be dilmilTed with a blefliug.

10. U a minifter be defigned to a congregation, who hath been for- merly ordained pre(byier according to ihe toim of ordination which hath been in the chuich of England, which we hold for iablhtncc to tjc* valid, aad not to be di (claimed by any who have received it ; then, there bein^ a cautious proceeding in matters ot exiimination, let him be admitted without any new ordination.

1 1 . And in cale any perlon already ordained minifter in Scotland, or in jiny other reformed church, be defigned to anochei congregation in Ei!ij'.iind. he is to bring from that church to the p^ftj^tciy heie, with in which that congregation is, a iufficicnt teftimoniai of his ordination, of his life and converiation while he lived with them, and ot ihe cauies of his removal ; and to undergo luch a trial of his fitneis and iuffi- clency, and to have the lame courle held with him in other particulars, as is let down in the rule immediately going beiore, touching exami- nation and admiffion. ^ , ,1 r

12 That records be carefully kept in the feveral prelbyterics, of the names of the perions ordained, with theJr tef^imonials, the^iimc and place of their ordination, of the prelbyters who d.d impofe hands upon them, and of the charge to which they are appoinied. ^

n. That no money or gift of what kind foever Hiall be received from the perfon to be ordained, or from any on his behalf, tor ordi- nation, or ought elfc belonp'Ug ta it, by any of the prelbytery, or any appertaining to any of them, upon what pretence locvcr.

Thus far of ordinary Rules and Courfe of Ordination, in the ordin.iry JVay ; that -which concerns the extraordinary IVay. reg-^Jite to oe now pradiifed, followeth,

I. In thefe prefent exigencies, while we cannot have any pre^y|^- nes formed up to their whole power and work, and that ^^^^ ^^l' f\ers .re to be ordained for the lervic. of the armies and °;^>';°^ '^ m^nv congregations where there is no minifter at a 1 ; and ^v^cre ^ny reafoiiofthf public troubles) the people cannot either th^^^^f ^f^ ^°; qiiire, and find out one who may be a faithful m.n.fter .or tl em, r have anv with fafety lent unto them for fuch a folemn trial ^^ was be fore mentioned in the ordinary rules ; clpecially ^^en there can be na pr.ibvtery near unto them, to whom they may addrels '^^"^^"^^^^^^ which may come or fend to them a hr man to be ordained in ha con^ gregation; and tor that people: and yet ^^ «/ J _ L that minifters be ordained for them, by ome, ^^•'^' ,^^' ^ f ' part themfelves for the work of the miniAry, have power to jo m m c fetting apart others, who are found fit and worthy In ^^;'^^^; J untiifbv God's bleiling, the atorefaid difRculties may be m lome g od

54° The Form of Church-Government.

meafure removed, let fome godly miniftcrs in or about the city of Lon- don be defigned by public authority, who, being afTociated. inay or- dain mini(ter« for the city and the vicinity, keeping as near to the or- dinary rules forementioned, as poffibly they may : and let this aflbci- ation be for no other intent or purpofe, but only for the work of or- dination.

2. Let the like aflbdation be made by the fame authority in great towns, and the neighbouring parifhes in the feveral counties, which are at the preleni quiet and undifturbed, to do the like for the parts adjacent. , -nt

3... Let fuch as are chofen, or appointed for the fervice of the ar-"^ mies or navy, be ordained, as aforefaid, by the aflbciated miniflers of London, or (bme others in the country.

4. Let them do the like, when any man fhall duly and lawfully be recommended to them for the miniflry of any congregation, who can- , not enjoy liberty to have a trial of his parts and abilities, and defire the help of fuch minifters fo aflTociated, for tlie better fumifhing of them with fuch a perfon as by them ihaii be judged fit for the fervice of that church and people.

P J N 1 S^.





Approved by

The General AfTembly


Church offScotland,


Piety and Uniformity in Secret and Private Worship, and mutual Edification;


Ad Aa: of the General Aflembly, ^mo 1648, forobfcrving the Same.

Printed in the Year, M,DCC;LV.


Jrmbly at Edinburgh, /^ug. 24, 1647, §clj\ 10. ACT for oDicrving ihe D^ucchani at the General Alfembly, for fecret and private Worlliip, and mutual EJiricatioa aad cenluring iuch as negle<ft Family Worfliip.

y /7 E General Ajemhly^ after mature deliberation^ doth approve the fcihiuing rules and direfiivis, for cheri/hing piety and j-reventiug divijion andfcnifm ; and doth appoint mihijiers and ruling elders, in each congregation, to take fpeclal care that thefe dire&ions be obfervcd and followed ; as Itkevjijey that prefhyteries and provincial fynods enquire and 7nake trial, -wbeth&r the fa'id direDions be duly obfervtd in their bounds ; and to reprove or cenjure (according to the quality of the offence) fuch as fhould be found to be reproveable or cenfureable therein. Jnd, to the end that thefe dircfliGns may iiot be refidered ineffectual and unpro- jit able among fome, through the ufua\ neglect of the very fuhjiance of the ^^'V ?/ f<iniily worJJoip ; the affembly doth further require and appoint mintjiers and ruling elders to make diligent fearch and enquiry, in the congregations committed to their charge refpeBivehi, -whether there be among them any family or families, which vfe to ^negkB this, neceffary duty ; and, if any fuch family be found, the head of the family is to be Jirjl admonijhed privately to amend his faidt; and, in cafe of his cmti- miing therein, he is to be gravely and fadly reproved by the frffion : af- ter which reproQ/, if he be found Jiill to negleB family worjlip, let him be, for his ohfimacy in fuch an offence ^ fufpended and debarred from the Lord's fupper, as bei.yjuflly ejlmu^d unworthy to communicate there- in, till he amend.

DIRECTIONS of the General Assembly, concerning Secret and Private Worihip, and mutual Edification; for cherifhing Piery, for maintaining Unity, and avoiding Schifm and DiviHon.

BESIDES the pabiic worihip in GongregatloDs, mercimlly efta.- blifhed in this land, in great purity ; it is expedient and necefla- ry, that fecret wordiip of each perloa alone, and private worihip of families, be prefled and fet up: That, with national reformation, the profcffioQ and power of godlineis, both perfonal and domeftic, be advanced.

, I. And Firft, For fecret worfliip, it is moft neceflary, that every one apart, and by therafelves, be given to prayer, and meditation, the un- speakable beacfit whereof is beft known to them who are mod exer- ci.ed^ therein ; this being the mean whereby, in a fpecial way, com- munioa with God is . entertained, and right preparation for all other duties obtained: r.nd therefore it becometh not only pallors, within their feveral charges, to prefs perfons of all forts to perform this du- •y, morning aad evening, and at other occalioDS ; but alfo it is incum- bent

Diredories for Family Worfiip. 5 . ^

bent to the heads of every family to have a care that both themftlvcs and all withm their charge, be daily diligent herein

x.K"*»,r'M'K"''^f '''r ^^"^rJ^^^d^d under the exercife of piety, which ftiould be in families, when they are convccncd to that ii\d\ are thefe ; F.rft, Prayer and prailb performed, with a Ipccial reference' as well to the public condition of the kirk of God. aud this kino- dom. as tothe prelcnt cafe of the family, and every member thereof. Next, reading of the fcr.ptnrcs. with catechifing in a plain way, that the undernandrngs of the ilmplcr may be the better enabled to profit und«r the public ordmances, and they made more capable to under- Itand the fcriptures, when they are read ; together with nodly confe- rences tending to the edification of all the members in the moft holy taith : As alfo, admonition and rebuke, upon juft reafbns, from thoie who have authority in the family.

III. As the charge and office of interpreting the holy fcriptures, is a part of the mmifterial calling, which none (however otherwife qua- lified) fhould take upon him in any place, but he that is duly caileu thereunto by God and his kirk ; fo in every family, where there is any that can read, the holy fcriptures fhould be read ordinarily to the fa- mily ; and it is commendable, that thereafter they confer, and by way ot conference make fome good ufe of what hath been read and heard ; as for example, if any fin be reproved in the word read, ufe may be made thereof tg make all the family circumfpe^ and watchful againit the ftme '. or if any judgment be threatened, or mentioned to havc been m i^ed In that portion of fcripture which is read, ufe may be made to make all the family fear, left the fame or a worfc judgment bcfal them, unlefs they beware of the fin that procured it. And finally, if any duty be required, or comfort held forth in a promife, u(e mr.y be made to ftir up themfelves to employ Chrift for flrcngth to enable them for doing the commanded duty,' and to apply the offered comfort. In all which, the mailer of the family is to have the chief hand ; and n- ny member of the family may propone a qneftion or doubt for rcfo- lution.

IV. The head of the family is to take care that nouc of the family withdraw himfelf from any part of family-worfhip ; and, feeing the ordinary performance of all the parts of family worfhip belongeth' pro- perly to the head of the family, the minifler is to flir up fuch as arc Jazy, and train up fuch as are weak, to a f.fnefs to thefe cxercifcs ; it being always free to perfons of quality, to entertain one approved by the preibyrery for performing family exercife. And in other families where the head of the family is unfit, that another conflantly refiding in the family, approved by the miniffer and feUion, may be employed m that fervice ; wherein the minifler and feffion arc to be countable to the presbytery. And, if a rainifter by divine providence be brought to any family, it is rcquifite, that at no time he convccn a part of tha

^family for worfliip, fecludiag the reft, e::cept in fiQguljr cales, efpeci-


544 Dire^ortes for Family, Worjhip,

ally concerning theie parties, whicli (ia Chiiiliaa .prudence) need not, or ought uot, to be imparted to others.

V. Let no idler who hath ao particular calling, or vagrant perlba under pretence ot a calling, be luffered to perform wor(hip io tami- lies, to, or tro« the laoie ; feeing perfons tainted with erron, or aim- ing at divifion, may be ready (after that manner) to creep into hoales, and lead captive filly and unikble Ibuls.

Vi. At tamily worQiip, a locial care is fo be had that each family keep by thcmfeives. Neither requiring, inviting, nor admitting per- fons from diverfe families, unlefs it be thofe who are lodged with them, or at meals or otherwifc with them upon fome lawiul occafion.

VII. Whitfoever have been the cflRiSls and fruits of meetings of perfons of diverfe families, in the times of corruption or trouble (m which cafes many things are commendable,, which otherwife arc not tolerable) yet, when God hath bleifed us with peace and purity of the gofpel, fuch meetings of perfons of divers families (except in caies men- tioned ia thefe directions) are to be difapproved, as tending to the hin- deraoce of the religious excrcife of each family by itfelf, to the preju- dice of the public miniftry, to the renting of the families of particu- lar congregations, and (in progrefs of time) of the whole kirk. Be-^ iides many offences which may come thereby, to the hardtaing of the hearts of carnal men, and grief of the godly.

VIII. On the Lord's day, after every one of the f:Tiily apart, and the whole family together, have fought the Lord (in whofe hands the preparation of mens hearts are) to fit them for the public worihip, and to blefs to them the public ordinances ; the mafter of the family ought to take care, that all within his charge repair to the public worfhip, that he and they may join with the reil of the congregation ; and the public worfliip being finifhed, after prayer, he (hould take an account what they have heard ; and thereafter, to fpcnd the reft of the time, which they may fpare, in catechifing, and in ipiritual conferences up- on the word of God ; or ^{c (going apart) they ought to apply them- felves to reading, meditation, and ferret prayer, that they may con- firm and increase their communion with God, that lb the profit which they found in the public ordinances may be cherilhed and promoved, and they more edified unto eternal life.

