PUBLICATION 1006 OCTOBER 1962 Control of MOW OH 6S0V by W.O.Haufe l^| Agriculture m~m Canada nSES!?1 A9ricu«"re Library oSahK,,UAeoT5adiennedeTa9ric*^ RESEARCH BRANCH CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE •H (, i S3 B O pa E «> E-.S "is z p. "S § J. 2 £ 2- a s e O -r- C E E « fr. E CJ3 _ 13 u as as C 9 1 "ft P en 1 U ID s «- -G u ° £ oo c c O O B B on cm J4 •£ i: *■ Z Z W CO 01 01 00 01 4> V V V 41 OJ >« >H r~ r~ >N r* CO IN W J5 3 3 JS -c 03 13 ~D 00 to « ^ a 9) $ S ►» s $ S*. S K * 08 * u. 03 h o o £ o O I* o ►. * >■ P C/3 px IB *- h a C3 n o O i- M P _ P O, w y,_ H3 C/3 IT H Eh -. S W "2 "2 O a H ,2 -a P v 41 J-j E *> *> "2 —" C! "2 *h. CO r— 1 ** 3 0] o eg 4-J *- C8 4-> 4) E q *- 01 01 o 0) 3 1) 3 fcs W o ^ Q & P «-> *-» 4-> 91 ps & &* 3 4) m in © o m o o m o m o o »H o £ 00 c 01 >N CO C O 01 B 01 5 CO «- -rs o o a3 o r- V VO -a 01 1) > "as U at 1 .a C 0 C o M U 4) T3 c 0 0 o H *2 o K °ts c -2 jc >> &Z, zzzzzzpHrnzz >H >H >H >M >4 >H voJSvcJJvonovO **0 l p-l ? i— t J l-t l-H f-H * F- 1 *J CN CN CO CN -^ i-H I— I pH -1 4> I— ( I-* t— I ,_i H i-H >- S • •2 2 c j= ^ c O M „ O o JS rt ° Z ^ E Z fc 2 CO 01 flj 41 o o 41 41 c c O O pa ^2 oo co o c •- .ti 41 > -a * E oi 2 2 JJ _c tg H C3 o V ^C a ts (B S£ c h 3 o rj U as -a as BE o c >*H MH cc § ? - • ^ i M ~C ft 41 to 41 3 £ 3 „ c ffl J 4) *- 3 ° 4) E © « « « B w 41 B as T3 01 as hC 2 o en 1 .a tf) -a H a *-> ^_ -C i- c c a 0 0. 3 Ov u a 3 «i u 01 c 01 3 i u E c o E c o B E c 0 w CJ W CJ < W o as 41 p. c o c >< o 'a o CO 4) _c rt a o 4-> o 4) i u Eh cc S u p. p o o S.S p .« 3 P Cm 43 + 1 3 .s .S " M 01 x 3 01 c -n B E O -a _0 CO 1 01 1 01 0) 3 "3 | 4) E 1 t- -a o c Bt *H «4H as Oj 1- 4) *-J 0) o a B 4) ^ 01 CJ 5 c B E pW «-r _o 41 O CJ as c M B _CJ P c o 01 c 41 41 E P o B 4) E 41 B «< Cw *H u O B Z 0 M P B c 41 c 4J ^_ > -C p < u s "3 e 0j 41 0 0/ 2 h (N co Tf m CONTROL OF CATTLE LICE W.O. Haufe Research Station, Lethbridge, Alberta Chemicals are not the perfect means of controlling lice and other pests of livestock. Do not assume that routine use of them will replace the need for good husbandry practices in maintaining the health of animals. Animals vary in susceptibility to infestation. Nutrition and shelter, especially during cold weather, also affect an animal's natural resistance to the rapid development of parasites. First of all, keep animals in comfort- able, sanitary quarters with adequate nourishment. Then use pesticides as recommended for the most satisfactory results. Insecticides are toxic materials for emergency uses. Indiscriminate use or use in place of proper animal care is misuse. GENERAL CAUTIONS: Follow closely all the cautions listed on the insecticide label, especially those on toxicity to livestock, harmful residues in animal products for human consumption, and hazards to the user in hand- ling. The interval required between the last application and slaughter for some of the treatments varies with the material used, the number of applica- tions, and the amount applied. Keep to the interval given to avoid residues that would render the meat unfit for sale. You may be held responsible for misuse of materials. Handle all insecticides carefully and store them safely to avoid acci- dental poisoning of animals or humans. Two species of sucking lice are SYMPTOMS AND ECONOMIC common on cattle in Canada: the short- IMPORTANCE nosed cattle louse (cover illustration, top)1 and the long-nosed cattle louse Lice are usually noticed first on (cover illustration, bottom). One weakened and unthrifty animals, es- species of biting louse (cover illus- pecially those wintering outdoors, tration, middle) is also common. Some animals may be heavily infested Haematopinus eurysternus (Nitz.). 2 Linognathus vituli (L.). 3 Bovicola bovis (L.). whereas others in the same herd carry few or no lice. Therefore, to learn the full extent of an infestation it is ne- cessary to examine most or all of the animals. This is particularly true in large range herds, since most lousy animals are irritable and wary and avoid handlers unless the whole herd is worked through a chute. Very lousy cattle, especially white-faced ones, usually look greasy, dirty, and rough; they smear them- selves with blood from scratches and open sores and from crushed, blood- engorged lice. When an animal has many lice for a long time without treat- ment, the whole body may become infested, and large patches of skin may become bare from rubbing. Lousy cattle spend much time scratching and rubbing themselves instead of feeding. Louse- free cattle may gain from 1/2 to 2/3 pound a day more than heavily infested ones dur- ing the first two years of growth. Calves heavily infested with biting lice may not gain normally in unfavor- able falls and winters. The poor appearance of cattle infested with any kind of lice may seriously reduce the market value of either commercial or purebred stock. In older cattle, longflasting