*. i::*S^ -'•• • V* .. t ^, -J # I • -sW UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY ^ *' y> £ ;3i^*fi* \ > Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. U. of I. Library 194C '»* 17625-S y. rv FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM PUBLICATION 65. ZOOLOGICAL SERIES. VOL. Ill, No. 6. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO. BY SETH EUGENE MEEK, Assistant Curator of Department. D. G. ELLIOT, F. R. S. E., Curator of Department. CHICAGO, U. S. A. May, 1902. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO. BY SKTH EUGENE MEEK. The following paper is based on a collection of fishes made in Mexico during April, May and June, 1901, by the writer and Mr. Frank Eugene Lutz, instructor in zoology in Chicago University, as volunteer assistant. The more important river systems were examined, chiefly with the view of discovering the southern range of our North American ichthyic fauna, and the northern range of the South and Central American faunas. Most of the collecting was done with two ^-inch mesh seines, one being 25 feet in length, the other about 50 feet. The central portion of Mexico is a plateau ranging from about 3,500 feet above the sea to about 8,000 feet. The streams vary much in size; many go quite or entirely dry during the dry season, while during the rainy season they beqome torrents. Our visit was made during the latter part of the dry season when the streams were very low. The collection secured is perhaps larger than all other collec- tions combined from the fresh waters of Mexico. The fish fauna of Mexico is very interesting. In the northern part of the country we find a few species not found elsewhere, while a large portion of the fauna are species which have migrated south. The South American fauna predominates as far north as Mexico City, though a few of its forms extend into Texas. In making this collection we would acknowledge the assistance of the following gentlemen: Mr. J. H. Hampson of the Cuernavaca & Pacific Railroad, Mr. W. Morcom of the Mexican Southern Railroad, Mr. E. A. White of the Interoceanic Railroad, Mr. Chas. Sheldon of the Chihuahua & Pacific Railroad, Mr. Jno. P. Ramsey of the Rio Grande, S. Madre and Pacific Railroad, Mr. H. R. Nickerson and Mr. T. R. Ryan of Mexican Central and to Mr. Ward, Superintendent of Wells, Fargo Express Co., and to the officials of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad. We also received considerable aid from station agents on these various railroads where we stopped and also 63 64 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM-*-ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. from Mr. Woodside, custom agent for the Mexican Central Railroad at Cuidad Juarez. The following River systems were examined as listed below: The Casas Grandes System. The Rio Casas Grandes is a small mountain stream which flows iuto Lago de Guzman. In the dry season the lake becomes nearly or entirely dry and there is very little water in the river below Terrasas. At Colonia Juarez, about 16 miles above Ter- rasas, the river the last of June contained little water, nearly all of which was taken out a short distance below into irriga- ting ditches. The fish life was abundant, but there were only a few species. The water was clear, and cooler than other similar mountain streams farther south. Where the water was confined in holes and not running it contained a large amount of algae, enough to fill the meshes of our net and make hauling difficult. Lago de Guzman at the time of our visit was dry. A few fishes were taken from a small spring branch near the railroad station. It is probable that this river system was once a tributary of the Rio Grande. The Santa Maria System. The Rio Santa Maria runs parallel to the Rio Casas Grandes and empties into Lago de Santa Maria about 10 miles southeast of Guzman. These lakes are separated by a comparatively low ridge, but so high that their waters have not mingled with each other for a considerable time. I visited this water system only at Santa Maria. The lake was dry, but there were several large ponds fed by many large springs.. These ponds were surrounded by a considerable amount of aquatic vegetation. The bottoms were of loose mud or muck. The water in the springs and spring brooks was clear, and contained C. elegans and N. lutrensis in abundance. The Carmen System. The Rio Carmen is a small river east of the Rio Santa Maria. It empties into Lago de Patos about 50 miles southeast of Lago de Santa Maria. At the time of my visit, June 21, the lake was dry except a few holes some 20 feet wide and 50 or 60 feet in length. These were reported to contain fish, but a half day's seining resulted in getting none. At the San Jose Ranch, some MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 65 5 or 6 miles from the lake, is a large spring, and a spring branch whose waters are taken up by the sand within less than a mile from the spring. C. flcgans is the only fish found here. At Ahumada, 9 miles from the lake, all of the water in the river was taken out by irrigating ditches. A small collection of fishes was made in the largest irrigating ditch. It seems that on the approach of the dry season the fish in these small separate river basins migrate to the head waters. A large number are said to die in the lakes as these bodies of water become dry. The concentration of the salts in the water due to evaporation is no doubt the cause of the great mortality reported when the lake has been reduced to about one-fourth of its largest size. Mr. Jackson of Ahumada, who occasionally fishes for the market, informed me that in June no large fishes could be found short of about 20 miles up the river. These three river systems were probably at one time a part of the Rio Grande System. The Conchos System. The Rio de los Conchos is one of the southern tributaries of the Rio Grande. We visited the Rio Chihuahua, a tributary of the Rio Conchos, at Chihuahua. The water was very low. This stream flows with a moderate current over sandy or gravelly bot- toms. The water contained a large amount of algae. This stream, where visited, was well shaded by large trees and bushes. The Rio Santa Cruz at San Andres is a small stream with sandy and gravelly bottom; by the end of the dry season it contains but little running water. Our fishes were collected in a few holes in the bed of the stream just below the city. There is very little vegetation of any sort along this stream near San Andres. This same stream at Ortiz, a considerable distance below San Andres, was 'entirely dry. The Rio Noavaco at 'Santa Rosalia contains considerable water throughout the dry season, though this is confined to long deep holes with but little running water between them. At Jimenez the Rio Conchos was nearly dry. Our collections were made from a few deep holes about 2 miles below the city. These contained a large amount of aquatic vegetation, which made collecting difficult and unsatisfactory. The water was very clear, and in the deeper places were seen many large suckers which we were unable to capture. Sunfishes were very abundant. All of these streams become large and deep in the 66 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. rainy season, at which time the Rio Conchos at Jimenez becomes 200 or more feet in width and as much as 15 feet in depth. The Lago de Castillos System. This lake receives the water from a large depression on the divide between the head waters of 'the Rio Conchos and the Rio Yaqui. Lago de Castillos is a large body of water in the wet season, but nearly all. of its water is evaporated by the end of the dry season. The seining of a few holes yielded but one species of fish. A few small fishes are reported in some of the springs on the margin of the lake bed even in the dry season. These are either the young of L. nigrescens, or are possibly Cyprinodon ele- gans and Notropis lutrensis, more likely all three of these. I was unable to visit any of these springs, as my time when I visited Bustillos was limited. The Bustillos hacienda comprises most all of this drainage area. The Rio Yaqui System. The Rio Paphigochic, a tributary of the Rio Yaqui, was visited at Minaca. This river contained a small amount of running water. Its current was rapid and flowed over beds of sand and gravel. We collected in the deep holes and shallow places along the river for about a mile. The similarity of the fishes in this stream and the Rio Conchos is very striking. The Tarahumares, a tribe of Indians living south of Minaca, catch fishes by poisoning the water with some herb. This is reported to make the fish drunk. This is evidently a method similar to the one used by the Cherokee Indians in the Indian Territory. The Cherokees pound up the roots of the walnut and mix the j«ice with the water. I have never seen this operation, but from the description I have heard of it, it seems that the wal- nut juice in the water acts as an astringent on the gills of the fishes, no doubt causing a smothering sensation. The fishes become active for a while and often swim with force enough to land themselves high and dry. Later, if they remain in the water, they become stupefied and are easily caught. Mr. A. G. Maddren, who visited the Caroline Islands a few years ago, informed me that some herb there was pounded up and its juice mixed with the water to capture tide-pool fishes. It is interest- ing to note this method of taking fishes by natives in three such widely separated localities. MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 67 The Lerma System. The Rio Lerma is the longest river in Mexico. In its basin are found a large number of lakes. Some of these lakes, as Lago de Chapala, are still connected with the river, while many, as Patzcuaro, Zirahuen and others, have long since become isolated and at present each one forms an independent drainage system. The Rio Verde was visited at Aguas Calientes. It contained but little running water. In the bed of the stream were a number of holes from three to five feet in depth. The water, though apparently clear, contained a large amount of algae which so clog- ged the meshes of the seines as to make collecting difficult. The bottom was of sand and gravel. A small stream, a tributary of the Rio Verde, flows through the city of Lagos. It contained but a small amount of water. There is a small lake about two miles from Lagos. It is about one-half mile in diameter, and is bordered by a rich growth of cat-tails, tules and other forms of aquatic vegetation. There were no sandy shores and it was quite impossible to use a seine in it. In the lake, a small ditch near by, and in the stream at the city, a small collection of fishes was made. Cat-fish, probably Amciurus dugesii, are reported common in the lake, but we were unable to obtain any. At La Barca the Rio Lerma is a rather broad, deep river with a very sluggish current. The river was too deep to wade any distance from the shore, and so a few hauls of the seine were made from shore by means of ropes, and with better results than is usually accomplished in this way. The bottom and shores were muddy; occasionally along the margin was considerable aquatic vegetation. Lago de Chapala is the largest fresh water lake in Mexico. The Rio Lerma flows into this lake near La Barca at the northeast corner, and flows from it a few miles farther down at Ocotlan. After the river leaves the lake it is known as the Rio Santiago. At Ocotlan we collected in the main river and in a few small bayous. The river here is about 200 feet wide and 10 to 15 feet deep. Its banks were steep but less so than at La Barca. La Palma is a small village some 20 miles from Ocotlan and on the opposite shore of the lake. Lago de Chapala is from 10 to 25 miles wide and about 50 in length. It is surrounded by high hills and mountains. The lake, especially between Ocotlan and La Palma, is shallow. For a mile or so from La Palma it is not 68 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. over 6 or 8 feet deep. At La Palma is a rich growth of cat- tails and tules. The bottom, a short distance from shore, is muddy. Our collection was made along shore, in and about the tules, and some distance out where the water was not deep. There is considerable fishing done here for the market. The cat-fishes Ameiurus dugesii are known as Bagre. Xystrosus pop- oche and Falcula ciiapala are Sardinia. Algansea rubescens is La Poache. The large Chirostoma' are Blancas, and the small Chir- ostoma and the various species of Pxciliidce are known as Mojarra. The fishes caught here are marketed largely in Ocotlan. At Celaya a small collection of fishes was made in a small stream which flows by the depot. In this stream was consider- able vegetation. The Rio Lerma at Acambaro is a clear stream not over 4 feet deep, flowing over a sandy bottom. It contained but few fishes at this place. A large irrigating ditch well filled with aquatic vegetation yielded a good number of Pceciliidce. Lago de Quitzeo is a large shallow lake without any outlet. At Huingo, where our collection was made, the lake was not over 2 feet deep as much as one-eighth of a mile from the shore. At one-fourth of a mile it is less than 6 feet deep. There are a number of hot springs along the shore west of Huingo, and near the depot a small stream fed by a warm spring flows into the lake. This stream was alive with Pceciliida. Between the lake and the city of Huingo a large amount of salt is gotten each year, and so the lake is known as a salt lake, though its waters may perhaps be but little if any more saline than are the other lakes in this region which have no outlets. The small Pivciliida are