SS ; A - Se : - ee Tannen one e otee renee nennnenas ane ons, SE ————— Senne = SE a RR eT TET SE = —<—— +4 nas = -- HARVARD UNIVERSITY ele LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology " i Lae, Ht : hes re at j 7 O oO ’ fag hie hae coe i ci ye ane o Ny Mey tere, tae igh Ph F ' ia ) } b : ay ‘if % i i mt A ® , ° ay lad i's i ; 5 i j | il , 4 5 * Van ‘ we , oe an Saas r Fa We i; i i re i 7 ; , r, ‘ *f . j - Pani in J - cs i Z a 5 | i , \ - a a Pig: ol | | : : ' ' I i f 4 SP . 1 ) 1 ! . . 1 ¥" | re a ALEONTOLOGY OF NEW ZEALAND . Corals and Brygsoa OF THE “NEOZOIC PERIOD IN NEW ZEALAND BY THE REV. J. E. DENISON WOODS, FGS., F.LS.; Hoy. Mem. New Zeatanp INstirvre ; Roy. Soc. N.S.W.; Roy. Soo. TasM. ; ‘Roy. Soo. 8.A.; Micros. Soc. Lonpon; Micros. Soc. VicToRia; Gawter Institute; Cor. Mem. Roy. Soc. Vicrori4; | PRESIDENT OF THE LINNEAN Socrety or NEw Me SourH WALES, ETC. sf WELLINGTON. f BY AUTHORITY: G. DIDSBURY, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, 1880. | haus. Cee. ZoaL | LDRREY : | A MUS. COMP. ZOGL. LIBRARY HARVARD UNIVERSITY NEWTOWN, SYDNEY, PLABE ale M CIRCULARE We NISON-WOODS, OTATARA LIMESTON K. Colonial Puseum and Greological Surfey Beparturent. JAMES HECTOR, M.D., C.M.G.; F.RS., DIRECTOR. 0s PALAONTOLOGY OF NEW ZEALAND PART IV Corals and Broyosoa OF THE NEOZOIC PERIOD IN NEW ZEALAND BY THE REV. J. E. TENISON-WOODS, F.G.S., F.LS. ; Hon. Mem. New Zeatanp Institute; Roy. Soc. N.S.W.; Roy. Soc. Tasm. ; Roy. Soc. S.A.; Mrcros. Soc. Lonpon; Micros. Soc. Victoria; GAWLER InstituTE; Cor. Mem. Roy. Soc. VictToria; PRESIDENT OF THE LINNEAN Society oF NEw SoutnH WALES, ETC. WELLINGTON. BY AUTHORITY: G. DIDSBURY, GOVERNMENT PRINTER. 1880. (wus. CORP. 200L | LIBRARY HARVARE BRIVERSITY CONTENTS. PaaE FRONTISPIECE. PREFACE ... Te an wt es a: a ea v CHARACTERS OF FAMIEIES, ETC. af ce Sve v4 ini ix TABLE SHOWING THE STRATIGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE SPECIES ... xiii ADDENDA ae Se st cae sxe ae sag xiv GENERAL INDEX ... ae AP ae re Bae ae XV INTRODUCTION ie she ie ees aa re ws 1 Corals... aa sie ie ee me ae 50° 7 BRYOZOA ... eae mt oe es wee as oe 22 List oF ILLUSTRATIONS x ae us TF sis re 33 PLATES, Pie Ee a Oe. An acknowledgment is due to the author of this work for the great service he has rendered to the Geological Survey of New Zealand by so cordially undertaking its preparation. His minute acquaintance with the marine invertebrata of the tropical and temperate parts of Australia, both fossil and recent, as testified by his numerous publications during the past twenty years, peculiarly qualifies him for the task ; so that his important inferences regarding the physical conditions which prevailed in Tertiary times will be received by geologists with confidence. A few remarks are necessary as supplementary to the author’s refer- ences to the strata from which the collections submitted to him were obtained. con bd ema The accompanying vertical sec- pres tet : d ct = tion indicates the relative positions which the strata occupy, and refers to the columns of the table of the stratigraphical distribution of the species. The formations represented in the collection are the fol- lowing :— Urrer Miocene. Illa. Wanganui Series—A group of sandy and argillaceous strata, the distribution and mineral character of which indicate ‘ vil PREFACE. that they were deposited near the shore-line. The mollusca in this formation comprise 120 recent and 25 extinct forms. It is probably the equivalent in time to the shell limestone which skirts the South Australian Bight. Lower Miocene. IVc. Pareora Series.—This is also a littoral formation, at the base of the Lower Miocene, and separated from the pre- viously mentioned formation by 1,500 feet of sandy clays. About 55 existing and 110 extinct species of shells are known from this horizon, which corresponds with that of the Portland beds of Western Victoria. Upper Eocene. Ve. Oamaru or Hutchison’s Quarry Beds.—Calcareous strata, sometimes pure limestone, composed of shell fragments, corals, and bryozoa, and evidently a shallow-water and littoral deposit, associated with basaltic and tufaceous rocks, indicating a period of volcanic activity. As I have previously pointed out, these strata are probably the equivalents of the Table Cape beds of Tasmania. Lower Hocrene. Vis. Ototara Stone.—A calcareous sands:one, passing down- wards into true chalk with flints, and overlaid conformably by the “ Grey marl,” which is a sandy and marly formation, passing at its base into the Fucoidal greensand and Amuri limestone, with Cretaceous fossils. The strata thus grouped represent the Lower Eocene and Upper Cretaceous periods, and have a thick- ness of about 2,000 feet. Upper GREENSAND. Vin. Island Sandstone.-—Ferruginous sandstone, that forms the cover of the most important coal-bearmg formation in New Zealand. The slab figured in the frontispiece by photography was collected by Mr. Alex. McKay, in 1877, from the Phorus beds PREFACE. Vil at Maraewhenua, in Otago. This is a local deposit, resting con- formably on the Ototara limestone, and probably represents in the district the “‘ grey marls ”’ of the above section. It is right to state that the author is not responsible for the systematic characters of the families, or the index, which have been prepared by my assistant, Mr. T. W. Kirk. JAMES HECTOR, Geological Survey Office, Wellington, Director. 