Cornell University Library SF 487.L6 Tl laboratory guide; a manua wii Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http :/ POULTRY LABORATORY GUIDE THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK - BOSTON - CHICAGO ATLANTA - SAN FRANCISCO MACMILLAN & CO, Lim:tep LONDON + BOMBAY - CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltn. TORONTO ‘asnoy tapoorq odid-du0T “oT ‘ osnoy IOlOg ‘q { asnoy Aopoorq penprAtpuy +f ABTJoo TOyEqnoUT “gq! WOO paaT “Y — : SMOTIOF SV O18 S#UIpP[INq oy, ‘sasnoy FuLAvyl oy} JO Moj ¥ ATWO DuMoyYs ‘sosnoYy Avpoouy PUB ABI[I0 LOyEqnoUT JO uorye00T “HOWIdSILNOWA POULTRY LABORATORY GUIDE A MANUAL FOR THE STUDY OF PRACTICAL POULTRY KEEPING BY HARRY R. LEWIS, B.S. PROFESSOR OF POULTRY HUSBANDRY, BARON DE HIRSCH AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL ILLUSTRATED New Bork THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1910 All rights reserved SF487 hu.2ets Coprrient, 1910, By THE MACMILLAN COMPANY. Set up and electrotyped. Published November, 1910. Norhsood ress J. 8. Cushing Co. — Berwick & Smith Co. Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. INTRODUCTION THE object in publishing this laboratory man- ual is to fill a long-felt want in poultry short courses, where the classes are large and where a great amount of practical work must of neces- sity be crowded into a short period of time. There is a growing demand for systematic laboratory work in all of our practical agricul- tural studies, and especially so in the short courses. The purpose of this work, therefore, is to aid the beginner in obtaining the maximum amount of benefit in the least possible time, and also to better enable him by personal study to grasp the fundamental principles underlying the work without the close personal attention of the instructor, which is impossible in our poultry classes. The manual may also be used as a guide for laboratory work in collegiate courses, more than one period being given to the more important exercises ; which should be left to the discretion of the instructor, the amount of time being de- voted to each part depending on the equipment "Vv vi INTRODUCTION of the department, length of the course, and age and previous training of the students. If used in connection with a short course of less than nine weeks, it will be necessary to introduce the exercises dealing with incubation at an earlier period in order to finish the work of brooding before the end of the course. The exercises begin with the very elementary work and touch only the practical side (the work which each student should do and observe for himself) and with which. every poultryman should be very familiar. It is not designed to take the place of a text, but to be used in con- nection with and as a supplement to a thorough modern text-book, the idea being to discuss the various problems in such a manner that the student can solve them by deductions from his own observation and experience. If the institution is equipped with a depart- ment of Zodlogy and Mechanic Arts, the work in entomology and the repair and operation of boilers and heating plants should be taken up in their respective departments. CONTENTS EXEROISE I. Cleaning and Disinfecting Poultry Houses Preparatory for Use by the Student II. A Study of the Various Types of Poultry Houses I. Internal Heumaent ‘ind Apamgeteent of Poultry Houses . : IV. Methods of Yarding and Ceieemudiion of Fences V. Collection, Selection; ae a Keeping Baws ae Incubation . ARTIFICIAL INCUBATION VI. (A) Construction of Incubator Cellars VII. (B) A Study of the Incubator VII. (C) Art of Running an Incubator NATURAL INCUBATION . IX. Selection of Place of Setting and Care of Hen . . X. Testing, Seventh and Fourteenth Daye EMBRYOLOGY. XI. (A) Formation of the Dee . XII. (B) Development from the Third 6 ihe Sixth Day . XIII. (C) Development from the “Righth io the Nineteenth Day es: “chs . vii PAGE viii CONTENTS ARTIFICIAL BROODING . 7 : - % 5 EXERCISE XIV. (A) Construction of Brooder Houses . XV. (B) A Study of the Brooder both Out- door and Indoor . A XVI. (C) Art of Running a Brooder Natura Broopvine a 8 : , XVII. Location, Housing, sa Care sg Hen a and Chicks &