LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN G30.7 N.O.N CIRCULATING CHECK FOR UN HOUND CIRC ip.Y UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Agricultural Experiment Station BTLLKTIX Xo. 327 CROP YIELDS FROM ILLINOIS SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS IN 1928 BY F. C. BAUER rHBANA, ILLINOIS, MAY, 192!) LOCATION OF THE THIRTY-ONE EXPERIMENT FIELDS IN ILLINOIS FROM WHICH DATA ARK PRESENTED ix THIS BULLETIN CROP YIELDS FROM ILLINOIS SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS IN 1928 By !•'. ('. H.UT.K, Chief, Soil Kxpcnment I-'u-Kls Variation in crop producing power is a natural characteristic of agricultural soils. It is evident not only between soils in different locations, but also on the same soil in different seasons. Frequently it is quite marked. With some soils their productive power assumes a gradual upward trend, while with others it assumes a gradual down- ward trend. Obviously, the causes of these variations and the con- trol of them are matters of considerable importance in the successful management of farm lands. 1 he crop-producing powers of -oil-, in a broad sense, vary because ot the natural differences between soils and the systems of farming pract iced upon t hem. Alt ho nat lire tends to work in accordance wit h natural laws, the influence pf natural conditions on soil productivity may be accelerated or retarded by the work of man. The best use ot tarm lands, therefore, will depend to considerable extent upon the knowledge which farmers possess concerning the soils upon their farms and the cropping ami treatment practices which they will use upon them. In general, the farmer is interested in the simplest things he may do that will give him the maximum benefits from tin- use of his land. In order to furnish the farmers of the state with information that would be helpful to them in planning systems of soil treatment for their farm-, t he Illinois Agricultural Fx peri men t Station for a number ot years has conducted field investigations in all sections of the state on extensive -oil type.-, varying widely in productiveness, to test the effectiveness of different systems of soil treatment on the yield of larm crop-. Alth.o some investigations alonn this line had been in pro- ai Frbana since l^-Td. the first outlying soil experiment fields were not established until the fall of I'.t'U. Some of the original fields are .-'ill m operation. In all more than fifty -oil experiment fields have been established in Illinoi-. Some have been abandoned at one time or anot her tor va nous reasons. I )u rinu' the crop season of I (.)'2S thirty-one of these fields were in operation. The location of them within the state may be ascertained by referring to the accompany- ing map. L he complete iv-ult- from all the Illinois soil experiment fields tip to and including I'.t-'i were reported in llnlletin L'TM. Subsequent results, have been reported in Bulletins L'M>. L)(.H). and :!().",. The pres- ent bulletin i- a continuation of thi- series of publications, beini: a record of the vields for the vear llrjs. 212 BULLETIN- No. 327 [May, In these publications the crop yields arc presented as a matter of record without comment or discussion. In a broad sense, of course, the results speak for themselves, and carry definite lessons to those who have been following the investigations of the station. Discus- sions of these investigations have appeared from time to time in former station publications and further discussion of an interpreta- tive nature will appear in future publications. Explanation of Tables and Symbols The results reported on the following pages are for the individual fields arranged alphabetically rather than by location or by soil types. All yields, except those in parentheses, indicate acre yields in bushels. Yields in parentheses indicate acre yields in tons. The following symbols have been used in this bulletin to denote the soil treatments applied: 0 = No treatment rP = Rock phosphate M = Manure sP = Superphosphate R = Crop residues bP = Bone phosphate Le = Legume catch crop S — Flowers of sulfur L = Limestone KC1 = Muriate of potash K = Potash The crop residues are chiefly cornstalks and sweet clover plowed down as a green manure. In some cases the second crop of clover and other legume residues have also been plowed down. When legumes are used as a catch crop, they are seeded in small grain to be plowed down the following year for succeeding crops. 1929] CROP YIELDS FKOM ILLINOIS SOIL EXPERIMENT FIELDS IN 1928 TABLE 1.— ALEDO FIELD: MAIN SERIES Serial plot No. Scries 100 Series Oats" Stubble^ 200 Soil treatment clover Second- Oiubani) year corn Series 300 First- year corn Series 400 Wheat Stubble clover (sw. cl. ) WEST HALF 1 2 3 4 5 6 i s 9 10 0 73 .4 . i .6 .0 . i A • > .S 0 9 ( 0 ) ( o ) ( . 59 ') I .G9i ( 0 ) ( 0 ) ( .52) ( -SO) ( .571 I 0 > 61 73 73 7."i 5S til 70 7! 73 59 .4 .6 •> .4 .0 ,6 .6 •y .6 .8 54 71 69 70 54 OS 74 73 77 59 .2 .2 .4 .6 .4 .6 .6 .4 .6 .6 28 41 42 43 35 37 41 39 44 30 .3 .0 .7 .3 .0 .7 .3 .7 .2 .8 ( 0 ) (1.93) (2.07) (2.42) M . . . . 79 ML. . . . . . SI MLrP. . . 90 0 64 R 73 RL RLrP RLrPK . . . 0. . S2 So 70 EAST HALF 1 2 3 4 5 6 i s 9 10 RL 70 .3 .4 2 .9 .9 .9 9 ( .37) ( 0 ) ( .01) ( .t>9) (' 0 i ( 0 ) ( • 55 .) ( .03) ( .59) ( .62) 67 76 71 07 65 72 71 70 71 09 •> 2 .0 .0 ,8 .s .0 .4 .6 .8 69 69 69 70 64 70 72 i i 80 69 .6 .8 .8 .6 .4 .6 .8 2 .2 .0 38.0 41.7 44.3 41.3 38.2 39.3 40 . 5 36. S 42.7 38.3 ( .78) ( 0 ) ( 0 ) (1.93) (1.86) (2.51) (2.19) MrP 84 MLbP 92 MLrP . 