heavy infestations cause low vitality. Sucking lice feed largely on red blood cells and can reduce their number to half of normal. Animals weakened by anemia in this way are unable to with- stand severe conditions or unusual exercise and become easy victims of cold weather, severe conditions of transportation, and diseases that are resisted by healthy animals. IDENTIFICATION AND LIFE HISTORIES Sucking and biting lice differ in habits, and you need to know which kind your cattle have so that you may get the best results from control treat- ments. Sucking lice may be distin- guished from biting lice by their slate- blue color. They are usually found on mature stock; few nursing calves are susceptible. They usually have their heads partly buried in the skin, and often form dense colonies on small areas of the animal. The adult female is about 1/8 inch long and the body is about as broad as long. The male is slightly smaller. The head is short in compari- son with the body. Sucking lice spend most, if not all, of their life cycle on cattle. Al- though they usually feed in one place on the animal, they sometimes crawl to other animals in the same pen or pasture as well as to stable litter, bedding, walls, and floors. The eggs, or nits, are cream-colored and are attached singly to hairs close to the skin. They usually hatch in 11 to 20 days, the average period being about 15 days. The newly hatched lice look much like the mature ones except that they are much smaller. The cattle biting louse may be distinguished from a sucking louse by its conspicuously red head and light- cream or yellowish-white body. It is commonly found under flakes of scurf as well as on the surface of the skin, since it feeds on hair, loose scales, and other sloughed debris. Unlike the \ sucking lice, it usually moves about noticeably large numbers of lice on the animal as it feeds and causes throughout the summer, even when considerably more irritation. It is also they shed their hair, common on young as well as on mature During the winter, sucking lice cattle. may form colonies on parts of the ani- The adult female is about 1/16 mal where they cannot be dislodged inch long and has a broad, blunt head. by licking, or by rubbing against walls, Its small size makes it difficult to fences, trees, or other objects. On detect, but you can see it if you exam- lousy animals, dense colonies are ine the coat of the animal closely. usually found on the crest; in the The life history of this louse is simi- folds on the sides of the neck; on the lar to that of the sucking lice except brisket and inner surfaces of the legs; that it develops more rapidly. around the ears, scrotum, udder, and Differences in size and shape hindmost part of the animal; at the of the two kinds of lice are shown in bases of the horns; and on the tail the cover illustrations. and tailhead. If neglected, they may even surround the eyes and nose. In rapid inspection of large numbers of DISTRIBUTION AND HABITS rJge aJmals passingtlfrougha chute, Both biting and sucking lice a few partings of the hair on the dew- may infest cattle in any of the stock- lap and in the folds of skin on the raising areas of Canada. The short- side of the neck below the ear usually nosed sucking louse is usually the expose sucking lice even if the ani- most abundant on both range and farm mal has few. cattle in Western Canada, and the Sucking lice move little while long-nosed sucking louse in Eastern developing under favorable conditions. Canada. Serious infestations of the But they crawl about on the hair and short-nosed louse may occur in East- skin before attaching for feeding and ern Canada on feeder cattle shipped after completing their growth. They from the west in the fall for finishing, may then move from animal to animal Lice usually become less abun- by contact or by crawling across walls dant with the approach of warm, moist and bedding. weather in spring. Natural shedding Since biting lice move over the of hair at this time of year may con- hair and skin while feeding, they are tribute to this decrease. During the generally found on larger areas of the summer, lice become hard to find on animal than are sucking lice. On grazing cattle; but from only a few heavily infested animals they congre- survivors they may increase rapidly gate around the base of the tail, on in the following fall and early winter, the shoulders and neck, and occasion- In large herds, especially on ranges, ally on various parts of the body. They a few head usually have many more may live a week or more off the host lice than the others and act as 'car- as compared with two to three days Tiers.' Unlike most cattle, these have at most for sucking lice. Therefore, biting lice are more likely to spread within a herd than are sucking lice. Lice that hatch from eggs sloughed off on shed hair usually do not live more than three days without a host. METHODS