Title: Contributions from the Botanical Laboratory, vol. 8 Place of Publication: Philadelphia Copyright Date: 1931 Master Negative Storage Number: MNS# PSt SNPaAg242.4 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE Botanical Laboratory OF THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA VOLUME Yin 1930-193 1 PHILADELPHIA 1 9 S 1 CONTENTS CLELAND, RALPH E. The cytology and life history of Nemalion multifidum, Ag. (Annals of Botany, July, 1919.) FOGG, J. M., JR. The flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massa- chusetts. I. General discussion. (Rhodora 32:119-132, 147-161, 167-180, 208-221. 1930.) II. Annotated list of the Vascular Flora. (Rhodora 32:226-258, 263-281. 1930.) PLOWE, JANET Q. Membranes in the plant cell. (Protoplasma 12:196-240. 1930.) I. Morphological membranes at protoplasmic surfaces. II. Localization of differential permeability in the plant protoplast. See also under Seifriz, William. SEIFRIZ, WILLIAM. The Spierer Lens and what it reveals in cellulose and protoplasm. (Jour. Phys. Chem. 35:118-129. 1931.) -The structure of protoplasm. (Science 73:648-649. 1931.) Sc PLOWE, JANET Q. The effects of salts on the exten- sibility of protoplasm. (Jour. Rheology 2:263-270. 1931.) STEERE, WILLIAM CAMPBELL. A new and rapid method for making permanent aceto-carmine smears. (Stain Technology 6:107-111. 1931.) STYER, J. FRANKLIN. Nutrition of the cultivated mushroom. (Aiiier. Jour. Bot. 17:983-994. 1930.) TAYLOR, W. R. A synopsis of the marine algae of Brazil. (Revue Algologique 5:279-313. 1930.) WHERRY, EDGAR T. Asplcnium bradleyi erroneously reported on Limestone again. (Amer. Fern Jour. Vol. 21, No. 3. 1931.) The Eastern short-stemmed leatherflowers. (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. Vol. 21, No. 9. 1931.) -The Eastern short-styled Phloxes. (Bartonia, Vol. 2, No. 12. 1930.) -A new spiral-orchid from the Southern states. (Jour. Wash. Acad. Sci. Vol. 21, No. 4. 1931.) -^ ^ h > ♦ ^ 4 4j^.^ 'h *1 * * v^ r Tl^J.f^NATQRY NOTE. The following contribution is the abstract of a paper printed in 1918. Through a series of accidents due to the dis- turbed condition of the mail service at the time, the article that should have been included in an earlier volume of the Contributions was omitted. This abstract is now included here with a reference to the original publication in order in a measure to fill the vacancy in this record of the Department's work. October, 1931. Rodney H. True, Chairman, Department of Botany THE CYTOLOGY MID LIFE HISTORY OF !^]L\LION niLTIFIDU?.!, .'^. (An abstract of a paper by the sane title in Annals of Botany, July, 1919) Ralph E. Gleland While the cytological situation in the tetrp.sporic red algae has be- come fairly well understood in recent years, the seat of chromosome reduc- tion has not been satisfactorily established in that group which does not produce tetraspores, and in which no morphological alternation of genera- tions occurs. The results obtained by V/olf e, '04, on Nemaliou, and by Svedelius, '15, on Scinaia are contradictory, and the whole group has been in need of a thorough study. In view of this situation the present invest- igation has been made. Cell structure. Nemalion possesses a true jyrenoid, whicn appearo as a densely staining body at the center of a radiating chronp.tophore. In cells in which photo synthetic activity is great, the pyrenoid is more prom- inent than in cells in which this activity is not so great. Furtnernore. the structure of the pyrenoid is quite different in the two types of cell.s. In cells near the center of the thallus, in which the amount of photosyn- thesis is reduced, the pyrenoid consists of a central body or hub, a series of radiating strands passing out from this hub, to an outer ho llov/ sphere. In cells near the periphery of the thallus the pvrenoid is solid, the re- gion of radiating strands being replaced by a solid matrix. The pyrenoid is probably a metabolic center, concerned with the reproduction of so-called "Floridean starch". The nucleus of the cell is much smaller than the chromatophore, or the pyrenoid, and much less easily observed. Nevertheless, it has been seen in the division stage, and the number of chromosomes was found to be 8, the reduced number. The details of mitosis in the vegetative cells are essen- tially similar to those observed in the cystocarpic filaments (see below). Spermatogenesis. Antheridial cells are produced in large quantities at the tips of assimilative filaments. Often a succession of anther ;.dia may be formed at a single point. The contents of the antheridium slip out as a naked spermatium, which is carried passively to the trichogyne. vjliile attached to the trichogyne, the spermatium nucleus divides, and both ol the resulting nuclei may pass into the trichogyne. A number of spermatia may become attached to a single trichogyne. While several nuclei may enter the trichogyne, only one succeeds in entering the carpogonium proper, which is cut off from the trichogyne by a cleavage plane after entrance of the male nucleus, ; Oogenesis. The procarp arises as a lateral shoot from an ordinary veg- etative branch. From the first it is easily recognised by its broader, blunter outline. It consists normally of 4 cells, although from as few as 2 to as many as 6 have been observed. The trichogyne of the carpogonium sometimes shows traces of a nucleus, although this is rare. It is Probable that the trichogyne was originally an outgrowth of the carpogonium, and that the trichogyne nucleus represents a second gamete nucleus which has lost its reproductive function. Fertilization, This is accomplished rather slowly, so that stages are readily founl. The fusion of nuclei involves a fusion also of chromatic nucleoli* Reduction division. The reduction in the number of chromo somes occurs with the first division of the zygote nucleus. The reticulum is seen to be composed of threads which shorten and thicken, become parallel, and finally break up into 8 bodies, which are the bivalent chromosomes. A character- istic stage of diakinesis is developed in which the paired chromosomes stand about in the nucleus, more or less evenly spaced. When the spindle is con- stituted, it is found to be intranuclear, the nuclear membrane remaining intact throughout metaphase. Eight chromosomes are separated to each pole. There is, therefore, a segregation of homologous units ^ and the division is a true reduction division. The cell is cut across horizontally after this division, forming an upper sporo^enous and a lower hypogynous cell. The upper cell gives rise to the gonimoblastic filaments of the cystocarp. Development of the cystocarp. The divisions which follow the reduction division have been studied in detail. A reticulum is formed out of sub- stance contributed by the nucleolus, and this becomes concentrated in eight regions to form the chromosomes. These are gathered to the equator of an intranuclear spindle, are split and separated to the poles in the usual man- ner. All of the divisions from the first to that occurring at the formation of the first carpo spore have been followed, and these are all found in nor- mal mitoses, involving the haploid number of chromosomes. The carpospores are shed by the rupture of the distal wall of the term- inal cells of the cystocarpic filaments, and the escape of the protoplasts. Other cells are then buddea into the empty shells thus created^ so that a series of carpospores may be produced from the tip of each gonimoblastic filament* Germination of carpospore. This has been followed closely, and the mitosis has been observed, as a result of which the germination tube is cut off from the spore. The haploid number of chromosomes is present in this division. It is a matter of interest that the nucleus remaining behind in the nearly empty spore cell, after the papilla has been cut off, occasionally divides again, although the spore itself is not to survive, and both it and the nuclei thus formed early degenerate. This supplementary nuclear division suggests that the reduction division might occur at the germination of the spore, but it is clear that the chromosome number in Nemalion is already re- duced before this division occurs. Discussion. The type of alternation of generation observed in the red algae is different from that seen in the Archegoniates. In the latter, the sporophyte is m new structure, interpolated between two gametophyte genera- tions. It has no phylogenetic ancestry. Its origin took place simultan- eously with the establishment of the diploid condition as a distinct phase in the life history. In the red algae^ however, the phase which is chiefly characterized by the presence of the diploid condition, in plants possessing alternation of generations, is the tetrasporic plant, which is not a new structure, but an old structure made over, through a delay in the time of reduction. There is, however, a structure antithetic with the original gam- etophytic structure, and that is the cystocarp. This, however, was in exist- ence before the advent of the diploid phase, as is evidenced by its presence in forma like Nanalion, in which the diploid phase has not as yet been estab- lished. While the tetrasporic plant is homologous with the sexual plant, therefore, in the red algae, the situation is complicated by the presence of an antithetic structxire, which in those forms lacking alternation of genera- tions is haploid, but in those having alternation of generations is diploid. Neither "homologous" nor "antithetic^ can be applied accurately, therefore, to the type of alternation characteristic of the red algae. Reprinted from Rhodora, Vol. 32, July to December, 1930 CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE GRAY HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY XCI. THE FLORA OF THE ELIZABETH ISLANDS, MASSACHUSETTS By John M. Fogg, Jr. Dates of Issue Pages 119-132 28 June, 1930 " 147-161 28 July, 1930 " 167-180 4 September, 1930 " 208-221 14 October, 1930 " 226-258 3 November, 1930 " 263-281 18 December, 1930 \ CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE GRAY HERBARIUM OF HARVARD UNIVERSITY— NO. XCI THE FLORA OF THE ELIZABETH ISLANDS, MASSACHUSETTS John M. Fogg, Jr. Part I. General Discussion LOCATION The Elizabeth Islands are formed by a partly submerged ridge of morainal hills which extends WSW from Woods Hole, Massachusetts, for a distance of about 16 miles. This ridge has been separated from the mainland, as well as divided into islands, in comparatively recent geological time. To the northwest this chain of islands is washed by the waters of Buzzards Bay, while along their southeastern and southern shores runs Vineyard Sound, a channel 4 miles wide which flows between the Elizabeth Islands and Martha's Vineyard. To- gether, the Elizabeths and Martha's Vineyard constitute Dukes County, the former being included in (Josnold Township. Seven main islands and twelve smaller ones make up the Elizabeth Islands. Starting at their eastern end the seven principal divisions are, in order: Nonamesset, Uncatena, Naushon, Pasque, Nasha- wena, Cuttyhunk and Penikese. All of tliese lie in a more or less direct line with the exception of Penikese, which is separated from the main axis of the chain, being just one mile due north of Cuttyhunk. Between Nonamesset and Naushon lie Monohansett and Buck Islands, separated by narrow channels or *' gutters" which have been bridged. To the north, and lying in Hadley Harbor, are Captain's and Ram's Head Islands, the latter appearing on some maps as 120 Rhodora [July 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 121 < »- z D O U to I- h- u CO X O < < Puritan Island. To the south of the gutters lie East Buck and West Buck Islands, although here again confusion exists, as West Buck oc- casionally appears on maps as " Monohansett. " The three Weepecket Islands extend northward from the eastern end of Naushon and now constitute a bird sanctuary. With the mention of Gull Island, a small strip of sand lying east of Penikese, and Pine Island, imme- diately to the northeast of Nonamesset, the subject of the minor islands may be dismissed, for the remaining islets are too snudi to have received formal names. HISTORICAL INTEREST OF THE ELIZABETH ISLANDS A unique historical interest attaches to the Elizabeth Islands through the fact that upon the outermost of the chain was uuide the first attempt to establish an English settlement in North America. On the 4th of June (Old Style, May 25th), 1602, Captain Bartholomew Gosnold, after having named Cape Cod and Dover Cliff (now Gay Head), fixed upon the island of Cuttyhunk as the site of a future settlement and, in honor of his sovereign queen, called it Elizabeth's Isle, which name has since been applied to the entire group. Here, upon a tiny islet in a large pond at the west end, the crew of Gosnold 's ship, the " Concord," constructed a rude fort, and here they lived for a period of three weeks. This settlement, short-lived though it was, thus antedates the founding of Jamestown by five years and that of Plymouth by eighteen years, a fact which was commemorated by the erection and dedication of a monument to Gosnold on Cuttyhunk upon the occasion of the tercentenary of the original landfall.^ Cuttyhunk is the only member of the Elizabeth Islands which has been able to boast a permanent popidation. The little town of Gosnold, named after its ilhistrious founder, has long existed as a fish- ing village at the east end of the island and today has about one hun- dred inhabitants. During the whaling days schooners bound for New Bedford were accustomed to stop at Cuttyhunk to pick up their pilots. Another claim to fame on the part of one of the Elizabeth Islands may be made for Penikese, the smallest and most desolate member of the chain. Here, in the summer of 1873, Louis Agassiz founded his school which, through the generosity of the New York merchant who 1 For further details concerning the history of Gosnold on Cuttyhunk and the exer- cises which marked the dedication of the monument in 1903, see the Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches, nos. 1 and 4. New Bedford, Mass. (1903). IRREGULAR PAGINATION 122 Rhodora [July donated the island and funds for the construction of a laboratory, became known as the Anderson School of Natural History. To this summer school, the first of its kind in the country, came students from all over the United States and the roll included names which later became known as belonging to some of the foremost figures m Ameri- can biology. Following Agassiz 's death in December, 1873, the school was contmued for one summer by his son Alexander, but thereafter was abandoned and the island reverted to the State of Massachusetts later to be used as a leper colony, from which function it was released only in 1921. . , .u The island of Naushon has for several generations been the property of the Forbes family, various members of which have summer homes at the east end, near Hadley Harbor. To the Forbeses also belong Nonamesset, Uncatena and Nashawena and it is only through the generosity and hospitality of the owners that it has been possible to carry on the botanical exploration which forms the basis for the present survey. PREVIOUS BOTANICAL WORK ON THE ELIZABETH ISLANDS Mention has been made above of Gosnold's visit to the Elizabeth Islands in 1602. With Gosnold on that expedition were Gilbert \rcher and John Brereton, ''gentlemen and historians." The former has left us a very readable and illuminating account of the voyage. One of the chief objects which Gosnold had in visiting the New World was to collect and carry home to England a cargo of native Sassafras which was then much in demand because of its supposed medicinal value. According to Archer, Elizabeth's Isle (Cuttyhunk) was in 1602 overgrown with wood, a fact not without mterest m view of the present treeless nature of this and of several other islands of the chain Not only did Gosnold 's party find there the Sassafras which they sought, but mention is also made of cedar, oak, beech and ash. The very islet upon which the fort was built is spoken of as cedar- covered Hills Hope (Penikese) was likewise overgrown with cedar, and Naushon which was also visited is referred to as being forested, a character which this island, almost alone of the Elizabeths, has re- tained in large measure down to the present day. References to the plant life of the Elizabeth Islands seem to be lacking for a period of more than 250 years, but we may well suppose that during that interval extensive deforestation was carried on and 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 123 the islands divested of their original tree growth. Certain it is that within the memory of no living inhabitant have there been trees on Cuttyhunk or Penikese, except the few which have been planted by the hand of man. It is probable that this statement also holds for Pasque and the greater part of Nonamesset and Uncatena. Nashawena still has considerable areas which are more or less wooded, and Nau- shon, as already mentioned, has apparently retained much of its original forest. The first published report, known to the writer, on the flora of any of the Elizabeth Islands dates from the year 1874 and concerns the island of Penikese. Among the students attracted to Agassiz 's laboratory in the summer of 1873 was David Starr Jordan, who began his scientific career with a botanical publication. The task assigned to Jordan by Agassiz was an enumeration of the plants growing upon the island and in the waters surrounding it. As the result of this study Jordan published a list^ of the flora in which he included not only flowering plants but cryptogams as well. So far as the lower forms were concerned, since no attempt was made at micro- scopic examination, only the most obvious species were included. The list enumerates 83 species of algae, 2 mosses, 1 fern and 113 species of flowering plants. Although the marine algae were preserved and the original set is still in existence, the wTiter has it on the author- ity of Dr. Jordan that no collection of specimens of the higher plants was made, and we have therefore only the published names as records. In 1923, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Anderson School, a botanical survey of Penikese was made by the staff and students of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Massachusetts. The results of this survey were published in Rhodora for 1924, and, insofar as they indicate the possible direction of change in the elements of the flora of one of the Elizabeth Islands, will be referred to later. Since 1873 nearly a score of botanists have visited the Elizabeth Islands and brought back specimens which are in one or more of our eastern herbaria. Since these records have been incorporated into the catalog which forms the second part of this study, a brief chrono- logical account of these collectors is here presented. Walter and C. E. Faxon, in 1873 and 1875 respectively, collected a few specimens on Nashawena; these sheets are in the Gray Herbarium. 'Jordan, D. S. "The Flora of Penikese. " Am. Nat. vlii. 193 (1874). 124 Rhodora [JULT In 1890 a Miss Weir collected on Naushon a few sheets which are now in the herbarium of the New England Botanical Club Tn August, 1898. Dr. Arthur HoUick made a trip to the islands w. h a view to studying the geological formations there presented In the published account of this survey' the author makes mention o ome of the plants which he found growing on the various member^ of rchain! The few specimens which he collected are m the New York Botanical Garden herbarium. In S herbarium of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole at several plants collected on Naushon in 1901 Some of ^l'- bear the name of S. B. Sipe while the others are merely signed K A. S " Inquiry has shown that these initials refer to Miss Elizabeth A. Simons (now Mrs. Eldred Jungerich). ZiZ 1901 there dates the largest collection made on any o the Eliabeths previous to that which forms the basis of the present re- !!r In tJeL brary of the Gray Herbarium there is a manuscnpt fist compiled by M^. Alice R. Northrop of the plants of Nasha- wena Thl list contains the names of 335 species of flowermg plants InHeri and therefore constitutes a substantial contribution to our knowlX of the flora of this island. Mrs. Northrop spent the sum- Z^ofml and a part of that of 1903 on Nashawena and was thus admirably situated for making careful botanical observations. Her SluLs many surprises: species which are either absent or very locally known from southeastern Massachusetts, some of them con- stating, indeed, notable extensions in range. To this class of ran- t£ big such plants as Cyperus erylhrorhizos, Uvul^na perjoha^ Zerdandica, Ranuru^lu. reptaru> and Hydrocotyle Canbyr. Un- for lately not a single one of these specialties appears to be corrobo- rated by herbarium material. However, Mrs. Northrop did collect orle spelens for permanent record, about one-fifth of the narn^ on her^ist being represented by sheets in the collections of the New York Botanical Garden. And the fact that a few of her most interest- S records, such as Habenaria blepharighttis, Lipans ileptorch^) Zs^i fLlaria discolor and Asclepi^ vertieiUata are substantiated by p n^e^and that others, such as Arisa^ma trphyUurn, Medeola JrgSZru.. Ranunculi Mphinifolius, Myriophyllum p^nnatum, .HoUlok. A. A Reconnaissance of the Elizabeth Islands. Cont. Geol. Dept. Columbia Univ. xi. no. 72 (1901). 19301 Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 125 Hydrocotyle Canbyi, Comu^ florida and Trientalu horealis, have been duplicated by the writer either for Nashawena or other islands of the ^oup, makes it necessary to give definite weight to the plants men- tioned on Mrs. Northrop 's list. In the herbarium of the New England Botanical Club is a sheet of Habenaria orbicidata collected on Naushon by Lillian MacRae in July, 1904. This is the only specimen bearing the name of this collector seen by the writer. A. H. Moore also visited the Elizabeth Islands in 1904 and several sheets of his collecting from Naushon and Penikese are in the collec- tions of the New England Botanical Club. In 1906, J. A. Cushman paid two visits to the islands, collecting on Nonamesset on July 27, and on Naushon, in company with Max Morse, on August 25. Specimens from these trips are in the herbar- ium of the Boston Society of Natural History. Naushon and Nashawena were visited by E. F. Williams on July 10, 1911. The few plants collected on this occasion are in the New England Botanical Club herbarium. In 1911, also, F. W. Pennell made several collecting trips to the Elizabeths, touching chiefly Nonamesset, Naushon, Nashawena and Cuttyhunk. Dr. Pennell's specimens, numbering about fifty, were distributed to the Marine Biological Laboratory and the University of Pennsylvania. Thhty sheets from Cuttyhunk, collected by S. N. F. Sanford in 1917, are now in the New England Botanical Club. Scattered collections were made on various islands by W. R. Taylor from 1917 to 1921. These specimens, with the exception of a sheet of Liparis Loeselii which is now in the New England Club, are either at the Marine Biological Laboratory or at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. H. K. Svenson visited Pasque on September 8, 1926 and collect- ed a few specimens which are now in the herbarium of the New Eng- land Botanical Club. On August 10, 1927, Professor M. L. Fernald and the writer visited Uncatena and Naushon, and the material collected upon that occasion has been distributed to the New England Botanical Club and the University of Pennsylvania. A few specimens were collected by E. W Hervey on Cuttyhunk. These bear no date and are now in the New England Botanical Club herbarium. 126 Rhodora [July COLLECTIONS MADE DURING COURSE OF PRESENT STUDY By far the largest number of records accumulated to form the basis tor the present account of the flora of the Elizabeth Islands represent collections made by the writer over a period of s.x years. From 1923 t^ 1928 Elusive, each island was visited many times and hundreds S specimens were collected. This material has been worked over and Idr^ens have been distributed to the following institutions: Gray XrClum, New England Botanical Club. University of Pennsylvama Souri Botanical Garden, Cornell University and Marme Biolog.cal Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. , j , j .„ i In the Fiftieth Anniversary Survey of Penikese already referred to the writer contributed the list of Spermatophytes -»-!^d m l^^^^ Subsequent visits have resulted in several additions to that list and ladeTssible a more careful analysis of conditions on the island and as stated earlier, such evidences of vegetational changes as are thus afforded will be dealt with in a later section. TOPOGRAPHY OF THE ELIZABETH ISLANDS The general topography of the Elizabeth Islands is that o^^^^^^^^^^ undulating morainal hills with a maximum elevation of about 170 ?eet All the features characteristic of typical morainal regions are here presented, from the rounded hills and depressions, the latter Xn occLp^^^ by ponds or peaty bogs, to the boulders, some the size liTs^TLsl which are scattered everywhere. Nowhere except a o^gThe beache; is there any considerable stretch of fiat land: a walk across any of the islands necessitates repeated ascent and descent of ''llol?^^^^^^^^ sides of the islands, facing Vineyard Sound, the shore tLs to be steep and precipitous, often presenting sheer sand and gravel faces nearly a hundred feet high, rising abruptly from a narrow cobble beach. In general the highest land is along this south shore and the ground slopes away gradually to the opposite side of the Ss where there are frequent coves and low brackish swamps or '"SieTonds which occur in the hollows in the open, -n^ed ^^^^^^^^ inLe'cases, merely small pools which may form desiccated bog^^^^^ or disappear entirely in very dry seasons, or, m other cases, are .The Flora of Penikese. Fifty Years Aft^r. Edited by I. F. Ix^wis. Rhooohx. xxvi. 181-196. 211-219, 222-229 (1924). 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachsuetts 127 sufficiently large to have been designated as lakes. The largest of these latter, West End Pond on Naushon, is more than a quarter of a mile in diameter. The character of the beaches varies from those of the nigged boulder type, liberally bestrewn with huge rounded stones, to tliose which offer a smooth sandy shelf. The characteristic type lies be- tween these extremes, and we find for the most part a shingle or cobble beach with here and there piles of boulders and flat sandy patches. Dunes of shifting sand are rare and occur extensively only at the east end of Nashawena, and along the north shore of Naushon, west of Kettle Cove. In those islands which have been deprived of their trees the open barren hills are covered with grasses, or other low growth, while the dry hollows or protected lee slopes harbor dense patches of scrub vegetation, made up mostly of Myrica carolinicnsis and species of Gaylussacia or Vaccinium. Occasionally an extensive boggy hollow will be densely wooded, the tops of the trees {Nyssa syhatica, Qucrcus velutina, Acer rubrum, etc.) conforming to the height and contour of the surrounding slopes. The most conspicuous vegetational feature of the islands, aside from the open grassy downs, is the dense growth of rather low beech woods which clothes the greater part of Naushon and smaller areas on some of the other islands. From a distance these woods are seen to fit in closely with the general topography, due, doubtless, to the high wind velocity which would tend to level forest growth to the existing lines of the hills and ridges. CHARACTERISTIC FEATURES OF THE SEPARATE ISLANDS As the various members of the Elizabeth Islands exhibit some diversity as regards general topographic and vegetational features, and also in the influence which man has exerted upon the latter, a brief description of each of the seven main divisions is here given. NoNAMESSET. This island, the easternmost of the chain, is roughly oblong with a length of 13^ miles and a greatest width of 3^ mile. Its longitudinal axis lies east and west. The eastern three-quarters of Nonamesset is essentially treeless, save for an occasional wooded depres- sion, while the western quarter is heavily clothed with mixed beech and oak woods. The rather sharp line between tliese two areas, a line which follows, for the most part, an old stone wall, indicates that the 128 Rhodora [July treeless nature of the eastern portion is due to artificial denudation, it probably having been cleared for purposes of agriculture or grazing. Altogether there are about 15 ponds of more or less permanent char- acter on Nonamesset and all but one of these lie in the exposed eastern portion. Munsod Pond, as it appears on the charts, has now become merely an arm of Lackey's Bay and the narrow bar which formerly protected it has been submerged. Nonamesset is connected with Naushon by three bridges which cross the narrow gates or "gutters" separating Monohansett and Buck Islands. The East and West Gutters are open and the rapid current flows through them as through a mill race, but the Middle Gutter is " blind, " being closed by the stone wall that forms the bridge. Uncatena is a triangular-shaped island about J^ of a mile long and Yl a mile wide. It lies to the west of Nonamesset across Hadley Harbor and forms a wedge that juts northward into Buzzards Bay. Uncatena is practically treeless, except for a small natural area in the extreme southern corner, and here again the assumption is that active deforestation has been carried on, for it was from the originally densely wooded nature of Nonamesset and Uncatena that Woods Hole is said to have derived its name. There are about a dozen small fresh water ponds on Uncatena during the course of a moderately rainy summer and a large inland brackish pond drains eastward into Hadley Harbor by a sluice-way which makes of the northeastern part of the island a peninsula. Dry, exposed, undulating grassland characterizes the vegetation of nine-tenths of this island, with an in- crease of scrubby thicket to the westward. The summer home of Mr. Malcolm Forbes is located on the east side of Uncatena and a large central area is fenced off for grazing. This island connects by a bridge across the Northwest Gutter with Naushon. Naushon is the largest of the Elizabeth Islands. It is 6H miles long and averages 1 mile wide, with a width of about Ij^ miles at its widest point. It extends from Hadley Harbor almost due southwest to Robinson's Hole which separates it from Pasque. By far the greater part (perhaps ^) of the surface of Naushon is covered with a dense growth of trees. In some regions, like the area near French Watering Place, these woods present an almost pure stand of beech, in others there is considerable admixture of oak, hickory, hop hornbeam, maple and black gum. Almost the only portions of Nau- shon which are not wooded are those right along the shore or some of 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 129 the higher exposed ridges in the central part of the island. Along the north shore, on one of these treeless stretches, Scotch Broom {Cyiism scoparius) was introduced some years ago and has taken hold so vigorously that it now solidly occupies an area of several acres. In similar spots along this same shore, various conifers (notably larch, Scotch pine and several spruces) have been set out as a windbreak and these appear to be no more than holding their own. Naushon has many ponds, nearly all of them fresh. West End Pond, Marv's Lake and French Watering Place are the three largest, in the order named, and there are about a score of smaller ones, depending upon the degree of rainfall. The island is indented by two large coves, Tarpaulin Cove and Kettle Cove, which are nearly across from each other on opposite shores. It has been suggested tluit it was by the approximation of similar indentations that Nashawena was separated from Pasque in comparatively recent times and that the same process may be going on here in Naushon. The gravel cliffs which in many places form the south shore of the island are high and very precipitous. East of Tarpaulin Cove they are usually barren on their crests, while westward they are frequently wooded right to the very edge. Nau- shon presents several areas of low brackish marshland, the most extensive being near Job's Neck and at the west end near West End Pond. At the east end of the island are the several residences of members of the Forbes family. Here, also are tracts under cultivation and scattered farmhouses and outhouses. Pasque. Lying across Robinsons Hole from Naushon is the island of Pasque, or Peskinese, as it was formerly called. Pasque is roughly oval in form, with a long axis, lying east and west, of Ij^ miles, and a short one about 1 mile. It is almost entirely destitute of trees, save for a few protected hollows. The extreme eastern end is low and marshy, and is drained by a sinuous tidal stream. Numerous fresh water ponds are scattered around the rim of the island, for the central part is high and arid. As on the other islands, the depressions among the hills near the shore are often peaty and boggy and several ex- tensive areas of this sort are to be found here. Pasque was formerly the property of a fishing club. As evidences of this are a large frame club-house, a landing wharf, a truck patch and outhouses, including an ice-house on the edge of a small pond ; all at the eastern end of the island. The ownership of Pasque has just recently passed into private hands. Between Pasque and Nashawena lies Quicks Hole. 130 Rhodora [July Nashawena. The second largest island of the group is Nashawena (formerly Nashuina), or "Little Naushon," with a length of 3 miles and an average width of about a mile. Nashawena contains large wooded areas, chiefly toward the east end, although in the troughs between the long ridges of hills that traverse the island longitudinally trees may be found, except in the western quarter. The shores and the extreme western portion are barren and open, as are likewise the higher hills throughout. Behind the line of dune hills, which forms most of the eastern border of the island, lie two large ponds of fresh water separated by a low swampy area: these are known as the dune ponds. '^ The easternmost of these ponds is separated from the sound by a low barrier beach, and evidence mdicates that inundations of salt water probably occur occasionally durmg the severe storms of winter. It seems also likely that these two ponds have from time to time been connected as a single body of water. Here again, as on Naushon, the highest land is along the southern side of the island and the slope is to the north. Many of the hollows, especially around the margin of the island, harbor small ponds, and in addition to the dune ponds there are several good sized bodies of water the largest of which is Choptauk Lake, two-thirds of the way to the west end There are numerous swampy and boggy areas on Nashawena most of them occurring in the central parts of the island m the wide de- pressions between the lines of hills. In many cases these swampy hollows are overgrown by tangles and thickets so dense as to be ^di nigh impenetrable. It is supposed that, at one time, much of the open land on Nashawena was under cultivation. The old stone farm house, said to have been built in 1725, still stands, although a modem wing has been added to it in recent years. An obscure gravestone bears the date 1736. Today the island belongs to the Forbes famJy and is used chiefly for the raising of sheep, of which there are thought to be about 700. The caretaker and his wife, Captam and Mrs. Mark Jamison, occupy the new wing of the old [armhouse, and to their kind hospitality the writer owes a very enjoyable and botanically profitable visit to the island in July, 1928. CuTTYHUNK West of Nashawena, and separated from it by a very narrow passage, Canapitsit Channel, lies the island which Gosnold in 1602 named Elizabeth's Isle but which has reverted, with some modification, to the old Indian name of Cuttyhunk. Roughly oblong in shape, the main body of Cuttyhunk is some 2 miles long, with a 1930] Fogg. — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 131 greatest width of about ^ of a mile, and lies along a NE-SW axis. From its southeastern corner a narrow sand-spit runs due east for ^ of a mile toward Nashawena. On this strip is located U. S. Coast Guard Station No. 50. The northeastern quarter of the island is occupied by a large body of salt water known as Cuttyhunk Pond. To the east this is dredged to Cuttyhunk Harbor and thus offers a land-locked refuge to small vessels. West of Cuttyhunk Pond is the little village of Gosnold, spread out upon the sheltered east-facing slope which leads down toward the wharf. All of the central and western portions of the island are open grassy downs, exposed to the full blast of winds from the Atlantic. From the lookout station on the highest hill, near the center of the island, the land slopes gently away to the south and southwest. The low-lying western part of the island is occupied by two bodies of water. One of these is fresh and furnishes the supply of ice for the inhabitants; it has long been known to visiting botanists as Ice-house Pond or Sheep Pond. The other is the pond made known to fame by Gosnold and is variously termed Gosnold Pond or West End Pond. Although originally mentioned as a fresh-water pond, and still referred to as such, this body of water, which is separated from the open sea by a very narrow cobble barrier beach, is certainly frequently immdated. In 1927, Potaviogeton bupleuroides and Ruppia maritlma, var. longipes, both reliable indica- tors of a brackish medium, were found growing in it and in 1928 various species of marine algae were collected along its northern shores. Toward the western end of this pond is the tiny island upon which stands the monument to Gosnold already mention- ed, an unpretentious structure of rough native stone. Not far from this, but on the extreme western edge of the main island, stands the Cuttyhunk lighthouse. Several smaller ponds and numerous boggy hollows, some of them rather extensive, are scattered over the western and southern portion of the island, but these tend to disappear late in summer when the rainfall is less abimdant. Penikese. The smallest of the main divisions of the Elizabeth Islands lies a mile to the north of Cuttyhunk. Known also to Gos- nold as a cedar covered isle, and called by him Hills Hope, this island likewise goes today by its Indian name and is, if possible, even more barren and treeless than Cuttyhimk. Penikese is about 3^ of a mile long and J^ a mile wide, with a broadly spatulate peninsula rimning eastward for 3^ mile from its northern end. Its contour resembles 132 Rhodora [July that of the other islands, the highest point, however, being only about 70 feet. Its few trees are mostly the result of an attempt at a planting made around the building which, in the days of the leper colony, served as the home of the resident physician, although several scrub willows grow in one of the hollows around the margin of a small pond on the east side. Of the former luxuriant forest growth Dr. Jordan, writing in 1874, says, " there is now no trace left save the rotten roots of a solitary beech stump and a few branches of red cedar and red maple (?) found buried in the muck of a small swamp. " The status of the ponds on Penikese appears to be even more precarious than of those on the other islands. In favorable seasons six small ponds, two of them brackish, may be found; during a dry summer the number has been known to be reduced to half. Penikese, then, is dominated by open, grassy downs with the exception of the narrow cobbly strip which connects the two portions of the island. That part of the open hillsides forming the northern slope of the island has been taken over by the terns (common and roseate), thousands of which here find their breeding ground. In fact, now that the island has reverted to its wilder state, these birds show a tendency to usurp it altogether. It is extremely difficult to walk across any of the grassland areas during the nesting season without stepping upon the eggs or the young birds. The handsome stone residence building, on the east side near the land- ing, has been partly demolished, leaving only a portion of the structure to house the caretaker who is still stationed there. The frame cottages on the west side of the island, formerly occupied by the unfortunate lepers, were destroyed in 1927, a single concrete structure being all that remains. Thb, and the tiny graveyard at the extreme north end of the island, bear mute testimony to the use to which Penikese was put from 1905 to 1921. The remains of an old wooden reservoir cap the highest hill on the island, while, set in a large boulder near by, is a bronze tablet placed there in 1923 to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the Anderson School of Natural History by Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz in 1873. {To he conlinued) 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 147 THE FLORA OF THE ELIZABETH ISLANDS, MASSACHUSETTS John M. Fogg, Jr. (Continued from page 1S2) HABITATS Despite their almost uniformly bleak and arid nature, the Elizabeth Islands offer a considerable diversity of habitats and the chief of these, together with a few of the most characteristic plants of each, are here described. Beaches. These may be of boulders, cobbles or pure white sand. In the first two cases, few plants may be sought for, although on the shingle or cobble beaches Ammophila brcviligulata sometimes manages to get a foothold in the loose stones. The sandy beaches, however, offer a habitat for certain characteristic species, of which the following may be noted : Ammophila brcviligulata Triplasis purpurea Polygonum glaucum Atriplex patula, var. hastata Salsola Kali Arenaria peploides, var. robusta Cakile edentula Lathyrus maritimus Euphorbia polygonifolia Convolvulus sepium, var. pubescens Solanum nigrum Solidago sempervirens Xanthium echinatum Sonchus oleraceus On some of the beaches dead Eel Grass, Zostera marina, has been piled up by the waves, forming dense mats often two or three feet thick. Salt Marsh. There are no extensive salt marshes on the islands, but a few restricted areas of this nature do occur, such as those along the southwestern shore of Nonamesset, the eastern side of Uncatena, the northeastern end of Naushon facing Lackeys Bay, the regions on the north shore at the west end of the same island, the southeastern corner of Basque and the extreme west end of Nashawena. Other similar patches, scattered throughout, are too limited or local to merit enumeration. As typical of these low, brackish marshlands, or the slightly elevated peaty areas bordering them, may be cited: Typha angustifolia Andropogon glomeratus Echinochloa Walter! Spartina alterniflora, var. pilosa S. patens Distichlis spicata Cyperus ferax C. strigosus Eleocharis parvula E. uniglumis, var. halophila E. rostellata Scirpus Olne3d IRREGULAR PAGINATION 148 Rhodora [August S. validus S. campestris, var. paludosus Carex hormathodes Juncus buf onius J. Gerardi J. articulatus, var. obtusatus Rumex maritimus, var. fueginus On the brackish mud flats, like those bordering Cutty hunk Pond, occur such characteristic things as : Salicornia europaea Suaeda linearis Spergularia leiosperma Hibiscus Moscheutos Ptilimnium capillaceum Pluchea camphorata Suaeda linearis Spergularia leiosperma Plantago oliganthos Puccinellia paupercula, var. alaskana Salicornia europaea S. ambigua Brackish Ponds. Either in the salt marsh areas themselves, or near the shore and separated from the sea only by narrow shingle barriers, occur several brackish ponds, in which may be found such plants as : Potamogeton bupleuroides P. pectinatus Ruppia maritima, var. subcapitata R. maritima, var. longipes Fresh Water Ponds. There are at least 65 fresh water ponds of a more or less permanent nature on the Elizabeth Islands. Of these, some are mere pools 20 or 30 yards across in low hollows or kettle-holes, while others, such as West End Pond on Naushon, may have a width of nearly one-third of a mile. With this wide difference in size there goes a corresponding diversity of pond bottoms and the accompanying floras. Some of the ponds have grassy bottoms and merely represent hollows which have become filled with rain water; others have a sandy or cobbly bottom; while the bottoms of still others are formed of a thick grayish clay. As representative of the plants, floating or sub- merged, of these fresh water ponds may be mentioned: Elatine minima Ludvigia palustris Myriophyllum scabratum M. humile Potamogeton Oakesianus P. pulcher P. diversifoUus Vallisneria americana Glyceria acutiflora Lemna minor Nymphozanthos variegatus Nymphaea odorata Ranunculus delphinif olius Callitriche heterophylla C. palustris M. tenellum Proserpinaca palustris Hydrocotyle umbellata H. Canbyi H. verticillata Nymphoides lacunosum Utricularia geminiscapa Pond Margins. The margins of the fresh water ponds support, in 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 149 most cases, a rather characteristic flora, the components of which de- pend usually upon the nature of the shore. Around those ponds with a pure sandy border the following plants may be listed as fairly typical : Cyperus dentatus Scirpus americanus Mariscus mariscoides Juncus pelocarpus J. militaris J. marginatus Ranunculus Cymbalaria Potentilla pacifica Samolus floribundus Limosella subulata Ilysanthes inaequalis Coreopsis rosea Surrounding those ponds, however, which offer a peaty or boggy border, a somewhat different series may be cited as representative: Thelypteris palustris, var. pubescens Sagittaria latif olia Sparganium americanum Glyceria obtusa G. pallida Eleocharis acicularis Scirpus cyperinus Rynchospora alba R. capitellata Carex lurida Eriocaulon septangulare Xyris caroliniana Juncus canadensis J. acuminatus Iris versicolor Habenaria lacera Drosera rotundifolia D. intermedia Spiraea tomentosa Polygala cruciata Hypericum boreale H. virginicum Viola lanceolata Rhexia virginica Scutellaria epilobiifolia Lycopus uniflorus Gratiola aurea Bidens connata It is not suggested that the two classes of plants above presented be taken as mutually exclusive. In general, however, these species exhibit a marked preference for the habitat under which they are listed. Swamps. Swampy areas occur near some of the larger ponds, notably west of French Watering Place on Naushon and around portions of the dune ponds on Nashawena. In addition, most of the islands boast one or more swampy hollows and Naushon and Nasha- wena each has several rather extensive swamps in low-lying depres- sions near the shore. A few of the characteristic plants of this type of habitat may be noted : Typha latif olia Spartina Michauxiana Phragmites communis Dulichium arundinaceum Scirpus validus S. cyperinus Juncus efTusus, var. costulatus Spiraea tomentosa Rosa palustris Impatiens biflora Decodon verticillatus Sium suave Cephalanthus occidentalis Eupatorium verticillatum 150 Rhodora [August Asclepias incarnata, var. pulchra Lysimachia terrestris Bogs. In addition to the restricted boggy areas in the moist hollows and those forming pond margins, there are several rather extensive bogs of a permanent character. Chief among these may be mentioned one chain of bogs at the east end of Pasque and another series at the west end of Cuttyhunk. Many of the plants which occur around the peaty borders of the small ponds grow also in these open bogs, but certain other species reach their fullest development only in the more extensive areas. The following is but a partial list of some of the more conspicuous of these bog plants: Woodwardia areolata Thelypteris palustris, var. pubescens Osmunda regalis, var. spectabilis Lycopodium inundatum, var. Bigelovii Panicum longifolium Glyceria obtusa Eriophorum virginicum Rynchospora f usea Carex cephalantha C. Howei C. canescens, var. disjuncta C. virescens C. Umosa Eriocaulon septangulare Xyris caroliniana Grassland. As already indicated, the larger part of the surface of the Elizabeth Islands is dominated by open, undulating grassland. The following list, incomplete though it is, will convey more adequate- ly than could any description an impression of the character of these bleak grassy downs: Juncus effusus, var. costulatus Habenaria clavellata H. lacera Pogonia ophioglossoides Calopogon pulchellus Drosera rotundifolia D. intermedia Rubus hispidus Polygala cruciata Viola lanceolata Epilobium palustre, var. monticola Clethra alnifolia Rhododendron viscosum Chamaedaphne calyculata Vaccinium macrocarpon Bartonia virginica Menyanthes trifoliata, var. minor Dennstaedtia punctilobula Andropogon scoparius, var. frequens Paspalum pubescens Panicum virgatum, var. spissum P. depauperatum P. Lindheimeri, var. fasciculatum P. meridionale P. oricola P. sphaerocarpon Anthoxanthum odoratum Aristida purpurascens Phleum pratense Holcus lanatus Poa pratensis Festuca rubra Agropyron repens Cyperus filiculmis, var. macilentus Carex albolutescens C. silicea C. Muhlenbergii 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 151 C. Swanii C. varia Juncus tenuis J. Greenei Sisyrinchium angustifolium Spiranthes gracilis Rumex Acetosella Spergularia rubra Stellaria graminea Cerastium vulgatum Ranunculus acris Lepidium virginicum Potentilla pumila P. argentea Trif olium arvense Polygala polygama Euphorbia maculata Hypericum perforatum HeJjanthemum canadense H. dumosum H. Bicknellii Hudsonia tomentosa Lechea maritima Viola fimbriatula Daucus Carota Trichostema dichotomum Linaria canadensis Eupatorium hyssopif olium Chrysopsis falcata Solidago suaveolens S. nemoralis S. graminifolia S. tenuifolia Aster patens A. linariifohus Sericocarpus asteroides Antennaria neglecta Anaphalis margaritacea Gnaphalium obtusifolium Rudbeckia hirta Achillea Millefolium Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, var. pinnatifidum Krigia virginica Leontodon autumnalis Hieracium Gronovii Scrub Growth. Under the protected lee of the hills, in dry sheltered hollows or bordering the woods, where they form a transition zone between the grassland and the woodland, occur open patches or dense, scrubby thickets of low shrubs, of which the following may be designated as characteristic: Myrica Gale M. caroliniensis Betula populif olia Pyrus arbutifolia Amelanchier oblongifolia Rubus Andrewsianus Rosa virginiana Prunus serotina P. maritima Rhus copallina Ilex verticillata Clethra alnifolia Rhododendron viscosum Leucothoe racemosa Lyonia ligustrina Gaylussacia frondosa G. baccata Vaccinium corymbosum V. atrococcum Viburnum dentatum Woodland. In certain areas, especially near the center of Nau- shon, tlie native woods are made up of almost pure stands of beech, Fagiis grandifolia. These trees grow nowhere very tall, averaging, perhaps, 30-40 feet, and their low, flat, leafy crowns meet overhead, forming a thick roof through which a subdued light filters. This climax beech forest may also be seen on a somewhat reduced scale in portions of Nonamesset and Nashawena. Usually, however, the wooded areas, although they may be dominated by beech, contain a 152 Rhodora [August liberal sprinkling of certain other species, most prevalent among which are: Sassafras officinale Acer rubrum Nyssa sylvatica Ostrya virginiana Quercus alba Q. velutina Hamamelis virginiana In addition to these important constituents of the densely forested portions, a few other trees occur scattered here and there, seldom entering conspicuously into the formation of the heavy woods. As such may be named : Pinus rigida Prunus serotina Chamaecyparis thyoides Rhus Vernix Juniperus virginiana Hex opaca Carya alba Cornus florida Mention has already been made of the efforts which were carried on to introduce certain trees either as a windbreak or for ornamental purposes. Some of these, such as white poplar, ailanthus and catalpa, have taken hold and are spreading, while others apparently just manage to survive. A partial list of these introductions follows: Pinus sylvestris Larix decidua Picea Abies P. glauca P. pungens SaUx alba Populus alba The herbaceous flora which enjoys the protection of the native woodland of the islands is for the most part a rather meagre one. The dry, leaf-covered floor of the pure beech woods is almost uniformly sterile, so far as vascular plants are concerned, although such an habitat presents a rich and varied mycological flora, especially follow- ing a heavy rain. In the more open mixed woods, however, several characteristic species inhabit the shaded knolls. As examples may be cited : Pteridium aquilinum, var. Sanicula canadensis latiusculum Monotropa uniflora Thelypteris noveboracensis Epif agus virginiana Panicum dichotomum Galium pilosum Carex cephalophora Certain of the low depressions or hollows in the woodland areas are swampy and, in addition to high-bush blueberries {Vacciniwn corym- bosum and V, atrococcum) , may harbor such plants as: Betula pubescens B. pendula Gleditsia triacanthos Robinia Pseudo-Acacia Ailanthus glandulosa Catalpa bignonioides 1930] Pogg —Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 153 Sparganium eurycarpum S. americanum Sagittaria latif olia Glyceria striata Carex lupulina Juncus effusus, var. solutus Decodon verticillatus Siam suave Lycopus uniflorus Erechtites hieracifolia Other similar depressions are moss-covered and boggy and in such situations may be found: Carex Howei C. canescens, var. disjuiicta C. brunnescens, var. sphaero- stachya Arisaema triphyllum Oakesia sessilifolia Maianthemum canadense Medeola virginiana Trientalis borealis CHANGES IN THE FLORA OF THE ELIZABETH ISLANDS Here it is proposed to indicate the possible direction and nature of the changes in the flora of these islands. It has seemed advisable to put on record certain facts which illustrate what has already taken place in this respect and to point out others which may be of interest to the future student of the islands in interpreting further changes. The original wooded nat\ire of all of the Elizabeth Islands has previously been alluded to, as has also the fact that the present treeless condition of some members of the chain is apparently the direct result of cutting by man. Right here the (juestion may very well be asked, "Why have the islands thus denuded never regained their fores/ growth?" In attempting to solve this problem two chief factors must be taken into account and their relative importance weighed. In the first place, sheep have been raised more or less extensively on the islands from time to time and the effects of these browsing animals in cropping off the young vegetation must not be lost sight of. Despite the numbers and activities of the sheep, however, they have not sue- ceeded in keeping down completely the herbaceous growth in those areas which they inhabit. Even on Xashawena, where their numbers are greatest, the open grassy downs where they graze boast a large number of species of grasses as well as other plants and one has no difficulty in collecting perfect and unmutilated specimens of any plant which he desires. While evidences of grazing are certainly not absent, the region in general does not present the devastated appearance which so often results where slieep have been allowed to nm wild; and the fact that so many herbaceous and shrubby plants are able to make a showing, especially in the protected hollows, would seem to indicate 154 Rhodora [August 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 155 that it can scarcely have been the sheep alone which kept back the developing growth so severely that the trees were unable to regain their foothold. The second factor which deserves serious consideration is a geologic one. In an important paper on coastal subsidence in 1893,^ Dr. Arthur Hollick called attention to the fact, already well established, that the era of elevation which was active along the eastern borders of the North American continent in late Tertiary times resulted in an uplifted coastal plain, the eastern limits of which probably coincided with the present 100-fathom contour (about 100 miles from shore). This elevation is supposed to have reached its maximum shortly after the advent of the Ice Age. Then, either previous to, or subsequent to the period of greatest ice accumulation, an era of depression set in. The rate of subsidence has been roughly calculated and Hollick supposes that 6000 years ago the area included within the present 20- fathom line would have been dry land. That is, not only would the Elizabeth Islands, together with Long Island, Block Island, Martha 's Vineyard and Nantucket, have formed a portion of a continuous land surface, but they would have been some miles inland from the actual coast line. The nearest approach of the 20-fathom line to Cuttyhunk is at a point almost due south, where it is now about 20 miles (32 kilometers) out from the shore. To the south- east this distance increases to about 90 miles (146 kilometers) as the submerged contour swings out to sea to conform roughly to the out- lines of Nantucket. The part which this post-Pleistocene land shelf may have played in the migration of plants to the Elizabeth Islands will be a matter for consideration in the section of the Origin of the Flora which follows. The point requiring present emphasis is this: if all the islands were heavily wooded at a time when perhaps their inland location afforded them some protection, it seems highly probable that later, when they assumed their present position, the severe maritime conditions then prevailing would be such as to discourage nature's attempts at re- forestation, once the original woodland were removed. This would suggest that those islands which have never been disturbed, such as Naushon, have merely retained an original forest growth, the posses- sion of which they owe to conditions previously more advantageous » Hollick, A. Plant Distribution as a Factor in the Interpretation of Geological Phenomena, with Special Reference to Long Island and Vicinity. Trans. New York Acad. Sci. xii. 189-202 (1893). ' than obtain at present, while those less fortunate have suffered through their comparatively recent exposure to the unmitigated forces of the Atlantic. That excessively high wind velocity is an effective factor in retarding tree growth is nowhere better shown than on the eastern side of Nantucket with its extensive scrub oak barrens. This is further borne out on the Elizabeths by the fact that in the open, unprotected areas scrub growth forms only in the more or less sheltered hollows and the occasional isolated sapling which does get a start elsewhere remains dwarfed and stunted. It is true that on Martha's Vineyard the woods along certain sec- tions of the north shore have been cut for their timber more than once, and that new growth has been quickly made. But this slope enjoys the protection of the high line of morainal hills, averaging 200-300 feet, which shelter it from the winds of the open sea. No such protec- tion exists on the Elizabeth Islands and the lack of it, rather than the presence of sheep, appears to be the determining factor in the failure of natural reforestation. In the light of these facts, it would seem futile to hope that the devastated areas can ever regain their former wooded luxuriance. Another phase of vegetational change which it seems worth while putting on record is the behavior of certain introduced species on the Elizabeth Islands. Reference has already been made to the planting of Scotch Broom, Cytisus scoparius, on Naushon. It is interesting to note that, in the account of his reconnaissance made between August 10 and 16, 1898, Dr. Hollick says of this species that it was "planted over extensive areas" on Naushon but that it "did not appear to be in a very thriving condition."^ Today Cytisus occupies solidly an area of many acres along the north shore of the island, near Kettle Cove. On the 10th of August, 1927, Professor Femald and the writer visited this locality and had the unique experience of wandering through this exotic plantation. The plants grow very close together, and are often 6-8 feet tall, and the tendency in attempting to traverse the area is to lose completely one 's sense of direction. Unless checked in some way, Cytisus bids fair to encroach even further upon the surrounding region and to usurp in time a much larger area than that which it now domi- nates. Although introduced also on Pasque and Nashawena, Scotch Broom has nowhere else made the showing that it has upon Naushon. 1 Hollick, A. Cent. Geol. Dept. Columbia Univ. zi. no. 72. 391 (1901). 156 Rhodora [August f'* -« Another leguminous plant that has been successful in establishing itself is the Woad-waxen, Genista tinctoria. This species was intro- duced at the extreme east end of Naushon, near Hadley Harbor. It now occupies almost solidly a large field in this vicinity and occurs scattered elsewhere over the open hillsides here as well as on Uncatena. At several places the Tree of Heaven, Ailanthus glandulosa, has become thoroughly naturalized and appears to be spreading rapidly. This is especially true on Naushon, north of Tarpaulin Cove, where, in at least one protected hollow, this tree has formed an extensive and almost impenetrable thicket. There remains to be considered in this connection such light as is thrown on the nature of vegetational changes by an examination of David Starr Jordan's account of the flora of Penikese as he found it in 1873.^ The author states it as his hope that his list may have an interest for future botanists, especially "as showing which plants survive a prolonged struggle for existence against grass and sheep. " And as this is the first published list of the flora of any of the Elizabeth Islands, it forms our chief basis for a study of those changes which may have occurred over a considerable period of years. In the paper entitled " The Flora of Penikese, Fifty Years After,* ' which has already been mentioned. Dr. I. F. Lewis summarizes the numerical differences berween Jordan 's list and that compiled as the result of the survey made in 1923.^ It is not intended to duplicate that summary here, but subsequent exploration by the present writer has yielded so many additional records, and a closer scrutiny of the terminology employed in the earlier list has resulted in a so much .better understanding of the discrepancies involved, that it seems well to consider, as briefly as possible, just how much significance, if any, attaches to the marked difference in the superficial aspects of the two lists. The list for 1873, compiled by Dr. Jordan, contains 1 fern and 113 flowering plants, whereas the present list includes 3 ferns, 1 gymno- sperm (introduced) and 178 flowering plants. Of the 114 species of vascular plants tabulated by Jordan for Penikese, including Gull Island, a considerable number (about 25) have not been found as the result of recent investigations. On the other hand, of the 182 species of vascular plants on the present list an even larger number (probably 100) were not enumerated in the earlier report. 1 Jordan 1. c. p. 193. 'Lewis, I. F. Rhodora, xxvi. 188 (1924). -' > . f / Vi r s % • >^ » • p o V „» -» ^ 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, JVIassachusetts 157 In comparing these two lists the necessary allowances must be made for the very natural changes in nomenclature which have come about during the intervening 55 years. Dr. Jordan states, in a letter to the writer, that the names he employed were those found in the edition of Gray's Manual then most recent (Ed. 5). With this fact in mind, it then becomes possible to reconcile a few of the disparities in the two lists. In general, these discrepancies fall roughly into three categories which may be briefly described as follows : In the first place, there are those cases in which a difference of names involves direct synonymy. Thus, the plant listed by Jordan as Dicksonia pundilobula Kunze is surely the same as that which we are today calling Dcnnstaedtia pvndilobula (Michx.) Moore. Similarly, his Panicum Crusgalli L. corresponds to our Echinochloa Cru^galli (L.) Beauv., his Triticum repens L. to our Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv., his Scirpus pungens Vahl to our ^S. americanus Pers., his Maruia Cotula DC. to our Anihemis Cotula L., and so on. The second class of discrepancies includes cases involving mistaken identity or in which an older species has become recognized as con- sisting of two or more separate and distinct entities. For example, Calamagrostis arenaria Roth of Jordan's list is certainly the plant known today as Ammophila hreviUgulata Fernald. This is not at all a case of direct synonymy, but merely an instance where an American plant, as beautifully pointed out by Fernald, has proved upon study to be entirely distinct from its Old World ally. Again, Jordan *s Spartina stricta Roth is doubtless our 5. alterniflora Lx)isel. var. pilosa (Merrill) Fernald, his Scirpu^ maritimvs L. our S. campestris Britton, var. paludosus (A. Nels.) Fernald, his Sisyrinchium Bcrmudiana L. our S. angustifolmm Mill. Spergularia salina Presl, of Jordan's list, appears not to grow on Penikese at the present time, but 5. leiosperma (Kindb.) F. Schmidt is fairly common and we are presumably warrant- ed in applying a modern interpretation to the older name. Compar- able to this are Ccrastium viscosum L. for which we find only C. vulgatum L., Viola sagiitata Ait., which is represented only by V. fimhriatula Sm., Scutellaria galericulata L. which is replaced by S. epilobiifolia Hamilton, and a host of similar cases. In all such instances, then, we are probably justified in assuming that a plant bearing an unallowable name on the early list is represented today by the name of a recently recognized segregate or a closely related species, rather that that it has actually disappeared from the flora. 