18th November, 1880. Ba ane asia! A elise? aie COE hah Hoyt Afehaaase. Hutte ei SE Pay sith: toils. niadie ont is ad hatte OAT: pe auth, Ty elegy eras ies te eats LA a i] . ee. 3 snoarY MriEEE Se IR gL : 7 A pi 1 ae eae eae Eitan m 1 , ‘ + . ‘x , i i iy ay vs _ { ’ a "te i i id . ’ : 3 . . | | y a - ‘ = 2 . i - = - ' . i , ; f ' ' ‘ i ! & i . . “ y ai ¥ i > i , fae utr - ‘ ea a i es D : Pook ACTERS OF FAMILIES, ETC. SU B-KINGDOM—ZOOPHYTA. SECTION—RADIATA. Class—Potyrt. Anima fixed, having no locomotive organs. Provided with a circle of retractile tentacule around the mouth, and a central gastric cavity, not communicating with an anus, and containing the reproductive organs when these exist. Sub-class—-CoRaLLaria. Polypi possessing distinct internal reproductive organs. Order—ALCYONARIA. Polypi with eight tentacles, which are fringed on their sides with lateral pinnee. Family—GorGonip&. Polypi provided with a thick, suberous ceenenchyma, sur- rounding a central stem that is adherent to an extraneous body by its basis, and is formed of epidermic sclerenchyma. Sub-family—Isin a. Common axis articulated, or compused of segments, the structure of which differs alternately. Sub-order—ZoaNTHARIA SCLERODERMATA. Polypi with conical, tubular, simple or arborescent tentacula. Section—MApREPORARIA APOROSA. Corallum composed essentially of lamellar dermic scleren- chyma, with the septal apparatus highly developed, completely lamellar, and primitively composed of six elements; no tabule. Family—TurBinotip”. Corallum usually simple, not fissiparous. Interseptal loculi extending from the top to the bottom of the visceral chamber, il xX CHARACTERS OF FAMILIES, ETC. and containing neither dissepiments nor synapticule. Walls thin, lamellar, imperforate. Septa highly developed, simple, compact. Coste usually well marked and straight. Sub-family—Caryoruy Lin &. Calicule presenting one or more rows of pali, placed between the columella and the septa. Group—TRocHocyaTHACEm. Pali of divers orders, forming two or more coronets. Sub-family—TurBinoLina”. Corallum destitute of pali. The septa extending to the columella, or meeting in the centre of the visceral chamber. Family—Ocuv.inip. Corallum composite, produced by gemmation, and presenting in general an abundant, compact ceenenchyma or common tissue, the surface of which is smooth, delicately striate near the calices, or slightly granular, but never echinulate. Walls of the coral- lites complete, not distinct from the ccenenchyma, and increasing by their internal surface, so as to invade progressively the inferior part of the visceral cavity, and to fill it up more or less in old age. Loculi imperfectly divided by a few dissepiments; no synapticule. Septa entire, or having their upper edge slightly divided. Family—AstTRaID&. Corallum composite or simple, circumscribed by imperforate walls, and often increasing by fissiparity. Corallites becoming tall by the progress of their growth ; each individual or series of individuals well defined, and separated from the others by perfect walls. Coenenchyma none, or formed either by the development ~ of the costz and their dissepiments, or by the epithecal tissue alone. ‘The visceral cavity never obliterated inferiorly by the growth of the walls, but subdivided and more or less completely closed up by the interseptal dissepiments, which are generally very abundant. Group—CLapocoracez. Corallum increasing by lateral gemmation. The corallites segregate, and having an arborescent or fasciculate arrangement. Septa regularly and delicately serrated; those of the principal eycla bearing pali. CHARACTERS OF FAMILIES, ETC. xl Group—ASTRANGIACES. Corallum increasing by the development of buds on stolons, or on membraniform basal expansions. The corallites not united by their sides, excepting accidentally by means of their walls, and remaining short. Septa feebly denticulated. Dissepiments almost rudimentary. Section—MApDREPORARIA PERFORATA. Corallum composed essentially of porous sclerenchyma; with the septal apparatus well characterized, and. consisting of six primitive elements, but being sometimes represented only by series of trabiculee. Dissepiments rudimentary ; no tabule. Family—Mapreporip2. Corallum composite, increasing by gemmation. Coenen- chyma abundant, spongy and reticulate. Walls very spongy, and not distinct from the ceenenchyma. Septa lamellose, and well developed ; loculi free. Family—StTyYLAsTERID&. Skeleton branched, calcareous, studded at intervals with cup- like depressions, each of which exhibits a central chamber, occu- pied axially by a styliform rod, and surrounded by a series of secondary chambers, separated from one another by short septa. SUB-KINGDOM—MOLLUSCA. Class—Bryozoa. Alimentary canal suspended in a double-walled sac, capable of being partially protruded. Mouth surrounded by a circle of hollow, ciliated tentacles. Animals always composite. Order—GyMNOL&ZMATA. Lophophore orbicular, or nearly so; no epistome. Sub-order—Cyc.LosToMAtTa. Cells tubular. Mouth of the same diameter as the cell, with- out any movable lip. Family—Sparsip@. Polyzoarium erect, simple or branched ; branches cylindrical, or sub-compressed ; free or anastomosing. xii CHARACTERS OF FAMILIES, ETC. Family—SELENARIADA. Polyzoarium free (?) ; orbicular orirregular, conical or depressed, convex on one side and plane or concave on the other; com- posed of a single layer of cells, usually of two kinds, which open on the convex surface only. Family—Tneonipa”. Polyzoarium massive, subglobose, or irregular. Cells con- tiguous, crowded. STRATIGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF SPECIES. ie Bee SHOWING THE CORALS. Tsis dactyla dhe dee Trochocyathus mantelli 3 hexagonalis “4 quinarius ... Notocyathus pedicellatus... Sphenotrochus huttonianus cf coronatus ... Flabellum circulare a rugulosum 2 simplex as corbicula A laticostatum - ephenodeum 3 radians . marize attenuatum ” Platyhelia distans Amphihelia intricata r ramosa a granulata Cladocora dubia Scolangia parvisepta Balanophyllia alta a hectori Heteropora ovalis - calcifera Cylindropora areolata as spongiosa Sporadopora marginata BRYOZOA. Entalophora zealandica es nodosa Spiroporina vertebralis 5 immersa Fungella lobata Idmonea alternata Eschara monilifera » ampla Porina dieffenbachiana Celleporaria gambierensis i papillosa 35 