““ —_ €86 ZOv £00 ve6l E g2rzse aS Aseaqyy Aysaaaiun jaus0D A THE FRUIT CULTURE IN JAPAN \ BY T. IKEDA, Nogakuhakuehi. \w SEIBIDO. TOKYO, JAPAN. Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924003402983 A 50 4394 T. IKEDA, Nogakuhakushi. CONTENTS Introduction CHAPTER I The Climate of Japan and Its Local Modifications --- CHAPTER II The Adaptive Ranges of Fruits in Japan --+ CHAPTER III The Fruit Soils of Japan CHGPlER. I Indigenous and Introduced Fruits CHAPTER V List of Varieties of Leading Fruits in Japan CHAPTER VI Propagation of Fruit Trees ++ CHAPTER VII Modes of Pruning and Training Fruit Trees CHAPTER VIII Some Routine Operations in Japanese Orchards * 10 69 sé 76 a 89 94 104 Introduction. In Japan, arable land is limited in extent, and the population numerous, and owing to the lack of capital the area cultivated by individual farmers is small.. The plains, and level ground generally, come first in value, as these are utilised for the cultivation of those cereals which form the principal diet of the Japanese; and on such land no room is found for other produce, including fruits, and orchards are rarely if ever seen. What fruit trees there are, have been planted in spare ground, around peasant’s cottages, on embank- ments, by the roadside, in temple grounds, on steep slopes and on table-lands which are not easily utilised on account of water facilities ; also on the outer edge of the embankments of rivers, which are often subject to destruction by floods, It would appear that hill slopes, notwithstanding the heavy growth of wild vegetation they bear, even on a poor and shallow soil, have not been taken advantage of for the cultivation of fruit trees. These conditions still exist, and have done in Japan from ancient times.v As instances of this, the persimmon may often be seen flourishing in the situations mentioned above; the pear and peach are found in the dry beds of rivers; and the orange tree and grape-vine are often planted on the slopes of hills. Fine fruit has often been produced under such conditions, without much effort, and where the soil and climate are favourable and the grower has paid some attention to the cultivation of his trees, good results have been obtained. But the cultivation of fruit trees in Japan may still be said to be in its infancy when compared with the ( 2) horticulture of Europe and America, and to account for this it must be stated that the lack of a arboricultural knowledge in the direction of pomonology is largely due in this country to the want of a market, in other words to a paucity of consumers, fruit being regarded as an article of food of dietetic value only by those above the middle class, and by the majority of the community as a luxury only and as the comestibles of children; consequently even high-class fruit has not been appreciated to the extent it deserved nor the grower awarded the merit to which he was entitled. The time has not yet arrived apparently, for competition in the production of fruit, the main effort put forth being in the cultivation of the universal daily food of the people. Although some progress has been made in fruit culture the general tardiness in its advancement cannot be denied, and it has been stated that not one person out of ten is acquainted with the names of the ordinary fruits grown. Japanese do not, apparently, care for fruit as do the peoples cf the West, and this may be owing partly to the difference in the dietary of the nations of the East and West. In Japan albuminous food is not taken as the principal portion of a meal, but is served as side dishes. Thus while rice, barley, sweet potatoes, onions, maize and other vegetables form the staple of the people, fish and fowl are the adjuncts to the general diet, the opposite being the case in the West where albuminous substances are the principal and starchy and sugary substances the auxiliary food of the people. After the introduction of Buddhism into Japan the converts to that faith subsisted upon a so-called vegetarian diet, the use of wine and meat being prohibited, the consequence being that only vegetables were served with the starchy food mentioned above. From remote ages Buddhism has been a widely spread religion in Japan, and the adherents to that faith have always been in considerable numbers and it is due to this fact that the production of meat for human consumption has largely fallen off, and as the use of meat declined that of ( 3) vegetables increased. Among the Japanese the natural demand for a highly nourishing diet has always been smaller than among the nations of Europe and America, and this, together with the influence of Buddhism, is the reason that there has been so limited a demand in Japan for food in the nature of fruits, consequently their cultivation has never been fostered to any extent and has made but little progress. On the contrary, in Japan there are numerous varieties af vegetables, many of which are of a high character, andin the neighbourhood of the larger cities there are extensive market gardens whose products are quite celebrated. There is no doubt that Europe and America are well advanced in the production of vegetables, especially in the art of forcing, which method has not been adopted in Japan; but it is nevertheless a fact that vegetables grown in Japan in the open ground are not only not inferior, but are in some instances superior, in quality, to those raised in Europe or America. It is seldom in Japan that the ground becomes frozen to the extent that work becomes impossible in winter, as is commonly the case in many other countries, and market gardens around cities like Tokyo and Yokohama are kept in continuous cultivation. This fact together with the acquisition of vegetables from warmer Gistricts diminishes the necessity for the forcing processes adopted in Europe and America, It has been stated that there are in the suburbs of Tokyo only two establishments which have adopted the European style of forcing, and the largest of these has only eighty frames working on a quarter of an acre of ground. Whatever may be said of our vegetables, it is but natural that we should have some fine fruits among the variety grown in such an extended latitude and the various altitudes found in Japan, and many of these are abundant in quantity and of a superior quality; but notwithstanding this, they are generally regarded by the Japanese—who have no idea of their hygienic value—as a luxury and to be used ( 4 ) as are candies and sweetmeats, and these conditions remain to the present day. For a long period in ancient times there was no com- munication between Japan and foreign countries, and even for along time after the end of the Tokugawa era there was no importation of the fine fruit of Europe and America, and consequently the Japanese lack of knowledge of foreign fruits and plants. Had it heen otherwise, there is no doubt that the cultivation of foreign fruit in Japan would have made more progress than it has done. Due to the great variety of latitude and altitude previously mentioned, foreign fruits planted in Japan have done fairly well, and annual crops, good both in quantity and quality, have been gathered ; and this notwithstanding the fact that the growers give but scant attention to the trees and rest satisfied so long as the yield is good, neither manuring nor pruning, and the majority ot fruit trees in Japan are treated in this way to the present day. The persimmon is treated in like manner, with the exception that its branches are occacionally thinned out, Orange trees have received some attention in the matter of manuring, as have also chesnut trees, but these are neither pruned nor trained; but Japanese have been taught by experience that pear-trees and grape-vines will not bear good crops of fruit without pruning and tiaining and consequently they have fallen into these methods as a matter of necessity. Many suitable situations, having regard to mountain side and soil, for the cultivation of fruit trees are to be found in Japan if sought for, and people generally seem to have relied upon situation and the soil only. The consequence has been that no improvement has taken place in fruit culture ; and this fact, together with extensive seri-culture, which has been for many years a growing industery of farmers and now and for some time past has produced the principal export of Japan, has no doubt largely contributed to and been the means of retarding the progress of fruit culture. C 3 In Japan the national drink is sake (i.e. rice-wine), This jiquor is used universally and by all classes, from Mikado to the lowest members of the community, and is to be found in evidence on all occasions of joy or grief, fortune or misfortune. As a beverage, it may be considered inferior to the liquors of Europe and America, but it is not likely that these will take the place of sake in this country, seeing that the latter has been in use for many centuries in close association with all rites and ceremonies. In recent times scientific investigators have introduced an improved process in the brewing of sake by adopting the pure yeast culture of western methods, and thus are enabled to manufacture a better liquor than formerly, and whatever hygienic value and fine flavour may be possessed by the fruit wines of the west, they do not take any strong, hold on the appreciation of the Japanese. Another cause of neglect in the cultivation of fruit trees is the fact that a large area that would be suitable for that pur- pose is occupied and has to be maintained under forest for the production of fire-wood and charcoal. The amount of land required for this purpose is enormous, for up to the time of the Restoration the only fuel used in Japan was wood and char- coal, and even now coal forms but a small percentage of the country’s fuel. These forests require but little attention and are profitable to the owners on that account. Finally, to summarize the causes why in Japan fruit culture has not been taken up to any extent, it may be stated :— (1.) That as the principal food of the Japanese consisted of starchy and sugary. substances, these have not deve- loped a taste or desire for fruit. (2.) Japan being surrounded by the sea, fisheries’ developed to a great extent, and consequently fish were consum- ed very generally while the consumption of the flesh of cattle was but little. The former has lighter taste than the latter. (3.) In all Japan, pickled vegetables have taken the (4-) (5.) (6.) (7-) (8.) (9.) (10.) (11) (12.) ( 6 ) place of salads :and fruits at the end of meals, and this is the case among all classes without distinction. The consumption of fruit was small, and it was rarely used in cooking. The canning of fruit was unknown, and liquors from fruits have only been made on a small scale. That the community regarded fruit as a luxury and not as a necessary. That the people had no knowledge of the beneficial qualities and the hygienic value of fruits. That on the introduction of Buddhism, vegetarianism prevailed and the consumption of animal food was checked. That the seclusion of Japan for a long period and no communication with the west, where fruits are extensively grown, until about 50 years ago, de- prived the country of gaining a knowledge of foreign fruits. ; That most fruits, though grown in a semi-wild state, yet produced crops annually or in alternate years, and thus called for little attention as to cultivation. That the extensve demand for rice-wine considerably limits that of fruit-wine and beer. That the seri-culture having been so important a part of: the farmer’s work, he has devoted no time to the culture of fruit. That land has been largely used for the production of fire-wood and charcoal. , Special features of the Japanese fruit industry. (1.) (2.) Though the cultivation of fruit in Japan has existed from ancient times, it never took the form of planting gardens or orchards until a comparatively modern date. To those trees that do not give an annual crop or that bear unsatisfactorily, a certain amount of atten- (3.) (4.) (5.). (6.) (7.) (8.) (9.) (10.) (11.) (12.) (13-) (14-) i ae tion has been given in the form of pruning and train- ing, but others that bore fruit annually were permitted to grow in a semi-wild state. With the exception of oranges (especially the man- darin), there are no plantations of fruit trees. Fruit-trees are usually low trained and those which are left nearly in their natural states resemble the stan- dards, but there are no standards as are seen in Europe and America, nor are there such roadside trees as may be Seen in Germany. There is a special method of training in Japan, and it differs greatly from that in vogue in the west. There are special measures taken in Japan, for instance enveloping fruit in hanging bags. || Irrigation is not required in Japanese fruit gardens during summer, while drainage is usually very neces- sary and in case when the latter is unsatisfactory, though the trees may fruit, the result is always very ‘bad. Fruit culture in Japan is almost always a by-produc- tion of farmers, and as such the cultivation is encourag- ed. Districts specially devoted to fruit culture are few. There is no horse-power or machine power used in fruit gardens. This is because manual labour is cheap, and besides the gardens are on too small a scale or their grounds are too precipitous to use those powers, Our fruit culture is intensive in labour but lacking capital. The variety of fruit trees also the stock plants, and the methods of propagation are widely different from * those of Europe and America.’ The fruit-growers of Japan are careless in packing and pay little attention to trade marks, consequently well-grown fruit when placed on the market does not obtain its proper value. The customs of the fruit and: vegetable markets in Cs Japan differ from those of the west. Here we have the broker as well as the agent. Goods pass from the grower to the agent through the broker, and thence from the agent through another broker to the retail dealer. This process may have some facilities but at the same time it involves considerable disad- vantages. In certian markets this practice has been altered by eliminating the brokers, the markets of - Biwajima near Nagoya being cases in point; but in the larger cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, etc., the broker reigns supreme, and the grower’s profits are thereby very much reduced. The agents do not gain much in this business and are considered general- ly to be fairly honést'in their dealings with the grower, but a radical alteration is called for in the matter of brokerage, but as the system is of many year’s Standing it will probably take some time before a change is effected. The grower—who is also usually the consignor—generally remains in the country, and che-chas generally déficient knowledge on the condi- tion of the market. Thus the agents and brokers are enabled to make large profits. Should the grow- ers’ knowledge not advance, the situation may remain forever and he will not be able to compete successfully with the merchant. Special features of Japanese fruits, (1.) In respect of the shape, quality, and yield of fruit in Japan it may be stated that it is not inferior to that produced in Europe and America. The use of cover bags induces growths of uniformity in size and shape. Generally speaking, our fruit culture is conducted on a much smaller scale than that of the west and its ' system is: very intensive, in consequence of which our fruits frequently excel in size and’shape ; but as to flavour, aroma, colour etc, they are generally inferior . @) (3-) { 9 } to that of continental productions. It is the general opinion that fruits produced in China, Korea, and California have strong aroma, while ours are very weak in it. This is due to the moist climate of Japan at the ripening period, The Japanese prefer fruit of the crisp, fleshy kind, and do not care for those that dissolve easily on the palate. This is a taste of long standing, and still exists, and it is probably due to this fact that so few soft fruits are grown in Japan. é Formerly our people regarded fruits as they do candy or sweetmeats. They were not esteemed for their acid qualities or their flavour, and aroma but for their sweetness. Sweet stuff was regarded asa relish in Japan, but this habit has diminished and is diminishing in eynipey with the general advance: ment, ‘ CHAPTER I. The Climate of J: apan and Its Local Modifications. Unrivalled in her physical endowment, our insular empire, though trifling in area, is characterised by specific climates and soils with numberless variations. From the extreme north to Formosa, spanning 28 degrees of latitude, some 27500 miles long, our floral paradise is said to be without parallel in the world. The empire abounds in fruits, both tropical and temperate, partly indigenuous and partly exotic. Our continental brethren, have often had the good opportunities to introduce their fruits, most of them with high qualities, with their civilization. The western fruits, especially of the Old World have frequently been introduced with the opening of commercial intercourse mainly at Nagasaki through the hands of the Dutch, Portuguese and Spaniards. Beside, there are a number of introduced fruits dating since the Restoration of 1867. Most of these exotic fruits, both of tropical and temperate, varieties, thrive well and some have been found to grow with great luxuriance. The archipelago of Japan consists of four major islands, Formosa excepted, and three chains of oceanic islands. Being in proximity to the Asiatic Continent, our insular climate has undergone certain disturbance through continental influence. So we find that extreme conditions of climate are greater than those of oceanic islands. Thus the difference between the average temperatures of the summer and winter amounts to about 30 degrees or more Centigrade in the north and over 20 degrees even in the south, ( ir ) ~~» The influence of the continent differs in-differcnt parts of the country. The mountain chains, most of which run through our archipelago from north to south divides the empire length- wise into two main regions, and the climatic features of the two regions show quite a radical difference, in’ consequence. The half lying west or north-west of the back bone of our country being called “ Ura-Nippon,”* (“ Ura” means ventral) the other half lying onthe other side is called “ Omote-Nippon ”’t (“ Omote ” means dorsal). Generally speaking, our winter temperatures are much lower owing to the heavy cooling influence of the Asiatic con- tinent. So, north of 30 degree N. (Riukiu Chain) the average minimum temperature in winter descends below zero every- where; ‘hence, more or less snow falls. The cooling below zero takes place not only in mid-winter, but also in late autumn and early spring. So, frost prevails from the middle of November to the end of March in every part of the country except the extreme south, that is to say, south of 30 degrees N, - According to the observations made at Sapporo (about 43 degrees 5 minutes N. L.), Hokkaido, earliest frost occurs in the first week of Octobzr and latest spring frosts extend to the middle of May. In Tokio (35 degrees 40 minutes N. L.) frost begins in the late November and lasts until the first week of May. Finally, in Kagoshima (about 31 degrees and 30 minutes N,. L.), the frost begins in late December and disappears by the end of March. Lt The Riukiu Islands have no frost throughout the year, but: the case is different in Formosa, where light frosts are often. formed in the northern districts, The climate of Formosa: differs from that of oceanic islands, owing to its nearness to: the Continent, d * May be called the Continental Belt. { May be called the Pacific Belt. : ( 12 ) Thus the frost season extends over seven months in the far northern territory, while our southernmost province has the shortest period of only three months, Though frost forms in almost all regions, it is, as a matter of fact, harmless in south Japan, except... great altitudes. It is a noticeable fact that the north and north-west regions, or greater part of the so called Ura-Nippon has never suffered damages of early and late frosts. This fact has been constantly confirmed by the reports from local authorities. Upon close examination of the reports, it has also been found that the east and south-east half or Omote-Nippon, except the warm southern provinces as well as the central plateau of Shinano and Kai provinces, have often suffered rather severe damages from frost, while the narrow belts under the influence of large bodies of water have always escaped them. It is not uncommon that orchards in those regions have suffered occasional injuries during the flowering period, while enormous loss is caused on young mulberry and tea leaves. In the last spring the same damages happened in Fukushima-Ken. Mulberry leaves were entirely destroyed in one night, the loss being estimated by the authorities at some £130,000. In the summer, owing to the strong heating of the Conti- nent our thermometers show relatively high temperatures, which are, however, not so extreme as the low temperatures of the winter. So, in the summer a south or south-east breeze blows from the Pacific toward the Continent across our lands, while in the. winter the direction of the wind is quite contrary. Thus the normal directions of the wind in the summer and winter are always fixed, and the two prevailing winds or monsoons change to each other in April and October. The isobars, during the winter and autumn runs south-south-west and north-north-east and make close curves convex towards the Continent. When the warm spell comes in spring, these curves gradually change ie ae their direction and character-and gradually come to present their convex sides towards the ocean. _ The prevailing north-west wind of the winter sweeping across the Sea of Japan