158 Rhodora [August Finally, there are several plants on the Jordan list concerning the identity of which, in the complete absence of herbarium material, it is futile even to hazard a guess. Panicum dichotomum L., for example, which so far has not been collected, may ultimately be found still growing on the island, or, since that name was applied in a very broad sense in 1873, Dr. Jordan may really have had reference to P. oricola, P. meridionale, P. Lindheimeri, var. fasciculatum or to something still different not yet reported from the island. Likewise, Carex straminea Schkuhr, a name used loosely before this group had received critical study, may be equivalent to either C. Longii, C. hormathodes or C. silicea or to all three. And again Polygonum Hydropiper L., not known from Penikese today, may equal P. pundatum Ell., which is ubiquitous, or some other species not yet found. Through the unfor- tunate lack of preserved vouchers, therefore, all such ambiguous references, when uncorroborated by subsequent collections, must be discredited. After having made all due allowances, however, for inequalities arising from synonymy, modern revisions and ambiguous records, there still remain slightly more than a score of plants of the 1873 list which recent searches have failed to reveal. Most of these are species which occur on the other islands and their absence from Penikese may be merely an apparent one, to be remedied by further scrutiny. As such may be mentioned: Poa annua, Juncu^ pchcarpus, Atriplex arenaria, Salsola Kali, Euphorbia polygonifolia, E. maculata, Hyper' icum mutilum, and Asclepias incarnata, var. pulchra. With the exception of the last two species named, which may have disappeared as the result of gradual drying up of the ponds, there is every reason to expect that these plants will some time be collected on the island. A few others, such as Ruppia maritima, Salicomia europaea (S. herbacea) and Suaeda maritima, are plants of brackish situations and their absence is confirmed by independent observations on the tend- ency of the two saline areas on the island to become overgrown and to lose their brackish character. Even during the six years from 1923 to 1928, South Pond has become distinctly less brackish, both as to the nature of its margin and its algal flora. The same can apparently be said for the ponds on the peninsula, and while these may be merely local and transitory phenomena, they suggest the gradual diminution of brackish areas formerly more extensive, a change worth noting. Three of Jordan's plants which were listed from Gull Island only, 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 159 namely, Rhus Toxicodendron, Coelopleurum lucidum {Archangelica Gmelini) and Limonium carolinianum (Statice Limonium), are not only still missing from Penikese, but have completely disappeared from Gull Island as well. The total absence of Poison Ivv from Penikese, in the face of vigorous and repeated search for it, is one of the queer and not altogether unpleasant surprises of this island. Finally, Jordan lists three plants which are not only unknown from Penikese but, so far, have been collected on none of the other Elizabeth Islands: these are Puccinellia (Glyceria) maritima, Salix discolor, and Iva oraria (I. frutescens). The first of these may well refer to P. paupercula, var. alaskana, known only from Cutty hunk, the next might easily have been an introduction which had died out, and Iva probably is another of the diminishing salt marsh tribe, a species which it would be interesting to add to the list of Elizabeth Islands plants. Turning now to the modem list of the flora of the island, we find, after again making the necessary correction for synonymy, errors, etc., that of the 182 species of vascular plants which it includes, at least 96 (53)% can not in any way be identified with anything on the earlier list. This large number of species not seen or listed by Dr. Jordan can conveniently be divided into three groups, as follows: (1) Garden escapes, about 20 species; (2) Cosmopolitan adventives, about 20 species; (3) Native plants, over 50 species. Garden escapes. This includes a few ornamentals which may well have been planted during the days of the leper occupation, some of which have spread, while others have just barely managed to persist; a few have escaped from the cultivated area near the site of the old laboratory building which was destroyed by fire in 1896. A partial list includes: LiHum tigrinum Asparagus officinalis Gysophila paniculata Dianthus barbatus Rubus laciniatus Rosa rugosa Oenothera grandiflora Ligustrum vulgare Digitalis purpurea Lonicera japonica Helianthus annuus Coreopsis lanceolata Here also, since this is a class of plants the introduction of which would appear to have been premeditated, should be mentioned a few trees which were set out around the dwelling of the resident physician, namely: 160 Pinus sylvestris Salix pentandra S. alba Rhodora [August Populus alba Acer Pseudo-Platanus A. platanoides Cosmopolitan adventives. These are the ever present European introductions which occur more or less commonly in dry sterile soils and cleared ground, especially near the haunts of man. It is rather surprising that so many plants of this class should be lacking from Jordan's list, but they have probably been brought in with fodder, building materials and other supplies. A few of these may be cited : Avena sativa Dactylis glomerata Bromus secalinus B. hordeaceus Carex contigua Polygonum Convolvulus Stellaria graminea Sisymbrium altissimum Ranunculus acris Trifolium pratense Hypericum perforatum Daucus Carota Convolvulus arvensis Linaria vulgaris Tanacetum vulgare Sonchus arvensis S. oleraceus S. asper Native plants. As noted above, more than one-half (96 species) of the plants on the present list of the flora of Penikese appear to have reached the island since 1873. Of these 96 species, about 40 have received consideration in the two classes just dealt with ; their appear- ance on the island since 1873 may be accounted for in the light of their being introductions, either accidental or intentional. Permitting of no such simple explanation, however, is the occurrence today on the island of more than 50 species of native plants which were not recorded as present in 1873 by Dr. Jordan. A few of these, such as Ranunculus delphinifoliuSj Potentilla pumila, Callitriche hetcrophylla and Ilysanthes inaequalis, are rather inconspicuous forms and might conceivably have been overlooked in the preparation of the original report. Others are late-blooming members of the Compositae and, as Jordan lists only one Golden-rod, Solidago semperviren^, and not a single Aster, it would seem that he had not remained on the island long enough to obtain a fair sample of the flora of late summer and might thus have completely missed Solidago juncea, S. rugosa, S. nemoralisy S. canaden' sisy S. tenuifoliay Aster undulatus, A. multiflorus and A. vimincus, all of which appear on the present list. In this group also, might be placed such things as Gnaphalium obtu^ifolium, Rudbeckia hirta, and Bidcns connata, although these plants are generally recognizable by the first of August, as, indeed, are most of the Goldenrods and Asters listed above. Incapable, however, of any such interpretations as 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 161 those just offered, is the present existence on Penikese of the following plants, most of them conspicuous, some of them dominant elements of the vegetation : Athyrium angustum Thelypteris palustris, var. pubescens Typha latif olia Panicum virgatum, var. spissum Danthonia spicata Distichlis spicata Scirpus validus Carex hormathodes C. silicea Juncus dichotomus J. Greenei J. effusus, var. costulatus J. acuminatus J. articulatus Smilax rotundifolia Sisyrinchium graminoides Myrica caroliniensis Rumex maritimus, var. f uegiiius Amelanchier oblongifoHa Rubus pergratus Rosa palustris Prunus serotina Rhus typhina Parthenocissus quinquefolia Oenothera biennis Ligusticum scothicum Asclepias syriaca Galium Claytoni Sambucus canadensis It is difficult to believe that all these plants could have escaped the attention of the compiler of the original list and we are rather forced to the conclusion that they have made their advent to the island since 1873. By just what means they may ha\'e made their way to Penikese and just how much significance may be attached to their occurrence there today, are matters for conjecture. Certainly they are not species preeminently adapted for wind dispersal, although Typha and Asclepias constitute exceptions to this statement, and spores of the two ferns may possibly have been transported by that agency. A few of them, such as Scirpus validus^ Juncus acuminatus, J. articulatus and the Rumex y which grow in or around ponds, may have been brought in by birds, while a few others have fleshy seeds or fruits and may also have been introduced in this way. On the other hand, the presence of this large block of recent arrivals may be merely illustra- tive of what takes place on these islands when the practice of raising sheep is discontinued, although it is difficult at first sight to see just why these particular species should have been kept down until recent times when so many others were not only present in 1873 but have sur- vived the "prolonged struggle for existence against grass and sheep." {To he continued) THE FLORA OF THE ELIZABETH LSLANDS, MASSACHUSEITS John M. Fogg, Jr. (Continued from page 161) THE ORIGIN OF THE FLORA Any attempt to unravel the geographic origin of the chief elements comprising the flora of the Elizabeth Islands must not only concern itself with a close scrutiny of the vegetation of the immediately adjacent regions, hut must also take into account supplementary evidence from two main sources, namely, the history and nature of the coastal plain and its flora, on the one hand, and the study of the morainal deposits of which most of southeastern Massachusetts is composed, on the other. In fact, so far as concerns the Elizabeth Islands, these two problems are rather inextricably linked and one can scarcely be considered independently of the other. The Coastal Plain. Perhaps no geographic province in North America has received greater botanical attention over a long period of time than the Atlantic coastal plain. Occupying a narrow strip east or southeast of the Piedmont Plateau, from which it is more or less sharply marked off by the fall line, the coastal plain has been thought of as extending from the Gulf States and Florida northeastward through the Southern and Middle Atlantic States and reaching its northern limit in northeastern New Jersey, near the Hackensack Marshes, with a representation eastward on Staten Island, Long Island, and the immediate coast district of southeastern Massachu- setts. The surface of the coastal plain presents in general a very gentle slope to the southeast, which, in southern New Jersey for instance, 108 Rhodora [September averages 5 to 6 feet per mile and is seldom over 10 to 15 feet. East- ward, beneath the waters of the Atlantic, the coastal plain continues with the same gentle slope to the 100-fathom mark, where, about 100 miles from shore, it suddenly drops off to abysmal depths. In the southern states the elevated portion of the coastal plain widens to about 150 miles, while the submarine portion dwindles, finally, off the east coast of Florida, to disappear almost entirely. Northward the submerged portion increases in width, reaching 500 miles off the coast of Newfoundland, while the subaerial portion diminishes, becoming a mere fringe of islands and the peninsula of Cape Cod, and finally disappears altogether. Throughout, the soils of the coastal plain are of a recent nature, being largely Tertiary and Quaternary, and it appears likely that the present fall line represents roughly the shore line at the end of Cretaceous time. The flora of the coastal plain has long been recognized as distinctly southern in character, due partly to the nature of its constituent soils (for the most part, sands, clays, gravels, etc.) which have per- mitted a northeasterly extension of a Carolinian flora, and partly to its climate, for the temperature is appreciably milder than that of the only slightly more elevated continental mass to the westward. In the state of New Jersey, three-fifths of which lies inside the coastal plain province. Dr. Witmer Stone recorded in 1910^ the presence of 479 species of austro-riparian affinities, plants ranging from Florida, Georgia or the Carolinas north to southern New Jersey, some of them reaching Long Island, Massachusetts or, as we now know, even farther northward. The recorded number of such species has been materially increased by recent study. In 1911 there appeared in Rhodora a very significant paper by Professor Fernald describing a botanical expedition to Newfoundland and southern Labrador.^ In part II of this paper, the author discusses the Geographic Origin of the Flora of Newfoundland. Analysis of the constituent floral elements there represented reveals that 274 indigen- ous plants (35% of the total flora) are southwestern types and that, of these, 60 species (over 7% of the total flora) are Carolinian types, being known from southern New Jersey (or even farther southward). Long Island, southeastern Massachusetts, Nova Scotia and Newfound- » stone, W. The Plants of Southern New Jersey with Especial Reference to the Flora of the Pine Barrens. Ann. Rept. N. J. Mus. (1910). » Fernald, M. L. A Botanical Expedition to Newfoundland and Southern Labrador. Rhodora, xiii. 109-162 (1911). 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 169 land, but not found inland or in continental eastern Canada. As typi- cal of this Carolinian subclass are cited: Schizaea pusillaf Ammophila breviligulatay Car ex hormathodes, C. silicea, Corema Conradii, Hudsonia ericoideSf Myriophyllum tenellum, Utricularia geminiscapa and others. In an endeavor to account for the presence in Newfoundland of this coastal plain or Carolinian element, Professor Fernald, after consider- ing the part which may have been played by birds, ocean currents, floating ice and logs, and winds, and concluding that they are all inadequate in explaining this distribution, turns to the question of a post-glacial land bridge. Hollick 's paper on this subject has already been referred to, and Professor Fernald, quick to see the phytogeo- graphic significance of these conclusions, quotes at length from Rol- lick's statements and appends corroborative data from other sources. Evidence derived from a study of the conditions attending the last, or Wisconsin, glaciation indicates that the amount of water then withdrawn from the ocean may have been sufficient, in conjunction with the tendency to uplift already noted, to leave uncovered a con- siderable portion of the now submerged continental shelf from the South Atlantic states to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Of course, as Professor R. A. Daly has recently pointed out, the apparent upward trend of the coastal shelf, resulting in part from the removal of this vast volume of water from the sea, would have been counteracted by the lowering pressure exerted by the tremendous weight of the ice on the continental mass. Nevertheless, it appears that during the Wisconsin advance, and for some time following it, a very considerable portion of the coastal bench must have been above sea level, forming, with the exception of shallow channels such as that draining the Gulf of Maine or Cabot Strait, a nearly continuous platform for the migra- tion of plants, and animals as well, northeastward from the southern states to Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. This strip of silicious soils probably offered a nearly imiform habitat for the advance of species of austro-riparian affinities and their extension northward may even have occurred at a time when the ice had not fully retreated from the mainland of the continent. Later, with the melting of the glacial ice and the liberation of vast quantities of water to the ocean, and perhaps through the operation of other factors as well, this continental shelf underwent a period of submergence which resulted in the drowning of this coastal plain flora except in those areas, higher than the rest and often widely separated. 170 Rhodora [September which suffered no such submergence. Hence we have today in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, on Cape Cod and the adjacent islands, in south- western Nova Scotia and in certain parts of Newfoundland the relics of this formerly continuous flora. That these plants are nearly all species of sterile or silicious soils indicates that they were admirably adapted for migration northeastward along this post-glacial land bridge and probably explains why they have never subsequently ex- tended their ranges to the better, richer soils immediately inland but continue to exhibit the disrupted distribution so well typified by Schizaea pusilla and Corema Conradii} In treating this subject elsewhere, Professor Fernald says, "Of greater interest are the coastal plain species, because they represent in New England, eastern Canada and Newfoundland a relic of the extensive flora which during the late Tertiary migrated northward along the then highly elevated continental shelf and at the drowning of the shelf were left as relics at isolated points. This isolated remnant of the flora derived from the southern coastal plain is represented by about 200 species north of New Jersey, and nearly every excursion to southwestern Rhode Island, Cape Cod, Plymouth County (Massa- chusetts), Nantucket, southern Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, eastern New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, the Magdalen Islands or southeastern Newfoundland, adds to the number of thus isolated species known to us or extends our knowledge of those already recog- nized. "^ And in 1921, in discussing the results of botanical exploration in Nova Scotia, the same author states that " if there were need of further evidence that, since the Pleistocene glaciation the continental shelf of eastern North America has been high in the air, affording an essen- tially continuous line of migration across the mouth of the Gulf of Maine to Nova Scotia, thence to Newfoundland, that evidence is now abundantly at hand. A striking feature of this migration northward of the southern coastal plain flora is the fact that several distinctive species or genera, Schizaea pusilla, Lophiola, Hahenaria flava, and perhaps Ccratiolay reached Nova Scotia without establishing colonies on Long Island, Cape Cod or Nantucket. This would seem to indicate that the uplifted shelf was a region of some complexity or else some subtle qualities in the habitats of these plants. "^ > See Fernald. 1. c. Plato 90. opp. p. 140. 2 Fernald, M. L. The GeoKrai)hic Affinities of the Vascular Floras of New England, the Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland. Amer. Jour. Bot., v. 224 (1918). •Fernald, M. L. The Gray Herbarium Expedition to Nova Scotia. 1920. Rho- dora, xxiii. 168 (1921). 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 171 Enough has probably been said to indicate the overwhelming amount of botanical evidence in favor of a post-Pleistocene land connection permitting the northeastward extension of a southern coastal plain flora. It now becomes imperative to inquire what part this connection played in the migration of plants to the area under immediate consideration. However, before discussing the direct bearing of these findings upon the problem as presented by the Elizabeth Islands, it will be found helpful to consider what has already been learned concerning the adjacent areas, especially Nantucket, Martha 's Vineyard and Cape Cod. Nantucket. Nantucket, from its isolated position to the south- east, might be expected to have caught more of these coastal migrants than the areas to the west and northwest and is therefore considered first. For our modern knowledge of the flora of this island we are in- debted to the discerning and painstaking researches of the late Eugene P. Bicknell, whose account of "The Ferns and Flowering Plants of Nantucket" appeared in the Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club from 1908 to 1919. The final section of this paper is devoted to a consideration of the origin of Nantucket's flora.^ Omitting the hybrids, Bicknell finds upon the island 1103 [1108] species of plants of which 362 [31%] are listed as introduced and 746 as native. Of the 746 indigenous species, "over one-half [373 +] • . . may fairly be accounted as prevailingly more southern in their general distribu- tion," while "something over 150 species ... are at least pre- vailingly more northern in their general distribution. " Turning first to the plants of southern affinities, we find that over a hundred of them reach their northeastern limit of range in south- eastern Massachusetts, others reach Vermont, New Hampshire or Maine, others occur in the Maritime Provinces, while a small group is found in Newfoundland. The author then gives a list of 38 plants which appear not to have been found at any more northern or eastern point than Nantucket. It is of interest to note, in passing, that only 8 of these are known from the Elizabeth Islands. More than 190 of the prevailingly southern plants occur in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, over 300 are plants of the coastal plain elsewhere in that state, while all of Nantucket's southern-ranging maritime plants, about 40 species, also occur in New Jersey. Thus we have over 530 species [consider- ably more than 50%] in the Nantucket flora which display this south- Bicknell. E. P. Bull. Torrey Club. xlvl. 423 (1919.). 172 Rhodora [September ern relationship. To account for this large percentage of austral forms Bicknell resorts to Fernald's views on the submerged coastal shelf and sees isolated on Nantucket the remnants of an extensive flora of southern derivation belonging to the New England seaboard of Tertiary time, " a flora lost to our later day with these broad coastal tracts which now lie beneath the sea. Yet not wholly lost. We find it still, much of it, we may believe, in the less disturbed flora of our more southern coastal plain, and we find its remnants persisting as the merest fringe along the withdrawn more northern coast-lines of the present day. And isolated on Nantucket it has been preserved to us in that assemblage of southward ranging plants, now a primary element in the general composition of the flora. "^ Turning now to the more northern element in the Nantucket flora we find a group of over 150 species of plants. Of this number about 15 are found nowhere at a more southern point, while about 45 are near the southern limit of their coastwise range; others reach south to Long Island and a large number find their southern limit in New Jersey. In this connection it is interesting to note that of the list of 59 species given by Dr. Stone as reaching from the Maritime Provinces south to New Jersey, 18 are unknown from Nantucket. Stone's list, as it appears in his Flora of Southern New Jersey ,* is here given. It should be observed that the terminology has been revised so as to correspond to that employed in the present Catalog of Elizabeth Islands plants. The letter " N " following the name of the plant indi- cates it is known fron Nantucket, "M" from Martha's Vineyard, and "E" from the Elizabeth Islands. Isoetes Braunii N Lycopodium inundatum Schizaea pusilla Potamogeton Oakesianus NME Scheuchzeria palustris, var. americana Triglochin maritima NME Hierochloe odorata N Spartina Michauxiana NME Phalaris arundinacea Glyceria canadensis NME G. obtusa ME G. grandis N Scirpus subterminalis S. campestris, var. paludosus NME > Bicknell. 1. c. p. 434. « Stone, W. 1. c. p. 49. Eriophorum tenellum NME E. gracile N Carex lanuginosa NE C. trichocarpa C. exilis C. livida C. canescens, var. disjuncta NME C. rostrata, var. utriculata N C. limosa E C.siUcea NME Eriocaulon septangulare NME Juncus articulatus NME J. pelocarpus NME Sisyrinchium angustifolium NE Populus tremuloides NM 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 173 1 P. grandidentata NM Salix Bebbiana N S. lucida Suaeda maritima N Chenopodium rubrum N Arenaria lateriflora NME Nymphozanthus variegatus NME Actaea rubra NM Ranunculus Cymbalaria NME Polanisia graveolens Rosa virginiana NME Dalibarda repens Geum striatum Lathyrus maritimus NME Geranium Robertianum Corema Conradii NM Hypericum boreale NME H. ellipticum H. Ascyron Myriophyllum tenellum NME Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, var. coactilis N M Vacciiiium pennsylvanicum NM Glaux maritima N Menyanthcs trifoliata, var. minor NE Limosella subulata NME Utricularia intermedia N Plantago oliganthos NME Solidago uniligulata N Aster nemoraUs Xanthium commune As will be noted, of this list of essentially northern forms Nantucket has 41 representatives, Martha's Vineyard 27 and the Elizabeth Islands only 25. Bicknell gives a list of northern plants which occur on Nantucket but are unknown from the coastal plain of New Jersey, only a few of them passing on to Long Island. The significant feature of this list in the present connection is that, although it contains 44 plants, not more than a half dozen of these are found on the Elizabeth Islands. Mr. Bicknell endeavors to account for the presence of these northern forms, especially those of a maritime character, on Nantucket and elsewhere to the southwest by supposing that the same marginal land connection which allowed the plants of the southern coastal plain to reach Newfoundland would have permitted a counter extension of northern species to the southwest, perhaps at a later date. The author also points out that no farther away than Cape Cod there are established others of these northern species which have not readied Nantucket and likewise that Cape Cod possesses an extensive coastal plain flora which is not represented on this seaward island only a few miles to the southeast. These last two facts are significant because they apply, even in more marked degree, to the Elizabeth Islands. Not only, as indicated in speaking of the lists of northern species found on Nantucket, are many of these boreal forms lacking from the Elizabeths, but we also fail to find there that large element of southern coastal plain types which is conspicuous on Nantucket and almost dominant in certain regions on the Cape. Martha's Vineyard. Unfortunately, far too little is known con- cerning the flora of Martha's Vineyard to permit of drawing any 174 Rhodora [September conclusions as to the origin of the elements there represented. It is rather surprising that this relatively large and very attractive island should have escaped careful botanical treatment, but such is the case. This is not to say that no botanist has ever visited the Vineyard for the purpose of collecting specimens, for there have been over a score of independent collections made. A little more than a century ago, 1829, William Oakes visited the island and recorded some interest- ing finds. One of the most important collections made was that of Sydney Harris, who from 1891 to 1904, and again later in 1911 and 1914, collected many sheets, mostly from around Chilmark. The island was visited by C. A. Weatherby in 1900, by Professor Fernald in 1901, by A. H. Moore in 1904, by J. A. Cushman in 1906 and 1911, by E. P. Bicknell in 1909 (and again in 1912 and 1913), by F. W. Pennell in 1911, by Miss Magaret Heatley, (now Mrs. C. E. Moss), beginning in 1916; and all of these brought back material which has been distributed to one or more of the large herbaria of the eastern United States. Perhaps the largest collections made were those of Frank C. Seymour in 1916 and 1917; Seymour's specimens have been sent out by the Gray Herbarium. But, so far, no one has published any coherent account of the flora of the island, and New England botanists in general know less about its vegetation than about that of many a more isolated area. The writer has undertaken to draw together in a single list all the records based upon specimens available from Martha's Vineyard. In the course of this task a systematic census was taken of the material in the New England Botanical Club and the Boston Society of Natural History. This resulted in the compilation of a list which inchides about 700 plants. In an effort to supplement this knowledge two field trips were made to the island, one in August, 1927, and the other, in company with Professor Fernald, in August, 1928. From the information thus derived only one conclusion can be safely drawn, namely that from our present insufficient knowledge of the island, the surface only of which seems to have been touched, it is impossible to speak intelligently of the origin of its flora. One or two general statements, however, can probably be made with a fair degree of assurance. In the first place, it seems evident that the long line of high hills which flanks the north shore from Menemsha to West Chop supports a flora of a northern or continental nature. Several plants were 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 175 found here, in the richer soils of the wooded slope, which are either absent from or far from common in southeastern Massachusetts, and it seems very likely that careful search will disclose many more things of this nature. A second point which seems entitled to emphasis is, that, in general, the flora of Martha 's Vineyard is far from being closely related to that of the southern coastal plain. Further study may serve to disprove this observation, but Professor Fernald and the writer, while exploring the region aroimd Gay Head, were imable to escape the conviction that the flora dealt with was continental rather than coastal in char- acter. Time and again the impression was borne liome that the coimtless southern plants which form the primary element in the flora of the middle part of Cape Cod were conspicuously absent. An exception to this general statement may, perhaps, be constituted by the flora of the eastern part of the island, the region around Edgar- town, where, apparently, there is a larger representation of austro- riparian types than may be met with elsewhere on the Vineyard. If these observations be justified, they will be found to fit in rather well with the interpretation of the effects of glacial activities upon the origin of the flora of southeastern Massachusetts. Cape Cod. In speaking of the flora of Cape Cod it is necessary first to have very clearly in mind the fact that botanically, as well as geo- logically, this region is far from being a unit, but, rather, may be divided, more or less distinctly, into three separate provinces, which, for the sake of convenience, may be designated the " Upper, " " Mid- dle" and "Lower" Capes. " Upper'' Cape. This includes roughly Sandwich, Bourne, Mashpee, Falmouth and the western half of Barnstable. The line of morainal hills which traverses this province from north to south may be traced southwest from Woods Hole, as it is of this same ridge that the Elizabeth Islands are formed. On the mainland these hills are rather heavily wooded and the superficial aspect of this part of the Cape is that generally associated with an Alleghanian flora with a slight tinge of the Canadian. This impression is borne out by a study of the plants which occur here, many of which are either entirely lacking or only very locally known elsewhere on the Cape. There are well over 150 such plants, constituting a list too lengthy for inclusion liere, the following few species may, however, be cited as typical: Rhodora [September B. papyrifera Alnus noveboracensis Ranunculus recurvatus Thalictrum revolutum Actaea rubra Aquilegia canadensis Chrysosplenium americanum Potentilla tridentata Rubus allegheniensis Nemopanthus mucronata Celastrus scandens Circaea latifolia Rhododendron canadense Fraxinus americana Scrophularia lanceolata Pedicularis canadensis Triosteum perf oliatum Viburnum acerifolium Lobelia inflata Solidago ulmif olia Aster nemoralis A. acuminatus 176 Polypodium virginianum Polystichum acrostichoides Thelypteris Phegopteris Osmunda Claytoniana Botrychium virginianum Lycopodium lucidulum L. clavatum Potamogeton Robbinsii Panicum subvillosum P. latifolium Oryzopsis pungens Cinna arundinacea Glyceria grandis G. acutiflora Scirpus debilis Carex tribuloides C. scabrata Juncus secundum Smilax herbacea Trillium cernuum Habenaria dilatata Malaxis unifolia Betula lutea Few, if any, of these plants, as will be seen, may be looked upon as species characteristic of a southern coastal plam flora. "Middle'' Cape. This province embraces the eastern part of Barnstable, all of Yarmouth, Dennis, Brewster, Harwich, and, perhaps, Chatham and Orleans. A ridge of morainal hills extendmg east and west along the north shore from Sandwich to Dennis, forms the back- bone" of this part of the Cape and is flanked to the south by a broad outwa^h plain. This area is not without its trees, but m certam parts scrub oaks predominate and the appearance of the vegetation differs strikingly from that of the inner Cape. The most salient botanical feature of this province resides in the plants of the numer- ous ponds and pond margins, many of which are sandy or peaty and offer an ideal habitat for an extensive flora of an austro-riparian nature. Altogether there are over 200 species which are either peculiar to this part of the Cape or which here find their greatest development, being represented only casually in the other two pro- vinces. A partial list of these plants follows : Thelypteris simulata Pteridium aquilinum, var. pseudo- caudatum Potamogeton pectinatus Sagittaria Engelmanniana S. teres Andropogon virginicus Paspalum psammophilum Panicum verrucosum P. Bicknellii 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 177 P. microcarpon P. annulum P. mattamuskeetense P. mattamuskeetense, var. Glutei P. spretum P. Wrightianum P. albemarlense P. auburne P. Commonsianum P. polyanthes P. Ashei Cenchrus pauciflorus Spartina cynosuroides Glyceria laxa G. Fernaldii Puccinellia f asciculata Eleocharis rostellata Psilocarya scirpoides Scirpus Smithii, var. setosus S. campestris, var. novae-angliae S. Eriophorum Fuirena squarrosa Hemicarpha micrantha Rynchospora Torreyana R. capitellata, var. discutiens Carex straminea C. alata C. annectens C. laevi vagina ta C. MitcheUiana Arisaema Stewardsonii Peltandra virginica Juncus effusus, var. compactus J. pervetus J. subcaudatus J. aristulatus Luzula campestris, var. echinata Lilium superbum Lachnanthes tinctoria Salix sericea Myrica asplenifolia Fagus grandifolia, var. caroUniana Quercus stellata Q. Margaretta Q. prinoides, var. rufescens Comandra umbellata Polygonum Careyi P. puritanorum P. setaceum Chenopodium leptophyllum Acnida cannabina Spergularia canadensis Crataegus rotundifolia Rubus tardatus R. Enslenii R. multispinus Lespedeza Brittonii Amphicarpa Pitcheri Linum striatum L. floridanum, var. intercursum Callitriche palustris Ilex laevigata Ceanothus americanus, var. inter- medius Parthenocissus vitacea Hypericum dissimulatum Helianthemum dumosum H. Bicknellii H. propinquum Viola emarginata V. incognita, var. Forbcsii Lythrum hyssopifolium Rhexia mariana Epilobium moUe Oenothera linearis O. longipedicellata Proserpinaca intermedia Cicuta bulbifera Lilaeopsis chinensis Vaccinium stamineura Sabatia Kennedyana S. campanulata Apocynum medium Cuscuta pentagona C. compacta Stachys hyssopifolia Lycopus virginicus Limosella subulata Aureolaria pedicularia, var. caesariensis Utricularia biflora U. resupinata U. subulata Galium tinctorium Eupatorium hyssopifolium Mikania scandens Chrysopsis falcata Solidago erecta S. puberula S. EUiottii Sericocarpus linifolius Antennaria petaloidea 178 Rhodora [September A. fallax Gnaphalium obtusifolium, var. micradenium Bidens coronata Prenanthes serpentaria As will be seen at a glance, the overwhelming majority of species in this list are plants of prevailingly southern affinities. Many of them are common in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey and a consider- able number were not known to occur north of there, or perhaps Long Island, when the last revision was made of Gray's Manual in 1908, but have been added to the Massachusetts flora only as the result of recent investigation. The foregoing list is not in any sense an exhaustive one, nor could it hope to be, for nearly every summer 's exploration adds to the already large number of southern coastal plain species which are known to occur on the central part of Cape Cod. ** Lower" Cape. At Orleans the Cape makes a right-angle turn and continues almost due north through Eastham, Wellfleet and Truro to Provincetown, which is at the extreme tip. This "fore- arm" or outer portion of the Cape is characterized by rather high, undulating hills, the axes of which for the most part run east and west. It is thought that the troughs between these hills may have formed the delta of a glacial river which drained into Lake Agassiz, a large body of water impounded by the ice and today represented by Cape Cod Bay. From Truro northward this part of the Cape consists of a wave-built sand spit. A few of the plants peculiar to the Outer Cape, such as Andropogon scopariuSy var. polycladoSf Muhlenbergia mexicana, Cyperus filicinus, var. microdontv^, Orontium aquaticum, Opuntia vulgaris, Aureolaria pedicularia and Baccharis halimifolia, are far-ranging southern species, but the significant feature of the flora of this province is that most of its specialties are forms which display a northern or at least a continental affinity. The following are a few of the plants belonging to this category: Potamogeton natans Elymus arenarius, var. villosus Scirpus atrocinctus Eriophorum spissum Carex Muhlenbergii, var. enervis C. limosa C. oligosperma C. lasiocarpa C. Pseudo-Cyperus C. buUata Juncus effusus, var. Pylaei J. articulatus, var. obtusatus Allium canadense Liparis Loeselii Salix lucida Ranunculus sceleratus Cardamine parviflora, var. arenicola Pyrus melanocarpa Potentilla tridentata Rubus idaeus, var. strigosus R. orarius R. amnicola R. recurvicaulis 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 170 R. arcuans Prunus virginiana P. pennsylvanica Corema Conradii Ilex verticillata, var. fastigiata Hudsonia tomentosa, var, inter- media Circaea alpina Cornus canadensis Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, var. coactilis Vaccinium pcnnsylvanicum, var. niyrtilloides V. Oxycoccus Galium trifiduni, var. lialophiluin Liiniaea borealis, var. americana Bidens cernua Lactuca Morssii Hieracium marianum Most of the species listed above are of a prevailingly northern distribution; their affinities are with the widely dispersed Canadian flora to the west and northwest. A few of them are here at, or near, the southern limit of their ranges. Thus, it will be seen, each of the three natural divisions of Cape Cod possesses a rather distinctive flora: that of the Inner Cape is essentially of a continental Alleghanian-Canadian character; that of the Middle Cape is colored by the presence of a considera})le number of. Carolinian or even Louisianian types; while that of tlie Outer Cape is rendered striking by the occurrence of so many species of Canadian, or in some cases even Hudsonian, affinities. An attempt to explain the underlying reasons which account for this differentia- tion will be made in summing up the evidence for the origin of the flora of the Elizabeth Islands themselves. Elizabeth Islands. Turning now to the region under immediate consideration, we find that the total number of species, varieties and forms of vascular plants known to occur upon the Elizabeth Islands is 686. Of these, 128 (183^2%) ^^re introduced, while o^S (81 3^%) may safely be classed as indigenous. Introductions. The subject of those species of plants introduced on the Elizabeth Islands was dealt with at such length in the section on Changes in the Flora that it seems scarcely necessary to develop it further here. It need merely be pointed out that by far the larger part of these introductions is comprised of those ubiquitous European and Asiatic adventives which ever^-^here throughout eastern North .\merica have taken possession of recently cleared ground or dis- turbed sandy areas, often completely dominating our native flora. The rest of the exotics are either garden escapes, as exemplified in the discussion of the foreign elements in the flora of Penikese, or species, such as the Cytisus or the various Spruces, which have been deliberately planted by man for a special purpose. A few plants 180 Rhodora [September native to North America are certainly not of indigenous occurrence on the islands, but have been introduced either accidentally or inten- tionally. As examples of such may be mentioned Glaucium flavum and Solanum triflorum, which grow on the beach near Tarpaulin Cove, Naushon, and Juniperus communis, var. depressa, which appears to have been planted along the north shore at the west end of the same island. {To be continued) THE FLORA OF THE ELIZABETH ISLANDS, MASSACHUSETTS John M. Fogg, Jr. (Continued from page 180) Native plants. The 558 species of indigenous plants on the Eliza- beth Islands fall rather clearly into three fairly well differentiated categories. In the first place, there is the southern element— plants of the southern coastal plain which range north from Florida or the Gulf States to achieve their northern limit in southeastern Massa- chusetts, some of them passing on to Nova Scotia or Newfoundland; then there is a group of species of northern affinities, many of which have already been mentioned in speaking of Nantucket and Cape Cod, which range south or southwest to Massachusetts or, at most, New Jersey. And, finally, there is a large and very important block of plants which fall into neither of the two preceding classes, but belong rather to a continental upland flora than to that which characterizes the lowlying reaches of most of Cape Cod and the ad- jacent islands. It will be well to analyze briefly the constituents of these three groupings before proceeding further. The Southern Element. In rather striking contrast to the situa- tion found on Nantucket, where, it will be remembered, over 50% of the indigenous flora is prevailingly more southern in its hue, as well as on the middle part of Cape Cod, where, as has been seen, the na- tive flora is preeminently that of the southern coastal plain, is the 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 209 fact that on the Elizabeth Islands this southern element finds ex- pression in something less than 20% of the total indigenous flora. It is true that there are a few species of plants of the southern coastal plain which, on the Elizabeth Islands are near the very north- eastern limit of their distribution. Paspalum seiaccum, for example, is known in Massachusetts only from the Elizabeths and Nantucket.^ Panicum longifolium is found nowhere east of Pasque Island, at which place it is abundant in the peaty bog hollows,^ although it is repre- sented in Nova Scotia by var. tuskctense.^ Tipularia discolor is near the northeastern limit of its range on one of the Elizabeth Islands (Nashawena) and on Martha's Vineyard. Rinnex vcrticillatus, long known from Block Island, but otherwise rare in New England, has recently been collected on the Elizabeths. Hydrocoiijlc Canbi/i^ and H. verticillata, both known on the basis of old records from Woods Hole (for years their only known station in New England) have, during the course of the present survey, been discovered on the Elizabeth Islands as well. Solidago minor ranges from Alabama and Florida to Virginia, then ''jumps" to Nantucket, where it was reported by Bicknell, and is now known to occur on Naushon, the largest of the Elizabeths. Thus it will be seen, that these islands, as is true of nearly every other locality along the coast from New Jersey northward, are not totally lacking in records which represent interesting, or even spectacular, northern extensions of plants which are essentially southern in their affinities. In general, however, the flora of the Elizabeth Islands far from sug- gests that of the coastal plain. The following enumeration, which in- cludes the seven species just mentioned, constitutes a nearly complete list of the plants known from these islands which are also characteristic species of the coastal strip, ranging from the Gulf States, Florida or Georgia northeastward. Many of them, of course, continue farther north and east, being known from Nova Scotia, New Bnmswick or even Newfoundland, but they are, for the most part, plants of a pronounced austro-riparian origin. It would be difficult to make such a list comprehensive, for, in the absence of adequate data concerning the complete ranges of every species, it is not always easy to state categorically whether a plant belongs exclusively to the southern coastal plain, or whether it enjoys an Alleghanian-Carolin- »See Weatherby. Rhodora, xxx. 133 (1928). « See Fogg, Rhodora, xxxi. 39 (1929). »See Femald, Rhodora, xxiii. 192 (1921). IRREGULAR PAGINATION 210 Rhodora [October ian distribution. All of the species listed below, with the exception of those marked with an asterisk, are known also from Cape Cod. Woodwardia virginica Thelypteris simulata Lycopodium inundatum, var. Bigelovii Chamaecyparis thyoides Sparganium eurycarpum Potamogeton Oakesianus P. pulcher Andropogon scoparius, var. polyclados A. virginicus *Paspalum setaceum P. pubescens Panicum meridionale P. albemarlense P. oricola *P. longifolium P. Commonsianum Setaria geniculata Cenchrus paucifiorus Stipa avenacea Aristida purpurascens Ammophila breviligulata Spartina alterniflora, var. pilosa *Diplachne maritima Cyperus erythrorhizos C. ferax Eleocharis rostellata Fimbristylis autumnalis Scirpus Olneyi S. robustus Rynchospora capitellata Carex Longii C. straminea C. alata C. Howei C. Mitchelliana Xyris caroliniana Juncus effusus, var. costulatus Luzula campestris, var. echinata Smilax rotundifolia Iris prismatica Sisyrinchium graminoides Pogonia ophioglossoides Calopogon pulchellus *Tipularia discolor Myrica caroliniensis Spergularia rubra Boehmeria cylindrica, var. Drummondiana *Rumex verticillatus Polygonum glaucum P. punctatum Drosera intermedia Pyrus arbutif olia Rubus Andrewsianus Rosa palustris Prunus maritima Desmodium obtusum D. marilandicum Lespedeza capitata Polygala cruciata Euphorbia polygonifolia Ilex opaca I. glabra Hibiscus Moscheutos Hypericum virginicum Helianthemum canadense H. Bicknellii Lechea villosa L. maritima Decodon verticillatus Rhexia virginica MyriophyUum scabratum Proserpinaca palustris *Sanicula canadensis Hydrocotyle umbellata H. Canbyi H. verticillata Ptilimnium capillaceum Clethra alnif olia Rhododendron viscosum, var. glaucum Leucothoe racemosa Samolus floribundus Bartonia virginica B. paniculata Nymphoides lacunosum Asclepias verticillata Teucrium canadense, var. littorale Ilysanthes inaequalis Gratiola aurea Agalinis maritima Utricularia gibba *Plantago virginica 1930] Fogg,--Flora of the Elizabeth Islands. Massachusetts 211 Eupatorium hyssopifolium SoUdago EUiottii *S. minor S. tenuifolia Aster dumosus A. vimineus Pluchea camphorata Gnaphalium purpureum Coreopsis rosea Krigia virginica Lactuca hirsuta Hieracium Gronovii A point requiring particular emphasis is, that many of these species are by no means common on the islands. Indeed, a few of them, such as Thelypteris simulata, Paspalum setaceum, Panicum longi- folium, P. Commonsianum, Cenchrus paucifiorus, Diplachne mari- tima, Eleocharis rostellata, Carex straminea, C. alata, C. Mitchelliana, Luzula campestris, var. echinata, Tipularia discolor, Rumex verticil- latus, Prunus maritima. Ilex glabra, Sanicula canadensis, Hydro- cotyle Canbyi, Rhododendron viscosum, var. glaucum, Triosteum per- foliatum, SoUdago minor and Coreopsis rosea, are known only from a single locality, while certain others, though less restricted, are never- theless rare and local. And seldom, if ever, are these coastal plain plants present in sufficient abundance to create the impression, inescapable on Cape Cod, of a southern flora transplanted almost en masse. Pursuing this last idea further, it will be found interesting to contrast with the list just given a list of some of the southern coastal plain plants which are known to occur on Cape Cod (most of them from the Middle Cape), but which have not yet been found on the Elizabeth Islands: Pteridium aquilinum, var. pseudocaudatum Sagittaria Engelmanniana S. graminea S. teres Paspalum psammophilum Panicum verrucosum P. Bicknellii P. microcarpon P. annulum P. mattamuskeetense P. spretum P. Wrightianum P. auburne P. tsugetorum P. columbianum P. polyanthes P. Ashei P. scoparium Aristida dichotoma A. gracilis Spartina cynosuroides Tridens flavus Cyperus filicinus, var. microdontus C. Grayii Eleocharis Robbinsii E. melanocarpa Psilocarya scirpoides Scirpus atrovirens, var. georgianus S. Eriophorum Fuirena squarrosa Hemicarpha micrantha Rynchospora macrostachya R. inundata R. Torreyana R. capitellata, var. discutiens 212 Rhodora [October Scleria reticularis Carex annectens C. intumescens C. buUata, var. Greenei Arisaema Stewardsonii Peltandra virginica Orontium aquaticum Xyris Smalliana Juncus subcaudatus J. aristulatus Lilium superbum Aletris farinosa Lachnanthes tinctoria Myrica asplenifolia Quercus stellata Q. prinoides Q. ilicifolia Comandra umbellata Polygonum setaceum Polygonella articulata Acnida cannabina Drosera filiformis Cassia Chamaecrista Crotalaria sagittalis Lupinus perennis Tephrosia virginiana Desmodium rotundifolium D. marilandicum Lespedeza procumbens L. Stuvei L. angustifolia Strophostyles helvola Linum floridanum, var. intercursum Polygala Nuttallii Corema Conradii Acer rul^rum, var. tridens Ceanothus americanus, var. intermedius Vitis cordifolia Hypericum adpressum Hudsonia ericoides Viola emarginata V. primulifolia Opuntia vulgaris Rhexia mariana Oenothera linearis O. longipedicellata Proserpinaca pectinata P. intermedia Lilaeopsis chinensis Sabatia campanulata Cuscuta compacta Onosmodium virginianum Stachys hyssopifolia Lycopus sessilifolius Agalinis purpurea Aureolaria pedicularia, var. caesariensis Utricularia infiata U. subulata Viburnum pubescens Eupatorium verbenaefolium Mikania scandens Solidago erecta S. puberula Aster spectabilis A. subulatus A. tenuifolius Baccharis halimifolia Bidens coronata Lactuca floridana Thus it will be seen that, while there occur on the Elizabeth Islands something like 100 species belonging to a wideranging southwestern flora. Cape Cod not only has practically every one of these same plants, but boasts in addition at least an equal number of species of the same class which, so far as is known, are totally lacking from the islands. It may be worth while to note, in passing, that, while an overwhelm- ingly large proportion of the more than 200 prevailingly southern species which occur on Cape Cod occur likewise on Nantucket (and a considerably smaller proportion on Martha's Vineyard), that island has caught a number of these southern migrants which appear not to have succeeded in reaching the Cape. Several of these may be listed: 19301 Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 2\:\ Eleocharis tricostata Ascyron hyi)ericoides Scleria triglomerata Lespedeza virguuca Carex Walteriana Lechea Leggettii Habenaria ciliaris Ludvigia alterniflora Quercus pagodaefoUa Pyenanthemum verticillatuni Polygonum robustius Schwalbea americana Amaranthus pumilus Aster concolor Ranunculus laxicaulis Sufficient evidence has probably been adduced to bear out the contention that the relations of the flora of the Elizabeth Islands to that of the southern coastal plain are anything but prominently marked, and that this southern, or southwestern, element is nuich more strongly represented in the closely adjacent regions, especially Cape Cod and Nantucket. An attempt to determine the causes which account for this break in distribution will shortly be made. The Northern Elevient. Although lacking numy of the northern types which distinguish the floras of parts of Nantucket and the "Lower" Cape, the Elizabeth Islands are not entirely without their representation of plants whose affinities are prevailingly boreal. In all, about 50 such species, constituting nearly 9% of the total native flora, may be considered as belonging to this class. It is significant to contrast this number with the 150 northern plants (over 20%) listed by Bicknell for Nantucket. In general, these northern species which occur on the Elizabeth Islands are plants which range from Labrador and Newfoundland south to Massachusetts and New Jersey or, in a few cases, Delaware or Maryland. Many of them range south of New England along the mountains but reach the coastwise southern limit of their distri- bution in Massachusetts, Long Island or New Jersey. In the list which follows those species marked with an asterisk are to be looked upon as essentially maritime. ♦Ruppia maritima, var. subcapitata *Triglochin maritima ♦Agrostis stolonifera, var. compacta Spartina Michauxiana Glyceria obtusa G. canadensis *Puccinellia paupercula, var. alaskana Eleocharis uniglumis Scirpus campestris, var. jialutlosus Eriophorum tenellum Rynchospora f usca Carex hormathodes C. silicea C. canescens, var. disjuiicta C. limosa C. lanuginosa Eriocauloii septangulare Juncus pelocarpus J. militaris J. articulatus Sisyrinchium aiigustifoliuni Liparis Loeselii Betula populifolia 214 Rhodora (October *Rumex maritimus, var. fueginus Arenaria lateriflora Sagina procumbens *Ranunculus Cymbalaria Drosera rotundifolia Fragaria virginiana, var. terrae-novae *Potentilla pacifica *Lathyrus maritimus Rhus glabra, var. borealis Ilex verticillata, var. fastigiata Hypericum boreale Epilobium palustre, var. monticola Myriophyllum tenellum *Ligusticum scothicum *Coelopleurum lucidum Menyanthes trif oliata, var. minor Chamaedaphne calyculata Vaccinium macrocarpon Limosella subulata *Plantago juncoides, var. decipiens Anaphalis margaritacea The Elizabeth Islands, then, appear to have received their share of those far-ranging northern types which probably owe their existence in coastal New England, and southwestward, to the former presence of the broad continental shelf, already referred to, which permitted of their extension to the southwest and then, following its submerg- ence, left them stranded at isolated localities along the coast. This would also explain why these islands possess fewer such plants than Martha's Vineyard (see p. 173) and still fewer than either Nantucket or the outer portion of Cape Cod. For, if these boreal species reached southeastern New England from off the elevated coastal bench to the eastward, then it seems logical to assume that a greater number of them would have found a refuge on Nantucket and the "Lower" Cape and that a smaller proportion would have succeeded in finding their way to the areas inland to the west, especially if, as may well have been the case, the retreat of the glacial ice from the latter region lagged appreciably behind its retreat from Nantucket, Martha's Vineyard and Cape Cod. The Continental Element. It is only when we come to consider the continental element as it appears on the Elizabeth Islands that we find ourselves dealing with the type of vegetation which lends a dominating color to their flora. Probably more than 400 plants (about 70% of the total indigenous flora) from these islands are neither prevailingly southern nor northern in their distributional affinities but belong, rather, to a widespread continental flora which might be characterized, somewhat arbitrarily, as Canadian-Alleghan- ian in nature. This, it will be recognized immediately, is an attribute which the Elizabeths share in common with the upper or inner part of Cape Cod, and, indeed, there is every reason to suppose that the flora of these islands may, until comparatively recent geologic times, have been continuous with that of the line of hills which runs from 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 215 Falmouth to Boume, and even north nearly to Plymouth. This entire ridge represents a terminal moraine which, beyond Cuttyhunk, dips below sea level reappearing, as some geologists believe, to form Block Island and, farther west, a portion of Long Island. The separation of the Elizabeth Islands from the mainland and their division into the seven present members of the chain are, as has already been indicated, relatively modern events. So it is entirely in keeping with the past history of this region that so many of the types which are abundant throughout the Falmouth area should likewise be common on the islands. The relation of the flora of the Elizabeth Islands to that of the mainland comes out most clearly upon an examination of the forest types. The trees have already been listed (p. 151), but it seems entirely justifiable to repeat in this place that the native woods of the islands are made up not only of beech, Fagua grandifolia (surely not a coastal plain type), but also contain Carya alba, Ostrya mrgin- iana, Quercus alba, Q. velutina, Sassafras officinale, Hamamelis mrgin- iana, Acer rubrum, Cornus florida and Nyssa syhatica. Now these trees, while they may and do occur on the coastal plain, are neverthe- less more common and more clearly at home on the richer soils of the Piedmont and the areas inland, often reaching their finest develop- ment on wet wooded slopes and the alluvia of river valleys. Under the trees listed above, on the wetter parts of the forest floor, occur such plants as Carex lupulina, Arisaema tnphyllum, Oakesia sessilifolia, Maianthemum canaden^e, Medeola mrginiana and Trientalis borealis. These again are types more commonly associated with an Alleghanian woodland flora. The beech drops, Epifagus mrginiana, a rare plant in southeastern Massachusetts, occurs everywhere in the wooded parts of Naushon and Nashawena, and many other cases of this sort might be cited. It would be superfluous to list here all of the species of Canadian- AUeghanian affinities which occur on the Elizabeth Islands. An enumeration of them would include most of the names of native plants in the Catalog that follows which have not been listed above in dealing either with the Southern or Northern Elements. A few of the most typical, however, not including the few trees mentioned above, may be given for the sake of comparison: Polypodium virginiauum Asplenium platyneuron Athjrrium angustum Osmunda cinnamomea 216 Rhodora Ophioglossum vulgatum Isoetes Engelmanni Sparganium americanum Sagittaria latifolia Andropogon furcatus Glyceria striata G. paUida Elymus virginicus Cyperus diandrus C. rivularis Scirpus cyperinus Eriophorum virginicum Carex rosea, var. radiata C. cephalophora C, crinita C. virescens C. communis C. pennsylvanica, var. separans C. digitalis C. debilis, var. Rudgei C. lupulina Arisaema triphyllum Symplocarpus foetidus Acorus Calamus Juncus effusus, var. solutus Oakesia scssilifolia Lilium philadclphicum Maianthemum canadense Medeola virginiana Habenaria bracteata H. clavellata H. orbiculata Arethusa bulbosa Boehmeria cylindrica Polygonum scandens Phytolacca americana Ranunculus delphinifolius Anemone virginiana Coptis groenlandica Spiraea tomentosa [October Amelanchier oblongifolia Geum canadense Geranium maculatum Acalypha virginica A. digyneia Callitriche heterophylla Rhus typhina R. Vernix R. Toxicodendron Ilex verticillata Impatiens biflora Vitis labrusca V. aestivalis Viola papilionacea V. pallens Ludvigia palustris Cicuta maculata Slum suave Heracleum lanatum Monotropa uniflora M. Hypopithys Epigaea repens Gaultheria procumbens Lysimachia quadrifolia L. terrestris Trientalis borealis Apocynum androsaemifolium Verbena hastata Scutellaria galericulata Pycnanthemum muticum P. flexuosum Epifagus virginiana Cephalanthus occidentalis Triosteum perfoliatum Sambucus canadensis Lobelia cardinalis Solidago juncea S. canadensis Aster divaricatus Cirsium discolor The great bulk of these plants are species primarily of the interior; they attain their fullest development in the Piedmont and the Up- lands and their occurrence on the coastal plain may be regarded, in most cases, as rather casual. In summing up, it need merely be pointed out that the Elizabeth Islands, while serving, as does every other locality along the Atlantic coast, as a meeting ground for both northern and southern species of plants, exhibit both qualitatively and quantitatively a very strong 19301 Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 217 relationship with a widely dispersed flora of a continental nature, a fact which seems readily explicable \ipon the basis of the close connec- tion existing between these islands and the inner, hilly part of Cape Cod, both as regards geologic history and general topography. Finally, there remains to be considered, as briefly as may be, the subject of the last glacial advance over this region and its possible effects in influencing the present-day distribution of the flora. Glacial History. Probably the greatest student of the geology of southeastern Massachusetts since the days of N. S. Shaler, was the late J. B. Woodworth of Harvard University. Professor Wood- worth had prepared, shortly before his death, an exhaustive treatment of the glacial history of the Cape Cod region. This manuscript, unfortunately, still awaits publication and the details which it em- bodies are not yet available. Happily, however, Woodworth had related his broader conclusions to A. P. Brigham, geologist to C(>lgate University, and the main arguments are set forth by Brigham in his popular book entitled " Cape Cod and The Old Colony. " According to Woodworth, the advance of the last or Wisconsin ice over southeastern Massachusetts took place not as a solid sheet, but in the form of three tongues or lobes. One of these, the " Buzz- ards Bay Lobe," came down over the region now occupied by Buzz- ards Bay and deposited as a frontal moraine much of the nuiterial which now forms the line of high hills along the northwest shore of Martha's Vineyard, from :\Ienemsha to West Chop. Then, following an interval which represented a retreat and a second advance of the ice, this lobe laid down, as a secondary moraine, the ridge which made the' Elizabeth Islands and the "Upper Cape." The line of the islands, as may be seen from a map, almost exactly parallels the line of the morainal hills on the northwest shore of the Vineyard. The second lobe, which lay to the east of the " Buzzards Bay Lobe," advanced southward over what is now the middle section of Cape Cod and laid down, as a terminal moraine, the sand, gravel and boulders which form the northeast shore of Martha's Vineyard and the higher, crescent-shaped portion of Nantucket. This Woodworth terms the "Cape Cod Lobe." This lobe then retreated, as did the Buzzards Bay Lobe and, as its secondary moraine, deposited the till which com- poses the "backbone" of Cape Cod from Sandwich to Brewster and Orleans. Thus, Martha's Vineyard was built by the combined action of two lobes and the central and southern parts of the island 218 Rhodora !■■* I represent an outwash or apron plain derived from two separate moraines. The southern and southeastern parts of Nantucket and almost the entire south shore of the Cape likewise represent outwash plains, both formed from the materials deposited by the Cape Cod Still further to the eastward, the third, or "South Channel Lobe" advanced over the area now submerged and known as Georges Banks. With the deposits of this lobe we are not so much concerned, as they now lie mostly beneath the sea, save for such materials as may have contributed to the building of the outer or lower part of Cape Cod. How far this lobe may have extended eastward over the then elevated continental shelf is apparently not definitely known. It now becomes pertinent to inquire into the relative ages of these deposits and as to whether any evidence is forthcoming to indicate at what time and in what manner the various lobes retreated. Probably Woodworth's report, when it becomes available, will throw much light on this question. However, the writer has it on the authority of Dr. Wigglesworth of the Boston Society of Natural History, who is conversant with Woodworth's views, and who is himself a student of the geology of Martha's Vineyard, that in all probability the middle or Cape Cod lobe was the first one to retreat. If this was the case, it then means that Nantucket, the eastern part of Martha's Vmeyard and the central part of Cape Cod were free of ice at a time when the regions to the east and to the west were still covered by the South Channel and Buzzards Bay lobes respectively. Remembermg that the coastal shelf was probably considerably higher at that time than it is today, and that the Vineyard, Nantucket and the Cape may well have been contmuous dry land, it at once becomes apparent that there was thus opened up an area which soon became available as a refuge for that migration of southern coastal plain species of plants which probably began as soon as the ice commenced to retreat. It is necessary to point out here that there is a lack of complete agreement as to the exact period of subsidence of the continental shelf and as to whether this migration might have occurred previous to the advent of the Wisconsin ice or whether it could not possibly have taken place until after the glacier had receded. Douglas Johnson, the eminent student of coastal phenomena, m discussing the date of submergence of the Banks cuesta (i. e., the New England-Acadian portion of the outer coastal shelf) states that 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 219 "we should expect the subsidence to be at least post-Miocene and more probably post-Pliocene."^ And further, "It seems probable that the date of submergence of the drowned topography must be post-Tertiary. "2 Johnson, then, is inclined to view the elevation of the continental shelf as pre-glacial rather than post-glacial, a condition which would have necessitated the plant migration having antedated the advent of the Wisconsin ice. And, indeed, Femald sees no reason why these plants should not have moved northeast- ward along the exposed shelf before the coming of the Wisconsin glaciation and "have persisted outside the subsequently glaciated area, finally taking possession of their present isolated habitats on the receding of the ice. "^ In connection with the present study, however, it matters little whether these species of the southern coastal plain reached the New England area before or after the last glaciation. In either case they must have moved inland from off the broad shelf to the eastward to take the places left vacant for them by the recession of the ice, and if we are justified in assuming that it was the Cape Cod Lobe of the glacier which receded first, then we are in a position to understand why so many of these species are to be found upon Nantucket and the "Middle" Cape, and, to a lesser degree, upon the eastern portion of Martha's Vineyard and are so generally lacking from the Elizabeth Islands and inner Cape Cod. Even if the western half of the Vmeyard, the Elizabeth Islands and the "Upper" Cape were free from ice at the time when this migration was operative, it seems likely that they offered a type of habitat which was less attractive to these coastal plain plants than the low-lying silicious areas of Nantucket and the "Middle" Cape which they must have reached first and where they today abound, seldom exhibiting a tendency to widen their ranges into the neighboring regions. And although, as Femald suggests, these plants may have persisted upon the outer shelf while the ice still covered the area inland, it is nevertheless probable that the Nantucket-" Middle" Cape region would have been the first to wit- ness their return. • j j f _ Ccmcltmon: In summing up, it may be said that, consKlered from the viewpoint of broad, geographic origins, the native flora of the 1 Johnson. D The New England-Acadian Shon-lino. New York. 302 (1925). 1 F^JLw^'m I A PrelinUnary Statement of Results of Studies on the Northeast- ward Disiribution of the coastal Plain Flora. Amer. Jour. Sci. 4th Ser. xl. 18 (1915). 