OF CONTROL Keep animals in a favorable environment with adequate nourish- ment. Inadequate diets and exposure to severe weather and hardship in winter create the conditions for heavy infestations of lice. Good management is as important as treatment with chemicals in preventing infestations. Because chemicals vary in effectiveness according to husbandry practices, certain chemical treatments may be more successful in some re- gions than in others. Therefore, plan chemical treatments carefully to fit your particular type of feeding opera- tions and marketing practices. Helpful Husbandry Practices The following practices ensure adequate protection of animals: 1. Keep pens, stalls, feedlots and barnyards clean and dry. Com- fortable, thrifty animals help to keep themselves louse-free by grooming if they are properly housed. 2. Before bringing in louse-free animals, see that their new quarters are free of lice. If the quarters have been occupied by lousy cattle in the last three days, clean and then spray or wash them with a suitable insecti- cide. Use an economical residual insecticide (4, Table 1) at the same concentration recommended for use on cattle. Spray the walls and floor with enough material to wet all surfaces, or scrub them with a stable broom dipped in the insecticide. Do not spray bedding. 3. In the fall, inspect cattle before putting them in feedlots or barns or when moving them to winter feeding areas. Spray all cattle with an insecticide, preferably one that is effective with one application. If careful inspection is imprac- tical, as in some special ranching operations, spray all the winter stock when sorting animals for sale. In Western Canada, as a general rule complete this treatment between September 15 and October 31 for best results. Fall treatments in southern Alberta may be delayed until Novem- ber if the weather is favorable; but the later treatments have less preven- tive value against winter infestations in other parts of the prairies. In cold seasons, long, thick hair keeps the insecticide from reaching the skin unless increased care and labor and high-pressure equipment are used. High-pressure sprays are best applied during warm weather. Then treated animals have time to dry be- fore exposure to chilling night tem- peratures, which may induce or aggra- vate respiratory infections. If preventive fall applications are thorough and well timed, they are equally effective on range, feedlot, and barn cattle. In spraying, wet the animals to the skin and cover all parts. Pay special attention to the underline and protected parts such as the escutcheon and brisket, where lice (especially sucking ones) usually congregate. One or two colonies of sucking lice missed on an animal may be enough to reinfest it quickly after the spray has lost its effect. You may prefer to use the less expensive insecticides for economy if labor and convenience in handling animals are not the more important factors in cost of production, i.e., for sheltered animals on small farms. DDT, lindane, chlordane, and toxa- phene are low-cost materials but must be applied at least twice in the fall to ensure lasting protection through the winter. Make the second applica- tion of these materials 12 to 16 days after the first, to kill lice that hatch in the interval. For most commercial operations, especially on ranches in southern Alberta and British Columbia, it is economical to use an organophosphate insecticide in a single application. Malathion, Co-Ral, ronnel, or Ruelene is satisfactory. Lower labor costs and lower losses in weight because of handling compensate for the higher costs of materials. Further, when an organophosphate is applied in late fall no follow-up treatment is needed in cold weather. 4. In the spring, inspect animals before letting them out to pasture, especially on the range. Otherwise, highly susceptible cows with calves may become severely infested by late summer. These animals may act as 'carriers' and reinfest the herd in the fall when normal animals are more easily infested. Shedding of hair in early spring may help to reduce num- bers of lice on moderately infested animals. If infestations are still no- ticeable in late spring, consider these animals as 'carriers' since they do not normally rid themselves of lice during the summer months. Treat these animals with one of the organo- phosphate insecticides, and see that the treatment has been satisfactory before putting them out to pasture with other animals. Since it is difficult to control lice satisfactorily on 'carrier' ani- mals, it is sound practice to cull habitually lousy ones, especially from breeding stock, and market them at the earliest opportunity. Spring treatment is most bene- ficial on infested cows mothering calves. Severe infestations usually cause anemia. Anemic cows are poor milk producers and their suckling calves fail to reach the desired weight at