abblaahiattiess (set: CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE Date Due 4 Cornell University Libra QL 43.17 1895 , es iii olin Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. htto:/ THE CAMBRIDGE NATURAL HISTORY EDITED BY S. F. HARMER, Sc.D., F-R.S., Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge ;, Superintendent of the University Museum of Zoology AND A. E. SHIPLEY, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Christ’s College, Cambridge; University Lecturer on the Morphology of Invertebrates VOLUME VII HEMICHORDATA By S. F. HARMER, Sc.D. F.R.S., Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. ASCIDIANS AND AMPHIOXUS By W. A. HERDMAN, D.Sc. (Edinb.), F.R.S., Professor of Natural History in the University of Liverpool. F | S H E S (Exclusive of the Systematic Account of Teleostei) By T. W. BripGE, Sc.D., F.R.S., Trinity College, Cam- bridge ; Mason Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in the University of Birmingham. F I 5 H E S (Systematic Account of Teleoste1) By G. A. BouLENGER, F.R.S., of the British Museum (Natural History). London MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED NEW YORK: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1904 All riehts reserved Third Fisherman.—Master, I marvel how the fishes live in the sea. First Fisherman.—Why, as men do a-land,—the great ones eat up the little ones. Pericles, Act II. Scene i. PREFACE OWING to unforeseen circumstances, not unconnected with the foundation of a new University, the publication of this volume has been unduly delayed. Some parts of the work have actually been in type for more than four years ; and although the authors have made every effort to keep them up to date, the arrangement is naturally not quite what it might have been if the articles had been written immediately before publication. In view of the novelty of Mr. Boulenger’s classification of the Teleosteans, and of the fact that several independent workers have been occupying themselves with the subject during the last year or two, it is fair to state that this part of the volume was completed in 1902. Professor Herdman’s account of the Ascidians was ready for publication two years earlier. Professor Bridge wishes to express his best thanks to Dr. R. H. Traquair, F.R.S., for his kindness in reading the proofs of the pages which deal with the fossil Crossopterygii, Chondrostei, Holostei and Dipnoi, and for much helpful advice and criticism ; to Mr. G. A. Boulenger, F.R.S., for his valuable and suggestive criticism on certain points; and to Myr. Edwin Wilson, for the care which he has taken in the preparation of the figures. July 1904. CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE Vv SCHEME OF THE CLASSIFICATION ADOPTED IN THIS Book 3 xi HEMICHORDATA CHAPTER I CHORDATA AND VERTEBRATA — HEMICHORDATA — ENTEROPNEUSTA — Ex- TERNAL CHARACTERS AND HaBits-—SrructurE— GENERA — DEVELOP- MENT—PYTEROBRANCH!IA—CEPHALODISCUS AND RHABDOPLEURA—PHORO- NIDEA—PHORONIS AND ACTINOTROCHA—AFFINITIES OF THE HEMI- CHORDATA : i . 3 TUNICATA CHAPTER II InTRODUCTION—OUTLINE OF HISTORY-—-STRUCTURE OF A TYPICAL ASCIDIAN —EMBRYOLOGY AND LIFE-HISTORY ‘ 35 CHAPTER III CLASSIFICATION: LARVACEA — APPENDICULARIANS — STRUCTURE, ETC. — ASCIDIACEA —SIMPLH ASCIDIANS—SPECIFIC CHARACTERS— COMPOUND AScIDIANS — GEMMATION — Mrrosomata —- HoLosomMaTa — PyRosoMa- TIDAE—THALIACEA—DOLIOLINAE—SALPIDAR—GENERAL CONCLUSIONS —- PHYLOGENY ; ‘: » 68 CEPHALOCHORDATA CHAPTER IV InrRopUCTION — GENERAL CHARACTERS — ANATOMY OF AMPHIOXUS — EMBRYOLOGY AND LIFE-HISTORY—CLASSIFICATION OF CEPHALOCHORDATA —SPECIES AND DISTRIBUTION ‘ i ef TL2 vii vill CONTENTS CYCLOSTOMATA AND FISHES CHAPTER V PAGE Tue SysrEMATIC PosITION AND CLASSIFICATION OF FISHES 141 CHAPTER VI EXTERNAL CHARACTERS OF CYCLOSTOMATA AND OF FisHrs: EXTERNAL CHARACTERS—CoLoRATION—PoIsoN GLANDS AND Porson SPINES— PHOSPHORESCENT ORGANS : 150 CHAPTER VII THE SKIN AND SCALES. 182 CHAPTER VIII THE SKELETON 193 CHAPTER IX THE DENTITION, ALIMENTARY CANAL, AND DicEsTIVE GLANDS . 7 247 CHAPTER X THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS 2 277 CHAPTER XI THE AIR-BLADDER , 297 CHAPTER XII THe VASCULAR SyYsTEM, THE LYMPHATICS, AND THE BLOOD-GLANDS . 313 CHAPTER XIII MuscuLak System — Locomorion—SounD-PRopDUCING ORGANS — ELECTRIC: ORGANS ; ‘ 349 CHAPTER XIV NERVOUS SYSTEM AND ORGANS OF SPECIAL SENSE 367 CONTENTS ix CHAPTER XV PAGE THE KIDNEYS AND THE REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS—BREEDING 397 CHAPTER XVI CyCLosTOMATA (SYSTEMATIC) 421 CHAPTER XVII ELASMOBRANCHII: GENERAL CHARACTERS—PLEUROPTERYGII—ICHTHYOTOMI —ACANTHODEI—PLAGIOSTOMI—SELACHII—BATOIDEI—HOoLocEPHALI . 431 CHAPTER XVII TELEOSTOMI: GENERAL CHARACTERS — CROSSOPTERYGII — CHONDROSTEI — Houostri : 475 CHAPTER XIX DIPNEUSTI 505 CHAPTER XX APPENDIX TO THE FISHES: PALAEOSPONDYLIDAE—OSTRACODERMI— H&Teno- STRACI—OsTEOSTRACI—AN ASPIDA—ANTIARCHI—ARTHRODIRA 521 CHAPTER XXI TELEOSTEI; GENERAL CHARACTERS —M ALACOPTERYGII—OSTARIOPHYSI 541 CHAPTER XQNII TELBOSTEL (CONTINUED) : SymBprancnit— ApopEs — HapLomi — HETEROMI— CATOSTEOMI—PERCESOCES—ANACANTHINI —- ; . F 597 CHAPTER XXIII TELEOSTEL (CONTINUED): ACANTHOPTERYGII — OvistHOMI — PEDICULATI— PLECTOGNATHI 650 INDEX 729 SCHEME OF THE CLASSIFICATION ADOPTED IN THIS BOOK The names of extinct groups are printed in rtalics. CHORDATA (jp. 3). I, HEMICHORDATA (p. 3). Order. Family. ENTERO- Glandicipitidae(p. 17). PNEUSTA 4 Ptychoderidae (}. 17). (p. 5) Harrimaniidae (p. 17). PTERO- BRANCHIA (p. 21) PHORONIDEA (p. 27) II. UROCHORDATA=TUNICATA (pp. 4, 35, 63). Order. Sub-Order. Family. Sub-Family. Kowalevskiidae (p. 68). oa | Appendiculariidae 8h |" (p. 68). ( Clavelinidae (p. 71). Hypobythiinae Ascidi wane aa me (p. 72). scidiae Ascidiidae (p. 72). Aseidiinae (p. 72). mane Corellinae (p. 73). iE) Styelinae (p. 74). Cynthiidae (p. 74). Cynthiinae (p. 75). Bolteninae (p. 75). ASCIDI- Molgulidae (p. 77). ACEA Distomatidae (p. 85). (p. 70) , Coelocormidae (p. 86). Ascidiae re Didemnidae (p. 86). Compositae (p. Diplosomatidae (p. 87). (p. 80) Polyclinidae (p. 87). Holosomata { Botryllidae (p. 88). (p. 88) \ Polystyelidae (p. 89). Ascidiae Luciae Pyrosomatidae (p. 91). (p. 90) THALI- ( a ee ae Doliolidae (p. 96). wes | Hemimyaria f Salpidae (p. 101). (p. 95) | (p. 101) \ Octacnemidae (p. 108). X1 xl SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION III. CEPHALOCHORDATA (pp. 4, 112). Family. Branchiostomatidae (p. 137). IV. CRANIATA (pp. 4, 141). Class—Cyclostomata (pp. 145, 150, 421). Sub-Class. Order, Sub-Order. Myxinoides (p. 421) l | Petromyzontes (p. 425) Family. f Myxinidae (p. 422). \ Bdellostomatidae (p. 423). Petromyzontidae (p. 426). Class—Pisces (pp. 145, 431). ( PLEUROPTERYGII (p. 436) ICHTHYOTOMI (p. 488) ACANTHODEL (p. 440) Selachii (p. 442) ELASMO- BRANCHII (p. 431) Plagiostomi (p. 442)- Holocephali (p. 466)- r OSTEOLEPIDA Crossopterygii (p. 477) (p. 476) Cladistia (p. 481) TELEOSTOMI (p. 475) Chondrostei (p. 485) | | | | | (Continued on the neat page.) Batoidei (p. 457) - Cladoselachidae (p. 438). Pleuracanthidae (p. 440). J Diplacanthidae (p. 441). Acanthodidue (p. 441). “Notidanidae (p. 442). Chlamydoselachidae (p. 443). Heterodontidae (p. 444). Cochliodontidae (p. 445). Psammodontidae (p. 446). Petalodontidae (p. 446). Scylliidae (p. 446). 4 Carchariidae (p. 448). Sphyrnidae (p. 449). Lamnidae (p. 450). Cetorhinidae (p. 453). Rhinodontidae (p. 454). Spinacidae (p. 454). Rhinidae (p. 456). Pristiophoridae (p. 457). Pristidae (p. 459). Rhinobatidae (p. 460). Raiidae (p. 461). Tamiobatidae (p. 462). Torpedinidae (p. 462), Trygonidae (p. 464). Myliobatidae (p. 138): Ptyctodontidae (p. 468). Squaloratidae (p. 468). Myriacanthidae (p. 468). Chimaeridae (p. 468). Osteolepidae (p. 477). Thizodontidae (p. 478). Holoptychidae (p. 479). Coclacanthidae (p. 480). Polypteridae (p. 481). Pulaconiscidae (p. 486). Platysomidae (p. 487). Belonorhynchidae (p. 488). Catopteridae (p. 488). Chondrosteidae (p. 489). Polyodontidae (p. 491). Acipenseridae (p. 492). { | | | : SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION xii Sub-Class. Order. Sub-Order. Holostei (p. 495) Malaco- pterygii (p. 543) TELEO- STOMI ; (contd. } Teleostei (pp. 504, 541) Ostario- physi (p. 573) (Continued on the next page.) Family. Senrionotidae (p. 497). Muerosemtidae (p. 498). Pycnodontidae (p. 498). Hugnathidae (p. 498). Amiidae (p. 499). Pachycormidae (p. 501). Aspidorhynehidae (p. 502). Lepidosteidae (p. 502). Pholidophoridae (p. 545). Archacomaenidae (p. 545). Oligopleuridae (p. 545). Leptolepididae (p. 546). Elopidae (p. 546). Albulidae (p. 547). Mormyridae (p. 549) Hyodontidae (p. 552). Notopteridae (p. 554). Osteoglossidae (p. 555). Pantodontidae (p. 558). Clenothrissidae (}. 559). Phractolaemidae (p. 560). Saurodontidae (p. 561). Chiroceutridae (p. 561). Sub-Family. f Mormyrinae (p. 551). \ Gymnarchinae (p. 551). Thrissopatrinae (p. 562). Clupeidae (p. 562) Engraulinae (p. 563). Clupeinae (p. 563). Chaninae (p. 563). Salmonidae (p. 565). : [Pachyrhizodontidac (p. 569). ] Alepocephalidae (p. 569). . Chauliodontinae (p. 571). Stomiatidae (p. 570) Sternoptychinae | (p. 57). _Stomiatinae (p. 571). Gonorhynchidae (p. 572). Cromeriidae (p. 573). Erythrininae (p. 575). Hydrocyoninae(p.575). Serrasalmoninae (p. 576). Ichthyoborinae (p. 576). Xiphostominae (p. 576). Anostominae (p. 576). Hemiodontinae (p. 576). Distichodontinae (p. 576). Citharininae (p. 576). Characinidae (p. 575) Gymnotidae (p. 579). Catostominae (p. 581). Cyprininae (p. 582). Cobitidinae (p. 582). Homalopterinae (p. 582). Cyprinidae (p. 581) X1V SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION Sub-Class. Order. Sub-Order. Ostario- physi (contd. ) Sym- branchii (p. 597) Apodes (p. 599) TELEO- STOMI (contd. ) Teleostei (contd. ) Haplomi (p. 605) Heteromi (p. 621) Catosteomi | (p. 626) (p. 636) f (Continued on the neat page.) Percesoces _ Family. Siluridae (p. 586) Loricariidae (p. 594) Aspredinidae (p. 596). | Symbranchidae (p. 597). | Amphipnoidae (p. 598). | Si idae (p. 600). Nemichthyidae (p. 603). | Synaphobranchidae (p. 603). . Muraenidae (p. 604). ’ Galaxiidae (p. 607). Enchodontidae (p. 608). Esocidae (p. 609). Dalliidae (p. 610). Scopelidae (p. 611). Cetomimidae (p. 614). Chirothricidae (p. 615). Kneriidae (p. 615). Cyprinodontidae (616). Amblyopsidae (p. 618). | Percopsidae (p. 620). Dercetidae ()). 623). Halosauridae (p. 623). , Lipogenyidae (p. 624). | Notacanthidae (p. 624). Fierasferidae (p. 625). Lamprididae (p. 628) Gastrosteidae (p. 629) Aulorhynchidae (p. 631) Aulostomatidae (p. 632) Fistulariidae (p. 632) Centriscidae a 633) Amphisilidae (633) Solenostomidae (p. 633) Syngnathidae (p. 634) . Pegasidae (p. 635) Ammodytidae (p. 639). Atherinidae (p. 639). Mugilidae (p. 640). Polynemidae (p. 640). \ Chiasmodontidae (p. 641). Saccopharyngidae (p. 603). Haplochitonidae (p. 608). } Alepidosauridae (p. 614). Stephanoberycidae (p. 619). (p. 627). Protosynynathidae (p. oe = Hamibrandht = J Scombresocidae (p. 637). Sub-Family. Clariinae (p. 588). Silurinae (p. 588). Bagriuae (p. 588). Doradinae (p. 588). Malopterurinae (p. 588). Calliclithyinae (p. 588). Hy pophthalminae (p. 589). Trichomycterinae (p. 589). fArginae (p. 595). \ Loricartinae (p. 595). x =Selenichthyes (p. 627). Lophobranchii (np. 628). Sa ea aad (p. 628) SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION XV Sub-Class. Order. Sub-Order. Division. Family. Sub-Family. r ; | atstigonnt (p. 642). : Tetragonuridae (p. 642). ee } Stromateidae (p. 643). (contd.) Icosteidae (p. 644). : Ophiocephalidae (p. 644). Anabantidae (p. 645). 2 Macruridae (p. 647). vee Gadidae (p. 647). (p. 646) Muraenolepididae Ps (p. 649). Berycidae (p. 655). Monocentridae (p. 656). Pempheridae (p. 656). Centrarchidae (p. 657). Cy phosidae (p. 657). Lobotidae (p. 658). Toxotidae (p. 658). Nandidae (p. 658). Percidae (p. 658). Acropomatidae (p. 659). Serraninae (p. 659). Grammistinae (p. 660). Priacanthinae ().. 660). Centropominae (p. 660). TELEO- | Tele- Tee STOMI- ostei , Serranidae (p. 659) 4 ikem hassinan (contd. | (contd. ) (p. 660). Chilodipterinae Perci- (p. 660). sa 2 oe formes ty temnbias . 652 », 660). (p. 650) | (P $92) cinthitinae (p. 660). Pentacerotinae (p. 660). Anomalopidae (p. 660). Pseudochromididae (p. 661). Cepolidae (p. 661). Hoplognathidae (p. 662). Sillaginidae (p. 662). Sciaenidae (p. 663). Gerridae (p. 663). Lactariidae (p. 663). Trichodontidae (p. 663). Latrididae (p. 663). Haplodactylidae (p. 664). Pristipomatidae (p. 664). Sparidae (p. 664). Mullidae (p. 665). Scorpididae (p. 666). Caproidae (p. 666). Chaetodontidae (p. 667). Drepanidae (p. 668). (Continued on the next page.) Acanthuridae (p. 668). XV1 SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION Sub-Class. Order. TELEO- STOMI (contd. ) Teleostei (contd. ) XM Sub-Order. Acantho- pterygii (contd. ) Opisthomi (p. 716) Pediculati (p. 717) (Continued on the next page.) Division. Perciformes (continued) Scombriformes (p. 675) Zeorhombi (p. 682) Kurtiformes (p. 687) Gobiiformes (p. 688) Discocephali (p. 691) Scleroparei (p. 692) Jugulares (p. 702) Taeniosomi (p. 714) Family. Teuthididae (p. 668). Osphromenidae (p. 669). Embiotocidae (p. 670). Cichlidae (p. 670). Pomacentridae (p. 672). Labridae (p. 673) Scaridae (p. 674). Carangidae (p. 677). Rhachiceutridae (p. 677). Scombridae (p. 678). Trichiuridae (p. 679). Histiophoridae (p. 679). Palacorhynchidae (p. 680). Xiphiidae (p. 681). Luvaridae (p. 681). Cory phaenidae (p. 681). Bramidae (p. 682). { Zeidae (p. 683). dAinplhistiidae (p. 684). Pleuronectidae (p 684). { Kurtidae (p. 687). { Gobiidae (p. 689). J Echeneididae (p. 691). \ Scorpaenidae (p. 694). Hexagrammidae (p. 696). Comephoridae (p. 696). Rhamphocottidae (p. 697). Cottidae (p. 697). Cyclopteridae (p. 698). Platycephalidae (p. 699). Hoplichthyidae (p 699). Agonidae (p. 700). ° Triglidae (p. 700). Dactylopteridae (p. 701). Trachinidae (p. 704). Percophiidae (p. 705). Leptoscopidae (p. 705). Nototheniidae (p. 705). Uranoscopidae (p. 706). Trichonotidae (p. 706). Callionymidae (p. 706). Gobiesocidae (p. 707). /, Blenniidae (p. 709). Batrachidae (p. 710). Pholididae (p. 711). Zoarcidae (p. 712). Congrogadidae (p. 713). Ophidiidae (p. 713). Podatelidae (p. 713). license uae (p. 715). Lophotidae (p. 716). Mastacembelidae (p. 716). | cetstita (p. 718). Ceratiidae (p. 719). Antennariidae (p. 720). | Gisantactinidas (p. 720). Malthidae (p. 720). SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION xvii Sub-Class. Order. Sub-Order. Division, Family. eels (p. 722). Sclerodermi | Triodontidae (p. 723). TELEO- 7 . (p. 722) Balistidae (p. 723). STOMI , 1eleostei PIB ESSeuaeDE.| Ostraciontidae (p. 724). Tetrodontidae (p. 726). : continued) (p. 721) ; (continwed) an pa eonees { Diodontidae (p. 726). (p. 725) | Molidae (p. 726). Ctenodontidae (p. 505). se ( [ Uronemidae (p. ae e 505) I fe p. 507). Lepidosirenidae (p. 511). OF UNCERTAIN POSITION Order. Family. PALAEOSPONDYLIDAE (p. 521). Coelolepidae (p. 524). : Drepanaspidae (p. 525). HerErostract (p. 524) Psammosteidae (p. 526). Pteraspidae (p. 527). STH ACODER MEE. O8e) [ Ateleaspidae (p. 528). OSTEOSTRACI (p. 527) \ Cephalaspidae (p. 528). | Tremataspidae (p. 530). ANASPIDA (p. 531) Birkentidae (p. 531). ANTIARCHI (p. 532) Asterolepidae (p. 534). ARTHRODIRA (p. 535) Coccosteidae (p. 536). VOL. VII HEMICHORDATA BY SIDNEY F. HARMER, 8c.D., F.RS. Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge. B CHAPTER 1 HEMICHORDATA CHORDATA AND VERTEBRATA—— HEMICHORDATA—ENTEROPNEUSTA EXTERNAL CHARACTERS AND HABITS—-STRUCTURE—GENERA — DEVELOPMENT —- PTEROBRANOCHIA— CEPHALODISCUS AND RHABDOPLEURA— PHORONIDEA—-PHORON/IS AND ACTINO- TROCHA——AFFINITIES OF THE HEMICHORDATA. THE Hemichordata, a marine group which includes the worm-like Balanoglossus, owe much of their interest to the fact that they are believed by many zoologists to be related to the lower Verte- brates. This view is one of a number of mutually exclusive hypotheses, which seek to derive Vertebrate animals from various Invertebrate ancestors. It is supported by many striking re- semblances between Balanoglossus and the lowest forms which are by common consent regarded as belonging to the Vertebrate alliance; but it must be distinctly understood that Balanoglossus is at most the much modified modern representative of extinct forms which were also the ancestors of Vertebrates. The axis of the backbone of all Vertebrates is formed by an elastic rod known as the “ notochord ” (Figs. 72; 115), which lasts throughout life in some of the lowest forms, but in the higher forms appears only in the embryo. The universal occurrence of this structure has been regarded as the most important characteristic of the Vertebrata and their allies, which are accordingly grouped together in the Phylum CHORDATA. The members of this Phylum are further distinguished from other animals by several important features. Of these one of the most important appears to be the existence of lateral out- 3 4 DIVISIONS OF CHORDATA CHAP. growths of the pharynx, which unite with the skin of the neck and form a series of perforations leading to the exterior. These structures are the gill-slits, and in the Fishes their walls give rise to vascular folds or gills. With the assumption of a terres- trial life, the higher Vertebrates lost their gills as functional organs, respiration being then performed by entirely different organs, the lungs. But even in these cases, the gill-slits appear in the embryo; and remains of one pair can usually be recognised in the adult state of even the highest Vertebrates. Another fundamental characteristic of the Chordata is given by the central nervous system, which lies entirely above the alimentary canal, just dorsal to the notochord. Not only does this position of the nerve-centres distinguish the Chordata from Invertebrates, but a further point of difference is found in the development. While in Invertebrates the ventral nerve-cord is formed as a thickening of the ectoderm or outermost layer of the embryo, in the Chordata the nervous system is usually formed as a longi- tudinal groove running medianly along the back of the embryo. This groove closes to form a tube of uervous matter, the cavity of which always persists throughout life as the “central canal” of the spinal chord and its anterior prolongation which con- stitutes the “ventricles” of the brain. Although the animals which are considered in this chapter are not admitted by all zoologists to be related to the Vertebrates, there can be no question that their respiratory organs closely resemble typical gill-shts. Since, moreover, they possess struc- tures which can be regarded, with a fair amount of probability, as agreeing in essential respects with the notochord and the tubular dorsal nervous system of Vertebrates, it appears justi- fiable to include them in the Chordata, which are then sub- divided into (1) HemicnorpatTa, in which a “notochord” occurs in the anterior end of the body only; (2) UrocHorpata (Tunicata or Ascidians), in which the notochord is restricted to the tail; (3) CEPHALOCHORDATA (Amphioxus), in which the notochord extends the entire length of the body and of the head; (4) CRANIATA, in which a brain is developed as an enlargement of the central nervous system, the notochord does not extend farther forward than the middle of the brain, and a vertebral column is present. These last are thus usually known as Vertebrata, although in dis- tinguishing an “ Invertebrate” from a “ Vertebrate” it is more I HEMICHORDATA—ENTEROPNEUSTA 5 logical to regard all Chordata as Vertebrates, since the Inverte- brata are in no sense a natural group with common charac- teristics, their union under one name merely implying that they have no close affinity to the Vertebrates. It is often convenient in practice to divide animals into Vertebrates and Invertebrates, but from a zoological point of view a division of the animal kingdom into Molluses and Non-Molluscs would have as much or as little significance. The sub-phylum Hemichordata' consists of the Orders :—(I.)) ENTEROPNEUSTA,’ including Balanoglossus (Fig. 1); (II.) Przro- BRANCHIA,® represented by the genera Cephalodiscus (Fig. 9) and Rhabdopleura (Fig. 12). To these should possibly be added (III.) PHoronipea, for the reception of Phoronis (Fig. 13). | 2 Order I. Enteropneusta. Worm-like Hemichordata, with numerous gill-slits, a straight intestine, and a terminal anus. Proboscis separated by a narrow stalk from the simple ring-shaped collar, which is succeeded by an elongated trunk. The structure of Balanoglossus, formerly the sole genus belonging to this Order, but now divided* into the genera Ptychodera, Balanoglossus, Glossobalanus, Glandiceps, Spengelia, Schizocardium, Harrimania, Dolichoglossus, and Stereobalanus, has of recent years formed the subject of elaborate investigations by Spengel,> Bateson,? and Willey.’ More than thirty species are known, ranging in length from 25 mm.° (Pt. bahamensis) to 2500 mm. (B. gigas), and for the most part inhabiting shallow water; Glossobalanus sarniensis occurring between tide-marks in the Channel Islands. Glandiceps talaboti has, however, been dredged near Marseilles from as much as 190 fathoms, while 1 Bateson, Quart. J. Mier. Sci. xxv. Suppl. 1885, p. 111. * Gegenbaur, Grundziige vergl. Anat. 2 ed. 1870, p. 158. 3 Lankester, Quart. J. Mier. Sci. xvii. 1877, p. 448 (=ASPIDOPHORA, Allman, J. Linn. Soc. xiv. 1879, pp. 490 n., 586). 4 Spengel, Zool. Jahrb. Syst. xv. 1902, p. 209. 5 Fauna u. Flora G.v. Neapel, 18 Monogr. 1893 (reviewed by MacBride in Quart. J. Mier. Sci. xxxvi. 1894, p. 385) ; Zool. Jahrb. Anat. xviii. Pt. ii. 1908, p. 271. 6 Quart. J. Micr. Sct. xxiv. 1884, p. 208; xxv. Suppl. 1885, p. 81 ; xxvi. 1886, pp. 511, 535. 7 Zool. Results, Part iii. Cambridge, 1899, p. 223. 8 =1 inch. 6 HEMICHORDATA CHAP. G. abyssicola was found by the “Challenger” at a depth of 2500 fathoms, off the West Coast of Africa. Balanoglossus, the largest genus now recognised by Spengel, appears to be practically world-wide in its distribution; Schizocardiwm is recorded from Fic. 1.—Forms of Balanoglossus. A, Balanoglossus clavigerus, Eschsch., Naples, x 3; B, Glandiceps hacksi, Mar. (incomplete), Japan, x 1; ©, Schizocardium brasiliense, Speng., Rio de Janeiro, x 1; D, Dolichoglossus kowalevskii, A.Ag., Chesapeake Bay, x1. a, Anus ; ab, abdominal and caudal regions ; , branchial region ; ¢,collar ; g, genital region ; y.p, gill-pore ; y.w, genital wing ; h, hepatic region ; m, position of mouth ; p, proboscis ; ¢, trunk. (A, B, and C from Spengel ; D from Bateson.) both sides of 8. America; Glandiceps from the Atlantic, the Mediterranean, Japan, and the Indian Ocean; Spengelia from the South Pacific; and other species from the White Sea to New Zealand. The habitat is usually sand or gravelly sand, in which the animal forms a kind of tube by means of the abundant mucus secreted by its skin. Dolichoglossus kowalevskii (Fig. 1, D), according to Bateson,’ lives between tide-marks at a 1 Quart. J. Mier. Sei. xxiv. 1884, p. 209. I DISTRIBUTION——COLOUR—HABITS 7 depth of about eight inches. The greater part of the body is coiled in an even, cork-screw-like spiral, while the anterior end, including the front part of the branchial region, is maintained in a vertical position. The posterior end is also kept upright, and can be moved up and down in a vertical shaft opening on the surface, thus enabling the animal to eject the undigested sand from its anus. The coloration of Balanoglossus is often brilliant. That of D. kowalerskti* is as follows :—The “ proboscis” (cf. Fig. 1, B, p) is yellowish white; the “collar” (c) is brilliant red-orange (especially in males), with a white ring posteriorly ; the “trunk” (t), the subdivision of which into “ branchial,” “ genital,” “ hepatic,” “abdominal,” and “caudal” regions is better indicated in other species (Fig. 1, A, 0, g, h, ab), is orange-yellow, shading to green- yellow in the semi-transparent caudal region. The genital region is grey in females and yellow in males, a sexual difference in colour being common in Enteropneusta. The hepatic papillae of other species may be bright green. The odour of D. howalevshii resembles that of “ chloride of lime with a faecal admixture,” while that of Balanoglossus aurantiacus suggests iodoform. All Enteropneusta are said to have a more or less offensive smell. A species of Balanoglossus is known to be intensely phosphorescent.” The mouth (Fig. 7, m) is situated on the ventral side, at the base of the proboscis, and is concealed by the free anterior edge of the collar, which encircles the thin “ proboscis-stalk ” (Fig. 3, 7.8). The animal has the singular peculiarity of being unable to close its mouth;® and thus, as it burrows through the ground, the sand which passes into the alimentary canal leaves it in a continuous column through the terminal anus.* The large coiled “castings” formed in this way between tide-marks enable the experienced collector to infer the presence of Balanoglossus ; and in a West Indian species described by Willey’ they are so large as to form “an important feature in the landscape at low tide.” The principal agents in hurrowing are the proboscis and collar. An animal observed by Spengel pushed the tip of its proboscis into the sand, waves of muscular contraction meanwhile passing 1 Quart. J. Mier. Sci. xxv. Suppl. 1885, p. 91. 2 Pouchet, C. R. Ac. Sei. cii. 1886, p. 272. 3 Kowalevsky, Mém. Ac. St. Petersb. (7) x. No. 3, 1866, p. ve 4 Spengel, Monogr. p. 474. 5 Zool. Res. Pt. iii. 1899, p. 256. 8 HEMICHORDATA CHAP. over the surface of the proboscis. At first the animal made slow progress; but the collar, becoming surrounded by sand, soon became a point of resistance by means of which the proboscis could bury itself yet more deeply. The animal quickly disap- peared as soon as the first two regions of its body were engaged in the task of burrowing.’ This action is due partly to the muscles of the body-wall, but largely to the power possessed by the proboscis and collar of becoming swollen and turgid. Spengel has observed that these parts become flaccid when the animal is taken out of water, and can only swell again when it is replaced therein; and it may thus fairly be concluded that the enlargement is due to the taking in of water. This is probably in fact the most important function of the “ proboscis-pore ” and of the “ collar-pores” which are de- scribed below. Body-Cavities——The existence of five separate body-cavities (Fig. 2) is one of the most fundamental facts in the anatomy of Balanoglossus. The first body-cavity, or cavity of the proboscis (b.c'), is single and unpaired; the second body-cavities (b.c”) ave paired spaces, one belonging to each side of the collar; the third body- cavities (b.c*) are similarly paired, and correspond with the trunk. While there is no connexion between successive body- cavities, there are in certain regions com- : munications between the two cavities of Fic. 2.—Diagram of a dorsal the same pair. Each of the paired view of a Balanoglossus- cavities is at one time a closed lateral embryo, after the forma- : 4 tion of the body-cavities, Space between the skin and the alimentary a Alimentary canal; }.c’, canal. As the two spaces which con- ody-cavity of the pro- 2 i boscis ; b.c?, of the collar; Stitute the pair grow towards one another, nee trunk. (From both above and below the alimentary canal, they come into such close apposi- tion that they remain separated only by their conjoined walls. In this way are formed the dorsal and ventral mesenteries (Fig. 4, dm, v), the former being the only one to persist in the higher Vertebrates. The body-cavities of the adult become to a large ex- tent disguised by being traversed by connective tissue and muscles, 1 See also Ritter, Biol. Bull. ili, 1902, p. 255. I BODY-CAVITIES—NERVOUS SYSTEM 9 The hinder part of the proboscis-cavity is divided by the forward growth of the notochord (Fig. 3, x) into dorsal and ventral portions. further subdivided into right and left halves, the latter typically opening dors- ally to the exterior on the proboscis- stalk by an asymmetrical “ proboscis-pore ” (p.p.). Two symmetrical proboscis-pores may, however, occur, or a median pore connected with the left division of the proboscis-cavity. These may be indi- vidual variations within the limits of a single species, or may occur as a normal feature of a species. The collar-cavities open by two “ collar- pores” (Fig. 3, ep.), situated at the posterior end of the collar, into the first pair of gijl-pouches, near their external opening. Willey has recently described ' vestigial pores in relation with the “ peri- haemal spaces,” a pair of dorsally situated outerowths of the third body-cavities into the collar-region. Narrow “ peri- pharyngeal spaces,” also a forward growth of the third body-cavities, closely invest the pharynx in some species. Body-Wall and Nervous System.