"LI B RAR.Y OF THE. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 59O.S FI V Return this book on OR Before the Latest Date stamped below. A charge is made on all overdue books. University of Illinois Library M32 FI ZOOLOGICAL SERIES OF FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Volume XX CHICAGO, DECEMBER 28, 1936 No. 22 COURTSHIP AND MATING BEHAVIOR IN SNAKES THE LIBRARY OF THE BY D. DWIGHT DAVIS JAN 1 1 1937 ASSISTANT, DIVISION OF OSTEOLOGY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Darwin, in the Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex was the first to give point to study of the courtship and mating behavior of animals. Since his time much of the investigation in this field has been devoted to critical consideration of his evidence and conclusions. Recent widespread interest in manifestations of sex has opened up aspects of the subject that were unknown to Darwin. Most important among these are the genetic relations of sex, the role of the endocrines in the physiology of sex, as well as^f sexual behavior, and, of still broader interest, the fundamental relation between sexual behavior and the general social behavior of animals. Snakes as a group were mentioned briefly in the Descent of Man, but two subsequent extensive reviewers (Cunningham, 1900; Pycraft, 1913) ignored them completely. The absence of striking secondary sexual characters and the extraordinary dearth of published observa- tions on sexual behavior in snakes are probably largely responsible for the general lack of interest in this subject. The recent appearance of an excellent and comprehensive account of the mating behavior of their nearest living relatives, the lizards (Noble and Bradley, 1933), makes the meagerness of our knowledge with respect to the snakes particularly apparent. The most satisfactory approach to a study of the courtship behavior of animals is direct observation, preferably of undisturbed individuals in the field. Serious misinterpretations have not infre- quently arisen from observation or experimentation on captive material, where unnatural associations almost inevitably alter behavior. Unfortunately one student, no matter how much time he may spend in the field, can not hope to witness mating behavior under natural conditions in more than an extremely small number No. 376 257 258 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY — ZOOLOGY, VOL. XX of animals. This results in the necessity of trying to collate the scattered, fragmentary observations of many individuals, with the attendant possibility of error. In attempting to work up an unusual series of observations on the mating of Thamnophis radix made by Mr. A. C. Weed, of the Field Museum staff, it became increasingly apparent that the sexual behavior of snakes merits more attention than it has received. Existing knowledge is not only comparatively limited, but it is also widely scattered through literature, largely in the form of brief notes. Many important observations are buried in the midst of unrelated material, where their presence would be unsuspected. No one has tried to correlate his work with that of others, and consequently few have realized what constitute the significant features of court- ship in this group. In order to stimulate and direct further work in this subject, the following summary of the literature has been drawn up. This is followed by a brief consideration of sexual dimor- phism in snakes, with particular reference to secondary sexual characters. I have tried also to draw a few tentative conclusions as to the broader implications of mating behavior in snakes. These cannot be regarded as final, since they rest on data that are inade- quate for indicating more than probabilities. Many individuals have assisted in the preparation of this paper. I am particularly grateful to Mr. A. C. Weed for making careful observations and extensive notes on Thamnophis radix over a period of several months when circumstances prevented me from witnessing its activities myself. Mr. R. M. Perkins, of the Zoological Society of St. Louis, has supplied data from personal observations without which the summary would have been much less complete. My colleague and mentor, Mr. Karl P. Schmidt, has continued to give unselfishly of his time and thought and I am under great obligation to him. Mr. John J. Janecek devoted painstaking care to the preparation of the illustrations. SUMMARY OF LITERATURE Naturally a major part of published observations deal with the most common members of the cosmopolitan family Colubridae. Indeed, this is true to an unfortunate degree, and disappointing gaps are left at important points, notably among the Elapidae, Viperidae, and Crotalidae. Since these include the most highly specialized of all snakes, they are important in the present connection. Through the generosity of various individuals, particularly Mr. R. M. 5^)0.5 1936 MATING BEHAVIOR IN SNAKES — DAVIS 259 Perkins, it has been possible to fill some of these gaps by drawing on unpublished notes and observations. The information