IX. So many as can conceive prayer, ought to make ufe of that gift of God ; albeit thofe who are rude and weaker may begin at a fet form of prayer, but {o as they be not fluggiih in llirring up in th^mlelves (according to their daily neceffities the fpirit of prayer, which is given to all the children of God in fome meaiure : to which efFedl, they ought to be more fervent and frequent in fecret prayer to God, for ^enabling of their hearts to conceive, and their tongues to exprefs con- venient defires to God for their family : and in the mean time, for their greater encouragement, let ihefe materials of prayer be racditated up- on, and made ule of, as followeih.

* Let

DireSlories for Family Wc/hh, 545 ^

* Let them conftis ro God how unworthy rhcy in- to come in hit

* piei'eQCe, and how unfit to worftiip his majelly : and therefore cir-

* neftly i^^ of God the ipirit of prayer

* rhey arc to confels theii fins and the fins of the fnmily ; accur-

* ing, judging and conilemiing them«dv\'S "or them, till they biing

* their fouls to fome meulure of true humiliation.

* They are to pour out their fouls 10 God, in the naoic of Ch'ifl,

* by the Spirit, for forgivenels of fins; for grace to rc^pcnr, to b-'uve,

* and to live loberly, rigiteouQy, and godly; and that they may tcrvc

* God with joy and delight, walking before hin.

* They are to give thanks to God for his many mercies to hk p-'o-

* pie and to themielves, and specially tor his love in Chrilf^ and ^or

* the light *of the gofpel.

* They are to pray for fuch particular benefits, fpirifual and tcn^po-

* ral, as they ftand in need for the time (whether it be morning, or

* evening) as anent health or ficknefs prolperitv or adverfity

* They ought to pray for the kirk of Chrift in general, fer all th-

* reformed kirks, and tor this kirk in pirticular> and for nl that (ufTtr

* for the name of Chrift ; for all our fuperiors, the king's majefty, the

* queen, and their children ; for «he m:igiOrates, mi- ifters, and whole

* body of the con^rregition whereor they arc membeis. as well for

* their neighbours ablent in their laA'ful afflii.s, as for th)ie that arc

* at home.

* The prayer may.b? closed wi'h an earned dcfire that God may be

* glorified in the commg of fhe kingdom o^ his Son. ani in doii^g of

* his will, and with utTarince 'hat thcnfelves arc" accepted, and what ' they have atk-d acco.ding to hU Will Ihi'l be done'

X Thefe exerciies ought to be performed in great finccrity, wifh- ouc delay, laying afide all exeiciies of worMly bulinefs or hindcraiues, norwithftanding the mocking? of athefts and profane men ; in rc'peft of the great mercies ot God to this land; and of hi^ levcre correal ons wherewith lately he hath excrcifed us. '^nd, to this cffca. perloo^t of eminency (;\nd all elders of the kirk) not only ought to ftir ud thcm- felves and families to diligence iierein ; but aifo to concur ef!l£tuatly, that in all other families, where they have powc-r and charge, the laid cxerqifes be confcionably performed.

XI. Befides ihe ordinary duties in famili^'s, which arc above-menti- oned, extraordin jry deities, both of humiliation ani thanklgiving, ;ne to be carefully performed in f.imilie;, when the Lord by cxiriordiaaiy occafions (private or public^ calleth for them.

XII. Seeing the word ot God rtqu-reth, that we Hiould conficcr X)ne another to provoke unto love and good works; thererore, ar .il!

times, and fpecially in this time, wherein profanity abounds, aiiJ mockers, walking after their own lufls think it llrange that others run nor with them to the fame excels ot riot : every member of this kirlc ought toilir up themlcivcs, ani n- aijihcr, to the di:ii;;s of mntud

jvi m ed ticuiioi'..

54^ Dhechnes for Family Worjhip,

eiificari(5n, by inllradliou aJmo.iJCioD, rebuke; i^horting oae aoo- thtT to m miieit the gr -ce ot Gud, ia denying ungodliuefs and worldly luib, and in liviuir goril\, fobcrly, and righteoufly in this prcfent world ; by comf rting the feeble-minded, and praying with, or for one another: which duties refpedtiveiy arc to be performed upon Ipecial oc- cfiDns offered by divine orovidencc; as namely, when under any cala mity. crols, or great difficult, council or comfort is iought» or when 211 tfeader is to oe reclaimed by private admonit loo. and if that be not elFe^ual, by joirii g one or two more in the admonition, according to tne rule of Chrifl; that in the mouth of two or three witnefTea every word may be eftablifhed.

XI 1 1 ind, becaule it i^ not given to every one tofpeaka word in feafbn to a wearied or diftrefled conlcicnce, it is expediens, thai a pcr- fon '^in thatcale) finiiag no eaieafrer the ufe of all ordinary means, pri- viue and publick, have 'heir ad^rels to their own paftor, or fome ex- perienced Chriftian : But if the perlon troubled in confcience, be of that condition, or of that kx, that difcrftion, modef^y, or fear of fcandal re- qaireth a godly, grave and fecret friend to be prelent with them in their laid ad<^refs, it is expedient that fuch a friend beprefent.

XlV. When perfons of diverfe families are brought together by di- vine providence being abroad upon their parriciiUr vocations, or any nccefl^iry occafions; as they would have the Lord their God with them whitherioever they go they ought to walk with God, and not uegleft the duties of prayer and thankfgiving, but take care that the fame be per- formed by fuch as the company (hall judgr; fitted. And that they like- wife take heed th-it no corrupt communication proceed out of their mo iths, but that which is good, to the uie of edifying, that it may mi- nifler grace to the hearers.

The drift and fcope of all rhefe (Jire^f'oos is no other, but that ap* on the one part, the power and pradlJc- >f po 'linefs amongfl all the minifters, and members of this kirk, according to their feveral places and vocations, may be che»i/hed and advanced, and all impiety and mocking ot religious exerciles, fupprefTcd and upon the other part that under the name and pretext of rcligi us exercifcs, no fuch meet- ings or praftices ' e allowed, as are apt to breed error, fcandal, fchifm, contenpt, or mifregard of the public ordinances and miniflers, or ne- jj; 1 ot the duties of particular ci^llings. 'jr fuch other evils as are t-hc w,rk not of the Spirit, but of the flc:fli, and are contrary to truth and peace

A K E R,

F i'^-N I S.

A TABLF of thechicf matter . .> ; h the Confes-

sion of Faith, and Largek CAiEciiiSM.

con. Signifies the ConfefTion of Faith I he firft figure denotes the chapter. The follow ing figures denote the paragraph.

cat. Signifies the Larger C'atechifm, and the figures denote the Numbers of the Quellions.

ACCEPTANCE Theperfonsof believers are accepted as righ- teous in the fight ot God only tor the obedience and fatisfadtion. of C lui ft , con 1 1 . 1 . cat . 7 c, Wh i ch is iniputed to them by God, and re- ceived by faith, con. 1 1. i . cat 70, 71, 72. How their good works are accepted in ChriH, con, 16. 6. ac- ceptance in prayer, through Chrifl: andiiis mediation, cat. i^o Accefs.Noaccefsuntotheprefenceof God, without the Mediator JefuS Chrift, con. 12. cat. 39, 55. 181. Who hath purchased for believers under the goipel, a greater boldnefs of accefs to the throne of grace, than believers under the law did oidinarily partake of, con. 20 i. Aiftions. God orders and governs all the anions of his creatures by his moft wife and holy providence, ac- cording to his ir.faliible foreknow ledge, and immutable decree, con. 5. I. cat. 18. See providence, /^tflual fins Proce--d from the origi- nal corruption of nature, con 6. 4. cat,. 25. See fin.

Admonition of the church, con. :o 4. Adoption, the nature and privileges of u, con. 12. cat, 74. Adultery, a juft ground of divorce, con, 24 5, 6.

Aggravations of fin, cat. iji. Amen, the meaning of it, cat. 196. Angels, God's decree concerning them, con. 3. 3, 4. cat. j 3. How cre- ated, cat, 16. God's providence ta-

\(rards them, cat. 19 They arc all employed at his pica urc In the »id- rainiftrations of h<s power, mtrcy, and jultice, ib. Not to be woriiiip- ped, con. 21.2. cat. 105 Antichrift, what, con. 25. 6- The pope is antichrid ib. Antiquity, no pretence for uCng the devices of men in the wor/Iup of God, cat. 109.

Anxiety about the things of this life, finful, cat. 105, 136, 142- The Apocrypha, not being of divine infpiration, isof no authority m the church, con. i. 3. Immodeft Apparel, forbidden, cat.

Afcenfion of Chrifl, con 8 4. cat. 53. '

Afftrmbly See '^ouncils

Public AfTeniblies for ih- worllvpof God ngt to be careielly or wilfully negle<fled, con. 21.6.

AlTurance of grace and falvation at- tainable in this life, con. iS 1.2. cat. 80 Without extraordinary re- velation, con. 18 3. cat. 80. Up.'Q what it is founded, con. a 8 iS. 2 cat. So It is (hengthncd by good works, con. 16 2. Believers may want it, con. 18. ■;. cat. 80. 172. They may have it diminiihed and intermitted : and be dtprivcd of comfort and the light ot God's countenance, con. ii 5 i7'3*^- 4. cat 81. But they afe never ut- terly deltituw of that feed ot God, and life of faith and love,&c out of which affurance may, by the ipjrit, be m in cue time revived; con. 18 4. M m 2 cat.

The TA

cat. 8i. And by which in the mean* they afc lupportcd from utter ' deipair, ibtd. it s the duty ot all to endeavour alter afl'urance, con, 8 3. A.nd to pray lor it, cat. 194. The tVuiis of it inclines not to Jo^feneis. con. 18. ; Aiheilm, the denying or not having , a G >d, cat. 103.

Attributes of God, con 2.1,2 cat. 7, 8, .01.


T'^ AP I ISVI, what, con. 28. I, 2.

\y cat 6v fo continue to the

c:>d of thr world, con. 28. 1 cat.

176 But once to be adnunidred to

ar.y pcrfon, con 28 7. car. 177.

By whom, con- 27. ^ 28 2 cat.

J 7 v. i o whom con. 2b. 4- cat.

160 Dipping not necefTciry in bap-

t 'ui, but tt may be rightly aomini-

itrcd by fprinkl'ng, coo sS ^.Bap-

tiiiii not necelJary to faivation, yet

IT IS a (in to n ^UCi U, con 28, 3.

The efficacy of it, con, 28. 5. How

to be improved, cat. 167. Where-

^ in it agrees with the Lord's Sup-

^" per, cat.' 176 And wherem they

difc-, cat. 77.

Believers, See faith, jnflification, ac- frptance, adoption, fn .edification, U'iion. commuHi'^n, liberty, works, pt-rlieveiance, affurance. Benetiis which the members of the invilible church enjoy by Chriff, cat. 65. rhe benefits of Chrilt's meJiation, cat 57, 58. The^Body of ClTili, how prefent in the iaciaiTjent, -con. 29. 7 cat. 170. The Mytlical riodyof LhiiU. Tiue believers are members of Chrift's inyilical Kudy con 291. cat ,68. Which is the whoK number of the eiea.that have been, are orihallbe united toChrJi: as their head, coff, 35. I. Vv'hat iliat union is, cat. 66. See communion

T-.e bodies of the eh'dt after d'eatb^. an J at tiit rclurrCJ^ion, cbtt. 4i*


2 3. cat 86, 87. Of the wicked ibid.

Lafcivicus Books not to be read, cat. 129.


CALLING, fee effedual calling, to have a lawful calling, and to be diligent in it, is a duty, cat.

Vows of celibacy unlawful, con. 22. 7. cat 139.

Cenlures of the church, what, con. 30 2. 4. Their ufe, cm. 30, 3. Who are to be proceeded againft by the cenfurts of the church, con. 20 4. 29. 8 30 2. 1 hey are to be managed according to the nature of the crime and the demerit of the Perf(.n, con. 30- 4 penitent fin- ners are to be abfoived from ctn- fures con. 30 2.

