Sieeiet ee gar : $ Sanpeenencearee + Mower eae ea SN ste B4-7 Me CORNELL UNIVERSITY. THE Roswell P. Flamer Library THE GIFT OF ROSWELL P. FLOWER FOR THE USE OF THE N. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE. 1897 see nt! sare" University Library QL 812.B47 “Hii vet | Date Due OCT 19 1956 ~ 49 902 ie 214960 APR 3 0 [96t Nee UL 15,1961 Fe CV 196204 praia [HA AO ee i NP) i , LN, ® PRINTED |IN U.S.A, Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. 4 PRACTICAL ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT AN ELEMENTARY LABORATORY TEXTBOOK IN MAMMALIAN ANATOMY By _B. A. BENSLEY, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Zoology in the University of Toronto TORONTO: THE UNIVERSITY PRESS io | PHILADELPHIA: P. BLAKISTON’S SON & CO. —_ 1910 / EN, Noyes | Copyricut, CanapA, 1910, By Tue UNiversiry Press PREFACE. The object of the present book is to set forth the chief facts of mammalian structure in an elementary, practical form; further, to use the anatomy of a typical mammal as a means of applying the more useful definitions of human anatomy and, so far as the limitations of a single type permit, also the broader conceptions of morphological zoology. On the practical side, its chief aim is to place before the student the materials necessary for a practical study of the type, rather than a descriptive account of its organization, though in some cases, notably in the treatment of the skeleton, it has been possible to follow a descrip- tive method without departing from the original plan. The inclusion of a section devoted to certain general aspects of the structure of the rabbit will, it is hoped, encourage the student to prose- cute his practical study with a more liberal point of view. As to the subject-matter of this section, its selection has been a matter of no little difficulty, and, doubtless, in many respects it might have been improved upon. One must feel, however, that the first question is not one of detail, but of general principle. Progress depends to a considerable extent on the ability to attack small problems with a large spirit. At the present time a vast amount of effort is being devoted to the planning of laboratory courses, and with increasing specialization it becomes more than ever the duty of the instructor to see that the student does not leave the laboratory, provided with a mass of detailed information, but -with general conceptions as crude as when he entered it. As a laboratory type the rabbit has been made familiar to students through various zoological textbooks and especially through the “ Zootomy’’ of Parker. The use of the animal, however, so far as one may judge, has not been as extensive as its general convenience would seem to warrant. It may, therefore, be of some value to direct atten- tion to this form by providing more facilities for its study. It is un- fortunate, in many respects, that no recent and adequate account of the anatomy of the rabbit is available, as is the case with other mammals used for laboratory study, the classic ‘Anatomie des Kaninchens’’ of Krause, published in 1884, being still the common source of information. Mammalian dissection is probably of most value to two classes of students, namely, medical or premedical students using it as an intro- duction to human anatomy, histology, or physiology, and zoological students using it as an introduction, or as part of the laboratory prac- tice of vertebrate zoology. For the latter class two aspects of the subject are especially worthy of consideration. One is the more or less detailed study devoted to a single type; the other, the study of a specialized type, the latter point being of more importance if the sub- iv PREFACE. ject is being used as an introductory one. In many respects the con- tinuous study of a single animal is a good corrective for the rough general kind of dissection as suggested by the zoological textbooks, and may be made to share the well-known merit of human anatomy as a laboratory discipline. Again, for the student who afterwards is con- cerned with vertebrate evolution, the study of a specialized type, such as a mammal, gives him, at the outset, something definite and concrete on which to base his conceptions of sequence. Primitive structure is of great value as a means of explanation, but the question, now as hereto- fore, is whether or not the study of primitive animals as a preliminary step represents the correct procedure from a laboratory standpoint. The more the student becomes interested in tracing sequence, the more he will be convinced of the necessity of stating his problem before he begins to solve it. The practical outlines on which the present book is based have been used for several years and in different forms in the laboratories of the University of Toronto. It would be difficult to make due acknowledg- ments to those colleagues and students who at one time or another have assisted in its preparation. Indeed, our chief obligation is to Professor Ramsay Wright, who, in establishing laboratory courses of this kind, has laid the foundation on which we have tried to build. B, A. BENSLEY. University of Toronto, January 3rd, 1910. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION... 1... ... .. 0... 1 Part I. A GENERAL CONSIDERATION OF THE STRUCTURE OF THE RABBIT. DIVISIONS AND METHODS.... oP Rtencat ny din hm Tawke He, iene. eb hoaid 3 INTERPRETATION OF STRUCTURE.......005.0 fee cee eee ee 4 ZOOLOGICAL POSITION....... 0 ...... AS Hse Ok eh | ame 6 GENERAL ANATOMY......... Be Bee ereeen ee “At, eee cee tues .. 8 Epithelial Tissues... .. 2... 0.07. 00. wee se law ae 29 Connective Tissues.. ... ..0.. 0 0. 00. we ee ee we 1B Muscular Tissues........ Boe Wh oa. BOR Aoi ieee ee. UD Nervous Tissues .... 26.0 6. 0k cee es tag. “21 ‘TERMINOLOGY 24.4625 Ge e08a Bie Ge wenden 23 THE GENERAL FEATURES AND Geounn Bian OF THE m ORIAN Sysumue 25 The Skeletal System...... ... ....... fe we rhe wes ae 530 The Nervous System......... Mo BR Ee ek TRUE ASG COS The Digestive System......... ...... 40 The Respiratory System.. .. ... .... cee ee ee 48 The Vascular System.... .. ©... 0 7. wee ee ee ee 48 The Urinogenital System.......... ee, betase. be ee ae 6346 The Serous Cavities.......... a re eee tee eee ae 49 REGIONAL SECTIONS.... Part II. OSTEOLOGY OF THE RABBIT. GENERAL DIVISIONS OF THE SKELETON....... .. ... .. 0. 4! 68 THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN ......-..000. cece e eee ia ee. wa b8 THE (RIBS +4) 2c! aiiche GerSh. we bh _tms. Fic. 15. From a section of the pyloric end (antrum pyloricum) of the stomach of the rabbit: m.m., muscularis mucosae; t.m.c. circular layer of the muscular tunic; t.m.l., longitudinal layer of the muscular tunic;, mucous tunic; t.s., tela submucosa;, serous tunic. Some muscles, such as those of the abdominal wall, are disposed in the form of flattened sheets, the ends of which are attached by broad, thin sheets of connective tissue, the apon- euroses. In unipennate muscles the fibres are attached obliquely to the side of the tendon, or in bipennate muscles to both sides, like the vane of a feather. In the so-called biceps, triceps and quadriceps muscles of the limbs, the origin is divided into two, three or four portions. Furthermore, the recognition of origin and insertion depends on usual but not invariable relations. The exact effect of muscle contraction also depends as a rule on the synchronous action of other muscles. A muscle like the diaphragm does not possess an insertion after the fashion of ordinary muscles; and in some cases, aSin the intrinsic muscle of the tongue or the so-called orbicular or sphincter muscles, both origin and insertion may be absent. Involuntary muscle is distinguished by its white or greyish coloration and by its smooth or homogeneous appearance. It forms characteristic Nervous Tissuzs. 21: layers in connection with visceral organs or with the skin, and is thus. much less individual than the voluntary muscles in its relations to particular parts. It forms the muscular portion (muscularis mucosae) of the mucous tunic of the alimentary canal, and also a separate muscular tunic lying in the outer portion of its wall (Fig. 15). In the muscular tunic the fibres are arranged in both circular and longitudinal directions. Involuntary muscle also forms a small constituent of many organs, such as certain glands, in which contractility is not a chief function. It forms a large constituent of the wall of the urinogenital tubes, particularly the bladder and the uterus. In association with elastic connective tissue it is an important constituent of the walls of the bloodvessels. Although there is an underlying community of structure in the walls of the bloodvessels, the two chief types of vessels, arteries and veins, present conspicuous differences, both in functional behaviour, and in their appearance in the dead animal. The differences are largely the result of differences in the relative amounts of the above-mentioned constituents. The arteries are thick-walled, elastic tubes, which, under the force of blood from the heart, first become greatly expanded, and then gradually con- tract, so that the blood is forced into the smaller capillary vessels. The veins on the other hand are thinner- walled, less elastic vessels, through which the blood is fotced largely through the pressure from behind. In the dead animal the arteries appear white, flat or collapsed, and ; empty. The veins on the other hand 19.18, Newe-cil from the gnterign ergy appear large and dark on account of dendrites; c.g, chromatophile granules ; their distension with blood. ss a 4. NERvouS TISSUES. Nervous tissues form the basis of the central nervous system and of the outlying nerves and ganglia. They comprise two kinds of elements —nerve cells and nerve fibres. In the central nervous system these elements are imbedded in a mass of neutral tissue, the neuroglia. Nerve cells are characteristic of the central nervous system and of the spinal and sympathetic ganglia. They differ greatly in form, but typically each consists of a cell-body (Fig. 16) bearing two kinds of processes—a fibre-process, the neuraxis or neurite, and a series of branched protoplasmic processes, the dendrites. The cell-body is distinguished by the presence in its interior of granular masses, the chromatophile or tigroid bodies. The latter extend into the dendrites, but not into the neuraxis. The dendrites may be greatly elaborated, and may be present to a considerable number. The nettraxis isa nerve.fibre process. Since it continues as the central portion or axial cord of a nerve fibre, it may traverse a relatively enormous distance on its way to a peripheral organ. 22 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. A nerve fibre consists of a central core, the axial cord, enclosed, except in the case of those of the olfactory nerve, by certain membranes. Two kinds of fibres are distinguished—medullated fibres, and non-medullated fibres. The former are characteristic of the peripheral nerves. In these (Fig. 17) the axial cord is surrounded by a comparatively thick Fig. 17. Portions of two medullated nerve - fibres from the sciatic of the rabbit: a.c., axial cord; m.s., > myelin. sheath, stained black with osmic acid; n., neurilemma; n.r., node of Ranvier. membrane of fatty material, the medullary or myelin sheath. The latter is continuous except at certain points, the nodes of Ranvier, where the axial cord appears free except for an external investment of the whole fibre, the neurilemma. In the non-medullated nerve fibres the myelin sheath is lacking. This type of fibre is chiefly distributed in connection with the sympathetic: system. A nerve is an association of nerve fibres, the latter being disposed in a parallel fashion ‘and united together into bundles of larger or smaller size by connective tissue, which also forms a general peripheral investment, the epineurium. The dead-white coloration of a nerve is due to the fatty materials of the myelin sheaths, but nerves are commonly found imbedded in a fatty con- nective tissue which is associated with the epineurium and is also of white coloration. Nervé fibres, and also nerves, are distinguished functionally as afferent and efferent. They are organs of conduction, which carry impulses either from the peripheral parts of the body to the central nervous system, or in the opposite direction. Sensory nerves are afferent, while motor nerves are efferent. Nerves, however, usually contain both afferent and efferent fibres and are hence described as mixed. In the distribution of afferent and efferent fibres there is a marked difference between the external or somatic por- tions of the body and the internal or visceral portions. Consequently, both somatic and visceral kinds of afferent and efferent fibres are con- veniently distinguished. ( On account of certain diff- erences in coloration, the cellular and white fibrous’ constituents of the ~ central smp. ~ fp. LES ae ce f.m.a Fic. 18. Section of the spinal cord of the rabbit: c, central canal; f.m.a., anterior median fissure; s.m.p., posterior median sulcus; f.a., f.l., and f.p., anterior, lateral, and posterior funiculi of the cord; c.g.a. and c.g.p., anterior and posterior grey columns (horns of grey matter); r.a,, and r.p., anterior and posterior nerve roots; s.a., white substance. nervous system produce characteristic patterns where either. one is TERMINOLOGY. 23 concentrated. Thus the cellular material is greyish, and is hence distinguished as the grey substance, while white fibrous material pro-. duces when concentrated an opaque white appearance similar to that seen in the peripheral nerves, and is hence described as white substance. In the spinal cord (Fig. 18) the grey substance is disposed as a central core, the white substance asa peripheral investment. A similar relation is found in the basal portion of the brain, but the characteristic pattern in the cerebral hemispheres and in the cerebellum is one in which the grey substance forms a peripheral, investing, or cortical layer. TERMINOLOGY. In special or descriptive anatomy it is necessary to employ an extensive system of terminology in order that the various structures of the body may be individually designated, classified, and referred to their respective positions. The terms used for this purpose may be classified into four groups, as follows: (1) general terms—those included in the names of parts, but applicable in themselves to similar structures (arteries, nerves, etc.) in various parts of the body; (2) specific terms or names of parts; (3) regional terms—those defining areas (topographic); and (4) terms of orientation. Although few in number, the terms of orientation may be regarded as the most generally useful terms of descriptive anatomy. This is because they are based on very general relations of the body, and are therefore of wide application. For this reason they are here selected for definition to the exclusion of others of a more restricting or individualizing kind. In all vertebrates we may recognize a longitudinal axis, corresponding, in general, to the line formed by the vertebral column. In the usual or prone position of the body this axis is horizontal. The uppermost surface is then described as dorsal, the lowermost surface as ventral, the sides of the body as lateral. Any position forwards, with respect to the long axis, is anterior in comparison with any position backwards, which is posterior. In relation to the long axis it is convenient to recognize a median vertical plane of section, which is one dividing the body into right and left halves; also transversal planes, which are planes situated at right angles to the median plane and to the long axis, and sagittal planes. The latter are vertical planes parallel to, and also including (as mid- sagittal), the median vertical plane. The median vertical plane is the plane of bilateral symmetry, each half of the body as thus defined being in a general way the reverse counterpart of the other. Structures situated in part in the median plane are unpaired, and are described as median, while structures situated wholly outside of the plane are paired, right and left, or dextral and sinistral. In relation to the median plane and to the sides of the body, structures are described as medial when nearer the former, and as lateral when nearer the sides of the body. The term intermediate is applied 24 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. especially to a position between medial and lateral, but this restriction is perhaps not justifiable. In considering the extent of bilateral symmetry, it is necessary to bear in mind that, although a fundamental feature in vertebrates, it is not perfectly retained in the adult condition. Symmetry is destroyed by the migration of an unpaired structure from a median to a lateral position, as is seen, for example, in the case of the abdominal portion of the ali- mentary canal; or, again, by the reduction or disappearance of structures belonging to one side of the body, as, for example, in the case of the mamualian aortic arch. Referring to centre and circumference, either in the body as a whole, or in particular parts, the terms deep and superficial, central and periph- eral, or internal and external may be applied. It may be observed, however, that the terms internal and external are sometimes used in the sense of medial and lateral, both in descriptive language and in the. names of parts. In comparison with the terms medial (medialis) and median (medi- anus) the term middle (medius) may be used to designate the position of a structure lying between two others, the latter being otherwise desig- nated, for example, as anterior and posterior, or one in the median plane. The limbs being more or less independent structures, it is proper to apply to them certain terms otherwise applicable to the main portion of the body. The chief terms not properly applied elsewhere are proximal, meaning nearer the centre or base of attachment, and distal, toward the extremity. In the middle segment of the fore limb the respective positions of the bones (radius and ulna) are indicated as radial and ulnar. The terms tibial and fibular are also applicable, although with less reason, to the corresponding segment of the hind limb. The dorsal and ventral surfaces of the fore foot are described respectively as dorsal and volar, those of the hind foot as dorsal and plantar. In determining the identity of structures in a quadrupedal mammal, considerable difficulty may at first arise from the fact that descriptive terms, such as those just defined, are frequently included in the names of parts, the latter being, at the same time, terms applied in the first instance to the human body, in which the recognized relations are some- what different. In comparison with that of a quadrupedal vertebrate the human body occupies a vertical or erect position, and is to be con- sidered as having been rotated upward through ninety degrees on the posterior limbs. The latter accordingly occupy for the most part their original position, and the human arm indeed largely reassumes this position when allowed to hang freely at the side of the body. As in all cases, the face retains its forward direction. Thus the terms anterior and posterior as used in human anatomy mean dorsal and ventral, provided they refer to parts of the body, such as the entire trunk region, which have been affected by rotation. The terms superior and inferior as applied to man are similarly anterior and posteriot as applied to a lower form. Since it is unwise to change the form of the official terms of human anatomy, it becomes necessary to interpret all such terms when used for a quadrupedal mammal according to the relations exhibited by GENERAL PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. 25 man. On the other hand, in ordinary description little advantage is to be gained from adherence to this principle. The terms anterior and posterior apply with greater force to a lower vertebrate than to man, while the terms superior and inferior are only of interest in the latter. In this case the rule here followed is to use the terms anterior and pos- terior for descriptive purposes without reference to the human relation. The same applies to the terms of direction—upward, downward, forward, and backward. It may be pointed out, however, that it has become the practice with some to employ in place of anterior and posterior, such terms as cephalic and caudal, thereby eliminating one of the difficulties; or similarly to use the termination—ad, in connection with words sig- nifying position, for the purpose of indicating direction (¢.g., dorsad, cephalad, laterad, for dorsalward, etc.). Reference may also be made here to the fact that the human structures to which identifying names are applied frequently fail in one way or another to correspond to structures in a lower form. Composite structures to which individualizing names are applied, for example, may be represented by independent parts. Also, structures which are similar in form or function may be convergent. Finally, although it is essen- tial to endeavor to apply all terms as accurately as possible, it will be remembered that a terminology primarily arranged for one type cannot be exactly applied to another without considerable qualification. THE GENERAL FEATURES AND GROUND PLAN OF THE ORGAN SYSTEMS. In ‘order to arrive at a proper understanding of the special features of organs, or of the relations to one another of organ groups, it will be found useful in many cases to consider them in the light of their deriva- tion from a general or ground form. A brief statement of what may be accomplished in this way and of the methods involved has already been given above (p. 4) in discussing the general interpretation of structure and the zoological position of the type, so that in the following pages only the actual facts of organization will be considered. In this connection it will be remembered that the subject is a very broad one, and in the present case it will not be possible to do more than select in the various organ systems the more important features, the con- sideration of which will be of direct assistance in the practical study of the type. Before taking up the individual organ systems, however, it will be advisable to refer in the first place to the plan of classification, and secondly to explain the more fundamental features of vertebrate organization as something underlying the disposition of the systems themselves. It will also be convenient to summarize the chief features of the embryonic organ systems, since it is by reference to embryonic conditions that the general features of the body are most readily recog- nized. 26. ANATOMY OF: THE RABBIT. F'” Classification of the Organ Systems.—The term organ system is employed in descriptive anatomy to designate a group of organs which cooperate in a general function. In many respects the systems repre- sent primitive functions, and it is therefore largely on account of the independent elaboration of these that the systems may be recognized also on a structural basis as groups of organs allied in origin and de- velopment. The exact number of systems recognized depends on certain arbitrary distinctions, the following being those usually distinguished : ‘(1)-The integumentary system, comprising the skin, and its ap- pendages, namely, the hairs and the general cutaneous, mammary, and inguinal glands. (2) The skeletal system, comprising the cartilage and bone elements of the skeleton, with their connections. (3) The muscular system, comprising all contractile structures of the body. Since, however, the involuntary muscles are arranged as muscle layers in connection with visceral organs, the muscular system is usually considered as including only the individual or voluntary muscles of the skeleton and skin. , + (4) The nervous system, comprising the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system, the latter consisting of the paired cranial and spinal nerves with their associated ganglia. A special portion of the peripheral nervous system is set apart as the sympathetic nervous system. The latter consists of a pair of ganglionated sympathetic trunks lying along the ventral surface of the vertebral column, and of two series of ganglia, prevertebral and peripheral, connecting the trunks with the visceral organs. (5) The digestive system, comprising the digestive tube and its out- standing glandular appendages—the oral glands, the liver, and the pancreas. (6) The respiratory system, comprising the lungs, and respiratory passages, namely, the bronchi, the trachea and the larynx. With this system may also be included the accessory respiratory passages formed by the nasal fossae. (7) The vascular system, comprising the organs of circulation, namely, the heart, arteries, capillary vessels,and veins. The lymph- conducting canals are also portions of the circulatory system, but since they are largely independent of the bloodvessels, they are usually con- sidered as forming with their associated lymph glands a separate lymphatic system. : (8) The urinogenital system, comprising the reproductive and excretory organs, together with their common ducts—the urethra of the male and the vestibulum of the female—and the associated bulbourethral gland. The reproductive organs comprise, in the male, the central organs or testes, and the deferent ducts, both of which are paired, the unpaired seminal vesicle, and the paired prostatic and paraprostatic glands. In the female, the reproductive organs comprise the paired ovaries, uterine tubes and uteri, together with the unpaired vagina. The excretory GENERAL PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. 27 organs of both sexes comprise the paired kidneys and ureters and the unpaired urinary bladder. Certain organs of the body are not included in this classification: (1) The thymus and thyreoid glands are connected with the digestive tube in the embryonic condition, and for this reason are sometimes included with the digestive system, although in the adult they occur as in- dependent structures. (2) The suprarenal body is situated close to the kidney of either side, but is independent of the latter, both in the adult condition and in point of development. (3) The special (olfactory, optic and auditory) sense-organs of the head are highly elaborated structures, the relations of which are partly with the central nervous system. General Organization—In the rabbit, as in all vertebrates, .the general plan of organization involves three chief features, as follows: (1) axial orientation—the arrangement of the chief organ-systems longitudinally about a more or less central, axial support; (2) meta- merism—the arrangement of a con- siderable portion of the body on a segmented or metameric plan, according to. which structures are repeated in a serial fashion along the axis; (3) branchiomerism — the arrangement of a small anterior portion of the body on a serial but branchial plan, the latter depending not on the. succession of true metameres but of visceral arches. The extent to which the general disposition of the organ-systems is dependent on a fundamental plan will be evident from a comparison of the accompanying figure (20) of a trans- Fic. 19. Rabbit-embryo of 103 days (4.8 Verse section of the rabbit-embryo, or mm.):m., mandibular; h.. hyoid; land 2, first of the schematic section of a general- and second branchial arches; a.l., anterior : : > limb-bud ; me., metameres; p.l., posterior ized vertebrate (Fig. 21), with the elbels Normentafeln, Vii Fey” ™ actual sections of the rabbit-foetus as given in the plates, more especially the abdominal section of Plate VIII and the thoracic section of Plate VII. It will be considered more fully below in connection with the general features of the organs. Metamerism (Fig. 19, me.) is characteristic of a dorsolateral portion of the body, identifiable in the embryo as that including the dorsal and intermediate portions of the middle layer or mesoderm (Fig. 20, d.m. and n.). In the adult it determines a number of features of serial arrangement, including the succession of the vertebrae and ribs, the divisions of the related dorsal musculature and its extensions to the ribs and abdominal wall, and indirectly the succession of the spinal nerves and their branches, of the parietal branches of the aorta, and the parietal roots of the inferior caval vein, as well as of the tributaries of the azygos vein. 28 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. Branchiomerism is an adult feature of lower aquatic vertebrates, such as fishes, where it appears as a succession of true, gill (or branchial) structures, which support gill filaments as functional respiratory organs. In higher terrestrial animals it appears as an embryonic feature (Fig. 19, m.h. 1, 2) and is to be considered both as a determinant of adult form and as a mark of aquatic ancestry. As in lower vertebrates, it underlies not only structures of branchial significance (branchial arches in the restricted sense) (Fig. 19, 1, 2), but also modified branchial structures, including the first or mandibular arch (m.), and the second or hyoidarch (n.). So great is the modification of these structures in passing from the embryonic Fic. 20. Transverse section of a rabbit-embryo of about 104 days, showing the arrangement of the organ-systems: ao., aorta; ch., not- ochord; coe., coelomic cavity; d.m., dorsal mesoderm (myotomic and scierotomic divisions); e., primitive alimentary canal (enteron); ect., ectoderm; 1.b., limb-bud; ms., mesenchyme; my., external portion of a myotome; n., nephrotome of embryonic kidney; inter- mediate mass of mesoderm; sp. and so., splanchnic (visceral) and somatic (parietal) portions of the ventral mesoderm. to the adult condition that the recognition of the ground-plan is perhaps here of less general importance. It, however, determines the position and relations of certain skeletal structures, including the auditory ossicles, — the hyoid, and in part the laryngeal cartilages—a point of some value in the classification of the parts of the head skeleton. It also determines the succession of certain soft structures, including the fifth, seventh, ninth and tenth cranial nerves; also the chief arterial vessels of the heart, which are more fully referred to below. GENERAL PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. 29 Embryonic Plan of the Organ Systems.—In the individual organ- systems the main features of the general plan, as estimated on embryonic development, may be outlined as follows: 1. The formation of an axial skeletal support, consisting primarily of a strand of cellular tissue, the notochord, and secondarily of a seg- mented cartilaginous, afterwards bony, vertebral column. 2. The formation of (a) a primary cartilage skull (chondrocranium) as a support for the brain and capsules of the special sense organs (neurocranium or cerebral cranium); and (b) a series of cartilaginous visceral arches (splanchnocranium or visceral cranium). 3. The formation of the chief skeletal muscle in a dorsolateral position along the axis. 4. The formation of the central nervous system as a tube of nervous matter (neural tube), lying on the dorsal side of the axial support, and differentiated into a general posterior portion, the spinal cord, and an anterior expanded portion, the brain. 5. The formation of the digestive tube as a median structure, lying - directly beneath the axial support, and of special glandular appendages arising from the epithelium of its wall. 6. The formation of the lungs as paired outgrowths of the ventral wall of the digestive tube, afterwards connected with the outside of the body by accessory respiratory tracts traversing the head. 7. The formation of the circulatory system primarily on an aquatic plan. This involves the formation of (a) the heart in a ventral position to the digestive tube and immediately behind the gills; (b) a ventral aorta, passing forward to the gills, and dividing into a paired series of branchial aortic arches; (c) a dorsal aorta, combining the aortic arches, and passing backward along the ventral surface of the axial support; and (d) a series of paired veins returning the blood from various parts of the body to the heart. 9. The formation of the reproductive organs or gonads in association with the dorsal lining of the coelomic cavity, and their connection with the outside of the body by modified kidney ducts. 10. The formation of the kidneys, either as embryonic or permanent structures, from an intermediate mass of tissue, lying in general between the dorsal musculature and the lining of the coelomic cavity (cf. position of embryonic kidney in Fig. 20, n.). 11. The formation, in the ventral portion of the body, of an extensive space, the coelomic cavity or coelom, afterwards differentiated into pericardial, pleural and peritoneal portions. 30 ANATOMY OF THE Rassir. THE SKELETAL SYSTEM*. - That portion of the skeleton which in the adult is designated as axial includes the vertebral column, together with the associated ribs and sternum, and the skeleton of the head. The axial relation belongs in the first instance to the bodies of the vertebrae and to a small portion of the base¥of the skull. A line drawn through the centres of the vertebral a bodies indicates the position of the primary axial support, the notochord. Fic. 21. Schematic representation of the chief organ-systems of a generalized vertebrate as seen in a transverse section of the abdominal region: Integument—int. Skeleton—v., vertebral body; a.v., vertebral arch; c.v., vertebral canal. Muscular system—s.m., skeletal muscle;' v.m., visceral muscle.» . . . o Nervous system—m.s., spinal cord, with the central canal, and the dorsal (pos- terior) and ventral (anterior) roots of the spinal nerves; g.r.p., ganglion of the posterior root; rf.c., ramus communicans to sympathetic trunk; r.m.a. and r.m.p., anterior and posterior rami of a spinal nerve; t.s., sympathetic trunk. Digestive system—i., intestine. Wascular system—ao., aorta. Urinogenital system—k., kidney; go., gonad (ovary or testis). Serous cavity—c.p., general coelom, pleuroperitoneal, or peritoneal cavity; p.v. and p.p., visceral and parietal parts of the serous tunic—visceral and parietal peritoneum; mes., mesentery. The arches of the vertebrae are identified with the general functions of support of the related musculature and enclosure of the spinal cord. In lower vertebrates the line formed by the vertebral column and the base of the skull is for the most part straight. In a mammal the vertebral *The majority of the features mentioned below are illustrated in the plate figures of regional sections of the rabbit-foetus which tollow, and for this reason the references are not indicated except in special cases. THE SKELETAL SysTEM. 31 column presents marked dorsolumbar and cervical flexures. The axis of the skull proper, the basicranial axis, identifiable as a line passing ‘through the centres of the basioccipital, basisphenoid and presphenoid bones, may differ by a considerable angle from that of the related cervical vertebrae. Further, the basicranial line, if continued forward in the rabbit, would pass through the dorsal wall of the skull immediately in front of the orbits (See Plate II, or Fig. 33 of the divided skull). It accordingly differs by a considerable angle from the basal line of the face, or basifacial axis. The skull consists primarily in the embryo of a cartilage trough, the extent of which is roughly definable as the area occupied by the occipital, anterior and posterior sphenoidal, and ethmoidal portions (cf. Plates III-V). Asa cartilage skull it is designated as the chondro- cranium, and after its conversion into bone as the osteocranium. It is no more than an enclosure for the brain, except that it has associated with it the cartilage capsules of the nasal, visual, and auditory organs, and, in the case of the first and last of these, the capsules are incorporated with the skull proper. Thus, the primary skull is designated as the neuro- cranium or cerebral cranium, to distinguish it from a second portion of the head skeleton, the splanchnocranium or visceral cranium, which includes the series of visceral arches suspended from the ventral surface of the neurocranium. The addition to the primary head skeleton of a large number of membrane bones results in more or less confusion of the original divisions, since the membrane portions of the visceral cranium are, with the exception of the mandible, united by suture with those of the cerebral cranium, while the true cartilage or cartilage bone portions of the former, occurring as the auditory ossicles, the hyoid and larynx (in part) (Plate II), although highly modified, remain in a more or less independent relation. The skull, or cranium—using that term in a general sense—may be described as consisting of a cranial portion (the cranium proper) and of a facial portion, the latter including as visceral structures the upper Jaw and the mandible, and as cerebral structures the parts of the turbinated bones and the associated secondary respiratory tract formed by the nasal fossae. In a mammal the investing membrane bones of the face are largely associated with a great extension of the nasal capsules, or that portion of the primary skull from which the turbinated cartilages are formed. Thus, as illustrated in the transverse section of Plate III, the nasoturbinals and maxilloturbinals are formed on lateral extensions of the primary septum (mesethmoid cartilage), but are supported more directly, and in the adult wholly, by the investing membrane bones (nasals, maxillae and premaxillae). The elements of ‘the head skeleton may be classified as follows: 1. The CEREBRAL CRANIUM (cranium cerebrale or neurocranium), including: (a) The primary cartilage skull (chondrocranium), enclosing the brain, and containing in its wall the olfactory and auditory capsules (embryonic) ; 32 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (b) The secondary bone skull (osteocranium), replacing (a) and comprising the occipital, sphenoid, ethmoid, inferior turbinal, and periotic bones; (c) The associated derm elements, comprising the interparietal, parietal, frontal, nasal, vomerine, lacrimal, tympanic,* and squamosal bones. 2. The VISCERAL CRANIUM (cranium viscerale or splanchno- cranium), including; (a) The primary mandibular and hyoidt visceral arches (embry- onic) ; (b) The secondary elements, replacing (a)—the malleus, incus, and stapes of the auditory chain; the hyoid bone and its connections with the skull; (c) The associated derm elements of the face and palate, com- prising the premaxillary, maxillary, zygomatic, mandibular, palatine and vestigial pterygoid bones. The anterior and posterior portions of the appendicular skeleton include each a proximal or girdle portion and a distal portion, the free extremity. In each the free extremity is divisible into proximal, middle and distal segments. The proximal joint of the limb, either of the shoulder or hip, is an enarthrosis, although it will be seen by examination of the rabbit that the glenoid cavity of the shoulder is not greatly elaborated asa concave surface. The distal joints of the limbs conform to the type of the ginglymus, and with minor exceptions the movements are restricted to one, namely, the sagittal, plane. In each limb they are described as movements of flexion and extension, since the general effect of movement is to bend of straighten particular parts on one another. Similar motions are observable in the limb as a whole, but are not spoken of as of flexion and extension, since the shoulder and hip joints are of a totally different type. In the limb as a whole, the chief motions are of pre- and post-traction, but it is convenient to recognize also movements of ad- duction (toward the body) and of abduction (away from the body). In both cases the axis of the upper arm, or of the thigh, is assumed to be parallel to the median vertical plane. In mammals, as in other terrestrial vertebrates, the anterior and posterior limbs are equivalent part for part. Thev are said to be serially homologous or homoplastic. There is, however, particularly in the mammalia, a pronounced difference between the anterior and posterior limbs in the respective positions of the different segments. Consequently, in studying the related musculature, it is advisable to consider not only the functional relations of muscles, but also the equival- *The identification of the tympanic as a derm element has been questioned. +The thyreoid cartilage of the larynx and its connection with the hyoid (greater cornu) are modified branchial arches, but the structure as a whole is not included with the head skeleton. THE SKELETAL SYSTEM. 33. ence of the bone surfaces. This may be estimated either from the rotations of the limbs in embryonic development, or by reference to an ideal or neutral condition as indicated in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 22). The neutral type (A) may be defined as one in which the proximal segment (humerus or femur) is situated at right angles to the median vertical plane, the middle segment directed downward parallel. to the median plane, and the distal segment again at right angles to it. In this condition the bones of the middle segment are parallel, with the radius, or the tibia, according to the particular limb, anterior in position. The first digit is also anterior. The entire anterior surface is indicated in the accompanying diagram by shaded lines. The angles b. and c. are ‘“‘extension”’ angles; e. and f. “flexion” angles; a. is an ‘‘abduction”’ angle, while d. is an ‘‘adduction”’ angle. In both limbs of a mammal, the entire appendage is rotated downward to a position more or less underneath the body. In the anterior limb (B) the proximal segment is rotated backward, the middle and distal segments forward. The two divisions thus come to differ from one A B Cc tr e ca j Fic. 22. Schematic representation of the respective positions of the segments in the mammalian limbs: A, neutral; B, anterior limb; C, posterior limb. Ex- planation in text: tr.p., transverse plane another to the extent of two right angles. Also, in the front limb, the in- teresting condition is observable that the radius and ulna are crossed on one another, the position of the former being chiefly anterior, although its proximal end is lateral, and its distal end, like the first digit, medial. In the rabbit, as in most mammals, the hand is thus fixed in a prone position, while in man the hand may be rotated to a supine position in which the radius is wholly lateral, or in which the two bones are parallel. In the posterior limb (C) all three segments are rotated forward. Con- sequently the bones of the middle segment retain their original parallel position with reference to one another. The extension angles of the knee and ankle are anterior, the flexion angles posterior. They differ from the corresponding angles of the anterior limb only at the middle joint, but here the difference amounts to two right angles. It will be observed also that the distal or ankle joint of the posterior limb retains a primitive condition, in which the foot is placed approximately at right angles to the leg; in other words, it is of a plantigrade type, one in which 4 34 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. the sole of the foot rests on the ground. Thus the muscles described as flexors in the foot pass over the heel. They are functionally flexors of the toes, but extensors of the foot as a whole. Those described as extensors, lie for the most part on the anterior surface of the tibia, and are turned from their original course to the dorsal surface of the foot. They are functionally extensors of the toes, but flexors of the foot as a whole. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. In the central nervous system, the more general features relate to the form of the whole structure as a neural tube, containing a central cavity, the neurocoele. This is differentiated into two portions, namely, a less modified portion, the spinal cord,or spinal medulla, containing as its cavity the central canal, and a greatly expanded portion, the brain, or encephalon, which is divided into a series of paired and unpaired seg- ments, and contains in its interior a corresponding series of idivisions of the original cavity, known as its ventricles. Although the internal structure of the brain is a matter of the dis- position of its nerve-centres and fibre-tracts, it is customary to estimate its primary divisions by reference to a general plan, the latter being in most respects one that is common to vertebrates generally and thus appears in a less elaborated condition in the embryo, or in the adults of lower forms. The main features of this plan are indicated in the ac- companying diagram (Fig. 23). The brain as first formed in the embryo appears as an anterior ex- panded portion of the neural tube, or rather three expansions arranged in a linear series. They are described as the primary cerebral vesicles ; or, as primary divisions of the future brain, they are designated in anteroposterior order as the prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon. 1 The first of the primary divisions, the prosencephalon, or primary fore-brain, becomes divided during development into two portions, namely, an anterior portion, the end-brain or telencephalon, which is largely a paired structure, and a second portion, unpaired, the dience- phalon, orinter-brain. The larger paired portion of the telencephalon is the basis of the cerebral hemispheres. It contains, as divisions of the primary cavity, a pair of cavities, the lateral ventricles. The anterior portion of the telencephalon, moreover, becomes differentiated, so that a small terminal olfactory segment, the rhinencephalon, is more or less perfectly marked off from the rest. In the mammalian brain this part is chiefly identifiable as the paired olfactory bulb, the latter being the anterior portion of the olfactory lobe or olfactory brain, and containing in its interior an extension of the lateral ventricle. The unpaired portion of the prosencephalon is considered as belonging in part to the telencephalon and in part to the diencephalon. Its cavity, the third ventricle, is connected with the lateral ventricles through the interventricular foramen. Its anterior wall is formed by a transverse connection of the cerebral hemispheres, the lamina terminalis. ' In all THE Nervous System. 35 vertebrates this portion of the brain is remarkable for the manner in which its wall is differentiated. The ventral portion extends downward as a slender funnel-like structure, the infundibulum, the tip of the latter B _— bo A - oa Fic. 23. Plan of the divisions of the vertebrate brain: A, embryonic; B, adult, projection from dorsal surface; C, adult, sagittal section. Primary divisions—PR, prosencephalon; T, telencephalon; DI, diencephalon; S, mesencephalon; RH, rhombencephalon; MT, metencephalon; MY, myelence- phalon; S, spinal cord. a.c., cerebral aqueduct; b.o., olfactory bulb; cb., cerebellum; c.m., mummillary body; c.0., optic chiasma; c.p., pineal body; c.q., corpora quadrigemina; ep., epitha- lamus; f.i., interventricular foramen; h., hypophysis; h.c., cerebral hemisphere; hyp., hypothalamus; inf., infundibulum; 1.t., lamina terminalis; p., pons; p.c., chorioid plexus of third ventricle:, cerebral peduncle; t+, thalamus, also in- dicates position of massa intermedia; v.l., lateral ventricle; v.m.p., posterior medullary velum; v.q., fourth ventricle. being in contact with the pituitary body or hypophysis and its base connected with a small grey elevation, the tuber cinereum. Its cavity is the recessus infundibuli. Immediately in front of the infundibulum the 36 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. ventral portions of the optic tracts join to form the optic chiasma, and immediately behind it the floor is thickened, forming .externally a pair of rounded protuberances, the mammillary bodies. In the brain of the rabbit this structure consists superficially of a larger median portion with faint lateral elevations appended to it. Collectively, these structures are considered to form a major division, the hypothalamus, the latter con- sisting of two portions, namely, an optic portion, comprising the in- fundibulum, tuber cinereum, and the optic chiasma, and a mammillary portion, including the mammillary bodies. The more dorsal portion of the diencephalon, containing the major part of the third ventricle, is known as the thalamencephalon. Its lateral walls are greatly thickened, while its roof is extremely thin, especially in its anterior part. Here the actual roof of the ventricle is formed only of a thin layer of tissue, the epithelial chorioid lamina, but the latter has associated with it a-series of vascular ingrowths of the investing pia mater, the latter being described in this relation as the chorioid web (tela chorioidea). The two structures together form a chorioid plexus. This extends downward into the third ventricle, reaching out also into the lateral ventricles. The dorsal portion of the thalamencephalon bears posteriorly the pineal body, the latter together with certain related structures, the habenulae and habenular commissure, forming the epithalamus. The general portion of the thalamencephalon bordering the third ventricle, and broadly connected across the latter by the massa intermedia, is the thalamus. In the brain of the rabbit it will be seen that the thalamus is chiefly indicated externally by a rounded protuberance, the pulvinar. The latter is dorsal in position and is imperfectly marked off from a second protuberance, the lateral geniculate body, lying on its postero- lateral side. To the medial side of this is a third protuberance, the medial geniculate body. The medial and lateral geniculate bodies as thus defined constitute the metathalamus (Fig. 53). The second of the primary divisions, the mesencephalon, or mid-brain, is noteworthy in a mammal as lacking a ventricle. Its cavity is a narrow canal, the cerebral aqueduct, leading from the third. ventricle backward to the fourth ventricle, or cavity of the rhombencephalon. Externally, its roof is differentiated into four rounded elevations, the corpora quadrigemina, of which the anterior pair are much larger than the posterior ones. Its floor is chiefly formed by a pair of divergent cords, the cerebral peduncles. The parts of the mesencephalon and prosencephalon together con- stitute the large brain, or cerebrum. The third primary division, the rhombencephalon, or primary hind- brain, is a greatly elaborated portion from which arise the majority of the cranial nerves. The constricted area joining it with the mesencephalon is known as the isthmus rhombencephali. It includes the anterior medullary velum and brachia conjunctiva (Fig.55). The rhombencephalon itself is divisible into two portions, especially well defined in the mammalia, namely, the metencephalon, or hind-brain, and the myelence- phalon, or after-brain. The former includes the small brain, or cerebellum, 37 Tur Nervous SYSTEM. Cerebrum (eyesuolqo eyNpow te Uletd ey¥) (urerq-pury Are) woeydeouspeAW » (azoisaa yesqa190 101I0}S0g) suo (ureiq-purE) uoyeydaoueqmoyy “III mnqjjaqa4aD voyeydeouajaqy sapunpag 104199492 (urerq-prur Arem1ig) putmastsponb D410g 407 (2PIsea [VIGeII9 TPP) uojeqdsouaseAl “II snuppoynd 7 - SNULDIDYIDII I SNUDIDY J, U0]DYGIIUaMDIDY T, (arerq-39}0]) woreydeouarq a eager (urerq-a10} Arewtid) r (apIisaa Teiqei9. JOLejuy) snwepeyjodé y uoleydeouesolg ‘] Jo uorsog 2440 snmopoyjogA FT | snueyeyjyodAy jo (urerq- pug) SUOISIAIP JOUIM pue woreydeouayay mnyyog ‘unor14s sng4soD asayg IUMaY 1D419949) (uoyeydaoueuty4) aqoq 440;20{10 (aopeydeouq) NIVAd AHL AO SNOISIAIG AHL AO NVId 38 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. and a ventral structure of a commissural nature, the pons. The my- elencephalon is a transitional portion connecting the brain with the spinal cord. The cavity of the rhombencephalon is the fourth ventricle. It is a peculiarly shaped space, the floor and lateral walls of which are very greatly thickened, while the roof is for the most part thin. The roof appears at first sight to be formed largely by the cerebellum, but is in reality formed by two membranes underlying the latter. One of these, the anterior medullary velum, is connected forwards with the mesence- phalon, while the other, the posterior medullary velum, covers a triangular space over which the posterior margin of the cerebellum does not extend. The posterior medullary velum has the same structure as the chorioid plexus of the third ventricle, but is much more poorly developed. Apart from its principal divisions, which, as indicated above, are more or less common to all vertebrates, the brain depends for its external form on the elaboration of certain parts in comparison with others. In the mammalia the cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum are the chief form- determinants, although the pons and the corpora quadrigemina may also be considered in this connection. It will be seen also that the form of the brain is more or less dependent on the existence at certain places of well-marked flexures (cf. Plate II). The first of these, the cephalic flexure, is in the region of the mesencephalon, the anterior portion of the brain being bent downward; the second, or pontine flexure, is at the fourth ‘ventricle; while the third, or cervical flexure, is at the point where the myelencephalon passes over into the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system embraces two groups of paired and, for the most part, metamerically arranged nerves, namely, the spinal nerves—those arising from the spinal cord and leaving the vertebral column through the intervertebral foramina; and the cranial or cerebral nerves—those arising from the brain and passing through the foramina af the skull. Of these the spinal nerves are less modified, both in structure and distribution. A spinal nerve (Fig. 21) is a product’of two roots, one of which, the radix posterior, is sensory and arises from the dorsal side of the cord, while the other, the radix anterior, is motor and arises from its ventral side. The posterior root bears a root-ganglion. The combined nerve is distributed in three chief parts, of which two, the anterior and posterior rami, are distributed as mixed nerves to the skeletal muscle and the skin, —the anterior ramus being in practically all cases the prominent nerve— while the third, the ramus communicans, is connected with the sym- pathetic trunk. The sympathetic trunk is formed on either side by a series of ganglia joined together by connecting cords. It is connected not only with the spinal nerves through the rami communicantes, but also with a series of prevertebral (coeliac, superior mesenteric, etc.) ganglia and plexuses from which nerves pass, chiefly in association with the bloodvessels, to the peripheral ganglia and plexuses of various organs. The anterior and posterior rami of the spinal nerves contain both sensory and motor components, and are typical somatic nerves. The ramus communicans is a visceral connection containing similar com- Tue Nervous System. 39 ponents, here better described as afferent and efferent. It connects the central nervous system either with the actual viscera, or with visceral structures in a general sense, the chief relations of the sympathetic system being with the smooth muscle of visceral organs, or with that of the bloodvessels in various parts of the body. The cranial nerves are comparable in some respects to the spinal nerves, but in various ways are highly modified structures. The third, fourth and sixth, respectively oculomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves, which are distributed to the muscles of the eye, are considered as belong- ing to the somatic motor division. The second, or optic nerve, and the nervous portion, or retina of the eye, are specialized parts of the central nervous system, arising embryonically as an outgrowth of the latter. The nerves of the remaining special sense-organs, including the first, or olfactory nerve and the eighth, or acoustic nerve, have been con- sidered as parts of an extensive system of nerves, which, in lower aquatic vertebrates, also contains representatives of the branchiomeric series, and is distributed widely to sense-organs lying in the skin. Of the remaining cranial nerves the fifth, seventh, ninth and tenth are branchiomeric. Although the connections of these nerves are not fully considered in the dissection as here outlined, their chief characteristic as branchiomeric structures may be indicated. The fifth, or trigeminal nerve, the nerve of the mandibular arch, arises in two parts, one of which, the portio major, is sensory, the other, the portio minor, motor. The portio minor unites with the third or mandibular division of the portio major. Thus, the terminal branches of all three divisions, ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular, are distributed as somatic sensory nerves to the skin of the head, and, in addition, the mandibular nerve distributes visceral motor branches to certain muscles (masticatory group, mylohyoid and digastric) regarded as belonging to this, the first arch. A visceral sensory con- nection with the mouth is considered to be formed by the lingual branch of the mandibular nerve and by the palatine branches of the spheno- palatine ganglion. Both are, however, connected with the central nervous system through the seventh nerve, the former by the chorda tympani, and the latter by the great superficial petrosal. The seventh, or facial nerve is the nerve of the second, or hyoid arch. It is chiefly distributed as a visceral motor nerve to the cutaneous muscles of the head. The ninth, or glossopharyngeal nerve, belonging to the third arch, the tenth, or vagus, belonging to the fourth and succeeding arches in lower forms, and the eleventh, or spinal accessory nerves, the latter apparently related to the vagus as a motor portion, are distributed as visceral motor nerves to the pharyngeal and laryngeal musculature, and as visceral sensory nerves to various visceral organs, the ninth nerve supplying the gustatory organs of the tongue. The spinal accessory, moreover, has a characteristic distribution to the cleidomastoid, sterno- mastoid and trapezius muscles of the side of the neck and shoulder. The twelfth, or hypoglossal nerve has the relation of the ventral or motor portion of a spinal nerve, and is distributed as a motor nerve to the muscles of the tongue. 