91 RsP. . . . . . 70 RrP. . . . SO RLsP.. . SI RLrP 81 3 .4 (i KLrPK. 84 RLrP 76 Note. — In 1924 the plots on these series were divided into east, and west halves in order to provide for additional phosphorus studies. The plots on the west halves of all scries continue under the original soil treatment but the plots on the east halves receive the treatment designated above. No more rock phosphate will be applied to the phosphate plots on the west halves for an indefinite period, these plots having received a total of S,000 pounds an acre. On the east halves all phosphorus fertilixers will be applied twice in the rota- tion, ahead of the wheat crop and the first corn crop, at the following annual acre rates: rock phosphate 500 pounds, superphosphate 200 pounds, bone meal 200 pounds. The minimum amount of limestone necessary for the successful growth of the clover green-manure crop will be applied to Plots 1-E and 10-E, 4,000 pounds an acre having been applied in 1924. TABLE 2. -ALEDO FIELD: MINOR SERIES Serial plot No. 1 •) 3 4 Series 500 Soil treatment Corn R. . 69. S RbP 71 7 RLbP 7>> 3 RL. . 72.0 Series 600 Soil treatment Corn R. . . 71.3 RsP . . . 73.2 RLsP . . . 74.9 RL. . 74.4 214 BULLETIN Xo. 327 TABLK 2. — Concluded Scries 700 Soil treatment Scries 800 Soil treatment 1 R 72.8 2 RrP 74.3 3 RLiT 76.5 4 RL. . 74.6 [Mai, Corn R 70.4 R, slagP 69.3 RL, slag? 71.0 RL. . .75.1 TABLK 3.— ANTIOCH FIELD: SERIES 100 Plot No. Soil treatment Oats Plot No. Soil treatment Oats 1 0 53. S 2 LrP 62.5 3 LHrP 71.3 4 LbP 75.9 5 LKrP. . . 60.0 6 LllbP 76.3 7 LRK 52.2 8 LKbP 72.5 9 LRKbP 66.3 10 RKbP. . .73.4 Note. — At Antioch, beginning with 1924, rock phosphate has been applied to Plots 2, 3 and 5 at the annual acre rate of 500 pounds; one-half of the rotation appli- cation is made ahead of the oats crop and one-half ahead of the wheat crop. The soil treatment remains unchanged on the other plots. TABLE 4.— BLOOM INGTON FIELD: SERIES 100 Plot NORTH HALF SOUTH HALF No. Soil treatment Soil treatment 1 R . 49.0 0... . 33.4 2 RLbP 52 2 RL 35 2 3 RLrP . 64 6 RLsP 59 6 4 RLbP . . . 49.6 RLbP 60.0 5 RLKrP . . . 56.2 RLKsP 55.6 6 RLbP 55 S RLbP . 60 4 7 RLKrP 58 4 RLKsP 62 8 8 RLKbP . 56 2 RLKbP 63.0 9 RLKbP 60 4 RLKbP 62.6 10 RKbP 51 2 RKbP 5.x () 11 RrP . . . 47.4 RsP 57 . 2 Note. — At Bloomington in 1924 an additional plot was laid out at the east end of the series. All plots were, divided into north and south halves and the soil treat- ment planned as follows: Residues (cornstalks, the second crop of red clover, legitme green-manure crops > to be turned under on all plots except Plot 1-S. Different phosphorus carriers to be applied at 1 he following acre1 rates per rotation: bone meal, .1,000 pounds, to Plots 2-N, 4-\, 6-N, S-N, 9-N, and ,10-N; rock phosphate, 2,500 pounds, to Plots 3-N, 5-N, 7-N, and 11-X; superphosphate, 1,000 pounds, to Plots ;•!->, 5-S, 7-S, and 1 1-S. Two-fifths of the rotation application of these phos- phates is to be made ahead of the oats crop, two-fifths ahead of the wheat crop, and one-fifth ahead of the first corn crop. 1929} CHOP YIELDS I-'KOM ILLINOIS Son, KKPKHIMKNT FIKLDS IN l',»L's TAHLK 5.— CARLIN V1LL! : LILLD: MAIN SERIES Serial Series Series plot Soil treatment 100 200 ^(->- Corn Oats Series Series 400 300 Clover- Outs' alfalfa 1 0 32 .5 30 2 39.5 60.5 59.5 52.0 53.6 00.5 59.2 (>() .<) 47.5 (1.51) (2.27i (4^28) '1 .92 > (1 .99 • 1 3 . 29 ; :•! .85 •' '4 .(19 I (1.87) 2 M 42 '.l 40 S 3 ML . (10 2 43 1 4 MLrP (11 5 44 2 5 0 . 22 0 31 7 (> R •'•' 7 25 (i 7 RL 4(1 1 35 0 S RLrP 4^ 7 3S 0 M RLrPK fi'i 1 41 1 10 0 2(1. l.i 34.1 'Wheat winterkilled; oats ^rown as a substitute crop. TAHLK (>.- -CAMLI X VI LLL FIKLI): MINOR SKKIKS Serial Series 700 Sent pl°t ^'"- Soil treatment1 Soil tn •s SOO 'atment ' Oats2 1 LeL i 1,000 ') 40 <) LeL 1 5,000") . 43 1 2 LeL (4 000 40 1) LeL i20 000 53 4 3 LeL r',000 . . 3'.» 1 LeL i 10,000 i 57 5 4 LeL 2,000 , treble sP 47.5 LeL 10,000 5 LeL i 2,000 , sP 47 ^ LeL ' 10 000 , treble sP. . , sP. . 59.1 . (12 .5 (10 3 (1 LeL '2,000 , rP Hi 3 LeL : 10 000 , rP 1. -'.OOO . . 37 .2 L 10.000 . . 54 . 1 TAHI.K 7.— CARTHAGE FIKLD: MAIN SKKIKS Series :;,00 Series 100 Clover 1 () 43 s M . (10 (1 3 Ml (l^i S 1 MLrP 7'' 7 5 0 (s x t; M 5tl (1 - ML t'r2 2 S MLrP.. . . (12 . 5 0 .S2 1 .(.)(! 216 BULLETIN- No. 327 TABLE 8.— CARTHAGE FIELD: MINOR SERIES Serial plot No. Series 500 Series 600 Series 700 Soil treatment1 First-year corn West' East Oats Stubble Second-year corn clover2 West East West 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 RL 00.0 64.0 59.6 64.4 63.6 68.6 74.0 70.4 60 61 71 72 66 78 74 72 .0 2 '6 .4 .4 .0 .0 .0 45.0 43.4 44.1 42.5 46.6 47.2 48.8 47.2 (1.40) (1.30) (1.30) (1.00) (1.10) ( .90) ( .90; ( .90; 46 47 48 43 38 46 45 51 .4 .6 .4 .6 .0 .0 .2 .6 42.4 50.4 45.6 53.6 56.4 46.0 45.2 49.2 RLrP RLrP RLrP RLrP RLrP RLrP RL. .. (100) . . (100), gypsum (200 ) (100 ) (200), gvpsum (400) (200) (400), gypsum (400) 'The figures in parentheses indicate the annual acre rates (pounds) at which rock phosphate and gypsum are applied. -The fall growth of sweet clover is regularly removed from the west halves of the series and the corn following is harvested by half plots. TABLE 9.— CLAYTON FIELD Serial plot No. Series Soil treatment 100 Oats Series 200 Corn Series 300 Series 400 Clover Wheat Stubble clover (sw. cl.) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.. 41 .3 .3 .5 .6 .3 8 .8 .4 .0 s 46 81 91 89 40 54 71 67 S6 46 .6 .7 2 .6 .7 .S .5 .9 .4 .9 23 34 42 45 19 27 39 39 41 18 .3 .0 . i .4 8 .5 .0 .6 4 9 (1 (1 (1 0 ) .09) .15) .74) (1 (1 (1 (1 .45) .90) .69) .78) .45) .08) .04) .87)' . 