SGXR ES Hee * ma Semen a a r 4 Seema Maal ass SA as laa Berens SR aseeds Sy Eesrts ae NATURAL HISTORY. SURVEY. uN 1 Hao’ 1) oo A Contribution Toward a Bibliography On North American Fur Animals LEE E. YEAGER Published by Authority of the STATE OF ILLINOIS Dwicnut H. Green Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. THomMPson Director BIOLOGICAL NOTES NO. 76 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY Tueopore H. Frison, Chief Urbana Illinois State of Illinois Dwicht EH, Green, Governor Department of Registration and Education Frank G. Thompson, Director A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON WORTH AMERICAN FUR ANIMALS Lee E.. Yeager Published by Authority of the State of Illinois Natural History Survey Theodore H, Frison, Chief Biological Notes No. 16 Urbana, Illinois December, 1941 cP ert Ah ~ * " Led Fatt . SAAR REE Ae "7 . hie Weare lh fe : a o eu . pleks Bren INTRODUCTION = - = = = = - le eee le mut eee cee eee eee ACKNOWLEDGMENTS - - = - = = © een ee ee sue ene ee eles 5 LIST OF REFERENCES - - - - - 2 nee eee meee ee ee eee 6 HISTORICAL ee ee ee ee EE Le PE oh det, 6 Exploration. ‘and Settlement eS en Sr eee eae ona bocce 6 ee nn sd a eS eee were cand eRe nS FUR _ANIMAL SORSERTALION #9 bir SRR ca ese OS ea ane eee eee FUR “AITIMAL AAC RIED ash ge ut cab Ror pnett ie ere ie eT Te ee Ee . General (management discussed or implied) . miele Secs dee’ §620 ' Surveys and Faunal Lists + - = -.e nue eee eee 626 . Habits, Mite Bistory and Binlee@e ous ue che ele he ee oe ‘Habitats -----+----- or tous ot woes eee ee ee (86 Signs, Tracks Bhd TRACKING ows we eae ake Satie a ae ER eras ssa Sig Lae sree ak ae ae ie le Se ae oe i 38 Breeding and Reproduction - - -.- - -..-.-.- 2 se He eH BO PESOS TESs LANG. LISCR ER 4 © de. oa ee eo ele me ae ee et ee 40 Cycles and Populations - - = = = - = = © 2 2 ee eee en 646 Ta a ata tna ae ete tele eet ee 43 Predatory Animals - - - - - 2+ - ee - eee te eee 49: Peery koe +8 ke es ee ee ee ee ee a ee 49 Game Management - - ----+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+e22+---- 51 Control = - + <=" 75 = <8 es 6© =e ew ee ee ee ee 53 Bounty System - ------.2+-2+-+ 2+ -2e+28-+-+-+-+-+- 57 Production and Economics -+-<«-+« 5s 5 = + = fees se = w 58 Laws and Seasons ---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+e%-+-+-+-+-+---- 62 Traps, Trapping and Fur Handling - ---+-<« +--+. -+--e6 64 Field and Laboratory Technigues - - - ---+-+-+-+-+-+-+-- 74 FUR FARMING - - - ---+---e-- a ge a ape age at ae Oi 9 pe) apne! id 75 General - ----+-842e2+-se8 5 es © e= © eee ee eee 75 Badger ---- +--+ -- ef - eee ee ee ee ee eee 79 Beaver. - <+- -+*# =e ser ew eee wee ee ee 80 Fisher -« ----+-+-7-+-77+2+-+e2-2-2-+-7---+---5- 80 TIoxes a 81 Lynx - ----2f -- ee ee ee er ee ee 86 WEG O ia) 6 ee eet ee nee eek Ie eae eer ene eee re 86 Mink --------- 7-7 - ee ee te eee Be fen ee USCIS EPG Lahey acest ot Aico tae mn ee Ss nny hoary as ook aI nti renee ee mete hs Vege Zien) LOK; Opossum - -- ---*+ +--+ +--+ ee ee ee ee eee 92 Otter ----+--+= +--+ -- f° = - =e ee ee ee ee eee 92 PEPER) OEIN oes ap yeas a) mb pee ome Seer igh n'y Vos ee) lool hays ames Meee) amy tale get eat Posen) ee ee eee eaten re 92 Skunks ------ -- e- ee eee eee etre te ee 95 Weasel, Fitch and Ferret -----+-+-+--+-+-+-+-+--- 94 Chinchilla <-.- - 9 +.= = 8 ses 6 6 He eH ee ee eo 95 FUR UTILIZATION AID TECHNOLOGY ----+-°+-+-+-+-+-+-+e8--6- 95 SPECIPIC FUR ANIMALS - --<+*+*+s += + ses ese = & ARES, Badger -----+ e+ 5-2 ee ee ee ee ee ee ee 97 Se SUA cet eof gees are eee ters reg) fe ies tne fe faeey, cae Gm eee piss eh aw pe Ces ireem La ae Lge Bobcat, Lynx and tllouse Cat - ----5+--+-+r+- - - - = = 109 Contents Fisher -----+-f-+e+e%7 +2772 72% 2-222 _r.r on. 11s Bones Tater ate tetera al Stet ae ae ee te eee ee re Fur Seals -----+--+-+-+--+7-7-++2-+2- cos on 7.118 Marten--:-<: =< pie eR eh et Te ee PROUT Ret acs Wen, SAM ye ye RIT Ee ee a eon Mink -----+--+---+-+-+--+s+-+--+-- amamenas my bebe MuSirrae “stata etal Peta te Me te ere eta ee oe ee Opossum -----+-f-- feet ee es ee ee eee 7, 155 BEteaP Sa aca se 2 a te Fae Fo he Fn Ra ee Be Re SWC (aS (ec VURAL eer ee ear IE gr er fea re geal ol ae ee s 146 Ringtail Cat ------ 9+ -"-7- 2 ee ee ee ee Se 148 Sea Otter ---+--+-+-+--"+"+7-+ 2 a _ L48 Skunks - -°- <0) -(- 2 ee eee ee eee eee ee «Sa! Dae Weasel --=-5*-- -= ff 8 5S £ = = © Ses ts ss 7 - 155 Wolf and Coyote ‘---"- - cee ee ee ee ee eB Wolverine -- - - -'- + - -- - = 4 -'- 2 = - + - - = = 4. 166 Miscellaneous --- --=-- - woe ee ee ee ee ee =, 167 Ghinch #1 Ta 7 oe a Re OER SE SOR SR ane SoS oe ee - Ferret -- +--+ ----°- = = + --- + - - - = - = - = - «168 -Mole --- --:-+---- wo ee eee eee Se - 169 SUPPLEMENTARY LIST - - --- -"- = +--+ - - 5-5 + ---4-5- 171 FIGURES = <2 eee ee ee ee ee eee Se 178 Riey OF “PERTODICALS C ETED +" 7G Se ee te ee eee iv A CONTRIBUTION TOWARD A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON NORTH AMERICAN FUR ATIMALS Lee HE. Yeager Illinois Natural History Survey INTRODUCTION This bibliography is designed to bring together in. .ref- erence form a large part of the material on North American fur animals. Although it is intended particularly for workers who do not have access to the matchless files of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service or to other more or less complete reference lists, the compiler hopes that the bibliography will be of some use to all students dealing with the fur resource. ; The classification. scheme provides for two main kinds of references, general and specific, The general references include headings under which.are listed all titles of a general nature and those that do not deal. primarily with a single species or a dis- tinct fur-animal group. In addition, they include sections on parasites and.diseases, fur farming, and fur utilization and technology, subjects so distinctive that it seems advisable to list together all references thereon. Under specific references, the only, headings used are. the common names of the fur animals. References dealing with two or r10re species or groups are usually listed under each species involved. .In both general and specific references, the arrangement under headings is by. author in alpha- betical order, and the order under authors having more than one title is chronological. Listing of referenceshas been made specific whenever possible, in -the--beliefthat.such an-arrangenent,’ in a bibliog- raphy lacking extensive cross references, will prove the most convenient for the largest sney of users. Thus, such important subjects as breeding