is loaded with moisture. When it strikes against the mountain barriers lying along the sea coast: at various distances, it at once unloads its moisture Where the barrier stand near the ccast and directly face it, heavy precipitations are always the result. Above all others, the provinces of Kaga, Echizen, Etchu, Echigo, Uzen, Ugo and. Mutsu are known for the heaviest snowfall in Japan. The depth of snow near the sea-coast: reaches over 3 feet, while it increases to 9-13 feet at the foot o.’ the mountains. Snowstorms accompanied by cold north or north-west winds is one of the characteristic features of Ura-Nippon in. winter., For about five months from November to March dull, rainy or snowy weather always prevails. Rivers, streams, low. paddy rice fields are flooded, the fields often remaining submerged in water during the whole winter. The cold wind from the frozen Continent becomes much drier in passing to the other side of the mountains. So, the south or south-east side or the so-called “ Omote-Nippon ” regions are always scanty in rain and snow in winter. The valleys of the interior of Central Japan, especially those of Kai and Shinano Provinces have therefore cold and dry winters. Generally speaking, the Pacific Belt and the interior valley regions of Central Japan, being quite shut out from influence of humid winds, always have clear weather during the winter months. So, it is not an uncommon thing for a traveller to see the striking contrast of weather in the two belts when he arrives on his way from Echigo to Tokio, at Mikuni Pass, the watershed i in Central Japan. why BF oy - In the summer the contrary is the case.. The prevailing ( 14 ) south or south-east wind from the Pacific sweeps over the land towards the Continent, and becomes heated during its course. The humid atmosphere, on coming in contact with the mountains of our Pacific Belt, discharges its moisture and causes heavy rainfalls. In particular, during the period of change from north to south monsoons and vice versa, the warm humid atmos- phere is brought in contact with the cold currents from the Continent and long and heavy rainfalls are the result. This period of rainfall called “ Tsuyu” lasts for about one month beginning in the second week of June. Indeed, during this period the sun can not be seen frequently. Floods followed by destruction of roads, dwellings and fields occur here and there in large numbers. Strongly protected river cmbankments are often destroyed, changing fertile fields into waste. The air and soils become always saturated with moisture under rather high temperatures. The fruit trees make rapid and sappy growth. For fungus and other microbes, it is now the best time to show their activity. The unfavorable conditions of things are the commonest phenomena in the Pacific Belt of Japan, in summer especially in its South- ern territories. : While the Pacific Belt is suffering from rain. the other belt does not receive such abundant precipitation, and enjoys a rather clear spring sunshine after the long dull weather nas been swept away. But the sky is not quite so clear asin the Pacific Belt in winter. The annual precipitation in the Conti- neutal Belt teaches its maximum in December, and its minimum in May, the range between the two extremes being rather small; in other words, precipitations are rather uniformly’ distributed through the year. The case is quite contrary and more or less varied, in the Pacific Belt, and the range of varia- tion is far greater than in the Ura-Nippon. For convenience sake, I will divide it into five sections, as follows :— “1, North-West Part of Kiushu. In this section the mini- ( 15 ) mum precipitation is in winter, and gradually increases towards the summer, reaching its maximum in June. The range amounts to over 13% of the total annual precipitation. 2. The long Pacific Belt from the south-east part of Kiushu to Mito (36 degrees and 30 minutes N. L.), the north limit of Tokaido, including the Inland Sea Region, Island of Shikoku and Tokaido, In this section the rainfall reaches its minimum between December and February and increases gradually until June. These features are the same as in section 1; but afterwards in Atigust the rainfall quickly diminishes and again increases in September. The difference between the two extremes amounits to 119 of the total prea tation of the year. 3. East Coast of Hondo (Main Island). The variations are almost equal to section 2 but the amount of precipitation in September is far greater than in June. Besides second mini- mum occurs in July instead of August. 4. The Central Part of Hondo. The changes are similar to those of the first section, except that the maximum occurs in July and not in June, 5. Hokkaido, the west coast excepted. The minimum of precipitation occurs in February, and the maximum in September. Its amount in autumn far exceeds that of any other section. The phases of variations above described aré shown by the following figures :— as a ° Boe ° oa Be a as 88 Se 8 32 da % fo. of sg a5 = Es “ Pe 2 ¢4 go 95 a3 3 a oA gs gS gs S> January..........5 103% 37% 39% 34% 40 % 37% 36% February ........ . 7.0 36 3.9 4.2 4.7 3.7 2.0 Match ...cceseeeee 6.1 6.2 5.9 9.3 6.7 6.0 5.0 April .. veeee 6.9 - 8.2 104 10.9 6.0 8.3 74 MAY cccreccaccovese 5.4 9.1 to.7 10.3 6.7 8.3 Iro June cevecsserecees a 23 11.8 16.6 14.3 13.3 11.3 8.5 July csssccrcroreees 84 12.0 16.4 116 9.0 18.3 9.5 AUBUSt orcs 67 10.0 8G°:° 7.2 11.0 11.0 110 September ...... 10.6 igo 10.1 12.0 18.0 13.0 10.0 ‘Ura- + Nippon wo. ( 16 ) : 3s Ho ga a os 28 62 oF = $M ga 2 ss Bs I 5.4 10.4 6.2 3.9 5.5 5.0 4:3 34 Ree wayne East Coast of {Tondo : 6 oy ae Central 2e™ Japan kkaida, Owe Io ee ee ° (Fi om. Observations of Central Meteorological. Observatory.) Also figures showing precipitations in various ‘stations run.as follows: — Stations: ; Nawa Kagoshima Miyazaki Kochi’. Tokushima Wakayama Oita , Yamaguchi Kumamoto - Saga Nagasaki, Saseho Fukuoka Itsugahara. Akamaga- seki i Hamada Sakai Hikone Tsu Nagoya: Gifu ‘Hamamatsu Kofu Numazu.; Yokosuka Tokio Utsunomiya Choshi Sections Kiushu Shiketeu, Hondo . Kiushu Hondo Kiushu Ave. ; Ann. Stations Pptns. _ Mim. 2193.3 Hiroshima 1193.6 Kure 2539.6 Matsuyama Shikoku - 2675.5 Tadotsu - 1745.7 Ajino 1361.2 Okayama 1585.3 Kyoto ~ 18780 Osaka - 1477.9 Kanazawa 1461.4. Fushiki 1963.9 Nagano | 1318.4 Niigata — 1432.3 Yamagata 2240.6 Akita . 1568.2 Fukushima 1461.9 Ishinomaki 1902.8 Miyako 1461.2: Awomori 1655.2 Hakodate 1561.0 Shutzu 1919.6 Sapporo ~ 1766.7 Kamikawa 1068.2 Soya 1779.7. Abashiri 1460.7 Nemuro 1467.6 Kushiro 1571.7 Erimo . 1560.5 ‘Tokachi Sections’ Hondo “ogy Piane Hokkaido Ave.” ‘Ann; ‘Pptns;: _ Min. . 1480.9 "1269.0 1157-7 - 963-7 873.8 988.0 1516.0 1283.8 24788 2077:7 906, 1 1696.9 1173.4 1684.3 1185.7 1085.1 1342.9 1251.2 1103.5 1231.5 967.9 1085.3 868.9 691.1 987.3 1024.7 .. 997-9 924.2 { 17) ' The amount of rainfall thus ranges between 3100 mm, at Shingu, a station in Kii Province and 691.1 mm. at Abashiri; Hokkaido. The ‘heaviest rainfall in summer therefore occurs on the Pacific coast ‘of Kii, and it is the maximum in our country. Next comes the Pacific coast of Kiushu, and Shikoku in the Omote-Nippon, and the Provinces of ‘Kaga and. Echizen in the Ura-Nippon. In these districts the total amounts to over 2500 mm. = The driest region next to the north-east Hokkaido is Shina- no, a province in Cent’l Japan; then follow the Inland Sea Region and the Province of Kai. In Shinano, the total never reaches over 900 mm. Itis also under 1000 mm. in the Inland Sea Region (the outlying Provinces of Bizén, Bichu and Sanuki and the islands) and under 1100 mm. in Kai, a Province next © to Shinano. These are the drier regions of Japan, considering the rainfall of the whole year. Aside from’some -local disturbances due to topographical irregularities, the rainfall seems to diminish from the south- west to the north-east parts of Japan. Thus the amount in Hokkaido is no more than 4 of that of Kiushu. I shall now proceed to examine the conditions of cloudi- ness and relative humidity. The variations of cloudiness are quite similar in their phases to those of the rainfall. In the Pacific Belt it is little in winter and great in summer. that is, during the six months from April to September its amount is above the average, while. during the other half of the year it is below the average. Here however, I must mention some exceptions. The Inland Sea Region, the Pacific Belt, as well as the west coast of Kiushu in Ura-Nippon show some deviations from this rule, the minimum cloudiness being in November, and never in Decem- ber. (See the Table) The phases of cloudiness are-generally reverse in Ura- Nippon being very. coudy in. winter and comparatively clear in summer, the monthly amount is under the average from ( 18 ) March to October, while for the rest of the year is considerab- ly. above the average. og 2 . As to the seasonal distribution of dauds Ican clearly say that j in Ura-Nippon, it is almost uniform through all seasons except winter and far less than the amount in winter. On the contrary, the sky is most cloudy in the summer and clearest in the winter in the Pacific Belt,. while in the spring and autumn it falls between the two extremities. _ In the -west coast of Japan the conditions of cloudiness are uniformly distributed between the winter, spring and sum- mer, the autumn being the clearest season. . In the Inland Sea Region, the spring and summer are rather cloudy, and the other seasons clearer, The variations of relative humidity show a parallelism to those of the average temperatures of the respective places. It is great in summer and small ia winter. The maximum falls in August, and the minimum in January. The average of the two extremes amounts to some 15 mm. in the south and dimi- nishes gradually northwards to 13 mms. in Hokkaido. The annual variations of humidity show two maximum and minimum in Ura-Nippon, while in Omote-Nippon, there is only one minimum and maximum, as shown in the following table :— Jan. Feb Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. : Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year Ura-Nippon | 83 | 82 | 78 | 76 | 76 | 82 | 84 | 82 | 82 | 80 | 80 | 82 | 8r gs @ ByE. Coast | 77 | 76 | 74| 72 | 73 | 83 | 86 | 85 | 85 | 82 | 77 | 73 | 79 Y& (Hokkaido| 8x | 84 | 85 | 82 | 83 | 89 | 91 | go | 88 | 82 | 79 | 80] 85 Thus, one can see the great humidity of our climate, Hok- kaido standing highest in the scale as shown in the table. This phenomenon is caused by cooling effect of the “ Oya- shiwo,” a cold current sweeping parallel to and along the { 19 ) Kurile Islands southwards towards the Pacific coast of -Hok- kaido. The dense fogs which cover this part of Hokkaido and the northern parts of Hondo are due to this current. Next to Hokkaido, the east or pacific coast of Hondo often show the highest percentage. This part is also quite foggy in the summer, though not so densely as in Hokkaido. Ura-Nippon shows, on the whole, a higher percentage than the East Coast of Japan. But it is less humid than the East Coast in summer, As regards the air temperature I may add a few words. According to the reports of the authorities, the minimum tem- perature is in January or often in the early part of February. It then gradually rises with the monthly rate of 4 degrees C.‘ and finally reaches its maximum in August. Then it slowly decreases at the rate of 3.5 degrees C, through September and October when. the rate suddenly drops to 6 degrees C. pee month. Thus the rise of monthly temperatures is slow taking seven months, while its fall is quicker and requires only five months, From the foregoing one can see that the temperature of the air falls below zero in all districts except the extreme south. But there is no serious damages to the growing vegetation. Fruit trees thrives well in the open air. Even the tender ones such as oranges and lemons, grow well without protection up to 35 degrees 30 minutes N.L. Of the severe freezing of the soil familiar to continental people we have no experience. Except in the extreme north our open fields abounds in crops and vegetables in winter, and in some sheltered corners peas and rapes often break the monotony of winter with white. and golden. flowers. a Probably such a state of things. would Seretie your wonder. As above stated, Ura-Nippon is quite free from frost (or other cooling injuries) the ground being always covered with deep snow, or the sky clouded during the winter and early ( 20 ) spring. -Grape vines are always mulched in. this part -before -winter sets in; but it is merely to prevent their breaking down by heavy snowfalls and has nothing to do with frost or freezing. Owing to the winter drought the Pacific Belt is much liable to the’ winter injuries of frost and freezing. ; These inju- ries are severe especially in the cold dry interior valleys: of Kai, Shinano and Iwashiro, as well as on the open plains of Kwanto. .- ‘The ocean currents having most influence on our climate seem to be the two large ones called the,Tsushima Current and the “ Oya-Shiwo” (Main Current). The former passes through the Korean Channel’ from south to north into the Sea of Japan, and sweeps along the coast-of Ura-Nippon. The north-west. winds prevalent in the winter, which take up warmth in. sweeping over the current, have the effect of amel- iorating to some extent the winter cold. of Ura-Nippon. On the other hand, the “:Oya-Shiwo ”, or the cold current running southwards along the east and south coasts of Hok- kaido and’ the east coast’ of Hondo..is largely influential in lowering. the temperatures of those regions in summer. Besides these two currents, there is another large warm current called “ Kuro-Shiwo” (Black Current), which sweeps along the south and east coasts of Japan. It is larger and higher in temperature than the above currents.. But its influ- winds prevail as above stated, In summer the winds from the Pacific become heavily charged with moisture in crossing this current and cause abundant rainfall upon their arrival on the land ; but the land: is then heated to a much higher temperature than the current and the warming effects of the latter are quite imperceptible, only causing heavy rainfalls on’the Pacific Belt. The facts presented above will enable one to grasp the general features of our climate, and-certain, of its characteristics. They are quite different from those of other countries. More- over, ‘the two Belts of Omote.and Ura-Nippon present a strik- ing contrast. Generally. speaking, the continental features ( 21 ) appear in the north-west and north Japan, including the greater part of Ura-Nippon and Hokkaido. The central dry valleys of Shinano and Kai as well as the Inland Sea Region have also similar climate. On the contrary, the south and south-eastern parts, in other words, the Pacific Belt show more characteris- tics of insular climate. : a ; 7 The great*difference in adaptability of fruits in those dis- tricts, to be detailed in the next chapter, will be intelligible on the basis oi these facts, CHAPTER Il. The Adaptive Ranges of Fruits in Japan. a ie rae a Fruit trees growing in Japan comprise almost all kinds of warm and temperate origin. ‘The climate and soil are varied enough for them to flourish in the open air. Exotic fruits have also been quite naturalized in various districts, and many of them have borne good fruits. Amongst them, apples, pears and American grapes have found a wide field for adaptation since their introduction some 30 years ago. Apple growing now forms the leading industry ot North Japan. Generally speaking, no fruits, except those of tropical and sub-tropical origin, suffer from want of summer heat, but owing to the high degree of humidity in summer, our fruits are clearly different from those grown on the Continent or in drier regions, Their flavour or aroma is markedly inferior to that of the fruits grown in the continental climate. . CRABS AND APPLES. “ Ringo,” a Japanese crab apple and “ Rinki,” a variety of the Siberian crab, both of which are indigenous to Japan grow wild in almost any part of the Ura-Nippon, north Japan with Hokkaido and central Japan (Provinces of Kai and Shinano). According to our old records and reports of local exe perts, the fruits have never been found wild or naturalized in the south east parts of Hondo, Shikoku and Kiushu, or in the Omote-Nippon, except the North. Cultivated apples, most of which are of American origin, thrive well in Hokkaido, north and north-west Japan. Thearea of their plantations in these centres amounts to several hundreds ( 33 ) of acres. Their cultivation has also proved very promising in Central Japan, where, however, they have not been grown so extensively. Inthe rather dry regions bordering the Inland Sea (Provinces of Bizen, Sanuki and Iyo) apple growing has become a profitable industry in late years. But the climatic factors are not so favorable as in the above districts, and some early and mid-season varieties alone are cultivated with suc- cess. Besides, there is a small apple district in Kawasaki, between Tokio and Yokohama, where only the earliest variety (Red Astrachan) is.grown to supply the markets of those cities. The apples are seldom found in south and south-east Japan. The summer heat of these-regions is too high for the proper growth of apples, while the excessive humidity in summer is liable to. induce over luxuriance of the vegetative parts and check the fruit bearing in consequence. So, it is necessary to care for the selection of aspects, altitudes and soils in order to raise good apples (most of them belong to the late varieties) in south-east Japan. Otherwise, the trees grow vigorously but remain fruitless for ever. It is now a settled opinion that the apples of Hokkaido are handsome in appearance, rather similar to those of such favoured districts as Canada and Pacific States of the United States, whilst they are poorer in flavour, especially in sugary contents. Perhaps the summer is not long enough to bring their full ripening. The produce of Yoichi, a littoral village not far from Sapporo is said to be excellent in quality and appearance, and very large in quantity. Next follows Sapporo. In north and north-west Japan, the apples of Awomori and Akita have gained mastery over all the other districts. Next comes those of Iwate and Yamagata. The provinces of Echigo, Kaga and Echizen standing far behind the others in every respect. It seems to me, as above stated, that the poor quality of the apples of the latter districts is to be ascribed to the hot summer, as is also the case in south Japan. { 24 9 Of the practical apple growing centers, Tsugaru or-Hiro- saki region in Awomori-Ken* and Kazuno or Hanawa region in Akita-Ken have long since taken the leadership, in the central markets of Tokio and other cities, Their fruits are unsurpassed in quantity and in flavour and keeping: quality. As regards appearance, they are often inferior to those of Hokkaido. Here they are planted on steep hill-sides or in rich alluvial deposits with gravelly subsoil. : They are also often grown in humous soils with fair success, although would remain fruitless in such soils in south Japan. _ Hence it is clear that in North Japan climate is the primary factor in the produc- tion of good apples, while the ;soil’plays only a subordinate part. ; A Though apples are grown with best results in these dis- tricts insects and disease give trouble.” Fungi are kept away by means of,spraying and bagging, and those neglected are always subject to the harm of parasites. The; spot fungus and sooty mould, ‘both ‘ tof hich: ‘are caarepivess grow on the fruit skin and: Hus spojl their appear- ance... ~~ Peps opten alma .. Aside. from the. parasites a frets. ae here the oo of these. saprophytes on the fruit skin: ‘Gjrould _surprise ‘any; con- tinental growers, and are unmistakable: proofs of:our warm and humid, climate. - Finally, apples grown in: south ‘Japan, that j is, in es prov- inces of the Inland Sea Region, are characterised by poor quality, dull appearance, deformity, dry and mealy texture, want of keeping quality, etc. The late varieties behave like the early ones. The ripening process appears to be much accelerated, the fruits cease to grow at an early period and tend-to premature colouring. ‘Therefore they are markedly small, dry in ‘texture;, light, and keep badly. As compared with the same variety grown in north Japan, how wide a difference! : *« Ken” means Prefecture... ( 25 ) Though producing apples of varied qualities, all these regions present more or less similarities in climatic factors, such as humidity, cloudiness and precipitation, but the temperature varying. Hence we may conclude that- the adaptive range for apples depends: mainly on the amount of precipitation during the period of vegetation. SAND AND WILD PEARS. Sand pears grow throughout Japan, except the Riukiu Isles and Formosa. They have a wide range of adaptation as regards climate and soil. They mostly grow very healthy, are productive, and seem to attain the fruiting age earlier than the European pears, other conditions being equal. They are adapted to the warmer parts of Japan better than European pears. Pears of good quality are now grown in north Japan and Hokkaido. Their flavour and appearance seem to excel those grown in the more southern parts of Japan. betty _ The growing of sand pears is one of the most advanced and important line of business for Japanese growers, They seem to flourish equally well in Omote-Nippon. The best kinds are grown in the provinces of Echigo, Kaga, Echu and Echizen. Though North Japan has also good kinds of native pears. Of late years, an expert grower called Chojuro Taima has succeeded in bringing out a novel breed, to which his name has been given. It is almost unsurpassed in quality and other characteristics as a market pear. It has a wide reputation among growers and salesmen and has spread throughout the country with great rapidity. In