XN x WAG CORNELL DIN TN ERS ts LIBRARY FROM DATE DUE | ACT AuG-28 1959 1 P | ornell Univers hs 3. BBs THE RAY SOCTETY. INSTITUTED MDCCCXLIV. This volume is issued to the Subscribers to the Ray Society for the Year 1866. LONDON: MDCCCLXVI. THE MISCELLANEOUS BOTANICAL WORKS OF ROBERT BROWN, ESQ., D.C.L., F.R.S., FOREIGN ASSOCIATE OF THE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, ETC., ETC., ETC. VOL. I. CONTAINING I. GEOGRAPHICO-BOTANICAL, AND Il. STRUCTURAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL MEMOIRS. LONDON: PUBLISHED FOR THE RAY SOCIETY BY ROBERT HARDWICKE, 192, PICCADILLY. MDCCCLXVI. J.B, AULAKD, PRINTER, BARLHOLUMEW CLOSE. PREFACE. (BY THE EDITOR.) Tue present volume contams the first portion of the works of the distinguished author, now for the first time collected in England, and reprinted from the originals, without change, in accordance with his express desire. It had been his intention to reprint them himself with anno- tations, but, unfortunately for science, this intention was never carried out, and it remained for the Editor simply to superintend a verbatim reprint. The Memoirs are arranged in three divisions—Ist. Geo- graphico-Botanical; 2nd. Structural and Physiological ; 3rd. Systematic. Of course this arrangement is in some degree arbitrary, inasmuch as observations relating to both of the other divisions are continually occurring in the Memoirs referred to each of them; but, on the whole, it has appeared to be the most convenient for reference. The present volume contains the first two of these divisions; the second will be devoted to Systematic Memoirs and Miscellaneous Descriptions of Plants; and a separate volume, in large 4to, will contain the illustrative figures to both. JOHN J. BENNETT. DECEMBER 30TH, 1865. Cornell University The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924024547956 CONTENTS. PART I. GEOGRAPHICO-BOTANICAL MEMOIRS. PAGE General remarks, peers and Systematical, on the Botany of Terra Australis . : ‘ . 1—89 List of new and rare Plants, ee in Kacits during the years 1805 and 1810, arranged according to the Linnean System . 91—95 Observations, Systematical and Geographical, on the Herbarium collected by Professor Christian Smith, in the vicinity of the Congo, during the expedition to explore that river, under the command of Captain Tuckey, in the year 1816 : . : - 97—173 List of Plants collected by the Officers, &c., in Copii Ross’s voyage, on the coasts of Baffin’s Bay : . . « 175—178 Catalogue of Plants found in Spitzbergen by Guptatn Scoresby . 179—182 Chloris Melvilliana, a List of Plants collected in Melville Island, in the year 1820, by the Officers of the Voyage of Discovery under the orders of Captain Parry : ; F . 183—256 Observations on the Structure and Affinities of the more remarkable Plants collected by the late Walter Oudney, M.D., and Major Denham, and Captain Clapperton, in the years 1822, 1823, and 1824, during their expedition to explore Central Africa P - 257—303 General View of the Botany of Swan River ; d . 805—312 Botanical Appendix to een Sturt’s Expedition into Central Aus- tralia ‘ : ‘ . 318—340 vill CONTENTS. PART II. STRUCTURAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL MEMOIRS. PAGE Some Observations on the Parts of Fructification in Mosses; with Cha- racters and Descriptions of two new Genera of that Order . 343—~355 On some remarkable Deviations from the usual structure of Seeds and Fruits : : ; ‘ : . 857—366 An Account of a new Genus of Plants, named Rafflesia . . 867—398 On the Female Flower and Fruit of Rafflesia Arnoldi and on Hydnora Africana , ‘ » 399—431 Character and Description of Kingia; a new Genus of Plants found on the South-west coast of New Holland. With Observations on the Struc- ture of its Unimpregnated Ovulum, and on the Female Flower of Cycadez and Conifers : : . 433—461 A Brief Account of Microscopical Observations made in the Months of June, July, and August, 1827, on the Particles contained in the Pollen of Plants; and on the General Existence of Active Molecules in Organic and Inorganic Bodies ; ; . 463—486 Observations on the Organs and Mode of Fecundation in Orchides and Asclepiadese . : ‘ « 487—543 Supplementary Observations on the Fedde of Orchides and Ascle- piades : ; : ; 545—551 On the Relative Position of the Divisions of Stigma and Parietal Placente in the Compound Ovarium of Plants ‘ : . 558—563 On the Plurality and Boras of the Embryos in the Seeds of Coniferee ; . 565—576 On the Origin and Mode of Pecan of the Gulf-Weed . 577—582 Some Account of Triplosporite, an undescribed Fossil Pruit . 583-591 Peake 2a GEOGRAPHICO-BOTANICAL MEMOIRS. GENERAL REMARKS, GEOGRAPHICAL AND SYSTEMATICAL, ON THE BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. BY ROBERT BROWN, F.R.S. LIBR. LS., ACAD. REG. SCIENT. BEROLIN. CORRESP. NATURALIST TO THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S, INVESTIGATOR, COMMANDED BY CAPTAIN FLINDERS. [Reprinted from a Voyage to Terra Australis, by Matthew Flinders.] LONDON. 1814. GENERAL REMARKS, &c. Tue coasts of the great South Land commonly ts called New Holland have been discovered partly by Dutch and partly by English navigators. Captam Flinders, con- sidering it therefore unjust towards the English to retain a name for the whole country which implies its discovery to have been made by the Dutch alone, has thought proper to recur to its original name Terra Australis; under which he includes the small islands adjacent to various parts of its coasts, and the more considerable southern island called Van Diemen’s Land. In this extended sense I shall use Terra Australis in the following observations, but when treating of the principal Land separately, shall continue to employ its generally received name New Holland; that I may be more readily understood by botanists, for whom these observations are intended, and preserve consistency with the title of a work, part of which I have already published, on the plants of that country. In the following pages I have endeavoured to coliect such general, and at the same time, strictly botanical, ob- servations on the vegetation of Terra Australis, as our very limited knowledge of this vast country appears already to afford. ‘T'o these observations are added descriptions of a few remarkable plants, which have been selected for publi- cation, from the extensive and invaluable collection of drawings made by Mr. Ferdinand Bauer in New Holland, chiefly during the voyage of the Investigator. * These figures throughout the volume correspond with the paging in the original. 4 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE The materials for the present essay were acquired prin- cipally in the same voyage, from Captain Flinders’s account of which a general notion of the opportunities afforded for observation may be gathered. It seems necessary, however, 54) to present in one view the circumstances under which our collections were formed, both in the Investigator’s voyage, and subsequently, during a stay of eighteen months in New South Wales and Van Diemen’s Island; as also to state other sources from which additional materials have been obtained. By this means the reader will be better enabled to judge how far I am entitled to make those ob- servations of a more general nature which he will find in the following pages. The first part of New Holland examined in Captain Flinders’s voyage was the South Coast, on various and distant points of which, and on several of its adjacent islands we landed, in circumstances more or less favorable for our researches. The survey of this coast took place from West to East, and our first anchorage was in King George Third’s Sound, in 35° S. lat. and 118° E. lon. Jn this port we remained for three weeks, in the most favor- able season for our pursuits; and our collection of plants, made chiefly on its shores and a few miles into the interior of the country, amounts to nearly 500 species, exclusive of those belonging to the class Cryptogamia, which, though certainly bearing asmall proportion to pheenogamous plants, were not, it must be admitted, equally attended to. At our second anchorage, Lucky Bay of Captain Flinders’s chart, in 34° S. lat. and about 4° to the eastward of King George’s Sound, we remained only three days, but even in that. short time added upwards of 100 species to our for- mer collection. Goose-Island Bay, in the same latitude and hardly one degree to the eastward of the second anchorage, where our stay was also very short, afforded us but few new plants ; and the remaining parts of the South Coast, on five distant points of which we landed, as well as on seven of its adja- cent Islands, were still more barren, altogether producing only 200 additional species. ‘The smallness of this num- BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 5 ber is to be accounted for, partly, no doubt, from the less favorable season in which this part of the coast was ex- amined; but it appeared to depend also in a considerable degree on its greater sterility, and especially that of its islands. Of New South Wales, or the East Coast of New Hol- land, scarcely any part beyond the tropic was examined in the voyage; our first landing after leaving Port Jackson being at Sandy Cape, in nearly 25° S. lat. Between this and 21° S. lat. we had many, and upon the whole, favor- able opportunities for observation, especially at Port Curtis, Keppel Bay, Port Bowen, Strong-tide Passage, Shoal- 13s water Bay, and Broad Sound, the survey of which was completed ; we landed also on two of the Northumberland and on one of the Cumberland Isles. On the North Coast we landed on Good’s Island, one of the Prince of Wales’ Isles of Captain Cook; fora few hours at Coen River on the east side of the Gulf of Carpentaria ; and in more favorable circumstances on many of the islands and some points of the mainland on the west side of this Gulf. Several of the group called the Company’s Islands in the chart, the shores of Melville Bay, of Caledon Bay, and a small part of Arnhem Bay were also examined. We then left the coast, owing to the decayed state of the ship, which, on our return to Port Jackson, was surveyed and pronounced unfit for the prosecution of the voyage. Captain Flinders having, in consequence of this, deter- mined to repair immediately to England, for the purpose of obtaining another vessel to complete the objects of the expedition, Mr. Bauer and myselfagreed to remain in the colony of New South Wales until his return, or, if that should not take place, for a period not exceeding eighteen months. During this time we added very considerably to our collections of plants, within the limits of the Colony of Port Jackson and its dependent settlements ; the banks of the principal rivers and some part of the mountains bound- ing the colony were examined ; I visited also the north and south extremities of Van Diemen’s Land, remaining several months in the vicinity of the river Derwent; and repeatedly 6 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE landed on Kent’s Islands, in Bass’ Strait, on the shores of which the principal part of the Submarine Algze contained in our collections were found. The reader of Captain Flinders’s narrative is already ac- quainted with the unfortunate circumstances that prevented his revisiting Port Jackson within the expected period, soon after the expiration of which we embraced an opportunity of returning to England, where we arrived in October, 1805, with the greater part of our collections, and without having absolutely lost any one species; though many of our best specimens of the South Coast, and all the living plants collected in the voyage perished in the wreck of the Porpoise. The collection of Australian plants thus formed amounts to nearly 3900 species. But before embarking in the voyage ss6) of Captain Flinders, I enjoyed no common advantages, through the hberality of Sir Joseph Banks, in whose Her- barium I had not only access to nearly the whole of the species of plants previously brought from Terra Australis, but received specimens of all those of which there were duplicates. Of these plants, exceeding 1000 species, the far greater part were collected by Sir Joseph Banks him- self, in the voyage in which New South Wales was dis- covered. The rest were found at Adventure Bay in Van Diemen’s Land, by Mr. David Nelson, in the third voyage of Captain Cook; at King George’s Sound on the south- west coast of New Holland, by Mr. Menzies, in Captain Vancouver’s voyage; and in the colony of New South Wales by several botanists, especially the late Colonel Paterson and Mr. David Burton. Since my return from New Holland I have had opportunities of examining, in the same Herbarium, many new species, found in New South Wales by Mr. George Caley, an acute and indefati- gable botanist, who resided nearly ten years in that colony : and have received from the late Colonel Paterson several species discovered by himself within the limits of the colony of Port Dalrymple ; which was established under his com- mand. I have also examined, in the Sherardian Herbarium at BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 7 Oxford, the greater part of the plants brought from Shark’s Bay by the celebrated navigator Dampier, and have seen a few additional species from that and other parts of the West Coast of New Holland, collected in the voyage of Captain Baudin. The additional species obtained from all these collections are upwards of 300; my materials, therefore, for the com- mencement of a Flora of Terra Australis amount to about 4200 species; a small number certainly for a country nearly equal in size to the whole of Europe, but not incon- siderable for the detached portions of its shores hitherto examined. In Persoon’s Synopsis, the latest general work on phe- nogamous plants, their number is nearly 21,000. The cryptogamous plants already published, by various authors, exceed 6000; and if to these be added the phenogamous plants that have appeared in different works since the pub- lication of Persoon’s Synopsis, and the unpublished species of both classes already existing in the collections of Europe, the number of plants at present known may be estimated at 33,000, even exclusive of those peculiar to Terra Aus- tralis. The observations in the present essay being chiefly on extensive tribes of plants, they are necessarily arranged (37 according to the natural method. Of this method the primary classes are DicoryLEDONEs, Monocorrueponses, and ACoTyLEDONES. These three divisions may be admitted as truly natural, and their names, though liable to some exceptions, appear to me the least objectionable of any hitherto proposed. Of the Australian plants at present known, upwaras’ of 2900 are Dicotyledonous; 860 Monocotyledonous; and 400 Acotyledonous, Ferns being considered as such. It is well known that Dicotyledonous plants greatly exceed Monocotyledonous in number; I am not however aware that the relative proportions of these two primary divisions have anywhere been given, or that it has been inquired how far they depend on climate. Into this subject I can enter only very generally in the present essay. 8 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE According to the numbers already stated the Dicotyledones of ‘Terra Australis are to be Monocotyledones as rather more than 3 to 1, or somewhat less than 7 to 2. In Persoon’s Synopsis, to which, as the latest general work, I again refer, these two classes are to each other nearly as 11 to 2. But, from the nature of this compilation, it may be assumed that certain difficult and extensive orders of Monocotyledones, especially Gramineze and Cyperacez, are considerably under-rated ; an addition of 500 species to Monocotyledones would make the relative numbers of the two classes as 9 to 2, which I am inclined to think an approximation to the true proportion. With a view to determine how far the relative proportions of these two classes are influenced by climate, I have examined all the local catalogues or Floras which appeared most to be depended on, and have likewise had recourse to unpublished materials of great importance in ascertaining this point. The general results of this examination are, that from the equator to 30° of latitude, in the northern hemisphere at least, the species of Dicotyledonous plants are to Monocotyledones as about 5 to 1; in some cases con- siderably exceeding, and in a very few falling somewhat short of this proportion ; and that in the higher latitudes a 833} gradual diminution of Dicotyledones takes place, until in about 60° N. lat. and 55° S. lat. they scarcely equal half their intratropical proportion. In conformity with these results the Dicotyledones should be to the Monocotyledones of Terra Australis as nearly 9 to 2; whereas the actual proportion as deduced from our materials is hardly 7 to 2: but it appears, on arranging these materials geographically, that the relative proportions of the different regions of Terra Australis itself, are equally at variance with these results. About half the species of Australian plants at present known have been collected in a parallel mcluded between 33° and 35°S. lat.; for this reason, and for one which will hereafter appear, I shall call this the principal parallel. At the eastern extremity of this parallel, within the limits of the colony of Port Jack- son, where our materials are the most perfect, the propor- BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 9 tion of Dicotyledones to Monocotyledones does not exceed 3 tol. At the western extremity of the same parallel, in the vicinity of King George’s Sound, the proportion is but little different from that of Port Jackson, being nearly 2s 13 to 4. At the south end of Van Diemen’s Island in 43°S. lat., it is fully 4 to 1. And with this proportion that of Carpentaria, and I may add the whole of the equi- noctial part of New Holland, hitherto examined, very nearly agrees, I confess I can perceive nothing either in the nature of the soil or climate of Terra Australis, or in the circumstances under which our collections were formed, to account for these remarkable exceptions to the general proportions of the two classes in the corresponding latitudes of other countries. as With regard to the proportion of Acotyledones in Terra Australis, it is necessary to premise that I consider my collec- tions of some of the Cryptogarhous order, especially of Fungi, as very imperfect. If, however, 300 species were added to the 400 actually collected, I believe it would give an approxi- mation to the true proportions, which on this supposition, would be of Phznogamous to Cryptogamous plants as nearly 1] to 2. But the general proportion of these two great divisions, as deduced from the published materials, is very different from this, being nearly 7 to 2. If we inquire in what degree these proportions are dependent on climate, we find that in the more northern parts of Europe, as in Lapland and even in Great Britain, Cryptogamous plants somewhat exceed the Phenogamous in number. In the south of Europe, even making allow- 1539 ance for its being at present less perfectly examined, these proportions seem to be inverted. And within the tropic, unless at very great heights, Cryptogamous plants appear to form hardly one fifth of the whole number of species. But their proportion in Terra Australis is still smaller than the assumed intratropical proportion: for this, however, in the northern parts of New Holland at least, the comparative want of shade and moisture, conditions essential to the vegetation of several of these tribes, will in some measure 10 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE account; for at the southern extremity of Van Diemen’s Island, where the necessary conditions exist, the relative proportion of Cryptogamous plants is not materially different from that of the south of Europe. In that which I have called the principal parallel of New Holland, however, Cryptogamous plants appear to be much less numerous than in the corresponding latitudes of the northern hemisphere ; and within the tropic they probably do not form more than one twelfth of the whole number of species. In several’ of the islands of the Gulf of Carpentaria, having a Flora of Phenogamous plants exceeding 200 species, I did not observe a single species of Moss. From the three primary classes of plants already treated of I proceed at once to those groups called Naturan Orpers or Families; for the intermediate divisions are too much at variance with the natural series to be made the subject of such general remarks as have been already offered on the primary classes, and which are equally admissible with respect to the natural families. A methodical, and at the same time a natural, arrange- ment of these families is, in the existing state of our know- ledge, perhaps impracticable. It would probably facilitate its future attainment, if at present, entirely neglecting it, attention were turned to the combination of these orders into Classes equally natural, and which, on a thorough in- vestigation, might equally admit of being defined. The existence of certain natural classes is already acknowledged, and I have, in treating of the Australian natural families, ventured to propose a few that are perhaps less obvious, still more, however, might have been suggested had this been the place for pursuing the subject. s40] ‘I'he natural orders in the Genera Plantarum of Jussieu are exactly 100; subsequent observations of Jussieu him- self and of other botanists have considerably increased their numbers, so that in the lately published Zhéorie Elémentaire de la Botanique of Decandolle they amount to 145. The plants of Terra Australis are referable to 120 BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 11 natural orders, some of which are not included in Decan- dolle’s list. On such of these as either contribute largely to form the mass or the striking peculiarities of the Australian vegeta- tion, I proceed to offer a few observations, chiefly on their geographical distribution, and more remarkable points of structure: taking them nearly in the same series in which they are given by Decandolle in the work already referred to. MALVACEA‘. The Malvaceze may be considered as a class including several orders, namely, Malvacee of Jussieu,} Sterculiacee of Ventenat,? Chlenacee of Du Petit 'Thouars,3 Tiliacee of Jussieu,* and an order very nearly related to the last, and perhaps gradually passing into it, but which I shall in the mean time, distinguish under the name of Buttne- riaceg. Of the Malvacee strictly so called, upwards of fifty species have been observed in Terra Australis, where the maximum of the order appears to be within the tropic. In the principal parallel Malvaceze are more abundant at its eastern than its western extremity; and at the south end of Van Diemen’s Island two species only have been observed. There is nothing very peculiar in the structure or appear- ance of the New Holland plants of this family; most of them belong to genera already established, and several of the species are common to other countries. BUTTNERIACEZ.’ The Australian portion of Butt- neriaceeé consists of Abroma, Commersonia, Lasiopeta- 5 lum, and several unpublished genera, intermediate to the last two. ‘ 1 Gen. pl. 271. 2 Malmais. 91. 3 Plant. des isles @ Afrique, 46. 4 Gen. pl. 289. 5 Burryeriaces. Calyx 1-ph. 5-fid. equalis, marcescens, estivatione val- vata. Petalu 5: vel basi saccata superne varié producta; vel minuta squamu- liformia; quandoque nulla. Stamina bypogyna, definita: Lilamenta anthertfera cum laciniis calycis alternantia, simplicia, vel 2-3 connata ; sterilibus quandoque alternantibus. _ Ovarium 3-5 loculare, loculis 2-polyspermis, ovulis erectis : Styli 3-5, sepius connati: Stigmata simplicia. Capsula 3-5-loc. Semina: umbilico strophiolato. Zméryo erectus, in axi albuminis carnosi cujus dimidio 12 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE The greater part of the order exists in the principal parallel, very few species have been observed within the tropic, and one only in Van Diemen’s Island. Lasiopetalum, the most extensive genus of the family, was established by Dr. Smith,’ who considered it to belong to Ericeee. Ventenat,’ taking a different view of its struc- ture, has assigned some plausible reasons for referring it to Rhamnez. From both these orders it appears to me sufficiently distinct, and it is certainly more nearly related to the genera with which I have placed it. DILLENIACE. It was first, I believe, proposed by Mr. Salisbury to separate Dillenia, Wormia, Hibbertia, and Candollea from the Magnoliz of Jussieu, and to form them into a distinct order, which he has called Dillenee? It is remarkable that Decandolle,* who has adopted this order, should also limit it to these genera, Jussieu? having previously suggested the separation of Dillenia from Mag- nolie and its combination with Tetracera and Curatella, genera which certainly belong to Dilleniacez, as do also Pleurandra of Labillardiére® and Hemistemma of Du Petit Thouars.” The Dilleniaceee appear to be more abundant in Terra Australis than in any other part of the world, nearly seventy Australian species having already been observed; most of these belong to Hibbertia and Pleurandra, both of which are very generally diffused, their maximum, however, is in the principal parallel, to the western extremity of which Candollea seems to be limited. Hemistemma, Wormia, si] and an unpublished genus remarkable for its thickened filaments and flat leafless stems, are found only within the tropic. The remaining genera of the order have not yet been observed in New Holland. longior. Frutices rard Arbores, pube sepe stellari. Folia alterna, simplicia stipulata, sepius dentata. Pedunculi subcymosi, oppositifolii ; pedicellis ule plurimum bracteatis. 1 Linn, soc. transact. 4, p. 216. 2 Malmais.59. Dee. gen. 3 Paradis. Lond. 73. A Annies dhe rue. 17,5. Ti p. 7. 5 Annales du mus. 14, pp. 129-130. ° Plant. Nov. Holl. 2, p. 5. 7 Gen. nov. Madugase. n. 61. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 13 Magnoliacez and Dilleniaceze appear to me to form two orders of one natural class. These orders are sufficiently distinct from each other in most cases, both in fructifica- tion and habit; they are not, however, easily defined. The ovaria, which are indefinite in number, in the greater part of Magnoliacez, are also so in certain Dilleniaceee ; there are likewise examples in both orders, in which they are reduced to unity; and the stipulation of Magnoliaceze exists in Wormia. PITTOSPOREA* Authors have generally been dis- posed to consider Pittosporum, Bursaria, and Billardiera, as belonging to Rhamnez or Celastrine, from both of which they are certainly widely different ; and they appear to me to constitute, along with some unpublished Austra- lian genera, a very distinct natural family. PirrosporEz form a small tribe chiefly belonging to Terra Australis, where most of them have been observed in the principal parallel; but certain species of all the published genera exist at the south end of Van Diemen’s Island, and both Pittosporum and Bursaria are found within the tropic. Pittosporum, the only genus of the order which is not confined to Terra Australis, has the most extensive range in that country, and has been found in many other parts of the world, namely, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, the Society and Sandwich Islands, the Moluccas, in China, Japan, and even Madeira. It has not, however, been observed in any part of America. POLYGALE.2. The curious observation of Richard, 1 Prrrosporem. Culye 5-ph. (rard 1-ph. 5-fid.) estivatione imbricata. Petala 5: wnguibus conuiveutibus, nunc coherentibus ; laminis patulis, xsti- vatione imbricatis. Séamina 5, hypogyna, distincta, cum petalis alternantia. Ovarium loculis placentisve 2-5 polyspermis: Stylus 1: Stigmata numero pla- centarum. Pericarpium capsulare vel baccatum, loculis polyspermis quandoque incompletis. Embryo minutus, prope umbilicum, inclusus albumine carnoso. Frutices vel Arbores. Folia simplicia, alterna, exstipulata. Flores terminales, vel axillares, quandogque polygamt. a: on ae 2 Pouyeatem. Calyx 5-ph. raro 5-fid. wstivatione imbricata: sepius 1r- regularis : foliolis 2 lateralibus interioribus majoribus quandoque petaloideis ; 14 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE 543) that the arillus of the seed, whether general or partial, is never found in the Dicotyledonous orders with mono- petalous flowers, seems to have determined Jussieu and other French botanists to remove Polygala, remarkable for its caruncula umbilicalis, from Rhinanthacee, with which they had placed it, and to consider it, along with some nearly related genera, as forming a distinct polypetalous order. They appear to me, however, not to have taken so correct a view of the structure of its Corolla as Adan- son,” who very justly observes that both in this genus and Securidaca, which he rightly associates with it, the appa- rently monopetalous corolla is made up of three petals, united by means of the cohering filaments, the external sutures remaining visible; but Adanson himself has not observed the minute rudiments of two additional petals in Securidaca, the existence and position of which assist in explaining the nature of the irregularity in Polygala, where no such rudiments are found, but in which the corolla is in every other respect very similar. A much _ nearer approach to regularity, however, takes place in an unpub- lished genus, having five petals, which, though irregular, are of nearly equal size and similarly connected by the cohering filaments, likewise five in number. ‘The essential characters of the order Polygalese to which Krameria, Monnina, Salomonia, and several unpublished genera also belong, consist in the hypogynous insertion of its corolla, which is always irregular, and frequently reduced to three petals, connected together by the cohering filaments, whose antheree are simple and bursting only at the top. reJiquorum duobus anterioribus (respectu spice) tertio postico. Petala 3-5, mediante tubo stamineo connexa, rard distincta. Stamina hypogyna, 8 (nune 3, 4 vel 5): filamentis inferné connatis in tubulum hinc apertum inde petala connectentem: Anthere simplices, basi inserta, poro apicis dehiscentes. Ovarium 2-loc. (quandoque 1-3 loc.) ovulis solistariis pendulis: Séylus 1: Stigma sepe bilabiatum. Pericarpium sepius capsulare, biloculare, bivalve, valvis medio septigeris : nunc Drupa vel Samara. 1-2 sperm. Semina pendula, umbilico (in capsularibus) strophiolato vel comoso. Zméryo in axi albuminis carnosi vix longioris, quandoque (prasertim in pericarpiis clausis) deficientis. Herbe vel Frutices, utplurimum glabri. Folia simplicia indivisa alterna ex- stipulata. Flores spicati sepius terminales, 1 Annales du mus. 14, p. 386, et seq. ? Fam. des Plantes, 2, p. 348. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 15 About thirty species of this order are found in Terra Australis ; these are either Comespermee or Polygale, with a single species of Salomonia of Loureiro, a genus (1 which is certainly not monandrous, as tliat author affirms, but has four connected filaments with distinct unilocular an- there, and consequently half the number of stamina usually found in the order. Most of the Comesperme exist in the principal parallel, and equally at both its extremities ; several, however, are found beyond it, and in both direc- tions; the genus extending from Arnhem’s Land to Ad- venture Bay. ‘Ihe greater part of the Polygale and the genus Salomonia exist only within the tropic. TREMANDRE.’ The genus Tetratheca of Dr. Smith and one very nearly related to it, which I shall hereafter publish under the name of Zremandra, constitute a small tribe of plants peculiar to Terra Australis. For this tribe I prefer the name Zremandree to that of Tetrathecacez, as it is more distinctly, and at the same time more correctly descriptive of the structure of stamina in both genera; the four distinct cells in the ripe state of the anthere not existing in Tremandra, nor even in all the species of Tetra- theca. In the quadrilocular anthere of the latter genus there is indeed nothing peculiar, that being the original structure of all those antherze which are commonly de- scribed as bilocular ; and the difference in this case depend- ing on the mode of bursting, which, when lateral, neces- sarily obliterates two of the septa, but when terminal, as in Tetratheca, admits of their persistence. It is remarkable that both Dr. Smith and Labillardiére have mistaken the fungous appendix of the apex of the seed for an umbilical 1 TREMANDREE. Calyx 4-5 ph. equalis, estivatione valvata. Petula 4-5, equalia: estivatione involuta stamina includentia. Stamina 8-10, hypogyna, distincta: Anthere 2-4 loculares, basi inserte, poro tubulove apicis dehiscentes. Ovarium 2-loc. loculis 1-3-spermis, ovulis pendulis: Stydus 1: Stigmata 1-2. Capsula bilocularis, bivalvis, valvis medio septigeris. Semiza umbilico nudo: extremitate opposita appendiculata; albuminosa. Zimdryo in axi albuminis carnosi cujus dimidio dongior: radicula umbilicum spectante. Fruticuli ericoides. Folia sparsa vel verticillata, exstipulata, Pedunculi azillares, uniflori. 16 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE caruncula, a mistake involving a second, that of considering the seeds erect in the capsule, and which has led Labillar- diére into a third error, namely, describing the radicule of the embryo as pointing towards this supposed umbilical appendix. ss) The Tremandree are in several respects nearly related to Polygaleee; they appear to me, however, sufficiently distinct, not only in the regularity of the flower, and in the structure of anthera, but in the estivation of both calyx and corolla, in the appendix of the seed being situated at its:apex, and not at the umbilicus, and, I may also add, in a tendency to produce an indefinite number of ovula in each cell of the ovarium. The greater number of Tremandrez are found in the principal parallel of New Holland, they extend also to the south end of Van Diemen’s Island, but none have been observed within the tropic. DIOSME. To this natural order, in addition to the Australian genera hereafter to be mentioned, and the south African genus from which its name is derived, I refer Fagara, Zanthoxylon, Melicope, Jambolifera, Euodia, Pilo- carpus, Empleurum, and Dictamnus: and four genera of equinoctial America, namely, Cusparia of Humboldt and Bonpland, ‘Ticorea and Galipea of Aublet, and Monnieria, if not absolutely of this order, belong at least to the same natural class. Both Ruta and Peganum may he annexed to Diosmee, but neither of them are calculated to give a clear idea of the order, from the usual structure and habit of which they deviate in some important points; I have therefore proposed to derive the name of the family from one of its most extensive and best known genera. The first section of Jussiew’s Rutaceze is sufficiently different to admit of its being considered a distinct order, which may be named Zygophyllez. Diosmee are numerous in Terra Australis, and form, at least in its principal parallel and more southern regions, a striking feature in the vegetation. Nearly seventy species BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 17 have been observed, of which the greater part are referable to Boronia, Correa, Eriostemon, and Zieria, of Dr. Smith, and Phebalium of Ventenat. Of these genera Boronia is both the most extensive and the most widely diffused, existing within the tropic, and extending to the South end of Van Diemen’s Island; like the others, however, its maximum is in the principal parallel, at both extremities of which it is equally abundant. Correa, though extending to the south end of Van Diemen’s Island, is not found within the tropic, nor was it observed at the western ex- tremity of the principal parallel; in the intermediate part of which, however, where many of the peculiarities in the os vegetation of the parallel are less remarkable, or entirely wanting, it may be said to abound. Eriostemon, which appears to be most abundant at the eastern extremity of the principal parallel, has not been observed either at its western extremity or intermediate part ; it extends, however, to the south end of Van Diemen’s Island on the one hand, and within the tropic as far as Endeavour River on the other. -Phebalium, very nearly related to Eriostemon, has like that genus its maximum at the eastern extremity of the principal parallel, it is found also at the western extremity of this parallel, and as far as the south end of Van Diemen’s Island, but it has not been observed within the tropic. Zierta seems to be limited to the eastern extremity of the principal parallel, and the more southern regions. The most remarkable plant of the order with regard to structure, is that imperfectly figured and described in Dampier’s voyage.! Of this genus, which may be named Dirtotana, I have examined Dampier’s original specimen in the Sherardian Herbarium at Oxford, and others re- cently collected, also at Shark’s Bay, in the voyage of Captain Baudin, and have ascertained that what appear to be calyx and corolla in this singular plant, are in fact a double involucrum containing many decandrous flowers, whose stamina and pistilla exactly agree with those of the 1 Vol. 3, p. 110, tab. 3, f. 3. 18 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE order, but of which the proper floral envelopes are reduced to a few irregularly placed scales. Another Australian genus of Diosmez differs from the rest of the order in having a calyx with ten divisions, an equal number of petals, and an indefinite number of stamina with evidently perigynous insertion. MYRTACEZ.' This is one of the most extensive tribes in Terra Australis, in which considerably above 200 species have already been observed, and where the order is also more strikingly modified than in any other part of the world. It is very generally spread over the whole of Aus- tralia, but its maximum appears to be in the principal parallel. Many observations might here with propriety be introduced on the more remarkable structures which occur among the Australian Myrtacee ; I must, however, si7) confine myself to a few remarks on the distribution of the most extensive genera. Of Eucalyptus alone nearly 100 species have been already observed; most of these are trees, many of them of great and some of enormous dimensions. Eucalyptus globulus of Labillardiére and another species peculiar to the south end of Van Diemen’s Island, not unfrequently attain the height of 150 feet, witha girth near the base of from 25 to 40 feet. In the colony of Port Jackson there are also several species of great size, but none equal to those of Van Diemen’s Island; and no very large trees of this genus were seen either on the south coast or in the equinoctial part of New Holland. Mr. Caley has observed within the limits of the colony of Port Jackson nearly 50 species of Eucalyptus, most of which are distinguished, and have proper names applied to them, by the native inhabitants, who, from differences in the colour, texture, and scaling of the bark, and in the ramification and general appearance of these trees, more readily distinguish them than botanists have as yet been able to do. Eucalyptus, although so generally spread over the whole of Terra Australis, and so abundant as to form at least four fifths of its forests, is 1 Myrti. Juss. gen, 322. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 19 hardly found beyond this country. I am acquainted with one exception only, in an additional species which is said to be a native of Amboyna. Next to Eucalyptus in number, is the beautiful genus Melaleuca, of which upwards of 30 Australian species have already been observed, exclusive of Tristania, Calothamnus, Beanfortia, and an unpublished genus which I separate from it. ‘The maximum of Melaleuca exists in the prin- cipal parallel, but it declines less towards the south than within the tropic, where its species are chiefly of that sec- tion which gradually passes into Callistemon, a genus formed of those species of Metrosideros that have inflores- cence similar to that of Melaleuca, and distinct elongated filaments. With the exception of two species of this sec- tion, namely, Melaleuca leucadendron, and M. Cajeputi, the genus Melaleuca appears to be confined to Terra Australis. Leptospermum, of which, nearly 30 Australian species have been observed, exists also in New Zealand and in the Moluccas. In Terra Australis its maximum is decidedly in the principal parallel, and like Melaleuca, it is much more abundant in the southern regions than within the tropic. Bach to which I refer Imbricaria of Dr. Smith, as well as the opposite-leaved Leptospermums, is also an ex- tensive Australian genus, having its maximum in the prin- cipal parallel, extending like the two former genera to the highest southern latitude, and hardly existing within the tropic: one species, however, has been found in New Cale- donia, and that from which the genus was formed is a native of China. COMBRETACE.! I have formerly? made some 1 Compretaces. Calyx superus: limbo 4-5-fido, aquali. Petala 4-5 vel nulla. Stamina 8-10; quandoque laciniis calycis equalia et cum iisdem alter- nantia. Ovarium uniloculare, ovulis 2-4, ab apice loculi pendulis absque re- ceptaculo communi vel colunma centrali: Séylus 1: Stigma 1. Pericarpium monospermum, clausum, figura et textura varium, Drupa v. Samara. Semen ex- albuminosum. Zméryo cotyledonibus sepius involutis: plumula inconspicua. ‘Arbores vel Frutices. Folia simplicia, integra, exstipulata, alterna nunt opposita, raro punctato-pellucida. Flores spicati, avillares. 2 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holt. 351. 20 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE remarks on the structure and limits of Combretaceze, one of whose principal characters consists in the unilocular ovarium with two or more ovula simply pendulous from the upper part of its cavity, and not inserted, as in Santalaceze, into a central receptacle or column. Guiera of Jussieu, having the same structure, and also leaves dotted with pellucid glands, appears to connect this order with Myrtacee. ‘The Australian Combretacese, which belong to ‘Termi- nalia, Chuncoa, and Laguncularia, are not numerous, and all of them are found within the tropic. CUNONIACE.' = This order, several of whose genera have been referred to Saxifrageze, is more readily distin- guished from that family by its widely different habit, than by any very important characters in its fructification ; hke 519) Saxifrageze also it comprehends genera with ovarium superum and inferum. The genera strictly belonging to Cunoniacee are Wein- mannia, Cunonia, Ceratopetalum, Calycomis, and Codia. To this order Bauera may also be referred, but it must form a separate section from the genera already mentioned. Of these Weinmannia, Ceratopetalum and Calyconuis are found in Terra Australis, and hitherto only at the eastern extremity of its principal parallel, where also Bauera is most abundant ; but this genus is found beyond the parallel in one direction, extending to the southern extremity of Van Diemen’s Island. RHIZOPHOREAs” The genera Rhizophora, Bruguiera, 1 Cunontaces. Calyx 1-ph, 4-5-fidus, semisuperus vel inferus. Petala 4-5; raro nulla. Stamina perigyna, definita, 8-10. Ovarium biloculare, loculis 2-polyspermis: Stylus 1-2. Pericarpium biloculare, capsulare vel clausum. Zimbryo in axi albuminis carnosi. Arbores vel Frutices. Folia opposita, composi l simplici 7 nu- lata stipulis interpetiolaribus. if PE OEE Bee 2 RuizorHores. Calyx superus 4-5-fidus, westivatione valvata. Petala 4-5. Stamina perigyna, 8-15. Ovarium Q-loc. lcculis 2-polyspermis ovulis pendulis : Stylus 1. Pericarpium clausum, monospermum. Semen exalbu- minosum. Lmédryo sepe germinans et pericarpium semisuperum perforans. Arbores. Folia opposite, simplicia, stipulis interpetiolaribus. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 21 and Carallia, all of which are found in the equinoctial part of New Holland, form a distinct natural order which may be called Rhizophoree. ‘This order agrees with Cu- noniacez in its opposite leaves and intermediate stipule, and with great part of them in the estivation of its calyx, and in the structure and cohesion of the ovarium. From these it differs chiefly in the want of albumen and greater evolution of its embryo. Jussieu’ has combined Rhizo- phora and Bruguiera'with Loranthus and Viscum, neglect- ing some very obvious, and, as they appear to me, import- ant differences in the flower, and probably never having had an opportunity of comparing the very distinct struc- tures of their ovaria; the affinity too of Rhizophorez to Cunoniacez is unquestionable, and it will hardly be pro- posed to unite both these tribes with Loranthus, which I consider as even more nearly related to Proteaceze. HALORAGE. ‘The greater part of the genera of which this order is composed, have been referred to Ona- grariz, to certain parts of which they no doubt very nearly approach ; but it must appear rather paradoxical to unite Fuchsia in the same family with Myriophyllum and even Hippuris, and it would be in vain to attempt a definition (so of an order composed of such heterogenous materials. By the separation of the order here proposed it becomes at least practicable to define Onagrariz. It is still, however, difficult to characterise Halorageze, which will probably be best understood by considering as the type of the order the genus Haloragis, froan which all the others differ by the suppression of parts or separation of sexes. Thus Meio- nectes, an unpublished genus of New Holland, is reduced to half the number of parts both of flower and fruit. Pro- serpinaca is deprived of petals and of one fourth of all the other parts. Myriophyllum, which is moneecious, has the complete number of parts in the male flower, but in the female wants both calyx and corolla; what several authors have described as petals being certainly bractez. U Annales du mus. 12, p. 288. 22 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE Serpicula differs from Myriophyllum in having only half the number of stamina in the male flower, and in its unilocular four-seeded ovarium. ; Hippuris, though retaining the habit of Myriophyllum, yet having a monandrous hermaphrodite flower without petals, and a single-seeded ovarium, is less certainly redu- cible to this order: and it may appear still more paradox- ical to unite with it Cullitriche, in which, however, I am inclined to consider what authors have denominated petals as rather analogous to the bractez: in the female flower of Myriophyllum and Serpicula, and to both these genera Callitriche in the structure of its pistillum, and even in habit, very nearly approaches. The Australian genera of this order are Haloragis, Meio- nectes, Myriophyllum, and Callitriche. Of Haloragis, many new species have been observed in Terra Australis, in every part of which this genus is found, most abundantly, however, at both extremities of the prin- cipal parallel. That Gonocarpus really belongs to the same genus, I am satisfied from an examination of original specimens sent by Thunberg himself, to Sir Joseph Banks, for in these I find not only petals, but eight stamina and a quadrilocular ovarium. LEGUMINOS.* This extensive tribe may be con- sidered as a class divisible into at least three orders, to 61) which proper names should be given. Of the whole class about 2000 species are at present published, and in Terra Australis, where this is the most numerous family, considerably more than 400 species have already been observed. One of the three orders of Leguminose which is here for the first time proposed may be named Mimosna. It consists of the Linnean Mimosa, recently subdivided by Willdenow into five genera, along with Adenanthera and Prosopis. 1 Juss. gen, 345, BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 23 This order is sufficiently distinguished from both the others by the hypogynous insertion and valvular estivation of its corolla, which being perfectly regular differs in this respect also from the greater part of Lomentacee and from all the Papilionacez. Nearly the whole of the Australian species of the Lin- nean genus Mimosa belong to Acacia of Willdenow, as it is at present constituted ; and about nine tenths of the Acaciz to his first division of that genus, described by him as having simple leaves, but which is in reality aphyllous ; the dilated foliaceons footstalk performing the functions of the true compound leaf, which is produced only in the seedling plant, or occasionally in the more advanced state in particular circumstances, or where plants have been injured. The great number of species of Acacia having this re- markable economy in Terra Australis forms one of the most striking peculiarities of its vegetation. Nearly 100 species have already been observed ; more than half of these belong to the principal parallel, at both extremities of which they appear to be equally abundant ; they are, how- ever, very generally diffused over the whole country, exist- ing both on the north coast of New Holland, and at the south end of Van Diemen’s Island. But though the leaf- less Acacize are thus numerous and general in Terra Aus- tralis, they appear to be very rare in other parts of the world; none of the Australian species are found in other countries, and at present I am acquainted with only seven ad- ditional species, of which five are natives of the intratropical Islands of the southern hemisphere; the sixth was observed in Owhyhee, and is said to be the largest tree in the Sand- wich Islands; the seventh is Afimosa stellata of Loureiro, upon whose authority it entirely rests. The second order, LomentTacrz£ or CHSALPINES, compre- hends all the genera having perigynous stamina, a corolla whose eestivation is not valvular, and which though «se generally irregular is never papilionaceous. ‘To these cha- racters may be added the straight embryo, in which they 24 GENERAL REMARKS ON THR agree with Mimose, but differ from all the Papilionacese except Arachis and Cercis. The Lomentaccse of New Holland are not numerous, and consist chiefly of the genus Cassia, the greater part of whose species grow within the tropic. On the east coast they probably do not extend beyond 35° lat.; and on the south coast only one species has been observed, it was found in 32° S. lat. and is remarkable in being aphyllous, with di- lated footstalks exactly like the Acaciz already noticed. The third order, Papinionace#, which comprehends about three fourths of the whole class at present known, includes also nearly the same proportion of the Australian Leguminose. Papilionaceze admit of subdivision into several natural sections, but in Terra Australis they may be divided almost equally, and without violence to natural affinities, into those with connected and those with distinct stamina. The decandrous part of the whole order bears a very small proportion to the diadelphous, which in Persoon’s synopsis is to the former as nearly 30 to 1, while in Terra Australis, as I have already stated, the two tribes are nearly equal. This remarkably increased proportion of Decandrous Papilionaceous plants, forms another peculiarity in the vege- tation of New Holland, where their maximum exists in the principal parallel. They are not so generally spread over the whole of Terra Australis, as the leafless Acacixe, for although they extend to the southern extremity of Van Diemen’s Island, they are even there less abundant, and very few species have been observed within the tropic. Papilionaceous plants with distinct stamina do not in fact form a very natural subdivision of the whole order, though those of New Holland, with perhaps one or two exceptions, may be considered as such: this Australian portion, how- ever, forms nearly three fourths of the whole section, at present known ; the remaining part, consisting of genera, most of which are very different, both from each other and from those of Terra Australis, are found at the Cape of BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRAMIS. 25 Good Hope, in equinoctial and North Africa, in the different regions of America, in New Zealand, in India, very sparingly in North Asia, and lastly in the South of Europe, where, ts however, only two species have been observed, namely, Anagyris foetida, and Cercis siliquastrum; but the latter having a straight embryo and a habit approaching to that of Bauhinia, rather belongs to Lomentaceze. Among the Diadelphous genera of Terra Australis the most remarkable in habit and structure, namely Platylobium, Bossizea, Hovea, Scottia, and Kennedia, are found chiefly in the principal parallel and higher latitudes; within the tropic the greater part of these cease to exist, and most of the genera which there occur are common to other coun- tries, especially India. ATHEROSPERMEAS.’ Jussieu, in his excellent me- moir on Monimiez® has referred Pavonia of Ruiz and Pavon and Atherosperma of Labilardiére to that order, from the other genera of which, namely, Ambora, Monimia, and Ruizia, they appear to me very different, not only in the in- sertion of the seed, the texture of the albumen, and relative size of the embryo, but in having anthers similar to those of Laurine. I separate them therefore into a distinct family with the name of ArHERosPERME®. ‘The propriety of this separation is confirmed by the discovery of two New Holland plants, evidently belonging to this family, but which have hermaphrodite flowers; a structure not likely to occur in Monimiew, in which what has been termed calyx is more properly an involucrum, 1 ApHEROSPERMES. Flores diclines vel hermaphroditi. Caly# monophyllus, limbo diviso : laciniis sepe duplici serie, interioribus omnibusve semipetaloideis : Squamule faucis in femineis et hermaphroditis. Corolla nulla. Stamina in masculis floribus numerosa, fundo calycis inserta, squamulis aucta; in her- maphroditis pauciora, fauce imposita: Anthere adnate, biloculares, loculis val- vula longitudinali a basi ad apicem dehiscenti. Ovaria uno plura, seepius indefinita, monosperma, ovulo erecto : Styli simplices, nunc laterales v. basilares : Stigmata indivisa. Pericarpia clausa seminiformia, stylis persistentibus plu- mosis aristata, tubo aucto calycis inclusa. Hmdryo erectus brevis, in basi al- buminis carnosi mollis. et aor Arbores. Folia opposila simplicia exstipulata, Pedunculi axillares, uniflori. 2 Annales du museum, 14, p. 116. 26 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE The place of Atherospermee in the natural series is not very easily determined. It is singular that differing so widely as they certainly do in most parts of their structure from Laurine they should notwithstandmg agree with them in the economy of their anthers, and very remark- ably with some of them in their sensible qualities. Of the ss three Australian plants of this order two are found in the colony of Port Jackson, the third through the whole of Van Diemen’s Island. Pavonia of the Flora Peruviana (Laurelia of Jussieu), a native of a similar climate, and possessing the same sensible qualities, is more nearly related to Ather- osperma than is generally supposed, differing from it merely in the oblong form and regular bursting of its female calyx. RHAMNE. Into this order I admit such genera only as have ovarium cohering more or less with the tube of the calyx, of which the lacinize have a valvular estivation ; stamina equal in number to these lacinie, and alternating with them ; an ovarium with two or three cells and a single erect ovulum in each; an erect embryo generally placed in the axis of a fleshy albumen, or entirely without albumen ; the petals, which are opposite to the stamina, and inclose the antheras in their concave lamine, are in some cases wanting. With these characters Rhamnus, Ziziphus, Paliurus, Ceanothus (from which Pomaderris is hardly distinct), Colletia, Cryptandra, Phylica, Gouania, Ventilago, and probably Hovenia correspond. In comparing this descrip- tion of Rhamnee with that of Buttneriaceze formerly given, they will be found to coincide in so many important points, that the near relationship of these two orders cannot be doubted, and thus an unexpected affinity seems to be proved between Rhamnese and Malvacez. In Terra Australis upward of thirty species of Rhamnez belonging to Ziziphus, Ceanothus, Pomaderris, Colletia and Cryptandra, have been observed, and chiefly in its principal parallel or southern regions. : BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 27 CELASTRIN Ai.’ This order comprehends the greater part of the first two sections of the Rhamni of Jussieu; it is obviously different from the more limited order of Rhamnez, which I have already attempted to define, and in many respects so nearly approaches to the Hippocra- tsss ticee of Jussieu,” that it may be doubted whether they ought not to be united. In New Holland the Celastrinze are not numerous, nor do they form any part of its characteristic vegetation ; their distribution is somewhat different from that of Rhamnew, for they are found either in the principal pa- rallel, or within the tropic. STACKHOUSEAs’ Stackhousia of Dr. Smith,‘ and an unpublished genus, exactly agreeing with it in flower, but remarkably different in fruit, form a small tribe of plants, sufficiently distinct from all the natural orders hitherto established. J have placed it between Celastrinze and Euphorbiacez ; to both of which, but especially to the former, it seems to be related in a certain degree. The Stackhousez are peculiar to Terra Australis, and though found chiefly in its principal parallel, extend more sparingly both to the southern extremity of Van Diemen’s Island, and to the North coast of New Holland. 1 CenasTRine. Calyx 4-5-partitus, wstivatione imbricata, Petala 4-5. Stamina totidem, cum petalis alternantia, insertione ambigueé perigyna. Ovarium liberum, 2-4-loculare loculis 1-polyspermis, ovulis erectis (rard pendulis) : Stylus 1-4, Pericarpium capsulare, vel clausum (Baccatum, Drupaceum vel alatum.) Semina in capsularibus arillata. Zimdryo fere longitudine albuminis carnosi, axilis. ; Frutices vel Arbores. Folia simplicia (rard composita) alterna vel opposita, stipulata stipulis sepius minutis, quandoque nullis. 2 Annales du mus. 18, p. 486. . 3 SracknousEx. Calyx 1-ph. 5-fidus, equalis: tubo ventricoso. Petala 5, zequalia, summo tubo calycis inserta: unguibus coherentibus in tubum calyce longiorem; laminis angustis stellato-patulis. Stamina 5, distincta, inequalia (duo alterna breviora), fauci calycis inserta. Ovarium liberum, 3-5-lobum, lobis discretis monospermis, ovulis erectis: Séy/i 3-5, nunc basi cohserentes : Stigmata indivisa. Pericarpium 3-5-coccum, coccis evalvibus, apteris v. alatis ; columna centrali persistenti. Zmdryo erectus axilis, longitudine fere albuminis carnosi. ; ; Herbe. Folia simplicia, integervima, sparsa, quandoque minuta : Stipule laterales minutissine. Spica terminalis ; floribus tribracteatis, 4 Linn, soc. transact. 4, p. 218. 28 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE EUPHORBIACE: This is an extensive and very general family, of which about 100 species have already been observed in Terra Australis. Of these the greater part exist within the tropic, but the order extends to the southern extremity of Van Diemen’s Island, and the greater number of the genera peculiar to this country are found in the principal parallel or higher latitudes. ; sso) The species of Huphorbia are not numerous in Terra Australis, most of them are intratropical plants, and all of them are referable to one section of the genus. It appears tome that the name of the order ought not to be taken from this genus, which is so little calculated to afford a correct idea of its structure that authors are still at variance in the names and functions they assign to several parts of the flower. The view I take of the structure of Luphorbia is, in one important particular at least, different from those given by Lamarck,’ Ventenat,’ Richard?* and Decandolle,> though possibly the same that Jussieu has hinted at;° so briefly, however, and I may add obscurely, that if his supposition be really analogous to what I shall presently offer, he has not been so understood by those who profess to follow him in this respect. With all the authors above quoted, I regard what Lin- neus has called calyx and corolla in Huphorbia as an in- volucrum, containing several male flowers which surround a single female. By some of these authors the male flowers are described as monandrous, and in this respect, also, I agree with them; but the body, which all of them describe as a jointed filament, I consider to be made up of two very distinct parts, the portion below the joint being the foot- stalk of the flower, and that above it the proper filament ; but as the articulation itself is entirely naked, it follows that there is no perianthium; the filiform or laciniated scales which authors have considered as such, being on this supposition analogous to bracteze. The female flower, in con- formity with this supposition, has also its pedunculus, on 1 Jus. gen. 384. * Encyclop. botan. 4, p. 413. 3 Tableau, 3, p. 487. 4 In Michaux. fl. bor. Amer. 2 5 Flor. Franc. 8, p. 329. ® Gen. pl. 386. ne eae BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 29 the dilated, and in a few cases obscurely lobed, apex of which the sessile ovarium is placed. If this be a correct view of the structure of Euphorbia, it may be expected that the true filament or upper joint of what has commonly been called filament, should, as in other plants, be produced subsequent to the distinct formation of the anthera, which consequently will be found at first sessile on the lower joint or peduncle, after that has attained nearly its full length ; and accordingly this proves to be the case in such species as I have examined. Additional probability is given to this view by the difference existing between the surfaces (557 of the two joints in some species. I consider it, however, as absolutely proved by an unpublished genus of this order, having an involucrum nearly similar to that of Euphorbia, and like it, inclosing several fasciculi of monandrous male flowers, surrounding a single female; but which, both at the joint of the supposed filament, and at that by which the ovarium is connected with its pedicellus, has an obvious perianthium, regularly divided into lobes. UMBELLIFER.* This order may be considered as chiefly European, having its maximum in the temperate climates of the northern hemisphere ; in the corresponding southern parallels it is certainly much less frequent, and within the tropics very few species have been observed. In Terra Australis the Umbelliferee, including a few Aralie, which belong at least to the same natural class, exceed 50 species. The greater part of these are found in the principal arallel, in which also those genera deviating most remark- ably from the usual structure of the order occur. The most singular of these is Actinotus of Labillardiére,” which differs from the whole order in having a single ovulum in the un- impregnated ovarium. A second genus, which I shall here- after publish with the name of Leucolena, 1s worthy of notice on account of the great apparent differences of inflo- rescence existing amongst its species ; which agree in habit, 1 Jus. gen. 218. 2 Nex pl. spec. 1, p. 67, ¢.92. Eriocalia, Smith exot, bot. 2, p. 37. 30 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE in the more essential parts of fructification, and even in their remarkable involucella. Of this genus, one species has a compound umbel of four many-flowered radii; a second has an umbel of three rays with two or three flowers in each; several others, still retaining the compound umbel, which is proved by the presence of their involucella, have from four to two single-flowered rays: and lastly one species has been observed, which is reduced to a single flower ; this flower, however, is in fact the remaining soli- tary ray of a compound umbel, as is indicated by the two bracteze on its footstalk, of which the lower represents the corresponding leaf of the general involucrum, while the upper is evidently similar to the involucellum of the two- rayed species of the genus. sss) COMPOSIT A." Of this family, which is the most ex- tensive among Dicotyledones, upwards of 2500 species have been already described. About 300 are at present known in Terra Australis, in which therefore the proportion of Composite to its Dicotyledonous plants is considerably smaller than that of the whole order to Dicotyledones generally, and scarcely half that which exists in the Flora of South Africa. It is also inferior in number of species to Leguminosz, like which it seems expedient to consider it as a class including several natural orders. Of these orders Cichoracee and Cinarocephale are comparatively very rare in Terra Australis, not more than ten species of both having hitherto been observed. The class therefore chiefly consists of Corymbifere, which are very generally diffused ; they are however evidently less numerous within the tropic, and their maximum appears to exist in Van Diemen’s Island. Corymbiferee may be sub- divided into sections and the greater part of the genera peculiar to Terra Australis belong to that section which may be named Guaphaloidee, and exist either in the principal parallel or higher latitudes. The whole of Composite agree in two remarkable points 1 Adans. fam. 2, p..108. Decand. Theor, elem. 216. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 31 of structure in their corolla; which, taken together at least, materially assist in determining the limits of the class. The first of these is its valvular estivation, this, however, it has in common with several other families. The second I believe to be peculiar to the class, and hitherto unnoticed. It con- sists in the disposition of its fasciculi of vessels, or nerves ; these, which at their origin are generally equal in number to the divisions of the corolla, instead of being placed opposite to these divisions and passing through their axes, as in other plants, alternate with them; each of the vessels at the top of the tube dividing into two equal branches running parallel to and near the margins of the correspond- ing laciniz, within whose apices they unite. These, as they exist in the whole class, and are in great part of it the only vessels observable, may be called primary. In several genera, however, other vessels occur, alternating with the primary and occupying the axes of the lacinize: in some cases these secondary vessels, being most distinctly visible in the lacinie, and becoming gradually fainter as they descend the tube, may be regarded as recurrent ; originat- ing from the united apices of the primary branches ; but co in other cases where they are equally distinct at the base of the tube, this supposition cannot be admitted. A mono- petalous corolla not splitting at the base is necessarily con- nected with this structure, which seems also peculiarly well adapted to the dense inflorescence of Composite; the vessels of the corolla and stamina being united, and so dis- posed as to be least liable to suffer by pressure. As this disposition of vessels is found in Ambrosia and Xanthium, they ought not to be separated from Composite as Richard’ has proposed; and as it does not exist in Brunonia I prefer annexing that genus to Goodenovie, with which it agrees in the peculiar indusium of the stigma. GOODENOVI%.’ This order I have formerly separated from Campanulaceze, considering the peculiar membranous cup surrounding the stigma, along with a certain irregu- 1 Annales du mus. 8, p. 184. 2 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl; 578. 82 GENERAL REMARKS ON TIE larity in the corolla, as sufficient distinguishing characters, especially as these are accompanied by other differences which appear to me important. In Goodenovie I have not included Lobelia, which, however, has also an irregular corolla, and although it wants the peculiar indusium of the stigma, has in its place a fasciculus or pencil of hair sur- rounding that organ. ‘This structure has been regarded by Jussieu and Richard, in a very learned memoir, more re- cently written on the subject,’ as analogous to the indusium of Goodenovie, to which they have therefore added Lobelia and derived the name of the order from this, its most extensive and best known genus. ‘To the opinion of these authors I hesitate to accede, chiefly for the following reasons : 1st. In Goodenoviz the deeper fissure of the tube of the corolla exists on its inner or upper side, a circumstance readily determined in those species having single spikes. In Lobelia, on the other hand, the corresponding fissure is on the outer or lower side, a fact, however, which can only be ascertained before the opening of the corolla, the flowers in the greater number of species becoming resupinate in the expanded state, a circumstance that does not appear to have been before remarked. ‘lhe relation therefore not only of the corolla but of the calyx and stamina to the axis of inflorescence, is different in these two tribes. soo] 2ndly. In Goodenovie the greater part of the tube of the corolla is formed by the cohesion of five lacinie, the distinct inflected margins of which are in most cases visible nearly to its base; these lacinize are in some cases uncon- nected, as in Diaspasis, and more remarkably stillin Cypha, which is actually pentapetalous. I have observed no such structure in Lobelia. 3rdly. At the period of bursting of the anthere the stigma in Lobelia is almost completely evolved, and capable of receiving impregnation from the pollen of the same flower ; the function therefore of its surrounding pencil, is similar to that of the hairs which are almost equally obvious " Annales du mus. 18, p. 1. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 33 in many Composite, especially Cinarocephale. On the contrary, in Goodenovie the stigma at the same period is hardly visible, and is certainly not then capable of receiving impregnation from the pollen of its proper flower; it is therefore either impregnated by the anthers: of different flowers, or in some cases at a more advanced stage by the pollen of its own anthers, which is received and detained in the indusium. 'I'o these arguments for the exclusion of Lobelia I may add that in the greater part of Goodenovize with dehiscent fruit the dissepiment is parallel to the valves of the capsule, in which respect they differ equally from Lobelia and the valvular-fruited Campanulaceze ; and lastly, that many species of Lobelia as well as Campanulacee con- tain a milky juice of which there is no instance in Goode- novie. If, therefore, in Lobelia the pencil surrounding the stigma and the irregularity of the corolla, which, how- ever, in some species is hardly perceptible, be considered as characters sufficient to separate this extensive genus from Campanulacez, it may form a separate order, admitting, perhaps, of subdivision into several distinct genera. I have formerly observed’ that in two genera of Goode- novie, namely, Huthales and Velleia, the base of the corolla coheres with the ovarium while the calyx remains entirely distinct. This structure I had stated as being peculiar to these genera, and as in some degree invalidating one of Jussieu’s arguments for considering the floral envelope of Monocotyledones as calyx rather than corolla. The fact, however, seems not to be admitted by Richard, who in the dissertation already quoted* describes what has hitherto been called calyx in Velleia as bractez ; a view of the structure which in those species of that genus having triphyllous calyx may appear plausible, but of which the probability is a diminished even in those with pentaphyllous calyx, and still more in Euthales, where the calyx is also tubular. But a stronger argument for the part usually denominated calyx being in these genera really such may be derived from certain species of Goodenia, in which it will be admitted that both calyx and corolla are present, and where, though 1 Prod. fl. Nov. Holl. 580. 2 Annales du nus. - p. 27, 34 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE both these envelopes adhere to the ovarium, they may be separately traced to its base; the coloured corolla being plainly visible in the interstices of the foliaceous calyx. Goodenoviee, whose maximum exists in the principal parallel of New Holland, are nearly but not absolutely confined to 'l'erra Australis; the only known exceptions to this consist of the genus Cyphia, which is peculiar to Africa, and chiefly occurs at the Cape of Good Hope; of some species of Scevola which are found within the tropics ; and of Goodenovia littoralis, which is common to the shores of Terra Australis and New Zealand, and according to Cava- nilles is also a native of the opposite coast of South America. STYLIDE.! This order, consisting of Styhdium, Levenhookia, and Forstera, I have formerly separated from Campanulacez, on account of its reduced number of stamina, and the remarkable and intimate cohesion of their filaments with the style, through the whole length of both organs. Tt. differs also both from Campanulaceee and Goodenovie in the imbricate estivation of the corolla, and where its seg- ments are unequal in the nature of the irregularity. In the relation which the parts of its flower have to the axis of in- florescence, and in the parallel septum of its capsule, it agrees with Goodenovie and differs from Lobelia, which, however, in some other respects it more nearly resembles. Very different descriptions of the sexual organs in this tribe, and especially of the female, have been given by seve- ral French botanists. According to Richard the lateral ap- pendices of the labellum in Sty/zdiwm are the real stigmata, the style being consequently considered as cohering with the tube of the corolla, and the column as consisting of stamina only. This view of the structure demands par- ticular notice, not only from the respect to which its author is himself entitled, but because it has also been adopted by Jussieu,” whose arguments in support of it, and against the 562] common opinion, may be reduced to three. Ist. Were the common opinion admitted, the difficulty of conceiving so wide a difference in what he terms insertion of stamina ' Prod. fl. Nov. Holl. 565. * Annales du mus, 18, p. 7. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 35 in two orders so nearly related as Campanulacee and Sty- lideze obviously are: 2ndly. The alleged non-existence of the stigma, which preceding authors had described as ter- minating the column: and lastly, the manifest existence of another part, which, both from its appearance and supposed origin is considered as capable of performing the function of that organ. In opposition to these arguments it may be observed, that the real origin of the stamina is in both orders the same, the apparent difference arising simply from their ac- cretion to the female organ in Stylidez, a tendency to which may be said to exist in Lobelia. ‘The inability to detect the stigma terminating the column in Stylidium must have arisen from the imperfection of the speci- mens examined, for in the recent state, in which this organ is even more obvious than in Goodenovie at the time of bursting of the antherz, it could not have escaped so accurate an observer as Richard; and were it even less manifest in Stylidium, its existence would be sufficiently confirmed from the strict analogy of that genus with Leven- hookia, whose stigma, also terminating the column, consists of two long capillary laciniz, which are in no stage con- cealed by the antherz. With respect to the part considered as stigma by Richard I have formerly observed that it is obsolete in some species of Stylidium and entirely wanting in others,’ and there is certainly no trace of anything analogous to it in Forstera. The greater part of the Australian Sty/idee exist at the western extremity of the principal parallel, several species are found at the eastern extremity of the same parallel, and a few others occur both within the tropic and in Van Diemen’s Island. Beyond Terra Australis very few plants of this order have been observed ; two species of Stylidium, very similar to certain intratropical species of New Holland, were found in Ceylon and Malacca, by Koenig ; and of the only two known species of Forstera, one is a native of New Zealand, the other of Terra del Fuego, and the opposite coast of Patagonia. . Bauer illustr. tab. 5. 36 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE ses] RUBIACEZ.’ As this order is now constituted it appears to me impracticable to distinguish it from Apocines, by characters taken from the fructification alone; and even if the Stellatee or Asperuleze be excluded, and the remark- able stipulation of its remaining sections be taken into ac- count, it will not then, perhaps, admit of a definition en- tirely free from exceptions. It must also, I think, be allowed that Rubiaceze, Apocineze, Asclepiadez, and certain genera at present referred to Gentianez, form but one great natu- ral class. In this class the leaves are uniformly simple, perfectly entire, and, with a very few exceptions, occurring in Asclepiadeze and Apocinez, also opposite ; while in the parts of fructification there are hardly any characters that are not liable to exceptions, unless the monopetalous regu- lar corolla, and stamina alternating with its lacinize and not exceeding them in number. The order Rudiacee, admitting it as it 1s at present established, is chiefly equinoctial. In Terra Australis its maximum is also within the tropic, where, however, it is not very numerous; and the most remarkable Australian part of the order, consisting of Opercularia and Pomaza, is chiefly found in the principal parallel. Jussieu is very un- willing to admit these two genera into Rubiacee, and is rather disposed to consider them as a distinct family ; chiefly on account of their single-seeded ovarium. ‘To prove that this character alone, however, is not of such im- portance as to separate plants into different natural orders, it is sufficient to advert to Proteaceze, Amaranthacez, and Epacridez, all of which contain genera with one, two, and even an indefinite number of seeds; and as Operculariz entirely agree with many genera of Rubiacee in other points of structure of fructification, in habit, and- especially in their remarkable stipulation, I think there can be no doubt that they ought to be referred to the same order, of which they form a section, characterised not only by its single-seed ovarium, but by the peculiar dehiscence of its compound fruit. 1 Juss. gen. 196. _ BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 37 _ APOCINE\E.1 T have already observed? that this order is very nearly related to Rubiaceze and Gentianes ; the ts former appearing to differ chiefly in its remarkable stipule, the latter in its minute embryo. If these characters be admitted, certain New Holland genera which I have placed with Gentianez will either be transferred to Rubiacez, or, as I have formerly proposed,> may, with some others, con- stitute a family intermediate to Rubiacee and Apocinez. This order or section, which may be named Locanza, will consist of Logania, Geniostoma (from which Anasser of Jussieu is not distinct), Usteria, Geertnera of Lamarck,* Pagamea of Aublet, and, perhaps, Fagrea. Of these, the only New Holland genus is Zogania, the greater part of whose species are found in the principal parallel. In this genus, which admits, however, of subdivision, the import- ance of stipulation seems to be entirely lost, for it contains species agreeing in this respect with Rubiaceze, others in which the stipule are lateral and distinct, and one species, at least, in which they are entirely wanting. There is an evident affinity between certain species of Logania and MMitrasacme, which J had therefore placed in Gentianeze. Mitrasacme is very general in Terra Australis, but its maximum is within the tropic ; it is not absolutely confined to New Holland, for I have observed in the Sher- ardian Herbarium two species collected at Cheusan, by Mr. Cunningham. Among the true Apocineze of New Holland, which are chiefly found within the tropic, the most remarkable genus is Alyxia, in which the albumen and embryo agree with those of the very different family Annonacez. ASCLEPIADE.® These plants differ from Apocine solely in the peculiar structure of their genitalia, a charac- ter, however, which appears to me fully sufficient to justify their separation. They are not very numerous in New 1 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl. 465. Apocinearum pars, Juss. gen. 143. 2 Werner. soc. transact. 1, p. 12. 3 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl. 455. 4 Tllustr. gen. tab. 167. 5 Werner. soc. transact. 1, p.12; Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl. 458. 38 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE Holland, where they are found chiefly within the tropic, and I have not observed any plant of the order in that country in a higher latitude than 34° S. EPACRIDEA.! The abundance of this family in Terra ss) Australis constitutes one of the peculiarities of its vegeta- tion. About 140 species have already been observed, the greater part of which are found in the principal parallel ; the order, however, continues numerous at the south end of Van Diemen’s Island, where several genera appear that have not been met with in other parts; within the tropic very few species have been observed, and none with capsular fruit. Epacridee, with the exception of two species found in the Sandwich Islands, are confined to the southern hemi- sphere ; several species have been observed in New Zealand, a few in the Society Islands, and even in the Moluccas ; the only species with capsular fruit found within the tropic is Dracophyllum verticillatum, observed by Labillardiére in New Caledonia; and the only plant of the family known to exist in America is an unpublished genus, also with capsular fruit, found by Sir Joseph Banks in Terra del Fuego. The sections into which I have divided this order differ from each other in two remarkable points of structure. The Styphelee, as they may be called, having a valvular or very rarely a plaited zstivation of the corolla, and a definite number of seeds; while the Epacridee, strictly so called, have along with their indefinite number of seeds and capsular fruit a corolla with imbricate estivation. I have formerly’ pointed out what seems to be the natural subdi- vision of this section, depending more on the differences of insertion in its leaves than on characters derived from the parts of fructification. LABIATA and VERBENACEZ appear to me to form one natural class, the two orders of which gradually pass into each other. Terra Australis contains several remark- able genera of both orders, and chiefly in its principal pa- 1 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl. 535. Tricearum genera. Juss. gen. 160. 2 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl. 536. 2 uss. gen. 160 BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 39 rallel. Cd/oanthes' isthe most singular among Verbenacee, having, with the fruit of that order, entirely the habit of Labiatee. Westringia and Prostanthera, with the genera nearly re- lated to each of these, are the most worthy of notice among Labiatee ; all of them are limited to Terra Australis, and they are found chiefly in its principal parallel, but West- ringia and Prostanthera abound also in Van Diemen’s Island, and extend, though more sparingly, in the opposite direc- tion as faras the tropic. Prostanthera is remarkable tos in the appendages to its antheree, in the texture of its fruit, and in the remains of albumen existing in the ripe seeds of several of its species. Westringia, and its related genera Microcorys and Hemigenia, differ from the rest of the order in having verticillate leaves, and from the greater part in the structure of antherae, particularly in the order in which these organs become abortive. Westringia, according to Dr. Smith, has resupinate corolla, a term which in this case cannot allude to a mere inversion in the form of its lips, for this does not exist; and if it mean an absolute change in the relation of its parts to those of the calyx or to the included organs, it cannot, Iapprehend, be admitted either in this genus or in any other of the order. The fact which I formerly stated* against the resupimation of corolla in Labiatee is the uniformity of its zstivation in this order, in which the upper lip always covers the lower. To those who do not consider this as a sufficient proof, the following, drawn from another equally uniform point of structure, may perhaps appear more satisfactory. In Labiate, as well as in several other orders with irregular flowers, the deviation from the usual quinary division of calyx and corolla in Dicotyledones, does not consist in an abso- lute suppression of parts, but merely in their confluence, a fact indicated by the disposition of vessels ; thus the upper lip of the corolla, which m this order generally consists of one piece, either entire or more or less deeply bifid, is always furnished with two longitudinal nerves equidistant from its axis, which is without vessels ; while each of the 1 Bauer illustr, tab, 4. 2 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl, 499. 40 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE three laciniz usually forming the lower lip has a single nerve passing through its axis; the upper lip is therefore to be considered, even when entire, as made up of two con- fluent lacinie; and if this test be allowed to be conclusive, and applied to the corolla of those genera of Labiate in which it is supposed to be resupinate, the opinion will be found to be erroneous. MYOPORIN&:.! The principal characters in the fructi- fication of this order, by which it is distinguished from Ver- benaceze, are the presence of albumen in the ripe seed, and the direction of the embryo, whose radicule always points towards the apex of the fruit. The first of these characters, however, is not absolute, and neither of them can sev] be ascertained before the ripening of the seed; for pre- vious to the complete development of the embryo the fluid albumen or liquor amnios equally exists in both orders ; and although all the genera of Verbenacez have an embryo whose radicule points towards the base of the fruit, yet many of them have pendulous seeds, and consequently a radicule remote from the umbilicus. Hence Avicennia,’ which I formerly annexed to Myoporine, should be re- stored to Verbenacez, with which also it much better agrees in habit. Myoporing, with the exception of Bontia, a genus of equinoctial America, and of two species of Myoporum found in the Sandwich Islands, has hitherto been observed only in the scuthern hemisphere, and yet neither in South Africa nor in South America beyond the tropic. Its maxi- mum is evidently in the principal parallel of Terra Australis, in every part of which it exists; in the more southern parts of New Holland, and even in Van Diemen’s Island it is more frequent than within the tropic. The genus Myo- porum is also found in New Zealand, Norfolk Island, New Caledonia, and the Society Islands. PROTEACEA’ I have formerly‘ offered several obser- 1 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl. 514. 2 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl. 518. 3 Thid. 4 Lin, soc. transact. 10, p. 15. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 41 vations both on the geographical distribution and on some of the more remarkable points of structure of this order of plants. I shall now therefore confine myself to a few of the most important facts on each of these subjects. Proteacee are chiefly natives of the southern hemisphere, in which they are most abundant in a parallel included be- tween 32° and 35° lat., but they extend as far as 55° S. lat. The few species found in the northern hemisphere occur within the tropic. Upwards of 4.00 species of the order are at present known ; more than half of these are natives of Terra Australis, where they form one of the most striking peculiarities of the vege- tation. Nearly four fifths of the Australian Proteaceze belong to the principal parallel, in which, however, they are very unequally distributed ; the number of species at its western extremity being to those of the eastern as about two to one, and, what is much more remarkable, the number even at the eastern extremity being to that of the middle of the parallel as at least four to one. From the principal parallel the diminution of the order in number of species is nearly equal in both directions ; but while no genus has been met with tes within the tropic which does not also exist in the principal parallel, unless that section of Grevillea having a woody capsule’ be considered as such, several genera occur at the south end of Van Diemen’s Island which appear to be peculiar to it. No Australian species of this order has been observed in any other part of the world, and even all its genera are confined to it, with the exception of Lomatia, of which several species have been found in South America; and of Stenocarpus, the original species of which is a native of New Caledonia. The genera of Terra Australis that approach most nearly to the South African portion of the Proteacez exist in the principal parallel, and chiefly at its western extremity ; those allied to the American part of the order are found either at the eastern extremity of the same parallel or in Van Diemen’s Island. ' Cycloptera, Lin, soc. transact. 10, p. 176; Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl, 380. 42° GENERAL REMARKS ON THE There is no species of Proteaceee common to the east and west coasts of New Holland, and certain genera abound at one extremity of the principal parallel which at the opposite extremity are either comparatively rare or en- tirely wanting. I have formerly remarked that in this order no instance of deviation from the quaternary division of the perianthium has been observed ; a fact which is the more remarkable as this is itself a deviation from the prevailing quinary number in the floral envelopes of Dicotyledonous plants. There is a peculiarity in the structure of the stamina of certain genera of Proteaceze, namely, Simsia, Conospermum, and Synaphea, in all of which these organs are connected in such a manner that the cohering lobes of two different antheree form only one cell. Another anomaly equally remarkable exists in Synaphea, the divisions of whose barren filament so intimately cohere with the stigma as to be absolutely lost in its substance, while the style and undivided part of the filament remain perfectly distinct. SANTALACEA. I have formerly’ proposed and at- ss) tempted to define this natural order, one of whose most remarkable characters consists in its unilocular ovarium, containing more than one, but always a determinate number of ovula, which are pendulous and attached to the apex of a central receptacle. This receptacle, which varies in its figure in the different genera, in some being filiform, in others nearly filling the cavity of the ovarium, had not been previously noticed in any plant of the order. The greater part of the Santalacez of ‘Terra Australis are found in the principal parallel, to which several genera, namely, Leptomeria, Corethrum, and Fusanus, are nearly limited ; Santalum, on the other hand, is found chiefly within the tropic. Ihave added Evocarpus and Anthobolus to this order, with certain genera of which they agree in habit and many points of structure, both of the flower and fruit; but they 1 Prodr. fi. Nov. Holl. 350. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 43 are readily distinguishable from the whole order by their fructus superus, and they may possibly differ also in the internal structure of their ovarium, which has not yet been satisfactorily ascertained. The genus Hvocarpus is most abundant in the principal parallel and southern parts of Terra Australis, but it is not unfrequent even within the tropic. Zxocarpus cupresst- Jormis is not only the most common species of the genus, but the most general tree in Terra Australis, being found in nearly the whole of the principal parallel, in every part of Van Diemen’s Island that has been visited, and even within the tropic. I am acquainted with only three plants that have in that country an equally extensive range. These are Anthistiria australis, the most valuable grass as well as the most general plant in Terra Australis ; Arwndo Phrag- mites, less frequent than the former, but which extends from the southern extremity of Van Diemen’s Island to the north coast of New Holland; and Mesembryanthemum equilaterale, which occurs on almost every part of the sandy sea shores of both these islands. Exocarpus is not absolutely confined to Terra Australis, for M. Bauer has discovered a very remarkable species bearing its flowers on the margins of dilated foliaceous branches, analogous to those of Xylophylla; and Xylophylla longi- Jolia, which was taken up by Linnzus from Rumphius,* (570 appears more probably, both from the description and figure of that author, to be also a species of Exocarpus. There is so great a resemblance between the enlarged fleshy receptacle of Exocarpus and the berry of Taxus, that some botanists have been led to compare these plants to- gether in other respects. A complete coincidence in this part of their structure would not indeed prove the affinity of these two genera, any more than it does that of Exo- carpus to Anacardium or Semecarpus, with which also it has been compared; and to determine their agreement even in this respect it is necessary to understand the origin of the berry of Taxus, of which very different accounts 1 Xylophyllos ceramica, Herb. amb. 7, p. 19, ¢. 12. 44 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE have been given. According to Lamarck’ it consists of the enlarged ovarium itself, perforated by the seed soon after impregnation; while Mirbel’ considers it as formed of the scales of the female amentum, immediately sur- rounding the organ, named by him cupu/a ; and considered as containing the pistillum, but which most other authors have regarded as the pistillum itself. My observations differ from both these accounts, for on examining the female fructification of Taxus before impregnation I find the rudiments of the future berry, consisting at that period of a narrow fleshy ring, surrounding the base only of the cupula of Mirbel, and very similar to the annular hypo- gynous nectarium of many flowers. If this cupula, there- fore, were the pistillum itself, the berry of Taxus would have an origin analogous to that of Balanites,’ as it has been very lately described by Mirbel; and, on the other hand, if that author’s view of the female fructification of Taxus and Conifers generally be adopted, it might then to a certain degree be compared with the external cupula of Dacrydium, which will be more particularly noticed hereafter ; but from this it would still be very distinct both in its texture and in its not enclosing in the early stage the cupula ; on neither supposition, however, does its origin agree with that of the berry of Exocarpus, which in some respects more nearly resembles the fleshy receptacle of Podocarpus. I have annexed Olaw to Santalacez,* not, however, con- sidering it as absolutely belonging to the same family, but sl] as agreeing with it in some important circumstances ; especially in the mternal structure of its ovarium, and that of its pericarpium and seed ; but as in Olax there appears to be a double floral envelope, as its antheriferous stamina alternate with the segments of the inner envelope, and its ovarium does not cohere with either, there are sufficient grounds for regarding it, with Mirbel, as a distinct family. 1 Encyclop. botan. 3, p. 228. 2 Nouv. bulletin des scien.-3, p. 73. 8 Delile in mem. sur U gypte, 3, p. 326. Ximenia egyptiaca, Linn. © 4 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl. 357. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 45 CASUARINEA. The genus Casuarina is certainly not referable to any natural order of plants at present estab- lished; and its structure being now tolerably understood, it may be considered a separate order, as Mirbel has already suggested." The maximum of Casuarina appears to exist in ‘Terra Australis, where it forms one of the characteristic features of the vegetation. ‘Thirteen Australian species have already been observed ; the greater number of these are found in the principal parallel, in every part of which they are almost equally abundant ; in Van Diemen’s Island the genus is less frequent, and within the tropic it is comparatively rare ; no species except Casuarina equisetifolia having been ob- served on the north coast of New Holland. Beyond Terra Australis only two species have been found, namely, C. equisetifolia, which occurs on most of the intratropical islands of the Southern Pacific, as well as in the Moluccas, and exists also on the continent of India; and C. nodfora, which is a native of New Caledonia. In the male flowers of all the species of Casuarina, I find an envelope of four valves, as Labillardicre has already observed in one species, which he has therefore named C. guadrivalvis.” But as the two lateral valves of this en- velope cover the others in the unexpanded state, and appear to belong to a distinct series, I am inclined to consider them as bracteze. On this supposition, which, however, I do not advance with much confidence, the perianthium would consist merely of the anterior and posterior valves, and these, firmly cohering at their apices, are carried up by the anthera, as soon as the filament begins to be produced, while the lateral valves or bractez are persistent ; it follows from it also that there is no visible perianthium in the female flower, and the remarkable economy of its lateral bracteze may, perhaps, be considered as not only affording an additional argument in support of the view now taken 72 of the nature of the parts, but also as in some degree again approximating Casuarina to Conifere, with which it was formerly associated. 1 Annales du mus. 16, p. 451. 2 Plant. Nov, Holl. 2, p. 67, ¢. 218. 46 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE The outer coat of the seed or caryopsis of Casuarina consists of a very fine membrane, of which the terminal wing is entirely composed ; between this membrane and the crustaceous integument of the seed there exists a stratum of spiral vessels, which Labillardicre, not having distinctly seen, has described as an “integumentum arach- noideum ;” and within the crustaceous integument there is a thin proper membrane closely applied to the embryo, which the same author has entirely overlooked. The existence of spiral vessels, particularly in such quantity, and, as far as can be determined in the dried specimens, unaccompanied by other vessels, is a structure at least very unusual in the integuments of a seed or caryopsis, in which they are very seldom at all visible, and have never, I believe, been observed in such abundance as in this genus, in all whose species they are equally obvious. CONIFER." The structure of the female parts of fructification in Conifer having, till very lately, been so little understood, and certain facts concerning it being still unpublished, I shall prefix a few observations on this subject to the remarks I have to offer on the Australian part of the order. In the late essays of Mirbel and Schoubert on Conifere* that part of the female fructification which had previously been considered as the pistillum, having a perforated style, is described as a peculiar organ enclosing the ovarium, and in most cases also the stigma. This organ, which they have named cupula, they regard as more analogous to an involucrum than to a perianthium, which, according to them, also exists, cohering, however, with the body of the ovarium. Without absolutely adopting this latter part of their statement, it appears to me that impregnation really takes place in the manner these authors describe. Their principal argument is derived from the genus Ephedra, in which both the stigma and a considerable part of the style project beyond this cupula, without cohering with its aper- ture. In further confirmation of their opinion it may be 1 Juss. gen. All, * Nouo, bulletin des scien. 3, p. 73, 85, et 121, ~ BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 47 observed that I have found a projection of the stigma, 7s though certainly in a much less obvious degree, both in Agathis' and in a species of Podocarpus. Towards this discovery, as extending to the Conifers more strictly so called, an important step was made in Pinus, by the accurate Schkuhr,’ who first correctly de- scribed and figured the cupula of that genus, but who con- sidered it as the ovarium itself and the two processes of its aperture as stigmata. Mr. Salisbury, who seems to have been unacquainted with Schkuhr’s observations, published a few years afterwards,’ the same opmion, which continued to be generally received till the appearance of the essays, already quoted, of Mirbel and Schoubert. But these authors do not seem to be aware that certain plants of the order are even furnished with a double cupula. This is most remarkable in Podocarpus,in which the drupa is formed of this external cupula, whose aperture exists not at the apex, but very near its base or point of insertion. The inner cupula in this genus is in every stage entirely enclosed in the outer, and is in like manner inverted. That this is the real structure of Podocarpus seems to be proved by that of the nearly related genus Dacrydium, hitherto so imperfectly understood. This genus has also a double cupula, the outer in the young state enclosing the inner, and both of them at this period being inverted, as in Podocarpus ; but the inner in a more advanced stage acquires nearly an erect position, by rupturing one side of the external cupula, which, not continuing to increase pro- portionally in size, forms a cup surrounding the base only of the ripe fruit. Three species of Podocarpus ave found in Terra Australis ; two of these exist in the colony of Port Jackson, the third was observed on the summit of the Table Mountain in Van Diemen’s Island. Podocarpus asplenifolia of Labillardicre* is certainly not a Podocarpus, but either forms a distinct 1 Salisbury in Linn. soc. transact. 8, p. 311. Pinus Dammara, Zamé, pix. p. 61, ¢. 38. 2 Bolan. handb. 3, p. 276, ¢. 308. 3 Linn. soc. transact. 8, p. 308. 4 Plant. Nov. Holl. 2, p. 71, ¢. 221. 48 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE genus, as Richard has already supposed,’ or it may possibly be a species of Dacrydium ; a conjecture which I have no means of verifying, having never seen the female fructifica- tion of this remarkable plant. 5) Callitris of Ventenat® is peculiar to Terra Australis, where it exists very generally, but most abundantly in the principal parallel; it consists of several species, differing from each other chiefly in the form of their fruit. Araucaria eacelsa, which was first observed in Norfolk Island and New Caledonia, is found also on the east coast of New Holland, immediately within the tropic; itis there, however, a tree of very moderate dimensions, and never of that enormous size which it not unfrequently attains in Norfolk Island. ORCHIDEA The Australian species of this order already known amount to 120; many of these, however, are of very rare occurrence, and none of them appear to be produced in abundance. The maximum of the order exists in the principal parallel, a considerable part extends to Van Diemen’s Island, and very few have been observed within the tropic. ‘The greater part form genera nearly or entirely peculiar to Terra Australis, and most of these genera belong to that division of the order having farimaceous pollen, with an an- thera which is inserted, but not deciduous, and either paral- lel to the stigma or terminating the column. The two sec- tions of this division with parallel and terminal anthera are found in New Holland to pass very gradually into each other, and several genera belonging to the former are, in that coun- try, remarkable for the great expansion of the lateral lobes of the column. These lateral lobes I have considered as bar- ren stamina, which, like those of Philydrum, are occasionally, though indeed very rarely, furnished with rudiments of antheree. This structure, as well as that of Cypripedium, in which the lateral lobes are antheriferous, while the middle is barren, approximates the flower of Orchidez to what ' Annales du mus. 16, p. 299. 2 Dec. gen. nov. 10, 3 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl. 309. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 49 may be called the type of Monocotyledones, that is, a regu- lar flower with ternary division of its envelope, stamina, and cells or placentae of the fruit. I have attempted a similar approximation of true Sedta- mine@,' whose processes crowning the ovarium, and usually two in number, form the complement of the stamina. Marantee or Cannee,* an order at present referred to 157s Scitaminez, may also be reduced to this type; they differ, however, from Scitaminez in the mutual relation of their barren and fertile stamina, somewhat as Cypripedium does from the other genera of Orchidez ; except that 1n Maranteze the imperfection is greater, a single lobe only of one of the lateral stamina having the appearance of an anthera and producing pollen. It is remarkable that so very few Orchidez of Terra Australis belong to that section of the order with angular elastic pollen and adnate anthera; this section being not only the most numerous in Europe, but existing in an equal proportion, though singularly modified, at the Cape of Good Hope. Of another section of the order, formerly comprehended under the Linnean genus Epidendrum, most of which, though not properly parasitical, grow upon trees, several species, chiefly belonging to Dendrobium, are found in New Holland. In the northern hemisphere very few plants of this section that grow on trees have been observed beyond the tropic. The only exceptions to this, that Iam acquainted with, consist of two species of a genus related to Dendro- bium, discovered by Dr. Buchanan, in Upper Nepaul ;* of Dendrobium moniliforme, observed by Kempfer and Thunberg, in Japan, near Nagasaki; and of Lpidendrum conopseum,* which, according to Mr. William Bartram, grows in East Florida, in lat. 98° N. In some parts of the southern hemisphere this section appears to have a more extensive range. On the east coast of New Holland several species of Dendrobium and 1 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl. 308. 2 Loe. cilat. 307. 3 Epidendrum precox and Epidendrum humile. Smith ewot. bot. tabb. 97 and 98, 4 Fort. Kew, ed. 2, vol. 5, p. 219. 4 50 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE Cymbidium are found in 34° §. lat.; but this is probably about their southern limit in that country, no species hav- ing been met with on any part of its south coast. They have, however, been observed in a considerably higher lati- tude in New Zealand, in the northern island of which seve- ral species were collected by Sir Joseph Banks, in about 38° S.* lat., and Epidendrum autumnale of Forster grows in the neighbourhood of Dusky Bay, in upwards of 45° 8. lat. Tam not acquainted with the limit of this section in South America; but in South Africa, at the Cape of Good Hope, none of those, at least, that are parasitical on trees, have been observed. s1] ASPHODELEA.” In this order I include the greater part, both of Asphodeleze and Asparagez of Jussieu, dis- tinguishable from each other only by texture and dehiscence of fruit ; differences which, as they separate Stypandra from Dianella, and Eustrephus from Luzuriaga, cannot be ad- mitted to be of more than generic importance. I confess myself unable to point out satisfactory distin- guishing characters for this order, in my description of which, however, I have noted two circumstances, neither of them indeed peculiar to the order, but both of them ap- pearing to extend through the whole of it; namely, the reduction of stamina from six to three, which occasionally occurs, constantly taking place by the suppression of those opposite to the outer series of the perianthium; and the existence of the black crustaceous testa or outer integument of the seed. It is probable I have given too much weight to this latter circumstance, in combining, partly on account of it, genera so very dissimilar as Anthericum, Xanthor- rheea, and Astelia. Aanthorrhea, which I have included in Asphodelez, is in habit one of the most remarkable genera of ‘Terra Aus- tralis, and gives a peculiar character to the vegetation of that part of the country where it abounds. This genus is most frequent in the principal parallel, but it extends to the ' Prody. fl. Nov, Holl. 274, BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 51 south end of Van Diemen’s Island, and is also found within the tropic. A plant of avery similar habit to Xanthorrhcea, agreeing with it in its caudex and leaves, having, however, a very different inflorescence, was observed abundantly at King George’s Sound, but with fructification so decayed and im- perfect that I have not been able to determine the structure either of its flower or fruit. This plant is introduced by Mr. Westall in the view of King George’s Sound published in Captain Flinders’s account of his voyage. Thad annexed Hypowis and Curculigo to the Asphode- leee, chiefly on account of a similarity in the testa of the seed; but they differ so much from this order in other parts of their structure, and from Amaryllidee both in this respect and in the singular umbilicus of the seed, as well as in habit, that it is better to consider them as forming a separate family. Of this family, which may be called Hypoxipza,; only five species have been observed in Terra Australis, four of 077 these belong to Hypoxis, which is chiefly an extratropical genus, the fifth is a Curculigo very like those of India. PALMA. Only six species of this order have been observed in New Holland, and of two of these the fructi- fication is at present unknown. The New Holland Palms exist chiefly within the tropic, but one species is found in 34° S. lat.; it seems, however, that this is nearly the southern limit of the order in that country, no species having been seen on any part of the South coast. In New Zealand a species of Areca was observed by Sir Joseph Banks, in about 38° S. lat., which is probably nearly the limit of Palms, in the southern hemisphere. In the northern hemisphere their extent is not materially different from this: in North America, indeed, they do not appear 1 HyroxipEx. Perianthium superum: limbo sexpartito, regulari, estiva- tione imbricata. Svamina sex, imis lacinis inserta. Ovarium 3-loc. loculis polyspermis. Capsuda evalvis, nunc baccata, polysperma. Semina umbilico laterali rostelliformi; testa atra crustacea, Zimdryo in axi albuminis carnosi1 radicula vaga. 52 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE to grow beyond 36° lat.; but in Europe Chamerops humilis extends as far as the neighbourhood of Nice. It is remarkable that no species of Palm has been found in South Africa, nor was any observed by Mr. Leschenault,' on the West coast of New Holland, even within the tropic. JUNCEAS. We are now in possession of so many links connecting together the Monocotyledonous orders with regular flowers, that in attempting to define several of them, we are obliged to have recourse to differences, many of which may appear, and some of which unquestionably are, of but secondary importance. Of this kind may be con- sidered the characters by which I have endeavoured to dis- tinguish Juncee from Asphodelez, namely the difference in the texture of the perianthium, and in that of the testa of the seed, in the consistence of the albumen, and in the order of suppression of the stamina; these when reduced to three in number being always placed opposite to the three outer leaves of the perianthium: in this respect and 578) in the more important character of the position of the embryo Junceee differ also from Restiaceze, to which they more nearly approach in habit. Three very remarkable genera, which I have referred to Juncee, are peculiar to Terra Australis. Of two of these, Calectasia and Dasypogon, each consisting of only one species, figures and descriptions are annexed to this essay. Of the third, Verofes, 24 species have already been ob- served. ‘This genus is somewhat more abundant in the principal parallel than in other parts; but it is very gene- rally extended, and is more frequent within the tropic than in Van Diemen’s Island. Xerotes, in the structure and appearance of its flowers and in the texture of albumen, has a considerable resemblance to Palms, but it wants the peculiar characters of the seed and also the habit of that remarkable order. Flagellaria, which I have added to Juncez, differs from Xerotes chiefly in its pericarpium, and in the form and relation of its embryo to the albumen, which is also of a 1 Annales du mus, 17, p. $7. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 53 different texture; in all these respects it approaches to Cyperaceze, with some of whose genera it has even a cer- tain resemblance in habit. ‘This genus has usually been found only within the tropics, but in New Holland it extends as far as 33° S. lat. Philydrum, which T have annexed to Juncee, has always appeared to me an insulated genus, yet thongh not re- ferable to any established natural order, it may be com- pared with several in certain respects. In the structure of its stamina it may in one point of view be said to be in- termediate between Scitamineze and Orchidez ; in that of its pericarpium and even of its seeds it has some affinity to the latter order ; yet it differs from both of them in almost every other respect. In general appearance, it bears a considerable resemblance to Cartonema, which belongs to Commelineze. In some parts of its structure it may be compared with Xyris, and perhaps with Burmannia; a genus which I have likewise annexed to Juncez, but whose real affinities are equally obscure. Philydrum pygmeum differs m so many respects from P. lanuginosum that it may probably hereafter be con- sidered as a distinct genus ; and a very few additions to this tribe of plants would sanction their formation into a separate natural order. RESTIACEA. The principal character distinguish- t79 ing this family from Junceze and Cyperaceze consists in its lenticular embryo being placed at the extremity of the seed opposite to the umbilicus ; from Juncez it also differs in the order of suppression of its stamina, which when tre- duced to three are opposite to the inner lacinie of the perianthium ; and most of its genera are distinguishable from both these orders as well as from Commelinez by their simple or unilocular anthere. With the exception of Eriocaulon, Tonina, and Xynis, the order appears to be confined to the Southern hemi- sphere. In Terra Australis its maximum is in the princi- pal parallel, but it extends to the southern extremity of Van Diemen’s Island, where it is even in considerable 54 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE abundance, and exists, though much more sparingly, within the tropic. Restiaceee are almost equally numerous at the Cape of Good Hope as in the principal parallel of New Holland. One species only of the order has been observed in New Zealand, and hitherto none in South America. CYPERACEA!. In Terra Australis this is a very ex- tensive order, consisting already of more than 200 species. It contains, however, fewer peculiarities in structure than several other orders that are much less numerous. — Its maximum appears to be in the principal parallel; but the species observed solely within the tropic exceed one third of the whole number. Cyperaceze, in many respects, are nearly related to Restiacese, and when furnished with a true perianthium are distinguishable from the monosper- mous genera of that order, solely by the different position of the embryo in the seed.. But in the greater part of the order the perianthium is either entirely wanting or merely setaceous. Fuirena, Lepidosperma and Orcobolus, all of them natives of New Holland, are almost the only genera in which it is found of nearly the usual appearance. What I have formerly termed perianthium in Carex, Diplacrum, and Schcenus nemorum, ought, perhaps, rather to be considered as internal bractez, analogous to those of Lepyrodia, of Iridez, and, perhaps, to the upper valve of the inner envelope of grasses. I have formerly remarked that the Perianthium of Hypee- sso) lyptum consists merely of the squame of a spicula, similar to that of Kyllinga, but reduced to two valves. GRAMINEA. This order comprehends, at least, one fourth of the whole of Monocotyledones, and in Terra Australis, where upwards of 200 species have already been observed, it bears the same proportion to that primary division. T have formerly, in arranging the Australian genera of Graminee, endeavoured to explain what I conceived to be the natural subdivision of nearly the whole order into two BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 55 great tribes. The reasons which I then assigned for this arrangement appear, however, either not to have been comprehended, or to have been considered too hypothetical. With a view of removing the supposed obscurity and strengthening my former arguments, I shall preface what Ihave now to say on the subject, by a few observations common to both tribes. The natural or most common structure of Graminee is to have their sexual organs surrounded by two floral enve- lopes, each of which usually consists of two distinct valves : but both of these envelopes are in many genera of the order subject to various degrees of imperfection or even suppression of their parts. The outer envelope or gdwma of Jussieu, in most cases, containing several flowers with distinct and often distant insertions on a common receptacle, can only be considered as analogous to the bractez or involucrum of other plants. The tendency to suppression in this envelope appears to be greater in the exterior or lower valve, so that a gluma consisting of one valve may, in all cases, be considered as deprived of its outer or inferior valve. In certain genera with a simple spike, as Lolium and Lepturus, this is clearly proved by the structure of the terminal flower or spicula, which retains the natural number of parts; and in other genera not admitting of this direct proof, the fact is estab- lished by a series of species showing its gradual obliteration, as in those species of Panicum which connect that genus with Paspalum. On the other hand, in the inner envelope or calya of Jussieu, obliteration first takes place in the inner or oa upper valve; but this valve having, instead of one central nerve, two nerves equidistant from its axis, I consider it as composed of two confluent valves, analogous to what takes place in the calyx and corolla of many irregular flowers of other classes; and this confluence may be regarded as the first step towards its obliteration, which is complete in many species of Panicum, in Andropogon, Pappophorum, Alopecurus, Trichodium, and several other genera. With respect to the nature of this ner or proper enve- 56 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE lope of grasses, it may be observed that the view of its structure now given, in reducing its parts to the usual ternary division of Monocotyledones, affords an additional argument for considering it as the real _perianthium. ‘This argument, however, is not conclusive, for a similar conflu- ence takes place between the two inner lateral bractez of the greater part of Ividez ; and with these, in the relative insertion of its valves, the proper envelope of grasses may be supposed much better to accord, than with a genuine perianthium. If, therefore, this inner envelope of grasses be regarded as consisting merely of bracteze, the real perian- thium of the order must be looked for in those minute scales, which in the greater part of its genera are found immediately surrounding the sexual organs. These scales are in most cases only two m number, and placed collaterally within the inferior valve of the proper envelope. In their real insertion, however, they alternate with the valves of this envelope, as is obvioasly the case in Ehrharta and certain other genera; and their collateral approximation may be considered as a tendency to that confluence which uniformly exists in the parts composing the upper valve of the proper envelope, and which takes place also between these two squamz themselves, in some genera, as Glyceria and Melica. In certain other genera, as Bambusa and Stipa, a third squamula exists, which is placed opposite the axis of the upper valve of the proper envelope, or, to speak in conformity with the view already taken of the structure of this valve, opposite to the junction of its two component parts. With these squame the sta- mina in triandrous grasses alternate, and they are conse- quently opposite to the parts of the proper envelope ; that is, one stamen is opposed to the axis of its lower or outer valve, and the two others are placed opposite to the two nerves of the upper valve. Hence, if the inner envelope be ss2] considered as consisting of bracteze and the hypogynous squame as forming the perianthium, it seems to follow, from the relation these parts have to the axis of inflorescence that the outer series of this perianthium is wanting, while its corresponding stamina exist, and that the whole or part BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 57 of the inner series is produced while its corresponding stamina are generally wanting. ‘This may, no doubt, ac- tually be the case, but as it would be, at least, contrary to every analogy in Monocotyledonous plants, it becomes in a certain degree probable that the inner or proper envelope of grasses, the calyx of Jussieu, notwithstanding the obliquity in the insertion of its valves, forms in reality the outer series of the true periauthium, whose inner series consists of the minute scales, never more than three in number, and in which an irregularity in some degree analogous to that of the outer series generally exists. It is necessary to be aware of the tendency to suppression existing, as it were, in opposite directions in the two floral envelopes of grasses, to comprehend the real structure of many irregular genera of the order and also to understand the limits of the two great tribes into which I have pro- posed to subdivide it. One of these tribes, which may be called Panicra, com- prehends Ischemum, Holcus, Andropogon, Anthistiria, Saccharum, Cenchrus, Isachne, Panicum, Paspalum, Rei- maria, Anthenantia, Monachne, Lappago, and several other nearly related genera ; and its essential character consists in its having always a locusta of two flowers, of which the lower or outer is uniformly imperfect, being either male or neuter, and then not unfrequently reduced to a single valve. Ischeemum and Isachne are examples of this tribe in its most perfect form, from which form Anthenantia, Paspa- lum, and Reimaria, most remarkably deviate in consequence of the suppression of certain parts: thus Anthenantia (which is not correctly described by Palisot de Beanvois) differs from those species of Panicum that have the lower flower nenter and bivalvular, in being deprived of the outer valve of its gluma; Paspalum differs from An- thenantia in the want of the inner valve of its neuter flower ; and from those species of Panicum, whose outer flower is univalvular, in the want of the outer valve of its gluma; and Reimaria differs from Paspalum in being entirely deprived of its gluma. That this is the real structure of these genera may be proved by a series of tse 58 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE species connecting them with each other, and Panicum with Paspalum. Panicee have their maximum within the tropics, and they cease to exist in the most northern parts of Europe and the higher southern latitudes. Of this tribe, 99 species have been cbserved in Terra Australis, 79 of which were found within the tropic, and of these, 66 only within it. There is no Australian genus of this tribe, Neurachne and Hemarthria excepted, which is not chiefly intratropical. The second tribe, which may be called Poacra, is more numerous than Panicez, and comprehends the greater part of the European genera, as well as certain less extensive genera peculiar to the equinoctial countries ; it extends also to the highest latitudes in which Pheenogamous plants have been found, but its maximum appears to be in the tempe- rate climates considerably beyond the tropics. ‘The locusta in this tribe may consist of one, of two, or of many flowers, and the two-flowered genera are distinguished from Paniceze by the outer or lower flower being always perfect ; the ten- dency to imperfection in the locusta existing in opposite directions in the two tribes. In conformity with this ten- dency in Poaceze, the outer valve of the perianthium in the single-flowered genera is placed within that of the gluma, and in the many-flowered locusta the upper flowers are fre- quently imperfect. There are, however, some exceptions to this order of suppression, especially in Arundo Phrag- mites, Campulosus, and some other genera, in which the outer flower is also imperfect, but as all of these have more than two flowers in their locusta, they are still readily dis- tinguished from Panicez. In Terra Australis the Poacee amount to 115 species, of which 69 were observed beyond the tropic and of these 63 only beyond it ; but of the 52 species that occur within the tropics 49 belong to genera which are either entirely or chiefly intratropical, and of the remaining three species, two, namely Arundo Phragmites, and Agrostis virginica, are very general and also aquatic plants. ‘The distribution of this tribe, therefore, in ‘l'erra Australis agrees with that which obtains in other parts of the world, BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 59 FILICES.’ Of this order nearly 1000 species are de- scribed in the fifth volume of Willdenow’s edition of the ts: Species Plantarum. In thei geographical distribution, Herns differ from all the other orders of cryptogamous plants, their maximum being in the lower latitudes, probably near, or very little beyond the tropics. Thus, Norfolk Island, situated in 29° S. lat. and only a few leagues in circum- ference, produces as many species of the order as are described in Dr. Smith’s Flora Britannica. But as shade and moisture are essential conditions to the vegetation of the greater part of Ferns, few species only have been observed in those parts of equinoctial New Hol- land hitherto examined. The number of species already found, however, in the different regions of '‘l'erra Australis exceeds 100, of which nearly one fourth are also natives of other countries. Among the Australian Ferns there is no genus abso- lutely confined to that country, except Platyzoma, but this, perhaps, ought not to be separated from Gleichenia. Only two arborescent Ferns have been observed in Terra Australis, one in the colony of Port Jackson, the second, Dicksonia antarctica, is frequent in Van Diemen’s Island, at the southern extremity of which its trunk is not unfre- quently from 12 to 16 feet in height. An arborescent species of the same genus was found by Forster, in New Zealand, at Dusky Bay, in nearly 46° S. the highest lati- tude in which tree ferns have yet been observed. It is remarkable that, although they have so considerable a range in the southern hemisphere, no tree fern has been found beyond the northern tropic: a distribution in the two hemispheres somewhat similar to this has been already noticed respecting the Orchidese that are parasitical on trees. I have formerly, in treating of the New Holland Asplenia, observed that Cenopteris does not differ from them in the relation its involucra have to the axis of the frond or pinna but merely in having the ultimate pmna more deeply di- vided, with one, or, at most, two involucra on cach segment, 1 Prodr. fl. Nov. Holl, 145, 60 GENERAL REMARKS ON TIE towards the margins of which they must necessarily open : hence, the characters of both genera not unfrequently occur in the same frond, and are even exhibited by the same invo- lucrum when it happens to extend below the origin of the segment. I have observed also, in the same place, that in Asplencum sss) when the involucrum originates from the inner branch of a primary vein, which is usually the case, it opens in- wards or towards the mid-rib of the frond from which the vein is derived; and that when it arises from the lower or outer branch of a vein it opens outwards, or in an opposite direction, instances of which occur in several species of the genus, in some of those especially where the frond is simple. On the same law also depends the peculiar cha- racter of Scolopendrium, in which the imvolucra are pro- duced in pairs, one of each pair originating from the lower branch of a vein, the other from the upper branch of the vein immediately below it ; they consequently open in oppo- site directions and towards each other. ‘This law, however, in Asplenium is only observed where the vein has but few branches, for when these are more numerous, and especially when, in consequence of their greater number, the vein has a manifest trunk or axis, the involucra of all its branches open towards this axis; the most remarkable instances of this occur in those species of the genus which authors have separated from it, under the name of Diplazium, where, however, another peculiarity exists, depending on the same law. ‘This peculiarity consists in the inner branch of the vein, or that adjoining the mid-rib, appearing to have a relation not only to the axis of the vein but to that of the pinna or frond from which the vein originates ; a relation indicated by its having two involucra, one of which bursts towards the axis of the vein, the other towards the ad- joining mid-rib. This double involucrum constitutes the character of Diplazium, but as it is confined to the inner branch, all the others bemg simple, and opening towards the axis of the vein, there do not appear to be sufficient grounds for its separation from Asplenium. I consider the curved involucrum of Asplenium Filiv-Femina, which BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 61 exists only on this inner branch of the vein, as somewhat analogous to the double involucrum of Diplazium ; but in another point of view it may be regarded as an approach to the structure of Nephrodium, to which this plant has been improperly referred. THERE are some other Australian natural families of 1s plants to which, either as containing distinct and peculiar genera, or a considerable number of species, similar remarks might be extended; but I have already exceeded the limits prescribed for the present essay, which I shall therefore conclude with a few general observations, chiefly deduced from the facts previously stated, and with a very slight comparison of the vegetation of Terra Australis with that of other countries. I have formerly remarked that nearly half the Australian species of plants, at present known, have been collected in a parallel included between 33° and 35° S. latitude; and it appears, from the preceding observations on the several natural orders, that a much greater proportion of the pecu- liarities of the Australian Flora exist in this, which I have therefore called the principal parallel; aud that many of them are even nearly confined to it. But these peculiarities exist chiefly at its western and eastern extremities, and are remarkably diminished in that intermediate part which is comprehended between 133° and 138° E. long. From the principal parallel most of the characteristic tribes diminish in number of species as well as of individuals, not, however, equally in both directions, but in a much greater degree towards the equator. In Van Diemen’s Island the same general aspect of vegetation is retained ; but of the natural orders forming the peculiar character of the principal parallel several are very much reduced, while none are augmented in numbers ; and the only tribes which enter in nearly the same proportion into the composition of 62 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE its Flora are Hucalyptus, the Leafless Acacia and, perhaps, Epacridee. Within the tropic, at least on the East coast, the departure from the Australian character is much more remarkable, and an assimilation nearer to that of India than of any other country takes place. Several of the peculiar orders and extensive genera of the principal parallel are here exceedingly diminished, and none remain in nearly equal proportion except Lwucalyptus and the Leafless Acacia. These two genera are not only the most widely diffused, but, by far the most extensive in ‘Terra Australis, about 100 species of each having been already observed ; and if taken together and considered with respect to the mass of ss] vegetable matter they contain, calculated from the size as well as the number of individuals, are, perhaps, nearly equal to all the other plants of that country. They agree very generally also, though belonging to very different families, in a part of their economy which contributes somewhat to the peculiar character of the Australian forests, namely, in their leaves or the parts performing the functions of leaves being vertical, or presenting their margin, and not either surface, towards the stem; both surfaces having consequently the same relation to light. This economy, which uniformly takes place in the Acaciee, is in them the result of the vertical dilatation of the foliaceous footstalk ; while in Eucalyptus, where, though very general, it is by no means universal, it proceeds from the twisting of the footstalk of the leaf. The plants of Terra Australis at present known, amount- ing to 4200, are referable, as has been already stated, to 120 natural orders ; but fully half the number of species belong to eleven orders. Of these Leguminose, Euphorbiaceee, Composite, Or- chide, Cyperaceee, Graminez, and Filices are most exten- sive and very general tribes, which are not more numerous in Terra Australis than im many other countries. Thus Leguminosz and Composite, which taken together comprehend one fourth of the whole of Dicotyledoues, and Graminez, which alone form an equal part of Monocotyle- BOTANY ON TERRA AUSTRALIS. 63 dones, bear nearly the same proportion to these primary divisions in the Australian Flora. The four remaining orders are Myrtacee, Proteacez, Restiaceee, and Epacridee. Of these J/yr/acee, though it is likewise very general, has evidently its maximum in Terra Australis, more species having been already observed in that country than in all other parts of the world; Proteacee and Restiacee, which are nearly confined to the southern hemisphere, and appear to be most abundant in the principal parallel of New Holland, are also very nume- rous at the Cape of Good Hope: and Lpacridee, at least, equally limited to the southern hemisphere, are, with very few exceptions, confined to Terra Australis. Several other less extensive natural families have also their maximum in this country, especially Goodenovie, Stylideee, Myoporine, Pittosporeze, Dilleniaceze, Diosmeze, and Haloragee ; but the only orders that appear to be absolutely confined to Terra Australis are Tremandrez and Stackhousee, both of them very small tribes, which tss many botanists may be disposed to consider rather as genera than separate families. A great part of the genera of Terra Australis are peculiar to it, and also a considerable number of the species of such of its genera as are found in other countries. Of the species at present composing its Flora scarcely more than 400, or one tenth of the whole number, have been observed in other parts of the world. More than half of these are Pheenogamous plants, of which the greater part are natives of India, and the islands of the southern Pacific ; several, however, are European plants, and a few belong even to equinoctial America. Of the Cryptogamous plants the far greater part are natives of Europe. In comparing very generally the Flora of the principal parallel of Terra Australis with that of South Africa, we find several natural families characteristic of the Australian vegetation, as Proteacew, Diosmez, Restiaceze, Polygalez, and also Buttneriaceze, if Hermannia and Mahernia be considered as part of this order, existing, and in nearly equal abundance, at the Cape of Good Hope; others are 64. GENERAL REMARKS ON THE replaced by analogous families, as Epacrides by Evicez ; and some tribes which form a considerable part of the Australian peculiarities, as Dilleniaceze, the leafless Acacie and Eucalyptus, are entirely wanting in South Africa. On the other hand, several of the characteristic South African orders and extensive genera are nearly or entirely wanting in New Holland: thus Iridee, Mesembryanthemum, Pelargonium, and Oxalis, so abundant at the Cape-of Good Hope, occur very sparingly in New Holland, where the South African genera Aloe, Stapelia, Cliffortia, Peneea, and Brunia, do not at all exist. Very few species are common to both countries, and of these the only one which is at the same time peculiar to the Southern hemisphere is Osmunda barbara. We have not sufficient materials for a satisfactory com- parison of the Flora of the higher latitudes of South America with that of the Southern parts of Terra Australis. If, however, we may judge from those at present in our possession, it would seem that the general character of the South American vegetation differs much more from the Aus- tralian than this does from that of South Africa. Yet several instances occur of the same or of very nearly related genera, ss] peculiar to the southern hemisphere, which are common to Terra Australis and South America, and which do not exist at the Cape of Good Hope. Thus the Pavonia or Zau- relia of Chili has its nearly related genus Atherosperma in Van Diemen’s Island; where also a genus that I shall name Zasmania occupies the place of the Wintera of South America, from which it differs chiefly in having a single ovarium ; a species of the 4raucaria of Chili exists in New Holland as well as in Norfolk Island and New Caledonia ; several Lomatie are found in South America; a species of Astelia grows in Terra del Fuego; and Goodenia littoralis of the southern shores of Terra Australis is found not only in New Zealand but on the opposite coast of America. Certain tribes of plants common to South Africa and Terra Australis, and almost equally abundant in both these countries, are either very sparmgly produced or cease to exist in South America. Others which abound in South BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 65 Africa and are comparatively rare in Terra Australis are in South America entirely wanting; and I am acquainted with no tribe of plants common to South Africa and South America and at the same time wanting in Terra Australis, unless the Composite with bilabiate corolla. The character of the New Zealand Flora, known to us chiefly from the materials collected by Sir Joseph Banks, is to a considerable degree peculiar ; it has still, however, a certain affinity to those of the two great countries between which it is situated, and approaching rather to that of Terra Aus- tralis, than of South America. In comparing together the Floras of Terra Australis and Europe, I shall chiefly confine myself to an enumeration of the species common to both countries ; the subject at pre- sent hardly admitting of many remarks of a more general nature. It may, however, be observed, that none of the great natural orders of Europe are absolutely wanting in Terra Australis; that some of them, as Composite, Legu- minose, Gramineee and Cyperacez, are found even in nearly the same proportion; while others, as Crucifere, Ranunculaceze, Caryophylleze, Rosaceze, and Ericez are reduced to very few species ; and that several of the less extensive European orders, namely, Saxifrageze, Cistince, Berberides, Resedaceae, Fumariaceze, Grossularine, Vale- rianez, Dipsaceze, Polemonidez, Globularie, Eleagnee, and Equisetacee in Terra Australis do not at all exist. The greater number of Australian genera, except the tss0 Acotyledonous, differ from those of Europe; there are, however, a few European genera, as Utricularia, Drosera, and Samolus, that appear to have even their maximum in Terra Australis. From the following list of species, common to Terra Australis and Europe, I have carefully excluded all such as, though now existing in the different settlements, have evi- dently, or probably, been introduced, and I am satisfied that no naturalised plant will be found in it except, perhaps, Cynodon Dactylon. I have also excluded certain plants, as latine Hydro- piper, Geum urbanum, Ovalis corniculata, Lycopus euro- 5 66 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE peus, and Typha angustifolia, which, though appearing to differ in some respects from those of Europe, are probably uot specifically distinct. And if among the Phenogamous plants inserted there be any room for doubt respecting the identity of the Australian and European species, it may possibly beas to Arenaria marina, Zapania nodifiora, Atri- plex Halimus, Potamogeton gramineum, Cyperus rotundus and Holcus Gryllus. The first observation that occurs with regard to this list is, that the relative proportions of the three primary divi- sions of plants compared with those of the Australian Flora are inverted : for of 2900 Dicotyledones of the Flora only 15 are natives of Europe; while of 860 Monocotyledones 30, and of 400 Acotyledones upwards of 120 appear in the list. The Pheenogamous plants of the list are, with very few exceptions, also natives of North America, and several of them are found even in other parts of the world. There is nothing peculiar in the apparent structure or economy of the Dicotyledonous plants common to countries so remote to account for their more general diffusion ; though several of them grow in wet or marshy ground, yet very few are properly aquatic plants ; and in the struc- ture of their seeds the only circumstance in which they all agree is in the plumula of their embryo not being evolved. Of the Monocotyledones, on the other hand, a consider- able number are aquatic plants; and the greater part of those that are not aquatic belong to the irregular tribes, supposed to have a simpler structure. Among the Acotyledonous or Cryptogamous orders it is sm} remarkable that there should be but a single species of Fern in the list, though those of the Flora exceed 100, of which 28 species are found likewise in other countries. It is also worthy of notice that of the Submersed Algz not more than one sixth of the whole number found occur in the list; while of the Musci and Hepaticz one third, and of the Lichenose two thirds of those observed are also natives of Europe. The proportion of European plants in Terra Australis, BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 67 though only one twenty-fifth! of the whole number observed, appears to be greater than that in the Flora of South Africa. And the vegetation of the Cape of Good Hope, not only in the number of species peculiar to it, but in its general cha- racter, as depending on the extensive genera or families of which it is composed, differs almost as widely from that of the northern parts of the same continent, and the south of Europe, as that of the corresponding latitude of Terra Australis does from the Flora of India and of Northern Asia. Of the proportion of European species in the Flora of South America, which is probably still smaller than that of South Africa, we have very insufficient means of judg- ing; we know, however, from the collections made by Sir Joseph Banks that, at the southern extremity of America, certain European plants, as Pdleum alpinum, Alopecurus alpinus, and Botrychium Lunaria exist; and that there is even a considerable resemblance in the general character of the Flora of Terra del Fuego to that of the opposite ex- tremity of America and of the North of Europe. 1 In the original text the proportion is stated as “one-tenth ;” but this obvious mistake was corrected as above, by Mr. Brown—himself in the Banksian copy of ‘ Flinders’s Voyage.’ Edit. 68 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE «2 A LIST OF PLANTS, NATIVES BOTH OF TERRA AUSTRALIS AND OF EUROPE. DICOTYLEDONES. PoOLYPETALE. Potentilla anscrina, Linn. Aphanes arvensis, Lizz. Lythrum Salicaria, Livy. Portulaca oleracea, Zinn. Arenaria marina, Smith brit. 480. Nasturtium amphibium, Hort. Kev. ed. 2, vol. 4, p. 110. Hydrocotyle vulgaris, Liv. MonopPeTAL&. Sonchus oleraceus, Zzvz. Picris hieracioides, Lizz. Zapania nodiflora, Prodr. 514. Verbena officinalis, Lizz. Prunella vulgaris, Lizz. Calystegia sepium, Prodr. 483. Samolus Valerandi, Linz. APETALE, Atriplex Halimus, Zizvz. MONOCOTYLEDONES. HyDROCHARIDE®. Vallisneria spiralis, Lenz. Lemna minor, Zz. — trisulea, Linn. ALISMACER. Potamogeton natans, Linz. — perfoliatum, Lez. — crispum, Linz. — gramineum, Linz. Alisma Plantago, Linz. AROIDES., Caulinia oceanica, Prodr. 339. Zostera marina, L717. JUNCER. Luzula campestris, Decand. frane. 3, p. 161. Juncus maritimus, Sw7th brit. 375. — effusus, Zinn. CYPERACES. Carex Psendo-cyperus, Linn. — cespitosa, Linn. Cladiun, Mariscus, Prodr. 236. Scirpus maritimus, Linz. — triqueter, Linn. — mucronatus, Lezn. — lacustris, Linz. Isolepis setacea, Prodr. 222. — fluitans, Prodr. 221. Cyperus rotundus, Lizz. GRAMINE. Glyceria fluitans, Prodr. 179. Arundo Phragmites, Linz. Cynodon Dactylon, Prodr. 187. Panicum crus-galli, Linz. Pennisetum glaucum, Prodr. 195. Imperata arundinacea, Prodr. 204. Holeus Gryllus, Prodr. 199. ACOTYLEDONES. [593 MAaRsILEaces. Marsilea quadrifolia, Livn. Firiczs. Hymenophyllum tunbridgense, Sits brit. 1141. Muscr. eye recognitum, Hedw. sp. muse. 61. oo complanata, Hedw. sp. muse. ae BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 69 Hookeria lucens, Smith in linn. soe. transact. 9, p. 275. Neckera pennata, Heduw. sp. muse. 200 — heteromalla, Hedw. sp. muse. 202. Bryum capillare, Hed. sp. muse. 182. — argenteum, LHedw. sp. muse. 1 Bartramia pomiformis, Hedw. sp. muse. 164, Funaria hygrometrica, Hedw. sp. muse. 172 Barbula unguiculata, Hedw. sp. muse. 118. Trichostomum canescens, Hedw. sp. muse. 111. — polyphyllum, suppl. 153. Cyuontodium capillaceum, Hedw. sp. muse. 57. Fissidens exilis, Hedw. sp. muse. 152. Dicranum purpureum, Hedw. sp. muse. Lledw. —_ flexuosum, Hedw. sp. muse. 145? — scoparium, Hedw. sp. muse. 126, Encalypta vulgaris, Hedw. sp. muse. 60. Weisia controversa, Hedw. sp 67. Grimmia pulvinata. Dicranum pul- vinatum, Hedw. suppl. 1, p. 189. — apocarpa, Hedw sp. muse. 76. Gynmostomum pyriforme, Hedw. sp. muse. 38. Anictangium ciliatum, Hedv. sp. muse. 40. Phascum muticum, Hedw. sp. muse. 25. Sphagnum capillifollum, Hed. sp. muse. 25. MUSC. Hepatic. Jungermannia tomentella, Hooker junger. 30. — tamarisci, Linn. — complanata, Linz. — bidentata, Linz. — pinguis, Linz. = byssacea, junger. 12. — fureata, Linz. Hooker Targionia hypophylla, Zézn. Marchantia polymorpha, Lizz. — hemispheerica, Zinn. Authoceros punctatus, Zivz. Riccia glauca, Linn. — natans, Linn. — fluitans, Linn. LicuEnoss. Lecidea geographica, dehar. lichenogr. 163. — confluens, dehar. loc cit. 174. — parasema, doc. cit. 175. — luteola, doc. cit. 195. — urida, Joc. cit. 219. Gyrophora polyphylla. G. heteroidea, B, loc. cit. 219. Calicium claviculare, doc. cit. 235. — _ proboscidea, doc. cit. 220. Verrucaria nitida, loc. cit. 279. Endocarpon hepaticum, Joe. cit. 298. Thelotrema lepadinum, @oe. cié. 312. Lecanora atra, loc. cit. 34-4. — fusco-atra, Joc. cit. 359. — B dendritica, Joc. cit. — parella, Joc. cit. 370. — subfusea, Joc. cit. 393. — ventosa, foe. cif. 399. — __ sulphurea, Joe. cit, 399. — decipiens, /oc. eit. 409. — lepidosa, /oc. cit. 417. — microphylla, doe. cit. 420. — gelida, loc. cit, 428. — ientigera, doe. eit, 423. — brunnea B nebulosa, oc. cit. 419. Roccella fuciformis, doc. cit. 440. Evernia prunastri, loc. cit, 442. Sticta crocata, loc. cit. 447. — pulmonacea, Joc. cit. 449? — scrobiculata, Joc. cit. 453. Parmelia caperata, loc. cif. 457. — olivacea, loc. cit. 462. — parietina, Joc. cit, 463. — _ plumbea, Zoe. cit. 466. — stellaris, Joc. cit. 476. — conspersa, loc. cit. 486. — physodes, Joc. ett. 492. Peltidea canina, loc. cit. 517. Cenomyce pyxidata, Joe. cit. 534. — coccifera, luc, cit. 537. — deformis, Joc. cit. 538. [591 — cornuta, Joc. cit. 545. — rangiferina, foc. cié. 564. — vermicularis, Joc. ci¢, 566. 70 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE Stereocaulon paschalis, doc. cit. 581. Spheerophoron coralloides, Zoc. cit. 585. pa compressum, oz. cit. 586. Ramalina fraxinea, loc. cf 602. — _ fastigiata, oc. cit. 602. Cornicularia spadicea, Joc. ci¢. 611. —_ lanata, oc. cit. 615. _— pubescens, doc. cit. 616. Usnea florida, loc. cit. 620. Collema nigrum, Joc. cif. 628. — fasciculare, loc. cit. 639. — tremelloides, Joc. cit. 655. Lepraria flava, Joc. cit. 663. — ineana, Joe. cit. 665. — botryoides, Achar. meth. 6. Funet. Rhizomorpha _ setiformis, ung. 705. Tubercularia vulgaris, Pers. syx. fung. 112. Spheria ophioglossoides, Pers. sy. Jung. 4. Clavaria pistillaris, Linn. — coralloides, Linz. Peziza scutellata, Linz. Pers. syn. Boletus igniarius, Linz. Agaricus “alneus, Linn. — muscarius, Linn. — campestris, Linz. ALG. Conferva ebenea, Dillwyn brit. conf: 101 — _ ericetorum, Dillwyn brit. conf. 1. Ulva plumosa, Huds. ang. 571. — lactuca, Linn. Fucus articulatus, Turner fuci 2, p. 93, z. 106. -— obtusus, Turner fuci 1, p. 44, 4. 21. — se rai Turner fuci 1, p. 40, ¢. 20. — corneus, Lug. bot. 1970. — plicatus, Turner fuci 3, p. 107, t. 180. — palmatus, Turner fuci, p. 117, #115. — rubens, Turner fuci 1, p. 89, ¢. 42, — sinuosus, Zurner fuct 1, p. 74, t. 35. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 71 DESCRIPTIONS OF PLANTS FIGURED wx IN THE ATLAS. FLINDERSIA. Ord. Nat. Cedrelee. Syst. Linn. Pentundria Monogyuia, inter Cedrelam et Calodendrum. Cuar. Gun. Stamina decem, dorso urceoli hypogyni inserta: alterna sterilia. Capsula 5-partibilis ; seg- mentis singulis divisis dissepimento longitudinal, demum libero, utrinque dispermo. Semina erecta, apice alata. FLINDERSIA AUSTRALIS. TZad. 1. A tree of moderate size, observed September, 1802, both in flower and with ripe capsules, in the woods and thickets near the head of Broad Sound, on the east coast of New Holland, in about 23°S. lat. ‘The examination of Broad Sound was completed at the same time by Captain Flinders, to commemorate whose merits I have selected this genus from the considerable number dis- covered in the expedition, of which he was the able and active commander. DESC. Arbor, trunco pro ratione altitudinis mediocris crasso, coma irregu- lari, ramis patulis, ramulis teretibus umbellatis cortice fusco cinereo rugoso, gemmis foliorum apicibusque ramulorum gummiferis. olia alterna, ad apicem ramuli conferta, exstipulata, petiolata, composita, ternata vel cum impari opposito-pinnata 2-3-juga; foliola oblongo-elliptica (in ramulis sterilibus quan- doque lanceolata), integerrima glaberrima plana pellucido-punctata, dum 2-3 uncias longa 12-15 lineas lata. Pe¢iolus communis angulatus mediocris : par- tialium laterales brevissimi, terminalis foliorum inferiorum 3-4 lineas squans. Panicule terminales confertz, ramis ramulisque alternis patentibus, pube brevi instructis; bracteis parvis subulatis. J¥ores parvi albi, odore debili haud ingrato. Culy# brevis 5-fidus, extus pubescens, laciniis equalibus semiovatis acutis, persistens. Petala 5 sessilia oblongo-ovata obtusa plana, extus tenu- issime pubescentia, basi disci staminiferi inserta, zstivatione imbricata. Stamina decem, infra apicem extus disci hypogyni inserta, petalis breviora. Filamenta (596 5 antherifera cum petalis alternantia, prope basin disci inserta ; 5 s¢erilia petalis opposita, breviora, in disco paulo altius imposita: omnia glabra compresso- filiformia conniventia; dudher@ conniventes ovato-cordate acuminate glabra flavicantes, juxta basin affixee, loculis appositis longitudinaliter dehiscentious : Pollen flavum globosum lave. Diseus hypogyxus ovarium laxé circumdans, 72 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE brevis glaber cyathiformis decemplicatus subcrenatus. Ovariam liberum sessile depresso-globosum viride, tuberculis confertissimis obtusis undique tectum, villisque rarioribus tenuibus pubescens, 5-loculare; Séy/us simplex erectus glaber obtusé 5-gonus; Stigma peltatum alté 5-lobum. Capsula lignea oblonga obtusa fere 3-uncialis, basi calyce minimo persistenti subtensa, undique echinata processubus suberoso-ligneis confertis subconicis, 5-partibilis, segmentis cymbi- formibus, tandem ab apice semibifidis et siccatione seepe transversim fissis, basibus ante dehisceentiam adnexis axi centrali brevi demum libero et persis- tenti. Placenta centralis longitudinaliter alte 5-loba, efformans Dissepumenta quinque longitudine capsule, cum segmentis alternantia ideoque eorum ‘cavi- tates bipartientia, ante dehiscentian margine interiore connexa, demum soluta, dimidiato-oblonga plana spongioso-lignea, versus dorsum obtusum sensim cras- siora, margine interiore m aciem attenuata, utrinque disperma, et insignita lineis duabus alternis a margine interiore arcuatim descendentibus et paulo intra dorsum desinentibus. Semza erecta, funiculo brevi compresso paulo supra basin marginis exterioris inserta, plano-convexa, apice in alam mem- branaceam planam uninervem ipso nucleo subovato sesquilongiorem desinentia. Integumentum simplex coriaceum basi lateribusque spongioso-incrassatis. A/- bumen nullum. Embryo dicotyledoneus albus; Colyledones transverse crasso- foliaceee aveniee; Radicula prope medium marginis interioris seminis transversa, brevissima, sinu baseos cotyledonum inclusa, ab umbilico remota. Obs. There can be very little doubt that 4rdor Radu- lifera of the Herbarium amboinense (3, p. 201, t. 129,) belongs to Flindersia, not only from the external appear- ance of the capsule as exhibited in the figure, but from the description given by Rumpf of its dehiscence, as well as of the peculiar dissepiments and the structure of the seeds. The affinities of this genus are not perhaps very evident. I have referred it to Cedre/ez, an order certain genera of which are annexed by Jussieu to Me/iacee, but which I have separated from that family chiefly on account of the struc- ture of the fruit, and of the winged seeds. Flindersia, however, does not agree with the other genera of Cedre- leze either in the insertion of its seeds or dehiscence of its capsule ; and it appears to differ from them remarkably in its moveable dissepiments ; but these may be considered as the segments of a common placenta, having a peculiar so71 form, indeed, but not being in other respects essentially different from that of Cedrelez. Flindersia is distinct also from the whole of the order, in having its leaves dotted with pellucid glands, in which respect it seems to connect Cedreleee with Hesperides; and, notwithstanding the absence of albumen, even with Diosmezx. BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 73 KUPOMATIA. Ord. Nat. Annonaceee ! Syst. Linn. Lcosandria Polygynia, v. Monadelphia Polyandria. Cuar. Gen. Operculum superum integerrimum deci- duum (integumentis floralibus preeterea nullis). S¢a- mind wamerosa: exteriora antherifera: inderiora sterilia petaloidea imbricata. Ovarium multiloculare, loculis indefinitis (umero et ordine), polyspermis. Stigmata ; areole tot quot loculi, in apice planiusculo ovaril. Bacca polysperma. Evpomatia nauRina. Tad. 2. In woods and thickets in the colony of Port Jackson, especially in the mountainous districts, and on the banks of the principal rivers; flowering in December and January. DESC. Frutex erectus ramosus glaberrimus 5-10 pedes altus, trunco gracili, ramulis teretibus subporrectis. Folia alterna, in ramulis bifaria, petiolata ex- stipulata, impunctata coriacea utrinque nitida nigro-viridia, integerrima plana oblonga acumine brevi, basi acuta equali, dum 5 uncias longa sesquiuuciam lata. Pedunculi axillares, uniflori folio breviores ramuliformes, foliis 3-4 al- ternis nanis instructi. Perianthium superum, limbo juxta basin transversim dehiscente: Operculo caduco semielliptico, paulo ante dehiscentiam albo-vires- centi, e calyce et corolla concretis forsan conflato. Stamina margine persis- tenti limbi perianthii inserta, multiplici serie, basibus connatis ; exteriora anthe- rifera numerosa patula vel arcté reflexa; Filamentis e basi dilatata subulatis ; Antheris ochroleucis linearibus, adnatis apice filamenti in mucronulum ultro producti, bilocularibus longitudinaliter dehiscentibus; Pollize globoso levi; anteriora sterilia petaloidea, arcte imbricata multiplici serie, basi invicem et, antheriferis connexa simulque decidua, interioribus sensim minoribus arctiusque imbricatis. Ovarivm turbinatum multiloculare, loculis sparsis nec verticillatis, polyspermis, ovusis ellipticis angulo interiori loculi insertis. Stigma sessile planiusculum integrum, areolis subrotundis numero loculorum notatum. Bacca turbinato-obovata glabra, basi angusta limbi persistentis perianthii coronata, apice truncato areolato. Semina solitarié vel quandoque geminatim inclusa cellulis clausis, mutua pressione varie angulata, circumscriptione subovata (598 glabra impresso-punctata, altera extremitate, seepius obtusiore, affixa; chorda ventrali ab umbilico parvo ducta ad extremitatem oppositam ibique in chalazam integumento interiori adnatam desinente ; Integumentum duplex ; exterius mem- branaceum intus undique emittens processus breves inter rugas albuminis demissos, et secundum chordam ventralem processum continuum altiorem nu- cleum semibipartientem ; évéerivs tenuissimum albumine arctissime adnatum : Albumen semini conforme carnosum lobatum. Hmdryo in regione uwnbilici, albumine 5-Gies brevior, dicotyledoneus albicans : Cofyledones lineares foliacca : Radicula teres recta longitudine cotyledonum. 74 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE Obs. This genus forms a very unexpected addition to Annonacee, of which it will constitute a distinct section, remarkable in the manifestly perigynous insertion of its stamina and the cohesion of the tube of its calyx with the ovarium. It has therefore nearly the same relation to the other genera of the order that Nymphaea has to Hydro- peltis: and the affinity in both cases is chiefly determined by the structure of the seed. The operculum of Eupomatia, in which there is no mark of longitudinal division, may be considered as formed either of the calyx alone, or of the confluent calyx and corolla, as appears to be the case at least in several species of Eucalyptus. A singular part of the structure of Eupomatia consists in its internal, barren, petal-like stamina, which, from their number and disposition, completely cut off all communica- tion between the antheree and stigmata. ‘This communi- cation appears to be restored by certain minute insects eating the petal-like filaments, while the antheriferous stamina, which are either expanded or reflected, and appear to be even slightly irritable, remain untouched. — I have at least uot unfrequently seen the barren stamina removed in this way, and, as all the stamina are firmly con- nected at the base and fall off together, it is ditficult to conceive any other mode of exposing the stigmata to the influence of the antheree. ca) EUDESMIA. Ord. Nat. Myrtacece, inter Kucalyptum et Angophoram. Syst. Linn. Polyadelphia Polyandria. Cuar. Gen. Calyx superus, 4-dentatus. Petala arcte connata in Oyverculum 4-striatum deciduum. Stamina in phalanges quatuor polyandras, cum dentibus calycis alternantes, basi connata. Capsula A-loc. polysperma, apice dehiscens. , BOTANY OF TERRA AUSTRALIS. 75 Eupesmia Terracona, ud. 3. In exposed barren places near the shores, in the neighbourhood of Lucky Bay, on the south coast of New Holland in 34°S. lat. and 128° E. lon.; gathered both in flower and fruit in January, 1802. DESC. Frutex 3-5 pedes altus, ramis patentibus, ramulis 4-gonis angulis marginatis. Folia opposita quandoque subopposita, petiolata, seepius aversa, lanceolata vel oblonga, coriacea compacta, integerrima marginata glauca resi- noso-punctata, venis vix emersis anastomozanlibus, 3-4 uncias longa, 14-16 lineas lata. Umbelle laterales pauciflore, pedunculo pedicellisque ancipitibus. Calyx turbinatus obtuse 4-gonus cum ovario coherens, angulis apice productis in dentes breves subineequales, duobus oppositis paulo majoribus. Operculum depresso-hemisphericum muticum glandulosum albicans, striis quatuor cruci- atis parum depressis dentibus calycis oppositis notatum, quasi e petalis quatuor conflatum, caducum. Stamina plurima; Filamenta in phalanges quatuor petalis oppositas approximata, capillaria glabra alba, interiora sensim breviora; Az- there ovato-subrotunde incumbentes ochroleuce, loculis longitudinsliter dehis- centibus. Ovarium inclusum tubo adherenti calycis, 4-loculare: Stydws 1, cylin- draceus ; Stigma obtusum. Cuapsula inclusa et connata tubo aucto turbinato oblongo ligneo calycis, apice 4-fariam dehisceus. Oss. There can be no doubt respecting the affinity of this genus, which belongs to Myrtaceze and differs from Eucalyptus solely in having a striated operculum placed within a distinctly toothed calyx, and in its filaments being collected into bundles. The operculum in Eudesmia, from the nature of its striz and their relation to the teeth of the calyx, appears to be formed of the confluent petals only ; whereas, that of Eucalyptus, which is neither stria- ted nor placed within a distinct calyx, is more probably composed, in several cases at least, of both floral envelopes united. But in many species of Eucalyptus a double operculum has been observed; in these the outer oper- culum, which generally separates at a much earlier stage, may, perhaps, be considered as formed of the calyx, and ov the inner consequently of corolla alone, as in Eudesmia : this view of the structure appears at least very probable in contemplating Eucalyptus globulus, in which the cica- trix caused by the separation of the outer operculum is particularly obvious, and in which also the inner oper- culum is of an evidently different form. Jussieu, ir some observations which he has lately made on this subject, (én Annales du mus. 19. p. 432,) seems inclined to consider the operculum of Eucalyptus as 76 GENERAL REMARKS ON THE formed of two confluent bractez, as is certainly the case with respect to the calyptra of Pileanthus, and of a nearly related genus of the same natural family. ‘This account of its origin in Eucalyptus, however, is hardly consistent with the usual umbellate inflorescence of that genus; the pedicelli of an umbel being always destitute of bractes ; and in Eucalyptus globulus, where the flowers are solitary, two distinct bracteas are present as well as a double oper- culum. But a calyptra analogous to that of Pileanthus exists also in most of the species of Eucalyptus, where it is formed of the confluent bracteee common to the whole umbel, and falls off at a very early period. CEPHALOTUS. Ord. Nat. Rosacee. Syst. Linn. Dodecandria Hexagynia. Cuar. Gen. Calyx coloratus, 6-fidus, eestivatione val- vata. Petala 0. Stam. 12, perigyna: Loe. cit. p. 338. 108 BOTANY OF CONGO. In Sapindacez there is not the same constancy in the insertion of the ovulum and consequent direction of embryo, as in the two preceding orders. For although, in the far greater part of this family, the ovulum is erect and the radicle of the embryo inferior, yet it includes more than one genus in which both the seeds and the embryo are inverted. With this fact it would seem M. de Jussieu is unacquainted ;1 and he is surely not aware that in his late Memoir on Melicocca’ he has referred plants to that genus differing from each other in this important point of structure. TILIACEA. It is remarkable that of only nine 48) species belonging to this family in Professor Smith’s herbarium, three should form genera hitherto unnoticed. The first of these new genera is a shrub, in several of its characters related to Sparmannia, like which, it has the greater part of its outer stamina destitute of anthere ; in the structure of its fruit, however, it approaches more nearly to Corchorus. The second genus also agrees with Corchorus in its fruit ; but differs from it sufficiently in the form and dehiscence of the anther ; as well as in the short pedicellus, like that of Grewia, elevating its stamina and pistillum. The ¢ird, of which the specimens are in fruit only, for- tunately, however, accompanied by the persistent flower, is remarkable in having a calyx of three lobes, while its co- rollaconsists of five petals; the stamina are in indefinite num- ber ; and the fruit is composed of five single-seeded capsules, connected only at the base. In the want of symmetry or proportion between the divisions of its calyx and corolla it resembles the Chlenacee of M. Du Petit Thouars,’ as well as Oncoba of Forskael and Ventenatia of M. de Beauvois.* The existence of this new genus decidedly belonging to Tiliaceze, and having a considerable resemblance to Vente- ' Annal. du Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. 18, p. 476. 2 Mém. du Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. 3, p.179. 3 Hist. des Véget. des Isles de ? Afrique, p. 46. 4 Flore d’Oware, \, p. 29, ¢. 17. NATURAL ORDERS, 109 natia, whose place in the system is, indeed, not yet deter- mined, but of which the habit is nearly that of Rhodolena, seems in some degree to confirm M. du Petit Thouars’s opinion of the near relation of Chlenaceze to Tiliaceee ; though M. de Jussieu, in placing it between Ebenaceze and Rho- doracee,’ appears to take a very different view of its affinities. MALVACEAE. Of this family 18 species were observed on the banks of the Congo. It forms, therefore, about one thirty-fourth part of the pheenogamous plants of the collec- tion; which 1s somewhat greater than the equinoctial pro- portion of the order, as stated in Baron Humboldt’s disser- tation,” but nearly agrees with that of India, according to Dr. Roxburgh’s unpublished Flora Indica. The greater part of the Malvacez of the collection belong to Sida and Hibiscus; and certain species of both these genera are common to India and America. Urena Ameri- cana and Malachra radiata, hitherto supposed to be natives of America only, are also contained in the collection ; and tu the loftiest tree seen on the banks of the Congo, is a species of Bombax, which, as far-as can be determined from the very imperfect specimens preserved in the herbarium, does not differ from Bombax pentandrum of America and India. I have formerly remarked* that Malvacez, Tiliaceee, Her- manniaceee, Buttneriaceze, and Sterculiacez, constitute one natural class ; of which the orders appear to me as nearly related as the different sections of Rosacez are to each other. In both these, as well as in several other cases that might be mentioned, there seems to be a necessity for the establishment of natural classes, to which proper names, derived from the orders best known, and differing perhaps in termination, might be given. It is remarkable that the most general character connect- ing the different orders of the class now proposed, and which may be named from its principal order Malvacez, should 1 Mirbel, Kem. de Physiol. Veg. et de Bot. 2, p. 855. 2 Prolegomena, p. xvitt. De Distrib. Geogr. Plant., p. 43. 3 Flinders’s Voy. 2, p. 540. (Ande, p. 11.) 110 BOTANY OF CONGO. be that of the valvular estivation of the calyx; for seve- ral, at least, of the genera at present referred to Tiliacez, in which this character is not found, ought probably, for other reasons likewise, to be excluded from that order: and hence perhaps also. the Chlenacez, though nearly re- lated, are not strictly referable to the class Malvacez, from all of whose orders, it must be admitted, they differ considerably in habit. LEGUMINOS. According to Baron Humboldt,’ this family, or class, as I am rather disposed to consider it, constitutes one twelfth of the phanogamous plants within the tropics. Its proportion, however, is much greater in Professor Smith’s herbarium, in which there are 96 species belonging to it, or nearly one sixth of the whole collection. And ample allowance being made for the lateness of the season when the collection was formed, which might be supposed to reduce the number of this family less than many of the others, Leguminosze may be stated as form- ing one eighth of the Phenogamous plants on the banks of the Congo. In India, it probably forms about one ninth, which is also nearly the proportion it bears to Phenogamous plants in the equinoctial part of New Holland. I have formerly proposed to subdivide Leguminosz into three orders.’ Of the first of these orders, MIMOSEA,, there are only 430) eight species from Congo, seven of which belong to Acacia, as it is at present constituted ; the eighth is a sensi- tive aculeated Mimosa very nearly allied to JZ. aspera of the West Indies, as well as to JZ. canescens of Willdenow, found by Isert in Guinea; and perhaps is not different from the species mentioned by Adanson as being common on the banks of the Senegal. Of the second order, CASSALPINEAS, the collection contains 19 species, among which there are four unpub- 1 Op. citat. * Flinders’ Voy. 2, p. 551. (Ante, p. 22.) NATURAL ORDERS. lll lished genera. One of these is Erythrophleum of Afzelius, the Red Water 'l'ree of Sierra Leone; another species of which genus is the ordeal plant, or Cassa of the natives of Congo. Guilandina Bonduc and Cassia occidentalis, are also im the herbarium ; the former, I believe, is unquestion- ably common to India and America; whether Cassia occidentalis be really a native of India and equinoctial Africa, in both of which it is now at least naturalized, is perhaps doubtful. Among PAPILIONACEA, which constitute the prin- cipal part of Leguminose in the collection, there is only one plant with stamina entirely distinct. This decandrous plant forms a genus very different from any yet established, but. to which Podalyria bracteata of Roxburgh’ belongs. The genera composing Papilionaceze on the banks of the Congo have, upon the whole, a much nearer relation to those of India than of equinoctial America. ‘T'o this, however, there is one remarkable exception. For of the only two species of Pferocarpus in the collection, one is hardly to be distinguished from P. Heastaphyllum, unless by the want of the short acumen existing in the plant of Jamaica. The second agrees entirely with Linneus’s original specimen of P. /unatus from Surmam, and seems to be not uncommon on the west coast of equinoctial Africa; having been observed by Professor Afzelius at Sierra Leone, and probably by Isert in Guinea ;? while no species of Pterocarpus related to either of these has hitherto been observed in India. On the other hand Abrus precatorivs and Hedysarum triflorum, both of which occur in the collection, are common to equinoctial Asia and America. TEREBINTACEA,, as given by M. de Jussieu, appears to be made up of several orders nearly related to each other, and of certain genera having but little affinity to any of ther. Of this, indeed, the illustrous author of the Genera Plantarum seems to have been aware. He pro- 1st 1 Coromand. Plants, 3 tab. 2 Reise nach Guinea, p. 116. 112 BOTANY OF CONGO. bably, however, had not the means of ascertaining all their distinguishing characters, and therefore preferred leaving the order nearly as it was originally proposed by Bernard de Jussieu in 1759. One of the orders included in Terebintaceee, and which is proposed by M. de Jussieu himself, under the name of Cassuvia, consists of Anacardium, Semecarpus, Mangi- fera, Rhus, and Buchanania, with some other unpublished genera. The perigynous insertion of stamina in Cassuvie (or Anacardee) may be admitted in doubtful cases from analogy, there being an unpublished genus belonging to it even with ovarium inferum. And the ovarium, though in all cases of one cell, with a single ovulum, may, at least in those genera in which the style is divided, be supposed to unite in its substance the imperfect ovaria indicated by the branches of the style, and which in Buchanania are actually distinct from the complete organ. ‘The only plant belong- ing to this order in the herbarium, is a species of Rhus, with simple verticillate leaves, and very nearly approaching in habit to two unpublished species of the genus from the Cape of Good Hope. AMYRIDEA,, another family included in Terebintacee, and to which the greater part of Jussieu’s second section belongs, may, like the former order, be considered as having in all cases perigynous insertion of stamina; this structure being manifest in some of its genera. Of Amy- ride, there are two plants in the collection. The first of these is a male plant, probably of a species of Sorindeia ;} the second, which is the Sa/w of the natives, by whom it is cultivated on account of its fruit, cannot be determined from the imperfect state of the specimens; it is, however, probably related to Poupartia or Bursera. CONNARACEA, is a third family which I propose to separate from Terebiutaceze: it consists of Connarus Zinn. Cnestis Juss. and Rourea of Aublet or Robergia of Schre- 1 Aubert du Petit Thouars, nev. gen. Madugas. n. 80. NATURAL ORDERS. 113 ber. The insertion of stamina, in this family, is ambi- guous ; but as in a species of Cnestis from Congo, they originate from, or at least firmly cohere with, the pedicellus of the ovaria, they may be considered perhaps in all the #2 genera rather as hypogynous than perigynous. The most important distinguishing characters of Connaracee con- sist in the insertion of the two collateral ovula of each of its pistilla being near the base; while the radicle of the embryo is situated at the upper or opposite extremity of the seed, which is always solitary. In Connarus there is but one ovarium, and the seed (figured by Geertner under the name of Omphalobium) is destitute of albumen. Rourea or Robergia has always five ovaria, though in general one only comes to maturity. Its seed, like that of Connarus, is without albumen, and the estivation of the calyx is imbricate. Of Cnestis there are several new species in Professor Smith’s herbarium. ‘This genus has also five ovaria, all of which frequently ripen; the albumen forms a considerable part of the mass of the seed ; and the eestivation of the calyx is valvular. ‘The genera of this group, therefore, differ from each other, in having one or more ovaria; in the existence or absence of albumen; and in the imbricate or valvular zstivation of calyx. Any one of these characters singly is frequently of more than generic importance, though here even when all are taken together, they appear insufficient to separate Cnestis from Connarus. In considering the place of the Connaraceze in the system, they appear evidently connected on the one hand with Leguminosee, from which Connarus can only be dis- tinguished by the relation the parts of its embryo_have to the umbilicus of the seed. On the other hand, Cnestis seems to me to approach to 4verr/oa, which agrees with it in habit, and in many respects in the structure of its flower and seed; differing from it, however, in its five ovaria being united, in the greater number of ovula in each cell, in the very different texture of its fruit, and in some degree in the situation of the umbilicus of the seed. But Averrhoa agrees with Ovalis in every important 114 BOTANY OF CONGO. point of structure of its flower, and in most respects in that of its seed. Ovalis, indeed, differs from Averrhoa in the texture of its fruits, in some respects in the structure of its seed; and very widely in habit, in the greater part of its species. The difference in habit, however, is not so great in some species of Oxalis; as for example, in those with pinnated and even ternate leaves from equinoctial America ; and in that natural division of the genus including 0. sensitiva, of which there are two species in the Congo herbarium. 433] This latter section of Oxalis' agrees also with Averrhoa Carambola’ in the foliola, when irritated, being reflected or dependent, which is likewise their position in the state of collapsion or sleep, in all the species of both genera. To the natural order formed by Oxalis and Averrhoa, the name of OxaLipr# may be given, in preference to that of Sensitive, under which, however, Batsch® was the first to propose the association of these two genera, and to point out their agreement in sensible qualities and irrita- bility of leaves. M. de Jussieu, in a memoir recently published,* has proposed to remove Oxalis from Geraniaceze, to which he had formerly annexed it, and to unite it with Diosmee. It appears to me to have a much nearer affinity to Zygophyllee,’ though it is surely less intimately connected with that order than with Averrhoa. Iam aware that M. Correa de Serra, one of the most profound and philosophical botanists of the present age, has considered Averrhoa as nearly related to Rhamnez® or rather to Celastrine ; from which, however, it differs in the number and insertion of stamina and especially in the direction of the embryo, with respect to the pericarpium. In all these characters Averrhoa agrees with Oxalis ; its relation to which is further confirmed on considering the appendage of the seed or arillus, whose modifications in 1 Herba sentiens, Rumph. Amboin. 5, p. 801. 2 Bruce in Philos. Transact. 75, p. 356. 3 Tab. afin. p. 23. 4 Mém. du Mus. @ Hist. Nat. 3, p. 448. * Flinders's Poy. 2, p. 545. (Ante, 6 Annal. du Mus. d'Hist. Nat. 8, p. 72. p. 16.) NATURAL ORDERS, 115 these two genera seem to correspond with those of their pericarpia, CHRYSOBALANEA. The genera forming this order are Chrysobalanus, Moquilea, Grangeria, Coupea, Acioa, Licania, Hirtella, Thelira, and Parinarium, all of which are at present referred by M. de Jussieu to Rosacez, and the greater part to his seventh section of that family, namely, Amygdalez. I?f Rosaceze be considered as an order merely, these genera will form a separate section, connecting it with Leguminose. But if, as I have form- erly proposed, both these extensive families are to be regarded as natural classes, then they will form an order sufficiently distinct from Amygdaleee, both in fructification and habit, as well as in geographical distribution. The principal distinguishing characters in the fructifica- tion of Chrysobalanee are the style proceeding from the base of the ovarium ; and the ovula (which, as in Amyg- (#4 dalez, are two in number) as well as the embryo being erect. The greater part of Chrysobalanez have their flowers more or less irregular; the irregularity consisting in the cohesion of the foot-stalk of the ovarium with one side of the tube of the calyx, and a greater number, or ereater perfection of stamina on the same side of the flower. Professor Smith’s herbarium contains only two genera of this order, namely, Chrysobalanus and Parinarium.' One species of the former is hardly distinguishable from Chrysobalanus Icaco of America, and is probably a very common plant on the west coast of Africa; Jcaco being mentioned by Isert® as a native of Guinea, and by Adan- son’ in his account of Senegal. Of Parinarium, there is only one species from Congo, which agrees, in the number and disposition of stamina, with the character given of the genus. In these respects M. de Jussieu* has observed a difference in the two species 1 Juss. Gen. 342. Parinari, Audblet Guian. 514. Petrocarya, Sehreb. Gen, 629. 2 Reise nach Guinea, p. 54, 3 Voyage au Senegal, 175. 4 Gen. Plant. 342. 116 BOTANY OF CONGO. found by Adanson at Senegal, and has moreover remarked that their ovarium coheres with the tube of the calyx. In that species most common at Sierra Leone, and which is probably one of those examined by M. de Jussieu, the ovarium itself is certainly free, its pedicellus, however, as in the greater part of the genera of this order and several of Ceesalpinee, firmly cohering with the calyx, may ac- count for the statement referred to. I am not, indeed, acquainted with any instance among Dicotyledonous plants of cohesion between a simple ovarium, which I consider that of Chrysobalaneze to be, and the tube of the calyx. The complete septum between the two ovula of Parina- rium, existing before fecundation, is a peculiar structure in a simple ovarium; though in some degree analogous to the moveable dessepiment of Banksia and Dryandra, and to the complete, but less regular, division of the cavity that takes place after fecundation in some species of Persoonia.’ MELASTOMACEAI. Four plants only of this order occur in the collection. The first is a species of Zristemma, very nearly related to 7. hirtum of M. de Beauvois.* 435) The second is perhaps not distinct from Melastoma decumbens, of the same author.® The third and fourth are new species referable to Rhezia, as characterised by Ventenat,* though not to that genus as established by Linnzus; and in some respects differing from the species that have been since added to it, all of which are natives of America. In the original species of Zristemma’® there are, in the upper part of the tube of the calyx, two circular ciliated membranous processes, from which the name of the genus is derived; the limb of the calyx itself being considered as constituting the third circle. The two circular membranes are also represented as complete in 7. hirtum. But in the species from Congo, which may be named 7: 1 Linn. Soc. Transact. 10, p. 35. ° Flore d’Oware, 1, p. 94, t. 57. 3 Op. citat. 1, p. 69, ¢. 49. 4 Mém. de 0 Institut. se. phys. 1807, prem. semest. p. 11. ° Tristemma virusana, Vent. Choix de Plantes, 35. NATURAL ORDERS. 117 incompletum, only one circular membrane exists, with the unilateral rudiment of the second. The rudiment of the inferior membrane in this species points ont the relation between the apparently anomalous appendage of the calyx in Tristemma, and the ciliated scales irregularly scattered over its whole surface in Osbeckia ; the analogy being established by the interme- diate structure of an unpublished plant of this order from Sierra Leone, in Sir Joseph Banks’s herbarium, in which the nearly similar squamee, though distinct, are disposed in a single complete circle; and by Melastoma octandra of Linneeus, in which they are only four in number, and alter- nate with the proper divisions of the calyx. . The two species here referred, though improperly, to Rhexia, agree with a considerable part of the species pub- lished in the monograph of that genus by M. Bonpland, and with some other genera of the order, in the peculiar manner in which the ovarium is connected with the tube of the calyx. This cohesion, instead of extending uni- formly over the whole surface, is limited to ten longitudinal equidistant lines or membranous processes, apparently originating from the surface of the ovarium ; the inter- stices, which are tubular, and gradually narrowing towards the base, being entirely free. The function of these tubular interstices is as remark- able as their existence. In Melastomacez, before the expansion of the corolla, the tops of the filaments are inflected, and the anthers are pendulous and parallel to the lower or erect portion of the filament ; their tips reaching, either to the line of complete cohesion between the calyx and ovarium, where that exists ; or, where this cohesion is partial, and such as I have now ts described, being lodged in the tubular interstices; their points extending to the base of the ovarium. From these sheaths, to which they are exactly adapted, the anthers seem to be disengaged in consequence of the unequal growth of the different parts of the filament ; the inflected portion ceasing to increase in length at an early period, while that below the curvature continues to elongate con- 118 BOTANY OF CONGO. siderably until the extrication is complete, when expansion takes place. It is singular that this mode of cohesion between the ovarium and calyx in certain genera of Melastomaceze, and the equally remarkable estivation of antherze accompanying it, should have been universally overlooked, especially in the late monograph of M. Bonpland; as both the struc- ture and economy certainly exist in some, and probably in the greater part, of the plants which that author has figured and described as belonging to Rhexia. On the limits, structure, and generic division of Melasto- maceee, I may remark — lst. That JZemecylon, as M. du Petit Thouars has already suggested,’ and Petaloma of Swartz’ both belong to this order, and connect it with AZyrtacee, from which they are to be distinguished only by the absence of the pellucid glands of the leaves and other parts, existing in all the genera really belonging to that extensive family. 2ndly. There are very few Melastomacez in which the ovarium does not in some degree cohere with the tube of the calyx; JJeriana, properly so called, being, perhaps, the only exception. And in the greater number of instances where, though the ovarium is coherent, the fruit is distinct, it becomes so from the laceration of the connecting processes already described. 3rdly. That the generic divisions of the whole order remain to be established. On examination, I believe, it will be found that the original species of the Linnean genera, Melastoma and Rhexia, possess generic characters sufficiently distinguishing them from the greater part of the plants that have been since added to them by various authors. In consequence of these additions, however, their botanical history has been so far neglected, that pro- bably no genuine species of Melastoma, and certainly none of Rhexia, has yet been published in M. Bonpland’s splen- did and valuable monographs of these two genera. 1 Mélanges de Botanique ; Observ. address. & M. Lamarck, p. 57. 2 Flor, Ind. Occid. 2, p. 831, tab. 14. NATURAL ORDERS. 119 Of RHIZOPHORE Ai, as I have formerly proposed to (187 limit it, namely, to Rhizophora, Bruguiera, and Carallia, the collection contains only one plant, which is a species of Rhizophora, the Mangrove of the lower part of the river, and probably of the whole line of coast, but very different both from that of America, and from those either of India or of other equinoctial countries that have been described. There is, however, a plant in the collection which, though not strictly belonging to this order, suggests a few remarks on its affinities. I referred Carallia’ to Rhizophoree, from its agreement with them in habit, and in the structure of its flower. It is still uncertain whether its reniform seed is destitute of albumen ; the absence of which, however, does not seem necessary to establish its affinity with the other genera of this order ; for plants having the same remarkable eco- nomy in the germination of the embryo as that of Rhizo- phora, may belong to families which either have or are destitute of albumen. The plant referred to from Congo may be considered as anew species of Legnotis having its petals less divided than those of the original species of that genus, and each cell of its ovarium containing only two pendulous ovula. The genus Legnotis agrees with Carallia in habit, especially in having opposite leaves with imtermediate stipules; in the valvular estivation of its calyx, and in several other points of structure of its flower. It differs in its divided petals; in its greater number of stamina, disposed, how- ever, in a simple series; and in its ovarium not cohering with the calyx. It is therefore still more nearly related to Richeia of M. du Petit Thouars,’ from which perhaps it may not be generically distinct. The propriety of asso- ciating Carallia* with Rhizophorez is not perhaps likely to be disputed ; and its affinity to Legnotis, especially to the species from Congo, appears very probable. It would seem, therefore, that we have already a series of structures 1 Plinders’s Voy. 2, p. 549. (Ante, p. 20.) * Roxburgh. Coromand. 3, p. 8, t. 211. 3 Nov. Gen. Madagase. n. 84. 4 Or Barraldeia, Du Petit Thouars, Nov. Gen. Madagase. n. 82. 120 BOTANY OF CONGO. connecting Rhizophora on the one hand with certain genera of Salicarie, particularly with Antherylium, though that genus wants the intermediate stipules; and on the other with Cunoniacea,' especially with the simple leavedspecies of 438) Ceratopelatum. While Loranthus and Viscum, associated with Rhizophora by M. de Jussieu, appear to form a very distinct family, and which, as it seems to me, should even occupy a distant place im the system. HOMALIN. In the collection from Congo a plant occurs evidently allied, and perhaps referable, to Homalium, from which it differs only in the greater number of glands alternating with the stamina, whose fasciculi are in conse- quence decomposed: the mner stamen of each fasciculus being separated from the two outer by one of the additional glands. ‘This plant was first found on the banks of the Gambia, by Mr. Park, from whose specimens I have ascer- tained that the embryo is enclosed in a fleshy albumen. The same structure of seed may be supposed, from very obvious affinity, to exist in Astranthus of Loureiro, to which Blackwellia of Commerson ought perhaps to be referred ; in Mapimoga of Aublet, probably not different from Homa- lium; and in Ma,’ a genus admitting of subdivision, and which M. du Petit Thouars has referred to Rhamnee. All these genera appear to me sufficiently different from Rosaceze, where M. de Jussieu has placed them, and from every other family of plants at present established. Their distinguishing characters as a separate order are, the segments of the perianthium disposed,in a double series, or an equal number of segments nearly in the same series ; the want of petals ; the stamina being definite and opposite to the inner series of the perianthium, or to the alternate segments where they are disposed apparently in a simple series ; the unilocular ovarium (generally in some degree coherent with the calyx) having three parietal placente, with one, two, or even an indefinite number of ovula; and the seeds having.albumen, as inferred from its existence in the genus from Congo. The cohesion of the ovarium with 1 Flinders’s Voy. 2, p. 548. (Ante, p. 20.) ® Nov. Gen. Madagase. n. 81. NATURAL ORDERS. 121 the tube of the perianthium, though existing in various degrees in all the genera above enumerated, is probably a character of only secondary importance in Homaline. For an unpublished genus found by Commerson in Mada- gascar, which in every other respect agrees with this family, has ovarium superum. ‘his genus at the same time seems to establish a considerable affinity between Homaline and certain genera, either absolutely belonging to Passifloree, especially Paropsia of M. du Petit 'Vhouars,! or nearly related to them as Hrythrospermum, well de- tus9 scribed and figured by the same excellent botanist.” The increased number of stamina in Homaliim, and particularly in the genus from Congo, instead of presenting an objection to this affinity, appears to me to confirm it. It may be observed also that there are two genera referable to Passifloreze, though they will form a separate section of the order, which have a much greater, and even an inde- finite, number of perfect stamina, namely, Smeathmania, an unpublished genus of equinoctial Africa, agreeing in habit, in perianthium, and in fruit, with Paropsia; and yania of Vahl,’ which appears to me to belong to the same family. In Passifloreze the stamina, when their number is defi- nite, which is the case in all the genera hitherto considered as belonging to them, are opposite to the outer series of the perianthium ; a character which, though of general im- portance, and here of practical utility in distinguishing them from Homaline, is not expressed in any of the nu- merous figures or descriptions that have been published of the plants of this order. Passifloreee and Cucurbitacee, though now admitted as distinct families, are still placed together by M. de Jussieu ; and he considers the floral envelope in both orders as a perianthium or calyx, whose segments are disposed in a double series.* These views of affinity and structure are in some degree confirmed by Homalinz, in which both ovarium inferum 1 Hist. des Véget. des Isles de V Afrique, 59. 2 Op. citat. 65. 3 Eelog. 1, p. an t. 9. 4° Annal. du Mus. d' Hist. Nat. 6, p. 102. 122 BOTANY OF CONGO. and superum occur; and in one genus of which, namely, Blackwellia, the segments of the perianthium, though the complete number, in relation to the other genera of the order, be present, are all of similar texture and form, and are disposed nearly in a simple series. If the approximation of these three families be admitted, they may be considered as forming a class intermediate between Polypetale and Apetalz, whose principal characters would consist in the segments of the calyx being disposed in a double series, and in the absence of petals; the different orders nearly agreeing with each other in the structure of their seeds, and to a considerable degree in that of the ovarium. The formation of this class, however, connected on the #01 one hand with Apetalee by Samydeze,* and on the other, though as it seems to me less intimately, with Polypetale by Violeze, would not accord with any arrangement of natural orders that has yet been given. While the admis- sion of the floral envelope being entirely calyx; and of the affinity of the class with Violee, would certainly be un- favorable to M. de Candolle’s ingenious hypothesis of petals in all cases being modified stamina. VIOLEA.” This order does not appear to me so nearly related to Passifloreee as M. du Petit Thouars is dis- posed to consider it; for it not only has a genuine poly- petalous corolla, which is hypogynous, but its antheree differ materially in structure, and its simple calyx is divided to the base. ‘The irregularity both of petals and stamina in the origmal genera of the order, namely, Viola, Pom- balia,® and Hybanthus, though characters of considerable importance, are not in all cases connected with such a ditterence in habit as to prevent their union with certain regular flowered genera, which it has lately been proposed to associate with them. The collection from Congo contains two plants belonging to the section of Violez with regular flowers. One of 1 Fentenut in Mém. de V Instit. Se. Phys. 1807, 2 sem. p. 142. ? Juss. Gen. Pl. 295. Ventenat Malmais, 27. 3 Vandelli Fase. Pl. p.7, ¢. 1. Ionidium, Venten. Malmais. 27. NATURAL ORDERS. 123 these evidently belongs to Passalia, an unpublished genus in Sir Joseph Banks’s herbarium, and described in the manuscripts of Solander from a plant found by Smeath- man at Sierra Leone, which is perhaps not specifically distinct from that of Congo, or from Ceranthera dentata of the Flore @Oware. But Ceranthera,’ which M. de Beauvois, being unacquainted with its fruit, has placed in the order Meliaceze, is not different from A/sodeia, a genus published somewhat earlier, and from more perfect mate- rials, by M. du Petit Thouars,’ who refers it to Violez. The latter generic name ought of course to be adopted, and with a change in the termination (A/sodine) it may also denote the section of this order with regular flowers. Physiphora of Sir Joseph Banks’s herbarium, discovered by himself in Brazil, differs from Alsodeia only in its fila- ments being very slightly connected at base, and in the form and texture of its capsule, which is membranaceous, and, as the name imports, inflated. Five species belonging to this section of Violeze occur in Aublet’s History of the Plants of Guiana, where each of ua them is considered as forming a separate genus. Of three of these genera, namely, Conohoria, Rinorea, and Riana the flowers alone are described ; the two others, Passura and Piparea, were seen in fruit only. From the examination of flowers of Aublet’s original specimens of the three former genera, in Sir Joseph Banks’s herbarium, and of the fruit of Conohoria, which entirely agrees with that of Passwra, and essentially with that of Piparea, 1 have hardly a doubt of these five plants, notwithstanding some differences in the disposition of their leaves, actually belonging to one and the same genus; and as they agree with Physiphora in every respect, except in the texture and form of the capsule, and with the Passalia of Sierra Leone and Congo, except in having their stamina nearly or entirely distinct, it appears that all these genera may be referred to Alsodeia. I have also examined, in Sir Joseph Banks’s herbarium, a specimen of Pentaloba sessilis of the Flora Cochinchi- 1 Flore d’ Oware, 2, p. 10. 2 Hist. des Véget. des Isles de 1 Afrique, 55. 124 BOTANY OF CONGO. nensis, which was sent so named, by Loureiro himself, and have found it to agree in every important point with Alsodeia, even as to the number of parietal placentz. Loureiro, however, describes the fruit of Pentaloba as a five-lobed, five-seeded berry, and if this account be correct, the genus ought to be considered as distinct ; but if, which is not very improbable, the fruit be really capsular, it is evidently referable to Alsodeia; with the species of which, from Madagascar and the west coast of equinoctial Africa, it agrees in the manifest union of its filaments. It appears therefore that the ten genera now enumerated, and perhaps also Lauwradia of Vandelli, may very properly be reduced to one; and they all at least manifestly belong to the same section of Violez, though at present they are to be found in various, and some rather distant, natural orders. M. de Jussieu, in adopting Aublet’s erroneous descrip- tion of the stamina of Rinorea and Conohoria, has referred both these genera to Berberides,* to which he has also annexed Riana, adding a query whether Passura mav not 4) belong to the same genus. With M. de Beauvois, he refers Ceranthera to Meliacese; and Pentaloba of Loureiro he reduces also to the same order.” Piparea is, together with Viola, annexed to Cistinze in his Genera Plantarum, and is therefore the most correctly placed, though its struc- ture is the least known, of all these supposed genera. 1 The genera belonging to BERBERIDES are Berberis (to which Ilex Japonica of Thunberg belongs) ; Leontice (including Caulophyllum, respecting which see Linn, Soe. Transac. 12, p. 145) Epimedium; and Diphylleia of Michaux. Jeffersonia may perhaps differ in the internal structure of its seeds, as it does in their arillus, from true Berberidez, but it agrees with them in, the three principal characters of their flower, namely, in their stamina being equal in number and opposite to the petals; in the remarkable dehiscence of anthere ; and in the structure of the ovarium. Podophylium agrees with Diphylleia in habit, and in the fasciculi of vessels of the stem being irregularly scattered; essentially in the floral envelope, and in the structure of the ovarium; its stamina, also, though numerous, are not altogether indefinite, but appear to have a certain relation both in number and insertion to the petals: in the de- hiscence of anthers, and perhaps also in the structure of seeds, it differs from this order, to which, however, it may be appended. Nwzdina ought to be included in Berberides, differing only in its more numerous and densely imbricate bractes, from which to the calyx and even to the petals, the transition is nearly imper- ceptible; and in the dehiscence of its anthera. 2 Mém. du Mus. @ Hist. Nat. 3, p. 440. NATURAL ORDERS. 125 An unpublished genus of New Holland, which I have named Hymenanthera, in Sir Joseph Banks’s herbarium, agrees with Alsodeia in its calyx, in the insertion, expan- sion, and obliquely imbricate estivation of its petals, and especially in the structure of its antheree, which approach more nearly to those of Violez properly so called. It differs, however, from this order in having five squame alternating with the petals; and especially in its fruit, which is a bilocular berry, having in each cell a single pen- dulons seed, whose internal structure resembles that both of Violeze and Polygalez, between which I am inclined to think this genus should be placed. CHAILLETE.®. The genus Chailletia was established by M. de Candolle* from a plant found by Martin in French Guiana, and which, as appears by specimens in Sir Joseph Banks’s herbarium, had been many years before named Patrisia by Von Rohr, who discovered it in the same country. At a still earlier period, Solander, in his manu- scripts, preserved in the library of Sir Joseph Banks, described this genus under the name of AZestotes, from several species found by Smeathman at Sierra Leone. Both Dichapetalum and Leucosia of M. du Petit Thouars* appear to me, from the examination of authentic speci- mens, to belong to the same genus; and in Professor Smith’s herbarium there is at least one additional species of Chailletia different from those of Sierra Leone. Of the two generic names given by M. du Petit css Thouars, and published somewhat earlier than M. de Can- dolle’s Memoir, Leucosia will probably be considered inad- missible, having been previously applied by Fabricius to a genus of Crustacea; and Dichapetalum is perhaps objec- tionable, as derived from a character not existing in the whole genus, even allowing it to be really polypetalous. It seems expedient, therefore, to adopt the name proposed by M. de Candolle, who has well illustrated the genus in the memoir referred to. It appears to me that Chailletia, V Annal. du Mus. @ Hist. Nat. 17, p. 153. 2 Nov. Gen. Madagase. x. 78 et 79. 126 BOTANY OF CONGO. a genus nearly related to it from India with capsular fruit, and Zapura of Aublet (which is Rodria of Schreber), form a natural order, very different from any yet established. The principal characters of this order may be gathered from M. de Candolle’s figure and description of Chailletia, to which, however, must be added that the cells of the ovarium, either two or three in number, constantly contain two collateral pendulous ovula; and that in the regular flowered genera there exist within, and opposite to, the petal-like bodies an equal number of glands, which are described by M. du Petit Thouars in Dichapetalum, but are unnoticed by him in Leucosia, where, however, they are equally present. Tt may seem paradoxical to associate with these genera Tapura, whose flower is irregular, triandrous, and ap- parently monopetalous. But it will somewhat lessen their apparent differences of structure to consider the petal-like bodies, which, in all the genera of this order, are inserted nearly or absolutely in the same series with the filaments, as being barren stamina; a view which M. de Candolle has taken of those of Chailletia, and which M. Richard had long before published respecting Tapura.’ It is probable also that M. de Candolle at least will admit the association here proposed, as his Chavlletia sessiliflora seems to be merely an imperfect specimen of Zapura guianensis. The genera to which Chailleteze most nearly approach appear to me to be dguilaria of Lamarck’ and Gyrinops of Gertner. But these two genera themselves, which are not referable to any order yet established, may either be re- garded as a distinct family, or perhaps, to avoid the too great multiplication of families, as a section of that at present #4] under consideration, and to which I should then propose to apply the name of Aqui_arin# in preference to Chail- leteze. The genus Aquilaria itself has been referred by Ventenat to Samydee@. From this order, however, it is sufficiently 1 Dict. Elem. de Botanique par Bulliurd, revu par L. C. Richard, ed. 1802, p. 34. 2 Or Ophiospermum of the Flora Cochinchinensis, as I have proved by com- parison with a specimen from Loureiro himself. NATURAL ORDERS. 127 distinct, not only in the structure of its ovarium and seeds, but in its leaves being altogether destitute of glands, which are not only numerous in Samydez, but con- sisting of a mixture of round and linear pellucid dots, distinguish them from all the other families! with which there is any probability of their being confounded. Sir James Smith” has lately suggested the near affinity of Aquilaria to Euphorbiaceee. But I confess it appears to me at least as distinct from that order as from Samydee ; and I am inclined to think, paradoxical as it may seem, that it would be less difficult to prove its affinity to Thy- melee than to either of them; a point, however, which, requiring considerable details, I do not mean to attempt in the present essay. Of EUPHORBIACE: there are twenty species in the collection, or one twenty-eighth part of its Phanogamous plants. This is somewhat greater than the intratropical proportion of the order as stated by Baron Humboldt, but rather smaller than that of India or of the northern parts of New Holland. The most remarkable plants of Euphorbiacee in the Congo herbarium are: a new species of the American genus Alchornea; a plant differmg from yopricon, a genus also belonging to America, chiefly in its capsular fruit; two new species of Bridelia, which has hitherto been observed only in India; and an unpublished genus that I have formerly alluded to,’ as in some degree explaining the real structure of Euphorbia, and from the considera- tion of which also it seems probable that what was form- erly described as the hermaphrodite flower of that genus, is in reality a compound fasciculus of flowers.* From the same species of this unpublished genus a substance resem- bling caoutchouc is said to be obtained at Sierra Leone. ‘The only other genus in which I have observed an analogous variety of form in the glands of the leaves, is Myroaylon (to which both Myrospermum and Toluifera belong), in all of whose species this character is very remarkable, the pellucid lines being much longer than in Samydez. . 2 Linn. Soc. Transact. 11, p. 230. * Flinders’s Voy.2, p. 557. (Ante, p. 29.) 4 Lian. Soc. Transact. 12, p. 99. 128 BOTANY OF CONGO. According to Mr. Lockhart a frutescent species of 445) Euphorbia, about eight feet in height, with cylindrical stem and branches, was “observed, planted on the graves of the natives near several of the villages ; but of this, which may be what Captain Tuckey has called Cactus quadran- gularis in his Narrative (p. 115), there is no specimen in the herbarium. COMPOSITA:. It is unnecessary here to enter into the question whether this family of plants, of which upwards of 3000 species are already known, ought to be considered as a class or as an order merely ; the expediency of subdividing it, and affixing proper names to the divi- sions, being generally admitted. The divisions or tribes proposed by M. Cassini, in his valuable dissertations on this family, appear to be the most natural, though as yet they have not been very satisfactorily defined. The number of Composite in the collection is only twenty-four, more than half of which are referable to Helianthee and Vernoniacee of M. Cassini. ‘The greater part of these are unpublished species, and among them are five new genera. ‘The published species belong to other divisions, and are chiefly Indian: but one of them, Agera- tum conyzoides, is common to America and India; the Struchium (or Sparganophorus) of the collection does not appear to me different from that of the West Indies; and Mikania chenopodifolia, a plant very general on this line of coast, though perhaps confined to it, belongs to a genus of which all the other species are found only m America. Baron Humboldt has stated’ that Composite form one sixth of the Phenogamous plants within the tropics, and that their proportion gradually decreases in the higher latitudes until in the frigid zones it is reduced to one thirteenth. But in the herbarium from Congo Composit form only one twenty-third, and both in Smeathman’s col- lection from Sierra Leone and in Dr. Roxburgh’s Flora Indica, a still smaller part, of the Pheenogamous plants. In the northern part of New Holland they form about one ‘In op. eilat. NATURAL ORDERS. 129 sixteenth; and in a manuscript catalogue of plants of equinoctial America, in the library of Sir Joseph Banks, they are nearly in the same proportion. In estimating the comparative value of these different materials, | may, in the first place, observe that though the herbarium from Congo was collected in the dry season of the country, there is no reason to suppose on that account that the proportion of this family of plants, in particular, is materially or even in any degree dimiished, nor can cus this objection be stated to the Sierra Leone collection, in which its relative number is still smaller. To the Composite in Dr. Roxburgh’s Flora Indica, however, a considerable addition ought, no doubt, to be made ; partly on the ground of his having apparently paid less attention to them himself, and still more because his correspondents, whose contributions form a considerable part of the Flora, have evidently in a great measure neglec- ted them. This addition bemg made, the proportion of Composite in India would not differ very materially from that of the north coast of New Holland, according to my own collection, which I consider as having been formed in more favorable circumstances, and as probably giving an approximation of the true proportions in the country ex- amined. Baron Humboldt’s herbarium, though absolutely greater than any of the others referred to on this subject, is yet, with relation to the vast regions whose vegetation it represents, less extensive than either that of the north coast of New Holland, or even of the line of the Congo. And as it is in fact as much the Flora of the Andes as of the coasts of intratropical America, containing families nearly or wholly unknown on the shores of equinoctial countries, it may be supposed to have several of those families which are common to all such countries, and among them Conyposite, in very different proportion. At the same time it is not improbable that the relative num- ber of this family in equinoctial America, may be greater than in the similar regions of other intratropical countries ; while there seems some reason to suppose it considerably smaller on the west coast of Africa. This diminished 9 1380 BOTANY OF CONGO. proportion, however, in equinoctial Africa would be the more remarkable, as there is probably no part of the world in which Composite form so great a portion of the vege- tation as at the Cape of Good Hope. RUBIACEA. Of this family there are forty-three species in the collection, or about one fourteenth of its Pheenogamous plants. I have no reason to suppose that this proportion is greater than that existing in other parts of equinoctial Africa; on the contrary, it is exactly that of Smeathman’s collection from Sierra Leone. Baron Humboldt, however, states the equinoctial pro- portion of Rubiaceze to phenogamous plants to be one to twenty-nine, and that the order gradually diminishes in relative number towards the poles. 4m But it is to be observed that this family is composed of two divisions, having very different relations to climate ; the first, with opposite, or more rarely verticillate, leaves and intermediate stipules, to which, though constituting the great mass of the order, the name Rubiacez cannot be applied, being chiefly equinoctial; while the second, or Stellate, having verticillate or very rarely opposite leaves, but in no case intermediate stipules, has its maximum in the temperate zones, and is hardly found within the tropics, unless at great heights. Hence perhaps we are to look for the minimum in num- ber of species of the whole order, not in the frigid zone, but, at least in certain situations, a few degrees only beyond the tropics. In conformity to this statement, M. Delile’s valuable catalogue of the plants of Egypt' includes no indigenous species of the equinoctial division of the order, and only five of Stel/ate, or hardly the one hundred and sixtieth part of the Phenogamous plants. In M. Desfontaines’ Flora Atlantica, Rubiacez, consisting of fifteen Stellate and only one species of the equinoctial division, form less than one ninetieth part of the Pheenogamous plants, a pro- portion somewhat inferior to that existing in Lapland. | Flor, Egypt, Illustr. in Deseript. de V Egypte, Hist, Nat, v. 2, p. 49. NATURAL ORDERS. 131 In Professor Thunberg’s Flora of the Cape of Good Hope, where Rubiaceze are to Pheenogamous plants as about one to one hundred and fifty, the order is differently constituted ; the equinoctial division, by the addition of Anthospermum, a genus peculiar to southern Africa, some- what exceeding Stellatee in number. And in New Holland, in the same parallel of latitude, the relative number of Stellatee is still smaller, from the existence of Oyercularia, a genus found only in that part of the world, and by the addition of which the proportion of the whole order to the Phzenogamous plants is there considerably increased. More than half the Rubiaceze from Congo belong to well known genera, chiefly to Gardenia, Psychotria, Morinda, Hedyotis, and Spermacoce. Of the remaining part of the order, several form new genera. The first of these is nearly related to Gardenia, which itself seems to require subdivision. The second is intermediate between Rondeletia and Danais, and probably includes Rondeletia febrifuga of Afzelius.* The third has the inflorescence and flowers of Vauclea, (4s but its ovaria and pericarpia are confluent, the whole head forming a compound spherical fleshy fruit, which is, I suppose, the country-fig of Sierra Leone, mentioned by Professor Afzelius.’ The fourth is a second species of Neurocarpea, a genus which I have named, but not described, in the catalogue of Abyssinian plants appended to Mr. Salt’s Travels.’ The fifth genus is intermediate between Rubiacew and Apocineee. With the former it agrees in habit, especially in its interpetiolary stipules; and in the insertion and structure of its seeds, which are erect, and have the embryo lodged in a horny albumen forming the mass of the nucleus; while it resembles Apocineee in having its 1 In Herb. Banks. This is the “New sort of Peruvian Bark” mentioned in his Report, p. 174; which is probably not different from the Bellenda or African Bark of Winterbottom’s Account of Sierra Leone, vol. 2, p- 24:3. 2 Sierra Leone Report for 1794, p. 171, 2. 32. 3 Foyage to Abyssinia, append. p. liv. (Ante, p. 94.) 182 BOTANY OF CONGO. ovarium entirely distinct from the calyx ; its capsule in ap- pearance and dehiscence is exactly like that of Bursaria. ‘The existence of this genus tends to comfirm what I have formerly asserted respecting the want of satisfactory distinguishing characters between these two orders, and to prove that they belong to one natural class ; the ovarlum superum approximating it to Apocinee ; the interpetiolary stipules and structure of seeds connecting it, as it appears to me, still more intimately with Rubiacez. The arguments adduced by M. de Jussieu’ for excluding Usteria from Rubiacez and referring it to Apocinee, are, its having ovarium superum, an irregular corolla, fleshy albumen, and only one stamen ; there being no example of any reduction in the number of stamina in Rubiaceae, (in which Opercularia and Pomax are not included by M. de Jussieu) while one occurs in the male flowers of Ophi- oxylum, a genus belonging to Apocineze. From analogous reasoning he at the same time decides in referring Gert- nera of Lamarck” to Rubiacez, though he admits it to have ovarium superum ; its flowers being regular, its albu- men more copious and horny, and its embryo erect. But all these characters exist in the new genus from Congo. These two genera therefore, together with Payamea of Aublet, Usteria, Geniostoma of Forster (which is Azasser of Jussieu) and Logania,’ might, from their mere agree- ment in the situation of ovarium, form a tribe inter- 49) mediate between Rubiaceze and Apocinee. ‘This tribe, however, would not be strictly natural, and from analogy with the primary divisions admitted in Rubiacez, as well as from habit, would require subdivision into at least four sections: but hence it may be concluded that thé only combining character of these sections, namely, ovarium superum, is here of not more than generic value; and it must be admitted also that the existence or absence of stipules is in Logania* of still less importance. 1 Annal. du Mus. @ Hist. Nat. 10, p. 323. ? Illustr. Gen. tab. 167. 3 Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 455. * Prodr, Flor, Nov. Holl. 1, p. 455. NATURAL ORDERS. 133 APOCINEA. There are only six plants in the collec- tion belonging to this order. The jirs¢ of these, together with some other species from Sierra Leone, constitutes an unpublished genus, the fruit of which externally resembles that of Cerdera, but essen- tially differs from it in its internal structure being poly- spermous. The Cream fruit of Sierra Leone, mentioned by Professor Afzelius,* probably belongs to this genus, of which an idea may be formed by stating its flower to re- semble that of Vahea, figured, but not described by M. Lamarck,’ and its fruit, that of Voacanga® of M. du Petit Thouars, from which birdlime is obtained in Madagascar, or of Urceola' of Dr. Roxburgh, the genus that produces the caoutchouc of Sumatra. The second belongs to a genus discovered in Sierra Leone by Professor Afzelius, who has not yet described it, but has named it Anthocleista. This genus, however, differs from Pofa/ia of Aublet (the Nicandra of Schreber) solely in having a four-celled berry; that of Potalia being described both by Aublet and Schreber as_ trilocular, though according to my own observations it is bilocular, M. de Jussieu has appended Potala to his Gentianez, partly determined, perhaps, from its being described as herbaceous. ‘The species of Authocleista from Congo, however, according to the account given me by Mr. Lock- hart, the gardener of the expedition, is a tree of consider- able size, and its place in the natural method is evidently near Fagrea. Whether these genera should be united with Apocineze or only placed near them, forming a fifth section of the intermediate tribe already proposed, is somewhat doubtful. In the perfect hermaphrodite flowers of Apocinez, no exception occurs either to the quinary division of the to floral envelopes and corresponding number of stamina, or to the bilocular or double ovarium; and in Asclepiadee, which are generally referred by authors to the same order, something like a necessary connection may be perceived 1 Sierra Leone Report, 1794, p. 178, 2. 47. ; 2 Tllustr. Gen. tab. 169. 3 Nov. Gen. Madagasc, x. 32. 4 Asiat. Resear. 5, p. 169. 134 BOTANY OF CONGO. between these relative numbers of stamina and pistilla, and the singular mode of fecundation in this tribe. But in Potalia and Anthocleista, there is a remarkable increase in the number of stamina and segments of the corolla, and at the same time a reduction in the divisions of the calyx. The pistillum in Potalia, however, if my account of it be correct, agrees in division with that of Apocineee ; and the deviation from this division in Anthocleista is only apparent ; the ovarium, according to the view I have else- where given of this organ,’ being composed of two umited ovaria, again indeed’ subdivided by processes of the placenta, but each of the subdivisions or partial cells con- taining only one half of an ordinary placenta, and that not originating from its inner angle, as would be the case were the ovarium composed of four confluent organs. Of ASCLEPIADE® there are very few species in the collection, and none of very remarkable structure. The Periploca of Equinoctial Africa alluded to in my essay on this family,” was one of the first plants observed by Pro- fessor Smith at the mouth of the river; and a species of Oxystelma, hardly different from 0. exoulentun of India,’ was found, apparently indigenous, on several parts of its banks. The ACANTHACE! of the collection, consisting of sixteen species, the far greater part of which are new, have a much nearer relation to those of India than to the American portion of the order. Among these there are several species of Welsonia* and Hypoestes ;° a new species of dtheilema,’ a genus from which perhaps Phaylopsis of Willdenow is not different, though its fruit is described by Wendland’ as a legumen, and by Willdenow, with almost equal impropriety, as a siliqua ; a plant belonging to a 1 Zinn. Soc. Transact. 12, p. 89. 2 Wernerian Nat. Hist. Soc. Trans. 1, p. 40. 3 Periploca esculenta, Rord, Coromand. J, p. 18, 2.11. 4 Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p, 480. ° Op. citat. 1, p. 474, 6 Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 478. 7 Micranthus, Weul.Botan. Beobacht, 38, NATURAL ORDERS. 135 genus I have formerly alluded to as consisting of Ruellia aliginosa and RF. balsamea ;' and a new species of Ble- tus pharis. All these genera exist in India, and none of them have yet been found in America. CONVOLVULACEA. The herbarium of Professor Smith contains twenty-two species of this order, among which, however, there is no plant that presents anything remarkable in its structure ; the far greater part belonging to Ipomcea, the rest to Convolvulus. In the herbarium there is a single species of Hydrolea, nearly related to Sagonea palustris of Aublet, which would also be referred to this order by M. de Jussieu. But Hydrolea® appears to me to constitute, together with Nama, a distinct family (Hydrolez) more nearly approaching to Polemoniaceze than to Convolvulacez. SCROPHULARINA. The collection contains only ten plants of this family, of which two form new genera, whose characters depend chiefly on the structure of antheree and form of corolla. The LABIATA! of the herbarium consist of seven species, three of which belong to Ocymum, a genus common to equinoctial Asia and Africa, but not extend- ing to America; an equal number to Hyptis, which is chiefly American, and has not been observed in India; the seventh is a species of Hoslundia, a genus hitherto found only on the west coast of Africa, and which, in its inflo- rescence and in the verticillate leaves of one of its species, approaches to the following order. VERBENACEA, together with Labiatee form one natu- ral class,’ for the two orders of which it has already become difficult to find distinguishing characters. In the Congo herbarium there are seven Verbenacez, consisting of three beautiful species of Clerodendron ; two 1 Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl.1, p. 478. 2 Pid. op. citat, p. 482, 3 Flinders’ Voy. 2, p. 565. (Ante, p. 38) 136 BOTANY OF CONGO. new species of Vitex; Stachytarpheta indica of Vahl; and a new species of Lippia, which, from its habit and struc- ture, confirms the union of Zapania with that genus, sug- gested by M. Richardt This species from the Congo has its leaves in threes, and has nearly the same fragrance as 42] Verbena triphylla, whose affinity to Lippia, notwith- standing the difference in calyx and inflorescence, is fur- ther confirmed by a peculiarity in the estivation of its corolla, which extends only to Lippia and Lantana. OLACIN A. The herbarium contains a species of Olax differing from all the plants at present referred to that genus, in its calyx not being enlarged after fecundation, but im its original annular form surrounding the base only of the ripe frat. The existence of this species, which agrees with those of New Holland and with /%ssilia of Commerson in having only five petals, and in its barren stamina being undivided, while in habit it approaches rather more nearly to the original species O. Zeylanica and to O. scandens of Roxburgh, both of which I have examined, seems to confirm the union I have formerly proposed,” of all these plants into one genus. When I first referred fissiia to this genus, I only presumed from the many other points of agreement that it had also the same struc- ture of ovarium, on which, not only the generic character of Olax, but its affinities, seemed to me in a great measure to depend. M. Mirbel, however, has described the ovarium of Fissilia as trilocular.’ I can only reconcile this state- ment with my own observations, by supposing him to have formed his opinion from a view of its transverse section ; for on examining one of Commerson’s specimens of //ssi/ia disparils, communicated by M. de Jussieu, I have found its ovarium, like that of all the species of Olax, to be really unilocular; the central columnar placenta, at the top of which the three pendulous ovula are inserted, having no connection whatever with the sides of the cavity. It was chiefly the agreement of Olax and Santalacez in 1 Jn Mich. Flor. Bor. Amer. 2, p. 15. ? Prodr. Flor. Nov. Moll. 1, p. 357. * Nouv. Bullet. 3, p. 378. NATURAL ORDERS. 137 this remarkable, and I believe, peculiar structure of ovarium, that induced me to propose, not their absolute union into one family, but their approximation in the natural series. I at the same time,’ however, pointed out all the objections that M. de Jussieu has since stated to this affinity.” Of these objections the two principal are the double floral envelope and ovarium superun of Olax, opposed to the simple perianthium and ovarium inferum in Santalacez. The first objection loses much of its importance, both on considering that Quinchamalium, a genus in every other css respect resembling Thesium, has an outer floral envelope surrounding its ovarium, and having more the usual ap- pearance of calyx than that of Olax ; and also in adverting to the generally admitted association of Loranthus and Viscum, of which the former is provided with both calyx and corolla, the latter, in its male flowers at least, with only a single envelope, and that analagous to the corolla of Loranthus.’ The second objection seems to be equally weakened by the obvious affinity of Santalaceze to Hvocarpus, which has not only ovarium superum, but the fleshy receptacle of whose fruit, similar to that of Taxus, perfectly resembles, and may be supposed in some degree analogous to, the enlarged calyx of certain species of Olax. ‘To these objections M. de Jussieu has added a third, which, were it well founded, would be more formidable than either of them, namely, that the ovarium of Santalacese is monospermous ;* a statement, however, which I conclude must have proceeded from mere inadvertency. URTICEA. In the collection the plants of this family, taking it in the most extensive sense, and considering it as a class rather than an order, belong chiefly to Ficus, of which there are seven species. One of these is very nearly related to Ficus religiosa; and like that species in India, is regarded as a sacred tree on the banks of the Congo. ’ Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 351. Flinders’ Voy, 2, p. 571-2. (Ante, p. 44.) 2 Mém. du Mus. @ Hist. Nat. 2, p. 439. 3 Prod. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 352. 4 Mem. du Mus. @ Hist. Nat, 2, p. 439. 138 BOTANY OF CONGO. A remarkable tree, called by the natives Musanga, under which name it is repeatedly mentioned in Professor Smith’s Journal, forms a genus intermediate between Coussapoa of Aublet and Cecropia; agreeing with the latter in habit, and differing from it chiefly in the structure and disposition of its monandrous male flowers, and in the form of its female amenta. In the inflorescence, and even in the structure of its male flowers, Musanga approaches very nearly to Myrianthus of M. de Beauvois,! which it also resembles in habit. But the fruit of Myrianthus, as given in the ‘ Flore d’Oware,’ is totally different, and, with relation to its male flowers, so remarkable, that a knowledge of the female flowers is wanting to fix our ideas both of the structure and affinities of the genus. ‘This desideratum the expedition to Congo has not supphed, the male plant only of Myrianthus having been observed by Professor Smith. 49 In Artocarpee, to which Musanga belongs, and in Urti- cee strictly so called, the ovulum, which is always solitary, is erect, while the embryo is inverted or pendulous. By these characters, as well as by the separation of sexes, they are readily distinguished from those genera of Chenopodee and of monospermous J/ecebree,’ in which the albumen is either entirely wanting or bears but a small proportion to the mass of the seed. And hence also Ce/tis and Afertensias in both of which the ovulum is pendulous, are to be ex- cluded from Urticeze, where they have been lately referred by M. Kunth. The same characters, of the erect ovulum and inverted embryo, characterise Polygonez,* as I have long since remarked, and exist in Pipveracee and even in Conifer@, if my notions of that remarkable family be correct. But from all those orders Urticez are easily distinguished by other obvious and important differences in structure. PHYTOLACE!. In describing Chenopodex, in the 1 Flore d Oware 1, p. 16, tabb. 11 e¢ 12. 2 Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, pp. 405, 418, e¢ p. 416. Paronychiearum sect, ii. Jussieu in Mém. du Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. 2, p. 388. 3 Nov. Gen. et Sp. Pl. Orb. Nov, 2, p. 30, 4 Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 419. NATURAL ORDERS. 139 Prodromus Flore Nove: Hollandia, I had it particularly in view to exclude Phytolacca, Rivina, Microtea, and Petiveria, which I even then considered as forming the separate family now for the first time proposed. In Chenopodee the stamina never exceed in number the divisions of the perianthium, to which they are opposite. In Phytolacee they are either indefinite, or when equal in num- ber to the divisions of the perianthium, alternate with them. This disposition of stamina in Phytolaceze, however, uniting genera with fruits so different as those of Phytolacca and Petiveria, it would be satisfactory to find in the same order a structure intermediate between the multilocular ovarium of the former and the monospermous ovarium, with lateral stigma, of the latter. Two plants in the herbarium from Congo assist in estab- lishing this connection. The first is a species of Phytolacca, related to P. abys- sinica, whose quinquelocular fruit is so deeply divided, that its lobes cohere merely by their inner angles, and I believe ultimately separate. The second is a species of Gisesia, a genus in which the five ovaria are entirely distinct. This genus is placed by c1s5s M. de Jussieu in Portulacacez ; but the alternation of its stamina with the segments of the perianthium, a part of its structure never before adverted to, as well as their insertion, seem to prove its nearer affinity to Phytolacca.’ Still, however, the lateral stigma, the spiral cotyledons, and want of albumen in Petiveria, remove it to some distance from the other genera of Phytolacez, and at the same time connect it with Seyuieria, with which also it agrees in the alliaceous odour of the whole plant. The affinity of Seguieria has hitherto remained unde- termined, and is here proposed from the examination of three species lately discovered in Brazil, one of which has 1 Aneistrocarpus of M. Kunth (Nov. Gen. et Sp. Pl Orb. Nov. 2, p. 186) belongs to Phytolacez, though its stamina are described to be opposite to the segments of the calyx: and it is not improbable that Mi/tus of Loureiro (Flor. Cochin. p. 302) whose habit, according to the description, is that of Gisekia, from which it differs nearly as Ancistrocarpus does from Microtea, or Rivina octandra from the other species of its genus, may also belong to this order. 140 BOTANY OF CONGO. exactly the habit of Rivina octandra, and all of which agree with that plant, as well as with several others belonging to the order, in the very minute pellucid dots of their leaves. Petiveria and Seguicria may therefore form a sub-division of Phytolacez And another section of this order exists in New Holland, of which the two genera differ from each other in number of stamina as remarkably as Petiveria and Seguieria. Of the Monocotyledonous orders, the first on which I have any remarks to offer, is that of PALMA. The collection, however, contains no satis- factory specimens of any plant of this family except of Fleis guineensis, the AMaba of the natives, or Oil Palm, which appears to be common along the whole of this line of coast. In Professor Smith’s journal it is stated that a single plant of the Maba Palm’ was cut down, from which Mr. Lockhart informs me that both the male and female spadices preserved in the collection were obtained. ‘This fact seems to decide that Elis is moncecious, which, in- 46) deed, Jacquin, by whom the genus was established, concluded it to be, though from less satisfactory evidence.’ It was first described as dicecious by Geertner, whose ac- count has been adopted, probably without examination, by Schreber, Willdenow, and Persoon. In Sir Joseph Banks’s collection, however, from which Geertner received the fruits he has described and figured, and where he may be supposed to have likewise obtained all the original information he had on the subject, there is no proof of the male and female spadices of Eleis guineensis belonging to different individuals. Geertner has fallen into a still more important mistake respecting the structure of the fruit of Elais, the foramina of whose putamen, which are analogous to those of the 1 Maba is, perhaps, rather applied to the fruit than to the tree: Emba being, according to Merolla, the name of the single nut, and Cachio that of the entire cluster: for the Palm itself, he has no name. Vide Piccardo Relacz. p. 122. 2 Hist. Stirp. Amer. p. 281. NATURAL ORDERS. 141 cocoa nut, being, according to his description, at the base, as in that genus, whereas they are actually at the apex. It is probable that d/fonsia oleifera of Humboldt Bon- pland and Kunth, belongs to Elzis, and possibly it may not even differ from the African species. It is a remarkable fact respecting the geographical dis- tribution of Palme, that L/@is guineensis, which is uni- versally, and I believe justly, considered as having been imported into the West India colonies from the west coast of Africa, and Cocos indica, which there is no reason to doubt is indigenous to the shores of equinoctial Asia and its islands, should be the only two species of an extensive and very natural section of the order, that are not confined to America. To this section, whose principal character consists in the originally trilocular putamen having its cells when fertile perforated opposite to the seat of the embryo, and when abortive indicated by foramina ceeca, as in the Cocoa nut, the name Cocoine may be given; though it has been ap- plied by M. Kunth! to a more extensive and less natural group, which includes all palms having trilocular ovaria, and the surface of whose fruit is not covered with imbricate scales. I may also remark that from the fruits of Cocoine only, as I have here proposed to limit the section, the oil afforded by plants of this family, is obtained. Professor Smith in his journal frequently mentions a species of Hyphenc, by which he evidently intended the palmn first seen abundantly at the mouth of the river, and afterwards occasionally in the greater part of its course, especially near the Banzas, where it is probably planted for the sake of the wine obtained from it. According to the gardener’s information, this is a palm ws7 of moderate height with fan-shaped fronds and an undi- vided caudex. It therefore more probably belongs to Corypha than to Gertner’s Hypheene, one species of which is the Cucifera of Delile, the Doom of Upper Egypt; the second, LHyphene coriacea, is a native of Melinda, and 1 Nova Gen. ef Sp. Orb. Nov. J, p. 241. 142 BOTANY OF CONGO. probably of Madagascar, and both are remarkable in having the caudex dichotomous, or repeatedly divided. As the Palm on the banks of the Congo was seen in fruit only, it is not difficult to account for Professor Smith’s referring it rather to Hypheene than to Corypha; Geertner having described the embryo of the latter as at the base of the fruit, probably, however, from having inverted it, as he appears to have done in Eleis. It is at least certain that in Corypha Taliera of the continent of India, which is very nearly allied to C. umbraculifera, the embryo is situ- ated at the apex, as in Hyphene. The journal also notices a species of Raphia, which is probably Raphia vinifera of M. de Beauvois,”’ the Sagus Palma-pinus of Geertner. The collection contains fronds similar to those of Calamus secundifiorus of M. de Beauvois,® which was also found at Sierra Leone by Professor Afzelius; and a male spadix very nearly resembling that of Hate sylvestris of India. The Cocoa Nut was not observed in any part of the course of the river. Only five species of Palms appear therefore to have been seen on the banks of the Congo. On the whole continent of Africa thirteen species, including those from Congo, have been found; which belong to genera either confined to this continent and its islands, or existing also in India, but none of which have yet been observed in America, unless perhaps Eleis, if Alfonsia oleifera of Humboldt should prove to be a distinct species of that genus. CYPERACEA!. In the collection there are thirty-two species belonging to this order, which forms therefore about one eighteenth of the Phenogamous plants. This is very different from what has been considered its equinoctial proportion, but is intermediate to that of the northern part of New Holland, where, from my own materials, it seems to be as 1: 14; and of India, in which according to Dr. Roxburgh’s Flora it is about 1 ; 25. 1 Roxb. Coromand. 8, tabb. 255 et 256, * Flore d’Oware 1, p. 75, tabb. 44, 45, et 46. 3 Op citat. 1, p. 15, tabb. 9, e¢ 10. NATURAL ORDERS. 143 In other intratropical countries the proportion may be still smaller ; but I can neither adopt the general equinoctial ts ratio given by Baron Humboldt, namely, that of 1 : 60, nor suppose with him that the minimum of the order is within the tropics. For Cyperacee, like Rubiacez, and indeed several other families, is composed of tribes or ex- tensive genera, having very different relations to climate. The mass of its equinoctial portion being formed of Cyperus and Fimbristylis, genera very sparingly found beyond the torrid zone ; while that of the frigid and part of the tempe- rate zones consists of the still more extensive genus Carex, which hardly exists within the tropics, unless at great heights. Hence a few degrees beyond the northern tropic, on the old continent at least, the proportion of Cyperacez is evidently diminished, as in Egypt, according to M. Delile’s valuable catalogue ;* and the minimum will, I be- lieve, be found in the Flora Atlantica of M. Desfontaines and in Dr. Russel’s catalogue of the plants of Aleppo.’ It is not certain, however, that the smallest American pro- portion of the order exists in the same latitude. And it appears that in the corresponding parallel of the southern hemisphere, at the Cape of Good Hope and Port Jackson, the proportion is considerably increased by the addition of genera either entirely different from, or there more extensive than, those of other countries. Among the Cyperacee of the Congo herbarium there are fifteen species of Cyperus, of which C. Papyrus appears to be one. The abundance of this remarkable species, especially near the mouth of the river, is repeatedly noticed in Professor Smith’s journal, but from the single specimen with fructification in the collection, its identity with the plant of Egypt and Sicily, though very probable, cannot be absolutely determined. I perceive a very slight difference in the sheaths of the radii of the common umbel, which in the plant from Congo are less angular and less exactly truncated, than in that of Egypt; in other respects the two plants seem to agree. I have not seen C. laxiflorus, a 1 Bor, Aagypt. Illustr. in Descrip. de 0 Egypte, Hist. Nat, 2, p. 49, 4 Nat. Hist. of Aleppo, Ind ed, vol. 2, pr. 242, 144: BOTANY OF CONGO. species discovered in Madagascar by M. du Petit Thouars, and said to resemble C. Papyrus except in the vagina: of the partial umbels.’ Among the species of Cyperacese in the collection, having the most extensive range, are Cyperus articulatus, which: is 40 common to America, India, and Egypt; Puzrena um- bellata and Eleocharis capitata,? both of which have been found in America, India, and New Holland; and Cyperus ligularis indigenous to other parts of Africa and to America. Hypelyptum argenteum, a species established by Vahl from specimens of India and Senegal, and since observed in equinoctial America by Baron Humboldt, is also in the collection. The name Hypelyptum, under which I have formerly described the genus that includes 7. argenteum,*® was adop- ted from Vahl, without inquiry into its origin. It is pro- bably, however, a corruption of Hypelytrum,* by which M. Richard, as he himself assures me, chiefly intended another genus, with apparently similar characters, though a very different habit, and one of whose species is described by Vahl in Hypelyptum; his character being so constructed as to include both genera. M. Kunth has lately published FT. argenteum under the name of Hypeelytrum ;° but in adopting the generic character given in the ‘ Prodromus Floree Novee Hollandize,’ he has, in fact, excluded the plauts that M. Richard more particularly meant to refer to that genus. It is therefore necessary, in crder to avoid further confusion, to give a new name to Hypelyptum as I have proposed to limit it, which may be Lipocarpha, derived from the whole of its squamee being deciduous. In describing Lipvocarpha (under the name of Hypzlyp- tum) in the work referred to, I have endeavoured to establish the analogy of its structure to that of Ayllinga ; the inner or upper squamee being in both genera opposite to the inferior squama, or anterior and posterior, with re- lation to the axis of the spikelet: while the squame of 1 Encyc. Method. Botan. vol. 7, p. 270. * Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 225. Scirpus capitatus Willd. sp. pl. 1, p. 294, exclus. syn. Gronovii. ’ Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p, 219. 4 Persoon Syn, Plant 1, p. 70, ® Nov. Gen. et Sp. Plant 1, p. 218. NATURAL ORDERS. 145 Richard’s Hypeelytrum being lateral, or right and left with respect to the axis of the spikelet,! were compared to those of the female flowers of Déplacrum, to the utriculus or nectarium of Carew, and to the lateral bracteze of Lepy- rodia, a genus belonging to the nearly related order Res- tiaceee.” But as in Hypelytrum, according to M. Richard’s description, and I believe also in his Deplasia,® there are sometimes more than two inner squame, which are then imbricate, they may in both these genera be considered as a spikelet reduced to a single flower, as in several other genera of Cyperaceze, and in Lipocarpha itself, from which, cso however, they are still sufficiently different in their relation to the including squame and to the axis of the spike. This view of the structure of Hypelytrum, of which there is one species in the Congo herbarium, appears to me in some degree confirmed by a comparison with that of Chondrachne and Chorizandra ;* for in both of these genera the lower squame of the ultimate spikelet are not barren, but monandrous, the central or terminating flower only being hermaphrodite. GRAMINE#. Of this extensive family there are forty- five species from the Congo, or one twelfth of the Phaeno- gamous plants of the collection, ‘his is very nearly the equinoctial proportion of the order as given by Baron Hun- boldt, namely, one to fifteen, with which that of India seems to agree. On the north coast of New Holland, the proportion is still greater than that of Congo. The two principal tribes which form the far greater part of Graminex, namely, Poacee and Panicea have, as I have formerly stated,’ very different relations to climate, the maximum both in the absolute and relative number of species of Paniceze being evidently within the tropics, that of Poaceze beyond them. I have hitherto found this superiority of Panicee to Poacez, at or near the level of the sea within the tropics, 1 Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl.1, p.219. 2% Flinders’s Voy. 2, p. 579. (Ante, p. 53.) 3 Persoon Syn. Pl. 1, p. 70. 4 Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 220. ° Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl.1, p.169. Obs. IT. Flinders'’s Voy. 2, p. 583. Ante, p. 58. (Anite, p. 58.) 56 146 BOTANY OF CONGO. so constant, that I am inclined to consult the relative numbers of these two tribes, in determining whether the greater part of any intratropical Flora belongs to level tracts, or to regions of such elevation as would materially affect the proportions of the principal natural families: and in applying this test to Baron Humboldt’s collection, it is found to partake somewhat of an extratropical character, Poacez being rather more numerous than Paniceze. While in conformity to the usual equinoctial proportions, con- siderably more than half the grasses in the Congo herbarium consist of Panicez. Among the Panicez of the collection, there are two un- published genera. The jirs¢t is intermediate, in character, to Andropogon and Saccharum, but with a habit very different from both. The second, which is common to 4st] other parts of the coast and to India, appears to connect in some respects Saccharum with Panicum. The remarks I have to make on the Acotyledonous Plants from Congo, relate entirely to FILICES, of which there are twenty-two species in the collection. The far greater part of these are new, but all of them are referable to well established genera, particularly to Nephrodium, Asplenium, Pteris, and Polypodium. ‘There are also among them two new species of Adiantum, a genus of which no species had been before observed on this line of coast. Zrichomanes and Hymenophyllum ave wanting in the collection, and these genera, which seem to require con- stant shade and humidity, are very rare in equinoctial Africa. Of Osmundacee, the herbarium contains only one plant, which is a new species of Zygodium, and the first of that genus that has been noticed from the continent of Africa. Among the few species common to other countries, the most remarkable is Gleichenia Hermanni,! which I have compared and found to agree with specimens from the con- 1 Prodr, Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 161. Mertensia dichotoma Willd. Sp. Pl. 5, p. TW, NATURAL ORDERS. 147 tinent of India, from Ceylon, New Holland, and even from the Island of St. Vincent. Acrostichum stemaria of M. de Beauvois,’ which hardly differs from A. alcicorne of New Holland, and of several of the islands of the Malayan Archipelago, was also ob- served; and Mélanges de Botanique. % Named Adiantum capttlus veneris by both these authors; but possibly a nearly related species that has often been confounded with it. Of the species Tailude to, which may be called Adiantum Africanum, I have collected speci- mens in Madeira, and have seen others from Teneriffe, St. Jago, Mauritius or Isle de Bourbon, aud Abyssinia. Adiantum Africanum has also been confounded with 4. ¢enerum of Jamaica, and other West India islands, and the latter with A. capillus veneris, which has in consequence been supposed common to both hemispheres, to the old and new continent, and to the torrid and temperate zones, NATURAL ORDERS. 149 Holland, according to my own observations, and which is probably not very different from their proportion in India. In concluding here the subject of the proportional num- bers of the Natural Orders of plants contained in the her- barium from Congo, I may observe, that the ratios I have stated, do not always agree with those given in Baron Humboldt’s learned dissertation, so often referred to. I have ventured, however, to differ from that eminent natu- ralist with less hesitation, as he has expressed himself dis- satisfied with the materials from which his equinoctial proportions are deduced. Whatever may be the compara- tive value of the facts on which my own conclusions depend, T certainly do not look upon them as completely satisfactory in any case. And it appears to me evident, that with respect to several of the more extensive natural orders, other circumstances besides merely the degrees of latitude and even the mean temperature must be taken into account in determining their relative numbers. To arrive at satisfac- tory conclusions in such cases, it is necessary to begin by ascertaining the geographical distribution of genera, a subject, the careful investigation of which may likewise often lead to important improvements in the establishment or sub-divisions of these groups themselves, and assist in deciding from what regions certain species, now generally diffused, may have originally proceeded. To the foregoing observations on the principal Natural Orders of Plants from the banks of the Congo, a few remarks may be added on such families as are general in equinoctial countries, but which are not contained in the collection. These are Cycadee, Piperaceze, Begoniaceze, Laurinze ts (Cassytha excepted,) Passifloreee, Myrsineze, Magnoliacee, Guttiferze, Hesperides, Cedreleze, and Meliacez. Cycadea, although not found in equinoctial Africa, exist at the Cape of Good Hope and in Madagascar. Piperacee, as has been already remarked by Baron Humboldt, are very rare in equinoctial Africa ; and indeed 1 Nov. Gen. et Sp. Pl. Orb. Nov. 1, p. 60. 150 BOTANY OF CONGO. only two species have hitherto been published as belonging to the west coast: the first, supposed to be Piver Cudeba, and certainly very neatly related to it, is noticed by Clusius ;* the second is imperfectly described by Adanson in his account of Senegal. A third species of Piper, however, occurs in Sir Joseph Banks’s herbarium, from Sierra Leone : and we know that at least one species of this genus and several of Peperomia, exist at the Cape of Good Hope. The extensive genus Begonia, which it is perhaps expe- dient to divide, may be considered as forming a natural order, whose place, however, among the Dicotyledonous families, is not satisfactorily determined. Of Begoniacee,’ no species has yet been observed on the continent of Africa, though several have been found in Madagascar ‘and the Isles of France and Bourbon, and one in the Island of Johanna. No genus of Lauring, is known to exist in any part of the continent of Africa, except the paradoxical Cassytha, of which the only species in the Congo collection can hardly be distinguished from that of the West Indies, or from C. pubescens of New Holland. The absence of Laurine on the continent of Africa is more remarkable, as several species of Laurus have been found both in Tencriffe and Madeira, and certain other genera belonging to this family exist in Madagascar and in the Isles of France and Bourbon. Passifioree. A few remarkable plants of this order have been observed on the different parts of the west coast of Africa, especially Modecca of the Hortus Malabaricus and Smeathmania, an unpublished genus already mentioned in treating of Homaline. Wyrsinee. No species of any division of this order, has been met with in equinoctial Africa, though several of the 463] first section, or Myrsinez, properly so called, exist both at the Cape of Good Hope and in the Canary Islands. 1 Piper ex Guinea, Clus. evo¢. p. 184, who considers it as not different from the Piper caudatum, figured on the same page, and which is no doubt Piper Cubeba of the Malayan Archipelago. * Bonpland Matmais, 151. 2 To the first section belong Afyrsine, Ardisia, and Bladhia. ‘he second, including Zmbelia, and perhaps also O¢hera of Thunberg, differs from the first mnercly in ifs corolla being polypetalous, Ayiceras may be considered as NATURAL ORDERS. 151 Magnoliacee md Cedrelee, which are common to America and India, have not been found on the continent of Africa, nor on any of the adjoining Islands. Guttifere and Hesperidee exist, though sparingly, on other parts of the coast. A few plants really belonging to Meliacee have been found on other parts of western equinoctial Africa, and a species of Leea (or Aquilicia, for these are only different names for the same genus) which was formerly referred to this order, oceurs in the herbarium from Congo. M. de Jussieu, who has lately had occasion to treat of the affinity of Aquilicia,* does not venture to fix its place.in the system. Its tesemblance to Viniferee in the singular structure of seeds, in the valvular estivation of the corolla, in the division of its leaves, the presence of stipules, and even in inflorescence, appears to me to determine, if not its absolute union, at least its near affinity to that order. Of Vinifere, Vitis is at present the only certain genus; for Cissus and Ampelopsis having, as Richard has already observed, exactly the same structure of ovarium, namely, two cells with two erect collateral ovula in each, should surely be referred to it; nor is there any part of the character or description of Bofria of Loureiro, which pre- vents its being also included in the same genus. Lasianthera of M. de Beauvois,’ referred by its author to Apocinee, but which M. de Jussieu has lately sug- «usc gested may belong to Viniferze,® is too imperfectly known to admit of its place being determined. forming a third section, from the remarkable evolution of its embryo and con- sequent want of albumen. In the estivation of calyx and corolla it agrees with Jacguinia, which together with Theophrasta, (or Clavija of the Flora Peruviana), forms the fourth section; characterised by the squame, more or less distinct, of the faux of the corolla, and by generally ripening more than one seed. The fifth, includes only Bodotrys of Forster (the Mesa of Forskal) which, having ovarium inferum and five barren filaments alternating with the segments of the corolla, bears the same relation to the other genera of this order, that Samolus does to Primulacee. On the near affinity, and slight differences in fructification, between this family and Myrsinez, I have formerly made a few remarks in the Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 583. ' Mém, du Mus, d’ Hist. Nat. 3, p. 437 et 441. 2 Flore d’ Oware, 1, p. 85. 3 Loe. cit. 152 BOTANY OF CONGO. III. In the third part of my subject I am to compare the vegetation of the line of the river Congo with that of other equinoctial countries, and with the various parts of the continent of Africa and its adjoining Islands. The first comparison to be made is obviously with the other parts of the West coast of equinoctial Africa. The most important materials from this coast to which I have had access are contained in the herbarium of Sir Joseph Banks, and consist chiefly of the collections of Smeathman from Sierra Leone, of Brass from Cape Coast (Cabo Corso), and the greater part of the much more numerous discoveries of Professor Afzelius already referred to. Besides these, there are a few less extensive collections in the same herbarium, especially one from the banks of the Gambia, made by Mr. Park in returning from his first journey into the interior; and a few remarkable species brought from Suconda and other points in the vicinity of Cape Coast, by Mr. Hove. ‘The published plants from the west coast of Africa are to be found in the splendid and interesting Fore d’Oware et Benin of the Baron de Beau- vois ; in the earlier volumes of the Botanical Dictionary of the Encyclopédie Méthodique by M. Lamarck, chiefly from Sierra Leone and Senegal; in the different volumes of Willdenow’s Species Plantarum from Isert; in Vahl’s Enumeratio Plantarum from 'Thonning ; a few from Senegal in the Genera Plantarum of M. de Jussieu; and from Sierra Leone in a memoir on certain genera of Rubiaceze by M. de Candolle, in the Annales du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle. Many remarkable plants are also mentioned in Adanson’s Account of Senegal, and in Isert’s Travels in Guinea. On comparing Professor Smith’s herbarium with these materials, it appears that from the river Senegal in about 16° N. lat. to the Congo, which is in upwards of 6° S. lat., there is a remarkable uniformity in the vegetation, not only as to the principal natural orders and genera, but even to a considerable extent in the species of which it consists. Upwards of one third part of the plants in the collection from Congo had been previously observed on other parts COMPARATIVE VIEW. 153 of the coast, though of these the greater part are yet un- published. Many of the Trees, thePalms, and several other remark- ts7 able plants, which characterise the landscape, as Adansonia, Bombax pentandrum, Anthocleista, Musanga of the natives (the genus related to Cecropia,) Heis Guineensis, Raphia vinifera and Pandanus Candelabrum, appear to be very general along the whole extent of coast. Sterculia acuminata, the seed of which is the Cola, men- tioned in the earliest accounts of Congo, exists, and is equally valued, in Guinea and Sierra Leone, and, what is remarkable, has the same name in every part of the west coast. The Ordeal Tree noticed in Professor Smith’s journal under the name of Cassa, and in Captain Tuckey’s narra- tive erroneously called a species of Cassia, if not absolutely the same plant as the Red Water Tree of Sierra Leone,’ and as it issaid also of the Gold Coast, belongs at least to the same genus. A species of the Cream Fruit, mentioned by Professor Afzelius,* remarkable in affording a wholesome and pleasant saccharine fluid, used by the natives of Sierra Leone even to quench their thirst, though the plant belongs to Apoci- new, a family so generally deleterious, was also met with. The Sarcocephalus of the same author,‘ which is proba- bly what he has noticed under the name of the country-fig of Sierra Leone,’ was found, and seems to be not uncom- mon, on the banks of the Congo. Anona Senegalensis, whose fruit, though smaller than that of the cultivated species of the genus, has, according to Mr. Lockhart, a flavour superior to any of them, was everywhere observed, especially above Embomma, and appears to be a very general plant along the whole extent of coast. And Chrysobalanus Icaco, oy a species very nearly related to it, which is equally common from Senegal to 1 De Beauvois. Flore d@ Oware, 1, p. 41, t. 24. 2 Winterbottom’s Sierra Leone, 1, p. 129. 3 Sierra Leone Report for 1794, p. 173, 2. 47. 4 In Herb. Banks. 5 Op. cit. p. 171, 2. 32. 154: BOTANY OF CONGO. Congo, was found abundantly near the mouth of the river. The remarks I have to make on &sculent Plants, my knowledge of which is chiefly derived from the journals of Captain Tuckey and Professor Smith, and the communi- acs) cations of Mr. Lockhart, may be here introduced; the cultivated as well as the indigenous species being very similar along the whole of the west coast. On the banks of the Congo, as far as the expedition proceeded, the principal articles of vegetable food were found to be Indian Corn or Maize (Zea Mays) ; Cassava, both sweet and bitter, (Jatropha Manihot L.); two kinds of Pulse, extensively cultivated, one of which is Cytisus Cajan of Linneus, the other not determined, but believed to be a species of Phaseolus ; and Ground Nuts (Arachis hypogaea L.) The most valuable fruits seen were Plantains (dZusa saptentum) ; the Papaw (Carica papaya) ; Pumpkins (Cucur- bita Pepo); Limes and Oranges (Citrus medica et auran- tium); Pine Apples (Bromelia Ananas) ; the common Tama- rind (Zumarindus indica); and Safu, a fruit the size of a small plum, which was not seen ripe. One of the most important plants not only of Congo, but of the whole extent of coast, is Hieis Guineensis or the Oil Palm, from which also the best kind of Palm Wine is procured. Wine is likewise obtained from two other species of Palms, which are probably Raphia vinifera, and the supposed Corypha, considered as an Hypheene by Professor Smith. Among the other Alimentary Plants which are either of less importance or imperfectly known, may be mentioned the “ Shrubby Holcus,” noticed by Captain Tuckey (p. 188) ; the common Yam, which Mr. Lockhart informs me he saw only near Cooloo ; and another species of Déoscorea found wild only, and very inferior to the Yam, requiring, accord- ing to the narrative, ‘‘ four days boiling to free it from its pernicious qualities.” On the same authority, “Sugar Canes of two kinds” were seen at Embomma, and Cabbages COMPARATIVE VIEW. 155 at Banza Noki: a kind of Capsicum or Bird Pepper, and Tobacco, were both observed to be generally cultivated : and I find in the herbarium, a specimen of the Malaguetta Pepper, or one of the species of Amomum, confounded under the name of 4. Granum-Paradist. Mr. Lockhart believes there was also a second kind of Ground Nut or Pea, which may be that mentioned by Merolla, under the name of Jncumba,! and the second sort perhaps noticed in Proyart’s account of Loango,’ which is probably Glycine subterranca of Linneeus, the Voandzeia t1ss of M. du Petit Thouars,® or Voandzou of Madagascar, where it is generally cultivated.* Of the indigenous fruits, Anona Senegalensis, Sarcoce- phalus, a species of Cream fruit, and Chrysobalanus Icaco, have been already mentioned, as trees common to thes whole line of coast. A species of Ximenia was also found by Professor Smith, who was inclined to consider it as not different from ZX. Americana: its fruit, which, according to his account, is yellow, the size of a plum, and of an sci but not disagree- able taste, is in the higher parts of the river called Gangi, it may therefore probably be the Ogheghe of Lopez,’ by whom it is compared to a yellow plum, and the tree pro- ducing it said to be very generally planted. An Antidesma, probably like that mentioned by Afzelius, as having a fruit in size and taste resembling the currant, is also in the herbarium. It is particularly deserving of attention, that the greater part of the plants now enumerated, as cultivated on the banks of the Congo, and among them nearly the whole of the most important species, have probably been introduced from other parts of the world, and do not originally belong even to the continent of Africa. Thus it may be stated with confidence that the Maize, the Manioc or Cassava, and the Pine Apple, have been brought from America, and pro- bably the Papaw, the Capsicum, and Tobacco ; while the 1 Piccardo Relaz. del Viag. nel Reg. di Congo, p. 119. 2? P.18. 3 Nov. Gen. Madagase. n. 77. 4 Flacourt Madagase. pp. 114 e¢ 118. 3° Pigafetta, Hartwell’s Transat, p. 115. 156 BOTANY OF CONGO. Banana or Plantain, the Lime, the Orange, the Tamarind, and the Sugar Cane, may be considered as of Asiatic origin. In a former part of this essay, I have suggested that a careful investigation of the geographical distribution of genera might in some cases lead to the determination of the native country of plants at present generally dispersed. ‘The value of the assistance to be derived from the source referred to, would amount to this; that, in doubtful cases, where other arguments were equal, it would appear more probable that the plant in question should belong to that country in which all the other species of the same genus were found decidedly indigenous, than to that where it was the only species of the genus known to exist. Itseems to me that this reason- 470) ing may be applied with advantage towards determining the original country of several of the plants here enumerated, especially of the Banana, the Papaw, the Capsicum, and Tobacco. The Banana is generally considered to be of Indian origin: Baron Humboldt, however, has lately suggested? that several species of JZwsa may possibly be confounded under the names of Plantain and Banana; and that part of these species may be supposed to be indigenous to America. How far the general tradition said to obtain both in Mexico, and Terra Firma, as well as the assertion of Garcilasso de la Vega respecting Peru, may establish the fact of the Musa having been cultivated in the new continent before the arrival of the Spaniards,’ I do not mean at present to inquire. But in opposition to the conjecture referred to, it may be advanced that there is no circumstance in the structure of any of the states of the Banana or Plantain cultivated in India, or the islands of equinoctial Asia, to prevent their being all considered as merely varieties of one and the same species, namely, Musa sapientum; that their 1 Nouv. Espag. vol. 2, p. 360. ; 2 Op. cit., p. 361. It may be observed, however, that this is not the opinion in every part of the continent of South America, for with respect to Brazil, Marceraf and Piso assert that both the Banana and Plantain are considered as introduced plants, and the latter apparently from Congo. (Marcy. p. 137, e¢ Piso Hist. Nat. Bras. p, 154.) COMPARATIVE VIEW. 157 reduction to a single species is even confirmed by the mul- titude of varieties that exist ; by nearly the whole of these varieties being destitute of seeds ; and by the existence of a plant indigenous to the continent of India, producing perfect seeds; from which, therefore, all of them may be supposed to have sprung. To these objections to the hypothesis of the plurality of species of the Banana, may be added the argument referred to as contributing to establish its Asiatic origin ; for we are already acquainted with at least five distinct species of Musa in equinoctial Asia, while no other species has been found in America; nor does it appear that the varieties of Banana, cultivated in that continent, may not equally be reduced to Musa sapientum as those of India: and lastly, it is not even asserted that the types of any of those sup- posed species of American Banana, growing without culti- vation, and producing perfect seeds, have any where been found.’ That the Bananas now cultivated in equinoctial Africa, un come originally from India, appears to me equally probable, though it may be allowed that the Musete of Bruce’ is perhaps a distinct species of this genus, and indigenous only to Africa. ' Musa sapientum, Row. Corom. tab. 275. 2 M. Desvaux, in a dissertation on the genus Musa (in Journ. de Botanique appl. vol. 4, ». 1), has come to the same conclusion respecting the original country of the cultivated Banana, and also that its numerous varieties are reducible to one species. In this dissertation he takes a view of the floral en- velope of Musa peculiar to himself. The perianthium in this genus is generally described as consisting of two unequal divisions or lips. Of these, one is divided at top into five, or more rarely into three segments, and envelopes the other, which is entire, of a different form and more petal-like texture. The en- veloping division M. Desvaux regards as the calyx, the inner as the corolla. It seems very evident to me, however, that the deviation in Musa from the regular form of a Monocotyledonous flower, consists in the confluence of the three divisions of the outer series of the perianthium, and in the cohesion, more or less intimate, with these of the two lateral divisions of the inner series; the third division of this series, analogous to the labellum in the Orchidee, being the inner lip of the flower. This view seems to be established by the several modifications observable in the different species of Musa itself, especially in M. superba of Roxburgh, (Plants of Coromand. 3, tab. 223), and in the flower of Musa figured by Plumier, (Wov. Gen. ¢. 34), but still more by the irregularity confined to the inner series in Strelitzia, and by the near approach to regularity, even in this series, in Ravenala (or Urania), both of which belong to the same natural order. 3 Travels, vol. 5, p. 36. 158 BOTANY OF CONGO. The Papaw (Carica papaya), from analogous reasoning, may be regarded as of American origin; there being several other decidedly distinct species natives of that continent, while no species except the cultivated Papaw, nor any plant nearly related to this singular genus, is known to exist either in Asia or Africa. But in the present case, the assistance derived from the argument adduced, may perhaps be considered as unnecessary ; for the circumstance of there being no Sanscrit name for so remarkable a plant as the Papaw,' is nearly decisive of its not being indigenous to India. And in the Malay Islands, the opinion of the inhabitants, according to Rumphius,’ is that it was there introduced by the Portuguese. The same argument may be extended to Capsicum, of which all the known species probably belong to the new continent ; for the only important exception stated to this genus being wholly of American origin, namely, C./rutescens, 4 seems to be set aside merely by the appellations of Tehilli and Lada Tehilh, as given to it in the Malay Islands ; Chili, either simply, or in composition, being the Mexican name for all the species and varieties of this genus.* All the species of Micotiana appear to be American, except WV. Australasia (the N. undulata of Ventenat and Prod. Flor. Nov. Holl. but not of Flora Peruviana,) which is certainly a native of New Holland. ‘The exception here, however, does not materially invalidate the reasoning, JV. Australasia differmg so much from the other species as to form a separate section of the genus. The same argument might perhaps be applied to other plants of doubtful origin, as to Canna indica, which it would derive from America. It is certainly not meant, however, to employ this reason- ing in every case, and in opposition to all other evidence ; and instances may be found, even among the alimentary plants, where it is very far from beimg satisfactory. Thus the Cocoa Nut, though it will probably be considered as 1 Fleming in Asiat. Resear. tt, p. 161. ° Herb, Amboin. i, p. 147. 3 Hernandez, Rer, Medic. Nov. Hispan, Thesaur, p. 134, e¢ Nieremd. Hist. Nat. p. 363. COMPARATIVE VIEW. 159 indigenous to the shores and islands of equinoctial Asia, is yet the only species of its genus that does not belong exclu- sively to America. Cytisus Cajan, may be supposed to have been introduced from India. This plant, which is very generally cultivated in the vicinity of the Congo, I conclude is the Voando, mentioned by Captain Tuckey as being ripe in October; and as Mr. Lockhart understood from the natives, that Cytisus Cajan continues to bear for three years, it is pro- bably Merolla’s Ovvando, of which he gives a similar account.’ Whether Arachis hypogea be indigenous or introduced, cannot now perhaps be satisfactorily determined. This remarkable plant, whose singular structure and economy were first correctly described by M. Poiteau,? and which was every where seen in abundance, as far as the river was examined, appears to form an important article of cultiva- tion along the whole of the west coast of Africa, and proba- bly also on the east coast, on several parts of which it was found by Loureiro.’ According to the same author, it is also universally culti- vated in China and Cochinchina. From China it has probably been introduced into the ts continent of India, Ceylon, and the Malayan Archipelago, where, though now generally cultivated, there is reason to believe, particularly from the names given to it, that it is not indigenous. I think it not very improbable that it may have been carried from Africa to various parts of equinoctial America, though. it is noticed in some of the early accounts of that continent, especially of Peru and Brazil. According to Professor Sprengel,* it is mentioned by Theophrastus as cultivated in Egypt: but it is by no means evident that Arachis is the plant intended in the passage of Theophrastus referred to; and it is probable that had it been formerly cultivated in Egypt, it would still be found in that country; it is not, however, mcluded either in 1 Piccardo Relaz. p.190. * Mem. del’ Instit. Sc. Phys. Sav. Etrang.1,p. 455. 3 Flor. Cochin, 430. 4 Hist. Rei Herb. 1, p. 98. 160 BOTANY OF CONGO. Forskal’s Catalogue, or in the more extensive Flora Egyp- tiaca of M. Delile. There is nothing very improbable in the supposition of Arachis hypogea being indigenous to Asia, Africa, and even America; but if it be considered as originally belong- ing to one of those continents only, it is more likely to have been brought from China through India to Africa, than to have been carried in the opposite direction. Glycine subterranea, however, which is extensively culti- vated in Africa, Madagascar, and several parts of equinoctial America, is probably of African origin; it is stated, at least both by Marcgraf and Piso, to have been introduced into Brazil from Angola or Congo." The folcus noticed by Captain Tuckey, of which the specimens in the herbarium do not enable me to determine whether it be a distinct species, or a variety only of 7. sorghum oy saccharatus, may be considered as indigenous, or at least as belonging to Africa. According to Mr. Lockhart, it is very generally found wild, and it is only once mentioned as cultivated: it may, however, have been formerly cultivated, along with other species of Millet, to a much greater extent ; its place being now supplied by the Maize, which gives probably both a more productive and a more certain crop. The Dioscorea or bitter Yam, which was observed only in a wild state, may be presumed to be a native species; and 474) if ever it has been cultivated, it may in like manner be supposed to have been superseded by the Manioc or Cassava. The Safu,? which Mr. Lockhart understood from the natives was one of their most esteemed fruits, he observed to be very generally planted round the villages, especially from Embomma upwards, and to be carefully preserved from birds: its importance is perhaps increased from its ripening in October, a season when the general supply of vegetable food may be supposed to be scanty. 1 Mandubi d’Angola. MMareg. Hist. Nat. Brasil. 43. Mandobi, Piso, Hist. Nat. Brasil. p. 256. 2 Probably the Zaffo of some of the earlier accounts of Congo, vide A/alle- Brun Précis de la Geogr. 5, p. 9. COMPARATIVE VIEW. 161 There seems no reason to doubt that this tree, whose probable place in the system I have stated in my remarks on Amyridez, belongs originally to the west coast of Africa. Hlais Guineensis, of which the oil is distinctly described in the beginning of the sixteenth century by Da Ca da Mosto, in his account of Senegal,’ is without doubt indige- nous to the whole extent of this coast ; as is Raphia vinifera, of which the remarkable fruit also very early attracted attention ;? and the supposed species of Corypha. Of Alimentary Plants, whether cultivated or indigenous, that are known or supposed to belong to the west coast of equinoctial Africa, but which were not seen on the banks of the Congo, a few of the more important may be men- tioned. Among these are the Cocoa Nut and Rice, the former, according to the natives, not being found in the country. The absence of these two valuable plants is the more remarkable, as the Cocoa Nut is said to exist in the neigh- bouring kingdom of Loango; and, according to Captain Tuckey, a certain portion of land was seen on the banks of the river well adapted to the production of Rice, which is mentioned as cultivated in some of the earlier accounts of Congo. The Sweet Potatoe (Convolvulus Batatas), also noticed by the Portuguese Missionaries, was not met with. The Butter and Tallow Tree of Afzelius, which forms a new genus belonging to Guttiferee; the Velvet-Tamarind of Sierra Leone (Codarium acutifolium ;*) and the Monkey Pepper, or Piper Aithiopicum of the shops (Unona Aithiopica of Dunal), which is common on many parts of the coast, were not observed. Two remarkable plants, the A*ec* and the Jamaica «1s Ramusio 1, p. 104. Gryn. Nov. Orb. 28. > Palma- Pinus, Lobel. advers. p. 450. > Afzel. Gen. Plant. Guineen. par. prim. p. 23. Codarium nitidum Vahl, enum. 1, p. 302. f Blighia sapida, Konig in Annals of Bot. 2, p.571. Hort. Kew. ed. 2da. vol, 2, p. 350. At the moment that this sheet was about to have been sent to the press, Sir Joseph Banks received a small collection of specineus and figures of plants, 162 BOTANY OF CONGO. or American Nutmeg,’ now cultivated in the West India colonies ; and the former undoubtedly, the latter probably, introduced from Africa by the Negroes, were neither met with on the banks of the Congo, nor have they been yet traced to any part of the west coast. The relation which the vegetation of the Hastern shores of equinoctial Africa has to that of the west coast, we have at present no means of determining; for the few plants, chiefly from the neighbourhood of Mozambique, included in Loureiro’s Flora Cochinchinensis, and a very small number collected by Mr. Salt on the same part of the coast, do not afford materials for comparison. The character of the collections of Abyssinian Plants made by Mr. Salt in his two journeys, forming part of Sir Joseph Banks’s herbarium, and amounting to about 260 species, is somewhat extratropical, and has but little affinity to that of the vegetation of the west coast of Africa. To the Flora of Eyypt, that of Congo has still less rela- tion, either in the number or proportions of its natural 476) families ; the herbarium, however, includes several species which also belong to Egypt, as Nymphza Lotus, Cyperus Papyrus and articulatus, Sphenoclea zeylanica, Glinus lotoides, Ethulia conyzoides, and Grangea maderaspatana. observed in the late Mission to Cummazee, the capital of Ashantee; and among them a drawing of the fruit and leaf of a plant, there called A¢tueah or Attuah, which is no doubt the Akee, whose native country is therefore now ascertained. 1 Monodora myristica, Dunal Annonac. p. 80. Decand. Syst. Nat. Reg. Veget.1, p. 477. Anona myristica, Gert. Sem. 2, p. 194, 4.125, p. 1. Lunan Hort. Jamaic. 2, p.10. This remarkable plant is very properly separated from Anona, and considered as a distinct genus by M. Dunal in his monograph of Anonacee. The character given of this new genus, however, is not altogether satisfactory, M. de Candolle’s description, from which it is derived, having probably been taken from specimens which he had it not in his power to examine completely. Both these authors have added to this genus Annona microcarpa of Jacquin (Fragm. Bot. p. 40, ¢. 44, 7. 7), established by that author from the fruit of my Cargilia Australis (Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 527), which belongs to the very ‘ferent family of Ebenacez. Long, in his History of Jamaica (vol. 3, p. 735), has given the earliest account of Monodora Myristica, under the name of the American Nutmeg, and considers it to have been probably introduced from South America: according to other accounts, it comes from the Mosquito shore: but there is more reason to suppose that it has been brought by the Negroes from some part of the west coast of Africa, COMPARATIVE VIEW. 163 Of the many remarkable genera and orders characterising the vegetation of South Africa, no traces are to be found in the herbarium from Congo. This fact is the more worthy of notice, because even in Abyssinia a few remains, if I may so speak, of these characteristic tribes, have been met with; as the Protea Abyssinica,’ observed by Bruce, and Pelargonium Abyssinicum and Geissorrhiza Abyssinica’ found by Mr. Salt. Between the plants collected by Professor Smith in the island of St. Jago and those of the Congo herbarium, there is very little affinity; great part of the orders and genera being different, and not more than three species, of which Cassia occidentalis is one, being common to both. To judge from this collection of St. Jago, it would seem that the vegetation of the Cape Verd Islands is of a character intermediate between that of the adjoining continent and of the Canary Islands, of which the Flora has, of course, still less connection with that of Congo. It might perhaps have been expected that the examina- tion of the vicinity of the Congo would have thrown some light on the origin, if I may so express myself, of the Flora of St. Helena. ‘This, however, has not proved to be the case ; for neither has a single indigenous species, nor have any of the principal genera, characterising the vegetation of that Island, been found either on the banks of the Congo, or on any other part of this coast of Africa. There appears to be some affinity between the vegetation of the banks of the Congo and that of M/adagascar and the Isles of France and Bourbon. This affinity, however, con- sists more in a certain degree of resemblance in several ‘natural families and extensive or remarkable genera, than in identity of species, of which there seems to be very few in common. The Flora of Congo may be compared with those of equinoctial countries still more remote. With that of Zndia, it agrees not only in the proportions of many of its principal families, or in what may be termed ‘1 Gaguedi Bruce’s Travels 5, p. 52. : ; 2 Sal?s Travels in Abyssinia, append. pp. laiii. and lav. (Ante, pp. 93 and 95.) 164 BOTANY OF CONGO. the equinoctial relation, but also, to a certain degree, in the 47) more extensive genera of which several of these families consist: and there are even about forty species common to these distant regions. ‘lo the vegetation of Hguinoctial America it has certainly much less affinity. Several genera, however, which have not yet been observed in India or New Holland, are common to this part of Africa and America :* and there are upwards of thirty species in the Congo herbarium, which are also natives of the opposite coasts of Brazil and Guiana. As the identity of species, especially of the Dicotyle- donous division, common to equinoctial America and other intratropical countries, has often been questioned, I have subjoined two lists of plants included in the Congo herba- rium, of which the first consists of such species as are common to America and India: and the second, of such as are found in America only. I have given also a third list, of species common to Congo and India, or its Islands, but which have not been observed in America. And a fourth is added, consisting of doubtful plants, to which I have, in the mean time, applied the names of those species they most nearly resemble, and to which they may really belong, without, however, considering their identity as determined. I. List of Plants common to Kquinoctial Africa, America, and Asia. Gleichenia Hermanni, Prodr. Flor. Fuirena umbellata, L. fil. Nov. Holl. Pistia Stratiotes, L. Mertensia dichotoma, Willd. Boerhaavia mutabilis, Prodr. Flor. Agrostis Virginica, L. Nov. Holl. Cyperus articulatus, L. Ipomeea pes-capre, Wood. as niloticus, Vahl. ead. ‘P Cannolraulns cece L. d Lipocarpha argentea, Vod, } — brasiliensis, L. f° Hypelyptum argenteum, /adl. Ipomeea pentaphylla, Jacgu. Eleocharis capitata, Prodr. Fl. N. Holl. Scoparia dulcis, L. 1 Namely, Elis, Jacgu. Rivina, ZL. Telanthera, Nod. (Alternanthere pen- tandre). Alchornea, Sz. Blechum, Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. (Blechi sp. Juss.) Schwenckia, ZL. Uyptis, Jacgu. Vandellia, Z. Annona, LZ. Banisteria, Nob. (Banisterie sp. Z.) Paullinia, Juss. (Paullinie sp. LZ.) Vismia, Ruiz. et Pav. Conocarpus, Z. Legnotis, Sw, (Cassipourea, dub.) Chailletia, Decand. COMPARATIVE VIEW. Heliotropium indicum, L. Sphenoclea zeylanica, Gert. Ageratum conyzoides, L. Waltheria indica, L. a. — americana, L, bea Se Hibiscus tiliaceus, L. 165 Sida periplocifolia, L. Cassia occidentalis, L. Guilandina Bondue, L. — Bonducella, L. Abrus precatorius, L. Hedysarum triflorum, L. [478 ead, sp. II. Plants common to Equinoctial Africa and America : but not found in India. Octoblepharum albidum, Hedw. Acrostichum aureum, L. Eragrostis ciliaris. Poa ciliaris, L. } Cyperus ligularis, L. Schwenckia americana, L. Hyptis obtusifolia, Nod. Struchium (Americanum), Br. jam. 312. Sida juncea, Banks et Soland. MSS. Brasil. Urena americana, L. — reticulata, Cavan. Malachra radiata, L. Jussizea erecta, L. Crotalaria axillaris, Hort. Kew. & Willd. Pterocarpus lunatus, L. bead. Sp. III. Plants common to equinoctial Africa and India: but not found in America. Roccella fuciformis, Achar. Lichenog. 440, Perotis latifolia, Soland. in Hort. Kew. Centotheca lappacea, Beauv. Eleusine indica, Gert. Flagellaria indica, L. Gloriosa superba, Iu. Celosia argentea, L. — margaritacea, L. | en Sp — albida? Willd, Desmocheeta lappacea, Decand. Grangea (maderaspatana), Adaas. Lavenia erecta, Sv. Oxystelma esculentum, Wood. 4 ela eeu, Roxb. mphea Lotus, L. : a pubescens, Willd. } ead. ne Hibiscus surattensis, L. Leea sambucina, L. Hedysarum pictum, L. Indigofera lateritia, Willd. Glinus lotoides, L. IV. List of Species which have not been satisfactorily ascertained. Acrostichum alcicorne, Sz. _— stemaria, Beauv. } Imperata cylindrica, Prodr, Flor. Nov. Holl. Panicum crus-galli, L. Typha angustifolia, L. Gisekia pharnaceoides, L. Cassytha pubescens, Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holt. Celtis orientalis, L. Cardiospermum grandiflorum, Sw. Paullinia pinnata, L. Hydrocotyle asiatica, L. Hedysarum adscendens, Sv. Hedysarum vaginale, L. Pterocarpus Ecastophyllum, L. \479 On these lists it is necessary to make some observa- tions. lst. The number of species in the first three lists taken 166 BOTANY OF CONGO. together is equal at least to one-twelfth of the whole collec- tion. The proportion, indeed, which these species bear to the entire mass of vegetation on the banks of the Congo is probably considerably smaller, for there is no reason to believe that any of them are very abundant except Cyperus Papyrus and Bombax pentandrum, and most of them appear to have been seen only on the lower part of the river. 2nd. The relative numbers of the species belonging to the primary divisions in the lists, are analogous to, and not very materially different from, those of the whole herbarium ; Dicotyledones being to Monocotyledones nearly as 3 to 1; and Acotyledones being to both these divisions united as hardly 1 to 16: hence the Phzenogamous plants of the lists alone form about one-thirteenth of the entire collection. The proportions now stated are very different from those existing in the catalogue I have given of plants common to New Holland and Europe;’ in which the Acotyledones form one-twentieth, and the Pheenogamous plants only one- sixtieth part of the extra-tropical portion of the Flora ; while the Monccotyledones are to the Dicotyledones as 2 to l. The great proportion of Dicotyledonous plants in the lists now given, and especially in the first two, which are altogether composed of American species, is singularly at variance with an opinion very generally received, that no well established instance can be produced of a Dicotyle- donous plant, common to the equinoctial regions of the old and new continent. 3rd, The far greater part of the species in the lists are strictly equinoctial ; a few, however, have also been observed in the temperate zones, namely, Agrostis Virginica, belong- ing, as its name implies, to Virginia, and found also on the shores of Van Diemen’s Island, in a still higher latitude ; Cyperus Papyrus and articulatus, Nympheea Lotus, and 430] Pistia Stratiotes, which are natives of Egypt; Glinus lotoides of Egypt and Barbary; and Filagellaria indica, » Flinders’ Voy. 2, p. 592. (Ante, p. 68.) COMPARATIVE VIEW. 167 existing on the east coast of New Holland, in as high a latitude as 82° S. 4th. It may perhaps be suggested with respect to these lists, that they contain, or even chiefly consist of, plants that during the constant intercourse which has now sub- sisted for upwards of three centuries between Africa, America, and India, may have, either from design or accidentally, been carried from one of these regions to another, and therefore are to be regarded as truly natives of that continent only from which they originally proceeded. It appears to me, however, that there is no plant included in any of the lists which can well be supposed to have been purposely carried from one continent to another, unless perhaps Chrysobalanus Icaco, and Cassia occidentalis ; both of which may possibly have been introduced into America by the Negroes, from the west coast of Africa; the former as an eatable fruit, the latter as an article of medicine. It seems at least more likely that they should have travelled in this than in the opposite direction. But I confess the mode of introduction now stated, does not appear to me very probable, even with respect to these two plants ; both of them being very general in Africa, as well as in America ; though Crysobalanus Icaco is considered of but little value as a fruit in either continent ; and for Cassia occidentalis, which exists also in India, another mode of conveyance must likewise be sought. Several species in the lists, however, may be supposed to have been accidentally carried, from adhering to, or being mixed with, articles of food or commerce; either from the nature of the surface of their pericarpial covering, as Des- mocheeta lappacea, Lavenia erecta, Ageratum conyzoides, Grangea maderaspatana, Boerhaavia mutabilis, and Hyptis obtusifolia; or from the minuteness of their seeds, as Schwenckia americana, Scoparia dulcis, Jussiaea erecta, and Sphenoclea zeylanica. That the plants here enumerated have actually been carried in the manner now stated is, however, entirely conjectural, and the supposition is by no means necessary; several of them, as Lavenia erecta, Sco- paria dulcis, and Boerhaavia mutabilis, being also natives af 168 BOTANY OF CONGO. the intratropical part of New Holland ; their transportation to or from which cannot be supposed to have been affected in any of the ways suggested. The probability, however, of these modes of transporta- tion, with respect to the plants referred to, and others of similar structure, being even admitted, the greater part of the lists would still remain; and to account for the disper- 4st) sion of these, recourse must be had to natural causes, or such as are unconnected with human agency. But the necessity of calling in the operation of these causes implies the adoption of that theory according to which each species of plants is originally produced in one spot only, from which it is gradually propagated. | Whether this be the only, or the most probable opinion that can be held, it is not my intention to inquire: it may however be stated as not unfavorable to it, that, of the Dicotyledonous plants of the lists, a considerable number have the embryo of the seed highly developed, and at the same time well protected by the texture of its mteguments. This is the case in Malvacez, Convolvulaceze, and parti- cularly in Leguminose, which is also the most numerous family in the lists, and in several of whose species, as Gwi- landina Bondue, and Abrus precatorius, the two conditions of development and protection of the embryo coexist in so remarkable a degree, that I have uo doubt the seeds of these plants would retain their vitality for a great length of time either in the currents of the ocean,’ or in the digestive organs of birds and other animals ; the only means apparently by which their transportation from one continent to another can be effected: and it is deserving of notice that these seem to be the two most general plants on the shores of all equinoctial countries. The Dicotyledonous plants in the lists which belong to other families have the embryo of the seed apparently less 1 Sir Joseph Banks informs me, that he received some years ago the drawing of a plant, which his correspondent assured him was raised from a seed found on the west coast of Ireland, and that the plant was indisputably Guilandina Bonduc. Tinneus also seems to have been acquainted with other instances of germination having taken place in seeds thrown on shore on the coast of Norway. Vide Colonie Plantarum, p. 3, in Amen. Acad, vol, 8. COMPARATIVE VIEW. 169 advanced, but yet in a state of considerable development, indicated either by the entire want or scanty remains of albumen: the only exception to this being Zeea, in which the embryo is many times exceeded in size by the albumen. In the Monocotyledonous plants, on the other hand, con- sisting of Graminez, Cyperaceze, Gloriosa, Flagellaria and Pistia, the embryo bears a very small proportion to the mass of the seed, which is formed of albumen, generally farmaceous. But it may here be observed that the existence of a copious albumen in Monocotyledones does not equally imply an inferior degree of vitality in the embryo, but tse may be considered as the natural structure of that primary division ; seeds without albumen occurring only in certain genera of the paradoxical Aroidez, and in some other Monocotyledonous orders which are chiefly aquatic. 5th. Doubts may be entertained of the identity of particu- lar species. On this subject I may observe, that for what- ever errors may be detected in these lists, I must be considered as solely responsible; the insertion of every plant contained in them being founded on a comparison of specimens from the various regions of which their existence in the particular lists implies them to be natives. The only exception to this being Lipocarpha argentea, of which I have not seen American specimens; as a native of that continent therefore it rests on the very sufficient authority of Baron Humboldt and M. Kunth. In my remarks on the natural orders, I have already suggested doubts with respect to certain species included in the lists, and shall here add a few observations on such of the others as seen) to require it. Acrostichum aureum, L. was compared, and judged to agree, with American specimens; and I have therefore placed it in the 2nd list, without, however, meaning to decide whether those plants originally combined with A. aureum, and now separated from it, should be regarded as species or varieties. Fuirena umbellata, L. fil. from Congo, has its umbels somewhat less divided than either the American plant or that from the continent of India; but from specimens 170 BOTANY OF CONGO. collected in the Nicobar Islands, this would appear to be a variable circumstance. Gloriosa superba, L. which seems to be very general along the whole of the west coast of Africa, is considered as a variety of the Indian plant by M. Lamarck. This African variety has no doubt given rise to the establishment of the second species of the genus, namely G. simplex, which Lin- neeus adopted from Miller; and which Miller founded on the account sent to him by M. Richard, of the Trianon Garden, along with the seeds of what he called a new Gloriosa, brought from Senegal by Adanson, and having blue flowers. Miller had no opportunity of determining the correctness of this account; for though the seeds vege- tated, the plant died without flowering; but he added a character not unlikely to belong to the seedling plants of G. superba, namely the want of tendrils. Adanson himself, 483] indeed, notices what he considers a new species of Gloriosa in Senegal,” but he says nothing of the colour of its flowers, which he would hardly have omitted, had they been blue: that his plant, however, was not without tendrils may be inferred from their entering into the character he afterwards gave of the genus,® as well as from M. Lamarck’s account of his variety B of G. superba,* which he seems to have deseribed from Adanson’s specimens. And as no one has since pretended to have seen a species of this genus, either with blue flowers, or leaves without tendrils, G. szm- plex, which has long been considered as doubtful, may be safely left out of all future editions of the Species Plantarum. As the supposed G. superba of this coast, however, seems to differ from the Indian plant in the greater length and more equal diameter of its capsule, it may possibly be a distinct species, though at present I am inclined to con- sider it as only a variety. Sphenoclea zeylanica, Gert. 1 have compared this plant from Congo with specimens from India, Java, China, 1 Gloriosa 2, Mill. Dict. ed. 7. ? Nouvelle espéce de Methonica, Hist. Nat. du Senegal, p. 137. 3 Mendoni, Fam. des Plant. 2, p. 48. * Encyc. Method. Botan. 4, p. 134, COMPARATIVE VIEW. 171 Cochinchina, Gambia, Demerary, and the island of Trinidad. I was at one time inclined to believe that Sphenoclea! might be considered as an attendant on Rice, which it very generally accompanies, and with which I supposed it to have been originally imported from India into the various countries where it is found. This hypothesis may still account for its existence in the rice fields of Egypt ;? but as it now appears to have been observed in countries where there is no reason to believe that rice has ever been culti- vated, the conjecture must be abandoned. HMibiscus tiliaceus, L. agrees with the plant of India, except in a very slight difference in the acumen of the leaf; but the specimens from Ametica have their outer calyx proportionally longer. Sida periplocifolia, L. corresponds with American speci- mens; those in Hermann’s herbarium, from which the species was established, have a longer acumen to the leaf: in other respects I perceive no difference. Waltheria indica, LZ. 1 consider WV. americana to (484 be a variety of this sportive species, which seems to be common to all equinoctial countries. Urena americana, L. and U. reticulata, Cavan. appear to me not to differ specifically ; and the plant from Congo agrees with West India specimens. Jussiea erecta, L. from Congo, agrees with West India specimens in having linear leaves; a specimen, however, from Miller’s herbarium, which has been compared, and is said to correspond, with that in the Linnean collection, has elliptical leaves. Chrysobalanus Icaco, L. has its leaves more deeply retuse than any American specimens I have seen, but in this respect it agrees with Catesby’s figure. Guilandina Bondue, L. from which G. Bonducella does not appear to differ in any respect, is one of the most general plants on the shores of equinoctial countries. 1 Rapinia herbacea of the Flora Cochinchinensis (p. 127) is certainly Sphenoclea zeylanica, as appears by a specimen sent to Sir Joseph Banks by Loureiro himself. 3 Delile Flor. Egypt. illust. in op. cut. 172 BOTANY OF CONGO. Pterocarpus lunatus, L. 1 have compared the plant from Congo with an authentic specimen from the Linnean her- barium, the examination of which proves that the appearance of ferruginous pubescence in the panicle, noticed in Linné’s description, is the consequence of his specimen having been immersed in spirits. Several of the plants included in the fourth list, I am inclined to consider varieties only of the species to which they are referred; but I have placed them among the more doubtful plants of this list, as their differences seem to be permanent, and are such as admit of being expressed. One of these is Cardiospermum grandiflorum, Sw. of which the specimens from Congo differ somewhat in inflorescence from the West India plant. Paullinia pinnata, L. is distinguished rather remarkably from the American plant by the figure of the leaflets, which approach to cuneiform, or widen upwards, but I can per- ceive no other difference. Pterocarpus Heastophyllum, L. differs merely in the want of the very short acumen or narrow apex of the leaf, which I have constantly found in all the West India specimens I have examined. Gisekia pharnaceoides, L. from Congo, has nearly linear leaves ; but I have seen specimens from Kcenig with leaves of an intermediate form. T shall conclude this essay, already extended considerably beyond my original plan, with a general statement of the proportion of new genera and species contained in Professor Smith’s herbarium. 485) The whole number of species in. the collection is about 620; but as specimens of about thirty of these are so imperfect as not to be referable to their proper genera, and some of them not even to natural orders, its amount may be stated at 590 species. Of these about 250 are absolutely new: nearly an equal number exist also in different parts of the west coast of equinoctial Africa, and not in other countries; of which, COMPARATIVE VIEW. 173 however, the greatest part are yet unpublished : and about 70 are common to other intratropical regions. Of unpublished genera there are 32 in the collection ; twelve of which are absolutely new, and three, though observed in other parts of this coast of equinoctial Africa, had not been found before in a state sufficiently perfect, to ascertain their structure; ten belong to different parts of the same line of coast; and seven are common to other countries. No natural order, absolutely new, exists in the herba- rium ; nor has any family been found peculiar to equinoc- tial Africa. The extent of Professor Smith’s herbarium proves not only the zeal and activity of my lamented friend, but also his great acquirements in that branch of science, which was his more particular province, and to his excessive exertions in the investigation of which he fell a victim, in the ill-fated expedition to Congo. Had he returned to Europe, he would assuredly have given a far more complete and generally interesting account of his discoveries than what is here attempted: and the numerous facts which he could no doubt have communi- cated respecting the habit, the structure, and the uses of the more important and remarkable plants, would probably have determined him to have followed a very different plan from that adopted in the present essay. It remains only that I should notice the exemplary dili- gence of the Botanic Gardener, Mr. David Lockhart, the only survivor, I believe, of the party by whom the river above the falls was examined, in that disastrous journey which proved fatal to the expedition. From Mr. Lockhart I have received valuable information concerning many of the specimens contained in the herba- rium, and also respecting the esculent plants observed on the banks of the Congo. February 2, 1818. LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED BY THE OFFICERS, &c., IN CAPT. ROSS’S VOYAGE, ON THE COASTS OF BAFEFIN’S BAY. BY ROBERT BROWN, F.R.S. [Reprinted from “A Voyage of Discovery for the purpose of eaploring Bafiin’s Bay,” by John Ross, K.8., Captain Royal Navy. Appendix, pp. cxli—cxliv.] LONDON: 1819. LIST OF PLANTS Cexli COLLECTED ON THE COASTS OF BAFFIN’S BAY, From Lat. 70° 30' to 76° 12! on the East Side ; AND AT POSSESSION BAY, In Lat. 73° on the West Side. The List is formed chiefly from Capt. Ross’s collection ; a considerable number of additional species to which (S.) is annexed, were collected by Capt. Edward Sabine, and a few marked (F.) were received from Mr. Fisher, the surgeon of the Alexander. TRIANDRIA. Eriophorum polystachyon, Lizz. Alopecurus alpinus, Smith, Flor. Brit. iii, p. 1386. Agrostis algida, Phipps's Voy. p. 200. Wahlenb. Lapp. p. 25, t. i. (8.) Gra- men sui generis. : — paradoxa, zov. sp. Vix hujus, forsan proprii, generis. Poa laxa, Willden. Sp. Pl. i, p. 386. HEXANDRIA. Rumex digynus, Z. Distinctum genus (Dona 03.1) efformat. DEcANDRIA. Andromeda tetragona, L. Pyrola rotundifolia, Z.? floribus haud determinanda. Saxifraga oppositifolia, L. Cexlii propiuqua, zov. sp. 8. Hir- culo, cui proxima, minor, et diversa presertim calycibus nudis et petalis Absque inappendiculatis. ——— flagellaris, Sternberg, Sazifr. p- 25, t. 6. 5S. setigera, Pursh, Amer. i, p. 312. (F.) — tricuspidata, Wiliden Sp. Pl. ii, p. 657. (8.) ——— cespitosa, L. Notis non- nullis differt, forsan distincta. petiolaris, ov. sp. proxima 8. rivulari. (8.) cernua, L. Silene acaulis, Z. Lychnis apetala, Z. 1 Corrected by Mr. Brown in the second edition of the voyage to “ Oxyrta, Hill”’—¥Epit. 12 178 Lychnis triflora, nov. sp. (8.) Cerastium alpinum, Z. IcosanDRIA. Potentilla pulchella, zov. sp. P. sericee affinis. (8.) greulandica, zov. sp.? nimis affinis P. frigide et Brauniane. (S.) Dryas integrifolia. Vahl in Flor. Dan, 1216. PoLyanpRIa. Papaver nudicaule, Z. Ranunculus —, sulphureus forte vel glacialis; species e fragmentis non determinanda. (F.) Dipynamia. Pedicularis hirsuta, LZ. elxiii) TETRADYNAMIA. Draba muricella, Wahlenb. Lapp. p. 174, t. xi, f.2? (8.) —— oblongata, zov. sp. (S.) —— corymbosa, zov. sp.? preece- denti valde affinis et ambe D. ru- pestri (Hort. Kew. iv, p. 91) proxime. (S.) Cochlearia fenestrata, zov. sp. AC. anglica et danica, quibus valde propinqua, differt valvulis subaveniis et dissepimenti elliptico-lanceolati axi debiscente. SYNGENESIA. Leontodon Taraxacum, ZL. ? varietas nana? vix species distincta. Monacra. Carex compacta, zov. sp. C. pulle affnis. (F.) PLANTS OF BAFFIN’S BAY. Diacta. Empetrum nigrum, Z. Salix arctica, zov. sp. — specimen mancum dubise speciei, preecedenti proxime. PoLyGaMIa. Holcus al- (8.) Hierochloe alpina, Br. pinus, Wahlenb. Lapp. p. 51. CRYPTOGAMIA. Lycopodium Selago, Z. (8.) Polytrichum juniperinum, Hooker and Laylor, Muse. Brit. p. 25. Orthotrichum cupulatum, Muse. Brit. p. 72? Trichostomum lanuginosum, Muse. Brit. p. 60. Dicranum scoparium, Muse. Brit. p. 57 {exliv Mnium turgidum, Vahlenb. Lapp. p. 351. Bryum , absque capsulis. Hypnum aduncum, LZ. Jungermannia ——. fructificatione nulla. Gyrophora hirsuta, dehar. Syn. p. 69. (S) erosa, Achar. Syn. p. 65. (S.) Cetraria islandica, Achar. Syn. p. 229. —— — nivalis, dehar. Syn. p. 228. Cenomyce rangiferina, Achar. Syn. p. 277. 254? Dufurea ? rugosa, zov. sp. Cornicularia bicolor, Achar. Syn. p. 301. Usnea ?—, ov. sp.? absque scu- tellis. Ulva crispa. fimbriata, Achar. Syn. p. Lightf. Scot. 972? Algarum genus ? ? Confervis simplicissimis et Tremella cruentee (Zg. Bot. 1800) quodammodo affine ? ? Minute globules, the colouring matter of the Red Snow, of which extensive patches were seen in lat. 76° 25’ N., and long. 65° W. CATALOGUE OF PLANTS FOUND IN SPITZBERGEN BY CAPTAIN SCORESBY. BY ROBERT BROWN, F.R.S. [Reprinted from “ An Account of the Arctic Regions,” by W. Scoresby, Jun. F.R.S.E. Vol. 1, Appendix, No. V, pp. 75, 76.] EDINBURGH. 1820. CATALOGUE OF PLANTS FOUND IN SPITZBERGEN: (78 HEXANDRIA. Luzula_ campestris, Juncus campes- tris, Z. DECANDRIA. Andromeda tetragona, Linné. Saxifraga oppositifolia, Z. cernua, L. var. nivalis, Z. cespitosa, 8 groenlandica, Wahlenb. lapp., 119 Cerastium alpinum, a Wahlenb. lapp., 136. IcosaNnDRIA. Dryas octopetala, Z. hirsutum, PoLyaNDRIA. Papaver radicatum, Rottd. versum a P. nudicaule, Z. Ranunculus sulphureus, Soland. in Phipps Voyage. Vix di- DipyNAMIA. Pedicularis hirsuta, Z. TETRADYNAMIA. Cochlearia greenlandica? Vel C. An- glica, Wahl. lapp. Cardamine bellidifolia, Z. Draba alpina, L. Diacta. Salix polaris, Wahlend. lapp., 261. CrYPTOGAMIA. Trichostomum lanuginosum. Hypnum dendroides. ——— rvfescens ? Bryum ventricosum, Smith brit. ligulatum ? Dicrani species ? Andrezea alpina. Ulva ? Fucus forsan nov. sp. prope [76 alatum, sed absque fructific. plumosus. sinuatus. Conferva ? nigra ? Cenomyce furcata, Achar. Syn., 276. — pocillum, Jd., 253. Solorina crocea, Zd., 8. Alectoria jubata, 8 chalybeiformis, Jd. 291. Lecanora murorum, var. Jd. 181. Lecidea atrovirens, Id. 24. Gyrophora hirsuta, Jd. 69. erosa, Id. 65. proboscidea, Id. 64. Endocarpum sinopicum, Jd. 98. Spherophoron coralloides, Id. 287. Parmelia stygia, /d. recurva, Zd. 206 P ——— sp.nov.? sed absque fruc- tific. Peltidea canina P Cetraria nivalis, Jd. 228. Cornicularia aculeata, 8 spadicea, Jd. 300. Usnea? prope U. melaxantham, Jd. —_——— Stereocaulon paschale, Id. 284. 1 This list includes the whole of the plants I met with, excepting some of the larger fuci, in three or four visits to the shore about King’s Bay and Mitre Cape. Some of the specimens being imperfect, or without fructification, their species could not always be determined. W. Scoresby. CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. A LIST OF PLANTS COLLECTED IN MELVILLE ISLAND, (Larirupe 74°—75° N. Lonerrupe 110°—112° W.) IN THE YEAR 1820; BY THE OFFICERS OF THE VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY UNDER THE ORDERS OF CAPTAIN PARRY. WITH CHARACTERS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF THE NEW GENERA AND SPECIES. BY ROBERYT BROWN, F.RS., LS., MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY NATURE CURIOSORUM, OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF STOCKHOLM, AND OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF COPENHAGEN ; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES OF PARIS, BERLIN, AND mounicu, &e. [Reprinted from ‘A Supplement to the Appendix to Captain Parry’s Voyage,’ pp. cclxi—cce. ] 6 LONDON: 1823. LIST OF PLANTS [eelxi COLLECTED IN MELVILLE ISLAND. Tue following list of the Plants observed in Melville Island, chiefly in the vicinity of Winter Harbour, is drawn up from the Herbaria of Captain Sabine, Mr. Edwards, Mr. James Ross, Captain Parry, Mr. Fisher, and Mr. Beverley, whose names are here given in the order of the extent of their collections. To Captain Parry, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Ross, and Mr. Fisher, I am indebted for complete series of specimens of their respective collections ; and I have to offer my acknow- ledgments to Captain Sabine for having allowed me freely to examine his more extensive herbarium, and to retain it until he was about to leave England, in October, 1821, when the whole, in compliance with his request, was returned to him. The delay that has taken place in the publication of the present account has been in part owing to the state of m health during a considerable portion of the time that has elapsed since the collections were placed in my hands. I have also experienced much greater difficulty than I had anticipated in determining many of the species; arising either from their extremely variable nature, from the incom- plete state of the specimens contained in the collections, or from the want of authentic specimens of other countries, tectxii with which it was necessary to compare them. I may 186 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. notice, likewise, as a third cause of the delay, the greater extent of my original plan, which included remarks on the state and relative proportions of the primary divisions and natural orders contained in the list; a comparison with the vegetation of regions of nearly similar climates ; and obser- vations on the range of those species common to Melville Island and other parts of the world. Towards the com- pletion of this plan I had made considerable progress. But to have satisfactorily treated some of the subjects referred to would have required more time than I have had it in my power to devote to them, and in several cases better materials than I have hitherto been able to obtain. I have consequently found it necessary to relinquish, for the present, this part of my plan,! and to confine myself to a systematic list, adding only characters and descriptions exit] Of the new or imperfectly known genera and species ; the only indication left of my intention to treat any of the subjects alluded to being a greater number of references ' I shall here offer a single remark on the relative proportions of the two primary divisions of Phenogamous plants. ; In my earliest observations on this subject I had come to the conclusion that from 45° as far as 60° or perhaps 65° of north latitude, the proportion of Dicotyledonous to Monocotyledonous plants gradually diminished. (Flinders’ voy. 2, p. 588. Anté,p. 8.) But from a subsequent examination of the list of Greenland lants, given by Professor Giesecke (Art. “ Greenland,” in Brewster’s ‘Edinburgh ncyclopedia’), as well as from what I had been able to collect respecting the vegetation of alpine regions, I had supposed it not improbable that in still higher latitudes, and at corresponding heights above the level of the sea, the relative numbers of these two divisions were again inverted (Zuckey’s Congo, p. 423. Anté, p. 103); in the list of Greenland plants referred to, Dicotyledones being to Monocotyledones as four to one, or in nearly the equinoctial ratio; and in the vegetation of Spitzbergen, as well as it could be judged of from the materials hitherto collected, the proportion of Dicotyledones appearing to be still further increased. This inversion in the cases now mentioned was found to depend at least as as much on the reduction of the proportion of Graminee, as on the increase of certain Dicotyledonous families, especially Saxifrageze and Crucifere. The Flora of Melville Island, however, which, as far as relates to the two primary divisions of Phsenogamous plants, is probably as much to be depended on as any local catalogue hitherto published, leads to very different con- clusions ; Dicotyledones being in the present list to Monocotyledones as five to two, or in as low a ratio as has been anywhere yet observed; while the proportion of Grasses, instead of being reduced, is nearly double what has been found in any other part of the world (see Humboldt, in ‘Dict. des Sciences Nat.,’ tom. 18, table at p. 416); this family forming one fifth of the whole Phznogamous vegetation. PREFATORY REMARKS. 187 to authors than is absolutely necessary for the present. list, though essential to my original design. With this more limited plan, and with its execution, as far at least as regards the determination of several of the species, I am so little satisfied, that had the publication depended entirely on myself, and related solely to the present essay, I should have deferred it still longer, proba- bly until the return of Captain Parry from the arduous enterprise in which he is now embarked. I have, however, to express my regret for the delay that has already taken place, as it has prevented the appearance of the valuable memoirs in other departments of Natural History, which have been long ready for publication ; and also as it has till now deprived Botanists of the excellent figures so admirably illustrating the structure of the plants selected for engraving, and for which it is hardly necessary to add that I am indebted to the friendship of Mr. Bauer. 1 It has not been thought necessary to reproduce the engravings illustrative of the plants described in the present memoir; in the Appendix to Captain Franklin’s journey ; in Mr. Clarke Abel’s journey in the interior of China; and in Captain King’s survey of the coasts of Australia. For these plates, in all ten in number, the reader is referred to the works in which they originally appeared.—Epir. 188 CHLORIS MELVILIIANA. eelxiv] DICOTYLEDONES. RANUNCULACEA:. 1. Ranuncunus nivauis, foliis radicalibus elongato- petiolatis dilatatis lobatis : lobis subovatis ; caulinis subsessi- libus palmatis, caule erecto subunifloro, petalis obovatis integerrimis longioribus calyce hirsutissimo, stylis rectius- culis ovaria glabra zequantibus. Ranunculus nivalis, Wahlend. lapp. p. 156. Schlechtend. ranuncul. sect. post. p. 14. B. folia radicalia basi cuneata vix ad medium lobata, lobo medio semiovato basi latiore, petala orbiculato-obovata calyce hirsutissimo sesquilongiora. Ranunculus nivalis B. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 157 (exclus. syn. Martens spitzb.) Ranunculus sulphureus, Soland. in Phipps’ voy. p. 202, (fide speciminis unici biflori absque foliis radicalibus, in Herb. Banks). De Cand. syst. nat. p. 274 (exclus. syn. Martens spitzb., Laxmanni, Willdenovii et Smithi). Br. spiteb. pl. in Scoresby’s arct. reg. 1, append. p. 75. (Ante, p. 181) Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 742. y. folia radicalia basi subcuneata v. transversa alte lobata, lobo medio cuneato-obovato basi angustiore. Oés. Varietas y, cujus exemplaria duo tantum 4 nobis visa proxime accedit a quee, in Insula Melville haud obser- vata, sequentibus notis distinguenda. a. folia radicalia reniformia alte lobata, lobo medio cuneato- obovato basi angustiore. Ranunculus nivalis, De Cand. syst. nat. 1, p. 273, exclus. cit. ad Sw. a2 act. holm. 1789, p. 47, quee R. pygmeus, et syn. Martens smtzb. ad var. 8 pertinente. A R. nivali differt R. frigidus Willden. foliis radicalibus minus alte incisis lobulis pluribus, petalis obcordatis venis anastomozantibus, que in R. nivali distincte, et statura paulo majore. DICOTYLEDONES. 189 2. Ranuncutus Sasinit, foliis radicalibus elongato- petiolatis tripartitis : lobis ellipticis: lateralibus semibifidis ; caulinis sessilibus tripartitis linearibus, calycibus_hirsutis petala retusa subeequantibus. Ods. Planta inter R. nivalem et pygmaeam media in Herb. D. Sabine exstat, ulterius examinanda, forsan haud distincta a R. nivali cujus cfr. ic. Flor. Dan. 1699, ubi petala retusa et folium radicale pinnatifidum. 3. RANUNCULUS HYPERBOREUS, foliis petiolatis trifidis : lobis divaricatis obtusis: lateralibus subbifidis medio integerrimo, caule repente, acheniis levibus stigmate sessili apiculatis. Ranunculus hyperboreus, Rottd. in act. Hafn. 10, p. 458, t.4, 2.16. Flor. Dan. 331. Zag. flor. island. in Olafs. reise 2, p. 237. Willden. sp. pl. 2, p. 1322. Pers. syn. 2, p- 104. Wahlendb.lapp. p. 158. De Cand. syst. nat. 1, p. 272. Schlechtend. ranuncul. sect. post. p. 12. Ranunculus foliis subrotundis trilobis integerrimis, tc caule repente. Gmel. Sib. 4, p. 204, ¢. 83, 0. Drsc. Herba pusilla, glabra. olia elongato-petiolata, alte trifida, lobo medio ovali, seepissime indiviso, lateralibus seepius bifidis lobulo exteriore minore, nunc indivisis, raris- sime trifidis. Petiol filiformes basi vaginantes. Pedunculi oppositifolii, petiolum subzequantes, seepius pilis sparsis adpressis. Calyx tetraphyllus nunc triphyllus (an unquam 5-phyllus ?), foliolis concavis pilosiusculis. Petala 5, calyce manifeste longiora, Jamina obovata, intus nitenti trinervi, ungue lineari, apice foveola angusta marginata. Stamina 15—18, petalis breviora, filamentis inzequalibus, antheris ovalibus. Achenia (30 circiter) in capitulum ovatum con- gesta, stigmate brevi mucronulata. 4. Ranuncuus AFrtnis, foliis radicalibus pedato-multi- fidis petiolatis ; caulinis subsessilibus digitatis ; lobis omnium linearibus, caule erecto 1-2-floro cum calycibus ovariisque pubescentibus, fructibus oblongo-cylindraceis, achenilis rostro recurvo. Obs. R. auricomo proxima species. 190 -CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. 5. CaLTHA arctica, caule repente, foliis reniformibus crenato-repandis obtusis, folliculis (12—16) imbricatis, stigmate persistente adnato apice recurvo, antheris linearibus viginti pluribus. Obs. Affinitate C. radicanti accedit; figura foliorum et caule repente convenit cum C. natante, que facile distin- guenda pistillis stamina longitudine et numero superantibus, in capitulum sphzericum dense congestis, stigmatibus rectis simplicibus subsessilibus, antheris ovalibus, floribus albis foliisque aliquoties minoribus, et facie diversissima. PAPAVERACE. 6. Papaver NupIcAULE, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 725. Flor. Dan. 41. Willden. sp. pl. 2, p. 1145. Pers. syn. 2, p. 62. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 193. (Ante, p. 178). Hooker in Scoresby’s Greenl. p, 413. Papaver nudicaule y radicatum, De Cand. syst. nat. 2, p. 70. Papaver radicatum, Rott. in act. Hafan. 10, p. 455, t. 8, p. 24. Br. spitzb. pl. in Scoresby’s arct. reg. 1, append. p. 15. (Ante, p. 181.) CRUCIFERA. 7. Drapa aupina, Linn, sp. pl. ed. 1, p. 642, ed. 2, p. 896. Willden. sp. pl. 3, p. 425. Pers. syn. 2, p. 190. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 173. De Cand. syst. nat. 2, p. 338. a. silicule glabra. Draba alpina, Herb. Linn. B. siliculee pilose. Draba alpina, Br. spitz). pl. in Scoresby’s arct. reg. 1, append. p. 715. (Anté, p. 181) ecxvi) 8. DRABA PAUCIFLORA, Scapis aphyllis pedicellisque pilosis, foliis lanceolatis integerrimis pilis furcatis simplici- busque, petalis (flavis) spathulatis calycem hirsutum vix superantibus, ovariis glabris. DICOTYLEDONES. 191 Obs. Dubia species, alpine proxima, cujus exemplar unicum in Herb. D. Sabine vidi. 9. Draspa Lapponica, De Cand. syst. nat. 2, p. 344. Draba androsacea, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 174, ¢. 11, f. 5, exclus. syn. Desc. Radix fusiformis, fibris nonnullis longis simplici- bus, multiceps. Caules breves, divisi, basi reliquiis petio- lorum emarcidis albis squamati, partiales semunciales, dense foliati. Folia lanceolata v. oblongo-lanceolata acutiuscula, plana, integerrima, venis alte immersis anastomozantibus, marginibus ciliatis pilis patentibus simplicibus paucissi- misque furcatis, paginis adultorum glabris, novellorum pube brevi ramosa substellata conspersis. Scapi unciales—ses- quiunciales, seepissime aphylli, nunc folio unico lanceolato- lineari instructi, glaberrimi, leves. Coryméi 5-6-flori pedicellis glaberrimis patentibus, inferioribus flore szepe longioribus. Calyx : foliolis concavis, ovalibus, extus vel pilis nonnullis simplicibus conspersis vel sapius glaber- rimis. Petala alba, calyce duplo longiora, ungue brevi, lamina obovata venosa. Sfamina tetradynama, calyce longiora, petalis breviora, jilamentis edentulis, antheris uniformibus, subrotundis ochroleucis. Ovarium sessile ova- tum glabrum. Sfyus brevissimus. Stzgma capitato-bilobum, stylo manifeste latius. Sv/icu/@ racemoso-corymbose, lanceo- lato-ovatee, glabree, stigmate subsessili apiculate, pedicellis patentibus paulo longiores polysperme. Semina biseriata, immarginata. 10. CocHLEARIA FENESTRATA, Siliculis ellipticis ovali- busve, valvis subaveniis, dissepimento elliptico-lanceolato axi sepius fenestrato, foliis radicalibus cordatis integerrimis ; caulinis spathulato-oblongis subdentatis. Cochlearia fenestrata, Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 193. (Anté, p.178.) De Cand. syst. nat. 2, p. 367. Desc. Species polymorpha. Folia radicalia reniformi- cordata, citd decidua; caulina sessilia, integra vel pauciden- tata. Calya seepe purpurascens. Petala alba, obovata, calyce longiora. Anthere subrotunde. Stylus brevis. 192 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. Stigma capitatum. Sticula obtusa, stylo brevi cum stigmate apiculata. Valve ventricose, venis alté immersis. Dzssepz- mentum nune ellipticum, nunc oblongum v. angustato- oblongum, e lamellis duabus tenuissimis facile separandis ; loculi polyspermi. Funtculi umbilicales basibus connexis ope membrane anguste dissepimento parallelae. Semina contraria, h. e. cruribus embryonis invicem septuque paral- lelis, ovata, reticulata, immarginata. Obs. In exemplari unico Siliculas passim triloculares trivalves dissepimento pariter fenestrato observavi. PLATYPETALUM. Cuar. Grn. Silicula ovalis, valvis convexiusculis. Semina biseriata. Cofyledones incumbentes. Stylus brevissimus. Calyx sub-patens. Petalorum lamine dilatate. ecxvit] Habitus fere Brayee guacum structura floris cotyle- donibusgue incumbentibus convenit ; satis diversum pericarptt forma. Affine quoque Subulariz esse videtur, que ob cotyle- dones angustas bicrures, in embryone tantum bicrurt ab eadem tribu minime removenda. Notis fructificationis pluribus accedit etiam Stenopetalo 20d. quod calyce clauso, petalis subulatis! glandulis receptaculi et habitu diversissimum, nec revera affine. 11. PraryperaLum puRPURASCENS, stigmate bilobo patenti, stylo manifesto, scapis nudis unifoliisque pubescen- tibus, siliculis glabriusculis. Desc. adie perennis, fusiformis seepe multicaulis. Caules breves, indivisi, basi denudati, supra densé foliati. Folia lanceolata, obtusiuscula, integerrima, rarius dente uno alterove instructa, crassa, avenia, leete-viridia, apice pilis nonnullis albis acutis simplicibus rariusve furcatis plerumque obsita ; petiolt basi dilatati membranacei pallidi. Scapi terminales, saepius aphylli, vix unciales, basi nunc glabrati. Corymbus 4-6-florus, ebracteatus. Calyx modice patens, sepalis ovatis concavis subzequalibus, extus fusco-purpureis, limbo angusto albo, apice sepe pilosiusculis quandoque glaberrimis, tardius deciduis. Petala alba, purpureo dilute tincta, unguiculata, laminis dilatatis, latiorrbus quam DICOTYLEDONES. 193 longioribus, integris, obtusissimis, ungues lineares superan- tibus. Glandule receptaculi quatuor, per paria approxi- mata, latera filamentorum breviorum stipantes. S/amina tetradynama, jilamentis edentulis distinctis ; axtheris uni- formibus subrotundis ochroleucis. Ovarium sessile, ovale, pubescens pilis acutis simplicibus numerosis albis. Stylus brevissimus, tamen manifestus. Stigma: lobis patentibus, obtusis, papulosis. Silicule corymbose, ovales, stylo brevissimo cum stigmate patenti apiculate, biloculares, polyspermze, valvis modice concavis, dissepimento com- pleto. Semina immarginata, fusca. 12. PLaTYPETALUM DUBIUM, stigmate indiviso subsessili, siliculis scapisque pubescentibus. Obs. Floribus ignotis dubiz generis planta cujus exem- plaria tria in Herb. D. Sabine exstant. Cotyledones certé incumbentes et lineares, basibus tamen crus radiculare embryonis vix occupantibus. EUTREMA. Siliqua (abbreviata) anceps, valvis carinatis, dissepimento incompleto! Cotyledones incumbentes. Herba dabitu omnino Brayze et Platypetali, guibus maxime afine genus, distinguendum tamen facile siliqua ancipiti, dis- sepimento incompleto, et seminum funicults. 13. EUTREMA EDWARDSII. Desc. Herba perennis, glabra, 2-3-uncialis. Radix fusiformis, crassa, biuncialis, striis transversis tenuibus szepe subannulata, fibrillas numerosas exserens, multicaulis. Cau/es simplicissimi, erecti, paucifolii. Folia radicalia elongato- petiolata, ovato- lanceolata, integerrima rarissime pauciden- tata, crassiuscula, plana, uninervia, venis alte immersis crebre anastomozantibus inconspicuis, glaberrima : teewii petiolis folio 4-5-ies longioribus, linearibus membranaceis, albicantibus, adversus incom trinerviis ; caulina radicalibus conformia, inferiora brevi petiolata, superiora subsessilia. 13 194 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. Corymbi 7-10-flori, densi, folio florali sessili seepe subtensi, ceeterum ebracteati. Calyx glaber, sepalis zequalibus, ovatis, obtusis, modice concavis, trinerviis, extra medium purpu- rascentibus, insertione parum inequalibus. Petala alba, calyce sesquilongiora, wagues breves, Jamine obovate (vel ex ovali obovate), obtuse, integerrime, plane, obsolete uninervie, vix manifeste venose. Glandule receptaculi quatuor, per parla approximate, latera filamentorum bre- viorum stipantes, parvee. Stamina tetradynama. Filamenta subulata, glabra, edentula, duo lateralia paulo breviora basi aversa (acie nec superficie plana ovarium spectanti). dnthere uniformes, ovato-subrotunde, incumbentes, infra medium affixee, loculis parallelo-contiguis, longitudinaliter dehiscen- tibus. Pollen flavum, sphericum, simplex quantum observare potui per lentem centies augentem. Ovarium sessile, glabrum, oblongo-ovatum, uniloculare, placentis duabus parietalibus polyspermis. S7ylus brevissimus vix manifestus. Stigma capitatum, indivisum vy. simibilobum, stylo vix amplius. Svique (siliculosze) racemose, erectie, lineari-lanceolatee, ancipites, glaberrimee, vix trilineares, stigmate obtuso indiviso subsessili apiculate. Valve carinate, carina manifesta, venis immersis, cortice demum ad margines solubili, in disco arctius adherenti; replum cortice pariter separabill. Dzssepimentum, preeter basin apicemque ubi seepius completum, plerumque margo peran- gustus ad utrumque latus cnjus processus membranaceus angustior e quo funiculi umbilicales brevissimi obtusi crassi papillaformes orti. Semina immarginata, fusca, levia. Cotyledones incumbentes, lineari-oblonge, plano-convexi- usculz, basi attenuata brevi in crure radiculari sita. Oss. This species is named in honour of Mr. Edwards, Surgeon of the Hecla, from whose extensive and well-pre- served herbarium I have derived great assistance in drawing up the present list, and in which only perfect specimens with ripe silique of Eutrema Edwardsii were found. DICOTYLEDONES. 195 EXPLICATIO TABULA—A." Evrrema Epwarpsir.—l. Planta florida, et 17. fructi- fera ; utraque magnitudine naturali. Sequentes magnitudine auctee ; 2. flos integer; 3. petalum ; 4. flos petalis orbatus ; 6. sepalum (foliolum calycis); 6. stamina et pistillum integumentis floralibus avulsis; 7. stamen longius; 8, sta- men brevius; 9. pollen ad augmentum 200; 10. pistillum receptaculo insidens a facie visum ; 11. idem duplo auctius ; 12. ejusdem portio transverse secta; 18. idem valvis avulsis; 14. pistillum a latere visum; 15. idem valvis avulsis; 16. placentz parietalis portio cum ovulis; 18. siliqua matura dehiscens a facie visa; 19. siliqua matura clausa & latere visa; 20. eadem valvis orbata; 21. eadem duplo auctius ; 22. semen; 23. idem transverse sectum ; 24. idem longitudinaliter sectum; 25. embryo. PARRYA. Cuar. Gen. S2diqua lato-linearis, valvis venosis. Semina biseriata, teste epidermide laxo, corrugato. Cotyledones accumbentes. Stigmata approximata basibus connatis lecxix in stylum (brevissimum) decurrentibus. iamenta eden- tula. Herbee perennes, subacaules. Folia radicalia integerrima v. dentata, crassiuscula, opaca, venis immersis inconspicuts, netiolorum basibus dilatatis scariosis semivaginantibus. Scapi radicales, aphylli, ebracteati. Flores purpuret. Calyx sub- patens. Glandule hypogyne 4, jilamenta longiora extus stipantes. oe 7 Oss. Affinitate proximum genus Arabidi, diversum sili- quarum figura, structura seminum et stigmatis, et denique habitu. This Genus is named in honour of Captain Parry, the distinguished commander of the Expedition in which it was discovered, and whose herbarium contained very complete specimens of the species here described. 1 See Note at p. 187. 196 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. 14. PARRYA ARCTICA. Parrya, siliquis lineari-oblongis, antheris ovalibus, foliis (fere omnibus) integerrimis, pedunculis glaberrimis. Desc. Herba humilis, perennis, glaberrima. Radiv perpendicularis, crassa, sublignea, striis transversis tenuibus notata, sepe multiceps. Cau/es brevissimi, dense foliati. Folia petiolata, lanceolata passimve spathulato-lanceolata, integerrima, nonnulla rarissime paucidentata, crassiuscula, opaca, immerse uninervia, venis alté immersis inconspicuis. Petiolt dimidio superiore angusto lineari textura lamine, inferiore dilatato semivaginanti scarioso albicanti. Scapus caulem abbreviatum terminans vel sepe axillaris, aphyllus, ebracteatus, glaberrimus, florifer foliis seepe duplo fructifer triplo—quadruplove longior. Vores corymbosi, pedunculis patentibus glaberrimis. Calyx glaber, modicé patens, deciduus : sepada ovalia, obtusa, concava, insertione parum ineequalia, immerse nervosa, nervis passim oblique connexis. Petala quatuor, eequalia, unguiculata, purpurea, rarius alba, calyce duplo longiora; wngues lineares; lamine obovate, uninerviee, venosz venis apice dichotomis. Stamina 6, tetradynama. /amenta edentula; 4 Jongiora Jatiora, altero latere extra medium paulo angustiora. Anthere uniformes, infra medium affixe, oblongo ovales, ochroleuce, basi cordata lobulis approximato-parallelis, connectivo peran- gusto. Pollen spheericum, simplex (nec compositum quan- tum observare licuit per lentum 114-ies augentem). Glandule hypogyne quatuor, filamenta longiora extus stipantes. Ovarium sessile, glabrum, biloculare, polysper- mum, ovulis numerosis. Sty/us brevissimus. Stigma bipartitum, lobis placentis oppositis, obtusis, mutuo seepius appressis, basibus confluentibus et quasi in latera styli decurrentibus. Si/ique racemose, erect, nonnull quan- doque pendule, pedicellis patentibus, intra cicatrices floris sessiles, lineari-oblonge, passim siliculiformes, utrinque obtuse. Valve plane, uninervie, venose. Dissepimentum completum (rarissime fenestratum foramine magno v. parvo) arachnoideo-areolatum, axi quandoque opaciori paulo incras- DICOTYLEDONES. 197 sato, lineisve duabus opacioribus axi approximatis. Munteuli wmbilicales marginati, latiusculi, dimidio inferiori septo coherentes. Semiva 6-8 in singulo loculo, sepiusque biseriata, epidermis testee laxus, tenuissimus, albus, ultra ipsam testam in limbum latiusculum extensus, supra nucleum rugosus, testa ipsa, dempto epidermide, crasso-membranacea e duabus lamellis invicem arcté coherentibus conflata, tectxx membrana interna nulla nisi lamella interior testee. Lindryo curvatus, plumbeus. Co/tyledones ovali-obovatee, planius- cula, accumbentes, avenize. Padicula teres, acuta. Oss. Parrye altera species est P. macrocarpa, siliquis lanceolato-linearibus utrinque acutis inter semina seepe con- strictis, antheris linearibus, pedicellis floriferis hispidiusculis, foliis incisis dentatisque ; quae Cardamine nudicaulis, Zinn. sp. pl. ed. 1, p. 65-4, fide spectminis unici fructiferi absque floribus illus herbarii. Cardamine, &c. Gel. sid. 3, p. 273, v.43. Cardamine articulata, Pursh. am. 2, p. 439. De Cand. syst. 2, p. 268. Arabis nudicaulis, De Cand. syst. 2, p. 240. EXPLICATIO TABULA:—B.' Parrya arctica.—l, 2, et 3. Plante florid et 21 planta fructifera; omnes magnitudine naturali. Sequentes magnitudine aucte, 4. flos integer, 5. petalum, 6. flos petalis orbatus, 7. sepalum, 8. genitalia integumentis florali- bus avulsis, 9. stamen longius antice, 10. idem postice visum, 11. stamen brevius, 12. pollen 200-ies auctum, 13. pistillum receptaculo insidens a facie visum, 14. idem duplo auctius, 15. idem valvis avulsis, 16. ejusdem (14) sectio transversalis, 17. pistillum a latere visum, 18. idem valvis avulsis ovula exhibens loculi alterius, 19. ejusdem (17) sectio transversa, 20). placentze portio cum ovulis et funiculis suis, 22. siliqua matura dehiscens a facie visa, 23. siliqua matura clausa a latere visa, 24. eadem valvis orbata exhibens dis- sepimentum et semina loculi alterius, 25. placentae portio cum seminibus duobus epidermide laxo rugoso arilliformi tectis, 26. seminis maturi integumentis ambobus instructi 1 See Note at p. 187. 198 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. sectio transversa, 27. semen epidermide arilliformi orbatum, 28. ejusdem sectio longitudinalis, 29. embryo situ naturali, 30. idem cotyledonibus arte expansis, 31. semen abortivum. 15. CaRDAMINE BELLIDIFOLIA. Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 913. Flor. Dan. t. 20. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 179. De Cand. syst. nat. 2, p. 249. Br. in Scoresby’s arct. reg. 1, append. p. 75. (Anteé, p. 181.) Cardamine foliis simplicibus ovatis petiolis longissimis. Linn. lapp. p. 214, n. 260 (cum figura respectu habitus bona, quoad flores pessima, ad. 9, f. 2), exclus. syn. Clusii et Gerardi, ad Arabidem bellidifoliam pertinentibus, monente D. Smith, in Flor. lapp. ed. 2. CARYOPHYLLEA. 16. Lycunis aprtata. Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 626. Flor. Dan. 806. Willden, sp. pl. 2, p. 810. Pers. syn. 1, p. 520. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 135, t. 7. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2,9. 192. (Ante, p. 178.) Richardson in Frank- in’s journ. p. 738. Cucubalus caule simplicissimo unifloro corolla inclusa. Linn. lapp. 148, ». 181, ¢. 12, f. 1. 17. Cxrastium aLpinum. Lvnn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 628. eelxxi] Willden. sp. pl. 2, p.814. Pers. syn. 1, p. 521. Smith brit. 2, p. 500. Engl. bot. 472. Hooker scot. p. 144 et 280. Soland. in Phipps’ voy. p. 202. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, 9.192. (Ante, p. 178.) Spitz. pl. in Scoresby’s arct. reg. 1, append. p. 75. (Ante, p. 181.) Hooker in Scoresby greenl. p. 413. Cerastium latifolium. Lighif. scot. 1, p. 242, ¢. 10. Obs. Species polymorpha cujus tres varietates sequentes in Insula Melville cbservate. a. folia oblonga rariusve brevé ovalia, pedunculi dicho- tomi rarius uniflori, pili pedunculorum plerique glanduloso- capitati, capsulz oblong calyce duplo fere longiores. B. folia late ovata, pedunculi dichotomi pilis plerisque acutis, calycis foliola interiora glabriuscula. DICOTYLEDONES. 199 y. hirsuta, folia elliptica v. lanceolata, pedunculi divisi et solitarii, pilis plerisque acutis, capsule calyce paulo lon- giores. 18. Srernarta Epwarpsit, foliis ovato-lanceolatis inte- geirimis enerviis nitidis, pedunculis terminalibus unifloris trifidisve, petalis bipartitis calyce immerse trinervi longiori- bus, antheris purpureis. Obs. Duplex varietas. In a. (cujus exemplaria plurima im Melville Island, et aliqua anno 1792, ad Chesterfield Inlet lecta vidi) folia ovata acuta v. ovato-lanceolata, pedunculi solitarii v. trifidi, lateralibus seepissime unifloris altero nunc abortiente, dum solitarii ebracteati, dum divisi bibracteati, bracteis semifolia- cels margine membranaceo ciliato, pedicellis lateralibus pariter bibracteatis. Caulis et folia seepius glaberrima, caulis nunc villosiusculus et folia basi ciliata villis tenuibus laxis. B. (cujus exemplaria duo, quorum alterum multicaule), folia ovato-lanceolata apice subattenuata nitidissima, pedun- cwli sepius uniflori. Caules et folia glaberrima. In utraque fructus desideratur, qui exstat in S. Edwardsii, Richardson in Franklin’s Journ. p. 738. In hac vero, que forsan distincta species, antheree ochroleucee minime et polline destitute, styli elongati et stigmata manifestiora, caules et folia glaberrima, capsula erecta calyce fere duplo longior semisexvalvis, semina reniformia leevia fusca. De Stellaria nitida Hooker in Scoresby greenl. p. 411, cui secundum auctorem folia lanceolata siccitate subtrinervia, ‘flores subpaniculati et antherze flavee, incertus sum. 19. ARENARIA QUADRIVALVIS, foliis subulatis acutis glaberrimis trinerviis, pedunculis unifloris elongatis pubes- centibus, calycibus acutissimis trinerviis petala elliptica superantibus capsula quadrivalvi (nunc 3—5-valvi) seepius brevioribus. Alsine rubella, Wahlenb. lapp. 128, ¢. 6, forsan haud distincta; sed secundum auctorem capsula 3-valvis petala rubella et in icone subspathulata basi valde attenuata. Drsc. Herba 1-2-uncialis. Radix perennis, descendens. Caulis & basi ramosissinus cespitem densum efformans, 200 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. infra vaginis petiolaribus emarcidis nervisque foliorum denudatis obsitus, supra dense foliatus. Folia opposita basi connata, subulata, acuta, mutica, super concaviuscula, subter convexa, trinervia, marginibus nudis. Pedunculi caxxit] terminales solitarii, uniflori, prope basin bibracteati, bracteis lanceolatis, semifoliaceis margine membranaceo, pubescentes pilis brevibus, porrectis, olanduloso- capitatis, numerosis. Calyx 5-partitus, sepalis lanceoloatis, acutis- simis, vix acuminatis, concaviusculis, trinerviis, viridibus nune fusco-purpureo tinctis margine albo membranaceo, extus pilis nonnullis brevissimis minute capitatis conspersis, persistens. Petala 5, integerrima, alba, calyce paulo bre- viora, ovali-oblonga v. elliptica, integerrima, basi parum attenuata, persistentia. Stamina deaem. margini disci brevissimi subcarnosi, dubize originis, perigyni potius quam hypogyni, inserta. £/amenfa subulato-filiformia, glabra. Anthere ochroleuce, subrotunde, loculis approximatis, appositis, longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. | Ovariwm sessile, ovatum, glabrum, uniloculare, polyspermum. Stigmata quatuor (passim 3 et 5) filiformia, alba intus longitudinaliter hispidula. Capsw/a calyce persistenti appresso seepius paulo longior, nunc eundem subeequans, quadrivalvis, passim 3 et 5-valvis, valvis vix onmino ad basin distinctis. Receptacu- Jum seminum centrale, longitudine fere capsule, cum apice cavitatis primo connexum mox solutum. Senna reniformia, levia, fusca, funiculis umbilicalibus cum receptaculo com- muni persistentibus. 20. Arpnaria Rosstl, glaberrima, foliis triquetro subu- latis obtusiusculis muticis enerviis florem vix equantibus, pedunculis unifloris elongatis, petalis oblongis calyces obsolete trinervios paulo superantibus. Desc. Herba pusilla, glaberrima. Caules ramosissimi, cespitosi, densé foliati. Folia opposita basibus connatis, carinata. Pedunculi foliis aliquoties longiores. Calyze 5-partitus, purpurascens ; sepala equalia, ovata, acutiuscula, modice concava, obsoletissime trinervia, marginibus mem- branaceis nudis. Petala 5, angusto- oblonga, obtisa, integra, alba, calyce paululum longiora. Stamina 10. Flamenta DICOTYLEDONES. 201 disco scutelliformi subcarnoso potius perigyno quam hypo- gyno inserta, é latiore basi filiformia, glabra, alba. Aufhere ovales, ochroleucee. Ovarium ovatum, sessile, uniloculare, glabrum, polyspermum. S¢‘gmata 3, filiformia. Obs. Avenaria Rossii, Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 738, paulo diversa est statura majore, foliis calycem longi- tudine superantibus, minus crassis nec adeo obtusis, inter- nodio seepius brevioribus, calycis foliolis duobus exterioribus parum brevioribus, nervis lateralibus omnium manifestiori- bus, petalis longitudine calycis. In hac capsula trivalvis calycem sequat. Alsine stricta Wahlenb. lapp. p. 127, ab Arenaria Rossii Richards. 1. c. differt statura duplo majore, foliis longioribus acutis aliisque notis. SAXIFRAGE LE. ie SAXIFRAGA. L727. Cuar. Gen. Stamina 10, antheris didymis. Petala indivisa. Styli 2. Capsula (v. adherens v. libera,) bilo- cularis, birostris v. biloba, foraniine inter rostra ipsisve lobis intus longitudinaliter dehiscens, polysperma. Sewina- testa nucleo subconformi. Oés. Characterem in paucis mutatum structuram anthe- rarum et seminum respicientem proposui ob genus Ceclxxiii maxime affine (LEPrARRHENA x00. que Saxifraga amplexi- folia, Sternb. saxifr. suppl. p. 2, t. 2. Saxifraga pyrolifolia, Don in Linn. soc. trans. 13, p. 389) cui antheree unilocu- lares bivalves septo incompleto parallelo, et semina (capsule alté bilobee) scobiformia, testa utrinque ultra nucleum ovalem elongata, subulata ! 21. Saxirraca opposiTiroLiA. Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 575. Willden. sp. pl. 2, p. 648. a. Smith Brit, 2, p. 450. Engl. bot. t.19. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 113. Carpat. p. 118. Soland. in Phipps voy. p. 202. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 192. (Ante, p. 177.) Spitz. pl. in Scoreshy’s arct. reg. 1, append. p. 715. (Anté, p. 181.) Don in Linn. soc. trans. v. 10, p. 400. 202 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. 22. Saxrrraca urecunus. Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 576. B. Petala obovata, ungue nudo: caulis uniflorus. Saxifraga propinqua. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 192. (Ante, p. 177.) Hirculus propinquus. aw. Savif. enum. p. 41. Obs. Petala quandoque, sepius forsan, appendiculata et calyces ciliati; ideoque a 8. Hirculo vix differt nisi petalis plerumque obovatis ungue nudo nec ciliato, caule fere semper unifloro et statura minore. Hec varietas solum in Insula Melville observata fuit. 23. SAXIFRAGA FLAGELLARIS, flagellis filiformibus, caule erecto simplici 1-3-floro calycibusque glanduloso-pubescenti- bus, foliis radicalibus caulinisque inferioribus obovato-spathu- latis ciliatis ; superioribus villosiusculis, petalis persistentibus capsula semisupera longioribus. Saxifraga flagellaris. Sternb. savifr. p. 25 et 58, ¢. 6. Steven in Mem. soc. nat. cur. mosg. 4, p. 79. ALarschall flor. taur-caucas. 3. p. 291. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p.192. (Ante,p. 177.) Don in Linn’ soc. trans. 13, p. 373. Saxifraga setigera. Pursh. am. 1, p. 312. Desc. Radix perpendicularis, fibras longas subsimplices dimittens, elevans Cau/em unicum, simplicissimum, 2-4- uncialem, foliatum, pubescentem, pilis brevibus_ strictis purpureo-capitatis, sursum crebrioribus, basi demum glabratum. o//a indivisa, radicalia et caulina inferiora confertissima, patentia, superiora sparsa: radicalia cuneato- obovata et subspathulata, acutiuscula, plana, basi angustata in petiolum brevem latiusculum, immerse nervosa, nervis lateralibus dichotomis ramis interioribus in extimum mar- gini folti approximatum desinentibus, apicibus mox infra apicem foli confluentibus, ibique callo subovali in pagina superiore parum elevato aucta, marginibus longitudinaliter ciliatis, pilis subulatis strictis rigidulis brevibus albicantibus, capitulo glanduloso purpurascente demum deciduo apiculatis, terminali dilatato pariter apiculato; caulina inferiora conferta, radicalibus subsimilia figura, ciliis marginalibus et paginis glabris ; swpertora sparsa, paulo minora, oblonga, acutius- cula, basi vix attenuata, subsessilia utraque pagina margini- DICOTYLEDONES. 203 busque pilis brevibus glanduloso-capitatis iisque calycis et caulis similibus. FYagella ex alis foliorum radicalium et inferiorum caulis solitaria, filiformia, 3—5-uncias lonya, angulata v. anguste marginata, arcuato-deflexa, pilis glan- dulosis rarissimis conspersa, aphylla, apice sobolifera : tcctxxiv gemmula parva, turbinata, é foliolis nanis numerosis con- niventibus, arcte imbricatis, obovatis acutiusculis, immersé nervosis, glabris, marginibus ciliis nonnullis brevibus ornatis ; et in ipsa basi radiculis 2—3 simplicibus singulis é vagina (coleorhiza) membranacea, primo clausa dein lacerata erumpentibus. ores 1—38, pedunculati, erecti, medius pracocior, ebracteatus, laterales bractea unica nunc duabus alternis lato-linearibus sessilibus foliaceis. Calya basi adherens, dimidio libero 5-partito, lacintis ovatis, obtusiusculis extus pube glandulosa foliorum instar con- spersis, intus glaberrimis, nervis alte immersis. Petala 5, aurea, calyce duplo longiora, wngue brevissimo, lamena obo- vata, 5—7-nervi, seepissime inappendiculata, quandoque squarula obsoleta extra nervos extimos. S/amina decein, calyce parum longiora, petalis breviora. F¥/amenta subulata, subzequalia. Anthere uniformes, cordate, flavee, loculis contiguis medio (margine) longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. Pollen flavum. Ovarium basi brevé turbinata adherenti, dimidio hbero bifido; biloculare, polyspermum. Sfyli vix uli. Stigmata suborbiculata, depressa, papulosa, nec omnino glabra. Capsi/a plusquam semisupera, bilocularis, biloba, calycis laciniis erectis cincta, et petalis persistentibus (vix emarcidis) longioribus occultata, lobis brevibus crassius- culis longitudinaliter, fere ad stigmata persistentia usque, dehiscentibus. Semina in cavitate biloculari indivisa solum, lobis vacuis, minuta, levia, cylindraceo-oblonga, castanea : testa membranacea. Albumen semini conforme, album, farinoso-carnosum. Lméryo rectus, axilis, teres, longitudine fere dimidii albuminis. Cotyledones radicula breviores. 24. SAXIFRAGA TRICUSPIDATA. Rottb. in act. Hafn. 10, p. 446, ¢. 6, 2. 21. Gunn. norv. 2, p. 135, n. 1046. Flor. Dan. 976. Willden. sp. pl. 2, p. 657. Pers. syn. 1, p. 490. Stern. savifr. p. 54. Pursh. am. 1, p.312. Giesecke 204 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. Greenl. in Edin. Encyclop. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 192. (Ante, p. 177.) Don in Linn. soc. trans. 138, p. 440. Richardson in Franklin’s jour. p. 737. Obs. In planta Insule Melville, que statura humilior, folia radicalia passim et caulina omnia indivisa. 25. SAXIFRAGA HYPERBORREA, foliis glaberrimis ; radicali- bus palmatis elongato-petiolatis, caule lanato subbifloro, bracteis oblcngo-linearibus sessilibus, petalis uninerviis, capsulis semiinferis. Obs. Proxime accedit 8. rivulari Zinn. et ejusdem forsan varietas. S. rivularis autem differt bracteis ambabus szpius, inferioribus semper subpetiolatis obovatis, caule inferne minus lanato. Ab utraque distincta est S. petiolaris (Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, v. 2, p. 192. (Ante, p. 177) foliis omnibus glandulis subsessilibus conspersis: radicalibus scapum eequantibus v. superantibus, folio florali lobato, petalis trinerviis. 26. Saxrrraca uNiFLoRA, foliis radicalibus aggregatis trifidis ; caulinis linearibus indivisis distantibus, caule unifloro ovarioque infero viscido: pube glandulosa brevis- sima, calycibus obtusis, petalis obovato-oblougis. Saxifraga ceespitosa, Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 192. (Ante, p. 177.) csv] Saxifraga venosa, Haworth, enum. saxifr. p. 28? Obs. Nimis affinis S. caespitosee, Zinn. ; vix distincta species. 27. SaxtFRaGA NivaLis, Lenn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 573. Willden. sp. pl. 2, p. 645. Pers. syn. 1, p. 488. Smith brit. 2, p. 449. Engl. bot. 440. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 1138. a. corymbus multiflorus thyrsoideus, pedunculis inferiori- bus trifloris. 6. corymbus simplicissimus pauciflorus. Linz. lapp. t. 2, f. 5. Obs. varietas 8. dimidio minor, pube caulis et pedicel- lorum parciore breviore stricta (nec, ut in a. laxa decum- bente lanam brevem referente) ; in utraque petala persistentia. DICOTYLEDONES. 205 Saxifraga longiscapa, Don in Linn. soc. transact. 13, p. 388, a varietate B. vix differt nisi scapo longiore. 28. SaXIFRAGA FOLIOLOSA, foltis radicalibus cuneatis subdentatis, scapis divisis: ramis apice unifloris infra tectis foliolis nanis fasciculatis, calycibus inferis obovatis, petaloruin laminis cordato-lanceolatis. Saxifrage stellaris var. Zinn. Saxifraga caule nudo simplici foliis dentatis coma foliolosa Linn. lapp. p. 187, y. tab. 2, f. 3. Saxifraga stellaris 8. comosa. Willden. sp. pl. 2, p. 644. Obs. Distincta videtur & S. stellari, Zinn. (quee in Insula Melville haud observata fuit) scapo densé foliolato floribus paucissimis (v. nullis) calycibus obovatis, et‘prasertim peta- lorum aqualium laminis basi cordatis. 29. Saxrrraca cranva, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 577, flor. lapp. n. 172, ¢.2,f. 4. Willden. sp. pl. 2, p. 652. Pers. syn. 1, p. 489. Smith brit. 2, p, 453. Engl. hot. t. 664. Hor. Dan. 22. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 116. Hooker. scot. p. 130. Gmel. sib. 4, p. 162, 2. 74. — Sternd. saxifr. p. 18, t.12, f. 2. Soland. in Phipps’ voy. p. 202. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 192. (Ante, p. 177.) Spite. pl. in Scoresby's arct. reg. 1, app. p. 15. (Ante, p. 181.) Don tn Linn. soc. trans. 13, p. 864. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 737. Oés, Variat rarius caule ramoso, ramis unifloris, quee S. cernua, Gunn. nor. n. 528, ¢t. 8, f. 2, et Saxifraga bulbifera ? Flor. Dan. 390. Zoega pl. island. in Olafs. reise 2, p. 236. 30. CHRYSOSPLENIUM ALTERNIFOLIUM, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 569. Willden. sp. pl. 2, p. 637. Pers. syn. 1, p. 487. Smith brit. 2, p.453. Lng. bot. t. 54. Hooker scot. p. 128. Wahlenb. lapp. p. \\1. = Carpat p. 116. Marschall caucas. 1, p. 318. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 737. 206 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. ROSACEA. 31. Dryas inreGRiro1sa, foliis integerrimis passimque infra medium inciso-crenatis: venis subtus inconspiculs ; novellis semisiccatisque marginibus rovolutis. Dryas integrifolia, Vahl in act. soc. hist. nat. hafn. vol. 4, cca] par. 2, p. 171. Mor. Dan. 1216. Pers. syn. 2, p. 57. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2. p. 193. (Ante, p. 178.) Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 740. Dryas tenella, Banks’ mss. (fid. specim. 4 ‘Terra Nova, ubi primum an. 1766, a D. Banks detecta) Pursh. am. 1, p. 390. Ods. Nimis affinis D. octopetale, que differt statura seepissime majore, foliis semper longitudinaliter inciso-cre- natis, subtus costatis venis prominulis. SIEVERSIA. Sirversia, Willden. in Mag. der gesell. naturf. fr. 2u Berlin 5. jahrg. (1811), p. 397, charactere emendato. Cuar. Grn. Calyx decemfidus, laciniis alternis acces- soriis. Petala 5. Stamina indefinite numerosa. Ovaria indefinita, ovulo adscendente. Styli terminales, continu. Achenium stylo toto persistenti aristatum. Hméryo erectus. Habitus Jere, nec omnino, Gei, quod differt Stylis genicu- latis articulo superiore dissimili septusque deciduo. Ab utroque genere distinguendum Geum potentilloides (Coluria 206.) ob Stylum basi cum apice ovaril articulatum deciduum, et Achenia (glandulosa) tubo elongato turbinato calycis inclusa. Sieversize species sunt Geum montanum et reptans Linn. radiatum J/ichaur, Peckii et triflorum Puwrsh, glaciale Adams, humilis, congesta et dilatata od. et Geum anemo- noides Willden. sp. pl. que Dryas pentapetala Zinn. cu certé styli terminales nec laterales ut perhibet Willdenow in charactere generis Sieversize, pro hac specie solum ab illo instituti, DICOTYLEDONES. 207 32. Srrversia Rossii, aristis nudis, foliis radicalibus interrupté pinnatis olabris : pinnis trilobis ; accessoriis imisque nanis indivisis, caule unifloro subdiphyllo, petalorum venis omnibus distinctis. Desc. Herba perennis, 2— 6-uncialis, glabra. Caudew demersus, radiciformis, squamis scariosis fuscis (petiolorum reliquiis) tectus, infra medietatem fibras descendentes sim- plices fibrillosas crassiusculas proferens. lia radicalia numerosa (4—7,) glabriuscula, petiolata, interrupte pinata, exstipulata, pinnis circumscriptione ovatis cuneatisve, trifidis vel bifidis (lobo superiore lateralium deficiente) basi ineequali, inferne in rachin decurrenti, superioribus approximatis, nanis indivisis interpositis inter medias; imis ipsis minimis integerrimis. Petioli infra medium dilatati ibique scariosi, pallide fusci. Scapi ex alis foliorum radicalium vel squa- marum superiorum caudicis demersi, infra nudi, extra medium foliis saepius duobus, alternis, sessilibus, pinnati- fidis, exstipulatis, in statu florescentize (cum scapi folia radicalia vix eequant) invicem apicique scapi approximatis, in fructiferis folia radicalia aliquoties superantibus, ab invicem at ab apice sepe distantibus; teretes, pubescentes, pube descendendo sensim parciore. Vos solitarius, erectus, ebracteatus. Calyx extus pubescens, decemfidus, tubo brevi turbinato, laciniis 5 majoribus interioribus, late semiovatis, acutiusculis, quinque alternis dimidio minoribus, ovalibus, petalis oppositis. Petala 5, obovata, integerrima, venosa, aurea, sinubus laciniarum majorum calycis inserta (eaxwii lisque sesquilongiora. Stamina fauci calycis inserta, indefi- nita, 30 plura. Fi/amenta subviata, glabra. Anthere ovate, flavee, basi semibifide, loculis parallelo-approximatis, longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. Pod/en globosum, simplex. Ovaria indefinite numerosa, receptaculo subcylindraceo imbricato inserta, breve pedicellata, ab apice pedicellorum solubilia, hirsuta, pilis acutis strictis, monosperma, ovulo adscendente. Stydz terminales, filiformes, subulati, glabri, stricti. Stigmata dilatata, obliqua, retusa, papulosa. Obs. This species is named in honour of Lieutenant James Ross, in whose well-preserved herbarium several plants were found not contained in the other collections. 203 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. EXPLICATIO TAB. C." Sreversra Rossn. 1, 2. Planta florida, magnitudine naturali. Sequentes aucte. 3 et 4. flos antice et postice visus. 5. flos petalis et staminibus orbatus. 6. petalum. 7. portio calycis cum staminibus respondentibus ejusdem basi insertis. 8, 9. stamen antice et postice visum. 10. pollen 200-ies auctum. 11. pistillum. 12. id. longitudi- _ haliter sectum. 13. pistilla receptaculo insidentia. 14. receptaculum commune pistillorum cum pedicellis. 15. achenium fere maturum. 16. id. longitudinaliter sectum. 17. id. transverse sectum. 18. semen. 19. embryo. 33. PorENTILLA PULCHELMA, foliis pinnatis bijugis super villosis subter sericeis, foliolis pinnatifidis pari inferiori minore: lobis omnium lanceolato-linearibus, caulibus pauci- floris (uniflorisve), stylo basi glanduloso-dilatata. Potentilla pulchella, Br. iz Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 193. (Ante, p, 178.) Potentilla sericea? Greville in Mem. Wern. soc. 3, p. 430 ; fide speciminis in herb. greenlandico D. Jameson. Oés. P. sericea Linn. facile distinguitur foliis 3—5-jugis, et lana elongata receptaculi, quod in P. pulchella pube brevi ovaria vix sequante instructum. Nostra planta affinitate propius accedit P. nivess, haud obstante hujus divisione ternata foliorum, qua nune, rarissime quamvis, addito folio- lorum pari nano similiter pinnata evadunt. 34. PorentinLa Nivea. Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 715. Rottb. in act. Hafn. 10, p. 451, t. 7, n. 22, optima fig. var. a. Wrallden. sp. pl. 2, p. 1109. Pers. syn. 2, p. 56. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 146. Nestler potent. p. 73. Lehman potent. p. 184. a. folia super villosiuscula viridia, subter niveo-tomen- tosa. 6. folia utrinque villosiuscula, paginis concoloribus. 1 See Note at p. 187. DICOTYLEDONES. 209 Potentilla nivea B, WVahlend. lapp. p. \47. Potentilla Groenlandica, Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 193. (Ante, p. 178.) Potentilla frigida? Greville in Mem. Wern. soc. 3, p. 430, sec. exempl. in herbario D. Jameson. Potentilla verna, Hooker in Scoresby’s greenl. p. 413. Obs. Polymorpha species, cui nimis affinis est teclxviii Potentilla Vahliana Lehm. potent. p. 172, que P. hirsuta For. Dan. t. 1390, secundum exemplar Groenlandicum & D. Giesecke ; et P. Jamesoniana Greville in Mem. Wern. soc. 3, p. 417, ¢. 20, fide exempl. a D. Jameson ; nec diversa videtur P. macrantha Leded. secundum specimen ex Oona- laska a D. Fischer. PAPILION ACE. 35. ASTRAGALUS ALPINUS, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 1070. Flor. lapp. p. 218, n. 267, t.9, 7. 1. Hor. Dan.51. Gmel. sib. 4, p. 45, 2.59. Pall. astrag. p. 41,t. 82. Willden. sp. pl. 3, p. 1297. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 190, t. 12, f. 5 ( fruct.) Helv. 131. Carpat. 223. Pursh. am. 2, p. 472. Phaca astragalina, De Cand. Astrag. p. 52. Pers. syn. 2, p. 3381. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 745. 36. OxyTRopis arctica, subacaulis sericea, stipulis petiolaribus, foliolis oppositis alternisque ovali-oblongis, capitulo subumbellato paucifloro, leguminibus erectis oblon- gis acuminatis calycibusque nigro-pubescentibus. Desc. Radix lignea, perpendicularis, longissima, crassa, subramosa, multiceps. Caules brevissimi, dense foliati et basi stipulis villosissimis persistentibus ‘imbricatis tecti. Folia conferta, foliola 11—17, novella utrinque villosa sericea, adulta super glabriuscula,. ovalia v. oblonga, seepius obtusa raro acutiuscula. Stipulz membranacee, infra petiolo adnatz, apicibus solutis semilanceolatis, acu- tissimis. Scapi folus longiores, teretes, villosi, villis albo- cinereis, nunc cinereis nigrisque intermixtis, nunc om- nino nigris. Flores majusculi. Capitulum 3—5-florum, pedicellis brevissimis. Bractee lineares, acute, patule, 14 210 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. calyce breviores, extus pube nigricante. Ca/yz villis nigris subadpressis copiosis tectus, dentibus erectis brevibus. Corolla ceruleo-violacea, calyce duplo longior (9—10-lin. eequans). Vewil/wm obcordatum lateribus reflexis, lamina basi attenuata absque callis auriculisve. 4/@ vexillo bre- viores, obtusissime, apice dilatato oblique retuso, prope basin lateris auriculati intus plica saliente, hinc auriculo mediocri. Carina alis paulo brevior, obtusa cum mucrone brevi acutiusculo. Stamna inclusa 1—9-fid. antheris uni- formibus. Legumen erectum, calyce hince longitudinaliter fisso infra auctum, oblongum, acuminatum, sutura superiore intrusa intusque septifera, septo incompleto bipartibili, funiculis adnatis parallelo-striato. Semina reniformia, in singulo loculo 7—9, funiculis apice solutis 6 margine dis- sepimenti quasi ortis. Obs. Species proxima O. uralensi que diversa floribus leguminibusque spicatis, foliolis numerosioribus et semper acutissimis, calycibus leguminibusque cinereis pilis nonnullis atris pluribus albis. COMPOSITA. 37. Leontopon PaLustRE, Smith brit. 2, p. 823. Engl. bot. 553. Pers. syn. 2, p. 367. Hooker scot. p. 227. Hor. Dan. 1708. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 746. eexxix]_ ~Leontodon lividus, Waldst. et. Kitaib. pl. rar. hung. 2, p.120,¢. 115. Willden. sp. pl. 3, p. 1545. Marsch. taur- caucas. 2, p. 246, vol. 3, p. 531. Leontodon taraxacum ? Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 194. (Ante, p. 178.) Leontodon taraxacum 8, Wahlenb. carpat. 238. Upsal. p. 257. Obs. Nimis affinis L. Taraxaco L. videtur. 38. Axnica MonTANA 2, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 1245. Willden. sp. pl. 3,p. 2106. Pers. syn. 2, p. 453. Wahlenb. lapp. 210. Arnica angustifolia, Vahl in Flor. Dan. 1524, fide exempl. Groenland. a D. Giesecke. DICOTYLEDONES. 211 Doronicum foliis lanceolatis, Zinn. dapp. 241, n. 305. Oés, Planta nostra Groenlandica seepius humilior (2—4- uncialis) cum exemplaribus nonnullis a D. Richardson prope littora maris arctici quadrans vix specie distinguenda ab Arnica montana a, cujus insuper varietates sunt Arnica plantaginea et fulgens, Pursh. ai. 39. CrnERaRIA coneEsta, capitulo lanato, folis lineari- lingulatis undulatis, caule simplicissimo. Desc. Herba 3—4-uncialis lanata. adix fasiculato- fibrosa. Fo/¢a radicalia et ima caulina numerosa indivisa, lingulata, obtusa, undulata, demum glabriuscula, viridia ; caulina superiora 2—3, alterna, lana decumbente. Cawlis erectus, simplicissimus, lana implexa tardius decidua tectus. Anthodia wm capitulum terminale subsphericum ebracteatum dense congesta, lana copiosa semi-involuta, radiata. Invo- lucrum (calyx communis) simplici serie polyphyllum, lana decumbenti copiosa, é villis longis implexis articulatis, dense tectum. Zigule numerose, feminez, lamina oblongo-lineari, integra, 2—3-nervi. /Vosculi hermaphroditi perfecti. Zudus gracilis. Limdus infundibuliformis semiquinquefidus, decem- nervis, laciniis semilanceolatis trinerviis nervis axilibus tenuioribus. Anthere semi-exserte basibus muticis, appen- dicibus apicis linearibus acutis. Ovaria glabra, subcylin- dracea. Stigmata intus canaliculata apice subtruncata. Pappus sessilis, filiformis, albus, radiis numerosis longitu- dinaliter denticulatis. Oés. Distincta species videtur, attamen non longe distat a C. palustri statura et inflorescentia insigniter variabili. 40. Tuss1Laco coryMsBosa, corymbo femineo laxo pauci- floro: corollulis ligularibus nervosis; masculo congesto, foliis cordatis sinuatis inzequaliter dentatis subtus tomen- tosis. Desc. Radix repens. Folia radicalia longius petiolata, cordata, nunc sagittato-cordata, sinuata, seepius ad 3; nunc ad : fere radii, lobis ineequaliter dentatis, dentibus mucro- nulo eglanduloso terminatis, adulta super glabra cum tomento aliqno in nervis venisque primariis, subter lana 212 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. brevi alba implexa, diametro sesquiunciali usque 23 uncias eequanti. Scapi 4—8-unciales, adulti tomento parco obsiti, bracteis (petiolis dilatatis) amplexicaulibus, szepius foliolo nano dentato terminatis. Anthodia polygamo-dioica. Mas. ‘Corymbus coarctatus pauciflorus: authodiis radiatis : Ligults femineis, lamina oblonga : floscadis hermaphrodito-masculis, ecxxx) infundibuliformibus, stigmatibus hispidis, incrassatis, exsertis. Fem. Corymbus simplex, 5—8-florus : pedunculr involucro longiores, bracteis nonnullis linearibus acuminatis pilis articulatis pubescentes. Lnvolucrum (calyx communis) simplici serie polyphyllum, foliolis acutis, extus pubescenti- bus, pilis articulatis brevibus. Corol/u/e omnes ligulate, femi- new, preter 2—3 centrales, hermaphrodito-masculas. Feminee involucro longiores, ligula 2—3-nervi indivise, stigmatibus patulis, stylis extra tubum hispidulis. Obs. Proxima species 'T’. frigide, quee differt praesertim thyrso femineo multifloro congesto demum fastigiato, masculo laxiore, foliis minus alté sinuatis. 41. ANTENNARIA aLPINa, Br. in Linn. soc. transact. 12, p. 128. Gnaphalium alpinum. Linz. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 1199, lapp. n. 301. Wilden. sp. pl. 3, p. 1883. Pers. syn. 2, p. 421. Wahlenb. lapp. 202, Helv. p. 149. Carpat. in obs. ad. Dp. 258. Pursh. am. 2, p. 525. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 147. Obs. Planta feminea tantum in Melville Island lecta; mascula & nobis nondum visa (nisi hujus forsan varietas pusilla ab Oonalaska), et nullibi, quantum scio, observata! CAMPANULACE. 42. CamMPanuLa unIFLORA, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 231, flor. lapp. n. 85, t. 9, f. 5, 6. Rottb. in act. hafn. 10, p. 432, ¢. 6,2. 19. Willden. sp. pl.1,p.890. Pers. syn. 1, p. 188. Wahlend. lapp. p. 63. Flor. Dan. 1512. Svensk bot. 526. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 7338. DICOTYLEDONES. 213 ERICIN i. 43. ANDROMEDA TETRAGONA, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 563, lapp. n. 166, t.1,f.4. Willden. sp. pl. 2, p. 607. Pers. syn. 1, p. 480. Flor. Dan. 1030. Pall. ross. 2, p. 56, ¢. 73,74. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 200. Br. spitzd. pl. in Scoresby’s arct. reg. 1, append. p. 75. (Ante, p. 181.) Ross’ voy. ed. 2, v. 2, p. 192. (Ante, p. 177.) Richardson in Frank- lin’s journ. p. 737. SCROPHULARIN &. 44, PepicuLaris arctica, caule simplici lanato, foliis pinnatifidis lobis sub-ovatis dentato-incisis : adultis glabris ; caulinis petiolo dilatato, calycibus quinquefidis lanatis, galea obtusa truncata bidentata, filamentis longioribus hirsutis. Dusc. Radix fasciculata, fibris crassis carnosis. Caulis simplex, foliatus, 2-3-uncialis, lana alba implexa tardius nec omnino decidua. Folva circumscriptione linearia, pinnati- fida; lobis seepius approximatis, dentatis, primo lanata, adulta glabriuscula; petiod: omnium, radicalium precipue, lanati. Spica multiflora, densa, florida sesquiuncialis, fruc- tifera 2-3-uncialis: dractee foliacezee, pmnatifidee. Calya lanatus, lana copiosa, alba, implexa, persistenti, semiquin- quefidus, laciniis inzequalibus, semilanceolatis, inte- tectxxxi gerrimis, vel obsoletissime dentatis. Coro/la purpurea, glaberrima: galea leviter falcata, obtusa, antice apice oblique truncata et ad truncaturee basin utrinque dente unico acuto brevi quandoque brevissimo. Stamina inclusa : Filamenta duo longiora extra medium hirsuta, duo breviora longitudinaliter glabra: Anthere uniformes, imberbes, basi bifid. Stigma subcapitatum, seepius exsertum. Capsula calyce persistenti duplo longior, ovata, acuminata, ineequi- latera, margine inferiore rectiusculo superiore modice arcuato, bilocularis, bivalvis, valvis medio septigeris, septi dimidio inferiori placentifero. | Semina oblonga, teretius- 214 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. cula, altero latere margine perangusto aucta, utraque extremitate areola nigricanti notata. Obs. Species proxima P. sudeticaee Willden. sp. pl. 3, p. 209, que differt statura majore, caule glabro, foliorum lobis linearibus inciso-pinnatifidis ; caulinis petiolo haud dilatato, corollee labio inferiore manifest dentato. P. sude- tica Richardson in Franklin’s jour. p. 742, a sudetica vera vix diversa est nisi corolle labio superiore breviore, den- ticulo longiore, caule subunifolio, nec species distincta videtur. POLYGONE 4. 45. Potyeonum viviparuM, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2. p. 516, Ji. lapp. n. 152. G@mel. sib. 2, p. 44, n. 34, 4.7, fi 2. Willden. sp. pl. 2, p. 441. Pers. syn. 1, p. 439. Smith brit. 1, p. 428. Engl. bot. 669. Fl. Lond. new ser. 1, ¢. 81. Wahlenb. lapp. 99. Flor. Dan. 13. Svensk. bot. 336. Marsch. taur-caucas. 1, p. 801. Pursh. am. 1, p. 271. Giesecke Greenl. in Edin. encyclop. Hooker in Scoresby’s greenl. p. 410. Richardson in Franklin’s gourn. p. 737. Natter Wurtz, A/arten’s Spiteb. hb. 3, cap. 7, ¢. I, a. OXYRIA. Oxrris, Hill, veg. syst. 10, p. 24 (genus omnino arti- ficiale, Hill 7. c.). De Cand. fl. franc. 3, p. 379 (Rumicis subgenus). Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 192 (Ante, p. 177) (genus distinctum). Campdera rumea, p. 153. Hooker Scot. p. 99. Cuar. Gun. Perianthium tetraphyllum (duplici serie). Stamina 6. Styl 2. Stigmata penicillata. Achenium lenticulare, membranaceum, utrinque alatum, perianthio infra cinctum. Aimdryo centralis. Oés. Genus propius accedens Rheo quam Rumici, ab utroque satis distinctum. A Rheo differt numero binario perianthi et stylorum, DYCOTYLEDONKS. 215 stigmatibus penicillatis (que in Rheo capitata sublobata), et textura achenii: couvenit numero proportionali et situ staminum (que geminatim nempe foliolis exterioribus et solitarie interioribus perianthii opposita) pericarpio semi- denudato alato, et embryone centrali. Rumex ab Oxyria diversus est numero ternario omnium partium floris, situ staminum, que sex tantum et geminatim foliolis exterioribus perianthii opposita, fructu nucamentaceo aptero, foliolis interioribus mutatis perianthii tecto, embryone laterali: convenit fere stigmatum divisione. Ovuli insertionem et Radicule embryonis situm inter notas genericas haud introduxi: Semen enim erectum (cclxsxii cum Embryone inverso uti character totius ordinis (incluso certe Calligono contra assertionem Campderee |. c.) eundem a Chenopodeis optime distinguens in prodr. flor. nov. holl. p. 419, primus proposui. Inter ordines apetalos similem structuram seminis in Urticeis et Piperaceis, aliis notis distinguendis, obtinet: dum Embryo inversus cum ovulo pendulo characterem essentialem CHLORANTHEARUM (Br. in Bot. magaz. 2190, nov. 1820) efformat. 46. Oxyria rENIFoRMIS, Hooker scot. p. 111. Scoresby’s greenl. p. 410. Oxyria digyna, Campd. rumea, p. 155. Rheum digynum. Wahlenb. lapp. 101, tab. 9, fructus. Helv. p. 74, Carpat. 114. Rumex digynus, Lina. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 480, fl. lapp. n. 132, obs. B. Waillden. sp. pl. 2, p. 258. Pers, syn. 1, p. 395. Smith brit. 1, p. 395. Eng. bot.910. Flor. Dan. 14. 47. Sax arctica, ovariis subsessilibus tomentosis, stigmate quadrifido stylum subzequante, squamis orbiculato- obovatis, foliis integerrimis ovalibus obovatisve: adultis super glabris subter villosiusculis. Salix arctica, Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, v. 2, p. 194. (Anté, p. 178.) Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p, 152. Salix n. 387. Hooker in Scoresby’s greenl. p. 414*, secundum specim. a D. Scoresby. Salix, Greville in Mem. Wern. soc. 3, p. 432, fide specim. in herb. groenl. D. Jameson. 216 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. Desc. Frutex depressus; radice lignea crassa longa. Rami decumbentes, floriferi omnes et steriliam nonnulli adscendentes, adulti glabri. Folia sparsa, petiolata, ellip- tico-obovata, v. obovata, integerrima, obtusa, quandoque retusa, novella super glabra, subter villis longis laxis decum- bentibus, adulta utrinque glabra, venis subter paulo emi- nentibus venulis anastomozantibus. dmenta utriusque sexus ramos breves villosos foliatos terminantes. Sguame orbi- culato-obovate spe retusze, fusco-nigricantes, villose. Masc. 8-10-lin. longa, densa. Stamina 2-3, forsan seepius 3, filamentis distinctis. Sguwamule (Nect.) dus, interiore paulo majore, utraque apice incrassato. Fei. Squamula unica, interior. Ovarivm brevissime pedicellatum, pedicello dia- metrum transversum capsule vix eeqnante, dense tomen- tosum, cinereum. S¢y/us longitudine varians nunc stigmata zquans, nunc fere dimidio brevior, MONOCOTYLEDONES. JUNCEAL. 48. Juncus sictumis. Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 467. Montin in Amen. acad. 2, p. 266, t. 3, 7.3. Flor. Dan. 120. Zoég. pl. island. in Olafs. reise 2, p. 235. Vahl in act. soc. hist. nat. hafn. 2, par. 1, p.38. Willden. sp. pl. 2 p. 216. Pers. syn. 1, p. 385. Smith brit. 1, p. 382. Engl. bot. 898. Bicheno in Linn. soc. transact. 12, p. 320. Llooker scot. p. 106. eclxxxiii} 49. LuzuLA HYPERBOREA, spicis multifloris subum- bellatis pedunculatis sessilibusque (nunc omnibus sessilibus), bractea umbelle fol acea; partialibus omnibus fimbriatis, capsulis obtusis perianthia acuta subaequantibus, caruncula basilari seminis obsoleta, foliis planis. MONOCOTYLEDONES. 217 Luzula campestris, Br. spitzd. pl. in Scoresby’s arct. reg. 1, append. p. 75. (Anté, p. 181.) Juncus arcuatus, Hooker in Scoresby’s greenl. p. 410, secund. exempl. a D. Scoresby. Juncus campestris, Soland. in Phipps’ voy. p. 201, fide exempl. in Herb. Banks. Oés. Vix distincta species, et potius ad LZ. campestrem mire variantem, quam ad Z. arcuatam referenda ; preesertiin ob bracteam umbelle szepissime, non vero semper, foliaceam, et folia plana. LL. arcuate 6. (Wahlend. lapp. p. 88, cujus fig. in Flor. Dan. 1386, sed excl. syn. Villars), tamen accedit, inflorescentia, spicis multifloris, longius peduncu- latis, quandoque etiam arcuato-recurvis, bractea umbellee nunc, rarissime quamvis, squamacea, partialibus omnibus fimbriatis, et caruncula seminis obsoleta. Heec autem forsan distincta a L. arcuata a, Wahlend. lapp. p. 87, t. 4. Hooker flor. lond. n. ser. t. 151, cui spice longius peduncu- latee paucifloree, et semina ni fallor absque caruncula. In Luzulis omnibus, quas examini subjeci, excepta L. puosa, observavi funiculum umbilicalem é filis spiralibus (decompositione partiali funiculi denudatis ?) compositum. CYPERACE. 50. CAREX MISANDRA, spicis (4—6) pedunculatis ova- libus pendulis: terminali basi mascula; reliquis femineis, fructibus lanceolatis acuminatis bidentatis margine denticu- latis squama ovali longioribus, stigmatibus 2-3. Desc. (exemplarium quatuor incompletorum cum spicis fructiferis et portione culmi, in herbario D. Ross). Folium supremum breve, lineare, marginibus longitudinaliter denti- culatis. Spice v. wnbellate, v. alterne, fructiferee ovales v. oblong pendula, pedunculis viridibus, laxis, angulatis, spica longioribus. Bractea umbelle communis vaginans, basi atro-fusca, supra viridis, in folium breve subulato- lineare, planum, marginibus denticulato-asperis producta, includens nonnullas partiales, quarum ima communi sub- similis, foliolo breviore terminata, nunc exserta. Sguame 218 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. ovales, obtusiuscule, leves, glabre, nigro-fusce, apice limbo angusto albo. /ructus circumscriptione lanceolatus, acuminatus, basi attenuata, fusco-ater, ore ipso albicanti emarginato, marginibus acuminis et dimidii superioris denti- culatis, caterum levis. Achenium intra cupulam breve pedicellatum, obovatum, ventre plano, dorso dum stigmata duo modice convexo dum tria angulato. Obs. Nimis affinis C. fuliginosee Sternd. et Hoppe in act. soc. bot. Ratisb. 1, p. 159, ¢. 3, vix distincta species. 51. Carex CONCOLOR, spicis sexu distinctis: mascula unica ; femineis 2-3 erectis subsessilibus, squamis omnibus obtusis axi subconcolori, bracteis basi auriculatis, capsulis levibus ovalibus mucronulo brevissimo integerrimo, stigma- tibus 2, culmis levibus. edxxxiv] Obs. C. caespitosee proxina et vix differt nisi statura minori (3-4 unciali) squamis (nigro-spadiceis) axi seepius marginibus semper concoloribus, foliis utrinque viridibus et culmis levibus. An revera distincta species ? 52. Eriopnorum capiratum, Lost gram. aust. 1, p. 30, t. 38. Schrad. germ. 1. p. 151. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 18. Smith comp. ed. 2, p.11. Engl. bot. 2387. Hooker scot. p. 20. 53. Erniopnorum aneustiroLium, Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 313. Smith brit. 1, p. 59. Kngl. bot. 564. Schrad. germ. 1, p. 153. Hooker scot. p. 21. Eriophorum polystachion, Wahlend. lapp. p. 18. Obs. Plante: nostree, quasi medize inter E. angustifolium et polystachyon forsan ab utroque distinctae, duse varietates adsunt. a, pedunculis leevibus. 8, pedunculis scabris, denticulis crebris minutis. Hee ab H. gracile, Roth catalect. 2, add. et Wahlenb. lapp. p. (9, fid. exempl. ab ipsis auctoribus in Herb. Banks., certe diversa, statura humiliori, foliis latioribus, squamis eherviis omnino nigricantibus, et acheniis oblongo-obovatis. MONOCOTYLEDONKS. 219 GRAMINE. 54, ALOPECURUS ALPINUS, spica ovata, arista perianthi glumam sericeam lateribus villosissimis subsequante, vagina suprema ventricosa folio suo plano lanceolato triplo longiore. Alopecurus alpinus, Smith brit. 3, p. 1886. Engl. bat. 1126. Hooker scot. p. 22. Roem. et Schul. syst. 2, p. 272. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, v. 2, p. 191. (Auté, p. 177.) Hooker in Scoresby’s greenl.410. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 731. Alopecurus ovatus, Knapp gram. brit. 15. Hornem. in Flor. Dan. 1565. Alopecurus antarcticus, Giesecke greenl. in Brewster's edin. encyclop. Obs. Species (quam primus in Scotize monte Loch ny Gaar anno 1794 legi) variat culmo, qui seepius adscendens, erecto, spica oblongo-cylindracea, arista nunc gluma duplo longiore, rarius nulla. A. antarcticus, Vahl symb. 2,p.18. Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 857, ab. A. alpino differt spica saepius cylindracea, arista glumam bis superante, folio supremo lineari apice attenuato vaginam suam superante v. eequante. A. pratensis Z. distinguitur spica cylindracea, glumis acutis ‘latere tantum villosiusculis, arista glumis duplo longiore, vagina suprema laxiusculé cylindracea folium suum lineare multoties superante. PHIPPSIA. {ceclxxxv Phippsia (subgenus Vilfee) Zrinivs in Spreng. neue ent- deck. 2, p. 37. Cuar. Gun. Gluma uniflora, abbreviata, inzequivalvis. Perianthium muticum, obtusum, imberbe; valvula supe- riore nervis sursum divergentibus. Lodicule 2. Stam. 1-3. Stigmata 2, sessilia. Caryopsis libera, teres, exsulea. Gramen pusillum, aquaticum v. im tnundates nascens. Culmi éasi divisi. Folia plana; vagina integra, ipso apice 220 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. tantum fisso. Panicula coarctata, ramis semiverticillatis. Glume exerves, inferiore minori. Stamina 1-3. Stigmata persistentia. Oés. E graminibus unifloris proxime accedit Vilfee et Colpodio, affinitatem habet etiam quandam cum Schmidtia Trattin. (Coleanthus Roem. et. Sch. syst. 2, p. 11), cui certe gluma nulla, et perianthium bivalve, probaute valvula supe- riore dinervi. Inter genera locustis bifloris Phippsia affinis est Cata- brosz, conveniens glumis abbreviatis, perianthiis obtusis concavis et foliorum vaginis apice tantum fisso: differt locustis unifloris, caryopside tereti, nec lateraliter compressa. 55. PHIPPSIA ALGIDA. Agrostis algida, Soland. in Phipps’ voy. p. 200, cum de- scriptione accurata. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 25, ¢. 1, ubi peri- anthium pro gluma, omnino pretervisa, depictum, et lodicula, perperam indivisa et aucta, pro perianthio univalvi. For. Dan. 1505, structuram eandem exhibens ac in Wahlenb. lic. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, v. 2, p. 191 (Gramen sui generis.) (Ante, p. 177.) Trichodium algidum, Svensk bot. 545, f. 2, ab Ze. Wahlenb. mutuata. Roem. et. Sch. syst. 2, p. 283. Desc. Gramnen biunciale, glaberrimum, cespitosum. Culmi ipsa basi divisi ibique vaginis scariosis tecti. Folia linearia, obtusiuscula, levia: d2guda brevis, obtusissima, indivisa: vagina laxiuscula, integra, ipso apice tantum fisso. Panicula coarctata, ramis semiverticillatis, paucifloris, leevi- bus. Locuste uniflore. Gluma nana, bivalvis, inequalis, valvulee mutice, obtusiuscule, concave, haud carinate, integre, membranacee ; inferior minor, enervis ; superior plus duplo major, ipso perianthio triplo circiter brevior, obsolete uninervis ; ambee seepissime post lapsum perian- thi cum rachide persistentes, inferiore quandoque decidua. Perianthium intra glumam brevissime pedicellatum : valvula inferior coucava, ovato-lanceolata, trinervis, nervorum di- midio inferiore hispidulo ; swpertor ejusdem fere longitudinis MONOCOTYLEDONES. 221 et latitudinis sed diverse figure, obtusa, 3-4-dentata, dinervis, nervis hispidulis 4 basi sursum paulo divergentibus, ipsa basi sub-approximatis. Lodicule 2, subovate, mem- branaceze, indivise, glabree. Stamina 1-3. Stigmata 2, sessilia, longa, hyalina, ramulis simplicibus. Caryopsis ovali-oblonga, teres, exsulca, stigmatibus emarcidis diu coronata. Hmdbryo caryopside quadruplo brevior. Obs. Heec é speciminibus & Melville Island ; species tecxxsvi autem variat perianthil nervis levibus, staminibus 2, et quandoque unico, nervo alteri valvule superioris perianthii opposito. In Terra Tschutski & Dav. Nelson, in tertio it. Cook, lecta fuit varietas (?) msignis, duplo major, culmis ramosis foliis laxioribus aliisque notis diversa: vix species distincta. COLPODIUM. Colpodium. rin. agrost. p. 119, 7.7. Subgenus Vilfee Trin. in Spreng. neue entdeck. 2, p. 37. Car. Gen. Gluma uniflora, subzquivalvis, mutica. Perianthium gluma longius, submuticum, obtusum, apice scarioso; valvulis subequalibus, integerrimis, saperiore exserta, dinervi, lateribus parallelis. Lodicule 2. Styli 2. Stigmata plumosa. Caryopsis. - - - - Gramen glabrum. Culmi erecti v. adscendentes. Folia plana, ligula indivisa imberbi folio latiore, vagina longitu- dinaliter fissa. Panicula coarctata, ramis semiverticillatis. Locusta oblonge, glabriuscule cum v. absque rudimento, sepius setuliformi, flosculi secundi. Oés. Gramen hocce habitu fere peculiari, primo intuitu Po propius accedit quam Agrostidi s. Vilfse, relationem quodammodo etiam cum Dupontia et Deschampsia habere videtur. Caryopside ignota autem genus haud stabilitum, et de ejusdem affinitate cum Colpodii speciebus Trinii, pre- sertim C. Steveni et compresso, incertus sum. 56. CoLPoDIUM LATIFOLIUM, panicula coarctata lanceo- lata, foliis planis lato-linearibus. 222 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA Agrostis paradoxa, B. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, v. 2, p. 192. (Anté, p. 177.) Desc. Gramen robustum, spithameum—pedale, glabrum. Culmus & basi decumbenti v. radicanti adscendens, nunc erectus, teres, levis, foliatus, basi vaginis scariosis tectus. Folia plana, lineari-lanceata, acuta, stricta, utrinque margini- busque retrorsum scabris: vagine scabriuscule, ad basin usque fissee, suprema folio proprio longior: “gula obtusa, imberbis, erosa, denticulata, folio latior. Panicula coarc- tata, angusto-lanceolata, fusco-purpurea, perianthiorum apicibus albis, sesquiuncialis—biuncialis, ramis brevibus, semiverticillatis, appressis, inferioribus demum Thode patentibus, pedunculis pedicellisque pauci-denticulatis, strictis, apice vix dilatato cum locusta continuo. Gluma uniflora, bivalvis, mutica, herbaceo-membranacea, glabra, valvulis suboppositis, concavis vix carinatis, obtusiusculis v. acutis, integris, semitrinervils,iferdore paulo breviore, nervis lateralibus ‘brevissimis, superiore acutiore, nervis lateralibus magis manifestis sed longe infra apicem evanescentibus. Perianthium intra glumam, qua haud duplo longius, brevis- sime pedicellatum, cum pedicello crasso articulatum, basi obliqua, herbaceo-membranaceum, textura fere glume, mouticum, per lentem pube brevissima conspersum, intra glumam 6 majore parte viride, supra eandem fusco-purpu- reum, apice scarioso albicanti. Valvule concave, textura omnino similes, longitudine subeequales, zferior nervo centrali manifesto seeplus apicem muticum attingenti, nunc ecxxxvii] in setulam dorsalem brevissimam altitudinem valvulee subequantem desinente, lateralibus utrinque duobus obso- letis, infra apicem prorsus evanescentibus ; superior obtusior, integerrima, dorso angusto planiusculo vel leviter convexo, lineari, dinervi, nervis parallelis, tenuibus, nudis, lateribus dorso aliquoties latioribus, parallelis, marginibus nudis. Lodicule due, subcollaterales, membranaceze, semibifide, dentibus acutis, imberbes, longitudine ovarii. Stamina 8, filamentis capillaribus, antheris fusco-stramineis, utrinque bifidis. Ovariwm ovatum, acutum, glabrum, exsulcum, Styli brevissimi, approximati, vix manifesti. Stigmata hyalina, dense plumosa, apicibus acutis. MONOCOTYLEDONES. 228 Obs. In exemplaribus plerisque nullum certe rudimentum flosculi secundi, quod tamen in nonnullis & Melville Island atque in exemplari a Possession Bay adest, setuliforme, hispidulum ; et in specimine unico a Melville Island loctistas nonnullas bifloras flosculo secundo pedicellato perfecto observavi. 57. Poa aneusrara, panicula simplici coarctata lineari- lanceolata, locustis 4-5-floris, gluma inferiore dimidio minore, perianthiis apice erosis: valvula inferiore basi elanata lateri- bus glabriusculis, foliis angusto-linearibus. Desc. Gramen 4-6-unciale, glabrum, erectum; radice fibrosa. Cudmi foliati, basi quandoque divisi, leves. Folia angusto-linearia, plana, acuta, glabra, levia; vagine subcy- lindraceze, laeves, suprema folio proprio longior, omnes ipsa basi integra ; /igu/a subquadrata tam lata quam longa, apice dentato dente medio paulo longiore. Panicula erecta, angustata, cireumscriptione lineari-lanceolata, ramis pauci- floris, pedicellis denticulatis, strictis, viridibus, apice paulo dilatato, cum locusta haud omnino continuo. Locuste oblongze, colorate,, seepius quadriflore. Glume@ hyaline, glaberrimee, uninervie, cum pedicellis persistentes, valvula inferiore fere dimidio minore; superiore duplo latiore et fere duplo longiore, obtusiore, perianthio dimidio circiter breviore, nervis lateralibus obsoletis. Perianthia separatim decidentia, rachi locustee glabra; valvula inferior oblonga, concava, acutiuscula, apice scarioso eroso-denticulato, quin- quenervis, lateribus infra medium pube rara in nervis extimis crebriore instructis, ipsa basi absque Jana implexa ; swperior paulo brevior, dinervis, nervis viridibus, denticulatis, lateri- bus complicatis. Lodicule 2,hyaline, imberbes, semibifide. Stamina 3. 58. Poa ABBREVIATA, panicula simplicissima coarctata subovata, locustis 4-5-floris, glume valvulis subeequalibus acutissimis perianthia basi Janata lateribus pubescentia zequantibus, foliis involuto-setaceis. Desc. Gramen 3-4-unciale. Culmi foliati, basi seepe divisi, leves. Folia involuta, subsetacea, retrorsum scabra, vaging fere ad basin usque fissee, cylindracese. Panrcula 224 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. vix semuncialis, ramis alternis, subbifloris, strictis, lavibus, vix denticulatis. Locuste oblonge, colorate. Glume acutissime, valvulis longitudine subeequalibus, carinatis, glaberrimis, iferiore manifeste angustiore, paululum bre- viore, uninervi ; swperiore basitrinervi. Perianthia glumas paulo superantia; valvula inferior ipsa basi lana implexa parca instructa, carina a basi ad duas tertias partes longitu- dinis sericea, linea pariter sericea utrique margin approxi- eclxxxviii] mata, a basi ad eandem fere altitudinem attingenti, intersticiis pubescentibus subsericeis; superior dinervis, nervis pectinatim denticulatis, lateribus induplicatis latius- culis. Lodicule 2. Stamina 3, antheris stramineis. Ovarium imberbe. Stigmata 2, subsessilia, plumosa, hyalina. 59. Poa arctica, panicula effusa: ramis paucifloris capillaribus levibus locustisque coloratis ovatis 3-4-floris, glumis subeequalibus, perianthii valvula inferiore basi lanata carina lineaque submarginali sericeis :_intersticiis pubescen- tibus, foliis linearibus : ‘Tigula aubaadnaa erosa. Poa laxa, Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2,v. 2, p.192. (Ante, p. 177.) Hooker in Scoresby’s greenl. p. 410, non Willdenovii. Drsc. Gramen 5-8-pollicare. Culmi erecti v. adscen- dentes, basi quandoque divisi, graciles, leeves, foliati. Folia radicalia angusto-linearia, canaliculata, culmo aliquoties breviora ; culmea paulo latiora, plana, marginibus levibus, denticulis obsoletissimis: vagine stricte, striate, lzeves, ipsa basi integra ; ligula subquadrata, nunc paulo longior quam lata, apice eroso-inciso. Panicula seepius effusa, nunc rara, nunc minus effusa, rarissime subcoarctata, rachi ramisque fuscis, ramis 3-4, semiverticillatis, 1-2-floris, capillaribus, levibus. Locuste ovate v. oblongo-ovate, fusco-purpureee, apicibus valvularum _ stramineo-fuscis ipsoque margine albo, 3-4-floree, cum rudimento minuto scarioso longius pedicellato quarti v. quinti; rachi articu- latim solubili, per lentem scabriuscula. Glume subeequi- valves, carinatz, acuta, fusco-purpuree, glaberrime, carina extra medium obsoletissime denticulata; cnferiore angustiore, nervis lateralibus obsoletioribus, altero obsoletissimo ; supe- MONOCOTYLEDONES. 225 riore vix longiore, nervis lateralibus manifestioribus. Perianthii valvula inferior oblonga, subearinata, ipsa basi v. potius ex apice articuli rachcos Jana longa contortuplicata flosculos subnectenti, carina & basi ad duas tertias partes longitudinis sericea, villis brevibus, supra obsoletissime denticulata, lateralibus & basi ad eandem circiter altitudinem ac portio sericea carinee pubescentibus, linea intramarginali sericea: valvula superior inferiore paulo brevior, dinervis, nervis viridibus, pectinato-ciliatis pilis brevibus, lateribus induplicatis axin fere attingentibus. Zodicule 2, cunei- formes, semibifidee dentibus acutis, hyalinee, imberbes, ovario breviores. Sfamina 3, antheris stramineis. Ovarium oblongum, imberbe. Svy/i 2, brevissimi. Stigmata hyalina, laxe plumosa ramis denticulatis. Obs. Exemplaria nomnulla statura majore, locustis acuti- oribus, glumis acuminatis perianthia inferiora subzequanti- bus, foliis latioribus. Poa laxa, Willden. sp. pl. 1, p. 386, quam ex eodem monte Silesia ubi a b. Haenke detecta fuit habeo a D. Trevirano communicatam, differt statura minore, panicula coarctata, rachi ramisque panicule et glumis infra medium viridibus, perianthiis acutioribus lana baseos parciore; locuste rachi levi. Poa flexuosa, Host gram. austr. 4, p.15, t. 26, quee similis videtur P. arcticee panicula effusa et locustz colore figura et. pubescentia, differt panicula rachi ramisque viridibus magis divisis scabris, glumarum carinis longitudinaliter denticu- Jatis. 60. Festuca BREVIFOLIA,racemo subsimplici erecto, tectsxxix flosculis teretibus supra scabriusculis arista duplo longiori- bus, foliis setaceis vaginisque levibus: culmeo supremo multoties breviore vagina sua laxiuscula. Obés. Facies et statura fere F. ovine inter quam et F’. Halleri media ; priori forsan nimis affinis. 61. Festuca VIVIPARA. rae Oés. Nullam observationem habeo de exemplari unico Festucee cujusdam vivipare olim viso in herbario D. Sabine, ulterius examinando. 15 2 we (o>) CHLORIS MELVILIAANA. PLEUROPOGON. Cuar. Gun. Locuste multiflore, cylindracee. Gluma abbreviata, ineequivalvis, mutica. Pertanthii valvula in- Jerior mutica, obtusa, concava, nervosa, apice scarioso : superior nervo utroque lateraliter biseto! Lodicule distinctee. Styli 2. Stigmata plumosa. Caryopsis libera, lateribus compressis. Gramen elegans. Folia plana, angusta, vagina integra, ipso apice tantum fisso. Racemus simplex, locustis cernuis, purpureis, nitentibus. Gluma valvula inferiore acuta, superiore latiore obtusa. Perianthia distincta, valvula in- fervore 5-T-nervi, superiore lanceolata emarginata, pari supertore setarum brevissimo. Obs. Genus Glycerize proximum, quacum locustis tereti- bus, perianthiis obtusissimis et vaginis foliorum integris convenit ; differt praesertim setis lateralibus nervorum val- vule superioris perianthii, lodiculis distinctis, stigmatibus haud deconipositis, caryopside lateraliter compressa et in- florescentia. Character fere essentialis im nervis valvule superioris perianthii latere setigeris; analoga structura enim vix, quantum scio, in ullo alio gramme obtinet nisi m Uniola latifolia Wich. am., ubi equidem nullis aliis differentiis comi- tata pro charactere specifico tantum habenda. 62. PLEUROPOGON SABINII. Desc. Gramen 3-unciale usque spithameum, glabrum. Culmé erecti, foliati, striati, leaves, simplices. Foléa radicalia angustiora, Jongiora; culmea linearia, plana, brevia, leevia : vagine paulo compressa, striate, glabra, leves, fere ad apicem integra, ipso apice fisso, marginibus scariosis, su- prema folio proprio longior: /igula brevissima, rotundata, emarginata. Spica racemosa, simplicissima, rachi striato- angulata, levi, viridi, pedunculis lateralibus glumam vix MONOCOTYLEDONES. 227 superantibus, recurvis, levibus, indivisis, alternis, distanti- bus. Locuste subcylindracez, cernuze v. pendule, semun- ciales, purpureee, nitidee, per lentem tenuissime pubescentes. Gluna bivalvis, nana, ineequalis, membranacea, purpurea, mutica; valvula inferiore ovata, acuta; superiore obovata, feexe obtusissima, inferiore duplo latiore, paulo longiore. Peri- anthia alterna, distincta. Valvula inferior obovato-oblonga, obtusissima, concava, quinquenervis, extus pube brevissima appressa conspersa, apice marginibusque ab apice ad medium albis, scariosis, nervis omnibus infra apicem desinentibus, medio in mucronulum brevissimum, marginem valvule vix attingentem producto. .Valvula superior longitudine fere inferioris, manifeste angustior, elliptico-lanceolata, apice profunde emarginato, lateribus induplicatis, dinervis, nervis brevissime ciliatis, singulis bisetis, se¢¢és lateralibus, per paria oppositis, due inferiores infra medium valvulz orte, subn- lato-filiformes, stricte, modice patentes, denticulatee, longi- tudine circiter dimidi totins valvule ; duce supertores paulo supra medium valvule ortum ducentes, brevissimee, denti- culate, mucroniformes, altera quandoque obsoleta. Lodi- cule 2, collaterales, approximate, brevissime, truncate, basi leviter coherentes, sed absque lesione separande. Stamina 38, filamentis capillaribus, antheris limearibus utrinque semibifidis. Ovarium ovatum, imberbe. Styl 2, glabri. Stigmata \axe plumosa, hyalina, ramis denticulatis, superioribus vix brevioribus. Caryopsis libera, lateraliter com- pressa, ventre angusto-lineari, leviter canaliculato, axi longi- tudinaliter saturatiore. Hmdryo caryopside triplo brevior. Obs. Duplex varietas. _— a, elatior, subspithamea, antheris stramineis. Tab. D, f. 1—7. B, 3-4-uncialis, antheris purpureis. Tab. D, f. 8—10. The specific name is given in honour of Captain Edward Sabine, in whose herbarium, the most extensive formed in the voyage, numerous specimens were found of both varieties of this remarkable grass. 228° CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. EXPLICATIO Tasuta D. Prievropocon Sasini. 1. Varietatis a, planta magnitu- dine naturali. 2. ejusd. locusta cum pedunculo et portione racheos magis aucta. 3. perianthium clausum articulo racheos insidens, auctius. 4. id. expansum, pariter auctum. 5. valvula superior perianthi facie visa ad id. augment. 6, pollen. 7. flosculus perianthio orbatus exhibens stamina pistillum et lodiculas auct. uti 4 et 5. 8. Var. 6B, planta mag. natur. 9. ejusd. locusta cum pedunculo ad augm. id. ac. 2. 10. perianthium expansum genitalia et lodicularum alteram exhibens ad augm. n. 4. DUPONTIA. Cas. Gren. Gluma subzequivalvis, scariosa, concava, mutica, locustam 2-3-floram subeequans. Pertanthia mutica, scariosa, (basi barbata,) altero pedicellato; valvulis integris, inferiore concava. Lodicule 2. Ovariumimberbe. Stigmata subsessilia. Caryopsis - - Gramen glabrum, erectum. Folia linearia, plana, vaginis semifissis, bast integra. Panicula simplex, coarctata, fusco et purpurascenti varia, pedicellis cum locustis continuis, perian- thiis separatim solubilibus. exci] Obs. Ad Deschampsiam proxime accedit hocce genus ; distinguitur perianthiis muticis, valvulis integris nec den- tatis. Cum Catabrosa, facie diversissima, convenit pluribus notis, differt glumis locustam subeequantibus, perianthiis basi brevé barbatis. A Poa diversum Jocustis haud com- pressis, glumis perianthiisque concavis nec carinatis. Ad confirmandum genus caryopsis desideratur. This genus is named in honour of Monsieur Dupont, of Paris, author of a valuable essay on the Sheath of the leaves of Grasses, and of observations on the genus Atriplex. 1 See Nole al p. 187. MONOCOTYLEDONES. 229 63. Duroniia Fisuert. Dusc. Gramen 6-10-unciale, erectum. Cudmi simplices, foliati, leeves, glaberrimi. Folia radicalia et inferiora culmi canaliculata, angusto-linearia, acuta, levia, 2-3-uncialia, vaginis strictis, scariosis, vix ad medium fissis ; culmea 1-2 superiora breviora, plana, leevia, vaginis propriis laxiusculis foliaceis ultra medium fissis longiora: /igu/a mediocris, obtusa, subtruncata, imberbis. Paxnicula coarctata, spici- formis, basi quandoque interrupta, purpureo-fusca, mitens, sesquiuncialis—biuncialis, ramis subgeminatis, paucifloris, pedicellisque leevibus cum locusta continuis. Locuste ovate, bifloree, cum rudimento clavato setuliformi tertii flosculi, nunc trifloree Hore tertio completo, nunc bifloree absque tertii rudimento. Gluma bivalvis, subzequalis, mu- tica, glaberrima, purpurascens, subnitens, margine pallido scarioso, longitudine locustee. Valvule concave nec cari- nate, oblongo-lanceolatz, ‘nferior paulo angustior, acuminata v. acutissima, uninervis ; swperior semi-trinervis,medio paulo infra apicem lateralibus longe intra marginem evanescenti- bus. Perianthia subconformia; inferius intra glumam subsessile, a pedicello brevissimo separabile ; swperzus cum apice paulo dilatato pedicelli brevis articulatum, facile solubile; utriusque valvula inferior ovata mutica obtusa, vix unquam acuta, integra, concava, ipsa basi pilis brevibus strictis albis barbata, et a basi fere ad medium pilis bre- vioribus strictis subadpressis subsericea, trinervis, nervis Jateralibus intra marginem evanescentibus, medio paulo infra apicem desinente: sperior longitudine inferioris, manifeste angustior, lineari-oblonga, glaberrima, dinervis, nervis brevibus, intersticio lineari concaviusculo. Lodicule due, distinctze, collaterales, mnembranacee, hyaline, subovatee, v. cuneate, apice eroso-dentato, ovario longiores. Stamina 3, filamentis distinctis, capillaribus, antheris fusco-purpureis, linearibus utrinque bifidis. Ovarium ovale, glabrum. Stigmata 2, subsessilia, hyalina, dense plumosa, ramis apicem versus brevioribus. Obs. The specific name is that of Mr. Fisher, whose herbarium contained the most complete series of specimens of this grass. 230 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. 64. DescHAMpsiA BREVIFOLIA, panicula coarctata lan- ceolata: pedicellis leevibus, locustis 2-3-floris, arista stricta valvulam subzequante, foliis involutis : caulinis abbreviatis. Disc. Gramen 3-5-unciale, glabrum. Cudmi simplices, erecti, foliati. Folia inferiora involuto-subulata, stricta, uncialia—sesquiuncialia ; vaginis strictis, folio brevioribus, ipsa basi integra: ligula oblonga, lacinulata; swpremum brevissimum, vagina elongata, laxiuscula, ligula breviore. Panicula coarctata, lanceolata v. oblonga, fusco-purpuras- cens, scariosa, ramis semiverticillatis. Locwste biflore, raro trifloree, semper cum rudimento pedicelliformi flos- exci] culi alterius. Gluma subsequivalvis, mutica, acuta, valvulis lanceolatis, concavis, acutissimis, scariosis, disco purpurascenti, limbo pallido, uninerviis, locusta paulo bre- vioribus. Perianthia subuniformia, scarioso-membranacea, separatim solubilia, inferius sessile; valvula inferior ipsa basi barbata, pilis brevibus, strictis, ‘albis, ceterum glabra, concava, subquing uenervis, hervis omniaus leevibus, laterali- bus obsoletis, apice eroso-multidentato, dorso szepius infra medium aristata, arista setacea, recta, denticulata, valvulam ipsam vix vel paulo superanti: swpertor longitudine inferi- oris, angustior, dinervis, apice bidentato, quandoque semi- bifido. Lodicule 2, collaterales, hyalinee, imberbes, acutee, ovario longiores. Stamina 3, autheris purpureis, utrinque bifidis. Ovarium glabrum. Stigmata 2, sessilia, hyalina, dense et breve plumosa. osculus superior pedicello bar- bato quocum articulatus insidens, paulo minor, arista valvulee inferioris medio vel supra medium dorsi inserta. Rudi- mentum flosculi terti setu/a est extus longitudinaliter bar- bata, clavula scariosa minutissima terminata. B. Perianthia mutica. Hujus quatuor exemplaria tantum visa a varietati a. facie paulo diversa folio supremo longiori. TRISETUM. Triseti species Palis. agrost. p. 88, charactere reformato. Onar. Gen. Locuste 2-5-flore, ancipites. @lima carinata, MONOCOTYLEDONES. 231 membranacea, subsequivalvis. Perianthii valvula inferior carinata apice bidentata v. biseta, dorso (supra medium) aristata. Caryopsis libera, exsulca, lateraliter compressa. Gramina cespitosa ; vaginis longitudinaliter fissis. Pani- cula sepe coarctata, aristis arcuato-patulis. Oés. A Deschampsia differt locustis ancipitibus, glumis carinatis, perianthi valvula inferiore carinata apice attenuato bidentato v. biseto, caryopside lateraliter compressa. Ab Avenis plerisque glumis perianthiisque carinatis ; ab omnibus caryopside exsulca et lateribus compressis. 65. Trisrrum susspicarum, Palis. agrost. p. 88. 'Trisetum airvides, 2oem. et Sch. syst. 2, p. 666, exclus. syn. Wulfen et Host. Zichardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 731. Aira spicata, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 95, fl. lapp. n. AT. Flor. Dan. t. 223, wala. Gunn. norv. n. 422. Wahlend. lapp. p. 33. Aira subspicata, Zinn. syst. nat.ed. 12, v. 2, p. 91. Willden. sp. pl.1,p. 377. Pers. syn. 1,p 77. Zoey. pl. island. in Olafs. reise 2, p. 284. Giesecke greenl. in Brewster's Edin. encyclop. HIEROCHLOE. Hierochloe Gmel. sib. 1, p. 100. Br. prodr. flor. nov. holl. p. 208. Trin. agrost. p. 130. Hierochloa et Voresia, Palis. agrost. p. 62 et 63. Cuar. Gen. Gluma subeequivalvis, locustam trifloram teexcii equans. Perianthia bivalvia, /aferalia mascula, triandra ; terminale hermaphroditum, diandrum. Oés. Relationem veram Anthoxanthi ad Hierochloem, in prodr. flor. nov. holl. p. 209, primum indicatam, optime confirmat planta Javanica intermedi structure a D. Hors- field detecta; in hac enim perianthium /ateralium inferius masculum bivalve, swperius univalve, neutrum: terminate hermaphroditum. Hujus novi generis (Ataxia) habitus potius est Anthoxanthi, quocum etiam gluma ineequivalvi quadrat. Cum Hierochloe characteribus nounullis convenit Arthro- 2382 CHLORIS MELVILUIANA. chloa x0b. (Holcus Palis. Trinii, et Wahlenb. non Linnar gen. et sp. pl. ed. prima, nec Schreberi nec Gertnert ;) que tamen facile distinguitur ab hoc genere uti et ab Aira et Arrhenathero, gluma cum apice pedicelli articulata et una cum locusta decidua. 66. Hizrocuion aupina, Roem. et Sch. syst. 2, p. 515. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 194. (Ante, p. 178.) Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 731. Holcus alpinus, Swartz in Schrad. neue journ. 2, st. 2, p. 45, t. 38, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 31, t. 2. Svensk bot. 438. Flor. Dan. 1508. Giesecke greenl. in Brewster's Edin. encyclop. 67. HizRocHLOE PAUCIFLORA, racemo simplici, flosculo masculo superiore brevissime setigero, foliis culmi brevissi- mis ; radicalibus involutis. Desc. Gramen 3-5-unciale. Radix repens. Culmi erecti, infra foliati supra nudi, striati. olia radicalia subulata, marginibus involutis, culmo aliquoties breviora; culmea abbreviata laté subulata, marginibus inflexis, vaginis suis laxiusculis multoties breviora. Racemus erectus, simplex vel subsimplex, pauciflorus, pedicellis levibus. Locuste ovate, acute, triflore. Glume bivalves, scariose, ovate, concave, acutiuscule, glaberrime, locustam subzequantes, valvula inferiore manifeste minore. Josculi laterales masculi, triandri, bivalves, chartacei, valvula inferior ovata, concava, marginibus infra medium nudiusculis supra omnino nudis, flosculi superioris mox sub apice emarginato setigera, seta brevissima stricta valvulam vix superante; flosculi in- ferioris mutica v. per-obselete setigera; utriusque valvula superior angustior, linearis, dmervis, semibifida. Floscu/us terminalis hermaphroditus, diander, muticus: valvula in- ferior concava, quinquenervis, extra medium dorso lateri- busque pilosiusculis, chartacea, fusca, apice scarioso; swperior linearis, hyalina, glabra, acuta, indivisa, uninervis. Lodicule 2, collaterales, lanceolate, acuminate, hyaline, ovario longiores. Ovarium glabrum. Styli 2. Stigmata alba, dense plumosa. a ACOTYLEDONIES. 233 ACOTYLEDONES. [eexeiv MUSCTI. 68. PoLnyrricnum pRopinauum, caule simplici elongato, foliis margine serrulatis dorso levibus. Obs. Species, absque fructificatione haud determinanda, a Polytricho communi satis diversa videtur. 69. PoLytRICHUM HYPERBOREUM, caule ramoso, foliis pihferis marginibus induplicatis discum (totum lamelliferum ) operientibus, capsula tetragona apophysata. Desc. Caules seepius ramosi ramis fastigiatis, nunc simpliciores innovatione una alterave divisi. Folia é dilatata semivaginanti basi subulata, madore patula, siccitate ap- pressa, disco toto lamellifero ; marginibus latis, induplicatis, integerrimis, membranaceis, @ basi dilatata usque ad apicem altero alterum equitante ; i/ws apicis hyalinus folio aliquoties (2-3-plo) brevior, per lentum denticulatus, strictus. Aasculi flores disciformes, in distincto individuo seepe minore. Seta nitens caulibus procerioribus (biuncialibus) subsimplicibus brevior, fastigiato-ramosos superans v. sequans. Capsula erecta v. inclinans tetragona, angulis in aciem attenuatis ; apophysis angulata angustior. Operculum hemispheericum cum mucronulo brevi. Pertstomium dentibus 64. Hpi- phragma demum separabile. Calyptra exterior & villis dense implexis. Obs. Duplex varietas. a, caulibus fastigiato-ramosis setam vix eequantibus. B, caulibus innovando subramosis seta longioribus. Hee P. pilifero proxima ab eodem differt caulibus elon- gatis innovando ramosis, pilis folio aliquoties brevioribus. 70. PoLytrRicHUM BREVIFOLIUM, caule ramoso, foliis serrulatis muticis madore erectis siccitate appressis, capsula inclinata obovata exapophysata. * 234 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. Dusc. Jfuscus sesquiuncialis. Caules divisi, ramis fas- tigiatis. Folia @ basi dilatata semimembranacea subulata, extra medium serrulata, acuta, mutica, disco toto lamelli- fero, dorso levi. Seta levis, pallida. Capsula levis, cernua, ineequilatera. Operculum conico-hemispheericum, rostro subulato recurvo diametrum baseos vix equante. Peristomii dentes 40, ezquidistantes, intersticiis angustiores. Epiphragma crassiusculum, Caluptra eeterior & villis arcte iuplexis. Ods. Muscus, cujus tria tantum exemplaria a nobis visa in herbario D. Ross, nimis forsan affinis P. alpino Z. eexey] 7]. POLYTRICHUM SEPTENTRIONALE, So. in act. holin. 1795, p. 270. Muse. suec. p. 107, 4.9, 7.18. Afenzies wn Linn. soc. transact. 4, p. 82,0. 7, f. 5. Oés. In herbario D. Fisher absque fructificatione visum, ideoque dubimn. 72. Potyyricnum Lavicarum, Wahlend. lapp. p. 349, t. 22. Hooker muse. exot. t. 81. Catharinea laevigata, Brided mant. p. 202. Catharinea glabrata, Hooker isl. 2, p. 340, et 1, p. 24. Obs. Peristomii dentes sepius quantum determinare potui 16, quandoque 32, lmeares, acutiusculi, hyalini, per lentem longitudinaliter striati, striis seepius paulo flexuosis, in hemispheerium conniventes ; dum 16 approximati intersticiis angustissimis, parum inequales, latioribus nunc bidentatis ; dum 32 equales, intersticiis manifestis. Lpiphragna hyalinum, diametro iongitudinem dentis vix equante. Membrana interior capsule exteriori approximata, intus levis absque processubus plicisve. Colwmella libera, angulata, longitudine fero capsule. Capsula per lentem modice augentem manifeste areolata. 73. Hypnum nivens, Hedw. sp. muse. p. 255. Smith érif. 3, p. 13816. Hngl. bot. 1646. Afuse. brit. p. 100. Waklenb. lapp. p. 381. 74. Hypnum corptroiium, Hedw. stirp. crypt. 4, p. 97; & ACOTYLEDONES. 235 #37. Sp. muse. p. 254. Smith brit. 3, Pp. 1318. Engl. bot. 1447. Muse. brit. p. 107. 75. Hypnum apuncum, Lina. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 1592. Smith brit. 3, p. 1327. Hedw. stirp. crypt. 4, p. 62, £. 24. Sp. muse. p. 295. 76. Lesk1a ruruscens, Schwaegr. suppl. 1, sect. post. p. 178, ¢. 86. Hypnun rufescens, Dicks. erypt. fase. 8, p. 9, t. 8, JA. Smith brit. 3, p. 1316. Fingl. bot. 2296. Muse. brit. p. 99. 77. Myium tureipum, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 351, ¢. 238. Schwaegr. suppl. 1, sect. post. p. 123, t.77. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p.194. (Ante, p. 178.) Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 756. 78. TimmMia MrGAPoLItaNA, Hedw. stirp. crypt. 1, p. 83, 31. Sp. muse. p. 176. Sechwaegr. suppl. 1, sect. post. Dp. 84. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. 756. Timmia cucullata, ALichaue am. 2, p. 304, 79. Bryum rosrratum, Schrad. spicil. p.72. Smith brit. 3, p. 1869. Hngl. bot. 1745. Muse. brit. p. 126, t. 30. Mnium rostratum, Schwaegr. suppl. 1, sect. post. p.136, ¢. 79. Obs. Muscus hicce, necnon sex proxime preecedentes absque fructificatione tantum visi. 80. BryuM CALOPHYLLUM, foliis ovatis obtusis con- [cexevi cavis : marginibus simplicibus integerrimis, capsulis obovatis pendulis. Desc. Cespites densi. Cau/es innovationibus continuis divisi, 2-5 unciales, vetusti tomento radicali copioso et foliis emarcidis tecti. Rami annotini fastigiati, basi tantum tomento radicali parciore instructi, supra glabri. Foha uniformia, sparsa, approximata, ovata v. subovalia, modice concava, obtusa, mutica, marginibus simplicibus nec re- curvis nec incrassatis, areolis subrctundis, uniformibus, 236 CHLORIS MELVILLJANA. nervo valido, apicem folii attingenti absque mucronulo ex- currenti, sepius purpurea, quandoque viridia, madore patenti-erecta, siccitate appressa et paulo undulata. Seta terminalis, ramos annotinos superans, castanea, laevis, apice arcuato-recurvo. Capsula obovata, basi acutiuscula, vix attenuata, levis. Operculum concolor, hemisphericum, papilla minuta. Peristomium duplex, exterius dentibus 16, rufescentibus acumine pallidiore, tranversim striatis ; 2- fertus album, é membrana lata leviter carinata, terminata ciliis 16, imperforatis, cum dentibus exterioris alternantibus, intersticlis subdenticulatis. Oés. Peristomil structura Pohlize accedit. 81. Pouura BrrorpEs, foliis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis margine recurvis, capsulis pyriformi-oblongis, operculo conico, floribus masculis capitato-discoideis. Desc. Cespites densi. Caules innovatione continuo ramosi, infra tomento radicali castaneo-rufo reliquiisque foliorum tecti. Folia lete viridia, ovato-lanceolata, acumi- nata, nervo valido, in acumen excurrenti, marginibus inte- gerrimis angustissime recurvis, areolis parvis oblongo-trape- goideis. Jdasculi Flores monoici, ramos annotinos termi- nantes, gemmaceo discoidei,foliis perigonialibus exterioribus erectis, intimis nanis. Anthere numerose, cylindraces, brevissime pedicellate. Paraphyses filiformes, articulate. Feminei Flores terminales ; vaginula capsule mature pistillis abortivis numerosis paraphysibusque fere ad apicem trun- catum stipata. Sea mediocris, levis, fusca, apice arcuato. Capsula pendula, fusca, levis, oblongo-pyriformis, basi at- tenuata in apophysim obconicam ipsa theca breviorem. Operculum hemispheerico-conicum, capsula quandoque paulo saturatius. Annulus latiusculus, striatus. Peristomium duplex: eafer7us dentibus 16, acuminatis, integerrimis, transversim striatis, fusco-rufescentibus, acumine pallido ; iaterioris membrana vix carinata, ciliis 16 cum dentibus exterioris alternantibus, absque intermediis minoribus, cum exteriore diu coherens sed demum liberum. 82. Pouiia arovica, folis (viridibus) ovato-lanceolatis ACOTYLEDONES. 237 acunmnatis : marginibus integerrimis recurvis, eapsulis pyriformi-oblongis, operculo hemispheerico; floribus herma- phroditis. Obs. Muscus per singula fere puncta preecedenti similli- mus, preeter flores hermaphroditos et operculum hemisphe- ricum ; ambo forsan ad unani eandemque speciem polyga- mam pertinentes. FV/ores gemmacei, terminales, foliis perichetialibus interioribus nanis. 4zthere numerose, cum pistillis vix paucioribus intermiste, et cum horum abortientibus paraphysibusque filiformibus vaginula capsule mature: fere ad ejusdem apicem insidentes. Pertsfomdien interius structura preecedentis pariterque cum exteriori (eexerii diu coherens, demum vero liberum et in omni statu separabile. Huic et preecedenti valde affinis videtur Ptychostomum compactum Hornschuch, et Schwaegr. suppl. 2, sect. 1, p. 56, 4 115, cui peristomium interius cum exteriore arctius coheret. [Hujus generis? alteram speciem arcticam habeo, Plychostomum pulchellum, capsula spheerico- obovata, operculo hemispheerico mutico, dentibus peristomii exterloris apice liberis basi mediante membrana (peristomio interiore) coheerentibus, foliis ovato-lanceolatis acuminatis integerrimis. 83. PonLIA purPuRAscENS, foliis (purpurascentibus) ovato-lanceolatis acutissimis: marginibus integerrimis re- curvis, capsulis pyriformi-oblongis, operculo hemispheerico obtuso, floribus hermaphroditis. Obs. Preecedentis forsan varietas, vix distinguenda nisi notis supra datis. Propter peristomii interni structuram hanc cum duabus preecedentibus ad Pohliam retuli, facies tamen potius Bryi est, et omnes B. cespiticio quam maxime affines. 84. TRichostomMuM LANUGINosUM, Hedw. stirp. crypt. 3, p. 8, t. 2. Sp. muse. p.109. Schwaegr. suppl. 1, sect. 1, p. 149. Stith brit.3, p.1240. Engl. bot. 1348. Lurner musc. hibern. p. 38. Muse. brit. p. 60, t. 19. Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 184. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 329. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 755. 238 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. Racomitrium lanuginosum, Brid. mant. p. 79. Ods. Specimina pauca et absque fructificatione. 85. Dipymopon capinnacreum, Schrad. spicil. p. 64. Sw. in act. holm. 1795, p. 237. Muse. suec. p. 28. Roth. germ. 3, p. 199. Web. et Mohr. tasch. p. 155. Schkuhr deut. moos. p. 66, t. 29. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 314. Carpat. p. 336. Voit muse. herbip. p.34. Muse. brit. p. 67, t. 20. Brid. mant. p. 100. Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 186. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 755. Swartzia capillacea, Hedw. stirp. crypt. 2, p. 72, t. 26. Conpanaanim capillaceum, Hedw. sp. muse. p.57. Schu- mach. selland. 2, p. 40. Cynodontium capillaceum, Schiaegr. suppl. 1, sect. 1, p. 114. Trichostomum capillaceum, Smith brit. 3, p. 1236. Engl. bot. 1152. Zurner muse. hibern. p. 39. Bryum capillaceum, Dicks. erypt. fase. 1, p. 4, 4.1, f. 6. Bryum tenuifolium, Villars dauph. 4, p. 868. Bryum n. 1806. Hall. hist. 3, p. 44, ¢. 45, p. 1. Obs. Duas varietates a Melville Island habeo, quarum. a. Statura et foliis laxiusculis cum D. capillaceo europzeo convenit, paululum differt capsulis ovalibus nec oblongis. B. Statura humiliore, folis strictioribus et brevioribus ; media quasi inter D. capillaceum vulgare et D. subulatum Schkuhr deut. moos. p. 65, #. 28, quod ad eandem speciem pertinere videtur. ecxeviit] In utraque varietate atque in D. capillaceo Richard- son, /. c. flores monoicos, masculis gemmiformibus alaribus prope apicem ejusdem rami cum femineo gemmiformi, necnon annulum manifestum, in D. capillaceo, jamjam a Voitio 1. c. notatum, et dentes peristomii 16 bipartitos cruribus transversim connexis observayi. 86. BarBuLa LeucostomA, caule subsimplici, foliis ovato- lanceolatis mucronulatis integerrimis, capsula cylindracea erecta, opercnlo conico, peristomii dentibus obliquis apice tortis. ACOTYLEDONES, 239 Dusc. Muscus caespitosus, semuncialis. Caules breves, dense foliati, seepius indivisi, quandoque parum ramosi. Folia wmucrone brevissimo, minute areolata, marginibus anguste revolutis, nervo valido, siccitate adpressa et parum torta. Sefa caule longior, levis, fusca. Capsula levis, eequi- latera. Operculum conicum, acutum, paulo inclinans, capsula dimidio brevius, tenuissimé spiraliter striatum. Peristomium album, dentibus 32, filiformibus, per paria approximatis, dimidioque infericre trabeculis connexis, supra distinctis, apicibus parum tortis. Calyptra levis. Obs. Inter Barbulam et Didymodon media. 87. Synrricnia RoRraLis, Wed. ef Mohr tasch. p. 215. Voit mus. herbip. p.52. Brid. mant. p. 98. Tortula ruralis, Smith brit. 3, p. 1254. Engl. bot. 2070. Turner muse. hibern. p. 50. Sw. muse. suec. p. 89. Schwaegr. suppl. 1, sect. 1, p. 137. Wahlenb. carpat. p. 338. Muse. brit. p. 31, t. 12. Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 127. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 755. Barbula ruralis, Hedw. sp. muse. p. 121. Wahlendb. lapp. 318. Obs. Specimina duo tantum et sine fructificatione. 88. SYNTRICHIA MUCRONIFOLIA, caule ramoso, foliis ovato-oblongis siccitate adpressis : pilo mtegerrimo latitudine folii breviore, capsula cylindracea inzequilatera erecta duplo longiore ; operculo subulato-conico. Tortula mucronifolia, Schwaegr. suppl. 1, sect. 1, p. 136, t. 35? Wahlenb. lapp. p. 317? Desc. Afuscus v. ceespitosus v. aliis intermistus. Caules erecti, breves, semper ramosi, ramis fastigiatis, dense foliati. Folia concava, marginibus integerrimis, infra medium leviter recurvis, minute areolatis, areolis baseos paulo laxiori- bus, nervo valido in pilum integerrimum excurrente, ma- dore erecto-patentibus, siccitate imbricatis adpressis nec contortis, pilo parum flexo. Seta capsula haud duplo longior, concolor, siccitate tortilis. Capsuda saturate castanea, levis. Operculum badium, per lentem pluries augentem spiraliter striatum, dimidinm capsule vix equans. 2140 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. Peristomii membrana alba, pulchre reticulata, longior ciltis contortis. Calyptra novella tantum visa, levis. Obs. Syntrichia subgenus tantum esse videtur Barbulse (s. Tortulz), cujus dentes €@ membrana angusta ortum ducunt ; et in speciebus omnibus utriusque quas investigavi operculum spiraliter striatum est. exes] De synonymis supra citatis 8. mucronifolie haud omnino certus sum, figura tamen Schwaegrichenii bene re- spondet, et descripto Wahlenbergii in omnibus convenit nisi longitudine cuspidis foliorum inferiorum. 89. Encatypra ciutata, Hedw. sp. muse. p. 61? Schwaegr. suppl. 1, sect.1, p. 59? Smith brit. 3, p. 1181? Engl. bot. 1418? = Wahlend. lapp. 311? Muse. brit. a, p. 35, 4.13? Leersia ciliata, Hedw. stirp. crypt. 1, p. 49, ¢. 19? Obs. Exemplaria nonnulla Encalypte speciei in herb. D. Sabine olim visa ad hance, ni fallor, pertinent; posthac de- terminanda. 90. GyYMNosToMUM OBTUSIFOLIUM, follis oblongo-ovatis obtusis integerrimis, capsula oblonga duplo longiore operculo conico columellz adnato. Desc. Caules ramosi, dense foliati. Fo/ia concava, infra laxiusculé supra medium minute reticulata, marginibus planis, nervo vix apicem attingenti, madore erecto-patula, siccitate appressa et parum flexa. Seta fusca, levis, caule longior. Capsula erecta, levis, fusca, reticulata. Oper- culum brevé conicum, cum columella cylindracea diu coherens. APLODON. Car. Gen. Peristomium simplex: dentibus 16, equi- distantibus, indivisis, reflexiibus. Capsula apophysata, erecta. Calyptra levis. Flores terminales: masculi dis- coideo-capituliformes. Obs. Subgenus Splachni, a quo differt solummodo den- ACOTYLEDONES. 241 tibus 16 equidistantibus, et forsan columella capsule mature inclusa. Sed quoniam axis pellucidus dentis cujusvis compositionem ejusdem indicat,ad Systylium (quod Splachni alterum subgenus), dentibus 16, equidistantibus, bipartitis, plane accedit ; in hoc enim coherentia operculi cum colu- mella, ex analogia cum Gymnostomis quibusdam, pro charactere specifici tantum valoris habenda sit ; et ad eandem structuram approximatio indicata est in Splachno tenue et longicollo, in quibus columella tota apice subulato persistit, quamvis ab operculo cito soluta est. Transitus ab Aplo- donte ad Splachnum facilis est per S. longicollum (Dicks. crypt. fase. 4, p. 4, t. 10, 7 9, Americ occidentali nec Scotiz indigenum), cui dentes vix manifeste per paria approximati, qua nota differt aS. tenue valde affine sed dentibus geminatis reflexilibus instructo. Ad Aplodontem proxime accedit Weissia Splachnoides Schwaegr. (CyRTODON nob., alterum subgenus Splachni quasi constituens), diversa preesertim dentibus erectis apicibus incurvis, ideoque S. Freelichiano dentibus erectis sed geminatis affinis. 91. ApLopon WormsKIOLDI. Splachnum Wormskioldii, Hornem. in Flor. Dan. 1659. Schwaegr. suppl. 2, sect. 1, p. 27, t. 108. a; Folia acuminata. fece Desc. Muscus lete virens, dense ceespitosus. Caules 1-3-unciales, innovationibus repetitis ramosi, infra tomento radicali castaneo foliisque emarcidis tecti; ramis annotinis herbaceis, viridibus, foliatis. Folia alterna, descendendo remotiora, lzete viridia, ovato-lanceolata, acuminata, integer- rima, laxé reticulata, nervo tenui, ad ortum acuminis con- coloris, diametrum transversum folii vix zequantis, desinent1. Masculus Flos discoideo-capituliformis, ramum paucifolium ejusdem cum femineo vel distincti caulis terminans ; folds perigonialibus caulinis subconformibus, infra conniventibus coloratis, apicibus patulis viridibus. Anthere numerose, brevissimé pedicellata,, cylindracee. Paraphyses plures, lutescentes, articulis sursum crassioribus brevioribusque, ultimo obtuso. Pés#il/a nulla. Femineus Flos terminalis, masculo angustior, foliis perichetialibus rameis conformibus 16 242 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. et concoloribus. Pistilla 3-5 ; paraphysibus paucissimis ; antheris nullis. Seta ramum fructiferum subeequans, her- bacea, seepissime viridis, etiam post lapsum operculi, quan- doque demum pallide fusca. Vaginula laxiuscula, dilute fusca, ore nigro-castaneo, quandoque inzequali, basi pistillis abortientibus stipata. Calyptra glabra, levis, subcam- panulata, sed altero latere fere ad apicem usque fissa, capsula adulta brevior. Apophysis obovata, basi vix attenuata, capsulam crassitie subeequans, nunc paulo amplior, concolor, demum pallida et alte corrugata. Capsula erecta, cylin- draceo-obovata, levis, castanea, stomate haud coarctato et quandoque dentibus deciduis nudo, deoperculata apophysi brevior. Peristomium simplex, dentibus 16, equidistan- tibus, lato-subulatis, indivisis, axi longitudinali semipel- lucido, transversim striatis, siccitate arcte reflexis, madore conniventibus, semisiccatis patulis. Colwmed/a capsula ma- tura brevior, apice simplici. Operculum depresso-hemispheeri- cun, obtusissimum, altero latere stomati clei adherens. B. Folia acutiuscula. Obs. Ab a differt, praeter folia absque acumine et quan- doque obtusiuscula, caulibus brevioribus vix uncialibus, stomate patentiore. Planta groenlandica inter has duas varietates quasi media, cum a. foliis acuminatis conveniens ; ad #. habitu propius accedens. SPLACHNUM. Linn. Hedw. Cuar. Gun. Peristomium simplex : dentibus (reflexilibus) v. 8, geminatis (coalitione nune indivisis) : v. 4, quaternatis. Capsula erecta, apophysata. Calyptra glabra, levis. Flores terminales : masculi (cum v. absque pistillis sterilibus), dis- coideo-capituliformes. Obs. In S. octoblepharo Insule Diemeni et magellanico peristomium octodentatum, sed dentium striz longitudinales ACOTYLEDONES. 243 semipellucide eorundem compositionem indicant. In ¥. angustato, arctico et propinquo peristomii dentes quaternatim approximati et basi coadunati. Dum &. Frelichianum, Cecei et forsan Wulfenianum, capsula inclinata et dentibus erectis a Splachnis genuinis distinguitur et subgenus efformat. 92. SPLACHNUM vascuLosuM, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 1572, exclus. syn. Buxb. Hedw. stirp. crypt. 2, p. 44, t. 15, optime, Sp. muse. p. 53. Schkuhr deut. moos. p. Al, t. 17, icone a supra citata Hedwigii mutuata. Schwaegr. suppl. 1, sect. 1, p. 51. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 308. Muse. brit. p. 21, t. 31, bene. Hooker scot. par. 1, p. 125. Dusc. Caules innovando subramosi, unciales, laxe foliati, inferne fibras purpureas ramosas supra-axillares nonnullas exserentes. lia alterna, orbiculato-obovata, obtusissima, parum concava, basi angustata, semiamplexicaulia, margini- bus integerrimis planis, nervo mox infra apicem evanescenti ; perichetialia similia, intimis 2-3 exceptis minoribus ovatis acutiusculis. Sefa caulem subeequans, castanea, leevis. Vaginula basi stipata pistillis pluribus abortivis. Apophysis subspheerica vel obovata, capsula duplo amplior, semisiccata rugosa, nigro-fusca. Capsula cylindracea, levis, minute reticulata, fusca. Peristomium dentibus 16, per paria approximatis, seepiusque ad medium, quandoque fere ad apicem, connatis, singuli axi pellucentiori tenuissimo, omnes é basi angusta annulari orti, arcte reflexiles dorso capsule appressi. Columella cylindracea, longitudine thecze, apice dilatato, plano-depresso. J/asculi Flores caulem distinctum paucifolium ejusdem ceespitis terninantes, capitato-discoidei; foliis perigonialibus extimis obtusiusculis, interioribus longi- oribus, 6 basi latiore lutescenti conniventi patulis, lanceo- latis apice angustatis, integerrimis. dnther@ numerose, viginti plures. Paraphyses numerosissime, antheris longi- ores, subclavate, articulis superioribus crassioribus_brevi- oribusque. Prstil/a nulla. Obs. Ab exemplaribus in Scotie montibus 4 D. Hooker lectis hoc paulo tantum differt foliis remotioribus et seta longiore. 244 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. 93. SPLACHNUM ARCTICUM, peristomil dentibus quater- natim approximatis, apophysi obconica capsula clausa an- gustiore deoperculata latiore, operculo conico-hemispherico, floribus masculis sessilibus, seta perichaetium bis superante, foliis ovato-lanceolatis concavis cuspidatis integerrimis. Desc. Muscus dense ceespitosus. Caules innovationibus ramosi, sesquiunciales, infra foliis vetustis emarcidis tomen- toque radiculoso copioso tecti. ami annotini lete virides, foliati, basin versus foliis rarioribus et brevioribus. Folia lanceolata-ovata, concava, integerrima, cuspidata, cuspide concolori fere 4 longitudine lamine, laxe reticulata, lete viridia. Femineus Flos gemmiformis, angustus. Piéstilla 3-5, filis succulentis, paucis, hyalinis ; staminibus nullis. Seta longitudine fere rami annotini, parum angulata, levis, castanea, “capsula tota, apophysi simul sumpta, duplo longior. Capsula vera cylindracea, leevis, nigro-castanea, ore dilatato, patulo. Apophysis obconica basi attenuata, capsula paulo longior. Overculum madore conicum, siccitate conico-hemis- pheericum mucronulo manifesto. Peristoméium intra margin- em membrane exterioris, ubi desinet interior, ortum: dentibus 16, quaternatim ad medium usque connatis, singulis absque stria longitudinali manifesta. d/asculus Flos cum femineo collateralis, ramum terminans, discoideo-capituliformis, semper sessilis, etiam dum femineus, primo pariter sessilis, eccii} florescentia peracta ramulo suo proprio elongato in- sidet. olia perigonialia & basi lanceolata erecta in cuspi- dem basi longiorem, subulatam producta. Anthere nume- rose viginti circiter, levissime arcuate, brevissime pedicel- lates. Paraphyses straminee, sursum incrassate articulis brevioribus crassioribusque. Prstil/a nulla. Oés. Facies omnino 8. mnioidis, quocum pluribus notis convenit, satis diversum dentiuim dispositione. 94. SPLACHNUM PROPINQUUM, peristomii dentibus basi quaternatim coherentibus, apophysi obconica capsula oper- culata paulo latiore, operculo siccitate depresso mutico, floribus masculis breve pedunculatis, seta pericheetium vix superante, foliis ovatis concavis cuspidatis integerrimis. Desc. Caespites densi. Caules innovando divisi, unciales. ACOTYLEDONES. 245 Folia viridissima, acumine subulato-setaceo, concolori, longitudine 4 folii. Seta foliis floralibus paulo longior, angulata, laevis, capsulam cum apophysi sumptam vix supe- rans. Capsula cylindracea, brevis, ore dilatato. Apophysis primo viridis, mox fusca, capsulaé, ante lapsum operculi paulo tantum crassior, demum nigricans, pyriformis, capsula deoperculata concolori fere duplo amphor. Operculum conico-hemisphericum, muticum, siccitate planiusculo-de- pressum. Pertstomii dentes 16, quaternatim approximati et ad medium usque coherentes, singuli absque stria longi- tudinali manifesta. Colwmella crasso-cylindracea, pulposa, apice hemispheerico cavitatem operculi replenti. MZasculus Flos capitato-discoideus, ramulum brevem, femineo colla~ teralem, terminans, antheris paraphysibusque numerosis, pistillis certe nullis. Ods. Proximum S. arctico, an ejusdem varietas ? 95. SPLACHNUM EXSERTUM, capsula interiore soluta siccitate semiexserta; exteriore ore dilatato, apophysi ob- conica capsula (concolori) angustiore, foliis lanceolato-ovatis acuuinatis integerrimis. Desc. Caules annotino-ramosi; Folia omnino 8. arctici et propinqui. J/asculus Hos capitato-discoideus, ramulum distinctum, femineo breviorem, foliatum, ejusdem caulis terminans, foliis perigonialibus basi lutescentibus, acumine brevi viridi. Anthere pauce, cylindracee, leviter arcuate : paraphysibus numerosis sursum crassioribus : pistills nullis. Seta terminalis, perichetium vix superans, dilute fusca, levis. Capsula cum apophysi sumpta turbinata; theca exterior obovata; interior pedicello insidens libera, demum exsiccatione exterioris exserta. Peristomium: dentes 16, mox intra marginem capsule exterioris orti, primo quater- natim basi cohzrentes, demum quaternatim vel quandoque geminatim reflexi. Oés. Muscus valde affinis hinc S. arctico et propinquo inde paradoxo ; et hi omnes adeo approximati presertim figura et textura folioram ut varietates unius ejusdemque speciei forsan considerari possunt. 246 CHLORIS MELVILIIANA. 96. SPLACHNUM PARADOXUM, capsula adulta absque sutura operculi (demum separabilis ?) ; interiore pedicellata, apophysi attenuata capsula angustiore, foliis lanceolato- ovatis acuminatis integerrimis. cect] Desc. Caules vix semunciales, innovationibus ra- mosi. Folia ovato-lanceolata, concaviuscula, carinata, laxe reticulata, integerrima, acumine subulato diametrum trans- versum folii subaequanti, demum decolori pilum referenti. Masculi Flores discoideo-capituliformes, terminantes ramos proprios pedunculiformes, paucifolios, foliolis nanis alternis : folia perigonialia \anceolata, basi conniventia, apicibus patulis acuminatis. Anthere@ numerose, cylindracee, levis- sime incurve. Paraphyses numerose, subclavate. Flos Jemineus terminalis. Seta fusca, levis, caule longior. Capsula erecta, oblongo-obovata, basi in apophysin obconi- cam seipsa angustiorem et breviorem attenuata, levis, per lentem pluries augentem punctis minutis longitudinaliter seriatis, depressis, adversus lucem semipellucidis tenuissime quasi striata, absque operculo ejusve ulla indicatione, apiculo obtuso paulo constricto. Zheca vera dimidiam superiorem tantum capsulze exterioris occupans, pedicello cylindraceo, ex apice apophysis derivato, insidens, libera, ad ortum dentium desinens ibique cum capsula exteriore confluens. Dentes 16, quaternatim ad medium coherentes, subulati, pallide fusci, apicem cavitatis capsule attingentes. Semina minutissima, in cumulo olivaceo-viridia, seorsim hyalina, leevia. Obs. Heec omnia 6 specimine unico cum capsulis 8 maturis plenis et duabus vetustis vacuis pariter clausis, varietatem nanam S. arctici referente, desumpta sunt. Ex- emplaria dein plura varietatis, ut videtur, ejusdem Musci, in herbario D. Richardson, inter Fort Enterprise et mare arcticum lecta, et cum S. mnioidi Schwaegr. in Franklin’s journ. p. 755 (non Hedwigii), intermista inveni: horum capsule adulte numerose cinnamomeo-fusce, clause et absque sutura vel ulla alia operculi indicatione. In hac varietate 6., quae statura major et calyptra dimidiata donata, seta longior quam in a. dentesque 16 subzequidistantes et fere ad basin distincti. ACOTYLEDONES. 247 E duplicis varietatis hisce speciminibus diu in animo fuit proponere novum genus sub nomine Cryptoponis, ob capsulam operculo destitutam dentibus vero inclusis instruc- tam: sed omnibus iterum examini subjectis capsulam unam alteramve vetustam operculo delapso et peristomio dentato, in eodem cespite cum clausis, et quantum determinare licuit ad eandem speciem pertinentem, observavi, ideoque ad Splachnum, haud tamen absque dubitatione, muscum paradoxum demum retuli. In Splachneis autem, preter annuli defectum in tota tribu, approximationes nonnull ad capsulam clausam occurrunt, scilicet in Aplodonte ubi operculum cum altero latere stomatis diutius coheret, et in Systylio in quo cum columella cohzrens persistit: nec transitus difficilis & Splachneis ad Voitiam habitu et statione lisdem bene convenientem. VOITIA. Flornschuch comment. de voit. et syst. p. 5. Hooker muse. exot. 97. Nees. v. Hsenb. et Hornsch. bryol. germ. 1, p. 79. Schwaegr. suppl. 2, sect. 1, p. 2. Greville et Arnott in Wern. soc. transact. 4. Cuar. Gen. Capsula clausa (absque operculo dentibusve inclusis), rostrata. Calyptra dimidiata, capsula adulta longior, tardius decidua. ores terminales: masculus femineo collaterali subconformis. Obs. Genus a Phasco egre distinguendum, habitu teceiv quamvis necnon statione valde diversum, et ad Splachneas mediante S. paradoxo (s. Cryptodonti) accedens. Calyptra multo amplior equidem et diutius remanens quam in Phasco, sed demum decidua, nec persistens. Vaginula in V. hyper- borea certe indivisa, nec eandem bivalvem neque fissam in exemplaribus paucis V. nivalis 4 nobis investigatis observare licuit. In utraque specie ejusdem margo manifeste inee- qualis et sublacera, sed eandem fere structuram in Phascis quibusdam, preesertim in P. bryoidi et curvicollo, observa- vimus. Capsula cum seta sua elongata seepe decidua sed quandoque nec raro vel cum eadem persistens, vel a seta 248 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. persistenti decidens : et seta minime post lapsum capsule in Phascis omnibus persistit. Membrana interna libera, cum processu subulato, rostrum capsule penetranti, in P. bryoidi et curvicollo pariter exstat: et florum dispositio subsimilis in Phascis nonnullis obtinet. Semzza minutissima affinitatem Voitize cum Cryptodonti potius quam Phasco indicant. Voitia vogesiana Vest. dubia hujus generis species mihi videtur, et habitu Phascis nonnullis, presertim P. flexuoso Schwaegr. suppl. 2, sect. 1, p. 1, t. 101, convenit: a Voitia diversa floribus saepe dioicis, masculoruam forma, capsulis basi in apopliysin angustiorem attenuatis, seminibus majus- culis, et forsan magnitudine proportionali calyptre a me nondum visze. 97. VoITIA HYPERBOREA, capsula globoso-ovata basi subtruncata, foliis dilatato-ovatis acuminatis. Voitia hyperborea, Greville et Arnott in Wern. soc. mem. 4, tab. 7, f. 19, capsula, et 21, folium. Desc. Juscus ceespites densos szepius efformat, raro aliis, Splachnis preesertim, intermixtus. Caules 6-9-lineas longi, tomento radicali inferne arcte coherentes, innovationibus subramosi, basi foliis-vetustis tomentoque radicali rufo- castaneo copioso tecti; ramis annotinis dense foliatis eradi- culosis. Folia late ovata, modice concava, integerrima, acumine 6 nervo valido producto formato, } longitudinis folii eequante, sed concolori nec nisi vetustate canescenti pilum- que referenti, laxiuscule reticulata, areolis rectangulis, invicem ineequalibus sed per totam folii longitudinem uni- formibus, marginalibus vix majoribus, madore erecta, sicci- tate subappressa. Perichetialia paulo majora, acumine proportionatim longiore. Vaginula cylindracea, basi pistillis paucis abortivis stipata, indivisa, nec fissa nec bivalvis, apice membranaceo inzequali lacero. Sefa elongata, caulem totum equans v. parum superans, levis, castanea, siccitate tortuosa. Capsula erecta, castanea, levis, dilatato-ovata, basi transversa subtruncata, rostro apicis inclinato longitu- dine dimidii capsulse, absque operculo ejusve omni vestigio : exterior coriacea, minute reticulata, areolis quadratis ; ACOTYLEDONES. 249 interior ab exteriore libera, centro baseos umbilicate affixa, apice clauso processu subulato longitudine rostri exterioris, pallida, tenué membranacea, utrinque levis nec intus septis processubusve inzequalis. Columella angulata subtetragona, longitudine capsule interioris. Semina minutissima, Phasci bryoidis decies fere minora, in cumulo viridia, separatim hyalina, subglobosa, per lentem centies augentem striis nonnullis insignita, sed simplicia nec divisibilia. d/asculus Flos ramulum proprium, brevissimum, femineo collateralem hoc vero post feecundationem elongato demum quasi latera- lem terminans, discoideo-gemmiformis, femineo sub- tceev similis, foliis perigonialibus perichzetialibus conformibus. 4z- there numerose, cylindracee, leviter arcuate. Paraphyses copiosz, articulis superioribus sensim crassioribus et bre- vioribus. Oés. Valde affinis Voitize nivali que differt capsula oblongo-ovata basi acuta, foliis elongato-ovatis laxioribus, statura majori. HEPATICA. 98. JUNGERMANNIA minvuTA, Schreb. in Crante gronl. forts. p. 285. Dicks. fasc. 2, p.13. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 393. Hooker brit. junger.t. 44. Engl. bot. 2231. Jungermannia bicornis, Mor. Dan. 888, f. a. Schwaegr. prodr. hepat. p. 27. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 157. Oés. Planta nostra, cujus exemplaria perpauca et fructi- ficatione destituta tantum visa, media quasi inter J. m2nu- tam et ventricosam, ab utraque foliis explanatis, nec margine inferiore induplicatis, differt. 99. MarcHantia PoLYMoRPHA, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 1603, Flor. lapp. n. 422. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 397. Schmid. ic. p. 106, ¢..29. Lngl. bot. 210. Hooker scot. par. 2, p.119. Mich. am. 2, p. 277. Br. in Flind. voy. 2, p- 593. (Ante, p.69.) Richardson in Franklin’s iourn. p. 1517. 250 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. LICHENOS 4. 100. GyropHora prososcipEa, Achar. syn. p. 64. Engl. bot. 2484. Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 41. Gyrophora proboscidea 3, Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 158, tab. 30, f. 4. Gyromium proboscideum, Wahlend. lapp. p. 483. Oés. In nostra planta pagina inferior, que semper levis fibrillisque destituta, saepius cinerea, nunc tota atra; quan- doque thallo ad ambitum cribroso G. eros accedit. 101. Lecanora ELEGANS, Achar. syn. p. 182. Hooker scot. par. 2,p.50. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 760. Lichen elegans, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 417, Carpat. p. 373. Engl. bot, 2181. 102. Borrura ? aurantraca, thallo adscendenti auran- tiaco tereti-compresso nudo subdichotomo basi pallido: ramulis ultimis brevissimis obtusis. Ods. Affinis B. flavicanti Achar. J. c., utraque thallo teretiusculo fruticuloso a reliquis diversa. In hac Apo- thecia ignota ideoque dubii generis est. 103. CErRaRIA JUNIPERINA, Achar. syn. p. 226. evi} Obs. Vix omnino cum ©. juniperina quadrant. speci- mina nostra quibus laciniee crenate nec erose, margines pulvere destitute, discus levis vix manifeste lacunosus, et paging, quze citrinee, concolores. 104. Crrraria NIVALIS, Achar. syn. p. 228. Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 57. Br. in Ross’ voy. 2 ed. v. 2, p. 195. (Ante, p.178.) Spitz. pl. in Scoresby’s arct. append. p. 76. (Ante, p. 181.) Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 761. Lichen nivalis, Linn. lapp. n. 446, t. 11. f. 1. Soland. in Phipps’ voy. p. 203. Wahlend. lapp. p. 433, Carpat. p. 379. Engl. bot. 1994. Svensk bot. 384. ACOTYLEDONES. 251 105. Crrraria cucunata, Achar. syn. p.228. Richard- son in Franklin's journ. p. 761. Lichen cucullatus, Sivith in Linn. Soc. transact. 1, p. 84, t. Erk 7. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 433, Upsal. p. 413, Carpat. p. 379. 106. Crerrarra ISLaANDICcA, Achar. syn. p.229. Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 58. Br. in Ross’ voy. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 195. (Ante, p.178.) Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 761. Lichen islandicus, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 1611. Flor. Dan. 155. Engl. bot. 1330. Svensk. bot. 34. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 434, Carpat. p. 379, Upsal. p. 418. Soland. in Phipps’ voy. p. 203. Physcia islandica, AZich. am. 2, yp. 326. 107. CETRARTA ODONTELLA, Achar. syn. p. 230. Lichen odontellus, Wahlend. lapp. p. 434. 108. Pentrpga apHTHOSA, Achar. syn. py. 238. Wahlend. lapp. p. 446, Carpat. p. 380. Svensk bot. 318. Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 60. Lichardson in Franklin's journ. p. 761. Lichen aphthosus, Linn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 1616. Lng. bot. 1119. Waulfen. in Jacqu. coll. 4, p. 266, t. 17. 109. CornicuLARIA ocHROLEUCA, Achar. syn. p. 301. Hooker scot. par. 2,p.69. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 762. Usnea ochroleuca, Hoffm. pl. lichen. 2, p. 7, t. 26, f. 2. Lichen ochroleucus, Wahlenb. lapp. p. 438, Carpat. 382. Engl. bot. 2374. 110. Cornicunaria Lanata, Achar. syn. p. 302. Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 69. Lichen lanatus, Zinn. sp. pl. ed. 2, p. 1623. Engl. bot. 846. Wahlenb. lapp. p. 440, Carpat. p. 383. Lichen normoricus, Gunn. norv. par. 2, p. 128, t.2,f7. 9 —14. 111. Crrania VERMICULARIS, Achar. syn. p. 278. lecevii 252 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. Cenomyce? vermicularis, Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 65. Richardson in Franklin's journ. p. 762. Br. in Flinders’ voy. 2, p. 594. (Ante, p. 69.) Boeomyces vermicularis, Waklend. lapp. p. 458. Cladonia subuliformis, Hoffm. pl. lichen. 2, p. 15, t. 29, f.1—3. Lichen vermicularis, Dicks. erypt. fase. 2, p. 23, 4. 6,7 10. Engl. bot. 2029. Obs. Apothecia (?) lateralia, sparsa, atra, thallo innata eoque submarginata, apothecis Roccelle aliquo modo accedentia, in exemplaribus nonnullis & D. Fisher lectis, observavi. 112. Cenomycr pyxipata, Achar. syn. p. 252. 113. SreREOcAULON PASCHALE, Achar. syn. p. 284. Mich. am. 2, p. 331. Br. in Flinders’ voy. 2, p. 594. (Ante, p. 70.) Spiteb. pl. in Scoresby’s arct. 1, append. p. 16. (Ante, p. 181.) Giesecke Greenl. in Edin. en- cyclop. Hooker scot. par. 2, p. 66. Richardson in Franklin’s journ. p. 762. : Boeomyces paschalis, Wahlend. lapp. p. 450, Carpat. p. 386. Lichen paschalis, Zenn. sp. pl. ed. 2, v. 2, p. 1621. Soland. in Phipps’ voy. p. 204. Lichen ramulosus, Sw. fl. ind. occid. 3, p. 1917. 114. Usnza spuHacenata, thallo erectiusculo fruticuli- formi, ramis primariis ochroleucis nigro-vittatis leevibus : ultimis attenuatis nigris, sorediis confertis concoloribus ochroleucisve. Usnea? prope melaxantham, Br. spitzd. pl. in Scoresby’s arct. 1, append. p. 76. (Ante, p. 181.) Obs. Proxima U. melaxanthe Ach. syn. p. 308, differt statura aliquoties minore, ramis primariis levibus, sore- diorum presentia. Apothecia nondum visa. Eandem speciem, sorediis pariter instructam apotheciisque destitutam, in summitate Montis Tabularis Insule Van Diemen, anno 1804, legi. ACOTYLEDONS. 253 FUNGI. 115. CaNrHARELLUS LoBatus, Fries. syst. mycolog. 1, p. 828. Helvella membrancea, Flor. Dan. 1077, 7. 1. 116. LycopErpon pravrenss, Pers. syn. fung. p. 142. Preter plantas supra enumeratas, species nonnullz in herbariis citatis exstant, scilicet Muscorum quinque, Leci- dez v. Leprariz unica, et Agarici tres: has vero é speci- minibus vel fructificatione destitutis vel male exsiccatis haud determinare potui. Algze submersze prorsus nulle reportate fuere. Species que Florule Melvillianee adhucdum propriz (eceviii remanent sequentes sunt. Ranunculus Sabinii, qui nivali nimis affinis. Ranunculus affinis, proximnus auricomo. Draba paucifiora, valde dubia species. Platypetalum dubium, cujus flores ignoti. Sieversia Rossii, proxima 8. humili Oonalashke indigena. Tussilago corymbosa, valde affinis 7. frigide. Pedicularis arctica, prope P. sudeticam et Langsdorfit. Dupontia Fisheri, gramimi nulli cognito affinis. Barbula leucostoma, que species distincta videtur. Gymnostomum obtusifolium, species insignis, sed non satis cognita. Splachnum arcticum, proximum S. mnioids. Borrera aurantiaca, Lichenosa distincta, sed dubii generis. Genus itaque Insule Melville peculiare nullum restat nisi Dupontia, si hoc equidem servari meretur. 254 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. Aliquas observationes, speciesnonullas Florule Melvillianze illustrantes, derivatas ex herbarii inspectione ad_litora orientalia Americe arcticee, inter grad. 66 et 70 lat., in novissima navigatione duce D. Parry, formati a D. Ross, cujus amicitize specimina totius collections debeo, hic sub- jungere licet ; ordine Florul servato numerisque specierum preefixis. 11. PLATYPETALUM PURPURASCENS. Stlicule v. ovali-oblonge v. oblong, glabre v. pilis raris brevibus simplicibus bifidisque consperse, stigmate quan- doque capitato emarginato, nec semper bilobo lobis paten- tibus, coronatze ; va/vulis avemis, ecarinatis, planiusculis ; dissepimento varius fenestrato. Semina biseriata. Cotyle- dones incumbentes, angusto-oblongee, rectee nec basibus crus radiculare embryonis occupantibus. Platypetalum itaque hine Suéu/arie affine inde Ludeme, heec vero differt stylo elongato, dissepimento semper fenes- trato, et forsan aliis notis é floris examini accuratiore deri- vandis. 13. Eurrema Epwarpstl. Herba quandoque 4-6-uncialis. 18. Srettarra Epwarpsi1. Exemplaria omnia ad var. a pertinent, foliis ovatis acutis caulibusque glaberrimis, pedunculis unifloris, antheris purpureis, capsulis erectis semisexvalvibus calycem vix superantibus, seminibus lzvibus fuscis. _ Species forsan polygama, ad quam referenda S. Edwardsii Richardson . c.? et S. nitida Hooker ? cox} 26. SAXIFRAGA UNIFLORA. Exemplaria omnia staturee majoris sunt, et pleraque caulibus 2-3-floris donata; ideoque hac, que potius pro varietate insigni quam distincta specie supra proposita fuit, ad 8. ceespitosam absque dubio reducenda. 36. OxyrRoPiIs ARCTICA. ADDENDA. 255 Hujus varietasnotabilis, vix enim distincta videtur species, statura minore, scapo sape unifloro passimque umbella biflora, dentibus calycis respectu tubi paulo longioribus, foliolis seepius 7, quandoque 9, villis persistentibus utrinque argenteo-sericeis. CINERARIA CONGESTA. Herba quandoque spithamea, folia seepius sinuato- dentata, nunc alte sinuata, passim indivisa ; hc exemplaria itaque propius C. palustri accedunt, inflorescentia densiore, lana magis copiosa et longiore preesertim distinguenda. 50. CAREX MISANDRA. Hujus exemplaria aliqua completa, 6-9-uncialia, foliis linearibus apice attenuato, marginibus deorsim scabris, culmo levi, spicis 3-4, alternis, raro subumbellatis, terminali basi solum rariusve tota mascula, stigmatibus sapissime tribus. Hine ad C. fuliginosam Sternd. 7. c. procul dubio referenda. 51. CaREx CONCOLOR. Specimina proceriora, spicis femineis longioribus, axi squamarum pallido, ad C. caespitosam propius accedunt, et culmo levi preecipue distingui possunt. ; 56. CoLPoDIUM LATIFOLIUM. In exemplaribus plerisque rudimentum breve setuliforme flosculi secundi adest ; necnon valvulee inferioris perianthii setula denticulata dorsalis, } circiter ab ejusdem apice, nervum centralem terminans, altitudinem valvule vix equans. Aliqua autem omnino mutica sicut pleraque ab Insula Melville. 57. Poa ANGUSTATA. : Hujus, ni fallor, varietas nana (2-3-uncialis), perianthiis glaberrimis, locustis viridibus apicibus purpureis valvule jnferioris perianthiorum solum exceptis. 58. Poa ABBREVIATA. Specimina pleraque vix triuncialia. 256 CHLORIS MELVILLIANA. 60. Festuca BREVIFOLIA. Triviale nomen his exemplaribus vix convenit, quibus folia radicalia dimidium et ultra culmi equant, et culmea vaginis suis proportionatim longiora sunt. cecx] PLEUROPOGON SABINH. pee unicum cespitosum, in palude a D. Ross lectum ad var. 6 pertinet, culmis partialibus quadriuncialibus, antheris purpureis. APLODON WORMSKIOLDII. Brempleris nonnulla varietatis supra enumeratis diverse, cujus folia acutiuscula absque acumine, apophysis ovato- globosa, nec basi attenuata, pallidé straminea, cava, axi solido, capsula castanea amplior. 97. VoITIA HYPERBOREA. Sepius aliis Muscis, Splachnis preesertim, intermista crescit. OBSERVATIONS ON THE STRUCTURE AND AFFINITIES MORE REMARKABLE PLANTS COLLECTED BY THE LATE WALTER OUDNEY, IM.D., AND MAJOR DENHAM, AND CAPTAIN CLAPPERTON, IN THE YEARS 1822, 1828, AND 1824, DURING THEIR EXPEDITION TO EXPLORE CENTRAL AFRICA. BY ROBERT BROWN, HON. M.R.S.E., F.R.S., AND F.L.S.; MEMBER OF THE ROYAL SWEDISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF DENMARK, AND OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY NATURZ CURIOSORUM ; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, AND OF THE ROYAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES OF PRUSSIA AND BAVARIA, ETC. ETC. [Reprinted from the ‘ Narrative of Travels and Discoveries in Northern and Central Africa, by Major Dizon Denham and Captain Hugh Clapperten. Appendix, pp. 208—246.] LONDON: 1826. 17 OBSERVATIONS, &c. Tux Herbarium formed, chiefly by the late tanpena p. 208 Dr, Oudney, during the expedition, contains specimens, more or less perfect, of about three hundred species. Of these one hundred belong to the vicinity of Tripoli; fifty were collected in the route from Tripoli to Mourzuk, thirty-two in Fezzan, thirty-three on the journey from Mourzuk to Kouka, seventy-seven in Bornou, and sixteen in Haussa or Soudan. ‘These materials are too inconsiderable to enable us to judge correctly of the vegetable productions of any of the countries visited by the mission, and especially of the more interesting regions, Bornou and Soudan. For the limited extent of the herbarium, the imperfect state of many of the specimens, and the very scanty in- formation to be found respecting them, either in the her- barium itself or in the journal of the collector, it is unfor- tunately not difficult to account. Dr. Oudney was sufficiently versed in botany to have formed collections much more extensive and instructive, had the advancement of natural history been the principal purpose of his mission. His time and attention, however, were chiefly occupied by the more important objects of the expedition ; as a botanist he had no assistant ; and the state of his health during his residence in Bornou must, in a great degree, have rendered him unable to collect or observe the natural productions of that country. For the few specimens belonging to Soudan, we are in- debted to Captain Clapperton, who, after the death of Dr: 260 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS Oudney, endeavoured to preserve the more striking and useful plants which he met with. His collection was ori- ginally more considerable; but before it reached England many of the specimens were entirely destroyed. It still includes several of the medicinal plants of the natives; but these being without either flowers or fruit, cannot be deter- mined. 20) In the whole herbarium, the number of undescribed species hardly equals twenty; and among these not one new genus is found. The plants belonging to the vicinity of Tripoli were sent to me by Dr. Oudney, before lis departure for Fezzan. This part of the collection, amounting to one hundred species, was merely divided into those of the immediate neighbourhood of ‘'ripoli, and those from the mountains of Tarhona and Insalata. It exceeds in extent the herbarium formed by Mr. Ritchie near Tripoli, and on the Gharian hills, which, however, though containing only fifty-nine species, includes twenty- seven not in Dr. Oudney’s herbarium. The specimens in Mr. Ritchie’s collection are carefully preserved, the particular places of growth in most cases given, and observations added on the structure of a few; sufficient at least to prove, that much information on the vegetation of the countries he visited might have been ex- pected from that ill-fated traveller. In these two collections united, hardly more than five species are contained not already published in the works that have appeared on the botany of North Africa ; parti- cularly in the ‘ Flora Atlantica’ of M. Desfontaines, in the ‘Flore d’Egypte ’ of M. Delile, and in the ‘ Flore Libyce Specimen ’ of Professor Viviani, formed from the herbarium of the traveller Della Cella. The plants collected in the Great Desert and its oases, between Tripoli and the northern confines of Bornou, and which somewhat exceed a hundred, are, with about eight or ten exceptions, also to be found in the works now men- tioned. And, among those of Bornou and Soudan, which fall short of one hundred, very few species occur OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 261 not already known as natives of other parts of equinoctial Africa. A complete catalogue of the herbarium, such as I have now described it, even if the number and condition of the specimens admitted of its being satisfactorily given, would be of but little importance, with reference to the geo- graphy of plants. Catalogues of such collections, if drawn up hastily, and from imperfect materials, as must here have been the case, are indeed calculated rather to injure than advance this department of the science, which is still in its infancy, and whose pro- gress entirely depends on the scrupulous accuracy of its statements. 'I'o produce confidence in these statements, and in the deductions founded on them, it should in every case distinctly appear that, in establishing the identity of the species enumerated, due attention has been paid to the original authdérities on which they depend, and, t210 wherever it is possible, a comparison actually made with authentic specimens. In the account which I am now to give of the present collection, I shall confine myself to a slight notice of the remarkable known plants it contains, to characters or short descriptions of the more interesting new species, and to some observations on such of the plants as, though already published, have either been referred to genera to which they appear to me not to belong, or whose characters re- quire essential alteration. In proceeding on this plan, I shall adopt the order fol- lowed in the botanical appendix to Captain Tuckey’s ‘ Ex- pedition to the River Congo.’ And as there will seldom be room for remarks on the geographical distribution of the species I have to notice, 1 shall chiefly endeavour to make my observations respecting them of some interest to systematic botanists. Cructrers. Fifteen species belonging to this family exist in the collection, one of which only appears to be unde- scribed, and of this the specimens are so imperfect that its genus cannot with certainty be determined. Of those already published, however, the generic characters of 262 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS several require material alterations, some of which suggest observations relative to the structure and arrangement of the natural order. SavienyA Alcypriaca (De Cand. Syst. 2, p. 283) is the first of these. It was observed near Bonjem by Dr. Oudney, whose specimens slightly differ from those which I have received from M. Delile, by whom this plant was discovered near the pyramid of Saqqérah, and who has well figured and described it in his ‘ Flore d’ Egypte,’ under the name of Lunaria parviflora. By this name it is also published by M. Desvaux. Professor Viviani, in giving an account of his Lunaria libyca, a plant which I shall presently have occasion to notice more particularly, has remarked,’ that Savignya of De Candolle possesses no characters sufli- cient to distinguish it as a genus from Lunaria; and still more recently, Professor Sprengel has referred our plant to Farsetia.” The genus Savignya, hotvever, will no doubt be ultimately established, though not on the grounds on which it was originally constituted ; for the umbilical cords certainly adhere to the partition, the silicule, which is never 21] absolutely sessile, is distinctly pedicellated in Dr. Oudney’s specimens, the valves are not flat, and the cotyledons are decidedly conduplicate. In describing the cotyledons of his plant as accumbent, M. De Candolle has probably relied on the external characters of the seed, principally on its great compression, its broad margin or wing, and on the whole of the radicle being visible through the integuments. It would appear, therefore, that the true character of the cotyledons of Savignya has been overlooked, chiefly from its existing in the greatest possible degree. ‘lo include this degree of folding, in which the margins are closely approxi- mated, and the radicle consequently entirely exposed, a definition of conduplicate cotyledons, somewhat different from that proposed in the ‘Systema Naturale’ becomes necessary. I may here also observe, that the terms Pleu- rorhizee and Notorhize, emploved by M. De Candolle to express the two principal modifications of cotyledons in Cruciferze, appear to me so far objectionable, as they may 1 Flore Libyca Specim. p. 35, ° Syst. Pegelub. p. 871, OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 263 seem to imply that in the embryo of this family the posi- tion of the radicle is variable, and that of the- cotyledons fixed. It is at least deserving of notice that the reverse of this is the fact; though it is certainly not necessary to change these terms, which are now generally received. On the subject of Savignya, two questions naturally pre- sent themselves. In the first place—Is this genus, solely on account of its conduplicate cotyledons, to be removed from Alyssinez, where it has hitherto been placed, to Vellez, its affinity with which has never been suspected, and to whose genera it bears very little external resemblance? Secondly —In dividing Cruciferae into natural sections, are we, with M. De Candolle, to expect in each of these subdivisions an absolute uniformity in the state of the cotyledons? As far as relates to the accumbent and flatly incumbent states, at least, I have no hesitation in answering the latter ques- tion in the negative ; and I believe that in one case, namely, Hutchinsia, these modifications are not even of generic im- portance, for it will hardly be proposed to separate H. alpina from petraea, solely on that ground. I carried this opinion further than I am at present disposed to do, in the second edition of Mr. Aiton’s ‘Hortus Kewensis,’ where I united in the genus Cakile plants, which I then knew to differ from each other, in having accumbent and condupli- cate cotyledons; and I included Capsella bursa-pastoris in the genus Thlaspi, although I was aware, both from my own observations and from Schkuhr’s excellent figure,’ that its cotyledons were incumbent. I am at present, ms however, inclined to adopt the subdivision of both these genera, as proposed by several authors and received by M. De Candolle ; but to this subdivision the author of the ‘Systema Naturale’ must have been determined on other grounds than those referred to; for in these four genera, in which the three principal modifications of cotyledons occur, he has taken their uniformity for granted. As to the place of Savignya in the natural family, I be- lieve, on considering the whole of its structure and habit, that it ought to be removed from Alyssineze to a subdivision 1 Hand, tab, 180, 264 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS of the order that may be called Brassicee, but which is much more extensive than the tribe so named by M. De Candolle; including all the genera at present known with conduplicate cotyledons, as well as some others, in which these parts are differently modified. There are two points in the structure of Savignya, that deserve particular notice. I have described the estivation of the calyx as valvular; a mode not before remarked in this family, though existing also in Ricotia. In the latter genus, however, the apices of the sepals are perhaps slightly imbricate, which I cannot perceive them to be in Savignya. The radicle is described by M. De Candolle as superior with relation to the cotyledons. I am not sure that this is the best manner of expressing the fact of its being hori- zontal, or exactly centrifugal, the cotyledons having the same direction. This position of the seed is acquired only after fecundation ; for at an earlier period the foramen of the testa, the point infallibly indicating the place of the future radicle, is ascendent. From the horizontal position of the radicle in this and some other genera, especially Farsetia, we may readily pass to its direction in Biscutella, where I have termed it descendent, a character which I introduced to distinguish that genus from Cremolobus. But in Biscutella the embryo, with reference to its usual direction in the family, is not really inverted, the radicle being still placed above the umbilicus. On the contrary, in Cremolobea, a natural tribe belonging to South America, and consisting of Cremolobus and Menonvillea, though the embryo at first sight seems to agree in direction with the order generally, both radicle and cotyledons being ascen- dent, it is, in the same sense, not only inverted, but the seed must also be considered as resupinate; for the radicle is seated below the umbilicus, and also occupies the inner side of the seed, or that next the placenta—peculiari- ties which, taken together, constitute the character of the as) tribe here proposed. It appears to me singular that M. De Candolle, while he describes the embryo of these two genera as having the usual structure of the order, should OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 265 consider that of Iberis, in which I can find no peculiarity, as deviating from that structure.’ Lunaria Lisyca of Viviani’ is the second plant of Cru- ciferze on which I have some observations to offer. This species was described and figured, by the author here quoted, in 1824, from specimens collected in 1817 by Della Cella. The specimens in the herbarium were found near Tripoli, where the plant had also been observed in 1819 by Mr. Ritchie, who referred it to Lunaria, and remarked that the calyx was persistent. Professor Sprengel, in his ‘Systema Vegetabilium,’ considers it a species of Farsetia. That this plant ought not to be associated either with the original species of Lunaria, or with Savignya, as now constituted, is sufficiently evident. And if it is to be in- cluded in Farsetia, it can only be on the grounds of its having a sessile silicule, with compressed valves, an inde- finite number of seeds in each cell, and accumbent. cotyle- dons. But in these respects it accords equally with Meniocus, a genus proposed by M. Desvaux, and with some hesitation received by M. De Candolle, and with Schivereckia of Andrzejowski, which he has also adopted. 1 SAVIGNYA. Savignya. De Cand. Syst. 2, p. 283. Lunarie sp. . Delile. Desvauz. Fiviani. Cuar. Gen. Calyx basi equalis; estivatione valvata. Siliewla oblonga, septo conformi, valvis convexiusculis. Semiva biseriata imbricata marginata. Cotyledones conduplicate. Herba annua, glabra (quandoque pube rara simplici). Folia crassiuscula, in- Seriora obovata in petiolum attenuata grosse dentuta, media sepe incisa, superiora linearia. FRacemi oppositifolii, ebracteati. Flores parvi erecti, petalis violaceis venis saturatioribus. Silicule racemosa, divaricate, inferiores sepius deflexe. Calyx erectus, exstivatione valvata, ipsis apicibus vix imbricatis. Petala unguiculata, laminis obovatis sub astivatione mutuo imbricatis. Stamina dis- tincta, edentula, singulum par longiorum glandula subquadrata extus stipatum ; breviora, quantum e speciminibus observare licuit, eglandulosa. Ovarium brevissime pedicellatum, ovulis adscendentibus nec horizontalibus. Sty/us brevis. Stigma capitatum vix bilobum. Sélicula breviter manifeste tamen stipitata, oblonga nune oblongo-elliptica. Vadvule uninervie reticulato-venose. Dissepimentum e lamellis duabus separabilibus uninerviis venis anastomozanti- bus obsoletis : areolis subtransversim angustato-linearibus, parietibus (tubulis) rectis subparallelis. Ficuli horizontales, dimidio inferiore septo arcte adnato superiore libero. 2 Flor. Lib. Specin. p. 34, tab. 16, f. 1. 266 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS It does not, however, agree with either of those genera in habit, and it is easily distinguished from both by its simple as) filaments and other characters, which I shall notice here- after. Is this plant, then, swi generis? ought it to be united with Alyssum, the character of that genus being modi- fied to receive it? or does not Alyssum require subdivision, and may not our plant be referred to one of the genera so formed? A brief result of the examination of these ques- tions, so far as they are connected with the subject under consideration, will be found annexed to the charaater which is given of the genus formed by the union of Lunaria libyca with Alyssum maritimum, a plant also in the collection, from the neighbourhood of Tripoli. Alyssum maritimum, which is described both as an Alyssum and as a Clypeola by Linnzeus, is the Konzg of Adanson, who founded his generic distinction on the mono- spermous cells and supposed want of glands of the recep- tacle, and M. Desvaux, admitting Adanson’s genus, has named it Lobularia. In the second edition of ‘Hortus Kewensis’ I included this plant in Alyssum, which M. De Candolle has also done in his great work. For the genus here proposed I shall adopt Adanson’s name, altering only the termination, and wishing it to be considered as commemorating the important services ren- dered to Botany by my friend Mr. Konig, of the British 25) Museum.’ In comparing these two species of Koniga, ‘ KONIGA. Konig. Adans. fam. 2, p. 420. Lobularia. Desvaua in Journ.”de Botan. appl. 3, p. 172. Alyssi sp. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, vol. 4, p.95. De Cand. Syst. Nat. 2, p. 318. Lunarie sp. Viv. Libye. p. 34, Farsetie sp. Spreng. Syst. Veg. 2, p. 871. Cuar. Gen. Calyx patens. Petala integerrima. Glandule hypogyne 8 ! Filamenta omnia edentula. Sti/iewla subovata, valvis planiusculis, loculis 1- polyspermis, funiculis basi septo (venoso, nervo deliquescenti) adnatis. Semina (seepissime) marginata. Cotyledones accumbentes. Herb: (aznue@ v. perennes) pube bipartita appressaincane. Folia integerrima sublinearia, Racemi terminales, nune basi foliati. Flores albi. Calyz basi subeequalis. Petalorum lamine dilatale. Andthere ovate. Glan- dularum quatuor per paria filamenta longiora lateraliter adstantes ; reliquee quatuor abbreviate geminatim filamenta breviora stipantes, Dissepimentum preter aveolas ultimas (lamin:e duplicis) trausversim Iineares parietibus (tubulis) rectis subparallclis, vez7s crelre anastomozantibus a verve descendenti e duobus OF CENTRAL ATFRICA. 267 their agreement is very striking in habit, in leaves, in the closely pressed bipartite pubescence, in the calyx, petals, stamina, and_ stigma. ‘They correspond, also, in some other points, less obvious but equally important, which I shall separately notice. The first of these is in having eight glands on the receptacle; a character peculiar, I believe, to these plants, and which first suggested the generic name Octadenia. The glands in Alyssum maritimum were entirely overlooked by Adanson, are not noticed by M. Desvaux, and M. De Candolle has described only the four that subtend the longer stamina. These certainly are much more conspicuous than the remaining four, which, how- ever, occupy the place of the only glands existing in several of the most nearly related genera. The number and position of the glands in this genus give some support, perhaps, to the hypothesis which I have formerly advanced, of the divisions of an hypogynous disk being in most cases formed of abortive filaments; an opinion more strikingly confirmed, however, in this family of plants, by their form and texture in Alyssum calycinum and minimum. The second point in which the two species of Koniga agree is in the structure of the septum. On this, which I consider as a new source of character in Cruciferee, I shall offer some remarks in speaking of Farsetia. arcte approximatis formato supra basin evancscenti in monospermis obsoleto ortis descendentibus. Fwicudi in dispermis polyspermisque in diversis loculis alterni. Ozs. Koniga ad Alyssinearum tribum De Cand. perlinens, hinc Alysso auc- torum inde T'arsetiz accedit. Sed Alyssum, uti in Hort. Kew. et De Cand. Syst. Nat. constitutum est, certe divisione eget. Atyssum ob. facile distinguendum sequentibus notis: Silicula subrotunda, disco convexo, limbo compresso, apice retuso, loculis dispermis, funiculis basi septo adnatis et post lapsum seminum persistentibus, supra liberis et cum jisdem deciduis, in diversis Icculis oppositis, in eodem a styli basi equidis- tantibus: Pctalis emarginatis: Filamentis omnibus nonnullisve appendiculatis in specicbus omnibus preeter A. calycinum in quo filamenta filiformia simplicia sunt et glandularum loco sctule quatuor filamenta nana emulantes exstant. Ad Alyssum sic constilutum et herbas plerumque annuas pube stellari foliisque integerrimis complectens pertinent A. campestre et calycinum, Linz, strigosum ftussell, minimum Willd. et strictum ejusd. a quo densiflorum Desfont, vix differt ; fulvescens Smith, umbellatum Desv. rostratum Stev. micro- petalum /scd, hirsutum Bied, aliasqne species ineditas, 268 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS The third point of agreement is the adhesion of the funiculi umbilicales to the septum. ‘This adhesion, though really existing, is not very obvious in the monospermous cells of Koniga maritima; but in the supposed variety of this species from Teneriffe, in which the cells are occasion- ally dispermous, it is manifest, and is very remarkable in all states of Koniga libyca. I first introduced this adhesion of the funiculi to the septum as a generic character in distinguishing Petrocallis from Draba. It has since been advantageously employed in the character of Lunaria by M. De Candolle, who, how- ever, supposes this structure of much rarer occurrence in ac) Cruciferze than it really is. According to my observations, it is neither unfrequent, nor always of generic importance. Thus, I find it to exist in some species only of Arabis, namely A. Turrita, pendula, and canadensis, and hence I did not introduce it into my generic character of Parrya, though I have noticed it in my description of the species. The principal difference existing between these two species of Koniga is that the cells of the ovarium and silicula of K. maritima are monospermous, while those of hibyca are polyspermous, the number being variable, appa- rently indefinite, but not exceeding six. ‘There are, how- ever, other instances in this family, in which the mere dif- ference between definite and indefinite number of seeds is of specific importance only, as m Draba and Meniocus, in each of which a species exists with dispermous cells ; and the objection arising from the apparently still greater dif- ference between unity and indefinite number in the two species of Koniga is removed by a supposed third species or variety of K. maritima, in which two seeds are occasion- ally produced in each cell. It may even be observed that from unity to the indefinite number in this case, where the ovula in the different cells are alternate, the transition is perhaps more easy than from the binary to the indefinite, in cases where, as in Alyssum properly so called, the ovula are placed opposite in the different cells, and are in the same cell equidistant from its apex; this symmetry, pro- bably, admitting of addition only by fours. OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 269 The next genus of Cruciferse to be noticed is Farszrra, a fragment of the original species of which is in the collec- tion. There are also several specimens of a plant, found in the desert, supposed to be new, and which, though with- out flowers, and considerably different in the form of its stigma, I am inclined, from the resemblance in habit, in pubescence, in silicula, in seeds, and especially from the exact similarity in the structure of the septum, to refer to the same genus.’ As the introduction of the structure of the dissepiment (217 into the generic characters of Crucifere is now proposed for the first time, and as I believe that its texture and ap- pearance should always be attended to in constituting genera in this family of plants, I shall here offer a few remarks respecting it. According to the particular view which I briefly but distinctly published in 1818, and which M. De Candolle first adopted in 1821, of the composition of the pistillum in Cruciferee,” the dissepiment in this family is necessarily 1 FARSETIA. Farsetia. Zuira, Farsetia, p.5. Farsetie sp. Hort. Kew. ed. 2, vol. 4, p. 69. De Cand. Syst. 2, p. 286. Cuan. Gen. Calyx clausus, basi vix bisaccatus. Filamenta omnia eden- tula. Sp. Plant. 2, p. 564. OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 287 insertion of the funiculus, its radicle being seated at the opposite extremity of the seed, or to express, in the unim- pregnated ovarium, the infallible indication of this ps2 position, the direction of the inner membrane and nucleus of the ovulum corresponds with that of its testa. But this character, in general very uniform in natural families, and which, equally existing in Cistinex, so well defines the limits of that order, as I have long since remarked,’ would seem to be of less importance in Zygo- phyllez. M. Adrien de Jussieu, who, in his memoir already cited, admits its existence in Fagonia, and in both our species of Zygophyllum, considers it as an exception to the general structure of the latter genus, in the definition of which he retains the character of “radicula hilo proxima.”’ I believe, however, that in all the species of Zygophyllum, except Fabago, which, possesses, also, other distinguishing cha- racters, this opposition of the radicle to the external hilum will be found; for in addition to the two species contained in the herbarium, in both of which it is very manifest, I have observed it in Z. coccineum, and in all the species of South Africa that I have had an opportunity of examining. In some of these species, indeed, it is much less obvious, partly from the greater breadth of the funiculus, and also from its being closely applied, or even slightly adhering to the testa of the seed. But hence it is possible to reconcile the structure of these species with that of Fabago itself, in which the raphe seems to me to be external: and if this be really the case, Fabago differs from those Zygophylla of South Africa alluded to, merely in the more intimate union of the funiculus with the surface of the testa. Whether this observation might be extended to the other genera of the order, I have not yet attempted to ascertain. Baranites ANerprraca, though not belonging to Zygo- phylles, may be here mentioned. The specimen is from Bornou, but, like all the other plants of that country, has no particular place of growth indicated, nor is there any 1 In Hooker's Flora Scotica, p. 284. 288 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS observation respecting it. For a very full and interesting history of this plant, IT may refer to M. Delile’s ‘Flore d’Egypte’ (p. 77, tab. 28). Of Cistinum, three species were observed between Tripoli and Mourzuk. The Gxranracrm of the collection consist of four species of Lrodium, all of which were found on the same journey. Of Matvacra, considered as a class, there are twelve species in the herbarium. Only two of these are particu- larly deserving of notice. he first, Adansonia digitala, found in Soudan, where the tree is called Kouka, is de- scribed by Captain Clapperton; the second, Ae/hania 233) Denhamii, a new and remarkable species of the genus, differing from all the others in having its bracteze regularly verticillated and, at the same time, longer and much broader than the divisions of the calyx. A single species of Viris is in the collection, from Bornou. Nwurapa prostrata, generally referred to Rosacez, was foundin Wady Ghrurbi. TaMARIscINEZ. A species of Tamarix, apparently not different from ‘I’. gallica, is the 4/2/, common in Fezzan, where, acccording to Dr. Oudney, it is the only shady tree. Lorantuzs. A species of Loranthus, parasitical on the Acacia nilotica, was observed very commonly from Fezzan to Bornou. Lzcuminosm. Of this class the herbarium contains thirty-three species, among which there are hardly more than two undescribed, and these belonging to a well- established genus. Of the order or tribe Mimosz& only three species occur, namely, Acacia nilotica, Mimosa Habbas, and Inga biglo- bosa, or a species very nearly related to it. Of this last- named plant, I judge merely from ripe fruits adhering to the singular club-shaped receptacle, or axis of the spike. The specimens were collected in Soudan, and belonging to a tree of considerable importance to the inhabitants of that OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 289 country, by whom it is called Dowra. According to Cap- tain Clapperton, “ ‘I'he seeds are roasted as we roast coffee, then bruised, and allowed to ferment in water ; when they begin to become putrid, they are well washed and pounded ; the powder made into cakes, somewhat in the fashion of our chocolate ; they form an excellent sauce for all kinds of food. The farinaceous matter surrounding the seed is made into a pleasant drink, and they also make it into a sweetmeat.” The Doura of Captain Clapperton is probably not specifically different from the Nitta mentioned by Park in his ‘ First Journey’; nor from Inga biglobosa of the ‘ Flore d’Oware’ of M. De Beauvois, according to whom it is the Nety of Senegal; and he also well remarks that Inga biglobosa, described by Jacquin as a native of Martinico, has probably been introduced into that island by the Negroes, as he himself found it to have been in St. Do- mingo. Inga Senegalensis of M. De Candolle (Prodr, 2, p. 442) may also belong to the same species. It is possible, however, that some of the plants here mentioned, though very nearly related to each other, and having all the same remarkable club-shaped spike, may be specifically distinct ; for it appears from specimens col- lected at Sierra Leone by Professor Afzelius that two (2s plants having this form of spike are known in that colony, and two species, with similar inflorescence, probably dis- tinct from those of Africa, are described in the manuscript ‘Flora Indica’ of Dr. Roxburgh. All these plants possess characters fully sufficient to distinguish them from Inga, to which they have hitherto been referred. The new genus which they form, one of the most striking and beautiful in equinoctial Africa, I have named Parkxia,! as a tribute of 1 PARKTA. Orv. Nav. Leguminose-Mimosea : Cesalpineis proximum genus. Cuar. Gen. Calyx tubulosus ore bilabiato @)3 estivatione imbricata ! Pelala 6, subequalia, supremo (paulo) latiore; xstivatione conniventi-imbri- cata. Stamina decem, hypogyna, monadelpha. Legumen polyspermum: epi- carpio bivalvi ; endocarpio in loculos monospermos sarcocarplo farinaceo tectos solubili. wae Sst 5, oro es Arbores (Africana et India orientalis) inermes. Folia sai ty pinnis folio- 290 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS respect to the memory of the celebrated traveller, by whom the fruit of this genus was observed in his first journey, and who, among other services rendered to botany, ascer- tained that the plant producing Gum Kino is a species of Pterocarpus.1 I have formerly endeavoured to distinguish Mimosee from Ceesalpinew, by the valvular estivation of both its floral envelopes, and by the hypogynous insertion of its stamina. Instances of perigynous insertion of stamina have since been noticed by MM. Kunth and Auguste de St. Hilaire ; but no exception has been yet pointed out to the 235] valvular eestivation of their calyx and corolla. Parkia, however, differs from other Mimosez, not only in its esti- vation, which is imbricate, but in the very manifest irregu- larity of its calyx, and in the inequality of its petals, which, though less obvious, is still observable. Erythrophleum, another genus indigenous to equinoctial Africa, which I have elsewhere’ had occasion to notice, and then referred to Ceesalpineee, more probably belongs to Mimosez, although its stamina are perigynous. In this genus both calyx and corolla are perfectly regular, and their estivation, if not strictly valvular, is at least not manifestly imbricate, though the flower-buds are neither acute nor ‘angular. In Erythrophleum and Parkia, there- lisque multijugis ; stipulis minutis. Spice awvillares, pedunculate, clavate, Sloribus inferioribus (dimidii eylindracet vracheos) sepe masculis. Parxia Africana, pinnis sub-20-jugis, pinnulis sub-30-jugis obtusis inter- valla equantibus cicatricibus distinctis parallelis, glandula ad basin petioli, rachi communi eglandulosa, partialium jugis (2-3) summis glandula umbili- cata. Inga biglobosa, Palis. de Beauv. Flore d’Oware, 2, p. 53, tab.90. Sabine in Hortic. Soc. Transact. 5, p. 444. De Cand. Prodr. 2, p. 442, Inga Senegalensis. De Cand. Prodr. 2, p. 442. : Mimosa taxifolia. Pers. Syn. 2, p. 266, x. 110. Nitta. Parks First Journey, p. 386—337. 1 Park's Second Journey, p. cxxiv, where it is stated to be an undescribed species of that genus. Soon after that Narrative appeared, on comparing Mr. Park’s specimen, which is in fruit only, with the figure publisbed by Lamarck in his Illustrations (¢ad. 602, f 4), and with M. Poiret’s description (Zxcye. Meth. Botan. 5, p. 728), I referred it to that author’s P. erinacea, a name which is, I believe, adopted in the last edition of the Pharmacopeia of the London College. Dr. Hooker has since published a drawing of the same plant by the late Mr. Kummer, and, considering it a new species, has called it Pterocarpus Senegalensis. (Gray's Travels in Western Africa, p. 395, tab. D.) 2 Tuckey’s Congo, p. 430. (Ante, p. 111.) OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 291 fore, exceptions to all the assumed characters of Mimosez are found, and there is some approach in both genera to the habit of Casalpineee. It is still possible, however, to distinguish, and it will certainly be expedient to preserve, these two tribes or orders. Abandoning divisions strictly natural, and so extensive as the tribes in question, merely because we may not be able to define them with precision, while it would imply, what is far from being the case, that our analysis of their structure is complete, would, at the same time, be fatal to many natural families of plants at present adinitted, and among others to the universally re- ceived class to which these tribes belong. No clear cha- racter, at least, is pointed out in the late elaborate work of M. De Candolle,’ by which Leguminose may be distinguished from Terebintaceze and Rosacez, the orders supposed to be most nearly related to it. It is possible, however, that such characters, though hitherto overlooked, may really exist ; and I shall endeavour to show that Leguminose, indepen- dent of the important but minute differences in the original structure and development of its ovulum, may still be dis- tinguished at least from Rosacee. In the character of Polygaleze, which I published in 1814,” I marked the relation of the parts of the floral envelopes to the axis of the spike, or to the subtending bractea. I in- troduced this circumstance chiefly to contrast Polygalez with Leguminosz, and to prove, as I conceived, that Secu- ridaca, which had generally been referred to the latter family, really belonged to the former. M. De Jussieu, who soon after published a character of Polygaleze, entirely omitted this consideration, and con- tinued to refer Securidaca to Leguminose. M. De Can- dolle, however, in the first volume of his ‘ Prodromus,’ has adopted both the character and limits of Polygalece, which ces I had proposed, though apparently not altogether satisfied with the description he himself has given of the divisions of the calyx and corolla. The disposition of the parts of the floral envelopes, with 1 Mémoires sur la Famille des Legumineuses. p 2 Flinders’s Voy. to Terra Austr. 2, p. 542. (Ante, pp. 18, 14.) 292 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS reference to the axis of the spike, in Polygalez, namely, the fifth segment of the calyx being posterior or superior and the fifth petal anterior or inferior, is the usual relation in families the division of whose flower is quinary. This relation is in some cases inverted; one example of which I have formerly pointed out in Lobeliacez,' as I proposed to limit it, and a similar inversion exists in Leguminose. But this class also deviates from the more general arrange- ment of the parts of the flower with regard to each other. That arrangement consists, as I have long since remarked,” in the regular alternation of the divisions of the proximate organs of the complete flower. ‘To this arrangement, in- deed, many exceptions are well known; and M. De Can- dolle has given a table of all the possible deviations, but without stating how many of these have actually been ob- served.® In Leguminose the deviation from the assumed regular arrangement consists in the single pistillum being placed opposite to the lower or anterior segment of the calyx. In these two characters, namely, the relation of the calyx and corolla both to the simple pistillum and to the axis of the spike or to the bractea, Leguminose differ from Rosaceze in which the more usual arrangements are found. But in those Rosaceze in which the pistillum is solitary and placed within the anterior petal, its relation to the axis of the spike is the same as that of Leguminose, in which it is within the anterior division of the calyx. And in all families, whether dicotyledonous or monocotyledonous, this, I believe, is uniformly the position of the simple solitary pistillum with regard to the spike or bractea. The frequent reduction of Pistilla, in plants having the other parts of the flower complete in number, must have been generally remarked. But the order in which these abstractions of pistilla take place, or the relations of the re- duced series to the other parts of the flower, have, as far as I know, never yet been particularly attended to. It will probably appear singular that the observation of these 1 Flinders’s Austr. 2, p. 560. (Ante, p. 32.) 2 Prodr, Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 558. 3 Theor, elem, ed. 2, p. 188, OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 293 relations in the reduced series of pistilla should have sug- gested the opinion, that in a complete flower, whose e37 parts are definite, the number of stamina and also of pistilla is equal to that of the divisions of the calyx and corolla united in Dicotyledones, and of both series of the perian- thium in Monocotyledones. This assumed complete number of stamina is actually the prevailing number in Monocotyledones ; and though in Dicotyledones less frequent than what may be termed the symmetrical number, or that in which all the series are equal, is still found in decandrous and octandrous genera, and in the greater part of Leguminosz. The tendency to the production of the complete number, where the symmetrical really exists, is manifested in genera belonging or'related to those pentandrous families in which the stamina are opposite to the divisions of the corolla, as by Samolus related to Primulacez, and by Beobotrys, having an analo- gous relation to Myrsinee; forin both these genera, five additional imperfect stamina are found alternating with the fertile, and consequently occupying the place of the only stamina existing in most pentandrous families. Indications of this number may also be said to exist in the divisions of the hypogynous disk of many pentandrous orders. With respect to the Pistilla, the complete number is equally rare in both the primary divisions of pheenogamous plants. In Monocotyledones the symmetrical number is very general, while it is much less frequent in Dicotyledones, in which there is commonly a still further reduction. Where the number of Pistilla in Dicotyledones is reduced to two, in a flower in which both calyx and corolla are present and their division quinary, one of these pistilla is placed within a division of the calyx, the other opposite to a petal or segment of the corolla. In other words, the addition to the solitary pistillum, (which is constantly an- terior or exterior), is posterior or interior. This is the general position of the component parts of a bilocular ovarium, or an ovarium having two parietal placente ; and in flowers whose division is quinary, I can recollect no other exceptions to it than in some genera of Dilleniacez. 294, OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS It is particularly deserving of notice, that the common position of the cells of the bilocular pericarpium with rela- tion to the axis of the spike was well known to Ceesalpinus, who expressly distinguished Crucifere from all other bilocular families by their peculiarity in this respect, the loculi in that family being placed right and left, instead of being anterior and posterior.’ 933) On the subject of the position of the Pistilla in the other degrees of reduction from the symmetrical number, I shall not at present enter. But in reference to Leguminosee I may remark that it would be of importance to ascertain the position of the Pistilla inthe pentagynous Mimosea, stated to have been found in Brazil by M. Auguste De St. Hilaire.’ Are these Pistilla placed opposite to the divisions of the calyx, as might probably be inferred from the position of the solitary Legumen in this classP Or are we to expect to find them opposite to the petals, which is the more usual relation, and their actual place in Cnestis, though the single ovarium of Connarus, a genus belonging to the same family, is seated within the anterior division of the calyx P In the very few Leguminosz in which the division of the flower is quaternary, namely, in certain species of Mimosa, the ovarium is still placed within one of the divisions of the calyx. As to Moringa, which was originally referred to this class from a mistaken notion of its absolutely belonging to Guilandina, it is surely sufficiently different from all Legu- minose, not only in its compound unilocular ovarium with three parietal placentz, but also in its simple unilocular anthers; and it appears to me to be an insulated genus, or family (Moringee), whose place in the natural series has not yet been determined. Casatpinsz, Of this tribe, four species only occur in the collection. One of these is Bauhinia rufescens of Lamarck (Zdustr. 829, f. 2); another is Cassia (Senna) 1 Cesalp. de Plantis, p. 327, cap. xv, et p. 351, cap. lili, 2 De Cand, Legum. p. 52. OF CENTRAL AFRICA, 295 obovata, which, according to Dr. Oudney, grows wild in small quantities in Wady Ghrurbi. Paritionacrz. ‘Twenty-six species of this tribe are contained in the herbarium, none of which form new genera, and the only two species that appear to be unpublished belong to Indigofera. Alhagi Maurorum, or Agoul, is abundant in Fezzan, where it forms excellent food for camels. Composira. Of this class, thirty-six species exist in the collection. The far greater part of these were found in the vicinity of Tripoli and in the Desert. All of them appear to belong to established genera, and very few species are undescribed. Rusiace#. ‘The herbarium contains only six species of this family, five of which, belonging to Spermacoce and ps9 Hedyotis, were found in Bornou and Soudan ; the sixth, a species of Galium, near Tripoli. Of AscLEp1aDE& only three plants occur. One of these is anew species of Oxystelma, exactly resembling in its flowers O. esculentum of India, from which it differs in the form of its leaves, and in that of its fruit... A species of Dcemia was found in the Desert; but the specimens are too imperfect to be ascertained. Of Apocinea, strictly so-called, there is no plant whatever in the collection; and of Gentianez, a single species only of Erythreea. Sresamesx. An imperfect specimen of Sesamum ptero- spermumn, of the catalogue of Mr. Salt’s Abyssinian plants,’ is in the collection from Bornou. Sapotsa. The only plant of this family in the herbarium is the Micadania, or Butter Tree of Soudan, particularly noticed by Captain Clapperton. The specimen, however, is very imperfect, consisting of detached leaves, an incom- plete fruit, and a single ripe seed. On comparing these leaves with the specimen of Park’s Shea Tree,’ in the 1 Oxystetma Bornouense, floribus racemosis, corolle laciniis semiovatis, folliculis inflatis, foliis lanceolatis basi cordatis. leona Obs. Inflorescentia et corolla omnino 0. escadenti, a quo differt folliculis in- flatis, et foliis omnibus basi cordatis, 3 Sult’s Voy, to Abyss, append. p. \xiii. (Ante, p. 94.) 3 Park's First Journey, pp. 202 and 352, 296 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS Banksian herbarium, I have little doubt that they both belong to one and the same species. Whether this plant is really a Bassia, is not equally certain; and the seed at least agrees better with Vitellaria paradoxa of the younger Geertner (Carpol. tab. 205) than with that of Bassia figured by his father (de Fruct. et Sem. Pl. tab. 104). That the woody shell in the nuts of all Sapoteze is really formed of the testa or outer membrane of the seed, as I have elsewhere stated’ and not of a portion of the substance of the pericarpium, according to the late M. Richard and the younger Geertner, is proved, not only by the aperture or micropyle being still visible on its surface, as M. Turpin has already shown in one case (Azz. du Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. 7, tab. 11, f. 3); but also by the course and termination of the raphe, as exhibited in the younger Geertner’s figures of Calvaria and Sideroxylum (Carpol. tabd. 200, 201, e¢ 202), and by the origin and ramification of the internal vessels. 240) SCROPHULARINE. Only six species of this family occur, none of which are unpublished. OroBANcHE compacta of Viviani was observed between Fezzan and Bornou. Of ConvotvuLaces there are five species, four of which belong to Bornou; the fifth is an aquatic Ipomcea, found creeping on the borders of a small lake near Tintuma. Possibly this plant may be Ipomoea aquatica of Forskal, and consequently Convolvulus repens of Vahl (sym. 1, p. 17). It is not, however, the plant so called by Linneus, which proves, as I have elsewhere stated (Prodr. FV. Nov. foll. 1, p. 483) to be Calystegia sepium; nor does it belong to either of his synonymes. Our plant differs also from Vahl’s description of his Convolvulus repens, in having constantly simgle-flowered peduncles, and leaves whose posterior lobes are rather acute than obtuse, and are quite entire. It is probably, therefore, distinct ; and I have named it Ipomcea Clappertoni.” 1 Prod. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 528. s : 2 Troma Clappertoni, glaberrima repens, foliis sagiltatis: lobis posticis acutiusculis integerrimis, pedunculis unifloris. OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 297 Among the few Ladiate, there is aspecies of Lavandula, possibly distinct from but very nearly related to L. multi- fida. It was found on the mountains of Tarhona. Of Boracinua, the herbarium includes eleven species, the greater part of which were collected near Tripoli, and all of them belong to well-established genera. Primutacesz. Of this family two species of Anagallis occur in the collection, and of these A. ceerulea was observed both near Tripoli and in Bornou. Samonus VaLERANDI was also found near Tripoli, in Wady Sardalis in Fezzan, and in Bornou. Of Dicotyledonous, or even of all pheenogamous plants, S. Valerandi is perhaps the most widely diffused. It is a very general plant in Europe, has been found in several parts of North Africa, in Dr. Oudney’s herbarium it is from Bornou, T have myself observed it at the Cape of Good Hope and in New South Wales, and it is also indigenous to North America. The geographical distribution of the genus Samolus is equally remarkable. At present eight species are known, of which S. Valerandi is the only one indigenous to Europe ea or which, indeed, has been found in the northern: hemi- sphere, except the nearly related S. ebracteatus of Cuba. All the other species belong to the southern hemisphere, where S. Valerandi has also a very extensive range. Of PrumpBacines, there are three species of Statice Taxanthema; for the latter name may be preserved as belonging to a section, though hardly as that of a genus, so far at least. as depends on inflorescence, which in both subdivisions of Statice is essentially similar, that of Statice Armeria being only more condensed. Of the three species in the herbarium, one appears to be unpublished. Among the plants of the Apetalous orders in the col- lection, there are very few remarkable, and hardly any new species. Gymnocarpus decandrum was observed by Dr. Oudney very commonly in gravelly deserts, on the route from Tripoli to Fezzan; and Cornulaca monacantha of M. Delile is said 298 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS to be widely extended from Tripoli to Bornou, and to be excellent food for camels. Monocotyrigeponrs. The number of species belonging to this primary division contained in the herbarium is alto- gether seventy. But Graminez and Cyperacee being excluded, thirteen only remain, namely, three species of Juncus, a single Commelina, three Melanthacez, three Asphodeleze, one species of Iris, and two Aroidez, of which Pistia Stratiotes is one. Of these thirteen plants, two appear to be unpublished, both of them belonging to Melanthacese. The first, a congener of Melanthium punctatum, which is also in the collection, was found in Fezzan. The second is a species of Colchicum, very different from any hitherto described; and which yet, by Mr. Ritchie, who first observed it, is said to be common in the desert near Tripoli, where it was also found by Dr. Oudney. This species, which I have named Colchicum Ritchii, is easily distinguished from all its congeners by having two cristae or membranous processes, which are generally fim- briated, at the base of each segment of the perianthium, parallel to each other and to the intermediate filament. But this character, though excellent as a specific difference, is neither of generic importance, nor sufficient to authorise the formation of a separate section.’ 22] Bulbocodium and Merendera, however, which, following Mr. Ker,’ I consider as belonging to Colchicum, appear to me decidedly to form subgenera or sections, and in this opinion I am confirmed by having found a fourth section of the same genus. This fourth subgenus is established on Hypoxis FascicuLaRis, a plant which has been seen by very few botanists, and which Linneus introduced ' Colchicum (Hermodactylus) Ritchit, limbi laciniis basi intus bicristatis ! fasciculo 2—multifloro, foliis linearibus. Obs. Spathe 2-S-floree; limbi laciniee vel lanceolate acutiusculse vel ob- longee obtuse; cristee laciniarum omnium sepe fimbriato-iucise, exteriorum nune integerrims, Ovula in singulis ovarii loculis biseriata, placentarum marginibus approximata; nec ut in C, autumnali quadriseriata, 3 Botan. Magaz. 1028, OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 299 into his ‘Species Plantarum,’ and referred to Hypoxis, solely on the authority of the figure published in Dr. Russell’s ‘History of Aleppo.’ In the Banksian Herbarium Thave examined part of the original specimen of this species, found by Dr. Alexander Russell, and figured by Ehret in the work referred to, as well as more perfect specimens collected by Dr. Patrick Russell; and am satisfied that its ovarium is not in any degree adherent to the tube of the perianthium. I find also that Hypoxis fascicularis differs from Colchicum merely in having a simple unilocular ovarium, with a single parietal placenta and an undivided style, instead of the compound trilocular ovarium, with dis- tinct or partially united styles, common to all the other sections of that genus. A reduction, as in this case, to the solitary simple pistil- lum,’ though existing in all Gramineee and in certain genera of several other families of Monocotyledones, is yet comparatively rare in that primary division of phenogamous plants, and in the great class Liliaceee, the present species of Colchicum offers, I believe, the only known example. rs Yet this remarkable character is here so little influential, if I may so speak, that Hypoxis fascicularis very closely resembles some states of Colchicum Ritchii, and in the Banksian herbarium has actually been confounded with another species of the first or trigynous section of the genus, To the first section, which includes Colchicum Ritchii, 1 The late celebrated M. Richard, in his excellent ‘Analyse du Fruit,’ in pointing out the distinctions between a simple and compound pericarpium, produces that of Melanthacee as an example of the compound, in opposition to that of Commeline or of Juncex, which, though equally multilocular, he considers as simple. A knowledge of the structure of Colchicum Monocaryum would, uo doubt, have confirmed him in his opinion respecting Melanthacez. It has always appeared to me surprising that a carpologist so profound as M. Richard, and whose notions of the composition of true dissepiments, and even of the analogy in placentation between multilocular and unilocular peri- carpia, were, in a great degree, equally correct and original, should never have arrived at the knowledge of the common type of the organ or simple pistillum, to which all fruits, whether unilocular or multilocular, were reducible; and that he should, in the instance now cited, have attempted to distinguish into simple and compound two modifications of the latter so manifestly analogous, and which differ from each other only in the degree of coalescence of their component parts, 300 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS the subgeneric name Hermodactylum may, perhaps, be ap- plied, while that established on Hypoxis fascicularis may be called Afonocaryum. The position of the pistillum in Colchicum (Monocaryum) fasciculare is not easily determined. I believe it to be placed within the anterior segment of the outer series of the perianthium ; but, from the great length of the tube, it is difficult to ascertain such a point in dried specimens. This, however, is the position in which I should expect it, both in reference to the usual relation of the solitary simple pistillum to the axis of the spike, or to the subtending bractea in all pheenogamous plants, and also with regard to the constant relation of the parts of the compound pis- tillum to the divisions of the perianthium in Monocotyle- dones ; for it is worthy of remark, that a difference in this relation may be said to exist in the two primary divisions of phenogamous plants—the pistilla when distinct, or their component parts when united, being in Dicotyledones usually placed opposite to the petals, when these are of equal number ; while in Monocotyledones the cells of the trilocular ovarium are, I believe, uniformly opposite to the divisions of the outer series of the perianthium. Crprracem. Of twelve species of this family existing in the herbarium, six are referable to Cyperus, three to Fimbristylis, and three to Scirpus. Among these there is no remarkable, nor, I believe, any undescribed species. Of C. Papyrus, which, according to Captain Clapperton, grows in the Shary, there is no specimen in the collection. Gramines. Of this extensive family, with which Dr. Oudney was more conversant than with any other, and to which, therefore, during the expedition, he probably paid greater attention, the herbarium contains forty-five species ; and in dividing the order into two great tribes, as I have for- a) merly proposed,’ thirty of these species belong to Poacee and fifteen to Panicee. This relative proportion of these two tribes is considerably different from what might have ) Flinders's Poy. to Terra Austr. 2, p. 582. (Ante, pp. 57-8.) OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 301 been expected, in the climates in which the collection was formed; it seems, however, to be connected with the nature of the surface ; for in the Great Desert the reduction of Panicexe is still more remarkable; this tribe being to Poacez, in that region, in the proportion of only five to eighteen. Dr. Oudney remarks, with respect to the grasses of the desert, that he observed no species with creeping roots; for a species of Arundo related to Phragmites, which a notices as the only exception, is not properly a desert plant. Among the very few Graminez deserving particular notice, the first is Avena ForsKxauit of Vahl. The speci- mens in the herbarium which were collected in the Desert of Tintuma in some respects differ from all the others that I have seen of this variable species. In the Banksian her- barium there is an authentic specimen from Forskal; I have received from -M. Delile specimens both of (his 4. . Forskalit and arundinacea, described and figured in his ‘Flore d’Egypte’; and am also in possession of others in somewhat different states, collected in Egypt by M. Nectoux and Dr. Sieber. From a comparison of all these specimens I am led to believe that A. Forskalii and arundinacea are not specifically distinct; and it is at least evident that arundinacea more nearly approaches to the plant of Forskal than that to which M. Delile has applied the name Forskalit. This grass, which does not belong to Avena, is referable to Danthonia, from the structure of the outer valve of its perianthium. But Danthonia requires subdivision into several sections, of which, perhaps, our plant may be con- sidered as forming one. The character of the section established on Danthonia Forskalit would chiefly consist in the very remarkable obli- quity of the joints of the locusta, which is, indeed, so great, that after their separation each flower seems to have at the base an almost vertically descendent spur; and as the in- ferior extremity of the upper joint is produced beyond the lower, a short calcar actually exists before separation, and 3802 OBSERVATIONS ON PLANTS this calcar is equally manifest in the terminal rudiment of the locusta. The present, therefore, is a case of more re- markably oblique articulation in grasses than even that a5) existing in Holcus acicularis (Andropogon acicularis, Retz), which led to the formation of Centrophorum, a genus still admitted by Professor Sprengel,’ and respecting the structure of which a very singular explanation has been lately offered by M. Raspail.* Jn one respect, the two cases differ. In Danthonia (Centropodia) Forskaliz, the articulations being in the axis of the locusta or spicula, each flower appears to have this spur-like process; while in ffolcus (Rhaphis) acicularis, the joint being in the peduncle or branch of the racemus, the spur is common to three locustee. Dr. Fischer, in whose herbarium the specimen was ob- served which led to the formation of Centrophorum, will probably recollect the communication made to him on the subject of that plant, of which,Dr. Trinius himself has since corrected the characters. He retains it, how- ever, as a distinct genus, for which he has adopted the name Rhaphis, given to it by Loureiro, by whom it was originally proposed on other, but not more satisfactory grounds. TrrrapHis Pumitto is the second plant of this family to be noticed. It is undescribed, and belongs to a genus of which the only two published species were found in the intratropical part of New Holland.’ In several points of structure the African plant is very different from 7" pungens, the first of these species ; in some respects it approaches to mollis, the second species, especially in the inequality of its setze or ariste ; but it differs from both in habit, and in having only one perfect flower in each locusta.* Of Pennisetum Dicnotomum (Delile, Flore d’ Egypte, p. 15, tad. 8, f. 1), which, in several different states, is in the collection, it is remarked by Dr. Oudney that “ it 1 Syst. Veg. 1, p. 182. 2 Annal, des Scien. Nat. 4, p. 425. 3 Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 1, p. 185. 4 Triraphis Pumilio, panicula coarctata abbreviata, locusta glumam vix supe- rante 8-4-flora: flosculo infimo hermaphrodito ; reliquis neutris univalyibus. OF CENTRAL AFRICA. 303 is a great annoyance to man and beast from the prickly calyx (involucrum) ;’ and by Major Denham that from Aghedem to Woodie “it covered the surface of the country, and annoyed the travellers to misery ;” he ob- serves also that the seed is called Kasheza, and is eaten. Panicum TuRGIDUM (Forsk. Arab., p. 18; Delile, Flore d’ Egypte, p. 19, tab. 19, f. 2) is also one of the most common grasses from Tripoli to Bornou. Of AcoryLEDonss, the only plant in the collection is Acrostichum velleum, found on the Tarhona mountains. Mr. Ritchie’s herbarium contains, also, a single plant of the same family, namely Grammitis Ceterach. The foregoing observations have extended much beyond the limits which the number and importance of the plants they relate to may seem to require. I still regret, how- ever, that I cannot add a few remarks on such species as, although not in the herbarium, were observed, either indi- genous or cultivated, in the countries visited by the mission, ‘and for information respecting which I am indebted to Major Denham and Captain Clapperton. But it being determined no longer to delay the publication of the very interesting Narrative to which the observations already made will form an Appendix, I am unable at present to enter on this part of my subject. GENERAL VIEW OF THE BOTANY OF SWAN RIVER. BY ROBERT BROWN, ESQ, F.R.S. [Extracted from the ‘Journal of the Royal Geographical Society of London. Vol. I, pp. 17—21.] LONDON: 1832. GENERAL VIEW OF THE BOTANY OF THE VICINITY OF SWAN RIVER. By R. BROWN, Esq., F.R.S. Read November 22nd, 1830. THE vegetation of the banks of Swan River, and of a7 the adjoining country to the southward, is at present known chiefly from the report of Mr. Charles Fraser, the botanical collector, who accompanied Captain Stirling in his exami- nation of that district in 1827, and from collections of specimens which were then formed. I have inspected, and in part examined, two of these collections ; one of which I received from Mr. Fraser him- self, through my friend Alexander Macleay, Esq., the Secre- tary of the Colony of New South Wales; for the second I am indebted to Captain Mangles. The number of species in both collections does not exceed 140; and some dicotyledonous herbaceous tribes, as well as grasses, Cyperacee, and Orchidez, are entirely wanting. From materials so limited in extent, but few general observations can be hazarded on the vegetation of this portion of the south-west coast of New Holland. The principal families of plants contained in the collec- tions are Proteacee ; Myrtacee ; Leguminosae, such es- pecially as belong to Decandrous Papilionacee, and to the 3808 GENERAL VIEW OF THE Leafless Acacia ; Epacridee ; Goodenovie ; and Composite. And the more conspicuous plants, not belonging to any of these families, and which greatly contribute to give a character to the landscape, are, Aingia australis, a species of Xanthorrhea ; » Zamia, nearly allied to, and perhaps not distinct from, Z. spiralis of the east coast, although it is said frequently to attain the height of thirty feet; a species of Callitris; one or two of Casuarina; an Leo- carpus, probably not different from 2. cupressiformis ; and Nuytsia floribunda,' a plant hitherto referred to Loranthus, but sufficiently distinct in the texture and the form of its fruit, and now named in memory of the discoverer of that part of the coast to which this very singular tree is nearly limited. If an opinion were to be formed of the nature of the country merely from the imspection of these collections, it certainly would be extremely unfavorable as to the quality of the soil; for not only do the prevailing families already enumerated, but the whole of the genera of those families, and even many of the species, agree with those found on the shores of King George’s Sound, which, with the ex- ception of afew patches of very small extent, seem abso- lutely incapable of cultivation. The opimion so formed, however, would be necessarily modified in noticing the entire want in the collections of 15) tribes, all of which must be supposed to exist, and some even in considerable proportion, in the tract examined ; in allowing for the unfavorable season when the herbarium was collected; in admitting the statements in Mr. Fraser’s report, respecting the abundance and luxuriance of Anthis- firia australis—the Kangaroo-grass of New South Wales ; from the account given in the same report of the extra- ordinary size of some arborescent species of Banksia, which, in the neighbourhood of King George’s Sound, generally form small trees only ; and lastly, in adverting to the im- portant fact stated by Captain Stirling in his despatch to Government—namely, that the stock had not only been 1 Loranthus floribundus. Ladild. Nov. Holl. i, p. 87, ¢. 113. BOTANY OF SWAN RIVER. 309 supported through nearly the whole of the dry season, but that most descriptions of it had even fattened on the natu- ral herbage of the country. From these more general observations I proceed to make a very few remarks, chiefly relating to the geographical distribution of some of the families or more interesting species, either contained in the herbarium, or distinctly noticed in Mr. Fraser’s report. The striking resemblance in general character, and the identity of many of the species with those of King George’s Sound, have been already mentioned. But this portion of the shores of New Holland, extending from Swan River on the west coast to Middle Island, in 123° 10’ east long. on the south coast, may be said to contain the greatest proportion of those genera which form the chief peculiarities of New Holland vegetation. In comparing the Flora of the district of Swan River with more distant regions of the same continent, it may be remarked, that probably not more than four or five species are common to this part of the west coast, and to the same parallel of .the east coast of New Holland; and that even the existence of some of these species at Swan River is not altogether certain. In the collections which I have examined there is no specimen of Anthistiria australis, or Kangaroo-grass of New South Wales; but as this valuable grass must have been well known to the botanical collector, and as it is perhaps the most general plant in New Holland, I have no hesitation in admitting its existence on the authority of Mr. Fraser’s report. Mesembryanthemum equilaterale is neither contained in the herbarium, nor mentioned by the collector. I find, however, in one of the letters from Swan River, published by Mr. Cross, a plant noticed as a pot-herb, that, from the account of the writer, is probably this plant, which, next to Anthistiria australis, is perhaps the most widely diffused species in the Flora of New Holland. The third species is Pteris esculenta, the only fern found by Mr. Fraser, and which is both general and abundant 810 GENERAL VIEW OF THE beyond the tropic in New Holland and in Van Diemen’s Land. 19) The Zamia, already noticed, if not specifically different from spiralis, would furnish another example of a plant peculiar to New Holland, and very generally found in the extra-tropical parts of that continent. I had, however, myself observed on the south coast a Zamia of at least ten feet in height, which I suspected might be distinct from Z. spiralis of the neighbourhood of Port Jackson, and which is probably the same with that of Swan River. The Hzocarpus of the Swan River may possibly differ from cupressiformis, though there is nothing in the speci- mens to make it probable that it is specifically distinct. But Evocarpus cupressiformis is found very generally, not only in the southern parts of New Holland and Van Die- men’s Land, but also within the tropic. The last plant in the collection whose range is very extensive remaining to be noticed, I have not been able to distinguish from Arenaria marina of the shores of Europe. Of the families existing in the vicinity of Swan River, the most striking, as well as the most extensive, is Proteacee, a tribe which, from its general dispersion, and the remark- able forms of its numerous genera and species, includes many of the chief peculiarities of the vegetation of New Holland. In Mr. Fraser’s collection, the principal genera of this order are—Petrophila, Isopogon, Hakea, and Banksia ; and these are also the most abundant in the districts of King George’s Sound and of Lucky Bay. ‘The number of species of the two first-mentioned genera confirms the re- mark made in the Botanical Appendix to Captain Flinders’s Voyage'—namely, that in New Holland, at the western ex- tremity of the parallel of latitude in which the great mass of this order of plants is found, a closer resemblance is observable to the South African portion of the order than on the east coast, where those allied to the American part chiefly occur. This is not the place to enter into a particular account of the new species of this family existing in the collections 1 (Antd, p. 41.) BOTANY OF SWAN RIVER. 311 from Swan River. I may observe, however, that the number is considerable, and that their specific characters have been recently published. The Myrtacee of Swan River belong chiefly to Mela- leuca, Beaufortia, Calothamnus, Calythrix, Billottia,’ and Eucalyptus. Of Eucalyptus the only species in the collection had been first found in Captain Flinders’s voyage at King George’s Sound, on the shores of which it was the only useful co timber tree, though there of very moderate size. I have named it Eucalyptus calophylla. Mr. Fraser describes it as forming, on the banks of the Swan, a large forest tree, and erroneously refers it to da- gophora, a genus which is limited to the east coast of New Holland. Other species of Zwea/yptus, forming the timber of the country, are mentioned in the report, and considered to be some of the common gum-trees of Port Jackson, from which, however, I have no doubt they will prove to be distinct ; for I am acquainted with no species of this genus common even to the east and south coasts of New Holland. I shall conclude with a remark relating equally to the genus Hucalyptus and to the Leafless Acacie, several species of which are found in the collection. This observation I have formerly made in the Appendix to Captain Flinders’s Voyage in the following terms’:—‘“‘These two genera are not only the most widely diffused, but by far the most ex- tensive in Terra Australis, about 100 of each having already been observed; and if taken together, and con- sidered with respect to the mass of vegetable matter they contain, calculated from the size as well as the number of individuals, are perhaps nearly equal to all the other plants of that country. They agree very generally also, though belonging to very different families, in a part of their economy, which contributes somewhat to the peculiar ' Supp. 1, Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. 2 A genus distinct from Leptospermum, to which the few species hitherto published, namely, B. margiuala, flecuosa, and lineartfolia, have been referred, 3 (Ante, p. 62.) 312 GENERAL VIEW OF THE BOTANY OF SWAN RIVER. ‘character of the Australian forests, namely, in their leaves, or the parts performing the functions of leaves, being ver- tical, or presenting their margin, and not either surface, to- wards the stem: both surfaces having consequently the same relation to light. “This economy, which uniformly takes place in the Acacia, is in them the consequence of the vertical dilatation of the foliaceous footstalk; while in Eucalyptus, where, though very general, it is by no means universal, it proceeds from the twisting of the footstalk of the leaf.” To this quotation it may be added that these two genera still more uniformly agree in the similarity of the opposite surfaces of their leaves. But this similarity is the indi- cation of a more important fact—namely, the existence equally on both surfaces of the leaf, of those organs, for which, as I believe them to be in general imperforated, I have adopted the name of cutaneous glands, but which by most authors are denominated pores, or stomata of the epidermis. Tn leaves, especially of trees and shrubs, these glands are generally found on the under surface only ; while among arborescent plants in a very few instances, as in several Conifere, they are confined to the upper surface. 2) In addition to the two extensive New Holland tribes here mentioned, there are many other cases in which these organs occupy both paginee; and I am inclined to think such cases more frequently occur on that continent than in any other part of the world. It is at least certain that on this microscopic character, of the equal existence of cuta- neous glands on both surfaces of the leaf, depends that want of lustre which is so remarkable in the forests of New Holland. BOTANICAL APPENDIX TO CAPTAIN STURT’'S EXPEDITION INTO CENTRAL AUSTRALIA. BY ROBERT BROWN, ESQ,, D.C.L., FLR.S., F.LS., &c. [Extracted from the ‘ Narrative of an Expedition into Central Australia, during the years 1844, 1845, and 1846,’ by Captain Charles Sturt, FLS., F.R.GS. Vol. I, Appendix, pp. 66--92.] LONDON: 1849. PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALTA, My friend, Captain Sturt, having placed at my disposal the Collection of Plants formed in his recent Expedition into the Southern Interior of Australia, I am desirous of giving some account of the principal novelties it con- tains. The collection consists of about one hundred species, to which might be added, if they could be accurately deter- mined, many other plants, chiefly trees, slightly mentioned in the interesting narrative, which is about to appear, and to which the present account will form an appendix. I may also observe, in reference to the limited number of species, that Captain Sturt and his companion, Mr. Brown, seem to have collected chiefly those plants that appeared to them new or striking, and of such the collection con- tains a considerable proportion. In regard too to such forms as appear to constitute genera hitherto undescribed, it greatly exceeds the much more extensive herbarium, collected by Sir Thomas Mitchell in his last expedition, in which the only two plants proposed as in this respect new belong to genera already well established, namely, Delabechia to Brachychi- ton, and Linschotenia to Dampiera. In Captain Sturt’s collection, I have been obliged, from the incomplete state of the specimens, to omit several species, probably new, from the following account, in which the plants noticed, chiefly new genera and species, are arranged according to the order of families in the Pro- dromus of De Candolle. 316 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA BLENNODIA. Cruciferarum genus, prope Matthiolam. Cuar. Gen.— Calyx clausus, foliolis lateralibus basi sac- catis. Petala equalia, laminis obovatis. Stamina : fila- mentis edentulis. Ovariwm lineare. Stylus brevissimus. Stigma bilobum dilatatum. S%/iqua linearis valvis convexi- usculis, stigmate coronata, polysperma. Semina aptera pube fibroso-mucosa tecta! Cofyledones incumbentes. Herba (v. Suffrutex) erecta ramosa canescens, pube ra- mosa ; foliis lato-linearibus remoté dentatis ; racemis terimt- nalibus. 1. BLENNODIA canescens. Loc. In arenosis depressis. Dusc. Suffruticosa, sesquipedalis, caule ramisque tereti- bus. Folia vix pollicaria paucidentata. Racemi multiflori, erecti, ebracteati. Flores albicantes. Calyx incano-pube- scens. Petalorum ungues calyce paulo longiores. Stamina 6, tetradynama, filamentis linearibus membranaceis apice sensim angustato. Oss. This plant has entirely the habit, and in many important points the structure of Matthiola, near which in a strictly natural method it must be placed; differing, however, in having incumbent cotyledons, and in the mucous covering of its seeds. The mucus proceeds from short tubes covering the whole surface of the testa, each containing a spiral fibre which seems to be distinct from the membrane of the tube. A structure essentially similar is known to occur generally in several families; to what extent or in what genera of Cruciferae it may exist, I have not ascertained ; it is not found, however, in those species of Matthiola which I have examined. COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT. 317 STURTIA. (68 Malvacearum genus, proximum Gossypio, affine etiam Senree. Car. Gen.—Znvolucrum triphyllum integerrimum. Calyx 5-dentatus, sinubus rotundatis. Pefala cuneato- obovata, basi nequilatera. Colwmna staminum polyandra. Ovaria 5, polysperma. Styli coherentes. Stigmata dis- tincta linearia. Pericarpia. . . Semina. . . Suffrutex orgyalis glaber ; foliis petiolatis obovatis inte- gerrimis ; floribus pedunculatis solitariis. 2. Sturtia Gossypioides. Loc. “ In the beds of the creeks on the Barrier Range.” D. Sturt. Desc. Suffrutex orgyalis glaber. Folia ramorum alterna, diametro unciali, trinervia ; petiolo folium subzequanti, basi in stipulam subscariosam adnatam dilatato. Pedunculi vel potius rami florifer: suboppositifolii nec veré axillares uni- Hori, juxta apicem folio nano petiolato stipulis 2 distinctis stipato instructi. Involucrum foliaceum venosum, foliolis distinctis, cordatis, punctis nigricantibus glandulosis con- spersis. Calyx dentibus acutis, sinubus rotundatis. Petala sesquipollicaria, uti calycis tubus glanduloso-punctata glan- dulis nigricantibus semi-immersis, purpurea basibus atro- purpureis margine barbatis. Columna staminum e basi nuda super ad apicem usque antherifera: antheris reni- formibus, loculis apice confluentibus. Pollen hispidum. Oss. Sturtia is no doubt very nearly related to Gossy- pium, from which it differs in the entire and distinct leaves of its foliaceous involucrum, in the sharp teeth and broad rounded sinuses of the calyx, and possibly also in its fruit and seeds, which are, however, at present unknown. They agree in the texture and remarkable glands of the calyx, and in the structure of the columna staminum. Senra, which, like Sturtia, has the foliola of its three-leaved in- 9 318 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA volucrum distinct and entire, differs from it in having its calyx 5-fid with sharp sinuses, in the absence of glands, in the reduced number of stamina, and in its dispermous ovaria. 3. Trisutus (Hystriz) lanatus, foliis 8-10-jugis, fruc- tibus undique tectis spinis subulatis longitudine inzqua- libus: majoribus sparsis longitudinem cocci superan- tibus. Loc. “In collinis arenosis. Lat. 26°.” D. Sturt. Desc. Herba diffusa, sericea, incana. Folium majus cuiusque paris 8-10-jugum, foliolis ovatis. Flores magni. Calyx estivatione leviter imbricata. Petala calyce duplo longiora. Stamina decem, antheris linearibus. Oss. I. A species nearly related to I. Hystrix, found on the west coast of Australia, or on some of its islands, in the voyage of the Beagle, may be distinguished by the following character. Z?cbudus (occidentalis) sericeo-lanatus, foliis suboctojugis, coccis undique densé armatis: spinis omnibus conico-subulatis longitudine invicem eequalibus. ‘These two species differ from all others in the uniform shape of the spines, which equally cover the whole external surface of the fruit. Oss. II. ‘The American species of the Linnean genus Tribulus are distinguishable from the rest of the published species, by having ten monospermous cocci, by their persis- tent calyx, and the absence of glands subtending the 5 filaments opposite to the sepals. This tribe was originally separated as a genus by Scopoli, under the name of Kallstrcemia, which has been recently adopted by Endlicher. Another tribe exists in the intratropical part of the Aus- tralian continent, to which, nearly 40 years ago, in the Bank- 7) sian Herbarium, I gave the generic name of 'l'ribulopis and which may readily be distinguished by the following characters, COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT. 319 TRIBULOPIS. Calyx 5-partitus deciduus. Petala 5. Stamina decem (nunc 5). #/amenta quinque, sepalis opposita, basi glan- dula stipata. Ovaria 5, monosperma. Coeci, preter tubercula 2 v. 4 baseos, leeves. Herbee annue prostrate ; foliis omnibus alternis ! Trisutopis (Solandri) foliis bi-trijugis, foliolis subovatis inequilateris, coccis basi quadrituberculatis, Loc. In ora orientali intratropica Nove Hollandiz prope Endeavour River, anno 1770. DD. Banks et Solander. TripuLopis (angustifolia), foliis 3-4 jugis (raro bijugis), foliolis linearibus, tuberculis baseos coccorum abbreviatis. Loc. Ad fundum sinus Carpentarize annis 1802 et 3. R. Brown. TrisuLopis (pextandra), foliis bijugis, foliolis oblongo- lanceolatis pari superiore duplo majore, floribus pentandris, petalis lanceolatis. Loc. In insulis juxta fundum sinus Carpentarize anno 1803. R. Brown. 4. Croranaria (Sturtiz) tomentosa, foliis simplicibus ovalibus utrinque sericeo-tomentosis, petiolis apice genicu- latis, racemis terminalibus multifloris. Loc. “On the top of the ridges in pure sand, from S, Lat. 28° to 26°.” _D. Sturt. Desc. Frutex 2-3-pedalis (D. Sturt). Folia alterna, ovata passim ovalia, obtusa, sesquipollicem longa, utrinque velu- tina ; petiolus teres basi vix crassiore apice curvato. Race- mus terminalis ; pedicellis approximatis calycem vix equan- tibus apice bibracteatis. Flores sesquipollicares. Calyx 5-fidus; laciniis lanceato-linearibus acutis subzequalibus tubum paulo superantibus. Corolla sordidé flava, calyce plus duplo major. Vexillum magnum, basi simplici nec auriculata, late ovatum, acutum. Alee vexillo fere dimidio 820. PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA breviores, basi semicordata. Carina longitudine vexilli, ™ acuminata, basi gibbosa, ibique aperta marginibus tomentosis. Stamina 10 diadelpha, simplex et novemfidum. Antherze quinque majores lineares, juxta basin affixe ; quinque reliquee ovate, linearibus triplo breviores, incum- bentes. Ovarium lineare, multi-ovulatum. Stylus extra medium et prasertim latere interiore barbatum. Stigma obtusum. Legumen desideratur. Oss. A species very nearly related to C. Sturtu, having flowers of nearly equal size, and of the same colour and proportion of parts, found in 1818, by Mr. Cunningham, on the north-west coast of Australia, and since in Captains Wickham and Stokes’ Voyage of the Beagle; may be dis- tinguished by the followmg character :—Crotalaria (Cun- ninghamit) tomentosa, foliis simplicibus ovali-obovatis utrinque sericeo-tomentosis, petiolis apice curvatis, pedun- culis axillaribus unifloris. 5. Criantaus (Dampieri) herbaceus prostratus sericeo- villosissimus, foliolis oppositis (rarissime alternis) oblongis passim lineari-oblongis obovatisve, pedunculis erectis scapi- formibus, floribus subumbellatis, calycibus 5-fidis sinu- bus acutis, ovariis (leguminibusque immaturis) sericeis. Clianthus Oxleyi 4. Cunningham in Hort. Soc. Transac. IT series, vol. 1, p. 522. Donia speciosa Don, Gen. Syst. vol. 2, p. 468. Clianthus Dampieri Cunningham, loc. cit. Colutea Nove Hollandie, &c., Woodward in Dampier’s Voy. vol. 3, p. 11], tab. 4, f. 2. Loc. “In ascending the Barrier Range near the Darling, about 500 feet above the river.” D. Sturt. Oss. In July, 1817, Mr. Allan Cunningham, who ac- companied Mr. Oxley in his first expedition into the West- ern Interior of New South Wales, found his Clianthus Oxleyi on the eastern shore of Regent’s Lake, on the River Lachlan. The same plant was observed on the GawlerRange, 7 not far from the head of Spencer’s Gulf, by Mr. Eyre in 1839, and more recently by Captain Sturt, on his Barrier Range near the Darling. I have examined specimens from COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT. 821 all these localities, and am satisfied that they belong to one and the same species. In March (not May), 1818, Mr. Cunningham, who accompanied Captain King in his voyages of survey of the coasts of New Holland, found on one of the islands of Dampier’s Archipelago, a plant which he then regarded as identical with that of Regent’s Lake. This appears from the following passage of his MS. Journal : “T was not a little surprised to find Kennedya speciosa (his original name for Clianthus Oxleyi), a plant discovered in July, 1817, on sterile, bleak, open flats, near Regent’s Lake, on the River Lachlan, in lat. 33° 18’ S. and long. 146° 40° HE. It is not common; I could see only three plants, of which one was in flower.” “This island is the Isle Malus of the French.” Mr. Cunningham was not then aware of the figure and description in Dampier above referred to, which, however, in his communication to the Horticultural Society nm 1834, he quotes for the plant of the Isle Malus, then regarded by him as a distinct species from his Clanthus Oxleyi of the River Lachlan. To this opinion he was probably in part led by the article Donia or Clianthus, in Don’s System of Gardening and Botany, vol. 2, p. 468, in which a third species of the genus is introduced, founded on a specimen in Mr. Lambert’s Herbarium, said to have been discovered at Curlew River, by Captain King. This species, named Clianthus Dampieri by Cunningham, he characterises as having leaves of a slightly different form, but its principal distinction is in its having racemes instead of umbels; at the same time he confidently refers to Dam- pier’s figure and description, both of which prove the flowers to be umbellate, as he describes those of his Clian- thus Oxleyi to be. But as the flowers in this last plant 1s are never strictly umbellate, and as I have met with speci- mens in which they are rather corymbose, I have no hesita- tion in referrmg Dampier’s specimen, which many years ago I examined at Oxford, as well as Cunningham’s, to Clianthus Dampieri. ‘This specimen, however, cannot now be found in his Herbarium, as Mr. Heward, to whom he bequeathed his 21 822 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA collections, informs me; nor can I trace Mr. Lambert’s plant, his Herbarium having been dispersed. Since the preceding observations were written, I have seen in Sir William Hooker’s Herbarium two specimens of a Clianthus, found by Mr. Bynoe, on the north-west coast of Australia, in the voyage of the Beagle. ‘These specimens, I have no doubt, are identical with Dampier’s plant, and they agree both in the form of leaves and in their subum- bellate inflorescence with the plant of the Lachlan, Darling, and the Gawler Range. From the form of the half-ripe pods of one of these specimens, I am inclined to believe that this plant, at present referred to Clianthus, will, when its ripe pods are known, prove to be sufficiently different from the original New Zealand species to form a distinct genus, to which, if such should be the case, the generic name Eremocharis may be given, as it is one of the greatest ornaments of the desert regions of the interior of Australia, as well as of the sterile islands of the North-west coast. CLIDANTHERA. Cuar. Gen.—Calyw 5-fidus. Petala longitudine -sub- equalia. Stamina diadelpha: authere uniformes ; loculis apice confluentibus, valvula contraria ab apice ad basin separanti dehiscentes! Ovariwm monospermum. Stylus subulatus. Stigma obtusum. Legumen ovatum, lenticu- lari-compressum, echinatum. 7 Herba, v. Suffrutex, glabra, glandulosa; ramulis an- gulatis. Folia cum impart pinnata ; foliolis oppositis, subtus glandulosis. Stipule parve, basi petioli adnate. Flores spicati, parvt, albicantes. Ozs. Subgenus forsan Psoralez, cui habitu simile, foliis calycibusque pariter glandulosis; diversum dehiscentia insolita antherarum ! 6. CLIDANTHERA psoralioides. Loc. Suffrutex bipedalis in paludosis. D. Sturt. COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT. 3823 Desc. Herba, vel suffrutex, erecta, bipedalis, glabriuscula. Ramuli angulati. Folia cum impari pinnata, 4-5-juga; foliola opposita, lanceolata, subtus glandulis crebris parvis manifestis, marginibus scabris. Spice dense, multiflore. Calyx 5-fidus, parum inaequalis, acutus, extus glandulis dense conspersus. Corolla: Veai//um lamina oblonga sub- conduplicata nec explanata, basi simplici absque auriculis ; ungue abbreviato. 4/e vexillo paulo breviores, carinam equantes, laminis oblongis, auriculo baseos brevi. Carine petala alis conformes. Stamina diadelpha, simplex et novemfidum; anthere subrotunde v. reniformes, valvula -ventrali anthera dimidio minore subrotunda. Ovarium hispidum ovulo reniformi. | Legumen basi calyce sube- marcido cinctum, echinatum. Semen reniforme, absque strophiola ; integumento duplici. Embryo viridis; cotyle- dones obovate, accumbentes. Oss. This plant, which in some respects resembles cer- tain species of Glycyrrhiza, appears to be not unfrequent in the southern interior. It was found in one of the early expeditions of Sir Thomas Mitchell, and Mrs. (Capt.) Grey observed it on the flats of the Murray. 7. Swarnsona (grandiflora) suffruticosa pubescens, foliis 8-10-jugis inexpansis incano-tomentosis ; foliolis oblongis obtusis retusisve: adultis semiglabratis: rachi subincana, racemo multifloro folium superante, bracteolis lanceato- linearibus acutis zquantibus tubum calycis albo-lanati 1 quinquefidi: laciniis acutissimis longitudine feré tubi, vexillo bicalloso. Loc. “Common on the rich alluvial flats of the Murray and Darling.” D. Sturt. Oss. This plant is, perhaps, not specifically distinct from S. Greyana, Lindl. Bot. Regist. 1846, tab. 66, of which the figure is a good representation of 8. grandiflora in every respect, except in the form and proportions of the teeth of the calyx and lateral bracteze. In these points it exactly agrees with complete specimens, for which I am indebted to Mrs. Grey, from the banks of the Murray, and Mr. Eyre’s station (Moorundi), about 98 miles from Adelaide, where it B24 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA was first found in November, 1841. The following charac- ters, if constant, will sufficiently distinguish it from S. grandiflora. Swatnsona (Greyana) suffruticosa pubescens, foliis 5-9- jugis inexpansis incano-tomentosis ; foliolis oblongis obtusis retusisve: adultis semiglabratis: rachi subincana, racemis multifloris folio longioribus, bracteis lateralibus lanceato- linearibus brevioribus tubo calycis albo-lanati quinque- dentati: dentibus obtusiusculis tubo dimidio brevioribus, vexillo bicalloso. In the second edition of Hortus Kewensis (vol. 4, p. 326), I excluded from the generic character of Swainsona the calli of the vexillum, having observed two Australian species where they were wanting, but which in every other respect appeared to me referable to this genus; for the same reason I continue to introduce the calli, where they exist, into the specific characters, as was done in Hortus Kewensis, ].c. In the generic Sarr of Swainsona, given in De Candolle’s Prodromus (vol. 2, p. 271), the calli of vexillum are transferred to the calyx ; this can only be regarded as an oversight, which perhaps has been cor- 71 rected by the author himself, and which, so far as I know, has never been adopted in any more recent work in which the generic character of Swainsona is given. 8. Swarnsona ? (awa) glabra, caule ramoso, foliis 6-7- jugis; foliolis oblongo-ovalibus obtusis, racemis elongatis laxis, pedicellis calyce glabro quinquedentato brevioribus, bracteolis subulatis, vexillo ecalloso. Loc. Statio nulla indicata, in Herb. D. Sturt. Oss. There is something in the aspect of this plant not entirely agreeing with the other species of the genus; and as the fruit is unknown, and the flowers yellow, I refer it with a doubt to Swainsona. Or COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT, 82 PENTADYNAMIS. Cuar. Gen.—Calye 5-fidus subeequalis. Vewdllum ex- planatum, callo baseos laminee in unguem decurrenti. Carina obtusa, basin versus gibba, longitudine alarum. Stamina diadelpha; antheris 5 majoribus linearibus, reliquis ovatis. Ovarium polyspermum. Stylus e basi arcuata por- rectus, postice barbatus. Legumen compressum. Herba (Suffrutex sec. D. Sturt), dipedalis sericeo-incana ; caule angulato erecto. Folia ternata; foliolis sessilibus, lineartbus, obtusis. Flores racemosi, flavi. 9. PENTADYNAMIS 7zcana. Loc. “On sand-hills with Crotalaria Sturtii.” D. Sturt. Desc. Herba erecta, ramosa, sericeo-incana. Folia al- terna, ternata; petiolo elongato, teretiusculo, foliolo termi- nali Jongiore vix unciali. Racemi multiflori, erecti; pedi- celli subsequantes calycem. Bracteole subulate, infra apicem pedicelli, basin calycis attingentes. Calyx 5-fidus ; laciniis acutis tubum equantibus. Corolla flava, calyce plus duplo longior. Vexillum explanatum, basi absque auriculis sed callo in unguem decurrenti ibique barbato auctum. Carina infra medium gibba pro receptione baseos 77 styli. Staminum anthere majores lineares, basi vel juxta basin affixes; 5 minores ovate, incumbentes. Ovarium lineare, pubescens. Stigma terminale, obtusum. Legu- men immaturum incanum, stylo e basi arcuata porrecto terminatum, calyce subemarcido subtensum. ; Oss. In the collection of the plants of his last expedition, presented to the British Museum by Sir Thomas Mitchell, there is a plant which seems to belong to the genus Penta- dynamis, which is probably, therefore, one of the species of Vigna, described by Mr. Bentham. 10. Cassia (Sturtii), tomentoso-incana, foliis 4-jugis foliolis lanceolato-linearibus planis: glandula depressa inter 826 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA par infimum, racemo corymboso paucifloro cum pedunculo suo folium paulo superante v. equante, calyce tomentoso, Loc. “In sandy brushes of the Western interior.” D. Sturt. Oss. Species proxima C. artemisizfolize De Cand. Prodr. quee Cassia glaucescens Cunningh. MSS. 1817, cui foliola teretiuscula, et racemus corymbosus cum pedunculo suo folio brevior. 11. Cassta (canaliculata), cinerascens pube tenuissima, foliis 2-jugis (raro 1-jugis) foliolis angustato-linearibus cana- liculatis: glandula inter par inferius et dum unijuga’ inter terminale, calycibus glabriusculis, racemis corymbosis pauci- floris folio brevioribus. Loc. “In the bed of. the creeks of the Barrier Range, about thirty-six miles from the Darling, in lat. 32° 8.” D. Sturt. Oss. Proxima C. eremophile Cunningh. MSS. que se- quentibus notis a Cassia phyllodinea et C. zygophylla, Benth. facile distinguenda. Cassia (cremophila), glabra, foliis unijugis raro passim 73) bijugis ; foliolis linearibus canaliculatis latitudine racheos linearis averse, corymbis paucifloris folio brevioribus. Loc. In desertis prope fluvium Lachlan, anno 1817, detexit D. Cunningham. Cassia (zygophylla), glabra foliis unijugis ; foliolis line- aribus planis rachi duplo latioribus, corymbis paucifloris folio brevioribus. Cassia zygophylla, Benth. in Mitch. trop. Austr. p. 288. Another species nearly related to C. zygophylla is readily distinguished by the following character : CassrA (platypoda), glabra, foliis unijugis ; foliolis line- aribus apiculo recurvo duplo angustioribus rachi aversa lanceolato-lineari. Loc. Juxta fluvium Murray, anno 1841, detexit Domina Grey. 12. Cassta (phyllodinea), canescens pube arctissimé ad- pressa, phyllodiis aphyllis linearibus planis falcatis aversis, calycibus glabris, legumine plano-compresso, COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT. 327 Loc. In Herbario D. Stwt specimen exstat nulla sta- tionis aut loci indicatione, sed eandem speciem ad fundum sinus Spencer’s Gulf dicti in sterilibus apricis anno 1802 legi. Dzsc. Frutex quadripedalis, ramosissimus. Phyllodia semper aphylla, aversa, linearia, acuta, basi attenuata, plus minusveé falcato-incurva, biuncialia, } circiter unciz lata ex- stipulata, paginis pube arctissime adpressa canescentibus, margine superiore glandula unica depressa obsoleta. Flores flavi, in umbella axillari 2-3 flora. Oxs. Cassia phyllodinea is one of the very few species of the genus, which, like the far greater part of New Hol- land Acacize, lose their compound leaves, and are reduced to the footstalk, or phyllodium, as it is then called, and which generally becomes foliaceous by vertical compression (79 and dilatation. A manifest vertical compression takes place in this species of Cassia. A second species, Cassia circinata of Benth. in Mitch. trop. Austr. p. 884, is equally reduced to its footstalk, but which is without manifest vertical compression. ‘To this species may perhaps be referred Cassia linearis of Cunning- ham MSS., discovered by him in 1817, but which appears to differ in having a single prominent gland about the middle of its phyllodium; Bentham’s plant being entirely eglandular. These two, or possibly three species, belong to the desert tracts of the South Australian interior. In the same regions we have another tribe of Cassie closely allied to the aphyllous species ; they have only one pair of foliola which are caducous, and whose persistent footstalk is more or less vertically compressed. Along with these, and nearly related to them, are found several species of Cassia, having from two to four or five pairs of foliola which are narrow, but their footstalks are without vertical compression, and their foliola are caducous, chiefly in those, however, which have only two pairs. . 328 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA PETALOSTYLIS. Ceesalpinearum genus, Labichee proximum. Cuar. Gen.—Calyz 5-phyllus, equalis. Petala 5 sube- qualia, patentia. Stamina: Filamenta quinque sepalis op- posita, quorum ¢ria antherifera, antheris basifixis lineari- bus, duo reliqua castrata. Ovarium oligospermum. Stylus maximus, petaloideus, trilobus, lobo medio longiore axi in- crassata desinente in stigma obtusum simplex! Frutex glaber, erectus. Folia alterna, pinnata cum im- pari, foliolis alternis. Racemi avillares, paucifort. Flores frari. so) 13, Prranostyiis Labicheotdes. Loc. “In the bed of a creek along with Sturtia.” D. Sturt. Oss. Eadem omnino species exstat inter plantas in Insulis Archipelagi Dampieri juxta oram septentrio-occi- dentalem Novae Hollandiz: in itinere navis Beagle dicte lectas. Desc. Frutex facie fere Cassie et Labichese. Folia alterna, cum impari pinnata, foliolis alternis brevissimé petiolatis oblongo-lanceolatis cum mucronulo terminali paulo majore. Stipula parvee caduce. Racemi pauciflori, axillares, folio breviores. Alabastrum ovali-oblongum acutiusculum. Calyx viridis, sepalis subeequalibus oblongis acutis, sestivatione imbricatis. Petala quinque subzequalia, oblonga, flava, astiva- tione imbricata, sepalis sesquilongiora. Stamina3 antherifera eequalia, filamentis abbreviatis, antheris acutis bilocularibus, loculis sulco longitudinali insculptis ; 2 reliqua rudimenta parva subfiliformia. Ovarium sessile, lineare, 3-4-spermum. Stylus lobo medio triplo longiore, oblongo-lanceolato, lobis lateralibus auriculiformibus semiovatis obtusis. Stigma imberbe. Oss. The structure of the style, which forms the only important character of this genus, so far as the specimens enable me to judge, is so remarkable and peculiar, as to COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT. 829 render it necessary to state, that I have found it quite uniform in all the flowers I have examined ; namely, in four immediately before, and in three after expansion. PODOCOMA. Cuan. Gen.—Jnvolucrwm imbricatum, foliolis angustis acutis. Ligule pluriseriales, angustissime, femines. Vos- cewli pauciores hermaphrodito-masculi. Ligularum pappo capillari, stipitato, denticulato. Receptaculum epaleatum. Herba humilis, setosa ; caule densé foliato ; folia petio- lata, cuneata, incisa, setis albis conspersa. 14. Popocoma cuneifolia. [al Loc. In Herbario D. Sturt absque ulla indicatione loci vel stationis. Ozs. This plant appears to be generically distinct from Erigeron, particularly in its stipitate pappus. The speci- mens, however, are so incomplete, that I am unable to de- termine whether what I have considered stem, may not be a branch only. LEICHARDTIA. Cuan. Gun.—Calye 5-partitus. Corolla urceolata ; tubo intus imberbi; fauce annulo integerrimo incrassata. , Corona staminea 5-phylla, foliolis antheris oppositis, risque brevioribus, indivisis. Anthere membrana (brevi) termi- nate. Masse Pollinis erecte basi affixes. Stigma vix divisum. Suffrutex volubilis ; foliis linearibus, fascicularibus, eatra- alaribus ; folliculis ventricosis ovato-oblongis. 15. Lurcnarptta australis. Doubah Mitchell, trop. Austr. p. 85. 830 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA Loc. “Common on the Murray, and in the interior.” D. Sturt. Dzsc. Suffrutex pubescens, subcinereus; ramis striatis nec omnino teretibus. Folia sesquipollicaria, linearia, acuta. Fasciculi multiflori. Calycis foliola obtusa, pube tenui cinerascentia. Corolla glabra; tubo absque squa- mulis denticulisve, ventricoso ; limbo vix longitudine tubi, laciniis conniventibus sinistrorsum imbricatis. Corone foliola e basi dilatata adnata linearia, indivisa. Masse Pollinis (Pollinia) lineares. Oss. Doubah was originally found by Sir T. Mitchell, but with fruit only, in one of his journeys, and also in his last expedition ; and, according to him, the natives eat the seed-vessel entire, preferring it roasted. Captain Sturt, on the other hand, observes that the natives of the districts where he found it eat only the pulpy seed-vessel, rejecting the seeds. s) 16. Jasminum dineare. Br. prodr. 1, p. 521. Jasminum Mitchellii. Lindl. in Mitch. trop. Austr. p. 365. Ozs. In Captain Sturt’s collection there are perfect specimens of this plant, on which a few remarks may be here introduced, chiefly referring to its very general exist- ence in the sterile regions of the interior of Southern Aus- tralia, and even extending to the north-west coast. The species was established on specimens which I collected in 1802, in the sterile exposed tract at the head of Spencer’s Gulf. With these I have compared and found identical Mr. A. Cunningham’s specimens gathered in the vicinity of the Lachlan, in 1817; Captain Sturt’s, in his earlier expe- ditions, from the Darling; those of Sir Thomas Mitchell, in his different journeys; and specimens collected in one of the islands of Dampier’s Archipelago. In this great extent of range, it exactly agrees with a still more remark- able plant, and one much less likely to belong to a desert country, namely, Chanthus Dampieri. I have considered Jasminum Mitchell as hardly a variety of J. lineare, the character of this supposed species COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT, 831 depending on its smooth leaves, and its ‘axillary nearly sessile corymbi or fasciculi, which are much shorter than their subtending leaves; but even in the specimen con- tained in the collection presented to the British Museum by Sir Thomas Mitchell, the young branches, as well as the pedunculus and pedicelli, are covered with similar pubescence, and in the same degree as that of J. lineare ; the specimens from Dampier’s Archipelago have leaves equally smooth, but have the inflorescence of J. lineare; and I have specimens of J. lineare in which, with the usual pubescence of that species, the inflorescence is that of Mitchelli. Among Sir Thos. Mitchell’s collection at the Museum, there is a Jasminum not noticed by Professor 1s Lindley, which, though very nearly related to J. lineare, and possibly a variety only, may be distinguished by the following character. Jasminum (micranthum) cinereo-pubescens, foliis ternatis ; foliolis lanceato-linearibus, pedunculis axillaribus 1-3 floris, corolla: laciniis obtusis dimidio tubi brevioribus. 17. GoopEnta (cycloptera) ramosissima pubescens, foliis radicalibus serrato-incisis ; caulinis lanceolato-ellipticis obso- leté serratis in petiolum attenuatis, pedunculis axillaribus unifloris folia subsequantibus, seminibus orbiculatis mem- brana angusta cinctis. Loc. Indicatio nulla stationis in Herb. D, Sturt. 18. Scavona (depauperata), erecta ramosissima, ramis alternis; ultimis oppositis divaricatis, foliis minimis sub- linearibus: ramorum alternis ramulorum oppositis, pedun- culis e dichotomiis ramulorwm solitariis unifloris. Loc. “In salt ground, in lat. 26° 8.” D. Sturt. Dusc. Herbacea, vix suffruticosa, adulta glabriuscula, erecta, ramosissima. Rami ramulique angulati; ultimi oppositi, indivisi, divaricati, apice diphylh, foltis minimis et rudimento minuto floris abortivi. Folia sessilia, linearia, acuta, brevissima, ramos subtendentia alterna, ramulos ultimos brachiatos opposita. Pedunculie dichotomiis ramu- lorum ultimorum penultimorumque solitarii, uniflori, ebrac- 832 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA teati. Calyx: limbo supero quinquepartito ; laciniis lineari- lanceatis, eequalibus, pubescentibus. Corolla: tubo hine ad basin usque fisso; limbo unilabiato, 5-partito ; laciniis lanceolatis, zqualibus, marginibus angustis induplicatis, extus uti tubus pubescentibus, intus glabris trinerviis, nervo medio venoso. Stamina: filamenta distincta, anguste linearia, glabra, axi incrassata; antheree libere, lineares, imberbes, basi affixze, loculis longitudinaliter dehiscentibus. Ovarium biloculare? loculis monospermis, ovulis erectis. Stylus cylindraceus, glaber. Stigmatis indusium margine 8] ciliatum et extus pilis copiosis longis strictis acutis albis tectum v. cinctum. 19. Eremopyina (Cunninghamii) arborescens, foliis al- ternis linearibus mucronulo recurvo, sepalis fructis ungui- culatis eglandulosis, corolla extus glabra. Eremophila? arborescens, Cunningh. MSS. 1817. Eremodendron Cunninghami, De Cand. prodr. xi, p. 7138. Delessert ic. select. vol. v, p. 43, tab. 100 (ubi error in num. ovulorum). Loc. “In the sandy bushes of the low western interior, not beyond lat. 29° 8S.” D. Sturt. Oss. The genus Eremophila was founded on very un- satisfactory materials, namely, on two species, E. oppositi- folia and alternifolia, which I found growing in the same sandy desert at the head of Spencer's Gulf in 1802, the only combining character being the scariose calyx, which I inferred must have been enlarged after flowering. This, however, proves not to be the case in E. alternifolia, which: Mrs. Grey has found in flower towards the head of St. Vincent’s Gulf; and from analogy with other species since discovered, it probably takes place only in a slight degree in E. oppositifolia, whose expanded flowers have not yet been seen. In 1817 Mr. Cunningham, in Oxley’s first expedition, discovered a third and very remarkable species in flower and unripe fruit, which he referred, with a doubt, to Ere. mophila, and which M. Alphonse De Candolle has recently separated, but as it seems to me on very insufficient grounds a COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT. 333 with the generic name of Eremodendron, established entirely on Mr. Cunningham’s specimens. A fourth species has lately been described by Mr. Bentham in Sir ‘Thos. Mitchell’s narrative of his Journey into Tropical Australia; and 0s some account of a fifth is given in the following article. These five species may be arranged in four sections, dis- tinguished by the following characters : a. Folia opposita; sepala unguiculata. Eremophila oppositifolia. Br. prodr. 1, p. 518. B. Folia alterna; sepala unguiculata, eglandulosa; an- theree exsertee. E. Cunninghamii. y. Folia alterna ; sepala breve unguiculata, eglandulosa ; stamina inclusa. Eremophila Mitchelli. Benth. in Mitch. trop. Austr. p. 3i. Eremophila Sturtii. 8. Folia alterna glanduloso-tuberculata, sepala cuneato- obovata, sessilia, glandulosa. E. alternifolia. Br. prodr. 1, p. 518. This last species might be separated from Eremophila ; it is not, however, referable to Stenochilus, with some of whose species it nearly agrees in corolla, but from all of which it differs in its glandular scariose calyx. 20. Eremopuita (Sturtii), pubescens, foliis anguste linearibus apiculo recurvo, corollis extus pubescentibus limbo intus barbato, staminibus inclusis. ' Loc. “On the Darling; flowers purplish, sweet-scented. D. Sturt. Dusc. Frutex orgyalis (D. Sturt.). Calyx 5-partitus, gequalis ; sepalis obovato-oblongis, basi angustioribus sed in unguem vix attenuatis, membranaceis, unmervus, venosis. Corolla bilabiata, tubo amplo recto, labiis obtusis, extus pubescens, intus hine (inferius) barbata. Labium su- perius tripartitum ; lobo medio bifido (e duobus conflato) ; laciniis omnibus obtusis ; inferius obcordatum bilobum lobis rotundatis, densius barbatum. Stamina quatuor didynama, omnino inclusa. Filamenta glabra. Anthere reniformes, 334 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA loculis apice confluentibus. Ovarium dens’ lanatum. Stylus glaber. Stigma indivisum, apice styli vix crassius. 8) Oss. Species proxima E. Mitchelli Benth. in Mitch. trop. Austr. p. 31. 21. Srenocuixus Jongifolius. Br. prodr. 1, p. 517. Stenochilus pubiflorus, Benth. in Mitch. trop. Aust. p. 278. Stenochilus salicinus. Benth. in Mitch. trop. Austr. p. 251. Loc. Nulla stationis indicatio. 22. Stenocuinus maculatus, Ker in Bot. Regist. tad. 647. Cunningh. MSS. 1847. B. Stenochilus curvipes. Benth. in Mitch. trop. Austr. p. 221. Varietas S. maculati, sepalorum acumine paulo breviore. Oxss. M. Alphonse De Candolle, in Prodr. xi, p. 715, refers S. ochroleucus of Cunningh. MSS. 1817, as a variety to S. maculatus ; it is, however, very distinct, having a short erect peduncle like that of S. glaber, to which it is much more nearly related, differing chiefly in its being slightly pubescent. 23. GREVILLEA (EuGREVILLEA) Séurtii, foliis indivisis (nonnullis raro bifidis) augusté linearibus elongatis uni- nerviis: marginibus arcté revolutis, racemis oblongis cylin- draceisve: rachi pedicellis perianthiisque inexpansis gluti- noso-pubescentibus, ovario sessili, stylo glabro. Loc. “On sand-hills in lat. 27° 8.” D. Sturt. Desc. Arbor 15-pedalis (Sturt). Rami teretes, pube arcté adpressa persistentiincani. Folia 6-10-pollices longa, vix tres lineas lata, subter pubescentia incana, super tandem glabrata. Thyrsus terminalis, 2-4 uncialis, rachi pedi- cellisque pube erecta nec adpressa secretione glutinosa in- termista. Flores aurantiaci. Oss. In the collection presented to the British Museum by Sir Thomas Mitchell, of the plants of his last expedition, there is a very perfect specimen, in flower, of Grevillea Sturti. COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT. 335 The following observations respecting the Grevillez of the same collection may not be without interest. Grevillea Mitchellii, Hooker, in Mitch. Trop. Austr. p. 081 265, proves to be Gr. Chrysodendrum, prodr. ft. Nov. Holl. p. 379, the specific name of which was not derived from the colour of the under surface of the leaves, which is, indeed, nearly white, but from the numerous orange-coloured racemes, rendering this tree conspicuous at a great distance. Grevillea longistyla and G. juncea of the same narrative both belong to that section of the genus which I have named Plagiopoda. A single specimen, in most respects resembling Gr. longistyla, of which possibly it may be a variety, but which at least deserves notice, has all its leaves pinnatifid, instead of being undivided. It may be distinguished by the fol- lowing character :—Grevillea (Playiopoda) neglecta, folis pinnatifidis subtus niveis; laciniis linearibus, stylis glabris. A single specimen also exists of Grevillea (or Hakea) lorea, prodr. flor. Nov. Holl. p. 380, but without fructifi- cation. 24, GrevitLEA (CycLopTera?) lineata, foliis indivisis lineari-ensiformibus enerviis subter striis decem paucioribus elevatis uniformibus interstitia bis-terve latitudine supe- rantibus, cicatrice insertionis latiore quam longa utrinque obtusa, racemis terminalibus alternis, pistillis semuncia brevioribus stigmate conico. Loc. “It takes the place of the gum-tree (Eucalyptus) in the creeks about lat. 29° 30'S.” D. Sturt. Oss. It is difficult to distinguish this species, which, according to Captain Sturt, forms a tree about 20 feet in height, from Grevillea striata. I have endeavoured to do so in the above specific difference, contrasted with which the leaves of G. striata have always more than 10 strie, which are hardly twice the breadth of the pubescent in- 1 terstices, and the cicatrices of whose leaves are longer than broad, and more or less acute, both above and below. This is a source of character which in the supplement to the Prodr. Flore Nove Hollandiz, I have employed in a. 336 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA few cases both in Grevillea and Hakea, but which I believe to be important, as it not only expresses a difference of form, but also in general of vascular arrangement. 25. Prinotus (/atifolius) capitulis globosis, bracteis pro- priis calycem superantibus, foliis ovatis petiolatis. Loc. “In lat. 26° 8S.” D. Sturt. Dusc. Herba diffusa, ramosa, incana. Folia alterna, petiolata, laté ovata, integerrima. Capitula ramos termi- nantia, solitaria vel duo approximata. Bractez laterales scarlose, sessiles, laté ovatee, enerviee. Perianthium ; foliolis subaequalibus, lana implexa alba basi tectis, ante expan- slonem ungue nervoso tunc brevissimo, post anthesin laminam scarlosam enervem fere eequante. Stamina 5 antherifera ; filamenta basi in cyathulum edentulum con- nata. Antheree biloculares, loculis utrinque distinctis medio solum conjunctis. Ovarium monospermum, glabrum. Sty- lus filiformis, glaber. Stigma capitatum, parvum. Utri- culus evalvis, ruptilis. Oss. I was at first inclined to consider this plant as a genus distinct from Ptilotus, more, however, from the re- markable difference in habit than from any important dis- tinction in the flower, for its character would have chiefly consisted in the great size of its lateral bracteze, and in the form of its antheree. In a small collection formed during the voyage of Captains Wickham and Stokes, there is a plant very nearly related to, and perhaps not specifically distinct from, Pti- lotus latifolius, but having narrower leaves. It was found on one of the islands of Dampier’s Archipelago. a) 26. Nuuracuye (paradova) glaberrima, culmo dicho- tomo, foliis rameis abbreviatis, fasciculis paucifloris, glumis perianthiisque imberbibus valvula exteriore cujusve floris septemnervia. Loc. Nulla indicatio loci v. stationis, in Herbario D. Sturt. Dzsc. Gramen junceum, facie potius Cyperaceze cujusdam. Folia radicalia in specimine unico viso defuere ; ramos sub- COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT. 337 tendentia abbreviata, vagina aperta ipsum folium superante; floralia subspathiformia sed foliacea nec membranacea. Fas- ciculi pauciflori: spicule cum pedunculo brevissimo ar- ticulatee et solubiles, et subtensee bractea nervosa carinata ejusdem circiter longitudinis. Gluma bivalvis biflora, ner- vosa, acuta, mutica; valvule subaequales septemnervize ; exterioris nervis tribus axin occupantibus sed distinctis reliquis per paria a marginibus et axilibus subaquidistanti- bus; interioris nervis equidistantibus, externis margini approximatis. Perianthium inferius (exterius), bivalve neutrum; valvula exterior septemnervis, exteriori glume similis textura forma et longitudine; valvula interior (superior) angustior pauloque brevior, dinervis, nervis alatis marginibus veris latis induplicatis. Perianthium superius hermaphroditum, paulo brevius, pergamineo-membrana-. ceum, nervis dilute viridibus; valvula exterior quinque- nervis, acuta, concava; interior ejusdem fere longitudinis, dinervis. Stamina 3, filamentis lineartbus. Ovarium ob- longum, imberbe. Styli duo. Stigmata plumosa, pallida ? Oss. Neurachne paradoxa, founded on a single specimen, imperfect ‘in its leaves and stem, but sufficiently complete in its parts of fructification, differs materially in habit from the original species, N. alopecuroidea, as well as from N. Mitchelliana of Nees, while these two species differ widely from each other in several important points of structure. In undertaking to give some account of the more re- 9 markable plants of Captain Sturt’s collection, it was my intention to have entered in some detail into the general character of the vegetation of the interior of Australia, south of the Tropic. I am now obliged to relinquish my original intention, so far as relates to detail, but shall still offer a few general remarks on the subject. These remarks will probably be better understood if I refer, in the first place, to some observations published in 1814, in the Botanical Appendix to Captain Flinders’s Voyage.’ ) Ante, p. 61. 22 338 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA From the knowledge I then had of New Holland, or Australian vegetation, I stated that its chief peculiarities existed in the greatest degree in a parallel, included be- tween 83° and 35° S. lat. which I therefore called the principal parallel, but that these peculiarities or charac- teristic tribes were found chiefly at its western and eastern extremities, being remarkably diminished in that inter- mediate portion, included between 133° and 138°, E. long. These observations related entirely to the shores of Aus- tralia, its interior being at that period altogether unknown; and the species of Australian plants, with waich I was then acquainted, did not exceed 4200. Since that time great additions have been made to the number, chiefly by Mr. Allan Cunningham, in his various journeys from Port Jackson, and on the shores of the North and North-west coasts during the voyages of Captain King whom he ac- companied; by Messrs. William Baxter, James Drummond, and M. Preiss, at the western extremity of the principal parallel, and by Mr. Ronald Gunn in Van Diemen’s Land. It is probable that I may be considered as underrating these additions, when I venture to state them as only be- 2] tween two and three thousand; and that the whole number of Australian plants at present known, does not exceed, but rather falls short of 7000 species. These additions, whatever their amount may be, confirm my original statement respecting the distribution of the characteristic tribes of the New Holland Flora; some ad- ditional breadth might perhaps be given to the principal parallel, and the extent of the peculiar families may now be stated as much greater at or near its western, than at its eastern extremity. With the vegetation of the extra-tropical interior of Australia we are now in some degree acquainted, chiefly from the collections formed by the late Mr. Allan Cun- ningham, and Charles Fraser, in Oxley’s two expeditions from Port Jackson into the western interior, in 1817 and 1818; from Captain Sturt’s early expeditions, in which the rivers Darling, Murrumbidgee, and Murray, were dis- covered ; from those of Sir Thomas Mitchell, who never COLLECTED BY CAPTAIN STURT, 3839 failed to form extensive collections of plants of the regions he visited; and lastly, from Captain Sturt’s present col- lection. The whole number of plants collected in these various expeditions may be estimated at about 700 or 750 species; and the general character of the vegetation, especially of the extensive sterile regions, very nearly resembles that of the heads of the two great inlets of the south coast, par- ticularly that of Spencer’s Gulf; the same or a still greater diminution of the characteristic tribes of the general Aus- tralian Flora being observable. Of these characteristic tribes, hardly any considerable proportion is found, except of Eucalyptus, and even that genus seems to be much reduced in the number of species ; of the leafless Acaciz, which appear to exist in nearly their usual proportion ; and of Callitris and Casuarina. ‘The extensive families of Epa- cridewe, Stylidese, Restiaceze, and the tribe of Decandrous 1 Papilionacese, hardly exist, and the still more characteristic and extensive family of Proteacez is reduced to a few species of Grevillea, Hakea, and Persoonia. Nor are there any extensive families peculiar to these regions ; the only characteristic tribes being that small section of aphyllous, or nearly aphyllous Cassie, which I have particularly adverted to in my account of some of the species belonging to Captain Sturt’s collection; and several genera of Myoporine, particularly Eremophila and Stenochilus. Both these tribes appear to be confined to the interior, or to the two great gulfs of the South coast, which may be termed the outlets or direct continuation of the southern interior; several of the species observed at the head of Spencer’s Gulf also existing in nearly the same meridian, several degrees to the northward. It is not a little remarkable that nearly the same general character of vegetation appears to exist in the sterile islands of Dam- pier’s Archipelago, on the North-west coast, where even some of the species which probably exist through the whole of the southern interior are found; of these the most striking instances are, Clianthus Dampieri, and Jasminum lineare, and to establish this extensive range of these two 340 PLANTS OF CENTRAL AUSTRALIA. species was my object in entering so minutely into their history in the preceding account. A still greater reduction of the peculiarities of New Holland vegetation takes place in the islands of the South coast. PART IL. ———__ STRUCTURAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL MEMOIRS. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE PARTS OF FRUCTIFICATION IN MOSSES; WITH CHARACTERS AND DESCRIPTIONS OF TWO NEW GENERA OF THAT ORDER. BY MR. ROBER'T BROWN, Lise. Linn. Soc. Reap JuNE 20TH, 1809. [Eatracted from ‘The Transactions of the Linnean Society of London.’ Vol. X, pp. 312—324.] LONDON: 1811. SOME OBSERVATIONS, &c. [az Tue account which the celebrated Hedwig has given of the sexes of Mosses seems to be founded on so ample aninduction, and is now so generally received, that it nrust be [un Jnecessary to notice the arguments which mere theoretical botanists have from time to time produced against it. There is, however, one author, Mons. Palisot Beauvois, who has not only objected to the account of Hedwig, but has proposed a theory of his own, and who, consequently, appealing to actual observations, and appearing to have particularly studied, specifically at least, this tribe of plants, merits some attention. The earliest account of Mons. Beauvois’ theory is to be found in the observations added to the order Musci, in the “Genera Plantarum’ of Jussieu; and it was soon after more fully given by the author himself in a Memoir on the Sexual Organs of Mosses, published in the third volume of the American Philosophical Transactions: since that time he has, in his different works, occasionally treated of the same subject, and has lately repeated the substance of his original essay, in the introduction to his ‘ Prodrome des Cinguiéme et Siviéme Familles de 0? Aithiogamie,” published at Paris in 1805, a translation of which is given by my friend Mr. Konig, in the second volume of the Annals of Botany. ‘To this work, as it must be in the hand of ms every scientific botanist, I refer for a full account of M. Beauvois’ hypothesis, and confine myself to observing, that what is generally called the capsule of mosses, is by him considered as the containing organ of both sexes; that the granules which Hedwig supposes to be seeds, he regards as pollen; the real seeds according to him being imbedded in 346 OBSERVATIONS ON THE the substance of that body which occupies the centre of the capsule, and to which botanists have given the name of columnula or columella. The supposed seeds of this author, however, having entirely escaped the two most acute and experienced observers in this department of botany, Schmidel and Hedwig, in all the species of which they have given dissections, it might fairly be concluded that they are not of universal existence, and this alone would be sufficient perhaps to overturn the hypothesis. But it would be more satisfactory, if, while the accuracy of these excellent observers was confirmed in other instances, the cause of that appear- ance, which I apprehend has misled M. Beauvois, could at the same time be pointed out. The species more particu- larly described and figured by him in the American Trans- actions, is Hypaum velutinum; which therefore, had it been in a proper state, I should have preferred as the sub- ject of my examination; but as he asserts that his observa- tions were repeated, and with similar results, on all the species of mosses found in the neighbourhood of Paris and Lisle, I have chosen Funaria hygrometrica, perhaps the most general plant in existence ; which therefore must have been examined by him, and is within the reach of every one. As, according to M. Beauvois, the action of the pollen on the seeds does not take place till the separation of the operculum, he probably did not conceive it necessary to observe the capsule until it had acquired its full size, and was in fact nearly ripe, or, as he terms it, in blossom. At sis] this period he examined under the microscope a transverse section of the capsule, in which, as appears both from his description and figure, he found a dense stratum of granular matter, which he considered to be pollen, situated imme- diately within the inner membrane; while in the substance occupying the centre, which he describes as reticulated, he observed scattered granules, in size and appearance like those of the pollen already mentioned: these he regards as the genuine seeds, and the containing organ he calls the capsule. It is remarkable that he nowhere expressly states the PARTS OF FRUCTIFICATION IN MOSSES. 347 manner in which this capsule bursts : but it may be inferred, from the use he assigns to the peristomium, that he supposes it to eject its contents by the upper extremity : for, if the bursting were lateral, the seeds would at once come into contact with the pollen: but though impregnation would in this way more certainly be accomplished, the motions of the cilize could no longer be considered as in any degree assist- ing it. Desirous to examine an object as nearly similar as possible to that on which the hypothesis appears to be founded, I in the first place made a transverse section of the full-grown but green capsule of Funaria hygrometrica ; and, I confess, was both surprised and disappointed to find it, under the microscope, exactly resembling M. Beauvois’ figure [18]. But little reflection, however, was necessary to show that these scattered granules might either have been forced into the pulpy central substance, by the pressure necessarily applied to the stratum of pollen in making the section, or, what is more probable, been carried over its surface by the cutting instrument, which had previously passed through this stratum. Accordingly, by repeated immersion in water, and more readily still by the careful application of a small hair-pencil, the greater part of the granules was removed. 1315 A transverse section at an earlier stage of the capsule, before the falling of the calyptra, exhibited, as I expected, fewer granules on the substance of the columella, and which were removable in like manner. Lastly, by a longitudinal sec- tion, in which, if well performed, the scalpel could not be supposed to carry any part of the pollen over the surface of the columella, I obtained a distinct view of this part, per- fectly free from these supposed seeds, and evidently con- sisting of large cells filled with an uniform pulpy substance ; a continuation of which occupied the cavity of the oper- culum. From these observations, even added to those of Schmidel and Hedwig, though they seem conclusive against the hypo- thesis of M. Beauvois, 1 by no means pretend to reason strictly respecting'the whole order : on the contrary, from the conversations I have had with my ingenious and accurate 348 OBSERVATIONS ON THE friend, Mr. Francis Bauer, as well as from some observations of my own, I am disposed to believe that considerable diversities may exist in the placentation of mosses: that in some cases the seeds may be formed in a much greater por- tion of the columnula than in others: and it is even not improbable that in certain cases its whole substance may be converted into seeds; or, to speak more accurately, that it may produce seeds even to the centre, and that the cells in which they were probably formed may be re-absorbed. This T am inclined to think is the case in Phascum alternifolium of Dickson, in the ripe capsule of which there is hardly the vestige of a columnula; and I have observed the same structure in two new species of Anodontinm of Bridel ; which, if it equally exists in the only species of this genus hitherto described, would perhaps considerably strengthen its character. In these cases the inner membrane is also sis) evanescent ; and such a structure, it may be remarked, equally militates against M. Beauvois’ theory, whether we suppose the columella to have existed at an earlier stage, in the usual form, or not. As to this organ being tubular, and discharging its con- tents by the top, it is neither consistent with what has been already observed, nor with the appearance of its remains in the ripe capsule: but, admitting for a moment its tubular nature, there are certain mosses in which no discharge could possibly take place in the way described ; the column being elongated even to the apex of the operculum, to which it often continues to adhere, as in Buebaumia, and in the first of the two new genera which I now proceed to describe. DAWSONIA. Peristomium penicillatum, ciliis numerosissimis capillari- bus rectis zequalibus e capsulz parietibus columellaque (!) ortis. Capsula hinc plana, inde convexa. Calyptra exterior e villis implexis, interior apice scabra. Muscus hine arcté afinis Polytricho, quocum foliis, floribus PARTS OI' FRUCTIFICATION IN MOSSES. 3849 masculis, et calyptraé penitus convenit ; indé aliquo modo Buxbaumie accedens, presertim figurd capsule, et structurd columelle. Peristomio autem ab omnibus diversissimus. DAWSONIA POLYTRICHOIDES. Tas. 11 (XXII]2 Fig. 1. Parrra. Nove Hollandiz ora orientalis, extra tropicum. Sratio. Ripe subumbrosz rivulorum, ad radices mon- tium, in vicinitate Portis Jackson. Desc. Cespites laxi, amorphi. Radicule tenuissime, tomenti instar, caudicem descendentem brevem inyes- (17 tientes. | Caulis simplicissimus, erectus, strictus, 2—3- uncialis, basi reliquiis foliorum squamatus, supra densé foliatus. olia, e basi dilatataé semiamplexicauli membra- nacedi fusca, lineari-subulata, opaca, viridia, marginibus longitudinaliter dorsoque apicis denticulatis, spinulis sursum crebrioribus majoribusque, concaviuscula, patula, siccatione appressa, canaliculata, superiora vix semuncialia, inferiora sensim breviora. Masculi Flores terminales, discoidei. Folia perigonialia cuneato-orbiculata, mucronata, integerrima, semimembra- nacea, exteriora sensim majora. ila succulento numerosa, articulata, basi attenuata. Anthere flosculi singuli 6-8, cylindraceze, brevissimé pedicellate. Femineus Flos in distincto individuo. WSe¢a terminalis, solitaria, erecta, laevis, nitens, rufo-fusca, caule ter brevior, foliis terminalibus duplo longior. Vaginula cylindracea, stricta, glabra, tegmine pilorum calyptree exterioris instar instructa. Calyptra duplex : eaterior constans pilis intertextis dimi- dio inferiore tenui flexuoso pallido ramuloso edentulo, superiore ferrugineo stricto denticulato : ixterior mem- branacea straminea, capsule mature subulata, supra longi- tudinaliter fissa, apice solum denticulata. Capsula nutans, angulum feré rectum cum seta efformans, 1 The figures within brackets refer to the numbering of this and subsequent plates in the ‘ Linnean Transactions.’ —Ep. 350 DESCRIPTION OF ovata, per lentem reticulata, areolis subrotundis, sordidé fusca, levis, nonnitens, supra plana marginibus acutis, subtts modicé convexa ore coarctato, marginato. Apophysis nulla. Operculum conico-cylindraceum, capsula brevius, apice lateris superioris im mucronem levissimé incurvum producto, basi incrassata, cum calyptra seepissimé deciduum. Peristomium penicilum densum album referens, longi- tudine circiter dimidii capsule, formatum C7dizs indeter- minatim numerosissimis (200 et ultra) capillaribus inarti- sis} culatis eequalibus rectis albis opacis, pluribus e capsule parietibus ortum ducentibus, centralibus (circiter 50) colu- mellam terminantibus ! Membrana interior capsule mature exteriori approxi- mata, vasculisque numerosis connexa. Columella longitudine capsule maturee, in qua latiuscula, corrugata, colli brevis margine incrassata, intra cilias desinens in processum filiformem solidum indivisum apicem operculi attingentem eique arctitis adherentem. Semina minutissima, levia, in cumulo viridia, seorstim hyalina, Oss. I. I have named this remarkable genus in honour of my esteemed friend Dawson ‘Turner, Esq.,a gentleman eminently distinguished in every part of cryptogamic botany, aid from whom, after he has finished the incomparable work on Fuc?, in which he is now engaged, we may expect a general history of mosses. ‘Oss. IL. ‘The strict relationship between Dawsonia and Polytrichum in most respects, and the striking dissimilarity of their peristomiums, may tend, perhaps, in some degree to lessen our confidence in the characters derived from that part ; for there seems in this case but little analogy between the two structures. The better to understand that of Polytrichum, I was induced along with Mr. Turner to examine it in the unripe capsule: in this state the cavity of the operculum was found completely filled with a cellular pulp, similar to that composing the columella, of which it appeared evidently to be a continuation; to the surface of this pulp the teeth of the peristomium were closely pressed, THE GENUS DAWSONIA. 351 but did not adhere: by degrees the pulp dries up, and in the ripe capsule leaves only the membrane or tympanum of an inorganic appearance, and firmly cohering with the teeth by the inner side of their apices. It does not therefore sis properly belong to the operculum, though in some cases it may adhere to it, as does the analogous process of the colu- mella in Dawsonia and im several other mosses. The affinity of Dawsonia to Buxbaumia is certainly less strict than to Polytrichum, and rests chiefly on the similarity of the figure of the capsule, aud in the central process of the columella, which is still more evident in Buebaumia, where it forms part of the Linnean generic character, though unaccountably overlooked by Schmidel in his masterly dissertation; but, if I mistake not, actually represented by him fin fic. 14, b"], and con- founded with the peristomium, which in this case, I sup- pose, had adhered to the operculum, as I have repeatedly found it to do, and thus escaped his notice. Hedwig con- siders the plaited membrane which constitutes the peristo- mium of Buaxbaumia, as derived from the inner membrane of the capsule, and quotes the figure just mentioned of Schmidel in proof of this origin. In both species, however, I find it arising from the exterior membrane, though con- siderably within its margin, which in Buxbaunia aphylla is said by Hedwig to be divided into teeth,—an appearance I could not observe in the few ripe capsules I have dissected. In other respects, the two species seem essentially to agree, and therefore ought not to be separated, as Ehrhart and some late writers have done. ‘The generic character com- prehending both, I would propose to alter in the following manner. BUXBAUMIA. Capsula obliqua, hine convexior, vel gibba. Peristomium intva marginem, quandoque dentatum, mem- brane exterioris ortum, tubulosum, plicatum, apice aper- tum. - 1 Schmidel, Dissertationes Botanici Argument. 352 DESCRIPTION OF 320) LEPTOSTOMUM. Capsula oblonga, exsulca; Operculo hemispheerico, mutico. Peristomium simplex, membranaceum, annulare, planum, indivisum, e membrana interiori ortum. Musci dense cespitosi. Caules erecti, annotino-ramost. Folia undique modicé patentia, latiuscula, nervo valido, marginibus integris, revolutis, pilo (quandoque ramoso ?) terminata. Seta terminalis. Capsula erecta v. inclinans, bast in apophysin obconicam attenuata, ore coarctato. Calyptra glabra, levis, caduca. 1. LZ. inclinans, foliis ovato-oblongis obtusis ; pilo sim- plici, capsulis inclinatis obovato-oblongis. Tas. 11 [XXIII]. Fig. 2. Parris. Insula Van-Diemen. Srario. Rupes et saxa ad latus orientale prope summita- tem Montis Tabularis lat. aust. 43°, elevatione supra mare 3000 ad 3500 ped. Desc. Muscus leté virens 2-3-uncialis. Caules partim divisi, infra tomento denso ferrugineo vestiti, supra confertim foliati. Folia concaviuscula, per lentem minutissime punc- tato-areolata, pilo tortili ipso folio quater breviore. Seta fusca, levis. Vaginula infra stipata adductoribus pluribus filisque succulentis capillaribus articulatis. 2. L£. erectum, foliis oblongo-parabolicis obtusis ; pilo simplici, capsulis erectis oblongis. Parria. Novee Hollandiz ora orientalis, extra tropicum. Sratio. Rupes prope fluviorum ripas, in regione montana; ad fluvios Hawkesbury et Grose. Desc. Muscus 2-3-uncialis. Caules simplices et subra- s] mosi, infra tomento ferrugineo vestiti, supra densé foliati. Folia siccatione partm curvata, et simul adpressa, THE GENUS LEPTOSTOMUM. 353 Seta elongata, fusca, levis. Capsula eequilatera. Oper- culum delapsum fuit. 8. L. gracile, foliis ovato-oblongis acutiusculis; pilo simplici folium dimidium aquante, capsulis oblongis aqui- lateris inclinatis. Parria. Nova Zelandia. Sratio. Umbrosa humida (?) ad Dusky Bay, Dom. Arch. deazies. Dzsc. Caules subramosi. Folia siccatione adpressa, areo- lato-punctata. Seta elongata, levis. Vaginula cylindracea, filis succosis adductoribusque numerosis cincta. 4. ZL. Menziesti, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis ’ acutis; pilo suuplici folio quater breviore, capsulis oblongis inclinatis arcuato-recurvis. Patria. America Australis Staten-land, ubi anno 1787 detexit Dom. Arch. Menzies, cujus amicitia hanc et preecedentem speciem debeo. StTaTio. - Desc. Muscus leté virens, sesquiuncialis. Caules sub- simplices, basi ferrugineo-tomentosi, supra confertim foliati. Folia erecto-patentia, siccatione adpressa, minutissimé areo- lata v. punctata. Seta caulem szepitis superans, erecta, fusca, laevis. Capsula subfalcata ad angulum acutum ra- riusve feré rectum inclinans. Oss. The plants which I have referred to this genus are all natives of the southern hemisphere, and in their habit, in which there is something peculiar, strictly agree with each other, and with Bryum macrocarpum of Hedwig. 22 In three of the four species here described, I have had the opportunity of removing the operculum without having been able in any case to observe an external peristomium, which, from the appearance of these plants, might be ex- pected to cxist, and which Hedwig has figured in his Bryum macrocarpum, Of this plant T have only seen spe- cimens that had lost the operculun: the mouth of the capsule, however, secmed to be very perfect. and is fur- os 854 DESCRIPTION OF nished with a membrane, exactly as im the species here described, but I could not perceive any remains of external teeth. In opposition to such authority, however, I do not venture to add it to this genus, to which in every other respect it seems to belong. The character of Leptostomum, derived from the undivi- ded annular process of the inner membrane of the capsule, may to many appear too minute, and perhaps unimportant ; and had it been observed in one species alone, I should not have ventured on that account to distinguish * it as a genus: but finding it in four species, accompanied too with a habit widely different from that of Gymnostomum, to which these plants must otherwise be referred, I have not hesitated to employ it. As, however, Hedwig has actually figured and described an external peristomium in his Bryum macrocarpum, Whose striking resemblance to Leptostomum has been already noticed, there may be still some reason to doubt the sufficiency of the generic character, and it may seem somewhat improbable that Mosses of such a habit should be really destitute of an outer peristomium. But, without questioning the accuracy of Hedwig in this in- stance, I may be permitted to observe, that the outer peri- stomium which he has figured in Brywm macrocarpum is extremely unlike that of any other genus where the fringe 323) is double: and it may perhaps in some degree tend to strengthen the character of Leptostomum, to advert to what appears to be really the case in certain species of Pferogo- nium, in one of which’ Mr. Hooker has already described the fringe as derived solely from the inner membrane ; and T have collected, on the mountains of Van Diemen’s Island, amoss with a peristomium decidedly of like origin; a cir- cumstance that appeared to me so remarkable, that I had actually described it as a distinct genus, before I was aware of the similar structure of the Nepal plant described by Mr. Hooker; or of the probability, from Hedwig’s own figures, that some at least of his Prerogonia were of the same structure; a point that I have not at present 1 Pterogonium declinatum. Lraus, Linn. Sve. ix, p. 309, THE GENUS LEPTOSTOMUM. 395 the means of determining, but which I beg leave to recom- mend to the attention of those botanists who are provided with perfect specimens of the published Pterogonia, Expuicatio TanuLs# 11 (XXIII). Fic. 1. Dawsonia polytrichoides. uw. Mascula planta magnitudine naturali. b. Discus masc. auctus. ¢. Ejusdem flos unicus. d. Idem absque folio perigoniali, magisque auctus. e¢. Anthera et filam succulentum maximé aucta. J. Feminee plante magn. nat. g. Vaginula cum foliis perichetialibus auctis. A. Capsula cum calyptra exteriori. 7. Pili calyptre exterioris magis aucti. Jj. Capsula cum operculo et calyptra interiori. 4%. ¢. Capsula deoperculata cum peristomio. m. Capsule sectio ejusdem figuram insertionemque ciliarum ostendens. 0. Calyptra interior. p. Operculum cum columellee processu [324 filiformi. g. Columella ciliis suis terminata. 7. Semina. ss, Cilie peristomii auctee. Fic. 2. Leptosiomum inclinans, magnitudine naturali. a. Ejusdem capsula aucta cum membrana annulari. 6. Operculum. y. Idem a basi visum cum unnulo coharenti. ON SOME REMARKABLE DEVIATIONS FROM THE USUAL STRUCTURE oF SEEDS AND FRUITS. BY ROBERT BROWN, Esq., F.R.S., Lise. LS. Read Marcu 5rx, 1816. [Extracted from the * Transactions of the Linnean Scciety of London.’ Vol. XII, pp. 143--151.] LONDON : 1818. ON [143 SOME REMARKABLE DEVIATIONS, &c. Tar principal part of the following paper was read to the Society in March, 1813. It was then withdrawn with a view of rendering it more perfect by additional facts, which I hoped I might be able to collect. Since that time I have not had it im my power to pay much attention to the sub- ject. As, however, the facts formerly stated appear to me of some importance, and are as yet unpublished, I take the liberty of again submitting them to the Society, along with a few additional instances of anomalies in the structure of seeds and fruits, hardly less remarkable than those con- tained in the original essay. It is, I believe, generally admitted by physiological botanists, that the seeds of plants are never produced abso- lutely naked :— in other words, that the integument through some point or process of which impregnation takes place, cannot properly be considered as part of the seed itself. That such a covering, distinct from the seed, really exists, may in most, perhaps in all, cases be satisfactorily shown by a careful examination of the unimpregnated ovarium, to a part only of whose cavity the ovulum will be found to be attached. There are, however, many cases where soon after fecun- pation, and more remarkably still in the ripe fruit, this integument acquires so complete and intimate a cohesion 04 with the proper coat of the seed as to be no longer either separable or distinguishable from it. But systematic botanists have generally agreed to term a 360 ON SOME REMARKABLE DEVIATIONS naked seed not only this kind of fruit, but every monosper- mous pericarpium bearing a general resemblance to a seed, and whose outer covering, though distinct from the nu- cleus, is only ruptured after germination commences. For the purposes of an artificial arrangement this lan- guage may perhaps be sufficiently accurate; but im deter- mining the affinities of plants, it is necessary to express by appropriate terms those differences which are no less impor- tant than real. Of the fruits improperly called naked seeds, there are two principal kinds: the first, in which the pericarpium is distinct from the seed, is termed Asena by Richard in his excellent Analyse du Fruit ; the second, in which the pericar- pium coheres with the seed, is the Caryopsisof the same author. An Akena (or Achenium), even in a separate state, may in general be readily determined. But it is not always equally easy to distinguish a Caryopsis from a seed. It may indeed be done im certain cases, as in Grasses, by attending to its surface, in which two distinct and distant cicatrices are observable ; the one indicating the point of attachment to the parent plant, the other that by which it was fecundated. In certain other tribes, however, this criterion cannot be had recourse to, the surface of the Cary- opsis exhibiting but one areola or cicatrix, which includes the closely appr voximated points of attachment and i impreg- nation : in such cases, the true nature of the fruit can only be determined by its examination in an earlier stage. But although it must be admitted that an ovulum is never produced without a covering, through some part of 145) which it is impregnated; it is still possible to conceive a case in which a ripe seed may be considered as truly naked while retaining its attachment to the parent plant ; and this not subsequent to germination, but even preced- ing the formation of the embryo. For if we suppose, as the immediate effect of impregnation, a swelling of the ovulum without a corresponding enlargement of the ovarium, the consequence will obviously be a premature rupture of the ovarium, and the production of a seed provided with its proper integuments only. FROM THK USUAL STRUCTURE OT SEEDS. 361 [ am not aware that such an economy has hitherto been described; I have observed it, however, in several plants belonging to very different families, and of essentially different structures. The first of these is Leontice thalictroides of Linnzus, Caulophyllum thalictroides of Michaux, who has founded his new genus on a difference of fruit, the nature of which he has entirely misunderstood. It is remarkable that its real structure should have escaped so accurate an observer as M. Richard, through whose hands it is generally understood Michaux’s work passed previous to its publication ; but the fact may at least serve to show how entirely unexpected such an economy must have been even to that excellent carpologist. My observations were made in the summer of 1812, on a plant of Leontice thalictroides, which flowered and ripened fruit in the royal gardens at Kew. An examination of the unimpregnated ovarium proved it to be in every respect of the same structure with that of the other species of Leon/ice ; and essentially the same with the whole order of Berderides, to which this genus belongs. A careful inspection of the fruit, in different states, proved also that the “ Drupa stipi- tata’ of Michaux is in reality a naked seed, that in a very early stage had burst its pericarpium, the withered re- a6 mains of which were in most cases visible at the base of the ripe seed. ‘The first error of Michaux naturally led to a series of mistakes; and the naked seed being considered by him as a drupa, the albumen, which is of a horny texture, is described as a “ nuwx cornea crassissima,” and the embryo itself as the seed. But although this account of the fruit of Leontice thalic- /roides be in no respect similar to that given by Michaux, it may perhaps be considered by some as still differing sufficiently from Leon/ice to authorise the establishment of a distinct genus; and that, therefore, the name Caulophylluin may be retained, and its character derived from the remark- able circumstance described, namely, the early rupture of its pericarpium. I believe, however, it will he found more expedient to reduce it again to Leontice. 362 ON SOME REMARKABLE DEVIATIONS lor, in the first place, its habit is entirely that of the original species of the genus. And secondly, though the. pericarpium of Leontice Leontopetalum, which is the type of the genus, remains shut until the ripening of the seeds, and attains a size more than sufficient for the mere purpose of containing them ; yet in Leontice altaica, a species in other respects more nearly approaching to LZ. Leontopetalum than to L. thalictroides, the pericarpium, though it enlarges con- siderably after impregnation, is ruptured by the seeds long before they have arrived at maturity. The accompanying drawing, for which I am indebted to my friend Mr. Ferdimand Bauer, will materially assist im explaining the singular economy now described; and may also perhaps render more intelligible the account I proceed to give of the second instance in which I have observed an analogous structure, but to illustrate which I have at pre- sent no drawing prepared. 17) “This second instance occurs in Peliosanthes Teta of Andrews’s Repository and the Botanical Magazine. In this monocotyledonous plant, which in 1812 nearly ripened seed in Mr. Lambert's collection at Boyton, the ovarium coheres with the tube of the perianthium or corolla, and has originally three cells, each containing two ovula. Soon after impregnation has taken place, from one to three of these ovula rapidly increase in size, by their pressure prevent the development of the others, and rupture the ovarium, which remains, but little eularged at the base of the fruit, consisting of from one to three naked berry-like seeds. In the Botanical Magazine Mr. Ker, in describing a second species of Pediosanthes,’ takes the opportunity of alterig m some respects the character of the genus he had previously given, and of adding a description of its sup- posed pericarpium, from an inspection, as it seems, of the unripe fruit of Peliosanthes Teta. It is evident, however, that he is not aware of its real structure ; and consequently does not succeed in reconciling its appearance with the unquestionable fact of its having “ germen inferum.” ? Botan. Magaz. 1532. FROM THK USUAL STRUCTURE OF SEEDS. 363 There are some cases in which this early opening of the ovarium, instead of being, as in the preceding instances, an irregular bursting, apparently caused by the pressure of the enlarged ovula, is a regular dehiscence in the direction of the suture. Of this Sterculia platanifolia and S. colo- rata are remarkable examples ; their folliculi after opening, which takes place long before the maturity of the seeds, acquiring the form and texture of leaves, to whose thickened margins the ovula continue firmly attached until they ripen. Another example of this early and regular dehiscence occurs in an undescribed genus of the same family, which differs from Sverculia platanifolia in its pericarpium having a terminal wing and a single seed. In the specimens of a plant lately sent from Brazil by as Mr. Sellow, I observe a similar economy. In this case the ovarium, which is originally unilocular with five parietal placenta, soon after fecundation opens regularly into five equal foliaceous valves, to the inner surface of each of which an indefinite number of ovula are attached. The genus Reseda, whose capsule opens at top at a very early period, may be considered as affording another in- stance, though much less remarkable, of the same anomaly. And it is possible that this may be the real structure in certain cases of which a very different view has been taken. In the instances of naked seeds now given, the bursting of the pericarpium precedes the distinct formation of the embryo, while the proper coats of the seed remain entire till after its separation from the parent plant, and germi- nation has commenced. It may not be uninteresting to contrast this economy with that of the Mangroves and other plants of tropical countries, which grow on the shores, and within the influence of the tide. In many of these the embryo, long before the seed loses its original attachment, acquires a very considerable size; and the first effect of this un- usual development is the rupture, in most cases succeeded by the complete absorption or disappearance, of the proper integument of the seed. In some instances the develop- 364: ON SOME REMARKABLE DEVIATIONS ment proceeds still further, and the pericarpium itself is perforated by the embryo, which, while preserving its con- nection with the parent plant, often attains the length of from eighteen inches to two feet. This happens in Lhizophora and Bruguiera, or the Mangroves properly so called. In some of the spurious Mangroves, as Avicennia and Aigiceras, a lesser degree of development takes place, and m general their pericarpia remain entire till they have dropped from the tree. In both cases the final cause of 149] the economy is sufficiently evident ; a greater than ordi- nary evolution of the embryo being necessary to ensure its vegetation in the unfavorable circumstances in which it is unavoidably placed. But an analogous structure exists in other plants, where the final cause is less apparent, as in certain species of Eugenia, in which the integument of the seed is completely absorbed before its separation from the parent plant, and while the pericarpium remains entire. An economy no less remarkable than that of the Man- groves, but of a nature diametrically opposite, takes place in the bulb-lke seeds of ccrtain lihaceous plants, especially of Pancratium, Crinum and Amaryllis ; in some of whose species the seed separates from the plant, and even from the pericarpium, before the embryo becomes visible. ‘This observation respecting some of these seeds was, I believe, first made by Mr. Salisbury ; and in such as I have myself examined, I have found the fact connected with one no less interesting, namely, an unusual vascularity in the fleshy substance. I have in another place,’ in speaking of this substance, which constitutes the mass of the seed, and in a central cavity of which the future embryo is formed, stated it to be destitute of vessels, and entirely composed of cellular texture. But on a more careful inspection, of those seeds at least in which the separation precedes the visible forma- tion of the embryo, I now find very distinct spiral vessels —these enter at the umbilicus, ranify m a regular manner in the substance of the fleshy mass, and appear to have a ' Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holland. p. 297. FROM THE USUAL STRUCTURE OF SEEDS. 365 certain relation to the central cavity where the embryo is afterwards formed, and which, filled with a glairy fluid, is distinctly visible before the separation of the seed. It isa curious consequence of this tardy evolution of the embryo, which in some cases does not become visible unless the 150 seed be placed in a situation favorable to germination, that very different directions may be given to its radicular extre- mity, according to circumstances which we have it in our power to regulate. There is a fourth kind of anomaly in the structure of certain seeds, which, as I have formerly described it,’ I shall here notice in a few words. It is that which takes place incerta -froidee, especially in some species of Caladium. In these, the nucleus of the seed is not pro- perly a monocotyledonous embryo, but has an appearance and economy more nearly resembling those of the tuber of a root; for, instead of being distinguishable into a cotyledon, a plumula and vadicula, and of germinating im a determi- nate manner and from a single point, it is composed of a mass whose internal structure is uniform, and on the sur- face of which frequently more than one germinating point is observable. None of these anomalies appear to me materially to lessen the importance of the characters derived from the seeds of plants; but they evidently render a minute atten- tion to every circumstance absolutely necessary in all attempts either to deduce affinities or establish genera from this source; and they especially demonstrate the neces- sity of carefully ascertainmg the state of the unimpreg- nated ovarium; for, while its structure remains wuknown, that of the ripe fruit can never be thoroughly understood. 1 Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. p. 385. 366 ON SOME REMARKABLE DEVIATIONS, EITC. Expianation oF Pirate 12 (VII). (151 A.—A branch of the panicle of Lzonticr ruauicrrompEs Lian. (Caulo- phyllum thalictroides Michaua), of the natural size. B.—The same magnified, to show at 1, the early rupture of the ovarium, the ovula as yet but little enlarged and only in part protruded: at 2, the same parts in a more advanced state; one seed being nearly ripe, supported by its elongated and thickened umbilical cord; a second ovulum considerably in- creased in size, but abortive; and the remains of the ruptured ovarium—some- what enlarged. Cand D.—Two longitudinal sections of the nearly ripe seed; exhibiting the vascular cord continued from the axis of the funiculus umbilicalis to the apex of the seed; the remarkable process of the inner integument at the umbilicus (of which another view is given separately at #); and the unripe embryo nearly in contact with this process, and as yet undivided. AN ACCOUNT A NEW GENUS OF PLANTS, NAMED RAFFLESIA. BY ROBERT BROWN, F.R.S., CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF FRANCE, AND OF THE ROYAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES OF BERLIN AND MUNICH ; MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY NATURZ CURIOSORUM ; OF THE LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK; OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ; OF THE WERNERIAN SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH, AND OF THE WETTERAVIAN NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY. LIBRARIAN TO THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. [Reprinted from the ‘ Transactions of the Linnean Society.’ Vol. XIII, pp. 201—234.} LONDON. APRIL, 1821. ACCOUNT OF A NEW GENUS OF PLANTS, eo NAMED LAPRLESIA. Read to the Linnean Society, Junc 30th, 1820. Iv is now nearly eighteen months since some account of a flower of extraordinary size was received by my lamented friend and patron the late revered President of the Royal Society, from Sur Stamford Raffles, Governor of the East India Company’s establishments in Sumatra. ‘This gigantic flower, which forms the subject of the pre- sent communication, was discovered in 1818 on Sir Stam- ford’s first journey from Bencoolen into the interior. In that journey he was accompanied by a naturalist of great zeal and acquirements, the late Dr. Joseph Arnold, a mem- ber of this Society, from whose researches, aided by the friendship and influence of the Governor, in an island so favorably situated and so imperfectly explored as Sumatra, the greatest expectations had been formed. But these ex- pectations were never to be realised; for the same letter which gave the account of the gigantic flower, brought also the intelligence of Dr. Arnold’s death. As in this letter many important particulars are stated respecting the plant which Iam about to describe, and a just tribute is paid to the merits of the naturalist by whom it was discovered, I shall introduce my account by the following extract. 370 ACCOUNT OF A NEW GENUS OF PLANTS, *BEncooten; 13¢h August, 1818. “You will lament to hear that we have lost Dr. Arnold : he fell a sacrifice to his exertions on my first tour into the interior, and died of fever about a fortnight ago. 223 “Tt is impossible I can do justice to his memory by any feeble encomiums I may pass on his character; he was in everything what he should have been, devoted to science and the acquisition of knowledge, and aiming only at use- fulness. “Thad hoped, instead of the melancholy event I have now to communicate, that we should have been able to send you an account of our many interesting discoveries from the hand of Dr. Arnold. At the period of his death he had not done much; all was arrangement for extensive acquirement in every branch of natural history. I shall go on with the collections as well as I can, and hereafter communicate with you respecting them, and in the mean time content myself with giving you the best account I can of the largest and most magnificent flower which, as far as we know, has yet been described. Fortunately I have found part of a letter from poor Arnold to some unknown friend, written while he was on board ship, and a short time before his death, from which the following is an extract. “ After giving an account of our journey to Passummah, he thus proceeds : “«But here (at Pulo Lebbar on the Manna River, two days’ journey inland of Manna) I rejoice to tell you I hap- pened to meet with what I consider as the greatest prodigy of the vegetable world. I had ventured some way from the party, “when one of the Malay servants came running to me with wonder in his eyes, and said, “Come with me, sir, come! a flower, very large, beautiful, wonderful!” I immediately went with the man about a hundred yards in the jungle, and he pointed to a flower growing close to the ground under the bushes, which was truly astonishing. My first impulse was to cut it up and carry it to the hut. I therefore seized the Malay’s parang (a sort of instrument NAMED RAFFLESIA. 371 like a woodman’s chopping-hook), and finding that it sprang from a small root which ran horizontally (about as large as two fingers, or a little more), I soon detached it and re- p20 moved it to our hut. ‘To tell you the truth, had I been alone, and had there been no witnesses, I should I think have been fearful of mentioning the dimensions of this flower, so much does it exceed every flower I have ever seen or heard of; but I had Sir Stamford and Lady Raffles with me, and a Mr. Palsgrave, a respectable man resident at Manna, who, though equally astonished with myself, yet are able to testify as to the truth. «The whole flower was of a very thick substance, the petals and nectary being in but few places less than a quar- ter of an inch thick, and in some places three quarters of an inch; the substance of it was very succulent. When I first saw it a swarm of flies were hovering over the mouth of the nectary, and apparently laying their eggs in the substance of it. It had precisely the smell of tainted beef. The calyx consisted of several roundish, dark-brown, con- cave leaves, which seemed to be indefinite in number, and were unequal in size. There were five petals attached to the nectary, which were thick, and covered with protube- rances of a yellowish-white, varying in size, the interstices being of a brick-red colour. ‘The nectarium was cyathi- form, becoming narrower towards the top. The centre of the nectarium gave rise toa large pistil, which I can hardly describe, at the top of which were about twenty processes, somewhat curved and sharp at the end, resembling a cow’s horns ; there were as many smaller very short processes. A little more than half way down, a brown cord about the size of common whipcord, but quite smooth, surrounded what perhaps is the germen, and a little below it was ano- ther cord somewhat moniliform. “«¢ Now for the dimensions, which are the most astonish- ing part of the flower. It measured a full yard across ; the petals, which were subrotund, being twelve inches from the base to the apex, and it being about a foot from the insertion of the one petal to the opposite one ; Sir Stam- 204 ford, Lady ‘Raffles and myself taking immediate measures 872 ACCOUNT OF A NEW GENUS OF PLANTS, to be accurate in this respect, by pinning four large shects of paper together, and cutting them to the precise size of the flower. ‘The nectarium, in the opinion of all of us, would hold twelve pints, and the weight of this prodigy we calculated to be fifteen pounds. “«T have said nothing about the stamina; in fact, I am not certain of the part I ought to call stamina. If the moniliform cord surrounding the base of the pistil were sessile anthers, it must be a polyandrous plant; but I am uncertain what the large germen contained ; perhaps there might be concealed anthers within it. “ Td. p. 340. 448 OBSERVATIONS ON THE STRUCTURE said to be generally the case by the most celebrated carpo- logists. “Another observation may be made, less obviously a con- sequence of the structure described, but equally at variance with many of the published accounts and figures of seeds, namely, that the radicle is never absolutely enclosed in the albumen; but, in the recent state, is either immediately in contact with the inner membrane of the seed, or this con- tact is established by means of a process generally very si) short, but sometimes of great length, and which indeed in all cases may be regarded as an elongation of its own sub- stance. From this rule I have found one apparent devia- tion, but in a case altogether so peculiar, that it can hardly be considered as setting it aside. It is necessary to observe, that I am acquainted with exceptions to the structure of the ovulum as I have here described it. In Composite its coats seem to be imper- forated, and hardly separable, either from each other or from the nucleus. In this family, therefore, the direction of the embryo can only be judged of from the vessels of the testa". And in Lemna I have found an apparent in- version of the embryo with relation to the apex of the nucleus. In this genus, however, such other peculiarities of structure and economy exist, that, paradoxical as the assertion may seem, I consider the exception rather as con- firming than lessening the importance of the character. It may perhaps be unnecessary to remark, that the raphe, or vascular cord of the outer coat, almost universally belongs to that side of the ovulum which is next the placenta. But it is at least deserving of notice, that the very few apparent exceptions to this rule evidently tend to confirm it. The most remarkable of these exceptions occur in those species of Euonymus, which, contrary to the usual structure of the genus and family they belong to, have pendulous ovula; and, as I have long since noticed, in the perfect ovula only of Abelia.? In these, and in the other cases in which the raphe is on the outer side, or that most remote 1 Linn. Soe. Transact. xii, p. 136. 2 Abel’s China, p. 377. OF THE UNIMPREGNATED OVULUM. 449 from the placenta, the ovula are in reality resupinate ; an economy apparently essential to their development. The distinct origins and different directions of the nourishing vessels and channel through which fecunda- (550 tion took place in the ovulum, may still be seen in many of those ripe seeds that are winged, and either present their margins to the placenta, as in Proteaceze, or have the plane of the wing at right angles to it, as in several Liliacez. These organs are visible also in some of those seeds that have their testa produced at both ends beyond the inner membrane, as Nepenthes; a structure which proves the outer coat of scobiform seeds, as they are called, to be really testa, and not arillus, as it has often been termed. The importance of distinguishing between the membranes of the unimpregnated ovulum and those of the ripe seed, must be sufficiently evident from what has been already stated. But this distinction has been necessarily neglected by two classes of observers. ‘The first consisting of those, among whom are several of the most eminent carpologists, who have regarded the coats of the seed as products of fecundation. ‘The second, of those authors who, professing to give an account of the ovulum itself, have made their observations chiefly, or entirely, on the ripe seed, the coats of which they must consequently have supposed to be formed before impregnation. The consideration of the arilus, which is of rare occur- rence, is never complete, and whose development takes place chiefly after fecundation, might here, perhaps, be entirely omitted. It is, however, worthy of remark, that in the early stage of the ovulum, this envelope is in general hardly visible even in those cases where, as in Hibbertia volubilis, it attains the greatest size in the ripe seed; nor does it in any case, with which I am acquainted, cover the foramen of the testa until after fecundation. The desta, or outer coat of the seed, is very generally formed by the outer membrane of the ovulum ; and in most cases where the nucleus is inverted, which is the more ts1 usual structure, its origin may be satisfactorily determined; either by the hilum being more or less lateral, while the 29 450 OBSERVATIONS ON THE STRUCTURE foramen is terminal ; or more obviously, and with greater certainty, where the raphe is visible, this vascular cord uni- formly belonging to the outer membrane of the ovulum. The chalaza, properly so called, though merely the termi- nation of the raphe, affords a less certain character, for in many plants it is hardly visible on the inner surface of the testa, but is intimately united with the areola of insertion of the immer membrane or of the nucleus, to one or other of which it then seems entirely to belong. In those cases where the testa agrees in direction with the nucleus, I am not acquainted with any character by which it can be ab- solutely distinguished from the inner membrane in the ripe seed ; but as a few plants are already known, in which the outer membrane is originally imcomplete, its entire absence, even before fecundation, is conceivable ; and some possible cases of such a structure will be mentioned here- after. There are several cases known, some of which I have formerly noticed,’ of the complete obliteration of the testa in the ripe seed ; and on the other hand it appears to con- stitute the greater part of the substance of the bulb-like seeds of many Liliaceze, where it no doubt performs also the function of albumen, from which, however, it is readily distinguished by its vascularity.” But the most remarkable deviation from the usual structure and economy of the outer membrane of the ovulum, both in its earliest stage and in the ripe fruit, that I have yet met with, occurs in Banksia and Dryandra. In these two genera I have ascertained that the inner membrane of the ovulum, before fecundation, s2]18 entirely exposed, the outer membrane being even then open its whole length; and that the outer membranes of the two collateral ovula, which are originally distinct, co- here in a more advanced stage by their corresponding sur- faces, and together constitute the anomalous dissepiment of the capsule; the inner membrane of the ovulum con- sequently forming the outer coat of the seed. ‘The inner membrane of the ovulum, however, in general 1 Linn. Soc. Transact. xii, p. 149. (Ante, p. 364.) 2 Thid. OF THE UNIMPREGNATED OVULUM. 451 appears to be of greater importance as connected with fecundation, than as affording protection to the nucleus at amore advanced period. For in many cases, before im- pregnation, its perforated apex projects beyond the aper- ture of the testa, andin some plants puts on the appearance of an obtuse, or even dilated stigma; while in the ripe seed it is often either entirely obliterated, or exists only as a thin film, which might readily be mistaken for the epi- dermis of a third membrane then frequeutly observable. This ‘Aird coat is formed by the proper membrane or cuticle of the Nucleus, from whose substance in the unim- pregnated ovulum it is never, I believe, separable, and at that period is very rarely visible. In the ripe seed it is distinguishable from the inner membrane only by its apex, ‘which is never perforated, is generally acute and more deeply coloured, or even sphacelated. The membrane of the nucleus usually constitutes the innermost coat of the seed. But in a few plants an ad- ditional coat, apparently originating in the inner membrane of Grew, the vesicula colliquamenti or amnios of Malpighi, also exists. In general the Amnios, after fecundation, gradually en- larges, till at length it displaces or absorbs the whole sub- stance of the nucleus, containing in the ripe seed both the embryo and albumen, where the latter continues to exist. In such cases, however, its proper membrane is commonly (35s obliterated, and its place supplied either by that of the nucleus, by the inner membrane of the ovulum, or, where both these are evanescent, by the testa itself. In other cases the albumen is formed by a deposition of granular matter in the cells of the nucleus. In some of these cases the membrane of the amnios seems to be per- sistent, forming even in the ripe seed a proper coat for the embryo, the original attachment of whose radicle to the apex of this coat may also continue. ‘This, at least, seems to me the most probable explanation of the structure of true Nympheacez, namely, Nuphar, Nymphza, Euryale, Hy- dropeltis, and Cabomba, notwithstanding their very re- 452 STRUCTURE OF THE UNIMPREGNATED OVULUM. markable germination, as observed and figured in Nympheea and Nuphar by Tittmann.’ In support of this explanation, which differs from all those yet given, I may here advert to an observation pub- lished many years ago, though it seems to have escaped every author who has since written on the subject, namely, that before the maturity of the seed in Nympheacez, the sacculus contains along with the embryo a (pulpy or semi- fluid) substance, which I then called Vitellus, applying at that time this name to every body interposed between the albumen and embryo.” The opinion receives. some confirmation also from the existence of an extremely fine filament, hitherto overlooked, which, originating from the centre of the lower surface of the sacculus, and passing through the hollow axis of the Albumen, probably connects this coat of the Embryo in an early stage with the base of the nucleus. sss) The same explanation of structure applies to the seeds of Piperaceze and Saururus; and other instances occur of the persistence either of the membrane or of the substance of the amnios in the ripe seed. It may be concluded from the whole account which I have given of the structure of the ovulum, that the more important changes consequent to real, or even to spurious fecundation, must take place within the nucleus ; and that the albumen, properly so called, may be formed either by a deposition or secretion of granular matter in the utriculi of the amnios, or in those of the nucleus itself, or lastly, that two substances having these distinct origins, and very different textures, may coexist in the ripe seed, as is pro- bably the case in Scitamineze. On the subject of the ovulum, as contained in an ova- rium, I shall at present make but one other remark, which forms a necessary introduction to the observations that follow. | Keimung der Pflanzen, p. 19 et 27, tab. 3 et 4. * Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holl. i, p. 306. THE FEMALE FLOWER IN CYCADE AND CONIFERS. 453 On the Structure of the Female Flower in Cycapu.a and CONIFERS. That the apex of the nucleus is the point of the ovulum where impregnation takes place, is at least highly probable, both from the constancy in the appearance of the embryo at that point, and from the very gencral inversion of the nucleus ; for by this inversion its apex is brought nearly, or absolutely, into contact with that part of the parietes of the ovarium, by which the influence of the pollen may be supposed to be communicated. In several of those families of plants, however, in which the nucleus is not inverted, and the placentz are polyspermous, as Cistineze,' it is diffi- cult to comprehend in what manner this influence can [555 reach its apex externally, except on the supposition, not hastily to be admitted, of an impregnating aura filling the cavity of the ovarium; or by the complete separation of the fecundating tubes from the placentae, which, however, in such cases I have never been able to detect. It would entirely remove the doubts that may exist re- specting the point of impregnation, if cases could be pro- duced where the ovarium was either altogether wanting, or so imperfectly formed, that the ovulum itself became directly exposed to the action of the pollen, or its fovilla ; its apex, as well as the orifice of its immediate covering, being modified and developed to adapt them to this economy. But such, I believe, is the real explanation of the struc- ture of Cycadez, of Conifer, of Ephedra, and even of Gnetum, of which Thoa of Aublet is a species. To this view the most formidable objection would be removed, were it admitted, in conformity with the preceding observations, that the apex of the nucleus, or supposed 1 This structure of ovulum, indicated by that of the seed, as characterising and defining the limits of Cistinew (namely, Cistus, Helianthemum, Hudsonia, and Lechea), I communicated to Dr. Hooker, by whom it is noticed in his Flora Scotica (p. 284), published in 1821; where, however, an observation is added respecting Grertner’s description of Cistus and Helianthemum, for which I am not accountable. 454, ON THE.STRUCTURE OF THE FEMALE FLOWER point of impregnation, has no organic connection with the parietes of the ovarium, In support of it, also, as far as regards the direct action of the pollen on the ovulum, numerous instances of analogous economy in the animal kingdom may be adduced. The similarity of the female flower in Cycadeze and Coni- ferze to the ovulum of other phzenogamous plants, as I have described it, is indeed sufficiently obvious to render the opinion here advanced not altogether improbable. But the 866] proof of its correctness must chiefly rest on a resem- blance, in every essential point, being established, between the inner body in the supposed female flower in these tribes, and the nucleus of the ovulum in ordinary struc- tures; not only in the early stage, but also in the whole series of changes consequent to fecundation. Now, as far as I have yet examined, there is nearly a complete agree- ment in all these respects. I am not entirely satisfied, however, with the observations I have hitherto been able to make on a subject naturally difficult, and to which I have not till lately attended with my present view. The facts most likely to be produced as arguments against this view of the structure of Coniferae, are the unequal and apparently secreting surface of the apex of the supposed nucleus in most cases; its occasional projection beyond the orifice of the outer coat; its cohesion with that coat by a considerable portion of its surface, and the not unfre- quent division of the orifice of the coat. Yet most of these peculiarities of structure might perhaps be adduced in sup- port of the opinion advanced, being apparent adaptations to the supposed economy. There is one fact that will hardly be brought forward as an objection, and which yet seems to me to present a difli- culty, to this opinion; namely, the greater simplicity in Cycadee, and in the principal part of Conifere, of the supposed ovulum which consists of a nucleus and one coat only, compared with the organ as generally existing when enclosed in an ovarium. ‘The want of uniformity in this respect may even be stated as another difficulty, for IN CYCADEH AND CONIFERS. 435 in some genera of Coniferee the ovulum appears to be complete. In Ephedra, indeed, where the nucleus is provided with two envelopes, the outer may, perhaps, be supposed rather analogous to the calyx, or involucrum of the male flower, than as belonging to the ovulum; but in Gnetum, o7 where three envelopes exist, two of these may, with great probability, be regarded as coats of the nucleus ; while in Podocarpus and Dacrydium, the outer cupula, as I formerly termed it,’ may also, perhaps, be viewed as the testa of the ovulum. ‘To this view, as far as relates to Dacrydium, the longitudinal fissure of the outer coat in the early stage, and its state in the ripe fruit, im which it forms only a partial covering, may be objected.” But these objections are, in a great measure, removed by the analogous structure already described in Banksia and Dryandra. The plurality of embryos sometimes occurring in Coni- feree, and which, in Cycadez, seems even to be the natural structure, may also, perhaps, be supposed to form an objec- tion to the present opinion, though to me it appears rather an argument in its favour. Upon the whole, the objections to which the view here taken of the structure of these two families is still liable, seem to me, as far as I am aware of them, much less impor- tant than those that may be brought against the other opinions that have been advanced, and still divide botanists on this subject. According to the earliest of these opinions, the female flower of Cycadeze and Coniferze is a monospermous pistil- lum, having no proper floral enyelope. To this structure, however, Pinus itself was long con- sidered by many botanists as presenting an exception. Linneus has expressed himself so obscurely in the natural character which he has given of this genus, that I find it difficult to determine what his opinion of its structure really was. lam inclined, however, to believe it to havebeen (ss much nearer the truth than is generally supposed ; judging of it from a comparison of his essential with his artificial 1 Flinders’ Voy. vol. ii, p. 573 (ante, p. 47). 2 fd. loc. cit. 456 ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE FEMALE FLOWER generic character, and from an observation recorded in his Prelectiones, published by Giseke.* But the first clear account that I have met with, of the real structure of Pinus, as far as regards the direction, or base and apex of the female flowers, is given, in 1767, by ‘lrew, who describes them in the following manner :—‘* Sin- gula semina vel potius germina stigmati tanquam organo feminino gaudent,”” and his figure of the female flower of the Larch, in which the stigmata project beyond the base of the scale, removes all doubt respecting his meaning. In 1789, M. de Jussieu, in the character of his genus Abies,’ gives a similar account of structure, though some- what less clearly as well as less decidedly expressed. In the observations that follow, he suggests, as not improbable, a very different view, founded on the supposed analogy with Araucaria, whose structure was then misunderstood ; namely, that the inner scale of the female amentum is a bilocular ovarium, of which the outer scale is the style. But this, according to Sir James Smith,* was also Linnzus’s opinion; and it is the view adopted in Mr. Lambert's splendid monograph of the genus published in 1803. In the same year in which Mr. Lambert’s work appeared, Schkuhr* describes, and very distinctly figures, the female flower of Pinus, exactly as it was understood by Trew, whose opinion was probably unknown to him. 59) In 1807 a memoir on this subject, by Mr. Salisbury, was published,’ in which an account of structure is given, in no important particular different from that of Trew and Schkuhr, with whose observations he appears to have been unacquainted. M. Mirbel, in 1809,’ held the same opinion, both with respect to Pinus and to the whole natural family. But in 1812, in conjunction with M. Schoubert,® he proposed a 1 Prelect. in Ord. Nat. p. 589. 2 Nov. Act. Acad. Nat. Curios. iii, p. 453, tab. 18, fig. 23. 3 Gen. Pl. p. 414. * Rees’s Cyclop. art. Pinus. 5 Botan. Handb. iii, p. 276, tab. 308. 6 Linn. Soe. Transact. viii, p. 308. 7 Ann. du Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. tom. xv, p. 473. 8 Nouv. Bulletin des Se. tom. ili, pp. 73, 85, eé 121. IN CYCADEA AND CONIFER. 457 very different view of the structure of Cycadee and Coniferee, stating, that in their female flowers there is not only a minute cohering perianthium present, but an external additional envelope, to which he has given the name of cupula. In 1814 I adopted this view, as far at least as regards the manner of impregnation, and stated some facts in sup- port of it.’ But, on reconsidering the subject in connec- tion with what I had ascertained respecting the vegetable ovulum, I soon after altogether abandoned this opinion, without, however, venturing explicitly to state that now advanced, and which had then suggested itself.” It is well known that the late M. Richard had prepared a very valuable memoir on these two families of plants ; and he appears, from some observations lately published by his son, M. Achille Richard,’ to have formed an opinion respect- ing their structure somewhat different from that of M. Mirbel, whose cupula is, according to him, the perianthium, more or less cohering with the included pistillum. He was probably led to this view on ascertaining, which I had also done, that the common account of the structure of tso Ephedra was incorrect,‘ its supposed style being in reality the elongated tubular apex of a membranous envelope, and the included body being evidently analogous to that in other genera of Conifere. To the earliest. of the opinions here quoted, that which considers the female flower of Coniferee and Cycadez as a naked pistillum, there are two principal objections. The first of these arises from the perforation of the pistillum, and the exposure of that point of the ovulum where the embryo is formed to the direct action of the pollen; the second from the too great simplicity of structure of the sup- posed ovulum, which I have shown accords better with that of the nucleus as existing in ordinary cases. To the opinions of MM. Richard and Mirbel, the first \ Flinders’ Voy. ii, 572 (ante, p. 46). : aA 2 Tuckey’s Congo, p. 454 (ante, p. 138), e¢ Linn, Soc. Transact. vol. xiii, p- 213 (ante, p. 380, note). - 3 Dict. Class. d’ Hist. Nat, tom. iv, p. 395, e¢ tom. v, p. 216. 4 Id, tom. vi, p. 208. 458 ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE FEMALE FLOWER objection does not apply, but the second acquires such additional weight, as to render those opinions much less probable, it seems to me, than that which I have endeavoured to support. In supposing the correctness. of this opinion to be admitted, a question connected with it, and of some importance, would still remain, namely, whether in Cycadeze and Coniferee the ovula are produced on an ovarium of reduced functions and altered appearance, or on a rachis or receptacle. In other words, in employing the language of an hypothesis, which, with some alterations, I have else- where attempted to explain and defend, respecting the for- mation of the sexual organs in Phenogamous plants,’ whether the ovula in these two families originate in a modified leaf, or proceed directly from the stem. soy) Were I to adopt the former supposition, or that best agreeing with the hypothesis in question, I should certainly apply it, in the first place, to Cycas, in which the female spadix bears so striking a resemblance to a partially altered frond or leaf, producing marginal ovula in one part, and in another being divided into segments, in some cases nearly resembling those of the ordinary frond. But the analogy of the female spadix of Cycas to that of Zamia is sufficiently obvious ; and from the spadix of Zamia to the fruit-bearing squama of Coniferee, strictly so called, namely, of Agathis or Dammara, Cunninghamia, Pinus, and even Araucaria, the transition is not difficult. This view is applicable, though less manifestly, also to Cupres- sine; and might even be extended to Podocarpus and Dacrydium. But the structure of these two genera admits likewise of another explanation, to which I have already adverted. If, however, the ovula in Cycadee and Conifers be really produced on the surface of an ovarium, it might, perhaps, though not necessarily, be expected that their male flowers should differ from those of all other phenogamous plants, and in this difference exhibit some analogy to the 1 Linn, Soe. Transact. vol. xiii, p. 211 (ale, p. 378). IN CYCADEA AND CONIFER. 459 structure of the female flower. But in Cycadez, at least, and especially in Zamia, the resemblance between the male and female spadices is so great, that if the female be ana- logous to an ovarium, the partial male spadix must be con- sidered as a single anthera, producing on its surface either naked grains of pollen, or pollen subdivided into masses, each furnished with its proper membrane. Both these views may at present, perhaps, appear equally paradoxical ; yet the former was entertained by Linnzus, who expresses himself on the subject in the following terms, “ Pulvis floridus in Cycade minime pro Antheris agnoscen- dus est sed pro nudo polline, quod unusquisque qui un- (562 quam pollen antherarum in plantis examinavit fatebitur.”? That this opinion, so confidently held by Linnzeus, was never adopted by any other botanist, seems in part to have arisen from his having extended it to dorsiferous Ferns. Limited to Cycadeze, however, it does not appear to me so very im- probable as to deserve to be rejected without examination. It receives, at least, some support from the separation, in several cases, especially in the American Zamiz, of the grains into two distinct, and sometimes nearly marginal, masses, representing, as it may be supposed, the lobes of an anthera ; and also from their approximation in definite num- bers, generally in fours, analogous to the quaternary union of the grains of pollen, not unfrequent in the anthere of several other families of plants. The great size of the sup- posed grains of pollen, with the thickening and regular burst- ing of their membrane, may be said to be circumstances obviously connected with their production and persistence on the surface of an anthera, distant from the female flower ; and with this economy, a corresponding enlargement of the contained particles or fovilla might also be expected. On examining these particles, however, I find them not only equal in size to the grains of pollen of many anthere, but being elliptical and marked on one side with a longitudinal furrow, they have that form which is one of the most com- mon in the simple pollen of phenogamous plants. ‘To suppose, therefore, merely on the grounds already stated, 1 Mém. de 0 Acad. des Scien. de Paris, 1775, p. 518. 4.60 ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE FEMALE FLOWER that these particles are analogous to the fovilla, and the containing organs to the grains of pollen in antheree of the usual structure, would be entirely gratuitous. It is, at the same time, deserving of remark, that were this view 563] adopted on more satisfactory grounds, a corresponding development might then be said to exist in the essential parts of the male and female organs. ‘The increased de- velopment in the ovulum would not consist so much in the unusual form and thickening of the coat, a part of secon- dary importance, and whose nature is disputed, as in the state of the nucleus of the seed, respecting which there is no difference of opinion ; and where the plurality of embryos, or at least the existence and regular arrangement of the cells in which they are formed, is the uniform structure in the family. The second view suggested, in which the anthera in Cycadez is considered as producing on its surface an in- definite number of pollen masses, each enclosed in its proper membrane, would derive its only support from a few re- mote analogies; as from those antheree, whose loculi are subdivided into a definite, or more rarely an indefinite, number of cells, and especially from the structure of the stamina of Viscum album. I may remark, that the opinion of M. Richard,’ who considers these grains, or masses, as unilocular anthere, each of which constitutes a male flower, seems to be at- tended with nearly equal difficulties. The analogy between the male and female organs in Coniferee, the existence of an open ovarium being assumed, is at first sight more apparent than in Cycades. In Coni- feree, however, the pollen is certainly not naked, but is enclosed in a membrane similar to the lobe of an ordinary anthera. And in those genera in which each squama of the amentum produces two marginal lobes only, as Pinus, Podocarpus, Dacrydium, Salisburia, and Phyllocladus, it nearly resembles the more general form of the anthere ss4]in other Pheenogamous plants. But the difficulty occurs in those genera which have an increased number of lobes 1 Dict. Class. @ Hist. Nat. tom. v. p. 216. IN CYCADE AND CONIFER. 461 on each squama, as Agathis and Araucaria, where their number is considerable and apparently indefinite, and more particularly still in Cunninghamia, or Belis, in which the Jobes, though only three in number, agree in this respect, as well as in insertion and direction, with the ovula. The supposition, that in such cases all the lobes of each squama are cells of one and the same anthera, receives but little support either from the origin and arrangement of the lobes themselves, or from the structure of other phanogamous plants: ‘the only cases of apparent, though doubtful, ana- logy that I can at present recollect occurring in Aphyteia, and perhaps in some Cucurbitacee. That part of my subject, therefore, which relates to the analogy between the male and female flowers in Cycadex and Coniferee, I consider the least satisfactory, both in regard to the immediate question of the existence of an anomalous ovarium in these families, and to the hypothesis repeatedly referred to, of the origin of the sexual organs of all pheenogamous plants. In concluding this digression, I have to express my regret that it should have so far exceeded the limits .56 proper for its introduction into the present work. In giving an account, however, of the genus of plants to which it is annexed, I had to describe a structure, of whose nature and importance it was necessary I should show myself aware; and circumstances have occurred while I was en- gaged in preparing this account, which determined me to enter much more fully into the subject than I had originally intended. ‘ In communicating specimens of this plant to the late M. Richard, for his intended monograph of Conifere, I added some remarks on its structure, agreeing with those here made. I at the same time requested that, if he objected to Mr. Salisbury’s Belis as liable to be confounded with Bellis, the genus might be named Cunninghamia, to commemorate the merits of Mr. James Cunningham, an excellent observer in his time, by whom this plant was discovered; and in honour of Mr. Allan Cunningham, the very deserving botanist who accompanied Mr. Oxley in his first expedition into the interior of New South Wales, and Captain King in all his voyages of survey of the Coasts of New Holland. A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS Made in the Months of June, July, and August, 1827, ON THE PARTICLES CONTAINED IN THE POLLEN OF PLANTS; AND ON THE GENERAL EXISTENCE OF ACTIVE MOLECULES IN ORGANIC AND INORGANIC BODIES. BY ROBERT BROWN, F.R.S., Hon. M.R.S.E. anp R.I. Acap., V.P.L.S., MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF SWEDEN, OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF DENMARK, AND OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY NATURE CURIOSORUM ; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTES OF FRANCE AND OF THE NETHERLANDS, OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES AT ST. PETERSBURG, AND OF THE ROYAL ACADEMIES OF PRUSSIA AND BAVARIA, ETC. [Not Published.} MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS. s THE observations, of which it is my intention to give a summary in the following pages, have all been made with a simple microscope, and indeed with one and the ae lens, the focal length of which is about 3nd of an inch. The examination of the unimpregnated vegetable Ovu- lum, an account of which was published early in 1826,’ led me to attend more minutely than I had before done to the structure of the Pollen, and to inquire into its mode of action on the Pistillum in Pheenogamous plants. . . . In the Essay referred to, it was shown that the apex of the nucleus of the Ovulum, the point which is universally the seat of the future Embryo, was very generally brought into contact with the terminations of the probable channels of fecundation ; these being either the surface of the pla- centa, the extremity of the descending processes of the style, ! This double convex lens, which has been several years in my possession, I obtained from Mr. Bancks, optician, in the Strand. After I had made con- siderable progress in the inquiry, I explained the nature of my subject to Mr. Dollond, who obligingly made for me a simple pocket microscope, having very delicate adjustment, and furnished with excellent lenses, two of which are of much higher power than that above mentioned. To these I have often had recourse, and with great advantage, in investigating several minute points. But to give greater consistency to my statemeuts, and to bring the subject as much as possible within the reach of general observation, I continued to employ throughout the whole of the inquiry the same lens with which it was commenced. 2 In the Botanical Appendix to Captain King’s Voyages to Australia, vol. ii, p. 584, e¢ seg. (ante p. 435). 30 466 MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS or more rarely, a part of the surface of the umbilical cord. It also appeared, however, from some of the facts noticed in the same Essay, that there were cases in which the Particles contained in the grains of pollen could hardly be conveyed 4) to that point of the ovulum through the vessels or cel- lular tissue of the ovarium; and the knowledge of these cases, as well as of the structure and economy of the anthere in Asclepiadez, had led me to doubt the correctness of observations made by Stiles and Gleichen upwards of sixty years ago, as well as of some very recent statements, re- specting the mode of action of the pollen in the process of impregnation. It was not until late in the autumn of 1826 that I could attend to this subject; and the season was too far advanced to enable me to pursue the investigation. Finding, how- ever, in one of the few plants then examined, the figure of the particles contained in the grains of pollen clearly dis- cernible, and that figure not spherical but oblong, I expected, with some confidence, to meet with plants in other respects more favorable to the inquiry, in which these particles, from peculiarity of form, might be traced through their whole course: and thus, perhaps, the question determined whether they in any case reach the apex of the ovulum, or whether their direct action is limited to other parts of the female organ. My inquiry on this point was commenced in June 1827, and the first plant examined proved in some respects remark- ably well adapted to the object in view. ‘This plant was Clarckia pulchella, of which the grains of pollen, taken from antherze full grown, but before bursting, were filled with particles or granules of unusually large size, varying from nearly ;2,th to about ;4;th of an inch in length, and of a figure between cylindrical and oblong, perhaps slightly flattened, and having rounded and equal extremities. While examining the form of these particles immersed in water, I observed many of them very evidently in motion ; their motion consisting not only of a change of place in the fluid, manifested by alterations in their relative positions, but also not unfrequently of a change of form in ON ACTIVE MOLECULES. 467 the particle itself; a contraction or curvature taking place repeatedly about the middle of one side, accompanied by a corresponding swelling or convexity on the opposite side of the particle. Ina few instances the particle was seen to turn on its longer axis. These motions were such as to satisfy me, after frequently repeated observation, that they arose neither from currents in the fluid, nor from its 6 gradual evaporation, but belonged to the particle itself. Grains of pollen of the same plant taken from antherze immediately after bursting, contained similar subcylin- drical particles, in reduced numbers, however, and mixed with other particles, at least as numerous, of much smaller size, apparently spherical, and in rapid oscillatory motion. These smaller particles, or Molecules as I shall term them, when first seen, I considered to be some of the cylin- drical particles swimming vertically in the fluid. But frequent and careful examination lessened my confidence . in this supposition; and on continuing to observe them until the water had entirely evaporated, both the cylindrical particles and spherical molecules were found on the stage of the microscope. In extending my observations to many other plants of the same natural family, namely Ozagrarie, the same general form and similar motions of particles were ascertained -to exist, especially in the various species of (Zuothera, which I examined. I found also in their grains of pollen taken from the anthere immediately after bursting, a manifest reduc- tion in the proportion of the cylindrical or oblong particles, and a corresponding increase in that of the molecules, in a less remarkable degree, however, than in Clarckia. This appearance, or rather the great increase in the num- ber of the molecules, and the reduction in that of the cylin- drical particles, before the grain of pollen could possibly have come in contact with the stigma,—were perplexing circumstances in this stage of the inquiry, and certainly not + favorable to the supposition of the cylindrical particles act- ing directly on the ovulum ; an opinion which I was inclined to adopt when I first saw them in motion, These circum- stances, however, induced me to multiply my observations, 468 MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS and I accordingly examined numerous species of many of the more important and remarkable families of the two great primary divisions of Phaenogamous plants. In all these plants particles were found, which in the different families or genera, varied in form from oblong to spherical, having manifest motions similar to those already described: except that the change of form in the oval and 6) oblong particles was generally less obvious than in Ona- grarie, and in the spherical particle was in no degree ob- servable.* In a great proportion of these plants I also remarked the same reduction of the larger particles, and a corresponding increase in the molecules after the bursting’ of the antheree: the molecule, of apparently uniform size and form, being then always present; and in some cases, indeed, no other particles were observed, either in this or in any earlier stage of the secreting organ. In many plants belonging to several different families, but especially to Graminez, the membrane of the grain of pollen is so transparent that the motion of the larger particles within the entire grain was distinctly visible; and it was manifest also at the more transparent angles, and in some cases even in the body of the grain in Onagrariz. In Asclepiadee, strictly so called, the mass of pollen filling each cell of the anthera isin no stage separable into distinct grains; but within, its tesselated or cellular membrane is filled with spherical particles, commonly of two sizes. Both these kinds of particles when immersed in water are gene- rally seen in vivid motion ; but the apparent motions of the larger particle might in these cases perhaps be caused by the rapid oscillation of the more numerous molecules. The mass of pollen in this tribe of plants never bursts, but merely connects itself, by a determinate point, which is not unfre- quently semitransparent, to a process of nearly similar con- sistence, derived from the gland of the corresponding angle of the stigma. 1 In Lolium perenne, however, which I have more recently examined, though the particle was oval and of smaller size than in Ounagrariz, this change of form was at least as remarkable, consisting in an equal contraction in the middle of each side, so as to divide it into two nearly orbicular portions. ON ACTIVE MOLECULES. 469 In Periplocee, and in a few Apocinee, the pollen, which in these plants is separable into compound grains filled with spherical moving particles, is applied to processes of the stigma, analogous to those of Asclepiades. A similar eco- nomy exists in Orchidee, in which the pollen masses are always, at least in the early stage, granular; the grains, whether simple or compound, containing minute, nearly spherical particles, but the whole mass being, with (7 very few exceptions, connected by a determinate point of its surface with the stigma, or a glandular process of that organ. Having found motion in the particles of the pollen of all the living plants which I had examined, I was led next to inquire whether this property continued after the death of the plant, and for what length of time it was retained. In plants, either dried or immersed in spirit for a few days only, the particles of pollen of both kinds were found in motion equally evident with that observed in the living plant ; specimens of several plants, some of which had been dried and preserved in an herbarium for upwards of twenty years, and others not less than a century, still exhibited the molecules or smaller spherical particles in considerable numbers, and in evident motion, along with a few of the larger particles, whose motions were much less manifest, and in some cases not observable.’ In this stage of the investigation having found, as I be- lieved, a peculiar character in the motions of the particles - of pollen in water, it occurred to me to appeal to this peculiarity as a test in certain families of Crypto- gamous plants, namely, Mosses, and the genus Equisetum, 1 While this sheet was passing through the press I have examined the pollen of several flowers which have been immersed in weak spirit about eleven months, particularly of Viola tricolor, Zizania aquatica, and Zea Mays ; and in all these plants the peculiar particles of the pollen, which are oval or short ob- long, though somewhat reduced in number, retain their form perfectly, aud exhibit evident motion, though I think not so vivid as in those belonging to the living plant. In Viola tricolor, in which, as well as in other species of the same natural section of the genus, the pollen has a very remarkable form, the grain on immersion in nitric acid still discharged its contents by its four angles, though with less force than in the recent plant. 470 MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS in which the existence of sexual organs had not been uni- versally admitted. In the supposed stamina of both these families, namely, in the cylindrical antheree or pollen of Mosses, and on the surface of the four spathulate bodies surrounding the naked ovulum, as it may be considered, of Equisetum, I found minute spherical particles, apparently of the same size with the molecule described in Onagrarie, and having equally 8] vivid motion on immersion in water; and this motion was still observable in specimens both of Mosses and of Equi- seta, which had been dried upwards of one hundred years. The very unexpected fact of seeming vitality retained by these minute particles so long after the death of the plant would not perhaps have materially lessened my confidence in the supposed peculiarity. But I at the same time ob- served, that on bruising the ovula or seeds of Equisetum, which at first happened accidentally, I so greatly increased the number of moving particles, that the source of the added quantity could not be doubted. I found also that on bruising first the floral leaves of Mosses, and then all other parts of those plants, that I readily obtained similar parti- cles, not in equal quantity indeed, but equally in motion. My supposed test of the male organ was therefore necessa- rily abandoned. “Reflecting on all the facts with which I had now become acquainted, I was disposed to believe that the minute sphe- rical particles or Molecules of apparently uniform size) first seen in the advanced state of the pollen of Onagraria, and most other Phenogamous plants,—then in the antherze of Mosses and on the surface of the bodies regarded as the , stamina of Equisetum,—and lastly in bruised portions of ' other parts of the same plants,(were in reality the supposed constituent or elementary Molecules of organic bodies, ' first so considered by Buffon and Needham, then by Wrisberg | with greater precision, soon after and still more particularly - by Miller, and, very recently, by Dr. Milne Edwards, who has revived the doctrine and supported it with much inter- esting detail. I now therefore expected to find these mole- cules in all organic bodies: and accordingly on examining ON ACTIVE MOLECULES. 471 the various animal and vegetable tissues, whether living or dead, they were always found to exist; ‘and merely by bruising these substances in water, I never failed to disen- gage the molecules in sufficient numbers to ascertain their apparent identity in size, form, and motion, with the smaller particles of the grains of pollen. I examined also various products of organic bodies, par- ~ ticularly the gum resins, and substances of vegetable origin, extending my inquiry even to pit-coal; and in all these » 4 bodies Molecules were found in abundance. I remark here also, partly as a caution to those who may hereafter engage in the same inquiry, that the dust or soot deposited on all « bodies in such quantity, especially in London, is entirely composed of these molecules. One of the substances examined, was a specimen of fossil wood, found in Wiltshire oolite, in a state to burn with ~ flame; and as I found these molecules abundantly, and in motion in this specimen, I supposed that their existence, though in smaller quantity, might be ascertained in mine- “ ralized vegetable remains. With this view a minute portion of silicified wood, which exhibited the structure of Coniferee, was bruised, and spherical particles, or molecules in all respects like those so frequently mentioned, were readily obtained from it; in such quantity, however, that the whole substance of the petrifaction seemed to be formed of them. But hence I inferred that these molecules were not limited to organic bodies, nor even to their products. To establish the correctness of the inference, and to ascertain to what extent the molecules existed in mineral bodies, became the next object of inquiry. ‘The first sub- stance examined was a minute fragment of window-glass, from which, when merely bruised on the stage of the mi- - croscope, I readily and copiously obtained molecules agree~ ing in size, form, and motion with those which I had already seen. I then proceeded to examine, and with similar results, such minerals as I either had at hand or could readily ob- - tain, including several of the simple earths and metals, with many of their combinations. ¢ 472 MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS Rocks of all ages, including those in which organic remains have never been found, yielded the molecules in abundance. Their existence was ascertained in each of the constituent minerals of granite, a fragment of the Sphinx being one of the specimens examined. To mention all the mineral substances in which I have found these molecules, would be tedious ; and I shall con- fine myself in this summary to an enumeration of a few of the most remarkable. These were both of aqueous and igneous origin, as travertine, stalactites, lava, obsidian, 10] pumice, volcanic ashes, and meteorites from various locali- ties. Of metals I may mention manganese, nickel, plum- bago, bismuth, antimony, and arsenic. In a word, in every mineral which I could reduce to a powder, sufficiently fine to be temporarily suspended in water, I found these mole- cules more or less copiously ; and in some cases, more par- ticularly in siliceous crystals, the whole body submitted to examination appeared to be composed of them. In many of the substances examined, especially those of a fibrous structure, as asbestus, actinolite, tremolite, zeolite, and even steatite, along with the spherical molecules, other corpuscles were found, like short fibres somewhat monili- form, whose transverse diameter appeared not to exceed that of the molecule, of which they seemed to be primary com- binations. These fibrils, when of such length as to be probably composed of not more than four or five molecules, and still more evidently when formed of two or three only, were generally in motion, as least as vivid as that of the simple molecule itself; and which from the fibril often changing its position in the fluid, and from its occasional bending, might be said to be somewhat vermicular. In other bodies which did not exhibit these fibrils, oval particles of a size about equal to two molecules, and which were also conjectured to be primary combinations of these, were not unfrequently met with, and in motion generally more vivid than that of the simple molecule ; their motion consisting in turning usually on their longer axis, and then 1 Lhave since found the molecules in the sand-tubes, formed by lightning, from Drig in Cumberland. ON ACTIVE MOLECULES. 473 often appearing to be flattened. Such oval particles were found to be numerous and extremely active in white arsenic. As mineral bodies which had been fused contained the moving molecules as abundantly as those of alluvial de- posits, 1 was desirous of ascertaining whether the mobility of the particles existing in organic bodies was in any degree affected by the application of intense heat to the containing substance. With this view small portions of wood, both living and dead, linen, paper, cotton, wool, silk, hair, and muscular fibres, were exposed to the flame of a candle or burned in platina forceps, heated by the blowpipe; and in m all these bodies so heated, quenched in water, and imme- diately submitted to examination, the molecules were found, and in as evident motion as those obtained from the same substances before burning. In some of the vegetable bodies burned in this manner, in addition to the simple molecules, primary combinations of these were observed, consisting of fibrils having trans- verse contractions, corresponding im number, as I conjec- tured, with that of the molecules composing them; and those fibrils, when not consisting of a greater number than four or five molecules, exhibited motion resembling in kind and vivacity that of the mineral fibrils already de- scribed, while longer fibrils of the same apparent diameter were at rest. The substance found to yield these active fibrils in the largest proportion and in the most vivid motion was the mucous coat interposed between the skin and muscles of the haddock, especially after coagulation by heat. The fine powder produced on the under surface of the fronds of several Ferns, particularly of Acrostichum calo- melanos, and the species nearly related to it, was found to be entirely composed of simple molecules and_ their primary fibre-like compounds, both of them being evidently in motion. There are three points of great importance which I was anxious to ascertain respecting these molecules, namely, their form, whether they are of uniform size, and their absolute magnitude. I am not, however, entirely satisfied eatin 474 MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS ¢ with what I have been able to determine on any of these points. As to form, I have stated the molecule to be spherical, , and this I have done with some confidence; the apparent. exceptions which occurred admitting, as it seems to me, of being explained by suppositig such particles to be compounds. This supposition in some of the cases is indeed hardly re- concileable with their apparent size, and requires for its support the further admission that, mm combination, the figure of the molecule may be altered. In the particles formerly considered as primary combinations of molecules, a certain change of form must also be allowed; and even the simple molecule itself has sometimes appeared to me when in motion to have been slightly modified in this respect. 123 +My manner of estimating the absolute magnitude and uniformity in size of the molecules, found in the various bodies submitted to examination, was by placing them on a micrometer divided to five thousandths of an inch, the lines of which were very distinct ; or more rarely on one divided to ten thousandths, with fainter lines, not readily visible without the application of plumbago, as employed by Dr. Wollaston, but which in my subject was inad- missible. The results so obtained can only be regarded as approxi- mations, on which, perhaps, for an obvious reason, much reliance will not be placed. From the number and degree of accordance of my observations, however, I am upon the whole disposed to believe the simple molecule to be of uni- \ form size, though as existing in various substances and examined in circumstances more or less favorable, it is ne- cessary to state that its diameter appeared to vary from pinth to aioth of an inch. I shall not at present enter into additional details, nor 1 While this sheet was passing through the press, Mr. Dollond, at my re- quest, obligingly examined the supposed pollen of Eguisetum virgatum with his compound achromatic microscope, having in its focus a glass divided into 10,000ths of an inch, upon which the object was placed; and although the greater number of particles or molecules seen were about 1-20,000th, yet the smallest did not exceed 1-30,000th of an inch. ON ACTIVE MOLECULES. A475 shall I hazard any conjectures whatever respecting these molecules, which appear to be of such general existence in inorganic as well as in organic bodies ; and it is only further necessary to mention the principal substances from which I have not been able to obtain them. These are oil, resin, wax and sulphur, such of the metals as I could not reduce to that minute state of division necessary for their separation, and finally, bodies soluble in water. In returning to the subject with which my investigation commenced, and which was indeed the only object I originally had in view, I had still to examine into the probable mode of action of the larger or peculiar particles of the pollen, which, though in many cases diminished in number before the grain could possibly have been applied to the stigma, and particularly m Clarckia, the plant first examined, were yet in many other plants found in less diminished propor- as tion, and might in nearly all cases be supposed to exist in sufficient quantity to form the essential agents in the process of fecundation. I was now therefore to inquire, whether their action was confined to the external organ, or whether it were possible to follow them to the nucleus of the ovulum itself. My endeavours, however, to trace them through the tissue of the style in plants well suited for this investigation, both from the size and form of the particles, and the development of the female parts, particularly Onagrariz, was not attended with success; and neither in this nor in any other tribe examined, have I ever been able to find them in any part of the female organ except the stigma. Even in those families in which I have supposed the ovulum to be naked, namely, Cycadeze and Conifere, I am inclined to think that the direct action of these particles, or of the pollen containing them, is exerted rather on the orifice of the proper mem- brane than on the apex of the included nucleus ; an opinion which is in part founded on the partial withering con- fined to one side of the orifice of that membrane in the larch,—an appearance which I have remarked for several years. To observers not aware of the existence of the elementary 476 MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS active molecules, so easily separated by pressure from all vegetable tissues, and which are disengaged and become more or less manifest in the incipient decay of semitrans- parent parts, it would not be difficult to trace granules through the whole length of the style : and as these granules are not always visible in the early and entire state of the organ, they would naturally be supposed to be derived from the pollen, in those cases at least in which its contained particles are not remarkably different in size and form from the molecule. It is necessary also to observe that in many, perhaps I might say in most plants, in addition to the molecules separable from the stigma and style before the application of the pollen, other granules of greater size are obtained by pressure, which in some cases closely resemble the particles of the pollen in the same plants, and in a few cases even exceed them in size: these particles may be considered as 144 primary combinations of the molecules, analogous to those already noticed in mineral bodies and in various organic tissues. From the account formerly given of Asclepiadee, Peri- ploceze, and Orchidez, and particularly from what was observed of Asclepiadeze, it is difficult to imagine, in this family at least, that there can be an actual transmission of particles from the mass of pollen, which does not burst, through the processes of the stigma ; and even in these pro- cesses I have never been able to observe them, though they are in general sufficiently transparent to show the particles were they present. But if this be a correct statement of the structure of the sexual organs in Asclepiadez, the ques- tion respecting this family would no longer be, whether the particles in the pollen were transmitted through the stigma and style to the ovula, but rather whether even actual con- tact. of these particles with the surface of/the stigma were necessary to impregnation. Finally, it may be remarked that those cases already ad- verted to, in which the apex of the nucleus of the ovulum, the supposed point of impregnation, is never brought into contact with the probable channels of fecundation, are more ON ACTIVE MOLECULES. 477 unfavorable to the opinion of the transmission of the particles of the pollen to the ovulum, than to that which considers the direct action of these particles as confined to the external parts of the female organ. The observations, of which I have now given a brief account, were made in the months of June, July, and August, 1827. Those relating merely to the form and motion of the peculiar particles of the pollen were stated, and several of the objects shown, during these months, to many of my friends, particularly to Messrs. Bauer and Bicheno, Dr. Bostock, Dr. Fitton, Mr. E. Forster, Dr. Hen- derson, Sir Everard Home, Captain Home, Dr. Horsfield, Mr. Koenig, M. Lagasca, Mr. Lindley, Dr. Maton, Mr. Menzies, Dr. Prout, Mr. Renouard, Dr. Roget, Mr. Stokes, and Dr. Wollaston ; and the general existence of the active molecules in inorganic as well as organic bodies, their apparent indestructibility by heat, and several of the facts respecting the primary combinations of the molecules were communicated to Dr. Wollaston and Mr. Stokes in the last week of August. None of these gentlemen are here appealed to for the as correctness of any of the statements made; my sole ob- ject in citing them being to prove from the period and general extent of the communication, that my observations were made within the dates given in the title of the present summary. ; The facts ascertained respecting the motion of the par- ticles of the pollen were never considered by me as wholly original ; this motion having, as I knew, been obscurely seen by Needham, and distinctly by Gleichen, who not only observed the motion of the particles in water after the bursting of the pollen, but in several cases marked their change of place within the entire grain. He has not, how- ever, given any satisfactory account either of the forms or of the motions of these particles, and in some cases appears to have confounded them with the elementary mole- cule, whose existence he was not aware of. Before I engaged in the inquiry in 1827, I was ac- quainted only with the abstract given by M. Adolphe 478 MICROSCOPICAL OBSERVATIONS Brongniart himself, of a very elaborate and valuable me- moir, entitled “ Recherches sur la Génération et le Déve- loppement del’ Embryon dans les Végétaux Phanérogames,” which he had then read before the Academy of Sciences of Paris, and has since published in the Annales des Sciences Naturelles. Neither in the abstract referred to, nor in the body of the memoir which M. Brongniart has with great candour given in its original state, are there any observations, ap- pearing of importance even to the author himself, on the motion or form of the particles; and the attempt to trace these particles to the ovulum with so imperfect a knowledge of their distinguishing characters could hardly be expected to prove satisfactory. Late in the autumn of 1827, how- ever, M. Brongniart having at his command a microscope constructed by Amici, the celebrated professor of Modena, he was enabled to ascertain many important facts on both these points, the result of which he has given in the notes annexed to his memoir. On the general accuracy of his observations on the motions, form, and size of the granules, as he terms the particles, I place great reliance. But in attempting to trace these particles through their whole course, he has overlooked two points of the greatest importance in the investigation. 1) For, in the first place, he was evidently unacquainted with the fact that the active spherical molecules generally exist in the grain of pollen along with its proper particles ; nor does it appear from any part of his memoir that he was aware of the existence of molecules having spontaneous or inherent motion and distinct from the peculiar particles of the pollen, though he has doubtless seen them, and in some cases, as it seems to me, described them as those particles. Secondly, he has been satisfied with the external appear- ance of the parts in coming to his conclusion, that no par- ticles capable of motion exist in the style or stigma before impregnation. That both simple molecules and larger particles of diffe- rent form, and equally capable of motion, do exist in these ON ACTIVE MOLECULES. 479 parts, before the application of the pollen to the stigma can possibly take place, in many of the plants submitted by him to examination, may easily be ascertained ; particularly in Antirrhinum majus, of which he has given a figure in a more advanced state, representing these molecules or parti- cles, which he supposes to have been derived from the grains of pollen, adhering to the stigma. There are some other points respecting the grains of pollen and their contained particles in which I also differ from M. Brongniart, namely, in his supposition that the particles are not formed in the grain itself, but in the cavity of the anthera; in his assertion respecting the presence of pores on the surface of the grain in its early state, through which the particles formed in the anthera pass into its cavity ; and lastly, on the existence of a membrane forming the coat of his boyau or mass of cylindrical form ejected from the grain of pollen. I reserve, however, my observations on these and several other topics connected with the subject of the present in- quiry for the more detailed account, which it is my intention to give. July 30th, 1828. ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON ACTIVE a MOLECULES. By ROBERT BROWN, F.R.S. Axsout twelve months ago I printed an account of Mi- croscopical Observations made in the summer of 1827, on the Particles containéd in the Pollen of Plants ; and on the general Existence of active Molecules in Organic and In- organic Bodies. 480 ADDITIONAL REMARKS In the present Supplement to that account my objects are, to explain and modify a few of its statements, to advert to some of the remarks that have been made, either on the correctness or originality of the observations, and to the causes that have been considered sufficient for the explana- tion of the phenomena. In the first place, I have to notice an erroneous assertion of more than one writer, namely, that I have stated the active Molecules to be animated. This mistake has proba- bly arisen from my having communicated the facts in the same order in which they occurred, accompanied by the views which presented themselves in the different stages of the investigation ; and in one case, from my having adopted the language, in referring to the opinion, of another inquirer into the first branch of the subject. 2 Although I endeavoured strictly to confine myself to the statement of the facts observed, yet in speaking of the active Molecules, I have not been able, in all cases, to avoid the introduction of hypothesis ; for such is the supposition that the equally active particles of greater size, and frequently of very different form, are primary compounds of these Mole- cules,—a supposition which, though professedly conjectural, I regret having so much insisted on, especially as it may seem connected with the opinion of the absolute identity of the Molecules, from whatever source derived. On this latter subject, the only two points that I endea- voured to ascertain were their size and figure: and al- though I was, upon the whole, inclined to think that in these respects the Molecules were similar from whatever y substances obtained, yet the evidence then adduced in sup- port of the supposition was far from satisfactory ; and I may add, that I am still less satisfied now that such is the fact. But even had the uniformity of the Molecules in those two points been absolutely established, it did not necessarily follow, nor have I anywhere stated, as has been imputed to me, that they also agreed in all their other properties and functions. I have remarked that certain substances, namely, sulphur, resin, and wax, did not yield active particles, which, how- ON ACTIVE MOLECULES, 481 ever, proceeded merely from defective manipulation ; for I have since readily obtained them from all these bodies : at the same time I ought to notice that their existence in aa was previously mentioned to me by my friend Mr. ister. In prosecuting the inquiry subsequent to the publication of my Observations, I have chiefly employed the simple microscope mentioned in the Pamphlet as having been made for me by Mr. Dollond, and of which the three lenses that T have generally used, are of a 40th, 60th, and 70th of an inch focus. Many of the observations have been repeated and con- firmed with other simple microscopes having lenses of simi- lar powers, and also with the best achromatic compound microscopes, either in my own possession or belonging to my friends. ‘ Sc = The result of the inquiry@t present essentially agrees with that which may be collected from my printed account, @~ and) may be here briefly stated in the following terms; namely, - That extremely minute particles of solid matter, whether obtained from organic or inorganic substances, when sus- pended in pure water, or in some other aqueous fluids, exhibit motions for which I am unable to account, and which from their irregularity and seeming independence resemble in a remarkable degree the less rapid motions of some of the simplest animalcules of infusions. ‘That the smallest moving particles observed, and which I have termed. Active Molecules, appear to be spherical, or nearly so, and to be between 1-20,000dth and 1-30,000dth of an inch in diameter ; and that other particles of considerably greater and various size, and either of similar or of very different figure, also present analogous motions in like circum- stances. ‘ I have formerly stated my belief that these motions of the particles neither arose from currents in the fluid con- taining them, nor depended on that intestine motion which may be supposed to accompany its evaporation. These causes of motion, however, either singly or combined 31 482 ADDITIONAL REMARKS with others,—as, the attractions and repulsions among the particles themselves, their unstable equilibrium in the fluid in which they are suspended, their hygrometrical or capillary action, and in some cases the disengagement of volatile mat- ter, or of minute air bubbles,—have been considered by several writers as sufficiently accounting for the appearances. Some of the alleged causes here stated, with others which I have considered it unnecessary to mention, are not likely to be overlooked or to deceive observers of any experience in microscopical researches; and the insufficiency of the most important of those enumerated may, I think, be satisfactorily shown by means of a very simple experi- ment. This experiment consists in reducing the drop of water containing the particles to microscopic minuteness, and pro- longing its existence by immersing it in a transparent fluid of inferior specific gravity, with which it is not miscible, and in which evaporation is extremely slow. If to almond-oil, which is a fluid having these properties, a considerably 4) smaller proportion of water, duly impregnated with par- ticles, be added, and the two fluids shaken or triturated together, drops of water of various sizes, from 1-50th to 1-2000dth of an inch in diameter, will be immediately produced. Of these, the most minute necessarily contain but few particles, and some may be occasionally observed with one particle only. In this manner minute drops, which if exposed to the air would be dissipated in less than a minute, may be retained for more than an hour. But in all the drops thus formed and protected, the motion of the particles takes place with undiminished activity, while the principal causes assigned for that motion, namely, evaporation, and their mutual attraction and repulsion, are either materially reduced or absolutely null. It may here be remarked, that those currents from centre to circumference, at first hardly perceptible, then more ob- vious, and at last very rapid, which constantly exist in drops exposed to the air, and disturb or entirely overcome the proper motion of the particles, are wholly prevented in drops of small size immersed in oil,—a fact which, however, ON ACTIVE MOLECULES. 483 is only apparent in those drops that are flattened, in con- sequence of being nearly or absolutely in contact with the stage of the microscope. That the motion of the particles is not produced by any cause acting on the surface of the drop, may be proved by an inversion of the experiment; for by mixing a very small proportion of oil with the water .containing the particles, microscopic drops of oil of extreme minuteness, some of them not exceeding in size the particles themselves, will be found on the surface of the drop of water, and nearly or altogether at rest; while the particles in the centre or towards the bottom of the drop continue to move with their usual degree of activity. By means of the contrivance now described for reducing the size and prolonging the existence of the drops contain- ing the particles, which, simple as it is, did not till very lately occur to me, a greater command of the subject is obtained, sufficient perhaps to enable us to ascertain the real cause of the motions in question. Of the few experiments which I have made since this manner of observing was adopted, some appear to me so curious, that I do not venture to state them until they are & verified by frequent and careful repetition. I shall conclude(these supplementary remarks to my former Observations, by noticing the degree in which I consider those observations to have been anticipated. That molecular was sometimes confounded with animal- cular motion by several of the earlier microscopical obser- vers, appears extremely probable from various passages in the writings of Leeuwenhoek, as well as from a very inter- esting Paper by Stephen Gray, published in the 19th volume of the Philosophical Transactions. Needham also, and Buffon, with whom the hypothesis of organic particles originated, seem to have not unfre- quently fallen into the same mistake. And I am inclined to believe that Spallanzani, notwithstanding one of his statements respecting them, has under the head of Azima- 484 ADDITIONAL REMARKS letti d'ultimo ordine included the active Molecules as well as true Animalcules. I may next mention that Gleichen, the discoverer of the motions of the Particles of the Pollen, also observed similar motions in the particles of the ovulum of Zea Mays. Wrisberg and Miiller, who adopted in part Buffon’s hy- pothesis, state the globples, of which they suppose all organic bodies formed, to be capable of motion ; and Miil- ler distinguishes these moving organic globules from real Animalcules, with which, he adds, they have been con- founded by some very respectable observers. In 1814 Dr. James Drummond, of Belfast, published in the 7th volume of the Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, a very valuable Paper, entitled “ On certain Appearances observed in the Dissection of the Eyes of Fishes.” In this Essay, which I regret I was entirely unacquainted with when I printed the account of my Observations, the author gives an account of the very remarkable motions of the spicula which form the silvery part of the choroid coat of the eyes of fishes. These spicula were examined with a simple microscope, and 6] as opaque objects, a strong light being thrown upon the drop of water in which they were suspended. The appear- ances are minutely described, and very ingenious reasoning employed to show that, to account for the motions, the least improbable conjecture is to suppose the spicula ani- mated. As these bodies were seen by reflected and not by trans- mitted light, a very correct idea of their actual motions could hardly be obtained; and with the low magnifying powers necessarily employed with the instrument and in the manner described, the more minute nearly spherical particles or active Molecules which, when higher powers were used, I have always found in abundance along with the spicula, entirely escaped observation. Dr. Drummond’s researches were strictly limited to the spicula of the eyes and scales of fishes; and as he does not ON ACTIVE MOLECULES. 485 appear to have suspected that particles having analogous motions might exist in other organized bodies, and far less in inorganic matter, I consider myself anticipated by this acute observer only to the same extent as by Gleichen, and in amuch less degree than by Miiller, whose statements have been already alluded to. ——— All the observers now mentioned have confined them- selves to the examination of the particles of organic bodies. In 1819, however, Mr. Bywater, of Liverpool, published an account of Microscopical Observations, in which it is stated that not only organic tissues, but also inorganic sub- stances, consist of what he terms animated or irritable particles. A second edition of this Essay appeared m 1828, proba- bly altered in some points, but it may be supposed agree- ing essentially in its statements with the edition of 1819, which I have never seen, and of the existence of which I was ignorant when I published my pamphlet. From the edition of 1828, which I have but lately met with, it appears that Mr. Bywater employed a compound microscope of the construction called Culpepper’s, that the object was examined in a bright sunshine, and the light from the mirror thrown so obliquely on the stage as to give a blue colour to the infusion. The first experiment I here subjoin in his own words. 17 “A small portion of flour must be placed on a slip of glass, and mixed with a drop of water, then instantly ap- plied to the microscope; and if stirred and viewed by a bright sun, as already described, it will appear evidently filled with innumerable small linear bodies, writhing and twisting about with extreme activity.” Similar bodies, and equally in motion, were obtained from animal and vegetable tissues, from vegetable mould, from sandstone after being made red hot, from coal, ashes, and other inorganic bodies. I believe that in thus stating the manner in which Mr. Bywater’s experiments were conducted, I have enabled microscopical observers to judge of the extent and kind of optical illusion to which he was liable, and of which he 486 ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON ACTIVE MOLECULES. does not seem to have been aware. I have only to add,. that it is not here a question of priority; for if his obser- vations are to be depended on, mine must be entirely set aside. July 8th, 1829. ‘OBSERVATIONS ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION IN ORCHIDEAD AND ASCLEPIADEL. BY ROBERT BROWN, ESQ,, D.C.L., F.R.S., Hon. M.R.S. Epin., anp R.I. Acap. V.P.LS. ; _FOREIGN MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES IN THE INSTITUTE OF FRANCE; OF THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF RUSSIA; THE ROYAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES OF SWEDEN AND BAVARIA; OF THE FIRST CLASS OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTE OF HOLLAND; THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF DENMARK; AND THE IMPERIAL ACADEMY OF NATURALISTS ; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ACADEMIES OF SCIENCES OF PRUSSIA AND BELGIUM, ETC., ETC. [Reprinted from the ‘ Transactions of the Linnean Soctety.’ Vol. XVI, pp. 685—745.] LONDON: 1832, ON 'THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION IN ORCHIDEA-AND ASCLEPIADESA. Reap November Ist anp 15tu, 1831.* In the Essay now submitted to the Society, my prin- cipal object is to give an account of some observations, made chiefly in the course of the present year, on the structure and economy of the sexual organs in Orchidez and Asclepiadeze,—the two families of phenogamous plants which have hitherto presented the most important objections to the prevailing theories of vegetable fecun- dation. But before entermg on this account, it is necessary to notice the various opinions that have been held respecting the mode of impregnation in both families: and in con- cluding the subject of Orchidez, I shall advert to a few other points of structure in that natural order. 1 [This portion of the Memoir was originally printed for private distribution in October, 183]. The additions made to it when reprinted in the ‘Linnean Transactions,’ consist chiefly of the references to the authors quoted, of three notes at pp. £95, 496 and 497, and of the plates and their explanations. ‘The alterations are merely verbal, with the exception of a passage at pp. 522-4, beneath which I have appended the corresponding passage of the first impres- sion in a note.—Epir. ] 490 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION ORCHIDE. The authors whose opinions or conjectures on the mode of impregnation in Orchidese I have to notice, may be divided into such as have considered the direct application of the pollen to the stigma as necessary : and those who,— from certain peculiarities in the structure and relative posi- tion of the sexual organs in this family,—have regarded the direct contact of these parts as in many cases difficult 686) or altogether improbable, and have consequently had recourse to other explanations of the function. In 1760, Haller, the earliest writer.of the first class, in describing his Epipactis, states that the anther or pollen masses, after leaving the cells in which they are originally inclosed, are retained by the process called by him susten- taculum, the rostellum of Richard, from which they readily fall upon the stigma.’ He adds, that both in this genus and in Orchis the stigma communicates by a fovea or channel with the ovarium. But as in 1742 he correctly describes the stigma of Orchis,” and in his account of Epipactis® notices also the gland derived, as he says, from the sustentaculum, and which is introduced between and connects the pollen masses, his opinion on the subject, though not expressed, is dis- tinctly implied even at that period; or as indeed it may be said to have been so early as 1736,* when he first de- scribed the channel communicating with the ovarium, and considered it as being in the place of a style. In 1763, Adanson’ states that the pollen masses are projected on the stigma, of which his description is at least as satisfactory as that of some very recent writers on the subject. He also describes the flower of an Orchideous plant as being monandrous, with a bilocular anthera, con- taining pollen which coheres in masses (a view of structure ! Orchid, class. constilut. in Act. Helvet. iv, p. 100. ; Hall. Enum. p. 262. 3 Id. p. 274, Meth. stud, bot. p. 21. ° Fam. des Plant. ii, p. 69. IN ORCHIDEZ AND ASCLEPIADES. 491 first entertained, but not published, by Bernard de Jussieu) ;? and he correctly marks the relation both of the stamen and placentee of the ovarium to the divisions of the peri- anthium. In 1777, Curtis, in the Flora Londinensis in his figure and account of Ophrys apifera, correctly delineates and describes the pollen masses, called by him anthere, the (7 glands at their base inclosed in distinct cuculli or bursiculee, and the stigma, with the surface of which he represents the masses as coming in contact. In his second volume, the two lateral adnate lobes of the stigma, and the auricule of the column of Orchis mas- cula, are distinctly shown; and these auricule, now gene- rally denominated rudimentary stamina, are also delineated in some other species of Orchis afterwards figured in the same work. In 1793, Christian Konrad Sprengel’ asserts that the pollen masses are applied directly to the secreting or viscid surface on the front of the column, in other words to the stigma, and that insects are generally the agents in this operation. In 1799, J. K. Wachter® supports the same opinion, as far as regards the necessity of direct contact of the pollen masses with the female organ ; and this observer was the first who succeeded in artificially impregnating an Or- chideous plant, by applying the pollen to the stigma of Habenaria bifolia. In 1799 also, or beginning of 1800, Schkuhr* takes the same view of the subject, and states that the pollen masses, which resist the action of common moisture, are readily dissolved by the viscid fluid of the stigma. In 1800 Swartz,’ in adopting the same opinion, notices various ways in which the application of the pollen may be effected in the different tribes of this family, repeats the statement of Schkuhr on the solvent power of the stigma, and in Bletia Tunkervillie describes ducts 1 Juss. gen. pl. p. 66. 2 Entd. Geheim. p. 401. 3 Romer, Archiv. ii, p. 209. 4 Handbuch iii, p. 192. 5 Act. Holm. 1800, p. 184, 492 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION . which convey the absorbed fluid from that organ to the ovarium. In 1804, Salisbury! asserts that he had succeeded in 688] Impregnating many species belonging to different tribes of Orchidese, by applying the pollen masses to the stigma, whose channel communicating with the cavity of the ovarium, and first noticed by Haller, he also describes. In 1827, Professor L. C. Treviranus’ published an ac- count of several experiments made by him in 1824, which satisfactorily prove that impregnation in this family may be effected by the direct application of the pollen to the stigma. About the end of 1830 a letter from Professor Amici’ to M. Mirbel was published, in which that distinguished microscopical observer asserts that in many pheenogamous plants the pollen tubes, or doyavz, penetrate through the style into the cavity of the ovarium, and are applied directly to the ovula. In this important communication Orchideze are not mentioned, but M. Adolphe Brongniart in a note states that he himself has seen the production of doyawa or pollen tubes even in this family; that here, however, as well as in all the other tribes in which he had examined these tubes, he found them to terminate in the tissue of the stigma. Of the second class of authors the earliest is Linnzeus,' who, in 1764, not satisfied either with his own or any other description then given of the stigma, inquires whether the influence of the pollen may not be communicated in- ternally to the ovarium. In 1770, Schmidel,> in an account which he gives of a species of Epipactis, describes and figures the upper lip of the stigma, the rostellum of Richard, with its gland both before and after the bursting of the anthera; and as he ' Linn. Soc. Transact. vil, p. 29. * Zeitschrift f, Physiol. ii, p. 225, * Annal. des Se. Nat. xxi, p. 829. * Prelect. in Ord. Nat. ed. Giseke, p. 182. °” Gesn. Op. Bot, hist. plant. fase. ii, p. 15, tab. 19, IN ORCHIDEA AND ASCLEPIADEA. 493 denominates that part, before the pollen masses are (39 attached to it, “stigma virgineum,” it may be considered as belonging to the same class, Koelreuter, the next writer in point of time, and whose essay was published before Linneus’s query appeared, states, in 1775,’ that the pollen masses, which he denomi- nates naked antheree, impart their fecundating matter to the surface of the cells of the true anthera, regarded by him consequently as stigma, and that through this surface it is absorbed and conveyed to the ovarium. In 1787, Dr. Jonathan Stokes’ conjectures that in Or- chideze, as well as in Asclepiadez, the male influence, or principle of arrangement, as it is termed by John Hunter, may be conveyed to the embryo without the intervention of air: a repetition certainly of Linnzeus’s conjecture, with which, however, as it was not published till 1791, he could not have been acquainted. In 1791, Batsch? states that in Orchis and Ophrys,— and his observation may be extended at least to all Saty- rine or Ophrydez,—the only way in which the mass of pollen can act on the ovarium, is by the retrogradation of the impregnating power through the pedunculus or caudi- cula of the pollen mass to the gland beneath it, which he is disposed to refer rather to the stigma than to the anthera. The late Professor Richard, in 1802,* expressly says that fecundation is operated in Orchidez and Asclepiadez with- out a change of place in the stamina; his opinion therefore must be considered identical with that of Batsch, and ex- tended to the whole order. It might perhaps be inferred from the description which I gave of Orchidez in a work published in 1510,° that my opinion respecting the mode of impregnation agreed with (9 that of Batsch and Richard, though it is not there actually expressed, nor indeed very clearly in another publication of nearly the same date,’ in which I had adverted to this 1 Act. Phys, Palat. iii, p. 55. 2 With. Bot. Arrang. Qnd ed. il, p. 964. 3 Botanische Bemerk. i, p. 3. 4 Dict. de Botan. par Bulliard, ed. 2, p. 56, 5 Predr, Flor. Nov. Holl,i, p. 310. 6 Linn. Soc, Transact. x, p. 19. 494. ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION family. But I have since on several occasions more ex- plicitly stated that opinion, which, until lately, I always considered the most probable hypothesis on the subject. At the same time its probability in this family appeared to me somewhat less than in Asclepiadeee. For in Orchidez a secreting surface in the female organ, apparently destined to act on the pollen without the intervention of any other part, is manifest; and some direct evidence of the fact existed, though not then considered satisfactory. In Ascle- piadeze, however, I entertained hardly any doubt on the subject ; the only apparently secreting surface of the stigma in that family being occupied by the supposed conductors of the male influence, and no evidence whatever, with which I was acquainted, existing of its action through any other channel. In 1816 or 1818 I received from the late celebrated Aubert du Petit Thouars some printed sheets of an in- tended work on Orchidee, which, with a few alterations, was completed and published in 1822." From the unfinished work, as well as that which was afterwards published, it appears that this ingenious bota- nist considered the glutinous substance connecting the grains or Jobules of pollen as the “aura seminalis” or fe- cundating matter; that the elastic pedicel of the pollen mass, existing in part of the family, but according to him not formed before expansion, consists of this gluten; and that in the expanded flower the gluten which has escaped from the pollen is, in all cases, in communication with the stigma. He describes the stigma as forming on the surface of co the column a glutinous disk, from which a central thread or cord of the same nature is continued through the style to the cavity of the ovarium, where it divides into three branches, and that each of these is again subdivided into two. The six branches thus formed, are closely applied to the parietes of the ovarium, run down on each side of the corresponding placenta to its base, each giving off nume- 1 Hist, des Orchid. p. 14. IN ORCHIDEA AND ASCLEPIADEA, 495 rous ramuli, which spread themselves among the ovula, and separate them into irregular groups. Hence, according to this author, a communication is established between the anthera and the ovula, which he adds are impregnated through their surface, and not, as he supposes to be the case in other families, through their funiculus or point of attachment to the placenta. > 'The remarkable account of the stigma here quoted, though coming from so distinguished and original an ob- server, and one who had particularly studied this fannly of plants, seems either to have been entirely overlooked, or in some degree discredited by more recent writers, none of whom, as far as I can find, have even alluded to it. And I confess it entirely escaped me until after I had made the observations which will be stated in the present essay, and which confirm its accuracy as to the existence and course of the parietal cords, though not as to their nature and origin. In 1824. Professor Link’ expresses his opinion that the rostellum of Richard is without doubt the true stigma. In 1829 Mr. Lindley,” who for several years has par- ticularly studied and has lately published part of a valuable systematic work on Orchideous Plants, states that in this family impregnation takes effect by absorption from the pollen masses through their gland into the stigmatic channel. In 1830, in his Introduction to the Natural System of Botany, the same statement is repeated; and in this cov work it also appears that he regards the glands to which the pollen masses become attached in Ophrydee as derived from the stamen, and not belonging to the stigma,” as in 1810 I had described them. It would even appear, from a passage in his systematic work* published in the same 1 Philos. Bot. p. 298. 2 Synops. Brit. Flor. p. 256. ; : 3 “The pollen is not less curious. Now we have it in separate grains, as in other plants, but cohering to a mesh-work of cellular tissue, which is collected into a sort of central elastic strap; now the granules cohere in small angular indefinite masses, and the central elastic strap becomes more apparent, has a glandular extremity, which is often reclined in a peculiar pouch especially destined for its protection.”—Introduct. to Nat. Syst. of Bot. p. 268. + Gen. and Sp. of Orchid. Part IJ, p. 3. 4.96 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION year, that he considers the analogous glands, existing in most other tribes of Orchidez, as equally belonging to the stamen: in his “ Introduction,” however, he refers them to the stigma in all cases except in Ophrydee. Towards the end of 1830 the first part of Mr. Francis Bauer's Illustrations of Orchideous Plants edited by Mr. Lindley, was published. From this work, of the importance and beauty of which it is impossible to speak too highly, it may be collected that Mr. Bauer’s opimion or theory of impregnation in Or- chideee does not materially differ from that of Batsch, Richard, and other more recent writers. From one of the figures it appears that this theory had occurred to him as early as 1792; and in another figure, bearmg the same date, he has accurately represented the structure of the grains of pollen in a plant belonging to Ophrydee, a struc- ture which I had not ascertained in that tribe till 1806. Although Mr. Bauer’s theory is essentially the same as that of Batsch and Richard, yet there are some points in which it may be considered peculiar; and chiefly in his supposing impregnation to take effect long before the ex- 693] pansion of the flower, at a time when the sexual organs are so placed with relation to each other that the fecun- dating matter, believed by him to pass from the pollen mass through its caudicula, where that part exists, to the gland attached to it, may be readily communicated to the stigma, with which the gland is then either in absolute con- tact or closely approximated. The more important points of this account may be extended to nearly the whole order, but is strictly applicable only to Satyrine or Ophrydex, a tribe in which Mr. Bauer seems, with Mr. Lindley, to con- sider the glands as belonging to the stamen and not to the stigma.’ In those genera of this tribe in which the glands 1 In the second part of Mr. Bauer’s Illustrations, which has appeared since this paper was read, the explanation of Tab. 3, fig. 6, is corrected in the follow- ing manner: “ For 6. A pollen mass with its caudicula and gland taken out of the anther; “ Read 6. A pollen mass with its caudicula and the internal socket of the stigmatic gland.” It is evident, indeed, in the second part of the Illustrations, from figs. 8, 9, 1, and 12, of Tab. 12, representing details of Satyrium pustulatum, and the IN ORCHIDEA AND ASCLEPIADES. 497 are included in a pouch or bursicula, he describes and figures perforations in the back of the pouch, through which the fecundating matter is communicated from the glands to the stigma; and one of the figures is intended to repre- sent a gland in the act of parting with the fecundating matter, It is impossible to judge correctly of Mr. Bauer’s theory until all the proofs and arguments in its favour are adduced. I may observe, however, that those already published are by no means satisfactory to me. For, in the first place, in the very early stage in which, (6s according to this theory, impregnation is supposed to be effected, it appears to me that the pollen is not in a state to impart its fecundating matter, nor the stigma to receive it ; and it may be added, though this is of less weight, that the ovula have neither acquired the usual degree of deve- lopment, nor that position which they afterwards take, and which gives the apex of the nucleus or point of impregna- tion the proper direction, with regard to the supposed im- pregnating surface. Secondly, in the figure which may be said to exhibit a demonstration of the correctness of the theory,—in that, namely, representing the gland in the act of parting with the fecundating matter,—the magnifying power employed (which is only fifteen times) is surely insufficient for the establishment of a fact of this kind; while the disengage- ment of minute granules, which no doubt often takes place when the gland is immersed in water, may readily be ac- counted for in another way.’ drawings of which were made in 1800, that Mr. Bauer must, from that time at least, have correctly understood the origin of the glands in Ophrydex. There is nothing, however, in any of the figures in Tab. 3 of the first part at variance with their explanations, from which I judged of his opinion. It may therefore be concluded that Mr. Bauer had not examined these explanations before their publication. ' This second observation ought not now to be taken into account, as in the second part of Mr. Bauer’s Illustrations the following correction occurs re- specting the figure alluded to (Tab. 3. fig. 8). : “This is in some measure an ideal figure to represent in what way the fecundating matter is supposed to leave the caudicula and stigmatic gland; for this reason there has been no attention paid to preserving a proportion between the pollen mass and the fecundating matter.” _ } bt I may here, however, remark, that it was evidently not my intention, in the 82 498 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION Thirdly, I have never been able to find those perforations, represented by Mr. Bauer, in the bursicula of Orchis and Ophrys, and the existence of which in these genera 1s es- sential to his hypothesis. And, lastly, the appearance of the stigma in Bletia Tan- 63) hervillia, after impregnation, as he believes, according to my view of the subject would rather prove that it was in a state capable of acting upon, but had not yet received the fecundating matter from, the anthera. In thus venturing to differ from so accurate and expe- rienced an observer as Mr. Bauer on a subject which he has for many years minutely studied and so beautifully illus- trated, I am well aware how great a risk I incur of being myself found in error. I am very desirous, however, that the perusal of this sketch of the various statements that have appeared on the question of impregnation, with the greater part of which he is at present probably unacquainted, should induce him to re-examine the facts and arguments by which his own opinion on this subject is supported. He will thus either succeed in establishing his theory on more satisfactory grounds, or, if the examination should prove unfavourable, he will, I am persuaded, from his well-known candour, as readily abandon it. The notice here given of the opinions of botanists on im- pregnation in Orchidez brings the subject down to the spring of the present year, when from circumstances, which I may hereafter have occasion to advert to, my attention was directed to this family of plants, the particular study of which I had for a long time discontinued. In reviewing notes respecting them, made many years ago, I found some points merely hinted at, or imperfectly made out, which seemed deserving of further examination; and in the course of these inquiries, other observations of at least equal importance suggested themselves. observation in question, to throw any doubt on the correctness of Mr. Bauer’s figure, being aware that very minute granular matter, separating from the gland when immersed in water, is actually visible with a lens of about half an inch focus. I objected to it only as a satisfactory proof of the theory re- ferred to. IN ORCHIDEH AND ASCLEPIADEA. 499 I now proceed to state, in some cases briefly, in others at greater length, the results of this investigation. The first question that occupied me was, the relation which the lateral and generally rudimentary stamina bear («9s to the other parts of the flower. Into this subject I had in part entered in my Ob- servations on Apostasia, published by Dr. Wallich in his “Plante: Asiaticee Rariores,’? and had then considered it probable that in all cases these Stamina, in whatever state of development they were found, belonged to a different series from the middle and usually fertile stamen ; in other words, were placed opposite to the two lateral divisions of the inner series of the perianthium. In 1810, however, when I first advanced my hypothesis of the true nature of these processes of the column, I supposed, though the opinion was not then expressed, that they formed the complement of the outer series of stamina; a view which has been since very generally adopted, especially by Dr. Von Martius, who has given it inastenographic formula, and by Mr. Lindley, who has exhibited the relative position of parts in this family in adiagram.” A careful examination of the structure of the column in various tribes of the order, chiefly by means of transverse sections, has fully confirmed the opinion I enter- tained when treating of Apostasia; and more particularly established the fact in Cypripedium, in which these lateral stamina are perfectly developed. On the hypothesis of rudimentary stamina I may remark, that it presented itself to me some time before the publi- cation of the Prodromus Flore Nove Hollandiz ; and my belief is, that until the appearance of that work this view had not been taken by any other observer in England. Mr. Bauer at least, in a recent conversation on the subject, readily admitted, with his usual candour, that although acquainted with a case of accidental development, the gene- ral view had not occurred to him until stated by me. In my mind it arose from contrasting the structure of (97 Cypripedium with those genera of New Holland Orchideze —Diuris, Prasophyllum, and others—in which the lateral 1 Vol. i, p. 74. 2 Introduct. to Nat, Syst. p. 264, 500 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION processes or appendages of the column are so remarkably developed; and I afterwards, in searching for additional confirmations of the hypothesis, believed I had found such in the more minute lateral auricul of the column present in most Ophrydez. These auricule, however, though they might serve to confirm, would hardly have suggested the hypothesis, at the period especially of which I speak. They had indeed until then been altogether overlooked, except by Malpighi,* by Curtis in his Flora Londinensis, perhaps in Walcott’s Flora Britannica, and by Mr. Bauer, whom they were not likely to escape. In my recent observations on Apostasia, referred to, I noticed a singular monstrosity of Habenaria bifolia, which, if such deviations from ordinary structure are always to be trusted, would throw great doubt on the hypothesis being applicable to these auricule of Ophrydez. For in this case, in which three antheree are formed, auricule not only exist on the middle or ordinary stamen, but one is also found on the upper side of each of the lateral anthere, which are here opposite to two divisions of the outer series of the perianthium. I have lately met with another in- stance of a similar monstrosity equally unfavourable ; and I may add that this doubt is still further strengthened by my not being able to find vascular cords connected with these auricule in the only plants of Ophrydez in which I have carefully examined, with this object, the structure of the column, namely, Orchis Morio, mascula, and latifolia. I do not indeed regard the absence of vessels as a com- plete proof of these auriculz not being rudimentary stamina. But I may remark, that in the other tribes of Orchidee, in 608] many of whose genera analogous processes are found, and in which tribes alone cases of their complete development have hitherto been observed, vessels not only generally exist in these processes, but may be traced to their expected origins, namely, into those cords which also supply the inner lateral divisions of the perianthium. Although not necessarily connected with my subject, I 1 Op. Om, tab. 25, fig. 142. IN ORCHIDEA AND ASCLEPIADES. 501 may here advert to the remarkable monstrosity in the flowers of an Ophrys described and figured by M. His! upwards of two years before the appearance of my Prodro- mus. ‘This account I did not meet with till after that part of the volume relating to Orchideze was printed; and I have here only to observe respecting it, that neither the monstrosity itself, consisting of the conversion into stamina of the three inner divisions of the perianthium, nor the author’s speculation founded on it, has any connection with my opinion which relates to the processes of the column. M. His’s paper, however, and the remarkable structure of Epistephium of M. Kunth, have together given rise to a third hypothesis, whose author, M. Achille Richard,’ con- siders an Orchideous flower as generally deprived of the outer series of the perianthium, which is present only in Epistephium. He consequently regards the existing inner series of perianthium, or that to which the labellum belongs, as formed of metamorphosed stamina. This hypothesis, although apparently sanctioned by the structure of Scitamineze, I consider untenable; the external additional part in Epistephium, which I have examined, appearing to me rather analogous to the calyculus in some Santalaceze, in a few Proteaceee, and perhaps to that of Loranthacez. With reference to the support the hypothesis may (9 derive from the monstrosity described by M. His, I may add that I have met with more than one case of similar con- version into stamina of the inner series of the perianthium, or at least of its two lateral divisions, with a manifest ten- dency to the same change in the labellum: and in one of these cases, namely Weottia picta, in addition to the con- version of the two lateral divisions of the perianthium, the lateral processes of the column were also completely deve- loped. The next point examined was the composition of the Stigma with the relation of its lobes or divisions to the other parts of the flower, and especially to the supposed compo- 1 Journul de Physique, xv. (1807), p. 241. 2 Mém. de la Soc. a’ Hist. Nat. de Paris, iv, p. 16. 502 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION nent parts of the ovarium. On this subject very little in- formation is to be obtained from the writings of botanists, most of whom have contented themselves with describing the stigma as a disk, a fovea glutinosa, a secreting surface, or viscid space in front of thecolumn. ‘The late celebrated Richard, however, who adverts to the occasional existence of two lateral processes of his gynizus, may be supposed to have had more correct notions of its composition: and it may also be observed, that in Curtis’s plate of Ophrys apifera already referred to, and still more distinctly in Mr. Bauer’s figure of Orchis mascula, the two lateral lobes are represented as distinct, corresponding very exactly with Haller’s description, in 1742, of the stigma in this genus. The result of my examination of this point satisfied me that Orchidez have in reality three stigmata, generally more or less confluent, but in some cases manifestly distinct, and two of which are in several instances even furnished with styles of considerable length. These stigmata are placed opposite to the three outer divisions of the perianthium, and consequently terminate the axes of the supposed component parts of the ovarium, always regarded by me as made up of three simple ovaria 70) united by their ovuliferous margins ; a structure m which the ordinary relation of stigmata to placente: is that here found. In Mr. Bauer’s ‘ I]lustrations’ already referred to, a very different account is given of the composition of the ovarium, which is there said to be formed of six pieces. This view of its composition seems to be founded on the existence of six vascular cords, on the apparent interrup- tions in the cellular tissue, and on the singular dehiscence of the capsule. But the mere number of vascular cords, which, being destined to supply all parts of the flower, may be said rather to indicate the ‘divisions of the perianthium than those of the ovarium, cannot be considered as affording an argument of much importance, and, if it were, would equally apply to many other families having trilocular ovaria, as Iridee ; while the interruptions or equalities of cellular tissue may be viewed as only the preparation for IN ORCHIDEA AND ASCLEPIADEA. 503 that dehiscence which, though very remarkable in this order, is in a great degree analogous to that taking place in most Cruciferge, in several Leguminosz, and in other families of plants. It may also be objected to Mr. Bauer’s view of the composition of ovarium, that the arrangement of the parietal placenta, which on this hypothesis would occupy the axes of the three alternate component parts, is contrary to every analogy; while the position of the stigmata, if my account should prove to be correct, affords evidence nearly conclusive of the ovarium being formed of only three parts. In those genera of Orchideze in which the lateral stamina are perfect, and the middle stamen without anthera, namely, Cypripedium and Apostasia, all these lobes or divisions of stigma are equally developed, are of nearly similar form and texture, and, as I have proved by direct experiment in Cypripedium, are all equally capable of performing the proper function of the organ. In most other cases the anterior lobe, or that placed ca opposite to the perfect stamen, and deriving its vessels from the same cord, manifestly differs both in form and texture from the other two. ‘To this anterior, or upper lobe, as it generally becomes in the expanded flower, the glands always belong to which the pollen masses become attached, but from which they are in all cases originally distinct, as may be proved even in Ophrydeze. According to my view, therefore, of the mode of impreg- nation, its office is essentially different from that of the two lateral lobes or stigmata, which in various degrees of development are always present, and in all cases, when the ovarium is perfect, are capable of performing their proper function. The greatest development of these lateral stigmata takes place in the tribe of Satyrine or Ophrydez, as in many species of Habenaria, those especially which are found near or within the tropics; and still more remarkably in Bonatea speciosa, a plant hardly indeed distinguishable from the same extensive genus. It would seem that in Bonatea the extraordinary develop- ment and complete separation of these lateral stigmata, 504 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION have effectually concealed their true nature ; and accord- ingly they have uniformly been considered as forming parts or appendages of the labellum, with which indeed their bases cohere. That they are really stigmata, how- ever, I have proved by a careful examination of the tissue of their secreting surface, by the action of the pollen arti- ficially applied to this tissue, by the descent of its tubes, hereafter to be described, along the upper surface of the styles which is destitute of epidermis, and by the conse- quent enlargement of the ovarium. Diplomeris of Mr. Don,' which may also be regarded as a species of Habe- naria, is another example of nearly the same kind; and the 70) description of stigma which, in 1813, I introduced into the character of Satyrium,’ implies an analogous develop- ment in that genus. On the relative position of stamina and stigmata in the column of an Orchideous plant, it may be remarked that there is hardly an instance of a perfectly developed stamen and stigma placed opposite to each other, and consequently deriving their vessels from the same cord. For, in the ordinary structure of the family in which only one perfect stamen is produced, the corresponding stigma loses entirely or in great part its proper function, which it recovers, so to speak, in those cases where this stamen becomes imperfect, or is destitute of an anthera: and hence, perhaps, it may be said that to obtain in any case the complete devolopment of the lateral stamina, and, what is of greater importance, to ensure in all cases the perfection of the lateral stigmata, these organs are never placed opposite, but uniformly alternate with each other. The general conformation of the ovarium, with regard to the number and relative position of the parietal placenta, and the arrangement of their numerous ovula, has long been well understood. But the early structure and evo- lution of the unimpregnated ovulum have not yet, as far as I know, been in any degree attended to. In its gradual development, the ovulum exhibits a series 1 Prodr. Flor. Nepal. p. 26. * Ait, Hort, Kew. ed. 2, vol. v, p. 196. IN ORCHIDEZ AND ASCLEPIADER, 505 of changes nearly agreeing with those which M. Mirbel! has described and illustrated as taking place in other families. In the earliest state in which I have examined the ovulum in Orchidez, it consists merely of a minute papilla pro- jecting from the pulpy surface of the placenta. In the cis next stage the annular rudiment of the future testa is visible at the base of the papilliform nucleus. The sub- sequent changes, namely, the enlargement of the testa, the production of a funiculus, which is never vascular, and the curvature or inversion of the whole ovulum, so as to ap- proximate the apex of its nucleus to the surface of the placenta, take place in different genera at different periods with relation to the development of the other parts of the flower. In general when the flower expands, the ovulum will be found in a state and direction proper for receiving the male influence. But in several cases, as in Cypripedium and Epipactis, genera which in many other respects are nearly ailied, the ovulum has not completed its inversion, nor is the nucleus entirely covered by its testa until long after expansion, and even after the pollen has been acted on by the stigma, and its tubes have penetrated into the cavity of the ovarium. The tissue of the perfect stigmata in Orchideze does not materially differ from that of many other families. In the early state the utriculi composing it are densely approxi- mated, having no fluid interposed. In the more advanced but unimpregnated state, these utriculi enlarge, and are separated from each other by a copious and generally viscid secretion. The channel of the style, or stigma, whose parietes are similarly composed, undergoes the same changes. Both these states are represented in one of Mr. Bauer’s plates, who however considers the more advanced stage as subsequent to impregnation. In the advanced but still unimpregnated state of the ovarium, the upper portions, which are in continuation with the axes of the three placenta, but do not produce Annual, des Sc. Nat. xvii, p. 802;—and in Mém. de PAcad. des Se. de ? Instit. ix, p. 212. : 506 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION ovula, are of a texture somewhat different from that of the ereater part of the cavity, but still more obviously different from that of the cavity of the style, being neither apparently 70s) secreting nor consisting of similar utriculi. A narrow line of like surface is found extending on each side of every placenta nearly as far as it is ovuliferous. The three lines occupying the upper part of the axes, and the six lines marginal to the three placenta, may, for a reason which will hereafter appear, be called the conducting surfaces of the ovarium. The female organ, as now described, is in a proper state to be acted upon by the pollen applied to the stigma, and for the transmission of the fecundating matter mto the cavity of the ovarium, in a manner and form which I shall presently attempt to explain. In reflecting on the whole evidence existing in favour of the direct application of the pollen mass to the stigma, and especially on the recent experiments of Professor Trevi- ranus,' I could no longer doubt that in this manner im- pregnation was actually effected in Orchidez ; and the sole difficulty in my mind to its being the only way arose from adverting to a circumstance that must have been remarked by every one who has particularly attended to this family, either in Europe or in tropical regions; namely, that all the capsules of a dense spike are not unfrequently ripened : a fact which at first seems hardly reconcilable with this mode of fecundation, at least on the supposition that the pollen mass is applied to the stigma by insects. Without going fully into the question at present, I shall here only remark, that in several such cases I have satisfied myself, by actual examination of the stigmata belonging to capsules taken at many different heights in the spike, that pollen, by whatever means, had actually been applied to them.* 1 Zeitschrift f. Physiol. ii, p. 225. * It may also be observed, that the same difficulty applies to many other cases of dense inflorescence, as to the female spikes or strobili of Conifers, Zamia, and Zea; in all of which the symmetry of the ripe fruit is generally Eee although partial failures of impregnation might be at least equally expected. IN ORCHIDE AND ASCLEPIADEA. 507 Believing, therefore, this is to be the only mode in tvs which impregnation is effected, I proceeded to examine the immediate changes produced by the application of the pollen masses to the stigma. From numerous observations and experiments made with this view, chiefly in Satyrine or Ophrydee, and Are- thuseze, not however confined to these tribes, it was ascer- tained that the grains of pollen, soon after being applied to the stigma, either in the entire mass or separately, produce tubes or doyaue analogous to those first observed in one case by Professor Amici,’ and afterwards in numerous others, and in many families, by M. Adolphe Brongniart.” In Orchideze one tube only is emitted from the abso- lutely simple grain, while the number of tubes generally corresponds with that of the divisions or cells of the com- pound grain. These tubes are of extreme tenuity, their diameter being generally less than 1-2000th of an inch, and they acquire a great length, even while adhering to the grains producing them. From these, however, they separate generally while still involved in the secretion and mixed with the utriculi of the stigma; and I have never observed an instance of a tube with its grain attached to it lower than the tissue of the stigma. In form they are perfectly cylindrical, or of equal diameter, neither dilated at the apex nor sensibly contracted in any part of their course. I have never found them either branched or jointed; but have frequently observed apparent imterrup- tions in the tube, probably caused by partial coagulations of the contained fluid. Even in their earliest stage, while in length hardly equal to the diameter of the grain, I have not been able to observe them to contain distinct granules in employing a magnifymg power of 150. With a cs power of 300 or 400 indeed, extremely minute and very transparent granular matter may be detected; but such granules are very different from those which have been supposed to belong to the grains of pollen. As an entire pollen mass is usually applied to the surface Atti della Soc. Ital. xix, par. 2, p. 254. Annal. des Se. Nat. ii, p. 66. Annal, des Se. Nat. xii, p. 34, 508 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION of the stigma, and as a great proportion of the mass so applied is acted upon by the fluid in which it is immersed, the tubes produced are generally very numerous, and to- gether form a cord which passes through the channel of the stigma or style. On reaching the cavity of the ovarium this cord regu- larly divides into three parts, the divisions being closely applied to those short upper portions of the axes of the valves which are not placentiferous; and at the point where the placenta commences each cord again divides into two branches. These six cords descend along the conducting surfaces already described when speaking of the unim- pregnated ovarium, and generally extend as far as the placentee themselves, with which they are thus placed nearly but perhaps not absolutely in contact. The cords now described, both general and partial, seem to me to be entirely composed of pollen tubes, certainly without any mixture of the utriculi of the stigma, or, as far as I can ascertain, of the tissue of the conducting sur- faces. In two cases, namely Ophrys apifera and Cypripedium spectabile, | at one time believed I had seen tubes going off laterally from the partial cords towards the placentz and mixing with the ovula; but Iam not at present entirely satisfied with the exactness of these observations, and [ have never been able to detect similar ramifications in any other case.’ That the existence of these tubes in the cavity of the ovarium is essential to fecundation in Orchidez, can hardly be questioned. But the manner in which they operate on, 707) or Whether they come actually in contact with, the ovula, are points which still remain undetermined. IT am aware that Professor Amici,” who discovered in several plants the remarkable fact of the penetration of the pollen tubes into the cavity of the ovarium, and who re- gards this economy as being very general, likewise believes that in all cases a pollen tube comes in contact with an 1 See Additional Observations. * Anual. des Se, Nat. xxi, p. 329. IN ORCHIDEH AND ASCLEPIADEA. 509 ovulum. M. Du Petit Thouars also, in his account already quoted of these cords, supposed by him to belong to the stigma of Orchidez, describes their ultimate ramifications as mixing with the ovula. I do not however consider myself so far advanced as these observers in this very important point ;’ and what I shall have to adduce on the subject of Asclepiadez, makes me hesitate still more to adopt their statements. I may also remark that in Orchidez the six cords are to be met with even in the ripe capsule, in which, allow- ance being made for the effect of pressure, they are not materially reduced in size; and the statement by M. Du Petit Thouars, of the lateral branches separating the ovula into irregular groups, is certainly not altogether correct ; these groups being equally distinct before the existence of the cords. With regard to the question of the origin of the pollen tubes, several arguments might be adduced in favour of M. Brongniart’s opinion; which is, that they belong to the inner membrane of the grain, the intimate cohesion of the two membranes being assumed in most cases, and the no less intimate union of the constituent parts of compound grains in some others. That an inner membrane does oc- casionally exist is manifest in the pollen of several Conifere, in which the outer coat regularly bursts and is deciduous ; and it will hereafter appear, that the structure in Ascle- piadeze confirms the correctness of this view. But whatever opinion may be entertained as to the ts origin of the tube, it can hardly be questioned that its pro- duction or growth is a vital action excited in the grain by the application of an external stimulus. The appropriate and most powerful stimulus to this action is no doubt con- tact, at the proper period, with the secretion or surface of the stigma of the same species. Many facts, however, and among others the existence of hybrid plants, prove that this is not the only stimulus capable of producing the effect ; and in Orchideze I have found that the action in 1 See Additional Observations. 510 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION the pollen of one species may be excited by the stigma of another belonging to a very different tribe. The elongation of the tubes, so remarkable in this family, and their separation from the grain long before their growth is completed, render it probable that they derive nourish- ment either from the particles contained in the grain, or from the conducting suriaces with which they are in contact. The first visible effect of the action of the pollen on the stigma is the enlargement of the ovarium, which, in cases where it was reversed by torsion in the flowering state, generally untwists and resumes its original position. Of the changes produced in the ovulum consequent to impregnation, the first consists in its enlargement merely ; and in the few cases where the nucleus is at this period still partially exposed, it becomes completely covered by the testa, the original apex, but now the lower extremity of which continues open. The next change consists in the disappearance of the nucleus, probably from its acquiring greater transparency, and becoming confluent with the substance of the testa. Soon after, or perhaps simulta- neously with, the disappearance of the original nucleus, and while the enlargement of the whole ovulum is gradually proceeding, a minute opaque round speck, generally seated about the middle of the testa, becomes visible. The 709] opaque speck is the commencement of the future embryo. At this period, or until the opaque corpuscle or nucleus has acquired more than half the size it attaims in the ripe seed, a thread may be traced from its apex very nearly to the open end of the testa, or as it may be supposed, to the apex of the original nucleus of the unimpregnated ovulum. This thread consists of a simple series of short cells, in one of which, in a single instance only however, I observed a circulation of very minute granular matter; and in seve- ral cases I have been able to distinguish in these cells that granular areola so frequently -existing in the cells of Orchideous plants, and to which I shall have occasion here- after to advert. The lowermost joint or cell of this thread is probably the original state of what afterwards, from enlargement and IN ORCHIDE AND ASCLEPIADEA. 511 deposition of granular matter, becomes the opaque speck or rudiment of the future embryo. The only appreciable changes taking place in this opaque rudiment of the embryo are its gradual increase in size, and at length its manifest cellular structure. In the ripe state it forms an ovate or nearly spherical body, consisting, as far as I have been able to ascertain, of a uniform cellular tissue covered by a very thin membrane, the base of which does not exhibit any indication of original attachment at that point; while at the apex the remains of the lower shrivelled joints of the cellular thread are still frequently visible. This cellular body may be supposed to constitute the Embryo, which would therefore be without albumen, and whose germinating point, judging from analogy, would be its apex, or that extremity where the cellular thread is found; and consequently that corresponding with the apex of the nucleus in the unimpregnated ovulum. The description here given of the undivided embryo in Or- chideous plants as forming the whole body of the nucleus, mo and consequently being destitute of albumen, agrees with the account first I believe published by M. du Petit Thouars,! and very soon after by the late excellent Richard.” The only other remark I have to make on the fructitica- tion of this family, is, that the seed itself, as well as its funiculus, is entirely without vessels, and that the funiculus, which in the ripe seed is inserted into the testa close to one side of its open base, can hardly be traced beyond that point. I shall conclude my observations on Orchidez with a notice of some points of their general structure, which chiefly relate to the cellular tissue. In each cell of the epidermis of a great part of this family, especially of those with membranaceous leaves, a single circular areola, generally somewhat more opaque than the membrane of the cell, is observable. ‘This areola, which is more or less distinctly granular, is slightly convex, 1 Hist. des Orchid. p. 19, 2 Mém. du Mus. @ Hist. Nat. iv, p. 41. 512 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION and although it seems to be on the surface is in reality covered by the outer lamina of the cell. There is no regu- larity as to its place in the cell; it is not unfrequently however central or nearly so. As only one areola belongs to each cell, and as in many cases where it exists in the common cells of the epidermis it is also visible in the cutaneous glands or stomata, and in these is always double,—one being on each side of the limb,—it is highly probable that the cutaneous gland is in all cases composed of two cells of peculiar form, the line of union being the longitudinal axis of the disk or pore. This areola, or nucleus of the cell as perhaps it might be termed, is not confined to the epidermis, being also found not only in the pubescence of the surface, particularly when mj jointed, as in Cypripedium, but in many cases in the parenchyma or internal cells of the tissue, especially when these are free from the deposition of granular matter. In the compressed cells of the epidermis the nucleus is in a corresponding degree flattened; but in the internal tissue it is often nearly spherical, more or less firmly ad- hering to one of the walls, and projecting into the cavity of the cell. In this state it may not unfrequently be found in the substance of the column, and in that of the perian- thium. The nucleus is manifest also in the tissue of the stigma, where, in accordance with the compression of the utriculi, it has an intermediate form, being neither so much flattened as in the epidermis, nor so convex as it is in the internal tissue of the column. I may here remark, that Iam acquainted with one case of apparent exception to the nucleus being solitary in each utriculus or cell, namely in Bletia Tunkervillia. In the utriculi of the stigma of this plant I have gene- rally, though not always, found a second areola apparently on the surface, and composed of much larger granules than the ordinary nucleus, which is formed of very minute granular matter, and seems to be deep seated. Mr. Bauer has represented the tissue of the stigma in this species of Bletia, both before and as he believes after IN ORCHIDEX AND ASCLEPIADES. 513 impregnation; and in the latter state the utriculi are marked with from one to three areola of similar appear- ance. The nucleus may even be supposed to exist in the pollen of this family. In the early stages of its formation at Jeast a minute areola is often visible in the simple grain, and in each of the constituent parts or cells of the com- pound grain. But these areola may perhaps rather be considered as merely the points of production of the tubes. This nucleus of the cell is not confined to Orchideee, (72 but is equally manifest in many other Monocotyledonous families ; and I have even found it, hitherto however in very few cases, in the epidermis of Dicotyledonous plants ; though in this primary division it may perhaps be said to exist in the early stages of development of the pollen. Among Monocotyledones the orders in which it is most remarkable are Liliaceee, Hemerocallidee, Asphodelez, © Tridez, and Commelinez. In some plants belonging to this last-mentioned family, especially in Zradescautia virginica and_ several nearly related species, it is uncommonly distinct, not only in the epidermis and in the jointed hairs of the filaments,’ but in 1 The jointed hair of the filament in this genus forms one of the most interesting microscopic objects with which I am acquainted, and that in three different ways: Ist. Its surface is marked with extremely fine longitudinal parallel equi- distant lines or strie, whose intervals are equal from about 1-15,000th to 1-20,000th of an inch. It might therefore in some cases be conveniently em- ployed as a micrometer. Qndly. The nucleus of the joint or cell is very distinct as well as regular in form, and by pressure is easily separated entire from the joint. It then appears to be exactly round, nearly lenticular, and its granular matter is either held together by a coagulated pulp not visibly granular,—or, which may be considered equally probable, by an enveloping membrane. The analogy of this nucleus to that existing in the various stages of development of the cells in which the grains of pollen are formed in the same species, is sufficiently obvious. 8rdly. In the joint when immersed in water, being at the same time freed from air, and consequently made more transparent, a circulation of very miuute , granular matter is visible to a lens magnifying from 300 to 400 times. This motion of the granular fluid is seldom in one uniform circle, but frequently in several apparently independent threads or currents: and these currents, though often exactly longitudinal and consequently in the direction of the striae of the membrane, are not unfrequently observed forming various angles with these strie. The smallest of the threads or streamlets appear to consist of a a 514 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION 7s) the tissue of stigma, in the cells of the ovulum even before impregnation, and in all the stages of formation of the grains of pollen, the evolution of which is so remarkable in those species of Tradescantia.' The few indications of the presence of this nucleus, or areola, that I have hitherto met with in the publications of botanists, are chiefly in some figures of epidermis, in the recent works of Meyen and Purkinje, and in one case in M. Adolphe Brongniart’s memoir on the structure of leaves. But so little importance seems to be attached to it, that the appearance is not always referred to in the ex- planations of the figures in which it is represented. Mr. Bauer, however, who has also figured it in the utriculi of the stigma of Bletia Tankervilliea, has more particularly noticed it, and seems to consider it as only visible after impregna- tion. ms) ‘The second point of structure in Orchidez to which I shall at present more briefly advert, is the frequent exist- single series of particles. The course of these currents seems ofien in some degree affected by the nucleus, towards or from which many of them occa- sioually tend or appear to proceed. They can hardly, however, be said to be impeded by the nucleus, for they are occasionally observed passing between its surface and that of the cell; a proof that this body does not adhere to both sides of the cavity, and also that the number and various directions of the currents cannot be owing to partial obstructions arising from the unequal com- pression of the cell. 1 Ju the very early stage of the flower-bud of Zradescantia virginica, while the anthers are yet colourless, their Joculi are filled with minute lenticular grains, having a transparent flat limb, with a slightly convex and minutely granular semi-opaque disk. This disk is the nucleus of the cell, which proba- bly loses its membrane or limb, and, gradually enlarging, forms in the next stage a grain also lenticular, and which is marked either with only one trans- parent line dividing it into two equal parts, or with two lines crossing at right angles, and dividing it into four equal parts. In each of the quadrants a small nucleus is visible; and even where one transparent line only is distinguish- able, two nuclei may frequently be found in each semicircular division. These nuclei may be readily extracted from the containing grain by pressure, and after separation retain their original form. . In the next stage examined, the greater number of grains consisted of ihe semicircular divisions already noticed, which had naturally separated, and now contained only one nucleus, which had greatly increased in size. In the succeeding state the grain apparently consisted of the nucleus of the former stage considerably enlarged, having a regular oval form, a somewhat granular surface, and originally a small nucleus. This oval grain continuing to Increase in size, and in the thickness and opacity of its membrane, acquires a pale yellow colour, and is now the perfect grain of pollen. IN ORCHIDEA AND ASCLEPIADE., 515 ence, particularly in the parasitical tribes, of fibrous or spirally striated cells in the parenchyma, especially of the leaves, but also in the white covering of the radical fibres. In the leaves, they are either short spirally striated cells whose longer diameter is at right angles to the surface, as in Stelis and Pleurothallis, and whose fibres or striae are connected by a broader membrane; or, being greatly elongated and running in the direction of the leaf, resemble compound spiral vessels of enormous diameter, aud consist- ing entirely of the spiral fibres with no visible connecting membrane: the real spiral vessels in the same species being, as they generally are in the family, very slender and simple. In‘the white covering of the radical fibres the shorter striated cell is met with in many genera, especially I think in Oncidium and Epidendrum, in one species of which they have been remarked and figured by Meyen.’ My concluding observation on Orchidez relates to the very general existence and great abundance, in this family, of Raphides or acicular crystals in almost every part of the cellular tissue. In each cell where they exist these crystals are ar- ranged in a single fasciculus, which is generally of a square form. The individual crystals—which are parallel to each other,—are cylindrical, with no apparent angles, and have short and equally pointed extremities. The abundance of these fasciculi of crystals in the cellu- lar tissue of the auricule of the column or supposed lateral stamina in Orphydee, is very remarkable, giving these pro- cesses externally a granular appearance, which has been ims noticed though its cause seems to have been overlooked. In the recent work of Meyen,” also, some examples of these crystals in Orchides: are given. ' Phytotomie, tab. 11, f. 1 and 2. 2 Phytotomie. 516 ON THE ORGANS AND MODK OF FECUNDATION ASCLEPIADEA. ‘The various statements and conjectures on the structure and functions of the sexual organs in this family were collected, and published in 1811, by the late Baron Jacquin, in a separate volume, entitled, ‘Genitalia Asclepiadearum Controversa.’ ‘T'o this work, up to the period when it appeared, I may refer for a complete history, and to the tenth volume of the Linnean Society’s Transactions, along with the first of the Wernerian Natural History Society’s Memoirs, published somewhat earlier, for a slight sketch, of the subject. I shall here therefore only notice such statements as Jacquin has either omitted or imperfectly given, and continue the history to the present time. In 1763, Adanson correctly describes the stamina in Asclepias as having their filaments united into a tube surrounding the ovaria, their antherze bilocular and cohering with the base of the stigma, and the pollen of each cell forming a mass composed of confluent grains as in Orchi- dee. He is also correct in considering the pentagonal body as the stigma; but he has entirely overlooked its glands and processes, nor does he say anything respecting the manner in which the pollen masses act upon or com- municate their fecundating matter to it. In 1779, Gleichen,’ although he expressly says that in young flower-buds the pollen masses are distinct from those glands of the pentagonal central body to which they ns) afterwards are attached, yet considers both masses and glands as equally belonging to the anthera, the mass being the receptacle of the pollen. Ue further states that before the masses unite with the glands they are removed from the cells in which they were lodged, and are found firmly implanted by their sharp edge into the wall of the tube which surrounds the ovaria; that in this state a white ' Microscop. B.td. p. 73, eb seq. IN ORCHIDE AND ASCLEPIADEA. 517 viscid substance hangs to them, which, when highly magnified, appears to consist of very slender tubes con- taining minute globules; and these tubes with their con- tents he considers as constituting the early preparation for the formation of pollen. He also asserts that the tops of the styles are not originally connected with the pentagonal body to which the glands belong—the stigma of Adanson, Jacquin, and others; and that therefore the true stigmata are those extremities of the styles on which, he adds, vesicles and threads are observable. And lastly, he sup- poses that impregnation, which he says is of rare oc- currence in this family, does not usually take place until those stigmata have penetrated through the substance of the pentagonal body, and are on a level with its apex; at the same time he is disposed to believe that insects may occasionally assist in this function, by carrying the fecun- dating matter directly to the stigmata, if I understand him, even before they enter the pentagonal body. His con- clusion therefore is, that in Asclepiadeze impregnation may be effected in two different ways. This description, in several respects so paradoxical, and of which Jacquin has overlooked some of the most im- portant parts, is too remarkable to be here either omitted or abridged. It is not indeed strictly correct in more than two points, namely, in the pollen masses being originally distinct from the glands, and in the masses, when found implanted in the membrane surrounding the ovarium, having minute tubes filled with granular matter 77 hanging to them. The remaining statements, however, though essentially erroneous, are so far founded in fact, that had Gleichen cither opened or rather dilated the opening which must have existed in the pollen mass when these tubes were found hanging to it, and more carefully attended to the state of the other parts of the flower when the mass was seen implanted in the tube, he must neces- sarily have obtained a correct view of the whole structure, and consequently have greatly advanced—by at least half a century—not only our knowledge of this particular family, but also the general subject of vegetable impregnation. 518 ON THE ORGANS AND MODE OF FECUNDATION In 1793, Christian Konrad Sprengel, who adopts the opinion of Jacquin both with respect to the pollen masses and pentagonal stigma, further states, that this stigma has a secreting upper surface or apex, and is formed of two united bodies, each of which conveys to its corresponding ovarium the fecundating matter, consisting of the oily fluid which exudes from the surface of the pollen mass. He also considers insects as here essentially necessary m im- pregnation, which they effect by extracting, in a manner particularly described, the pollen masses fyom the cells, and applying them to the apex of the stigma. And lastly, as extraordinary activity of the msect is necessary, or at least advantageous in the performance of this operation, that activity is, according to him, produced by the intoxi- cating secretion of the nectaria.* In 1809, an essay on Asclepiadez was published in the first volume of the Memoirs of the Wernerian Natural History Society, in which one of my principal objects was to establish the opinion, more or less conjectural, of Adanson, 7s) Richard, Jussieu, and Schreber, respecting the struc- ture of the stamina and stigma. With this view I appealed to the remarkable fact, that in the early state of the flower- bud the pollen masses are absolutely distinct from the glands and processes of the stigma, to which they in a more advanced stage become attached. This proof of the real origin of parts I then believed to be entirely new. It has, however, been already seen that the fact was noticed by Gleichen, and it will presently appear that it was also well known to another original observer. In the essay referred to, I had not very minutely ex- amined the texture of the pollen mass, and in true Ascle- piadeze I had failed in ascertaining its real internal struc- ture; not having been then aware of the existence of the included grains of pollen, but believing, until very lately, that the mass in its most advanced state consisted of one ‘ It may here be remarked, that the prevailing form of inflorescence in Asclepiadeze is well adapted to this economy; for the insect so readily passes from one corolla to another, that it not unfrequently visits every flower of the umbel, : IN ORCHIDEA AND ASCLEPIADER. 519 undivided cavity, filled with minute granular matter mixed with an oily fluid; and hence concluded that the fe- cundating matter was conveyed from the mass through the arm and gland to the stigma. In the month of April last I saw, for the first time, drawings of several Asclepiadeze made between 1805 and 1813 by Mr: Bauer, who, aware of the interest I took in this subject, with his accustomed liberality and kindness, offered me any part of them for publication. Among these drawings, exceeding perhaps in beauty and in the completeness of the details all the other productions with which I am acquainted even of this incomparable artist, an extensive series, exhibiting the gradual develop- ment of the parts of the flower in