and reproduction carry only a few references, and physiology and similar subjects are not included in the clas- sification, Most titles that’might be included under these head- ings are listed under the designated fur animal in‘ the’ spécific references, a RE sine fy SOOT ED ee A fow eroups, notably rabbits, bears: and mountain lions, have reluctantly been excluded, ‘chiefly because of the extensive- ness of the litevature on rabbits and the unimportance of bears and lions as fur animals. Because of the availability of a good bibliography by Phillips, cited later in this Introduction, fur seals here are dealt with chiefly after 1925, which closes the date of title inclusion in Phillips! work. Few‘of the very large number of state papers, documents and reports ‘én seals and fur otters are included.” These may be found in tHé’ Catalog of the Public Documents, also cited in this Introduction, Foreign species are excluded except’ Tor the introduced ‘chinchilla; and foreign references are not listed except whére they have a direct application to our native forms or report on North American. -: species introduced into other ‘lands, It has been necessary to choose between various types of material, and some borderline works have been kept or rejected more or less arbitrarily. The hundreds of popular articlés ‘on trapping and fur animals which have appearedin-outdoor and -agri- cultural magazines are in most instances omitted, although their net value may be greater than is sometimes recognized. Purely taxonomic Louies and most of the large number of local lists of mammals ie largely been left out. Many scientific notes have been tno wiied 2 There is no pretense at completeness, although it is believed that most of the important references are given. wrt has been impossible to check all state and institutional publica- tions, and valuable papers have thus. undoubtedly been missed, ese | The method of citation has. purposely been simplified cots Poe brevity, but also for convenience and uniformity. A rey to most of the abbreviations used will be: found in ‘the ap- pended List of Periodicals Cited. The. number of pages given for. books is approximate, since no account is taken of preface pages. Piates: along with figures, photographs, maps and dia- grams, are considered as illustrations and are simply listed as such ‘in the citations. Authors' names are given in the initial rather than the full form. In regard to editions, the latest has been used whateva? possible, but it has been impractical‘to be consistent in this ener ts In some instances At has not, ‘been gaa aes to secure complete reference gabe especially for certain bareiet publications, These titles are followed by an asterisk. ..Parentheses have’ beén uséd’ to. denote doubtful authen-. ticity ESAT ae ifort ton not supplied in the reference work itself. ne Ure iy ney, Ba} indicates that the author's naan. was not on. the original publication or chase there is some quéstion of authorship; (agie) indicates that hoe date of publication’ is given in the reference work, but that the fii ee date of publi-. cf cation has ‘been toatHed ee other SOuUrces.. In references for ae which no publisher is cited, the publisher is in heat cases the author. Devoted in part to North American fur animals are four recent bibliographies, two immensely useful abstracting organs and two publications of the U. S$. Superintendent of Documents, .. These ; eight works are considered so valuable for reference ‘purposes that they are cited separately below. One of the abstracting organs is the wé1l1 known Biological Abstracts, issued monthly, with a com=| ; plete index at the end of each year. The second, Wildlife Review, includes only wildlife literature, and is probadly. the most useful abstracting organ generally available to American fur. workers, It is issued four or five times annually. Catalog of the Public . Documents has appeared by volumes, one for each National Congress, 1893 to date. Fortunately one of the bibliographies, Phillips, a includes an excellent section on fur seals, and numerous lists of refercicés to game and fur animal laws and wildlife conservation, all through L925. Cuthbertson & Ewers have .compiled. the most extensive List of references on the history .of the fur trade know to the writer, These eight references.are as follows: Biological Abstracts, 1926-date. University of Pennsyl-; - vania, Philadelphia. Published in five sections, Prics varies by sections; $25.00: per complete volume, : single subscription. Volume 15 in 1941. Cuthbertson, Stuart, and John C, Ewers, 19359. A preliminary bibliography on the American fur trade, .U. 5, Department. » of the Interior, National Park Service, 191 PP. (Mimeographed, ) fur ee Gaines, Stanley Il., et al, - 1938, - Bibliography on soil ero-. sion and. soil and water conservation. U. 8S. Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous Publication No, 312. 651° PR U. S,. Government Printing Office, Washington, D, C. &O, 60, from Superintendent of Documents, “Washington, D. C.- Phillips, John Cc, ‘1930. American game mammals and birds; .a. catalogue of books, 1582 to 1925, sport, natural history and conservation, Foughton Mifflin Co., Boston: and New York, 638 pp. $10.00, management of western ranges, livestock and wildlife. U. S, Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous Publica- tion ilo. 281, 458 BPs U. S» Government Printing Office, Viashington, D. $0.45, from Superintendent- of Documents, Vashington, D, C. Renner, F. Gi,ret al. ‘1938, A selected bibliography on U, S. Superintendent of Documents, 1896-date, Catalog of the public documents of the... . » Congress and of all De- partments of the Government of the United States for the period from March-4;, 1893,-to: date (being the “Comprehen- sive Index" provided for by the Act approved January 12, 1895). U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D, Gr U, §, Superintendent of Documents, January, 1895-date. Monthly catalog, United States public documents. - Ua5a.