known here as Charral. Lago de Patzcuaro is a beautiful sheet of water some 10 miles long by 2 to 4 miles wide. It is surrounded on all sides by high mountains, and is -perhaps the most beautiful and picturesque lake in the Lerma Basin. Its shores near the city of Patzcuaro are fringed with a rich growth of tules and other aquatic plants. About 3 miles from the landing is an island, and between it and the shore the lake does not exceed a depth of 30 feet; beyond the island it is reported to be much deeper. A great deal of commercial fishing is done here. The larger fishes, Pescados Blancas, are marketed at Patzcuaro and Morelia. A few are sent to Uruapan and neighboring towns. The small fishps of all species are dried in the sun and marketed in that condition. The fishes are caught in long seines. Lago MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 69 de Patzcuaro has no outlet, and its waters have become some- what brackish. Lago de Zirahuen is a small, deep mountain lake. Its drain- age area is small, and the lake is' about one mile in diameter. A portion of its shore is sandy and muddy, while much is fringed with vegetation. This lake also has no outlet. The fishes from it are very dark in color. In this respect they are much like the fishes in Lago de Chalco. Commercial fishing is carried on here to some extent. The Drainage System of the Valley of Mexico. Lago de Texcoco is a large shallow lake in the valley of Mexico. Its size varies much during the year. It is connected with all of the other lakes in this valley by canals which carry off much of the filth of the City of Mexico as well as of other cities near by. Lago de Chalco is deeper and smaller than Texcoco. This lake supports an immense amount of vegetation. Not far from Tlahuac, in the bed of the lake, is a large spring. The water is about 20 feet deep, and can be seen boiling up through the sand on the bottom over an area of more than 100 feet square. Our collections from this lake were made at Chalco and Tlahuac. Lago de Xochomilcho is much like Lago de Chalco. The few fishes in our collection from this lake were purchased from fishermen in the markets of the City of Mexico. The Balsas System. The Rio Balsas is south of the Rio Lerma and is the second largest river wholly within Mexico. We visited this river at Balsas, a small village almost directly south of the City of Mexico. The river at close of the dry season, at this place, was about 100 feet wide and 10 to 15 feet deep. The mountains on either side rise almost from the water's edge, forming a sort of canon. The current was very swift, while at intervals of a mile or so were rapids or cascades. In the bed of the stream are a few small bayous and cut-offs, and in these most of our fishes were collected. The Rio Balsas in the wet season is for a while one of the great rivers of this continent. Its water in the dry season is so brackish that the natives seldom use it. The Rio Cuculo is a small stream tributary to the Rio Balsas at this place. It contained no running water. The few deep holes near its mouth furnished an excellent place to collect fishes. jo FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. In the dry season the natives dig basins in the bed of this stream from which they get their drinking water. The Rio Ixtla, a tributary of the Rio Amacusac which empties into the Balsas, is a clear stream with sandy and gravelly bottom. Our collections were taken from this stream a short distance above the picturesque old bridge at this place. A few speci- mens were also taken from the Rio Tembernbe, a small tributary of the Rio Ixtla. The San Francisco System. At La Antigua the Rio San Francisco is a broad stream with a hard bottom. At this point the water was not more than 4 feet deep. La Antigua is just above tide wrater, and most of the fishes taken here belong to salt or brackish water. A tributary of the Rio San Francisco at Jalapa is a small stream. A dam is built at the head of the falls. ' Above the dam the water is deep and the stream fills the narrow valley, forming a sort of lake which is well filled with aquatic vegetation. Sein- ing here was quite impossible. A few fishes were taken above the dam by using the seine as a dip net. The small stream below the dam was seined for some distance. It was narrow, with steep muddy banks, and contained a great deal of vegetation. The Panuca System. At San Juan del Rio we visited the Rio Moctezuma which flows into the Rio Panuca. The water in it was confined to a few deep holes, with none running between them. Collecting here was easy and satisfactory. The bed of the river was rocky, but the shore of the deep holes next the bed of the stream was sandy and with a gentle slope. The Verde System. The Rio Verde is a small Pacific coast stream which heads a short distance above Oaxaca. It was nearly dry when our collec- tion was made. Its bed at Oaxaca is broad and covered with sand. A few holes in the bed contained a few fishes belonging to two species. The Quiotepec System. The Rio Quiotepec drains a considerable area directly east of the head waters of the Rio Balsas, and flows into the Gulf of MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 71 Mexico. At Cuicatlan near the close of the dry season the water in the river was rather shallow; in many places less than 4 feet deep. It flows with a swift current over a sandy and gravelly bottom. A small creek flows into the river near Cuicatlan. Our collection was taken from the main stream, the small creek and from a few cut-offs and bayous in the bed of the river. The Rio Tehucan at Venta Salada is a rapid mountain stream. The rocky bottom and walls, and the swift current made collect- ing with a seine unsatisfactory. A few species, however, were captured which proved to be especially interesting. The following new genera are described in this paper: Zoogo- neticus, Chapalichthys, Skiffia and Melaniris. The following is a list of the new species described: Rhamdia oaxacce Skiffia variegata Catostomus conchas Heterandia lutzii Catostomus sonorce Xiphophorus jalapce Algansea rubescens Chirostoma attenuatum Gila minaccz Chirostoma labarcce Aztecula mexicana Chirostoma patzcuaro Notropis robustus Chirostoma zirahuen Xotropis santarosalice Melaniris balsanus Evarra tlahuacensis Lepomis occidentalis Fundulns oaxacce Cichlosotna eigenmanni Zoogoneticus diazi Gobiits parvus Zoogoneticus miniatus Gobius clay font Skiffia lerma The measurements, scale and fin ray counts are made in the usual manner. The length of the body is measured from tip of upper jaw to base (last caudal vertebra) of caudal fin; the total length is measured from tip of jaws to tip of caudal rays; only fully developed rays are counted. The length of the head is measured from tip of upper jaw to poster edge of opercle; length of snout from its tip to anterior margin of orbit. Scales in the lateral series are counted to the base of caudal fin; transverse series from insertion of ventrals or anal, whichever is nearest middle of the body when the lateral line is present, and the count above includes the row on which the lateral line is found. The following is a list of the places near which our collections were made. In order to abbreviate, the name of the city nearest which the species was taken is given instead of also giving name of stream and date; for example, " Colonia Juarez," after the name of a species, means that it was taken from the Rio Casas Grandesnear the village of Colonia Juarez in the State* of Chihua- hua on June 26. 72 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. Colonia Juarez: Chihuahua, Mexico, Rio Casas Grandes, June 26. Guzman: Chihuahua, Mexico, spring near railroad station, June 25. Santa Maria: Chihuahua, Mexico, springs and ponds near clubhouse, June 24. San Jose: Chihuahua, Mexico, spring at San Jose ranch, Lago de Patqs, was nearly dry. No fish in the few pools left, June 21. Alumiada: Chihuahua, Mexico. A large irrigating ditch. No water in the Rio Carmen, June 22. Chihuahua: Chihuahua, Mexico, tributary of the Rio Conchos, June 19. Santa Rosalia: Chihuahua, Mexico, Rio Noavaco, June 10. Jimenez: Chihuahua, Mexico, Rio Conchos, June 9. San Andres: Chihuahua, Mexico, Rio Santa Cruz, June 17, 18. Bustillos: Chihuahua, Mexico, Lago de Castillo, the lake was dry except a few small holes, June 14. Minaca: Chihuahua, Mexico, Paphigochic, June 16, 17. Aguas Calientes: Aguas Calientes, Mexico, Rio Verde, June 7. Lagos: Jalisco, Mexico, tributary of the Rio Verde, and small lake near the city, June 6. La Barca: Jalisco, Mexico, Rio Lerma, June 5. Ocotlan: Jalisco, Mexico, Rio Grande de Santiago and a few bayous, June 2 and 3. Celaya: Guanajuato, Mexico, small stream tributary "to the Lerma, May 28. Ocambaro: Guanajuato, Mexico, Rio Lerma, May 27. La Palma: Michoacan, Mexico, Lago de Chalco, May 30, 31. Huingo: Michoacan', Mexico, Lago de Quitzeo, May 26. Patzcuaro: Michoacan, Mexico, Lago de Patzcuaro, May 18 to 22. Zirahuen: Michoacan, Mexico, Lago de Zirahuen, May 24. San Juan del Rio: Queretaro, Mexico, Rio Moctezuma, May 16. Chalco: Mexico, Mexico, Lago de Chalco, April 30, May I. Texcoco: Mexico, Mexico, Lago de Texcoco, May 13. Puente de Ixtla: Morelos, Mexico, Rio Ixtla, April 24 to 26. Balsas: Guerrero, Mexico, Rio Balsas and Rio Cuculo, April 22 and 23. Venta Salada: Puebla, Mexico, Rio Tehucan, May 6, 1901. Cuicatlan: Oaxaca, Mexico, Rio Quiotepec, May 5, 1001. Oaxaca: Oaxaca, Mexico, Rio Verde, May 4, 1901. Jalapa: Vera Cruz, Mexico, tributary of Rio San Francisco, May 9. La Antigua: Vera Cruz, Mexico, Rio San Francisco, May 10. LEPISOSTEID^. Lepisosteus osseus (Linnanis). Four specimens of this species were taken at Santa Rosalia. Istalarius balsanus Jordan & Snyder. £agre. This species is quite common at the Balsas. Several large specimens were taken from the main river. The fontanelle was well developed in specimens over 2 feet in length. MAY, 1902. THK ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 73 Several small specimens were also taken at Puente de Ixtla, the type locality. These specimens and the smaller ones taken at the Balsas are much darker on ventral side than are the larger specimens. The ventral surface of specimens 2 feet long is white. It does not shade into the bluish on sides, the line between the two colors being very marked. Puente de Ixtla; Balsas. Ameiurus price! Rutter. Head 3|; depth 5; D-i, 6; A. 19. Body elongate; head rather narrow; lower jaw the shorter; premaxillary band of teeth truncate behind; interorbital width 2^- in head; eye small, 6 in head; barbels 8, the maxillary ones reaching slightly beyond gill openings; pectoral spine smooth in front, serrate behind, serra- tions 5 (in specimens 2^ inches in length) to 8 (in specimens 6^ inches in length); pectoral spine 2^- in head, equals length of the dorsal spine; base of anal 2| in its distance from snout, i£ in head. Origin of dorsal nearer tip of snout than to origin of base of adipose fin. Caudal deeply forked. Bluish above, lighter below; a few dark spots on the body; lobes of caudal fin edged with black. These specimens differ somewhat from the description of A. pricei. President' D. S. Jordan informs me that A. pricei was described from a few small specimens, and it is his opinion that our specimens from Minaca are the same species. Very large cat-fishes are reported to be taken in the Yaqui. Minaca. Ameiurus dugesii Bean. Abundant in Lago de Chapala. Specimens were taken by me at La Barca, Ocotlan and La Palma. None were seen at Patz- cuaro, Zirahuen and Huingo, and I was told by the fishermen that there were no cat-fishes in these lakes. They are reported as common in the Lerma at Morelia and Acambaro, but in the dry season are found only in the deepest holes. Ocotlan; La Barca; La Palma. I here give a key by which the two species of Ameiurus now known from the Pacific slope may be recognized: a. Pectoral spine without serrations (or a few weak ones in the young). Dorsal spine long, if to ijj in the length of the head. DUGESII. aa. Pectoral spine strongly serrate ; dorsal spine short, 2\ to 3 in the length of the head ; anal rays 18 to 23. PRICEI. 74 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. Leptops olivaris (Rafinesque). One ^pecimen 5.80 inches long from the Rio Noavaco. Large cat-fishes are reported to have been taken from the Rio Conchos at Santa Rosalia. Rhamdia oaxacae, sp. nov. Type, No. 3717, F. C. M. Length, 5^ inches. Locality, Rio Quiotepec, Cuicatlan, Oaxaca, Mexico. Head 3|; depth 5^; D. i-6; A. 10; gill-rakers 3+7. Body slender; head large, upper jaw slightly the longer; top of head flat, narrow forward; eye small, 6^ in head; snout 2^ in head; occipital process 4^ in head; fontanelle reaching middle of orbit; profile from nostrils to origin of dorsal straight; maxillary bar- bels reaching nearly to middle of base of adipose fin, slightly shorter in largest specimens (6^ inches in length); mental barbel reaching | distance to pectoral; post-mental to just past base of pectoral; dorsal fin slightly higher than long, its base about i| in head; dorsal spine weak, flexible, i^ in base of fin; distance from tip of snout to dorsal fin -2\ in length of body; adipose fin well developed, its origin at tips of dorsal rays when the fin is deflexed; base of adipose fin a| to 3 in length of body. Least depth of caudal peduncle i\ in head; pectoral spine strong, with small teeth on its outer margin, the larger two or three being near its tip; inner margin of pectoral serrated, except the portion near the tip opposite the two or three large teeth near tip on front; pectoral spine, 2| in head: ventrals situated behind base of last dorsal ray; caudal forked, its lower lobe broad and round, its upper pointed, with rounded tip. Color uniform, dull olivaceous, slightly lighter on lower half of body. A narrow dark band along lateral line. Dorsal fin with a light cross band occupying the second fourth of fin from base. No dark dots on body. This species differs from R. wagnerii in having a shorter head and no black spots on the body. Cuicatlan. CATOSTOMID^. Carpiodes tumidus Baird & Girard. Head 3^ in the length of the body; depth, 2| to 3!. Dorsal rays 24 to 26; the anterior rays short; their tip, when fin is depressed, reaching to about two-thirds the distance from base MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 75 of anterior rays to base of posterior. Tip of dorsal fin rounded; scales 7-38 to 41-6. Color light brownish, silvery below; the middle of each scale silvery, forming indistinct silvery lines along the rows of scales. Longest specimen 10% inches in length. Santa Rosalia; Jimenez. Pantosteus plebius (Baird & Girard). This species is very variable. The dorsal fin usually has 9 rays, occasionally 10, seldom u. Scales in the lateral line range from 85 to 100. A study of a large series from Colonia Juarez, Mifiaca and San Andres indicates that but one species of Pantosteus exists in this region. Colonia Juarez; Ahumada; San Andres; Mifiaca. Catostomus sonorensis, sp. nov. Type, No. 3564, F. C. M. Length, 5| inches. Locality, Rio Paphigochic, Mifiaca, Chihuahua, Mexico. Head 4; depth 4?