weaning time in the fall. 5. In winter, cattle require spe- cial attention if they become lousy during cold weather. Limit treatment to hand washing or scrubbing with a suitable insecticide (Table 1) in sheltered quarters, or to dusting with an insecticide powder if shelter is not available. During mild weather in winter, use a high-pressure spray out- doors for large groups if they have time to dry before they are exposed to a freezing temperature or cold winds; in southern Alberta, for example, chinook weather may be used to ad- vantage. If you separate heavily in- fested animals from the herd during and shortly after treatment, fewer lice will spread to untreated animals. Uses of Insecticides Effective insecticides, rates of application, and uses are listed in Table 1 (inside front cover). The recommendations are only for use against cattle lice. Table 2 (inside back cover) gives the amounts of insecticide to add to 100 imperial gallons of water to have spray mixtures of the exact strengths desired; the amounts of powdered materials are given on the basis of weight and those of emulsible concentrates on the basis of liquid volume. This table may be used also, with Table 1, to estimate the amount of concentrate needed for a given num- ber of animals. Mix materials exactly at the concentrations recommended. The dosages are given for best results. Increasing the dose does not kill more lice. It may cause pronounced ill effects on the animal, and may make the meat unfit for sale because of ille- gal residues. Most insecticides deteriorate in prolonged storage. If stored from sea- son to season, especially in opened packages, they may not give satis- factory control. CAUTIONS: Note the following cautions as well as those on page 3. Do not use wettable powders as dusts on animals. The animal may absorb an overdose of toxic materials through the skin if soaked by rain after treatment. Be safe by using only materials that are labeled for use on animals as dusts. Do not mix different materials even though they may be recommended for use separately on animals. In spe- cial cases a combination of chemicals is more effective against a pest, i.e., the common treatment for lice and ticks (See "Multipurpose Treatments," p. 11). Other insecticides may interact in the animal and be much more potent than either alone. Therefore, do not mix materials unless the label states that the two formulations are compat- ible for use on livestock. For the same reason, do not treat animals for lice with an insecticide if they have been treated recently with another. Either use a material that is effective against both pests or allow an interval of two to three weeks between applications. Especially if you handle insect- icides often, take care not to get any on your skin or to inhale the vapor. If you handle different insecticides, they may interact in your body and be much more toxic than any of them alone. The toxic effects persist in man for long periods. Use waterproof clothing and respirators with adequate filters. Always remove your clothing and launder it before wearing if it is con- taminated with an insecticide. If you wash animals by hand, wear clean rubber gloves, preferably unlined ones, and a rubber apron. Sprays. — Plan louse-control op- erations in advance and do not spray in cold weather unless you can protect the animals until they are dry. For effective, economical, time- saving treatments, use any type of 8 pump that can deliver 6 gallons a min- barn animals by the head to a fence ute at a nozzle pressure of 400 pounds or a wall, leaving enough space to per square inch. With such a pump move them with the force of the spray you can readily handle large groups and thoroughly wet all parts of their of cattle. Weed sprayers and some bodies. general-purpose sprayers that cannot A 4- or 4%-foot spray gun is a deliver pressures above 200 p. s.i. may handy size for treating animals in not wet the animal right to the skin. pens. If the gun has a shut-off and an The amount of spray required adjustable- angle nozzle controlled at for adequate wetting varies widely, or near the handgrip, it is more readily depending on weather, season, and handled and wastes little insecticide, condition of the hair. Two gallons per Disk sizes should not exceed No. 4 head is enough to wet the largest and (4/64 inch) for most sprays recom- most heavily coated animal in winter, mended. No. 3 (3/64 inch) disks are One gallon is enough for full-grown best for emulsible materials in cone- animals in early-fall applications on pattern sprays. Disks should be re- short-haired animals. Late-fall and placed regularly, especially when winter applications on thick-coated wettable powders are used in high- animals require an average of \lA gal- pressure sprayers. Worn or large disks l°ns' waste spray materials, especially in Economy in the use of spray treating large herds. Nozzles of