40 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. The digestive system comprises as its chief portions the digestive tube and the digestive glands. The digestive tube is divisible into several parts, which, with the exception of the caecum and its vermiform process, are arranged in a linear series. The digestive glands comprise the oral glands, the liver, and the pancreas. They are parts of an extensive series of epithelial glands, otherwise contained within the wall of the tube, and for this reason not appearing as gross structures. The parts of the digestive tube may be classified as follows: 1. Oral Cavity. 5. Small Intestine. Oral cavity proper. Duodenum. Vestibulum oris. Mesenterial intestine. Jejunum. 2. Pharynx. Tleum. Nasal portion. Oral portion. 6. Large Intestine. Laryngeal portion. Caecum. Vermiform process. 3. Oesophagus. Colon. Rectum. 4. Stomach. In its most general features the digestive system is significant as an epithelial tube, in which the food during its passage is subjected to the action of digestive juices provided by the epithelial glands, and is modified, by solution or otherwise, so that it is capable of being absorbed through the epithelial surface. In the form of the digestive tube as seen in a vertebrate, however, a number of gross mechanical features are evident, such as, for example, the increase in capacity, or in absorptive area, through the folding of the mucous membrane, or the expansion of the wall; or again, the presence of a special muscular tunic, and its modifica- tion at certain places, as in the oesophagus, the pyloric limb of the stomach, and the first portion of the colon. Moreover, many features of the abdominal portion of the tube, and, indeed, certain of its recognized divisions, depend on its relation to an extensive serous sac—in a mammal the peritoneal cavity. In this connection it is to be considered that the digestive tube is primarily a median structure. It has this relation in the earlier stages of embryonic development (Fig. 20), and in many of the lower vertebrates it does not deviate to a great extent from a median position. In all higher vertebrates, however, the tube becomes greatly elongated in comparison with the cavity in which it lies, and thus becomes extensively displaced to one side or other of the median plane. This development, while advanced in all mammals, may be said to reach an extreme in the herbivorous mammalia; and in many cases it is further increased by the independent elaboration of the blind intestine or caecum. In the rabbit the combined length of the small and large intestines is approximately eleven times that of the body. Tur DicEstive SYSTEM. 41 In considering the divisions of the digestive tube in the rabbit, the posterior, or post-cephalic portion, comprising the oesophagus and suc- ceeding parts, may be distinguished from the anterior, or cephalic portion, the latter comprising the oral cavity and pharynx. The former is a free portion embracing the digestive tube proper, while the latter is a fixed portion exhibiting a variety of general mammalian features connected with the organization of the head. The oesophagus is a slender but greatly expansible tube leading from the pharynx to the stomach. In its passage backward it traverses the neck and the thorax, and in both regions occupies a median position. In the thorax (Plate VII) it will be observed that it lies between the heart and the dorsal aorta, thus exhibiting the original relation of the digestive tube to the aortic portion of the vascular system. The succeeding portions of the digestive tube are those associated with the peritoneal cavity, and with the exception of the terminal portion, the rectum, are displaced from a median position. Consequently, the divisions which are recognized are based partly on the differential characters of the wall, and partly on the position of structures more especially in relation to the supporting peritoneum. Thus, the chief features of the stomach depend on the expansion of the organ and the rotation of its pyloric end forward and to the right. In the intestinal tract as a whole the chief although by no-means most conspicuous feature of position depends on the looping of the entire structure on itself, so that the terminal portion, chiefly the transverse colon, crosses the ventral surface of the duodenum and then turns backward on the dorsal surface of the mesenterial small intestine. The duodenum is sharply marked off from the mesenterial intestine as an extensive loop, containing the major part of the pancreas and its duct, and lying on the right side of the dorsal wall of the abdomen. The mesenterial intestine is a greatly convoluted portion, lying chiefly on the left side of the abdominal cavity, and loosely supported by the broad, frill-like mesentery. From the pylorus to the sacculus rotundus there is no abrupt change in the character of the wall, although the first portion of the mesenterial intestine, that designated as the jejunum, and the duodenum may be considered together as a more vascular portion with thicker walls in comparison with the second portion, the ileum, in which the wall is less vascular and more transparent. The main portion of the large intestine, the colon, although greatly specialized, may be considered to consist as in man of ascending, trans- verse, and descending parts, that is to say, the ascending colon lies on the right side of the body and passes in a general way from its point of origin on the caecum forward to a point where it becomes flexed to the left as the transverse colon; the latter crosses the body and is flexed backward as the descending colon. In the rabbit, however, that portion definable as the ascending colon is greatly elongated, and is composed of five principal limbs, united by flexures. Two of these, in dissection from the ventral surface, are concealed by the base of the superior mesenteric artery, since they lie on its right side. The descending colon is also only nom- inally related to the left'side of the body wall, its supporting peritoneum, the descending mesocolon, being closely connected with the mesoduodenum 42 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. of the ascending limb of the duodenal loop. The course of the caecum as it lies in the body is comparable to two turns of a left-hand spiral, its blind termination, the vermiform process, being dorsal in position and directed for the most part backward. It may be observed at this point that in their vascular supply the more typical divisions, namely, the transverse and descending colons, have arterial branches, respectively, the middle and left colic arteries, comparable to those of man; while on the other hand the right colic relation, on account of the great complexity of its parts, is represented by a large number of vessels, branches of a common ileo- caecocolic trunk. The form of the anterior,or cephalic portion of the digestive tube (Plate II) depends on its fixed relation with respect to the enclosing parts of the head-skeleton. In the rabbit, as in mammals generally, the oral cavity is divisible into two portions, of which one is the oral cavity proper, while the other, the vestibulum oris, is a space enclosed between the alveolar process of the jaws and the teeth on the one hand and the cheeks and lips on the other. Asin other vertebrates, the tongue is a muscular structure projecting upward and forward into the oral cavity from its base of attachment on the hyoid apparatus, but its greater elaboration, as well as the differentiation of special processes, the circumvallate and foliate papillae, for the accommodation of the gustatory organs, are features of mammalian significance. The roof of the oral cavity is formed by an extensive palatal surface, comprising the hard palate, and the membranous, or soft palate. These structures also form the floor of the accessory respiratory tracts of the nose, the posterior aperture being thus carried backward to a point more directly above the aper- ture of the larynx. As accessory structures the teeth present two mammalian features; they are heterodont, or differentiated according to particular regions, and the adult series, excepting those designated as molars, are permanent teeth, replacing deciduous, or milk teeth of the young animal. The condition is thus described as diphyodont in comparison with that in lower vertebrates, where there is usually a multiple tooth change, new teeth being developed as required (polyphyodont type). Moreover, in the rabbit, as in all mammalia, the number is restricted, so that, considering the differentiation of the teeth, it is possible to express their relations bya dental formula. In the mammalia generally the teeth are differen- tiated into incisors, canines, premolars and molars, and in placental mammals the full dental formula is indicated as i. 3, c. +, pm. 7, m. 3. In the rabbit as in other rodents, however, the dentition is greatly modified by the elaboration of two pairs of incisors and the corresponding obliteration of intermediate teeth, the place of the latter being occupied by an extensive gap, or diastema in which no teeth occur. The dental formula of the rabbit is i. 2, c. §, pm. 3,m.3. It will also be observed in this animal that the absence of the intermediate teeth allows the lips to be approximated behind the incisors, and since the lips are in this region also provided with hairs on their internal surfaces, the oral cavity is separated almost completely from a small space enclosing the incisor teeth. This adaptation, however, is not so perfectly developed in the rabbit as in certain others of the rodent order. THE RESPIRATORY AND VASCULAR SYSTEMS. 43 The chief features of the pharynx depend on its relation as a common or general portion of the digestive tube with the tubes of the respiratory system. It is divisible into an oral portion, representing the direct connection of the oral cavity with the oesophagus, a dorsal or nasal portion, connected with the nasal fossae, and a ventral or laryngeal portion, containing the aperture of the larynx. THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. In all air-breathing vertebrates the lungs arise embryonically as ventral outgrowths of the digestive tube, and are secondarily con- nected with the outside of the body through special perforations of the anterior portion of the head and through the oral cavity. As indicated above, this connection in a mammal is represented by an extensive nasal cavity bearing on its lateral walls the olfactory sense- organs. It is distinguished as an accessory respiratory tract from the true respiratory tract formed by the trachea and its terminal divisions, the bronchi. The respiratory system as represented by the lungs and related tubes, is nominally ventral to the oesophagus, but this relation is chiefly true of the trachea. In the thorax (Plate VII) the bronchi are, in general, interposed between the oesophagus and the heart, the lungs being expanded laterally into the paired pleural cavities. THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. In the rabbit, as in all vertebrates, the vascular system embraces a central, muscular organ of propulsion, the heart, and a series of branched tubes, the bloodvessels, the latter being of three different kinds: (a) thick- walled, elastic, distributing vessels—arteries; (b) microscopic terminal canals in the peripheral organs—capillaries ; and (c) thin-walled collecting vessels—veins. The chief mammalian feature in this system consists in the division of the heart into two portions (Plate VII), each consisting of a receiving chamber, or atrium, and a driving chamber, or ventricle, and the arrange- ment of their vascular connections in such a way that two complete. circulations are established. One of these is the long, or systemic circula- tion. It is concerned with the distribution of blood to the various parts of the body, with the exception of the lungs. It is established by the left ventricle, the aorta, the carotid and subclavian branches of its arch, and the parietal and visceral branches of its thoracic and abdominal portions. The blood is collected from the anterior portions of the body through paired internal and external jugular and subclavian veins, com- municating with the right atrium of the heart through paired superior cavals; from the posterior portions of the body through the unpaired and also asymmetrical inferior caval vein, the latter passing forward on the right of the median plane and entering the posterior end of the right atrium. The second,:short, or pulmonary circulation, is concerned with 44 ANATOMY OF THE Raspit. the distribution of the blood to the lungs for purposes of aeration. It is established by the right ventricle, the pulmonary artery and its paired branches, and by the capillaries of the lungs. The blood is delivered to the left atrium through several pulmonary veins. A similar division of the circulatory organs occurs as a homoplastic modification in birds, which, it will be observed, are also warm-blooded vertebrates. Many of the peculiar features of the mammalian circulation which at first sight do not appear to be general, but are so in reality, depend on the circumstance that the complete partition of the organs is a final stage of a general progressive development, observable in air-breathing verte- brates, in which the lungs and their vascular connections become perfected for pulmonary respiration. On the other hand, the vascular system as it appears in the embryo, more especially its aortic portion, is arranged according to the type of branchial respiration as found in fishes. In this condition the blood is sent forward from the heart through a ventral aorta. The latter is connected with a series of paired branchial aortic arches, traversing the rudimentary gill structures, and thus passing upward around the sides of the primitive pharynx. The dorsal aorta is formed by the junction of the branchial aortic arches, and passes backward as a main distributing vessel on the ventral side of the axial support. The heart itself is formed primarily on two-chambered plan, similar to that in fishes, where all the blood is received by single atrium and is delivered forward to the gills by a single ventricle. ; ; The definitive condition of the chief are aa rental aces arterial vessels is arrived at by an extensive are indicated in black (systemic) or modification of the branchial plan. As shaded (pulmonary). 1-6, primary : ° 7 7 i arches; ao., aorta; a.p., pulmonary indicated in the accompanying diagram artery; ce, external carotid; ci. in (Fig. 24) the arch condition is retained by ternal carotid; d.a., ductus arteriosus (Botalli); i., innominate artery: sd the aorta and by the pulmonary artery, rere. aud itis interesting to note also that the primary connections of these vessels, repre- sented in the embryo by an open canal, the ductus arteriosus (Botalli), is indicated in the adult condition by a short fibrous cord, the arterial ligament. The adult aortic arch represents only the left one of a pair, and since that of the right is only represented imperfectly by the innominate artery and the base of the subclavian of that side, a condition of asymmetry results, which is mainly expressed by the sinistral position of the arch with reference to the oesophagus (Plate VII). By comparison with the embryonic plan, it is seen that the primitive features of the heart and the arterial vessels include the ventral position of the heart itself, the equivalence of the two atria and of the two ventricles—these structures being partitioned internally but Tur VascuLar System. , 45 imperfectly divided externally—the forward position of the first portion of the aorta, and the position of the aorta as a median vertebral trunk. The vascular system is noteworthy for several departures from the condition of symmetry, one of these having already been mentioned. In addition, it is seen that in a mammal,as in terrestrial vertebrates generally, the base of the pulmonary artery is rotated in a spiral fashion about the base of the aorta, so that from its. beginning on the right ventricle it passes across the ventral surface of the base of the aorta, and divides on the dorsal side of the latter into its two main branches. Moreover, the separation of the ventricular portion of the heart into two chambers is associated with an enormous increase in the muscularity of the wall in the left ventricle, or, in other words, in that portion which is concerned with the larger, systemic circulation. The inferior caval vein (Plate VIII), a highly specialized vessel, is asvmmetrical, since from its begin- ning in the pelvic cavity to its termination on the right atrium it lies wholly to the right of the median plane. The azygos vein of the thorax (Plate VII), a vessel uniting the majority of the paired intercostal veins, and interesting as a remnant of the primitive circulation, is also asymmetrical, since the trunk lies to the right of the bodies of the vertebrae, and is connected at its base with the right superior caval vein. In general, the blood which is distributed to the various parts of the body passes through but one set of capillary vessels, and is then returned through the systemic veins to the heart. In all vertebrates, however, a special portion of the systemic venous circulation is set. aside as the hepatic portal system, distinguished by the possession of a second series of capillary vessels ramifying in the liver. Thus, in the rabbit, the blood distributed to the stomach, spleen, and intestine through the coeliac, superior and inferior mesenteric arteries, is collected into a main intestinal vessel, the portal vein, and the latter, approaching the liver through the lesser omentum, divides in that organ into a series of portal capillaries. The portal capillaries, like the systemic capillaries proceed- ing from the hepatic artery, unite in the tributaries of the hepatic veins. In lower vertebrates, although not in the mammalia, a second system of venous capillaries occurs in connection with the kidneys, and is known as the renal portal system. — The lymphatic system, both in its functional relation and in origin, is an appendage of the venous portion of the vascular system. The system is an important one, of which, unfortunately, little may be seen by ordinary dissection, the structures which appear in this way being the lymph glands, or lymph nodes, centres of cell formation, occurring in the course of the conducting vessels. These as superficial structures are found either singly, as in the head and neck, or more or less grouped, as in the axillary and inguinal spaces. As deep structures they are conspicuous in the intestinal mesenteries, and in the walls of the digestive tube, occurring in the latter chiefly as continuous masses of lymph follicles, as, for example, in the walls of the sacculus rotundus, the vermiform process, or the tonsil; or, again, as aggregated lymph follicles (Peyer’s patches) at various points in the intestinal wall. The conducting portion of the system comprises an extensive series 46 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. of canals, beginning as lymphatic capillaries in peripheral organs, and ending as lymphatic trunks which empty into the great veins. The lymphatic trunks of the anterior portion of the body are designated from their association with the corresponding veins as jugular and subclavian. They enter the venous system on either side at the point of junction of the internal and external jugular veins or of the common jugular and subclavian (Fig. 52). The lymphatic vessels of the posterior portion of the body, including the intestine, unite to form a common canal, the thoracic duct. The latter lies for the most part between the aorta and the verte- bral column, and traverses the thorax in this position to enter the venous system at the same point as the jugular and subclavian trunks of the left side. The lymphatic capillaries are terminal, absorptive vessels, differing from blood capillaries both in the charactér of their walls and in their relations to other portions of the system, since they are not interposed as in the vascular system between vessels’of a larger order. The lym- phatic vessels connecting the capillaries with the lymphatic trunks form extensive plexuses, in connection with which the lymph nodes are dis- tributed. THE URINOGENITAL SYSTEM. The urinogenital system comprises two primary systems—reproductive and urinary—differing widely in their central organs, but associated to a certain extent by having common ducts. In the rabbit, as indicated in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 25), this association extends only to the presence in the two sexes of a urinogenital canal, or urinogenital sinus connecting both urinary and genital structures with the outside of the body. This canal is designated in the male as the urethra, but in the female as the vestibulum, since the structure known from the human relation as the female urethra is only a urinary canal leading from the bladder, and in man is not associated with the reproductive ducts. In general, however, the relations of the urinary and reproductive organs involves two chief features. First, in primitive vertebrates, the urinary and genital ducts open into the posterior end of the digestive tube, the latter forming in this relation a common canal, the cloaca. In terrestrial vertebrates, the urinary bladder is developed as a ventral outgrowth of the digestive tube, and, except in amphibians, both sets of ducts undergo a migration from their original position on to the wall of its canal, the latter being thus transformed into a urinogenital sinus. This development reaches its extreme in the higher mammalia, where the urinogenital sinus is completely separated from the digestive tube, and where the urinary ducts are also transferred from a posterior or hypo- cystic position on the wall of the urinogenital sinus to an anterior or epicystic position on the dorsal wall of the bladder. Secondly, there is a more fundamental association between the reproductive and excretory organs, depending on the circumstance that the former are primarily in the vertebrates organs connected with the THE URINOGENITAL SYSTEM. 47 lining of the coelom and discharging their products into the cavity, while the kidneys are primarily tubular structures communicating also with this cavity, so that they become modified in part as reproductive ducts. The coelomic connections of the kidney tubules are with few exceptions only seen in the embryonic condition, since the definitive kidneys in all vertebrates are structures in which the tubules are connected with the vascular system, and have either lost, or, as in the specialized permanent kidneys of the mammalia, have not developed, the coelomic apertures. The embryonic development of a mammal includes the formation not only of a final kidney or metanephros, but also of two embryonic structures, one of which, the first kidney or pronephros, is embryonic in all vertebrates, while the second, designated as the mesonephros, or embryonic kidney, is one occurring in the adult condition of intermediate Fic. 25, Diagrams of the male (A) and female (B) urinogenital systems of the rabbit: b., urinary bladder; k., kidney; ur., ureter; r, rectum. (A)—c.p., crus penis; d.d., ductus deferens; ep., epididymis; g., gubernaculum; t., testis; v.s., seminal vesicle; u.v., male urethra, (B)—c.c., crus clitoridis; 0., ovary; t.u., uterine tube; u.m., female urethra; ut., uterus; va., vagina; vs., vestibulum. forms. It is from the ducts of the primary kidneys that the reproductive ducts arise. Thus, in the female of most vertebrates the oviduct opens by an expanded funnel into the coelomic cavity, usually at some distance from the ovary; and, although in the rabbit the structure is said to arise as a secondary development, it exhibits here as in other mammals the feature of a coelomic opening, coupled with that of close association with 48 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. the ovary, so that the products of the latter, while nominally discharged into the coelom, are actually received directly into the uterine tube. The oviduct itself is phylogenetically the oldest of the urinogenital ducts, since it is identifiable in the embryo as the duct of the pronephros. In the rabbit, as in all mammals, the testis is connected with the urethra through the canal formed by the epididymis and ductus deferens, these structures comprising in a modified form a portion of the mesonephros and its duct. Since the excretory functions are fully provided for by the development of a permanent kidney and its duct, the ureter, the ducts of the embryonic kidney have in the adult no urinary connections; but in intermediate vertebrates, in which the mesonephros occurs as an adult kidney, the interesting condition is observable in the male that the duct of this structure serves both urinary and reproductive. functions. : It will be seen in the rabbit that the female genital ducts, apart from the common urinogenital sinus, include an unpaired portion, the vagina, and a paired portion, comprising the uteri and uterine tubes. In all vertebrates up to and including the monotrematous mammalia the oviducts open separately either into the cloaca, or into the urino- genital sinus. In the higher mammalia, however, a process of fusion is observable, extending from the partial coalescence of the vaginae, as in marsupial mammals, to the complete coalescence of both vaginae and uteri, as in man. Thus, there are recognized in the mammalia the types of (a) unpaired uterus—uterus simplex; (b) semi-divided uterus—uterus bicornis; and (c) completely divided uterus, such as that of the rabbit—uterus duplex. In the respective positions of the central organs, as exemplified by the rabbit, there are several features of general significance. Thus, the kidneys (Plate VIII) are paired structures lying on the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity, where they are interposed between the peritoneum and the dorsal musculature. They are covered by peritoneum only on their ventral surfaces. As indicated above, the permanent kidneys of a-mammal are highly specialized structures, but they show in these rela- tions features common to lower forms and dependent in both cases on the primary position of the intermediate mass, from which in the em- bryo the kidneys are formed. The gonads are primarily associated with the dorsal lining of the coelomic cavity, although certain observations on the development of these structures in the lower vertebrates appear to indicate that their elements are assembled from other parts of the embryo. In some of the mammalia, as in all lower vertebrates, the testis occupies an abdominal position in the adult condition; but usually it undergoes an extensive mi- gration, passing from the abdominal cavity into a special sac of peritoneum enclosed by the scrotum. This change—described as the descent of the testis—is effected through the agency of a muscular cord, -he guber- naculum. In many cases, as in man, the cavity enclosing the testis is completely separated from the abdominal cavity, but in the rabbit a more primitive condition is retained in which the sac of the testis is widely open to the abdominal cavity, and the organ thus passes freely THE SERous Cavities. 49 from one cavity to the other. It is also observable in this animal that the gubernaculum is represented in the adult as a short thick cord connecting the end of the testis with the wall of the enclosing sac (Fig. 26). _ In the female the round ligament of the uterus is a structure similar in a general way to the gubernaculum, and in the rabbit will be seen to be inserted in a depression of the body-wall resembling both in form and position a rudimentary vaginal process. The ligament is continued, however, beyond this point, ending in the wall of the urinogenital aper- ture. The presence of this structure is an indication that the ovary, as well as testis, is subject to change in position. In the adult condition, however, the ovary occupies approximately an original position on the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity ; and it will be observed in the rabbit that the position of the structure is one also defined by the points of origin of the spermatic arteries and veins of both sexes, with the ex- ception, however, of the left spermatic vein in the male. THE SEROUS CAVITIES. The organs collectively described as visceral are those associated with the serous cavities. They belong to several systems,.but present the common feature of being projected into the membranous linings of these cavities so that they are more completely invested by them. The serous sacs are extensive body-spaces, derivatives of a primary body cavity or coelom. They are usually considered as containing the visceral organs, but the condition is more accurately described as one in which the visceral organs encroach, chiefly from a dorsal, position, on the enclosing membranes. The latter are thus divided into two portions, one of which is distributed as a parietal or peripheral layer, forming the enclosure of the sac, while the other is disposed'as a visceral layer on the surface of the visceral organs. The serous sacs are enclosed by thin, moist, serous membranes, consisting chiefly of mesothelium, which give to the visceral organs their characteristic appearance. In lower vertebrates, where the diaphragm is absent or imperfectly developed, the coelom is divided into two chief portions— the pericardial cavity, enclosing the heart, and the pleuroperitoneal cavity, lodging the remaining visceral organs, including in terrestrial vertebrates the lungs. In the mammalia the pleuroperitoneal cavity is completely divided into two portions by the diaphragm, the smaller pleural portion being again divided into right and left pleural cavities through the presence of certain structures filling the median portion of the thorax. There are thus recognizable in a mammal four large serous spaces, namely, the pericardial, peritoneal, and paired pleural cavities. The pericardial cavity, the smallest of these spaces, is situated between the paired pleural cavities. Its enclosing membrane, the peri- cardium, forms a capacious sac for the heart, and is reflected directly. over the surface of the latter as a thin membrane, the epicardium. The pleural cavities are those lodging the lungs, the latter being pro- jected into them froma medial position. The lining membrane or pleura 5 50 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. is divided into three chief portions—the pulmonary pleura, investing the greater part of each organ, the costal pleura, lining the internal surface of the thorax, and the diaphragmatic pleura, covering the anterior surface of the diaphragm. The latter is broadly connected with the pulmonary pleura through.the pulmonary ligament. The peritoneal cavity, the largest of the serous spaces, comprises in a mammal a general portion, the abdominal cavity, and its posterior ex- tension into the pelvis—in the male also into the sac of the testis. The general relations of the cavity to the abdominal organs is indicated dia- grammatically in Fig. 21. Its lining membrane, the peritoneum, is divisible into two portions, the parietal peritoneum, lining the abdominal wall, and the visceral peritoneum, investing the visceral organs. Of the latter the kidneys encroach only to a minor extent on the serous lining, so that they are covered by peritoneum only on their ventral sur- faces. The digestive tube, on the other hand, is removed to such an extent from the abdominal wall that the peritonetm forms a complete serous coat, and is connected with the parietal peritoneum of the wall through a thin transparent mem- brane, the mesentery. The latter consists of two plates of peritoneum, enclosing between them a thin layer of connective tissue, the lamina mesenterii propria, for the trans- mission of nerves, bloodvessels and lymph canals. ; : As indicated above, the relations of the abdominal portion of the diges- tive tube are greatly modified by its elongation and displacement from a median position. Thus, while in the embryo the common mesentery is recognizable as a continuous median Fic. 26. Diagram showing [the relation of the testis to its investments: a.i., inguinal ting; c.e., caput epididymidis; cr., cremaster muscle; d.d., ductus deferens; g., guber- naculum; mes., mesorchium; p.t.v. and v.t.v., parietal and visceral layers of the tunica vaginalis propria; p.v., cavity of the vaginal process; s., integument of the scrotum; S.v., Spermatic vessels; t., testis. vertical fold, in the adult it follows the convolutions of the digestive tube, and is therefore considered as divided into corresponding parts. In many cases the relations of these are greatly complicated by secondary adhesions. In the rabbit the mesoduodenum, mesentery, and descending mesocolon will be recognized as parts in which a more typical arrangement is retained. Moreover, in the anterior portion of the abdominal cavity the peritoneum is concerned not only with the investment of two large visceral structures, the stomach and the liver, but also with the formation of a lining for the posterior surface of the diaphragm. ‘Thus the general condition is less simple than in the small and large intestines. The peritoneum, Tue SERovus Cavirizs. 51 passing from the dorsal wall, successively invests the spleen, the stomach, and the liver, and is reflected from the last-named structure to the diaphragm and the ventral body-wall through the coronary, triangular, and falciform ligaments. Its gastric portion is differentiated into the mesogastrium (phrenicosplenic and gastrolienal ligaments), the greater omentum, and the lesser omentum. Similarly, in the posterior part of the body the peritoneum passes from the rectum to the urinary bladder, enclosing also in the female the vagina. It is then reflected to the ventral body-wall as the middle umbilical fold. In the male, as indicated in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 26), the peritoneal relations of the testis are greatly modified by the migration of the organ from an abdominal to a scrotal position. The entire sac lodging the testis is an evaginated portion of the abdominal wall, and since in the rabbit the cavity is widely open throughout life to the abdominal cavity, the lining membrane—that designated as the parietal layer of the tunica vaginalis propria—-is continuous with the parietal peritoneum of the abdomen, and thus represents a permanent vaginal process. Like other structures of the abdominal cavity, the testis itself is covered by peritoneum, the latter being designated as the visceral layer of the tunica vaginalis propria. This investment is ccnnected with the parietal layer by the mesorchium, and in the rabbit it will be observed that the latter is chiefly attached forwards on the dorsal wall of the abdomen, 7.e., in a position indicating the original situation of the testis itself. In the female the ovary is closely associated with the -dorsal wall of the abdomen, and its supporting peritoneum, the mesovarium, is in- significant. Its duct in passing backward, however, becomes greatly displaced from a dorsal position, and thus comes to be supported by a broad fold of peritoneum. The latter is considered to consist of two portions, one, the mesosalpinx, being the support of the uterine tube, the other, the mesometrium, that of the uterus. The entire fold, how- ever, forms a continuous structure, and is known in this relation as the broad ligament. REGIONAL SECTIONS. The following plate-figures (I-VIII) are from characteristic sections of a rabbit-foetus of 56mm., and may be used either in connection with the general features of topography as outlined above, or for the identi- fication of various minor structures appearing in the dissection. Certain points regarding the sections are perhaps worthy of notice. First, in the longitudinal section illustrated in Plates I and II it will be noticed that paired structures frequently appear; this being because of the fact that the section is not exactly median, at least in certain places. Secondly, in using sections of the foetus for gross anatomical features it is necessary to make allowance in some cases for the different propor- tions of organs, and consequent slight differences in position, in the foetal as compared with the adult condition. Finally, many of the features appearing in the original sections are such as could not be repro- duced in the plates, although they are indicated in the accompanying skeleton figures, and may be referred to in this way. ‘ iw “suOT}Oes asIOASUBI} SUIPUOdsaI ~109° JO s[aA9]_938O1pUT TTT A-ITT “umnydas [ese Ny ‘uInIueIoIseg * “AYA [VIO * ‘onsuoy, ¢ “eayoely * “snseydosag * “pura snuAyy - vE “wmnuiayg “AYIAwO [eIpIeolag ‘24108 pue 4Iea TT “AYA [BIND] G ‘Bun’ *(sjessaa pue poo jo aseq) snotfiquia < “TOAVT *(uory10d orropAéd) Yyoeuioyg “AylAvo Teurmopqy ‘I GLV1d LB “SOUTISOJUT “ST 93 “useryderq “ZT CoS *(Teiqay19A01d) ‘dS ‘UOT[BUES I1ezUaseu JoLIedng ‘VOT “eS “yuniy o1yeyzedurds jo eijzuen ‘oT SMed “ST era *QBIQAYIOA [BOIAIO) ‘FT “TZ ‘aeIQa}IoA O1INBIOUL “ST “02 ‘oeIqayIoA FequinN’y ‘ZT ‘61 ‘uojeydeousjeay, “TT wOd SNOILVNODISAA “uoreydeouslq * “uojeydeousaseypy * “uojeydaouazey * “uoyeydoouaja£ "pioo yeutds - ‘AYA [RIUPID * “[eueo [eIqayiaA ‘amyzefnosnur feuids *yoau JO sasseul-yey - ‘aposnu snuITxeur snaueyny - HAD GONAAS tl 53 A MEDIAN VERTICAL SECTION OF THE ENTIRE Bopy. DESIGNATIONS FOR PLATE II. 1. Transverse sinus of dura mater. 2. Dura mater. 3. Pallium of cerebral hemisphere. 4, Lateral ventricle. 5. Olfactory bulb. 6. Olfactory tract. : 6a. Divided olfactory nerve in the cribriform plate. 7. Chorioid plexus of third ventricle. 8. Anterior commissure. 9. Thalamus. 10. Optic chiasma. 11. Tuber cinereum. 12. Mammillary body. 13. Superior colliculus. 14. Inferior colliculus. 15. Anterior medullary velum. 16. Cerebral peduncle; cephalic flexure. 17. Isthmus rhombencephali. 18. Fourth ventricle. 19. Pons; pontine flexure. 20. Cerebellum. 21. Posterior medullary velum. 22. Cervical flexure. 23. Central canal of spinal cord. 24. Hypophysis. 25. Frontal bone. 26. Nasal bone. 27. Nasal fossa. 28. Mesethmoid cartilage. 29. Cartilage of vomeronasal organ. 30. Premaxilla. 31. Nasopalatine duct and cartilage. 32. Maxilla. 33. Hard palate (palatine and maxilla). 34, Presphenoid. 35. Intersphenoidal synchondrosis. 36. Basisphenoid; hypophysial fossa. 37. Sphenooccipital synchondrosis. 38. Basioccipital. 38a. Supraoccipital. 39. Nasal portion of pharynx. 40. Soft palate. 41. Oral portion of pharynx. 42. Epiglottis and epiglottic cartilage. 43. Thyreoid cartilage of larynx. 44, Laryngeal cavity. 45, 45a. Cricoid cartilage. 46. Oesophagus. 47. Cricothyreoideus muscle. 48. Thyreoid gland. 49. Sternohyoideus muscle. 50. Genioglossus muscle. 51. Geniohyoideus muscle. 52. Mylohyoideus muscle. 53. Mandible. 54. Occipital musculature. 55. Semispinalis capitis. 56, Rhomboideus minor. 57. Superior portion of trapezius. 58. Atlas. . 59. Epistropheus. 59a. Odontoid process. 60. Third cervical vertebra. 61, Median vertebral vein. 62. Body of hyoid bone. 54 II. A MEDIAN VERTICAL SECTION OF THE HEAD. a or DESIGNATIONS FOR PLATE III. . Nasal bone. . Levator alae nasi muscle. 3. Nasal septum. . Nasoturbinal cartilage. 5, Maxilloturbinal (concha inferior). 3. Nasal fossa. . Nasolacrimal duct. 8. Vomeronasal organ and cartilage. . Premaxilla. . Small upper incisor, . Large upper incisor, . Nasopalatine ducts. 3. Oral cavity. . Tongue. . Vibrissae. 3. Caninus muscle. . Terminals of superior maxillary nerve. . Buccal glands. . Buccinator muscle. . Terminals of inferior alveolar nerve. . Quadratus labii inferioris muscle. . Mandible. 3. Lower incisor. . Meckel’s cartilage (primary mandibular arch), . Mentalis muscle. II. A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE ANTERIOR NASAL REGION. 57 DESIGNATIONS FOR PLATE IV. 1. Superior sagittal sinus of dura mater. 25. Nasal tract; choana. 2. Lateral ventricle. 26. Palatine bone. 3. Cerebral hemisphere. 27. Oral cavity. 4. Pia mater. 28. Palatine nerve. , 5. Frontal bone. 29. Sphenopalatine ganglion. 6. Cartilage of orbital wing. 30. Infraorbital vein. 7. Mesethmoid cartilage. 31. Internal maxillary artery. 8. Cupula posterior cartilage. 32. Maxillary nerve. i 9. Obliquus superior muscle. 33. Maxilla. 10. Ophthalmic vessels and nerves. 34. Zygomatic bone. 11. Levator palpebrae superioris muscle. 35. Submaxillary duct. 12. Rectus medialis muscle. 36. Buccinator muscle. 13. Retractor bulbi muscle. 37. Masseter muscle. 14, Rectus inferior muscle. 38. Parotid duct. 15. Sclera. 2. 39. Facial nerve. 16. Retina and chorioidea. 40. External maxillary artery and vein 17. Vitreous body. (anterior facial vein). 18. Lens. | 41. Platysma muscle. 19. Posterior chamber of eye. 42. Inferior labial artery and vein.’ 20. Anterior chamber. 43. Mandible. 21. Cornea. fa 44, Genioglossus muscle. 22. Ciliary body and iris. 45. Digastricus muscle. 23. Upper eyelid. 46. Quadratus labii inferioris muscle. 24. Lower eyelid. 47. Geniohyoideus muscle. IV. A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE ORBITAL REGION. 59 A 09 WD ee = = a DESIGNATIONS FOR PLATE V. . Parietal bone. . Transverse sinus of dura mater. Superior colliculus. Cerebral aqueduct. Isthmus rhombencephali. Pons. . Trigeminal nerve. . Basilar artery. . Facial nerve. . Cartilaginous auditory capsule. . Cochlea. 2. Basioccipiial bone. 3. Tcnsor tympani muscle. . Tympanic cavity. . Malicus. . Tributari.s of posterior facial vein. . Squamosal bone. . Cephalic portion of median vertebral vcin. . Nasal poriion of pharynx. . Origin of basioclavicularis and levator scapulae major muscles. 60 . Longus capitis. . Rectus capitis anterior. . Oral portion of pharynx. . Thyreohyoideus muscle. . Sternohyoideus muscle. . Greater cornu of hyoid. . Stylohyoideus major muscle. . Lingual artery. . Hypoglossal nerve. . Tendon of digastricus muscle, . External maxillary artery. . Stylohyoideus minor. . Styloglossus. . Internal maxillary artery, . Tympanic bone. 3. Mandible. . Submaxillary gland. . Anterior facial vein. . Internal carotid artery, A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE AUDITORY REGION. 61 DESIGNATIONS FOR PLATE VI. 1. Rhomboideus minor. 2. Superior portion of trapezius. 2a. Levator scapulae minor. 3. Splenius. 4, Semispinalis capitis. 5. Rectus capitis posterior superficialis. 6. Obliquus capitis major. 7. Arch of epistropheus. 8. Ganglion of posterior root. 9. Longissimus cervicis. Qs 10. Longissimus capitis. 11. Vertebral artery and vein. 12. Longus atlantis. 13. Vertebral body. 14, Transverse process (anterior root). 15. Median vertebral vein. 16. Longus colli. 17. Longus capitis. 18. Fat-body. Shope 62 . Oesophagus. . Inferior thyreoid nerve. . Inferior thyreoid vein. Trachea. . Thyreoid gland. . Cardiac branch of vagus (n. depressor). . Sympathetic trunk. Vagus nerve. . Common carotid artery . Internal jugular vein. . Sternohyoideus muscle. . Sternothyreoideus muscle. . Sternomastoideus muscle. . Descending ramus of hypoglossal nerve. 2 External jugular vein. . Basioclavicularis muscle. . Levator scapulae major muscle. . Cleidomastoideus. . Platysma. VI. A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE ANTERIOR CERVICAL REGION. Re FR SSONS obwNW DESIGNATIONS FOR PLATE VII. Semispinalis dorsi. 24. Costal pleura. Longissimus dorsi. 25. Bone ribs. — . Tliocostalis. 26. Costal cartilage. Spinal cord. : .27. Sternum. ‘ Ganglion of posterior root and intercostal 28. Cutaneus maximus muscle. nerve. 29, Inferior portion of trapezius Tubercle of rib. 30. Rhomboideus major. Head of rib. 31. Inferior angle of scapula. . Sympathetic trunks. 32, Latissimus dorsi. Azygos vein. 33. Serratus posterior. _ . Thoracic aorta. 34. Intercostales externi and intcrni . Oesophagus. 34a. Intercostalis internus. 12a. Right and left vagi. 35. Thoracic portion of serratus antcrior. Lung. 36. Obliquus externus abdominis. Gy . Bronchi. 37. Transversus thoracis. . Branches of pulmonary artery. 38. Pectoralis major. . Pulmonary veins. 39. Rectus abdominis. . Right atrium. 40. Anconaeus longus (caput longum of . Tricuspid valve. triceps). ‘ . Right ventricle. 41. Extensor antibrachii parvus. . Left atrium. 42. Anconaeus medialis. . Left ventricle. 43, Anconaeus lateralis. . Pericardial cavity. 44, Distal extremity of humerus. . Pulmonary pleura. 45. Proximal portion of radius. 64 Vil. A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE THORAX. 65 WOON DOR who . Spinal cord. Vertebral canal. Vertebral body. $ Sacrospinalis muscle. Quadratus lumborum.- Psoas major. Psoas minor. . Sympathetic trunk. . Abdominal aorta. DESIGNATIONS FOR PLATE VIII. 18, 18a. Posterior and anterior lobules of left lobe of liver. 19,19a. Right lobe of liver. _ a 2 20. Obliqaus internus abdominis and trans- versus abdominis. 21. Obliquus externus abdominis. 22. Rectus abdominis. 22a. Cutaneus maximus. . Inferior caval vein. . Descending mesocolon. . Ureter. . Renal pelvis. . Renal papilla. . Left kidney. . Parietal peritoneum. . Visceral peritoneum. 66 . Middle umbilical fold. . Urinary bladder (canal of foetal allantois). . Umbilical arteries. , . Duodenum. . Pancreas and mesoduodenum. . Descending colon. . Parts of mesenterial small intestine. 20. Caecum. VIII. A TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE ABDOMEN. 67 PART II. OSTEOLOGY OF THE RABBIT. For a practical study of the rabbit’s skeleton, a thoroughly cleaned, but otherwise rough, unmounted skeleton will be found most convenient. The skull should be divided with a fine saw at a little to one side of the median plane, or a second skull may be provided for this purpose (cf. Fig. 33). The most useful specimens for reference are: (1) a well- mounted skeleton of the adult animal, showing the natural relations of the bones; and (2) a rough skeleton of a young animal of from one to five weeks, showing the primary composition of cartilage bones. For the special study of the skull (pp. 85-97) a disarticulated specimen may be employed, but the majority of the features may be made out in the intact or divided skulls. The general account of the skull as given below will be found to cover most of the osteological points noted in the dissection. DIVISIONS OF THE SKELETON. The skeleton is divisible into two main portions, namely, the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton. The former comprises the vertebral column, the ribs, the sternum, and the skeleton of the head: the latter, the supports of the anterior and posterior limbs, and the associated ‘pectoral and pelvic girdles. THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN. The vertebral column (columna vertebralis) is formed of a linear series of segments, the vertebrae. In accordance with its function asa general support of the body, and also its relations with the nervous system and the spinal musculature, the vertebrae, with minor exceptions, are constructed on the same plan. Those of particular regions also present certain features in common, so that it is possible to classify them into cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal groups. A typical vertebra—for the characters of which any one of the thoracic or lumbar series may be taken (Fig. 27, D-F)—consists of a basal portion, the vertebral body (corpus vertebrae), and of a dorsal, vertebral arch (arcus vertebrae). The two portions enclose a large aperture, the vertebral foramen (foramen vertebrale). The successive foramina form an almost complete tube, the vertebral canal (canalis vertebralis), for the accommodation of the spinal cord. The body of a vertebra is a cylindrical, or somewhat dorsoventrally compressed, mass of bone, which bears at either end an articular surface for attachment to the adjacent vertebra. The articular surfaces are borne on thin plate-like epiphyses, the epiphysial lines being evident even in older animals, especially in the lumbar region. The dorsal por- 68 THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN. 69 tion of ‘the body bears on either side the pedicle, or root of the vertebral arch (radix arcus vertebrae), the dorsal surface of the body forming in this‘Way the floor of the vertebral foramen. The dorsal portion of the arch, borne on the pedicle, is distinguished as the lamina. The anterior and posterior margins of the pedicle are notched, each notch Fic, 27. Representative vertebrae: A, atlas, anterior surface; B, epistropheus, lateral surface; C, fifth cervical vertebra, anterior surface; D, fourth dorsal, lateral surface; E, F, second lumbar vertebra, anterior and lateral surfaces. a.a., anterior arch of atlas; a.p., posterior arch of atlas; a.v., vertebral arch; c.v., vertebral body; d., dens epistrophei; f.a.a., anterior articular facet of epistropheus; f.a.s., superior articular pit of atlas; f.a.s.1., superior articular facet of epistropheus; f.c.i., inferior costal demifacet for head of rib; f.c.s., superior costal demifacet; f.c.t., costal facet of transverse process;’ f.d., fovea dentis; f.i., intervertebral foramen;, foramen transversarium; f.v., foramen vertebralé; 1., lamina of vertebral arch; m.l., lateral mass of atlas; p.a., accessory process of lumbar vertebra; p.a.i. inferior ‘articular process; p.a.s. supefior articular process; p.m., mammillary process; p.s., spinous process; p.s.a., anterior spinous process; p.t., transverse process;, trian- gular process; r. radix of vertebral arch; r.a., r.p., anterior and posterior radices of transverse process of cervical vertebra; t.a., t.p., anterior and posterior tubercles of atlas. : or incisure being converted, through its association with that of the adjacent vertebra, into a rounded aperture, the intervertebral foramen (foramen intervertebrale), for the passage outward of a spinal nerve. 7 70 ‘ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. The arch of the vertebra is noteworthy for its projections or processes. On either side is a horizontal plate of bone, the transverse process (pro- cessus transversus), and, dorsally, a median projection, the spinous process (processus spinosus), all three serving for the attachment of the vertebrae to one another by ligaments, and for the attachment of the spinal musculature. Special articular surfaces, borne on low articular pro- cesses (processus articulares), are found on the anterior and posterior margins of the arch. The anterior, or superior articular surfaces are directed for the most part toward the dorsal surface, and are overlapped in the natural condition by the inferior articular surfaces, which are directed toward the ventral surface. A certain amount of movement is permitted by one surface slipping across the other, the mechanism illustrating the arthrodia, or gliding-joint. The cervical vertebrae (vertebrae cervicales) are seven in number. The posterior five are similar, while the anterior two are specially modified in relation to the skull. The posterior vertebrae (Fig. 27, C) are dorso- ventrally compressed, their arches low, and the spinous process short. In the seventh vertebra, however, the spinous process begins to be elon- gated as in the succeeding thoracic vertebrae. In each vertebra the transverse process is perforated bv a costo-transverse foramen (foramen transversarium), the latter serving for the passage of the vertebral artery forward to the head: Through the presence of this aperture, the base of the transverse process is divided into two parts, namely, a dorsal, or posterior root (radix posterior), and a ventral, or anterior root (radix anterior). The anterior root is a coalesced rib, and is comparable in its general relations to the normal ribs of the thoracic vertebrae. The first vertebra is the atlas (Fig. 27, A). It is peculiar in lacking the vertebral body, the latter being represented by the odontoid process of the epistropheus (cf. Plate II); also in possessing special articular surfaces, and in having its transverse process greatly flattened in the dorsoventral direction. It consists of a ventral half-ring, the anterior arch (arcus anterior), a dorsal half-ring, the posterior arch (arcus pos- terior), with paired lateral masses (massae laterales) uniting them. The lateral masses also form the bases of the transverse processes. The anterior arch bears on its ventral side a small backwardly-directed process, the anterior tubercle (tuberculum anterius). A similar posterior tubercle (tuberculum posterius) on the dorsal surface of the posterior arch is comparable to the spinous process of an ordinary vertebra. The anterior surface of the atlas bears on either side an extensive concave smooth surface, the superior articular pit. (fovea articularis superior), for articulation with the convex occipital condyles of the skull. Its posterior surface bears on either side a somewhat triangular inferior articular facet (facies articularis inferior) for articula- tion with the epistropheus. These surfaces take the place of the arch- articulations of ordinary vertebrae. Through the compression of the transverse process, the costotransverse foramen is converted into a canal. The anterior aperture of this leads by a shallow groove, the sulcus arteriae vertebralis, into a second aperture perforating the posterior arch. THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN. 71 The space enclosed by the atlas is divided into a dorsal portion, corresponding to the vertebral foramen of other vertebrae, and a ventral portion which in the natural condition lodges the odontoid process of the epistropheus. The division is effected partly by a small tubercle on the inner side of each lateral mass, and partly by a transverse liga- ment which is stretched. between them and over the dorsal surface of the odontoid process. On the floor of the ventral portion, a rounded articular surface, the fovea dentis, marks the point of articulation of the anterior articular facet of the odontoid process with the inner surface of the anterior arch. The second vertebra is the epistropheus (Fig. 27, B). It resembles the succeeding cervical vertebrae more closely than does the atlas. It is noteworthy for its great size, for the lateral compression of its arch and spinous process, and for the possession of a stout forwardly-directed odontoid process, or tooth (dens epistrophei). It is articulated with the atlas through an anterior articular facet, borne on the ventral surface of the odontoid process, and by large paired superior articular facets borne on its base. The spinous process of this vertebra and the trans- verse processes of the atlas form together three main points of attach- ment for the occipital musculature. The thoracic vertebrae (vertebrae thoracales) are twelve in number. They are distinguished chiefly by the possession of articular pits for the attachment of ribs (Fig. 27, D). A rib is articulated at two points, namely, one on the body of the vertebra, the other on the transverse process. The former is marked by a small round depression, the costal pit (fovea costalis), or costal facet. In the last two vertebrae the facet: is borne wholly on the vertebral body to which the rib belongs. In the remaining vertebrae a complete articulating surface is formed by two demifacets, one being on the vertebra to which the rib belongs, the other on the vertebra immediately in front. The articulation of a rib with a transverse process is marked by an oval facet, the costal pit of the transverse process (fovea costalis transversalis). It is present only in the first ten of the thoracic vertebrae. In all vertebrae of the thoracic series the spinous processes are well- developed. They increase in length to the third, and then become gradually shorter, although their surfaces are, on the whole, slightly increased in extent. The anterior ten are directed backward, ‘the elev- enth is almost vertical, while the twelfth is directed forward, like those of the succeeding lumbar vertebrae. The lumbar vertebrae (vertebrae lumbales) are seven in number. They are large vertebrae, conspicuous for their extensive surfaces and processes for muscular attachment (Fig. 27, E, F). The transverse processes continue the general line of the ribs of the thoracic region. They are directed forward, as well as outward, and the tip of each is formed by a thin triangular plate (processus triangularis), which represents a fused rib. At the posterior side of the base of each is a short, flattened projection, the accessory process (processus accessorius). The spinous process is especially well-developed, and is directed forward. The articular processes are rotated upward, so that their surfaces are directed 72 ‘ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. more nearly toward, or away from, the median plane, instead of to the dorsal or ventral surface. The anterior articular surfaces are borne on the bases of stout, upwardly-directed mammillary processes (processus mammillares). The latter are most characteristic of the lumbar verte- brae, but may be seen to arise in the posterior thoracic region as small elevations of the transverse processes. Each of the first three of the lumbar vertebrae bears a median ventral projection, the anterior spinous process (processus spinosus anterior), for the attachment of the lumbar portion of the diaphragm. The sacral vertebrae (vertebrae sacrales) are four in number. In contrast to the true vertebrae—those united by ligament and articular surfaces—of the remaining portions of the vertebral column, they are false vertebrae, united in the young by synchondroses, and in the adult coalesced to form a composite structure, the os sacrum (Fig. 28). The Fic. 28 The ossacrum: A, ventral (pelvic) surface; B, dorsal surface; c.v., bodies of coalesced vertebrae; fa., auricular surface; f.s.a., anterior sacral foramina; f.s.m., median sacral foramina; f.s.p., posterior sacral foramina; p.a.s., superior articular process of first vertebra; p.m., mam- millary process of first vertebra; pr. promontory; p.s., spinous processes. axis of the sacrum forms an obtuse angle with that of the lumbar ver- tebrae, the angle being indicated by a ventral projection, the promon-. tory (promontorium), formed by the last lumbar and first sacral ver- tebrae. The sacrum is the medium through which the vertebral column —in other words, the posterior portion of the trunk—is supported on the posterior limbs. Its anterior dorsal portion bears on either side a roughened area, the auricular surface (facies auricularis), for articulation: with the pelvic girdle. This surface is borne for the most part on the transverse process of the first sacral vertebra. : THE Riss. 73: The. sacrum exhibits many features resulting from its formation through the fusion of originally distinct vertebrae. On the ventral, or pelvic surface (facies pelvina), the lines of junction may be traced either- between the bodies, or between the transverse processes. Four pairs of apertures on this surface, the anterior sacral foramina (foramina sacralia anteriora), lead into the intervertebral foramina, and give passage to the sacral spinal nerves. On the dorsal surface (facies dorsalis) a pair of posterior sacral foramina lie in the line of junction of the first and second vertebrae. The spinous processes are evident in all four vertebrae. The combined articular and mammillary processes are conspicuous only in the first two, but are represented in the succeeding two by low, roughened tubercles. In the middle. line dorsally the vertebral arches are separated by con- spicuous apertures, the median sacral fora- mina. The caudal vertebrae (vertebrae caudales) are sixteen in number. They are segments of small size, increasing slightly to the third, and then gradually decreasing to the end of the column. The arches are complete in the first seven. The transverse processes are vestigial in all except the third. At the end of the column the segments are reduced to slender cylinders of bone representing the vertebral bodies. THE RIBS. The ribs. (costae) are twelve in number on either side. Each is composed of a dorsal portion, the costal bone (os costale), or bone-rib, and a ventral portion, the costal cartilage (cartilago costalis) (Fig. 29). From their attachment on the vertebral column the bone-ribs are directed outward, downward, and backward. The costal cartilages are directed for the most part inward, down- ward, and forward. The first costal cartilage forms a pronounced angle with the corres- His. 20.