Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/ctenophoresofatlOOmayeuoft CPENOT Lis OF THE yy ATLANTIC COAST OF NORTH AMERICA BY ALFRED GOLDSBOROUGH MAYER Director of the Department of Marine Biology, Carnegie Institution of Washington WASHINGTON, D. C. PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON 1912 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PuBLICATION No. 162 PRESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY PHILADELPHIA, PA. CTENOPHORES OF THE ATLANTIC COAST OF NORTH AMERICA. By ALFRED GOLDSBOROUGH MAYER. This research was begun in 1892 at the suggestion of Prof. Alexander Agassiz, while I was a student in his excellently equipped marine labora- tory at Newport, Rhode Island. Until 1900 Professor Agassiz did all in his power to encourage these studies, and I now publish the final results in the hope that by so doing I may present them as a tribute of respect and gratitude to the memory of Alexander Agassiz to whose generous aid and unselfish interest so many young men have owed their impetus toward research in science. It is a pleasure to express my appreciation of the kindness of ha Honorable Mr. A. W. Piccott, Minister of Marine and Fisheries of New- foundland, who cordially extended toward me every personal and official courtesy while I was engaged in the study of the ctenophores of the Newfoundland coast in September, 1gIo. During the past seven years at the Tortugas Laboratory of the Car- negie Institution of Washington it has been my custom to go out upon the ocean during periods of tropical calm, when the surface is unrippled, and to dip up the Ctenophores in glass vessels and transfer them to the laboratory for study. All but three of the species of Ctenophore described from American North Atlantic waters have come under my observation, and descriptions of these three, Lesueuria hyboptera, Ocyropsis maculata, and Tjalfiella tristoma are introduced in order to present an account of all ctenophore known from the Atlantic coast of North America. The species herein described are as follows: SPECIES. GEOGRAPHICAL RANGE. Mertensia ovum. ...... 00. cece Arctic to southern coast of New England. Pleurobrachia pileus.............6. North of Cape Cod in summer, driven south- ward in winter. brunnea sp. nov...... Coast of New Jersey. Hormiphora plumosa............-. Mediterranean and tropical Atlantic. Danerfe lactea Sp. NOV... .0.602.2-5- Tortugas, Florida beehleri sp. nov......... .. Tortugas, Florida. Lesueuria hyboptera (problematical). Coast of Massachusetts north of Cape Cod. Bolinopsts wnfundibulum........... Arctic to Cape Cod. (GALLI ES AOD AI OTe Tropics, West Indies, Florida, Mediterranean. Mnemitopsis leidyi................. Vineyard Sound to South Carolina. mecradyi Me cevy Ae awsitee ea oe Tropics to South Carolina. POVOENU Me oe Pernice as Chesapeake Bay to northern Florida. Leucothea ochracea sp.nov......... Tortugas, Florida. Ocyropsis crystallind............... Tropical Atlantic. MACULAE So iiineie cs bce s Tropical Atlantic and Pacific. Eurhamphea vexilligera............ Maditecmccan and tropical Atlantic. GOSHUM VENETIS: ctopen.) cs fon 6 a SS as ea Atlantic, Pacific, and Mediterranean. FOlUG Parvauigtan news dete s ot so ae Mediterranean to tropical Atlantic. BOT OE OUGLE | Mery ata tt ete eithe oncialsw + Mediterranean, tropical and temperate Pacific. and Atlantic. IB Er OG GUCUINAS. co cteiitre eet a ee evant Arctic Ocean to Cape Cod. Tjalfiella tristoma.................. West Coast of Greenland. 2 CTENOPHORES OF THE ATLANTIC COAST OF NORTH AMERICA It will be seen that there are 21 ctenophores known from the Atlantic coast of North America. Of these, 6 are cold-water forms and do not commonly range southward of New Jersey along our coast, although Arctic forms are sometimes driven, by winter storms, as far south as Cape Hatteras; 3 are intermediate and are found between the south- ern shore of Cape Cod and northern Florida; 12 are tropical species, some of which drift northward in summer to the region of Vineyard Sound. Thus, along this whole stretch of coast, extending from the Arctic regions to the tropics, we find only 21 species, while Chun records 20 from the Mediterranean. In no part of the North American coast are ctenophores as plen- tiful or as numerous in species as in the Bay of Naples, where 17 kinds were found by Chun. In contrast to this, the Tortugas region, which is richer in number of species than any other part of the North American coast, has but 12 kinds of ctenophores. In the tropics, how- ever, one does not often see the great swarms of one or a few species which are so commonly met with in the cold or Arctic waters. At Newport, Rhode Island, the surface of the sea is sometimes covered for thousands of square yards with great submerged rafts of Muemiopsis leidyi, the individuals touching one the other, and the same phenomenon occurs with Pleurobrachia pileus or Bolinopsis infundibulum off the coast of northern Maine. At Tortugas, Florida, on the contrary, dense swarms of ctenophores are not seen, although more than twice as many species are found in this tropical region than off the coast of Maine. Of the 21 forms described in this paper, 4 are new