supplied has been included in the summary given below, and has helped to make possible a reasonably well-rounded picture. Some of the observations cited are of doubtful importance, but have been included both for the sake of completeness and because the present state of knowledge does not permit intelligent elimination of extraneous material. Boidae. — The members of this and the succeeding family differ from the more familiar snakes in possessing remnants of the posterior limbs. In the males these structures appear externally in the form of stout spurs or claws. They are present in both sexes, but are extremely small in females. The extraordinary part they play in the courtship of Constrictor constrictor is vividly described by Mole and Urich (1894) as follows: "These claws, however, are capable of being slightly protruded and are endowed with considerable mobility. When about to couple, the male extends these hooks at right angles to the body and vibrates them in an extremely rapid manner, scratching, as he does so, the back and sides of his companion. The claws scratching the scales of his mate make a noise which can be distinctly heard two yards r off. This habit has also been observed in Epicrates cenchris." At a later date Mole (1924) observed a similar use of the spurs S in the anaconda, Eunectes murinus. He states that the male "throws ca coil or two around the female, which is usually the larger of the ^pair, and his claws are moved quickly and scratch the scaly sides of his --mate, inducing her to crawl forward slowly until union is established. ^ One pair was thus engaged from December 24 until January 13." Pythonidae. — Mr. Perkins has observed the use of the spurs in the blood python, Python curtus. The male lies close beside the female, with the anterior part of his body frequently lying over her. He then extends his spurs at right angles to his body and moves them slowly and rhythmically from side to side, stroking the body of the female with them directly over her cloaca. This behavior, which has been observed to continue uninterruptedly for more than two hours, does not produce a scratching sound, as described by Mole and Urich for Constrictor. Under the stimulation of this "tickling" the female gradually twists her cloacal region laterally and the male works his tail under hers. When her cloaca is nearly in a vertical position the female suddenly gapes it, the male inserts a hemipenis, and copulation takes place. 260 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY — ZOOLOGY, VOL. XX Colubridae. — The recent observations of Stemmler-Morath make it obvious that at least two widely different types of courtship behavior are found among the members of this family. Further work will unquestionably reveal additional behavior patterns in this enormous assemblage of forms. Matings have been observed in a number of colubrid genera, but unfortunately the meager notes that have been published on most of them reveal nothing that bears on the problem under consideration here. What may be designated the Natrix type of mating behavior has been more frequently and more completely described than any other. Indeed, until recently it was the only type of snake-mating of which there was any but the most fragmentary knowledge, and it has frequently been assumed to characterize snakes in general. Many of the important features of this type of mating were accurately described more than fifty years ago by Franke (1881), who apparently was a careful observer. His account of the mating of Coronella austriaca is as follows (translation) : "Pairing begins about the middle of April. For several years I kept from forty to fifty individuals in the terrarium; the males at pairing time exhibited much jealousy and not infrequently engaged in fighting, in which they bit each other. The not always willing female also protected herself from unwelcome attentions by biting. The act of copulation is like that of the common [European] water snake. The male crawls slowly onto the back of the female, in which it takes exactly the same curves in which the female happens to lie, and also adapts itself to any changes of position which the female may make. Only the anal region of the male hangs down toward that of the female, who recognizes the intention of the male by a lateral turning of the anus. During these preparations, but still more so during the two to three hour duration of the act itself, both individuals exhibit uninterrupted contractions of irregular strength attended by motions of the tails, which are not infrequently mutually intertwined. The female, in the lower position, frequently changes her position during this time, and may crawl some distance away, but not without the male, who immediately imitates every motion of the female. I have never observed interference on the part of other companions, which, in fact, crawl over or beneath the pair without taking any notice of them. I must emphasize that I have never observed a 'close intertwining' that has been described by other authors either in the present