a Mew Dork State College of Agriculture At Cornell Cnibersitpy Ithaca, M2. D. Librarp Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924000499115 THE BRITISH RUST FUNGI (UREDINALES) CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS ° Ponder: FETTER LANE, E.C. C. F. CLAY, Manacrer * Evinburgh: 100, PRINCES STREET London: WILLIAM WESLEY AND SON, 28, ESSEX STREET, STRAND Berlin: A. ASHER AND CO. Deipsig: F. A. BROCKHAUS Pew Work: G. P. PUTNAM’S SONS Gombay and Calcutta: MACMILLAN AND CO., Ltn. All rights reserved THE BRITISH RUST FUNGI (UREDINALES) THEIR BIOLOGY AND CLASSIFICATION BY W. B. GROVE, M.A. Cambridge : at the University Press 1913 ' Cambridge : PRINTED BY JOHN CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS PREFACE te is now twenty-four years since the publication of Plowright’s “Monograph of the Uredinez and Ustilaginee,” and during that long period very great progress has been made in elucidating the biology of the former group. To Plowright will ever belong the honour of being one of the pioneers in this important work, especially in that branch which is the most fascinating and has the greatest number of secrets to unfold—viz. Hetercecism. But since his time numerous investigators have followed in his footsteps, while others have taken new ground and largely increased our knowledge, so that the picture which he presented of the biology and classification of the Rusts has now become, in certain directions, very incomplete and misleading. The descriptions in the present volume are naturally based upon those in the “ Monographia Uredinearum ” of the brothers Sydow, so far as that monumental work has been published. Those of all the species of which British specimens could be procured have been carefully revised, and there is hardly one of them that has not been added to or amended. Fischer’s “Uredineen der Schweiz,” and McAlpine’s “ Rusts of Australia” have also been found extremely useful. No attempt has been made to give a full synonymy, but merely so much as was required to show the origin and authority of the name used, and to include all the references to the various species contained in the works consulted, especially those of Cooke and Plowright. Dates have been added occasionally, but only for special reasons or if the nomenclature adopted differs from that in the a3 vi PREFACE “ Monographia,” where a complete synonymy, with dates, lies at the disposal of those who are interested in that matter. A plan has been adopted, in a few cases, of grouping some forms that are closely allied under a common name; see Puccinia dispersa and P. sessilis, With more knowledge (or more courage) this process might have been carried much farther, and it is believed that in this device will be found the first line of defence of sane systematists against the excessive multiplication of “species” by “biological” nomenclators. It cannot be justifiable to use the same word in the same branch of science to denote two widely diverse grades of evolution. Physiological, unaccompanied by morphological, distinctions should never be allowed to constitute a difference of species, unless it be as a temporary measure in cases which have not been investigated. In selecting the name for each species, the principle of priority has been followed, subject to two conditions—(1) names given to varieties need not be adopted (International Rules, 1905, Art. 49), and (2) names given to imperfect states are not to be preferred, but the earliest name given to the perfect (in this case, the teleutospore) stage (Brussels Congress, 1910); sometimes, however, the name Uredo may have included the perfect stage, as in some species of Uromyces (U. Scirpi, etc.). Since ecidiospores are almost always “ rounded-polygonal,” their shape is not mentioned unless it deviates from this form. In the systematic part, all the spores are drawn to the same magnification (600 times), except where indication to the contrary is given. The drawings are all original and from British specimens, unless a different source is stated. When several similar spores are outlined, the surface-sculpture is not always indicated upon every one of them. My thanks are especially due to Professor G. S. W est, by whose advice this work was undertaken and by whose assistance it has been chiefly carried through. The ‘Plow right’ Herbarium of Fungi, which is in the possession of the University, has been PREFACE Vii of considerable use, and the Principal (Sir Oliver Lodge) most kindly obtained for me a grant towards the cost of preparing the illustrations. By the courtesy of Dr A. B. Rendle, Keeper of the Botanical Department of the British Museum, and that of the Director of Kew Gardens, the Herbaria at those insti- tutions have been consulted and much useful information has been derived therefrom. Thanks are also due, and are hereby gratefully tendered, to Herr H. Sydow (of Berlin) and Mr J. Ramsbottom (of the British Museum) who have both given unstinted help, to Mr T. B. Roe (a very successful collector of specimens), Professor A. H. R. Buller, Mr A. D. Cotton Mr H. J. Wheldon, Mr C. Crossland, Mr J. Adams, Sir Frederick Moore, and many others in a smaller degree. W. B. GROVE. THE BotanicaL LAporatory, Usiversity oF BirnmincHay. July, 1913. CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE . 4 2 ; : : F Vv INTRODUCTION . : ; : . ; . Xi GENERAL PART CHAPTER I THE Lire-History or Pvecinia Caricis, THE NETTLE AND SEDGE Rost : ‘ j ‘ . : i j : 1 CHAPTER II THE SEXUALITY OF THE UREDINALES—THE NATURE OF THE SPERMATIA—NUCLEAR DIVISION IN THE UREDINALES—THE ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS “4 F ; : 17 CHAPTER III SPORE-FORMS OF THE UREDINALES—-GROUPING ACCORDING TO SPORE- FORMS ; , ‘ : 30 CHAPTER IV Lire-Historizs OF OTHER UREDINALES—Pucernra Grawixis—P. Poarum—P. MaLvackarumM—GYMNOSPORANGIUM CLAVARLE- ForMmME—FEwpopuH¥LLum SEMPERVIVI—CRONARTIUM RIBICOLA— MELAMPSORA PINITORQUA—CALYPTOSPORA GOEPPERTIANA. 41 CHAPTER V SPECIALISATION—IMMUNITY ‘i ‘ : . . . 62 CHAPTER VI CLASSIFICATION—-PHYLOGENY . 3 73 Note on MANIPULATION . ‘ { z 84 x CONTENTS SYSTEMATIC PART PAGE Pucciniacece UrnoMyces. 85 PUCCINIA . 128 TRIPHRAGMIUM 287 PHRAGMIDIUM , ‘ 289 KUEHNEOLA . . 299 XENODOCHUS . : 302 GYMNOSPORANGIUM F 304 Cronartiacesze CHRYSOMYXA . . . 310 CRONARTIUM . 313 Coleosporiaceze CoLEosPoRIUM 319 OcHROPSORA . 329 ZAGHOUANIA . 331 Endophyllaceze ENnpoPHYLLUM 333 Melampsoraceze MELAMPSORA . , 336 MELAMPSORIDIUM . 3858 MELAMPSORELLA 360 PUcCcINIASTRUM 364 THECOPSORA . 368 CALYPTOSPORA : 372 HYALOPSORA . 373 MILESINA F 376 UREDINOPSIS . . 3879 Appendix HEMILEIA . 3881 CHRYSOMYXA . : 384 UREDO . P . 385 ARCIDIUM s ; . 386 ‘CHOMA . ‘ ‘ 388 EXxcLUDED SPECIES . 889 GLOSSARY : ; : : . 391 BIBLIOGRAPHY : ‘ : : . 893 INDEXES ; ; . ‘ : . 898 INTRODUCTION THE Uredinales form a group of Fungi which is also spoken of as the Uredinee or the Rusts. An accurate acquaintance with their nature is of great importance to the gardener, the forester, or the agriculturist, on account of the enormous loss which is caused by them every year and which can, at least in part, be avoided by a fuller knowledge. All the species are parasitic, growing upon or in a living plant, which is called the host. The majority of the species of Uredinales have more than one stage of growth, distinguished by the form and arrangement of the spores which they produce ; the number of distinct kinds of spores which a single species can possess varies from one to five. If the various spore-forms are all borne upon one host, the species is called autoecious. But it is a remarkable fact that a large number of the Uredinales pass their existence alternately upon two hosté, certain of the spore-forms being always produced upon. the one, and the remainder upon the other. Such species are called heteroecious or metcecious. Many of those which grow upon grasses or sedges are probably hetercecious, though this has not been shown in every case, and there are a few proved exceptions. In order to convey a notion of the complex nature of the Uredinales, one of the hetercecious species will be taken as the type, and its various stages will be described. ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS p. 24. Fig. 225 should be Fig. 226. p. 28. Fig. 241 should be Fig. 242. p. 139. Puccinia tinctoriicolu Magn. Caster. Bot. Zeitschr. p. 491 (1902) should be added as a synonym to P. tinctoriae. p. 150. P. Leontodontis. I have since found this species on L. hirtus (Thrincia hirta). p. 238. P. oblongata has also been found on Luzula silvatica. pp. 296—7. It is stated that Phragmidium violacewm infests most of the subspecies of Rubus fruticosus, except those belonging to the group ‘‘ Corylifolii,” while Ph. Rubi is confined to that group and the allied Rubus caesius. CHAPTER I LIFE-HISTORY OF PUCCINIA CARICIS, THE NETTLE AND SEDGE RUST Puccinia Caricis has two of its stages, the spermogonial and ecidial, on the Nettle (Urtica dioica and other species), and two others, the uredo- and teleutospore-stages, on various species of Carex, especially C. paludesa. The first appearance on the nettle is in the spring, about the end of April or the beginning of May, when small swollen yellowish spots can be seen on the upper surface of the nettle-leaves. These spots are round and convex above, sunken beneath, and about 3—4 mm. in diameter ; soon they turn orange on the upper surface, owing to the development thereon of the spermogones, small flagon-shaped bodies walled in by a large number of slender orange hyphe and filled with many hundreds of minute spore-like cells, the spermatia, which are orange in mass, though singly they appear colourless (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. P. Caricis. Section of leaf of Nettle, showing the hypertrophy produced by the mycelium of the ecidium-stage; a spermogone, on the upper side of the leaf, and two ecidia, one closed, on the under side. The upper face of the leaf is turned downwards. x 60. G. U. 1 2 SPERMOGONES The mycelium in the leaf is strictly localised, forming little knotted masses (plectenchyma) just beneath the epidermal cells of the affected spot; all the cells of this mycelium are uninucleate. Some of these hyphe turn upwards, remaining densely crowded and more or less parallel to one another, and enclose the flask-shaped cavity, at length converging to a point above it and piercing the epidermis at that place. Then the upper ends of these hyphe diverge and form a brush-like bundle surrounding a narrow canal, or ostiole, which connects the cavity with the external air (Fig. 2). Meanwhile other hyphe 2% Fig. 2. P. Caricis. Vertical section of spermo- gone, on leaf of Nettle. x 200. from the base have grown up within the flask, and made a lining to its lower half; these hyphe are exceedingly delicate and numerous, and each abstricts from its end, successively, large numbers of the spermatia (Fig. 2), accompanied by a quantity of sugary mucilaginous matter which binds the spermatia into a coherent mass. The mucilage soon swells by imbibition of moisture, and the spermatia are forced out of the flask, through the ostiole, and form an orange globule between, and on the top of, the diverging hairs. Ultimately the mucilage dries up, or is washed away by rain, and the spermatia are dispersed. The spermatia are very small, thin-walled, oblong or roundish cells, each containing a single relatively large nucleus, but little cytoplasm and no reserve material. When placed in a nutritive solution, they are capable of a kind of germination, ACIDIA 3 but the mycelium produced is very scanty. Their function will be discussed in a later paragraph, but it may be mentioned here that all attempts to produce infection by means of them have uniformly failed. THE AXCIDIUM. Before the spermogones have completed their development, similar but larger conglomerations of hyphe arise on the lower surface of the leaf, a little way below the epidermis, which they raise up into a rounded dome. These masses enclose a number of erect hyphe of two kinds—an outer series of parallel closely- joined colourless hyphe, forming the peridiwm, consisting of more or less hexagonal cells, which meet above and roof over the dome- shaped cavity; and an interior series which remain shorter and give off from their upper end parallel chains of spores called aecidiospores, which fill the whole of the enclosed space. Each new spore is produced beneath the older ones, which are thereby pushed gradually up. Finally, this struc- : 5 cen Fig. 3. Leaf of Nettle (under ture, which is called an aecidium, side) showing the scidia of P. Caricis on the lamina ruptures the epidermis, forces its andl petiole. 99% way between the cells, the peridium bursts at the summit, the edges become revolute, and there is formed a white cup-shaped hollow, its floor covered with erect chains of orange spores (see Fig. 1). These spores have a rather thin, colourless, finely warted cell-wall, and are filled with rich bright-orange granular and oily contents. The mycelium which forms the ecidia is continuous with that which bears the spermogones, and its cells are uninucleate, but the spores themselves are binucleate. The origin and meaning of this change will appear afterwards. 1—2 4 ECIDIA The oldest spores being at the top, they separate as soon as mature, and are blown away by the wind; fresh spores are produced for a time from below. Since these cups are in dense clusters over the whole of the affected spot, they are known as “Cluster-cups.” The mycelium in the leaf continues to develop, and the spot enlarges and ceases to be round. But the swelling of the tissues within which the mycelium is living can be carried to such an extent as to distort and curl the leaf, much in the same way that Hxoascus deformans (the Peach Leaf-curl) affects the Peach leaves. The epidermis above and around the spot, also, often becomes coloured red or purple by an anthocyan- derivative, both these effects being a response by the leaf-cells to the stimulus of the parasitic growth, and perhaps part of an effort to throw off or checkmate the invader. The mycelium, moreover, is not confined ‘to the leaves; it may originate in the petiole, in the stipules and in the stem. In the latter case it causes notable curvature and distortion; an instance is recorded where the curved gall-like mass, formed on the stem, measured as much as 10 cm.‘in length, and similar but smaller growths may frequently be met with. Here should be noticed the close parallelism, up to a certain point, in the formation of the spermogones and the ecidia— they have similar shapes, they are both enclosed by a layer of sterile hyphex, they arise in (usually) quick succession on the same mycelium, they give off basipetal chains of spores frgm their base. On the other hand, besides the difference any the nuclei, the xcidiospores differ from the spermatia in their larger size, In possessing a large store of reserve food, in their capacity for germination, and for producing infection in another plant. THE AICIDIOSPORES. The mode in which the ecidiospores are produced is as follows:—The upper cell of the sporiferous hypha usually divides into two, an upper sterile cell, and a lower fertile or basal cell, each with one nucleus. -The upper cell disintegrates and perishes; the lower fertile cells conjugate with one another in pairs, the process consisting in the formation of a small hole ZCIDIOSPORES 5 in the dividing wall which afterwards enlarges until at length hardly any trace of the wall is left. The two cytoplasms thus form one mass, but the nuclei arrange themselves more or less side by side without fusing or in most cases even touching. This process must be regarded as an act of fertilisation or rather as a substitute for such an act. The double cell is called a fusion-cell. The two adjacent nuclei are said to be “ paired,” and to- gether constitute a synkaryon or dikaryon. Occasionally, in some species of Puccinia and other genera, these’ fusion-cells contain three nuclei, probably by a double fusion. Such cells produce trinucleate spores, but the fate of these is not known. The paired nuclei of the fusion-cell then divide side by side and simultaneously—a process called conjugate division—and a wall is formed between the two pairs. The wall is formed in such a way that the two nuclei in the same cell are not sister- nuclei (see Figs. 19, 20). The fact that in conjugate division the paired nuclei divide so that the two are usually in the same stage of mitosis at the 1 The stages connected with the sexual process in general are three in number—(1) the association of two (almost always non-sister) nuclei in the same cell, (2) the fusion of the two nuclei, preparatory to (3) the reduction in the number of chromosomes, or at any rate in the amount of chromatin, to the previous ordinary vegetative condition. These three stages may or may not follow closely upon one another. The first and second, or the second and third, or the third and first, may-be separated by an intervening series of cell- divisions. Which is to be regarded as the actual fertilisation? In all proba- bility the first. The nucleus is the director, the cytoplasmic mass is the work- people of the cell-factory. The presence of the two directors is the essential fact. The fusion is of less importance; it is often delayed for a long period, and in certain cases it is known that, even when fusion has taken place, the chromosomes still retain their individuality for a considerable time. There is reason to believe that on the first introduction of fertilisation these three stages followed immediately (i.e. without intervening cell-divisions) after one another, the series of vegetative divisions being intercalated between (3) and (1), as in Coleochaete (Allen, 1905) and Spirogyra (Tréndle, 1907; Karsten, 1909). In the majority of the higher plants, stages (1) and (2) occur without much or any interval, but a long series of divisions (the sporophyte) is intercalated between (2) and (3). In most of the Uredinales, the chief series of vegetative divisions is intercalated between (1) and (2), and (3) follows immediately after (2). In certain Alge (Griffithsia, Dictyota) the intercalation takes place on an extensive scale, both between (2) ‘and (3) and between (3) and (1). 6 ZECIDIOSPORES same time, shows that they mutually influence each other, and implies that all the cell-processes which go on are likewise under their common control. The upper cell, cut off from the fusion-cell, is the ezcidio- spore-mother-cell; the lower grows a little longer and then divides again in the same way, and thus a vertical series of eecidiospore-mother-cells is formed, the oldest at the top. Each of the zcidio- spore-mother-cells, as soon as produced, cuts off, by conjugate division, a small cell below, called the intercalary cell; this soon becomes disorganised and disappears, while the other portion becomes the aecidiospore. Thus the chain at first consists of alternations of «cidiospores and abortive spores, both containing two nuclei (Fig. 4); the function of the latter may be, by their disintegration, to enable the xcidiospores to separate more easily from one another, and thus to aid dis- persion by the wind. The peridiwm is composed of cells Fig. 4. P.Caricis. Chainof homologous with the spore-mother- young weidiospores, x 500. elis) They arise from basal cells con- a, fusion-tissue; b, basal rae — (fusion) cell, with con- taining two nuclei in exactly the same jugate nuclei; ¢, xcidio- . : spore-mother-cell; d, in. WAY; Occasionally even an intercalary tercalary cell; e, young ell is cut off, but it does not dis- zcidiospore. : : integrate. All of them thicken their walls and remain in close contact with one another; ultimately their contents disappear (Fig. 5). The central part of the dome-shaped peridium is composed of the terminal cells of the central spore-bearing hyphz ; they are probably less closely connected with one another, and the peridium ultimately bursts at that point. The spores, if placed in a damp atmosphere, germinate readily when mature and fresh. Only those spores which are at the top of the chains and can be shaken out easily by GERMINATION OF ACIDIOSPORES 7 tapping are mature enough to germinate, and even they, owing to their thin walls, may lose this power in a few days according to circumstances. Especially can they be killed by rapid | Fig. 5. P. Caricis. a, three cells of the peridium, on Nettle ; b, a cell in optical section; c, the same in surface-view ; d, two xcidiospores. x 600. drying. Instances are known, however, where some of them, kept in a cool place, retained their capacity for germination about seventy days, though most of them were dead after eighty days. Each spore has a number of germ-pores; in Puccinia Caricis the number is about five or six; in other species of Uredinales the number varies from two to eight. These pores, which are scarcely visible until germination begins, are thin places in the inner layers of the outer wall, the whole cell bearing a close resemblance to many kinds of pollen-grains (microspores). (Fig. 6.) It is worthy of notice that in the spores of Endophyllum, and others of the less-advanced type,there are no real germ- pores; the germ-tube merely forces its/ ; mo, way out at the first place that gives way. gy ped Soak From this state of things there isa gradual _in water. x 180. transition from numerous to few germ-pores, in the highest types of all (Uromyces and Puccinia teleutospores), each cell has one and only one well-defined germ-pore. 8 GERMINATION OF ACIDIOSPORES The germ-tube of the ecidiospore of P. Caricis can grow to a length ten or twenty times greater than the diameter of the spores, and often executes, at least in water, a number of spiral turns (Fig. 6); it remains nearly of the same diameter throughout, or may bear short stumpy branches here and there. The granular contents of the spore travel along the tube with its growth, remaining always towards the distal end. But unless the germinating spore has fallen upon its proper habitat, the leaf of a Carex, its attempt at growth comes to an end when its reserve-material is exhausted. If, however, the spore has fallen upon a Carew, its germ- tube travels over the surface until it reaches a stoma, through the pore of which it enters the respiratory chamber, forms a swelling just inside as a kind of hold-fast, and then begins to branch and traverse the intercellular spaces, occasionally sending an haustorium into the mesophyll-cells (Fig. 7). The cause of its entry is pro- bably the search for water-vapour, since the germ-tube of a Uredine is found (De Bary, 1863; Gibson, 1904) to enter the stomata as freely on another leaf as on one of its proper host-plant, and also to pass through a hole, comparable in size to stomata, in a thin india-rubber Fig. 7. Haustorium of Membrane which separated it from air P. Caricis in chloro- saturated with water-vapour (Balls, 1905). Lis anes But its further growth is influenced by rium; m, nucleus of chemotaxis of a more complicated nature: cell, x 500. : . : E unless the right kind of stimulus is furnished by its host, it cannot form effective haustoria, de- velopment is poor and abnormal, and death soon ensues (Gibson, 1904). The resistance of the host to the parasite, shown perhaps by the secretion of destructive enzymes, has also to be considered. Once ipside the stomatal chamber, however, the fungus is largely protected from outside influences, such as desiccation: this preservative habit has no doubt contributed much to the wide-spread prevalence of the Uredinales. UREDOSPORES 9 THE UREDOSPORES. The germ-tube soon forms a more or less extensive my- celium, which may penetrate the greater part of the leaf’ of the Carex, but in many species of Puccinia is strictly localised to a small defined spot. All its cells are binucleate, like the spore from which it originated. The cells of the mycelium, in every stage, send haustoria into the cells of the host; when an haustorium arises from a binucleate mycelium, it is itself Fig. 8. Section of leaf of Carex paludosa, with a sorus of uredospores of P. Caricis; a, upper epidermis; b, a vascular bundle. Most of the pedicels have lost their spores. x 180. likewise binucleate. After a few days this mycelium begins to form the third kind of spore—the uredospore. A knot of hyphz is formed just beneath the epidermis; some of the branches turn upwards and form a regular layer parallel to the surface—the spore- bed (Fig. 8). The upper rounded cell of each hypha is divided into two daughter-cel]s, the lower of which is developed into a stalk, the upper becomes the uredospore (Fig. 9). The spore is oval or roundish ; when mature it is enclosed in a double cell-wall, the outside being cutinised and wig.9. P. Caricis. De- provided with spine-like projections, some- veloping uredospores 2 cones (1, 2, 3, 4, show stages what like those of the scidiospore, only of growth ; 5 is a pe- more pointed. In the inner layers of the _ dicel from which the spore has vanished). exospore there are usually three (rarely z 500. } 10 UREDOSPORES four) germ-pores; in fact, the uredo- resembles the ecidiospore in character, and must be considered as homologous with it— the stalk-cell corresponding to the intercalary cell of the latter. But they differ considerably in the fact that the uredospore is always produced singly, not in chains. (This is not true, however, of all the Uredinales.) The membrane of the uredospore is nearly colourless, but it encloses a bright orange granular and oily mass, with two nuclei. Every cluster of uredospores produced on the same spore-bed is called a sorus; it is surrounded by the laciniz of the epi- dermis, which is more or less torn or Fig. 10. Leaf of Carex split by the enlarging mass. In many pendula, with uredo- and . teleuto-sori, slightly en- C488, several sori become confluent larged. and form a larger pustule (Fig. 10). In other species of Uredinales the uredospores have coloured membranes or possess a larger or smaller number of germ- pores. Moreover the distribution of these pores over the surface is characteristic for each species: they may be placed equatorially, as they are in P. Caricis (Fig. 11), or towards the poles, or scattered over the surface with regularity or without any order. A uredospore may be very easily detached from its pedicel, and a ie (chiefly by wind, though sometimes by insects) ype to another leaf of Carew, on which it germinates, the germ-tube enters a stoma, produces a fresh crop of mycelium and another sorus of uredospores; this process can be repeated indefinitely. The my- celium can also grow up and down the Be map Hee leaf, producing fresh sori in its course ; showing the three for this reason the sori are usually germ-pores. x 600. arranged in linear series, owing to the parallel venation of the Carex-leaf. The germ-tubes of the uredospores are often curled or branched like those of the secidiospores, and the germination is of the same character in TELEUTOSPORES 11 both (Fig. 12). The uredospore retains its capacity for germination for a longer time, even: . for more than three months; in fact, in certain foreign species, some of these spores acquire a thicker wall which enables them to act as a kind of resting-spore—these are called amphi- spores, but they are not formed by P. Caricis. It is found, generally, that if the spores of the Uredinales are dried gradually, they retain their power of germination for a longer time and in a better degree than if dried quickly or not dried at all. Most likely a slow Fig. 12. Two uredospores of P. Caricis, both germi- drying enables them to mature more nating in distilled water. perfectly. laa THE TELEUTOSPORES. After a time, probably in response to the weather or other change of environment, the mycelium which has hitherto given rise only to uredospores begins to produce, at first in the same, afterwards in separate sori, the fourth kind of spore—the teleutospore. In the genus Puccinia this is almost always a compound body, formed of two superposed cells; each cell is really a spore, and is capable of independent germination. In many species of the genus the teleutospores readily break apart at the septum, eg. in Puccinia fusca and P. Pruni- spinosae, and the lower half may be, and has been, mistaken for a uredospore. Those of P. Caricis do not easily break apart until they are old and dead. The teleutospores are formed on a pedicel, much in the same way as the uredospores, except that the uppermost cell is again divided, but apart from that they differ widely in their character. They have a thick dark-brown exospore, covered with a chitinous cuticle; in this species the exospore 12 TELEUTOSPORES is much thicker at the apex than elsewhere (Fig. 13). While the spores are standing in a densely crowded \ sorus, the apex is the part most exposed to the : weather, and therefore most needing protection. There is a thin endospore to each cell: the contents are granular and at first oily; there 1s a large and conspicuous nucleus in the centre of each. This nucleus, in its resting stage, 1s almost homogeneous except for its nucleolus, and was mistaken by the older observers for a “vacuole.” Since the mycelium from which the teleuto- Fig.13. Teleuto- Spores, as well as the uredospores, were formed spore of P. gontains paired nuclei, the cells of the teleuto- Caricis. x 600. " . Lee spore were at first in the same condition. When its wall, however, begins to thicken, ie. when it is becoming mature, the conjugate nuclei unite, and form one large fusion- nucleus (Fig. 14). The two fusing nuclei, after the very @ & o ae © 4* 2 a b c d e Fig. 14. Formation of teleutospores of P. Falcariae (after Dittschlag) ; u, the spore-bearing hypha; b, the same divided into pedicel and spore-cell; c, the spore divided into two cells; d, a young teleuto- spore; ¢, the same after the fusion of the nuclei. x about 800. numerous conjugate divisions during the long period of growth from the formation of the fusion-cell of the secidium, would be related, as it were, like very distant cousins, especially since the nuclear divisions during this period, though indirect, appear to show a very simplified form of mitosis, tending rather to be of the nature of amitosis. The fusion, as already intimated, is not to be considered as the act of fertilisation, but merely as a necessary preliminary to chromatin-reduction. MESOSPORES 13 It is in the germination of the teleutospore, presently to be described, that its most distinctive feature is to be found. The chief function of teleutospores is to act as resting-spores, and in the majority of cases they will not germinate until they have passed through a period of quiescence; in the present instance this period is the winter, but it is not necessarily always so. The resting-spore is primarily a device to tide over an unfavourable period—whether of food-supply, moisture, temperature, or resistance of host—without regard to season. Some species, however, have teleutospores which can germinate immediately, as in P. Malvacearum ; those teleutospores usually have thin walls. P. Malvacearum is sometimes supposed to hibernate by a perennial mycelium, but there is reason to believe that in most cases infection each year proceeds from over-wintered teleutospores. Most of the species which have these thin-walled spores also produce some with thicker walls, which act as resting spores in the ordinary way. Besides the two-celled teleutospores, several species of Puccinia also produce similar spores with only one cell—these are called mesospores. A mesospore can occasionally be found in many Puccinias, even in P. Caricis (Fig. 15), but in others they are abundant, eg. in P. Porri, where careful search is often required before a two-celled spore can be detected. Mesospores arise merely by the omission of the last nuclear division; they are exactly of the same nature as the two-celled teleutospores yi, 15 4 meso- and germinate in the same way. By this spore of P. Car- means they can be distinguished from the “” ae amphispores previously mentioned, but not of course from the teleutospores of Uromyces. In fact authors have described some species which produce them as Uromyces, overlooking the rarer two-celled spores that occur with them. See remarks . under Puccinia Porri and Uromyces ambiguus. 