to science and 7 have not hitherto been recorded with certainty from the American coast; 6 are Mediterranean species which extend across the tropical Atlantic to the American coast. It is also of interest to see that 3 species, Pleu- robrachia brunnea, Mnemiopsis leidy1, and M. gardeni are animals of the temperate regions, never having been taken in Arctic or in tropical waters. A list of all of the then-known species of ctenophores with an account of their geographical ranges is given by Moser, 1909, in Ctenophoren der deutsch. Stidpolar-Expedition, Bd. 11, Zool. 3, p. 123. This important paper also gives a very complete list of references to literature upon ctenophores. It is unfortunate that the old and time-honored generic names Bo- lina, Eucharis, Ocyroé, and Vexillum have been preoccupied and can not be retained for Ctenophore, and the names Bolinopsis, Leucothea, Ocyropsis, and Folia are suggested to replace them. Much asI regret the change, if the rules demand it we should make it at once. As is well known, the Ctenophore are biradially symmetrical animals with a slit-like mouth at one pole, and at the opposite end of the body an apical sense-organ consisting of a mass of lithocysts said to be com- posed of phosphate of lime, and inclosed in a capsule the walls of which are probably formed of fused cilia, the mass of lithocysts being sup- ported upon 4 flat triangular plates composed of fused cilia. On both sides of the apical sense-organ there is a long, narrow, elevated ridge of epithelial cells which are probably sensory and constitute the pole-plate. The mouth, which is at the opposite end of the body, is a long narrow slit and leads into a laterally compressed chamber, the wide axis of which CTENOPHORES OF THE ATLANTIC COAST OF NORTH AMERICA 3 is in the plane of the pole-plate, while its narrow axis is in the plane of the tentacles when these are present. This buccal chamber is commonly called the ‘“‘stomach,”’ but its walls are of ectoderm and bear cilia, which are especially well developed in the Beroide, where they occur in linear, longitudinal areas extending from the lips inward. This chamber is certainly a food receptacle, and we will call it the stomodeum. The stomodeum leads into the entodermal part of the gastric cav- ity, a laterally compressed chamber called the funnel or infundibulum. The wide axis of the funnel is perpendicular to that of the stomodeum and it lies in the plane of the two tentacles to the basal-bulb of each of which it sendsacanal. It also sends a canal upward to the sense-organ, and this axial vessel, which is called the funnel-tube, opens by a pair of excretory pores on two diagonally opposite sides of the pole-plate. In the Beroide there are two lateral funnel-tubes, one to each excretory pore. } Fic. 1.—Diagram illustrating characters of central part of gastro-vascular system of ctenophores. Fic. 2.—Diagram showing character of canal-circuits in Lobate. Tentacles, tentacular canals, ciliary combs, and auricles are omitted. In addition to the two tentacular vessels and the axial funnel-tube, the funnel gives rise to four interradial vessels, which arise typically at an angle of 45° with the stomodzal and funnel axes. In the Cydippide, however, the four interradial vessels do not arise directly from the funnel, but the funnel-chamber gives rise to a pair of side tubes called the per- radial vessels, pr, figs. 4 and s, pages 11 and 12, from the sides of which the four interradial canals arise. In any event the four interradial canals soon bifurcate and each of their eight adradial branches leads to a row of 4 CTENOPHORES OF THE ATLANTIC COAST OF NORTH AMERICA ciliary combs beneath and along the line of which there extends a meri- dional longitudinal vessel. Two other vessels, the paragastric canals, arise from the funnel- cavity in the tentacular plane and extend downward close to and along the middle of the broad sides of the stomodzum. As this canal-system is complex I have sought to make its arrange- ment clear by presenting a diagram in figure 1, which should be con- sidered seriously only in so far as it is diagrammatic, and should be compared with figs. 4 and 5, which illustrate the conditions seen in Pleurobrachia pileus. This diagram attempts to show a perspective view of the gastro-vascular cavity. The mouth, m, leads into the laterally flattened, slit-like cavity of the stomodeum, st; this in turn leads into the laterally flattened infundibulum or funnel, 7, the flat side of which is go° apart from the flat side of the stomodeum. The axial funnel-tube, jt, leads upward from the funnel to open to the outside through the excre- tory pores, ex. The long, narrow ridge of the pole-plate, p, lies in the same plane as the stomodeum and go° apart from the axis through the funnel and tentacles. The funnel, f, gives rise to two tentacular canals, ¢t, two paragastric canals, g, and four interradial canals,7. The four interradial canals bifurcate and give rise to eight adradial branches, ad, which lead to the meridional canals, which are not shown in this figure, but which extend along under the combs of cilia. In the Cydippide the eight meridional canals and the two paragas- tric vessels end