— The body-wall (Fig. 4) consists externally of a thick ciliated epidermis (¢), con- taining numerous gland-cells which secrete an abundant mucus. Beneath the epi- dermis is a basement-membrane, while more internally are layers of muscles, whose arrangement differs in different parts of the body and in different species. The dorsal cavity in extending backwards hecomes Fig. 3.—Dorsal view of the anterior end of the body of Dolichoglossus kowalevsk«, xB. «¢, Collar : cn, ciz- cular nerve; ¢«.p, collar- pore ; d, dorsal nerve; 9, gill-pore ; , notochord ; n.s, central nervous sys- tem, showing the anterior and posterior neuropores ; ‘Dp, proboscis ; p.p, probos- cis-pore ; p.s, proboscis- stalk ; ¢, trunk ; v, ventral nerve. The nerve-plexus of the proboscis is repre- sented as a black line. (After Bateson. ) The nervous system consists of a plexus of cells and fibres which lie in the basal part of the epidermis of all parts of the animal, outside the basement-membrane ; the thicker portions of the plexus forming definite nerve-tracts. This intimate connexion 1 Zool. Res. iii. 1899, pp. 273, 280. 1O HEMICHORDATA CHAP. between the epidermis and the nervous system 1s usually restricted to embryonic life in other animals. The main nerves of Balanoglossus are a dorsal and a ventral tract in the trunk region (Fig. 4, d.n, v.n), a circular tract (Fig. 3, en) connecting these two at the posterior edge of the collar, and a strong concentration of nerve-tissue round the whole of the proboscis-stalk, and of the posterior end of the proboscis (Fig. 3). In the region of the collar the nervous system attains its highest develop- ment, taking the form of a median cord passing above the alimentary canal. This cord, known as the cen- tral nervous system (Fig. 7, ns), runs through the cavity of the collar, but is connected with the epidermis at each end. It thus be- comes continuous Fic. 4.—Ptychodera bahamensis, Bahama Is. Transverse ; G , in front with th section through the branchial region. 6, Branchial front wit the part of pharynx ; }.c, third body-cavity ; d.m, dorsal nerve-layer on the mesentery ; d.n, dorsal nerve; d.v, dorsal vessel ; ¢, . 3 epidermis, with nerve-layer (black) at its base ; y, genital proboscis . stalk, wing ; g.p, gill-pore, encroached on by the tongue-bar while posteriorly it (t); @, lateral septum; m, longitudinal muscles ; 0, . , oesophageal or alimentary part of pharynx; 7, repro- passes into the dor- ductive organ ; ¢, tongue-bar ; v, ventral mesentery and gal and the circular ventral vessel ; v.n, ventral nerve. (After Spengel.) nerve - tracts. In nearly all cases the epidermis is pushed into the cord at the points where it passes into the skin, in the form of an anterior and a posterior “neuropore” (Fig. 3). A transverse section through the extreme front or hind end of the collar accord- ingly shows a tubular nervous system. In certain species, as in Glossobalanus sarniensis and Ptychodera flava, a central canal, opening in front and behind, exists throughout the entire length of the central nervous system, while in G. minutus a canal of this kind oceurs in the young animal, but not in the adult. The central nervous system is developed as a longitudinal I ALIMENTARY CANAL—GILL-SLITS II dorsal groove in the larva,’ and in a similar manner in the collar which is formed as the result of regeneration after injury.” Balanoglossus is thus typically provided with a dorsal, tubular, central nervous system, and although this arrangement does not extend beyond the limits of the collar, it shows a noteworthy resemblance to Vertebrate animals. In some cases the central nervous system is connected with the dorsal epidermis by a varying number (1-17) of median “roots,” which have been compared by Bateson with the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves of Amphioxus, and are probably remains of the embryonic connexion of the collar nervous system with the dorsal epidermis. Alimentary Canal.—The mouth (Fig. 7, m) leads widely into the alimentary canal, which, passing through the collar, enters the branchial region, where it is characterised by the existence of communications with the exterior. These, the gill-slits, are developed, as in Vertebrates, as paired outgrowths of the alimentary canal, and new gill-slits are constantly being formed at the posterior end of the branchial region with advancing age. The maximum number of the gill-slits, and the extent of the branchial region, are by no means uniform throughout the Enteropneusta. Thus Dolichoglossus otagoensis is said to have no more than 12 pairs, Glossobalanus minutus only 40 pairs, while Balanoglossus awrantiacus may have as many as 700 pairs. In Ptychodera flava the variation is so great that Willey dis- tinguishes* two extreme conditions as “macrobranchiate” and “ brachybranchiate ” respectively, although intermediate con- ditions are also found. It should be noted that Balanoglossus agrees with Amphioxus in the indefinite number of the gill- slits. The gill-slits usually have the form of the so-called “ branchial pouches ” or “ gill-sacs” (Figs. 5, 6, g.s). Each ordinarily opens to the exterior by a small pore (Fig. 1, D, 5, g-p) or slit, situated on the dorsal side, in a shallow longitudinal groove not far from the middle line. The gill-sac has a complete wall of its own, and lies between the alimentary canal and the body-wall, com- municating with the former by a U-shaped slit. While a dorsal 1 Morgan, J. Morphol. v. 1891, p. 422; ix. 1894, pp. 44, 48, 125 2 Willey, Zool. Res. Pt. iii, 1899, p. 245. 3 Zool. Res. Pt. iii. p. 228. 12 HEMICHORDATA CHAP. view of the animal thus shows a linear series of simple pores, a view of the pharynx from the inside appears as in Fig. 5. At the hind end of the pharynx the inner opening of the developing gill-sac is circular. Slightly further forward the dorsal side of the pore is indented into a crescent, which grows longer in a dorso-ventral direction, and becomes a U, whose two limbs are nearly separated by a mass of tissue, the so-called “tongue-bar” (Fig. 5, 4). The special interest of this mode of development is that it is identical with what occurs in Amphioxus (p. 120), which is universally admitted to belong to the Chordata. The gill-sacs of Balanoglossus follow one another closely, the hind wall of one being in contact with the front wall of the next, and constituting a “branchial septum” (0.s). Both septa and tongue-bars are supported by chitinous rods, which are special thicken- ings of the membrane at the base of their epithe- lium. Two rods occur in each tongue-bar, separated by an interval of body- cavity (Figs. 5, 6), and only one rod in each septum. Originally of this form —nn Nn— the rods have joined in pairs, the united limbs forming the single rod of each branchial sep- Fic. 5.—Diagram of two gill-sacs of Balano- tum. In this respect again glossus, seen from the inside of the pharynx. aA b b, Branchial skeleton, consisting of a single WE have a simi arity e- forked bar in each branchial septum (4s), tween Balanoglossus and and of two bars in each tongue-bar; g.p, ¥ S : gill-pore, opening on the dorsal surface of AmMphioxus, except that in the trunk; y.s, gill-sac ; s, synapticulum the latter the concrescence (only one or two shown); ¢, tongue-bar. The arrows indicate the communications of the proceeds one step farther, ill-sacs wi teri i ae with the exterior and with the and the two rods of the tongue-bar unite, like those of the branchial septum. The latter, the so-called “primary ” skeletal rods of Amphioxus, are forked ventrally as in Balano- glossus (Fig. 5). In Amphioxus, as in most Enteropneusta, adjacent rods are I ALIMENTARY CANAL 13 connected at intervals by chitinous “synapticula ” (hig. B, 2), which traverse one or the other of the halves of the gill-slit. In Dolichoglossus, where no synapticula occur, the tongue-bars may be turned inside out by slight pressure, and then project to the exterior through the gill-pores. The subdivision of the branchial region of the alimentary canal into two parts, as shown in Fig. 4, is characteristic of Glossobalanus and its allies. In Dolichoglossus and Glandiceps there is no such constriction, the region occupied by the gill-slits being merely the dorsal half of a tube with a simple circular section. Schizocardium (Fig. 6) agrees with Amphioxus in the fact that the gill-slits : occupy nearly the whole of /, Ayal the wall of the pharynx; the only parts not perfor- ated by gill-slits being the small dorsal and ventral portions. In Ptychodera (Fig. 4), the gill-sacs are practically absent. The U-shaped slits of the pharyngeal wall thus Fic. 6.—Schizocardium brasiliense ; transverse open directly to the exterior, section through the branchial region, show- ing the great extent of the branchial part and can be seen from the (b) of the pharynx ; the oesophageal part outside. In species which — (¢) is reduced to a mere groove; g, gill- é pore ; .s, gill-sac ; 7, reproductive organ ; have this arrangement, the 8s, synapticula (cf. Fig. 5); ¢, tongue-bar. genital wings are greatly The muscles of the body-wall are not indi- cated: in other respects the figure corre- developed, so as to arch over sponds with Fig. 4, except for the absence the back of the branchial of genital wings in this region of the body. 7 (After Spengel.) region. The gill-slits thus open into a kind of “atrium,” resembling that of Amphioxus in its relation to the gill-slits, and in having the generative organs on its outer side, but differing from it in being dorsal to the pharynx. At a certain distance behind the branchial region, the alimentary canal in Balanoglossus and Schizocardium is produced into a series of outgrowths, into which food does not pass. These “ liver-sacs” give rise to corresponding folds (Fig. 1, A, /) 1 Spengel, Monogr. pp. 179, 187 ; Willey, Zool. Res. iii. p. 236. 14 HEMICHORDATA CHAP. of the dorsal body-wall, a conspicuous external feature of the species in which 7.—Schizocardium brasiliense ; longi- tudinal, median section through the pro- boscis, the collar, and the first part of the trunk ; 6, main blood-space of the pro- boseis ; b.c!, b.c?, b.c3, first, second and third body-cavities ; ¢.m, circular muscles of proboscis ; v, epidermis; /.m, longi- tudinal muscles of proboscis ; m, mouth ; n, notochord ; 2.s, central nervous system, continuous with the subepilermic nerve- plexus (black) of the proboscis, and with the dorsal nerve (d); p.c, pericardium ; p.s, proboscis-stalk ; s, proboscis -skele- ton; v, vermiform process of notochord. (After Spengel.) they are present. The most interesting peculiarity of the digestive tract in this region is the existence, in certain species, of pores, possibly vestigial gill- slits, leading from it. to the exterior. Notochord and Skeleton. —tThe structure compared by Bateson with the Vertebrate notochord is a hollow dorsal outgrowth of the alimentary canal of the collar-region (Fig. 7, n) Near its origin it is slender, but in the proboscis it dilates into a comparatively large organ, which in most cases retains its cavity. Its cells have a vacuolated appear- ance, which recalls the fine structure of the Vertebrate notochord. In Sehizocardiwm and Glandiceps, the organ is produced into a slender “ ver- miform process” (v), which extends nearly to the tip of the proboscis. The main support of the proboscis-stalk is the “ pro- boscis - skeleton” (s), a A- shaped organ whose median part lies beneath the base of the notochord, its diverging legs extending backwards along the outer side of the alimentary canal of the collar, The proboscis-skeleton, like the branchial skeleton, is a special development of the structure- less membrane which is found at the base of the layers of cells No I SKELETON—VASCULAR SYSTEM 15 of Balanoglossus, and in most species it grows merely by the deposition of laminae of chitin from the notochord, and from the ventral epidermis of the proboscis-stalk. In some species, however, and particularly in Balanoglossus aurantiacus and Glandiceps, the primary skeleton becomes sur- rounded by an extensive development of a secondary cartilaginoid skeleton, consisting of a structureless substance into which the adjacent body-cavities of the proboscis and collar send cellular outgrowths. The possibility of a relation between this tissue, more or less surrounding a part of the notochord, and the carti- lage of Vertebrates cannot be overlooked. The caudal region may be stiffened (?) by a “pygochord”? which is a median derivative of the alimentary canal on its ventral side. Vascular System and Proboscis-Gland.—The main vessels are a dorsal and a ventral vessel (Fig. 4, d.v, v), lying in their respective mesenteries. The details of the vascular system are complicated, and have not been thoroughly made out, the nearly colourless character of the blood making their investigation a difficult matter. The following points may, however, be noted. The blood is said to pass forwards in the dorsal vessel, which, like the ventral vessel and a pair of lateral vessels in the hepatic region, is contractile. In the collar the dorsal vessel lies be- tween the two perihaemal spaces, on the dorsal side of the base of the notochord. The principal blood-space in the proboscis (Fig. 7, b) lies between the notochord (n) and an organ known as the “heart-vesicle” or “pericardium” (p.c). The latter has muscular walls and it contracts rhythmically in the larva. Its behaviour in the adult is not so easily made out, but it is prob- able that, although it does not communicate with the vascular system, its contractions propel the blood contained in the space immediately beneath it. The blood, after passing to a glandular organ, the “ proboscis-gland ” or “glomerulus,” which lies at the sides and in’ front of the notochord, appears to pass round the collar to the ventral vessel. Various systems of vessels are con- nected with the skin, the gills, the alimentary canal and the generative organs. The function of the proboscis-gland is possibly excretory. In this case it is probable that the proboscis-pore eliminates the 1 Willey. 16 HEMICHORDATA CHAP. waste products discharged by the gland into the anterior body- cavity, though this view is not favoured by Willey. Reproductive Organs.—The sexes are separate, the repro- ductive organs consisting of a series of simple or branched glands which oceur along the dorso-lateral lines of the anterior part of the body; being usually found throughout the branchial and generative regions and ending at the beginning of the hepatic region. The reproductive organs may pass into great extensions of the body-wall known as the “ genital wings,” specially developed in some species of Balanoglossus and Ptychodera (Figs. 1 A, 4). Stereobalanus canadensis, a species with long slit-like external gill-pores, is interesting in possessing a well-developed genital wing both dorsally and ventrally to the series of gill-pores of each side. Each reproductive gland opens by its own pore or pores directly to the exterior. Several glands and pores may occur in the same transverse section. According to Spengel there is no definite relation between the number of the reproductive organs and that of either the gill-sacs or the liver-outgrowths. The only definite segmenta- tion exhibited by Balanoglossus is thus the division into three regions which is so distinctly shown by the arrangement of the body-cavities; though the gill-sacs may indicate an incipient further segmentation of the major part of the body. In this connexion it is interesting to notice MacBride’s statement ! that the body-cavity of Amphioxus develops in the embryo as five avities, just as in Balanoglossus; the segmented part of the body being formed by a secondary segmentation of the third body-cavities. Regeneration.—Balanoglossus, like Phoronis (p. 30), possesses great powers of regenerating lost parts. The posterior part of the body is readily re-formed, while Spengel has shown? that even the proboscis, collar and branchial region can be regenerated, apparently from a fragment of the body. Genera of Enteropneusta.— Spengel, whose Monograph is indispensable to every student of the Enteropneusta, formerly 1 Quart. J. Mier. Sci. x1. 1898, p. 601; xliii. 1900, p. 351. ? Monogr. p. 684, Pl. xxvi. Figs. 14-18 ; see also Willey, Zool. Res. iii, p. 245, and Dawydoff, Zoolog. Anz. xxv. 1902, p. 551. I ENTEROPNEUSTA—GENERA 17 proposed to divide the old genus Balanoglossus into four; but he now recognises no less than nine. Some of the more important characters are given below, but for the arrangement of the muscles, important from a systematic point of view, reference must be made to the original sources. A. Notochord with a vermiform process (Fig. 7, v); pericardium with anterior diverticula more or less developed. ‘ GLANDICIPITIDAE (a) Liver-sacs and synapticula present; gill-slits almost equalling the pharynx in depth, so that the ventral, non-branchial part of the pharynx is reduced to a mere groove (Fig. 6); nerve-roots absent ; pericardial diverticula long. . Schizocardiwm, Speng. (b) Liver-sacs absent ;? ventral part of pharynx well developed ; peri- cardial diverticula short. (i) Synapticula and nerve-roots absent. . Glandiceps, Speng. ii.) Synapticula present; nerve-roots present or absent; genital region with dermal pits. ; : Spengelia, Willey. B. Notochord with no vermiform process; pericardium simple; ventral part of pharynx large, and sometimes more or less separated from the branchial part (Fig. 4). (a) Liver-sacs,? synapticula and nerve-roots present. . PrYCHODERIDAE (i.) Genital wings well developed. (a) Gill-sacs opening by long slits. 3 Ptychodera, Eschsch. (8) Gill-sacs opening by small porés. Balanoglossus, Delle Chiaje (ii.) Genital wings hardly developed. . Glossobalanus, Speng. (b) Liver-sacs, synapticula and nerve-roots absent. . HARRIMANIIDAE (i) Proboscis long ; one proboscis-pore. . Dolichoglossus, Speng. (ii) Proboscis short ; two proboscis-pores. (a) Two pairs of genital wings. Stereobalanus canadensis, Speng. (8) No genital wings . : : Harrimania, Ritter. The name Balanoglossus was introduced by Delle Chiaje in 1829 for B. clavigerus (Fig. 1, A), from the neighbourhood of Naples. As Spengel has shown, its etymology has been much misunderstood. The second half of the name refers to a fancied resemblance between the Balanoglossus, with its largely developed genital wings, and the tongue of an ox. Bddavos Means “ acorn,” andl it has “Tiseally been sumposed that this name was suggested by the resemblance of the proboscis, projecting from the collar, to an acorn in its cup, a view which finds its expression in the 1 Zool. Jahrb. Syst. xv. 1902, p. 209. The Harrimaniidae = Balanoglossus of the Monograph (1893): Glossobalanus = Ptychodcra, s.str., 1893 : Balanoglossus = Teeny glossus, 1893: Ptychodera = Chlamydothorax, 1893. 2 Punnett (‘‘Enteropneusta,” in Gardiner’s Fauna and Geogr, Maldive and Laceadive Arch. ii. Pt. ii. 1903) finds small liver-sacs in Spengelia, and describes Willeyia, a new genus of Glandicipitidae. 3 Exe. G. ruficollis, Willey. VOL. VII Cc 18 HEMICHORDATA CHAP. name “ Eichelwurm” used by German zoologists. But the idea expressed by Delle Chiaje was really a similarity between the collar of Balanoglossus and the outer shell of Balanus, the barnacle or “ acorn-shell” found everywhere on rocks between tide-marks. Fig. 8.— Metamorphosis of Balanoglossus, probably of Balanoglossus bimini- ensis Willey, Bahama Islands. All the figures are magnified to the same scale (x14). and more especially Uljanin,® have elaborately worked out the structure and the details of the complicated life-history of the Doliolidae. Finally we owe to the labours of Metschnikoff, Kowalevsky, Giard, Hjort, Seeliger, Ritter, Van Beneden and Julin, much detailed information as to development and life-history, the process of gemmation and the formation of colonies, which has added greatly to our knowledge of the position and affinities of the Tunicata and of their natural classification. Structure of a Typical Ascidian. If a typical “Simple Ascidian,” such as the common British Ascidia mentula (Fig. 15), or Ascidia virginea, be examined alive and expanded in sea-water it will be seen to bear on the upper surface two short projections, each terminated by a wide tubular opening, through which the animal, when touched, can emit jets of water with considerable force —thus accounting for the popular name “sea-squirts.” The rest of the body is covered by the dull grey tough cuticular outer “test” or “tunic” (hence TunicaTa) by means of which the animal is attached to a rock or other foreign body. One of the tubular openings, the mouth or “branchial aperture,” is terminal, and indicates the morphological anterior end; it is surrounded by eight lobes. The other opening, the cloaca or “atrial aperture,” is on the dorsal edge, from one- third to one-half way down the body, and is bounded by six lobes only; consequently the two apertures, and so the ends of the body, can be distinguished externally by the number of lobes— an important matter. The area of attachment is usually the posterior part of the left side; in Fig. 15 the animal is seen from the right hand side. If a little carmine-powder, or some other insoluble particles be scattered in the water in which the Ascidian is living, the 1 «The Genus Salpa,” Mem. J. Hopkins Univ. 1893. 2 Zeits. wiss. Zool. 1876, 1878 ; Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1883, etc. 3 Jen. Zeitschr. 1886, 1888, etc. ; also Bronn’s Thier-Reich. 4 Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1893 and 1897 ; and Zeits. wiss. Zool. 1895 and 1896. 5 Journ. Anat. Phys. Paris, xxi. 1885. 6 Fauna and Flora G. v. Neapel, Monogr. x. 1884. 40 ASCIDIANS CHAP. particles will be seen to converge to the branchial aperture and be sucked in by the inhalent current entering the body. After a short interval a certain proportion of the particles will be shot out from the atrial aperture with the exhalent current. These particles have passed through the pharyngeal portion of the ali- mentary canal and the cloacal passages, with the water used in respiration, but a considerable amount of such particles taken in with the water do not reappear, as they are retained by the nutritive organs and pass along the remainder of the alimentary canal with the food. The current of water passing in at the branchial and out at the atrial aperture is of primary importance in the life of the Ascidian. Besides serving for respiratory purposes it conveys all the food into the body and removes waste matters both intestinal and Fig. 15.— Ascidia mentula Linn. from the right side (uatural renal, and also expels the reproduc- size), Loch Fyne, N.B.; Dr, 4: he. “fp - + Teatohial aetna abeiel tive products from the body. aperture. Arrows show the The Test.—The test is notable direction of the water‘cuments. smonesh animal structures for eon- taining “tunicine,” a substance which appears to be identical in composition, and in behaviour under treatment with various reagents, with cellulose. It is cartilaginous in appearance and consistency, and to some extent in structure, as it consists of a clear (or in some cases fibrilated) matrix in which are embedded many corpuscles or cells. It is the matrix that contains the cellulose, which may form over sixty per cent by weight of the entire test. As the test is morphologically a cuticle, being a secretion on the outer surface of the ectoderm (Fig. 16, ec), the cells it contains have immigrated to it from the body, and it has recently been shown that many of these are mesodermal cells (leucocytes or connective tissue wandering cells, amoebocytes, and in some cases embryonic “ kalymmocytes,” or II STRUCTURE—THE TEST 41 egg-follicle cells, see below, p. 56), which have passed through the ectoderm. This process commences in the larval state with the migration of mesenchyme cells from the blastocoele through the epiblast. Ectoderm cells, and possibly also some primitive endoderm cells, also take part in forming the test. Many of these cells in the test remain small and simple, as the fusiform and stellate test-cells; some become pigment-cells, while others enlarge and become vacuolated to form the large (up to 0°15 mm. in diameter) vesicular or “bladder ” cells—this is especially the case in the outer layer of the test in Ascidia mentula (see = TEST MANTLE th O De 2 989 ng} Ome) o ae a On 89°? @ ook ae hike) 2 Q@ © ie ‘PO, Q Co @) oe o. 4 ty gin © a ° F Te) z we 42 Q i oO ee e) 0 Q, Qg 2 at [Se V9 p an ‘ el / . i S W 4 bLc. tv. Lape, WESe. “Bs. Fic. 16.— Diagrammatic section through test and mantle of Ascidia to show the rela- tions of ectoderm to body-wall and cuticle. l.c, Bladder-cells ; 62.8, blood-sinus ; c.t.c, connective tissue cells ; ec, ectoderm ; mes.c, wandering mesoblast cells ; m.f, muscle fibres ; ¢.c, test-cells ; ¢.v, “vessel” of the test.” Fig. 17, bl) where there are innumerable clear vesicles, each sur- rounded by a thin film of protoplasm and having the nucleus still visible at one point of the surface. In some of the Tunicata the test-cells produce calcareous spicules of various shapes (see below, p. 86). The test also becomes organised by the growth into it of the so-called “vessels.” These are outgrowths of the body-wall covered by ectoderm and containing prolongations of blood- channels from the connective tissue of the “mantle” (body-wall). Fig. 16, #v shows such an outgrowth, and exhibits the general relations of test (cuticle), ectoderm, and mesoderm. It also explains how it is that the blood-channel being pushed out as a 42 ASCIDIANS CHAP. loop gives rise to the double or paired “ vessels” seen branching through the test (see Fig. 17, 7). The two vessels of a pair are one blood-channel imperfectly divided by a connective-tissue septum. The blood courses out along one side, round the com- munication in a“ terminal knob” at the end, and back down the other side. The “terminal knobs” are very numerous, and form a marked feature in the outer layer of the test (Fig. 17, th); in some cases (Culeolus murrayt), they probably form an accessory organ of respiration, while in others (Botryllidae), they pulsate and aid in keeping up the circulation. The ectoderm is a simple epithelial layer (Fig. 16, ec). It is turned in for a short distance at the branchial aperture (mouth), Fic. 17.—Section through the surface layer of test of Ascidia mentula, x 50. bl. Bladder cells ; ¢.c, test cell ; ¢.4, terminal knobs of vessels ; v, vessels of test. and atrial aperture (cloaca), as a short stomodaeum and procto- daeum respectively, lined in each case by a delicate prolongation of the test. Fig. 24, A, p. 52, shows the relations of ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm in a section through the antero-dorsal part of the body. The cavity marked is a portion of the atrial cavity lined by ectoderm, and must not be confounded with a coelom. The absence of a true coelom in the mesoderm will be noticed in this and other figures, and yet the Tunicata are Coelomata, although it is very doubtful whether the enterocoel which has been described in the development of some is ever found. The coelom is in any case largely suppressed later, and is only re- presented in the adult by the pericardium and by small cavities in the renal and reproductive organs and ducts. Body-Wall and Cavities of the Body.—The name “ mantle ” is given to the ectoderm with the parietal mesoderm which form the body-wall inside the test. It is largely formed of connective rt STRUCTURE—BODY-WALL, ETC. 43 tissues—both homogeneous and fibrous—with cells, blood- sinuses, and many muscle- bundles large and small running circularly, longitudinally, and obliquely, and interlacing in all directions (Fig. 18, m). The muscles are all formed of very long fusiform non-striped fibres. The mantle in some Ascidiaus is often brilliantly pig- mented — red, yel- low and opaque white, the coloured cells being exactly like those found in the blood. The mantle forms two well- marked siphons or short wide tubes, which lead in from the branchial and atrial apertures. These are sur- rounded by strong sphincter muscles,’ and are lined by the invaginated ecto- Fia. 18.