14 GERMINATION OF TELEUTOSPORES GERMINATION OF THE TELEUTOSPORE. We now approach the consideration of a process which has been in the past much discussed, and upon the right inter- pretation of which the whole question of the systematic position of the Uredinales depends. Each cell of the teleutospore of P. Caricis has one germ-pore, though some genera allied to Puccinia have teleutospores with more than one germ-pore to each cell, e.g. Phragmidiwm, Uropyxis, Calliospora. The germ- pore of the upper cell is in the thickening at the summit, that of the lower cell is lateral and just beneath the septum. Each of these pores is a canal passing through the cell-wall, and covered only by the cuticle. Through these pores the germ-tube passes, first appearing as a roundish swelling, the protoplasm being surrounded by the thin endospore. This then elongates, the nucleus squeezes through the relatively narrow pore and enters the tube where it divides twice, and forms four superim- posed cells, separated by thin cell-walls (Fig. 16). This row of four cells was formerly known as a promycelium, but is now called a basidium. If kept in water these cells can round off and separate from each other!, and germinate by sending out a tube, se seve pe ets pati like the mycelial cells and spores same, germinating and forming of many fungi. But if ina damp? pteaeee cee a atmosphere, each cell without separation produces a sterigma at the end of which a basidiospore is formed, like the basidiospores of Agaricini. These basidiospores can germinate at once, even before they are detached from the sterigma, by sending out a short tube which may produce a conidium resembling the basidiospore at its end. 1 This method is said to take place normally in Barclayella. * It is noted by many observers that, in a state of nature, it is a layer of dew, not of rain, that is favourable to germination. GERMINATION OF BASIDIOSPORES 15 If one of these easily detached basidiospores or conidia is conveyed to the surface of a leaf or young stem of Nettle, its germ-tube bores through the cuticle and enters the tissues (Fig. 17), where it ramifies and forms a my- celium. The teleutospore is large and heavy, and firmly attached to its spore-bed on the leaf of Carex; the basidiospores enable its con- tents to be transferred easily to Fig 17. Endophyllum Sem- pervivi. Germinating basi- the surface on which alone they diospores (after Hoffmann) ; are capable of further growth. But —%,,tbe spore: ® the germ. . i ‘ ‘ vesicle, under the cuticle of their wall is thin and they can live _ the epidermis; a, b, c, show only for a short time; they contain bea care Sa oe Seecinley but little food-supply and could not —-* about 200. form a long germ-tube. That is the reason why their germ- tubes do not, like those of the other spores, search for a stoma, but enter by the quickest means. Nevertheless they can abnormally enter by a stoma; De Bary records such a case in his account of P. Dianthi (see Fig. 24). The germination of the teleutospores of P. Caricis takes place about the second week in April, and on the mycelium produced by the basidiospores in the nettle there arise, in about a fortnight, first spermogones and then ecidia like those with which we started. But the mycelium arising from the basidiospores does not always proceed immediately to spore- production. In some species, e.g. Endophyllum Sempervint, it hibernates in the growing point of the shoot, or in the leaves if they are evergreen, as in Puccinia Bust, or in the stems or branches in the case of some that live on shrubs or trees, as in Cronartium ribicola. Rather more than a twelfth of the species of Uredinales are now known to be hetercscious. This mode of life may be regarded partly as a device by which the parasite tides over the time during which one of the host-plants is not available. The leaves of the Nettle are delicate and soon perish in the autumn; those of the Sedge persist throughout the winter. The power of hetercecism increases the ability of the fungus to 16 HETERGCISM adapt itself to new conditions and thus tends to perpetuate the race, while the change of host, which is equivalent to a change of diet, may very possibly tend to an increase of vigour in the individual. The former statement, however, must not be taken to refer to all cases of hetercecism, since there are instances, e.g. in species of Coleosporium, which cannot be explained on this ground. The reason why P. Caricis has been taken as the typical Uredine, instead of the usual P. graminis, is that the ecidium of the latter is now very rarely found in this country and is therefore not available for demonstration, while that of P. Caricis is common in all suitable localities. Even if not existing in any place, it can be readily introduced if the three prerequisites are at hand:—a pond bordered by Carex paludosa and by Urtica dioica, and also a quantity of the leaves of Carex infested by the parasite. The Nettle and the Sedge are not injured appreciably by the disease, nor would it be of much consequence if they were. To introduce the fungus into the new locality, it is only necessary to obtain a bundle of the required leaves (say about 500) from some place where the Pucciniu exists, in January or February, and lay them on the ground where a patch of nettles is known to occur. The latter will be seen in spring to be beautified by the ecidium, and in the summer the disease will spread to the surrounding sedges (see Grove, Journ. Bot. 1913, p. 42). 4 CHAPTER II THE SEXUALITY OF THE UREDINALES De Bary suggested in 1884 that, if there was any sexual act occurring in the life-cycle of the Uredinales, it would probably be found in connection with the ecidium. At that time nothing was known on this point, and De Bary anticipated that something might take place analogous to what happens in the formation of the asci of certain Ascomycetes. The first discovery was made by Blackman (1904), who found that, in laying the foundation of the spore-bed of the ecidium of Phragmidium violuceum, cells became binucleate by the passing into them of a nucleus from an adjoining vege- tative cell. He saw that this passage took place through a nar- row opening formed between the cells (Fig. 18). The binucleate cell then became the equivalent of an oospore, and formed the be- ginning of a sporophytic genera- tion. In other words, he supposed that the fertilised cell represented a female gamete and the vegeta- tive cell replaced a now vanished ae or functionless male gamete. The Development of ecidium (after fertilisation would then be of the Lapeer ERR Peed nature of a semi-apogamy. He cells below, a nucleus is seen considered that the spermatia ia iin Sides were the functionless male gametes. From the ‘cell to be fertilised he saw an upper sterile cell cut off, which soon G. U. : 2 18 BASAL CELLS OF ACIDIA degenerated ; this he considered to represent an abortive tri- chogyne, in accordance with De Bary’s anticipation. The acceptance of this interpretation implies the existence of a close affinity between the Uredinales and the Red Seaweeds. In 1905, Christman published the result of his researches into Phragmidium speciosum, Caeoma nitens (= Gymnoconia = Puccinia Peckiana), etc. According to him, the process that took place was the fusion of the contents of two equal and similar gametes, with the exception that the nuclei remained side by side unfused. A considerable portion of the wall between the two fusing cells was broken down, and the process was of the nature of a conjugation, not a fertilisation. Blackman and Fraser (1906) next examined a number of other species, and in Melampsora Rostrupii they found the same process which Christman had observed, though they still considered that other species, e.g. Puccinia Poarum, showed instanees of the migration of a nucleus as in the first subject studied. Christman, in 1907, showed that a similar act of conjugation between two equal cells takes place in the formation of the primary uredospores of Phragmidium Potentillae-canadensis (= Kuehneola Tormentillae, Arthur, q.v.), the primary uredo- spores in this species replacing the eecidium which is absent. In 1908 Olive, in examining the primary uredospores of Triphragmium Ulmariae, tried to reconcile the difference be- tween these opposing views: he considered that conjugation took place between two cells, one larger and one smaller, and that either a large opening was formed so that the two proto- plasts fused, or a narrow hole was produced through which the nucleus of the smaller cell passed into the larger. He considered the upper sterile cell as a degenerating tip-cell, not an abortive trichogyne. The fusing cells might be placed in almost any position with respect to each other. In Puccinia transformans, a micro-form, possessing only teleutospores, he shows that the basal cells which produce them arise equally by the fusion of two uninucleate cells. Kurssanow, in 1910, investigating Puccinia (Gymnoconia) Peckiana, found both cases. that of Blackman and that of STERILE CELLS 19 Christman, occurring side by side. All the conjugating cells had an upper sterile cell which he calls a “buffer” cell; but the passage of the nucleus only he put down, as others have done, as a pathological phenomenon, caused perhaps by the method of fixing. In November of the same year Dittschlag, investigating Puccinia Falcuriae, tried to settle the question and decide definitely the function of the spermatia. This Puccinia is an -opsis form, having spermogones and ecidia, followed later by teleutospores, but without uredospores. He showed that the cells of the spore-bed of the ecidium unite in pairs by the disappearance of not quite all the separating wall. If a sterile cell could be seen at all, it was seen equally on both (Figs. 19, 20). But this does not militate against its being considered as a degenerate trichogyne: it is certain that the two cells which @ @ @@ }» Ci fe : at Oe \* 6 a b Fig. 19. Puccinia Falcariae. Con- Fig. 20. P. Falcariae. Formation jugation of two female cells to of cidiospores (after Ditt- form the basa] cell of the wcidio- spore-chain (after Dittschlag). The uppermost cell on the left in a does not belong to the others. Each fertile cell has a sterile cell above it. In b, the first conjugate division is just com- pleted (Diagrammatic). schlag): u, the basal cell; b, an zcidiospore-mother-cell; c, the same in the act of conjugate division (the nucleoli are seen in the middle); d, the inter- ealary cell cut off. fuse are in most cases exactly alike, and therefore, if they represent potential female cells, each of them would naturally be provided with a trichogyne in equal degree, if at all. 2-9 20 BASAL CELLS OF ACIDIA Again, in 1911, Hoffmann investigated a Uredine of a lower type than most of those previously considered, viz. Endophyllum Sempervivi. This genus differs from all the other Uredinales in its mode of development. It has only spermatia and zxcidio- spores, the latter functioning also as teleutospores in that their conjugate nuclei fuse, and then on germination they produce a basidium and basidiospores. These basidiospores reinfect the host and produce both spermogones and ecidia. On the spore- bed of the ecidium two ad- jacent cells unite by the disso- lution of the intervening walls (Fig. 21); first a small hole is formed, which grows larger until at last almost no trace of the wall is left. The disap- pearing wall is often horizontal, not vertical as in most of the other cases, and the conjugating cells are not situated in any definite plane. In such cases Fig. 21. Endophyllum Sempervivi. Formation of scidio-teleutospores © sterile (trichogyne) cell was (after Hoffmann). a, fusion-tissue; yot seen. b, basal cell ; c, intercalary cell; d, : spore; ¢, intercalary cell, degenera- Finally Fromme (1912) ting. found that in Melampsora Lini the spermogones and xcidia are produced simultaneously and only from infection by basidiospores. The spermatiophores ditfer from all others described in being many-celled, each cell producing a single spermatium on a sterigma-like process; they arise from a regular layer of large rectangular cells at the base of the spermogone. The ecidia are stated to be undistinguish- able from the spermogones externally, but produce female gametes in the usual way, generally with one or two “ buffer” cells which speedily disintegrate. The female gametes conju- gate, in abundance, laterally in pairs, often in threes or fours; the fusing cells are of equal rank, but need not be in the same horizontal level. Aicidiospores were observed with several nuclei, and one xcidiospore-mother-cell was seen with as many as eleven nuclei. (See also note on p. 29.) TRICHOGYNE HYPOTHESIS 21 From a comparison of all these observations it now becomes certain that, in the Uredinales, the typical mode by which the binucleate condition arises is by the conjugation of two similar cells, each provided with a large nucleus and an abundant supply of food. This fusion-cell can afterwards branch by the formation of lateral buds, usually in basipetal succession, and may thus produce several rows of spores at once ; by a similar branching bunches of uredospores and teleutospores can arise in the sori of those spore-forms (Blackman, ’06, Christman, ’07, Dittschlag, 10, Hoffmann, ’11). See Figs. 37, 156. At first, it may be supposed, the two conjugating cells . belonged to a definite basal layer or spore-bed, as in Phrag- midium, Puccinia spp., and Melampsora Rostrupii; but after- wards they ceased to be arranged in a layer, and conjugation took place between two purely vegetative cells in the mycelium beneath. The beginnings of this change are seen in I. Rostrupw, and its final product in such micro-forms as P. Adoxae where the greater part of the mycelium has synkarya. Whether the upper sterile cell which is so frequently met with is to be considered as an abortive trichogyne is not so certain. But it may be remarked that, since the sori generally arise beneath the epidermis, no fertilisation could have taken place by non-motile spermatia unless there were something of the nature of a trichogyne to protrude through a stoma. In this connection it is important to remember that in Uredinopsis, one of the lowest of the Uredinales, the sori of primary uredo- spores, i.e. ecidiospores, seem always to arise beneath a stoma ; other sori can arise in many genera in the same way, and in the genus Hemileia the pedicels of the uredospores protrude into the air through the stomatal pore. Moreover we know that, while ecidia of the enclosed higher types, as in P. Caricis, arise at some depth in the host-tissues, and the basal layer and its peridium are covered by a considerable thickness of dead empty cells (which are afterwards pushed to the sides), the eecidia of the more primitive form, the ceoma type, are shallow and are not enclosed in a peridium, but are either quite naked or surrounded only by a few paraphyses. In the typical Uredinales, the conjugation of the two ABSENCE OF ASCOGONIUM male) cells takes place just before the formation of the idium or its representative ; in the reduced mucro- and other ms, such as P. Adowae and Uromyces Scillarum, it is probable it the conjugation of the two (vegetative) cells takes place some more or less indefinite period before the formation of eutospores. There is a general agreement among investigators that a ucture resembling an ascogonium (from which the mass of sal cells may be supposed to originate) does not exist in the edinales, notwithstanding the suggestions to that effect by wssee (1888) and Richards (1896). If it did exist, or had sted, it would do something towards accounting for the finiteness in form usually presented by an ecidium; if it is ially unrepresented, the ecidium cannot be regarded as a phological unit, but only as a collection of female cells. It possible that traces of its existence are shown by the large iultinucleate cells, containing 12—15 nuclei, which have been scribed by Olive (1908) in the mycelium at the base of the ung ecidium of Puccinia Cirsii-lanceolati and by others at 2 base of teleuto-sori, but this question must remain open till ‘ther investigations are made. The existence of an asco- nium of that kind would, of course, be inconsistent with the chogyne-interpretation of the sterile tip-cell in the ecidium. fEcidiospore-mother-cells and excidiospores with three or an more nuclei are frequently met with; these represent the sult of a fusion of three or more cells of the spore-bed. But ice uredospores and teleutospores with cells containing more an two nuclei seem to be unknown, it is probable that these normal zecidiospores undergo no further development. THE NATURE OF THE SPERMATIA. There are two and only two possible interpretations of the srmatia—either they are male gametes, or they are conidia, . merely additional multiplicative spores like the uredo- ores. In favour of the former view the following arguments a be adduced : (1) The time of their appearance, just before the formation NATURE OF THE SPERMATIA 23 of the ecidium or its representative, and on the same my- celium. For instance, in those cases where there is no ecidium, but primary uredospores which are formed, like ecidiospores, from a fusion-cell, followed by secondary uredospores which are not so formed although similar in all other respects—then the primary spores alone are accompanied by the spermogones. This argument is the most decisive. (2) Their size and character. They are much smaller than the other spore-forms, with thin walls, a large and not very degenerate nucleus though often without a nucleolus, little protoplasm and no reserve-stuff (oil, etc. with which the ordinary spores of the Uredinales are so richly provided), thus reminding one of the spermatia of the Floridez. Sharp (1911) reports, in Puccinia Podophylli, spermatia three times as long as the nucleus, and therefore containing some appreciable amount of cytoplasm. But protoplasm is not reserve-stuff. (3) They will not reproduce the species. All the efforts that have been made to cause them to do so have uniformly failed. All the other reproductive cells of these Fungi can be successfully used for that purpose, if applied to the proper host. In some species, as Cronartium ribicola, the spermatia can be collected in large quantities: Klebahn made numerous trials with them, but entirely without result. Jaczewski and others have confirmed his experience. It is a commonplace observa- tion that highly specialised male cells cannot in themselves reproduce the species, while female cells can, as in the cases of parthenogenesis, both true and false. This difference in be- haviour is partly correlated with the difference in the amount of food-reserve available, with which the larger female gametes are usually well supplied. In conjugation, where the two (male and female) gametes are approximately of equal size (as in certain Mucorini), each may form a functional azygospore. (4) They will hardly germinate in water, probably because they have no reserve-food. If food is supplied by cultivating them in nutrient solutions, a little growth is obtained, but it is very insignificant and soon perishes. The same thing is true of male cells in other organisms. Conidia, under such NATURE OF THE SPERMATIA cumstances, would show quick and luxuriant growth ; they inot be degenerate conidia, because the nucleus is large and ll-formed though at times no nucleolus can be seen. (5) They are sometimes accompanied by a sweet flurd, ich gives off a pleasant, or more rarely an unpleasant, smell, in P. suaveolens (obtegens), Uromyces Pisi, Cronartium Quer-| sete. It is said that, in Japan, children lick the abundant 2rmogones of C. Quercus on account of the sweet juice that zes from them. The presence of this can be readily under- vod, if the aid of insects is invoked as well as wind, in order carry the passive spermatia to the trichogyne projecting rough a stoma, but otherwise is without explanation. The ‘va of a fly (Diplosis) or a similar organism, is to be found iwling about the leaf and feeding on the spermatia and ecidio- ores of many Uredinales; its body is quite orange in colour rough being filled with them, and the spermatia would adhere its outer surface. Though the spermogones of P. Caricis are ually on the opposite leaf-surface to the ecidia, yet in very my species they occur intermixed, and not infrequently e ecidia grow habitually in circles round little groups of ermogones ; a remarkable instance is seen in Phragmidium sbi-idaei (= P. gracile); see Fig, 225. (6) The most likely theory of the evolution of the Uredinales that which places the majority of the micro- (including the to-) forms as the most recent. It is just in these, and in no others, that the spermogones 2 least often to be met with (see p. 39), as would be expected they are furthest in descent from the primitive forms in iich a true act of fertilisation occurred. (7) If, on the other hand, we look upon the spermatia as nidial forms, 7.e. as merely an additional means of vegetative iltiplication, we are confronted by this difficulty (as well as ose referred to above) that they appear just at that period of velopment at which they are least wanted, whilst they are ssing in many micro-forms where additional help would be ost welcome. The xcidiospores have been shown in many wys to possess an unusual amount of vigour and to be able to oduce a stronger infection than the uredospores, which stand NUCLEAR DIVISION 25 next in order. Even, therefore, if the spermatia could produce an infection, their feeble aid would be wasted at such a time of rejuvenation. (8) There is also to be considered the fact that the spermogones and spermatia of the Uredinales resemble those of the Collemacez, which have been shown by Stahl (1877) and Baur (1898) in all probability to fulfil the male function’. It may be pointed out, in this connection, that the great similarity of the spermogones to the pycnidia of the Ascomycetes has been too much ignored, and that its significance is not yet fully appreciated. In the Ascomycetes the pycnospores in most cases undoubtedly act as conidial forms, and have lost all traces of their primitive male function—in the Uredinales the sper- mogones have equally lost their function, but have not taken on the secondary réle of conidia: it may be suggested that the latter are otherwise well provided for in that respect, and hence feel no necessity for additional conidia. The spermatia of Polystigma rubrum are, however, functionless either as male cells or as conidia (Blackman and Welsford, 1912). NucLearR DIVISION IN THE UREDINALES. This is always of a simple type, not primitive, but reduced. The number of chromosomes seems to be always somewhat uncertain, and the chromatin forms masses which vary in number from one to four. In the ordinary vegetative division, which may be regarded as approaching rather to the nature of amitosis, the nuclear membrane disappears, the nucleolus is extruded, and the chromatin masses are drawn apart on a kind of rudimentary spindle to form the daughter nuclei. In syn- karya, the two paired nuclei in a cell are almost always in the same stage of division at the same moment, and the four resulting daughter nuclei move apart in such a way that the two nuclei in each daughter cell are never sister-nuclei (Hoff- mann, 1911). 1 A remarkable instance in Collema, though outwardly not at all resembling the case of the Uredinales, is described by Bachmann (1912). NUCLEAR DIVISION In the teleutospore (ie. tetraspore-mother-cell), the first ision is of a slightly higher type. The fusion-nucleus: is ze, round and (when unstained) perfectly clear and homo- 1eous, but for its nucleolus, so that it looks like a vacuole: vecupies almost invariably the middle of a cell. The dense omatin mass is loosened out into a kind of spireme which ‘comes shorter and thicker; the nuclear membrane then appears, and the spireme thread splits longitudinally, though : splitting is often indistinct. It then divides transversely o segments which become arranged or strung out on a ndle (sometimes, but more rarely, in an equatorial plate): mn the daughter nuclei are formed at the poles, and the next ision, which is homotypic, follows immediately (Harper and Iden, 1903; Blackman, 1904). Hoffmann considered that in dophyllum Sempervivi he could count eight chromosomes t before the reducing division. Since each of these nuclear divisions of the teleutospore- ‘tents is usually followed at once by the formation of a cell- ll, there are obtained four cells which are generally super- ied inarow. But Weir(1912) records a case in Coleosporium lsatullae where they were arranged in a “tetrad,” by which ed he means presumably (for he gives no figures) in a are or tetrahedral manner. : According to Dittschlag (1910) the nucleus of the spermo- ual hyphz is oblong and shows a slight chromatin network, 5 usually without a nucleolus. After abstriction (for which Blackman, 1904), each nucleus enters again upon a resting ge, and the chromatin network becomes looser. Each sper- tium has a rather large nucleus, occupying about two-thirds the cell, showing a decided chromatin network, but almost ver a nucleolus. It has been frequently noticed that many rmatia soon become binucleate, but the nuclei are sisters, 1 this condition is merely a beginning of vegetative growth ich, however, usually aborts. In the ecidia, the “fertile” (female) cells have a medium- ed nucleus, with a fine chromatin network and a deeply ouring nucleolus, as well as abundant finely granular proto- sm. When the conjugate nuclei have arisen, they lose their ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS 27 nuclear membrane, the chromatin in each falls together in little masses, the nucleolus lying by the side of the mass; these then separate, a spindle is formed with an equatorial plate and the chromatin masses pass at different rates towards the poles. The nucleoli then disappear, and four chromatin balls are formed which are the daughter nuclei. Only after this is com- pleted, do they separate into two pairs, and the formation of a cell-wall begins (Dittschlag). THE ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS. Assuming, as we are now justitied in doing, the truth of the foregoing ideas, we may represent the alternation of genera- tions in a typical Uredine by the following diagram : basidiospores teleutospore basidium SPOROPHYTE | GAMETOPHYTE (2n generation)| (n generation) . spermatium uredospore ¢ gamete ecidiosporé ? gametes intercalary cell ea at The n generation is that in which the nucleus has the haploid number of chromosomes or, if there are no distinct chromosomes visible, the single amount of chromatin ; in the 2n generation each cell has the double (diploid) number of chromosomes or the double amount of chromatin, at first sur- rounded by two nuclear membranes, afterwards by one. 28 TETRASPORE-MOTHER-CELL The teleutospore-cell is a spore-mother-cell, exactly com- parable with a tetraspore-mother-cell. The “ basidium” is merely the same cell, removed outside the old outer cell-wall for the convenience of the ensuing processes; in Coleosporium this removal does not take place, but the “basidium” is formed internally, the mucilaginous ‘nature of the cell-walls of the teleutospores of that genus allowing the sterigmata to protrude through them (see Fig. 241), which could not be done through the hard cutinised cell-walls of the teleutospores of Puccinia Caricis. The first division of the nucleus of the teleutospore is heterotypic, and really initiates the gametophyte; but, since this is not a sufficiently definite point in the cycle, it is usual to consider the gametophyte to begin after the next division, Le. by the formation of the four basidium cells, which constitute a tetrad. These four cells are the true tetraspores. In water, deprived of air, they can each send out a germ-tube and, it is presumable, could cause infection. The formation of basidio- spores on sterigmata is a secondary process, viz. the production of conidia suitable for wind-dispersion: this is shown by the fact that, if the basidiospores are not on the proper host plant, they can themselves germinate with the production of fresh conidia of an exactly similar character. The mycelium (thallus) of the gametophyte, issuing from the basidiospores, bears male and female organs, the spermo- gones and excidia. The spermatia disintegrate without any result: the “fertile” cells of the zcidium (usually, perhaps nearly always, after cutting off a sterile cell, as is the habit of female gametes) are stimulated to further growth by con- jugation with one another, the delay in the fusion of the nuclei being of little or no importance from this point of view. This so-formed fusion-cell is a zygote and is the beginning of the sporophyte. The zcidiospores and uredospores which are borne by this are conidial forms, devoted to increased multiplication, and may continue indefinitely till the time arises for beginning the cycle again. This is indicated by the dotted lines on the left of the diagram. It is known that a fusion of two nuclei, comparable with that COMPARISON WITH BASIDIOMYCETES 29 which takes place in the maturing teleutospore, occurs also in the basidium of the Agaricini and Polyporei, followed by a division of the fusion-nucleus into four nuclei of which one passes into each basidiospore, although it is not yet ascertained how or where the cells of the hyphz of those Fungi become binucleate. From this point of view it is evident that the chief difference between the basidiospore-formation in the Basidiomycetes and in the Uredinales lies in the fact that, in the former, the four tetraspore-nuclei are not surrounded by cell-walls previously to the production of conidia, as they are in the latter. The basidium of some of the Hemibasidiomycetes, e.g. of the Auriculariez, is divided into a row of four super-imposed cells of an exactly similar character to that of Puccinia, each cell also giving rise to a basidiospore on a sterigma in the same way. The similarity of this basidium to that of Coleo- sportum is not diminished by the fact that it also is surrounded by a gelatinous mass through which the sterigmata protrude. Had not this primitive mode of forming the conidia been modified into that typical of the Agaricini, there would have been no opportunity for those wonderful and intricate contri- vances for facilitating spore-dispersal which Buller has pointed out (1909) and which find their highest and latest development in Coprinus. The Uredinales must be considered a highly organised group of comparatively recent evolution, as is evident also from their exceedingly complex parasitism. They are not a stage in the evolution of the ordinary Basidiomycetes, but the end-group of a different branch. Nore. Werth und Ludwigs (1912) showed that the teleutospores of Puccinia Malvacearum arise by the conjugation of two basal cells like those of an ecidium, but usually of unequal size. The nucleus of the smaller cell passes into the larger; the fertilised cell then forms, by conjugate division, a short chain of binucleate cells, of which the two upper become the teleutospore. CHAPTER ITI SPORE FORMS OF THE UREDINALES ANCIDIUM. Acidia are usually of a cup-like shape, partly embedded in the host, and with the free protruding edge more or less recurved. This is the typical and presumably the most highly evolved form. In it the spores are at first completely enclosed by a firm structure, the peridiwm, the cells of which have the membrane thickened on the inside wall or the outside or both, and are arranged in very definite rows like the spores. But there are a number of variations on this type, most, if not all, of which belong to a lower stage of evolution. Sometimes the peridium has the cells less definitely arranged in rows, and therefore opening more irregularly ; at other times the peridium is thin-walled and delicate, and in that case it usually opens by a rounded pore and the edges do not roll back. In Hyalopsora and its ales such a peridium is formed round the uredo-sori, and there are reasons for believing that in these cases the pore arises just beneath a stoma. A still simpler stage is represented by those cases where there is no definite peridium at all, but merely a surrounding circle of paraphyses which in a few cases are almost or even totally non-existent. This is called a Ceoma and indicates a more primitive form ; it is found in Phragmidium and Melampsora. In the non-British Gymnoconia Peckiana (= Puceinia Peckiana, on Rubus) peridium and paraphyses are both entirely absent. Again, if there is a definite peridium, it need not have the shape of a cup. It may be elongated-cylindrical, straight or curved like a horn: this is called a Restelia and is confined to FORMS OF ACIDIA 31 the genus Gymnosporangium, on the Pomacee. Or it may be oblong or globular, and more or less inflated: this is called a Peridermium, and appears to be confined to the Conifers: (leaves and stems) as hosts and to belong only to the genera allied to Coleosporium and Cronartium. None of the Peridermia have been found in Australia. It is a remarkable fact that ecidia are never found upon Juncacee and Cyperacez, nor upon Graminee with only two exceptions—the xcidium of Uromyces Danthoniae, on Danthonia in Australia, and of Puccinia grami- nella, on Stipa in North and South America. In all other Uredines parasitic on these families, if ecidia, enter into the life-cycle of the fungus at all, they are formed upon some broad- and thin-leaved Monocotyledon, or upon a Dicotyledon, usually though not invariably belonging to one of the more specialised orders and above all to the Composite. The essential characteristic of the «cidium is that its spores are produced in chains from a fusion-cell, as described in Chapter I. The spores themselves are always unicellular, mostly with orange contents, and separated by intercalary cells. Their customary polygonal shape arises entirely from crowding and their verruculose sculpture presents a remark- able similarity through all the group. The cells of the peridium of the higher types are homologous with the ecidiospore- mother-cells, and represent a division of labour for the sake of protection: the paraphyses and the lower forms of peridium are not of the same character, and may have had a somewhat ‘different origin. All ecidiospores, except those of Endophyllum, germinate conidially as in P. Caricis and the germ-tubes enter the host through a stoma: the germ-pores are numerous and almost always indistinct. When there are secondary ezcidiospores, i.e. such as arise from the germination of a previous xcidiospore, they always take the place of uredospores. In such cases, only the primary eecidiospores arise from fusion-cells, and are accompanied by spermogones. There is said to be one case where ecidiospores are uninucleate, and thus comparable with azygospores, but further evidence is required before this statement gan be accepted (Moreau, 1911). 32 SPERMOGONES SPERMOGONES. While ecidia are always subepidermal, and in the higher forms sunk rather deeply in the tissues of the host, the spermogones are in certain genera subcuticular and in others subepidermal, but always shallow. This doubtless corresponds to the primitive form of the ecidium, when the trichogynes protruded through a stoma in order to catch the spermatia. When fertilisation was dropped, it became possible for the wcidia to be surrounded for protective purposes by a continuous and firm peridium and to be more deeply sunk within the host: the spermogones, being outside the range of selective evolution on account of their uselessness, have retained more or less of their original character. The description of those of P. Caricis applies essentially to nearly all, except that in certain genera they are flat, not flask-shaped, and open by a wide pore, not by an ostiole, and in these and others there are no protruding filaments. Spermogones never appear alone; they are always accom- panied or closely followed by some other spore-form, either ecidio-, uredo-, or teleutospores. In comparatively few cases, as in P. Malvacearwm, have the spermogones disappeared en- tirely. UREDOSPORES. Uredospores are usually distinguished from wcidiospores by being produced singly at the apex of a short pedicel from which they easily fall off: this pedicel is the homologue of the intercalary cel] of the ecidiospores, as was shown by Christman. In certain genera, however, e.g. Coleosporium and Chrysumyxa, the uredospores are produced in short chains. Uredospores can reproduce uredospores for an indefinite number of generations. Occasionally there are two kinds, primary and secondary uredo- spores; in such cases the primary ones arise from fusion-cells and take the place of ecidiospores. So far as is known true uredospores never arise from a uninucleate mycelium, though they may spring from a mycelium which was at first uninu- cleate, but became binucleate at some point in its development. UREDOSPORES 33 This would be the case in a true Hemipuccinia, but none of these have so far been cytologically investigated. Uredospores are always unicellular, except in the case of a few monstrosities. Primarily they must be considered a device to aid in rapid propagation and hence may be called summer-spores: for this reason they usually germinate with great readiness when mature, always forming a tube which enters a stoma of the host. The number of germ-pores varies from 1 to 10 (usually 2 to 4): only one case is known in Uromyces where they possess a single pore (U. uniporulus) and one in Puccinia (P. monopora). They present a wonderful sameness in shape throughout the whole group, and in colour vary from yellow and orange to brown. It may be taken as a general rule that if the wall is colourless, the contents are yellow or orange from an abundance of that yellow oily substance which occurs in ecidiospores ; if the wall is distinctly brown, the contents are often colourless when mature, though at first they frequently contain the usual yellow oil. It is only in a few. instances, in the lowest genera, that uredospores are quite without colour. The uredospores of Puccinia dispersa and in a smaller degree of P. graminis are noticeable for a curiously dull appearance which is very characteristic, because they combine orange contents with a brownish membrane. The outer wall of uredospores is almost always covered with spines (echinulate), needles (aculeate) or warts (verruculose) ; it is very rarely smooth; these projections enable them to cling more readily to the surface of the host. They are often inter- mixed with paraphyses, which are usually clavate or capitate in shape; these are found in a few species of Puccinia, but more especially in Melampsora and Phragmidiwm. These paraphyses are homologous with the spores, being binucleate at first, but the nuclei soon disintegrate. There is very frequently found, in the uredo-sori of many species a parasite belonging to the Deuteromycetes, called Darluca Filum. It consists of a black pyecnidium, enclosing numerous uniseptate pycnospores which are faintly apiculate: at each end. This has been sometimes mistaken for another spore form of the Uredine. G. U. 3 34 AMPHISPORES AMPHISPORES. In countries which are arid or semi-arid, there is found in certain species a form of uredospore which has led to several mistakes owing to its misleading appearance. The spores are provided with a thick cell-wall or have the summit thickened conically, after the style of many a teleutospore of Uromyces, and are supported on a persistent pedicel, so that one would not take them for uredospores; nevertheless they will be found to have more than one germ-pore and to germinate by a germ- tube, although only after a period of rest. These were named by Carleton amphispores ; they were first discovered in Puccinia vexans. They are evidently a provision to enable the spore to pass through an unfavourable period unharmed, and reinfect a host of the same species when occasion arises. The amphi- spores of Puccinia atrofusca Holway, though echinulate and possessing two equatorial germ-pores, were first described by the discoverers, Dudley and Thompson, as the teleutospores of a Uromyces, and the same thing has happened in other cases, eg. Puccinia convolvulr, P. tosta, and P. cryptandri. The nearest approach to amphispores found in British species is in P. Pruni-spinosae (Fig. 22), in which they have been mistaken for paraphyses and were so figured in a well- known text-book. There is another kind of spore, presently to be described, called a Hig, ee es mesospore, which bears a superficial resem- spinosae. x600. blance to an amphispore. It isa mistake to call amphispores a transition-form between uredo- and teleutospores, since they are of later evolution than the two latter. TELEUTOSPORES. The meaning of the word teleutospore is end-spore ; it was considered to represent the stage when growth was ceasing for the season. This is not the case, however, in all species, and the word must now be used with another connotation, viz. a teleutospore is one which germinates by the production of a basidium and basidiospores. TELEUTOSPORES 35 The teleutospores are generally produced in sori like those of the uredospores; they frequently arise on the same mycelium, and very often on the same spore-bed, mingled with the uredo- spores. If both are found in any species, the teleutospores are always formed at least not earlier, and usually later than the uredospores. Their primary function now is to tide over an unfavourable period; for this reason they are sometimes called, in England, winter-spores. They may be one-celled as in Fig. 23. Figures of various Teleutospores of Pucciniaces (after Sydow). From left to right, they are (in the top row) Puccinia roesteliiformis, P. conspersa, P. globosipes, P. Megatherium, Uromyces globosus, Hapalophragmium Derridis; (in the second row) P. appendiculata, P. Euphorbiae var, intu- mescens, P. deformata, U. achrous, U. giganteus, U. Ipomoeae, Triphragmium Cedrelae. All x 480. (Non-British.) Uromyces, two-celled as in Puccinia, radiately three-celled as in Triphragmium, cruciately four-celled as in Pucciniastrum, linearly many-celled as in Phragmidium and especially in Xenodochus (see also Fig. 23). But it is misleading to speak of a many-celled spore: each cell, taken separately, is a spore and can germinate by itself without reference to the others. 3—2 36 TELEUTOSPORES In the formation of teleutospores in the higher Uredinales, the spore-mother-cell first divides into an upper fertile cell and a lower sterile cell, which elongates more or less to form the pedicel, The upper cell may remain undivided, or may divide again: the lower of these two may then continue to divide and so on, to form a many-celled chain. When the chain is long, as in Xenodochus, it is seen very clearly that the spores are formed like eecidiospores to this extent that the uppermost is always the most mature. This may be taken as a sign that they are modifications of zcidiospores to form resting-spores. In Hndo- phyllum the sxcidiospores previously mentioned germinate as soon as mature with a basidium, and are therefore teleutospores also: this is the primitive state of things from which the present wide division of labour into rejuvenating (ecidio-), multiplying (uredo-), and resting (teleuto-) spores has been evolved. In some of the lower Uredinales, the teleutospores are formed beneath the cuticle or in the epidermal cells, but the usual position is directly beneath the epidermis. Throughout the whole group the colour of teleutospores is almost uniformly brown, varying in shade from a pale yellowish-brown up to nearly black. Their contents are, like those of uredospores, at first often oily and yellow, afterwards colourless. In the lowest genera, those found on Ferns, the teleutospores are quite hyaline. Their surface is most often smooth externally, but occasion- ally marked with superficial unevennesses, such as warts, tubercles, lines, striw, reticulations, and pits; a few have spiny, papillose, or finger-like processes, either at the summit or all round. The majority of them have one pore to each cell, as in Puccinia and Uromyces, covered at times by a distinct, often hyaline, pore-cap; this is the highest type, being furthest removed from the many-pored ecidiospores. Other genera have 2 to 4 germ-pores to each cell, as in Phragmidium and Gynmosporangium. In some cases, as in Uromycladium and Ravenelia, the teleutospores are borne in bunches at the top of » common stalk, either with or without accompanying hyaline systs, i.e. abortive spores. An approach to this is found in the “BASIDIOSPORES 37 British Puccinia Pruni-spinosae and other species, where the short pedicels are all closely bound together in bunches at the base. Paraphyses are naturally not so common in teleuto-sori as with uredospores, since the former do not need such protection, but they are found in P. Sonchi, P. dispersa, P. persistens, etc., although in these cases the so-called paraphyses are not at all of the same character as those found in uredo-sori, e.g. of Puc- cinia Baryi and others. When the teleutospore of a normally two-celled species becomes one-celled (by the omission of the last cell-division), it is called a mesospore: the mesospores of Puccinia are practically identical with the teleutospores of Uromyces and germinate like them. BASIDIOSPORES. All normal teleutospores develop under natural conditions in the same way; the cell-contents divide themselves into four parts, by a heterotype followed immediately by a homotype mitosis. This formation of what are really (and might with ad- vantage be called) tetraspores can take place in two ways :—the “basidium” can arise within the teleutospore-cell or outside it. The first method is the more primitive, the second is an adaptation to the tough cutinised or chitinous exospore of the more advanced types. In the Coleosporiacez the teleutospore, ie. the tetraspore-mother-cell, divides into four superposed cells (like the tetraspores of Corallina) while still in the sorus, during the autumn; each cell (spore) germinates, in late autumn, by protruding a sterigma through the thin gelatinous wall of the teleutospore and forming a basidiospore (conidium) at its apex. Zaghouania shows an intermediate form of germination. But in all the other families the cell-contents of the teleutospore, clothed only in a thin endospore, pass out through a germ-pore in the form of a longer or shorter tube (“basidium”); the contents pass to the distal end of this, and are there divided into four oblong cells. The median septum is sometimes formed first, and the two lateral ones after. In water the “basidium ” is usually long, in air it is short. In the absence of sufficient BASIDIOSPORES - , moreover, the four cells may not be formed ; the “ basidium ” wy resemble, more or less, an ordinary germ-tube and possibly iy function as such. Even if the four cells are formed, they ay germinate by the protrusion of a germ-tube, which pre- mably can cause infection by penetrating the cuticle (see vons, 1912, p. 225). But, with access of air, each cell forms a srigma and a basidiospore as previously described. These nidia are obviously adapted for wind-dispersion. If they ght on a suitable surface, they send forth a short tube which variably bores straight through the cuticle into the under- ing epidermal cell of the plant, and there begins to form mycelium. The only instance in Puccinia known to the con- ary?, out of the many observations that have been made and rured of this process, is De Bary’s record of the case (Ann. wi. Nat. Bot. 4. xx, 1863, pp. 88-9) where the germ-tubes of the basidiospores of Puccinia Dianthi (q.v.) penetrated through the stom- atal openings of Dianthus barbatus (Fig. 24). In grasses and sedges, it is easy to see that the siliceous we cuticle would present a great ob- Pads oe peat ia stacle to the entry of such a tube, ee Play trian while not impeding germ-tubes ing straight for the stomata which enter through a stoma, and (after De Bary’s figure). 390. this is probably the reason why cidia are so rare on the order Glumiflore. In the hetercecious yecies no one has yet brought forward ipdisputable evidence » show that basidiospores can infect the host which bore the ‘leutospores, although statements to that effect are made. The shapes of basidiospores are not irregular; they are iore or less constant in each group. In Puccinia and Uromyces 1ey are ovate, somewhat flattened on one side, or kidney- raped. In the Phragmidiee they are almost spherical; in 1e Melampsoracee small and roundish. In Endophyllum they ° re ovate; in Coleosporium they are large and ovate and a 1 Statements have been made of other instances, but most of them on sufficient authority, and some have been specifically disproved. The genus oleosporium seems, however, to be an exception. GROUPS OF SPORE-FORMS 39 little flattened on one side, while in Ochropsora they are spindle-shaped. This is one of the reasons for suspecting that it is probably incorrect to classify these two latter genera in the same family, on the basis of the “internal” basidium merely. The genus Chrysopsora, which has the same kind of basidium, belongs to the Pucciniacee. GROUPING ACCORDING TO SPORE-FORMS. For certain purposes it is convenient to have names for the groups into which the Uredinales may be divided according to the number of spore-forms possessed by each, though it must never be forgotten that such a grouping does not in any way indicate affinity. The method usually employed is that put forward by Schréter, which (with a little modification according to present ideas) may be presented in the following scheme. Denoting spermogones by O, ecidia by I, uredospores by II, and teleutospores (with the ensuing basidiospores) by III, we call a fungus possessing [ee if with all four on one lant. O TALTE |: Be eer, if O, I on one species, and II, III on another. OI III | an -opsis-form. O ILIII | a Brachy-form. JI III | a Hemi-form (in many cases perhaps the half of a Hetereu-form). [O] III | a Micro-form (spermogones sometimes absent). Thus Melampsora Rostrupii is a Eumelampsora, Gymno- sporangium Sabinae is a Gymnosporangiopsis, Uromyces Anthyl- lidis is a Hemiuromyces, and Puccinia Campanulae is a Micro- puccinia. A Leptoform is one, of whatever kind, in which the teleutospores germinate as soon as mature, without any resting period; thus the spores of P. Malvacearum belong chiefly to the lepto-form, those of Endophyllum Sempervivi entirely so. Maire (Progress. Rei Botan. 1911, iv, 115) has proposed a much more complex arrangement on the same lines, which is quite needless and, it is to be hoped, will be quietly ignored. 40 GROUPS OF SPORE-FORMS The relations of the various groups to one another ar represented in the following diagram. The circle represent the Eu-forms; the substitution of any one chord in the plac of the arc which it subtends shows how the life-history i shortened in the other cases. Only the abnormal Endophyllun cannot be included in such a scheme; its spore-grouping coulc I) only be represented by the symbol O 1" | basidium teleutospore -opsis forms uredospore uredospore mycelium eecidiospore fusion-cell CHAPTER IV LIFE-HISTORIES OF OTHER UREDINALES Puccinia graminis. THE Biack Rust or “MILDEW” oF CORN. Another common Puccinia, whose life-history is of greater economic importance than that of P. Caricis, is the well known P. graminis, the Rust or Mildew of Corn. This species has its spermogones and ecidia on Barberry (Berberis vulgaris and Mahonia Aquifolium) and its uredo- and teleutospores on many species of grasses, especially on cultivated wheat. It must not, however, be assumed that any rust found on wheat is P. gra- minis; there are at least two other species common on the same host which, unless carefully examined, may be confounded with it, viz. P. triticina and P. glumarum, not to mention a form of P. coronata which sometimes also oécurs on cereals. For this reason these four species are now distinguished as the Black Rust, Brown or Orange Rust, Yellow Rust, and Crown Rust of corn, respectively. The uredo-stage of P. graminis is known as Red Rust. If one merely substitutes Barberry for Nettle and Wheat for Carex, what has been said about P. Caricis is true in all essentials of P. graminis. The differences are not in the life- history, but in ‘certain minor details of occurrence: e.g. the spots caused on the leaves of Barberry are small, round and red, while uredospores of P. graminis are most common on the leaves, and the teleutospores form long black striz on the 42 PUCCINIA GRAMINIS culms; for these differences the systematic part can be con- sulted (Fig. 25). There is, however, one point of difference connected with P. graminis which possesses great biological interest—its virtual in- dependence of the ecidial stage. LJ For a long time it had been known that Barberry bushes in the hedges caused “mildew” on the corn in the neighbouring c fields, and when, in 1864-5, De \ Bary proved the hetercecism by i | experimental cultures, it was too Big. 25. Puccinia graminis. a, hastily assumed that the ecidium ecidia on Berberis; b, uredo- on the Berberis was just as es- spore ; c, teleutospores. : sential to the rust on the corn as that on the Nettle is to the rust on the Sedge. Many facts now tend to show that this is not the case. In Australia and the plains of India the Barberry is un- known except as an introduced plant, yet the Puccinia occurs everywhere and does enormous damage. McAlpine records, in his Rusts of Australia that he made numerous attempts to infect imported species of Berberis with the rust of Australian wheat which is morphologically undistinguishable from the P. graminis of Europe, but all his efforts were in vain. The inevitable inference is that P. graminis, as it occurs in those countries, is a “ biological” race which maintains itself by other than the primitive means. A similar thing is true, according to Lagerheim, in Ecuador, where also rust flourishes and does great harm. ; The facts now known concerning the specialisation of the Black Rust are treated of in a separate chapter, but there is one point which must be mentioned here. This concerns the mode by which fresh epidemics are produced each year. Even if the Barberry is present, it is by no means certain that it plays any important part in these annual attacks. Apart from that, there are several possibilities: (1) the fungus may winter ore ‘bd 3. a PUCCINIA GRAMINIS 43 by its uredospores, (2) by a perennial mycelium, (3) by Eriks- son’s mycoplasm. The first possibility is entirely a matter of climate: it may take place in one country and not in another, or in the same country it may take place in one season and not in others. McAlpine and Cobb find viable uredospores all the year round in Australia, and Lagerheim says the same for Ecuador. But in northern climates it has been shown that the uredospores of P. graminis frequently lose all capacity for germination during the winter; this is proved true of Sweden, North Germany, North Dakota, etc., but in the United States, south of Ohio, Bolley found germinable uredospores all through the year. Similarly in Bohemia, uredospores of P. dispersa, P. glumarum and P. Loli can survive mild winters or in sheltered places (Baudys). Even though uredospores capable of germination may sometimes be found on wild grasses during the winter, it does not follow that those could start an epidemic next spring, owing to the specialisation which has been proved to exist, by which a form of P. graminis on one host is often incapable .of infecting another host. In regard to the second possibility, we find again two opposing views. De Bary and others have searched in vain for mycelium in the growing wheat plants, before infection becomes visible, but Pritchard (1911) found mycelium resembling that of P. graminis both in the pericarp of wheat grains and in various parts of wheat seedlings. He showed that large num- bers of wheat grains contained pustules of teleutospores, even visible in the neighbourhood of the hilum, but also hidden within the pericarp. He proved that the mycelium from the pericarp penetrates through the intercellular spaces, as well as through the cells, and “soon passes into the spaces between the leaf-sheaths where it grows rapidly and attacks the tissues at various points.” W.G. Smith figures teleutospores within the seed of Oat (Gard. Chron. 1885, xxiv, 245, f. 58) and ecidia in the pericarp and seed of Barberry (ibid. 1886, xxv, 309, f. 58). It is evident that, if this state of things prevailed on a large scale, nothing more would be required to explain the 44, PUCCINIA GRAMINIS origin of outbreaks of rust. It is not inconsistent with this that Ward was able to prove that the mycelium of a uredo- sorus extends only a little way round the margin of the sorus; that may be and is true in certain cases, especially with regard to secondary uredo-sori, but in P. Caricis the mycelium extends up and down the leaf between the parallel vascular bundles, producing uredo-sori all along its course. The practical bearing of Pritchard’s discovery is to show that seed from an infected crop should never be used for planting. About the third possibility, it is difficult to come to any definite conclusion. Eriksson’s hypothesis is that the proto- plasm of the fungus is present in the grain, mixed with the protoplasm of the host, in such a way that’ the two are indistinguishable. As the plant grows up, he supposes that the two grow together until, at a certain time, the protoplasm of the fungus separates itself from that of its host in the form of “Nucleoli,” passes into the intercellular spaces through “invisible pores,’ then or earlier surrounds itself with a cell- wall, forms a mycelium, and begins its ordinary life by producing uredo-pustules. An intermediate stage, where the fungus- protoplasm has surrounded itself by a cell-wall but is still enclosed within the cells of its host, he named “special cor- puscles.” The difficulty in dealing with this theory lies in its in- definiteness ; its author changes it from time to time to meet objections, and supports it by hazy microscopical observations, many of which are demonstrably the result of incorrect vision. His “special corpuscles” have been shown by Ward and Klebahn to be ordinary haustoria, Eriksson having completely overlooked the intercellular hyphe to which those haustoria were attached. It is incredible that the protoplasm of so highly evolved a fungus could live outside its cell-walls, as he supposes. Such a state of things is, of course, common in the lower fungi, Chytridinge and allied groups. In Synchytrium Solani the fungus-protoplasm and the host-protoplasm may be seen in the same cell, before the latter has been completely devoured by the former, and in that state they are even distinguishable by their microscopic appearance. But it will need a great deal more “ proof” before PUCCINIA POARUM 45 Eriksson’s startling hypothesis can be accepted in regard to such ~ fungi as the Uredinales. The futility of Eriksson’s mode of argument is seen in his suggestion (1908) that “other diseases such as the American Gooseberry Mildew can live within the infected shoots in a form scarcely visible to our eyes.” But direct evidence against the Mycoplasm Theory is accumulating. Jaczewski (1910) grew seeds obtained from many much-rusted plants, but he found that, when they were sown under glass and protected with adequate care from all outside infection, they all produced rust-free plants. Bolley, Linhart, Zukal and Klebahn had similar experiences. Zach (1910) on investigating leaves and culms of Rye, infected with P. graminis and P. glumarum, found on the outskirts of the infection-patches all the states described by Eriksson, but he proved that in all of them fungal hyphe were present. In fact, Eriksson himself saw and repre- sented these hyphe, but calls them “radialen Strange ” of his supposititious “ Nucleoli,” the said “ Nucleoli” being merely the deformed remains of the nucleus of the attacked cell. As Marshall Ward (1905) remarked, Eriksson merely inverts all the stages of a fungus attack on a cell, and supposes the last state to be the first. This error and a misinterpretation of the microscopic appearances account for the whole wearisome persistence in an inherently improbable hypothesis. Puccinia Poarum. THE CoLTsFooT AND MEapow Grass Rwst. This species is economically of no importance; its spermo- gones and ecidia occur on the common Coltsfoot (T'ussilago Furfara), and its uredo- and teleutospore stages on species of Poa, to which however they do little harm. Here, again, the 1 This does not accord with Eriksson’s experience; but then on some of his “protected” plants aphides also made their appearance, yet this does not seem to have suggested to him that the zooplasm of the aphides must also have been latent in the seed! If the aphides got in, so would fungus spores, since it has been proved (Butler, 1905) that uredospores are carried by them and other. insects. 46 PUCCINIA POARUM life-history is in all essentials identical with that of P. Caricis, but it differs in one striking particular—there are two genera- tions of each stage during the year. The spermogones and ecidia first appear on the leaves of Coltsfoot in May and June, and are followed by the Puccinia on neighbouring leaves of Poa in July and August. Then a second crop of ecidia, also accompanied by spermogones, appears from end of July to September, followed again by uredo- and teleutospores in September to November. The latter rest during the winter and infect the young Coltsfoot leaves again in the following spring. In countries that have a climate favourable for the growth of Poa, the uredospores may be found the whole year round, and the fungus can maintain itself by them alone. This is certainly the case in Australia, according to McAlpine, where the Coltsfoot does not exist, and the uredo- stage is most common in the winter months, 1e. June to September. In this country, the teleuto-sori are rather incon- spicuous, but can be found by searching carefully on the lower leaves of species of Poa round the spot where the Coltsfoot has been found affected by the ecidium, especially in July and August. The zcidium of this species has been examined cytologically by Blackman and Fraser, and according to them the binucleate condition of the fertile cells is produced by the migration of the nucleus from one fertile cell to an adjoining one in the hymenial layer, and also occasionally by a migration from one vegetative cell to another at a point where the conjugating cells were below the level of the hymenium, although only a little lower. Cells with three or four nuclei were met with by them, and true conjugate division was observed in such cases. In sections which I have examined of this species, I have seen evidence which seemed to indicate (although not with perfect, certainty) that conjugation also took place by the removal of a large part of the intervening cell-wall, and a con- sequent fusion of the cells as described by Christman and Dittschlag (Fig. 26). As will be seen from the figure, the cells of the peridium of this species differ slightly from those of P. Caricis in their shape, PUCCINIA POARUM 47 as shown in radial section. The outer edge of each cell is more prolonged downwards so as to overlap a portion of the cell below in an imbricated manner. The xcidium, in both, as is the { Fig. 27. P. Poarum. An excidio- spore germinating on leaf of Poa annua. x 180. Fig. 26. P. Poarum. Vertical section through edge of excidium; showing a, the crushed cells of the upper myce- lium, pushed on one side ; b, the chain of peridium-cells; c, the spore bed, giving rise to d, the chains of scidio- spores. x 600. The black dots are the nucleoli; one #cidiospore-mother- cell has three nuclei. case in most of the higher forms of the Uredinales, arises deep Fig. 28. P. Poarwm. u, an weidio- - spore germinating in water, in the leaf, and the densely x 250; b, the same, showing packed knot of hyphe which — he germ-pores, x 500. forms the starting-point of the hymenium, where the cells are full of protoplasm, is covered over by a number of nearly empty cells which are ultimately squeezed to the side by the develop- ing eecidium and are shown in the figure at a. It is easy to produce the teleutospores in a garden on a tuft of (say) Poa annua or P. pratensis, by planting quite near to it 3 PUCCINIA MALVACEARUM id overhanging it some Coltsfoot affected by the xcidium: iother tuft about ten yards off can be used as a control. The ‘edo- and teleutospores will appear on the former tuft in about k to 21 days. If this is done late in the year (September) have found that only teleutospores are formed on the leaves ‘the Poa. For the germinating ecidiospores see Figs. 27, 28, Puccinia Malvacearum. THe HoLiyvock Rust. This Rust differs from all the others that will be mentioned the simplicity of its life-history, and also in the fact that it not confined (as almost all the others are) to one kind of plant or even to a few, but ap- pears, so far as is known at present, to range over the greater part of a sub-family. It has been found on over 50 species of the Malvez, and it seems to be identically the same in every case. The mycelium develops in spring in the intercellular spaces of the young leaves and stems and produces little knots under the epidermis, on which a thick, round, hard, pale-reddish cushion of teleutospores is formed. These spores have short or very long pedicels according to their posi- tion; they are mostly typical and two-celled, but mesospores with only one cell are not uncommon, and occasionally a few may be met with having three or even fig. 29. P. Malvacearum, Ger- four cells, Most of them germi- minating spore; a, basidium nate at once, in the sorus, pro- breaking up into separate cells; 7. oes ‘ b, a basidiospore, x 600. ducing basidiospores in the usual belonging to nearly all the genera | 4 @ 5 PUCCINIA MALVACEARUM 49 way (Fig. 29). The accumulated basidia and spores give a greyish tinge to the red-brown sorus. These spores can cause fresh infection and so the disease spreads rapidly. It is most active about the end of summer, and has often been the cause of a serious epidemic on the more susceptible kinds of Holly- hock. The sori are found on every green part of the plant, stems, leaves, petioles, bracts, sepals, carpels and fruits, and are even reported on the petals. There are no uredospores. The chief biological interest of this fungus concerns the way in which it passes the winter, a point about which there has been much dispute. There are two possibilities, (1) by perennial mycelium, (2) by over-wintering teleutospores. The first has been strongly advocated, and it is very likely (though one can hardly say it has been proved) that the mycelium does winter in the young leaf-rudiments that are formed on shoots at the base of last year’s stems. Freshly formed sori have also been found on the cotyledons of seedlings which grow up in late autumn round the parent plants and which in certain cases can survive the dead season. But there seems to be absolutely’ no justification for the claim that the mycelium winters in the embryo of the seed. The disease can undoubt- edly be carried with the seed, in sori either on the bracts (portions of which are often mixed with the “seeds,” ie. fruits) or on the outside of the carpels themselves. Eriksson has lately (Ueber den Malvenrost, 1911) published a theory, similar to his well-known theory about the Rust of- Corn, and standing or falling with it: he says that P. Malvace- arum perennates in the form of “mycoplasm” in the cells of the autumn buds at the base of the shoots, as well as in the embryos of the seeds of the infected plants. With these he says it grows up in an imperceptible form, mingled with the protoplasm of the host, permeating the newly-formed leaves and at last suddenly breaking out in the form of pustules of. primary teleutospores, which afterwards spread in the acknow- ledged way. He explains the presence of this mycoplasm. by stating that certain teleutospores of the previous autumn germinated by sending out “ germ-tubes” which cut otf “ end- conidia.” (This mode of germination of the late-formed spores G. U. 4 50 PUCCINIA MALVACEARUM of P. Malvacearum is well known, though not usually interpreted in that way, see Fig. 29.) These “ end-conidia” do not form a short tube, to penetrate the cuticle of the host, but “ pour forth their protoplasm, as it seems, without the formation of an opening, through the plasma-connections of the outer wall of the epidermis of the host into an epidermal cell,” and so into the tissues where it vegetates till required. It also exists in the same state in the seeds of the infected plants. The fungus, he says, “passes from the plasmatic into the filamentous state just before the outbreak of the primary pustules.” It is clear, however, that the figures he gives do not prove what he asserts. Putting aside this purely supposititious and intangible method, the chief means of perennation probably lies in the fact that certain teleutospores produced at the end of the growing season have the power of lasting through the winter and germinating in the spring. Plowright, Massee and Tau- benhaus all agree in this: the latter (1911) kept infected leaves, gathered at Cornell University in the United States from the living plant on November 26th, both indoors at a low temperature and outdoors, and by testing spores taken from them at intervals from December to April found that they still remained germinable, though more and more slowly as time went on. Dandeno, however (9th Report Mich. Acad. Sci. 1907, p. 68), states that the fungus does not winter in the seeds; he tried seeds of diseased plants, carefully excluding infection from outside, and found that they all produced healthy plants. His experience also was that no teleutospores remained viable till the next spring, but that the fungus maintained itself the whole winter through on mallow plants in sheltered spots. These differences may be partly a matter of climate, and as regards the “seeds,” unless there were sori on them, they could hardly be supposed to carry the infection, even if they came from infected plants, except by the presence of “mycoplasm” or mycelium, neither of which has been proved. For this reason the chief means of preventing the disease (apart from using “seed” from uninfected plants) must be to gather and burn all dead leaves from the infested bed. When peer erer GYMNOSPORANGIUM CLAVARIZFORME 51 the disease does appear, spraying with Bordeaux mixture is the best remedy against its spreading. It is the very young shoots and the upper side of the leaves that most require spraying ; although the pustules appear chiefly on the lower surface of the leaves, there can be little doubt that infection by the basidiospores takes place mainly through the upper surface. Gymnosporangium clavarieforme. THE HAWTHORN AND JUNIPER RwsT. This fungus produces its zcidia on the branches, leaves and fruit of the Hawthorn and on the leaves of the Pear, and its teleutospores (there are no uredospores) on branches of the common Juniper, where it causes fusiform swellings. There are three other allied British species, of which G. Sabinae also attacks the Pear, but its teleutospores are formed only on Juniperus Sabina (the Savin Juniper). On the swollen branches of the Juniper, the parasite pro- duces in April and May numerous orange masses, which ooze out and sometimes reach more than 1 cm. in height. They vary in shape, but are usually more or less conical or tongue-shaped (Fig. 30). They consist of a mucilaginous mass in which large numbers of teleutospores are embedded. The mucilage is produced by the gela- tinisation of the cell-walls of the fungus, especially of the very long pedicels; it naturally swells and becomes more conspicuous in wet weather. The teleutospores ger- minate at once, while still in the His Sh. Byanasnatoupin Bie mass; the basidiospores are pro- variaeforme. Masses of teleuto- : te spores on branch of Juniperus duced in the usual way; it has communis (slightly reduced) ; been shown lately in another species _‘*w° teleutospores, x 600. (Coons, 1912) that they do not fall off, but are jerked off the 4—2 r~— GYMNOSPORANGIUM CLAVARIZFORME wigmata, much in the same way in which the basidiospores > thrown off in the Agaricini. They accumulate in large mbers on the outside of the mucilaginous mass, and present > appearance of a golden-yellow powder. The mycelium of 2 fungus is perennial in the Juniper, spreading from branch branch and producing a fresh crop of teleutospores each spring. If one of the basidiospores is blown by the wind or carried insects to a moist leaf or young fruit or stem of Hawthorn, germinates and bores through the cuticle in the ordinary y, and forms there a limited patch of mycelium. It is said at the infection has been known to be conveyed for half ~Ss. 31. Gymnosporangium clavariaeforme. Aicidia on leaf, fruit, and branch of Hawthorn (reduced); wu, peridium, x16. The fruit and gall on branch are shown as they appear when the peridia are old, aud the mass looks somewhat like » honeycomb. mile. This mycelium produces the ecidium-stage, which is t usually seen until the end of June, in about 18—20 days. 1e xcidia are not of the ordinary cup-like shape, but of the m called Reestelia: they are cylindrical, brown at the base d ochreous above where the peridium is torn into numerous mder filaments (Fig. 31). On the leaves they appear in undish patches a few mm. in diameter, but on the twigs ey form large spongy masses and the fruits are often so vered with them as to look like a cluster of little spikes. * IT am indebted to Professor Buller for calling my attention to this fact. ENDOPHYLLUM SEMPERVIVI 53 Within these ecidia the ecidiospores are produced; these will only infect the Juniper, on which they begin the cycle again. For all these species of Gymnosporangium the only remedy is to remove and burn the diseased Juniper, if it can be found ; if it may not be destroyed, at least the affected branches should be cut off, and the wounds dressed with Stockholm tar. It is of no use to spray or otherwise treat the Hawthorn or Pear. In them the disease is purely local; it comes to an end when the summer ends, and will not recur next year unless fresh infection is conveyed from the Juniper. The harm done to them is confined to the loss of the foliage which naturally weakens the tree to some extent. Endophyllum Sempervivi. THE HovuseLeEK Rust. This parasite attacks the common Houseleek and numerous other species of Sempervivum. It differs from nearly all the other Uredinales in having only spermatia and ecidiospores, the latter functioning also as teleutospores and producing basi- diospores. This fungus has been thoroughly investigated by Hoffmann (1911) from whom the following account has been derived. The ecidiospores mature on the leaves in April and May; they have no visible germ-pores. They germinate at once, while still in the ecidium; the germ-tube forces its way out at some point of the circumference of the spore and elongates to form the four-celled basidium. Each basidium produces four basidiospores on long sterigmata; occasionally more are pro- duced—Hoffmann observed as many as eight on one basidium. The basidiospores may be blown on to the leaf of a Houseleek where they germinate at once and bore through the cuticle ; they form a holdfast (somewhat as a uredospore does) below the outer wall and penetrate into the epidermal cell (see Fig. 17). The mycelium then branches, passes through the intercellular 54 ENDOPHYLLUM SEMPERVIVI spaces (sending haustoria into the cells) until it reaches the base of the leaf; thence it penetrates into the axis and so up to the growing point, where it hibernates till the following year. In the spring it grows on into the freshly formed leaves which become yellow and longer and more erect: on these, on both sides, spermogones appear in March and April, followed Fig. 82. Aicidia of En- dophyllum on leaf of Sempervivum monta- num (reduced). by excidia (Fig. 32) which repeat the cycle. The affected plants are easily recognised by the different attitude of the leaves, which imparts an unusual irregularity to the rosette (Fig. 33). The most interesting point about this species is that established by Hoff- mann, that the ecidiospore-chain arises in the way already described for Puccinia Caricis from a cell produced by the fusion of two adjacent cells of the spore- bed, after the manner described by Christman except that the conjugating cells were not situated in any definite plane. The binucleate secidiospores then became uninucleate by the fusion Fig. 33. Two plants of Sempervivum, one (left) affected by Endophyllum Sempervivi, the other not. of the conjugate nuclei. On germination, when the fusion- nucleus divides into four, the first division shows slight differences from the others so as to make it certain that it is the reducing division, CRONARTIUM RIBICOLA 55 The life-cycle may thus be represented as follows: Basidiospore Gametophyte Mycelium (m generation) Acidium Spermogone \ Female cells Spermatia Fusion-cell | Spore-mother-cell h eee 4 Aicidio-teleuto-spore Intercalary cell ome) aa a 0 00 oOo Basidiospores ° This life-history 1s especially worthy of consideration because it probably represents that which obtained at the first evolution of the higher Uredinales. The various types of development, seen in the genera Puccinia, Uromyces, etc., and described under the names Eupuccinia, Micropuccinia and so on, may all be derived from this original form. See Grove, New Phytologist, 1918, p. 89. Cronartium ribicola. Tue Rust OF CURRANTS AND FIVE-LEAVED PINES. This disease, called the Currant Rust in one stage, and the Weymouth Pine Blister Rust in the alternate stage, can do enormous damage in the second phase ;"it threatens in places to put a stop entirely to the cultivation of the Weymouth Pine. It has been imported into England and the United States with young trees of the latter from the continent of Europe. The remedy is to inspect Weymouth Pines, in nurseries and plan- tations, annually, cutting down and burning all those that show infection, and to remove all currant bushes from their neighbourhood. A currant-free belt, 300—500 ft. wide, is considered sufficient for security. The teleutospores are produced on leaves of various kinds 56 CRONARTIUM RIBICOLA of Ribes (Fig. 34); they have been recorded on 26 out of about 50 known species. The spermogones and ecidia are formed on stems and branches of the five-leaved species of Pinus: they have been found on five out of the eighteen Pines of that group, but do not attack species having 2 or 3 leaves in a fascicle. The following account is founded on that of Spaulding (1911). The basidiospores are formed about the beginning of August, and if they are blown by the wind, and adhere to moist young branches of the Pine, the germ-tube enters and produces a mycelium which. lives in the branch for several years, ultimately causing it to become considerably swollen in a fusiform or irregular manner. In about half the cases it is the main trunk Fig, 34. Cronartium ribicola. a, a spore of Peridermium Strobi, x 600; 6, the teleutospore-columns on leaf of Red Currant (reduced); c, a uredo- spore; d, top of a column of teleutospores, x 600. that is infested. On this swollen portion spermogones appear at almost any period of the year, followed in spring by the ecidia, which break through fissures in the bark; these may be even as much as 1 cm. high, yellowish-white in colour, with orange spores. When the peridium bursts open, in an irregular manner, the spores may be carried by the wind to any plants of Rabes that may be near and can at once infect them. The distance to which the zcidiospores can be effectively carried is estimated to be less than 500 ft. These spores cannot infect the Pine; but if they fall upon a moist leaf of Ribes, the uredo- pustules usually appear, on the underside, in from 10 to 20 days. These uredospores can, as usual, reproduce themselves on MELAMPSORA PINITORQUA 57 any leaves of Ribes to which they may be carried, thereby forming a means of rapidly spreading an infection which is once started. After a few weeks, brownish thread-like growths appear in the uredo-sori: these are the filaments on which the teleutospores are borne, and the latter may be found from July until the fall of the leaf, and even upon the fallen leaves. The teleutospores may germinate at once, perhaps also after a con- siderable time, but the basidiospores which they produce can only infect young branches of Pine as described above. They are distributed by the wind, but probably cannot be carried to any great distance. Owing to the long incubation period of the mycelium which will produce the ecidiospores, the fungus cannot be seen on the Pine until it is at least three years old, although infection may have taken place in the seedling: by that time the leaves have naturally fallen off the part which received the infection. Though this disease does little harm to the currant, it is necessary to destroy the infested bushes, since they form a focus of infection for the Pines. Weymouth Pines that are more than 20—25 years old are rarely liable to attack. Melampsora pinitorqua. THE PINE AND AspEN Rust. The ecidial stage of this Melampsora lives on young shoots of Scots Pine (Pinus silvestris) and its uredo- and teleuto-stages on leaves of Aspen (Populus tremula). The teleutospores germinate after a winter's rest, and the basidiospores infect the young pine-buds, just beginning to elongate in May and June. The mycelium produced penetrates the cortex, and reaches also the bast and medullary rays. On these shoots the spermogones appear about the end of May, and are followed by the ecidia. The cortex of the affected part becomes orange and dead, while the unaffected part still con- tinues to grow. Thus thin shoots may be killed altogether, but in the thicker ones curvature takes place owing to the one-sided growth: the negative geotropism of the growing 58 MELAMPSORA PINITORQUA point, combined with this lateral curvature, causes S-shaped distortions which have given rise to the name “ Pine Branch Twist” for the disease (Fig. 35). It is suggested by Massee that the zecidiospores can repro- duce the excidia and thus propagate the parasite on the Pine without reference to the alternate host, but no proof is given of this statement. The mycelium is almost certainly perennial in the affected branch, and thus fresh outbreaks arise year by year more or less, according to the weather in the spring. If the ecidiospores are blown on to a leaf of Aspen, they germinate there and the mycelium produces uredospores during Fig. 35. Melampsora pinitorqua (from a German specimen, ex herb. Sydow). «, a young shoot of Pine, in June, with newly-formed leaves, showing three ceomata (@), shaded; the leaves have been removed from the affected portion, which is beginning to be curved; b, w ceoma, x10; cv, ecidiospores; d, old leaf of Aspen, showing numerous teleuto-sori on the lower surface ; e, teleutospores. the summer: these are usually so abundant as to cover the underside of the leaves, and the parts on which they occur show plainly as yellow spots on the upper side. For a time, the uredospores spread the disease rapidly during the growing season, until sometimes all the leaves of a tree are more or less attacked and are covered with a bright orange powder. As the leaves begin to die, teleuto-sori are formed; at first these are brown, and show as little angular crusts on the under side. Afterwards, when the leaves are fallen off, the crusts begin to turn almost black as the teleutospores mature. These spores are produced beneath the epidermis, standing erect and side by CALYPTOSPORA GOEPPERTIANA 59 side in crowded patches; they are brown and unicellular. They are not perfectly ripe till the following April; then, if the leaves are gathered from the forest-floor where they have lain all the winter, brought into a room and kept moist, the teleutospores will germinate in great numbers by sending out basidia in the usual way, though it is not possible to discern a germ-pore in the ungerminated spore. The basidiospores in turn infect the Pine, and the cycle begins again. In the Aspen the mycelium affects only the leaves and causes little harm, since the leaves do not fall off prematurely : in the allied species, Melampsora Rostrupwi, I have found the root-suckers round the parent tree to be most infested at first. Besides P. tremula, the Abele Poplar (P. alba) is also able to propagate the disease, as well as the hybrid between them, P. alba x tremula. The chief harm is done to the Pines: Hartig showed that seedling pines are often killed by an attack, but if the tree manages to survive over thirteen years it may recover. In any case the tree is more or less spoilt by the distorted and dead branches, and, if it is true that the zcidio- spores can spread the disease on the pines, it is evident that young seedlings, when seen to be infested, should be pulled up and burnt at once. Another precaution suggested by the life- history is not to allow plantations of the two species of poplar near to a seed-bed of Scots Pine. It must be remembered that there are several other Uredinales on Pinus silvestris, and also others on the Aspen which have no connection with Melampsora pinitorqua: the latter species can be easily recognised by the curvature of the young pine-branches, which is not produced by any of the others. Fortunately the disease is rare in this country, as in many other countries. Calyptospora Goeppertiana. THE COWBERRY AND SILVER Fir Rust. This fungus produces its teleutospores on the Cowberry (Vaccinium Vitis-idaea), and its ecidiospores chiefly on the Silver Fir (Abies pectinata): it has no uredospores. 60 CALYPTOSPORA GOEPPERTIANA It can live at any rate for a number of years in the Cowberry, in which the mycelium is perennial, but in the Fir the mycelium is short-lived and perishes when the leaves prematurely fall off. In Europe only the Cowberry has been noticed as its teleuto- spore-host, but in the United States it is recorded on eight é other species of Vaccinium (including V. Myrtillus A. Gray); strange to say, the fungus has not yet been observed on the Fir in America. Besides Abies pectinata, it is recorded in this country on A. Nordmanniana (from Wales, etc.), and the zcidia have occurred or been produced artificially elsewhere on at least 10 other species of the genus. A good account is given in the Kew Bulletin (1907) from which and other sources the following is drawn. The most noticeable effect is produced upon the Cowberry. The ecidiospores ripen in July and August, and if one of them is carried to a young branch of the Cowberry, its germ-tube penetrates through a stoma (or, it is said, bores its way through the outer epidermis wall), and penetrates into the cortex, where it grows and next spring ex- tends itself into the new shoots. These present a remarkable appear- ance : the internodes are lengthened, they become spongy and _ strongly a Ps Calyprospora Goepper- swollen and coloured red or pink, ee ere afterwards turning brown (Fig. 36). Abies pectinata, b, leaf of A. Lhe infested plants are taller than Nordmanniana, with wscidia, ‘ moraniy (le luther bedlucea. uninfested ones and have smaller leaves. The mycelium perennates in the affected shoots, and passes each spring into the newly formed ones; thus the diseased branches usually occur in clusters. Finally the mycelium penetrates into the epidermis, and the teleutospores are formed within the epidermal cells CALYPTOSPORA GOEPPERTIANA 61 which they completely fill, They are mostly divided by two crossed walls into groups of four cells, each provided with a germ-pore at its upper and inner corner. In the spring following their formation, they germinate in situ about May, sending out their basidia through the dead epidermis, and producing their basidiospores in the air. These are blown by the wind on to the just-starting shoots of Fir, and infect the young leaves, on which they produce the ecidia on yellow spots in two rows, one on each side of the midrib. The ecidia are cylindrical, white, with torn margin, }—1 mm. high, filled with orange spores, and when empty look like the remains of insects’ eggs. Their spores are soon ripe and can infect the young Cowberry shoots, but not the Fir. The diseased leaves soon turn yellow and begin to fall off during July; it is this early defoliation of the Fir that does the harm. There is obviously no cure except to remove and burn the infested Cowberry plants, and for the sake of prevention these should be searched for in the neighbourhood, when a plantation of Silver Fir or its allies is going to be made. There is no difficulty in detecting them on account of the peculiar appeatr- ance which they present. The disease is rare in this country, and is confined mainly to the moorland districts. These life-histories have been selected in such a way as to show, so far as could be done from British species, the remarkable variations that exist in the cycle of development and in the occurrence of the different spore-forms of the Uredinales. CHAPTER V SPECIALISATION The Uredinales are strictly parasitic (obligate parasites). Many parasitic Fungi can live for a time saprophytically, but those belonging to the present group are quite incapable of such an existence. They are wholly dependent upon their host. Moreover, a study of the evolution of the Uredinales shows us that they have sprung from some simple beginning (resembling perhaps remotely the Ustilaginales) in such a way that new forms ever appeared as new hosts were evolved, and advanced part passu with them. The lowest forms are those parasitic upon the Ferns, the highest are among those on the Compositee and others of the more specialised orders. Each form is more or less closely adapted to its particular host, but there is a wide range among them in this respect. A species which can find sustenance upon hosts of more than one kind is called plurivorous. One of the widest is Puccinia Malvacearum, confined, indeed, to the Mallow family, but appearing to spread to nearly every genus of the group Malvex of that family. It has been experimentally shown that it can be transferred from Malva to Althaea and vice versd, and obser- vations on its occurrence in nature imply that it can pass equally to other genera (see under that species). Or a species may be found only on part of a subfamily, as P. Arenariae on many genera of the Alsinew. Others are confined to a single genus, but appear to be equally at home on almost any species belonging to it, as P. Violae. Still others are restricted so far as we know to a single species, as P. Buai, and various species ARTIFICIAL CULTURES 63 of a genus may have totally distinct rusts upon them, as in the genus Galiwm. So far there is nothing that would contravene one’s expectations, but it is impossible to avoid a little in- credulity when one is told that on Hieraciwm there is a Puccinia which is confined strictly to a single form of a variety of a subspecies of a species of that genus (Probst, 1909). These specialisations can be proved only by artificial cultures. Certain experimenters have developed very successful methods of infecting given plants with the spores. The ecidio- or uredo- spores are the handiest for this purpose. A sorus of mature uredospores is removed from the leaf, placed in a drop of water and broken up with a needle; the spores are then thoroughly shaken up with a suitable quantity of distilled water. The soil, in which the plant to be used is growing, should have been well watered before the experiment begins. The leaves to be inoculated are first sprayed with distilled water from an atomiser, and then the liquid containing the spores is similarly sprayed upon them, naturally upon a surface which possesses stomata. The plant is then placed under a bell-glass for 24—48 hours or longer, and afterwards kept in a greenhouse at a suitable tem- perature, protected if required by a larger glass shade with sufficient ventilation. A similar uninoculated plant should be kept near it asa control. In spraying, too great a quantity of moisture should be avoided; in nature it is observed that the germination of spores succeeds best in a layer of dew, not of rain. The keeping under a closed bell-glass is for the purpose of allowing the germ-tubes to enter the stomata; after that nothing more is required but to grow the plant in the ordinary way. The result of the infection will begin to appear in about 10—20 days or more, according to the species. The inoculation with teleutospores which are ready to germinate may be effected in the same way; or a leaf with mature teleutospores may be tied, spores downwards, on the plant at the selected spot, and left to itself or protected for a time with a layer of wet cotton wool. If it be required to discriminate, under special circumstances, between the artificial infection and any accidental one that might occur, the leaf to be used may be marked with lines in waterproof ink, and the 64 CORN-RUST spores carefully placed between the lines with a camel-hair brush. A few instances of specialisation will now be given, in addition to the less complicated cases which are treated of under the several species in the systematic part. It will be seen that greater economic importance attaches to this specialisation than might at first be imagined. The first example taken will be that of Puccinia graminis, which is found upon various grasses, especially upon cultivated cereals. In the early days of this study almost any rust upon corn was called P. graminis; afterwards it was found that there are several kinds, which can be easily separated by their form or colour, and the real P. graminis is distinguished as Black Rust, on account of the conspicuous black striae which its teleuto-sori form upon the culms in autumn. Its uredospores also can easily be dis- tinguished from the uredospores of the other species which live upon the corn. But even after restricting the application of the name by these morphological distinctions, the species is still recorded on more than 180 kinds of grass, although of course some few of these records may be erroneous. When discussion took place in the past upon the mode by which epidemics of Corn-rust were caused, apart from the Barberry, year after year, it was considered sufficient to point to this wide prevalence of the species, and to assert that it lived through the winter upon the wild grasses and passed from them to the corn when the time arrived. Eriksson is the experimenter who has done most to refute this idea; by making artificial inoculations he has proved that in certain cases the rust which is found on wild grasses will not infect the wheat and vice versd. In spite of this biological difference, however, in most cases no morphological distinctions can be detected, or, if so, they are very slight and somewhat variable. Nevertheless the difference exists, though in varying degrees of definiteness; exactly the same kind of specialisation has been proved to exist in the Erysiphacee. The natural explanation is that the species, P. graminis, was originally parasitic on numerous grasses, quite indifferently; but as time went on, certain reasons, perhaps geographical or ecological, caused some sets of individuals to BLACK RUST 65 restrict themselves to a particular species of grass; in course of years they became more and more closely adapted to this host, and in so doing grew less and less able to infect other species. But possibly they have seldom completely lost this power, as is shown by the existence of “bridging” species of which Ward produced the best evidence in P. bromina; these will be referred to later. It -is assumed that all the forms of P. graminis will infect the Barberry; the restrictions are confined to the alternate host. As a result of his experiments, Eriksson divided the species into the following “special forms,” which are here called “biological” races :— f. Secalis—on Rye f. Avenae—on Oat f. Tritici—on Wheat f. Atrae—on Aira f. Agrostidis—on Agrostis 6. f. Poae—on Poa. Sot re Oates Race 1 grows not only on Rye, but also on Hordeum vulgare, H. murinum, Agropyron repens, A. caninum, Elymus arenarius, Bromus secalinus etc. (In all these enumerations non-British species will be omitted.) Race 2, on Oat, and on Arrhenatherum elatius, Dactylis glomerata, Alopecurus pratensis, Miliwm effusum, Bromus arvensis, B, madritensis, Festuca Myurus, F. sciuroides, F. ovina (tenurfolia). Race 3, on Wheat, but also though more rarely on Barley, Oat, and Rye. Race 4, on Aira caespitosa. Race 5, on Agrostis canina, A. stolonifera, A. vulgaris. Race 6, on Poa compressa, P. caesia, P. pratensis. A seventh Race, f. Horde, is sometimes added, though Eriksson included it under his f. Tritici or f. Secalis, Jaczewski (1910) from numerous inoculation-experiments arrived at somewhat different results: he found that he could infect Rye only from Agropyron repens, A. caninwin, Bromus secalinus, and Dactylis glomerata; Wheat only from A. repens, Festuca gigantea, and Lolium perenne; Oat only from GU. 5 66 BLACK RUST Arrhenatherum elatius, Alopecurus pratensis, Avena pubescens, and Festuca ovina; and Barley only from Zriticwm and Lolium perenne. According to him it seems that only Barley and Wheat could infect each other directly, although it is known from other sources that Wheat can also infect Rye; this could, however, be done even according to Jaczewski’s state- ments, if Agropyron repens were employed as a “ bridging” species. Carleton, in North America, experimented with much the same forms, but reached a still different result. According to him (1899) there are only two biological races : 1. f. Lritici—on Wheat, Barley, Hordeum murinum, Koeleria cristata, Festuca gigantea, Dactylis glomerata, Agrostis alba. 2. f. Avenae—on Oat, Avena pratensis, A. fatua, Hordeum murinum, Dactylis ylomerata, Koeleria cristata, Arrhenatherum elatius, Holcus mollis, Ammophila arenaria, Alopecurus pratensis. In a further publication (1904) he adds to form (1) that Holcus lanatus should probably be included, and furthermore that ‘there is a form of P. graminis on Agrostis alba vulgaris which could not be transferred to Wheat or Oat. Freeman and Johnson (1911) in the U.S. cultivated P. gramims by its uredospores alone for two years without any loss of vigour. They found that the uredospores of f. Tritica would infect Barley easily, rarely Rye, and never Oat, but by using Barley as a “bridging” species, they could infect, with the uredospores produced on that, Rye easily, and Oat in a less degree. The uredospores of f. Hordei would infect Wheat and Barley easily, and in a less degree Oat and Rye. The uredo- spores of f. Secalis would infect Barley, and by using that as a “bridging” species would infect Oat at the second step, but in a less degree. The most specialised form was f. Avenae; besides the Oat its uredospores would infect only Barley, and not always that. From this it is evident that either (1) the specialisation of these races is less sharp than Eriksson would have us believe, or (2) the specialisation is taking place along two distinct lines in the United States and in Europe respectively. Probably both of these statements are true, but in support of the former YELLOW RUST 67 view we may adduce the fact that Eriksson could infect Berberis vulgaris with teleutospores obtained from many grasses (Wheat, Oat, Barley, Rye, Arrhenatherum elatius, Agropyron repens, A. caninum, Dactylis glomerata, Agrostis stolonifera, Elymus arenarius, Poa