220 Rhodora [October Elizabeth Islands is seen to consist of three distinct elements. In the first place, there are those species (less than 20%) which exhibit a relationship with the flora of the southern coastal plain. Their presence upon these islands is to be explained upon the basis of a former land connection with New Jersey and southward which took the form of an elevation of the outer coastal bench, now submerged, and which, either prior to or following the Wisconsin glaciation, permitted of the migration of plants from the southwest to the New England area and even farther north and east. That so many more of these southern plants occur upon Cape Cod and Nantucket than upon the Elizabeth Islands is probably to be explained by the be- havior of the glacial lobes which covered this area and which, by their differential recession, seem to have rendered the former areas access- ible to occupation by plants at an earlier date. Secondly, there is a small percentage (less than 9%) of plants displaying a boreal affinity, the occurrence of which may be attributed to a counter extension southward along this same uplifted shelf. And the fact that the Eliza- beth Islands ha^ e received a smaller number of these northern repre- sentatives than either Cape Cod or Nantucket is probably to be accounted for on the basis of their inland position and the character of the habitat which they oft'er, which is, in general, less favorable for these northern plants than the situations which they occupy on the "Lower" Cape. And, finally, there is the overwhelming majority (over 70%) of plants occurring on the Elizabeth Islands which show an essential relationship with the flora of the mainland and which give to the islands the dominating character of a Canadian- Alleghan- ian region. The prevalence of this continental element is doubtless due to the close geologic and physiographic similarity existing between these islands and the "Upper'' Cape. Thus it will be seen that the evidence derived from a study of the geographic origin of the flora of the Elizabeth Islands fits rather well into what is already known concerning the history of the neighboring territory and that these islands take their place botanically as an extension of the adjacent mainland rather than as a link in that chain of outposts of a formerly continuous but now highly disrupted coastal plain flora extending from the South Atlantic States to Newfoundland. Acknowledgements. The writer desires to express his profound and grateful appreciation of the stimulating genius of Professor M. L. Femald under whose guidance this study has been conducted and without whose inspiration it could never have been completed. Fernald,— Gentiana proccra 221 19301 Mr C A Weatherbv and Mr. Bayard Long have both rendered invaluable assistance in their willingness to aid in the determination of critical material. To them the writer 's deepest thanks are due. He is also indebted to Professor L. H. Bailey, who has kmdly examined several specimens of Ruhus, to Professor K. ^L Wiegand, who has looked over some of the Amdanchier material, and to Mrs. Agnes Chase who has given her opinion on a few sheets of Panicum. {To he continued) THE FLORA OF THE ELIZABETH ISLANDS, MASSACHUSETTS John M. Fogg, Jr. (Continued from page 221) Part II. Annotated List of the Vascular Flora In the Catalog of Vascular Plants of the Elizabeth Islands which follows several conventions and abbreviations have, for the sake of convenience, been adopted ; these are here explained : NOMENCLATURE. Th^ International Rules of Botanical Nomen- clature have been followed. ELEMENTS IN THE FLORA. The various elements constituting the flora have been differentiated thus : Indigenous species appear in capital letters. Introduced species are given in italics. Discredited records are included in brackets. CITATIONS AND SYNONYMY. Synonyms are given in italics and, in general, are included only when they represent names which have been superseded since the last edition of Gray's Manual (Ed. 7, 1908). Usually, in such cases, a reference is given to the place where the new name was published or its status discussed. LOCALITIES. The seven main islands are indicated by taking the first three letters of the name of each ; thus : NON: Nonamesset, including Pine Island. UNC: Uncatena NAU: Naushon, including Captain's Island, Ram's Head, Mono- hansett. Buck, East Buck, West Buck and the Weepeckets. PAS: Pasque. NAS: Nashawena. CUT: Cuttyhunk. PEN: Penikese, including Gull Island. 19301 Fogg.-Flora of the Elizabeth Islands. Massachusetts 227 COLLECTORS Those who have collected specimens from the where the collector has employed a mmibermg system. ot^«^^'«^ ^^ t da* A list of the chief collectors is here gn-en m alphabetical order: Cushman, J. A. (1906) Duggar, B. M. (1911) Faxon, C. E. (1875) Faxon, Walter (1873) Fernald, M. L. (1927) Hervey, E. W. (no date) HoUick, Arthur (1898) Jordan, David S. (1873) MacRue, LilUan (1904) Moore, A. H. (1904) Northrop, Alice R. (1901, 1903) Pennell,F.W.(1911) Sanford,S.N.F (1917) Simons, EUzabeth A. (1901) Sipe, S. B. (1901) Svenson,H.K.(1926) Taylor, W.R. (1919-1921) Weir, "Miss" (1890) Williams, E.F. (1911) OOre, A. n. VA»vrt; 1- X i ,. Further information concerning these collectors and the distribu- tion of thei^material may be found in the section on Previous Botan- ical Work on the Islands (Pages 123-12o). ^ N B Serial numbers unpreceded by a name are lo rep;esenting material collected by the present^.iter. HFRBAMA The following system of initials has been eu p j to desrate the herbaria in which specimens have been seen or to which they are known to have been distributed: (A) Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (B) Boston Society of Natural History (C) Cornell University . G Gray Herbarium, Harvard University J) Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Mass. (M) Missouri Botanical Garden (N) New England Botanical Club (P) University of Pennsylvania (U) United States National Museum W) Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass. (Y) New York Botanical Garden (o) no specimen seen POLYPODIACEAE ,r*, T P TiulaaTe of eastern American POLYPODIUM VIRGINIANUM L. r. ?^*^"^ . ^.^x j^ ggen 'Z«A).2489(N);NAS:^ortArop(o) ^^^,^,,„,„„ (pesv.) Pteridium aquilinum (I^:) f^"!""' . Apparently not common; IRREGULAR PAGINATION 228 Rhodora [NOVBMBBR WooDWARDiA viBGiNiCA (L.) Sm. Locally abundant; forms considerable growth around the dune ponds «" N^l^ton wV^ 1 772 WiUiams, July 10, 1911 (N); NAS: NoHhrop. July, 1901 (Y), 1772 ^^whREOLATA (L.) Moore. Locally abundant; with rM^/p^em palmtris, var. pubescens occupying boggy hollows m open hills 1 Ab Lrwon, Sept. 8, 1926 (N) ; NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y), 3492 (N,P) , "^ aIpSuS'SLon (L.) Oakes. Reported by Mrs. North- roD from Nashawena; no specimen seen. ^ , . ^,. . • ^ ^f Athyeium angustum (WiUd.) Presl. Aspkmum fil^^-^^^^Sf American authors in part See Gutters Rhodora. xu. 190 0917). Boggy woods and open hillsides. NAS: 3515 (P) , CU 1 . ^bib (.in;. A ANGUSTUM, var. ELATius (Link) Butters^ Rhodora, x.x. 191 (1917) Dry, exposed hillside. PEN: 459 (N,P,W). Thelypteris palustris (Salisb.) Schott, var. pubescens (Lawson) FeSd ™di«m Thelypteris of Manual. See Fernald, RhodoRA xxx" 34 (1929). Common in low, boggy ground and around borders of ponds NON: 2238 (N); UNC: 2993 (N); NAU: Stp., Aug. 901 HNyTaS- Northrop (o), 2349 (N,P); CUT: Sanjord, Aug. 15, 1917 'i^'^Sl^r^k^ £3'%W,-„« sim.latu.^ Dav. See Weatherby Rhodora, xxi. 174, 178 (1919). Apparently rare »" the Elands NAU : Sipe, July, 1901 (W) : PAS: Svenson, Sept. 8, 1926 (N) T NOVEBORACENSIS (L.) Nieuwl. Aspidium noveboracerise (L.) Sw Mdst wo'odi:;nd NON: 2907 (G.N,P,M,C); NAS: Northrop ^%^lltJ^VLOSJ. (O. F. MuUer) Nieuwl. Aspidium spinvlosum (O. F. Miller) Sw Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena; no 'PdeTstTedtia punctilobula (Michx.) .foor^^,f^^ZtrM tilobula (Michx.) Gray. Rocky open h^'^'^es. NAS. Northrop (o), 3509 (P) ; CUT : 2534 (N,P) ; PEN : 46 (N,P,\\ ,M) Onoclea sensibilis L. Apparently not abundant. NAS. North rop (o); CUT: Sanford, .\ug. 15, 1917 (N). OSMUNDACEAE OsMUNDA REGALis L., var. sPECTABius (WiUd.) Gray. Occasional in open bogs. NAS: AW< Arop (o), 1777 (P). ^mN- 2881 fNV O ciNNAMOMEA L. Bogs and ^V^tholows NON. 2881 (N), UNC: 3029 (N); NAS: Northrop (o), 3513 (P); CUT: 3450 (P). OPHIO GLOSS ACEAE Ophioglossum vulgatum L. Found only in y^^dy Jeld at the east end of Cuttyhunk, near Cuttyhunk Pond. NAS. Northrop (o). CUT : 3582 (N,P). 1930] Fogg.— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 229 [BoTRVCHiuM MATRICARIAE (Schrank) Sprcug. is reported by Mrs. Northrop for Nashawena. This may refer to B. dusedum Spreng. or one of its allies, but in the absence of herbarnim material it seems best to disregard the record entirely.] EQUISETACEAE Equisetum arvense L. Seen only in a boggy clearing in the woods at the east end of Naushon. NAU: 701 (P,\V). LYCOPODIACEAE Lycopodium inu.ndatum L., var. Bioelovii Tuckerm. Peaty mar- gins of ponds. NON: 3381 (N); N.\U: 3865 (P). ISOETACEAE IsoETES Engelman.ni A. Br. A single sheet of this species collected on Nashawena by C. E. Faxon, but bearing no date, is m the Gray Herbarium. PINACEAE PiNUS Strobus L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena, where probably introduced ; no specimen seen. P R^GiDA Mill. A small group of these trees grows at the extreme eaJt end of Naushon near the West Gutter Seen nowliere else, althoueh perhaps more common. JN AU : 6-iZo y^y\J' , Ps%Lis L. Scotch Pine has been introduced on sev-e^al o^ tl^ islands but seems nowhere to be spreading. N AU : 38 a (N ) , M Ab . Northrop (o). 3482 (P) ; PEN: 402 (W). Larixdccidua Mill. Planted at several localities along the north shore of Naushon. NAU: 3870 (N P,M,C). Picea Abies (L.) Karst. P. cxcelsa Link. This and the next two have been planted extensively along the north shore of Naushon. ""f'-gfZ^vIss. P. canadensis B. S. P. N.-VU: 3690 (J.P), 369. (J,P), 3869 (J,N). ^j, TT •isrsr TP^ P nun a ens ^nzeim, JNAU : oc!soo i,J,r;. bHAMSpARfs THYOIDES (L.) B. S. P. Of infrequent occurrence on the islands, although plcntifi.1 around a large pond "e^r Tarpa.din Cove on Naushon. NAU: » dl.ams, July 10^ 19 1 (^)',f;7j'^'„Yv on JUNIPERUS COMMU.MS L., var. depressa Pursh Collected onlv on the north shore of Naushon, where it may possibly have been intro- '^TviRG^^iANfL' ^Ktiful in the woods near the East Gutter on Nona™et; not teen elsewhere. NON: 2668 (N, P); NAS: Sorthrop (")• TYPHACEAE Typh A LATiFOLi A L. Swamps and pond borders. NON : 267a (N ) ; NAS: A'or by Mrs. Northrop for Nashawena but no specimen has been seen. Inasmucli as P. pv.dha has been a source of considerable confusion and there is no way of dec.dmg the correct application of this name without material th.s record can not '"p"Dm^RLFOUUS Raf. P. hybrld.s of the Manual, in part. Col- lecLTnly from the sandy borders of the du.. ponds on N .Uwena, hilt nrobablv more w dcspread. NAS: 1083 (F,W j, 1 / /o U^^^A '"p.TeSatus L. AlJlmdant in a somew-l.at -ck.sh pond abng the south shore of Nonamessef, should be found elsewhere. NON. ''RuPPifMARiriMA L., var. ^^-ONGiPEsHagstrSm. See Fernald & Wiegand, Rhodora, xvi. 125 (1914). NON: 2246 (N.P.M.C). 28/6 (N) N.\U: rcnndl 3151 (W); CUT: 2,333 (G.N.P.M.C). All of the material of R. mariiima with long podogynes (1-6 cm.) seems to have, at least in maturity, peduncles which are well over 3 cm in length and which are often much longer and usually spu-alled. 19301 Fogg.— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands. Massachusetts 231 If var. rostrata Agardh, with mature peduncles 0.5-3 cm. long, occurs on these islands it has still to be collected. R. MARITIMA L., var. suBCAPir.vr.. Fernald & Wiegand. liHO'^ouA. xvi 126 (1914). NON: 2251 (N.P); N.\U: Duggar, J«'l-V. l^H ((')• PenneU 3152 (P,W); PAS: 712 (N,P,W). This variety with very short podogynes (2-6 nun.) was origmally described from material collected on Naushon. Its range has smce been extended from Qi.ebec and Prince Edward Island to Block Island. Rhode Island. ZosTERA MARINA L. Frequent in the shallow coves ""'1 sniall tidal Streams. NON: 2285 (G.N.P); NAS: horthrop (o); PEN: 464 (W), 1702 (N,P). Material collected in Sheep Pen Harbor on Nonamesset and from near the landing on Penikese is remarkable for the copiousness with which it produces flowers and fruits; this fact has been observc )■ HYDROCHARITACEAE VaLLIS.NER.A AMERICANA MicllX. ^ ^^'^ ''■^ »f., ^Y''"""' ^ Jf. Fernald. Rhodora. xx. 108 O^IS). -^bundant in Sheep Pond near west end of Cuttyhunk. CUT : 2o32 (G.N ,P,M). GRAMINEAE Andropogon SCOPARIU8 Michx., var. frequens Hubbard See Rhodora, xix. 103 (1917). Abundant eyeryw^iere «" "P^" ' J^ /^"^ sandv lowlands. NON : 2585 (P.C) . 291 1 (N.P.M) : UN C . 31 09 (N , NAU: 3924 (N.P.M); PAS: Sv,„so„, Sept. 8, 1926 (N), 3.J^.*»^ P dIIIuperatum Muhl.. var. psilophvllum Fernald. Rhodora xxiii. 193 (1921). This species is represented on the islands only by the smooth-leaved variety. Grassy and sandy slopes. NON . 2579 (N) ; NAU: 2491 (N,P), 3319 (P). P dichotomum L. Mostly in open sfndy woods. NON. 2650 (N). 3423 (P.M) ; NAU: 2478 (N,W), 2483 (P). 3906 (N.P.C). ^ P. LiNDHEiMERi Nash. var. fasciculatum (Torr.) Fernald. P. huachv^ae .\she. P. huachu^ae y>iT^ sihicola Hitchc & Chase. P tm-npiirense Ashe See Fernald. Rhodora. xxiii. 223 (19^U. NON 2295TNPW) 2301 (W.C). 2589 (P). 2633 (P.M). 2648 (P.W . Vfifin rKH -iiVfi /f^ 3374 (PU) 3375 (P). 3376 (P,U), 3420 P.U); nTuSs? (N.P?3S (PUh CUT: I2& (N.P.M), 3433 (P.U.C). 3456 (P,U) ; PEN : 478 (N,P,W) , 3405 (P) . 19301 Fogg.— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands. Massachusetts 233 This is the most ubiquitous and the most variable Panicum on the islands. Of the specimens cited Mrs. Agnes Chase, who has kindly examined some of the material from the Elizabeths, has designated no 3374 as P. implkatum Scribn.. no. 3420 as typical P. huachucae Ashe, and nos. 3376. 3433. 3456 and 3903 as P. huachucae var. s.h,- cola Hitchc. & Chase. In speaking of no. 3420 Mrs. Chase says. "The pubescence on upper surface of blades varies from very scant or almost wanting to fairly copious." Thus, degree of pubescence varies, not only as between separate plants, but in different parU o the same plant and. in view of the many intermediates which make it impossible here to draw sharp specific or even varietal lines, it seems best to follow the more conservative treatment of this species pro- posed by Fernald, 1. c. p. 226. Viewed in this light, the Elizabeth Islands material with spikelets 1.5-2.1 mm. long and leaf-blades short-pilose to glabrous above, falls into the y^xriety fasaculatum P. MERiDio.NALE Ashe. Abundant on «=''P°^«^. 8'"f?>:N sSS"^ Often very slender with leaves not over 1.5 mm. wide NON. 258- (P)- NAU: Taylor, July 24. 1917 (P); NAS: 2452 (N). 35.>0 (:^,f), '^"p'^SMlYElsSe'-'^'Ti'^southern species, found abundantly inLent years on the "Middle" Cape, is known from two stations on the ElSabeth Islands, both of them exposed sandy areas. LNC : 3082 borders. NAU: 718 (W), 2492 (P). 2714 (N). 3081 (P). N.Vb. -35J (N) . 3466 (P) ; PEN : 479 (P.W). The lines between this and P. meridionale are not always sharp; in fact, the two behave more like varieties of one polymorphic species_ Differences in size of spikelets are trivial, pubescence cannot be relied upon, and habit varies with the situation in which these plants grow. To be sure, there is a well marked meridionale extreme and an equally characteristic oricola one, but between them an almost complete series of integradations. P. COMMONSIANUM .\she. Met with Only on an open sandy bank along the north shore of Naushon. west of Kettle Cove. NAU. 387.-> ^YiHAEROCARPON Ell. Occasional on open grassy downs. NON: '"? 'S^i^i^^i^tS^s and clearings; not common. UNC: 3063 (N); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1092 (F, W). 234 Rhodora [November E Walteri (Pursh) Nash. Moist, usually brackish, situations. NON: 3188 (N); UNC: 2992 (N); NAU: 3156 (C), 3888 (P,M,C). Setaria geniculata (Lam.) Beauv. See Hitchc. Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. xxii. 168 (1920). Open grassland and around borders of brackish areas. NON: 2695 (N,P); UNC: 3033 (N,P), 3103 (N,P). This species is in urgent need of further study, for even a casual examination of a large series of specimens is sufficient to indicate that our perennial Foxtail of the salt marshes of New England is distinct from the far-ranging southern plant which occurs in tropical and subtropical America. S. glauca (L.) Beauv. See Rhodora, xxxi. 109, 110 (1929). Dis- turbed sandy area near beach. UNC : 3098 (N). S. mridis (L.) Beauv. Reported by Jordan from Penikese; no specimen. ^ Cenchrus pauciflorus Benth. C. carolinianus of Manual, bee Chase, Contrib. U. S. Nat. Herb., xxii. 67 (1920). Seen only in sandy field near east end of Basque. PAS: 3766 (N,P,M,C). [C. TRIBULOIDES L., reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena, probably refers to the preceding. C. tribnloides is unknown east of Long Island.] i n t^ c Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw., forma inclusa (Wiesb.) I^ogg. bee Rhodora, xxx. 81 (1928). The only material of the Rice Cut-grass seen on the islands grew on the sandy margin of Mary's Lake and had the panicles enclosed within the upper leaf-sheaths. NAU: 313o (G,N,P,M). , ^. . , , Phalaris canaricnsis L. Sandy area near landmg at east end ot Pasque. PAS: 1794 (P). . Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Everywhere m open grassland. JNUiN : 2250 (N,P,M); NAU: 3315 (P,C); PEN: 468 (N,P,W,M) Stipa avenacea L. Apparently rare and local. NAS: Northrop (o), 3560 (P). , J .... . . Aristida purpurascens Poir. Abundant on exposed hillsides, especially on Naushon. NAU: 1010 (P,W), 3140 (N), 3683 (P). Phleum matense L. Seemingly only on outer islands, where abund- ant on open slopes. CUT: 2280 (N); PEN: 480 (W). Agrostis stolonifera L. a. alba of most American authors, not L. See Make, Canada Dept. Mines, Bull. no. 50. (1926). Grassland and sandy fields. NON: 2653 (N), 3418 (P); PAS: 3772 (P); NAS: Pennell 2914 (P) ; PEN: 3390 (N,P). A. STOLONIFERA L., var. coMPACTA Hartm. A. alba, var. mantima (Lam) Mey. See Malte, 1. c. Beaches and brackish situations. NON: 2721 (P), 3417 (N); NAU: 2713 (N); PEN: 3397 (N,P,M,C). A TENUIS Sibth. A. vulgaris With. A. alba, var. mlgans (With.) Thurb. Doubtfully A. cavillaris L. See Malte, 1. c. Dry hillsides and hollows. NON: 3352 (P); PEN: 466 (P,W), 3391 (P). 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, ]Massachusetts 235 A HYEMALis (Walt.) B. S. P, Sandy woods; occasional. NAU: Pennell 3124 (W,P), 3918 (N). , , , • A pkrennan's (Walt.) Tuckerm. Sandy .x,odsa„dc^^^^^^^^^^^ more frequent than the preceding. NAU: 26/9 (P), 3881 {!S,f), ^^JiULoKOSTls CANADENSIS (Michx.) Beauv. Wet hollows and border^ of ponds. NON: 3359 (N); NAS: 1007 (P.W), l^dhams, Julv 10. 1911 (N); CUT: 3453 (F.M). C cmNOiDES (Muhl.) Barton. Seen only in a boggy thicket near Job's Neck. NAU: 2604 (N.P). Ammophila breviligulata Fernald. A. armaria of Manual. See Fernald. Rhodora, xxii. 70 (1920) Cobble and sandy beaches. NON : 2698 (N,P,M.C) ; UNC : 3058 (N) ; PEN : 407 (W) Hnlrv., lanaius L Ubiquitous in grassland and sandy fields and cleaS. NON: 2291 (h); NAU: 2709 (N.P): ^NAS: f oHArop (o) • CUT: Tayhr 2408 (P , 3455 P.C) ; PEN: 4/7 (N.F.W.U)- ^ Deschampsia flexuosa (L.) Trin. Dry woods near Tarpaulin Cove. NAU: 1009 (N,P,W) PFN.4r.qa\n ATcna saliva L. Sandy soil near cultivated area. PEN • 409 (VV )• Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. Abundant on dry knolls and opSi Tearing. NON: 2249 (N.P). 2658 (P); PEN: 473 (P.W). Several trends are evident in material of this species from these islands and elsewhere in eastern North America. Specimens collected from the beach near French Watering Place. Naushon for example, have lemmas with the aristate teeth of D. sericea, although lacking the pubescence of that species. This material can be satisfactorily referred to nothing included in our existing treatments ot the genus. It is hoped that the intensive study of our American material already embarked upon by the wTiter may lead to a better undersUnding of these puzzling forms. A large series of collections « being held for critical examination and comparison with types, but the preceding may be referred to as fairly typical of D. spicata as it is commonly understood. , (P) 2910 (N,P,M); UNC: 3095 (N,P); NAU: 36So (N), PAb. bvenson, 236 Rhodora [November ing only on sandy upper beach on Uncatena. NON: Cushman 126 (B);UNC:3049(N). S. PATENS (Ait.) Muhl., var. caespitosa (A. A. Eaton) Hitchc. This variety, characterized by its densely tufted habit, was collected in a brackish marsh near Tarpaulin Cove, where it formed a dense turf. NAU: 2377 (N,P). DiPLACHNE MARiTiMA Bicku. Bull. Torr. Bot. CI. xxxv. 195 (1908.) Found only along a brackish ditch near Tarpaulin Cove. NAU: 3889 (N,P,M). Phragmites communis Trin. Occasional in swampy situations. NAU; 1803 (N,P,W), 2608 (P); NAS: W. Faxon, Aug. 1873 (G), Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y). Triplasis purpurea (Walt.) Chapm. Abundant on beaches and low sandy stretches. NON : 2871 (N,P,W,M,C) ; UNC : 3009 (N,P,M) ; NAU: 2510 (N), 2732 (P); PAS: 3754 (P). Eragrostis pectinacea (Michx.) Steud. Common everywhere on open grassland and in sandy clearings, except on the outer islands. NON: 2580 (P,W), 3167 (N); UNC: 3651 (P); NAU: 3919 (N,P,C); PAS: 3765 (P,M); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y). An intensive search has failed completely to reveal var. spectabilis Gray with smooth sheaths, which is abundant on Martha's Vine- yard and Nantucket. DiSTiCHLis SPiCATA (L.) Greene. With Spartina patens in brackish marshes. NON: 2901 (P), 3208 (N); UNC: 2694 (P), 3097 (N); PAS: 3737 (P,M); PEN: 1091 (P,W). Dactylis glomerata L. Sandy soil near cultivated area on Penikese; otherwise not seen, although probably more general. PEN: 472 (N,P,W,M). Poa annua L. Not common. Disturbed sandy areas on two of the islands. N AU : 33 1 1 (P) ; PEN : 3389 (P) . [P. SEROTiNA Ehrh. Reported by Jordan from Penikese. This may refer to P. palustris L. (P. triflora Gilib.), but, in the absence of material, it seems best to disregard the record.] P. PRATENSis L. Fairly common on open downs. NON: 3249 (N,P), 3351 (P); PEN: 481 (P,W), 3388 (N,P,M). Glyceria obtusa (Muhl.) Trin. Pond borders and moist hollows. NAU: 2934 (N,P); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y), 2348 (N,P,C). G. CANADENSIS (Michx.) Trin. Border of Decodon swamp near Tarpaulin Cove. NAU: 2396 (N,P). G. STRIATA (Lam.) Hitchc. G. ncrvata (Willd.) Trin. Boggy woods; apparently local. NAU: 2479 (N). G. PALLIDA (Torr.) Trin. Swampy woods and wet hollows. NON: 2575 (N,P), 3358 (P), 3371 (P); NAU: 2470 (P); NAS: 3525 (N,P,M, C). G. ACUTiFLORA Torr. Found almost completely submerged in several small ponds on Nonamesset and one on Nashawena. NON: 2243 (G,N), 3344 (P), 3380 (P,C); NAS: 3524 (N,P,M). 11 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 237 [PucciNELLiA MARITIMA (Huds.) Pari. Reported by Jordan from Penikese but probably refers to the following which, though unknown from Penikese, grows on the neighboring island of Cuttyhunk.] P. PAUPERCULA (Holm) Femald & Weatherby, var. alaskana (Scribn. & Merr.) Femald & Weatherby. Rhodora, xviii. 18 (1916). Abundant on mud flats bordering Cuttyhunk Pond. CUT: 3572 (N,P,W,M,C). Festuca Myuros L. Edge of sandy road leading to Tarpaulin Cove. NAU: 2509 (N,P). F. octoflora Walt. Apparently not general. NON: Pennell 2847 (W). F. RUBRA L. One of the commonest grasses on the islands. Gravel banks, borders of beaches, open downs, sandv clearings, etc. NON: 2845 (W,P), 3349 (P), 3350 (N,P), 3370 (P^, 3416 (P); NAU: 2712 (N,P,M), 3877 (N,P,C); CUT: 2279 (N,P); PEN: 476 (N,P,W). Extremely variable as to habit, texture of foliage and degree of glaucousness. F. oviNA L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena and by Jordan from Penikese. No material seen, but this record is allowed to stand for the present. F, elatior L. Found only on Penikese, where abundant in certain areas. PEN: 475 (P,W). Bromiis secalinus L. Growing in dry sandy ground along east shore of Penikese. PEN : 470 ( W) . B. hordeaceus L. Disturbed sandy areas on Nonamesset and along path near landing on Penikese. NON: Pennell 2839 (W), 3304 (N,P), 3347 (P,M,C); PEN: 3412 (N,P). Agropyron repens L. Apparently not abundant except on outer islands, where it takes possession of large sandy areas. CUT: 2278 (N,P,M); PEN: 465 (W), 3387 (N,P). Elymus virginicus L. Collected only on Gull Island, Penikese, where the plant is unusually robust. Reported by Jordan from Penikese proper, but not seen there recently. PEN: 474 (N,P,W). E. virginicus L., var. halophilus (Bickn.) Wiegand. Rhodora, XX. 83 (1918). Dry sandy banks facing the sea at west end of Un- catena. UNC: 3119 (N), 3648 (P). CYPERACEAE Cyperus diandrus Torr. Wet depressions and pond borders. NON: 3198 (N); UNC: 3021 (N); NAU: 2737 (N,P,W). C. rivularis Kunth. Seen only growing with the preceding on grassy bank bordering French Watering Place. NAU: 2739 (N); NAS: Northrop (o). C. FiLiciNUS Vahl. C. Nuttalln Eddv. Borders of fresh ponds and low brackish areas. NON: 2700 (N,P), 2889 (P); UNC: 3007 (N,P), 3048 (P); NAU: Cushman 313 (B), 2725 (N), 3864 (P). 238 Rhodora [November 19301 Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 239 I' C. DENTATUS ToFF. Not common; sandy margins of several ponds on Naushon. NAU: 2467 (C), 2920 (P,M), 2935 (N,P,M). C. ERYTHRORHizos Muhl. Reported by Mrs. Northrop for Nasha- wena; no specimen seen. C FERAX Rich. Borders of brackish marshes and low swales; not common. NON: 2897 (N); NAU: 2369 (G,P,C), 3155 (N,P,W,M). C. STRIGOSUS L. Of rather frequent occurrence in pond-holes, borders of salt marshes, upper beaches, and moist clearings. NON: 2665 (P); UNC: 2982 (P), 2991 (N,P), 3057 (W); PAS: 3781 (P). C. STRIGOSUS L., var. robustior Kunth. Moist depression in open hills. UNC: 3083 (N,P,W). C. STRIGOSUS L., var. compositus Britton. Small pond-hole at west end of island. UNC : 3020 (N,P,W). C. FiLicuLMis Vahl, var. macilentus Fernald. Dry open ground and sandy clearings everywhere. NON: 2587 (N); UNC: 3061 (N); NAU: 742 (P,W); PAS: 3769 (N); NAS: Northrop, as "C. filicuhms'' (o), 3553 (P); CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N), 2265 (P,M). DuLiCHiUM ARUNDiNACEUM (L.) Britton. Swampy hollows. NAU: 745 (W); PAS: 744 (W); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y), 2343 (N,P); CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N). Eleocharis parvula (R. & S.) Link. Scirpus nanm Spreng. See Svenson, Rhodora, xxxi. 168 (1929). Brackish ponds and salt marshes. NON: 2287 (P,M), 2708 (N,P); UNC: 3050 (P); NAU: 1804 (N); NAS: Pennell 2924 (W). E. OBTUSA (Willd.) Schultes. Moist hollows and pond margms. NON: 2574 (P,M), 3204 (N,P); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901, labelled "E. ovata'' (Y); CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N); PEN: 485 (W). E. ACicuLARis (L.) R. & S. Peaty and sandy pond borders: apparently not common. NON: 2913 (N,P); NAU: 2507 (N,P,M); PEN: Jordan (o). E. Smallii Britton. See Fernald & Brackett, Rhodora, xxxi. 57-77 (1929). Peaty and boggy pond margins and low swampy areas. UNC: 3002 (N,P); NAS: 3498 (N,P,M,C); CUT: 746 (P,W); PEN: 849 (P,W). E. UNiGLUMis (Link.) Schultes. See Fernald & Brackett, 1. c. 71. This essentially boreal sedge is near the extreme southern limit of its range on Cuttyhunk where, on August 11, 1927, it was collected from the peaty margin of Sheep Pond. CUT: 2526 (N). E. UNIGLUMIS (Link) Schultes, var. halophila Fernald & Brackett, 1 c. 72. Sandy or peaty margins of brackish ponds; rather frequent. NON: 2703 (N,P,M,C), 2912 (P,M); NAU: 1028 (N,P,W), 3316 (P); NAS: Williams, July 10, 1911 (N), 1029 (P,W). E. ROSTELLATA Torr. Apparently infrequent. Seen only from a low brackish marsh along the north shore of Naushon near Kettle Cove. NAU: 3878 (N,P,M,C). FiMBRiSTYLis AUTUMNALis (L.) R. & S. F. FrankH Steud. See Blake, Rhodora, xx. 25 (1918). Grassy pond borders. NON: 3199 (N,P); NAU: 2738 (N,P), SciRPUS AMERICANUS Pers. Everywhere bordering ponds, both fresh and saline. NON: 2239 (P), 2888 (M); UNC: 2998 (P), 3025 (N); NAU: 2375 (P), 2921 (N), 2923 (P), 2723 (P,C); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y), Fenncll 2910 (W), Williams, Julv 10, 1911 (N), 2355 (P,M); CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N), 2277 (P,M); PEN: 486 (P,W). S. Olneyi Gray. Seen growing at edge of salt marsh along south shore of Nonamesset; probably more general. NON: 2898 (N,P); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y). S. VALIDUS Vahl. Common in wet depressions and swampy borders of ponds. NON: 2244 (N,P); UNC: 2999 (N,P); NAU: 1033 (P,W); NAS: Northrop, as " S. lacustris'' (o); CUT: 3573 (P); PEN: 488 (N,P,W,M). S. ROBUSTUS Pursh. Not common. NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y) S. CAMPESTRis Britton, var. paludosus (A. Nelson) Fernald. Occasional in brackish marshes. NON: 2288 (P,M), 3209 (N,P); PEN:487(N,P,W,M,C). S. CAMPESTRIS Britton, var. \ovae-a\gliae (Britton) Fernald. Collected only from swampy clearing in woods near Job's Neck. NAU: 3154 (N,P). S. CYPERINUS (L.) Kunth. Everywhere in wet depressions and around ponds. NON: 2566 (N,P), 3169 (P,M); UNC: 2990 (N,P); NAU: 2922 (N,P,M), 3149 (P); PAS: Svcnsoji, Sept. 8, 1926 (N), 3791 (C); NAS: Northrop (o), 2340 (N,P); CUT: 2308 (N,P). S. CYPERINUS (L.) Kunth, var. pelius Fernald. Found only along the edge of a swamp near Tarpaulin Cove. NAU : 2395 (N). Eriophorum tenellum Nutt. Occasional in boggv situations. NAU: Pennell 2905 (P); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901, 'labelled "£. gracile " (Y) ; CUT: 1030 (N). E. virginicum L. Rather frequent in open bogs and wet peaty hollows. NON: 2879 (N,P,M), 3180 (P); PAS: 3792 (N,P), Svenson, Sept. 8, 1926 (N); NAS: Northrop (o), 3497 (P); CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N), 1014 (P,W), 2517 (P,C). Rynchospora fusca (L.) Ait. f. Apparently rare; seen only in a low, boggy hollow near Tarpaulin Cove. NAU: 2512 (P,W). R. ALBA (L.) Vahl. Open bogs and peaty depressions; seemingly not abundant, although plentiful in an extensive bog at the west end of Cuttyhunk. NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y); CUT: 2319 (N,P). R. CAPITELLATA (Michx.) Vahl. R. glomerata of Manual in part. See Blake, Rhodora, xx. 25 (1918). Much more common than the preceding. Bogs, pond-holes and pond borders. NON: 2644 (N); UNC: 3014 (N,P), 3116 (P,M,C); NAU: 2393 (N); PAS: 1782 (N,P); NAS: 3471 (P). Mariscus mariscoides (Muhl.) Kuntze. Cladiinn mariscoides Torr. See Rhodora, xxv. 49 (1923). Mostlv on sandy beaches bordering ponds. NAU: 2924 (N); PAS: 3776 (P); NAS: Pennell 2917 (W), 2339 (N); CUT: 740 (P,W). 240 Rhodora [November Carex scoparia Schkuhr. Not common on the Elizabeth Islands. Dryish border of small pond. NON: 3384 (N,P,M,C) ; PEN: Jordan (o). C. SCOPARIA Schkuhr, var. subturbinata Fernald & Wiegand. Rhodora xiv. 115 (1912). Seen around margin of Dccodon swamp near Tarpaulin Cove. N AU : 2399 (N) . C. LoNGii Mackenzie. C. alholutescens of Manual. See Macken- zie, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, xlix. 372 (1922). Frequent in open grassland. UNC : 3078 (N) , 3099 (?) ; N AS : 3469 (P) ; CUT : Sanjord, Aug. 15, 1917 (N), 1013 (N,P,W,M); PEN: 848 (N,P,W). C. STRAMINEA Willd. This is the plant v^^ith obovate perigynia selected by Mackenzie as true C. straminea; see Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, xlii. 603 (1915). It has been found growing only on the edge of a bog at the west end of Cuttyhunk. CUT: 2327 (N,P). C. HORMATHODES Fernald. Moist, occasionally brackish, situa- tions as well as dry slopes near shores. NON: 2297 (N); UNC: 3644 (P); NAS: Williams, July 10, 1911 (N); CUT: 726 (P,W); PEN: 1754 (N,P). C. SILICEA Olney. Dry, sandy banks and hillsides. PAS: 1780 (N,P); CUT: 2258 (N), 2267 (P,M,C); PEN: 1497 (P), 1498 (N,P,W). C. ALATA Torr. Plentiful around edge of an extensive boggy area near the center of Nashawena. NAS: 2486 (N,P). C. FESTUCACEA Schkuhr. This is the small-fruited sedge retained by Mackenzie as genuine C. festucacea. See Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, xlii. 604 (1915). Apparently rare and local on the islands. NAU: 736 (N,P). C. HowEi Mackenzie. C. scirpoidcs, var. capillacca (Bailey) Fernald. See Mackenzie, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, xxxvii. 245 (1910). Abundant in boggy woods and pond borders. NON: 2654 (N,P,M), 2659 (P), 3377 (C), 3299 (P); NAU: 728 (W), 1018 (P,W), 1088 (P,W); NAS: Pennell 2922 (W), 3542 (N,P) ; CUT: 727 (P,W). C. INCOMPERTA Bickuell. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, xxxv. 494 (1908). NAU : Pennell 2907 (G,W) . C. SEORSA E. C. Howe. Seen growing only in a boggy wooded hollow on the south shore of Nonamesset. NON: 3379 (N,P). C. CEPHALANTHA (Bailey) Bicknell. C. stellulata, var. cephalantha (Bailey) Fern. SeeBull.Torrey Bot. Club, 1. 346(1923). Boggy woods at east end of Nashawena. NAS: 3643 (P). C. CANESCENS L., var. DisJUNCTA Femald. Boggy woods and wet borders of ponds. NON: 3378 (N), 3398 (P); NAU: Williams, July 10, 1911 (N), 1019 (P,W). C. BRUNNESCENS Poir., var. sphaerostachya (Tuckerm.) Kiikent. See Fernald, Rhodora, xxviii. 162 (1926). Rare. Boggy hollow in woods at east end of Naushon, NAU : 2480 (P, W) . C. ROSEA Schkuhr, var. radiata Dewey. Apparently local. Collected in dry sandy woods at east end of Naushon. NAU: 2475 (P,W). V ' 11 ^ 4 > k ft /-V V 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 241 C. contigua Hoppe. C. muricata of most American authors. See Mackenzie, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, 1. 236 (1923). Dry, open, sandv ground. NAU: 734 (P,\V) ; CUT: 22S3 (N,P), Taylor 2413 (P) ; PEN:484(P,W). C MuHLENBERGii Schkuhr. Rather frecjucnt on exposed downs and in sandv clearings. NON: Pennell 2838 (W), 2245 (N), 3361 (P,M);NAU:733(W). ^ i i C. CEPHALOPHORA Muhl. Sandy oak and beech woods; local. NON: 2594 (N,P,W); NAU: 2463 (P). C. vulpixoidea Michx. Wet depressions. NAU: 2394 (N,P,M, C); NAS: 3485 (N). ^ ^ C. LAEVIVAGINATA (Kukeut.) Mackenzie. See Bntton & Brown, 111. Fl. ed. 2, i. 371. (1913). Low, wet hollows; local. NAS: 3473 (P); CUT: 2281 (N). . C. CRiNiTA Lam. Swampy and boggy depressions. INAU: U,i (W) ; 2398 (P) , 2936 (N) ; NAS : 3475 (P) . C. MiTCHELLiANA Curtis. See Weatherby, Rhodora, xxv. 17 (1923). Rare on the Elizabeths. NAS: Pennell 2921, labelled "C. crinita'' (W). A species of the southern coastal plain ranging north to Cape Cod and Plymouth County. C. viRESCENS Muhl. Boggy woods; rare and local. NAU: 1020 (P W) 3141 (N,P,M). C. SwANii (Fernald) Mackenzie. Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, xxxvii. 246 (1910). C. virescens, var. Swanii Fernald. Dry, open ground and sandy woods. NON: 2588 (N,P). 3354 (P,C); NAU: Pennell 3132 (W), 3680 (N); CUT: 1012 (N.P,W,M), 3452 (P). C. COMMUNIS Bailey. Dry, sandy beech woods; rare. JNAU: 3324 (N,P). C. VARIA Muhl. Sandy clearings, exposed knolls and hillsides; widespread. Some of the material approaches the scarcely separable forma co/ora • 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 243 J. Gerardi Loisel. Brackish areas; general. NON: 2877 (N); PAS: 1779 (P); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y); CUT: 2276 (N.P,M, C); PEN: 1094 (P.W), 1753 (N,P). J. tenuis Willd. Common everywhere; dry woods, gravelly shores, sandy paths and open fields. NOX: 3191 (N); UNC: 3(>45 (P); NAU: 3136 (N); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y), 3468 (P); CUT: 3441 (N,P,M); PEN: 492 (P,W), 3400 (P). Much of the material which has been collected can not satisfactorily be referred here, but is being held pending a critical comparison of our American J. tenuis with Old World collections, a comparison which may necessitate a careful revision of the entire species. The preceding few numbers are, however, cited as fairly typical. J. tenuis Willd., var. Williamsii Fernald. This phase, \\\i\\ strongly divergent floriferous branchlets, has been met with occasion- allv. NAU: 2400 (N), 2710 (P,M). J. DiCHOTOMUS Ell. NAU: 1800 (P,W), 3162 (P); PEN: 1756 (N,P,W). Under this heading is groui)etl a large series of variations, of which the variety platyphijUus, i)erhaps specifically distinct, represents onlv one trend. This matter is under consideration at present, and, until the species can be completely studied and revised, a few numbers only, out of an extensive series of collections, are cited. J. DICHOTOMUS Ell., var. platyphyllus Wiegand. PAS: 17S1 (P); CUT: 1039 (P). J. Greenei Oakes & Tuckerm. This is one of the commonest plants of the dry open hillsides, being found on all of the islands. NON: 2247 (N,P,M,C), UNC: 3130 (P); NAU: 766 (P,W), 1802 (P); PAS: 765 (W); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y), 2362 (N); CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N); PEN: 491 (N,P,W,M). J. effusus L., var. costulatus Fernald. Rhodora, xxiii. 239 (1921). Abundant in wet hollows and around ponds. NON: 2303 (P,M,C), 2567 (N,P); NAU: 2397 (P); PAS: Svenson, Sept. 8, 1926 (N); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y), Williams, July 10, 1911 (N), 1767 (N,P), 2347 (P); CUT: 2320 (N,P,M); PEN: 852 (P,W). J. EFFUSUS L., var. solutus Fernald & Wiegand. Rhodora, xii. 81 (1910). Collected bv the writer only in a boggy hollow in woods near Tarpaulin Cove. NAU: 2883 (N,P,M,C); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 , on sheet with var. costulatus (Y). J CANADENSIS J. Gav. Abundant in moist depressions and around ponds. UNC: 2994 (P); 3114 (N,P,C); NAU: 2918 (N,P,M); PAS: 3778 (P); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y); CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15. 1917 (N). , J. PELOCARPUS Mey. Sandy shores and sandy or peaty pond borders. NON: 2638 (P), 3203 (N); NAU: 1042 (W), 2379 (P), ^ -^ ▼ 244 Rhodora '■^ (November 2724 (M,C), 2925 (N,P); PAS: 3780 (P); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 {Y) ; FEN: Jordan {o), J. MiLiTARis Bigel. Sandy and swampy pond margins. NAU: 1038 (P), 2917 (N,P); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y), Williams, July 10, 1911 (N), Pennell 2915 (P,W), 1037 (P,W). J. ACUMiNATUS Michx. Abundant in wet depressions and on boggy or peaty borders of small ponds in open hills. NON: 2242 (P.C), 2704 (N), 3163 (N,P,M); UNC: 2995 (N,P); NAU: 1041 (P,W), 2391 (N,P); PAS: 757 (W); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y), Pennell 2909 (W); CUT: 3442 (P); PEN: 489 (N,P,W,M), 1757 (P,W). J. ARTicuLATUS L. Occasional in boggy depressions. PEN: 490^ (P), 1499 (W). J. ARTICULATUS L., var. OBTUSATUS Engelm. Peaty, usually brackish, hollows. NAU: 3866 (N) ; CUT: 3574 (N,P). J. MARGIN ATUS Rostk. Muddy borders of ponds. UNC : 31 17 (N) ; NAU: 2390 (N,P,M), 2731 (P); PAS: 3779 (P); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y), 3562 (N). LuzuLA CAMPESTRis (L.) DC, var. MULTiFLORA (Ehrh.) Celak. Sandy bank at east end of Nonamesset. NON: 3369 (N). L. CAMPESTRIS (L.) DC, var. echinata (Small) Fernald & Wiegand. Rhodora, xv. 38 (1913). Collected only in sandy beech woods on Naushon. NAU: 3325 (N,P). LILIACEAE UvuLARiA perfoliata L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop for Nasha- wena; no specimen seen. Oakesia sessilifolia (L.) Wats. Seen in a boggy, wooded hollow along the south shore of Nonamesset. NON: 3295 (N.P): NAS: Northrop (o). LiLiUM PHiLADELPHicuM L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena and said by wife of caretaker there to grow abundantly at certain localities on the island today; no specimens seen. L. tigrinum Ker. Found persisting around leper cottages on Penikese. PEN : 494 (P, W) . Asparagus officinalis L. In sandy soil near areas under cultivation. NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 493 (N,P,W). Maianthemum canadense Desf. Abundant in boggy wooded hollow along south shore of Nonamesset. NON: 3296 (N); NAS: Northrop (o). Medeola virginiana L. Boggy woodland on Nonamesset and edge of brackish marsh at east end of Naushon. NON: 3337 (P); NAU: 3332 (N); NAS: Northrop (o). Smilax rotundifolia L. Rather abundant in thickets and wet, overgrown hollows. NON: 2296 (N,P); UNC: 3044 (N); NAS: Northrop (o) ; PEN: 495 (W). » This Is the material erroniously reported from Penilcese as J. debilis Gray in Rhodora. xxvl. 223 (1924). V /TV f •» 1930J Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 245 S. HERBACEA L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena; no specimen seen. S. GLAUCA Walt., var. leurophylla Blake. See Rhodora, xx. 78 (1918). Known only on basis of Mrs. Northrop's collection from Nashawena. NAS: Northrop, " July-Aug. " 1901 (Y). AMARYLLIDACEAE Hypoxis hirsuta (L.) Coville. Abundant on open, sandy slopes and knolls at west end of Cuttyhunk. NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N); 2310 (P). IRIDACEAE Iris versicolor L. Wet depressions and pond borders; abundant. NON: 2678 (N); UNC: 3031 (P), 3121 (N); NAS: Northrop (o), 2357 (N); PEN: 496 (P,W). I. PRISMATICA Pursh. Apparently not common; reported and collected by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena. NAS: Northrop, "July-Aug." 1901 (Y). SiSYRiNCHiUM ANGUSTiFOLiuM Mill. Seen growing only in dry sand along east shore of Penikese, where fairly plentiful. NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 497 (P,W). S. GRAMixoiDES Bickucll. S. graminvxim Curtis, not Lam. Grassy slopes and pond borders. NON: 2300 (P), 3360 (N,P); CUT: 3449 (N,P,C); PEN: 3408 (N,P,M), 3415 (P). S. ATLANTICUM Bickn. Wet hollows, open slopes and bogs. UNC: 3081 (P); CUT: 771 (W), 2318 (N,P,M,C), Hcrxey (N); PEN: 3401 (P). ORCHIDACEAE Habenaria bracteata (Willd.) R. Br. Reported by Mrs. North- rop as "common in meadow'* on Nashawena; no specimen seen. NAS: Northrop (o). This is one of the surprises of the Northrop list. It is hard to be- lieve that the compiler could have confused this species of the damp upland woods with H. clavcllata, II. hie phari glottis or H. lacera, all of which she likewise reported and the first two of which are represented by specimens at the New York Botanical Garden. It is greatly to be regretted that she did not also collect H. bracteata. As it is, however, there seems no course but to let this record stand. H. clavellata (Michx.) Spreng. Open bogs, boggy pond borders and wet, peaty depressions. NAS: Northrop, Julv 1901 (Y), 3540 (N,P); CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N), 2527 (P.) ' H. ORBicuLATA Torr. NAU: MacRae, July 25, 1904 (N). Collected by Lillian J. MacRae on Naushon, July 25, 1904. Specimen originally in the local herbarium at Woods Hole but since -^n 246 Rhodora [November transferred to the collections of the New England Botanical Club. This, like H. bradcata, constitutes another remarkable addition to the flora of southeastern Massachusetts, for this plant has not pre- viously been reported from nearer than Norfolk County. H. BLEPHARiGLOTTis (Willd.) Torr. Apparently rare; known only from Mrs. Northrop 's collection on Nashawena. NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y). , „ ^^^„ H. LACERA (Michx.) R. Br. Swampy and boggy hollows. NAU: 2606 (N); PAS: 1787 (P); NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 2315 (P), 3576 (N). , ^ PoGONiA OPHIOGLOSSOIDES (L.) Ker. Locally abundant m open peaty and boggy depressions. PAS: 1789 (P); NAS: Northrop (o), Williams, July 10, 1911 (N) ; CUT: 524 (W). . Calopogon pulchellus (Sw.) R. Br. Not infreciuent; usually with the preceding. PAS : 1 788 (N,P) ; NAS : Northrop (o) ; CUT : 523 (W) . Arethusa bulbosa L. Mrs. Northrop reports this from Nasha- wena with the comment "quite common in some places." Unfortu- nately, no specimen is extant, but there seems to be no good reason for questioning this record. NAS: Northrop (o). Spiranthes Beckii Lindl. Rare; seen only on dry hillside west of French Watering Place. NAU : 2946 (N) . S. GRACILIS (Bigel.) Beck. Dry, grassy, open slopes; fairly abund- ant. NON: 2622 (N); NAU: 2601 (N); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y). S. CERNUA (L.) Richard. Local; wet, peaty hollows. UNC: 3024 (N,P); NAU: Cushman & Morse, Aug. 25, 1906 (B). LiPARis LoESELii (L.) Richard. Local; Mrs. Northrop 's comment is "moist hollow in face southern cliffs." Taylor's sheet is from border of Sheep Pond. NAS : Northrop, Aug. 1 901 (Y) ; CUT : Taylor, July 15, 1919 (N). ^ . , , . ^ TiPULARiA DISCOLOR (Pursh) Nutt. This rare orchid, hitherto known on the islands of Massachusetts^ only from an old collection on Martha's Vineyard, is listed by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena as "quite common in 3 or 4 localities, c. & ne. part island." Fortunate- ly, in this instance a specimen was preserved and is now in the herba- rium of the New York Botanical Garden. NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y). SALICAGEAE [Salix amygdaloides Andersons. Appears on Mrs. Northrop 's Nashawena list. This record probably refers to S. alba or some other willow and, in the absence of material, can scarcely be admitted.] S. pentandra L. Introduced on Naushon and Penikese; apparently thriving on latter island. NAU: 3873 (P) ; CUT: 590 (N,P,W,M,C). S. alba L. X? This hybrid, probably S. alba X fragihs, is abund- »See Fogg, Rhodora, xxxii, 114 (1930). * ^m \ i\ ^ ^- ^M" >« .♦ 1930J Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 247 ant around a small freshwater pond on Penikese. PEN: 591 (N,P,W, M). S. discolor Muhl. Reported by Jordan from Penikese; no speci- men. Populvs alba L. In boggy woods near farmhouse on Nashawena and around dwellings on Penikese. NAS: Northrop (o), 3511 (P); PEN:499(N,P,W). P. Tacamahacca Mill. P. balsamijera of most American authors. See Sargent, Jour. Am. Arb. i. Gl (1919). Reported by Mrs. North- rop for Nashawena; no specimen seen. P. balsamifera L. p. ddtoides jVIarsh. See Sargent, Jour. Am. Arb., i. 02 (1919). Small clump near landing on Penikese. PEN: 500 (P,\V). MTRICACEAE Myrica Gale L. Only locallv abundant, as around dune ponds on Nashawena. NAU: Williams, July 10, 1911 (N); NAS: Northrop (o), 1773 (N,P,W,M). M. CAROLiMENSis Mill.^ A commou shrub on the Elizabeths; thickets, pond margins, and sheltered hollows in open hills. NON: 2237 (N,P); UNC: 2951 (N); PAS: 1783 (N,P,W); NAS: Northrop (o), 2342 (N); CUT: Saiiford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N); PEN: 498 (N,P,W). JUGLANDACEAE JuGLANS ciNEREA L. On Mrs. Northrop 's list for Nashawena; no specimen seen. Carya alba (L.) Koch. Occasional in mixed woods. UNC: 2454 (N,P); NAU: 777 (P,W); NAS: Northrop (o). BETULAGEAE CoRYLUS CORNUTA Marsh. C. rostrata Ait. Reported by Mrs. Northrop for Nashawena; no specimen seen. OsTRYA VIRGIMANA (Mill.) K. Koch. An important constituent of the native woods, especiallv on Nonamesset and Naushon. NON: 2593 (N) ; NAU: 779 (P,\V) ; NAS: Northrop (o). Betula lutea Michx. Mrs. Northrop reports two specimens near Choptauk Lake, Nashawena; no material seen. B. POPULIFOLIA Marsh. Bordering woods and in protected hollows, where it often forms dense thickets. NON: 2G35 (N,P,M); UNC: 3043 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: Jordan (o). B. pendula Roth. Planted and established near eastern end of Naushon. NAU: 2471 (N,P). B. pubcsccns Ehrh. B. alba, var. pubesccns Spach. With the last. NAU: 2472 (N,P,M). 1 This was the original spelling employed hy Miller, Ganl. Diet. ed. 8 (1768) and not carolinensis, as usually given. 248 Rhodora [November 1930] Pogg^_Flora of the Elizabeth Ishmds, Massachusetts 249 FAGACEAE Fagus grandifolia Ehrh. The most important tree on the islands. Forms a pure stand over large areas on Naushon and Nonamesset, and occurs mixed with other trees on these two islands as well as parts of Uncatena and Nashawena. When growing in the heavier woods this tree apparently does not form fruit, but an occasional isolated speci- men in the open will be found laden with nuts. NON: 2592 (N); NAU: 3147 (N) ; NAS: Northrop (o), 3532 (P,M). F. GRANDIFOLIA Ehrh., forma pubescens Fernald & Rehder. See Rehder, Rhodora, ix. Ill (1907). Occasional with the species. UNC: 3125 (N); NAU: 3137 (P), 3693 (N,P). QuERCUS ALBA L. Abundant; dry sandy woods. NON: 2657 (P); UNC: 3127 (N); NAS: Northrop (o), 3531 (P). Q. RUBRA L. A single tree near landing on Penikese, where possibly introduced. PEN: 592 (N,P,W). Q. VELUTiNA Lam. Next to the Beech the most important constit- uent of the wooded areas. NON: 2656 (N), 3309 (P,M), 3916 (P); UNC: 3126 (P); NAU: 780 (P,W), 3880 (P); NAS: Northrop (o), 3530 (N,P). [Q. MARiLANDiCA Mocnch is reported from Nashawena by Mrs. Northrop but is not represented by a specimen. The Black Jack Oak is unknown northeast of Long Island and it seems probable that this record refers to some other species, possibly a sapling of Q. velutina.] URTICACEAE Ulmus AMERICANA L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nasha- wena, no specimen seen. Urtica urens L. Listed by Mrs. Northrop as growing "about houses" on Nashawena; no specimen seen. BoEHMERiA CYLiNDRiCA (L.) Sw. Moist woods and pond borders. Extremely variable and its relation to the variety Drummondiana not clearly understood. An extensive series has been collected and is being held for further study. The following is typical. NAU: 3151 (N,P,M,C); NAS: Northrop (o). B. CYLINDRICA (L.) Sw., var. Drummondiana Weddell. Var. scabra Porter. See Fernald, Rhodora, xii. 10 (1910). Borders of salt marshes; perhaps distinct from var. Drummondiana of the south Atlantic states. CUT: 2523 (N). POLYGONACEAE RuMEX Britannica L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashaw- ena; no si>ecimen seen. R. crispus L. Waste places and pond margins; often appearing indigenous. NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 598 (N,P,W,M), 3399 (P). R. obtuMfolivs L. Occasional; the Nashawena collection was made from the swampy margin of thick woods. NAS: Northrop (o), 3566 {N); FEN '.Jordan (o). . 'f% i .1 R. VERTiciLLATUS L. Swampy margin of woods at east end of Nashawena with the last. NAS: Northrop (o), 3529 (N). This and Block Island are the only stations for the plant in south- eastern New England. R. MARITIMUS L., var. fueginus (Phil.) Dus^n. R. pcr^icaroidcs, in part, of the Manual. See St. John, Rhodora, xvii. 73 (1915). Brackish situations or nmddy pond borders. NAU: 2372 (X,P); PEN: 3/oorc 1917 (N), 450 (P,W). . R. Acetosdla L. Exposed knolls, slopes and sandy clearings. ^Ab: Northrop (o); CUT: 2262 (N); PEN: 597 (N, P, W). Polygonum glaucum Nutt. P. mantimuvi of Manual. See her- nald, Rhodora, xv. 69 (1913). Sand and cobble beaches. NON: 2868 (P); UNC: 3051 (N); NAU: C ashman iSc Morse, Aug. 25, 1906 (B), Williams, July 10, 1911 (N); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (\). P AVICULARE L. Sandy patches; not common. NAS: i\orthrop (o);PEN:594(P,W). . , . „ , iivr P. PENSYLVANICUM L. Not common; borders of small ponds. UI\<^: 2987 (N). , , T^ • P. PENSYLVANICUM L., var. LAEViGATUM Femald. Uhodora, XIX. 70 (1917). Moist situations; local. PAS: Svnison, Sept. 8, 1926 (N). P. Hydropiper L., var. projectum Stanford. Rhodora, xxix. 86 (1927). Seen only from margin of small pond near east end of Nona- messet. NON: 3202 (N). P. puNCTATUM Ell. P. acre HBK. See Stanford, Rhodora, xxlx. 77 (1927), where, in a footnote, reason is given for attributing prionty to P. vundatum over P. acre. Pond borders, margins of swamps and wet situations generally. NON: 2893 (N,P,M), 2699(P,M,C): UNC: 2986 (N,P), 3018 (P); NAU: 2371 (P), 2460 (P,C), 3150 (N,P,M); CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N); PEN: 593 (N,P,W). P Persicaria L. Pond margins and moist depressions. LAC : .501 / (N); PAS: Svemon, Sept. 8, 1926 (N); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 596 (N,P,W,M). P. ' hydropiperoides Michx. Apparently not common. PAS: Sven^on, Sept. 8, 1926 (N). . , ^ o P OPELOUSANUM Riddell, var. adenocalyx Stanford, bee KHO- DORA, xxviii. 28 (1926). Pond borders. NON: 3207 (P); PAS: 3747 (N,P). ., , y P Convolvulus L. Trailing over thicket and low growth surrounding pond. PEN:595(N,P,W,M,C). P SCANDENSL. Covering scrub growth m swampy hollows. iNUiM : 3172 (N,P); UNC: 3038 (N,P). „ . • t ., P DUMETORUM L. This species, with smaller fruit than the pre- ceding, was found only on Pine Island, Nonamesset, ^ ^^^!;5/^V^^"^^^ a dense tangle over the other vegetation on the beach. NON: 3J1- (N,P). 250 Rhodora (November CHENOPODIACEAE Chenopodium album L. Beaches and exposed sandy areas. UNC: 2956 (N); NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: Penncll 2993 (P); PEN: 1401 (P,W). Atriplex arEiVARIa Nutt. Sea beaches; not abundant. UNC: 3106 (N); PAS: 1793 (N,P), 3756 (P,M); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: Jordan (o). A. PATULA L., var. hastata (L.) Gray. One of the commonest plants of the sea beaches and disturbed sandy areas near the shore. UNC: 2978 (N,P); PAS: 1791 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o), 3502 (P); CUT: Pennell 2996 (P), 2272 (N); PEN: 1400 (P,W), 3386 (M,C). Salicornia mucronata Bigel. Salt marsh areas; less frequent than the two following. NAU: Pennell 3140 (W); PAS: Svenson, Sept. 8, 1926 (N). S. EUROPAEA L. Salt marshes and brackish mud flats. NON: 2892 (N); UNC: 3094 (N,P); PAS: Svcnson, Sept. 8, 1926 (N); 3742 (P); NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 3570 (N,P); PEN: Jordan (o). S. AMBiGUA Michx. Same situations as last. NAU: Pennell 3112 (P), Penncll 3145 (W); PAS: Svcnson, Sept. 8, 1926 (N), 3741 (N,P); CUT: 3571 (N,P,M,C). SuAEDA MARiTiMA (L.) Dumort. Reported by Jordan from Peni- kese; no specimen. S. LINEARIS (Ell.) Moq. Salt marshes and brackish muds. UNC: 2963 (P,W), 3076 (N); PAS: 3739 (N,P); CUT: 3567 (P,M,C). Salsola Kali L. Beaches and brackish marshes. NON: 2286 (N,P); NAU: Cushman & Morse, Aug. 25, 1906 (B), 3886 (P); NAS: Northrop (o), 2364 (N); CUT: 2273 (P); PEN: Jordan (o). S. Kali L., var. caroliniana (Walt.) Nutt. With the last; less abundant. UNC: 2961 (P), 3075 (N,P); PAS: 1792 (N,P). AMARANTHACEAE Amaranthus retroflexus L. Dry sandy soil near cultivated area. PEN: 1402 (N,P,W,M). PHYTOLACCACEAE Phytolacca americana L. P. decandra L. See Rhodora, xvii. 180 (1915). Apparently rare; seen growing only along edge of boggy depression at east end of Pasque. NAU: Petmell 3174 (W)- PAS* 3785 (N). AIZOACEAE Mollugo verticillata L. Bare, grassy slopes and sandy patches. NON: 2891 (N); UNC: 3052 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o), 3470 (P). CARYOPHYLLACEAE Spergularia rubra (L.) J. & C. Presl. Dry exposed slopes and sandy clearings. NAS: Northrop (o), Williams, July 10, 1911 (N) 3465 (P,M); CUT: 3459 (P); PEN: 1410 (P,W). 19301 Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 251 S salina J. & C. Presl. Sand and cobble beach along Northwest Gutter. Rare ; represented on these islands usually by the next species. NAU: 3132 (N, W). ^ . , _ . , . S. LEiosPERMA (Kindb.) F. Schmidt. S. rnarmnof Manual m part. See Fernald & Wiegand, Rhodora, xu. 5/ (19 0)^ ^^00^,^,^ cobbly beaches, mud flats and brackish n^a^shes NON : ^fOiN); UNC- 2962 (N,P,M); NAU: 2455 (N); PAS: 3738 (N,P,C); CUT 3569 (N,P); PEN: 1409 (P,W). Spergula arve7isis L. Not common. NAS: ^orthrop (o), PEN "^"sSna^procumbens L. Upper beaches and dry, gravelly banks NON: 2692 (N,P); NAU: 2728 (N); NAS: .\orthrop (o), 3464 (P), PEN* 1408 (W) Arenaria lateriflora L. Seen growing only >" sandy thicket along north shore of Naushon near the east end. NAU: 66lt, (,<.m;, NAS: A'ortArop,"July-Aug." 1901 (Y). ,, ^ ^ . ,„ A. PEPLOiDES L., var. robusta Fernald. See Rhodora x. 109 (1909). Occasional on sandy or cobbly beaches. CUl. ^^74 (,lN,r;, PEN: 1403 (W). „ . , ^^^. A. serpyllifolia L. Sandy and gravelly areas; occasional. NUM. PennM2M0 (W); N.\U: 3424 (N); NAS: A'^rMrop (o) StcUaria graminca L. Grassland on Penikese. PbN . 1411 ir,v\;, ^1° meia(L.) Cyrill. Dry, sterile soil and grassland on Penikese; probablv more widespread. PEN: 855 (V,), 339o (N. P . , CeraMium vulgatum L. Abundant on open, grassy hillsides and sandy clearings NON: 3367 (N,P.M), 3280 (P); NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 3438 (P); PEN: 1404 (N,P,W). Agrostemma Githago L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nasha- wena; no specimen. . , . , j t> -i ^o« PPM- Lychnis alba Mill. Occasional m grassland on Penikese. i't.IS ^"^^psophila paniculata L. Persistent around leper cottages on Pen- ikese. PEN: 1406 (P,W). ^ Diayithus barbatus L. Same situation as the preceding. PEiN . 14Uo ^^' Armeria L. Seen only on edge of wet hollow at west end of Cuttyhunk. CUT: 3445 (N,P). PORTULACACEAE Portulaca oleracea L. Sandy ground, usually near cultivated areas. NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1412 (W). NYMPHAEACEAE Nymphozanthos variegatus (Engelm.) Fernald. ^:2/7|_^«^« «^ vena, var. vanegaia Fernald. See Fernald, Rhodora, xxi. 183 (1919). 252 Rhodora [November Dune ponds on Nashawena and Sheep Pond, Cuttyhunk; possibly more general. NAS: Northrop (o), 2366 (N,P); CUT: 786 (W), 2531 (N). Nymphaea odorata Ait. Castalia odorata Woodv. & Wood. See Rhodora, xviii. 161 (1916). Rather general in smaller ponds as well as Sheep Pond, Cuttyhunk. UNC: 3004 (P); NAU: 2734 (N); NAS: Northrop (o), 2367 (N,P); CUT: 2530 (N). RANUNCULACEAE Ranunculus Cymbalaria Pursh. Sandy and gravelly shores; rather frequent. NON : 2302 (N,P) ; NAU : 528 (W,P) ; CUT : Hervcy, no date, (N); PEN: Northrop (o), 1414 (W). R. DELPHiNiFOLius ToFF. Small, gFassy-bottomed ponds in open hills. NAS: Northrop (o), 3522 (P) ; PEN: 451 (P,W), 1759 (N,P,M). [R. REPTANS L. appears on Mfs. NoFthFop's list. It is hard to say what this may refeF to in the absence of a specimen. R. reptans, var. ovalis (R. Flammula, vaF. reptans of the Manual) is unknown fFom southeasteFn Massachusetts and it seems haFdly justifiable to FepoFt it on the basis of such an ambiguous recoFd.] R. hulbosus L. Seen only on a steep gFavel bank at the extFeme east end of Nonamesset; possibly moFe abundant. NON: 3282 (N). R. acris L. RatheF common in open gFassland, especially on outeF islands. NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 2325 (N); PEN: 1413 (N,P,W). Thalictrum revolutum DC. RepoFted by Mfs. NoFthFop as T. purpurascc7is, but had pFobably best be FefeFFed hcFe. NAS: Northrop (o). Anemone virginiana L. Collected in dFy, sandy woods on " Cap- tain's Island," Naushon. NAU: 3907 (P). A. quinquefolia L. RepoFted by Mfs. NoFthFop foF Nashawena; no specimen seen. CoPTis groenlandica (OedeF) FcFuald. C. trifolia of the Manual. See FeFnald, Rhodora, xxxi. 136 (1929). Included in Mfs. NoFthFop's list with the comment "in one filled up pond under fcFu Ivs. VeFy small, no fFuit." NAS: Northrop (o). This is an interesting addition to the floFa of the islands. Coptis is unknown fFom BaFnstable County, although repFCsented in both Plymouth and BFistol Counties. MoFeover, it is FepoFted by Bick- nell for Nantucket, where, as on Nashawena, it may be a Femnant of a foFmerly moFe dominant continental flora. There seems to be no real reason, even in the absence of herbaFium matcFial, to discredit this recoFd. BERBERIDACEAE Berheris Thunbergii DC. Occufs scattcFcd oveF the open hills at the east end of Uncatena. UNC: 2975 (N). 19301 Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 253 LAURACEAE Sassafras officinale Nees & Eberni. N. varufolium (Salisb.) Ktze. See Blake, Rhodora, xx. 9S (1918). ScattcFed abundantly thFOUghout all of the wooded areas. NAS: Northrop (o), 3533 (P). S. officinale Nees & EbcFm. var. albidum (Nutt.) Blake. Rho- dora, XX. 98 (1918). Occasional with the species. UNC: 3123 (N). Benzoin aestivale (L.) Nees. RepoFted by Mfs. NoFthFop fFom Nashawena; no specimen. PAPAVERACEAE Glaudum flavum CFantz. Established on beach neaF TaFpaulin Cove. NAU: 789 (P,W), 1798 (N). CRUCIFERAE Bcrteroa incana (L.) DC. Dfv sandv soil neaF landing at east end of Pasque. PAS: 3798 (N,P,M). Lepidium virginicum L. Open gFassland and low sandv stretches. UNC: 3056 (N,P); PAS: 3762 (P); NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 2259 (N,P); PEN: 1417 (N,P,\V,M,C). Capsclla Bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic. Occasional in disturbed situ- ations. NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 854 (P,W). Cakile edentula (Bigel.) Hook. Sandy and cobbly sea beaches, especiallv outeF islands. NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 2271 (N); 3431 (P); PEN: 1416 (P,\V). Raphanus Raphanistnnn L. DistuFbed sandv soil neaF cultivated aFeas. NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 2268 (N,P,M,C); PEN: 1418 (W). R. sativus L. Same situations as last. PEN: 1419 (N,P,W). Brassica juncca (L.) Cosson. On peninsula, east end of Penikese. PEN: 1415 (P,W). B. nigra L. DFy, sandy slope. NAU: 790 (\V); FE^^: Jordan (o). Sisymbrium officinale (L.) Scop., vaF. leiocarpum DC. BaFFen, sandy gFound; waste places. PEN: (N,P,W,M). S. altissimum L. Same situations as the pFeceding. PEN: 1420 (W). Rorippa Nasturtiiun-aquaticum (L.) Schinz & Ihel. Radicida ^as' turtium-aqiiaticum BFitt. & Rendle. Seen gFowing along a moist rill dFaining into Sheep Pond, Cuttvhunk. NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 1054 (P,W). DROSERACEAE Drosera rotundifolia L. Boggv situations and boFdcFs of ponds. NON: 2652 (N), 3362 (P); PAS: 1786 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o), 3472 (P). D. intermedia Hayne. D. longifolia of Manual. AppaFently not common; boFdcFS of dune ponds on Nashawena. NAS: 1778 (N,P), Northrop (o), Williams, July 10, 1911 (N). 254 Rhodora [November SAXIFRAGACEAE RiBES HiRTELLUM Michx., var. CALCicoLA Femald. See Fernald, Rhodora, xiii. 76 (1911). Seemingly rare. NON: 2844 (P). HAMAMELIDACEAE Hamamelis virginiana L. Dry to moist woodland and thickets. Some of this material approaches the variety parvifolia Nutt. NON: 2591 (N,P); NAU: 3152 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o), 3512 (P). ROSACEAE Spiraea tomentosa L. Pond borders and moist hollows; abundant. NON: 2564 (N); PAS: 1784 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o), 2345 (N,P). Pyrus arbutifolia (L.) L. f. Thickets and wet depressions; of frequent occurrence. NON: 2885 (N,P); UNC: 3046 (N,P); NAS: 1774 (N,P), 3495 (P). ^^ . ^ ^ ^. P. ARBUTIFOLIA (L.) L. f., var. ATROPURPUREA (Britton) Kobmson. Same situations as the last but less common. NON: 3175 (N,P); UNC: 3124 (N,P); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y). Amelanchier oblongifolia (T. & G.) Roem. Dense thickets and sheltered hollows; abundant. NON: 2630 (P), 2883 (N,P), 3205 (P), 3202 (P,C), 3308 (P,M,C); PEN: 1421 (P,W). Crataegus pruinosa (Wendl.) C. Koch. Single tree on dry hill- side near Tarpaulin Cove. NAU: 1801 (N,P). Crataegus spp. This genus is to be met with scattered through- out the dry, sandy beech woods, mostly on Naushon. Several collections have been made, but it has not been found possible to match this material with existing specimens or to reconcile it with available descriptions. Each individual plant appears to possess its own characteristics which differ from those of its neighbor, and, rather than give to these specimens names which assume a definite- ness that they do not own, the problem is here left in abeyance. Fragaria virginiana Duchesne. Dry open slopes and hollows. NON: 3287 (N); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1422 (W). F. VIRGINIANA Duchesne, var. terrae-novae (Rydb.) Fernald & Wiegand. Rhodora, xiii. 106 (1911). Seen only in a sandy meadow near Cuttyhunk Pond. CUT: 3581 (N,P). F. vesca L. Reported by Jordan from Penikese: no specimen. Potentilla norvegica L., var. hirsuta (Michx.) Lehm. P. mon- speliensis L. See Bibliot. Bot. 16, Heft Ixxi. 404 (1908). Dry open ground. PEN: 1424 (N,P,W,M). ., ...o .r . /x P. argentea L. Dry sandy and gravelly soil. NAS: Northrop {o); PEN: 1423 (N,P,W,M). P. recta L. Sandy clearing in woods near West Gutter. NAU: 3923 (N,P). 19301 Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 255 P. PACIFICA Howell. P. Ansrriiia of Manual, in part. See Fernald, Rhodora, xi. 1 (1909). Shingle beach along south shore of Nonames- set. NON: 2874 (N,P,M); NAS: Northrop, as "P. Anscrina" (o). P. PUMILA Poir. I)rv knolls and exposed sandy and grassy liill- sides. NON: 2677 (N,P), 3288 (P,M,C); PEN: 1425 (N,P,\V). P. CANADENSIS L., var. simplex (Michx.) T. & G. The Elizabeth Islands material seen all has narrow, oblanceolate leaves and short, more or less appressed, pubescence. Dry slopes and sandy clearings. NON: 3355 (N,P,M); CUT: 2536 (N). Geum canadense Jacq. Apparently rare; boggy woods at east end of Nashawena. NAS: Northrop (o), 3544 (P). RuBUS occidentalis L. Edge of woods at west end of Nonamesset. NON: 2676 (N). R. pergratus Blanchard. Thickets and margins of boggy hollows. NAS: 3487 (P); PEN: 1428 (N,P,W). R. laciniatiis Willd. Well established on peninsula of Penikese. PEN: 1429 (N,P,W). R. ANDREwsiANUS Blauchard. This is the commonest Blackberry on the Islands, occurring in wet overgrown hollows and in thickets on open slopes. NON: 2577 (P). 2626 (N,P); UNC: 3034 (P); NAU: Pennell 3135 (W), 2496 (P), 2497 (P). R. HISPIDUS L. Abundant; apparently as much at home on the dry exposed hillsides as in the boggy depressions. NAS: Northrop (o), 3539 (N); CUT: 2312 (P), 2321 (N,P,M). R. FLAGELLARis Willd. R. procumhciis of many authors. R. vil- /o5w^ of the manual. See Bailey, Gen tes Herb. i. 234 (1925). Trailing over dry open sandy and gravellv ground. NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1430 (N,P,W). Rosa rugosa Thunb. Established and thriving, usually along beach- es, on several of the islands. NAU: Taylor 3077 (P); CUT: 3439 (N); PEN: 1427 (P,W). R. rubiginosa L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena; no specimen seen. R. palustris Marsh. /?. Carolina of Manual and most American authors. See Fernald, Rhodora, xx. 91. (1918). Wet margins of ponds. NAS: Northrop, July. 1901 (Y), 2354 (N,W); PEN: 1426 (W). R. CAROLINA L. R. humilis jVIarsh See Fernald, 1. c. Wet hollows and pond margins. NON: 2631 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o), 3477 (P); CUT: 3461 (N). R. NANELLA Rydb. N. Am. Fl. xxii (pt. 6), 497 (1918). Material collected from sandy thicket on Uncatena has dwarf stature and very narrow leaflets and corresponds in all essentials to Rydberg's descrip- tion of this species. UNC: 3112 (N). R. VIRGINIANA Mill. Moist hollows and swampy borders of ponds. NON: Pennell 2843 (P), 3173 (N,P), 3346 (P,M); PAS: 3746 (N,P). Prunus serotina Ehrh. Sheltered hollows, thickets and sandy woods. NON: 2671 (N,P); UNC: 3108 (P); NAU: 2501 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o), 3519 (P); PEN: 1431 (W). 256 Rhodora [November P MARITIMA Wang. Apparently not very common; forms a dense thicket at east end of Nonamesset. NON: 3206 (N), 3303 (P,M); NAS: Northrop (o). LEGUMINOSAE Gleditsia triacanthos L. Sandy woods near dwellings at east end of Naushon; originally introduced. NAU: 3925 (?)• . ^ ,^ Genista tindoria L. Well established and spreadmg m fields at east end of Naushon and on Uncatena. UNC: 2976 (N); NAU: 796 (N, P,W). 'Cyiisus scoparius (L.) Link. Abundant and spreading on parts of Naushon (see p. 155); local elsewhere. NAU: ^^^**f,,f ^,\^' J^^? ^2, 1890 (N), Moore, 1903 (N); PAS: Rollick, Aug. 1898 (Y); NAS: NoHh- rop (o). J TV/r » Ulex europaeus L. A single large clump along road near Mary s Lake. NAU: 797 (W). Trifolium arvense L. Dry open ground and sandy areas. ^^^ ^ 2669 (P); UNC: 3012 (N); NAS: NoHhrop (o); CUT: 2257 (N); PEN: 1434 (P,W). T. praterise L. Grassland; occasional. NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1435 (P W). T repens L. Open fields and grassy levels. NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 2261 (N,P); PEN: 3402 (N,P). ...