-The Sterium and first pouding ‘bone-rib. In the succeeding ribs 9p. vette yews 4 7 the true the angle is gradually replaced by a broad of rib;’ cl.c., neck of rib; er., curve. sie; ‘oe. Bade Sessa cue, Ribs are classified as true ribs (costae m™anubrium sterni; o.c., bone-rib, 3 a p.x., xiphoid process; t.c., costal verae), and false ribs (costae spuriae). The tubercle. former—comprising the anterior seven— are those directly attached to the sternum. The latter—comprising the posterior five—are either indirectly attached, or unattached. The unattached ribs are designated as floating ribs. Generally speaking, the bone-ribs are cylindrical; but the anterior 74 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. five or six are more or less flattened, with their main surfaces respectively medial and lateral. The compression is most marked in old animals. The first rib is extremely short. The succeeding ribs increase in length to the sixth, and then decrease to the twelfth. The arch formed by each rib has its greatest convexity, or angle, at. some point toward the dorsal surface. Passing backward, the point of greatest convexity changes from a medial to a lateral position. This, together with the elongation of the more posterior ribs, results in an enormous increase in the posterior extent of the thoracic cavity. The vertebral end, or head of the rib (capitulum costae), is articulated with the body of the vertebra to which it belongs, and also, in the case of the first ten, with the vertebra immediately in front. The articulation with a transverse process is marked by a small smooth elevation, the costal tubercle (tuberculum costae). It is present only in the first nine ribs. Except in the first rib, and in the last four, the tubercle bears a sharp, dorsally-directed process for muscular attachment. The slender portion of the rib intervening between the head and tubercle is the neck (collum costae), the remaining larger portion being distinguished as the body of the rib (corpus costae). The bony thorax is formed by the ribs and the sternum with the assistance of the thoracic vertebrae. It encloses a large space, the thoracic cavity (cavum thoracis). The latter is conical in shape, with the apex directed forward. The dorsoventral diameter of the cavity is considerably greater than the transverse diameter. Apart from the intercostal spaces, the cavity is open at two points: anteriorly, the first thoracic vertebra, the first rib, and the manubrium sterni together enclose a small opening, the superior thoracic aperture (apertura thoracis superior); posteriorly, the seventh and succeeding ribs, together with the posterior thoracic vertebrae and the xiphoid process of the sternum, enclose a much larger opening, the inferior thoracic aperture (apertura thoracis inferior). In the natural condition it is largely closed by the diaphragm. The curved boundary formed by the ribs in this region is the costal arch (arcus costarum), the angle formed at the point of attachment of the xiphoid process being the infrasternal angle (angulus infrasternalis). Through their articulations with the vertebral column, and the nature of the costal cartilages, the ribs are capable of being moved, or rotated, forward. The movement results in an increase of the extent of the thoracic cavity, and is of importance in respiration. THE STERNUM. The sternum consists of a linear series of six segments, the sternebrae. The first segment is the manubrium sterni. It is about twice the length of the middle segments. It is somewhat triangular in section, two of its surfaces being ventrolateral, the third dorsal and directed toward the thoracic cavity. To its anterior tip is attached the sternoclavicular ligament, by which the greatly reduced clavicle is united with the sternum. THE SKELETON OF THE HEap. : 75 The four middle segments are similar in appearance, and form the body (corpus sterni). The sixth segment, described as the xiphoid process (processus xiphoideus), is an elongated strip of bone, to the posterior end of which is attached a broad, thin plate of cartilage. The first costal articulation is situated at about the middle of the manubrium, the remaining six at the points of junction of the segments. Five of them occur singly, while the sixth and seventh costal cartilages are attached together at the point of junction of the last segment of the corpus sterni with the xiphoid process. THE SKELETON OF THE HEAD. The head-skeleton comprises: (1) the series of elements constituting the skull; and (2) the hyoid bone, with its connections. The skull, or cranium—using that term in a general sense—includes the cranium proper, that portion enclosing the brain and containing in its wall the auditory capsules, and the bones of the face (ossa faciei), the latter in- cluding the series of elements related for the most part to the jaws and palate. The primary relations of the constituents of the head-skeleton have already been indicated above (p. 31). A. THE SKULL AS A WHOLE. The skull is a composite structure, consisting of a large number of elements, which, with the exception of the mandible, are united by synarthroses, so that they produce the effect of a continuous mass. The mandible is a more or less independent structure, articulated with thé main body of the skull by a typical joint. The skull is roughly divisible into two portions, namely, an anterior, facial portion, and a posterior, cranial portion. The cranial portion has a somewhat conical shape, its apex being directed forward. It is sepa- rated from the facial portion by a depression on either side of the skull, the orbital cavity (orbita), which serves for the accommodation of the optic bulb. Unlike the remaining special sense-organs, the eye is not included within the skull-wall. The two portions are united both medially and laterally, the lateral connection being established by the zygomatic arch (arcus zygomaticus), which bridges the lateral portion of the orbit. The facial portion has also a somewhat conical shape, its apex being formed by the anterior extremity of the upper jaw and the incisor teeth. Its base is formed in part by the connection with the cranial portion, as already described, and also by the anterior walls of the orbits. The cranial portion exhibits an extensive posterior, nuchal surface (planum nuchale), situated in general at right angles to the cervical portion of the vertebral column and also to the dorsal, lateral, and ventral walls of the skull. This surface includes the external surface of the occipital bone, with the exception, chiefly, of the basilar portion of the latter. Its dorsal portion forms an area of attachment for the spinal and special occipital musculature. Its ventral portion is perforated by a 76 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. large*aperture, the foramen magnum occipitale, for the passage of the central nervous system from the cranial cavity into the vertebral canal. On either side of this isa smooth, ridge-like projection, the occipital condyle (condylus occipitalis), for articulation with the superior articular pits of the atlas. At a little distance lateral to the occipital condyle, the nuchal surface is continued downward through the medium of a some- what triangular, pointed jugular process (processus jugularis). This structure is separated from the occipital condyle by a pronounced notch, the posterior boundary of a deep narrow excavation, the jugular fossa (fossa jugularis),which lies between the condyle and the tympanic bulla. The jugular process serves for the attachment of muscles belonging to the tongue, hyoid, and mandible, namely, the styloglossus, stylohyoidei major and minor, and the digastricus, the suspensory ligament of the lesser cornu of the hyoid also being included in the ligament of the stylohyoideus minor. Toward the dorsal margin of the nuchal surface, the dorsal surface of the skull is projected backward as a shield-shaped Fic. 30, Lateral surface of the skull: AS, alisphenoid (ala magna); BO, basioccipital (basilar portion of occipital); BS, basisphenoid (body of posterior sphenoid); F, frontal; I, interparietal; L, lacrimal; M, maxilla; MS, mastoid portion of petrosal (petromastoid); N, nasal; OS, orbitosphenoid (ala parva); P, parietal; PL, palatine; FM, premaxilla; SO, supraoccipital (squamous portion of occipital); SQ, squamosal; T, tympanic; ZY, zygomatic. a.p., piriform aperture of nose; d.i., incisor teeth; d.m., molars;, premclars; f.i., infraorbital foramen;, maxillary fossa; f.o., optic foramen; f.s., stylomastoid foramen; f.t., temporal fossa; 1.1., lateral lamina of pterygoid process; 1.m., medial lamina; m.a.e., osseous portion of external acoustic meatus; p.a., alveolar process of maxilla; p.e., ethmoidal portion of orbitosphenoid; p.f., frontal process of premaxilla; p.j., jugular process of occipital; p.m., mastoid process of mastoid;, maxillary process of frontal; p.o., orbital process of maxilla; p.o.e., external occipital protuber- ance; p.s., Squamosal process of parietal; p.s.a., and p.s.p., anterior and posterior supraorbital processes of frontal; p.z., zygomatic process of squamosal; p.z.m., zygo- matic process of maxilla; s, sphenoorbita]l process of maxilla; s.m., spina masseterica; sq., Squamosal process of squamosal. promontory. The lateral margin of this projection is the superior nuchal line (linea nuchae superior). It forms a curved ridge, the position of which indicates the dorsal limit of the occipital musculature. The posterior, somewhat tri-radiate tip of the projection is the external occipital protuberance (protuberantia occipitalis externa), an important THE SKULL AS A WHOLE. 77 median point of attachment for the occipital muscles and the ligamentum nuchae. The ventral wall of the cranial portion is the basal portion (basi- cranium) of the entire skull. As indicated above (p. 31), its axial line, the basicranial axis, continues, in general, that of the bodies of the vertebrae, and its posterior portion is equivalent, morphologically, to vertebral segments. It is formed by a linear series of three bones, namely, the basilar portion of the occipital, the body of the posterior sphenoid, and that of the anterior sphenoid (respectively basioccipital, basisphenoid and presphenoid bones). Its extremely narrow, anterior portion forms the roof of a deep groove which encloses the nasal portion of the pharynx. As viewed from the ventral surface, it is seen to dis- appear in the facial complex at some distance dorsal to the posterior margin of the bony palatine bridge. Laterally, it is separated from the orbit on either side by a vertical plate formed by the palatine bone, and also by two downward projections of the posterior sphenoid, the medial and lateral laminae of the pterygoid process (processus pterygoideus). These structures enclose between them the pterygoid fossa (fossa pterygoidea), the walls of which serve for the attachment of the external and internal pterygoid muscles of the mandible. The lateral wall of the cranial portion forms anteriorly a large part of the boundary of the orbit. The cranial wall of the orbit is partly formed by two upward projections of the basicranium, namely, the lesser wing of the anterior sphenoid, or orbitosphenoid, and the greater wing of the posterior sphenoid, or alisphenoid. The remaining portion is formed by membrane elements, including the frontal bone of the roof of the skull and the squamosal bone, the latter distinguishable as the support of the posterior root of the zygomatic arch. Immediately behind the orbit, the root of the zygomatic arch projects outward and then downward. It is formed by a zygomatic process (processus zygomaticus) of the squamosal bone, and the tip of this forms a vertical plate, which is united by a horizontal suture with the zygomatic bone. On the ventral side of the process, close to the cranial wall, is the mandibular fossa (fossa mandibularis), for articulation with the mandible. On its dorsal side, but more especially on the adjacent portion of the cranial wall, there is a shallow, horizontal groove, lodging in the natural condition the temporalis muscle of the mandible, and therefore representing a greatly reduced temporal fossa (fossa temporalis). In the natural condition the anterior portion of the groove is converted into a foramen through the presence of a stout ligament extending from the posterior supraorbital process to the base of the zygomatic arch. The dorsal boundary of the fossa is formed by a pronounced ridge, the temporal line (linea temporalis), the latter forming also the lateral margin of the roof of the skull in this region. e Rehind the posterior root of. the zygomatic arch, the external surface of the lateral wall is largely occupied by the swollen tympanic bulla (bulla tympani), formed by the tympanic bone. It contains the capac- ious tympanic cavity (cavum tympanicum) and certain skeletal structures of the middle ear, namely, the auditory ossicles (ossicula auditus), the 78 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. relations of which are more fully dealt with below (p. 90). The dorsal portion of the tympanic bulla is continuous with a short bony tube which opens at a short distance dorsad by a large oval aperture. This tube is part of a more extensive canal, the external acoustic meatus (meatus acusticus externus) which, in the natural condition, leads down- ward through the base of the external ear to the tympanic membrane. The tympanic bulla does nat form the lateral wall of the skull in this region, and is not exposed to the cranial cavity. It is applied closely to the external surface of the periotic or petromastoid bone, which forms the lateral boundary of the cranial cavity, and contains the structures of the internal ear. The external or mastoid portion of this bone appears in the space enclosed between the tympanic bulla and the jugular process of the occi- pital bone, where it is readily distinguishable by its pitted appearance. Its ventral portion bears a slender projection, lying parallel to the jugular process, the mastoid process (processus mastoideus). A series of foramina, lying partly within the orbit, and extending thence posteriorly along the boundary between the lateral and ventral walls to, the occiput, put the cranial cavity in communication with the outside, and serve for the passage of nerves and vessels. The first and largest of these, the optic foramen (foramen opticum), occupies the middle fn.s (0) portion of the orbit, and trans- mits, in the natural condition, pon the optic nerve. Following this Fic. 31. Dorsal surface of the skull: F, frontal; : 7 - 3 I, interparietal; L, lacrimal; M, maxilla; Ss, isa vertical slit-like aperture— mastoid porlion of petrosal (petromastoid); N, : nasal; P, parietal; SO, supraoccipital (squamous not to be confused with the portion of occipital); SQ, squamosal; ; perforations of the external *ygometic., maxillary fossa; f.t., temporal fossa; lamina of the pterygoid process 1n.s.. superior nuchal line; ‘1t., temporal line; ak : ey p.f., frontal process of premaxilla; .mxX., the superior orbital fissure maxillary process of frontal; p.o.e., external (fissura orbitalis superior). It ee Eee tg ote zs or and posterior supraorbital process: represents both the superior frontal;, subcutaneous process at occa? : p.z., zygomatic prosess of squamosal; .z.m,, orbital fissure of. the normal zygomatic process of maxilla; s.f., froctal spine” mammalian skull and_ the $.m., spina masseterica. foramen rotundum, and provides for the passage outward of the third, fourth and sixth cranial nerves, together with the first and second divisions of the fifth. The lateral lamina of the pterygoid ‘Tue SKULL AS A WHOLE. 79 process presents three foramina, of which the largest, anterior, and medial one, the anterior sphenoidal foramen, serves for the transmission of the internal maxillary artery, while the remaining two, the middle and posterior sphenoidal foramina, transmit muscular branches (masseterico- temporal and pterygobuccinnator) of the mandibular nerve. On the medial side of the base of the medial lamina of the pterygoid process there is a shallow longitudinal groove, representing the pterygoid canal (canalis pterygoideus) of the human skull. Immediately in front of the tympanic bulla, on the ventral surface of the skull, an irregular aperture, the foramen lacerum, leads directly into the cranial cavity. It is incompletely divided into two parts by a slender bony splint. It contains, in addition to the foramen lacerum, the foramen ovale of the typical mammalian skull, and serves to transmit the mandibular portion of the fifth nerve and the internal carotid artery. Looking into the aper- ture from the front, it is seen to communicate not only with the cranial cavity, but also with two apertures in the anterior portion of the auditory complex. One of these—that toward the middle line—is the internal carotid foramen (foramen caroticum internum). It is the an- terior end of a canal transmitting the internal carotid artery; the pos- terior end of this canal, the point at which the internal carotid artery enters the tympanic bone, or the external carotid foramen (foramen caroticum externum), being visible as a rounded aperture lying on the posteromedial surface of the tympanic bulla. The second, lateral aperture communicating with the foramen lacerum is that of the auditory (Eustachian) tube (tuba auditiva). It leads into the tympanic cavity, and in the natural condition the tube places this cavity in com- munication with the nasal portion of the pharynx. Associated with the mastoid process is a small aperture, the stylomastoid foramen (foramen stylomastoideum), the external opening of the facial canal, which serves for the passage of the facial nerve. A slit-like aperture, the jugular foramen (foramen jugulare),, lies in the-jugular fossa, between the posterior ventral margin of the tympanic bulla and the occipital condyle. It transmits the first portion of the internal jugular vein from the trans- verse sinus of the dura mater, and also the ninth, tenth, and eleventh cranial nerves. Finally, immediately in front of the dorsal portion of the condyle, the occipital segment is perforated by several small apertures together representing. the hypoglossal canal (canalis hypoglossi), and serving for the transmission of the hypoglossal nerve. . The roof of the cranial portion is largely formed by two pairs of thin membrane elements, the frontal and parietal bones. The former occupy a general position between the orbits, while the latter are interposed between the frontal bones and the occipital segment. A small portion of the roof is formed posteriorly, however, by a’ small lozenge-shaped element, the interparietal bone, and by the shield-shaped projection described above, which is part of the occipital bone. The space enclosed by the cranial portion of the skull is the cranial cavity (cavum cranii). Its form depends on the external configura- tion of the brain. It is divisible into three portions, known as the cranial fossae. The anterior cranial fossa (fossa cranii anterior) is a 80 ANATOMY OF THE Rassit. small division lodging in the natural condition the olfactory bulbs of the brain. The middle cranial fossa, the largest division of the cavity, lodges the enlarged cerebral hemispheres. The posterior cranial fossa is a small division extending backward to the foramen magnum, and lodging in the natural condition the cerebellum and related posterior portions of the brain. It is partly set off from the middle cranial fossa by a fold of the dura mater, the tentorium cerebelli, which projects inward from the dorsal and lateral walls of the skull. This fold is usually found adhering to the internal surface of the : skull, unless the latter has been very thoroughly cleared, and in all cases its posi- tion is indicated by a low ridge of bone. The marked difference in diameter between the middle and posterior cra- nial fossae is accounted for by the great thickness of the auditory portion of the skull. The anterior surface of the periotic bone will be observed to form an extensive posterior wall for the middle cranial fossa. The floor of the middle and posterior cranial fossae is not smooth, like the external base of the skull, but presents in its anterior portion a pro- minent elevation, the sella turcica, which is borne on the body of the posterior sphe- noid. It contains a large central depression, the hypo- physial fossa (fossa hypophy- seos), which in the natural Fic. 32. Ventral surface of the skull: AS, alisphenoid condition lodges the hypo- {ola nasny):,b, tasceriita (asier portion of x physis or pituitary body. The EXO, exoccipital; M, maxilla; PL, palatine; Pa aperture of the fossa is partly Sas; "G0, sanheccen bus ce oe ee enclosed laterally by a pair pital); SQ, squamosal; T, tympanic; 2¥, zygomatic. $ “ é é i ; ¢c.hy., hypoglossal canal; c.o., occipital of pointed posterior clinoid condyle; f.c.¢., external carotid foramen;, incisive processes (processus clinoidei h:,, 4, jugtlar foramen: fu, foramen lacerum; posteriores), the tips of which EP Bicaiey pelatme foramen; f.s.a., anterior sphe- . : .a.€., osseous portion of external are directed forward; and a acoustic meatus; p.j., jugular process; p.o.e., external corresponding pair of anterior cite! protuberance; ppl. palatine process of maxiliag clinoid processes lie at the _ /ateral laminae of pterygoid process of posterior sphenoid; ; ¢ s.m., spina masseterica. anterior end of the fossa, with the tips directed backward. The posterior, and also dorsal wall of the fossa, described as the dorsum sellae, leads by an abrupt curve THe SKULL AS A WHOLE. 81 backward on to the floor of the posterior cranial fossa, the sloping portion of the floor, or clivus, supporting in the natural condition the pons and medulla oblongata. Toward the anterior end of the middle cranial fossa, the lateral walls of the skull are greatly compressed, so that the anterior portion of the bdsicranium, especially the body of the antérior sphenoid, is largely excluded from the cranial cavity. The usually paired optic foramina are here confluent, there being a single aperture for the transmission of the optic nerves. The posterior ventral boundary of this aperture contains a broad groove, the sulcus chiasmatis, which lodges in the natural condition the optic chiasma. In the anterior cranial fossa the floor is largely formed by a perforated area, borne on the cribriform plate (lamina cribrosa) of the ethmoid bone, and serving for the transmission of the divided olfactory nerves. Its median portion projects slightly into the cranial fossa as a low ridge, the crista galli, which is interposed between the tips of the olfactory bulbs. In the ventrolateral portion of the cranial cavity may be found the internal openings of the foramina described above, namely, the superior orbital fissure, the foramen lacerum, the jugular foramen, and the hypo- glossal canal. The superior orbital fissure is almost ventral in position to the foramen opticum, and is connected backward with the foramen lacerum by a broad groove, the sulcus sphenoidalis, which lodges in the natural condition the roots of the fifth nerve. This groove continues to the medial surface of the periotic bone, where it is bridged over by the tentorium cerebelli. On the lateral wall of the posterior cranial fossa, and enclosed by the compact, white, petrous portion of the periotic bone, is a series of three apertures leading into its substance. One of these, much larger than the remaining two, is the subarcuate or floccular fossa (fossa subarcuata s. floccularis). It lodges in the natural condition the flocculus, a small stalked appendage of the cerebellum. Ventral to this fossa, and also somewhat in front of it, a thin ledge of bone extends over an oval open- ing, the internal aperture of the facial canal (canalis facialis), which serves for the transmission of the seventh cranial (facial) nerve. Imme- diately behind and below this aperture is the opening of the internal acoustic meatus (meatus acusticus internus) for the transmission of the eighth cranial (acoustic) nerve. The two apertures tend to be enclosed by a shallow bony ridge, largely formed by the projecting ledge described above, and resembling superficially the complete common tube repre- sented by the internal acoustic meatus of the human skull. The facial portion of the skull is largely formed by the investing bones of the upper jaw, palate, and mandible, but it encloses also the entire olfactory region of the primary skull, including the nasal fossae and associated turbinal bones. The upper jaw—the maxilla of the human skull—is formed of two primary, and, in the rabbit, separate, elements, the maxilla and premaxilla. They together form the greater portion of the facial region—in the adult condition also a large portion of the lateral walls of the nasal fossae—and bear in a ventrolateral position low alveolar. processes (processus alveolares) for the sockets or alveoli of the incisor and cheek-teeth. The maxilla bears the anterior 82 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. root of the zygomatic arch, the latter being formed partly by a short zygomatic process arising from its lateral surface, by the zygomatic bone, which is fused with it, and by the corresponding zygomatic process of the squamosal bone, constituting the posterior root. The anterior root of the zygomatic arch is perforated by a deep narrow infraorbital canal (canalis infraorbitalis), which opens on the facial surface by a vertical slit-like aperture, the infraorbital foramen. It serves for the trans- mission of the infraorbital vessels and nerves from the orbit to the face. The ventral portion of the maxilla is associated with the palatine bone to form the hard palate (palatum durum). This structure is repre- sented chiefly by a bony palatine bridge connecting the two sides of the skull between the more anterior cheek-teeth. It forms a portion of the . roof of the oral cavity and a portion of the floor of the nasal cavity Immediately in front of it, the palatal surface is perforated by a pair. of large incisive foramina (foramina incisiva), which are broadly open to the nasal fossae. A considerable portion of the anterior and dorsal wall of the orbit is formed by the facial complex. Dorsally, the roofing element of this region, the frontal bone, bears a curved lateral projection, the supra- orbital process (processus supraorbitalis), which overhangs the orbit. Its narrower base expands into anterior and posterior tips, which lie parallel to the adjacent portion of the skull, and enclose with the latter corresponding anterior and posterior supraorbital incisures. The latter are ccnverted by ligament into foramina. The anterior wall of the orbit is formed in part by a loosely articulated element, the lacrimal bone, the lateral margin of which projects from the orbital rim as a blunt sub- cutaneous process (processus subcutaneus). On the ventral side of its base is the orbital opening of the nasolacrimal canal (canalis nasola- crimalis), the bony enclosure of the nasolacrimal duct, which in the natural condition leads from the corneal surface of the eye to the anterior portion of the nasal fossa. A smaller projection forming the ventral boundary of the nasolacrimal aperture is the hamulus lacri- malis. Finally, in the ventral anterior angle of the orbit, the bases of the three posterior cheek-teeth encroach to a considerable extent on the orbital space. They are separated from the orbital wall by a deep infraorbital groove (sulcus infraorbitalis), which leads forward into the canal of the same name. They partly conceal two important apertures of this region, the orbital opening of the pterygopalatine canal (canalis pterygopalatinus), leading to the palatal surface, and the sphenopalatine foramen (foramen sphenopalatinum), leading to the nasal fossa. The pterygopalatine canal opens ventrally in the palato-maxillary suture of the hard palate by a rounded aperture, the greater palatine foramen (foramen palatinum majus). The nasal cavity (cavum nasi) is enclosed by the maxilla and pre- maxilla, with the assistance of paired roofing elements, the nasal bones. Apart from the incisive foramina, which are closed in the natural con- dition, the cavity is open at two points. Posteriorly it communicates with the ventral surface of the skull by the choanae, which, in the rabbit, are incompletely divided. Anteriorly it opens to the outside by the- Tue SKULL AS A WHOLE. 83 piriform aperture (apertura piriformis). The cavity is divided into right and left portions, the nasal fossae. In the divided skull it is seen that the division is effected chiefly through a median vertical, cartilaginous plate, the nasal septum (septum nasi), or cartilaginous portion of the mesethmoid. This is continuous posteriorly with a small crescentic vertical plate of bone, the perpendicular plate (lamina perpendicularis) of the ethmoid bone—the bony portion of the mesethmoid—and the latter is also the terminal element of the series of median bones constituting the basicranium. Posteriorly, the ventral portion of the cartilaginous nasal septum is supported by a vertical bony plate, the vomer, the dorsal margin of which is grooved to receive it. Anteriorly, the nasal septum bears on its ventral margin the paired enclosures of the vomero- nasal organ, which are also supported by the grooved surface formed in the middle line by the adjacent dorsal surfaces of the palatine processes of the premaxilla. The relations of these structures, as well as of the cartilage supporting the nasopalatine duct, are best seen in very young animals (cf. Plate III). The delicate, foided, or scroll-like turbinated bones, characteristic of the nasal cavity, are borne on its posterior and lateral walls. Occupying Fic. 33. The skull in vertical section: BO, basioccipital (basilar portion of occipital); BS, basisphenoid (body of posterior sphenoid); ET, ethmoturbinal; F, frontal; I, inter- Sloe M, maxilla; MT, maxilloturbinal; N, nasal; NT, nasoturbinal; P, parietal: L, palatine; PMX, premaxilla; PR, presphenoid (body of anterior sphenoid); PT, petrous yan of petromastoid; SO, supraoccipital (squamous portion of occipital); T, tympanic; , vomer, a.p., piriform aperture of nose; c.f., internal aperture of facial canal; c.o., occipital condyle; f.c.a., f.c:m. and f.c.p., anterior, middle, and posterior cranial fossae; f.f., foccular fossa; f.h., hypophysial fossa;, incisive foramen; f.s., sphenopalatine foramen; 1., per- pendicular plate of the ethmoid; m.a.i., internal acoustic meatus; 0., optic foramen; p.a., alveolar process of maxilla; p.d., hard palate; p.o.e., external occipital protuberance;, pterygoid process of posterior sphenoid; s.n., nasal septum; t.c., tentorium cerebelli. the anterior portion of the lateral wall of the nasal fossa is a finely-ridged mass of bone, the concha inferior, or maxilloturbinal. It is easily dis- tinguishable from a more dorsal and posterior series of broader folds, which together constitute the ethmoturbinal. In the rabbit,asin mammals generally, the latter is divisible into a more dorsal elongated portion attached to the nasal bone, the nasoturbinal, and a more ventral portion, also posterior portion, the ethmoturbinal proper, composed of several 84 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. shorter folds decreasing in length from above downward. In the natural condition the turbinated bones bear a considerable portion of the nasal epithelium, the surface of which is greatly increased by the folding of the underlying bone. That covering the ethmoturbinal contains the olfactory sense organs, while that covering the maxilloturbinal is non- sensory and possesses the mechanical function of freeing the air of the respiratory tracts from foreign materials, as well as of warming it slightly in its passage. On this account the respective structures are conveniently distinguished as sensory (olfactory) turbinals and respiratory turbinals. The mandible (mandibula) is composed of two portions, united anteriorly by the symphysis mandibulae. Each half comprises a hori- zontal portion, forming in conjunction with that of the opposite side ‘the body of the mandible (corpus mandibulae), and a posterior, vertical portion, the ramus mandibulae, the latter serving for the insertion of the muscles of mastication and for artticulation with the skull. The Fic. 34. Lateral surface of the left ramus of the mandible: a.m., , angle; c.m., body of mandible; cp.m., articular portion (head) of mandible; d.i., d.m., and, incisor, molar and premolar teeth; f.m., mental foramen; i.m.a. and i.m.p., anterior and posterior mandibular incisures; p.c., coronoid process;, condyloid process; t.m. and, masseteric and pterygoid tuberosities. body of the mandible bears on its dorsal margin the alveoli of the lower teeth. The mandibular ramus forms a broad plate, the lateral surface of which is occupied in the natural condition by the masseter muscle, while the medial surface forms an area of insertion for the external and internal pterygoids. The surface of the ramus is greatly increased in its posteroventral portion through the expansion of the bone to form the angle (angulus mandibulae), or angular apophysis. The elon- gated articular surface is borne at the end of a vertical, or slightly oblique condyloid process (processus condyloideus). The nerve and vessels of the mandible enter at the mandibular foramen (foramen mandibulare), the latter being situated on the medial surface of the bone immediately behind the last cheek-tooth. Tuer Bones oF THE SKULL. 85 B. THE BONES OF THE SKULL. 1. THE OCCIPITAL BONE. The occipital bone (os occipitale) is the first of the basicranial seg- ments as numbered from the occipital articulation forward. It forms the posterior boundary of the skull, and establishes the connection of the latter with the vertebral column. Its external surface is identifiable for the most part with the nuchal surface, but a portion of it falls in the horizontal plane of ‘the basis cranii. The internal surface is partly exposed to the cranial cavity, and forms in this relation the posterior, dorsal, and ventral boundaries of the posterior cranial fossa. The re- maining portion is excluded from the cranial cavity, being applied instead to the broad posterior surfaces of the petrotympanic bones. The occipital bone is divisible into four portions, namely, the basilar portion (pars basilaris), or basioccipital, the paired lateral portions (partes laterales), or exoccipitals, and the squamous portion (squama occipitalis), or supraoccipital. ‘All four portions take part in the forma- tion of the foramen magnum. In the young animal (Fig. 11) they are represented by separate elements, formed in a continuous mass of cartilage, and united for a time by synchondroses, but in the course of growth they become fused to form a single occipital bone. The basioccipital is that portion lying below and in front of the foramen magnum. Its main surfaces are respectively dorsal and ven- tral. Its anterior margin is united with the posterior margin of the basisphenoid by a thin, transverse cartilage union, the sphenooccipital synchondrosis (synchondrosis sphenooccipitalis). Posteriorly its dorsal and ventral surfaces come together in a thin concave edge which forms the ventral boundary of the foramen magnum. Laterally it is bounded by the petrotympanic bone and by the lateral portion of the occipital. The dorsal surface bears a median groove, deeper in its middle portion, where the lateral margins of the bone are raised to form a pair of rounded bosses for articulation with the petrotympanic. The groove represents the sloping portion or clivus of the occipital, and lodges in the natural condition, as described above, the ventral portion of the medulla oblongata. The ventral surface presents a similar groove, in the pos- terior portion of which there is a small ridge-like elevation, the pharyngeal tubercle (tuberculum pharyngeum). The exoccipital is directed dorsad from the basioccipital in such a way that it falls in the plane of the nuchal surface. It is applied to the posterior surface of the petrotympanic bone, and also extends down- ward beyond the latter as the jugular process. The occipital condyle is borne on the exoccipital, with the exception, however, of its ventral tip, which belongs to the basioccipital. The portion of the occipital bone con- necting the basioccipital and exoccipital contains the jugular fossa and the apertures representing the hypoglossal canal. Its anterior margin+ bears a jugular incisure (incisura jugularis), forming the occipital 8 86 ANATOMY OF THE RaBBIt. boundary of the jugular foramen, the remaining portion of the latter being formed by the petrotympanic. The supraoccipital is the dorsal portion of the bone. Its dorsal margin is bent sharply forward, so that it tends to fall, like the basi- occipital, in a horizontal plane. Its external surface bears the superior nuchal lines and the external occipital protuberance. A pair of lateral wing-like expansions rest upon, and partly overlap, the dorsal margins of the petrotympanic bones. The anterior boundary is formed by the interparietal, parietal, and squamosal bones, but in young skulls the squamosal connection is represented by a vacuity. The internal sur- face bears a longitudinal groove, lodging in the natural condition the median vermis of the cerebellum. It is crossed at its anterior end by a shallow transverse groove (sulcus transversus), which marks the position of the transverse sinus of the dura mater. 2. THE POSTERIOR SPHENOID. The sphenoid bone, as identified from the human condition, is a com- plex of elements belonging to two segments, namely, the posterior sphenoid (os sphenoidale posterius) and the anterior sphenoid (os sphenoidale anterius). In the rabbit, as in mammals generally, these segments are separate throughout life. The posterior sphenoid comprises: (1) a median portion, the body, ot basisphenoid; (2) paired dorsolateral expansions, the greater wings (alae magnae), or alisphenoids; and (3) paired ventral projections, the pterygoid processes. The basisphenoid continues the basis cranii forward from the basi- occipital to the body of the anterior sphenoid. It is united with the latter by the intersphenoidal synchondrosis. Its surfaces correspond for the most part to those of the basioccipital. The ventral surface forms the chief part of the bony roof of the nasopharynx. It is perforated in its middle by a round aperture, the foramen cavernosum, which leads into the interior of the bone. The dorsal surface is occupied, as described above, by the hypophysial fossa and related structures, namely, the dorsum sellae and the posterior clinoid processes. On the lateral surface of the base of the posterior clinoid process a faint groove, the sulcus caroticus, marks the course of the internal carotid artery. The interior of the bone contains a cavity of considerable size, the sphenoidal sinus (sinus sphenoidalis), which communicates both with the foramen cavernosum and the hypophysial fossa. The alisphenoid extends at first laterad, but soon changes its direction so that its axis becomes dorsoventral. At the same time the bone is rotated in such a way that its surfaces tend to fall in a transverse plane. It is bounded anteriorly by the orbitosphenoid, dorsally by the squamosal, and posteriorly by the petrotympanic. The anterior margin of its root encloses with the basisphenoid, and to a certain extent with the orbito- sphenoid, the superior orbital fissure. The foramen lacerum is formed * by the posterior margin of its root in association with the petrotympanic. The external surface of the alisphenoid is convex, both toward the THE BoNnEs OF THE SKULL. 87 orbit and toward the ventral surface of the skull. In the posterior por- tion of the orbit this surface bears a jagged elevation, the crista alae magnae. The internal surface forms a portion of the floor and antero- ventral wall of the middle cranial fossa. At its base a broad groove, the sulcus sphenoidalis, indicates the position of the root of the fifth nerve and the related semilunar (Gasserian) ganglion. The pterygoid process comprises the two plates described above as the medial and lateral laminae. The former is vertical, and its medial surface is directed toward the nasopharynx. The latter is almost hori- zontal. The medial lamina ends ventrally in a hooked projection, the hamular process (hamulus pterygoideus). In the young animal this por- tion is formed of an elevation of cartilage tipped by a separate mem- brane element, the pterygoid bone. The pterygoid fossa is formed in part by the medial and lateral laminae and in part by the divided pos- terior end of the palatine bone. The posterior base of the lateral lamina is extensively excavated, like the adjacent portions of the alisphenoid. It bears a shallow groove, representing a pterygoid canal (canalis pterygoideus), and is perforated by the three apertures described above as the anterior, middle, and posterior sphenoidal foramina. 3. THE ANTERIOR SPHENOID. The anterior sphenoid (os sphenoidale anterius) consists of two por- tions, namely, a median portion, the body, or presphenoid, and a pair of lateral expansions, the lesser wings (alae parvae), or orbitosphenoids. The presphenoid is a constricted bony splint which continues the basis cranii forward from the basisphenoid. It is joined anteriorly with’ the perpendicular plate of the ethmoid and with the cartilaginous nasal septum. In the divided skull, or better in one from which the roof has been removed, the actual dorsal surface of the bone is seen to be exposed to the cranial cavity only in its posterior portion, where it is occupied by the sulcus chiasmatis and the optic foramina. That part of the floor immediately in front of the optic foramina is formed by the coalesced roots of the orbitosphenoids, the dorsal surface of the pre- sphenoid being thus excluded. The orbitosphenoid forms a long, low plate, lying in the ventral por- tion of the orbit, and divided by a shallow notch at the level of the optic foramen into a posterior portion, the orbitosphenoid proper, and an anterior portion, the ethmoidal process (processus ethmoidalis). The orbitosphenoid proper lies behind the optic foramen. It is in contact dorsally with the orbital portion of the frontal, and ventrally with the alisphenoid; it assists the latter in the formation of the superior orbital fissure. Its posterior tip is in contact with the squamosal. Its internal surface forms a considerable portion of the anteroventral wall of the middle cranial fossa. ; The ethmoidal process extends forward from the optic foramen. Its dorsal margin is articulated with the orbital portion of the frontal, and its ventral margin with the orbital portion of the palatine. Anteriorly it projects toward the lacrimal bone; thus occupying, in part, a space 88 ANATOMY OF THE Raspit. which, in the typical mammalian skull, is filled by the lamina papyracea of the ethmoid.. Its internal surface is associated with the ethmoid bone and with the nasal cavity. It falls for the most part below the level of the cranial cavity. 4. THE SQUAMOSAL BONE. The temporal bone, or temporal complex, as recognized from the human condition, is an association of three elements—squamosal, tympanic, and periotic—which in the human skull are coalesced to form asingle bone. It is usually described as consisting of four portions, ~ of which the squamosal and tympanic portions are two, while the periotic bone is considered: to consist of two others, one of which, the petrous portion, is a solid white portion lodging the internal ear, while the second, or mastoid portion, is a mass of less compact character appear- ing externally in the wall of the skull. In the rabbit the original elements are not coalesced, but the periotic and tympanic bones are so closely associated that it is proper to describe them as forming a petrotympanic bone. ' The squamosal bone (cs squamosum) is a rectangular plate, forming part of the lateral wall of the cranium, and bearing the posterior root of the zygomatic arch. It is articulated anteriorly with the orbitosphenoid and with the orbital portion of the frontal, dorsally with the frontal and parietal posteriorly with the supraoccipital and petrotympanic, and ventrally with the alisphenoid. Its posterior margin bears a prominent, slightly decurved squamosal process (processus squamosus). It lies on the lateral surface of the petrotympanic immediately above the opening of the bony external acoustic meatus. The posterior root of the zygo- matic arch is formed by a lateral and afterwards ventral projection, the zygomatic process of the squamosal. Its base bears ventrally the mandibular fossa, and dorsally, in association with the body of the squamosal, the temporal fossa. The internal surface of the squamosal forms a considerable portion of the wall of the cranial cavity, the middle cranial cavity being, in fact, broadest in this region. 5. THE PETROTYMPANIC BONE. The petrotympanic bone (os petrotvmpanicum) is a somewhat oblong bone lying in the lateral wall of the cranium between the posterior sphenoid and occipital bones. It is chiefly indicated externally by the tympanic bulla and the bony external acoustic meatus. It is articulated anteriorly with the alisphenoid and squamosal, dorsally with the supra- occipital, and posteriorly with the exoccipital. Except for the presence of the squamosal process of the squamosal bone, the lateral and ventral surfaces are exposed to the outside of the skull. The internal surface is exposed to the posterior cranial fossa, with the exception, however, of a small ventral portion which is articulated with the basioccipital bone. Only a small portion of the anterior surface is in contact with the squamosal bone, the larger part being applied to the tentorium cerebelli and forming with the latter a posterior wall for the middle Tuer Bones oF THE SKULL. 89 cranial fossa. The dorsal portion of the bone corresponds in thickness with the wing of the supraoccipital with which it is articulated. The posterior surface is applied to the anterior surface of the exoccipital, and is thus excluded both from the cranial cavity and from the external surface of the skull. Viewing the skull from behind, however, it is seen that a small dorsal portion protrudes in a triangular space formed by the dorsolateral margin of the exoccipital and the ventrolateral margin of the supraoccipital wing. This portion is distinguishable by its pitted character. It forms the mastoid portion (pars mastoidea) as distin- guished from the solid white petrous portion (pars petrosa), which is exposed to the cranial cavity, and which contains the structures of the internal ear. The mastoid portion lies for the most part above the tympanic cavity, but it is also continued ventrad between the external acoustic meatus and the exoccipital as the mastoid process. The stylo- mastoid foramen lies between the latter and the external acoustic meatus. The petrous portion, as viewed from its medial surface, is roughly oblong; it is placed obliquely with reference to the basioccipital and basisphenoid. The floccular fossa occupies its posterodorsal portion, and extends into the substance of the bone, forming a much larger depression than is indicated by the diameter of its rim. The related dorsal margin of the bone is occupied by a groove which leads into a canal at its posterior margin. It indicates the position of the lateral portion of the transverse sinus of the dura mater. The ventral, thicker portion of the bone, enclosing the apertures of the internal acoustic meatus and the facial canal, is also that lodging the vestibulum and cochlea of the internal ear. A small aperture at its anteroventral angle, only visible when the petrotympanic is freed from its connections, repre- sents the hiatus canalis facialis of the human skull. It transmits the great superficial petrosal nerve, a branch of the facial nerve passing to the sphenopalatine ganglion. The tympanic surface of the petrous portion is described below in connection with the structures of the tympanic cavity. The tympanic portion forms the spherical, expanded, shell-like, tym- panic bulla, which contains in its interior the tympanic cavity, and is continuous dorsally with the bony enclosure of the external acoustic meatus. The boundary between the two is indicated externally by a shallow oblique groove, the position of which indicates roughly that of the tympanic membrane within. The medioventral margin of the bone is articulated with the basioccipital, but the swollen portion is separated from the latter by a broad groove terminating posteriorly in the jugular fossa and the jugular foramen. Immediately in front of the jugular fossa, the rounded aperture of the external carotid foramen, transmitting in the natural condition the internal carotid artery, leads into the carotid canal of the interior of tympanic portion. At the anterior end of the groove, communicating with the foramen lacerum, is the anterior opening of the carotid canal, the internal carotid foramen, and on its lateral side the much larger aperture of the auditory (Eustachian) tube. The rela- tions of these apertures are seen to best advantage when thé petro- 90 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. tympanic is disarticulated from the associated posterior sphenoid bone. The auditory tube is then seen to lead directly into the tympanic cavity. A fine bristle may be passed through the carotid canal from one foramen to the other. ; 6. THE STRUCTURES OF THE TYMPANIC CAVITY. The relations of the tympanic cavity and associated structures may be studied with advantage in a skull from which the lateral wall of the tympanic bulla and external acoustic meatus has been removed, the sur- face displayed being as indicated in Fig. 35. The tympanum or middle ear is enclosed by the tympanic and petromastoid portions of the temporal complex. The attached margin of the tympanic bulla encloses a roughly triangular area, into the ventral part of which the petrous portion of the petromastoid projects as a smooth, white, convex ridge, the prom- ontory (promontorium). Above and behind the promontory the tympanic cavity is extended toward the mastoid portion of the bone Fic. 35. Petrotympanic portion of the auditory complex of the left side x3. The lateral portions of the tympanic bulla and external acoustic meatus have been removed, exposing the structures of the tympanic cavity. MS, mastoid portion; P, petrous portion; T, tympanic portion (bulla tympani). c.m., mastoid cells; c.t., tympanic cavity; f.c., cochlear fenestra; in., incus; ‘ m.a.e., external acoustic meatus; m.m., manubrium of the malleus; mso., ''" supraoccipital margin of petromastoid; p.m., mastoid process; st., stapes; t.a., aperture of auditory tube. se ’ vibe as the tympanic or mastoid antrum (antrum tympanicum), and the interior of the mastoid portion is partly occupied by small extensions of the tympanic antrum, termed the mastoid cells (cellulae mastoideae). At the anteroventral angle of the area already described, a deep notch indicates the point of entrance of the auditory tube. The exposed surface of the petromastoid presents. two apertures, one of which, situated posteroventrally, is open in the dried skull, and is the cochlear fenestra (fenestra cochleae). In the natural condition it is closed by a thin membrane which separates the tympanic cavity from the perilym- phatic space containing the membranous labyrinth. The second aperture, the vestibular fenestra (fenestra vestibuli), lies above and in front of that just described. It is closed by the base of the stapes. The auditory ossicles (ossicula auditus) comprise three elements, namely, the malleus, incus, and stapes, which bridge the space inter- THE Bones oF THE SKULL. QI vening between the tympanic membrane and the opening to the internal ear as represented by the vestibular fenestra. They occupy the dorsal. angle of the triangular area already described, and lie immediately above the promontory. The malleus is the lateral element. The main por- tion. termed the head, is concealed by the projecting edge of the external acoustic meatus. It bears a stout vertical process, the manubrium mallei, which in the natural condition lies in contact with the tympanic membrane. The incus is the intermediate element; it is directly articulated with the malleus, and bears a downwardly-directed long limb (crus longum), for articulation with the minute head of the stapes. The latter element is a small, stirrup-shaped bone, occupying an almost transverse position, and articulated at its base with the margin of the vestibular fenestra. 7. THE INTERPARIETAL BONE. The interparietal (os interparietale) is a small, lozenge-shaped element, surrounded by the two parietal bones and the supraoccipital. It is the first of the membrane roofing elements of the cranium proceeding for- ward from the supraoccipital, and in the rabbit’s skull is not fused with the occipital segment. 8. THE PARIETAL BONE: The parietal bone (os parietale) is a characteristic roofing bone covering a large portion of the middle cranial fossa. It is somewhat rectangular in shape, and is connected by serrate sutures with the sur- rounding elements and with its fellow of the opposite side, the sutures producing a characteristic pattern on the external surface of the skull. The sutures are medial, anterior, lateral, and posterior in position, and are designated respectively as sagittal, coronal, squamosal, and lamb- doidal. The posterolateral angle of the bone is produced ventrally into a long, curved squamous process (processus squamosus), which lies in the angle formed by the tentorium cerebelli and the lateral wall of the middle cranial fossa. It is not exposed to the external surface of the skull. 9. THE FRONTAL BONE. The frontal bone (os frontale) is a paired element, lying directly in front of the parietal, and forming with its fellow of the opposite side the anterior portion of the roof of the cranial cavity and also a considerable portion of its lateral, orbital wall. Unlike the condition in the human skull, the two bones are separate throughout life, so that there is a per- manent frontal suture. Each consists of a frontal portion (pars frontalis), the external or dorsal surface of which continues that of the parietal, and of an orbital portion (pars orbitalis), enclosing the dorsal portion of the orbit.. The two parts are connected at the supraorbital border, with which is also connected the base of the divided supraorbital process. The anterior end of the frontal portion is deeply notched where it comes in contact with the nasal and premaxillary bones. Two processes are 92 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. thus formed, one medial, the other lateral to the nasal. The medial process is associated with that of the opposite side to form a triangular frontal spine, while the lateral or maxillary process (processus maxillaris) projects forward between the nasal and premaxillary bones, on the one hand, and the subcutaneous process of the lacrimal, the orbital process of the maxilla, and the body of the latter, on the other. The orbital portion of the frontal forms a considerable portion of the orbital wall. Its anterior margin is in contact with the lacrimal bone, its ventral margin with the slender sphenoorbital process of the maxilla, the ethmoid process of the orbitosphenoid, and the orbitosphenoid: proper. Its internal surface is divided by a vertical ridge into anterior and posterior portions, in relation respectively to the anterior and middle cranial fossae. The anterior cranial fossa is enclosed by the frontal bones, with the exception, however, of a small portion of the floor which is formed by the cribriform plate of the ethmoid. 10: THE ETHMOID BONE. The ethmoid bone (os ethmoidale), the chief representative of the embryonic cartilaginous nasal capsule, is a delicate, greatly sculptured structure, almost completely enclosed by the membrane bones of the face. Its features may be studied either in the divided skull, or in one from which the roof of the nasal and cranial cavities has been re- moved. It consists of three main portions, namely, the cribriform plate, the perpendicular plate, and the paired lateral masses, or ethmoidal labyrinths. The cribriform plate (lamina cribrosa) is exposed to the anterior cranial fossa. It is somewhat heart-shaped, with its apex in contact with the ethmoidal processes of the orbitosphenoids. Its lateral por- tions are perforated by numerous foramina, giving passage in the natural condition to the branches of the olfactory nerves. Its median portion forms a low vertical ridge, the crista galli, continuous in front with the perpendicular plate. The perpendicular plate (lamina perpendicularis) is the bony, pos- terior portion of the nasal septum, and as such is exposed to the nasal cavity. It is united with the cartilaginous nasal septum and also with the presphenoid. It forms the terminal member of the chain of bones lying in the basicranial axis. The ethmoidal labyrinth (labyrinthus ethmoidalis) occupies for the most part the posterior portion of the nasal fossa, but the nasoturbinal extends forward to its anterior end, and is attached for the greater part of its length to the internal surface of the nasal bone. It is broadest in its middle portion, where it projects into the space left between the ethmoturbinal proper and the maxilloturbinal, and contains at this point a pouch-like cavity, termed the marsupium nasale. The whole struc- ture is comparable to one of the folds of the ethmoturbinal proper; but it is frequently seen to be divided into anterior and posterior parts by a thin vertical line of cartilage, the anterior division being probably allied to the maxilloturbinal. Its middle, ventral, portion bears a. THE Bones of THE SKULL. 93 stout, backwardly-directed uncinate process (processus uncinatus), which is applied to the medial.surface of the maxilla. The ethmoturbinal proper consists, as described above, of several shorter scrolls, decreasing in length from above downward. Like the posterior part of the nasoturbinal, they are attached directly to the cribriform plate, the perforations of which may be seen in the divided skull opening into the ethmoidal cells (cellulae ethmoidales) or spaces contained by them. They are roughly comparable to the superior and middle turbinated bones of the human skull, but in the rabbit, as in most mammals, the ethmoturbinal surfaces are relatively much more extensive than in man. In the typical mammalian skull the ethmoid bone is exposed to the orbit, where it forms a thin plate of bone, the lamina papyracea. In the rabbit, however, the space usually occupied by the lamina papyracea is partly filled by the lacrimal bone, the ethmoidal process of the orbito- sphenoid and the sphenoorbital process of the maxilla. 11. THE INFERIOR TURBINATED BONE. The inferior turbinated bone (concha nasalis inferior), or maxillo- turbinal, is a finely ridged structure, situated anteriorly in the nasal fossa, and supported by the maxilla and premaxilla. It represents the simi- larly-named structure of the human skull, the lowermost of three scroll- like bones, of which the remaining two, the superior and middle turbinated bones, belong to the ethmoturbinal. In the natural con- dition it is covered by a non-olfactory epithelium, and is thus distinguish- able in function as well as in position from the latter. 12. THE MAXILLA. The maxilla, the largest element of the facial region, is associated with its fellow of the opposite side to form the main portion of the upper jaw. It consists of a central portion, the body (corpus maxillae), and of five processes, namely, alveolar, palatine, orbital, zygomatic, and spheno- orbital. In the adult condition the zygomatic bone is fused with the maxilla, so that the extent of the zygomatic process appears to be greatly increased. — The body of the maxilla is greatly fenestrated on its external sur- face, the perforated area extending backward to the anterior rim of the orbit, and thus including the maxillary fossa and the infraorbital foramen. The dorsal boundary of the bone is formed by the frontal process of the premaxilla and by the maxillary process of the frontal. Anteriorly, it is united with the premaxilla, the ventral part of the suture appearing in the diastema separating the incisors from the cheek-teeth. The ventral portion of the bone forms part of the lateral boundary of the incisive foramen. Behind the palatine bridge it is applied to the lateral surface of the palatine bone, and is projected into the orbit as a broad ridge enclosing the alveoli of the four posterior cheek-teeth. _ In the divided skull the medial surface of the body of the maxilla is found to be concealed by the ethmoturbinal. It contains a deep longitu- 94 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. dinal excavation, the maxillary sinus (sinus maxillaris), widely open to the nasal fossa, but only seen to advantage when the ethmoturbinal is removed. The lateral wall of the sinus corresponds in position with the fenestrated area of the external surface. It bears the chief part of the nasolacrimal canal. The alveolar process (processus alveolaris) is that portion of the maxilla lodging the sockets of the cheek-teeth. In the rabbit it is separated by the diastema, in which no teeth occur, from a corresponding but imperfectly differentiated process of the premaxilla. The palatine process (processus palatinus) extends toward the median plane. It forms with its fellow of the opposite side about two-thirds of the palatine bridge. The orbital process (processus orbitalis) is directed obliquely toward the dorsal surface of the skull.. In conjunction with the lacrimal bone and the maxillary process of the frontal, it forms the anterior orbital rim. It is continuous with the fenestrated portion of the body, and its appearance as a process is largely due to its solid character as com- pared with the perforated surface lying in front of it. .The zygomatic process (processus zygomaticus) forms the anterior root of the zygomatic arch, and in the adult condition has fused with it the anterior end of the zygomatic bone. Its ventral angle bears a prominent masseteric spine for the attachment of the ligament of the masseter muscle. The sphenoorbital process (processus sphenoorbitalis) lies on the medial wall of the orbit, in a position opposite to the middle portion of the ridge lodging the posterior cheek-teeth. It forms a stout buttress, the tip of which is applied to the anteroventral angle of the frontal bone. In this position it is visible from the orbit, lying between the lacrimal bone and the ethmoidal process of the orbitosphenoid. 13. THE PREMAXILLA. The premaxilla, or incisive bone (os incisivum), forms the anterior portion of the upper jaw. It comprises a central portion, the body— including with the latter the scarcely differentiated alveolar portion con- taining the large and small incisors—a frontal process, and .a- palatine process. The body forms a portion of the palatal surface of the skull and of the lateral boundary of the incisive foramen. Its dorsal surface forms part of the boundary of the piriform aperture, the remaining por- tion of this being formed by the nasal bone. The palatine process extends backward on the medial side of the bone, closely applied on the palatal surface to its fellow of the opposite side, and forms in this way a medial boundary for the incisive foramen. Its dorsal surface, in conjunction with that of the corresponding process of the other side, bears a broad palatine groove (sulcus palatinus), lodging a portion of the cartilage of the vomeronasal organ and nasopalatine duct. The frontal process (pro- cessus frontalis) is a thin bony splint, extending backward between the nasal and maxillary bones, and terminating between the former and the maxillary process of the frontal. Tuer Bones oF. tHE SKULL. 95 14. THE ZYGOMATIC BONE. _ The zygomatic bone (os zygomaticum) is a separate element only in very young animals. In the adult it is fused anteriorly with the zygo- matic process of the maxilla, the position of the original suture being roughly identifiable as the point where the free horizontal portion of the zygomatic arch arises from the transverse zygomatic process. It forms an almost sagittal plate of bone bridging the orbit and serving for the attachment of the masseter muscle of the mandible. Its dorsal margin forms posteriorly a smooth, horizontal articulation with the zygomatic process of the squamosal, the end of the bone projecting con- siderably behind the articulation.. 15. THE NASAL BONE. The nasal bone (os nasale) is a thin, elongated bone forming the roof of the nasal fossa, and, in conjunction with its fellow of the opposite side, the dorsal boundary of the piriform aperture. It is loosely articulated with the maxilla and with the bone of the opposite side by smooth (harmonic) sutures. The medial margin is supported by the dorsal edge of the nasal septum. The internal surface bears the nasoturbinal scroll. 16. THE VOMER. The vomer is the median, somewhat sickle-shaped, vertical plate of bone separating the ventral portions of the nasal fossae. It is visible from the palatal surface through the incisive foramina, but its extent is best shown in the divided skull. It forms a support for the ventral border of the nasal septum, and its posterior portion bears a shelf-like projection, the ala vomeris, which assists in the support of the ethmo- turbinal. 17. THE LACRIMAL BONE. The lacrimal bone (os lacrimale) is a small element lying in the anterior wall of the orbit. It is loosely articulated with the surrounding bones, and in the dried skull is frequently missing unless care has been taken to keep it in place. It consists of a basal portion, somewhat rectangular on its orbital surface, and of two processes, namely, the subcutaneous process and the hamulus lacrimalis. The subcutaneous process is the prominent hook-like projecting laterad beyond the orbital rim. The hamulus lacrimalis is a small process, directed toward the nasal cavity. It bears a groove which, in association with a corresponding groove of the maxillary bone, forms the first portion of the nasolacrimal canal. 18. THE PALATINE BONE. The palatine bone (os palatinum) forms the posterior portion of the palatine bridge and the major portion of, the lateral wall of the naso- pharynx. It consists of two portions—horizontal, and perpendicu- lar. The horizontal portion (pars horizontalis) is that lying in the plane 96 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. of the palatal surface. Itisarticulated in front with the palatine process of the maxilla, the suture between the two bones enclosing the greater palatine foramen, the ventral termination of the pterygopalatine canal. The perpendicular portion (pars perpendicularis) is the vertical plate extending backward from the palatine bridge. Its medial surface is divided by a low ridge into a dorsal portion, in particular relation to the nasopharynx, and a ventral portion, in relation to the oral cavity, the ridge indicating the position of the soft palate. Its lateral surface is partly applied to the maxilla and partly exposed to the orbit. Its dorsal margin is articulated with the presphenoid and with the ethmoidal process of orbitosphenoid, but a small posterior portion is free, so that the anterior portion of the basisphenoid is visible from the orbit. The free ventral margin forms posteriorly a thick projecting angle, the pyramidal process (processus pyramidalis), the base of which is cleft where it articulates with the medial and lateral laminae of the pterygoid process. Between the pyramidal process and the alveolus of the last cheek-tooth there is a conspicuous palatine notch (incisura palatina), connecting the orbit with the palatal surface. In the entire skull only the posterior portion of the lateral surface is visible from the orbit, the anterior portion being concealed by the projecting bases of the posterior cheek-teeth. The ridge of bone on which the alveoli of these teeth are borne is separated from the palatine bone by the infraorbital groove. The medial wall of the latter, formed by the palatine bone, contains the orbital opening of the pterygopalatine canal and the sphenopalatine foramen. 19. THE MANDIBLE. The mandible (mandibula), or lower jaw, comprises the two dentary bones (ossa dentalia), which, in the rabbit, as in mammals generally, are united by a fibrous or fibrocartilaginous connection (symphysis mandibulae); not coalesced, as in the human skull, to form a continuous structure. As indicated above, each of the dentary bones comprises: (1) a horizontal, tooth-bearing portion which, in conjunction with that of the opposite side, forms the body of the mandible (corpus mandibulae) ;, and (2) a posterior, vertical plate, the mandibular ramus (ramus mandi- bulae), for muscle attachment and articulation. The horizontal portion is deep posteriorly, where it lodges the alveoli of the cheek-teeth. Anteriorly, in the diastema separating the latter from the incisors, its dorsal surface is rounded and depressed, the space thus formed corres- ponding to a similar space in the upper jaw and serving chiefly for the accommodation of the lips, which in this region encroach medially on the oral cavity. The medial surface of the horizontal portion forms an acute angle with that of the bone of the opposite side, except anteriorly, where it bears a roughened area for articulation with the latter. Run- ning backward from the symphysis there is a broad horizontal ridge, representing the mylohyoid line (linea mylohyoidea), the line of attach- ment of the mylohyoid muscle. The mandibular foramen, through which, in the natural condition, the inferior alveolar nerve and artery gain access to the interior of the bone, lies on this surface at the junction Tur Hyor. 97 of the horizontal portion with the ramus. The corresponding mental foramen (foramen mentale), through which branches of these structures leave the mandible, is situated on the lateral surface in front of the first premolar. The mandibular foramen is closely connected with a second aperture lying at the ventral end of the sulcus ascendens, directly behind the last molar, and serving for the transmission of a vein connecting the inferior alveolar and inferior orbital veins. The mandibular ramus forms in general an obtuse angle with the horizontal portion. As in other herbivores, the ventral part, distin- guished as the angle, is greatly increased in size at the expense of the condyloid process and to a still greater extent of the coronoid process, the latter being ‘vestigial. In addition to a low pterygoid tuberosity (tuberositas pterygoidea), situated at the posterior projecting point of the angle, the posterior and ventral margins of the angle are excavated on the medial side of the bone, so that they form the boundary of a pro- nounced, though shallow, pterygoid fossa for the insertion of the ptery- goideus internus muscle. A somewhat similar, but less developed, masseteric fossa occupies the corresponding lateral surface of the angle, its raised ventral margin terminating posteriorly in the masseteric tuberosity (tuberositas masseterica). The articular portion, or head of the mandible is greatly elongated in the anteroposterior direction in accordance with the anteroposterior action of the lower jaw, this feature being one which is of general occurrence in the rodent order, and more fully expressed in the great extension forward and backward of the attachment areas of the muscles of mastication. The connection of the articulating portion with the condyloid process, the so-called neck of the mandible (collum mandibulae), is a thin plate of bone, the anterior and posterior margins of which are barely notched by the anterior and posterior mandibular incisures. Connecting the anterior incisure with the rim of the alveolus of the last cheek-tooth there is a deep groove, the sulcus ascendens, the lateral margin of which is formed by the re- duced coronoid process (processus coronoideus). Its low medial margin is formed by a bony stay which extends to the medial surface of the horizontal portion opposite the last cheek-tooth, and is continued for- ward into the mylohyoid line. The sulcus ascendens lodges in the natural condition the insertion portion of the greatly reduced temporalis muscle. C. THE HYOID APPARATUS. The hyoid bone (os hyoideum) (Fig. 36) is a stout, somewhat wedge- - shaped bone lying in front of the larynx and between the angles of the mandible. Its ventral portion is connected with the thyreoid cartilage of the larynx by the median hyothyreoid ligament. With its lateral portion are articulated two independent elements, termed the lesser and greater cornua. The lesser cornu (cornu minus) is a small, partly car- tilaginous structure, attached to the anterodorsal angle of the hyoid, and connected through the stylohyoideus minor muscle with the jugular process of the skull. The greater cornu (cornu majus) is a larger element extending obliquely dorsad, and similarly suspended from the jugular 98 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. process by the stylohyoideus major muscle. The connection of the lesser cornu with the styloid process through the stylohyoideus minor replaces the stylohyoid ligament of the human skull and the chain of elements commonly occurring in mammals and other vertebrates in this region. The muscle tendon contains near the jugular process a small ossification representing a detached styloid process. This connection, together with the hyoid bone itself, indicates the relation of the em- bryonic hyoid arch, from which the skeletal structures in question are derived. The greater cornu belongs to the succeeding visceral arch, and is connected with the superior cornu d of the thyreoid cartilage of the larynx by the lateral hyothyreoid ligament. THE SKELETON OF THE ANTERIOR LIMB. The skeleton of the anterior limb is divisible into two portions, namely, a proximal portion, comprising the scapula and the clavicle, and a distal portion, comprising the supports of the free extremity. The scapulae and clavi- cles of the two ‘sides together form the pectoral girdle. The pectoral girdle is lightly constructed, and, apart from its muscular connections, which constitute Fic. 36. Lateral surface of the hyoid and larynx: c.a., arytenoid cartilage; c.c., cricoid cartilage; c.i., inferior cornu of thyreoid cartilage; ¢.m., lesser cornu of hyoid; c.mj., its main support, is directly attached to the axial skeleton only through the sternoclavicular ligament. The skeleton of the free extremity is divisible into proximal, middle, and distal segments. The proximal segment contains a single bone, the humerus; , greater cornu of hyoid; c.s , superior cornu of thyreoid cartilage; c.t., left plate of the thyreoid cartilage; e., epiglottic cartilage; f.t.s., thyreoid foramen; l.h., lateral hyothyreoid ligament; 1.h.m., median hyothyreoid ligament; m.ct., cricothyreoideus muscle; o.h., hyoid bone; s.m., stylohyoideus minor muscle; s.mj., stylohyoideus major muscle; try cartilaginous tracheal rings. the middle segment two elements, the radius and ulna; while the distal segment comprises, in addition to the accessory sesamoid bones, twenty-eight elements of the regular series, of which nine form the carpus, five the metacarpus, and fourteen the phalanges of the digits. THE SCAPULA. The scapula (Fig. 37) is a somewhat triangular plate of bone lying in the natural position on the lateral surface of the anterior part . of the thorax, with its apex directed downward and forward. In the rabbit, as in quadrupedal mammals generally, the main surfaces are respectively medial and lateral, and differ in this respect from the human condition, in which, from the transverse widening of the thorax, the corresponding surfaces are more nearly ventral and dorsal. Of its Tus ANTERIOR LIMB SKELETON. 99 three borders, one, the superior border (margo superior), is directed toward the occiput; another, the vertebral border (margo vertebralis), toward the vertebral column; and the third or axillary border (margo axillaris), toward the armpit. The corresponding angles are medial, inferior, and lateral. The lateral surface bears a stout bony plate, the scapular spine (spina scapulae), which arises from the body of the bone through about two-thirds of its extent, and ends ventrally in a free pro- jection, the acromion. The posterior margin of the acromion bears a backwardly-directed process, the metacromion (processus hamatus). Through the presence of the scapular spine, the lateral surface of the bone is divided into two areas for muscular attachment. One of these, the supraspinous fossa (fossa supraspinata), lies in front of the spine, the other, the infraspinous fossa (fossa infraspinata), behind it. The infraspinous fossa is the more extensive one. The medial surface, on the other hand, presents a single large shallow depression, the sub- scapular fossa (fossa subscapularis), which is triangular in shape and Qa.-.L- Fic. 37. Lateral surface of the left scapula: a., acromion,; a.i., a.l., and a.m., inferior, lateral, and medial angles; c.g., glenoid cavity; cs., neck of the scapula; fs. and f.i., supraspinous and infraspinous fossae: m., metacromion; m.a., m.s., and m.v., axillary, superior, and vertebral borders; p.c., coracoid process; s.s., scapular spine. occupies practically the entire surface. The apex or lateral angle of the scapula, sometimes termed the head of the bone, is expanded to a considerable extent in comparison with the slender portion—the so- called neck of the scapula (collum scapulae)—connecting it with the body of the bone. It bears a concave depression, the glenoid cavity (cavitas glenoidalis), for articulation with the humerus. The articu- lating surface is borne chiefly on that part of the bone corresponding to the axillary border, but it also extends in an anterior direction to the base of an overhanging projection, the coracoid process (processus coracoideus). The free portion of the latter forms a blunt, hook-like projection lying toward the medial surface of the bone. 100 ANATOMY OF THE Rapsit. THE CLAVICLE. The clavicle (clavicula) is imperfectly developed in the rabbit, con- sisting of a slender, arcuate rod of bone, tipped by cartilage, which lies ‘in the interspace between the manubrium sterni and the head of the humerus. It occupies only a portion of this interspace, being attached medially by the sternoclavicular ligament and laterally by the cleido- humeral ligament. THE HUMERUS. The humerus (Fig. 38) is typical of the long bones of the proximal and middle segments of the fore and hind limbs in consisting of a central portion, the body or shaft of the bone, and of proximal and distal extremities for muscle attachment and articulation. The proxi- mal extremity bears on its medial side a smooth, convex projection, the head of the humerus (caput humeri), for articulation with the scapula. The articulation is nominally a ball-and-socket joint, or enar- throsis, but the articulating surfaces are somewhat restricted, and the muscular arrangements of the limb are such that the range of lateral motion (abduction and adduction) is small. Immediately in front of the head of the bone there is a small elevation, the lesser tubercle (tuberculum minus). It is separated by a longitudinal furrow of the anterior surface, the inter- tubercular groove (sulcus intertubercularis), from a much larger lateral elevation, the greater tubercle (tuberculum majus). Ex- tending distad from the latter is a tri- angular area, the humeral spine (spina humeri), the tip of which reaches almost to the middle of the bone and forms a pronounced angle on its anterior surface. The distal extremity of the humerus bears a grooved articular surface, the trochlea humeri, for articulation with the tk. radius and ulna. -On ite lateral side is a [26.92 Untenot Suctacs of thelett : A umerus: c., capitulum; c.h., head of smaller surface, the capitulum humeri, for humerus; 1. and e.m., lateral and articulation with the radius alone, Imm- 70s) pmegnevies: “2, redial tessa) mediately above the trochlea the medial and cular groove; ey trochlea humeri; lateral portions of the bone are thickened to tubercles. saad form two areas for muscular attachment. One of these, the lateral epicondyle (epicondylus lateralis), is a general point of origin for the extensor muscles of the dorsal surface of the hand, while the other, the medial epicondyle (epicondylus medialis), is Tue ANTERIOR LIMB SKELETON. a similar point of origin for the flexor muscles of the ventral or volar surface. Between the epicondyles the extremity of the bone is greatly excavated, so that the projecting portions of the radius in front and of the ulna behind are received into depressions of the surface when the forearm is greatly flexed or extended. On the anterior side is the radial fossa (fossa radialis); on the posterior side the olecranon fossa (fossa olecrani), so- called because it accommodates the olecranon process of the ulna. THE RADIUS AND ULNA. The radius (Fig. 39) is the shorter of the two bones of the forearm, since its proximal extremity does not extend backward beyond the front of the elbow joint. It is antero- dorsal in its general position, but is crossed on the ulna in such a way that its proximal extremity tends to be lateral, while its distal extremity is medial. The proximal extremity, termed the head of the radius (capitulum radii) is immovably articulated with the ulna. It bears an extensive articular surface, meet- ing both the trochlea and capitulum of the humerus, and thus forming a considerable portion of the elbow-joint. The body of the bone is solidly united with the ulna by the interosseous ligament of the forearm. The distal extremity is largely formed by an epiphysis, which is well-marked even in older animals. It bears a grooved, carpal articular surface (facies articularis carpea), for articula- tion with the navicular and lunate bones. The ulna (Fig. 39) is a somewhat S-shaped bone, the shaft of which is vertically flattened, so that it possesses two main surfaces, respec- tively anterodorsal and posteroventral. The former, in conjunction with the related sur- face of the radius, continues the area of origin of the extensor muscles of the hand from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus distad on to the forearm, while the latter has a similar function with respect to the flexor, muscles. The proximal portion of the bone is laterally compressed. It bears a crescentic depression, the semilunar notch (incisura semilunaris), 3 Fic. 39. Skeleton of the fore- arm and hand from the dorsal surface: R, radius; U, ulna; C, carpus; M, metacarpus; P, phalanges; I-V, metacarpal bones; c., central bone; cp., capitate; c.r., head of radius; f.a.c., carpal articular surface of radius; h., hamate bone; iss., semilunar notch of the ulna; l., lunate bone; mi., lesser mul- tangular; mj., greater mul- tangular; n., navicular; ol., olecranon; p.s., styloid process ‘of the ulna; tr., triquetral bone; u., ungual phalanges. 102 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. the articulating surface of which continues that of the medial portion of the head of the radius, and is received into the trochlea humeri. Behind the elbow-joint the bone forms the large projecting portion of the elbow, the olecranon, which is a strong process for the insertion of the extensor muscles (anconaei) acting on the forearm. The distal extremity of the bone is formed by an epiphysis, similar to but much longer than that of the radius. It is immovably articulated with the radius, and its tip is formed by a blunt styloid process (processus styloideus), which is articulated with the triquetral bone of the carpus. The elbow-joint is formed by the trochlea and capitulum of the humerus in conjunction with the semilunar notch of the ulna and the corresponding articular surface of the head of the radius. It is a hinge- joint, or ginglymus, permitting motion in one plane, i.e., extension and flexion of the forearm. The trochlear surface of the humerus, however, has a slight spiral trend, the anterior portion being medial in comparison with the posterior portion. Through the immovable articulation provided by the respective proximal and distal ends of the bones, and also through the interosseous ligament, the radius and ulna are unable to change their positions with respect to one another; in other words, the radius is unable to rotate on an axis formed by the ulna, the fore foot being fixed in a position comparable to that of pronation in the human hand (cf. p. 33). THE CARPUS. The carpus (Fig. 39) comprises nine small elements, the wrist or carpal bones (ossa carpi), which are interposed between the forearm and the digits. They are arranged in two main rows, namely, a proximal row, the elements of which are articulated with the radius and ulna; and a distal row, the elements of which are-articulated with the five bones of the metacarpus. Enumerated from the medial side of the wrist laterad, the proximal row contains four elements, namely, the navicular, lunate, triquetral and pisiform bones. The navicular and lunate are articulated with the distal extremity of the radius; the triquetral with the styloid process of the ulna. The pisiform bone lies on the ventral surface of the extremity of the ulna, and is therefore not exposed to the dorsal surface of the wrist. The distal row contains five elements, namely, the greater multangular, lesser multangular, central, capitate, and hamate bones. The first, second, and fourth are in association respectively with the first, second, and third metacarpals. The central bone lies to the lateral side of the articulation at the base of the second metacarpal. As its name implies, it is originally an element interposed between the proximal and distal rows. The hamate is a comparatively large element associated with the fourth and fifth metacarpals, but extending also to the articulation of the third, where it tends to replace the greatly reduced capitate. Tue Posterior Limp SKELETON. 103 THE METACARPUS AND PHALANGES. : The metacarpus (Fig. 39) comprises five stout elements, the meta- carpal.bones (ossa metacarpalia), which form the basal supports of the digits. Each consists, in addition to a main portion or body, of a flattened proximal end, or base, and a rounded distal extremity, or head. The four lateral bones are normally developed, while the first, which belongs to a reduced digit, is of very small size. The phalanges or bones of the digits are distributed according to the formula 2, 3, 3, 3,3. They are similar-in form to the metacarpals, with the exception, however, of the terminal, ungual phalanges, which are laterally compressed, pointed, and cleft at their tips for the attachment of the claws. SESAMOID BONES. Accessory elements, sesamoid bones (ossa sesamoidea), developed in connection with the ligaments of muscles, are found on the volar surface of the foot in association with certain of the joints. They occur in trans- verse pairs at the metacarpophalangeal articulations and in linear pairs at the articulations of the second with the third phalanges. The pisi- form bone of the carpus is also a sesamoid, being formed in the insertion tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. THE SKELETON OF THE POSTERIOR LIMB. In the posterior limb the proximal or girdle portion comprises the paired coxal bones, which are united ventrally at the pelvic symphysis, thus forming the pelvic girdle. The distal portion—comprising, as in the anterior limb, the supports of the free extremity—is divisible into proximal, middle and distal segments. The proximal segment contains a single element, the femur; the middle segment two elements, the tibia and fibula, which, however, are extensively coalesced; and the distal segment twenty-three elements, of which six form the tarsus, five the metatarsus, and twelve the phalanges. THE COXAL BONE. The coxal bone (os coxae) (Fig. 40) is a somewhat triradiate struc- ture, the posterior limbs of which are united, so that they enclose a large aperture, the obturator foramen (foramen obturatum). It is firmly articulated with the sacrum, and is united with its fellow of the opposite side by a thin strip of cartilage containing a small amount of fibrous material. The latter connection is the pubic symphysis (symphysis pubis), better termed in the rabbit the pelvic symphysis, since it is somewhat more extensive than the corresponding articulation of the human pelvis. In the young animal each half of the pelvis consists of three elements, namely, the ilium, ischium, and pubis. They form the three rays of the coxal boné, and are united with one another in the region of the acetabulum, which is the basin-like depression for the articulation of the pelvis with the femur. Only two of the original elements, however, actually take part in the formation of the acetabulum, the pubis being 104 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. excluded through the development in the acetabular depression of .a small triangular element, the os acetabuli. Although completely coalesced in the adult condition, and showing but few traces of their original separation, the three chief elements are nevertheless describedas if distinct. The ilium (os ilium) is the anterior, also somewhat dorsal, portion of the bone; that part extending forward from the acetabulum. It comprises a basal portion, the body (corpus oss. ilium), which includes the anterior portion of the acetabulum and the cylindrical part of the bone in front of it, and an ex- panded portion, the iliac wing (ala oss. ilium), for muscle attachment and articulation with the sacrum. The body is somewhat triangular in section, its surface being divided into three areas, which are respectively medial, or sacral, ventrolateral, or iliac, and dorso-lateral, or gluteal. The corresponding borders are respectively ventral, or pubic, lateral, or acetabular, and dorsal, or ischial. The acetabular border terminates a short. distance in front of the acetabulum in an abruptly truncated projection, the inferior anterior spine (spina anterior inferior). The ischial border forms the anterior half of a long depression of the dorsal surface of the coxal bone, the greater sciatic notch (incisura ischiadica major). The pubic border presents on its medial side a faint, ridge-like eleva- tion, the iliopectineal line (linea iliopect- inea), which connects the sharp anterior border of the pubis with the articular surface for the sacrum. The wing of the ilium forms a shovel- like expansion, the natural position of which is almost sagittal. Its lateral surface provides a fairly extensive area for the origin of the gluteal muscles. Its medial surface is a muscle surface only in its anterior portion, the posterior, portion being occupied by the roughened auricular surface (facies auricularis), Fic. 40. Lateral surface of the left coxal bone: IL, ilium; IS, ischium; P, pubis; a., acetabulum; a.i., iliac wing; c.i., body of ilium;, body of ischium; ec p., body of pubis; cr., iliac crest; e.i., iliopectineal eminence; f.a., acetabular fossa; f.0., obturator foramen; das acetabular notch; imi., lesser’ sciatic notch; i.mj., greater sciatic notch; li., iliopectineal line; p.l., lateral process of ischial tuberosity; r.i.i., inferior ramus of ischium; r.i.p., inferior ramus of pubis; r.s.i., superior ramus of ischium; r.s.p., superior ramus of pubis; s.a.i., inferior anterior spine of the ilium; s.a.s., superior anterior spine; s.i., ischial spine; s.p., symphysis pubis; s.p.i., inferior posterior spine; t.i., ischial tuberosity; t.p., pubic tubercle. for connection with the sacrum. The dorsal margin is thin and straight. Posteriorly, where it is associated with the greater sciatic notch, there is a small projection, the inferior posterior spine (spina posterior inferior) Anteriorly it passes by a broad angle into: the anterodorsal margin of Tus Posterior Limp SKELETON. 105 the bone, the latter forming the projecting end of the wing, which is dis- tinguished as the iliac crest (crista iliaca). This considerably thicker than the related dorsal: and ventral margins, and also bears on, its medial side a somewhat hook-shaped process. Its anteroventral angle is the superior anterior spine (spina anterior superior). The ven- tral margin is slightly longer than the dorsal margin, and is also concave. It is associated with the pubic border of the body of the ilium, and is not connected with the inferior anterior spine. The ischium (os ischii) extends backward from the acetabulum, its axis continuing thatof the ilium. It consists of a basal portion, or body (corpus oss. ischii), asuperior ramus, and aninferiorramus. The body of the ischium is for the most part cylindrical. It forms the posterior part of the acetabulum, and presents in connection with the latter a deep acetabular notch (incisura acetabuli), which tends to interrupt the articular surface. The acetabular notch leads forward into a depression of the centre of the articular basin, the acetabular fossa (fossa acetabuli). In the natural condition the combined depressions serve for the attach- ment of the round ligament of the head of the femur. The dorsal margin of the bone, belonging in part to the body and in part to the superior. ramus, bears a short hook-like projection, the ischial spine (spina ischiadica). The spine divides this margin into two parts, one of which forms the posterior half of the greater sciatic, notch, already described, . while the other forms a similar, and, in the rabbit, scarcely less extensive, posterior depression, the lesser sciatic notch (incisura ischiadica minor). The superior ramus of the ischium is the continuation backward of the body of the bone. It is a somewhat flattened plate of bone, the thicker dorsal portion of which terminates in two blunt projections. One of these, the ischial tuberosity (tuber ischiadicum), forms the pos-. terior end of the bone, while the other extends in a lateral direction and is described as the lateral process (processus lateralis). The inferior ramus is that part of the ischium which extends from the superior ramus downward and forward between the obturator foramen and the symphysis to meet the corresponding ramus of the pubis. The pubis (os pubis) consists of a basal portion, or body lying imme- diately below the acetabulum, a superior ramus extending from the body to the symphysis, and an inferior ramus extending backward along the symphysis to its junction with the ischium. The anterior margin of the bone, described as the pecten oss. pubis, is thin and sharp. Near the symphysis it bears a minute elevation, the pubic tubercle (tuberculum pubicum), and laterally a more extensive elevation, the iliopectineal eminence (eminentia iliopectinea). The latter is more conspicuous in older specimens, where it is easily recognizable by its jagged outline. Its lateral margin is continuous with the iliopectineal line. THE FEMUR. The femur (Fig. 41) is a somewhat S-shaped bone, the body being very slightly arcuate, while of the two extremities, the distal one is bent downward, forming the articulation of the knee, the proximal one, 106.. ANATOMY. OF THE Rapsit. with its various processes, slightly upward in association with the pelvis. In considering the general form, it will be remembered that in the natural sitting posture of the rabbit, the position of the femur is approxi- mately horizontal, the convex surface of the shaft, which is equivalent to the anterior surface in man, being uppermost. The proximal extremity of the femur bears an extensive rounded portion or head (caput femoris), for articulation with the pelvic girdle. This portion is separated from the main part of the extremity by a con- stricted area or neck (collum femoris), so that, unlike the case of the anterior limb, the points of muscle attachment: fall a considerable distance from the point of articulation. The actual extremity of the bone is formed by a large process for muscular attachment, the great trochanter (trochanter major). It is divided into two portions, one of which, the first trochanter (trochanter primus), forms the large termi- nal, hook-like projection, while the other, the third trochanter (trochanter tertius), is the smaller lateral crest. On the medial side of the bone, immediately distal to the head, there is a triangular elevation, the lesser, or second trochanter (trochanter minor s. secundus). Posteriorly, these pro- jections form a smooth surface for muscle attachment, except, however, at the base of the trochanter major, where the surface of the bone presents a deep, though narrow, depression, the trochanteric fossa (fossa trochanterica). The distal extremity bears an extensive surface for articulation with the tibia. It is divided into two portions, known as the medial and lateral condyles, through the presence of a deep excavation, the inter- condyloid fossa (fossa intercondyloidea). Immediately above the condyles, on the anterior surface of the bone, the inter- condyloid. fossa is replaced by a broad groove, the patellar ;surface (facies patel- laris), which, in the natural condition, accommodates the convex internal surface of the patella. The medial and lateral Fic, 41. Anterior surface of the left portions of the bone, intervening between femur: el. and cm. lateral and the distal portion of the patellar surface eb wits ie ee ee < ; and e.m., lateral and medial epicon- and the tips of the condyles, provide dyles; f.p., patellar surface; t.mi., slightly elevated, roughened surfaces, the trochanter minor; t.mj., trochanter major, including t.p. and t.t., the first medial and lateral epicondyles, for muscular and third trochanters. attachment. Tue Posterior Limp SKELETON. 107 THE TIBIA-AND FIBULA. The tibia (Fig. 42) is the larger of the two bones of the leg, lying on the medial side of the fibula, and fused with the latter for more than one- half of its length. Its proximal extremity is triangular in section, the main surfaces being respectively anterolateral, anteromedial, and pos- terior. The anterior border is formed by a stout ridge-like elevation, the tuberosity of the tibia (tuberositas tibiae), which in the natural con- dition serves for the insertion of the quadriceps femoris, the extensor tendon being carried over the knee by the patella and the patellar ligament. The arti- tt. cular portion is slightly differentiated into J a medial and lateral condyles corresponding to ey | OMT those of the distal end of the femur. On © the articular surface the concave areas for the reception of the condyles of the femur are separated from one another by a small intervening, partly divided hillock, the inter- condyloid eminence (eminentia intercondy- loidea), and also posteriorly by a depression of the articular border, the posterior inter- condyloid fossa. A corresponding anterior intercondyloid fossa lies in front of the inter- condyloid eminence, but is poorly differ- entiated. The fibula (Fig. 42) is the smaller, lateral bone of the leg, and in the rabbit is so extensively fused with the tibia that scarcely more than a third of it is distinguishable. The free portion forms a flattened bony splint, the medial margin of which is firmly united with the tibia bv the interosseous ligament of the leg. Its proximal extremity is connected with the lateral condyle of the tibia by an elongated epiphysis, the latter, like those of the distal ends of the radius and ulna, being distinguishable even in older animals. The combined distal extremities of the tibia __ mé. and fibula bear a roughly rectangular articular 7 ™%-~~*"~— surface for the tarsus. The tibial portion of this surface presents two grooves, separated ine oe ee by a ridge, for articulation with the trochlea ci. and cm. lateral and medial tali. On its medial sideis a small projection, Se gg Rae Toe ag a ara the medial malleolus (malleolus medialis). oe mallecli; The fibular portion presents a_ trans- verse groove for the convex articular surface of the calcaneus. Imme- diately above it, on the lateral side of the bone, is a prominent projec- tion, the lateral malleolus (malleolus lateralis). It forms the anterior boundary of a groove which in the natural condition lodges the inser- tion tendons of the peroneal muscles. 108 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. THE TARSUS. The tarsus (Fig. 43) comprises six elements, the tarsal, or ankle-bones (ossa tarsi), which, like the corresponding bones of the carpus, are arranged in proximal and distal rows. An exception is to be made, how- ever, for one element, the navicular, which occupies an intermediate position. The proximal row contains two elements, the talus and cal- caneus. The talus is medial and also slightly dorsal-in position. Its proximal end, described as the body (corpus tali), bears an extensive pulley-like surface, the trochlea tali, for articulation with the tibia, these two surfaces together forming the chief portion of the ankle-joint. Its distal end, termed the head of the talus (caput tali), pro- vides a convex articular surface for the navi- cular bone, and is separated from the larger trochlear portion by a slightly constricted intermediate portion or neck (collum tali). Its ventrolateral border is extensively arti- culated with the calcaneus. The latter is a cylindrical element, fully twice as long as the talus, since it is extended backward behind the ankle-joint, as the tuber calcanei, or bone of the heel. Its dorsal surface bears a prom- inent elevation for articulation with the fibular side of the tibiofibula. Its medial surface bears a flat, shelf-like process, the sustentaculum tali, which forms a ventral support for the talus. The distal extremity of the bone articulates with the cuboid and also with the navicular. The intermediate element, the navicular bone, is a somewhat cubical bone, lying on the medial side of the tarsus between the talus, on the one hand, and the proximal end of the second metatarsal bone and the second and third cuneiform bones, on the other. Its position is more nearly that of a central Fic. 43. The bones of the left foot, element than is the case with the bone called P°ygd from the dorsal surface: » metatarsus; by this name in the rabbit’s carpus. In this phalanges. II-V, the four me- tatarsal bones: cb., cuboid; cl., connection it will be remembered that the calcaneus; c.s., second cuneiform: : s c.t., third cuneiform: f.a., carpus and tarsus, like other parts of the limbs, articular surface for fibular side of are primarily constructed on the same plan. the tibofibula: n navicular; t, talus; t.c., tuber calcanei; t.t., The distal row of the tarsus contains ¢rochiea tall. three elements, namely, the second and third cuneiform ‘bones and the cuboid bone. The two former and especially the first, are smaller bones, articulated respectively with the second (first developed) and third metatarsals. In the rabbit the first cuneiform bone—the first element of the distal row in the usual con- THE Postertor LIMB SKELETON. , 109 dition—is fused with the proximal end of the second metatarsal. The cuboid is a larger element articulating, like the hamate bone of the carpus, with two distal elements, the fourth and fifth metatarsals. Its ventral surface bears a transverse elevation, the tuberosity of the cuboid (tuberositas oss. cuboidei), in front of which is a groove for the accom- modation of the peculiar insertion tendon of the peronaeus primus muscle. ; THE METATARSUS AND PHALANGES. The metatarsus (Fig. 48) comprises five elements, of which four are fully developed and greatly exceed in size the corresponding bones of metacarpus, while one, the first metatarsal, is vestigial. The vestigial element lies on the plantar surface of the foot, for the most part ventral to the navicular and at the base of the second metatarsal. In each developed metatarsal there may be distinguished a main portion or body, a proximal extremity or base, and a distal extremity or head, the last- named portion articulating with the proximal phalanx of the digit. The base of the fifth metatarsal bears a tuberosity for the insertion of the peronaeus secundus muscle. The phalanges are distributed according to the formula 0, 3, 3, 3, 3 the terminal, ungual phalanges being modified like those of the anterior limb. SESAMOID BONES. The sesamoid bones of the posterior limb occur at the knee-joint and on the plantar surface of the foot. On the anterior surface of the knee is the knee-pan or patella, through which, as indicated above, the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle is carried over the knee and continued as the patellar ligament to the tuberosity of the tibia. On the posterior surface there are three sesamoid bones, of which one lies in association with the medial condyle of the femur, while the remaining two are asso- ciated respectively with the lateral condyle of the femur and that of the tibia. The sesamoids of the foot are situated at the metatarsophalangeal joints and at those connecting the second and third phalanges. PART III. DISSECTION OF THE RABBIT. The plan of dissection as outlined in the following pages presupposes in the first place that the entire dissection is to be’ made on a single specimen, and secondly that the latter has been prepared for gross dissection according to the method given in the appendix. These points may be mentioned as explaining many details of procedure and also to a certain extent the selection in preference to others of those structures which are more readily made out by the method employed. Because of the convenience of dissecting in circumscribed regions, the plan has been divided, although of necessity very unequally, into several parts. The order of these is such that the visceral dissection is introduced at an early stage. The somewhat more logical plan of completing first the dissection of the anterior and posterior limbs may be followed, but on account of the fact that it involves a lengthy muscular dissection to begin with, it is perhaps not to be recommended. The account itself aims at a statement. of the various structures as met with in order of dissection and the features by which they may be identified, rather than at a full description. The student should make his own observations atid prove them by personal drawings and de- scriptions of selected parts. In this connection he will do well to bear in mind that while dissection is nominally a means of obtaining anatom- ical information, its chief value as a laboratory exercise consists in the training to be acquired from critical observation and analysis. It is therefore of quite as much practical importance that he should make his observations extensive and accurate as that he should employ only good instruments, or maintain the proper sequence in dissection. I. EXTERNAL FEATURES. The external structures, subdivisions of the body, and superficial skeletal points may be made out as follows: 1. The division of the body into the head (caput), neck (collum), trunk (truncus), tail (cauda), and the anterior and posterior limbs or extremities (extremitates). ' 2. In the head: (a) The division into a posterior, cranial portion (cranium), and an anterior, facial portion (facies). (b) The mouth (os), bounded by the cleft upper lip (labium superius) and the undivided lower lip (labium inferius). The large sensory hairs or vibrissae. EXTERNAL FEATURES. “111 (c) The nose (nasus), and its external apertures (nares an- teriores). (d) The eye (oculus), and its coverings, the eyelids, including the upper eyelid (palpebra superior), the lower eyelid (palpebra inferior), and the third eyelid (palpebra tertia). The third eyelid occupies the anterior angle of the eye, and is compar- able to the conjunctival fold of the human eye.: (e) The external ear (auricula), and its canal, the external acoustic meatus (meatus acusticus externts), leading to the tympanic membrane. (f) Points on the head skeleton, to be identified by feeling through the skin; zygomatic arch, supraorbital process, external occipital protuberance, angle of the mandible, symphysis of the mandible, and the hyoid bone. 3. In the trunk: (a) The division into thorax, abdomen, and back, or dorsum. (b) The inclusion with the trunk of the proximal portions of the limbs. The angle formed by the anterior limb with the trunk represents the axillary fossa (fossa axillaris). The depression is much less evident than in man on account of the different positions of its enclosing folds formed by the pectorales and latissimus dorsi muscles. A corresponding inguinal furrow separates the posterior limb from the abdomen and pelvis. (c) The anal aperture (anus), and on either side of it the inguinal spaces, hairless depressions, on which the ducts of the inguinal glands open. (d) In the male: the urinogenital aperture at the extremity of the penis; the latter enclosed by a fold of integument, the prepuce (praeputium); the scrotal sacs (scrotum), lateral sacs of the integument lodging the testes. (e) In the female: the urinogenital aperture, enclosed by folds of the integument, forming the vulva. The clitoris, the homologue of the penis, is contained in its ventral wall: The mammary nipples (papillae mammarum), eight (to ten) in number on the ventral surface of the breast and abdomen. (f) The following skeletal points: on the axial skeleton, the manubrium sterni, xiphoid process, costal arch, spinous processes of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae; on the pectoral girdle, the acromion, clavicle, and respective borders and angles of the:scapula; on the pelvic girdle, the iliac crest, pubic symphysis, and ischial tuberosity. 4. In the anterior limb: (a) The division of the free portion into three segments, the arm (brachium), forearm (antibrachium), and hand (manus). (b) The position of the elbow (cubitus) in comparison with the knee. 112 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (c) The five digits, designated from the medial side as: first © (d. primus), or pollex, second (d. secundus), or index, third or middle (d. tertius s. medius), fourth (d. quartus), and fifth (d. quintus s. minimus). 5. In the posterior limb: (a) The division into three segments, the thigh (femur), leg (crus), and foot (pes). ; (b) The knee (genu), and the popliteal fossa of its posterior surface, the latter not well defined. The projection of the heel (calx), and the angle formed by the foot with the leg. (c) The four digits (dd. secundus-quintus). The vestigial first digit, or hailux, does not appear above the integument. Tue ABDOMINAL WALL, 113 Il. THE ABDOMINAL WALL. 1. Place the animal in the supine position. Make a median in- cision of the skin of the ventral surface extending from the pubic symphysis to the tip of the mandible, being careful not to cut through more than the skin itself. Make three transverse incisions on the left side, the first on the medial surface of the arm and extending to the elbow, the second midway between the anterior and posterior limbs, the third on the medial surface of the thigh and extending to the knee. Work the flaps loose from the surface, using the handle of the scalpel, until the side of the trunk is well exposed. On the right side of the body it is sufficient to clear the middle line. Identify the structures as follows: On the skin: (a) The thick compact connective tissue forming the corium. (b) The imbedded hair-follicles. (c) The loose subcutaneous tissue (tela subcutanea) by which the skin is attached. (d) In the female: the mammary glands (mammae), forming a layer on the inner surface, and more or less closely aggregated about the mammary nipples. On the exposed surface: (e) The linea alba, a white aponeurotic line extending from the pubic symphysis to the xiphoid process of the sternum. (f) The cutaneus maximus muscle, a thin sheet of muscle fibres covering the entire lateral surface of the thorax and abdomen. Origin: The linea alba, the ventral surface of the sternum in its posterior portion, and the humeral spine. The last- named portion appears on the medial surface of the humerus. Insertion: The skin of the dorsolateral surface of the trunk. The fibres are directed upward and backward. The muscle is continuous across the back with its fellow of the opposite side, and is extended backward to the dorsum of the tail. It is used in shaking the skin. The artery passing forward for a short distance in the inguinal region, and lying in the subcutaneous tissue, is the superficial epigastric, a branch of the femoral (p. 149). The abdominal vein, a conspicuous vessel‘in the female, traverses the lateral portion of the abdominal wall from the inguinal furrow to the axillary fossa, lying on the external surface of the cutaneus maximus. It is a tributary of the inferior epigastric (p. 134), and anastomoses forwards with the external mammary vein of the axilla. The corresponding arteries are the external mammary branch of the long: thoracic (p. 137), and the abdominal branch of the inferior epigastric, the latter arising directly from an external spermatic trunk. The inguinal lymph nodes (lymphoglandulae inguinales) are small, oval, brownish bodies lying in the inguinal furrow. 114 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. 2. Remove the cutaneus maximus from the surface. Identify the following points of attachment of the abdominal muscles proper: (a) The linea alba. (b) The linea semilunaris, a slightly curved line situated laterally a short distance from the linea alba. ; (c) The ribs and the costal arch. (d) The lumbodorsal fascia (fascia lumbodorsalis), a broad, white sheet of connective tissue extending over the posterior thoracic and lumbar regions. (e) The inguinal ligament (ligamentum inguinale), a stout white cord, stretched between the symphysis pubis and the iliac crest. 3. Identify on the surface the external oblique muscle (m. obliquus externus abdominis). Origin: The posterior ten ribs by separate slips, the xiphoid process, and the lumbodorsal fascia. Insertion: The linea alba and the inguinal ligament. The fibres are directed from an anterior dorsal position downward and backward, the more dorsal ones almost directly backward. Some of the anterior slips of origin interdigitate with those of the thoracic portion of the serratus anterior muscle. Some are concealed by the pectoral muscles. : The muscle crossing the breast from the sternum to the arm is the pectoralis major. That passing forward from the lumbodorsal fascia to the medial surface of the humerus is the latissimus dorsi. The margins of these muscles may be raised where they conceal the external oblique. 4. Taking a line between the iliac crest and the xiphoid process, divide the muscle, and then separate it fully from the next, which may be distinguished by the cross direction of its fibres. Note the separate slips of origin and the difference in appearance between the fleshy and aponeurotic portions of the muscle; then remove it from the surface. Examine the following muscles, proceeding in a similar manner: (a) The internal oblique muscle (m. obliquus internus abdominis). Origin: The inguinal ligament, a second sheet of the lumbo- dorsal fascia, and the posterior four ribs. Insertion: The linea alba. The fibres pass downward. and forward. The ventral aponeurosis is much broader than that of the external oblique. It contains the rectus abdominis. (b) The transverse muscle (m. transversus abdominis). Origin: Seven posterior ribs, a third sheet of the lumbodorsal fascia, and the inguinal ligament. Insertion: The lineaalba. The fibres are directed downward and slightly backward. (c) The rectus abdominis muscle. Origin: Lateral border of the sternum, including the xiphoid process; also the ventral surfaces of the second to seventh costal cartilages. Insert- jon: At the anterior end of the pubic symphysis. Itis a thin, strap-like muscle, enclosed by the aponeurosis of the internal Tue ABDOMINAL WALL, 115 oblique, and separated from its fellow of the opposite side by the linea alba. The artery passing forward, for the most part in this muscle, is the inferior epigastric, a branch of the external iliac (p. 134). It anastomoses with the internal mammary (p. 174). It gives off the external spermatic artery, a small vessel which perforates the abdominal wall and extends backward, supplying the sac of the testis in the male and ending in the female in the wall of the vulva. An abdominal branch of this vessel passes forward on the abdominal wall as described above. 5. Divide the remaining portion of the wall on the left side, and its whole thickness on the right, by a transverse incision, so that the viscera are fully exposed. Note on the internal surface of the wall the smooth serous investment here forming the parietal peritoneum (peritonaeum parietale). 116 ANATOMY OF THE Razsir. III. THE STOMACH AND SPLEEN. The cavity disclosed by the division of the abdominal wall is the -peritoneal cavity (cavum peritonaei), the largest of the four great serous sacs representing the primary body-cavity, or coelom (p. 49). The major portion of the cavity is abdominal, but it extends into the pelvis, and, in the male, also into the scrotal sacs. Its lining membrane is that appearing on the body-wall as the parietal peritoneum, noted above, and on the visceral structures as the visceral peritoneum (peritonaeum viscerale). The visceral structures here include the major portions of the digestive and urinogenital systems. The general relations of the visceral peritonaeum should first be examined by raising a portion of the small intestine from the left side of the visceral mass. Note its enclosure by a complete serous coat, similar in appearance to the membrane covering the body wall, and the ex- tension of the latter into a mesentery for the support of the structure from the dorsal body-wall. Note the parallel arrangement of the arteries and veins, and also their frequent anastomoses. Lymphatic vessels (lacteal vessels) accompany the bloodvessels in the mesentery, but being transparent are not readily recognizable. Lymph nodes also occur, but in this portion of the mesentery they are aggregated at its dorsal attachment, or root (radix mesenterii). 1. Displace the posteroventral portion of the liver forward, exposing in this way the ventral surface of the stomach. Without injuring the enclosing peritoneum, examine the contour of the organ and its divisions, as follows: (a) The greater curvature (curvatura ventriculi major), its convex posterior surface. (b) The lesser curvature (curvatura ventriculi minor), the contracted, concave anterior surface. (c) The main portion, or body of the stomach (corpus ventriculi). It lies for the most part to the left of the median plane. (d) The cardia, or area of junction with the oesophagus. (e) The fundus, a small sac-like portion lying to the left of the cardia. (f) The pyloric limb (pars pylorica), lying to the right of the body of the organ. (g) The pylorus, the point of communication of the stomach with the intestine (duodenum). It is marked by an annular constriction, preceding which is a greatly thickened muscular portion of the pyloric limb, known as the pyloric antrum (antrum pyloricum). 2. Raise the posterior portion of the stomach and turn it forward. Note on the dorsal surface of the greater curvature a dark red, elongated THE STOMACH AND SPLEEN. 117 body, the spleen (lien). Trace the course of the peritoneum from the dorsal abdominal wall to the liver, as follows: (a) A broad fold of peritoneum, the mesogastrium, connects the dorsal abdominal wall and the diaphragm with the left side and dorsal surface of the greater curvature. Its posterior portion is divided into two parts by the spleen. The dorsal part, the phrenicosplenic ligament (lig. phrenicolienale) connects the spleen with the dorsal body-wall. The ventral ‘part, the gastrosplenic ligament (lig. gastrolienale) connects the spleen with the greater curvature. (b) The peritoneum is projected backward from the greater (c) curvature as a free fold, the greater omentum (omentum majus), which covers the intestines to a certain extent. It usually contains fat. It is composed of four leaves, of which two come from the surface of the stomach and two others pass forward in a dorsal position from the free posterior border to unite with the transverse mesocolon. The lesser omentum (omentum minus) passes from the lesser curvature and the duodenum to the posterior surface of the liver. Its thickened margin on the right side forms the hepatoduodenal ligament (lig. hepatoduodenale) which carries three important vessels of this relation, namely, the common bile duct, the hepatic artery and the portal vein. Its left portion forms a thin membrane, the hepatogastric omentum, connecting the caudate lobe with the lesser curvature. 3. Working on the left side between the dorsal surface of the stomach and the body-wall, remove sufficient of the peritoneum to expose the first portion of the abdominal aorta as it emerges from the diaphragm. Passing in the direction of the stomach is a median ventral branch, the coeliac artery, the distribution of which may be traced. The following structures, however, should first be identified. 10 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The superior mesenteric artery (a. mesenterica superior), a second, also much larger, median branch of the aorta, given off a little distance behind the coeliac artery and passing in the direction of the intestine. The suprarenal gland (gl. suprarenalis) of the left side, a yellowish disc-shaped body lying some distance from the anteromedial margin of the left kidney. The inferior caval vein (v. cava inferior), a large thin-walled vessel lying to the right of the aorta. It is not conspicuous if empty. The coeliac ganglion (g. coeliacum) of the sympathetic nervous system lies in front of the superior mesenteric artery. The superior mesenteric ganglion (g. mesentericum superius) of the sympathetic system lies immediately behind the su- perior mesenteric artery, and also on its lateral walls. ") 118 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (f) The nerves proceeding from the coeliac and superior me-. senteric ganglia accompany the corresponding arteries, forming the coeliac and superior mesenteric plexuses. (g) The (greater) splanchnic nerve (n. splanchnicus major) of the left side passes backward from its origin in the thorax (see p. 178), around the reduced left crus of the diaphragm and crossing the aorta obliquely enters the superior mesen- teric ganglion. (h) A portion of the pancreas (cf. p. 122) is seen in the peritoneum after the branches of the splenic artery have been severed (4, a). Trace the plan of branching of the coeliac artery, beginning at the point of origin, and exposing the vessels in order. The coeliac artery (a. coeliaca) is a short trunk, its first main branch, the splenic artery, being given off near its origin from the aorta. The remaining portion of the vessel passes to the right in the direction of the lesser curvature, and divides into two parts, the left’ gastric and hepatic arteries. Small vessels the inferior phrenic arteries (aa. phrenicae inferiores) are given off from the anterior wall of the coeliac and are distributed to the diaphragm. The distribution of the main branches is as follows: (a) The splenic artery (a. lienalis) passes in the direction of the spleen, giving off small branches (rr. pancreatici) to the pan- creas and one or more large vessels, the short gastric arteries (aa. gastricae breves), to the left portion of the greater curvature. Passing along the concave surface, or hilus, of the spleen it gives off several splenic branches (rr. lienales) to that organ, and also several more branches, comparable to the short gastric arteries, to the greater curvature. Toward the end of the spleen the artery passes into the greater omentum, and at this point there is given off a large vessel, the left gastroepiploic artery (a. gastroepiploica sinistra), which passes to the right on the greater curvature and anastomoses with the right gastroepiploic artery. The gastrosplenic ligament, together with its vessels, may be divided, the spleen being allowed to fall backward toward the intestine. (b) The left gastric artery (a. gastrica sinistra) forms a short trunk, or more commonly a group of vessels, the branches of which pass in a somewhat radiate manner toward the lesser curva- ture of the stomach, reaching in this way both dorsal and ventral surfaces. Two larger vessels appear on the ventral surface respectively to the right and left of the cardia. That on the left distributes small branches (rr. oesophagei) to the cesphagus, while that on the right bears a small pyloric branch which anastomoses across the lesser curvature with the right gastric artery. The chief nerves of the coeliac plexus accompany the branches of the artery to the stomach where they connect with the terminal ramifications of the vagus (p. 119). THE STOMACH AND SPLEEN. 119. (c) The hepatic artery (a. hepatica), the continuation of the coeliac, passes forward and to the right, giving off: small branches to the pancreas. Its first main branch is the gastroduodenal artery (a. gastroduodenalis). The latter is distributed chiefly to the first portion of the the superior pancreaticoduodenal artery (a. pancreaticoduoden- alis superior), but a small recurrent branch, the right gas- troepiploic artery (a. gastroepiploica dextra), traverses the greater omentum to the greater curvature where it ana- astomoses with the left gastroepiploic artery. After giving off the gastroduodenal artery, the hepatic enters the lesser omentum on its way to the liver. A small branch, the right gastric artery (a. gastrica dextra) passes to the pylorus and anastomoses across the lesser curvature with a branch of the left gastric artery. The veins of the stomach and spleen are tributaries of the portal vein. Accompanying the branches of the splenic artery are the tributaries of the splenic vein (v. lienalis), including the left gastroepiploic vein. Accompanying the branches of the left gastric artery are the tributaries of the coronary vein (v. coronaria ventriculi). The splenic and coronary veins enter the left wall of the portal vein through a short common trunk. On the right side of the stomach the superior pancreaticoduo- denal vein is united with the right gastroepiploic vein to form a short trunk, the gastroduodenal vein (v. gastroduodenalis), which enters the right wall of the portal vein. The left gastroepiploic vein receives tributaries from the dorsal surface of the pyloric antrum. The abdominal portion of the tenth cranial, or vagus nerve (n. vagus) may. be traced from the oesophagus to the surface of the stomach. The left cord appears on the left wall of the oesophagus; crossing the ventral surface of the latter obliquely to the right, it ramifies on the ventral portion of the lesser curvature. The right cord passes backward in a similar manner on the dorsal surface of the oesophagus. 4. Cut across the stomach at the pyloric antrum. Divide the oesophagus, and remove the stomach from the body. Open the organ by means of an incision extending around the greater curvature to the oesophagus. On the cut end of the pyloric antrum the mucous and muscular tunics (cf. Fig. 15) may be distinguished and separated from one another by dividing the loose tissue of the tela submucosa. On the surface of the mucous tunic may be seen the gastric areas (areae gastricae), formed by the longitudinal folds and imperfect transverse ridges which tend to connect them. They are well marked only in the contracted condition of the stomach. The mucous tunic of the stomach is sharply differen- tiated from that of the oesophagus. 120 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. IV. THE LIVER. The liver (hepar) is noteworthy, first, as being the largest of the glandular structures of the body, and, secondly, as containing, in ad- dition to the primary circulation formed by the hepatic artery and veins, the ramifications of the portal system. It is an appendage of the digestive tube, its connection with the latter being through the common bile duct. 1. Examine the general contour and plan of division as follows: (a) The convex anterior surface, applied to the diaphragm; the concave posterior surface fitting the convexity of the stomach; the thickened dorsal portion of the organ, and its thin posteroventral margin. (b) The division of the organ into right and left lobes, and of each lobe into anterior and posterior lobules. (c) The gall bladder (vesica fellea), situated on the posterior surface of the right anterior lobule. (d) The quadrate lobe (lobus quadratus), an imperfectly de- (e) veloped lobe lying to the medial side of the gall bladder. The caudate lobe (lobus caudatus), a small independent lobe projecting backward from the base of the left posterior lobule, and accommodated in the natural condition in the space enclosed by the lesser curvature of the stomach. 2. Trace the peritoneal connections as follows: (a) The lesser omentum, represented by the hepatoduodenal ligament. (b) The falciform ligament (lig. falciforme hepatis), a broad (c) median sheet connecting the anterior surface of the liver with the diaphragm and extending backward to the ventral abdominal wall. The position of this ligament indicates the line of division of the liver into right and left lobes. The free arcuate border of the ligament contains a thin cord, the round ligament (lig. teres hepatis), which marks the position of the umbilical vein in the foetus. The coronary ligament (lig. coronarium hepatis), a short circular fold, continuous with the falciform, and connecting the anterior surface of the liver with the middle of the diaphragm. (d) The left triangular ligament (lig. triangulare sinistrum), a lateral continuation of the coronary connecting the left lobe with the diaphragm. 3. Trace the branches of the common bile duct, the hepatic artery and the portal vein. These structures traverse the lesser omentum side by side and their branches are similarly arranged. (a) (b) (c) (a) (b) (c) THE Liver. 121 The common bile duct (d. choledochus) is formed on the posterior surface of the liver by the union of a left hepatic duct (d. hepaticus) with a similar duct from the right anterior lobule. The latter receives the cystic duct (d. cysticus) from the gall bladder. Special ducts from the right posterior lobule and from the caudate lobe enter the common bile duct through a short common trunk. The common bile duct passes backward on the right side of the portal vein, and enters the digestive tube on the dorsal surface of the first (superior) portion of the duodenum immediately beyond the pylorus. The hepatic artery (a. hepatica) approaches the liver by passing forward on the right side of the portal vein ventral to the bile duct. It distributes branches to the right posterior lobule and the caudate lobe, and at the base of the liver proper divides into right and left rami. The right ramus sends a branch, the cystic artery (a. cystica), to the gall bladder. The portal vein (v. portae), a vessel of large calibre, but usually found in a collapsed condition, enters the lesser omentum from the dorsal surface of the pyloric antrum. It distributes branches to the right posterior lobule and the caudate lobe; then passing directly forward to the base of the left lobe is distributed to the latter, a right branch being given off to the right anterior lobule. 4. Divide the lesser omentum with the structures described above. Divide the coronary and triangular ligaments, being careful not to injure the central tendon of the diaphragm, which resembles the coronary ligament. following: Remove the liver and examine its dorsal surface for the The inferior vena cava; it is accommodated in a depression of the thickened dorsal portion of the organ. The vessel should be opened lengthwise. The hepatic veins (vv. hepaticae) open almost directly from the substance of the liver into the inferior cava. They are typically four in number, there being separate vessels for the anterior and posterior parts of the right lobe and for the caudate lobe, in addition to a large vessel for the left lobe. The renal impression (impressio renalis), an extensive excavation of the right posterior lobule for the accommoda- tion of the right kidney. 122 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. V. THE INTESTINES. The posterior portion of the digestive tube, or that portion extending from the pyloric aperture of the stomach to the anal aperture, is divisible into two main parts, not wholly distinguishable in calibre, namely, the small intestine (intestinum tenue), and the large intestine (intestinum crassum). Both are greatly elongated and convoluted. In examining them care must be taken to avoid injury to the bloodvessels and me- senteries, especially the dorsal attachments of the mesenteries, in which the chief plexuses and related ganglia of the sympathetic system will afterwards be traced. _ For the general relations of the intestines and mesenteries see pp. 41, 50. 1. Beginning at the pylorus, trace the course of the small intestine, as follows: Its first portion, the duodenum, forms a U-shaped loop lying on the dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity to the right of the vertebral column. The end of this loop, when traced from the right side, disappears in the peritoneum and may then be picked up ina forward position on the left side of the mass. This point marks the beginning of the second portion, the mesenterial small intestine (intestinum tenue mesenteriale), which may be traced to its termination on the greatly enlarged caecum. The connection with the caecum is through a rounded semi-expanded sac, the sacculus rotundus. The terminal portion is somewhat more difficult to follow on account of the adhesions of its peritoneum with that.of the large intestine. 2. Examine the aivieians of the duodenal loop and related structures, as follows: (a) The superior, descending, transverse (horizontal), and as- cending portions of the duodenal loop. (b) The. common bile duct, opening on the dorsal wall of the superior portion. (c) The mesoduodenum, a fold of peritoneum joining the various parts of the loop. (d) The pancreas (Fig. 3B, p. 11). Its principal portion is here seen as a diffuse brownish mass lying in the mesoduodenum. Its duct (d. pancreatis) opens into the posterior portion of the ascending limb. (©) The superior pancreaticoduodenal artery, a branch of the ™ gastroduodenal (see p. 119), passes backward on the first portion of the descending limb. : (f) The inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery (a. pancreaticoduo- denalis inferior), a branch of the superior mesenteric (p.125), enters the mesoduodenum from the left side and supplies the major portion of the loop. An anterior branch an- astomoses with (e). Tur INTESTINES. . 123 3: In the mesenterial small intestine the following features may be identified : (a) The lighter coloration, due to the thicker wall and greater vascularity, of the first or duodenal portion, thus distin- guished as the jejunum (intestinum jejunum). (b) The darker coloration, due to the thinner walls, which allow the contents to show through, and diminished vascularity of the terminal or caecal portion, thus distinguished as the ileum (intestinum ileum). The two portions are not distinctly separable. Also the circular folds (plicae circulares), or valvulae conniventes, of the mucous tunic, which in many mammals contribute to the thickness of the wall in the duodenum and jejunum, are in the rabbit not definitely expressed. (c) The mesentery, the peritoneal support of the mesenterial small intestine, is distinguished in its major portion by its broad frill-like character, which allows great freedom of movement to this portion of the digestive tube. Its terminal portion, however, beginning at a point where the intestine turns sharply forward on its way to the caecum, is adherent to the mesocolon. (d) The mesenteric lymph glands (lymphoglandulae mesentericae) are aggregated at the dorsal root of the mesentery, where they form a compact mass surrounding the base of the superior mesenteric artery. (e) The wall of the sacculus rotundus shows externally a hexagonal pattern on account of the presence init of a large number of lymph follicles. Similar structures, forming oval areas about 3mm. in diameter and 5mm. in length, may be found along the intestinal wall (aggregated lymph nodules of Peyer). (f) The finger-like processes, or villi, of the mucous tunic of the small intestine may be seen by making an incision of the wall and examining its internal surface. A small portion of the wall may be excised and examined under water. 4. Trace the course of the large intestine, beginning at the sacculus rotundus, as follows: Its first portion, the blind intestine or caecum (intestinum caecum), distinguished by its great size, is connected with the large intestine proper only in the region of the sacculus rotundus. Its course is comparable to two turns of a spiral. Its closed end, formed by the vermiform process (processus vermiformis), lies in a dorsal position, and is directed backward. The second portion, the colon, comprising the major portion of the large intestine proper, leaves the caecum in the region of the sacculus rotundus, in which position it is distinguished by its greatly sacculated walls. The third portion, the straight intestine, or rectum, (intestinum rectum) is a small terminal division situated in the middle line and enclosed for the most part by the pelvis. It is scarcely distinguishable from the related portion of the colon. , 124 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. 5. In the caecum the following features may be distinguished: (a) The wall, which is otherwise smooth, is divided by a spirally atranged constriction, the ‘latter denoting the position, ° internally, of a fold of the mucous tunic, the spiral valve. (b) The vermiform procéss is a narrow, light-colored tube of about five inches in length, the wall patterned externally by lymph follicles, in the same way as that of the sacculus rotundus, and greatly thickened in comparison with that of the caecum proper. Fic. 44. Plan of the connections of the large and small intestines: c., ascending colon; cae., caecum; h., haustra; i., ileum; s.r., sacculus rotundus; t.c., band of the colon; v.s., Spiral valve. 6. The colon is divisible into ascending, transverse, and descending portions, the relations of which may be traced as follows: (a) The ascending colon (colon ascendens) passes from its origin on the caecum to a point forwards on the right side of the dorsal body-wall. This portion is greatly elongated in the rabbit, and instead of passing directly forward follows:a tortuous course. It is composed of five principal limbs, united by flexures. Three of the limbs are directed for the most part forward, the remaining two backward. The first limb of the colon bears three rows of small.saccu- lations, the haustra, separated by three longitudinal muscle stripes, distinguished as the bands of the colon (taeniae coli). Two of these bands are free, while the third is enclosed by the supporting peritoneum, the mesocolon. The two free bands run together toward the anterior end of the first limb. (b) The transverse colon (colon transversum)' is a short segment, beginning forwards on the right and crossing the middle line transversely to the left, where it bends sharply backward, and is replaced by the descending colon. (c) THE INTESTINES. 125 The descending colon (colon descendens) passes backward to a point in front of the pelvis, where it is replaced by the rectum. The descending mesocolon, which connects this portion with the dorsal body-wall, should be noted on account of its relation to the inferior mesenteric artery and sympathetic plexuses. It is connected for a considerable distance with the mesentery of the ascending limb of the duodenum. 7. Displace the caecum, turning it over to the right. Lay out the mesenterial small intestine, so that the mesentery and its bloodvessels are exposed. Remove the lymph glands from about the base of the mesenteric artery, and trace its branches as follows: (a) The middle colic artery (a. colica media), a small vessel arising from the left wall and passing to the transverse colon. (b) The inferior pancreaticoduodenal artery (p. 122) arises at (c) the same level, but from the right wall. -The ileocaecocolic artery (a. ileocaecocolica), a large branch, equalling in size the superior mesenteric trunk, is distributed to the terminal portion of the ileum, the caecum (including the vermiform process), and the ascending colon. Its branches are arranged in two series, a proximal group being given off near the point of origin of the main vessel, and a distal group, including the terminal portion of the vessel, at about two inches from the point of origin. The proximal branches include: (1) Small branches to the third, fourth, and fifth limbs of the ascending colon. (2) The appendicular artery (a. appendicularis) to the vermiform process. A branch of this vessel, given off near the point of origin, passes to the ileum, anastomosing with a branch of the superior mesen- teric trunk. (3) An anterior ileocaecal artery to the terminal fourth (third limb) of the caecum proper and related por- tion of the ileum. (4) An anterior right colic artery to the flexure uniting the first and second limbs of the ascending colon. (5) A posterior right colic artery to the second limb of the ascending colon. This vessel anastomoses with (4) and with the special branch to the third limb (1). The distal branches include: (6) A posterior ileocaecal artery to the middle portion of the third limb of the caecum and the adjacent portion of the ileum; anastomosing with (3). (7) A caecal artery to the posterior portion of the third limb of the caecum. 126 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (8) Terminal branches to the parts, about the sacculus rotundus; anastomosing with (4). (d) The intestinal arteries (aa. intestinales), about twenty in number, are given off from the superior mesenteric artery, and are distributed to the free portion of the mesenterial small intestine. The successive vessels are connected by anastomoses. The end of the superior mesenteric artery has the relation of one of the intestinal arteries. It anastomoses forwards witha single branch given off from the side of the vessel opposite to the intestinal arteries, and the latter in turn anastomoses forwards with a branch of the appendicular artery. 8. Locate in the descending mesocolon the inferior mesenteric artery (a. mesenterica inferior), a small median vessel arising from the abdominal aorta. It has two main branches—the left colic artery (a. colica sinistra) to the anterior portion of the descending colon (anastomosing with the middle colic), and the superior haemorrhoidal artery (a. haemorrhoidalis superior) to the posterior portion of the colon and the rectum. 9. The superior mesenteric vein (v. mesenterica supérior), the chief tributary of the portal, collects the blood distributed by the superior mesenteric artery, its tributaries being similar in arrangement to the branches of the artery. The inferior mesenteric vein (v. mesenterica inferior) collects blood from the descending colon and rectum; it may be traced forward in the descending mesocolon. 10. Sympathetic plexuses. In the descending mesocolon will be _found the inferior mesenteric ganglion (g. mesentericum inferius), a narrow curved body situated in front of the inferior mesenteric artery. Surrounding the abdominal aorta and appearing in the mesocolon is the abdominal aortic plexus (plexus aorticus abdominalis). It is connected anteriorly with the coeliac and superior mesenteric plexuses (p. 118) accompanying the corresponding vessels, and with the renal plexuses accompanying the renal vessels to the kidneys; posteriorly with the inferior mesenteric and spermatic plexuses about the inferior mesenteric and internal spermatic arteries, and with the hypogastric plexus about the pelvic vessels. 11. By dividing the rectum close in front of the pelvis, and severing the peritoneal attachments, the intestines may be separated and laid out in an extended condition. The relations to one another of the ileum, caecum, and colon are studied to much better advantage than in the natural position. Tur URINOGENITAL SYSTEM. 127 VI. THE URINOGENITAL SYSTEM. A. The Urinary Organs. The central organs of excretion, the kidneys (renes), occupy an anterior position on the dorsal wall of the abdomen. The right kidney is placed a little farther forward than the left, and is largely covered by the right posterior lobule of the liver. In addition to a fibrous coat immediately surrounding the kidney substance, each organ is imbedded in a mass of fatty material, the adipose capsule (capsula adiposa), and is also held in position by the peritoneum, which is stretched across its ventral surface. 1. By removing the peritoneum and adipose capsule from the left kidney, the external features and vascular connections may be made out as follows: (a) The general convexity of contour. (b) The renal hilus (hilus renalis), a concavity of the medial sur- face of the organ. (c) The ureter, or duct of the kidney, a white tube passing back- ward from the hilus. (d) The renal artery (a. renalis), arising from the abdominal aorta and entering the kidney at the hilus. A branch of this vessel, the twelfth intercostal artery (a. intercostalis xII), passes to the body-wall in front of the kidney, giving off a small suprarenal artery to the suprarenal gland. (e) The renal vein (v. renalis), leaving the kidney at the hilus, and joining the inferior cava. 2. Divide the kidney, beginning the incision at the hilus and re- moving the ventral half. Examine the cut surface of the dorsal half for the following: (a) The renal pelvis (pelvis renalis), formed by the expanded funnel-like end of the ureter, which is fitted into the renal hilus. The enclosed space is largely occupied by a conical projection of the kidney substance, the renal papilla (papilla renalis). | (b) The cortical substance (substantia corticalis); distinguish- able as a narrow peripheral zone of the kidney substance. (c) The medullary substance (substantia medullaris), forming the central and medial portion of the kidney, including the renal papilla. It is distinguished by its radial striations. (d) The fibrous coat (tunica fibrosa) of the kidney may be stripped from the surface. In the rabbit the kidney is not lobulated. Hence there is a single renal papilla, and the division of the kidney substance into renal pyramids | is imperfectly expressed. The medullary substance, however, possesses a slightly divided margin. 128 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. The distinction of medullary and cortical portions depends on differ- ences in the arrangement of the minute tubules which compose the kidney. The medullary substance is largely composed of straight collecting tubules converging on the renal papilla, while the cortical substance is occupied by convoluted portions of the tubules and their vascular connections, the glomeruli. In the natural condition the two parts are also distinguishable in coloration, the cortical substance being darker. In embalmed animals, however, the color features are usually reversed. 3. The urinary bladder (vesica urinaria) lies in the ventral posterior portion of the abdominal cavity. It is a muscular sac, capable of a considerable amount of distension, but usually found in preserved animals in a greatly contracted condition. Its rounded anterior end, the vertex, projects forward into the abdominal cavity, while its posterior portion or fundus, narrows to a canal, the urethra, which receives on its dorsal wall the apertures of the genital ducts and those of the related glands. The connections may be made out as follows: (a) The peritoneum is reflected from the ventral surface of the rectum in the male and from the uterus in the female, to the bladder, and after investing the latter passes to the ventral abdominal wall. The dorsal peritoneum forms in the male a double rectovesical fold (plica rectovesicalis), and in the female a similar vesicouterine fold, a recess of considerable extent (rectovesical or vesicouterine pouch) being left between the adjacent structures. The ventral peritoneum forms a broad median vertical sheet, the middle umbilical fold (plica umbilicalis media). The free edge of this fold, extending from the vertex of the bladder to the umbilicus, contains a slender cord, the middle umbilical ligament (lig. umbilicale medium). The latter marks the position of the peripheral portions of the umbilical arteries in the foetus. (b) The umbilical artery (a. umbilicalis), a branch of the hypo- gastric, passes along the side of the bladder to the vertex. From the base of the artery branches are given off to the ureter (a. ureterica) and related portions of the genital ducts. B. The Male Genital Organs. 1. Continue the median ventral incision of the skin backward along the symphysis to the penis. Reflect the skin on both sides to clear the attachments of the penis to the ischium, and on the left to a point beyond the scrotum. Note the cremaster muscle (m. cremaster), a thin layer of muscle fibres forming the outer layer of the sac of the testis, It is continuous with the internal oblique muscle of the abdominal wall, and also contains fibres from the transverse muscle. - Make a longi- tudinal incision through this muscle, cutting forward into the abdominal cavity. On spreading apart the two flaps the following features may be made out: (a) The parietal layer (lamina parietalis) of the tunica vaginalis propria, a layer of peritoneum, continuous with that of the THE URINOGENITAL SystTEM. 129 abdominal wall, forms the internal lining of the sac of the testis (cf. p. 51). The sac is widely open to the abdominal cavity, so that the testis passes freely from one cavity to the other. (b) The male reproductive gland, the testis, with its associated vessels and duct, occupy the cavity of the sac, the testis being suspended from its dorsal wall. (c) The gubernaculum, a short thick cord containing smooth muscle fibres, joins the posterior end of the testis with the end of the sac. (d) The visceral layer (lamina visceralis) of the tunica vaginalis propria forms the peritoneal coat of the testis and is con- tinuous with the mesorchium, a broad vertical fold of peri- toneum connecting the testis forwards with the dorsal body- wall. (e) The first portion of the duct of the testis, the epididymis, forms a thickened mass at the anterior end of the testis, and extends backward as a thinner cord along its side. The thickened anterior portion is the caput epididymidis and the contracted posterior portion the cauda epididymidis. The second portion, the ductus deferens, leaves the testis at its posterior end, where it is firmly attached to the guberna- culum. The connection with the epididymis may be shown by carefully separating the duct from the gubernaculum and the side of the testis. (f) The internal spermatic artery (a. spermatica interna) arises from the abdominal aorta, that of the left side immediately behind the origin of the inferior mesenteric. It enters the anterior end of the testis. (g) The spermatic vein (v. spermatica) is formed by a network of vessels, the plexus pampiniformis, which surrounds the internal spermatic artery in its posterior portion. It opens forwards into the inferior caval at the angle formed by the latter with the renal artery. (That of the right side enters the inferior caval at about the level of the spermatic arteries.) Owing to the open communication of the testis sac with the abdominal the association of the ductus deferens with the spermatic vessels to form a spermatic cord (funiculus spermaticus) is very imperfectly expressed. 2. The connections of the deferent ducts with the common urino- genital tube and related parts may be displayed by dividing the sym- physis and dissecting in the interior of the pelvis. The structure and attachments of the penis should first be examined. Apart from its terminal portion, the glans penis, and the urethra, the body of the penis is chiefly formed of a pair of hollow fibrous structures, the cavernous bodies (corpora cavernosa penis). Each of these is firmly attached to the posterior margin of the ischium by a fibrous cord, the crus penis. The latter is largely concealed by a short thick ischiocaver- 130 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. : nosus muscle, the origin of which occupies a similar position on the ischium. The penis is also attached to the symphysis hy a short but stout suspensory ligament (lig. suspensorium) and by a small pubo- cavernosus muscle lying between the latter and the ischiocavernosus. The attachments of the penis should be severed and the symphysis divided. By pressing apart the two sides.of the pelvis the urinogenital tubes, with the penis and the pelvic portion of the rectum, may be dissected out and removed from the body. The middle haemorrhoidal artery (a. haemorrhoidalis media), a branch of the hypogastric, passes to the side of the rectum and to the seminal vesicle. The internal pudendal .artery (a. pudenda inter- na), accompanied by the corres- ponding nerve and vein, passes to the side of the penis, giving off the inferior haemorrhoidal artery to the terminal portion of the rectum and to the associated rectal or anal gland. The rectum is connected with the root of the tail by the rectocaudalis muscle, a somewhat spindle - shaped aggregation of smooth muscle fibres, arising from the body of the second caudal ver- tebra, and inserted a short distance forwards on the dorsal surface of the rectum. The sphincter ani externus and sphincter ani internus are two closely related muscles enclosing the rectum and urethra, the former arising from the dorsum of the tail. The following parts of the urinogenital system may be made out: (a) The connection of the bladder with the outside of the body through the Urptiiga, It com Fic. 45, The male urinogenital ducts and related * Ic. . e male urinogenita: ucts and relate prises a short pros- srchures. viewed from the Jateral sania, ee 1 1 7 - auther: a., anal aperture; ay ourethra: tatic portion an rela gland; c.c., corees paverncenas mad. ducts de- tion to the genital ferens; g.a., anal (rectal) gland; g,i., inguinal gland; g.p., glans penis; par., paraprostatic glands; pr., ducts, a much prostate; r., rectum; ur., ureter; u.v., urethra longer membranous ae v.s., seminal vesicle; v.u., portion traversing ; the pelvis, and a terminal cavernous portion in the penis. (b) The seminal vesicle (vesicula seminalis) lies on the dorsal surface of the base of the bladder. It is a flattened median pouch, the anterior, slightly divided tip of which is directed forward. . THE URINOGENITAL SYSTEM. 131 (c) The deferent ducts lie between the seminal vesicle and the dorsal wall of the bladder. They terminate in the ventral wall of the seminal vesicle. (d) The prostate (prostata), a white or yellowish mass of glandular tissue, lies in the posterior portion of the dorsal wall of the seminal vesicle. Its ducts, three or four in number on either side, open into the urethra. Accessory paraprostatic glands (gl. paraprostaticae), minute finger-like projections of the urethal wall, lie on either side of the base of the seminal vesicle. (e) The bulbourethral gland (gl. bulbourethralis); situated on the dorsal wall of the urethra behind the prostate. 3. The internal surface of the dorsal wall of the urethra may be exposed by a longitudinal incision extending into the bladder. The crescentic aperture of the seminal vesicle lies immediately in front of an oval elevation, the colliculus seminalis, on either side of which some of the minute apertures of the prostate may be made out. C. The Female Genital Organs. 1. The organs may be traced from the abdominal cavity backward, as follows: ‘ (a) The ovary (ovarium) is a small—in young animals minute— elongated structure of greyish or yellowish coloration lying on the dorsal body-wall some distance behind thekidney. It is readily distinguished by the circular translucent dots representing the larger vesicular ovarian follicles. In some cases the darker radiate impressions (corpora lutea) left by extruded eggs are discernible. (b) The mesovarium, a short fold of peritoneum suspending the ovary from the body-wall. (c) The internal spermatic artery (a. spermatica interna) arises from the abdominal aorta, immediately behind the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery, and crosses the body-wall transversely to the ovary. (d) The spermatic vein (v. spermatica) leaves the medial side of the ovary, and crossing the body-wall enters the inferior caval vein. (e) The uterine tube (tuba uterina), the first portion of the ovi- duct, distinguishable by its narrow calibre, opens into the abdominal cavity through a broad funnel-like expansion, the ostium abdominale tubae uterinae. The margin bears a large number of short folds and processes, the fimbriae tubae, which tend to enclose the margin of the ovary. (f) The mesosalpinx is the peritonéum supporting the uterine tube. It is continuous with the mesovarium. (g) The uterus, the second portion of the oviduct; distinguished 132 ANATOMY OF. THE RABBIT. . by its greater diameter and muscular walls. The size of this portion is enormously increased in animals which contain or have borne young. (h) The mesometrium is the supporting peritoneum of the uterus, and is a continuation of the mesosalpinx. The mesometrium, mesosalpinx and mesovarium together constitute the broad ligament (lig. latum uteri). (i) The round ligament of the uterus (lig. teres uteri) crosses the broad ligament, and may be traced from the anterior end of the uterus to the body-wall below the posterior portion of the inguinal ligament where it is inserted (cf. p. 49). (j) The vagina is a flattened median tube with muscular walls; it receives anteriorly the apertures of the right and left uteri. 2. Preparatory to dissecting the urinogenital structures of the pelvis, the median incision of skin of the ventral surface should be continued backward to the base of the clitoris, the structure and attachments of the latter being then examined as follows: (a) The cavernous bodies (corpora cavernosa clitoridis) form the body of the structure, as in the male, and are attached to the posterior border of the ischium through short fibrous cords, the crura clitoridis. (b) The suspensory ligament (lig. suspensorium clitoridis) is a short median cord joining the base of the clitoris with the posterior end of the symphysis. (c) The pubocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles pass from the posterior border of the ischium to the base of the clitoris on either side, the former being medial in position. The attachments of the clitoris should be severed and the symphysis divided. By pressing apart the two sides of the pelvis the urinogenital tube may be dissected out and removed, together with the terminal portion of the rectum. The related structures, the middle haemorrhoidal artery, etc., appearing in this dissection are as in the male (see note p. 130). In the urinogenital ducts examine the extent of the vagina back- wards and its connection with the canal of the bladder to form the common vestibulum. The latter is comparable to the male urethra (ef. p. 47, Fig. 25). The bulbourethral gland (gl. bulbourethralis) (cf. p. 131) lies on the dorsal wall. By slitting open the vestibulum and extending the incision into the bladder and also forward into the left uterus the apertures of these structures may be examined from the interior. There is an external uterine aperture (orificium externum uteri) for each division of the uterus. THE ABDOMINAL AorTA, ETC. _ 133 VII. THE ABDOMINAL AORTA, INFERIOR CAVAL VEIN, AND SYMPATHETIC TRUNKS. The dissection and removal of the intestines and urinogenital organs clears the dorsal body-wall for an examination of the abdominal portion of the aorta, the inferior caval vein, and the sympathetic trunks. If the inferior cava does not contain blood its tributaries should be cleared first, in order to keep them from being damaged; otherwise the branches of the aorta should first be traced. The anterior portion of the inferior cava has been removed with the liver. 1. The abdominal portion of the aorta, described as the abdominal aorta (aorta abdominalis), extends from the hiatus aorticus of the diaphragm to the seventh lumbar vertebra, where it is replaced by the paired common iliac arteries. It passes backward in a median position along the ventral surfaces of the bodies of the vertebrae. Its natural continuation backwards on the sacrum and the caudal vertebrae is represented by the greatly reduced median sacral artery. The branches of the vessel are distributed in two series: (1) visceral branches (rami viscerales) to the parts of the digestive tube and the urinogenital organs; and (2) parietal branches (rami parietales) to the body-wall. The visceral branches comprise the paired renal and spermatic arteries, and the unpaired coeliac, superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric arteries, which have already been traced. The parietal branches comprise: (a) The superior phrenic arteries (aa. phrenicae superiores), small vessels arising in the hiatus aorticus and passing to the diaphragm. (b) The twelfth intercostal artery (a. intercostalis x1), arising on either side from the renal artery, and passing laterad to the body-wall. (c) The lumbar arteries (aa. lumbales), seven pairs of vessels distributed metamerically to the lumbar portion of the body-wall. Six pairs arise from the dorsal wall of the aorta, the seventh from the median sacral artery (d), each through a common trunk. (d) The median sacral artery (a. sacralis media) arises from the dorsal wall of the aorta near its posterior end, and passes backward on the ventral surface of the sacrum. Its first portion is concealed from the ventral surface by the common hypogastric vein. 2. The common iliac artery (a. iliaca communis) is a short trunk, the branches of which pass to the posterior limb, the wall of the pelvis, and the pelvic viscera. It gives off the iliolumbar artery (a. iliolumbalis), which passes laterad to the body-wall, and then divides into two branches the connections of which may be traced as follows: | 11 134 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (a) The external iliac artery (a. iliaca externa) is the larger lateral branch, directed toward the inguinal ligament, over which it passes to the medial surface of the limb as the femoral artery. It gives off the inferior epigastric artery (a. epigastrica inferior), which passes forward on the medial portion of the abdominal wall (see note p. 115). (b) The hypogastric artery (a. hypogastrica) is the smaller medial branch, directed backward on the dorsal wall of the pelvis. At its junction with the external iliac the vessel gives off the umbilical artery (a. umbilicalis) to the bladder, or in the female first to the vagina and uterus (a. uterina). The obturator artery (a. obturatoria) passes laterad to the pelvic wall, and the middle haemorrhoidal (see note p. 130) to the side of the rectum. The main vessel leaves the pelvic cavity, passing to the lateral side of the abductor caudae anterior, and reappears posteriorly as the internal pudendal (note p. 180). The intermediate branches pass to the posterior limb and the side of the tail (p. 149). 3. The inferior caval vein (v. cava inferior) is formed on the dorsal surface of the posterior end of the aorta by the union of the paired external iliac veins with the common hypogastric. From this position it passes to the right side of the aorta (rarely to the left) almost to its ventral surface, and then runs forward on the right side to the diaphragm. Its visceral roots or tributaries (radices viscerales) comprise the paired renal and spermatic veins, and the hepatic veins from the liver (p. 121). Its parietal tributaries (radices parietales) include the inferior phrenic veins (vv. phrenicae inferiores), which enter the inferior cava from either side of the diaphragm, the lumbar veins (vv. lumbales), a series of vessels corresponding to the lumbar arteries, and the paired iliolumbar vein (v. iliolumbalis). 4. The external iliac vein (v. iliaca externa), the continuation of the femoral vein of the thigh, approaches the inferior cava from the dorsal side of the inguinal ligament. It receives the inferior epigastric vein from the abdominal wall and the vesical vein from the bladder, the latter including in the female also the veins of the uterus. 5. The sympathetic trunk (truncus sympathicus), Its lumbar, sacral, and caudal portions may be traced on either side by working between the abdominal aorta (or its continuation, the median sacral artery) and the body-wall. Except on the ventral surface of the sacrum, the ganglia of opposite sides lie close together. The lumbar portion of each trunk comprises seven ganglia with their connections. The ganglia lie on the lateral surfaces of the lumbar arteries near the points where the latter disappear dorsally in the body-wall. The rami communicantes may be found passing from the ganglia toward the spinal nerve-roots. The sacral portion comprises four ganglia of which the first two are much larger than the others. The caudal portion comprises two minute ganglia and an unpaired terminal ganglion uniting the two trunks. THE ANvERIOR Lime. 135 VIII. THE ANTERIOR LIMB. For this dissection the skin must first be reflected from the lateral surface of the limb and the side of the neck to the dorsal median line. Covering the side and ventral surface of the neck is a broad thin sheet of muscle, the platysma, replacing the cutaneus maximus of the trunk. It forms a continuous layer over the dorsal surface of the neck, at which place it is also continuous with the cutaneus maximus. Passing forward from the manubrium sterni is a narrow band of fibres, in- separable from the platysma but lying beneath it, the depressor conchae (parotideoauricularis) posterior, which is inserted into the external base of the ear. The entire sheet of muscle should be raised from the surface, separated posteriorly from its attachment, and turned forward on the head. The dissection is mainly muscular, but the arteries and nerves should be kept intact for later examination. For the general muscular relations of anterior and posterior limbs see p. 33. *1, Muscles arising from the axial skeleton and inserted on the scapula and clavicle. (a) The cleidomastoideus. Origin: Mastoid portion of the skull. Insertion: Middle portion of the clavicle. The muscle lying on its medial side and arising from the manubrium sterni is the sternomastoideus, one of the muscles of the head. (b) The basioclavicularis (basiohumeralis). Origin: Basiocci- pital bone. Insertion: Lateral third of the clavicle and the cleidohumeral ligament. (c) The levator scapulae major. Origin: Sphenooccipital syn- chondrosis. Insertion: Metacromion. : The superficial cervical artery (p. 173) passes obliquely forward and outward under cover of these muscles, ramifying beneath the superior portion of the trapezius in the fat-mass of the side of the neck. Its ascending cervical branch passes forward on the lateral surface of the external jugular vein. (d) The trapezius. Origin in two portions: Superior (cervical) portion: External occipital protuberance and the ligamentum nuchae. Insertion: Metacromion and stpraspinous fascia. ; Inferior (thoracic) portion. Origin: Spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae and the lumbodorsal fascia. Insertion: Dorsal two-thirds of the scapular spine. The muscle forms a broad triangular sheet on the lateral surface of the shoulder. The levator scapulae major, basioclavicularis, and trapezius should be divided. On the ventral surface of the origin of the superior portion of the trapezius and levator scapulae- major may be found the ventral rami of the third and fourth cervical spinal nerves. The great auricular nerve (n. auricularis magnus) passes from the third to the ear. *The structures of Group 2 may be dissected first if preferred, the serratus anterior muscle being exposed from the lateral surface and divided together with the latissimus dorsi. i . oh ant if ye 5 a wie 136 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (e) The rhomboideus minor. Origin: Ligamentum nuchae. Insertion: Anterior two-thirds of the vertebral border of the scapula. , (f) The rhomboideus major. Origin: Spinous processes of the first seven thoracic vertebrae. Insertion: Posterior third of vertebral border. . By dividing the rhomboidei the scapula may be displaced laterad.- The operation is facilitated by dividing the latissimus dorsi, the re- lations of which should, however, first be noted (2, a.). (g) The levator scapulae minor. Origin: Mastoid and supra- occipital portions of the skull. Insertion: Medial surface of the inferior angle of the scapula. (h) The serratus anterior. Origin in two portions: Cervical portion: Transverse processes of the posterior five cervical vertebrae and the anterior two ribs. Thoracic portion: Third to ninth ribs by separate slips alter- nating with those of the external oblique. Common insertion: Medial surface of the vertebral border of the scapula. The transverse artery of the neck (a. transversa colli) lies on the medial side of the cervical portion. 2. Muscles arising from the axial skeleton and the pectoral girdle and inserted on the humerus, for the most part at its proximal extremity. (a) The latissimus dorsi. Origin: Lumbodorsal fascia and four posterior ribs. Insertion: Humeral spine. A long flat triangular muscle, covering a considerable portion of the lateral surface of the thorax; having its dorsal angle covered by the thoracic portion of the trapezius. Its insertion end passes to the medial side of the humerus. (b) The pectoralis primus (p. tenuis). Origin: Manubrium sterni. Insertion: Humeral spine. A branch of the thoracoacromial artery appears between this muscle and the deltoidens. (c) The pectoralis secundus (p. major). Origin: Entire lateral portion of the sternum. Insertion: Anteromedial surface of the humerus, beginning below the head, and extending to the boundary between the middle and distal thirds. The anterior fibres are covered by those of (b). Some of the posterior fibres are inserted highest on the humerus. The two muscles should be separated and cut across. (d) The pectoralis tertius (p. minor). Origin consisting of two portions; First portion: Middle line of the sternum between the attach- ments of the second to fourth ribs. second portion: Manubrium sterni, extending to the level of the first rib. Insertion: The superficial fibres of the first portion are attached to the clavicle. The remaining fibres, combined with those (e) f) Tue ANTERIOR Limp. 137 of the second portion and those of the pectoscapularis, pass to the dorsal side of the clavicle and over the shoulder to be inserted on the scapular spine. The pectoralis quartus. Origin: The sternum, from the attachment of the fourth to seventh costal cartilages. In- sertion: Anterior surface of the head of the humerus, passing thence to its medial side. The muscle overlaps the more posterior fibres of the first portion of (d). The pectoscapularis. Origin: The sternum at the point of attachment of the first costal cartilage. Insertion as indi- cated above. A slender muscle lying behind and lateral to the second portion of (d). In order to make out its extent the first portion of (d) should be divided. BLOODVESSELS AND NERVES OF THE AXILLARY Fossa. By dividing the remaining pectorals and the clavicle, the blood- vessels and nerves of the axillary fossa will be exposed. *The axillary artery (a. axillaris), the continuation of the subclavian, crosses from the first rib to the medial surface of the humerus, where it is replaced by the brachial artery. Its branches include: (a) The thoracoacromial artery (a. thoracoacromialis); it arises from the anterior wall and passes laterad to the shoulder, reach- ing the latter at a point directly above and in front of the head of the humerus. A superficial branch of this artery passes between the pectoralis primus and the deltoideus, giving twigs on either side. (b) The lateral (long) thoracic artery (a. thoracalis lateralis) is a (c) (d war larger branch given off from the posterior wall. Its branches include short anterior vessels to the pectoral muscles and long (external mammary) branches, especially developed in the female, to the side of the thorax. — The subscapular artery (a. subscapularis) is a large branch which passes around the axillary border of the scapula, per- forating the teres major muscle, and is distributed to the muscles of this region, including the cutaneus maximus. A branch of this vessel, the thoracodorsal artery (a. thoraco- dorsalis), passes backward to the latissimus dorsi. The superficial cervical artery (p. 173) crosses the ventral surface of ue brachial plexus, passing obliquely laterad to the side of the neck. The deep artery of the arm (a. profunda brachii) is given off at about the point of origin of the subscapular. It passes to the posterior surface of the humerus giving branches to the shoulder, and is continued distad on the lateral surface of the anconaeus medialis and afterwards of the lateral head of the brachialis as the radial collateral artery. This artery accompanies the branches of the radial nerve. 138 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. **The axillary vein (v. axillaris) begins at the medial side of the humerus and crosses the axillary fossa to the first rib whence it is con- tinued as the subclavian. It receives the lateral thoracic and sub- scapular veins, which accompany the corresponding arteries, and also the cephalic vein (p. 143), which reaches the medial side of the shoulder from the anterior surface of the arm by passing between the teres major and subscapular muscles near the neck of the scapula. *«The brachial plexus (plexus brachialis) is the network of nerves formed from the ansae of the ventral rami of the posterior five cervical and first thoracic spinal nerves. The cervical ansae also take part in the formation of the more general cervical plexus embracing all nerves of the cervical series. The strands of the brachial plexus cross the axillary fossa and at the medial surface of the humerus are largely re- placed by the three chief trunks of the free extremity, the radial, median, and ulnar nerves (p. 143). The suprascapular nerve (n. suprascapularis) is a large nerve formed from the fifth cervical ansa; it enters the muscle in the region of the neck of the scapula and passing around the superior border of the bone is distributed to the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. The subscapular nerves (nn. subscapulares), arising from the sixth and seventh ansae, are distributed to the subsca- pular, teres major, and latissimus dorsi muscles. The axillary lymph glands (lymphoglandulae axillares) are pink or brownish bodies lying in the fat of the axillary fossa. 4. Muscles arising from the pectoral girdle and inserted on the humerus. These muscles act on the humerus through the shoulder- joint, and except for the unimportant difference in origin are similar to those of Group 2. The course of the cephalic vein (p. 143) should be traced before separating the muscles of the front of the forearm. Note the supraspinous and infraspinous fasciae covering the corres- ponding portions of the lateral surface of the shoulder. (a) The deltoideus. Origin: Lateral portion of the clavicle and the cleidohumeral ligament. Insertion: Anterior surface of the humerus in its distal third. The muscle is a continuation of the basioclavicularis. ‘(b) The abductor brachii superior. Origin: The acromion. In- sertion: Distal portion of the humeral spine. (c) The abductor brachii inferior. Origin: Infraspinous fascia. The end of the muscle forms a curved line over the dorsal portion of the infraspinatus, leaving only a small triangular portion of the latter exposed. Insertion: The distal portion of the muscle passes beneath the metacromion, which also serves as a point of attachment, and is replaced on the lateral surface of the humerus, beneath the abductor brachii superior, by the long thin tendon, through which it is inserted. The abductores are also considered as second and third portions of the deltoideus. THE ANTERIOR Limes. 139 The abductor brachii inferior should be separated from the in- fraspinatus and divided, the distal end being reflected together with the metacromion. (d) The infraspinatus. Origin: Posterior portion of the lateral surface of the scapula, including the spine. Greater tubercle of the humerus. infraspinous fossa. Insertion: The muscle fills the (e) The supraspinatus. Origin: Anterior portion of the lateral surface of the scapula (supraspinous fossa), supraspinous fascia, and, to a certain extent, the subscapular fascia. Insertion: Greater tubercle of the humerus. (f) The subscapularis. Origin: Entire medial surface of the scapula. Insertion: Lesser tubercle of the humerus. (g) The teres major. Origin: Dorsal portion of the axillary border of the scapula. Insertion : In common with the latis- simus dorsi on the ante- rior surface of the humerus. (h) The teres minor. Origin: Ventral portion of the axillary border of the scapula. Insertion: Greater tubercle. (i) The coracobrachialis. Origin: Coracoid process. Insertion: Distal portion of the upper third of the humerus on its medial surface. 5. Muscles arising from _ the scapula and humerus and inserted on the proximal ends of the radius and ulna (extensors and flexors of the forearm), (Fig. 46). A. Extensor (anconaeus) group. The muscles arise for the most part behind the axis of the humerus, and are inserted on the olecranon. (a) The extensor antibrachii parvus (anconaeus quar- Anterior Lateral Posterior Fic. 46. Transverse section through the distal portion of the arm; semidiagrammatic; a.b., brachial artery; a.c.r., radial collateral artery; b., biceps: br.l. and br.m., lateral and medial heads of the brachialis; d., deltoideus (insertion) ; e.a.p., extensor antibrachii parvus; f., brachial fascia; h., humerus; n.m., median nerve; n.r., radial nerve; n.u., ulnar nerve; tr.l-tr.3, long, lateral, and medial heads of the triceps; v.b., brachial vein; v.c., cephalic vein. tus). Origin: Fascia of the medial surface of the humerus, Insertion: Medial surface of the olecranon. The muscle should be divided, or detached from its origin, and re- flected’ ! 140 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (b) The anconaeus minimus (epitrochleoanconaeus). Origin: Medial epicondyle of the humerus. Insertion: Medial surface of the olecranon. (c) The triceps brachii. Origin in three portions: Caput longum (anconaeus longus): Ventral portion of the axillary border of the scapula. Caput laterale (anconaeus lateralis): Greater tubercle and related portion of the lateral surface of the humerus. Caput mediale (anconaeus medialis): Posterior surface of the humerus. The three portions are practically separate muscles. Insertion on the olecranon. B. Flexor group. The muscles arise in front of the axis of the humerus and are inserted on the radius and ulna in front of the elbow-joint. (a) The biceps brachii. Origin: Anterior border of glenoid cavity. Insertion: Ventromedial surface of the ulna and medial surface of the radius. The muscle possesses only one head in the rabbit. (b) The brachialis. Origin: Anterior and lateral surfaces of the humerus, divided unequally into a larger lateral and a smaller medial portion by the insertion tendons of the deltoideus and abductores muscles. Insertion: In common with the biceps. 6. Muscles arising from the distal end of the humerus and the radius and ulna and inserted on the hand (extensors and flexors of the hand and the individual digits). The long insertion tendons pass through perforations of the dorsal carpal and transverse (ventral) carpal liga- ments (Fig. 47). A. Extensor group. The muscles have a general area of origin from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and the anterodorsal, or antero- lateral surface of the radius and ulna. Insertion dorsal. (a) The extensor carpi radialis longus. Origin: Lateral epi- condyle. Insertion: Base of the second metacarpal. (b) The extensor carpi radialis brevis. Origin: Lateral epi- condyle. Insertion: Base of the third metacarpal. The muscle is partly fused with the foregoing one, and the tendons are closely associated on the wrist. (c) The abductor pollicis. Origin: Anterolateral surface of the radius and ulna. Insertion: Base of the first metacarpal. The muscle is partly concealed by (e). Its tendon forms a conspicuous cross with those of (a) and (b). (d) The extensor pollicis et indicis. Origin: | Anterolateral surface of the radius and ulna. Insertion: Ungual phalanx of the pollex and the head of the second metacarpal. Its tendon is the first of five in the centre of the carpus. (e) The extensor digitorum communis. Origin: Lateral epi- THE ANTERIOR Lims. 141 condyle and proximal end of the ulna. Insertion: By four tendons on all phalanges of the four lateral digits. (f) The extensor digiti quarti proprius. Origin: Lateral epi- condyle. Insertion: Ungual phalanx of the fourth digit. (g) The extensor digiti quinti proprius. Origin: Lateral epicondyle and lateral surface of the ulna. Insertion: Head of the fifth metacarpal and base of the first phalanx of this digit. (h) The extensor carpi ulnaris. Origin: Lateral epicondyle and proximal portion of the lateral surface of the ulna. Insertion: Base of the fifth metacarpal. Dorsat em, Lateral Volar: Fic. 47. Transverse section of the distal end of the forearm.’ Showing the relative positions of the muscle- tendons: a.p., abductor pollicis; a.r., radial artery; a.u., ulnar artery; e.c.u., extensor carpi ulnaris; e.d.c., . extensor digitorum communis; e.m.p., extensor digiti quinti proprius; e.p.i., extensor pollicis et indicis; e.q.p., extensor digiti quarti proprius; e.r.b., extensor carpi radialis brevis; e.r.]., extensor carpi radialis longus; f.c.r., flexor carpi radialis; f.c.u., flexor carpi ulnaris; f.d.p., flexor digitorum profundus; f.d.s., flexor digitorum sublimis; 1.c.d., dorsal carpal ligament; 1.c.t., transverse carpal ligament; n.m., median nerve; n.u., ulnar nerve; p., palmaris; r., radius; u., ulna; v.c., cephalic vein; v.r., radial vein; v.u., ulnar vein. B. Flexor group. The muscles have a general area of origin from the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the posteroventral or postero- medial surface of the radius and'ulna. Insertion volar. (a) The pronator teres. Origin: Medial epicondyle. Insertion: — Ventral surface of the radius. (b) The flexor carpi radialis. Origin: Medial epicondyle. In- sertion: Base of the second metacarpal. (c) The flexor digitorum sublimis. Origin: In common with the ulnar portion of the profundus from the medial epicondyle; proximal portion of the ulna. Insertion: Bases of the second phalanges of the four lateral digits. 142 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (d) The palmaris. Origin: Medial epicondyle. Insertion: Super- ficially on the volar fascia. This extremely slender muscle lies between the superficial portion of the profundus and the flexor carpi ulnaris. ; (e) The flexor digitorum profundus. Origin in four portions: Superficial portion: Medial epicondyle. Radial portion: Ventral surface of the radius. Middle portion: Ventral surface of the ulna. Ulnar portion: Medial epicondyle in common with (c) Insertion: By five tendons on the bases of the ungual phalanges. (f) The flexor carpi ulnaris. Origin: Medial epicondyle and medial surface of the olecranon, forming two short but separate heads. Insertion: Pisiform bone. 7. Muscles arising from the bones of the hand and inserted on the individual digits:. (a) The flexor digiti quinti. Origin: Pisiform bone and tendon sheath of the flexor digitorum profundus. Insertion: Sesamoid bones of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the fifth digit, extending to the ungual phalanx. (b) The lumbricales. Origin: From the point of division of the tendon of the flexor digitorum profundus. Insertion: First phalanges of the second to fifth digits. (c) The interossei. Origin: In pairs from the bases of the second to fifth metacarpals and related portions of the carpal bones. Insertion: Sesamoid bones of the metacarpophalangeal joints. BLOODVESSELS AND NERVES OF THE ARM AND FOREARM. *The brachial artery (a. brachialis), the continuation of the axillary, passes distad on the medial surface of the arm between the biceps and the anconaeus medialis. Crossing to the anterior surface of its distal extremity, it passes beneath the head of the pronator teres to the medial surface of the radius, dividing at this point—a short distance in front of the elbow—into the radial and ulnar arteries. Its chief branches on the arm are the ulnar collateral arteries (superior, middle, and inferior) to the muscles and the elbow joint. The radial artery (a. radialis) passes distad on the ventromedial border of the radius, in company with the median nerve, lying at first - between the flexor carpi radialis and the radial portion of the flexor digitorum profundus. Toward the distal end of the radius it crosses the ventral surface of the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis, and appears in a superficial position on the medial border of the carpus. It reaches the volar surface of the hand after passing obliquely across the tendon of the flexor digitorum sublimis. The ulnar artery (a. ulnaris) crosses the ulna obliquely from its origin, reaching in this way the lateral border of the flexor carpi ulnaris, Tur AnTERIOR Limes. 143 along which it passes to the end of the forearm and to the ulnar side of the pisiform bone. It passes to the ventral surface of the fifth digit, and then turns across the hand, forming the volar arch. **The single brachial vein (v. brachialis) accompanies the brachial artery and lies behind it. Itis formed in front of the elbow by the union of two vessels, the radial and ulnar veins, which accompany the corres- sponding arteries, and join one another at the point of separation of the latter. The radial vein anastomoses with the radial portion of the cephalic at a point distal to the middle of the forearm. The cephalic vein (v. cephalica) is a large superficial vessel appearing on the dorsal surface of the forearm. From the radial side of the latter it receives a large tributary which anastomoses with the radial vein. It is accompanied by branches of the superficial ramus of the radial nerve. It passes to the front of the arm across the angle of the elbow, lying at first on the anterior margin of the lateral head of the brachialis, and afterwards on the lateral surface of the arm between the abductor brachii superior and the anconaeus lateralis. It disappears from this surface in the triangular space enclosed by these muscles and the inser- tion of the levator scapulae major, receiving at this point a large tributary from the shoulder. It appears on the medial surface of the shoulder at the distal end of the axillary border of the scapula between the teres major and subscapularis, entering the axillary vein at about the same place as the subscapular vein, or in common with the latter. ***The radial nerve (n. radialis) passes behind the brachial artery to the posterior surface of the humerus. It perforates the anconaeus medialis, appearing afterwards on the lateral side of the brachialis in company with the collateral radial artery. A superficial ramus, given off on the distal portion of the arm, accompanies the cephalic vein: it passes along the surface of the extensor carpi radialis, dividing into branches for the dorsum of the hand. The remaining portion is chiefly distributed as the ramus profundus to the extensor muscles of the fore- arm. The median nerve (n. medianus) passes distad along the medial sur- face of the arm, lying at first in front of the brachial artery and then on its medial side. It accompanies the brachial artery, passing beneath the head cf the pronator teres, and then traverses the forearm, in com- pany with the radial artery, to the volar surface of the hand. The ulnar nerve (n. ulnaris) lies behind the brachial artery. Toward the distal extremity of the humerus it accompanies the inferior ulnar collateral artery. It passes from the medial surface of the elbow, be- tween the, anconaeus minimus and the base of the olecranon, to the dorsal surface of the olecranon head of the flexor carpi ulnaris, and then crosses the ulna obliquely, in company with the ulnar artery, to the lateral border of the muscle and along it to the insertion tendon. At the wrist it crosses the dorsal surface of the tendon, and passing between the tendon of the sublimis and the pisiform bone, reaches the volar surface of the hand. ' 144 ANATOMY OF THE Rassit. IX. THE POSTERIOR LIMB. Dissection on the side opposite to that of injection. The dissection is largely a muscular one; to be conducted in the same way as in the anterior limb. The corresponding muscle groups should be compared with respect to the difference in orientation of the equivalent segments. 1. Muscles arising from the ventral surface of the posterior thoracic and lumbar vertebrae and inserted on the pelvic girdle, or on the lesser trochanter of the femur. These muscles are chiefly distinguished by their vertebral position, on account of which and the fixed condition of the pelvic girdle they combine the characters of vertebral and appen- dicular muscles. (a) The psoas minor. Origin: Bodies of the four posterior lumbar vertebrae. Insertion: Pecten of the pubis. The flat, pointed tendon forms a square cross with a dorsal (sacral) continuation of the inguinal ligament, which is stretched transversely from the middle of the inguinal liga- ment to the centre of the body of the first sacral vertebra, and on which it is also inserted. It is necessary to divide the inguinal ligdment and reflect its sacral continuation, together with the tendon of the psoas minor. (b) The psoas major. Origin: Internal surfaces of the bases of the last three ribs and bodies of the corresponding thoracic vertebrae; also the lumbar vertebrae. Insertion: Lesser trochanter. (c) The iliacus. Origin: Bodies of the last lumbar and first sacral vertebrae, extending to the sacroiliac union. Inser- tion: With the psoas major on the lesser trochanter. The two muscles together form the iliopsoas. The lumbar portion of the lumbosacral plexus, beginning with the fourth lumbar nerve, lies on the ventral surface of the psoas major and between the latter and the iliacus. The fifth lumbar is the chief root of the femoral nerve, (p. 149), the trunk of which may be traced from a position between the two muscles distad over the dorsal surface of the inguinal ligament to the medial surface of the thigh. The remaining four nerves crossing the dorsal body-wall obliquely are the twelfth thoracic and first three lumbar. The psoas major should be freed at its lateral margin and turned toward the middle line, the fourth lumbar nerve being divided. (d) The quadratus lumborum. Origin: Bodies of the posterior five thoracic vertebrae and the bases of the corresponding five ribs; bodies and transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. Insertion: Triangular processes of six lumbar vertebrae and the posterior ventral angle of the iliac wing, together with the adjacent portion of its medial surface. 2. Muscles arising from the pelvic girdle and sacrum and inserted on the femur, for the most part at its proximal extremity. The muscles of this group enclose the proximal portion of the femur Tues Posterior Lime. 145 on its lateral, posterior, and medial sides. They are partly covered by the flexors of Group 3, namely, the biceps, sartorius, and gracilis, which must be divided. To begin the dissection, see directions for removing the a (p. 148). The position of the sciatic vein (p. 149) should be noted. Dissection on the lateral surface posteriorly. (a) The glutaeus maximus. Origin in two fleshy portions, joined ‘ by an aponeurosis: First portion: Fascia covering the sacrum in its entire length. This portion is triangular in shape, and is covered posteriorly by the first head of the biceps. : Second portion: Anteroventral border of the iliac wing, fused with the tensor fasciae latae and the first head of the rectus femoris; also from the dorsal border through the aponeurosis mentioned above. Insertion: Third trochanter. The axis of the first portion is transverse, that of the second horizontal. Both portions of the muscle should be divided. (b) The glutaeus medius. Ventral border of.the wing of the ilium and the iliac crest. Insertion: Greater trochanter. Some of the fibres pass around the medial surface of the tip of the greater trochanter and are inserted in the lateral wall of the trochanteric fossa. The muscle should be divided. (c) The glutaeus minimus. Origin: Entire lateral surface of the body and wing of the ilium. Insertion: Greater trochanter. Remove the entire muscle. The piriformis is in contact with its dorsal margin posteriorly. (d) The tensor fasciae latae. Origin: Anterior portion of the ventral border of the wing of the ilium. Insertion: Broad fascia of the lateral surface of the thigh. The muscle is fused with the first head of the rectus femoris in front, and with the second portion of the glutaeus maximus behind. (e) The piriformis. Origin: Lateral portions of the second and third sacral vertebrae. Insertion: Tip of the great trochanter. The muscle should be divided, care being taken to avoid injury to the nerves and bloodvessels beneath it. (f) The gemellus superior. Origin: Tendinous from the ischial spine and fleshy from the body of the ischium immediately in front of it. Insertion: Lateral wall of the trochanteric fossa. The muscle extending from the ischial spine to the sacrum is the abductor caudae anterior (p. 183). (g) The obturator internus. Origin: Internal extent of the obturator foramen. Insertion: Trochanteric fossa. The muscle passes over the ischium in the lesser sciatic notch, only its insertion portion appearing from the lateral 146 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. surface. To see its origin reflect the tendon through the lesser sciatic notch and examine the muscle from the internal surface of the pelvis. (h) The gemellus inferior. Origin: Posterior portion of the superior ramus of the ischium and the ischial tuberosity. Insertion: Trochanteric fossa. (i) The quadratus femoris. Origin: Ventral surface of the ischial tuberosity and the superior ramus of the ischium immediately in front of it. Insertion: With (j) in the trochanteric fossa. (j) The obturator externus: Origin: External extent of the obtur- ator foramen. Insertion: Trochanteric fossa. The muscle is largely concealed from this surface, but may be fully dis- played by the division of the pectineus and adductores brevis and longus. ; Dissection on the medial surface posteriorly, after division of thegracilis. (k) The pectineus. Origin: Pecten of the pubis. Insertion: Immediately below the lesser trochanter. : (1) The adductor brevis. Origin: Anterior portion of the symphysis pubis. Insertion: Below the pectineus. (m) The adductor longus. Origin: Posterior portion of the symphysis and inferior ramus of the ischium. Insertion: Posterior surface of the shaft of the femur to its distal third. (n) The adductor magnus. Origin: Ventral surface of the ischial tuberosity. Insertion: Medial surface of the distal end of the femur, extending to the medial condyle of the tibia. * 3. Muscles arising from the pelvic girdle and’ the femur and inserted on the proximal portions of the tibia and fibula’ (extensors and flexors of the leg). (Fig. 48.) es A. Extensor group (quadriceps femoris). The muscles lie for the most part in front of the axis of the femur. They have a common insertion on the tibial tuberosity through the patella and the patellar ligament. : (a) The rectus femoris. Origin in two portions: First portion: Superior anterior spine, fused with the tensor fasciae latae, and ventral border of the iliac wing. Second portion: By a stout round tendon from the inferior anterior spine, immediately in front of the acetabulum. This part is cylindrical in shape and is practically a separate muscle. The two portions of the muscle should be divided. (b) The vastus lateralis. Origin: Anterior surface of the great trochanter and the lateral intermuscular ligament. The muscle should be divided. Tus Posterior Limes. (c) The vastus intermedius. First portion: vastus lateralis. 147 ‘ Origin in two portions: Great trochanter, below the origin of the Second portion: Anterior surface of the femur. (d) The vastus medialis. Origin: Medially, at the base of the collum femoris and adjacent portion of the shaft. Common insertion (a-d): B. Flexor group (hamstring muscles). With the exception of the sartorius, the muscles lie behind the axis of the femur, and are in- _serted on the medial and lateral surfaces of the knee-joint and the corresponding proximal portions of the leg. They form the bound- aries of the popliteal fossa. (a) The sartorius. Origin: Posterior portion of the inguinal ligament, eSpe- cially its sacral extén- sion. Insertion: Medial condyle of the tibia. This is an extremely thin and narrow band of fibres, lying on the more anterior portion of the medial surface of the thigh. The muscle is fused distally with the gracilis. It has the position of a rotator muscle, and is only a flexor through its con- nection with the latter. (b) The gracilis. Origin : The entire extent of the pubic symphysis. Insertion: Through a broad tendinous expan- sion ending in the fascia of the proximal portion of the medial surface of the thigh. The muscle Tibial tuberosity. Anterior Lateral Posterior Fic. 48. Transverse section through the middle of the thigh: a.J., adductor longus; a.m., ad- ductor magnus; b.f.1 and b.f. 2, first and second heads of the biceps femoris; f., femur; gr., gracilis; n.p., peroneal nerve; n.s.m., greater saphenous nerve; n.t., tibial nerve; r.f. 1 and r.f. 2, first and second heads of the rectus femoris; s., Sartorius; sm., semimembranosus, st., semi- tendinosus; t.f.c., tensor fasciae cruris; t.f.l., tensor fasciae latae; v.i. 1 and v.i. 2, first and second heads of the vastus intermedius;, sciatic vein; v.l., vastus lateralis; v.m., vastus medialis; v.s.m., great saphenous vein. forms a broad, comparatively thin sheet, covering the pos- terior portion of the medial surface of the thigh. Its inser- tion tendon is perforated by the great saphenous artery and vein and the greater saphenous nerve. The sartorius and gracilis should be raised from the surface and divided. 148 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (c) The biceps femoris: Origin in two portions: First portion (caput breve): Spinous processes of three posterior sacral and three anterior caudal vertebrae. This portion is triangular in shape, the distal end, or apex of the triangle, passing into a thin flat tendon which is inserted on. the lateral margin of the patella. Second portion (caput longum): Dorsal surface of the ischial tuberosity, fused with the adductor magnus, and the lateral process, fused with the second, or deep portion of the semimembranosus. This portion is also triangular, the base being distal and providing a broad insertion on the. fascia of the proximal third of the lateral surface of the leg. The first, or superficial head of the semimembranosus covers this portion at its origin. To free the biceps and divide it: Incision along the aponeurotic line joining the tip of the great trochanter with the sacrum; also distad along the intermuscular septum of the lateral ‘surface of the thigh from the great trochanter to the knee. The sciatic vein lies on the lateral surface towards the ischial tuberosity. An incision along it will free the superficial head of the semimembranosus from the biceps. Raise the biceps slightly by working the handle of the scalpel under its distal portion. Divide the muscle from its posterior margin, being careful not to injure the slender tensor fasciae cruris muscle and the branches of the sciatic nerve which lie beneath it. The first head of the biceps may be separated and reflected in order to expose the short muscles of the thigh. (d) The tensor fasciae cruris. Origin: By a long, slender tendon, from the transverse process of the fourth sacral vertebra. Insertion: Lateral fascia of the leg. This slender muscular slip underlies the biceps femoris. (e) The semimembranosus. Origin in two portions: First (superficial) portion: Fascia covering the first head of the biceps. 1 Second (deep) portion: Lateral process of the ischial tuberosity. Insertion: In common with the gracilis on the fascia of the proximal portion of the medial surface of the leg. This fascia is contracted into two ligaments, one of which carries the insertion of the muscle to the distal end of. the tibial tuberosity, the other to the distal end of the leg, where it joins the tendon of the heel (tendo calcaneus). (f) The semitendinosus. Origin: Ischial tuberosity. Insertion: Medial condyle of the tibia. The muscle is completely en- closed by the adductor magnus, which must be split to expose it. Tux Posterior Lime. 149 BLOODVESSELS AND NERVES OF THE THIGH. *The femoral artery (a. femoralis) traverses the medial surface of the thigh, beginnimg at the dorsal side of the inguinal ligament, where it continues the external iliac artery. Immediately distal to the inguinal ligament it gives off the deep artery of the thigh (a. profunda femoris). The latter passes to the dorsal side of the pectineus muscle, and is dis- tributed to the posterior proximal portion of the limb. A second branch the lateral circumflex artery (a. circumflexa femoris lateralis), passes forward from the anterior wall between the insertion of the psoas major and the origin of the vastus medialis. Its first branches are distributed medially to the vastus medialis and rectus femoris. The trunk passes to the lateral side of the head of the second portion of the rectus femoris, and is distributed chiefly to the first head of the rectus femeris and to the tensor fasciae latae. A third branch of the femoral, the superficial epigastric artery (a. epigastrica superficialis), given off medially, and passing to the abdominal wall, has been divided (p. 113). At the beginning of the distal third of the thigh, a small branch, the a. genu suprema, passes over the medial condyle of the femur to the knee-joint, and at about the point of origin of this vessel a large branch, the great saphenous artery (a. saphena magna), arises from the posterior wall. It passes across the medial surface of the distal end of the adductor longus, and through the tendon of the gracilis, to the medial surface of the leg. The femoral artery passes between the adductores longus and magnus, continuing as the popliteal artery (a. poplitea). The hypogastric artery (p. 134) appears in the greater sciatic notch, continuing thence as the sciatic artery (a. ischiadica). The vessel passes backward to the dorsal surface of the superior ramus of the ischium, where it divides into lateral caudal and internal pudendal branches. Its smaller branches are distributed to the glutaei and biceps femoris muscles. **The femoral vein (v. femoralis) traverses the medial surface of the thigh in company with the femoral artery. It begins at the proximal end of the lower third of the thigh as a continuation of the popliteal vein (v. poplitea), which accompanies the corresponding artery. Its tribu- taries comprise the great saphenous, superficial epigastric, lateral circum- flex, and profunda femoris veins. The sciatic vein (v. ischiadica) traverses the lateral surface of the thigh near its posterior margin, lying at first between the biceps and semimembranosus and afterwards on the posterior margin of the former. At the dorsal border of the ischium, in front of the ischial tuberosity, it receives the lateral caudal and internal pudendal veins. *kThe femoral nerve (n. femoralis) arises from the lumbosacral plexus, chiefly from the fifth lumbar. Its position between the psoas major and iliacus muscles has already been noted (p. 144).. Immediately beyond the inguinal ligament it divides into two portions, one of which is distributed to the muscles of the anterior side of the thigh, while the other, the greater saphenous nerve (n. saphenus major), passes to the 12 150 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. medial surface of the thigh and leg in company first with the femoral artery and afterwards with the great saphenous artery. The sciatic nerve (n. ischiadicus) appears laterally in the greater sciatic notch. It passes backward beneath the piriformis muscle, and then turns distad to the thigh, where it lies on the lateral surfaces of the adductores magnus and longus. It distributes branches to the posterior musculature of the thigh. In the proximal portion of the thigh it divides into two chief branches, which are closely connected as farasthe knee. The anterior branch is the peroneal nerve (n. peronaeus), the posterior branch the tibial nerve (n. tibialis). The lesser.saphenous nerve (p. 154) is a small branch given off from the tibial above the knee- joint. : For the origin of this and related nerves see p. 155. The superior gluteal nerve (n. glutaeus superior) appears in the greater sciatic notch, leaving the sciatic close to the inferior posterior spine of the ilium. It passes between the glutaeus minimus and the lateral surface of the ilium, ending in the tensor fasciae latae. Its branches are distributed to the glutaei medius and minimus and the piriformis muscles. The inferior gluteal nerve (n. glutaeus inferior) perforates the pos- terior portion of the piriformis, and is distributed to the glutaeus maxi- mus. The posterior cutaneous nerve (n. cutaneus femoris posterior) accom- panies the hypogastric artery backward to the ischial tuberosity, where it turns to the posterior margin of the thigh and the medial surface of the sciatic vein, ending in branches to the skin. The pudendal nerve (n. pudendus) accompanies the sciatic artery and afterwards the internal pudendal to the penis or clitoris. In preparation for the muscular dissection of the leg, the insertion tendons of the biceps femoris, tensor fasciae cruris, gracilis, and semi- membranosus muscles should be removed from about the knee-joint. The adductor magnus may be detached from the medial condyle of the femur, but the popliteal vessels must be kept intact. The superficial bloodvessels of the leg should be noted, since it is necessary to clear them away in separating the muscles. They include, medially, the great saphenous artery and vein, and laterally the sciatic vein, together -with its continuation, the anterior tibial vein, and the accessory small saphe- nous vein (p. 153). 4. Muscles arising from the medial and lateral condyles of the femur and from the proximal portions of the tibia and fibula, including the tibial condyles; inserted on the foot. The group includes the typical extensors and flexors of the foot, together with the peronaei muscles, which individually are extensors and flexors, but collectively have the relation of lateral tractors (Fig. 49). A. Extensor group. Muscles occupying an anterior position on the leg and inserted on the dorsum of the foot. (a) The extensor hallucis longus. Origin: Middle portion of the anteromedial surface of the tibia and from the medial con- THE Posterior Lime. 151 dyle ‘behind the tibial collateral ligament. Insertion: The tendon passes around the medial malleolus of the tibia and beneath the base of the second metatarsal, uniting with the - first tendon of the extensor digitorum longus. The posterior tibial artery, the continuation of the great saphenous, and the tibial nerve accompany the tendon in the malleolar groove. (b) The tibialis anterior. Origin: Lateral condyle of the tibia and corresponding surface of the tibial tuberosity. Insertion: Base of the second metatarsal. The tendon passes beneath the obliquely placed crural ligament of the lower portion of the leg. The muscle should be divided and its head reflected. The anterior tibial artery and vein, and the peroneal nerve appear on the anterior surface of the tibia at the lateral side of the crural . ligament. (c) The extensor digitorum longus. Origin: Bya flattened tendon from the lateral margin of the facies patellaris of the femur. This ten- don passes through the capsule of the knee - joint, and the fleshy portion of the tote: muscle lies on the anterolateral surface of the tibia. Inser- tion: The distal ten- don passes beneath the crural ligament, then beneath the cru- ciate ligament of the Peceiss dorsum of the foot, ; ; dividing into four por- Fic. 49. Transverse section of ‘the proximal portion or ois leg: jer beroneel artes ire i i great saphenous artery; ‘ a.s.p., small saphenous Hons for mset tion ell SRSLY: a.t.a., anterior tibial artery; b-f., biceps all the phalanges of femoris (insertion); e.d.l., extensor digitorum th di it Jongus; e.h.l., extensor hallucis longus; f., fibula; ee EO Eee gee eid ic. and medial heads of the gastrocnemius; gr., The muscle mee be dis (insertion tendon); n.s., greater saphenous nerve; placed iby dividing the n.s.m., lesser saphenous nerve; n.t., tibial nerve; crural ligament. pl., plenary ae SOleUe t., tibia; oe ee sean _ anterior; t.f.c., tensor fasciae cruris (insertion); DE peroneal and ante, sciatic vein; v.s.m., great saphenous vein; TOF tibial arteries lie v.s.p., small saphenous vein; 1-4, the peronaei (pri- behind this muscle. the mus-quartus). former in a medial posi- , ; tion. in contact with the tibia, the latter on the peronaei muscles in company with the peroneal nerve. - B. Peronaeus group. These muscles arise from the lateral surface of the leg, and are inserted on all surfaces at the lateral side of the foot. The insertion tendons reach the foot from beneath the lateral malleolus. Anterior Medal 152 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (a) The peronaeus longus (p. primus). Origin: Lateral condyle of the tibia and head of the fibula. Insertion: End of the reduced first metatarsal. The tendon crosses the plantar surface of the foot, passing around the distal end of the cuboid bone. _ The muscle should be divided. (b) The peronaeus brevis (p. sectindus). Origin: Lateral condyle of the tibia and corresponding surface of the shaft; also the crural interosseous ligament joining the tibia and fibula. Insertion: Tuberosity of the base of the fifth meta- tarsal. (c) The peronaeus tertius. Origin: The head of the fibula and the crural interosseous ligament, fused with the extensor digitorum longus. Insertion: Head of the fifth metatarsal, and distally, united with the tendon of the extensor digitorum longus, on the phalanges of this digit. (d) The peronaeus quartus. Origin: The fibula and the inter- osseous ligament, fused with the peronaeus brevis and with the extensor digitorum longus. Insertion: Head of the fourth metatarsal. C. Flexor group. The muscles arise from the medial and lateral condyles of tibia and femur (the flexor digitorum sublimis from the posterior surface of the tibia). They lie behind the axis of the tibia, and are inserted both on the heel and on the plantar surface of the foot. (a) The triceps surae comprises: ; (1) The gastrocnemius. Origin: in two portions: Caput laterale: Lateral condyles of tibia and femur and related femoral sesamoid. Caput mediale: Medial condyle of the femur and its sesamoid. (2) The soleus: Origin: Head of the fibula. Insertion: Through the Achilles’ tendon (tendo calcaneus). The latter passes over the posterior end of the tuber calcanei, and is attached to its ventral surface. The tendon is covered by that of the plantaris muscle. The small saphenous artery and vein lie at the posterior margin of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius in company with the lesser saphenous nerve. (b) The plantaris. Origin: Lateral condyle of the femur and associated sesamoid. Insertion: The tendon passes over the heel to the plantar surface of the foot, and divides in four parts for insertion on the second phalanges of the four developed digits. The two muscles should be divided. c) The popliteus. Origin: Lateral condyle of the femur: The tendon passes through the capsule of the knee-joint. The muscle contains the tibial sesamoid. It crosses the pos- terior surface of the tibia obliquely, and is inserted on the proximal portion of its posteromedial angle. Tue Posterior Limes. 153 (d) The flexor digitorum longus. Origin: Lateral condyle of the tibia and head of the fibula, extending to the posterior surface of the interosseous ligament and associated portions of the tibia and fibula. Insertion: The tendon passes beneath the sustentaculum tali, reaching the plantar surface of the foot, where it is partly covered by the plantaris tendon. It divides into four parts for insertion on the ungual phalanges of the four developed digits. The tibial nerve lies on the medial surface of the head of the plantaris and afterwards on the medial surfaces of the popliteus and flexor digitorum longus. 5. Muscles arising from the foot and inserted on the individual digits. (a) The lumbricales. Origin: Tendon of the flexor digitorum longus. Insertion: Medial surfaces of the first phalanges of the three lateral digits. (b) The interossei (metatarsi). Origin: From the dorsal portion of the tendon-sheath of the flexor digitorum longus. In- sertion: Heads of the four metatarsals. VESSELS AND NERVES OF THE LEG AND Foot. *The great saphenous artery passes distad on the medial surface of the leg, and is continued as the posterior tibial artery (a. tibialis posterior) around the medial malleolus to the plantar surface of the foot. Above the ankle-joint it gives off the malleolar artery (a. malleolaris) to the posterior surface of the distal end of the tibiofibula. The popliteal artery, the continuation of the femoral, passes between the medial head of the gastrocnemius on the one hand and the lateral head and the plantaris on the other, reaching the anterior surface of the popliteus, and afterwards the anterior surfaces of the tibia and fibula -by passing between their proximal ends. It divides into two branches, the anterior tibial and peroneal arteries. It distributes branches to the muscles about the knee-joint, including a branch to the distal portion of the vastus lateralis, which is given off at about the point of origin of the small saphenous artery. The small saphenous artery (a. saphena parva) appears on the proximal portion of the posterolateral margin of the leg, running along the border of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius in company with the corresponding vein and the lesser saphenous nerve. The anterior tibial artery (a. tibialis anterior) lies on the medial margin of the peronaeus longus, and passes to the fibular side of the crural ligament in company with the anterior tibial vein and the peroneal nerve to the dorsum of the foot. The peroneal artery occupies a more medial position, traversing the leg close to the tibia and the interosseous ligament. It reaches the dorsum of the foot after passing beneath the crural ligament. **The great saphenous vein (v. saphena magna), a large tributary of the femoral, accompanies the corresponding artery, and the greater 154 ANATOMY OF THE Rassi'. saphenous nerve, and is continued as the posterior tibial vein (v. tibialis posterior), to the plantar surface of the foot. The popliteal vein, the root of the femoral, accompanies the corre- sponding artery in the popliteal fossa. It receives the small saphenous vein (v. saphena parva) from the posterior margin of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius. The sciatic vein is continued on the lateral surface of the leg as the anterior tibial vein (v. tibialis anterior). It receives the accessory small saphenous vein (v. saphena parva accessoria) from the posterior surface, and is continued to the dorsum of the foot passing to the fibular side of the crural ligament. *«The greater saphenous nerve, the posterior branch of the femoral nerve, accompanies first the femoral artery and afterwards the great saphenous artery, passing distad to the medial surface of the leg. The tibial nerve, the posterior division of the sciatic, passes between the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius to the medial surface of the head of the plantaris. It traverses the leg, lying on the medial surface first of the popliteus and afterwards of the flexor digitorum longus, and passing beneath the medial malleolus reaches the plantar ‘surface of the foot. In the proximal portion of the leg it distributes muscular branches to the flexor group. The lesser saphenous nerve (n. saphenus minor) accompanies the small saphenous artery and vein on the posterior margin of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius. The peroneal nerve, the anterior division of the sciatic, passes distad, lying at first between the insertion of the biceps and the lateral head of the gastrocnemius, and thus appearing on the surface after the removal of the former. It perforates the anterior portion of the lateral head of the gastrocnemius and afterwards the fused heads of the peronaeus tertius and flexor digitorum longus, traversing the leg at first behind the peronaeus longus and then around its medial margin to the front of its tendon. It passes to the fibular side of the crural ligament and thence to the dorsum of the foot. The nerve distributes branches to the tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus. The structure of the lumbosacral plexus may be examined by break- ing away the ventral portion of the pelvis, or by dividing the sacroiliac articulation in such a way that the two sides of the pelvis may be pressed apart, the ventral or pelvic face of the sacrum being thus exposed. The posterior portions of the psoas and iliacus muscles may be picked away with the forceps, and the abductor caudae anterior muscle (p. 183) may be detached from its origin on the ischial spine. : The lumbosacral plexus (plexus lumbosacralis) is formed by the ventral roots of the four posterior lumbar and four sacral spinal nerves. It is divisible into a lumbar plexus (plexus lumbalis), from which arises the femoral nerve, and a sacral plexus (plexus sacralis), from which arises the sciatic nerve. The femoral nerve is formed from the fifth, sixth, and seventh lumbar, especially from the loop connecting the fifth and sixth (ansa lumbalis 11). From the same loop arises a smaller, obturator nerve (n. obturatorius), Tur Posterior Limp. 155 which accompanies the obturator artery, and is distributed to the obturatores, adductores, and gracilis muscles. The sciatic nerve, together with the superior and inferior gluteal nerves, arise from the loop connecting the last lumbar and first sacral nerves (ansa lumbalis 111). The internal pudendal nerve is formed from the loop connecting the second and third sacral nerves (ansa sacralis 11), but chiefly from the second. : THE ARTICULATIONS OF THE POSTERIOR Limp. The more perfect development and larger size of the joints of the posterior limb make them much more favorable for examination than the corresponding parts of the anterior limb. The muscular attachments should be removed from about the articular capsules and the structures examined as follows: A. The hip-joint (articulatio coxae) is an enarthrosis, formed by the head of the femur with the parts of the ischium, ilium, and the os aceta- buli enclosing the acetabulum, together with the articular capsule (capsula articularis) and accessory ligaments. The articular capsule extends from the acetabular margin to the proximal end of the neck of the femur. It is strongest on its dorsal side. The external supports of the joint comprise the iliofemoral, ischiocapsular, and pubocapsular ligaments. By dividing the capsule, the contents of the joint and the smooth articular surfaces may be examined; also the attachment of the head of the femur to the wall of the acetabular fossa through the round liga- ment (lig. teres femoris). The glenoid lip (labrum glenoidale) is the ring of fibrocartilage surrounding the margin of the acetabulum and connecting with the articular capsule. B. The knee-joint (articulatio genu) is a hinge-joint, or ginglymus with a slight spiral trend. It is formed by the articular surfaces of the medial and lateral condyles of the femur and tibia, with the associated articular capsule, ligaments, and inarticular fibrocartilages (see section, Fig. 13). The tibial collateral ligament (lig. collaterale tibiale) is a stout band of connective tissue stretching from the medial condyle of the femur to the posteromedial angle of the medial condyle of the tibia. The fibular collateral ligament is a similar structure connecting the lateral condyle of the femur with the lateral surface of the tibia imme- diately in front of the head of the fibula. The sesamoid bones of the popliteal region have articular surfaces taking part in the formation of the joint. That on the medial condyle of the femur is contained in the medial head of the gastrocnemius, that on the lateral condyle of this bone in the lateral head of the gastroc- nemius and the plantaris, and that on the lateral tibial condyle in the popliteus. The common tendon of the quadriceps femoris, the patella, and the 156 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. patellar ligament are associated with the capsule, forming the anterior wall of the joint. Between the apposed surfaces of the condyles, in the interior of the joint, there are two short, cruciate ligaments and two thin plates of fibrocartilage, the medial and lateral menisci. The anterior cruciate ligament (lig. cruciatum anterius) passes from the lateral wall of the intercondyloid fossa of the femur to the anterior end of the intercon- dyloid eminence of the tibia. The posterior cruciate ligament passes from the medial wall of the intercondyloid fossa of the femur to the posterior intercondyloid fossa of the tibia. The medial meniscus (meniscus medialis) lies on the articular surface of the medial condyle of the tibia, and is connected by ligament with the anterior and posterior intercondyloid fossae of the bone. The larger, lateral meniscus lies on the lateral condyle of the tibia, and is attached by ligament anteriorly to the medial portion of the articular surface, and posteriorly to the medial wall of the intercondyloid fossa of the femur. C. The ankle-joint (articulatio talocruralis) is a ginglymus with a considerable amount of spiral torsion. The articulating surfaces are chiefly formed by the tibia and talus, but also by the fibular side of the tibiofibula and the calcaneus. On the tibial side the calcaneotibial liga- ment (lig. calcaneotibiale) connects the medial malleolus with the sus- tentaculum tali. On the fibular side the calcaneofibular ligament (lig. calcaneofibulare) connects the posterior portion of the groove for the peronaei muscles forwards with the lateral surface of the calcaneus, and a second ligament extends from the anterior margin of the groove back- ward to the lateral surface of the calcaneus. The tibionavicular liga- ment (lig. tibionaviculare) connects the anterior surface of the distal end of the tibia with the dorsal surface of the navicular bone. Tur Heap anp NEcK. 157 X. THE HEAD AND NECK. This dissection includes the various structures of the region, with the exception of the cervical and occipital musculature and the central nervous system, which are treated in the succeeding parts, and the special musculature of the ear, which has been omitted. To begin the dissection, the skin, which has already been divided to the mandibular symphysis and partly reflected, should be separated from the underlying platysma along the side of the head, and reflected until the surface is clear to a point near the dorsal median line of the » skull. The insertion of the platysma on the cheek, and that of its special portion, the depressor conchae posterior, on the base of the ear, should be noted. A second band of muscle, similar in its relation to the platysma, arises from the lateral border of the mandible, immediately in front of the masseter muscle, and is inserted into the base of the ear. This is the depressor conchae (parotideoauricularis) anterior. In removing the skin of the upper and lower eyelids, two muscles, the orbicularis oculi and the depressor palpebrae inferioris, may be observed. The former is a somewhat circular band of fibres enclosing -both eyelids, the fibres lying directly on the skin, and being concen- trated at the anterior and posterior angles. The latter is a very slender muscle arising from the zygomatic arch and inserted into the skin of the lower eyelid. The corresponding levator palpebrae superioris— arises from the orbital wall, and is here concealed by the projecting supraorbital process. 1. On the lateral surface of the head the following structures may be made out without further dissection: (a) The masseter muscle. Origin: The zygomatic arch; tendinous from its anterior angle. Insertion: Lateral sur- face of the angle of the mandible, (b) The parotid gland (gl. parotis), a diffuse, white or brownish gland lying immediately behind the angle of the mandible. Its duct (d. parotideus) crosses the masseter and perforating the mucous membrane of the cheek opens into the oral cavity. (c) The chief part of the seventh cranial or facial nerve (n. facialis) appears in the anterior portion of the parotid gland, its branches crossing the masseter. They are distributed as motor nerves to the cutaneous muscles of the face, including the platysma. (d) The external maxillary artery (a. maxillaris externa) appears at the ventral border of the mandible immediately in front of the masseter. It passes upward to the anterior margin of the eye, ending in the angular artery (a. angularis). Its chief branches to the anterior portion of the face are: (1) the submental artery (a. submentalis) to the chin; (2) the 158 ANATOMY OF THE Raspit. inferior labial artery (a. labialis inferior) to the lower lip; and (3) the superior labial artery to the upper lip. A small vessel, the transverse facial artery, crosses the cheek, running along the ventral border of the zygomatic arch. It is branch of the superficial temporal (p. 162). (e) The anterior facial vein (v. facialis anterior) accompanies the external maxillary artery. It begins in front of the eye as the angular vein, and receives as tributaries the superior and inferior labial veins. 2. Dissection of the facial muscles. These muscles arise from the facial portion of the skull, and are inserted into the skin about the upper and lower lips. (a) The quadratus labii superioris. Origin: Dorsal portion of the | maxillary fossa. Insertion: Skin of the upper lip.* (b) The subcutaneus faciei. Origin: Lateral border of the premaxilla, its frontal process, and the supraorbital process of the frontal. Insertion: Skin of the dorsal surface of the nose. (c) The zygomaticus minor. Origin: Anterior end of the zygo- matic arch. Insertion: Skin of the angle of the mouth. (d) The levator alae nasi. Origin: Maxillary fossa. Insertion: Lateral cartilage of the nose. The muscle is very slender, and is inserted by ‘a long tendon which underlies the in- sertion portion of the quadratus labii superioris. (e) The buccinator is a broad stout band of fibres enclosing the cheek and attached to the alveolar borders of the upper jaw and mandible. (f) The caninus. Origin: Lateral border of the upper jaw. Insertion: Hairy portion of the mucous membrane of the mouth. The muscle is very broad, but short and extremely thin. (g) The quadratus labii inferioris. Origin: Ventral border of the mandible. Insertion: Skin of the lower lip. (h) The mentalis. The muscle surrounds the anterior portion of the mandible behind the incisor teeth. It is attached externally to the skin of the lower lip through the insertion portion of the quadratus labii inferioris, which largely overlies it. 3. Dissection on the ventral surface of the neck to free the external jugular vein and its tributaries. The cervical fascia and a portion of the parotid gland must be removed. The external jugular vein (v. jugularis externa) is formed behind the angle of the mandible by the union of the anterior and posterior facial veins. It passes backward in a superficial position to the superior thoracic aperture. Its connections in the lower part of the neck comprise *The levator alae nasi, and zygomaticus minor muscles may be considered to be subdivisions of this muscle. Tur Heap AND NECK. 159 the transverse scapular vein (v. transversa scapulae) of the shoulder and its union with the vein of the other side by the transverse jugular vein (v. jugularis transversa) (Fig. 52). The posterior facial vein (v. facialis posterior) is formed below the base of the ear by the union of the superficial and deep temporal veins of the temporal region, the inferior ophthalmic vein, from the posterior portion of the orbit, and the anterior auricular vein from the ear. It passes downward in the substance of the parotid gland, and in its first portion is covered by the root of the facial nerve. Immediately below the latter it receives the posterior auricular vein from the ear and back of the head. In addition to the tributaries described above, the anterior facial vein receives from beneath the anterior margin of the masseter the deep facial vein (v. facialis profunda). The latter arises in the lower anterior portion of the orbit, and passes downward beneath the masseter muscle. The anterior facial vein receives at the ventral border of the mandible the internal maxillary vein (v. maxillaris interna). The latter also begins in the orbit, where it is connected with the deep facial. At the medial surface of the mandible it receives the inferior alveolar vein—to be seen at a later stage—from the interior of the mandible. The external jugular vein may be divided and turned forward together with the parotid gland. ‘ 4, Examination of the more superficial structures of the ventral surface of the head and neck. (a) The submaxillary gland (gl. submaxillaris), a somewhat compact rounded or oval gland lies at the medial side of the extreme ventral portion of the angle of the mandible. Its duct (d. submaxillaris) may be seen running forward toward the mouth. (b) The angle of the mandible is covered by two muscles of mastication, the masseter lying on the lateral surface, and the pterygoideus internus on the medial surface. (c) The digastricus. Only its insertion portion is visible. It passes forward along the medial surface of the mandible, to the anterior portion of which it is attached. (d) The mylohyoideus is a transverse sheet of muscle arising from the medial surface of the mandible on either side and inserted on the hyoid bone. (e) The sternomastoideus. Origin: In common with that of the opposite side, from the manubrium sterni. Insertion: Mastoid process of the skull. (f) The sternohyoideus. Origin: In common with that of the opposite side, from the dorsal surface of the manubrium and anterior portion of the body of the sternum, extending to the third costal articulation. Insertion: Greater cornu of the hyoid. The two muscles are closely associated in the middle line. They should be separated from one another and divided. 160 (g) (h) (i) (3) (k) (1) (m) (n) (0) (p) (q) (r) ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. The sternothyreoideus. Origin: In common with the sternohyoideus. Insertion: Lateral plate of the thyreoid cartilage of the larynx. The muscle forms a thin band lying on the side of the trachea. It is continued from the thyreoid cartilage to the greater cornu of the hyoid as the thyreohyoideus. The trachea occupies a median position, and is supported by cartilaginous tracheal rings. The thyreoid cartilage of the larynx; a saddle-shaped carti- lage, composed of right and left thyreoid plates (Fig. 36). The cricoid cartilage, a thick annular cartilage situated between the thyreoid cartilage and the first tracheal ring. It is connected ventrally with the thyreoid cartilage by the cricothyreoideus muscle. The deep cervical lymph gland (lymphoglandula cervicalis profunda) is a large elongated reddish-colored gland in the upper portion of the neck, opposite the thyreoid cartilage. The thyreoid gland (gl. thyreoidea) lies on the ventral surface of the trachea behind the cricoid cartilage. It is composed of right and left portions connected across the middle line by a narrower median portion, the isthmus. The common carotid artery (a. carotis communis) passes forward from the superior thoracic aperture along the side of the trachea. Its branches on the neck include the superior thyreoid artery (a. thyreoidea superior), to the thyreoid gland, and the (superior) laryngeal artery (a. laryngea). The latter arises at the level of the thyreoid plate, passing to the larynx and to the sternohyoid sternothryeoid muscles. The internal jugular vein (v. jugularis interna) lies to the lateral side of the common carotid artery, traversing the neck from the jugular foramen of the skull to the superior thoracic aperture. The tenth cranial or vagus nerve (n. vagus) is the largest of four nerves accompanying the carotid artery. It lies to the lateral side of the common carotid, between the latter and the internal jugular vein. It gives off the n. laryngeus superior to the larynx, the latter passing to the dorsal side of the common carotid artery. The ramus descendens of the twelfth cranial or hypoglossal nerve crosses the root of the vagus from a lateral to a medial position. It passes backward on the ventral surface of the artery, and is chiefly distinguishable by its branches to the sternohyoideus and related muscles. The cervical portion of the sympathetic trunk lies on the dorsal surface of the common carotid, and is slightly medial in relation to the vagus. The ramus cardiacus of the vagus (n. depressor) lies on the Tus Heap anp NEcK. 161 dorsal surface of the common carotid on the medial side of the sympathetic trunk. It arises at the level of the posterior margin of the thyreoid cartilage. (s) The third and fourth cervical nerves may be traced from their origin in the intervertebral foramina to the musculature of the neck. They encircle the basioclavicularis muscle, under cover of the sternomastoideus and cleidomastoideus. 