nummularia ... Salicornaria immersa Vincularia maorica Cellaria punctata Selenaria squamosa ae Fasciculipora intermedia ... > ramosa Formations. | | Tila, | IVc. | Ve. | | * | ee 3 | | | } wee | eee | * | | | . | Vetere He pad te | | * Ah ae | | peared * * x } wee * | * : | * | * % x | | | | } and | | | i Ed | | * | * x | son | | % | x x | | * ! | at | | “% ¥ Pi Pa AD DE ND. Since the following pages were in type I have seen the Rev. Mr. Hinckes’ work on British Polyzoa. It was too late for me to make use of it, though the reasons alleged by him hardly convince me about the use of the term Polyzoa. While ex- pressing my warm admiration for the labours of the author, which place him in the front rank of all writers on the subject, I may be allowed to express my regret that in his essay on the classification all reference to certain foreign genera has been omitted. I am quite inclined to adopt his views as to the suppression of the genus Hschara, and the use of Cellepora for Celleporaria. 1 still think that Salicornaria should be separated from Cellaria. In describing Fasciculipora there is some confusion in what I say about the ¢ree previously known species. There were two known in Europe, and one in New Zealand. I add that “ at one time I was of opinion that we had an existing species in the Australian seas, but this was certainly an error.” The error was in referring the specimen figuzed at p. 187 of my Geological Observations in South Australia to the genus. Mr. J. R. G. Goldstein, Secretary to the Microscopical Society of Victoria, informs me that there is one, if not two, species in the South Australian seas, in addition to F. ramosa of Busk. With reference to the latter name, I regret to find that I have overlooked the species described by Busk in the third part of his British Museum Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa. He has used D’Orbigny’s genus as a synonym of Hagenow’s Fungella. I cannot think that this is correct, but the matter does not admit of any examination previous to sending this essay to press. If Professor Busk is right, my Fasciculipora should be Fascicu- laria; but for the present I adhere to the nomenclature adopted, for the reasons given already. J. Bh. oe 23rd October, 1880. GENERAL Akiteo River : alatus (Notocyathus) . Aleyonaria aldingensis (Deltocyathus) ; alta (Balanophyllia) alternata (Idmonea) Amphihelia ampla (Eschara) angustiloba (Melicerita) areolata ea tayopers) Astrzeidee Astreide . : Astrangiz . ‘ F : Astrangiaceee attenuatum (Flabellum) aurantium (Fasciculipora) . Awamoa beds Aohanga Falls Baton River Balanophyllia Bistylia Brighton Broken River Bryozoa Buller Valley buskii (Eschara) calycifera (Heteropora) Canterbury ; Cape Kidnappers Caryophyllinze Caryophyllia Cellaria Cellepora Celleporaria Chatham Islands circulare (Flabellum) Cladocora : Cladocoraceze Conocyathus Conosmilia Conotrochus : contortilis (Cladocor a) Conway River . corbicula (Flabellum) coronatus (Sphenotrochus) Cyathosmilia 5 Cyclostomata Cylindropora dactyla (Isis) Deltocyathus Dendrophyllia 1, 2, 1, 2,18 1, 2, 3,18 2 | Margaretta ENE. PAGE dieffenbachii (Porina) 5, 25 distans (Platyhelia) : 16 Dorset’s 5 21 dubia (Cladocora) 17 | elongatus (Placotrochus) 14 Eupsammine . c : : 18 Entalophora aN Es : 6 BRE | Eschara . 21, 24, xiv excisus (Sphenotrochus) : 10 Fascicularia : 31, xiv Fasciculipora . 4, 21, 29, 31, xiv | Fasciculipore . . 3 31 Flabellum 3 j F 2, By ial Forty-Mile Bush : 21 Fungella - . 23, XIV gambierense (Flabellum) : : 12 gambierensis (Celleporaria) 26 Glauconome 3 : : 27 Gorgonidee : : uf eranulata (Amphihelis 1) 17 Gymnolzemata : 22 Hawke’s Bay : : : 11 haastiana (Retehornera) . : 28 3 (Entalophora) 23 hectori (Balanophyllia) 19 Heteropora 20 hexagonalis (Trochocyathus) : 8 hirsuta (Onchopora) Hutchison’s Quarry 4, 7, 23, 25, 26 huttonianus (Sphenotrochus) 10 Hydro-coralline 20 Idmonea 24, immersa (Spiroporina) 5 23 5, (Salicornaria) : : 2 Inangahua River 11 intermedia (Fasciculipora) — 31 intricata (Amphihelia) 16 Tsidinze : ; C : 5 7 Isis) = : SY italicus (Deltocyathus) : : 3 Kokohu River. : 19 laticostatum (Flabellum) 14 Lepralia. : 26 Limekiln Gully . : ; é 13 lobata (Fungella) , : j 2 Madreporaria aporosa ‘ c 7 perforata 18 Madreporide: 18 mantelli (Trochocyathus) : ; 8 maorica (Vincularia) xvi PAGE marginata (Sporadopora) 22 mari (Flabellum) 15 Mariwhenua River 12 Melicerta 5 melitensis (Isis) if Membranipora : : 28 Millepora . . ‘ oe ea ZO Milleporidee : . 4, 20 Mokihinui River 18, 24, 25 monilifera (Hschara) ‘ 25 Montlivaltia 2 Mount Caverhill : ‘ 14 Mount Gambier ; . 4,138, 25 Mount Vernon 20, 21, 31 Muddy Creek, Victoria : 23 Napier : 13, 20, 21, 26, 31 Nelson 13; 17, 18) 19) 24, » 25, 27 Ngaruroro River 13 nodosa (Entalophora) 22 Notocyathus 3, 9, 10 nummularia (Celleporaria) . 26 Oamaru 10,13,14, 15, 16, 23, 25, 26, 27,28 Oculina 3,16 Oculinaceze 15 Oculinide . 15 Onchopora . : : ; . 5,28 Otago . 12,16 Ototara 21 ovalis (Heteropora) 20 Paleeoseris . 2 papillosa (Celleporaria 26 Paracyathi . 9 Pareora beds 8,13 parvisepta (Scolangia) : 18 pedicellatus (N aebyalis) : 9 Placotrochus : 2,10 Platyhelia . 3, 15 Plesiastreea ,2 Pustulipora 5, 22 punctata (Cellaria) 28 Polyzoa : 5 Porina : 5, 20 Port Hills . , ¢ 13 quinarius (Trochocyathus) ; 8 radians (Flabellum) ; 14 ramosa (Amphihelia) . 17 5 (Ge pacieninory) dl Retepora 2 Retehornera 28 Rotomahana Plains 26 rubrum (Flabellum) 12 rugulosum Biheto 12 Salicornaria : = ZONZT SLY GENERAL INDEX. PAGE Scolangia 18 Selenaria 29 Selenariade : 28 ShateePere } 9, 12, 18, 22,23, 24, 26, 29 simplex (Flabellum) : 13 sinuosa (Salicornaria) . 27 Solenastrzea 2 Sparside . 22 sphenodeum (Flabellum) 14 Sphenotrochus - 2, 3, 10, 11 Spiroporina . 5,23 spongiosa (Cylindropora) 21 Sporadopora 4, 22 squamosa (Selenaria) . 