Omote-Nippon, good >ears have long been culti- vated in the villages on rich, alluvial deposits of the Tamagawa, some six miles south of Tokio. Besides, native pear orchards abound in regions with rich river bottoms and in littoral districts. Low paddy fields are often inter-planted with sand pear trees with good success, In an extensive pear region of Nara, pear-trees are planted on low ridges, side by side with.rice ( 26 ) plants. Owing to the heavy nature of the soil and narrow limit of root extension, they begin to fruit very early and heavily. But they tend to deteriorate while rather young. They attain full fruiting at seven years from planting and at fifteen years deterioration is nearly complete whereupon the orchards are planted anew. Most Japanese growers firmly believe in the old saying, that where the water stands, pears thrive, hence our pear culture in rice fields, Recently, pear orchards have largely been laid out on steep hillsides, at several localities on the Inland Sea. Wild pear trees commonly used as stocks, “ Inunashi” (Pirus Calleryana), and “ Tanenashi Inunashi,” its seedless variety has a similar range of adaptation to the wild apples, predominating in the north, north-west and central Japan. ‘“TInunashi” growing by the road-sides often bears an immense crop every year. Its pips are gathered and sown to raise stocks. It is unparalleled in its hardiness, health and productiveness. Among the wild pears, some varieties are eatable, especially the seed less variety. These wild species grow largely in many parts of the Province of Rikuchu. © QUINCES. ’ “The species of Cydonia have become naturalized since their introduction at a remote period. They were imported from Cambodia through the hands of the Portuguese in Naga- saki in 1634. “ Marumero,” our name for Cydonia Vulgaris, is derived from the same Portuguese word. - Species closely similar to ours also grown in Korea and North China. Beside these exotic kinds, we have many Cydonias as Ornamentals. The edible quinces have an almost similar distribution to the native apples and wild pears in our country. They flourish and fruit profusely in north Japan -in- low moist corners near farmers’ dwellings. Besides, beautiful specimens grow in Hokkaido and-central Japan. Travellers ( 27 ) are often surprised at seeing the growth of wild quinces on the banks of Shinanogawa in the province of. Echigo. On the lake side of Suwa, they are planted on low wet lands, newly prepared for them by hilling up the soil from the water. Here they thrive and fruit in the best conditions. The ornamental Cydonias grow more widely than the edible species; they thrive equally well in both halves of the country. . -KAKIS (Date Plums of -Japan). We have about 800 named varieties of date plums which can be divided into sweet and astringent varieties. They have a wider range of adaptation than the native pears; and almost equal to the peaches, as wil! be shown later. They are grown and gathered by the aborigines in Formosa in the extreme south, but I have heard of no trees growing in the Riukiu and Bonin Islands. In Kiushu, Shikoku and the Main Island they thrive well in any district. It is a rather difficult thing to. travel ‘without seeing a few lots of Kaki trees planted on road- sides and odd lands around farmers’ cottages in every village.. They have never been planted in regular orchards or gardens, but any vacant lot is used for them. Kaki, Kaki, everywhere ; it is as common a scene in Japan asthe water in Holland! But, generaliy speaking, the date plums gradually lessen in number from the south to the north, and the weet varieties, common in south and central Japan gradually decrease towards the north and are replaced by the astringent ones. Good fruits are produced up to 38 degrees N. L. but from this limit northwards, the fruits become inferior in. all respects, until one comes to Tsugaru Strait, which is the ex- treme north limit of the Kaki. Hokkaido has Kaki trees growing quite wild in its southern provinces, but they have proved there unfit for cultivation. _ The date plum has no distinct preference between the, climates of the two longitudinal halves of Japan. They suc-, ( 28 ) ceed equally well i in both sections ; but the best named varieties are mostly found in the south parts of Omote-Nippon. They grow and fruit freely in a variety of soils. The colour and quality of the fruits as well as their yield seem to be promoted by planting them on heavy, but well-drained loams. They are very water-loving in habit and require a constant and sufficient supply of soil water. Soil variable in. their’ water contents are unfit for their cultivation, causing the premature dropping of the fruit, especially in and after the rainy season (“ Tsuyu ”). CITROUS FRUITS. i , Citrous plants can grow from about 37 degrees N. L. - southwards. Their growing centers, however, are located from 35 degrees N. L. southwards, but owing to the influence of the warm current (Kuroshiwo in the Pacific Ocean and Tsushima Current i in the Sea of Japan) their north limit extends up to the 37 degrees N. L. on the sea coast. Inland valleys of central Japan are not favourable for the growth of citrous fruits because of the effects of high altitude. Only in a: small part of Shinano and Kai some of the hardiest kinds are grown but not on a commercial scale. Near the north limit or frontier of the citrous area are trifoliate orange (Aegle Sepiaria), ‘“ Yuzu ’' and often “ Daidai” (Bitter orange, Citrous Bigaradia). Next follow the mandarin (C. Nobilis), Kinkans (C. N. Var. Microcarpa) and ‘“ Natsu- mikan ” (C. ‘Bigaradia Var. Sinense). Then come the region of sweet oranges (C. Aurantium) whose north limit extends to about 35.5° N. L. on the sea coast. South of the oranges come the pomelos and grape fruits (C. Decumana), followed by Fingered Citrons (C. Medica Var. Chirocarpus), lemons and citrons. ‘Their north limits are likely to coincide with those of the Myrica and the olives. The limes are not yet cultivated in our ‘country. The flavour of the dessert kind of citrous fruits, such as oranges, pomelos and mandarins become ( 29 ) gradually improved southwards, owing to the richer’ contents of saccharine principles. ‘Besides, the colour deepens arid the: tind tends to become more and more. smooth, accompanied by: the diminution: of its thickness. Finally, in Riukiu Isles and Formosa, the sugary contents entirely replace the acid sub-: stances. It becomes simply very sweet and thus the ‘true flavour of the fruits are rather lost. The distribution of our citrous fruits seem mainly influenced by the average minimum: temperatures of:'the winter months. According to the obseérv- ations of the ‘Central Meteorological Observatory, the north’ limits of the hardiest kinds seem to coincide more or less per- fectly with the winter isothermal of 3 degrees C., and those of more tender species, as citrons ‘and lemons are roughly. coin~ cident with 5 depiees C. winter isothermal. Of the many kinds, mandarins, Natsudaidai and oranges are the: most extensively cultivated, the two latter being rather recent introductions. They attain the highest perfection only ‘in south Japan. Of the sweet oranges, Washington Navel and Thomson’s Improved are exclusively planted ona large scalé’ Many of the groves are young and a few have been iruiting for several years. In :my opinion, the ' sweet oranges are difficult to grow in our humid atmosphere, and the soils of south Japan, where the mandarins reach- perfection as to the quality and yield, do not seem to be suited to them. In America, it is known that the orange fails in ‘Florida, and succeeds in California, while the mandarin, which. flourish in Florida, can not be cultivated with success in California, -The climates of Florida and our south have a certain similarity though they differ in degree. More over, the famous orange regions of the world and the natural habitat of the plant, for example, the Mediterranean countries, Bahia in Brazil, and California, have something in common in their climatic conditions. In other words, these are regions of moist winter and dry summer; ‘ecologically the so-called Sclerophilous wood-land climate! — . oe ee { 30 ) From the foregoing, it may be inferred that the oranges rather enjoy a drier climate than the mandarins, whilst the latter show themselves to be adapted to grow and fruit in damp rainy climate, under the so-called warm temperate rain- forest climate. The citrous fruits of Omote-Nippon are said to be much superior in all respects to those of Ura-Nippon, The growing centres are located in the north-western part of Kii, and in Izumi, and the neighboring provinces, insouth Japan. Here the mandarins are planted on steep hills in terraces. The terraces dre supported with stone blocks piled up like a stone wall. The growing of citrous fruits is an important branch of out fruit industry. Its acreage is shown in the following table. 1901 1902 : 1903 Q (Fe, a ——_—_—_ Prefectures Citrous Mandarins Citrous Mandarins Citrous Mandarins Fruits (Unshu) Fruits (Unshu) Fruits (Unshu) : cho cho cho cho cho cho Wakayama 3487 1862 3432 1745 3521 1997 Osaka 1216 1173 1255 1209 1296 1246 Oita 438 363 300 230 517 437 Kanazawa 505 348 666 494 662 509 Kumamoto 573 113 651 166 —_— —_— Aichi. 311 293 368 350 490 464 Yehime 321 183 373 224 398 235 Yamaguchi 489 21 509 23 532 32 Kagoshima = 459 == 499 —= 439 = Kyoto 246 14} 260 156 264 157 Nara 211 170 235 182 261 200 Shizuoka 200 113 16) 105 219 104 Hyogo 181 127 192 135 206 140 Tokushima 186 65 213 128 238 151 Formosa 244 — 259 -, - — Miye 157 44 166 50 178 54 Gifu 97 76 99 78 108 86 { St Igor 1902 1903 Prefectures Citrous Mandarins Citrous Mandarins Citrous Mandarins Fruits (Unshu) Fruits (Unshu) Fruits (Unshu) cho cho cho cho cho cho Nagasaki 92 54 98 56 69 39 Fukuoka 124 — 128 — 141 —_ Hiroshima IOI 22 100 20 98 17 Saga 82 33 104 4I 95 40 Shimane gl 3 87 3 94 3 Kochi 74 II 79 82 12 12 Ibaraki 50 10 51 12 52 14 Miyasaki 52 I 55 I 58 I Okayama 39 2 4I 2 44 3 Okinawa 29 —_— 30 — 32 _— Kaga 28 I 36 2 46 3 Fukui 19 4 27 5 28 7 Saitama 18 — 18 — 18 — Tottori 15 = 16 — 18 —_— Niigata 10 _ 10 — 10 —_— Ishikawa 3 — 3 — 3 — Shiga — — _— _ | — Total IOI52 5254 10485 5971 {10163 5761 N.B. Our “Cho ” is nearly equivalent to 2.5 acres, LOQUATS (The Japanese Medlar). The north boundary runs almost parallel to that of the citrous plants but being hardier, it extends somwhat more northwards. They seem to enjoy mild climates in the proxi- mity of large bodies of water. Large loquat groves flourish and fruit abundantly in the littoral districts of south and south- east Japan, only a few districts being noted on the west coast of Wakasa on the Sea of Japan. At any rate, famous loquat regions always stand by the sea, the plantations often directly facing the breeze, being located on steep hillsides rising directly from the waters. Tne new shoots come out in spring ( 32 ) and in late summer, some of them have become spur-like and begin to show flower clusters at the top. The other rapidly grown shoots never bear flowers on them. The flowering begins usually in late October and continues till early December. The plant is evergreen, and the fruits continue to grow larger gradually during the winter and ripen in the early part of June. From its flowering habit it is well considered that the larger part of Ura-Nippon is not favourable for loquat culture, owing to the heavy rain or snow-falls which always prevail in the late autumn and winter. But the case is quite different in Omote-Nippon. ‘The dry, sunny weather from the autumn to winter in Omote-Nippon has no little favoured the setting of fruits. Thus, loquat growing has arisen and developed in many parts of Omote-Nippor. At present, the best fruits are produced in localities from 35 degrees N. L. southwards. Amongst them, the groves of Mogi, a fishing village near Nagasaki and Sakurajima, an Islandin the Gulf of Kagoshima produce immense crops, while those of Tamura in the province of Kii and Namuya in the province of Awa have also been famed for their superior produce. PEACHES AND NECTARINES, There are a number of varieties of our native peaches and nectarines, From the extreme south of Formosa to Hokkaido, local forms are cultivated side by side with Western and Chinese varieties, whichi are all much superior to ours in all respects. During the past twenty years, the growing of introduced peaches has replaced the native one with striking rapidity. Their growing seems to be naturally limited in Hokkaido to the south part up to about 43 degrees N. L. The midseason and late varieties do not properly ripen there and peach growing consequently does not develop to be a profitable industry in Hokkaido. Peaches are rather easy to cultivate and seem to be less susceptible to the effects of ( 33 ) climate, than apples, provided suitable sites. and soil be given. Consequently peach orchards are found scattered here and there all over the country. For the peaches there is no difference between the two longitudinal halves of Japan. At present, large orchards of peaches, regularly planted and trained, are found on the alluvial lowlands and hillsides. The heavy rainfall during June and July causes an overluxuriance of growth and considerable portion of the fruits drop down without reaching maturity. To prevent the damage from the parasites our people have learned through experience the important operation of bagging. On the-loamy soils, good qualities of fruits may be attained, but the growers. are accustomed to prefer light sandy soils to insure success. Sometimes rather dry hillsides give good results. Our damp climate is always apt to induce sappy growth of shoots, from which the gum disease follows. This is the case in loamy soils in particular, and the custom of planting them in sandy soils must have resulted, partly at least, from this cause. JAPANESE PLUMS. Plums behave like peaches, and none have been found growing in Riukiu, Bonin Isles or Formosa. The north limit of plum culture lies in the south part of Hokkaido. But its range seems capable of being extended farther north by the selection o hardier varieties. Japanese plums are more adaptive to climatic conditions than the Kernel f:uits and vinifera grapes. Some varieties can be found in Ura-Nippon and Omote-Nippon. They are more healthy, vigorous and fertile than Domestic and American varieties, Exotic plums are rarely seen, except in amateur’s gardens. They seem to be more exacting as to climatic conditions than-the native plums for the perfection of fruitage. Native plums are cultivated with much less care than pears andpeaches. They are like Kaki to the growers. From ( 34 ) the cultural point of view, the plum hardly deserves mention. Little cared for they regularly bear good crops of excellent quality year after year. Though the Americans have imported many noted varieties from our country and the fruit has under- gone improvements by the breeder, there still remain some native varieties untested by them. The best plums come from the villages of Teradamura and Tominoshio, villages several miles southwest of Kyoto, they are noted by their appearance, very best quality, ferility and earliness. No onecan fogget their flavour after one trial as dessert. The plantations cover about 245 acres in the village of Terada alone. The total produce of this village amounted to 690 tons last year and sold for £4,000. The plums of Ochiai, a rural district in the province of Kai, have also had a wide reputation for many years. Besides, in far southern they Kagoshima produce beautiful plums. Their beauty, flavour and productiveness are unrivalled by any native plums. Above all others, the late varieties have had a world- wide reputation. There are 68,475 native plum trees in Sakura- jima and produce amounted to 140 tons valuing £1,827 in 1904. They are mainly grown on the west coast of the island. In these districts, they are planted on dry hill-sides with a gentle slope. The soil is well drained, but rather poor and shallow, and underlaid with stiff subsoil of granite origin. Soils of this kind are very common in the south-west part of Japan. In Sakurajima, the soils are of volcanic origin. The orchards at Ochiai (Province of Kai), are located on gravelly joam with well-drained sub-soil. The soil of Terada is a light sandy loam underlaid with heavy clay. The early frost comes in Terada about the middle of October and the late frost ends in early April. Although any site may be selected, the best is thought to be the side of a gentle slope with north exposure. In this position not only the injuries from late frosts can be avoided, but the best quality and appearance of the fruits can be secured, since on a sunny exposure the fruit skin tends to become ( 35 ) yardened too early. In sunny positions the fruits are often covered with numerous brown patches owing to the action of intense light. Such fruits not only lose in appearance but are of inferior quality as dessert. On the contrary, fruits grown on the north side are superior as above stated, in many respects, of which thick bloom and the delicateness of the skin are noticeable. On a loose subsoil plum roots freely penetrate and the result is a greater or less sterility. Plum trees do not fruit well in wet low-lands and in rainy seasons, the fruits are moreover apt to drop prematurely. ‘They also remain inferior in appearence and flavour and are more subject to gum disease. APRICOTS. The apricot has long been cultivated in our land in a half wild condition. It grows very widely in Japan. Its north and south limits almost coincide with those of the plums. It seems to require a similar climate as the hardy plums and rather different from that required by peaches. They are grown with good success in the drier parts of Japan, that is, in the provinces of Kai and Shinano in central Japan, as well as the north-west part of Hondo and the Inland Sea Region. The environs of Nagano in the Province of Shinano, have particulary wide reputation for them since remote antiquity. We have no districts, famous for growing apricots in Omote- Nippon. The fruiting conditions for apricots are more difficult than for the ‘“‘ Ume,” the only nearly allied species. They seem to enjoy a rather dry summer and loamy soil. The best apricots are grown in rich alluvial deposits of more or less varying texture, but always with gravelly subsoil. Such soils are found in the growing centers of Hanishina, Sarashina, and Kami-minachi in the Province of Shinano, Frequent rains before ripening induce the fruits to drop down premature- ly, while summer drought make them shrivel. The severest { 36 % damages are sometimes, though seldom, done by late frosts on flowers in the early weeks of May. “UMES” (“Japan Apricot” of American Authors) In the range of adaptation they are similar to the two foregoing. They are more fruitful in all parts of Japan than the plums and apricots. Any climate and soil seem to suit them equally well. Only the selection of a proper site is of the hightest importance to avoid spring frosts, since the umes are the first to bloom among our orchard fruit trees, In Tokio, they begin to flower in late January. So, it is important to obtain a northern exposure and some elevations where the frost injuries are out of reach. Besides, under these conditions, good quality and appearance of the fruits can be secured. The Ume (Prunus Mume) to which the name of ‘Japan Apricot” has been given is something quite different from any native or exotic apricots. It has descended from our forefathers and is much esteemed, The plants are used both for ornamental and utilitarian purposes. The fruits are gathered while unripe about the middle of June, and are preserved in salt under pressure. During the clear. hot weather from late July to August the squeezed fruits are dried in the sun in the open air ontrays. When enough drying has been done, they are placed in a salt solution coloured crimson with the leaves of Perilla Nankinensis. The drying is repeated a number of times and the fruits are finally preserved in the juice. The Ume fruits are very acid when fully ripe, it contains a high percentage of free citric acid, and can not be used as desserts. In this way the Ume fruits can be kept safe for several. years and though not highly palatable, they have a place of their own among household fruits not easily replaceable by any other articles. The preserve is called “ Umeboshi ”’, and the housewife prepares them. Our. torefathers. used always to carry them inthe camp. In ths late Russo-Japanese War, some hundreds of tons of “ Ume- ( 37 ) boshi ” were sent out for the use of our fellowmen at the front. The “Umeboshi” is believed by some people to have a medicinal value, and so it is usual to see it served at breakfast in many hotels and private families, CHERRIES. The native cherry-trees bear poor fruits and do not belong to the category of orchard fruits in the strict sense. They are valued as ornaments and take in our national life the place of the Roses of western nations, The fruits are small, round, deep purple, and rather bitter in taste. Besides, there are dwarf wild cherries called Fujisakura, growing wild in the high altitudes of Mt. Fuji, Hakone a J other mountains. These bear fruits similar to those of the ordinary cherry trees but small, They are dwarfed in pots and used for ornamental purposes, trees have been recently used as dwarfing stock for grafting European cherry trees. This use is quite a new thing. The result is very satisfactory, and European cherry trees can be made by this means to fruit very profusely while young. Flowering cherries have been used as stocks in our country, but they have no dwarfing effects on cherries and require some particular attention as to soil and managements to let them bear freely. The cultivated fruit cherries are entirely introductions from Europe and America. One kind from China is also now grown. The western varieties