5. Dissection of the muscles of mastication and related structures of the mandible. On account of the narrowness of the space lying between the two limbs of the mandible, and the great depth of its angle, it is necessary, in order to expose the surface for the deep dissection of the ventral portion of the head and neck, to remove one-half of the mandible entirely. Hence the following order: (a) The masseter muscle. Origin: The entire surface of the - zygomatic arch; tendinous from its anterior angle (spina masseterica). Insertion: Lateral surface of the angle of the mandible (1, a). -The orbital structures should be freed from the zygomatic arch by passing a knife along its dorsal margin. The zygomatic arch may then be divided anteriorly and posteriorly and removed, together with the whole insertion of the masseter muscle. (b) The temporalis is a slender, somewhat triangular muscle arising from the reduced temporal fossa (sulcus temporalis) of the skull and inserted by a long stout tendon on the medial side of the reduced coronoid process. The muscle may be exposed by dividing the temporal portion of the posterior supraorbital ligament which holds its tendon in place; then divided. To remove one-half of the mandible: Divide the mandibular symphysis, and pass a knife along the medial surface of the side to be removed. The tip of the knife must be kept close to the bone, so that the underlying soft parts, except for being divided, will be kept uninjured. The medial surface of the mandible should be clean when removed. The bone may be turned laterad and detached from the skull at the articulation. The structures appearing on the cut surface include the insertion of the digastricus and the margin of the mylohyoideus; also: (c) The pterygoideus internus muscle. Origin: Pterygoid pro- cess of the skull. Insertion: Ventral portion of the medial surface of the angle. (d) The pterygoideus externus. Origin: Lateral plate of the pterygoid process. Insertion: Dorsal portion of the medial surface of the angle. Both muscles are strongly de- veloped. (e) The inferior alveolar artery (a. alveolaris inferior) lies be- ‘tween. the two pterygoidei. Its cut end marks the point of entrance into the mandible through the mandibular foramen. 162 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. The corresponding inferior alveolar vein leaves the mandible at this point. (f) The inferior alveolar nerve (n. alveolaris inferior) accom- panies the inferior alveolar artery to the mandible. The con- tinuation of the nerve is the mental nerve. It appears at the mental foramen, and passes to the lower lip. The origin of the inferior alveolar nerve may be traced. It arises from the mandibular nerve (n. mandibularis), the third division of the fifth cranial or trigeminal nerve (n. trige- minus), which also gives off anteriorly the stout lingual nerve to the tongue and posteriorly the slender mylohyoid nerve. These structures, together with the inferior alveolar artery, may be freed from their loose connections with the ptery- goidei, so that they may be left in place for further study. The two pterygoidei may then be detached at their point of origin from the skull and removed. 6. The branches of the common carotid may be traced in the anterior portion of the neck as follows: (a) The internal carotid (a. carotis interna) is a small vessel given off from the dorsal wall (pp. 171, 190). The trunk then passes forward as the external carotid (a. carotis externa). (b) The occipital artery (a. occipitalis) passes from the dorsal wall to the posterior portion of the head. The stylohyoideus major, a slender muscle arising with the digastricus - from the stylohyoid ligament and inserted on the greater cornu of the hyoid, should be divided. (c) The lingual artery (a. lingualis) arises from the ventral wall and passes forward into the tongue. (d) The external maxillary artery (a. maxillaris externa) is given off immediately in front of the lingual artery, sometimes in common with it. It passes forward on the medial surface of the ventral border of the mandible (medial to the digas- tricus), giving branches to the submaxillary gland and to the muscles of mastication. The vessel has been divided at the point where it passes around the ventral border of the mandible to the lateral surface of the face. (e) The internal maxillary artery (a. maxillaris interna), one of the two terminal branches of the external carotid, passes in the direction of the orbit (p. 168), giving off the inferior alveolar artery to the mandible. (f) The superficial temporal artery (a. temporalis superficialis), the second terminal branch, passes dorsad to the temporal region, supplying the latter and the base of the ear. The transverse facial artery, which crosses the cheek, is an anterior branch of this vessel. 7. Dissection of the tongue and hyoid: (a) The stylohyoideus major muscle. Origin: Jugular process THE Heap anp NEcK. 163 of the occipital bone. Insertion: Tip of the greater cornu of the hyoid. The muscle has been divided. _The superficial temporal and internal maxillary arteries should be divided. (b) The styloglossus. Origin: Jugular process. Insertion: The muscle passes downward and forward, expanding at the base of the tongue into a broad sheet the fibres of which extend to its anterior tip. The muscle should be carefully separated from two others on its medial side and divided. (c) The stylohyoideus minor. Origin: Jugular process. In- sertion: Lesser cornu of the hyoid. A slender muscle lying to the medial side of the styloglossus. _ The remaining muscle is the stylopharyngeus, the insertion of which is on the lateral wall of the pharynx. (d) The geniohyoideus. Origin: Mandibular symphysis. In- sertion: Anterior surface of the body of the hyoid: unpaired. (e) The genioglossus. Origin: Medial surface of the mandible immediately behind the symphysis. The fibres pass upward and slightly backward into the substance of the tongue. (f) The hyoglossus. Origin: The body of the hyoid and the greater and lesser cornua by more or less separate heads. The muscle passes into the base of the tongue enclosed on either side by the styloglossi. (g) The lingualis, or intrinsic muscle of the tongue consists of a mass of fibres with no skeletal attachments. (h) The lingual nerve (n. lingualis), one of the chief branches of the mandibular, passes forward and downward to the side of the tongue and enters its substance immediately below the ventral border of the styloglossus. The lingual is the sensory nerve of the tongue. Near its point of origin the lingual nerve receives the chorda tympani (p. 171). (i) The twelfth cranial or hypoglossal nerve (n. hypoglossus) enters the base of the tongue. It lies on the lateral side of the external carotid artery and on the medial side of the stylohyoideus major. It is distributed as a motor nerve to the lingual muscles. (j) The ramus lingualis of the ninth cranial, or glossopharyngeal nerve (n. glossopharyngeus) enters the base of the tongue at a point dorsal to the hypoglossus and between the stylo- hyoideus minor and the stylopharyngeus. It is a gustatory nerve of the tongue. 8. Dissection of the extra-cranial roots of the ninth to twelfth nerves. These nerves, which for the most part have already been exposed, may be traced to their origin in the jugular foramen. The tympanic bulla should be exposed by removing whatever portions of the parotid gland are still in place. The lingual and hypoglossal nerves may be 164 ANATOMY OF THE Rassi’. divided—the latter at the base of the tongue—so.that the external carotid artery may be displaced backward. (a) The ninth (glossopharyngeal) nerve is farthest forward. Its two main branches are the ramus lingualis to the tongue, and the ramus pharyngeus, the latter entering the lateral wall of the pharynx. : The tenth (vagus) nerve bears an elongated ganglionic enlargement, the plexus ganglioformis (ganglion nodosum). It lies immediately below the jugular foramen. The superior laryngeal nerve and the ramus cardiacus are given off at the level of the origin of the internal carotid artery. The eleventh cranial, or. spinal accessory nerve (n. accessorius) is dorsal to the vagus, with which it is united above the plexus ganglio- formis by a ramus internus. The nerve passes dorsad to the medial side of the mastoid attachments of the sternohyoideus and cleidomas- toideus muscles, giving branches to the latter, and then passes backward to the ventral surface of the trapezius to which it is distributed. The twelfth (hypoglossal) nerve arises behind the foregoing nerves, since it comes from the hypoglossal foramina of the occipital. It crosses their roots, forming a broad curve on the lateral surface of the root of the external carotid artery and enters the base of the tongue. The ramus descendens is given off at about the point where it crosses the artery. The cervical portion of the sympathetic trunk begins in the superior cervical ganglion (g. cervicale superius). It lies to the medial side of the vagus ganglion and of the internal carotid artery. The nerves proceeding from the ganglion accompany the branches of the external and internal carotid arteries to the head. 9. The oral cavity and pharynx. The glossopharyngeal nerve and the superior laryngeal nerve and artery may be divided, and the external carotid artery with the associ- ated nerves separated from the oesophagus and trachea. The latter may be displaced downward to a slight extent by dividing the loose con- nective tissue along the ventral surface of the vertebral column. An incision extending from the anterior end of the oral cavity backward into the oesophagus will expose the internal surface of the digestive tube sufficiently to make out its features. The incision divides the con- strictor pharyngis muscle, a broad band of muscle fibres enclosing the posterior portion of the pharynx. The general divisions are: (a) The oral cavity (cavum oris), divisible into the oral cavity proper, and the vestibulum oris, the latter lying between the alveolar processes and teeth on the one hand and the lips on the other. (b) The pharynx: its oral portion (pars oralis) continues the oral cavity, and connects it with the oesophagus. Its dorsal, also anterior, nasal portion (pars nasalis), or nasopharynx, Tue Heap anp NEcK. 165 lies above the soft palate, and receives the posterior aperture of the nose. Its ventral and posterior laryngeal portion (pars laryngea), not well-defined, contains the aperture of the larynx, the aditus laryngis. In the oral cavity: (a) The hard palate (palatum durum) forms the anterior portion of the roof; its mucous membrane is thrown into a series of transverse ridges. (b) The soft palate (palatum molle) is the thin, narrow, posterior, membranous portion of the roof. Itis very long in the rabbit, extending from the bony palatine bridge backward to a point above the laryngeal aperture, where it ends with a concave free margin. (c) The nasopalatine ducts (dd. nasopalatini) open by minute apertures immediately behind the small incisors. They connect the anterior portion of the nasal cavity with the mouth. (d) The tongue (lingua) projects upward and forward from its basal attachments on the hyoid into the floor of the mouth. Its connection with the latter is extended forward in the middle line by a vertical membranous fold, the frenulum linguae. Its dorsal surface is divided into a posterior smooth and hard portion, and an anterior softer and rougher portion, occupied by fine low elevations, the fungiform papillae (papillae fungiformes). At the posterior end of the smooth portion there are two small spherical elevations, the vallate papillae (papillae vallatae), partly sunk in the mucous membrane, and on either side an oval area, the papilla foliata, the surface of which is marked by fine parallel ridges. Both vallate and foliate papillae are occupied by microscopic taste-buds. In the pharynx: (a) The tonsil (tonsilla) appears as a rounded mass of lymph follicles lying on the anterior wall of a deep lateral depres- sion, the tonsillar sinus (sinus tonsillaris). The vertical slit- like aperture of the sinus is bounded by low anterior and posterior folds, the glossopalatine and pharyngopalatine arches. (b) The epiglottis, a triangular valve-like fold guarding _the entrance to the larynx, projects upward from the floor into the pharyngeal cavity. (c) By removing the posterior portion of the soft palate the con- nection of the nasopharynx with the nasal fossae will be exposed; also on the lateral wall the small pharyngeal aperture of the auditory tube (ostium pharyngeum tubae). 10. Examination of the larynx. And By cutting around the base of the tongue on the opposite side of the 13 166 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. body, the whole structure, together with the hyoid, larynx, and a por- tion of the trachea back to about the end of the thyreoid gland may be removed. This affords a good opportunity of re-dissecting on the oppo- site side from the medial surface of the mandible outward, also of clearing and examining the hyoid apparatus, which is not usually available with the prepared skeleton (p. 97). The laryngeal cartilages should be cleared externally and the parts made out as follows: (a) The thyreoid cartilage (cartilago thyreoidea) (Fig. 36) forms the largest portion of the structure. It is a unpaired saddle- shaped cartilage, described as consisting of right and left laminae. Its anterodorsal angle projects forward as the cornu superior; connected by ligament with the greater cornu of the hyoid. The corresponding posterodorsal angle, the cornu inferior, overlies the dorsolateral portion of the cricoid cartilage. The anterior dorsal portion of each plate bears a small thyreoid foramen (foramen thyreoideum) for the entrance of the superior laryngeal nerve. (b) The cricoid cartilage (cartilago cricoidea) is an annular carti- lage, partly enclosed by the posterior portions of the thyreoid laminae and surrounding the first tracheal ring. Its ventral portion, the arch of the cricoid cartilage, falls some distance behind the thyreoid cartilage, the intervening space being largely occupied by the cricothyreoidei muscles. Its dorsal portion, the lamina of the cricoid, forms a greatly expanded plate serving for the support of the arytenoid cartilages. © (c) The paired arytenoid cartilages (cartilagines arytenoideae) lie one on either side of the anterior tip of the cricoid plate. (d) The corniculate cartilages (cartilagines corniculatae) are slender curved terminal cartilages supported by the ary- tenoids. (e) The epiglottic cartilage (cartilago epiglottica) is a triangular plate supporting the epiglottis. ? (f{) The rudimentary vocal folds (plicae vocales) may be seen as vertical folds of the internal surface of the larynx, especially prominent when the thyreoid cartilage is bent downward on the cricoid. Each fold forms the posterior boundary of a shallow pouch, the laryngeal ventricle (ventriculus laryngis). In addition to the criothryreoidei the laryngeal cartilages are connected by several small muscles, including the cricoarytenoidei posterior and lateralis, the thryreoarytenoideus and the arytenoideus transversus, the last named being an unpaired muscle connecting the arytenoid cartilages. 11. The eye and related structures of the orbital cavity. The eyeball should be carefully separated from the bony orbital rim. The first portion of the nasolacrimal duct (d. nasolacrimalis), passing from its aperture on the medial surface of the lower eyelid to the lacrimal bone, will be divided. The muscles and glands of the orbit may be made out as follows: THE HEAD AND NEcK. 167 (a) The levator palpebrae superioris. Origin: Wall of the orbit above the optic foramen. Insertion: Upper eyelid. This thin sheet of muscle should be separated from the underlying rectus superior of the eyeball. (b) The obliquus superior. Origin: Anterior margin of the optic foramen. The muscle passes upward on the wall of the orbit, then beneath a fibrous cord, the trochlea, which bridges a small portion of the orbital wall and changes the course of the tendon by a considerable angle. Insertion: Antero- dorsal portion of the eyeball. (c) The obliquus inferior. Origin: Lacrimal bone. Insertion: Posteroventral portion of the eyeball. (d) The four recti muscles, superior, inferior, medialis, and lateralis, arise from the boundary of the optic foramen, and are inserted respectively on the dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior portions of the periphery of the eyeball. (e) The retractor bulbi (best seen after the removal of the eye) arises in common with the foregoing recti muscles, and is inserted on the medial portion of the eyeball around the optic nerve. It consists of four distinct parts. (f) The Harderian gland (gl. Harderiana) is a large compact gland lying in the anterior portion of the orbit. It is composed of two portions, one of which is greyish red, the other white. The duct opens on the inner ‘surface of the third eyelid. (g) The lacrimal gland (gl. lacrimalis) is a much smaller, also darker, structure lying close to the skull in the temporal angle of the orbit. It communicates by several fine ducts with the inner surface of the upper eyelid. The infraorbital gland (gl. infraorbitalis) is a diffuse white or yellowish gland lying in the anteroventral angle of the orbit immedi- ately medial to the zygomatic arch. The gland is one of the salivary series, its duct .passing downward and opening through the mucous membrane of the cheek into the cavity of the mouth. To examine the structure of the eye, the muscles of the eyeball should be divided at their insertions, and the whole structure removed. The second cranial or optic nerve (n. opticus) is divided; also the ophthalmic artery, a small branch of the internal carotid which accompanies the nerve outward from the optic foramen to the eyeball. The eye may be divided by a circular incision into medial and lateral hemispheres, the lateral hemisphere, containing the lens, being again divided vertically. The parts should be examined under water. The chief structures (Fig. 50) comprise: (a) The fibrous tunic (tunica fibrosa oculi), the strong peripheral coat enclosing the whole structure. It is divisible into a medial portion, the sclera, or sclerotic coat, a thick white investment of fibrous connective tissue enclosing the greater part of the eyeball, and a smaller transparent lateral portion, the cornea, covering the exposed surface. 168 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (b) The vascular tunic (tunica vasculosa oculi), the thin middle coat of the eye; pigmented, except in albino animals. It is divisible into: (1) a general portion, the chorioidea, lying on the inner surface of the sclera; (2) a muscular portion, the ciliary body (corpus ciliare), forming an annular ridge about the periphery of the lens; and (3) the iris, the latter forming’ a circular fold suspended about the periphery of the lens and on its outer surface. (c) The retina, the innermost layer of the eye, forms a thin soft membrane covering the inner surface of the chorioidea. It is divisible in a larger optic portion, the sensory part of the eye, and a smaller ciliary portion, lying about the periphery of the lens and distinguishable by the radiate markings of its surface, the latter formed by the projecting ridges of the ciliary body. (d) The transparent lens of the eye is suspended by fine filaments, the zonular fibres, reflected from the margin of the ciliary body. The vitreous body (cor- pus vitreum), a trans- parent mass, of gela- tinous consistence, occupies the large space enclosed by the lens and the retina. (f) The space enclosed between the surface of the lens and the cornea is divisible into a larger portion, the anterior chamber (camera oculi anterior), lying outside of the iris, and a smaller portion, the posterior chamber (camera oculi posterior), lying be- (e) tween the iris and the lens. Fic. 50. Diagram of the parts of the eye in vertical section: c.a., anterior chamber; c.c. ciliary body; ch., chorioidea; co., cornea; c.p., posterior chamber; c.r., ciliary portion of the tetina; c.y., vitreous body; d.h., Harderian duct; d.l., position of the lacrimal ducts; d.n., nasola- crimal duct; i., iris; 1., lens; n.o., optic nerve; o.r., optic portion of the retina; p.i, lower eyelid; p.s., upper eyelid; p.t., third eyelid; r.b., retractor bulbi; 1.i., rectus inferior; rs., rectus superior; sc., sclera; z., suspensory zonular fibres of the lens. The central space enclosed by the free margin of the iris is the pupil (pupilla). 12. Following the removal of the eye, the bloodvessels and nerves of the orbit may be freed from the remaining portions of the eye muscles and examined. In order to see their connections in the anterior angle of the orbit, it is necessary to break away the anterior root of the zygo- matic arch, and also the bony ridge which lodges the alveoli of the pos- terior cheek-teeth. (a) The internal maxillary artery enters the orbit through the anterior sphenoidal foramen in the root of the lateral lamina of the pterygoid process. At the posterior ventral angle of the orbit it gives off the inferior ophthalmic artery (a. ophthalmica Tue Heap anv NEcK. 169 inferior). This vessel passes upward and forward on the medial wall of the orbit, giving branches to the eye muscles. It divides into two branches, the frontal artery, which leaves the orbit through the anterior foramen of the supraorbital process, and the lacrimal artery, which passes through the corresponding posterior foramen. The ethmoidal artery, a small branch of the frontal, passes through the minute ethmoidal foramen of the orbital portion of the frontal into the nasal cavity. ’ The internal maxillary artery passes forward along the ventral boundary of the orbit, and at the opening of the infraorbital canal gives off a branch, the pterygopalatine artery, con- tinuing as the infraorbital artery. A small branch, the superior dental artery (a. dentalis superior) is given off laterally to the alveoli of the upper teeth. : The infraorbital artery (a. infraorbitalis) passes through the infraorbital canal to the face. The pterygopalatine artery (a. pterygopalatina) divides almost immediately into the anterior palatine artery, which traverses the pterygopalatine canal to the mucous membrane of the hard palate, and the sphenopalatine artery, which enters the nasal cavity by the sphenopalatine foramen. (b) The divisions of the third cranial, or oculomotor nerve, supply the eye muscles, with the exceptiom of the obliquus superior and the rectus lateralis. This nerve enters the orbit from the superior orbital fissure in company with certain parts of the trigeminal (e, f). The small nerves passing through the middle and posterior sphenoidal formina of the pterygoid process are the pterygobuccinator and masseterico- temporal nerves, branches of the mandibular, passing to the muscles - of mastication. (c) The fourth cranial, or trochlear nerve (n. trochlearis), is dis- tributed to the obliquus superior muscle. (d) The sixth cranial, or abducent nerve (n. abducens), is dis- tributed to the rectus lateralis. (e) The ophthalmic nerve (n. ophthalmicus), the first division of the fifth cranial, or trigeminal nerve (n. trigeminus), accom- panies the inferior ophthalmic artery on the medial wall of the orbit. It gives off a lacrimal nerve, which passes upward through the posterior foramen of the supraorbital process, and then passing forward a short distance divides in two parts. One of these, the frontal nerve, leaves the orbit through the anterior supraorbital foramen, while the other, the naso- ciliary nerve, is partly distributed to the anterior portion of the orbit, and is connected with the minute ciliary ganglion lying on the optic nerve, forming its sensory root. Its chief portion leaves the orbit through the ethmoidal foramen of the orbital portion of the frontal bone as the ethmoidal nerve 170 ANATOMY OF, THE RABBIT. (f) The branches of the maxillary nerve (n. maxillaris), the second division of the trigeminus, traverse the ventral por- tion of.the orbit passing forward in company with the internal maxillary artery. “They include the sphenopalatine nerve (n. sphenopalatinus) and the infraorbital nerve (n. infraorbitalis). The latter passes forward through the infraorbital groove and foramen to the face. The connections of the sphenopalatine nerve may be examined by, first dividing both nerves at the posterior angle of the orbit; then separating the slender sphenopalatine nerve from the ventral surface of the cord and turning the principal, infraorbital portion forward. A third nerve, the nerve of the pterygoid canal, should remain intact on the orbital wall. The sphenopalatine nerve ends in the sphenopalatine ganglion (g. sphenopalatinum). This is a small, somewhat radiate structure lying immediately behind the sphenopalatine foramen. The nerves proceed- ing from the ganglion include: (1) nasal rami, to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity; (2) the nasopalatine nerve, which enters the nasal region through the sphenopalatine foramen in company with the nasal rami, and, traversing the nasal septum, passes through the incisive foramen to the anterior portion of the hard palate; and (38) the anterior palatine nerve, which passes through the pterygopalatine canal to the posterior portion of the hard palate. The nerve of the pterygoid canal (n. canalis pterygoidei) is a slender cord which passes backward along the orbital wall from the posterodorsal angle of the ganglion. It lies on the medial side of the sphenopalatine and infraorbital.nerves and on the lateral surface-of the palatine bone. Posteriorly it enters the groove representing the pterygoid canal. This nerve is composed of two parts, separated posteriorly. One of them, the deep petrosal nerve (n. petrosus profundus), is connected with the sympathetic plexus of the internal carotid artery. The other, the great superficial petrosal nerve (n. petrosus superficialis major) enters the skull at the foramen lacerum, passing into the petrosal bone, in the interior of which it is connected with the trunk of the facial. The nerve con- stitutes the motor root of the sphenopalatine ganglion, the sensory root being that provided by the sphenopalatine nerve. The sphenopalatine ganglion is one of several representing the sym- pathetic system in the head, and having motor and sensory roots from the cerebral nerves in addition to their sympathetic connections. The series includes the ciliary ganglion, which lies on the optic nerve, the sphenopalatine ganglion, the otic ganglia, associated with the mandibular nerve, and the submaxillary ganglion, associated with the lingual nerve. 13. Examination of the middle ear. By breaking away the ventrolateral portion of the tympanic bulla and clearing the surface, the structures of the tympanic cavity may be studied. They are chiefly those already described in connection with the skeleton (p. 90); but the following soft parts may be identified. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) THe Heap anp NEck. 171 The tympanic membrane (membrana tympani) is stretched almost vertically across the lower end of the external acoustic meatus. . The tensor tympani is a slender muscle, the origin of which forwards from the alisphenoid is concealed. It is inserted on the manubrium mallei. The stapedius is a minute muscle arising from the periotic bone above the cochlear fenestra and inserted on the stapes, The chorda tympani is a delicate nerve which crosses the tympanic cavity, lying between the long crus of the incus and the manubrium mallei. The nerve is a continuation of the intermediate nerve, a sensory root of the facial, which arises independently of the chief or motor root and joins the facial in the facial canal of the periotic bone. Its peripheral, connections are with the lingual nerve and the submax- illary ganglion. The internal carotid artery traverses the carotid canal of the tympanic bone. By breaking away the posterior portion of the bulla, the entrance of the vessel into the external carotid foramen may be seen. The dissection of the parts of the ear as here outlined includes only the external, and middle portions together with the asso- ciated acoustic nerve and its entrance to the periotic bone. The parts of the internal ear (Fig. 51) are not readily made out without the use of special methods, though their position may be estimated by carefully breaking away the surface of the ventral portion of the periotic. They include (1) the bony laby- rinth, consisting of a series of con- nected spaces lodged in the in- terior of the petrous bone, and comprising the cochlea, vestibu- lum, and the bony semicircular canals; and (2) the mem- branous labyrinth, consisting of a second series of spaces contained within the first, and comprising the duct of, the cochlea, the Fic. 51. Diagram of the parts of the ear in vertical projection. To,show the general relations of the structures covered by the dissection. ‘ —p, petrous portion of the petrotympanic bone; t., tympanic portion (bulla tym- pani). c., cochlea; c.s. bony semicircular canals; c.t., tympanic cavity; d.c., cochlear duct; d.e., endolymphatic duct; .m., dura mater; ds., semicircular ducts; f.c., cochlear fenestra; f.v., vesti- bular fenestra; i., incus;, m, malleus; m.a.e., external acoustic meatus, ter- minating at the tympanic membrane; m.a.i., internal acoustic meatus; Si, sacculus; s.e., endolymphatic sac; st., stapes; t.a., auditory tube; u., utriculus; v, vestibulum; VIII, acoustic nerve. sacculus, the utriculus, and the semicircular ducts, together with their connections and the endolymphatic duct and sac. The membran- ous labyrinth contains the sensory portion of the ear and its cavity is occupied by a fluid material, the endolymph. The wall is separated from that of the bony labyrinth by an extensive perilym- phatic space also occupied by a fluid material termed the perilymph. 1 172 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. XI. THE THORAX. 1. Examination of the thoracic wall. For this purpose the lateral surface of the thorax may be conveniently cleared, on the side from which the anterior limb has removed, by dissecting away the attachments of the muscles already examined in the previous dissections. These include the origins of the pectorales, pectoscapularis, serratus anterior {thoracic portion), obliquus externus, and rectus abdominis. The dorsal portion of the exposed surface is occupied by the spinal musculature; to be examined at a later stage. On the ventral portion appear the ribs, and between them, filling the intercostal spaces, the intercostal muscles. The external intercostals (mm. intercostales externi) arise from the posterior margins of the bone ribs, the fibres passing obliquely downward and backward to be inserted on the anterior margins of the next succeeding ribs. The internal intercostals (mm. intercostales interni), the fibres of which are disposed in the opposite direction, are concealed for the most part from this surface, but appear ventrally between the costal cartilages, where they are not covered by the external intercostals. They are best examined at a later stage from the interior of the thorax. In preparation for the removal of a section of the thoracic wall, the pectorales should be divided on the opposite side of the thorax, close to the sternum, so that the limb may be displaced. The nerves and vessels of the neck must be kept intact until the following dissection accounts for their thoracic connections. The scaleni muscles (p. 182) should be examined, since it is necessary to destroy their costal insertions. A triangular section of the wall, including the sternum and the costal cartilages, may be removed by making three incisions, one on either side of the sternum, extending from the middle of the first rib backward to the end of the ninth bone rib, and the third across the ventral surface close in front of the diaphragm. The transversus thoracis muscle appears on the inner surface of the section removed. It is a thin sheet of fibres arising from the body and xiphoid process of the sternum and inserted on the ribs, from the second to the sixth, at the junctions of the bone ribs with the costal cartilages. The artery passing along the ventral wall between the foregoing muscle and the internal intercostals is the internal mammary (p. 174). 2. Dissection of structures in the superior thoracic aperture. The nerves and bloodvessels of this region are concealed by the thymus gland, a large triangular flattened structure of fatty consis- tence, extending forward from the base of the heart to the anterior end of the thorax. The thymus should be carefully scraped away, all vessels except those of the structure itself being kept intact. The following structures, including the aortic arch and the arteries arising from it, the superior caval veins, and the vagus, phrenic, and Tun THORAX. 173 sympathetic nerves, cannot be dissected in the order given below, but must be separated from one another and identified as they appear. (a) The arch of the aorta (arcus aortae). Beginning at the base of the heart, the aorta passes at first forward, and then describing a curve, in the course of which it lies slightly to left of the median plane, turns backward along the ventral surfaces of the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae. With the exception of the coronary arteries (p. 176), the first branches are the large paired vessels arising from the anterior wall. They comprise the common carotid and subclavian arteries. On the right side the carotid and subclavian arise from a short common trunk, the innominate artery (a. anonyma). The left common carotid arises immediately to the left of this vessel or from its base. The branches of the common carotid artery have already been traced, with the exception of the intra-cranial portion of the internal carotid (p. 190). The subclavian artery (a. subclavia) is the first portion of the artery of the anterior limb. It passes from its point of origin laterad to the anterior margin of the first rib, where it is replaced by the axillary artery. Near its point of origin it gives off several branches, the relations of which are subject to considerable variation. They include: (1) The vertebral artery (a. vertebralis). This vessel passes into the costotransverse foramen of the seventh cervical vertebra, and traversing the canal formed by this and the correspond- ing foramina of the remaining cervical vertebrae, reaches the interior of the cranial cavity. Its union on the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata with its fellow of the opposite side to form the basilar artery will be seen at a later stage (p. 190). (2) The superficial cervical artery (a. cervicalis superficialis)— divided in a previous dissection (p. 135)—is a small vessel which passes forward and outward beneath the insertions of the cleidomastoideus, basioclavicularis and levator scapulae major muscles, ramifying extensively in the fat mass of the side of the neck under cover of the superior portion of the trapezius. Its ascending cervical branch lies on the lateral side of the external jugular vein. (3) The transverse artery of the neck (a. transversa colli), also divided in a previous dissection (p. 136), passes laterad around the neck of the first rib to the wall of the thorax. It passes through the loop formed by the eighth cervical and first thoracic spinal nerves. It runs dorsad, first on the medial side of the scalenus anterior, then on the medial side of the cervical portion of the serratus anterior. A strong branch passes to the inferior angle of the scapula. T he artery sup- plies the serratus anterior and the rhomboidei. 174 (c) The vagus nerve. On ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. (4) Thea. intercostalis suprema passes backward to the internal surface of the thoracic wall, giving off the first three inter- costal arteries in the intercostal spaces, and also small branches to the oesophagus and trachea. (5) The internal mammary artery (a. mammaria interna), the first portion of which has been removed with the ventral wall of the thorax, passes backward to the ventral abdominal wall as the superior epigastric artery (a. epigastrica superior) anastomosing with the inferior epigastric (p. 115). (b) The superior caval vein (v. cava superior) is formed at the base of the neck by the union of the internal and external jugular veins, the latter vessel receiving at this point the subclavian vein (v. subclavia). The right superior caval passes almost directly backward, crossing the ventral surface of the right subclavian artery, and enters the anterior portion of the right atrium. The left vessel crosses both the left subclavian artery and the arch of the aorta, reaching the right at- rium from the dorsal surface of the heart. the right side the nerve crosses the ventral sur- face of the subclavian artery, passing dorsad to the wall of the oeso- phagus. It gives off the recurrent nerve (n. recurrens), the latter curving around the sub- ___Fic. 52, Plan of the venous and lymphatic trunks of the anterior portion of the body. clavian artery and After McClure and Silvester. : a., azygos vein; ao., aorta; c.s., left s i passing forward along caval vein;, thoracic duct; j.e., aoa the side of the trachea i-tr., external, internal, and transverse’ jugular to the larynx. On the DS eas vein; tr.s., transverse left side the vagus passes between the archof the aorta and the base of the heart to the ventrolateral wall of the oesophagus. The recur- rent nerve passes forward on the dorsal side of the arch. (d) The ramus cardiacus of the vagus. In front of the subclavian artery the nerve is at first closely associated with the vagus trunk, lying on its medial side. On the right side it passes to the dorsal surface of the subclavian, and on the left to the Tus THoRAX. 175 dorsal surface of the aortic arch. It ends in the cardiac plexus (plexus cardiacus), a network of sympathetic nerves lying between the aortic arch and the pulmonary artery. (e) The phrenic nerve (n. phrenicus) is a stout cord arising chiefly from the fourth cervical spinal nerve. That of the left side crosses the ventral surface of the subclavian artery and the aortic arch, passing then along the pericardium to the diaphragm. That of the right side accompanies the thoracic portion of the inferior caval vein. (f) The sympathetic trunk. At the base of the neck the cervical portion of the sympathetic trunk enters the inferior cervical ganglion (g. cervicale inferius). The latter lies in front of and somewhat dorsal to the subclavian artery. The first thoracic ganglion lies behind the artery and is connected with the inferior cervical by the ansa subclavia, a loop formed by two cords, one of which passes to the dorsal, the other to the ventral side of the subclavian artery. The nerves proceeding from the inferior cervical ganglion enter the cardiac plexus and the sympathetic plexuses of the sub- clavian and its branches. 3. Dissection of the heart. The character and relations of the enclosing serous sac, the peri- cardium, should first be noted. Its relation to the heart is similar to that of the peritoneum and pleura investing other visceral organs (p. 49). It comprises a parietal layer, that portion commonly known as the peri- cardium, and a visceral layer, the epicardium, which forms an immediate investment for the heart substance. The parietal layer forms a loose, capacious sac, the serous membrane being greatly strengthened by the presence of a thin layer of connective tissue which forms an external investment and is usually considered as part of the pericardium. The paired pleural cavities containing the lungs are broadly separated by a longitudinal vertical partition, the mediastinum or mediastinal septum, the space enclosed by the latter being largely occupied by the heart and by the cavity of the pericardium. For a considerable area ventrally the pericardium is loosely applied to the thoracic wall, the intervening space, which is bounded laterally by the membrane lining the pleural cavities, being known as the anterior mediastinum. A corresponding dorsal space lying between the heart and the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae, and also bounded laterally by the pleura, is the posterior mediastinum. It is occupied by several structures, namely, the oesophagus, the thoracic aorta, the bronchi, and the pulmonary bloodvessels. The pericardium should be removed, and the external features of the heart and its great vessels examined as follows: (a) The posterior, somewhat conical, ventricular portion of the heart. The left ventricle (ventriculus sinister) may be dis- tinguished both by its position and by the more solid charac- ter of its wall. The right ventricle (ventriculus dexter) is less muscular, and the wall is readily pressed inward. The line of division is indicated on the ventral surface by a faint de- pression, the anterior longitudinal sulcus. 176 ANATOMY OF THE Rassit. (b) The pulmonary artery (a. pulmonalis) leaves the base of the right ventricle, passing forward and to the left in a some- what spiral fashion around the aorta. On the dorsal sur- face of the latter it divides into the right and left pulmonary arteries, one for each lung. At the point of division the pulmonary artery is connected with the aorta by a short fibrous cord, the arterial ligament (lig. arteriosum), repre- senting the foetal connection of the two vessels through the ductus arteriosus (p. 44). (c) The left coronary artery (a. coronaria sinistra) passes back- ward on the ventral surface of the heart, lying in the anterior longitudinal sulcus. A corresponding right coronary artery (a. coronaria dextra) passes to the right side of the heart, lying between the right ventricle and the right atrium. The two vessels supply the substance of the heart. They are the first branches of the aorta, arising from the aortic sinuses at its base. (d) The left atrium (atrium sinistrum) is the thin-walled chamber lying to the left at the base of the heart. The pulmonary veins (venae pulmonales), several on either side, enter the left atrium, passing from the medial portions of the lungs. (e) The right atrium (atrium dextrum) resembles the left in the character of its wall. It receives the right and left superior caval and the unpaired inferior caval veins. The heart may be removed by dividing the great bloodvessels. The arch of the aorta should be removed with the heart by dividing the vessel at a point beyond the crigin of the left subclavian, and then severing the carotids and subclavians at their bases. This exposes the surface for the subsequent examination of the posterior end of the trachea and its connections with the lungs. Open the right ventricle by a longitudinal incision of the ventral wall, extending the incision forward into the pulmonary artery; also both atria by transverse incisions. By washing out the cavities, the internal features of the wall, including the arrangement of the valvular structures, may be examined as follows: In the right ventricle: (a) The trabeculae carneae; muscular ridges of the internal sur-. face of the wall. (b) The tricuspid valve (valvula tricuspidalis). The thin membranous flaps composing the valve enclose the atrio- ventricular aperture, and project into the cavity of the ventricle. Their margins, which are otherwise free, are con- nected by slender fibrous cords, the chordae tendineae, with the papillary muscles (mm.' papillares), the latter being thick muscular projections, of somewhat conical shape, arising from the opposite walls. (c) The semilunar valves (valvulae semilunares) of the pulmonary artery are three extremely thin folds guarding the entrance to the vessel from the right ventricle. Two of the valves THE THorRAx. 177 are usually to be found, the third being destroyed on opening the vessel. In the atria: (a) The respective positions of the pulmonary and systemic veins at their points of entrance. (b) The complete separation of the two chambers. In the par- ' tition separating them may be seen a thin fibrous portion denoting the position of the embryonic foramen ovale. Open the left ventricle by a ventral longitudinal incision, cutting well through the tip of the ventricle and extending the incision across the pulmonary artery and into the aorta. On account of the great thick- ness of the wall the internal structure is not so easily examined as in the right ventricle. (a) The bicuspid valve (valvula bicuspidalis) is similar in general structure to the tricuspid valve of the right ventricle. (b) The semilunar valves of the aorta are three in number, and are similar to those of the pulmonary artery. 4. Examination of the lungs and their connections. ; The removal of the ventral wall of the thorax opens the pleural cavities by taking away a considerable portion of the costal pleura, which is adherent to the internal surfaces of the ribs. The chief features may be made out as follows: 5 (a) Each pleural cavity (cavum pleurae) is a closed serous sac, the lining membrane, or pleura, being distributed over the costal surface as the costal pleura, partly over the anterior surface of the diaphragm as the diaphragmatic pleura, and over the surface of the lung as the pulmonary pleura. Pos- teriorly the pulmonary pleura passes from the medial margin of the left lung to the medial lobule of the right and thence backward to the diaphragm, forming a broad sheet of attach- ment, the pulmonary ligament (lig. pulmonale). (b) The lungs (pulmones) are paired expansible structures, the surfaces of which are free, except posteriorly, where they are attached to the diaphragm through the pulmonary liga- ment, and medially where they are connected with the pulmonary bloodvessels and the respiratory tubes. (c) Each lung is divided into three portions, the superior, middle, and inferior lobes. On account of the smaller size of the left lung, the superior lobe is imperfectly developed. On the right side the inferior lobe is divided into two portions, the medial and lateral lobules, the inferior caval vein passing between them. (d) The trachea divides at its posterior end into two portions, the right and left bronchi, one for each lung. Each bronchus is again divided into smaller portions, the bronchial rami, which penetrate the substance of the organ and redivide into smaller tubes. 178 (e) (f) ANATOMY OF THE Rassit. The branches of the pulmonary artery and the pulmonary veins may be traced for a short distance on the medial por- tion, or hilus, of each organ. The vagus nerve passes to the dorsal side of the bronchus, giving off a number of branches, which accompany the bronchus to the lung. The lungs may be removed, together with a portion of the trachea, care being taken to leave the vagus nerves in place. The lungs may then be examined to better advantage, and the surface also prepared for the next dissection. 5. The following structures may now be traced on the dorsal wall of the thorax: (a) The oesophagus. It traverses the thorax in a median posi- tion, entering the diaphragm at the hiatus oesophageus. (b) The vagus nerves. The right and left nerves pass backward (c) along the lateral walls of the oesophagus, and are connected with one another through nerve plexuses lying on its dorsal and ventral surfaces. The left cord is that appearing at the posterior end of the oesophagus in a ventral position and passing to the ventral surface of the stomach. The right cord occupies a corresponding dorsal position and passes to the dorsal surface of the stomach (p. 119). The thoracic aorta (aorta thoracalis) passes backward on the ventral surface of the vertebral column, leaving the thorax through the hiatus aorticus, the latter being the aperture enclosed by the crura of the diaphragm. Its branches in the thorax are the intercostal arteries (aa. intercostales), beginning with the fourth, which are given off metamerically in the intercostal spaces, and pass laterad to the thoracic wall. (d) The thoracic portions of the sympathetic trunks lie on the (e) (f) (g) lateral surfaces of the bodies of the thoracic vertebrae. The posterior ganglia give origin to the splanchnic nerve, the latter passing backward into the abdominal cavity (p. 118). The levatores costarum; a series of small muscles arising from the transverse processes of the vertebrae and the heads of the ribs and inserted on the anterior margins of the next succeeding ribs. The intercostal nerves (nn. intercostales) accompany the intercostal arteries to the lateral wall of the thorax. The azygos vein (v. azygos) is a small, asymmetrical, venous trunk lying to the right of the dorsal surface of the aorta. It receives the majority of the intercostal veins, which accompany the corresponding arteries and nerves, the tributaries extending backward to the first lumbar veins. It opens forward into the right superior caval. The more anterior intercostal veins are tributaries of the right and left supreme intercostal veins which open into the corresponding superior cavals. Tue THorax. 179 6. The diaphragm (diaphragma) is a muscular and tendinous sheet forming the posterior wall of the thorax and separating the pleural cavities from the peritoneal cavity. It is somewhat dome-shaped in the relaxed condition, but in contraction it becomes flattened in such a way that the space occupied by the lungs is considerably increased, while the liver and related structures of the abdominal cavity are dis- placed backward. As a muscle the diaphragm arises in three portions. The first, or lumbar portion, consists of two muscular and fibrous cords, the crura, the right much larger and stronger than the left, arising from the anterior spinous processes of the first three lumbar vertebrae. The second, or costal portion, arises from the internal surfaces of the posterior ribs. The third, or sternal portion, arises from the xiphoid process of the sternum. Its insertion is represented by its own tendinous central portion, or centrum tendineum, although the latter is virtually attached forwards to the lungs and pericardium through the broad pulmonary ligament. The centrum tendineum is shaped somewhat like a trefoil, the fibres of the costal and sternal portions radiating outward from its margin. The following may be made out on the posterior surface: (a) The cut margins of the falciform, coronary, and left triangular ligaments. (b) The hiatus aorticus, an aperture enclosed by the two crura and serving for the transmission of the aorta. (c) The hiatus oesophageus, ventral to the foregoing, and serving for the passage of the oesophagus. (d) The foramen venae cavae, situated slightly to the right and serving for the transmission of the vena cava inferior. (e) The superior phrenic arteries (aa. phrenicae superiores) arise from the aorta at about the point of origin of the eleventh intercostals or from one of the latter, and enter the crura. The inferior phrenic arteries are minute branches arising at the base of the coeliac. (f) The inferior phrenic veins (vv. phrenicae inferiores), one on either side of the foramen venae cavae, at which point they enter the inferior cava. The superior phrenic veins pass forward from the diaphragm, opening into the superior cavals. 180 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. XII. THE VERTEBRAL AND OCCIPITAL MUSCULATURE. Dissection on the dorsal surface of the body from the occiput back- ward; also on the lateral and ventral surfaces of the neck. The serratus posterior muscle lies on the dorsolateral surface of the thorax. It arises from the ligamentum nuchae and from the lumbo- dorsal fascia back to the last rib, and is inserted on the lateral surfaces of the eight posterior ribs. The splenius muscle is a somewhat triangular sheet arising from the ligamentum nuchae and inserted on the supraoccipital and mastoid portions of the skull, extending also to the transverse process of the atlas. These two muscles should be divided, the serratus posterior being removed from the surface. 1. The long muscles of the vertebral column. Apart from the iliopsoas, psoas minor, and quadratus lumborum— muscles of appendicular insertion lying on the ventral surface of the vertebral column—the vertebral musculature comprises chiefly modified segmental muscles lying on the dorsal surface, for the most part in the area enclosed by the spinous and transverse processes of the vertebrae. They include the sacrospinalis, semispinalis, and intertransversarii. Their insertions are extended in part laterad to the ribs. In the cervical region they are represented by short muscles, separated for the most part from the thoracic and lumbar portions, and arising by accessory bundles from the anterior ribs, the corresponding thoracic, and the posterior cervical vertebrae. In the cervical region the muscles are easily separated from one another, but in the posterior part of the body it is necessary to dissect away the tough investment of lumbodorsal fascia which covers them. (a) The sacrospinalis. Origin: Crest of the ilium and medial surface of the iliac wing; mammillary processes of the six posterior lumbar vertebrae; investing lumbodorsal fascia. This muscle is the largest and strongest muscle of the body. It extends forward over the surfaces of the ribs. Its medial border is separated from the middle line by a space of con- siderable width, in which the semispinalis and multifidus muscles are accommodated. In the lumbar region -it is inserted in a continuous mass on the long transverse processes of the vertebrae and in the interspaces. In the thoracic region the muscle divides into two portions, namely, a slender lateral portion, the iliocostalis, and a thick medial portion, the longissimus. The latter receives in the posterior portion of the thorax strong accessory bundles from the semi- spinalis muscle on its medial side, the two muscles being inseparable at this point. THE VERTEBRAL MuscuLature. 181 The iliocostalis is inserted laterally on the ribs. It receives medially from the ribs a number of accessory bundles, which are inserted forwards to the seventh cervical vertebra. The longissimus is inserted by broad fleshy bands on the posterior margins of the ribs, medial to the accessory origins of the iliocostalis, this portion of the muscle forming the longissimus dorsi. Continuing to the neck it is inserted on the trans- verse processes of the four posterior’ cervical vertebrae, medial to the origin of the cervical portion of the serratus anterior, but a number of accessory slips carry the insertion forward to the transverse process of the atlas. This portion is the longissimus cervicis. A separate band of fibres arising chiefly from the transverse processes of the first three thoracic vertebrae joins the medial, ventral portion of the splenius, and forms the longissimus capitis. (b) The semispinalis and multifidus. The band of muscle lying between the longissimus and the middle line, is composed of partly fused slips, arising for the most part by very long tendons from the mammillary and transverse processes, and inserted forwards on the spinous processes. It is divisible into two portions, which are superficially separated by a constricted area lying at the level of the last thoracic vertebra, ‘this being also the point where the muscle is fused with the longissimus. The anterior portion, the semispinalis dorsi, is inserted by a series of fleshy slips on the spinous process of more anterior thoracic vertebra, but extends to the spinous process of the third or fourth cervical vertebra. The posterior portion, the multifidus, increases in size backward to the sacrum, where it is continuous with the abductor caudae posterior. An almost separate muscle, the semispinalis capitis, arises from the articular processes of the five posterior cervical and the transverse processes of the first four thoracic vertebrae. It is inserted on the lateral surface of the external occipital protuberance. The more posterior and medial portion of the muscle is composed of separate slips arising in common with the longissimus capitis, two closely applied slips, how- ever, at the free margin of the muscle, arising from the semispinalis dorsi and the longissimus. A second muscle, the semispinalis cervicis, is covered by the foregoing one. It arises from the articular processes of the posterior cervical and first thoracic vertebrae, and is inserted on the spinous processes of the cervical vertebrae, chiefly on that of the epistropheus. (c) The intertransversarii are short muscles connecting the lateral portions of the vertebrae. They are distinguishable in part by their darker coloration. They increase in size backwards, being most conspicuous in the lumbar region, 182 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. where they form thick muscular pads interposed between the mammillary and accessory process. The last slip is attached to the crest of the ilium. 2. The following muscles constitute an occipital group, composed of short muscles arising from the atlas and axis and inserted on the atlas and the occipital portion of the skull. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) The rectus capitis posterior superficialis. Origin: Spinous process of the atlas. Insertion: External occipital pro- tuberance. The obliquus capitis superior. Origin: Transverse process of the atlas. Insertion: Lateral surface of the occipital pro- tuberance. The foregoing muscles should be divided. The rectus capitis posterior minor. Origin: Posterior tubercle of the atlas. Insertion: External occipital protuberance. The rectus capitis posterior major. Origin: Spinous process of the epistropheus. Insertion: Laterally on the supra- occipital bone. The obliquus capitis inferior. Origin: Spinous proeess of the epistropheus. Insertion: Dorsal surface of the transverse process of the atlas. The rectus capitis lateralis. Origin: In common with the obliquus capitis superior, which covers it. Insertion: Base of the jugular process of the occipital. 3. Muscles of the lateral and ventral surfaces of the neck. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) The scalenus anterior. Origin: Transverse processes of the four posterior cervical vertebrae. Insertion: First rib. The scalenus medius. Origin: Transverse process of the fifth cervical vertebra. Insertion: Lateral surfaces of the third to fifth ribs. The scalenus posterior. Origin: Transverse processes of the fourth to.sixth cervical vertebrae. Insertion: First rib. The scalenus medialis. Origin: The sternum at the point of attachment of the first rib. Insertion: Middle of the ventral portion of the first rib. The foregoing muscles, comprising the scalenus group, are destroyed by the removal of the ventral thoracic wall (p. 172). The longus colli. Origin: Bodies of the first six thoracic vertebrae. Insertion: The muscle passes forward on the ventral surface of the bodies of the vertebrae, giving off insertion fibres, and also receiving strands of origin. It terminates on the anterior tubercle of the atlas. (f) The longus capitis is partly fused with the foregoing muscle, but its origin is in a more lateral position from the trans- verse processes of the first six cervical vertebrae. Insertion: Sphencoccipital synchondrosis. (g) (h) THE VERTEBRAL MUSCULATURE. 183 The longus atlantis. Origin: Lateral to the longus capitis, from the transverse processes of the third to sixth cervical vertebrae. Insertion: Transverse process of the atlas. The longus capitis should be divided near its insertion. The rectus capitis anterior. Medial portion of the ventral surface of the transverse process of the atlas. Insertion: Basioccipital bone. The caudal musculature in the rabbit comprises, in addition to the , posterior extension of the cutaneus maximus, the following axial muscles: (a) The extensor caudae medialis. It lies inthe furrow between the spinous and articular processes of the sacral and caudal vertebrae, and is inserted on the transverse processes and dorsal surfaces of the caudal vertebrae. (b) The abductor caudae posterior arises as a continuation of the multifidus in the groove between the articular and transverse process and is inserted on succeeding vertebrae. (c) The abductor caudae anterior. Origin: Ischial spine. Insertion: Lateral surface of the sacrum and the transverse processes of the caudal vertebrae. (d) The flexor caudae. Origin: Ventral surface of the sacrum and anterior caudal vertebrae. Insertion: Ventral surfaces of succeeding vertebrae. 184 1. The ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. XIII. THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. spinal cord and nerve roots. To expose the whole cord or a portion of it from the dorsal surface, . the muscles should be removed on both sides of the vertebral arches and the latter broken away with the bone forceps. The following features may be made out according to the extent of exposure: (a) (b) The spinal cord (medulla spinalis) is a thick cylindrical white cord traversing the vertebral column in the vertebral canal. It is of almost uniform diameter, but exhibits two slight enlargements, one in the cervical, the other in the lumbar region. At about the middle of the sacrum it contracts to a slender filament, the filum terminale, which may be traced backward to the middle of the tail. The enclosing membranes or meninges of the cord are three in number, of which two are readily identified. Lining the internal surface of the bone is a thick fibrous investment, the dura mater; on the surface of the nervous matter a thin vascular membrane, the pia mater. The dura and pia are connected by a loose web of connective (c) (d) tissue, the arachnoidea. The regional distribution of the nerve roots—eight cervical, twelve dorsal, seven lumbar, four sacral, and six caudal. The cervical nerves are numbered from the vertebrae lying behind the intervertebral foramina from which they proceed, the remaining nerves from the vertebrae lying in front of the intervertebral foramina. The nerve transmitted by the intervertebral foramen between the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebrae is described as the eighth cervical, The origin and primary divisions of the nerve roots may be worked out by removing carefully the lateral portions of the arches of one or two vertebrae. The posterior, or sensory root (radix posterior), arises from the dorsolateral surface of cord, and expands immediately into a spinal. ganglion (g. spinale). The more slender anterior, or motor root (radix anterior), arises by a number of filaments from the ventro- lateral surface. The combined roots give origin to the posterior, anterior, and communicating rami. The posterior ramus is an inconspicuous branch (except in the first two cervicals) passing to the dorsal musculature and skin. The anterior ramus is the chief portion of the spinal nerve, the successive rami appearing as the components of the cervical and lumbosacral plexuses or as individual spinal nerves. The ramus communicans is a slender filament which passes ventrad to join the sympathetic trunk. THE Crentray Nervous System. 185 2. A small portion of the spinal cord may be excised and examined (preferably under water) for the following: (see p. 22, fig. 18). (a) The division of the cord into lateral halves by two median depressions, the anterior median fissure (fissura mediana anterior) and the posterior median sulcus (sulcus medianus posterior). (b) The division of each half into three columns. by shallow grooves, the anterior and posterior lateral sulci. The grooves are marked by the attachments of the anterior and posterior nerve roots. The three columns of each half of the cord are the anterior, lateral, and posterior funiculi. (c) On the cut surface the white substance (substantia alba) is seen to form a peripheral investment enclosing the grey sub- stance (substantia grisea) of the centre of the cord. The grey portion is somewhat H-shaped in section, each half being composed of anterior larger and posterior smaller masses, known in section as the horns of the grey matter, or as complete structures, the anterior and posterior grey columns. In the median plane, but nearer the dorsal than the ventral surface, is the minute central canal (canalis centralis), the cavity of the spinal cord. 3. The brain may be exposed by breaking away the supraorbital processes of the frontal bone and then removing the roof of the skull with bone forceps. In order to clear the brain and the roots of the cerebral nerves, it is necessary to remove the entire lateral wall of the skull on both sides. The chief part of the operation consists in removing the temporal portion of the skull by successive steps, exposing first the flocculus of the cerebellum, a small stalked body which is almost com- pletely enclosed by the dorsal portion of the petrosal. The entire petro- tympanic bone is easily detached, and if removed en masse the flocculus and probably also the roots of the facial and acoustic nerves will be destroyed. The arches of the first three or four cervical vertebrae should be removed, unless the anterior portion of the cord has been exposed in the previous dissection. The spinal cord may be divided at about the level of the third ver- tebra. The brain should then be raised very gently from the ventral wall of the skull and the nerve roots divided with a small sharp knife or with fine scissors. This operation requires considerable care, since the nerves are strongly attached at their points of exit from the cranial wall, but very lightly attached to the brain, so that they are in danger of being torn away. The anterior end of the brain may be freed by cutting across the small anterior expansions formed by the olfactory bulbs. Portions of the dura mater removed with the brain may be cut away with scissors. It is adherent chiefly along two lines: one representing the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral hemispheres, the other the 186 ANATOMY: OF THE RABBIT. tentorium cerebelli. These parts contain the. superior sagittal and transverse venous sinuses. On the ventral surface of the brain as removed appear the basilar and internal carotid arteries and their branches. These vessels should be kept intact for examination at a later stage. For the primary divisions of the brain see p. 34. 4. The superficial features may be identified as follows: IN THE PROSENCEPHALON: (a) The greatly enlarged cerebral hemisphere (hemisphaerium cerebri) forms with its fellow of the opposite side the largest portion of the brain. The two structures are separated by the longitudinal cerebral fissure, but are connected with one another by the commissures indicated below. (b) The olfactory bulb (bulbus olfactorius) is a small expansion lying at the anterior end of each hemisphere. Its cut end represents the point of origin of the first cranial or olfactory nerve, the various divisions of which may be found on the skull, where they may be traced into the perforations of the cribriform plate. (c) The olfactory bulb is the anterior portion of the olfactory lobe, or olfactory brain. When traced backward on the ventral surface of the brain it is seen to be replaced by a white band of fibres, the latter forming the olfactory tract (tractus olfactorius). The tract ends posteriorly in an expanded portion of the brain, which, from its shape, i described as the lobus piriformis. The olfactory brain as thus defined is separated superficially from the remaining portions of the cerebral hemisphere by a longitudinal furrow, the limbic fissure (fissura limbica), which passes along its lateral margin. The anterior portion of the furrow, known as the anterior rhinal fissure, separates the olfactory tract laterally from the narrow anterior portion of the cerebral hemisphere. The corresponding posterior portion of the fur- row, the posterior rhinal fissure, separates the lobus piriformis from the posterior enlarged portion of the hemisphere. The slight angle formed at the junction of the anterior and posterior rhinal fissures is the point of origin of a faint depression extending upward on the cerebral hemisphere. It represents a rudimentary, lateral cerebral (Sylvian) fissure. (d) The corpus callosum is a broad white commissural band passing transversely from one hemisphere to the other. Its median portion may be exposed by pressing apart the medial margins of the hemispheres at the longitudinal cerebral fissure. (e) The pineal body (corpus pineale) is a small somewhat conical structure lying between the dorsal posterior tips of the cerebral hemispheres, and connected by a hollow stalk (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) THE CentRAL Nervous System. 187 with the unpaired portion of the brain (the thalamencephalon) lying below it. The connection is concealed by a mass of pigmented vascular tissue, the beginning of the chorioid plexus of the third ventricle, and usually also by a small portion of the dura mater containing part of the sagittal venous sinus. The latter may be carefully detached. By pressing apart the tips of the hemispheres and removing the pineal body the dorsal surface of the thalamencephalon will be sufficiently exposed to make out the following features: The slit-like aperture appearing in the middle line after the removal of the pineal body represents the dorsal portion of the third ventricle (ventriculus tertius) (Fig. 53), the roof of which is formed anteriorly by the superficial portion of the chorioid plexus (plexus chorioideus), the latter entering the ventricle at this point. The lateral margins of the aperture are largely formed by two mjnute spindle-shaped masses,one on either side, the habenulae. Their posterior ends are united by a slender transverse band, the habenular commissure (com- missura habenularum). The fibres mi. of the commissure are faintly trace- able forward, where they form a pair of thin whitish filaments (medullary striae). — The posterior commissure (commis- sura posterior) crosses the posterior portion of the roof immediately behind and below the habenular commissure. H . Fic. 53. Diagram, showing The walls of the third ventricle are che aaancomens of Hie Sere formed by the thalami. They are of the thalamencephalon as : : ViCWwe rom € orsal sur- broadly connected by the. inter- face, jafter, removal of the . 4 5 pinea ody: a., anterior mediate mass (massa intermedia), OF Fislemic Aaticnie? a middle commissure, which may be habenular commissure; c.p., : osterior commissure; Gs., seen from the dorsal surface crossing Superior colliculus (of mesence: phalon); g.l. and g.m., lateral the cavity. and medial geniculate bodies; On either side of the middle line, or a ee of the habenulae, the dorsal portion ventricle. e of the thalamus forms a low, some- what oval projection, the pulvinar or posterior tubercle. The anterior tubercle of the thalamus is a faint elevation of very small dimensions lying in the angle enclosed between the pulvinar and the anterior portion of the aperture of the third ventricle. The parts of the metathalamus are distinguishable externally as two rounded projections of the lateral surfaces of the thalamencephalon. One of them, the lateral geniculate body (corpus geniculatum laterale), lies to the lateral side of the pulvinar, and is only separated from it by a faint depres- 188 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. sion of the surface. The medial geniculate body occupies a more posterior and medial position. (1). The optic tract (tractus opticus) connects the geniculate bodies, especially the lateral one, with the ventral surface of the brain, ending in the optic chiasma. (m) On the ventral surface, the optic chiasma (chiasma opticum), forms a conspicuous elevation, the posterior portion of which is traceable into the optic tracts, the anterior portion into the bases of the second cranial, or optic nerves. (n) The hypophysis, or pituitary body, lies immediately behind the optic chiasma. On account of its enclosure by the walls of the hypophysial fossa, and also its slight attachment to the brain, the hypophysis is commonly detached in removing the brain from the skull, in which case a slit- like aperture, representing the ventral portion of the third ventricle is exposed. (o) The tuber cinereum is a small elevation of grey matter appearing on the ventral surface after the removal of the hypophysis. It is the base of attachment of the infundi- bulum, the latter being the slender extension of the brain downward toward the hypophysis. (p) The mammillary body (corpus mammillare) forms a con- spicuous rounded elevation, lying at the posterior end of the tuber cinereum. The structure is single, but there is an indication of lateral lobes. IN THE MESENCEPHALON: (a) The dorsal surface is marked by four elevations, the corpora quadrigemina. The anterior pair, distinguished as the colliculi superiores, are much larger than the posterior pair, the colliculi inferiores. (b) The ventral surface is occupied by a pair of divergent cords, the cerebral peduncles (pedunculi cerebri), separated by a faint median depression, the interpeduncular fossa (fossa interpeduncularis). (c) The third cranial, or oculomotor nerve (n. oculomotorius), arises from the ventral surface of the cerebral peduncle. IN THE RHOMBENCEPHALON: (a) The cerebellum forms an arch over the posterior portion of the brain, and is supported by stout pillars from its sides. In addition to the ridges of its surface the whole structure is divided into several lobes, including the median portion or vermis, the lateral hemispheres, and the stalked bodies, or flocculi, arising from the hemispheres. (b) The anterior medullary velum (velum medullare anterius) is the thin membrane underlying the anterior portion of the cerebellum and connecting the latter with the inferior colliculi. It forms a small anterior portion of the roof of the fourth ventricle. Tue CentraL Nervous System. 189 (c) The fourth cranial, or trochlear nerve (n. trochlearis), arises from the anterior medullary velum. The first portion of the nerve is usually to be found on the lateral surface of the cerebral peduncle. (d) The posterior medullary velum (velum medullare posterius) underlies the posterior margin of the cerebellum, and extends .s backward over the triangular space enclosed by the walls of ‘the fourth ventricle. The structure forms a chorioid plexus, similar in character to that of the third ventricle but much less extensive. It is commonly torn away in the preparation of the brain, in which case the interior of the fourth ventricle is exposed. (e) On the ventral surface (Fig. 54), the pons forms a broad com- missural band extending trans- versely across the brain ‘and upward into the supports of the cerebellum. Its surface is divided into two parts by a median ‘depression, the sulcus hasilaris, occupied by the basilar artery. ' (f) The anterior median fissure of the spinal cord ends at the posterior margin of the pons in a faint depression, the fora- men caecum. (g) The anterior funiculus of the cord is largely replaced forwards by the pyramid (pyramis), a narrow band extending forward: on either side of the middle line to the posterior margin of the pons. (bh) The trapezoid body (corpus trapezoideum) lies in the angle formed by the lateral margin of the pyramid with the pos- terior border of the pons. (i) The fifth cranial, or trigeminal nerve (n. trigeminus), arises by two roots, a larger sensory Fic. 54. The rhombencephalon. Ventral view (the cerebellum not figured). c.t., trapezoid body; caecum; fl.c., cervical flexure; f.m.a., f.c., foramen anterior median fissure; p., “pons; p.c., cerebral peduncle (mesencep- halon); py., pyramid. III, oculomotor nerve; IV, troch- lear; V1, portio major of the trige- minus; , portio minor; VI, abducens; VII, facial; VIII, acoustic: IX-XI, glossopharyngeal, vagus, and spinal accessory group; XII, hypo- glossal; CI, first cervical spinal. root, the portio major, and a smaller motor root, the portio minor. The two parts appear at the lateral border of the pons. The portio major is the common trunk of the ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular nerves, the portio minor joining the mandibular, so that the latter becomes a mixed nerve. The cut end of the portio major may be identified on the cranial wall and traced forward in the semilunar ganglion, the latter lying in a depression at the anterior ventral end of the petrosal bone. 190 (3) (k) () (m) ANATOMY OF THE Rassrr. The sixth cranial, or abducent nerve (n. abducens), is a slender cord arising at the anterior end of the pyramid. The seventh cranial, or facial nerve (n. facialis), and the eighth, or acoustic nerve (n. acusticus), arise Atom the lateral margin of the trapezoid body. The two nerves are closely associated, the former being slightly anterior in position. Its chief portion is the motor root. In addition the nerve receives a sensory filament, the portio intermedia or intermediate nerve. The glossopharyngeus, vagus, and accessorius arise by several roots arranged in a linear series along the lateral margin of the medulla. The trunk of the accessorius extends back- ward on the spinal cord, its roots, about ten in number, arising as far back as the fifth cervical spinal nerve. The twelfth cranial, or hypoglossal nerve (n. hypoglossus), arises by several roots from the ventral surface of the medulla and at the lateral margin of the pyramid, its point of origin corresponding to that of the ventral root of a spinal nerve. 4. The arteries of the brain may be traced on its ventral surface as follows: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) The basilar artery (a. basilaris) is a median trunk formed on the ventral surface of the medulla oblongata by the union of the vertebral arteries, the latter here represented by their cut ends. The inferior cerebellar artery (a. cerebelli inferior) is the largest of several transverse vessels arising from the basilar and passing laterad to the cerebellum.. The posterior cerebral artery (a. cerebri posterior) is formed on either side at the level of the anterior margin of the pons by the division of the basilar. It passes to the posterior portion of the cerebral hemisphere. The superior cerebellar artery (a. cerebelli superior) is a branch of the posterior cerebral, passing to the anterior portion of the cerebellum. The cut end of the internal carotid artery lies on either side of the tuber cenereum. It is connected backwards with the posterior cerebral. The middle cerebral artery (a. cerebri media) is given off from the internal carotid, passing to the middle portion of the hemispheres. The anterior cerebral artery (a. cerebri anterior), the con- tinuation of the carotid, passes to the anterior portion of the ventral surface and the olfactory bulb. The anterior cerebral is connected with that of the other side, a complete anastomotic loop being formed around the hypothalamus by combined branches of the vertebral and carotid arteries. This is the circle of Willis. THE Centra, Nervous System. 191 5. By dividing the supports of the cerebellum on either side, the ntire structure may be removed and the surface exposed, as in Fig 5, for an examination of the structures of the dorsal surface of the hombencephalon. The posterior medullary velum is removed with the erebellum, but a small.portion of the anterior medullary velum should emain in place. ; (a) The fourth ventricle (ventriculus quartus) is the extensive space enclosed by the rhombencephalon. It is connected forwards with the cerebral aqueduct and backwards with the central canal of the spinal cord. Its roof is formed principally by the anterior and posterior medullary vela, the latter being attached to the cerebellum close to one another, so that they underlie it. (b) The rhomboid fossa (fossa rhomboidea) is the shallow de- pression enclosed by the thick lateral and anterior walls and floor of the ventricle. The middle line shows a shallow depression, the posterior me- dian fissure (fissura mediana posterior), on either side of which the floor is raised into a low ridge, described as the medial eminence (eminentia medialis). The posterior end of the fossa forms with the enclosing wall the somewhat triangular figure described as the calamus scriptorius. (c) The lateral supports of the cerebellum, now represented by their cut ends, are formed by fibre-bands passing into the - j = Fic. 55. The rhombencephalon. cerebellum from adjacent ven Dorsal view, after removal of the tral portions of the brain. In cerebellum: "b.c., brachium conjune- 5 D tivum; .p., brachium pontis; cl., each a middle band, the clava; he inferior colliculus (me- brachium pontis, enters the sencephalon); c.r., restiform body; z e.m., medial eminence, f.c., tasciculus pons; an anterior band, the cuneatus; f.g., fasciculus gracilis; br hi C ti t f.m.p., posterior median fissure of achium conjunctivum, enters the rhomboid fossa; f.r., gore 1 fossa; s.m.p., posterior median sulcus the mesencephalon, while a of the medulla; s.l.p., posterior posterior connection 1s estab- rae in Spee! v.m.a., anterior lished with the medulla through ™°C™*"Y YOu™ the restiform body. (d) The lateral wall of the fossa is formed by a thick ridge of nervous matter, convex on its medial side, the restiform body (corpus restiforme). Its anterior portion bears a large spherical elevation overlying the origin of the acoustic nerve. 192 (e) ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. The posterior funiculus, in passing forward from the cord, is divided into medial and lateral portions. The medial portion, the fasciculus gracilis, forms a narrow band ter- minating forwards in a club-shaped expansion, the clava. The lateral portion, the fasciculus cuneatus, passes into the restiform body. 6. The brain may be divided by a median vertical section, and one- half examined from the medial surface (Fig. 56). In addition to many of the features already made out on the surface the following may be noted: (a) The deep but extremely narrow cavity formed by the third ventricle is the first space appearing in the brain from the anterior end, the first two (paired) ventricles lying laterally in the hemispheres. They are connected with the third ventricle by a narrow transverse canal, the interventricular foramen (foramen interventriculare). Fic. 56. The brain in median section: a., anterior commissure; a.c., cerebral aque- duct; b.o., olfactory bulb; cb., cerebellum;, corpus callosum; c.f., body of the fornix; cli i., inferior colliculus; cl.s., superior celliculus; c. m., "mammil ary body; c.0., optic chiasma; c.p., pineal body; fA. c., cervical flexure; h., habenular cOmmissure; h.c., cerebral hemisphere: hp. hippocampus; inf., infundibulum; 1.t., laminal terminalis; m. of, medulla oblongata; p., posterior commissure; p.c., chorioid ‘plexus of the third ventricle; pd.c., cerebral peduncle; pn., pons; sp., splenium;, septum pellucidum; t.c., tuber cinereum; th., thalamus, massa intermedia; v.m.a., anterior medullary velum; v.m.p., posterior medullary velum; v.q., fourth ventricle: v.t., third ventricle. I, olfactory nerve (origin); II, optic nerve. (b) The anterior boundary of the third ventricle is formed (c) ventrally by the narrow partition separating the two hemi- spheres, in the dorsal portion of which is the small anterior commissure (commissura anterior). The ventral portion of the ventricle is projected toward the optic chiasma forming the recessus opticus, and into the infundibulum, forming the recessus infundibuli. The mesencephalon contains no ventricular expansion, its substance being perforated only by a narrow tube, the cere- (d) (e) Tue Centra, Nervous System. 193 bral aqueduct (aquaeductus cerebri), which connects the third with the fourth ventricle. The corpus callosum is shown in section. Anteriorly it appears to end in a somewhat club-shaped expansion, but in reality is extended as a thin sheet of fibres downward toward the lamina terminalis. Posteriorly it bends downward, forming the splenium, the latter being attached to the body of the fornix, which lies below it. : The fornix consists of a pair of longitudinal fibre bands, fused for a short distance in the middle line to form the unpaired body of the fornix (corpus fornicis). They begin in ‘the mammillary body, and passing upward as the columns of the fornix (columnae fornicis), meet in the body of the fornix, and afterwards diverge laterad as the pillars of the fornix (crura fornicis), ending in the hippocampus. Between the body of the fornix and the anterior portion of the corpus callosum is a thin area of the wall, the septum pelluci- dum, the lateral ventricles lying close together in this region. 7. The nervous matter covering the corpus callosum may be removed ‘om one hemisphere by first marking out a triangular area on the orsolateral surface; then scraping the material carefully away until the thite surface of the corpus callosum is well exposed. By removing the orpus callosum the interior of the hemisphere may be examined. (a) (b) (c) (d) The lateral ventricle (ventriculus lateralis) is the extensive space enclosed by the hemisphere. It extends forward into the olfactory bulb and backward into the posterior free end of the hemisphere, passing a considerable distance behind the opening of the interventricular foramen. The excised portion of the hemisphere, forming the moder- ately thick roof and dorsolateral wall, consists largely of the peripheral grey cortex described as the pallium. The floor is formed by a greatly thickened mass of nervous matter, appearing from the interior of the ventricle in the form of two convex ridges. One of these, posterior and medial in position, is the hippocampus. The other is smaller, anterior and lateral in position, and is the corpus striatum. Between the two bodies the pigmented vascular tissue of the chorioid plexus of the lateral ventricle may be made out. ; On the medial wall, the thickened posterior portion forms the body of the fornix, immediately in front of which is the thinner portion of the wall, described above as the septum pellucidum. 8. The passage of the olfactory nerves to the ethmoturbinal surfaces 1ay be traced by removing the nasal bones and working downward yward the cribriform plate, or the remaining portion of the skull con- aining the nasal region still intact may be divided vertically for a more xtended examination of the nasal fossae. The features to be observed re largely those described in connection with the skeleton (pp. 83, 92). APPENDIX. THE PRESERVATION OF MATERIAL.* The method commonly used in the preparation of material for dissecting purposes consists in first embalming the body with suitable preserving fluids; afterwards filling the arteries with a colored injection mass, so that they are more easily traced. The ‘objects served by embalming are: (1) preserving the body from decomposition for a sufficient length of time to complete the dissection; (2) keeping the body as nearly intact as possible; and (3) having the organs in good condition for study. The point last-mentioned is an important one, since much depends on having the parts of the animal in such condition that they are easily and comfortably handled, and also easily observed. The desired results are accomplished, first, by introducing the preserving fluid through the bloodvessels, instead of by immersing the animal, as was formerly the practice; secondly, by using in the preserving fluid such materials as will leave the organs in a condition as near the natural one as possible and at the-same time keep them moist and flexible throughout dissection. . A suitable fluid for the purpose is that recommended by Keiller} for the preservation of human subjects. The formula is as follows: Formalin............ Jae Ga ek a aes: ae Lead parts Carbolic Acid........ 2.2... be cme He cee eee GIVGEri:, as. Aedes FOG. AE SS! Eee Gees een BLOODS Waters cei dy shee: Rar eteg ne Ne ai Mele. ah Ou Os 100.0 A convenient method of making up the fluid, especially when em- balming the animals in numbers, is to prepare the mixture of formalin, carbolic acid and glycerin as a stock-solution, to be diluted for use by adding to each part of stock 6 parts of water. The amount required varies according to the size of the animal, the flow of the fluid in the vessels, the length of time during which the animal is left under the action *The methods here given apply only to the preservation of specimens for ordinary dissection, either singly, or in numbers for a laboratory course, with a few observations on the difficulties which are likely to be experienced. Especially in the matter of injections, the student who has acquired some knowledge of the vascular system will be able to make complete injections of the portal system and also satisfactory injections of the systemic veins, though the latter are somewhat more difficult on account of the presence of valves in the vessels. Finer vascular injections and injections of the lymphatic system according to the directions given in the anatomical textbooks may also be suggested. +Keiller, W. ‘‘On the Preservation of Subjects. etc.’’ (American Journal of Anatomy), Vol. II., 1902-3. : : THE PRESERVATION OF MA‘TERIAL. 195 af the fluid; and the height of the pressure column. Not less than 1500 ce. should be allowed for each specimen. The apparatus needed for. embalming includes a reservoir for the Juid, provided with an exit pipe to which a rubber tube may be at- tached; about 6 feet of rubber tubing to connect with the operating table; several three-way pieces to divide ‘the stream in case several specimens are to be handled at the same time; selected rubber tubing of the size indicated below to attach the cannulae; clamps for the tubing; and, finally, glass or metal cannulae for insertion into the femoral artery. Glass cannulae suitable for the purpose are readily made by heating ordinary glass tubing over the Bunsen flame and drawing it out to the lesired thinness. The tubing used for the purpose should be of about 3 mm. outside diameter. The cannula when completed should be about 7 cm. long; and its narrow end should have a uniform diameter of |.5-2 mm. for about 2 cm. at the tip. The tip should be touched lightly n the flame in order to round the margin by fusion, otherwise it might lamage the wall of the vessel. ; The rubber tubing used to connect the cannula with the main tube should be of the best quality of soft rubber, and should have an inside liameter of 4mm., i.e., of proper size to slip on and off the cannula easily, sut yet to retain its hold on the latter under moderate pressure. The reservoir for holding the embalming fluid may be an aspirator or rrigator bottle, an enamel fountain, percolator or ordinary funnel. It nay have a capacity of one or two quarts. The capacity, however, is mmaterial, so long as the operator keeps the fluid replaced. The ‘eservoir is suspended in such a way that it may be moved up and down vithin a distance of four feet above the top of the operating table. At the time of beginning the embalming process the operator should 1ave before him the reservoir, suspended at a height of about three eet, and a column of fluid, free from air-bubbles or foreign material to he tip of the cannula. This condition must be maintained throughout he operation. If at any time the pressure falls in the apparatus ufficiently to admit air, or allow coagulated blood to run back through he cannula, there is almost certain to be trouble, not only with the pecimen under treatment, but also others which come after. The column of fluid is held back until the proper time by a clamp placed on he rubber tubing. The animal is killed by administering ether or illuminating gas. It s placed on its back on the table, with the head away from the operator. “he skin is first divided by a small incision on the inner side of the right high.* By inserting the fingers well down into the incision, the skin aay be torn backward and toward the ventral middle line, and at the ame time the superficial epigastric vessels will be carried with the ubcutaneous tissue well out of the operator’s way. Small portions of * The embalming may be done from the common carotid artery of the neck, a essel much larger than the femoral artery and therefore easier of manipulation. ‘his is not recommended, however, becauise of the damage done'to various important sructures of the cervical region. 196 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. the inner surface of the thigh and of the abdominal wall will be exposed. The white cord representing the inguinal ligament lies in the bottom of the inguinal furrow. Appearing from beneath the ligament in this position, and passing to the surface of the thigh are the femoral nerve, artery, and vein, covered by an exceedingly thin layer of muscle be- longing to the sartorius. The three structures may be separated from one another, and the muscle pulled away at the same time, by working lengthwise along the structures with the fine forceps. The artery must be thoroughly cleared for about 3 cm. from the inguinal ligament. Care must be exercised in this operation to avoid breaking its branches or the tributaries of the vein. The artery lies in front of the vein and is distinguishable by its smaller size, flattened or collapsed condition, and by its white coloration. The vein will be found greatly distended with blood. The nerve lies in front and partly on the lateral side of the artery. When the femoral artery has been fully exposed, a ligature of coarse thread, previously moistened, may be passed around its base, close to the inguinal ligament. An ordinary single knot may be placed on the ligature, but must be left loose until the cannula isinserted. By grasping the bare edge of the artery at about 2 cm. from the ligament, the operator may make a V-shaped incision in the vessel with fine scissors. The tips of the scissors are directed toward the ligament. The incision must be clean-cut, and care must be taken not to cut more than half- way through the vessel. By taking up the little angular flap with the fine forceps, the cannula may be worked into the vessel and pushed well down into it beyond the inguinal ligament. The knot is then tightened by a gentle even pull on the ends of the thread. The knot should never be pulled very tight or doubled. At the moment when the cannula is securely fastened into the vessel, the clamp is to be removed from the connecting tube and the fluid allowed to run in. At the beginning of the process a little care in atranging the animal will be amply rewarded by convenience in dis- section. The hind limb on the side opposite the incision should be drawn backward. The front limbs should be drawn apart, so that the breast is well exposed, and held in this position by a thick cord, or, better, a stout flexible wire, passing around the backofthe animal. The body should be turned slightly to the operator’s left. The animal is sufficiently embalmed in two hours. About eight animals may be kept on the table by one operator, provided he has at his disposal a sufficient number of cannulae, one for each specimen, since the first may be taken off the apparatus after the eighth has been put on. Since small difficulties frequently occur in the process, especially in placing the cannulae and in keeping them clear of obstruction, a number of points may be mentioned which indicate to the operator just how the operation is succeeding. The entrance of the cannula into the artery, in the first place, is usually accompanied by a slight rise of blood into its tip. General muscle contractions in the recently killed animal are a safe indication of uniform flow of the fluid to these and also other parts THE PRESERVATION OF MATERIAL. 197 the body, and no clogging of the vessels need be feared. The fluid ay usually be observed running in the cannula, and, of course, falling the reservoir. Finally, there are characteristic changes in the body. ae abdomen becomes greatly distended, the subcutaneous tissue rollen, the eyes protrude, and there is usually more or less frothing at e nose. Leakage, either in the area of the incision or at the nose, is metimes a sign of too much pressure. In the former case the leakage frequently behind the cannula, and may be stopped by artery forceps. _ the latter case there is no recourse but to confine the fluid to the sal cavity by tying the nostrils. After the embalming process the rubber tube is disconnected from e cannula, the latter being left carefully in place. The animal is then t aside for twenty-four hours in an upright position. After this it is ady for injection. The injection mass may be made by mixing ordinary starch and iter to the consistence of thin cream; then adding a finely-ground loring material, such as vermilion or a very small quantity of carmine. lere is some advantage in using a 5% formalin instead of water alone making up this mass, the arteries having afterwards a brighter appear- ce, which is doubtless due partly to better preservation and partly to 2 fixing of the starch in the vessels. The mass must be thoroughly ined before use, in order to avoid the presence in it of particles which » too large to go through the cannula. The injection is made with iyringe, the latter being provided with a rubber tube of the same kind that used in the embalming process. The mass is sent in by applying rentle, even pressure, and it is sometimes advantageous to allow the ection to run backward and forward in the tube, each time applying ittle more pressure. When the vessels have been filled in this way, > tube is clamped. By drawing on one cord of the ligature the knot loosened sufficiently to withdraw the cannula, and by keeping a yer pressed on the end of the vessel, the knot may then be drawn ht without loss of injection. It sometimes happens, despite ordinary precautions, that the cannula somes clogged either with settled starch or with coagulated blood. this case it may be easily removed, cleaned, and replaced. The same inula should always be used. Material prepared according to the directions given above will keep efinitely, provided, however, that precautions are taken to avoid con- uination from the surface. These are especially necessary in view of thick coating of hairs. It is a good plan, therefore, to sponge the mal with a preserving fluid which will penetrate the coat imme- tely, or if many specimens are being prepared, to immerse the whole mal for a moment. A suitable fluid for this purpose is formalin- yhol, made by adding 2% of formalin to a mixture of equal parts of inary spirit and water. The alcohol ensures immediate penetration assists the formalin in preservation. The fluid should be squeezed of the coat as much as possible. The presence of a considerable ntity is not harmful, unless, after the dissection has begun, the fluid ald gain access to the tissues and destroy the effect of the glycerin he embalming fluid. 15 198 ANATOMY OF THE RABBIT. For the storage of material either before or during dissection no pre- caution is necessary except that of protecting the body from undue exposure to evaporation. A convenient plan for handling the material, however—one that is in use at the present time in the laboratories of the University of Toronto—is that of providing for each specimen a zinc- lined copper box, with sliding top, and of dimensions ample for the largest specimens—namely, 6x 6x 20inches. This type of storage box was designed several years ago by Professor Ramsay Wright for the purpose, but is one which has proved useful for storing purposes in many other ways. INDEX «Abdomen, 111 Abdominal aorta, 133 cavity; 50, 116 wall, muscles of, 113 Abduction in limbs, 32 Accessory respiratory. tracts, 43 See Nose. Acinous glands, 11 Acoustic meatus, external, 77, 88, 89, 111 internal, 81, 89 Adaptation, 5 Adduction in limbs, 32 Adipose tissue, 13 Afferent nerves, 22 Albinism, 14 Alveolar glands, 11 Anal aperture, 111 glands, 11, 130 Analogy, 5 Anastomoses of intestinal vessels, 116 Anatomy defined, 3 Ankle, bones of, 108 joint, 156 Aorta, see Arteries. Aortic arches, branchial, 44 Aperture, anal, 111 ot auditory tube, 165_ of larynx, 165 of mouth, 110 of nose, external, 111 internal, rig 165 piriform, 83, of thorax, inferior, superior, 74 urinogenital, of uterine Hee snteeals 131 of uterus, external, Aponeuroses, 13 Appendicular skeleton, 32, 98 Arachnoidea, 184 Arch of aorta, 173 Arches, branchial aortic, 44 visceral, 28, 31 Arrectores pilorum, 10 Arterial ligament, 44, 176 Arteries, chief aorta, abdominal, 133 arch of, 173 thoracic, 178 development of, dorsal, ventral, 29, 44 carotid, 160, coeliac, 117, 118_ iliac, 133 intercostal, 133, 178 lumbar, 133 mesenteric, inferior, 126 superior, 117, pulmonary, 44, 176 renal, 127 spermatic, internal, 129, 131 subclavian, 173 See Bloodvessels, \rthrodia, 19 \rticulations, nature of, 17 of ankle, 156 of hip, knee, 155 \symmetry, 24 in digestive tube, 40 in vascular system, 24, 45 itria of heart, 43, 17 1uditory epithelium, 12 ossicles, 77, 90 tube, 79, 89, 165 xial skeleton, 30, 68 in chordates, 8 xis, basicranial, 31, 77 basifacial, Axis—continued. longitudinal, of body, 23, 30 Dogiyon of organ systems with respect to, Axillary fossa, 111 lymph nodes of, 188 vessels and nerves of, 137 Ball and socket joints, 18 Basicranium, 31, Biceps muscles, 20 Bilateral symmetry, 23 Bile duct, Biology, 3 Bipennate muscles, 20° Bladder, urinary, 128 Bloodvessels, general structure of, 21 lining membranes of, 12 of abdomen, 133; wali, 113, 115, 174 of brain, 190 of limbs, anterior, 137, 142 posterior, 149, 153 of neck, 160, 162 of orbit, 168 of pelvis, 133 See Arteries, Veins. Body, divisions of, 110 posture of, 23, 24 pituitary, 35, 188 Bones, structure, development, types of, 14 articulations of, 17 Brain, general divisions, 34 dissection, 186 flexures of, 38 olfactory, 34, 186 Branchiomerism, ne 28 Bronchi, 177 Bulb, olfactory, 34, 186 Bulbourethral gland, 131, 132 Caecum, 42, 12 Capillary ee blood, 43 lymphatic, 46 Capsules of joints, 18 of sense organs, 31 Carpus, bones of, 102 Cartilage, structure of, 14 bones, 15; of skull, 31 Caudal vertebra, Caval veins, inferior, 117, 134, 176 superior, 174, 176 Cavity, abdominal, 50, 116 of central nervous system, 34 of larynx, 166 of mouth, 42, 164 of nose, 48, 82, 92, 193 orbital, pericardial, 49, 175 peritoneal, 50, 116 pleural, 49, 177 serous, 49 of skull, 79 of thorax, 74 tympanic, 89, 90, 171 Cell, structure of, 8 ; Central nervous system, general divisions, 34 brain, 186 spinal cord, 184 Cerebral cranium, 31 hemispheres, 34, 186 nerves, see Nervous System. Cerebellum, 36, 188 : Cerebrum, 36 ' Cervical vertebrae, 70 Characters of animals, 5 Chondrocranium, 31 200 Chordates, characters of, 8 Chorioid plexus, structure of, 36 of lateral ventricles, 193° of third ventricle, 187 Circulation, organs of, 26 See Vascular and Lymphatic Systems. pulmonary, 43 portal, 45 systemic, 43 Classification, purpose of, 6 of organ systems, 26 Clavicle, 100 Clitoris, 111, structure of, 132 Cloaca in lower vertebrates, 46 Cochlea, 171 Celom, 49, 116 Colon, 41, 124 Coloration of skin, etc., 13 Column, vertebral, 68 Comparative anatomy defined, 3 method of, Conjugation in Protozoa, 9 Connective tissues, 12 Convergence, 5 Condyles of femur, 106 occipital, 76, 85 of tibia, 107 Cord, spermatic, 129° spinal, 34, 184 vocal, 166 Corpora quadrigemina, 188 Corpus callosum, 186, 193 Coxal bone, 103 Cranial cavity, 79 nerves, see Nervous System. Craniota, characters of, Cranium, cerebral, visceral, 31 See Skeleton. Deferent ducts, 129 Dental formula, 42 Dentition, in rabbit, 42 in rodents, 7 Descent of testis, 48 Descriptive anatomy, 3 terms, 23 Diaphragm, 179 Diarthrosis, 18 Digestive tube, wall of, 10, 21, 119 Digestive system, 40 glands of, 11; anal, 130; oral, irifraorbi- tal. 167; parotid, 157; submaxillary, liver, 120: pancreas, 118, 122 intestines, small, 122; large, 123 mouth, 42, 164 pharynx, 48, 164 oesophagus, 41, 164, 178; connection with stomach, stomach, 41, nC Digits, anterior limb, 108, 112 posterior limb, 109, 112 Dissection, method’ of, 3 of rabbit, 110 Ducts, of liver, 121 nasopalatine, 165 of oral glands, infraorbital, 167 parotid, 157; submaxillary, 159 of pancreas, 122 of prostate, 159 thoracic, 46 urinogenital, 46, 127, 129, 131 Ductus arteriosus, 4 deferens, 129 Duodenum, 41, 122 Duplicidentata, 7 Dura mater, 184 ‘Ear, external, 111 middle, 89, 90, 171 internal, 171; capsule of, 31 INDEX. Efferent nerves, 22 Egg, fertilized, 9 Egg-laying mammals, i Elastic fibres of eprinesiiye tissue, 12 Elbow, position of, 33, Embryo, organ systems os 29 Embryonic kidney, 4 Embryology, 3 method of, 4 Enarthrosis, 18 Encephalon, see Brain. Endothelia, 12 . Environment, relations of animals to, 5 Epicardium, 175 Epicondyles, of femur, 106 of humerus, 100 Epidermis, 10 Iypididymis, 129 Epiglottis, 165 Epiphyses of bones, 17 Epistropheus, 70 Epithelial, tissues, 9 Erect posture in man, 24 Eustachian, tube, see Auditory Tube. Extension in limbs, 3 Fye, 111; dissection, M66 Eyelids, 111 Facets, articular, of vertebr, 70, 71 Fascia, 13 Fat, 13 Femur, 105 Fertilized egg, 9 Fibres, of connective tissue, 12 muscle, 19 nerve, Fibrocartilage, 14 Fibrous connective tissue, 12 Fibula, 107 Flexion in limbs, 32 Flexures of brain, 38 Flocculus of cerebellum, ge Follicles, of hairs, 10, 11 lymphatic, 45; of eae. 123; of tonsil, 165 ovarian, 131 Foot, 112 skeleton of, 108 See Hand. Foramina of skull, Forearm, 111 muscles of, 140 nerves and vessels of, 142 skeleton of, 101 Fore brain, 34, Formula, dental, 42 Function, relation of structure to, 4 Functional organs, 5 4 a pees 120 anglia spinal, 38, 184 sympathetic, of head, 170 prevertebral; celiac, 117 inferior mesenteric, 126; superior mesenteric, 117 of trunks, cervical, 164, 175 thoracic, 178; lumbar, caudal, 134 Gastric glands, 11 General. anatomy, 3 Genital organs, external, 111 female, 131 male, 128 Ginglymus, 18 Girdle, pectoral, 98 chief, 78 sacral, of digestive system, 11 anal, 180; gastric 11; oral, 157, Pan 167; liver, 120, pancreas, 118, 12 Glands—continued. epithelial, 10 of lymphatic system, 45 axillary, 138; inguinal, 113 mesenteric, 116 of orbit, Harderian, lacrimal, 167 of skin, 11 inguinal, 11, mammary, 7, 11, 113 suprarenal, 117 thymus, 172 thyreoid, 160 of urinogenital system, : bulbourethral, prostate, 131 Gliding joint, 19 Gonads, 48 Grey substance of nervous system, 23 Gross anatomy, 3 Gubernaculum, 48, 129 Gustatory epithelium, 12; organs, 165 Hairs, structure of, 10 Hand, 111 skeleton of, 102 Hard palate, 42, 165 Hares and rabbits, distinction of, 6 Head, dissection of, 157 skeleton of, 75 Heart, 48, 175 Hemispheres of brain, 34, 186 of cerebellum, 18 Hepatic portal system, 45 See Portal Vein. Heredity, 5 Hind brain, 36 dinge joints, 18 Hip joint, 155 distology, 3 Tomogeny, 5 Tomoplasy, 5 Tumerus, 100 Tyoid apparatus, 97° arch, 28 Typophysis, 35, 188 leum, 123 lium, 104 ncisors in rodents, 7 : nguinal furrow, 111; lymph nodes of, 113 glands, 11 nsertion of muscles, 20 ntegument, see Skin. nterarticular cartilages, 14 ntercellular substance, 12 nterpretation of structure, 4 ntestines, 40, 41 divisions of, 122 large, 123 lymphatics of, 116, 123 muscle layers of, 21 serous coat of, 116 small, 122 avoluntary muscles, 19, 20 schium, 105 2junum, 123 ~ vints, structure of, 1 ankle, 156; hip, knee, 155 igular veins, external, 158; internal, 160 idney, 127 embryonic, 47 position of, 48 nee joint, 18, 155 position of, 33 abyrinth of ear, 171 ethmoidal, 92 icrimal apparatus, Harderian and lacrimal glands, 167 nasolacrimal canal, 82, 94; duct, 166 icteal vessels, 116 irynx, 165 INDEX. ; 201 Leg, 112 muscles of, 150 nerves and vessels of, 153 skeleton of, 107 Leporide, characters of, 6 Lepus, genus defined, 6 Ligaments, 13 Limbs, general position of, 32 anterior, divisions, 111 dissection of, 1385 skeleton, 98 posterior, divisions, 112 dissection of, 144 ‘ skeleton, 103 Lips, 110 Tjiver, 11, 120 Long axis of body, 23, 30 Lumbar vertebra, 71 Lumbosacral plextis, 144, 154 Lungs, 43, 177 Lymph, 9 Lymphatic system, 45 follicles of sacculus rotundus, 123 vermiform process, 124; tonsil, 165 glands, axillary, 138; cervical, inguinal, 113; intestinal, 123; mesen- teric, 116, vessels of mesentery, 116 thoracic duct, Mammalia, characters of, 7 Mammary glands, 7, 11, 113 nipples of, 1 Mandible, 84, 96 Mandibular arch, 28 Marsupial mammalia, 7 Meatus, acoustic, external, 77, 88, 89, 111 internal, 81, 89 Medulla oblongata, 37 Membrane bone, 15; of skull, 31 mucous, 10 tympanic, 171 Meninges of central nervous system, 184 Mesencephalon, 36, 188 Mesenchyme, 12 : Mesenterial small intestine, 41, 123 Mesentery, 116, 123 structure of, 50 Mesoderm, 27 Metacarpus, 103 Metatarsus, 109 Microscopic anatomy, 3 Mid-brain, 36, 188 Middle ear, see Ear. Mixed nerves, 22 Monotremata, 7 Morphology, 3 . Morphological aspect of structure, 4 Motor nerves, 22 Mouth, cavity of, 42, 164 glands of, see Digestive System. Mucous membrane, . tunic of stomach, 119; of intestine, 10 Multicellular organisms, 9 - Muscles, structure and types of, 19 of abdominal wall, 113 of face. 158 f of limbs, anterior, 135; posterior, 144 ‘of mastication, 161 of neck, 159, see vertebral occipital, 182 of skin, 118, 135, 157 of tongue, 162 vertebral, 180 Nasal cavity, 43, 83, 92, 193 Nasopalatine ducts, 165 Nasopharynx, 164 Neck, dissection of, 158 Nerves, structure and types of, 22 Nervous system, general divisions, 34 central, brain, 186; spinal cord, 184 ' 202 ‘ Nervous system—continued. peripheral, cranial nerves, 39 I. olfactory, 186 II. optic, 167, 188 * oculomotor, 169, 188 . trochlear, 169, is9 Vv. hergemanal, “162, 169, 170, 1 - abducent, 169, 190 . facial, 157, 170, 190 . acoustic, 190 IX. gichopiarynece!, 163, 164, 9 X. vagus, 119, 160, 164, 174, 178, 190 XI. accessory, 164, 190 XII. byperiossal, 160, 163, 164, spinal nerves, composition of, 38 cervical, 1385, 1 lumbar, sacral, 144, 154 thoracic, 178 plexuses of, brachial, cervical, 138; lumbosacral, 144, 154 sympathetic system, 38 ganglia, celiac, 117; mesenteric, inferior, 126; superior, 117; of head, 170, see trunks. plexuses, abdominal, 118, 126 cardiac, 175 . trunks, cervical, 160, 164; lumbar, sacral, 134; thoracic, 178 Nervous tissues, 21 Nose, apertures of, external, internal, 83, 164 cavity of, 43, 83, 92, 193 Notochord, in chordates, 8; in rabbit, 29, 30 Ochodontide, 7 Oesophagus, "41, 164, 178 Olfactory brain, 34, 186 epithelium, 11 Omenta, greater, lesser, 117 Ontogeny, 4 Orbicular muscles, 20 Orbit, 75; structures of, 166 Organs, definition of, 8 relative development of, 5 visceral, 49 Organ systems, see Systems. Origin of muscles, Ossicles of ear, 77, 90 Osteocranium, 31 Osteology of rabbit, 68 Ovary, 131; Position of, 49 Oviduct, 47, 131 Ovum, 9 Palate, 42, 165 Pancreas, 11, 118, 122 Parotid gland, 11, 157 Pectoral girdle, 98 Pelvic girdle, 103 Penis, 111; structure of, 129 Pericardium, 49, 175 Perichondrium, 16 Periosteum, 15 Peritoneal cavity, 50, 116 Peritoneum, general ‘relations of, 50; parietal, 115; visceral, 116 of bladder, 128 of intestines, 116, 122, 128, 124, 125 of kidney, 127 of liver, 120 of ovary, 131 of stomach, 117 of testis, 129 Phalanges, teas of hand, 103, 112; of foot, 109, 112 111; piriform, INDEX. Pharynx, 43, 164 Phylogeny, 4 Physiological aspect: of structure, 4 Physiology, 3 Pia mater, 184 Pigmentation of an. etc., 13 Pineal body, 36, Pituitary body, 35, 88 Placenta, 7 Placental mammals, 7 Planes of body, 23 Plantigrade foot, 7, 33 Pleura, pleural cavity, 49,-177 Plexuses, of spinal nerves, brachial, 138 cervical 188; lumbosacral, 144, 154 of sympathetic nerves, abdominal aortic, 126; cardiac, 175; celiac, 118, hypogas- tric, 126; mesenteric, ‘inferior, 126; superior, 118; renal, spermatic, 126- Pons, 38, 189 Popliteal fossa, 112 Portal Eyetets hepatic, 45, see Portal Vein. renal, Portal vein, 119, 121 Posture of body, in ae 24 in quadrupeds, 23, Prevertebral ganglia, ca Pronation, 33 Prone position of body, 23 Prosencephalon, 34, 186 Prostate, 131 Protozoa, cells of, 9 Pubis, 105 Pulmonary artery, 176; circulation, 43 Quadriceps muscles, 20 Rabbit, races of, 6 Radius, 10L Rami.communicantes, 38, 184 ~ Recapitulation, law of, Rectum, 123 Reduced organs, 5 Regional sections, 51 Renal portal system, 45 Replacing bones, 15 Reproduction in Protozoa, 9 Reproductive organs, 46 female, 131 male, 128 Respiration, branchial, pulmonary, 44 relation of ribs to, 74; diaphragm, 179 Respiratory system, 43 accessory respiratory tracts, see Nose. lungs, 177 respiratory tracts, eo 177 Retrogressive organs, Rhombencephalon, 34, O96, 188 Ribs, 73 Rodents, characters of, 7 Roots of spinal nerves, 38, 184 Sacculus rotundus, 122 Sacral vertebra, Sacrum, 72 Scapula, 98 Scrotum, 111, 128 Sebaceous glands, 11 Sections, regional, 51 Segmentation of body, 27 Seminal vesicle, 130 Sense organs, special, capsules of, 31 . epithelium of, See Ear, Eye, Nose. Sensory spitbella, 11 hairs, 10, 110 nerves, 22 Septum of nose, 83 of thorax, 175 INDEX. Serous cavities, 49 membranes, 12, 49 tunic of intestine, 116 Sesamoid bones, of limbs, anterior, 103; posterior: 109 Simplicidentata, 7 Skeletal system, 30 tissues, 12, 14 Skeleton, appendicular, 32, 68 of anterior limb, 98 of posterior limb, 103 axial, 30, skull, 75; Pemery composition of, 31; bones of, vertebral ae 68 Skin, structure of, 10, 13, 113 glands of, 11 muscles of, 113, 135, 157 Skull, see Skeleton. Smooth muscle, 19, 21 Soft palate, 165 Somatic nerves, 22 Special anatomy, 3 Spermatic cord, 129 Sphincter muscles, 20 Spinal column, 30, 68 cord, 34, 184 nerves, see Nervous System. Spleen, 117 Sternum, 74 Stomach, 41, 116; structure of wall, 119 Subcutaneous tissue, 13, Subfunctional orsane, 5 Sublingual gland, 1 Submaxillary aa. 11, 159 Sudoriparous glands, 11 Supination, 33 Suprarenal gland, 117 Sweat glands, 11 Symmetry, bilateral, 23 Sympathetic nervous system, see Nervous System. Symphysis, 18; of mandible, 84 of pelvis, 103 Synarthrosis, 18 Synchondrosis, 18 Systems, organ, defined, 8, 26 classification of, general arrangement, 27 in embryo, 29 digestive, 40 lymphatic, 45 nervous, 34 respiratory, 43 skeletal, 30 urinogenital, 46 vascular, 43 Systemic circulation, 43 Tarsus, bones of, 108 Taste buds of tongue, 165 Teeth of rabbit, 42; of rodents, 7 Tendon, 13, 20 Tentorium cerebelli, 80 Terminology, 23 Terrestrial vertebrates, 8 Testis, 48, 129; descent of, 48 Thalamus, 36, 187 Thigh, 112; muscles of, 144 nerves and vessels of, 149 [Thoracic aorta, 178 cavity, 74 duct, 46 vertebre, 71 Thorax, bony, 74 dissection of, 172 [Thymus gland, 172 Thyreoid gland, 160 Tibia, 107 203 Tissues, defined, 8 classification of, 9 connective, 12 epithelial, 9 muscular, 19 nervous, 21 skeletal, 12, 14 Poneue, 162, 165 Tonsil, 165 Trachea, 43, 160, 177 Tracts, respiratory, see Respiratory System. Triceps muscles, 20 Trunk, divisions of, 111 skeleton, 68 Trunks, lymphatic, 46 sympathetic, 38, 134, 160, 164, 178 Tube, auditory, 79, 89, 1 digestive, wall of, 10, 21, 119, see Diges- tive System. neural, 34 uterine, 131 Tunics of digestive tube, mucous, 10 muscular, 2 serous, 116 of stomach, 119 Turbinated bones, 83, 9 ‘Tympanic cavity, 89, 90, 171 membrane, 171 Ulna, 101 Unicellular glands, 11 -organisms, 9 Unipennate muscles, 20 Ureter, 127; epicystic position of, 46 Urethra, 46, 130 Urinary organs, 46, 127 Urinogenital aperture, 111 sinus, system, 46, 127 Uterine tube, 131 Uterus, 181; types of, 48 . Vagina, 132 Vascular system, 43 asymmetry in, 24, 45 See Arteries, Bloodvessels, \Veins. Veins, trunk, caval, inferior, 117, 134, 176 superior, 174, 176 hypogastric, iliac, 134 jugular, external, 158; internal, 160 portal, 119, 121 * renal, 127 spermatic, 129, 181 Ventricles of brain, 34, 187, 191, 193 of heart, 43, 175 Vermiform process, 123 Vertebral column, 68 Vertebrates, characters of, 8 terrestrial, organ systems in, 27 Vesicle, seminal, 130 Vestibulum 46, 132 Visceral arches, 28, 81 nerves, 22 cranium, 31 organs, 49 peritoneum, 116 Vocal folds, 166 Voluntary muscles, 19 Vulva, 1 White fibres of connective tissue, 12 White substance of nervous system, 23 Wild rabbits, species of, 6 Wrist, bones of, 102 Yellow fibres of connective tissue, 12 Zoological position of rabbit, 6 ekesiaees