- Government Printing Office, Washington, D. G, $1.50 per year. Wildlife Review. Septembcr, 1935-date, U,‘S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D, C. Averages about 50 pp, per issue; issued irregularly. (Mimcographed, ) Free, (Numbers I- 21l+issued-by:the. U, S. Department’ of Agriculturcs numbers 22-51 by the.U. S,. Department of the Interior; all by the Bureau of Biologi- , cal: ‘Survey, previous to consolidation of bureaus into ... Fish and \ Wildlife Service, dune, 1940, ' From those who may use this Pini iocuasiee I sincerely invite notice of errors end omissions. ‘Suggestions for its improvement. will be received with thanks, i | ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Dr, Frank G,. Aunbyecksaae Dri oWa Ls MeAtee. of the U.S. Fish ana Wildlife Service,: Vashington, D, C., for the loan of a useful English bibliography Ae rar anime breeding and for helpful suggestions, ‘Mr. W. ae Scott of the Wisconsin Conservation Department COREE HUBEG 2 number of obscure titles. Uy, James 8. Ayars, Editor of the Til4nois Natural History Survey, has contributed much to the uniformity of cita- tion and orgariization of the Hep each z nani not: have - | compiled these references without the ata of my .wite; Agatha G. Yeager, who devoted hundreds of hours to varieus parts of the ~4 a. * S work, Scores. hc) ‘individuals, Cael Ee aciatic Leder ae LeRe and certain organizations aided in checking ' veferences not. available, for di- réct attention. I herewith expres's niy ‘appreciation, | ‘Ls és ee T O Re "RE? FR E RE oN C:E dl ai HISTORICAL: : eee ‘Se “‘Bxplérat ion and Settlenent $30 Por a larger List of: ‘nélperenoes: ‘see “Cuthbertsén & rweines cited in the Introductions, Adam, ‘°C. M. :1885.' The éanuddan: north-west. Rose "Publishing! - Co.; Tordntoy $90-pd.3 I72Us, 04 Alter,.d,\C,- (1925. ). James Bridger, trapper, Poke’ onanne Scout and guide, ‘Shepard | Boot: Ababa ene ae hated ire % oY col DP; illus. Andérsbn, T. GC. “2888; eee earn ese of captekn ‘Thoma G, Anderson, Wisi: State’ Hist. Soc, - age ob one hh ig meee 1882, Bemaynetogs ENEKiG “sieth) date seis i Ballantyne, R, M, 184d: Huasdd! 51 Beir: colors gr oe in the wilds of North Americas W, Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, Seo pos illus gee LD DREN ar Mer siren Bancroft, HL Hy 1884, ‘History ‘of ‘the Northwest Coast, A. Le -:. Bancroft & Co., San Prancisco. e vols., illus, 3 if Bancroft, H. H. 1884-90, Hi story of Galtrouaias’ The History oa Co., San Francisco, 7 vols., illus. Bartlett, C, H, 1904, Tales of Kankakee Land. Charles Séribner's Sons, New York, -232 pp.,.Tllus,-'-.. : Bradbury, J. 1819, <-Travels in the interior of America in the... years 1809, 1810, and 1811, Sherwood, Neely & Jones, London, oo4 ppg. ative. Hyg Mee CRE Ee adr Oe anil Buck, S. J. 1917 Illinois-in 1818. Review! Printing and... Stationery aided Decatur, aed (368 PP+> utabnde Cartwright,.G.. 1792, A journal of transactions and aybnbes during a residence of nearly sixteen years’on the coast, of: : . babrador, Hid deen & gay Wewer is Eng, 5 vere Pace al Cattermole, E. Ge, (188°, ) Famous Pep eranany pioneers and scouts: Lives and marvelous exploits of heroes,: trappers,, explorers, adventurers, scouts and Indian he) eb Me AG “Donohue & Co., Chicago. 540 pps, illus. : Coale, C.°B. 1878; The life and adventures of Wilburn Waters, Gs vi. Grav &s ows Richmond, yi PB5 Dire j tle Historical are Explorat ion and ‘ sment ” : > “ r - » i . ~ q Cockrum, W. M. 1907. ‘Pioneer history of Indiana. Press. of Gekiend acta Journal , akland City, Ind, 558 pps, illus, : hat Ys : 4. PY : ho see Colton, v 1851, three years in Californias A..S. Barnes &'Co., Hew wort, 456 pp., illus. Comeau, i. A, 1923. Life and sport on ,the north shore of the lower Saint Lawrence and Gulf. Daily Telegraph Printing ala Quebec. 440 pps, illus ; Coutant, C. G. 1899. The history of Wyoming from the earliest _ known discoveries. Chaplin, Spafford & Mathison, Laramie, TTY O° ioe are illus. | o) s “eee Cowie, I. »1913.:..The>company.of adventurers. William Briggs, Toronto. 515 pp.,; illus. P . Coyner, D. EF. 1859. The lost trappers. Anderson, Gates & _Wright, Cincinnati. 255 pp. , BS Be Cronise, T. F. 1868. The natural ip or Californiay -H, 4. Bancroft &. Co.:, San. Francisco: and liow York. 696 pp., illus. or Drannan, ‘ee 1902. mountains. Rhodes & 586 pp., illus. Tr i 3. -@ Edwards, S. E,....1866. the frontier deer hunter of Press Frint,. Battle (1899.) Co.;. liew Bisisy By Se Publishing Fairficld,,A..i, 1916. County, California. DOO Dies tLius. | ey Pe ot a University Pre HORAURAL s: Yale Fremont, J.C. 1850. fountains re ? 456. pDe, Graham, A. A., comp. counties, Ohta. Dea elie Po ° R Ge Ye Scribner's Sons, LO Grinnell, licw nm Grinnell, G. 5. Seribner's Sons, : 1913, Now LEte ar MeClurc The Ohio hunter I Samucl &, the state of Ohio. Cree MAG GLahe:, on Yori. Fairfield's pioncer 2757) th 1883, = ace ie oxploring Oregon and California, illus. We. Bd AF ek,..vicn, 172 ALG £60 Die» 4- - S. Crocker . Me C w Haven, , Hist History peers & the pp. of 450 the.. S74 DD. Up and. down Californ Conn, expedi Derby & Co., Buffalo, old front Thirty- one years on the plains and in the Publishing Co.,, Chicago. ¢ .or, a, brief, sketch. of rds, the great bear, and ieview and Herald Steam frontis, Carson. New York illus., history of Lassen Co.,; pan: Francisco, ‘in 1860-1864, illus. nia 601: pp., tion into the Rocky pathfinders, _ Charles illus. ? Lore! illus’, - Ch ries, aie ; ; 8 Eistorical -« Exploration and Settlement‘ Grinnell, G. B,, ed. 1915. Hunting at high altitudes, _Harper Grinnell, G. B., ed. 1914. The wolf hunters, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 303 pp., illus. , MT Hardy, M; 1910, A fall fur hunt in Maine. Forest and Stream, May 14:769; May 28:850, © , NAN Ah Harlan, R. 1825, Fauna Americana, Anthony Pinley, Philadelphia, O18 pp. (Hatfield, E.) 1889. Stories of Hatfield, the pioneer, Ledger Co., New Albany, Ind, 278 pp., illus. - ‘ Hearne, S. 1795, A journey from Prince of Wales"s Fort -to the Northern Ocean. A, Strahan & T, Cadell, London, 458 pp., ci sh bs Hill, Ny Ne, dre 1881, History of Licking County,’ Ohio, “Aya, Graham & Co,, Newark, Ohio. 822 vp., illus. Hind, Il, YS 1860, ‘Narrative of the Canadian Red River exploring expedition of 1857, and of the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan exploring expedition of 1858, ‘Longman, Green, Longman '& ~~ ™ Robertm, Tiondon.:*'2’ volsy) Tins,’ RD diceetishiy Hittell, T. E. 1926. The adventures of James Capen Adams, mountaineer and grizzly bear hunter, of California. Charles Scribner's Sons, New ‘York, 375 pp., illus. i. ae Iobbs, Je 1872. Wild life in‘the far West. Wiley, Waterman & Eaton, Hartford, Conn, 498 pp., illus. , ; Hubbard, G. S, 1888. Incidents and events in tlie life of | Gurdon Saltonstall JIubbard. Collected from personal narra-. tions and other’sources and arranged by ‘his nephew, Henry E, Hamilton, Rand McNally & Co., Chicago, ‘189 pp, Hubbard, G. S, 1911. ‘The autobiography of Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard, Pa-pe-ma-ta-be, “the swift ‘walker"; with an introduc- tion by Caroline IM. McIlvaine. R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co.; Chicago. 