Ceniuring, rafh, harfh, and partial cenluring, (inful. cat 145.

Ceremonial law. See law.

Charity towards our neighbour, wherein it confids, car. 155, 141, 144,147 What contrary to it, cat. 136, 142, 145, J48. Giving and lending freely according to our a- bility and the necefhties of others is a duty, con. 26. 2 cat. 141.

Charms, unlawful, cat. jg.

Chaftiiy, cat. 137.

Children tliat die in infancy, how faved, con. 10 3. The cluldren of i'uch as profefs the true rcligidift, are membtr.^ or the vifible chur'^h, con- 25. 2 cat. 62. and are to be bapt zed con, 28. 4. cat. 16^,

Chrid why lb called, cat. 42 is the only Meviiator between God and man, con 8. 36.^ng v^y God, ot one fubflance, and equal with the Father, con. 8. 2. cat. 1 1 . 36- In the fulnefs of nme became man, con. 8. 2. cat. 56. 37, The ntcclliiy of his being God - ahd mart, cat 39,39- 40 He was ordained by God from eteraiiy to




be Mediator, con. 8. r. He was ianftificd and anointed with the ho- ly spirit, to execute the office of Mediator, con. 8. 3. cat. 4:^. To which he was called by the Father,

con 8. 3. And wtUingly undertook and dircl.arg' d it, con 4. 8. By his perfed obedience, and lacrifice of himi'elf, he purchafed reconcilia- tion and eternal life for all the e- led, con 8 5. cat, 38 To whom in ail ages the benefits of his me- diation are cfFe6lually applied con. 8. 6, 8. Chrid's offices of prophet, pried, King, cat. 43, 44, .45. See acceprance, accels, body vi Chrift, church, death of Chrid, exaltation, expiation, humiliation, imputation, interceffion judge, merit, Meffiali, name ot Chritt, perfonal union, pro- pitiation, reconciliation, redempti- on, refurreflion nghteoufnefs fa- crifice, falvation, fatista6tion,furety. Chriltian liberty See liberty. The church is the objefl of God's fpeccial providence, con. 7. 5. cat % I. 25 6 The catholic church invifible, What, con. 25 i cat. 62 Given to Chrirt from all eterni- ty, con. 8 I. The benefits which tht members of it erjoy by Chrid, cat. 65,66,69, P2, 83 86 99 The catholic church vifiV\le, What, con, 25. 2 cot. 92. Out of it no ordinary poilibility of Salva- tion, con. 25 2. itf: privileges, con. 25 4 cat. 63, Particular churches more or lefs pure, con. 25 4 The pureft fubjed to mixture aua error, con. 25. 5. There (hall always be a church on earth to worfhip God according to his will; ibid. Church cenfures See cenfures. Church-Government, Appointed by the Lord Jefus i the hand of church officers, diltind from the ci- vil magiftrate, con, 30. I. cat 45, loS But they are not exempted from obedience to the magillrate,con.23.

4 They have the power •f tH^V'-v' committed to them. ron. what -hat power isaniits u go 3, 4. rh-y Hre not a br op- pofed in the lawful exercile of I'.n'r powers up.»n prctoncc of ChriO:an liberty con. 20 4. Sec conCils. There are Ibme circumlt^nces con- cerning church governm-nt, which are to be ordered by the hghi of na- ture and chriltian prutlcncc ac- cording to the general ruks oi the word, con. i 6

Circumciilon, (Jne of the orilir.^n- ces by vhich the covenant ot gr^ce was adminil^rcd under the hw, con 7 5 cat. 34.

Civil mugiftrate or civil powers. See magiilrate.

The Ten commandments are the funa of the moral law, con 19. 2. cat. 98 They are a perft d rule of ngh- teoufnefs, con. 19 2 Rules tor unde ftanding them, cat 99 The prefac explained, cat 101 The firif commandmentcat 103 io6- The fecond, cat 107, i lO 1 oe third, cat. 1 1 1, .114. The iourih, cat. 115, i2l. The fifth, cat. 123, ng. ] he Txth, cat. 134, 136. The fcventh, cat. 137, 139 The eight, cat 14O— ».;2. The ninth, cat 343, 1^5. The tenth, cat i 46 i .8 1 he luni of the firrt tour cummaniinienis, which contain our duty ti'* God, cat 102. 1 he ium of the other fi.< which contain our duty to man, cat. 122. No man ii H^>le tu k- tp the comman.imcnts of God p. r- fe<5lly, cat. 1 49.

The Communion, See the Lord's Supper.

Communiono^Saints, wherein it c^n. firtsjcon. ^6. I. 2. rheenjoymnt of it is one ot the privileges oi ihc vifible church, cat. 6^. In the l^ord's fupper. communicants t.fli. fy their mutuai 'ove and fcllov .hip M IV 3 ca J,


each with other, cat. i68. That facrament being a bond and pledge ot believers communion with Chrift, and with each other as members of }^is myltical body, con. 29 i. The communion of faints doth not en- fringe a man's property in his goods and pofT flions, con. 26. 3. Communion which the eiedl have with {.hrift, con- 26 i. In this life, car, 67 8;, Immediately alter death, cat- 86. at the refurredlion and day ol judgment, cat h7. 90. Jt is a csnfequcnce of their union with him, con. 6. I. it doth not make rbem partakers of his God- head, nor ' qua! with him, con. 26. p It is confirmed in the Lord's fapper, cat .68

Unchafie company not to be kept, c.'it 139. Nor corrupt communica- tions to be uied or hllened to, ib.

Condition,, Perftdl perfonal and perpetual obedienpe the condition of the covenant of works, con 7. 2. 19. I. cat 20 God rtquirei

faith as the condition to interetf fin- tiers in the Mediator oi the cove- rant of grace, cat. 32. ,

ConfelTion of fin always to be made

in private to God, cob. 15 6. and

is to be joined with prayer, cat. i 78.

V7hen to be made to men, con, 15.

/>. Upon confeffion, the offending

brother is to be received in Jove.ib, Confcience, See liberty of conlcience.

Pence of confcience, a fruit of. the

fenfe of God'slove, con. 18. 1, g.

cat 8:?, B«.l'evers may fall into fins

which wound the confcience, con,

17. 3. 18 4. rhe wicked are pu-

riiihed with horror of confcience,

cat. 28. 83. Contentment, fubm-'fiion to Cod is

our duty, cat. 104 D Icontent at

his dilpen'ations is finfiil, cat J05,

a 'nil contentment with our con-

ditlon, is our duty, cat 147. Dif

contentment xvith our o\yn eftate, a

ij.), c;t. 1,18. ;

Contr<»verfics, it belongs to fynods and councils minilierially to deter- mine controvetfies of faith, and cafes of confcience, con. 31, 3 The Spirit fpeaking iij the fcrjptures, is the iuprtme judge of all contro- verfics in religion, con 1. 10, The original text of the fcript«r«s is that to which the church is finally to appeal, con. 1 8. Our converfation ought to be in ho- lineis and righteoulriels, anlwera- ble to an holy profelTion, cat. 112, 167 Corruption of nature, what, con. 6. 2, 4. cat. 25 a confe(JueDce of the fall- of man, ibid, adual fin a fruit of it, con. 6, 4. cat. 25;. How it is propogated, con. 6, 3. cat. 26, It doth remain during this life in the regenerate, and all its motions are truly fin, con. 6. 5. 13. 2. cat. 78. But it is pardoned and mortified through Chrift, con. 6. 5. Covenant, no enjoying of God, but by way of covenant, con- 7. i. Covenant of work.-?, whkt, and with whom made, con 4 2. 7. 2. 19. I. cat, 20. 3 2. Perfed. perforal and perpetual obedience the condi- tion of it, con. 7. 2. 19 I. cat. 20. It is called a law and a com- mand, con. 4. 2. and a law given as covenant, con. 19. i and a cove- nant of life, of which the tree of life was a pledge, cat, 20. *'

Covenant of grace, what, con. 7 3. cat 30,32. It was made with Chi iifl as the iecorid Adam, and with ail the ele<5l in him as his feed, cat. gi In it God rtquirethof finners faith in Chrift, that they may be judified and faved, con. 7. 3 cat. 71, Faith being requi^-ed as the condition tointercfl tliem in Chrift, 3^. Who is the mediator of this co- venant, con 8., I cat.^36 is called a tcdamcnt, cue. "7. 4 It was differently adminiilred in the time oi the law, and in time of

The T A

thegofpel,con, 7. J cat. 33 Howit was adniiniftred uiuJer the law,- con. 7. 5 cat. 34 How under tjifigof- yel, coo. 7. 6 cat. 35. Councils or fynods ought to be, con. 31 I they maybe called by the ciril Diagiltrate, coo. 23 3. 31.2; When minirters may meet without the call of the civil magiihate, con, 31. 2. What power councils have, con. 31. 3. What fubmiflion due to their decrees, ibid. Not infallible fmce the apoftles times, con 3 1 4. But their determinations are to be tried by the fcriptures, con i. 10. How far they may meddle in civil affairs, con. 31 5 Creation of the world, con, 4. I. cat 55 Of man, con 4. 2, cat, 17. Of angels, cat. 16.^ Creatures. Dominion over the crea- tures given to man, con. 4. 2. cat 17, They are curled for our fak'es. ficce the fall. cat. ^8- Religious worfhip to be given to no creature, con- 21- 2- cat 105: Curiofity, Bold and curious fearching into God's fecrets, <Iifchargcd, cat. 105 curiou^ prying into God's decrees forbidden, cat 1 3. curi- ous or unprofitable quellions are to be ^voided, ibid. The Curfe and wrath of God, man liable to it, both by original and acftual fin, con. 6. 6. cat. 27. How it may be elcaped, coa. 7. 3. cat. 153.

Curling, fiiiiul, cat. i '5. D

DANCING. Lafcivious dancing forbidden, cat. i 59.

Dead, not to be prayed for, con. 21 4. cat. 183.

Death, being the wages of fin, con. 6. 6. cat. 28. 84. It is appointed for all men. cat. 84. How it is an advantage to the righteous, cat. 85 . The (tate of believers immediately after death, con, 32. I. cat. 86. ^f ^he wicked; ibid.

B L E. ^

The death ofC^rifl, con 8 4 oai. 49 In It h( law no corrtpiion t.;n. b 4. cat (2. '^l he divine nature hav ng fuftaintrd the human from finking under the power of death, cat 38 fly his ob^'dience anddtat'i, be made a proper, real and full a- tisfadlion to th'. jultice of the \ a- ther, con u, 3 cat. 71. Th Vthe virtue of his death and rcfurrciJlt n, believers are fa;i<5tfied, con. 13. i. Believer.shavefellowlhip withC'riil in his death, coo 26. i. and from his death and refurreibon they draw (Irength for the moi lifymg of fin an«i quickning of grace, cat. 167. The Lord's fupper is a memorial of h's death, con. 29 i. cat i63. and in that lacrament, worthy com- municants meditate alfcdionately on his death and fuiferings cat 174. and receive and feed upon kll i!ic benefits of his death, con. 29 7. The Decalogue. See commandments. The Decrees ofGod,the»ature, end, extent and properties of them, con. 3. r, 12. The decree of pre- dedination, con. 33. 4. ot e!ec- '% tion and repiobation, con 3 5,6, 7. cat 13. rlowGodexeci.ietnhis decrees, cat 14. How the do(^rino of decrees is to be handled, and what uie to be made k.{ them, con. 3. 8. Curious pryinjj intj God's decrees, forbidden, cat, 113. Defertion. Wilful defcrtion, un- lawful, cat: 139. Such as cannot be, by the church or civil magiitrate, is caufe li./ficient of diffolv^ng the bond of marriage, con 24. 6-

Dcfpair, 105. Believers " always fuppcrted from utter de* ipair, con 18. 4 cat. ^i. Devil, all compails and cor lilting with him, finful, cat lOj. DjI gence in our caUing, a duty, cat. 141.