29 St. Kalda 26 Stylasteridee 4, 20, 22 Stylina 31 Sutherland’s : Li Table Cape beds : 23, 26 tateanus eee 10 Thamnastreea 2 Theonide 29 Thomas River 14 tigelles 5 Trematrochus 3 Trochocyathacex i Trochocyathus 2,3, 7 Trochosmiliaceze aU tuberculatus (Trochocyathus) 8 tubipora (Fasciculipora) 29 Tubucellaria : 28 Turbinolia 38 Turbinolide 9 Turbinolinz 3 10 undulosa (Millipor: ae 4, 20, 21 ungulata (Pustulipora) . 23 vertebralis (Spiroporina) 5, 23 victoriz (Flabellum) : 12 Vincularia 5, 27, 28 viola (Caryophylia) 9,10 vitilia 5 Waikato c 8 Waipukurau 20, 21, 31 Waitaki : : : 12 Wanganui . 9, 12 Bac 22, 23, 24, 26, 29 Weka Pass : . 12, 32 Wellington .17, 7 Whangape Lake . White Rock Point 18, i zealandica (Entalophora) 22 Zoantharia sclerodermata 7 INTRODUCTION. In compliance with a request from Dr. Hector, the eminent Director of the Geological Survey of New Zealand, I have examined the collection of Tertiary corals and Bryozoa exhibited in the New Zealand Court of the Sydney International Ex- hibition. This collection does not comprise the whole of the fossil corals exhibited or in the Museum of the Survey at Wellington, New Zealand, but only the obviously distinct species, so that, as the fine poimts of distinction which separate not only species but genera would not be detected except by experts, it may be concluded that other species may still remain in the Museum. A few words on the subject of the extratropical corals of the Southern Hemisphere, both living and fossil, may not be out of place as an introduction to what I shall have to say with reference to the general features of this collection. Of the living corals comparatively little is known either in Australia or New Zealand. Before a complete study can be made, dredging must be carried on extensively, and a real know- ledge obtained of what are the organisms of our seas at moderate distances from the shore. Outside the tropical or the reef- building area, which sometimes extends considerably beyond the tropics, we find but few true corals. These are never of the reef-building kind. They are either simple corals, which are free, or, as single individuals, are rooted on the bottom of the deep; or they are compound organisms consisting of corallites, forming a spreading or branching mass. The latter are not large. In Australia they are confined, as far as we know, to two or three species of Plesiastrea, one or two species of Amphi- helia, with some encrusting members of the family Astrangiacee. The simple corals are more numerous. In Australia they are of a peculiar kind, the genus Balanophyllia, with porous walls and intricate interlocked septa, predominating, The living coral 2 NEW ZEALAND PALZONTOLOGY. fauna of New Zealand is of the poorest kind as far as we know it. One species of Flabellum and one or two Astrangiacee are all that are known. ; With the fossil corals in Australia the case is different. In what are called the Muddy Creek beds of Hamilton, in Western Victoria, there is a deposit which is peculiarly rich in fossil corals. They are all of a simple kind, and, as a rule, well pre- served. About sixteen years ago I sent a small collection to Pro- fessor P. Martin Duncan, F.R.S., who made the first report upon ~ the fossil corals of Australia. They proved to be new and in- teresting, giving quite exceptional and new features. The result of his examination was that seven or eight new species were added to science. All possessed features of singular interest, with an unusual array of Australian abnormalities. The rela- tions were mostly with tropical forms, and the living species amongst them were Australian, but tropical. Professor Duncan subsequently published. an elaborate essay on the Australian fossil corals in the Journal of the Geological Society of London for 1870. In this he described two new genera, Conosmilia and Paleoseris, besides species of Trochocyathus, Deltocyathus, Fla- bellum, Placotrochus, Sphenotrochus, Conotrochus, Caryophylha, Amphihelia, and Balanophyllia. The same learned professor described some other species of the same genera from Table Cape in the Quar. Jour. Geol. Soc. for 1876, together with new species of Dendrophyllia, Thamnastrea, Solenastrea, and Isis. In 1877 I published, in the Proceedings of the Royal Society, New South Wales, a further description of new genera and species, including Sphenotrochus, Conotrochus, Placotrochus, Deltocyathus, and Conosmilia. In 1878 I published in the same journal (September meeting) descriptions of other new and remarkable species, including a beautiful and extraordinary genus (Zremata- trochus), and a new species of the almost mesozoic Montlivaltia. In the same year (September, 1878) I published, in the Proceed- ings of the Adelaide Philosophical Society, a description of several fossil corals from Aldinga, near Adelaide, South Austra- lia. This description included two new genera of Astreide, Cyathosmilia and Bistylia; besides new species of Deltocyathus, Cladocora, Trochocyathus, Conosmilia, Amphihelia, and Plesias- trea. : The result of all these examinations has been to prove that the fossil corals of Australia possess local peculiarities which ~ CORALS AND BRYOZOA. 