^ .. .. r ^ T. hyhridum L. Open grassland; occasional. NAS: Northrop {o)\ PEN: 1436 (P,W). ^ . . . T. agrarium L. Disturbed sandy soil near areas under cultivation. PEN* 1433 (N P W). Coronilla variaL. Abundant on grassy hillside toward west end of Pasque. PAS: 795 (P,W). Robinia Pseudo-Acacia L. At several localities along the north shore of Naushon, where doubtless planted but now spreading. NAU : 3874 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o). Desmodium rigidum (Ell.) DC. Sandy woods and hills; not com- mon. UNC: 2977 (N,P); NAU: 2600 (N,P). ^ D. OBTUSUM (Muhl.) DC. Sandy woods and clearings. NAU: 3910 (P,M,C), 3928 (N,P). i • ^ Lespedeza procumbens Michx. Not abundant; seen only in sandy woods on " Captain's Island." NAU: 3909 (N,P,M). L. viOLACEA (L.) Pers. Reported from Nashawena by Mrs. North- rop; no specimens seen. , ^.t i i- ^ L. HiRTA (L.) Hornem. On Mrs. Northrop's Nashawena list; no specimen seen. j u i L. CAPITATA Michx. Apparently not abundant; open, sandy bank on Uncatena, west end. UNC: 3129 (N). Vicia tetrasperma (L.) Moench. Disturbed sandy area near landing. PEN: 1438 (W). ,^, ^^^, V. Cracca L. Dry, open ground. CUT: Taylor 3076 (P); PEN: 1437 (N,P,W,M,C). 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 257 V. mllosa Roth. Drv sandy strip near Cuttyhunk Pond. CUT: 3579 (N,P). Lathyrus maritimus (L.) Bigel. Sea beaches; commoner on outer islands. NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 2263 (N,P); PEN: 1432 (N,P,W). L. PALUSTRis L. Known only from single collection on Nashawena. This material approaches var. pilosus. NAS: Northrop, "July- Aug." 1901 (Y). Apios tuberosa Moench. Occasional in wet hollows and around ponds. UNC: 3089 (N); NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 2328 (N,P). Amphicarpa monoica (L.) Ell. Sandy woods near Hadley Harbor. NAU: 3917 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o). LINACEAE LiNUM STRIATUM Walt. Dry hillsides and peaty pond margins. CUT: 2330 (P), 2538 (N,P). L. VIRGINIANUM L. Drv sandy woods. NAU: Williams d' Collins, July 10, 1911 (N),2381 (N,P). OXALIDACEAE OxALis STRICTA L. Open sandy hillsides and sandy clearings. UNC: 3096 (P); NAU: Penncll 3142 (W), 2498 (P), 3682 (P); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1439 (N,P,W). GERANIACEAE Geranium maculatum L. Seen only on an exposed gravel bank at upper margin of beach along north shore of Nonamesset. NON: 3364 (N,P). G. CAROLINIANUM L. Bumt-over ground near hospital building on Penikese. PEN: 1440 (W). SIMARUBACEAE Ailanthus glandulosa Desf. Naturalized and spreading at several localities on Naushon and Nashawena. NAS: Northrop (o), 3481 (P). POLTGALACEAE PoLYGALA POLYGAMA Walt. Open sandv and grassy hillsides. NAU: 2477 (N); NAS: Northrop, " July-Aug." 1901 (Y). P. SANGUINEA L. Low boggy ground. Not common. NAS: Northrop (o), 3563 (N). P. CRUCIATA L. Peaty and boggy pond borders; apparently not widespread. CUT: Sanford, Aug. 15, 1917 (X), 2514 (N,P). EUPHORBIAGEAE AcALYPHA VIRGINICA L. Kuowu oulv from a sheet of Dr. Pennell's collecting on Naushon. NAU: Pennell 3140 (W,P). 258 Rhodora [November A. DiGYNEiA Raf. See Weatherby, Rhodora, xxix. 193 (1927). Rare. Boggy depression in open hills near east end of Uncatena. UNC: 3131 (N). A. GRACILENS Gray. Dry hillsides and moist depressions; local. UNC: 2974 (P), 3087 (N). Euphorbia polygonifolia L. Sea beaches and low sandy stretches. NON: 2870 (N); UNC: 3008 (N); PAS: 3755 (P,M); NAS: Northrop, "July-Aug." 1901 (Y); PEN: Jordan (o). E. maculata L. Sandv beaches and dry exposed slopes. NON: 2869 (N); NAU: 2499 (P)- PEN: Jordan (o). CALLITRICHACEAE Callitrichk palustris L. Apparently rare and local. NAS: Northrop (o), 3521 (P). C. heterophylla Pursh. Small ponds in hills; more frequent than last. NON: 2235 (N); PEN: 456 (W), 1095 (P,W), 1758 (N,P). (To he continued) THE FLORA OF THE ELIZABETH ISLANDS, ^LVSSACHUSETTS John M. Fogg, Jr. {Continued from page 258) ANACARDIACEAE Rhus typhixa L. Occasional in sheltered hollows on hillsides. NAS: Northrop (o), 3479 (N); PEN: 1441 (P,W), 3409 (N,P). R. GLABRA (L.) Gray. No material seen ; reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena. . R. GLABRA (L.) Gray, var. borealis Britton. See Britton s Man. Fl. No. St. Can. 601 (1901). Forming a small grove along the North- west Gutter at the west end of Uncatena. UNC: 2453 (P,^I). R COPALLINA L. Open slopes and moist depressions. UNC: 3039 (N) ; PAS: 3793 (N,P) ; NAS: Northrop, Aug. 13, 1901 (Y). R. Vernix L. Swampy woods and thickets. NAU: 2485 (N,P); PAS: 3794 (N); NAS: Northrop (o). R. Toxicodendron L. Thickets, copses and overgrown hollows. Extremely variable as to habit, leaf-shape and fruit. NON: 3345 (N,P,M); UNC: 3040 (N,P); PAS: 1785 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o), 2352 (N); CUT: 2314 (N); PEN: Jordan (o). AQUIFOLIACEAE Ilex opaca Ait. Occasional in sandy wooded areas. NAU: 2488 (P,M,C); NAS: Northrop (o), 3535 (N). _ I. oPACA Ait., forma subintegra Weatherby. Rhodora, xxm. 118 (1921). Sandy woods with the last; rare. NAU: 2484 (N,P,W,M,C). 264 Rhodora [December I. VERTiciLLATA (L.) Gray. Moist overgrown depressions and wet borders of ponds. NON: 3174 (N,P,M) ; NAS: 3490 (P). I. VERTiciLLATA (L.) Gray, var. fastigiata (Bickn.) Fernald. Rhodora, xxiii. 274 (1921). In similar situations as last; occasional. NON: 2884 (N, P, M); NAS; Northrop, "July-Aug." 1901 (Y), 3494 (N). I. LAEVIGATA (Pursh) Gray. Reported by Mrs. Northrop for Nash- awena; no specimen seen. I. GLABRA (L.) Gray. The Inkberry is evidently very rare on the Elizabeth Islands. Although sought for repeatedly, it is known only from a single specimen collected on Nashawena by Mrs. Northrop. NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y). ACERACEAE Acer rubrum L. Sandy and boggy woods and thickets; var. tridens was nowhere seen. NON: 2655 (N,P) ; NAS: Northrop (o), 3534 (N). A. platanoides L. Planted in small grove near hospital building on Penikese. PEN: 1443 (W). A. Pscudo-Platanus L. A few trees with the preceding. PEN: 3410 (P,M). SAPINDACEAE Aesculus Hippocastanum L. Included in Mrs. Northrop's list with the comment, " Single good sized tree in midst of native trees about Choptauk Lake. Introduced." No specimen seen. BALSAMINACEAE Impatiens biflora Walt. Wet borders of ponds. NAU: 2735 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o). NON: 2887 (N); VITACEAE Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch. Psedcra quinqucfoUa Greene. Occasional in thickets. NON: 2294 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 856 (W). P. tricuspidata (Sieb. & Zucc.) Planch. Trailing over stone wall near hospital building on Penikese. PEN: 3411 (N,P). ViTis Labrusca L. Thickets and moist hollows. UNC : 3028 (N) ; NAS: Northrop, July, 1901 (Y), 3493 (P). V. AESTIVALIS Michx. Trailing over low trees, edge of sandy woods. NAU: 2490 (P). MALVACEAE Malva rotundifolia L. Dry sandy soil, waste places. NAU: Pcnncll 3115 (W); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1442 (P,W). Althaea officinalis L. Mrs. Northrop, in listing this species for Nashawena, says, "2 or 3 plants on diiTerent parts of shore." No specimen seen. IRREGULAR PAGINATION 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 265 Hibiscus Moscheutos L. borders of salt marslics. XOX: 2(173 (P); UNC: 2985 (N,P); NAU: 2378 (N). HYPERICACEAE Ifi/pcricuin pirforatiitn L. Abundant evervwliere on dr\- hillsides. NON: 2()79 (P); UN'C: 29()S (X); XAS: Northrop (o), 3552 *(P); CUT: 2332 (X); PEX: 1445 (N,PAV.M,C). H. BOREALE (Hritton) Bickn. Pond borders and wet hollows; abundant. XOX: 2()42 (P,W), 2701 (X,P); UXC: 2983 (X); XAU: 2720 (X,P); PAS: 3738 (P); XAS: 3523 (P). H. MUTILUM L. Same habitats as last; less fre(|ucnt. XOX: 25(i9 (X); XAU: Prnnrll 3125 (W), 23S9 (P); XAS: Northrop (o); 1*KX: Jordan (o). H. CANADENSE L. IVatv pond margins and boggx hollows. X'OX': 2045 (X); UXC: 3023 (X>), 3085 (X,P); XAS: Northrop (o); CUT: Sauford, Aug. 15, 1917 (N). H. GENTIANOIDES (L.) BSP. I hv sandv hillsides and clearings. NON: 2694 (P); UNC: 308(; (X); XAS: Northrop (o). II. VIKCJINUIM L. Sandx and peatv pond borders, often j)artlv immersed. XOX: 2040 (P/, 3171 (X,P,C); UXC: 3022 (X); XAF: 2927 (X,P); XAS: Northrop (o), 2351 (P,M); CUT: Sanftml, .\ng. 15, 1917 (N). ELATINACEAE El.\ti.\e mim.ma (Xutt.) F. & M. See Fernald, Uhoduka, xix. 10 (1917). Sandv bottoms and borders of ponds. XOX: 2700 (X.l*); NAU: Pcnnrlf :i2{)2 (W), 2727 (P), 2943 (Xj; PAS: KMil (P). W(\\ (F); NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 2533 (Xj. CISTACEAE IlELiANinKMLM CANADENSE (L.) Miclix. Open grassland and ^^^ Cnshman, July 27, 1906 (B) 2586 (N ; UNC: 2960 (P) SM^ (N,P^ , NAU- 1797 (P), 2500 (P,M); NAS: Northrop (o);PEN: 1460 (IN-P."}. Trichostema dichotomum L. Frequent on open downs and sandy knoUs NON: 2623 (N); UNC: 2973 (P), 3120 (N); NAS: Northrop ^° Scutellaria lateriflora L. Listed as " common " on Nashawena by Mrs. Northrop; no specimen seen. lUnmial See S EPILOBIIFOLIA Hamilton. S. gdericulata of the Manual, bee Femald Rhodora. xxiii. 85 (1921) Abundant - -* ^oll^w^^ around ponds. NON: C,«Aman, July 27, 1906 (B 2298 (N,P.C) SSAu?iMS\N),8\5kp);PE^ Marrvbium vulgare L. Sandy soil ^^ste places. NAU Moore 1904 (N), 814 (W); NAS: Northrop (o), Wtlhams, July 10, 1911 (!S), Xi'Sa^L. Dry, sterile soil. UNC: 3054 (N); NAS: iVor^A- rop(o); PEN: 1458 (N,P,W). ^ „. Prurlella vulgaris L. Apparently not common; dry ground. NAS. '^R v7Li:LTv2:x.ANCEOLATA (Bartou) FemaR RhoooR'. xv 179 (1913). The indigenous variety was met with on dry, sanay slopes near center of Uncatena. UNC : 3032 (P). 1930] Fogg, — Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 273 Leonurus Cardiaca L. Fairly abundant on Penikese; not collected elsewhere. NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1455 (W). Pycnanthemum flexuosum (Walt.) BSP. Known only from spec- imen in Woods Hole herbarium collected on Naushon. NAU: Stjuons, July 23, 1901 (WO. P. MUTICUM (Michx.) Pers. Reported and collected by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena. NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y). Lycopus virginicus L. Rare and local on the islands; seen growing only on the sandy beach bordering West End Pond. NAU: Cushman iSc Morse, Aug. 25, 1906 (B), 2920 (N). L. UNIFLORUS Michx. The most abimdant species of the genus here; pond margins, wet hollows, etc. NON: 2565 (N,P,W), 2663 (P); UNC: 2969 (N); NAU: Williams, July 10, 1911 (N), 2487 (P); NAS: 2346 (N); CUT: 2525 (N); PEN: 1457 (W).^ L. AMERICANUS Muhl. Frequent; moist situations. UNC: 2970 (N); NAS: Northrop (o), 3749 (N,P); CUT: 2524 (N,P), PEN: 1456 (N,P,M,W,C). Mentha spicata L. Occasional in wet hollows. NAS: }iorthrop (o), 3491 (P,M). M. Cardiaca Gerarde. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nasha- wena; no specimen seen. M. crispa L. Collected in a swampy hollow at the east end of Cutty- hunk. CUT: 2284 (N). SOLANACEAE Solanum Dulcamara L. Seen only trailing over a dense thicket bordering pond on Uncatena. UNC: 3042 (N). S. NIGRUM L. Very abundant as a littoral plant, often fringing the sandy or cobbly beaches with a solid growth. NON: Cmhman, July 27, 1906 (B), 2872 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 3446 (P); PEN: 1462 (N,P,W). S. rostratum Dunal. Sandy waste areas; infrequent. NAU: Taylor, July 24, 1921 (P); PEN: Hollick (o). S. triflorum Nutt. This western species was foimd growing on beach near Tarpaulin Cove; possibly introduced in the days when the Cove served as a refuge for sailing vessels. NAU: 1806 (N). Datura Stramonium L. Sandv and cobbly beaches; of casual occur- rence. UNC: 2958 (N); NAU: Cushman & Morse, Aug. 25, 1906 (B); PEN: 1461 (W). D, Tatula L. On Mrs. Northrop's Nashawena list; may refer to the preceding; no specimen seen. SCROPHULARIACEAE Verhascum Thapsus L. Open, sandy ground and waste places. NAU: 2720 (N,P); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1465 (N,P,W). Linaria vulgaris Hill. Decidedlv not common on the islands; seen only on Penikese. PEN: 857 (W'). 274 Rhodora [December L. CANADENSIS (L.) Dumont. Grassy slopes and open sandy stretches. NON: 3373 (P); NAS: Northrop (o), 3483 (N); CUT: 2331 (N); PEN: 1464 (P,W), 3403 (P). LiMOSELLA SUBULATA Ives. L. aquatica, var. tcnuifolia of Manual. See Rhodora, xx. 160 (1918). Sandy and muddy margins of ponds on Pasque and Nashawena. PAS: 3745 (N,P); NAS: Northrop, "July-Aug." (Y), 2356 (N). Ilysanthes dubia (L.) Barnhart. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena as /. gratioloides; no specimen seen. I. inaequalis (Walt.) Pennell. /. anagallidca (Michx.) Robins. See Pennell, Torreya, xix. 149 (1919). Sandy and peaty pond borders. NON: 2702 (N); NAS: Williams, July 10, 1911 (N); PEN: 454 (N, P,W). Gratiola aurea Muhl. Peaty margins of small ponds. NON: 2641 (P), 3194 (N,P), 3383 (N,P); NAU: Taylor 2347 (P), 1079 (P,W). Digitalis purpurea L. A few plants persistent around leper cottages on Penikese. PEN: 1463 (W). Veronica serpyllifolia L. Reported from Nashawena by Mrs. Northrop; no specimen seen. V. peregrina L. Occasional in sandy soil. The Naushon material is very sparingly pubescent, approaching var. xalapensis (HBK.) Pen- nell. NAU: 3330 (P) ; NAS: Northrop (o) ; CUT: Hcrvey, no date (N). V. arvcnsis L. Seen only in a sandy field near center of Nonamesset. NON: 3306 (N,P). Agalinis purpurea (L.) Pennell. Gcrardia purpurea L. See Bull. Torrey Bot. Club, xl. 126 (1913). Listed by Mrs. Northrop for Nashawena; no specimen seen. A. MARITIMA Raf. Gerardia viaritima Raf. Seen only on border of brackish area on Uncatena ; probably more general. UNC : 3005 (N,P). Melampyrum lineare Lam. Mrs. Northrop reports this for Nash- awena; no specimen seen. Pedicularis canadensis L. Dry, sandy beech woods near Hadley Harbor. NAU: 3313 (N,P). LENTIBULARIACEAE Utricularia geminiscapa Benj. U. clandestina Nutt. In a small pond on Nashawena; probably commoner. NAS: 3504 (P). U. GiBBA L. Known only from sheet in Woods Hole herbarium collected on Naushon. NAU: Simom, July 23, 1901 (W). U. BiFLORA Lam. Reported from Nashawena by Mrs. Northrop; no specimen seen. U. CORNUTA Michx. Reported and collected by Mrs. Northrop. NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y). OROBANCHACEAE Epifagus virginiana (L.) Bart. Fairly abundant in beech woods on Naushon; should be found on other islands as well. NAU: Wit- Hams, July 10, 1911 (N). 2937 (P), 3138 (N). 19301 Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 275 BIGNONIACEAE Catalpa hignonioides Walt. Well naturalized in certain areas on Nashawena. NAS: 3546 (P). PLANTAGINACEAE Plantago major L. Cobbly beaches, grassy slopes, etc. NON: 2697 (P), 2900 (N); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1467 (N,P.W), 3407 (N,P). P. MAJOR L., var. intermedia (Gilibert) Dene. Material so labelled was collected by A. H. Moore on Penikese in 1904. Here also may be referred tentatively specimens collected by Hollick on Naushon and by Mrs. Northrop (labelled P. halophila Bickn.) on Nashawena. This is done with the realization that the maritime phase of P. major is in need of very careful studv in order that its status may be satisfactorily determined. NAU: Hollick, Aug. 11, 1898 (Y); NAS: Northrop, Aug. 1901 (Y); PEN: Moore 1916 (G, N). P. JUNCOIDES Lam., var. decipiens (Barneoud) Fernald. P. viari- tima of American authors in part, not L. See Fernald, Rhodora, xxvii. 100 (1925). Collected on exposed gravelly bank along north shore of Naushon west of Kettle Cove. NAU: 3876 (N,P). P. OLIGANTHOS R. & S. P. maritima of American authors in part. See Fernald, 1. c. 93-104. Salt marshes and brackish muds. PAS: 3740 (N,P,M,C); CUT: 3568 (P). x... xt , P. lanceolata L. Grassland; not common. NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1466 (P,W), 3394 (N,P). . .^ . ^. .. , i P. lanceolata L., var. sphaerostachya Mert. & Koch. See I'ernald, Rhodora, xxiv. 203 (1922). Sandy and cobbly beach on Uncatena. UNC: 3055 (N,P). . ^ P. lanceolata L., var. sphaerostachya Mert. & Koch., forma eriophora (Hoffmans. & Link) Beck von Man. See Fernald, 1. c. Sandy soil at east end of Cuttyhunk. CUT: 2269 (N). _ P. aristata Michx. Occasional in sandy fields. UNC: 36o2 (N,P); NAU: Simons, July 23, 1901 (W); CUT: Northrop (o). P. VIRGINICA L. Mrs. Northrop reports this from Nashawena, saying, " Common on downs, about 2 in. high." No specimen seen. RUBIACEAE Galium Aparine L. Listed by Mrs. Northrop for Nashawena no specimen seen. , xiz-ixr o^no /t>\ G PiLOSUM Ait. Dry sandy woods and clearings. NON : 2ob2 (F; NAU: Pennell 3150 (W), 2930 (N), 3686 (P) ; NAS: Northrop (o). G. ciRCAEZANS Michx. Collected by Pennell on Naushon. NAU Pennell 3110 (W). G. TRiFiDUM L. Borders of brackish areas; not common. NAU 2513 (N), 3684 (P,M); NAS: Northrop (o), 3541 (P). Erroneously reported from Penikese; see Rhodora, xxvi. 228 (1924). The Penikese material proves to be G. Claytoni, 276 Rhodora [December G. Claytoni Michx. Wet thickets, pond margins and grassy slopes; very abundant. NON: 2572 (C), 2646 (N), 2666 (P), 2880 (P), 2906 (P); UNC: 3027 (N); NAU: 2374 (P), 2716 (N,P,M); PAS: 3748 (P); CUT: 2516 (N,P); PEN: 1468 (N,P,W). G. TRIFLORUM Michx. Collected only at edge of beach near east end of Naushon; possibly more general. NAU: 2457 (N,P). MiTCHELLA REPENS L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nasha- wena; no specimen seen. Cephalanthus OCCIDENT alis L. Not common; collected in boggy pasture on Nashawena. NAS: Northrop (o), 3564 (P). CAPRIFOLIAGEAE Lonicera japonica Thunb. Occasional as an escape. UNC : 3037 (N); PEN: 1469 (N,P,W). Triosteum perfoliatum L. Seen only on dry open hillside on Pasque. PAS: 567 (N,P). Viburnum acerifolium L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop for Nash- awena; no specimen seen. V. PUBESCENS (Ait.) Pursh. V. venosum Britton. See Blake, Rhodora, xx. 11 (1918). This is the only Viburnum seen growing upon the islands. It is of frequent occurrence in moist hollows and in thickets bordering ponds. UNC: 3010 (N,P); NAU: 2458 (P,M). 3320 (P,C); NAS: 3489 (N), 3518 (P). Viburnum dentatum L. is reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nash- awena. It is possible that this refers to the preceding, but in the ab- sence of specimens this record is permitted to stand. Sambucus CANADENSIS L. Occasional; thickets and moist depres- sions. NAS: Northrop (o), 3488 (N); PEN: 1470 (N,P,W). CUCURBITACEAE Cucurbita maxima Duchesne. Sandy soil near cultivated area on Penikese. PEN: 1471 (W). CAMPANULACEAE Specularia perfoliata (L.) a. DC. Reported from Nashawena by Mrs. Northrop; no specimen seen. LOBELIACEAE Lobelia cardinalis L. Found only in a swampy clearing at the east end of Naushon. NAU: 2466 (P,M). COMPOSITAE Eupatorium verticillatum Lam. Mrs. Northrop reports E. mac- ulatum from Nashawena, but it is probable that this refers to the plant treated by Wiegand as E. verticillatum (See Rhodora, xxii. 57 (1920)), 1930] Fogg,— Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 277 a coastal plain species the general absence of which from the Eliza- beths is indeed surprising. NAS: Northrop (o). E. HYSSOPIFOLIUM L. Rather frequent on open grassy and sandy slopes NON: 2590 (P); UNC: 2953 (N); NAU: Oakcsr (Herb. Lowell) (B); PAS: 1790 (P,W). E. verbenaefolium Michx. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nashawena; no specimen seen E. perfoliatum L. Wet hollows; uncommon. UNC. 29bb (IN;, NAS: Northrop (o). ^ , i i • Chrysopsis falcata (Pursh) Ell. Open downs and sandy clearings. NON: 2583 (P); NAU: 2596 (N,P); PAS: 3788 (N); NAS: i\orthrop Solidago bicolor L. Dry, sandy woods; not abundant. NAU: 3161 (N), 3905 (P). ^ , , 1.T X' u fS ULIGINOSA Nutt. is reported from Nashawena by Mrs. Northrop; this doubtless refers to some other species, but since, m the absence o material, it is impossible to say which f,'^^'/^^ V''"" K^ON '^2 H fpi • S. sempervirens L. Sandy and cobbly beaches ^^N. 3211 (P , UNC: 3110 (N); PAS: 3744 (P); NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: 22/0 (N); PEN' 1492 (N P W) S. JUNCEA Ait. ' Known only from bare gravelly slopes on Penikese. PFN- 1489 (P W) S. suAVEOLENS Schoepf. S. odora Ait. See Standley, Rhodora, xxi. 69 (1919). Collected only in dryish peaty l-^'^^f ''"^/"^titty- hunk; perhaps more abundant. NAS: Northrop (o); CUl : 2o20 (N.f, S. Eluottii T. & G. Dry thickets on Uncatena. UNC: 3105 (P), 3111 (N,P,M). , , „ ., ppxT. S. RUGOSA Mill. Dry, boulder-covered slopes on Penikese. PtJN . ^''s^ iuGO^MiU.. var. aspera (Ait.) Fernald. S. aspera.\it. See Rhodora, xvii. 7 (1915). Open grassy downs and pond borders. NON:3186 (N.P.M); UNC:3093 (P); CUT: 2521 (N?) S. NEMORALIS Ait. Dry hillsides. UNC: 2971 (N,P). PAb. 3797 (P); NAS: Northrop (o); PEN: 1490 (W) S. CANADENSIS L. Collected only on dry southwest slopes of Pen- 'T a.™;T Sected only in thickets on dry hillsides of Un- "f t" nZ"!:!!' ?uS!^' Everywhere on open downs and borders of Gaylvssacia thickets. NON: 2561 (P) : 3 68 (N P); UNC : 3084 (N. PM); NAU: Cuskman, Aug 25, 1906 (B), 2o05 (M,C), 2719 (N,P), 2929 (N.P); NAS: Northrop (o); CUT: Sanford, .Aug. 15, 1917 (N); TciiSFoK.) Salisb Same ^tuatiT as the pre^di^ somewhat less abundant. NON : 3179 (N.P.M.C) ; UNC : 2952 (N, P) , PAS: 3750 (P). 278 Rhodora [December S. MINOR (Michx.) Fernald. This southern species, ranging from Mississippi and F orida to Virginia and reported by Bicknell from Nantucket, was collected by Professor Fernald and the writer on open grassy hillsides near the central part of Naushon. NAU- 2506 fN P) (N) rNAu73?60''(N P)' ^'''*''°""' '" ^'^ "P*" ^°°ds. ' NON : 3193 XT^;,''^™'^®.^'*- Grassland and sandy thickets. NON- 3190 ("?■) • NAU: 3142 (N); NAS: A^ortArop (o). v^in. ^lau (r;, A. UNDULATUS L. Dry woods; common. NON- 3IS3 I'M P"! -^is? (P,C); UNC: 3080 (N,P,M); NAU: 3158 (N,P;M); PEN 14^^^^ A. ERicoiDES L Reported by Hollick from Pasque;' no specimen seen nor has this Aster, so abundant on the adjacent mainland, been found growmg on the Elizabeth Islands, despite diligent search for it 010; ^^^LTiFLORus Ait. Fairly abundant on grassy slopes NON- ?J98 S w)'"" ^""'^^'^ ^^^' '''' ^^'^^^ ^^^-^ '''' ™^ p^n; A. puMosus L. With the last. NON: 3178 (P) 3189 CN P W^ A DUMosus L., var. coridifolius (Michx.) T. & G. Clearing in dry beech woods near Mary's Lake. NAU: 3145 (N,P) A. DUMOSUS X ? This plant, probably representing A. dumosus Xmmmeus, was collected m sandy woods on Naushon. NAU: 3143 xt;^;/'^^^^^® ^^"^- Abundant in sandy woods and on open downs A LATERiFLORUs (L.) Brittou. Apparently not common; dry, shady beech woods on Naushon. NAU: 3146 (N). A NOVi-BELGii L. Abundant in dry, open ground, especially along borders ot thickets; extremely variable NON- 3181 (W r\ "^is? ffifATJKfiisl&V'''^'' '^'"'^ 309r(S;pf 3\o?^P?;' pTs^ A. UMBELLATUS Mill. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nasha- wena; no specimen seen. o«no .xn"^^"/^"^^ ^- ^^y' open hillsides; not frequent. UNC- 3092 (N); PAS: 3790 (P);NAS:A^or Hollick, A. Cont. Geol. Dept. Columbia Univ xi no 72. (1901 r 1930] Fogg —Flora of the Elizabeth Islands, Massachusetts 281 S. okraceus L. Seen mostly ^o^}^i\^^th^_^ti^rol upper sea ^^..(LTmi^i^tSi"^^^^^^^ ^^S?; Z\^L L. Reported by Mrs. Northrop from Nash- awena; no specimen ^J^"- ,^ (53; j ) Gray, forma angus- L. CANADENSIS L., Var. I^TEGRIFOUA VOlgtM p^',. „.-j :„ A^y TATA Wiegand. See Rhodora, xx.k 10 a920). Collected m dry, QonHv soil at east end of Pasque. rAb: eSu^ l,r;. L HiRSUTVMuhl. Seen growing only in sandy woods on Naushon; nrLblv more common. NAU: 2464 (N); NAS: Norlhrop {o\ Tre!an™ Serpentaria Pursli. Mrs. Northrop reports th« fron. ^?r;:uorTTtSrss.)Xnald. Sandy woods; apparently rare. ^mERAacf PXN,ct;L..TUM L. Dry, sandy woo^is; not common. ^RmS?an™ Willd. Reported from Nashawena by Mrs. Northrop; ""H^'slTurMichx. On Mrs. Northrop's list for Nashawena; no '•'h "grc^ovh L. This is the commonest ."ember of the genus on these islands; dry woods, sandy clearings etc. ^pN: 2634 (P), 318o ^m MiiT- wq VNV P\S- 572 (W), 3775 (N); NAS: 3o3b (P). ^%''cF.>^.^^l^^ -^V^^'^ not a.."ndant collected o^^^^^ in dry, sandy soil at east end of Pasque. P.\S. 3//4 (N), >.V&. Norlhrop (o). University of Pennsylvania. MEMBRANES IN THE PLANT CELL I. MORPHOLOGICAL MEMBRANES AT PROTOPLASMIC SURFACES Janet (^. Plowe With 11 Text-figures Keceived for publication, September 8, 1930 INTRODUCTION The qiirstioii of t\\v existJMirc and function of plasma membranes is of concern to the pliysiologist both fi'om a pi'actical and from a theo- retical pomt of view. It is (d practical interest becanse, in attempting- to analyze the action of chendcals on the livin<»: orjz'anism, it is essential to know wh(d.her substances in th(^ extei'iial medinni iiecessarily comr into direct contact with all internal (M)nstituents (d" the c(dl which they affect, or whether action on an external reji'ulatcu'y layer alone may b«' responsible for chaii^'es in other parts of the c(dl which the chendcals never reach. It is of theoretical interest because, if it can be shown that the existence and function of plasma mend)ranes is essential to the life of the protoplast, it follows that it is as incorrect to think of pridoplasm as a liviniT substance a])art from its oi'^'a ideation into protoplasts as it would be to think of pndeins, or water, or carbohydi'ates as li\ in«i- unless organized into protoplasm. In that case, the pr(>toplast, rather than protoplasm, heconu's "the physical basis (d life". The cimcept of specialized, diffei"(Mitially permeable layn plant physiology, with no implication of uncertainty, that "The nucleus, plastids. etc., as well as the cytoplasm, have surface membranes on the innrr and outer surfaces which perndt certain substances to pass through whilr Membranes in the plant cell. 1 197 1 • ..r ^.. Thp cell is able to carrv on nwiny diff^T^'Ut keeping others from doing .o. ^^ ^ /^^^^^ ^,^^^.,,^, mend>ran.. which processes at the same time, owing ^^ >t'^^' ^.^ urround the different structures in it R. m. ^^'J The view that membranes surrouml '^" /^ ^ •;"^.;: ^,,^,^, f,,,, the behavior of a ^-^^^^'^^;^^^;^^ ^ on which hut it is granted by its adherents that ho ^^^^ ..p.nuuntal it rests is inadequate. Ibd.KU, wh.; ha> -^^^^^ ^' ^ ^.,^,, ,^,., work < ■•■«" ;■»*;:':;:,;:;,:;; V L,!.!- •■«- - • ■'■ "hislicr iiborlmupt uu'lit - (102H). „;„„:„„ uoi -ulv .m its ^wii 11. fi^iv fiirtlu'i' invest iir«inon. n'" •": othov lines. I-HKVIOIS INVKSTir,ATl«»NS „.o plant vacuole by rapid plasmolysU. "-""i.^t' ">;,:,,. ,., ,.«.. lo-U.... up..n ..ro^rties of this layer, which he calkn < > " ' ' hu, p ■ bablv ,hc .livis,,,,. he .a« ,.e isolated t.moplaBt a. living. ..r.ce .t '"•^' '";".;.,,,,„,' .,„„,„. „ „.,. fact that the resulted from surface tension orces alone. ^^^"^^^^ „j, „f ...e enti.e livn.« .Ufferential pern.eability "^ ^->^^^ t , ^t .!r,„na,es as an artifact. ,,,ot.plast that it seems >'"'''^^'> ''^^t ,, ,.„ ,, ,„,f„..e of a plan, protoplast rctauud Pr..KK (';2^J-— ;^ ;,:, „i,„ acid, altl .h. «, he surface layer .lifferential ,«-ru,eabdit\ fore. ,.vt„plasu.. .as ruptured, the dyes pc-netrated ^"^ J'^' Z l^,,,.;.,, .,„„„.., i„ physical pro.K.r.ies In view of our present ''"';;; 7'*-; . .,.,„ ..„.„Hbu...>ns ,0 ,he physiological :^.^^fr:eir::K c^i J .- -- -^ '■ ^ --'- Has been directed toward the "I'-f '"V' / '^7 ! ; . .,p,„s„,.wan „bservati,,no„linarilyfailston-vealsu. .al > ra^^^h^ ^^^^^_^_ ^„„^^ „^,,^ ,, , interface, in the plasn.olyzed "V""'" ''>^ , . ,' , ,.„ ,„„..,. layer distin,., fro„, the fU-ld iUumination. was able <"/'.^'"' ''; ' ' 'j^ „, r,„«W„7- protoplast. In the first, .....uainder of the plasn.oly.ed ^>""^';^:f^„,„,, „...„. no movement. su....estin, ,Uolayerc.mtaiusfincpart..lesnwap.dm tj ^ ,,omo,ene.ms. lu S,.rooyru a H,at it is in the ,el comlition: .n '^J^ "J^.^^J:,,, Uu.... amis which .K-rs^ --"-^-7"— t X': in e «i are HUe the material posi,,. th- -r !;;r£ .nt,"n.C;i^ . Ceany discernible iu cases. 198 Plowe KiJSTER (1910) describes the appearance of a fine membrane in cells of Allium treated with acid on deatli from rapid deplasmolysis; this later collapses against the plasma mass. He reports (1926) that when a protoplast divides on plasmolysis, a thin strand of tonoplast may persist, running through the strand of cytoplasm connecting the two portions of the protoplast. The strand of tonoplast becomes evident on "foamy degener- ation" of the cytoplasm. In another paper (1927) he describes the occurence of naked vacuolar membranes in the sap of ripe solanaceous berries, where they could hardly be considered to result from the use of reagents. GiCKLHORN and Weber (1927) report that when mesophyll cells are placed in conductivity water or in isotonic solutions, the vacuole, surrounded by a thin layer of protoplasm, may contract, although the remainder of the protoplasm remains next to the cell wall. When these cells are placed in stronger solutions, the protoplast undergoes normal plasmolysis and the vacuole contracts further. The thin layer about the vacuf)le may be a distinct osmotic membrane. On the basis of measurable potential differences between vacuolar sap and the external artificial sap in which cells of Valmiia are immersed, Osterhout, Damon, and Jacques (1927) conclude that the inner and outer layers of the protoplast differ. THE MICROMANIPULATION METHOD Some time ago Pfeffer (1897) remarked that the question of the presence of differentially permeable membranes * 'Would be definitely answered ... if it were found that substances commonly present or artificially introduced, diffused through the central mass of the plasma, but did not appear in the vacuole or in the water outside." Pfeffer's idea can now be carried out, using fine glass pipettes and needles in connection with a micromanipulation device. The original term, "microdissection", should be abandoned, for dissection implies dismemberment of a dead organism, and micromanipulative methods are now associated with the study of the internal physiology of the living cell. It is bv such means that the internal conductivity, the internal hydrogen ion concentration, and the internal oxidation- reduction potential of active, living cells are now being investigated. Less work with micromanipulation apparatus has been done on })lant cells than on animal cells, because the layer of protoplasm in the plant cell is relatively thin and the cell wall offers an obstacle to the insertion and free movement of needles or pipettes. Kite (1913 a, b; 1915) who was the first to publish extensive reports of micro- manipulation experiments, attempted to investigate the consistency of cytoplasm and nucleus and the relative permeability of the internal and external cytoplasmic layers in plant as well as in animal cells. It is unfortunate that in many instances he made no distinction between dead and living protoplasm. This lack of discrimination causes uncertainty in interpreting his accounts. Seifriz (1921) employed such plant material as Vaucheria, pollen tubes, and bread mould in investigations of the physical properties of protoplasm, working chiefly on expressed cytoplasm. Chambers and Sands (1923) used the pollen mother cells of TraJescantia, in some cases piercing the cell wall and in older cells removing the wall before dissection. They directed their attention towards mitotic structures. Here again the distinction between dead and living structure was not always carefully drawn. Membranes in the plant cell. I 199 scKTu (1927) contributed ^ i^^^^^i;:::^:^!^^ ^ plant cell indisputably alive and >n "'''-'^'j^«"^27„,,d,es with horizontal tips, p.ercmg Flla Symphoricarpos, and ,Sp.roff;/m. "^ "^'^ ";.^„,„t were made ,K,s8ible by the ;, ..,.1,.* ".«" '7,;;r t x»"i^-v'' "^ -" «>•""""" » ""' ' pipette free to move m anv direction, with the cell wall. ?,Itoit of matorinl from a nucrop„K-.to. „HA,. ,U-:VKHSUU.K '^•^'•'^\.'^,^;:^,.,, ,,„,,. Temporary Protoplasts, like organisms, may '^J^^ ,,_^^., ,„;,„ n^ade familiar by the ...an^et-n l^He^ ~n;-;;:S; .'S.re arises: Is i^ -J.^n^ t suggested b\ worKim 200 1* 1 () w e •guarantee, for them, that the behavior of the protoplant ha^5 been normal tlir(>u«iii(>ut the investigation. Sueh signs as cessation or increase of Brownian movement, aggregation of granules, sweUing, must constantly be watched for. The appearantte of acidity ma\- be used in detecting local injury. (Chambers and Pollack ( 1927) and ( 'hambers, Pofj.ACK. and HiLLER (1927) have shown that the reaction of the proto])lasm of certain animal cells changes from its normal level (pH 6.7 — 7.5) to as low as pH 5.3 on fatal injury. Rezntkoff and Pollack (1929) state that, although a churning inoticm with a needle or pipette causes a distinct temporary local acidity in the cytoplasm of Amoeba duhi/u the ordinary quiet iusertitm of a needle, or even the injection of Xa(M or K(1 solution, causes no change in reaction. PROTOPLA^^MIC STHEAMIXG IN PLANT '^KLLS AS A VUKVK ON NORMAIi CONDITION Changes in protoplasmic streaming offer, in many plant cells, a s.Misjtive indicator of changes in the condition of the protoplasm. Wliile protoplasm in cells which normallv show streaming may cease streaming without having undergone appreciable injury, it is also true that known injury is regularly accompanied by changes in the manner f streaming or by (u)mplete cessation. If we disregard all results in which streaming is affected, we may feel reasonably sure that the behavior of the ])rotoplasm in other respects will not be abnormal. SCARTH has reported that a strand of cytoplasm traversing the vacuole may continue streaming while stretched by a microneedle. Taylor's experience with Nitflht and Seifriz' with mycomycetes were cited above. To these may be added the follow ing facts from the present work. When a needle is pushed intt) the protoplast of an onion cell, carrying a layer of cytoplasm with it, streaming will take place in the layer about the needle in a wholly normal manner. Strands may form ruiuiing from the needle to the wall. The nucleus may move out along the needle to its tip. Further, if the needle is thrust through the protoplast until it touches t!»e protoplast-vacuolar surface on the opposite side, then partially withdiawn, a strand of protoplasm will be ])ulled out from that surface into the vacuole, and in this strand, too, normal streaming will occur. Or. if the needle is withdrawn from the plasmolyzed protoplast, pulling a strand of [trotoplasm out after it, streaming will occur in this strand both towards and away from the [irotopiast . A protoplast may be pinched in two with the needle, and yet streaming in the two portions continue undisturbed. An opening may be made through the j)r()toplast which brings the vacuole into comnnmication with the external soluti(m, and yet streaming continue uninterrupt^^d. These results encourage us to believe that, with careful manipulation, it is p(»ssible to carry on intraceUular investigations of plant protoplasts as well as of animal protoplasts, in wliich the ])rotoplasm under observation is normal insofar as any organism, organ. or tissue can be ctmsidered normal while under ex])erimental conditions. MKilOMAMPULATIVK STUDIKS OV TIIK IMIKSl^^NCK OK M KM HH A NKS Evidence from microdissection is generally in support of the presence of differ- entiated layers at protoplasmic surfaces. Chambers (1917) states that Paramoecia and marine over can recover from dissection only if a new film, or series of films, is formed, cutting off the injured regitm. Membranes in the plant cell. 1 2^1 r «i iirf'wi' is fatal to somati*' ....Us ,r... vari..u« a„in.a. tissues ^^^:j::Zne.i m....... u.av .ht-.s, an.. .-1 SK-KH.z (192.) fim.s that --"'''- ">''7;,.,, „,,„,„„.,...... ,.«—'"-" ^ ^""l' "'- „ hen the eytoplasn. disintegrates. V\ he n a --^ >> ^ ; ,,,„„„,. ,„a,v .«■ ..ra« n |aBtpartt.,tearisalways,.>eou.erb<.r.v t..e e„ntrae -on '"V" ' ; ~ , :u,,..en,ia,i..n nU... out.-v .aye^ ,,.;rder, Thes.- resu.ts in.lieate ..»■ ytese" - 1^ -^^^^ surrounding .•y...|.l-n. fron. ...e ., the protoplast. He des.ri.,es ^^^'^ ''^^^J p.„ „,, ....eleate e,v..n-.Ky.e of vaeuolar n.enduan.. of ,lu- p.asn.o.yv.e.l o, on • ^^^^^^^ ^^^ . , ,„,.„„.,,. rryplol,r,„„'ln,.^. Skik.u/. ( H.2.i) ...■s.v.>,e. an out., whieh is „,od..rate.y elastie .,,,.„.„, „,,. „, i„„.,est u. v,e« Memhranes surroun..n.« th.^ e, nt.a.t.le v. („„ „, ,.,„„ra,tde ,., ,,,,v,.s report tha, vaeuo.es in the «;";;;;;'; '2" outraeti.e vaeuo.e ,„ .Vu.o...,a vaeuo.es (I92S). K.tMI^I:^.) aeser,..es u». .^ ^^^^^ ^^_^,,^ ,,,,,,,,, ,^^ „, .,f hi... eonsisteney and adhesiveness, a,. .» n a ^_^^ ^^_^^^^ ^^^_ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^__. ^^^ as of i-reater density. ..antheendoplasm. """'•'„ ,.;„,,, ..„„„^d. to indent, rall.r ,han pieree. wi... a l.lun, ne..dle. . AV .. R ( «" ^ , „„„ .,f hi... .ou.s.s.enev . ..„.uo.e» i.. K«,>'..'-.^ ...ay '"■";;'"■:.;;: ..' "..iarv vaeno.es n.ay son.et.n.es ..rs.s, an.- ^definite nu.-.ear .nen.bra,.e. w..,e.. <"' « - • " ^ , , sk.kk... , .92. , re,.,..s disseet.... ..rawn with a pipette, i.. t..e ".-"»■ ;;''! J "^Xt ,, A '.'•■ S.v.m. ^ V-^^O bel.eyes „„ the degenerate n,en,..ra,.e ,on. '- the pl..nt living condition ... ., ,|,.finite diffeie..tial.oli of th. ,,ide„eO .... ......V Oiffor..... sourees ^^^- ^^^^^^ ^ „ ^^,,„ ,..,„ ,,.,, ,„., ith Uversof protop ■•-. i" the livi"^ '"'''L"''",'' , ',., t f •'- -rf-e .ayer of ,..e ...neus th;M,..cleL. .. i.. the last ease. poss,b.y d,f..a^^^ _^^^^ ,,_,,.,,,^ „„., „,.,, .„f,er- ttf. Certain points render 'h.-- -■<''■■.' ■-", .^ ,,„, ,.„..,„ain to what ..x.ent Elation re....ar.y oeeurs in ,..e ---;, ' , \.„..,„.,a,e p. -.. para..e.s th.- -^ t,.e or«ani.atio,. of the .-'"l''-^ /; ,;.,,, .,,,uf,e,d studies, evidenee for pi....- 1 II With the exception oi • '!Z^l ."....a.ed on .ivin. protoj^st. ^ ^^^^^,,,,,„„ ;„„ , , ,<,„.vvle.l.-'.- „(.linV,T>..i.itum..fs,..-l.r..l;i>.'.''>. .1. 202 Plow e TEHMINOLOOY In discussing- the litcraturo, th(* torrninol()ut(M' surface of the plant protoplast. Since plasma lemma and tonoplast are themselves cytoplasmic structuiMN, we cannot refer to the lay<'r of protoplasm betwiM'ii them simply as cytx^plasm. It obviously is not ectoplasm. Endoplasm, on the other hand, would include the tonoplast. No term in use at present adequat(dy distinguishes this portion of the cytoplasm. A new one seems necessary to avoid confusion. Mcsoplasm is proposed as indicative of its position in relation to tlu' other layers. Plasma lemma and tonoplast, then, will be used hereafter to denote differentiatiHl layers at the interfaces betwecMi protoplasm and wall and protoplasm and sap, respc^ctively, and uKsoplasm for that portion of the cytoplasm which lies b(*twe(Mi tlu^e layers. METHODS AND MATERIAL OiiAMBEKS (1924) describes micromanipulation methods in general, and Sc^vRTH (1927) and Seifriz (1927) (lescrib(> the application of these methods to plant cells. MembrancH in the plant cell. 203 c . ,. .viri of this W(»rk was the inner The material used for the greatei P;^ /^^ ^^^ ^,.,„,,na <.uons, ,esulls ohtained with other cl. ben MM ^^^^^ ^^^^^ occasionally a oil gives a layer only oiu. ^^^'^\ ^^ /' J ' ^.^.,^.., ,, it. This provides ex- ;^!;ch ot large, -lorless nn^soph^^^^^^^ Sections of the stripped 'optionally favorable ma on. foi ^^^ ^, ,,p ,ater in the mu^o- ., -dermis may he mounted m ; J^^ ;;" ;^^^ ,^,,,,a by horizontal m«^.ll|'> iuupnlation moist f -^ -•' ; J^ ' t luetliod Scunu has us.l .. h ^^,^ pi.vee the ^'lU walK Ihl • \ , ,,, „,.y .n.pl- tin ..her plant cells in his -ovk Mo ^,,i,, ,, .pidermis are p asmy- H^thod described by SKinuz and -H.^ 1^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ,, ,,. ivzed in IS percent (O.ob M ) ^'^^ \;;^^^.^^^,,.,sts are well rounded awa> ^.out one half its original ->!-- ^^ ^,, ,, the plasm.dvzing .>lu- ,rom the end ^valls after ^^-;;;^^ ^ , ^ ,,,, transversely to th. h.ng ,,,, A strip is then cut xsth ^^-' ^^,^^,, ,,,,.... the end wal ,,is of the leaf, on a glass slid. ^^J^;^^^ u.^ untnuehed and ^--^ ^^- ^^''''''''''' '''■ ""7 " t-mi ^nioumea in a hangu.g drop o, ,^,^.^^j,,,a. This section of ^T^^ » ^,, ,,..,• .f th. nucn- ...iudyzing solutKm on a -- ^ ; ,, the cells pointing towards manipulation moist (dwunbei, th ^^^''\yl ,^^, ,,,terial may 1- held : i'u end of the moi^ ^'^-y;^-'';., ; 1: A dissection needl.- with ,. pi. by a i>htnt needle wi h ^ ^^ J^^,^^, ,,,.,,u the open end> , 1 oit/ontal tip now has access to th P I ^^^^ y,,,,,u^uon on the ■'"• :::r:^:::zzi::::'i' •■ -""'■- "■* movement oi 111' 'i" :^|j ..„ plant u.ar,.n.l is .1ms 'l-;;^' ,.,,,,,,, „, ,„i> w...k. Uu, ..u,.las- ,„„,,,,.,i ....„s W...V ^''-\^-''' ;;■,..„ .... ;.s...i u. ...u.k.- ..>-• ;,flrr plasmolysis. f niter hver distinet trom ;;;,, ....ovlas.,. and 1"-";; ;;.""! ,'";,.,, ,i,„.., .naterial fro.u ....■ • 1 A fri^in (Hie aliotnel. I oi distinguished now on 204 P 1 o w e Membiaiu's in the plant ct'll. I 2()r» protoplast ^vill contiiuic to flow into thr strand as the needle is drawn back, then this flow will cease, and the material coniposinji- the strand cloiij2:at(^s as the needle moves. The lenp^th to which the mesoplasm can be eh)n^at<'d is not very . just as -<2> - Fi^r. I an elon^'ated soap bnbble passes thronjxh the same foi'ms when allowed to shorten as it did when eloiij2:ate(l. Hnt no si^'n of fusion of the droplets appears, until thox are actually in contact with on<' another. Similarly, a globule i'eapproachin<2: the protoplast itself must actually c(une intcv ccmtact with the mass from which it arose l)ef(U'e it loses its spherical shape and starts to flow back into the plasma mass, even though the two are ('(umected at all stages by a thread <>f plasmalemma. It has been known for some time (Chodat 1911) that when meso- plasm is included in strands persisting between protoplast and wall on plasmolysis, the cytoplasm rounds into balls on a thin threa ^ FiL'. '2 ,nay be pulled out into a long, slench'r thread, but th.Mv will nm be droplets on this thread. The layer forming the thn-ad and the layer i'ormnig the balls must l)e distinct. PLASMALEMMA IN TllK DKAD I'Ut HOPLAST The smooth surface of a dead, swollen i)rotoplast can actually be torn awav bv the microneedh- (Fig. 2) allowing the mesoplasm to fh^w out into the' surnmnding m.'dium as a shreddy, granular mass which does n(d mix with the water. | This brittle external layer is the — ,...— «t- structure which Pfkffkh rup- tured in acid-killed cells by de])lasmolysis. allowing dyes to penetrate through the crack> so formed into the mesoplasm. It seems to I'etain some of the tlifferential ])ermeal)ility of its living condition, but otherwise is very different from the fluid, extensile living layer from which it arose. Swelling of the pr(d«>- plasm toHows the death (d' unplasmolyze(l as well as plas- Uiolyzed cells. Since the ])roto- plast of an iinplasm«»ly/e pushed throng hthe wall until it pierces the outer layer Imt not th. toim- plast the swollen protoplast willc(dlapse until the tonoplast lies almost flat ,,o,nnst the wall. Appaivntlv the dead plasmalemma held back the thnd which dist('nded tluMmsoplasm, amlits pumture allowed t he tluid to escape. It is m» easv matter to puncture or tear the plaMualemma of tlir hving pn»toplast. ^Kven a very shar]> needle carries a layer of protoplasm Nvith it as it enters the cell: tin' needh- invaginates. rather than pierco. the pndoplast (Fig. 3); the plasmalemma lie< next the needle, and the mesoplasm and tonoplast are also indi'Uted and carried m. When the needle is pushed through the ])r(»t(adast until it traverses the vacuolr ,,nd passes thromrh the opposite' si(h'. the second protoplast wall stn-tclie. FiL'. :i Membranes in the i)lanl cell. I 207 206 PI owe nnd covc^rs the advancing needle like a tent. It is evident from tlie move- ment of the granular mesoplasm that material foi' this cone and for the layer covering the needle is supplied by flow from other regions, but if the needle is pushed through far enough, particularly if it is moved I'apidly, this flow will be inadequate and a strain will result which may find relief in one of several diffe'rent ways. The plasmalemma may be ruptured, resulting in death of the cell. The protoplast may be completely punctui'iMl at the point at which tlui needle enters and at the opposite side wluM'e the needlfi tip stretches it into the form of a cone. In this case the severed edges of the layer about the needle come into contact with the edges of the puncture in the cone and fuse. The protoplast resumes it normal contours, but a tube of protoplasm now surrounds the needle which joins the proto- plast at both ends (see Fig. 4). Periiaps the situation may be more clearly visualize(l by analogy with invertebrate em- bryology. The n(;edlr first invaginated th<* i)rotoplast, resulting in a gastrula stage, the end of th(* " archenteron " was then brought into contact with the opposite wall of the gastrula, and an opening, the "stomadaeum'\ was form(Hl. The vacuole corresponds in position to the coelom, and is at all stages completely shut off from the outside solution. This intr^rpretation of the state of affairs can be corroborated when the needle is uiov^mI backwards and forwards. Material from the needle flows into the wall of the protoplast, and materi;U at the other (Mid of the needle flows from the w^dl of the protoplast onto the in^edle. In addition to these two possi- bilities, the strain produced by the needle may have a third result. PUNCTURE OF THE VACUOLE AND CONTRACTION OF THE PROTOPLAST Sometimes the layers of protoplasm about the needle remain intact while those on the opposite side of the protoplast, stretched by the neeiUe, are ruptured. The opening enlarges rapidly, forming a gaping aperture. The cell sap is in direct contact with the external solution, and in tlie case of cells whose sap contains colored pigment, its outward diffusion Fi^^ 4 > ,. can be follow(Ml. The hole grows slowly after its initial rapid lormatmn, and as it enlarges the pn.tnplasm fh.ws t.^gether until finally only a ball of protoplasm remains, c(U.taining a nucleus l)ut uo cmtral vannde (Fig o) What is now the outer layer of this mass ci)nsists m part of the layer originally in contact with the cell sap. The cytoplasm is normal, the streaming of the graindes continues, and no swelling or appearamv of Brownian movement results. An enlarging puncture id' this sort mM inlnM|Uently arises at the point at which the needle first enters the protoplast, .u- more rarely. a e TTv (/ Fig. o at, a point .euu.t. from th. n-.U. as a .vsult cf ,1... fus.-m p.-oduccl. The last case is more eo.nmon amon^' .ells whiel. have stood for son,- time in plasmolvzinfr solution. This sug,..sts that the internal stnutu.v of the protoplast undergoes ,ra.l«al readjnstn.ent to Us new form a .1 loses in extensibility. Knlar-infr pnnetures, not resultn.jr m d-ath of tl. cell, also occur at times in unplasmolyzed n'lls. FLASTICITY AS A CAUSE OF l'R..TOl-LAS.MU: ft.NTHA.rri. .X The fact that the hole formed enlarsres so slowly after its fu-st ap- pearance suggests that its enlargement and the contraction of t '« P-jOt^' Em may be due to elastic forces rather than surface forces 1 is hard o why the rate of enlargentent should change so abruptly .f .t w.re. 208 Plow e Membranes in the plant cell. I 209 tli(^ result of surface tension. Elastic substances, however, often show la*>* in recovery, retnrninji* nipidly partway to theii' orijrin.il form, then conii)letin{^ the retnrn xory slowly. There are other points in the behavior of the protoplast wiiic-h are more readily explained on the assumption of elasticity than of surface tension alone. When a strand is x)ulled out from tin; surface of the proto- plast and stretched farther and farthei', it will finally break, and contract very rapidly, almost snapping back, and usually crumpling as it recoils (ScARTU, 1927, has described sinular behavior of internal cytoplasmic strands wluui broken.) These strands lag in the final stages of theii' con- trac-ti(Ui. The retui'u of the final lagging portion to the plasma mass can be accelerated by pi'essing on the adjacent piution of the protophist. ELASTICITY IN THE PLASM ALEMMA If a strand is pulled out from the protoplast but uol elongated to the point at which the nu'soplasm s(;parates int(> balls, the heavy granuhir nuiss will at first flow back into the protoplast when the needle reap- proax^hes it almost as fast as the iummUc itself moves, but at the last will flow more slowly, so that a portion persists foi' a time as a iijund pro- trusion (ui the surface of the protoplast. This will also flow back into the main mass in t'wuv. and can be ma(h' to flow back instantly by pressing with the needle on an a(lj(uniug ])orti(Ui of the protoplast. Now, such pi'essnre inchuits the surface of tlu^ protoplast, makiug its curvature uKU'e sharp. When (Uie lifjuid droplet flows into amdher as a result of surface tension forcis, the speed of flow will incn^ase as the difference betw^een the curvatui'e (d' the two droplets increases. Hence, the effect of such pressure should be to retard the flow, were it caused by surface tension. Again there is a strong suggestion that it is elastic forces, pro- bably in the plasmalemma, that cause the flow. If the elasticity were rt^sident in the mesoplasm, strands of varying thickness should flow with equal rapididity, whereas thicker strands flow mon^ slowly than those in wiiich the proportion of mesoplasm to plasmalemma is low^er, and thin strands arising from the phismalemma ahuie and carrying balls of meso- plasm move most rapidly of all. ELASTICITY IN THE CYTOPLASM The behavioi* of the mesoplasm suggests that it, too, possesses elasticity in a low degre(\ It will be noted that when a strand is pulled out fi"(un the protoplast, some lines of granules appear to snap and flow ( ♦> back towards the protoplast before others on either si(h' of them do. This and similar phenomena when the needlo is movrd through the proto- l)Iast are explicable if we think of thr mesoplasm as based on a conti- nuous, labihs elastic framework. Some ii])rils in sucdi a framework might be under greater tension than other, and break and contract s(M>ner. Such a structure has been suggested by Skiffuz ( 1924, 1929) and supported by SCAHTU (1927). TEAHINd THE LIVING PLASMALEMMA The layer of protoplasm in the plasmoly/rd nr unplasmolyzed cell is so thin that it i^ difficult to demonstrate' that t(>aring the out^r surface, has wh(»lly different effects from piercing the entire thickness (d the protoplast. Hut if our of .:^;S%^ the contracted protoplasmic ___ i)alls resulting fnmi a widening puncture of the prot(»plast is used, it can be seen that thr n(MHlIe may ])ierce the ♦•ntire thickness (d" such a ball without *'''^'- '^ iniurv. while if ihroutrr surface is town with a rapid m«dion. the mesoplasui swells aud ceases streamiug, the swelling commenciug at the ragged edge of the tear (Fig. G). WHAT IS THE SKrN IFICANCE oF STILVNDS PKHSISTlNlr HETWEEN PHOTOPLAST AND WALL AFTEH PLASMoLVSlSy KiiSTKii (1910) has noted that portions of a prntnjdast separated by plasmolysis frecpiently do not fuse on deplasm.dysis. This fact is occasionally cited as evi(h'nc(; for th«' existence (d" a distinct external layer on the prot(»pIast. This is questionable, for two soap bubbles may likewise fail to fuse when brought int(» contact, and the two porti(uis of the protoplast, filled with and surrounded by liiiuid, are more analagoiis to soap bubbles than to li(,uid droplets. The Ixdiavior of isolated portions of prot(»pIasts brought into contact with (Uie aiudher could be further followed here. If the soluti* in it will continue in exactly the same manner as in protoplasts containing' the nuchnis, even after the connectmg thread is broken. A ball of protoplasm tiuis s(^paratc() will not fuse when brought again into contact with the other portioti of the same protoplast or with another protoplast, which confirms KiisTKii's observation. However, when the two balls of protoplasm . Frecpiently the LTanular material in such a strand will round up into balls (Ui a hyaline, toiioplast thread, much as the mesoplasm rounds into balls on an external plasmalemma tliP-ad when a strand is pulled out from the outer surface. The fact that iliis does n(»t invariably occur is probably plast f(>rms a layer distinct from the swollen mesoplasm, and can easily be separated with the needle. The separation of tonoplast fi'om mesoplasm can b(^ follow(id as an unplasmolyzed proto- plast swells as a I'esult of injury with the needle. Starting at the point of injury, the tonoplast appears to blister (d'f in a manner recalling the separation ot the fertilization membrane from an echinoderin egg. At times, the tonoplast is not. at first, distinct from the swollen mesoplasm, but becomes distinguishable lat(^r as the mesoplasm shrinks away and collapses against the plasmalemma and wall. The tonoplast isohited from unplasmolyzed cells behaves on mani- pulation just as (h>es the same layer from plasmolyzcMl cells. The number of different ways in which separation of the tonoplast can be brought about is strikini'-. If i)lasm(dysis in* deplasmolysis is very lapid the tonoplast m;iy separate from ths^ rest of the cytoplMsm. 11 the protoplast is cut by the i-azor, the tonoplast may sei)arate while the rest of the cytoplasm swells and flows tog(;ther. If an injection oi' the inser- tion of a needle produces too great a strain in the cytoplasm, th:j outer layers may be ruptured or swell, and the tonoplast persist. If the nucleus is injured, the tonoplast will remain distinct whih^ the rest of the proto- plasm undergoes marked changes. Certainly a layer which appears in both plasmolyzed and unplasmolyzed cells, whether death occurs sh>wly Fig. 8 > or smhlenly, whether (h'ath is caused by mechanical injury «»r l)y toxic l)roducts of nuclear injury, which is invariably distinct fr«»m tli. nmainder (d" the pr(>toplasm and which always poss«^sses the same pi'(.[Mrt ir<, must r<'present a layer distinct from the remainder of the protoplast in the living condition. Taking into consideration the difference in behavior of the granular and hyaline material when a strand is pulled .Mit int.» the vacuole from the vacuole walL it seems certain that tlir livinir i)rot«.- plast possesses a ditferentiated layer about the vacuole. riiK Nrn.Krs The nucleus in the oinon cell is iri'egular. usuilly flalh'iird and roughly disk shaped. This flattened f(»rm jM'isists cvm when thr uucIcun is suspend(^d m t he middle (d" the vacuole rat her than lying in the peripheral layer of cytoplasm. Many nuclei show (h'ep, transparent gr(M»ves which occasi(»nally pass completely through the nucdeus (Fig. 9). The mudear substance presents a finely mottled, apparently alveolar structure. Two nucleoli occur. ELxVSTKUTV OF TlIK XrCLFFS The suggestion id" elasticity and rigidity which is given by the irregular shape of the nucleus is confirmed by its behavior when handled with microneedles. The nucleus may be pushed slowly from end to end (d" the cell without chauLdng shap.-, and if a disk— shaped nucleus which is in smh a position that it appears circular is caught on one rd^yi^ by the neciUe tip. it will be tipp.'d u}) and appear as a narrow .dlipsc. When the needle is withdrawn it falls into its original pi^sition and again appears circular. If i^reater force is applied, the niudeus may be disKMted. but resumes its shape with striking regularity. When pushed rapidly throni/h the cytoplasm, the pressure of tlu' cytc^plasm against its five ciLn-s will bend the nucleus until, in profile, it is sausage shaped. The nucleus siMimrs back to its original shape when the needle is bn»ught to rest. This experiment may be Repeated many times, and the niudeus invariably straiLditens out. The return of the nucleus to its original f<»rm cannot be the result (d' surface tension forces, since the form whiidi it resumes is flattened and highly irregular, in no way approa(diing the spherical form towards which thes(^ forces would work. Fiu. 9 214 P 1 () \V V Membranes in the })larit cell. 1 216 Fig. 10 shows the n'turn of a liviiij>' nucleus to its original lorin when distorted by the needle. The nucleus was so irregulai' in contour that the needle tip could be hooked under one of the proti'usions and i)ulled laterally, producing marked distortion, yet after each of several successive distortions the form resumed was very close to the original. One protoplast afforded a demonstration of elasticity in the nucleus without a needle touching the latter. Occasionally, when a needle pierces a protoplast and passes on through th(» end wall of a cell, the pr(»toplast will flow through the hole left after the needh; is withdrawn. This is pi'obably a result of suction, the wall of the second cell being somewhat stretched as the needle is withdrawn. Flow can take place through a hole so small as to be perceptible with great difficulty. The protoplasm which passes through the hol«^ remains alive, for active stn\Mming takes Fig. 10 place. In the case under consideration, the protoplast continued to flow through the hole into the adjoining cell until the nucleus was carried against the hole, passed part way through, and stopped. The hanging drop was then diluted, and the expansion of the protoplast in the second cell now forced out the intruding protoplast. Th(^ nuchms sprang back, and resumed its original form. When the concentration of the drop was increased, the first phenomenon was repeated, and once more the flow stopped when the nucleus plugged the hole. Again dilution of the drop forced the protoplast back, and again the nucleus resumed its original form. Tts rigidity was evidently too great to allow it to pass through the oi)ening through which the protoplasm flowed so easily. CHANliES IN THE DYING NUCLEUS: THE NUCLEAR MEMBRANE The nuchnis undergoes striking and instant changes when the cytoplasm is torn or when tin; nucleus itself is subjected to sudden pressure. The first sign of death is the disappearance of the mottled structure; this is followed by swelling. As the nucleus thus changes, a death wave passes over the cell, oiiginating at the nucleus and becoming evident ill cessati(ni of streaming and swelling «d" tin- cytoplasm. Thr nucleus continues {o swell until almost spherical. The ciuitents of the two nucleoli form granular masses. In a (M'11 which has hern plasniolyzed Ww nucleus may remain in the rounded, hyalim- form f(»r som«' time. In an uni)las- molyzed cell, tin- m(»ttl<'d ap])(\Mrancr reap])ears almost immediately after the nucleus beccunes spheriral. The marking may be even more distinct than in the living nucleus, but is c(»arser. The smooth, si)herical form and the gjanular nucleoli ;ii'e ch'arly uidike those of the living nu(leu>. In the plasmolyz<'d cell these changes may be deferred f(.r several minuMs iifter swelling. After the mottled pattern reappears, shrinking sets in, slowly in the ])lasmolyzed cell, but very rajudly in the unplasmolyzed cell. In the latter th«' collapse is very irregular, the nucleus shrinks in some sp(>ts until con- cave, and from these ;i membrane lifts off (Mg. 1 1). It is imi)ossible to say whether this membrane originates from the cytoplasm or from the nucleus. It is something more (h-finite than the result of shrinkage. sei)a rating nucleus and cytoplasm, for when the nucleus is pulled (Hit of the cytoplasm by the microneedle, the blistered membrane ^i)^'< with it. If the nucleus is roughly handled with the microneedle while swelling, the reai)pearance nf mottled structure and the c(»mmencement of shrinkage are brought nil ;it once- bef(»re swelling is complete in unplasmolyzed cells, or without the lapse (.f time, after the first stages of swelling, which intervenes in ]>lasmolyzed cells. TIIK NUCLKUS AS AN OSMOTIC SYS'IKM The following exi>lanation is offered for the behavior nf the dying nucleus. The nucleus is surrounded by a differentially permenblr mem- brane. Swelling is a result of the .iction of .icid (from injury) on the nuclear ])roteins. At a certain point, swelling stretches the membrane nntil its differential permeability is losl. (Similar suggestions have been ma(h' for the loss of haemoglobin at a certain stage in the swelling of <'rvthrocytes.) At this point electrolytes fr(un the cytoplasm and sm- rounding medium petietrate the imcleus. and the proteins are 'salted out", bringing alxuit the reapi>earance of the mottled structure. Shrin- ka-'e (svneresis) follows. The reas(»n that a longer interval elapses before Fiu. II 216 P 1 () w e •MemhiaiH's in tlu- plant ct'll. 1 1^1 the mottled structure reapp(^ars in plasuiolyzed cells is that the hij^iicr external osmotic concentration retards the last stages of s\v(»lling. Rouj^^h manipulation with the needle ruptun^s the membrane and allows the electrolytes to enter immediately. In the case of the unplasmolyzed ('ell. puncturing the membrane allows t\u) electrolytes to enter before swelling has gone far enough to destroy the semi-permeability of the membrane. A combination of colloidal and osmotic th(M)ry se(Mns necessary to account for the behavior of the nucleus. ELASTICITY OP THE DEAD XriT.Ens The dead nucleus, removed from the cell ,ind stretched l)etw(^en microneedles, shows marked elasticity. It may be stretched to five times its original length and contract to a little over twice its original length. It if is stretched untd its elastic limit is reached (10-15 times its length) it tears and snaps back as it contracts, but is now merely a fibrous mass clinging to the needle tips. CONFIRMlNd RESULTS FROM OTHER (^ELLS Leaf cells of Elodea, cortical paj'enchyma cells of beet and earn a roots, mesophyll cells from the cabbage leaf, cortical parenchyma cells from stems of young seedlings of Lu/pinns aJbus. and I'oot h.ni's of Triancn W(5re used as material to suppleTuent the work on onion cells. Separation of tlu^ tonoplat- 1 as a result of mechanical injury wt hairs, such balls could Ix* seen on strands persisting after plasmolysis and .ilso when strands wen^ pulled out with the microneedle from the surface of living, (ixtruded cytoplasm. Ralls appeared regularly on strands pulled out from the protoplast of the carrot cells, but the smnlhn^ss of the protoplast and the thinness of the layer of cytoplasm mnke it impossible to say with certainty, as can be said in the other cases, that a part of the vacuole w^as not carried out into the strand pulled out from tin* protoplast, and that its separation into smaller vacuoles was not the cause of the formation of balls. , ; The failnr*' of such balls to form in cahbagr. brct. ami lii)>iih' crlls is connected with the fact that thr stfands j)idl«'(| frnm iIm' smf.icr n\' these jU'otoplasts are short, orcliiiarily bi'caking and stalling tn cniitiMcl before they have cxcrcdrd tin* length of tin* prntopl.ist. In all the ct'lls, coiiti'action of tlw strand aftr!- ln'«'akinii' i«'Sfmbl«'s contraction case did liberated cytoplasm mi.x with water. Its l>r|ia\ior can be bdlowed i)rst in the liaifs of Tr/mmrn. Mere (•yt(tplasni whi(di is forced out violently swells at fiist. and some partitdes enter into Rrow- nian moveuH'iit. The mass may l«»ok as if it were comiMisecl (»f discrete partiides. but when a n«'edle is thrust into it and I'etraeted. the entile mass is j)ulled out after the needle, finally breakiiiir and (•ontl•aetinL^ Evidently a continuous stnictiire persists, even thouii'h not \isih|r. The swollen pi'otoplasm shrinks and darkens soon after libei'ation. It then Ixdiaves like a fairly rigid body when pushed about with tin- iierdle. (•ONCIJ'SIONS I he inh'UHil OH(l c.rh'rndl stnfucc hif/rrs of Ihr pidlifpla^in, nj ounni cells itfdlslinfinishaftlc nnCritscftitirad f/ or fillrnnucrosroitfrdll n. (irr nrrrrfhrlrs.s' disdncl front ihc rcsl of Ihr ct/htphistn. The coiroboi-ative evidence from other cells suggests that a distinct plasmalemma and toiioplast. ordinarily too thin to Ix' detected optically, are regular features of the onraiii/atioii (d' the plant protoplast. Ihc })l(isnH(lcnnn(( Is prolccfirc n\ fnnctfon. This is shown by the fact that it is fatal to tear this surface layer, although the cell is not or-h tho sam(' result, lu'odnced hy jiTadnal steps, can be f)ron^'ht about without injury. Plasrnaleiiiina and tonoplast are elastic fluids. Xotinj*' the exten- sibility of the plasnialenirna. the ease with which it accommodates itself to chan^^'s in confi^niration, the fact that the ^Tenter part of a pr(»toplast may flow through a minute opening- without injui'y, a new explanaticm su'»'gests itself for the phenomena first noted by Nagki.i (1855) and repe- atedly ('(uifirnied and cit(Ml since. It has p'nerally heen considered, in agreement with his account, that the fact that exuded or expressed proto- plasm from root hairs, pollen tubes, V(tn(hrri(u etc.. Ixdiaves as if sur- rounded by a m(Mnl)ran<' wholly similar to that of the intact protoplast is ail indicati(m that the pndoplasmic membrane is "autiUHunous", i)V that the formati(ui of surface memf)i'anes by protoplasm is a result (d" surface forces at the protoplasm-water interface. Is it not likely that in these cases we are not dealing* with the reformation (d" a membrane l)y naked mesoplasui, but that plasmalemma as well as mesoplasm is forced (Mit, and that the mesoplasm is covered, at all stajres, by the fluid plasmalemma? The droplets wiiich fail t(» •re-form" a membrane are then those which consist o\ mesoplasm with no coverini>- plasmalemma. SIIMMAHV 1. Existing' evidence foi' the formation id' morpholoji^ical mijmbranes at protoplasmic surfaces in the living* plant protoplast is reviewed and judjj:e(l ina(bH|uate. 2. Cases fnun the literature and from the author's work are cited to show that micromanipulati(ui may be employed in the investij»-ation of this problem without peiceptible disturbance (d" the normal condi- tion (d' the proto{)last. \\. Investigation of plasmcdyzed and unplasmcdy/evl pr(d(>i)lasts with the microneedle indicates: a) That there is an exteinal layei', oi' i)lasmalemma, surrcuindin^- the ])rotoplast, whiidi. while fluid is more (dastic and more exten- sile than the remainder (d" the cytoplasm. b) That a similai', but less (dastic layer, the ton(4)last, surrounds the vacu(de. I c) That the meso])lasm is mu(li less extensile than the ton<»plast and plasmalemma Ix-twcen whiidi it lies. H nf liviiiL' cells. Proc. So( . Kxp. Kiol. & Med. 24. 7H(I 7HI. — il- (J. S. Rknvi. 1925. The structure of cells in tissue's as revealed hy nntrodissection. I. The physical relationships of the cells in c|)ithelia. .\nicr. .Inurn. Anat. .H5. 385 W2. — iS: H. ('. Sam»s, 1923. .\ dissection <>f the chnmiosnnies in the pollen mother cells of Trnfhsrantia rinfinim L. .lourn. (ien. Physiol. 5. H15 820. ('noi)AT, P., 191 I. Princi|)es de hotani«jU<'. .1. B. Haillierc et fils. Paris. (HANNKK, j^. Hanstkkn. 1919. Peitra^c /ur Physiolo^ne der ZelKvand un., 1923. Studies <>n the contractile vacuole (»f Anto*b(i rtrrurnsn and ParatiHHciuui t/iutlntitm. Proc. Soc. K.xp. Pi«tl. and Med. 20. 47<> 471. HcMK. M.. I9I3. On the presence of connectin^Mhrcads in irraft hyhri«ls. New Phytol. 12, 2U> 221. KrrK, (J. L.. 1913 a. The relative permeahility of the surface and intcri(»r p<»rtioiis of the cytoplasm of animal and plant c.'lls. Biol. Bidl. Marine Biol. I.^il). 25, I 7. 1913 b. Studies on the physical properties of protoplasni. I. The physical properties of the protoplasm of certain animal and plant cells. Amer. .lourn. Physiol. 32 14() 1(>4. — 1915. Studies on the jH'rmeahility of tin' internal lytoplasm of aninuil and ]»lant < dls. Amer. .lourn. Phvsiol. 37, 282 299. 