Dpping in baptifm, not neccJlary, M m 4 ».''->"•

ihe TAB Li.

con. 2S. 3.

DicoiM nt at the difpofiticns of God's provide net.-, (Tn'ul, cat. 05, 113. Dilconrentmenr witli our own ellaxe, finful. cat. 148. D'vojrce, lawful in caie of adultery after marr,age, or of fuch wilful deierrfon as cannot be remedied, cor, 24, 5, 6. A publick orderly c. urie of proceeding ;s to be ob- ferved in it, con 24 6.

P .niinion. See lovereignty, crea- tui ; fin

J)uahting cf being in Chrid, may confi't with a true intereti in him, ccj. 17 5. 18. 4 cat 81, 17^ And therefore fhould not hinder from parrak-ng of the Lord's oup-" per, cat. 173.

iSrnnkennefs forbidden, cat. 159.

Duty to Go-' byth*" light of n a aire, c .r>, 2»'' j/iJuties required m the fill c<)n'iHianr'iri.nt, cat. 104 In the fccond, cat 108 In the third, cit 112. In the ^ourth cat 116. Duties of interiors to their fuperi- V'S. con. 23 5., cat .27 What is required of fuperors, con. 23 2. car. '29, Duties of equals, cat. J3I Duties of the lixth comma^d- nxnt, cat. 155 Of the feventh. cat. 158 Of the eight, cat 14. Of tl'e ninth, cat. 144 Of the tenth, cat. ) 47


T7 CcleflailtGal powers not to be

,1 -V oppofed upon pr'-tenre of Chriftian liberty, con 20 Eccle- liuftical p rfonfe not exempted from

obedience to the civil njagiilrate, con. 23. 4.

Effcftuivl Calling, Wliat, con. 10. i. cat. ii']. It is of God's free grace, ri^tt froT' any thing forcfcen in man,

con 10 2* cat 67. AH the ele<5l,

a,..d they, ynly are efF^6luaIly called,

v"" n, .,Q.„i, 4. c;it. 68 .The ele»5k ii.Mted. to Cbr-ft m^^ir eJfc(5lual

vaiyr^.cat.e^, %

EleftioD, out of God's mere free grace, con 3. 5. cat. 13. From ail eternity in Chrilt, ibid. Eleiiion not only 10 eternal life and glory, but alfo to the means thtreof", con. 3 6 cat. 13. All the ele<5f, and they only, are effectually called and faved, con 3. 6 10. 1, 4. cat. dd. Tho' others may be outwardly cal- led by the word, and have lome common operations of the Sp^nt, ibid. Eled infants, and other elc<5t perfons who arc incapable of being called by the word, how iaved, con. 10. 3. What u^e to be made of the do6lrme of election, con. 4. 8. And how men may be afTured of their eternal election, ibid. See afTiirance. Envy, finful, cat, 128, 136, J42,

»45' m8 Equals, their duties and (ins cat.

Equivocdfion, fpeakjng the truth in doubtful and equrvocal exprefTr rs, to the prejudice of truth or judice, fmfu), cat 145

Eucharilt. See Lord's Supper.

Exaltation of Chrif^, con. 8- 4. cat. 51. In his reltjrre^ion, cat. 52 b his afcenfion, cat. 53 In his fitting at the right hand ol God. cat. 54. In his coming to judge the world, cat. 56.

Self-Examination, cat. 171.

Excommunication, con i^o 2, "^j 4*

Expiation. Sin cannot be expiated but by the bloodof Chrift, CHt.i')2. F

Fx^ITH, what, con. 14, 2 cat. 7:. God requireth nothing of finners that they may he juOified, but faith in Chrifl, con. 1 i, i cat. 61 Which he requireth as the con- dition to intereft them in the medi- ator of the covenant of grace, cat. 32. It jullifies a (inner in the fight of God only as it is an InOrument by wh-ch he receiveth C V.rill and bis righteouiqefs, con. n, 2. cat 73.


Faith is the gift of liod, con. ii I cat 71. It bcil 8 the \v«;ik. oi the Spirit, con 14 1 cat 59. 72 It is oTi\inarily wrought b> the mini- firyoflhe word, con. 14 i. *n- crealed and ihengthned by the word, facraments arc prayer, ib;d. (Jftrn weakned, but alway's gets the viaory, COD 14 3. Growing up in many to a fuli affurance, con. 1^ 13, cat. Bo Goi'd works fhe fruit and evidence of true, con. 16- 2. cat. 52 Which IS never alonf, but ahvnys accompanied \v]th ail other faving graces, and is no dead faith, but worketh by love, con 11.2. cat. 73 Fall of Man, the nature and effeas of it, con. 6 cat 21- 23, 25, 27, 28. 29. Why permitted con. 6. I How all mankind concerned in it, con. 6. 3- cat 22. Fallinc away, (ee prefeverance. family worlhip daily, required of Cod, con 21.6.

Facing, Religious fafting, a duty, cat ic8. Solemn fading a part of religious worfhip, con- 21 5. Fellowftiip, See communion. Foreknowledge, all things come to pafs infallibly according to the foreknowledge of God con. S- 2. F^rgivenefs, See pardon. Fornicati(m committed after con- traft of marriage, a juft ground of diffolving the contrad. con 24- 5- Fortune. To afcribe any thing to fortune, is finful; cat 105. Free will. See will. Frugality, a duty, cat 1 4 1 . G

GAMING. Wafleful gaming forbidden, cat 142 Glory The communion in glory withChriff, which believers enjoy in this life, cat 83 con. 18. i, 2, o immediately alter death,, con- 32. \ C4t. 86. At the relurreai- on and day of judj;ment, con. 32. 3. 33. 2. cat. 87. 90.

TheT A B L E. ^

'\ heiilory of God, the end ol his dt' crces, con. 3. 3. cat. 7 Thr glory t.f lisgract thccndof thaioo, con. 2 5. cat 13: The glory of h!3 juilice tlic end of the decree (-f rr- probation, con. 3 7. cat. 13. Ihc glory of his ttfrnaJ pouer, wlidom and goodnels, the end of the crea- tion, COR 4, I The manitellaii: on (>f tie glory of his wildom pow- er, ju{i;ce, gcodne's and mercy, is the end oi all God's works of pm- vidtnce, en. 5. 1. cat 18. Tie end of God'b i-ppcirttp^ the VMi judgmtrt is the manifclUtion of if.e glory of his mercy and jnltice, COP. 32 10. To glorify God is the chief end of man. car. i, God is g!ori6ed by good worlv, con. 16. 2, Gluttony, a fm, cat 159. God. The light of nature (hewcth that there is a God, con. ?i 1. cat. 2. What it declares concern- ing him, and of cur duty to him, con. I. I. 21. I. It is not frfficicrt to give that knowledge o\ Crod and of his will, which is nec<(rary un- to faUation, con. I '.cat 2. rhe attributes or perfections of Od, con. 2 I, 2. cat. 7. 101. There .is but one only God, con 2. 1. car 8 There are three p-rfons in the God head, diftmguifhcd by per- fonal properties, con 2. 3. cat 9, 10. The co-equality of the perfons proved, cat ri. To him is due from A\ his creatures, wh^tfoever worfhip, fcrvice or obedience he is pleafed to require, con. 2 2. Our duty to God, cat. 104, lo'^, 112. 1,6. What contrary to tt, cat. 105. 109. 113. '^9- ^/f'^:'* worfhip is to be r>«« ^" ^'""-^ '^l Father, Son, and Holy Gho|», and to h^m alone; and that only in the meditation of Chrift. con. 21. a.

cat. .79^.81. ^^'^^^'w-kT. fliipped in that way only which h =

hath inllituted in the fcnptures,


con. I. I, cat. 109 To glorify God and fully to enjoy hini for e veris the chief end of man, cat. i Gaud works. See works. Go;pc!. How the covenant of grace is idmihiltered under the goinel, eon. 7.6. cat 3f. Withotit \he gojpei no iaivation, cat. 60 con TO 4. InitChrilidothnotdifroivfr, but Strengthen the obJigation to the obedience o^ the moral law, con. 19. 5. Behevers under the goipel have a greater boJdaets of ac9eis to the throne of grace, than beiievers under the law did ordmarily par- take o;, con. 20. i. GovernmeBt, See church, raagiftrate. Tiie Grace of God Eleftion of God''s mere free (jr^ice, con. 3. 5. cat -g. How the grace of God is maBifefted m the lecond covenant/ con. 7 2 cat. 32 EiFeftual calling is af God's {reQ and tpecial grace, con. lo 2. cat. 67 JulfificatioD is ©nly of free grace, con. 1 1. 3. cat. ^70. 7 ; . adoption is an ad of free grace, con. 12. cat. 74. The communion xn grace which believers have with Chrift, cat. 69 all faving graces are the work of the Spirit, con 13. 14. and 15. cat. 32. 72, 75» 7f>. 77- ana do always accompany faith, Con. u. 2. cat ^3. perfe- verance in grace, con. 7 cat. 79. Increale in grace, con. 13 i, 3 ^^^- 7^ 77 affurance of grace, con. 18. cat. 80. 81. H

HARDEN. Why and how fin- ner^ are hardened, con. ^. 6.

Believers may have their hearts

hardened, con ^7.3. Head. The dca are infeparablv u-

nited to Chrift as their head, con.

25. I, 26. I. cat. 64.66. He is the

onlyheadof the church, con 25.6. Hearing What is required of thofe

that hear the word preached, con. -^i. 5. cat. 160.


Heaven, tlie (late of the bleffed, con. 32-1. ;-3

, 'I. 53- 2. cat 86. 00. Hell, the Itate of the damned, con, 32. I. 33. 2. cat. 29. 86. 89. The mcanmg of thefe ^ords in the creed, He defcended into hell, cat. 50

Hereticks to be rejeded, cat. ,05. Holinels. God is nooft holy in all nis counlels, works and command.-, con. 2. 2 Man was created holy arter the image of God, con. 4. 2. cat. 17 Rut by the faU he became wholly defiled, con t. 2. Believers are by the fan^ifying fpirit of Chrift, quickened and ftrengtheaed to the pip.ajce of holinels, con, 13. 1, 3. cat. 75. and are made per- feaiy holy la heavea, con. 32. r. cat. 86, 90 See fanaification. The Holy Ghoft equal with the Fa- ther, con. 2. 3. cat. II. He is promitei to the elefl in the cove- nant of grace, con. 7 3. cat. ^a. By him they are united to Chrift, con. 26 I- For by him the re- demption purchafed by Chritf is applied to them, con. 8, 8 11.4. cat 58, 59. By him they are pffec- tuaily called, con. 10. i. cat. 67. and have faith wrought in their hearts, con. 14. j. cat 59. 72. He is given to them in adoption, con. 12. cat. 74. and applying the death and refurrcdion of Ghrifl to them, by his powerful operation, they are fanaified, con. 13. i. cat, 75. Having repentance wrought, and all other faving graces infufed into their hearts, con 13 i. cat. 32-75 76, 77- ' hrough the con- tinual jupply of ftrength from him, bfilievers grow in grace, con. 13. 3. eat. 7^ The outward means «.•-€ by him made effeaual to the elea for falvation, con. 7. 5, 6. 2J. 3. eat. 155, 16 ». Prayer is to be made by his help, con. 21.3 cat. 1E2. ability to da good works is


rhe rABLE.

ftom htm. con. i6. 2. affarance ottaithisattaincabyhiswitneiRng with our ipirits that we are the children of God, con. 18 2 cat. 80 By his abiding within believers, they are iecurcd trom fallnig to- tailv away from th'^ date ot ^race, and'art: kept by the power of God through hxih uuto falvation, con.