3 ‘ distinguish them from every other fauna, whether recent or fossil. They have not much connection with those corals living in our present seas, and scarcely any with Tertiary formations elsewhere. The first striking feature is the abundance of species of Balanopaylliia. Second in importance is, perhaps, Flabellum. Next to this comes a type of coral about which a few words must be said in explanation. One of the first species sent to England by me was what I then regarded as a Turbinolia, but which Professor Duncan determined to be a Caryophyllia. Subsequent examina- tion induced me to remove the species to the genus Deltocyathus. After seeing the New Zealand specimens, where the same type exists, I think that a new genus must be erected for these corals, which are intermediate in character between Deltocyathus, Cono- cyathus, and Trochocyathus. I have named it Notocyathus. It may safely be said to be the most peculiarly characteristic coral of the Southern Hemisphere, and it is equally represented in Australian and New Zealand formations, though by different species. ‘T'wo, or perhaps three, of the Australian corals have been identified with European Miocene or Pliocene forms, and two with living species, one of which, Deltocyathus italicus, seems to be found all over the world. a After an examination of the New Zealand fossil corals, I have found no certain specific identity with the Australian tertiaries. Instead of any predominance of the forms or genera common in Australia, I find that Balanophyllia was absent from the tertiaries corresponding with those of Australia, and occupies quite an insignificant position in older beds. ‘There are only two species. One of these is a large and interesting form. The genus Flabellum rises into extraordinary importance. ‘Ten species are here described, all of great beauty and interest. It is very possible that some of these species may be varieties, which only can be decided by examining larger collections of specimens. Amphihelia is also well represented, the species being new and beautiful, and there are two very beautiful corals belonging to the genera Trochocyathus and Sphenotrochus. The European resemblances of any of the species are small, but where they exist they are to Miocene forms. There is a complete absence, so far, of any of the Astreide. One of the most remarkable features is an encrusting member of the Oculina family, with pali, for which I have erected the new genus Platyhelia. The New Zealand formations can boast of one very interest- 4 NEW ZEALAND PALZONTOLOGY. ing speciality which is essentially its own. This is the posses- sion of fossil Hydroids of great beauty and variety. Amongst them is a second species of Sporadopora, a genus hitherto only known from a single specimen dredged up by the “Challenger,” 300 miles off the Rio de la Plata, from a depth of 600 fathoms. These Hydroids—or, at least, certain peculiar genera of the familes Milleporide and Stylasteride — are restricted to the southern seas. There is one common form living on the New Zealand coast to which I formerly gave the name of Millepora undulosa, ‘This I have removed to a new genus, of which there are two representatives among the fossils, which I distinguish as Cylindropora, There is also a true species of Millepora, which is very like certain tropical forms, showing that in Tertiary times the genus was not so restricted as it is now. The whole evidence of the fossil corals shows a climate and an isolation in the New Zealand fauna not very different from the conditions which exist now. ‘The large Flabella are only now found in warmer seas, accompanying quite a different series of corals from that which we find fossil in these beds. The fauna generally, as far as I have seen it, is not that of a warm sea, nor like what we should find on the warmer extratropical portions of the Australian coast. I turn now to the Bryozoa, where we find a much larger correspondence with Australian fossils: in fact, the greater portion are the same in the two places. I have no doubt that, from the fossil corals, the formation at Oamaru (Hutchison’s Quarry beds) and that of Mount Gambier were contemporaneous. The Oamaru strata are regarded as Upper Eocene by Dr. Hector ; which is very nearly the age assigned to the Mount Gambier formation by Professor Tate, the best authority on the ages of the Australian strata, his strata being perhaps a stage younger. In the newer formations it is very remarkable to find two, and perhaps three, species of Fasciculipora, a genus thought to be peculiarly characteristic of the European upper tertiaries. The extraordinary correspondence of the strata at Oamaru and those of Mount Gambier points to a prevalence of a peculiar kind of life on the earth over very large areas at the same period. At Mount Gambier there are immense masses of limestone, all composed of fossil Bryozoa with very few shells, and the corals always occur as casts. Precisely the same features are visible in CORALS AND BRYOZOA. 5 such fragments of the Hutchison’s Quarry stone as I have seen. In the upper formations the corals are well preserved, and are seldom in the form of casts. Melicerita angustiloba (Busk) has already been described by Stolickza; as also Porina dieffenbachii, Spiroporina vertebralis, and Vineularia maorica. All these are in the collection, with some other new species. In conclusion, I wish to make a few remarks on the termi- nology employed. I have used a new technical term for the word ¢igelles, so commonly used by French naturalists to express the lamina of the columella of corals. The Latin word vitilia, or twig, will, I think, be found useful, and thus restrict the term ‘‘ lamina”’ to the septa. It will be observed also that I use the term “ Bryozoa”’ instead of “ Polyzoa.”’ I think it quite useless for English and a few American naturalists to withstand the universal use of Ehrenberg’s term. After seeing all that Mr. Waters has written on the subject, I think that he has made out his case, and disposed of the claim of priority put forward for the word Polyzoa; and when such writers as D’Orbigny, Hagenow, Bronn, Van Beneden, Reichert, Reuss, Nitsche, Kirchenpaur, Smitt, Romer, Clarepede, Manzoni, Ehlers, Barrois, Joliet, Stolickza, Zittel, and many others, persist in using the term Bryozoa, it seems to me only to propagate confusion to con- tend for “ Polyzoa.” It will be observed also that I adopt the terms Entalophora for Pustulipora, and Cellaria for Onchopora, used by Busk in his “Crag Polyzoa.” I do not think that work is always reliable when the literature of the subject is in question. The labours of Lamouroux and D’Orbigny are sometimes inadvertently forgotten or passed over. The work of Stolickza, in the geological portion of the “Reise d. ‘Novara,’ ”’ shows immense care in working up the difficult subject of no- menclature, and should be studied by those who wish to know the exact generic definitions of the Bryozoa. In the following list, certain figures occurring after the locality are meant to express the geological horizon according to the classification adopted by the Director of the New Zealand Geological Survey* :— * See “ Handbook to New Zealand, Sydney International Exhibition, 1879,” art. “Geology,” p. 17. Also, “ Appendix to Official Catalogue of the New Zealand Court,” pp. 33-42, Collection exhibited by New Zealand Geological Survey Depart- ment. Fossils Nos. 1421-1515, 6 NEW ZEALAND PALHONTOLOGY. I. Post-Tertiary. Recent. II. Phocene. III. Upper Miocene. IV. Lower Miocene. V. Upper Eocene. VI. Cretaceo-Tertiary. According to the terms used in Australia, as I understand them, the Miocene formation is divided into Upper, Middle, and Lower, the Middle and Lower being Formations IV. and V. of New Zealand geologists. NEW ZEALAND FOSSIL CORALS. (Principally from Tertiary formations.) Order — Atcyonaria. Family — Gorconipa. Sub-family— Isipinz. Genus—lIsis. Linné. Corallum composed of calcareous articulations, united by discs of elastic corneous tissue. This genus has only living representatives in tropical seas, India, the Pacific, and America. The fossil species are very few—Tertiary and Secondary for Europe; but there are at least two from the Australian Tertiary formations, one from the Mount Gambier bryozoan beds being very common. See Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. 31, p. 673, pl. 38. Isis pactyita,n.s. Two calcareous articulations of this coral show it to differ to some extent from any described species. They are long and compressed, so as to give an oblong trans- verse section. The ends are dilated into an acute projecting edge. The condyles are convex or sub-conical, concentrically striate: The sides are finely and rather faintly grooved in parallel lines. Long. 35, lat. 10, lat. of condyle 12 millim. Hutchison’s Quarry, Oamaru; Formation V. Appendix Official Cat., No. 1, p. 35. This fossil, judging from the figures, is very near the /sis melitensis of Goldfuss. Petrefac. Germanie, pl. 7, fig. 17; also Pictet, 2nd edit., pl. 108, fig. 12. The resemblance is very close, as the form for /sts is exceptional. The European fossil is found in the Phocene of Sicily, at Lipari, and in Pied- mont. Fig. 1. Other articulations of a smaller kind of coral are found in the collection (No. 11, Appendix Off. Cat.) from the same quarry. The specimens are smaller and the grooves larger. They may, however, belong to some other genus of Gorgonide. Sub-order—ZoaNTHARIA SCLERODERMATA. Section—Maprepo- RARIA APOROSA. Family—Tvrsinotivps. Sub-family—Caryo- PHYLLINE. Second group—Trocnocyatnaces. Genus— Trocuocyatuus. M.-Ed. and Haime. Corallum simple, pedicellate, or free with traces of adherence. Pali before all the cycles except the last. Columella well de- veloped. Epitheca, if present, only rudimentary. 3 NEW ZEALAND PALAONTOLOGY. The most of the numerous species of Trochocyathus are fossil, only a few having lately been discovered in a living state by deep-sea dredging. The fossil species are mostly Miocene or Eocene, one or two extending into the Upper or Middle Second- ary formations. Three species are found in New Zealand, and all of decidedly Miocene affinities. TrRocHocyATHUS MANTELLI. M.-Ed., Hist. Nat. des Corall., Vol. 2, p. 47. See also Mantell, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., Vol. 6 (1850), p. 331, pl. 28, fig. 18 (as Turbinolia). A fragment of two systems, with the pali and columella, is all that is preserved of this fossil. That is sufficient to determine that it is a Tro- chocyathus, and may be the same as the one figured by Mantell. The corallum is circular, pedicellate, shallow, with a flat base, and the remains of six long tubercular processes proceeding from the sides opposite the primaries. Costa manifested by nearly equal grooved lines above the tubercles. Septa in six systems of five cycles, granulate, and slightly exsert at the margin. Pri- maries and secondaries large, equal, sughtly more exsert, form- ing a coronate edge. Fossa wide and open. Pali forming a double circle of large lamine. Alt. 15, probable diam. 30 millim. The form is very beautiful, the crown of pali especially so. If different from Mantell’s coral, I should propose the name of T. tuberculatus. Locality doubtful, whether from the Pareora beds IV. or from the marly greensands of VI. Fig. 2, fragment of calice; fig. 3, base, showing tubercles. App. Off. Cat., No. 60 bis, p. 39. TROcHOCYATHUS HEXAGONALIS. M.-Ed., loc. cit., Vol. 2, p. 46. See also Mantell, doc. cit., pl. 28, fig. 19. Specimen No. 81 of the Appendix to the Official Catalogue is a cast of what seems to be like the base of Milne-Edwards species as above. It is remarkable for the hexagonal form of the calice, and the pro- minence of the primary costa, which probably correspond to the septa. If so, there are four cycles in six systems. The columella is a mass of twisted vitilia, with which the pali are confounded. I do not affirm positively that the species are the same, or that this is undoubtedly a Trochocyathus. I had only one specimen for examination, and that a cast; though it appears there are many more found in the Leda marls at Whangape Lake, Wai- kato, and elsewhere ; VI. TROCHOCYATHUS QUINARIUS, n. Ss. Corallum tall, elegantly cup-shaped, on a round, cylindrical pedicel. Epitheca rather ss CORALS AND BRYOZOA. 