56 ) .41) M .... 56 ML 72 MLrP. . 76 0.. 51 R 53 RL 73 RLrP. . 74 RLrPK 75 0 52 'Clover on Plot 408 was damaged in spring by standing water, (See opposite page for Table 10) TABLE 11.— DIXOX FIELD: MINOR SERIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 500 Alfalfa Series 600 Second-year corn Series 700 First-year corn Series 800 Oats 1-N K. ( 0 ) 49 6 53 6 50 3 1-S 0 . . ( 0 ) 47 2 49 4 62 5 2-X MK. ( o ) 55 6 65 2 54 1 2-S M ( 0 ) 62 2 59 0 60 0 3-N MLK . (1 74) 67 2 67 S 70 0 3-S ML . . (1 50; 65 6 63 2 54 1 4-N MLrPK (2 56) 68 2 69 S 70 0 4-S MLrP (2.29) 63.4 56.6 57 . 5 1929} (.'HOP YIELDS I-'HOM ILLINOIS Son. I-'XPKKIMKNT I-'IKLDS i\ 192S TAIU.F. 10. DIXOX FIKLD: MAIN SEIUES Series Series Series Scries Soil treatment 100 200 300 400 Oats Corn Wheat Soybeans1 SofTH HALF 44.4 47.0 14.7 (1.00) 00.0 05. s 23.5 (1.02) 71.9 74.2 30.7 (1.07) 71 9 74 .0 39.0 (I .OS) 4f).G SS.2 22.3 (1.00) 37. S 35 S 25.5 (1.72) 50,3 f)S.2 32.2 (1.50) 54 1 01.2 31.2 (1.56) HLrl'K 54 1 GG.O 30. S (1 .40) 30. S 20.0 (1.4S) RL 43. S 402 19.3 (1.55) Mrl' 02 s 09 4 32 3 (1.71 ) M IJ.l' 07. s 73. S 35. S (1.43) MLrl'. . 00.0 7S.4 37.2 i 1 .59 > in 1 II.i-l'. . 49.7 Note. In l'.»2 1 t lie plots on T hcsc scries were divided into imrl h and sout h halves, and some additional investigations \\cre betrun. The plot< on the soiuh halves of all series continue under the original .-oil treatment, luit the plots on tin- north halve< receive the treatinent dcMirnated above. No more rock phosphate \vill be applied to the pho-phate plot- on the -oiit'n halve- for an indctinite period, these having; i-i-ceived a total of s,(HH) pounds an acre. The same holds true for the north half of 1'lot li of all scries. i Mi the north halve- the phosphatic fertilizers and jrvp-nm are applied twice in the rotation, one-half of the rotation quota ahead of wheat, and one-half ahead of corn, at the tollo-,vinu; annual acre rates: ro.-k pho-phatc .")()!) pomid<, -upernho-phate 2(10 pounds, bone meal 2ni) pound-, ii\\'p-um 2iH) pound-. The minimum amount of limestone ncce-sary for t he -m-ee--fiil irro\vt h of clover- will be applied to Plots 1-N and 10- N on all Series, 4,0(10 pounds an acre havin;; been applied in l'l_)|. 'Sovbean^ were m'o\vn on Scries loo as a .-nb-titiite for clover. 218 BULLETIN No. 321 TABLE 12.— ELIZABETHTOWX FIELD: MAIN SERIES Serial1 Seric>s plot Soil treatment Xo. Corn Series 200 Wheat Series 300 Clover- alfalfa Series 400 Wheat Series 500 Alfalfa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 0. . . 14 .5 .8 .8 .1 .5 .6 .0 Q 2 i 4 11 10 4 2 2 .4 2 .4 9 .1 2 .5 ( 0 ) ( .60) (1.39) (1.88) ( 0 ) ( 0 ) (1.01) (1.85) (2.28) ( o j 1 2 6 6 1 1 3 3 4 1 .7 .9 .5 .8 .7 .2 2 '.5 .3 .6 ( o ( 0 (1. (2. ( o ( o ( . (1. (2. ( o 37 32 7*') 51 1 36 M.. ... . 11 ML. . . . . 29 MLrP. . 33 0. . 3 R 2 RL 21 RLrP 30 RLrPK . 30 0 15 . *. lPlot 1 on Series 100, 300, and 400, and Plot 10 on Series 100 and 200, lie on lower ground and are naturally more productive. TABLE 13.— ELIZABETHTOWN FIELD: MINOR SERIES Soil treatment Plot A Corn Plot B Soybeans Plot C Barley1 RLsP. . 38.0 (1.63) 7.1 RLrP 41.0 (1.52) 4 r, y was grown on Plot C as a substitute for wheat. TABLE 14.— EXFIELD FIELD: MAIN SERIES Serial plot Xo. Soil treatment Series 100 Oats 1 0 10 5 2 M.. . . 17.2 3 ML 35 9 4 MLrP 40 6 .) 0. . . 13 . 1 G R . . .... 13 3 RL 3s S s RLrP. 41 4 9 RLrPK . 56 1 10 (J.. 1 2 . 5 Series 200 Corn 1 .8 35.6 50.2 6 1.1 3S.6 42.4 44.1 1 .7 Series 300 Series 400 Oats1 Timothy- hubam 24.8 28.9 ( .60'- ( .82) « .04 i (1.95) 1 1 .77,1 (2.37^ '. .61, 1929] CHOP YIKI.DS FKOM ILLINOIS SOIL KXTKUIMKNT FIKLDS IN 192S 219 TAHI.K 15.— ENFIEL1) FIELD: Mixou SERIES Serial plot No. 1-W L, 1-E L. Soil treatment ' 2-W LrP (.2,000) si' (lOO'i, sweet clover. 2-E LrP (,2,000) sP (,100 j, ml clover. . . 3-W LrP (2,000), sweet clover. 3-E LrP, (2,000), red elover. . 4-W LrP (2,000) sP (200), sweet clover. 4-E LrP (2,000), sP (200 i, red clover. . 5-W LrP (2,000), sweet clover. 5-E LrP '2,000;, red clover. . 6-W L, sweet clover. tl-K L, red clover. . . Series 700 Oats2 24.4 30.0 30.6 40.0 24.4 40. ti 23.8 38.8 23 1 33.8 19.4 20. 2 Series soo Corn 19.4 19.5 19.9 19.9 18.8 20.0 16.5 18.4 16.9 17.7 12.4 16.3 Serial plot No. 1 TAIU.K 1»).---I-:\VIN(; FIELD: MAIN SKUIKS Soil ireut incut Series 100 Oats 0 .5 2 M 7.7 3 ML 33.9 4 Ml.rl'.. 35.9 1J RLrPK 10 0. . 1 .6 Series 300 Series 400 Oats1 Huhain clover 8.0 12. 8 35.9 40.5 ( 0 ) ( o ) (1.38) (1 .58) 15.5 L3.3 38 .3 34.5 ( o ) ( 0 ) ( .90) (1.13) 15.5 a. 54) ( 0 ) 220 BULLETIN Xo. 327 [May, TABLE 17.— EWIXG FIELD: MINOR SERIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 500-X Oats1 Series 500-S Oats 1 MLrPK, no clover 2 MLrPK, white biennial sweet clover. . 3 MLrPK, red clover 4 MLrPK, hubam clover 5 MLrPK, alsike clover 6 MLrPK, yellow biennial sweet clover . Xote. — These series were replotted from what were formerly Plots A and B. Prior to 1917 fertilizers had been applied as follows: manure X tons, limestone S tons, rock phosphate 6,000 pounds, and kainit 2,400 pounds per acre. With the excep- tion of limestone used when necessary to grow the clovers, no more fertilizing ma- terials will be added. A study will be made of relative value of different clovers as the source of organic manure in a rotation of corn, oats, and wheat (clover catch crop . JOats were grown on Series 500- X as a substitute for wheat. TABLE IS.— EWIXG FIELD: MINOR SERIES Serial plot Xo. Soil treatment1 Series 700 Oats2 Series SOO Corn Series 900 Oats 1 Le.... 15.9 1 4 2 S 2 LeL. . 