17, 2 cat 79. Hop« of glory, con. 18. i. cat 83.

the hope of hypocrites, con. 18. 1. Humiliation of Chrift, con. 8. 2. 4-

cat 46. «n his conception and

birth, cat. 47 In his hfe, cat. 4^.

in his death, cat. 49. after death,

HvpocHfy, making profeffion of reli- o;cn in hvpocrify, or for ^^"''^^^ ends, rmful, cat. 113. The hypo- crites hope, con. 18. i.

Hypollatical. See perfonal.

IDLENESS, unlawful, cat: 139, ,42. Idolatry, all the kinds ot It

f.rbidden, cat. ,05. 109. all mo- numents of idolatry ought to be removed, cat 108 1 fts Perverting the fcripture to Vofane jells, finful cat ,13. jlius. why recalled, cat ^i. See

iJorL, not to be admitted to the

Lord's table, con. 29.8 cat 173- image. Man made after the image of God in knowledge, nghteouf- nefs and hohnels, con. 4 2 car ,. this image is renewed by fanaification, cat 7 5- ^"^ *^^7 perfeaed in heaven, con 32 i.

;„"g'';^°lhip of all kinds, dlf. charged, cat .09 jj,„»c

I^pumion Thegu.kof Adam = firft fin is imputed to all h.s pofte- ,ity, con. 6. 3. the obed,ence and Vatislaftion,.fChrift.s imputed

to believers con. M. 1 «t. 70.

K:s ng

'teoufnefs .is imputed

them, cat. 71. 77-

Incarnation o«Chr,ll, con. 8. J. cat.

licelfdl'charg-^ 3,. inceau- ous marriages, wnicl. are with,; il.e dtortes ol o-n'anguimty ot alUni. ,,. torbuiJen m the ici ;p.urc3, can never Ik mi-ie lawlul. con J4. 4. U,,j„ll inclolures and depopulai.onj

forbidden, cat 142

^ncrealc of grace, IS Irom a continual fapplyot' llrf-njth Item the lancu- fyfng Spirit of Chrill, con. .5.1.

Inno" nc" The Hate of man in inno- cency.con. 4. 3.catI7. 20.^

Inlanis, how laved, con. .0. ,. 1^- lantscf one or both believing pa- rents are to be baptized, con. aE.

itgroffingt^CommcKlities .0 iahance their price, unlawful, cat. .42.

Inl-piration. The books of the old and new Teftament are giv n by

;"s"p efily fliVe. cat. 44- »« ' kj; tlrceiVion, that .he re-


r/^:/ and their perfeverance rpentuVonh.cont,nual.n.e^.

;^L?':n:meteafur=o. their comlott, con 17-3 ';, I^f Oie

world, con »• ''f ./° ^^ ^^^t .5. nvall come at ^Hc lalUa _c^^^5^^^^^ The Judgments of God v^po^^^^^^

in this world, con 5 ^. .^^t^^. 8, Ho. believers may hr^-^^^^^^^^ poral judgments on tbetn ^^^^


con. 17. 5. Cod is jud: and terrible in his judgmems, con. 2 i

The lait judgment, Wliat, con. 33. I' Appointed for angels and men, con, 8. 4. 23. I . cat. 88. The end of its appointment, is the manifef- tation of God's mercy and juftice, con. ^jt. 2 Chrift (hall be tne judge con 8 4. 53 I. How he fhail come to judge the world, cat. 56. Why- he v/oul'l have us certainly per- fuaded of it con 33.3. Why the time of it is concealed, con. 33. 3. cat. 88. The judgment of the righteous, con. The judgment of the wicked, con. 33. 2. cat. 89.

Judical 'aw See law.

The jufiice of God, fully fatisfied by Chnlt's obedience and death, con. 8. 5. 1 1. 3. cat 38. 71' It is manifefted in the works of provi- dence, con. 5 I. In the juUiricati- on of finners, con. 113. In the laii judgment, con. 3 :? 2

Juflice in conrra(^s and commerce between man and man; cat. 141, 142.

Jultiflcation, What, con. 11. i, cat. 70. All the elcd, and they only, are judified, con 3. 6. Whom God did from all eternity decree to juf- tify, con. 11. 4. But they are not juliified till the Holy Spirit doth in due time a^ually apply Chrilt un- to them, ibid. How ju(tification is of God's free grace, con. 1 1 . 3 . cat. 7 I . Faith is ncceffarily required for juftification, cat. 71. But it julhfies a (inner only as it is an inltrument, by which he receiveth Chrift and his righteoufnefs, con. it. i. 2. cat. 73. The exa^ juftice and richi grace of God, are both glorified in the juitification ot finners, con, 1 1. 3. juitification, the fame under the Old Teftament as under the New, con.i|.6. It is infeparably joined with fanftification, cat 77 How they differ, ibid, Thofc that are


juftifiid, are perfe(5lly freed ia this life from the revengi>'>g wrath of God, that they never fall into con- demnation, con 17. I. cat. 77. 79. But corruption remaining in tiiem, con. '6 5 13. 2. cat. 78. They fart into many fins, con. 17. 3. cat 78. Which God continues to forgive ; upon their humbling themfelves, confcfTing their fins, begging pardon, and rene\*i»ng their faith, and repentance, con 1 1. 5. K

KEYS. The power of the keys. What, con. 30. 2 Committed ciiurch-ofScers, ibid The civil magiftrate may not afTume this power, coi. o^ 3.

King, Chrift the king of his church, con 30 I, How he executeth ihc office of a k;ng, cat. 4^. What meant by the coming of his king- dom^ Chf 191.

KaowJedgt. God's knowledge is in» finitf, infaihble, and independent upon the cre.iture, con. 2. 2 The knowledge wi'ich m^y be had o^ God and of «ur duty to him by the light of nature, con. i. i. 21 I. cat. I. The icriptures are only fuf- ficient to give that knowledge of God and of his will. Which is ne- celTary unto falvation, ibid . L

LABOUR is to be moderately u.rd, cat. 135. 136.

Land Marksnot beremov*d>cat.i42.

Law. The ceremonial law, what, con. 193. It is abrogated now under the New Teftament, con 19. 3. 20. I. How the covenant of grace whs adminiftred under the law, con. 7. 5. 8 6 cat 34.

The Judicial Law expired with the ftate of the Jews, con. 19. 4. And oblige-s no further than the gene- ral equity of it requires, ibid

The Moral Law. What, cat. 93 Gi- ven to x'^dam with a power to fu'^fil


it, con, 4. 2. 19. 1. cat. 92. The ten commantlniepts the ium of it, con 19. 2- cat 98 Tho' believers are not under it as a covenant, con. 19. 6. And are not ible perfcdiy 10 ki-ep it, cat. 149. Yet it cooti- nucs to be a perfeft rule of rigbie- oulnefs, con. 19. 2 Binding ail, as well jultificd perfons as dthcrs, con- 19. 5 Chril^, in the gofpel, hav- ing not aboliHied, but much llrength- ened the obligation to the obedi- ence ot it. ibid And although no man lince the fall can, by the mo- ral law, attain to righteoufneis and life, con 19 6. cat 94. Which Chrlll alone hath purchaied for the eleil by Uis perfect obedience, con. 8. J. Yet it is of great ule to all, con 19. 6. cat 95. the ufe of it to the regenerate, con. 19 6 cat 97. the ufe of^ it to the unre- generate, cat. 96- N'>t contrary to the grace of the goipel, but doth fwectly comply with it, con. 19 7. . the Spirit of Chrili fubduing nnd enabling the will of man unto a free and cheerful obedience to the will of God, con. 19. 7 cat 32. UnnecefTary lavvfuits to be avoid- ed, cat. i4f, 142. Liberty. Chriftian liberty, what, con. 20. .. Wherein it is enlarged under the gofpel, ibid, the end of Chriftian liberty, con. 20. 3. Li- berty to fin inconfiltent with it, ib. It is not intended to deftroy eccle- fiaftical or civil powers, bur to fup- port and preferve them, con 20. 4, N'^Ither are men thereby allow- ed to publiih opinions, or maintain pradliccs, that are contrary to the light of nature, or to the known principles of Ghriftianity, or fuch as are dcftru^live of the'peace and order of the church, ibid. Liberty of confcience,what^ it is, and whit repugnant to it, con 20 2. Making men the lords of our faith

and cunfcience, unlawful, coo. 7; 2. Cat. 10?,

Life, ttcrnal life purchaied by i.hrift s perte^ ot)edicncc to me lav, con 8 5. the tree of life wa* a pledge ot the covenant ol \«ork«, cat 20 the life of any not to be taken away, eKcrpi in cafe ot pub- lic judice, l.twlul war, or neccf- fary defence, cat 156 Li^^ht of nature. What may be known ot God and ot our duty to hnu by it, con. I. t. 21. I. cdi 2 It is nut fufiicient to make us wife un- to falvation, coo 1 1. 10. 4, 21. 1 cat. 2 60 li is "f the law of nature that a due p»rtion of time be let apart in the worlhip ol God, con. 21.7.

Wanton Looks, fir.'ul, cat 159. Lord's prayr. Sc:e prayer. Lord's fupper. The inititution, na- ture and ends of it, con 29. i . cat. 167. Chnil not offered up iv) Ins Father, nor any real facrihce ior fin made in it, con 29. 2 the nufs abominably injurious to Chrill's one only facrifice, ibid- the outward elements in this iacrament arc not to be adored, con. 29 4- tl^cy Uill remain truly br^^ad and wine, con. •^9. 5. the dodrin. o! tranlublUn- tiation is repugnant not only to the fcripture ; but even to common lenfe, and has been and is tht caulc of grot's Idolatries, con. 29. 6. How 'hrill hath appointed bread anil wine to be given and received in the facrament, con. 29- 3- ^*^* 169. It is only lobe idminillcr d by a miniilcr of the word lawfully ordained, ci-n. 27 4. cat. . 0 Ic is not to be received by any one a- lone.con. 29.4. It is to be receiv- ed in both kinds, ibid. What re- lation the elements in this facra- ment have to Chnif crucifird, con. How Chrifk is prelcnt there, cat. i7o. how btHev- crs

29 J con. 2«;.


vers feed on Kim therein, , ^. What prepiiration is required for receiving it, cat. 17 j. Doubling may confift with ^n intercil in Chrili, con. 17. 3. 18. 4. cat. 81. and therefore (hould not hinder iVom partaking of the Lord's fup- per, cat. 172. ,But the ignorant and Icandalous are not ,to be admjted, con. 29. 9. cat. 173 What duties required in the time of receiving, cat. 174. What duties after receiv ing, cat* 175. Frequent atttCndance on it, a duty, cat. 175. 177. The agreement and difference between the Lord's fupper and baptiim, cat. 176, 177. Lots, cat. 112, 113- Love. Eieilion is of God's free loie, con. 3, 5 cat 13. Which is un- changeable, con. 17. 2. cat. 79. and therefore true believers can neither totally nor finally fall away from the (late of grace, ibid. The ienfe of God's love is attainable in this life, cat. 85. See afTu- rance. Love to God is a duty, cat. 104. Which the light of na- ture (heweth, con. 21. i. To love the Lord our God with all our heart, &c. is the fum of our duty to him, cat. 102. Love to God is neceffary to the right perfor/nance of the duty of prayer, con. 21 3. cat, 185. Love to God and the bre- thren is necelTary to right commu- nicating, cat. 168,171, 174 True believers are never utterly delHtute of the love of Chrift and the bre- thren, con. iS. 4. Wherein love towards our neighbour confills, cat. 135, 141, 144, r47. What con- trary to it, cat 136, 142, 145, 1^8. .It is the fum of cur duty to man, cat. 122. Lyieg fmful, cati 145. M .