species or in the common water snake, although I have witnessed copulation more than a 1936 MATING BEHAVIOR IN SNAKES — DAVIS 261 hundred times. Nor is a 'suitable soft substratum' sought out, for rough, uneven places, heaps of stones, etc., are preferred. Copu- lation takes place only on warm days, and most frequently during the mid-day sun of April or May." Additional features of the mating process have been noted by others. Truitt (1927) records an instance of a female Thamnophis sirtalis being followed by two males. When imprisoned in a wire enclosure and transported some distance, the female attracted three snakes of the same species to her. One of these was captured and found to be a male. Truitt suggests that the females, of certain species at least, probably attract mates by means of odors. Stemm- ler-Morath, on the basis of observations made in the large open- air terrarium at the Basel Zoological Garden, reports that he has observed competition among males for. the possession of a female only in the species of the genus Natrix among European colubrids. He states (translation) : "Only in the species of the genus Natrix does there appear to be in nature a kind of competition for the female. As many as twenty males besiege a female lying under them for hours, all lying in the same direction and constantly attempting to gain the back of the female, which is as regularly prevented by a competitor. But this takes place quietly, without one biting the other. As soon as one of the males has attained his goal, he is pulled out of the wriggling mass, tail foremost, by the female. The competitors who have been left behind, as soon as they notice the disappearance of the female, dash around excitedly and attempt copulation with any snake encountered, whether it be of the same sex or of a different species. The escaped pair meanwhile lies somewhere in a quiet place, and only the frequent convulsive movement of the tail of the male shows that they are alive." Mr. Perkins has noted a similar behavior in captive Natrix and Thamnophis. When a female is placed in a cage containing a number of males, the males are at once thrown into a state of frenzied excite- ment. They crawl excitedly over and among one another, and attempt to mate with any individual encountered, regardless of sex. There is no evidence of courtship in such cases. This striking behavior probably does not normally take place in nature, but is to be regarded as a result of confining a number of individuals in a small space under artificial conditions. Thus, Perry (1920) described a suggestive incident in Natrix sipedon. A copulating pair was encountered on a bush overhanging a stream. 262 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY — ZOOLOGY, VOL. XX Below this pair was a "confused mass" of "at least six" other indi- viduals. "Presently the convulsions of the pair on the outer end of the bush ceased. The smaller snake slowly disengaged himself and joined the bunch below. His place was taken quickly by another and the convulsions began again. One after another, the smaller males paid their respects to the largest one, which I believe was a female." Nevertheless, as pointed out below, the probable relation between this aggregation reaction and the formation of snake "balls" cannot be overlooked. Dymond and Fry (1932) observed two mated pairs of the green snake, Liopeltis vernalis. One pair was found in shrubbery, about a foot above the ground. They noted that in neither pair was the male in contact with the female except in the cloacal region. Blanchard (1931) has briefly described the Natrix type of mating, drawing attention to two highly important features previously over- looked: "Before the act of copulation the male snake slides forward along the upper surface of the female, his chin pressed close to her back and his body lying along hers in sinuous curves. He then sets his body into rhythmic undulations. The chin tubercles are thus particularly well placed to serve as rubbing organs during the maneuver." In addition to these comments on the chin tubercles, he also draws attention to the fact that the supracloacal keels or tubercles characteristic of the males of many snakes are brought into contact with the body of the female during copulation. The behavior of other colubrids differs strikingly from that of Natrix and may be called the Coluber type of behavior. Stemmler- Morath (op.cit.) has observed a complex courtship "dance" in Coluber gemonensis, Elaphe longissima, and the species of Malpolon among European snakes. The behavior is stated to be essentially the same for all these species, and is described as follows for the European whip-snake, Coluber gemonensis (translation) : "A pair of splendid aesculapian snakes crawl quietly one behind the other. The rear animal, obviously the male, tongues the body of the crawling female almost continually. She gradually begins to move more rapidly, but the more rapidly the female glides along, the more actively the male follows. Finally the two long bodies of both snakes dash along