any materials depends largely on the abil- design, including those with a fan ity of the spray operator and on the spray, are satisfactory if they allow facilities for holding cattle. Cattle rapid and thorough wetting of the cannot be sprayed thoroughly for lice animals to the skin. in some chutes. A small pen that holds .i . . . I 11 i Aerosol bombs, — Synergized py- tnree to six animals and leaves enough / o r/ r .1 i ji rethrin mists, available in aerosol space tor the operator to handle a ' j l n i *l bombs, are useful in treating a few spray gun and reach all parts ot the ' & i • i r i j lousy milking cows. They are effect- animals is best tor range stock and J & J i I j ive only when used inside a stable or large herds. J rpi r li i. ,.. t a closed barn and when the lice are the tall application tor prevent- . r tc M.- hit with the mist, ing winter infestations is effective only if all, or most, of the underline, Hold the bomb within a few escutcheon, and brisket of the animal inches of the animal and cover in- is wet as well as the back and sides. fested areas by ruffling the hair and The lower parts mentioned are the directing the mist into it. Careful centers of the initial build-up and application indoors reduces the number spread of lice. Therefore some con- oi lice in winter, but the bombs are fining devices such as squeezes and not economical for large numbers of chutes are not suitable for thorough animals or for fall applications to single-application operations. Tether prevent infestations. An alternative for a few lousy milking cows is to apply a pyrethrin emulsible concentrate mixed with water. The mixture may be prepared easily in small amounts and applied with a hand sprayer. Washes. — Washes are econom- ical occasionally for a few lousy animals but are expensive in time and labor for large herds. Power spray equipment is more economical in large livestock operations. However, washes prepared from emulsible concentrates or wettable powders are more easily applied than dusts when the coat is thick and shaggy. If thoroughly applied, washes can be the most effective treatment. In winter, treat the animals in a warm place. Be sure to scrub them enough with a stiff-bristled brush to wet the skin. Give special attention to areas along the escutcheon and underline, between the legs, and on the brisket and neck although these are hardest to reach. Dusts. — Dusting is less effect- ive than other methods of application but the materials cost less. When lice are a perennial problem in a herd, use dusts only for emergency treatment in severe winter weather. DDT, lindane, chlordane, rote- none, and most other dusts are inef- fective, especially against sucking lice, unless they are rubbed or brushed through the hair to reach the skin. As with other external applications, the areas along the underline where lice congregate must be treated to achieve satisfactory control. A hand brush with long, thick, flexible bristles is useful in tapping or brushing the dust through the hair, especially on parts of the animal with dense colonies of ice. Applying dust only to the back is ineffective because few, if any, lice are found near the back line. For this reason, dusting by hand may not give protection throughout the winter even when done often. Power dusting equipment gives more thorough appli- cation and better results, but it is practical only in large ranching and feedlot operations. If lice are still numerous after three applications of dust, treat the animals thoroughly with a wash in a warm shelter. Internal treatment. — When one or a few very lousy animals need prompt treatment to prevent serious debility during severe winter weather, give them a systemic insecticide by mouth. Boluses, or pills, are no longer on the market but can be prepared by veterin- arians. They eliminate the expense and inconvenience of preparing heavy equipment and spray materials for treating a few animals. Or a systemic insecticide may be prepared as a suspension in water and given as a drench (Table 1) from a narrowneeked bottle. Dips and spray-dips. — For single fall applications some insecticides may be used to treat cattle in dipping vats, or with spray-dip machines if this equipment is available. These methods entail more hardship and rough handling for animals than others. The losses in weight from rough hand* 10 ling and physical injury may offset the gains obtained by controlling the lice. Use only insecticides specifi- cally labeled for dipping vats and spray dips. Back rubbers, — Back rubbers impregnated with insecticides vary greatly in effectiveness depending on design, weather, and especially ani- mals' acceptance of the equipment as a scratching device. Since there is no control of the dosage on individual animals, some devices may be un- satisfactory in ridding herds of lice and preventing reinfestation. Some animals may not use the