succeed well only in districts with cool and dry summer. The suburbs of Yamagata, the metropolis of the Province of Uzen and Sapporo in Hokkaido are noted for its culture. The profitable boundaries for cherries appear to be more sestricted than those for apples and quinces, On the contrary, the Chinese edible cherry seems to be better adapted to the warmer and moister parts of our country where the European varieties are apt to run to wood at the expense of the fruits. (38-5 JUJUBES. They grow well in a quite abandoned state in drier parts of our country. They seem to succeed especially well in continental climates, The finest specimens are produced in Shinano and Kai provinces in central Japan. In the south, from 34 degrees N. L. southwards, they are rarely cultivated. The. native species are inferior in quality and size of fruits to those of Korea and North China. In the north parts of Korea, and in north China, especially near Shan-hai-Kwan travellers are always agreeably surprised to see extensive bushes of jujubes in a quite wild condition. They seem to thrive very well in about 40 degrees N.L. on the Continent. The Chinese jujube has very large fruits with thick pulp and tough smooth skin. Californians have early paid attention to them and succeeded in introducing them into their own country. Their dried fruits have been seen in late years in our grocer’s stores in Tokio. MYRICAS. These are natives of warm temperate zones like the _ loquats and oranges, and more tender. They grow in the south part of Japan where they attain perfection in growth and fruitage. They are adapted to an equable climate near large bodies of water. Their north limit is far lower than for the hardier citrous fruits, and approximately the same as for the more tender species, such as lemons, citrons etc., and with the camphor tree. It reaches up to about 35 degrees and 20 minutes N. L. on the Pacific coast but only 34 degrees N. L. on the west coast. The quality of the fruits become gradually inferior with higher latitudes. The case is quite similar to that of the citrous fruits. The pulp becomes thinner, and poorer in dessert qualities. Our southern provinces, such as Chikuzen, Tosa, Awa and Hyuga produce the largest fruits, equal in size to the larger specimens of strawberries. ( 39 ) Ryukiu ‘Isles also produce the best fruits, but none comes from Formosa. There are two varieties, red and white. GOOSEBERRIES AND CURRANTS. The cultivated varieties are introduced from America and Europe. The alliedspecies grow wild in the north eastern. part of Hokkaido and the south parts of the Kurile Isles and Sakhalin. Their horizontal distribution seems to be restricted to north Japan, but they are also well adapted to the mountain districts of central Japan. I have never heard of their occu- rence in our southern provinces, even at high altitudes. They seem to grow and bear the best kind of fruits between 42 degrees and 44 degrees N. L. in north Japan. BRAMBLES. Many species of brambles grow quite wild in the mount-. ainous parts of our south and the plains of north Japan and, Hokkaido. The wild fruits are gathered and used but no cul- tivation has been carried on. The cultivation of the bush fruits being still in its infancy, our people have not paid suffi- cient attention to this interesting branch of fruit culture. There is little demand in the market and no supply in ‘conse- , quence. MULBERRIES. Our mulberry plantations increase from year to year with wonderful rapidity for sericultural purposes. Silk-worms are now raised three times a year; spring, summer and autumn crops -eing not uncommon. The area of the plantations amoutited to 2,c00,000 acres in 1904. Wood-lands and fields are often turned into mulberry plantations. They are as familiar to our people as the vineyards are to the French. But no cultivation of this plant for fruits has ever been carried on anywhere in Japan. The plants have a very wide dis- tribution from Hokkaido to Formosa. ( 40 ) STRAWBERRIES. All the cultivated varieties are exotics. They flourish, well throughout the country, excepting the extreme south. In the southern littoral districts of Kii Province, with the heaviest rainfall in our country during summer, the plants show often exceesive vigour in ample, tall foliage, but always remain fruitiess. In other parts of Japan, the strawberries have adapt- ed themselves with ease and have now become a popular fruit in early summer. They require some protection only in winter in north Japan. FIGS. Figs grow up to 40 degrees NLL. in Japan. Its south | boundary may extend to Formosa, although ‘I have never heard of its growing in the extreme south. They luxuriate with abundant crops between 37 to 36 degrees N.L. From Tokio northwards, the growth is poor. Our growers do not pay attention to their culture, although they prosper well anywhere in wet places along streams and ditches. Our humid climate does not materially affect the beariug of this. fruit. Farmers and-cottagers plant a few trees in their inclosures. It should be the poor man’s fruit in’ Japan. The figs bear crops only twice in Tokio and like latitudes. The summer figs are marketed about the middle of July and the next crop, with smaller fruits, comes in September and October. In warmer districts a third crop is obtainable. But from Tokio northwards, the half grown young fruits, near the apex of the current year’s shoots, shrivel on the coming of cold and drop down, GRAPE VINES. _ We have two distinct species of the wild and cultivated vines. Vitis Coignetiae and Vitis Thunbergii grow wild throughout our couatry. Cottagers make a kind of wine from. ( 41 ) the fruits of the former. It has recently been introduced into England and gained reputation as an ornamental plant. This species is wonderfully prolific in a quite abandoned state, growing together with brambles and bushes. The cultivated kind known as “ Koshu’ are said by some experts to belong to the vinifera type. They seem, in my Opinion, to be an intermediate type between the European and America vines, They are wonderfully vigorous in growth, throwing out shoots over fifteen feet long very commonly when young. The shoots light purple, smooth; leaf stalks and leaves are smooth; canes, light brown when well matured ; internodes long. Leaves, large, slightly serrated, smooth on both sides. They closely resemble those of the vinifera type. Though vigorous in constitution, they can yardly rival the aestivalis and labrusca types of American grapes. Bunches loose and long, often heavily shouldered ; berries of medium size, slightly elliptica!, translucent, deeply amber-coloured, and tinged with purple when fully ripe. Skin thick and tough; pulp soft, rather acid, readily separating from both seeds and skin. Juice colorless and very sugary. It ripens from late September to early October. Though superior in dessert qualities to the majority of American grapes, and of admirable keeping quality, they are inferior when compared to English specimens grown under glass. The “Koshu”, being resistant towards phylloxera. may perhaps belong to a quite different species from the Vinifera grapes. ‘Koshu” vines are known to have been cultivated now for 900 years in the province of Kai, whence the name has been derived. In the days «f the Tokugawa Shogunate, the produce was carried to Yedo on horse-back, across the steep Sasago pass. Of late years, these vines have been grown in other provinces, especiaily in Katashita (formerly in the near village of Sawada), Province Kawachi, some ten miles from Osaka. In these two centers, the “Koshu” vines are planted mostly on hill-sides or on flat ( 42 ) river bottoms. Not only their aspect, soil and other require- ments seem very favourable to them, but the climatic suitability has rendered these regions without parallel for their cultivation. The province of Kai belongs to dentral Japan, and Kawachi is under the influence o: the Indand Sea. Both regions have relatively poor precipitations throughout the year. That is, favoured by the carly rise of temperature in the spring the bud starts its growth, favoured by the rains usual in this period, the new shoots undergo rapid and steady growth. Afterwards, though its flowering season falls in our rainy period, in the middle of June the injury is not so great as in Omote-Nippon. On the contrary, after the fiuits have set frequent rain would rather favor the growth of the vines and fruits. Dry summer and intense insolation would check more or less the action of insects and fungi. After the rain season, which continues for about one mcnth, our summer, becomes hot and dry until late August; then comes frequently the large amount of precipita- tions accompanied by storm, and succeeded by the autumn drought; thus favouring their ripening and vintage. The weather of the late autunin differs in Omote-Nippon and Ura- Nippon, as repeatedly shown in the preceding chapter. In the villages of Katsunuma and Iwai, the famous growing centers in Kai, the vines are cultivated on horizontal bamboo trellis called “Tana” in Japanese. These vine-yards have an elevation of some 450 meters above sea-level. The relatively cool, dry, cloudless summer produces grapes famed for their exceilent qualities. Finally, I can introduce to you an indigenous vine, the so-called “ Juraku’ (or “ Murasaki”) cf Kyoto. The name is derived from a village in the suburbs of Kyoto, where the variety has been cultivated for a long period. The grapes differ from “ Koshu”’ only in color. In this village, vines are peculiarly trained over cottage roofs upon high bamboo trellis, 10 feet or more in height. The ‘‘Tanas” are not repaircd by the holders or cottagers themselves, but com- ( 43 ) mitted into the hands of professional men called “ Budeshi ” who annually make rounds of visits in winter from cottage to cottage offering their services. The work of pruning and training are in the hands of the specialists. Thus a good deal of division of labour has been brought about. Our native vines differ widely from those of China and Korea. In these countries, excellent varieties, both of native and foreign origin, are now cultivated with good results. They belong to the true vinifera type and are similar in some respects to English choice green-house varieties. Viticulture passed many hundreds of years in infancy and the acreage of vine-yards was trifling. During the past twenty years, our viticulture has made large strides in many respects. American varieties, except the resistant vines, were first introduced as also some European varieties; and these have spread through the whole country. Western procedures were blindly imitated. The old, superior vines of ‘‘Koshu” have largely been supplanted by the American ‘“‘foxy” vines, in their growing centers. Even at present, Catawba, Isabella, Concord, Adirondac and other numerous inferior kinds are grown for their early ripening and large crops. No advance has been made on the cultivation of European grapes. Growers are ignorant about the selection of varieties, protection against foes, while planting at random in large areas. Most of these vineyards have resulted in utter failure from various causes, particularly from severe ravages of insects and fungi, The wine made from these inferior “foxy” grapes are rejected everywhere, though cheap. Until recently, the healthiest and most productive kinds of these American grapes continued to remain but the others have vanished from our vineyards. Aside from the cultivation of American vines, a number of viniferas have been introduced from France. Amongst the vine- yards of this category, an experimental farm of the Central Gov- ernment has the largest acreage and fullest equipments. It was ( 44 ) a pioneer vineyard with foreign methods. Owing to the good -climate the farm has been successful and wine-making promises to be a lucrative industry. Of late years, viticulture of this ‘kind has sprung up in many districts. Among them I may mention the following as the largest and most reliable ones: Iwanohara Vineyard, province Echigo; Fujita Vineyard, Hirosaki, Province Mutsu. Besides, smaller ones in the environs of Yonezawa, Province Uzen; and those in Kai, Shi- nano and Niigata, and finally their culture in cold vineries in Kaidani near Okayama are all brilliant examples of success of the cultivation of European vines for the market. Cultiva- tion under glass has been carried on for about two decades in the Emperor’s Garden. Moreover, in gardens of amateurs, colleges and experimental stations, it has been tried with fair results. Though the vinifera grapes easily grow and fruit under glass structures, they are not perfectly healthy and set freely in the open air in some parts of Japan, particularly in the south and south-east Japan. So it is difficult to get ripe fruits from them, even when the soil conditions are favourable. The causes of failure have been often discussed by growers and specialists. It is my opinion that the principal cause lies in the weakening of the vines, owing to diverse climatic conditions, especially by poor illumination, dampness both in the air and soil and by the prevailing rain during the flowering period. Lack of heat is responsible only in some varieties like Muscats in north Japan and Hokkaido. It is needless to say that the vinifera type of grapes has attained the highest perfection in the Mediterranean countries, Califor- nia, and other arid States in the United States. Similar types of vegetation flourish under similar oecological conditions. Generally speaking, dry summer and moist winter prevails in these countries, This is a radical difference as compared with our own climate. The soils, though variable in texture and in fertility in different districts, appear, however, to be adapt. 1 to a proper growth of vinifera ( 45 ) vines. The remedies against enemies are at our disposal. But the vines grow sickly and often fall a prey to their enemies, their tender parts being especially subject to the ravages of micro-organisms. During the period of flowering long and heavy rainfalls are apt to check pollination and prevent fruiting. Such unfavourable state of things, however, does not appear in many districts of the other half of Japan, the central Japan and the Inland Sea Regions. The above named vineyards of Iwanohara and Hirosaki belong to Ura-Nippon. The vineyards of Iwanohara are located on the table-lands formerly treeless grasslands and long abandoned on account of the lack of irrigation ; but the soil has been found suited to vines. The vineyards as a whole face north-west toward the Sea of Japan. The soil is variable in texture in different parts of the vineyards, and the best fruits are obtained on gravelly loam. MHirozaki Vineyard has been established on flat, alluvial deposits. The finest specimens are obtaine! from rich, heavy loam with gravelly subsoil. esides, small vine- yards near Yonezawa have produced vinifera grapes, such as Black Hambro’, Feher Szagos and Green Hungarian, Both of these vineyards have long since produced choice dessert and wine grapes quite in open air. Mr. Fukuba, Gardener to H. I. M. the Emperor, has told me that it is difficult to grow such fine specimens as those of Hirosaki evea by the most experienced hands under glass. The Black Hambro’ from this locality have long been in the service of the Imperial Household by special appointment. Besides, the French wine grapes are grown there and fine claret is produced. In the Iwanohara Vineyards, all of the above named varieties of European, Californian and American origin have been imported during the past fifteen years. Though the relative merits vary according to the soil, season and variety, the followlng sorts are having’ good success :— ( 46 ) Black Hambro’ Chasselas Rose. Golden Champion. Golden Queen. Golden Chasselas. Muscat of Alexandria. Muscat Hambro’, Madresfield Court. Malaga Muscatella. Muscat Frontignan, Royal Muscadine. Muscat Rose. Mataro. Orlean’s Riessling. Johannisberg Riessling. Sauvignon Jaune. Chauche Noire. Griesa. Black Malvoise, Malbec, Pondicherry. Seedless Sultans. Sweet Water. Charboneaux. Palestine, Purple Damascus. ~ Flame Tokay, White St. Peters. White Nice. Bowker. Zinfandel. Pinot Noire. Black Burgandy. White Malaga. Bordeaux Noire. Semillion Blanc. For further reference I will show you the table of analysis of these varieties: Variety, oe Orlean’s Riessling Sept. 20 “ Koshu” Oct. 5 Griesa r 5 Golden Chasselas Sept. 22 Golden Champion Oct. 23 Sauvignon Jaune Sept. 22 Seedless Sultana » «I? Sweet Water * 3 Charboneaux » 28 Chauche Gris si FO Chauche Noire » 20 Semillion Blanc » 10 Glucose in must% _ Tartaric Beaume Fehling acidy% 17.82 16.200 0,600 17.50 16,800 0.650 15.12 — _ 17.02 16750 0.670 — 19.690 0.410 19.44 18.250 0.450 18.00 16.100 0.470 16.74 14.300 0.600 20.16 17.640 0,525 19.80 19.230 0.600 19.26 19.230 0450 19.08 14.300 0.450 ( 47 ) -Variety — Date of Glucosein must% Tagtaric ripening acid% . Beaume Fehling Johanisberg Riessling Sept. 15 15.68 - _— Zinfandel » 27 18.54 19.800 0,600 Purple Damascus Oct. 5 16.20 — _ Palestine » 3 18.72 17.880 0.500 Pinot Gris é Sept. 12 1854 19.230 0.750 Pinot Noire » If 2062 f7agr a8ro Pinot Blanc » 15 18.54 17.18f 0.675 Flame Takay or. (ae — — — Black Hambro’ » 25 21.96 18.540 0.450 ». Burgandy » 17 1872 1$.520 0.450 ~~ y Muscatello » 12 19.44 18.520 0,825 White St. Peters Aug. 27 16.20 13.500 0.413 _ ‘yy Nice Oct. 17 a eo — » Malaga ~ 10 15.12 14.300 0.650 Bowker ; Sept. 23 — 14.800 0.750 Bordeaux Noire » 25 20.70 16.66 0.810 Muscat of Alexandria Oct. 7 — 19.850 0.425 Muscat Frontignan Sept. 24 22.96 21.080 0,500 Mataro » 20 19.00 18.540 0.650 Madresfield Court » 13 18.00 16.500 0.660° Malaga Muscatella Oct. 9 — — —- . Black Malvoise » 10 18.80 17.800 0,650 Malbec ‘ 8 IO 14.76 — — aor ' Sept. 17 17.82 14.300 0.525 Chaseelas Rose Oct. 13 1692 — — Royal Muscadine Sept. 20 — — — a | iE (After. the report of Iwanohara Vineyard). N..B. Thé above table gives the maximum percentage of glucose as determined with Beaume’s Saccharometer, during the ten years from 1892 to 1902. The same as determined by- Fehling’s method refers to ihe crop of 1900 only, oa ( 48 ) A similar success has; been obtained in Kai. - - achasselas Rose,:: Sweetwater, Malaga Muscatella and the ‘like have already been grown with ease on bamboo trellis on hillsides, Finally, Hokkaido ought to be ‘suited for the cultivation of vinifera grapes as “judged from the dryness of the summer, but the lack of temperature sufficiently high to ripen them, has proved an insurmountable obstacle so far. The fact presented’ above would enable one to see ; iat the successful ‘cultivation of European grapes in our country is much restricted 'by the influence of precipitations. LITCHI AND RIUGANNIKU. "These two fruits are intimately related. Both of them thrive in the warm temperate climate of Formosa and. ‘the Riukiu Isles, and up to about 31 degrées and 20 minutes N.L. They also grow in the extreme south of the province of Satsu- ma, but they are ‘cultivated mainly i in regions lying between 39 degrees N. L. and the Tropic of Cancer. Recently, fresh fruits have come to appear in the markets of Tokio about the middle of July. Besides, dried fruits are annually imported i in large quantities from South China and Formosa. They are sold cheap in home markets. The plants grow. freely out-of- doors in summer from early May to late September i in Tokio, but are reared i in green houses in other seasons. GINKGOS (The Maidenhair Tree). The important Ginkgo fruits are grown neither in orchards nor in gardens, We only gather them from gigantic trees which arc left untouched in a quite wild condition. No manuring, pruning and other operations are carried’ on on these sacred trees, mostly planted within the enolosures of temples and shrines. The plant is dioecious, and two trees at least are necessary for fruiting. People are well aware of this fact and often plant the female trees to the leeward to give them every: opportunity: for pollination. The plant occurs in ( 49 ) the warmer part of Japan up to 36 degrees. N:L.... The ripe fruits nearly equal in size to the olives, are buried in the ground to hasten the decay, of the pulp, and’are afterwards, rinsed and sun-dried. The dried nuts of Ginkgo are used mainly i in cooking. They are very nutritious, having a peculiar flavour, The demand for them stands next to that of the chesinuts i in the home market. WALNUTS. Japanese walnuts comprise the three distinct species. of Juglans Cordiformis, J: Regia Var. Sinensis, J. Sieboldiana, They grow all over the country, but require’ certain altitudes to thrive in the warmer parts. They seem to flourish in, north-west Japan in a quite abandoned state. The produce. from Echizen, Kaga, Echu and Iwate are noted in the market. CHESTNUTS. Nothing i is so important as chestnuts. on our igen bainenie and farmers as ore of the staple food articles. Aside from. their staple' use, chestnuts form an important material for. Japanese cookery. The dried and shelled fruits, the so-called, “ Kachiguri” are used after the fresh ones have disappeared. from the market. Trees stand neither in: orchards nor in gardens, but in odd lands around cottages, river banks, road, sides, very irregularly, like the Kaki trees. Only in late years, a few orchards or groves of this fruit tree have been started. Besides trimming, no’ manuring, cultivation, or protection is given. The trees begin to bear fruit in the third year from germination. They are propagated mainly by seeds, and the art of grafting and budding is rarély performed. They are markedly hardy, healthy, productive and almost free.. from the attacks of enemies. When the’ plants become too old to bear good fruits, which occurs about 30 years from: germi- nation, they. are cut down.and turned out as timber. The old. trees are. replaced with young plants -from-the nursery grown. ( 50 ) from selected seeds. The nuts in a single butr number at most-three. In this