one behind the other, almost completely extended. There is no longer any of the close application of the body to the terrain in crawling which we are accustomed to see in these snakes. The two animals hasten with uncanny speed through the area, over rocks and ponds, often up into the bushes and down 1936 MATING BEHAVIOR IN SNAKES — DAVIS 263 again over the outermost twigs. This chase lasts until the male succeeds in reaching the side of the female. He at once throws his neck around the body of the female with lightning speed and draws up his body, coiling around her in several turns while crawling forward on the body of the female. The entwined pair continues to move about the area, and for a quarter of an hour or more they crawl through each other's coils uninterruptedly, so that first one and FIG. 28. Courtship behavior in various colubrid snakes, a, Mating dance of Coluber gemonensis (after Stemmler-Morath). b, Mating pair of Indian ratsnakes (Ptyas mueosus) (after Prater), e, Mating pair of Coluber v. carbonarius showing the neck grip characteristic of certain colubrida (after Schreiber). then the other is above. The heads are now carried always at the same height. Suddenly one of the animals raises its front end until the anterior third of the body, freed from its partner, stands almost vertically. The other animal does likewise, and now the heads are placed quite near each other and obliquely depressed forward. The upraised anterior parts of the body, well separated from each other, with only the posterior two-thirds of the bodies twined together like wire, resemble a lyre (fig. 28, a). But not only do they exhibit this handsome shape when at rest; they often dash through the terrarium 264 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY — ZOOLOGY, VOL. XX in this attitude. In spite of the fact that they continually change their relative positions by their constant crawling around each other, they carefully preserve the character of the figure. Although these dances often last more than an hour, I was never successful in photographing it. The final union then usually takes place under a bush, a rock or a tree, so that one rarely is able to see it. The male always bites fast on the neck of the female." Schreiber (1912) likewise states that the male often grasps the neck of the female in his mouth. He also describes a unique court- ship behavior in Coluber v. carbonarius. He states (translation) that "they had mutually taken hold of each other's necks with their mouths, while their tails were twisted together in a spiral." When picked up by their tails, "their union persisted and they only let go from time to time with their heads, only to attempt to seize each other immediately, making twitching and pendulum-like back and forth motions with the neck." On the other hand, Stemmler-Morath claims that this behavior does not take place in Elaphe q. quatuorlineatus. In this species the male merely crawls quietly after the female for some time until copulation takes place. The male, however, often seizes the neck of the female in his jaws for a short time. The mating behavior of the Indian ratsnake, Ptyas mucosus, as described in a number of notes by various observers, apparently is similar to that described by Stemmler-Morath for the European colubrids. Wall (1921) quotes a letter from a Major Frere. 'Their bodies," he says, "were twined together and writhing, except for the anterior quarter. Their heads were raised from the ground for one foot to eighteen inches and appeared to be sparring at each other like two young cockerels. Their movements were active and vigorous." Millett (1909) described the same procedure as follows: "The smaller snake was slowly working his coils throughout up and down the other, and both snakes were keeping their heads and free part of their length erect and alternately twining their free part round each other and approaching each other's heads in a 'billing and cooing' manner. At the same time they were travelling very slowly in a forward direction." Beadon (1910) speaks of coming upon mating ratsnakes "with heads and free parts of the body [i.e. those not mutually intertwined] slightly off the ground, facing each other." A striking photograph of a pair of these snakes in copulation, unfortu- nately without comment in the text, accompanies a paper by Prater (1933) . This illustration, from which figure 28, b has been drawn, shows 1936 MATING BEHAVIOR IN SNAKES — DAVIS 265 both individuals fully extended, their bodies twisted spirally around each other from a point a short distance behind the head almost to the tip of the tail. It is impossible to determine from the photograph whether or not the male has taken the female in his jaws. This behavior has not been reported in any North American snake, although it may be looked for in Coluber and possibly in some species of Elaphe. Meade (1932) in describing mating in a captive pair of Lampropeltis getulus holbrooki notes that the male "seized the body of the female in his jaws" and that "from time to time during the