182 pp. James, Te; Walter B. Douglas, ‘ed. 1916, Jsemes! three vears °: among the Indians and Mexicans. Missouri Historical Society, ot. Louls. S16 pp. Jones, WV. ‘ER, ‘1898,- The ‘squirrel hunters of Ohto., Robert’ Clark & Co., Cincinnati, 565 pp. 4 iui’ + Kennedy, Sir W.°R. 1881.° Sporting notes in Newfoundland, spa ot Withers, St. Johns; N. Fv: 1035 pps a A aka Kirtland, J. P. 1838. Report on the zoology of Ohio, Ohio — Geol, Surv. 2nd Ann, Reps; pp. 157+7'7, lia ean Eistorical -- Explorati and Settlement 9 baute &. C, 1915. Pioneers of the Pacific Coast. Glasgow, Brook & COs, Toronto. ,2159--pps 5: ibluse: ; Laut, A. C. (1918.) The conquest of the great Northwest. George EH, Doran Co., New York, Gth-ed.; 2 vols. in,l. . Leonard, 4, 839. Warrative of the adventures of Zenas Leonard. D, W, Moore, Clearfield, Pa, ; -400.pp. ‘ Leonard, Z, 1904. Leonard's narrative. The Burrows Bros. Co.; Cleveland.: 517 ppe,.illus. 33 : Lewis, M., and ‘i, Clark: R. G. Thwaites, ed. 1904-05. . Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark expedition, 18Q4-1806. .Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. 7 vols. Long, gehts) ima@ian trader, ' 179k. Voyages and travels of an Indian intervreter and trader. London, 295:pp., illus. Long, John, Indian Trader; i. M. Quaife, ed; 1902. Long's voyages and travels in the years 1768-1788. R. R, Do onnelley & Sons Co,, Chicago. 258 pp., map. MeGceiew, Vis Ff. d9el. Ring: a frontier dog. Prentice-Hall, New York. .189 pp., illus. ni) (M'Gillivray, S.) 1817. A narrative of occurrences in the Indian countrie s of Yorth America, B..HMcMillan, London, LSE. PD. sil Mackenzie, Sir A. 1911. Voyage from Nontreal-on the River St. Lawrence, through the continent of North America, to the Frozen and Pacific oceans, in the years 1789 and 1793. The o Courier ress, Ltd., Toronto, ¢é vols., illus,, MeMiilian, D. B. 1925. Four years in the white north. Medici Society of America, Boston and New York. . 2nd ed.. 428 pp., illus. : Macoun, J. 18835. Manitoba and the great lorth-west. Thomas C, Jack, London.. 687 pp. Mearos, J. 1790. Voyages made in the year 1788 and 1789, from China to the north-west coast of America. , Logographic Press, _London, 372 pp., iijus.. . (Milnor, “., Jr.) Sesh Memoirs of the Gloucester Fox simmons Club. J. Dobson, Philadelphia. 56 pp., illus. ; Mulhern, D. S. 1891. Donald Stephenson's reminiscences, W. G. Johnston & Co., Pittsburgh. 246 pp. Murray, A. EH. 1910. Journal of the Yukon, 1847-48. Can. Arch. Pub. 4. Government Printing Surcan, Ottawa, Ont.. 125 pp. illus. ’ a listorical eae Exploration and Settlement Hicolay| C. G. “1846. The Oregon dibtnaine C, Knight & Co., London, 226 pps; illus, . : Ogden, P. S, 1909,. Journals of Poter Skene Ogden, 1825- Pala Napier | Ore. ist. Guart’., 10(4):531-65. arlanan, F, 1892, The Oregon Trail. Little, Brown & Co., Boston, 411 pes Lave. * mas 1 Pattie, TO.) LeeT wes Munters of Kentuclky;.or, the trials and toils of trappers and traders, during an expedition .to. the Rocky liountains, New Mexico and California. WwW. H. Graham, New York, .100-pp. ; vas Me Peters, De i, Cc, 1859... The life and Dees. of oie. Carson, the Nestor of: the. Rocky Mountains, Vi, R. CO. ona Me & Meeker, New York, .534-pp., illus. Pitce,. We (Ho). 1896.,. Through he subarctic forests; a record of a canoe’ journey from Fort Wrangel ‘to the Pelly Lakes,. and cown the Yukon River to the Behring Sea, SBdward Arnold, ‘London, L9G. PPsigi lL Livsis Pike, vi. (Me) 1917. The barren’ grounder. dis hag Canada. | He ee Dubuc Coie, New, Loma, 554 Diet uss Pine, Gs W. 1875. Beyond the West. T,.d, Griffiths, Utica, New York, 444 pp., illus. Ralph, J. 1892. . On Canada's frontier, Uarper & Bros., New York. O20 Pps, lus, ot Reeds B. Hy, eL9ec Tales of a vanishing rivér. John. Lane. Co., New York. 266 7 PPes wy? Revosheube ois soll) Tighad., Adams, trans. ~ 1874, . The hunter and trapper in North Amorica. 7. Kelson & Sons, London, lew York. COED Din ig side eUsis ; Rickman. Le vGent LoLee Cetiiornre under Spain and: Mexico... Houghton hifflin Co.,, New Yorks (ofl pp, Libus: Robinson, Te. in the Tiuds 79, «The ‘great’ Purstands ‘avy S ui I48 Pps. LL ARCS sketches. of ‘Life on's. Bay Terretery, Gar ule Pathan! s: Sons, New York. 4 : +US 4 1898, A hero eof Ticenderora,. 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Riverside Press, Cambridge, Hass. 157 p>., illus. ; (Schooling, Sir W.) 1920. The governor and company of adventur- ers of Engiand trading into Hudson's Bay during two hundred ~and fifty years, 1670-1920, lUudson's Bay Co., “London, 129 i 3) Re Rg : » Pi Seton, HE. T. 1911. ‘The arctic prairies. Charles Scribner's sons, tiew Yori, 415° pp., itius. seymour, E. 5. 1850. the test, Harper’ é: Sketches of Minnesota, the ilew Ingland of Bees. . HOw fork, "Zol Pp. . senses sneldon, C. 19 91 The wilcerness of the Upper Yukon. Charles eeritpner's So is, New York, 554 pp., illus. a heldon, C. 1950. The wilde s of Denali. Charles Scribner's s rne sons, New York, 402 pp., ill Stuck, fi, 1914, Ten thousand miles with a dog sled. Charles Scribner's Sons, Ncw York, 420 pp.; illus. tuck, Es 1917. Voyages on the Yukon and its tributaries. Charles Seribner's Sons, lew York, ' oO) DOs, itive, etuck, Fs 1920: A winter circuit of our Arctic Coast. Charles neripnerl’s scons, New Yori. . SGO, po., Iwas. 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Mammal. 20(3 ):292-9, Lehmann, Vo vie. 1035. mi pelation of dred tows bO- made increase. Assh, Game, Fish and Cons. Commrs. 28th Conv., 1934, New York, pp. 56-8. . Lehmann, V. W.. 1937. Inerease, quail by improving: their habitat. Texas Game, Fish and oys ter Comms Bion. 44 DPes oo Lioyd, H. 1938, Duane aes neg save game. Aen: Bong 7(5)% 6- 7, ARIDIR BTS MecAtee, W. te EK iy yee management! 4s. eioke radio Nb yeee! neers Outd, Life 72(5):34-5, by aii crieertadnates Pvc ere tara fant Beg ts" ld DER es 08 Mn Murie, 0O.. i 1935. Alaska&-Yukon caribou.s..U. S. Dept. Ag. Ni *Am. Fauna S44, 93 PpPeys apa ba BIST ees eR RCSD: - Predatory Animals - Control 53 Pirnie, M. D. 1955. Michigan waterfowl management. Michigan Department of Conservation Game Division, Lansing... °328 pp., illus. . “Rush, Wi. M. 1939, Wildlife management and our”big garie animals. Nature Mag, 33(1):29-35. Jllus.’ ' Stoddard, H. L, 1931, The bobwhité quail. Charles Séribner's Sons, New York. 559 pp., illus. Stoddard, H, L. 1936. Management of wild turkey. H, Am. Wildlife Conf. Proc., pp. 352-6. “Sumner, E. L., Jr. 1935, A life history study of thé California quail, with recommendations for its conservation and management. Calif, Fish and Game 21(3):167-256; (4):277-342, Illus. Will, L. 1917. Destroy vermin if you would have game. Am. Game . Protect. Assn. Bul. 6(3):19. Illus. Yeatter, R. E, 1934. “The Hungarian partridge in the Great Lakes region. Mich. Univ. School Forestry and Cons. Bul. 5. 92 pp., illus. : -- Control -- Adams, C. C, 1930. Rational predatory animal control. Jour. Mammal. 11(3):353-62. ' ' Adams, C. C., and P. G, Redington. i929. (Predatory mammal control work of the United States Biological Survey.) Jour. Mammal. 10(3) :275-9. Albright, H. M. 1931. The National Park Servicé's polity on predatory animals. Jour. Mammal. 12(2):185-6. Anonymous, 1923. Vater company destroys predatory animals. Calif. Fish and Game 9(3):111. 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B. 1926, Wolf and coyote control. Producer :7(9) :3<43..25% | (10) 6-8. | " “ : . ~ on ate ie ped, F. D., 1928, "Vermin" control in game songervet ttn Fins," 7 athers and Fur 56:22, 24-5, 55-4, fllus, USE 2) ise prdckenrtie, ae ne 1938. A review of predator ‘control. enn, 4 Cahalane,’ V. a oasa, The evolution of predator éentede policy in the national Bi eae Jour. Wildlife Mgt. 3(3 ) :229~ B74 5 Day,"A,°. : “L982... “fam apGalk’ for hunters of ‘Soedaeuey: animals, © U.S. Burs Biol. Surv, 52 ppt». Lilo. Day, A. M. 1934, Predator-trap device safe-guards species that are : harmless. U, S. Dept. Ag. “¥rbk, 1934'299-300, q Day, A. M.,:and A. P. Nelson, 192 a9.-° Wild life EGdacetet tae ‘and control in tlyoming under the leadership of ‘the United States Biological Surhgre 52 PDes 111s. (Ho pyblisher given, ) Deel,” Daye ace 1938. Ne aHe. HOGk: of Sernine Ht Eing ‘the happy. medium in predator control, Country Life and Sport. 73(5):37-9, LOS=65 y Lvs", ° ra 2 ar Fisher, Ac°K;) 1917, Plans for extermination of predatory wild } animals, Am. Natl. Live ooo Assn, 20th. Ann. Proce, BPs. AY 585-3 Gabriéison; “Te Ne 1928, | ‘To pniag the pane into ‘profit. “Forest and ‘ Stream aaa 686- 75 730~ 1. tlus,, som ute stands ¢ Garl durch, Pog Re “LOB. 4 Tesda wi Bates im the oatvel oe! destructive nial s U. S. Bur, Biol, Surv... BS-91. : LB: PD ¥* sane (Mime ographed, Bs ! ei Mata ae Wei Sere Sats oe f Garlough;’ F.” roa 1937, " Research studics in the wehbe eecaneee tive mammals, end Hi, Arte ie paste aoe _ ante 1 BP “085 etre | Goldman’, rts “1932, “The yeead a ‘iajestons mammals. “Sel, n. Se 75(1942) :309-11. . ‘ sath uence baal "cee aa Gordon; ie Be U6aae iow: Pekineylverita SBoREROTS vermin, An Gane Protect. Cian Bul 12(1): i 1. Tilus, Hoge : OS ea ae Goze ,(B. “gd. Tease broaden. cvepernee Me aS Ving? 1ecaay: oi, 37, Predatory Animals - Control 55 Gray; A. E. 1930. Predatory animal control and its relation to game conservation, Ark, Cons, 7(2):8. ; Green, D, D, 1940. Controlling predatory animals. Am, Wildlife 29(1): 55-40. Tllus. “Hall, Es R, °1926, - New method of predatory ‘mammal control, Calif. Fish and Game 12(3):154. © eee R, ‘1930. ‘Predatory mammal destriction, Jour.’ Mammal. a 62-72. pe Hell, E.°R,°°1931. ‘The poisoner again: A reply to Ws C? Henderson's defense of the Biolog Sere Survey ‘in the December igsue ‘of Outdoor Life. Outd, Life 67(4):26-7, 82-4; (5)28-9, 62-5. Illus. Harding, A. R. 1922. Poisoning fur animals. Outd. Life 49:42-3. - Henderson, W,. C. 1950. ‘The other side of the poison case’ Outd. Life 66:22-3, 6547. © : ; ee ; Holland, R.‘P. 1921. State vermin control. Am. ‘Game Protéct. Assn. Bul. 10(1):12-5. . Illus. Howell, A. B. 1950. The poison brigade of the Biological Survey. Outd. Life 66:50-5, Jardine, W. M. 1929. Control of predatory animals. ‘Ten-year program for JU. S. House Document 496. U. S. Government Printing ( Offico, Washington, De Ge: Ls Dds Key, Lb, A. 1956. Where ‘are we headed with ‘vermin control? Ohio Outd. News 2(5):2, Leavitt, S. 1930. Control’ of predatory animals. Hearing before the Committee on Agriculture, ilouse of Representatives, 71st Congress, 2nd session on H. R. 9599. April .29,°.50, and May 1, 1930. Serial O, pp. 1-100, salad Leavitt, ade. Logis . UOnirol of predatory enimals.:’ Superintendent of “Documents, Washington, D. C. ‘198 pp. —— J. S. 1923. The predatory animal ‘control division. Mich. State Dept. Cons» 1st Bien. Rep. (1921-22) 2299-3550, Hinene, C. B. 1937. Does predator control pay? Pa. Game News 6(8):11, 51. Tilus. Mace, B. H. 1916. Predator’ animals ord Willed | on’ California National Forest. Calif, Fish. and Gaine 2(4): 215- 4, , McGuire, a, ° 1982. ° Yho is ‘right, about poisoning. Outd. Life 7Ole):24-7. Titus. ** Musgrave, M. EB. 1919. ‘Destruction to livestock by predatory animals and thoir practical‘ means of destruction, Ariz. Cattle Grow. Assn, Proc, 12:111-5. 56 Predatéry Animals - Control Nelson; Ba: W. ;*1918, mary is sy predatory animals. Am. -Sheep pean ae Wool Grow. 38 (2): 9081,” Also: .“1918,° Natl, Wool Grow, cLesG. ewes State Rabies Commission, 1917-34, -°Bien, Réps.,'°1917-18 to 1933-34, inclusive, 75 pp, (total), Carson City, Nev... (Heike Sans is author of main body of all reports after 1923-24.) Pettis, D, E,. 1927. Shall we trap or poison? Ariz, Wild lige 1(3.):5-6. ee: : ee pe P|’ Poors, Os ,0,., 1951, Ten years or predatory pada qont gory Calif, ~ Dept. "Ags, Monthly Bul. "20(7): 467=9, . Poole sO, G,.* 1935, - Some facts about predatory animal control, Calir. Fish and Game 19(1):1-9. Illus. Poole, &. G., and ie Jacobsen, 1929. Pease caer animal control. Calif, Dept..Ag. Monthly Bul, 18(12) :'704-5, . Guinn, D, 1930, The United States Pateeiant Pico Destruction, ~not. scientific investigation and conservation, now dts: chief activity. Published by Emergency Conservation Commission, New York. 26 DD. ‘Redington, P, G, 1929, Policy of the United: States Biological Survey in regard to predatory mammal control, Jour. Mammal. 10(3) :276- De : ; . Pete eh “Redington, P. G, 1980, Federal. wllavtire eetivitiée”in led, 17th Am. Game ane Drauss. on. 359-48, Redington, . é. 1930. The federal program.of wild-life-control. Natl, Wool, Grow. 20(12) :41- ae Se a Bedthcr alive? ic! 1931. Federal program of Wild pate ‘control. Producer .12(3}):6=8. : ‘ Redington, P, G., and S. P, Young, .1931, Information for the guidance of field: men and: cooperators of ‘the ‘Bureau ‘of Biological Survey engaged in the ¢gontrol of injurious rodents and predatory mammals. am Sie Pyke Ags Mise, ) Pub. 115. 8 ppe ‘Reeso, A. M eee .: ‘The destruction of "vermin." Sci. Monthly Roberts, B. fete 1939. Trapping game predators, Game Breed. and Sport, 45(12):180-1, 188- o. Tlius. Sans, B, R, 1927. ‘Roport on control of predatory dia nhs and rodents in the state of Nevada in 1925 and 1926, Nev. State Rabies ‘Com. Bien.