case, the two side nuts are always compressed and small, while the middle one is very large. The latter is preferred as seed for wood-trees, while the thin, smaller nuts are always used for the fruit-trees. The thick well developed nuts produce, other conditions being equal, more vigorous seedlings than the smaller ones, fruit later, and produce better wood. The chestnut-trees grow all over the country, except the Riukiu Isles and Formosa, In the south part of Japan they grow only above certain altitudes, but from 35 degrees N.L, northwards they grow luxuriantly in the woods and elsewhere. From 38 degrees N.L, northwards, the native chestnut trees abound in fields and woodlands in a quite wild condition, The region lying between about 35 degrees and 42: degrees N. L. is termed ‘‘Chestnut Belt” in view of the horizontal distribution of the plant. Beyond this south limit they grow in nature only in mountainous forests. The chestnut tree is apparently well adapted anywhere. within the limits above specified, without regard to the character of the’ soil and the atmospheric conditions. Their adaptability to soil is without parallel. The great chestnut centers are in the. provinces of Kai; Funai, Kita-Kuwada Counties in the province of Tamba, and Shuhi, a western county in the province of Mino. The three regions are also the centers for dried chestnuts. TROPICAL FRUITS. : ‘Bananas, Pineapples, Jambos, Mangos, and Papayas etc. are grown recently in glass structures in Tokyo. They require’ heated houses during the winter but grow and bear freely ‘out- of-doors in the: hottest summer months even in this high latitude. Their natural distribution is limited to Riukiu, Bonin: Isles and Formosa. In the extreme south of Kiushu, they‘ grow in the open ai but it‘is rather diffieult-to get the fruits - even ‘in the most favourable’seasons. Allied tothe ‘Bananas, - ( 51 ) there is a hardy native species, the Musa Basho, This ranges as far north as about 36 degrees N.L. The plants grow in spring, flower in summer and bear small fruits in clusters, but these never ripen even in the far south of Kiushu. With the oncoming of cold, they are frost-bitten, leaving only their subterranean parts intact. They are simply ornamental plants. CHAPTER Mi. The Fruit Soils of Tare: As stated in the foregoing: chapter, our damp and hot summer and cold winter, though less extreme than on the continent, has greatly affected the decomposition and removal of rocks and soils. So, itis not uncommon that soils derived from the same mother rock have widely different properties and further on slopes it frequently happens that the texture of the. soil differs in different layers, being clayey at the bottom, loamy in the middle part, and rocky at the top. Such a great variation of soil texture in a small area seems never to occur on the continents. Furthermore, the water-holding capacity of our soils is great and therefore their productivity is highest in rather light and permeable loams, whilst the clay soils commonly regarded as most fertile in Europe, are too heavy for general agricultural purposes, especially in rice fields. There are, however, exceptions to this rule in fruit growing. Some kinds of fruits produce the best crops in heavy soils, thus behaving differently from most farm crops. The influence of the climate is shown not only in the physical texture of the soils, but also in their chemical com- position, which is widely different from that of the soils of foreign countries. The fertilising elements differ greatly in their qualities in the top and the subsoils, They are either lost by washing, or permeate into the subsoil, which always contains a greater percentage of them, According to the observations of the Fertiliser Survey, the contents of phosphoric acid in the arable soil of our fields are only one third of the subsoil contents. Sometimes, it scarcely reaches ( 53 ) to one-tenth of that of the subsoil, as in an old Quaternary field-in Kiushu. The case is quite’ different on the ‘continent ; for instance, in an arable soil in Germany and Belgium, the contents of fertilising elements are about equal both in the top- and the subsoil. Also-it is an established fact that the top soil is‘more fertile than’ the subsoil. The important constituents formed by the action of weathering or added by manuring, thus tend to pass away more quickly than on the continent. But,.on the other hand, there is'an advantage derived from this quick weathering, viz., that our farmers are able to restore the lost fertility by ‘the art of cultivation, ploughing and trenching ‘in relatively’ ‘short periods. The rocks may be classified as follows :— 1, how Eruptive Rocks, “Plutonic Rocks (Granite, Quar tz- ‘porphyry, etc). 2. Young. Eruptive Rocks, , ~ * Volcanic Rocks (Andesite, Volcanic tus, Volcanic ‘ashes and: gravels. a a Metamorphic. Rocks, Archeatn | For mation (Granite: Gneiss, Crystalline ““Schist, *Chiorite Schist, ete. J iA: ’ Séaiindheary” Rocks, Paleozoic Rocks (Schalstein, Quartzite, etc.) Mesozoic Rocks (Trias, Jurassic, Cretaceous.) Tertiary Rocks-(Paylite; Tufts, éte)° ~ Old Quaternary (Alternate Strata of Soil, Sand and Gravel. - Sometimes covered’ with volcanic’ ashes with admixture of humus.) . ‘Young Quaternary (Consisting of rich alluvial déposits near streams, rivers and seas.) — sper) 3 et ; Flat lands ~ Formations. Mountains. (below 15 Total area. inclination) cho cho cho Plutonic rocks : 3,862,082.0 774,183.6 4,638,266.5 Volcanic rocks 5,055,850.2 1,959,69.19 7,015,542-1 Archean rocks 1,244,027.6 228,480.8 1,472,518.4 Paleozoic rocks 4,488,836.2 | 802,935.0 5,291,771.2 Mesozoic rocks 2,370,631.5 638,426.5 3,009,056.0 ‘Tertiary 4,005,442.7 3,496,152.6 —7,501,645.3 Old Quaternary 78,787-5 2,542,578.6 2,621, 366.1 Young Quaternary 171,779.2 45331,195.8 4,502,975.0 Total 21,877,487.8 14,775,654.8 36,653,142.6 N.B, “cho” is nearly equivalent to 2.5 acres. As shown in the table, the volcanic rocks. occupy the largest area and the Tertiary formations follow next, whilst the area of the former as flat land is far less than that of the Tertiary. Paleozoic and Plutonic Rocks occur widely, but their area as flat land is comparatively little. The Old and Young Quaternary formations appear to occupy miore fat land than slopes. . 1. SOILS FROM VOLCANIC ROCKS. Of volcanic rocks, andesite, basalt, trachyte, volcanic tuft and ashes prevail in this country occupying the widest area. But, the larger part of the land occupied by them has large inclinations, that is, flat land with an inclination of less than 15 degrees is 34% of its total area. These flat lands remain still uncultivated as grasslands in north Japan, Though widely differing in the nature of the rocks from which they were derived and their chemical constituents, most of them are rich in potash, phosphoric acid, lime, magnesia, ( 55 ) alumina and ferrous oxide. Besides, in humus loam ot north Japan, nitrogen is present in rather large quantities. The presence of the low oxidized compounds of iron show an imperfect aeration of such soils and their productivity is low in consequence. Their physical properties are also inferior in most cases from the agricultural standpoint, being mostly stiff and im- permeable when wet and very difficult of aeration. The water holding capacity is generally large. But they are apt to dry up and become very open into deep strata when dry weather prevails. These characteristics of the soils prove very disadvantage- ous for fruit growing, unless their texture undergoes radical improvements. . The absorptive capacity, on the whole, is large, especial- ly when humus is present. Experiments show that . the presence of humus always heightens the absorptive capacity of the soil, whatever its nature may be. Soils of this category, when mixed with volcanic ashes and pumice, improve more or less in fertility and power of absorption, whilst becoming much inferior in texture and in productivity. The only exception to this rule is found in Kiusiu, where the poor soils have good texture and have proved productive under good management. As shown later in the accompanying table, fruit growing is successfully carried on in this kind of soil only in Kiusiu. The loquat and mandarin groves of Sakurajima, a. small volcanic island in the Gulf of Kagoshima, the mandarin groves of Ikiriki, near Nagasaki; and the same in Kotemmu- ra near Kumamoto are the only brilliant examples of fruit growing carried on in soils of above category. Outside of Kiusiu, one can hardly find good examples of archards on soils of this description. Soils derived from basalt and trachite differ widely in their chemical and physical properties from those of andesitic origin. 56 ) * In rocks of this category a high percentage of lime, potash and soda has always been found. Their absorptive capacity being moderate, it remains generally inferior in texture, but they can be improved by artificial means, and seem promising for fruit culture. : Soils of trachite origin resemble in every respect those of granite. They are heavier, and lower in absorptive capacity. The physical texture is rather inferior to that of granitic soil put can be AESOEE and turned useful for fruit PErew ing. | 2, SOILS FROM PLUTONIC ROCKS.. Soils derived’ from granite and’ quartz-porphyry are the principal ones of Plutonic origin. They occupy large areas in the south-west part of this country. Alluvial soils of the same source! are also extensive. “Lands of this origin have mostly large inclinations, that is, ‘only: 1 % of the whole area is flat arable land. Moreover, in ‘south-west ‘Japan where the land is scarce in ‘proportion to ‘the dense- ‘population, hillsides with more than 15 degrees of inclination have already - been’ cul- fivated’-and planted - with peaches, “pears,” plums and apples, Besides, there are ally tea and: mulberry" aoe a ‘in ‘such nena Fey egie pas ig boa gs ep . shyt j Soils. of ‘granite and pieesantyi: ‘origin’ differ -in fertility as well as in texture, but the majority of them are loamy and rather sandy but not clayey. Generally speaking, they are poor in fertilising elements, ‘but are highly productive on account of their good phliysical ‘properties. The” best kinds of rice are always produced in soils of this category, which also produce fruits of good qualities. The trees fruit with the utmost éase, but the fruits tend to dwindie away while rather young if not subjected to proper management. They are also likely ‘to- ‘Suffer from ‘serious droughts in summer °without mulch, Usually, the summits of these ills are thinly: wooded oF ‘quite bare. “Tourists ‘are’ pleased’ with the picturesque sie ai of the ‘famous Ttand-Sea ‘Region. Rocky islands C37 ) stand out from the water with their naked or lightly wooded crowns. Their arid, red brown summits remain scarcely pro- tected from weathering by the deep-rooted pines. The chains of mountains seen in the background of this grand panorama also show similar features. The whole scenery is located on lands made of granite and quartz porphyry. ' “The absorptive capacity of these soils for the fertilising elements is fairly good, but they are poor in phosphoric acid. Hencé, in soils of this category and alluvial deposits derived therefrom, soluble phosphates prove less effective, especially in rainy seasons. Thus, our growers are accustomed to use certain phosphatic’ manures, ‘such as bone _ meals, fish oil cakes, dried fish, etc. as most effective. oe The famous peach and apple: orchards of Okayama, Sanu- ki and Iyo are mostly located’on soils of- this class. Besides, good. orange groves have been established on this ‘soil i in Hagi, province. Nagato and in Kiusiu, as shown in: the tables: : 3. SOILS DERIVED FROM ARCHEAN | FORMATION. sient wea aay The archean formations occupy the smallest area in’ this country and is very fragmentary in its distribution. ~ It consists of gneiss and crystalline schists. The larger part of ‘the ‘land is oe and only 15 per cent of the whole area is flat. land. . The ‘gneiss system includes many kinds of rocks, of which the granite gneiss forms the main part of the cultivated land. It-resembles granite, but gives rise to a soil of different proper- ties, .In the south-west part of Japan,. oraage, ‘mandarin and loquat groves are planted in soils of Archean origin. Paddy fields and farms are rarely met with on such soils. But special plants like the mulberry, tobacco and often “ Kon- niak ” (Amorphophalus Riveri) are grown with best results. {( 58 ) Forest trees. luxuriate in such soils and the best kinds of wood are grown there. Rocks of this system are rich in potash and other fertile elements and the soils derived from them have a good texture similar to that of granitic soils. Their capacity of absorption is in general greater than that of granitic soils. In south-west Japan, lands even if inclined, are made into paddy fields, and where there are irrigation facilities, produce rice of the best quality. Inthe Province of Kii and Izumi, these slopes are cultivated up to the summit, and planted with citrous trees, arranged in regular terraces. The Crystalline schist system also form steep lands. The soils are rich in fertile elements, particularly in magnesia. Moreover, they have a large capacity of absorption especially for nitrogen and phosphoric acid. While thay are rich in the fertile elements, the productivity differs widely ior different kind of crops, and according to the site of the plantations and the nature -of the subsoil. It also varies as to the admixture of gravel. Where the natural drainage is sufficient in elevat- ed situations, or where they are underlaid by a porous subsoil on flat land-they have proved highly productive. Moreover, as they usually contain gravel or fragments of chlorite schist, their texture becomes much more improved and productivity is increased. Fruit trees have mostly been grown with complete success in such soils in south Japan, especially citrous fruits and loquat trees as well as vines, both in the quantity and quality of the produce. Besides, the famous growing centers of tobacco, tea and mulberry are located in soils of this category, They are often too heavy and retentive for rice growing and require improvements of drainage for making paddy ficlds, ( 59 ) 4. SOILS OF PALEOZOIC ORIGIN. The Paleozoic formations extend through the whole ecountry from Formosa to Hokkaido.’ They form the backbon of the country and the larger part is much elevated and inclined. The cultivated parts amount only to 15°/, of the whole. The Soils of Paleozoic Origin may be divided into two classes, from the nature of the mother rocks, Soils from schalstein and quartzite prevail, and they form almost two ex- tremes as regards texture. Schalstein produces clay and quartzite sandy soils. The richness of the former in the fertile elements, indeed, is probably without parallel in this country. It. has also a high capacity of absorption, But- generally speaking, soils of this category are lacking in the requisite texture. They are too heavy and retentive for rice growing or other farming purposes on level land, unless the drainage facilities are exceptionally great. Thus, the productivity seems variable according to the situation, subsoil, kind of crops, etc. Where the soil has some admixture of gravel or rock frag= ments and the natural drainage is ample, the best kinds’ of fruits can be grown, as shown in the accompanying tables. Vinifera grapes, mandarins, oranges, loquats, peaches and pears flourish and yield first rate crops. Most extensive and finest citrous groves, orchards and vineyards have long been established on-soils of this category. Moreover, mulberry, tea and other deep-rooting plants thrive best‘in this soil. -~Wild tea plants have frequently been found in this soil ‘in south Japan. , '. Quite opposite to the above, are soils derived from quartzite. They are moderately fertile, but markedly want- ing: in absorptive capacity. They are exceedingly porous and crops are often liable to suffer from summer drought, except’ rice plants, which yield-crops of higher quality, though less in bs amount, © 5s. SOILS OF MESOZOIC ORIGIN.. Of the Mesozoic formations, the Trias system occupies a very trifling area, next. comes the Jurassic and finally the Cretaceous. has the largest area. Arable soils are largely found in the Cretaceous system. Phyllite, sandstone and conglomerate contribute mainly to the production of soils. Soils derived from the Trias have a low absorptive capacity but otherwise good. physical properties. They are moderately fertile and have proved good for rice fields; but they have no importance for fruit trees in this country. The Jurassic soils have by far the greatest absorptive capacity, and the physical properties appear to be generally good. . The Cretaceous rocks mostly form gravelly loam, phyllite and sandstone being the main source. About 25°/, is very, gravelly. The soils are very light and open, and are rich in, potash, but very poor in phosphoric acid. They are, however, apt to dry up and be subject to drought. They are suited to rice growing but valueless for fruits. 6. TERTIARY SOILS. Soils of Tertiary origin occur over an extensive area, being next to those of volcanic origin in the area they cover. They are especially common in Hokkaido, north and north- west Japan, Most of these lands still remain in a virgin state, The Tertiary soils of south Japan has already been cultivated, The Teriary lands have generally gentle elevations, whilst the flat lands covering 48°/, of the. whole area are available for agricultural purposes. The prevalent rocks of the Tertiary formations are. phyllite, tuffs and sandstone, They are rich in phosphoric acid, potash, alumina and magnesia. Low-oxidation product, of i iron exists in the Tertiary soils of Hokkaido and north ( 61 ) Japan. Their. capacity. of absorption is very great, especially for phosphoric acid. This is due to the presence of ferrous oxide. The physical properties need to be improved by the addition of humus into the soil so as to make them open and friable, while aeration goes on more easily than in the case of volcanic. soils, Generally speaking, though these soils are rich in manurial elements, they are defective in texture, owing to the action of low temperatures. _ Where drainage is good owing tothe etinell situation or the character of the subsoil, apple and pear orchards have. shown good results, especially when the soil contains gravel. The soil becomes very stiff and retentive. when wet and splits, into hard blocks when dry. This defect can be overcome by adding humus or by application of lime in proper quantities. Amongst the. Tertiary soils, those derived from sandstone are of exceptionally good texture, being not so retentive as the. above. Those of conglomerate origin are poor both in, texture and fertility, and need improvements for successful. fruit growing. 7. OLDER QUATERNARY SOILS. During this period, volcanoes seem to have been very active, hence most of the quaternary soils have admixtures of the weathered products of volcanic ashes. They’ occur in relatively small areas in this country. They are rich in humus nitrogen, lime and ferrous oxide. While having a strong affinity for phosphoric acid owing to the presence of ferrous oxide, their absorptive capacity for other nutriments is moder- ate, The presence of iron compounds in the soil would tend. to hinder aeration and would prove injurious to vegetation. In north Japan lands of this category remain barren as grass- lands or plains. i T okio, or in, the s0- called “ Kwanto ‘plain.” _ Here the soil readily becomes wet and dry, aeration being checked-in the ( 62 ) wet tate and the soil drying up to quite a depth, when dry weather continues, ‘ The roots of trees can penctrate into a great depth to seek moisture and nutriment. The mechanical resistance to the growth of the roots being much less than in the case of loamy soils, they are apt- to grow vigorously and extend farther and wider and deeper into the soil than in the latter case. Fruit trees planted in such a soil commonly de- velop a few strong roots in place of fibrous ones. ° Fine, compact root-system can solely be obtained by checking their quick growth by some artificial means. Root pruning, transplanting and pot culture, answer well for this purpose and to promote fruiting in such unfavorable kinds of soils. Fruits of good qualities can never be obtained from ‘such soils even if rich manuring is done. 4 In such light, friable soil, however, when mixed with rich humus, ‘root crops have shown excellent results. Long,’ beautiful specimens of the native radish, carrot, burdock, turnip and the like have long since been grown by the sub- urban kitchen gardeners of Tokio on such kinds of soilé,: Their beauty is unsurpassed and they always command a high price in the market. “Thus, the Old Quaternary soils have after all contributed very little to the fruit industry of this country. 