preliminaries of the mating, which continued for over half an hour, he would release his hold momentarily, grasping the body at a new place after a few seconds." Mr. A. S. Windsor, of the General Biological Supply House in Chicago, recently described to me a curious series of observations on the fox snake, Elaphe vulpina. Two individuals, from two to three feet in length, were encountered in June, 1936, during field work in a forest preserve area southwest of Chicago. When first found, one snake apparently had swallowed some four inches of the anterior end of the second, as evidenced by the bulge produced in the neck of the one by the head of the other. The bodies of both were undergoing continuous rhythmic and practically synchronous undulations. The snakes were kept under observation for about twenty minutes, and during all this time the undulations continued uninterruptedly. The first snake made no effort to continue engulfing the second, nor did the second seem to be alarmed by its extraordinary position. The snakes were definitely not in copulation. The observer left the scene and returned about fifteen minutes later. At this time the first snake no longer had its partner's head in its mouth, but had grasped it immediately behind the head. The strong muscular contractions of the first individual indicated that it was trying to regain the head of the second. The second snake did not seem to resent this aggressiveness in the least. The undulations of the bodies of both individuals continued without interruption during this time. Observation was continued for about five minutes, when the observer again left the scene. When he returned a few minutes later both snakes had disappeared. Elapidae. — Wall (op. cit.) has recorded a few fragmentary notes on the mating of the cobra, Naja naja. "In Mr. Hampton's vivarium coitus lasted intermittently for three days. He observed that the pair nodded their heads continually, and their bodies quivered. They did not take the slightest notice of anybody in front of their 266 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY— ZOOLOGY, VOL. XX cage. They did not expand their hoods, neither did they enwrap themselves around one another. Each turned the vent upwards and sideways to effect engagement." Poyntz (1927) took a copulating pair of the related sea snakes (species not identified) from the water in the Persian Gulf, but gave FIG. 29. Mating dance of Vipera berus. Crotalids assume a similar position during courtship (from photograph by Reuss). no details on their behavior. It is highly interesting, however, that copulation takes place in the water in these extremely aquatic snakes. Viperidae. — It is extraordinary that nothing has appeared on the courtship behavior of members of this family, since the genus Vipera is widely distributed over Europe. A photograph by T. Reuss (in Heilborn, 1930) shows a pair of Vipera berus reared up in an attitude similar to that described below for the pit vipers (fig. 29). 1936 MATING BEHAVIOR IN SNAKES — DAVIS 267 It is probable that the mating behavior of the Viperidae is similar to that of the Crotalidae, at least in its essential features, and con- sists of a form of courtship dance, possibly associated with movements by the male directed toward arousing the female. Should this prove to be true, the courtship dance of the extremely heavy-bodied vipers, such as Bitis gabonica, would be a curiously grotesque affair. Crotalidae. — Little has appeared on the mating behavior of the pit vipers. It is regrettable that this highly specialized group of snakes should have escaped observation, since they might throw considerable light on the phylogeny of this behavior in the Serpentes. Fortunately, Mr. Perkins has been able to supply some extremely valuable information from observations made on captive specimens at the St. Louis zoo. It is possible that the mating activities of both the vipers and pit vipers normally take place at night, which would explain the lack of field observations. However, Wood (1933), who observed a pair of rattlesnakes courting in daylight, is inclined to doubt this. Guthrie (1927) observed several incomplete matings in a captive pair of Sistrurus catenatus. He records that the male was seen trying to copulate with the female three different times during one day, the female seeming "entirely passive. The tail of the male was wrapped entirely around the other, with the vents near together but not in contact. The male showed a sort of spasmodic twitching, mainly of the posterior half but sometimes of the entire body. At one time his head exhibited excitement, the tongue frequently darting far out and the head being thrust about above the body of the female, who paid not the slightest attention." Wiley (1929) observed several matings in a captive pair of Crotalus atrox. She records that the male showed particular atten- tion to the female "by rubbing his head and the anterior part of his body over her. He followed her about whenever she moved around in the cage and caressed her all the while. The next day the same