—Dissection of Ascidia, from right side, to show d a anatomy. «, Anus; dé, atrial aperture ; Br, branchial erm and test. The aperture ; b7.s, br.s’, branchial sac ; end, endostyle; g.d, one leads into the genital ducts; gon, ovary ; hyp, neural gland; hyp.d, A the duct leading to dorsal tubercle; m, mantle; n.g, branchial sac or ganglion ; oes, oesophagus ;, peribranchial cavity ; modified pharynx, ren, renal vesicles ; st, stomach ; ¢, test ; én, tentacles ; ‘ ty, typhlosole. and the other into the atrial or peribranchial cavity (see Fig. 18, and Fig. 19, Figs. 18 and 19 show the relations of the branchial and peribranchial cavities to one another. The peribranchial cavity 1 These sphincters close the only openings through the tough test so effectually that when collectors are preserving Ascidians in alcohol it is advisable to make one or more slits in the test to allow the sea-water to escape and the spirit to enter. 44 ASCIDIANS CHAP. opens to the exterior dorsally by the atrial aperture, forms the cloaca along the dorsal edge of the body, and has extensions laterally on each side of the branchial sac, with the interior of which it is placed in communication by the secondary gill-slits or “stigmata” (Fig 19, sg). Along the ventral edge the mantle is united to the wall of the branchial sac, and it is only this union (Fig. 19, end) that prevents the peribranchial cavity from completely surrounding the branchial sac. The following list of the cavities present in the body of the adult Ascidia may be useful at this point :— 1. The alimentary canal, including the branchial sac. This is derived from the archenteron of the embryo, is lined throughout by endoderm, and the system of cavities of the intestinal gland is to be regarded merely as an outgrowth from the alimentary canal. 2. The peribranchial (atrial) cavity, derived from two lateral ectodermal invaginations which join dorsally to form the cloaca and open to the exterior by the atrial aperture. 3. The original embryonic segmentation cavity (blastocoele) remains, where not obliterated by the development of the meso- dermal connective tissue, as the irregular system of blood spaces, with its outgrowths in test and branchial sac. The heart, which has differentiated muscular walls, becomes secondarily connected at its ends with these blood spaces. 4. The pericardium and epicardium (see p. 83) originate as outgrowths from the archenteron. They may therefore be re- garded as enterocoelic spaces. The pericardium becomes com- pletely closed off and separated from the alimentary canal. The epicardium may form paired tubes of great length, and may remain perinanently connected with the branchial sac. 5. The cavities of the renal vesicles and of the gonads and ducts are spaces formed in the mesoblast. They have been variously interpreted :— (a) As of the same nature as the blood spaces (blastocoelic), or (b) As formed by a splitting of the mesoblast (coelomic). 6. The cavity of the neural gland and of its duct opening at the dorsal tubercle is derived from the primitive dorsal neural tube of the embryo, and so may be regarded as a part of the lumen of the cerebro-spinal nervous system. Tentacles, etc.—The branchial aperture leads through the II STRUCTURE—TENTACLES, ETC. 45 branchial siphon into the branchial sac. At the base of the siphon, just about the line of junction of the ectoderm of the stomodaeum with the endoderm of the mesenteron, is placed a circle of simple hair-like tentacles (Fig. 18, ¢v) which stand out at right angles to the wall, and more or less completely meet in the centre to form a delicate, sensory grid or sieve through which all the water entering the body has to pass. These tentacles not only act mechanically, but are also sensitive although only scattered sensory cells, and no specially differentiated sense-organs are found upon them. Behind the tentacles lies the plain, or papil- SJ. ren OY: te : i ; chet é | es ee: es 1 mae Dorsat. : Ventral. Lu “me Fic. 19.—Semi-diagrammatic transverse section of Ascidia, passing through the atrial aperture, seen from anterior surface, left side uppermost. At, Atrial aperture ; a¢./, atrial lobe ; Br.s, branchial sac ; cl, cloaca ; con, connective ; d.b/.s, dorsal blood- sinus ; dl, dorsal lamina ; end, endostyle ; g.d, genital ducts ; 7,2’, intestine; 1.7, interstigmatic vessel ; m, mantle; m.b, muscle-bundles ; ov, ovary;, peri- branchial cavity; 7, rectum; ren, renal vesicles ; sg, stigmata ; sph, atrial sphincter ; t, test ; tr, transverse vessel ; ty, typhlosole ; v.d/.s, ventral blood-sinus. lated, prebranchial zone (Fig. 21,, bounded behind by a pair of parallel and closely placed ciliated ridges with a groove between—the peripharyngeal bands—which encircle the anterior end of the branchial sae. The branchial sac is very large—much the largest organ of the body—and extends almost to the posterior end of the body, while the rest of the alimentary canal lies upon its left side. The food particles, consisting of microscopic plants and animals, are carried in through the branchial aperture by the current of water, but most of them do not pass out through the gill-slits to the atrium, being entangled in the viscid mucus which passes by ciliary action along the groove between the peripharyngeal bands. 46 ASCIDIANS CHAP. Endostyle.—The mucus just referred to is produced in the long canal-shaped gland called the endostyle or hypobranchial groove, which runs along the entire ventral edge of the branchial sac (Fig. 18, end). The sides, and especially the floor of the endostyle, are richly ciliated, while there are four (or six) strongly-marked, peculiarly-shaped glandular tracts, two (or three) on each side (Fig. 20, gl) running along its length, and separated by areas of closely-packed fusiform cells with short cilia, amongst which are found some bipolar sensory cells. This organ corresponds to the hypopharyngeal groove of “iy ¥ endl = Ceeit. Fic, 20.—Transverse section of the endostyle of Ascidia mentula, x 350. bi.s, Blood- sinus ; end.l, lips of the endostyle ; g/, glandular tracts ; 7.d, internal longitudinal bar ; /.v, interstigmatic vessels ; m, mantle ; p.b7, peribranchial cavity ; sg, stigmata ;, ventral blood-sinus. Amphioxus and the median part of the thyroid gland of Verte- brata. It is interesting to notice that the (at least) four longitudinal tracts of gland-cells are of remarkable constancy, being found not only in all groups of Tunicata, including even the pelagic, tailed Appendicularians, but also in Amphioxus and in the young thyroid gland of the Ammocoete. When, in Ascidians, a third marginal glandular tract is added it has a different appear- ance from the two characteristic tracts. The mucus is carried forward by the action of the large floor-cilia of the endostyle (Fig. 20) to the groove between the peripharyngeal bands, and after encircling the anterior end of the branchial sac and collect- ing the food particles, it passes backwards along the dorsal edge Il STRUCTURE—BRANCHIAL SAC 47 of the branchial sac to the oesophagus, guided by a membranous fold, the dorsal lamina (Fig. 21, dl), which is more or less ridged or corrugated, and may be armed with marginal tags or even replaced by larger processes (the “languets”) in some species of Ascidians. In the living animal the lamina has its free edge curved to the right hand side in such a manner as to constitute a fairly perfect tube along which the train of food passes. Branchial Sac.—Thus we have the dorsal lamina (or the languets) along the dorsal edge, the endostyle along the ventral edge, and the peripharyngeal bands around the anterior end. The wall of the branchial sac itself is penetrated by a large number of channels through which blood flows. Some of these run in one direc- tion and some in an- other, so as to form complicated networks, which differ greatly in their arrangement in different Ascidians. Be- tween these blood- channels there are clefts (“ stigmata ”), the secondary or subdivided gill-slits, by means of which the current of water passes from the 4 Fic. 21.—Antero-dorsal part of pharynx in Ascidia branchial sac to the mentula, x15. br.s, Part of branchial sac; d./, large external peribran- dorsal lamina ; d.t, dorsal tubercle ;, pre- hial Fal . branchial zone ; p.p, peripharyngeal bands ; sph, cna or atria cavity. sphincter of branchial aperture ; tn, tentacle. All the stigmata (of which there may be several hundred thousand) in the wall of the branchial sac are bounded by cubical or columnar epithelial cells, which are ciliated. These cilia, so long as the animal is alive, are in constant motion, so as to drive the water onwards, and it is this constant ciliary action in the walls of the branchial sac that gives rise to the all-important current of water stream- ‘ing through the body. In addition to the stigmata there are generally one or two much larger elongated slits (Garstang’s 48 ASCIDIANS CHAP. pharyngo-cloacal slits) placed close to the dorsal lamina and leading direct to the cloaca. Fig. 22 shows a small part of the wall of the branchial sac, in which it may be seen that the bars containing the blood- channels are arranged in three regular series :—(1) The “ trans- verse vessels” which run horizontally round the wall and open at their dorsal and ventral ends into large median longitudinally running tubes, the dorsal blood-sinus (or “ dorsal aorta ”’) behind the dorsal lamina, and the ventral blood-sinus (or “ branchial aorta”) beneath the endostyle; (2) the fine longitudinal or st “interstigmatic vessels” which tn pos a run vertically between adjacent transverse vessels and open into them, and which therefore bound the stigmata; and (3) the “in- ternal longitudinal bars” which run vertically, in a plane internal to that of the transverse and fine longitudinal vessels. These bars (Fig. 22, 2.2) communicate with the transverse vessels by short side branches where they cross, and at these points are Fin22,7Amush ofthe bret 6 of prolonged into the cavity of horizontal section. cd, Connecting the sac in the form of hollow dust; bovkowtal nentane: {4 papillae, Tn some Ascidians stigmatic vessels ; p, p’, papillae ; sg, (eg. Corellia and most of the i a a a Moleulidae) the interstigmatic vessels are curved so that the stigmata form more or less com- plete spirals (see Figs. 35 and £1). In some species of .fserdia, and other Ascidians, the interstigmatic vessels are inserted into the transverse vessel in an undulating course in place of the straight line seen in Fig. 22, B, lv, the result being that the stigmatic part of the wall of the branchial sac seems to be folded or thrown into microscopic crests and troughs. This is known as “minute plication.” In some cases, again (Cynthiidae), the whole wall of the sac is pushed inwards at intervals to form large folds visible to the eye (see Fig. 36, A and B). The intersections of the internal longitudinal bars with the trans- verse vessels divide up the inner surface of the branchial Il STRUCTURE—HEART AND BLOOD 49 sac wall into rectangular areas called “ meshes.” One such mesh, containing eight stigmata in a row, is seen in Fig. 22, A. The internal longitudinal bars bear papillae at the angles of the meshes, and occasionally in intermediate positions. There are frequently horizontal membranes (Fig. 22, B, hm) attached to the transverse vessels between the papillae. There are many “connectives ” running from the outer wall of the branchial sac to the mantle outside, and allowing the blood in the transverse vessels to communicate with that in the sinuses of the mantle (see Fig. 19, con). Heart and Circulation —It is one of the notable features of the Tunicata that the circulation igs not constant in direction, but is periodically reversed. The blood of Ascidians is in the main transparent, but usually contains certain pigmented corpuscles in addition to many ordinary leucocytes or colourless amoeboid cells. The pigment in the coloured cells may be red, yellow, brown, or in some cases blue or opaque white. The blood may reach the branchial sac either from the dorsal or from the ventral median sinus according to the direction in which the heart is beating at the moment (see below); and it is a most interesting and beautiful sight to see the circulation of the variously coloured corpuscles through the transparent vessels, and the lashing of the cilia along the edges of the neighbouring stigmata in a small Ascidian under the microscope. In Ascidia (Fig. 23) the heart is an elongated fusiform tube placed on the ventral and posterior edge of the stomach, project- ing into a space (the pericardium) which is a part of the original coelomsthe remainder of which is represented in the adult by the reproductive and renal cavities. The wall of the heart is continuous along one edge with that of the pericardium, and the heart is to be regarded as a tubular invagination of the pericardial wall, shutting in a portion of the surrounding space (the blastocoel of the embryo), and having open ends which communicate with the large blood sinuses leading to the branchial sac, to the viscera, and to the body-wall and test. The cavity of the heart is not divided and there are no valves. Its wall is formed of a single layer of epithelio-muscular cells, the inner, muscular, ends of which are cross-striated fibres running round the heart—the only striated muscular tissue found in the body. Waves of contrac- VOL, VII E 50 ASCIDIANS CHAP. tion pass along the heart from end to end, first for a certain number of beats in one direction, and then, after an interval, in the other. If a small or young Ascidia be placed alive, left side uppermost, in a watch-glass or small trough of sea-water, and examined with a low power of the microscope, the heart will be readily seen near the posterior end of the transparent body. It will be noticed that the “ beating” looks like successive waves of blood pressed through the tubular heart from one end to the other by its contractions. After watching the waves passing, let us say, from the right hand end of the heart to the left for about a minute and a half (perhaps 60 or 80 to 100 beats), it will be seen that they gradually become slower and then stop altogether. But after seven or eight seconds a faint wave of contraction will start from the /ef¢ end of the heart and pass over it to the right; and this will be followed by larger ones for a minute and a half, and then again a pause will occur and the direction change. It has been suggested that the cause of this remarkable reversal may possibly be that the heart being on the ventral vessel, which is wider than the corresponding dorsal trunk, pumps the blood into either the lacunae of the branchial sac or those of the viscera in greater volume than can possibly get out through the smaller branchio-visceral vessel in the same time, the result being that the lacunae in question soon become engorged, and hy back pressure cause the stoppage, and then reversal of the beat. The absence of any valves in the heart to regulate the direction of flow obviously facilitates this alternation of the current. The larger channels through which the blood flows may be lined with a delicate endothelium, but the smaller passages are merely spaces in the connective tissue. The heart, although anatomically a “ventral vessel,” runs in the main dorso-ventrally. The blood-channel leaving the ventral end of the heart is the “ branchio-cardiac vessel ” (Fig. 23, bc). This gives off a branch which, along with a corresponding branch from the “cardio-visceral” vessel (c.v) at the other end of the heart, goes to the test, and then runs along the ventral edge of the branchial sac as the branchial aorta (U.a), external to the endostyle, communicating laterally with the ventral ends of all the transverse vessels of the branchial sac. The cardio-visceral vessel (Fig. 23, ¢.v) after giving off its branch to the test breaks up into a number of sinuses which I STRUCTURE— CIRCULATION SI ‘*e ramify over the alimentary canal and the other viscera. These visceral lacunae nl communicate with a third great sinus, the “ branchio-visceral ” vessel (bv) which runs for qartt along the dorsal edge of the branchial sac as the dorsal aorta (d.a), externally to the dorsal lamina, and joins the dorsal ends of all the transverse vessels of the branchial sac. Besides these three chief systems—the branchio-cardiac, the cardio-visceral, and the branchio-visceral—(see Fig. 25), there are numerous lacunae in all parts of the body by means of which anastomoses are established between the different currents of blood. When the heart contracts ventro-dorsally the course of the bv ZI Le Z CHAPTER III TUNICATA (CONTINUED) CLASSIFICATION: LARVACEA——APPENDICULARIANS——STRUCTURE, ETC. —ASCIDIACEA——SIMPLE ASCIDIANS—-SPECIFIC CHARACTERS— COMPOUND ASCIDIANS— GEMMATION -— MEROSOMATA— HOLO- SOMATA —— PYROSOMATIDAE —— THALIACEA — DOLIOLIDAE — SALPIDAE—-GENERAL CONCLUSIONS——-PHYLOGENY. WE now turn to the systematic classification of the group; and further details of structure or function, points of interest in the life-history such as budding and the formation of colonies, the habits and occurrence, and other peculiarities such as phos- phorescence, will all be noted under the orders, sub-orders, families and genera in which they occur. CLASS TUNICATA. The Tunicata or Urochordata are hermaphrodite marine Chordate animals, which show in their development the essential Vertebrate characters, but in which the notochord is restricted to the posterior part of the body, and is in most cases present only during the free-swimming larval stages. The adult animals are usually sessile and degenerate, and may be either solitary or colonial, fixed or free. The nervous system is, in the larva, of the elongated, tubular, dorsal, Vertebrate type, but in most cases it degenerates in the adult to form a small ganglion placed above the pharynx. The body is completely covered with a thick cuticular test (“tunic”) which contains a substance similar to cellulose. The alimentary canal has a greatly enlarged respiratory pharynx or branchial sac, which is perforated by two or many more or less modified gill- slits opening into a peribranchial or atrial cavity, which communi- cates with the exterior by a single dorsal exhalent aperture (rarely 63 64 ASCIDIANS——-APPENDICULARIANS CHAP, two ventral apertures). The ventral heart is simple and tubular, and periodically reverses the direction of the blood-current. c sie Ascidiids Cynthiids Ascidians Molgulids Fic. 27.—Sketch of the chief kinds of Tunicata found in the sea. This Class is divided into three Orders:—The Appendicularians, the Ascidians, and the Salpians (see Fig. 27). Order I. Larvacea (Appendicularians). Free-swimming pelagic forms, in which the posterior part of the body takes the form of a large locomotory appendage, the MI CHARACTERS AND HABITS 65 “tail,” in which there is a skeletal axis, the urochord. A relatively large cuticular test, the “house,” may be formed with great rapidity (in an hour or so) as a secretion from a part of the ectoderm ; it is, however, merely a temporary structure which is soon cast off and replaced by another. The branchial sac is simply an enlarged pharynx with two ventral ciliated openings (stigmata) leading to the exterior. These may be regarded as the repre- sentatives of the primary gill-slits (undivided) of the Ascidian. There are thus a single pair. There is no separate peribranchial, atrial, or cloacal cavity. The nervous system consists of a large dorsally placed ganglion and a long nerve-cord, which stretches backwards over the alimentary canal to reach the tail, along which it runs on the left side (morphological dorsal edge) of the urochord. The anus opens ventrally on the surface of the body, usually in front of the stigmata. No reproduction by gemmation or metamorphosis is known in the life-history. Structure and Mode of Life——This is one of the most interesting groups of the Tunicata, as it shows more completely than any of the rest the probable characters of the ancestral forms. It has undergone little or no degeneration, and con- sequently corresponds more nearly to the tailed, larval condition than to the adult forms of the other groups. It retains, in fact, the originally posterior, chordate, part of the body which is lost in the metamorphosis of all the other Tunicata. Hence the Appendicularians have been described as permanent, or sexually mature, larval forms, and hence also the adult Ascidia may be said to correspond to the trunk alone of the Appendicularian. The Order includes a single group, the APPENDICULARIIDA, all the members of which are minute (usually about 5 mm. in total length) and free-swimming (Fig. 28). They occur near the surface of the sea (and exceptionally in deeper water) in most parts of the world, moving in a characteristic vibratory manner by the contractions of the powerful tail (see Fig. 27). They possess the power of forming with great rapidity, from tracts of specially large glandular ectoderm cells, the “ oikoplasts,” an enormously large (many times the size of the body) investing gelatinous layer, which probably corresponds to the test of other groups, although it is doubtful whether it contains cellulose, and it differs also in having no immigrated cells and in its temporary nature. This structure (Fig. 28) was first described by Von VOL. VII F 66 TUNICATA—-APPENDICULARIANS CHAP. Mertens, and by him named “ Haus”; it has recently been more minutely investigated by Lohmann. It is only loosely attached to the body, and is frequently thrown off soon after its formation. Its function is probably protective, and possibly to some extent hydrostatic, and it may also be of use in straining the nutritive particles from the large volumes of water which filter through its complicated passages and perforated folds. The long, laterally compressed “tail” in the Appendiculariida is attached to the ventral surface of the body (Fig. 30), and is bent downwards and forwards, so that it usually points more or less anteriorly ; and is twisted through an angle of 90°, so that the dorsal edge lies to D Fic. 28.—Appendiculariida, A, Appendicularia sicula, Fol, with house ; B, Megalo- cercus abyssorum, Chun, nat. size; C, Oikopleura cophocerca, Gegenb., with house ; D, fritillaria megachile, Fol, with vesicle; E, Appendicularian in its house ; F and G, two stages in the formation of the house. (A toD from Seeliger ; E to G from Lohmann.) the left. It shows what have been interpreted as traces of meta- meric segmentation, having its lateral muscle-bands broken up into successive pieces (supposed myotomes, probably only cells), while the nerve-cord presents a series of enlargements formed of groups of nerve-cells from which distributory nerves are given off. In Ockopleura the muscle-band in the tail is formed of ten cells fused on each side. Near the base of the tail there is a distinctly larger elongated ganglion. The urochord in the tail consists of a homogeneous rod surrounded by a sheath containing nuclei. The anterior (cerebral) ganglion has connected with it an otocyst (Fig. 29), a pigment spot, and a tubular richly ciliated process opening into the branchial sac, and representing the dorsal tubercle and associated parts of an ordinary Ascidian. The tube ends in a plain or coiled cellular mass lying to the right of the ? See Lohmann, Schrift. Nuturw. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. xi. 1899, 347. MI STRUCTURE 67 ganglion. No neural gland is found. The branchial aperture or mouth leads into the simple branchial sac or pharynx (Fig. 30, brs). There are no tentacles. The endostyle is short, is a closed tube both anteriorly and posteriorly (Fig. 29),and has about four longitudinal rows of gland-cells. There is no dorsal lamina, and the peripharyngeal bands run dorsally and posteriorly to unite close in front of the oesophageal opening. The wall of the branchial sac does not show the complex structure usual in Tuni- cata, and has only two ciliated apertures (Figs. 30, 31, 32, sq). These are homologous with the primary stigmata of the typical Ascidians, and with a pair of the gill-clefts of Vertebrates. They are placed far back on the ventral surface, one on each side of the middle line, and lead into short funnel-shaped tubes which open on the surface of the body behind the anus (Fig. 30, at). These tubes corre- spond to the right MSs and left atrial in- Fi 29.—Transverse section through anterior part of Oiko- é k : pleura to show ganglion, sense-organs, endostyle, etc. volutions, which in x 300. 6r.s, Branchial sac; c¢,f, ciliated funnel ; ec, ‘ : dorsal ectoderm; end, closed anterior end of endo- a ordinary Asci- style; hy, hypobranchial groove in floor of branchial dian fuse to form sac; 72.g, nerve-ganglion ;, oral gland ; ot, otocyst ; the p eribranchial a, opening of ciliated funnel into pharynx. cavity. The remainder of the alimentary canal consists of oesophagus, stomach (which may have a glandular diverticulum), intestine and rectum (Fig. 30). The heart, surrounded ventrally by a delicate pericardial membrane, lies below and in front of the stomach, and is formed by the differentiation of the outer ends of epithelial cells into muscular fibrillae. Two specially large glandular cells are placed at the opposite ends of the heart. There are no blood-vessels except the remains of the primary body-cavity (blastocoel). No heart can be seen in some of the smaller species of Oikoplewra. Nearly all the species are herma- phrodite, and the large ovary and testis are placed at the posterior end of the body. There is no proper oviduct, the genital pro- 68 TUNICATA—APPENDICULARIANS CHAP, ducts merely breaking through to the exterior at the point marked g.d in Fig. 30. The spermatozoa are generally matured and shed before the ova, and thus self-fertilisation is prevented. The ova are very small, and little is known of the develop- ment. , ge OO Fic. 30.—Longitudinal optical section of Oikopleura. Part of the tail is cut off. u, Anus ; at, atrial opening ; 6r.s, branchial sac; c.f, ciliated funnel ; ec, ectoderm ; end, endostyle ; ep.p, epipharyngeal ridge; g.d, opening of gonads to exterior ; ht, heart ; hy.p, hypopharyngeal ridge; 7, intestine; m, mouth; mus, muscle- bands in tail; x, nerve-cord; x’, nerve in tail;, urochord; mg, nerve- ganglion ; n.g’, ganglion in tail; oes, oesophagus ;, oral gland; of, otocyst ; ov, ovary ; sg, stigmata ; so, sense-organ ; sp, testis; st, stomach ; ¢, test. (After Herdman.) Classification—There are two Families of Larvacea: First, the KowaLEvskipAk, including only the remarkable genus Kowalevskia, Fol, in which the heart and endostyle are absent, and the branchial sac is provided with four rows of ciliated tooth- like processes. The two known species have been found in the Mediterranean and in the Atlantic. The second family APPENDICULARIIDAE comprises about eight genera, amongst which may be mentioned:—(1) Oikopleura, Mertens, and (2) Appendicularia, Fol, in both of which the body is short (1 or 2 mm. in length) and compact (Fig. 30), and the tail relatively long, while the endostyle is straight. (3) Megalo- cercus, Chun, from deep water in the Mediterranean ; IL abyssorum is the largest Appendicularian known, having a total length of I OCCURRENCE 69 3 cm.—it is of a bright red colour. (4) Fritillaria, Q. and G., in which the body is elongated (Fig. 32) and composed of anterior and posterior regions, the tail relatively short, the endostyle Fic. 31, — Transverse section of body and tail of Oskopleura SJlabellum (?) at, Atrial tube; 6l.s, blood - space ; br.s, cavity of pharynx or branchial sac ; ec, ectoderm ; en, endoderm ; — ep.p, epipharyngeal cili- ated bands ; gel, gelatinous layer be- tween ectoderm and endoderm ; — hy.p, hypopharyngeal ciliated band 3; mus, muscular tissue on inner surface of ectoderm of tail ; n, nerve-cord; 7’, its continuation in the tail ;, noto- chord in tail; 7, rectum ; sy, one of the stigmata or cili- ated openings from e ., % the branchial sac to mus. neh. ©. the atrial tube; ¢, test (= young “‘house”); 2, bridge of gelatinous tissue in front of stigma closing branchial sac off from atrial tube. (After Herdman.) recurved, the stigmata opening far in front of the anus, and an ectodermal hood is formed over the front of the body. In all nearly forty species of Larvacea are known. Occurrence.—Although for the most part transparent, and usually almost invisible in sea-water, some Appendicularians may have certain parts of the body (alimentary canal, endostyle, gonads, etc.) brilliantly pigmented (orange, violet, etc.), and may under exceptional circumstances be present in such profusion as to colour tracts of the sea. Appendicularians are widely dis- tributed, having been found in all seas from the Arctic to the Antarctic, both round coasts and in the open ocean. Although a few species have been found at considerable depths in the Mediterranean, still in the Atlantic they are not deep - water animals, and as a group must be regarded as surface-forms. They are fairly abundant to a depth of 100 fathoms, and some few reach 1500. Species of Otkopleuwra and Fritillaria are 70 ASCIDIANS cuap. frequent round the British coasts, our commonest species being probably 0. dioica, Fol, and & furcata, Moss. Young specimens appear in the plankton about February and March, and larger forms are as a rule found later in the summer. Several instances have been recorded of swarms of especially large forms, provided atl Fie, 32.—Diagram of Fritillaria seen from the right side to show the elongated body, the hood, and the relative positions of anus, atrial opening, and gonads. (Compare with Oikopleura, Fig. 30.) ua, Anus ; at, opening of atrial tube ; 6r.s, branchial sac ; end, endostyle ; ht, heart; m, mouth;, notochord ; .g, nerve-ganglion ; oes, oesophagus ; ov, ovary ; sg, stigma; sp, testis ; st, stomach. with massive tests (the “ house”), having appeared suddenly on our coast in such abundance as to form an important element in the surface life of the sea. Order II. Ascidiacea (Ascidians). Fixed or free-swimming Simple or Compound Ascidians, which in the adult are never provided with a locomotory appendage or tail, and have no trace of a notochord. The free-swimming forms are colonies, the Simple Ascidians being always sedentary and usually fixed. The test is permanent and well developed, and becomes organised by the immigration of cells from the body ; as a rule it increases in size with the age of the individual. The branchial sac is large and well developed. Its walls are perforated by numerous slits (stigmata) opening into the peribranchial cavity, which communicates with the exterior by the single atrial aperture. Many of the Ascidiacea, both fixed and free, reproduce by gemmation to form colonies, and in most of them the sexually produced embryo develops into a tailed larva. The Ascidiacea includes three groups, the Simple Ascidians, the Compound Ascidians, and the free-swimming colonial Pyrosoma, which in some respects connects this Order with the Thaliacea. III ASCIDIAE SIMPLICES—CLAVELINIDAE 71 Sub-Order 1. Ascidiae Simplices. Fixed Ascidians, which are solitary, and very rarely reproduce by gemmation; if, as in a few cases, small colonies are formed, the members are not buried in a common investing mass, but each has a distinct test of its own. No strict line of demarcation can be drawn between the Simple and Compound Ascidians; and one of the families of the former group, the Clavelinidae (the “ Social ” Ascidians of Milne-Edwards), forms a transition from the typical Simple forms which never reproduce by gemmation, to the Com- pound forms which always do. Over 500 species of Ascidiae Simplices are now known, but there are probably very many more still undescribed. The sub-order may be divided into the follow- ing families :— Fam. 1. Clavelinidae—Simple Ascidians which reproduce by gemmation to form small colonies (Fig. 33), in which each member, or ascidiozooid, has a distinct test, but all are connected by a common blood-system, and by a prolongation of the “ epicardiac tubes” (see p. 83) from the branchial sac. Buds are formed on the stolons (Fig. 33), which are vascular outgrowths from the posterior end of the body, containing prolongations from the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm (the epicardium) of the Ascidiozooid. Branchial sac not folded; internal longitudinal bars usually absent; stigmata S straight ; tentacles simple. The Fic. 83.—Colony of Clavelina lepadiformis cas : ’ (nat. size). Clavelinidae are the simplest of the Ascidiae Simplices. They are the forms that come nearest to the Compound Ascidians, and are closely related to the Distomatidae. They are probably the nearest ,representatives now existing of the ancestral forms from which both Simple and Compound Ascidians are descended. This family contains amongst others the following three genera :—LEcteinascidia, Herdman, with internal longitudinal bars in the branchial sac; Clavelina, Savigny, with a long body and intestine extending behind the branchial sac (Fig. 33); and 72 ASCIDIANS CHAP. Perophora, Wiegmann, with a short compact body and intestine alongside the branchial sac. Clavelina lepadiformis and Perophora. listeri: ave common British species found at a few fathoms depth off various parts of our coast. Both occur round the south end of the Isle of Man. In autumn Clavelina accumulates reserve- material in the ectoderm cells of parts of the stolon, which remain when the rest of the colony dies away, and then form new buds in spring. Fam. 2. Ascidiidae.—Solitary fixed Ascidians, never forming colonies ; with gelatinous or cartilaginous test ; branchial aperture usually eight-lobed, atrial aperture usually six-lobed; branchial sac not folded; internal longitudinal bars usually present; stig- mnata straight or curved; tentacles simple; gonads in or around the intestinal loop. This family is divided into three sections :— Sub-Fam. 1. Hypobythiinae-—Branchial sac with no internal longitudinal bars, test strengthened with curious symmetrically placed nodules. The one genus Hypobythius, Moseley, contains two stalked deep-water forms found by the “Challenger ;” H. calycodes (Fig. 34, A), from the North Pacific, 2900 fathoms, and A. moseleyi Fic. 34.—A, Hypobythius calycodes, Moseley ; B, Chelyosoma macleayanum, Brod. and Sowb. ; ©, Corynascidia suhmi, Herdman ; D, Rhodosoma callense, Lac.-Duth. Sub-Fam. 2. Ascidiinae— Internal longitudinal hars present ; stigmata straight. Many genera, of which the following are the more important :—Ciona, Fleming, dorsal languets present ; ? Ascidia, Linnaeus (in part Phallusia, Savieny), dorsal lamina III ASCIDIAE SIMPLICES—ASCIDIIDAE 73 present (Fig. 15, p. 40): &hodosoma, Ehrenberg, anterior part of test modified to form operculum (Fig. 34, D); Abyssascidia, Herdman, intestine on right side of branchial sac. The type genus of this section, dsctdia, has been described in detail above (Chapter II. p. 39), and Figs. 15 to 26 illustrate its structure and life-history. There are many species. Ciona intestinalis, Linn. (Fig. £0, B), is one of the commonest of British Ascidians, and lives readily in aquaria. Sub-Fam. 3. Coreliinae.—Stigmata curved and forming spirals (Fig. 35). Three genera :—Corella, Alder and Hancock, test gelatinous, body sessile; Corynascidia, Herdman, test THEE, Fic. 85.—A, branchial sac of Corynascidia suhmi, Herdman ; B, branchial sac of Corella japonica, Herdman. 7.2, Internal longitudinal bars ; ¢, transverse vessels. (After Herdman.) gelatinous, body pedunculated (Fig. 54, C), a remarkable deep- sea form with very delicate spirally-coiled vessels in the branchial sac (Fig. 35, A), found in the Pacific (2160 faths.) and the Southern Ocean; Chelyosoma, Brod. and Sowb., upper part of test modified into horny plates (Fig. 34, B). Corella contains several British species, one of which, C. parallelogramma, O. F. Mill. is one of the commonest and most handsome “Challenger” expedition; eight or nine species are now known from various parts of the world, ranging in depth from 630 to 2425 fathoms. Most of the species are from the Pacific; only one from the North Atlantic. The curiously curved type of spicule found in the branchial sac and other organs is shown at Fig. 50, C (p. 87). Amongst the Cynthiidae are found most varied conditions of the reproductive organs. The gonads are sometimes on both, some- times on only one side of the body, sometimes in one or several Fic. 39.—Various Cynthiidae. A, two forms of Styelopsis grossularia, Van Ben. ; B. Forbesella tesselluta, Forb.; C, Polycarpa aurata, Q. and G.; D, Styela clava, Herdman; E, Polycarpa tinctor, Q. and G.; F, Cynthia formosa, Herdman ; G, Polycarpa comata, Alder ; H, Polycarpa pedata, Herdman ; I, Pelonaia corrugata, Forb. aud Goods. (After Herdman.) branched masses, and sometimes distributed as a large number of minute “polycarps ” over the inner surface of the mantle. The family Cynthiidae is the largest section of the Simple Ascidians. The species range from the size of a pea to that of a large cocoa-nut. They are for the most part opaque, and often richly coloured—reds, yellows and rich browns predominating— and so look very different to the grey gelatinous Ascidiidac, and to the sand-encrusted Molgulidae. They extend from between tide- marks (Styelopsis grossularia), down to the abysses (Styela bythia and S. sguamosa at 2600 fathoms). Some genera (Styela and the closely related Dendrodoa), extend far into Arctic seas, but many allied forms (Styela and Polyecarpa) are also found in the tropics. Ill ASCIDIAE SIMPLICES—-MOLGULIDAE vies Fam. 4. Molgulidae.—Solitary sessile Ascidians, sometimes not fixed; branchial aperture six-lobed, atrial four-lobed. Test usually encrusted with sand, which is generally attached to Fic. 40.—Three simple Ascidians with vascular adhering processes from the test (nat. size). A, Ascidiella aspersa, O. F. Miller; B, Crona intestinalis, Linn.; C, Molgula oculata, Forb. branched hair-like processes from the test (Fig. 40,C). Branchial sac longitudinally folded; stigmata more or less curved, usually arranged in spirals (Fig. 41); tentacles compound. The chief Fic. 41.—Branchial sacs of Molgulidae showing curved stigmata. A, Ascopera gigantea, Herdman; B, Molgulu pyriformis, Herdman; C, Bugyra kerguelenensis, Herd- man. genera are—Molgula, Forbes (Fig. 40, C), with distinct folds in the branchial sac (Fig. 41, B), and Hugyra, Ald. and Hanc., with no distinct folds, but merely broad internal longitudinal bars in the branchial sac (Fig. 41, C). In some of the Molgulidae 78 ASCIDIANS CHAP. (genus Anurella, Lacaze-Duthiers), the embryo does not become converted into a tailed larva, the development being direct without metamorphosis (see Fig. 42, C). The embryo when hatched gradually assumes the adult structure, and never shows the features characteristic of larval Ascidians, such as the urochord and the median sense-organs. Fig. 42 shows an Ascidiuid (A), a Cynthud (B), and this exceptional Molgulid (C), type of larva, and three forms of Compound Ascidian larvae, the Distomatid (D), the Botryllid (E), and the Diplosomatid (F). Fic. 42.—Larvae of various Ascidians. A, Ascidia mentula, Linn.; B, Polycarpa glomerata, Alder; C, Anwrella roscovita, Lac.-Duth.; D, Distaplia magnilarva, Della Valle; E, Polycyclus reniert, Lamk., F, Diplosomoides lacazii, Giard. (Mostly after Lahille. ) In the Molgulidae the viscera are characteristic in position and appearance. The alimentary canal lies on the left side of the branchial sac, and the intestine forms a long narrow loop directed in the main transversely. The pericardium and _ heart are on the middle of the right side, and behind them is placed the single sac-like ductless renal organ, generally occupied by one or more concretions. The gonads are in most cases on both sides of the body, in front of the intestine on the left, and in front of the heart on the right; but in Hugyra there is no gonad on the right side, and in some other forms the gonad on the left side is absent. (For Oligotrema, see p. 111, note.) There are a number of British Molgulidae, the two commonest ur ASCIDIAE SIMPLICES—SPECIFIC CHARACTERS 79 of which are—Volgula oculata, Forbes, thickly covered with gravel or broken shells, and forming an ovate mass as large as a walnut ; and Hugyra glutinans, Moller, a smaller more globular body, the size of an acorn, and covered with fine sand, except at one circular area near the posterior end, where the leaden grey test shows through. Both these species are obtained by dredging in from 10 to 30 fathoms, and lie freely on the bottom. A rather rarer littoral species Jolgula citrina, Hancock, found on some parts of our coast (e.g.1n the Firth of Forth, at Arran, and at Port Erin), is exceptional in having the test free from sand, and in being fixed like an 2. Forbesella tessellata ; 3. Ascidia meridionalis ; 4. Cynthia formosa ; 5. Cynthia papietensis ; 6. Ascidia challengeri; 7. Polycarpa tinctor ; 8. Cynthia cerebri- Formis ; 9. Ascopera gigantea ; 10. Boltenia tuberculata ; 11. Ascidia translucida ; 12. Culeolus moseleyi ; 18. Ascidia pyriformis ; 14. Boltenia pachydermatina ; 15. Microcosmus draschii; 16. Styela etheridgii; 17. Styela whiteleggti ; 18. Poly- carpa wurata. (After Herdman.) EEE ES Fig. 43 shows some of the more remarkable forms of dorsal tubercle. Starting with a simple circular opening (1) surrounded by a thickened ciliated ring, the anterior border becomes pushed in to form a crescentic slit (2 and 3). The horns of the crescent then grow longer and may be turned in (4 and 5) or out (6 and 7), and so give rise to the many varieties of horse-shoe (such as 6), perhaps the commonest form of dorsal tubercle in Simple Ascidians. In many Cynthiidae the central part of the horse- 80 ASCIDIANS CHAP. shoe remains small, while the horns become long and much coiled go as to constitute two prominent spirals (8, 9, 10). In other exceptional forms again the curved slit becomes straightened out, undulating (11), irregularly bent (12 and 13), elaborately folded (14 and 15), or broken up into pieces (16), so that there come to be several or even a large number (17 and 18) of minute openings in place of the original single aperture. It cannot be said that any form of dorsal tubercle is charac- teristic of any of the families or genera of Ascidians, and in the ease of some species the organ is liable to great individual variation ; but still in most species there is found to be a char- acteristic shape or appearance of tubercle which is a useful diagnostic feature. Sub-Order 2. Ascidiae Compositae. Fixed Ascidians which reproduce by gemmation so as to form colonies (Fig. 44) in which the ascidiozooids are buried in a Fic. 44.—Colonies of Compound Ascidians (nat. size) A, Colella quoyi, Hrdn. Antaret. ; B, Leptoclinum neglectum, Hrdn. ; ©, Pharyngodictyon mirabile, Hrdn. Southern Ocean ; D, Botryllus schlosseri, Say. Europe. (After Herdman.) common investing mass (Fig. 45) and have no separate tests— hence “Synascidiae,” a name they often receive from foreign writers. This is probably a somewhat artificial assemblage formed of those two or three groups of Ascidians which produce colonies, in which the ascidiozooids are so intimately united that they possess a common test or investing mass. This is the only char- acter which distinguishes them from the Clavelinidae, but the property of reproducing by gemmation separates them from the rest of the Ascidiae Simplices. In some cases the atrial apertures of several neighbouring ascidiozooids join to open to the exterior by a common cloacal aperture (Fig. 45, ¢.c). Such I ASCIDIAE COMPOSITAE 81 groups of the ascidiozooids of a colony are known as “ systems ” or coenobia (see Fig. 44, D; also Fig. 53, p. 89). The Ascidiae Compositae may be divided into seven families, which seem to fall into two well-marked sets :—(1) MErRosomata, in which the heart and alimentary and reproductive viscera are placed behind the branchial sac, go as to constitute a more or less extended body divided into at least two regions (Fig. 46, B), and sometimes three (Fig. 46, C) — thorax, abdomen, and _post- / ‘a ‘ atl. | ate. < “. WA sul Fia. 45.—Vertical section through a small part of a compound Ascidian colony. Asc. 1 and Asc. 2, Parts of two ascidiozooids whose cloacas (cl) open into the common cloacal cavity (cc) of the colony; at./, atrial lobes; ¢, ¢, ¢, common test of the colony. The structure of the posterior parts of the ascidiozooids would depend upon the family (see Fig. 46). The arrows show the direction of the water currents. abdomen; and (2) Honosomata, in which the body of the ascidiozooid is short, compact, and not divided into regions (Fig. 46, A). The latter group comprises the two families Botryllidae and Polystyelidae, which agree both in points of structure and in having the same type of budding, and are probably derived from ancestral Cynthiidae amongst Simple Ascidians; while the Mero- somata seem more nearly related to the Clavelinidae. Gemmation takes place in the Compound Ascidians in a variety of ways, being sometimes very different in its details in closely allied forms. There are, however, two main types of budding, to one or other of which most of the described methods may be referred. ‘These are :— 1. The SToLonIAL, or “ epicardiac” type—seen in the Mero- somata, typically in Distomatidae and Polyclinidae, and compar- able with the gemmation in Clavelinidae, Pyrosomatidae, and Thaliacea outside this group. VOL. VII G 82 ASCIDIANS CHAP. 2. The PARIETAL, or “ peribranchial ” type—seen in the Holo- somata, typically in the Botryllidae. The remarkable process of gemmation seen in the families Didemnidae and Diplosomatidae, where the bud arises from at least two rudiments, the one stolonial or epicardiac in origin, and the Nawoagv Fic. 46.—A, Ascidiozooid from a Bot- ryllid colony ; B, ascidiozooid from a Distomid colony ; C. ascidiozooid UCRP: from a Polyclinid colony. a, Anus; at, atrial aperture; at., B atrial languet ; dr, branchial aper- ture ; cl, cloaca ; d./, dorsal languet ; ec, ectoderm ; end, endostyle, ep.c, epicardiac tube ; gi, intestinal m gland; h, heart; 7, intestine; 2.g, nerve-ganglion; Z oes, oesophagus ; ov, ovary ; p.c, pericardium ; 7, rectum ; sg, stigmata of branchial sac ; sp, spermatic sacs ; sph, sphincter; st, stomach; ¢, tentacle; «4, terminal C ampullae of vessels in test; v, colonial vessels;, “vascular appendage ”’ (stolon). woaqav-lLsod other formed by one or more oesophageal or intestinal outgrowths, has been called “ entero-epicardiac,” but it may probabiy be re- garded as a modification of the stolonial type. 5 The marked differences in the appearance of the colonies of Compound Ascidians is largely due to the methods of budding ; and even in those of the stolonial type, where the budding is practically the same in essential nature, the results may be very different in superficial appearance, according as the buds are I GEMMATION 8 3 formed on a short stolon close to the parent body, or from the extremity of the post-abdomen (as in the Polyclinidae), or from a long epicardiae tube (as in Colella, Fig. 47), which may extend for some inches from the ascidiozooid. The post-abdomen of the Polyclinidae may be regarded as a stolon invaded by the gonads and the heart (see Fig. 46, C), and traversed by the epicardium in the form of a flattened tube dividing a dorsal blood-sinus con- taining the gonads from a ventral sinus which has merely the one extremity of the tapering pericardium. The whole of this post- abdomen segments to form the buds, the heart at the extremity being absorbed, and a new one formed from the anterior end of the pericardium. The epicardium, which supplies the endodermal element to each bud, was first described by E. van Beneden and Julin in the development of Clavelina,' as a structure concerned in the forma- tion of the pericardium and heart—hence its unfortunate name. It grows backwards in the larva, from the posterior wall of the branchial sac, close to the endostyle, as a tube which usually divides into two lateral branches to be united again eventually so as to form the single tubular flattened partition of the stolon in Polyclinidae, Distomatidae, Clavelinidae, etc. In some Com- pound Ascidians the epicardium is, from its origin, two distinct lateral tubes, which grow back from the inner vesicle of the embryo (later the branchial sac). These unite in the post- abdomen to form the flattened tube, which in its turn forms the inner vesicle of the future buds, and so the endodermal element is handed on from generation to generation. In addition to the epicardium, the stolon contains also a prolongation of the ovary of the parent, or at least a string of migrating germ cells, so that the reproductive elements are also handed on. It is clear from the recent researches of Hjort, Ritter, Lefevre,” and others, that the development of the bud (blastozooid) and that of the embryo (oozooid) do not proceed along parallel lines. It is evidently impossible to harmonise the facts of gemmation with the germ-layer theory; and attempts to explain budding in Ascidians solely as a process of regeneration by which the organs of the parent or their germ-layers give rise to the corresponding organs in the bud have in many cases failed. 1 Arch. de Biologie, vi. 1887. 2 See Journ. of Morphology, xii.-xiv. 1896-1898. 84 ASCIDIANS CHAP. The rudiment of the bud is in typical cases composed of two vesicles, an outer derived from the ectoderm of the parent and enclosing free blood-cells (mesodermal) between its wall and that of the inner vesicle—which is usually of endodermal origin, but in Botryllidae is derived from the peribranchial sac, an ecto- dermal structure. The inner vesicle, derived in the two cases from different germ-layers, forms the same organs of the bud, and these organs may be of widely different origin in the. larva. Moreover, free cells of the blood may play in the bud a very important part, and give rise (Perophora) to such important systems as pericardium and heart, neural tube and ganglion, the gonads and their ducts, some of which are of ectodermal and others of endodermal origin in the larva. In some cases of precocious budding (blastogenetic accelera- tion) the young buds begin to appear during the tailed larval stage. The larva may even contain a first blastozooid (bud) with a branchial sac as large as that of the oozooid (derived from the egg); and in the Diplosomatidae the larva (see Fig. 42, F), when it settles down, may be already a small colony of three young ascidiozooids. The larvae in most Compound Ascidians, in place of adhering papillae, have several or even a considerable number of ecto- dermal tubes or prolongations from the body (see Fig. 42, E and F) into the surrounding test. These apparently aid in the formation of the common test of the young colony, which grows over and adheres to foreign objects. There are many irregularities in the larval development of Compound Ascidians, due to the very different amount of food-yolk present in the ova in different genera. In some cases there is even dimorphism, two forms of larvae being found in the same colony. Compound Ascidians are amongst the most varied and brilliant of sessile animals seen at low tide on our own and most other coasts. Some are stalked and form club-shaped or knob- like outgrowths. Others again form flat gelatinous expansions attached to sea-weeds or stones, and are symmetrically marked with bright spots of colour in the form of circles, meandering lines, or star-like patterns. In such colonies each spot of colour or ray of a star represents an ascidiozooid or member of the colony, equivalent to the whole animal in the case of the solitary Simple Ascidian. Ill ASCIDIAE COMPOSITAE—DISTOMATIDAE 85 Group A. MEROSOMAT A. Viscera posterior to branchial sac; budding stolonial. Fam. 1. Distomatidae.— Ascidiozooids divided into two regions, a thorax, containing the branchial sac, and an abdomen, with the remaining viscera (Fig. £7, B); testes numerous; vas deferens not spirally coiled. The chief genera are—Distoma, Gaertner, with some British species ; Chondrostachys, Macdonald, Cystodytes, v. Drasche, with calcareous plate-like spicules in the test Fic. 47,—A, Colony of Colella peduncu- lata, Q. and G., nat. size: a, zone of buds; b, zone of young ascidiozooids ; ¢, zone of reproduc- ing adults; d, old decaying adults and ineubatory pouches with larvae. B, Ascidiozooid, with incubatory pouch enlarged : At, atrial aperture ; Br, bran- chial aperture ; emd, embryos ; end, en- dostyle ; ep.c, epi- cardium ; INnc.p, jncubatory pouch ; od, oviduct ; od’, its prolongation into inc.p ; od”, its termination at tip of inc.p,; ov, ovary ;, peribranchial opening of inc.p 5 st, stomach. (Fig. 50, A); Distaplia, Della Valle, and Colella, Herdman, forming a pedunculated colony (Fig. 47, A), in which the ascidiozooids (Fig. 47, B) are provided with large incubatory pouches, opening from the peribranchial cavity, but also connected, as Bancroft’ has re- cently shown, with the end of the oviduct (see Fig. 47, B). In these pouches the embryos undergo their development, and are set free by the decay of the top of the colony. The stolons pass from the ascidiozooids in the upper part of the colony down into the stalk, and there produce buds which gradually work up to the top of the stalk, where they take their places as young ascidio- zooids. At the top of the colony the old ascidiozooids die and are removed (see Fig. 47, A). Caullery has shown that in 1 Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. xxxv. No. 4, 1899, p. 59. 86 ASCIDIANS CHAP, this genus there may be dimorphism in the buds, some of them placed deeply in the stalk having a large amount of reserve food-matter in their ectoderm, and remaining *9 dormant until required to regenerate the “head” or upper part of the colony “t. when it islost. This genus was made known by the ~ep.c. “Challenger” expedition. The species are mostly trop- Lm oe ; ; ical, or from southern seas. Fic. 48.—Transverse section of the abdomen of a Fam. 2.Coelocormidae. Distomid. /.s, Blood-sinus ; ec, ectoderm ; —Colony not fixed, having ep.c, epicardium ; g/, intestinal glands ; h, heart ; c ‘ : a, intestine ; 7.m, longitudinal muscles ; mes, & large axial cavity with mesoferm 5 gdoviduct; 2c pernetiam: sb a terminal aperture. Bran- chial apertures five-lobed. This includes one species, Coelocormus hualeyt, Herdman, which is in some respects a transition-form between the ordinary Com- pound Ascidians (eg. Distomatidae) and the Ascidiae Luciae (Pyrosoma, see p. 90). od. vd. Fig. 49.—Section of Leptoclinum colony, showing the distribution of spicules and parts of the ascidiozooids. 6, Base of colony ; br, branchial aperture ; b7.s, branchial sac ; Sp, spicules ; sf, stomach ; tes, testis ; v.d, vas deferens. Fam. 3. Didemnidae.—Colony usually thin and incrusting. Test containing-stellate calcareous spicules (Figs. 49 and 50, B). III ASCIDIAE COMPOSITAE—DIDEMNIDAE, ETC, &7 Testis single, large; vas deferens spirally coiled (Fig. 49). The chief genera are—Didemnum, Savigny, in which the colony is thick and fleshy, and there are only three rows of stigmata on each side of the branchial sac; and Leptoclinwm, Milne-Edwards, in which the colony is thin and incrusting (Fig. 49), and there # OO EEE Pe —_ a Fic. 50.—Calcareous spicules of the Tunicata, enlarged. A, From Cystodytes ; B, from Leptoclinum; C, from Culeolus ; D, from Rhabdocynthia. are four rows of stigmata. Colonies of Leptoclinwm, forming thin white, grey, or yellow crusts under stones at low water, are amongst the commonest of British Compound Ascidians. Fam. 4. Diplosomatidae.—Test reduced in amount (Fig. 51), rarely containing spicules. Vas deferens not spirally coiled. In Fic. 51.—Section of a colony of Diplosoma (enlarged) to show the small amount of test present. %r, Branchial aperture ;, common cloaca ; ¢, test. Diplosoma, Macdonald, and other allied genera (Fig. 51), the larva is gemmiparous (Fig. 42, F). Some species are common British forms, especially on Zostera-beds and amongst seaweeds. Fam. 5. Polyclinidae.— Ascidiozooids divided into three regions—thorax, abdomen, and post-abdomen (Fig. 46, C). Testes numerous; vas deferens not spirally coiled. The chief genera are—Pharyngodictyon, Herdman, with stigmata absent or modified, containing one species, Ph. mirabile (Fig. 44, C), the 88 ASCIDIANS CHAP. only Compound Ascidian known from a depth of 1000 fathoms ; Polyclinum, Savigny, with a smooth-walled stomach (Fig. 52, A); Aplidium, Savigny, with the stomach-wall longitudinally folded (Fig. 52, B); Morchellium, Giard, with an “areolated” stomach (Fig. 52, D), bearing knobs on the outside; and Amarou- cium, Milne-Edwards, in which the ascidiozooid has a long post- abdomen and a large atrial languet, and where the stomach-wall shows longitudinal ridges breaking up into knobs (pseudo- Fic, 52,—Various conditions of stomach in Polyclinidae. A, Polyclinwm molle, Herd- man; B, Aplidium zostericola, Giard; C, Amaroucitum proliferum, M.-Edw. ; D, Morchellium argus, M.-Edw. areolated, Fig. 52,C). The last four genera contain many common British species. Many of the Compound Ascidians die down in winter; but amongst Polyelinidae, as in Clavelina, a form of hibernation is found, the old ascidiozooids dying, but some of the buds in the basal part of the colony accumulating a large store of reserve- material in their ectoderm, and lying dormant until spring, when they regenerate the colony. Group B. HOLOSOMAT A. Body short, compact, with viscera by the side of branchial sac ; budding parietal. Fam. 6. Botryllidae. — Ascidiozooids grouped in systems round common cloacal apertures (Fig. 53). Ascidiozooids having the intestine and reproductive organs by the side of the branchial sac (Fig. 46, A, p. 82). Dorsal lamina and internal longitudinal bars present in the branchial sac. Neural gland, as in Cyn- thiidae, dorsal to the ganglion in place of ventral as in the majority of Tunicata. The chief genera are—Botryllus, Gaertn. and Pall, with simple stellate systems (Fig. 53), and Botrylloides, Milne-Edwards, with elongated or ramified systems. There are III ASCIDIAE COMPOSITAE—BOTRYLLIDAE, ETC. 89 many species of both these genera, which form brilliantly coloured fleshy crusts under stones and on sea-weeds at low tide. They are amongst the commonest and the most beautiful of British Ascidians. Both genera contain species remarkable for the rich profusion of ectodermal “ vessels” which ramify and anastomose in the colonial test. On the margins of the colony these vessels end in knob-like dilatations, the ampullae (Fig. 46, A, ¢./:), which are said by Bancroft to pulsate rhythmically, and so aid in keep- Fic. 53.—Two “systems” from a Fic. 54.—Goodsiria placenta, Herdman. colony of Botryllus violaceus, A, Colony (half nat. size); B, section M.-Edw. ci, Common cloaca of a of colony showing ascidiozooids. (After system ; or, branchial apertures of Herdman, from Challenger Reports.) ascidiozooids, magnified. (After H. Milne-Edwards.) ing up the colonial circulation. They are also storage reservoirs for the blood, doubtless help in respiration, and are organs for the secretion of the test-matrix. Fam. 7. Polystyelidae. — Ascidiozooids not grouped in systems ; branchial and atrial apertures four-lobed ; branchial sac may be folded; internal longitudinal bars present. The chief genera are—Thylaciwm, Carus, with the ascidiozooids projecting above the general surface of the colony ; Goodsiria, Cunningham, with the ascidiozooids completely imbedded in the investing mass (Fig. 54); and Chorizocormus, Herdman, with the ascidiozooids 90 ASCIDIANS CHAP. united in little groups which are connected by stolons. The last genus contains one species, Ch. reticulatus, in some respects a transition-form between the other Polystyelidae and the Styelinae amongst Simple Ascidians. Budding in Holosomata—In the Polystyelidae, according to Ritter) the budding is of the same type as in Botryllidae, the bud arising in each case from the lateral body-wall of the parent. In Botryllus* the oozooid formed from the larva gives rise at a very early period to the first blastozooid of the future colony. This then forms the two buds of the second generation on its sides (see Fig. 55), and these in their turn form the third, and these the fourth generation, in which there are thus eight blasto- zooids; and so the process goes on, the buds of each generation arranging themselves in a circle to form a system. As each new generation makes its appearance, the preceding one undergoes degeneration, and is eventu- ally absorbed. Consequently, in a system there can usually be seen, in addition to the adult members, certain older ones in various stages of degeneration and removal, and certain younger ones Fra. 55.—Diagram to illustrate arising as buds on the sides of their pre- ue ane ees ae decessors, or just separated from them, Oox, oozooid ; Bl 1, first and ready to take their places as young aes eee ascidiozooids in the system. Three dis- tinct generations are thus commonly seen in a system. Now and again one or two young ascidio- zooids become squeezed by the pressure of their neighbours out of a system into the surrounding test, and so give rise to new systems which add to the extent of the colony. Sub-Order 3. Ascidiae Luciae. Free-swimming pelagic colonies having the form of a hollow cylinder closed at one end (Fig. 56). The ascidiozooids forming the colony are imbedded in the common test in such a manner that the branchial apertures open on the outer surface and the 1 Journ. Morph. xii. 1896, p. 149. 2 See Pizon, Ann. des Sci. Nat. 7¢ sér. Zool. xiv. 1892. MI ASGIDIAE LUCIAE—PYROSOMATIDAE gI atrial apertures on the inner surface next to the central cavity of the colony. They are placed with their ventral surfaces towards the closed end (Fig. 56, C). The first ascidiozooids of a colony are produced by gemmation from a stolonic prolongation of an imperfect oozooid or rudimentary larva (the “ cyathozooid ”), developed sexually. The subsequent ascidiozooids are formed from these as buds on a ventral stolon. This sub-order includes a single family, the PyROSOMATIDAE, containing one well-marked genus Pyrosoma, Péron, with about six species. They are found swimming near the surface of the sea, Fic. 56.—Pyrosoma. A, lateral view (nat. size) ; B, end view ; C, diagram of longitudinal section. at, Atrial apertures ; br, branchial apertures ; ¢.c/, common cloaca ; end, endostyle ; ¢, test ; v, velum or diaphragm at terminal opening. chiefly in tropical latitudes, and are brilliantly phosphorescent. A fully developed Pyrosoma colony may be from an inch or two to upwards of twelve feet in length. The Colony.—The shape of the colony is seen in Fig. 56, A. Tt tapers slightly towards the closed end, which is rounded. The opening at the opposite end may be reduced in size (see B and C), by the presence of a membranous prolongation of the common test, which can be contracted or expanded by means of the muscle-bands it receives from the atrial siphons of neighbouring zooids. The branchial apertures of the ascidiozooids are mostly placed upon short (in some cases longer) papillae projecting from the general surface, and many of the ascidiozooids have long conical processes of the test extending outwards beyond their branchial 92 ASCIDIANS CHAD. apertures (Fig. 57, ¢’). There is only a single layer of adult ascidiozooids in the wall of the Pyrosoma colony, as all the fully developed ascidiozooids are placed with their antero-posterior axes at right angles to the surface and communicate by their atrial apertures with the central cavity (Fig. 56, C). Their dorsal surfaces are turned towards the open end of the colony, and the buds are given off from their ventral edges (Fig. 57). Anatomy.—The more important points in the structure of the ascidiozooid of Pyrosoma are shown in Fig. 57. A circle of Fic. 57.— Ascidiozooid of Pyrosoma from the right side. a, Anus; Af, atrial aperture ; at.m, atrial muscles ; Br, branchial aperture ; br.s, branchial sac; cl, cloaca; d.l, dor- sal lamina; d.t, dorsal tubercle ; ec, ectoderm ; en, endoderm ; end, endo- style; Ht, heart; Zo, luminous organ; mes, mass of mesoderm cells ; mj, muscle fibre; 2.9, nerve-ganglion ; oes, oeso- phagus ; sg, stigmata ; st, stomach ;_ stol, stolon ; t, test; ¢’, projection of test near branchial aper- ture ; tes, testis ; tn, ten- tacle ; 1, 2, 3, buds. tentacles, of which one, placed ventrally (¢n), is larger than the rest, is found just inside the circular branchial aperture. From this point a wide cavity, with a few circularly placed muscle- bands running round its walls, leads back to the large branchial sac (br.s.), which occupies the greater part of the body. The large stigmata are elongated transversely (dorso-ventrally), and are crossed by internal longitudinal bars running antero-posteriorly. The dorsal lamina is represented by a series of eight or ten I PYROSOMA—STRUCTURE, DEVELOPMENT 93 languets. The nerve-ganglion (on which is placed a small pigmented sense-organ, the unpaired “eye”), the neural gland, the dorsal tubercle, the peripharyngeal bands and the endostyle are placed in the usual positions. On each side of the anterior end of the branchial sac, close to the peripharyngeal bands is a mass of rounded mesodermal gland-cells (7.0), which are the source of the phosphorescence. They are apparently modified leucocytes lying in blood-sinuses. The alimentary canal is placed posteriorly to the branchial sac, and the anus opens into a large peribranchial or atrial cavity, of which only the median posterior part (el), is shown in Fig. 57. The heart (#7) lies between the posterior end of the branchial sac and the intestine, close to where the endostyle is prolonged outwards to form the inner tube of the ventral stolon, The reproductive organs are developed from a cord of germinal tissue which forms a part of every budding stolon, and so establishes a continuity of origin between the ova of successive generations of Pyrosoma. On the ventral edge of the body, immediately behind the stolon, with part of which it is continuous, a portion of this germinal tissue gives rise to a lobed testis (tes), and to a single ovum surrounded by indifferent or follicle-cells. Development and Life-History.—The development takes place within the body of the parent, in a part of the peribranchial cavity. It is a“ direct” development, the tailed larval stage being omitted. The segmentation is incomplete or “meroblastic,” and an elongated embryo is formed on the surface of a mass of food- yolk. Follicle-cells, or kalymmocytes, migrate into the embryo, where they aid in its nutrition. The embryo (or young oozooid),! after the formation of an alimentary cavity, a tubular nervous system, and a pair of laterally placed atrial tubes, divides into an anterior and a posterior part (see Fig. 58). The anterior and ventral part, or stolon, then segments into four pieces (the tetrazooids or first blastozooids),’ which afterwards develop into the first ascidiozooids of the colony, while the posterior part remains in a rudimentary condition, and is what was called by Huxley the “cyathozooid” (Fig. 58, cy). This is really the degenerate oozooid, and eventually atrophies without having 1 “Qozooid” and ‘‘blastozooid”’ have not always been used in the same sense. It is best to regard as oozooid the first member of a new colony derived from an embryo formed by the fertilisation of an ovum, and to call the remaining ascidiozooids produced by gemmation the blastozooids. 94 ASCIDIANS CHAP, completed its development, but having precociously given rise to the budding stolon. As the four ascidiozooids increase in size, they grow round the cyathozooid and soon encircle it (Fig. 58, B). In this con- dition the young colony leaves the body of the parent and becomes free. The cyathozooid ab- sorbs the nourishing yolk upon which it lies, and dis- tributes it to the ascidio- zooids by means of a heart and system of vessels which have been meanwhile formed. When the cyatho- zooid atrophies and _ is Fig. 58.—Development of Pyrosoma colony. A, absorbed, its original atrial young stage showing oozooid or cyathozooid, cy, With stolon divided into four blastozooids aperture remains and (L-IV.): », vitellus. B, older stage showing deepens to become the cen- the ‘our Dasonokls n'a Hag around te tral cavity? of the Young colony, which now consists of four ascidiozooids placed in a ring, around where the cyatho- zooid was, and enveloped in a common test. The test is at first formed by the ectoderm cells of the cyathozooid. Later it becomes invaded by mesoblast cells from the ascidiozooids in the usual manner. The colony gradually increases by the formation of buds from these four original ascidiozooids. The young colony is, In some species, at first male, and only becomes hermaphrodite when it has attained to some size. Occurrence.—The half-dozen known species of Pyrosoma are widely distributed over the great oceans, although they are probably most abundant in tropical waters. Pyrosoma atlanticum, Péron, and P. gigantewm, Lesueur, are the commonest forms. Although sometimes abundant in the Mediterranean and the North Atlantic they have apparently not been found in British seas. P. elegans, Lesueur, is a Mediterranean form allied to the last two ; and P. minatwm and P. aherniosum, Seeliger, were discovered during the German “ Plankton ” expedition in the tropical Atlantic. Finally, the enormous P. spinoswm, Herdman, was found by the “ Challenger” in both North and South Atlantic in 1873; and 1 According to Kowalevsky. Salensky, however, considers that the atrial aperture closes, and that a new surface depression appears later. Mm THALIACEA (SALPIANS) 95 some years later (Perrier’s P. ewcelsior) by the French “ Talisman ” expedition in the tropical Atlantic. The late Professor Moseley said of this (“ Challenger”) species, “ I wrote my name with my finger on the surface of the giant Pyrosoma as it lay on deck in a tub at night, and my name came out in a few seconds in letters of fire.” Bonnier and Pérez have recently recorded that they saw an enormous profusion of a large Pyrosoma (up to four metres in length) in the Arabian part of the Indian Ocean. Order III. Thaliacea (Salpians). Free-swimming pelagic forms of moderate size, which may be either simple or compound, and in which the adult is never provided with a tail or notochord. Consequently the whole body here corresponds to the trunk only of the Appendicularian with- out the tail. The test is permanent, and may be either well developed or very slight. Im all cases it is clear and trans- parent. The musculature of the body-wall is in the form of more or less complete circular bands, by the contraction of which water is ejected from the body, and so locomotion is effected. The branchial sac has either two large, or many small, stigmata, leading to a single peribranchial cavity, into which the anus also opens. Blastogenesis takes place from a ventral, endostylar stolon. Alternation of generations occurs in the life-history, and may be complicated by polymorphism. The Order Thaliacea comprises two groups, CYCLOMYARIA (such as Doliolum) and HEMImMyaRIA (such as Salpa). Sub-Order 1. Cyclomyaria. Free-swimming pelagic forms which exhibit alternation of generations in their life-history, but never form permanent colonies. The body is cask-shaped, with the branchial and atrial apertures at the opposite ends. The test is moderately well developed, never much thickened. The musculature is mostly in the form of complete circular bands surrounding the body. The branchial sac is fairly large, occupying the anterior half or more of the body. Stigmata are usually present in its posterior part only. The peribranchial cavity is mainly posterior to the branchial sac. The alimentary canal is placed ventrally, close to 96 TUNICATA—SALPIANS CHAP. the posterior end of the branchial sac. Hermaphrodite repro- ductive organs lie ventrally near the intestine. This group is clearly distinguished from the second sub-order, the Hemimyaria, by the condition of the muscle-bands and of the branchial sac, and by the life-history. The muscle-bands are complete rings (except in Anchinia), while in the Hemimyaria they are always more or less incomplete. The branchial sae in the Cyclomyaria is a distinct cavity, and communicates with the peribranchial cavity only by small slits or stigmata. The life-history is also very characteristic, as the sexual generation in the Cyclomyaria is always polymorphic, while in the Hemimyaria it consists of one form only. Structure of Doliolum.—The single family DoLIoLipag in- cludes three genera, Doliolum, Quoy and Gaimard, Dolchinia, Korotneff, and Anchinia, Eschscholtz. Doltolum, of which about a dozen species are known, from various seas, has a cask - shaped body (Fig. 59), usually from 1 to 2 cm. in length. The ter- minal branchial and atrial aper- tures are lobed, Fic. 59.—Sexual generation of Doliolum tritonis, Herdman, d the io - from left side. x10. at, Atrial aperture; at.l, atrial @0 the lobes are lobes ; at.m, wall of atrium ; br, branchial aperture ; b7./, provided with branchial lobes ; br.s, branchial sac ; d.t, dorsal tubercle ; end, endostyle ; h, heart ; 7, intestine ; m, mantle ; m!-m8, Se€NsSe-organs. The circular muscle-bands ; 7, nerve ; 2.g, nerve-ganglion ; ov, test ig a thin but ovary ;, peribranchial cavity ; p.p, peripharyngeal bands ; sg, stigmata ; s.g/, neural gland ; s.0, sense-organ ; tough transparent sf, stomach; ¢, test; tes, testis; 2, prebranchial zone. 1, ‘ x (After Herdman.) layer, and con tains no “ test” cells. It is merely a cuticle covering the surface of the squamous ectoderm. The body-wall has eight or nine circular muscle-bands surrounding the body. The most anterior and posterior of these form the branchial and atrial sphincters. The wide branchial and atrial apertures lead respectively into branchial and peribranchial cavities separated by the posterior and postero-lateral walls of the branchial sac which are pierced by a considerable number of MI DOLIOLUM—STRUCTURE 97 small stigmata; consequently there is a free passage for the water through the body along its long axis, and the animal swims by contracting its ring-like muscle-bands so as to force out the contained water posteriorly. When stigmata are found on the lateral walls of the branchial sac (see Fig. 59) there are corresponding anteriorly directed diverticula of the peribranchial cavity. There is a distinct endostyle on the ventral edge of the branchial sac and a peripharyngeal band surrounding its anterior end, but there is no representative of the dorsal lamina along its dorsal edge; and there are neither branchial nor atrial tentacles. The oesophagus commences rather on the ventral edge of the posterior end of the branchial sac, and runs backwards to open into the stomach, which is followed by a curved intestine opening into the peribranchial cavity. The alimentary canal as a whole is to the right of the middle line. The hermaphrodite repro- ductive organs are to the left of the middle line alongside the alimentary canal. They open into the peribranchial cavity. The ovary is nearly spherical, while the testis is elongated, and may be continued anteriorly for a long distance. The heart is placed in the middle line ventrally, between the posterior end of the endostyle and the oesophageal aperture. The nerve-ganglion lies about the middle of the dorsal edge of the body, and gives off many nerves. Under it is placed the neural gland, the duct of which runs forward and opens into the anterior end of the branchial sac by a simple aperture surrounded by the spirally twisted dorsal ends of the peripharyngeal bands. Life-History.—The ova produced by the Doliolum of the sexual generation, after a complete or “holoblastic” segmenta- tion, and normal invagination, produce tailed larvae with a relatively small caudal appendage, and a large body in which the characteristic musculature begins to appear (Fig. 60, A). These larvae after metamorphosis lose their tails and develop into oozooids, known as “nurses,” which are asexual, and are characterised (Fig. 60, B) by the possession of nine muscle-bands, by the stigmata being few in number and confined to the posterior end of the branchial sac, by an otocyst on the left side of the body, by a ventrally-placed complex stolon or “ rosette organ ” near the heart, from which primary buds are produced by constriction, and by a dorsal outgrowth (“ the cadophore”) near the posterior end of the body. The buds (blastozooids) give rise eventually, after VOL. VII H 98 TUNICATA—SALPIANS CHAP, further division, to the sexual generation, which is polymorphic —having three distinct forms, in two of which the repro- ductive organs remain undeveloped. The primary buds are constricted off while still very young and undeveloped (Fig. 60, D, B, and E); they migrate from their place of origin on the stolon, over the surface (aided by large amoeboid test-cells which become attached to the buds) (Fig. 60, B), multiply by fission, and become attached (again by the help of amoeboid test-cells and ectoderm cells which form a slight Fia. 60.—Life-history of Doliolum. A, tailed larval stage; B, “nurse” or oozooid, showing buds (blastozooids) migrating from the ventral stolon to the dorsal process ; C, posterior part of much later oozooid to show buds arranged in three rows on dorsal process ; D, stolon segmenting ; E, young migrating bud; F, trophozooid developed from one of the buds of a lateral row. At, Atrial aperture ; 6, buds; Br, branchial aperture ; cl, cloaca ; d.p, dorsal process ; end, endostyle ; ht, heart ; 2.b, lateral buds; m.b, median buds; x.g, nerve-ganglion ; of, otocyst ; p.c, peri- cardium ; sk, stalk; sto, stolon. (After Uljanin and Barrois.) “placenta”) in three rows—a median and two lateral—to the dorsal outgrowth (Fig. 60, C) of the body of the nurse. This parent-form by this time has become greatly modified, and its structure is largely sacrificed for the good of the buds or growing zooids, for which it really forms a locomotory organ. Its muscle-bands become greatly developed in width (Fig. 60, C), and the branchial meshwork, endostyle, and alimentary canal disappear. The three forms produced in the second generation are as follows :—(1) Nutritive forms (“ trophozooids”) derived from the lateral rows of buds, which remain permanently attached to the page DOLIOLUM—LIFE-HISTORY 99 oozooid, and are sacrificed for the benefit of the rest of the colony. They serve merely to aid in respiration, and to provide the food for the nurse and the median buds. Their development is arrested ; they have the body elongated dorso-ventrally with a large funnel-like branchial aperture (Fig. 60, F), and the musculature is very slightly developed. (2) Some of the median buds become foster forms (“ phoro- zooids ”), which, like the preceding trophozooids, do not become sexually mature, but, unlike them, are eventually set free as cask-shaped bodies having the Doliolwm appearance, with eight encircling muscle-bands, and having, moreover, a ventral out- growth (not a stolon), which is formed of the stalk by which the body was formerly attached to the dorsal process of the oozooid. On this ventral outgrowth the “ gonozooids” (3) are attached while still very young buds, and after the phorozooids are set free these reproductive forms gradually attain their com- plete development, become sexually mature, and are eventually separated off, finally losing all trace of their temporary connexion with the foster-forms. They resemble the foster-forms in having a cask-shaped body with eight muscle-bands, but differ in the absence of a ventral process, and in having the sexual repro- ductive organs fully developed. Occurrence.—The best-known member of the genus is Doliolum tritonis, Herdman, which was captured in the tow-nets in thousands by Sir John Murray during the cruise of H.MS. “Triton” in the summer of 1882 in the North Atlantic. Since then that species, or the closely allied D. nationalts, Borgert, have been found on more than one occasion in the English Channel and other parts of our south-west coast, and so Doliolum may be regarded as an occasional member of the British surface fauna. It is probable that the occasional phenomenal swaris of Doliolum which have been met with in summer in the North Atlantic are a result of the curious life-history which, under favourable circumstances, allows of a small number of oozooids producing from minute buds an enormous number of phorozooids and gonozooids. As the result of the careful quantitative work of the German “Plankton ” expedition, Borgert thinks that the temperature of the water has more to do with both the horizontal and the 100 TUNICATA—SALPIANS CHAP. vertical distribution of these Thaliacea in the sea than any other factor. Other Genera.—Anchinia, of which only one species is known, A. rubra, Vogt, from the Mediterranean, has the sexual forms permanently attached to portions of the dorsal outgrowth from the body of the unknown oozooid (“nurse ”). The stolon is probably much longer than in Doliolum, and curves round so as to reach and lie along the dorsal outgrowth, upon which it places the buds. The body of the adult is elongated dorso-ventrally. The test is well developed and contains branched cells. The mus- culature is not so well developed as in Doliolum. There are two circular bands at the anterior end, two at the posterior, and two muscles on the middle of the body, which unite to form the characteristic S-shaped lateral bands. The stigmata are confined to the obliquely-placed posterior end of the branchial sac. The alimentary canal forms a U-shaped curve. The reproductive organs are placed on the right side of the body. The life-history is still imperfectly known. As in the case of Doltolum the sexual generation is polymorphic, and has three forms, two of which remain in a rudimentary condition so far as the reproductive organs are concerned. They are known as the first and second sterile forms, or “trophozooids.” In Ancehinia, however, the three forms do not occur, so far as we know, together at the same time on the one outgrowth, but are produced successively, or in different regions, the reproduc- tive forms of the sexual generation being independent of the “ foster-forms.” 1 The third genus, Dolchinia, contains also only a single species, D. mirabilis, found by Korotneff’ in the Gulf of Naples. It must have three different forms in its life-history—oozooid, phorozooid, and gonozooid, but the first of these is still unknown. On what must be body processes detached from the oozooid are found phorozooids somewhat like those of Doliolwm, bearing sexual forms attached to ventral stalks. Dolehinia is inter- mediate on the whole between Anchinia, the most simple member of the family, and Doliolum the most complex; and may eventu- ally come to be united with the latter genus. ? See Barrois, Journ. @’ Anat. et Physiol. 1885. 2 Mitth. Z. Stat. Neapel, x. 1891. HI SALPIDAE IOI Sub-Order 2. Hemimyaria. Free-swimming pelagic forms which exhibit alternation of generations in their life-history, and in the sexual condition form colonies. The body is more or less fusiform, with the long axis antero-posterior, and the branchial and atrial apertures nearly terminal and opposite. The test is well developed but trans- parent. The musculature of the body-wall is in the form of a series of transversely-running bands which do not usually form complete independent rings as in the CycLomyaria. These partially-encircling muscles in the Salpidae (see Fig. 61, m.b) are probably to be regarded as modified branchial and atrial sphincters which have spread over the intervening body. The branchial and peribranchial (cloacal) cavities form a continuous space in the interior of the body, opening externally at the ends by the branchial and atrial apertures, and traversed obliquely from the dorsal and anterior to the ventral and posterior end by a long narrow vascular ciliated band, which represents the dorsal lamina, the dorsal blood-sinus, and the neighbouring parts of the dorsal edge of the branchial sac of an ordinary Ascidian. The alimentary canal is placed ventrally. It may either be stretched out so as to extend for some distance anteriorly, or, as is more usual, be concentrated to form along with the testis a rounded opaque mass near the posterior end of the body, known as the visceral mass or “nucleus.” The embryonic development is direct, no tailed larva being formed. The embryo is united to the parent for a time by a “ placenta.” This sub-order contains, in addition to its typical members, the SALPIDAE, another still somewhat problematical family the OCTACNEMIDAE, including a single very remarkable deep-water genus (Octacnemus), which in some respects does not conform with the characters given above, and exhibits a certain amount of affinity with the primitive fixed forms from which Salpidae have been derived. Occurrence and Reproduction.—The family SaLpmas* in- cludes the single genus Salpa, Forskal, which, however, may be 1 The most useful works on the Salpidae are Traustedt, Vid. Selsk. Skr. ii. 8, 1885, Copenhagen; and Brooks's ‘‘The genus Salpa,” Johns Hopkins Biolog. Memoirs, ii. 1893. 102 TUNICATA—SALPIANS CHAP, divided into two well-marked groups of species—(1) those such as S. (Cyclosalpa) pinnata, in which the alimentary canal is stretched out (“ ortho-enteric ” condition) along the ventral surface Fic. 61. —- Salpa runei- nata-fusiformis. A, aggregated or ‘‘chain”’ form ; B, solitary form. At, Atrial aperture ; at.m, atrial muscles ; Br, branchial aper- ture; dr.m, branchial muscles ; dl, dorsal lamina or “gill” ; d.t, dorsal tubercle ; em, embryo ; end, endo- style; m, mantle ; m.b, muscle - bands ; n.g, nerve - ganglion ; p-p, peripharyngeal bands ; st, stolon ; st”, “chain” of buds; ¢, test ; v, visceral “ nu- cleus.” of the body, and (2) those such as S. runcinata-fusiformis, in which the alimentary canal forms a compact globular mass (Fig. 61, v), the “nucleus” (“caryo-enteric” condition), near the Fic. 62.— Diagram to show the arrange- ment and connexion of the aggregated zooids in a young chain of Salps. 1, 3, 5, zooids on the right; 2, 4, 6, zooids on the left. d¢, Atrial aperture of a zooid ; Br, branchial aperture of another; c.¢ at the top of the figure points to three pairs of connecting tubes; c.¢ at the foot, to two pairs. Each zooid is united to each of the four neighbours it touches by a pair of connecting tubes, and so has eight such tubes in all. posterior end of the body. About fifteen species altogether are known; they are all pelagic in habit, and are found in nearly all seas. Each species occurs in two forms (Fig. 61, A and B), the solitary asexual (proles solitaria), and the aggregated sexual (proles gregaria), which are in most species quite unlike one III SAZLPA—-REPRODUCTION 103 another, the aggregated form being usually more rounded, ovoid, or fusiform (Fig. 61, A), and the solitary more quadrangular, and often provided with conical processes or projecting points. The solitary form gives rise, by gemmation at the posterior end of the endostyle (Fig. 63), to a complex tubular stolon, con- Fic. 63.—Diagram to show the relations of the groups of young buds, when first formed on the stolon of Salpa. at, Atrial aperture ; br, branchial aperture ; el, elaeoblast ; end, endostyle ; 2, heart ; N.g, nerve - gang- lion ; ov, ovum ; 8, stolon ; st, stomach ; I, II, III, groups of buds. (After Brooks.) taining processes from the more important organs of the parent- body, which give rise to an endodermal tube, two peribranchial tubes, a neural tube, two blood-sinuses and mesoblast cells, a genital cord, and over all the ectodermal covering (see Fig. 64). This stolon becomes segmented (Fig. 63) into a series of buds or Fic. 64.—Transverse section through endostyle and young stolon of Salpa pinnata, ec, Ectoderm of parent reflected at ec’ to cover base of stolon ; ec’’, ecto- derm of stolon ; end, endoderm of stolon; g, ovary ; mes, mesoderm cells; m, nerve- tube of stolon;, peribranchial tubes of stolon. (After Brooks.) young “chain” individuals, of which there may be several hundreds. As the stolon elongates (Fig. 61, B, st”), the buds 104 TUNICATA—SALPIANS CHAP. undergo lateral shifting, and rotation round their longitudinal aXis, So as to acquire the relations seen in the “chain,” which then emerges from the tube in the test through which it has been growing, so as to project to the exterior near the atrial aperture. The buds at its free end which have now become far advanced in their development are set free in groups, which remain attached together by processes of the test, each enclosing a diverticulum from the body-wall (Fig. 62), so as to form “chains.” Each member of the chain is a Salpa of the sexual or aggregated form, and when mature may—either still attached to its neighbours or separated from them—produce one or several embryos (Fig. 61, A, emb), which develop into the solitary form of Salpa. Thus the two forms, different in appearance and structure and different in mode of origin, alternate regularly in the life-history of Salpa. Structure.—The more important points in the structure of a typical Salpa are shown in Fig. 65. The branchial and atrial apertures are at opposite ends of the body, and lead into large cavities, the branchial and peribranchial sac respectively, which are in free communication at the sides of the obliquely-running dorsal lamina or “gill” (dl). The transparent test is usually thick, and varies from a gelatinous to a stiff cartilaginous condition ; it adheres closely to the surface of the mantle (ectoderm and body- wall). The muscle-bands (from 4 to about 20—usually 8 or 10) of the mantle do not in most cases completely encircle the body. They are present dorsally (Fig. 65, mus.bds) and laterally, but the majority do not reach the ventral surface. In many cases neighbouring bands join in the median dorsal line (Fig. 61). The muscle fibres are striated, and have rows of large equidistant nuclei. The anterior end of the dorsal lamina is in some cases prolonged to form a prominent tentacular organ, the languet or dorsal tentacle, projecting into the branchial sac, while near this opens a ciliated funnel corresponding to the dorsal tubercle, but having no connexion in the adult with either ganglion or subneural gland. The conjoined ganglion and subneural gland, the dorsal lamina, the peripharyngeal bands and the endostyle are placed in the usual positions. Eyes in the form either of a continuous horse-shoe-shaped pigmented ridge on the dorsal surface of the ganglion immediately below the ecto- derm, or of one larger median and several smaller lateral ocelli are found in the various species of Salpa. These eyes have in III SALPA—STRUCTURE 105 most cases a retina formed of elongated cells, and a pigment-layer placed upon the ganglion. The so-called otocysts of Salpa have been shown by Metcalf to be really glandular organs. They have been called lateral neural glands; they do not open at the dorsal tubercle, but separately into the pharynx. These lateral neural tubular glands have also been regarded as nephridia. The large spaces at the sides of the dorsal lamina (often an s9t mus, bds Fic. 65.—Diagrammatic sagittal section of a “chain” Salpa. an, Anus; at, atrial aperture ; atm, muscles of atrial aperture; atr.cav, atrial cavity ; br, branchial aperture ; br.m, muscles of branchial aperture; b7.s, branchial sac; d., dorsal lamina or “gill” ; d.¢, dorsal tubercle ; end, endostyle ; ht, heart ; int, intestine ; Z, sensory languet ; mus.bds, muscle-bands ; ”.g, nerve-ganglion ; 0c, eye-spot ; 0¢, oesophagus ; ov, ovary; p.p.b, peripharyngeal band;, neural gland; stom, stomach ; ¢,¢’, test ; tes, testis; z, prebranchial zone. (After Herdman.) called the gill or branchia of Salpa), by means of which the cavity of the branchial sac is placed in free communication with the peribranchial cavity, are to be regarded as gigantic gill-slits formed by the suppression of the lateral walls and small stigmata of the branchial sac. The alimentary canal at the posterior end of the “gill” consists of oesophagus, stomach, and intestine, with a pair of lateral gastric glands or caeca. These viscera along with the reproductive organs, when present, make up the “nucleus” (Fig. 66, v). Alternation of Generations. Fig. 66 represents an aggregated or sexual Salpa, which was once a member of a chain, since it shows a testis and a developing embryo. The ova (always few in number, usually only one) appear at a very early period in the developing chain Salpa, while it is still a part of the gemmiparous stolon in the body of the solitary Salpa. This gave rise to the view put forward first by Brooks that the ovary 106 TUNICATA—SALPIANS CHAP. really belongs to the solitary stolon-bearing Salpa, which is therefore a female producing a series of males by asexual gemmation, and depositing in each of these an ovum, which will afterwards, when fertilised, develop in the body of the male into a solitary or female Salpa. This idea, if adopted, would pro- foundly modify our conception of Salpa as an example of a life- history showing alternation of generations, but it seems to me to give a distorted view of the sequence of events. The fact that the stolon while’ in the solitary Salpa con- tains, along with representa- tives of other important systems of the body, a row of germinal cells, does not constitute that solitary Salpa the parent of the ova which these germinal cells will afterwards become in the body of an independent bud. We must regard as the parent the body in which the ova become mature and fulfil their func- tion. The sexual or chain Fic. 66.—Salpa hexagona, Q. and G. Chain form dissected from the lett side. u, Anus ; Salpa, although really her- at, atrial aperture ; br, branchial aperture ; maphrodite in its life-his- dl, dorsal lamina (“gill”); d.t, dorsal t . Ite? “ik tubercle ; emb, embryos ; end, endostyle ; ory, 1S usually proto- m.b 2, m.b 7, second and seventh muscle- gynous, z.e. the ova mature bands; ».g, nerve-ganglion; v, visceral ‘ ; “nucleus.” (After Traustedt. ) at an earlier period than the male organ or testis. This prevents self-fertilisation. The ovum is presumably fertil- ised by the spermatozoa of an older Salpa belonging to another chain, and the embryo is far advanced in its development before the testis is formed. The development takes place inside the body of the parent, and is “ direct ”—no tailed larval form being produced. Development and Life-history.—The segmentation of the egg is holoblastic, and gives rise to a number of blastomeres, 1 According to Metcalf, Salpa cylindrica is protandrous. IL SALPA—LIFE-HISTORY 107 which are for a time masked by the phenomenal activity of certain cells of extraneous origin, the “kalymmocytes,” derived from the follicular epithelium surrounding the ovum. These follicular kalymmocytes migrate into the ovum, surround groups of blastomeres, and arrange themselves so as to reproduce the essential structure of the future embryo for which they form what may be termed a scaffolding or temporary support. After a time the blastomeres become active, proliferate rapidly, and finally press upon and absorb the kalymmocytes, and so eventu- ally take their proper place in building up the organs. Some observers regard the kalymmocytes as being passive and nutritive only in function. Fic. 67.— Young _ solitary Salpa democratica-mucro- nata attached to the parent by the placenta. atr.ap, Atrial aperture ; br, dorsal lamina ;, dorsal tubercle; edi, elaeoblast ; end, endo- style ;, nerve-gang- lion ; oes, oesophagus ; or.ap, branchial aperture ; peric, pericardium ; pi, placenta ; rect, intestine ; stol, stolon ; stom, stomach. (From Parker and Has- well, after Salensky.) Parent At an early period in the development a part of the surface of the embryo, on its ventral edge, becomes separated off, along with a part of the wall of the cavity (“oviduct ’—a diverticulum from the atrium) in which it lies, to form the “placenta” (Fig. 67, pl) in which the embryonic and maternal blood-streams circulate in close proximity, and so allow of the conveyance of nutriment to the developing embryo by means of large migrating placental cells. At a somewhat later stage a number of cells placed at the posterior end of the body alongside the future nucleus become filled up with oil-globules to form a mass of nutrient material—the “elaeoblast” (Fig. 67, eb!)—which is used up later in the development. Many suggestions have been made as to the homology and meaning of the elaeoblast ; but it may now be regarded as most probable that it is reserve food-material associated with the disappearing rudiment of the 108 TUNICATA—SALPIANS CHAP, tail found in the larval condition of most Ascidians. The develop- ment is direct; and it may be said, then, that this young asexual (solitary) Salpa differs from the corresponding form in the life- history of Doliolum (Fig. 60, A) in that its tail is no longer a locomotory organ, but is represented by a nutritive mass, the elaeoblast, while the body, in place of being free, is attached by its ventral surface to a special organ of nutrition—the “ placenta” ——in connexion with the blood-stream of the parent. This embryo sexually produced inside the body of an aggre- gated form becomes a solitary Salpa (such as Fig. 61, B), which differs in appearance, structure, and habits from its parent, and has no reproductive organs. After swimming for a time, how- ever, it develops the ventral stolon on which buds form which are eventually sexual Salpae. These are set free from the solitary form in sets, still connected together, and they may swim about together for a time as a chain of aggregated Salpae before separating to become the adult sexual individuals (such as Fig. 61, A). Classification. —Salpa may be divided into the following sub- genera : '—Cyclosalpa, Blainville, in which the alimentary canal is ortho-enteric, and the “chain” consists of individuals united in a circle ; Jasis, Savigny, with several embryos formed at a time; and Pegea, Sav., Thalia, Blumenbach, and Salpa, Forskal, all with one embryo only, and differing from one another in the condition of the “gill” and other details: all except Cyclosalpa have the alimentary canal caryo-enteric. Cyclosalpa has three species, the best known of which is C. pinnata of the Mediterranean, a form possessing light-producing organs like those of Pyrosoma, but placed along the sides of the body. Salpa has four or five species, one of which, S. runcinata-fusiformis (Fig. 61), has occasionally been found in British seas; Zhalia includes the species 7. democratica-mucronata, which has been sometimes obtained in swarms in the Hebridean seas, or cast ashore on our southern or western coasts; Pegea has the species P. scutigera-confoederata ; and Jasis contains the remaining half-dozen species, the best known of which is LZ cordiformis-zonaria, the only other Salpian which has been found in British seas. The family OcTAcNEMIDAE includes the single remarkable " For a more detailed account of these subdivisions of the Salpidae, and other groups, see Herdman’s ‘‘ Revised Classification of Tunicata,” Journ. Linn. Soe., Zool., xxiii. 1891, p. 558. Il OCTACNEMUS 109 genus Octacnemus, now known in a solitary and an ageregated form. It was found during the “ Challenger ” expedition, and was first described by Moseley. It is apparently a deep-sea repre- sentative of the pelagic Salpidae, and may possibly be fixed at the bottom. The body in the solitary form is somewhat discoid, with its margin prolonged to form eight tapering processes, on to which the muscle-bands of the mantle are continued. The alimentary canal forms a compact nucleus, which is attached to an apparently imperforate membrane which stretches across the body, separating the branchial from the atrial cavities. The end. br Fia. 68,—A, solitary form of Octacnemus bythius (after Moseley) ; B, diagram of struc- ture of Octacnemus (after Herdman); C, aggregated form of O. patagoniensis (after Metcalf). 1, from outside; 2, with test removed ; and 8, with mantle removed. a, Anus; adh, area of attachment; at, atrial, and 67, branchial aperture ; Or.s, branchial sac; end, endostyle ; g.s, gill-slits ; 7, intestine; n.y, nerve-ganglion ; oe, oesophagus ; ov, ovary ;, peribranchial cavity ; st, stomach ; sol, stolon. endostyle is very short, and the dorsal lamina is also much reduced, The reproduction and life-history are entirely unknown. The aggregated form consists of a small number of individuals united by a slender cord composed of test, body-wall, and endo- dermal tissue. Octacnemus has been found’ in the South Pacific from depths of 1070 and 2160 fathoms, and off the Patagonian coast from 1050 fathoms. Two species have been described: 0. bythius, Moseley, and O. patagoniensis, Metcalf. Metcalf, who has recently investigated the aggregated form (0. patagoniensis), considers that the genus is more nearly related to the Clavelinidae than to the Salpidae. Possibly its position might be best 1 See Herdman, Challenger Report on Tunicata, part iii. 1888, p. 88 ; and Met- calf, Johns Hopkins Univ. Cire. No. 106, 1893, and Zool. Jahrb. Abth, Anat. xiii. 1900, p. 572. | ce) TUNICATA CHAP, indicated by a line diverging from near the point (3) in the phylogenetic diagram below. General Conclusions. The following diagram is a graphic representation of the genetic affinities, or what is now generally supposed to have been the probable course of phylogeny of the Tunicata. It will be noticed that it shows (1) the Proto-Tunicates arising from Proto- Chordata, not far from the ancestors of Amphioxus (see also, this vol. p. 112); (2) that the Larvacea are regarded as the most ) Molgulidae Ascidiidae ———Amphioxus (5) | Cynthiidae. 3 3 Larvacea. im . : S 3 (6) Polystyelidae =|) (2) iar Botryllidae £ | Proto-Tunicata. _& Distomatidae = ® ! Didemnidae and - Doliolidae: | | Diplosomatidae _S e | Polyclinidae Salpidae a lies Pyrosomatidae primitive section of the group; (3) that the Thaliacea (Dolio- lidae and Salpidae) are supposed to be derived not directly from primitive pelagic forms, but through the early fixed Ascidians, not far from (4) the ancestral compound Ascidians, which gave rise to the Pyrosomatidae; (5) that the Ascidiidae and other higher Simple Ascidians are derived, like the Compound Ascidians, from ancestral Clavelinidae; and (6), that the Ascidiae Compositae are polyphyletic, the Holosomata (Botryllidae and Polystyelidae) being derived from ancestral Simple Ascidians independently of the Merosomatous families. The Tunicata are remarkable for the variety in appearance, structure, and life-history which they present. No group illus- trates in a more instructive manner so large a number of important biological principles and phenomena. They show solitary and colonial forms, fixed and free, pelagic and abyssal. The development is in some cases larval and with metamorphosis, in others abbreviated and direct. Persistent traces of ancestral characters are seen in the embryonic and larval stages, while the adults present the most varied secondary adaptations to littoral, II CONCLUSIONS III pelagic, and deep-sea, free-swimming and sessile modes of exist- ence. In the details of their classification they demonstrate both stable and variable species, monophyletic and polyphyletic groups. They exhibit the phenomena of gemmation and of embryonic fission, of polymorphism, hibernation, alternation of generations, and change of function. They have long been known as a stock example of degeneration; but in fact they lend themselves admirably to the exposition of more than one “Chapter of Darwinism.” Note to P. 78.—Oligotrema, Bourne (Quart. J. Mier. Sct. xlvii. Pt. ii. 1903, p. 233), a Molgulid from the Loyalty Islands, has a reduced branchial sac and greatly developed pinnate, muscular branchial lobes, probably used in capturing food. CHAPTER IV CEPHALOCHORDATA INTRODUCTION—-GENERAL CHARACTERS—-ANATOMY OF AMPHIOXUS — EMBRYOLOGY AND _ LIFE-HISTORY——CLASSIFICATION OF CEPHALOCHORDATA——-SPECIES AND DISTRIBUTION THE CEPHALOCHORDATA comprise only a small group of little fish-like forms, the Lancelets, usually known as “ Amphi- oxus,” and referable to about a dozen species arranged in several closely allied genera under the single family Branchiosto- matidae. The best known form is Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Pallas), the common Amphioxus or Lancelet, which has been found in British seas, and even as far north as the coast of Norway, but is much more common in warmer waters, such as the Mediterranean, and is also found in the Indian Ocean. It is abundant in the Bay of Naples, and lives and breeds in great numbers in a salt lagoon, the “ Pantano,” near Messina, and from these localities most of the specimens have been obtained for the numerous recent researches upon its structure and development. Amphioxus was first discovered and described (1778) by Pallas, who regarded it as a Mollusc, and named it Limaz lanceolatus. It was first correctly diagnosed as a low Vertebrate, and named Branchiostoma, by Costa, in 1834. The term Amphioxus, under which it has become so well known, was applied to it a couple of years later by Yarrell. The anatomy was for the first time fully investigated by Johannes Miiller in 1841, and this important memoir has been supplemented in regard to special systems and histological details by numerous papers by many leading zoologists, such as those by Huxley in 1874, Langerhans in 1876, Lankester in 112 CHAP. IV AMPHIOXUS—-HISTORY 113 1875 and in 1889, Retzius in 1890, and Boveri and Hatschek, both in 1892. Important papers on special points have also been written by Rolph, Rohde, Benham, Andrews, Goodrich, and others. The development was first elucidated by Kowalevsky in 1867, at about the same time when he studied the development of the Ascidians, and later again in 1877. Further papers on the development and metamorphosis we owe to Hatschek in 1881, Lankester and Willey in 1890 and 1891, Wilson in 1898, and quite recently to MacBride. Dr. Willey’s book, dAmphiowus and the Ancestry of the Vertebrata (1894), contains a summary of investigations on structure and development, an interesting discussion of the relations of Amphioxus to the other Chordata, and a full bibliography. In addition to such original researches, Amphioxus is studied in more or less detail every year by countless senior and junior students in zoological laboratories and marine stations throughout the civilised world. The value of this primitive form as an object of biological education depends upon the fact that it shows the essential Vertebrate characters, and their mode of formation, in a very simple and instructive condition. Although no doubt somewhat modified, and possibly degenerate in some details of structure, in its general morphology it presents us with a persistent type probably not far removed from the ancestral line of early Chordata, There are no sufficient grounds for the view that Amphioxus is a very degenerate re- presentative of fish-like Vertebrata. General Characters.—The Cephalochordata (or Acrania, in contradistinction to the Craniata or Vertebrata) are marine, non-colonial Chordata, in which the notochord extends the entire length of the body, running forward into the snout beyond the nervous system. There is no skull, and the notochord ‘is not surrounded by any vertebral column. There are no limbs nor paired fins. There is no exoskeleton, and the ectoderm is a single layer of non-ciliated columnar cells. The mouth is ventral and anterior, the anus is ventral, posterior, and asymmetrically placed on the left side. The pharynx is a large branchial sac, having its sides perforated by many gill-slits, and is surrounded by an ectodermal enclosure, the atrium, which opens to the exterior by a median ventral atriopore. The stomach gives off a simple saccular pouch, the liver, which has VOL. VII I 114 CEPHALOCHORDATA CHAP. connected with it a simple hepatic portal blood system. There is a respiratory circulation, the contractile ventral vessel which represents the heart sending the colourless blood forward to the respiratory pharynx to be purified. The body-wall is segmented into over fifty myotomes. There are numerous separate nephridia which develop from the mesoderm and open into the atrium. The brain remains undeveloped, being scarcely distinct from the spinal cord. There are two pairs of cerebral nerves, and many spinal, in which the dorsal and ventral roots or nerves do not wnite. The sense-organs are simple; there are no paired eyes and no auditory organs. The sexes are separate; the gonads are metamerically arranged on the body-wall, and have no ducts: they burst into the atrium. In the development the segmenta- tion is complete, a gastrula is formed by invagination, the nervous system is formed from the dorsal epiblast, the noto- chord from the hypoblast, and the mesoderm arises from meta- meric coelomic pouches. The body-cavity is an enterocoele. The gill-slits are at first perforations of the body-wall opening from the pharynx to the exterior, which later become enclosed by the development of the atrium. ANATOMY. External Characters.—Amphioxus’ is about 15 to 24 inches in length, slender, somewhat translucent, and pointed at both ends (Fig. 69). It lives in shallow water and burrows in the sand, head first, with great rapidity. It frequently remains with the anterior end protruding from the sand. When on the surface it lies on one side. It is said to swim freely at night. The head end is rather the thicker, and the anterior two-thirds of the ventral surface are flattened (Fig. 70, A), and may be slightly ridged longitudinally. The lateral edges of this flat area project as metapleural folds (Fig. 70,, which begin anteriorly at the edges of the external mouth, and die away in the middle line posteriorly behind a median opening, the atriopore (Fig. 70, atry). From this point a ventral median fin (vent.f) extends backwards around the pointed posterior end 1 Although the correct systematic name of the commonest species is Branchio- stoma lanceolatum (Pallas), it is convenient in non-systematic usage to employ the term ‘‘ Amphioxus,” which is in general use in zoological laboratories. Iv EXTERNAL CHARACTERS T15 (caudal fin, ed.f), and then forwards along the upper surface (dorsal fin, dors.f) to the anterior end of the body. These fins Fic. 69.—Amphioxus (Branchiostoma lanceolatum) in the Pantano at Messina. (After Willey. ) thus constitute a continuous median fold around a great part of the animal (Fig. 70, B, and Fig. 71). B myom dorsfr 9 ETS - ’ myom Fic. 70.—Branchiostoma lanceolatum. A, ventral; B, side view of the entire animal. an, Anus ; atrp, atriopore ; cd,f, caudal fin ; evr, cirri; dors.f, dorsal fin ; dors,f.r, dorsal fin-rays ; gon, gonads; mtpl, metapleure ; myom, myomeres ; ach, noto- chord ; ord, oral hood: vent,f, ventral fin; ventfr, ventral fiu-rays. (After Kirkaldy.) The surface is soft all over, there being no exoskeleton. The epidermis or ectoderm is formed by a single layer of 116 CEPHALOCHORDATA CHAP, epithelial cells (see Fig. 72, p. 118), some of which bear sensory processes, while others have a striated cuticular border. There is no general ciliation of the surface in the adult. The true mouth is a small pore at the bottom of a large vestibule (the stomodaeum), placed at the anterior end of the enl.c vl ies dorsfr coel eyo ine / mph oy o eft COE neh . ~ = ofj br ATi | esp pou. / 1 7 A ; 5 ie re I wet i s Pepe = sk brel érel brsep1/ atr abr brsep.2 tn coel Fic, 71.—Diagram of the anatomy of Amphioxus. A, anterior; B, posterivr part. an, Anus ; atr, atrium ; atr’, its posterior prolongation ; atrp, atriopore ; br, brain ; é, branchial clefts ; br,f, brown funnel ; br.sep.1, primary, br.sep.2, secondary branchial lamella ; br.7.1, primary, br.r.2, secondary branchial rod ; cawd.f, caudal fin ; cent.c, central canal ; cir, cirri ; coed, coelom ; dors,f, dorsal fin ; dors.f.r, dorsal fin-ray ; en.coe, cerebral vesicle ; e.sp, eye-spot; gon, gonad: int, intestine; Ir, liver ; mth, mouth; myom, myotomes ; neh, notochord; nph, nephridia; olf.p, olfactory pit ; or,f.hd, oral hood; ph, pharynx ; sh, skeleton of oral hood and cirri (dotted) ;, spinal cord ; vent,f, ventral fin ; vent./.r, ventral fin-ray ; vl, velum ; vl.t, velar tentacles. (From Parker and Haswell.) ventral surface (Figs. 70 and 71), and formed by the “ oral hood,” which may be a prolongation forwards of the atrial or meta- pleural folds at each side. The edges of the oral hood bear 12 to 20 pairs of cirri (Fig. 70, cir) or ciliated tentacles (strengthened by skeletal rods), which form a sensory fringe around the open- ing. The anus (Figs. 70 and 71, an), is asymmetrical, being Iv STRUCTURE Li7 placed on the left side of the ventral fin, some distance behind the atriopore, and not far from the posterior end of the body. The short region behind the anus and surrounded by the caudal fin may properly be called “tail”” The current of water for respiratory and nutritive purposes, and which may carry the ova and spermatozoa to the exterior, usually passes in at the mouth and out at the atriopore, as in the Tunicata. On occasions, however, it is said to be reversed. General Structure—The general plan of organisation of the body (see Fig. 71) is that a longitudinal skeletal axis, the notochord (neh), separates a dorsal nervous system ( from a ventral reduced coelom (coe), in which lie the alimentary canal (int), the gonads (gon), and other organs. Thus a transverse section of the body (see Fig. 72) shows the typical Chordate arrangement of parts, and is comparable with a transverse section of a tadpole, a young fish, or a larval Ascidian. A peribranchial (atr) or atrial cavity (which is morphologically a part of the external world shut in) lies external to the coelom and _ body- wall around the pharynx and the greater part of the alimentary canal, and opens to the exterior by the atriopore. As in the Tunicata, the perforations (gill-slits) in the wall of the pharynx ( open into the atrial cavity and so indirectly to the exterior. Musculature.—The thick body-wall is largely formed by muscular tissue metamerically segmented into about 60 myotomes (Fig. 71, myom). These muscle-masses, which (as is usual in Vertebrata) are thickest dorsally at the sides of the notochord and spinal chord (Fig. 72, m), are so arranged as to present the appearance in a lateral view of the body of a series of shallow cones (<<) fitting into one another and with their apices directed forwards. The muscle fibres are striated, and run longi- tudinally along the body from the anterior to the posterior edge of each myotome, so as to be attached at their ends to the two septa of connective tissue which form the boundaries of the myotomes. These septa, the myocommas, are conspicuous features in the external appearance of the body (Fig. 70, B). They are not arranged so: as to be opposite one another on the ‘two sides, but the myotomes on the right and left sides alternate, as can be seen in a transverse section (Fig. 74, A, p. 121). It is by means of these lateral muscle-bundles that the rapid vibration 118 CEPHALOCHORDATA CHAP. or alternate bending of the body from side to side in swimming or burrowing can be performed. There are usually, on each side, Fic. 72.