blindly near the oral end of the body, but in the higher ctenophores of the orders Ganeshide, Lobatz, Cestidz, and Beroide their oral ends fuse in various ways, forming more or less complete circuits. Stages in the development of these fusions are shown in fig. 39, plate 6, and figs. 16 and 18, plate 5, and the completed circuits are clearly shown in fig. 56, plate 10, which illustrates the condition in Ocyropsis wherein there are neither tentacles nor tentacular canals to complicate the figure. Figure 2 is a diagram intended to make clear the plan of these fusions between the meridional and paragastric canals in the Lobate. For the sake of clarity I have left out the auricles, which are four ribbon-like expansions of the body on the tentacular sides of the mouth, and around the narrow edge of each of which the meridional, subtentacular vessels extend. The tentacles and tentacular canals are also omitted in this diagram. Vessels on the opposite side of the animal are dotted. The diagram shows how the two paragastric canals, g, fork at their oral ends and form a ring-canal surrounding the mouth,m, and the four meridional subtentacular canals fuse with this ring-canal. The four meridional sub- ventral canals, msv, which extend along the outer sides of the oral lobes fuse in pairs to form two loop circuits in the lobes, one loop in each lobe. This diagram applies only to the Lobate. In the Cestide, on the other hand, the oral forks of the paragastric canal of each side of the body unite with the two subtentacular and subventral meridional vessels of that side only. Thusin this order there is no ring-canal around the mouth. This statement applies also to the young of the Beroide, although later the meridional vessels of both sides become connected by anastomosing side branches which appear quite CTENOPHORES OF THE ATLANTIC COAST OF NORTH AMERICA 5 late in ontogeny and grow outward from the sides of the 8 meridional canals and may anastomose, thus producing a network connecting all 8 of the canals, and forming a complex circum-oral canal-system. This remarkable similarity in respect to their canal-systems, together with their marked compression in the funnel-axis, may, I think, be taken as an indication that the Beroide and Cestide are related and derived from a common stock. The condition exhibited by the fusion of the paragastric and meridional systems of canals in the young Beroide and in mature Cestidz is shown in fig. 3, the lettering being similar in purport to that of fig. 2. IT. TET. mSVU Fic. 3.—Diagram showing character of canal system in mature Cestide and young Beroide. In the Beroide the meridional and oral canals finally give off side branches which may anastomose, and form circum- oral connectives, but these branches are not shown in the figure. We may classify the Ctenophore in six orders as follows: Cypippip#: Body spherical or cylindrical, or widest in the tentacular diameter. Two long tentacles with or without side branches. The tentacles arise from pit-like depressions in the sides of the body, which constitute sheaths into which the tentacles may be withdrawn. The meridional and para- gastric vessels do not fuse, but end blindly. No oral lobes, and no auricles. GANESHID#: Moser, 1907, Zool. Anzeiger, Bd. 31, p. 788; also, 1908, Revue Suisse de Zool., tome 16, p. 12. Body compressed in the tentacular axis. The oral forks of the 2 paragastric canals form a complete (?) ring-canal around the mouth, and the 8 merid- ional canals join this ring-canal. The interradial and tentacular canals arise directly from the funnel. A tentacle-sheath is present. There are no oral lobes and no auricles. The only known form is Ganesha elegans Moser, from the Malay Archipelago. This remarkable order appears to be intermediate in its general character between the Cydippide and Lobatez, but the fusion between the merid- ional canals and the oral forks of the paragastric vessels recalls the condi- tion seen in Cestide and Beroide. The Cestide, however, lack a circum- oral ring-canal, such as appears to exist in Ganesha. Losat#: With 2 oral lobes in the stomodzal axis and 4 ribbon-like projec- tions (auricles), 2 from each tentacular side of the body above the mouth. Body compressed in the funnel (tentacular) axis. The 4 subtentacular meridional canals fuse with the ring-canal which the oral forks of the 2 paragastric canals form around the mouth. The 4 subventral meridional canals fuse in pairs to form loops through the oral lobes, each canal being connected with its fellow of the opposite side of the same oral 6 CTENOPHORES OF THE ATLANTIC COAST OF NORTH AMERICA lobe. There are numerous, simple tentacles which extend along the wide sides of the mouth, and in the middle of each line there is usually a principal tentacle, which is commonly feathered and arises from a large projecting basal-bulb without a sheath. In Ocyropsis, however, there are neither tentacles nor tentacular canals. The subventral rows of combs are longer than the subtentacular. The larve pass through a stage in which they resemble the Cydippide, from which the Lobatz are evidently descended. In the larva the tentacular axis is wider than the stomodzal axis, as in Cydippide, whereas