^; D. xii; A. 7; scales 11-65-10. Body robust; profile very convex; top of head flattish, broad, interorbital 2^ in head; snout blunt, 2^ in head; eye large, 4^ in head; lips thick, papillose; papillae in eight or nine rows on upper lip. The two halves of upper lip meet at a very obtuse angle. Dorsal fin as high as long, its base i|^ in length of head, its margin slightly concave. The tips of first rays reaching middle of last ray when the fin is deflexed; tips of last dorsal rays opposite tips of ventrals, which r,each to vent; pectoral i^ in head; ventrals ij. Origin of dorsal fin slightly nearer base of caudal than tip of snout; caudal deeply emarginate, lobes equal; scales small on anterior half of body. Color steel blue to brownish, white below. Young specimens have the dark lateral blotches. This species differs from Catostomus bernardini in having larger scales. Mifiaca. Catostomus corichos, sp. nov. Type, No. 3557, F. C. M. Length, 10.64 inches. Locality, Rio Conchos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico. Head 4^; depth 4^; D. xi; A. 7; scales 13-80-13. Body robust, terete, not much compressed, except posterior third; snout blunt, its length 2?{ in head; lips thick, papillose, about 76 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM— ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. nine rows of papillae on upper jaw; lower lip broad, deeply incised, the two halves posteriorly forming an obtuse angle; hinder margin of upper lip fringed with papillae; base of third dorsal ray midway between tip of snout and base of caudal; about 45 scales in a series from nape to first dorsal ray; scales below lateral line near middle of the body are smaller than those above this line. Profile convex; interorbital convex, -i\ in head; pectoral fin ij} in head, the tips not reaching ventrals; ventrals i \ in head; distance from tip of ventrals to vent 3! in ventral fin; dorsal fin longer than high, its height i| in head, length of base i\ in head; the tip of last dorsal ray scarcely reaching opposite tips of ventrals when fin is deflexed. Color, light steel blue on back, shading into a dark olive on sides; lighter below, especially on posterior half of body, where the line between the light and dark color is very marked. On anterior half of body the colors gradually merge into one another. Eight small specimens also from Jimenez. The small speci- mens 2-J inches in length are more robust and have a larger eye than the type; the tips of pectorals reach anal fin. Sides with three large dark blotches resembling those on the young of Catostomus commersonii. Dorsal fin also higher in the young, longest ray about i^ in head, tip of first ray reaching nearly to tips of last when fin is deflexed. In the larger specimen the first rays reach but a short distance beyond base of last ray. Jimenez. Moxostoma congestum (Baird & Girard). A few small specimens from Santa Rosalia I identify as this species. Moxostoma austrinum Bean. A few specimens were seen at La Palma and Ocotlan. All were taken in Lago de Chalco. One specimen 9 inches in length gives the following measurements: Head 4^; depth 4; distance from dorsal to snout 2^ in length of body; eye 4§ in the length of the head; snout i\\ base of dorsal i|; longest dorsal ray il; pectoral i; ventral 1 3 : caudal peduncle 2^; scales 48-18. This specimen has a shorter head and smaller scales than those of fishes of this species, formerly described. A few large specimens were seen at La Palma. Ocotlan; La Palma. MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 77 CYPRINID^E. Campostoma ornatum Girard. Eggs in females from Chihuahua not much developed, not enough to give any definite idea as to time of spawning season. All of the specimens of this species were collected during the last half of June. Very abundant in Northern Mexico, in the head waters of the Atlantic and Pacific coast streams. Taken by me as follows: Colonia Juarez; Chihuahua: San Andres: Santa Rosalia; Jimenez; Minaca. Hybognathus melanops (Girard). Head 4: depth 3!; Eye equals snout, 3^ in head. Scales 41 to 45. Origin of dorsal slightly nearer base of caudal than tip of snout. Dark brown color, edges of scales darker, forming longitudinal lines along rows of scales. The entire body covered with minute dark dots. A dark lateral band ending in a black caudal spot; this is indistinct in the larger and darker speci- mens. Largest specimen 2.50 inches. Ovaries slightly devel- oped. Spawning season about August. Abundant. Chihuahua; Jimenez. Algansea tincella (Cuv. & Val). This is a very variable species. Those from the lakes about the City of Mexico are very robust and have a rather short caudal fin. The gill-rakers are very short, 3 + 12. The scales range from 65 to 70. Specimens from San Juan del Rio are rather slen- der and have a longer and more pointed caudal fin. In this respect these specimens are not unlike those from Celaya, and Aguas Calientes. In all of these the gill-rakers are short and not more than 15 in number. Vertebrae 20-1-17 = 37. The black caudal spot is well defined in the smallest specimens from all of the localities, though on individuals about 8 inches in .length from Lago de Chalco it is undistinct or absent. Drs. Jordan and Evermann regard A. australe as a synonym of A. sallei. I do not believe this is correct. The latter species belongs to a river basin which has a different fauna. The speci- mens described by Dr. Jordan are not in good condition. Mr. Bean, who kindly re-examined the types of A. australe, believes it had more than 60 scales in the lateral line. Dr. Gunther's locality for A. sallei may be wrong. 78 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. Algansea dugesi Bean is perhaps a valid species. It differs from A. tincella in having more gill-rakers. None of the specimens in our collection can be referred to this species. Dr. Bean gives the number of gill-rakers as 44-15. The dorsal fin is inserted slightly before the ventrals in A. dugesi and over them in A. tin- cella. Ovaries well developed; spawning time about middle of May to early in June. The natives on Lago de Chalco bake this fish in corn husks to sell at the trains and in the markets. This species seldom exceeds 8 inches in length. Aguas Cal- ientes; Lagos; Celaya; Acambaro; San Juan del Rio: Chalco: Texcoco. Algansea rubescens, sp. nov. Type. No.' 3653, F. C. M. Length. 6 inches. Locality, Rio Santiago. Ocotlan, Jalisco, Mexico. Head 4: depth 4: D. 8; A. 7: scales 16-65-10. Body elongate, rather robust: snout bluntish, 4^ in head; mouth oblique, lower jaw shorter, included; maxillary scarcely reaching eye, 3^ in head: caudal peduncle large, its least depth 2 in head: 33 scales before the dorsal, the origin of the latter slightly nearer the base of caudal than tip of snout; lateral line complete, decurved. Color olivaceous with a reddish tinge on sides, silvery below, a black spot at base of caudal fin. No markings on other fins. Ovary well developed, spawning time probably about the middle or last of June. Longest specimen, 6 inches. This species differs from A. tincella in the larger and more numerous gill-rakers. It differs from A. lacustris in having much larger scales. Ocotlan. Algansea lacustris Steindachner. This species is characterized by its small scales, there being from 85 to 94 in the lateral series, and from 30 to 36 in transverse series. The gill-rakers are long and slender, the number being 5-J-I7. This species is much lighter in color than the others of the genus. Dr. Steindachner describes a second species of this genus from Lago de Patzcuaro. A. {arascorum, which differs from A. lacustris in having much larger scales, about 76 in the lateral line. An examination of the figures of these two species shows each to have about go scales in the lateral line. I examined a large number of Algansea taken by the fishermen MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO— MEEK. 79 at Patzcuaro and was unable to detect more than one species. Eighteen specimens in our collection show considerable variation. I am inclined to believe that the two species described by Dr. Steindachner are the same. Spawning time the last of May or early in June. Patzcuaro. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF ALGAXSEA. a. Scales large, fewer than 56 in the lateral series. SALLEI. aa. Scales smaller, more than 60 in the lateral series. b. Gill-rakers short and blunt, 15 to 19. c. Gill-rakers 3 -(-12; dorsal fin inserted over ventrals. TINCELLA. cc. Gill-rakers 4-1-15; dorsal fin inserted slightly before vent- rals. DUGESI. bb. Gill-rakers longer and slender, 22 or 23 on first gill arch. d. Scales larger, 65 in the lateral series. RUBESCEXS. dd. Scales small, 85 to 94 in the lateral line. LACUSTRIS. Pimephales confertus Girard. Length of largest specimens 2.76 in. This species is quite abundant in Northern Mexico. It is even more variable than its northern relative, Pimephales promelas. On the upper half of the body of small specimens (less than 2 inches in length) are narrow vertical (slightly inclined backward) dark streaks, which are usually much branched. These also appear on larger specimens, but in much smaller numbers. A few of the -males from Santa Rosalia are almost black. These have a light vertical bar on shoulder crossing base of pec- toral fin, and a second bar on middle of body crossing base of ventral fin. Pectorals black; ventrals and anal black, edged with white. The caudal fin is light with a broad black bar across its middle: on lighter colored males the fins are less dark, and there are no cross bars on sides of body. Many of the males have tubercles on the end of the snout. This species is more chubby than Pimephales promelas ; it also has smaller scales, 52 to 55 in the lateral line, instead of 43 to 47. There is some difference in the markings on the males. The lighter males and females have a dark lateral band which does not end in a dark caudal spot. This band is more distinct on smaller specimens. Usually the anterior portion is partially concealed with a dash of red; under side of head and breast with some red. • Longest specimen, 2. 76 inches in length. 8o FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. Specimens in our collection are from the following localities: Colonia Juarez; Santa Maria; Guzman; Chihuahua; San Andres; Santa Rosalia; Jimenez; Minaca. Gila minacse, sp. nov. Type, No. 3573, F. C. M. Length, 4.46 inches. Locality, Minaca, Rio Paphigochic, Minaca, Chihuahua, Mexico. Head 3!; depth 4^; D. 9; A. 8; scales 24-90-11. Body elon- gate, back not arched; snout bluntish; mouth terminal, rather large, maxillary reaching anterior margin of pupil, its length 3^ in the head; snout 3|; eye 4^; body completely scaled; origin of dorsal slightly behind origin of ventrals, midway between base of caudal and anterior margin of. orbit; base of dorsal 2 in head, its longest ray i J in the head; the tips of all of the dorsal rays together when the fin is deflexed, and fall opposite to the middle of base of anal fin; tips of pectorals reaching | distance to ven- trals, length 1 1 in head; tips of ventrals reaching to vent, length 1 1 in head; caudal fin forked, the upper lobe the larger; lateral line complete, decurved, its lowest part over space between tip of pectorals and ventral fins, reaching axis of body on posterior half of caudal peduncle. A row of pores from nos- tril to nape, a second row from nostril forward a short distance, then curving downward and backward under eye near upper angle of opercle; caudal peduncle very slender, nearly terete, its least depth 3^- in the length of the head. Color, light olivaceous, a faint dark band from base of caudal to opposite first dorsal rays; fins all plain; a very faint caudal spot. This species resembles G. elcgans, from which it differs in the, shorter anal and pectorals, the more robust caudal peduncle, absence of hump before the dorsal fin, and the longer head. This or another species of Gila is found in the Carmen River system. Mifiaca. Lenciscus nigrescens (Girard). This species is very abundant in Northern Mexico. It is very variable. Scales in the lateral line vary from 66 to 75. The larger specimens (9 to 1 1 inches in length) are of