MAGISTRATES,appointe4by God, con. 23. I, Fcr whit >nd;, ibid, Liwfui for chriftiaDS

10 accept the ofiice of a piagvftrate, con. 23. 2. The duty ot iht Civil magiltratc, con 23. 2 cat. 129. con. 20. 4 Read the Icnptures let- ter r The fins of the magittrate, cat 130. 145. He may wage war upon jurt and neceffary occafions, con 23. 2. His power in church- affairs (fated, con. 23. 3. The du- ty of the people towards their ma- ^iftratts, con 23 4. cat 127. Their fns againlt them, cat, 128. Ecclefiaffical perfons not exempted from obedience to the civil magif- trate con. 23 4 The popr hatK no power or jurifdicflion over raa- gillrates, or their people, ibid, the mag: (Irate is nor to be oppofed in the lawful exerciie of his pow- er, upon pretence of chriffian li- berty, con. 2©. 4 Infidelity or difference in religion doth not make void the magiftrate's jujl and legal authority, con. 23. 4 Man, how created, con. 4. 2. cat. 17, His (fate l^efore the fall, con. 4 2. cat 17, 20. His fall, and the ef- fefts of it, con. 6. cat, 21. 22, 23* 25, 26, 27» 28, 29r His (late by the covenant of grace, con 7 3, 4. 5, 6 cat 30, 31, 32, ^3, 34, 35 Man's chief end, cat i. Man Ue^aling, difcharged, cat 142, Marriage, the end of it, con. 24. 2. cat. 20. Between more than one man and one woman at a time, un- lawful, cun. 24 I cat, 139, Lkw- fal, for all forts of people who are capable to give their confent, con, 24 3. And who are with'»ur the decrees of conlanguity or afliai- ty f'. rbidden in the fcriptures, con. 14, 4. But marriages within thofe degrees can never be made lawful, ibid. Protellants fhould not marry with infidels, Papjfts or other ido- laters, con. 24. 5. Nor fuch as are gcdly, with thofe that are notori- oufly wi<;ked, ibid. A contr8(^ of


The 7 ^B LE,

marriage may be difolved for a- dultery or toroication committed after the contract, con 24. 5. The boad of marriage can cnly be dil- iblved for adultery after marriage, and fuch wUful delertion as cannot be remedied^ con. 24. 5, 6 Undue delay of inarnagf. prohibiting of lawful, aod difpenfing with unlaw- ful marriages, are fintul, cat. 139. Vows of perpetual fingle lite arc fintul foares in which no chriftian may iatangle himfelf, con. 22. 7 cat. 129. Thofe who have not the gift of coatinency ought to marry, cat. i;i8. The duties of married perfons, cat. 139, 141. The Mafs abominably injurious to Chrift's one only facrifice, con. 29. 2.

Means. God in his ordinary provi- dence maketh ufe of means ; yet is free to v/ork without, above and a- gainft them at his plcafure, con. 5. 3. The outward and ordinary means of falvatioo under the law, con, 7. 5. cat. ^4. Under the gof pel, con. 7.6. cat. 35, 154. The diligent ufe of them is required in order to efcape the wrath of God, cat 153. How they are made, ef fe(5^ual, COD.25. :?. cat. 155, iSr, 182. Trufting in meaus fintul, cat. loj. Unla-wtul means not to be uf- cd, ibid.

Falfe meafures unlawful, cat. 142. Meat to be moderately ufed, cat. 135.136.

Mediator. See Chrift. The mercy of God, con. 2.^. It ie manifefted in his works of pro- vidence, con. 5. I. It is of God's free love and mercy that the tk£t are delivered from fin and raifery, and brought to an eflate of falva- tioo by the fecond covenant, cat. 30. God is merciful to penitent fin- .nersin Chrift, con, 15. 2. cat 76. For whofe fake wcrcy is to be pray-

ed for, cat. 180. Works of nercy arc to be done even on the Lord's day, con 21. 8. cat. 1 17.

Merit No mciit in good works, for pardon of fin 01 eternal life ; and why, con. 16, 5 Nor can we m* rit the outward hltlFirgs of this life, cat. 193. but we are to trulk in the merits of Chrift. cat- 174. Who appearing in the merit ot his chc- dience and facrifice, raakcih intcr- ceffion for hi> pt-oplc, cat ^j

Meffiah, The eLduadcrthtold Pef. tamei.t believed in the prontiicJ Mcfliah, by whom rhey liad lull rc- mifTion ot fins, and cttinal laivuii- on, con 7 58 6 car 34.

The Miniltry given by i.h.rifi to the vifible church, con. -5. 3 The maintainance thereof, a duty, cat. 108. A rainiltcr <jf the gofpcl is one fulHciently gifted, and alfo du- ly approved and lawfully called and ordained to t^at office con 27. 4. 28. 2. cat. .fS. By fuch only the word is to be read piiblckly and preached, and the llioramtnis difpeni'cd, con 27. 4. 28 2 cat. .56. 5S, 159, »69.

Moral law, Sea law.

Mortification. The regenftate have

the corruption of nature mortified

through iJhrilt, con. 6. 5 And

the feveral lufts of the body of

fin, con. 13. 1. Believers draw

ftrength tV <m the death and rpfur-

region of Chrill for the morlifviog

of fin, cat 167.


The l^T AMb'. of CHrift. That

1^ prayer be accepted, it .s

to be made in the name of Chrifl,

con. 21.3 cat. 178. What it is

to pray in the name of Chrift, cat,

,80 Why prayer is to be made io

his name, cat 181

Tjie name of God is only that by

which mtn ought to fwear, and

iherem it is to be ufed with all ho-


The TA

ly fear and reverence, con. 22- 2. Hnvtr the name of God ought to be ufed, and how it is piolaned cat.

112, ii3> iM. »9?- Nature, bee corruption, original fin, ligiu ot nature.

The two natures of Chrift. See Chriit, incarnation, perfona! unioa The Bew tedament in Greek is that to which the church is finally to ap- peal in controverfies ot religion, con 1. 8, the adminiilration of the covenant of grace under the gofpel, is called the new teftameut, con. 7. 6.

Neighbour. See charity, love. Niggardlinefs, finful, cat 142.

O Aaf\\TH, What it is, con. 22. V^ 1, It is a part of religious worftiip, ibid, the name of God is that by which men ought only to fwear, con 22. 2. cat. 108 Vain or rafh fwearing by his naaie is to be abhorred, con, 22. 2. cat. 112. Yet in^ matters of weight and mo- jnent an oath is warrantable under the new teftament, con. 22 2. A lawful oath impofed by lawful au- thority, ought to be taken, ibid. It is a fin to refule it, con. 22 3. A man muft fwear nothing but what he is fully perfuaded is truth ; neither may he b-nd himfelf by oath to any thing, but what he believes to be juft and good, and what he is able to perform, ibid. An oath is 10 be taken in the plain and com- mon fenfe of the words ; and, in things not finful, it binds to per- tcimance, though to a man's own hurt, or made to heretics, con. 22. 4- cat 113. But it cannot oblige tu fin, ibid.

Cbedience is due to God in whatfo- cvtr he is plealed to command, con. 2.2. cat. 104. Chrlfl hath perform- ed perfect obedience to the law for us in our Latare^ con. 8> 4. cat.


38 39 48 97 and by it purfchsf- ed an everlaliing inheritance in tiie kingdom of heaven for tlie eled, con 8 5 cat. 38, His obedience is imputed to believers, con. i i . i . cat 70. He hath not aboliihed, but much ftrengthened the otiligatijB to the obedience of the moral l.<w, con. 19. 5 Good works d;. :*e in o- bedience to God's commands, are the fruits and evidences of a true faitn, con. 16 2 cat. 32. How the fmcerc, the* imperfed obedience of believers, is accepted and reward- ed, con 16 6

Obedience is due to the lawful com- mands of a magiflrate, con. 2i 4.. cat. 127, 128.

Offices of Chrift, of Mediator See Mediator His prophetical olRce, cat. 43 Prieftly, cat 44, and king- ly, cat. 45.

The Old i'eflament in Hebrew is that to which the church is finally to appeal in controverfies of religi- on, con. I 8 the adminiftratioa ot the covenant of grace, under the law, is called the Old Feftament, con. 7.5-

The ordinances of God given by Ghrtfl to the vifit>le church, con. 25. 3 the orimance. under the law, con. 7. 5 cat. 34 thofc un- der the go.pcl, con. 7 6 cat. 35:. Which are fewer, and adminiftercd with more fimplicityv and lefs out- ward glory ; yet in them grace and ikivation are held forth m more ful- nefs, evidence and efficacy, ibid, all God's ordinances, efpecially the word facraments and prayer, are the outward and ordinary means of faivation, cat. 154. How they are made eff«rdi)aJ, con 25- 3. cat, 155, '6.. 182. the neglvd, con- tempt or oppofing them, finful, cat.

lov. Original corruption See corruption. Original un. See fin,


TheT A B L E.

PAPISTS. Proteftanti fhould not nurry with papills, con. 24. 3.

Pardon. See fin.

PafTions, to be reftraincd, cat. I3J. '36

PafTover, one of the types and ordi nances by which the covenant of grace was adtnlniftred under the law, con. 7. 5. cat. 34.

Patience, Patient bearin-j of thehand of God, a duty, cat. 135. Patient bearing and forgiving of injuries, a duty, ibid.

Peace of confcience. Sceconfcience.

Pedo-baptifm. See infants.

Perfeverance of faints. They whom God hath accepted in Chrifl can never totally or finally fall away fr(>m the eftates of grace, con 17 I. cat. 77, ?9 Upon what their perfeverance depends, con. 172. cat, 79. How far they may fall, con. 6. 5. II. f. 13, 3 17 4. ifc. 4 cat. 78 they are always kept from ut- ter de (pair, con i8, 4 cat 81. How they arc recovered when they fall under God's fatherly difplea- fure, con. 10. 5. 13 g.

Three Perfons in the Godhead v>f- tinguifhed by perfonal properties, con. 2 3. cat 6. lo. the quali- ty of the perfons proved, cat. ii. the perfonal union of the two natures in Chrift, con. 8. J. cat. 36. ? 7- By reafon of this union, the proper works of each nature are accepted of God, and relied on by believers as the work of the whole perfon, con. 8. 7. cat. 40.

Phyfick to be ufed moderately, cat.

»35. Lafcivious piftures difcharged, cat.

139- Polygamy unlawful, con. 24. i. cat.

139. The Pope has no power or jurifdlic-

tion over civil magittrates or their

people, con. 23, 4. He is in no feafe

head ot the church, but is anti- chri(t, COD, 2< 6.

Poweri ccclefiaffical or dfil, not to be oppofed upon pretence of chnf- tian liberty, con 20. 4. Power of"* the keys. Sec keys.

Praifes to be joined with prayer, cat, 196

The Praifc of any good, we either are, have, or can do, not to be afcribed toforiune, idols ,ourfclves, or any other creature, cat. 105.

Prayer, what, cat, 178 th« duty of all men. con 21 3 to be made to God only, and why, con. 2j, 2. cat. 179. that it may be ac- cepted, ills to be made in the name of Chrift, by the helpot the Spirit, con. 21. 3 cat 17S. What it is to pray in the name of Chrift, cat, 18a. Why prayer is to be made ia his name, cat. «82 Howthe Spirit helps to pray, cat 182. How pray- er is to be made, con. 21.3. cat, 185 For what and for whom vre are to pray, con 12 4 cat 183. 184. Prayer not to be made for tlie dead, nor for thole of whom it may be known that they have linned the fin unto death, ibid. Praver, now under the goipel, is not made more acceptable by any place in which it is performed, nor towards which it is dire(5lcd. con. 21. 6. the rule of prayer, cat. 186.

