Rae P FSS: ee Ets Ese Ied, 2 ght Laas » Simei se ay rede 5 : ee z Se Os : ‘ 2 ee ~ Say deren a En SY Sot cae » *Sararoth,” Blue $5 > melanin, Red 3 >» **araroth.” Female <{ Yellow. ,, »» zoofulvin and ‘‘araroth.” Blue 55 > Melanin. It would appear from this that the melanin pigments are more abundant in the male, and the lipochrome in the female and the young. The case is a very interesting one, but it is doubtful how far it is safe to build conclusion upon it. Besides the lipochrome and melanin pigments in birds, there are a few other isolated colouring-matters of some importance. , Of these the best known is turacin, with which the name of Professor A. H. Church is so closely associated. Turacin is a reddish-purple pigment occurring in patches on some of the primary and secondary wing-quills of various of the Musophagidz, or plantain-eaters, such as the type genus and Corythaix. The pigment is soluble in water, is said to be in part washed out of the feathers by heavy rain, and also to colour the water in which specimens kept in confinement are in the habit of bathing. It is present in exceedingly small quantities in the species in which it occurs, and is absent from some of the genera of the family. According to Church, it is absent in the species of Schizorrhis, in which the parts of the feathers which are in other genera coloured by turacin are here marked by white patches destitute of pigment. The great interest of the pigment is that it contains copper and not iron, but presents many interesting analogies to hemoglobin. There is, however, no evidence that it can exist in both the oxidised and 254 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. the reduced condition. The pigment, like carmine, behaves as an acid, being readily soluble in dilute alkalies, but insoluble in acids. Turacin is generally supposed to be confined to the plantain-eaters, but it has been also described by Krukenberg in one of the cuckoos (Dasylophus superciliosus). The use, meaning, and origin are alike unknown ; its importance in coloration appears to be relatively slight, the feathers in which it occurs frequently showing bluish structural colour in addition to the red colour due to turacin. It is somewhat interesting to note that the family of the plantain- eaters is an exceedingly small one of very limited distribution—it occurs in Africa only. If turacin be boiled for a long time in air, it loses its red colour and becomes green, the change, accord- ing to Krukenberg, indicating the conversion into a new pigment. This new pigment he describes as being devoid of copper, but containing a considerable amount of iron; its spectrum shows a single band, instead of the two of turacin itself. This green pigment was found by Krukenberg in the green feathers of Coryth@ola cristata, one of the Musopha- gide in which turacin is absent, and of Corythaix albicristata, one in which it is present. This seems therefore to be one of those interesting cases of chemical relations existing between the different pigments of allied genera—a subject of which we know only too little. Church is, however, inclined to doubt the existence of an independent green pigment. Another interesting pigment of similarly restricted distribution is the red colouring-matter to which the XII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 255 red feathers of the male king paradise bird (Czczn- nurus regius) owe their brilliancy. This pigment, called zoorubin by Krukenberg, occurs freely in various species of the birds of paradise, chiefly in the males, and has also been found in one of the Indian trogons (Pyrotrogon diardi) in the male, in the great bustard (Otis tarda), and in certain varieties of the common fowl. Zoorubin is soluble only in dilute caustic soda, from which it is precipitated by the addition of acid as a dull brownish mass. Its solutions show no bands, but give two well-marked reactions. If cold concentrated sulphuric acid be poured cautiously into a test tube containing the solution, a blue or green ring forms at the junction of the liquids. Again, if the solution be rendered feebly acid and a trace of copper sulphate added, a bright cherry-red colour is produced. The pigment does not appear to contain.iron or copper. This list almost exhausts the known pigments of birds, and its two most striking features are, on the one hand, its uniformity, and on the other, the occur- rence of peculiar and rare pigments like turacin in exceptional cases. It may, of course, be suggested that the impression of general uniformity is due to ignorance, and that many families of birds may contain peculiar and as yet undescribed pigments. There is, of course, no proof that this is not so, but at the same time the observations which have been made by Krukenberg and others tend to prove at least the very wide distribution of lipochromes and melanins, while they have failed to disclose any pig- ments of the uric acid group. The presence of 256 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. melanin pigment is perhaps explicable enough in view of the great prevalence of these pigments in Vertebrates, but what are we to say of the lipo- chromes? Is their presence in the feathers in some families and apparent absence in others a sign of the greater primitiveness of the first or not? If their presence in feathers is associated with the amount of oil in these structures, why are they absent from the hair of mammals, which is also very oily? We have also to consider the curious fact that, while the muscles of fishes may be coloured by red lipochromes, those of birds are not so coloured, and the fat of birds is apparently always (?) coloured with yellow, and not with the red lipochromes, Are the reds formed from the yellow during the process of the development of the feathers? These and many other similar questions are suggested by the study of the pigments of birds, and some at least might be answered by a careful study of the pig- ments even of the species of a genus. To say that the coloration is in each case produced by natural selection obviously helps us little, for it can hardly be supposed that the insignificant colour patches pro- duced by turacin can have been of such supreme importance as to determine the development of a new pigment, while similarly in the birds of paradise a red colour is sometimes due to zoorubin and some- times not. PIGMENTS OF BIRDS’ Eacs The colours of the egg-shells in birds are, as is well known, often beautiful and varied. Rare as Xu THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 257 blue pigments usually are among animals, blue and green tints are exceedingly common among birds’ eggs, while various shades of brown, red, and yellow also occur. According to Professor Alfred Newton (Dictionary of Birds, article “ Eggs”), there is some reason to believe that for a time the eggs increase in brilliancy of colouring with each season until a maximum is reached, after which the brilliancy may again begin to decline. The pigments of the egg-shells of birds have been investigated by several authors. The important points upon which all agree are first, that the colour- ing is due to definite pigments; and second, that these are derived directly or indirectly from hzmo- globin—results of much theoretic importance. The interesting point is not that derivatives of hemoglobin should be used in coloration, but why, if vivid and beautiful colouring-matters do arise in this way, they should not be employed in the coloration of the feathers. It seems also generally admitted that even the ingenuity of that highly esteemed person, the field naturalist, is unequal to the task of explaining the colours of all birds’ eggs upon the hypothesis of usefulness, so that from the theoretical point of view these pigments are of quite special interest. Of pigments colouring eggs, Mr. H. C. Sorby describes seven with the following names and pro- perties :— 1. Oorhodeine—a red-brown pigment of very common occurrence and great permanence. i losely rel 2. Oocyan "s pigments probably closely related, 3. Banded oocyan of which the second only yields a banded spectrum. S 258 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP, 4. Yellow ooxanthine—a bright yellow pigment giving rise when mixed with oocyan to the bright permanent green so familiar in the eggs of the emu. 5. Rufous ooxanthine—a reddish-yellow pigment perhaps peculiar to the eggs of the tinamon. . A substance giving a banded spectrum but otherwise little known. 7. Lichenoxanthine—a brick-red pigment, possibly due to the growth of minute fungi. On As to the nature of the pigments, Krukenberg regards the blue and green colours as due to modi- fications of the bile- pigment biliverdin, and the brown and red colouring-matters as closely allied to iron-free hzematin (hamatoporphyrin), A more recent observer, Wickmann, regards all the pigments as originating directly from haemoglobin. According to him, the pigments originate from the blood which fills up the corpus luteum. This blood stagnates and undergoes retrogressive metamorphoses which result in the formation of the pigments. He com- pares the process to that occurring in mammals, where there is a formation of hzematoidin crystals in the corpus luteum, the difference may, perhaps, be explained by the diminished outflow of blood in mammals consequent on the greatly reduced size of the ova. According to Wickmann, the pigments formed in this way within the ovary are shed into the oviduct, and mingled with the materials of the shell in its uterine portion. If his observations are correct, they perhaps help to explain the facts noticed by Professor Newton (of. cz#), that when a bird lays only two eggs, it not infrequently happens that all the available pigment is deposited on one, while the other maybecolourless. Professor Newton gives the Golden XII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 259 Eagle as an examplé of this. Wickmann further explains the differences in the pigments of the eggs of different birds as the result of differences in the composition of the blood. It is well known that in mammals the blood varies in different species, as is shown by the differences in the shape of the crystals of hemoglobin, the colour of the plasma, and so on ; similar differences may express themselves in birds as differences in the products of decomposition. For some criticisms of and additions to these statements of Wickmann, reference may be made to papers by Taschenberg and Von Nathusius. If the pigments of the shell are iron-free deriva- tives of hemoglobin, then the question of the fate of the iron thus set free becomes interesting. Kruken- berg is of opinion that it may be used to colour the feathers in some cases ; he speaks of finding a large amount of iron oxide in the feathers of the lammer- geier, the feathers losing their dark brown colour after the removal of the iron. MARKINGS OF FEATHERS We have already touched upon the interesting questions connected with the markings of birds’ feathers, but a general survey of the colour phenomena of birds would be incomplete without some further reference to them. It is unfortunate that there is so little certainty on the subject. First, as to the origin of markings, and the simplest form of marking. On this point there are many suggestions, unfortunately, however, in most cases only suggestions. Hacker, in an interesting 260 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP, paper on the subject, adopts the view that longi- tudinal striping is the most primitive condition, that this tends to develop into a spotted condition by the suppression of portions of the stripe, and that the fusion of spots gives rise to cross-striping. Kerschener, on the other hand, regards cross-striping as the primitive condition from which spots are derived. In point of fact, the distinction is perhaps less important than it seems, for Hacker’s conception of waves of pigmentation passing down the shaft might equally be regarded as resulting in longi- tudinal striping, or in a very primitive form of cross- barring. Hicker’s observations were made chiefly upon nestlings of thrushes and chats (Turdide and Saxicolinz), and also upon certain of the Limicoline birds. His researches lead him to regard the most primitive form of colouring as that seen in some of the downs of the Limicole, such as Podiceps rubri- collzs, where there is merely a little pigment collected at the tip of an otherwise colourless down. This is his ~r7mary pigmentation. Most downs, however, show, on the other hand, in addition to this terminal patch of pigment, a basal pigmented area due to the process of secondary pigmentation. In this way is produced the characteristic appearance of the feathers of young thrushes, where there is a pigmented downy area, and then a clear colourless area defined by a terminal pigmented band. Besides occurring in the young of the thrushes and their allies, this type of coloration is found in the adults in the simplest feathers, such as those of the cheeks, the chin, etc. The primary pigment may form a dark spot at the apex of the feather, giving the plumage a spotted XII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 261 appearance, or it may spread out to form an apical band which then gives the plumage a cross-barred appearance ; of the two the first is the more primitive. Beginning with these simple types of pigmentation common to the downs both of the Limicole and the Turdide, Hacker seeks to prove that the coloration of the adult thrushes can be derived from this primi- tive type by various processes, especially the in- creasing importance of the secondary pigmentation. Thus if the secondary pigmentation increase greatly in importance, it may encroach upon the colourless median area and, uniting with the primary apical pigment, produce a uniformly coloured feather. Again, the primary pigmentation may disappear, and the colourless median area form a border to the secondarily coloured feather, and so on. It is unnecessary to carry the consideration of Hiacker’s theories beyond this point. There is apparently no doubt that the spotted appearance of the plumage in young thrushes is a primitive condition, and the nature of the pigmentation of the feathers in them is therefore of great interest, but when the attempt is made to derive more complex forms of marking from these simple ones, there is great difficulty and uncertainty. A point of some interest is the question whether there is any relation between the structure of special regions of feathers and the characteristic pigmentation of these regions. It is at least certain that there is much constancy in the association of special types of colour with special regions of the feather. The nature of the association we shall consider in the next chapter in corinection with the colours of certain families of birds. CHAPTER XIII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS (Continued) The Structure of Feathers—Relation between Structure and Colour—The Colours of Sun-birds, Humming-birds, and Birds of Paradise, their Distribution and Characters— Markings of Kingfishers—General Characters of the Colours of Birds—Meaning of Colour in Birds. HAVING in the previous chapter considered some general aspects of the colours of birds, we shall now proceed to study the coloration of special families in detail. In order to make the descriptions readily comprehensible, it will be first necessary to briefly revise the structure of feathers. Feathers are outgrowths of the epidermis, formed, like all such outgrowths, of the substance keratin. They differ according to their function, and the part of the body in which they occur. Thus there are the quill-feathers which occur in wings and tail, the general contour-feathers which cover the surface of the body, and the downs or soft under feathers, which are often abundant on the breast. All these either contain pigment or are filled with bubbles of air and so display a white colour. Before proceed- ing to describe the distribution of pigment in these CHAP. XIII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 263 feathers, we shall consider their characteristics in detail. We shall take first a quill, such as one of the primaries of the wing (see Fig. 1). Such a feather consists of a central axis or stem bearing on its upper. portion a large number of lateral growths—the barbs. The lower naked part of the axis forms the quill, while the whole of the remainder of the feather is known as the vane and consists of a central rachis Fic. 1.