ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY New YorK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HoME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY EVERETT FRANKLIN PHILLIPS BEEKEEPING LIBRARY ‘ornell University Library Ta Sowa Si oriay Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. L, L. LANGSTROTH. AT 70, L. L. LANGSTROTH AT 80. LANGSTROTH ON THE ‘Hive and Honey Bee REVISED, ENLARGED. AND COMPLETED BY Chas.Dadant & Son. SEVENTH EDITION OF THE REVISION. PUBLISHED BY CHAS. DADANT & SON, HAMILTON, HANCOCK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. 1904. ba. Ya COPYRIGHTED 1888, BY CHAS. DADANT & SON, ALL RIGATS RESERVED PREFACE By his invention of the most practical movable-frame hive, aud by his book, ‘‘The Hive and Honey-Bee’’,—a book as attractive as a novel, —Mr. Langstroth has laid the foundation of American Apiculture, whose methods and implements have become popular throughout the world. The re-writing of the ‘‘ Hive and Honey-Bee’’ was en- trusted to us, in 1885, by Mr. Langstroth, as his feeble health rendered him unable to attend to it since its last re- vision in 1859. In this difficult work, which demanded a review of the progress accomplished in the past thirty years, we have had to introduce more new matter than we had anticipated. This will probably please the Apiarists who have already read former editions, and who have been waiting for this long-promised revision. Yet, we have retained as much as possible. of Mr. Langstroth’s writings, and all who are con- versant with his style will readily recognize his masterly pen. Our thanks are due to Mr. C. F. Muth, of Cincinnati, for the enthusiastic interest which he has taken in this book, and to the able teacher and writer, Miss Favard, of Keokuk, for her criticism of the literary part of the work. As bee-keeping, like all other sciences, is but an accumu- lation of former discoveries, we have borrowed much from all sides, but we have tried to give due credit to all. Some of the engravings given are not original with the works I pat PREFACE. from which we take them. Those of Girard, for instance, are reduced copies of the beautiful chromos of Clerici, after the microscopic studies of Count G. Barbo, of Milan. Text- books are never entirely free from compilations of this kind. Having spared neither time nor expense to produce a book worthy of the father of American Apiculture, we hope that our work will be favorably received and will prove of some use in helping progress. THE REVISERS Decemsen, 1888 BIOGRAPHY OF L. L. LANGSTROTH. Lorenzo Lorrain Lanestrorta, the ‘father of American Apiculture,”’ was born in the city of Philadelphia, December 25, 1810. He early showed unusual interest in insect life. His parents were intelligent and in comfortable circum- stances, but they were not pleased to see him ‘ waste so much time’’ in digging holes in the gravel walks, filling them with crumbs of bread and dead flies, to watch the curious habits of the ants. No books of any kind on natural history were put into his hands, but, on the contrary, much was said to discourage his ‘‘ strange notions.’’ Still he persisted in his observations, and gave to them much of the time that his playmates spent in sport. In 1827, he entered Yale College, graduating in 1831. His father’s means having failed, he supported himself by teaching, while pursuing his theological studies. After serv- ing as mathematical tutor in Yale College for nearly two years, he was ordained Pastor of a Congregational church in Andover, Massachusetts, in May, 1836, and was married in August of that yearto Miss A. M. Tucker of New Haven. Strange to say, notwithstanding his passion in early life for studying the habits of insects, he took no interest in such pursuits during his college life. In 1837, the sight of a glass vessel filled with beautiful comb honey, on the table of a friend, led him to visit the attic where the bees were kept. This revived all his enthusiasm, and before he went home he purchased two colonies of bees in old box hives. 11 iv BIOGRAPHY OF L. L. LANGSTROTH. The only literary knowledge which he then had of bee-culture was gleaned from the Latin writings of Virgil, and from a modern writer, ‘‘ who was somewhat skeptical as to the exist- ence of a queen-bee.”’ In 1839, Mr. Langstroth removed to Greenfield, Massachu- setts. His health was much impaired, and he had resigned his pastorate. Increasing very gradually the number of his colonies, he sought information on all sides. The ‘‘ Let- ters of Huber’’ and the work of Dr. Bevan on the honey bee (London, 1838), fell into his hands and gave him an introduction to the vast literature of bee-keeping. In 1848, having removed to Philadelphia, Mr. Langstroth, with the help of his wife, began to experiment with hives of different forms, but made no special improvements in them until 1851, when he devised the movable frame hive, used at the present day in preference to all others. This is re- corded in his journal, under the date of October 30, 1851, with the following remarks: ‘‘ The use of these frames will, I am persuaded, give a new impetus to the easy and profit- able management of bees.’’ This invention, which gave him perfect control over all the combs of the hive, enabled him afterwards to make many remarks and incidental discoveries, the most of which he recorded in his book, on the habits and the natural his- tory of the honey-bee. The first edition of the work was published in 1852, and in its preparation he was greatly assisted by his accomplished wife. A revised edition was published in 1857, another in 1859, and large editions, without further revisions, have since been published. In January, 1852, Mr. Langstroth applied for a patent on his invention. This was granted him; but he was deprived of all the profits of this valuable discovery, by infringe- ments and subsequent law-suits, which impoverished him and gave him trouble for years; though no doubt remains now in the mind of any one, as to the originality and prior- ity of his discoveries. BIOGRAPHY OF L. L. LANGSTROTH. v From the very beginning, his hive was adopted by such men as Quinby, Grimm and others, while the inventions of Munn and Debeauvoys are now buried in oblivion. Removing to Oxford, Ohio, in 1858, Mr. Langstroth, with the help of his son, engaged in the propagation of the Italian bee. From his large apiary he sold in one season $2,000 worth of Italian queens. This amount looks small at the present stage of bee-keeping, but it was enormous at a time when so few people were interested in it. The death of his only son, and repeated attacks of a serious head trouble, together with physical infirmities caused by a railroad accident, compelled Mr. Langstroth to abandon extensive bee-culture in 1874. But when his health permitted, his ideas were always turned toward improve- ments in bee-culture. On the 19th of August, 1895, he wrote us, asking us to try the feeding of bees with malted milk, to induce the rearing of brood. He had also written to others on the same subject. On the 19th of September he wrote in the American Bee Journal, that, after compar- ative experiments he had found that a thirteen comb Lang- stroth hive gave more honey than the ordinary ten frame hive, thus showing that his mind was at all times occupied with bees. Mr. Langstroth died October 6th, 1895, at Dayton, Ohio, while delivering a sermon. He was nearly eighty-five years old. His name is now ‘‘venerated’’ by American bee- keepers, who are aware of the great debt due him by the fraternity. He is to them what Dzierzon* is to German Apiarists. A master whose teachings will be retained for ages. Mr. Langstroth was an eminent scholar. His bee library was one of the most extensive in the world. He learned French without a teacher, simply through his knowledge of * Pronounce Tseertsone. vI BIOGRAPHY OF L. L. LANGSTROTH. Latin, for the sole purpose of reading the many valuable works on bees in the French language. He was a pleasant and eloquent speaker. His writings are praised by all, and we can not close his biography better than by quoting an able writer, who called him the ‘‘Huber of America.”’ CHARLES DADANT at 70. BIOGRAPHY OF CHARLES DADANT. Mr. Charles Dadant was born May 22, 1817, at Vaux- Sous-Aubigny, in the golden hills of Burgundy, France. After his education in the College of Langres, he went into the mercantile business in that city, but ill-success induced him to remove toAmerica. He settled in Hamil- ton, Ilinois, in 1863, and founda profitable occupation in bee-culture, which in his hands yielded marvelous results. He soon became noted as one of the leading apiarists of the world. After a few years of trial he made atrip to Italy, in 1873, to import the bees of that country to America. Though at first unsuccessful, he persisted in his efforts and finally achieved great success. He was the first to lay down rules for the safe transportation of queen bees across the sea, which is now amatter of daily occurence. Later on, in partnership with his son C. P. Dadant, he undertook the manufacture of comb foundation which has been continued by the firm, together with the manage- ment of several large apiaries, run almost exclusively for the production of extracted honey. Although well versed in the English language which he had mastered at the age of forty-six, with the help of a pocket dictionary, Mr Dadant was never able to speak it fluently and many of the readers of his numerous writ- ings were astonished when meeting him to find that he could converse with difficulty. His writings were not confined to American publications, forin 1870 he began writing for European bee-journals and continued to do so until his methods were adopted, especially in Switzerland, France andItaly, where the hive which he recommended is now known under his name. Fortwenty years he was a regular contributor to the Revue Internationale D’ Api- culture, and theresult has been that there is probably not another bee-writer whose name is so thoroughly known, the world over. Mr. Dadant has been made an honorary member of more than twenty bee-keepers associations throughout the world and his death which occured July 16, 1902, was lamented by every bee publication on both continents. Mr. Dadant was a congenial man, and a philosopher. He retained his cheerfulness of spirit to his last day. In addition to his supervision of the revision of this book, he was the author of a small treatise on bees, ‘‘Petit Cours d’Apiculture Pratique’’. He also published in connection with his sona pamphlet on ‘‘Extracted honey’’, 1881, now out of print. The translation of Langstroth Revised into the French language was also undertaken by their united effort. This book has since been re-trans- lated into the Russian language. TABLE OF CONTENTS BY PARAGRAPHS. Cuarrer I—Physiology of the Honey-Bee 1. GenzraL Remarns. 2. The Honey-bee. 8. The Hive, 4. The three Kinds of inhabitants. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. —&. The skeleton. 6. The frame of their bodies 7%. Hairs. 8. The three sections of the body. 9. Eyes. 10, Their structure. 11. Comparison. 12. Use of the small eyes. 13. Why so many facets? 14. Help in finding their way back. 15, 16. Colors as guides. 17,18. Color not their only guide. 19. The antennz. 20. Our gratitude to Huber and his servant Burnens. 21. His wife. 22. His ability. 23. His experiments on the antennzw. 24. Can bees perceive sounds? 25. Where is their hearing located? 26. Where are their smelling organs located? 27. The wonders of the microscope. 28. Number of atoms in a pinhead. 29. Smelling organs. 30. Mar- velous power of smell. 31. Smelling blossoms a mile away. 32, 33, Remembrance. 34. Depriving bees of their antennz. 35. Cannot live without antennw. 36. Brain of bees. 37. Our reverence for Swammer- dam. 38. Themouth. 39. The glands. 40. Queen fed by the produc- of the upper pair. 4. The others are salivary. 42. Mandibles 43. Compared with those of hornets. 44. Other parts ofthe mouth. 45. Chin andtongue. 46. Labial palpi and maxilla. 47. The tongue is not a tube. 48. Action of the tongue. 49. Its possibleimprovement. 50. The thor- ax. SL. Legs. 52. Claws and pulvilli. 53. How the pulvilli work. 64. Uses of the hairs of the legs. 55. The notch of the first pair. 56. The pin of the second pair. 57. The pincers of the posterior pair. 58. The pollen combs. 59. Pollen baskets. 60. The wings. 61. Their power and speed. 62. Digesting apparatus. 63. Honey sac and stomach month. 64. Is the larva fed by the glands? 65, 66. Comparison with mammals. 67. Process of digestion. 68. Nervous system. 69. The heart. 70 The lungs or trachea. 71. Their connection with the flight. 72. Bees unable totake wing. 73. Their discharge in flight. 74. Girard on the trachea. 75. Thehumming. 76. Language of bees. 77. Stahala on this subject. 78. The sting. 79. Poisonsack. 80, 81. Shape of the sting and how it works. 82. Not easily withdrawn. $3. Very polished weapon. 84. Loss of the sting. $5. Can be withdrawn. 86. Bees can live withoutit. 87. The odor of the poison. 88. The sting can wound after removal. 89. When left inthe wound. 90. Thanks to the writers. 91. Conclusions of Packard. 92. Intelligence of some insects. VII Vill TABLE OF CONTENTS. Tut QueEN.—93. She was called king-bee. 94. Her sex discovered by Butler. 95.Swammerdam. 96. She does not govern. 97. Her fecund- ity. 98. How totestit. 99. She lays more !n Spring. 100. Description. 101. Love of the bees for their queen. 102. Interesting experiment. 103. Reproduction of the queen. 10%. Queen cells. 105. Their number. 106. Are eggs deposited in the queen-cells by the queens? 107. Queens from worker eggs. 108. Different food, its result. 109. How orphan bees rear queens. 110. Duration of development. LIL. The virgin queen. 112. Haber on the destruction of theirrivals. 213. Bees help in the work. L14. Rivals not destroyed when bees intend to swarm. 115. Voice of the queen. E16. Combat of queens. 117. Two queens in one hive. 128. Narration of the fact. 119. Otherinstances. 120. Impreg- nation of the queen. 121. Time ofimpregnation. 122. Leaving the hive and returning. 4223. The mating. 124. Single impregnation for life. 125. Getting rid of the drone organ. 126. Fertilization in confiuement, 127. Fecundation of the eggs. 128. Leidy and Siebold on the contents of the spermatheca. 129. How fertiilzation takes place. 130. Swammer- dam’s observations. 131. Huberconfining young queens. 132. Dzier- zon’s discovery. 133. Parthenogenesis. 134. Drone-laying queen. 135. Examination of her ovaries. 1436. Bees trying to raise queens with drone eggs. 137. Otherexpvriments. 138. Other proofs of parthenogenesis. 139. Impregnation of the egzs. 140 No visible difference between drone and workereggs. 141. Effect of delayed fecundation. 142. Do queens know the sex of their eggs? 243. S. Wagner’s theory. 244. Facts azainst that theory. 145.Effect of the removal of drone cells. 