220 Plow t', Membranes in the plant cell. I KusTER, K., 1910. Cber Vcranderung der Plasmaoberflache bei Plasniolyse. Zeitsclii . Bot. 2, 689-717. — 1926. Beitiage zur Keimtnis der IMasmoIyse. Frotoplasma 1, 73 104. — 1927. Cber die (Jewinnung nackter Protoplasten. Frotoplasma 8, 223 234. Lloyu, F. K., 1928. The (;ontractile vacuole. Biol. Rev. 8, 329 358. Mast, S. O., 1924. Structure and locomotion in Amoeba proteus. Anat. Rec. 2U, 88. Nageli C, 1855. Pflanzenphysiologische l^ntersuchungen. OsTERHOUT, W. .1. v., 1922. Injury, recovery, and death in relation to conductivity and permeability. ,]. B. Lijipincott, Philadelphia. — K. B. Damon & A. (1. .jacqttks, 1927. Dissimilarity of inner and outer surfaces in Vahiiia. .lourn. (Jen. 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Journ. Exp. Biol. 1. 431 443. — 1926. The f)hvsical pr<)perties of erythrocytes. Frotoplasma 1, 345 365. — 1927. Xew material for microdissection. Protojilasma 8, 191 — 196. — 1929. The structure of protoplasm. Biol. Rev. 4, 76-102. — 1929 a. Protoplasmic structure. Froc. Int. Cong. Plant Sci. 1, 251 — 258. Sharv, L. W., 1926. An introduction to cytology. Mc(Jraw Hill, Xew York. Taylor. C. V., 1923. The contractile vacuole in Euplotes: an example of the sol-gel reversibility of cytoplasm. Journ. Kxp. Zool. 87, 259-290. — & W. P. Farber, 1924. Fatal effects of the removal of the micronucleus in EupJofts. Univ. (^alif. Pub. Zool. 2«, 131 — 144. — & D. M. WiriTAKER, 1927. Potentiometric determinations in the ])rotoplasn\ and cell sa|) of Nitella. Frotoplasma 8, 1 — 6. Vries, H. i>e, 1885. Plasmolytische Studien iiber die Wand der Vakuolen. Jahrb. Wiss. Bot. l«, 465 598. Wilson, F. B., 1925. The cell in development and heredity. Macmillan, Xew York. • ♦ •( T V/1 MEMBRANES IN THE PLANT CELL 11. LOCALIZATION OF DIFFERENTIAL PERMEAHILITV IN THE PLANT PROTOPLAST Janet (^. Plowk Received for i)ublication. Septeniber S. |!>;jo 111 ])art oiu' (tf this jkijkt (Plowk. \\y.\\) rviib'ncr w.is gi\rii indi- v'.itiiijr thnt the lixiiiu' pl.int pi'ntojd.ist pnssrsscs diflt'i't'Hti.itrd l;iy<'r>. rln' pLisiii.ih'imii.i .iiid tlu' tonophist . .it llu' cytnjjl.isin-w.ill .iiid cytn- plasm-sap intrrl.iccs. Tln' fidlnwiiiii- study was m.idc with tlir pmpoM- of d^'teriiiiiiinii" whrllKT or not iln- diflt'miti.d jui'iiUMlMlity pnssrssrd hy tho y)laiir protnpl.ist diirinii- WW is Idcali/t-d in llu'sc pliysic.iMy distinct layers. It dot's not, of coiirsr. in'c«'ssai'ily fnllnw that th<' «iitif»' tliicknrs^ of these layers I'nnctinns as an osmotic mrtnhraiic. rvm if it can Im- shown tJbit the diflcrcntial pcmicahility nf tlic protHpl.ist is ,i pioprriy o| tnno- plast and plastnalcmina and imt (d" the mcsoplasiiL This distinction will. howevrcscnt. and discnssrd .iftcr tlic inajoi- piiic|i as urea and sucrose, there may be wide differenc«'s in the ease with move- ment takes ])lace. Certain substances, sn with p«Mn'trability by that snbsiance. It has been reco:etativ(^ plant cell can be suj];gested: 1. A layer of differentially ])ermeabl<' protoplasm surnMindin^* a vacuoh\ 2. A differentially permeable membraui^ at tin; outer surface of the (comparatively) freely permeable mesoplasm. with the vacuolar sap in direct contact with th(^ nn^soplasm. ;j. I)iff(MTntially permeabh^ membranes at both outer and vacuolar surfaces of the (comparatively) freely permeabh; mesoplasm. Kite's microinjection studies on the permeability of plant cells (1913a, 1915) led him to the conclusion that there is no essential difference between the permeability of internal and external cytoplasmic layers. Pfeffer (1897) as already menti(.n(Hl. demonstrated localization of differential permeability in the coagulated plasmalemma of the acid-killed Hydrocharis root hair. With these exceptions we have no direct evidence either for or against differentially permeable membranes in the plant cell. Considerable indirect evidence is to be had on either side of the question, but it must be rememlx ie f A iV.' ^' V ff that it is possible to explain these results as Lmjvd does without hypothe( atin;,' a diffen-n- tially permeable membrane should not obscure the fact that it is ('(jually possible to explain them on a similar basis in the i)resence of a membrane. Changes in the swelling capacity and osmotic pressure of gelatin run closely parallel, according to LoK.n (1922). It might easily be ccmceived that the acid used by i.Lovu altered the «»smotic pressure of the cell proteins within a membrane, and that the volume change was osmoti* . Cse of acids of different penetrating power at the same pH miuht throw some light (.n the subject, since, if the osmotic explanation is the correct one, it is the effect on internal, rather than external. pH w liiih is of importance. ^ I'urely colloidal permeability theories have Ix'en advocated by workers on animal tissues. .VIaktin Fischkk (1907, I9()S) and 1). . I. Lloyd (19H)) suggest explanations of volume changes in animal tissues in terms of protein hydration, the first pointing out the parallel effect shown by different acids and neutral salts on the swelling of fibrin and of animal tissues, and the second, the failure of the v«)lume changes of muscle in acid and basic soluticms to follow osmotic laws. Moore and Koaf (I90S) and Moore, Koaf and Webster (1911) propose to discard the employment of membranes in explanation of the distribution of solutes between plasma and bloons was the starting point of osmotic theory, our lack of knowledge of non-vacuolate cells (and Dancjeard, W)'!*, says •11 n*y a pas de cellule sans vacuole") prohibits us from rigidly termini; tlu' plant cell an osmcjtic system unless we limit the term t<. the relations Ix'twej-n vacuolar sap and ext^'rnal milieu. The high electrical resistance of plant tissues (Ostkrhoit, 1922) has been attri- buUnl to impermeability of the surface layers to electrolytes. Such an interpretation for resi.stance in animal tissues is corroborat<'d by the demonstratiectively, injection of thesi' solutions will cause change of color in the other direction. Csing the explanation offered by Jacobs (1920, 1922) for tlie effect of immersion in solutions of COg in sodium bicar- bonate and of ammonium chloride on intracellular reaction, Chamberss results are to be interpreted as showing that the hydrogen and hydroxyl ions which fail to pass through the outer surface of the cells from the external solution diffuse freely through the cyto- plasm when the solution is injected. There seems to be little question that the internal cytoplastn of the animal cells investigated is normally more j)ermeable than the surface layers. Are we justified in concluding that since this is true for echinoderm eggs and amoebae and a few other animal ceUs, it is also true for plant cells ? The gap is rather too wide to bridge without further evidence, and, even assuming that the two cases are analagous, leaves us still iminformed as to the nature of the relation between cyto])lasm and vacuole. THE VACroLAR MEMBRANE Very little evidence is forthcoming on the permeability of the vacuolar membrane. In general, if there is an external membrane and the cytoplasm is freely permeable, it is necessary to assume that the vacuolar membrane is differentially permeable, in order to account for the failure of colored sap to color the cytoplasm, the close analogies between the properties of de Vries' tono])lasts and entire protoplasts (1885), and the anomalous contraction of va(uioles noted by Osterhoct ( 1913 a, b), Ki ster (1926), and (4icklhorn and Weber ( 1927). This is especially true of Osterhouts observation that phycoerythrin set free from the plastids in the swollen cytoplasm of Grifjithsia does not penetrate the vacuole. But, unless it is true that an external membrane exists, no one of these cases really tells us anything about the permeability of the vacuolar membrane, for in that case the first becomes but the logical result of the differentially permeable nature of the cytoplasm, and the last two represent retention of differential ])ermeability by one int^rfacial layer longer than by the remainder of the injured cytoplasm. 1 <^ 1 Kite's uork (I913a, 1915) leads him to believe that nn orti decide whether or not the cells were injured. His intracellular injecti<»ns in plant cells were alwavs vacuolar injections, not cytoplasmic injecti«ms. No dyes were u.^ed to which the protoplast is imi>ermeable. Consequently, although to Kite belongs the credit for pointing the way to direct experiinental investigation of the question of differentially permeable membranes in the living protoplast, in order to find a satisfactory answer to the question it is necessary to elaborat^^ up<.n his methods and above all to carefully decide whether a vertical tip lies in the vacuole or in the cytoplasm. In work on animal cells ther(^ is not this difficulty to be met, and the simplir typ(^ is satisfactory. The material to be injected was held in place with a blunt, vertical needle. Two questions arise with regard t(» the soundness of this method of investij^niting permeability. First, is it possible to distinguish accu- rately b(^.tween a cytoplasmic and vacuolar injection? Second, can th«^ behavior of a substance injected into the cytoplasm give informatiim about the permeability of protopkism in the normal condition? A convmcing affirmativ(^ answer to the first question is obtained when the indicator dye brom cresol purph^ is used. Its color changes from the intermediate (half neutralized) color in the pipette to the acid yellow wIkmi injected into the vacuole, and to the basic blue when injected into the cytoplasm. In order to leave no doubt as to the answer of the second (luestion, \vr may consider as normal only those cases in which streaming of cyto- plasm is uninterrupted (in Allium and Trianea) or in which the (uisily disturbed normal configuration of the plastids remains unchanged and no Brownian movement appears (in Griffithsia). Further evidence of the normal condition of injected cytoplasm will be given later. The cells used for this study were root hairs of Trianea hogolcnsis, epidermal cells of Allium cepa, and the coenocytic cells of Griffithsia horneiiam. The results for each will be taken up separately. HOOT HATRS OF TRIANEA The large root hairs of Trianea boyotensis offer good material loi^ microinjection studies. The cytoplasm forms a. fairly thick layer, and frequently masses temporarily at the tips of the hairs. Streaming con- tinues within these masses. The wall is easily pierced. The absence ol plastids, the transparency of the cytoplasm, the thinness of the walls, make internal details clearly visible. Injections into cytoplasm or vacuoh' can be made with no ambiguity as to location. The active streaming enables the observer to constantly check the condition of the protoplasm under observation. FAILURE OP DYES TO PENETRATE ON IMMERSION Aniline blue, acid fuchsin, and the indicator brom cresol purple were used. The first two never penetrate the living cells. Cells immersed in one percent aniline blu(^ for twenty four hours showed no color in cyto- Mrnibraiies in the plant cfil. 11 227 plasm or vacuole. Acid fuchsin is rather toxic, hence th«' longest immersion used was two hours forty five minute's in a 0.5 prrernt solution, hi hoth cases the cells were plasmolyzcd aft<'r removal fmni the dye, to avoid mistaking coloratiiui of the wall UiV prnrtration of tlu' protoplast hy th«' dye, and to intensify any color which might br prrsmt in thr vacuoh' if dye had penetrated. Shortage of the Trianea, aupply pn'vented immer- sion tests with brom cresol purple, but in no case was dye in the surroun- ding solution taken up by living cells. FAILURE OF DYES TO PENETRATE THE rUoToPLAST KKo.M THE VACUOLAH SAP Aniliiu' blue or acid fuchsin injected into the vacmde diffuses freely untd the sap throughout the length of the vacuole is colored. Thr spreading (d' t\n' dye is accelerated by the motiim given U\ the sap l)y the streaming cytoplasm It is interesting to note that the streaming of the cytoplasm is much mor«^ rapid than diffusion of the dye. Cuhtis (1!)2H) maintains that streaming in phloem cells accelerates transfer of foiul substances, and the picture here seems to support the idea that i)rotoplasmic streaming is a more rapid means of transportation than frer diffusion. When the pip^'tte is withdrawn, a small amount ; tln^ yellow color to the dye when it is injected into the cytoplasm, and since the yellow form is the only form in which the cytoi)lasni takes up th.^ indicator which is injected int(» the vacuole, we have further con- firmation (d" the inipernn-ability of the vacmdar niend)rane while in the normal state. PRESENCE OF KUEE ELECTROLYTES IN THE CYTnPLASM The yell(»w c«dor of the dye in the vacurde indicates the presence u( free hydrogen ions, and the blue cid(»r in the cytoplasm must in.licate either that tin' cvtoplasm contributes hydroxyl ions or takes up or neu- tralizes hvdrogen" ions. Simv the color of even a large cytoplasmie in- jection changes immediately to the alkaline, and the coh.r (diange takes place before the dve spreads into the cytoplasm, the sul^tance causin- the (diange in reaction canmd be cidloidally bound, but must be free to diffuse from the cvt«»plasm into the injected siduti.ui. llow >npplv . olloidal cations The cvtoplasm shoidd take up hvdrogen ion< onlv from s.dutions more acid than the vacuolar sap. On the c.mtrarv. the indicator solution is less acid than the sap. remh-ring such an explanation ot the .liange in reaction inade(,uate. Similarly, if we assume that ih- ehan-e in re- nction of the indicator is due to adsorption .d' the hydrogen ions rather than to the diffusion into it of some substance ivactin- with hydrogen ions, it is difficult to see why the cytoplasm, alreadv in mntart with the acid vacmdar sap. should take up hydrogen ions from the nt siduti-ui of sucn»se. KMLriO^: OF DYES TO PENETRATE THE PROTOPLAST ON IMMERSION AND YxUTJOLAR INJECTION In additi(Ui to the d,yes used in the work on Triancd, phenol n^d, i\ hydrogen ion indicat(»r whiidi covers a more alkaline range than that f hroni cicsol i)nrpl<' prcv<'nts th<' use of this method of testing' the pci'nicahihty of tiic vacn(dar inrnd)ran('. No visihh' pene- tration (d' the cytoplasm can be seen, however, until the dyinplasm is irreji'ular, and becomes mure so,, is the water is tak<'ii up. but the appearance presented is (hd'init<'ly indicative that the water is taken up by the cytophism; the cytoplasm does not mix with the wat<'r. Sliji'ht, tem])(U'ary sw(dlinjr of the cytoplasm near the injection may follow the absorption (d' the water. Did the entire thickness (d* the cytoplasm constitute the osmotic membrane (d' the c(dl, it would be wholly out (d order for diffusion (d' dye to thus precede diffusiim of s(dvent. wdien scdvent ahme [M'lietrates from the external milieu. While the thinness (d" the cytoplasmic layer increases the difficulty of injection, it also serves to (h'lnonstrate more forcibly than in the c;is«' of Trianea that the mesoplasm is m(»re readily permeable than the tonoplast. In the case of Trianea, most injections wei-e ma(h' into a mass of cytoplasm throu^'h which the dye could spread in all directions. Here. even when the tip of the pipette projects into the vacuole, covered only by a thin film, the injected dye spreads back throuj^h this layer into the layer of cytoplasm ajrainst tin; wall. Were the permeability of the tono- plast as ji;"reat as that of the mesoplasm. this would mean that the dy«' w%'is diffusiuii" alon^ the path (d jrreatest resistance. .Membranes in the plant tell. 11 '>X\ : When th(> medium is sliii'htly hypertonic, so that the pipette fails to pierce the flaccid prot«)plast. the fluid ejected flows back al«m;r the pipette into the external solution, no matter how violently it is «'jected. If injury to the cytoplasm were the cause c.f the permeability shown bv diffusion (d" mest>plasmic injections, one would expect sindi a violmt injection to diffuse into the cytoplasm rather than the numH mesoplasmie injection in whicdi no suidi force is emi)loyed. Aniline blue diffuses in the same manner as arid furhsin. I»iii is markedly toxic. ('oa«i-ulatioii of the injected reLdon results, and fliis rej^ion will not resume stre.indim". thou;.ih noj-mal niotinn may contiiiiie in the rest td" the protoplast for some time. rilK DIFFKUFNTIAL PKH.MKAHILITY oF IM.ASMA .MKMUli.WKS INDKWTFD \\\ INdKl^TlONS ()F INDK'ATnU DYKS (().()] M solution. Na salt ) IMiemd red in (i.oi M s(dution has lowei- cohuinii- |M.wer than ilif other dyes used, hence the injection fades more lapidly as the dye diffii'-es than does one (d" acid fucdisin. and the spread .»r the dy.- in the e\toj»la-m (*annot be ffdlowed well in small injections. Streamin^r may be Ineallv interrupted, but is soon resumeplasm. and, as in the case of brom civsol purple and Trinnni, the color (dianire is immediate, and takes i)lace befoiv the dye spread^ in the cyt(»plasm. In n<» case in whi(di local streamiiiii- was resumed diw when injecte.l into tin- \aciiM|e. while a mesoplasmic injection, even when blisteriim- mit into thr vacii.»lr. immediately takes (Ui the blue color. When injected into tie- mesoplasm near the mndeus. that body takes up the dyr in the alkaliie' form. When the dye is injected into the vacuole, on the other hand, the nucleus remains uncolored until the dyinir cytoplasm ami nindeus both take up the yellow color. The nucleus may appaivntly take up the dye from a mesoplasmic injectiiUi without injury, for : dye will, of course, vary in the two cases, but it is of interest that brom cresol purple unfailinirly ])roduces different cytoplasmic pictures when injected into the vacuole and into the mesoplasm. When it is injected into the vacuole, the mesoplasm of the transvacuolai" strands rounds into balls on the tonoplastic portion. Usually Brownian movenn^nt of the cytoplasmic jj^ranules also results. Vacuolar injections are fatal unless th(^ puncture of the i)rotoplast at the entry p(nnt of th(^ pipette enlarges, as described above foi' puncture by a needle, and the dye is allowed to (escape from the vacuole, when the protoplast will survive. When the dye is inj<'cted int() the cytoplasm, an appearance su^jrestinfr alveolation of the mesoplasm, a lace-like pattern, is produced in a larjre part of the cell, and. over this area, all movement of jrraiiules is temporaiily sus- pended. Movement is I'esnmed, the 'alveoli'* elongate and become irregular in form, and the granules enter into streaming motion. This re(X)very b(;gins at the region farthest frcun tlu' center of the injection and pi'oceeds centripetally until all jxM'tions of the injected region show normal streaming. There is no balling of strands and no Brownian move- dment. 80 consistently do these two i)ictures result that it is difficult to avoid the suspicion that the first represents an acticm of bnmi cresol purple on the tonoplast alone and the second on the mesoplasm. Th(3 coloring power of brom cresol purple in the basic form is si) great that the spread of the dye through the cytoplasm can be traced for half the length of the protoplast or more. The alveolation described usually proceeds slightly farther than the visible diffusion of dye. The question arises, is the alveolation a specific effect of the diffusing dye, 01' is it indicative of injui'v which renders th(^ cytoplasm permeable? That the first is the case is indicated by tin* fact that phenol red, acid fuchsin, aniline blue, eosin, indigo carmine, and isotonic sugar solution can all be injected into and taken up by the mesoplasm without producing this picture. Injection of brom phenol blue gives a similar picture. The immediate change in reaction of phenol red and brom cres(d purple when injected into the mesoplasm, the fact that brom cresol purple can be seen to diffuse half the length of the cell from a small injection, through a thin peripheral layer of cytoplasm, are alike inexplicable unless we pictun* the mesoplasm as separated from the vacuole by a structure which pn^vents the passage of substanci^s to which the mesoplasm is freely permeable. Membranes in the plant cell. II 235 (IKIFFITIISIA (iriffUhsia hornetiana is composed of branching chains (d cocnucytic cells which reach a maximum length of 3.2 mm. and breadth of 0.fi5 mm. The wall, although thick, is soft and is easily ])ierced with the micr(>- pij)ette. The thin lining layer of pr(>loplasm forms thick pads against th(^ cross walls. Hy inserting a pipette parallel to the cmss wall, it is fairlv easv to make a injection into this mass of cvtoplasm. Th«' ryto- ])lasm c<>ntains numerous nuclei, plastids. some starch, and small protein granules. In the young cell the plastids are cl(>sely packr'd, and polygonal in outline, giving a mosaic pattern. In the older cells the plastids are 4'longated, oval oi* ii'regular in outline, and occur in rows, forming a net- work. When the cytoplasm is injured, the plastids round up so rai)idly that one can follow the change in form, the nuclei swell and become dearly visible, and the protein granules enter into Brownian m(»vement. The change in the plastids and the movement of the granules are the most immediate and striking effects of injury, and may precede loss (d <'olor by the plastids by an hour or more, or may occur as reversible injury 4'ffects. These changes were used as an index of injury to the cytoplasm. FAlLrHK OF DYKS TO PENKTKATK ON IMMKK'SloN Ib'anches of GriffftJtsia were immersed in a saturated solution of e(>sin in sea water, in 1 gm. of aniline blue to KM) cc. (d sea water, and in a oile perc(*nt solution of methylene blue in sea water, and examined foi' penetration of the dye after removal to uncolored sea water. Th»' <'ells were torn oj)en with a microneedle to detect color in the vacuoKir .sap. Methylene blue gave a faint color to the sa]) after four hours immer- sion. Eight hours in the other dyes gav«' no color to sap oi* cyt()plasm of livinjr cells. Methvlene blue was used, as well as eosin and anilin*' blue, to see if results (d' cytoplasmic injection showed differences corres- ponding to results (d immersion. DIFFFSION OF DYES INJE(TEl) INTO THE CYToPLAS.M The soluti(»ns (d" aniline and methylene l)lue in se;i water were used foi' cyt(>plasnuc injection. The sea water solution of eosin is too faintly colored t(» be useful. One percent solutions of all Wwrr dyes in distilled water were also used. 286 P 1 M cm bra lies in the |»lai»t ct'll. II I'ONCLI'SIONS •2'X I. IIh' ((iffnrHlidl iHrnHdhiltl n nf ihr pntinplasl huranls nnin umi ihfr.s is (I pntftntfi o/ ihr stirfdrc hnfcrs nilhrr iIhih ihr wrsophism. In order t«» intei'pret results obtained in any other mamn'r than this. it w(udd be necessary to assume, first, that mechaidcal injury produces abnormal jM-rmeability in the mesoplasm Imt does m.t affect the per- meability of the two membranes, and srcuiid. that the meso|»lasm can underp. injury which radically altera its permeabditv without showini! any siiiii (»f injury in its appearance or behavior. 'J. Ihr xin-jdcc Unjcis (tic also (liffcrrnliull H pnntnihh liHrnnls fm'li, (liffusthlr rlrclnti flics nnrmnlln ftrcscnl in cell sap, ciflnphism. mul cilcnuil snhllKm. T\m is shown by instantaneous c«»lor chaniivs ..f injrcfd hydro^n-n i..n indicator^ in mesoplasm and vaeiioh'. which canmU be explained a- residts of .idsorption nr .1 hontKui c(iiuhhtnini. 3. 77/r presence 0/ (liffcrcnlidlhi pcrntcahlc nicinhnmcs al the surfaces nf Ihe rcndthi permeable mesoplasm makes 0/ ihc racuiflalc plant cell a annplex sffstem. Ihe hehariin nf ahlch rests nn nsmata as ncll as rnlli,alal phmnmenn. The mesoplasm evich'iitlv retards diffusi(»n. rvm nf water, tn soiic v\\n\\. The permeability .»f the jMotoplast i^ iidlueiicrd by the per- meability of all layers, thou-h in m(»st casesthr p**>'»ii«'.ihilitvnf the.xternal ;ind internal membranes i> the limitinii' factor. The marked effects of osmotically inactivr cniiceiitrations ol acid and alkali <.n cell volume result from action mi the hydrnphilie prntein^ within the membranes. The interventinn of the plasma m.-mbrane mak«- the ])enetratinu- power of the acid a cniitributinii- fact(»r in its ♦■fb-etiveness. 4. 117^^// is the relaliiai hehceen ihe nnaphitUnncal memhranes. ihc Innn- jdasl and plasntalennna. and Ihe nsm(dic memhrancsf \{v^\\s^vv<^\ (1!>2H) measuriu'i- the capacity of tin- plasma membran.' in the beet foot. calculate> its thickness as |(M> A (0.(H //). If. however, we alter his calctdation by assumiufj;, as the work abnvr would indicate, that each cell contributes tan mend)ranes. the vacunlMr as well as tlh- external plasma membrane, the calculated thickness will be o.(M>r,//. <.r if we assume that the dielectric constant ..f the mend>rane is , 189-194. — 1924. The physical structure of protoplasm as determined by microdissecticm and injection. Cowdry, Geufnt/ Cytology, I'niv. of Chicago Press. — 1928. Intracellular hydricm concentration studies. I. The relation of the environm<'nt to the pH of protoplasm and of its inclusion bodies, liiol. 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The Spierer Lens Charles Spierer, Swiss physicist, has devised a lens for ultramieroscopic observation^ which involves the principle that light scattered by colloidal matter is greatest in the direction of the illuminating ray (Fig. i). It would naturally be of advantage to view matter against a dark field yet toward the source of illumination. It was Spierer's task to accompHsh this. He did it by placing a small mirror in the lens system of an oil-immersion objective (Fig. 2). The illuminating rays come directly from below as in an ordinary microscope; consequently, that part of the scattered hght which is of greatest in- tensity is toward the observer. The small mirror in the objective gives the dark field. The principle involves two primarj- prerequisites; first, the mirror must re- flect all of the direct light, second; the mirror must be smaller than the lens aperture, in order to leave room for the scattered rays from the object to enter. The first prerequisite is accomplished by having the aperture of the substage diaphragm at least as small as the mirror; in practice this is 1.5 mm. The mirror may be of gold, silver, platinum, or aluminum. In the ex- perimental stage, and later when Spierer lenses were made by Nachet of Paris, the mirror was a piece of gold or aluminum foil placed between the lenses of the objective. The method now employed, by Zeiss, is that of electric deposi- tion. The lens is placed behind the opening of a screen situated near the anode of a cathode tube at the opposite end of which is a cathode of platinum; the opening in the screen is of the size the mirror is to Yk\ Platinum cathode rays are given off and deposited on the exposed surface of the lens. Aluminum is fully opaque and gives a perfectly black field. (Jold or platinum have some transparency and permit a little of the direct light to pass which is an advantage at times. The gold mirror gives a dark-green field and the platinum mirror a gray field. The Spierer lens is an oil-immersion objective of 1.25 aperture (112 inch = 2.12 mm). It is provided with an adjustable iris which is useful in that it allows the observer to keep oflf part of the diffracted light when the diffraction phenomena are too intense and give a blurred image. (This intensity depends upon the nature of the object and of the embedding medium.) It is necessary to close this iris partially when using the latteral illumination of a cardioid condenser, otherwise the field is not sufficientlv dark. » Arch. sci. phys. nat., 8, 121 (1926). iig THE SPIERER LENS WILLIAM SEIFRIZ I20 It is sometimes of advantage to use a cardioid (dark-field) condenser in conjunction with the Spierer lens; this is not, however, necessary since the Spierer lens is itself a ''dark-field," and gives very satisfactory results with an Abbe condenser, or none at all. The advantage of a cardioid condenser, when used in addition to the Spierer lens, lies in the fact that it increases the v///////////////: d Fig. 2 The Spierer lens and special (Zeiss- Spierer) cardioid condenser: o = microscope ob- jective; I = lower lens of the oil-immersion system; m = platinum (Spierer) mirror; r.r. = reflected rays from the (Spierer) mirror, e = cover-slip, / = colloidal material; g = slide; c = cardioid condenser; d = special fixed diagraphm; a = 1.5 mm aperture for direct light, d.r., to Spierer lens; 6 = slit for cardioid rays, c.r. illumination of the colloidal structure by adding its share of scattered rays, which help though they do not come from the region of maximum dispersion as do those produced by the Spierer lens. Spierer has combined in a special condenser the parts necessarj' for using the cardioid with his lens (Fig. 2). The condenser c contains the usual car- ■'f ^ % i V ' ♦ <-t dioid elements and in addition a fixed diaphragm d with a permanent aperture a of the desired size. This arrangement also gives perfect alignment of the illuminating ray, an important condition for the Spierer lens. The condenser possesses a movable disk which obstructs or leaves open the aperture. W ith the disk in the center, i.e., the aperture closed, no direct rays pass through the condenser to the objective; the cardioid alone is then in use and the Spierer lens functions like any oil-immersion objective. With the disk aside, direct rays pass to both the cardioid system and the Spierer lens. To use the Spierer lens alone, the iris diaphragm, which is part of the microscope substage and is situated below the condenser, must be closed enough to allow no light to strike the reflecting surface of the cardiod system; the small aperture in the fixed diaphragm of the condenser remains open to permit the vertical illumination to reach the Spierer lens. A simpler way, however, to use the Spierer lens alone as a dark-field lens, is to replace the special condenser by an ordinary^ Abbe one. The soundness of the theory on which the Spierer lens is built is prov(»n by the results obtained. Spierer' has observed a fine granular structure in dry collodion which is not revealed by any other type of optical system. I^he cellulose and protoplasmic structure to be told of here is also not to be seen except with the Spierer lens. There can be no doubt that this new optical system of Charles Spierer will bring a finer structure to view than we have yet been able to see in many materials. There are substances in which no more, in some instances less, can \ye seen with the Spierer lens than with the ordinary- dark-field condenser. This is likely to be true where the index of refraction of the material investigated is suflficiently different from that of the surrounding medium to give pro- nounced optical contrast; where the surrounding medium is of nearly the same index of refraction as is the object viewed, then the Spierer lens reveals contrast and structure not visible by any other lens or system of illumination. For example, Pleurosigma angulatum has an index of refraction of 1.6 (that of sihca); when this diatom is mounted in water (index = i) its structure is fully visible, but when it is mounted in cedar oil, the index of refraction of which is 1.5, nothing is to be seen with ordinary illumination except the periphery. Lateral illumination (cardioid condenser) brings out considerable structure but leaves part of the diatom blank and the rest unclear; the Spierer lens reveals a much clearer structure and shows it throughout the diatom. The index of refraction of water is very close in value to that of cellulose and protoplasm; the Spierer lens should, therefore, show more of the structure of these substances than do other optical systems. The success of work with the Spierer lens is to a great degree dependent on the nature of the medium in which the material to be studied is mounted. It is well to try air, water, glycerin, balsam, and other media before giving up, though often one is as good as another. IRREGULAR PAGINATION 121 THE SPIERER LENS There is another important difference between the Spierer lens and the usual cardioid type of ultramicroscope ; this is the distinction between what is light and what is dark in the two cases. If we view a bacterium with a cardioid condenser, only the edges of the minute object are bright; the interior, the bacterium itself, is dark. The same object viewed with the Spierer lens re- verses things, the edges are dark and the bacterium light(since the material is transparent); in other words, the Spierer lens gives, in a sense, a ''Roent- genogram" of the interior^ while the cardioid only illuminates the object, giving a ''photogram" of the whole. Experimental The observations to be reported here are restricted to the cellulose walls of the dead pith cells of Samhucus (elder), the dead and living epidermal leaf- cells of Allium (onion), the stalk of Apium (celery), and the protoplasm of f-?- Fig. 3 Cellulose wall of dead elder pith cells showing end-to-end orientation of linear micelles in parallel striae, surface view. the living cells of Allium. Some of the results were obtained in cooperation with Mr. Spierer in his laboratory in Geneva. I am greatly indebted to him for his technical assistance and continued interest in my work which involves the use of his lens. Since writing the first draft of the manuscript of this article I have learned from Mr. Spierer that he too has continued our first investigations on the cellu- lose walls of plant cells, and obtains confirming results on such other material as the leaves of Cichorium and Plantago. With Mr. Spierer's kind permission I shall incorporate some of his findings in with our original and my recent ones. Cellulose. The ultramicroscopic^ structure of the cellulose walls of both dead and living plant cells is characterized by Unear arrangement and dis- continuity (Figs. 3 and 6). The linear arrangement is of parallel striae; the discontinuity is due to the presence of small rod-shaped particles oriented end-to-end (Figs. 3, 5, 6, and 9). The striae usually run parallel to each 2 In this article I shall use the word ultramicroscopic simply to mean what is seen with the Spierer lens or other dark-field system without reference to size of structural units. WILLIAM SEIFRIZ 122 Fig. Cellulose (parallel lines, upper right), protoplasm (broken lines, lower left), and nucleus (spotted circle) of living onion cell (nucleus is 20/i across). other with only occasional irregularities. The general arrangement of the striae is often strikingly symmetrical (Figs. 7 and 8). At times, the striae run at right angles to or even cut diagonally across each other. There is little difference to be seen in the ultramicroscopic structure of the epidermal walls of elder, onion, and celery, nor does it matter (as regards structure) whether the material is mounted in balsam (Fig. 3), in water (Fig. 4), or in air (Fig. 7). In some instances, the discontinuity of the striae, i.e., Fig. 5 Detail drawings of cellulose structure showing micelles and striae: A. from cell wall shown m Fig. 3 (elder), B. from cell wall shown in Fig. 4, C. optical transverse section of vertical walls at junction of three cells in onion epidermis (see Photo. 2 for same view with dimensions). 123 THE SPIERER LENS Fig. 6 Micellar structure of wall of elder pith cell seen in surface view (same view as lower half drawing, Fig. 3.) Fig. 7 Striated structure of the dry cellulose wall of a dead onion cell, surface view. Fig. 8 Parallel striations of cellulose wall of onion cell, surface view: note lobbed appearance of striae, the result of a micellar structure which is here less marked than in Fig. 6. Fig. 9 Detail of transverse optical section of vertical walls at junction of three onion cells: the first rod (compound micelle) from the junction in the tail of the " Y", is $tx, the second, 3/i, and the third 2.3M long; the total thickness of a vertical wall, consisting of four striae, is 3m (see Fig. 5 c for drawing of this same view) WILLIAM SEIFRIZ 124 the presence of short rods in the cellulose, is lacking (Figs. 7 and 8), though often the same cell may show continuous striae in one region (Fig 4) and di«< continuous ones in another region (Fig. 5, c). Furthermore, though separate rods are sometimes not present and the striae are unbroken lines yet such striae are nearly always lobbed or undulating, as if built of distinct n-irticles (Fig. 8). *• ' The striae average from 0.5 to 0.7^ in thickness. The rod-shaped particles which build up the striae, vary in size, though they average rather close to i or 2M in length; some, however, are two or three times this size, and some are no longer than broad (0.7/1). The longer ones are probably, like the long un- broken striae, built up of several unit particles. The i/x rod-shaped units are not of the order of magnitude which Nageli had in mind when he gave us the term micellae. The units of these stiae are super-micelles. A striated appearance in the cellulose walls of plant cells is no new ob- servation. Strasburger^ in 1882, pictured fine striations in the walls of plant cells. These markings are visible with an oil-immersion lens and direct illumination. They have long been believed to be due to the rhythmic de- position of cellulose by protoplasm. These linear markings seen by earlier workers may be comparable to the striations described here but they first lack the discontinuous feature, and second, have been described for trans- verse optical sections of vertical walls and not for the surface view of horizontal walls. There are, however, parallel markings to be seen on the surface of cell walls when viewed with ordinary, direct, illumination. These are quite another thing; they are twice as coarse as are the striae seen with the Spierer lens. Spierer, in his continuation of our original joint work, has paid special attention to the distinction between the coarser microscopic striations and the finer ''ultramicroscopic'' ones. I shall, therefore, quote, in part, from him (which IS done with his kind permission). It is possible to pull the epidermis of plant tissue oflf in such a way so as to have only a single layer of cellulose, i.e., the upper wall of the epidermal cells. This cellulose membrane Spierer macerated for six months in water sometimes sHghtly alkaline, sometimes slightly acid, and sometimes neutral! It was thus freed entirely from cytoplasmic residues. The membrane was also, in some cases, boiled. In every instance a structure composed of long super-micelles was to be seen with the Spierer lens, but with no other system. The markings which are visible with direct illumination have nothing to do with the intimate structure of cellulose. These coarser markings result, apparently, from a very fine folding (undulation) of the membrane. As a rule,' they are transversal, (viz., perpendicular to the large axis of the cell), and if a' pull is exerted on the membrane, these markings disappear entirely, or take the opposite direction, becoming longitudinal on account of the pull. The true micellar structure does not disappear when the membrane is stretched. When the membrane is examined carefully by changing the adjustment of the Spierer lens, the folds are recognized separately from the micellar striae. '"Zellhaute" (1882). 123 THE tiPIEKEU LENS WILLIAM SKIKHIZ 124 Fig. 6 Micollar structure of wail of older pith eeli seen in surface view (same view as lower half drawing, F'm. 3.) Fig. 7 Striated structure of the dry cellulose wall of a dead onion cell, surface view. Fig. 8 Parallel st nations of cellulose wall of onion cell, surface view: note lobbed appearance of striae, the result of a micellar structure which is here less marked than in Fig. 6. Fig. 9 Detail of transverse optical section of vertical walls at junction of three onion cells: the first rod (compound micelle) from the junction in the tail of the" V", is 5/x the second. 3^. and the third 2.3)tx long; the total thickness of a vertical wall, consisting of four striae, is 3^ (see Fig. 5c for drawing of this same view) t ir ,)r.s(^nco of short rods in the cellulose, is larkin^r , Fi^,.. - ,,,,, s, Uiouirh often the same cell may show continuous s!ri:i(^ in nnr re-iori , Fi^r ^, .,,,,1 ^ij, continuous ones in another region ( V^r, 5, ,■ ,. Furth(.rm(.re. thou^rh .eparite rods are sometimes not present and the striae are unbroken line, yc^t .ueb striae are nearly always lot,!),,! or undulating, as if built of distinct p-,rticlr< (Mg. 8). The striae average froiii 0.5 to 0.7^ in tliickness. The rod-shaped particle. which build up the striae, vary in size, though tlu^v average^ nitber clo.(> to 1 or 2M in length; some, however, are two or three times this size, and some are un longer than broad (0.7/1). The longer ones are probablv, like i\w long un- broken striae, built up of several unit particles. The i^ rod-shaped unit, are not of the order of magnitude which Xageli had in mind when he gave us the term micellae. The units of these stiae are sui)er-mic(^lles. A striated appearance in the cellulose walls of plant cells is no new ob servation. Strasburger^ in 1882, pictured fine st nations in the walN of plant cells. These markings are visible with an oil-immersion h^ns and dinrt illumination. They have long been believed to be due to the rhvthmic de position of cellulose by protoplasm. Th(^.(. linear markings seen by earlier workers may be comparable to the striations descrilxHl here but they fir.t lack the discontinuous feature, and second, have been described for trans- verse^ optical sections of nrtical walls and not for the surfun view of hnriznnfal walls. There are, however, parallel markings to be seen on the surface^ of cell walls when viewed with ordinary, direct, illumination. These are quite another thing; they are twice as coarse as are the striae sec^n with the Spierer Ions. Spierer, in his continuation of our original joint work, has paid sj,ecial attention to the distinction between the coarser microscopic striations and the finer -ultramicroscopic" ones. I shall, therefore, (juote, in part, from him (which IS done with his kind permission). It is possible to pull the epidermis of plant tissue off in such .a way s(» a< to have only a single layer of cellulose, i.r., the upper wall of the epiilerm:d cells. This cellulose membrane Spierer macerated for six months in water sometimes slightly alkahne, sometimes slightly acid, .ami sometimes neutrab It was thus freed entirely from cytoplasmic residues. Th(. membrane was also, in some cases, boiled. In every instance a structure composed of long super-micelles was to be seen with the Spierer lens, but with no other system. The markings which are visible with direct illumination have nothing to do with the intimate structure of cellulose. These coarser markings result, apparently, from a very fine folding ( undulation ) of the membrane. As a rule, they are transversal, {viz., perpendicular to the large axis of the cell), and if a' pull is exerted on the membrane, these markings disappear entirely, or taki' the opposite direction, becoming longitudinal on account of the pull. The true micellar structure does not disappear when the membrane is stretched. When the membrane is examined carefully by changing the adjustment of the Spierer lens, the folds are recognized separately from the micellar striae. ^"Zellhaute" (1882). INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 125 THE SPIERER LENS WILLIAM SEIFRIZ 126 Question naturally arises over the actuality of these striae and rods, as, indeed, of any structure "seen" with dark-field illumination; thus, Fierz- David* working with a cardioid condenser, finds a ''parallel" structure in artificial silk (cellulose) and natural silk. He observed a granular appearance in one of his preparations and frankly states that he regards it as not real but as an optical artifact. One cannot get an artifact without something to get it from; while of course, this does not preclude having artifacts, yet one should not be too ready to disregard them but rather be prepared to interpret them. First, in regard to the striae, the evident criticism here is that these are diffraction lines. Observations on Uving protoplasm, where the striae are in motion, clearly oppose such a criticism. Furthermore, diffraction rings occur at the edges of objects; the ultramicroscopic striae of cellulose cover the sur- face. The following test finally ehminates diffraction phenomena as the cause of the observed striae. The Spierer lens contains an adjustable iris; diffraction lines are eliminated when the iris is closed. In the classical test object, the diatom, Pleurosigma, all detailed structure disappears when the iris is closed (the Pleurosigma sur- face and contours remain visible from diffused light) ; the observable Pleuro- sigma structure depends, therefore, mainly on diffraction effects. The striated cellulose structure in plant cell walls, remains unaffected when the lens iris is closed, proving that this structure is not entirely dependent on diffraction but is and remains visible by diffused light. As for the structural units of the striae, the super-micelles, continued study of them under differing conditions leaves Uttle doubt of their reahty. Cellulose would not show optical discontinuity without a structural back- ground which possesses certain discontinuous features. Also, I find it difficult by any change in illumination to eliminate the very marked broken appear- ance of the parallel striations; nor does focusing up and down reveal a structure of which the rods might be the "cut" ends. Personally, I do not doubt but that the discontinuity in structure shown by the Spierer lens is a real picture of the ultramicroscopic structure of the cellulose of plant cell walls. It was my intention to compare photomicrographs of the same material taken, first with direct illumination, then with the cardioid condenser, and then with the Spierer lens, but the picture which direct light gives with an oil-immersion lens is so pale, and the structure to be seen with the cardioid condenser so blurred when compared with the beautifully clear-cut picture given by the Spierer lens, that photographic comparison would be useless. I can, however, state with emphasis that the micellar structure pictured in the illustrations of this article are not to be seen with ordinary (direct) illumination, nor with the cardioid condenser, but only with the Spierer lens. Protoplasm. While observing the cellulose walls of living plant cells, I often found it difficult to tell whether the lens was focused on wall or inner protoplasm. This was difficult chiefly because the protoplasm seemed to have essentially the same type of structure as the cellulose walls. How ^ Naturwissenschaften, 17, 703 (1929). marked the resemblance may be is to be seen from Fig. ,^ of cellulose and the lower half of Fig. 4 of protoplasm. The difficulty of distinguishing proto- plasm from cellulose can be overcome by macerating the tissue and ridding it of protoplasm, as did Spierer, or by plasmolyzing the cells (protoplasts), that is to say, causing the protoplasm to shrink away from the cell walls by dehydrating it in a hypertonic solution. This will leave part of the cellulose walls free from protoplasm. Partially surrounding the nucleus (the large sphere in the center of Fig. 4) are concentric layers of cytoplasm, each built up of short rod-shaped particles. This is protoplasmic material. Where the protoplasm is stretched into strands — protoplasm often forms stranrls within a cell extending from wall to wall or from the nucleus to all the walls— the linear orientation of the rodlets is very pronounced (Fig. 4, below the nucleus), so nuich so that it is diflficult, on the basis of structure alone, to distinguish a protoplasmic strand from cellulose. The nuclear material (Fig. 4) shows no linear orientation of structural units; we have to do here with a fine emulsion. The linear arrangement of rods in living protoplasm is, under favorable conditions, very marked. The rods are light gray in color (translucent) and the background black. The linear masses are separated from each other by distances shorter than their length, as in cellulose, and they retain their relative positions, even while the protoplasm is streaming. The question, What fills the interstices of a group of micelles? has been considered by chemists in relation to cellulose, but, I believe, not definitely answered. The same question arises in the case of protoplasm, but here it is more easily answered, and with more certainty, though perhaps with no more satisfaction to the chemist. The black and optically structureless back- ground, which constitutes, in a sense, the dispersion medium of the visible rod-shaped particles, is one of the constituents of the complex mixture which we call protoplasm. Indeed, of these two main components, the visible gray rods and the invisible black substratum, the latter is probably of primary importance. I believe this to be true because foreign globules (of fat) are carried by the ground substance quite independent of the visible rods. Scarth' supports this in stating that only a portion of protoplasm moves (by which he must mean that only a portion exhibits active movement). The rods, revealed by the Spierer lens, move, as do foreign globules also, but their motion is a passive one; they are carried by the active component, the black optically empty background. As in cellulose, the discontinuous character of the protoplasmic striae is not always evident. The parallel lines are often continuous, but only in quiescent protoplasm. Whether this, as in cellulose, is a true structural feature, i.e., the semi-fluid protoplasmic rods have fused, or an optical im- pression, cannot be definitely said. ' Protoplasma, 2, 189 (1927). 127 THE SPIERER LENS We have, then, two main constituents of protophism, when viewed with the Spierer lens, the one, bright illuminated rods, oriented end-to-end in parallel lines; the other, an optically structureless material filling in the inter- stices of the rods. Perhaps these two materials are comparable to Stras- burger's distinction between trophoplasm, the less active nutritive component, and kmoplasm, the active, irritable component. We are still nmch in the dark over the ultramicroscopic structure of protoplasm, and I hesitate to compare too closely the rods seen in proto- plasm with those seen in cellulose. In form and general appearance, they are almost identical, but in cellulose they are apparently the primary component (the nature of the intermicellar substance in cellulose being in doubt), while in protoplasm the rods are very likely of secondary importance. We must, however, grant that the remarkable similarity in the structure of protoplasm and of cellulose in living plant cells, as revealed by the Spierer lens, is a very striking one. Discussion Historical. Nageli, in 1864, advanced the hypothesis that the structural units of cellulose cell walls are linear, anisotropic, crystalline micelles. This hypothesis, which was extended to include other colloidal systems of the lyophilic (gelatin) type, has been critized and discarded from time to time; it is probably not applicable to all lyophiles. As for cellulose, the Nageli hypothesis is substantiated by the investigations presented here. Full support of both the micellar and the striated structure of the cellu- lose walls of plant cells as revealed by the Spierer lens, is to be found in a brief survey of the literature. As for the striae, in addition to the findings of Strasburger^ and Fierz- David^ already referred to, Anderson,^ working more on the chemical side, finds that the outer wall of the epidermis of plant tissues is built up of alternate layers of cellulose and pectin. The prevailing botanical opinion, that the lamellae of plant cell walls are the result of a rhythmic deposition of cellulose by the protoplasm, may ex- plain the presence of certain layers composing the walls of cells. 1 would rather not question too critically so old a botanical hypothesis which may be true in part; however, rhythmic deposition is not the cause of the striae illus- trated here. It cannot be, since the striated structure is as pronounced when seen in surface view, the plane of the supposed rhythmic deposition, as in traverse view. As for the micelles, in spite of the severe criticism to which their existence has been subjected in recent years, subsequent work continues to bring sub- stantial support to the micellar hypothesis of the structure of certain lyophilic systems, notably cellulose. The cellulose ''molecule" is a chain of some forty anhydrous glucose rings. Sponsler and Dore^ were the first to indicate, by X-ray studies, a chain « Jahrb. wiss. Botan., 69, 501 (1928). ^Colloid Symposium Monograph, 4, 174 (i92t>). WILLIAM SEIFRIZ 128 structure of cellulose. These chains are bundled togetlier into fascicles, to which Meyer and Mark^ have given the old Nageli term ''micellae," which may, in cellulose, be regarded as "crystallites" since the internal arrangement of the chains is orderly. We recall that Nageli found cellulose anisotropic. Frey,'-* working on the submicroscopic structure of the cellulose walls of bast fibers and other plant cells, finds them to consist of distinct micelles which are strongly anisotropic, optically like rhombic crystallites, and seven times as doubly refractive as quartz. Clark,^" on the basis of X-ray studies, finds cellulose to be built up of oriented colloidal micelles which are bundles of long primary valence chains. On the basis of such a structure Clark gives a rational interpretation of the physical and chemical properties of cellulose fibers. The work of Sheppard and McNally,'^ and also that of Hatschek,'- gives support to the possibility of a micellar structure in gelatin, the sul)- stance which has been the center of the micellar controversy. Sheppard con- cludes that the birefringence of gelatin films is due to the orientation of symmetrical molecules or micelles, but whether the micelles are truly multi- molecular or simply macromolecules cannot be stated. Seifriz^^ has carried this conception of a fibrous structure of cellulose and related systems over to living protoplasma. Size of Micellae. Chemists regard the micelle as a bundle of chain mole- cules. No limiting size is given to this bundle, nor can this be readily done, any more than one can specify dimensions for a crystal (the micelle of cellulose is a crystalHte). Yet, the cellulose micelle is assumed to be of ultramicroscopic dimensions. Biologists, on the other hand, have characterized as micelles particles well above the visual limit of the microscope whether or not they have viewed these particles with an ultramicroscope. It might l)e well to arrive at some understanding as to what the term micelle shall denote, even though we may be forced to conclude that a micelle is no more capable of precise limitation as to size than is a crystal. The size of cellulose crystallites varies within limits generally placed at 100—200 A. U. long and 50-75 A. U. thick. An exceptional ma.xiinum length is 600 A. U. for the crystalUtes of ramie fiber. Even this size is much smaller than the i/x super-micelles visible in the cellulose walls of plant cells. We must, therefore, be dealing with a larger unit in the visible (dark-field) structure of cellulose. These super-micelles are probably aggregates of crys- tallites. This idea is supported by Herzog'^ who states that a numl^er of micelles may come together to build up larger structural units which he calls secondary particles. » Ber., 61, 593 (1928); see also Mayer: Xaturwissenschaften, 16, 7.S1 {\i)2i^). 9 Jahrb. wiss. Botan., 65, 195 (1926). >" Ind. Eng. Chem., 22, 474 (1930). 1^ Colloid Symposium, 7, 17 (1929). •- Kolloid-Z., 35, 67 (1924); 36, 202 (1925). '•^ Am. NaturaHst, 63, 410 (1929). '^ Z. angew. Chem., 34, 385 (1921). THE SPIERER LENS 129 It is at present impossible to say whether the "secondary Particles" of It IS ^; P^'J"; J:.^i,elles of microscopic dimensions descnbed and micelle a contmuous and "°if°'^"™,,77''™. „^, answering this question larger bundle of primary «'y«*^l\'*f . . ^'^ve th^^^^^ rrueoJ primary micelle is the crystallite of Meyer and Maj^ (- X^o A^ •) . above this there may be a contmuous series from ^he se^'^ndary p Herzog to the microscopic super-micelles described here (i X 0.5^)- Summary lens is that of tiny rods or super-micelles, arranged end-to-end to form long and parallel striae. Reprinted from Science, June 12, 1931, Vol. 73, Xo. 1902, pages 648-649. Department of Botany, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. JOVR: PHYS. CHEM. THE STRUCTURE OF PROTOPLASM Insufficient optical differentiation between the constituent parts of protoplasm has greatly hampered the advance of knowledge of protoplasmic structure. Dark-field illumination with the cardioid condenser has helped but little. The recent invention of a dark- field oil-immersion objective by Charles Spierer^ is a very successful forward step in indirect illumination methods, especially when applied to the study of the colloidal structure of living matter. The Spierer lens reveals a structure in living protoplasm, as it does in celloidin^ and in the cellulose walls of plant cells,* which is not visible with any other optical system. The Spierer lens is a Zeiss 1/12 inch oil-immersion objective with a small platinum mirror electrolytically deposited at the center of the upper surface of the lowermost lens of the objective system. This mirror reflects all direct light, thus producing a dark- field. The scattered (colloidal) light from the object viewed is picked up by the lens around the mirror. Increased detail results because direct light is used instead of the usual bilateral illumination of the older type of ultramicroscope. The optical principles involved and a fuller description of the lens are given in other publications.^- * When the hyaline protoplasm of living onion cells is viewed through the Spierer lens, it is, under favor- able conditions, seen to consist of two substances, one brightly illumined, light gray in color, and very finely granular in texture, and the other, an optically empty, 1 * * Un Nouvel Ultra-microscope k ficlairage Bilateral, ' ' Arch. Sci. Phys. et Natur. (Geneve) 8; 121, 1926. 2 * ' The Spierer Lens and What it Eeveals in Cellulose and Protoplasm," Jour. Phys. Chem. 118: 35, 1931. black background. In quiescent protoplasm these two substances are intermixed as an emulsion and then present a mottled appearance. Protoplasm under tension, as it is when formed into a thread (Fig. 1, a), '^N. «'T-~-«.'* h Fig. 1 or when streaming (Fig. 1, b), assumes a striated appearance, due to the parallel arrangement of long strands of the illuminated substance. These strands may be continuous (Fig. 1, a) or discontinuous (Fig. 1, b) ; in the latter case they are made up of rods oriented end to end. The striated structure is seen at its best in actively flowing protoplasm. In- cluded particles occur, and appear as brilliant globules imbedded in either the gray matter or the dark inter- vening substance. Without any attempt to characterize chemically or vitally the two phases which make up this dark-field structure of protoplasm, I propose calling the brightly illuminated, gray-appearing, and at times discontinu- ous, dispersed phase, the phaneroplasm, (phaneros = evident), and the unilluminated, black-appearing, optically empty background, or continuous phase, the cryptoplasm (cri/p^os = hidden). In the accompany- ing figure, the phaneroplasm is black and the crypto- plasm (the background) white, which reverses what is white and what is black in the actual material as seen with the Spierer lens. * ■ V 8 Both phaneroplasm and cryptoplasm flow, though apparently not at the same rate, the phaneroplasm being more sluggish in its movement. The crypto- plasm is optically empty and can not, therefore, actually be seen ; its streaming is, however, made evi- dent by the movement of included particles. A rap- idly moving particle may, where there is an irregu- larity in the arrangement of the striae, strike against the side of a strip of phaneroplasm; its forward movement is thus retarded, but only for a few moments while it is slowly pushed through the phaneroplasm, first thinning it, and then breaking through. This and other similar events indicate that the cryptoplasm is the actively streaming component of protoplasm. The strands of phaneroplasm are from 0.3 to 0.4 (& in thickness and 0.2 to 0.3 ji apart* Except for the optical properties already referred ' to, there is little to be said concerning the physical, ohemical and vital nature of the two substances which make up the living hyaline diphasic system. The phaneroplasm is brightly illuminated but the crypto- plasm is not. Where the protoplasm, at rest, assumes a m(?ttled appearance, the phaneroplasm becomes the dispersed phase and the cryptoplasm the dispersion medium of an emulsion ; where the protoplasm is - striated but the striae broken, the structure is still that of a (distorted) emulsion; but where continuous - striae exist, there is no distinction between a discon- tinuous and a continuous phase, that is to say, there is no emulsion as ordinarily defined. New terms are convenient if merely as temporary handles to be discarded as knowledge of the subject increases, but they add confusion if satisfactory old ' terms exist. Strasberger^ distinguished between kino- s* [Reprinted from Journal of Rheology. Vol. 2, No. 3. July, 1931. J THE EFFECTS OF SALTS ON THE EXTENSIBILITY OF PROTO- PLASM William Seifriz and Janet Plowe Introduction The life of a cell is intimately associated with its salt environment, whether this is the sea, the soil water, or the body fluids. The classical experiments of Ringer on the biological eflfects of salts initiated the ex- tensive research which has been done on the relationship between cells and their electrolytic environment. Our excuse for adding to the volumi- nous literature on this subject is that we have chosen an as yet little studied property of protoplasm, namely, extensibility, as the criterion by which to judge the effects of the salts. The measure of extensibility used in this work is the maximum distance to which the protoplasm can be stretched. It is customary and convenient to speak of the maximum stretching capacity of a substance as the elastic limit; however, extensibility is not rightly called elasticity, as the latter term is a measure of the tendency to recover from distortion! and usually the greater this tendency the less is the stretching capacity;' thus, steel is more elastic than rubber but rubber is more extensile than steel. Method The method employed is that of micrurgy, which involves the micro- manipulation of exceedingly fine glass needles controlled by a (Zeiss- P^terfi) micromanipulator. The material used is the living protoplast, the protoplasmic contents, of the epidermal cells of the onion (Allium cepii). The procedure is that developed by Hofler and described by one of us;« it involves exposing the naked plant protoplast in such a way as to make the approach of a micro-needle possible without first penetrating the heavy cellulose wall. The method consists in plasmolyzing (shrinking by exosmosis of water) the contents of the cells of the epidermis of onion scale leaves, and then cutting the tissue with a sharp razor. The end walls of a number of cells are thus cut away leaving some of the plasmolyzed proto- plasts untouched. The material is then mounted in a drop of the plasmo- lyzing solution hanging from the under side of the glass cover of a moist chamber. The protoplasts are reached with horizontal needles through the open ends of the cells (Figure 1). Ordinarily, protoplasm is sufficiently adhesive to adhere to the tip of a needle so that when the needle is with- drawn the protoplasm is stretched to its elastic limit. It is this limit which we have used as a measure of the effects of the salts. Only when the 2G4 Journal of Rheology July, 1931 protoplasmic strand breaks along its length, and never when it is severed from the needle, is the length of the stretched thread taken as the limit of extensibility. A stretched protoplasmic thread may be so fine as to be invisible under high power, but evidence of its persistence is given by the fact that globules of granular cytoplasm attached to it continue to move apart from one another and away from the protoplast as the needle is withdrawn. If stretching is continued, the thread eventually breaks and contracts, moving so rapidly at first that it may double back on itself like a taut rope suddenly severed, but later contracting more and more slowly. Finally, both the hyaline surface protoplasm of the thread and the inner granular protoplasm of the included globules, flow back into the original mass of the protoplast. The globules along the strand also serve to indicate the moment of breaking. Strands are often ten or more times the length of the cell from which they are drawn, and usually become too slender to see long before they are severed. In order to determine the length at which the strand breaks, the needle is stopped at this point, and the distance between Figure 1 protoplast and needle-tip measured with an ocular micrometer under low power. Dissectionists of living protoplasm are constantly confronted with the task of knowing whether the material at the time of observation is living and normal, but the question is by no means so serious a one as the un- initiated are sometimes inclined to believe. Sudden changes in consis- tency, discoloration, and rate of Brownian movement of granules are among the numerous criteria for determining the physiological state of the cell, but no proof more convincingly indicates that the protoplasm is living and probably normal than does active streaming, when the rate remains constant. Streaming remains undisturbed in the cell after stretching parts of the protoplast twenty times or more. Strips of the upper epidermis of the bulb scales oi Allium cepa were placed in 0.05 M solutions of KNO3. NaNOa, Ca(N03)2, Mg(N03)2, and wSr(N03)2, and in 0.01 M solutions of LiN03 and A1(N03)3. After fourteen hours in these solutions the tissue was moved to a sucrose solution, usually 0.7 or 0.8 M, which would plasmolyze the protoplasts to one-half their original volume. The material was then cut and mounted. Strands were pulled Vol. 2, No. 3 Effects of Salts on Protoplasm 265 out from the protoplast with a microdissection needle, and the length at which they broke measured. Ten successive strands from each protoplast were measured, and the average of these measurements was used as the reading for that cell. In some cases the cell was punctured by the needle, that is, a hole was pierced through the protoplast which opened the vacuole to the outside solution: in other cases the outer membrane ruptured, resulting in death, before ten measurements had been made. It was thought inadvisable to discard the first readings made from such cells when they were still living and normal, lest the cells measured be an artifi- cially selected group, consequently, readings from all cells for which four or more measurements had been made were included in the final calcula- tions. Table I gives the number of cells experimented upon and the average number of strands measured per cell for each solution. Table I Salt No. cells Av. no. strands per cell Salt No. cells Av. no. strands per cell KNO, 00 8.2 Mg(NO,), 79 7.6 NaNOj 64 9.1 LiNO, 61 9 4 Ca(NO,), 60 S.O Al(NO,)3 64 8.1 Sr(N03)2 65 9.5 Sucrose 120 9 3 When readings for sixty or more cells had been obtained, the mean reading for each group was calculated. Cells plasmolyzed in 0.7 or O.S M sucrose without previous treatment were also measured as a control. In Table II are enumerated the solutions, the mean length of strand, and the difference between the mean for each solution and the mean for un- treated cells in sucrose. Salt KNO3 NaNOa Ca(N03)2 vSr(N03)2 Mg(N03)2 LiNOa A1(N03)3 HNO3 at pH 3.7 Sucrose Table II Concen- tration (molar) Mean lenKth of strand (scale div.) 0.05 19 0.05 13 0.05 31 0.05 25 0.05 23 0.01 15 0.01 14 19 0.8 23 Differences between av. strand salt and av. strand sucrose - 4 -10 -f- 8 + 2 0 - 8 - 9 4 + The difference between the strand length of cells in 0.8 and 0.7 M sucrose is very slight, the latter being 21 as compared with 23 for the former. Mere casual observations of cells plasmolyzed in salts is sufficient to indicate that strands may be drawn out to much greater lengths from 266 Journal of Rheology July, 1931 protoplasts plasmolyzed in Ca(N03)2 than from those plasmolyzed in NaNOa or KNO3. From Table II it will be seen that the elastic limit of the protoplasmic surface layer is lowered by treatment with KNO3, NaNOa, and LiNOs, and increased by treatment with Ca(N03)2. Sr(N03)2 produces a little increase, although the difference from the control is too slight to be really significant. Mg(N03)2 produces no detectable change. A1(N03)3 lowers the elastic limit, as do the monovalent salts, but that this effect is due to the aluminum ion is questionable without further evidence in view of the acidity of this salt. Such evidence is presented below. It should be remembered that the decrease produced by LiNOs is of particular signifi- cance, because this salt was used in only one-fifth the concentration of the other monovalent salts. As the anion was identical in all cases, and all concentrations were hy- potonic to the cell sap, we may assume that the effects recounted are not osmotic, and are due to the cations of the salts used. In order to avoid possible effects of prolonged plasmolysis in sucrose, as well as the washing out of the salt by the plasmolyzing solution, fresh material was taken from the salt solution and plasmolyzed every hour. Within the period of an hour, plasmolysis causes no appreciable change in the behavior of the protoplasmic strands. Other possible causes of variation such as those due to differences among cells are rendered negligible by the extent of the salt effect and the lack of any marked change in the effect between fourteen and twenty- two hours of treatment. Average strand lengths after treatment for varying periods, 14, 16, 18, 20, and 22 hours, show that no progressive effect, as the length of treatment is in- creased, is detectable within these limits. If the cations are arranged in the order of increase in average maximum length of strand obtained, we find the series Ca > Sr > Mg > K > Li > Na. The monovalent ions all fall below the control, the divalent, above. Similar lyotropic series have been obtained for a number of reactions, in both non-living (protein) systems and in the living system. The evident question arises, how much of this effect, attributed to the salt ions, is really due to ion specificity, and how much to change in acidity ? For the salts so far put in series this question is answered by the statement that the pK of the six solutions is practically identical, with differences too slight to consider, in view of the extent of their influence on the extensibility of protoplasm compared with that of acid used alone. The case of aluminum is otherwise. Its salts are notorious producers of an acid condition. However, further investigation reveals a definite effect of the Al ion. The pH of the A1(N03)3 solution used was 3.7. Cells treated with HNO3 at ^H 3.7 yield an average length of 18.75 scale units, which is four units below normal (sucrose plasmolyzed) cells. Since the Hl^ .1 ^k Vol. 2, No. 3 Effects of Salts on Protoplasm 207 strand length in AKNO,), is 14 units, which is 9 units less than that of untreated cells, then only 4 units of this decrease can be attributed to acidity, i. e., to the H ion; the remaining 5 units must, therefore, be due to the Al ion. Discussion A number of problems present themselves. First, there is the question of the validity of the Hofmeister series. If we omit aluminum, we find that there is a valence grouping of the ions, all monovalent cations lower the stretching capacity of protoplasm and all bivalent cations increase this capacity. This grouping is in agreement with the ideas of those who oppose the existence of Hofmeister series; but within each valence group there are differences greater than the minimum differences between the groups; thus, Mg causes no detectable change while Ca increases the elastic limit 8 points above normal, and among the monovalent cations, Na lowers the limit 10 points as compared with but 4 for K ; yet between the two groups there are only 4 points between the bivalent cation Mg and the monovalent K ion. A second question is the influence of acidity on a Hofmeister series. The pH values of the solutions differ too little to account for the marked salt effect except in the case of A1(N03)3 and even here but 4 of the total 9 points are attributable to the H ion, 5 being due to the Al ion. A further question is that of the nature on the property effected. We have measured extensibility, stretching capacity, or elastic limit. What determines this limit? Two evident factors which may influence extensi- bility are viscosity and surface tension. While it is true that, within limits, the more viscous or plastic a substance is, the greater is the distance it can be pulled into strands before severing, other factors remaining the same, yet, there is little theoretical reason for regarding a marked change in elastic limit as due to change in consistency, Bingham' has frequently pointed out that elastic deformation and viscous and plastic flow are in- dependent variables. But if we should be inclined to so regard our results, we would find trouble in substantiating that calcium decreases protoplas- mic consistency and potassium and sodium increase it. Several workers believe this to be true^ while others do not.