SF* 523 . 3 Ma4 I am a little Italian bee; 3 1924 003 076 233 Eliv THIS COPY TO BE USED SOLELY FOR I m .^SS^/SS>. ^ M It ANt> MML®Dirni- kU AND IS NOT TO BE EXHIBITED F0R5ALE. ANYONE VIOLATING THIS COMMAND WILL BE PROSECUTED UNDER THE COPYRIGHT LAW jby THE COPYRIGHT OWNER t ' -i-tT # .V ■ ! - ^*~Y * v^ AND ^:^-/i .M D. THE PERFORMING RIGHTSTOTHISSONG ARE UNCONDITIONALLY RELEASED TO THOSE WHO ARE SELECTED TO HAVE COPIES SUBMITTED TO FOR CONSIDERATION FOR PROFESSIONAL USE FOR ALL OTHER RIGHTS APPLY TO THE OWNER OF THE COPYRIGHT (NAME AND P.O. ADDRESS APPEARING ON PAGE 2 OF THIS COPY) MUSIC PUBLISHERS & MANUFACTURERS OF PHONOGRAPH RECORDS & MUSIC ROLLS' PLEA5E NOTE, STATEMENT ON BACKPAGE, -d^ -JC SF . .3 M2f VcilsQ 1 AM A LITTLL ITALIAH BEE Words Ih^Xj^iCy hy t S ^ r r f ij'771 Itieeix- of CL Coir irn.- tcr7u h 2C CL It II \ltt- //e 9t- al- bee^ Q ccnx. OtieeK. i n V^ 3 tr i r^-^^ ■' r r I ^ ^^ y ^ "^Xy sab- Je-cts are man- if and. more av ^r/ ynu lad- tas ti\. ivad-uw are bas - tj all <3'fre meix^ are ^o laz-i/'' and. fiass fmie cl- have UP J^'V- ^V^* ^P bolh- e flndL i iar- e.nc9 CQ olh- er i dJy, f See - ih^ ike Si/s - kiixq the ^ have '' no ^^ if } f "f =^=^r=i' 7= rr ^ mm more nm - dar me, they say, 7^7i Ur* food, stored, a- cvai/. ^he i i r7. ov- er ^ TKeiix^ ialL eij Work. t VUIK- Ur food stored a- ivaiJ, ^heil work caXt im " imt^*. — ^ have no 1 I 1 1 I I T 11^ I 111 ^,, hold. ^er-ZM ier-/^C ^ J t?f f ?f=f -S-' azr tajc- __ wi't/x no fiiiie tp wheK the weatker rS Qs and. ?io deSts to ^ / ■m ^ / T~r f i f -6^ * "W H- I '^ * Co/>^n^/itedi(f/f^^ ^Mrs. J.97L- 9Zor^an., it]la)Xq.lhts ^ 9leiu Uark. . m i hUt/, r If r f 7?iy sh'qhlest wd^n I- LL, yy[?£ I ii i h ' ' ^ P 'sojcLiJ, /iid wly sf^^hhest c«)f^t hll A- ba\j , ffhdL 5 £777^ crj b^us-xj as QalL- 'l^hxq hon- eU Ifit live. (onq dail, Wh'U ' ' ' " « ' Kl- wals' ^eiixh-td AancT- ed at-c^ IheV. /jtcC " " XXV- in^s hi'^I\.'COfh don't ctima m^ w^y, '/fijd. " » f m=m aa? r 00m a iiw ri #/ U * f ^ SC=7 f r/:^ ^ ^f=r ^ F i :? S TF -cr xn ^m i g bus If n Pt u II 'I a » 't » II ii If '/ er II - in lend - r/jy aiis ^<^^ ' 'I IT II tl « ti- ll i i ii 4 — ^ 07t ir 'I H i i ^^ ^ ■ TB » 9i= f rr ■^ 4 nT' r= 3 u- 1 4 ; 3:: ^ (95 r^. i ? ^ £ Q'nx. Lu. y S)^7V us^ y. , as iiij - y can. .Jie , fit S i i i ^ ^ ^ £2_ fe /f . i S" er n-L- tend- 77? y 777 y CO /- d;?7 - i * ^ ^ ■7J- y /r> i ■^ r* i^TiS To All Reputable Music Publishers TPHIS copy is issued and submitted to you for the pur- pose of having you C3nsider its merits and pass upon its availability for publication and admission to your catalogue. The owner of the copyright, whose name and ad- dress appears on page two of this copy, will be glad to consider the best offer you may see fit to make for the publication rights, either by outright purchase, or under a royalty contract. Copies are also being submitted to a carefully sel- ected number of prof^e'^ ional singers for consideration as to its adaptability for use in their repertoire with a view to affording you a public demonstration, and to further its popularity. ^ ^ ^ To Phonograph Record and Music Roll Manufacturers YOUR consideration of this number with a view to recording same under the usual royalty allowed by the copyright law will be appreciated by the owner, to whom any proposition should be submitted. P. S.^As this copy is not an original^ its return is fiot required in event of its being found unavailable. :j^m^. \^i Im Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924003076233