20 t) fi (» 4 4 3 LeLsP (100) 27 5 ti 0 13 1 4 LeLrP ( 200 ) 31.3 S 2 19.4 5 LeL. . 23 4 r, s 3.1 6 LeLsP (200 ) 2C> ti 6.1 9.7 7 LeLrP (400 i 2i.7 s.o (3.9 ('nor YIELDS FROM ILLINOIS Son. FXPKHIMF.NT FIELDS IN 192S 221 TABI.I: lit. -HAKTSlU'lUl FIFL1): MAIN SF.KIK Serial plot No. 10 Soil treatment Series 100 Series 200 Series 300 S( Second-vear First -rear \YFST HALF 03 1 04 . \ tiO :>, 152.2 53 . 4 03.0 00 .2 04.2 55 . 2 57 . ( ) 5S.4 04 .0 30. S 03.2 43.0 7S.O 79.4 S2.0 OS .S .57 .2 72. S OS .2 07 .0 ti9.4 H I.rPK, i£Yp-um Rl.rP 400 Harlev1 35.4 44.2 50.0 50.0 42.7 47.5 53.3 40. it 55.6 45.8 40.0 IX 1 45. S 49.0 51 .it 51.2 54 . 2 54.2 42.9 Note. In li)24 the plots on these serie< were divided into west and oast halves and additional investigations were benun. 'I'he plots on the west halves of all series continue under the original soil treatment but the plots on the east halves receive the treatment de-mnated above. No more rock pho-phate will be applied to the phosphate plots on the west halves for an indefinite period, these plots having re- ceived a total of s,00() pounds an acre. The same holds true for the east half of Plot it on all series. (hi the ea 60 0 24 2 (2 19) 5 0 49 . / ( 0 ) 19 6 17 9 6 7 ( 96) 6 R . . . 48 q ( 0 ) 20 o ?3 6 8 4 (3 02) 7 RL .... . . 63 4 ( 04) 34 6 31 3 10 2 n 00) 8 RLrP 67 5 (1 60) 47 6 32 9 33 6 (3 63 ) 9 RLrPK . . . 70 3 (2.53) 50 6 47 .7 40.0 <] .92) 10 0 . . . . 54 2 ( .88) 25 .6 20 .7 7.2 ( .93) 1 Alfalfa was badlv winterkilled. TABLE 22.— JOLIET FIELD: MINOR SERIES Serial plot No.1 Soil treatment Series 700 Oats2 Series 800 Barley Series 900 Corn Series 1000 Legume hay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 L, red clover. . . 43 54 49 43 41 48 49 49 44 43 45 47 51 .1 .1 .7 .8 .6 .8 .4 .1 .7 .4 .6 .8 .3 23 28 34 26 29 30 32 34 35 29 .1 .5 .8 .5 .0 .6 .1 .6 .2 .2 43 57 62 55 48 54 57 57 43 50 54 55 51 .2 .4 .2 .8 .6 .8 .6 .0 .8 .0 .8 .4 .6 ( 0 ) ( 0 ) ( 0 ) ( 0 ) ( .73) ll. 60) (1.36) (1.50) ( .68) ( o ) LrP, red clover. LrP, gypsum, red clover L, red clover L, alfalfa . LrP, alfalfa LrPL (8,000), alfalfa. . . LrP, KC1, alfalfa L, KC1, alfalfa L, alfalfa . L, red clover LsP, red clover LrP, red clover Note. — In 1924 the rotation on the minor series at Joliet was changed to corn, barley, wheat, and biennial legumes (red clover on Plots 1 to 4 on all series and on Plots' 11, 12, and 13 on Series 700 and 900, alfalfa on Plots 5 to 10\ All plots had received limestone at the rate of 5,000 pounds an acre prior to 1924. At that time Plot 7 on all series received S,000 pounds of limestone an acre. Fertilizers as desig- nated in Table 22 are applied at the following annual acre rates: rock phosphate 400 pounds, potassium chloride 100 pounds, gypsum 100 pounds. These fertilizers are applied twice in the rotation, ahead of the wheat and corn crops. Superphos- phate is applied for the wheat crop at the rate of 250 pounds an acre. 'Plots 11, 12, and 13 appear only on Series 700 and 900. 2Oats were grown on Series 700 as a substitute for wheat. CHOI' YIKI.DS I-'KOM ILLINOIS SOIL KXPLKIMK.NT KIKLDS IN 192S TABLE 23.- KKWANKK 1'IKLI): MAIN SKUIKS Serial plot No. 1 Soil treatment o Series 100 Oats f)f> 0 Series 200 Corn (12 4 Series 300 Wheat 1!) <) Sc^ries 400 Clover (1 64) •;> M 79 1 7S 2 21.8 (1 .931 3 ML 75 3 !)1 ti 2(J 2 (2.30) 4 MLrP 79 1 04 ti 34 3 (2.tiSN) ,1 0 . 62.5 74.0 16.7 (1.17) ti R. . .... til 4 74. G 17.0 ( .59) RI . . C>7 3 S3. 6 23. S (1 .01) s RLrP Sti 2 29.6 (1.00) 9 RLrPK 7") 9 «)0 4 35 . 1 (1 .30) 10 0 65 0 .It) 0 16 7 ( .43) TAHI.K 24.- KKWAXKI' i FIKLD: MIXOII SEHIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 500 Oats Series 600 ( 'orn Series 700 Wheat Series soo Clover 1 KrP. S2 3 ss o 35 2 ( 64 ) RsP 76 9 S") 0 33 2 ( .50) ... RLrP (IS I! 9ti 1 27 0 ( .49) 4 Serial pin, No. 1 RLsP TAB LI; 2.1. Sml treatment (1 7S . S I. A MOILL Series 100 Oats tit) (i 101 -.1 !•] KIKLI): MAIN Series 200 Series .' Seeond- l''irst year year enrn corn lis 1 11 (] 40.0 SKKIKS 500 ^ When •'4 0 ( .58) ries 100 Stubble clover (,s\v. el.) M 7:; s 73. T) 32 ti 3 4 ti s MI Ml.rl' (i K HI. itLiT 69.1 t).").l.» 55.S ill .ti tis.o ti'.l 1 74. r> 7M.I1 (is.l 70. fi ."ii.i :»c,.i) til .0 tiO.S ()">.!) (17.:; 11! 1.2 (')'.» 1 3S . 7 40.4 31 .S 35.1 1.1.2 13.5 (' .12,. ( 1 .ti!) ! (1 .77 i i) HLrl'K ti!) 1 ti'.l 7 ti'.l S 40.0 (2.03 in ().... :,:i o 54.1 17 ti 21 S 224 BULLETIN Xo. 327 [May, TABLE 20.— LEBANON FIELD: MAIN SERIES Serial Plot Soil No. treatment Series 100 Soybeans Series Series 300 Series 400 200 Stubble Corn Wheat clover Wheat (sw. cl.) Stubble clover (hubam) 1 0. . ( .50) 17.6 2.8 27.0 4.6 37.4 24.1 .2 .6 9.5 ( o ) ( o ) (1.32) (1.30) ( 0 ) ( 0 ) (1.10) (1.29) (1.53) ( 0 ) 2 M . . . (1 16) 3 ML . .. (1.52) 4 MLrP . .. (2.38) 38.2 26.4 22.2 3.3 25.8 2.4 57.2 11.7 55.8 18.3 71.4 15.6 26.6 1.2 11.6 1.1 ( 0 ) .9 (1.40) 10.3 (1.06) 12.8 (1.26) 12.2 .7 5 0 (2.16) 6 R . .. (2.61) 7 EL .... (2 25) 8 RLrP 9 RLrPK . .. (2.68) (2.61) 10 0 (2.18) TABLE 27.— LEBANON FIELD: MINOR SERIES Serial plot Soil treatment No. Series 500 Corn Series 600 Oats Series 700 Oats1 1-W Le. . . 43.0 27.8 49.0 39.8 53.8 56.0 52.6 64.6 38.8 39.1 45.3 48.4 50.0 56.6 49.1 53 . 1 41.3 41.6 44.4 43.4 45.0 63 . 1 42.5 54.4 1-E LesP 2-W LeM. 2-E LeMsP 3-W LeML.. 3-E LcMLsP. .. 4-W LeMLrP. 4-E LeMLrP... 'Oats were grown on Series 700 as a substitute for wheat. (Sec opposite page for Table 28) TABLE 29.