9 thick, letting the costa appear on the edge of the calice only where they correspond with the septa, and are not granular. Calice very slightly oval, of medium depth. Septa but little exsert, in five systems of four regular cycles, all complete, the various orders being easily distinguished by their relative sizes. Largely granulated in curved lines. Pali before all the orders except the fourth and fifth. Columella confined to a few vitilia. Alt. 14, major axis 8, minor 9 millim. App. Off. Cat., p. 37, No. 37 bis. Shakespeare Cliff, Wanganui; III. This peculiar form differs from every fossil coral in the Aus- tralian tertiaries. In shape it recalls some of the mesozoic Paracyathi. It has no known living representative in the southern seas, and it remains to be seen whether the abortion of one system is constant. New Genus—Norocyatuus. Corallum free, rarely pedicellate, no columella, younger orders of septa uniting in front of secondaries and tertiaries, from whence spring pali. Secondary and primary septa uniting _in the centre. No epitheca. Costa prominent, moniliform. A few remarks on this genus may be necessary here. In 1865 Professor Duncan figured and described a fossil coral from the Australian tertiaries, which he named Caryophyilia viola. The specimens from which his figures and descriptions were taken had been sent to him by me. In 1876 I obtained a large number of much better specimens, from which I found that the fossil was certainly not a Caryophyllia, and that its relations were rather to Conocyathus or Deltocyathus—to Conocyaihus by the union of the septa in the centre, and to Deltocyathus by the peculiar chevron-like forms in which the septa unite, and from which the pali sprmg. This peculiarity it also shares with some of the genus Turbinolia and Conocyatius. But Deltocyathus and Conocyathus are both peculiar and characteristic genera, from which all the Austrahan fossil corals with the features I have named differ in important particulars. Under these cir- cumstances a new genus with the diagnosis as ahove becomes necessary, and it will be the more useful in arranging the corals of our Tertiary formations, as the species are confined appa- rently to them. It will involve some changes, as I will note in the proper place. Norocyaruus PEpicELLATUS. Corallum short, pedicellate, 2 10 NEW ZEALAND PALAMONTOLOGY. irregularly cup-shaped. Costa distinct, covered with small spiniform granules, and corresponding with the septa. Systems six, with four cycles irregular and incomplete. Fourth and fifth orders uniting to the tertiaries in front of its palus, about two- thirds of the distance to the columella. Pali in front of every cycle but the last. But these and other details are not certain, as the only specimen is much damaged and obscured by matrix. Alt. 12, major axis 15, minor 13 millim. This specimen was fastened to a card with a Flabellum, and numbered in the Ap- pendix Off. Cat. 40, p. 38. It is from Oamaru, horizon unknown. Fig. 5. The following species will now be included in the new genus :— N. viola=Turbinoha viola (mihi) and MS.=Caryophylha viola (Duncan), loc. cit.=Deltocyathus viola (mihi), Proc. Roy. sec. N.S. Wales, 1877, p. 191. N. excisus=Sphenotrochus excisus (Duncan), Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc., 1870, p. 298= Deltocyathus excisus (mihi), Proc. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1877, p. 192. N. aldingensis (mihi) =Deltocyathus aldingensis, Trans. and Proc. Philos. Soc. Adelaide, 1877, p. 107. N. tateanus=Deltocyathus tateanus (mihi), Proc. Adelaide Phil) Soc!, loc cit: N. alatus= Deltocyathus alatus (mihi), loc. cit., p. 108. Sub-family—Tourpinotinz. Genus—Sruenotrocuus. M.-Ed. and Haime. Simple free corals, without epitheca, and with a lamelliform columella. This genus is only distinguished from Placotrochus by the absence of epitheca, which is a feature certainly not of generic value. It will be for future paleontologists to decide which of the genera we should retain. The fossils classified thus are all Eocene or Miocene, with very few existing forms—two or three at most. We have one in Australia; and the fossil representa- tives in the Tertiary formations of Australia are two, one of which is existing. The Sphenotrochus excisus of Duncan is a worn Notocyathus. SPHENOTROCHUS HUTTONIANUS, n. 8s. Corallum small, cup- shaped, terminating in a fine point. There is no scar, and the coral was free. Epitheca (?). A white calcareous encrustation ——EEEOOO CORALS AND BRYOZOA. iM! between the costa, which are broad, rounded, bifureating, with a groove in the centre, near the summit, into which groove the septa seem to be inserted. There are six systems, with four cycles of very thin structure, and apparently not composed of two lamine. Columella a thin septum. Some of the septa are thickened towards. the centre of the fossa. Calice perfectly circular; edge worn away. Alt. 7, lat. 10 millim. The general appearance of this fossil recalls the genus Conosmilia of Duncan, and it is more like one of the mesozoic Trochosmiliacee than a Sphenotrochus ; but I found no endotheca in the only specimen I examined. I should have liked other examples to render the determination quite satisfactory. App. Off. Cat., No. 15, p. 36; VI.; Christie’s, Inangahua River, Buller Valley. Fig. 9, coral, twice natural size. SPHENOTROCHUS CORONATUS, Dn. 8. Corallum narrowly pedicel- late; cuneiform, spreading into a broad basket-like oval calice. Costa distinct and projecting, not corresponding with the septa, except in the case of the fourth and fifth orders, where they pro- ject as tall spines or laminz. Calice broad and shallow, the septa projecting very little into the fossa, Columella consisting of one long, undulating septum at the bottom of the calice. Six systems and four cycles. First to third orders equal in height, the primaries slightly thicker, and all distinctly composed of two lamine, not granular, but with close circular corrugations. Alt. to summit of exsert septa 18, major axis 