a uniform dark color and without the black lateral band. In smaller individuals (2 to 4 inches in length) the color is lighter and the d-ark lateral band is very prominent and ends in a rather indistinct spot at base of the caudal fin. Specimens from Chihuahua, Santa Maria, MAY, 1902. THK ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO— MEEK. 81 Colonia Juarez and San Andres are rather darker than those from Minaca. Lago de Castillos at Bustillos was dry, but a few specimens were taken from two small ponds near by. Although but a few feet apart the fishes from one were very dark while the others were much lighter than any taken elsewhere. Lago de Patos at San Jose was nearly dry. Fishes were reported to be in a few holes in the bed of the lake, but a reason- able amount of seining did not procure any specimens. None were taken from a large ditch at Ahumada, some ten miles above .the lake. Mr. Jackson, an American at Ahumada, informed me that there were suckers and two species of other fishes, similar to fishes found in the Gila River, in the River Carmen, some twenty miles above Ahumada. One had the caudal peduncle much more slender than in the other; one was probably this spe- cies, the other a Gila, probably the same species found in the Rio Paphigochic, a tributary of the Rio Yaqui at Minaca. Specimens of this species are in our collection as follows-' Colonia Juarez; Santa Maria; Chihuahua: Bustillos: San Andres; Minaca. At all these places it was very abundant. It reaches a length of about 12 inches. This species is distributed throughout the larger part of the Rio Grande and adjoining river basins. None were taken at Jimenez and Santa Rosalia. Aztecula Jordan & Evermann. The three species of this group have a very robust body and much smaller scales than the species of Notrofiis, to which they seem to be more nearly related. Aztecula mexicana,*sp. nov. Type, No. 3606, F. C. M. Length, 2$ inches. Locality, Rio Moctezuma, San Juan del Rio, Queretaro, Mexico. Head 4; depth 4^; D. 8; A. 7; scales 9-59-7. Body robust, back slightly elevated, its highest point over pectoral fin and some distance in advance of the dorsal: snout blunt; mouth terminal, oblique, lower jaw the shorter; eye small, its diameter 4^ in the head; iris silvery: snout 4 in head: interor- bital area 3 in head. Origin of dorsal fin midway between base of caudal and the eye, 31 scales in a series before dorsal fin; 82 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. caudal peduncle slender, its least depth 2\ in the head; pectorals short, their tips reaching about half way to base of ventrals, 1 2 in head: ventrals nearly reaching vent, 2 in head. Lateral line decurved and wavy, complete or missing on a few scales only. Color, dark olive above, lighter below: a faint lateral band most conspicuous on last half of body; a faint caudal spot, which is- more prominent in the young. This species differs from Aztecula azteca in the smaller scales, and more slender peduncle and the larger eye. Eggs well developed, spawning season about June ist. Abundant at San Juan* del Rio. Not taken elsewhere. Aztecula azteca (Woolman. ) A few specimens were taken from a small ditch by the side of the Interoceanic Railroad, -near Texcoco Lake. These speci- mens agree with the description given by Woolman. A few were also taken in Lago de Chalco. At present three species of this group are known: one, Aztecula azteca, from the Valley of Mexico; one, Aztecula mexicana, from Rio Moctezuma, a tributary of the Rio Panuca; and one, Aztecula lentil's, from Lake Lerma, near the head waters of the Lerma river. Texcoco. Notropis robustus, sp. nov. Type. No. 3548, F. C. M. Length, 2.46 inches. Locality, Rio Conchos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico. Head 3^: depth 4; D. 9; A. 8; scales 6-37-4. Body robust, back little arched, its highest point being just in front of dorsal fin: snout blunt; mouth nearly terminal, slightly oblique, large; maxillary 3^ in the head, its tip reaching vertical from pupil. Lateral line slightly decurved, complefe; eye large, its diam- eter 3^ in the head: interorbital space 3 in head. Pectoral fins long, nearly reaching ventrals, \\ in head; ven- trals 2 in head. Origin of dorsal midway between base of caudal and nostril, 15 scales in a series before dorsal fin: caudal peduncle slender, its least depth 2^ in head. Color olivaceous, a dark lateral band from snout to base of caudal, which ends in a small spot at base of middle caudal rays; chin white. This species resembles Notropis blennius, from which it differs in having a larger head, a broader and more robust body, MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK'. 83 the prominent lateral band and the black spot on base of middle caudal rays. Santa Rosalia; Jimenez. Notropis calientis Jordan & Snyder. Abundant at Aguas Calientes; a few specimens were also taken near Ocotlan, and at Acambaro. Most of the specimens from Aguas Calientes are covered with parasites. Ovaries well developed in the females from Aguas Calientes, indicating a close approach to the spawning season. These specimens, were taken June 7. Largest specimens 2^ inches in length. Aguas Cali- entes: Ocotlan: Acambaro. Notropis nigrotaeniatus Gunther. This species is very abundant at Puente de Ixtla and Balsas. It was first taken by Boucard at Atlisco, in the head waters of one of the northern tributaries of the Balsas River. The types are reported to be 4 inches in length. Of a large number taken by us the longest is but. 3 inches in length, the average length being 2|- inches. This is the only species of this genus found south of the City of Mexico. It is our most southern cyprinoid. No species of the genus Notropis is found in the United States west of the great divide, and so it seems father strange that the most southern range of this large group of fishes should be in a Pacific coast stream. Eggs quite well developed, evidently approaching the spawn- ing season. Our specimens wrere collected about the 22d to 26th of April. Spawning season probably in May. Balsas; Puente de Ixtla. Notropis chihuahua Woolman. This is one of the best marked species in the genus. At pres- ent it is known only from the upper portion of the Conchos River system, where it is abundant. Eggs well developed, apparently near the spawning season. Longest specimens, 2.50 inches. Chi- huahua; San Andres; Santa Rosalia; Jimenez. Notropis ornatus (Girard). This species is found on both sides of the divide. Specimens from Minaca average smaller than those from Chihuahua, the. longest from the former place being 2.30 inches, the longest from the latter being 2.55 inches in length. The smaller specimens show only traces of the dark vertical 84 FIELD COLUMBIAN' MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY. VOL. III. bars on sides and a more prominent dark caudal spot than those of the same size from Chihuahua. A few of the large males from Mifiaca are black, a \vhite ver tical band on preopercle behind eye: the tins are all black with narrow white margins; a vertical white bar on base of caudal fin. The variation in color of the specimens from Mifiaca is much greater than in those from Chihuahua. Specimens from other localities are like those from Chihuahua. One specimen from San Andres. Abundant at the other places. Eggs well devel- oped, evidently near the spawning season. Chihuahua: San Andres: Jimenez: Mifiaca. Notropis lutrensis > Baird & Girard ). This is the most abundant minnow in northern Mexico. It occurs on both sides of the divide. Many of the specimens from Jimenez. Santa Rosalia and San Andres are highly colored, those from Ahumada are very pale. This species is very variable. The young are more slender than the adults. Scales in series before dorsal 16 to ig. in the lateral line 38. Evermann and Goldsborough identify a small specimen from Santa Maria as Xotrofiis frigida. I am inclined to believe that the specimen is the young oithis species. It is too badly mutilated to admit of positive identification. The lateral line of this' %pecies most of the specimens found in the Conchos basin, though occa- sionally it is absent on a few scales on caudal peduncle. It is less complete in specimens from Santa Maria. The palest spe- cimens are from the two last named regions. The lateral line when not complete usually reaches to the posterior part or the anal tin. \Ve rind no specimens in our collection which seem to be Notropis santamariiz lately described by Evermann and Golds- borough. Eggs well developed: evidently this species spawns early in June. Santa Maria: Ahumada: Chihuahua: Santa Rosa- lia: Jiminez: San Andres: Minaca. Notropis formosus I Girard i. This species is very abundant at Colonia Juarez. It much resembles .V. lutrensis. but has smaller scales. Scales in the lateral line. 42 to 48. usually 44. Scales before dorsal. i\. Lat- eral line complete except occasionally absent on a few scales. This species does not seem to intergrade with X. lutrensis though no doubt it is a late off-shoot of that species. This species spawns early in June. Colonia Juarez. MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 85 Notropis santarbsaliae, sp. nov. Type, No. 3535, F. C. M. Length, 1.92 inches. Locality: Rio Nonava, Santa Rosalia, Chihuahua, Mexico. Head 4; depth 4^: D. 8; A. 10; scales 6-37-3. Body elongate, rather slender: snout pointed: mouth, large terminal, oblique: jaws about equal, end of maxillary reaching to middle of the pupil, margin of upper lip on level with center of eye: eye large. 3 in head; snout 4. Origin of dorsal fin midway between base of caudal and ante- rior margin of orbit, 18 scales in a series before dorsal fin: base of dorsal fin 2.V in head, its longest ray if in head; pectorals i| in head: ventrals ii; lateral line decurved, complete. The lat- eral line runs about one scale below the lateral band. Color light olivaceous, with a broad dark lateral band from snout through eye to base of caudal. The band is more prominent on the posterior half of the body. It does not end in a black caudal spot: fins all plain. This species belongs to the rubrifrons type. It differs from N. rubrifrons in the shorter snout, more forward position of dor- sal fin, and in the prominent dark lateral band. Taken only at Sant'a Rosalia. Xystrosus popoche Jordan £ Snyder. Common at both Ocotlan and La Palma. Falcula chapalae Jordan & Snyder. Common in Lago de Chapala. La Barca: Ocotlan: La Palma. Evarra tlahuacensis, sp. nov. Type, No. 3681. F. C. M. Length. 2.35 inches. Locality: Chalco Lake, Tlahuac, Mexico, Mexico. Head 4: D. 5^: D. 8: A. 14: scales 95: eye equals snout, 35 in head: upper jaw protractile; teeth 4-4. tips hooked, grinding sur- face fairly well developed. Body elongate, rather slender; snout blunt: mouth little oblique: tip of maxillary reaching anterior margin of orbit: diam- eter of the eye equals the length of the snout, 35 in the length of the head: upper jaw protractile: gill membranes connected to isthmus; peritoneum black: the length of the alimentary canal equals distance from eye to tip of caudal fin. Origin of dorsal midway between base of caudal and poste- rior margin of eye: about 38 scales in a series before dorsal fin: 86 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. lateral line complete, decurved above pectorals; first dorsal ray reaching beyond tip of the last ray when the fin is deflexed. Color, dark olive, white below, the line between the colors distinct and extending from below eye to one-quarter distance from ventral surface of caudal peduncle. A dark vertebral and a dark lateral band. This species differs from Evarra -eigenmanni in having smaller scales, a higher and longer anal fin, a more pos- terior dorsal fin and a more slender body. Tlahuac, Lake Chalco. Evarra eigenmanni Woolman. A few small specimens of this species were taken in Lake Chalco at Tlahuac. Hybopsis altus (Jordan). This species is usually found in clear running water. It reaches a length of about 5 inches. Aguas Calientes: Lagos: Celaya; Acambaro. Rhinichthys simus Garman. Head 3-; depth 5$: D. g; A. 8: scales 60: snout 22 in the length of the head: eye small, 5 in head: origin of dorsal fin mid- way between base of caudal and anterior nostril; lateral line straight, complete: snout long, somewhat depressed, mouth inferior. Color light olivaceous, a dark lateral band, no silvery one; a small dark caudal spot. Longest specimen 2.32 inches. A few specimens taken at Santa Rosalia. CHARAC1N1D/E. Tetragonopterus argentatus ( Baird & Girard). Anal rays 19 to 21. This species is very abundant in the head waters of the Rio Conchos. Largest specimens nearly 4 inches in length. Ovaries not developed enough to give one any definite idea of the spawning time. Chihuahua: Santa Rosalia: Jimenez. Tetragonopterus mexicanus Filippi. This species was first noticed by Filippi in 1853, and is reported by him from the City of Mexico. This species, or rather this genus, does not occur in the lakes about the City of MAY, 1902. THK ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO -MEEK. 87 Mexico, or in the Lerma Basin. It is quite probable that Fil- ippi's specimens came from some stream east of .Mexico City. Dr. Bocourt in Annales des Sciences Nat., 1862, gives a short account of several supposed new species of Tetragonopterus which evidently do not exist. The number of anal rays of this species varies from 20 to 23. It is perhaps a little less slender than T. argentatus, though the large series of specimens before me rather suggests that this and the preceding species are the same. In color and size both species are alike. The stomach of one specimen from Cuicatlan contained a good-sized Heterandia. All of the specimens we have from the southern rivers of Mexico belong to one species. This species seldom exceeds 4 inches in length. Abundant; our specimens from Puente de Ixtla; Balsas; Cuicatlan; Venta Salada. DOROSOMATID^E. Dorosoma mexicanum (Gunther). N - • Two small specimens from La Antigua. ENGRAULID.