—Feathers of sun-birds to show relation between colour and shape. The quill-feather was uniformly coloured except for a slight edging of metallic colour at one side; the short feather shows three zones—a terminal metallic zone, a median dark-coloured and slightly V-shaped zone, and a downy basal zone. and lateral barbs. The barbs of the vane are closely connected together, and on pulling them gently apart, it is possible to see that they bear on either side innumerable small processes, the barbules. The barbs cling together because the barbules are locked to one another in a manner presently to be described. 264 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP, Each barb bears two rows of barbules, and one of these rows points to the tip of the feather, and the other to its outer or inner edge. The latter is called the proximal, and the former the distal row. Each barbule consists of a flattened process which appears to be twisted upon itself at about the middle of its length. Its proximal part has therefore the appear- ance of a flattened lamina and its distal of a filament, as owing to the twist the edge only is in the plane of the lamina. Now in the barbules of the distal series, the filamentous region bears a series of hooklets and slender processes which fit into a groove and notches developed in the lamina of the proximal barbules. Each set of distal barbules is thus hooked into a set of proximal barbules, so that each barb is locked to its neighbour. When the uniform surface of the feather vane is destroyed by forcibly separating the barbs, the hooklets are pulled out of the groove in which they lie. When the feather is restored to its original condition by smoothing with the fingers, the hooklets are slipped back into their original position. The barbs just described constitute the greater part of the vane of a quill-feather, but at the base of the vane there will usually be found a number of barbs of very different appearance. These are the downy barbs, and they are characterised by the fact that they are quite unconnected, and that their barbules are usually very long and slender, so as to be far more conspicuous than the barbules of the vane proper. These barbules bear no hooklets, the twisting is less obvious, and the appearance of length is given by the great development of the filamentous XIII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 265 region. Barbs bearing barbules of this type are the only ones present in down feathers; these are further characterised by the shortness of their axis, and are rarely important in coloration, except in the ‘young. The small feathers which cover the surface of the body differ in several respects from quills. They are much shorter, the quill region is practically absent, the rachis is reduced in length and thickness, and the downy region tends to be more fully de- veloped. The result of this shortening of the axis is that the barbs tend to radiate from a common point, while in feathers with elongated axis they are, roughly speaking, parallel to one another. This has an important bearing upon the coloration, for it is obvious that if the barbules standing near the ends of the barbs tend to exhibit special colours, then the colour will form a transverse band on short feathers, a longitudinal band on long feathers. Similarly the median barbules will form a trans- verse band on short feathers, a V-shaped marking on long feathers; both of these actually occur (see Fig. 1). RELATION BETWEEN STRUCTURE AND COLOUR We have already seen that there are three great sets of colour phenomena displayed by the feathers of birds:—(1) The feathers may show beautiful and complex markings in brown, gray, and black ; (2) they may display vivid optical colours; or finally (3) may contain brightly coloured pigments, usually of the nature of liprochromes. Of these 266 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. three, the first occur equally in long quill-feathers and in the short contour-feathers; they have no obvious relation to the structure of the coloured parts, and as already seen, little is known of their meaning or course of evolution. (2) The optical or structural colours are divided into subjective and objective. The changing sub- jective colours occur only in the barbules, and require the presence of a large amount of dark pigment for their full manifestation. Objective colours like green and blue are confined to the barbs and do not occur in the barbules, and (3) the bright pigments occupy the same position. In general terms, therefore, we may say the barbules always contain a certain amount of dark pigment, and when this is in excess and the structure is modified metallic colours arise. The barbs, on the other hand, may contain dark pigment, may show objective optical colours, or may contain bright pigments. The variations which produce these colour phenomena are much commoner in the general feathers of the body than in quills; they do not usually occur simultaneously, and the appearance of any one set of colours is associated with an increased development of the special region of the feather with which the colour is associated, as of the barbs, a portion of the barbules, and so on. It may be that this is in part the explanation of the fact that, apart from the development of markings, quill-feathers are slow to vary in colour, and are rarely brilliant. Colour brilliancy is associated with a special de- velopment of some individual region of the feather, and it is essential for the purposes of flight that there should be a harmonious development of all the parts XIII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 267 of the quills, and no specialisation of particular areas. Therefore any tendency to the development of brilliant colouring in the wing-quills would be checked by the resulting injury to flight, and so to the well- being of the species. It will be noted that in the following descriptions red and yellow colours are always ascribed to the presence of lipochrome. We have already seen that, according to Gadow, yellow may at times be an optical colour; in the cases discussed, however, the presence of yellow lipochrome has either been directly proved, or is assumed from the simultaneous occurrence of a red colour, which is always due to lipochrome pigment. The thesis here put forward as to the relation existing between brilliant colouring and variation in feather structure, we propose to develop by a consideration of the colour phenomena in sun-birds, humming-birds, and birds of Paradise. COLOURS OF SUN-BIRDS The Nectariniidz or sun-birds are a family of mostly small birds often with brilliant colours, inhabiting Africa, and India, and the Malay, where they seem to replace the American humming-birds. Their beauty and their habit of frequenting flowers have caused them to be frequently confounded with true humming-birds, but they are not in any way related to the latter. The bright colours are almost entirely confined to the males, and are by them acquired with extreme slowness, so that birds are said to be not infrequently seen mated while the male is still in a sort of hybrid plumage. Birds in 268 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. this condition are peculiarly ugly, as the bright metallic feathers occur scattered among the dull youthful plumage. If the colours of the male exercise as important an influence on the choice of the female as is commonly asserted for birds, the female sun-bird must also be assumed to be possessed of much faith and foresight. Some at least of the ornamental feathers of the male are cast almost as soon as the breeding season is over. NATURE OF BRIGHT COLOURS The bright colours of the sun-birds are due either to lipochrome pigments or to metallic structural colours, belonging to Gadow’s group of subjective structural colours. 1. Pigmental Colours——The colours due to lipo- chrome pigments are either yellow or bright scarlet- red. Brilliant patches of red or yellow feathers frequently occur on the throat or on the ventral surface, or dorsally at the root of the tail. The feathers so coloured are always short contour-feathers and not quills. The bright colour is confined to the apical part of the feather, the base being grayish or white, and the pigment occurs as usual only in the barbs. The barbules, if present, are grayish, but most frequently they are rudimentary or absent, so that the visible part of the feather consists of the diverging naked barbs, containing a considerable amount of bright pigment. 2. Structural Colours—The metallic colours of the sun-birds occur on feathers arranged in special patches on the head and throat, or as transverse XIII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 269 bands near the tip of the general contour-feathers, or as longitudinal bands at the edges of the quill-feathers. é ad Fic. 2.—Barb and barbules from feathers of sun-birds, magnified to show the peculiar structure of metallic barbules. ais a barb bearing both proximal and distal barbules, the lower barbules being partially, the upper completely metallic. 4, non-metallic distal barbules from a tail-quill of a sun- bird, showing lamina, hooklets, and filamentous region. c, partially metallic distal barbules ; the colour is confined to the enlarged filamentous region, but the lamina and hooklets persist unaltered. d@, completely metallic barbules, with no trace of hooklets or lamina. In tint they are usually green, blue, violet, or reddish- violet, yellow or red ‘structural colours being absent. 270 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. The colours are produced by a modification of the barbules of the metallic feathers. We have already described the general structure of barbules and noticed that each is divided into two regions—a proximal flattened region which may be called the lamina, and a distal slender region which, from its appearance, may be called the filamentous region. Now as in sun-birds the metallic colours are usually confined in quill-feathers to a lateral stripe, it is obvious that it is possible to obtain a single barb which bears both metallic and non-metallic barbules. If we examine microscopically a non-metallic barbule, we shall find that it exhibits the ordinary structure of a barbule, and shows quite distinctly the division into two regions separated by a twist (see Fig. 2, 0). The metallic barbules (2), on the other hand, are of quite different appearance, being broad, flattened, club- shaped bodies supported on a short stalk, and con- taining abundant dark pigment. Close examination of the barb(a)shows that the metallic and non-metallic barbules are not perfectly sharply defined, but tend to pass into one another. Thus, as we follow the non-metallic barbules upwards, we find that the lamina diminishes in size, while the filamentous region becomes flattened, broader, and larger, at the same time losing its slender processes (c). Finally, the lamina becomes so much reduced as to form only the short stalk of the metallic barbules, while the distal region becomes modified into the club-shaped body, and is then completely devoid of hooklets or pro- cesses (cilia). These club-shaped barbules further exhibit a series of cross bars which, according to Gadow, are a series of compartments overlapping XIII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 271 like the tiles of a roof. The ultimate causation of the physical colour Gadow ascribes to the trans- parent sheaths of keratin covering these compart- ments, which he thinks act like a series of prisms. An important point in connection with these metallic barbules is, that they are so modified that both hooklets and folds are completely lost, and therefore there is no connection between the barbules or the barbs. Metallic feathers of this type have therefore a peculiar looseness of texture which is, for example, very obvious in the ornamental feathers of the peacock; the solidity of the flattened metallic barbules gives, however, to such feathers an appear- ance quite different from that of ordinary downy feathers, in which also the barbs are unconnected. The unconnected nature of the barbs is of especial interest, because it would render the feathers quite unfitted for purposes of flight if the variation were to occur in quill-feathers. In sun-birds it is usually the contour-feathers which are metallic, rarely the tail-quills, and apparently never the wing-quills. Development of Colours—The types of coloration already described in the sun-birds are seen in the specialised feathers, especially of the male. In the unspecialised feathers, such as the general contour- feathers of the female, we find what may be regarded as the primitive condition. These feathers are of a dull olive colour, and are divided into three regions—a basal downy region usually of an ashy colour, a median slightly V-shaped region in which the barbules have a very close texture and are of a brown colour, an apical region in which the barbules are unconnected, slightly modified, and faintly pigmented with dark 272 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. pigment, while the barbs stand out as being of a dull yellow colour, apparently produced by a mixture of lipochrome and melanin. This type is seen in most of the females and in the males of the inconspicu- ously coloured species. Taking such a feather as a starting-point, we may have divergence in two direc- tions. In the first case, the lipochrome pigment may increase greatly in amount, and colour the barbs very deeply, while the dull barbules do not become brightly coloured, but tend to become rudimentary and disappear ; thus we get the bright red or yellow patches formed. On the other hand, the lipochrome may get swamped by the development of a large amount of melanin, which occurs not only in the barbs, but also in the barbules. At the same time, the modified barbules near the ends of the barbs progress further in the direction in which they have begun to develop, become converted into completely metallic barbules, and thus give rise to the band of metallic colour seen at the ends of the general contour - feathers of many males, eg. Mectarinia famosa. When, as in Cinnyris frenatus, the ventral surface of the male has both metallic colour and bright pigmental colour, it is possible to find in- dividual feathers displaying both tendencies—that is, with naked yellow barbs at the tip, then metallic barbules placed on a dull-coloured region of the- barb, and then the covered unspecialised region of the feather. In quill- feathers the tendencies as to colour evolution seem slightly different. The quills of the females, of the unspecialised species, and of the wings of perhaps all species are a dull brownish XIII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 273 colour, with a tendency to exhibit a longitudinal edging of olive colour in which the barbules are pale-coloured, unconnected, and slightly modified. This pale band is sometimes replaced in the greater wing-coverts of the male by a dark brown band ; in the tail-quills of the male usually by a metallic band which, in the case of the central rectrices, may invade the whole vane. The development of lipo- chrome colour or of transverse bands of colour does not occur in the case of quill-feathers. The latter is due to the fact that in sun-birds it is only the barbules which stand near the distal end of the barb which tend to become metallic, the result being the formation of transverse stripes of bright colouring on short feathers, and longitudinal stripes on long feathers, the type developed having a definite rela- tion to the length of the feather (see Fig. 1). This peculiarity is apparently the result of the fact that in metallic barbules the lamina tends to disappear, and this seems to occur typically only in downy barbules or in the barbules standing near the apices of the barbs. Downy barbules never become metallic, so that it is only the apical barbules which can become metallic, and give rise to a band of colour. From the above description it is obvious that the development of brilliant colouring in sun-birds is certainly associated with modifications of feather structure which cause the feathers to deviate more or less completely from the primitive type of feather structure. 274 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. COLOURS OF HUMMING-BIRDS Turning now to humming-birds, we find that here pigmental colours are of relatively little im- portance, while structural colours attain an extra- ordinary beauty and brilliancy. Further, we find that the place of the pigmental colours of sun-birds in contrasting with and showing up the metallic colours is taken in humming-birds by black and white. White especially is often of great import- ance in producing the general effect of beauty. Fic. 3.—Metallic feather from the throat of a humming- bird. The colour is confined to the central pigmented patch and is there exceedingly bright. The barbs are con- tinued beyond the metallic region, but are then without barbules. The figure at the side is a section through the barb to show the method of insertion of the barbules which produces strongly marked ridges on the surface, so that the barbs lie at the bottom of a trough. In humming-birds metallic tints occur in both sexes, but are usually more brilliant in the male. They very frequently occur on the general contour- feathers, the colour being then often a bronze-green, which is not sharply confined to a transverse band, but fades away gradually behind. The metallic XI THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 275 colours which are especially characteristic of hum- ming-birds, however, occur, as is well known, in patches of extraordinary brilliancy either on the head as a crest, or on the lower surface, especially of the throat. The feathers forming these patches are peculiarly modified, and may display any of the colours of the spectrum including ruby-red and golden-yellow—the colours which are so markedly absent from the metallic feathers of sun-birds. The rectrices of humming-birds not infrequently display metallic colour, which may be distributed over the whole feather, or may be limited to a transverse band near the tip. Longitudinal bands of metallic colour like those of the sun-birds do not seem to occur. Pigmental colours among humming-birds are not remarkable for brightness of tint, being usually shades of gray or dull brown. The only marked exception is the colour called by systematists “rich chestnut” or “ cinnamon,” which is often limited to the males, as, for example, in Eustephanus fernandensis. In this connection it may be noticed that not only are metallic tints almost invariably absent from the wings, but where, as in the above species, the male as compared with the female is characterised. by the development of a special pigmental colour, this pig- ment is entirely absent from the wing-quills, though present in the wing-coverts. As an exception to the general rule that the humming-birds display great brilliancy, we find that the so-called “hermit” forms which live in the deep shades of the forests are only soberly tinted, with little metallic colour; of these the genus Phethornis may be taken as a type. 276 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. Structure of Metallic Feathers. — The brilliant metallic feathers of the head region of many male humming-birds are in several respects very peculiarly modified. They are very short, much rounded, and overlap one another ; the surface is strongly metallic and marked with deep ridges (see Fig. 3). A further point of interest is that the barbs, quite devoid of barbules, are prolonged as a delicate fringe beyond the apex of the feather. While for further details I must refer to my paper on the subject, we may simply notice that the metallic colouring is here not produced by a modification of the distal portion of the barbules, but by a deeper pigmentation and a structural change in the proximal region. The result of this is that the metallic colour in humming-birds tends to appear first in the middle region of the body feathers—that is, the region where the barbules tend to attain their maximum development, and not at the tip of the feathers as in sun-birds. This primitive condition is well seen in the breast feathers of the female of Eustephanus fernandensis, and of both male and female of Z. galerttus. Here we have white or dull- coloured feathers, with a central spot deeply pig- mented, and displaying a varying amount of metallic colour. The increasing specialisation of the metallic region is accompanied by a gradual retrogression of the apical region which is eventually represented only by the slender naked barbs, The metallic modification of the feathers in humming-birds is therefore not accompanied by any change which affects the locking together of the barbules, and so the adaptability for purposes of flight ; it differs in this respect sharply from the XU THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 277 modification seen in the sun-birds where the metallic barbules are entirely unconnected. We can thus understand how it is that the quills of humming- birds may display structural colour without their efficiency being in any way impaired. The fact is also readily explicable on structural grounds, if we recollect that it is the mid region of the feather which tends to become metallic, and it is this region which is most fully developed in quills. In humming- Fic. 4.—Metallic barbs from feathers of humming-birds, magnified. a@ is from a feather belonging to a female of Eustephanus fernandensis, the barbules at the base are metallic, but the barb also bears rudiments of barbules at its tip. 4, a barb from the feather shown in Fig. 3; all the barbules are metallic and the tip of the barb is naked. birds the colour differences between the male and female, or between specialised and unspecialised species, are thus largely the result of an increased amount of melanin pigment in the brilliant forms, accompanied by a process of structural modification. The type of metallic colour seen in the humming- birds is of much interest, because it has not been described outside of the family. In other cases we 278 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. find that metallic colours in birds are of the type described in sun-birds, z.e. are due to the conversion of the distal portion of the terminal barbules into a club-shaped body consisting of a series of overlap- ping compartments, the process being accompanied by the total suppression of cilia and hooklets. Such a modification of structure is apparently of very common occurrence in birds, but does not give rise to metallic colour unless there is a simultaneous development of a large amount of black pigment. COLOURS OF THE BIRDS OF PARADISE We may now for a little pass to the consideration of the birds of Paradise, which on account of their greater size afford more obvious illustrations of’some colour problems. The birds of Paradise as a group exhibit an extraordinarily specialised type of colora- tion, the specialisation being visible alike in colour and in structure. Though probably nearly allied to the crows, the development of melanin pigment is here less remarkable than the display of bright pig- mental colours. These are in part due to lipochromes, but in part, as we have already seen, to the pigment zoorubin, which is almost confined to the group. Further, we have not only the display of tufts and crests of additional feathers, as in humming-birds, but we find that these feathers are modified in every conceivable way, sometimes being reduced to mere wires, and at other times displaying brilliant metallic colours. Among many of the birds of Paradise the metallic colours are of somewhat limited distribution, contrasting with the pigmental colours rather than XIII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 279 forming the basis of coloration. In the nearly related rifle-birds, on the other hand, the pigmental colours have disappeared, and the great predominance of the melanins is associated with the development of the most gorgeous metallic colour, set off by the velvety blackness of other feathers ; a similar type of colora- tion occurs in the genera Parotia and Astrapia among the true birds of Paradise; in these the speckled plumage of the female is very noticeable. As usual throughout the beauty of colouring is largely confined to the adult males, the females and young males being relatively unadorned. The birds of Paradise, as is well known, inhabit the Malay Archipelago, and a full description of the family, including an account of the native methods of obtaining them, will be found in Mr. Wallace’s account of his travels in that region. The great bird of Paradise, called Paradzsea apoda by Linnzus, who described it from a specimen preserved after the native method, and therefore without its feet, may be chosen as an example of one of the prevalent types of coloration. In this bird the quill-feathers of tail and wing, and the feathers which cover the greater part of the back, are a dull brown colour, showing little specialisation of colour. In the feathers of the back the barbs are devoid of barbules near their apices, but show no other specialisation. At the sides of the body are the beautiful erectile tufts of feathers, which give the bird half its beauty. These consist of long drooping feathers, pinkish-white in colour, with a tuft of short bright yellow feathers at their base. The elongated feathers have muchelongated barbules,astructure some- 280 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. what resembling that seen in downy feathers, and like many downy feathers they have very little pigment. Among these long feathers are the so-called “ wires,” which are feathers with all the parts save the rachis suppressed. The yellow feathers have no barbules, and the barbs are smooth, dilated, and brightly coloured with lipochrome pigment. The same pigment and the same feather structure is found in the bright yellow feathers forming the crest. Round the base of the beak and extending over the throat there is a band of green metallic colour produced by very much shortened feathers, in which the barbules have under- gone the same modification as those of the metallic feathers of sun-birds. Speaking generally, we may say that this bird shows more tendency to develop additional plumes than any great brilliancy of colour, but when bright colours are developed, their develop- ment is associated with a tendency to suppression of the barbules, and to dilatation of the naked barbs. The king Paradise bird (Czcznnurus regius), on the other hand, shows less tendency to develop additional tufts but much greater brilliancy of tint. The female is a dull grayish tint, with a speckled breast, the male is brilliant red on the back, with a metallic green band separating the red head from the pure white of the ventral surface. The tail contains two much elongated wires displaying a brilliant green colour at their curled tips. The red feathers are coloured by the peculiar pigment zoorubin, which is practically absent from the female. The feathers containing it have as usual naked barbs, which are smooth, dilated, and polished, so that as compared with the general contour-feathers of the preceding species they are XIII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 281 modified both as to structure and pigmentation. The quill-feathers are mostly dull in colour, but a close examination shows that this relative dulness is due to the fact that, while the barbs are as before coloured with bright red zoorubin, the barbules contain a dull brown pigment, the result being to greatly diminish the brilliancy of colour. Certain of the quills have bright scarlet longitudinal bands at their edges; this is due to the fact that here the barbules are absent and the bright red barbs have their full effect. It would be tedious to go on to discuss in detail the coloration of the rifle-birds, but we may briefly notice that here, associated with the development of a large amount of melanin and the loss of the lipo- chromes, we have also the loss of the tendency to suppression of the barbules; here these tend to become greatly specialised, and to develop metallic colour. In the elongated metallic feathers of the throat of eg. Ptilorts magnifica, we have further the develop- ment of those V-shaped bands of which we have already spoken. The examples given above have been taken from birds exhibiting bright pigmental colours or subjective structural colours ; perhaps we may be allowed further to give some illustrations with regard to the objective structural colours, like blue and green. A blue colour is always entirely confined to the barbs of feathers, and is often associated with a suppression of the barbules; it only appears on exposed parts of feathers. 282 COLOUR IN NATURE . CHAP. MARKINGS OF KINGFISHERS Blue and green structural colours are admirably displayed in the family of the kingfishers, which show also a gradual progression of colour. Thus in Ceryle rudis the feathers are dark brown or black, more or less irregularly spotted with white, but with the white showing a distinct tendency to form a transverse band at the tip of the feather. In Ceryle guttata the feathers are regularly cross-barred with dull blackish-brown and white. In Carcinentes melanops in the wing-coverts the covered part of the feather is striped black and white, but the terminal bar of white is replaced by blue. In the tail-quills the under surface is usually black and white and the upper surface blue and black. Where there is partial overlapping of the quills, one side of the vane may be black and white and the other exposed side black and blue. The blue patches occur in positions corresponding to the white ones, but are larger and show a tendency to fuse together. In the case of quill-feathers, the blue is confined to the barbs but the barbules are still present, and their dull colour somewhat diminishes the brilliancy of the blue. On the general contour-feathers, on the other hand, the development of the blue colour is associated with a suppression of the barbules, while the barbs as usual tend to become dilated and polished. While in many kingfishers blue and black are the dominant colours, in some the blue is replaced by green. Thus in Halcyon lindsayi a yellow colour is common on various parts of the feathers, and where XII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 283 structural colour occurs, it is here green and not blue. Many of the feathers of the back are black, cross- barred with yellow, and here the terminal cross-bar is wholly or in part replaced by green. GENERAL CHARACTERS OF COLOURS OF BIRDS These illustrations of colour phenomena in birds, if they do not explain the development of bright colour, may perhaps at least shed some light on the problem. They show that the development of brilliant colour and structural modification go hand in hand ; that brilliant pigmental colours tend to be confined to the barbs and are often associated with the suppression of the barbules; that melanin pig- ments may be present in large amount in both barbs and barbules ; and that their presence in the latter is often associated with a structural modification which gives rise to optical colours; that the closeness of the association between the deposition of pigment in any region of a feather and the special development of that region is such as to prevent in the general case the feathers of flight acquiring great brilliancy of colour. Facts of this kind surely tend to prove the definiteness of variation ; they should, at least, be allowed for by those who discuss the questions connected with the origin of colour. MEANING OF COLOUR IN BIRDS As to the meaning of the various types of colour in the physiology of birds we can say very little. 284 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. Those associated with the presence of melanin pig- ment are here as elsewhere less inexplicable than those due to lipochromes. They are certainly far more conspicuous in the males than in the females, and may therefore be ascribed more or less directly to the greater vitality of the male, which expresses itself in more rapid metabolism and increased pro- duction of pigment. But with the lipochromes the case is different ; their constant association with fats makes it difficult to regard them as products of destructive metabolism. Again, though in many cases they are only conspicuous in coloration in the males, yet the peculiar case of the green and red parrots (p. 252) seems to show that in some instances they may be more abundant in the females. It may, of course, be suggested that the lipochromes in the female are largely used up in the colouring of the yolk, while in the male they may colour the plumage ; but it is still difficult to account for the virtual absence of lipochrome from many families, as the crows, the humming-birds, and so on—families cer- tainly highly specialised in other respects. Nor can we regard the presence of lipochrome as indicating want of specialisation in view of the fact that, as in the birds of Paradise, they may be absent or present within the limits of a family, without obvious differences in the amount of specialisation. In view of the absence of lipochrome from the cuticular structures of mammals the question is of much interest. The absence of derivatives of waste products in the cuticular structures of birds as compared with insects is, of course, probably to be associated with the well-developed, excretory, XIII THE COLOURS OF BIRDS 285 and vascular systems in a bird as compared with those of an insect. The great differentiation has now rendered it impossible for nitrogenous waste products to be directly employed in colora- tion. CHAPTER XIV THE COLOURS OF MAMMALS AND THE ORIGIN OF PIGMENTS Coloration of Mammals—Pigments of Mammals—Colour of ‘the Hair and Skin in Man, and its Bearing on General Problems— Origin of Melanin—Pigment and Waste Products——Experimental Evidence—Conclusions—Criti- cism of these Conclusions. WE have already remarked on the familiar fact that mammals are rarely remarkable for brilliant pig- ments, the prevailing colouring-matters being the dull-coloured melanins. The statement is, of course, true only of the colours of the skin, for bright pig- ments do occur in the tissues; thus hemoglobin colours not only the blood but most of the muscles, and yellow lipochromes occur often in quantity in the fat, in the plasma of the blood, in the muscles, and so on. Of these the hemoglobin of the blood is an important factor in coloration in the white races of mankind, and when associated with certain peculiarities of the structure of the epidermis, gives rise to the bright tints of the callosities of many monkeys, of the face of the mandrill (Cynocephalus maimon), and so on. Under normal conditions CHAP. XIV COLOURS OF MAMMALS 287 the decomposition products of hzmoglobin, unless melanin be one of these, are of no importance in pro- ducing external colour ; nor do the lipochromes ever appear to occur in the epidermis or cuticle. Optical colours except white are rare in mammals, but true metallic colours occur in the Cape golden mole (Chrysochtoris). In this little insectivore the fur especially of the upper surface displays “a brilliant metallic lustre, varying from golden-bronze to green and violet of different shades” (Flower). The exact causation of the colour appears to be unknown. In mammals generally the beauty of the colour- ing is dependent upon the unequal distribution of the melanin pigments, which are very frequently so arranged as to produce the effect of stripes or spots. There are several papers upon the origin, relations, and ‘meanings of these markings, but all are too purely theoretical to demand detailed notice here. An account of them will be found in the works of Wallace, Eimer, Bonavia, and others. Among the general colour characteristics of mammals, we should notice the tendency of certain variations to recur constantly in many different orders ; such are the deepening of the tint (melan- ism), the disappearance of the pigment (albinism), the prevalence of a sandy colour in mammals in- habiting deserts, and so on. Melanic varieties are seen not infrequently in the leopard (Fels pardus), especially in Southern Asia; they seem to occur quite sporadically. A very interesting point about these black leopards is that, in certain lights, the markings characteristic of the leopard can be seen on the black ground like the pattern on “ watered 288 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. silk.” This shows that these markings are not wholly determined by the amount of pigment pre- sent in the hairs, there must be also some additional cause. Albino varieties occur occasionally as a sport, especially under domestication, but many mammals are naturally white. As is well known, certain Arctic animals, eg. the polar bear, are always white, others only turn white in winter, eg. the Arctic fox. The change of colour in these cases is associated with the development of numerous air-bubbles in the hair. It would seem that in some cases this is not accompanied by a destruction of the pigment, which is merely concealed by the air-bubbles. For further particulars as to the characters of the colours in mammals, reference should be made to the text-books, and for the markings to Eimer’s papers. The pigments of mammals have been relatively little investigated, but there is probably great uni- formity throughout the group. Leydig describes uric acid compounds as occurring in the skin of Chrysochloris, and regards them as factors in the coloration, but in general the colours are apparently due only to the melanins, COLOUR OF THE HAIR AND SKIN IN MAN In connection with the pigments, a few remarks upon the colour of the skin and hair in our own species may not be out of place, especially as the questions connected with it have considerable bear- ing upon general problems. As is well known, the XIV COLOURS OF MAMMALS 289 dark races of mankind owe the colour of their skin to a black pigment deposited in the deeper layers of the epidermis—a pigment which is practically absent in white-skinned people. The varying tints of the hair are also due to the varying amounts of the same dark pigment deposited in it. That differences in skin-colour often correspond to profound racial dif- ferences is familiar in a rough way to every one, but there are some interesting facts which tend to show that even apparently slight differences in intensity of pigmentation may correspond to relatively vast con- stitutional differences. We propose to confine our study of the question to variations in the colour of the hair and eyes in the white-skinned peoples, where the data are most easily obtainable. The first point of interest is the curious fact shown by Galton’s statistical researches that among ourselves there is little tendency for the dark and fair strains to mingle, “to be swamped by intercrossing,” in the current phrase. The children of parents of whom one is dark and the other fair will as a rule either have dark oy light eyes, only rarely will they have eyes of medium colour (Matural Inheritance, p. 139). In Mr. Bateson’s words, the variations are discontinuous. The next point is that, according to Dr. Beddoe’s prolonged observations, “the colour of the hair is so nearly permanent in races of men as to be fairly trust- worthy evidence in the matter of ethnical descent, and nearly as much may be said for the colour of the iris ” (The Races of Britain, p. 269). His observations further show that the dark-haired people correspond roughly to the Gaelic and Iberian stocks, while the fair- U 290 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. haired belong to the Teutonic races ; in other words, the difference in hair-colour corresponds to all those profound mental and moral differences which separate Celt from Saxon. That the mental and moral dif- ferences are associated with physical ones hardly needs proof to the biologist, but there are fortunately some exact observations. During the course of an extended series of observations on the specific gravity of the blood, Dr. E. Lloyd Jones found that this was markedly greater in dark-eyed persons than in light- eyed ones, and he is of opinion that the difference is fundamentally a racial one. Further, there is reason to believe that the dark-haired people are better able to stand prolonged dosing with drugs like mercury than the fair-haired ones; and, according to Beddoe, the dark-haired persons in Britain are more prone to phthisis than the fair. It thus seems that just as the phthisical tendency and the other characters tend to eliminate the dark people from cold climates, so ap- parently the fair people are less fitted to-survive, or at least less likely to become dominant, in hot countries. Facts of this kind have probably an important bearing upon the coloration of mammals in general. The constancy of the coloration, and the closeness of its connection with the constitution, are at least of much interest in relation to the general question. THE ORIGIN OF MELANIN As to the direct relation of the amount of pig- ment to the general metabolism, many would say that the pigment is directly derived from the XIV ORIGIN OF PIGMENTS 291 hemoglobin of the blood, and that, therefore, its amount is a direct measure of the rapidity of the degenerative changes occurring in the hemoglobin. From some recent work it would, however, appear that there is not this direct relation between the pigment and hemoglobin. Drs. John Abel and Walter Davis, in the course of a laborious investiga- tion on the pigments of the negro’s skin and hair, found that the pigment granules of the epidermal cells contained a substratum of non-pigmentary substance, apparently of the nature of a highly resistant proteid. When this proteid is removed the pigment is readily soluble in dilute alkalies, from which it may be precipitated by acids. It contains carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen, and sulphur, but in the pure state very little iron. It is the presence of sulphur without any considerable amount of iron which, in the opinion of the authors, makes an origin from hemoglobin very doubtful. The proteid which is also present in the pigment granules contains a considerable amount of iron as well as of other in- organic constituents. Floyd showed in 1876 (Chem. News, vol. xxxiv. p. 179) that the skin of the negro contains about twice as much iron as the white skin, but this is apparently due to the proteid and not to the actual pigment itself’ The investigators are of opinion that the pigment originates from some proteid of the blood or “parenchymatous juices.” Similarly Dr. Sheridan Delépine considers that melanin is elaborated out of the plasma of the blood and is not a derivative of hemoglobin. On the other hand, he is of opinion that hemoglobin itself is perhaps manufactured from some “antecedent, 292 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. variety, or derivative of melanin,’ a somewhat inter- esting conclusion. PIGMENT AND WASTE PRODUCTS The question as to whether the pigments of mammals are to be regarded as products of destruc- tive metabolism is one which has considerable bearing on the general question. In considering particular cases of pigmentation we have again and again come across suggestions to the effect that the pigments of organisms are effete substances incapable of serving directly useful purposes, which may be stored up in the cutaneous tissues, and so give rise to coloration. In considering these suggestions in a little more detail, we may, in the first place, provisionally exclude cases like that of the Lepi- doptera, where the pigments, in some cases at least, are definitely excretory substances. Our immediate concern is not with these, but with the numerous kinds of pigment which are different from the ordinary waste products of the organism in which they occur, and which have not been proved to havea genetic connection with these. Such pigments have not infrequently been described as waste products, and it is necessary for us to consider how far this is justifiable. EXPERIMENTAL EVIDENCE In the first place, it is interesting to note that the suggestions have .been usually made in connec- XIV ORIGIN OF PIGMENTS 293 tion with physiological experiments on leucocytes. The modern doctrine of the physiological and patho- logical importance of leucocytes and phagocytes, with which the name of Metschnikoff is so honour- ably associated, has been largely founded on results obtained from the injection of foreign substances in suspension or solution into the body. The injected substances are usually colouring - matters for con- venience of observation, and the result has been to prove that they are systematically removed by leucocytes from the general cells of the body ; and either eliminated through the excretory organs or stored up in various parts of the body, where they may give rise to artificial coloration. Now we have already frequently seen that natural pigmentation may result from the emigration of pigmented con- nective tissue cells from the deeper tissues outwards to the skin. This occurs, for example, in the leech, and, according to Kolliker, is true for all Vertebrates. This being so, it is eminently natural that the physiologists should draw a parallel between these natural pigmented “wandering cells” and the pig- mented leucocytes found after injection of colour- ing-matter, and regard the former as active agents in eliminating the normal waste products. The necessity for finding a physiological justification for the con- tinued production of pigment being so obvious, the suggestion once made has been eagerly adopted by many. The simplest case is that in which the introduced pigment is injected into the alimentary canal, and its subsequent fate compared with that of the pigments normally occurring in the cells connected 294 with this. COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. The following table shows the results obtained from some of these experiments :— PIGMENTS INTRODUCED INTO ALIMENTARY CANAL ituations in which in- Organisms, troduced Pigments are bee Observer, Polyzoa. In ‘‘hepatic cells” | Brown pigment | Harmer. of gut. of these cells. Crustacea. |In cells of hepatic | Pigment nor- | Cuénot. ceca, ultimately in | mally found in feeces. hepatic cells and feces. Capitellida. | In cells of gut, ulti- | Pigment nor- | Eisig. ‘ mately in skin. mally —occur- ring in cells of gut and in skin. Oligocheta |In the so-called | (?) Pigment of | Cuénot. (Zubifex). | chloragogenous cells | chloragogenous covering the intes- | cells and of tine, ultimately in | skin. the skin. . In these cases the Capitellida are the only forms in which the introduced pigments come to have a marked effect on the coloration. Another case in which the introduced pigment is important in this way is perhaps the case of caterpillars, where the pigment introduced with the food reaches the connective tissues and so the skin. In the general case, however, it would seem that the pigments which normally result from the activity of the liver or “hepatic cells,” as well as pigments artificially introduced into the gut, are usually directly eliminated by means of it, and do not become important in XIV ORIGIN OF PIGMENTS 295 coloration. It may be that worms are an exception to this rule. It is commonly stated that in the earthworm carmine introduced into the gut is re- moved by the yellow cells, which then go free and pass out with their burden by the nephridia. In the Capitellidz, and in Txdzfex, on the other hand, the pigment is not wholly eliminated, but is in part stored in the skin. These facts may show that in worms the products of the metabolism of “liver” cells are not readily eliminated by the gut itself, and so may in some cases be important in coloration. It seems possible that in Bonelléa also the colour of the skin is due to a modification of a pigment occurring in the gut (?), or in the cells lining the body cavity. Further, we have seen (p. 191) that in Mollusca the peculiar pigment enterochlorophyll, at least in some cases, colours the feces; that it occurs both in the cells of the gut and in the digestive gland; and finally, that it is possible that in some cases it may give rise to the pigments colouring the mantle, and ultimately to those of the shell. Unfortunately this is as yet uncertain. When we come to the fate of pigments intro- duced into the body cavity, and their natural analogues, the matter is much more difficult and complicated. In the following table the natural analogues column must be almost left blank :— 296 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. PIGMENTS INTRODUCED INTO BODY CAVITY Situations in which in- Organisms, troduced Pigments are Plea Observer. found. Polyzoa. In the interior of Harmer. leucocytes which re- main ‘within the zocecium. Echino- In wandering cells | Similar wander- | Durham. derms. which may leave the | ing cells which body at any point, | contain pig- and which give rise | ment, and may to temporary pig- | give rise to pig- mentation. mentation. Dytiscus In ameeboid blood Durham. (Insecta). corpuscles = which later formed patches at various points in the skin. Crustacea. | In excretory organs. Cuénot. CONCLUSIONS Although certain analogies between the fate of introduced pigments and the natural occurrence of pigment in the tissues are thus rare, yet suggestions as to analogy have been very freely made. Eisig considers that the pigment which occurs somewhat sparingly in the skin of the Capitellide is an effete product temporarily stored there, and further regards this as a widespread origin of pigment. Mr. Durham, basing his view largely on his own researches on Echinoderms, regards colouring - matters as either waste products or effete respiratory pigments which, when eliminated by means of amceboid cells, may give rise to coloration of the skin. XIV ORIGIN OF PIGMENTS 207 Of all suggestions of this kind, those of List for Vertebrates are the clearest and most definite, and may be summarised here. In the first place, List accepts without reservation the view that pigment does not originate in epi- dermal structures, but is carried to them by wander- ing leucocytes. He believes that the pigment originates within the blood-vessels by the degenera- tion of red blood corpuscles; that it is taken up by leucocytes ; and that these with their burden follow the track of the blood-vessels outwards from the corium to the sub-epithelial layer. The pigment granules are to be looked upon as excretory pro- ducts, which are in part taken up by the epithelial cells and gradually eliminated as these degenerate. In bony fish, and apparently in Amphibia, pigment arises in the embryos from the degeneration of the yolk, but the pigment which is produced later prob- ably arises from blood pigment. Similarly the migration outwards of pigmented cells in the leech is often regarded as a process of excretion. CRITICISM OF THESE CONCLUSIONS As to the whole question, it is probably too soon to attempt to draw conclusions, but one or two points may at least be touched on. In the first place, an obvious difficulty in the way of regarding all pigments as waste products, or as derivatives of respiratory pigments, is that the great majority of the researches hitherto carried on have almost entirely omitted to consider the pigments soluble in alcohol. 298 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. Most have been conducted by the method of sections, and during the course of preparation of the objects, the lipochromes, and the numerous other unstable or soluble pigments,are completely removed or destroyed, so that of these the investigators have nothing to say. It is obvious, however, that it is these brightly coloured substances which give rise to the most striking of the phenomena of coloration. Practically any substance occurring in opaque granules may give rise to dull brownish colours, and so may be termed a pigment, but does this help us as to the origin of the bright blue of many jelly-fish, the gorgeous red of some Crustacea, the bright colours of fishes and birds? These may be “waste products,” but there is yet no proof of it; they may be reserves; they may be comparable to the production of aniline dyes in the coal-gas industry, ze. by-products (Durham), but there is as yet little certainty. It is possible that some of the difficulties may be solved by a careful study of the chetopterin group of pigments, for the members of it are widely distributed, tend to occur in connection with endodermic (digestive) organs, and under artificial conditions give rise to brightly coloured derivatives, but the investigations have still to be made. Again, the method of study by means of injec- tions has obviously its limitations as a method of determining the physiological value of pigments. Thus Cuénot found that introduced pigments in the case of the Crustacea were eliminated by the excre- tory organs, or by the hepatic cells and the feeces ; they were never stored up in the epidermal tissues, and yet the Crustacea are remarkable for the pro- XIV ORIGIN OF PIGMENTS 299 fuse pigmentation of the epidermis and cuticle, and there is certainly a marked elimination of pigment in the shell at the moult. The elimination of intro- duced pigment by the skin in the Capitellide is regarded as evidence that the pigment naturally occurring there is a waste product, but the applica- tion of the same principle to the Crustacea is fraught with obvious difficulties. If conclusions are to be drawn from the fate of introduced pigments, then the pigment of the cuticle in Crustacea is not a waste product ; if, on the other hand, it is the elimination of pigment by a moult which is the criterion, then the pigment is a waste product. As a whole, therefore, it would seem that while it is impossible for a physiologist to conceive of pigment being produced in the organism in the haphazard fashion some would have us believe, yet it is at present also impossible to give a universal physio- logical explanation of its origin ; it probably arises in many different ways. As yet the classification of pigments given in the second chapter cannot appar- ently be simplified. CHAPTER XV THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES General Summary—Theories as to Origin of Colour: Poulton, Wallace, Eimer, Cunningham, Simroth — Criticism of Natural Selection—Criticism of Other Theories—Con- clusion. WE have now completed our general survey of the colours and colouring-matters of organisms. We have seen that these colours are due either to definite pigments deposited in the tissues, or to optical effects produced by the structure of these tissues. We have discussed the chemical, and, so far as is known, the physiological nature of some of the chief pigments, and described the appearances presented by the most striking optical colours. Finally, we have rapidly surveyed the colour phenomena presented by the most familiar plants and animals. That the survey as a whole is halting and incomplete must be obvious to all. We have seen that it is as yet impossible to give a definite physiological explanation of the origin of pigment; that it is practically impossible to classify pigments in a logical manner; that most of the problems connected with the subject are entirely cH. xv THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 301 unsolved. What is the meaning of the great series of lipochromes in the economy of animals? How do they arise, and why are they sometimes introduced, and in other cases synthetically formed? Why should they so frequently occur in pairs, and what is the relation between the red and the yellow series? These are only a few of the unanswered questions which make one at times doubtful whether it is not still too soon to attempt a synthetic survey of the biological aspects of colour. It is, however, notice- able that if the physiology of pigments and colour is still in an embryonic condition, yet the speculative side of the subject has attained rank and rapid growth. It is impossible to conclude a work of this description without some reference to theories, but we should pass to the consideration of these with a full consciousness of the blanks in knowledge. THEORIES AS TO ORIGIN OF COLOUR IN ORGANISMS 1. The Darwinian Theory.—So far we have con- sidered organisms as if they were isolated objects, uninfluenced by their surroundings; it is, however, one of the most striking characteristics of modern scientific thought that organisms are no longer looked upon as independent creations, but as linked to one another by the closest of relations. Their colours are often their most striking external features; we must ask what effect these colours have upon their relations to other organisms. Now it is a matter of common observation that the colours of some animals corre- spond so closely to the colours of the objects among 302 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. which they live, that they can only be distinguished with difficulty. If the enemies of such species are psychologically similar to ourselves, the colouring must render them less conspicuous to these enemies, and must thus be protective. Therefore it may be said that, however the colour in these cases first arose, it must always have been, other things being equal, useful to the species ; therefore the forms displaying these colours would tend to persist, the others would tend to be eliminated ; therefore we may say that the colour arose by Natural Selection, which weeded out all those not possessing it. This is in essence the explanation of colour phenomena given by a great number of naturalists at the present time. Colour they say is originally non- significant, a result of the chemical or physical properties of substances ; its appearance in the super- ficial tissues may render the organism better fitted to survive in the struggle for existence, and therefore is encouraged and maintained by Natural Selection. The various types of coloration presumed to be of use have been classified under the headings of Protective Resemblance, Mimicry, Warning Colours, and so on; their use is supposed to be to protect the organism from its enemies, to enable it to steal unperceived on its prey, or to warn its enemies that it is unpalatable or dangerous and must be avoided. Beside these, however, there is another series of colours to be considered. We have already seen that in birds the males are frequently far more brilliantly coloured and ornamented than the females. As these colours do not fall into any of the divisions already mentioned, many naturalists have adopted xv THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 303 Darwin’s view that they are due to the persistent choice by the females of the most ornamental males, and therefore to Sexual Selection. So that to the general statement that the colours of animals are due to the action of Natural Selection, we must add, except in the case of the bright colours of males, which are due to the action of Sexual Selection. This explanation of the colours of animals is sub- stantially that given by Prof. Poulton in his Colours of Animals. Mr. Poulton is indeed one of the most thoroughgoing of all the adherents to the doctrine of Natural Selection, as the following example taken from his book may serve to show. He describes the buff-tip moth (Pygera bucephala) as exhibiting a very marked resemblance to a broken piece of lichen-covered stick, and then come the following sentences :—“ A friend has raised the objection that the moth resembles a piece of stick cut cleanly at both ends, an object which is never seen in nature. The reply is that the purple and gray colour of the sides of the moth, together with the pale yellow tint of the parts which suggest the broken ends, present a most perfect resemblance to wood in which decay has induced that peculiar texture in which the tissue breaks shortly and sharply, as if cut, on the applica- tion of slight pressure or the force of an insignificant blow” (Colours of Animals, p. 57). These state- ments, whatever else they do, certainly display a most profound faith in the efficiency of Natural Selection as a factor in evolution. The efficiency in this case seems almost excessive; one cannot help wondering whether a protective resemblance which was a little less laboured would not have served the 304 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. purpose. Another example of a similar elaboration of protective resemblance may be also quoted from Mr. Poulton’s pages. The insect in this case was found by Mr, W. L. Sclater in Tropical America. In the place where it was found the leaf-cutting ants are extremely numerous, and are constantly seen carrying pieces of leaves “about the size of a sixpence held vertically in the jaws.” The insect found by Mr. Sclater, though not an ant, resembled one; and, moreover, had an anterior, thin, flat expansion which imitated the leaf carried by the ants, so that, as a whole, in Mr. Poulton’s words, the insect “ mimicked the ant, together with its leafy burden” (zbid. pp. 252,253). Now, as it is only the homeward-bound ants which carry pieces of leaves, it seems in this case also that the protective resemblance is unnecessarily laborious ; something less might surely have served. Apart from this, however, the examples show how some naturalists attack the problems of colour. It is unnecessary here to go into further detail as to the various applications of the theory ; most of these have now become completely popularised. 2. Mr. Wallace’s Theory.—We shall next pass on to consider the modification of this theory which is supported by Mr. A. R. Wallace. Mr. Wallace, in his book on Darwinism, expresses his general belief in the theory of colour production implicit in such terms as Mimicry, Warning Coloration, etc., and dissents only from the theory of the origin of the bright colours of males by Sexual Selection. In point of fact, however, his dissent in reality carries him further than this, and to some extent at least shakes the xv THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 305 whole theory of the origin of colour as a result of the action of Natural Selection. Mr. Wallace, as is well known, gives up Sexual Selection on the ground that there is no evidence that the females do exercise such a selection ; while if they did, the effect of their choice would be neutralised by the action of Natural Selection. The fact that the males in most animals are more brightly coloured than the females, Mr. Wallace ascribes in general terms to the “greater vigour and excitability of the male”; if the colour and ornamentation be an expression of abundant vitality, its persistence and increase is easily accounted for apart from the choice of the female. The hypothesis of Sexual Selection is therefore as needless as it is unproved.. Mr. Wallace then sums up his theory of the origin of colour in five theses, of which the following is a brief abstract :—-Colour arises as a necessary result of the complex chemical constitution of animal tissues ; it becomes more conspicuous and intense as external tissues become more complicated in structure ; it is probable that colour development takes place according to definite laws of growth ; finally, “the colours thus produced, and subject to much individual variation, have been modified in innumerable ways for the benefit of each species.” It is in this way that Protective Coloration, Mimicry, etc. have been produced. Again, in the higher forms the male as compared with the female exhibits brilliant colours due to his greater vigour, while his mate has been kept plain by Natural Selection. Now all this is very different from the statements made by Mr. Poulton. Both certainly begin by saying that colour is originally non-significant ; but x 306 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. Mr. Wallace speaks of laws of growth as determining the progressive changes seen in the development of feather-markings ; while Mr. Poulton tells us that although pigments tend to occur in animals, it is by no means certain that they would have appeared on the surface apart from Natural Selection, and that they tend to disappear from the surface directly they cease to be useful. Thus, according to the school which is usually known as the Darwinian, colour, wherever seen, is due to the favouring influence of Natural Selection, and is in some way useful to the species. In the view of the popularisers of the subject, it therefore becomes the main object of the naturalist to invent as ingenious an explanation as possible of the way in which it is useful. If the naturalist’s powers of invention fail, though this happens but rarely, then the colour is non-significant, or better still, the animal has recently changed its habitat, and is no longer perfectly adapted to its environment. The theory is, therefore, perfectly complete and coherent, and persons refusing to accept it are at once stigma- tised as laboratory-made scientists, ignorant of nature, and unworthy of the name of naturalist. Mr. Wallace’s modified views, if less capable of a reductio ad absurdum, are apparently less completely logical. As noticed by Professor Geddes and Mr. Thomson, in their Evolution of Sex, the denial of Sexual Selection has a considerable bearing upon Natural Selection in general. To illustrate this, we may take an example from humming-birds. The genus Eustephanus includes the species &. galeritus and &. fernandensis, in both of which the sexes xv THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 307 differ considerably from one another. The sexual differences are especially well marked in the latter, in which the male is of a bright brown-red colour, a tint comparatively rare among the humming-birds. The female exhibits colours of a more usual type, but is remarkable in possessing a brilliant metallic crest, an ornament which is very rare among female humming-birds. The male of the other species is very like the female of E. fernandensis, except that his crest is red instead of green, while his own female is very plain, and without acrest. Now, if Mr. Wallace admits that the brilliancy of the male £. fernandensis, as compared with his mate, is due to his greater vigour and vitality, surely it is not unreasonable to conclude that the general greater brilliancy of this species, as compared with £. galerctus, is due to its greater vigour and vitality. In other words, bearing in mind that the male of &. galerztus is hardly more brightly coloured than the female of E. fernandenszs, may we not say that the two species bear to each other, as regards vitality, the same relation as the male and female of &. fernandensis bear to one another? If this be granted, then surely, other things being equal, the coloration of a species bears some relation to its vitality—that is, it is primarily deter- mined by the physiological condition of the organism and not forced upon it by the stress of environmental conditions (see the Evolution of Sex). Again, if this be so, much of the elaborate treatment of colour phenomena in the early part of Mr. Wallace’s book seems needless. If we may account for the colours of many birds as the incidental consequences of physiological conditions, then surely we need no 308 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. elaborate discussion of the possible uses of colour, for we see that it arises apart from usefulness, and ergo may persist apart from usefulness. This is the view put forward in the Evolution of Sex, where the colours of organisms are regarded as expressions of the constitution of the individual. 3. Mr. Cunningham and Professor Eimers Theortes—Although the theories as to the origin of colour, adopted on the one hand by Mr. Poulton, and on the other by Mr. Wallace, are widely accepted among biologists, dissentients are not wanting, and are probably on the increase. Among the older theories, that dependent upon the acceptance of Lamarck’s factor of an inheritance of acquired characters, has been vigorously maintained by Mr. Cunningham in this country, and Professor Eimer and a numerous school abroad. Professor Eimer’s theories of the origin of colours and markings involve especially the conception that in this, as in other respects, evolution is a progression along definite lines determined by laws of growth which are the accumu- lative result of environmental stimuli; the emphasis is, however, so laid upon the laws of growth that the fact that these involve an inheritance of the effects of environmental influence is apt to be lost sight of. The difference between this and the preceding theories is best indicated by a concrete example. We may take the vexed question as to the reason for the absence of pigment in cave-inhabiting animals. According to Mr. Poulton, animals which live in darkness are pale, because pigment would not be visible in these situations and is consequently no longer of any use to them: it is, therefore, no longer XV THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 309 maintained by Natural Selection, and cherefore it dis- appears,—the last therefore being one of the great points of dispute. Mr. Cunningham, on the other hand, considers that pigment is, or at least was primarily produced by the action of light on the skin, and that cave-inhabiting animals are pale- coloured because there is no light to stimulate the development of pigment. According to him, light and pigment are directly related; according to others, light is not the cause of pigmentation, it only puts in motion the machinery produced in the organism by Natural Selection. We have already seen by what beautiful experiments Mr. Cunningham has endea- voured to support and prove his position as to the relation between light and colour. 4. Dr. Simroth's Theory.—Mr. Cunningham’s position may be taken as typical of that taken up by those who refer variation to the inherited and cumulative effect of environmental influences, but as an elaboration of the same principle we may take up a paper recently published by Dr. Heinrich Simroth. Dr. Simroth is well known, not only by his concrete researches, but as an ingenious and fertile theorist, and his present paper, though vague and mystical, has yet considerable interest, and to some extent may serve as a type of many of the most recent theories as to colour production. Dr. Simroth’s theory is, however, remarkable in displaying an absolute indifference to the facts of chemistry, which even among biologists is relatively rare. As papers of this kind are exceedingly difficult to interpret, it may be well to state clearly that although the following is an attempt to give a purely objective 310 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. summary, yet it may quite well be that the subjective element is far from being absent. So far, then, as I understand Dr. Simroth, he refers all pigments back to a prime substance which is closely united to primitive protoplasm, and which has evolved along with primitive protoplasm, pro- ducing the simple spectral colours in the order of the spectrum, beginning at the red end. That is, red pigments are simpler in composition than those of green or violet colour, and tend to appear earlier, and to be particularly prominent in simple organ- isms. We may thus speak of an evolution of pig- ments corresponding to an evolution of organisms, and the red or yellow pigments correspond to the simpler organisms. These red and yellow pigments have a simple chemical composition and a small molecular weight, and as we pass upwards and find the colours of the pigments changing, so also we find the chemical composition growing more complex and the molecular weight increasing in amount. As to the causation of this evolution of pigment, Dr. Simroth refers primarily to the effects of light and warmth, but makes the following detailed sug- gestion as to the determining cause of the actual direction of evolution. In the first place, he suggests that at an early stage in the world’s history the atmosphere was so saturated with watery vapour, that it at first only allowed the red rays of the sun’s light to pass through, and then, as the vapour gradually cleared away, the other rays, in the direction from the red to the violet, were able to penetrate. Secondly, he believes that protoplasm is so con- XV THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 311 stituted, that it responds differently to the varying stimuli of the separate rays. Thus it responds to the rays of long wave-length by the formation of simple pigments, and to those of short wave-length by the formation of more complex pigments, so that there is a relation between the molecular weight of the pigments produced and the wave-lengths of the rays producing them. If we combine this statement with the previous one as to the relation existing between the colour of a pigment and its molecular weight, it would seem that red light produces red pigments of simple composition ; violet light, violet pigments of complex composition, and so on. Further, the previous suggestion as to the gradual appearance of the rays, accounts for the order in which the pigments appear. Before proceeding further with Dr. Simroth’s theory, we may note that so far it is in its details largely an adding together of the suggestions of others. Thus, the suggestion that the action of red light on organisms is to cause them to produce red pigment, is merely the suggestion as to the photo- graphic sensibility of living beings which has already been made in various quarters. As every one knows, the essence of the process of photography lies in the fact that certain chemical substances are extremely sensitive to the action of light. When the photographer exposes a plate to light in his camera, the sensitive substance with which it is covered is rapidly decomposed by the action of the light, and dark-coloured substances are produced. So great is this sensitiveness that the brightest rays of the incident light correspond to the darkest parts 312 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. of the “ negative ” produced, and all the developments of modern photography are rendered possible. Now, if it is possible to obtain inorganic substances which are so extraordinarily sensitive to light, it is surely not impossible that organic substances, in their ordinary position within the organism, may display a similar sensitiveness, and therefore that pigment production may be the result of exposure to light. Further, as every one knows, one of the great objects of recent photographers has been to discover a method of photographing in colours—that is, of find- ing substances which react in such a manner to different rays of light as to themselves build up compounds having the same colour as the inci- dent light. According to Herr Otto Wiener, certain compounds of silver chloride will do this; and he suggests that organic substances may possess the same property, and that thus “ protective” coloration may be accounted for. A caterpillar may be like its environment, because its skin photographs that environment by means of the sensitive compounds of its own tissues. So far, therefore, Simroth’s theory is largely based upon Wiener’s suggestion, though he carries it much further. Again, Simroth’s suggestion as to a relation between the colour of a pigment and its chemical composition has been made on a smaller scale by Urech, whose researches on the pigments of butter- flies we have already quoted. Urech, in comment- ing on the fact that in the butterflies of the genus Vanessa the wings are at first white and the colours then develop in the order of the spectrum (yellow, orange, red, brown, black), suggests that there is a xv THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 313 relation between the molecular weight of these pig- ments and their respective colours, and that this gradual development of colour in the history of the individual corresponds to the evolution of colour in the history of the race. We must now return to a more detailed consider- ation of Simroth’s paper. He supports his central thesis as to the origin of all pigments showing simple spectral colours from a prime substance by three arguments, which are not, however, very sharply differentiated from one another. His first argument is based upon the modifica- tions of the retinal purple in Vertebrates. As is well known, the rods of the retina of most Vertebrates contain a purple pigment known as rhodopsin or “sehpurpur,” which, when exposed to light, under- goes a series of changes—becoming red, orange, yellow, and finally colourless. These modifications Simroth, so far as the author understands him, regards as evidence that all pigments are genetically related, and that one can be derived from another. He also lays especial stress upon the fact that red pigment is usually associated with the eye-spots of simple organisms, and that such organisms seem never to possess dark-coloured pigments. This he regards as evidence that pigments belonging to the less refrangible end of the spectrum tend to appear first. The second argument is based upon the modi- fications of the lipochromes of plants. Simroth regards chlorophyll as the result of the modification of a lipochrome, a view for which, as we have seen, there is practically no evidence. He also believes 314 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. that lipochromes are of great importance both as reserve stuffs and as oxygen carriers in the process of assimilation. When the metabolism of the cell is active, oxygen is withdrawn from the yellow pigment, and it becomes converted into green chlorophyll. When metabolism diminishes, the green chlorophyll becomes oxidised and is converted into a lipochrome, and thus the colours of autumnal leaves, of fruits, and of flowers are produced. The fact that chlorophyll is commonly regarded as a nitrogenous compound, which the lipochromes are certainly not, is nowhere alluded to. Lipochromes, Simroth regards as pig- ments of relatively great simplicity, especially char- acteristic of plants as the simpler organisms. When they occur in animals, they are to be looked upon as evidences of a primitive condition, though they may be utilised for purposes of warning coloration, mimicry, etc., such colours, according to the author, being always of simple nature. If lipochromes are, however, evidences of a primitive condition, it is difficult to understand why they should be so frequent in birds ; but the author does not touch upon this. The third kind of evidence upon which Simroth bases his thesis is the order of appearance of the colours which either belong to the right half of the spectrum, or are not pigmental colours at all. Such pigments are characterised by their chemical com- plexity, and are associated with complex tissues. Thus the greater intensity of animal life expresses itself in the nature of animal pigments; the masses of simple colours, like red, yellow, and green, which are so common in plants, being rare in animals (but Crustacea ?). XV THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 315 This is in outline Simroth’s theory as to the origin of colour. His paper contains also numerous other suggestions which we cannot well discuss here. In general, he appears to believe that pigments are all related, that their development follows a definite order, and that their origin is due to the properties of protoplasm and the inherited stimuli of external conditions, such as light and warmth. On these, which he calls “inorganic” factors, he is inclined to lay much stress, especially in such cases as the colours of shells, in which he says there can be no question of adaptation. The theory is interesting in spite of its vagueness, and is included here because it is in many respects typical of recent theories. As neither it nor the other suggestions similarly based upon an inheritance of the effects of environmental stimuli, have the ex- tensive following possessed by the Natural Selectionist theory, we shall return, before going further, to a detailed discussion of the latter, beginning with the familiar subject of mimicry. CRITICISM OF NATURAL SELECTION The existence of colour resemblances between widely separated organisms, and that explanation of it which is implicit in the term Mimicry, have recently become almost universally familiar. The term in its present use was first employed by Mr. Bates, and his suggestions were adopted by Darwin, Wallace, and others, and have since been widely accepted. Criticism has, however, never been want- ing, and in a recent paper M. M. C. Piepers brings 316 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. forward some new facts of great interest in this connection. Piepers opposes altogether the idea of the action of Natural Selection in the matter, and remarks that the idea that the phenomenon is main- tained by the accruing practical profit to the organism is one “essentially English.” 1. Mimicry—As is well known, the doctrine of mimicry among butterflies involves primarily the hypothesis that birds are the great enemies of diurnal butterflies, that certain families of butterflies, notably the Heliconide, the Danaide, and the Acreidz, are not attacked by birds, and that there- fore wherever these butterflies occur they are mimicked by non-protected butterflies. | Piepers attacks the prime proposition that birds are the great enemies of butterflies, and then discusses in detail some of the so-called examples of mimicry. As to the first point, it is admitted on all hands that the night-flying Lepidoptera are constantly eaten by birds, but with regard to the diurnal forms the question is different. Observations as to the actual pursuit of butterflies by birds are exceedingly few, although Bates and Wallace speak of finding scattered wings in the forest. M. Piepers, during more than thirty years’ observation in India and the Malay, saw one or two isolated cases only, and he quotes other observers (Pryer, Skertchly, Scudder) as being equally or more unfortunate. As a whole, he concludes that although some birds may occasionally eat diurnal butterflies, there is as yet no evidence of that habitual, unvarying persecution which the theory of mimicry demands—a conclusion which is somewhat surprising to the outsider. xv THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 317 The author then proceeds to discuss various cases, of which the first is an example rather of protective coloration than of mimicry proper. It is the case of the colour-change of the caterpillar in the Sphingides from green to brown just before pupation. The caterpillar feeds among green leaves and is then green, but it forms a chrysalis in earth, and the brown colour has been held to be of protective importance during the period when the caterpillar is in search of a retreat. Piepers, however, observes that the period which elapses between the cessation of feeding and the formation of the chrysalis is exceedingly short, in some cases not more than some minutes ; that the brown is constant, while the tint of the earth varies and is often quite different ; and that as the caterpillar is necessarily moving all the time, a protective colour can hardly be of much avail. Finally, the colour-change is exceedingly common in the larve of Lepidoptera at this stage, and is probably due to a discoloration resulting from the drying up of the skin preparatory to its being shed. It occurs also in Sphinx larvee which are brown to begin with and not green, though here the change is so slight as to be little noticed. The next case taken up is that difficult one of the occurrence of several different forms among the females of certain Papz/iones of India and the Malay, which was discovered and discussed by Mr. Wallace (Trans. Linn. Soc. xxv. ; see also Contrzbutions to the Theory of Natural Selection, London, 1871). The case is a somewhat difficult one, in part because the names used involve in themselves an interpretation of the facts. So far as it is possible for one who is not an 318 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. entomologist to judge, the following is an impartial statement of the case :—The genus Pagzlio in India and the Malay shows a marked tendency to develop varieties (species) of definitely limited geographical distribution, so that, for example, a variety (species) occurring in India is replaced by a closely related variety (species) in the Malay. Further, in many cases there occurs a marked polymorphism in the females, which expresses itself in the fact that they may resemble the males or may display large spatulate appendices to their hind wings which are entirely absent from the males, as well as other peculiar characters. This, however, occurs as a specific character in both males and females of other series of Pafzlzones, the result being that some of the females of one series may resemble (mimic) both sexes of other series. The following table will perhaps make this plain, the brackets indicate that the forms are “ geographical species” (replacing species), the habitat being indi- cated at the left :— SERIES A. Java P. Memnon, Sumatra Polymorphic. India and | P. Androgeos. Polymorphic. SERIES B. { P. Coon. One female ‘‘ mimics ” Bt (Sexes similar). »| &. Doubledayz. One female ‘‘ mimics ae (Sexes similar). SERIES C. SeriEs D. ‘ P. Theseus. ebacctic tin cy {Pe Hector: ine Polymorphic. Onedemal ee esinaice (Sexes similar). Mala | P. Pammon. One female “ mimics ») £. Diphilus. y Polymorphic. Another ,, 5 £. Antiphus. (Sexes similar). Mr. Wallace explained the case as a typical one of XV THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 319 mimicry, displaying itself only in the females, and not in all of these. According to M. Piepers, it is to be explained on the ground that the polymorphic forms represent successive stages in the transition between one monomorphic species and another. He is of opinion that the Papilionide of the Malay are, for the most part, descended from ancestors with large spatulate appendices to the hind wings, but that many have lost or are losing these. In the two series P. Memnon-Androgeos and P. Theseus-Pammon, the species are undergoing this transition ; the males and some of the female forms display the new type of structure, while certain of the female forms display in part ancestral traits. The resemblance between these female forms respectively and the other two series of butterflies (P. Coon-Doubledayi and P. Hector- Diphilus-Antiphus) is not so great in the field as in the study, and is merely due to the fact that these two series display a more primitive type of structure and coloration, one nearer to that displayed by the hypothetical ancestor of the Eastern Papilionide. The whole question is considerably complicated by the great variability of all the Papz/iones, which makes it practically impossible to distinguish be- tween species and varieties ; while, on the other hand, the nomenclature employed has a considerable bear- ing on the question of mimicry, at least when repre- sented in tabular form. The mimicking females of P. Memnon and P. Androgeos are exceedingly alike, so much so that they were formerly classed together as one species. The chief difference is that the Javan form has yellow spots, while the Indian form has reddish. In the species P. Coon and P. Double- 320 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. dayt the same contrast of colour is observed—yellow in the Javan P. Coon, and red in the Indian P. Doubledayz. Wallace regards this as a proof of mimicry, the mimicking forms varying as the mimicked forms vary; Piepers regards it as a response to similar geographical conditions, and denies specific value to the forms Coon and Double- dayi, as also to Memnon and Androgeos. The case shows considerable resemblance to the one which he next considers, and which may be briefly noticed. Among the Satyridz there are two closely related species, Pavaga Egeria and P. Megera, both common in Western Europe, of which the former frequents shady woods and the latter exposed places, especially the neighbourhood of walls heated by the sun. The colour of the first is a dull brown, with dull yellow spots, of the second a bright reddish-orange. When traced southwards, however, the tint of P. Hgeria deepens and approaches more closely to that of P. Megera. In Java there are two species of /unonia, /. Erigone, and /. Asterig, belonging to the Nymph- alidze and certainly not closely related to the above, which have respectively similar habits and colora- tion. Here, then, is one of those cases of duplex “mimicry,” so dear to the hearts of many, spoilt only by the trifling circumstance that the two sets are separated by the distance of nearly half the globe! This paper has been quoted at such length, not because it is the only detailed criticism of mimicry extant, but because of the care with which it is done, and the apparent strength of its criticisms. Very few of the instances of mimicry have been subjected xv THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 321 to such authoritative criticism; and the fact that those here submitted have not stood the ordeal furnishes a strong presumption that a large number of the cases contained in the literature of the subject are likewise valueless. The term mimicry is applied indiscriminately to all cases of colour resemblance ; many of these can certainly not be so explained, therefore we are justified in saying that at the present time the explanation of the facts of colour resemblance implicit in the use of the term “ mimi- cry” is insufficient, or to use Mr. Sedgwick’s term, inadequate. Mr. Sedgwick’s observations in regard to the cell-theory seem indeed eminently appli- cable throughout to the theory of mimicry. “A theory to be of any value must explain the whole body of facts with which it deals. If it falls short of this, it must be held to be in- sufficient or inadequate; and when, at the sare time, it is so masterful as to compel men to look at nature through its eyes, and to twist stubborn and unconformable facts into accord with its dogmas, then it becomes an instrument of mischief, and deserves condemnation, if only of the mild kind implied by the term inadequate” (“Remarks on the Cell Theory,” Compie Rendu, 3me, Cong. Zool. Leyde, 1896, p. 121). 2. Protective Resemblance-——Although mimicry is commonly said to be merely a special case of pro- tective colour resemblance, it is in some respects more difficult to understand than the latter, and it is not perhaps necessary to suppose that the two stand or fall together. It is, of course, to be clearly understood that the existence of resemblances between Vv 322 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. organisms and their surroundings or between un- related organisms is denied by no one; it is the explanation involved in the use of the terms “ pro- tective” and “mimicry,” which is doubtful. It would lead us too far to enter in detail into all the arguments which have been advanced as tending to prove that the resemblance between organisms and their surroundings has been acquired and is maintained by the aid of Natural Selection ; the following summary of the facts in the case of the Lepidoptera, taken from Weismann, is sufficient for our purpose here. Weismann states the case as follows :—“ Im- mune” butterflies, such as the MHeliconide, the Danaidez, the Acrzidz, the Euplocide, have usually both surfaces of their wings coloured alike, and never resemble their surroundings in the resting position ; unprotected butterflies, such as the Nymphalidae, are in the great majority of cases protectively coloured on their lower surface. Further, the coloration of this lower surface bears a close relation to the position of the wings in repose—that is, if in this position the hind wings overlap the fore, it is only the exposed tip of the fore-wing which is protectively coloured ; while if, as in Kalima, there is no over- lapping, the whole under surface of the fore-wings displays’ this type of coloration. Again, the special type of protective coloration which consists in resembling a leaf, is exceedingly common among wood-inhabiting butterflies whether related or not. This coloration bears no definite relation to the structure of the wing, but “die Flache behandelt als eine tabula rasa, auf der man zeichnen kann, was xv THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 323 man will,” the “man” in question being apparently the all-compelling force of Natural Selection. The facts so stated are certainly sufficiently remarkable and seem at first sight at least to warrant Weismann’s conclusion that they are only explicable by the action of Natural Selection, but detailed reflection shows many difficulties. The prime assertion of the immunity of the Danaide, etc. is denied by many, the persecution of the pro- tectively coloured butterflies is also, as we have seen, doubted by field entomologists. The relation be- tween the colour of the wings and the position taken up by them in repose seems a very striking fact, but I have noticed a somewhat similar occurrence in the feathers of birds. In the humming-bird Cyno- lesbia gorgo the tail is forked and the tail-feathers overlap one another ; the tips of the feathers are of a gorgeous metallic colour, but this is confined to a simple band at the exposed part, the part of the feather which is overlapped being a deep black. Owing to the forking of the tail, the overlapping is such that in each quill more of the vane is covered on one side than on the other, the distribution of black and metallic colour corresponds exactly to this overlapping, so that the metallic colour extends farther back on one side of the rachis than on the other. Here is a case very like that of the butter- flies’ wings, and yet it is almost impossible to believe that it can have been produced and maintained by its utility (see also p. 167). We have confined our study of protective colora- tion and mimicry to the Lepidoptera, because they are admitted on all hands to exhibit the phenomena 324 COLOUR IN NATURE CHAP. most strikingly. The two papers which have been chosen to represent the two positions in regard to the matter illustrate at least the main fact that both parties are somewhat stronger in attack than in defence. It would be easy to multiply references almost indefinitely, but this would in large part involve mere repetition. The advocate of the Allmacht of Natural Selection reiterates in many tones the well-established facts of colour resemblance, and the insufficiency of laws of growth, of correla- tion of parts, and the rest to account for these. His opponent returns to the charge again and again, well armed with the lack of evidence, the absence of experimental verification, the disproof of particular cases; there are weak places in the walls of both citadels, but both parties are strong in attack; all the clamour has not, however, as yet caused the walls of either Jericho to fall. To drop the metaphor, it must be obvious from the above discussion that there are great difficulties in the acceptance of Natural Selection as the most important factor in the evolution of colour, and that there is little doubt that its aid has been invoked in far too reckless a fashion. At the same time, it must be confessed that there is not as yet in the field a complete and cogent theory which is capable of dispensing with Natural Selection ; whether this is due to ignorance of physiology, or to the real import- ance of this factor must be left to the future to decide. XV THE RELATION OF FACTS TO THEORIES 325 CRITICISM OF OTHER THEORIES Theories which attempt to minimise Natural Selection seem always sooner or later to assume an inheritance of acquired characters, and of this there is little evidence. They also assume that environmental influences have a direct effect upon the organism, and of this Weismann’s work has made many doubtful. Or rather, Weismann has endeavoured to prove that those apparently direct responses to environmental stimuli which are facts of experience, can be interpreted also as the result of adaptation, and this, if proved, is fatal to theories like that of Simroth. It is, however, to be noticed that in the case of the artificially produced variations in the colours of butterflies, competent entomologists (¢,¢. Garbowski) are of opinion that the new colours have little or no phylo- genetic importance, and that as yet it is impossible to correctly interpret them. There is, indeed, much evidence to show that in the case of butterflies the colours can be influenced by their surroundings in a way of which the mechanism is at present unknown. Much of this is, however, apart from our main object, which is merely to show that in spite of the fluency with which so many people talk of the meaning of colour in organisms, the subject is as in- complete on the theoretical as on the physiological side. It seems reasonable to believe that the two deficiencies are related, and that a little more physiology will arm the theorists with better weapons, In the meantime, we cannot end a book on Colour more fitly than by an appeal for more facts. REFERENCES 1. General Works of Reference. —For general facts and theories the following among others may be consulted :— BEDDaRD, F, E.—Animal Coloration (London, 1892). Ermer, G. H. T.— Organic Evolution, as the Result of the Inherit- ance of Acquired Characters, according to the Laws of Organic Growth. Trans. by J. T. Cunningham (London, 1890). GepbEs, P., and THomson, J. A.—TZhe Evolution of Sex (Con- temporary Science Series, London, 1889). Poutton, E. B.—The Colours of Animais (International Science Series, London, 1890). Wa ttace, A. R.—Darwintsm (London, 1889). Reference should also, of course, be made to the works of Darwin, especially Zhe Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (London, 1871), and to the numerous books of travel which will be found cited in the above. 2. Spectal Questions. ABEL, J., and Davis, W.—‘‘The Pigments of the Negro’s Skin and Hair,” Jour. Exper. Med. vol. i. No. 3 (1896), pp. 361-400 1 pl. F Aeiaserd, A.—The Cruise of the Blake, Bull. Museum Compar. Zool. Harvard College, U.S.A., 1888. Many Observations on Colours, of Marine Organisms. ALcock, H.—‘‘ The Asteroidea of the Indian Marine Survey,” Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. xi. (1893), pp. 73-121, 2 pls. Colours of Deep-sea Forms. ANDRE, E.—‘‘ Le Pigment mélanique des Limnées,””’ Revue Sudsse de Zool, iii. (1895), pp. 429-431. BATESON, W.—WMaterials for the Study of Variation, London, 1894. Especially for Colour Variation, and for Colours of Pleuro- nectidze. BECQUEREL, HENRI, et BRONGNIART, CHARLES—‘‘ La matiére verte chez les Phyllies,” C. R. 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Functions of Fatty Body, and Nature of Pigments. (a) CUNNINGHAM, J, T.—“ Researches on the Coloration of Flat- fishes,” J. Mar. Biol. Ass. iii. (1893), pp. 111-118. (4) CUNNINGHAM, J. T., and MacMunn, C. A.—‘* On the Colora- tion of the Skins of Fishes, especially of Pleuronectidee,” Phil. Trans. oy. Soc. London, vol. clxxxiv., B. pp. 765-812, 3 pls., 1893. DELEPINE, SHERIDAN—“ Proceedings of Physiological Soc.,” Journ. Physiol, xi. (1890), p. 27. Origin of Melanin. DuruaM, HERBERT E.—‘‘ On Wandering Cells in Echinoderms,” Q. J. M.S. vol. xxxiii, (1891), pp. 81-121, I pl. Origin of Pigment. EnRING, C.— Ueber den Farbstoff der Tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum), Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Carotins, Miinster, 1896, pp: 1-35- REFERENCES 329 EIMER, THEODOR—Uebver das Variiren der Mauereidechse, Berlin, a Ueber die Zeichnung der Thiere, Humboldt, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888. E1sic, H.—Die Capitelliden, Naples Monograph, 1887. Pig- ment and Waste Products. 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