thing happened. It was not until a month later that the mating occurred." Mr. Perkins has repeatedly witnessed courtship in the water moccasin, Agkistrodon piscivorus. Under the artificial conditions of captivity matings take place at all seasons of the year. Individual pairs in captivity seem to consort together for months. Under the stimulus of artificial warmth and sunlight they frequently engage in a characteristic courtship dance, which is highly spectacular because of the extreme vigor with which it is carried on by these powerful, 268 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY — ZOOLOGY, VOL. XX heavy-bodied snakes. Both individuals erect the anterior half of their bodies into the air. These elevated parts of the body are then waved and lashed about erratically. Frequently the upraised parts of the pair are placed together and each snake pushes and rubs vigorously against its mate. The force with which these pushing movements are carried on is occasionally evidenced when one individual slips past the other. The sudden release of resistance under these circumstances may throw the other snake several feet across the cage. This extraordinary behavior may continue for hours at a time, and is usually followed by copulation. The posterior ends of the bodies are not usually twined together, although this may occasionally take place accidentally. Other snakes in the same cage do not seem to be affected by the activity of the courting pair. Mr. Perkins has also observed the mating behavior of captive specimens of the Mexican west coast rattlesnake, Crotalus basiliscus. The courtship of this snake is essentially the same as that of the water moccasin, although it is neither so violent nor so prolonged. The male nudges the female and rubs the side of his head against her body during courtship, which is a feature that has not been noted in Agkistrodon. Wood (op. cit.) momentarily observed a pair of courting Crotalus confluentus in the field. She states that the female was "crawling along the ground, and the smaller male, newly moulted, weaving along her back." Unfortunately this courtship was neither observed long enough nor described clearly enough to reveal anything of the normal mating behavior of rattlesnakes in the wild. Abnormal Mating Behavior. — Several brief notes on abnormal matings have appeared. These are instructive in the interpretation of certain phases of mating behavior, and may profitably be con- sidered. Simultaneous copulation of one female with two males has been observed on a few occasions, although nothing is known of the frequency of its occurrence in nature. Thus, Brennan (1924) records an instance of two male garter snakes copulating simul- taneously with a single large female, and Medsger (1927) observed a similar case involving two males of Heterodon and the badly mutilated carcass of a female of the same species. Truitt (op. cit.) has also observed a male garter snake copulating with the carcass of a dead female. Dr. R. T. Hatt has loaned me several photographs of a captive mating between a male Crotalus molossus and a female Crotalus atrox. Nothing is known of the incidence of interspecific matings in nature. 1936 MATING BEHAVIOR IN SNAKES— DAVIS 269 Snake ''Balls." — A regular and recurrent feature of herpetological literature is the description of tight aggregations or "balls" of snakes. This subject has recently been reviewed by Wood (op. cit.), who doubts that the phenomenon is related to mating: "It should give survival value for an animal possessing internal fertilization to mate efficiently, and not promiscuously in hampering aggregations. An instinct among snakes to procreate in large numbers seems improb- able in animals whose physiological and anatomical development is well above the amphibian level." If sex recognition in snakes is accomplished by means of an olfactory stimulus, however, there is no apparent reason why an unlimited number of males should not be attracted to the same female. According to the observations of Stemmler-Morath and Perkins given above, proximity of a number of males to a single female may result in a mass frenzy on the part of the males. The phenomenon of a tight aggregation of males around one female might well follow without involving an "instinct to procreate in large numbers." Obviously the snake ball question can be answered definitely only by careful examination and sexing of the individuals making up a "ball." SECONDARY SEXUAL CHARACTERS IN SNAKES Snakes exhibit little sexual dimorphism. This is perhaps in keeping with the singular simplicity and uniformity of their entire habitus, since lizards display a wide variety of sexual differences in both form and color. Nevertheless, since secondary sexual differences frequently play a highly important part in sexual behavior, those that are present in the Serpentes must be regarded as important. True secondary sexual characters do not appear until puberty and frequently are concerned in some way with sexual behavior. The term "sexual dimorphism," on the other hand, pertains