The Lord's prayer. How to be ufed, cat. 1S7 It is explained in the ca- lechifm from queition 188, to the end.

Preaching of the word, is a part of the ordinary religious worlhip of God, con. 21.5. And one of the ordinances in which the covenant of grace is adminiitred under thie new tedament, con. 7. 6. cat. 3J. None are to preach the word, but miniders of the gofpel, cat. 158. How they arc to preach, cat. H9. How the preacning of the word is N n made


made eff£(5lual to falvation, cat.

Pr deftiaatioD, con. 3 3, 4. cat. 13. the do<^rine ot prede(tination how to be handled, and what ufe to be made of it, con. 3, 8.

preparation required to the hearing of the word, cat, 160. What pre- paration requifite to the fabbath, Cat. lyy^ What to the Lord's (up- per, cat. 171.

Prercienc«. See foreknowledge.

Priellly office of Chri(t, iiow execut- ed, cat, 4-j.

Private worfhip in families daily, a duty con. 21. 6. cat. 156.

Piivilegf-s of the invKible church and of the vifible. See church.

Prodigality, a fin, cat, 142.

The Prcfeflion of the gofpelis adorn- ed . by good works, con. 19. 2. And ought to be attended with a converfatiun in holinefi and righ teeu^neis, cat i j 2. 167

Property in goods and pcfltflicns not infringed by the communion of faints, con 26 3.

prophecies. The covenant of grace adniiniilred by prophecies under the law, eon 7. s cat. 34.

The prophetical ( ffice of Chrift,how executed, cat 34

propitiation. Chrift's one only facri fice the alone propitiation tor all the fins of the eled, con 29 2

Proteltants'fhould not marry with papids, coo, 24. 4.

Pro.vidcncfc, isGod'i m9fl- holy, wife and powerful preferving, direifling, difpofing and governing all his creatures and afl the-r adions ; ac- cording to his infallible foreknow- ledge, add immutable decree ; to the glory of his wifdom, po'ver, ju lice, goodnefs and mercy, con. 5 I cat. 18. Events ar-; ordered aec' lading to the nature of fecond

' cauies, con 3. >. 5, 2 God in his ordinary providence maketh ufe of

means, yet is free to work withou'e, above and againft thera at his piea- fure, con. 5.3. How providence is cxercifed about fin, con 5, 4. S^ fin. The a^lual influence of the ho- ly Spirit is required to do good works, con. 19.3, God's provide-nce towards angels, cat 16- Toward men when created, cat. 20. Goa's providence is in a moft fpecial man- ner over his church, con 5* 7 cat, 43.45.63.

Public woifhip not to be neglected, con 21. 6.

Punifliment. See fin.

Purgatory, the fcripture acknow- ledgeth no fuch place, con. 32. 2.


QUaRRELiVG at God's de- crees and providences, fintui,

C9l 1 I 3

Qntrreling, and provoking wofos, iinful, cat 136-

"Queftions that are curious or unprofi- table are to be avoided, cat. 112.

R, 13 EAdING thefcriptures,apart T\^ 0^ religi'')us woilhip. con. 21. 5' How made efledtuai to falvati- on. cat. 155. It is the duty of all to read tht-m apart by themfelves, and with their families, con. i, 8. Cat 159. How the v/ord of God is to be read, con 21.5 cat. 157.

Rebellion, a fin, cat 128.

Reconciliation vith God purchafed by Chrilf's facrifice of himfelf, con. 8 5 cat. 44.

Recieations to be moderately ufed, cat. 135, 136. But not on the Lord's day, con. 218, cat. 119.

Redemption, how purchafed by Chrilt con. 8. 5. cat. 58, 39, 40. For all the eleft. and thtm only con 3.6 To whom it is cert.iinly applied, cob S. 8. cat 59. Altho' it was not a(i^ually wrought by Chri<i till after his incarnation ; yet the ?ertue, eificdcy and benefits of



it, were communlc^^tcvj to the ele(5l in all ages fuccclhrely frofti the be- ginning of the world, con 8. 6, How it is applied to theni, con. 8. 8. cat. 58. 59.

Regeneration, See eflfo(5luaI calling. The regenerate are all frc*rly juftifi. ed, con. ii. i See juflification. And fantflified, coq. 13 i. See fanftification, The corruption of nature remains in them, and all the motions of it are fin, con 9.5 But it is pardoned and mortified through Chrilt, ibid, the ufc of the moral law to them, con. 19. 6. eat. 97,

Repentance, what, con. 15. z. cat, 75. Altho' it be no fatisfadion for iln, nor cau'.e of pardon, yet no pardon y/ithout it, con 15 3, cat. 15:^. Nor condemnation where it is, con- 1 5 , 4. 9. It is every man's duty to endeavour to repent parti- cularly of his particular fins, coo. 15, 5. the doftrine of repentance to be preached by every minillcr, as well as that of faith in Chrift, con 15. 1. Repentance to be de« clared to thofe that are offended, wh« are thereupon to be reconcil- ed, con, 15 6. Reprobation, con 3.7 cat 3. Refurredlion of thrift, con. 8,4. cat. 52. the effedl of his own power, cat. 52. It is a proof of his being the Son of God, and of his fatisfac- tiop to divine judice, &c ibid. It is an aflurance to believers of their refurreftion, ibid, they have fel- lowlhip with him in his refurrefti- on, con. 26. 1. He arofe again for their juflification, con. 11.4. cat. 52. And through the vertue of his death and refurrcclion they are fanftified, can 13. 1. cat. 75. they draw ftrength from his death and refurreiftion for the mortifyin4 of fiQ, and (juiclcning of grace, cat,

|3, 167.

The rcfurrc^^ion of the dead, of the

jull and unjull, con. 32. 2, 3. C4t.

Revelation, the divers ways of God's revealing his will, con. 1. i. Riglueoufncfs, Man was created righteous alter the iHiagc ot God, con. 4. 2. cat, 17. But by fin he fell from that original righttouf- nefs, con.6. 2 c;»t 2j. .And fiiiCe the fall no niiin can attain tori^^h* tcoulhcfs by the mor.^l hw cat. 64. Nor by having righttoulhefs iDfui- ed into them, coo. 1 1. i. cat. 70. But thofe ^vhom God elL'^^lJally callcth, he accrpteth and ace )U;U- cth as righteous, by imputing ihe obedience ,ind fatisfa^lion of Chrilt to them, they receiving and rcfting on him and his rightcoafnefs by faith, ibid. See faith, imput^l•(^n judification. Why the righteous are not de vered from death, cat. 85. Thor (late imojcdiately alter death, con. 32- 1. cat. 86 At the refurredion and day of juij^mcnt, con. 32. 3. 33 2. cat. 87. 90. S

SABBATH, by the l.iw of nat jre, a due proportion of time cught to be let apart for the worih p of God, con. 21.7 God hath iu his word, 'jv a pofitive and p^rpotual commandment, binding all men in all ages, appointed one day in fe- ven, for a la'>btth to be kept holy to himfelf, con. 21. 7. cat. 20, 1 . 6. Which was the lall day of the week from the bep.ioning of the world to the relurrcction of Ciirirt, and the firll day ever fince, a.nd fo to continue to the end of the world, con. 21 7. C4t. n6 How the fab- bath is to be fanaifi-rd, con. 21-8. cat 117. How It IS profaned, cat. 116. Why we are commanded to remember it, cat. 121. The Lord's day is a meni )rial of our crcatioa and redemption, which^in 7, N n 2 n;ort

^he TABLE.

Ihort abrif^gment of religion, ibid being no falvation but in Chrlrta*

What arc the realbns annexed to the fourth command the more to enforce it, cat 120. Why the charge of keeping the fahbath is di- reded to governors of famihes and other Superiors, cat. \\%. A Tacrament, the inftitution, nature and ends of it, con. 27. i. cat. 162. the parts of a facrament, con. 72 2. cat !93. there are only two Ikcraments inftiruted by Chrift, con. 27. 4. cat. 164 which are only to be difpenfed by mini- fters of the word lawfully ordain ed, con. 27. 4 How they are made tfFedual to falvation, con. 27. 3. cat. 161. the iacraments of the old teftament were the fame for fub- ftancc with thofc of the new, con. 47 5 Wherein the facraments of baptiim, and of the Lord's iupper agree, cat. 176. W^herein they dif- fer, cat, 177.

Sacrifice, the covenant of grace was adminiftred under the law by facrifi. ces,con 7 5. 8.6. cat. 34 Which (ignified Chrilt to come, ibid- Who Iiath fully fatisfied the juOice of his Father, in his once offering himfelf a facrifice without fpot to God, con. 8 5. cat. 44 There is no real facnfice made for fm in the Lord's fupper, con. 29 2. that facrament be;ng inflituted for the perpetual remembrance of Chriit's one only facrifice in his death, con. 29. i. cat. /68. to which the mafs is nicft abominably injurious, con, 29.


Saints* See believers communion. Theyarenotiobe worlhipped, con. 21. cat 105.

Si^lvation not to be attained by men v/ho do not profefs the Chriflian religion, be they never fo diligent JO live up to the liglir of nature, or the law of thvit religion which they pr9f?^5:, COD. 19. 4, cat. 6q. ther^

lone, ibid. Who hath purchafed it by his perfe^ obedience and facri- fice of himfelf, con. g. 5. cat 83. For all the eleft, and them only, con. 3. 6 to whom the outward means are made efteftual for their falvation by the Spirit, con 7. 5, 6 25. 3^. cat. )jf,?, 155, 161, 182- Who worketh in their hearts fa\th in Jefus Chrift, ccn. 14. i. cat. 72. Which irneceffarily required oi thfm for their juiiificatiou and falvation, con 7 '3' 11. i cat, 75, 71 the Spirit alio worketh repen- tance, and infufeth all other fav- ing graces, con. 131. cat. 32, 7s » 76, 77. Which neccffarijy accom- pany faith, con. ii, 2. cat 73, the Spirit likewife enahles them unto all obedience and the praftice of holinefs, which is^ the way that God hath appointed them to falva- tion, coo. 13. I. cat. 32, FJeA in- fants dying in infancy are regen«- rated and faved by Chrift through the Spirit, &c. con. 10, 3. Sanflification, what, con. 13. i. cat. 75. Tnfeparably joined with juftifi- cation, cat 77. Wherein they dif- fer, ibid. It is thrrughout in the whole man, con. 13 2 cat. 75. But in this life it is not perfe(5t in any, con. 13. 2. cat. 77. Whence this imperfe<aion proceeds, con. 13. 2. cat. 78. through the continual fupply of (irength from the fancfli- ^ fying Spirit of Chrif^ the faints grow in grace, ptrfediug holinefs in the fear of God, con 133, At death they are made perfed in ho- linefs, cop. 32. 1. cat 86. And at the day of judgment they fliall b^ fully and for ever freed from all (in cat. 90.

Satis!a£lion, Rcpertance is no fatLs- fatPiion.for fin, con. 15. 3. Noj good works, and why, con. 16-5, Neitiier we nor any other creature


The TA

can make the leaft fatis ration for fin. 194 Chrilt klonc haih made a proper, real and full faiis- fa.fl!on to the jullicc of hit Father by his obedience and fuff rings, con. 8. 5. II. 5. cat. ' ;8. 71. Which firisfatflion is imputed to bflitvcrs, they receiving and re(f- ing on Chrilt and his righteoufnefs by faith, con. u i. cat. 70. Scandalous, not to be admitted to the Lord's table, con. 29. 8 cat. 175.

Scoffing and Scorning, finful, cat. 113, 145.