the reverse is the case in the adult Lobate. IV. Cestip#: The lateral compression seen in the Lobatz is greatly accentuated in this order, so that the body is flat and ribbon-like, the long side being in the stomodzal axis and the compression being in the funnel-axis. There is no ring-canal around the mouth, but the subventral and sub- tentacular vessels unite with the oral forks of the paragastric canals and the canal-systems of the two sides are separated, uniting only at the funnel. There is a row of tentacles along the oral forks of the paragastric vessels. The 2 median tentacles are the largest and are set within basal sheaths. The Cestide are closely related to Lobatez, and their larve pass through a cydippe-stage as do the larve of the Lobate. V. Brroip#: Lateral compression as in the Lobate and Cestide, the compression of the funnel-axis being generally more marked than in the Lobate, but not so pronounced as in the Cestide. Canal-system as in the Cestide, with the added feature that the meridional canals and the oral forks of the para- gastric canals give off side branches which may anastomose and form a network connecting some or all of the vessels, in some species forming acircumoral canal-system. The axial funnel-canal is absent and is replaced by two side branches which extend upward from the funnel to the excretory pores. There are no tentacles even in the larva, which in other respects resembles the Cydippidez. The stomodzum is very wide in the sagittal plane and constitutes a great sac, so that the funnel is very short. VI. PLatycTENID#&: Creeping or sessile, degenerate ctenophores, with the oral- aboral axis much shortened, so that the oral and aboral sides of the animal are flat and expanded. With 2 tentacles, which in some forms may be withdrawn within sheaths. The apical sense-organ may be present, but in some forms the combs of cilia are absent. There are 3 genera, Tjalfiella Mortensen, Coeloplana Kowalevsky and Ctenoplana Korotneff. The species occur in the Red Sea, Malay Region, Japan, and Greenland, and the most recent descriptions are by Willey, 1897, Quarterly Journal Microscop. Sci., vol. 39, p. 323; Abbott, 1902, Annot. Zool. Japonensis, vol. 4, p- 103; and Mortensen, 1910, Vid. Meddel. Foren. Kobenhavn, p. 249. In the extreme tenuity of their bodily substance and their diaphan- ous delicacy of coloration, the ctenophores stand apart from other marine animals. Their presence in the water is commonly denoted only by the brilliant flash of rainbow colors which play along the lines of their cil- iary combs as they move languidly beneath the unrippled surface of the sea. Yet these creatures are no more wonderful in their complex organization than in their remarkable adjustment to their habitat, for so delicate are most of them that a current such as that of an oar suffices to tear them into misshapen shreds—a fate which they escape in time of storm by sinking far into the depths. This fact accounts for the extreme rarity of many of these forms, for the ocean’s surface must have remained flat as a mirror for many hours before they can be lured upward from the calm of their deep retreat. Yet tender as they are to the touch, passing jelly-like between the fingers of the hand that attempts to seize them, their food consists largely of young fishes which they engulf in great numbers, seizing their prey by means of their peculiar “ Greifzellen”’ (see Chun, 1880, Ctenophoren des Golfes von Neapel, p. 225, Taf.18). Thus in the cold northern waters where ctenophores occur in vast swarms, CTENOPHORES OF THE ATLANTIC COAST OF NORTH AMERICA ff they constitute a serious menace to the cod fisheries by devouring the pelagic eggs and young fish. The elucidation of the minute anatomy of ctenophores has been one of the greatest triumphs of modern histology, and one with which one associates the names of Fol, Chun, R. Hertwig, Samassa, Grabe, and Bethe. Samassa was unable to demonstrate the existence of a nervous sys- tem in Ctenophores, but Bethe, 1895 (Biol. Centralblatt, Bd. 15, p. 140), placed living Cydippe in a solution of 1 in 4,000 of methylen blue in sea- water, and upon sectioning the Cydippe he claims to have found a sub- epithelial network of nervous nature. This consists of large, ganglionic cells scattered at fairly regular intervals. Each of these cells gives rise to 3 or 4 protoplasmic processes which fuse with like processes from other ganglia, thus appearing to form a nervous network without separate neurons; a condition so extraordinary that confirmatory studies must be made before we can accept it as proven. The experiments of Parker upon Mnemuiopsis lend support to the conclusion that nervous elements may extend outward from the apical sense-organ along under the combs of cilia, or at any rate the normal rhythm of the ciliary combs is controlled by the nervous or muscular elements. I now find that in ctenophores when the muscles contract the cilia cease to beat, being inhibited by the stretching of the ciliated epithelium. QL Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough Bilal Ctenophores of the Atlantic C8M3 coast of North America BioMed PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY