arts tre td ATR ; SIRE AA CCRC an is htt tka Raine t rah hy i! L * tye Sylar ery 9 te hk . twats U } What ornare ‘ whee by anit Hoare siete iy ‘, igh i. bee, U yh A enor tes Trego rule Aan Cry, Bad Peril Feet toot ele nt, Cornell University The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. “ — OZL 699 000 ve6l € a 6S9°€Z8 NO Aseaqyy Ayssaaiug yjauioD THE DEPENDENCE OF GROWTH UPON TRANSPIRATION UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS OF HUMIDITY MINOR THESZS Presented to the DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY Foy the Desree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE By Charles Frederick Clark, B. 5S. Cornell University June, 1907 THE DEPENDENCE OF GROWTH UPON TRANSPIRATION UNDER DIFFERENT CONDITIONS OF HUMIDITY. The phenomenon of growth is one of great complexity it being the resultant of several processes which are carried on within the plant, the several factors concerned with it being in turn influenced to a greater or less de- gree by external conditions. The relation of one of these processes, transpiration, to growth has given rise to mich discussion among plant physiologists and is still an unsettled question. Among those who look wpon transpiration as primarily a vital process there are three general views held regard- ing its role : (1) To enable the plant to take up a suffic- ient supoly of mineral salts ; (2) To prevent high temper- atures in the plant ; (3) That it is a necessary evil, necessary in that moist membranes must be exposed for the exchange of gases and at the same time an evil since such large quantities of water are required. Strasburger, Woll, Sehenk and Sehimper (12) hold that -t that on bright, clear days the rays of sunlight caused a rise in temperature of several degrees in the bell-jars above that in the open greenhouses This change of temperature vas the same in both the dry and moist. The temperature factor must be taken into consideration when comparing the eheck with the other two conditions. The folloving table gives the number of baskets used, the mumber of plants in each and the date of the beginning and end of the period during which transpiration records were taken. 12 Table II. Kind of No.of No.of Beginning of End of Plant baskets plants in trans. period trans. period. each. Corn --- 12 --- 2 --- Feb. 2 --- Feb. 22 Sunflowers 9 --- 2 --- Feb. 2 -- Mare. 2 Peas --- 9 --= 2in6 Feb. 17 --- Mar. 7 8 in 3 Wheat ---9 --- 6 --- Mar. 5 --- Mar. 23 Buckwheat 15 -- 4 --- Mar. 19 Apr. 5. At the close of each part of the exneriment, which was on the date indicated in the last column of Table II, the plants were cut ai the surface of the soil, measured, the green weight, dry veight and ash determined, aiso the ratio between the water transpired and the dry matter pro- aducede The results are given in the following table : TAgLe Tits 14 Av. Green Dry % % Water ht. weight matter dsm. Ash ash Trans. transp. Ome gms. pris. gms. in ems. per am. delle eM. gms. Corn - Dry 42.2 25.0 1.9630 7.35 .8405 17.35 380.0 193.6 Creck 39.2 25.4 LeBl77 7515 ».2227 17.75 180.9 99.5 Moist 389.9 27.0 1.8352 6.80 .2274 18.38 1238.9 67.5 Sunflower Dry ._ 29.9 19.6560 1.6140 8.21 .3878 24.02 G15.0 381.66 Check 24.5 16.7638 1.23115 7.28 .2910 24.92 348.4 287.58 Moist 25.6 15.0080 .8565 5.71 .2295 26.80 110.2 128.66 Peas- Dry 40.2 9.2865 .7992 8.65 .1178 14.74 3227.3 284.41 Check 87.0 9.0737 .%7406 8.16 .1071 14.46 154.9 209.10 Moist 42.9 9.7130x% .9145 9.422.1144 12.51 46.4 50.74 wheat - Dry 382.2 6.1905 .8545 13.81 .1300 15.21 302.6 354.00 Check 23.4 4.3537 .6307 15.84 .0794 11.51 155.9 226.04 Moist 28.0 7.6445 -9665 12.64 .1335 13.81. 95.4 98.71 Buckwheat - Dry 17.8 10.5875 .9720 ©.18 .1682 17.30 299.8 208.44 Check 14.1 6.8085 .6845 9.61 .1110 17.50 159.8 $51.07 Moist 23.6 10.6190 .9815 8.77 21625 17.44 122.4 131.40 ta x. Figures too lor. weight. Ze Figures too high. than figures for The plants wilted very rapidly as soon as removed from the moist atmosphere thus reducing the Same reason as above. "ary" s Should be less Le An inspection of this table shows that height, tobal weight and composition are influenced to a greater or less degree by the amount of water transpired, the direction and extent of this influence varying with the species. It will be noted that in the first two series the re- sults for the checks are, in general, intermediate between those of the dry and moist, while in the ease of peas, "heat and buckwheat the results are lower than those ob- tained under either of the other two conditions. This is attributed to the fact that the three last series, named were run later in the season (see table II) when the number of hours of sunshine per day was greater, as vas alse the number of bright, clear days. The effect of this was to eause a rise of temperature in the bell—-jars above that of the air surrounding the check plants. Since we have an- other factor entering into the problem which exerts a con- Siderable influence on growth, the results obtained from the cheeks are not comparable with those obtained under the other conditions, hence they will be omitted from the present discussion. With the exception of the sunflowers the plants appeared to suffer no ill effects from either the ary or 16 moist atmospheres, In the instances referred to the Plants growing in the atmosphere saturated with moisture were more or less distorted, the stems being somewhat knotted or twisted. Se probable that the excessive strain due to thé inerease in turgor, as a result of the checking of transpiration, caused the tissues to assume somewhat abnormal shapes. There rAS A preceptible difference in the height of the plants grown under the two conditions as is shown by the figures in table IIT. Corn and sunflowers reached their greatest height in the dry atmosphere, while peas, wheat and buckwheat were taller where moist conditions pre- vailed. The inerease in height was in every instance coincident with an increase in total dry matter except in the case of buckwheat. With the exception of corn this game relation exists between the height and green weight. It will be seen that the amount of water transpired exerted a marked influence on the composition of the plants. In every instance the percentage of water was greater in the plants grown in the moist atmosphere. We would expect this to be the case as the turgidity of the 17 cells, and consequently the amount of rater contained in the tissues, would be much greater where there was but little loss by transpiration. The percentage of ash in dry matter also varied in the plants grown under the diff- erent conditions. It is significant to note that in every instance, com- paring the plants grown under dry and moist conditions, the higher percentage of ash in dry matter is coincident with a lower yield of total dry matter, tho the total amounts of ash constituents are practically the same under both conditions. This appears to indicate that the con- Aitions which are unfavorable for growth inhibit the elab- oration of organic food substances to a greater degree than the absoprtion of mineral salts. It will be observed that transpiration was not en- tirely checked in the moist atmosphere. This is in accor dance with the view generally heid by plant physiologists that, in the presence of sunlight, the temperature of the plant usually rises ebove that of the surrounding air and that under these conditions transpiration may be carried on to a Slight degree even in an atmosrhere saturated with moisture. 18 In the case of corn and wheat, more particularly the latter, part of the water recorded under the head of trans- piration was removed from the slants by guttation. During their early period of growth drons of water were often seen, in the morning, on the ends of the leaves of those plants which were in the moist atmosphere. Toward the latter vart of the experiment this was not noticed. The results show very conclusively that transpiration varies directly with the humidity of the atmosphere sur- rounding the plants, but growth, however, does not appear to show a similar relationship to either of these factors, in fact the largest total yield of dry matter in three cases out of five was where the least quantity of water vas transpired. If grovth were directly dependent upon transpiration, as many of the leading plant physiologists assert, then we would exvect to find, for each species, a constant ratio between the increase in substance ana the water transpired but sueh is not the case, as is shown in the last colum of Table III and by the results of experiments conducted along this line by certain investigators. 19 Conclusions. The results shov that in certain of the species of plants under investigation maximum growth may be carried om wnen transpiration is reduced to a minimm, at least during the early period of vegetative growth. Where there is a decrease in growth coincident with a checking of transpiration the decrease appears to be due to the inhibition of the elaboration of organic matter rather than by limiting the quantity of mineral salts absorbed. In general the checking of transpiration does not anoear to decrease the total amount of mineral salts ab- sorbed oy the plant, at least for the »veriod of growth auring which the plants were under observation. Tne composition of the plant is materlally affected by vastepanie in the rate of transviration, especially the percentages of moisture in the fresh plant and of ash in the dry matter. There appears to be no constant ratio between the quantity of dry matter produced and the amount of water transpired, the relation varying according to the envir- 20 onment of the plant. This vork was carried on under the direction of Professor G. F. Atkinson and lr. o. . Edgerton, to whom I am indebted for many valuable suggestions. Be Se 4e 5e 21 Bibliography. Barnes, C. Hh. The Significance of Transpiration. Science N. S., 25 : 460. 1902, Gain, Edmond. Le role physiologique de l'ean dans la vegetation. Ann. des Sci. Nat., 7° ser. 20: 63-213. 1895. Godlewski, T. Studien ueber das Wachsthum der Pflanzen. Bot. Centpl., £5 : 24 - 40. 1898. Green, J. Reynolds. Vegetable Physiclogy, 324, 825. 1900. Hall, A. D. The Soil, 84, 85. 1903. Kreusler, U. Ueber eine Methode zur Beobachtung der Assimilation und Athmung der Pflanzen und ein- ige diese Vorgaenge beeinflussende Momente. Tagebl. der Naturforscher -— Versammlung zur Strassburg, 539. 1885. 22 7. Lawes, J.B., and Gilbert, J. H. Influence de la secheresse de 1870 sur les recoltes de Rothamsted. Anne Agron., I. 251- 278. 1875. 8. Livingstone, B.%. The Relsaticn of Transpiration to Growth in Wheat. Bot. Gaze, 40: 178 - 195. 1905. The nelation of Transnviration to Other Pune- tions, BeSsRss i6 : 619. 1905. The Relation of Desert Plants to Soil Moisture and to Evaporation. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 50 ; 41. 1906. 96 Pfeffer, JW. The Physiology of Plants, (English translation by Asds Mwart) I : 284, 285. 1900 5 FI : 180, 1908. 10. Sachs, Julius. The Physiology of Plants, 227. 1887. il, Sehicesing, tl. Th. Vegetation comparee du Tabac sous cloche et i'air libres Anns G.801l. nat., v¥.8er., 10 ; 366-8609. 13869! 12. 14. 15. 23 Strasburger, I., Noll, ¥., Sehenck, H., and Schimper, A.T.W. Ay Text-book of Botany, 180, 189.1898 Tschaplowitz, F. Gibt es ein Transpirations—Optimm ? Bot. Zeit., aot. 5 358-362. 1883. Wolliny, ©. Unters. ueber den Finfluss d. Luftfeuchtigkeit auf Wachsthum. (Inaug. Diss.) Halle. See also Bot. C6ntralbl., v6: 249. 1898. Woods, A. Fe Researches on Transpiration and Assimilation. Bot. GaZes, 21 z Bon Sb. 1896. 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