compressa, P. pratensis, Aira caespitosa, Bromus secalinus, and many others, non-British) while Bolley was able to infect a large number of the grasses with spores taken from a single Barberry hedge. The economic importance of the matter lies in the fact that, if the specialisation is as strict as Eriksson maintains, the corn- crops cannot often (in the absence of Berberis) be infected by rust on other cereals or on the wild grasses in the neighbouring hedges. This excessive strictness, however, no one else is prepared to admit: in any case there are obviously plenty of “bridging” species which would enable the rust to get at the corn at the second step, if not at the first. The reason why we cannot, so far, attribute any very great accuracy to the state- ments regarding specialisation is that the conditions required for infection are demonstrably very complex and at present ill- understood, so that a negative result, even when repeatedly occurring, often proves nothing whatever. This is manifest from Eriksson’s own complaints about the “ capriciousness ” of the germination of the spores, and from the frequent recurrence of such remarks as this—“ Uredospores from Aira caespitosa would not always infect Aira caespitosa.” There is another very important conclusion that can be drawn from this survey, viz. that the life-histories of hetercecious rusts must always be worked out separately for each country in the world. A second example of specialisation is given by the Yellow or Golden Rust (P. glumarum): it is divided by Eriksson into five biological races : f. Triticc—on Wheat alone f. Hordei—on Barley alone f. Secalis—on Rye (perhaps also on Wheat) f. Llymi—on Elymus arenarius alone f. Agropyri—on Agropyron repens, but of the last Eriksson remarks that he could not infect this host with its own uredospores. With the exception mentioned, 5—2 SP wb 68 CROWN RUST each of these forms would not infect the other hosts, so far as they were tried. It is doubtful if the two last forms are dis- tinct, as they were not tested sufficiently. A more complicated case is seen in P. coronata Corda, the Crown Rust. Not only is this divided by Eriksson and Klebahn into two sub-species, P. coronata and P. Lolii (=coronsfera), but each of these is still further sub-divided by them into biological ‘races. In P. coronata (ecidium on Rhamnus Frangula) they are: f. Calamagrostidis—on C. lanceolata etc. (also on Phalaris) f. Phalaridis—on P. arundinacea (also on Calamagrostis) f, Agrostidis—on A. vulgaris, A. alba, A. stoloniferc f. Holct—on H. lanatus, H. mollis f. Agropyri—on A. repens. She oe Poo The state of P. coronata which occurs on Dactylis has not yet been assigned to any of these forms. The last two of them seem doubtful and may not belong to P. coronata, and the first two of them may be identical, since each seems able to extend at times to the other host. In P. Loliz, the Crown Rust of Oat (ecidium on RA. cathar- ticus), they are: . Avenae—on A. sativa, A. fatua . Lolii—on L. perenne (perhaps also on Festuca elatior) . Festucae—on F. elatior, F. gigantea . Holci—on HA. lunatus, H. mollis . Alopecuri—on A. pratensis etc. . Glyceriae—on G. aguatica. To which of these the form of P. Lolii on Arrhena- therum should be assigned seems to be undecided. There are also Crown Rusts, of which little is known, on Melica nutans and Sesleria coerulea. Later (Arkw for Botanik, 1908, vol. viii) Eriksson revises his previous conclusions in regard to P. Lolti as follows, making eight races : Oo Pp wee re rh rh bh ph Ph 1. ff Avenae—on Avena 2. £. Alopecuri—on Al. pratensis, etc. (sometimes on Av. sativa) 3. f. Festucae—on F. elatior, F. gigantea 4. f Lolii—on Lolium perenne and other species (also on F. elatior) UROMYCES ON GRASSES 69 or f. Glyceriae—on G. aquatica 6. f. Agropyri—on A. repens f. Epigaei—on Calamagrostis epigeios (also, but rarely, on Avena sativa) 8. f. Holei—on Holcus lanatus. a To these Miihlenthaler (1910) adds a ninth form, on several species of Bromus. These results agree pretty well with those of Klebahn, but not with those of Carleton. According to the latter, the only host of P. Loli in nature, in the United States, is Avena sativa: but in artificial cultures it can be foisted on other species because of the unnatural conditions, especially on account of the employment of very young and non-resistant plants. In any case, however, there is a general agreement that the form of P. Lolit on Avena sativa cannot be transferred to Wheat, Barley, or Rye. In fact, with the exceptions mentioned, it was found by all experimenters more or less in all these cases, that attempts made to transfer the fungus from the host of one “special form” to those of the others were unsuccessful from some unknown cause. The state of things in regard to the two common Uromyces species, found upon Grasses, is more perplexing. There is no agreement whatsoever between the various authors who have experimented upon them. The latest results are, perhaps, the following : Krieg (1909) divides Uromyces Dactylidis into two biological races or “ formee speciales ” : l. f£ sp. with ecidium on Ranunculus bulbosus, R. repens 2. f. sp. with ecidium on several non-British species of Ranunculus. Juel (Svensk Bot. Tidskr. ii. 169, 1908) divides Uromyces Poae into nine biological races, of which the following seven may be British: . sp. Ficariae-nemoralis . sp. Ficariae-trivialis . sp. Ficariae-pratensis . Sp. repentis-nemoralis (also on R. bulbosus) . Sp. repentis-trivialis (also on Poa annua) . Sp. repentis-pratensis . Sp. auricomi-pratensis. BT Se Ore ge NS bor oP rh rh ph fh 70 BROWN RUST The hosts of these are indicated by their names, but there is a very high probability that their distinction depends entirely on accidents of weather or manipulation at the time when the inoculation was made. Finally, in regard to another case, P. dispersa (sens. lat.) the Brown Rust of Corn, it will be seen by referring to the systematic part that it is divided into a number of subordinate forms or sub-species, which are for the most part only dis- tinguishable biologically ; though here the amount of difference is much greater than in P. graminis, and there is more to be said in favour of calling these forms distinct species, as is often done. For, as will be seen by the descriptions, in some of them an ecidium stage is known, in others not, though Klebahn remarks that in the latter cases we might possibly find the zecidium, if we could trace each form to its ancestral home. Moreover, in some of these cases, the teleutospores germinate in the spring, in others in the autumn. One of the most remarkable of these forms is P. bromina, on species of Bromus, from which Ward (1902) obtained such important results. For instance, he showed that uredospores taken from B. mollis always infected B. mollis and B. secalinus and their close allies, but not B. sterilis and its allies; while on the other hand those on B. steril¢s would infect B. sterilis and its ally B. madritensis, but rarely the other Bromes. We can reason, as Ward says, that uredospores from B. mollis infect that species readily “because their food-supplies and previous environment have affected their protoplasm in some way which makes it easier for their germ-tubes and mycelium to grow in tissues which afford them the same nutriment and present the same obstacles, as they have hitherto enjoyed or been con- fronted with” (p. 299). They can flourish in B. secalinus because here also the food-supplies etc. offered are nearly the same. But in B. sterilis the resistance of the plant to infection is sufficiently great to present a barrier which is incapable of being overcome except by an odd spore, here and there, varying from the normal. In 4, out of 148, trials, uredospores from B. mollis infected B, sterilis and these might then produce spores which could pass on to B. madritensis, although in no single BRIDGING SPECIES 71 case out of many experiments could B. madritensis be infected directly from B. mollis. B. sterilis therefore acted as a “bridging” species, and enabled the parasite to pass from B. mollis to B. madritensis, though it could not do so without this intervention. The same existence of “bridging” species has been demonstrated in Erysiphe graminis, and no doubt will be found in numerous other instances. Ward further mentions (1903) that he found B. ardwennensis var. villosus to be infectible by the spores from B. sterilis, B. mollis, and B. patulus, as well as by those from B. arduennensis, and therefore easily able to serve as a bridging species between these others. Nevertheless, that such intermediary species do not exist in all cases is proved by the fact that when he grew “more than 200 species and varieties of Bromus side by side or intermingled in contiguous beds, certain species invari- ably caught the disease and became rusted, while others close by showed no sign of infection.” The occurrence of these abnormal spores, i.e. mutations, which is proved in the case of Bromus, is of great significance and gives us the clue by which we can understand how a gradual or sudden passage can take place, and has taken place, from one host to another, so that now an appreciable percentage of the modern vegetable world have parasites more or less specialised to themselves. Another important consequence follows from this fact of specialisation. If the parasite is so narrowly adapted to its particular host, it may be expected that varieties of the host can be found or bred which will be able to resist attack, that is, will be immune. A great deal of research has been devoted of late years, especially by Professor Biffen of the Agricultural School at Cambridge, to this subject of breeding a race of wheat which will be immune to Rust, and a certain amount of progress has been made. Immunity depends chiefly (perhaps entirely) upon the ability of the cytoplasm of the host-cells to resist infection by secreting anti-toxins which will kill the mycelium of the fungus. Immunity and susceptibility (which, however, seem to be always relative only and not absolute) have been proved to be inherited, and in fact to be Mendelian 72 IMMUNITY characters, the latter being dominant (Biffen, 1907, 1912; Pole- Evans, 1911). But owing to the minute specialisation which is characteristic of many Rusts, a variety may be immune to one Rust while susceptible to another, or may even be immune in one country but susceptible to the same Rust in a different climate. The latter change would depend upon a slight disturbance (by climatic factors) of the delicate balance which existed between the attacking and resisting powers of the two organisms. It may be pointed out here that this affords an opportunity for dealing a final blow at the moribund “ mycoplasm” hypo- thesis. For when a susceptible and an immune variety of wheat were crossed (Biffen, 1905) both the reciprocal crosses were susceptible. Yet in that cross in which the pollen used was taken from the susceptible parent, while the other was immune, the only means by which the “mycoplasm” could be conveyed would be in the generative nuclei of the pollen-tube, which is inconceivable. An attempted criticism of this con- clusion (Butler, 1905) misses altogether the point of the argument: the maternal parent could not be classed as immune, if it usually contained the “ mycoplasm ” already in its tissues. CHAPTER VI CLASSIFICATION AND PHYLOGENY The Uredinales form a group of Fungi so closely allied that they must be regarded as monophyletic. The number of species considered in the present work is about 250. They may be divided into five families. A. IJMPEDICELLATA. I. Melampsoracese—Teleutospores not pedicellate, but seated on a dilated hyphal cell, produced singly in the tissues of the host, or compacted side by side into flat crusts, 1—4-celled. Germination by an external basidium, with minute round basidiospores (about 10). Uredospores ab- stricted singly. Aicidia with or without a peridium. II. Cronartiaceee—Teleutospores not pedicellate, produced in chains, which are either separate or united into columnar, wart-like, or lens-shaped bodies. Germination asin I. Basidio- spores round, small (about 10 yu or less), III. Coleosporiacee—Teleutospores in one (or rarely two) layers, forming waxy, bright-coloured crusts, not pedicellate, but seated on a dilated hyphal cell, at first one-celled. Ger- mination by the formation of an internal basidium of four superimposed cells, each of which protrudes a sterigma and a large basidiospore (about 20 «). IV. Endophyllaceze—AKcidio-teleutospores surrounded by a hemispherical peridium and produced from a fusion-cell, in chains with intercalary cells, but germinating with an external basidium. 74 CLASSIFICATION B. PEDICELLATZ. V. Pucciniaceee — Teleutospores distinctly pedicellate though the pedicel is often very short or caducous, united into pulvinate sori, easily separable or immersed in gelatine, each spore consisting of one or more cells arranged in rows or groups. Germination by an external basidium ; basidiospores more or less ovate. A¥cidia with or without peridium. Uredo- spores always abstricted singly on distinct pedicels. The following genera belonging to these families are British, excluding Uredinopsis : MELAMPSORACEA. A. Teleutospores composed of 2—4 laterally adherent cells, the septa in the latter case cruciately arranged. a. Teleutospores colourless, scattered singly in the host-tissues or formed in the epidermal cells. On Ferns. [1. Teleutospores extracellular, scattered. Uredospores surrounded by a peridium, colourless, without germ-pores. Uredtnopsis.] 2. Teleutospores intracellular. Uredospores surrounded by a peridium, colourless, without evident germ-pores. Jfilesina. 3. Teleutospores intracellular. Uredospores without (or with a very rudimentary) peridium, yellow, with germ-pores. Hyalopsora. b. Teleutospores brownish, in the epidermal cells or forming subepidermal crusts. On Seed-plants. 1. Teleutospores intracellular. cidiospores without smooth spot. Calyptospora. 2. Teleutospores intracellular. AEcidiospores smovcth on one side, Thecopsora, 3. Teleutospores extracellular, subepidermal. Kcidiospores smooth on one side. Pucciniastrum. B. Teleutospores one-celled, united into crusts. a. Teleutospores in the epidermal cells, usually one-celled, faintly coloured. Uredospores with peridium, but without para- physes, and without evident germ-pores. Acidium with a peridium. Melampsorella, b, Teleutospores not intracellular, one-celled, brown. 1. Teleutospores subepidermal. Uredo- and secidiospores as above. Melampsoridium., 2. Teleutospores subepidermal or subcuticular. - Uredospores without peridium, but with paraphyses. cidium of the cxoma type. Melampsora. PHYLOGENY 75 CRONARTIACEA. A. Teleutospores in pulvinate sori. Chrysomyxa. B. Teleutospores in columnar sori. Cronartium. COLEOSPORIACE. A. Basidiospores fusiform. Uredospores formed singly. Ochropsora. B. Basidiospores ellipsoid or lemon-shaped. Uredospores in chains. cidia with an inflated peridium. Coleosporium. C. Basidiospores globose. Basidium ultimately protruded. Teleuto- spores with lateral pedicel. Zaghouania. ENDOPHYLLACEZA. Kcidio-teleutospores in a cup-shaped peridium, germinating with an external basidium. Endophylium. PUCCINIACEA. A. Teleutospores embedded in gelatine, on Gymnosperms. No uredo- spores, Gymnosporangium. B. Teleutospores free, on Angiosperms. a. Teleutospores of more than two cells. 1. Teleutospores of many cells. No uredospores. Xenodochus. 2. Teleutospores of several cells, dark-coloured. Czeomata en- circled by paraphyses; uredospores the same and with paraphyses intermixed. Phragmidium. 3. Teleutospores of several cells, faint-coloured. Czeomata with- out paraphyses ; uredospores often with them. Kuehneola. 4, Teleutospores of three radiating cells. Triphragmium. b. Teleutospores of one or two cells. 1. Teleutospores of two cells, usually. Puccinia. 2. Teleutospores of one cell. Uromyces. PHYLOGENY. In trying to comprehend the phylogenetic evolution of this group of Fungi, there are several landmarks which can be borne in mind. In the first place, their strict parasitism implies a very close adaptation between them and their hosts: this is not only a priori probable, but is confirmed by culture- experiments and the existence of biological races. Therefore those which are parasitic on the lowest hosts must be, on the whole, most similar to the primitive forms, and those parasitic 76 PHYLOGENY on the higher families would be expected to show the greatest advance. This consideration alone is sufficient to determine that Uredinopsis is like one of the primitive Uredinales and that the genera Puccinia and Uromyces contain the highest types. For Uredinopsis grows upon Ferns, and more than a quarter of the Pucciniae live on the Composite. Secondly a comparison of the spores of these two genera and their respective allies suggests that the possession of a single definite and well-formed germ-pore is a characteristic of the latest forms, while the primitive ones had no germ-pores at all, but protruded the germ-tube, as a conidium usually does, at any convenient point or where the wall first gives way. There is reason, from another point of view, to conclude that germ-pores, when first existing, were numerous and indefinitely scattered. A gradual reduction in their number and their restriction to definite parts of the spore-wall occurred during the course of evolution. The ecidio-teleutospore of Hndo- phylam has no germ-pore; in the Pucciniacee the ecidio- spores have usually several indistinct ones, the uredospores have them fewer and more easily visible, and the teleutospores have one or a small number, oftentimes very plainly marked. Amongst the other Fungi, the group which presents the nearest approach to the Uredinales is that of the Ustilaginales, which are also parasites; their teleutospores (brandspores), in the family Ustilaginacez, germinate in a similar way, but with less definiteness, by the formation of a basidium and basidio- spores. It may be inferred that this particular feature is one of the most deeply seated characters of both groups, and is therefore inherited from their ancestors. Moreover, this feature is exhibited in the Uredinales by cells which belong to the sporophytic generation, and after a certain amount of growth the mycelium produced by the basidiospores bears the two kinds of gametes. An exactly similar course of events takes place in certain Algae, e.g. Grifithsia, where the sporophyte bears tetraspores which on germination produce a thallus which bears gametes. It is true that in the Red Alge the tetraspores are more usually arranged in tetrahedral fashion, but other modes also obtain, among them yaa ar PHYLOGENY 77 (in Corallina) an arrangement of four superposed cells as in the “basidium ” of the Uredinales. Moreover in one of the groups of the latter, the Coleosporiaces, as well as in Chrysopsora, this division into four cells takes place within the spore-mother-cell, not outside it. It is a reasonable tentative hypothesis that this “internal” formation of the four cells is the primitive mode, inherited from the predecessors of the groups, and that the formation of an external “basidium” is a later adaptation of their successors to their environment. This would lead one to look for the ancestors of the Uredinales among the Red Algee. The obvious implication is that the Coleosporiacee retain much of the Uredinal primitive character, and this is borne out by the fact that the ecidial host of Coleosporium is in every case, so far as known, a species of Pinus. The teleutospore- host may belong to the Composite or varivus other families, it is true, but it is now generally admitted that the ecidial host is the primitive, and that the others have been adopted by successive mutations. It has an important bearing on this argument that, in Gallowaya Pini, the teleutospores which are of exactly the same nature as in Coleosporiwm are borne on a Pine (Pinus inops Ait.). Again, it has been shown that‘it is possible, without violence, to interpret the female-cells of the ecidium as furnished with a trichogyne, such as the carpogonia of the Floridez possess, though in the Uredinales (possibly as a consequence of their terrestrial habit) it has become abortive. Trichogynes are not, uncommon in other groups of Fungi—in certain Ascomycetes, in the Laboulbeniacez, and among the Lichens, in Collema and other genera. Moreover in Collema the trichogyne and corre- lative spermatia are almost certainly functional (Bachmann, 1912); the same is true in the Laboulbeniacer, but in most Ascomycetes the trichogyne has either been lost altogether, or if it survives has lost its function. In order that the trichogynes in the ancestral Uredinales should be effective, the female gametes must have been situated beneath a stoma. It is a suggestive fact that in certain of the group, belonging to the lowest forms, the sori of various kinds 78 PHYLOGENY are always, or usually, so placed. For instance, in Melam- psoridium betulinum the teleuto-sori almost invariably originate directly below the stomatal pore. The cause of this cannot be merely the need of oxygen for respiration, since it has been shown that the intercellular spaces of a leaf are all well supplied in that respect. Fig. 37 is drawn from the lower epidermis of a leaf of Betula alba in which teleuto-sori were just beginning to be produced. The same thing is true of the teleuto-sori of Melampsora Larici-epitea and other Melampsorae,and apparently even of Phragmidium. In others of the lower groups, Uredin- opsis, Milesina, etc., uredo-sori are equally so placed, both Fig. 37. Melampsoridium betulinum. a, young sori of teleutospores, viewed through the epidermis, showing how they originate beneath a stoma ; at the lower right-hand is a sorus with only two teleuto- spores, x 300; b, three young teleutospores, forming a similar sorus, seated on a common base, x 600. primary uredo-sori (which represent zecidia) and secondary. It can be justifiably inferred that this was the primitive position in which the female gametes and afterwards the other kinds of spore-sori were formed at the beginning: in Puccinia and its allies this position is no longer maintained. Since in the Ustilaginales (a comparatively non-progressive, if not degraded, group) there is only one kind of spore besides the basidiospore and the ensuing conidia, and this is produced irregularly and not in definite sori, it may be inferred that the same was true of the primitive Uredinales. This one kind of spore must have been the equivalent of the teleutospore. It is PHYLOGENY 79 found that, in Uredinopsis, the teleutospores are irregularly scattered throughout the spongy mesophyll of the host. But, in this position, their germination, or at least the liberation of their basidiospores, could not take place easily until the leaf had decayed, The transference to a place either (1) beneath the cuticle, (2) in the epidermal cells, or (3) just beneath the epidermis, and their aggregation into definite sori which by their upward pressure would burst through the overlying layers, would both be an advance in adaptation; so these various positions are found to be occupied in successive genera, and the most effective of all (the subepidermal sorus) is alone to be met with in the highest groups. In regard to a peridium, this can be supposed non-existent at first, (1) because there is no peridium in the Ustilaginales, (2) because a peridium could not exist so long as the trichogyne was functional. Here, it is true, there is a little deviation from what might be expected; a peridium is found in Uredinopsis, Milesina, Melampsorella and Melampsoridium (round the uredo-sori), but in Hyalopsora this is very rudimentary or completely absent, and it can scarcely be compared, in any case, with the peridium of the ecidial stage of Puccinia, being of a very different character. It must be. considered as a special development, separately originated for the protection of the uredo-sori in these lower groups. When one considers the cidiospores, one finds them in the intermediate types either without a peridium, or with encircling paraphyses, or with an irregularly shaped peridium, and it is only in the higher forms, such as Puccinia and Uromyces, that the beautifully outlined “Cluster-cup” arises. In respect to these higher groups it has been shown else- where (Grove, 1913) that the Endophyllaces constitute the starting-point from which the varied forms of the Pucciniacese have been evolved. A certain amount of advance went on, of course, simultaneously among the Impedicellate, though to nothing like the same extent. In Endophyllum the ecidiospore which is the product of the fusion-cell is also the teleutospore which germinates with a basidium: in accordance with theory it is accompanied by 80 PHYLOGENY spermogones. The first stage of evolution was the separation of this spore-form into two, one (the ecidiospore) germinating conidially, the other (the teleutospore) following it and germi- nating basidially: types approximating to this stage are seen in the section Pucciniopsis. It is quite certain that uredospores are only modified xcidiospores, formed as a mere multiplying device without the intervention of another fusion-cell. The peridium which is found in these later stages of evolution round the ecidium was at first represented (doubtless even in the primitive Endophyllum) by a mere circle of paraphyses or not.at all. From a cytological point of view, the fusion of the two nuclei in the teleutospore may be taken as paralleled by the similar fusion in the basidium of the Basidiomycetes; the division into four basidiospores follows in both cases, although the mechanism is different. If the view propounded in a previous chapter is adopted, that the four cells of the “basidium” of the Uredinales are the real tetraspores' and the basidiospores are merely conidia whose function is to facilitate dispersion by wind, it will be seen that the difference in the Basidiomycetes consists in the fact that cell-walls are not formed round the tetraspores previously to the production of conidia. This may recall the fact that in the Red Algee the four spores in a tetra- sporangium are also not surrounded by cell-walls before their discharge into the water. Of course, in the subaérial Uredinales and Basidiomycetes such naked masses of protoplasm would be comparatively ineffective for propagation, and are here replaced by methods more suitable to a land environment. The throw- ing off of the basidiospores with a jerk appears to be the same in both these groups. A similar comparison with the Ascomycetes cannot be made with equal advantage, until the students of that group of Fungi have come to some semblance of agreement as to the actual course of its cytological history. But it is impossible to over- look the remarkable parallelism between the cytology of the 1 In the Himalayan Barclayella, which is placed among the Melampsor- aces (?), these tetraspores are said to round themselves off and separate, apparently as the normal mode, without forming basidiospores. PHYLOGENY 81 Uredinales, as now known, and that attributed by Claussen (1912) to Pyronema confluens. In his paper, which is a con- clusive reiteration and confirmation of his earlier work, he shows that the numerous male nuclei of the antheridium enter the ascogonium, and in it pair with the numerous female nuclei, but without fusing with them. These synkarya then pass out into the ascogenous hyphe, and there multiply by numerous conjugate divisions. Finally a pair of descendants of these nuclei are seen in the young ascogenic-cell, one being male and the other female: here they divide conjugately into two pairs, one pair being the ascus-nuclei, and the other pair reserve-nuclet which may repeat the process in several ways: The two non-sister ascus-nuclei fuse; then the fusion-nucleus divides, the first division being heterotypic (meiotic, reducing, possessing synapsis and diakinesis stages) and the two following ones, by which eight spores are formed, being homotypic. There is thus in the life-cycle a single fusion, followed by a single reduction. The ascus is a spore-mother-cell, comparable to the teleutospore of the Uredinales, but forming an octad, not a tetrad of spores. The two “reserve-nuclei,” left after the formation of the ascus, answer to the two nuclei Jeft in the “basal” cell of the zcidium. Compare in this respect especially the process as it takes place in Hndophyllum. The sporophyte generation consists then in Pyronema only of the ascogenous hyphe, whose cells contain the diploid number of chromosomes though arranged within two nuclear membranes. In certain species of Laboulbenia (Faull, 1912) there is a similar cytological history. The ascogenic hyphe contain two nuclei which divide homotypically by conjugate division, and two non-sister nuclei pass into each ascus where they fuse; the two left in the ascogenic cell may repeat the process. The fusion-nucleus of the ascus divides to form eight nuclei of which four soon degenerate: the first division is meiotic and the others homotypic. There is no double fusion in this group and the same statement may justifiably be inferred to be true of other Ascomycetes. On the other hand, Harper (1900), Blackman, Welsford, Fraser, Brooks, Carruthers (1911) and others, maintain that in a U. 6 82 PHYLOGENY Pyronema confluens and in many other members of the Asco- mycetes there is a double fusion (one in the ascogonium and one in the young ascus), followed by a double reduction in the ascus during the formation of the eight spores, the first division being meiotic, the second homotypic, and the third brachymevotze. In view of the established relationship between the Ascomycetes on the one hand and the Uredinales and Basidiomycetes on the other, this idea seems to be very unlikely. If correct, the double process is a special development, peculiar to some only of the Ascomycetes. The matter can only be decided by fresh investigations, but it seems in all probability that the hypo- thesis of a second fusion and subsequent brachymeiosis is the result merely of a misinterpretation of the observed. phenomena. According to Lutman (1910), in the Ustilaginales most of the cells of the mycelium are binucleate, but the perfect resting spores are always uninucleate, as are the cells of the basidia. Rawitscher (1912) says the same, and adds that the con- jugate condition arises (according to the species) by the anastomosis in pairs either of the basidium-cells, or of the basidiospores, or of the cells of the mycelium produced by them, and the passage of the nucleus of the one cell into the other to form a synkaryon. Finally, it may be pointed out that the ideas embodied in the foregoing discussion are in harmony with the now generally accepted doctrine of the polyphyletic origin of the Fungi, by which it is assumed that their various groups are not derived from one or two ancestors, but originated separately from distinct sub-divisions of the Alge, much in the same way in which (on a smaller scale) the non-chlorophyllose Phanerogams have arisen from various orders or families of Flowering Plants. From this point of view, according to which the vast majority of the Fungi originated from the Red Alge, it is not without significance that already some of that group are known which (though still rightly classed as Algee) have assumed a true holo- parasitic habit—a statement which cannot be made to the same extent, if at all, about other algal groups. Examples are found in the well-known Harveyella mirabilis (Sturch, 1899) and in Choreocolaz Polysiphoniae (Richards, 1891). PHYLOGENY 83 From these considerations the probable phylogeny of the Uredinales may be represented as in the following schemes. Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes Uredinales - Ustilaginales Rhodophycese Pucciniacese Coleosporiacese Endophyll ndop ie Cronartiacex (Endophyllum-like) Melampsoracese Primitive Uredine | 84 MANIPULATION Nore oN MANIPULATION. Dried specimens of Uredinales keep most of their characters unchanged for an unlimited time, but the colours fade except those of the teleutospores. The only two difficulties found in examining them are in regard to the markings on the outer surface of the spores, and the number of germ-pores. For the first, different methods succeed in different cases, but the finer markings can usually be seen by examining the spores under a one-sixth inch in air, or in water after squeezing out their granular contents by tapping or pressing hard upon the cover- glass. For the second, boiling for about a minute in a drop of lactic acid, on a glass slide over a spirit-lamp, is the best course, although expulsion of the contents under pressure frequently brings the germ-pores into view; in fact so plain do they often become that they can be photo-micrographed with ease. Boiling in lactic acid also restores old collapsed spores to their former size and plumpness. j The preparation from which Fig. 37 was drawn was obtained in the following way: lay the side of the leaf opposite to the sori in a thin layer of 5°/, KOH solution for an hour or so, then reverse and brush or scrape away the softened tissue as far as possible ; on mounting the remaining surface, epidermis upwards, in glycerine and water, the arrangement of the parts can be clearly seen. If it is wished to observe the germination of the spores in a hanging drop, almost any uredo will serve; for teleutospores Puccinia Malvacearum and for ecidiospores Zeidium Ficariae are usually the most handy. One of the best double stains to use is Diamant Fuchsin and Light Green; the former stains the nuclei red and the latter the cell-walls green. Stain heavily with the former and wash out with alcohol till the desired tint is arrived at; then use the Light Green dissolved in clove oil. UREDINALES A group of Fungi which are obligate parasites on ferns and the higher plants. Mycelium filamentous, branched, septate, developed within the tissues of the host, producing teleuto- spores (resting spores, chlamydospores) which on germination give rise to a generally four-celled “basidium,” each cell of which may in turn produce, on a sterigma, a single basidio- spore (conidium). In addition, there are often produced spermatia (in spermogones), ecidiospores (in ecidia), and uredo- spores (in sori). PUCCINIACE Pucciyiz&. Teleutospores of one or two cells, Uromyces. scarcely gelatinous (except the pedicels in some = ( : Puccinia. foreign species). PHRAGMIDIES. Teleutospores of more than two ‘cells, the walls of the pedicels subgelatinous. Triphragmium. Teleutospores more or less verrucose. Phragmidium ; Kuehneola. Teleutospores nearly or quite smooth. Savona GYMNOSPORANGIES. Walls of pedicels of teleuto- ‘ spores becoming highly gelatinous. Gymmosporangium. UROMYCES Link. Autcecious or hetercecious. Spermogones deeply embedded in the tissues of the host, flask-shaped with conical mouth and ostiolar filaments. Aicidia with an evident, usually cup-shaped peridium; «cidiospores with indistinct germ-pores. Uredospores formed singly on their ‘pedicels, with several usually rather distinct germ-pores which are often surrounded by a- thickened border, rarely accompanied by paraphyses. Teleutospores one-celled, on dis- tinct pedicels, almost always with an apical germ-pore. Basi- diospores flattened on one side or kidney-shaped. 4 86 \UROMYCES The species are i Se agree to the families to which the hosts belong: see Puccini This genus is often considered the most highly (at least the latest) evolved of the Uredinales ; but rather it forms a heterogeneous group, the species of which have arisen at different times from various species of Puccima. 1. Uromyces Valeriane Fckl. Uredo Valerianae Schum. Pl. Sal. ii. 233. Beidium Valerianearum Duby, Bot. Gall. ii. 908. Cooke, Handb. p. 540; Micr. Fung. p. 196. Lecythea Valerianae Berk. ; Cooke, Handb. p. 532; Micr. Fung. p. 222. Uromyces Valerianae Fckl, Symb. Mye. p. 63. Plowr. Ured. p. 128. Sace, Syll. vii. 536. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 19. Fischer, Ured. ‘Schweiz, p. 54, f. 41. Spermogones. Epiphyllous, in small clusters, honey- coloured, turning black. 4icidiospores. Kcidia hypophyllous, and often on the nerves, petioles and stalks, seated on pale thickened spots, densely aggregated or circinate, cup-shaped, whitish-yellow ; margin revolute and torn; spores covered with minute crowded warts, yellow, 18 —25 x 16—20 mu. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, usually on indefinite yellow spots, scattered or aggregated here and there, minute, punctiform, pulverulent, brown; spores globose to broadly ellipsoid, verrucose-echinulate, yellowish-brown or brown, 21— 28 w; epispore 24—3 wu thick, with two or three germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori similar, but longer covered by the epidermis, dark-brown; spores ellip- soid or ovate, with a flat subhyaline papilla at the summit, smooth, pale clear-brown 20—30 x 18—21 y; epi- spore thin, scarcely thickened above ; pedicels short, thin, hyaline, rather Fig. 38. U.Valerianae. Teleu- deciduous. tospores and uredospore (the . . eee a latter viewed dry) on V. offici- On Valeriana dioica, V. offict- sae nalis, Adcidia in May and June; uredospores from June, teleutospores from July to October. Common. (Fig. 38.) in) 87 i 4 The uredospores seem to be vari bid in their markings; some are distinctly verrucose with pointed warts ;-éthers are as distinctly echinulate. DISTRIBUTION : Europe and South Africa, 2. Uromyces Scrophularie Fckl. Aecidium Scrophulariae DC.; Cooke, Handb. p. 544; Micr. Fung. p. 199. Uromyces Scrophulariae Fckl. Symb. Myc. p. 63. Plowr. Ured. p. 139. Sacce, Syll. vii. 559. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 27. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 75, f. 56. U. concomitans B. et Br. ; Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 213. Spermogones. Few, singly or in little groups, simul- taneously with the ecidia. 4;cidiospores. Acidia hypophyllous or on the stems, on yellowish spots, in rounded clusters or in more or less elongated patches on the nerves and stems, cup-shaped, yellowish ; margin involute, entire; spores verruculose, smooth below, yellowish, 18—21 x 1418 p, Teleutospores. Sori small and roundish, arranged like the ecidia except that they form more elongated groups (as much as. 10 cm. long) on the stems, long covered by the lead-coloured epider- mis,at length naked and pulverulent, dark-brown; spores very irregular, obovate, fusiform, or ellipsoid, angu- lar, rarely sub-globose, apex rounded, Fig. 39. U. Serophulariae. - - Teleutospores on. 8. aquatica, truncate or slightly pointed, some- what thickened (up to 6 w), with a dark-coloured cap, at- tenuated below, smooth, brown, 18—385 x 11—18,; pedicels persistent, hyaline or yellowish, nearly as long as the spore. On leaves, petioles and stems of Scrophularia aquatica, S. nodosa. July—September. Not common. (Fig. 39.) The spots on the leaves are pallid, edged with violet-brown. The teleutospores especially cause considerable distortion of the leaves and stems. The two kinds of spores may be produced on the same mycelium, and the ecidia and teleuto-sori can occur simultaneously and intermixed, or the latter surrounding the former (Grevillea, iii. 181, pl. 36). For this 88 \eduyces is one of the species in which it is stated (Dietel, Flora, 1895, Ixxxi. 396), that the zcidiospores can reproduce the xcidia. Spermogones are found sparingly only with the first generation of the wcidia and at the same time. The secondary ecidiospores, in fact, take the place of uredospores. DisTRIBUTION : Europe generally. 3. Uromyces Limonii Lév. Acidium Statices Desm. ; Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 197; Grevillea, i. 7. Uromyces Limonit Lév. Dict. Hist. Art. Uréd. p. 19. Cooke, Handb. p- 518; Micr. Fung. p. 212. Plowr. Ured. p. 122, p.p. Sace. Syll. vii. 582 p.p. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 41. Aicidiospores. Aicidia amphigenous, often on red or brownish spots, in roundish clusters or elongated along the nerves, usually shortly cylindrical, whitish, with a torn margin; spores densely and minutely verruculose, yellowish, 21—82 x 18—26 yp. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, scattered, generally round- ish or, on the stem, oblong, long covered by the epidermis, at length naked, pulverulent, cinnamon; spores varying from globose to oblong, densely verruculose with minute papille, yellowish-brown, 22—382 x 20—28 yw; epispore 14—24 uw thick, with two or three germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous or caulicolous, scattered or circinate, roundish or oblong, long covered by the epidermis, pulvinate, black; spores subglobose or more frequently oblong or clavate, sometimes rounded, sometimes at- tenuated at the apex, where the wall is up to 10 w thick, attenuated below, smooth, brown, 24—50 x 14— 25 w; pedicels as much as 80 u long, thick, pale-brownish, persistent. ig. 40. U. Limonii. Teleuto- : a he Sn os ne ea On leaves and stems of Stutice Timonium. Not common. Atcidia in June and July; uredo- and teleutospores from July to October. (Fig. 40.) ON ELOMBAGINAEES! 89 This species was formerly united with U. Armertae (q.v.), but the teleutospores are distinctly different. DISTRIBUTION: Europe, North Africa, Siberia and North America. 4. Uromyces Armerie Lév. Caeoma Armeriae Schlechtd. Fl. Berol. ii. 126. Uromyces Armeriae Lév. Ann. Sci. Nat. sér. 3, viii. 375. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 40. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 52, f. 39. U. Limonit Plowr. Ured. p. 122 p.p. Sace. Syll. vii. 532 p.p. Spermogones. Scattered among the ecidia, honey-coloured. 4icidiospores. Aiicidia amphigenous, scattered or in small clusters, at first hemispherical, then cup-shaped, with a whitish incised margin ; spores densely and minutely verruculose, yellow, 17—28 x 16—22 p. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, sometimes on purplish spots, rounded or elongated, surrounded or half-covered by the cleft epidermis, pulverulent, cinnamon; spores globose to oval, very densely and minutely verruculose, yellowish-brown, 24—32 x 21—28 w; epispore 24—3 w thick, with two or three germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori similar, dark-brown; spores globose to ovate, rounded and thickened (7 «) at the apex, with a broad flat cap, usually rounded below, smooth, brown, 24—36 x 21—32 w: pedicels hyaline, nearly as long as the spore, seldom persistent. On leaves and peduncles of Armeria maritima. Not uncommon. Aicidia in May and ; y June; uredospores from J Be at annette onwards; a few teleutospores begin to Teleutospore and appear in the uredo-sori towards the end HEEB ORBAES: of July. (Fig. 41.) This species was united by Plowright with U. Limonii, but is distin- guished by the more readily pulverulent sori, the shorter and broader teleutospores, and the shorter hyaline pedicel which is easily detached. The distinctness of the two species does not seem, however, to have been tested by experimental cultures. Though the uredo- and teleutospores 90 UROMYCES have occurred for many years consecutively on Thrift in my garden, I have never noticed the ecidia; the uredospores last through the winter on the evergreen leaves, and reproduce the fungus about June ; teleuto- spores are rather scarce. DistTRIBUTION : Central and North-Western Europe. 5. Uromyces Trifolii Lév. Puceinia Trifolii Hedw. f. in DC. Flor. fr, ii, 225. Oromyces Trifolii Lév. Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 3, viii. 871. Plowr. Ured. p. 124 pp. Sacc. Syll. vii. 534 p.p. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 132. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 23 p.p. Trichobasis fallens Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 226 p.p. Puccinia fallens Cooke, Handb. p. 508 p.p. Nigredo fallens Arthur, N. Amer. FI. vii. 254. Uredospores. Sori hypophyllous and on the petioles, and like those of U. Trifoli-répentis ; spores differing in having 5—7 germ- pores. RK Teleutospores. Indistinguishable from 7 those of U. Trifoli-repentis. ig. 42. U. Trifolii. . ; : j Se ee a v. On Trifolium hybridum, T. incarna- pratense. tum, T. medium, T. pratense. Not com- mon. (Fig. 42.) Liro proved by culture-experiments that the U, romyces on Trifolium repens could not be transferred to T. hybridum or T. pratense. Since this difference is accompanied by the absence of the ecidium in the latter species and by a difference in the number of the germ-pores, they are considered distinct by Sydow. But on Trifolium pratense I have found uredospores with not more than four gerra-pores, each covered with «a low flat hyaline cap. In that case only the absence of the excidium would separate the two forms, though the average number of germ-pores is no doubt different in the two cases. An ecidium has been found elsewhere on 7. pratense, but this has been experimentally proved (Dietel, Flora, 1895, Ixxxi. 398) to belong to another European and North American species, U. ménor Schrét. = VU. ob- longus Vize (Grevillea, v. 110), which has no uredospores, but only ecidio- and teleutospores. Cooke’s species, U. apiculatus (Grevillea, vii. 136), is indefinite ; the form on clover may belong here, that on Luthyrus pratensis to U. Pist. DisTRIsurion: Europe, Asia Minor, Persia, North America, ete. ON LEGUMINOSA 91 6. Uromyces Trifolii-repentis Liro. U. Trifolii-repentis Livro, Act. Soc. Faun. Flor. Fenn. xxix. 15. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 131. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 23, f. 19. U. Trifolii Plowr. Ured. p. 124 p.p. Sace. Syll. vii. 534 p.p. McAlpine, Rusts of Australia, p. 97, f. 142, & pl. G, f. 32. Trichobasis fallens Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 226 p.p. Puccinia fallens Cooke, Handb. p. 508 p.p. Wigredo Trifoliz Arthur, N. Amer. FI. vii. 255. Spermogones. Epiphyllous, honey-coloured, forming minute clusters. Aicidiospores. Aicidia hypophyllous, in clusters, roundish on the leaves and as much as 5 mm. long on the nerves and petioles, shortly cylindrical, whitish-yellow; margin white, torn, hardly revolute; spores minutely verruculose, yellowish, 17— 21 x 14—18 p. Uredospores. Sori hypophyllous and on the petioles, scattered over the leaves or gregarious, small or rarely confluent and larger, soon naked, pulverulent, pale-brown ; spores globose, ovate or ellipsoid, echinulate, yellow-brown, 19—26 x 17—24 » ; epispore about 14 thick, with two to four (generally two) equatorial germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori surrounded by the cleft epidermis, similar, but elongated on the petioles, and darker brown; spores globose to ovate, rounded at the apex, with a very small hyaline papilla, smooth or at times bearing a few minute warts arranged more or less in Fig. 43. U. Trifolii-repentis. a, lines, brown, 18—30 x 16—25y;, —ecidia on young leaf; b, uredo- j : : and teleuto-sori, on later-formed epispore about 2u thick; pedi- — jear, cels short, thin, hyaline, decidu- ous. On. leaves and petioles of Trifolium repens. Aicidia (rare) from April and uredospores from May onwards. (Fig. 43.) This species is distinguished from U, Trifolix Lév. by the smaller number of germ-pores of the uredo, and also by the presence of the ecidia, which cause long crooked swellings on the petioles and nerves, but not on 92 UROMYCES the leaves. The mycelium of the ecidial stage is said to be perennial in the host; Dietel says that in some localities the scidiospores can re- produce themselves, and that then the uredo is suppressed. Both this species and the preceding are distinguished from U. flectens in the fact that the sori are smaller, distributed more uniformly over the leaf, and do not cause distortions. The zcidium is rare in Britain (I have seen specimens only from Perth) ; most of our records of Uromyces on T. repens belong to the following common species, U. flectens. Pseudopeziza, Trifolii (a Discomycete) is common on leaves of white clover and is not infrequently mistaken for the uredo-stage of U. Trifolii-repentis, but is distinguishable by its being confined to the wpper surface of the leaves. No practical means of prevention are known for either the Clover Rust (Uromyces) or the Clover Leaf-spot (Pseudopeziza). DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Asia Minor, Persia, North and South America, Australia. 7, Uromyces flectens Lagerh. Uromyces flectens Lagerh, Svensk Bot. Tidskrift, iii. 36. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 360. Grove, Journ. Bot. 1911, p. 366. Puecinia neurophila De Toni, Sacc. Syll. vii. 698. Leleutospores. Sori hypophyllous, or more often on the nerves and petioles where they cause swell- ings and distortion, scattered, rather large, 4—2 mm. long or even confluent and larger, long covered by the epidermis, then pul- = verulent, dark-brown; spores as in U. Fig. 44. U. flectens. TOON TEDENDS. Teleutospores on 1’. On Trifolium repens. May—October. repens. Common. (Fig. 44.) It has been frequently noticed that the Uromyces on Trifolium repens behaves differently in different localities ; sometimes forming teleutospores only, from May to October; at others forming both ecidia and uredospores during the same time. Plowright records an interesting experiment which he performed (Ured. p. 125) ; in October he brought a plant of 7. repens, with the Uromyces upon it, indoors and kept it there till the following summer. During all this time it produced only teleutospores. Lagerheim, in 1909, noticing that the form which produced only teleutospores had sori which were larger, more predominant upon nerves and petioles, and remained longer covered by the epidermis, described this as a distinct % ON LEGUMINOSA 93 species, to which evidently Plowright’s specimen may be ascribed. Cooke’s figure of his U. apiculosa, on Trifolium repens (Micr. Fung. pl. vii. f. 154), is probably the same species. , DIsTRIBUTION : Middle Europe and Persia. 8. Uromyces striatus Schrit. Uredo apiculata vay. Trifolit Strauss, Ann. Wett. ii. 97 p.p. Uromyces striatus Schrét. Abhandl. Schles. Ges. 1872, p. 11. Sace. Syll. vil. 542 p.p. Sydow, Monogr. ii, 115. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 31, f. 24. Cf. Plowr. Ured. p. 134. [ Spermogones Ajceudvospores Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, scarcely ever on the nerves, without spots, scattered, occasionally aggregated and confluent, minute, pulverulent, cinnamon; spores globose to ellipsoid, faintly and sparsely echinulate, yellowish-brown, 15—22 yw; epispore 14—2,y thick, with 4—6 or even more germ-pores, each with a small hyaline cap. E As in Uromyces Pisi.] Fig. 45. U. striatus. a, two teleutospores on T. minus (ex herb. Broome) ; b, a teleutospore on 7. arvense (foreign, ex herb. De Thiimen); c, uredo- spore from the same leaf as a. Teleutospores. Sori similar, but darker; spores globose to ovate, with a minute and narrow papilla, striated from apex to base by longer or shorter lines of warts, brown, 18—24 x 15— 20 w; epispore 14—2 pw thick ; pedicels short, hyaline, deciduous. [Acidia on Euphorbia Cyparissias, not known in Britain ;] uredo- and teleutospores on leaves and stems of Trifolium minus. Bath (Herb. Broome); King’s Norton (Worcestershire). Very uncommon. July—August. (Fig. 45.) See remarks made about the acidial stage under U. Pist. Schréter proved the connection of an ecidium on Euphorbia Cyparissias with an exactly similar Uromyces on Trifolium agrarium. U. striatus is found elsewhere on Trifolium procumbens and also on many species of Medicago, 94, UROMYCES including all the British species, but I have seen no specimens on these from this country. The teleutospores on 7. minus which I have observed are more distinctly verrucose and less striated than in the figures given by Fischer, and may possibly not belong to the same species. DistRIBUTION: Europe, North and South America, East Indies. 9. Uromyces Loti Blytt. Uromyces Loti Blytt, Christ. Vidensk.-Selskabs Forhandl. 1896, p. 37. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 110. Grove, Journ. Bot. 1911, p. 367. U. Euphorbiae-Corniculati Jordi, Centralbl. f. Bakt. 1904, 2. xi. 791. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 34, f. 26. [Spermogones. Hypophyllous, numerous, scattered amongst the wcidia. Mediospores. Aicidia distributed uniformly over the lower surface of the leaf, cup-shaped, with a torn white revolute Fig. 46. U. Loti. Four teleutospores, all on L. corniculatus ; a shows how the spores look when wet, the others are viewed dry. margin; spores densely and minutely verruculose, orange, 18—23 p.} Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, but mostly hypophyllous, scattered, minute, round, sometimes confluent, surrounded by the cleft epidermis, soon naked, pulverulent, cinnamon ; spores globose to ellipsoid, with short blunt and rather distant spines, brownish, 17—25 x 16—23,; epispore 24—3,y thick, with 2—5 germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori similar, but darker in colour; spores globose to obovate, often with a low flat pore-cap at the apex, which is not thickened, beset with minute warts and ridges which are often arranged in undulating longitudinal lines, brown, 17—25 x 14—21 »; pedicels short, hyaline, deciduous, ON LEGUMINOSA 95 [Mecidia on Euphorbia Cyparissias;] uredo- and teleuto- spores on Lotus angustissimus, L. corniculatus; July, August. (Fig. 46.) Plowright refers to this species (but not as British) in a note on p. 134. The markings on the teleutospore are very delicate and can scarcely be seen except when the material is fresh and the spores are viewed dry. I found that the longitudinal lines of warts were more strongly marked and auastomosed more frequently on spores from L. corniculatus than from L. angustissimus (Newquay, Cornwall), on which they were fainter and more irregular, but this difference may have been partly due to the fact that the latter had been gathered (by Dr Vigurs) many years before they were examined. Jordi proved that acidiospores from £. Cyparissias would freely infect L. corniculatus. But see U. Pisi. DistrisuTion: Western, Central and Southern Europe, and Japan. 10. Uromyces Anthyllidis Schrot. Uredo Anthyliidis Grev. in Sm. Eng. FL. v. 383. Uromyces Anthyllidis Schrét. Hedwig. xiv. 162. Plowr. Ured. p. 135. Sacc. Syll. vii. 551. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 64. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 36, 543, f. 28. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, widely and irregularly scattered, or sometimes with a circle of small ones round a larger one, minute, roundish, black and shining, soon naked, then pulverulent, cinnamon ; fl spores globose or subglobose, sparsely and finely echinulate, yellowish-brown, 18—25u; epispore 3— Big. 47. 0. 34 thick, with 4—6 germ-pores (4—5, Bubak; “snenyiiidis. 5—8, Fischer). . Uredospore. Teleutospores. Sori similar, but darker in colour. Spores globose to ovate, with a minute papilla at the rounded apex, verrucose, brown, 16—22 x 15—20 m4; epispore rather thick ; pedicels short, hyaline, deciduous. On leaves of Anthyllis Vulneraria. Notcommon. June— October. (Fig. 47.) It is probable that this species occurs only on A. Vulnerarta (and on the continent, A. maritima), but it has many close allies on other Leguminose. Teleutospures are rarely formed ; in specimens gathered in mid-September I have found only one or two, in the midst of abundant 96 UROMYCES uredospores. The warts on the teleutospores are not numerous and are rather easy to see. DistriBuTION: North-western and Middle Europe. 11. Uromyces Ervi Westendorp. Heidium Ervi Wally, Fl. Crypt. Germ. ii. 247. Uromyces Ervi Westd. Bull. Acad. Roy, Sci. Belg. xxi. pt. 2, p. 246, f. 3. Plowr. Ured. p. 140, Sydow, Monogr. ii. 96. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 69, f. 53. Acidiospores. Aicidia amphigenous, or on the petioles, solitary or 2—8 together in little scattered groups, cup-shaped, whitish ; margin faintly revolute, scarcely torn; spores densely and minutely verruculose, pale-yellowish, 16—25 x 14—18 y. Uredospores. Sori rarely formed, amphigenous or on the petioles and stems, scattered, minute, ob- long,surrounded by theruptured epidermis, cinnamon ; spores ovate or ellipsoid, dis- tantly echinulate, brownish-yellow, 20— 30 x 18—22 w, with two (rarely three) germ-pores. ; Leleutospores. Sori amphigenous, or Fig. 48. U. Ervi, Leaf - of E. hirsutwn, with ™ore frequently on the petioles and stems, pall slightly en- scattered, minute, oblong, surrounded by arged; two teleuto- : a 3 spores. the ruptured epidermis, blackish-brown ; = spores subglobose to obovate, usually darker and rounded above (where the wall is up to 8 w or more thick), rounded or attenuated at the base, smooth, brown, 20—28 x 14—20 4; pedicels brownish, persistent, as long or twice as long as the spore. On leaves, petioles, and stems of Hrvum hirsutum (Vicia hirsuta). Acidia, May—October; teleutospores from July onwards, lasting through the winter on the dead stems. (Fig. 48.) It has been proved by many culture experiments that Plowright was correct in his belief that this species is strictly confined to the one host. The aecidiospores are capable of reproducing the ecidium and are found throughout the season ; the uredospores are, perhaps in consequence, not abundant, only a few being occasionally found and usually intermixed with teleutospores. DisTRIBUTION: Europe, Japan. ON LEGUMINOSA: 97 12. Uromyces Fabe De Bary. Uredo Fabae Pers. in Rém. Neu. Magazin, i. 93. Uromyces Fabae De Bary, Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 4, xx. 72. Plowr. Ured. p. 119. Sace. Syll. vii. 531 p.p. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 103. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 65, f. 49—51. McAlpine, Rusts of Australia, p. 93, f. 307. Trichobusis Fabae Cooke, Handb. p. 508; Micr. Fung. p. 225. Uromyces appendiculatus Lév.; Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 212, pl. vii. f. 149—150 p.p. Puccinia Fabae Link, referred by Cooke to this species, has no existence in nature (Handb. p. 508; Micr. Fung. p. 211). Spermogones. Hypophyllous, growing among the ecidia. Aicidiospores. Aicidia hypophyllous, seated on pale-yellow spots, solitary or in small round or elongated clusters, shortly cup-shaped, with a whitish, torn, revolute margin; spores densely and minutely verruculose, yellow, 14—22 yu. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, scattered or circinate, girt by the ruptured epidermis, minute, pulverulent, pale-brown ; spores globose to ovate, distantly echinulate, at length pale- brown, 20—30 x 18—26 «4; epispore 14—24 yw thick, with three or four germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori similar, but per- sistent and darker or blackish-brown; spores subglobose to obovate, rounded or truncate and thickened above, where the wall is dark and 7—11, thick, sometimes with a colourless papilla, smooth, brown, 25—38 x 18—27 »; pedicels brownish, persistent, thick and as much as 40—70 w long. On leaves and stems of Fuba vulgaris, Lathyrus pratensis (?), Pisum sativum, Views Cracca, V. sativa, V. septum. Alcidia in April, May; uredospores from May, teleutospores from July onwards, lasting : : Fig. 49. U. Fabae. through the winter on the dead stems. eleutospores on stem (Figs. 49—52.) of Broad Bean. One of the most widely spread of the Uredinales, occurring in every G. U. 7 98 UROMYCES part of the world; reported on many Leguminose, but doubtless some of these are distinct species. Jordi has distinguished under U. Fabae three Fig, U. Fabae. yo YP Teleutospores a ae oe on Vicia Cracca. “biological” races-—( Fig. 51. U. Fabae. Telento- spores and uredospore on Vicia sepium. 1) on Faba vulgaris and Pisum sativum, (2) on Lathyrus vernus and probably also on Pisum sativum, (3) on Vieta Cracca, Pisum sativum, and possibly also Vicia hirsuta. The ecidial generation is frequent on some hosts, such as eva sepium Fig. 52. U. Fabae. Ecidia on Pea, from Plowright’s culture, iu which he produced them on both Pea and Bean from the same teleutospores. and species of Lathyrus. On Faba vulgaris aud Pisum sativum it is, on the contrary, very rare, being recorded by Sydow, on the Pea, only from Norway, East Indies and Japan (once from each). It has been seen on the Bean in the East Indies, but seems to be not uncommon in artificial cultures, in which Plowright produced it both on Pea and Bean from the same teleutospores (Plowr. Ured. p. 121). On the leaves of the common field Bean only the uredospores are generally to be found, even as late as mid-October, but on the stems the teleuto- spores form large black sori. On Vicia sepium the uredo-sori are often darker and covered by the epidermis for a shorter time than on the Bean, while the teleuto-sori occur in great abundance on the leaves and even on the tendrils. If all the infected haulm, etc., were burnt instead of being put on the manure heap or left to rot on the ground, the disease would become less prevalent, especially if Jordi’s idea is true, that the Rust on the wild Vetches is a distinct biological race. In Ecuador, at Quito, which has a very equable climate of “perpetual spring,” U. Fabae has, according to Lagerheim, become almost an isolated uredo. The same thing is true of it in other tropival climes. DISTRIBUTION : world-wide. ON LEGUMINOSZ : 99 13. Uromyces Orobi Lév. Aicidium Orobi Pers. in Rém. Neu. Magazin, i. 92. Cooke, Handb. p. 542; Mier. Fung. p. 197. Uromyces Orobi Lév. Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 3, vill. 371, 376. Plowr. Ured. p. 121. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 106. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 69, f. 52. Spermogones. Hypophyllous, mixed with the ecidia. Aicidiospores. Aicidia hypophyllous, on yellowish spots, in dense clusters 1—5 mm. long, rarely soli- tary, shortly cup-shaped, with whitish revo- lute margin; spores densely and minutely verruculose, yellowish, 14—21 yp. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, scat- tered, minute, punctiform, pulverulent, brown; spores globose to ovate, distantly echinulate, pale-brown then darker, 20— 28 x 18—25 pw; epispore 3—4 w thick, with three or four germ-pores. ; ; ea Sori similar, but darker; i ee spores subglobose to ovate, rounded or sub- a conical above, and much thickened (7—1]1 y) and darker, smooth, brown, 25—35 x 18—28 yu; pedicels persistent, yellowish, thick, as much as 100 » long. On Orobus tuberosus (Lathyrus montanus = L. macrorrhizus). Acidia in May and June; uredo- and teleutospores from June onwards. (Fig. 53.) Cooke says that the ecidia also occur on the stems. The thicker membrane of the uredospores, which is also less strongly echinulate, distinguishes them from those of U. Fubae. Jordi made attempts to infect various other species of Lathyrus, and also species of Vicia and Pisum, from U. Orobi, but in every case without success. DistRiBuTion : North-western and Central Europe. 14. Uromyces Pisi Wint. Uredo appendiculata var. Pist Pers. Obs. Myce. i. 17. Ascidium Cyparissiae DC. Flor. fr. ii, 240. Uromyces Lathyri Fckl. Symb. Myc. p. 62. 100 UROMYCES U. Pist Winter, Krypt. Flor. i. 163. Cooke, Grevillea, vii. 135. Plowr. Ured. p. 188. Sacc, Syll. vii. 542 p.p. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 124. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 28, f. 22. Spermogones. Hypophyllous, numerous, scattered amongst the secidia. Aicidiospores. Aicidia distributed uniformly over the lower surface of the leaf, cup-shaped, with a white, torn, broadly revolute margin; spores densely and minutely verruculose, orange, 18—23 py. Uredospores. Sori generally hypophyllous, scattered, minute, soon naked, pulverulent, cinnamon; spores , : globose or subglobose, minutely verruculose, fi ! yellow-brown, 21—25 yw diam.; epispore 14— 8 E 24 thick, with 3—5 germ-pores. ne Teleutospores. Sori similar, but sometimes confluent and larger, dark-brown; spores sub- ae he as globose to ovate, with a small hyaline papilla spermogoneson (as much as 3m high), everywhere minutely leaf of Euphor- FT her a ] l ti 20 bia Cyparissias 2d rather densely verruculose, brown, 20— ee 28 x 14—22 #3 epispore 1} thick; pedicels hyaline, short, deciduous. Acidia on Euphorbia Cyparissias, May, June; uredo- and teleutospores on Piswm sativum and Lathyrus pratensis, July— September. Rare. (Fig. 54.) Although both will equally infect 2. Cyparissias, it is probable that the Uromyces on Pisum is biologically distinct from that on Lathyrus. It is not certain that the latter has been found in this country, but the former is recorded from various places. It must be remembered that U. Fabae occurs also on the same two genera, though all the spore-forms of the two can be easily distinguished. An ecidium on £. Cyparissias, and attributed to U. Pis?, was found at Dover, May, 1909 (Rev. T. Taylor); the specimen is in the British Museum, but there is no proof that this belonged to U. Pisz, because it has been shown that U. Loti, U. striatus (both of which are British), as well as two other (non-British) species, equally produce on EZ. Cyparissias wcidia which are norphologically indistinguishable. This acidium pos- sesses a perennial mycelium, which permeates the whole host and deforms and. bleaches it. The connection of one form of it with Uromyces Pist has been experimentally demonstrated by Schroter, Rostrup, Fischer and others. The Uromyces on Vicia Cracca which was formerly considered to ON LEGUMINOSA 101 belong to U. Pisi has been proved by Jordi to be confined to that species and not to be transmissible to Pisum sativum or Lathyrus. It has been named by Magnus U. Fischeri-Eduardi, but is not known as British. DIsTRIBUTION: Europe generally; North America less commonly. 15. Uromyces Phaseolorum De Bary. Ateidium Phaseolorum Wall. Fl. Crypt. Germ. ii. 256. Uredo appendiculata var. Phaseoli Pers. Syn. p. 222. Uromyces Phaseolorum De Bary, Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 4, xx. 80 (1863). Cooke, Grevillea, vii. 135. U. Phaseoli Wint. Pilze, p. 157 (1884). Plowr. Ured. p. 122. York- shire Fung. FI. p. 186. U. appendiculatus Link, Obs. ii. 28. Sacc. Syll. vii. 535. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 120, Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 19, f. 16. McAlpine, Rusts of Australia, p. 92, f. 306 (all pro parte). Nigredo appendiculata Arthur, N. Amer. FI. vii. 257 p.p. [Spermogones. In little clustars, whitish, then yellowish. Aeidiospores. Aicidia hypophyllous, clustered in little roundish groups 2—3 mm. wide on yellowish or brownish spots, cup-shaped, whitish, with a torn revolute margin; spores poly- gonal or oblong, densely and minutely verruculose, colourless, 18—36 x 16—24 y.] Uredospores. Sori generally hypophyllous, on indistinct spots, scattered or in little clusters here and there, minute, soon naked, surrounded by the cleft epidermis cinnamon; spores subglobose to ovate, distantly but sharply echinulate, brownish.-yellow, 18—-28 x 18 —22; epispore brownish-yellow, about 1} » thick, with two germ-pores; contents pig 55. 1, Phaseolorum. colourless. Teleutospore and ure- Teleutospores. Sori similar, but con- BOERS: fluent, larger, amphigenous and blackish-brown; spores sub- globose to ovate, rounded above, with a wide germ-pore and a hemispherical hyaline papilla, smooth or rarely provided, espe- cially neav the apex, with a few hyaline warts, chestnut-brown, 24—-35 x 18—25 «; epispore up to 34 yu thick; pedicels hyaline, rather thin, about as long as the spore. 102 UROMYCES On leaves of Phaseolus vulgaris. May, July—October ; even earlier on forced plants. Uncommon. (Fig. 55.) De Bary (J.c.) proved the genetic connection of the xcidia with the uredo- and teleutospores. The xcidia are rarely met with; they may occur either before or in company with the other spore-forms. I have seen no proof that they have been found in this country. The description is founded upon that of Sydow.| Fischer says that this species is very common in Switzerland on Piast it may become a dangerous parasite on forced Beans. All affected plants (leaves and stems) should be burnt. U. appendiculatus of Sydow, which occurs on many Leguminosz, is probably a collective species, though no experiments bearing on this point are available. \ DISTRIBUTION : as a collective species (U. appendiculatus) world-wide. a 16. Uromyces tuberculatus Fckl. Ateidium Euphorbiae Gmel, in Linn. Syst. Nat. ii, 1473 p.p. Purton, Mid, Flor. iii. 293. Cooke, Handb. p. 537 ; Micr. Fung. p. 195 p.p. Plowr. Ured. p. 270. Cromyces excavatus DC. ; Cooke, Grevillea, ii. 161; Micr. Fung. p. 213. U. tuberculatus Fckl. Symb. Myc. p. 64. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 165. Fischer, Ured, Schweiz, p. 43, f; 33. U. proeminens Lév. ; Sace. Syll. vii. 553 p.p. Spermogones | Aicidiospores \ * whole leaf; secidia immersed, cup-shaped, with a short denticu- late margin ; spores orange, densely ver1.uculose, 17—25 x 14— 20 p. Uredospores. Sori hypophyllous, scatte.-ed, at length naked, cinnamon; spores more or less globose, yellowish-brown, aculeo- late, 20—25 uw; epispore 14—2) 4 thick, with 5—7 swollen germ- pores (45, Fischer). Fig. 56. U. tuberculatus. Two ma- Peleutosp Ores: Sori amphi- ture teleutospores; «, a teleuto- genous and on the stems, round, ice the tubercles are scattered or sometimes arranged in little groups, pulverulent, blackish-brown or black; spores globose to ellipsoid, occasionally Hypophyllous, svread uniformly over the ON GERANIACEAE 103 with a flat, broad, hyaline papilla, at first smooth, then covered with more or less distant, broadly conical, obtuse, subhyaline warts, chestnut-brown, 20—30 x 18—24 w; epispore 2—24 uw thick; pedicels hyaline, deciduous. On Euphorbia exigue. Rare; Hampshire, Mr Hill (Plowr. l.c.); King’s Cliffe, Norths. (Grevillea, l.c.). Midlands (Purton, ic). (Fig. 56.) For a long time this species was considered to have only uredo- and teleutospores, but the connection of these with the zcidium occurring on the same species of Huphorbia was established by Tranzschel. Berkeley, at King’s Cliffe, found them all together. The description given above is partly founded upon those of Tranzschel, Sydow, and Fischer. The mycelium of the ecidial stage infests the whole plant, that of the teleuto- spores is more or less localised. DISTRIBUTION: France, Germany, Switzerland. 17. Uromyces Geranii Otth et Wart. Adium Geranit DC.; Cooke, Handb. p. 543; Micr. Fung. p. 199 p.p, Trichobasis Geranti Cooke, Handb. p. 530. Uromyces Geranit Otth et Wartm. Schweiz. Krypt. no. 401. Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 213. Plowr. Ured. p. 126. Sacc. Syll. vii. 535. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 190. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 16, f. 14. Spermogones. Mixed with the ecidia, orange. 4Aicidiospores. Aicidia hypophyllous or on the petioles, on the leaves chiefly in the vicinity of the nerves and there forming large dense clusters on thickened spots, on the petioles forming elongated clusters and often causing great distortion, at first hemispherical and closed, then opening by a round pore, at length with a very slightly revolute incised margin, orange ; spores somewhat ovate, densely and minutely verruculose, yellow, 2228 x 18—24 wu; epispore rather thick. Uredospores. Sori hypophyllous, generally on brownish or reddish-yellow spots, scattered or gregarious, minute, rounded, pulverulent, cinnamon, surrounded by the cleft epidermis; spores globose to obovate, sparsely echinulate, brown, 20—80 x 18—24 4; epispore about 2, thick, with one (rarely two) germ-pores. 104 UROMYCES Teleutospores. Sori similar, but less pulverulent, and blackish-brown; spores subglobose to ovate, not thickened above, but with a hyaline papilla as much as 6 uw high, smooth, brown, 2235 x 1825 w; pedicels short, hyaline, deciduous. tie, 57. i Gerani, On Geranium dissectum, G. molle, G. Teleutospores on G. pratense, G. pyrenaicum, G. silvaticum. Cane Not common. Atcidia, March to June; teleutospores, June—October. (Fig. 57.) Liro proved that the ecidium of this parasite from G@. silvaticum produced uredo- and teleutospores on the same plant, and Bock showed that the uredospores from the same species reproduced themselves on other hosts of the same genus. But there is another ecidium occurring on G@. pratense and G. silvaticum, which belongs to a quite different life- cycle. This is cidium sanguinolentum Lindr., and is the ecidial stage of the hetercecious Puccinia Polygont-amphibii Pers. (q.v.). It differs from the ecidium of U. Geranit in being seated on conspicuous blood-red or deep-purplish spots which are not distinctly thickened ; moreover the shape of the spores is that usual in ecidiospores, viz. rounded-polygonal, while those of U. Geranii are always more or less ovate, and have a thicker wall. Again, there is an ecidium on G. pusillum which, according to Sydow, is probably also found on G. molle and @. rotundifol/um, and which belongs to Puceinia Polygoni-Oonvolvuli (q.v.)—a form of P. Polygoni-amphibii which is often separated as a distinct species. The uredo- and teleuto- sori would, of course, not follow the wzcidium on the same plant in either of these two cases. On G. pyrenaicum there is another Uromyces (U. Kabatianus) which differs in the arrangement of its sori ; see below. DIsTRIBUTION: Europe, except in the extreme South. 18. Uromyces Kabatianus Bubdk. Uromyces Kabatianus Bubdk, Sitz. kin. béhm. Gesell. Wissen. 1902, p. 1, f 1-5. Sace. Syll. xvii, 249. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 194. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 18, f. 15. Spermogones. Amphigenous, few, large, honey-coloured, then darker, on the same spots as the ecidia. cidiospores. ABcidia hypophyllous, on round yellowish spots, in little clusters 2—4 mm. wide, hemispherical, opening ON GERANIACE 105 by a pore; spores roundish-polygonal to oblong-ovate, densely verruculose, yellow, 24—33 x 18—26 pu. Uredospores. Sori hypophyllous, on yellow spots, in circi- nate groups, seldom scattered, rather large, pulverulent, choco- late-brown ; spores roundish, brown, distantly echinulate, 22— 26 «; epispore about 2 w thick. Leleutospores. Sori hypophyllous, on yellowish or reddish QVC Fig. 58. U. Kabatianus. Teleutospores and uredospore, on G. pyrenaicum. spots, rather large, covered with the thin silvery-shining epi- dermis, generally in circinate groups, soon confluent, pulverulent, brown; spores ovate, often oblong, scarcely thickened above, . but with the germ-pore provided with a prominent subhyaline papilla (up to 7 » high), smooth, pale-brown, 22—42 x 183—20 w; pedicels short, hyaline, deciduous. On Geranium pyrenaicum, and possibly on G. molle and G. pusillum. (Fig. 58.) This has been separated by Bub4k from U. Geranii on the ground of the circinate arrangement of the uredo- and teleuto-sori, and the more oblong and longer teleutospores : the description of the ewcidia and teleu- tospores is taken from that of Bubdék. According to Sydow, Lind has succeeded in transferring this species from G. pyrenaicum to G. molle and G. pusiilum. Bub&k thought that only this form occurred on G. pyrenat- cum, but Bock (Centralbl. f. Bakt. 2, xx. 584) showed that typical Uromyces Geranii could also be produced on that host. The two Uromyces are very closely allied, but several distinctions are alleged: the uredospores themselves are identical, but not the sori ; according to Sydow. the teleutospores of U. Aabatianus do not appear till towards the end of October, are paler, longer and more oblong in shape with a higher papilla, while their sori are generally circinate, paler and less compact. The teleutospores of U. Geranit appear at the beginning of summer, the sori are nearly black, rather compact, and more scattered. I have specimens collected at Cambridge in August, on G. pyrenazcum, having the uredo-sori in circinate groups on conspicuous yellow spots, and 106 UROMYCES containing no teleutospores; it appears probable that these belong to U. Kabatianus, which will no doubt be found in many places, if looked for. DISTRIBUTION: a few places in Europe and Asia Minor. 19. Uromyces Alchemille Lév. Uredo Alchemillae Pers. Obs. Mye. i. 98. Uromyces Alchemillae Lévy. Ann. Sci. Nat. 3, viii. 371 (1847). Plowr. Ured. p. 187, Sacc. Syll. vii. 558. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 196. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 44, f. 34. U. intrusa Cooke, Handb. p. 519; Micr. Fung. p. 213. Trachyspora Alchemillae Fckl. Bot. Zeit. xix. 250. Arthur, N. Amer. Fl. vii. 178. Uredospores. Sori hypophyllous, radially arranged, occupy- ing néarly the whole leaf-surface, rounded or elongated, often confluent and covered by large fragments of the torn epidermis, then pulverulent, orange, yellowish or even whitish; spores ellipsoid to oblong, faintly echinulate, orange or yellowish, 16—25 x 14—21 p. Fig. 59. U. Alchemillae. Teleutospores on A. vulyarix. Leleutospures. Sori hypophyllous, scattered, rarely con- fluent, minute, round, pulverulent, brown; spores globose to obovoid or oblong, not thickened above, coarsely warted, brown, 26—40 x 20—80 uw; epispore 2—24 w thick; pedicels hyaline, very deciduous, short or rather long; teleutospores are also formed in the uredo-sori. On.Alchemilla vulgaris. Common. Uredospores, April— June; teleutospores, July—October. (Fig. 59.) The mycelium perennates in the rhizome and grows up with the young leaves, causing them to stand more erect, making them paler and con- spicuous, but smaller and often deformed. The separate teleuto-sori are ON RANUNCULUS 107 formed on other leaves on a localised mycelium, cause no deformation and are not conspicuous; in them are a few secondary uredospores. The teleutospores have unusually coarse warts, mostly towards the apex, or are sometimes nearly or partially smooth. Bub4&k records (Centralbl. f. Bakter. 2, xvi. 158) that in many trials in three years he could never get the teleutospores to germinate, and could not artificially produce infection in Alchemilla, though Klebahn (Zeitschr. f. Pflanzenkr. 1907) did so readily with the uredospores. This species can be gathered at considerable altitudes in Wales and Scotland (and as high as 7200 ft. in Switzerland). DISTRIBUTION : Europe, Asia Minor, Greenland. 20. Uromyces Ficarie Lév. Uredo Ficariae Schum. Pl. Sall. ii. 232. Uromyces Ficariae Lév. Ann. Sci. Nat. 3. viii. 390. Cooke, Handb. p. 518; Micr. Fung. p. 212, pl. 7, f. 156—7. Plowr. Ured. p. 140. Sacc. Syll. vii. 568. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 208. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 13, f. 12. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous or on the petioles, about 4 mm. diam., rounded, frequently col- lected into dense orbicular or elongated clusters, on pale-yellow spots, especially on the petioles where they cause not- able distortion, soon naked, pulverulent, chocolate-brown; spores more or less obovate,often irregular, not thickened above, but with a conical hyaline papilla, Tata re sre smooth, pale-brown, 22—38 x 18—26 py; Ficaria. é : pedicels hyaline, deciduous; a few sub- globose, pale-brownish, faintly echinulate uredospores, each with three germ-pores, are occasionally found intermixed, but are usually abortive. On Ranunculus Ficaria. March to early June. Very common. (Fig. 60; see also Fig. 79.) The ecidium on the same host belongs to the life-cycle of Uromyces Poae, and is considered to have no connection with the Uromyces on A. Ficaria, though it may be found on the same leaf. Klebahn proved that the teleutospores reproduce themselves. But there is a curious conclusion arrived at by Tranzschel, as the result of his experiments 108 UROMYCES (see Bot. Zeit. lxiii. 75), that an swcidium which he finds on &. Ficaria is connected with U. Rumicis (q.v.). The spores of U. Ficariae and U. Rumicis are very similar. DistriBuTion : Europe generally, except the extreme South. 21. Uromyces caryophyllinus Wint. Lycoperdon caryophyllinum Schrank, Baier. Flor. ii. 668. Uromyces caryophyllinus Winter, Pilze, p. 149. Sacc. Syll. vii. 545. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 210, 362. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 11, f. 10. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc, iii. 122. McAlpine, Rusts of Australia, p- 102, f. 152—4 and pl. G, f. 30—1. Nigredo caryophyllina Arthur, N. Amer. FI. vii. 246. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous or on the stems, sometimes on pallid spots, scattered, minute, round or oblong, soon naked, pulverulent, cinnamon; spores globose to ellipsoid, sparsely echinulate, yellowish-brown, 20—35 x 18—25 pw; epi- spore 24—8 » thick, with three to five germ-pores. x nl Fig. 61. U. caryophyllinus. Teleutospores and uredospore from the same sorus, on carnation ; leaf of carnation with two groups of sori. Teleutospores. Sori confluent and large, mostly oblong, _surrounded and often covered by the cleft epidermis, sub- pulverulent, brownish-black ; spores globose to ellipsoid, with ’ ON CARYOPHYLLACEH 109 a flat hyaline papilla, densely and minutely punctate, chestnut- brown, 20—31 x 18—24 uw; epispore 2—3 uw thick, not thickened at the summit; pedicels short, hyaline, deciduous. On Dianthus barbatus, D. Caryophyllus, D. chinensis. On cultivated carnations practically all the year round. (Fig. 61.) The “Carnation Rust” was introduced into England on imported plants about the year 1890; it sometimes occurs as an epidemic, causing much injury. The. teleutospore-containing sori are often clustered on the leaves and stems in circinate or elongated swollen patches ; uredospores are mixed with them. The punctation of the teleutospores is perceptible only when they are viewed dry, and at the best is very indistinct. It is stated by Tranzschel and Fischer that this species is hetercecious, and has its ecidium on Luphorbia Gerardiana, but as this Euphorbia does not occur in Britain, the parasite probably maintains itself here without hetercecism. It is remarked by Sydow that the same is true in Switzerland, at least in certain cases; but see Fischer (p. 530) who produced the fungus, from an wcidium on E, Gerardiana, on Saponaria ocymoides, but not on Dianthus. The fungus has now spread round the world in greenhouses, but only in the sporophytic stage ; the cidium has not been recognised anywhere except in Europe. The best means of prevention are (1) the selection of resistant varieties, (2) good and careful cultivation, especially sufficient ventilation. If spraying is resorted to, potassium sulphide solution ($ oz. to 1 gallon) ‘is perhaps the best, but dilute Bordeaux mixture or copper sulphate solution (1 1b, to 50 gallons), or sponging with a rose-red solution of permanganate of potash have also been tried. The latter can be used even when the plants are in active growth. Besides spraying, every infected leaf should be plucked off and burnt as soon as discovered. This disease must not be confounded with the outwardly similar “Fairy Ring of Carnations,” caused by Heterosporium, but the same remedies apply to both. : DISTRIBUTION : Europe, Western Asia, Japan, South Africa, North America, Australia. 22. Uromyces Behenis Unger. 4eidium Behenis DC. Encyel. viii. 289. Cooke, Handb. p. 541; Micr. Fung. p. 197. Uromyces Behenis Unger, Einfluss d. Bod. p. 216. Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 218. Plowr. Ured. p. 138. Sace, Syll. vil. 559. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 218. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 64, f. 48. Acidiospores. Aicidia usually hypophyllous, seated on spots that vary both in size and colour (yellow or purple) and are generally very conspicuous, solitary or collected into 110 UROMYCES clusters, cup-shaped, whitish-yellow, with a torn revolute margin; spores densely and minutely verruculose, yellowish, Fig. 62. U. Behenis. a, ecidia on early leaf, b, ecidia on later leaf, of S. inflata ; two televitospores. Teleutospores. Sori hypophyllous and on the stems, often surrounding the secondary ecidia, irregularly scattered, gre- garious or circinate, rounded or oblong, covered for a considerable time by the lead-coloured epidermis, rather small and compact, brownish-black or black ; spores subglobose or obovate, rounded above and thickened (as much as 11), smooth, pale brown, 25—35 x 20—27 w; pedicels persistent, faintly yellow, thick, as much as 75 p long. On Silene inflata (latifolia), S. maritima. Not common. Acidia and teleutospores, July—October. (Fig. 62.) The spots occupied by the ecidia vary in colour, but the primary ones are often tinged or margined with purple. This is one of the species whose ecidiospores are capable of reproducing the ecidia, as Dietel has shown (Flora, lxxxi. 395, 1895). The primary ecidia, on the earlier leaves, are in roundish groups or concentric circles, only a few being scattered. The secondary ecidia, on the younger leaves, stand more often singly and are spread over a larger area; the teleuto-sori spring from the same secondary mycelium or are formed separately. The secondary wcidia are not confined to the beginning of the season, but continue to be produced till the end of autumn, being in fact the’ representatives of the uredo-sori. On this accouut this species is very interesting biologically. The primary scidia arise from infection by comparatively few basidiospores ; the secondary arise from the more widely dispersed acidiospores of the ON CARYOPHYLLACEEX 111 first generation, and their mycelium can produce either xcidiospores or teleutospores or both. No spermogones seem to be known. The ecidium requires to be carefully distinguished from that of Puccinia Behenis (P. Silenes) (q.v.), which is much rarer and does not extend throughout the season. , DistTRIBUTION : Europe generally. 23. Uromyces sparsus Lév. Uromyces sparsus Lév. Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 3, viii. 369. Cooke, Handb. p. 519; Micr. Fung. p. 214. Plowr. Ured. p. 136. Sacc. Syll. vil. 545. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 221. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous and on the stems, on pallid spots, scattered, roundish, $—1 mm. diam., convex, covered for a considerable time by the epidermis, which at length splits and surrounds them, then pulveru- lent, pallid-cinnamon; spores globose to oblong, faintly cchinulate, brownish, 18—28 x 15—22 p. Teleutospores. Sori similar, but darker; spores subglobose to oblong, rounded above where they are slightly thickened (up to 4) and darker, gene- rally tapering downwards, smooth, brown, Fig. 63. U. sparsus. ‘ ‘ Teleutospores on 22—32 x 14—21 yw; pedicels persistent, Spergularia salina aes : 4 (foreign, J. Kunze, thick, as much as 60 » long, brownish at Exsice., no. 216) the apex. On Spergularia rubra (Alsine rubra). May—July. Very rare; I have seen no British specimens. (Fig. 63.) DistrisuTion : Mid-western Europe. 24, Uromyces Chenopodii Schrit. Uredo Chenopodii Duby, Bot. Gall. ii. 899. Aedium Suaedae Thiim. Fung. egypt. iii. no. 53. Aecidium Chenopodit, in Gard. Chron. (1895), xviii, 135. Uromyces Chenopodit Schrot. in Kunz. Fung. Sel. no, 214. Plowright in Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. i. 56. Sace. Syll. vii. 548. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 233. 112 UROMYCES Aicidiospores. ABcidia amphigenous, clustered in circles 5— 10 mm. diam., cylindrical, whitish, margin deeply torn; spores delicately verruculose, yellow, 18—22 pw diam. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, scattered or gregarious, round or more frequently elongate, small, surrounded by the conspicuous torn epi- dermis, cinnamon; spores ‘globose. to oval or oblong, delicately and sparingly echinu- late, yellowish-brown, 18—25 x 16—21 yp; epispore about 14 u thick. UT hleisbaiores, Sori amphigenous but mostly cauline, on the leaves rounded and 1—3 mm. diam., on the stems lanceolate and even as much as 3 em. long (Sydow), thick, compact, dark-brown; spores very variable, oval to subpyriform, rounded or subconical at the apex, thickened or not, smooth, brown, 24—385 x 18—20u; Bis. 80s ethenepale pedicels pale-brown, persistent, up to 80% Teleutospores on long or more. Suaeda fruticosa (foreign, ex herb. De On stems, branches and leaves of Thiimen). qe : Suaeda maritima. Rare. Terrington Marsh (Mr H. G. Ward); North Wootton Marsh (C. B. P.); August. The ecidia are recorded from Worthing (Miss A. L. Smith, Journ. of Bot. May, 1898), as well as by Plowright from North Wootton. (Fig. 64.) Teleutospores very variable, short and broad or long and narrow in the same sorus ; thickening of apex also varying from 3 to 7»; pedicels often very long and flexuous. The name of this species is misleading; it has been found on S. Fruticosa, but not on the present-day Chenopodium. Plowright mentions, as showing the distinctness of this species from U. Salicorniae, that at North Wvotton Marsh it did not spread to Salicornia herbacea, which was growing near. DISTRIBUTION: Germany, and most of the countries in South Europe and North Africa. ON CHENOPODIACEE 113 25. Uromyces Bete Lév. Uredo Betae Pers. Syn. p. 220. Trichobasis Betae Cooke, Handb. p. 530; Micr. Fung. p. 225, Uromyces Betae Lévy. Ann. Sci. Nat. ser, 3, viii. 375. Cooke, Mier. Fung. p. 213. Plowr. Ured. p. 127. Sacc. Syll. vii. 536. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 224. Fischer, Ured: Schweiz, p. 10, f. 9. McAlpine, Rusts of Australia, p. 100, f. 148—9, 316, and pl. H. Nigredo Betae Arthur, N. Amer. FI. vii. 245. Spermogones. In little clusters, honey-coloured. ediospores. AKcidia amphigenous, often on rounded or irregular yellowish spots, collected into rather large clusters which are round or sometimes irregular and confluent, cup- shaped, yellowish, with a reflexed incised margin; spores delicately verruculose, pale-yellowish, 16—24 x 16—20 yu. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, scattered, sometimes con- centrically arranged, thick, pulvinate, Jo circular, up to 2 mm. diam., covered by aa the epidermis which at length splits, then pulverulent, cinnamon; spores globose to obovate-oblong, sparsely and minutely echinulate, yellowish, 21—382 x Fig. 65. U. Betae. Te- 16—26 1; epispore 243 thick, with amen tnt a two equatorial germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori similar, but somewhat compact, dark- brown; spores globose to obovate, rounded and slightly thick- ened above, with a minute hyaline hemispherical papilla, smooth, pale-brown, 22—34 x 18—25 w; pedicels short, hyaline. On leaves of Beta maritima, B. vulgaris; also doing great harm to cultivated mangels. Acidia rather rare, April—June ; uredo- and teleutospores, rather common, May—October. (Fig. 65.) In May all four spore-forms can sometimes be seen on the same leaf. Kiihn says that the mycelium of the ecidia is perennial, and that its spores can reproduce the ecidia. If possible, the first leaves seen bearing the ecidia should be collected and burnt; this will check the disease at, the outset... If this is not possible, the plants may be sprayed with dilute Bordeaux mixture or with potassium sulphide solution. Since in mangels. the disease would chiefly be reproduced by teleutospores from old leaves G. U. 8 114 UROMYCES of the preceding crop, all affected mangel “tops” should be burnt : rotation of crops is of course a sure preventive, as in all such cases, DistRiBuTION : Europe, California, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand. 26. Uromyces Salicornie De Bary. Beidium Salicorniae DC. Flor. fr. vi. 92. Uromyces Salicorniae De Bary, in Rab. Fung. Eur. nos. 1385—6. Cooke, Grevillea, vii. 137. Plowr. Ured. p. 129. Sace. Syll. vii. 538, Sydow, Monogr. ii. 230. 4icidiospores. Aicidia on the cotyledons chiefly, scattered or in smal] clusters, at first hemispherical, then cup-shaped, with erect, torn, white margin; spores finely verruculose, orange-yellow, 17—35 p. Uredospores. Sori scattered or aggregated, minute, rounded, long covered by the epidermis, pulverulent, cinnamon ; spores ovate to pyriform, very finely echinulate, yellow-brown, 24—35 x 18—25 w;_ epispore about 144 thick. Teleutospores. Sori similar, but larger and rather compact, dark-brown; spores subglobose to obovate, rounded above and often thickened (up to 4), and surmounted by a thin, broad, dark cap, rounded below, smooth, brown, 25— 35 x 18—28 4; pedicels hyaline, thick, per- Fig. 66. U. Sali- sistent, as much as 80 w long. corniae. Teleu- tospores on S. On leaves and stems of Salicornia europaea Gemnarees (herbacea). | October — November. Rare. (Fig. 66.) The teleuto-sori are chiefly on the stems, as much as 3 mm. long, and very pulvinate. DisTRIBUTION: France, Germany. 27. Uromyces Rumicis Wint. Uredo Rumicis Schum. Pl. Sail. ii. 231. Trichobasis Rumicum DC. ; Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 225 p.p. Uromyces apiculosa Lév.; Cooke, Handb. p. 518; Micr. Fung, p. 212 p.p. (excl. figs.). ON POLYGONACE 115 0. Rumicis Wint. Krypt. Fl. i. 145. Plowr. Ured. p. 135 p.p. Sace. Syll. vii. 544, Sydow, Monogr. ii. 238. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 9, f. 8. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, on coloured spots, round, minute, scattered, soon naked, — pulverulent, cinnamon; spores subglobose to ellipsoid, sparsely echinulate, pale-brown, 20—28 x 18—24 yw, with two (more often three) germ-pores. eo Fig. 67. U. Rumicis. Teleuto- Teleutospores. Sori similar, spores and uredospore, on R. but darker; spores subglobose to oe pyriform, with a hemispherical hyaline papilla, often narrowed below, smooth or nearly so, brown, 2435 x 18—24 4; epispore rather thick ; pedicels thin, hyaline, deciduous. On Rumex conglomeratus, R. crispus, R. Hydrolapathum, R. nemorosus, R. obtusifolius, and perhaps others. May— September. Common. (Fig. 67.) The spots on the leaves are small, round, and of various colours ; often the chlorenchyma in the immediate neighbourhood retains its green colour long after the rest of the leaf has become faded and yellow. It will be noticed that the spores of U. Rumicis are exactly like those of U. Ficariae, and for this reason Tranzschel was led to suspect some connection between the two, such as he demonstrated to exist between P. fusca and P. Pruni-spinosae, whose teleutospores are equally alike. In 1905 he reported that he had produced an ecidium on Ranunculus Ficaria from the spores of U. Rumicis; still later, he repeated this statement (1909), and added that he had infected Rumex obtusifolius with xcidio- spores from &. Ficaria. Other experimenters (Bubék, Krieg) have been unable to repeat the former of these infections ; they could only produce the ecidium on &. Ficaria with the spores of Uromyces Poae. It has been suggested that there are two ecidia on &. Picaria, one belonging to U, Poae and the other to U. Rumicis; I have tried to infect 2. obtusefolius with ecidiospores from &. Ficaria, brought from a place where the ecidium on it and the Uromyces on &. obtusifolius were both very abundant, but the attempt, failed, Krieg (Centralbl. f. Bakt. 1906) obtained uredo- spores on &, Acetosa with ecidiospores from &. Ficaria, but the same material infected species of Poa (especially P. trivialis), and the possibility 8—2 116 UROMYCES of contamination by foreign spores was not entirely excluded in his experiments. Judgment on this point must be suspended. DistRIBUTION: Europe, Algeria, Asia Minor, Africa, Cali- fornia, Chili. 28. Uromyces Acetose Schrot. Uredo bifrons DC. ; Cooke, Handb. p. 528 ; Micr. Fung. p. 217, pl. vii. figs. 137—9. Uromyces Rumicis Wint.; Plowr. Ured. p. 135 p.p. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 9 (not f. 8) p.p. U. Acetosae Schrét. in Rab. Fung. Europ. no. 2080 (1876). Sace. Syll. vii. 587. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 241. [Spernogones. Honey-coloured, clustered. Aicidiospores. AKcidia amphigenous or on the petioles, in dense clusters (up to 1 cm. broad), cup- ff shaped, whitish-yellow, with a cut and revolute margin; spores nearly smooth or very minutely punctate, clear-yellowish, Fig. 68. U. Acetosae. 18—21 x 12—18 p.] Teleutospores, on Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, often ceca seated on red or purple spots, scattered or circinate, minute, pulverulent, cinnamon; spores subglobose to ellipsoid, finely and densely verruculose, yellowish or pale brownish-yellow, 18—25 x 17—22 w; epispore about 24, thick, with three germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori similar, but dark-brown; spores sub- globose to ellipsoid, not thickened above, or rarely with a paler and very minute papilla, rounded below, beset with very minute warts arranged in lines, brown, 21—26 x 20—24 py; Bpinne rather thick ; pedicels thin, hyaline, deciduous. On leaves and petioles of Rumex Acetosa, R. Acetosella. May—September. Not uncommon. (Fig. 68.) Allied to U. Rumieis, but U. Acetosae has shorter spores (of both kinds) and the hyaline papilla of the teleutospores is almost always wanting. The «cidium has not been found in Britain, but the other stages are rather common : the uredo- and teleutospores are unusually alike, but can be distinguished by the germ-pores and the fewer warts of the latter. ON POLYGONACEE 117 On the same host-plants is a Puccinia, which (in the absence of the teleutospores) can be distinguished only by the fact that the uredospores have two (rarely three) germ-pores and are adorned with few and distant spines. There is little doubt that many of the specimens recorded as U. Acetosae are really the uredospores of Puccinia Acetosae. DISTRIBUTION : Germany, France, Sweden, Norway, Finland. 29. Uromyces Polygoni Fckl. Aicidium aviculariae Kze.; Cooke, Handb. p. 545; Micr. Fung. p. 199. Puceinia vaginalium Link; Cooke, Handb. p. 495; Micr. Fung. p. 204. Trichobasis Polygonorum Berk.; Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 226 p.p. Uromyces Polygont Eckl. Symb. Myce. p. 64. Cooke, Handb. p. 519 ; Micr. Fung. p. 213, Plowr. Ured. p. 123. Sacc. Syll. vil. 533. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 236. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 61, f. 46. McAlpine, Rusts of Australia, p. 99, f. 150—1. Spermogones. Honey-coloured, conical, only a few together. Aicidiospores. Mostly hypophyllous, on yellow or violet spots, irregularly aggregated or in circular groups, cup-shaped, whitish, with a cleft and revolute margin; spores verruculose, yellowish, 15—21 x 14—18 yp. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous or on the stems, scattered or in small clusters, small, round, soon naked, pulverulent,.cinnamon ; spores glo- bose to ellipsoid, densely and minutely verruculose, pale-brown, 18—26 x 17—24u; epispore 1424 » thick, with three or four germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori like the uredo- sori, but larger and more confluent upon fig 69, Uv. Polygoni. the stems, compact, dark-brown; spores Teleutospores, on P. aviculare. globose or obovate, rounded above and thickened (up to 6), smooth, chestnut-brown, 22—38 x 14— 22 w; pedicels coloured, persistent, thick, as much as 90 wu long. On Polygonum aviculare. Aicidia, rare, May—June, Man- chester (T. Brittain), 1875; uredo- and teleutospores, very common, July—November. (Fig. 69.) 