-Rep. 1925-26. 9 pp., illus. 5: i Scholl, Ey, Ey, and iJ, Wy Heist, 19018. ine control of destructive animals « _ Tex. Rept. oe Bul. 60. 19 ppey ‘illus. ' ae Predatory Animals ~ Bounty System ‘57 _,. young, S. P, 1950,..Conquering wolfdom BS eatdons eoyibna eake Weds wand Waters 2(1):6-7,°47. Tlluss-f ove: en: Bie ereas Young, S, P, 1952, .Predatory-animal.and rodent contral to bé-con- ducted unde# a 10-year program. U. S. Dept. Ag. Yrbk,. :1952:312-5, Young, S. P... 1934. Our federal predator sisi worles 20th Am, p Game Conf. Trans, 3 PDs 172<6,. : ee a . . ve F Young, S. P, 1935. Our federal eonperstiye nredator: ‘control work. South, Ag. 65(12) 234. et ri as .+~. Bounty a Sy tl «og Anonymous. 1916, Texas demands more efficient methods of predatory _@ninal control... Am... Sheep Breed,- and Wool Grow. 56:70-1. . Anonymous. 1917. euney whl hasten Natl. ¥iool Grow. 7:42. a anal 1917's Report= ‘of anitornt wourity committee adopted by _National,%ool Crowers' . GORISP Late, Nati. Wool Grow. 7:25, Fie 918. Dangers of the. bounty, system. Calif, Fish and Game 4(4):189-91, Anonymous, - 1918, Uncle Sam's trappers. Mallace's Farm. 43:1823. ANONYMOUS». 1928s. Operation of..the. Utah EERIE ONE animal LAM: Natl. Wool Grow... ‘A8(May) : 13.. Anonymous. 1951... Bounty successfully controls predatorg:in ~:~ ~~ Pénnsylvania, © Outd. Life 67(2) :40. ae Ys Avery, C.,- 1930. Bounties. or. Sere samen: -trappers?: Field Jand - Stredm 35(8) 28. ; eet Fa ere ow? aa - Gedney, F..S...1928. Uniform.bounty law. . Natl. ool Graqw. 18:20, May: 45, “Aprfl. (05: -: Tie tre aes Bets ofp *. ’ 3 * wi % .Gerstell, R....1936-57. The Pennsylvania System,:. Pa. Game News:: j _ 749) 33 5-55 16; -7(10) :8-10, 15; 24; 712): 23, 24, Tilus. Gerstell, Roy W937, +The ee etre rely tee a Pa. Ba. Game Commars. RES» Bul »..Je:;. +28: PB x. TERS «3 af: ee ry Grimes, F. G. "1935. Bounties pald by states. U. ee. . Surv, BS-24. 4 Spe, »,(iime ographed, ) 1h CRE Ei ia SSS ne fi re m11,.5. H, 1916. Brief for the ante trapper; opposed to _ bounty. system. An,, Sacep Sreed.and.Yool frow. 56% rT teh Gs 2» ASIGy ee Pe predatory animals, Breed. Gaz. 10.8 2914. - a ee sed Giga eee ss: ureter’ ee, Tae” ea ee Vos?" Game roturps to the dang of Y'illien Pemn, Am. Forests 42(9):402-7, 437. Illus. 4 Production and Economics MacDonald, K. FP, 1937. Necessity Tor uniform’ bounties. on predators Calif. Fish and Game 23(1):66+-7. Mattson, EB. H. 1939. Bounty trapping in Michigan. FPursFish-Game '60(5)*8410. “example of an-extractive industry. Jour. Geog. 25(8}:503-6, © Anonymous: 1911. © Outdoor pursuits: for ‘profit and pleasure, Fur News Publishing Co., New York. ‘64 pp., ‘illus. liter 1938. iffllion dollar trapping income. Wiss Cons. Bul. S(2) 235% . : , Arthur, S.C. 1926. 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ALUMS « ALPASOn Le dis (1916, ') The ‘story ‘of Yiod boy trapvers.. ‘(Shion of the Grier: Presa, Chics go. ) (56) PPo.», SLMS 6)) see Andersch, I. 1906, “ Wnaers ch ‘Bros .' hunters ‘athe ‘trapvers one il- Austrating the fur bearing . animals: -of North America and the skins of which have market value... Kimball- Storer Ldw' 5 Minneapolis. 4 232 Des (Iva. 3 Traps, Trapping and Fur Handling : 69 Anderson, C. ‘(Mo date.) Secrets of trapping. East, Otis, Mass. Anonymous. (No date.) The trapper's handbook. Reliable Book Service, Cumberland, Md. 70 pp. ' Anonymous. (1871.) Hunting, trapping and fishing made easy. J. Haney & Con, New York. '70 pp. Anonymous. 1871. The hunter's guide and trapper's companion, Ne Hg Hunter & Co., Hinsdale. 74 pp. Anonymous , (1875.) The hunter's and trapper's complete guide, Hurst & Co., New York. 81 pp., illus. Anonymous. (1900.) Life in the woods. Richardson & Co., Chicago 68 pp. Anonymous. (1903.) 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Foxing ‘the ae by Sasnadient. ‘Camera adventures an Sante Catalina Island. .Nat, Mag. 18(5):291-4. Illus, Williams, 8.:H. = ::950. ..The gSrSery BR Bt oe of TORRE in Fonneyl¥aaeee Jour, Mammal. 11(4):313- . Hoadcockt, E. N,.--(1905.) .-Trapping ‘the fox. Ladona, Pa. 6 PPe Wright, M. 0. 1927, The fox ana the fence — what is a ‘sanctuary? ‘Bird-Lore 29(6):403-4,. Yeager, L. E, 1938, Tree-climbing by a gray fox. Jour. Menmal. -19(3):376. eee) jee | | Fur Seals (chiétly after 1925) For bibliography previous to 1925 see Phillips (cited in Introduction), pp. 424-48. Also, U. S. Commission of Fisheriés -Reports: give annual summaries, chiefly by Ward T. Bower, on fur. seals in Alaska, 1909 to date. A good bibliography on fur seals, 1868-1914, inclusive, is given in U. S. Bureau of Fisheries Bulletin, ‘-.Vol. 34; Doc. No. 820,.1915, Fora complete 11st of state papers.- and documents see the Catalog of the Public Documents (cited in Introduction and sometimes referred to as the "Comprehensive Tpper") 1893 .:to date. Allen, J. ..1902. The hair:seals of the North peer ee Ocean and: Bering Sea, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bul, .16:459-99, : Allen, J,-As, and.C, Bryant... 1870, -EHared. seals ;.-. . . s «. Harvard Univ. Mus. Comp. Zool. Bul. 2(1):1+108,- Thius,: Si Anonymous. 1956, ¢ Pope of fur.seals. -U..S. Bur, Fish, Bul. 252.- 6 pp. : ie a EI Be Be Arnold, B. Ms,‘ drs, and H,. J. McMullen... 1927... The order of the Pinnepedia; the hair and fur scals of the world. Fur Jour. 1(5) 252-4, M1 Se Bartlett, R, A. 1927. Newfoundland seals, ‘Sour. Memnal: 8(3): 207-12, it Bonwen. 'P, 1928. “Report: on” ‘thet ‘seals and: sea lions of California. Calif. Dept. Nat. Resources Div. Fish and Game Fish, Bu 14. .62 pope, illus. ; Ame ke fa Bore Rs eh, 1925. Alaska fishery ana fur eed industries in, 1922, Fur Seals x Bower, W. T. 1925. Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1925 Uy Ss: Bur, (Fish. Doe. 973, pp. 47-140. Bower, W. T. 1926. Fur-seal industry. Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1925, Ue S.~ Commr. Fish, Rep.. 1926, Bur..Fish. ' Doc. 1008, pp. 140- 60. 1 ' Bower; T.. 1927. Fur-seals of the Pribilor Feleriaa, Alaska. Fur Jour. 1(4)#28-9, 40-3, 47. TliIus. Bower, W. T. 1931. Alasia fishery and fur-seal industries. in 1930. U. 8. Bur. Fish. Admin.’ Rep. 2. 100 PP. Bower, Ww. T. 1932. Alaska. fishery and fur-seal industries in 1931. U.S. Bur. Fish. Admin... Rep. .7. 89 PP. Bower, W. T. 1933. Alaska fishery and fur-seal. industries in 1932. U. 5S. Bur. Fish, Admin. Rep. 11.72 pp. Bower, W. T. 1934. ‘Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1933. U. S. Bur. Fish. Admin. Rep. 16, pp. 2359-3506. Bower, W. T,- 1935. Alaska fishery and fur-seal. industries in 1934, is S. Bur, Fish. Admin. 