The Scripture. Why nfceflary, con. I.I. What books to be owned for fcripture, con 1, 2, ;.cat. 3. How proved to be the word ot God, con. I. 5. cat 4. Upon what au- thority the fcripture ought to be believed and obeyed, con. i. 4. the fufliciency and perfedlion of the fcr-pture, con i 6. cat. 2. 5. Its perfpieuity, con. 16 the in- fallible rule of interpreting fcrip. ture, is the fcripture itfelf, con- i. c;. the icripture is the only rule of faith and piaftice, con. i. 2 cat. 5, 5 and of worfhip, con. 21. i. cat. )C8, 109. the Spirit fpeaking in the fcriptares, is the fuprenie judge of all controverfies in religi- on, con I. fo. the original text of the fcriptures. is that to which the church is finally to appeal, con. I. 8 But they are to be tranflated into vuigar languages, con. i. 8. cat 156. Becaufe all forts of peo- ple have an mtereft in them and are commanded to read them, ibid. How they are to be read, cat. 157. the illumination of the Spirit of God is necelTary for the faving un- derftanding of the fcriptures, con. 1 6. cat. 157. How the reading of the word is made efFe<5tual to fal- vatioo, cat. 155. Mif^nterpreting, mifapplying, or any way pervert-


ing the word, or any paat of it ?o profane jtlls, is finlul, cat. ji^. Sin, what cat. 24 Original fm, uhat. cat. 25. the fin of our lii([ parents, COB. 6. 1. cat. ai By it they felJ from their origioai righ* teouinefs, and communiuo with Ci'od, and had their naiurci whol- ly conupted, con 6 2 cat. 25, 27 the gu.jt of this fin is imput- ed, and t!!e coiruption of nature conveyed to all their pcfterity, con. 6 3. cat. 22. 26 Will) are thereby bound nver to the wrath of God and curfe of the law, con. 6. 6. cat. 27. 194. From the original corruption of nature, all atitual fins proceed, con. 6. 4. cat. 25. Which are not all equally hainous, cat. 150. the aggravations of fin, cat. i5r. the demerit of every Co, con 6. 6 cat. 152- Punuhnieriii ot fin in this woild, con. 5 5.6. 17- 3. 18. 4 cat 28. 83. In the world to come, con 32 i. J3- 2, cat. -29. £6. 89. Sin is pardoned ior Chriii's lake alone, con. 11. 1, 15. 3.>cat. 70 Sec juflification, fa- tisiaflion. Every man bound to pray for pardon of fin, con. 15. ^. God continues to pardon the finf of thofe that arc jultified, con. 11, 5. How pardon of fin is to be pray* ed for, cat. 194. the fin unto . death, con. 21. 4. cat 183. Bf- lievers have the dominion of the whole body of fie dcltroyed, and the lufts thereof more and more weakned and mortified, con. 6. 5. 13. I. cat. 75. See mortincation, fanftificatioD. How providence is exercifed about fin, con. 4, Why God permitted the lin of our firft parents, con- 6. 1. Why he leaves his children to fall into fin, cc^d. 5. 5 Why arvd how finners arc hardned, con. 5- 6- cat. 68. Sins againfl'the firll commandmcrf . cat. 105. againfl the fcron.!, » -

109. Again 51 the third, cat. 131. Againlt che fourth, cat. 1 19. Sins of inferiors, cat. 128. Sins of fu- periors, cat 1 ^o Sins of equals, cat. 1 32 Sins again/l the fixth com- mandment, cat. 136 Againit the ibvcnth, 139. Againft the eighth, cat. 1^2. -.igJiinU the ninth, cat. 1 45. Againft the tenth, cat > 148-

Sincerity. BelieversloveChrift inlin- cerity, con 18. i. They are never utterly deititute of fincerity of heart, con. 18. 4. Mmi(ters ought to preach fiflcereJy, cat, 15:9. We are to pray with fincerity, cat. 1S5. God is pleafed to accept and re^yard the good works of believ ers, which are fincere, coa i6 6.

Singing ct pfalnis, a- par' of rehgi- ous worlh.p, con, 21.5.

Slanderiog, finful, cat. 145.

Sengs that are laicivious, forbid- den, cat. 139.

The Soul of man is immortal, con. 4- 2. cat. 17. The (tate of fouls, when feparate from their bodies, con. 22. I. cat 86.

Sovereignty. God hath mod fove- Teign dominion over his creatures, to do by them, for them, or upon them, whatfoever he pieafeth, con. 2. 2. The light of nature fheweth that God hath lordftiip and fovcreignty over all, con. 21, t. Eternal lovereignty to be afcribed to God aloae, cat. 796- We are to pray with due appreheafions of his fovereign power, cat. 175. 189.

Spirit, See Holy Ghoft

Stage plays, forbidden, cat. 139.

Stews, not to be tolerated, cat. 139.

Supererogation, impolTible, con. 16. 4.

Superiors, Why (liled fathers and mothers, cat 125. How to be ho- noured, con. 23. 4, cat 127. Their duty, con. 23. i, 2, 3, cat 129. Their fins, cat. 130. Sec magi (hacy. :ierrtition. God may not be wor- -^•^d fifcordir;' to r!;'* :— ,.;^;-^.


tions and devices of men, can, 21. I Religious worfhip not inftituted by God himfelf is not to be ufed or approved, cat. 109. All fuper- ftitious devices. Sec. finful, cat. 109. III.

Supper, See Lord's fupper.

Surety, Ghrift the furety for believ- ers, cat. M. He was throughly furnifhed to execute that office, con. 83. And God accepteth fa- tisfaftion^frora him as their furcty, cat. 71.

Suretyship, that is not neceflary, is to be avoided, cat. 141, Sufpenfio^ from the Lord's table, cofl. 30. 4.

Swearing, See oaths. Vain or rafh fwearing, by the name of God, or^ to fwear at all by ap*;^ other thing, is to be abhorred, con, 22. 2.

Synods, See counfels. T

TALE-BEARING, cat. 145. Temptation. Why God leaves h'S children to manifold temptati- ons, con. 5.5. The wicked given up to the temptations of the world, con. 5.6. Temptations to fin are to be avoided and refilled, cat 99. 66. 13J. 138. How temptation is to be prayed againft, cat. 195.

Tefiament, The books of the old and new teftanaent are the word of God, con. I. 2. cat. 3. And the only rule of faith and obedience, ibid. See fcriptures.

Teftament, why the covenant of grace is called a teflament. con 7. 4. As it was adminiftred under the law, it is called the old teftament, con. 7, 5. And as adminifired un- der the gofpel, it is called the new tefiament, con. 7. 6.

Thankfgiving, to be joined with prayer, con. 21. 3. cat 108. 178. It is to be made in the name of Chrift, con. 21, 3. Solemn thanki^ giving, a part of religious worlhip, con. 21. 5.

To] L ration


Toleration. A falfe religion not to be tulerated, cat 109

Tradition, no pretence for ufing fu- perditious devices in the worOv.p of Cjod, cat. 109. No traditions of men to be added the fcnpture, con. I. 6.

TraD^'ubliantiation is repugnant not q/iJy to fcripture, but to common it^it and reafon, con 2f 6. And is the caufe of manitold fuperftiti- ons, yea of grofs idolatries, ibid

The tree of liic was a pledge ot the covenant of works, cat. jo

The Trinity, fee God, perrons.

Truth between man and man, how preferved and promoted, cat. 144. What things are contrary to it, cat. 145.


UNION of the elea with Chrift, con. 25: I. 26. I cat 66 It is infeparable, cat. 79. Believers are vnited to one another in love, con. 26. I.

Union of the two natures in Chrift, See perfonal union.

Unrtgenerate, the ufe of the moral law to them, cat. 96. Their beft works cannot pleafe God, and why, con. 16. 7. But their negle(5t to do what God commands, is more fin- ful, ibid.

Vocation, See calling.

Vow, a part of re-ligious worftiip, con. 21. 5. What it is, and how to be made, con. 22. 5. 6 To be made to God alone, con 25 6. c?it, loS. What vows are unlawful, con. 22. 7. Violating of lawful vows, and fulfilling of unlawful, is finful. cat. 113.

Ufury, unlawful, cat. 142. W

WAR rnay be waged by chrifli- ans under the new tellament, con. 23. 2-

The Wicked. Their condition in this life, cat. 83. Immediately af- ter death, con. 32. I. cat. S6. In and

after judgment coo 3;. » cat 89. Will the councils of God't will; moll wife and holy. con. 3. 1. cat. 12. it 18 unfcarchable, cun. ^. ". cat 13. It isfree and inunutablr, con 5 14. And mod ngh- teouv con. 2. i. How the will of God IS to be done and fubmitted to, cat 192 Thf will of God, re- vealed in the fcriptures is ihc only rule of faith, worlhip and pra^icc. See fcripture. Lhnft rcvealeth to his church by his Spirit, and word the whole will of God, in all things conccrnmg their cdilication and falvation. cat 48-

Free-will. The will of man is nei- ther forced, nor by any abfoluic nccsiHty cf nature determined to do good oi evil, con 3. 1. 9. i, Man in his (late of innoccncy hafl freedom and power to will and do good, con. 4. 2. 9. 2- cat. 17. Hy his fall he lull all ability of will to any fpiriiual good accompanying falvation, con 6 24 9. 3 cat. 25. 192. The wi^^ IS renewed in converfion, con. 9 4. lo, i. cat. 6; It is made perfc».^ly and im- mutably ^Tt^ to do good alone in the ftaie of glory only, con. 9. 5. Word. See fcripture, reading, preaching, hearing. Worldly-mindcdnefs, finful, cat. 105. 142.

Works. What are good works and what not, con. 16 i. Good works arc the fruits and evidences of a true and lively Ifith, con 6 2. The ufes and ends of good works, ibid. Ability to do good works is wholly from the Spirit of Chrift, con. 16. 3. The adual influence of the Spirit is required for the performance of them, ibid. This is no plea for negligence, ibid. Supererogation, impofiiblc, con, 16 4. Wc cannot by our b«ft works merit pardon oi iin or cier-


The T-ABlE.


nal life at ihc hand of God, and vhy con 16 5. Yet the g«od works of believers are accepted by God tn Chtift, and rewarded, con. 16 C' The works oyinregenerate men caiiBot pleaie dfd, and why, con. 16 7- But to negleft to do what God cwramands, is more fin- ful, ibid Atl perlons (hall in the day of judgm^pt, receive accord iog. to what they have done in the .body, whether good or evil, con.

33- «• Worfhip. To God is due from his ' creatures, whatever worihip he is pleafed to require, con. 2. 2 The light of nature fheweth that God is to be woifhipped, con. 2i- 1 But the acceptable way of worfhip- piigGod, is inftituied by himfelf in the fcriptures, ibid He may not be worlhipped according to the i- maginations and devices of men, con 21.4. cat. 109. Faife wor- fbip is to be oppofed, cat. io8. As alfo any worfhip not infliluted by

God himfclf, cat 109 put tterc ^are fome circumltances cojpct^rnll^ the worfhip of God which are to be ordered by the light of nature and Chrifiian prudence, according to the general rules of the word, con 16 Religious wrrlhip is to be given to God the Father, Son, and Holy Gholt, and to him alone; and that only in the mediation of Chrid, con. 21 2. cat. 179. .gi. The parts at religious woriliip, con. 21* 3. 5 Religious worftiip not tied to any place, but God is to be worlhipped every where in fpirit and truth, as in private fa- milies daily, and in fecret, each one by himfclf; fo hiore folemnly in the public aflemWies, which are not to be negle<flcd, cob. 21.9. Wtath* fee curfe.

ZE AL for God, A duty, cat 1^4, corrupt blind ani iridiicfcet zeal, Hnfal, cat. xo|.


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