146. Queens laying worker eggs in drone cells. 147. Root’s experiment. 148. Bordeaux experiment. 149. Difficulty of raising drones early in Spring. 150. Drones in worker cells. 151. Refrigerating queens. 8352. Queen begins tolay. 153. Howshelays. 154 Breeding seasons. 155. Dif- ference in prolificness. 156. Supernumerary egys. 157. Old queens. Tne Worker Bees. —158. Numbers in a hive 1459. Their functions. 160. Donhoff’s experiment. 161. Their first flight. 162 Their first honey gathering. 163. Young bees build combs. 164. They feed the brood. 165. Theeggs. 166. Thelarvey. 167. Casting the skin. 168. Capping the brood. 169.Thenymph. 170. The cast-off skins. 171. Duration of development. 172. The newly-hatched bee. 173. The first flight. 174. Should not be mistaken for robbers. 175. Sexual orzans not developed. 176. Fertile workers. 477, Their probable use. 178, Easily discovered. 179. Attempts to raise queens. 180 Remedy. 181. Instinct of the worker bees. 182. Short life, 183. Crippled workers. 1814. Signs of old aze. Tue Dronrs.—185. Description and office. 186. Time of their appear- ance. 187, Insearchofthe queens. 188. Perishinthe act. 189. Num- bers in a hive. 190. No necessity forsomany. 191. Drone traps, and preventing the breeding of drones. 192. Their expulsion by the bees. 193. Bythebee-keeper. 19-£. Raised in worker cells. 195. Why impreg- nation does not take placein the hive. 196 In-and-in breeding avoided. 197. Comparative table of devclopment of queen, worker, and drone. TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1X Cuarter II.—Buildings of Bees. Comm. —198. The furniture of the hive. 199. Made of wax. 200. Is waxafat? 201. Formation of wax scales. 202. Produced mainly by young bees. 203. Old bees can produce it also 204. Produced by digest- ing honey. 205. Bees hanginzinchains. 206. Root on comb-building. 207. The first discoverer? 208. Scales of wax on the bottom of hives, 209. Bees jiicking up old wax. 210. Solving aproblem. 211. Shape of thecells. 212. Marvelousindustry. 213, Natural explanation. 214. Cells not horizontal ; thickness of comb. -215. Color of combs. 216. Size of cells. 217. True measurement of cells. 218. Intermediate cells. 219. Economy of material. 220. Wax not made of pollen. 221. Pollen needed. 222. Chemical composition of honey and wax. 223. Cost of comb, 224. Worker and storecells. 223. Not the same relative quan- tity. 226. Not by foreknowledge. 227. Bees follow their desires. 228. Five facts. 229. Preference of builders opposed to the preference of the queen. 230. Bees building few storecells. 238. Building about one- third. 232. Building them here and there. 233. Rebuilding without change. 234. Swarms provided with oneortwocombs. 235. Concln- sion. 3 PRopouis. —236. How obtained. 237. Soils the combs. 238. Used to cement the cracks, 239. Gathered mainly when honey is not found. 240. Hardin winter. 241. Snails inclosed in propolis . 242. Remarks. 243. Superstitions. 244. Usesin Italy. 245. Uses in Russia. CuHartTEerR III.—Food of Bees. Honry. — 246. What is honey? 247. Is honey the same as nectar ? 248. How nectar is produced. 249. Itis more or less watery. 250. Its yield varies greatly. 261. Reabsorbed by the plants, if not gathered. 252. In other parts ofthe ;Jlants. 253. Best conditions. 254. Bonnier on the nectaries. 255. Honey dew from plants and trees. 256. From aphides. 257. How ejected. 258. Season and trees that produce it. 259. Bonnier on the origin of honey dew. 260. Nectar in deep corollas. 261, Storing and evaporating, 262. Are the cappings of cells air-tight? POLLEN. — 263. Its uses. 264. Indispensable for breeding. 265. Flour instead of pollen. 266. Gathering. 267. Substitutes. 268. Bees use- fal in plant impregnation. 269. Help in interbreeding plants. 270. In- fluence of bees upon the fecundation of plants. Water. — 271. Water is necessary to bees. 272. How to provide it. 273. Experiments of De Layens. SaLT.—274. Bees are fond of salt. CuaprrmR IV.—The Bee-Hives. Hives witH Immovasir Comps. — 275. Earthen hives. 276. Brimston- ing bees. 277. Cutting the combs. 278. Caps for surplus, Section hives 279. Vertical divisions. ReQuisiTEs oF a CompLeTE Hive. — 280. Twenty-six conditions. 281. The most indispensable is good management. — x TABLE OF CONTENTS. MovanLe Coms-Hivrs. — 282, Used in Greece more than 100 years ago. 283. The success of Dzierzon. 284 The Huberhive. 28%. Improved in America. 286. Suspended frame hives 287. The superiority of the Langstroth hive. 288. Modesty of the inventor. 289. The Berlepsch hive. 290. Both having their partisans 2918. Disadvantazes of the Ber- lepsch hive. 292 Will yield to the Langstroth. 293. Advantages of the movable ceiling. 294 A standard frame hinders progress. 295. Success of American bee-culture. <96. Progress in 30 years. 297. Gravenhorst hive. 298. Diversity ofsizes 299. The frames used in America. 300. Is one better than another? 301. Which is the best shape for frames? 302. Objection to two stories in brood chamber. 303 Square frames objectionable. 30. Deeper frames more so yet. 305. Superiority of Langstroth and Quinby frames. 306 Beware of excess. 307. Experi- ments. 308. Number of frames. 309 Why limit the laying? 310. How many cells are necessary in a good hive? $11. Comparison of frames. 312. Figures cannot lie. 313. Large hives can be reduced. 314, Excessive swarming. 313. Improving bees. 316. Distance be- tween frames. 317. Increaseddistance preferable. 318. Straight combs. 319. How secured. 320. Standard Langstroth frame 3212. Stronzer top and bottom bars. 322. Regularity of outside measure. 323. Wide top bars detrimental. 324. Simplicity frame. 325. Tin corners. 326 The Quinby frame. 327 Slanting bottom 328. Frames perpendicular to the entrance 329 The first Langstroth hive. 330. The glass dis- carded. 331. The honey board. 332. The bottom board. 333. Venti- tilation. 334. Hlow given. 335. Prevents clustering outsile $836. Ventilation controlled. 337. Bees propolizing small holes. 438. The portico. 329. Entrance blocks. 340. The hive we prefer. 341. Its successin Europe. 342. Encased bottom. 243. Apron. 344. Movalle bottom board. 45. Double thickvess of the back 346. Space around the frames. 347. Spacing wire. 348. Height of entrances. 349. Division board. 350. Space under it, and how made. 351. Strip to widen the projection of the rabbet. 352. Enamel cloth. 3533 Straw mat. 354. Upper story. 355. Caps. 356. Painting hives. 357. Numbcring hives. 3858 Beware of patents. 359. Material for hives. 360. Circularsaws. 361. Filing the saws 362. Boards warp- ing. 363 Chaff hives. 364. Ventilation considered azain, 363 Bees ventilating inside. 366. Pure air indispensable. 367. Effect of want of air. 368. Suffocation. 369. Combs melting 370. The result. 371. Combs of honey melting first. 372. Bees our models. 373. Pure air in our dwellings. OBSERVING Htves.—374. Very interesting. 375. Useful. 376. llow im- proved. 377. Parlor observing hive. Cuartrr V.—Handling Bees. 378. The honey-bee capable of being tamed. 379. Peaceable when laden with honey. 380. Peaceable when swarming. 381. When frightened. 382. The smokers—how to manage them. 38%. Apifuge. 394. Car- bolized sheet. 385. Maznetizing bees. 386. Bee-\eil. 387. Gloves. 388. Woolen clothes objectionable. 389. Smoke not always necessary. $90. Cy :rians difficult to subdue. 391. Bees quietest at mid-day. 392. TABLE OF CONTENTS. x! Slow motions. 393. Old precepts. 394. Fear of stings a great obstacle. 395. Light bewilders bees. 396. Care in using smoke. %97. How to proceed. 398. Returning combs. 399. Mismanagement. 400. Bad odors anger bees. 401. Effect of their poison. 402. Remedies. 403. Coli water and ammonia. 404. Old bee-keepers poison-proof. 405. Bees as means of defense. : Cuarrer VI.—Natural Swarming. 406. Preparations. 407. Not in season. 408. When effected. 409. Firstswarm. 40. Conditions and hour. 441. Last preparations. 412. Queen missing. 413. Rinzing bells useless. 414. Deportment of bees. 415 TBeessend scouts. 416. Variousincidents. 417. Alluring swarms. 418. Bers generally peac: ful when swarming. 419. No delay in hiving. 420. Departing swarms. 421. Have hives ready andcool. 422. Hives furnished with combs. 423. Beware of honey. 424. Comb guides 425, Advantages of combs or comb foundation. 426. Securing straight combs in the brood chamber. 427. Fularging the entrance. 428. Bres on a small limb. 429 Swarm sack. 430. Be cautious. 431. Sack preferable tohasket. 432. Swarmonatrunk. 433. Catching the‘queen. 434. Clipping wing of the quren. 435. Swarms mixing. 436. Two queens in the same swarm. 437. Ten swarms mixed. 438 Securing the queenin hivinga swarm. 439 Swarms temporarily hived. 440. Put in place assoonashived. 441 Feeding swarms. 442. Building straight combs. 483 Primary swarms with young queens 444 Secondary swarms. 445 Theircauses. 446. Piping ofthe queens 447. Several queens in the swarm. 447 (bis). Superiority of after-swarms. 448. Absconding swarms. 449. Thirdswarms. 450 Prevention of natural swarming, its desirability. 450. Excessive natural swarming. 452. Natural swarming and eelection. 453. Too many swarms lost. 454. Causes of swarming 4535 Swarming fever 456. Heat a stimulus 457. Dronesalso. £58. Lack of ventilation, 459. Giving empty combs. 460. Ofcasy access. 461 Hefore complete fullness. 462 Shading the hive. 463. Drone comb removed. 464. Good vwintilation, 465. Swarming cannot be absolutely prevented. 466. Prevention more difficult when raising com) honey. 467. Queen and drone traps. 468 Preven- tion of aftvr-swarms. Cuarrer VII—Artificial Swarming. 469 Uncertainty of natural swarming. 470. Dividing. 471. Unre- liable. 472 Removing the hive. 473. Driving bees. 474. Its advan- tages. 475. With movablecombs. 476. Improvement. 477. Giving a fertile queen. 478. Nucleus method 479. With sealed queens. 480, Building nuclei. 481. Too much dividing 482. Queen cells made pre- viously, 483. Severalalvices. £84. Operations more successful during honey harvest. 485. Bees don’t quarrel. 486. When the weather is too cold. 487. Increasing too fast. 488. Caution. Cuaptzer VIII.—Queen Rearing. 489. How bees raise queens. 490. Are larve inferior to eggs? 492, De Planta’s experiments. 492. Are young worker larva better fed? 493. R11 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Can workers use older larvm? 494. Their growth retarded. 495. Queens raised during swarming fever. 496. Old workers are poor nurses 497. Conditions to raise good queens. 498. When is the raising of queens necessary? #99. Loss of the queen. 598. Unableto fly. 501. Lost in her wedding flight. 502. Entering the wrong hive. 503. Sound advice. S04. Backed by examples. 515. Bees anticipating danger. 506. Ilow they ascertain their loss. 507 Detecting queenlessness. 518. Friendly advice. 509. Drones not killed. 510. Plaintive hum of bees. 511. Rearing improved races. S12, Selecting drones. 513. Using moderately populous colonies. 524. Raising from eggs. 515. Lar-e number of queen cells. 516. Preparing their reception. 517. How to transfer queen cells. 618. Precautions. 519 Inspection. 520. Nucleus. 6&8. Divisibleframe. 522. How to prepare nuclei. 523. Beware of bees returning. 6&2£. Making strong nuclei. 523. Prepare on the preceding day. 526. Watching and removing the laying queen. 527. Precautions. 528. Alley’s method. 52%. Queen nur- series. 530, Lamp nursery. 531. Progress of the business of rearing queens. 532. Some advice. 533: Introducing impregnate| queens. 534. Conditions of success. 535. Sprinkling scented water. 536. Queen cage. 537. How to use. 538. Balled queens. 539. Queens starving and Simmins’ method. 540. Stupefying bees. 541. Introduc- tion of \irgin queens. 542. Bees swarming with introduced queens. 543. How to finda queen. 544. The odor of queens. Cuarrer [X.—Races of Bees. 545. Bees not indigenous to America. 546. First noticed in Florida. 547. Bees going westward. 6548. Several varieties. 549. The first in- troduced. 550. The main varieties. 551. Italian bees. 552. Their qualities. 553. Description. 554. The best test. 555. Italian drones and queens irregularly marked. 556. Vary even in Italy. 557. First importationin Austria. 558. In America. 559. Apis fasciata. 560. Holy Land and Syrian bees. 561. Apis dorsata. 562. Australian bees. 563. Melipones. CuapTeR X.—The Apiary. Cuarter XI.—Shipping and Transporting Bees. 564. Who should keep bees ? 563. Honey resources. 566. Begin on a small scale. 567. Protect the hives. 568. Avoid weeds. 569. Separ- ate stands. 570. Covered apiavies. 571. Sheds. 572. Out-door apiaries. 573. Procuring bees. 574. Transferring. 575. Decoy hives. 576. Drumming. 577. Be sure of having the queen. 578. Tools and Imple- ments. 579. Howto proceed. 580. Spare worker brood. 581. IIed- don method. 6582 Onut-apiaries. 583. Conditions required. 584. Our terms for a location. 585. How many apiaries? 586. Honey house and window netting. 587. Ventilation. 588. Fastening frames. 589. Rough handling. 5690. Sending South. 69. Bees on boats. 592. Floating apiaries. 593. Sending to better pastures. 594. Shipping queens. 595. Best food. 596. Bees from Italy. 597. Queen the last todie. 598. Mailing ° TABLE OF CONTENTS. xr queens. 599, Bees by the pound. 600. How many ina pound? 601. Raising queens in the South. 602. Bees inthe North. 603. Transport- ing colonies. 603 (bis). Shade board in front. 604. Transporting swarms. Cuaprer XII.—Feeding Bees. 605. Feeding often necessary, 606. Spring feeding. 607. Bees starv- ingin Spring. 608. Fall feeding. 609. Feeders. 610. Feeding syrup. G11. Sugarcandy. 612. Root’s experience. 613. Scholz method. 614. Loafsugar. 615. Feeding not to be encouraged. 616. Beesdo not make honey. 617. Beware of candy shops. 618. As bad for bees as grog- shops for men. Cuaprer XIII.—Wintering Bees. 619. Wintering in cold climates. 620, How becs cluster. 621. Their tremulous motions. 622. Eating tokeep warm. 623. Amount of food needed. 624, Beware of mistakes. 625, An unlooked-for experiment. 626. Quality of the food. 627. Bad food. 628. How to dispose of it. 629. Syrup instead ofhoney. 630. Narrowing the hive. 631. Winter passages. 632. On summer stands. 632 (bis). Scant population in Winter. 633. Uniting colonies. 634. How to prevent fighting. 635. Winter protection. 636. Warm absorbents above. 637. Entrance left open. 638. No disturbance in cold weather. 639. Advantages ofa Win- ter flight. 640. Chaff hives. 641. Their defects. 642. Less trouble. 643. Outer boxes. 644. Best conditions. 645. Indoor wintering in Europe. 646. Cellar wintering. 647. Directions. 648. Temperature. 649. Cellar blinds. 650. Quietness and darkness. 651. Results of bad wintering. 652. Selecta warm day. 653. Lowest degree nceded. 654. Putting colonies in same place. 655. Danger of robbery. 656. Flight during winter. 657. Beesinclamps. 658. Beware of cold repositories. 659. Spring dwindling. 660. Constipation. 661. Best condition. 662. Water needed. 663. Care to be given. Caarter XI V—Robbing. 664. Robber bees. 665. Difficult to detect. 666, Promoted by the bee- keeper. 667. How detected. 668. Difficult to stop. 669. Exchang- ing places. 670. Carbolized sheet. 671. Latent robbing. 672, Prevention. 673. Weak colonies. and precautions. CuHaprer X V.—Comb-Foundation. 674. Its advantages. 675. Replacing drone comb, 676. Value of workercomb. 677. Theinventor of comb foundation. 678. His imitat- ors. 679. Root’sroller mills. 680. Goodresults. 681. His followers 682. Given press. 683. Plaster mould. 684. Improved mills. 685. Selected wax. 686. Atsolutely pure. 687. Light and heavy machines. 688. Foundation for comb honey. 689. Preparing the sheets. 690. Printing. 691. A special industry. 692. Weight of the different grades. 692 How fastened. 694. Wiring foundation. 695. How to cut it: 696. The right position. 697. It is a success. x1V TABLE OF CONTENTS. CuartER XVJ—Pasturage and Overstocking. Pasturacrt —698 Quantity varies. 699. Even in the same kind of blos- soms. 700 Study of the resources. 701. Clover. 702. Linden. 703 Alsike. 704, Several others. 705. Fall flowers. 706. List of 200 honey or pollen-yielding plants OVERSTOCKING.—707. Is it possible? 708. How far bees fly? 709. How many colonies to the acre?,710. In Germany. 741. In California. 712, The crop of our county. 713. Opinions on overstocking. 7VI4. Helping bees. 715. Averaze of crops. Cuaprer XVII—Production. 716. Its history. 717. Our prozress. 718. Conditions of success. Comp Honry.—719. Very attractive. 720. Its improvements. 721. Honey insections. 722. Smallsections. 723. Howmade. 724. Upper story. 725. Difficulties. 726. Reversing. 727 Reversible hives. 728, Built sections 729. Brood chamber full. 730. Exchanging combs, 731 Straight combs. 732 Queen in thelower story. 733. Sections given to the swarm, 734. No propolizing. 735. Securing sealed combs. 736. Fastened solid. 737. Preventing bridges. 738. How deep the upper story. 739. Section crate. 740. Manum clamps. 741. Foster open-side sections. 742. Foster case. 743. Removing sections. 744. Some other facts. 745 Conclusion. Extractrp Honry —746 Strained honey. 747. In Europe. 748. From hollow trees. 749 Invention of Hruschka. 750. Our first extractor. 751. Our mistake. 752. Anvantages of extracting. 753. Advice to beginners. 75 Less work. 755 Swarming prevented. 756. Use of extractor allvised. 757. Halfstories. 758. Defects of full depth uppér stories. 659. How to use upper stories. 760. Greater facilities for bees. 761. Ins; ection. 762 How many pounds of honey 763. Fur- nishing empty combs. 764 Artificial ripening. 765, Equalizing the surplus. 766. Harvesting. 767. Implements needed. 768. Robber- cloths. 769. ‘Ihe Bee Escape. 770. Implements iu the honey house. 771. Extracting from the broodchamber. 772. Cappingcan. 773, Ex- tractors 774. Uncapping knives. 775 Extracting. 776. Inviting neighbors. 777. Automatic extractors. 778. Emp ying the extractor. 779 Caution. 780. Beware of robbing. 781. Returning the combs. 782. Separate the crops. 783. Conclusion. Cuarrer XVIII.—Diseases of Bees. 784, Diarrhea. 785. Hairless bees. 786. Contagious diseases. 787. Foul-brood. 788. Experiments of Dupont. 789. Description of the dis- ease, 790. Detected in Spring. V9. Jones’ treatment. 792. Muth’s method. 793 Bertrand method. 794. Fumigating process. 795. Cheshire method. 796. Care and perseverance. 797. Preventive care. 798, Infected queens. 799. Antiseptics. 800. Divers contagious dis- eases. $01. Accidental dead brood. Cuarrer XIX.—Enemies of Bees. 802. Bee moth 803. Description, 804. Theiractions. 805. Their gal- leries, 806. Their worms. 807. Their food. 808. How they behave. TABLE OF CONTENTS. xv 809. Temperature required. 810. Killed by heavy frosts. SIE Dis- gusting results. 812. How to protect gombs. 813. Italians nearly moth- proof. $14. Queenless colonies their easy prey. 815. Moth not to he feared. 816 Mice. 817. Birds. 818. Sparrows. $19. Do not kill birds. 820. Barnyar] fowls. 82%. Toads. 822. Bears. 823. Braula caca. $228. Other insects. CuarTer XX.—Honey Handling, and Marketing. Uses of Honey. $25. Different grades. 826. Comb-honey sweating. 827. Leakaze of sections, 828.Care in shipping. 829. Barrels for extracted. 830. Granulation, 832. Experiences on granulation. $32. Coarse granula- tion. 833. Fermentation. 834. Melting honey. 835. Result of in- er ased production. 836. Adulteration. 837. That vile Wiley lie. 838. Objections to granulation. 839. European people not prejudiced. 810. Inducing consumption. 841. Showy labels. 842. Tin packages to be preferre!, 843. How to stop leakare. S&££. Persualing grocers. 845 Explaining what honey is. 846. Gaining confidence. 847. Honey as food. 848. Very healthy. 849 Honey dainties. 850. French pain- d’épice. 851. Crisp ginzerbreal. 852. Alsatian gingerbread. 853. Honey cakes. 854. Italian croccante. 855. Muth honey cake. 856. Vinegar. 857. Honey as medicine. CuHapTeR XXI.—Beeswax and its Uses. 858. Laying up wax. 859. The cappings. 860. Washing dark comb. $61. Melting. 862.Pressing. 863. Steam and sun extractors. 864. Treating wax residues. 865. Cleaning. 866. Care and bleaching. 867. Wax on writing-tablets and for embalming. 868. Wax candles. 869. Other uses. $70. Recipes for medicinal and other purposes, Cuaprer XXII.—Bees and Fruits and Flowers. 871. Bees cannot injure fruits. $72. Our experiments. 873. Damaged by birds. 875. Bees improving wine. 876. Annoyance. 877. Juice of fruits injuring bees. $78. Bees always beneficial to flowers. Cuaprer XXIII.—Bee Keeper’s Calendar. Mistakes and Axioms, 879. January. 880. February. 881.March. 882. April. 883. May. 881. June. 885. July. 886. August. 887. September. 888. October. 889. November. 890. December. 891. Spring. 892.Summer. 893. Fall. 894. Winter. 895. Mistakes. 896. Axioms. _ THE HIVE AND HONEY-BEE. CHAPTER I. PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 1. Aut the leading facts in the natural history, and the breeding of bees, ought to be as familiar to the Apiarist, as the same class of facts in the rearing of his domestic ani- mals. A few crude and half-digested notions, however satisfactory to the old-fashioned bee-keeper, will no longer meet the wants of those who desire to conduct bee-culture on an extended and profitable system. Hence we have found it advisable to give a short description of the principal or- gans of this interesting insect, and abridged passages taken from various scientific writers, whose works have thrown an entirely new light on many points in the physiology of the bee. If the reader will bear with us in this arduous task, he will find that we have tried to make the descriptions plain and simple, avoiding, as much as possible, scientific words unintelligible to many of us. 2. Honey-bees are insects belonging to the order Hy- menoptera; thus named from their four membranous, gauzy wings. They can flourish only when associated in large numbers, as in a colony. Alone, a single bee is almost as helpless as a new-born child, being paralyzed by the chill of a cool summer night. 1 2 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE NONEY-BEE. 3. The habitation provided for bees is called a hive. The inside of a bee-hive shows a number of combs about half-an-inch apart and suspended from its upper side. These combs are formed of hexagonal cells of various sizes, in which the bees raise their young and deposit their stores. 4. In a family, or colony of bees, are found (Plate II) — Ist, One bee of peculiar shape, commonly called the Queen, or mother-bee. She is the only perfect female in the hive, and all the eggs are laid by her; 2d, Many thousands of worker-bees, or incomplete females, whose ollice is, while young, to take care of the brood and do the inside work of the hive; and when older, to go to the fields and gather honey, pollen, water, and propolis or bee-glue, for the needs of the colony; and 3d, At certain seasons of the year, some hundreds and even thousands of large bees, called Drones, or male-bees, whose sole function is to fertilize the young queens, or virgin females. Before describing the differences that characterize each of these three kinds, we will study the organs which, to a greater or less extent, they possess in common, and which are most prominently found in the main type, the worker- bee. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. ! &. In bees, as in all insects, the frame-work or skeletos that supports the body is not internal, as in mammals, bu! mostly external. It is formed of a horny substance, scientis ically called chitine, and well described in the following quotation : 6. ‘“Chitine is capable of being moulded into almost every conceivable shape and appearance. It forms the hard back of the repulsive cockroach, the beautiful scale-like feathers of the gaudy butterfly, the delicate membrane which supports the lace- Puats 2 QUEEN, DRONE, axp WORKER—Magnified and Natural Size. 4 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 10. The faccts of the composite eyes, thousands in num- ber, are six-sided, like the cells of the honey-comb, and being directed towards nearly every point, they permit the insect to see in a great number of directions at the same time. "Figs ls A, Head of worker. B, Head ofqueen. C, Headofdrone. (Magnified.) (From ‘‘Les Abeilles’’ of Maurice Girard.) 11. In comparing the eyes of worker, queen and drone, Mr. Cheshire says: “The worker spends much of her time in the open air. Accu- rate and powerful vision are essentials to the proper prosecution of her labours, and here I found the compound eye possessing about 6,300 facets. In the mother of this worker I expected to find a less number, for queens know little of daylight. After wedding they are out of doors but once, or at most twice, in a year.* This example verified my forecast, by showing 4,920 facets on each side of the head. A son of this mother, much a stay-at- home also, was next taken. His facets were irregular in size, those at the lower part of the eye being much less than those near the top; but they reached the immense number of 13,090 on each side of the head. Why should the visual apparatus of the drone be so extraordinarily developed beyond that of the worker, whose need of the eye seems at first to be much more pressing than his?” © When going out with a swarm, GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. i] This question Mr. Cheshire .answers, as will be seen fur- ther, in considering the antenne. (26)* 12. The three small eyes, ocelli, are thought by Maurice Girard (‘‘ Les Abeilles,’’ Paris, 1878), and others, to have a microscopic function, for sight at short distances. In the hive, the work is performed in the dark, and possibly (7) these eyes are fitted for this purpose. 13. Their return from long distances, either to their hive or to the place where they have found food, proves that bees can see very far. Yet, when the entrance to their hive has been changed, even only a few inches, they cannot readily find it. Their many eyes looking in different directions, enable them to guide themselves by the relative position of objects, hence they always return to the identical spot they left. 14. If we place a colony in a forest where the rays of the sun can scarcely penetrate, the bees, at their exit from the hive, will fly several times around their new abode, then, selecting a small aperture through the dense foliage, they will rise above the forest, in quest of the flowers scattered in the fields. And like children in a nutting party, they will gather their crop here and there, a mile or more away, without fear of being lost or unable to return. As soon as their honey-sack is full, or, if a threatening cloud passes before the sun, they start for home, without any hesitation, and, among so many trees, even while the wind mingles the leafy twigs, they find their way ; so perfect is the organization of their composite eyes. 15. Bees can notice and remember colors. While ex- perimenting on this faculty, we placed some honey on small pieces of differently colored paper. A bee alighted on a yellow paper, sucked her load and returned to her hive. © The reader will readily understand that the numbers between parentheses refer to the paragraphs bearing those numbers. This is for the convenience of the student. 6 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. While she was absent, we moved the paper. Returning, she came directly to the spot, but, noticing that the yellow paper was not there, she made several inquiring circles in the air, and then alighted upon it. According to Mr. A. J. Cook a similar experiment with the same results, was made by Lubbock. (‘‘Bee-keepers’ Guide,’’ Lansing, 1884.) 16. We usually give our bees flour, in shallow boxes, at the opening of Spring, before the pollen appears in the flowers. These boxes are brought in at night. Every morn- ing they are put out again, after the bees have com- menced flying and hover around the spot. If by chance, some bits of white paper are scattered about the place, the bees visit those papers, mistaking them for flour, on account of the color. 17. But “the celebrated Darwin was mistaken in saying that the colorless blossoms, which he names obscure blossoms, are scarcely visited by insects, while the most highly colored blos- soms are very fondly visited by bees.” (Gaston Bonnier, “‘ Les Nectaires,’’ Paris, 1879.) 18. For, although color attracts bees, it is only one of the means used by nature to bring them in contact with the flowers. The smell of honey is, certainly, the main attrac- tion, and this attraction is so powerful, that frequently, at daybreak in the summer, the bees will be found in full flight, gathering the honey which has been secreted in the night, when nothing, on the preceding evening, could have predicted such a crop. This happens especially when there is a production of honey-dew, after a storm. We have even known bees to gather honey from the tulip trees, (Lirioden- dron tulipifera) on very clear moonlight nights. 19. The antenme (fig. 2, A, B), two flexible horns which adorn the head of the bee, are black, and composed of twelve joints, in the queen and the worker, and thirteen in the drone. The first of these joints, the scape, next to the GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 7 head, is longer than the others, and can move in every di- rection. The antenna is covered with hairs. Fia. 2. LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF DRONE ANTENNA, NERVE STRUCTURES REMOVED. ' (Magnified 20 times. From Cheshire.) A. sc, scape; fl, flagellum; 1, 2, &c., number of joints: af, antennary fos- 8a, or hollow; ¢r, trachea; 7, soft membrane; wh, webbed hairs; lm, levator muscle; dm, depressor muscle. B, small portion of flagellum (magnified 60 times); n, nerve; a, articula- tion of joint. “These hairs, standing above the general surface, constitute the antennz marvelous touch organs; and as they are distributed all round each joint, the worker-bee in a blossom cup, or with its head thrust into a cell in the darkness of the hive, is, by their means, as able accurately to determine as though she saw; while the queen, whose antenna is made after the same model, can per- fectly distinguish the condition of every part of the cell into which her head may be thrust. The last joint, which is flattened ‘on one side, near the end, is more thickly studded, and here the hairs are uniformly bent towards the axis of the whole organ. No one could have watched bees without discovering that, by the antenna, intercommunication is accomplished ; but for this pur- pose front and side hairs alone are required; and the drone, unlike the queen and worker, very suggestively, has no others, since the condition of the cells is no part of his care, if only the larder be well furnished.’’ (Cheshire.) 20. The celebrated Francois Huber, of Geneva, made a 8 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. number of experiments on the antenne, and ascertained that they are the organs of smell and feeling. Before citing his discoveries, we must pay our tribute of admiration to this wonderful man. (Plate III.) Huber, in early manhood, lost the use of his eyes. His opponents imagined that to state this fact would materially discredit his observations. And to make their case still stronger, they asserted that his servant, Francis Burnens, by whose aid he conducted his experiments, was only an igno- rant peasant. Now this so-called ‘‘ ignorant peasant’’ was a man of strong native intellect, possessing the indefatigable energy and enthusiasm indispensable to a good observer. He was a noble specimen of a self-made man, and rose to be the chief magistrate in the village where he resided. Huber has paid a worthy tribute to his intelligence, fidelity, pa- tience, energy and skill.* Ifuber’s work on bees is such an admirable specimen of the inductive system of reasoning, that it might well be ay studied as a model of the only way of investigating nature, so as to arrive at reliable results. 21. Huber was assisted in his researches, not only by Burnens, but by his own wife, to whom he was betrothed be- fore the loss of his sight, and who nobly persisted in marry- ing him, notwithstanding his misfortune and the strenuous, dissuasions of her friends. They lived longer than the ordi- nary term of human life in the enjoyment of great domestic happiness, and the amiable naturalist, through her assiduous attentions, scarcely felt the loss of his sight. 22. Milton is believed by many to have been a better poet in consequence of his blindness; and it is highly prob- able that Huber was a better Apiarist from the same cause. * A single fact will show the character of the man. It became necessary, in a certain experiment, to examine separately all the bees in two hives. ‘‘Burnens spent eleven days in performing this work, and during the whole time he scarcely allowed himself any relaxation, but what the relief of his eyes required.’’ PLATE 3. FRANCOIS HUBER, Author of the * Nouvelles Observations sur les Abeilles,” published in Geneva, Switzerland, 1792-1814. This writer is mentioned pages 7. 8, 9, 13, 14, 44, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 66, 67, T4, 76, 81, 94, 99, 100, 106, 119, 120, 139, 177, 201, 204, 239, 274, 290, 291, 376, 460. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 9 His active, yet reflective mind, demanded constant employ- ment; and he found, in the study of the habits of the honey- bee, full scope for his powers. All the observations and experiments of his faithful assistants being daily reported, many inquiries and suggestions were made by him, which might not have occurred to him, had he possessed the use of his eyes. Few, like him, have such command of both time and money, as to be able to prosecute on so grand a scale, for a series of years, the most costly experiments. Having repeatedly verified his most important observations, we take great de- light in holding him up to our countrymen as the PRINcE oF APIARISTS. 23. Huber, having imprisoned a queen in a wire cage, saw the bees pass their antenn through the meshes of the cage, and turn them in every direction. The queen answered these tokens of love by clinging to the cage and crossing her antenne with theirs. Some bees were trying to draw the queen out, and several extended their tongues to feed her through the meshes.* Huber adds: “ How can we doubt now that the communication between the workers and the queen was maintained by the touch of the antenne.” 24. That bees can hear, either by their antennz or some other organ, few will now deny, even although the sound of a gun near the hive is entirely unnoticed by them. “Should some alien being watch humanity during a thunder- stcrm, he might quite similarly decide that thunder was to us in- audible. Clap might follow clap without securing any external - sign of recognition; yet let a little child with tiny voice but shriek for help, and all would at once be awakened to activity. So with the bee: sounds appealing to its instincts meet with im- mediate response, while others evoke no wasted emotion.” (Cheshire.) ® Wonderful as the experiment seemed at that time, the fact is verifled now by daily occurrences in queen-rearing. 10 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. “The sound that bees produce by the vibrating of their wings is often the means of calling one another. If you place a bec-hive in a very dark room, their humming will draw the scattered bees together. In vain do you cover the hive, or change its place, the bees willinvariably go towards the spot whence the sound comes.” (Collin, “‘ Guide du Propriétaire d’Abeilles,”’ Paris, 1875.) 25. To prove that bees can hear is easy, but to determine the location of the organ is more difficult. The small holes which were discovered on the surface of the antennz, have been considered as organs of hearing by Lefébure (1838), and by others later. Cheshire has noticed these small holes in the six or seven last articulations of the antenne: holes Oy PARTS OF SURFACE OF ANTENNZ, (Magnified 360 times. From Cheshire.) A, portion of front surface of one of the lower members of the flagellum (worker or queen). s', smelling organ; /', feeling hair. B, portion of the side and back of same (worker). 4, ordinary hair; c', conoid hair; ho (auditory ?) hollows. C, portion of one of the lower members of flagellum (drone). D, portion of lower member of flagellum (back, worker or queen). which become more numerous towards the end of the antenna, so that the last joint carries perhaps twenty. He, also, con- siders these as the organs of hearing, especially because they are larger in the drones, who may need to distinguish the sounds of the queen’s wings.* On this question, Prof. Cook, in his ‘‘ Bee-keepers’ Guide,’’ says: “No Apiarist has failed to notice the effect of various sounds made by the bees upon their comrades of the hive, and how con- © The queens and the drones, in filght, each have 4 peculiar and easily dig- tinguishable sound. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 11 tagious are the sharp note of anger, the low hum of fear, and the pleasant tone of a swarm as they commence to enter their new home. Now, whether insects take note of these vibrations as we recognize pitch, or whether they just distinguish the tremor, I think no one knows.” 26. It is well proven that bees can smell with their antennz, and Cheshire carefully describes the ‘‘ smell hol- lows,’’ not to be mistaken for the ‘‘ ear holes,’’ which are smaller, but also located on the antenna. “In the case of the worker, the eight active joints of the an- tenna have an average of fifteen rows, of twenty smell-hollows each, or 2,400 oneach antenna. The queen has a less number, giv- ing about 1,600 oneach antenna. If these organs are olfactory, we see the reason. The worker’s necessity to smell nectar explains all. We, perhaps, exclaim—Can it be that these little threads Fig. 4. LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH PORTION OF FLAGELLUM OF ANTENNA OF WORKER. (Magnified 300 times. From Cheshire.) J, feeling hair; -, smelling organ; ho, hollow; ¢, conoid or cone-shaped hair; #1 hypodermal or under-skin layer; 7,7, nerves in bundles; ar, ar- ticulation; ¢’, conoid hair, magnified 800 times. we call antennz can thus carry thousands of organs each requir- ing its own nerve end? But greater surprises await us, and I must admit that the examinations astonished me greatly. In the drone antenna we have thirteen joints in all, of which nine are barrel-shaped and special, and these are covered completely by smell-hollows. An average of thirty rows of these, seventy in a row, on the nine joints of the two antenna, give the astounding 12 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. number of 37,800 distinct organs. When I couple this develop- ment with the greater size of the eye of the drone, and ask what is his function, why needs he such a magnificent equipment? and remember that he has not to scent the nectar from afar, nor spy out the coy blossoms as they peep between the leaves, I feel forced to the conclusion that the pursuit of the queen renders them nec- essary.’’? (Cheshire.) 27. While giving these short quotations and beautiful engravings from Cheshire’s anatomy of the bee, we earnestly advise the scientific bee-student to procure and read his work. Mr. Cheshire shows us those minute organs so beauti- fully and extensively magnified, that in reading his book we feel as though we were transported by some Genius inside of the body of a giant insect, every detail of whose organ ~igm was laid open before us. However wonderful the statement made above, of the existence of nearly 20,000 organs in such a small thing as the antenna of a bee, this fact will not be disputed. Those of our bee-friends, who have had the good luck to meet the sympathetic editor of the British Bee-Journal, Mr. Cowan, during his trip to America, in 1887, will long remember the wonderful microscopical studies, and the microscope which he brought with him. This instrument, the most powerful by far that we ever had seen, gave us a practical peep into the domain of the infini- tesimal. 28. Better than any other description of the smallness of atoms is that given by Flammarion, in his ‘‘Astronomie Populaire ’’ : “Tt is proven,” he says, “that an atom cannot be larger than one ten-millionth of a millimeter. It results from this, that the number of atoms contained in the head of a pin, of an ordinary diameter, would not be less than 8,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. And if it was possible to count these atoms, and to separate them, at the rate of one billion per second, it would take 250,000 years to number them.” GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 13 29. Girard reports, as follows, an experiment on the ol- factory organs of our little insects: “While a bee was intently occupied sucking honey, we brought near her head a pin dipped in ether. She at once showed symp- toms of a great anxiety; but an inodorous pin remained entirely unnoticed.” 30. Whatever be the location of their olfactory organs, they are unquestionably endowed with a marvelous power of detecting the odor of honey in flowers or elsewhere. One day we discovered that some bees had entered our honey-room, through the key-hole. We turned them out, and stopped it up. Some time after, more bees had entered, and we vainly searched for the crevice that admitted them. Finally a feeble hum caused us to notice that they were coming down the chimney to the fire-place, which was closed by ascreen. The wedge which held this screen having be- come somewhat loose, the motion of the screen in windy weather opened a hole just large enough for a bee to crawl through. , labial palpi; c; maxilte. marvels can so well clean themselves from the sticky body honey. The saliva is to them both soap and water, and the tongue and surrounding parts, after any amount of daubing, will soon shine with the lustre of a mirror.”—(Cheshire.) 49. The length of the tongue of the honey-bee is of great importance to bee-keepers. Some flowers, such as red clo- ver, have a corolla so deep, that few bees are able to gather the honey produced in them. Therefore, one of the chief és GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 21 aims of progressive bee-keepers, should be to raise bees with longer tongues. This can undoubtedly be done sooner or later, by careful selection, in the same way that all our do- mestic plants and animals have been improved in the past. For this, patience and time are required. 50. The thorax is the intermediate part of the body. It is also called ‘‘corselet.’’ It is formed of three rings sol- dered into one. Each of the three rings bears one pair of legs, on its under side; and each of the last two rings bears a pair of wings, on its upper side; making four wings and six legs, all fastened on the thorax. 51. Each legis composed of nine joints (B, Plate IV), the two nearest the body (c, tr) being short. The next three are the femur (f), tibia (ti), and planta (p) also called metatarsus. The last four joints form the tarsus (¢) or foot. 52. The last joint of the tarsus, or tip of the foot, is pro- vided with two claws (an, fig. 12), that cling to objects or to the surfaces on which the bee climbs. These claws can be folded, somewhat like those of a cat (A, fig. 12), or can be turned upwards (B, fig. 12) when the bees are hanging in clusters. When they walk on a polished surface, like the pane of a window, which the claws cannot grasp, the latter are folded down; but there is between them a small rubber-like pocket, pulvillus (pv, A, B,) which secretes a sticky, ‘‘ clammy ”’ substance, that enables the bee to cling to the smoothest surfaces. House-flies and other insects cling to walls and windows by the same process. It was formerly asserted that insects cling to the smooth surfaces by air suction, but the above explanation is correct, and you can actually see ‘‘ the footprints of a fly’ on a pane of glass, iwith the help of a microscope, remnants of the ‘‘ clammy ’’ substance being quite discernible. By this ingenious ar- ‘rangement, bees can walk indifferently upon almost any- thing, since wherever the claws fail, the pulvilli take their place. ; 22 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. %3. ‘But another contrivance, equally beautiful, rernains to be noticed. The pulvillus is carried folded in the middle (as at C, fig. 12), but opens out when applied to a surface, for it has at its upper part an elastic.and curved rod (c) which straightens as the pulvillus is pressed down, C and D, fig. 12, making this clear. The flattened-out pulvillus thus holds strongly while pulled, by the weight of the bee, along the surface, to which it adheres, but comes up at once if lifted and rolled off from its op- posite sides, just as we should peel a wet postage stamp from its envelope. ‘The bee, then, is held securely till it attempts to lift the leg, when it is freed at once; and, by this exquisite yet simple plan, it can fix and release each foot at least twenty times per second.’’—(Cheshire.) : Er ar, Fig. 12. BEE’S FOOT IN CLIMBING, SHOWING ACTION OF PULVILLUS. (Maguified 30 times. From Cheshire.) A, position of the foot in climbing slippery surface or glass; pv, pul- villus; fh, feeling hairs; an, anguiculus, or claw; ¢, tarsal joint. B, position of the foot in climbing rough surface. C, section of pulvillus just touching flat surface; cr, curved rod. D, pulvillus applied to surface. 54. The legs of bees, like all other parts of their body, are covered with hairs of varied shapes and sizes, the de- scription of which is beyond the limits of this work. We will confine ourselves to a short explanation of the uses, which have a direct bearing upon the work of t\e bee. The hairs of the front, or first, pair of legs (C, Plate IV) are especially useful in cleaning the eyes and the tongue, and gathering the pollen grains. 55. On the metatarsus, the lower of the two largest joints of these front legs, is a rounded notch (E, a, Plate IV), closed when the leg is folded, by a sort of spur or velum, GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 23 (v, C, E, H) fastened to the tibia, or upper large joint. The learned Dr. Dubini, of Milan (L’Ape, Milan, 1881), speaks of it as being used to cleanse the antenne and the tongue of the pollen that sticks to them. Mr. Cheshire thinks it is used only to cleanse the antennze, from the fact that this notch, which has teeth like acomb (F, Plate IV), is found as well in the queen and the drone as in the worker, and that its aperture corresponds exactly to the different sizes of the antenna of each sex. (H, Plate IV.) 56. The second pair of legs have no notch, but the lower D Fig. 13. POSTERIOR LEGS. (Magnified. From Maurice Girard.) A, of the queen; B, of the worker (under side); C. of the worker (upper side); D, of the drone. extremity of the tibia bears a spur (D s, Plate IV) or spine, which is used in loosening the pellets of pollen, brought to the hive on the tibias of the posterior legs (PlateIV). This spur also helps in cleaning the wings. 57. The posterior or hind legs are very remarkable, in several respects. Between the tibia and the metatarsus (B, wp, Plate lV) they have an articulation, whose parts close like pincers, and which serves to loosen from the abdomen the scales of wax to be mentioned further on (201). As neither the queen nor the drone produces wax, they are des- titute of this implement. 24 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 58. “But the chief interest centers on the two joints last men- tioned (ti, p, A. B., Plate IV), asa device for carrying the pollen of the blossom home to the hive. The metatarsus is enlarged into a sub-quadrangular form, constituting a flattish plate, slightly con- vex on both surfaces. The outer face (p, A, Plate IV) isnot remark- able, but the one next the body (», B) is furnished with stiff combs, the teeth of which are horny, straight spines, set closely, and arrangéd in transverse rows across the joint, a little projecting above its plane, and the tips of one comb slightly overlapping the basis of the next. Their colour is reddish-brown; and en- tangled in the combs, we almost invariably discover pollen gran- ules, which have been at first picked up by the thoracic hairs, but combed out by the constant play of the legs over the breast — in which work, the second pair, bearing a strong resemblance to the third, performs an important part.” 59. ‘‘Sosoon as the bees have loaded these combs, they do not return to the hive, but transfer the pollen to the hollow sides of the tibia, seen at zi, A. This concavity, corbicula, or pollen basket. is smooth and hairless, except at the edges, whence spring long, slender, curved spines, two sets following the line of the bottom and sides of the basket, while a third bends over its front. The concavity fits it to contain pollen, while the marginal hairs greatly increase its possible load, like the sloping stakes which the farmer places round the sides of his waggon when he desires to carry loose hay, the set bent over (see G, Plate IV) accomplish- ing the purpose of the cords by which he saves his property from being lost on the road. But a difficulty arises: How can the pol- len be transferred from the metatarsal comb to the basket above? Easily ; for it is the left metatarsus that charges the right basket, and vice versa. ‘The legs are crossed, ind the metatarsus naturally scrapes its comb-face on the upper edge of the opposite tibia, in the directior from the base of the combs towards their tips. These upper hairs standing over wp, B, or close to ¢i, A (which are opposite sides of the same joint), are nearly straight, and pass between the comb teeth. The pollen, as removed, is caught by the bent-over hairs, and secured. Each scrap adds to the mass, until the face of the joint is more than covered, and the hairs just embrace the pellet as we see it in the cross-section atG@. The worker now hies homewards, and the spine, as a crow-bar, does its work.’’—(Cheshire.) 60. The four wings, in two pairs, are supported by hol- LEGS OF WORKER-BEE. (Magnified 10 times. From Cheshire.) A, third right leg, side fromthe body. ti, tibia, showing pollen basket; p, planta or metatarsus; t, tarsus. B, third right leg, side next the body. ¢, coxa; tr, trochanter; wp, pincers. ©, front right leg. v, velum; », brush; eb, eye-brush. D, second right leg. b, brush; E, joint of first leg, more enlarged. v, velum; a, antenna comb; b, brush. F, teeth of antenna comb, magnified 200 times. G, cross-section of tibis through pollen-basket. %, nerve; , holding hairs; fo, farina or pollen. 4H, an- tenna in process of cleaning. v, velum; », scraping edge; a, antenna; /, section of -eg; c, antenna comb GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 25 low nervures or ribs, and have a great power of resistance. In flight, the small wings are fastened to the large ones by small hooks (fig. 14), located on the edge of their outer nervure, that catch in a fold of the inner edge of the large wings. Thus united, they present to the air.a stronger surface and give the bees a greater power of flight. No doubt, a single pair of wings of the same surface would have better attained the desired aim, but their width would have annoyed the bees in going inside of the cells, either to feed 7? ¢ on eG uff VLA Abe“ WINGS OF THE HONEY-BEE. (Magnified. From Cheshire.) A, anterior wing, under side; p,p, plait. B, posterior wing, under side; h,h, hooklets. C, cross-section of wings through line a,b, showing hooklets in plait, the larvae or to deposit supplies. Imagine a blue fly trying, with its wide wings, to go inside of a cell! 61. ‘‘ Mr. Gaurichon has noticed that when the bees fan, or ventilate the entrance of the hive,-their wings are not hooked together as they are in flight, but act independent- ly of one another.’? (Dubini, 1881.) A German entomolo- gist, Landois, states that, according to the pitch of their hum, the bees’ flight must at times be equal to 440 vibra- tions in a second, but he noticed that this speed could not 26 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. be kept up without fatigue. It is well known that the more rapid the vibrations, the higher the pitch. 62. Digestive Apparatus.—The honey obtained from the blossoms, after mixing with the saliva (41), and passing through the mouth and the esophagus, is conveyed into the honey-sack. 63. This organ, located in the abdomen, is not larger than a very small pea, and so perfectly transparent as to appear, when filled, of the same color as its contents; it is prop- erly the first stomach, and is surrounded by muscles which enable the bee to compress it, and empty its contents through her proboscis into the cells. She can also, at will, keep a supply, to be digested, at leisure, when leaving with a swarm, (418), or while in the cluster during the cold of winter (620), and use it only as fast as nec- essary. For this purpose, the honey-sack is supplied at its lower extremity, in- side, with a round ball, which Burmeister has called the stomach-mouth, DIGESTING APPARATUS. ad wien ies Been ee (Magnified. From Maurice Girara.) _ “#fully described by Schie- a, tongue; , esophagus:¢,honey-sack; eNZ (1883). It opens d, stomach; e, malpighian tubes; f,emall by a complex valve and intestine; g, large intestine. connects the honey-sack with the digesting-stomach, through a tube or canal, pro- jecting inside the latter. This canal is lined with hairs point- ing downward, which prevent the solid food, such as pollen Fig. 15. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 27 grains, from returning to the honey-sack. Cheshire affirms that this stomach-mouth, which protrudes into the honey- sack, acts as a sort of sieve, and strains the honey from the grains of pollen floating in it, appropriating them for di- gestion, and allowing the honey to flow back into the sack. The bee could thus, at will, ‘‘ eat or drink from the mixed diet she carries.’’ 64. According to Schonfeld, (Iilustrierte Bienenzeitung) the chyle, or milky food which is used to feed the young lar- vee,—and which we have shown to be, most probably, the product of the upper pair of glands (39-40),—would be produced from the digesting-stomach, which he and others call chyle-stomach. Although we are not competent in the matter, we would remark that the so-called chyle-stomach produces chyme, or digested food, from which the chyle, or nourishing constituent, is absorbed by the cell-lining of the stomach and of the intestines, and finally converted into blood. We do not see how this chyle, could be thickened and regurgitated by the stomach to be returned to the mouth. 65. In mammals, the chyliferous vessels do not exist in the stomach, but in the intestine, the function of the stom- ach being only to digest the food by changing it into chyme, from which the chyle is afterwards separated, for the use of the body. i 66. Again, in the mammals, the glands which produce milk are composed of small clusters of acint, which take their secretions from the blood and empty them into vessels terminating at the surface of the breast. The action of the upper gland (39-40), in the bee, is exactly similar to the action of those lacteal glands, and the fact that this gland is absent in the queen and in the drone is, to us, pos- itive evidence that the chylous or lacteal food (given the larve) is produced by these glands alone, and not by the direct action of the digesting-stomach. 67. The food arriving in the stomach is mixed with the 28 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. gastric juice, which helps its transformation, and the undu- lating motion of the stomach sends it to its lower extremity, toward the intestines. But, before entering into them, the thyme receives the product of several glands which have been named Malpighian tubes (e, fig. 15) from the scientist Malpighi, who was the first to notice them. A grinding motion of the muscles placed at the junction of the stomach Fig. 16. (From Girard.) NERVOUS SYSTEM OF THE HONEY-BEE. (Magnifled.) A, in the larva; B, in the bee. with the intestines, acting on the grains of potlen not yet sufficiently dissolved, prepares them to yield their assimilable particles to the absorbing cells in the walls of the small intestine. ‘Thence they go into the large intes- tine, from which the refuse matter is discharged by the worker-bees, while on the wing. We italicize the words, GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 29 because this fact has considerable bearing on the health of the bees, when confined by cold or other causes, as will be seen further on. (639.) 6S, “The nervous system (fig. 16) of the honey-bee, the seat of sensation and of the understanding, is very interesting, on ac- count of the profound difference which it presents when compared with the nervous system of the larva. The honey-bee, more per- fect in organization than the butterfly, begins as a larva deficient in legs, very much inferior to the caterpillar from which the but- terfly proceeds. It is very interesting to notice, that the drones, although larger than the workers, especially in the head, have a smaller brain. ‘This state of things coincides with the fact that the drones are not intelligent, while no one can refuse gleams of intelligence to the worker-bees, as nurses and builders.” —(Girard.) A Fic. 17. A, HEART OF THE HONEY-BER. B, RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. (Magnified. From Girard.) 69. The heart, or organ of the circulation of the blood, formed of five elongated rooms, in the abdomen, is termin- ated in the thorax, and in the head, by the aorta, which is 80 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. not contractible. Each room of the heart presents, on either side, an opening for the returning blood. The blood, ‘¢ soaking through the body’’ (Cheshire), comes in contact with the air contained in the tracheal ramifications, where it is arterialized, or in plainer words, renovated, before com- ing back to the heart. The bee is not provided with any discernible blood or lymphatic vessels save the aorta, and its blood is colorless. 70. The breathing organ of the bee is spread through its whole body. It is formed of membranous vessels, or tra- chez, whose ramifications spread and penetrate into the organs, as the rootlets of a plant sink down into the soil. Connected with these, there is, on each side of the abdomi- nal cavity, a large tracheal bag, variable in form and dimen- sions, according to the quantity of air that it contains. Bees breathe through holes, or spiracles, which are placed on each side of the body, and open into the tracheal bags and. trachez. V1. “The act of respiration consists in the alternate dilatation and contraction of the abdominal segments. By filling, or emp- tying the air-bags, the bee can change her specific gravity. When a bee is preparing herself for flight, the act of respiration resembles that of birds, under similar circumstances. At the mo- ment of expanding her wings, which is indeed an act of respira- tion, the spiracles or breathing holes are expanded, and the air, rushing into them, is extended into the whole body, which by the expansion of the air-bags, is enlarged in bulk, and rendered of less specific gravity ; so that when the spiracles are closed, at the instant the insect endeavors to make the first stroke with, and raise itself upon, its wings, it is enabled to rise in the air, and sustain a long and powerful flight, with but little muscular exertion.” * * ¥* “Newport has shown that the develop- ment of heat in insects, just as in vertebrates, depends on the quantity and activity of respiration and the volume of circu- lation.”—(Packard, Salem, 1869.) 72. Mr. Cheshire notices that bees, even in full, vigor- ous youth and strength, are not at at all times able to take GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 31 flight. The reader may have noticed that if they are fright- ened, or even touched with the finger, they will occasionally move only by slight jumps. This temporary inability to fly, is due to the small quantity of air that their tracheal sacs contain. They were at rest, their blood circulated slowly, their body was comparatively heavy ; but when their wings were expanded, the tracheal bags, that were as flat as ribbons, were soon filled with air, and they were ready to take wing. Practical Apiarists well know that bees may be shaken off the comb, and gathered up, with a shovel, with a spoon, or even with the hands, to be weighed or measured in open ves- sels, like seeds. The foregoing remarks give the explana- tion of this fact. 73. When the tracheal bags are filled with air, bees, owing to their peculiar structure, can best discharge the residue contained in their intestines. The queen is differently formed, her ovaries occupying part of the space belonging to the air-sacks in the worker, hence her discharges, like those of the drones (190), take place in the hive. (40.) V4. “The tracheous bags of the abdomen, which we would be tempted to name abdominal lungs, hold in reserve the air need- ed to arterialize the blood and to produce muscular strength and heat. in connection with the powerful flight of the insect. Heat is indispensable, to keep up the high temperature of the hive, for the building of comb and rearing of brood. The aerial vesicles increase, by their resonance, the intensity of the hum- ming, and are used also like the valve of a baltoon, to slacken or increase the speed of the flight, by the variation of density, ac- cording to the quantity or weight, of the air that they contain. This accumulated air is also the means of preventing asphyxy, which the insects resist a long time. Lastly, these air-bags help in the mating of the sexes, which takes place in the air; the swelling of the vesicles being indispensable tothe bursting forth of the male organs.”—(Girard.) 75. The hum that is produced by the vibration of the 32 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. wings is different in each of the three kinds of inhabitants of the hive, and easily recognizable to a practiced ear. The hum of the drone is the most sonorous. But worker-bees, when angry or frightened, or when they call each other, emit different and sharper sounds. On the production of these sounds, bee-keepers and entomologists are far from being agreed. “Inside of every opening of the aerial tubes is a valvular muscle, which helps to control the mechanism of respiration. This can be opened or closed at will, by the bee, to prevent the ingress, or egress, of air. It is by this means that the air is kept in the large tracheous bags and decreases the specific gravity of the insect. The main resonant organ of the bee is placed in front of this stopping muscle, at the entrance of the trachea.” “ The humming is not produced solely by the vibrating of the wings, as is generally admitted. Chabrier, Burmeister, Lan- dois, have discovered in the humming, three different sounds: the first, caused by the vibrating of the wings; the second, sharper, by the vibration of the rings of the abdomen; the third, the most intense and acute, produced by a true vocal] mechanism, placed at the orifices of the aerial tubes.”’—(Girard.) 76. The bee-keeper who understands the language of bees, can turn it to his advantage. Here are some ex- amples: «“ When something seems to irritate the bees, who are in front of a hive, on the alighting-board, they emit a short sound, z-z-z-, jumping at the same time towards the hive. This is a warning. Then they fly and examine the object of their fears, remaining sustained by their wings, near the suspected object, and emit- ting at the same time, a distinct and prolongedsound. This isa sign of great suspicion. If the object moves quickly, or other- wise shows hostile intent, the song is changed into a piercing ery for help, in a voice whistling with anger. They dash for- ward violently and blindly, and try to sting. “ When they are quiet and satisfied, their voice is the hum- ming of a grave tune; or, if they do not move their wings, an allegro murmur. If they are suddenly caught or compressed, the sound is one of distress. If a hive is jarred at a time when all the bees are quiet, tae mass speedily raise a hum, which GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 33 ceases ag suddenly. In a queenless hive, the sound is doleful, lasts longer and at times increases in force. When bees swarm, the tune is clear and gay, showing manifest happiness.’’—(Cttl- Klauss, 1836.) : 77. The German pastor Stahala has published a very complete study on the language of bees, which has appeared in some of the bee-papers of Italy, France and America. We do not consider it as altogether accurate; but there are some Sounds described that all bee-keepers ought to study, especially the doleful wail of colonies which have lost their queen, and have no means of rearing another. 78. Tur Stinc.—The sting of the bee, a terror to so many, is indispensable to her preservation. Without it, the attraction, which honey presents to man and animals, must have caused the complete destruction of this precious insect, years ago. 79. This organ is composed, Jst, of a whitish vesicle, or poison sack, about the size of a small mustard seed, located in the abdomen, in which the venomous liquid is stored This liquid is elaborated in two long canals, similar in ap- pearance to the Malpighian tubes, each of which is termin- ated at its upper extremity, by a small round bag or en- largement. It is similar to formic acid, although perhaps more poisonous. 80. 2d, In the last ring of the abdomen, and connected with the poison sack, is a firm and sharp sheath, open in its whole length, which supports the sting proper, and acts in- dependently of it. The bee can force this sheath out of the abdomen, or draw it in, at will. 81. 3d, The sting is composed of two spears of a pol- ished, chestnut-colored, horny substance, which, supported by the sheath, make a very sharp weapon. In the act of stinging, the spears emerge from the sheath, about two- thirds of their length. Between them and on each of them, is asmall groove, through which the liquid, coming from the poison sack, is ejected into the wound. 3 34 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 82. Each spear of the sting has about nine barbs, which are turned back like those of a fish hook, and prevent the sting from being easily withdrawn. When the insect is prepared to sting, one of these spears, having a little longer point than the other, first darts into the flesh, and Fig. 18. THE STING OF THE WORKER-BEE, AND ITS APPENDAGES, (Magnified. From Girard.) a, ating; b, poison-sack; c,r, poison glands; ¢,d, secreting bags. being fixed by its foremost barb, the other strikes in also, and they alternately penetrate deeper and deeper, till they acquire a firm hold of the flesh with their barbed hooks. “Meanwhile, the poison is forced to the end of the spears, by much the same process which carries the venom from the tooth of a viper when it bites.””—(Girard.) GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 35 83. The muscles, though invisible to the eye, are yet strong enough to force the sting, to the depth of one-twelfth of an inch, through the thick skin of a man’s hand. “The action of the sting,” says Paley, ‘affords an example of the union of chemistry and mechanism; of chemistry, in respect to the venom which can produce such powerful effects; of mech- anism, as the sting isa compound instrument. The machinery would have been comparatively useless, had it not been for the chemical process by which, in the insect’s body, honey*is con- verted into poison; and on the other hand, the poison would have been ineffectual, without an instrument to wound, and a syringe to inject it.” “Upon examining the edge of a very keen razor by the micro- scope, it appears as broad as the back of a pretty thick knife, rough, uneven, and full of notches and furrows, and so far from anything like sharpness, that an instrument as blunt as this seemed to be, would not serve even to cleave wood. An exceed- ingly small needle being also examined, it resembled a rough iron bar out of a smith’s forge. The sting of a bee viewed through the same instrument, showed everywhere a polish amazingly beautiful, without the least flaw, blemish, or inequal- ity, and ended in a point too fine to be discerned.” 84. As the extremity of the sting is barbed like an ar- row, the bee can seldom withdraw it, if the substance into which she darts it is at all tenacious. A strange peculiarity of the sting and the muscles pertaining to it, is their spas- modice action, which continues quite a while, even after the bee has torn herself away, and has left them attached to the wound. In losing her sting, she often parts with a portion of her intestines, and of necessity soon perishes. Wasps and hornets are different from bees in this respect, for they can sting repeatedly without endangering their lives. Although bees pay so dearly for the exercise of their pat- riotic instincts, still, in defense of home and its sacred treasures, they “ Deem life itself to vengeance well resign’d, * Die on the wound and leave their sting behind.” 86 f#HYSIOLOGY OF THE IONEY-BEE. 85. The sting is not, however, always lost. Whena bee prepares to sting, she usually curves her abdomen so that she can drive in her sting perpendicularly. To with- draw it, she turns around the wound. This probably rolls up its barbs, so that it comes out more readily. If it had been driven obliquely instead of perpendicularly, as some- times happens, she could never have extracted it by turning around the wound. 86. Sometimes, only the poison-bag and sting are torn off, then she may live quite a while without them, and strange to say, seems to be more angry than ever, and per- sists in making useless attempts to sting. 87. If a hive is opened during a Winter day, when the weather does not permit the bees to fly, a great number of them raise their abdomens, and thrust out their stings, in a threatening manner. A minute drop of poison can be seen on their points, some of ‘which is occasionally flirted into the eyes of the Apiarist, and causes severe irritation. The odor of this poison is so strong and peculiar, that it is eas- ily recognized. In warm weather it excites the bees, and so provokes their anger, that when one has used its sting in one spot on skin or clothes, others are inclined to thrust theirs in the same place. 88. The sting, when accompanied by the poison-sack, may inflict wounds hours, and even days, after it has been removed, or torn, from the body of the bee. But when buried in honey, its poison is best preserved, for it is very volatile, and when exposed to the air, evaporates in a moment. The stings of bees, which, perchance, may be found in broken combs of honey, often retain their power, and we have known of a person’s being stung in the mouth, by carelessly eating honey in which bees had been buried by the fall of the combs. Mr. J. R. Bledsoe, in the American Bee Journal, for 1870, writes: GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS. 37 89. “It may often happen that one or both of the chief parts of the sting are left in the wound, when the sheath is with- drawn, but are rarely perceived, on account of their minuteness ; the person stung congratulating himself, at the same time, that the sting has been extracted. I have had occasion to prove this fact repeatedly in my own person and in others. * * * The substance of the sting, on account of its nature is readily dis- solved by the fluids of the body, consequently giving irritation as a foreign body for only a short time comparatively. The sting when boiled in water becomes tender and easily crushed.” For further particulars concerning the sting, we will refer our readers to the chapter entitled ‘‘Handling Bees.”’— (378.) 90. Before terminating this comparatively short, but perhaps, to many of our readers, tedious study of the or- gans of the bee, we desire to commend Messrs. Girard, Packard, Cook, Schiemenz, Dubini, and especially Mr. F. Cheshire, who, by their writings, have helped us in this part of our undertaking. We must add also that the more we study bees, the more persuaded we are that Mr. Packard was right when he wrote: 91. “Besides these structural characters as animals, endowed with instinct, and a kind of reason, differing, perhaps, only in degree, from that of man, these insects outrank all the articu- lates. In the unusual differentiation of the individual into males, females, and sterile workers, and a consequent subdivision of labor between them; in dwelling in large colonies; in their habits and in their relation to man as domestic animals, subserv- ient to his wants, the bees possess a combination of characters which are not found in any other sub-order of insects, and which rank them first and highest in the insect series.’’—(“‘Guide to the Study of Insects.”) — 92. One of the especial peculiarities of the hymenop- ters is the care most of them give to their progeny. We will show how bees nurse their young. Other insects of the same sub-order construct their nests of clay or paper, or burrow in the wood, or in the earth. All prepare for 38 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. their young a sufficient supply of food; some of pollen and honey, others of animal substance. Several kinds of wasps provide their nests with living insects, spiders, caterpillars, etc., that they have previously paralyzed, but without kill- ing them, by piercing them with their stings. Ants seem to possess even a greater solicitude. When their nests are overthrown, they carry their larve to some hidden place out of danger. We have exhibited the use of the organs of bees as a race. We will now examine the character of each of the three kinds of inhabitants of the bee-hive. Tue QUEEN. 93. Although honey-bees have attracted the attention of naturalists for ages, the sex of the inmates of the bee-hive was, for a long time, a mystery. The Ancient authors, having no- ticed in the hive, a bee, larger than the others, and differently shaped, had called it the ‘‘ King Fig. 19. Bee.”’ 94. To our knowledge, it was an English bee-keeper, Butler, who, first among bee-writers, affirmed in 1609, that the King Bee was really a queen, and that he had seen her deposit eggs. (‘‘ Feminine Monarchy.’’) 95. This discovery seems to have passed unnoticed, for Swammerdam, who ascertained the sex of bees by dissec- tion, is held as having been the first to proclaim the sex of the Queen bee. (Leyde, 1737.) A brief extract from the celebrated Dr. Boerhaave’s Memoir of Swammerdam, show- ing the ardor of this naturalist, in his study of bees, should put to blush the arrogance of those superficial observers, THE QUEEN. 39 who are too wise to avail themselves of the knowledge of others: “This treatise on Bees proved so fatiguing a performance, that Swammerdam never afterwards recovered even the appearance of his former health and vigor. He was most continually en- gaged by day in making observations, and as constantly by night in recording them by drawings and suitable explanations. “His daily labor began at six in the morning, when the sun afforded him light enough to survey such minute objects; and from that hour till twelve, he continued without interruption, all the while exposed in the open air to the scorching heat of the sun, bareheaded, for fear of intercepting his sight, and his head in a manner dissolving into sweat under the irresistible ardors of that powerful luminary. And if he desisted at noon, it was only because the strength of his eyes was too much weakened by the extraordinary afflux of light, and the use of microscopes, to con- tinue any longer upon such small objects. “He often wished, the better to accomplish his vast, unlimited views, for a year of perpetual heat and light to perfect his inqui- ries; with a polar night, to reap all the advantages of them by proper drawings and descriptions.” 96. The name of queen was then given to the mother bee, although she in no way governs, but seems to reign like a beloved mother in her family. 97. She is the only perfect female in the hive, the laying of eggs being her sole function ; and so well does she accom- plish this duty, that it is not uncommon to find queens, who lay more than 3,500 eggs per day, for several weeks in succession during the height of the breeding season. In our observing hives we have seen them lay at the rate of six eggs in a minute. The fecundity of the female of the white ant is, however, much greater than this, being at the rate of sixty eggs a minute; but her eggs are simply extruded from her body, and carried by the workers into suitable nurser- ies, while the queen-bee herself deposits her eggs in their appropriate cells. 98. This number of 3,500, that a good queen can lay 40 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. per day, will seem exaggerated to many bee-keepers, own- ers of small hives. They will perhaps ask how such lay- ing can be ascertained. Nothing is easier. Let us suppose that we have found a hive, with 1,200 square inches of comb occupied by brood. As there are about 55 worker- cells to the square inch of comb (217), 27 to 28 on each side, we multiply 1,200 by 55, and we have 66,000 as the total number of cells occupied at one time. Now, it takes about 21 days for the brood to develop from the egg to the perfect insect, and we have 3,145 as the average number of eggs laid daily by that queen, in 21 days. Of course, this amount is not absolutely accurate, as the combs are not always entirely filled, but it will suffice to show, within perhaps a few hundred, the actual fecundity of the queen. Such numbers can be found every year, in most of the good colonies, provided that the limited capacity of the hive will not prevent the queen from laying to the utmost of her ability. 99. The laying of the queen is not equal at all seasons. She lays most during the spring and summer months, pre- vious to the honey crop and during its flow. In late autumn and winter months, she lays but little. 100. Her shape is widely different from that of the other bees. While she is not near so bulky as a drone, her body is longer; and as it is considerably more tapering, or sugar-loaf in form, than that of a worker, she has a some- what wasp-like appearance. Her wings are much shorter in proportion than those of the drone, or worker;* the under part of her body is of a golden color, and the upper part usually darker than that-of the other bees.t Her mo- tions are generally slow and matronly, although she can, when she pleases, move with astonishing quickness. No colony can long exist without the presence of this all-impor- *The wings of the queen are in reality longer than those of the worker. t This applies only to queens of the black or common race. THE QUEEN. 41 tant insect; but must as surely perish, as the body without the spirit must hasten to inevitable decay. 101. The queen is treated with the greatest respect and affection by the bees. A circle of her loving offspring often surround her, testifying in various ways their dutiful re- gard; some gently embracing her with their antenne, others offering her food from time to time, and all of them politely backing out of her way, to give her a clear path when she moves over the combs. If she is taken from them, the whole colony is thrown into a state of the most intense agi- tation as soon as they ascertain their loss; all the labors of the hive are abandoned ; the bees run wildly over the combs, and frequently rush from the hive in anxious search for their beloved mother. If they cannot find her, they return to their desolate home, and by their sorrowful tones reveal their deep sense of so deplorable a calamity. Their note at such times, more especially when they first realize their loss, is.of a peculiarly mournful character; it sounds somewhat like a succession of wailings on the minor key, and can no more be mistaken by an experienced bee-keeper, for their ordinary happy hum (76), than the piteous moanings of a sick child could be confounded by the anxious mother with its joyous crowings when overflowing with health and hap- piness. We shall give, in this connection, a description of an interesting experiment. 102. A populous stock was removed, in the morning, to a new place, and an empty hive put upon its stand. Thous- ands of workers which were ranging the fields, or which left the old hive after its removal, returned to the familiar spot. It was truly affecting to witness their grief and despair; they fiew in restless circles about the place where once stood their happy home, entering the empty hive continually, and expressing in various ways, their lamentations over so cruel a bereavement. Towards evening, ceasing to take wing, they roamed in restless platoons, in and out of the hive, and 42 PHYSIOLOGY OE THE HONEY-BEE. over its surface, as if in search of some lost treasure. A small piece of brood-comb was then given to them, contain- ing worker-eggs and worms. The effect produced by its introduction took place much quicker than can be described. Those which first touched it raised a peculiar note, and in a moment, the comb was covered with a dense mass of bees; as they recognized, in this small piece of comb, the means of deliverance, despair gave place to hope, their restless motions and mournful voices ceased, and a cheerful hum proclaimed their delight. If some one should enter a build- ing filled with thousands of persons tearing their hair, beat- ing their breasts, and by piteous cries, as well as frantic gestures, giving vent to their despair, and could by a single word cause all these demonstrations of agony to give place to smiles and congratulations, the change would not be more instantaneous than that produced when the bees received the brood-comb! The Orientals called the honey-bee ‘‘ Deborah; She that speaketh.’? Would that this little insect might speak, in words more eloquent than those of man’s device, to those who reject any of the doctrines of revealed religion, with the assertion that they are so improbable, as to labor under a fatal a priort objection. Do not all the steps in the devel- opment of a queen from the worker-egg, labor under the very same objection? and have they not, for this reason been formerly regarded, by many bee-keepers, as unworthy of belief? If the favorite argument of infidels will not stand the test, when applied to the wonders of the bee-hive, is it entitled to serious weight, when, by objecting to religious truths, they arrogantly take to task the Infinite Jehovah for what He has been pleased to do or to teach? With no more latitude than is claimed by such objectors, it were easy to prove that a man is under no obligation to believe any of the wonders of the bee-hive, even although he is him- THE QUEEN. 43 self an intelligent eye-witness to their substantial truth.* 103. The process of rearing Queen-bees will now be par- ticularly described. Early in the season, if a hive becomes very populous, and if the bees make preparations for swarm- ing, a number of royal cells are begun, being commonly constructed upon those edges of the combs which are not attached to the sides of the hive. These cells somewhat resemble a small pea-nut, and are about an inch deep, and one-third of an inch in diameter: being very thick, they require much wax for their construction. They are seldom seen in a perfect state after the hatching of the queen, as the bees cut them down to the shape of a small Fig. 20. acorn-cup (fig. 20). These QUEEN-CELLS IN PROGRESS. queen-cells, while in prog- ress, receive a very unusual amount of attention from the workers. There is scarcely a second in which a bee is not peeping into them; and as fast as one is satisfied, another pops in her head to report prog- ress, or increase the supply of food. Their importance to the community might easily be inferred from their being the center of so much attraction. 104. While the other cells open sideways, the queen-cells always hang with their mouth downwards. Some Apiarists *The passages referring to religious subjects have been nearly all retained in this revision, at Mr. Langstroth’s request, even when not in accordance with our views. As intelligent men are always tolerant, we know our readers will not object to them. , 44 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. think that this peculiar position affects, in some way, the development of the royal larvie ; while others, having ascer- tained that they are uninjured if placed in any other posi- tion, consider this deviation as among the inscrutable mysteries of the bee-hive. So it seemed to us until convinced, by a more careful observation, that they open downwards simply to save room. The distance between the parallel ranges of comb in the hive is usually too small for the royal cells to open sideways, without interfering with the opposite cells. To economize space, the bees put them on the unoc- cupied edges of the comb, where there is plenty of room for such very large cells. 105. The number of royal cells in a hive varies greatly ; sometimes there are only two or three, ordinarily not less than five; and occasionally, more than a dozen. Some races of bees have a disposition to raise a greater number of queen-cells than others. At the Toronto meet- ing of the North American Bee-keepers’ Association, in September, 1883, Mr. D. A. Jones, the noted Canadian im- porter of Syrian and Cyprian bees, and publisher of the Canadian Bee Journal, exhibited a comb containing about eighty queen-cells, built by a colony of Syrian bees (560). Such cases are rare in the hive of any other race. 106. As it is not intended that the young queens should all be of the same age, the royal-cells are not all begun at the same time. It is not fully settled how the eggs are de- posited in these cells. In some few instances, we have known the bees to transfer the eggs from common to queen- cells; and this may be their general method of procedure. Mr. Wagner put some queenless bees, brought from a dis- tance, into empty combs that had lain for two years in his garret. When supplied with brood, they raised their queen in this old comb! Mr. Richard Colvin, of Baltimore, and other Apiarian friends, have communicated to us instances almost as striking. Yet, Huber has proved that bees do THE QUEEN. 45 not ordinarily transport the eggs of the queen from one cell to another. We shall hazard the conjecture, that, in a crowded state of the hive, the queen deposits her eggs in cells on the edges of the comb, some of which are afterwards changed by the workers into royal cells. Such is a queen’s instinctive hatred of her own kind, that it seems improbable that she should be intrusted with even the initiatory steps for securing a race of successors. (For further particulars concerning the raising of large numbers of queen-cells, see 515.) 107. The egg which is destined to produce a queen-bee does not differ from the egg intended to become a worker; but the young queen-larve are much more largely supplied with food than the other larve; so that they seem to lie in a thick bed of jelly, a portion of which may usually be found at the base of their cells, soon after they have hatched, while the food given to the worker-larve after three days, and for the last days of their development, is coarser and more sparingly given, as will be seen farther on. 108. The effects produced on the royal larve by their peculiar treatment are so wonderful, that they were at first rejected as idle whims, by those who had neither been eye- witnesses to them, nor acquainted with the opportunities enjoyed by others for accurate observation. They are not only contrary to all common analogies, but seem marvelous- ly strange and improbable. The most important of these effects we shall briefly enumerate. ist. The peculiar mode in which the worm designed for a queen is treated causes it to arrive at maturity almost one- third earlier than if it had been reared a worker. And yet, as it is to be much more fully developed, according to ordi- nary analogy, it should have had a slower growth. 2d. Its organs of reproduction are completely developed, so that it can fulfill the office of a mother. 3d. Its size, shape, and color are greatly changed; its 46 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. lower jaws are shorter, its head rounder, and its abdomen without the receptacles for secreting wax ; its hind legs have neither brushes nor baskets, and its sting is curved (fig. 21), and one-third longer than that of a worker. Fig. 21. THE STING OF THE QUEEN. (Magnified. From Girard.) a,a, branches of the oviduct; «, oviduct; 6, spermatheca; d, sting; e, poison-sack; f, gland. 4th. Its instincts are entirely changed. MJReared as a worker, it would have thrust out its sting at the least provo- cation; whereas now, it may be pulled limb from limb with- out attempting to sting. As a worker, it would have treated a queen with the greatest consideration ; but now, if brought in contact with another queen, it seeks to destroy her asa rival. As a worker, it would frequently have left the hive, either for labor or exercise; as a queen, it never leaves it after impregnation, except to accompany a new swarm. 5th. The term of its life is remarkably lengthened. Asa worker, it would not have lived more than six or seven months; as a queen, it may live seven or eight times as THE QUEEN. 47 long. All these wonders rest on the impregnable basis of demonstration, and instead of being witnessed only by a select few, are now, by the use of the movable-comb hive, familiar sights to any bee-keeper who prefers an acquaint- ance with facts, to caviling and sneering at the labors of others. 109. The process of rearing queens, to meet some spe- cial emergency, is even more wonderful than the one already described. If the bees have worker-eggs, or worms not more than three days old, they make one large cell out of three, by nibbling away the partitions of two cells adjoining athird. Destroying the eggs or worms in two of these cells, they place before the occupant of the other, the usual food of the young queens; and by enlarging its cell, give it ample apace for development.* As a security against failure, they usually start a number of queen-cells, for several days in succession. 110. Duration or Devetorpment.—The eggs hatch in three days after they are laid. The small worm which is intended to produce a queen, is six days in its larval state, and seven in its transformation into a chrysalis and winged insect. These periods are not absolutely fixed; being of shorter or longer duration, according to the warmth of the hive and the care given by the bees. In from ten to sixteen daysf they are in possession of a new queen, in all respects resembling one reared in the natural way; while the eggs in the adjoining cells, which have been developed as workers, are nearly a week longer in coming to maturity. 111. THe Vircin Queen.—Feeble and pale, in the first moments after her birth, the young queen, as soon as she * It was a German bee-keeper, Schirach, who discovered that a queen can be raised from a worker-egg. (‘‘ The New Natural and Artificial Multiplication of Bees,’’ Bautzen, 1761.) + In ten days, if the larva selected is about three days old; in sixteen, if newly laid eggs are selected. 48 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. has acquired some strength, travels over the combs, looking for a rival, either hatched or unhatched. 112. ‘Hardly had ten minutes elapsed after the young queen emerged from her cell, when she began to look for sealed queen-cells. She rushed furiously upon the first that she met, and, by dint of hard work, made a small opening in the end. We saw her drawing, with her mandibles, the silk of the cocoon, which covered the inside. But, probably, she did not succeed according to her wishes, for she left the lower end of the cell, and went to work on the upper end, where she finally made a wider opening. As soon as this was sufficiently large, she turned about, to push her abdomen into it. She made several motions, in different directions, till she succeeded in striking her rival with the deadly sting. Then she left the cell; and the bees, which had remained, so far, perfectly passive, began to enlarge the gap which she had made, and drew out the corpse of a queen just out of her nymphal shell. During this time, the victorious young queen rushed to another queen-cell, and again made a large opening, but she did not introduce her abdomen into it; this second cell containing only a royal-pupa not yet formed. There is some probability that, at this stage of development, the nymphs of queens inspire less anger to their rivals; but they do not escape their doom; for, whenever a queen-cell has been prematurely opened, the bees throw out its occupant, whether worm, nymph, or queen. Therefore, as soon as the victorious queen had left this second cell, the workers enlarged the opening and drew out the nymph that it contained. The young queen rushed to a third cell; but she was unable to open it. She worked languidly and seemed tired of her first efforts.’’—( Huber.) 113. Huber did not allow this experiment to go on any further, as he wished to use the remainder of the queen-cells. Had he left these cells untouched, the bees would have fin- ished the work of destruction. 114. We have noticed repeatedly, that the queen-cells are always destroyed a few hours after the birth of the queen, unless the colony has determined to swarm. In the latter case, the workers prevent the newly-hatched queen from approaching the queen-cells, till she is old enough and strong enough to leave with the swarm. (443.) THE QUEEN. 49 115. Like some human beings who cannot have their own way, she is highly offended when thus repulsed, and utters, in a quick succession of notes, a shrill, angry sound, not unlike the rapid utterance of the words, ‘‘ peep, peep.’ If held in the closed hand, she will make a similar noise. To this angry note, one or more of the unhatched queens, im- prisoned and nursed in their cells by the bees, answer by the sound ‘‘kooa, kooa’’; the difference in their voices, being due to the confinement of the latter in the cell. These sounds, so entirely unlike the usual steady hum of the bees, are almost infallible indications that a swarm will soon issue. ‘They are occasionally so loud as to be heard at some distance from the hive. The reader will understand that all these facts relate to a hive of bees, from which the old queen has been previously and suddenly removed, either by the Apiarist for some pur- pose, or by swarming, or accident. 116. Sometimes two queens hatch at the same time. We give below a translation of Huber’s account in such event: “On the 15th of May, 1790, two queens emerged from their cells, at about the same time, in one of our observing hives. They rushed quickly upon one another, apparently in great anger, and grasped one another’s antennz, so that the head, corselet and abdomen of the one, were touching the head, corselet and ab- domen of the other. Had they curved the posterior extremity of their bodies, they could have stung each other, and both would have perished. But it seems that Nature has not wished that their duels should result in the death of both combatants, and that it is prescribed to queens, while in this position, to flee instantly with the greatest haste. As soon as both rivals understood that they were in danger from one another, they dis- entangled themselves and fled apart...... A few minutes after, their fears ceased and they attacked one another again, with the same result. The worker bees were much disturbed, all this time, and more so while the combatants were separated. Each time, the bees stopped the queens in their flight, keeping them prisoners for a minute.” ‘At last, in a third attack, the stronger, or more savage, of the queens, ran to her unsuspecting 4 50 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE,. rival, seized her across the wings, and, climbing upon her, pierced her with her sting. The vanquished queen, crawled languidly about, and soon after died.”—(‘* Nouvelles Observa- tions.”’) 117. Although it is generally admitted that two queens cannot inhabit the same hive, it happens, sometimes, that mother and daughter, are found living peaceably together, and even laying eggs at the same time. This is when the bees, having noticed the decrease in fecundity of the old queen, have raised a young queen to replace her. But this abnormal state lasts only a few weeks, or a few months at most. 118. Our junior partner was, one day, hunting for a queen with his sister. ‘‘ What a large and bright-colored queen! ’’ exclaimed he, on finding her. ‘‘ Why, no! she is dark and small,’’ said his sister.. Both were right, for there were two queens, mother and daughter, on the same comb, and not six inches apart. At another time we were looking for an old queen, whose prolificness had decreased, intend- ing to supersede her. To our wonder, the hive was full of brood. We found the old queen. Evidently a queen so small, so ragged and worn, could not be the mother of such a quantity of brood. We continued our search and found another queen, daughter of the first, large and plump. Had we introduced a strange queen into this hive, after having destroyed the old one, thinking that we had made the col- ony queenless, she would have been killed. 119. We could relate a number of such instances. The most interesting case was the simultaneous laying of two queens of different breeds in the same hive, one black, the other Italian. ‘The colony had two queens, when we intro- duced our Italian queen. We found the younger one and killed her, and the old one was so little considered by her bees, that they accepted our imported queen and allowed both to remain together. To our astonishment there were THE QUEEN. 51 some black bees hatching among the pure Italians, and it was not till we accidentally discovered the old black queen that we understood the matter. There are more such cases than most bee-keepers would imagine, and when these happen to buyers of improved races of bees, if they are not very close observers, they are apt to accuse the venders of having cheated them. Such instances make the business of queen selling quite disagree- able. 120. Imprecnation.—The fecundation of the queen bee has occupied the minds of Apiarists and savants for ages. A number of theories were advanced. If a number of drones are confined in a small box, they give forth a strong odor: Swammerdam supposed that the queen was impreg- nated by this scent (awraseminalis) of the drones. Réaumur, a renowned entomologist, in 1744, thought that the mating of the queen was effected inside of the hive. Others ad- vanced that the eggs were impregnated by the drones in the cells. After making a number of experiments to verify these theories, and finding all false, Huber finally ascertained that, like many other insects, the queen was fecundated in the open air and on the wing; and that the influence of this connection lasts for several years, and probably for life. 121. Five days or more after her birth, the virgin queen goes out to have intercourse with a drone. Several bee-keepers of note, such as Neighbour of England (‘‘Cook’s Manual,’’ 1884, page 72) and Dzierzon of Germany, wrote that a queen may go out on her marriage-flight when only three days old. The shortest time we have ever noticed between the birth of a queen and her first bridal- flight was five days, and on this we are in accordance with Mr. Alley of Massachusetts, one of the most exten- sive queen breeders in the world. The average time is six or seven days. Earlier bridal-trips are probably due to 52 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. the disturbing of the colony by the Apiarist, for we have no- ticed that this disturbing hastens the maturity of the work- ers. The bridal-flight takes place about noon, at which time, the drones are flying most numerously. 122. On leaving her hive, the queen flies with her head turned towards it, often entering and departing several times before she finally soars into the air. Such precautions on the part of a young queen are highly necessary, that she may not, on her return, lose her life, by attempting, through mistake, to enter a strange hive. Many queens are lost in this way. : 123. As the mating of the queen and the drone takes place in the air, very few persons have witnessed it. The following narration will please our readers: “ A short time ago, during one of those pleasant days of May, I was roaming in the fields, not far from Courbevoie. Suddenly I heard a loud humming and the wind of a rapid flight brushed my cheek. Fearing the attack of a hornet, I made an instinctive mo- tion with my hand to drive it away. There were two insects, one of which pursued the other with eagerness, coming from high in the air. Frightened no doubt, by my movements, they arose again, flying vertically to a great height, still in pursuit of each other. I imagined that it was a battle, and desiring to know the result, I followed, at my best, their motions in the air, and got ready to lay hold of them, as soon as they would be within reach. “J did not wait long. The pursuing insect rose above the other, and suddenly fell on it. The shock was certainly violent, for both united, dropped with the swiftness of an arrow and passed by me, so near that I struck them down, with my handkerchief. I then discovered that this bitter battle was but a love-suit. The two insects, stunned and motionless, were coupled. ‘lhe copulation had taken place in the air, at the instant when I had seen one of them falling on the other, twenty or twenty-five feet above the ground. “Tt wag a queen-bee and a drone. Persuaded that I had killed them, I made no scruple of piercing them both with the same pin. But the pain recalled them to life again, and they promptly sepa- rated. This separation was violent, and resulted in the tearing off of the drone’s organ (188) which remained attached to the THE QUEEN. 53 queen. The queen was yet alive on the following morning. For some time after her separation from the drone, she brushed the last ring of her abdomen, as though trying to extract the organ of the drone. She endeavored to bend herself, probably in order to bring this part within reach of her jaws, which were con- stantly moving, but the pin prevented her from attaining her aim. Her activity soon decreased and she ceased to move.’’—(Alex. Levi, Journal Des Fermes, Paris, 1869.) Messrs. Cary and Otis had witnessed a similar occurrence in July 1861. (American Bee Journal, Vol. I, page 66.) 124. It is now well demonstrated that in a single mating, a queen is fertilized for life, although in a few rare instan- ces they have been said to mate two days in succession, per- haps because the first mating was insufficient. 125. After the queen has re-entered the hive, she gets tid of the organ of the drone by drawing it with her claws, and she is sometimes helped in this work by the worker- bees. The drone dies in the act of fertilization. (188.) 126. Although fertilization of the queen in confinement has been tried by many, it has never been successful. Those who, from time to time, claimed to have succeeded were evi- dently deceiving themselves through ill-made experiments. (187.) 127. Having ascertained that the queen-bee is fecund- ated in the open air and on the wing, Huber still could not form any satisfactory conjecture how eggs were fertilized which were not yet developed in her ovaries. Years ago, the celebrated Dr..John Hunter (1792), and others, sup- posed that there must be a permanent receptacle for the male sperm, opening into the oviduct. Dzierzon, who must be regarded as one of the ablest contributors of modern times to Apiarian science, maintained this opinion, and stated that he had found such a receptacle filled with a fluid resembling the semen of the drones. He does not seem to have then demonstrated his discoveries by any microscopie examinations. 5 PHYSIOLOGY OF THE HONEY-BEE. 128. In the Winter of 1851-2, the writer submitted for scientific examination several queen-bees to Dr. Joseph Leidy, of Philadelphia, who had the highest reputation both at home and abroad, as a naturalist and microscopic anat- omist. He found, in making his dissections, a small globu- lar sac, about 3 of an inch in diameter, communicating with the oviduct, and filled with a whitish fluid; this fluid, when examined under the microscope, abounded in the spermatozoids* which characterize the seminal fluid.