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Trans. is - .-Monatsberichte der Koniglich ., cSchool. of Forestry. and: ‘Cohserves tion Bulletin, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, _veBulletin, Michigan Zoological’ - Society, Detroits Periodicals, Ciked, : " .~-Proceedings, iinnesota Academy . _ of Sclence, Minneapolis,- ‘~~ »-Bulletin. University of Minnesota College of Agriculture Experiment Station, St, Feud; ih oe eeeee =. " 4+Pamphlet. University of Minnesota College of Agriculture Experiment Station, St. Pal, | . coAerieultural Extension Pamphlet. University of Minnesota, St. Paul. ~-if{nnesota Conservationist. Minnesota Department of Consere vation, St. Paul. Proper: “Piette Minnesota Geolorical and Natural History Survey, Minneapolis. “ cea Te eal Catia ie ia ea r-lMitfeilungen dés Fischerei-Vereins fur die Proving Brandenhear Neudamm, Perlin.... rae . Se cauanee des Gesellschaft fur Salzburger Landeskunde,’.) ° ES: ‘Salzburg, Germany. aa ~-Circular, University of Missouri | College of Agriculture Extension Service, Columblag:2;) uc. 97% “eBulletin. University of Missouri — College of Agriculture Experi« ‘oa ment Station, Colwnblas .74% 9-7 . * e Periodicals Cited Comms AA. Rep. N. ¥. State Forestry Assn, Bal.” N. Y.° Zool. ‘Soc.{Buls ‘ Pflanzenschutzdienst: Nat. (Bergen) _ Wet. (Paris) . Nat. Hist, Wat. Notes Nat. us ius Wat. Wer Vole 2! Natl. Acads. Set} Proce Natl. Assn, Fur Ind. Yrok. Natl. Conf, State Parks. Proc. "" ~eNature. lLondon.::. - _ 7 7Annual Report, New York Forest, Fish and Game Commission, Albany. ~-Bulletin, New York State Forestry ‘Association, New York, ‘ “--Handbook, . "New York State Museum, University of the Statéd of ‘New York, Albany. --Bulletin. ew York Zoological Society, New York. ~-MNachrichtenblatt. fur. den Deutschen Pflanzenschutzdienst,. ” Berlin. ~-Naturen, Bergen. -~La Nature. Paris. --Le Naturaliste Canadien. Laval University, Quebec. --llatural History. American Museum sa of Natur al Geta New York, cola ieee History Magazine. Trustees of the British Museum, _ tondon. ~-Nature Magazine, Ameritan’ Neture Association, Washington, D. C. --lNature Notes, Peoria, Ill. --Natur und iluseun. Frankfort-on- the-HMain, --llatur und Volk. _Frankfort-on-the- Main. oe ha a ere ay --Proceedings,. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C. -~-Yearbook,. Wational Association of © _ the Pur Industry, New York. a Proscedinee: ‘National Conference on State Parks, Washington, D. C. (Now Planning and Civic Comment, Vashington, “D.».C.) 5 ee Periodicals Cited « Cons, Comm, Rep. Natl. Geog. Mag. ' Natl, Humane Rev. Nati. Nat. News Natl. Parks Assn.* Bul. - Natl. Res. Inst, Psych. Monog. (thina) Natl. Sportsman Natl. Stockman and Farm. Natl. Wool Grow, Naturf. Naturw. Neb. State Mus. Bul. Nev. State Rabies Coma, Bien. Rep. Nev. Stockgrow,. Nidiologist Soc. Norfolk and Norwich Nat, Trans. : North. Fur Trade “ .2Report. 195 National Conservation Committee, Vashington; D. C, --National Geographic Magazine. National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C, --National Humane Review, National Humane Association and the American Red Star’“Animal Relief, Nount Morris, Til. --National Nature News. Washington, Ds Ge --Bulletin. National Parks Associa- tion, George Washington University, Washington, D. C. --Monograph. National Research Institute of Psychology, Peiping. --National Sportsman. Boston. --National Stockman and Farmer. Stockman-Farmer Publishing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa. --National Wool Grower. National Wool Growers Association and the National “lool Marketing Corpora- tion, Salt Lake City, Utah, --Der Naturforscher. Berlin. (Now Der lleturforscher vereint mit ie tur und Technik. Berlin. cae Naturwissenschaften. Berlin. --Bulletin. Nebraska State Museun, Iincoln. --Biennial Report. Nevada State Rabies Commission, Carson City. ~-Nevada Stockgrower. Nevada Land and Livestock Association, Reno, ‘--lNiciologist. Alameda, Calif, --Transactions. Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, England. --Northern Fur Trade.‘ Winnipeg, Man. 1946 Periodicals, Gited...: North. “Reg News Lovoche:, eve ; Norths Boer veers | Northynb. Sea Pigh. Com. Rep. Northwest -Farme Norest- Farm: - Ohio Dedt.. Ag. Div. Cons. Buls - t patie es Ohio Porm, Ohio Geol. Surv. Ann, Rep. Ohio Jour. Sci. es ; dae Po : 2a enon he DES Net sh eteets foe onid outa. “News:: airery Ohio. malarite Ros. Sta, Release Orie. Acad. Sei. Proce (sinus Ont; “Ags Cet. -Reve* fox> Ont.*Depts AsecSpée. Cireascc fice rey ex dpi Sat mis Dipl eds Ste AR aise: ba ae Ont, Dept. Came and Fish, Bul. Orange-Judd farm, « =-Northern Region News. U. S. De- partment of ‘Aebioniture ‘Forest 20.) Service, Missoula, Mont. Uionthly news sheet, . . “mimeographed. ) COU 6 SORKIN Sa ..Northern Sportsman, Duluth, Minn, iol eReport. NorthumberYand’Sea-Fish®.'. Commission, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England. _<-Northwest Farmer. Burlington, Wash. (Now Washington Farmer.) -=-Nor'West Parmer e.. Winns pegs: Nera +-Bulletin., Ohio Department of ee riculture Division of Conserva- . tion,. Columbus. ‘ ” --Journal, Royal Astronomical ee arta Cea) Bde. tee Society of Canada, Toronto. Roy. Can. Inst, trans. . _.«-Transactions, Royal Canadian Mees Fe ARH Yee, TnstibwEey Toronto. Roy. Ont. Mus. Zool. Handbook --Handbook, Royal Ontario: TMuseum: of Wherein cis) OES Bde Pay : gag ass ne ZOOLCLTs Toronto. -2. % “Roy. Soc. Can. Trans. -«" «Transactions, Royal Soolenay of Canada. Ronunnens Cae, we foes Roy. ‘Boe. ‘London whit, Trans. ~-Philosophical’ inemsaeer anaes ‘goal fees ee Bs IPE Society of London, London, Roy. Soc. London Prac... :"! “ wsProceedings. Royal mise: of : ' _London, Londons , , gata Rural wife Ye heer tr ogi Asoo eweRyral New Yorker, Rural Publish- Ey wor ing Comes New York. Salzba..,Landwhlg. 