to all differences between the sexes, and thus includes many differences that are not known to be functional, or that are present from birth. Since the nature and origin of many of these characters are obscure, all known conspicuous sex differences have been included in the following summary. The total lack of striking sexual dimorphism among members of this group has doubtless contributed to the general lack of interest in the topic. Taxonomists, who have aided so much with other groups by cataloguing and describing sexual differences, have little to offer with respect to the Serpentes. Nevertheless, certain of the secondary sexual characters that do exist are of great interest, and 270 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY — ZOOLOGY, VOL. XX deserve much more attention than they have received. Only twice has anything like a broad survey of the sexual characters of this group been undertaken, and both instances are of recent date. Blanchard (op. cit.) considered a number of North American species from this standpoint, and Pope (1935) has reviewed them briefly in Chinese snakes. Proportions. — As in most poikilothermous vertebrates, females tend to exceed males of the same age in size. This is by no means invariably true, however, and species in which males attain the greater size are very erratically distributed. The functional signifi- cance, if any, of this disparity is not at all clear, although Pope (op. cit.) remarks that "since it is a well-known fact that the large individual females usually produce more young than small ones of the same species, one may safely consider body length of more importance to females than to males." Klauber (1936) has verified this correlation in the prairie rattlesnake, Crotalus c. confluentus. He gives a coefficient of correlation of +0.7. Apparently males of all species tend to have longer tails than females, but there is considerable overlap between the sexes in this respect. Thus, Burt (1928) measured 85 male and 115 female specimens of Thamnophis sirtalis and found that 56 per cent of the total fell in the overlapping group, although males exceeded females in the modal index as well as in the greatest absolute proportionate tail length. It is highly probable that the longer tail in males is correlated with the presence of the hemipenes and their elongated retractor muscles. The pronounced widening of the base of the tail in males is well known because of its general use as a means of sexing individuals in systematic work. It is obviously due to the presence of the retracted hemipenes. Scutellation. — Sex-correlated variations occur in the scutellation of most snakes. This is conspicuously true of the gastrosteges. The summary of seventy-five Chinese species given by Pope (op. cit.) shows that males of these forms almost invariably have a higher subcaudal count. A few erratically distributed species show no variation in this respect, but in no case does the female exceed the male. While females tend to exceed males in number of ventrals, in some species there is no difference in this respect, while in others the males even exceed the females. Sexual dimorphism in the number of dorsal scale rows is much less common. Ruthven (1908) showed that the number of scale rows in any region of the body is closely correlated with body girth, 1936 MATING BEHAVIOR IN SNAKES— DAVIS 271 and consequently he believed that females would tend to have a higher formula than males. Apparently this condition is seldom realized. Ruthven himself was unable to demonstrate any signifi- cant sexual difference in the enormous series of garter snakes examined by him. Procter (1919) likewise failed to find any sharply defined dimorphism in three British snakes, Natrix natrix, Coronella austriaca, and Vipera berus. While statistical studies of large series would doubtless reveal that females of many species tend to exceed males in numbers of scale rows, instances of complete and consistent dimorphism in this respect are singularly rare. In fact, the only snake known where this is invariably exhibited is the African colu- brid Bothrolycus ater, where the males have 17 rows and the female 19 on the anterior part of the body. It is significant that in this species, as Schmidt (1923) has remarked, "the difference between the sexes is unusually pronounced, the difference in size being quite exceptional." Dimorphism in the scutellation of the head appears not to have been demonstrated, although a statistical study of large series of individuals would probably reveal its presence, at least in some species. Coloration. — Sexual dimorphism in color is certainly not general. Intensive work on large series, however, has revealed relatively slight differences in color or intensity of color, or even differences in the pattern, in a few species. Thus Pope (op. cit.) was able to dis- tinguish sexual differences of this character in Natrix annularis, Pseudoxenodon bambusicola, Psammodynastes pulverulentus, Trimere- surus monticola, and T. stejnegeri, among seventy-five Chinese snakes. Of