41, minor 19 millim. This singular and beautiful form of Sphenotrochus was repre- sented by two broken fragments of calices which could not be examined satisfactorily. It is unlike anything living or fossil known to me. App. Off. Cat., No. 26, p. 37. Grey marls, Hawke’s Bay; V. Fig. 6, ideal restoration from fragments. Genus—FLapettum. Lesson, 1831. Corallum simple, more or less fan-shaped and compressed. No columella. Epitheca abundant, often with lateral spines. Septa very numerous, and the older orders so nearly equal that they present the appearance of many systems. This large genus numbers now over sixty species, rather more than half of which are fossil, and all belonging to the Eocene and Miocene formations. The living species are generally tropi- cal, but we have two or three in the temperate waters of Austra- 12 NEW ZEALAND PALEONTOLOGY. lia and one in New Zealand. Recent deep-sea dredgings have also revealed many species in cold and deep seas; and the fossils of the Australian Tertiary formations manifest that some species, which are now tropical, were formerly found in deep seas, in latitudes as far south as 40°. Five or six species are found in the Australian tertiaries, some of which, such as Flabellum victorie and F. vambierense, are peculiar and exceptional forms. From the fossils here enumerated it will be seen that the New Zealand seas, in Tertiary times, were rich in species of this genus, but not of an exceptional type. Some of those I here enumerate as distinct may prove to be varieties of one species. As a rule the evidence is unsatisfactory, as most of those described were found as casts only. It may be stated generally that the species are inhabitants of deep seas. FLABELLUM CIRCULARE, n. s. Corallum spreading from a narrow pedicel into almost a complete circle. Calice compressed, narrowly oval, or flat on one side and curved on the other. Epitheca fine, and only slightly corrugate with lines of growth. Septa close and long, apparently in six systems, with six cycles. Though this appears to be one of the very commonest of the New Zealand Tertiary corals, I have not as yet seen a specimen in which a view of the calice could be obtained. In only one case have I seen the fossa, and that was at the base of a cast. The coral structure is always removed, and, though what remains often looks like septa, in reality it is only casts of the loculi between. The fossil is a very remarkable form, and we have nothing at all like it in the Australian tertiaries. There is a specimen in the collection which is a stone all covered with im- pressions of one side of this Flabellum, showing how gregarious it must have been in its mode of growth. App. Off. Cat. No. 34: Shakespeare Cliff, Wanganui; III. No. 86: Weka Pass, Canterbury; VI. No. 91: North bank of Maruwhenua River, Waitaki, Otago, from the Phorus beds overlying the Ototara limestone; VI. Fig. 7, coral, natural size. Also Frontispiece. FLABELLUM RUGULOSUM, n.s. Corallum tall, pedicellate, broadly cuneiform, and tapering to a very narrow pedicel. Out- line rugged and irregular. Epitheca thin, not concealing the costa or the lines of growth, which are deeply marked. Calice broad, rounded at the ends of the major axis, which are depressed. Systems six; cycles five. Septa granular, first three orders equal, ——— CORALS AND BRYOZOA. 13 not thickened at the margin. No false columella. Costa not corresponding with the septa, which spring from between them. Alt. 30, major axis 32, minor 12 millim. This coral has some points of resemblance to F. rubrum (Quoy and Guimard), at present living in the New Zealand seas. It is, however, larger, and the costa are different, besides its general form. There are some also like it in the Australian tertiaries ; but in none is the resemblance close. Nearer to F. woodi (M.-Ed.), of the Iken Miocene. App. Off. Cat., p. 40, No. 74. Ngaruroro River, Napier; II. Fig. 8, A, B, two specimens, natural size. FLaBELLuM (?) stmpiex, n.s. Corailum seen in casts only. Rather tall, cuneiform. As I have never seen the perfect coral, I can only add that the systems appear to be six, with only four cycles, that the calice is broadly oval, and that one fragment shows radiciform appendages. It is very like F. victorie of the Australian tertiaries, though I hesitate to refer it to that species, or even with certainty to the genus, as in one cast there seemed to be faint evidence of granular costa. I record the fossil, how- ever, as I have seen it also as a cast in the Mount Gambier limestones. Alt. 20, major axis 15, minor 10 millim. App. Off. Cat., p. 40, No. 70. Limekiln Gully, Oamaru; V. FLABELLUM coRBICcULA, n. 8s. Corallum short, compressed, slightly deltoid, with a very large basilar scar giving rise to a moderately-rounded crest at each side; and from thence to the summit the sides are undulating in correspondence to the lines of growth, which are well marked. Epitheca very thin. Costa not raised or projecting, but distinct, bifurcating, and corresponding to the septa, with which they are continuous, and conspicuously marked across the basilar scar. Systems six, with four complete cycles and the rudiments of a fifth; not granular, but regularly ridged in curves, which slope inwards and downwards. A false columella formed by the interlocking of thickened projections on the edges of the septa. The wall appears very thick from the partial fillmg-up of the loculi in the lower portions. Alt. 16; major axis 18, minor 8 ; length of basilar scar 12, width 7 millim. App. Off. Cat., p.40, No. 69. Port Hills, Nelson, Pareora beds; V. This fossil has some resemblance to Australian Miocene forms. The scanty epitheca and the partial filling-up of the loculi are very peculiar. Fig. 10—A, coral, natural size; B, portion of septa enlarged, to show partial fillmg-up of loculi, 14, NEW ZEALAND PALEHZONTOLOGY. Frapettum, sp.