118 UROMYCES The connection of the ecidium with the later stages seems not yet to have been experimentally demonstrated : but McAlpine found the ecidia on young plants of P. aviculare along with the other spore-forms. In Europe, ete. it is recorded on many other species of Polygonum. This species is said to occur also on Rumesx Acetosella on the continent, and should be looked for here on that host. If so, there would be three species on R, Acetosella to be considered : U. Polygoni which has verrucu- lose uredospores and smooth teleutospores ; U. Acetosae which is distin- guished by having teleutospores beset with a few minute warts arranged in lines ; while Puceinda Acetosae has aculeolate uredospores and teleutospores with many delicate warts. DISTRIBUTION: World-wide. 30. Uromyces Lilii Fckl. Caeoma Lili Link, Sp. PL, ii. 8. Uromyces Lilti Fckl, Symb. Myc. Nachtr. iii. 16. Sydow, Monogr. ii, 277. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 6, f. 5. Grove, Journ. Bot. 1911, p. 368. U. Brythronii DC. ; Sacc. Syll. vii. 564 p.p. Wild Fauna and Flora of Kew, p. 163 (non U. Erythronti Pass. %). Nigredo Litit Arthur, N. Amer. Fl. vii. 242. Spermogones. Dispersed among the ecidia, brownish- yellow. Aicidiospores. Aicidia amphigenous, usually hypophyllous, or even on the petioles and stems, seated on lanceolate yellowish spots, in rounded or elongated groups of very different sizes, and often extending widely, more or less crowded, for a long time hemispherical and closed, at length opening by a central pore, but scarcely cup-shaped, margin not revolute, about 4mm. diam. yellow; spores densely and minutely verruculose, yellowish, 22-35 x 18-26 w; epispore 3 thick or less. ; Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous, usually hypophyllous, on large yellowish spots, scattered or collected in groups, rounded or oblong, elongated on the petioles, at first covered by the epidermis, which at length splits, large, pulverulent, dark- brown; spores globose to oblong or pyriform, rounded above, with a prominent hyaline papilla, covered when mature with short ridges which are often disposed in lines more or less ON LILIACEE 119 interrupted and anastomosing, brown, 283—44 x 22—30 p; epl- spore 2—3} w thick; pedicels hyaline, slender, deciduous. Fig. 70. U. Lilii. a, leaf of Lilium candidum, with ecidia; b, another, with teleuto-sori, nat. size; c, cells of peridium, in section and inner face-view ; d, teleutospores ; ¢, teleutospore seen from above ; f, ecidiospore, all x 600, On Liliwn candidum. Kew Gardens; also at Birmingham, 1911-3 (C. W. Lowe). Aicidia in April, May; mature teleuto- spores from June. (Fig. 70.) The part of the leaf occupied by the ecidia is somewhat thickened, and the ecidia scarcely protrude above the epidermis. The peridia are slow in opening. The streaked teleutospores are very distinctive. The lilies on which the parasite appeared at Birmingham had been in the garden for some years, but it was not noticed till 1911. Fischer records it on Fritillaria Meleagris, and Sydow and Arthur on other species of the two genera. The true U. Hrythronii differs from this species in possessing a truly cup-shaped ecidium with a distinctly revolute margin. But the teleutospores of the Birmingham specimens were more like those figured by Fischer under U. Erythronii than those which he figures on Fritillaria Meleagris (f. 5), though devoid of the “ Queranastomosen.” Possibly the species on Lilium is quite distinct from that on Fritillaria. The longitu- dinal strize are so plainly marked as to be visible under a comparatively low power. As Fischer remarks, the cells of the lower part of the peridium are much thinner-walled than those in the upper part. DISTRIBUTION : Central Europe, North America. 120 UROMYCES 31. Uromyces Gagee Beck. Uromyces Gageae Beck, Verh, k.-k. zool. hak Gesell. Wien, xxx. 26. Sace. Syll. vii. 568. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 273. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 4, f. 3. U. Ornithogali Plowr. Ured. p. 142. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous, scattered, roundish or elliptical, 1—3 mm. long, covered by the lead-coloured epidermis which at length splits longitudinally, then naked, pul- verulent, dark-brown; spores subglobose to obovoid, not or scarcely thickened above, but usually with a hyaline apiculus, Fig. 71. U. Gageae. smooth, brown, 26—40 x 18—28 w; epi- Teleutospores. i i o spore 2 » thick; pedicels hyaline, shorter than the spores. On leaves of Gagea lutea. Rare. April, May. (Fig. 71.) The teleutospores mature in spring, according to Fischer. Plowright says that the mycelium causes variously shaped pale spots on the affected leaves ; but I find no spots and in Sydow it is said that there are none. DisTRIBUTION: Western and Central Europe. 32. Uromyces Scillarum Wint. Uredo Scillarum Grev. in Smith, Engl. Fl. v. 376. Uromyces concentricus Lév. ; Cooke, Handb. p. 519; Grevillea, vii. 138 ; Micr. Fung. p. 213. U. Scillarum Winter, Pilze Deutsch]. p. 142; Plowr. Ured. p. 141. Sacc. Syll. vii. 567. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 278. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 2, f. 1. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous, usually seated on pallid or yellowish spots, small, round or oblong, up to +mm. diam., collected into round or oblong clusters, often concentrically arranged, sometimes confluent, long covered by the epi- dermis which at length splits and a ee ies ke on surrounds them, pulverulent, dark- teleutospore, on S. campanu- brown; spores subglobose to oblong, sao usually rounded and not thickened above, smooth, occasionally marked with a few very faint lines a ON LILIACEA 121 running from apex to base, evenly coloured, brown, 18—82 x 14—22 w; epispore uniformly thin, about 14 thick; pedicels hyaline, often deciduous, as long as or longer than the spore. On leaves of Endymion non-scriptum (Scilla nutans), and also of Scilla bifolia, S. campanulata. Common. April—June. (Fig. 72.) The yellow spots and the concentric arrangement of the sori are often very marked. The mycelium is purely local. A few finely echinulate uredospores, 27x 20 p, were found by Juel in the young sori on Seilla obtusifolia (Bull. Soc. Myce. Fr. xvii, 259). DISTRIBUTION: Central and Southern Europe and Morocco. 33. Uromyces ambiguus Lév. Oredo ambigua DC. Flor. fr. vi. 64. U. Alliorum Cooke, Handb. p. 528; Micr. Fung. p. 217 p.p. Puccinia nuxta Fckl., forma simplicior Korn. Uromyces Alliorum DC. ; Cooke, Handb. p. 518 ; Micr. Fung. p. 212. Plowr. Ured. p. 137 p.p. U. ambiguus Lévy. Ann. Sci. Nat. 3, viii. 375. Sacc. Syll. vii. 543. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 262. Grove, Journ. Bot. 1911, p. 367. Uredospores, Sori amphigenous, without spots, scattered, roundish or oblong, long covered by the epidermis, yellowish; spores globose to obovate, delicately verruculose, pale-yellowish, 20—28 x 17— Roy 22 4; epispore 3—34 w thick, with six or seven germ-pores. Fig. 73. U. ambiguus. Teleutospores Teleutospores. Sori am- and uredospore on Allium Scorodo- phigenousand onthestems,on = ?”™*""" the leaves scattered, small and roundish, on the stems confluent and larger, up to 15 mm. long, always covered by the blue-grey epidermis; spores subglobose to pyriform, rounded above, without a papilla and scarcely thickened, rounded or narrowed below, smooth, brown, 20—35 x 17—24 w; pedicels thin, hyaline, fragile, as much as 30 pw long. 122 UROMYCES On Allium Schoenoprasum, A. Scorodoprasum, and (ac- cording to Sydow) A. sphaerocephalum. Not common. (Fig. 73.) It cannot be considered as certain that this is a species distinct from Puccinia Porrt Wint., but as it presents slight differences, it is better, in the total absence of culture experiments, to keep it separate for the time. The difficulty lies in the fact that the teleutospores of this Uromyces agree perfectly with the mesospores of the Puccznia (except perhaps in the greater variability of the latter) ; but the teleuto-sori of the Uromyces are generally larger and more persistently covered by the epidermis, and one searches in vain in them for two-celled spores, such as are found freely in the sori of the Puccinia. Fischer says that the uredospores of P. Porri have only three germ-pores. According to Sydow, the Uromyces occurs only on the three species of Allium mentioned above and A. rotundum, while the Puccinia is found on them as well as on many other species of the genus. Nevertheless the two forms are closely allied and from the evolutionary point of view the Uromyces must be regarded as a specialised state or mutation of the Puccinia. Neither of them has an ecidial stage. DisTRIBUTION: Central and North-Western Europe. 34. Uromyces Colchici Massee. U. Colchici Mass. Grevillea, xxi. 6, pl. 182, f. 16—18; Diseases of Cult. Plants, p. 292, f. 85; Text-book of Plant Diseases, p. 227, f. 56. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 268. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous, scattered, rather large, elliptical, sometimes circinating, up to 2mm. long, covered for some time by the epidermis which at length splits, then sub-pulverulent, brown ; spores subglobose to ovate, rounded above, with a broad flat hyaline papilla, smooth, pale-brown, 28—40 x Fig. 74. U. 20—28y; epispore 3—34 u thick; pedicels hya- Colchici. — line, rather long, but very deciduous. Teleutospore, . ’ from the ori- On leaves of Colchicum speciosum. Kew ea specl- Gardens; unknown in the world elsewhere. (Fig. 74.) The teleutospores remain on the dead leaves and germinate in the following spring, so that if Colchicum is again planted in the same ground or allowed to remain there, it is liable to contract the disease year after year. As in all similar cases, the best preventive against future attacks ON JUNCACEA 123 is to remove carefully and burn all diseased leaves before they mature their spores. The fungus is stated to have attacked the foliage of the host for three successive seasons, completely destroying it, and although for the first two seasons it did not attack other species of Colchicum growing near, during the third season it spread to C. autumnale and C. bavaricum. 35. Uromyces Junci Tul. icidium zonale Duby, Bot. Gall. ii. 906. Cooke, Grevillea, xiv. 39. Uromyces Junci Tul. Ann. Sci. Nat. ser. 4, ii. 146. Cooke, Grevillea, vii. 1389; Micr. Fung. p. 213. Plowr. Ured. p. 132 ; Grevillea, xi. 52. Sacc. Syll. vii. 541. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 287. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 57, f. 43, Nigredo Junct Arthur, N. Amer. FI. vii. 238. Spermogones. Usually epiphyllous. Aicidiospores. Aicidia hypophyllous, seated on spots which are zoned with yellow and purple, in dense circinate clusters 2—5 mm. wide, cup-shaped, yellowish-white, with a torn revolute margin; spores densely and minutely verruculose, transparent-yellowish, 17—21 p. Uredospores. Sori scattered, roundish or oblong, up to 1 mm. long, surrounded by the cleft epi- _ dermis, pulverulent, brown; spores Poe oo ieee globose to ellipsoid, faintly echinu- late, yellowish-brown, 20—28 x 16—22 yw, with two equatorial germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous or on the culms, scattered or occasionally aggregated, similar to the uredo-sori, but darker ; spores oblong-ovate to clavate, rounded or conical above and much thickened (up to 14), attenuated below, smooth, dark- brown, 24—42 x 12-18 w; pedicels thick, persistent, brownish, as much as 60 yu long. Aieidia on Pulicaria dysenterica, May—July; uredo- and teleutospores on Juncus obtusiflorus, from July onwards, lasting through the winter on the dead culms. Not common. (Fig. 75.) 124 UROMYCES The connection of the two forms, first proved by Fuckel and Plowright, has been confirmed by Fischer. On the continent and elsewhere, there are forms of Uromyces on other species of Juncus, some of which (and possibly most of them) have their ecidia on other hosts than P. dysenterica, DiIsTRIBUTION: Central and Western Europe, Algeria, North and South America. 36. Uromyces Scirpi Burr. Aeidium Glaucis D. et M.; Cooke, Grevillea, xv. 29, Plowr. Ured. p. 268 ; Gard. Chron, ser. 3, vii. 682, 746. Oredo Scirpi Cast. Catal. Pl. Marseille, p. 214, Uromyces Scirpi Burr. Parasit. Fung. Ilinois, p. 168. Sacc. Syll. vii. 558. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 302. U. lineolatus Desm.; Plowr. Grevillea, xxi. 111. U. maritimae Plowr. Gard. Chron. ser. 3, vii. 682, 746; Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. (1890), p. cix. Klebahn, Wirtswechs. Rostpilze, p. 328. Nigredo Scirpi Arthur, N. Amer. Fl. vii. 233. Spermogones. Usually epiphyllous. Aicidiospores. Aicidia hypophyllous or on the petioles, in rather small clusters, cup-shaped, with an incised revolute margin; spores densely and minutely vérruculose, transparent- yellowish, 16—24 x 1420 wu. Uredospores. Sori hypophyllous, scattered or arranged in lines, rounded or oblong, up to 1 mm. long, surrounded by the cleft epidermis, pulverulent, cinnamon ;. spores globose to ovate, distantly and minutely echinulate, yellowish-brown, 22—35 x 16—25 p; epispore 14—2 pw thick, with three equatorial germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous, on in- definite discoloured spots, scattered or confluent Fig.76. U.Scirpi. 1n lines, long.covered by the epidermis, brownish- ne black; spores oblong to clavate, tapering usually Illinois, U.S.A. and thickened (up to 12) above, attenuated below, smooth, pale-brown, 26—45 x 15—24 w; pedicels brownish, persistent, as long as or longer than the spore. ON GRAMINE 125 fEcidia on leaves and petioles of Glauz maritima, May ; uredo- and teleutospores on Scirpus maritimus, June to August. Banks of the Humber, Hull. (Fig. 76.) The researches by which Plowright proved the connection of these two forms are given in Grevillea, xxi. 111, and in Journ. R. Hort. Soc. xii. p. cx.; other observers have found a similar Uromyces on Scirpus mart- timus and therefrom have produced ecidia on other host plants such as Pastinaca sativa (Rostrup), Berula angustifolia, Daucus Carota (Bubak), Ginanthe aquatica (Klebahn), Hippuris vulgaris and Sium latifolium @ietel), etc. In North America, a morphologically indistinguishable Uromyces on Scirpus fluviatilis, etc. has produced an xcidium on Cicuta maculata (Arthur), and similar ecidia on allied Umbelliferze are suspected to belong to the same life-cycle. It is evident that U. Seirpi, like Puceinia Isiacae, is in its ecidial stage a plurivorous species, though possibly some of these forms may be separated in the future as “biological” races. In any case, they are not so sharply distinguished as in other instances, but Klebahn isolates our British species as U. maritimae Plowr. See the full account in Sydow, Monogr. ii. pp. 304—7. DisTRIBUTION: Europe and North America. 37. Uromyces Dactylidis Otth. Aicidium Ranunculi-acris Pers. Obs. Mye. ii. 22. i. Ranunculacearum DC. FI. fr. vi. 97 p.p. Cooke, Handb. p. 539; Micr. Fung. p. 196 p.p. Uromyces Dactylidis Otth, Mittheil. Nat. Gesell. Bern, 1861, p. 85. Plowr. Ured. p. 130. Sace. Syll. vii. 540 p.p. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 309. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 71, f. 54. U. graminum Cooke, Handb. p. 520; Micr. Fung. p. 214, Spermogones. Epiphyllous, honey-coloured, but also a few scattered among the zcidia on the lower surface. Aicidiospores. Aicidia hypophyllous or on the petioles, seated on yellow spots, in roundish or, on the petioles, elongated clusters, cup-shaped, yellow, with slightly torn, recurved margin ; spores delicately verruculose, pale-yellowish, 17—25 p. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, scattered or in rows, small, elliptic or oblong, long covered by the epidermis, pulverulent, yellow-brown; spores globose to ovate, delicately echinulate, yellow or yellow-brown, 21—32 x 18—25y; epispore 14—2 p thick, with 7—9 germ-pores ; paraphyses generally wanting. 126 UROMYCES Teleutospores, Sori generally hypophyllous, similar to the uredo-sori but more often confluent, always covered by the epidermis, ! compact, shining, black; spores ovate- \ oblong, occasionally ellipsoid or pyri- form, rounded above, rarely truncate, often slightly thickened (up to 4,), Fig. 77. U.Dactylidis. Te. ‘Smooth, yellow-brown, darker only leutospores and the accom- glong the summit, 18—30 x 14— Eee eee 20; epispore 14m thick; pedicels brownish, persistent, nearly as long as the spore; paraphyses numerous, brown, agglutinated, dividing the sori into compart- ments. AKcidia on Ranunculus acris, R. bulbosus, R. repens, March— May; uredo- and teleutospores on Dactylis glomerata, from July onwards, often covering the leaves, less often the sheaths and culms, and persisting through the winter, especially on the latter. (Fig. 77.) This species and the following (U. Poae) are very closely allied, and should possibly be united. Perhaps more experimental cultures have been carried out with these two species than with most other Uredines; but the result is only a wild confusion of contradictory statements, from which one can infer, either that an immense number of intricately connected, but morphologically indistinguishable forms, inhabit the species of Ranun- cwlus and of Poa and Dactylis—or, preferably, that the factors which govern the success of an attempted infection are so numerous and so little known, that failure does not afford any ground for arriving at a definite conclusion. Those who wish to learn further should consult the long account of these results given in Sydow, Monographia, ii. pp. 312—16. In the British specimens of U. Dactylidis which I have examined, the paraphyses in the teleuto-sori, though often overlooked, are a conspicuous feature. But upon the question of paraphyses in the uredo-sori no agree- ment has been arrived at; the various authorities flatly contradict one another. Hither, therefore, the paraphyses occur differently in different countries, as Plowright suggests, or more than one species is included under this title, or their presence or absence is a matter of no importance. Against the latter suggestion, however, we must set the fact that in other cases, e.g. in Puccinia Sonchi, the paraphyses form a constant and dis- tinctive character. ; An ecidium occurring on Ranunculus acris belongs to Puceinia perplevans Plowr., but cannot be distinguished from the present one, ON GRAMINEE 127 except by cultures ; see also under U. Poae. The teleuto-sori of the present species are more numerous and much more conspicuous than those of U. Poae, They resemble the spots of Phyllachora graminis on the same host. DIstRIBUTION : Europe only, not yet found in America. 38. Uromyces Poe Raben. Aeidium crassum var. 8 Ficariae Pers. ; Sow. pl. 397, f. 4. 42. Ranunculacearum DC.; Cooke, Handb. p. 539; Micr. Fung. p. 196, pl. ii, figs. 12—14, p.p. Uromyces Poae Rab. Unio itin. 1866, no. 38. Plowr. Ured. p. 131. Sydow, Monogr. ii. 310. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 72, f. 55. Spermogones. Epiphyllous, honey-coloured, a few also on the lower surface among the ecidia. Afcidiospores, AXcidia hypophyllous or on the petioles, in roundish clusters on yellow spots, which on the petioles are often elongated, cup-shaped, yellow, with torn, recurved margin ; spores delicately verruculose, clear-yellow, 17—25 x 12—20 p. Uredospores. Sori amphigenous, scattered or in rows, small, elliptic or oblong, at first covered by the epidermis, pulverulent, yellowish-brown; spores globose to ovate, faintly echinulate, yellow, 14—25 x 14—20 yw; epispore 14— 2 thick, with 4—9 germ-pores ; a few paraphyses occasionally intermixed. ; Fig. 78. U. Poae. Teleutospores Teleutospores. Sori generally | and the accompanying para- hypophyllous, similar to the uredo- PR ean sori, but always covered by the epidermis, compact and black ; spores oblong-ellipsoid to pyriform, rounded or truncate above, not much thickened (up to 4 or 5 y), smooth, yellowish-brown, apex alone darker, 17—28 x 14—20,y; epispore lip thick; pedicels brownish, as long as or shorter than the spore; para- physes numerous, brown, agglutinated, as in U. Dactylidis. Acidia on Ranunculus auricomus, R. bulbosus, R. Ficaria, R. repens, March—May; uredo- and teleutospores on Poa annua, P. nemoralis, P. pratensis, P. trivialis, May—September. (Fig. 78; see also Fig. 211.) 128 PUCCINIA Concerning the difference between this species and U. Dactylidis i/ Fig. 79. Acidia of U. Poae (b) and teleuto- sori of U. Ficariae (a), on a leaf of R. Ficaria, nat. size. to this latter species. (apart from the habitat) little that is definite can be said. Some authors unite them, but I find the teleutospores of U. Poae to be usually more oblong and often provided with shorter pedicels and the sori to be less conspicuous. The leaves of Poa are smaller than those of Dactylis, and the teleuto-sori do not cover them in such enormous numbers and never extend to the culms. Juel divides this species into 9 or 10 biological races, but there is the usual conflict between different experimenters as to their limits. Some would even deny, what has been proved several times, that an wcidium on kk. LYcarta belongs here: see U. Rumic’s (p. 115). This ecidium and U. Ficariwe may occasionally be found on the sane leaf of R. Miearia. (Fig. 79.) It must not be forgotten th t an eei 7ium which occurs on £&. bulbosus and Lk. repens be Puccinia Magnusiana : this is morphologically in- distinguishable but is said to be later in its appearance. The eecidia which can be seen on pngs to RL. repens in July and August possibly all belong The teleutospores of (. Pode can most easily be found by looking on the lower leaves of Poa in June or July along a damp road-side where #. repens is abundant. DISTRIBUTION: Europe, Asia Minor, Nova 8 zotia PUCCINIA Pers. Autcecious or hetercecious. Spermogones asin Uromyces. Meidia witha peridium, which is occasionally evanescent ; spores as in Uromyces. Uredospores as in Uromyces. Teleutospores two-celled, rarely one- or several- celled, the upper cell usually with an apical pore, less often the pore is displaced to the side; the lower cells with a pore just beneath the septum or rarely at a lower level. Basidiospores as in Uronyces. ON COMPOSIT 129 This genus occupies an intermediate position between Uromyces and the less advanced genera, Phragmidium, etc., as is shown by the fact that many species tend to form one-celled teleutospores (mesospores) indistinguishable from those of Uromyces, while others have spores with three or more cells, arranged as in Phragmidium, Triphragmium, Sphaerophrag- mium, ete. The number of species is enormous, more than 1300 are already known. The genus must therefore be subdivided, but no quite satisfactory classification has as yet been discovered. Schréter’s and Fischer’s separate nearly allied species, while Arthur’s is a pathless chaos. As a temporary measure, instead of adding a new imperfect scheme to those already existing, the species are here arranged on the plan adopted in Sydows’ Monographia, in the order of the families and genera on which they are parasitic; this has the advantage that it does, to a great extent, bring nearly allied species close together, while it is at the same time very convenient for ccnsultation. In each family the genera are arranged in the order familiar to British botanists, but the fami- lies themselves are in the order usually: adopted on the continent, because that will before long be accepted here also. 1. Puccinia Tripolii Wallr. Puceinia Tripoli Wallr. Fl. Crypt. Germ. ii. 223. Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 207; Gre- villea, iii. 180. P. Asteris Duby, Bot. Gall. ii. 888. Plowr. Grevillea, ii. 48; Ured. p. 215. Sace. Syll. vii. 687’ p.p. Sydow, Monogr. i. 15 p.p. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous, con- fluent into rather large, pulvinate masses, hard, compact, very dark-brown ; spores oblong-clavate or clavate, rounded above or somewhat narrowed and much thickened (as much as 8p), slightly constricted, generally attenuated downwards, smooth, Fig. 80. P. Tripolii. Teleutospores (one abnormal). G. U. 9 “130 PUCCINIA pale clear-brown, 45—60 x 20—25 4; pedicels brownish, persis- tent, thick, about as long as the spore or longer; no mesospores were seen, but some irregular spores. On Aster Tripolium. New Pitsligo, 1870 (Herb. Berk.); Wolferton Beach, King’s Lynn, July—November, 1873 (Plow- right). (Fig. 80.) The greyish tinge mentioned by Plowright seems to be due to germ- ‘ tubes issuing from the spores of this Leptopuccinia. This species is decidedly different from the American forms with which it is united by Sydow ; there are no spots, the colour of the spore is paler, the apex not so much thickened, and the sori are not confined to the lower leaf-surface. Many spores were observed bifid at the summit, but not owing to germi- nation, which had not taken place in them. DistrizuTion: Northern and Central Europe, Siberia. 2. Puccinia Virgauree Lib. Xyloma Virgaureae DC. Flor, fr. vi. 158. Puccinia Virgaureae Lib. Crypt. Arduen. iv. No. 393. Cooke, Handb. p. 500; Micr. Fung. p. 206. Plowr. Ured. p. 203. Sace. Syll. vii. 679, Sydow, Monogr. i. 151. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 363, f. 264. Teleutospores. Sori hypophyllous, minute, crowded in stellate or dendritic clusters,on round, yellowish, purple-centred spots, com- f= pact, shining, black ; spores oblong, clavate or fusoid, above rounded, attenuated or truncate, very much thickened (as much as 12) and darker or with a paler hood-like cap, hardly constricted, tapering below, | smooth, yellow-brown, paler down- wards, 30—56 x 12—20 uw; pedicels Fig. 81, P. Virgaureae, somewhat hyaline, half as long as the Teleutospores. spore. On Solidago Virgaurea. August and September. Un- common; Surrey, etc. (Fig. 81.) The sori are arranged in a radiating fashion; they are surrounded each by a thick fence of dark-brown paraphyses, remain long covered by ON COMPOSITAE 131 the epidermis and resemble rather a Dothidea or Asteroma than a Puccinia. The spores bear a slight resemblance to those of P. Poarum, but are more fusiform, and much more thickened at the apex. Mixed with them are sometimes a number of mesospores. DISTRIBUTION: Europe, except the southern parts. 3. Puccinia Millefolii Fckl. Puceinia Millefolii Fckl. Symb. Myc. p.55. Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 207. Plowr. Ured. p. 215. Sydow, Monogr. i, 2. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 296, f. 216. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous, on indistinct spots, minute, roundish or irregular, gene- rally scattered, compact, dark- brown ; spores oblong or clavate, rounded or gently attenuated at the apex and thickened (4—9,), con- stricted, more or less tapering below, smooth, pale-brownish, 35—50 x 13—19 w; pedicels yellowish above, thick, persistent, about 404 long; a few mesospores are sometimes intermixed, On Achillea Millefolium. For- den; St Leonards. August—October. (Fig. 82.) a8) Fig. 82. P. Millefolii. Teleuto- spores. Plowright demonstrated (/.c. p. 216) that this species is quite distinct from P. Tripoli, with which it had been previously united, and his con- clusion has been confirmed by Magnus and others. The species is rather uncommon ; there is a closely allied one on A. Ptarmica (P. Ptarmicae Karst.) which has not yet been seen in Britain. The spores of P. Mille- Jfolii germinate as soon as mature. DIsTRIBUTION : Central and Western Europe. 4, Puccinia Chrysanthemi Roze. Uredo Chrysanthemi Roze ; Plowright in Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. i. 98. Puceinia Chrysanthemi Roze, Bull. Soc. Myc. Fr. 1900, p. 92. Sace. Syll. xvi. 296. Sydow, Monogr. i. 46, 854. McAlpine, Rusts of Australia, p. 153, f. 251—5, and pl. E, f.21. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 190, f. 150. P. Chrysanthemi-chinensis Henn. in Hedwig. xl. 26 (1901). 9—2 132 PUCCINIA Uredospores. Sori generally hypophyllous, on irregular pallid-yellow or brownish spots, scattered or in clusters, about 1—14 mm. diam. often circi- nate, pulverulent, snuff-brown ; spores globose to ellipsoid, delicately echinulate, brown, 24— 52 x 17—27 w, mostly with three germ-pores. [Teleutospores. Mixed with the uredospores, Fig.83. P. Chry- oblong or ellipsoid, rounded and_ slightly santhemi. Ure- dospore (Brit- ish). thickened above, usually rounded or some- h). what tapering at base, scarcely constricted, delicately verruculose, chestnut-brown, 35-—57 x 20—25 yz; pedicels thick, hyaline, persistent, 35—60 long; mesospores Fig. 84. P. Chrysanthemi. Teleutospores and uredo- spores, one abnormal (after Fischer). subglobose or pyriform, — slightly thickened at the summit, 32—387 x 20-—21 p.] On leaves of Chrysanthemum in- dicum and C. sinense (not on other species of the genus, much less on other genera of Composite), in greenhouses, all the year round. The leaves that are attacked soon flag and die. (Figs. 88, 84.) This species is said to be very common in Japan. It was first observed in England in 1895, and has been found in other Euro- pean countries and in North America ; in 1904 it reached Australia and New Zealand. In Japan it produces teleutospores in separate sori, which are hypophyllous, roundish, dark-brown and naked, but in Europe the teleutospores have been rarely seen, though mesospores occasionally occur. Abnormal and 2-celled uredospores (as well as 3- or 4-celled teleutospores) have been described and figured by Roze, Jacky and Fischer ; but these I have not seen in British specimens, Since, under the conditions in which the plants are grown here, the young shoots appear above ground before the old ones die away, it is probable that the parasite maintains itself by the uredospores alone; the alternative would be the possession of a perennial mycelium, which has not ON COMPOSITA 133 been found (Gibson, 1904, p. 188). If that is so, the disease can easily be kept in check by rigid cleanliness and by spraying at intervals with very dilute Bordeaux mixture or, better still, potassium sulphide solution. Remove and burn all attacked leaves as soon as seen, water carefully with- out wetting the leaves, choose resistant varieties (e.g. “‘ October Sun” and “ William Tricker” are said to be immune), and there will be little fear of an epidemic of the disease. DistRiBuTION: Europe, Japan, North America, Australia. 5. Puccinia Leucanthemi Pass. Puccinia Leucanthemi Pass. in Hedw. 1874, p.47. Sacc. Syll. vii. 705, Sydow, Monogr. 1. 116, f. 95. P. Asteris var. Chrysanthemi-Leucanthemi Massal. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Ital. 1900, p. 258. Sacc. Syll. xvi. 297. Trans. Brit. Myc. Soc. iii, 224. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous, generally hypophyllous, often also on the petioles, scattered or often circinate on indistinct spots, or confluent into compact cushions 2—5 mm. wide, reddish-brown; spores oblong or subclavate, somewhat rounded or more often narrowed at the apex, much thickened above (up to 14), constricted, tapering down- wards, smooth, yellowish, 40—70 x 1424; pedicels hyaline, thick, \ about as long as the spore. Fig. 85. P. Leucanthemi. On Chrysanthemum Leucanthe- Teleutospores, from an ori- ginal specimen issued by mum. Very rare. Lamorna. Cove, Passerini. Cornwall, September, 1906 (F. J. Chittenden). (Fig. 85.) Only recorded for Britain and Italy. The similarity of the spores to the teleutospores of Puceinia Afcidii-Leucanthemi Fisch., which has its eecidiospores on C. Leutanthemum and its teleutospores on Carex montana, seems to indicate that this is one of those instances, like P. fusca and P. Pruni-spinosae, which give us a glimpse into the mode of evolution of the Uredinales. 134 PUCCINIA 6. Puccinia Absinthii DC. Trichobasis Artemisiae Berk. ; Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 223. Puceinia Discoidearum Link ; Cooke, Micr. Fung. p. 206. P. Tanaceti Plowr. Ured. p. 189 p.p. Sace. Syll. vii. 637 p.p. P. Absinthis DC. Flor. fr. vi. 56. Sydow, Monogr. i. 11. Fischer, Ured. Schweiz, p. 188, f. 148. Uredospores. Sori generally hypophyllous, on yellowish- brown or indeterminate spots, scattered or aggregated, not confluent, minute, roundish, pulverulent, pale-brown; spores globose to ovoid, echinulate, pale yellowish-brown, 20—35 x 15—26 pw, mostly with three subequatorial germ-pores. Teleutospores. Sori amphigenous, but generally on the lower surface or sometimes on the stems, similar to the uredo-sori but occasionally confluent, soon naked, dark-brown or blackish; spores oblong to oblong-clavate, rounded and thick- ened (8—7 p) above, constricted, slightly attenuated below, the upper cell punctate or verruculose, the lower frequently smooth, especially at the base, brown, 38—62 x 20— 27 w; pedicels hyaline, thick, persis- tent, as much as 80 w long. On Artemisia