— McNABB FIELD Serial plot _No. 1 2 3 4 5 Soil treatment R. . RiT. MiT M.. Series 100 ( 'oni 75.8 77.2 88.4 86.0 S4.2 Series Series Series 200 300 400 Clover Wheat Oats (2.09i 38 . 3 75 . 6 (1.94) 42.0 S4.7 (2.93) 42.8 78.4 (3.34) 45.7 92.5 (3.11) 46 5 91 .3 CROP YIELDS FROM ILLINOIS Son. EXPERIMENT FIELDS IN 1928 TABLE 2,8,- LEBANON FIELD: MINOR SERIES Scries 900 Potatoes 112.7 118.0 08.0 100.0 107.3 195.7 230.3 207.7 95.0 J02_7 Note.- In 1925 Scries 800 and 900 were laid out on land which had received 8,000 pounds of limestone, 2,000 pounds of rock phosphate, and 15 tons of manure an acre in 1911. The land grew alfalfa almost continuously from 1911 to 1925. A rotation of wheat (sweet-clover catch crop) and potatoes is planned. Fertilizers are applied as indicated in Table 2S. The phosphates are supplied annually, rock phosphate 400 pounds, superphosphate 200 pounds, treble superphosphate 100 pounds and potassium phosphate 200 pounds an acre. Kamit 200 pounds an acre is applied tor each potato crop. Two tons ol manure an acre is applied for potatoes. Straw is applied as a mulch when the potatoes are coining thru the ground. TABLE ;{(). MTNONK FIELD Soil t real ment Seri so \Vh« OS 0 ;\«i1 LeM.. 24 I.esl' 2t> LeiT 2(5 () Lesl'K 215 0 Lerl'K . 24 3 Le, st raw 17 Lesl' straw 19 () Lerl', st raw Le, treble superphosphate. 18 2t> .7 Le, potassium phosphate 22 3 1,8.3 19.7 'The north halves of all plot.- of Scries MOO received nitrogen fertilizers as follows: 75 pounds ammonium -ulfaie per acre lull-dropped a! planting lime and 125 pounds sodium nitrate per acre as a side dres-ing when the corn was about 12 inches high. -I'.arly in March 2(11) pound- of sodium nit rate per acre was applied to t he nor! h halves of all plots of Series 10(1 as a top dre-.-in^ for the wheat. 226 BULLETIN No. 327 [May, TAHLF. 31— MT. MORRIS FIELD: MAIN SEHIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 100 Oats Series 200 Corn Series 300 Wheat Series 400 Clover 1 0 48 4 30 0 13 2 ( 0 ) 2 M 63.8 58.8 16 0 ( 0 } 3 ML 72.2 74 5 22.1 (2 . 26 i 4 MLrP. 71 3 71 9 23 7 (2 26 i 5 0 49 5 35 7 11 0 ( 0 i 6 R 50 9 46 4 16 6 ( 0 ) 7 RL 66 4 04 7 27 5 ( 56 ) 8 RLrP 09 . 1 70 0 28.3 ( .68) 9 RLrPK. . 76 6 71 1 33 . 1 (1.13) 10 0 49.4 45.3 7.7 ( 0 ) TAHLE 32.— MT. MORRIS TIK LI): Mix OH SERIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 500 Alfalfa Series 600 Barley Series 700 Corn Series 800 Mixed hay 1 0. . ( 0 ) 32.3 57.0 (2.64) 2 M ( 0 ) 36 7 72.2 (3.19) 3 ML (1 SO) 47 1 79 4 (3.90) 4 MLrP (2.38) 47.1 77.0 (3.8'.» TABLE 33.— XI <;\YTOX FIKL 1): MAIN SE HIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 100 Corn Series 200 Mixed hay Series 300 Spring wheat Series 400 ( )ats 1 0. . 13 2 ( .43) .5 15.3 •) M.. '•*5 2 ( 50 ) 8 28 . 8 >> ML . . 49 0 (1 13) 14 3 40 0 4 MLrP 53 8 (1 95) 14 7 33 4 a 0 19 2 ( 45 • :>, 9 7 13 R . . . . 17.4 ( .47 i .5 14.1 8 9 HI RL;l> RLrPK. 29.6 34. 0 48 1 (1 .29; ( 1 .40 - (2 00 i 7.2 0.7 17.7 37.8 37.8 36.3 10 0 13.0 ( .50) •_> 14.4 1929] CROP YIELDS FROM ILLINOIS Son, EXPERIMENT FIELDS ix 192S 1C i.~ ~* ?! M — -f >-C -rf 1C t^ CC — !T"5 ^ t^ i- >c ~ ~- c; 'C i- o t- i— i x ^o ^- o -; an r- re r: re cc T*- x " 2 h ^ ^ ._ ,_. ^ ^ — . _^ .-. ~ BULLETIN No. 327 [May, TABLE 35— NEWTON FIELD: MINOR SERIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 1100-N Redtop Seed II ay Series 1100-S Oats1 Series 1200 Soybeans 1 2 3 4 5 LeLrP . . 4 3 3 3 4 .36 .66 .117 .68 34 (1. (1. (1. ( . ( . 34) 00) 12) 98) 96) 36.6 36.9 37.2 36.9 33.4 (2.02) (1.68) (1.80) (1.90) (2.18) LeL LeLrP LeL LeLrP Note. — Prior to 1923 these series were used in plant-breeding projects and all plots had received uniform soil treatment. From 1923 to 1926 wheat, soybeans, and timothy were grown. In 1927 the rotation was changed to wheat (sweet clover), soybeans, and redtop, the redtop to occupy a given series for three years while wheat and soybeans are grown alternately on the other two series. The plan of fertilization is as follows: Limestone in sufficient amounts to grow sweet clover. Rock phos- phate: Plot 1 received an application sufficient to bring the phosphorus content of the surface soil up to 2,000 pounds per acre by analysis. Plot 3 will receive phosphate at the annual acre rate of 200 pounds (400 pounds applied for wheat and 600 pounds for redtop). Plot 5 to receive phosphate at the annual acre rate of 400 pounds (SOO pounds for wheat and 1,200 pounds for redtop). J0ats were grown on Series 1100-S as a substitute for wheat. (See opposite page for Table 36) TABLE 37.— ODIN FIELD: MAIN SERIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 100 Oats1 Series 200 Sweet clover Series 300 Corn Series 400 Soy- beans 1 0 . . 7 8 0 2 0 15 2 2 R 13.4 0 4.3 16 6 3 RL 21.4 .01 9 8 30 1 4 RLbP 17 .'5 09 8 3 18 4 5 RLbPK 19 4 0 14 9 25 5 6 0 . 6 9 () 1 5 9 6 7 R. . 16 9 33 7 3 13 3 8 RL. 34 4 2 17 16 9 18 0 9 RLbP 42 0 62 14 4 17 7 10 RLbPK 35.8 1.55 25.5 30.2 'Oats were grown on Series 100 as a substitute for wheat. TABLE 38.- ODIN FIELD: MIXOR SERIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Ljghl Series 500 Corn lime Series 600 Oats1 Heavy Scries 700 Corn lime Series 800 Oats' 1 LeLbPK 26 0 16 9 25 0 23 1 '2 LcLK 26 6 25 9 21 2 31 3 ;>> LeLsPK 20 0 12 8 19 2 24 7 4 LeLrPK 24 6 1C) 6 15 6 19 7 5 LeLK 23 . 4 28.4 25.2 25 . 9 6 LeL, slag P, K 27.8 25.3 17.2 17.8 1Oats were grown on Scries 600 and 800 as a substitute for wheat. 1929] CROP YIF.LDS FKOM ILLINOIS SOIL KXPEKIMFNT FIKI.DS IN 1928 TAHLK 30.— ( (BLONC, KIKLD: MAIN- SKHIKS Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 100 Oats Series 200 Corn Series 300 Oats1 Series 400 Mixed hay Surri! HALF 1 0 . 