these, only Trimeresurus stejnegeri showed any marked dimor- phism, the others exhibiting only increased intensity of color in one or the other sex. Among European snakes, Coronella austriaca and Vipera berus have long been known to present a more or less constant sex dichromatism (Franke, Schreiber, Durigen, Boulenger). Never- theless, a hue or pattern characteristic of one sex is decidedly the exception rather than the rule among snakes. Whether any of those that do occur make their appearance only with the attainment of sexual maturity, and would thus be associated directly with the hormones of the gonads, is unknown. Assumption of a nuptial coloration by the male is wholly unknown. In this respect snakes stand in striking contrast to lizards, among which nuptial livery is widely distributed. 272 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY — ZOOLOGY, VOL. XX Chin Tubercles and Anal Keels. — The sexual differences described above are instances of sexual dimorphism, but can hardly lay claim to recognition as true secondary sexual characters, since there is no evidence that they have any functional significance or that they are correlated with the onset of puberty. In some snakes, however, there are structures which play a definite role in courtship. In sexually mature males of certain species a cluster of tubercles is present on the symphysial region of the chin (fig. 30). The presence in males of ridges or knobbed keels on the dorsal scales surrounding the cloacal region is even more widely distributed. Blanchard (1931) FIG. 30. Chin region in male snakes, showing the distribution of tubercles and pustules. The pustules in Thamnophis are not as prominent as indicated in the figure, a, Natrix rhombifera. b, Ninia sebae. e, Thamnophis radix. has recently examined a variety of North American snakes with reference to these structures. He found that they are developed in Carphophis, Diadophis, and Natrix after sexual maturity is attained. An insignificant number of females also possessed anal keels, but whether or not their presence was correlated with abnormalities in the gonads was not determined. Harrison (1933) obtained similar results with Thamnophis. Blanchard found chin tubercles only in Natrix rhombifera among North American snakes. From an examination of nearly two hundred male specimens of this species, of various ages and collected at various seasons, he was able to determine that these structures 1936 MATING BEHAVIOR IN SNAKES— DAVIS 273 make their appearance only with the attainment of sexual maturity, and that they are not subject to seasonal hypertrophy. Pope (op. cit.) identified them in eight species of Chinese snakes of the genera Natrix, Ophisthotropis, Enhydris, and Amblycephalus. They are well developed in the Central American snake Ninia sebae (fig. 30, &), and further work will doubtless reveal their presence in other species. These facts show that the distribution of these structures is erratic in the extreme. Their sporadic occurrence bears no relation to natural affinities. It seems likely, therefore, that they have evolved independently on several occasions. Observations on the courtship behavior of species bearing these structures are lacking, so that suggestions as to their functional significance must be tentative and inferential. Chin tubercles are not present in Thamnophis. Comparison of the region in the two sexes, however, shows that the small sensory FIG. 31. Modification of the anal keels in male Aspidura trachyprocta. a, Posterior end of body, showing distribution of hooks. 6, A single scale, enlarged, seen from the side. pustules characteristic of many snakes are considerably hypertro- phied in male garter snakes (fig. 30, c). This is also true of some other North American colubrids ( Natrix, Storeria). In others (Coluber, Elaphe, Pituophis), however, pustules are present but are equally developed in both sexes. There can be little doubt that the slightly hypertrophied sensory pustules in the male Thamnophis correspond to an early stage in the phylogenetic history of the tubercles in other snakes. Noble (1934a) has recently examined both the chin tubercles and the anal knobs histologically. He states that "each organ consists of a capsule of irregularly arranged tactile cells and many nerve fibers. The organs of the chin differ radically from those above the cloaca in having one or more narrow extensions piercing the overlying epidermis to near the horny layer." 274 FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY — ZOOLOGY, VOL. XX Spurs in Boas and Pythons. — There is considerable sexual dimor- phism in the size of the claw or spur which is the only external vestige of the hind limbs in boas and pythons (Beddard, 1905). In the males of many species this structure is a comparatively large, curved hook, whereas in the female it is often reduced to a tiny horny projection (fig. 32). It is not known whether the hyper- trophy of this structure in males is correlated with the onset of puberty, and the material at hand is not extensive enough to de- l/est/