^. Stolephorus mitchilli (C. & V.) Two small specimens from La Antigua. PCECILIID.E. 1 was very fortunate in collecting the representatives of this fam- ily in Mexico during the breeding season. It was rather surprising to find so many of them viviparous. The fact that the anal fin of the male of many of the species of this family is not modified into a long slender intromittent organ, such as we find in Gambusia, Heter- andia and the like, was regarded as sufficient evidence that they were not viviparous. The shortening of the first half dozen rays of the anal fin in the male and their slight separation from the rest of the fin by a notch was first noticed by Dr. Gunther in CJiaracodon lateralis. It was also described by Dr. Bean in Zoogoncticus robust us, and by Jordan and Sny- der in Goodea caliente. Dr. Bean supposed it to'be characteristic of the female. This peculiar modification of the anal fin of the male exists in several genera of viviparous cyprinodonts. Evermann and Goldsborough, in a recent paper on Mexican fishes call attention to the fact that Girardinichtliys i/m<»niti<.itus is vivipar- 88 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. ous. Either all of their specimens were females or they overlooked this peculiar modification of the anal fin of the male. The spawning time of all the species of this family in Mexico is near the close of the dry season. Mr. Mcenkhaus informs me that he has taken young from the females of several species of Cyprinodonts in Brazil. It is quite cer- tain that viviparity is far more characteristic of this family than has been generally supposed. I append here a key to the genera of Pa'ciliida. It is practically the one given by Jordan and Evermann in "Fishes of North and Middle America," though revised to include the new genera proposed in this paper. KEY TO THE GENERA OF P(KCILI1D^£. a. Intestinal canal comparatively short, little convoluted, usually less than one and one-half times the total length of the body (2 in Chapalichthys); teeth little movable; dentary bones firmly united. Species chiefly carnivorous. />. Outer series of teeth enlarged, pointed or a few of the ante- rior ones compressed, incisor like: none of them notched, bicuspid or tricuspid. c. Anal fin of the male similar to that of the female, not modi- fied by having its five or six anterior rays short and stiff, and sep- arated at their tip from rest of the fin by a notch, and not modified into a sword shaped intromittent organ. Species oviparous. (1. Ventral fins wanting; pharyngeal bones both above and below greatly enlarged, bearing coarse blunt teeth: scales normal. (Orestiinae). KMPKTRICHTHVS. dd. Ventral fins well developed: pharyngeal bones and teeth not enlarged. (Funclulime.) e. Teeth in more than one series, usually a larger outer series, behind which is a band of smaller teeth. f. Air bladder well developed (in all species examined): no cau- dal ocellus: body oblong: dorsal fin various in size and insertion. FUNDULUS. //. Air bladder wanting: a black ocellus at root of caudal (at least in the males). KIYTLUS. cc. Teeth arranged in a single series: dorsal fin inserted in advance of anal, its rays 9 to 13. I.UCAMA. cc. Anal fin of the male with its first five or six rays short and stiff, and slightly separated from the rest of the fin by a notch. Spe- cies viviparous, the young usually of large size at birth. MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 89 g. Dorsal and anal fin each of less than 18 rays; body elongate, not much compressed. ZOOGONETICL'S. gg. Dorsal and anal fins each of 19 or more rays; body com- pressed. GIRARDINICHTHYS. bb. Outer series of teeth incisor like, bicuspid or tricuspid. (Cyprinodontinae). //. Outer series of teeth bicuspid with a band of villiform teeth behind them. <'. Intestinal canal about \\ in total length of body; the teeth very firmly attachd. CHARACODOX. ?•<•'. Intestinal canal about 2 in total length of body; teeth less firmly attached. CHAPALICHTHYS. ////. Outer series of teeth tricuspid, no villiform teeth behind them. /. Dorsal fin short, of 10 to 12 rays, the first ray slender and rudimentary. //. Dorsal fin long, of 16 to 18 rays, the first developed as a stout grooved spine. JORDAXELLA. ccc. Anal fin of the males placed well forward and modified into a sword shaped intromittent organ: teeth all pointed, arranged in bands. Species viviparous, the young of large size at birth. (Gam- businae. ) j. Eye normal, the pupil not divided by a partition: dorsal fin inserted more or less behind the front of the anal. k. Jaws not produced into a beak: lower jaw prominent, longer than the upper. The male much smaller than the female. /. Dorsal fin long, of 14 to 16 rays, anal short. PSEUDOXIPHOPHORUS. //. Dorsal fin short, of 6 to 10 rays: anal short. GAMRUSIA. kk. Jaws produced into a moderate beak; dorsal and anal short, each of 9 to ii rays. KELOXESOX. jj. Eye divided into two portions by a horizontal cross partition: vertical fins short, of 9 to 11 rays. AXABI.EPS. aa. Intestinal canal elongate, usually coiled on ventral and right side, with numerous convolutions; dentary bones loosely joined: teeth movable. Species chiefly mud eating. ///. Outer series of teeth bicuspid, with villiform teeth behind them: anal fin of the male with first five or six rays of anal fin short and stiff and separated from the rest of the fin by a notch. Species viviparous, the' young of large size when born. (Goodeinae.) n. Body robust, oblong, depth 3 to 4 in length of body; gill- go FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. rakers long and slender, 35 to 40 on the first gill-arch. Vertebrae 19-1-17 = 36. GOODEA. nn. Body deep, compressed, depth 2| to 3^ in length. Gill- rakers rather short, stiff, about 20 the first gill-arch. Vertebrae i6-f-i8 = 34. SKIFKIA. mm. Outer series of teeth pointed; anal fin of the male placed well forward and modified into an intromittent organ. Species vivip- arous. (Poecelinae. ) o. Teeth in a single series. p. Dorsal fin inserted in advance of the anal. . PLATYPCECILUS. //. Dorsal fin inserted more or less behind the front of the anal. oo. Teeth in more than one series. HETERANDIA. /-. Dorsal fin inserted more or less behind the front of the anal; both fins small: dorsal 9, anal 7. LEBISTES. rr. Dorsal fin inserted over or in advance of anal, its rays much elevated in the male. s. Dorsal fin short of less than 7 to 1 1 rays. t. Teeth of inner series in both jaws trifid. /EROPO-:CILUS. //. Teeth of the inner series in both jaws entire. }> 19+17 = 36. Outer series of teeth bicuspid; behind these are villitorm teeth. Goodea caliente (Jordan & Snyder). This species appears to be very widely distributed, being found over a large portion of the Lerma Basin, as well as in the Rio Moctezuma, a river which empties its water into the Atlantic. It inhabits the rivers and smaller lakes. The specimens from Lake Quitzeo are very light in color, a feature characteristic of all the fishes taken from this and Patz- cuaro Lake. Specimens from other places are quite dark, especially is this true of those taken from the streams. The color of the male is more uniform than that of the female. The young are speckled with brownish, much resembling the young of Zoogoneticus rohustns and the young of Charocodon varidtus. The dorsal of the male is considerably higher than that of the MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 101 female. Peritoneum, black, intestinal canal elongate, coiled on ventral and right side, its length three times the total length of the body. Mr. Bean kindly sent me one of the types of Goodea atripinnis. It is more slender than the specimens of this species in our collection. A study of the material in hand leads me to believe that all specimens listed below belong to one species. Huingo, longest specimen 3.20 inches in length, average length 2 to 2.50 inches. Head about 3^; depth 3. These speci- mens are very light in color; collected May 26, had evidently spawned a short time previously. . Gill-rakers 37 on first gill- arch; vertebrae 17-1-19=36. Viviparous. Celaya, a few gravid females collected May 28. Acambaro, females all spawned. Collected May 27. Lagos, females all spawned. Collected June 6. San Juan del Rio, one female 3.50 inches in length contained 44 young, each .53 inch in length, evidently near spawning time. Collected May 16. Aguas Calientes, females spawned. Collected June 7. Gill- rakers 38, vertebrae 19-1-17 = 36. Goodea luitpoldi (Steindachner). In general appearance this species resembles a Fundulus. It reaches a length of 7.75 inches, and is perhaps the largest Mexican species of the family to which it belongs. I have compared a large series of specimens from Lake Zira- huen, Patzcuaro and Chapala, and find but one species. G. xal- iscone, described by Jordan and Snyder from Lago de Chapala, is evidently this same species. The specimens from Lago de Zirahuen are much darker than those from other localities, and those from Patzcuaro are much the lightest. Alimentary canal three times the total length of the fish; peritoneum black; gill-rakers 40 on the first arch. This species is viviparous; one female from Patzcuaro 5.15 inches in length contained 31 young of about equal length, longest 1.14 inches. There was no modification of the anal fin in any of these young, as found in the adult male. This modi- fication of the anal fin is a sexual character, which probably appears when the sexual organs develop. Specimens from Patzcuaro were collected May 19 to 22, Zirahuen May 24, and those from Chapala, June 2. The latter had spawned before our arrival. 102 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSKUM— ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. This species deposits its young the latter part .of May. Ocot- lan; La Pal ma; La Barca: Patzcuaro. KEY TO THK SPECIES OF GOODEA. a. Dorsal fin slightly behind ventral; distance from base of caudal to origin of dorsal 2 in distance from origin of dorsal to anter- ior margin of orbit. /'. Body slender, its depth 33 in length of body; scales 37 to 40-13. D. 12: A. 13. ATKII'INMS. /;/'. Body deep, its depth 3 in length of body; scales 37-14; D. 13: A. 14. CAL1KNTK. ttti. Dorsal fin slightly in advance of anal, distance from base of caudal to origin of dorsal ii (small specimens), i| (in larger speci- mens) in distance from origin of dorsal to the tip of the snout; scales 41-16; D. 13; A. 14. Lurn'oi.ni. SKIFFIA, gen. nov. Type Icniuc. Body compressed, deep: dorsal in advance of anal, its middle over origin of anal; origin of dorsal fin midway between base of cau- dal and eye: teeth loose, outer series large, bicuspid, behind which are small villiform teeth. Alimentary canal elongate, its length 2 to 3£ times the total length of the body; peritoneum black: gill-rakers long, rather stiff, about 20 on the first arch; vertebra? 16-1-18 — 34. A group of small fishes with compressed bodies and a short distended abdominal region. I have placed Caraclwdon bilineatus Bean in this genus. It has an alimentary canal a little more than twice the total length of the body. The teeth are bicuspid and loose, though scarcely as much so as in the other three species. The alimentary canal is elongate though less so than in the other species. It is possibly deserving of sub-generic rank, but our material is too scant to warrant any such disposition of it being made at present. This genus is named for Mr. F. J. V. Skill, Director of the Field Columbian Museum. Skiffia lermae, sp. nov. Type, No. 3616. F. C. M. Length. 2.05 inches. Locality, Lago de Patzcuaro, Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico. Head 4; depth 2g to 3^: D. 13: A. 14: scales 37-14. Body deep, much compresseJ: head small; snout pointed: mouth small; MAY. 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 103 lower jaw the longer; snout 4 in head; eye large, 3 in head: inter- orbital slightly convex, its width 2^ in head; dorsal fin slightly in advance of anal, midway between base of caudal and posterior margin of orbit. Gill-rakers rather stout, 20 on the first arch. Vertebrae i6-(- 18 = 34. Baseof dorsal 2 in head, its height 1 1 in females, slightly higher in the males; length of pectoral i^ in head: ventral 2. Alimentary canal coiled on right side; its length 3^ times the total length of the body: peritoneum black; teeth bicuspid, loose. Females light olivaceous above, much mottled with darker, nearly plain on lower half of body; young with a few faint brownish bars on lower half of caudal peduncle, a narrow dark lateral band and a prominent black bar at base of caudal. The color of the males is a nearly uniform dark olivaceous, the ante- rior half of some specimens being nearly black: the black caudal bar much less conspicuous than on the females: a dark line on underside of caudal peduncle in both sexes: anterior rays of dorsal much shorter than posterior rays. The fourth ray is less than half the ninth: longest dorsal ray i^ in head. The body of the males is very much compressed, as that of the females. This fish bears such resemblance to S. mullipunctata from Ocotlan. from which it differs in having fewer dorsal rays, the anterior portion of the fin shortened, the less prominent caudal bar and the differ- ent coloration. Largest specimen, a female, is 2.50 in length. The males are scarcely smaller than the females. Viviparous; one female 2.50 inches in length contained 30 young with egg not quite all absorbed. . Length of young .34 inch. These fishes were taken May 19 to 21. Their time for spawning evidently about one week later. Celaya: Patzcuaro. Skiffia multipunctata (Pelligrin). Head 4; depth 2i; D. 16: A. 15: scales 33-12. Body deep, much compressed, snout short, rather pointed, its length 4 in head : mouth small; lower jaw slightly the longer: eye large. 