15.0 12.0 41 3 ( .04) o M . . . . . . 40.0 20 4 40.0 (i .in 3 ML. . . 40 0 00 0 55.3 (2. OS) 4 MLrP 35 11 03 0 50 1) (2 12) 5 0 11) 1 22 8 45 0 G R 24 4 23 0 50 3 (1 .17) RL 43.4 30.2 51 .3 (1 .71) s RLrP 43 S 40.0 .".3 . s (2.23) 1) RLrPK. 45 0 66.4 51 .0 (2.41) 10 0 20 :; 1 s 2 45.0 ( .77) NORTH HALF 1 RLsP.. 17 5 220 50 9 (1.15) • > MLrP 27 0 42 0 02.8 (1.45) 3 4 MLbP MLrP. . . 3 1 . 5 40 1) 02. S 5s li 50.0 07.2 (1.91) (2.12, 5 ii RL, underacidulated P. . RLrP Is.S 20 1) 21 0 35 s 5 1 . 1 00 1) (1.45) (T .21M RLbP 40 0 10 s 54 7 (1.71) s' RLrP.. 47.2 3s. 4 52.2 (2.00) 9 HLrPK 417 00.4 40.0 (2.23) 10 RL, pota--ium P 21 .U 32.0 50.0 (1.35) Note. -Iii 11)25 these series were divided into north and smith halves for the purpose of studying the relative values of different phosphorus earners. The plots on the south halves ,,f all series, ;ts well as Plots 1, S, and ',* on the north halves con- tinue under The original .-oil treatment. t in the north halve- t he new soil t real n lent i< as follows: An initial application of 4,0i)0 pounds df limestone an acre to Plots 1, 2, 5, 0, and 10; subsequent applica- tions : i lie Mjiverned bv the clover requirements. Rock phosphate to Plots 2 and li; LMIIII pounds an acre ahead of wheat and 0( Ml pound- ahead of corn. Bone meal to Plots 3 and 7; 500 pounds an acre ahead of wheat and 301) pounds ahead of corn. Superphosphate to Plot 1; undera'-idulated phosphate to Plot 5, and potassium phosphate to Plot 10; all in t he -a me amount s and applied for t he same crops as t he bone meal. Re-idues to be turned under on Plots I, 5, and 10 as on the original residue plots. 'iiaTs weiv Mi-own on Series 3DO as a substitute for wheat. 17 230 BULLETIN No. 327 May, TABLE 40.— OQUAWKA FIELD Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 100 Sweet clover Series 200 Alfalfa1 Series 300 Rye Series 400 Soy- beans Series 500 Corn Series 600 Wheat 1 0 0 (1.78) 11.2 11.6 13.0 8.3 o M 0 (4.14) 13.3 19.7 36.0 10.7 3 ML . 1.80 (4.35) 18.8 25 2 68.4 21.8 4 MLrP . 1.37 (4.38) 19 5 23 8 63 6 22 3 5 0. . 0 (3.92) 11.6 13.4 8.8 5.3 6 R 0 (4.00) 13.4 14.2 21.8 1.8 7 RL .73 (4.20) 13.8 18.6 71.2 13.2 8 RLrP . 1.25 (4 39) 14 5 20 7 71 4 13 5 9 RLrPK . 1 18 (4 42') 14 5 27 1 61 8 15. S 10 0 0 (3.15) 8.8 15.4 28.0 1.3 1 After the first crop of alfalfa had been removed, rock phosphate was applied as a top dressing for the alfalfa, 500 pounds per acre to Plots 4, 8, 9 and 1,000 pounds per acre to Plot 10. TABLE 41.— PALESTINE FIELD: MAIN SERIES Serial plot No. Series Soil treatment 100 Sweet clover Series 200 Oats Series 300 Corn Series Series 400 500 Spring Alfalfa wheat 1 •; 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 LeL. . . . .87 19 21 23 25 23 18 19 23 22 11 .4 .3 .1 .6 .1 .1 2 .4 .5 0 26 34 25 26 26 26 25 27 26 19 .0 .(i .8 .6 .4 .8 .s 2 .4 .0 8 13 15 16 13 13 13 16 18 6 .5 .3 .0 . i .0 '.() .3 .3 3 ('3.67 . (4.06) (4.08) (3.83; (4.27) ( 4 . 20 (3. 83.) (4.21 (4.67) 1.3.14) LeLM LeLMs LeLMr LeL. . 48 P. . 38 P 48 58 LeL, K LeLsP, LeLrP, LeLrP, 0 Cl. .70 KC1 . . . 1 17 KC'l. . 97 kainit . 1 17 10 Note. — In 1928 the rotation was changed to wheat (standard mixture catch crop), corn 'hairy vetch seeded at last cultivation), oats, red clover-alfalfa mixture, and alfalfa. KC1 is applied at the rate of 250 pounds per acre for the corn crop; kainit, at the rate of .")00 pounds per acre for wheat and 500 pounds for corn; super- phosphate, at the rate of 300 pounds per acre for wheat, 300 pounds for oats, and 150 pounds for corn; rock phosphate, at the rale of 600 pounds per acre for wheat, 600 pounds for oats, and 300 pounds for corn. Limestone has been applied in sufficient amounts to grow clovers and subsequent applications will be governed by the re- quirement of the legume crops. Plots 2, 3, 4 will receive manure in amounts equiva- lent to the crops removed from Plot 2 of all series, applied for corn. 1929} ('nor YIKI.PS FKOM II.UNOIS SOIL KXPKRIMKNT FIKLPS IN Serial plot No. TABI.K 42- PALESTINE FIELD: MINOR SKIUKS Soil treatment LeLsP . LeLrP . LeL LcL, flowers of sulfur . . LcLrP, flowers of Milfur. LeL LeL, gypsum LeLrP, gypsum Series Series Series 600 700 800 Alfalfa ( 'orn Spring wheat 2.96) 15.9 2.1 i 3 . S6 17. S 1.6 (3.18) 19.1 2.1 (1.46) 20.9 1.6 (2 .16) 21 .6 3.4 (2.51) 17.4 4.3 (2.46) 21.8 5.3 (2..™ 21 .9 2 . 9 Note.- These series were laid out in the fall of 1925. A rotation of wheat (sweet clover1, corn, and alfalfa is grown, wheat and corn alternating on two series for three years, while alfalfa occupies the third series for the same period. The following plan of soil treatment was adopted: An initial application of 6,000 pounds of limestone an acre, future applications 1o be governed by the crop needs. Rock phosphate, 600 pounds an acre for wheat, 300 pounds for corn, and 600 pounds for the second crop of alfalfa. Superphosphate, 300 pounds an acre for wheat, 150 pound- fur com, and 300 pounds for the second crop of alfalfa. Mowers of sulfur, 50 pounds an acre for wheat and 50 pounds for the second crop of alfalfa. Gypsum, 300 pound- an acre for wheat and 300 pounds for the second crop of alfalfa. PALESTINE El ELI): SKKIKS 900 it men; ( 'urn Plot No. Soil treatment Corn S 1 5 LerP (400V ... 6.7 9 :; 6 Lei 10 3 ti 4 LeL