9.20 75" 0 UsSelzbureer ‘Tandeietadhet te ebtoe Mletar< Geral cages. Bal ie aes Salzburg. Set. Bvos Poot | '- «-—Saturday Evening Post. Sige tit cre bitte eee Philadelphia, Schr. der Reichs-Zent. f. ~7Sehri ften der Reichs-Zentrale fur’ i preceeron Ore woke iti Ot v-~pelgtters” and Rauchwaren- ake Rt Ht Ae eres Da i RH Forsch. Leipzig. Sci. Am. ne _--Scientific American... New, York.” Sei. Honthly ae Yi ‘--Selentific Monthly. :Mew. York, 607 Sci... wiley.) eae : + teas in 2? “weSeience, new series. poche ye pi eg SS REE Association for the Advancement of Science, Washingtony D.: Cis akon Sci. News Letter --Science News Letter. Science Service, Inc., Washington, D. Ce Periodicals Cited 201 Scot. Jour. Ag. * Scot. Nat. Sequoia Natl. Park Serv. Bul. Sheep and Goat Raise. Mag. Skr, i Naturskydyddsa. Smithsn. Inst. Ann. Rep. Smithsn. Inst. Misc. Col. Soc, de Biol, (Paris) Compt. Rend, : Soc. de Pharmac. Bul. (Orleans) Soc; Exp, Biol. and Med. Proc. Soc. Normand. Bul. Soc. Linn. de Normand. Mem. Soc. Natl. d'Acclim. de France Bul. Soc. Preserv. Fauna Empire Jour. Sod. Roy. Zool. de Belg. Ann. Soc. ‘Zool. ‘de France Bul. . “Scottish Journal of Agriculture. H. M. Stationery Office, Edinburgh, Scotland, _--Scottish Naturalist. Edinburgh, Scotland. --Sequoia National Park Service Bulletin, National Park Service, Plymouth, Calif. -~-Sheep and Goat Raisers! Magazine, san Angelo; Tex: Ws: --Skrifter i Naturskdyccsarencen, Svenska Vetenskapsakacemicn, _ Stockholm, --Annual Report. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. --Miscellaneous Collections, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. --Comptes Rendus Hebomadaires des Séances et Mémoires de la Societe de Biologie. Paris. --Bulletin. Societé de Pharmacie du Loiret, Orleans. --Proceedings. Society for Experi- mental Biology and Medicine, New York. j e @ bay e “ie --Bulletin. Societe Linneenne de Normandie, Caen. 2 ; Bi Boo G --Memoirs, Societe Linneenne de Normandie, Caen, = J if , s --Bulletin. 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Ag- 25 vonthty Bulletin. “Periodicals Gited e-Soil Conservation, .\U,. 5, Depart- ment of Agriculture Soil Conser- vation Service, Washington, De Cc, Ne'shville, Tenns Rue” Eu wutte® iene ba ai uae --Southwest Wilds end Watersi Oklahoma City, Okla, Wilds and Waters.) (Later Concord, Ne Ht Des: Moines, Iowa. . -uSuddentsene Landwirtschaftliche .. Tierzucht. _Munioh and Hanover, Technical Association of Brooklyn, > --Journal. N.Y. Univer- riculture, Knoxville. yoo --Termeszettudomaényi Kozlony. _ Budapest, Hungary... 2. --Bulletin. Texas Department of Ag- riculture, A Austin,: er.” --Bulletin, Texas Game, Fish and Oyster Cae Een Austin, Texas “hag ee Fish and Oyster Commission, Austin, | to ace een --Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten, Neder ayisane: neste ae Vereeniping, Wageningen, Netherlands, LLuniverstty of Toporte Studies, Biological Series. Toronto, Mec of he He aesieee Teronte --Trapper and Sportsman, cach eka = Trappers: Association, INC oy. 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C. --Administrative Report. .Bureau of Fisheries, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C, i --Bulletin. BUreau'oft Fisheries, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D, C,. --Document. Bureau ‘of. Fisheries, U. S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. “The Bureau of Biological Survey was transferred from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior, July :1,.19359.- On July .1,; 1940; it. became part of the Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Department of the Interior. “##The Bureau of Fisheries was transferred from the Department of: Commerce to the Department of the Interior, July 1, 1939. On July 1, 1940, it became part of the Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Department of the Interior. 204 U. S. Bur, Fish, Reps . oaks ees Ui S, Bars (Reclame. “Reclam, Era Cf yo Tks U. Ss Comm. Fish‘and Pish. Commr,. Repe- eras, = ge ey Wi Si Commer. Fish, Reps ~~ U. $2 Reily Consumer and Trade RAP Wie Se) De se Age e . \ U. Sy.Depty-Agy Bul. «| Uy, S, Dept. Ag. Circ.) "< U. S. Dept. Ag. Dept, Bul. 2 : ‘ De. Ce U. S. Dept. Ag. Farm, Bul. _--Farmers' Bulleting U8. Depart= ° phen: hey ees iy Oe Ue ment of Agriculture, Viashington, # is * . De en U. Ss Dept, Ag. Leaf. wrleaflet. U. S. Department of Ag+ * Hee Ase “: pisulture, Washington, D, 0. U. S. Dept. Ag. Misd.-Circs “=-Miscellaneous Circular. JU. S. U. Se: Dept. Age - at eo-st 4 U. S. Dept. Ag. i. Am. Fauna .- Li rn ol fle s & ps ‘ ¢ pes Perlodicals. Cited: _ meReporty: ‘--Commissioner's Report, ‘Arin, ‘Rep. 3... .. «2Bulletin, H+ iddtpewlars ..--Department Bulkétin, « Uy Higes ‘puny 9° oriisceeneaus ‘Publioaltfony “6 Se. ae - apdlont In Americar Fauna. - ‘Bureau of) Fisheries, Uc” 5. epartment of Commerce, Washington, D. C. --Reclamation Era. Bureau of * Reclamation, Usa Sa Department of the Interion, Washington, De Ca U. S. Coma. mission of Fish and Fisheries, ° Washington, D, C. --Report of the Commissioner of rr _Fisheries, .Bureaw of Fisheries; U. S&S. 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Treasury va io bred nen Department, Vashington, - Deis --Soil Conservation Servicc SCS-=MP, wat TELS S bien UeySerDapartment, of ete ee en Washington, Die Sas. S. .. .¢ sefoil Conservation Service 8CS-RB. SCS-RB At S. Department of ee Hey we Bah Ogres Re oa - aid <4 H a gi j Rac a lashington, Ds C o- ay Lig » aay POGBeg 2c --Documents, 0.°8, “fréasury Depart- Ms at Perea Kena Roo ment, Washington, D.C. Ha Se: Treass Depts PeVOTRS otgecneRevenuc Cutter ServiecDecuments, Cuttor Serv,: Does. -; Hs ia hindi U. S. Treasury Department, : bi Laiinnsassiali ss D. Ce Gnu ge ttoy ee anbeeto® Fragen q ty Utah "Ag, Cal, lise. Bu Date nerue? SShiscel venteue fubifcation, “Htan ‘ Po iy bea ete? State Agricultural College, : Logan. *“Ytah. Janipor,, ise Saher “ He ‘Ilutah Juniper. ‘téah Porestobay A Non ee esha ce tiie ath Utah State Agricultural College, Rage ome ear ras Logans Saat tf cpeein hh Pacman ee _ ot seBulletin: University of Utah, ‘” ine Salt Lake City. sumeVirginia Wild Life... 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C. --Die Wasserkraft. Munich. --‘iestermanns Monatshefte. Berlin and Brunswick, --Westways. Automobile Club of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. --Yiide World Magazine. London. --‘Yiener Allgemeine Forst- und Jagd-Zeitung. Vienna. --Wildlife Review. U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wild- life Service, Washington, D. C, First 21 issues, through May, 1939, released by U. 5. Depart- ment of Agriculture previous to transfer of the Bureau of Biological Survey to the Depart- ment of the Interior; issues ee-27, inclusive, through May, 1940, released previous to con- solidation of Bureau of Biologi- cal Survey and Bureau of Fisher- ies into Fish and Wildlife Service.) --Yilson Bulletin. Wilson Ornitho- logical Club, Ann Arbor, Mich. --Bullétin. “University of ‘Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Madison. --‘Jisconsin Conservationist. Madison. ’ Mis». Consy, Bul... 208 Wis,, Cons. Comm, Bien. Rep. Nat. Hist. Sot. se al Wis, Wis, Sbortsman” Wis, State’ Hist. 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