8 YOUNGER QUATERNARY SOILS. “They occupy the largest part of the flat land ot this count- ry. Agriculture has been most extensively carried on in this soil. The soils differ in their physical and chemical properties” according to the nature of the mother rocks, Generally they havé a good texture for fruit growing, but those formed by the action of the sea waves are often too light and permeable, and renders: irrigation necessary in dry seasons, The alluvial deposits on river beds have more or less a'loamy texture, and are mostly underlaid by porous and ( 63 ) well-drained subsoil, In such a case, they have proved almost ideal as fruit land. But one exception is to be noticed. Where large amount of precipitation occur in summer, rather light soils prove ex- cellent for the wellbeing of fruit trees, especially on flat land. The amount of humus tends in our country to increase with the latitude. Soils with humus are rather extensive and the percentage of the humus is relatively high. The alluvial deposits on river bottoms and sea shores are exceptions, Tle. quaternary soils of north Japan, Hokkaido excepted generally contain much humus in particular especially those of Volcanic, | Tertiary and Old Quaternary origin. The humus has been gradually accumulated in these colder regions; it decomposes very slowly and the acid is produced as a consequence of the imperfect aeration of the soil. Soils rich in humus appear to be highly productive: sil beneficial on the continents, but it is not so in our climate. The humous soils of north Japan may. be ameliorated by the addition of lime and by thorough drainage. In the apple growing centers of the north, trees planted on such soils are said to be liable to disease and insects injuries. The soils of Hokkaido are less rich in humus than in the above districts. This is probably due to the dry climate. Fruit culture in Japan is carried on in any kind of soil, but generally speaking, it is largely conducted on alluvial lowlands on rivers, lakes and sea coasts. Most of them have proved very productive from their native fertility and good texture. These lowlands are occupied mainly by rice fields, and by vegetable farms in the proximity of large cities. Pear orchards under skillful management are also found by their side. The orchards suffer in some places from occasional flood. Peaches and plums are often grown together with pears on such lowlands. Pears do not materially suffer, while the other fruits undergo severe damage. Next, fruits are grown on soils of Tertiary, Paleozoic, Archean and Plutonic origin with ( 64 ) the best results. : The area ‘of plantations on these soils is. most extensive. Those derived from the Older Quaternaries and: from: Volcanic rocks are far inferior to these soils, though some kinds of the fruits, have given good results owing to the bene-: ficial action of the climate on the soils from Voltanic ashes: with humus give poor results for fruit growing and are entire- ly disregarded: by fruit growers. Soils of Mesozoic origin: show intermediate results. Lastly, I show you for further: reference the following table: — .\N. B.—Asterisk refers to the growing centers of respec-. tive fruits, 1. APPLE ORCHARDS. Prefectures Districts. Rocks or Soils js Formations Hokkaido Sapporo Alluvial Sandy loam J *Voichi ot 5s Loam ~ 3 Takikawa #5 ¥ Aomori-ken *Hirosaki . 3 5 *Kuroishi ‘ Old Quaternary 5) 3 Shimizu Tertiary , Clayey loam Iwate-ken Kisen-geri Clay Slate Gravelly loam sy *Morioka Granite Loam ¥ Ninohe gori Conglomerate Humus soil ‘Akita-ken *Akita Alluvial -Clayey loam: en Gojono-me _ 3 $i Nosliiro _ Alluvial Sandy loam 35 Kado 3 Sandy soil | $5 Yamada _ Clay 5 Komagata “Volcanic Humus loam oe . *Hanawa Alluvial: - -Loam + *Shibahira — . Humus soil 1 Ogida ee eee Gravelly loam os “Daigo — Humous loam’ ‘i Yamauchi ‘Tertiary “Loam ny Asamai : _ Alluvial.. Humus loam: en 388 Honjo ; 5 Sandy. soil Yamagata-ken Tsuruoka rr Clayey loam * *Yonezawa OMe ‘Loam a “*Vamdgati a fie - Ishikawa-ken © “Kanabawa: -,, Saridy Loam . Prefectures Tshikawaken Fukui-ken ” ” Kanagawa-ken ” Yamanashi-ken ” ”» Nagano-ken- a & ” Okayama-ken »” Kagawa-ken Ehime-ken Formosa Miyazaki-ken Ehime-ken Okayama-ken > ” Hiroshima-ken.: Kagawa-ken | Hiogo-ken Fukui-ken Kanagawa-ken ” 3F as Tokio-fu ” Chiba-ken Saitama-ken 2 Nagano-ken Hokkaido ww ( 65 ) Districts Rocks or é Formations’ Kanazawa Alluvial - ” n” Oseki 3 Takamuku’ |. 5 *Nishitsu sy *¥Fukui Ee Kawasaki: 5 ” ” Obuchizawa Yutaka Tertiary Kofu Old Quaternary Mikage io Nagano Ss *Watauchi Alluvial 4 *Akaiwa Granite - ; ” _ Paleozoic Kamikasai Granite *Gogoshima’ ‘ 2. PEACH ORCHARDS. Shiran-Ippo Andesite Obi Clay slate *Gogoshima : Granite *Akaiwa oy 55 Paleozoic Hirohama Granite *Mitarai Paleozoic Kamikasai Granite Suma Tertiary Fukui, * Alluvial Hiratsuka 3 “ ¥Kawasaki es ” ” *Rokugo ” Kabata < Ichikawa $5 Koshigaya Alluvial ~~ Kitakatsushika ,, *Komoro _ Paleozoic Hakodate _ ; Alluvial ” Tuff Soil s Gravelly loam: Sandy loam with Limonite Clay. ~ 39 » Gravelly loam Loam Clayey ‘loan Sandy loam Loam Gravelly loam Loam ae Loam ” Clayey.loam., Sandy loam Red clay Clayey loam Sandy loam ' Clayey loam Sandy loam Sandy loam Sandy loam Sandy soil Gravelly loam Sandy soil ” _Clayey loam’ . | Loam Clayey loam Sandy soil Loam Sandy soil _ Loam Sandy loam — ” Pretfectures’ Formosa Okinawa-fen-- Nagasaki-ken Kumamoto-ken ” Miyazah i-keo Kagoshima-ken Saga-ken » Oita-ken Fukuoka-ken ” . » Lhime-ken 2 Kochi ken ‘Tokushima-ken » » Yamaguchi-ken ( 65 ) 3. MANDARIN GROVES. Districts Shiran-niho | Hajimagiri *Ikiriki *Kotenmura *Kawachi-mura Obi Kita-Tanega- shima *Nishi-Sakura- jima Kasuga Kawakami Matsu-ume Kan-Zaki Koshiro Kine Shima ” Fujitsu ” Higashi-matsu- ura *Tsukumi Yamada Kamitsuyaku Yanagi Hiyoshi Minaki Ukinane Aka-mura Tsunoda *Tatsuma Hido-mura Takaoka Yamakita Asagawa *Tanano *Uagi Rocks or Formations Lime Stone Hornblende- Andesite Andesite Volcanic Clay slate Tertiaty Volcanic Granite » bid ” Hornolende granite Andesite ” Granite Paleozoic Granite Chlprite Schisi Granite & Basalt Andesite Sandstone Granite Crystalline Schist Alluvial Alluvial and Mesozoic Mesozoi¢ Paleozoic Archean Granite Soils Clayey loam Clay Gravejly clay Clayey loam Clay Clayey loam Sandy soil Sandy loam » ” ” » Gravelly clay Loam Clay Sandy loam ” Red clay Loam ”» a Sandy loan Loam Sandy loam » Clay Sandy loam Sandy loam Sandy loam Gravelly loam Sandy loam Loam Clayey loam Sandy loam Prefectures Wakayama-ken n” ws ” Wakayama-ken Osaka-fu ” Hiogo-ken » - Aichi-ken ” kid Shizuoka-ken ” ” Shizuoka-ken Kanagawa-ken ay Ibaraki-ken ” ve Niigata-sen Tottori-ken ( 67 ) Districts Kaiso-Gun *Arita-Gun *Yamataki ” Minami Yokohama Minami Ikeda *Sennan Gun ” *Sumoto Yura *Nezaki ” ” Mitsu-mura Shizosato-mura Kaminogo Karukaya *Shida-Gun *Ibara-Gun Kozu ” *Yoshihama Sonobe ” ” lloigawa Seihaku-Gun Rocks or Formations Archean Paleozoic Granite Mesozoic Serpentine Archean Tertiary Mesozoic Serpentine Mesozoic Ter- tiary cryst. Schist Mesozoic Paleozoic ‘Tertiary Archean Tertiary Archean ‘Tertiary Alluvial Mesozoic Tertiary Old Quaternary Alluvial Granite ”? Alluvial Mesozoic Tertiary Alluvial Tertiary ” Old Quaternary Volcanic Old Quaternary Granite Paleozoic Tertiary Alluvial Soils Sandy loam *" Gravelly loam ” Red clay loam Gravelly loam Gravelly loam Loam Loamy clay JLoam Loam clay Loam »” ” Sandy loam Sandy loam Clayey loam Loam ” » Clayey loam Sandy loam Clayey loam Loam Clayey loam Loam Sandy loam Loam ” ” Clayey loam Clay Sandy soil Prefecture. Nagasaki-ken Kagoshima-ien Chiba-ken Tochigi-ken Fukui-ken td Hiogo-ken Kyoto-fu ” Aomori-ken Yamagata-ken Niigata-ken Nagano-ken ” ” Yamanashi-ken 3 Osaka-Fu Okayama-ken ( 68 ) 4. LOQUAT GROVES. Districts *Mogi *Nishi-Sakura- jima *Namuya _ Himuro Tai mura Oshima _ Wada-mura Fukui Sumoto *Saga-mura _ Nishi-oura, | *Hirosaki Yonezawa *Iwanohara Kikyogahara Ofuse « Nagano *Kofu *Katsunuma Takata *Katashita Kaidani Rocks or Formations Cryst. Schist Volcanic Tertiary Paleozoic Granite Paleozoic Alluvial Alluvial e Alluvial Old Quaternary Granite Old Quaternary Alluvial Tertiary ‘Old Quaternary - ” ” Tertiary Paleozoic, ' Tertiary. -. Archean Granite Soils Gravelly clay Sandy soil " Clayey loam Gravelly loam Sandy loam Gravelly Clay Sand Gravelly loam Loam » Sandy loam 5. VINIFERA VINEYARDS. Loam Gravelly loam loam Gravelly loam Loam Clayey loam Loam (Compiled from reports of local authorities.) CHAPTER V. Indigenous and Introduced Fruits, Comprising Fruits of Old Foreign Introductions. NATIVE FRUITS OF JAPAN. refers to the native fruits, 1 Japanese Crab 2 ” 3 Wild Pear 4 Sand Pear “a 6 y 8 Japanese Quinc J — {0 ” UI ”» 12 13 14 15 Kaki 16 17 Loquat 18 Pomegranate 19 ” 20 Bitter Orange 2t Kumquats 22 Mandarins Asterisk 1. KERNEL FRUITS. Rinki Ringo In ynashi Nashi Tori Zumi Ozumi Marumero Kwarin Boke Kusaboke Kempo-nashi Sanzashi Osanzashi Kaki Mamegaki Biwa Zakuro Himezakuro Daidai Kinkan-rui Mikan-rui ‘Pirus baccata var. mand- shurica. , *P. Malus var. tomentosa. *P. Calleryana. *P. sinensis. P, betulaefolia. -*P, Toringo. P. sp. Cydonia vulgaris. CG. sinensis. — C. japonica, *C. japonica var. pygmza. *Hovenia Dulcis. *Mespilus cuneata. *M. sanguinea. *Diospyros Kaki. *D. lotus. *Eriobotrya japonica, Punica granatum,. P, nana. Citrus bigaradia. *C, japonica, C nobilis, . 23 27 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 { 7} Zabon, Uchi- Pomelo, Shad- dock murasaki Fingered Citron Bushukan by Marubushukan Yuzu Trifoliate Orange Kikoku Sweet Orange Amadaidai C, decumana. C. medica. » var. chirocarpus. C. medica var. acida. *Aegle Sepiaria. Syn. C. trifoliata. C. Aurantium 2. Stone Fruits. Japanese Apricot Anzu Ume P. Mume. Japanese Plum Sumomo P. communis, Peach Momo *Persica vulgaris Nectarine Zubai-momo *P. vulgaris var. laevis. Yusura-ume f. tomentosa. Niwa-ume P. japonica. Ko-ume » var. glandulosa. Jujube .Natsume *Zizyphus vulgaris var. inermis. Rose Apple Hoto, Futo- Eugenia jambos, momo Litchi _Reishi *Nephelium Litchi. Riuganniku *N. longana Flowering Yamazakura *P. pseudo-cerasus, var, Cherry spontanea. 3. Nuts. Chestnut Kuri *Castanea vulgaris var. japonica, Walnut Hime-gurumi *Juglans cordiformis. Fe Oni-gurumi = *J. Sieboldiana. is Chosen-gurumi*J. regia var. sinensis. Ginkgo, Maid- en-hair-tree Ginnan Prunus Armeniaca_ var. ansu, *Ginkgo biloba. Filbert Hazelnut White Pine Cycas cone Water Lily Grape Wild Grape ” Wineberry Brambles 4 7 I Kaya Mateba-shii Shii Hachibami Naga- hashibami Chosenmatsu Sotetsunomi Ichii Onibasunomi Hasu-no-mi Hishi-no-mi *Torreya nucifera. Pasania glabra. *Pasania cuspidata. Syn. Quercus cuspidata. *Corylus heterophylla. *C. rostrata var. Sieboldia- na, *Pinus Koraiensis., *Cycas revoluta. *Taxas cuspidata. *Euriale ferox. *Nelumbo nucifera. *Trapa chinensis. 4. BERRIES. Budo Yamabudo Ebizuru Sarunashi Hime-Kozo Yama-momo Nawashiro- ichigo Ebigara- ichigo Fuyu-ichigo Awa-ichigo Niga-ichigo Kaji-ichigo Knma-ichigo A kind of Cran- Koke-momo berry Tsuru Cranberry Tsuru- kokemomo *Vitis vinifera, *V. Coignetiae. *V, Thunbergii. *V. Actinidiae arguta. *Brousonetia papyrifera. *Myrica rubra. *Rubus parvifolius. *R. phoenicolasius. *R, Buergeri. *R. palmatus, *R. incisus. *R. trifidus. *R, morifolius, *Vaccinium Vitis-idaca. *V. oxycoccos. 76 82 ( 72 ) Shashampo _*V. bracteaturn. Syn. V. Wrighti'. ~Iwa-nashi *Epigae asiatica. Jap. Gooseberry Gankoran *Empetrum nigrum. Natsu-gumi *Elaegnus multiflora. Aki-gumi *E. umbellata.' ~ Syn. E. reflexa. Nawashiro- *E. pungens. gumi or Tawara-gumi Kwakwatsu- *Cudrania javanensis, gayu Suguri *Ribes grossularioides. | . *R. rubrum var. bracteo- Jape Giver Eee ase *R, petracum var. iouenee . sum, Fig Ichijiku Fics caricea, 2-9 2: Mube or *Stauntonia hexaphylla. * Tokiwa-Akebi Mulbérry- -Kuwa-no-mi °*Morus alba. vars. ; Akebi + *Akebia quinata. Yashabishaku - Ribes ambignum. 5. MISscELLANEOUS. Dwarf Banana Sanjaku-bashd Musa chinensis. or Chinese Banana Syn. M. Cavendishii. Plantain Mi-Basho M. paradisiaca. g Banana or ; Horse Banana ‘ Yama-béshi *Cornus Kousa. ., Sanshuyu . *C. officinalis. Gozen- - *C.. canadensis.’ ; ' tachibana Aogiri *Sterculia Platanifolia, Mukunoki--:*“*Aphananthe aspera, w nN NS Ow & 13* 23 24 L ¥3 DOMESTIC FRUITS UNDER CULTIVATION. Asterisk refers to those under most intensive culture: I. KERNEL F RUITS. Japanese Crab (Rinki) % (Ringo) Wild Pear (Inu- nashi)- Only raised for seeds or pips, whose seedlings are largely used as stocks. *Sand Pear (Nashi) | . Japanese Quince ines - (Kwarin) <5 (Boke and Kusaboke) Only as ornament- als, Kaki or Date Plum (Kaki) Loquat (Biwa) Pomegranate (Zakuro) Bitter Orange (Daidai) ° Kumquat (Kinkan) Mandarin (Mikaf) « ¢ ~ Pomelo, Grape Fruit (Zabon, Uchimurasaki, Jagatara, Buntan, etc.) Fingered Citrous eee “Mostly ‘as: “oritamentals in pots. fe. # Yuzu. Trifoliate Orange (Kikoku) ‘Raised for hedge plants or stocks for various citrous fruits. : Sweet Orange. (Ama-daidai). 2. STONE Fruits. Ume. , Japanese Apricot ( Anzu) Japanese Plum (Sumomo). Japanese Péach and Nectarine. Yusura- ae Both for flowers and fruits. Niwa-ume 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32* 33 34 35 36 37* ' 74) Ko-ume. Jujube (Natsume) Litchii (Reishi). Riuganniku. 3. Nuts. Chestnut (Kuri). Walnut (Kurumi). Ginkgo or Maidenhair Tree (Ginnan). 4. BERRIES. Grape (Budo) Yama-momo (Myrica). Goumi (Gumi) Fig (Ichijiku). Mube (or Tokiwa-Akebi). 5. MIsceELLANrEOuS. All kinds of Banana (Basho-no-mi), EXOTIC FRUITS CULTIVATED IN JAPAN. Asterisk refers to those under most intensive culture. t*Apples 13*American Vines 2*Pears 14*European Vines 3 Quinces 15 Gooseberries 4 Medlar 16 Currants 5 Cherries 17 Blackberries 6 Apricots 18*Sweet Oranges 7 Plums 19*Lemons 8* Peaches 20 Citrons g* Nectarines 21 Raspberries 10 Olives 22 Pine-apples it Figs 23 Melon Papaw 12* Strawberries 24 Mango ete. ( 75 \ FRUITS FOR PROFIT For Home Growers AND FARMERS. 1**Apples (Occidental) 18 *Strawberries 2**Sand Pears Ig Gooseberries 3 Pears 20 Currants 4 Quinces 21 Pine-apples 5 *Cherries 22 *Bananas 6 *Apricots ‘23 “American Grapes 7 *Umes 24 European Vines 8 *Japanese Plums | 25 *Figs 9**Peaches 26** Chestnuts 10 *Nectarines .27 ‘Walnuts 11**Kakis 28 *Ginkgos 12**Loquats — 29 *Native Grapes 13 Pomegranates 30 Myricas 14 *Oranges 31 Olives 15**Mandarins 32 Lemons 16 *Kumiquats 33 Litchis and Its Allies, 17 *Pomelos and Shaddocks N.B. Asterisk shows the fruit trees, nuts and _ berries, extensively cultivated and immensely produced as general market products. Some of them are exported via Oriental and American ports. Double asterisks show those exported, =O O ON ANUAWNHA etme ON Auf} W WN. 19 20 21 22 CHAPTER IV. List of Varieties of Leading Fruits in J apan. SAND PEARS. -(Pirus sinensis, Syn. P. Usuriensis) : (Nashi, Arinomi.) Asahi Away uki Akarin Awo-nashi Akappo Awo-maru Aka-maru Asashimo | Asahi-maru Aka-nashi - Arame ~~ Awaichi 4 Aworin Asahirin | etait, Doyo-wase Gozen-nashi Gosho-maru Heishi (Wase- roku, Doyo- maru) Hinode Hada (Haneda) Hagoromo Hoshoji 23 Hase (Naga- : tani) 24 Himewatari Hosoguchi Harukoshi Goshu .Hakurin Kinchakutataki koma _ (Korai) Kuruma > Konowatari Kanno Kanséi ‘Kinchaku Kakuto (Kaku- zu) Koyuki Kompei Jobana Echu-Hoshoji Minobako Aki-nashi Baba-koroshi Chojuro 45 D Doitsu 46 Doyo-kinko. 47 Edoya 48 Demono 49 Debeso’ 50 Ekubo 51 Nakaya_ Natsu- nashi, Hakuteiriu Okoga Okuroku ° Okusankichi Orisuke — Koshukoga’ Cbusa Okuzo Okuma Oshumaru Akashi Tamamizu 65 Shinchu 66 Ichimatsu 67 Imamura 68 Jujiro 69, 70 71 na 73 74 75 76 Shimada’ 96 Misu-no-uchi 116 Yukidoshi 77 ‘Tora’ -* 97 Matsuwo 117 Shimojima 78 Teruyo 98 Mizu-nashi 118 Ringo-nashi’ 79 Tokuzo 99° Yaji 119 Sakae : 80 Tamagawa 100 Yonezawa 120 Shinosé-nashi 81 Toho IOI Yokogoshi(Yo- (Sasase nashi) 82 Taniwatari kogoye) | 121 Nekokoroshi _ 83 Otani 102 Kinae (Kie) 122 Shokichi-nashi_ 84 Ohiromaru,_,. 103 Tampo 123 Segawa 85 Yaemon _ 104 Taihei 124 Shota (Masata) 86 Ese-Awayuki 105 Tosajo 125 Ueda 87 Zaiken: : 106 Toernon 126 Tetsubin 88-Shirataki ~~ - 107 ‘Rikiya 127 Reizan - 89 Ruizo- -* 108 Sekaiichi’ CHOICE. DESSERT VARIETIES. 18 VARIETIES. 33 Asahi Meigetsu Asahiriu Chojuro (Decho) Nakaya - > Okusankichi Doitsu (K-ncbakutataki) Hakuteiriu Gozen-nashi.. . Shinchu Heishi Sekaiichi Imamura Taihaku. Kozo Shiratama — Kinriu, Nijisseiki j iti¢c ELEVEN. BEST DESSERT. VARIETIES, Asahi " ” Meigetsu ‘Kinriu’ - Chojuro (Decho). Hakuteiriu ‘Asahiriu' Kozo_/“, Koga Kinriu Kinko Kanaya- Kiku-nashi Nijisseiki ( 7 J 9° Meigetsu 9! Hinoshita-- 92 Marubako 93 Mizukuma (Waseaka) 94 Goto ‘95 Kobu-nashi 109 Sujiaka 110 Taihaku® - _ 111 Tosa-maru 112 Torafu | 113 Tamago' 114 Shiratama Tig Yamamarii ( 78 ) Doitsu Sekaiichi Okusankichi Imamura Nijisseiki 26 CuHoice MARKET VARIETIES. Awayuki Kozo Taihaku Asahiriu Koyuki Tamago Akariu Mizukuma (Waseaka) Shimada Akappo Nakaya Segawa Chojuro (Decho) Okoga Shiratama Doitsu (Kinchakutataki) Okuroku Edoya Kusankichi Doyokinko Shinchu Debeso Taihei (Oiran) Heishi Rikiya Jujiro. BEST MARKET VARIETIES. (15 Vars.) Asahiriu Kozo Segawa Awayuki Mizukuma (Waseaka) Okusankichi Akarin Okoga Kinriu Chojuro (Decho) Shinchu Edoya Taihei (Oiran) Heishi Shimada 7 SELECT MARKET VARIETIES, Away uki Okusankichi Shinchu Akarin Mizukuma (Waseaka) Taihei (Oiran) Chojuro LOQUATS. 1 Obiwa (Syn. To-biwa) 5 Kogane Maru-mi 6*To-biwa (Nankin-biwa, Naga: ti Shina-biwa, Sakurajima- 3 Wase-biwa biwa) 4*Shiro-biwa 7 Kuro-biwa 2 Tanaka-biwa} (799 8 Yatsubusa-biwa 9 Shinchu . to Akagane 11 Bankin-biwa 12 Naga-biwa 13 Maru-biwa 14 Kishu-biwa 15 Nakate-biwa 16 Yamato-biwa ... 17 Okute-biwa . 18 Akajiku 19 Awojiku 20*Mizuwo-biwa 21 Ikeda-biwa 22 Todoroki-biwa 23 Sagatsu-biwa 24 Ko-biwa 25 Yama-biwa 26 Yabu-biwa 27*Tamura-biwa 28 Tochiya-biwa 29 Ji-biwa (Syn. Ko-biwa); 30 Kusunoki-biwa 31 Obusa-biwa 32 Kobusa-biwa 33 Kanro-biwa 34*Suisho-biwa (Syn. Suite: biwa} -35*Mogi-biwa-(Syn. To- Saws) 36 Mame-biwa (Syn. Ko- biwa) .37*To-biwa, One-Seeded, 38 Me-biwa 39 Kagura-suzu 59*Aka-biwa. - 41 Obiwa ‘42 Bussho-biwa ® 43 Hiwa 44 Oshima-biwa 45*To-biwa, Twe- seeded | 46* Ma-biwa : N. ho Asterisle shows the standard vaiieties either for market or for pleasure. er BEST DESSERT VARIETIES OF LOQUATS. 1 To-biwa, One-Seeded. 2 4 » —Two-Seéded, 3 To-biwa (Many-Seeded) 4 Tanaka-bitva. Amongst them, first as best in quality. 5 Bankin-biwa, 6 Mogi-biwa (To-biwa) 7 Shito-biwa. 8 Aka-biwa. - three varieties may be recommended POMEGRANATES " (ZAKURO). 1*Ama-zakuro 2*Shiro-zakuro .3 Aka-zakuro 4-Nami-zakuro ° a ( 8 ) 5 Hana-zakuro *Standard Varieties. 6 Hime-zakuro (Chosen-zakuro) CITROUS FRUITS. (Mikan-rui), 1 MANpDARINES 1*Unshu (Satsuma, Seedless, 10*Yatsushiro-mikan Rifujin, ©§ Nakajima-Mi- 11 Eta-mikan kan) 12 Usukawa-mikan 2 Hira-mikan 13 Beni-mikan 3*Kunembo 14 Kinuji-mikan 4 Ko-mikan 15 Daito-mikan 5 To-mikan -16 Yama-mikan Doro-koji Kin-koji 7*Kishu-mikan (Kinokuni- mikan) 8 Shirawa g Yuko 6* Koji-mikan 17 Fukure-mikan 18 Sakurajima-mikan 19*Ponkan 20. Tankan>Formosa 21 Suikan 22 Tachibana N. B,—Asterisk refers to best market varieties, 2 Hysrips DrerivED From BITTER 1 Asahikan 2*Naruto-mikan - 3* Natsu-daidai ORANGES, 4 Tengu-mikan (Shigetomi- Kinkunembo) 5 *Iyo-mikan etc., etc, 3. POMELOS AND SHADDOCKs. 1 Yamabuki-mikan (Ujukitsu) z*Buntan (Bontan) 3*Zabon (Jabon, Zampo,) 4 Jagatara 5 *Uchi-murasaki 4. KINnKANS, 1* Marumi 2*Nagami 5. SWEET ORANGES, *Kin-Kunembo‘{(Choséndaidai, Satsuma-orenji) { o2 } 6. MISCELLANEOUS. 1*Sudachi (Sutachi) 2*Yuzu (Citrus medica var. acida) N. B.—Asterisk shows the leading varieties. 3*Hiuga-natsu-mikan, KAKI or DATE PLUM. According to my recent study there are some 800 named varieties, either sweet or astringent. Now for convenience sake, I will select some useful varieties from this ‘large col- lection of Kaki. 1*Zenji-maru 24 Bongaki 2*Yamato-Gosho 25*Tendai 3 Toyama 26 Mishirazu 4*Joren 27 Beni-gaki 5*Sawashi 28 Mizugaki 6 Aka-gaki 29 Awoso 7 Mino-tsurushi 30 Tamago 8*Shibu-gaki 31 *Hiakume g Rendaiji 32 Hiakume 10* Nabezumi 33 Okame t1 Eboshi 34 Ogaki 12 Ohira 35 Hashidani (3 Edoichi 36 Yotani 14 Shimo-shirazu 37*Sagami-maru ts Shimo-Kaburi 38*Giboshi t6*Imon (Emon, Tarugaki) 39*Saburoza 17 Koshibu 40 Mizushima 18 Sato-gaki 4t Takura 19 Shimmio 42 Hakkiri 20*F uji 43* Toyoka 21*Fuyu ‘ ‘44*Gosho-nitari 22*Tenjin-gosho 23 Anzai «.. 45 Hassaku 46 Nagara ( 82 ) 47 Renge 48*Otera. 49 Tsurigane 50 Shimoneri (Shimo-maiu) s1*Hachiya 52 Bonneri 53 Mizi-gaki 54 Koneri (Kineri) 55*Koshu-maru 56*Hagakushi 57*Giombo 58*Gosho (Hongosho) 59*Saijo 60 Shibu-kaki 61 Higaki 62*Mino 63 Koriyama 64*Tsurunoko 65 Kumonosu 66 Kurokuma 67 Hiragaki 68 Watanabe 69*Enza . N. B.—Asterisk refers to those varieties best suited for dessert or drying. 7o Koharu 71 Genzan 72 Kyara 73 Issaigaki 74 Jurenji 75*Kubo 76 Usuzumi 77*Tane-nashi (Sane-nashi) 78* Wasehei 79* Daidai-maru 80 Yamagaki 81 Hachwoji 82* Miotan 83 Kawazoko 84*Seihakuji 85*Daitsuki 86*Gottemmaru 87*Egosho 88* Mombei 89*Tsurukame go*Okame g1* Yamato-gaki APRICOTS (ANZU). 1*Taue-momo 2*Maru-manju 3*Ko-manju 4*Ama-manju 5 *Beni-manju 6*Ko-Kinchaku 7 Ko-mikan 8 O-mikan 9*Mame-Kanro 10 Ko-mame-momo 11 O-mame-momo 12*Shiro-momo 13*Shiro-anzu 14 Karakara-momo ( 83 ) 15*Beni-momo 22 Shiro-mikan 16*Beni-chu-anzu -23 Maru-kanro 17*Kita-beni-anzu 24 Yawaraka-manju 18 Nagamanju ‘25 Kata-manju 1g Akao-mikan 26 Shibori manju;: 20 Ume-anzu 27 Otaki-momo 21 Akao-mame-momo N. B.—Asterisk refers to the standard sorts éither for table or for drying or canning. CuHorcE VARIETIES FOR DRYING. 1 Shiro-anzu 2 Shiro-momo 3 Ama-manju CHOICE VARIETIES FOR CANNING. t Ko-manju 2 Beni-manju 3 Beni-momo JAPANESE PLUMS (SUMOMO). 1*Sumomo 18 Kwanji 2*Urabeni-sumomo 19 Kishu-dama 3*Shiro-sumomo 20 Hari 4*Togari-sumomo 21 O-beni 5* Wase-sumomo 22 O-momo 6*Wase-O-sumomo 23. Yedo 7 Benkei-sumomo 24 Genshiro 8* Wase-shiro-sumomo 25 *Yone-sumomo 9*Ki-sumomo 26* Ochiai-botankio 10* Botankio 27*Suikwa-momo 11*Aka-sumomo 28 Sarugawa 12 Uchie-sumomo 29*Beni-sumomo 13 Bunhichi-sumomo 30 Hayashi-sumomo 14*Tkuri 3 Yamadoro-sumomo t5 Shiro-Ikuri 32 Murasaki-sumomo 16* Beni-botan 33 Hachiwoji (Terada-Sumomo) 34 Hatakake 17 Otafuku 35 Oba-Botankio ( 84 ) 36 Beniba-Botankio 57 Kajiya 37 Tane-sumomo 58 Konosu 38 Usuki 59 Tabiya 39 Beni-kake 60 Bunnemon 40 Doyo-sumomo 61 Biwa-momo. 41 Sashihei 62 Kiauri 42 Tanebanare 63 Ukon-sumomo (Kogane) 43 Bushu 64 Kawara-sumomo 44 Hange-Otama 65 Katansho 45 Hiyatsu-sumomo 66 Natsu-naka-sumomo 46 Oku-Kotsubu -67 Too 47 Basu-sumomo 68 Kuroya 48 Daikichi-maru 69 Awada-sumomo 49 Yrozuya 70 Ringo-sumomo 50 Komiugiwara 71 Bungo-sumomo 51 Mugiwara-sumomo 72 Samomo 52*Kan-sumomo 73 Zenjiro 53*Yone-bake 74 Bekko-sumomo | 54*Ichinari-momo 75*Manzemon 55*Jinno-uchi 76* Nishida-momo 56*Hon-sumomo (Satsuma, 77*Fujinozaki Yone-momo, Ushiro-seko- momo, Urabeni-sumoma) N. B.—Asterisk refers to the standard varieties for dessert, Amongst these, best dessert varieties for market are as follows: Best DrgssErT PLums. 1 Hatankio (Kelsey) 2 Botankio 3 Yone-sumiomo 4 Yone-momo (Satsuma) 5 Ichinari 6 Jinnouchi 7 Ochiai+Botankio 8 Beni-sumomo 9 Terada-sumomo 10 Yone-bake 11 Nishida-momo 12 Manzemon Six--Cuotce Dessert PLuMs. { Yone-momo (Satsuma) «© 4 Nishida-momo 2 Ichinari : 53 Terada-sumomo 3 Jinnouchi ' 6 Qchiai-Botankio rs Two Cxoicest Dessert Plums. 