3 in head. Dorsal slightly in advance of anal, its origin midway between base of caudal and eye; interorbital slightly convex, its width 2 in head. Base of dorsal i^ in head: height i :\ in female, slightly higher in the male. The anterior portion of the dorsal fin is not short- ened as in the male of the preceding species. Pectoral i£ in 104 FIELD COLUMHIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. the head: ventral 2; alimentary canal elongate, 3^ times the total length of the body, coiled on the right side; peritoneum black. Outer series of teeth loose, bicuspid, behind which are villi- form teeth; gill-rakers long, rather stout, 20 on first gill-arch: vertebrae 16-1-18 = 34. Female light olivaceous, a dark spot on hinder margin of each scale on upper half of body; these spots forming lines along the rows of scales as in Mollienisia. A prominent black caudal bar at base of caudal fin. Male nearly uniform: anal and dorsal fins black, margined with yellow; black caudal bar indistinct. Longest specimen a female, length 2.50 inches. Males not quite so large as the females. Viviparous. The females all spawned out. They were col- lected June 2. Spawning time evidently the latter half of May. Skiffia variegata, sp. nov. Type, No. 3612, F. C. M. Length, 1.95 inches. Locality, Lago de Zirahuen, Zirahuen, Michoacan, Mexico. Head 33; depth 2$: D. 14; A. 13; scales 34-13. Body deep, compressed; top of head convex; interorbital -2\ in head: mouth • small, lower jaw the longer, chin rather prominent; snout 4 in head; eye large, its diameter 3 in head; dorsal slightly in advance of anal, its origin midway between base of caudal and posterior margin of orbit; base of dorsal fin i£ in the head; height i| (in male ij) in head; anterior dorsal rays short, the rays gradually • increasing in length to eighth or ninth, which is longest; caudal trun- cate; pectoral i .l{ in head; ventral 2; alimentary canal three times the total length of the body, coiled on right side; peritoneum black. Olivaceous, much mottled, an indistinct dark lateral band more or less broken in some specimens; four or five light brownish spots on lower portion of caudal peduncle, the under surface of which is dark. The color of the male is more uniform and darker than that of the female; no black caudal bar at base of caudal: chin black. This species resembles S. I c rune from Patzcuaro from which it differs in absence of black caudal bar, in being more slender and in coloration. Longest male, 1.70 inches in length. The longest specimen (a female) 2.25 inches in length, contained 18 young. well formed and with spots on their sides; length' of young .53 inch. MAY, 1902. THK ICHTHYOLOGY OF MKXICO — MEEK. 105 A second female, 1.54 inches in length, contained 10 young, each .45 inch in length. A third specimen, 2.15 inches in length, contained 25 young, each .55 inch in length. These specimens were collected at Zirahuen, May 24. Spawning time for this species about the middle of May. This is the smallest species of the genus. Zirahuen; Chalco. Skiffia bilineatus Bean. A few specimens from Huingo. Longest female, 1.60 inches in length. One female, 1.50 inches in length, contained 27 young, which were very slender, white, and .32 inch in length. Col- lecte'd May 26. Dorsal fin of males much higher than that of females. Pos- terior half of lateral band broken into 12 to 15 short irregular bars, a few of which extend almost to the dorsal fin. The upper half of the body has a few fine punctulations. The male is more slender than the female. Longest male, i.io inches. Spawning time about third and fourth weeks in May. Alimentary canaj slightly less than -2\ times the total length of body. Peritoneum black. The teeth are bicuspid and less firm than in other species of Skiffia. Dorsal in advance of anal fin, its origin midway between base of caudal and middle of opercle. Huingo. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF SKIFFIA. a. A black bar at base of caudal (inconspicuous in some males of lerma;, which have a uniform coloration and a very dark head). />. Body light olivaceous in females, mottled with dark, nearly plain on lower half of body; males nearly plain; head usually quite dark; D. 13; A. 14; scales 37-14. LERM.«. bb. Light olivaceous in females, a dark spot on hinder margin of each scale on upper half of the bod}-; these spots forming lines along the rows of scales; males nearly uniform; dorsal fin black margined with yellow; D. 16; A. 15; scales 33-12. MULTIPUNCTATA. aa. No black bar at base of caudal. c. Body much variegated, D. 14 or 15; A. 13 to 14; scales 34-13; alimentary canal three times total length of the body. YARIKGATA. cc. Color uniform with a dark lateral band, which is divided on anterior third of body. D. 16; A. .16; scales 32-11. Alimentary canal 2 to 2i times total length of body, origin of dorsal midway between base of caudal and nape. BILINEATA. 106 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. Heterandria lutzi, sp. nov. Type, No. 3718, F. C. M. Length, 2.33 inches. Locality, Rio Quiotepec, Cuicatlan, Oaxaca, Mexico. Head 4'; depth 3$; D. 7; A. 8; scales 29-8. Body elongate, rather slender; mouth terminal, jaws equal, giving the head a " wedge-shaped appearance; snout 3^ in the head; eye large, 3^ in the head; teeth in one series, conical, curved backward at the tips, movable. Peritoneum black; intestine much convoluted but not in definite coils, its length about i£ times the total length of the body. Modified anal fin of male long, slender, pointeei with curved tip, its length 2.^ in length of the body; origin of anal in male midway between base of caudal and tip of snout; origin of dorsal slightly behind origin of anal in females, being midway between base of caudal fin and posterior margin of opercle. Base of dorsal 3 in head, height ii; pectoral i^; ventral 2. Olivaceous, a narrow dark lateral band broken into small round or oblong spots, generally from 12 to 1 8 on one side; the small round spots scarcely as large as pupil; iris black, a narrow- dark streak on under side of caudal peduncle; a faint vertebral streak, more conspicuous in the young. This species differs from //. pleurospilus in having a lateral band broken into small spots on sides, and the more advanced position of the dorsal fin. This is the only species of Hcterandia knowrn at present from Mexico. Longest female. 3.15 inches; longest male, 1-49 inches. Vi- viparous; eggs partly hatched; one female, 2.59 inches in length, contained 40 young, each coiled about the yolk, and 26 eggs; a second female 2.15 inches in length contained n young and 8 eggs. Each of the partially hatched young are .35 of an inch in length. Specimens collected as follows: Oaxaca, May 4; Cui- catlan, May 5; Venta Salada, May 6. The young are evidently deposited about the middle of May. Named for Mr. Frank Eugene Lutz, who accompanied me in Mexico as volunteer assistant. Oaxaca: Cuicatlan; Venta Salada. Poecila limantouri Jordan & Snyder. Intestinal canal elongate, coiled on ventral and right side in about 7 coils; length of intestine about 4^ times total length of the body; peritoneum black. Viviparous; females with eggs, the young not developed; one female 3.06 inches in length with 1 15 eggs: another 2.9 inches in length with 95 eggs. Largest MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 107 female, 3.75 inches in length. The males average smaller than the females. Puente de Ixtla; Balsas; La Antigua. Xiphophorus jalapae, sp. nov. Type, No. 3724, F. C. M. Length, 2.76 inches. Locality, Jalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Head 4; depth 3!; D. 13; A. 9; scales 28-8. Body elongate, not very robust, but with a deep caudal peduncle; head flattish, wedge-shaped; mouth rather small, lower jaw the longer; outer series of teeth pointed and loose, behind which is a band of smaller conical pointed teeth; peritoneum black; intestinal canal elongate, on ventral surface and right side, with 4 coils on the right side, its length i ^ the length of the body. Eye large, 3 in head; snout 3^; interorbital broad, little con- vex, its width 2 in head; base of dorsal i! in the head, longest dorsal ray if in head (in $ i| in head); pectoral il in head; ventrals i|; caudal sub.-truncate; origin of dorsal fin midway between base of caudal and middle of snout, being well in advance of the anal. The male is more slender than the female. Head of male 4!, depth 4. Caudal appendage pointed, its length 1 1 in the length of the body. Modified anal of the male rather short and thick, length i£ in head; a notch on under side near its tip; ventrals of male long, slender, and pointed, their tips nearly reaching tip of anal fin; length of ventral fin of male equal to length of the head; origin of ventrals in both sexes well in advance of dorsal fin. Female, olive brown above, nearly plain white below; tfhese colors are separated by a narrow lateral band, which extends around snout on upper half of the body; the middle of each scale is darker, giving faint brownish lines on side; a dark line on under side of caudal peduncle; dorsal fin with two rows of black spots near the base, other fins plain. The color of the male is similar to that of the female, except the dark lateral band extends on caudal and forms the upper black margin of caudal appendage. There is a second lateral band from lower angle of pectoral to origin of anal fin, and a dark streak on ventral surface of caudal peduncle which forms the lower black margin of caudal appendage. In life the middle of caudal appendage and lighter portion of lower half of the body is a bright yellow. Dorsal fin on both sexes spotted. Longest female, 2.95 inches. Longest male (without appendage), 3 inches in length. FIELD CotrusiAX Mcsni'M — ZOCHLCK;Y. \\>L_ III. species diners from A", kettfri in the more- position of the ventmis- the Longer caudlal appendage of oaks. the Larger eve. the more uniform ajIaratkHi of females and tie spotted, dorsal ct tne ten,;? . es~ Viviparous: ore female 2.40 inches wttfcc 39 young, thfrymng coiled aboet the e^-sack; a slightly larger female contained 47 yoorcs:. Oar specimens were collected. on May cj, 1901. Tbe jovng are rroba.blv deposited from the middle to tlbe last at. Maj. Jalapa, ATHERINID-E. R-ce-_t sr^ci-s :: me fr-rsh water cshes of Mexico- haveiesukc discoverv of a larse mrmber of species of this tani£iyr Biear oh ar- f r^ni in the \"illey of Mexico and in the Lerma Basin. s.--: ': i---/ -r tn^n hei. :. its rajs 22 in nun. >.--. -; • • - : -~ Tn- rCrrcies T tnis i'-n := fs.ll in:: -nr-rr: ^ - '.'---'- '-'. 14"" ' t!y mari-c t: ^^z^r^~~ -,:.-~r_ in~; three distinct genera- It r: m;r-r .oei-ia. t". r-^^ri C. /;r.;.;-. - -• - _••-:•- :' '.-;-zrun. It ha= 5. ni;r- -.c.r:.-, • -. : . .-.--•'.---- ~ ^~-~.^~- ^nmt and very ;bl::u-- m'.^tli. V-rrtebrasr ir-j-EjrrrjS. Ii - th-rn C^r^f^,7tjr -s -.-.i - -• - . - - --.-.- /.a-ir-g entire ma.ri-in-- Thi-. .1 --..:-: .--/r j :'. 7'.. z-:- zr-.-z, p,ztz..:-j..ir,;. zir.z.ixtn a.r.d nu^^^ifi^KaiK. s.i r of larze viz-: fr-.m. ^-j to 54; vertebiac 36 r.iri i'r . .p L-'.t'u'itoU wj'ili - : - -.•-"' MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 109 species, all with scales having the edges more or less crenate. This group would comprise two species of small size (grandoculc and chapalce], one of medium size (promelas) and three species of large size. Scales 49 to 70; gill-rakers 24 to 27. Vertebrae 43 or 44. The firm- ness of the flesh and the opaque color cannot be correlated with any other character. If divided on this basis, arge, humboldianum (except from Patzcuaro) and estor from Xochomilcho and Zirahuen, would be included. In the key I have placed all small species with large scales, fewer than 45 in the lateral series, in one division (Eslopsaruni). All other species with scales having entire edges {Chirostoma}, in a second, and all species with scales having crenate edges (Lethostole), in a third. The species of this genus are very variable, and are perhaps not yet well differentiated. The environment of the species of this genus is very diverse; some species are found in clear running water, others in lakes like Chapala, which has several inlets and a large outlet, while many of the species are in lakes which have no outlet, of which Patzcuaro, Zirahuen and the lakes in the Valley of Mexico are good examples. Some of these lakes are quite fresh; others, as Quitzeo and Patzcuaro, are quite brackish. So far as I could learn Quitzeo is the most brackish of all, and Patzcuaro probably next; and in these two lakes the fishes were much lighter in color than those from other places. The darkest colored fishes were taken from Lago de Chalco and Lago de Zirahuen. The alimentary canal of Chirostoma is shorter than the total length of the body. The peritoneum is black. A few stomachs examined indicate the food to be insect larvae and insects. In one specimen of C. estor the stomach contained a partly digested Chirostoma. I was told that these fishes will not take a hook. The larger species are excellent eating, the flesh being firm and white when cooked and not full of small bones. The smaller species and the young of the larger ones, together with all of the species of Peeciliida are dried in large quantities by the Indians and are thus ship- ped to neighboring towns, or are kept for future use. All of the fishes caught in the larger fresh waters of Mexico are eaten — none being thrown aside as of no value. At Patzcuaro, Zirahuen, Chapala and Quitzeo the fishes are caught in long seines. These seines have coarse mesh near the end, which becomes gradually smaller unttf the large bag in the middle has about \ inch mesh. The shore of the lake is often not suitable for drawing the net. It is thrown out in the usual way, drawn by ropes from the shore until the ends of the net are near each other. no FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. A boat is then anchored some distance from the shore at the edge of the vegetation or of the deep water and into it the net is pulled. The species of this genus evidently spawn in the late summer or fall. Those taken the latter part of May had the ovaries very little devel- oped. The individuals of the species of large size belonging to this genus seldom exceed a foot in length. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF CHIROSTOMA. a. Scales large, fewer than 45 in the lateral line, edges of scales entire, vertebrae usually fewer than 40. Species of small size. {Eslopsarum. ) b. Mouth small very oblique; snout short, 4 in the length of head; base of anal equal to or slightly longer than head; anal rays 16 to 18. Teeth very minute; scales with entire edges, 37 or 38 in the lateral line. JORDANI. bb. Mouth larger, less oblique; snout longer, 2^ to 3| in the length of the head; base of anal equal to or shorter than the head. c. Origin of spinous dorsal over tips of ventrals, midway between base of caudal and nostril. d. Body robust, its depth 4^ in the length of the body; base of anal i£ in the head, its rays i6or 17; scales 38 to 40-11. Teeth large, sharp, in two definite rows in each jaw. Gill-rakers long and slender, 3-)-! i — 14 on first arch. ARGE. dd. Body slender, its depth 6 in the length of the body, scales 42-10; anal rays 15; gill-rakers long and slender, 4+17 on the first arch. BARTONI. cc. Origin of spinous dorsal over middle of ventrals, being nearer tip of snout than base of caudal by a distance equal to the diameter of the eye; base of anal i| in the head, its rays 13 or 14; gill- rakers 4+18=22. Teeth very small. ATTENUATUM. ccc. Origin of spinous dorsal over space between tips of ventrals and origin of anal fin, midway between base of caudal and posterior margin of orbit. Base of anal fin equals length of the head, its rays 20. Teeth large, in a single row, except near tip of upper jaw where there are a few large canine-like teeth; scales 42-12; gill-rakers 4+13. LABARC^E. aa. Scales smaller, more than 45 in the lateral line; edges of the scales usually crenate; vertebrae more than 40. e. Scales entire; base of anal about if in the length of the head, its rays 13 to 19; snout 3 to 3^ in the length of the head. (Chirostoma.') f. Origin of spinous dorsal nearer tip of snout than base of caudal. MAY. 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. in .C- Anal rays 17; gill-rakers 4+21 = 25; scales 48-12; body light, translucent, slightly compressed; depth 5^. Origin of spinous dorsal slightly nearer tip of snout than base of caudal. PATZCUARO. Anal rays 13 or 14; gill-rakers 44.17=21; scales 54-12. Body dark, opaque, scarcely compressed; depth 6*; origin of spinous dorsal nearer tip of snout than base of caudal by a distance greater than diameter of eye. ZIRAHUEX. ff. Origin of spinous dorsal midway between base of caudal fin and anterior margin of the orbit, or the nostril; anal rays 17 to 19; scales 54-15; gill-rakers 4-1-15 = 19. Species of large size. HUMBOLDTIANUM. ee. Scales with crenate edges; origin of spinous dorsal nearer base of caudal than tip of the snout; anal rays 18 to 24. (Let/iostole.) h. Snout short, 3^ in length of the head, being equal to or shorter than the diameter of the eye. Species of small size. /. Scales in lateral series 49, transverse 13: anal base equals the length of the head, its rays 21. CHAPAL^E. //". Scales in the lateral series 62, trans verse -14; base of anal fin i^ in the length of the head, its rays 19. GRAXDOCULE. h.h. Snout long, 2| to 2§ in the length of the head: diameter of eye 4^ to 5^ in head. Species of large size. k. Upper jaw decidedly longer than the lower, mandible 2j in the head: tip of snout black: base of anal fin i| in the head, its rays 19 or 20; scales 53 to 56-15; teeth large, not in definite rows: snout 2^ in head: diameter of eye 5^: gill-rakers 54-19. PROMELAS. kk. Lower jaw decidedly longer than the upper: mandible li to 2! in the head; tip of jaws not black (dusky in some specimens). /. Scales between dorsal fins very small, more than 20 in a series between the fins; scales 60 to 70-22: gill-rakers ?-)-23: teeth large anteriorly, canine-like, not arranged in definite rows: mandible 2 in head. SPHR.^XA. //. Scales in the region of dorsal fins larger, fewer than 15 in a series between the two fins. ///. Scales in the lateral series 54 to 60. n. Lower jaw projecting but little beyond the upper mandible, about 2! in head. o. Teeth weak, in patches, not arranged in definite rows; gill- rakers 4+23: scales 56 to 60-18; mandible 2^ in head. i.rcus. oo. Teeth large and strong, in two definite rows, the larger teeth on inner row of upper jaw and outer row on lower: mandible 2j in head; gill-rakers 5-(-2o; scales 58-20. LERM^E. nn. Lower jaw projecting much beyond the upper, mandible \\ ii2 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. in the head; teeth on jaws small, in bands; scales 54 to 57-19: gill- rakers 5-|-2o; base of anal fin i J in hand, its rays 20. OCOTI.AN.*:. ;//;//. Scales in the lateral series 70, transverse 18; teeth on jaws large and numerous, not arranged in definite rows, usually i to 3 large teeth on vomer; base of anal ij in head, its rays 18 to 19. ESTOR. Chirostoma jordani Woolman. This is one of the smallest species of the genus. Its short snout and very oblique mouth at once distinguishes it from all other species. It is perhaps more proper to restrict the use of Eslopsarum to this species only. Gill-rakers 44-14=18: vertebrae 21-1-17 = 38; length of longest specimen, 2.75 inches. Chalco; Texcoco. Chirostoma arge Jordan & Snyder. A small species so far found only in streams. Gill-rakers 3.4-11 = 14; vertebrae 184.18 = 36. Length of longest specimens, 2.75 inches. Aguas Calientes; Lagos. Chirostoma bartoni (Jordan & Evermann). Two specimens of this species from Lago de Lerma, near the City of Lerma in the State of Mexico, were presented to this Museum by the United States National Museum. The scales of one of these specimens has crenate edges and is very rough; on the other specimen the scales are very smooth, as they are on the type', which I have been permitted to examine. Scales slightly more crowded on the nape than is usual in the more nearly related species. Origin of dorsal fin slightly nearer tip of snout than base of caudal fin. Chirostoma attenuatum, sp. nov. Type, No. 3631, F. C. M. Length, 3.25 inches. Locality, Lago de Patzcuaro, Patzcuaro. Michoacan, Mexico. Head 4^; depth 5^; D. \-g; A. 13; scales 42-11. Body rather slender, not much compressed; caudal peduncle long and slender; lower jaw slightly the longer: snout pointed, 3^ in the head; mandible 3; interorbital space 3; maxillary reaching vertical from front of orbit; mouth small, oblique, but much less so than in C. jordani. Teeth very small, numerous in both jaws, those in the upper jaw mostly in two series; in a band in lower jaw; scales large with entire edges, those on the nape MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 113 slightly reduced in size. Origin of spinous dorsal over middle of ventrals and being nearer tip of snout than base of caudal by a distance greater than diameter of eye; eye 3?; length of pectoral fin i£ in head; ventral 2^; base of anal i3; gill-rakers 4-j-i8 — 22: vertebrae 23-^-20=4.3. Light olivaceous, translucent; smallest specimens (2^ inches in length) darker, more opaque: silvery band on sides narrow, inconspicuous under the pectoral tin, being widest on anterior part of the caudal peduncle. Species of small size, common in Patzcuaro Lake.. This species is characterized by large scales, the anterior position of the dorsal fins, the short anal fin, and 'the long slender caudal peduncle. Patzcuaro. Chirostoma labarcae, sp. nov. Type, No. 3640, F. C. M. Length, 3.68 inches. Locality, Rio Lerma, at La Barca, Jalisco, Mexico. Head 34; depth 4^; D. iv-io: A. 21; scales 41-11. Body slender, compressed; snout rather long, pointed, its length 2* in length of the head; lower jaw slightly the longer; eye 3! in head; interorbital 3; mouth moderate, not very oblique, maxillary reaching slightly beyond anterior margin of the eye; length of the mandible 2^ in head: a single series of large teeth - in each jaw, a few smaller teeth behind these, a few near tip of jaws large and canine-like. Scales large with edges entire, those on the nape very slightly reduced in size; origin of spinous dorsal over vent, midway between base of caudal and pupil; base of anal fin equals length of head, its rays 20 to 21; length of pectoral fin i£ in the length of the head; ventral fins 2 in head; gill-rakers 4+13=17. Light olivaceous, translucent; a few dark dots on margins of scales on upper half of body; lateral band narrow, the portion under the edge of the pectoral indistinct, and made up of a few dark dots. Species of small size, the longest 3| inches in length. This species differs from others with large scales in having a longer snout, the posterior position of dorsal fins, the long anal fin and the strong dentition. Apparently scarce. La Barca; La Palma. Chirostoma jjatzcuaro, sp. nov. Type, No. 3628, F. C. M. Length, 3.68 inches. Locality, Lago de Patzcuaro, Patzcuaro, Michoacan, Mexico. 114 FlKI.I) Coi.L'MBIAN Ml'SKl.M ZoOUMiY, \'()I.. III. Head 4}; depth 5.}; D. v-io; A. 17; scales 48-12. Body slender, moderately compressed; snout short, pointed, its length 3^ in length of head; lower jaw slightly projecting beyond upper; mouth oblique, but less so than in C. chapalce; man- dible 2| in head; diameter of eye 3| in the head; teeth small, numerous, in a narrow band on anterior part of each jaw, becom- ing, laterally, in two series; scales moderately large, edges entire, those at the nape slightly reduced in size; origin of spinous slightly nearer tip of snout than base of caudal; base of anal fin i^ in length of the head; pectoral i£; ventral 2\; gill-rakers 4+21=25. Light olivaceous, translucent, lateral band narrow. Species of small size, less than 4 inches in length. Seven specimens from Lago de Patzcuaro. Apparently scarce. This species resembles C. chapalce, from which it differs in hav- ing a less oblique mouth, a shorter anal fin and a less compressed body. Patzcuaro. Chirostoma zirahuen, sp. -nov. Type, No. 3609, F. C. M. Length. 3.55 inches. Locality, Lago de Zirahuen, Zirahuen, Michoacan, Mexico. Head 4-}; depth 5-; D. v-io; A. 13; scales 54-12. Body elongate, nearly terete, less compressed than in any other Chirostoma • mouth moderately oblique, lower jaw slightly the longer; length of snout equal to diameter of eye, 3^ in length of the head; interorbital broad, 3 in head; teeth very small, in a narrow band in each jaw. Base of anal fin i .', in head; pectoral i.'{; ventral 2; scales with entire margins; origin of the dorsal fin nearer tip of snout than base of caudal by a distance greater than diameter of eye; caudal peduncle long and slender; gill- rakers 4 + 17 = 21; vertebra? 23+18 = 41. ' Dark olivaceous above, lighter below; opaque. This species is one of the darkest found in the Lerma basin. It is the most abundant species in Lago de Zirahuen. Species of small size. It is characterized by its dark opaque color, its terete body, the backward position of the dorsal fin, and the short anal fin whose rays are 13 or 14. The longest specimen in our collection is 4. 