^- ^ Another possible factor influencing if not determining extensibility is surface tension. Surface tension can undoubtedly play an effective part in the elastic limit of a substance, but, as with viscosity, this part does not appear to be an important one. When a strand of protoplasm breaks, it frequently doubles on itself; such behavior does not result in a decrease in surface as a high surface tension would demand. We come now to the third possibility, internal structure. If the elas- ticity of protoplasm is the expression of structural features,^ that is to say, 268 Journal of Rheology July, 1931 Vol. 2, No. 3 Kffects of Salts on Protoi'lasm 2(>9 if the elastic properties of jellies are due to an elastic framework of fibrous units, then it is only natural to conclude that changes in the extensibility of protoplasm are the result of changes in structural properties; either there is a change in the arrangement of the fibrous units or a lowering in the firmness of the bonds between them. Sheppard^ has pictured the arrangement of fibrous micelles in cellu- losic films of different optical character ; these or other arrangements might well determine elastic properties. The formation, both natural and artificial (by plasmolysis) , of proto- plasmic threads within cells is of common occurrence. The number and persistence of these threads have been used as indications of protoplasmic consistency. There is no reason to believe that the viscosity of proto- plasm is accurately indicated by the abundance or persistence of threads formed within the cell any more than the extensibility of protoplasm as here described is related to viscosity. Scarth* emphasizes that adhesion (stickiness) and not cohesion (viscosity) may be the determining factor in thread formation. The significance of determinations of elastic values of protoplasm lies in their direct bearing on such other physical properties of living matter as imbibition, contractility, and structure, and their indirect bearing on such biological processes as cell division, amoeboid movement and, con- tractility in general. The ability of protoplasm to contract, of an amoeba to withdraw a pseudopod, of a muscle to tighten, is inherent in the elastic properties of protoplasm, which, in turn are dependent upon an elastic framework. The structural units of this framework are fibers of molecular or colloidal dimensions, probably crystalline in nature, comparable to the anhydrous glucose chains of cellulose.^ The tighter these linear units are inter- locked, the more rigid, more elastic, and less extensile is the material; the more loosely the units are interwoven, the less rigid is the material and the greater is the elastic limit. Naturally, as fluidity increases there will come a concentration at which the structure is no longer capable of holding together with sufficient firmness to permit stretching, and the elastic limit will again fall. This point has been determined for gelatin ; at a concentra- tion of 0.7 per cent, gelatin can be stretched but 18/x (microscopically determined), while a concentration of 0.8 per cent has an elastic limit of 130m; this latter value gradually falls as the gelatin becomes more firm with increased concentration, until a value of IS/x is again reached for 1.8 per cent gelatin.^ Summary 1. Cells of the epidermis of Allium cepa previously treated with 0.05 or 0.01 M solutions of the nitrates of Ca, Sr, Mg, Li, K, Na, and Al, were •z^ • !■■» « ■ V \ ^ 9 *m^ ^f ♦ plasmolyzed in sucrose and the elastic limit of the protoplasm determined by drawing out strands with a microdissection needle from the surface layer of the protoplast until the strands broke; their length was measured at the moment of breaking. 2. Statistical study of the results show that solutions of KNO3, NaNOs, LiNOs, and A1(N03)3 decrease the length to which strands can be stretched without breaking, while the bivalent salts raise the elastic limit; the effect of Mg and Sr is very slight. The monovalent and bivalent ions give the series, Ca > Sr > Mg > K > Li > Na. 3. The effect of the aluminum ion is specific in that about one-half of the total effect of the salt is due to the aluminum ion and one-half to increase in acidity. 4. The extensibility of protoplasm is only slightly influenced by vis- cosity and surface tension; it is essentially a matter of structure. Department of Botany University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. Bibliography 1. E. C. Bingham, "Plasticity and Elasticity," J. Franklin Inst., 197,99 (1924). 2. N. Cholodny, "Zur Frage uber die Beeinflussung des Protoplasmas durch Mono-und-Bivalente Metallionen," Beihefte Z. Bot. Centralbl., 3Q, 1, 231 (1923). 3. Herbert Freundlich and William Seifriz," Uber die Elastizitiit von Solen und Gelen," Z. physik. Chem., 104, 233 (1923). 4. G. W. Scarth, "Adhesion of Protoplasm to the Cell Wall and the Agents Which Cause It," Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 17, 137 (1923). 5. G. W. Scarth, "Colloidal Changes Associated with Protoplasmic Contraction. The Action of Cations on the Contraction and Viscosity of Protoplasm in Spirogyra," Quart. Jour. Exp. Physiol, 14, 99 (1924). 6. William Seifriz, "New Material for Microdissection," Protoplasma. 3, 191 (1927). 7. William Seifriz, "The Viscosity of Protoplasm. Molecular Physics m Relation to Biology," Bull. Nat. Res. Council, 69, 229. 8. William Seifriz, "The Contractility of Protoplasm." Amer. Nat., 63, 410 (1929). 9. S. E. Sheppard and J. G. McNally, "The Structure of Gelatin Sols and Gels, II. The Anistropy of Gelatin Gels," Colloid Sym. Annual, 7 (1929). Discussion Chairman Davey: I should like to point out. that some of the results given in Prof. Seifriz' paper will fit in very nicely with a paper given by Martin Fischer before the Mayo Foundation, and published in a little booklet by them, giving the lectures from the Mayo Foundation. There again they found a sort of Hofmeister series, a series very much like that given in this paper, except that they have gone a step further and investigated the effect of the negative ions too. Martin Fischer insists that his results with soaps are analogous to the action of proteins, since the proteins can be regarded as complicated substituted soaps. If we adopt such a picture, we could predict that Seifriz would find different elastic effects on these fibers, which would depend upon the speed with which I 270 Journal of Rheology July, 1931 he pulled them. If we could take into account Fischer's work and Du Nuoy's work at the Rockefeller Institute, we see if we pull a fibre so as to increase its surface at a very slow rate, more protein will diffuse through to the surface from the interior. We would then have a continual mending of the protoplasm and the surface tension would be the controlling or dominant factor. The change in the elastic effects would be smaller than if a more rapid pull had been given. Studies in which ions were put on the sur- face of the cells, and others in which ions were put in the interior of the cells, show that the two processes give entirely different results. I am sure that reading that lecture by Martin Fischer would contribute very much to an understanding of Prof. Seifriz' paper. Incidentally I think there is a possible contribution here to the cancer problem, because it seems to be the result of spectroscopic examination that what- ever that thing is that is called a cancer cell, it has a different ion content than the other thing which is called a normal cell. It seems that an increase in the calcium or magnesium content would correspond more nearly to having a normal cell. If we could have something which would introduce calcium or magnesium into a cell in the same way that mustard gas can go into a cell and break up and introduce chlorine into a cell, then we might possibly have an interesting agent for experimenting with cancer. As I under- stand it, there is not now any substance known which can be made to diffuse inside of cell and then chemically break up so as to deposit a bivalent positive ion. If such a sub- stance could be discovered, it would open up an entirely new field in cell research, and by cell research I mean not only cancer work but fluidity and plasticity and similar effects in cells. Dr. Bingham: I think we might draw the conclusion from that paper that we have here presented a very nice problem for the rheologist to assist the biologist. It seems to me that the field of fluidity of different salt solutions is one that the rheologist knows nothing about today and it is extremely important. We know that when we have bivalent ions in our condensation products, for example, phthalic acid condensing with glycerol, we have the possibility of chains that polymerize almost indefinitely, making large mole- cules of high viscosity. We know also that potassium is extremely feebly hydrative, and calcium and magnesium still more so and aluminum very strongly hydrative. That is just a clue to a sort of solution that might be offered. Chairman Davey : That subject of hydration is extremely important and fits in again with Fischer's picture, for he tried to determine the whole effect in terms of the effect of these ions, positive and negative, and the degree of hydration of the colloids. He even takes the Hofmeister series of positive and negative ions and shows why magnesium sul- fate is a better cathartic than some other sulfates, and citrate still better. Mercury ions are still better dehydrators. The only mercury compound that is safe to use, of course, is insoluble, and that means calomel. So we can reduce a very large fraction of the bag of tricks of the family practioner town to Physical Chemistry. Presumably aspirin, or better strontium salicylate, acts as a chemical wringer on the cells of the body in much the same way, causing the cells to drain outward. This is probably why it is one of the favorite remedies of physicians for the treatment of colds. f*m. I „ r ^ A NEW AND RAPID METHOD FOR MAKING PERMANENT ACETO-CARMIN SMEARS William Campbell Steere Botanical Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa, Abstract.— Smear the pollen mother cells of a single anther from each flower bud on a clean dry slide, using a small scalpel. Flood the slide with Belling's aceto-carmin and heat for a second over an alco- hol flame. Examine under the microscope to determine the stage of microsporogenesis. If the stage is satisfactory, smear the remaining anthers in the same manner, but fix and stain them by immediate im- mersion, face downward, in a petri dish full of hot (steaming ) aceto- carmin for from 1 to 10 minutes. Then rapidly transfer thru the fol- lowing mixtures: two parts 99^ [ (glacial) acetic acid plus one part absolute ethyl alcohol; one part acetic acid plus two parts absolute alcohol; and finally one part acetic acid plus nine parts absolute alco- hol. The slides are then to be dehydrated completely by 1 to 2 minutes immersion in pure absolute alcohol, and cleared 2 to 3 minutes in a mixture of xylene and absolute alcohol in equal parts. The preparations are then made permanent by mounting each with balsam and a cover glass. The whole process takes from 5 to 15 minutes and is particularly recommended for chromosome counts. For several years the author has been en^'aged in cytological and genetical investigations in which it frequently has been found nec- essary to determine the chromosome number of each of many individ- uals resulting from the crossing of forms with different chromosome numbers. The aceto-carmin smear method introduced to plant cytology by Belling (19*21) has been found to he eminently suited to such undertakings, when the chromosome number is of incidental value only. If, however, as is usually the case, permanent records in the form of slides are wished, the most serious fault of this method appears. Since the aceto-carmin method, as described by Belling, gives essentially temporary results, even when the preparations are sealed, the author has heretofore been forced to rely upon much slower methods for his permanent slides. Belling (19^26) has casually mentioned making aceto-carmin mounts permanent by passing them thru grades of acetic acid into })alsam. McClintock (19'29) has improved upon Belling's suggested procedure and has given details for an efficient method of making aceto-carmin smears permanent. Her procedTire depends, however, on macerating Stain Technology, Vol. VI, No. 3, July, 1931 107 IRREGULAR PAGINATION 108 STAIN TECHNOLOGY the anthers in aceto-carmin, heating the preparation in order to affix the pollen mother cells to the slide and cover glass, and then soaking them apart with dilute acetic acid. Great care must be taken during the process not to dislodge the pollen mother cells, and both the slide and cover glass have to be carried thru the stages of glacial acetic acid, then dehydrated and finally reunited in balsam. Considering the time and patience required for the above proced- ure, the permanent smear methods of Taylor (1924) and Mann (1924) and the various modifications of the former have been found more efficient, since they require about the same length of time and give results much finer and more accurate in all ways. Newton's (1927) modification of Taylor's smear method has been found particularly useful in the past. In order to secure large numbers of chromosome counts in the shortest possible time, the author has devised a very simple and rapid method for making permanent aceto-carmin smears. Flower buds from the plants to be investigated are brought into the laboratory from the field or greenhouse and kept fresh in moist paper until ready for use. One anther is removed from a bud of approxi- mately the right size, and the pollen mother cells smeared out on a clean dry slide with a small scalpel, especially honed flat for this pur- pose. The anther fluid and disintegrating tapetal cells are viscous enough so that the sporocytes adhere rather firmly to the glass. The slide is then flooded with Belling's aceto-carmin (45% glacial acetic acid saturated with carmin,' then filtered) and heated over an alcohol lamp until the liquid steams, when it may be examined microscopic- ally. With some practice, the stage of microsporogenesis may usually be determined immediately, using the low power, with which a cover glass is not necessary. If the proper stage is discovered, the remain- ing anthers are smeared and stained in the same fashion, otherwise the test slide is wiped clean and the bud discarded. If the pollen mother cells of the test slide tend to loosen up and float away when the aceto-carmin is poured on, or when the slide is heated, an alterna- tive method is recommended. Immediately after smearing, instead of being flooded with aceto-carmin, the slides are immersed, smeared- side downward, in the cover of a petri dish filled with hot aceto-car- min. A very short piece of small glass rod or tubing cemented to the bottom of the dish, at one side, will serve to hold one end of the slide from the bottom and prevent the pollen mother cells from being ^Good resiilts were ol)tained with pre-war Grubler's carmin. with Coleman and Bell's carmin and National Aniline carminic acid, but not with carmin Merck. Poor results are sometimes due to using insufficient dye to saturate the solution. ^ w p ACETO-CARMIN SMEARS 109 rubbed off. The cover of a 10 cm. petri dish allows room for two slides side by side. This latter method has been found to solve the diffi- culty in the frequent cases in which the sporocytes tend to loosen, since the liquid meets the surface of the slide with equal force at all points, and the heat apparently causes the cells to adhere more firmly. The heat of the fixative may be maintained l)y keeping the petri dish on a hot plate or substage microscope lamp. The process of fixing and staining in the aceto-carmin will take from one to ten minutes, depending on the material. The time re- quired for the species under investigation is soon determined, and the procedure can be standardized accordingly. If the chromosomes do not stain deeply enough within this time, a small amount of ferric hydroxide added to the stain will remedy the difficulty, as Belling first discovered. A few iron filings in the aceto-carmin will do just as well, or even the blade of a steel scalpel held in the staining solution on the slide. When a satisfactory stain has been secured, the aceto-carmin is drained of! as completely as possible and the slides rinsed carefully in a Coplin jar containing two parts 99^^ (glacial) acetic acid and one part absolute alcohol. This wash usually removes all anther walls and other debris. The slides should next be transferred rapidly thru - a mixture of one part acetic acid and two parts absolute alcohol into one part acetic acid plus 9 parts absolute alcohol, where they may be left from thirty seconds to two minutes. A prolonged stay in the first two acetic acid-absolute alcohol mixtures is liable to remove the stain from the chromosomes as well as from the cytoplasm. Dehydra- tion is completed by allowing the slides to remain 1 to 2 minutes in absolute alcohol. Clearing is accomi)lished by transferring the slides to a mixture of xylene and absolute alcohol in equal parts, leaving them for 2 to 8 minutes. A cover glass is then placed on the smear with a drop of balsam, and the permanent slide is complete. The method of mounting in Canada balsam directly from the mixture of absolute alcohol and xylene, as suggested by McClintock, was found to be entirely satisfactory. It is also considerably more rapid than running the slides thru the several stages of absolute al- cohol and xylene which would be required to bring the fresh micro- sporocytes into pure xylene without undue shrinkage. The chromosomes in successful preparations will appear from dark red to deep purple, while the cytoplasm will be practically colorless. The slightly acid reaction of Canada balsam and the small amount of acid carried over in the cells should tend to keep the stain from fading. With care, a counterstain may be added in the absolute alcohol stage. 110 STAIN TECHNOLOGY ACETO-CARMIN SMEARS 111 If the cytoplasm appears very dark, a shorter staining period is recommended. Overstained slides may be differentiated singly by flooding them with pure glacial acetic and warming moderately, until the stain has reached the desired intensity. In routine work on mate- rial which persistently overstains, a well of glacial acetic may be interpolated between the stain and the first acetic acid-absolute al- cohol mixture. It should also be kept in mind that heat applied dur- ing the staining process will intensify the stain in the chromosomes and usually keep the cytoplasm from staining too heavily. This effect of heightened temperature on the stain's selectivity for chromatin has been discussed previously by McClintock. The following schedule is included for reference: 1. Secure fresh flower buds of the desired plant. Smear the pollen mother cells from one anther on a dry slide. Immediately flood the smear with aceto-carmin. Heat carefully over an alcohol flame until the stain steams. Examine under the low power of the microscope (a cover glass is not necessary) after 1 to 5 minutes of staining. Smear remaining anthers if the stage is satisfactory. Stain these slides by either flooding with, or immersion in, aceto- carmin, for 1 to 10 minutes. Two parts glacial acetic acid plus one part absolute ethyl alcohol. Rinse. One part glacial acetic acid plus two parts absolute ethyl alco- hol. Rinse. One part glacial acetic acid plus nine parts absolute ethyl alco- hol. ^ to 2 minutes. Equal parts xylene and absolute ethyl alcohol. 2 to 3 minutes. Mount in Canada balsam. During the winter months of 1930-31, this method was tried out on several different species, both monocotyledons and dicotyledons. Good results were secured from Rhoeo^ Tradescantia and Velthemia, while Nicotiana and Petunia gave entirely satisfactory results. The method is now being tried on animal material. The procedure, as outlined above, is recommended for securing chromosome counts in pollen mother cells, as is often necessary in genetical work. It may also be used for more detailed cytological work, especially if the smears are made upon cover slips, which are then treated in the same manner as slides. This method brings the pollen mother cells into direct optical contact with the lens, thru the medium of the immersion oil. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ^f\ The rapidity and simplicity of this method is due mainly to the fact that the anthers are smeared on the slide before the aceto-carmin is added, instead of being macerated into a drop of the stain. In the latter case, it is rather difficult and tedious to secure a good permanent mount without losing many of the sporocytes. When working with a plant which responds well to this method, permanent slides, ready for examination under the lower powers of the microscope, may be prepared in from five to fifteen minutes, since a satisfactory stain may usually be secured in from two to three minutes, and only a minute or so is required in each grade of dehy- drating and clearing solution. If material is abundant, a series of slides may be kept going thru the various grades, in succession, so that it is often possible to make a large number of permanent prepara- tions in a short time. This technic, then, appears to be one of the most rapid yet evolved for the preparation of permanent slides demonstrating meiosis in pol- len mother cells. REFERENCES Belling, J. 1921. On counting chromosomes in pollen mother cells. Amer. Nat., 55, 573-574. 1926. The iron-aceto-carmin method of fixing and staining chromo- somes. Biol. Bull., 50, 160-162. McClintock, B. 1929. A method for making aceto-carmin smears [)ermanent. Stain Techn., 4, 53-56. Mann, M. C. 1924. A method of making permanent smears of pollen mother cells. Science, 60, 548. Newton, W. C. F. 1927. Chromosome studies in Tulipa aneri mental work has been very helpful to the industry, they have in most cases lacked laboratory facilities for the kinds of work that were needed. Fortunately the development of the industry in America and Germany is leading to a concerted attack on the problems of mushroom growing, by specialists in the lines involved. This study concerns the growth of the mycelium of the cultivated mush- room on simple media of known composition. The natural habitat of this mushroom is the sod of meadows and plains, but the medium used in mush- room growing is a partially decomposed preparation of horse manure. Chemical studies of this medium were begun by the writer along with this investigation, but the complexity of manures is such that the value of any such analyses is as yet uncertain. The record of growth on simple media throws more light on the nutrition of the organism and forms a more reliable basis for further work. The literature on the subject of mushroom nutrition was reviewed in a preliminary paper (10). The outstanding work of Duggar (2) was the only one known to the writer in which a study of nutrition was the chief aim. Duggar's cultures were made upon filter paper dampened by nutrient solutions, and the physical nature of the media was supposed to resemble that of manure. His results with a series of carbonaceous materials in- dicated that the organism preferred starch as compared with sugars, and proteins above all other compounds. Salts of organic acids were appar- ently of no value. As sources of nitrogen the proteins were best, and growth was uniformly better with ammonium salts than with nitrates. Calcium hippurate seemed useful as a source of nitrogen. The writer's first study (10) of this problem was carried out on the same plan as Duggar's. The ratio by weight of li(|uid to paper in Duggar's flasks was about 4 to i, or 4(30 percent moisture, while the ratio in the writer's was 2 to i, or 200 percent, and there was better growth by reason 983 i' 984 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 17, of better aeration. The importance of aeration as a factor will be shown later in the present paper. The results of this series agreed in general with those of Duggar's, but it was found that the paper base alone could serve as a nutrient. It was also shown that while ammonium salts may be fair sources of nitrogen, the total nitrogen in that form in the medium must be small, about o.i molar. Complex organic compounds could be added safely in much larger amount. In both nitrogenous and carbonaceous series the more complex and less soluble nutrients gave the best results. Careful examination of these results and comparison with Duggar's led the writer to suspect that the poor growth of the cultures upon soluble carbo- hydrates and nitrogenous compounds might have been due to the higher concentration of those media, rather than to their unsuitability as nutrients. Concentration of Media In the preliminary study the solution of nutrient salts with which the paper was dampened had a concentration of 0.172 M. All cultures in which other soluble materials were added to the extent of o.i M or over, failed completely. Duggar's solution A was made up of salts totaling 0.16 M, He added to this solution other soluble materials; for example, i}4 percent dextrose, the concentration of which is 0.08 M. In both these series the salts were highly dissociated, further raising the concentration from the osmotic point of view. A new series of cultures was made to ascertain the effect of concentration, with graded concentrations from 0.1 AI to 0.3 M, and with more than one nutrient balance. It was found that the total concentration must be below 0.2 M for vigorous growth, and that the partial concentrations of individual nutrients may be varied without effect on this maximum point. Dissociation of salts, however, must be considered, and in a solution of 0.2 M concentration highly dissociated salts may be permitted up to 0.1 AI only. This result affords a good reason for the apparently greater value of the less soluble nutrients. The addition at the beginning of soluble nutrients, for example dextrose, might raise the osmotic effect of the medium to a point where the mycelium would not be able to grow at all. The insoluble materials, for example starch, could presumably be added in larger quantity, and be made available gradually by enzym action. This affords also a possible leason for the better growth obtained by Duggar in washed manure. It is a practice of spawn producers to wash the manure used for pure cultures. From the same considerations it would be reasonable to expect that the addition of soluble nutrients to manures used in mushroom growing would harm the spawn. This would depend upon the concentration of the manure solution and the time when the application is made. In Duggar's experi- ments the results of such additions were negative. Experiments upon manures and other media for mushroom growing, which are becoming numerous among the growers, should be carried out with careful consider- ation of this important factor. Dec, 1930I stver MUSHROOM NUTRITION 985 Moisture Context The growth of the mycelium is indifferent in liciuids. The species seems to be intensely aerobic, and too much moisture in fibrous media such as manure will invariably produce an adverse effect upon growth. The danger point in moisture content appears to be the degree of saturation at which free movement of air is cut off. To determine this degree a number of test-tubes were tightly packed to a depth of 10 cm. with manure which had been washed with distilled water, and distilled water added so as to obtain a series with moisture content ranging from 125 percent to 250 percent of dry weight. The latter figure was the limit of moisture content so that aeration was cut off except through water. The tubes were inoculated at the surface of the medium, and the growth downward was measured. Growth was best at 125 percent, fell off very slowly to 200 percent, and at 22^ percent dropped to less than half. With a total volume of manure of 25 cc, the air included at 125 percent moisture was 11 cc, and at 225 percent was reduced to about 3 cc. At saturation no downward growth occurred. A second experiment in flasks with filter paper and the nutrient solution used in the preliminary investigation (10) gave similar results. This series covered a range from 50 percent to 350 percent moisture content, (irowth failed below 100 percent, after a feeble start; it was good up to 233 percent, and then fell off sharply. Aeration was better in the flasks than in the tubes, having been actually cut off only at 300 percent. Aeration in a mushroom bed six inches deep should be good at 200 percent, if, as is usual, the surface is allowed to dry. It is worthy of note that the nutrition experiments of Duggar discussed above seem to have been carried out with 25 cc. of solution added to each 6 gms. of paper, which would be a condition very unfavorable to growth. Many of his cultures grew only at the surface. The results would probably have been clearer if the moisture content had been better adjusted. All the cultures affected by high moisture content develoi:>ed excessive numbers of mycelial strands. These have recently been described at length by Hein (6), and were attributed by him to the stimulus of moist conditions. He stated the least number of strands were produced at a point between 45 percent and 80 percent moisture content; and although the impression was given that the best growth occurred at this point also, that was probably not his intention. There is a tendency to formation of strands in old cultures, and spawn producers are often forced to discard a strain which becomes "stringy." Certain organic nutrients cause strand growth as will later be shown. But if other conditions remain the same, the writer agrees with Hein that increases in moisture result in increases in the number and size of the strands. Since the strands form profusely in the wetter media, and since they are also essential to fruiting through the translocation of food materials, a 986 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 17. connection between aeration or respiration and fruiting is suggested. The grower maintains his beds dry up to a certain point, and then induces the production of sporophores by watering. It seems probable that while the initial growth is favored by perfect aeration, fruiting is brought about by reduction of aeration, and the addition of moisture is a means of reducing it. Many other factors enter into crop development, but a study of respir- ation in this connection seems to the writer to have great possibilities. Silica Gel Medium After the preliminary study brought out the fact that the cellulose of filter paper could support growth, and after agar was found to have inherent nutrient qualities, the writer turned to silica gel as an inert solid medium. It is an ideal medium for this type of work, for with surface growth aeration ceases to be a factor requiring consideration. The mycelium can also be observed with ease and comparisons can be made more exactly. The development of this medium has been described in a recent paper (11). The medium was prepared by mixing two solutions; a potassium silicate solution 0.2 M with respect to K2O, and an acid solution consisting of H3PO4. 0.135 M; MgS04, 0.015.1/; CaCls, 0.006 i/; and FeS04, trace. For the series of non-nitrogenous nutrients NH4N()3 was added to the acid solution in 0.15 M concentration. The alkaline solution was poured into the acid solution until a pH of 6.6 was reached, the optimum for this species according to Frear, Styer, and Haley (5), and water added until the volume was one and one-half times the volume of acid solution used. Thirty cc. of this mixture were poured into each plate and allowed to gel. The plates were dialysed in a dishpan full of tap water until about half the soluble materials were removed. The nutrient gel was then of the following com- position: MgS04, 0.005 Af; CaClo, 0.002 M; FeS04, trace; potassium phosphates, 0.045 M. The gel framework was a 1.2 percent content of Si02, hydrated. When NH4NC)3 was present its concentration was 0.05 M. After the silica gel plates had been dialysed, the substances whose nu- tritive value was to be tested were added in finely powdered form. The plates were then sterilized in the autoclave, and inoculated in the center with a small amount of a pure culture on manure. Within reasonable limits no difference in growth has been observed from different sized pieces of inoculum. During sterilization and subsequent standing the soluble substances diffused through the gel, while the others remained as even surface films. The amount of any insoluble material used was adjusted so that the film was not too thick to allow microscopic observation. Spore Germination The cultures used were pure spore cultures, germinated and growing in washed fresh manure. A distinct strain of mushroom called "Snow-white" was used in all cultures. This strain originated in the beds of a Pennsyl- Dec, 1930] STYER MUSHROOM NUTRITION 987 vania grower; it may be recognized by its failure to develop pigments when grown in light. It is probably a strain of Agarkus campestris. No dif- ficulty was met with in germinating the spores, after they had been col- lected under aseptic conditions. A brief description of the method follows. Pieces of tissue with gills attached were removed aseptically from vigorous mushrooms before the rupture of the veil, and placed on match sticks in dry sterile Petri dishes. The sporophores naturally contain foreign organisms which may develop on the gills and cut surfaces of the pieces, and may contaminate the spore prints. This was prevented by permitting air to circulate under and around the pieces, which were cut between one and two centimeters square. Plates in which the tissue became damp or moldy were discarded, and the pieces were removed from all plates within 60 hours. Small squares of sterile filter paper were drawn through the sjK)re prints until heavily coated with spores, and then placed in tubes of sterile washed manure. The tubes were incubated at 25° C\, and a mycelium was observed growing out from the spores in from six to ten days. The quickness of germination and growth in these tubes is a matter of especial interest. The question arises whether the same principles are in- volved in this and the other known methods of stimulating germination of these spores. The early work in this field, adequately reviewed by Miss Ferguson (4), failed to make known any dependable method of germination. Miss Ferguson found that the presence of mycelium or previously germinated spores of the same species served to hasten germination in hanging drops and to increase the number germinating to almost 100 percent. Duggar (2) found that this effect was not produced by sporophore tissue, but only by active mycelium. He obtained 10 percent germination in five days in a few solutions containing various acid phosphates. The reaction of these solutions was not discussed. Richard and Olga Falck (3) advanced the hypothesis that one or more organic acids, produced by the fungous flora which normally precedes Agaricus campestris in outdoor manure beds, were the specific stimulants aiding germination. They obtained stimulation by the use of 0.25 percent succinic acid in malt and manure extracts and distilled water, the germina- tion amounting to 50 percent in nine days. Other acids failed to stimulate germination, although they caused the same pH changes. Bechmann (i), in a series of tests with careful pH control, obtained the best germination, 100 percent in 19 days, at pH values between 5.0 and 6.0. At this reaction, attempts at stimulation with the aid of several enzym preparations and autolyzed tissues, including the tissue of Agaricus campestris, failed. Bechmann considered the sugars in the malt extract used by him to have been the greatest factor in germination. Lambert (7) used a mixture of sucrose, maltose, and dextrose in agar and obtained plentiful germination. 988 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 17, ll!' i Hein (6) obtained 75 percent germination in 14 days in distilled water alone. These results lead to uncertainty as to what are the stimuli which cause germination. It is certain that the spores vary in their quickness to respond. Most of the investigators reported the germination of the spores in two groups several days apart. Miss Ferguson's explanation of this phenomenon is that the second group germinates only as a result of mycelial growth from the first. She cited the prompt germination of both these groups in drops containing mycelium from the beginning. The writer has obtained the same results in distilled water in test tubes. This effect seems to have been obtained by the writer not only from mycelium, but from spores alone when massed. In making the stock cultures referred to above, the spores were in thick masses on the squares of filter paper, and an easily visible mycelium was produced within ten days. When the same approximate number of spores was distributed through the manure, or when the paper carried less spores, the mycelium appeared more slowly and sometimes did not appear at all. It seems possible that carbon dioxid causes the germination of the more passive group of spores, either directly or through some influence on pH or oxidation-reduction potential. Apparent necessity for carbon dioxid in germination has been reported by Platz, Durrell, and Howe (8) for Ustilago zeae. Germination in a given time increased from 10 to over 50 percent by saturation of the solution with carbon dioxid. Unfortunately this was accompanied by a great change of pH and their cultures were not compared with cultures in which the pH was changed by other means. Rippel and Bortels (9) found that the removal of the carbon dioxid from the atmosphere in which the spores of Aspergillus niger were placed increased the time required for germination, and reduced the number germinating. When the few germinated spores produced a mycelium the rest germinated at once, a phenomenon quite like that observed by Miss Ferguson for Agaricus campestris. They added the following very interesting statement: "Now if germination did occur here and there over potassium hydroxid at so early a time, this was the case at only those places in which the spores lay together in thick heaps." The parallel between these cultures and those of the writer is striking. If carbon dioxid is not a factor, some substance such as an acid or enzym, or some effect more difficult to detect, must emanate from the spores and mycelium to cause germination. Nutrition Experiments The growth of the mycelium on the plates to which organic materials were added is recorded in table i. The list of these materials was chosen so that it would represent all the classes of organic constituents of undecom- posed and decomposing plant tissues as found in manure. Some types of soil organic matter were also included. Dec. 1930I STYER MUSHROOM XUTRITIOX 989 •f I The diameter, density, and strand development of the mycelium were recorded after 18 days growth at 25° C. Growth continued in all the vigorous cultures until the plates were full, but the results were recorded at Table i. Mycelial Growth of Agaricus campestris After iS Days at 2^° C. Upon Silica Gel Plates With a Variety of Organic Nutrients. Plates Contained XlfiXO:^, 0.0$ M, Except Where the Organic Material Contained Available Nitrogen Class Acids . Sugars Starch group. Lecithin Cholesterol . . . Gums, pectins. Hemicelluloses Cellulose Ligno-complexes Humus Proteins, etc. Blank Material Amount Succinic acid Citric acid. . . Arabinose . . . Xylose Dextrose . . . Diam- eter (cms.) Dcnsitv Galactose Maltose. . Mannite Starch from wheat ("ihcogen Inulin 0.0,^ M 0.02 M 0.04 M 0.04 M 0.04 M 0.12 M 0.20 M 0.04 \f 0.02 M o.io M o.io .1/ 0.04 M 0.25 gm. 0.25 gm. 0.25 gm. 0.25 gm. 0.25 gm. 0.25 gm. i.(K) gm. 2 cc. 0.30 gm. 0-55 K"i- Gum arabic I\'ach gum, from wound "Certo," commercial pectin X\ Ian Agar Coconut, after ether extrac tion Wheat bran Wheat straw Shredded filter paper ... Ground cellulose |o.2S gm. j<>-^5 K'H- 0.32 gm 0.42 gm 0.32 gm 0.25 gm. Liriodendron wtjod Cierman granulated jx'at moss, commercial "G.P.- M. W'cx)d, cellulose remo\ed l)y rot, 80 percent lignin 2 percent Xil^OH extract of rich soil 2 [xrcent XH,()H extract of rich s<3il "JIunms" from Xew Jersey defxjsits Xucleic acid from yeast Xucleoprotein from yeast . . IVptone ( iliadin Glutenin Casein Albumin Xo organic material 0.25 gm 0.36 gm, 0.20 gm, 0.25 gm. 0.25 gm. 0.15 gm. 0.20 gm. 0.30 gm. O.IO gm. 0.30 gm. 0.30 gm. 0.20 gm. 0.30 gm. 0.30 gm. 30 0.0 4-5 3-0 .V5 2.0 1-5 4-5 5-5 0.0 3.0 30 0.0 4.0 0.0 i.o 50 4.0 2.0 5-5 4-5 1.0 2.5 2.5 7.0 5.0 9.0 7.5 30 1.0 2.5 4-5 4.0 3-5 3.5 6.5 4-5 50 0.0 Sparse Medium Dense Medium Thin -Medium IX'Use Medium Dense Thin Den.->e Very dense Dense Thin Dense \'er\- dense I )ense Thin Dense Medium Dense \'ery thin Dense Thin Wry thin Dense \'ery dense Dense 44 it Strands Many Few Few Many Few Few Few Many 990 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 17. Dec, 1930] STYER — MUSHROOM NUTRITION 991 18 days because after that time strands began to appear in all the plates. The strands were recorded as *'few" when appearing only in the center, and as "many" when extending within yi cm. of the tips of the hyphae. The pH of the gel was changed to 4.0 by the addition of succinic and citric acids. As this is far from the optimum pH, the results should be compared only with each other. It is necessary to note that the materials containing hemicelluloses and lignin were quite impure chemically, and that their classification is only approximate. For example, wheat straw contains cellulose, gums, pectic substances, lignin, and hemicelluloses. Wheat bran was more correctly classified with the hemicelluloses. Woods of the class to which Liriodendron belongs contain about 50 percent cellulose, 20 percent pentosans, and 20 percent lignin. The granulated peat moss is much higher in lignin content. The black peaty soil from ancient bogs of New Jersey, sold under the name of "humus," may have been produced mainly from the lignin fraction of the original organic matter, but, like real humus, is quite different from lignin. For the selection and classification of these complex materials the writer has followed the principles of Waksman (12). The growth of the mycelium upon plates with various nitrogen sources is recorded in table 2. It was necessary in the two series to supply every Table 2. Mycelial Growth of Agaricus campestris After 18 Days at 25° C. Upon Silica Gel Plates With a Variety of Nitrogen Sources. Plates Contained Dextrose, 0.035 M; Maltose, 0.035 M; and Starch, o.i gm.. Except Where the Nitrogenous Compound Contained a Carbohydrate Group Class Salts Urine nitrogen Amino-acids . . Material Proteins, etc. Blank (NH)2S04 NH4NO3 NaNOa Urea Creatine Creatinine Cilycine. Glutamic acid Arginine carbonate Leucine • Nucleic Acid (Also in table I) ; Nucleoprotein (Also in table I) Peptone (Also in table i). . (iliadin " " " " • • utenin C-> • < .asem Albumin ' No nitrogen Amount 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 M M M M M M M M M M Diameter Density n 0.30 gm o.io gm 0.30 gm 0.30 gm 0.20 gm 0.30 gm 0.30 gm 2.5 4.0 1-5 1-5 2.5 30 3.5 1.5 2.0 4.0 4-5 4.0 3.5 3-5 6.5 4-5 50 4.0 Medium Dense Thin Dense Medium Very dense Dense Thin Very thin Dense V^ery dense Dense i< (< Sparse Strands Many culture with all nutrients except the one to be tested. This was done in the case of the organic series by adding ammonium nitrate whenever the organic nutrient did not contain nitrogen in a form already proved available. A In the nitrogen series, when the nitrogen source did not contain carbohydrate groups, dextrose and maltose were added, each in 0.035 molar concentration, along with about o.i gm. of starch. The compounds are grouped in the table according to complexity, with a separate group for nitrogen forms of urine. The growth was dendritic and the mycelium was irregular in outline in the cultures on sugars. The peach gum and pectin cultures were quite different, spreading evenly and entirely in hyphal form, with many aerial hyphae. The aerial hyphae of the pectin plates presented a powdery ap- pearance, due to great numbers of crystals on their surfaces. The nncelium changed most of the materials classed with the hemicelluloses into semi- liquid pastes. Xylan and fat-free coconut when thus liquefied practically submerged the mycelium, and may have interfered with its growth; the growth was dense, however, in advance of the liquefied zone. The growth on wheat bran, straw, and all the lignin-bearing materials was much the same as the typical dendritic growth on maltose. The protein cultures resembled the xylan cultures in that the growth was dense, and accompanied by active digestion. The hyphae were straight, pointed directly outward, and were surprisingly equal in length; their tips were observed emerging from the liquefied protein mass un- branched and equidistant, like the teeth of a comb. This type of growth was quite different from the dendritic growth of the maltose cultures, and the enlargement into strands was much slower. Active leading growth in the maltose plates was focused into a few hyphae, and strands were built up from those hyphae after the plates became full. This was not the case in the protein plates. The growth on nucleic acid and nucleoprotein was extremely thin, with long, unbranched hyphae. This effect was not noted in other plates. The mycelium had a silky appearance, with no strands. The absence of nitrogen except in the inoculum resulted in the production of many aerial hyphae. The growth was sparse but spread quickly; evidently the nitrogen of the inoculum could be made use of even when spread out quite thinly. The cells of these plates were very commonly bulbous at both ends. Discussion* The results of these experiments indicate that the organism attacks a great variety of substances. Duggar's conclusion that sugars fail to support it is shown to be erroneous; his culture solution was probably made too concentrated by the addition of sugars. The growth with xylose, dextrose, and maltose supports the opinion that the mycelium grows upon complex organic matter by reason of the production of sugars. It would be interesting to attempt a culture upon cellobiose, which is supf)osed to be produced by organisms which break down cellulose. Cellulose supported only a little growth when spread out on silica gel. 992 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 17. Dec, 1930] There was more opportunity for the products of hydrolysis to diffuse away from the mycelium than in the preliminary paper base cultures, where the paper was packed in tightly. In a recent experiment the writer corroborated the earlier evidence of cellulose breakdown, by measuring the loss in weight of small pieces of filter paper attacked by the mycelium. The loss averaged about 4 percent, and the mycelium was necessarily weighed with the paper. The fibers were swollen and frayed at the ends. In spite of this it seems most likely that the cellulose in a material such as manure is broken down more slowly than some other constituents. The surprising growth on peach gum and commercial pectin adds two more classes of materials to the list of available foods. The results with the hemicelluloses tested are not very conclusive. The lignin-bearing materials produced the fastest growing cultures of the series. It is important that this mushroom seems to belong with the lignin-destroying organisms, although this must not be considered established by this very limited study. According to Waksman (12) the decomposition of organic matter is usually accompanied by the accumulation of lignin or substances of the same nature, due to the inability of most organisms to attack it. The final residue of such decomposition is of a humus or peaty nature. In support of the theory that Agaricus campestris can break down and utilize lignin it may be noted that when the spent manure from mushroom beds is applied to the soil it soon disappears and does not seem to add to the humus of the soil. It would seem that lignin had not accumulated in the mushroom bed. The growth upon the proteins was not quite typical of the organic series. It was dense and not dendritic. Strands did not appear in most cases until the medium became exhausted. Whether considered from the point of view of organic or of nitrogenous nutrition, it appears that the proteins are very suitable nutrients. From the researches of Waksman (12) we learn that a considerable change of nitrogen from urea and ammonium salts to protein takes place when manure is composted. This process would probably favor the nutritional preferences of the mushroom, and probably takes place in the composting of manure for mushroom growing. The ammonium salts and amino-acids served well as nitrogen sources, as was to be expected, for proteins must be broken down into some of these compounds before the organism can utilize them. The occurrence of strands in certain plates has no special significance with reference to nutrition, so far as the writer has been able to observe. The appearance of crystals on the hyphae was noted in all the cultures. More crystals were produced in some than others; the pectin cultures were thickly covered with them. Hein (6) observed crystals which he stated were calcium oxalate. Since more crystals appeared on the aerial hyphae than on the others, and since some of these were soluble in water, it seems possible that some other organic salt or acid was also produced. The pH of the medium is invariably lowered by the spawn in commercial mushroom STYER — MUSHROOM NUTRITION 993 Ak* rl* production, finally arriving at a value of about 4.5. The same effect was produced in the cultures of Frear (5), with nutrient solutions on a paper base. This pH change may have a profound influence upon the further life of the mycelium; and it may possibly be prevented by chemical means with great benefit to the mycelium. The further study of this matter is being undertaken with hope of useful results. It should now be possible to make silica gel and also larger scale cultures upon many materials, including composts and fractions prepared from them, and to correlate the results with analytical studies. There should result many improvements in the handling of manures for mushroom production, as well as better understanding of the principles involved. The micro- biology of manures will most certainly be found of profound importance. After finding that the organism can obtain nutrients from so many classes of organic compounds, the writer sees no good reason why many other materials can not replace manure in mushroom production. Summary 1. The mycelium of the "Snow-White" variety of Agaricus campestris does not tolerate a medium of nutrient salts and soluble organic substances, in which the total concentration is much above 0.2 M. 2. The mycelium is intensely aerobic. In fibrous media it will not toler- ate the addition of water if aeration is cut off thereby. Mycelial strands develop profusely in the wetter media, and as their formation necessarily precedes fruiting, a connection between aeration changes, mycelial strands, and fruiting is suggested. 3. The spores of Agaricus campestris germinate more quickly in large masses than when separated. The germination stimulus developed in the spore mass appears to be the same as that by which the living mycelium hastens germination. 4. The mycelium was grown on silica gel plates containing materials representative of the main classes of substances in manure and decomposing organic matter. Growth was good with xylose, dextrose, maltose, peach gum, commercial pectin, wheat bran, wheat straw, Liriodendron wood, and commercial granulated peat moss; and also on a sample of wood from which nearly all but lignin had been removed by wood-rotting fungi. Several proteins were excellent sources of nitrogen and organic food. Cel- lulose failed to support vigorous growth. The organism probably can make use of nearly all the substances in manure including lignin. Cellulose, however, would probably not be among the first attacked. 5. The characteristic mycelial growth is dendritic with strand formation. On the proteins the dense hyphal growth is uniforn in outline and few strands are produced. The guidance and assistance of Dr. Rodney H. True throughout the progress of the work is acknowledged with the greatest pleasure. The 994 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 17, writer has also been fortunate in receiving most useful suggestions, as well as samples of some of the nutrients tested, from Dr. Selman A. Waksman. Botanical Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania LITERATURE CITED I . Bechmann, E. Untersuchungen uber die Kulturf ahigkeit des Champignons. Zeitschr. Bot. 22: 289-323. 1929. . , , ,.„ 2 Duggar, B. M. The principles of mushroom growmg and mushroom spawn makmg. U. s' Dept. Agr. Bur. PI. Ind. Bull. 85, 1-60. 1905. . 3. Falck, Richard and Olga. Uber die Sporenkeimung des Champignons. Mykol. Unter. und Ber. 1 : 1-60. 1924. . . r u t 4 Ferguson, Margaret C. A preliminary study of the germmation of the spores of Agaricus campestris and other basidiomycetous fungi. U. S. Dept. Agr. Bur. 1 1. Ind. Bull. 16, 1-43, 1902. . ^- „ 5. Frear, D., J. F. Styer, and D. E. Haley. A study of the effect of H-ion concentration on 'the growth of Agaricus campestris. Plant Physiol. 3: 91-94. 1928. 6. Hein, I. Studies on the mycelium of Psalliota campestris. Amer. Jour. Bot. 17: 197-211. 1930. C A • 7. Lambert, E. B. Production of normal sporophores in monosporous cultures of Agaricus campestris. Mycologia 21: 333-335- 1929. 8 Platz, G. A., L. W. Durrell, and Mary F. Howe. The effect of carbon dioxide upon the germination of the chlamydospores of Ustilago zeae (Beckm.) Ung. Jour. Agr. Q Rippel*, A.; Ind h! Bortels! Vorlaufige Versuche uber die allgemeine Bedeutung der Kohlensliure fur die Pflanzenzelle. (Versuche an Aspergillus niger). Biochem. Zeitschr. 184: 237-244. 1927. . , , a 10. Styer, J. F. Preliminary study of the nutrition of the cultivated mushroom. Amer. Jour. Bot. 15: 246-250. 1928. II . A simplifted silica gel. Amer. Jour. Bot. 17: 636-637. 1930. 12! Waksman, S. A. The nature and origin of the soil organic matter or soil humus HI. Soil Sci. 22: 323-333. 1926. / 0 ^1 A synopsis of the marine algae of Brazil Wm RANDOLPH TAYLOR INTRODUCTION ™,r; ^"'l ^^^ "? c' ^t\'''^^ knowledge as has been acquired of the manne algae of South Amenca exists in the form of scattered original hsts wh.ch resulted from the study and naming of plants from many con.parat.vely small collections. In rare cases the incentive of I Sitv tL "T ''^ """u "^, ^^™*"^ ^°™ --« p-^-'- eTated to ?hi,'"l r?.' ^^^^^^^^^^o bring together the lists Scihwi *'* d.str.ct. to consohdate them with his own. and so to fac. htate greatly all subsequent study in this area. Brazil was thus treated by Martens .n 1870 but in nearly 60 years algal classifiLttn has undergone such rev.s.on that this list is largely obsolete. For South Amenca we have a few modern compilations of this type. but. while hey are of the utmost value, studies in algal distribution require that these listed areas be jo.ned by similar surveys of the flora of the inter- tr'Kltr'Sn* present the more notable synopses include studies of the Falldand Islands by CoTTON. of the American Antarctic and the H^r. "'"°'' S°"'^A™"ican shores by Gain, and of Peru by HOWE Jeav.ng most of the mainland in a very unsatisfactory state. When the algal collections of the « Hassler y> Expedition came MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR into the writer's hands for study several years ago, the need for a consoHdation of the Hterature was urgently felt, and during the study of Brazilian algae brought back by this expedition, by the « Alba- tross » and by Dr. W. L. SCHMITT, an attempt at a new catalog was made. It was decided to accept Martens* « Conspectus » (1870) as a fair interpretation of the earlier records, and to this the principal subsequent lists have been added. The fundamental diffi- culty with all preliminary floras is the doubt which rests on many of the early determinations, and this can only be removed by a res- tudy of the original materials. As this was generally impracticable in the present instance, the opinion of DE ToNi (Sylloge Algarum) was accepted to give a working basis, and such changes made as seemed necessary. Where a given species is one appropriate to the district or repeatedly reported no question has, as a rule, been raised as to the record. On the other hand where the identity of the plant is in doubt because of inadequate description, uncertain synonymy, or extraordinary and unconfirmed extension of range, a sign of interro- gation has been prefixed. In some measure this a matter of personal opinion, and often the matter is, in the absence of the original speci- mens, quite debatable. However, as this is distinctly a preliminary catalog or Prodromus, expressly for the purpose of attracting attention to the limits of our present knowledge, such faults can readily be excused now, and later recognized and rectified. Some genera, such as Cladophora, Padina and Celidium are in very doubtful condition, having been crowded with determinations of very uncertain value, and an inspection of the names listed will give little help to a modern student. In citing the original names cognizance has been taken of the varying old custom of giving sometimes either the describer or the author of the revised combination, but not both. Here the name is followed by both authors as is now habitual, probably without intro- ducing important errors. MARTENS and MoBlUS often do not give definite stations for the plants in their lists, but most of their material was collected by Dr. Glaziou near Rio Janeiro. Where a definite station was available from some author, citations of « Brazil » alone by others were omitted from the list of stations. Mention by name of the various towns in the immediate vicinity of flio Janeiro was also not usually attempted. It was difficult to locate some of the stations, but with these exceptions the arrangement is approximately from upper 4»w m» » * I « Brazil southwards, the unlocated stations following the others after a semicolon. In view of Setchell's suggestions upon the distribution of ma- rine algae (Ann. Missouri Bot. Card.. 2 : 287-305 1915) it is appropriate to iiiquire into the temperature range prevalent in the waters along the Brazilian coast below the Equator. Detailed temperature re- cords from shallow waters directly in the region of algal growth being lacking. It is of some consequence to examine the records of off-shore iqIt!' '^"' '*'"'" ** '^^"^ ^^^ Marine Observer, vol. 4. IV^/) It appears that there is comparatively little variation along the north coast below the Equator, the average monthly temperature ran- ging from 26" C. to 29.3" C. generally about 27.5" C. always well within the tropica! limits. The isotherm of 26.6 ' C (80" F ) shifts along the coast from about 20" S. L. in February, to pass out of range /7nu^^x '^-',"'''' '■^'"'■"'"g '■" September. The isotherm of 2 ! " C. (70 F.) in February is at about 36"30' S. L., below the Rio de la h^Iata. and in August-September is near C. St. Thome at 22" S. L 1 he water off Ilha Sao Francisco ranges from about 25.5" C in summer to 17.7" C. in winter, and this station represents the southern- most from which collections are available. By Setchell's criterion of a summer temperature of 25" C. this would be near the boundary between Tropical and Subtropical zones, but would probably support a tropical flora and such seems to be the case. The upper Subtropical sumnier temperature limit of 25" C. is found somewhat south of Ilha Sao Francisco at about 28" S. L., and the lower limit of 20 C lies north of C. Corrientes in northernmost Argentina. Since the shoal water close to shore will generally be warmer than the off-shore water It is to b^ expected that the boundaries will actually be south of these points J he Subtropical zone, by Setchell's criteria, will therefore probably be narrow, including a short stretch of Brazilian coast, Uru- guay, and a little of Argentina. The northern Argentina coast will otherwise lie in the South Temperate belt to 45" S. L.; below this the Argentina-Patagonian coast to the northern shore of Tierra del huego apparently lies in the Lower Austral, and the southern shore and eastern end of Tierra del Fuego in the Upper Austral zone. It becomes of immediate interest to determine the general charac- ter of the Brazilian algal flora and the floristic source of its more important elements. It is obvious that so far as we know it the charac- IRREGULAR PAGINATION MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR ter is overwhelmingly tropical, its affinities, as might be expected, connecting with the West Indies. A list of the more important species will help to explain this. A selection was made of those which ranged over a coast of at least 5° latitude, on the basis of repK>rts by at least 3 authors covering 3 or more well separated stations, so\ presumably the common species, and it is significant that these are also almost without exception important elements in the West Indian flora, and apparently none represent a non-tropical element incursive from the south : Ertteromorpha compressa (L.) Grev. Ulva fasciata Delile. Ulva Laciuca (L.) Le Jolis.