—Branchiostoma lanceolatum. Diagrammatic transverse section of the pharyn- geal region, passing on the right through a primary, on the left through a secondary branchial lamella. «ao, Dorsal aorta ; c, dermis ; ec, endostylar portion of coelom ; J, fascia, or investing layer of myotome ; fh, compartment containing fin-ray ; g, gonad ; gi, glomerulus ; &, branchial artery ; kd, pharynx ; 7d, combined atrial and coelomic wall (ligamentum denticulatum) ; m, myotome ; mt, transverse muscle ; n, nephridium ;, notochord ; of, metapleural lymph space; p, atrium; sc, coelom ; si, ventral aorta; sk, sheath of notochord and spinal cord ( ; wf, spaces in ventral wall, (From Korschelt and Heider, after Boveri and Hatschek.) 35 myotomes in front of the atriopore, 14 between the atriopore and the anus, and 11 postanal, making 60 in all: some species have only about 50 myotomes, and some as many as 85. (See Iv MUSCLES—-SKELETON II9Q Classification, p. 137, where a list of the species with the number of myotomes in each is given.) There are also transverse muscles (Fig. 72, mt) extending across the ventral surface in the region of the body enclosed by the metapleural folds, and serving to compress the atrial cavity, and so aid in the expulsion of its contents. Outside the muscular layer of the body-wall the thin in- tegument is formed of a dermal layer of soft connective tissue, covered by the epidermis, a single layer of columnar cells, many of which, especially on the oral cirri, have sensory bristles. Skeleton.—The endoskeleton consists of the notochord and some tracts of modified connective tissue which support various parts of the body. The notochord of this animal is noteworthy amongst Chordata for extending practically the entire length of the body, including the head, from snout to tip of tail (Fig. 71). It lies in the median plane, but nearer the dorsal than the ventral surface (Fig. 72), and has the myotomes at its sides, the nervous system above and the alimentary canal below. It is elliptical in section, and tapers to the two ends. The nuclei of the original notochordal cells are displaced to the dorsal and ventral edges, and the greater parts of the cells, in the adult, are occu- pied by large vacuoles filled with a fluid secretion, so as to form by their distended condition a stiff elastic struc- ture. This state of the cells, and the appearance it gives rise to (Fig. 73), seen best in young specimens, is very characteristic of notochordal tissue. Around the notochord lies a sheath of connective tissue which is continuous with the similar sheath around the nervous system and with the septa between the myotomes. In addition to these skeletal layers of connective tissue there is a cartilage-like tract in the oral hood. This is jointed, or made up of separate rod-like pieces, one at the base of each cirrus, into which it sends a prolongation (Fig. 71, sk). The dorsal and ventral fins are supported by single and double rows Fig. 73.—Median sagittal section of notochord of an Amphioxus of 32 mm. 120 CEPHALOCHORDATA CHAP. respectively of what have been called “ fin-rays.” They are short rods of gelatinous connective tissue, each enclosed in a lymph space. Finally, the bars constituting the walls of the pharynx between the gill-slits contain slender skeletal rods which run obliquely dorso-ventrally, and are of a stiff, gelatinous nature (see Fig. 75, p. 122). This skeletal connective tissue consists in all cases of a fibrous deposit or matrix produced by the layer of epithelium (ectodermal, endodermal, or mesodermal) which adjoins the tissue. Alimentary Canal.-—This has, as its most noteworthy feature, the Chordate characteristic that the pharynx gives rise to the respiratory organ (see Figs. 71 and 74, A); and in size and pro- minence, both in side view and in sections, the modified pharynx of Amphioxus is fairly comparable with the branchial sac (pharynx) of many Tunicata (see Fig. 23, p. 51), and might be called by the same name. The small primitive mouth, at the bottom of the cavity bounded by the oral hood (stomodaeum), has a membranous border, the velum (Fig. 71, vl), the edges of which are prolonged into a circle of 10 or 12 (up to 16 in some species) simple oral tentacles turned inwards towards the pharynx (compare tentacles of Ascidians, p. 45). The pharynx, by far the largest part of the alimentary canal, and extending nearly half-way along the body, is more important as a respiratory than as a nutritive organ. Its walls over nearly the whole extent are perforated by a large, and indefinite, number (100 or more on each side) of gill-slits which run on the whole dorso-ventrally, but in the contracted condition seen in preserved specimens have their lower ends directed obliquely backwards, so that a vertical transverse section may cut through a number of such slits and the intervening branchial bars (Fig. 74, A, kb). These bars, and therefore the slits between them, are of two orders, primary and secondary, the latter being devel- oped later in larval life as downgrowths or “ tongue-bars,” one from the top of each primary gill-slit, so as to divide it into two secondaries. The primary and the secondary (or tongue-) bars can be distinguished from one another by their structure in the adult animal (Fig. 75, A and B). It must be remembered that these branchial bars, or septa between the gill-slits, are not merely portions of the wall of the Iv PHARYNX AND GILL-CLEFTS 121 pharynx, but are in a sense portions of the body-wall as well, and correspond in nature, though not in number, to the visceral arches in a Vertebrate lying between the visceral clefts which open on the exterior. In the adult Amphioxus the clefts in the wall of the pharynx do not open directly to the exterior, but into the peribranchial cavity or atrium, which, however, is only formed at a late larval period as an invagination or enclosure Fic. 74.—Branchiostoma lanceolatum. A, transverse section of the pharyngeal region. a, Dorsal aorta; 0, atrium; c¢, notochord; co, coelom; e, endostyle; g, gonad (ovary); kd, branchial septa; Ad, pharynx: 2, liver; my, myotome; », neph- ridium ; 7, spinal cord; sn, sm, dorsal and ventral spinal nerves. B, Transverse section of the intestinal region. air, Atrium; coel, coelom;, dorsal aorta ; int, intestine ; myom, myotome: nch, notochord; neu, spinal cord;, sub- intestinal vein. (From Parker and Haswell’s Zoology. A, From Hertwig, after Lankester and Boveri; B, partly after Rolph.) of ectoderm. Previous to that the first formed gill-slits opened to the exterior in Amphioxus (see larva, Fig. 86, p. 134), just as they do in a fish or a young tadpole. The atrial cavity is there- fore, from its origin, lined by ectoderm, and the outer surface of a branchial bar is virtually a part of the outer surface of the. body. It is only natural then to find that each bar contains a small section of the coelom in its interior, communicating dorsally and ventrally with other parts of that cavity (see Figs. 75 and 76). There are also blood-vessels which run in the branchial bars and their junctions. The greater part of the epithelium covering a branchial bar is pharyngeal epithelium or endoderm 122 CEPHALOCHORDATA CHAP. (Fig. 75, brep), but the external, wider, non-ciliated cells (Fig. 75, wt.ep) ave ectodermal cells lining the atrium, The gelatinous skeletal rods in the primary bars are forked ventrally, while those in the secondary bars are simple ; and there are other points of de- tail in which the two kinds of bar differ. These bars are obviously yore numerous in the adult than the myotomes, but in the young larva the first formed gill-clefts are metamerically arranged, and then later they increase greatly in number. It is the cilia covering the pharyngeal — epithe- lium on the branchial bars, possibly aided by the ciliated tracts of the oral hood, which cause the cur- rent of water already alluded to. Transverse bran- chial junctions (syn- apticula) run across the branchial bars, connecting them at Fic. 75.—Transverse sections through primary (A) and frequent intervals, secondary (B) branchial bars of Amphioxus. «, ond these transverse Atrial epithelium; /.s, blood spaces or “vessels” ; . . br.ep, branchial epithelium ; coe/, coelomic cavity in CODNeXI1ONS, like the ea sk, skeletal rods. (From Willey, after branchial bars, are supported by skeletal rods. Along the ventral median line of the pharynx runs a groove, the endostyle or hypopharyngeal groove, comparable with the similar structure in the branchial sac of Tunicata. This longitudinal groove (Fig. 76, gl) is lined by ciliated epithe- lium containing four tracts of gland cells (compare endostyle in Ascidians, Fig. 20, p. 46). There is reason to believe that this organ is the homologue of the thyroid gland of Verte- brata. As in the case of Tunicata the endostyle secretes mucus, which is carried forwards by the cilia to constitute a train with entangled food particles which pass back dorsally to the stomach. At the anterior end the ciliated lips of the endostyle diverge to is SZ \ Iv ALIMENTARY CANAL—COELOM 123 the right and left to encircle the front of the pharynx as the peripharyngeal bands. These unite again dorsally to form the epipharyngeal (or hyperpharyngeal) groove which leads backwards, corresponding to the hypopharyngeal groove below (see Fig. 74, A), till the posterior end of the pharynx is reached. The remainder of the simple alimentary canal is straight, and is scarcely differentiated into regions. Smith Woodward, Brit. Mus. Cat. Foss. Fishes, iii. 1875, p. 7. XVIII CHONDROSTEI 489 Fam. 5. Chondrosteidae.—This family affords an interesting annectant link between the Palaeoniscidae and their degenerate living representatives the Polyodontidae and Acipenseridae. They agree with the latter in the general shape of the body, the growth of a preoral rostrum, and in the relatively small size of their ventrally-placed and probably protrusible mouth (Fig 287). The skin is entirely scaleless, except on the upper lobe of the caudal fin, where, as in Polyodon and Acipenser, the primitive rhombic squamation and a series of fulcra are retained. On the other hand, their relationship to the Palaeoniscidae is indicated by the general disposition of the dermal bones of Fic, 287.—Restoration of the skeleton of Chrondrosteus acipenseroides. a,f, Anal fin ; ch, cerato-hyal ; e, eye; h.a, haemal arches; hym, hyomandibular ; j, jugal ; na, neural arches; 2.c, notochord; .s, neural spines; pe.f, pectoral fin; p./, pelvic fin; s.0, suborbital; s.op, suboperculum ; other reference letters as in Fig. 284, (After Smith Woodward.) the cranial roof, and the presence of a transverse row of supra- temporals and of an extensive series of branchiostegal rays (Fig. 288). The family is represented by Chondrosteus’ from the Lower Lias of Dorset and Leicestershire, and Gyrosteus from the Upper Lias of Yorkshire. From an evolutionary point of view it is significant that the Chondrosteidae do not make their appearance until the Palaeoniscidae are approaching extinction. The two remaining families, the Polyodontidae and the Acipenseridae, agree in presenting a remarkable leaven of char- acters otherwise distinctive of the typical Elasmobranch, asso- ciated with certain primitive features which they have doubtless inherited from some remote ancestral stock common both to existing Elasmobranchs and to the other primary groups of 1 Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3) iv. 1887, p. 248; Smith Woodward, Brit. Mus. Cat. Foss. Fishes, iii. 1895, p. 23. 490 FISHES CHAP. Fishes, and also with others obviously due to degeneration. The most interesting illustration of the first point is to be found in the condition of the primitive upper jaw which, especially in the Polyodontidae, is typically Elasmobranch in the median union of the palato-quadrate bars beneath the basis cranii, but Teleostome in the presence of a secondary upper jaw formed by two maxillae. Both families also agree in possessing an acentrous vertebral column which, if it does so far resemble that of Teleo- stomes in being potentially arco-centrous, nevertheless has a better developed series of distinct inter-dorsal and inter-ventral cartilages, regularly alternating with only partially bony basi- Fia. 288.—Lateral view of a restored skull and pectoral girdle of Chondrosteus acipen- seroides. a, Angular ; br, branchiostegal rays; c.h, cerato-hyal ; h.m, hyomandi- bular ; j, jugal ; y.f, post-frontal ; s.op, suboperculum ; s.¢, supra-temporal ; other reference letters as in Fig. 284. (After Traquair.) dorsals and basi-ventrals, than is to be met with in any other adult Fishes except Elasmobranchs. Primitive features are apparent in the presence of spiracles, sometimes associated with pseudo- branchs; the presence in one family (Acipenseridae) of a hyoidean hemibranch supplied with blood directly from the ventral aorta, and the existence of a multi-valvular conus arteriosus and an intestinal spiral valve. Finally, the massive growth of the chondrocranium wholly devoid of cartilage bones, except in so far as they may be represented by splint-like membrane bones, the fragmentation of the investing dermal bones, the degeneration of the opercular skeleton and the loss of branchiostegal rays, and the almost complete disappearance of the primitive rhombic squamation, are probably to be regarded XVIII CHONDROSTEI 491 as the outcome of a long-continued career of degeneration from some remote Palaeoniscid ancestor. Fam. 6. Polyodontidae.— The Polyodontidae are more generalised, and in some features decidedly more Selachioid than the Acipenseridae. Body fusiform and apparently scaleless, but the primitive squamation is still represented by isolated vestigial scales imbedded in the otherwise soft skin, and by a continuous series of rhombic scales on the upper caudal lobe, which also has a dorsal fringe of large fulcra.' Rostrum excep- tionally long, spatulate or somewhat conical, with a rigid axis and thinner and more flexible margins. Barbels absent. Mouth wide, not spout-like. Pectoral fins devoid of spines. Two pairs of membrane-closed vacuities separate the paired dermal bones of the cranial roof (possibly parietals and frontals) from the more Fic. 289.—Polyodon folium. a, Anus; /, fulera; x, nostrils ; op, operculum ; sc, rhombic scales on the upper caudal lobe ; sp, left spiracle. laterally-placed post-temporals and squamosals, and there are no median plates posterior to the orbits, nor any representatives of supra-temporals. A feeble suboperculum is retained in addition to a small rayed operculum. Hyoidean hemibranch completely sup- pressed. Two genera only are known, each with a single species. The Paddle-Fish or Spoon-Bill, Polyodon foliwm (Fig. 289) inhabits the rivers of the Southern States of North America, the Mississippi, Ohio, and Missouri, and their numerous tributary rivers and streams. A Fish of sluggish habits, Polyodon feeds chiefly on mud and the minute organisms it contains, the excep- tionally long gill-rakers probably forming an efficient filter to prevent the food particles escaping through the gill-clefts with the expiratory water current. The singular rostrum is appar- ently used for stirring up the mud when feeding, but in view of the muddy waters the Fish frequents, and the very small size of 1 Jordan and Evermann, ‘‘ Fishes of North and Middle America,” Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 47, Pt. i. 1896, p. 101. 492 FISHES CHAP. the eyes, its value as a tactile organ must not be overlooked. Polyodon may attain a length of 5 to 6 feet. The time of spawning varies, according to locality, from March to June. Nothing is known of the development of Polyodon. Young less than 6 to 8 inches in length are unknown, and specimens of this size are very rarely seen. The jaws are furnished with minute teeth until the Fish is about half-grown, when they become edentalous. Caviare is made from the eggs, and the centres at which this industry is carried on are chiefly situated along the course of the Mississippi. The second species, Psephurus gladius, inhabits the Yang-tse-Kiang and Hoangho rivers of China, and differs from Polyodon in the conical shape of its rostrum and the smaller number and larger size of its fulera. Psephurus is stated to reach a length of 20 feet. The family is represented in the Eocene of Wyoming by the genus Crossopholis, which is note- worthy for the retention of trunk scales in the form of small, somewhat quadrate denticulated discs, arranged in oblique rows. Fam. 7. Acipenseridae.—In the Sturgeon family the body is elongate, cylindrical, and somewhat bulky. Rostrum well developed and often massive, with a transverse row of simple or branched preoral barbels on its ventral surface. Mouth small and remarkably protrusible. Jaws devoid of teeth except in the larvae. As in the preceding family, the primitive rhombic squamation is confined to the upper lobe of the tail, which, like the dorsal and anal fins, is furnished with fulcra. Elsewhere the scales are represented by five longitudinal rows of large bony scutes and by intervening small scattered ossifications. The anterior dermal ray of the pectoral fin is stout and spine-like. The dermal bones of the cranial roof suturally articulate with one another to form a continuous shield, uninterrupted by lateral vacuities. A median dermal bone in the occipital region transmits the occipital sensory canal. The opercular series is represented only by an opercular bone. The family includes but two genera, Acipenser (Fig. 290) and Scaphirhynchus, and about twenty species, confined to the seas, estuaries, and rivers of the temperate and north temperate regions of the northern hemisphere. Acipenser includes the more typical Sturgeons, and is distinguished by the presence of spiracles, and by the fact that the longitudinal rows of scutes remain distinct to the base of the caudal fin. There are probably about fifteen XVIII CHONDROSTEI 493 species, but the exact number is uncertain. Sturgeons are abuudant in the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov, the Caspian, and their tribu- tary rivers, notably the Danube, Don, Dnieper, Ural, and Volga. They are also present in the rivers and on the coasts of Northern Europe and of China. Five species occur in North America, on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, and in the rivers of these regions as well as in the Great Lakes." One or two species are almost exclusively fresh-water, but most Sturgeons are migratory Fishes, living in the sea, but ascending rivers for spawning. Their food consists of worms, molluscs, the smaller Fishes and aquatic plants; and in feeding the mouth is protruded downwards in the form of a cylindrical, spout-like structure and thrust into the mud. The only species certainly known to frequent the British Fic. 290.—The Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus). 0, Barbels; ¢,f, caudal fin; d.f, dorsal fin ; pet.f, pectoral fin ; pv.f, pelvic fin ; sc, scutes ; v.f, ventral or anal fin. (From Parker and Haswell, after Cuvier.) coasts is the common Sturgeon (A. stwrto), which is also found in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, and is abundant on the Atlantic coast of North America from Maine to South Carolina. The species occurs all round our coasts, more plentifully, perhaps, on the northern and eastern shores. In the spring and summer the Fish ascends the rivers, often to a considerable distance. Its presence has been recorded in the Severn, near Shrewsbury; in the Trent at Nottingham, and also, but not in recent years, in the Thames above London Bridge.” In this country the species is a “Royal Fish,” and by an unrepealed Act of Edward II. it is enacted that “the King shall have the wreck of the sea through- out the realm, Whales and Great Sturgeons, except in certain places privileged by the King.”* If not so large as some of its Russian relatives, 4. sturio often attains a great size. Even on 1 Jordan and Evermann, op. cit. p. 102. 2 Day, Fishes of Great Britain and Ireland, ii. 1880-84, p. 282. 3 Id., op. cit. p. 279. 494 FISHES CHAP. our own coasts the capture of individuals 8 to 10 feet in length has been recorded. The great Russian Sturgeon (4. huso), which is common in the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov and the Caspian, and in the rivers flowing into them, is the largest of all the Sturgeons, individuals weighing 2760 and 3200 pounds having been captured. The Sterlet (4. ruthenus), similarly distributed and often ascending the Danube to Vienna, is much smaller, rarely exceeding a length of three feet. In Europe 4. sturio spawns about July, but in North America (Delaware river) during May. Small in size, the eggs are produced in enormous numbers, a single female, it is said, producing about 3,000,000 in one season. They are invested by a gelatinous sheath, so that they readily stick to one another pt Fic, 291.—Larval .Acipenser ruthenus. a, Anus; 0b, barbels; e, eye; g, gills; m, mouth, with teeth ; ol.o, olfactory organ ; op, operculum 3 ptf, pectoral fin; sp, spiracle. x10. (From Kitchen Parker.) or to other objects, and, when deposited, they adhere in streaks or sheet-like masses to the bed of the river. The young are hatched very early, about the third or fourth day in A. sturio, and in the Sterlet between the ninth and twelfth, the length of the larva then varying from 7 to 10 mm. When they are a few days old the larvae closely resemble those of existing Holostei except that the small opercular folds leave the gills freely ex- posed (Fig. 291). A shallow pigmented groove in front of the mouth apparently represents the sucker of the young Amia and Lepidosteus. Although toothless in the adult, both the Sturgeon and Sterlet possess vestigial rudimentary, uncalcified, larval teeth, which in shape resemble the teeth of a Dog-Fish, consisting of a broad base and a sharp spine. The Sturgeon is a Fish of considerable economic importance. The flesh is an article of food, and from the ovaries of certain Russian and American species thousands of hundredweights of XVIII HOLOSTEI 495 caviare are prepared annually. Large quantities of isinglass are obtained from the air-bladders, in the United States and in Russia. The organ is split open and washed; the inner lining is then stripped off and the bladder dried as rough isinglass. . The second genus, Scaphirhynchus, which includes the Shovel-nosed Sturgeons, differs from Acipenser in the long, flattened, and almost spatulate shape of the rostrum, the sup- pression of the spiracles, and the union of the longitudinal rows of scutes beneath the dorsal fin to form a scaly armature com- pletely investing the tail. The distribution of the genus affords an interesting parallel to that of the Polyodontidae. Of the four species, one (S. platyrhynchus) is common in the Mississippi valley and in the rivers of the Western and Southern States of North America, while the remaining species, also exclusively fresh-water, frequent the rivers of Tartary. The Acipenseride are not known to occur earlier than the Tertiary. Scutes, pectoral spines and fragmentary bones, indis- tinguishable from the corresponding parts of existing species, have been recorded from the London Clay of the Isle of Sheppey (Lower Eocene), and from later Eocene deposits in the Isle of Wight and Hampshire; and also from the Plocene of England (Red Crag of Suffolk) and Virginia. Order III. Holostei (Lepidosteoidei). The Holostei include a large and somewhat heterogeneous assemblage of Fishes, most of which are now extinct. As a group they are by no means easy to define or delimit. Widely separated from the Chondrostei, there is little evidence of the existence of connecting links between the two groups, although in some respects the Catopteridae may be regarded as transi- tional. On the other side, however, the Holostei shade off almost imperceptibly into the Malacopterygian Teleostei. In different fossil and recent Holostei there may be traced the gradual acquisition of the more special Teleostean characters and the elimination of the more archaic features of their remote Teleostome ancestors; and in a general sense this may be taken as the key to the more salient attributes of the group. It is not suggested that all the families of Holostei are on the direct lines of Teleostean descent. Some families, like the Eugnathidae and 496 FISHES CHAP. Amiidae, may possibly occupy this position, but others, such as the Pycnodonts, for example, seem to be highly specialised and terminal offshoots which have left no descendants. Of the more generalised features which different Holostei retain, mention may be made of the prevalence of rhombic scales which, like the dermal cranial bones, are generally invested by a variously ornamented coat of ganoin; the presence of fulcra, cheek-plates, post- or sub-orbital ossicles, and of a cornplex lower jaw, which includes dentigerous splenials; and the abdominal position of the pelvic fins. On the other hand, indication of advancing specialisation in the Teleostean direction are to be noted in the numerical agreement between the dermal fin-rays of the median fins and their supporting radialia, and in the character of the vertebral column. Some Holostei, especially the earlier forms, are acentrous, but between this primitive condition and the possession of well-ossified centra, associated with equally bony arcualia, almost every gradation is to be found. The chondro- cranium is more or less completely replaced by cartilage bones corresponding to those generally present in Teleosts, while the palato-pterygoid cartilages, likewise modified by the growth of cartilage bones, separately articulate with the lateral ethmoid regions instead of meeting in a ventral symphysis beneath the basis cranii. With rare exceptions (eg. certain Pycnodonts) the opercular skeleton is complete, and includes branchiostegal rays ; and although a single gular plate is often present, it may be absent in entire families. Like so many other structures, the tail is in a transitional state: really heterocercal, but incipiently homo- cercal, it may be described as semi-heterocercal. Infra-clavicular plates no longer form part of the secondary pectoral girdle, their place being taken by cleithra which, as in most Teleosts, meet in a ventral symphysis. Indications of transition are not wanting in the squamation in certain families, and may be seen in the partial or complete replacement of the rhombic type by thin, imbricated, cycloid scales. Lastly, the soft parts of the two surviving genera are not without features of similar significance. A multivalvular conus arteriosus, it is true, is still retained, but the spiral valve is vestigial, the spiracles are closed, and in the female of one genus (Lepidosteus) the gonoducts are peritoneal tubes, continuous, as in most Teleosts, with the investments of the ovaries. XVII HOLOSTEI 497 The Fishes here included in the Holostei constitute the Protospondyli and Aetheospondyli of Smith Woodward.’ In the former group vertebral centra are either entirely absent, or, if present, their components in the form of alternating hypo- and pleuro-centra invariably remain distinct in the tail. The latter group has been instituted for the provisional reception of two highly specialised families of uncertain relationships, which differ from the Protospondyli in their higher grade of vertebral structure, the centra always being complete without any indica- tion of distinct hypo- and pleuro-centyra. The Holostei first appear in the Permian, where they are represented by a single genus (Acentrophorus). During the Mesozoic period they were abundant in the Trias, reaching their maximum development and becoming the dominant Fishes of the period in the Jurassic. In the Cretaceous they began to decline, and in the Tertiaries became reduced to the two families which at the present day are the sole survivors of the group. Of the six families of Protospondyli the Semionotidae are the oldest and most generalised, and the Macrosemiidae a closely allied group. The Pycnodontidae are a highly specialised and terminal offshoot. The Eugnathidae obviously lead to the Amiidae, and from the same stock it is probable that the Pachy- cormidae have been derived. The relations of the Aspidorhyn- chidae and Lepidosteidae (Aetheospondyli) are extremely doubtful. That the two families are allied seems probable, but beyond the possibility of a remote connection with the Protospondyli there is no clue to their ancestry. Fic. 292,—Restoration of Lepidotus minor. Upper Jurassic, Dorset. x 4. (After Smith Woodward.) Fam. 1. Semionotidae—Small-mouthed, fusiform or deep- 1 Brit. Mus. Cut. Foss. Fishes, iii. pp. 48, 415. VOL. VII 2k 498 FISHES CHAP. bodied Holosteans with rhombic scales, rarely, as in Aetheolepis, cycloid in the caudal region. All the fins possess fulcra. Teeth more or less conical, with a tendency to become tritoral in certain genera. Jugular plate present or absent. Acentrophorus (Upper Permian); Semionotus (Trias of England, Germany, 8. Africa, and N. America); Zepidotus (Fig. 292) (Tnas of Germany, Jurassic of Europe and India, Cretaceous of Brazil); the deep- bodied Dapedius (Lias of Dorset, Fig. 293), and Giinther, Phil. Trans. 161, 1871, p. 511. 3 Semon, Zool. Forsch. im Australien, i. Jona, 1893, p. 13 et seq. DIPNEUSTI 509 XIX SB ov salvos oT} wamoods ysaig e UT padeys tod uaesaprday ( / BIqurey) 194sayWe'y wWosy ‘, 0 pur g { penl]zno us ayy Jo svere Inq ser ‘suapvouun sn1ajpdojo. 'd ‘@ 5 puvjsusend S FyyUNY wow Wy) B08 Jusseidar you op Lapssos’ snpojn.a90a sy ‘9 Ul se arqistaut Pp 2 Traquair, Monogr. Palacont. Soc. 1894. XX ANTIARCHI 533 portion and a much larger hinder part investing the greater part of the trunk, both of which are strongly arched above and flattened ventrally, with a movable articulation between the two. The cephalic shield is formed by numerous symmetrically-dis- posed tuberculated plates, suturally connected with one another, and, like the other exoskeletal structures, containing bone ere" AO RRO SCONE HUNT SG xe Fic. 322.—Restored outline of Pterichthys milleri. The upper figure represents a dorsal view, and the lower a lateral view. The dotted lines indicate the course of the lateral line system. a.d./, Antero-dorso-lateral; ag, angular; a.m.d, anterior median dorsal ; a.v.2, anterior ventro-lateral ; ¢./, extra-lateral or operculum ; bs lateral ; Z.occ, lateral occipital ; m, median or interorbital plate ; m.oce, median occipital ; 0, orbit ; p.d.2, posterior dorso-lateral ; p.m, pre-median ; p.m.d, posterior median dorsal ; ptm, post-median ; p.v.l, posterior ventro-lateral. ——, Plates investing the limbs: c¢, central; d.a, dorsal anconeal ;, dorsal articular ; ¢.m, external marginal ; i.m, internal marginal; m.m, marginals; ¢, terminal. (From Traquair.) lacunae (Fig. 322). The orbits are close together, near the middle of the dorsal surface, and between them there is a small median interorbital plate, with a deep pit on its inner surface, possibly for a parietal organ. A small lateral plate (¢./.), evidently free behind, suggests the presence of an operculum. Nothing is certainly known about the jaws or the nostrils. The mouth is situated just behind the anterior margin of the cephalic shield on the ventral surface, and in front of it there are two plates, 1 Traquair, Ann. Nat. Hist. (6), ii. 1888, p. 485. 534 FISHES CHAP. which in Bothriolepis canadensis have their oral margins fringed by small “denticles”; it is possible that these plates represent the components of a secondary upper jaw. The dorsal armature of the trunk is shown in Fig. 322. Ventrally it is completed by a pair of anterior ventro-lateral plates and a pair of posterior ventro-lateral plates with a small median plate between the two pairs. Articulating with the anterior ventro- lateral plates by means of a complex hinge joint there is a pair of pectoral appendages of a kind entirely without parallel in any other vertebrated animals. Each appendage is completely encased by numerous suturally connected plates, and about the middle of its length there is a second movable joint. The appendages are hollow, and their cavities probably contained the muscles by which the limbs were moved, and the blood-vessels and nerves for their nutrition and innervation. A lateral line system of the normal type is present in Plerichthys, consisting of a lateral groove along the side of the trunk, and of supra-orbital and infra-orbital grooves, and post-temporal and infra-orbital commissures, on the head. The free portion of the body and the tail are invested by imbricated and finely tuberculated scales, which form fulcra in front of and behind the small dorsal fin. There are no pelvic fins. The caudal fin is heterocercal. Fam. 1. Asterolepidae.—The best known genera are Pterich- thys from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of Scotland and the Devonian of Eifel, and Sothriolepis, a more widely distributed genus which occurs in the Upper Old Red of Scotland and Shropshire, and in the Upper Devonian of Russia and Canada. Two other genera, Asterolepis and Microbrachius, are also found in the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland.’ Beyond an uncertain and shadowy relationship to the Ostraco- dermi, and perhaps some points of resemblance to the Arthrodira, the Antiarchi stand alone among Craniates. Nothing is known of their origin; no intermediate forms link them to any other groups, and the high specialisation they have attained is sufficient to negative any idea that they can “be credited with any share in the evolution of the Fishes of more recent periods.” 1 Traquair, Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb. xi. 1891-92, p. 283. be ARTHRODIRA 535 IV. Arthrodira. This group has been instituted for the reception of a number of remarkable armoured Fishes of uncertain relationships which flourished in Europe during the Devonian and Old Red Sand- stone periods, and in North America from the Devonian to the Lower Carboniferous. The head (e.g. in Coccosteus)' is invested dorsally by a series of median and lateral symmetrically-disposed tuberculated plates (Fig. 323). Two of the lateral plates are notched for the orbits, and between them there is an interorbital plate Fia. 323.—Restoration of Coccosteus decipiens. Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. x1. A, Articulation of the cephalic and trunk shields; DB and DR, radials of the dorsal fin; H, haemal arches and spines; J/C, sensory canals ; NV, neural arches and spines ; W’7, notochord; U, median plate; VB, basipterygium ; VR, radialia of the pelvic fin, (From Parker and Haswell, after Bashford Dean and Smith Woodward. ) which either has a pit on its inner surface or is perforated by an open funnel, as in Dinichthys, possibly for a parietal or a pineal organ. Some of the bones present some analogy, to say the least, to certain of the dermal bones of a typical Teleostome, apparently representing such elements as paired parietals and frontals, a dermal mesethmoid, and toothless premaxillae and maxillae (Fig. 324, A). As in the Antiarchi, the anterior portion of the trunk is also armoured, above by a dorsal shield, formed by median and lateral plates, and below by a similarly constructed ventral shield (Fig. 324, B). A huge joint connects the head and trunk shields: hence the term Arthrodira or “ joint-neck.” The rest of the body is naked. Pectoral fins are unknown, but pelvic fins, each supported by astout basal plate or basipterygium, and with traces of radials, are present. There is a small dorsal fin. Little is known of the primary cranium, but in the trunk and tail it is evident 1 Traquair, Ann. Nat. Hist. (6), v. 1890, p. 125. 536 FISHES CHAP. that there are well-developed and partially calcified neural and haemal arches associated with a persistent notochord. It is possible that the skull is autostylic. Gull-arches are not known. A pair of plates (Fig. 324, A, 7) at the postero-lateral angles of the cephalic shield may perhaps be opercula. The teeth are conical, Those in the upper jaw are supported by two pairs of plates, probably vomers and palatines. In the lower jaw there are two series of teeth, one in front near the symphysis, and the other behind, sup- ported by a single bone in each ramus. There is a well-developed lateral line system, indicated by sur- face markings on the head and trunk shields. rele oUt’ (aye sa Satal us Fam, 1. Coccosteidae ventral part of the trunk armour (B). «.d./, —_Q(oeeosteus occurs in the Anterior dorso-lateral ; «@./, antero - lateral ; ¥ 2 Rae d amv, anterior median ventral; «.v.l, anterior Devonian o urope an ventro-lateral ; c, central; e.o, external occi- North America, and in- pital ; 2.2, internal lateral ; 7, jugal ; », marginal ; : . m.d@, median dorsal; m.e, dermal mesethmoid ; cludes species of relatively m.o, median occipital ; m.v, median ventral ; ma, small size, not exceeding maxilla ; 2, nasal aperture ; 0, orbit ; p, pineal apa 5 plate ; p.d.l, posterior dorso-lateral ; p.m, pre- half a metre in length. C. maxilla ; p.o, preorbital ; pt.o, post-orbital ; Eat : pwl, posterior ventro-lateral. (From Traquair.) decipiens, the best known species, is a characteristic fossil in the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland. Phiyctaenaspis? is found in the Lower Devonian of Canada, England, and Poland. A larger Arthrodiran, with slender toothless jaws, Homosteus, is met with in the Lower Old Red Sandstone of the North of Scotland, and in the Devonian of Germany and Russia. The Old World Arthrodira must yield, however, to those of the New World for variety in size and shape, and in the character of their dentition? 1 Traquair, Geol. Mag. (3), vii. 1890, p. 55; Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb. x. p. 227. 2 Id. Geol. Mag. (3), vi. 1889, pl. ® Newberry, The Palaeozoic Fishes of North America, Mon. U.S. Geol. Survey, xvi. 1889; Bashford Dean, Fishes, Living and Fossil, New York, 1895, p. 129 et seq. ; New York Acad, Sci, Mem. ii. 1901, p. 87; Eastman, Amer. Journ. Sei. (4), li. 1896, p. 46; Amer. Geol. xviii. 1896, p. 222; Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. xxxi. 1897, p. 19. xx ARTHRODIRA 537 Some of the North American genera (e.g. Dinichthys) probably attained a length of ten feet, or even, as in Zitanichthys, a much greater size. Some are fusiform in shape, but A/ylostoma is flattened and Ray-like, and, judging from the dentition, their food and habits must have been equally varied. Jfylostoma has tritoral plates not unlike those of Neoceratodus or Chimaera. In others the teeth are single, and conical or pointed; in Titanichthys the front teeth in both jaws are beak-shaped structures. It is highly probable that Titanichthys, Mylostoma, and perhaps other genera, are types of distinct families. The Arthrodira have been regarded as armoured Dipneusti, a view which is mainly based on their supposed autostylism and the nature of the dentition. But this autostylism has yet to be verified, and, if proved, the possibility that it may be a secondary feature, associated with the evolution of a peculiar dentition, must not be forgotten. Much more may be said for their claim to be regarded as a highly specialised race of primitive Teleostomi. Besides a well-developed lower jaw, bones compar- able to the elements of a secondary upper jaw are known, and in a general way the disposition of the cranial roofing bones, and the arrangement of the endoskeletal elements of the pelvic fins, tend to conform to the normal Teleostome type. In fact, Dr. Traquair has expressed the opinion that the Arthrodira are Teleostomi and Actinopterygii. 1 Rept. Brit. Assoc. 1900, p. 779. TELEOSTETI (SYSTEMATIC PART) BY G. A. BOULENGER, F.R.S., V.P.Z.5. Of the British Museum (Natural History) CHAPTER XXI TELEOSTEI : GENERAL CHARACTERS—MALACOPTERYGII— OSTARIOPHYSI Order IV. Teleostei.' As stated above (p. 495), the Holostean Ganoids pass very gradually into the Teleosteans, the lower groups of which appear to have been directly derived from them. The precise defini- tion of the Order Teleostei, as compared with the Ganoid Order Holostei, is a matter of some difficulty. The most important character appears to be the presence of an ossified supraoccipital bone.” Remnants of primitive characters, such as ganoid scales, fulera, rudiments of a splenial bone, spiral valve to the intes- tine, multivalvular conus arteriosus, are still found in some lower Teleosteans, but no longer in that combination which serves to define the preceding order. Although Albula is excep- tional among all Teleosteans in having two transverse series of valves to the bulbus arteriosus instead of one, no Ganoid has fewer than three. The first remains of Teleosteans appear scantily in the Upper Trias, and it is not before we reach the Upper Cretaceous that they assume preponderance over other Teleostomes; whilst in the Upper Eocene they have already attained a development and variety of types comparable to their present condition. Out of some 12,000 well-established species of Fishes known to exist at 1 The natural position of the Teleostei in the series of Fishes is indicated on p. 149, ® This exists in Dapedius, as pointed out by A. S. Woodward. But this genus should certainly be removed from the vicinity of Lepidotus, and it seems to bear affinity with the Pholidophoridae. 541 542 TELEOSTEI CHAP. the present day, about 11,500 belong to this order. The classi- fication of such an array of forms is, of course, a matter of great difficulty, and gives scope for much difference of opinion among those who have attempted to grapple with the subject. It is now recognised that the study of the skeleton affords the safest guide to a natural arrangement of the families and higher divisions. Much has been done in this line by Cope, Gill, Sagemehl, A. S. Woodward, and Jordan and his pupils; but the osteology of many important types still remains unknown. For some years a large number of skeletons have been prepared in the British Museum with the object of settling open questions, and this material has enabled me to draw up a scheme of classi- fication which, whatever its defects, and however provisional, I feel sure is on the whole an improvement on those hitherto proposed, and especially on that generally in use in this country. The latter was, toa great extent, based on physiological principles ; the present aims at being phylogenetic. In its preparation I have derived great benefit from the labours of the authors quoted above, but have endeavoured in every instance to verify their statements on a larger osteological material than appears to have been available to them. I have also had the advantage of the criticism, on many points, of my young colleague, Mr. C. Tate Regan, who has himself endeavoured to settle some important questions of classification.’ The Order Teleostei is divided into thirteen sub-orders, the probable relations of which are expressed in the following diagram :— 11. Opisthomi. 13. Plectognathi. 12. Pediculati. s | | 9. Anacanthini. 10. Acanthopterygii. 8. Percesoces. | . 2 a 7. Catosteomi. 5. Haplomi. 6. Heteromi. a 9 f4. Apodes. a | (3. Symbranchii. 1. Malacopterygii- 2. Ostariophysi. ues J Ganoidei Holostei. ? A synopsis of the classification followed in this work has been published in the Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7), xiii. 1904, p. 161. Some corrections have been introduced, chiefly due to the investigations of Dr. W. G. Ridewood. XXI MALACOPTERYGII gas In the classification of Giinther, which has been generally in use in this country for the last thirty years, the Teleosts were divided into six principal groups, of ordinal rank: I. Acantho- pterygii ; II. Acanthopterygii Pharyngognathi; III. Anacanthini ; IV. Physostomi ; V. Lophobranchii; VI. Plectognathi. Group I. corresponds to Sub-Order 6 (part), 7 (part), 8 (part), 10 (part) 11 and 12 of the present work; Group II. to Sub-Order 10 (part); Group III. to Sub-Order 9 and 10 (part); Group IV. to Sub- Order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (part), and 8 (part); Group V. to Sub- Order 7 (part); and Group VI. to Sub-Order 13. Sub-Order 1. Malacopterygii. Air-bladder, if present, communicating with the digestive tract by a duct. Opercle well developed. Pectoral arch suspended from the skull ; mesocoracoid arch present.’ Fins without spines, the ventrals abdominal, if present. Anterior vertebrae distinct, without Weberian ossicles. This sub-order, which corresponds to the Isospondyli and Scyphophori of Cope and to a part of the Isospondyli of A. 8. Woodward, embraces the most generalised of the Teleosts, and is intimately connected with the Ganoids by the fossil forms which are placed at the base of the series of families. The physosto- mous condition of the air-bladder, the connexion of the pectoral arch with the skull, the presence of the mesocoracoid arch, the backward position of the many-rayed ventral fins, the normal condition of the anterior vertebrae, the absence of true spines to the fins, and the separation of the supraoccipital bone from the frontals by the parietals, are primitive characters which among the Teleosts occur combined in some families of this sub-order only. The mesocoracoid arch is retained by the Ostariophysi, which differ in the remarkably modified condition of the anterior vertebrae, but it disappears in all other Teleosts, which gradually acquire a more forward position of the ventral fins and a reduc- tion in the number of their rays, develop spines in the vertical fins, and lose the communication of the air-bladder with the outside. The Malacopterygii may be divided into twenty-one families, the characters of which are contrasted in the following synopsis : 1 See p. 553, Fig. 333, B. 544 TELEOSTEI CHAP. I. Fins fringed with fulcra, or scales coated with ganoin ; notochord usually continuous through the vertebrae. Vertebral centra not more than rings; fins with fulera; scales rhombic, united by peg-and-socket joints ‘ . 1. Pholidophoridae. F Vertebral centra not more than rings; fins with fulera ; scales cycloid 2. Archacomaenidae. T Vertebral centra complete or with minute perforation ; fins with fulera ; scales cycloid . F : : 3. Oligopleuridae, F Vertebral centra nearly complete, but ‘with perforation ; no fulera; scales cycloid 3 . 4 Leptolepididae, t Il. Fins without flora: scales without ganoin ; vertebral centra com- plete. A. Supraoccipital separated from the frontals by: the parietals or upper surface of skull; no adipose fin. 1. Ventral fins with 10 to 16 rays. An intergular bone; parasphenoid narrow . 5. Elopidae. No intergular bone; parasphenoid very broad . 6. Albulidae. 2. Ventrals with not more than 7 rays. a, Supratemporal very large, plate-like. Praemaxillary single, its posterior extremity free from the maxillary ; sym- plectic absent ; basis cranii simple . ; 7. Mormyridae. Praemaxillary paired, its posterior extremity firmly attached to the maxil- lary ; symplectic present ; basis cranii double . 8. Hyodontidae. b. Supratemporal small ; maxillary firmly attached to posterior extremity of praemaxillary. Praemaxillary paired ; a large hole on each side of the skull, between the post-frontal and the setae ; basis cranii double ; suboperculum absent ; ribs sessile : . 9. Notopteridae. Praemaxillary paired ; baat eranii simaple ; ; suboperculum reduced ; ribs inserted on parapophyses ‘ 3 . 10. Osteoglossidae. Praemaxillary single ; basis cranii simple ; ; suboperculum and interopereulum absent ; ribs inserted on parapophyses . . Ll. Pantodontidae. c, Supratemporal small; maxillary movable ; ribs sessile; ventral fins below the pectorals 12. Ctenothrissidae. f B. Supraoccipital separating parietals, or adipose fin present. 1. Interoperculum enormous ; symplectic absent ; basis crawii simple 13. Phractolaemidae. 2, Interoperculum normal; symplectic present ; basis cranii double. a. Teeth in sockets; maxillary firmly attached to praemavxillary. Symplectic exposed. é . 14. Saurodontidae. T b. Teeth not in sockets, Symplectic concealed between the quadrate and the hyomandibular 15. Chirocentridae. Postclavicle on outer side of clavicle ; no adipose fin 16. Clupeidae. Postclavicle on inner side of clavicle ; an adipose dorsal fin 17. Salmonidae. Postclavicle absent ; no adipose fin . 18. Alepocephalidae. t This sign indicates that the group is represented by fossil forms only. ei MALACOPTERYGII 545 3. Interoperculum normal ; basis cranii simple. Maxillary large, toothed ; praecaudal vertebrae without well-marked parapo- physes ; scales eycloid or absent ; adipose dorsal fin present or absent 19. Stomiatidae. Mouth small, toothless ; vertebrae with strong parapophyses ; head and body covered with spiny scales , : 20. Conorhynchidae, Mouth small, toothless; no eymplectic ; head and body naked 21. Cromervidae. Fam. 1. Pholidophoridae.—Margin of the upper jaw formed by the praemaxillaries and the maxillaries, the latter large and loosely attached; teeth small and conical. Parietal bones separ- ating the supraoccipital from the frontals ; opercular bones well developed. Vertebral centra never advanced beyond the annular stage ; ribs delicate; no fused or expanded haemal arches at the base of the tail; no epipleurals or epineurals. Fin-fulcra present, but usually small; dorsal and anal fins small, the former above or behind the ventral fins, which are small or may be absent. Scales ganoid, rhombic, those on the flanks united by peg-and-socket joints. This family, which appears to me to be related to the Dapediidae, is provisionally placed here by A. 5S. Woodward on account of its resemblance to the Leptolepididae, but it is not yet quite clear that the mandible was destitute of splenial and coronoid elements, while the bones at the base of the pectoral fin have not hitherto been observed. The principal genera are Pholidophorus, ranging from the Upper Trias to the Purbeck; Yhoracopterus, from the Upper Trias; and Plewropholis, from the Upper Jurassic. The species of Pholidophorus are very numerous in the Jurassic period, and Woodward has observed that the scales of the later species are more elaborately ornamented than those of earlier date. Fam. 2. Archaeomaenidae.—Distinguished from the pre- ceding by the thin, cycloid scales. Conspicuous obtuse ridge- scales are present along the dorsal and ventral lines. Archaeomenes, from the Jurassic (?) of New South Wales. Fam. 3. Oligopleuridae.—Characters as in Pholidophoridae, but scales cycloid and vertebrae completely or nearly completely ossified. Oligopleurus, from the Jurassic of England and France ; Oeno- scopus, from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of France, Germany, and Italy; and Spathiurus, from the Cretaceous of Mount Lebanon and Dalmatia. VOL. VII 2N 546 TELEOSTEI CHAP. Fam. 4. Leptolepididae.—Praemaxillaries very small; maxil- laries large, loosely attached; teeth small and conical. Parietal bones separating the supraoccipital from the frontals; opercular bones well developed. Vertebral centra well ossified, but always pierced by the notochord; ribs delicate; epipleurals present ; no fused or expanded haemal arches at the base of the caudal fin. Dorsal and anal fins small, the former above or behind the ventrals. Ventrals with 5 to 10 rays. Scales thin, cycloid and deeply imbricate, usually coated with ganoin in their exposed portion. Fic, 325.—Leptolepis dubius. (Restoration of skeleton by A. S. Woodward. ) Leptolepis, with numerous species, from the Jurassic and Cre- taceous of Europe and New South Wales; Vidalia, Jurassic of France; Aethalion, Jurassic of Bavaria; Vhrissops, Jurassic and Cretaceous of Europe; and Lycoptera, Jurassic of Asia. Fam. 5. Elopidae.—Margin of the upper jaw formed by the praemaxillaries and the maxillaries, the latter the more developed, and movably articulated above the former to the ethmoid. Parietal bones in contact behind the frontals; opereular bones well developed. Basis cranii double. A bony intergular or sublingual plate. Jaws, palatines, pterygoids, vomer, para- sphenoid, glossohyal, and pharyngeals toothed. Ribs mostly sessile, inserted very low down, behind parapophyses ; epineurals similar to the ribs, but directed upwards. Pectorals low down, folding like the ventrals. Post-temporal forked, the upper branch attached to the epiotic, the lower to the opisthotic; post-clavicle small; scapular foramen in the scapula; pterygials well developed, three in contact with coracoid. Ventrals with 10 to 16 rays. Branchiostegal rays very numerous (over 20). Air-bladder large. XXI MALACOPTERYGII 547 This family is abundantly represented in Cretaceous times by the genera Osmeroides and Elopopsis, and from the Lower Eocene to the present day by Hlops and Megalops. Elops saurus is a handsome elongate silvery Fish, found in all the warm and tropical seas; the young are ribbon-shaped like those of Albula. A second species, £. lacerta, is from the West Coast of Africa, enter- ing rivers. MVeyrlops, distinguished by larger scales, the absence of pseudobranchiae, and the curious prolongation of the last ray of the dorsal fin, includes the well-known Tarpon I. atlanticus, and the Indian JZ cyprinoides. The Tarpon occurs from the Fic. 326.-—Tarpon, MJegalops atlanticus, much reduced. (After Goode.) south-eastern coasts of North America and the West Indies to Brazil, and reaches a length of 6 feet and a weight of 110 Ibs. It often leaps out of the water, after the manner of Grey Mullets, and its chase when hooked affords good sport, the landing of so active a giant being attended with great difficulties. Its remark- ably large scales, over two inches in diameter, are much prized for fancy work in the Florida curiosity shops. Fam. 6. Albulidae.—Margin of the upper jaw formed by the praemaxillaries and the maxillaries, the latter movably articulated above the former to the ethmoid. Parietal bones separating the supraoccipital from the frontals; suboperculum large; inter- operculum small and entirely or nearly entirely hidden below the praeoperculum. Basis cranii double. Praemaxillaries, mandible, vomer, palatines, pterygoid, parasphenoid, glossohyal, and pharyn- geals toothed. Ribs sessile, inserted behind and somewhat below~ small parapophyses, which are absent or merely indicated on the anterior vertebrae, and gradually increase in size towards the caudal region; these parapophyses, as well as the neural and haemal arches, are autogenous bones ; epineurals, no epipleurals. 548 TELEOSTEI CHAP. Pectorals low down, folding like the ventrals. | Post-temporal trifid, the upper branch attached to the epiotic, the median to the squamosal, the lower to the opisthotic ; post-clavicle large (formed of three pieces); scapular foramen between scapula and clavicle ; pterygials well developed, two in contact with coracoid. Ventrals with 10 to 14 rays. Branchiostegal rays 6 to 14. Air-bladder large, not communicating with the ear. Elongate fusiform Fishes, covered with large silvery scales forming regular longitudinal series; head naked; mouth rather small, with thick lps; gill-openings wide. Dorsal fin originating in front of ventrals; anal short; caudal well developed, forked. The type of this family, Albula or Butirinus, is remarkable among Teleosts in possessing a rudiment of a conus arteriosus to the heart, provided with two rows of valvules.! Its single species inhabits all the warm and tropical seas. Prof. Gilbert has ascertained that the young pass through a metamorphosis, analogous to that of the Eels. The “Leptocephalid” described as Lsunculus by Kaup is probably a larval Albula. Fic. 328.—Larva of Albula conorhynchus. (After Gilbert.) The deep-sea Japanese Pterothrissus (Bathythrissa) must be placed in this family; its skeleton is very similar to that of Albula, It differs in the elongate dorsal fin, in the presence of small teeth on the maxillary bone, and in the small number of branchiostegal rays (6 instead of 12 to 14). 1 Cf. Boas, Morph. Jahrb. vi. 1880, p. 527, who has found the conus, but in a still more rudimentary condition, and with a single row of valvules, in Heterotis and Notopterus also. XXI MALACOPTERYGII 549 Albula is yepresented in the Eocene (London Clay and Bruxellian); and the Cretaceous Jstiews and Anogmius are believed to be possibly related to Prerothrissus. Four Cretaceous types (Plethodus, Thryptodus, Syntegmodus, and Ancylostylus) ave referred with doubt to the Albulidae. Fam. 7. Mormyridae.—Margin of the upper jaw formed by the single praemaxillary and the maxillaries, the latter articulated above the former to the ethmoid. Parietal bones separating the supraoccipital from the frontals; a large hole on each side of the skull, between the squamosal, the epiotic, and the opisthotic, covered by a large, thin, bony plate (the supratemporal), which may extend over a part of the parietal; symplectic absent ; suboperculum small and hidden under the operculum, or absent ; . interoperculum well developed. Basis cranii simple. No pharyngeal teeth. Opercular bones hidden under the skin ; gill-clefts narrow. Anterior ribs sessile ; epineurals, no epipleurals. Pectorals directed upwards. Ventrals with 6 or 7 rays.