. 3 S LeLsP (200 . . 91 iment was planned to study the effects of vetch green manure •rop. Temporarily a single crop system is planned. Corn iry vetch will be grown. The vetch will be seeded in the corn uro\\th plowed under the following spring. on of (1,000 pounds of limestone per acre was made on Plots r i- applied to Plots 2 and 7 at the rate of 100 pounds, and to of 200 pounds per acre per year. Hock phosphate is applied annual acre rate< of 200 and 400 pounds respectively. 232 I5ui.LF.Tix Xo. -327 [May, TABLE 44.— RALEIGH FIELD Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 100 Oats Scries 200 Corn Series 300 Oats1 Series 400 Timothy- hubam WEST HALF 1 0.. 24.1 6 8 1 ( 0 ) 2 M 31 9 3 2 22 2 ( 0 ) 3 ML. ... 45 9 40 8 44 4 (2 00) 4 MLrP... 40 9 38 0 42 2 (2 11) 5 0.. 31.3 6 10 3 ( 0 ) 6 R 25 9 4 0 11 6 ( 0 ) 7 RL 37 5 34 2 28 4 ( 24) 8 RLrP 41 3 40 6 33 1 ( 38) 9 RLrPK . 42 2 40 2 39 1 (1 40) 10 0 21 3 3 6 18 8 ( 0 ) EAST HALF 1 RL. . 21 0 3 4 23 4 ( 80) 2 MrP 33.4 .1 34 4 ( 0 i 3 MLbP 48 8 35 2 50 3 (1.98) 4 MLrP 49 7 40 0 53 8 (2 63) 5 RsP. . 13 8 0 21 9 ( 0 ) 6 RrP . 16 6 0 31 3 c o ) 7 RLsP 33 8 41 2 40 0 ( 39 ) 8 RLrP 42 5 44 6 43 8 ( .39) 9 10 RLrPK, gypsum RLrP. . . 39 . 1 21.6 49.8 29.2 38 . 1 41.9 (2.63) (1.02) Xote. — Tn 1924 the plots on these series were divided into west and east halves and additional investigations were begun. 'The plots on the west halves of all series continue under the original soil treatment, hut the plots on the east halves receive the treatment indicated above. Xo more rock phosphate will be applied to the phosphate plots on the west halves for an indefinite period, these plots having received a total of 8,500 pounds an acre. The same holds true for the east half of Plot 9 of all series. On the cast halves the phosphafic ferlili/crs and gypsum are applied twice in the rotation, one-half the rotation quota ahead of wheat and one-half ahead of corn at the following annual acre rates: rock phosphate 500 pounds, superphosphate 200 pounds, bone meal 200 pounds, gypsum 200 pounds. The minimum amount of limestone necessary to the successful growth of clovers will be applied to Plots 1-E and 10-K of all series, 4,000 pounds an acre having been applied in 1921 and 2,000 pounds in 1927. M )ats were gro\vn on Series 300 as a subsf it ute for wheat. 10S9\ CROP YIELDS FROM ILLINOIS SOIL KXTKIU. \IK\T FIKLDS i\" 192S TABI.K Jo. SIDFLL FIFLP Serial Series Series Series Series Series plot Soil treat incut 100 200 300 400 500 No. ( 'orn1 Alfalfa2 ( 'orn ' ( 'lover Oats 1 I) -17 S ( . 62 i 23 . 9 (2 . 34 } 62 . 2 • > M . . . . 39 . 1 ( .73' 20.0 (2.431 72.0 ',) ML . 46 0 ( . SS i 31 .5 (2.07 ) 64 . S 4 MI iT ."if) 1 ( 1 .01 ) 30.3 (2 24 ^ 71 .6 5 0. . . .. -23.7 ( .70) 12 1 i_ fcj . *_ i ( 1 . 76 } of) . 6 (I H. . 2S 3 ( .56 ' 12.7 (1 .So i 60 o RL . ... . 36 3 ( . SS ) 23 . 1 (1 .SO) 57.2 s HLrP 37 o C l . 1 1 ) 26.0 (2.21 i 5S . 1 9 HLrPK -1 \ S (I .131 31 S (2 06 > 64 1 10 0. . 20.4 ( .S2) 14. S (1.631 56.3 'Series 100 and 300 were planted to different varieties of corn about the middle of June in a study of Corn-borer control. Yields given are the averages of five var- ieties '-'Only cine crop of alfalfa removed. TABI.K 46. SPARTA FIKLJ): MAIN SKRIKS Serial Series Series Series Series plot Soil treatment 100 200 300 400 No. ( 'orn Sweet Oats1 Soy- clover beans 1 0 11 0 0 24 4 ( 43) 2 M 14.6 0 21.9 ( .60) 3 ML 36 S 3.25 39.1 ( .97) 4 MLrP 31 2 1 .92 40 0 (1.18) ft 0 11 6 0 S 1 ( .50) 6 R . 12 2 0 16 '.} ( 50 ) RL . 3o.O 2 1 2 34.4 ( .88) S RLiT 33.4 1 .62 32 5 ( .91) '1 HLrPK. . 3S.O 4 .03 34.7 (1.09) 10 0 . is 4 0 15.0 ( .17) 'Oats \verc pro\vn on Series 300 as a Serial plot No. 1 Soil t re 0 ntnionl M 3 ML. 4 MLrP 0 MLrPK 6 0. . Scries Series Series Series 5( H 1 600 700 SOO ( 'orn ( 'owpcas Soybeans' Oats5 1 3 . 2 a .36 (1 .37) 13. S 26.0 (1 .60 i (i .SO) 30.0 67 .0 Cl .72) (1 .S9. 4S.S 63.6 a ,5Si (1 .99) 62 5 65 . S (1.38) (1.74 , 62 5 10.6 ( .SO) ( .72) 35 6 'Soybeans were grown on Scries 700 as a substitute for timothy, grown on Series SOO as a substitute for wheat. -Oats were 234 BULLETIN' Xo. 327 [A/ay, TABLE 48.— SPARTA FIELD: Mi.voit .SKRIK s Soil Plot A Plot B Plot C Plot D Plot E Plot F treatment Wheat Com Alfalfa Alfalfa Soybeans Cowpeas Sov- Virginia Laredo beans MLrPK. . 10.7 25.2 (1.81) (1.14) MrPK 0 2 8 ( .98) ( 32) LeL (1.14) (1.37) (1.26) (1.50) TABLE 49.— SPRING VALLEY FIELD: MAIN SERIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 100 Oats Series 200 Corn Series 300 Wheat Series 400 Soybeans1 1 0 . 19 4 43 6 39 2 (1 83) 2 M 30 0 58 8 45 2 (2 47) 3 ML 48.8 64.2 45.8 (2 55) 4 MLrP 48.1 69.8 49 0 (2 50) 5 0 . 28 8 32 4 42 7 (2 27) 6 R 44 1 50 2 44 7 (2 28 "1 7 RL ... 51 3 57 8 4(5 5 (2 20) 8 RL'-P 43 8 55 0 44 8 (2 14) 9 RLrPK 57.8 00 8 48.5 (2 19) 10 0 43.8 35.0 38.2 (2.28) 'Soybeans were grown on Series 400 as a substitute for wheat. TABLE 50.— SPUING VALLEY FIELD: Mi.vou SERIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 500 Oafs Series 000 Soybeans1 Series 700 First-year corn Series 800 Second-year corn 1 2 3 4 0 47 . 5 01 .3 00.0 50.0 Series tiOO (2.88) (2.82) (2.82) (2.73) 47.0 62.6 05.4 70.4 09.0 78.4 74.0 73.4 KM RML RMLrP. . Soybeans were grown on as a substitute for alfalfa. 9 10 ('nor Ytr.i.ns I-'KOM II.I.INOIS Son. KXPKKIMKXT KIKI.DS IN 192S TABU: 51.— TOLKUO FIELD: M.viv SKUII- .Soil treatment Series 100 Oats Series 200 Corn Scries 300 Spring wheat Series 400 Mixed hay SOUTH HALF 1) . . . . 20 0 :W 4 3 2 ( .43) LeM . 2! 7 40 0 4 S C 54 ) LeML u 3 til 0 S 5 (2 02) LeMLrP OS 4 til) 0 ',) 5 (1 98) 0 . 17 5 21 0 2.7 ( .52) R . . 2*- i 2f> 0 2 3 ( .f>7) RL •14 7 30 ti 7 S (1 74) RLrP . . 41 3 31 f> 0 0 (1 87) RLrPK oo S 47 0 17 3 (2 33) 0 19.7 20.2 1.3 ( .43) NORTH HALF RL •20 3 37 4 f> 2 ( . S8 1 LeMrP. . . . 