13 inches in length. Abundant in Lago de Zirahuen. Zirahuen. Chirostoma humboldtianum (C. & V.) Pescada Blanca. This species is very abundant in the lakes about the City of MAY, 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MEEK. 115 Mexico. It is one of the largest species of the genus, though it seldom reaches a length of 12 inches. Specimens from Lago de Chalco are very dark, while those from Lago de Patzcuaro are very light and translucent. Specimens from Lago de Xochomil- cho are intermediate. Scales entire; gill-rakers 5-1-13= 18; verte- brae 234-19 = 42; teeth small, in a narrow band in upper jaw, in two series in the lower. There are often with a few large teeth on the vomer, as in C. estor. The ovaries not well developed; eggs small, spawning season evidently late in the summer. Chalco; Xochomilcho; Patzcuaro. Chirostoma chapalse Jordan & Snyder. This species is very white and translucent. It is'a small spe- cies, seldom reaching a length of 4 inches. Edges of scales crenate; gill-rakers 64-24 = 30; vertebrae 24+20 = 44. Very abun- dant in Lago de Chapala. Ocotlan; La Palma. Chirostoma grandocule Steindachner. Edges of scales crenate; base of anal fin ijjin length of the head, its rays 19; snout 3| in head; mandible 2^; eye 3^; teeth minute, in narrow bands on each jaw, approaching two series laterally; gill-rakers 54-22 = 27; vertebrae 234-20=43; species of small size, the largest specimens about 4^ inches. This appears to be the most abundant Cliirostoma in Patzcuaro Lake. Ocotlan; La Palma; Patzcuaro. Chirostoma promelas Jordan & Snyder. This is the only species of Chirostoma so far known which has the upper jaw decidedly longer than the lower. The tip of the snout is black, otherwise the color is light and translucent. Edges of scales crenate; gill-rakers 54-19 = 24. This species is not abundant; size medium. Our largest specimen is 4^ inches in length. The longest specimen collected by Jordan & Snyder is 7 inches in length. Ocotlan; La Palma. Chirostoma lucius Boulenger. This is evidently the species described by Jordan & Snyder as C. crystalinuin in a foot-note * Dr. Jordan expressed the opinion that C. lucius is identical with C. Icrnnc. The teeth of C Indus are described as small, while C. lernnc has very large strong teeth. I* Bui. U. S. F. C. 19DO, 2S7.I Il6 FlKI.I) COLUMWAX Ml'SKUM ZOOLOGY, V()L. III. Gill-rakers 4 + 23 = 27. Length 9.35 inches. Species of large size. La Barca; Ocotlan; La Palma. Chirostoma sphyraena Boulenger. This is C. diazi Jordan & Snyder. This species was. not taken by us, neither did we get C. cstor from Lago de Chapala, its type locality. Chirostoma lermae Jordan & Snyder. Of the species of large size of this genus, this one has the strongest dentition. It is known at present only from Lago de Chapala. Gill-rakers 54-20 = 25; base of anal \\ in head, its rays 20; length of mandible 2i in head; diameter of eye 5^. Species of large size. The largest in our collection is 9.35 inches in length. Not very abundant. La Palma; Ocotlan. Chirostoma o'cotlanae Jordan & Snyder. This species is easily recog.nized by its projecting lower jaw, which extends beyond the upper a distance greater than diame- ter of pupil. Teeth minute, in bands; gill-rakers 54-20 = 25; vertebrae 44. Species of large size, longest 10.74 inches. Ocot- lan; La Palma. Chirostoma estor Jordan. This species was originally described from Lago de Chapala. It was later described by Dr. Steindachner from Lago de Patz- cuaro as C. albus. The identity of C. allnis and C. estor was ques- tioned by Jordan and Evermann from the fact that there were no teeth on the vomer of the specimens in Dr. Steindachner's pos- session. A large number of specimens from Patzcuaro exam- ined by me show that the presence of vomerine teeth is the rule rather than the exception. In our collection are specimens from Lago de Patzcuaro, Lago de Zirahuen, and Lago de Xochomilcho. Those from the first mentioned lake are more slender and much lighter and more trans- lucent than those from the other lakes. The general appearance of those from the last two lakes is that of C. humboldtianum^ and at first sight they are easily mistaken for that species. Our specimens are from three lakes without outlets; two of the lakes are but 10 miles apart, while the other is considerably remote. Since isolation, this species in each lake has been undergoing some change, but not sufficient to give them rank as species or MAY, 1902 THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO— MEEK. 117 sub-species. In the specimens from Zirahuen the teeth are smaller and usually in bands, rather than in two series; vomerine teeth usually present. The anterior part of the head in a few specimens from Patz- cuaro is nearly black, that of others is dark, while that of most is very light. Base of anal ij in head, its rays 18 to 20; scales 70-17; gill-rakers 5 + 21 = 26; vertebrae 23-1-20 = 43. This species reaches a length of about 1 1 inches. It is an excellent food fish. Abundant. Xochomilcho; Patzcuaro; Zirahuen. Lago de Cha- pala is the only other locality from which this species is known. MELANIRIS, gen. nov. Type, balsanus. This genus differs from Chirostoma in having a rounded lower jaw, a longer anal fin, a short caudal peduncle, and in having the ori- gin of the spinous dorsal fin behind that of origin of anal fin. In all of the specimens the iris is black. In Chirostoma it is silvery. Peritoneum black, alimentary canal shorter than total length of the fish. Vertebrae 17+19 = 36. Melaniris balsanus, sp. nov. Type, No. 3706, F. C. M. Length, 2.68 inches. Locality, Rio Balsas, Balsas, Guerrero, Mexico. Head \\; depth 5^; D. iii-g: A. 21; scales 39-10. Body elongate, slender, not much compressed; snout rounded laterally; mouth small, lower jaw slightly the longer; caudal peduncle very short. Dorsal fins posterior, origin of spinous dorsal considerably behind origin of anal fin, and midway between base -of caudal fin and posterior margin of opercle; outer row of teeth large, canine- like, wide apart; behind these a band of small villiform teeth; base of anal \ longer than head, its rays varying from 20 to 23; dorsal spines 2 to 4, usually 3; pectoral fin high on sides of body, its length \\ in head; ventrals 2^; gill-rakers 4+13=17; vertebrae 17+19 = 36; scales large, with entire margins. Olivaceous, rather opaque, dorsal region finely punctulate with black. A well defined silvery band on sides. Very abundant in Rio Cuculo and the Rio Balsas, at Balsas. A small species seldom reaching a length of 2\ inches. It appears firmer as to its flesh than any of the species Chirostoma. Ovaries large, evidently nearing the spawning time. The ovaries of this species taken April 22 and 23 are much larger than those n8 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. in different species of Chirostoma taken the last week in May. Balsas. MUGILlDyE. Agonostomus nasutus Gunther. The lips of some of the specimens from the Balsas are much thinner than in the one large (6 inches in length) specimen from Cuicatlan. Specimens from Balsas 3.75 inches in length, head 3|. Balsas; Puente de Ixtla; Cuicatlan. Mugil trichodon Poey. A few small specimens from La Antigua. CEXTRARCHID^. Lepomis occidentalis, sp. nov. Type, No. 3660, F. C. M. Length, 4.75 inches. Locality, Rio Conchos, Jimenez, Chihuahua, Mexico. Head a£: depth 2; D. x-n; A. iii, 9; scales 7-37-14. Body oval, compressed, dorsal outline more arched than the ven- tral. In smaller examples the profile is nearly straight or slightly convex. In large examples (about 5 inches in length) the profile is concave, with a prominent angle at the nape: mouth moderate, the tip of the maxillary reaching vertical from pupil, its length 3 in head; lower jaw slightly the longer; eye small, 4! in head and 1 1 in the interorbital space; fins rather low. 4th dorsal spine 3^ in head: pectoral short and rounded, its length \\ in head; ventrals slightly longer than the pectoral, their tips almost reaching anal: operculum with a well developed membranous appendage or flap, this being largest in the larger specimens. This flap has a narrow pale border. The caudal fin is very short, its lobes rounded and of equal size, its length i^ in head. Teeth on vomer, none on palatines; no supplemental maxillary. Gill- rakers short, blunt, S on lower part of gill-arch. Dark olivaceous above, lighter below, each scale with a light margin forming longitudinal lines along the rows of scales. These lines are quite prominent on the lower half of the body. Xo black markings on the fins; no blue lines on the cheeks, a few dusky brown lines being present. Length about 6 inches. This species resembles Lcpomis megalotis; it differs from that species in having a more robust body, smaller eye, a much shorter pectoral fin, a much duller coloration and the absence of bright blue stripes on the cheeks. It differs from L. haplognathus in MAY, 1902. THK ICHTHYOLOGY OF MEXICO — MKEK. 119 having a much deeper body, no blue stripes on the cheeks and a smaller eye. Ovaries well developed, spawning season probably the latter part of July or early in August. Abundant at Jimenez; one specimen also taken at Santa Rosalia. Jimenez; Santa Rosalia. PERCID.E. Etheostoma pottsii (Girard). This species is quite abundant in the head waters of the trib- utaries of the Rio Conchos. With the following species it is the most westerly of the group to which it belongs. Very few other darters, if any, are found at 'as high an altitude as are these two species. E. boreale, found in Hudson Bay and St. Lawrence Basins, is its most nearly related species. San Andres; Santa Rosalia; Chihuahua; Jimenez. Etheostoma australe Jordan. Found with the preceding. Very abundant. No darters have yet been found in the head waters of the Rio Yaqui, though this river seems to have gotten its fauna from the head waters of the Rio Conchos or other tributaries of the Rio Grande. San Andres; Santa Rosalia; Chihuahua; Jimenez. CENTROPOMID.E. Centropomus undecimalis (Bloch). Common at La Antigua. Centropomus ensiferus Poey. A few small specimens from La Antigua, largest 2.50 inches. GERRID.E. Eucinostomus harengulus Goode & Bean. La Antigua, common. Cichlasoma eigenmanni, sp. nov. Type, No. 3712, F. C. M. Length, 6.65 inches. Locality, Rio Tehuacan, Venta Salada, Pueblo, Mexico. Head 3^; depth 23; D. xvii, 14; A. V., 10; scales 6-33-11. Body rather elongate, profile convex but not very stoep; mouth 120 FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM — ZOOLOGY, VOL. III. small, scarcely oblique, jaws equal; lips thin, a distinct frenum; eye small, its diameter 4^ in the head; inferior margin of the orbit above level of upper lip; snout long, 2.1{ in head; outer teeth large, brown at the tips; cheeks with six rows of scales. Origin of dorsal fin over gill opening; first dorsal spine short, the others gradually increasing to 4th which is 23 in head; last dorsal spine 2i in the length of the head; middle rays of soft dorsal and anal fins longest, the fins pointed, the tips of longest rays not reaching to base of caudal; longest dorsal ray i^ in head; longest anal ray i£ in head; caudal fin slightly emarginate; least depth of caudal peduncle equals length of the snout; pectoral fins short, i ?j- in head; ventrals i| in head, the latter not quite reach- ing vent. Brownish, six indistinct dark bands on sides, a darker lateral band which ends in a black spot at the base of the caudal; fins all plain. One smaller specimen, 3.85 inches in length, has head 3^; depth 2|; scales 6-33-11, longest dorsal ray 1 1 in head; longest anal if. The dark bars and lateral band are less distinct; a black caudal spot; a few brownish streaks on lower half of dorsal and anal fins; the tips of pectorals reaching vent. This species appears nearest C. intermedium. It differs from that species in having a higher spinous dorsal, and lower soft dorsal, and the absence of whitish ocelli on vertical fins. Yenta Salada. Cichlasoma parma (Gunther). A few small specimens from La Antigua, largest 1.3 inches, body with cross bars, a black bar at base of caudal. Cichlasoma melanurum (Gunther). A few specimens were taken in the Rio Quiotepec at Cuicatlan. Heros istlanus Jordan & Snyder. This species is very abundant in Rio Ixtla at Puente de Ixtla, and in the Rio Balsas ar*Balsas. GOBIID.E. Philypnus dormitor (Lace"pede). Common at La Antigua. Largest specimen 10 inches in length. MAY. 1902. THE ICHTHYOLOGY OF MK\KO — MEEK. 121 Awaous taisiaca Lichinstein. La Antigua; Balsas; Puente de Ixtla. Gobius parvus, sp. nov. Type, No. 3738, F. C. M. Length, 1.95 inches. Locality, Rio San Francisco, La Antigua, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Head 4; depth 4^; D. vi-u; A. 12; scales 30. Body short, robust; head large; snout blunt, rounded; mouth slightly inferior, little oblique, its gape extending to vertical from pupil; eye small, partly superior; interorbital area narrow, its width little less than half diameter of eye; diameter of the eye 3! in the length of the head; snout 4^ in head; dorsal fins not connected, the spinous dorsal of females low, longest spine a little more than half the length of the head; in the male the dorsal spines are about 4 to | longer than the head, the tips extending to middle of dorsal fin; caudal long and pointed, its length in the female 3^ in the length of the body, in the male 3; pectoral slightly less than length of head; ventral i£ in head; scales ctenoid. Dark olivaceous, mottled with darker; a dark bar on dorsal region from base of posterior half of spinous dorsal; this bar is followed by three others from base of soft •-•:".- GILA MiNAC/E, Page 80. UBRARY OF THE FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. ZOOLOGY, PL. XVIII. w. D. [XX/GL»5 D£L AZTECULA MEXICANA, Page 81. W. 0 tXXKU.A». DEL. EVARRA TLAHUACENSIS, Page 85. OF THE FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. ZOOLOGY, PL. XIX. w. D. COUGHS. DEL NOTROFIS ROBUSTUS, Page 82. w. 0. Oouc<». DEL NoiROPiS SANTAROSALI/€, Page 85. LIBRARY FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. ZOOLOGY, PL. XX. 0. DOUGLAS. DEL FUNDULUS OAXAC/E, Page 90. w. 0. DOUGLAS. DEL HETERANDIA LUTZI, 9 , Page 106. UbHARY OF TMt FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. ZOOLOGY, PL. XXI. w. D. DOUGHS. DEL ZOOGONETICUS DIAZI, 9 , Page 93. W. D. DOUGHS, DEL. ZOOGONETICUS MINEATUS, 9 , Page 94. *0 LIBRARY Of TKt .- LIBRARY OFTMt v*KHnv FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. ZOOLOGY, PL XXV. W. D. DOUGLA5. Oil. SKIFFIA LERW/E, 9, Page 102. W. D. DOuGi.«9 DEL SK FFIA LERM/E, ^, Page 102. *- D. Dououx. DEL SKIFFIA VARIEGATA, o , Page 104. THE Jh &> 13 LIBRARY OF THE FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. ZOOLOGY, PL. XXVII. w. D. DOUGLAS. DEL W. D. DOUGLAS DEL - r CHIROSTOMA ATTENUATUM, Page 112. CHIROSTOMA LABARCXE, Page 113. D. DOUC.LJU DEL CHIROSTOMA PATZCUARO, Pa^e 113. LIBRARY OF THt FIELD COLUMBIAN MUSEUM. ZOOLOGY, PL. XXVIII. w. 0. DOUGLAS, DEL. CHIROSTOMA ZIRAHUEN, Page 114. W. D. DOUGLAS, DEL MELANIRIS BALSANUS, Page 117. LIBRARY LIBRAffV OF THE n LIBRARY OMHt ZOOLOGY, PL. XXXI. W. D. DOUGLAS. DEI GOBIUS PARVUS, Page 121. w D. DOUGLAS. DEL GOBIUS CLAYTONI, Page 121. • . . - r, ***••*, -7*1*- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 590. 5FI C001 FIELOIANA. ZOOLOGYJCHGO 31900-04 30112009379600 v '. «''-«, 'T f > * < ^ v • m. * ~~t '