* Chaiomorpha media (C. Ag.) Kg. Anady^omene stellata (Wulf.) C. Ag. Chamadoris Peniculum (Sol.) Ktze. Dr\^posis permaia Lamx. Caulerj>a crassifolia (C. Ag.) J. Ag. Caulerpa prolifera (Forsk.) Lamx. Caulerpa racemosa (Forsk.) J. Ag. Caulerpa seriularioides (Gmel.) Howe Codium tomentasum (Huds.) Stackh. Halimeda Opuntia (L.) Lamx. Dict^oia Bariayresi'i Lamx.* Dict^ota dentata Lamx. Dict}fota dichotoma (Huds.) Lamx. Newocarpus delicatulus (Lamx.) Ktze Neurocarpus Justii (Lamx.) Ktze. Neurocarpus plagiogrammus (Mont.) Ktze. Padina VicI^ersicR Hoyt.* Zonaria variegata (Lamx.) C. Ag.* Zonaria zonalis (Lamx.) Howe. Sargassum c}fmosum C. Ag.* Sargassum vulgare C. Ag. Calaxaura marg'mata (E. & S.) Lamx. Calaxaura oblongata (E. & S.) Lamx. Calaxaura rugasa (E. & S.) Lamx. Celidium corneum (Huds.) Lamx. Celidium rigidum (Vahl.) Grev. Cracilaria cervicomis (Turn.) J. Ag. Cracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. Cracilaria ferox J. Ag. Cracilaria lacinulata (Vahl) Howe. Hypnea musciformis (Wulf.) Lamx. Hypnea spirtella (C. Ag.) Kg. Chr];s}fmenia Uvaria (L.) J. Ag. Acanthophora muscoides (L.) Bory. Acanthophora spicifera (Vahl.) Borg. Amansia muliifida Lamx. Bry^othamnion Seaforthii (Turn.) Kg. Br}foihamnion triquetrum (Gmel.) Howe. Lxiurencia obtttsa (Huds.) Lamx. Laurencia papidosa (Forsk.) Grev. Vidalia obtusiloba (C. Ag.) J. Ag. Centroceras clavulatum (C. Ag.) Mont.* Cryptonemia crenulata J. Ag. Cryfptonemia luxurians (Mert.) J. Ag. Crateloupia filicina (Wulf.) C. Ag. Amphiroa brasiliana Dene. Corallina subulata E. & S. Janla rubens (L.) Lamx. <»^ rl • •*>• Of this group 3 are not recorded from much south of the Abro- Ihos Ids. (18°S. L.) — Caulerpa crassifolia, C. prolifera, Vidalia obtusiloba — but all the rest reach to Clabo Frio (23** S. L.), where the coast turns westward toward Rio Janeiro. Similarly, 3 are not recorded on the Brazilian coast north of Bahia (13° S. L.), but they are all found in the West Indies. — Chtztomorpha media, Hypnecf spinella, Acanthophora muscoides. A considerable incursion from the south is not greatly to be expected. Coming westward from outside of the Gulf of Guinea a broad belt of warm tropical water (the South Tropical stream) divides off Cap San Roque, the north stream branch driving up the north coast of Brazil past the Antilles into the Gulf of Mexico while the southern branch turns down the eastern Bra- zilian coast (Wiss. Ergebn. Schwedische SUdpolar Exped. 1901- 1903, Bd 4, I, fg. 6, map). This tends to equalize the coastal water temperature and offsets the natural gradation from warmer water in the north to cooler water in the south temperate belt. It also suggests the possibility and a manner of the introduction of modern algal species from African waters and the eastern Atlantic islands, though this seems to have happened to a very trifling extent, if at all. However, a drift of cold water from between Cape Horn and the South Shet- land Islands comes about the Falkland Islands and up along the coast, wedging between Patagonia and this warm tropical current from the north, so that we must look to it as an explanation for condi- tions favorable to any incursive south temperate floral elements. That it can bring little direct to Brazil is to be inferred from the fact that is greatly reduced opposite Uruguay and disappears off the southern- most part of Brazil, Rio Grande and vicinity. Brazil shows the tro- pical typ>e of algal flora dominant as far south as adequate collections have extended, but we really know little of the flora south of 28" S. L. Of course, since most active collecting has centered about Pernam- buco, Bahia and Rio Janeiro it is not surprising that a sharp decrease occurs in the lists of species from stations south of the last-named place, with the dropping out of species certainly to be ex|>ected to occur throughout Brazil and which will probably appear in subsequent more complete collections. In the list given above the species starred(*) go to the latitude of the Ilha Sao Francisco neighbourhood at 27°S.L. Since this area represents the southernmost that has received any considerable amount of collecting it is worth while to note the species reported from it. It will be seen that the flora is still very strikingly tropical, although including a number of cosmopolitan species of wide warm-temperate as well as tropical distribution : MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL Calaxaura marginata (E. & S. ) Lamx. Calaxaura oblongata (E. &S.) Lamx. Catendla impudica (Mont.) J. Ag. Cracilaria ferox J. Ag. Hypnea musciformis (Wulf.) Lamx. Hypnea spinella (C. Ag.) Kg. Acanthophora muscoides (L.) Bory, Amphibia radicans (Mont.) Ktze. Laurencia papillose (Forsk.) Grev. Centroceras clavulatum (C. Ag.) Mont. Criffithsia radicans Kg. Enter omorpha Linza (L.) J. Ag. Viva Lactuca (L.) Le Jolis. Cladophora fascicularis (Mert.) Kg. Caulerpa racemosa (Forsk.) J. Ag. Gaulerpa sertularioides (Gmel.) Howe Sphacelaria tribuloides Menegh. Colpomenia sinuosa (Roth.) D. & S. Hydroclathrus clathratus (Bory) Howe. Dictyota Bartayresii Lamx. Dictyota cervicornis Kg. Neurocarpus delicatulus (Lamx.) Ktze. Padina Viclfersics Hoyt. Zonaria variegata (Lamx.) C. Ag. Sargassum cymosum C. Ag. Finally, it is necessary to consider what may be the importance of the numerous doubtful species in relation to temperate floral ele- ments from the south or elsewhere. Many are species only well known from the Cape of Good Hope region; others belong to the Pacific coast ; others are European species. Among these there is little encou- ragement for the citation of a temperate element, because the proba- bility that the specimens have been incorrectly named is great, and it is likely that a review of the materials on which tiiese records were» made will result in the renaming of most of them as species in accord with the general character of the flora. Among the plants first (and inadequately) described from Brazil there may well be incursives from the little-known temperate flora to the south, but since such records mostly come from the better known stations within the truly tropical area they probably do not represent a very important tempe- rate element, and most of them will probably turn out to be plants familiar under other names. However, in this connection an inspection of the types of most of the plants which Greville described as new from St. Hilaire's Brazilian collections showed (HoWE & Taylor 1930) that almost all had rightly been considered novelties, and that they were not plants better known under other names. In spite of all this, it is to be expected that there will eventually be recognized a small number of plants representing members of both the north and the south temperate floras which have succeeded in establishing them- selves along the Brazilian coast. Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR With the fact in mind that algae of deep water are under more equable conditions and exposed to lower maximum temperatures than those of the littoral, the lists of species collected by dredging off Pernambuco, the Abrolhos and Cabo Frio are worthy of inspection : PERNAMBUCO 20 Fa., 8' S. L. Anadyomene stellata (Wulf.) C. Ag. Cham&doris Peniculum (Sol.) Ktze. Cauhrpa Ashmeadii Harv. Caulerpa lanuginosa J. Ag. Dictyota dentata Lamx. Zonaria variegata (Lamx.) C. Ag. Zonaria zonalis (Lamx.) Howe. Bryothamnium triquetrum (Gmel.) Howe. Chondria floridana (Collins) Howe. ABROLHOS IDS 18" S. L. Anadyomene stellata (Wulf.) C. Ag. Cham&dedoris Peniculum (Sol.) Ktze. Valonia ventricosa J. Ag. Caulerpa crassifoHa mexicana (Sond.) J. Ag. Halimeda Tuna (E. &S.) Lamx. Udotea cyathiformis Dene. Sporochnus Bolleanus Mont. Neurocarpus Justii (Lamx.) Ktze. Padina Sanctce-Crucis Borg. Zonaria variegata (Lamx.) C. Ag. Cracilaria conjervoides (L.) Grev. Cracilaria mamillaris Howe. Bryothamnion Seaforthii (Turn.) Kg. Dasya sertularioides Howe & Taylor. Spyridia filamentosu (Wulf.) Harv. Halymenia Floresii (Clem.) Ag. CABO FRIO 23" S. L. Dasycladus vermicularis (Scop.) Krasser. Dictyosphceria favulosa (Ag.) Dene. Chamcsdoris Peniculum (Sol.) Ktze. Codium decorticaium (Woodw.) Howe. Halimeda Tuna (E. &S. ) Lamx. Rhipilia tomentosa Kg. Sporochnus Bolleanus Mont. Sporochnus pedunculatus (Huds.) C. Ag. Dictyoia Bartayresii Lamx. Dictyota cervicornis Kg. Dictyota dentata Lamx. Dictyota divaricata Lamx. Neurocarpus Justii (Lamx.) Ktze. Zonaria variegata (Lamx.) C. Ag. Zonaria zonalis (Lamx.) Howe. Caaxaura cylindrica (Sol.) Lamx. Celidium rigidum (Vahl.) Grev. Callophyllis microdonta (Grev.) Falk. Wurd^mannia setacea Harv. Rhodophyllis gracilarioides Howe & Taylor. Cracilaria mamillaris Howe. Chrysymenia Enteromorpha Harv. Chrysymenia planifrons (Melv.) J. Ag. Chrysymenia pyriformis Borg. Fauchea Hassleri Howe & Taylor. Nitophyllum odontophorum Howe & Taylor. Nitophyllum uncinatum (Turn.) Grev. Laurencia lata Howe & Taylor. Hakymenia Integra Howe & Taylor. Halymenia rosea Howe & Taylor. Halymenia vmacea Howe & Taylor. Platoma tenuis Howe & Taylor. 8 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL It will be seen from the first locality that all are common West Indian forms : to be sure, the list is short and unquestionably incom- plete as representing the deep water flora. Off the Abrolhos Ids. — depth unknown — the short list includes common West Indian forms only, with one exception. The Cabo Frio collection is much the largest, and approaches most nearly the south Subtropical zone. The flora is predominantly tropical, of West Indian affinities still, except for Callophyllis, and new species of Rhodoph^llis, Fauchea, Haly- menia and Platoma. Perhaps these are forms that will appear in the south Subtropical or Temperate floras when these are better known. At any rate there is more of novel character here than was collected in the Ilha Sao Francisco neighbourhood a few degrees of latitude to the south, but primarily from the littoral vegetation, and so exposed to seasonally higher water temperatures. CATALOG OF SPECIES RECORDED MYXOPHYCEi^ It IS certain that even the few records which exist of marine Myxophyceae from Brazil are of very doubtful value, and therefore no attempt to reduce the names to modern usage is made here, or to organize the report as in the other groups of algae. The lists include the following : JInahaena variabilis Kg., Cabo Frio, MoBius (1889); Calothrix aeruginea (Kg) Thuret, MoBius (1890); Calothrix ptlosa Harv., MoBius (1890) Chroococcus iurgidus (Kg.) Nag., De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 5; 1907); Leibleinia aequalis Kg., Martens (1870); L. .seriala Kg., Pemambuco, Piccone (1889); Lyngbya aesluar ii Qur^.) Liebm., MoBius (1890); L. confer-- voides C. Ag. ex Com., Conceicao de Itanhaen, Taylor (1930 b) ; L. no- ronhae Dickie, Fernando Noronha, DiCKiE (1875); L. semiplena J. Ag. ex Gom., De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 5; 1907) iMicrocoUus chthonoplastes Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR (Fl. Dan.) Thuret, MoBlus (1980): Scxtonema ocellatum Lyngb., De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 5; 1907) ; Trichodesmium Thiebautii Com., Bahia, Taylor (1930). CHLOROPHYCE/E PROTOCOCCACEiE ?Protococcus affinis Dickie. — Dickie (1884 b). St. Paul Rocks. ULOTRICHACEiE ?Hormospora pellucida Dickie. — Dickie (1875). Fernando Noro- nha Ids. ULVACEiE Enteromorpha clathrata (Roth) Grev. — Martens (1870); £. da- thrata (Roth) J. Ag., MoBius (1890). Saguarema, near Rio Janeiro. Enteromorpha compressa (L.) Grev. — MbBius (1890); Schmidt (as fa. lingulata Hauck) (1924); ? E. compressa Link and ? E. complanata Kg., Martens (1870). Mucuripe, Cabo Branco, Macahe, Rio Janeiro, Ja- quaranga. Enteromorpha erecta (Lyngh.) J. Ag. — Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, Jaquaranga. Enteromorpha intestinalis (L.) Link. — Martens (1870), Zeller (1876); Martens (as fa. capillaris and fa. tubulosa Kg.) (1871). Rio Janeiro. Enteromorpha lingulata J. Ag. — Taylor (1930, 1930 b). Rio Janeiro, Conceicao de Itanhaen, Guaruja. Enteromorpha Lima (L.) J. Ag. — Schmidt (1924); Phycoseris Linza L., Martens (1870). Jaquaranga, Itapacorohy. ?Enteromorpha minima Nag. — De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 1 : 125). St. Paul Rocks. Enteromorpha prolifera (O. F. Muller) J. Ag. — Howe (1928). Bahia, Nictheroy, Rio Janeiro. ?Monostroma obscurum(Kg.) J. Ag. — Ulva obscura Kg., Martens (1870). Rio Janeiro. 10 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL U Iv a Tasciata DelWe. — Taylor (1930, 1930 b); Phyfcoseris fasciata Delile Martens (1870, 1871) ; P. lobata Kg., Zeller (1876) ; P. nema^ (oidea (Bory) Mont., Grunow (1870); Ulva fasciata lobata (Kg.), PlC- CONE (1886); ?U. lobata Kg., DiCKIE (1875). Fernando Noronha, Ma- cahe, Nictheroy, Rio Janeiro, Sao Vicente, Conceicao de Itanhaen, Guaruja. Ulva Lactuca (L.) Le Jolis. — Martens (1870), Mobius (1889, 1890, 1892, 1895), Howe (1928). Bahia, Rio Janeiro, Ponta da Copaca- bana, Paqueta, Itajahy. ?tilva Lactuca fa. laciniata (Wulf.) J. Ag. — Phyco&eris australis Kg., Martens (1870). Rio Janeiro. Ulva Lacluca\air. latissima (L.) D. C. — Taylor (1930); U. la- tissima L., Martens (1870). Rio Janeiro. Ulva Lactuca var. rigida (C. Ag.) Le Jolis. — Taylor (1930); U. Lactuca fa. r'lg'ida (Kg.) Le Jolis, ScHMIDT (1924) ; Phycoseris rigida Kg., Martens (1870); Ulva rigida C. Ag., Howe (1928). Mucuripe, Cabo Branco, Bahia, Nictheroy, Rio Janeiro, Jacquaranga, Ilha Sao Sebastiao, Ilha Sao Francisco. ?Ulva plicata MuIIer. — ?Phycoseris plicata Kg., Martens (1871). Rio Janeiro. PRASIOLACEit ? Prasiola minuta Dickie. — Dickie (1884 b). St. Paul Rocks. CHAETOPHORACEiE Endoderma minuta (Reinke) Lagerh. — MoBlus (1889. 1890). Near Rio Janeiro. CLADOPHORACEi* Entocladia viridis Reinke, ?Cladophoropsis, ?Aega^rophila membranacea caespilosa C. Ag. - Martens (1870). Pemambuco. Chaetomorpha claoata (C. Ag.) Kg. — Martens (1870, 1871). Rio Janeiro. Chaetomorpha gracilis Kg. — MoBius (1890). Near Rio Janeiro. Chaetomorpha Linum (Miill.) Kg. — C. chlorotica Kg., Mobius (1890). Near Rio Janeiro. Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR II Chaetomorpha Ltnum fa. aerea (Dillw.) Collins. — C. aerca Dillw., Dickie (1875); C. Dubyana Kg., Piccone (1889). Pemambuco. Barro Grande. Chaetomorpha media (C Ag.) Kg. — Mobius (1889, 1890), Howe (1928), Taylor (1930); C. antermina Kg., Martens (1871), Zeller (1876) ; ?C. media C. Ag., MarTENS (1870). Bahia, Macahe, Rio Janeiro, Ponta da Copacabana, Sao Vicente, Conceicao de Itanhaen. ?Chaeiomorpha pachynema Mont. — Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. ?Chaetomorpha saccata Kg. — Martens (1876). Jacuhy near Porto Allegre. ?Cladophora alhida (Huds.) Kg. — MbBlus (1889). Near Rio Janeiro. Cladophora brasiliana Mart. — Martens (1870), Mobius (1889, 1892). Rio Janeiro, Lagoa Rodrigues, Lagoa de Rodrigo de Frietas. ?Cladophora cornea Kg. — Mobius (1892). Rio Janeiro. ?Cladophora Echinus (Bias.) Kg.— MoBlus (1889). Ponta da Co- pacabana. Cladophora fascicularis (Men.) Kg. — Martens (1870, 1871), Schmidt (1924). Taylor (1930). Mucuripe, Cabo Frio, Jaquaranga, Ilha Sao Sebastiao. Cladophora heteronema (C. Ag.) Kg. — BoRGEsen (1913). « Bra- zil ». ?Cladophora Bilarit Grev. — Martens (1870). Aldea Vclha. ?Cladophora minuta Dickie. — Dickie (1875). Fernando Noronha. Cladophora nilida Kg. — ?C. trichotoma Kg., MoBius (1890). Near Rio Janeiro. Cladophora pellucida Kg. — Martens (1870). Macahe; Villa Boa. Cladophora prolifera (Roth) Kg. — Martens (1871), Mobius (1890); C. fruticulosa Kg., Martens (1871); C. catenata L., Martens (1870). Macahe, Rio Janeiro. ICladophora subvaricosa Diche. — Dickie (1875). Fernando No- ronha. Cladophora utriculosa Kg. — Piccone (1886). Rio Janeiro. 12 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL Microdiciyon BorgeseniiSeicheW. — M. umbilicatum (Velley) Zan., Gepp (1905). Dredged between Bahia and Rio Janeiro. ?Microdictyoncahdiclyon Mont. — Dickie (1875). Barro Grande near Pernambuco. DASYCLADACEiE Jlcicularia Schenckiii^'o^) Solms. — MoBius (1889). Cabo Frio. Dasycladusvermicularis (Scop.) Krasser. — Taylor (1930). Cabo Frio. VALONIACEi^ Anadyomene stellata (Wulf.) C. Ag. — Martens (1870), Schmidt (1924), Howe (1924), Taylor (1930). Mucuripe, Pernambuco, Abrolhos Ids., Bahia, Jaquaranga. Chamaedoris Peniculum (Sol.) Ktze. — Schmidt (1924), Taylor (1930); C. annulata Mont., Martens (1870), DiCKIE (1875), ZellER (1876). Cabo Branco, Pernambuco, Barro Grande, Abrolhos Ids., Cabo Frio, Rio Janeiro. Dictyosphaeria favulosa (Ag.) Dene. — Taylor (1930). Cabo Frio. Ernodesmisverliciliata (Kg.) Borg. — Schmidt (1924); Valonia verticillata Kg., Martens (1871), var. major Mart., Martens (1870). Mucuripe, Rio Janeiro. Valonia AegagrophilaC. Ag. — Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, Jaqua- ranga. Valonia ventricosa J. Ag. — Taylor (1930). Abrolhos Ids. BRYOPSIDACEi*; ?Bryopsis caespitosa Suhr. — Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. Bryopsis pennata Lamx. — Gepp (1905). St. Paul's Rocks. Bryopsis penndfa var. secunda (Harv.) Collins. — B. Harveyana J. Ag., Howe (1928) ; B. Leprieurii Kg., Zeller (1876) ; B. plumosa var. Leprieurii (Kg.) Borg.. ScHMIDT (1924). Mucuripe. Bahia. Rio Janeiro. Bryopsis plumosa (Huds.) C. Ag. — MoBius (1890). Near Rio Janeiro. Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR 13 Bryopsis ramulosa Mont. — Murray (1889). « Brazil >. ?Bryopsis spinescens Zeller. — Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. CAULERPACEiE Caulerpa Ashmeadii Harvey. — Taylor (1930). Pernambuco. Caulerpa crassifolia fa. mexicana (Sender) J. Ag. — Taylor (1930) ; C. mexicana Sender. DiCKIE (1875) ; C. p'mnaia mexicana Weber- V. Bosse, Schmidt (1924). Fernando Norohna Ids., Cabo Branco, Abrolhos Ids. Caulerpa crassifolia isi. pechnata (Kg.) Collins. — Schmidt (1924) Cabo Branco. Caulerpa fastigiata Mont. — Howe (1928); Herpochaete fastigiata Mont., Martens (1870). Nictheroy, Rio Janeiro. Caulerpa lanuginosa J. Ag. — Taylor (1930). Pernambuco. Caulerpa Murray i^cher-y. Bosse. — Gepp (1905). Dredged bet- ween Bahia and Rio Janeiro. Caulerpa paspaloides (Bory) Grev. — Chauvinia paspaloides Bory, Martens (1870). « Brazil ». Caulerpa paspaloides var. phleoides (Bory) J. Ag. — ChauVmia phleoides BORY. MARTENS (1870). « Brazil ». Caulerpa peltata (Turn.) Lamx. — Chauvmia peltata Kg., MarTENS (1870, 1871). Rio Janeiro. Caulerpa prolif era (Forsk.) Lamx. — Dickie (1875). Piccone (1889). Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, Barro Grande, Abrolhos Ids. Caulerpa pusilla (Kg.) J. Ag. — Siephanocoelmm pusillum Kg., Martens (1870). Pernambuco. Caulerpa racemosa(FoYsk.) J. Ag.— C. Chemnilzia (Esp.) Lamx., Piccone (1886, 1889); Chauvinia Chemnitzia Kg., Martens (1870). Pernambuco, Bahia. Caulerpa racemosa var. clavifera (Turn.) Weber-v. Bosse. — Schmidt (1924), Taylor (1930); C. clavifera C. Ag., Dickie (1875); ?C. clavifera Kg., /a., MoBIUS (1890). Fernando Noronha Ids.. Mucuripe. Barro Grande, Nictheroy, near Rio Janeiro. 14 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL Caulerpa racemosa var. laefevirens (Mont.) Weber-v. Bosse — Gepp (1905), Taylor (1930). St. Paul's Rocks, Ilha Sao Sebastiao. Caulerpa racemosa var. Lamourouxii (Turn.) Weber-v. Bosse — Chauvinia clcwifera Lamourouxii Kg., Martens (1870). Pernambuco, Rio Janeiro. nc^S^'i^''^" ''"^^""''^ ^"- occidentaltsQ. Ag.) B6rg. — Schmidt (1924), Taylor (1930). Cabo Branco, Scarahy. „r.Sf"'^''P'' '■'''^«'"^*'' ^^i-- UviferaiTnxu.) Weber-v. Bosse. — Gepp (1905). Schmidt (1924), Taylor (1930). Between Bahia and R.o Janeiro Jaquaranga, Ilha Sao Sebastiao. ^Caulerpa sedoides (R. Br.) C. Ag. - Chauvmia scdoide. Kg.. Martens (1870). Bahia. ^ (M^il^^t'I^V^!^^" ^- ^^- ~ ^^°"^''"''' ^'^"^" Bo^y. Martens (lo/O). Aldea Velha. Caulerpa sertularioides (Gmel.) Howe.— Taylor (1930) • C plu- mosa (Forsk.) C. Ag.. ScHMIDT (1924). Jaquaranga. Ilha Sao Sebist.ao. Caulerpa sertularioides i^.longiseta(]. Ag.) Sved. — ?C. phmaris var. Bor^ana Kg.. Martens (1870). Maranhao. Caulerpa verticillata j. Ag. - Howe Bahama Flora. 1 920 « Drazil ». Cattlerpa Wehbiana Mont. — Dickie (1875). St. Paul's Rocks. hernando Noronha Ids. CODUCE/E Avrainvillea nigricans Dene. — Borgesen (1913). « Brazil ». ,,^,^f'^J!'"'/^^<"'f'^''f"'n('^ood^) Howe. — Howe (1924), Taylor r D- T ''""«"'"'" ^^- Martens (1870. 1871). Mobius (1890) Cabo ^no, R,o Janeno. Juparayha, Scarahy. Ilha Paqueta. Ilha Sao Sebast.ao. Ilha oao rrancisco. Codium intertextum Collins & Hervey. — Howe (1924) • C adhae- rens (Cabr.) Ag.. Martens (1870), Mobius (1890). Schmidt (1924) Bahia. Jaquaranga, Rio Janeiro. ?Codium lineare C. Ag. _ De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 1 :495). « Drazil ». o ^/. Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR 15 ?Codium Pilgeri O. C. Schmidt. — Taylor (1930). Ilha Sao Se- bastiao. Codium tomentosum (hiuds.) Stackh. — Martens (incl. C. decum- bens Mart, and vars. of C. (omentosum). (1870, 1871), DiCKlE (1875), MoBius (1890), Gepp (1905), Schmidt (1924). C:\bo Branco, Barro Grande, Bahia, Rio Janeiro, Jaquaranga. Probably in part best referable else- where. HaiimedaOpuntiaiL.) Lamx.— Martens (1870), Dickie (1875). Zeller (1876), Mobius (1889), Piccone (1889), Howe (1928). Fer- nando Norohna Ids., Barro Grande, Bahia, Abrolhos Ids., Rio Janeiro. Balimeda Opunfia var. trilola (Dene.) Bart. — Schmidt (1924). Cabo Branco. Tialimeda Tuna (E. & S.) Lamx. — Dickie (1875), Taylor (1930). Barro Grande, Abrolhos Ids., Cabo Frio. J{hipilia tomentosa Kg. — Taylor (1930). Cabo Frio. Udotea congluHnata Umx. — Dickie (1875). Barro Grande. Udotea cyathiformis Dene. — Taylor (1930). Abrolhos Ids. Udotea flabellum (E. & S.) Howe — Schmidt (1924). Cabo Branco. Udotea occidentalis Gepp. — U. Halimeda Kg., Martens (1870), Dickie (1875). Bahia. PHAEOPHYCE/E SPHACELARlACEiC Cladostephus verticillatus (UghiL) C. Ag.— C. m}frioph\fUum Ag.. Martens (1870). Cabo Frio. Sphacelaria hrachygonia Mont. — Martens (1870), Sauvageau (1900-04). Sta. Catherina. Sphacelaria trihuloides Menegh. — Mbeius (1892), Schmidt (1924). Rio Janeiro, Jaquaranga. ECTOCARPACEit Ectocarpus confervoides (Roth) Le Jolis. — Schmidt (1924). Ja- quaranga. 16 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR 17 .^^^^^^^^'^''P^^ f^'^^^^^^^^i^s yar. refractus (Kg.) Ardis«. — Schmidt (1924). Jaquaranga. ?Ectocarpus Glaziovii ZtWer. — Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. Ectocarpus minutuius Mont. — Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. Ectocarpus siliculosus (DiWw.) Lyngb. — Martens (1870); ?E. confervoides var. siliculosus Hauck. MoBIUs (1890). Near Rio Janeiro.' Pylaiella fulvescens (Schousb.) Bomet. — Schmidt (1924) Jaqua- ranga. Howe (Bahama Flora 1920) suggests that this may be a synonym of P. Antillarum (Grun.) De Toni. Pylaiella linoralis (L.) Kjellm. — ? Ectocarpus iittoralis (Dillw.) Harv. var. brasiliensis Grunow (1870). Rio Janeiro. CHORD ARUCEit ?Mesogloia brasiliensis Mont.— DeToni (Sylloge Algarum 3 : 427). « Brazil ». ASPEROCOCCACEiE Chnoospora fasUgiafa y^r. atlantica ]. Ag. — Dickie (1884 b) M6BIUS (1889). St. Paul's Rocks; Ponta da Copacabana. Colpomenia sinuosa (Roth) D. & S. — Howe (1928), Taylor (1930) ; Hydroclathrus sinuosus (Roth) Zanard.. MoBIus (1892). Nictheroy, Rio Janeiro, liha Sao Sebastiao. Bydroclathrus clathratus {Boxy) Howe. — Taylor (1930)- En- coelium ciaihratum C. Ag., Martens (1870); Hy^droclaihrus cancdlatv Bory, Martens (1871), MoBIUS (1890. 1892). Rio Janeiro, Scarahy, Ilh oao oebastiao. Tiosenvingea intricafa (J. Ag.) Bbrg. - Encoelium inlrlcaium Uebm.. Martens (1870) ; Asperococcus intricaius J. Ag.. Dickie (1875). Fernando Noronha Ids., Bahia. SPOROCHNACEiE SporochnusBolleanusMoni. — Taylor (1930). Abrolhos Ids., Cabo us a Frio. ?Sporochnus pedunculafusiHuds.) C. Ag.— Taylor (1930), Cabo Frio. s > «'■ " LITHODERMATACEi^E Lifhoderma fatiscens Aresch. — Mobius (1890). « Brazil ». DICTYOTACEi^: Dictyota Bar lay resit Lamx. — Martens (1870), Zeller (1876), Dickie (1875), Mobius (1889). Howe (1928), Taylor-? (1930). Ma- ranhao, Fernando Noronha Ids., Aldea Velha, Cabo Frio. Nictheroy, Ilha Gamboa. Bictyota cervicornis K%. — Zeller (1876). Taylor (1930); D. Fasciola Lamx., Martens (1870). Maranhao, Cabo Frio, Rio Janeiro, Ilha Sao Sebastiao. Biclyota ciliolafa Kg. — D. ciliata J. Ag., Dickie (1875), Mobius (1890); D. crenulata J. Ag., Martens (1871). Fernando Noronha Ids., near Rio Janeiro. ?Dictyota cuneata Dickie. — Dickie (1884 b). St. Paul's Rocks. Dictyota dentata Lamx. — Martens (1870), Dickie (1875), Schmidt (including forms) (1924), Howe (1928), Taylor (1930); D. Mertensii Kg. and D. Brongrtiartii J. Ag. Martens (1870) ; D. pirma- tifida Kg., Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, Cabo Branco. Pernambuco, Barro Grande, Bahia, Cabo Frio, Jaquaranga. Dictyofa dichotoma (Huds.) Lamx. — Martens (1870), Grunow (1870), Dickie (1875), Mobius (1890), Gepp (1905), Schmidt (1924). Maranhao, Cabo Branco, Barro Grande, Bahia. Rio Janeiro. Probably in part best referable elsewhere. Dictyota divaricata^mx. — Taylor (1930); ?D. Barla'^resii var. divaricata J. Ag.. Martens (1870). Bahia, Cabo Frio. T)ictyota indica Sonder. — Martens 1870. Rio, in Praia Grande. Dictyota pardalis Kg. — Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe. Dilophus allernans J. Ag. — Taylor (1930). Ilha Govenador, near Rio Janeiro. ?Dilophus gutneensis (Kg.) J. Ag. — Howe (1928); ?Diciyola Antigua Sonder. Zeller (1876). Bahia, a fragment only; Rio Janeiro. ?Gymnosorus collaris (C. Ag.) J. Ag. — Zonaria collaris C. Ag.. Martens (1870). 18 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL ?(J\eurocarpus) Hatiseris Areschougii J. Ag. — J. Agardh (Sp.. Gen. & Ord. Alg. 1 : 119.1848). Pernambuco. JMeurocarpus delicatulus (Lamx.) Ktze — Taylor (1 930. 1 930 b) ; Haliseris deUcaiulus (Lamx.) J. Ag.. Martens (1870). DiCKiE (1875)' PiCCONE (1886. 1889); Dictyopteris delicatulus Lamx.. SCHMIDT (1924)! D. Hauckianus Mob.. MoBlus (1889); Neurocarpus Hauckianus (Mob.) Ktze., Howe (1928). Fernando Noronha Ids., Cabo Branco, Olinda, Per- nambuco, Bahia. Nictheroy. Rio Janeiro, Ilha Sao Sebastiao. Guaruja. Meurocarpus Justii (Lamx.) Ktze. — Taylor (1930); Haliseris Jusiii Ag.. Martens (1870); Dici^opteris Jusdi Lamx., Schmidt (1924). Cabo Branco, Pernambuco, Bahia, Abrolhos Ids., Cabo Frio, Rio Janeiro. ?Meurocarpus membranaceus (Stackh.) Ktze. — De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 3 : 254) ; Haliseris pol-^podioides (Desf.) Lamx., J. Agardh (Sp.. Gen. & Ord. Alg 1 : 1 1 7.1848). « Brazil ». J^eurocarpus plagiogrammus (Mont.) Ktze.— Howe (1928); Hali- seris plagiogrammus Mont., Martens (1870) ; DiCKIE (1875) ; Dictyopteris plagiogramma Mont., MoBlus (1889). Fernando Noronha Ids., Barro Grande, Bahia, Rio Janeiro. ?Padma Commersonii Bory. — Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe. Cabo Branco. Jaquaranga. ?PaJina Durvillaei (Bory) Harv., fa. obscura Piccone. — PiccoNE (1886. 1889). Rio Janeiro. ?Padina Fraseri (Grev.) J. Ag. — Zonaria Fraseri Grev., Martens (1870). Bahia. PaJina gymnospora (Kg.) Vickers. — Schmidt (1924), Zonaria gVmnospora Kg.. Martens (1870), Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro, Jaqua- ranga. ?Padina Pavonia Lamx. — ?P. Pavonia Gail!., DiCKiE (1875); Zonaria Pavonia Ag.. Martens (1870) ; Z. tenuis Mont.. Martens (1870).' Zeller (1876). Fernando Noronha Ids.. Bahia. Rio Janeiro. Probably refe- rable elsewhere. Padina Sanctae-Crucis Borg. — Howe (1928), Taylor (1930). Abrolhos Ids.. Bahia. PadinaVickersiaeHoyt. — Howe (1928), Taylor (1930)- P variegata (Kg.) Hauck, MoBlus (1889, 1895) ; P, Howeana Borg.. Schmidt Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR 19 (1924). Cabo Branco. Rio Janeiro. Jaquaranga, Ilha Sao Sebastiao, Ilha Gamboa. Spatoglostum Areschougii J. Ag. — S. Schroederi Kg.. Martens (1870). Piccone (1886). Pernambuco. Spatoglossum Schroederi (Mert.) J. Ag. — Schmidt (1924). Cabo Branco. Zonaria flava (Clem.) Ag. — Sfypopodium flavum Kg., Martens (1870). Macahe. Zonaria variegata (Lamx.) C. Ag. — Howe (1928). Taylori (1930); Z. variegata C. Ag., Martens (with var. discolor) (1870), Piccone (1889); Cy^mncsorus variegatus J. Ag., Gepp (1905); Zonaria variegata Lamx., DiCKIE (1875); Z. variegata (Lamx.) Mart., MoBIUS (1889), Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, Olinda, Pernambuco, Barro Grande. Bahia. Abrolhos Ids., Cabo Frio, Rio Janeiro, Jaquaranga, Itapacorohy. Zonaria zonalis (Lamx.) Howe. — Taylor (1930); Z. lohata (C. Ag.) J. Ag., Dickie (1875), Schmidt (1924); Sty^popodium fuUgi- nosum Kg., & Spatoglossum versicolor Kg., MarTENS (1870); Stypopodium lohatum Kg., Gepp (1905). Cabo Branco, Pernambuco. Barro Grande. Cabo Fno. Rio Janeiro. FUCACEi« ?Jlscophytlum nodosum (L.) Le Jolis. — De Toni (Sylloge Alga- rum 3 : 210). « Brazil ». ?Tucus vesiculosus L. — De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 3 : 206). « Mari Brasiliense ». ?Sargassum Chamissonis K^. — Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. Sargassum cymosum C. Ag. — Martens (1870. 1871), Zelleji (1876), Piccone (1886, 1889), Mobius (1889, 1890, 1892). Howe (1928). Taylor (1930, 1930 6); 5. c}fmosum var. stenophyllum (Mert.) Grun., Schmidt (1924); 5. chierifoUum Kg., MoBIUS (1889); 5. Esperi C. Ag., Piccone (1886), Mobius (1889) ; 5. integri folium Kg., Martens (1870). Piccone (1886); 5. ramifolium Kg., Martens (1870), Zeller (1876) ; 5. rigidulum Kg., MARTENS (1870,1871), MoBIUs (1889, 1890). Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, Cabo Branco, Pernambuco, Bahia, Abrolhos Ids., Nictheroy, Rio Janeiro, Scarahy, Copacabana, Jaquaranga. Ilha Grande, Ilha Sao Sebastiao. Guaruja. Ilha Gamboa. 20 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL Sargassum Tilipendula C.Ag.— Howe (1928), Taylor (1930); S. athe C.Ag., Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro, Copacabana. Sargassum lendigerum (L.) C.Ag. — Martens (1870), Grunow (1870). Rio Janeiro. 1 Sargassum Liebmannii ] . Ag. — Piccone (1886). Pemambuco, Abrolhos Ids. ?Sargassum^aximiliani (Schrad.) Mart.— Martens (1870). Near Bahia. Sargassum natans (L.) Meyen.— 5. bacciferum C.Ag., Martens (1870). « Brazil ». Sargassum platycarpum Mont.— Mobius (1889) ; Carpacanthus pla- t^arpus Mont., Martens (1870). Pemambuco, Bahia. Sargassum polyceraHum Mont. — Howe (1928) ; S. hahiense Kq., Martens (1870) ; 5. pol^ph^llum Mert., Martens (1870) ; 5. spinulosum var. ciliatum Grun., Piccone (1889). Pemambuco. Bahia, Abrolhos Ids. Sargassum vulgare C. Ag. — Martens (with vars.) (1 870 1871) Dickie (1875), Gepp (1905), Schmidt (with vars.) (1924). Mucuripe! Fernando Noronha Ids., Cabo Branco. Pemambuco. Barro Grande. 18« 24* S. L.; 37°58* W. L.. Abrolhos Ids., Rio Janeiro, Jaquaranga. Probably in part best referred elsewhere. Turbinaria turbinata (L.) Ktze.- T, irialata Kg., Martens (1870) « Brazil ». RHODOPHYCE/E BANGIACEiC Brythrocladia subintegra Rosenv. — Taylor (1930 fc). Conceicao de Itanhaen ; M. Jundiahy. Sao Vicente. ?Porphyra laciniata (Lightf.) C. Ag. — Martens (with var. umhi- licata Ag.) (1870). Zeller (1876). Piccone (1886, 1899). Maranhao. Rio Janeiro. Porphyra J{oseana Howe. — Howe (1928). Cabo Frio. Porphyra Sp?. — Taylor (1930 b). Guaruja. Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR 21 NEMALIONACEiC JlcrochaeHum barbadense (Vickers) Borg.— ?Calliihammon pedimcit- hatum Kg., Martens (1870). « Brazil >. AcrochaeHumluxurians(H3iTy.) J. Ag., fa. ^^cwn^^ /a (Lyngb.)TTiur. — Chantramia secundata (Lyngb.) Tliur., PiCCONE (1889). Pemambuco. ? JlcrochaeHum Savianum (Menegh.) Nag. — Calliihamnion Posido- nia Zanard., Grunow (1870). « Brazil ». hiagora ceranoides Lamx. — Howe (Bahama Flora, 1920). « Brazil ». ?Liagora distenta (Mert.) C. Ag. — ?L. disienta Lamx., Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. CHi^ETANGIACEiC Galaxaura cylindrica (Sol.) Lamx. — Martens (1870), Dickie (1875), Taylor (1930). Fernando Noronha Ids., Bahia, Cabo Frio. ?Galaxaura dichotoma Lamx. — Martens (1870). Aldea Velha. Galaxaura marginata (E. &S.) Lamx. — Dickie (1875), Mobius (fa. I'lneam Kg.) (1889), HowE (1928), Taylor (1930); C. canaliculata Kg., Martens (1870), Zeller (1876). Fernando Noronha Ids., Bahia. Cabo Frio, Rio Janeiro, Ilha Paqueta, Ilha Sao Sebastiano. Galaxaura moniliformis Kjellm. — De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 6 141). « Brazil ». Galaxaura oblongata (^ it S.) Lamx. — Dickie (1875), Howe (1928), Taylor (1930). Fernando Noronha Ids., Bahia, Ilha Sao Sebas- tiao. Galaxaura obfusafa (E. &S.) Lamx. — Martens (1870), Howe (1928). Bahia, Rio Janeiro. ?Galaxaura ramulosa Kjellm. — De Toni (Sylloge Algarum. 6 : 114). Pemambuco. Galaxaura rugosa (E. &S.) Lamx. — Dickie (1875) ; G. armulata Lamx., Martens (1870); G. plicata Kg., Martens (1871). Fernando Noronha Ids., Bahia, Rio Janeiro. ?Galaxaura umbellata (Esper) Lamx. — Martens (1870). Bahia. 22 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL GELlDIACEi^E r ?Cautacanthus rigidus Kg. — Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. ?Caulacantkus usfulatus (Men.) Kg. — Cauhacanthus fasiigktus Kk Martens (1870). MoBIUs (1889). ?Rio Janeiro. Copacabana. ?Gelidium coarctatum Kg. — Martens (1870). Pemambuco. .^n^^lt^''""^'"'"^''"* (""^'-^ Lamx. — ?Martens (var. mtidum Ag.. 1870). Zeller (1876). Mobius (1889). Gepp (1905). Schmidt (1924) Howe (1928). Taylor (1930). Mucuripe. near Bahia. Cabo Frio. N.cthe^ Toy, Rio Janeiro. IGelUium corneum y^t. pi„„atum (Huds.) Turner. — ?C. comeurn n ATm^o'^'T '''"''^' ^"'"-^ ^"™— ^''''^'P^' crinalis Kg.. Martens Uo/U). Kio Janeiro. K. f^^^'^'"^ mumfidum Grev. — Martens (1870). Aldea Veiha Macahe, Rio Janeiro. ?Gelidium parvulum Grev. — Martens (1870), Zeller (1876) Kjo Janeiro. ^' Gelidium pusitlum (Stackh.) Le Jolis. — Howe (1928). Rio Janeiro. rig^m'^'fi^"'"'*'^^^^^ ^'''' - ^'^^^^^ (^««^' ^^S^), Taylor Wk n ''^'f"'" "'•' Martens (1870); Celidiopsis rigida (Vahl) Weber-v. Bosse, ScHMIDT (1924) Mucurine C^Un R,o D l r u JT • T VI ^^t;. mucuripe, <^abo branco, Pernambuco, v^aDo rno, Jaquaranga. ?Gelidiumsupradecomposnum Kg.— Martens (1870). Rio Janeiro. .^.J^^^^'^^^^^^^^^^osum Kg. _ Martens (1870), Piccone (1886, 1089). Pernambuco; near Rio Janeiro. buco''^^^''^'"'" ^^nVx^/Ze (Grev.) Schmitz. - PiccoNE (1886). Pernam. GIGARTINACEi^ ?Catophyllis discigera J. Ag. — Martens (1871). Rio Janeiro li'in. RANDOLPH TAYLOR 23 Caliophyilis microdonta (Grey.) Falk. — Howe & Taylor (1930), Taylor (1930); Odonlhalia microdoniu Grev., MarTENS (1870), MoBIUS (1890). Cabo Frio. ?Chondrus divaricatusGrev. — Martens(1 870). Near Rio Janeiro ? Endoctadia vernicata J. Ag. — Acanihobolus brasiliensis Kg., Mar- tens (1870), Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. Gigartina acicularis (Wulf.) Mont. — Martens (with var. p'mnaia Mont ?) (1870). Macahe. Itapacorohy. ?Gigartina ChamtssoiiMen.) Mont. — G. Chamissoi Kg., Martens (1870, 1871), Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. ?Gigarfina elegans Grev. — Martens (1870). Aldea Velha. ?Gigartina nana (C. Ag.) J. Ag. — Spharococcus nanus C. Ag.. Martens (1870). « Brazil ». Gigartina Teedii (Roth) Lamx. — Martens (1870), Mobius (1890). Maranhao, near Rio Janeiro. Gymnogongrus Griffithsiae (Turn.) Mart. — Martens (1870). MoBIUS (1890, 1892), Taylor (1930). Rio Janeiro, Ilha Paqueta. RHODOPHYLLIDACEi*: Cafenelta impudica (Mont.) J. Ag. — C. impudica Kg., Mobius (1889, 1895). Joinville, Itajahy. ICystoclonium difficile (C. Ag.) J. Ag. — Sparococcus difficiUs C. Ag., Martens (1870). « Brazil ». Eucheuma echinocarpum Aresch. — Mobius (1889). Olinda. ?Eucheuma Gelidium J. Ag. — Taylor (1930). Ilha Paqueta. T^hodophyllis gracilarioides Howe & Taylor. — Howe & Taylor (1930), Taylor (1930). Cabo Fno. Wurdemannia sefacea Harvey. — Howe (1928), Taylor (1930). Cabo Frio, Nictheroy, Rio Janeiro, Ilha Govenador. SPHiEROCOCCACEiE ?Calliblepharis juhata {G. & W.) Kg. — Pernambuco. Piccone (1886. 1889) 24 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL ?(Gracilaria) Plocaria aculeata (K^) Crn. — De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 4 : 397; 6 : 275). « Brazil ». ?Gracilaria armata {C. A%.) J. Ag.— Dickie (1875)), Mobius (1890), Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, Fernando Noronha; near Rio Janeiro. Gracitaria cervicornis (Turn.) J. Ag. — Piccone (1886, 1889), Mobius (1889, 1890, 1892), Schmidt (1924); (incl. fa. acanthophora (Kg.) O. C. Schmidt), SphcEfococcus acanthophorus Kg., Martens (1870); 5. cervicornis C. Ag., Martens (1870). Mucuripe, Cabo Branco, Olinda, Pernambuco, Bahia, Aldea Velha, Rio Janeiro, Jaquaranga. Gracilaria chondroides (Kg.) Crn. — Maze & Schramm (1870- 11). « Brazil ». Gracilaria compressa (C. Ag.) Grev. Jaquaranga. Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe. Dickie (1875), Mobius Sphcerococcus confervoides Gracilaria confervoides (L.) Grev. — (1889), Schmidt (1924), Taylor (1930) C. Ag., Martens (incl. var. setaceus Ag.) (1870, 1871). Mucuripe, Olinda, Barro Grande, Abrolhos Ids., Aldea Velha, Rio Janeiro. Gracilaria cornea J. Ag. — Piccone (1886, 1889) Pernambuco. Gracilaria cuneata Aresch. — De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 4 : 451). Pernambuco. ? Gracilaria denfafa J. Ag. — G. rangiferina (Kg.), Piccone (1886) ; Sph<£rococcus rangiferinus Kg., MARTENS (1870). Pernambuco. ?Gracilaria divergens (C. Ag.) J. Ag. — Spharococcus divergent C. Ag., Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. Gracilaria ferox J. Ag. — Grunow (1870), Piccone (1886, 1889), Taylor (1930). Pernambuco, Rio Janeiro, Scarahy. Ilha Sao Sebas- tiao. Gracilaria lacinulata (Vahl) Howe.— G. lacinulala (Kg.), PiccoNE (1886), G. lacinulata (Vahl) Borg., ScHMIDT (1924); G. multipartita (Clem.) J. Ag., Dickie (1875), Piccone (1886, 1889), Mobius (1889) ; G. multipartita Harv., DiCKIE (1875); Sphcerococcus multipartitus C. Ag., Martens (? with varieties) (1870). Fernando Noronha, Mucuripe, Cabo Branco, Olinda, Pernambuco, Macahe, Bahia, Aldea Velha, Rio Janeiro, Jaquaranga. « IVm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR 25 Gracilaria mamillaris Howe.— Taylor (1930). Abrolhos Ids., Cabo Frio. ^ Gracilaria ornata Aresch. — De Toni (Sylloge Algarum 4 : 450; 6 : 271). Pernambuco. ?Gracilaria SalzmanniBomeL — Mobius (1889). Olinda. ?Hypnea alopecuroides Kg. — ?H. dwaricata Grev., Martens (1870). Macahe, Aldea Velha, Rio Janeiro. Hypnea cervicornis J. Ag. — Martens (1870), Taylor (1930). Rio Janeiro. IJiypnea hamulosa Lamx. — Martens (1870). Near Rio Janeiro. hypnea musciformis (Wulf.) Lamx. — Martens (1870, 1871). Zeller (1876), Piccone (1886, 1889), Mobius (1889, 1890). Schmidt (1924), Howe (1928), Taylor (1930); H. Esperi Bory, Martens (1871); H. Rissaana J. Ag., Martens (1870), Zeller (1876). Cabo Branco, Pernambuco, Bahia, Aldea Velha, Copacabana, Rio Janeiro, Ilha Sao Sebastiao, Itapocorohy; Aldea dos Reys Magnos. Bypnea pannosa J. Ag. — Martens (1870). Rio Janeiro. Tiypnea spinella (C. Ag.) Kg. - Martens (1870), Howe (1928). Taylor (1930). Bahia, Rio Janeiro, Scarahy, Ilha Sao Sebastiao. ?Sphaerococcus dendroides Kg. — Martens (1870). « Brazil >. ?Sphaerococcus dumosus Martius. — Martens (1870). Between Bahia and Rio Janeiro. RHODYMENIACEi^ ?Champia compressa Harv. — C. Vidhrdli Kg., Zellfr (1876). Rio Janeiro. Champia parvula (C. Ag.) Harv. — Schmidt (1924); Lomentaria pan^ula Gaill, Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro, Jaquaranga. Chrysymenia Dickieana J. Ag. — J. Agardh (Analecta Algol. 1 : 90. 1892"). Bahia. Chrysymenia Enteromorpha Haryey. — Dickie (1875), Taylor (1930). Fernando Noronha Ids., Abrolhos Ids. Frio. Chrysymenia planifrons (Melv.) J. Ag. — Taylor (1930). Cabo 26 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL Chrysymenia pyriformis Borg. — Taylor (1930). Cabo Frio. Chrysymenia Uvaria (L.) J^ Ag. — Piccone (1886, 1889), Schmidt (1924); Castroclonium uvuria Kg., Martens (1870), Mucuripe, Cabo Branco, Pernambuco, Bahia, Jaquaranga. Tauchea HassUri Howe & Taylor. — Howe & Taylor (1930), Taylor (1930). Cabo Frio. ?Gastroclonium ovale (Huds.) Kg. — Martens (1870). Bahia. ?Lomentaria claveilosa (Turn.) Thuret. — Chondroihamnium clavello- sum Kg., Martens (1870). Maranhao. Lomentaria uncinata Menegh. — L. reflexa Chauv. var. uncinata J. Ag.. Piccone (1889); L. uncinata Mert., Martens (1870). Pernam- buco. Plocamium brasiliensis (Cire\.) Howe & Taylor. — Howe & Taylor (1930). Taylor (1930) ; Thamnophora brasiliensis Grev., Martens (1870, 1871). Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. Plocamium coccineum (Huds.) Lyngb. — Zeller (1876), Mobius (1890, with fa. Binderiana Hauck, 1892), Taylor (1930); P. coccineum Grev., Martens (1870). Macahe, Rio Janeiro. ?Piocamium membranaceumSuhr. — P. latiusculum Kg., Martens (1871). Rio Janeiro. T'Rhodymenia acanthophora Grev. — Mobius (1889). Olinda. T{hodymenia Palmafa (L.) Grev. — J. Agardh (Sp., Gen. & Ord. Algarum 2 : ^Ib-^ll . 1852, Brazil, on authority of Greville). ?J{hodymenia Palmetfa (E^per) Grev. — Mobius (1890, 1892). Rio Janeiro. DELESSERIACEiC Cotfoniella filamentosa (Howe) Borg. — Howe (1928). Brazil. CoHoniella sanguinea Howe. — Howe (1928). Rio Janeiro. ?Delesseria spathulata Sond. — Dickie (1884). St. Paul's Rocks. ?l^itophyllum acrospermum J. Ag. — Dickie (1884 b). St. Paul's Rocks. ?JSIitophyUum fimbriatum Grev. — Cr^piopleura fimbriata Kg.. MAR- TENS (1870). Aldea Velha. Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR 27 i mophyllum laceratum (Gmel.) Grev. - Crypiopfeura laccrala Kg.. Martens (1870). Southern Brazil. ?mtophyllum monanthos J- Ag. - Mobius (1890). Near R.o Janeiro. mtophyllum odontophorum Howe & Taylor. — HowE u Taylor (1930) ; Taylor (1930). Cabo Frio. mtophyllum uncinatum (Turn.) Grev. - De ToNI (Sylloge Algarum 4 : 650, 6 : 326), Taylor (1930). St. Paul's Rocks, Cabo Fno. ?Sarcomenia miniata (C. Ag.) J. Ag. - De Ton. (Sylloge Algarum 4 : 735, 6 : 359). « ?Brazil ». BONNEMAISONIACEiC Jlsparaeopsis taxiformis (Delile) Collins u Hervey. - A. Ddiki Mont., Martens (1871). Zeller (1876), MiiBius (1890). R.o Janeiro. RHODOMELACEiiE Jfcanthophora muscoides (L.) Bory. - Grunow (1870). Taylor (1930): A. muscoides Grev.. MARTENS (1870. 1871). Zeller (1876). MoBIUS (1890). Bahia, Rio Janeiro, Scarahy, Uha Paqueta, Ilha Sao Sebas- tiao. Jlcanthophora spicifera (Vahl) Borg. - Schmidt (1924) ; A. Thierii Lamx., Martens (1870), Zeller (1876), Dickie (1875). ?Schmidt (1924). Fernando Noronha Ids., Mucuripe, Bahia, Rio Janeiro. ? Jaquaranga; Villa Velha. Jlmansia multifida Lamx. - Martens (1871), Piccone (1886. 1889), Schmidt (1924), Howe (1928) ; Epineuron multifidum Kg.. Mar- tens (1870). Mucuripe, Cabo Branco. Pernambuco. Bahia. Abrolhos Ids.. Rio Janeiro. JJmphibia radicans (Mont.) Klze. — Boslr},chia radicans Mont., with fa. brasiliana Mob., MoBIUS (1889, 1890, 1895). Near Rio Janeiro, Join- ville, Itajahy. JJmphibia Sertularia (Mont.) Howe. — Boslrj,c/iia SerlJaria Mont., Martens (1871), Mobius (1890). Rio Janeiro. Amphibia tenella (Vahl) Ktze. — Taylor (1930); Boslry^chia (e- 28 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL nella (Vahl) J. Ag.. MoBIUS (1890); B, Viellardi Kg., ZellER (1876). Rio Janeiro, Sao Vicente. Bryocladia thyrsigera (J. Ag.) Schmitz. — Taylor (1930). Sao Vicente. Bryothamnion Seaforthii (Turn.) Kg. — Martens (1870), Pic- cone (1886), Dickie (1875), Schmidt (1924), Howe (1928), Taylor (1930). Maranhao, Mucuripe, Cabo Branco, Pernambuco, Bahia, Abrolhos Ids., Jaquaranga, Santos; Manguinos. Bryothamnion triquetr urn (Omel) Howe. — Schmidt (1924), Howe (1928), Taylor (1930); B. triangulare Kg., Martens (1870). Maranhao, Mucuripe, Cabo Branco, Pernambuco, Bahia, Jaquaranga. Chondria atropurpurea Harv. — Chondriopsis atropurpurea Harv., Dickie (1875). Bahia. Chondria fioridana (Collins) Howe. — Taylor (1930). Pernam- buco, ?Cabo Frio. Dasya sertulanoides Howe & Taylor. — Howe & Taylor (1930). Taylor (1930). Abrolhos Ids. - Howe (1928); D. Wulfeni Kg.. Digenia simplex (Wulf.) Ag. - Martens (1870). Bahia. Dipterosiphonia dendrihca (Ag.) Falk. — Schmidt (1924); Pol}f- siphonia dendritica Ag., MARTENS (1870). Cabo Branco, Jaquaranga. 'Enantiocladia Duperryi (C. Ag.) Falk. — Amansia Duperryi J. Ag.. Dickie (1875). Fernando Noronha Ids. ?Halopity s pinastroides (Omel.) Kg.- Schmidt (1924). Jaquaranga. ?Laurencia dendroidea J. Ag. — Martens (1870). « Brazil ». ?Laurencia hyhrida (D. C.) Lenorm. — Martens (1870), Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. Laurencia lata Howe & Taylor — Howe & Taylor (1930), Tay- lor (1930). Cabo Frio. Laurencia ohtusa (Huds.) Lamx. — Martens (1870, ?incl. var. gracilis C. Ag.), MoBius (1889, 1890). Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, near Bahia, Aldea Velha, Macahe, Rio Janeiro, Copacabana, Jaquaranga. Laurencia papillosa (Forsk.) Grev. — Martens (1870), Piccone (1886, 1889), Schmidt (1924), Taylor (1930). Mucuripe, Cabo Branco. ^ I ^ Piccone (1886). Gepp (1905), Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, Pernambuco, Rio Janeiro, Jaquaranga. Grafeloupia cuneifolia ]• Ag. - Martens (1871), Mobius (1890). Rio Janeiro. Grateloupia filicina (Wulf.) C. Ag. — Martens (1870), Piccone (1886), Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, Cabo Branco, Aldea Velha, Rio Ja- neiro, Jaquaranga. Jialymenia Tloresia (Clem.) Ag. — Dickie (1875). Taylor (1930). Bahia. Abrolhos Ids. Jialymenia integra Howe & Taylor. — HowE & Taylor (1930). Taylor (1930). Cabo Frio. ?Balymenia ligulata (Woodw.) C. Ag. — Mobius (1890). « Bra- zil ». Jialymenia rosea Howe & Taylor. — Howe & Taylor (1930). Taylor (1930). Cabo Frio. Jialymenia vinacea Howe & Taylor. — Howe & Taylor (1930). Taylor (1930). Cabo Frio. NEMASTOMACEi^E Platoma tenuis Howe & Taylor. — Howe & Taylor (1930). Tay- lor (1930). Cabo Frio. SQUAMARIACEi^E ?Jiildenbrandtia expansa Dickie. — Dickie (1884 b). St. Paul's Rocks. ?Jiildenhrandtia prototypus Nardo. — H. Nardil Zanard.. ZelleR (1876). Rio Janeiro. ?Jiildenbrandtia rosea Kg. — Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. Peyssonnelia DubviCm.— Dickie (1875). Fernando Noronha Ids. ?PeyssonneliaimbricataKg. — Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. ?Peyssonnelia squamaria (Cmel) Dene.— Martens (1870). « Bra- zil ». CORALLINACEiC Jlmphiroa Beauvoisii Lamx. — Piccone (1886). Schmidt (1924) ; 32 MARINE ALCAE OF BRAZIL Wm. RANDOLPH TAYLOR 33 Amphlroa exilis Harv., MARTENS (1870, 1871). MbBIUS (1889). Rio Ja- neiro, Jaquaranga. Amphiroa brasiliana Dene. - Martens (1870). Zeller (1876). M6BIUS (1889). Howe (1928). Taylor (1930. 1930 b). Olinda, Bah.a. Nictheroy. Rio Janeiro, Guaruja. Amphiroa fragiUssima (L.) Umx. - Taylor (1930). Nictheroy. Amphiroa variabilis Harv. - Martens (1870). Cabo Frio. ?Cheilosporum anceps (Kg.) Yendo. - Corallka anceps Kg.. MoBius (1889. 1890). Copacabana. ?Cheihsporum cultratum (Harv.) Aresch. - Martens (1870), MoBIUS (1890). Rio Janeiro. ?Cheihsporum palmatum (E. ^ S.) Yendo. - Arlhrocardia pdmcla Aresch.. Martens (1870) ; var. Filicula (Umx.) Yendo. {Corallma Fxbcula Lamx.) Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. ?Cheilosporum planiusculum (Kg.) Yendo. - CoraUha Pi^r,iuscuh Kg. (and forms). Martens (1871), P.ccone (1886), Mobius (1889, 1890). Pernambuco, Rio Janeiro, Botofago. ?Cheilosporum sagittatum (Lamx.) Aresch., fa. minor. — PChei- losporum sagilMum (Umx.) Harv.. MoBIUS (1889. 1890). Cabo Fr.o. ?Corallina carinata Kg. — Zeller (1876). Rio Janeiro. ?Corallina ceratoides Kg. - Dickie (1875). Fernando Noronha Corallina cubensis (Mont.) Kg. emend. Borg. — Jania cubemls Mont.. Martens (1871). Dickie (1875). Fernando Noronha Ids.. Rio Janeiro. Corallina officinalis L. - Martens (1870. 1871). Zeller (1876). Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe. Bahia, Rio Janeiro, Jaquaranga. Corallina subulata Ell. a. Soil. - Martens (1870), P.ccone (1886). Howe (1928) ; C. Cuvieri Umx.. var. subulaki (E. & S.) Aresch., Schmidt (1924). Mucuripe, Abrolhos Ids., Bahia, Jaquaranga. Dermatolithon pustulatum (Umx.) Fosl. - Melobesia pusiulala Umx., PicCONE (1886). Pernambuco. Goniolithon mamillare (Harv.) Fosl. — Mehbesia mamillaris Harv.. Martens (1870). Bahia. Jania aJhaerens Umx. — Martens (1870). Taylor (1930). Rio Janeiro, Scarahy. ■-4 Jania capillacea Harv. — Howe (1928). Taylor (1930). Bahia. Nictheroy, Guaruja. ?Jania fastigiata Harv. — Mobius (1890), « Brazil ». Jania rubens (L.) Lamx. — Martens (1871). Piccone (1886), MoBIUS (1890, 1892). Schmidt (1924); Corallina rubens L.. MoBIUs (1889). Mucuripe, Abrolhos Ids., Rio Janeiro, Copacabana. Jaquaranga. hifhothamnium brasittense Fosl., and fa. heteromorpha Fosl. — FOSLIE (1900). Sao Sebastiao. ?Lithothamnium erubescens Fosl. — Foslie (1900): L. maml'Jarc Harv., Dickie (1875). Fernando Noronha Ids. ?Ufhothamnium fasciculafum (Lamk.) Aresch.— Mobius (1889). Bahia. ?Lithothamnium Lenormandi (Aresch.) Fosl. — Liihophyllum Le- normandi (Aresch.) Rosan., MoBIUS (1890). « Brazil ». ? Lithothamnium lichenoides (F. & S.) Heydr. — ?Melohesia liche- noides Kg., Dickie (1884b). St. PauFs Rocks. Lithothamnium membranaceum (Fsp.) Fosl. — Melobesia membra- nacea (Esper.) Lamx.. PiCCONE (1886), MoBIUS (1889). Pernambuco, Abrolhos Ids. ?Lithothamnium polymorphum (L.) Aresch. — Dickie (1884 b), MoBIUS (1889, 1890). St. Paul's Rocks, Cabo Frio. ?Lithothamnium scabiosum (Harv.) Fosl. — Mehobesia scabiosum Harv., Martens (1870). Bahia. Melobesia farinosa Lamx. — Piccone (1886). Pernambuco. Melobesia Lejolisii Rosan. — MoBIUS (1890). 4 19 H> *m f ^ I ^ ASPLENIUM BRADLEYI ErRONKOUSLY ReI'ORTKD OX LIME- STONE AGAIN. — In carrying out studies on the soil reac- tion preferences of ferns, I have repeatedly tested the soils supporting Bradley's Spleenwort, and have in- variablv found them to be decidedlv acid.^ This has led me to inspect critically reports of the findings of the spe- cies on limestone, where the soils are normallv alkaline, and in all cases the data have proved open to doubt. As the idea still seems to prevail in many phices that this fern is 'Mime-loving," however, further discussion of the matter seems called for. Asplenium bradleiji was collected near Xewburgh, New York, "on limerock," by Bumstead and Eaton- in 18()4; as the rocks exposed near that place are dominantly siliceous, however, there would appear to be slron*: probability that the rock supporting the fern was wrongly identified. It was later found in the Shawan- gunk Mountains by Clarence Lown.-^ The compiler of the Flora of the Vicinity of New York^ stated it to be ''known in our area only from the predominantly lime- stone region in the Shawangunk Mountains," although reference to any geological map would have shown him that these mountains are made up almost entirely of sandstone rocks instead. ^Vhen statements of this sort get into the literature, however, their copying from one comj)ilation to another 1 Wherry, Am. Fern J. 10: 17, 47. 1920. If).- 47. 1J»25. IS: 62. 1928. 2 Eaton, Ferns N. A. 2: 40. 1893. 3 Davenport, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 10: 6. 1893. ■» Taylor, Fl. Vie. N. Y. (U). 191.'). 41 » 112 American Fern Journal seems to be inevitable. So, in the Annotated List of the Ferns and Flowering Plants of New York State'^ we find the above cited statements paraphrased as ''On rocks, preferring limestone," and these words were faithfully repeated in the Fern Lover's Companion/' Recently there has been published an elaborate book on the Wild Flowers of the Alleghanies,' including a check list of the ferns of that region. The latter con- tains data as to the habitats of the several species,^ and Aaplenium hrodleyi is alleged to grow ''usually on lime- stone rocks." Unfortunately, in acknowledging my aid in correcting the proof of that work, its writer inad- vertently failed to mention that considerable material, including that on ferns, was added after I had seen the proof. This omission places me in the awkward posi- tion of seeming to sponsor the very statement as to the soil preferences of this fern which I have been trying so hard to correct for the past ten years ! For the benefit of future c(mipilers of data on plant habitats, then, I am once more stating the situation with reference to Asplenium hradleyi: As far as authenti- cated records go, this fern never occurs on limestone at all, but is strictly limited to sandstone, quartzite, mica- gneiss, and other siliceous rocks, in the crevices of which decidedly acid soils have accumulated. — Edgar T. Wherry, Department of Botany, University of Penn- sylvaniu. r. House, Bull. N. Y. St. Mus. No. 254: 27. 1924. «Tilton, Fern Lover's Comp. 87. 1922. 7 Harned, Wild Fl. Alleghaiiics 624. 1931. s These seem to have been compiled from more or less untrust- worthy sources, as many of them are inaccurate or misleading. .. i > 4 I • « J > t-l ^ IRREGULAR PAGINATION Reprinted from Journal of Thb Washington Academy of Sciences Vol. 21, No. 9, May 4, 1931 MAY 4, 1931 wherry: leatherflowers 195 BOTANY. — The eastern short'Stemmed leatherflowers.^ Edgar T. Wherry, University of Pennsylvania. In current botanical manuals two species of short-stemmed broad- leaved leatherflowers are listed as present in the eastern United States, Clematis ochroleuca Alton and C. ovata Pursh. Field studies of this group of plants in the Appalachian shale-barrens^ and elsewhere have indicated that their relationships and ranges have been to some ex- tent misinterpreted, as the data here recorded may serve to show. The principal diagnostic features of the plants in question are pre- sented in the accompanying key. Certain characters often regarded as significant have proved to be inconstant and variable, and have ac- cordingly been omitted from consideration. For instance, leaf -termina- tions range from obtusish to acutish or even acuminate from one branch to another on a single plant. Again, the violet tinge on the outside of the sepals may be intense on one individual and almost lacking on another growing beside it, with intermediates elsewhere in the vicinity. Finally, dimensions of sepals and of achenes vary by 25% within any large clump, depending on the degree of maturity attained by the particular branch on which they are borne. 1 Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. Received March 2, 1931. * This Journal 20: 46. 1930. t Key to the Eastern Short-Stemmed Leatherflowers (Clematis spp.) Plant sparingly branched and small leaves relatively few; head of fruit tend- ing to be spherical, about 6 cm. in diameter; achenes nearly symmetrical. Under side of leaves glabrate to moderately pubescent ; hairs of achene- appendages deep, or exceptionally pale, yellow; range chiefly at altitudes below 1000 feet, mostly in Piedmont. . . .C. ochroleuca ovata Under side of leaves moderately to densely pubescent; hairs of achene- appendages pale, or exceptionally deep, yellow; range chiefly at alti- tudes above 1000 feet, mostly in Blue Ridge. . . .C. ochroleuca sericea Plant copiously branched and small leaves relatively numerous; leaves glab- rate. Head of fruit nearly spherical, about 5 cm. in diameter; achenes fairly symmetrical, their appendage-hairs brown C. viticaulis Head of fruit spheroidal, about 4 cm. high and 6 cm. broad; achenes rather unsymmetrical, their appendage-hairs whitish. . . .C. albicoma Clematis ochrolevca Aiton. — This plant varies in a number of respects from one clump to another, but the only features in which such variation shows any recognizable geographical relationships are those enumerated in the key. Two extreme variants with respect to degree of leaf-pubescence have received specific names, but in view of the complete gradation between them only varietal distinction seems justified. It is accordingly here proposed to divide this species into two varieties, as follows: Clematis ochroleuca ovata (Pursh) Wherry, status novus' C. ovata Pursh, not of current manuals C. integrifolia a ochroleuca Kuntze. The specimen on which Pursh based his specific name is preserved in the Sherard Herbarium at Oxford University, having been collected by Catesby and labelled by him with a citation from Plukenet, followed by the words "negroes head." The latter has been regarded as a locality,* but as Catesby did not in general add place-names to his labels, and as '^nigger- head" — in allusion to the globular mass of kinky plumes — is the term universally applied to the leatherflowers by laymen in the south, it is believed to repre- sent a common name instead. In his work on the Natural History of Carolina, etc., Catesby 'did not men- tion this plant. Pursh^ supposed it to have been obtained in South Carolina, Small® in that state or Georgia. It could equally' well have come from Vir- ginia, which was also visited by Catesby, as shown by the following quotation:' "In the Year 1714 I travelled from the lower Part of St. James's River in Virginia to that Part of the Apalatchian Mountains where the Sources of that ' ^'Status novas'' is believed to express the situation more accurately than the more frequently used ^'comhinatio nova." * Britton, Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 2: 28, footnote. 1890; Small, Flora Southeastern U. S. 439. 1903. » Pursh, Flora Amer. Sept. 2: 736. 1814. • Small, loc. cit. ' Catesby, Nat. Hist. Carolina, etc. 1: v. 1731. IRREGULAR PAGINATION 196 JOURNAL OF THE WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES VOL. 21, NO. 9 River rise, ... At the Distance of twelve Miles from the Mountains we left the River, and directed our Course to the nearest of them." The specimen in question was examined by Asa Gray, who stated^ that it ''appears to be C. ochroleuca, Ait." It was later compared by Messrs. Vines and Druce with material from a West Virginia shale-barren sent to England for the purpose by Dr. N. L. Britton,^ and was concluded by them to be iden- tical with this. Their interpretation has been adopted in current manuals, but as there is no evidence that Catesby ever reached the shale-barren region, its reconsideration seemed desirable. Accordingly, at my suggestion, Dr. and Mrs. Francis W. Pennell kindly obtained data on the specimen in Octo- ber 1930, and their description of it indicates clearly that it does not repre- sent the shale-barren plant after all. In lacking small-leaved branches, and having relatively large leaves and a spherical head of achenes with pale yellow appendage hairs, it corresponds exactly to the plant of the Virginia and Carolina Piedmont. The range of this variety is indicated by the following county records :^^ GEORGIA. DeKalb: Stone Mt., AshCj not dated (N) SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville: Abbeville, Porcher, Aug. 1898 (U) NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance: Graham, Biltmore, May 26, 1902 (U) Caldwell: Lenoir, Biltmore, May 17, 1902 (U) Davie: Farmington, Biltmore^ Aug. 27, 1895 (U) Guilford : High Point, Canhy, June 1868 (N) Halifax: Weldon, Williamson, April 16, 1897 (N, P) Iredell: Statesville, Hyams, June 1898 (N, U) Polk: Lynn, Peattiey April 19, 1919 Randolph: , Ashe, June 1895 (N) Rowan: Salisbury, many collectors and dates (N, P, U). VIRGINIA. Arlington: many localities north of Alexandria (G, N, P, U) Dinwiddie: Petersburg, Tuomey, not dated (P) Fairfax: many localities south of Alexandria (G, N, P, U) Fauquier: Buckland, Meredith, May 25, 1922 (P, U) Greensville: Belfield (now Emporia), Heller, June 19, 1893 (G, N, P, U) Henrico: Richmond, Burk, July 25, 1887 (P)^^ Spotsylvania: Fredericksburg. Ward, May 3, 1872 (U). • Gray, Curtis's Bot. Mag. [3] 37; pi. 6594. 1881. • Britton, loc. cit. *» The following abbreviations are used for names of herbaria: G, Gray Herbarium; .N, New York Botanical Garden; P, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; U, U. S. National Herbarium. " This specimen is especially similar in leaf outline and pubescence to the type of C. ovata; as Catesby would have started his 1714 trip in the vicinity of what is now Rich- mond, it is quite possible that they came from the same station. MAY 4, 1931 WHERRY : LEATHERFLOWERS 197 PENNSYLVANIA. Chester: London Grove (old record; no specimens seen). NEW YORK. Queens: Brooklyn, Carey, May, 1841 (G, X) Kichmond: many localities on Staten Island (G, X, P, U). Clematis ochroleuca sericea (Michaux) Wherry, status novus. C. sericea Michaux. C ochrolema jS Torrey and Gray. C. integri folia a ochroleiica 2 tomentosa Kuntze. Fig. 1. Clematis albicoma Wherry West of Covington, Virginia, June 10, 1930. This is the variety of C. ochroleiica which occurs at the higher elevations. It is characterized by its tendency toward tomentose pubescence on the leaves and pale hairs on the achene appendages. The most extreme material seen is that from Botetourt county, Virginia; the remaining records here cited are of specimens more or less transitional to the other variety. GEORGIA. Stevens: 5 miles west of Toccoa, Wherry, April 7, 1930 (P). north CAROLINA. Forsyth: Salem, Schwcinitz, not dated (P). 196 JOURNAL OF THE WASHINGTON ACADEMY OP SCIENCES VOL. 21, NO. 9 River rise, ... At the Distance of twelve Miles from the Mountains we left the River, and directed our Course to the nearest of them." The specimen in question was examined by Asa Gray, who stated'^ that it '^appears to be C, ochroleucaj Ait." It was later compared by Messrs. Vines and Druce with material from a West Virginia shale-barren sent to England for the purpose by Dr. N. L. Britton,^ and was concluded by them to be iden- tical with this. Their interpretation has been adopted in current manuals, but as there is no evidence that Catesby ever reached the shale-barren region, its reconsideration seemed desirable. Accordingly, at my suggestion. Dr. and Mrs. Francis AV. Pennell kindly obtained data on the specimen in Octo- ber 1930, and their description of it indicates clearly that it does not repre- sent the shale-barren plant after all. In lacking small-leaved branches, and having relatively large leaves and a spherical head of achenes with pale yellow appendage hairs, it corresponds exactly to the plant of the Mrginia and Carolina Piedmont. The range of this variety is indicated by the following county records :^^ GEORGIA. DeKalb: Stone Mt., Ashe, not dated (X) SOUTH CAROLINA. Abbeville: Abbeville, Porrher, Aug. 1898 (U) NORTH CAROLINA. Alamance: Graham, Bilimore, May 26, 1902 (U) C\aldwell: Lenoir, Biltmore, May 17, 1902 (U) Davie: Farmingtcm, Biltmore, Aug. 27, 1895 (U) Guilford: High Point, Canby, June 1868 (N) Halifax: Weldon, Williamson, April 16, 1897 (N, P) Iredell: Statesville, Hymns, June 1898 (N, U) Polk: Lynn, Pentiie, April 19, 1919 l^andolph: , Ashe, June 1895 (N) Rowan: Salisbury, many collectors and dates (N, P, U). VIRGINIA. Arlington: many localities north of Alexandria (G, N, P, U) Dinwiddie: Petersburg, Tuomey, not dated (P) Fairfax: many localities south of Alexandria (G, N, P, U) Fauquier: Buckland, Meredith, May 25, 1922 (P, U) Greensville: Belfield (now Emporia), Heller, June 19, 1893 (G, N, P, U) Henrico: Richmond, Burk, July 25, 1887 (P)^^ Spotsylvania: Fredericksburg. Ward, May 3, 1872 (U). 8 Gray, Curtis's Bot. Mag. [3] 37: pi. 6594. 1881. • Britton, loc. cit. ^° The following abbreviations are used for names of herbaria: G, Gray Herbarium; .N, New York Botanical Garden; P, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; U, U. S. National Herbarium. " This specimen is especially similar in leaf outline and pubescence to the type of C. ovata; as Catesby would have started his 1714 trip in the vicinity of what is now Rich- mond, it is quite possible that they came from the same station. 41 « *m* MAY 4, 1931 WHKHUY : LKATHKKKLOWKKS 197 PEWSYLVANIA. Chester: London Grove (old record: no specimcMis seen). NEW YORK. (Jueens: Hrooklyn, Cahkv, May, ISll ((1, X) Hichniond: many localities on Staten Island ((1, X, P, 1). Clematis ochroleuca sericea (Michaux) Wherry, status novus C. sericea Michaux. C. (x-hrolenva p' Torrey and Gray. C. integrifoUn a orhroleura 2 ((tmcntosa Kuntz(\ Fig. 1. Clematis alhUomn Wherry West of Covington, Virginia, June 10. 1930. This is the variety of C. ix'hroleuca which occurs at the hijjjlKT elevations. It is characterized by its tendency toward tonientose pubescence on the leaves and pale hairs on the achene appendages. The most extreme material seen is that from Botetourt county, Virginia; the remaining records here cited are of specimens more or less transitional to the other variety. GEORGIA. Stevens: 5 miles west of Toccoa, Wherry, April 7, 1930 (P). NORTH CAROLINA. Forsyth: Salem, Schwcinitz, not dated (P). INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 198 JOURNAL OF THE WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES VOL. 21, NO. 9 VIRGINIA. Botetourt: Eagle Rock, LeiviSj April 27, 1929 (P, Va. State Herbarium). Koanoke: Roanoke, E. 6^. BriUonund Vail, May 16-27, 1892 (G, N, P, U). Clematis viticaulis Steele' ^ This species is known thus far only from the type locality, where it occurs on shale slopes along the railroad west of the tunnel. The characters listed in the key amply differentiate it. VIRGINIA. Bath: West of Millboro, Steele, Sept. 3, 1906 (N, U); Wherry, June 11, 1930 (P). Clematis albicoma Wherry, nomen novum C. ovata of current manuals, not Pursh So far as recorded this plant was first collected on Kates Mountain by Gus- tav Guttenberg in 1877. The way it came to be identified with Pursh's C- ovata has been discussed above. It differs from that, however, in the respects enumerated in the key, and accordingly requires a new name, which is appro- priately derived from its most unique character, the whitish hairs on the achene-appendages. It occurs on various shale-barrens, and has been col- lected from the following : VIRGINIA. Allegheny: 1§ miles west of Covington, Wherry, June 10, 1930 (N, P). Bath: Hot Springs, Hunnewell, May 11 to July 3, 1911 (G) Southwest of Hot Springs, Wherry, June 10, 1930 (P). WEST VIRGINIA. Greenbrier: Kates Mountain, many collectors and dates (G, N, P, U). This is to be taken as the type locality of the species, and as type specimen should be designated : Guttenberg, July 31, 1877 (U). 12 Steele, Contr. U. S. Nat. Herb. 13: 364. 1911. : Reprinted from Bartonia, No. 12, 1930 The Eastern Short-styled Phloxes' Edgar T. Wherry ft In last year's number of '* Bartonia ''^ the Phloxes of the section Suhulatae were discussed as to their history, geog- raphy, ecology, variation, and cultivation. The second section to be treated in like manner is that termed by Peter^ the Divaricatae. Its members differ from those of the former section in that the stems are scarcely if at all woody, the leaves are fewer, larger, and less persistent, and the inflorescence is a more compound cyme of short-pedicelled flowers; in these the sepals are united for 4 to ^ their length, and the stamens and styles are much shorter than the corolla-tube. The west- ern species included in the section by Peter are not treated here, but four eastern ones are recognized. In the following synopsis these are arranged in the order of increasing com- pactness of inflorescence: PHLOX, SECTION DIVARICATAE: KEY TO SPECIES Sterile shoots becoming decumbent, often rooting at nodes ; leaves rather broad, obtusish to acutish; inflorescence lax, glandular; calyx-lobes short-awned; corolla-tube always glabrous, lobes sometimes notched, and limb pale violet, ranging to purple or to white 4. P. divaricata Sterile shoots erect or decumbent, not rooting at nodes; leaves mostly narrow; inflorescence compact; corolla- tube sometimes pubescent, lobes never notched, and limb purple, ranging to violet or to white. Leaves linear to lanceolate, or some nearly ovate, acuminate, sparingly if at all persistent; bracts spreading, scattered through the moderately compact cyme; inflorescence-hairs fine or excep- tionally coarse, sometimes gland-tipped, rarely lacking; calyx- awns often long. Nodes few; leaves pubescent or sometimes glabrous, the upper spreading, passing rather abruptly into bracts 5. P. pilosa Nodes numerous; leaves always glabrous, the upper ascending, passing gradually into glandular bracts 6. P. floridana Leaves oblong-elliptic or sometimes lanceolate, obtusish to acumi- nate, many of them persistent; bracts ascending, closely sur- rounding the decidedly compact cyme; inflorescence-hairs coarse, never gland-tipped ; calyx-awns short 7. P. amoena 1 Presented in abstract, with lantern-slide illustrations, at the meeting of the Philadelphia Botanical Club on December 19, 1929. Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. 2 Bartonia 11: 5. 1929. sin Engler & Prantl's Pflanzenfamilien 43a: 47. 1891. (24) V ■ IRREGULAR PAGINATION Barton I A, No. 12 PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 25 Plate 1 Fig. 1. Phlox (livaricatu canadensis. Preserve of Washington Biologists' Field Club, Cabin John, Maryland. Fig. 2. Same s})e('ies, variety, and locality. Forms with notched, entire, and apiculate corolla-lobes growing together. I See page 34.] * j 4. Phlox divaricata Linn6. Blue Phlox. Plate 1. History. — This species, like several others, was discovered in early colonial days, being listed in 1700 by Plukenet^ as ^'Lychnidea Virginiana Blattariae accedens, Alsines aquaticae foliis, floribus summo caule brachiatis, sive in ramulos divar- icatis.** In 1739 John Bartram, the pioneer American bota- nist, collected it along the Susquehanna River in Pennsyl- vania, and sent it to Peter CoUinson, who catalogued it, ac- cording to Dillwyn,^ as **Lychnidea foliis lanceolatis obtusis, flore pallide caeruleo.'* The specimen on which Linne^ founded the species in 1753 bears on the sheet the initials **H.U/'* signifying that it represented a plant being culti- vated in the botanical garden at Upsala (Hortus Upsaliensis). His description contains the erroneous statement that the lower leaves are alternate, but is otherwise applicable. The corolla-lobes in the type specimen are conspicuously notched, although in the earliest known illustration of the species, that published by Miller^ in 1760, the notches in the lobes are much shallower, indicating that material had already reached Europe from more than one source. In 1796 Salisbury® applied the name Phlox vernalis to what was probably the same species, but gave no description. Thirty years later a supposedly distinct plant was described by Sweet^ as P. canadensis, and this name has been consider- ably used in horticultural writings, although most botanists have recognized the differences from the Linnean plant — more upright habit and lobes ** about half the length of P. divaricata and much broader'* — to be insufficient to constitute a separate species. Two other names, P. amplexicaulis Rafinesque and P. glutinosa Buckley, have been regarded by some authors as synonyms of P. divaricata, but are here discussed in connec- tion with P. pilosa, 1 Mantissa 121. 1700. 2 Hortus Collinsonianus 39. 1843. 3 Species Plantarum (1): 152. 1753. * As shown in a photograph kindly obtained in 1928 by Dr. William K. Maxon of the U. S. National Herbarium. 5 Figs. Plants Miller's Gardeners' Diet. 2: pi. 205, fig. 1. 1760. 6 Prodromus stirpium, etc. 123. 1796. 7 British Flower Garden 3: pi. 221. 1827. IJAirroMA, Xo. 12 Plate 1 PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 25 Fi(!. 1. I'lilo.r ili I (iricahi r'nnnh iisi.s. Pitsi'ivc of \V:is!iiiijrt()ii P>i()l(»^lsts ' Field Club, ('.-ihin .lolm, M.-iivI.-iimI. Fm. '2. S;iMU' sjK'cit's, \ Miii'tv, -nul lociility. Forms witli uotclicd, ciitiri', .-lud ;i|ticnl.-itt' corollM-lobcs ^louiiio- tojjctlicr I Set' p.-i^c ."U. I ' ^ ■ *■ i -^^ i ,/ 1 4. Phlox divaricata Linne. Blue Phlox. Plate 1. History. — This species, like several others, was discovered in early colonial days, being listed in 1700 by Plukenet^ as '^Lychnidea Virginiana Blattariae accedens, ALsines aquaticae foliis, floribus summo caule brachiatis, sive in ramulos divar- icatis." In 1739 John Bartram, the pioneer American bota- nist, collected it along the Susquehanna River in Pennsyl- vania, and sent it to Peter Collinson, who catalogued it, ac- cording to Dillwyn,''' as ''Lychnidea foliis lanceolatis obtusis, flore pallide caeruleo." The specimen on which Linne* founded the species in 1753 bears on the sheet the initials *'H.U."* signifying that it represented a plant being culti- vated in the botanical garden at Upsala (Hortus Upsaliensis). His description contains the erroneous statement that the lower leaves are alternate, but is otherwise applicable. The corolla-lobes in the type specimen are conspicuously notched, although in the earliest known illustration of the species, that published by Miller' in 17(30, the notches in the lobes are much shallower, indicating that material had already reached Europe from more than one source. In 1706 Salisbury*' applied the name Phlox vernal is to what was probably the same species, but gave no description. Thirty 3'ears later a supposedly distinct plant was described bv Sweet" as P. canadensis, and this name has been consider- abh' used in horticultural writings, although most botanists have recognized the differences from the Linnean plant — more upright habit and lobes ** about half the length of P. diraricata and much broader" — to be insufficient to constitute a separate species. Two other names, P. amplexicaulis Rafinesque and P. glutinosa Buckley, have been regarded by some authors as synonj'ms of P. divaricata, but are here discussed in connec- tion with P. pilosa. 1 Mantissa 121. 1700. 2 Hortus Collinsonianiia 39, 1843. 3 Species Plantarum (1): 152. 1753. * .A-s shown in a photograph kindly obtained in 1928 by Dr. William R. Maxon of the U. S, National Herbarium, •iFigs. Plants Miller's Gardeners' Diet. 2: pi, 205, fig, 1. 1760. *• Prodromus stirpiuni, ete. 123. 1796. "British Flower Garden 3: pi. 221. 1827. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 26 PROCEEDINGS OP THE PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 27 When explorations came to be made in the Mississippi basin, the Phlox divaricata occurring there was found to differ some- what from that farther east, and attempts were made to recog- nize this by special nomenclature. In enumerating plants observed in Arkansas territory, NuttalP included a ''P. glom- erata," with a star to indicate that he regarded it as a new species, but as he furnished no description the name lacks validity. A specimen from his original collection, preserved in the Gray Herbarium, is an immature individual of the com- mon representative of P. divaricata in that region, which is characterized by having entire corolla-lobes. The same thing was collected by Lapham in Wisconsin, and named by Wood^ P. divaricata P ? laphami, with the description ''Lvs. ovate; pet. obtuse, entire. . . . Intermediate between P. divaricata and P. glaherrima, and may prove distinct from both. ' ' Gray^ modified Wood's designation to variety laphamii; and many years later, Clute* held the difference in corolla-lobe outline to justify the recognition of two distinct species, applying to the western one the name P. laphamii. To what extent these different interpretations correspond to the existing relation- ships will be considered after the variations shown by P. di- varicata have been described. Whitish variants occasionally appear in all large colonies of the Blue Phlox, and the names **P. divaricata alba," *'P. canadensis alba,'' and even *'P. laphami alba" have long been in use for such material by horticulturists, although none of these combinations appear to have been validated by formal publication. In 1920 FarwelP proposed P. d. forma alhi- flora for a plant from Michigan, while a few years later House® applied the same term to a New York occurrence. FarwelF subsequently furnished data to show that a pallid rather than a complete albino color-form was represented. These and other forms will be discussed under Variation. 1 Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 5: 196. 1837. 2 Class-book of Botany 439. 1846. 3 Manual of Botany, ed. 2. 331. 1856. 4 Amer. Botanist 25: 101. 1918. 5 Eept. Mich. Acad. Sci. 31 : 369. 1920. 6 Ann. List Ferns & Fig. Plants N. Y. 581. 1924. 7 Amer. Midi. Nat. 11 : 68. 1928. h < Geography. — Phlox divaricata is one of the most wide- ranging of all the species, occurring in various physiographic provinces, though rarely in the Coastal Plain and Piedmont, from western Florida to eastern Texas, southern Minnesota, and southernmost Quebec. This is shown graphically in fig- ure 1 by circles representing the counties in which it is known to have been collected. The terminal moraine of the final (Wisconsin) glacial stage, marked by a dotted line, has evi- FiG. 1. Distribution of Phlox divaricata. dently been ineffective as a barrier; but the mountain front (row of As) and the Fall-line (cross-hatched band) have clearly restricted its migration, and it has crossed them only along a few river valleys. Curving southward from the lower end of Lake Michigan to the coast of Georgia runs a boundary between an eastern and a western variety; the significance of its course remains to be explained. 28 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 29 Alabama : Rather frequent in the upland regions, and rare in the Coastal Plain, being recorded from Blount', Bul- lock, Clarke, Etowah', Franklin, Jackson', Jefferson', Madi- son', Marshall', Morgan', Tuscaloosa, and Wilcox' counties. The boundary between the areas of the eastern and western varieties crosses the northeast corner. Arkansas: Occasional throughout, specimens having been seen from Benton, Carroll', Garland, Hempstead, Madison', Miller, Newton', and Washington counties. NuttalPs ''P. glomerata" was ascribed to this state. District of Columbia' : Found only on alluvial flats of the Potomac River in the Piedmont province, toward the north- west boundary. Florida: Limited to the northwestern part of the state, where it grows along the Apalachicola and Chipola rivers in Gadsden, Jackson', and Liberty' counties. Georgia: Rare, specimens having been seen only from the Coosa valley in Floyd and the Ocmulgee valley in Bibb and Houston counties. Illinois: Abundant practically throughout, and recorded from 36 counties: Calhoun, Champaign, Clinton', Cook, Du Page, Hancock, Henderson, Jackson', Jeiferson, Johnson, Kane, Kankakee, Knox, Lake', La Salle, Macon, Macoupin, Marion, Marshall, McHenry, McLean, Menard, Ogle, Peoria, Piatt, Pulaski', Richland, Rock Island, St. Clair, Stark, Taze- well', Union', Vermilion, Wabash, Will, and Winnebago. The boundary between the varieties runs near the eastern edge of the state. Indiana : Known in nearly every county, largely as the re- sult of the collecting activity of Charles C. Deam; this does not mean that it is more frequent here than in adjacent states, but merely that they have been less thoroughly covered. The list is: Adams, Allen, Blackford, Brown, Carroll, Cass, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Crawford, Daviess, Dearborn, Decatur, De Kalb, Delaware, Dubois, Elkhart, Fayette, Fountain, Frank- lin, Fulton, Gibson, Grant, Greene, Hamilton, Hancock, Harrison, Howard, Huntington, Jackson, Jay, Jefferson, t Designates counties from which fresh material has been seen. ^y Jennings, Johnson, Knox, Kosciusko, Lagrange, Lake, La- porte, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Marshall, Miami, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Newton, Noble, Ohio, Orange, Owen, Parke, Perry', Porter, Posey, Putnam, Randolph, Ripley, Rush, St. Joseph, Scott, Shelby, Spencer', Steuben, Sullivan, Switzerland, Tippecanoe, Vanderburg, Vermilion, Vigo, Wa- bash, Warrick, Washington, Wayne, Wells, and White. A variant with reduced, acuminate lobes, the * * Crawf ordsville form, ' ' occurs in Montgomery and Tippecanoe counties. lowA: Scattered nearly throughout, specimens having been seen from Decatur, Dubuque, Emmet, Fayette, Floyd, Fre- mont, Ida, Johnson, Jones, Marshall, Pottawattamie, Po- weshiek, Scott, Shelby, and Story counties. Kansas: Known from 20 counties toward the eastern end: Atchison, Bourbon, Brown, Butler, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Cowley, Douglas, Geary, Jackson, Leavenworth, Lyon, Mont- gomery, Morris, Nemaha, Riley, Shawnee, Wabaunsee, Wil- son, and Wyandotte. The westernmost reported occurrence of the species is that in Butler County. Kentucky: Extends throughout, although as less collect- ing has been done here than in the states adjoining on the north, the county list is relatively small: Anderson, Boone', Christian', Estill, Fayette, Franklin, Gallatin', Henry', Jef- ferson, Jessamine, Kenton', Lyon, Mercer, Morgan, Rockcastle, Rowan', Shelby, and Warren. Louisiana : Recorded from 5 parishes along the Mississippi and Red rivers : Caddo, Feliciana, Natchitoches, Rapides, and St. Landry. Maryland: Known only from the basins of the Potomac and Susquehanna rivers, in Allegany, Anne Arundel, Cecil', Frederick', Garrett, and Montgomery' counties. Michigan: Throughout the southern half of the lower pe- ninsula, there being records from 19 counties:* Allegan', Benzie, Berrien, Cass, Eaton, Genesee, Grand Traverse, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Ingham, Ionia, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Kent, Oakland, Ottawa, Washtenaw, Wayne, and Wexford. 1 Prof. H. T. Darlington kindly furnished data on these from the State College herbarium, where most of them are represented. ;^ V 30 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 31 Minnesota: In the State University herbarium there are 13 counties represented :^ Chippewa, Dakota, Goodhue, Henne- pin, Houston, Le Sueur, Meeker, Nicollet, Olmsted, Ramsey, Scott, Waseca, and Winona. The first is the northwestern- most point the species is known to have reached. Mississippi: Occasional in the northern and central parts of the state, being recorded from Chickasaw, Clay, Hinds, Lafayette, Oktibbeha, and Tishomingo counties. Missouri : Wide-spread, specimens having been seen from 25 counties: Atchison, Bates, Butler, Carter, Cass, Christian, Cole, Cooper, Dunklin, Gasconade, Greene, Iron, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Knox, Marion, Phelps, Pike, Ralls, St. Charles, St. Francois, St. Louis', Shannon, and Taney. Nebraska: Found only in the southeastern corner, the county records being: Cass, Douglas, Lancaster, Nemaha, Otoe, and Sarpy. [New Jersey : In the herbarium of the Academy of Natu- ral Sciences of Philadelphia there is a specimen labelled Cam- den, but it is believed to represent cultivated material.] New York : Common in the western and central portions, extending to the banks of the Hudson and the western border of the Adirondacks, in the counties: Broome, Cattaraugus, Chemung, Erie, Genesee, Greene, Herkimer, Jefferson, Mon- roe, Oneida, Onondaga, Ontario, St. Lawrence, Steuben, Tompkins', Ulster, Wyoming, and Yates. North Carolina: Evidently rare, specimens having been seen only from the valleys of the Roanoke River in Halifax, and the French Broad in Madison counties. Ohio: Frequent throughout, there being records from 50 counties : Adams', Auglaize, Butler, Clark, Clermont, Clinton, Columbiana, Coshocton', Crawford, Cuyahoga, Darke, Dela- ware', Erie, Fairfield', Franklin', Gallia, Greene, Hamil- ton', Hancock, Hardin, Harrison', Highland', Huron, Jack- son', Knox, Licking, Lorain, Lucas, Medina, Mercer, Miami, Monroe, Montgomery, Muskingum', Ottawa, Pike', Portage, Preble, Richland, Ross', Sandusky, Seneca, Shelby, Stark, Tus- carawas', Vinton, Warren, Washington, Williams, Wyandot. 1 Thanks are due to Prof. C. O. Eosendahl for sending specimens. to ovate, within single colonies. Their tips are normally ob- tusish, but may become acutish toward the inflorescence. The most striking variability appears in the corolla char- acters. The common name, Blue Phlox, refers to the fact that the color of the corolla-limb is bluer than in most other species, although comparison with the plates in Ridgway^ shows it to be more correctly described as violet. The usual range is from pale violet (59 d) to light amparo purple (63 d). West of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River bluer hues are dominant, pale bluish violet (57 d) being occa- sionally approached. Eastward there is a tendency to vary toward light phlox purple (65 d), most marked in eastern Kentucky and southern Ohio ; indeed Short,^ in his * * Florula Lexingtonensis, * ' questioned the identity of the plant there with P. divaricata because its flowers are * 'frequently rose- coloured.*' In most colonies all gradations from these colors to white appear, and occasionally a large patch is whitish throughout; a particularly striking occurrence of this kind on the Mackinaw River flats south of Pekin, Tazewell County, Illinois, was called to my attention by Mr. V. H. Chase, of Peoria. Eye striae may be present, a single broad stripe often lying at the base of each lobe, its hue being the same as that of the rest of the limb, but its tone somewhat deeper. Excep- tionally these striae are broadened and reddened, coalescing into a purple ring. The corolla-tube ranges in length from 10 to 20 mm., and though usually longer than the lobes, is sometimes exceeded by them. The lobes are from 9 to 19 mm. long and 5 to 13 mm. wide. West of the varietal boundary shown on the map (fig. 1) the lobe-ends are normally obtuse and entire, mucro- nate or apieulate, but only exceptionally definitely notched. East of it, on the other hand, a well-marked sinus 1 to 3 mm. deep is commonly present, although in nearly every colony a few individuals have entire or even apieulate lobes {cf. plate 1, fig. 2). Rarely the lobes are much shorter than the tube, and long-acuminate. 1 Color Standards and Nomenclature. 1912. 2 Transylv. Journ. Med. 1 : 415. 1823. 34 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 35 If the boundary line mentioned separated plants of con- sistently different features, the presence of two distinct spe- cies, which as noted under History has already been suggested, might be considered. Since, however, mutants within the colonies on one side of the line repeatedly imitate the plants normally found on the other, only varietal distinctness can be admitted. Correspondingly, no key can be drawn up for the identification of isolated specimens, because exceptional indi- viduals would be continually falling into the wrong place. The plan used with the section Suhulatae is accordingly fol- lowed here, the varieties being tabulated in the relative posi- tions they occupy in nature, and the more noteworthy forms being referred to by English descriptive terms. VARIETIES AND FORMS Corolla-lobes normally ENTIRE; COLOR FRE- QUENTLY VIOLET. Phlox divaricata laphami Wood. P. d. laphamii Gray. P. lap- hamii Clute. Occurring west of the varietal boundary described in the text. Forms : White (albino). ''P. laphami alba^' Hort. An occasional mutation in many colonies; sometimes dominant. Notched. Lobes with a broad sinus up to 1 mm. deep, imi- tating the eastern variety. Typified by specimen in Gray Herbarium from Franksville, Racine Co., Wise, collected by S. C. Wadmond May 18, 1899. Rare, very few specimens seen. Mucronate or apiculate-lobed. Typified by specimen from near Starkville, Oktibbeha Co., Miss., collected by Fannye A. Cook April 3, 1927, in herbarium of E. T. W. Frequent, grading into erose-margined. Long-acuminate-lobed. Typified by specimen from 5 miles north of Huntsville, Madison Co., Ark., collected by J. E. Benedict, Jr. April 16, 1928, in herbarium of E. T. W. Very rare. OF PHLOX DIVARICATA Corolla-lobes normally notched; color fre- quently purplish. Phlox divaricata canadensis (Sweet) Wherry, status novua [already in horticultural litera- ture]. P. canadensis Sweet. Occurring east of the boundary. Forms : White (albino). '^P. divaricata alba*' or "P. canadensis alba'* Hort. P. divaricata f. albiflora Far well. An infrequent mutation. Entire. Lobes with entire, ob- tuse terminations, imitating the western variety. Typified by specimen from south bank of James River east of Granite station, Chesterfield Co., Va., collected by E. T. W. April 15, 1927. Fairly common. Mucronate or apiculate-lobed. Typified by specimen from f mile southwest of Cabin John, Montgomery Co., Md., collected by E. T. W. May 1, 1930. Much rarer than in the western variety, and usually only erose. Long-acuminate-lobed. Dominant in a colony near Crawfordsville, Montgomery Co., Ind., and widely known as the ''Craw- fordsville form. ' ' An exception- al mutation in Lawrence Co., Pa. ./ ■i- Cultivation. — The earliest reference to the introduction of Phlox divaricata into horticulture is a notation in Collinson's catalog of his garden, recorded by Dillwyn:^ **A very pale blue early Lychnidea in flower May 5, 1740, not in England before ; now in most gardens ; from the Susquehanna River. * * A letter from Collinson to Bartram, dated June 10, 1740, and later published by Darlington,^ includes the remark that ** amongst the last things, there is a very pretty Lychnis, with pale blue flowers, and sweet smell, ^* the same plant evidently being referred to, for Bartram 's correspondence shows that he confused the two genera, Lychnis and Lychnidea. In vari- ous writings, Linne^ replaced the latter name by Phlox, and in the 6th edition of the Gardeners' Dictionary, Miller* listed the present species as "3. Phlox foliis lanceolatis obtusis, floribus majoribus umbellatim dispositis. Begins flowering in May; flowers large and of sky-blue colour.*' The horticultural value of this Phlox has been referred to by numerous subsequent writers, and many dealers now list it, using various combinations of the names divaricata, cana- densis, laphami or laphamii, alba, etc. The variety with violet (''blue") entire-lobed corollas, the correct name for which is P. divaricata laphami, is on the whole the more showy plant, some splendid vigorous strains of it having been developed. That with notched lobes and more purplish (lilac) hue, P. d. canadensis, is usually relatively delicate, but also has considerable merit from this standpoint. Phlox divaricata has been used as one parent of a series of hybrids which are offered by some nurseries under the name ** Phlox arendsii.'' In this case the tall, late-blooming P. paniculata was the second parent, and the hybrids are in- termediate in habit, flower color, and blooming time between the two. Garden hybrids of P. divaricata with other species are probably in the trade to some extent, but appear to have received no distinctive names. 1 Hortus Collinsonianus 39. 1843. 2 Memorials of Bartram and Marshall 136. 1849. 3 Genera Plantarum 52. 1737; Hortus CliflFortianus 63. 4 Gardeners' Diet., ed. 6. 1752. 1737. * K. » 36 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ]>ART()XIA, Xo. 12 Plate 2 5. Phlox pilosa Linn^. Downy Phlox. Plate 2. History. — Of the three figures of Phlox published by Plukenet^ in 1691, two represented members of the Suhulatae, and have been discussed in the paper on that section. The other, described as **Lychnidaea umbellifera Blattariae ac- cedens Virginiana major, repens, Pseudo-melanthii foliis pilosis, flore albo, pentapetaloide, fistuloso,'' belongs to the Divaricatae. What is clearly the same species was listed a few years later by Ray^ as **Lychnoides Marilandica, Jasmini flore quinquepartito, calycibus lanuginosis, foliis angustis acutis.'' When Linne^ came to characterize the species of Phlox, no specimen of this was at hand, so he cited the above references, and based the diagnosis of P. pilosa upon them. The specimen from which Plukenet^s figure was evidently drawn is preserved, however, in the Sloane herbarium at the British Museum, and in 1928 it was kindly compared by Mr. A. J. Wilmott with some eastern American material taken to England by Dr. William R. Maxon. There proved to be agreement with a recently collected Virginia specimen in leaf characters, glandular calyx, and puberulent corolla-tube, thus establishing the proper application of the Linnean name. During his famous explorations in North America, Michaux* encountered three of the Phloxes of the section Divaricatae. He succeeded in recognizing one correctly as Linnets P. di- varicata, but mistakenly applied the name P. pilosa to the species here taken up last, proposing for the present one a new name, P. aristata, with two varieties, a virens (purple- flowered) and (3 canescens (rose- and white-flowered). His usage was followed by various subsequent botanists, but was recognized to be erroneous by Gray^ in 1856, and in recent years the name aristata has fallen into disuse. Michaux's specimens are preserved in Paris, and photographs of them obtained for me in 1928 by Mr. Ivar Tidestrom, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, confirm the correctness of Gray^s view. 1 Phytographia pi. 98, fig. 1. 1691. 2 Supplem. Hist. Plant. 490. 1704. 3 Species Plantarum (1): 152. 1753. * Flora Boreali- Americana (1): 144. 1803. 5 Manual of Botany, ed. 2. 331. 1856. < ^ r»>^ ^ Fig. 1. I'hios pilosa virms. Five \uUqs northwest of Cottoiivilh'. Marshall Coniitv, Alabama. Fig. 2. P. pilosa ihtonsa. Hillsborough Cotinty, Fh)ri«la. Fig. ;J. P. floridana. Leon Co., Florida (W. Kiirz, plioto). 36 PROCEEDINGS OP THE liAinOMA. \(). r_* I'lati; i! 5. Phlox pilosa Linne. Downy Phlox. Plate 2. History. — Of the three figures of Phlox published by Plukenet^ in 1691, two represented members of the Suhulatae, and have been discussed in the paper on that section. The other, described as ''Lychnidaea umbellifera Blattariae ac- cedens Virginiana major, repens, Pseudo-melanthii foliis pilosis, flore albo, pentapetaloide, fistuloso," belongs to the Divaricatae. What is clearly the same species was listed a few years later by Ray^ as ''Lychnoides MarilancUca, Jasmini flore quinquepartito, calycibus lanuginosis, foliis angustis acutis.'' When Linne^ came to characterize the species of Phlox, no specimen of this was at hand, so he cited the above references, and based the diagnosis of P. pilosa upon them. The specimen from which Plukenet's figure was evidently drawn is preserved, however, in the Sloane herbarium at the British Museum, and in 1928 it was kindly compared by Mr. A. J. Wilmott with some eastern American material taken to England by Dr. William R. Maxon. There proved to be agreement with a recently collected Virginia specimen in leaf characters, glandular calyx, and puberulent corolla-tube, thus establishing the proper application of the Linnean name. During his famous explorations in North America, Michaux* encountered three of the Phloxes of the section Divaricatae. He succeeded in recognizing one correctly as Linne 's P. di- varicata, but mistakenly applied the name P. pilosa to the species here taken up last, proposing for the present one a new name, P. aristata, w4th two varieties, a virens (purple- flowered) and 3 canescens (rose- and white-flowered). His usage was followed by various subsequent botanists, but was recognized to be erroneous by Gray^ in 1856, and in recent years the name aristata has fallen into disuse. Michaux's specimens are preserved in Paris, and photographs of them obtained for me in 1928 by Mr. Ivar Tidestrom, of the Bureau of Plant Industry, confirm the correctness of Gray's view. 1 Phytographia pi. 98, fig. 1. 1691. 2 Supplem. Hist. Plant. 490. 1704. 3 Species Plantarum (1): 152. 1753. -* Flora Boreali- Americana (1): 144. 1803. fi Manual of Botany, cd. 2. 331. 1856. f ^ N ( I } f ' » '0h Fi<;. 1. I'lifn.r itili'.sii iiiiii.^. V'wr milc^ iKiit liw ('>t <»f ( '<»t tnii\ i Mr. .M;ir.. I'ImiJ.I;! I I . K 111/, plmt !. .<• l» INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE ( PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 37 i In 1817 Rafinesque^ proposed for **a real Phlox akin to P. pilosa/' observed by Robin in Louisiana, the name P. am- plexicaulis. Most authors have ignored this or indicated its identity to be unknown, but Brand^ assigned it, with a ques- tion, to P. divaricata. The characterization, "foliis amplexi- caulis lineari subulatis rigidis; panicula confertiflora, calyx striatus pilosus, dentibus ovatis acuminatis, ' * sounds like a composite of several species, but comes as close to describing the southern Mississippi basin variety of P. pilosa as could be expected. His name is accordingly here taken up for this variety, although the feature to which it refers is not really distinctive. The next name to be considered is Phlox glutinosay applied by Buckley^ in 1843 to an occurrence at Black *s Bend, Wil- cox County, Alabama, differing from P. '^aristata'* {pilosa) in having fewer and taller stems, broader leaves which are mucronate instead of long-acuminate and are covered with gland-tipped hairs, and bright red or scarlet flowers. Buck- ley *s own specimen of this is at the Missouri Botanical Gar- den, but the type is in the Gray Herbarium. Gray, who seemed to take delight in criticizing Buckley, wrote on the latter sheet ** Surely flowers not 'red or scarlet.' Dr. Tor- rey's four specimens from Buckley plainly show this to be a form of P. divaricata.'^ He added similar remarks to Tor- rey's sheet, which is preserved at the New York Botanical Garden, and reaffirmed his view^ in his writings ; but he over- looked the long awns on the calyx-lobes and the pubescence on the corolla-tube, which, together with the foliar characters, point unmistakably to its being a hybrid of P. divaricata with P. pilosa. In the hope of obtaining fresh material for study, I have visited the type region on three different occasions, but since Buckley 's day the woods have been extensively cut over, and although P. pilosa is locally abundant, and P. divaricata sometimes growls near it, the search for the hybrid has been unsuccessful. 1 Florula Ludoviciana 36. 1817. 2 In Engler 's Pflanzenreich IV. 250 8 Amer. Journ. Sci. 45: 177. 1843. 72. 1907. I^MaObMUbMU 38 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Phlox cuspidata, applied to a Texan plant by Scheele^ in 1850, is sometimes regarded as synonymous with P. pilosa, but the description fits better P. drummondii Hooker. In revising the Polemoniaceae in 1870, Gray^ assigned the glabrous-leaved phases of P. pilosa, such as are especially common in the Gulf States, to a variety detonsa. This was raised to species rank by Small ;^ but it grades too freely into the wide-spread variety of P. pilosa to be so maintained. One more name remains to be considered, and in order to account for the interpretation of it adopted, the northwestern representative of the species must be referred to at this point. Over much of its range, P. pilosa has its inflorescence strongly glandular, with only occasional glandless variants. On the prairies of the upper Mississippi basin, however, the hairs on the inflorescence are normally glandless, dense, and lustrous, constituting a well-marked geographic variety. In describing their P. argillacea, Clute and Ferriss* contrasted it with this prairie Phlox, noting it to have the calyx and bracts glandular- hispid, and emphasizing its * 'lighter green leaves, greater height, less compact flower clusters, restricted habitat, and above all . . . pale flowers and later and longer season of bloom.'' Most of these, however, are the very respects in which Linne's P. pilosa differs from the prairie variety. Plants with pallid or near-white corollas are common in colo- nies of P. pUosa,^ and indeed the Plukenet specimen, which is taken as the type of the species, was one of these. When the Illinois ^'P. argillacea'^ is grown beside such Virginian material, the only way in which they can be distinguished is by the greater vigor of the former, a difference of horticul- tural but not taxonomic significance. It can only be con- cluded that technically P. argillacea Clute and Ferriss is synonymous with P. pilosa Linne. 1 Linnaea 23 : 139. 1850. 2Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 8: 251. 1870. 3 Flora Southeastern U. S. 978. 1903. 4 Amer. Botanist 17: 74. 1911. 5 The combination P. pilosa forma alhiflora has been published by Macmillan (Metasp. Minn. Valley 432. 1892) but applies to the albino form of the prairie variety. % PHILADELPHU BOTANICAL CLUB 39 < u \ V * 0- ' i \ k .H " " y 1 Geography. — The range of Phlox pilosa extends farther west and northwest, but not so far northeast, as that of P. divaricata, comprising all provinces except those at the highest elevations, from Florida to central Texas, southern Manitoba, and southwestern Connecticut. Figure 2 presents the details as to the four varieties here considered. Fio. 2. Distribution of Phlox pilosa. The curiously patchy distribution shown in many parts of this map can not as yet be fully accounted for, but the indi- cations are that the species has migrated out from a dispersal- center in the Ozark region. None of the physiographic boundaries traced on the map appear to have restricted it, but its absence from the Appalachians is evident. k 40 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 41 Alabama: Common except in the higher mountains, there being records from 24 counties: Autauga', Baldwin, Bibb', Butler', Clarke, Cullman, Dallas, De Kalb', Fayette', Frank- lin', Hale', Jackson', Lawrence, Lee, Madison', Marengo', Marion', Marshall', Mobile', Montgomery, Perry', Tuscaloosa', Washington, and Wilcox'. Both wide-spread (virens) and Gulf Coast (detonsa) varieties are represented. Arkansas: Probably occurs in most parts of the state, although specimens have been seen from but the following 13 counties : Benton, Boone', Carroll', Faulkner, Garland, Greene, Hempstead, Howard, Lawrence, Logan, Ouachita, Prairie, and Washington'. A broad-leaved variety or possibly distinct species also occurs locally; it is to be discussed in a future paper dealing with the Phloxes of the Ozark and Texan regions. Connecticut: The northeasternmost known stations for the species are in New Haven County. Delaware: Thus far observed only in New Castle, the northernmost county in the state. District of Columbla.:' Has been collected from two sta- tions toward the northwest side. Florida: Both wide-spread and Gulf Coast varieties are known, the county list being : Alachua, Columbia, Dixie, Her- nando', Hillsborough', Jackson, Jefferson', Lake, Leon', Lib- erty', Madison', Pasco, St. Johns, Suwannee', Volusia, Wakulla, and Walton. Georgia: Apparently rather rare, having been collected only in Cobb', Dougherty, Floyd, Meriwether, Muscogee, Peach, Spalding, Walker', and Whitfield' counties. Illinois : Common and abundant, there being records from 36 counties: Champaign, Christian, Clay, Cook', Du Page, Fulton, Hancock, Henderson, Henry, Jackson, Jefferson, Jo Daviess, Kane, Kankakee, Lake', Livingston, Macon, Ma- coupin, Madison, Marion, Marshall, McHenry, McLean, Menard, Ogle, Peoria, Piatt, Richland, Rock Island, St. Clair, Stark, Stephenson, Tazewell, Wabash, Will, and Winnebago. The wide-spread and prairie (fulgida) varieties are about equally developed. f*::^ y 1 Indiana : Less frequent than P. divaricata, even Mr. Deam 's thorough collecting having turned it up in but 31 counties: Allen, Benton, Cass, Clark, Elkhart, Floyd, Fulton, Harrison, Jasper, Kosciusko, Lagrange, Lake, Laporte, Marshall, Mont- gomery, Newton, Noble, Perry', Porter', Posey, Pulaski, St. Joseph, Spencer', Starke, Steuben, Tippecanoe, Tipton, Vigo, Warren, Wells, and White. The southern Mississippi basin variety extends into Perry and Spencer counties. lowA: The prairie variety is known in 12 widely scattered counties: Carroll, Crawford, Decatur, Dickinson, Dubuque, Emmet, Fayette, Jones, Pottawattamie, Poweshiek, Story, and Winneshiek. The wide-spread variety is reported from John- son County. Kansas: Recorded from Atchison, Brown, Chautauqua, Cherokee, Cowley, Douglas, Johnson, Labette, Linn, Mont- gomery, Riley, and Shawnee counties. Both wide-spread and prairie varieties are represented. Kentucky : Apparently rare, being known from but 6 coun- ties: Bath, Christian', Fayette, Henderson, Jefferson, and Morgan. In addition, Short distributed specimens labelled *' barrens of Kentucky," which may have come from Barren or Logan County. The southern Mississippi basin variety is present locally. Louisiana: Collected from 9 parishes: Acadia', Caddo', Calcasieu, Feliciana, Grant, Natchitoches, Orleans, Rapides, and St. Tammany. Two varieties are included. Maryland : The observation of this species in Maryland in early colonial days was mentioned under History. In subse- quent times it has been largely destroyed by agricultural de- velopment, but specimens are preserved from Baltimore and Montgomery' counties. Michigan : Scattered in the southern part, the county list being: Cass, Ingham, Ionia, Jackson, Kent, Livingston, Oak- land, St. Joseph, Van Buren, and Washtenaw. Minnesota: Occurs throughout except northward, speci- mens having been seen from 34 counties: Becker, Brown, Carver, Cass, Chippewa, Dakota, Douglas, Faribault, Fill- more, Goodhue, Hennepin, Houston, Hubbard, Jackson, Kana- 42 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 43 bee, Kandiyohi, Lincoln, MeLeod, Martin, Meeker, Mille Lacs, Morrison, Nicollet, Olmsted, Otter Tail, Pope, Ramsey, Rice, Rock, Scott, Stearns, Wabasha, Waseca, and Winona. Only the prairie variety is present. Mississippi : The commonest Phlox in the state, there being 19 county records : Choctaw, Clay, Forrest, Franklin, Grenada, Hancock, Harrison, Holmes, Itawamba', Jackson, Jasper, Lafayette', Marshall', Noxubee, Oktibbeha', Pontotoc', Scott, Tippah, and Tishomingo. Both wide-spread and Gulf Coast varieties are included. Missouri : Specimens of the varieties covered in this article have been seen from 34 counties: Atchison, Bates, Benton, Butler', Carter, Cass, Christian, Cole, Crawford, Greene, Iron, Jackson, Jasper, Jefferson, Laclede, McDonald, Madison, Nodaway, Phelps, Pike, Platte, Putnam, Ralls, St. Francois, St. Louis', Scott, Shannon, Stone, Taney, Vernon, Washing- ton, Wayne, Webster, and Wright. Nebraska: The prairie variety occurs in the eastern part of the state, in Cass, Dixon, Douglas, Lancaster, Richardson, and Saunders counties. New Jersey: Occasional north of the Pine-barrens, there being 6 county records : Burlington, Essex, Morris, Somerset, Union, and Warren'. New York : The only specimen seen from the state is one in the Gray Herbarium from Niagara Falls, Niagara County. North Carolina : Apparently rare, and reported from but 4 counties : Forsyth, Halifax, New Hanover', and Polk. North Dakota : The prairie variety is recorded from Cass, Grand Forks, and Richland counties, along the eastern border. Ohio: Known in 17 counties, chiefly northern and south- central : Athens, Cuyahoga, Defiance, Erie, Fairfield, Frank- lin, Fulton, Hancock, Henry, Hocking, Lawrence, Lucas, Madison, Ottawa, Summit, Wood, and Wyandot. Oklahoma: Scattered throughout the eastern part, speci- mens being preserved from 9 counties: Creek, Delaware', Johnston, Le Flore, Logan, Mayes', Murray, Muskogee, and Oklahoma'. All represent the wide-spread variety. ^ I '• » Pennsylvania: Restricted to the western edge and the southeast corner, in 9 counties : Beaver, Bucks, Chester, Dela- ware, Franklin, Lancaster', Lehigh, Montgomery', and North- ampton'. South Carolina: Rare, specimens having been seen only from Berkeley, Clarendon, Florence, Richland, Sumter, and Williamsburg counties. South Dakota: The prairie variety occurs in a few east- ern counties : Brookings, Clay, Lincoln, and Roberts. Tennessee: Scattered throughout, specimens being pre- served from Chester, Davidson, Fayette, Franklin, Hamilton, Knox, and Madison counties. The southern Mississippi basin variety is represented in the second. Texas: Wide-spread east of longitude 98° 30', there being records for 24 counties: Bexar, Cherokee, Comal, Comanche, Cooke, Dallas, Erath, Gregg, Grimes, Hardin, Harris', Lamar, Liberty, Montague, Montgomery, Parker, Polk, Rusk, San Augustine, Smith, Tarrant, Titus, Walker, and Wood. Be- sides the varieties here discussed, another occurs westward. Its distribution and relationships will be treated in a subse- quent paper on phloxes of the south-central states. Virginia: Although the type locality of the species was in this state, it is not common there, being definitely known from but 6 counties: Augusta, Botetourt, Chesterfield', Fairfax', Frederick, and Spotsylvania. Wisconsin : Common throughout, the county records being : Barron, Bayfield, Brown, Buffalo, Burnett, Clark, Columbia, Crawford, Dane, Dunn, Grant, Green, Jackson, Jefferson, Juneau, Kenosha, Lafayette, Milwaukee, Monroe, Pierce, Portage, Racine, Richland, Rock, St. Croix, Sauk, Shawano, Sheboygan, Trempealeau, Walworth, Washburn, Washington, Waukesha, Waupaca, Waushara, Winnebago, and Wood. The wide-spread variety barely enters the southeastern corner. Canada. Manitoba : The prairie variety extends to Winni- peg, in Iberville County. Ontario : Limited, so far as known, to Essex and Lambton counties, at the southern end. •"^ 44 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 45 Ecology. — Phlox pilosa grows in many sorts of habitats, — fields, rocky slopes, open woods, and even exceptionally swamps. It seems to prefer subacid soils. Occasional as a pioneer, it increases in abundance rapidly as later successional stages develop, but thins out again as climax forest conditions are approached. It is more xerophytic than P. divarieata, and extends westward a short distance into the semi-arid parts of Texas. Since the ice of the last glacial stage re- treated it has migrated northward at least 350 miles (550 km.), corresponding to an average rate of a mile per hundred years. The distribution map, fig. 2, suggests the species as a whole to have had a dispersal center in the south-central part of the United States, perhaps in the Ozark region, from which the several varieties spread out in different directions. On the north and west, climatic barriers have no doubt been reached, but such can hardly be the case toward the northeast, and if man does not prevent, the plant may gradually extend its range there. In the south Phlox pilosa begins to bloom about the first of April, further north in early or even late May. The duration of flowering varies widely from one colony to another, being at times two or three weeks, or again as many months. As in most Phloxes, the stigmas ripen after the anthers. The flowers of some of its races are even more fragrant than those of P. divarieata, the scent resembling that of Azalea viscosa or Dianthus spp. Robertson observed twenty insect visitors, chiefly butterflies and long-tongued bees. Variation. — The variability of Phlox pilosa is so marked that the tendency on the part of some students to split it into several species is easily accounted for. Field study through- out its range shows, however, that all gradations between the extremes exist, so that only a separation into varieties is justifiable. Most frequently the plants are pubescent throughout, but locally there may be a tendency toward loss of hairs. This appears first on the lower leaves, then on the upper ones, and finally on the stem, the inflorescence usually (though not ^:> >4f Jl N ;\ % 4 invariably) retaining its pubescence intact. More or less glabrous-leaved plants may occur in any part of the range, as isolated individuals in the midst of numerous normal ones, but in certain regions they increase in frequency. Thus, in both Illinois and Indiana colonies are known in which pubes- cent and glabrate plants are roughly equal in number. The climax of this phenomenon appears, however, along the Gulf Coast from Mississippi to Florida, where many colonies are made up entirely of glabrous-leaved individuals, leading to the recognition there of a distinct variety. Exceptionally the relative hairiness of the upper and lower parts of the plant may be reversed, — the leaves be pubescent but the inflo- rescence glabrous. Over the greater part of the range the hairs on the inflo- rescence are conspicuously gland-tipped, while those on the lower part of the plant are glandless. Occasionally, however, glands extend down the stem, and sometimes even over the leaves. This feature reaches its maximum development in the Ozark region, where in some colonies the plants are viscid- glandular practically throughout. The opposite tendency, toward disappearance of glandularity, is more wide-spread. In the midst of many colonies of plants with glandular inflo- rescence occasional mutants occur in which the hairs lack glands entirely. Colonies made up wholly of glandless plants are not known in the eastern states, but in the Mississippi basin they are frequent, and northward become dominant. The inflorescence-hairs on such plants vary considerably, tending to be coarser in the south. The normal leaf-outline of Phlox pilosa is lanceolate- acuminate, but deviations are not infrequent. Broadening of at least the upper leaves to an ovate shape may occur in any colony. Narrowing to linear outline is most marked along the Gulf Coast. The calyx-lobes vary from subulate to broadly linear, without evident correlation with leaf-outline. Phlox-purple is the typical corolla-color in this species, but it is by no means constant. Pallid color-forms are occasional in all colonies, and dominant in some, w^hile complete albinos are not infrequent. A light violet or lavender hue similar 46 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 47 to that of P. divarieata appears locally, and in certain colonies seen in the uplands of Alabama purple, violet, and white forms were about equally abundant. A pale eye with more or less prominent superimposed striae is often developed. Sometimes there is a single central broad stripe on each lobe, of similar hue to the outer portions ; more often there is a pair of lateral ones, either redder or bluer, and occasionally both occur together. These striae may broaden and coalesce into a deep-colored ring, which is especially striking in otherwise pallid corollas. In corolla-dimensions this species is rather less variable than P. divarieata, and no geographic segregation in this feature can now be recognized. Usually a whole colony is character- ized by having the corollas all relatively small, or all large. The lobes range from cuneate to orbicular-obovate, and from terminally obtuse to mucronate or apiculate. The corolla- tube is often pubescent, but may be glabrous on individual plants or throughout whole colonies. On the opposite page the well-marked varieties^ and forms which it seems possible to recognize in the midst of this vast series of variations, are tabulated according to the ** geo- graphic'' plan already used. The wide-spread variety is regarded as ancestral to the others not only because these occupy more restricted areas, but also because mutations which appear within colonies of the wide-spread one imitate or approach all of the other varieties. Cultivation.— Phlox pilosa is little known in cultivation, probably largely because in rich garden soils it has proved to be short-lived. The vigorous race from the southern end of Lake Michigan, **P. argillacea, ' ' seems, however, well adapted to garden conditions, and has received favorable comment in horticultural circles. Other varieties and forms deserve more attention from this standpoint. 1 Only varieties known to grow east of the Mississippi Eiver are here included. Additional ones occur further west, one with foliaceous calyx- lobes (P. aspera E. Nelson) in Texas, and others with often very broad leaves in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Missouri. These will be discussed m a later article. /; ^j* ^i.ii^ 4i^ ? VARIETIES AND FORMS OF PHLOX PILOSA Intlorescence-hairs glandless, riNE; CALYX-LOBES BEOADISH. Phlox pilosa fulgida Wherry, var. nov. Named from the lustrous inflorescence-hairs. Typified by specimen in U. S. National Her- barium from Fort Snelling, Hennepin Co., Minn., collected by E. A. Mearns June 12, 1891. Dominant on the prairies of the upper Mississippi basin. Form: White (albino). P. pilosa forma alhiflora MacMillan. Rare. Usual features: leaves pubescent with glandless hairs, inplorks- cence-hairs glandular, calyx -lobes narrow and lonq- AWNED, and COROLLA-TUBE PUBESCENT. Phlox pilosa vlrens (Michaux) Wherry, comb. nov. P. aristata virens Michx. The widespread variety: Tex. to Fla., northward to Kans., SE. Wise, and SW. Conn., avoiding the highest elevations. Forms : Glabroua-leaved. Typified by specimen from li miles southwest of Knox, Starke Co., Ind., collected by C. C. Deam May 30, 1929, in her- barium of E. T. W. A variation, most frequent in 111. and Ind. Glandless (as to inflorescence-hairs). Typified by specimen from li miles north of Zieglersville, Montgomery Co., Pa., collected by E. T. W. May 26, 1930. An occasional mutation throughout. Glabrous- tubed. Typified by specimen from 1^ miles east of Hunts- ville, Madison Co., Ala., collected by E. T. W. April 29, 1929. A rare mutation northward, but often dominant in southern colonies. Light-colored (pink, pale violet, white, etc). P. pilosa Linn6 as to type citation from Plukenet; P. aristata canescens Michx. P. argil- lacea Clute and Ferriss. Common and locally dominant. Leaves consistently glabrous ; inflorescence much as in widespread variety. Phlox pilosa detonsa Gray. P. detonsa Small. Common near the Gulf coast, Fla. to Miss, (re- ports farther W. refer to prec). Form: Glabrous-sepalled. Typified by specimen from 3 miles east of Hopewell station, Hillsborough Co., Fla., collected by E. T. W. April 18, 1930. Known in Fla. only. INFLORESCENCE-HAIRS GLANDLESS, COARSE; CALYX-LOBES OFTEN RATHER BROAD. Phlox pilosa amplexicaulis (Raf- inesque) Wherry, status novus. P. amplexicaulis Raf. Rare, E. Tex. to La. and Tenn. to S. Ind. Form : Glabrous-sepalled. Typified by specimen in U. S. National Her- barium from near Covington, St. Tammany Parish, La., col- lected by Bro. G. Arsene April 12, 1920. Known in La. only. The following hybrids have been P. divarieata canadensis x P. pilosa P. divarieata canadensis x P. pilosa P. divarieata laphamix P. pilosa vi observed : amplexicaulis. Ind.f virens. Ala./ rens. (P. glutinosa Buckley.) 48 PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6. Phlox floridana Bentham. Florida Phlox.i Plate 2, fig. 3. History. — This species was first collected by Chapman, and named by Bentham^ in 1845. Shuttleworth distributed speci- mens of it under the name ''P. rigida/' first published by Brand." In the Kew Index* '*P. nuttalli'' or * * nuttalliana " Hort. and '*P. Carolina'' Sweet^ are referred to P. floridana, but judging from Sweet's plate really belong to P. maculata. Geography. — Specimens have been seen only from counties indicated by dots on the accompanying map, figure 3, showing the species to be endemic in a rather small area. Alabama : Reported from 3i Barton I A, No. 12 Plate )} PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 49 Fig. 1. Phlox amocna waiter i. Six miles north of Jeniison, Chilton County, Alabama. f.^> >i Fig. 2. Phlox amocna valtcri. In cultivation; originally from North Carolina. 7. Phlox amoena Sims. Hairy Phlox. Plate 3. History. — This species is recorded to have been discovered by Fraser in 1786, but it was not named until 24 years later. Meanwhile Walter^ had listed it with a question, and Michaux^ without question, as P. pUosa Linne. In 1810 Sims^ pub- lished a colored plate of it and ventured to give the name now accepted, though considering that **This species of Phlox is too nearly allied to the one figured in the preceding plate,'' which was the real P. pilosa., Pursh* endeavored to reach a compromise by proposing the combination P. pUosa variety amoena. Elliott,^ on the other hand, returned to Michaux's usage, while Bentham^ overlooked Sims's name entirely. In the second edition of his Manual, Gray' termed the present plant P. pilosa var. ? walteri, and retained this designation in the following two editions. Chapman^ was satisfied that the two are distinct species, and made for the present one the new combination P. walteri; and Gray® then came to the same view, identifying it at first with P. procumhens Lehmann,^° but soon afterward^^ recognizing this as a hybrid, and adopt- ing Sims's name, as required by the rule of priority. In the last cited work, Gray also noted that Nuttall had proposed the name P. involucrata, but had never adequately pub- lished it. The only other date of significance in the history of P. amoena is 1903, when SmalP^ segregated from it a presum- ably distinct species, under the name P. lighthipei. This was reduced to varietal status by Brand" (mis-spelled lightipei), and reasons for accepting his view will be presented in the discussion of variation in the species. 1 Flora Caroliniana 96. 1788. 2 Flora Boreali- Americana (1): 144. 1803. 8 Botanical Magazine 32: pi. 1308. 1810. ♦Flora America Sept. (1): 150. 1814. 5 Sketch Botany S. C. & Ga. (1) : 247. [1817.] 6 In De Candolle^s Prodromus 9: 305. 1845. 7 Manual of Botany, ed. 2. 331. 1856. 8 Flora Southern States 339. 1860. 9 Manual of Botany, ed. 5. 372. 1868. 10 Index Sem. Hamburg 1828: 17; Linnaea 5: 383. 1830. 11 Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci. 8: 251. 1870. 12 Flora Southeastern U. S. 978. 1903. 13 In Engler's Pflanzenreich IV. 250: 70. 1907. liAUTOXIA, Xo. 12 Plate :\ PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 49 ■k '■*. Fi(i. 1, Phlo.r rn(i ualtcri. Six iiiik's north of .loinisctii, Chilton County, Alnbnnin. 1 r 4 r Fl(i. L'. I'lilo.)' amoi nil iniHrri. In cult iv;i1 ion : ori«;iu:illy t'i(uu N(»rtli Cjirolina. 7. Phlox amoena Sims. Hairy Phlox. Plate 3. Histonj.— This species is recorded to have been discovered by Fraser in 1786, but it was not named until 24 years later. Meanwhile Walter^ had listed it with a question, and Michaux^ without question, as P. pilosa Linne. In 1810 Sims"* pub- lished a colored plate of it and ventured to give the name now accepted, though considering that ''This species of Phlox is too nearly allied to the one figured in the preceding plate," which was the real P. pilosa. Pursh^ endeavored to reach a compromise by proposing the combination P. piloaa variety amoena. Elliott,^ on the other hand, returned to Michaux's usage, while Bentham^ overlooked Sims's name entirely. In the second edition of his Manual, Gray' termed the present plant P. pilosa var. ? walteri, and retained this designation in the following two editions. Chapman" was satisfied that the two are distinct species, and made for the present one the new combination P. walteri; and Gray-^ then came to the same view, identifying it at first with P. jyrocumhens Lehmann,^*' but soon afterward" recognizing this as a hybrid, and adopt- ing Sims's name, as required by the rule of priority. In the last cited work, Gray also noted that Xuttall had proposed the name P. involucrata, but had never adequately pub- lished it. The only other date of significance in the history of P. amoena is 1903, when SmalP^ segregated from it a presum- ably distinct species, under the name P. lighthipei. This was reduced to varietal status by Brand^'^ (mis-spelled Ughtipei), and reasons for accepting his view will be presented in the discussion of variation in the species. 1 Flora Caroliniana 96. 1788. 2 Flora Boreali-Americana (1): 144. 1803. 3 Botanical Magazine 32: pi. 1308. 1810. 4 Flora America Sept. (1): 150. 1814. r. Sketch Botany S. C. & Ga. (1) : 247. [1817.] « In De Candolle's Prodromus 9: 305. 1845. 7 Manual of Botanv, ed. 2. 331. 1856. 8 Flora Southern States 339. 1860. 9 Manual of Botany, ed. 5. 372. 1868. 10 Index Sem. Hamburg 1828: 17; Linnaea_^o: 383. 18JU. 11 Proc. Amer. Acad. Art« Sci. 8: 251. 1870. 12 Flora Southeastern U. S. 978. 1903. 1-5 In Engler's Pflanzenreich IV. 250: 70. 1907. INTENTIONAL SECOND EXPOSURE 50 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Geography. — This species has a rather restricted range — from Florida to eastern Mississippi, southern Kentucky, and north central North Carolina. The records of the two recog- nizable varieties, Phlox amoena walteri and P. a. lighthipei, are indicated in figure 4 by solid and open circles, respectively. The distribution of these suggests the species to have spread from a dispersal center in the northwestern corner of Georgia or adjacent Alabama. It is probably still expanding its range, there being no indication that the present boundaries are climatic. 0«llKhthip«i FiQ. 4. Distribution of Phlox amoena. r Alabama : Abundant and wide-spread, being recorded from 33 counties: Autauga, Baldwin, Barbour, Bibb', Blount', Calhoun', Cherokee', Chilton', Clarke, Cleburne', Colbert', Cullman', De Kalb', Elmore', Escambia, Etowah', Fayette', Franklin', Jefferson', Lawrence, Lee, Limestone', Marion', Marshall', Mobile, Montgomery', Morgan', Perry', Randolph', St. Clair', Shelby', Walker', and Winston'. [Arkansas: Ascribed to this state by Mohr,^ but evidently through misunderstanding.] Florida: Occasional in the northern part, specimens — chiefly of the southeastern variety — having been seen from Clay, Duval, Gadsden, and St. Johns counties. 1 Plant Life of Ala. 686. 1901. PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 51 Georgia : Distributed much as in Alabama, the county list being: Bartow', Bibb', Bulloch, Camden, Catoosa', Charlton, Chatham, Clarke, Coffee, Dade, De Kalb', Emanuel, Floyd', Fulton, Glynn, Gwinnett, Habersham', Hall, Haral§on, Jas- per, Madison', Peach, Richmond, Stephens', Sumter, Telfair', Thomas, Walker', Wheeler', and Wilcox. The southeastern variety is present locally. Kentucky: Enters along the southern border, specimens having been seen from Logan, McCreary', and Warren coun- ties. Short's records from ''barrens" may represent others. Mississippi : Rare and probably limited to the eastern edge of the state. The records published by Lowe^ proved, on ex- amination of the specimens in the State University lierbarium, to represent mis-identified P. pilosa. The localities given on two sheets seen in other herbaria can not be certainly placed, but are thought to lie in Alcorn and Wayne counties. [Missouri : Mohr extended the range of P. amoena to this state, but must have mistaken some other species for it.] North Carolina: Common in the Blue Ridge and inner Piedmont, but apparently absent from the Coastal Plain. The county list is : Buncombe', Burke, Caldwell, Catawba, Chero- kee', Forsyth', Hayw^ood, Henderson', Iredell, Lincoln, Mc- Dowell', Madison', and Polk'. South Carolina : Occurs throughout the southwestern half, there being 10 county records: Aiken', Anderson, Berkeley, Cherokee', Greenville', Jasper, Lexington, Oconee', Pickens', and Spartanburg. The type locality of the species was on the Santee Canal in Berkeley. Tennessee: Frequent except toward the west end, the county list being: Blount, Bradley', Coffee', Cumberland, Davidson, Franklin, Hamilton, Knox, Marion', Monroe, Mor- gan, Polk', and Sumner. [Virginia : In the second edition of his Manual of Botany, Gray2 ascribed ''P. pilosa var. ? walteri'' to Virginia, and this has been copied from one compilation to another ever since. No substantiating evidence is, however, at hand.] 1 Plants of Miss. 234. 1921. 2 Manual of Botany, ed. 2. 331. 1856. 52 PROCEEDINGS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BOTANICAL CLUB 53 [West Virginia : Phlox amoena was reported by Millspaugh^ in Fayette County ; no specimens seem to have been preserved, however, and trips to that region have yielded only P. divari- cata. Mr. L. W. Nuttall, who found the plant in question advises me that its identity was never checked by comparison with herbarium material, and that he regarded it as an in- troduction from the west. It therefore seems likely to have been some other species.] Ecology. — The most frequent habitat of the present species is a thin woods in rather sterile soil, although it sometimes extends into deep woods where the soil is richer, and again pushes out into swamp thickets or even boggy meadows. In reaction preference it is to be classed as subacid, and only rarely thrives in circumneutral soils. Its partially persistent stems and rather small hairy leaves mark it as somewhat xerophytic. From the successional standpoint it is inter- mediate, being exceptional either as a pioneer plant or an occupant of climax forests. Its blooming period extends from early April through May in the lowlands, and from May into June at higher elevations. The flowers have little scent, evidently attracting insects by their brilliant color. Fertile seeds do not seem to be pro- duced very freely, however, and this species rarely becomes abundant. Its failure to occupy a wider range is perhaps in part connected with this lack of reproductive vigor. Variation. — Phlox amoena is less variable than most other species, and except toward the southeastern end of its range is rather uniform in aspect. The leaves, which are normally elliptic-oblong and obtusish, show a tendency to become lanceolate and acuminate in many colonies, and in northeast- ern Florida and southeastern Georgia this tendency is locally dominant; the bracts being also narrowed and the stems elongated, the plants then take on a striking resemblance to those of P. pilosa or P. floridana. It was material of this kind which, as noted under History, has been considered a distinct species, P. lighthipei; but as many intermediates with typical P. amoena exist, only varietal separation seems justified. 1 Living Flora of West Virginia 335. 1913. vl t The only other noteworthy variation occurs in the corolla- color. This is normaUy phlox-purple (65 b), but a brilliant hue approaching the true purple (65) of Ridgway is also frequent. The bluer amparo purple (63 b) and the redder mallow purple (67 b) are exceptional. In a few colonies light-colored plants become prominent, their corollas being pink, light violet (59 d), near-white, or even pure white. Intense eye striae, usually rhodamine purple (67), are often present, each lobe bearing near its base either a single broad central stripe, two narrow lateral ones, or both in combina- tion, yielding a striking stellate pattern. VARIETIES AND FORMS OF PHLOX AMOENA Leaves mostly elliptic-oblono and obtusish ; bracts broad. Phlox amoena waiter! (Gray) Wherry, comb, nov P. pilosa Michau^, not Linn^; P. amoena Sims; P. pilosa amoena Pursh; P. pilosa wal- teri Gray P. walteri Chapman, in part; P. procumhens Gt&j, not tlm^^-: P. involucrata Nuttall ex Gray. The widespread variety.i Form: Light-colored (corolla pink, Ught violet, white, etc.). Typified ^y sDecimen from 9 miles southeast of Beechgrove, Coffee Co., Tenn., collected by E. T. W. May 7, 1929. Occasional in many colonies. Leaves mostly lanceolate and acuminate; bracts narrow. Phlox amoena lighthipei (Small) Brand [spelling corrected] ; P. wal- ttri ChapmanTin part; P. lighthipei Small. In Eastern Fla. and Ga. Cultivation.— Being adapted to growth only in sterile, acid soils. Phlox amoena fails to thrive in ordinary gardens, and is not in the trade. Many dealers offer under this name, how- ever the hybrid more correctly known as P. procumhens Lehmann; also listed as ^*P. verna'^ Hort. As noted under History, Gray for a time confused this plant with P. amoena, but soon corrected the error ; in doing so, however, he made another, in that he suggested the parents of the hybrid to be P suhulata and P. amoena. Actually the spatulate leaves, strongly glandular pubescence, and long style show the second parent to have been P. stolonifera instead. Horticulturists who desire to label their plants correctly will do well to re- member that ^' Phlox amoena'' Hort. is not the P. amoena of botanists. IP. rugelii Brand, in Engler^s Pfi^nzenreich IV. 250: 73 1907 = P. divaricata canadensis x P. amoena walteri. Ala.,/ Tenn.,/ and N. C. i IRREGULAR PAGINATION Reprinted from Journal of The Wa.hin(;ton A. ademv of Sciences Vol. 21, No. 4, IVbrimry l'.», iy31 BOTANY.— A neiv spiral-orchid from the sonthern states.' Edg.'^r T. Wherry, University of Peiinsyl\-;inia. While studying the soil-reaction relations of nati^^-e plants in the sol, I have'repeatedly observed in boggy pinelands a spiral-ordj.d Hadies-tresses) not corresponding to any species nicluded in bniall s Flora' It is closely related to the Slender Spiral-orchid [Ibulnan araciie (Bigel House)], and search for morphological differences be- ?ween them has not been particularly successful. They are, however more or le"s distinct in flower color, sepal length, habitat, range, and Zoming period, and show no evident intergradatiou. The southern plant is accordingly here described as a new species. Lateral sepals little exceeding the bond ^-^}^f^^^^^^l^:Ti:^ moderately acid grassy fields, b. t. to lex. and nortn^a ^^,^^.^^^^^ ^^^^.^^ Ibidium floridanum Wherry, sp. nov. FIG. 1. 7 .^7/ dmili^ sed floribus vernalibus et labii medio intense flavo. L=UTlv:lfroots severa^^^^^^^^^ autumn and withering the foU^mg s«^m n^^^^ ^' ^^^^. elliptic, 1 to 4 cm long and 5 *» 20 3. «'««'o«^^™ {^ .i^glc ranked, often 4 to 7 remote scale-like leaves; mceme .5 to 10 cm long B ,j ^^ strongly spiralled; flowers usually oP«"'"^,".-^^'lXr creamy white with the early as mid-December o[„=;f »^\«4%'^J^-Y' ^ '^bUngr^^^ (Raf .) SSlSsS' K P-if ti"^ -ther markedly beyond the beld in the lip; callosities stubby, 1 mm. long. . Contribution from the Botanical Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. Received November 26, 1930. .^^ t Flora of the Southeastern I nitcd States. 319. IMS. 49 50 JOURNAL OF THE WASHINGTON ACADEMY OF SCIENCES VOL. 21, NO. 4 Type in U. S. National Herbarium, no. 1,466,427, collected by Edgar T. Wherry April 14, 1930, near Loretto, Duval County, Florida. Named from the fact that it is widespread and abundant in this state, specimens having been seen from the following counties: Broward, Duval, Flagler, Gadsden, Hillsborough, Jackson, Lake, Lee, Marion, Orange, Pinellas, St. Johns, and Walton. Noteworthy specimens are as follows: FLORIDA : Tampa Bay, Burrows, 1834; the earhest known collection (New York Botanical Garden) Fig. 1. Ibidium floridanum Type locality. Natural size. Fort Myers. Standley, December 14, 1919; an unusually early blooming date (United States National Herbarium) Fort Lauderdale to Miami, Small & Carter, February, 1911; the southern- most known station (N. Y. B. G.) GEORGIA: Milledgeville, Boykin, 1836 (N. Y. B. G.). Wrightsboro, Chapman (N. Y. B. G.) SOUTH CAROLINA: Andcrsou, Davis, April 9, 1919; the northernmost known station (U. S. N. H.) ALABAMA: Mobile, Mohr, May, 1868 (U. S. N. H.) MISSISSIPPI: Koshtaw, Tracy, May 20, 1898. (N. Y. B. G.) LOUISIANA: Alexandria, Hale, April. (N. Y. B. G.) TEXAS: Houston, Hall, April 1, 1872; the westernmost known station (N. Y. B. G.) FEB. 19, 1931 WHERUY: A NEW SPIHAI.-OKCHin 51 The southernmost occurrences of /. gracile represented among specimens soTt^carolixa: Aiken, Ravend September 1869 (US^^^ HO ALABAMA: Auburn, Polked f^ ^^{«--vJf y ^-n, 1^00 (bb. N. H.) ARKANSAS: Tcxarkaua, Heller, August, 1898 (N. Y B. U.j The ranges of the two species thus barely overlap.