device, espe- cially when other scratching surfaces such as fences, trees, and shelters are available. Even the animals that use them may continue to carry lice on the inaccessible underparts of the body. Back rubbers are useful in pre- venting heavy infestations in large feedlot operations if animals are trained to use them. Use a formulation labeled for use on back rubbers such as 25 percent emulsible ronnel at 1 gallon in 21 gallons of diesel or No. 2 fuel oil, or 5 percent emulsible toxaphene in diesel or No. 2 fuel oil, or 2 percent emulsible malathion in highly refined mineral oil (5 ounces of 50 percent malathion in 1 gallon of oil). Do not mix the insecticide with used motor oil. Do not use emulsions of insecticides for back-rubber mixes unless the label states that the formu- lation is suitable for back-rubber application. MULTIPURPOSE TREATMENTS When cattle have other external parasites as well as lice, a single treatment may often be used against both pests. The following treatments are recommended when lice are found with the pests indicated. Winter Tick Especially in the Alberta foot- hills, herds are occasionally infested with the winter tick and it may be desirable to treat cattle for this pest when making applications against lice in midwinter. For this purpose use lindane or toxaphene (Table 1). Cattle in areas heavily infested by the tick may be better protected with a com- bination of 0.5 percent toxaphene and 0.025 percent lindane. This treatment is applied as a spray or wash only during mild weather, or on animals that are sheltered until dry. Use 0.5 percent lindane dust on animals out- doors if the weather is severe. Cattle Grubs If cattle become very lousy in March or April, both lice and cattle grubs may be controlled with a rote- none spray or wash. Treatments for grubs with Co-Ral, ronnel, and Ruelene (Table 1) in the fall generally also prevent lice from becoming serious later in the winter., 4 Dermacentor albipictus (Pack.). Hypoderma lineatum (de Vill.) and H. bovis (L.). 11 Mange Lice (especially biting forms) may infest animals that have mange. Use lindane for control of both the mange mite and the lice when the two occur together in a herd. Some animals may continue to scratch and show dis- comfort after treatment for lice and the treatment is often assumed to be ineffective. Examine these animals carefully. If you find no lice the irrita- tion may be due to mange mites, which can only be detected by examination of skin scrapings. Certain mange di- seases are notifiable to authorities for the health of animals. RESISTANCE OF LICE TO INSECTICIDES Occasionally lice on some groups of cattle become resistant to certain insecticides. This may happen when dusts are used often year after year. If you use dust every winter, you may find that DDT and perhaps lindane are unsatisfactory. When this happens, use chlordane or malathion spray as soon as the weather permits. If you use an effective spray in the fall, you are less likely to have this problem. Also, avoid using DDT on animals that persistently carry many lice. It is good practice not to use the same in- secticide for several years in succes- sion if effective substitutes are avail- able. Check the adequacy of method and equipment before attributing poor results to the insecticide, for failure is often traceable to faulty applica- tion. INQUIRIES For more information, consult your local agricultural representative. If extension services are not avail- able, write to the Scientific Informa- tion Section, Canada Department of Agriculture, Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Some brand names are used in this publication because the chemical names are difficult for general use and there are no official common names for the active ingredients. 12 LIBRARY / BIBLIOTHEQUE AGRICULTURE CANADA OTTAWA K1A 0C5 3 TD73 000EM1SM 1 °- • UJ a CD o w z II C 3 O E < I O 4) 00 08 O p. 4) « fa; oo .s •IH cj oB 00 O o 13 a) O o -s 44 44 09 TJ O 0, CQ ^ o o O o o • • • • • tA CN <«r © © © CN i-H CM CO .St J *• » 50 08 «] i ^ a k 83 .5 o 0\ • • • • • O H « >o o> o o o o o • • • • • •-H cn io o m lA lA tA m m n m t» • • • • • H pj <0 N CO lA © tA © lA M lO N U) t- i-h CN eo M« »« * ^ 00OH CM Tf o o o o o • • • • • lA O tA O tA CO O lA © © oo \o <— I CO ^» _l <* 00 CN o o o o o • • • • • o o o o © H N ifl O lO lA tA. OH fj »A lA O- o o o © o UJ I- < DC I- z IU u z o u UJ -J GO U? UJ a o o 4) .9 a V 4) fa 00 a • »H 4) 00 ffl 44 a o m v p. a oo o o TJ TJ 08 O a < m 4) > TJ M £ v m u t) d o 4) i 0) •g S h 00 S >» 08 .1-1 03 S &" 5J.S.S Oh N N *i J J O O Oh &, P^ OX CO M ■"f O • • • • • CO t*- "J1 • • • • o h n mH ■-H CN «?■£••• N N 44 4-( *-• O O Pi Pi Pi CO Is- CO *> • • • • co >0 eo *0 o N N J "ffl 13 O O &* 00 00 NO CN CN i-H i-H CO *- A* *i 44 44 Pi e1 Pi Pi Pi i-h i-t tA O tA • « i~^ '"j •^ 44 44 08 08 (0 P. 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NO. A43 - 1006