1 Ichinari 2 Terada-sumomo. : UME. _ 1 Ko-ume =. . 8 Sakata 2 Yoro-ume 9 Rinshubai 3 Minari-Naniwa. 10 Shiro-bana 4 Kashiwagi-bungo 11 Samidare .,- 5 Bungo-ume 12 Su-ume - ; 6 Minari-Bungo 13 Shiro-Kaga-ume 7 Oya 14 Beni-Kaga-ume Best Sorts FoR PICKLING. I Ke-ume 3 Shirobana 2 Yoro-ume | 4 Shiro-Kaga-ume.. PEACHES AND NECTARINES. N. Hi Astericle shows the leading varieties) grown for market. 1*Tsubame-momo 12*Tanigoro 2* Wase-hange 13*Inada-momo 3* Hange. (Kawachi-momo) 4*Yama-hange 14. Kizu-momo_; 5° Wase-Kintoki 15 Satsuki-momo .. 6* Yanagiba-Kintoki. 16 Sa-momo 7*Tobe-Kintoki 17*Toba 8 Akambo . | 18*Kanoko g*Wase-Doyo-maru . 19*Kuroni 10 Yasoji-maru- 20*Taruya 1t Kusai-Doyo-maru 21 Kawanaka 22 Taihaku-momo 23*Tachiyama-Doyo-maru 24*Kahei-Doyo-maru 28 Oku-Kahei-Doyo-maru 26 Wase-maru 27*Ko-maru 28*Nakate-maru 29 Domen-maru 30 Awoso 31*Shiromomo 32*Yoroi-doshi 33*Amento 34 Wase-Kaminiwa ~ 35 Nakate-Kaminiwa 36 Kam-momo 37 Kio-momo 38 Natsu-momo 39 Aki-momo 40 Chawam-nomo 41 Sane-momo 42* Seiwobo 43 Jimbei-momo 44 Hiodoshi 45 Sanebeni-momo 46 Bom-momo 47 Yoroi-gaeshi 48 Kara-momo 49 Fushigaeri 50 Abemmomo st Usuya 2 Maruya 53 Nagadairiya 54 Suitari 55 Hioi 56 Hikobei ( 86 ) 57* Asahi-maru 58 Okute-Kaminiwa 59 Ke-momo 60 Heishiro * _ 61 Gempei-momo - 62 Yedo-momo 63 Yoro-momo 64 Shiratama 65 Tsuwa-momo 66 Sudare-momo 67 Jugatsu-momo. 68 Watamomo 69 Benkei-momo -70 Furugiya 7. Kensaki 72 Taihei 73, Kinta 74 Kabuto 75 Kaburi-momo 76 Tango-momo 77 Yani-momo 78 Wakasa-momo 79 Hinode 80 Nagamomo 81 Beni-Kio-momo 82 Tsuyu-momo 83 Tobosaku-Beni-momo 84 Kaizuka-momo .85 Daibutsu-momo 86 Issaito: 87 Hachwoji 88 Hange-shirazu 89*Hino-maru gc Gonzaemon-momo QI Yotsuya~-momo ( 87 ) 92 Uima-gao 94 Sozaemon 93"Tachiyama-Kintoki 95 Inubusa NECTARINES. 96 Zubai-momo (Katashi-mo-mo, Katachi-momo, Zunbai- momo, Kenashi-momo, Hadaka-moino) , 97*Daicho-monio NUTS. CHESTNUTS. § Hiyaku-kujugonichi-guri 13*Hanaya-guri (“195 Days’’) 14 Asahi-zakura | 2 Nihiaku-toka-guri 15*Otoniune (“ 210 Days’’) 16 Ribadane _ 3*Bon-guri 17* Higan-guri 4 Wase-guri 18*Fuku-nishi 5 Asagi-guri 19 Fujio 6 Shiba-guri 20 Ginyori 7*Tamba-guri 21 Kuragake 8 Moheiguri 22 Imakita 9*Oguri (Tamba-guri) 23 lamida-guri 10 Hakoguri 24 Chokoji 11 Sando-guri 25*Doyo-guri 12*Shimo-kaburi (Hibuta, Shimo Kazuki) N.B.—Asterisk refers to the standard market variety. ’ WALNUTS. 1 Kwashi-gurumi (Chosen- 4 Oni-gurumi gurumi, To-gurumi) (Kurumi, J. Sieboldiana) 2 Shishi-gurumi 5 Okurumi 3 Hime-grumi (Megurumi, 6 Shina-gurumi (J. regia var. ‘Juglans Cordiformis) sinensis) « ( 88 ) TorREYA NUCIFERA (Kaya). 1 Omi-Kaya 4 Hidarimaki-Kaya 2 Marumi-Kaya 5 Shibunashi-Kaya 3 Nami-Kaya 6 Inu-Kaya : BERRIES. GRAPE VINES. 1 Wase-budo 4 Nagami-budo 2*Koshu-budo 5 Juraku-budo 3 Marumi-budo (Murasaki-budo) N. B.—Asterisk refers to most important market variety, Myrica RUBRA (Yama-momo). : 1 Kuma-yamamcemo 2 Yamamomo CHAPTER VI. Propagation of Fruit Trees. Nothing is so simple as the propagation of fruit trees in Japan. The familiar methods of grafting or cutting fruit trees are only one or two and performed with highest skill, without seeking after many ingenious modes of foreign origin. Our forefathers had known the art of grafting, cutting, layer- ing and the like, as practised in Europe and America. Only the art of budding being entirely unknown has re- mained for us to acquire. With the introduction of western civilization it was introduced among us. It has spread through- out the country with successful results everywhere. Our fruit growers acknowledge its merit through experience but being highly skilled by their ordinary methods of grafting they do not come to rely upon the ingenious methods of budding as is done in the West, except in the case of peaches and nectarines, These two fruit trees being quite stable in the striking per- centage attained by our common methods of grafting, even if by most skillful hands they became used gradually to adopt budding in recent years. The popular methods widely used among our nurserymen and growers are methods of grafting, while by seeds, and by cuttings, stocks are raised. Among methods of grafting, the following are most in use :-— 1. Kiritsugi. Similar to the Crown Grafting of Americans. Inarching or Grafting by approach. (Yobi-tsugi) Splice Grafting. (Sogi-tsugi) Side Grafting. (Hara-tsugi) Cleft Grafting. (Wari-tsugi) Cutting Grafting. (Sashi-tsugi) Root Grafting. (Ne-tsugi) OSE aN ‘(gO ) Without going into details of each mode of grafting 1 will show you our modes of propagation of each fruit. Crabs and apples are propagated by grafting. Many kinds of stocks are used as follows :-— Rin-Ki (Pirus Malus var. tormentosa) Koringo (Baccota var. mandshurica) Kaido (Spectabilis) Inunashi or Yamanashi (P. Calleryana), Kozumi (P. Toringo), Sand pear: seedings, Quince (Cydonia Vulgaris) Kwarin (C. Sinensis) Boke (C. Japonica). Amongst them, Rinki, Koringo, Kaido, Yamanashi and Kozumi are commonly used as best stocks. The season of grafting is long, while the period from March to middle April! is said to be the best. Usual time to cut scions is February. The young shoots are cut and buried shallow in shaded and sheltered position for at least one week before grafting. The duration of storing scions may be prolonged at will. Common method of growing stocks is by cuttings, root cuttings, division, layering and by seeds. Sand pears and pears are commoniy propagated by grafting of which Kiritsugi, splice grafting and top-working are mainly performed, Cuttings and layering are seldom used. Yama- nashi, Quince, Koringo and Kempo-nashi (Hovenia dulcis), are used as stocks. Among them, seedlings of Yamanashi are exclusively used. Japanese pears do not strike well on Quinces, except a few kinds. Results of double grafting of our pears on quince have lately been cared for in this country. Pearsare wide in grafting period. They are grafted in spring from March to early April. Beyond this period they can unite by regrafting, which is often done in May. To cut scions, nurserymen select February. But they may be cut and stored in the preceding month. Shrivelled scions unite rather better than newly cut scions, Stocks are grown by seeds, cuttings and layering. Quinces are propagated by layering, cuttings and grafting, Yamanashi, Koringo, Pear seedlings and quinces are used as ( gt ) stocks. Stocks are propagated by seeds, cuttings, layerings and division. « Pomegranates are grown by cuttings, layering, inarching, cutting-grafting and root-grafting. Our gardeners used the same species as stocks, They are propagated by seeds and other means. Kaki or Date Plums are commonly propagated by graft- ing, layering, root-cutting, etc. Shibukaki, are astringent variety and mamegaki (Diospyros lotus) are stocks. Common seedlings of sweet varieties are also available. Average season of grafting begins by the beginning of spring. Shoots cut for scions should be stored for some days to good advantage by the same methods as the kernel fruits. Whole parts of scions are never buried in the soil. Stocks are raised by seeds. They are slow in its growth and require at least 3 years from seed to reach graftable size. Loquats propagated by grafting in which Kiritsugi, splice-grafting and cleft-grafting are commonly used. Besides, cuttings and layerings are familiar methods. Loquats and Quince are used as stocks. By April 10th. we graft them. They may be grafted at once after cutting scions, Citrous fruits commonly propagate by grafting. Amongst them fingered citrons only propagate by cutting in the open air. Trifoliate orange and Yuzu (Citrus Medica var. Acida) are used as stocks. The former has a dwarfing effect on the scion, while the latter has no such influence. By the late April, just before sprouting they are grafted. Trifoliate oranges are necessary to graft on them after they have begun to bleed. As to other kind of stocks, this rule does not apply. Peaches and nectarines are commonly propagated by grafting. Lately, growers and nurserymen have adopted budding. Besides, cuttings, layering, inarching are seldom used. By grafting the results are very unstable, while by budding it has high striking percentage. Wild peaches, peach seedings, dwarf peaches (Amento) and Japanese plums are used C92 ) as stocks, Amongst them, the two former have been widely used.g They are grafted in March. Scions may be cut in January or in February, Tate cut scions do not strike well. Stocks are raised exclusively by seeds, Japanese plums are propagated mainly by grafting, while cuttings, division and suckering are often used. They strike well on their seedlings, peaches, ume and apricots. Graft them in the same season as peaches. Scions may be cut before grafting as peach stocks are raised from cuttings or by seeds. Japanese apricots propagate by grafting, Other means are seldom used. Seed- ling apricots and Japanese prunes are best stocks, Besides, umes are often used. Graft them in March and treat the scions as in peaches. . Ume trees are commonly grafted on wild species called “ Yabai ”, Bungo-ume and Naniwa, and another wild variety. The latter roots freely by cuttings. Besides grafting, cuttings and division are used. They are best grafted in the middle of March and afterwards till the end of the month, Graft at once on cutting scions, Cherries are grown by grafts. Other means are rarely used. Wild flowering cherry (Prunus Pseudo- cerasus var. Spontanea), Yoshino (P. Pseudo-cerasus var. Sieboldi), Higanzakura (P. Miqueliana) and Fujizakura (P. Incisa) are common stocks. Among them, the last one has a markedly dwarfing effect upon cherries as your mahalebs. Late February or early March are the best season to graft. Care as regards scions are similar to peaches. All sorts of cherries are easy to strike. Stocks are readily grown by cuttings. Yusura (P. Tomentosa) is an ornamental shrub. Also its fruit being palatable like cherries, it is much admired by the people. They are easy to propagate by division, cutting and layer- ing. Grafting is rarely used. They unite well upon peaches. : Niwa-ume (P. Japonica) has a similar habit as above and is similarly propagated. ( 93 ) Jujube propagates by seeds, layering, division and cuttings. Myricas are grown from seeds, root cuttings, layering, division and grafting. The same species are used as stocks, Chestnuts propagate by seeds, inarching, side-grafting, cutting-grafting and other means. Wild chestnuts and common seedlings are used as stocks. Graft in March. ‘Scions have to be cut and stored for about three to five weeks before grafting. Japanese walnuts are propagated by seeds. In the case of grafting, walnuts are used as stocks. Ginkgos are propagat- ed by seeds. Grafting is seldom used. They are grafted on Ginkgo by Kiritsugi and splice grafting. Torreya are grafted by inarching on its wild species. Seeds are often used to grow them. White Pines (Pinus Koraiensis) are grafted by inarching or cleft grafting upon wild-grown black pine (P. Thumbergii). Vines have long been propagated by layering in its growing centers of Kai. Cuttings, division and grafting are also familiar methods, Eye-cuttings have lately been intro- duced from Europe. They are grafted on other grape cuttings oron the wild grape (vilis -Coignetiae). Cuttings are best done trom November to May. But late February to March is best to make them root. Graftings are best performed in March. . Mulberries are grown by division, layering, cuttings and grafting. They are very easy to strike. Divide in May, when shoots have grown 1 foot or more. Cutting is done in February. Graft at the same time. Goumi are easy to divide while cuttings are also easy. Work in spring before sprouting. Japanese gooseberries will propagate by suckering, cut- tings, layering and division. Insert cuttings in beds in February. Mound in May around the shoots, and then divide. Brambles readily propagate by suckering and cuttings Begin the work before’ sprouting. CHAPTER VII: Modes of Pruning and Training Fruit Trees. in Japan. Favored by natural facilities our fruit growing has long been neglected in every side of its management. Of our leading fruits, those readily bear have always been left alone to its growth without Jegitimate practice of prunning and train- ing. Such examples are citrous fruits, loquats, plums, apricots and apples. On the other hand, fruit trees of late fruiting quickly degenerate without those treatments, for instance, pears, peaches and vines have long been cultivated with more or less pruning and training. Date plums have often received pruning but the large part remains in their natural shape and stature. Our modes of training differ,widely from those adopted by the western nations. The prevalent. forms of training fruit trees are restricted to “ Tanazukuri” (similar to your “ table cordons ’’) for such kinds of fruit trees as bear on spurs as well as for vines. Itisa mode of training on support and mainly carried on for pears and vines. Apples and plums are often trained by this system. Besides these, peaches are grown nowadays after regular modes of training, while they require no support and stand firmly asa dwarf.bush, They receive some pruning every year to be trained after the so-called open-centre system. Thus, a few kinds of fruit trees alone receive more or less pruning in a regular manner, whilst others grow quite un- touched. Citrous fruit trees, loquats, date plums, cherries, apricots, Ume trees, plums, quinces, chestnuts, walnuts and ( 95 ) moreover, pears, and apples in some localities are left quite untrained. § So, itis not uncommon in our orchards that pears, date plums, chestnuts and citrous fruit trees have acquired the de- fective habit of fruiting in alternate years. Such a state of things, the majority of our growers believe due to Nature and’ irreparable by man. Even if quite abandoned, some kinds of fruit trees as loquats, mandarins and chestnuts make rather handsome trees,. being regular in their modes of branching. But they bear in alternate years ; uniformity of size and quality of fruits, it is clear, are impaired in such an unpruned tree. So long as growers remain indifferent to modern methods fruit growing in a strict sense is nowhere seen in this country. Of most irregular shape, are date plums, ume trees, apricots and plums, They have crooked stems straggling in a; most curious manner. Trunks are often decayed and hollow, in the centre. It has long been admired as an ornament by some people. Such a diseased condition of trees is not only. worthless but rather injurious to the welfare of fruit’ trees. Indeed, our gardeners always turn their attention to the pruning and training of ornamentals while quite neglecting. the care of our fruit trees. Training trees for ornaments or the pruning of flowering plants have advanced through a long period among our gar- deners. Topiary works on ornamental evergreens and pot- grown plants have already had a wide reputation in the world. Our people admire some fruit trees for flowers rather than for fruits. Gardeners always devote care to novelties to meet their demands, while neglecting attention as to their pomolozical value. For example, our peaches, ume trees and quinces flourish in flowering varieties but are markedly poor in those for fruits. Such a circumstance would have induced our fruit grow: ing to remain in its infancy and has at least partly checked the progress of our orchard work. ( 96 ) «.” As above stated, pears and vines are trained on the hori- zontal trellis made of bamboo canes and supported on wooden posts.’ Recently .they have been replaced with wire trellis in some localities. It is called “tana” and such a mode of train- ing is called ‘‘tana-zukuri.” Its height differs in localities and by. the kind of fruit, but generally it measures 5-5. 5 {t., equal to the average height of our adult man. Women and children can work on the trellis by the aid of ladders or high wooden shoes, very popular in this country. The training on supports, being restricted to the tana-train- ing, our growers, especially those near cities have always be skillful. In a pear growing centre in the vicinity of Tokio there are trees over a century old, grown by this system. The present system of training is recorded to have been prac- ticed by our fore-fathers, It has spread among our growers throughout this country in favour of easiness to get the material of construction as well as the simplicity of its own method. Bamboo canes, the principal material can be got anywhere by every farmer and grower, It has long been the custom to grow it for the purpose of cropping young shoots as spring . Vegetables and for windbreaks or the protection of river em- bankments. Thinned canes are used as materials. Even the small farmers can get them cheap. Tana is constructed with long bamboo canes set about 1-2 ft. apart crosswise, and fixed unmovably with straw twine. It requires for the construction rather large amount of labour, while it does not much trouble our growers since it is usual to make the trellis in winter. Young trees from the nursery being planted in a regular manner, are manured and subject to their own growth as such for three or four years to make them root well. When the trees are fully established with strong a root system, they undergo their first training. Among those shoots, growing erect on thetop, those emerging about 5 ft. above ground are bent and fixed in position with straw twine on the trellis. Afterwards, ( o7 ) these shoots form the arms. Several shoots thus. trained are fixed almost equidistant from each other. On each armmspurs, or the like growths readily start, while any effort to encourage their growth is quite unnecessary. ; By this means, the arms being equal in condition, are easier to bring them into equilibrium. of growth and thus fruiting condition than other systems, such as palmates, cordons, etc. Moreover, the symmetry of the tree can be easily restored. eyen. when the arms are lost by some accident, as in the fan-training. Canes are durable for some five years, whilst straw twines have to be renewed every year during winter, Arms, shoots and fruit spurs undergo renewal pruning at times in’ winter. In some parts, where trees are planted on rich, deep alluvial deposits, they are shifted and transplanted at intervals. of 4 or § years, to check and moderate their luxuriance and to turn them prolific. —— Besides repairing and tying new shoots on the eitia: light: winter pruning is performed, No summer pruning is done by many growers. Fruit thinning, bagging and destroying. insects are rigorously practiced by them. Of late years, poul- try and sometimes swine are driven beneath the trees to make them feed on insects and vermin. In such a case, strong, protection around the trees is of course necessary. As regards the bamboo trellis there are two ways of con- struction. In the pear centres in the vicinity of Tokio, the trellis covers the whole plantation, whilst in orchards near Kyoto and. Nara it has the shape of long rectangles which run parallel to each other. Between consecutive tanas, long narrow spaces, are léft and used for paddy fields, In the growing season of rice plants, water stands close to. the pear roots, the difference of height between the tree crown and the water level being only: one foot. Also the soil is markedly clayey, and pear. roots remain markedly shallow. :Consequently, they come to show signs-of bearing while quite young, but they dwindle away: some ten to fifteen years after the planting. ae ( 98 ) ‘ "4 That is, trees begin to bear in the second year from plant- ing. Growers let them fruit at such an early period. They are impatient, indeed, to get some return from them as soon as possible. Shoots emerging beneath the trellis are all retained to cause a large yield as soon as possible. Thus, the outlines of trained pear trees differ widely in two districts in the east and the west. Thé relative merits of these two systems of tana are still open to discussion and dispute among growers. Besides pears, plums and vines can be well trained by this system. Plums are grown lately by this method in Terada-mura near Kyoto. All those fruit trees which bear on fruit spurs can be Similarly trainable. By this mode of training, it is clear, that éarly and profuse bearing can be brought out only with light pruning. In some parts of west Japan where pears are grown on steep hillsides tana being made along the slope so as to cover the hillside and the leafy canopy covering the trellis protects the crop growing beneath it against heavy winds. [In this case, .the fruiting portion mainly seats under the trellis. Grapes until recently have exclusively been tana-trained. Its remarkable scenes are visible in growing centres of Katsunuma, Iwai and other villages in the Province of Kai and Katashita vineyard not far from Osaka. In the former, vines are widely planted at the ‘rate of 40 trees per acre, while in the latter it numbers 120 vines per acre. In such a wide planting vines run freely on the trellis. Winter pruning, stopping, suckering, pinching or rubbing of” surplus ‘shoots,’ thinning and other treatments are regularly performed, Owing to the vigorous habit of the vine wide space is given to its free growth. Long pruning answers ‘vell, ‘nus, keeping moderate its growth makes it enter soon into a bearing condition. Lately, foreign modes of training are being adopted among our vineyardists who grow foreign varieties for the purpose of wine-making or dessert. Their comparative merit, however, is quite open to future discussions, ( 99 ) The system of Tana-training has widely spread in this country, except those districts with heavy snowfall. In north- west Japan where heavy snowfalls occur, trees are trained to the irregular standard, branching its arms above the normal depth of snow. In some parts, twigs are bundled together before winter comes. : Grape vines in these territories are always mulched in the Jate autunin to prevent breakage of canes, By the above statements, tana-training seems to have sprung into wide-spread favor in virtue of the following merits : 1. The convenience of management, harvesting and control of enemies. The simplicity and durability of the construction. The easiness to induce trees to the fruiting condition. The easiness and cheapness of getting material, . The prevention of damages by the storms prevalent in our country during late summer or when approach- ing harvest. 7 6. To secure the maximum suriace in order to enjoy the full sunshine on the tree. ; 7. To protect against heavy rainfall during the flowering : period. _ Situated in the usual course of storms which attack our islands several times a year, our fruit growers have to protect .themseves against serious damages. The heaviest one usually ‘attacks about late August or early September. Fruit trees, par- ticularly those without support suffer from the attack not only by . losing their crop, but followed by injuries on the next years ‘crop. Pears and apples near the seashore are covered with salt upon the foliage. It becomes brown and drops down prematurely, while the roots are still acting. Buds for the next year are forced to expand and flower in consequence. Fruit -sets but can not grow, thus rendering the crop quite worthless, wb wh ‘Thus it is not an uncommon event to our growers to lose their expected crop for the following year. ( 100 ) ' Peaches and nectarines have long been cultivated with a little care as regards pruning and training, but during past twenty years modes of treatment became improved and careful. Trees are mostly ‘of dwarf bush form with an open centre. Still no summer pruning has been carried on. The yearling trees are planted on stocks previously planted and grafted or budded. On planting, tap roots are removed. Watersprouts and suckers remain unpruned in the first winter pruning, whilst such strong growths are trained in position bending them down with straw lines, to keep the center spreading and open. Bending of shoots is adjusted according as the vigor of the shoot. Thus, the growth of the shoots being regulated, an equilibrium of growth can be ‘acquired with ease. These modes of training which mainly aim at thé early fruiting though simple and imperfect from the ornamental point of view, seem to answer well fort he: purposes of our cottage farmers or small growers. Citrous fruit trees and loquats are also left alone. They feceive only manuring, mulching, cultivation and seldom spraying. But they produce an immense crop in alternate ‘years, Lately, our veteran growers have become acquainted with the necessity of pruning for the well-being of the tree and come to practice the work in some parts. Kaki has until recently taken ieadership among our orchard fruits. They have been a most popular and wide- Spread fruit for a long time. But their culture under rational treatment is of quite recent origin. Sweet varieties serve directly as dessert, but astringent ones become eatable as sweetened by curing or other processes. Cured products still have a large demand in our market. To cure, each fruit is peeled and sun-dried, suspended on straw twine. To facilitate this process, a bit of shoot remains attached to each fruit stall like the letter T, and by this method the fruiting shoots are broken with the fruits. This process of breaking shoots has become by chance a mode of pruning. A far better ( tor ) results have always been obtained than when the fruit alone is gathered. In the meantime, some growers became well acquainted of this fact and came to adopt this process. In Tomo-o-mura, a date plum region between Kyoto and Nara, an expert called Tajuro Yoshioka has independently brought about the same process and succeeded in renovating worn-out trees in his village. Afterwards his method has been improved. A medal was awarded his work at the Industrial Exhibition in 1895. His first method has nothing different from the process already practised in other localities. By his method, every fruiting shoot is broken at its own base, while the sterile or non-fruiting ones are left unpruned. By. this treatment, new vigorous shoots start from buds of the remaining part, the next spring. They do not fruit in the same year, whilst they grow vigorously and develop plump and well-matured buds on the apex as well as the leaf-axiles of them. These buds, especially a few near the apex are always entitled to start fruiting shoots in the next year. On the contrary, as the fruiting shoots are left unpruned after harvest they being exhausted would start weak, slender sterile shoots in the next spring. Sometimes they would perish, worn-out by the overwork of fruiting. Next year again, if these weak shoots are left unpruned, worse results would follow. In such a manner, when no pruning is done, weak shoots grow in turn near the apex of the preceding ones until at last the tree abounds in weak and valueless shoots. Fruit borne on such a shoot is worthless or liable to drop down prematurely. In some varieties, for example, Zenji-maru, the pistillate flower always appears on the stronger shoots, whilst the staminate ones are always borne in clusters on weak, slender. shoots. Thus, it is necessary to get the strong shoots by means of pruning (breaking) worn-out shoots to increase the yield, and make its growing profitable. Trees represent in this case a typical weeping appearance and quite differ in this respect from those grown under regular pruning. Yoshioka’s first ( 102 ) thethod of pruning (breaking) shoots is nothing sort of the spur pruning of the fruiting shoots and quite similar to those commonly practised on the fruiting canes of vines grown under glass. As you are aware, the Kaki tree has a similarity as to the habit of fruiting to the vines, It bears on the leaf-axiles of rather stronger shoots of the current year growth, which start from a few well-matured, plump buds near the apex of the mother shoot. That is, flowers are borne at most on the four nodes, from third to sixth from the base of the shoot. Weak, spur-like shoots are always sterile, while extravagant shoots of excessive vigor also have no fruit. Generally speaking, well-matured shoots of moderate length which have been sterile in the current year alone, are privileged to start fruit- ing shoots in the following year. Thus, we have to depend only upon the well-matured shoots and aim to produce such kinds of shoots as much as possible, . By this reason, renewed pruning or at least the breaking of shoots is of significance in the successful growing of Kaki trees. Of late years, Mr. Yoshioka has brought out his second method of pruning by which better results have always been obtained. It consists of breaking the mother twig from which several fruiting shoots start. It differs from his first method only in severing the system of those shoots, not every fruiting shoot. By this process, shoots starting from the remaining parts grow more vigorously and improved results are always obtained by such a severe process rather than the former method, By such means, the habit of alternate year fruiting is not corrected. Thinning fruits, in this case, answers well to cor- rect this defective habit and let them bear uniformly every year. In the vicinity of Tokio, are found its growing centres. Among them, two villages, Komae and Noborito, have long since co-operated in a curious manner to lessen and regulate the yield in order to avoid glut in the market. Owing to the ( 103 ) over-supply of fruit in the fruiting year no one can sell the produce at a paying price. To overcome this difficulty one of those villages ventured to practice the removal of flowers while young in the fruiting year and thus bring forth a crop in an off year by such an ingenious method, In sucha way, Kaki trees in both villages come to bear in alternate years. Two villages do not agree in.the season of bearing. Thus, the fruit market in the market being well regulated a glut in the market could be avoided. Such a procedure seems to have been derived only from considerations of individual economy of the grower; but have not sprung from the co-operative idea of both villages. It has long been said among our people that Kaki trees dislike pruning by knife or iron tools. This erroneous idea has spread and it is still maintained by our growers. The idea seems to have sprung from the fact of dull healing of wounds in the root, as wel! as the brittleness of shoots, They are indeed liable to suffer from severing of the roots in particular. T have, however, had opportunity to practise knife pruning and succeeded in getting more handsome trees than in break- ing shoots. CHAPTER VIIL Some Routine Operations in Japanese Orchards. Of the ordinary processes in our orchards, irrigation and drainage, “bagging,’’ manuring, cultivation, hoeing, protection against enemies are rather peculiar and noteworthy. Above all, the process of bagging has been extensively adopted, by our growers as a preventive measure against insects and. fungi. In this method, all fruit left after the final thinning is covered with small paper bags made of old newspapers or of “mino-gami,” a strong Japanese paper, The bags are provided with fine holes in the corners to let out rain-water freely, and to prevent breaking. Bags without bottoms are preferred by some. In South Japan, where peaches, pears and grape-vines are largely grown, bottomless bags made of newspaper are widely used. Near Tokio, growers use another kind of bag, made with native paper treated with ‘“ Kaki-shibu,” a juice expressed from Kaki fruits. This juice make the paper water-tight, and from its antiseptic quality is extensively used for many purposes, The growing of date plums for the express purpose of obtaining the juice is extensively carried on in some parts of this country.* When newspapers are used, new bags are annually supplied, while in other cases they are only partially renewed, the same bags being used for three years or more until they are worn out. An immense number of these bags being prepared, growers are always ready to use them at the right time. The time of bagging varies for different fruits. Lately, bagging has come to be done very early, to minimize insect and fungas injuries, * Bull, of Our College, Tsukamoto:—On the “ Kaki- shibu”, { 105 ) For instance, it is a good time to bag peaches by the end of the stoning period, whilst we are accustomed to begin the work of bagging much earlier, just as they reach the size of a ripe cherry. The primary aim of bagging was to protect the fruits from injuries. It is recorded in our old writings used a long timé ago by our forefathers. But it is now known that by this process, the growth of the fruit is favored and the ripening is accelerated by several days. Morever, the skin remains very thin and delicate, and the fruits are larger in size, and above all they are more uniform, whether exposed or in shade, a point of high importance in the market. There are still many other advantages derived from bagging. Many kind of enemies increase rapidly in our favorable ci:mate, and have to be contended with to insure success. These operations become sometimes very troublesome, and consume much time and labour beside entailing additional expenses. Moreover, they have to be performed over and above the primary occupation of our farmers and cultivators, which is rice culture. It is therefore too much to expect them to devote a large amount of labour to orchards or invest much capital in spraying and like operations. The wide-spread adoption of the process of bagging is to be attributed to these circumstances, as the simplest, most economical and most effective means for the protection of fruit. The paper bags are removed at the harvest. In the large centre of orchard fruits between Tokio and Yokohama, the work is done several days prior to the harvest, in order to bring out the full colours of the fruits. The work of bagging is exclusively done by women. A skillful hand can work 1500-2000 bags aday. Even unskilled hands can bag 500-700 peaches or pears ina day. The mouth of the bag is closed on covering, so as to keep out the enemies, and tied with twine, such as that of “ Riusiu”’ (Scirpus triqueter, ( 106 ) L.), or young leaves of “Shuro” ( Trachycarpus excelca, Wendl.) or with fine zinc or copper wires. Bagging is mainly practised on peaches, pears and apples, while early varieties and those with hard flesh and less sugary contents are always grown uncovered. Recently, the vine growers of Kawachi and Kai have begun to adopt this method as a preventive against the so-called Oidium fungus. In this case, long bottomless bags covered inside with light sulphur paste are used. The results have been fairly good but the superiority of spraying with Bordeaux mixture is also known. Trials made with the Kaki fruits have proved that bagging is effective against premature dropping of the fruits due to insects and fungi. Morever as stated above, thin skin, smoothness, large size and unifoi mity of quality can be seeur- ed, IRRIGATION AND DRAINAGE. Our damp climate greatly reduces the neccessity of irrigation in summer. Though abundant water is one of the essential conditions for rice plants in their growing stage, there is very little need of it for orchards. The extensive irrigation system of the orchards of such a region as California, is a wonder for our home growers and is beyond their imagination, Only those pear orchards which are located on sandy soils in river beds and seashores require some irrigation in midsummer. Even plantations on steep hillsides do not require much of a water supply in summer, while a light mulchis seldom necessary in this case. Cultivation and light mulch answer well in this case. Heavy mulch often injures the plants, the exclusion of the heat and light only favoring the work of fungi and vermin. Covering the ground to protect them from drying, such as is done in America is wholly unnecessary in our coun- try. The essential point is to keep orchards clean and bare in most seasons, except during some short periods of severe . ( roy ) summer drought. We have to make use of the energy of the sun as much as possible and to take advantage, in every pos- sible case, of its benefits. Aeration of soil should be encouraged by every means, Drainage is the first thing to be considered for the welfare of fruit trees, Our orchards generally have excellent open drain- age. Gutters run regularly beneath the horizontal trellis of our pear orchards. On stiff loamy soil, good results are obtain- ed by planting trees on mounds or on ridges, so as to secure good drainage and active aeration. Underground drainage also answers well in this case. All these processes are impor- tant in regions with heavy precipitations, as in the south, and in the cold regions of the north in particular. CULTIVATION AND HOEING. These operations are done only by hand with small tools, Horse power and targe implements such as are seen on the Continent, are never used in fruit plantations in this country, ‘The frequent rain and hot summer increase the trouble of weeding more than on the Continent. A large amount of labour is necessary to keep down the weeds in summer, espe- cially in the rainy season. Farmers therefore strive to finish hoeing before the rain season sets in. The cultivation of or- chards is also carried on by hand. It is performed in order to loosen the surface soil and assist in its aeration, and not to lessen the evaporation and prevent drought. Frequent rains are indeed apt to harden and cement together the surface soil, which is harmful to the well-being of fruit trees, MANURING. The application of manures to fruit trees has been long neg- lected, although manuring has been an important item in rice growing. Only recently, with the rapid progress of our fruit industry, experts have begun to pay attention to this subject ( 108 ) and are studying the effects of different manures on the quality. and yield of fruits. Chemical fertilizers have become familiar among growers, and phosphates have proved effective on some kinds of fruits, while other kinds of fertilizers have not been much used. Night soil, stable manures, litter and weeds from the roadsides or meadows were almost exclusively used. Until recently there have been meadows reserved for the common use of each village. In some parts large quantities of weeds and under-growth are put thickly beneath the trees to serve as manure. The insufficiency of these manures has come to be acknowledged, and improvements are being introduced: Sea weeds are also often employed. The application of potash, lime and other mineral ingredients as fertilizers is of great importance in this country, especially for fruit growing. But the majority of our growers and farmers still seem to be ignorant of it. Beside the customary use of night soil and stable manures, wood and straw ashes, rape seed cake, soy bean cakes, fish oil cakes are used more orless. Fish manures can now be supplied rather cheap. Fish manures have also been imported from America in recent years. Bone manures are seidom used in our farms and orchards, since cattle raising is hardly developed in this country. Generally speaking, the majority of our farmers and growers are still ignorant of the use of manures for fruit raising, and no serious attention is paid to it, as in the case of rice culture. 1 Some experts have, however, made exper:ments on the relative value of different commercial fertilizers on orchards and other crops. Particular kinds of manures, the nature of which is kept secret are also used by some. For citrous fruits, for example, an expert grower in the Province of Kii is said to use common salt to promote the keeping quality of oranges and mandarins. The first results were strikingly good, and since that time he: ( 109 ) has continued its use. Besides, it is an established fact that the application of potash in reasonable quantities improves citrous fruits in many respects. Oranges and mandarins treat- ed in this way improve in flavor, appearance and keeping quality. They also become much sweeter and agreeable to the taste ; the rind becomes of a deeper color, thinner, more smooth and better attached to the pulp. The improved keep- ing quality is, however, the most important point. I have heard also from the communications in an English Journal* that lemons improve in quality when soap-water is applied as manure. From these facts, it probably follows that the application of alkali in reasonable quantities improves markedly the quality of citrous fruits. The above results have been verified in the Experiment Stations at Okitsu, and similar results have also been arrived at by others. This fact is well known to our growers in citrous centres, who use ashes and other potash manures. . Besides, our farmers are accustomed to use salt to date plums as a: remedy against the premature dropping o: the fruits. They bury empty salt packages, made of straw, near the roots or tie the package on the stems. Saline water is said to be often poured around the trees. Though accurate experiments have never been made to prove this fact, I can say that the dropping is caused by the rapid growth of the shoots and roots as well as by the want of some nutriments. According to Dr. Yamada, chemist to Fukui Experiment Station, Kaki trees in off years are marked- ly poor in phosphoric acid and magnesia, and also deficient in soluble carbohydrates, proteids and amides. Particularly, the amides and magnesia show remarkably low percentage in off years.t From this fact the importance of magnesia salts for the bearing of date plums is clear. Thus, it is necessary to give such salts to exhausted trees in off years to improve fruiting in * Journal of the RH.S. Vol. Part 1905. { Report of the Station, No. 1, 1903. ( 110 ) the following year. Our custom of burying salt packages near the roots are justifiable from this point of view, because a mixture of sodium and magnesium salt is present in them. Further- more, the dropping occurs when the shoots have grown with rapidity. It always happens in the rainy season, from the middle of June to July, when the roots are in great activity. In this case an abundance of soluble salts in the soil would retard the absorption by the roots. ‘‘ Mixture of salts impedes absorption more than pure salts, and certain kinds, for example, sodium chloride, act more energetically than others, for ex- ample saltpeter,” says Prof. Schimper.* “ Sodium chloride acts on the vegetable organism in part physically, since like other saline solutions it impedes the osmotic absorption of water through the roots, and in part chetnically, as after its entrance into the cells it affects metabolism.” ‘Hansteen has made it probable that sodium chloride, as well as potassium chloride, stands in a certain relation to the manufacture of proteids from amides and carbohydrates.” From these results, it appears highly probable that Kaki trees are much impeded in absorption by the application of salt to the roots, thereby causing physiological drought to the roots, even if the soil be saturated with water. The growth of the shoots are consequently retarded or inhibited and the pre- mature dropping of the fruits can be prevented. Premature dropping of the fruit can also be secured by another means. , In some parts oblique cuts are made on the stems to lessen the flow of sap to some extent. * Plant Geography Upon a Physiogical Basis,” Eng. Translation 1903. al SAO [tl ei SH Oo St Oe ee) =O IO OO 8S SS OS OOO Ms tok ft oe Hee tll Rea HB Ha & BA | a > Ee BG Soh St oh (Sei) ma Fe ABAIDABA neem PAPAD a ny at ht. |] A ABABAB EIN alba ae = las igi FJ enep i fF iy BUF gy RE Mt 8 Ba A aaeeRva ex iw i By = sé it f= | ath i i (Fl Ee mk a ie . = 4 a B ae ao, as og Hy 2% & ie OR FILMED 1045