19 1 43 f> 9.7 ( .81 ) LeMLbP 30 o 57 0 !t o <2 02 . LeMLrP 34 i 54 S 11 0 (2 15) Rs? - •> Iti 2 ( 50 } RrP 11 9 24 0 5.2 i .f»5) RLsP. . . as s 37 S N 0 (1 .til; RLrP. of) 9 33 s 7 5 (1.84) RI.rPK, gvpsum RLrP.. . .' 37.2 r.» i 5S.4 o2.ti 20.2 7.S (2.33) (2.36) 9 10 Nnte.--Iii T.I21 tlie ]>lots on these >cries were divided into north and south halves and additional studies were l>eove. No more rock phosphate will be ap- plied to the phosphate plots on tin1 ,-outh halves for an indefinite period, these plots having received a total of S,000 pounds. The same holds true of the north half of Plot (.l of all series. Both halve- of Plots 2, ."., and 1 will receive the sweet-clover catch crop in the same manner a- the residue plots. O\\ the north halves the pho-phatic fertili/ers and gypsum are applied twice in the rotation, one-half of the rotation quota ahead of corn and one-half ahead of wheat at the following annual a'-re rate.-: rock phosphate 500 pounds, superphos- phate 200 pounds, bom- meal 200 pounds, nypsuni 200 pounds. The minimum amount of limestone necosary to the successful growth of clovers will be applied to Plots 1-N and 10-N, 1,000 pounds having been applied in l'.»24. BULLETIN No. 327 [May, TABLE 52— UNIONVILLE FIELD: MAIN SERIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series 100 Cotton1 Series 200 Corn Series 300 Wheat Series 400 Soybeans WEST HALF 1 0 0 1.3 (1.36; 2 M 1.0 1.3 (2.03; 3 ML 6.4 4.3 (2.34; 4 MLrP 5.4 5.5 (2.34) 5 0 0 1.0 (1.61) 6 R 0 .5 d.42j 7 RL 20.0 5.7 (1.47) 8 RLrP 24.0 10.3 (1.42) 9 RLrPK... 30.2 10.0 (1.94) 10 0 0 1.7 (1.40) EAST HALF __ 1 L 1.6 3.3 (1.21) 2 MLrP 4.0 4.3 (1.32) 3 ML, KC1 5.6 6.3 (1.61) 4 MLrP, KC1 7.0 8.8 (1.67) 5 LsP .6 5.S (1.11) 6 L, NaNO3 .8 6.7 (1.32) 7 RLsP, KC1 18.0 10.2 (1.65) S RLrP,KCl 22.4 10.8 (1.72) 9 RLrP, kainit 33.6 10.3 (1.90) 10 LsP, NaNO3 7.6 6.5 (1.30) Note. — In 1925 these series were divided into west and east halves and new investigations were begun. All plots on the west halves and Plot 9 on the east halves of all series will continue under the original soil treatment; but the plots on the east halves, with the exception of Plot 9, receive the treatment indicated above. No more rock phosphate will be applied to any of the original phosphate plots for an indefinite period, these plots having received a total of 8,000 pounds an acre. The soil treatment on the east halves is as follows: Limestone to Plots 1, 2, 5, 6, 10 at the rate of 4,000 pounds an acre; subsequent applications to be governed by the requirement of the legume crops. Rock phosphate to Plot 2; 400 pounds an acre for wheat, 500 pounds for cotton, and 300 pounds for corn. Superphosphate, 200 pounds for wheat, 250 pounds for cotton, and 150 pounds for corn. KC1, 150 pounds for cotton and 150 pounds for corn. NaNOj, 200 pounds for cotton. No more residues to Plot 6. 'Crop failure. CROP YIELDS I-'KOM ILLINOIS Son. KXPKRIMKNT FIELDS IN* 1928 TABLE 53.— UNION VILLE FIKLD: MI.VOH SKKIKS Serial Series Series Series plot Soil treatment 500 700 800 No. Wheat Cowpeas Timothy 1 o 1 S ( 50 ) ( 33) • > MLrP 10 ti fl 17 i (2 23) 3 KLrP 13 1 (1 07 ) (1 67) 4 RLrP kuinit It) 4 ci 15) (1 37) 5 RLrP, shale. . . . 12 2 ( 97) (1 74) ti RLrP common salt 15 0 ( 1 00 ) (1 55) RLrP, ( hnaha K 12. S ( .99) (1.62) s 0 3.4 ( .57) ( .76) Note. — Due to severe washing and non-uniformity of soil, Series 000 has been dropped from this experiment. A three-erop system will be practiced on Series 500, 700, and SOO. Wheat (sweet-clover catch crop ; and cowpeas will alternate on two series for three years while a mixture of red clover and timothy will occupy the third series. TABLE 54,-CRBANA, DAYKXPORT PLOTS Serial plot Soil treatment No. Series 100 Barley1 Scries 200 Oats Series 300 Soy- beans2 Series 400 Alfalfa Series 500 Corn WEST HALF 1 0 47 1 03 1 23 1 ( 83) 49 6 2 R 3 M 4 HI 50.0 48.7 . . . 4* 7 64.2 76 9 5s 1 23.3 26.0 • >- •> ( .54) ( .49) (1.10) 50.8 63.6 60.0 :> ML . . 48 3 75 0 •'9 4 (1 40) 74 4 ti RLiT. . . . 50 0 73 s 31 6 a 79 'i 73.6 7 MLrP. . :>•' i M 4 36 ti (3 44) 77 6 s KLrPK...., 9 MLrl'K . . . Id M'LrP*. . 4S.7 50.0 55.0 76.2 76.2 76.2 38.0 39.5 36.7 (3.69) (3.50) (2.75) 81.2 75.2 78 S KAST HALF 10 39 2 60 ti 22 4 (1.11) 53 . ti 2 i; . . 4'' 5 08 1 •)•> •) ( .84) 47.2 :; M . 47 '.» siM) 26 0 ( -63) 61 2 i 1:1, 5 ML 47.1 . 49 2 t',5.0 80 () 27.3 28 4 (1.28) (1 20) 57 6 70.4 • i IM.I.l' . 49 2 75 0 32 7 (2 49) 74.0 7 MLbP 54 2 s2 5 37 s (3 23 i 72.8 S KI.M'K 51 7 75 0 40 0 (3 76 ) 74., 8 9 MLbPK. . . . 50 S 76 2 38 2 (3 68 i 67.2 10 M'LM-1 52 . 1 70. ti 3ti,ti (2.80) 72.4 es loo as a substitute for wheat. ^Soybeans were grown for clover. 238 BULLETIN No. 327 TABLE 55.— URBAXA, MORROW PLOTS Section . Plot 3 Plot 4 Plot 5 of plot Soil treatment (Continuous corn ) Corn (Corn and oats rotation) Oats (Corn, oats, and clover rotation ) Corn NW 0..' 15.6 34.4 40.8 sw MLrP 32 X 73.1 74.4 NE 0 . 22.0 34.4 47 6 SE MLbP 32.0 70.6 70.4 TABLE 50.— WEST SALEM FIELD: MAIN- SERIES Serial plot No. Soil treatment Series Series5 300 400 Soybeans Corn Series2 500 Spring wheat 1 0 ( 0 ) 2 ML1 ( .51 ) 3 ML (1.24) 4 MLrP (2.01) 5 L1. . . 6 RL1. 7 RL. . 8 RLrP ( .35) ( .41) (1.04) (1.60) 9 RLrPK (1.98) 10 0 (0 ) 42.0 6.9 'Initial application of limestone only. -Series 400 and 500 contain only 9 plots each. TAHJ.K 57.— WEST SALEM FIKLD: MINOR SERIES Soil Plot A Plot P, Plot C Plot 1) Plot E Plot F Ircatmenl Mixed hay Sweet clover Spring wheat Mixed hay Corn Spring Wheat MLrPK. . . (2.84) .39 Is " (2.29 36.2 10.2 MrPK.. ( 0 ') 0 5.3 { .12) 16.0 3.4 FFR , IU//Vft'S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA