CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY FROM as ® The Estate of A.T.Kerr Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive. org/details/cu31924024548558 iT THE POWER OF MOVEMENT IN PLANTS BY CHARLES DARWIN, LL.D., F.R.S. ASSISTED BY FRANCIS DARWIN HITH ILLUSTRA TIONS NEW YORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1896 Authorised Edition. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION .. Me Bio 8 - oo. « Page 1-9 CHAPTER IL. Tue Crrcumnutatine Movements or SEepiine Puants. Brassica oleracea, circumnutation of the radicle, of the arched hypo- cotyl whilst still buried beneath the ground, whilst rising above the ground and straightening itself, and when ereet—Circumnu- tation of the cotyledons—Rate of movement—Analogous obser- vations on various organs in species of .Githago, Gossypium, Oxalis, Tropeolum, Citrus, Asculus, of several Leguminous and Cucurbitaceous genera, Opuntia, Helianthus, Primula, Cyclamen, Stapelia, Cerinthe, Nolana, Solanum, Beta, Ricinus, Quercus, Corylus, Pinus, Cycas, Canna, Allium, Asparagus, Phalatis, Zea, Avena, Nephrodium, and Selaginella .. .. .. «. 10-66 CHAPTER II. GENERAL CoNSIDERATIONS ON THE MOVEMENTS AND GROWTH OF SEEDLING PLanTs. Generality of the circumnutating movement—Radicles, their cir- cumnutation of service—Manner in which they penetrate the ground—Manner in which hypocotyls and other organs tieak through the ground by being arched—Singular manner of ger- mination in Megarrhiza, &¢.-—Abortion of cotyledons—Cireum- nutation of hypocotyls and epicotyls whilst still buried and arched—Their power of straightening themselves—Bursting of the seed-ccats—Inherited effect of the arching process in hypo- vi CONTENTS. gean hypocotyls~Circumnutation of hypocotyls and epicotyls when erect—Circumnutation of cotyledons—Pulvini or joints of cotyledons, curation of their activity, rudimentary in Oxalis corniculata, their development—Sensitiveness of cotyledons to light and consequent disturbance of their periodic movements— Sensitiveness of cotyledons to contact., .. .. Page 67-128 CHAPTER III. SENSITIVENESS OF THE APEX OF THE RaDICLE TO CosTACT AND TO OTHER IRRITANTS. Manner in which radicles bend when they encounter an obstacle in the soil—Vicia faba, tips of radicles highly sensitive to con- tact and other irritants—Effects of too high a temperature— Power of discriminating between objects attached on opposite sides— Tips of secondary radicles sensitive —Tisum, tips of radicles sensitive—Effects of such sensitiveness in overcoming geotropism — Secondary radicles — Phaseolus, tips of radicles hardly sensitive to contact, but highly sensitive to caustic and to the removal of a slice—Tropseolum—Gossy pium—-Cucurbita —Rapbanus— Ai-culus, tip not sensitive to slight contact, highly sensitive to caustic—Quercus, tip highly sensitive to contact— Power of discrimination—Zea, tip highly sensitive, secondary radicles—Sensitiveness of radicles to moist air—Summary of Chapler se “eh ae ce Sg ka es te ee: ee ~-229=200 CHAPTER IV. Tur CirctmyoTaTinc MovEMESTS OF THE SEVERAL PARTS OF Mature P.ants. Circumnutation of stems: concluding remarks on—Cireumnutation of stolons: aid thus afforded in winding amongst the stems of surrounding plants—Circumnutation of flower-stems—Circum- nutation of Dicotyledonous leaves—Singular oscillatory move- ment >f leaves of Dionaa—Leaves of Cannabis sink at night— Leaves of Gymnosperms—Of Monocotyledons—Cryptogams— Ccneluding remarks on the circumnutation of leaves: generally tise in the evening and sink in the morning .. .. 201-262 CONTENTS. vil CHAPTER V. Moptriep CircUMNUTATION: CLIMBING Plants; EPINASTIO AND Hyponastic Movenents, Circumoutation modified through innate causes or through the action of external conditions—Innate causes—Climbing plants; simi- larity of their movements with those of ordinary plants; in- creased amplitude; occasional points of difference—Epinastic growth of young leaves—Hyponastic growth of the hypocotyls and epicotyls of seedlings—Hvoked tips of climbing and other plants due to modified cireumnutation—Ampelopsis tricuspidata —Smithia Piundii—Straightening of the tip due to hyponasty — Epinastic growth and circumnutation of the flower-peduncles of Trifolium repens and Oxalis carnosa.. .. .. Page 263-279 CHAPTER VI. Mopiriep CrrcumNuTaATION: SLEEP or Nycritroric Movemests, THEIR Use: SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. Preliminary sketch of the sleep or nyctitropic movements of leaves —Presence of pulvini—The lessening of radiation the final cause of nictritropie movements—Mannrer of trying experiments on leaves of Oxalis, Arachis, Cassia, Melilotus, Lotus and Maursilea, and on the cotyledons of Mimosa—Concluding remarks on radia- tion from leaves—Small differences in the conditions make a great difference in the result—Description of the nyctitropic position and movements of the cotyledons of various plants— List of species—Concluding remarks—Independence of the nyctitropic movements of the leaves and cotyledons of the same species—Reasons for believing that the movements have been acquired fora special purpose...» ws we we 280-316 CHAPTER VII Mopirtep Circumyutation: Nycritropic or SLeEP MovEMENTS or Leaves. Conditions necessary for these movements—List of Genera and Families, which include sleeping plants—Description of the movements in the several Gencra—Oxalis: leaflets folded ut Vill CONTENTS. night—Averrhoa: rapid movements of the leanets—Porlicria : leaflets close when plant kept very dry—Tropaclum: leaves do not sleep unless well illuminated during day—Lupinus: various modes of sleeping—Melilotus: singular movement's of terminal leaflet-—Trifoliam—Desmodium: rudimentary lateral leaflets, movements of, not developed on young plants, state of their pulvini—Cassia : complex movements of the leaflets—Bauhinia: leaves folded at nizht—Mimosa pudica: compounded move- ments of leaves, effect of darkness—Mimosa albida, reduced leaflets of—Schrankia: downward movement of the pinne— Marsilea: the only cryptozam known to sleep—Concluding remarks and summary—Nyctitropism consists of modified cir- cumnutation, regulated by the alternations of light and darkness —Shape of first true leaves .. .. «. «. Page 817-417 CHAPTER VIII. Mopiriep CipcuMNUTATION: MoveMENTS EXCITED BY LicHT. Distinction between heliotropism and the cffects of light on the periodicity of the movements of leavcs—Heliotropic movements of Beta, Solanum, Zea, and Avena—Heliotropic movements towards an obscure light in Apios, Brassica, Phalaris, Tropao- lum, and Cassia—Apheliotropic movements of tendrils of Big- nonia—Of flower-peduncles of Cyclamen—Burying of the pods —Heliotropism and apheliotropism modified forms of circumnu- tation—Steps by which one movement is converted into the other—Transversal-heliotropismus or diaheliotropism influenced by epinasty, the weight of the part and apogeotropism—aA pogeo- tropism overcome during the middle of the day by diaheliotro- pism—Effects of the weight of the blades of cotyledons—So- called diurual sleep—Chlorophyll injured by intense light— Movements to avoid intense light... .. 0. 04. 418-448 CHAPTER IX. SENSITIVFNESS OF PLANTS To LIGHT: ITS TRANSMITTED EFFEOTS, Uses of he'iotropism—Insectivorous and climbing plants not helic- tropic—Satne organ heliotropic at one age and not at another— Extraordinary sensitiveness of some plants to light—The effects CONTENTS. 1X of light do not correspond with its intensity—Eticets of previous illumination—Time required for the action of light—A fter-cffects of light—Apogeotropism acts as soon as lieht fails—Accuracy with which plants ben& to the light—This dependent on the Llunination of one whole side of the part—Localised sensitive- ness to light.and its transmitted effects—Cotyledons of Phalaris, mauner of bending—Results of the exclusion of light from their tips—Effects transmitted beneath the surface of the ground— Lateral illumination of the tip determines the direction of the curvature of the base—Cotyledons of Avena, curvatnre of basal part due to the illumination of upper part—Similar results with the hypocotyls of Brassica and Beta—Radicles of Sinapis aphelio- tropic, dne to the sensitiveness of their tips—Concluding remarks and summary of chapter—Means by which circumnutation has been converted into heliotropism or apheliotropism Page 449-492 CHAPTER X. MopiIFIED CiRcUMNUTATION: MoVEMENTS EXCITED BY GRAVITATION. Means of observation—Apogeotropism—Cytisus—Verbena—Beta —Gradual conversion of the movement of circumnutation into apogeotropism in Rubus, Lilium, Phalaris, Avena, aud Brassica —Apogeotropism retarded by heliotropism—Effected by the aid of joints or pulvini—Movements of flower-peduncles of Oxalis— Gencral remarks on apogeotropism—Geotropism—Movements of radicles—Burying of seed-capsules—Use of process—T'ifolium subterraneum — Arachis — Amphicarprea — Diageotropism — Conclusion 4. .ce 33 wesw | 9B+H22 CHAPTER XI LOCALISED SENSITIVENESS TO GRAVITATION, AND ITS TRANSMITTED EFFECTS. General considerations—Vicia faba, effects of amputating the tips of the radicles—Regeneration of the tips—Iffects of a short ex- posure of the tips to geotropic action and their subsequent amputation—I‘ffects of amputating the tips obliquely—Kffects of cauterising the tips—Effects of grease on the tips—Pisum x CONTENTS. sativum, tips of radicles cauterised transversely. and on their upper and lower sides— Phaseolus, cauterisation and grcase on the tips—Gossypium—Cucurbita, tips cauterised transversely, and on their upper and lower sides—Zea, tips cauterised—Con- cluding remarks and summary of chapter—Advantazes of the sensibility to geotropism being localised in the tips of the radicles ., 4. 4. ue wee we we we =~ Page 28-545 CHAPTER XII Summary axnp ConcLupInc REMARKS, Wature of the circumnutating movement—BHistory of a serminating seel—The radicle first protrudes and circumnutates—Its tip highly sensitive—Emergence of the hypocotyl or of the epicoty] from the grcund under the form of an arch—Its circumnutation and that of the cotyledons—The seedling throws up a leaf- bearing stem—' he circumnutation of all the parts or organs— Modified cireumnutation—Epinasty and hyponasty—Movements of climbing plants—Nyctitropic movements—Movements excited by light and gravitation—Localised sensitiveness—Resemblance between the movements of plants and animals—The tip of the radicle acts likea brain ww. ww 5464578 INDEX oa ee ee aw ese T4898 THE MOVEMENTS OF PLANTS. INTRODUCTION. Tue chief object of the present work is to describe and connect together several large classes of move- ment, common to almost all plants. The most widely prevalent movement is essentially of the same nature as that of the stem of a climbing plant, which bends successively to all points of the compass, so that the tip revolves. This movement has been called by Sachs “revolving nutation;” but we have found it much more convenient to use the terms céreumnutation and cireumnutate. As we shall have to say much about this movement, it will be useful here briefly to describe its nature. If we observe a circumnutating stem, which happens at the time to be bent, we will say towards the north, it will be found gradually to bend more and more easterly, until it faces the east ; and so onwards to the south, then to the west, and back again to the north. If the movement had been quite regular, the apex would have described a circle, or rather, as the stem is always growing upwards, a circular spiral. But it generally describes irregular elliptical or oval figures; for the apex, after point- ing in any one direction, commonly moves back to the opposite’ side, not, however, returning along the same line. Afterwards other irregular ellipses or ovals are successively described, with their longer 2 INTRODUCTION. axes directed to different points of the compass. Whilst describing such figures, the apex often travels in a zigzag line, or makes small subordinate loops or triangles. In the case of leaves the ellipses are generally narrow. Until recently the cause of all such bending move- ments was believed to be due to the increased growth of the side which becomes for a time convex; that this side does temporarily grow more quickly than the concave side has been well established ; but De Vries has lately shown that such increased growth follows a previously increased state of turgescence on the convex side.* In the case of parts provided with a so-called joint, cushion or pulvinus, which consists of an aggregate of small cells that have ceased to increase in size from a very early age, we meet with similar movements; and here, as Pfeffer has shown t and as we shall see in the course of this work, the increased turgescence of the cells on opposite sides is not followed by increased growth. Wiesner denies in certain cases the accuracy of De Vries’ con- elusion about turgescence, and maintainst that the increased extensibility of the cell-walls is the more important element. That such extensibility must accompany increased turgescence in order that the part may bend is manifest, and this has been insisted on by several botanists ; but in the case of unicellular plants it can hardly fail to be the more important element. O1 the whole we may at present conclude that in- * Sachs first showed (‘Lcehr- 19, 1879, p. 830. buch, &e., 4th edit. p. 452) the intimate connection between tur- gescence and growth. For De Vries’ interesting essay, ‘ Wachs- thumskriimmungen mehrzelliger Organe,’ sce ‘ Bot. Zeitung,’ Dee. t ‘Dee Periodischen Bewegun- gen der Blattorgane,’ 1875. { ‘Untersuchungen iiber den Heliotropismus, Sitzb. der K., Akad. der Wissenschaft. (Vienna), Jan. 1880, INTRODUCTION. 3 vreased growth, first ov one side and then on another, is a secondary effect, and that the increased tur- gescence of the cells, together with the extensibility of their walls, is the primary cause of the movement of circumnutation.* In the course of the present volume it will be shown that apparently every growing part of every plant is continually circumnutating, though often on a small scale. Even the stems of seedlings before they have broken through the ground, as well as their buried radicles, circumnutate, as far as the pressure of the surrounding earth permits. In this universally pre- sent movement we have the basis or groundwork for the acquirement, according to the requirements of the plant, of the most diversified movements. Thus, the ereat sweeps made by the stems of twining plants, and by the tendrils of other climbers, result from a mere increase in the amplitude of the ordinary movement of circumnutation. The position which young leaves and other organs ultimately assume is acquired by the circumnutating movement being increased in some one direction. The leaves of various plants are said to sleep at night, and it will be seen that their blades then assume a vertical position through modified circumnutation, in order to protect their upper surfaces from being chilled through radiation. The movements of various organs to the light, which are so general throughout the vegetable kingdom, and occasionally from the light, or transversely with respect to it, are all modified * Sec Mr. Vines excellent dis) Naturkunde in Wiirtenberg,’ cussion (‘ Arbeitcu des Bot. Insti- 1874, p. 211) on the curious move- tuts in Wiirzburg? B. II. pp 142, ments of Spirogyra, a plant con- 143, 1878) on this intiicate subject. _ sisting of a single row of cells,.are Hofmcister’s ovservations (‘Juk- vaJnable in relation to this subject. reschrifte des Vereins fir Vaterl. 4 INTRODUCTION. forms of circumnutation; as again are the equally prevalent movements of stems, &c., towards the zenith, and of roots towards the centre of the earth. In accordance with these conclusions, a considerable diffi- culty in the way of evolution is in part removed, for it might have been asked, how did all their diversified movements for the most different purposes first arise ? As the case stands, we know that there is always movement in progress, and its amplitude, or direc- tion, or both, have only to be modified for the good of the plant in relation with internal or external stimuli. Besides describing the several modified forms of circumnutation, some other subjects will be discussed. The two which have interested us most are, firstly, the fact that with some seedling plants the uppermost part alone is sensitive to light, and transmits an influ- ence to the lower part, causing it to bend. If there- fore the upper part be wholly protected from light, the lower part may be exposed for hours to it, and yet does not become in the least bent, although this would have occurred quickly if the upper part had been excited by light. Secondly, with the radicles of seed- lings, the tip is sensitive to various stimuli, espo- cially to very slight pressure, and, when thus excited, transmits an influence to the upper part, causing it to bend from the pressed side. On the other hand, if the tip is subjected to the vapour of water proceeding from one side, the upper part of the radicle bends towards this side. Again it is the tip, as stated by Ciesielski, though denied by others, which is sensitive to the attraction of gravity, and by transmission causes the adjoining parts of the radicle to bend towards the centre of the earth. These several cases of the effects of contact, other irritants, vapour, light, and the INTRODUCTION. 5 attraction of gravity being transmitted from the ex- cited part for some little distance along the organ in question, have an important bearing on the theory of all such movements. Terminology.—A brief explanation of some terms which will be used, must here be given. With seedlings, the stem which supports the cotyledons (i.e. the organs which represent the first leaves) has been called by many botanists the hypocotyledonous stem, but for brevity sake we will speak of it merely as the hypocotyl: the sten. immediately above the cotyledons will be called the epicotyl or plumule. ‘Lhe radicl: can be distinguished from the hypocotyl only by the presence of roof-hairs and the nature of its covering. The meaning of the word circumnu- tation has already been explained. Authors speak of positive and negative heliotropism,*—that is, the bending of an organ to or from the light; but it is much more convenient to confine the word helivtr-pism to bending towards the light, and to designate as a;helivtropism bending from the light. There is another reason for this chauge, for writers, as we have observed, occasionally drop the adjectives positive and negutive, and thus introduce confusion into their discussions. Diaheliv- tropism may express a position more or less transverse to the light and induced by it. In like manner positive geotro- pism, or bending towards the centre of the earth, will be called by us geotropism ; apoyeotropixm will mean bending in opposition to gravity or from the centre of the earth; and dia- jectropism, a position more or less transverse to the radius of the earth. The words heliotropism and geotropism properly mean the act of moving in relation to the light or the earth; but in the same manner as gravitation, though defined as “ the act of tending to the centre,” is often used to express the cause of a body falling, so it will be found convenient occasionally to employ heliotropism and geotropism, &c., as the cause of the movements in question. The term epinusty is now often used in Germany, and implies that the upper surface of an organ grows more quickly than the * The highly useful terms of | Frank: see his remarkable ‘ Bei- Heliotrop'sm and Gvotropism trage zur I!’tlauzenphysiologie, were first used by Dr. A. B. 1868. 6 INTRODUCTION. lower surface, and thus causes it to bend downwards. Hype nasty is the reverse, and implies increased growth along the lower surface, causing the part to bend upwards.* Mthods of Observation—The movements, sometimes very small and sometimes considerable in extent, of the various organs observed by us, were traced in the manner which after many trials we found to be best, and which must be described. Plants growing in pots were protected wholly from the light, or had light admitted from above, or on one side as the case might require, and were covered above by a large horizontal sheet of glass, and with another vertical sheet on one side. A glass filament, not thicker than a horsehair, and from a quarter to three-quarters of an inch in length, was affixcd to the part to be observed by means of shellac dissolved in alcohol. The solution was allowed to evaporate, until it became so thick that it set hard in two or three seconds, and it never injured the tissues, even the tips of tender radicles, to which it was applied. To the end of the glass filament an excessively minute bead of black sealing-wax was cemented, below or behind which a bit of card with a black dot was fixed to a stick driven into the ground. The weight of the filament was so slight that even small leaves were not perceptibly pressed down. Another method of obser- vation, when much magnification of the movement was not required, will presently be described. The bead and the dot on the card were viewed through the horizontal or vertical glass-plate (according to the position of the object), and when one exactly covered the other, a dot was made on the glass-plate with a sharply pointed stick dipped in thick Indian-ink. Other dots were made at short intervals of time and these were after- wards joined by straight lines. The figures thus traced were therefore angular; but if dots had been made every 1 or 2 minutes, the lines would have been more curvilinear, as occurred when radicles were allowed to trace their own courses on smoked glass-plates. To make the dots accurately was the sole difficulty, and required some practice. Nor could this be done quite accurately, when the movement was much magnified, such as 30 times and upwards; yet even in this case the general course may be trusted. To test the accuracy of the above method of observation, a filament was fixed to an * These terms are used in the ‘ Wiirzbur, Arbeiten,’ ii gonse given them by De Vries, 1872, Pp. 252, a INTRODUCTION. q inanimate object which was made to slide along a straight edge and dots were repeatedly made on a glass-plate; when these were joined, the result ought to have been a perfectly straight line, and the line was very nearly straight. It may be added that when the dot on the card was placed half-an-inch below or behind the bead of sealing-wax, and when the glass- plate (supposing it to have been properly curved) stood at a distance of 7 inches in front (a common distance), then the tracing represented the movement of the bead magnified 15 times, Whenever a great increase of the movement was not required, another, and in some respects better, method of observation was followed. This consisted in fixing two minute triangles of thin paper, about 5}; inch in height, to the two ends of the attached glass filament; and when their tips were brought into a line so that they covered one another, dots were made as before on the glass-plate. If we suppose the glass-plate to stand at a dis- tance of seven inches from the end of the shoot bearing the filament, the dots when joined, will give nearly the same figure as if a filament seven inches long, dipped in ink, had been fixed to the moving shoot, and had inscribed its own course on the plate. The movement is thus considerably magnified ; for instance, if a shoot one inch in length were bending, and the glass-plate stood at the distance of seven inches, the move- ment would be magnified eight times. It would, however, have been very difficult to have ascertained in each case how great a length of the shoot was bending; and this is indispensable for ascertaining the degree to which the movement is magnified. After dots had been made on the glass-plates by either of the above methods, they were copied on tracing paper and joined by ruled lines, with arrows showing the direction of the movement, The nocturnal courses are represented by straight broken lines. The first dot is always made larger than the others, so ag to catch the eye, as may be seen in the diagrams. The figures on the glass-plates were often drawn on too large a scale to be reproduced on the pages of this volume, and the proportion in which they have been reduced is always given.* Whenever it could be approximately told how much the move- ment had been magnified, this is stated. We have perhaps * We are much indebted to he has reduced and engraved our Mr. Cooper for the care with which diagrams. 2 & INTRODUCTION. introduscd a superfluous number of diagrams; but they taka up less space than a full description of the movements. Almost all the sketches of plants asleep, &c., were carefully drawn for us by Mr. George Darwin. As shoots, leaves, &c., in circumnutating bend more and more, first in one direction and then in another, they were necessarily viewed at different times more or less obliquely; and as the dots were made on a flat surface, the apparent amount of movement is exaggerated according to the degree of obliquity of the point of view. It would, therefore, have been a much better plan to have used hemispherical glasses, if we had possessed them of all sizes, and if the bending part of the shoot had been distinctly hinged and could have been placed so as to have formed one of the radii of the sphere. But even in this case it would have been necessary afterwards to have projected the figures on paper; so that complete accuracy could not have been attained. From the distortion of our figures, owing to the above causes, they are of no use to any one who wishes to know the exact amount of movement, or the exact course pursued; but they serve excellently for ascertaining whether or not the part moved at all, as well as the general character of the movement. In the following chapters, the movements of a con- siderable number of plants are described; and the species have been arranged according to the system adopted by Hooker in Le Maout and Decaisne’s ‘ De- scriptive Botany.’ No one who is not investigating the present subject need read all the details, which, however, we have thought it advisable to give. To save the reader trouble, the conclusions and most of the more important parts have been printed in larger type than the other parts. He may, if he thinks fit, read the last chapter first, as it includes a summary of the whole volume; and he will thus see what points interest him, and on which he requires the full evidence. Finally, we must have the pleasure of returning ow INTRODUCTION. 9 sincere thanks to Sir Joseph Hooker and to Mr. W. Thiselton Dyer for their great kindness, in not only sending us plants from Kew, but in procuring others from several sources when they were required for our observations ; also, for naming many species, and giving us information on various points. 10 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuay. L CHAPTER I. Tus CrrcomxuTatinc Movements or SEEDLING PLANTS. Brassica oleracea, cireumnutation of the radicle, of the arched hypo- cotyl whilst still buried beneath the ground, whilst rising above the ground and straightening itself, and when erect—Circumnutation of the cotyledons—Rate of movement—Analogous observations on various organs in species of Githago, Gossypium, Oxalis, Tro- pwolum, Citrus, Zisculus, of several Leguminous and Cucurbita- ceous genera, Opuntia, Helianthus, Primula, Cyclamen, Stapel‘a, Cerinthe, Nolana, Solanum, Buta, Ricinus, Quercus, Corylus, Pinus, Cycas, Canna, Allium, Asparagus, Phalaris, Zea, Aveua, Nephro- dium, and Selaginella. Tue following chapter is devoted to the circum- nutating movements of the radicles, hypocotyls, and cotyledons of seedling plants; and, when the coty- ledons do not rise above the ground, to the movements of the epicotyl. But ina future chapter we shall have to recur to the movements of certain cotyledons which sleep at night. Brassica oleracea (Crucifere).—Fuller details will be given with respect to the movements in this case than in any other, as space and time will thus ultimately be saved. Radicle—A seed with the radicle projecting 05 inch was fastened with shellac to a little plate of zinc, so that the radicle stood up vertically; and a fine glass filament was then fixed near its base, that is, close to the seed-coats. The seed was surrounded by little bits of wet sponge, and the move- ment of the bead at the end of the filament was traced (Fig. 1) during sixty hours. In this time the radicle increased in length from ‘05 toll inch. Had the filament been attached at first close to the apex of the radicle, and if it could have re- tained there all the time, the movement exhibited would have Cuar. 1, BRASSICA. 11 been much greater, for at the close of our observations the tip, instead of standing vertically upwards, had become bowed downwards through geotropism, so as almost to touch the zine plate. As far as we could roughly ascertain by measure- ments made with compasses on other seeds, the tip alone, for a length of only +2, to =35 of an inch, is acted on by geotropism. But the trac- ing shows that the basal part of the radicle continued to circumnutate irregularly dur- ing the whole time. The actual extreme amount of movement of the bead at the end of the filament was nearly ‘05 inch, but to what extent Fig. 1. Brassca oleriacea: circumnutation of the movement of the radicle was magnified by the fila- ment, which was nearly ? inch in length, it was impossible radicle, traced on horizontal glass, from 9 a.m. Jan. 31st to 9 P.M. Feb. 2nd. Movement of bead at end of filament magnified about 40 times. to estimate. Another seed was treated and observed in the same manner, but the radicle in this case protruded ‘1 inch, and was not Fig. 2. Brassica oleracea: circumnutating and geotropic movement of radicle, traced on horizontal glass during 46 hours. fastened so as to project quite vertically upwards. The filament was affixed close to its base. The tracing (Fig. 2, reduced by half) shows the movement from 9am. Jan. 3lst to 7 a.m. Feb. 2nd; but it continued to move during the whole of the 12 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Czar. 1. Qnd in the same general direction, and in a similar zigzag manner. From the radicle not being quite perpendicular when the filament was affixed geotropism came into play at once; but the irregular zigzag course shows that there was growth (probably preceded by turgescence), sometimes on one and sometimes on another side. Occasionally the bead remained stationary for about an hour, and then probably growth occurred on the side opposite to that which caused the geotropic curva- ture. In the case previously described the basal part of the very short radicle from being turned vertically upwards, was at first very little affected by geotropism. Filaments were affixed in two other instances to rather longer radicles protruding obliquely from seeds which had been turned upside down; and in these cases the lines traced on the horizontal glasses were only slightly zigzag, and the movement was always in the same general direction, through the action of geotropism. All these observations are liable to several causes of error, but we believe, from what will hereafter be shown with respect to the move- ments of the radicles of other plants, that they may be largely trusted. Hypocotyl.—The hypocotyl protrudes through the seed-coats as a rectangular projection, which grows rapidly into an arch like the letter U turned upside down q; the cotyledons being still enclosed within the seed. In whatever position the seed may be embedded in the earth or otherwise fixed, both legs of the arch bend upwards through apogeotropism, and thus rise vertically above the ground. As soon as this has taken place, or even earlier, the inner or concave surface of the arch grows more quickly than the upper or convex surface; and this tends to separate the two legs and aids in drawing the cotyledons out of the buried seed-coats. By the growth of the whole arch the cotyledons are ultimately dragged from beneath the ground, even from a considerable depth; and now the hypocotyl quickly straightens itself by the incrersed growth of the concave side. Even whilst the arched or doubled hypocotyl is still beneath the ground, it circumnutates as much as the pressure of the sur- rounding soil will permit; but this was difficult to observe, because as soon as the arch is freed from lateral pressure the two legs begin to separate, even at a very early age, before the arch would naturally have reached the surface. Seeds were allowed to germinate on the surface of damp earth, and after they had fixed themselves by their radicles, and after the, as yet, only Cuap. I. BRASSICA,. 13 slightly arched hypocotyl had become nearly vertical, a glass filament was affixed on two occasions near to the base of the basal leg (i.e. the one in connection with the radicle), and its movements were traced in darkness on a horizontal glass. The result was that long lines were formed running in nearly the plane of the vertical arch, due to the early separation of the two legs now freed from pressure; but as the lines were zigzag, showing lateral movement, the arch must have been circum- nutating, whilst it was straightening itself by growth along its inner or concave surface. A somewhat different method of observation was next followed: Fig. 3. Brassica oleracea: circumnutating movement of buried and arched hypo- cotyl (dimly illuminated from above), traced on horizontal glass during 45 hours. Movement of bead of filament magnified about 25 times, and here reduced to one-half of original scale. as soon as the earth with seeds in a pot began to crack, the surface was removed in parts to the depth of ‘2 inch; and a filament was fixed to the basal leg of a buried and arched hypo- cotyl, just above the summit of the radicle. The cotyledons were still almost completely enclosed within the much-cracked seed-coats; and these were again covered up with damp adhesive soil pressed pretty firmly down. The movement of the filament was traced (Fig. 3) from 11 a.m. Feb. 5th till 8 a.m. Feb. 7th. By this latter period the cotyledons had been dragged from beneath the pressed-down earth, but the upper part of the hypocotyl still formed nearly a right angle with the lower part. The tracing sLows that the arched hypocotyl tends at this early 14 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar. I age to circumnutate irregularly. On the first day the greater movement (from right to left in the figure) was not in the plane of the vertical and arched hypocotyl, but at right angles to it, or in the plane of the two cotyledons, which were still in close contact. The basal leg of the arch at the time when the filament was affixed to it, was already bowed considerably backwards, or from the cotyledons; had the filament been affixed before this bowing occurred, the chief movement would have been at right angles to that shown in the figure. A filament was attached to another buried hypocotyl of the same age, and it moved in a similar general manner, but the line traced was not so complex. This hypocotyl became almost straight, and the cotyledons were dragged from beneath the ground on theevening of the second day Brassica oleracea: circumnutating movement of buried and arched hypo- cotyl, with the two legs of the arch tied together, traced on horizontal glass during 33} hours. Movement of the bead of filament magnified about 26 times, and here reduzed to one-half original scale. Before the above observations were made, some arched hypo- cotyls buried at the depth of a quarter of an inch were un- covered; and in order to prevent the two legs of the arch from beginning to separate at once, they were tied together with fine silk. This was done partly because we wished to ascertain how long the hypocotyl, in its arched condition, would continue to move, and whether the movement when not masked and disturbed by the straightening process, indicated circumnu- tation. Firstly, a filament was fixed to the basal leg of an arched hypocotyl close above the summit of the radicle. The cotyledons were still partially enclosed within the seed-coats, The movement was traced (Fig. 4) from 9.20 am. on Dee, Cuar. I, BRASSICA. 15 23rd to 6.45 a.m. on Dec. 25th. No doubt the natural move- ment was much disturbed by the two legs having been tied together; but we see that it was distinctly zigzag, first in one direction and then in an almost opposite one. After 3 P.M. on the 24th the arched hypocotyl sometimes remained stationary for a considerable time, and when moving, moved far slower than before. Therefore, on the morning of the 25th, the glass fila- ment was removed from the base of the basal leg, and was fixed horizontally on the summit of the arch, which, from the legs having been tied, had grown broad and almost flat. The movement was now traced during 23 hours (Fig. 5), and we Brassica oleracea: circumtutating movement of the crown of a buried and arched hypocotyl, with the two legs tied together, traced on a hori- zontal glass during 23 hours, Movement of the bead of the filament magnified about 58 times, and here reduced to one-half original scale. see that the course was still zigzag, which indicates a tendency to circumnutation. The base of the basal leg by this time had almost completely ceased to move. As soon as the cotyledons have been naturally dragged from beneath the ground, and the hypocotyl has straightened itself by growth along the inner or concave surface, there is nothing to interfere with the free movements of the parts; and the circum- nutation now becomes much more regular and clearly displayed, as shown in the following cases:—A seedling was placed in front and near a north-east window with a line joining the 16 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuap. I. two cotyledons parallel to the window. It was thus left the whole day so as to accommodate itself to the light. On the following morning a filament was fixed to the midrib of the larger and taller cotyledon (which enfolds the other and smaller one, whilst still within the seed), and a mark being placed close behind, the movement of the whole plant, that is, of the hypocotyl and cotyledon, was traced greatly magnified on a ver- tical glass. At first the plant bent so much towards the light that it was useless to attempt to trace the movement ; but at 10 a.m. heliotropism almost wholly ceased and tho first dot was Fig. 6. Brassica oleracea: conjoint circumnutation of the hypocotyl and eotyledona during 10 hours 45 minutes. Figure here reduced to one-half original scale. made on the glass. The last was made at 8.45 p.m.; seventeen dots being altogether made in this interval of 10h. 45 m. (see Fig. 6). It should be noticed that when I looked shortly after 4p.u. the bead was pointing off the glass, but it came on again at 5.30 p.m., and the course during this interval of 1h. 830m. has been filled up by imagination, but cannot be far from correct The bead moved seven times from side to side, and thus de- scribed 33 ellipses in 102 h.; each being completed on an average in 3h.4m. On the previous day anothcr seedling had been observed under similar conditions, excepting that the plant was so Cusp. I, BRASSICA. 17 placed that a line joining the two cotyledons pointed towards the window ; and the filament was attached to the smaller coty- ledon on the side furthest from the window. Moreover, the plant was now for the first time placed in this position. Tho cotyledons bowed themselves greatly towards the light from 8 to 10.50 a.m, when the first dot was made (Fig. 7). During the Fig. 7. Brassica oleracea : conjoint circumnutation of the hypocotyl and cotyledons, from 10.50 a.m. to 8 A.M. on the following morning. Tracing made ou a vertical glass, next 12 hours the bead swept obliquely up and down 8 times and described 4 figures representing ellipses; so that it travelled at nearly the same rate as in the previous case. During the night it moved upwards, owing to the sleep-movement of the cotyledons, and continued to move in the same direction till 9am. on the following morning; but this latter movement would not have occurred with seedlings under their natural conditions fully exposed to the light. By 9.25 a.m. on this serond day the same cotyledon had 18 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar. 1 begun to fall, and a dot was made on a fresh glass. The move- ment was traced until 5.30 p.m. as shown in (Fig. 8), which is given, because the course followed was much more irregular than on the two previous Fig. 8. occasions. During these 8 hours the bead changed its course greatly 10 times. The upward movement of the cotyledon during the afternoon and early part of the night is here plainly shown. As the filaments were fixed in the three last cases to one of the coty- ledons, and as the hypo- cotyl was left free, the tracings show the move- Brassica oleracea: conjoint circumnutation ment of both organs con- of the hypocotyl and cotyledons during joined; and we now 8 hours. Figure here reduced to one- wished to ascertain whe- third of the original scale, as traced on hey both circumnutated. vertical glass, ‘i Filaments were therefore fixed horizontally to two hypocotyls close beneath the petioles of their cotyledons. These seedlings had stood for two days in the same position before a north-east window. In the morn- ing, up to about 11 am., they moved in zigzag lines towards the light; and at night they again became almost upright through apogeotropism. After about 11 a.m. they moved a little back from the light, often crossing and recrossing their former path in zigzag lines. The sky on this day varied much in brightness, and these observations merely proved that the hypocotyls were continually moving in a manner resembling circumnutation. On a previous day which was uniformly cloudy, a hypocotyl was firmly secured to a little stick, and a filament was fixed to the larger of the two cotyledons, and its movement was traced on a vertical glass. It fell greatly from 8.52 a.m., when the first dot was made, till 10.55 a.m.; it then rose greatly until 12.17p.m. Afterwards it fell a little and madea loop, but by 2.22 p.m. it had risen a little and continued rising till 9.23 p.m., when it made another loop, and at 10.30 p.m. was again rising. These observations show that the cotyledons move Cnar. I. BRASSICA. 19 vertically up and down all day long, and as there was some slight lateral movement, they circumnutated. The cabbage was one of the first plants, the seedlings of which were observed by us, and we did not then know how far the circumnutation of the different parts was affected by light. Young seedlings were therefore kept in com- plete darkness except for a minute or two during each observation, when they were illuminated by a small wax taper held almost vertically above them. During the first day the hypocotyl of one changed its course 18 times (see Fig. 9); and it deserves notice that the longer axes of the figures described often cross one another at right or nearly right angles. Another seedling was observed in the same manner, but it was much older, for it had formed a true leaf a quarter of an inch in length, and the hy- pocotyl was 18 inch in height. The figure traced was a very complex one, though the movement was not so great in extent as in the last case. The hypocotyl of another seedling of the same age was secured to a little stick, and a filament having been fixed to the midrib of one of the cotyledons, the movement of Fig. 9. Brassica oleracea: circumnutation of hypocotyl, in darkness, traced on a horizontal glass, by means of a fila- ment with a bead fixed across its summit, between 9.15 a.m. and 8.30 a.m. on the following morn- ing. Figure here reduced to one- half of original scale, the bead was traced during 14h. 15m. (see Fig. 10) in darkness. It should be noted that the chief movement of the cotyledons, namely, up and down, would be shown on a horizontal glass- plate only by the lines in the direction of the midrib (that is, 20 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar. 1. up and down, as Fig. 10 here stands) being a little lengthened or shortened; whereas any -lateral movement would be well exhibited. The present tracing shows Fig. 10. that the cotyledon did thus move laterally (that is, from side to side in the tracing) 12 times in the 14 h. 15 m. of observa- tion. Therefore the cotyledons certainly circumnutated, though the chief move- ment was up and down in a vertical plane. Rate of movement.—The movements of the hypocotyls and cotyledons of seedling cabbages of different ages have now been sufficiently illustrated. With respect to the rate, seedlings were placed under the Brassica oleracea: cit- microscope with the stage removed, and cumnutation of a 3 : 5 ‘ cotyledon, the hypo- With a micrometer eye-piece so adjusted cotyl having been that each division equalled =4, inch; the secured to a‘stick, plants were illuminated by light passing paren TaN through a solution of bichromate of potas- tal glass, in dark- * mega : a ness, from 8.15 a.m. Sium so as to eliminate hceliotropism. to 10.30 P.M. Move- Under these circumstances it was interest- ayia ae ing to observe how rapidly the circum- fied 13 times. nutating apex of a cotyledon passed across the divisions of the micrometer. Whilst travelling in any direction the apex generally oscillated back- wards and forwards to the extent of =35 and sometimes of nearly zig Of aninch. These oscillations were quite different from the trembling caused by any disturbance in the same room or by the shutting of a distant door. The first seedling observed was nearly two inches in height and had been etiolated by having been grown in darkness. The tip of the cotyledon passed across 10 divisions of the micrometer, that is, 7, of an inch, in 6 m. 40 s. Short glass filaments were then fixed vertically to the hypocotyls of several seedlings so as to project a little above the cotyledons, thus exaggerating the rate of movement; but only a few of the observations thus made are worth giving. The most remarkable fact was the oscillatory movement above described, and the difference of rate at which the point crossed the divi- sions of the micrometer, after short intervals of time. For instance, a tall not-etiolated seedling had been kept for 14 h. in darkness; it was exposed before a north-east window for only Ouar. 1. GITHAGO. 21 two or three minutes whilst a glass filament was fixed vertically to the hypocotyl; it was then again placed in darkness for half an hour and afterwards observed by light passing through bichromate of potassium. The point, oscillating as usual, crossed five divisions of the micrometer (i.e. 735 inch) in lm. 30s. The seedling was then left in darkness for an hour, and now it required 3m. 6s. to cross one division, that is, 15 m. 80s. to have crossed five divisions. Another seedling, after being occasionally observed in the back part of a northern room with a very dull light, and left in complete darkness for intervals of half an hour, crossed five divisions in 5m. in the direction of the window, so that we concluded that the move- ment was heliotropic. But this was probably not the case, for it was placed close to a north-east window and left there for 25 m., after which time, instead of moving still more quickly towards the light, as might have been expected, it travelled only at the rate of 12m. 30s. for five divisions. It was then again left in complete darkness for 1h., and the point now travelled in the same direction as before, but at the rate of 3m. 18s. for five divisions. _ We shall have to recur to the cotyledons of the cabbage in a future chapter, when we treat of their sleep-movements. The circumnutation, also, of the leaves of fully-developed plants will hereafter be described. Fig. 11. Githago segetum: circumnutation of hypocotyl, traced on a horizontal glass, by means of a filament fixed transversely across its summit, from 8.15 A.M. to 12.15 P.M. on the following day. Movement of bead of filament magnified about 13 times, here reduced to one-half the original scale. Githago segetum (Caryophyllese).—A young seedling was dimly Uluminated from above, and the circumnutation of the hypo- 22, Cuar. 1 cotyl was observed during 28 h., as shown in Fig. 11. It moved in all directions; the lines from right and to left in the figure being parallel to the blades of the cotyledons. The actual distance travelled from side to side by the summit of the hypocotyl was about 2 of an inch; but it was impossible to be accurate on this head, as the more obliquely the plant was viewed, after it had moved for some time, the more the distances were exaggerated. We endeavoured to observe the circumnutation of the coty- ledons, but as they close together unless kept exposed to a mode- rately bright light, and as the hypocotyl is extremely heliotropic, the necessary arrangements were too troublesome. We shall recur to the noc- turnal or sleep-movements of the cotyle- dons in a future chapter. £o Gossypium (var. Nankin cotton) (Mal- vaces).—The circumnutation of a hypo- cotyl was observed in the hot-house, but the movement was so much exaggerated CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Fig. 12. Gossypium: circumnu- tation of hypocotyl, traced on a horizon- tal glass, from 10.30 AM. to 9.30 a.M. on following morning, by means of a fila- ment fixed across its summit. Move- ment of bead of fila- ment magnified about twice; seedling illu- minated from above. that the bead twice passed for a time out of view. Itwas, however, manifest that two somewhat irregular ellipses were nearly completed in 9 h. Another seedling, 12 in. in height, was then observed during 23h.; but the observations were not made at sufficiently short intervals, as shown by the few dots in Fig. 12, and the tracing was not now sufficiently enlarged. Nevertheless there could be no doubt about the circumnutation of the hypocotyl, which described in 12h. a figure representing thrce irregular ellipses of unequal sizes, The cotyledons are in constant movement up and down during the whole day, and as they offer the unusual case of moving downwards late in the evening and in the early part of the night, many observations were made on them. A filament was fixed along the middle of one, and its movement traced on a vertical glass; but the tracing is not given, as the hypocotyl was not secured, so that it was impossible to distinguish clearly between its movement and that of the cotyledon. The coty- ledons rose from 10.30 a.m. to about 3 p.x. ; they then sank till 10, rising, however, greatly in the latter part of the night Cuar I. GOSSYPIUM. 23 The angles above the horizon at which the cotyledons of another seedling stood at different hours is recorded in the following short table :— Oct. 20 2.50PM. .. .. .. 25? above horizon. sy 4204; ah ae ve QD! s 9.20 5 ot ae coe 18? 3 1040 ss ae a SBP Oct.21 840 am. 2. 0. 4. 289) § LIAB sp ave we BRO gs » 91l Pm. .. 4.) 2. 10° below horizon. The position of the two cotyledons was roughly sketched at various hours with the same general result. In the following summer, the hypocotyl of a fourth seedling was secured to a little stick, and a glass filament with triangles of paper having been fixed to one of the cotyledons, its move- ments were traced on a vertical glass under a double skylight in the house. The first dot was made at 4.20 p.m. June 20th; and the cotyledon fell till 10.15 p.m. in a nearly straight line. Just past midnight it was found a little lower and somewhat to one side. By the early morning, at 3.45 a.m., it had risen greatly, but by 6.20 a.m. had fallen a little. During the whole of this day (21st) it fell in a slightly zigzag line, but its normal course was disturbed by the want of sufficient illumination, for during the night it rose only a little, and travelled irregularly during the whole of the following day and night of June 22nd. The ascending and descending lines traced during the three days did not coincide, so that the movement was one of circumnuta- tion. This seedling was then taken back to the hot-house, and after five days was inspected at 10 p.m., when the cotyledons were found hanging so nearly vertically down, that they might justly be said to have been asleep. On the following morning they had resumed their usual horizontal position. Ozxalis rosea (Oxalidese).—The hypocotyl was secured to a little stick, and an extremely thin glass filament, with two triangles of paper, was attached to one of the cotyledons, which was ‘15 irch in length. In this and the following species the end of the petiole, where united to the blade, is developed into a pulvinus. The apex of the cotyledon stood only 5 inches from the vertical glass, so that its movement was not greatly exaggerated as long as it remained nearly horizontal; but in the course of the day it both rose considerably above and fell beneath a horizontal posi- tion, and then of course the movement was much exaggerated. 3 24 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar. L In Fig. 13 its course is shown from 6.45 a.m. on June 17th, to 1° 8°30’a.m. Iaxalis rosea: circumnutation of cotyledons, the hypocotyl being secured to a stick; illumina- ted from above. Figure here given one-half of original scale. 7.40 am. on the following morn- ing; and we see that during the daytime, in the course of 11 h. 15 m., it travelled thrice down and twice up. After 5.45 p.n. it moved rapidly downwards, and in an hour or two depended verti- cally; it thus remained all night asleep. This position could not be represented on the vertical glass nor in the figure here given. By 640 a.m. on the following morning (18th) both cotyledons had risen greatly, and they con- tinued to rise until 8 a.m., when they stood almost horizontally. Their movement was traced dur- ing the whole of this day and until the next morning; but a tracing is not given, as it was closely similar to Fig. 18, except- ing that the lines were more zigzag. The cotyledons moved 7 times, either upwards or down- wards; and at about 4 p.m. the great nocturnal sinking move- ment commenced. Another seedling was observed in a similar manner during nearly 24h., but with the difference that the hypocotyl was left free. The movement also was less magnified. Between 8.12 am. and 5 p.m. on the 18th, the apex of the cotyle- don moved 7 times upwards or downwards (Fig. 14). The noc- turnal sinking movement, which is merely a great increase of one of the diurnal oscillations, com- menced about 4 p.m. Oxalis Valdiviana.—This species is interesting, as the coty- Cuar. 1 OXALIS. 25 Jedons rise perpendicularly upwards at night so as to come inte slose contact, instead of sinking vertically downwards, as in the case of O. rosea, A glass filament was fixed to a cotyledon, ‘17 of an inch in length, and the hypocotyl was left free. On Fig. 14. 8°12'aam. 1sth Fig. 15. ~ i .. 6°40'a.m.i9t 9° 28° y aN 8°35a.m. 19th Oxalis rosea: conjoint circumnutation of Oxalis Vuldiviana : conjoint the cotyledons and hypocotyl, traced circumnutation of a cotyle- from 8.12 a.m. on June 18th to 7.30 don and the hypocotyl, traced A.M. 19th. The apex of the cotyledon on vertical glass, during 24 stood only 33 inches from the vertical hours. Figure here given glass. Figure here given one-half of one-half of original scale 5 original scale. seedling illuminated trom above. the first day the seedling was placed too far from the vertical glass; sd that the tracing was enormously exaggerated and the movement could not be traced when the cotyledon either rose or sank much; but it was clearly seen that the cotyledons rose thrice and fell twice between 8.15 am. and 4.15 p.m. Early on the following morning (June 19th) the apex of a cotyledon was 26 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Czar. L placed only 12 inch from the vertical glass. At 640 a.m. it stood horizontally; it then fell till 8.35, and then rose. Al- together in the course of 12h. it rose thrice and fell thrice, as may be seen in Fig. 15. The great nocturnal rise of the coty- ledongs usually commences about 4 or 5 p.m., and on the following morning they are expanded or stand horizontally at about 6.30 am. In the present instance, however, ihe great nocturnal rise did not commence till 7 p.m.; but this was due to the hypocotyl] having from some unknown cause temporarily bent to the left side, as is shown in the tracing. To ascertain positively that the hypocotyl circumnutated, a mark was placed at 8.15 P.M. behind the two now closed and vertical cotyledons; and the movement of a glass filament fixed upright to the top of the hypocotyl was traced until 10.40 p.m. During this time it moved from side to side, as well as backwards and forwards, plainly showing circumnutation; but the movement was small in extent. Therefore Fig. 15 represents fairly well the move- ments of the cotyledons alone, with the exception of the one yreat afternoon curvature to the left. Oxalis corniculata (var. cuprea).—The cotyledons rise at night to a variable degree above the horizon, generally about 45°: those on some seedlings between 2 and 5 days old were found to be in continued movement all day long; but the movements were more simple than in the last two species. This may have partly resulted from their not being sufficiently illuminated whilst being observed, as was shown by their not beginning tc rise until very late in the evening. Oxalis (Biophytum) sensitiva.—The cotyledons are highly re- markable from the amplitude and rapidity of their movements during the day. The angles at which they stood above or beneath the horizon were measured at short intervals of time; and we regret that their course was not traced during the whole day. We will give only a few of the measurements, which were made whilst the seedlings were exposed to a temperature of 224° to 244°C. One cotyledon rose 70° in 11 m.; another, ona distinct seedling, fell 80° in 12m. Immediately before this latter fal] the same cotyledon had risen from a vertically downward to a vertically upward position in 1 h. 48 m., and had therefore passed through 180° in under 2h. We have met with no other instance of a circumnutating movement of such great amplitude as 180°; nor of such rapidity of movement as the passage through 80° in 121. The cotyledons of this plant sleep at night by rising Cuar. I. TROPZOLUM. 27 vertically and coming into close contact. This upward move- ment differs from one of the great diurnal oscillations above described only by the position being permanent during the night and by its periodicity, as it always commences late in the evening. Tropxolum minus (?) (var. Tom Thumb) (Tropzoles).—The cotyledons are hypogean, or never rise above the ground. By removing the soil a buried epicotyl or plumule was found, with its summit arched abruptly down- wards, like the arched hypocotyl of the cabbage previously described. A glass filament with a bead at its end was affixed to the basal half or leg, just above the hypogean cotyledons, which were again almost surrounded by loose earth. The tracing (Fig. 16) shows the course of the bead during 11h. After the last dot given in the figure, the bead moved to a great distance, aud finally off the glass, in the direction indicated by the broken line. This great movement, due to increased growth along the con- cave surface of the arch, was caused Tropeolum minus (2): circum- by the basal leg bending back- nutation of buried and arched wards from the upper part, that is — epicotyl, traced on a horizon- in a direction opposite to the depen- a hail 1 saatiaetapre a dent tip, in the same manner as of filament magnified 27 occurred with the hypocotyl of times. the cabbage. Another buried and arched epicotyl was observed in the same manner, excepting that the two legs of the arch were tied together with fine silk for the sake of preventing the great movement just mentioned. Fig. 16. een Y _It moved, however, in the evening in the same direction as before, but the line followed was not so straight. During the morning the tied arch moved in an irregularly circular, strongly zigzag course, and to a greater distance than in the previous case, as was shown in a tracing, magnified 18 times. The move- ments of a young plant bearing a few leaves and of a mature plant, will hereafter be described. 28 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuap. I, Citrus aurantium (Orange) (Aurantiaceze).—The cotyledons are hypogean. The circumnutation of an epicotyl, which at the close of our observations was ‘59 of an inch (15 mm.) in height above the ground, is shown in the annexed figure (Fig. 17), 98 observed during a period of 44h. 40 m. Fig. 17. Gitrus aurantium: circumnutation of epicotyl with a filament fixed traus- versely near its apex, traced on a horizontal glass, from 12.13 P.M. on Feb. 20th to 8.55 A.M. on 22nd. The movement of the bead of the filament was at first magnified 21 times, or 10}, in figure here given, and afterwards 36 times, or 18 as here given; seedling illuminated from above. Aisculus hippocastanum (Hippocastanex).—Germinating seeds were placed in a tin box, kept moist internally, with a sloping bank of damp argillaceous sand, on which four smoked glass- plates rested, inclined at angles of 70° and 65° with the horizon. The tips of the radicles were placed so as just to touch the upper end of the glass-plates, and, as they grew downwards they pressed lightly, owing to geotropism, on the smoked surfaces, and left tracks of their course. In the middle part of each track the glass was swept clean, but the margins were much blurred and irregular. Copies of two of these tracks ‘all four being nearly alike) were made on tracing paper placed over the glass-plates after they had been varnished; and they are as exact as possible, considering the nature of the margins (Fig. 18). They suffice to show that there was some lateral, almost serpentine movement, and that the tips in their down- ward course pressed with unequal force on the plates, as Cuap. I VICIA. 29 the tracks varic(l in breadth. The more perfectly serpentine tracks made by the radicles of Phaseolus multiflorus and Vicia faba (presently to be described), render it almost certain that the radicles of the present plant circumnutated. Phaseolus multiflorus (Leguminose). —Four smoked glass-plates were ar- ranged in the same manner as des- cribed under Aisculus, and the tracks left by the tips of four radicles of the present plant, whilst growing down- wards, were photographed as trans- parent objects. Three of them are here exactly copied (Fig. 19). Their serpentine courses show that the tips moved regularly from side to side; they also pressed alternately with greater or less force on the plates, sometimes rising up and leaving them altogether for a very short distance; but this was better seen on the original plates than in the copies, Fig. 18. A. B. Aisculus hippocastanum : out: lines of tracks left on in- clined glass-plates by tips of radicles. In A the plate was inclined at 70° with the horizon, and the radicle was 1°9 inch in length, and +23 inch in diameter at base. In B the plate was inclined 65° with the horizon, and the radicle was a trifle larger. These radicles therefore were continually moving in all direc- tions—that is, they circumnutated. The distance between the extreme right and left positions of the radicle A, in its lateral movement, was 2 mm., as ascer- tained by measurement with an eye-piece micrometer. Vicia faba (Common Bean) (Leguminose).— Radicle. —Some beans were allowed to germinate on bare sand, and after one had ‘Ae protruded its radicle to a length of °2 of an inch, it was turned upside down, so that the radicle, which was kept in damp air, now stood upright. A filament, nearly an inch in length, was Fig. 19. B. Cc Phaseolus multiflorus: tracks left on inclined smoked glass-plates by tips of radicles in growing downwards. inclined at 60°, B inclined at 68° with the horizon. A and C, plates affixed obliquely near its tip; and the movement of the terminal bead was traced from 8.30 a.m. to 10.30 P.m., as shown in Fig. 18. The radicle at first changed its course twice 30 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar. 1 abruptly, then made a small loop and then a larger zigzag curve. During the night and till 1la.m. on the following Fig. 20. aooeoee® Vicia faba: circumnutation of a radicle, at first pointing verti-ally up- wards, kept in darkness, traced on a horizontal] glass, during 14 hours, Movement of bead of filament magnified 23 times, here reduced to one-half of original scale. morning, the bead moved to a great distance in a nearly straight line, in the direction indicated by the broken line in the figure. This resulted from the tip bending quickly downwards, as it had now become much declined, and had thus gained a position highly favourable for the action of geotropism. Fig. 21. A. L. O D. E. Vicia faba: tracks left on inclined smoked glass-plates, by tips of radicles in growing downwards. Plate C was inclined at 63°, plates A and D Me 71°, plate B at 75°, and plate E at a few degrees beneath the orizon. Cuap. I. VICIA. 31 We next experimented on nearly a score of radicles by allowing them to grow downwards over inclined plates of smoked glass, in exactly the same manner as with Atsculus and Phaseolus. Some of the plates were inclined only a few degrees beneath the horizon, but most of them between 6U° and 75° In the latter cases the radicles in growing downwards were deflected only a little from the direction which they had followed whilst germinating in sawdust, and they pressed lightly on the glass- plates (Fig. 21). Five of the most distinct tracks are here copied, and they are all slightly sinuous, showing circumnuta- tion. Moreover, a close examination of almost every one of the tracks clearly showed that the tips in their downward course had alternately pressed with greater or less force on the plates, and had sometimes risen up so as nearly to leave them for short intervals, The distance between the extreme right and left positions of the radicle A was 0°7 mm., ascertained in the same manner as in the case of Phaseolus. Epicotyl.—At the point where the radicle had protruded from a bean laid on its side, a flattened solid lump projected ‘1 of an inch, in the same horizontal plane with the bean. This protuber- ance consisted of the convex summit of the arched epicotyl; and as it became developed the two legs of the arch curved themselves laterally upwards, owing to apogeotropism, at such a rate that the arch stood highly inclined after 14h., and vertically in 48h. A filament was fixed to the crown of the protuberance befure any arch was visible, but the basal half grew so quickly that on the second morning the end of the filament was bowed greatly:downwards. It was therefore re- moved and fixed lower down. ‘The line traced during these two days extended in the same general direction, and was in parts nearly straight, and in others plainly zigzag, thus giving some evidence of circumnutation. As the arched epicotyl, in whatever position it may be placed, bends quickly upwards through apogeotropism, and as the two legs tend at a very early age to separate from one another, as soon as they are relieved from the pressure of the surrounding earth, it was difficult to ascertain positively whether the epicotyl, whilst remaining arched, circumnutated. Therefore some rather deeply buried beans were uncovered, and the two legs of the arches were tied together, as had been done with the epicotyl of Tropzolum and the hypocotyl of the Cabbage. The move- ments of the tied arches were traced in the usual manner on 32 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuap. L two occasions during three days. But the tracings made under such unnatural conditions are not worth giving; and it need only be said that the lines were decidedly zigzag, and that small loops were occasionally formed. We may therefore con- elude that the epicotyl circumnutates whilst still arched and before it has grown tall enough to break through the surface of the ground. 7 In order to observe the movements of the epicotyl at a some- what more advanced age, a filament was fixed near the base of one which was no longer arched, for its upper half now formed a right angle with the lower half. This bean had germinated on bare damp sand, and the epicotyl began to straighten itself much sooner than would have occurred if it had been properly planted. The course pursued during 50h. (from 9 a.m. Dee. 26th, to 11 a.m. 28th) is here shown (Fig. 22); and we sea Fig. 22. Vicia faba: circumuutation of young epicotyl, traced in darkness during 50 hours on a horizontal glass. Movement of bead of filament mag- nified 20 times, here reduced to one-half of original scale. that the epicotyl circumnutated during the whole time, Its basal part grew so much during the 50h. that the filament at the end of our observations was attached at the height of ‘4 inch above the upper surface of the bean, instead of close toit. If the bean had been properly planted, this part of the epicotyl would still have been beneath the soil. Late in the evening of the 28th, some hours after the above observations were completed, the epicotyl had grown much straighter, for the upper part now formed a widely open angle with the lower part. A filament was fixed to the upright basal part, higher up than before, close beneath the lowest scale-like process or homologue of a leaf ; and its movement was traced Cuar. I. LATHYRUS, 33 during 38 h. (Fig. 23). We here again have plain evidence of continued circumnutation. Had the bean been properly planted, the part of the epicotyl to which the filament was attached, the Fig. 23. Vicia faba: ciycumnutation of the same epicoty] as in Fig. 22, a little more advanced in age, traced under similar conditions as before, from 8.40 a.14. Tee 28th, to 10.50 a.m. 30th. Movement of bead here magnified 0 times, movement of which is here shown, would probably have just risen above the surface of the ground. Lathyrus nissolia (Leguminose).—This plant was selected for observation from being an abnormal form with grass-like leaves. Fig. 24. Lathyrus nissolia: circumnutation of stem of young seedling, traced iu darkness on a horizontal glass, from 6.45 a.m. Nov. 22nd, to 7 a.M. 23rd. Movement of end of leaf magnified about 12 times, here re- duced to one-half of original scale. The cotyledons are hypogean, and the epicotyl breaks through the ground in an arched form. The movements of a stem, 12 inch in height, consisting of three internodes, the lower one almost wholly subterranean, and the upper one bearing a short, 34 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuap. I, narrow leaf, is shown during 24 h.,in Fig. 24. No glass filament was employed, but a mark was placed beneath the apex of the leaf. The actual length of the longer of the two ellipses de- scribed by the stem was about °14 of an inch. On the previous day the chief line of movement was nearly at right angles to that shown in the present figure, and it was more simple. Cassia tora* (Leguminose).—A seedling was placed before a Fig. 25 Yam. 7° 1t0'a.m25e a.m Cassia tora: conjoint circumnutation of cotyledons and hypocotyl, traced on vertical glass, from 7.10 a.m. Sept. 25th to 7.30 A.M. 26th, Figure here given reduced to one-half of original scale. * Seeds of tlis plant, which flourish or flower well with us; grew neur the sea-side, were sent they were sent to Kew, and were to us by Fritz Miiller from §, pronounced not to be distingnish- Brazil. Tie seedlings did not able from C. tora. Ouap. I, LOTUS. 35 north-east window ; it bent very little towards it, as the bypo- cotyl which was left free was rather old, and therefore not highly heliotropic. A filament had been fixed to the midrib of one of the cotyledons, and the movement of the whole seedling was traced during two days. The circumnutation of the hypocotyl is quite insignificant compared with that of the cotyledons. These rise up vertically at night and come into close contact; so that they may be said to sleep. This seedling was so old that a very small true leaf had been developed, which at night was completely hidden by the closed cotyledons. On Sept. 24th, between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., the cotyledons moved five times up and five times down; they therefore described five irregular ellipses in the course of the 9h. The great nocturnal rise com- menced about 4.30 P.M. On the following morning (Sept. 25th) the movement of the same cotyledon was again traced in the same manner during 24h.; and a copy of the tracing is here given (Fig. 25). The morning was cold, and the window had been accidentally left open for a short time, which must have chilled the plant ; and this probably prevented it from moving quite as freely as on the previous day ;. for it rose only four and sank only four times during the day, one of the oscillations being very small. At 7.10 a.m., when the first dot was made, the cotyledons were not fully open or awake; they continued to open till about 9 a.m., by which time they had suuk a little beneath the horizon: by 9.30 a.m. they had risen, and then they oscillated up and down ; but the upward and downward lines never quite coincided. At about 4.30 p.m. the great nocturnal rise commenced. At 7 a.m. on the following morning (Sept. 26th) they occupied nearly the same level as on the previous morning, as shown in the diagram: they then began to open or sink in the usual manner. The diagram leads to the belief that the great periodical daily rise and fall does not differ essentially, excepting in amplitude, from the oscillations during the middle of the day. Lotus Jacobeus (Leguminose).—The cotyledons of this plant, after the few first days of their life, rise so as to stand almost, though rarely quite, vertically at night. They continue to act in this manner for a long time even after the development of some of the true leaves. With seedlings, 3 inches in height, and bear- ing five or six leaves, they roso at night about 45°. They con- tinued to act thus for about an additional fortnight. Subse- quently they remained horizontal at night, though still green, 36 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar. 1. and at last dropped off. Their rising at night so as to stand almost vertically appears to depend largely on temperature ; for when the seedlings were kept in a cool house, though thoy still continued to grow, the cotyledons did not become vertical at night, It is remarkable that the cotyledons do not generally rise at night to any conspicuous extent during the first four or five days after germination; but the period was extremely variable with secdlings kept under the same conditions; and many were observed. Glass filaments with minute triangles of paper were fixed to the cotyledons (13 mm. in breadth) of two seedlings, only 24h. old, and the hypocotyl was secured to a stick; their movements greatly magnified were traced, and they certainly circumnutated the whole time on a small scale, but they did not exhibit any distinct nocturnal and diurnal move- ment. The hypocotyls, when left free, cireamnutated over a large space. Another and much older seedling, bearing a half-developed leaf, had its movements traced in a similar manner during the three first days and nights of June; but seedlings at this age appear to be very sensitive to a deficiency of light; they were observed under a rather dim skylight, at a temperature of between 16° to 173° C.; and apparently, in consequence of these conditions, the great daily movement of the cotyledons ceased on the third day. During the first two days they began rising in the early afternoon in a nearly straight line, until between 6 and 7 p.m., when they stood vertically. During the latter part of the night, or more probably in the early morning, they began to fall or open, so that by 6.45 a.m. they stood fully expanded and horizontal. They continued to fall slowly for some time, and during the second day described a single small ellipse, between 9 am. and 2 p.m., in addition to the great diurnal movement. The course pursued during the whole 24h. was far less complex than in the foregoing case of Cassia. On the third morning they fell very much, and then circumnutated on a small scale round the same spot; by 8.20 p.m. they showed no tendency to rise at night. Nor did the cotyledons of any of the many other seedlings in the same pot rise; and so it was on the following night of June 5th. The pot was then taken back into the hot-house, where it was exposed to the sun, and on the succeeding night all the cotyledons rose again to a high angle, but did not stand quite vertically. On each of the above days the line representing the great nocturnal Osap, L CYTISUS. 87 rise did not coincide with that of the great diurnal fall, so that narrow ellipses were described, as is the usual rule with circum- nutating organs. The cotyledons are provided with a pulvinus, and its development will hereafter be described. Mimosa pudica (Leguminose).—The cotyledons rise up verti- cally at night, so as to close together. Two seedlings were observed in the greenhouse (temp. 16° to 17°C. or 63° to 65° F.). Their hypocotyls were secured to sticks, and glass filaments bearing little triangles of paper were affixed to the cotyledons of both. Their movements were traced on a vertical glass during 24h. on November 13th. The pot had stood for some time in the same position, and they were chiefly illuminated through the glass-roof. The cotyledons of one of these seedlings moved downward in the morning till 11.30 a.m., and then rose, moving rapidly in the evening until they stood vertically, so that in this case there was simply a single great daily fall and rise. The other seedling behaved rather differently, for it fell in the morn- ing until 11.30 a.m., and then rose, but after 12.10 p.m. again fell; and the great evening rise did not begin until 1.22 p.m. On the following morning this cotyledon had fallen greatly from its vertical position by 8.15 a.m. Two other seedlings (one seven and the other eight days old) had been previously observed under unfavourable circumstances, for they had been brought into a room and placed before a north-east window, where the temperature was between only 56° and 57° F. They had, more- over, to be protected from lateral light, and perhaps were not sufficiently illuminated. Under these circumstances the coty- ledons moved simply downwards from 7 a.m. till 2 p.m., after which hour and during a large part of the night they con- tinued to rise. Between 7 and 8 a.m. on the following morning they fell again; but on this second and likewise on the third day the movements became irregular, and between 3 and 10.30 p.m. they circumnutated to a small extent about the same spot; but they did not rise at night. Nevertheless, on the following night they rose as usual. Cytisus frugrans (Leguminose).—Only a few observations were made on this plant. The hypocotyl circumnutated to a con- siderable extent, but in asimple manner—namely, for two hours in one direction, and then much more slowly back again in a zigzag course, almost parallel to the first line, and beyond the starting-point. It moved in the same direction all night, but next morning began to return. The cotyledons continually 38 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Crar. 1 move both up and down and laterally; but they do not rise up at night in a conspicuous manner. Lupinus luteus (Leguminos).—Seedlings of this plant were observed because the cotyledons are so thick (about ‘08 of an inch) that it seemed unlikely that they would move. Our observations were not very successful, as the seedlings are strongly heliotropic, and their cireumnutation could not be accurately observed near a north-east window, although they had been kept during the previous day in the same position. A seedling was then placed in darkness with the hypocotyl secured to a stick; both cotyledons rose a little at first, and then fell during the rest of the day; in the evening between 5 and 6 p.m. they moved very slowly; during the night one continucd to fall and the other rose, though only a little. The tracing was not much magnified, and as the lines were plainly zigzag, the cotyledons must have moved a little laterally, that is, they must have circumnutated. The hypocotyl is rather thick, about +12 of inch; nevertheless it circumnutated in a complex course, though to a small extent. The movement of an old seedling with two true leaves partially developed, was observed in the daik. As the movement was magnified about 100 times it is not trustworthy and is not given; but there could be no doubt that the hypocotyl moved in all directions during the day, changing its course 19 times. The extreme actual distance from side to side through which the upper part of the hypocotyl passed in the course of 144 hours was only 4 of an inch; it sometimes travelled at the rate of gs Of an inch in an hour. Cucurbita ovifera (Cucurbitacee).—Radicle: a seed which had Cucurbita ov'fera: course followed hy a radicle in bending geotropically downwards, traced on a horizontal glass, between 11.25 A.M and 10.25 P.M.; the direction during the night is indicated by the broken line. Movement of bead magnified 14 times. germinated on damp sand was fixed so that the slightly curved radicle, which was only ‘07 inch in length, stood almost vertically Crap. I. CUCURBITA. 39 upwards, in which position geotropism would act at first with little power. A filament was attached near to its base, and projected at about an-angle of 45° wbove the horizon. The general course followed during the 11 hours of observation and during the following night, is shown in the accompanying diagram (Fig. 26), and was plainly due to geotropism; but it was also clear that the radiclo circumnutated. By the next morning the tip had curved so much downwards that the fila- ment, instead of projecting at 45° above the horizon, was nearly horizontal. Another germinating seed was turned upside down and covered with damp sand; and a filament was fastened to the radicle so as to project at an angle of about 50° above the horizon ; this radicle was °35 of an inch in length and a little curved. The course pursued was mainly governed, as in the last case, by geotropism, but the line traced during 12 hours and magnified as before was more strongly zigzag, again showing circumnutation. Four radicles were allowed to grow downwards over plates of smoked glass, inclined at 70° to the horizon, under the Fig. 27. Cucurbita ovifera: circumnuta- A. B. tion of arched hypocotyl at Cucurbita ovifera: tracks a very early age, traced in left by tips of radicles darkness on a horizontal glass, in growing downwards from 8 4.M. to 10.20 A.M. on over smoked — glass- the following day. The move- plates, inclined at 70° ment of the bead magnified to the horizon, 20 times, here reduced to one- half of original scale. same conditions as in the cases of Aésculus, Phaseolus, and Vicia. Facsimiles are here given (Fig. 27) of two of these tracks; and a third short one was almost as plainly serpentine as that at A. It was also manifest by a greater or less amount of soot having been swept off the glasses, that the tips had 4 40 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar. L pressed alternately with greater and lcss force on them. There must, therefore, have }-en movement in at Icast two planes at right angles to one a.other. These radicles were so delicate that they rarely had the power to sweep the glasses quite clean. One of them had developed some lateral or secondary rootlets, which projected w few degrees beneath the horizon; and it is an im- portant fact that three of them left distinctly serpentine tracks on the smoked surface, showing beyond doubt that they had circumnutated like the main or primary radicle. But the tracks were so slight that they could not be traced and copied after the smoked surface had been varnished. Hypocotyl.—A seed lying on damp sand was firmly fixed by two crossed wires and by its own growing radicle. The cotyle- dons were still enclosed within the seed-coats; and the short hypocotyl, between the summit of Fig. 29. the radicle and the cotyledons, was as yet only slightly arched. A filament (°85 of inch in length) - was attached at an angle of 35° above the horizon to the side of the arch adjoining the cotyle- st dons. ‘This part would ultimately form the upper end of the hypo- cotyl, after it had grown straight and vertical. Had the seed been b properly planted, the hypocotyl at this stage of growth would have been deeply buried beneath the ; ; . surface. The course followed by Oe cdaight ‘and rez the bead of the filament is shown cal hypocotyl, with filament in Fig. 28. The chief lines of fastened transversely across movement from left to right in the its upper end, traced in dark- fiouye were parallel to the plane ness on a horizontal glass, : from 8.30 A.M. to 830 ry Of the two united cotyledons and The movement of theterminal of the flattened seed; ard this bead originally magnified movement would aid in dragging about 18 times, here only 43 thom out of the seed-coats, which times. 2 are held down by a special struc- ture hereafter to be described. The movement at right angles to the above lines was due to the arched hypocotyl becoming more arched as it increased in height. The foregoing observa- tions apply to the leg of the arch next to the cotyledons, but nop. 1. CUCURBITA. 41 the other leg adjoining the radicle likewise cireumnutated at an equally early age. The movement of the same hypocotyl after it had become straight and vertical, but with the cotyledons only partially expanded, is shown in Fig.29. The course pursued during 12h. apparently represents four and a half ellipses or ovals, with the longer axis of the first at nearly right angles to that of the others. The longer axes of all were oblique to a line joining the opposite cotyledons. The actual extreme distance from side to side over which the summit of the tall hypocotyl passed in the course of 12h, was ‘28 of an inch. The original figure was traced on a large scale, and from the obliquity’ of the line of view the outer parts of the diagram are much exaggerated. Cotyledons.—On two occasions the movements of the cotyle- dons were traced on a vertical glass, and as the ascending and descending lines did not quite coincide, very narrow ellipses were formed; they therefore circumnutated. Whilst young they rise vertically up at night, but their tips always remain reflexed ; on the following morning they sink down again. With a seedling kept in complete darkness they moved in the same manner, for they sank from 845 a.m. to 4.30 e.m.; they then began to rise and remained clcse together until 10 p.m., when they were last observed. At 7 a.m. on the following morning they were as much expanded as at avy hour on the previous day. The cotyledons of another young seedling, exposed to the light, were fully open for the first time on a certain day, but were found completely closed at 7 a.m. on the following morning. They soon began to expand again, and continued doing so till about 5 p.m.; they then began to rise, and by 10.30 p.m. stood vortically and were almost closed. At 7 a.m. on the third morn- ing they were nearly vertical, and again expanded during the day; on the fourth morning they were not closed, yet they opened a little in the course of the day and rose a little on the folowing night. By this time a minute true leaf had-become developed. Another seedling, still older, bearing a well-developed leaf, had a sharp rigid filament affixed to one of its cotyledons (85 mm. in length), which recorded its own movements on a revolving drum with smoked paper. The observations were made in the hot-house, where the plant had lived, so that there was no change in temperature or light. The record commenced at 11 a.m. on February 18th; and fhom this hour till 3 p.m. the 42 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Caav. LL. cotyledon fell; it then rose rapidly till 9 P.m., then very gradually till 3 a.m. February 19th, after which hour it sank gradually till 4.30 p.m.; but the downward movement was inter- rupted by one slight rise or oscillation about 1.30 p.m. After 430 p.m. (19th) the cotyledon rose till 1 a.m. (in the night of February 20th) and then sank very gradually till 9.30 a.m, when our observations ceased. The amount of movement was greater on the 18th than on the 19th or on the morning of the 20th. Cucurbita aurantia.—An arched hypocotyl was found buried a little beneath the surface of the soil; and in order to prevent it straightening itself quickly, when relieved from the surrounding pressure of the soil, the two legs of the arch were tied together. The seed was then lightly covered with loose damp earth. A filament with a bead at the end was affixed to the basal leg, the movements of which were observed during two days in the usual manner. On the first day the arch moved in a zigzag line towards the side of the basal leg. On the next day, by which time the dependent cotyledons had been dragged above the sur- face of the soil, the tied arch changed its course greatly nine times in the course of 144h. It swept a large, extremely irre- gular, circular figure, returning at night to nearly the same spot whence it had started early in the morning. ‘he line was so strongly zigzag that it apparently represented five ellipses, with their longer axes pointing in various directions. With respect to the periodical movements of the cotyledons, those of several young seedlings formed together at 4 p.m. an angle of about 60°, and at 10 p.m. their lower parts stood vertically and were in contact ; their tips, however, as is usual in the genus, were per- manently reflexed. These cotyledons, at 7 a.m. on the following morning, were again well expanded. Lagenaria vulgaris (var. miniature Bottle-gourd) (Cucurbi- taceze).— A seedling opened its cotyledons, the movements of which were alone observed, slightly on June 27th, and closed them at night: next day, at noon (28th), they included an angle of 53°, and at 10 r.m. they were in close contact, so that each had risen 263°. At noon, on the 29th, they included an angle of 118°, and at 10 p.m. an angle of 54°, so each had risen 32°. On the following day they were still more open, and the nocturnal rise was greater, but the angles were not measured. Two other seedlings were observed, and behaved during three days in a closely similar manner. The cotyledons, therefore, Gave k CUCURLITA. ' 43 open more and more on each succeeding day, and rise each night about 30°; consequently during the first two nights of their life they stand vertically and come into contact. In order to ascertain more ac- curately the nature of these move- ments, the hypocotyl of a seedling, with its cotyledons well expanded, was secured to a little stick, and a filament with triangles of paper was affixed to one of the cotyledons. The observations were made under a rather dim skylight, and the temperature during the whole time was between 173° to 18° C. (68° to 65° F.). Had the temperature been higher and the light brighter, the movements would probably have been greater. On July llth (see Fig. 80), the cotyledon fell from 7.35 a.m. till 10 a.m.; it then rose (rapidly after 4 p.m.) till it stood quite vertically at 8.40 r.m. During the early morning of the next day (12th) it fell, and continued to fall till 8 a.m., after which hour it rose, then fell, and again rose, so that by 10.35 p.m. it stood much higher than it did in the morning, but was not vertical as on the preceding night. During the following early morn- ing and whole day (18th) it fell and circumnutated, but had not risen when observed late in the evening ; and this was probably due to the deficiency of heat or light, or of both. We thus see that the coty- ledons became more widely open at noon on each succeeding day; and sath a.m. 8°97 am. 12th 42.30 rs ° 40°30'p.mX 9°5'a.m. we 9 fe m. 13 144 Lagenaria vulguris: circumnn- tation of a cotyledon, 13 inch in length, apex only 42 inches from the vertical glass, on which its movements were traced from 7.35 a.m. July 11th to 9.5 a.m. on the 14th. Figure here given reduced to one-third of original scale. that they rose considerably each night, though not acquiring a vertical position, except during the first two nights. Cucumis dudaim (Cucurbitacese).—Two seedlings had opened 44 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuap. I. their cotyledons for the first time during the day,—one to the extent of 90° and the other rather more; they remained in nearly the same position until 10.40 P.m.; but by 7 a.m. on the following morning the one which had been previously open to the extent of 90° had its cotyledons vertical and completely shut; the other seedling had them nearly shut. Later in the morning they opened in the ordinary manner. It appears therefore that the cotyledons of this plant close and open at somewhat different periods from those of the foregoing species of the allied genera of Cucurbita and Lagenaria. Opuntia basiluris (Cactere).—A seedling was carefully ob- served, because considering its appearance and the nature of the mature plant, it seemed very un- likely that either the liypocotyl or cotyledons would circumnutate to an appreciable extent. The coty- ledons were well developed, being ‘9 of an inch in length, +22 in breadth, and °15 in thickness. The almost cylindrical hypocotyl, now bearing a minute spinous bud Fig. 31. io J Opuntia basilaris: conjoint cir- cumnutation of - hypocotyl and cotyledon; _ filament fixed longitudinally to coty- Iedon, and movement traced during 66 h. on horizontal glass. Movement of the ter- minal bead magnified about 30 times, here reduced to one- thirdscale. Seedling kept in hot-house, feebly illuminated from above, on its summit, was only ‘45 of an inch in height, and °19 in dia- meter. The tracing (Fig. 31) shows the combined movement of the hypocotyl and of one of the coty- ledons, from 4.45 p.m. on May 28th toll am. onthe 31st. On the 29th a nearly perfect ellipse was com- pleted. On the 30th the hypocotyl moved, from some unknown cause, in the same general direction in a zigzag line; but between 4.30 and 10 p.m. almost completed a second small ellipse. The cotyledons move only a little up and down: thus at 10.15 p.m. they stood only 10° higher than at noon. The chief seat of movement therefore, at least when the cotyledons are rather old as in the present case, lies in the hypocotyl. The ellipse described on the 29th had its longer axis directed at nearly right angles to a line joining the two cotyledons. The actual amount of movement of the bead at the end of the Cnar. L PRIMULA. 45 filament was, as far as could be ascertained, about °14 of an inch. Fietianthus annuus (Composite).—The upper part of the hypocotyl moved during the day-time in the course Mig. 32. shown in the annexed figure (Fig. 32). As the line runs in various directions, cross- ing itself several times, the movement may be con- sidered as one of circumnu- tation. The extreme actual distance travelled was at least ‘1 of an inch. The movements of the cotyle- oe dons of two seedlings were Helianthus annuus : circumnutation of ‘ hypocotyl, with filament fixed across observed; onefacing anorth- ifs summit, traced on a_ horizontal east window, and the other glass in darkness, from 8.45 a.m. to so feebly illuminated from 10-45 ?.3L., and for an hour on follow- : ing morning. Movement of bead above as to be almost in magnified 21 times, here reduced to darkness. They continued — one-half of original scale. to sink till about noon, when they began to rise; but between 5 and 7 or 8 p.m. they either sank a little, or moved laterally, and then again began to rise. At 7 a.m. on the following morning those on the plant before the north-east window had opened so little that they stood at an angle of 73° above the horizon, and were not observed any longer. Those on the seedling which had been kept in almost complete darkness, sank during the whole day, without rising about mid-day, but rose during the night. On the third and fourth days they continued sinking without any alternate ascending movement; and this, no doubt, was due to the absence of light. Primula Sinensis (Primulacese).—A seedling was placed with the two cotyledons parallel to a north-east window on a day when the light was nearly uniform, and a filament was affixed to one of them. From observations subsequently made on another seedling with the stem secured to a stick, the greater part of the movement shown in the annexed figure (Fig. 33), must have been that of the hypocotyl, though the cotyledons zertainly move up and down to a certain extent both during the day and night. The movements of the same seedling were traced Cuar. 1 46 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. on the following day with nearly the same result; and there can be no doubt about the cirsumnutation of the hypocotyl. Primula Sinensis: conjoint wrcumnutation of hypocotyl and cotyledon, traced on vertical glass, from 8.40 a.m. to 10.45 P.M. Movements of bead magnified about 26 times. . Cyclamen Persicum (Primulacex).—This plant is generally sup- posed to produce only a single cotyledon, but Dr. H. Gressner * has shown that a second one is developed after a long interval ‘ of time. The hypocotyl is converted into a globular corm, even before the first cotyledon has broken through the ground with its blade closely enfolded and with its petiole in the form of an arch, like the arched hypocotyl or epicotyl-of any ordinary dicotyle- donous plant. A glass filament was affixed to a cotyledon, ‘55 of an inch in height, the petiole of which had straightened itself and stood nearly vertical, but with the blade not as yet fully expanded. Its movements were traced during 243 h. on a horizontal glass, magnified 50 times; and in this interval it described two irregular small \ circles; it therefore circumnu- Arh tates, though on an extremely Fig. 34. small scale. Stapelia sarpedon: circumnutation of hypocotyl, illuminated from above, traced on horizontal glass, from 6.45 a.m. June 26th to 8.45 A.M. 28th. Temp. 23°-24° ©, Movement of bead magnified 21 times Stapelia sarpedon (Ascle- piadex). — This plant, when mature, resembles a cactus. The flattened hypocotyl is fleshy, enlarged in the upper part, and bears two rudimen- tary cotyledons. It breaks through the ground in an arched form, with the rudimentary cotyledons closed or in contact. A filament was affixed almost * ‘Bot. Zeitung,’ 1874, p. 837. Omar, I. IPOMA. 47 vertically to the hypocotyl of a seedling half an inch high; and its movements were traced during 50h. on a horizontal glass (Fig. 34). From some unknown cause it bowed itself to one side, ani as this was effected by a zigzag course, it probably circumnutated; but with hardly any other seedling observed by us was this movement so obscurely shown. — * Ipomea ceerulea vel Pharbitis nil (Convolvulacese).—Seedlings of this plant were observed because it is a twiner, the upper internodes of which circumnutate conspicuously; but, like other twining plants, the first few internodes which rise above the ground are stiff enough to support themselves, and therefore do not circumnutate in any plainly recognisable manner.* In this particular instance the fifth internode (including the hypo- cotyl) was the first which plainly cireumnutated and twined round a stick. We therefore wished to learn whether circum- nutation could be observed in the hypocotyl if carefully observed in our usual manner. Two seedlings were kept in the dark with filaments fixed to the upper part of their hypocotyls; but from circumstances not worth explaining their movements were traced for only a short time. One moved thrice forwards and twice backwards in nearly opposite directions, in the course of 3h. 15m.; and the other twice forwards and twice backwards in 2h.22m. The hypocotyl therefore circumnutated at a re- markably rapid rate. It may here be added that a filament was affixed transversely to the summit of the second internode above the cotyledons of a little plant 33 inches in height; and its movements were traced ona horizontal glass, It cireumnutated, and the actual distance travelled from side to side was a quarter of an inch, which was too small an amount to be perceived with- out the aid of marks. The movements of the cotyledons are interesting from their complexity and rapidity, and in some other respects. The hypocotyl (2 inches high) of a vigorous seedling was secured to a stick, and a filament with triangles of paper was affixed to one of the cotyledons. The plant was kept all day in the hot-house, and at 4.20 p.m. (June 20th) was placed under a skylight in the house, and observed occasionally during the evening and night. It fell in a slightly zigzag line to a moderate extent from 4.20 p.m. till 1015 p.m. When looked at shortly after mid- night (12.30 p.m.) it had risen a very little, and considerably by * ‘Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants,’ p. 33, 1875. 48 CIBCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cua. I 3.45 am. When again looked at, at 6.10 a.m. (21st), it had Fig. 35. 5°pm, 6°45 Gam, 22.4 6°pam, C0lam ast 10°30. 21 (pomea cerulea: circumnutation of cotyledon, traced on vertical glass, from 6.10 A.M. June 21st to 6.45 A.M. 22nd. Cotyledon with petiole 1°6 inch in length, apex of blade 4-1 inch from the vertical glass; so movement not greatly mag- nified; temp. 20°C. fallen largely. A new tracing was now begun (see Fig. 35), and soon afterwards, at 6.42 AM., the cotyledon had risen a little. During the forenoon it was observed about every hour; but between 12.30 and 6 p.m. every half-hour. If the observations had been made at these short intervals during the whole day, the figure would have been too intricate to have been copied. As it was, the cotyledon moved up and down in the course of 16h. 20 m. (ie. between 6.10 a.m. and 10.30 p.m.) thirteen times. The cotyledons of this seed- ling sank downwards during both evenings and the early part of the night, but rose during the latter part. As this is an unusual movement, the cotyledons of twelve other seed- lings were observed ; they stood almost or quite horizontally at mid-day, and at 10 p.m. were all declined at various angles. The most usual angle was be- tween 80° and 35°; but three stood at about 50° and one at even 70° beneath the horizon. The blades of all these cotyle- dons had attained almost their full size, viz. from 1 to 13 inches in length, measured along their midribs. It is a remarkable fact that whilst young—that is, when less than half an inch in length, measured in the same manncr—they do not sink Oar. T, CERINTHE. 49 downwards in the evening. Therefore their weight, which is considerable when almost fully developed, probably came into play in originally determining the downward movement. The periodicity of this movement is much influenced by the degree of light to which the. seedlings have been exposed during the day; for three kept obscure place began to sirk about noon, instead of late in the evening ; anc those of another seed- ling were almost paralysed by having been similarly kept during two whole days. ‘The cotyledons of several other species cf Ipomeea likewise sink downwards late in the evening. Cerinthe major (Boragines).—The circumnutation of the hypecotyl of a young seedling with the cotyledons hardly Fig. 36. Cerinthe major: circumnutation of hypocotyl, with filament fixed across its summit, illuminated from above, traced on horizontal glass, from 9.26 A.M. to 9.53 P.M. on Oct. 25th. Movement of the bead magnified 30 times, here reduced to one-third of original scale. expanded, is shown in the annexed figure (Fig. 36), which apparently represents four or five irregular ellipses, described in the course of a little over 12 hours. Two older seedlings were similarly observed, excepting that one of them was kept in the dark; their hypocotyls also circumnutated, but in a more simple manner. The cotyledons on a seedling exposed to the light fell from the early morning until a little after noon, and then continued to rise until 10.30 p.m. or later. The cotyledons of this same seedling acted in the same general manner during the two following days. It had previously been tried in the dark, and after being thus kept for only 1h. 40 m. the cotyledons began at 4.30 p.m. to sink, instead of continuing to rise till late at night. ae i) CIRUUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuap. I Nolana prostrata (Nolanee).— The movements were not traced, but a pot with seedlings, which had been kept in the dark for an hour, was placed under the microscope, with the micrometer eye-piece so adjusted that each division equalled séoth of an inch. The apex of one of the cotyledons crossed rather obliquely four divisions in 18 minutes; it was also sink- ing, as shown by getting out of focus. The seedlings were again placed in darkness for another hour, and the apex now crossed two divisions in 6m. 18s.; that is, at very nearly the same rate as before. Fig. 37. ¥ Solanum lycoper- sicum: circum nutation of hy- pocotyl, with filament fixed across its sum- mit, traced on horizontal glass, from 10 A.M. to 5 p.m. Oct. 24th. I]]luminated ob- liquely — from above. Move- ment of bead magnified about 35 times, here reduced to one- third of original scale. After another interval of an hour in dark- ness, it crossed two divisions in 4 m. 15s., there- fore at a quicker raie. In the afternoon, after a longer interval in the dark, the apex was motion- less, but after a time it recommenced moving, though slowly; perhaps the room was too cold, Judging from previous cases, there can hardly be a doubt that this seedling was circumnuta- ting. Solanum lycopersicum (Solaneee) —The move- ments of the hypocotyls of two seedling to- matoes were observed during seven hours, and there could be no doubt that both cireumnu- tated. They were illuminated from above, but by an accident a little light entered on one side, and in the accompanying figure (Fig. 37) it may be seen that the hypocotyl moved to this side (the upper one in the figure), making small loops and zigzagging in its course. The move- ments of the cotyledons were also traced both on vertical and horizontal glasses; their angles with the horizon were likewise measured at various hours. They fell from 8.30 a.m. (October 17th) to about noon; then moved laterally in a zigzag line, and at about 4 P.m. began to rise; they continued to do so until 10.30 p.m, by which hour they stood vertically and were asleep. At what hour of the night or early morning they began to fall was not ascertained. Owing to the lateral movement shortly after mid-day, the descending and ascending lines did not coincide, and irregular ellipses were described during each 24 h. Lhe regular periodicity of these movements is destroyed, as we shall hereafter see, if the seedlings are kept in the dark. cuar. I. SOLANUM. 51 Solanum palinacanthum.—Several arched hypocotyls rising nearly ‘2 of an inch above the ground, but with the cotyledons still buried beneath the surface, were observed, and the tracings showed that they circumnutated. Moreover, in several cases little open circular. spaces or cracks in the argillaceous sand which surrounded the arched hypocotyls were visible, and these appeared to have been made by the hypocotyls having bent first to one and then to another side whilst growing up- wards. In two instances the vertical arches were observed to move to a considerable distance backwards from the point where the cotyledons lay buried; this movement, which has been noticed in some other cases, and which seems to aid in extracting the cotyledons from the buried seed-coats, is due to the com- mencement of the straightening of the hypocotyl. In order to prevent this latter movement, the two legs of an arch, the Fig. 38. Solanum palinacanthum: circumnutation of an arched hypocotyl, just emerging from the ground, with the two legs tied together, traced in darkness on a horizontal glass, from 9.20 a.m. Dec. 17th to 8.30 A.M. 19th. Movement of bead magnified 13 times; but the filament, which was affixed obliquely to the crown of the arch, was of unusual length. summit of which was on a level with the surface of the soil, were tied together; the earth having been previously removed to a little depth all round. The movement of the arch during 47. hours under these unnatural circumstances is exhibited in the annexed figure. The cotyledons of some seedlings in the hot-house were hori- zontal about noon on December 13th; and at 10 p.m. had risen to an angle of 27° above the horizon; at 7 a.m. on the following 52 Cuay. Y morning, before it was light, they had risen to 59° above the horizon; in the afternoon of the same day they were found again horizontal. : Beta vulyaris (Chenopodez).—The seedlings are excessively sensitive to light, so that although on the first day they were uncovered only during two or three minutes at each observation, they all moved steadily towards the side of the room whence the light proceeded, and the trac- ings consisted only of slightly zigzag lines directed towards the light. On the next day the plants were placed in a completely darkened room, and at each observation were iluminated as much as possible from vertically above by a small wax taper. The annexed figure (Fig. 39) shows the move- ment of the hypocotyl during 9 h. under these circumstances. A second seedling was similarly observed at the same time, CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Fig. 39. Beta vu'garis: circum- nutation of hypo- cotyl, with filament fixed obliquely a- cross its summit, traced in darkness on horizontal ‘glass, from 8.25 A.M. to 5.30 p.m. Nov. 4th. Movement of bead magnified 23 times, here reduced to one- third of original scale. and the tracing had the same peculiar character, due to the hypocotyl often mov- ing and returning in nearly parallel lines. The movement of a third hypocotyl differed greatly. We endeavoured to trace the movements of the cotyledons, and for this purpose some seedlings were kept in the dark, but they moved in an abnormal manner; they continued rising from 8.45 a.m. to 2 P.m., then moved laterally, and from 8 to 6 P.M. descended; whereas cotyledons which have been exposed all the day to the light rise in the evening so as to stand verti- cally at night; but this statement applies only to young seedlings. For instance, six seedlings in the greenhouse had their cotyledons partially open for the first time on the morning of November 15th, and at 8.45 p.m. all were completely closed, 80 that they might properly be said to be asleep. Again, on the morning of November 27th, the cotyledons of four other seedlings, which were surrounded by a collar of brown paper so that they received light only from above, were open to the extent of 39°; at 10 p.m. they were completely closed; next morning (November 28th) at 6.45 a.m., whilst ‘t was still dark, two of them Unar. 1 RICINUS AND QUERCUS. 53 were partially open and all opened in the course of the morning; but at 10.20 p.m. all four (not to mention nine others which had been open in the morning and six others on another ocea- sion) were again completely closed. On the morning of the 29th they were open, but at night only one of the four was closed, and this only partially; the three others had their cotyledons much more raised than during the day. On the night of the 30th the cotyledons of the four were only slightly raised, Ricinus Borboniensis (Euphorbiacez).— Seeds were purchased under the above naine—probably a variety of the common castor- oil plant. As soon as an arched hypocotyl had risen clear above the ground, a filament was attached to the upper leg bearing the cotyledons which were still buried beneath the surface, and the movement of the bead was traced on a horizontal glass during a period of 84h. The lines traced were strongly zigzag, and as the bead twice returned nearly parallel to its former course in two different directions, there could be no doubt that the arched hypocotyl circumnutated. At the close of the 34 h. the upper part began to rise and straighten itself, dragging the cotyledons out of the ground, so that the movements of the bead could no longer be traced on the glass. Quercus (American sp.) (Oupuliferee).—Acorns of an American oak which had germinated at Kew were planted in a pot in the greenhouse. This transplantation checked their growth; but after a time one grew to a height of five inches, measured to the tips of the small partially unfolded leaves on the summit, and now looked vigorous. It consisted of six very thin internodes of unequal lengths. Considering these circumstances and the nature of the plant, we hardly expected that it would circumnutate; but the annexed figure (Fig. 40) shows that it did so im a conspicuous manner, changing its course many times and travelling in all directions during the 48 h. of observation. The figure seems to represent 5 or 6 irregular ovals or ellipses. The actual amount of movement from side to side (excluding one great bend to the left) was about ‘2 of an inch; but this was difficult to estimate, as owing to the rapid growth of the stem, the attached filament was much further from the mark beneath at the close than at the commencement of the observations. It deserves notice that the pot was placed in a north-east room within a deep box, the top of which was not at first covered up, so that the inside facing 54 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cusp. L the windows was a little more illuminated than the opposite side; and during the first morning the stem travelled to a greater distance in this direction (to the left in the figure) than it did afterwards when the box was completely protected from light Fig. 40. Quercus (American sp.): circumnutation of young stem, traced on hori- zontal glass, from 12.50 p.m. Feb. 22nd to 12.50 24th. Movement of bead greatly magnified at first, but slightly towards the close of the observations—about 10 times on an average. Quercus robur.—Observations were made only on the move- ments of the radicles from germinating acorns, which were allowed to grow downwards in the manner previously described, over plates of smoked glass, inclined at angles between 65° and 69° tothe horizon. In four cases the tracks left were almost straight, but the tips had pressed sometimes with more and sometimes with less force on the glass, as shown by the varying thickness of the tracks and by little bridges of soot left across them. In the fifth case the track was slightly serpentine, that is, the tip had moved a little from side to side. In the sixth case (Fig. 41, A) it was plainly serpentine, and the tip had pressed almost equably on the glass in its whole course. In the seventh case (B) the tip had moved both laterally and had pressed - Unap. I. QUERCUS AND CORYLUS. 55 alternately with unequal force on the glass; so that it had moved a little in two planes at right angles to one another. In the eighth and last case (C) it had moved very little laterally, but had alternately left the glass and come into contact with it again. There can be no doubt that in the last four cases the 1adicle of the oak cireumnutated whilst growing downwards Fig. 41, Quercus robur: tracks left on inclined smoked glass-plates by tips of radicles in growing downwards. Plates A and C inclined at 65° and plate B at 68° to the horizon. Corylus avellana (Corylacese).—The epicotyl breaks through the ground in an arched form; but in the specimen which was first examined, the apex had become decayed, and the epicotyl grew to some distance through the soil, in a tortuous, almost horizontal direction, like a root. In consequence of this injury it had emitted near the hypogean cotyledons two secondary shoots, and it was remarkable that both of these were arched, like the normal epicotyl in ordinary cases. The soil was removed from around one of these arched secondary shoots, and a glass filament was affixed to the basal leg. The whole was kept damp beneath a metal-box with a glass lid, and was thus illumi- nated only from above. Owing apparently to the lateral pressure of the earth being removed, the terminal and bowed-down part of the shoot began at once to move upwards, so that after 24h. it formed a right angle with the lower part. This lower part, to which the filament was attached, also straightened itself, and moved a little backwards from the upper part. Con- sequently a long line was traced on the horizontal glass; and D 56 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Caap. L this was in parts straight and in parts decidedly zigzag, indicating cireumnutation. On the following day the other secondary shoot was observed; it was a little more advanced in age, for the upper part, instead Fig. 42. ae i Corylus avellana: circumnuta- tion of a young shoot emitted from the epicotyl, the apex of which had been injured, traced on a horizontal glass, from 9 A.M. Feb. 2nd to 8 AM. 4th. Movement ot bead magnified about 27 times, of depending vertically downwards, stood at an angle of 45° above the horizon. The tip of the shoot pro- jected obliquely *4 of an inch above the ground, but by the close of our observations, which lasted 47 h., it had grown, chiefly towards its base, to a height of -85 of aninch. The filament was fixed transversely to the basal and almost upright half of the shoot, close beneath the lowest scale-like appendage. The circum- nutating course pursued is shown in the accompanying figure (Fig. 42). The actual distance traversed from side to side was about °04 of an inch. Pinus pinaster (Conifers). — A young hypocotyl, with the tips of the cotyledons still enclosed within the seed-coats, was at first only *85 of an inch in height; but the upper part grew so rapidly that at the end of our observations it was -6 in height, Fig. 43. Pinus pinaster > circumnutation of hypocotyl, with filament fixed across its summit, traced on horizontal glass, from 10 a.M. March 21st to 9 23rd. Seedling kept in darkness. Movement of bead magnified abcu* 85 times. Cuap. I. PINUS AND CYCAS. 57 and by this time the filament was attached some way down the little stem. From some unknown cause, the hypocotyl moved far towards the left, but there could be no doubt (Fig. 43) that it circumnutated. Another hypocotyl was similarly observed, and it likewise moved in a strongly zigzag lint to the same side, This lateral movement was not caused by the attachment of the glass filaments, nor by the action of light; for no light was allowed to enter when each observation was made, except from vertically above. The hypocotyl of a seedling was secured to a little stick; it bore nine in appearance distinct cotyledons, arranged in a circle. The movements of two nearly opposite ones were observed. The tip of one was painted white, with a mark placed below, and the figure described (Fig. 44, A) shows that it made an irregular Fig. 44. ~ ~: A. B. Pinus pinaster: circumnutation of two opposite cotyledons, traced on horizontal glass in darkness, from 8.45 AM. to 8.35 p.m. Nov. 25th. Movement of tip in A magnified about 22 times, here reduced to one- half of original scale. . circle in the course of about 8 h. During the night it travelled to a considerable distance in the direction indicated by the broken line. A glass filament was attached longitu- dinally to the other cotyledon, and this nearly completed (Fig. 44, B) an irregular circular figure in about 12 hours. During the night it also moved to a considerable distance, in the direction indicated by the broken line. The cotyledons therefore circumnutate independently of the movement of the hypocotyl. Although they moved much during the night, they did not approach each other so as to stand more vertically than during the day. 58 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar L Cycas-pectinata (Cycades).—The large seeds of this plant in germinating first protrude a single leaf, which breaks through the ground with the petiole bowed into an arch and with the leaflets involuted. A leaf in this condition, which at the close of our observations was 2} inches in height, had its movements traced in a warm greenhouse by means of a glass filament bearing paper triangles attached across its tip. The tracing (Fig. 45) s:.ows how large, complex, and rapid were the circum- Fig. 45. Oyeas pectinata : circumnutation of young leaf whilst emerging from the ground, feebly illuminated from above, traced on vertical glass, from 5 p.m. May 28th to 11 a.m. 31st. Movement magnified 7 times, here reduced to two-thirds of original scale. nutating movements. The extreme distance from side to side which it passed over amounted to between *6 and ‘7 of an inch, Cana Warscewiczit (Cannaces).—A seedling with the plu- mule projecting one inch above the ground was observed, but not under fair conditions, as it was brought out of the hot- house and kept in a room not sufficiently warm. Nevertheless the tracing (Fig. 46) shows that it made two or three incom- plete irregular circles or ellipses in the course of 48 hours. The plumule is straight; and this was the first instance observed Cuap. L aLLIUM. 59 by us of the part that first breaks through the ground uot heing arched. Fig. 46. oo Canna Warscewiczii: circumnutation of plumule with filament affixed obliquely to outer sheath-like leaf, traced in darkness onhorizontal glass from 8.45 a.m. Noy. 9th to 8.10 A.a1, 11th. Movement of bead mag- nified 6 times. Allium cepa (Liliacee).—The narrow green leaf, which pro- trudes from the seed of the common onion as a cotyledon,* breaks through the ground in the form of an arch, in the same manner as the hypocotyl or epicotyl of a dicotyledonous plant. Long after the arch has risen above the surface the apex remains within the seed-coats, evidently absorbing the still abundant contents. The summit or crown of the arch, when it first protrudes from the seed and is still buried beneath the ground, is simply rounded; but before it reaches the surface it is developed into a conical protuberance of a white colour (owing to the absence of chlorophyll), whilst the adjoining parts are green), with the epidermis apparently rather thicker and tougher than elsewhere. We may therefore conclude that this conical protuberance is a special adaptation for breaking through the ground,t and answers the same end as the knife-like white crest on the summit of the straight cotyledon of the Graminez. = This is the expression used purpose which it subserves. He by Sachs in his ‘Text-book of Botany.’ t+ Haberlandt has briefiy de- scribed (‘Die Schutzcinrichtun- gen... Keimpflanze,’ 1877, p. 77) this curious structure and the states that good figures of the cotyledon of the onion liave been given by Tiltmann and by Sacia in his ‘Experimental Physiologie,’ p. 93. 66 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuap, I. After a time the apex is drawn out of the empty seed-coats, and rises up, forming a right angle, or more commonly a still larger angle with the lower part, and occasionally the whole becomes nearly straight. The conical protuberance, which originally formed the crown of the arch, is now seated on one side, and appears like a joint or knee, which from acquiring chlorophyll becomes green, and increases in size. In rarely or never becoming perfectly straight, these cotyledons differ remark- ably from the ultimate condition of the arched hypocotyls or epicotyls of dicotyledons. It is, also, a singular circumstance that the attenuated extremity of the upper bent portion invariably withers and dies. A filament, 1°7 inch in length, was affixed nearly upright beneath the knee to the basal and vertical portion of a cotyledon; and its movements were Fig. 47. traced during 14 h. in the usual manner. L-7 The tracing here given (Fig. 47) indi- cates circumnutation. The movement of the upper part above the knee of the same cotyledon, which projected at about an angle of 45° above the horizon, was observed at the same time. A filament was not affixed to it, but a mark was placed beneath the apex, which was almost white from beginning to wither, and its movements were thus traced. The Allium cepu: circunnu- figure described resembled pretty closely tation of basal half that above given; and this shows that the of arched cotyledon A $i traced in darkness on Chief seat of movement is in the lower or horizontal glass, from basal part of the cotyledon. 8.15 4.M. to 10 PM. Asparagus officinalis (Asparagese).— oe rae a The tip of a straight plumule or cotyledon about-17 times: (for we do not know which it should be called) was found at a depth of °1 inch beneath the surface, and the earth was then removed all round tothe depth of 3 inch. A glass filament was affixed obliquely to it, and the movement of the bead, magnified 17 times, was traced in darkness. During the first 1h. 15m. the plumule moved to the right,and during the next two hours it returned in a roughly parallel but strongly zigzag course. From some unknown cause it had grown up through the soil in an inclined direction, and now through apogeotropism it moved during nearly 24h. in Cusp, 1 ASPARAGUS. 61 the same general direction, but in a slightly zigzag manner, until it became upright. On the following morning it changed its course completely. There can therefore hardly be a doubt that the plumule circumnutates, whilst buried beneath the ground, as much as the pressure of the surrounding earth will permit. The surface of the soil in the pot was now covered with a thin layer of very fine argillaceous sand, which was kept damp; and after. the tapering seedlings had grown a few tenths of an inch in height, each was found surrounded by a little open space or circular crack; and this could be accounted for only by their having circumnutated and thus pushed away the sand on all sides; for there was no vestige of a crack in any other part. In order to prove that there was circumnutation, the move- Fig. 48. Asparagus officinalis : circumnutation of plumules with tips whitened and marks placed beneath, traced on a norizontal glass. A, young plumule; movement traced from 8.30 a.m. Nov. 30th to 7.15 A.M. next morning ; magnitied about 35 times. B, older plumule; movement traced from 10.15 A.M, to 8.10 P.M. Nov. 29tii; magnified 9 times, but here reduced to one-half of original scale. ments of five seedlings, varying in height from ‘3 inch to 2 inches, were traced. They were placed within a box and illuminated from above; but in all five cases the longer axes of the figures described were directed to nearly the same point; so that more light seemed to have come through the glass roof of the green- house on one side than on any other. All five tracings re- sembled each other to a certain extent, and it will suffice to give two of them. In A (Fig. 48) the seedling was only -45 of an 62 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuap. L inch in height, and consisted of a single internode bearing a bud on its summit. he apex described between 8.30 a.m. and 10.20 pm. (ie. during nearly 14 hours) a figure which would probably have consisted of 33 ellipses, had not the stem been drawn to one side until Lv.m., after which hour it moved back- wards. On the following morning it was not far distant from the point whence it had first started. The actual amount of movement of the apex from side to side was very small, viz. about jth of an inch. The seedling of which the movements are shown in Fig. 48, B, was 1} inch in height, and consisted of three internodes besides the bud on the summit. The figure, which was described during 10h., apparently represents two irregular and unequal ellipses or circles. The actual amount of movement of the apex, in the line not influenced by the light, was *11 of an inch, and in that thus influenced °37 of an inch. With a seedling 2 inches in height it was obvious, even without the aid of any tracing, that the uppermost part of the stem bent snecessively to all points of the compass, like the stem of a twining plant. A little increase in the power of circumnutating and in the flexibility of the stem, would convert the common asparagus into a twining plant, as has occurred with one species in this genus, namely, A. scandens, Phalaris Canariensis (Graminew).— With the Gramines the part which first rises above the ground has been called by some authors the pileole; and various views have been expressed on its homological nature. It is considered by some great authori- ties to be a cotyledon, which term we will use without venturing to express any opinion on the subject.* It consists in the present case of a slightly flattened reddish sheath, terminating upwards in a sharp white edge; it encloses a true green leaf, which protrudes from the sheath through a slit-like orifice, close beneath and at right angles to the sharp edge on the summit. The sheath is not arched when it breaks through the ground, The movements of three rather old seedlings, about 1} inch in height, shortly before the protrusion of the leaves, were first traced. They were illuminated exclusively from above; for, as will hereafter be shown, they axe excessively sensitive to tha * We are indebted to the Rey, — this subject, together with re G. Henslow for an abstract of the ferences, views which have becn held on Cuap. I, PHALARIS. 68 action of light; and if any enters even temporarily on one side, they merely bend to this side in slightly zigzag lines. Of the three tracings one alone (Fig. 49) is here given. Had the observations been more frequent during the 12h. two oval figures would have been described with their longer axes at right angles to one another. The actual amount of movement of the apex from side to side was about ‘dof an inch. The figures described by the other two seedlings resembled to a certain extent the one here given. A seedling which had just broken through the ground and projected only th of an inch above the surface, was next observed in the same manner as before. It was necessary to clear away the earth all round the seedling to a little depth in order to place a mark beneath the apex. Fig. 49 Phaluris Conariensis: cireumnu- tation of a cotyledon, with a mark placed below the apex, traced on a horizontal glass, from 8.35 a.m. Nov. 26th to 8.45 4.M. 27th. Movement of apex magnified 7 times, here reduced to one-half scale. The figure (Fig. 50) shows that the apex moved to one side, but changed its course ten times in the course of the ten hours of observa- tion ; so that there can be no doubt about its circumnutation. The cause of the general movement in one direction could hardly be attributed to the entrance of lateral light, as this was carefully guarded against; and we suppose it was in some manner connected with the removal of the earth round the little seedling. Lastly, the soil in the same pot was searched with the aid of a lens, and the white knife-like apex ofa seedling was found on an exact level with that of the surrounding surface. Fig. 50. Phalaris Canariensis : cireumnu- tation of a very young coty- ledon, with a mark placed below the apex, traced on a horizontal glass, from 11,37 AM. to 9.30 p.M. Dec. 15th. Movement of apex greatly magnified, here reduced to one-forrth of original scale. The soil was removed all round the apex to the depth of a quarter of an inch, the seed itself remaining covered. The pot, protected from lateral light, was placed under the micro- 64 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuar. L scope with a micrometer eye-piece, s0 arranged that each division equalled ;3,th of an inch. After an interval of 30 m. the apex was observed, and it was seen to cross a little obliquely two divisions of the micrometer in 9 m. 15 s.; and after a few minutes it crossed the same space in 8 m. 50s. The seedling was again observed after an intervalof three-quarters of an hour, and now the apex crossed rather obliquely two divisions in 10 m, We may therefore conclude that it was travelling at about the rate of Jjth of an inch in 45 minutes. We may also conclude from these and the previous observations, that the seedlings of Phalaris in breaking through the surface of the soil circum- nutate as much as the surrounding pressure will permit. This fact accounts (as in the case before given of the asparagus) for a circular, narrow, open space or crack being distinctly visible round several seedlings which had risen through very fine argillaceous sand, kept uniformly damp. Zea mays (Graminez).—A glass filament was fixed obliquely ~ to the summit of a cotyledon, Fig. 51. rising -2 of an inch above the ground; but by the third morn- ing it had grown to exactly thrice this height, so that the distance of the bead from the mark below was greatly in- creased, consequently the trac- ing (Fig. 51) was much more magnified on the first than on the second day. The upper part of the cotyledon changed Fn ae its course by at least as muck Zeu mays: circumnutation of cotyle- a8 a rectangle six times on each pg eat Ae eae ken oe of the two days. The plant Movement of bead casi an Was illuminated by an obscure average about 25 times. light from vertically above. This was a necessary precau- tion, as on the previous day we had traced the movements of cotyledons placed in a deep box, the inner side of which was feebly illuminated on one side from a distant north-east window, and at each observation by a wax taper held for a minute or two on the same side; and the result was that the cotyledons travelled all day long to this side, though making in their course some couspicuous flexures, from which fact alone we might have Crap. I. PHALARIS 65 concluded that they were circumnutating; but we thought it advisable to make the tracing above given. Radicles—Glass filaments were fixed to two short radicles, placed so as to stand almost upright, and whilst bending down- wards through geotropism their courses were strongly zigzag ; from this latter circumstance cirecumnutation might have been inferred, had not their tips become slightly withered after the first 24h., though they were watered and the air kept very damp. ,Nine radicles were next arranged in the manner formerly described, so that in growing downwards they left tracks on smoked glass-plates, inclined at various angles between 45° and 80° beneath the horizon. Almost every one of these tracks offered evidence in their greater or less breadth in dif- ferent parts, or in little bridges of soot being left, that the apex had come alternately into Fig. 52. more and less close contact with the glass. In the accompanying figure (Fig. 52) we have an accurate copy of one such track. In two instances alone (and in these the plates were highly inclined) there was some evidence of slight lateral movement. We presume therefore that the friction of the apex on the smoked surface, little as this could have been, sufficed } to check the movement from side to side of these Zz . : 7 ea mays: track delicate radicles. ; iefeon ihelined Avena sativa (Graminez).—A cotyledon, 13 smoked _glass- inch in height, was placed in front‘of a north- Plate by tip ‘ of radicle in east window, and the movement of the apex growing down- was traced on a horizontal glass during two wards. days. It moved towards the light in a slightly zigzag line from 9 to 11.30 a.m. on October 15th; it then moved a little backwards and zigzagged much until 5.p.m., after which hour, and during the night, it continued to move towards the window. On the following morning the same movement was continued in a nearly straight line until 12.40 p.m., when the sky remained until 2.385 extraordinarily dark from thunder-clouds. During this interval of 1h. 55m., whilst the light was obscure, it was interesting to observe how circumnutation overcame heliotropism, for the apex, instead of continuing to move towards the window in a slightly zigzag line, reversed its course four times, making two small narrow ellipses. A diagram of this case will be given in the chapter on Heliotropism. 56 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. Cuap. L A filament was next fixed to a cotyledon only { of an inch in height, which was illuminated exclusively from above, and as it was kept in a warm greenhouse, it grew rapidly ; and now there could be no doubt about its circumnutation, for it described a figure of 8 as well as two small ellipses in 53 hours. Nephrodium moile (Filices)—A seedling fern of this species Fig. 53. came up by chance in a flower- pot near its parent. The frond, as yet only slightly lobed, was only ‘16 of an inch in length and ‘2 in breadth, and was supported on a rachis as fine as a hair and ‘23 of an inch in height. A / very thin glass filament, which projected for a length of ‘36 of an inch, was fixed to the end of the frond. The movement was Nephrodium molle: cireumnutation go, highly magnified that the of very young frond, traced in A darkness on horizontal glass, figure (Fig. 58) cannot be fully from 94M. to 9. P.M. Oct. 30th. trusted; but the frond was Movement of bead magnified 48 constantly moving in a complex famnes. . Manner, and the bead greatly changed its course eighteen times in the 12 hours of observation. Within half an hour it often returned in a line almost parallel to its former course. The greatest amount of movement occurred between 4 and 6p.m. The circumnuta- Fig. 54. tion of this plant is interesting, because the species in the genus Lygodium are well known to circumnutate conspicuously s, and to twine round any neighbouring 3 object. Sclaginella Kraussii (?): Selaginella Kraussit (2) (hycopodiacez). circumnutation of —A very young plant, only ‘4 of an inch young plant, kept in in height, had sprung up in a pot in the darkness, traced from 444 house. An extremely fine glass fila- 8.45 a.m. to 10 Pat. JOG. S888 ue Oct. Blot. ment was fixed to the end of the frond- like stem, and the movement of the bead traced on a horizontal glass. It changed its course several times, as shown in Fig. 54, whilst observed during 13h.15m., and returned at night to a point not far distant from that whence it had started in the morning. There can be no doubt that this little plant cireumnutated. Cuap. IT. CIRCUMNULTATION OF SEEDLINGS. 67 CHAPTER II. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ON THE Movements AND GROWTH UF SEEDLING PLants. Generality of the circumnutating movement—Radicles, their circum- nutation of service—Manner in which they penetrate the ground— Manner in which hypocotyls and other organs break through the ground by being arched—Singular manner of germination in Megar- thiza, &e.—Abortion of cotyleduns— Circumnutation of hypocotyls and epicotyls whilst still buried and arched—Their power of straightening themselves—Bursting of the seed-coxrts—Inherited effect of the arching process in hypogean hypocotyls—Cireumnuti- tion of hypocotyls and epicotyls when erect—Ciicumnutation of cotyledons—Pulvini or joints of cotyledons, duration of their activity, rudimentary in Oxalis corniculata, their development— Sensitiveness of e.tylcdons to light and consequent disturbance of their periodic mcvements—Sensitivevess of cotyledons to coutact. Tue circumnutating movements of the several parts or organs of a considerable number of seedling plants have been described in the last chapter. A list is here appended of the Families, Cohorts, Sub-classes, &c.. to which they belong, arranged and numbered ac- cording to the classification adopted by Hooker.* Any one who will consider this list will see that the young, plants selected for observation, fairly represent the whole vegetable series excepting the lowest cryptogams, and the movements of some of the latter when mature will hereafter be described. As all the seedlings which were observed, including Conifers, Cycads and Ferns, which belong to the most ancient * As given in the ‘General System of Botany,’ by Le Maout and Decaisne, 1873. 68 CIRCUMNUTATION OF SEEDLINGS. OEsF. 2E types amongst plants, were continually circumnu- tating, we may infer that this kind of movement is common to every seedling species. Sus-Kixepom I.—Phenogamous Plants. Class I.—DicoTyLEDONS. Sub-class I —Angiosperms. Family. 14, Crucifere. 26, Caryophyllee. 36 Malvaceae. 41. Oxalidee. 49. Zropeolee. 52, Aurantiacce. 70. Hippocastanee. 75. Leguminose. 106. Cucurbitacee, 109, Cactee. 122. Composite. 135. Primulacee. 145. Asclepiadee. 151. Convolvulacee. 154. Borraginee. 156. Nolance. 157. Solanee. 181. Chenopodice. 202. Euphorbiacee. 211, Cupulifere. 212. Corylacea. XXIV. XXVII. XXXIL XXXVI Cohort. . PARIETALES. . CARYOPHYLLALES . MALVALES. . GERANIALES, Ditto Ditto . SAPINDALES, M1 XIL XIV. XVIL. XX, XXII. XXIIL. ROSALES. PASSIFLORALES, FICOIDALEs. ASTRALES, PRIMULALES. GENTIANALES. POLEMONIALES. Ditto Ditto SOLANALES. CHENOPODIALES, EUPHORBIALES, QUERNALES. Ditto Sub-class II1.—Gymnosperms, 223. Conifere. 224, Cycaden, Class II.-—-MonocoryLepons. 2. Cannacee, 34, Liliaceae. 41. Asparagee, 55. Graminea. II. XI. SV. AMOMALES, LILIALES, Ditro GLUMALES, Sus-Krxcromu Il.—Cryptegamie Plants. 1. Filices, 6. Lycopodiacce. I, FILICALES, Ditto Cuar. IL ACTION OF THE RADICLE. 69 Radicles—In all the germinating seeds observed by us, the first change is the protrusion of the radicle, which immediately bends downwards and endeavours to penetrate the ground. In order to effect this, it is almost necessary that the seed should be pressed down so as to offer some resistance, unless indeed the svil is extremely loose; for otherwise the seed is lifted up, instead of the radicle penetrating the surface. But seeds often get covered by earth thrown up by burrowing quadrupeds or scratching birds, by the castings of earth-worms, by heaps of excrement, the decaying branches of trees, &., and will thus be pressed down; and they must often fall into cracks when the ground is dry, or into holes. Even with seeds lying on the bare surface, the first developed root-hairs, by becoming attached to stones or other objects on the surface, are able to hold down the upper part of the radicle, whilst the tip pene- trates the ground. Sachs has shown* how well and closely root-hairs adapt themselves by growth to the most irregular particles in the soil, and become firmly attached to them. This attachment seems to be effected by the softening or liquefaction of the outer surface of the wall of the hair and its subsequent consolidation, as will be on some future occasion more fully described. This intimate union plays an important part, according to Sachs, in the absorption of water ard of the inorganic matter dissolved in it. The mechanical aid afforded by the root-hairs in pene- trating the ground is probably only a secondary service. The tip of the radicle, as soon as it protrudes from the seed-coats, begins to circumnutate, and the whole * ‘Physiologie Végétale,’ 1868, pp. 199, 205. 70 ACTION OF THE RADICLE. Caar. U growing part continues to do so, probably for as long as growth continues. This movement of the radicle has been described in Brassica, AZsculus, Phaseolus, Vicia, Cucurbita, Quercus and Zea. The probability of its occurrence was inferred by Sachs,* from radicles placed vertically upwards being acted on by geotro- pism (which we likewise found to be the case), for if they had remained absolutely perpendicular, the attrac- tion of gravity could not have caused them to bend to any one side. Circumnutation was observed in the above specified cases, either by means of extremely fine fila- ments of glass affixed to the radicles in the manner previously described, or by their being allowed to grow downwards over inclined smoked glass-plates, on which they left their tracks. In the latter cases the serpentine course (see Figs. 19, 21, 27, 41) showed unequivocally that the apex had continually moved from side to side. This lateral movement was small in extent, being in the case of Phaseolus at most about 1 mm. from a medial line to both sides. But there was also movement in a vertical plane at right angles to the inclined glass-plates. This was shown by the tracks often being alternately a little broader and narrower, due to the radicles having alternately pressed with greater and less force on the plates. Occasionally little bridges of soot were left across the tracks, showing that the apex had at these spots been lifted up. This latter fact was especially apt to occur * ‘Ueber das Wachsthum der Wurzeln: Arbeiten des bot. In- stituis in Wiirzburg, Heft iii. 1873, p. 460. This memoir, be- sides its intrinsic and great in- terest, deserves to be studied as a model of careful investigation, aud we shall have oceasion to refer to it repeatedly. Dr. Frank had previously remarked (‘ Bei trige zur Pflanzenphysiologie, 1868, p. $1) on the fact of radicles placed vertically upwards being acted on by geotropism, and ha explained it by the supposition that their grcwth was not equal on all sides. Suap. I. ACTION OF THE RADICLE. TL when the radicle instead of travelling straight down the glass made a semicircular bend; but Fig. 52 shows that this may occur when the track is rectilinear.- The apex by thus rising, was in one instance able to surmount a bristle cemented across an inclined glass- plate; but slips of wood only #4 of an inch in thickness always caused the radicles to bend rectangularly to one side, so that the apex did not rise to this small height in opposition to geotropism. In those cases in which radicles with attached fila- ments were placed so as to stand up almost vertically, they curved downwards through the action of geotro- pism, circumnutating at the same time, and their courses were consequently zigzag. Sometimes, how- ever, they made great circular sweeps, the lines being likewise zigzag. Radicles closely surrounded by earth, even when this is thoroughly soaked and softened, may perhaps be quite prevented from circumnutating. Yet we should remember that the circumnutating sheath-like cotyledons of Phalaris, the hypocotyls of Solanum, and the epicotyls of Asparagus formed round them- selves little circular cracks or furrows in a superficial layer of damp argillaceous sand. They were also able, as well as the hypocotyls of Brassica, to form straight furrows in damp sand, whilst circumnutating and bending towards a lateral light. In a future chapter it will be shown that the rocking or circum- nutating movement of the flower-heads of Trifolium subterraneum aids them in burying themselves. It is therefore probable that the circumnutation of the tip of the radicle aids it slightly in penetrating the ground; and it may be observed in several of the previously given diagrams, that the movement is more strongly pronounced in radicles when they first 6 12 ACTION OF THE RADICLE. Cnav. IL protrude from the seed than at a rather later period ; but whether this is an accidental or an adaptive coincidence we do not pretend to decide. Never- theless, when young radicles of Phaseolus multiflorus were fixed vertically close over damp sand, in the expectation that as soon as they reached it they would form circular furrows, this did not occur,—a fact which may be accounted for, as we believe, by the furrow being filled up as soon as formed by the rapid increase of thickness in the apex of the radicle. Whether or not a radicle, when surrounded by soft- ened earth, is aided in forming a passage for itself by circumnutating, this movement can hardly fail to be of high importance, by guiding the radicle along a line of least resistance, as will be seen in the next chapter when we treat of the sensibility of the tip to contact. If, however, a radicle in its down- ward growth breaks obliquely into any crevice, or a hole left by a decayed root, or one made by the larva of an insect, and more especially by worms, the circumnutating movement of the tip will materially aid it in following such open passage; and we have observed that roots commoniy run down the old burrows of worms.* When a radicle is placed in a horizontal or inclined position, the terminal growing part, as is well known, bends down towards the centre of the earth; and Sachs f has shown that whilst thus bending, the growth of the lower surface is greatly retarded, whilst that * Sece,also, Prof. Hensen’sstate- | rows made by worms, ments (‘ Zeitxchrift fiir Wissen, t ‘Arbeiten des bot. Inst. Zool.,’ B. xxviii. p. 354, 1877) to Wurzburg,’ vol. i. 1873, p. 461. the same effect. He goes so far See also p. 397 for the length of as to believe that roots are able the growing part, and p. 45] ou to penetrate the ground toa great the force of geotropism. fepth only by means of the bur- Cuav. TT. ACTION OF THE RADICLE. 73 of the upper surface continues at the normal rate, or may be even somewhat increased. He has further shown by attaching a thread, running over a pulley, to a horizontal radicle of large size, namely, that of the common bean, that it was able to pull up a weight of only one gramme, or 15°4 grains. We may therefore conclude that geotropism does not give a radicle force sufficient to penetrate the ground, but merely tells it (if such an expression may be used) which course to pursue. Before we knew of Sachs’ more precise observations we covered a flat surface of damp sand with the thinnest tin-foil which we could procure (‘02 to ‘03 mm., or ‘00012 to ‘00079 of an inch in thickness), and placed a radicle close above, in such a position that it grew almost perpendicularly down- wards. When the apex came into contact with the polished level surface it turned at right angles and glided over it without leaving any impression; yet the tin-foil was so flexible, that a little stick of soft wood, pointed to the same degree as the end of the radicle and gently loaded with a weight of only a quarter of an ounce (120 grains) plainly indented the tin-foil. Radicles are able to penetrate the ground by the force due to their longitudinal and transverse growth ; the seeds themselves being held down by the weight of the superincumbent soil. In the case of the bean the apex, protected by the root-cap, is sharp, and the growing part, from 8 to 10 mm. in length, is much more rigid, as Sachs has proved, than the part immediately above, which has ceased to increase in length. We endeavoured to ascertain the downward pressure of the growing part, by placing germinating beans between two small metal plates, the upper one of which was loaded with a known weight; and the 74 ACTION OF THE RADICLE. Cuap. TL. radicle was then allowed to grow into a narrow hole in wood, 2 or 8 tenths of an inch in depth, and closed at the bottom. The wood was so cut that the short space of radicle between the mouth of the hole and the bean could not bend laterally on three sides; but it was impossible to protect the fourth side, close to the bean. Consequently, as long as the radicle con- tinued to increase in length and remained straight, the weighted bean would be lifted up after the tip had reached the bottom of the shallow hole. Beans thus arranged, surrounded by damp sand, lifted up a quarter of a pound in 24 h. after the tip of the radicle had entered the hole. With a greater weight the radicles themselves always became bent on the one unguarded side; but this probably would not have occurred if they had been closely surrounded on all sides by compact earth. There was, however, a possible, but not probable, source of error in these trials, for it was not ascertained whether the beans themselves go on swelling for several days after they have germinated, and after having been treated in the manner in which ours had been; namely, being first left for 24 h. in water, then allowed to germinate in Fig. 55. Gutline of piece of stick (reduced to vne-half natural size) with a hole through — which the radicle of a bean grew. Thick- ness of stick at narrow end ‘08 inch, at broad end “16; depth of hole +1 inch. very damp air, afterwards placed over the hole and almost surrounded by damp sand in a closed box. We succeeded better in ascertaining the force exerted transversely by these radicles. Two were so placed as to penetrate small holes made in little sticks, one of which was cut into the shape here exactly copied (Fig. 55). The short end of the stick beyond the hole was purposely split, but not the opposite \ Cuap. LI. ACTION OF THE RADICLE. 76 end. As the wood was highly elastic, the split or fissure closed immediately after being made. After six days the stick and bean were dug out of the damp sand, and the radicle was found to be much enlarged above and beneath the hole. The fissure, which was at first quite closed, was now open to a width of 4 mm.; as soon as the radicle was extracted, it imn.e- diately closed to a width of 2 mm. ‘The stick was then suspended horizontally by a fine wire passing through the hole lately filled by the radicle, and a little saucer was sus- pended beneath to receive the weights; and it required 8 lbs. 8 ozs. to open the fissure to the width of 4 mm.—that is, the width before the root was ex- tracted. But the part of the radicle (only ‘1 of an inch in length) which was embedded in the hole, probably exerted a greater transverse strain even _, than 8 Ibs. 8 ozs., for it had split the solid wood for a length of rather more than a quarter of an inch (exactly -275 inch), and this fissure is shown in Fig. 55, Wooden pincers, kept closed by A second stick was tried in the hole (-14 inch in diameter same manner with almost ex- 224 ‘6 inch in depth) bored through the narrow closed actly the same result. part, through which a radicle We then followed a better fF 2 bean was allowed to grow. Temp. 50°-60° F. plan. Holes were bored near the narrow end of two wooden clips or pincers (Fig. 56), kept closed by brass spiral springs. Two radicles in damp sand were allowed to grow through these holes. The Fig. 56. 76 ACTION OF THE RADICLY. Cuap TL, pincers rested on glass-plates to lessen the friction trom the sand. The holes were a little larger (viz. 14 inch) and considerably deeper (viz. *6 inch) than in the trials with the sticks; so that a greater length of a rather thicker radicle exerted a transverse strain. After 13 days they were taken up. The distance of two dots (see the figure) on the longer ends of the pincers was now carefully measured; the radicles were then extracted from the holes, and the pincers of course closed. They were then suspended horizontally in the same manner as were the bits of sticks, and a weight of 1500 grams (or 3 lbs. 4 ozs.) was necessary with one of the pincers to open them to the same extent as had been effected by the transverse growth of the radicle. As soon as this radicle had slightly opened the pincers, it had grown into a flattened form and had escaped a little beyond the hole; its diameter in one direction being 4°2 mm., and at right angles 35 mm. If this escape and flattening could have been prevented, the radicle would probably have exerted a greater strain than the 3 lbs. 4 02s. With the other pincers the radicle escaped still further out of the hole; and the weight required to open them to the same extent as had been effected by the radicle, was only 600 grams. With these facts before us, there seems little diffi- culty in understanding how a radicle penetrates the ground. ‘The apex is pointed and is protected by the root-cap; the terminal growing part is rigid, and increases in length with a force equal, as far as our observations can be trusted, to the pressure of at least a quarter of a pound, probably with a much greater force when prevented from bending to any side by the surrounding earth. Whilst thus increasing in length it increases in thickness, pushing away the damp Cuap I. HYPOCOTYLS AND EPICOTYLS. 77 earth on all sides, with a force of above 8 pounds in one case, of 3 pounds in another case. It was impos- sible to decide whether the actual apex exerts, relatively to its diameter, the same transverse strain as the parts a little higher up; but there seems no reason to doubt that this would be the case. The growing part there- fore does not act like a nail when hammered into a board, but more like a wedge of wood, which whilst slowly driven into a crevice continually expands at the same time by the absorption of water; and a wedge thus acting will split even a mass of rock. Manner in which Hypocotyls, Epicotyls, &e., rise wp and break through the ground.—After the radicle has penetrated the ground and fixed the seed, the hypo- cotyls of all the dicotyledonous seedlings observed by us, which lift their cotyledons above the surtace, break through the ground in the form of an arch. When the cotyledons are hypogean, that is, remain buried in the soil, the hypocotyl is hardly developed, and the epicotyl or plumule rises in like manner as an arch through the ground. In all, or at least in most of such cases, the downwardly bent apex remains for a time enclosed within the seed-coats. With Corylis avel- lena the cotyledons are hypogean, and the epicotyl is arched; but in the particular case described in the last chapter its apex had been injured, and it grew laterally through the soil like a root; and in consequence of this it had emitted two secondary shoots, which likewise broke through the ground as arches. Cyclamen does not produce any distinct stem, and only a single cotyledon appears at first; * its petiole * Thisistheconelusionarrived considered by other botanists as at by Dr. H. Gressner (‘Bot. the first true leaf is really the Zeitung, 1874, p. 837), who — second cotyledon, which is greatly maintains that what las been delayed in its development. 78 HYPOCOTYLS, EPICOTYLS, ETC., Cuap. FL breaks tarough the ground as an arch (Fig. 57). Fig. 57. Persicum : seedling, figure en- larged: c, blade of cotyledon, not yet expanded, with arched petiole beginning to straighten itself; A, hypocotyl developed into acorm 5 r,second- ary radicles. Cyclamen Abronia also has only a single fully developed cotyledon, but in this case it is the hypocotyl which first emerges and is arched. 2 PF CLIN. Fragavia: cireumnutation of another and younger stolon, traced from 8 to 10.30 p.m. Figure reduced to one-half of original scale. actual distance travelled by the apex amounted to 115 inch; and in the course of the whole day to at least 2°67 inch. This is an amount of movement almost comparable with that of some climbing plants. The same stolon was observed on the following day, and now it moved in a somewhat less complex manner, in a plane not far from vertical, The extreme amount of actual movement was 1°55 inch in one direction, and ‘6 inch in another direction at right angles. During neither of these days did the stolon bend downwards through geotropism or its own weight. Four stolons still attached to the plant were laid on damp sand in the back of a room, with their tips facing the north-east windows. They were thus placed because De Vries says * that they are apheliotropic when exposed to the light of the sun; but we could not perceive any effect from the above feeble degree of illumination. We may add that on another occasion, late in the sumer, some stolons, placed upright before a south-west window * + Arbeiten Bot. Inst., Wiirzburg,’ 1872, p. 434. 218 CIRCUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. Cua IV. an a cloudy day, became distinctly curved towards the light, and were therefore heliotropic. Close in front of the tips of the prostrate stolons, a crowd of very thin sticks and the dried haulms of grasses were driven into the sand, to represent the crowded stems of surrounding plants in a state of nature. This was done for the sake of observing how the growing stolons would pass through them. They did so easily in the course of 6 days, and their circumnutation apparently facilitated their passage. When the tips encountered sticks so close together that they could not pass between them, they rose up and passed over them. ‘The sticks and haulms were removed after the passage of the four stolons, two of which were found to have assumed a permanently sinuous shape, and two were still straight. But to this subject we shall recur under Saxifraga. Saxifraga sarmentosa (Saxifragee).—A plant in a suspended pot had emitted long branched stolons, which depended like Fig. 88. Saxifraga sarmentosa: circumnutation of an inclined stolon, traced in darkness on a horizontal glass, from 7.45 a.m. April 18th to 9 a.m, on 9th. Movement of end of stolon magnified 2-2 times. threads on all sides. Two were tied upso as to stand vertically, and their upper ends became gradually bent downwards, but so slowly in the course of several days, that the bending was pro- bably due to their weight and not to geotropism. A glass fila- ment with little triangles of paper was fixed to the end of one of these stolons, which was 17} inches in length, and had already become much bent down, but still projected at a considerable angle above the horizon. It moved only slightly three times from side to side and then upwards; on the following day Cuap. IV. CIRCUMNUTATION OF STOLONS. 219 the movement was even less. As this stolon was so long we thought that its growth was nearly completed, so we tried another which was thicker and shorter, viz., 10} inches in length. It moved greatly, chiefly upwards, and changed its course five times in the course of the day. During the night it curved sc much upwards in opposition to gravity, that the movement could no longer be traced on the vertical glass, and a horizontal one had to be used. The movement was followed during the next 25 h., as shown in Fig. 88. Three irregular ellipses, with their longer axes somewhat differently directed, were almost completed in the first 15h. The extreme actual amount of movement of the tip during the 25 h. was °75 inch. Several stolons were laid on a flat surface of damp sand, in the same manner as with those of the strawberry. The friction of the sand did not interfere with their circumnutation ; nor could we detect any evidence of their being sensitive to contact. In order to see how in a state of nature they would act, when encountering a stone or other obstacle on the ground, short pieces of smoked glass, an inch in height, were stuck upright into the sand in front of two thin lateral branches. Their tips scratched the smoked surface in various directions; one made three upward and two downward lines, besides a nearly hori- zontal one; the other curled quite away from the glass; but ultimately both surmounted the glass and pursued their original course. The apex of a third thick stolon swept up the glass in a eurved line, recoiled and again came into contact with it ; it then moved to the right, and after ascending, descended vertically ; ultimately it passed round one end of the glass instead of over it. Many long pins were next driven rather close together into the sand, so as to form a crowd in front of the same two thin lateral branches; but these easily wound their way through the crowd. y 2 } a | § $ ‘om 14.4 10° 35'p.m.16% S . 10°%5'p.m.14the Dianthus caryophyllus: circumnutation of young leaf, traced from 10.15 P.M. June 13th to 10.35 16th. Apex of leaf stood, at the close of our observations, 82 inches from the vertical glass, so tracing not greatly magnified. The leaf was 53 incheslong. Temp. 15$°-172° C. the long, slightly zigzag line representing this rapid downward course, which was somewhat inclined to the left, is not given; but the figure shows the highly tortuous and zigzag course, together with some loops, pursued during the next 23 days. As th: leaf continued to move all the time to the left, it ig evident that the zigzag line represents many circumnutations, (6.) Camellia Japonica (Camelliaceee, Fam. 32)—A youngish leaf, which together with its petiole was 2% inches in length and which arose from a side branch on a tall bush, had a filament attached to its apex. This leaf sloped downwards at an angle of 40° beneath the horizon. As it was thick and rigid, and its 16 232 petiole very short, Fig. 97. (i Camellia Japonica: cir- cumnutation of leaf, traced from 6.40 A.M. June 14th to 6.50 AM. 15th. Apex of leaf 12 inches from the ver- tical glass, so figure considerably = mag~- nified. Temp. 16°- 164° C. CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap. 1V much movement could not be expected Nevertheless, the apex changed its course completely seven times in the course of 114 h., but moved to only a very sma) distance. On the next day the movement of the apex was traced during 26 h. 20 m. (as shown in Fig. 97), and was nearly of the same nature, but rather less complex. The movement seems to be periodical, for on both days the leaf cireumnutated in tho forenoon, fell in the afternoon (on the first day until between 3 and 4 p.m., and on the second day until 6 p.m.), and then rose, falling again during the night or early morning. In the chapter on the Sleep of Plants we shall see that the leaves in several Malvaceous genera sink 6°.30'p.m.10th Fig. 98. 9°. 30'a.m.14th 10°.85' p.m.15¢h Pelargonium zonale: circumnutation and downward movement of young leaf, traced from 9.30 A.M. June 14th to 6.30 p.m. 16th. Apex of leaf 9} inches from the vertical glass, so figure moderately magnified. Temp. 15°-164° C, at night ; and as they often do not then occupy a vertical position, especially if they have not been well illuminated during Cuap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 233 the day, it is doubtful whether some of these cases onght nat to have been included in the present chapter. (7.) Pelargonium zonale (Geraniacee, Fam. 47).— A young leaf, 1} inch in breadth, with its petiole 1 inch long, borne on a young plant, was observed in the usual manner during 61 h.; and its course is shown in the preceding figure (Fig. 98). During the first day and night the leaf moved downwards, but circumnutated between 10 a.m. and 4.30 p.m. On the second day it sank and rose again, but between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. it circumnutated on an extremely small scale. On the third day the circumnutation was more plainly marked. (8.) Cissus discolur (Ampelidex, Fam. 67).—A leaf, not nearly full-grown, the third from the apex of Fig. 99. a shoot on a cut-down plant, was observed during 31h. 30 m. (see Fig. 99). The day was cold (15°-16° C.), and if the plant had been observed in the hot-house, the circumnutation, though plain enough as it was, would probably have been far more cou- spicuous. (9.) Vicia faba (Leguminose, Fam. 75)—A young leaf, 3:1 inches in length, measured from base of petiole to end of leaflets, had a filament affixed to the midrib of one of the two ter- minal leaflets, and its movements were : traced during 513 h. The filament fell we all morning (July 2nd) til 3p.mj,and 6... ai, adler 2eivouriuc then rose greatly till 10.35 p.m.; but tation of leaf, traced the rise this day was so great, com- from 10.35 aM. May pared with that which subsequently ai ae ee oe : z Apex of leaf 83 inches occurred, that it was probably due in from the vertical glass, part to the plant being illuminated from above. The latter part of the course on July 2nd is alone given in the following figure (Fig. 100). On the next day (July 8rd) the leaf again fell in the morning, then circumnu- tated in a conspicuous manner, and rose till late at night; but the movement was not traced after 7.15 p.m., as by that time the filament pointed towards the upper edge of the glass. During the latter part of the night or early morning it again fell in the same manner as before. Pa 234 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar. 1V As the evening rise and the early morning fall were unusually large, the angle of the petiole above the horizon was measured at the two periods, and the leaf was found to have risen 19° Fig. 100, 7215S p.m.20d Vieia fbi; circumnutation of leaf, traced from 7.15 p.m. July 2nd te 10.15 A.M. 4th. Apex of the two terminal leaflets 7} inches from the vertical glass. Figure here reduced to two-thirds of original scale. Temp. 17°-18° C. between 12.20 p.m. and 10.45 p.m., and to have fallen 23° 380 between the latter hour and 10.20 a.m. on the following morning. The main petiole was now secured to a stick close to the base nap. TV, DICOTYLEDONS. 235 of the two terminal leaflets, which were 1°4 inch in length; and the movements of one of them were traced during 48h. (sce Fig. 101). The course pursued is closely analogous to that of the whole leaf. The zigzag line between 8.380 a.m. and 3.30 P.a. on the second day represents 5 very small ellipses, with their Fig. 101. 10°30'am.e® 10°40'a.m. 4 Vicia faba: circumnutation of one of the two terminal leaflets, the main petiole having been secured, traced from 10.40 a.m. July 4th to 10.30 a.m 6th. Apex of leaflet 63 inches from the vertical glass. Tracing here reduced to one-half of original scale. Temp, 16°-18° C. longer axes differently directed. From these observations it follows that both the whole leaf and the terminal leaflets undergo a well-marked daily periodical movement, rising in the evening and falling during the latter part of the night or early morning; whilst in the middle of the day they generally circumnutate round the same small space. 236 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LMAVES. Cuar. IV (10.) Acacia retinoides (Leguminose).—The movement of a young phyllode, 23 inches in length, and inclined at a consider- Fig 102, Acacia retinoides : cir- cumnutation of a young __ phyllode, traced from 10.45 aM. July 18th to 8.15 aM. 19th. Apex of phyllode 9 inches from the vertical glass; temp. 16 3°-174° C. able angle above the horizon, was traced during 45 h. 30 m.; but in the figure here given (Fig.102), its circumnutation is shown during only 21h. 30m. During part of this time (viz., 14 h. 30 m.) the phyllode described a figure re- presenting 5 or 6 small ellipses. The actual amount of movement in a ver- tical direction was *3 incb. The phyllode rose considerably be- tween 1.30 p.m. and 4 pm., but there was no evidence on either day of a regular pe- riodic movement. C11.) Lupinus sye- ciosus (Leguminose). Fig. 103, —Plants were raised from seed purchased under this name. This is ove of the species in this large genus, the leaves of which do not sleep at night. The petioles rise direct from the ground, and are from 5 to 7 inches in length. A filament was fixed to the midrib of one of the longer leaflets, and the movement of the whole leaf was traced, as shown in Fig. 108. In the course of 6 h. 30 m. the filament went four times up and three times down. A new tracing was then begun (not here given), and during 123 h. the leaf moved eight times up and seven times down; s0 that it described 73 ellipses in this time, and this is an extraordinary rate of movement. The summit of the petiole was then secured ‘ Lupinus speciosus: cit- cumnatation of leaf traced on vertical glass, from 10.15 4.31. to 5.45 P.M.3 ie, during 6 h. 30 m, to a stick, and the separate leaflets were found to be continnally sircumnutating. Cuar. LV. DICOTYLEDONS. 237 (12.) Echeveria stolunifera (Crassulacese, Fam. 84).—The older leaves of this plant are so thick and fleshy, and the young ones so short and broad, that it seemed very improbable that any circum- nutation could be detected. A fila- ment was fixed to a young upwardly inclined leaf, °75 inch in Jength and °28 in breadth, which stood on the outside of a terminal rosette of leaves, produced by a plant growing very vigorously. Its movement was traced during 3 days, as here shown (Fig. 104). The course was chiefly in an upward direction, and this may be attributed to the elongation of the leaf through growth; but we see that the lines are strongly zigzag, and that al occasionally there was distinct cir- f cumnutation, though on a very small Echeceria stolonifera : circum- scale nutation of leaf, traced cl fe from 8.20 A.M. June 25th 18.) Bryophyllum (vel Culanche) to 8.45 am. 28th. Apex calycinum (Crassulacese).— Duval- of leaf 12} inches from the Jouve (Bull. Soc. Bot. de France, — 8s; s0 ie oe ea eine Feb. 14th, 1868) measured the diss Qy0049G tance between the tips of the upper pair of eaves on this plant, with the result shown in the following Table. It should be noted that the measurements on Dec, 2nd were made on a different pair of leaves :— Fig. 104. 8 A.M. 2 PM. 7 P.M. Nov.16 . - 15mm . . . 25mm... (?) gy 1D we ws 4B eo 8, Oi 5 . 48mm Dec. 2 22 5 43. 5 28 We see from this Table that the leaves stood considerably further apart at 2 p.m. than at either 8 am. or7 p.M.; and this shows that they rise a little in the evening and fall or open in the forenoon. (14.) Drosera rotundifolia (Droseracese, Fam. 85).—The move- ments of a young leaf, having a long petiole but with its tentacles (or gland-hearing hairs) as yet unfolded, were traced during 47h. 15m. The figure (Fig. 105) shows that it cireumnutated largely, chiefly in a vertical direction, making two ellipses each 238 day. On both CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar. IV. days the leaf began to descend after 12 or 1 o'clock, and continued to do so all night, though to a Fig. 105. lS L5pm7'! \110°40'p.m:8P i Drosera rotundifolia: circumnutation of young leaf, with filament fixed to back of blade, traced from 9.15 A.M. June 7th to 8.35 a.m. June 9th. Figure here reduced to one- half original scale. very unequal distance on the two occasions. We therefore thought that the movement was periodic; but on observ- ing three other leaves during several successive days and nights, we found this to be an error; and the case is given merely as a caution. On the third morning the above leaf occupied almost exactly the same position as on the first morning; and the tentacles by this time had unfolded sufficiently to project at right angles to the blade or disc. The leaves as they grow older gencrally sink more and more downwards. The movement of an oldish leaf, “the glands of which were still secreting freely, was traced for 24 h., during which time it continued to sink a little in a slightly zigzag line. On the following morning, at 7 A.M., a drop of a solution of carbonate of ammonia (2 gr. to 1 oz. of water) was placed on the disc, and this blackened the glands and in- duced inflection of many of the tentacles. The weight of the drop caused the leaf at first to sink a little; but immediately afterwards it began to rise in a somewhat zigzag course, and continued to do so till 8p.m. It then circumnutated about the same spot on a very small scale for 21 h.; and during the next 21 h. it sank in a zigzag line to nearly the same level which it had held when the ammonia was first administered. By this time the tentacles had re-expanded, and the glands had recovered their proper colour. We thus learn that an old leaf Onap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 239 circumnutates on a small scale, at least whilst absorbing car- bonate of ammonia; for it is probable that this absorption may stimulate growth and thus re-excite circumnutation. Whether the rising of the glass filament which was attached to the back of the leaf, resulted from its margin becoming slightly inflected (as generally occurs), or from the rising of the petiole, was not ascertained. In order to learn whether the tentacles or gland-bearing hairs circumnutate, the back of a young leaf, with the innermost tentacles as yet incurved, was firmly cemented with shellac to a flat stick driven into compact damp argillaceous sand. The plant was placed under a microscope with the stage re- moved and with an eye-piece micrometer, of which each division equalled 54, of an inch, It should be stated that as the leaves grow older the tentacles of the exterior rows bend outwards and downwards, so as ultimately to become deflected considerably beneath the horizon. A tentacle in the second row from the margin was selected for observation, and was found to be moving outwards at a rate of 335 of an inch in 20 m., or z35 of inch in 1 h. 40 m.; but as it likewiso moved from side to side to an extent of above <4, of inch, the move- ment was probably one of modified circumnutation. A tentacle on an old leaf was next observed in the same manner. In 15 m. after being placed under the microscope it had moved about yg55 Of an inch. During the next 73 h. it was looked at repeatedly, and during this whole time it moved only another tooo Of an inch ; and this small movement may have been due to the settling of the damp sand (on which the plant rested), though the sand had been firmly pressed down. We may there- fore conclude that the tentacles when old do not circumnutate ; yet this tentacle was so sensitive, that in 23 seconds after its gland had been merely touched with a bit of raw meat, it began to curl inwards. This fact is of some importance, as it appa- rently shows that the inflection of the tentacles from the stimulus of absorbed animal matter (and no doubt from that of contact with any object) is not due to modified circumnutation. (15.) Dioncea (Droserace).—It should be premised that the leaves at an early stage of their development have the two lobes pressed closely together. These are at first directed back towards the centre of the plant; but they gradually rise up and soon stand at right angles to the petiole, and ultimately in nearly a straight line with it. A young leaf, which with the 240 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap. IV petiole was only 12 inch in length, had a filament fixed exter- nally along the midrib of the still closed lobes, which projected at right angles to the petiole. In the evening this leaf com- pleted an ellipse in the course of 2h, On the following day (Sept. 25th) its move- ments were traced during 22 h.; and we see in Fig. 106 that it moved in the same general direction, due to the straightening of the leaf, but in an extremely zigzag line. This line represents several drawn-out or modified ellipses. There can therefore be / no doubt that this young leaf circumnu~- i tated. ’ ; A rather old, horizontally extended ! leaf, with a filament attached along the f under side of the midrib, was next observed during 7 h. It hardly moved, but when one of its sensitive hairs was touched, the blades closed, though not very quickly. A new dot was now made on the glass, but in the course of 14h. 2) m. there was hardly any change in the position of the filament. We may therefore infer that an old and only moderately sensitive leaf does not cireum- nutate plainly; but we shall soon see Fig. 106. Donea muscipuia: cir- cumnutation of a young and expanding leaf, traced on a hori- zontal glass in dark- ness, from noon Sept. 24th to 10 a.m. 25th. Apex of leaf 13} inches from the glass, so tracing consider- ably magnified. that it by no means follows that such a leaf is absolutely motionless. We may further infer that the stimulus from a touch does not re-excite plain circumnu- tation. Another full-grown leaf had a filameni attached externally along one side of the midrib and parallel to it, so that the fila- ment would move if the lobes closed. It should be first stated that, although a touch on one of the sensi- tive hairs of a vigorous leaf causes it to close quickly, often almost instantly, yet when a bit of damp meat or some solution of carbonate of ammonia is placed on the lobes, they close so slowly that generally 24 h. is required for the completion of the act. The above leaf was first observed for 2 h. 30 m., and did not circumnutate, but it onght to have been observed for a Cnar. IV. DICOTYLEDONS 241 longer period; although, as we have secn, a young leaf com- pleted a fairly large ellipse in 2 h. A drop of an infusion of raw meat was then placed or the leaf, and within 2 h. the glass filament rose a little; and this implies that the lobes had begun to close, and perhaps the petiole to rise. It continued to rise with extreme slowness for the next 8 h. 30m. The position of the pot was then (7.15 p.m., Sept. 24th) slightly changed and an additional drop of the infusion given, and a new tracing was begun (Fig. 107). By 10.50 p.m. the filament had risen only a little more, and it fell during the night. On the follow- ing morning the lobes were closing more quickly, and by 5 p.m. it was evident to the eye that they had closed considerably ; by 8.48 p.m. this was still plainer, and by 10.45 p.m. the marginal spikes were interlocked. ‘The leaf fell a little during the night, and next morning (25th) at 7 am. the lobes were completely shut. The course pursued, as may be seen in the figure, was Fig. 107. S48pm 045 pm.254 dy NO oam26% \ (50.m.25%0 Dionea muscipula : closure of the lobes and circumnutation of a full-grown leaf, whilst absorbing an infusion of raw meat, traced in darkness, from 7.15 P.M. Sept. 24th to 9 a.m. 26th. Apex of leaf 84 inches from the vertical glass. Figure here reduced to two-thirds of original scale. strongly zigzag, and this indicates that the closing of the lobes was combined with the circumnutation of the whole leaf, and there cannot be much doubt, considering how motionless the leaf was during 2 h. 30 m. before it received the infusion, that the absorption of the animal matter had excited it to circumnutate. The leaf was occasionally observed for the next four days, but was kept in rather too cool a place; nevertheless, it continued to circumnutate to a small extent, and the lobes remained closed. It is sometimes stated in botanical works that the lobes close or sleep at night; but this is an error. To test the statement, very long glass filaments were fixed inside the two lobes of three leaves, and the distances between their tips were measured in the middle of the day and at night; but no difference could be detected. The previous observations relate to the movements of the whole leaf, but the lobes move independently of the petiole, and , 242 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap. IV. seem to be continually opening and shutting to a very small extent. A nearly full-grown leaf (afterwards proved to be highly sensitive to contact) stood almost horizontally, so that by driving a long thin pin through the foliaceous petiole close to the blade, it was rendered motionless. The plant, with a little triangle of paper attached to one of the marginal spikes, was placed under a microscope with an eye-piece micrometer, each division of which equalled =3, of an iuch. The apex of the paper-triangle was now seen to be in constant slight move- ment; for in 4h. it crossed nine divisions, or =%, of an inch, and after ten additional hours it moved back and had crossed sq in an opposite direction. The plant was kept in rather too cool a place, and on the following day it moved rather less, namely, <3, in 3 h., and 2, in an opposite direction during the next 6 h. The two lobes, therefore, seem to be constantly closing or opening, though to a very small distance; for we must remember that the little triangle of paper affixed to the marginal spike increased its length, and thus exaggerated somewhat the movement. Similar observations, with the important difference that the petiole was left free and the plant kept under a high temperature, were made on a leaf, which was healthy, but so old that it did not close when its sensitive hairs were repeatedly touched, though judging from other cases it would have slowly closed if it had been stimulated by animal matter. The apex of the triangle was in almost, though not quite, constant movement, sometimes in one direction and sometimes in an opposite one; and it thrice crossed five divisions of the micrometer (i.e. ~}; of an inch) in 80 m. This movement on so small a scale is hardly comparable with ordinary circumnutation; but it may perhaps be compared with the zigzag lines and little loops, by which the larger ellipses made by other plants are often interrupted. In the first chapter of this volume, the remarkable oscillatory movements of the circumnutating hypocotyl of the cabbage lave been described. The leaves of Dionwa present the same phenomenon, which is a wonderful one, as viewed under a low power (2-inch object-glass), with an eye-piece micrometer o! which each division (;4, of an inch) appeared as a rather wide space. The young unexpanded leaf, of which the circumnutating movements were traced (Fig. 106), had a glass filament fixed perpendicularly to it; and the movement of the apex was observed in the hot-house (temp. 84° to 86° F.), with light admitted only from above, and with any lateral currents of air Ouar. LV. DICOTYLEDONS. 243 excluded. The apex sometimes crossed one or two divisions of the micrometer at an imperceptibly slow rate, but generally it moved onwards by rapid starts or jerks of +35 or rsz, and in one instance of ;455 of an inch. After each jerk forwards, the apex drew itself backwards with comparative slowness for part of the distance which had just been gained; and then after a very short time made another jerk forwards. Four conspi- cuous jerks forwards, with slower retreats, were seen on one occasion to occur in exactly one minute, besides some minor oscillations. As far as we could judge, the advancing and retreating lines did not coincide, and if so, extremely minute ellipses were each time described. Soinetimes the apex remained quite motionless for a short period. Its general course during the several hours of observation was in two opposite directions, so that the leaf was probably circumnutating. An older leaf with the lobes fully expanded, and which was afterwards proved to be highly sensitive to contact, was next observed in a similar manner, except that the plant was exposed to a lower temperature ina room. The apex oscillated forwards and backwards in the same manner as before; but the jerks for- ward were less in extent, viz. about 745 inch; and there were longer motionless periods. As it appeared possible that the movements might be due to currents of air, a wax taper was held close to the leaf during one of the motionless periods, but no oscillations were thus caused. After 10 m., however, vigorous oscillations commenced, perhaps owing to the plant having been warmed and thus stimulated. Thecandle was then removed and before long the oscillations ceased ; nevertheless, when looked at again after an interval of 1h. 30m., it was again oscillating. The plant was taken back into the hot-house, and on the following morning was seen to be oscillating, though not very vigorously. Another old but healthy leaf, which was not in the least sensitive to a touch, was likewise observed during two days in the hot-house, and the attached filament made many little jerks forwards of about +345 or only zgq of an inch. Finally, to ascertain whether the lobes independently of the petiole oscillated, the petiole of an old leaf was cemented close to the blade with shellac to the top of a little stick driven into the soil. But before this was done the leaf was observed and found to be vigorously oscillating or jerking; and after it had been cemented to the stick, the oscillations of about +255 of an inch stil] continued. On the following day a little infusion 244 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap. 1¥ of raw meat was placed on the leaf, which caused the lobes tc close together very slowly in the course of two days; and the oscillations continued during this whole time and for the next two days. After nine additional days the leaf began to open and the margins were a little everted, and now the apex of the glass filament remained for long periods motionless, and then moved backwards and forwards for a distance of about z455 of an inch slowly, without any jerks. Nevertheless, after warming the leaf with a taper held close to it, the jerking movement recommenced. This same leaf had been observed 2} months previously, and was then found to be oscillating or jerking. We may therefore infer that this kind of movement goes on night and day fora very long period; and it is common to young unexpanded leaves and to leaves so old as to have lost their sensitiveness to a touch, but which were still capable of absorbing nitrogenous matter. The phenomenon when well displayed, as in the young leaf just described, is a very interesting one. It often brought before our minds the idea of effort, cr of a small animal struggling to escape from some constraint. (16.) Lucalyptus resinifera (Myrtacee, Fam. 94).—A young leaf, two inches in length together with the petiole, produced by a lateral shoot from a cut-down tree, was observed in the usual manner, The blade had not as yet as- sumed its vertical position. On June 7th only a few observations were made, and the tracing merely showed that the leaf had moved three times upwards and three downwards. On the following Eucalyptus resinifera : circumnu- day it was observed more fre- tation of a leaf, traced, A, from quently; and two tracings were 6.40 A.M. tol pm. June 8th; made (see A and B, Fig. 108), as as ee aes eeu a single one would have been too from the horizontal glass, so complicated. The apex changed figures considerably magnified, its course 13 times in the course ; of 16h., chiefly up and down, but with some lateral movement. The actual amount of movement in any one direction was small. (17.) Dadlia (garden var.) (Composite, Fam. 122).—A fine young Fig. 108 Saar. LY. DICOTYLEDONS. 245 Icaf 53 inches in length, produced by a young plant 2 feet high, growing vigorously in a large pot, was directed at an angie ot about 45° beneath the horizon. On June 18th the leaf descended from 10 a.m. till 1135 a.m. (see Fig. 109); it then ascended greatly till 6 p.wt., this ascent being probably due to the light Fig. 109. FAI Om 19” 0 35° ‘pm.1s% ° 20’ are **8'10'a.m 20% 10’ ofm.18% Dahha: circumnutation of leaf, traced from 10 a.m. June 18th to 8.10 a.m, 20th, but with a break of Lh. 40m. on the morning of the 19th, as, owing to the glass filament pointing too much to one side, the pot had to ke slightly moved ; therefore the relative position of the two tracings is somewhat arbitrary. The figure here given is reduced to one-fifth of the original scale. Apex of leaf 9 inches from the glass in the line of its inclination, and 4% in a horizontal line, coming only from above. It zigzagged between 6 P.m. and 10.35 p.m., and ascended a little during the night. It should be remarked that the vertical distances in the lower part of the diagram are much exaggerated, as the leaf was at first deflected beneath the horizon, and after it had sunk downwards, the filament pointed in a very oblique line towards the glass. Next 246 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar. IV. day the leaf descended from 8.20 a.m. till 7.15 p.x., then zigzagged and ascended greatly during the night. On the morning of the 20th the leaf was probably beginning to descend, though the short line in the diagram is horizontal. The actual distancce travelled by the apex of the leaf were considerable, but could not be calculated with safety. From the course pursued on the second day, when the plant had accommodated itself to the light from above, there cannot be much doubt that the leaves undergo a daily periodic movement, sinking during the day and rising at night. (18.) Mulisia cl-matis (Composite).—The leaves terminate in tendrils and circumnutate like those of other tendril-bearers; but this plant is here mentioned, on account of an erroneous statement * which has been published, namely, that the leaves sink at night and rise during the day. The leaves which behaved in this manner had been kept for some days in a northern room and had not been sufficiently illuminated. A plant therefore was left undisturbed in the hot-house, and three leaves had their angles measured at noon and at 10 p.m. All three were inclined a little beneath the horizon at noon, but one stood at night 2°, the second 21°, and the third 10° higher than in the middle of the day; so that instead of sinking they rise a little at night. (19.) Cyclumen Persicim (Primulacee, Fam. 135).—A young leaf, 18 of an inch in length, petiole included, produced by an old root-stock, was observed during three days in the usual manner (Fig.110). On the first day the leaf fell more than after- wards, apparently from adjusting itself to the light from above. On all three days it fell from the early morning to about 7 p.m., and from that hour rose during the night, the course being slightly zigzag. The movement therefore is strictly periodic. It should be noted that the leaf would have sunk each evening a little lower down than it did, had not the glass filament rested between 5 and 6 p.m. on the rim of the pot. The amount of movement was considerable; for if we assume that the whole Icaf to the base of the petiole became bent, the tracing would be magnified rather less than five times, and this would give to the apex a rise and fall of half an inch, with some lateral movement. This amount, however, would not attract attention without the aid of a tracing or measurement of some kind. * «The Movements and Iubits of Climbing Plants, 1875, p. 118. Cnap. LV. DICOTYLEDONS. 247 20.) Allamandu Schottii (A pocynex, Fam. 144).—The young leaves of this shrub are elongated, with the blado bowed so much Fig. 110 6 45 ama" 6 s0' ams 6°L0'a.m. 5A \ 7pm: 7'p.m.3td OS pm 4h Cyclamen Persicum ; circumnutation of leaf, traced from 6.45 a.m June 2ad to 6.40 A.M. Sth, Apes of leaf 7 inches from the vertical glass, downwards as almost to form a semicircle. The chord—that is, a line drawn from the apex of the blade to the base of the petiole—of a young leaf. 43 inches in length, stood at 2.50 p.m on 17 248 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Caapr. LV Dee. 5th at an angle of 13° beneath the horizon, but by 9.30 p.m. Fig. 111. oy 7 . ~ 5 i <3 Ss Petunia violice:: downward meove- ment and circumnutation of a very young leaf, traced from 1) A.M. June 2nd to 9.20 a.m. June 6th. N.B.—At 6.40 a.m. on tne 5th it was necessary to move the pot a little, and a new tracing was begun at the point where two dots are not joined in tne diagram. Apex of lea? 7 inches from the vertical glass. Temp. generally 174°C. the blade had straightened itself so much, which implies the raising of the apex, that the chord now stood at 37° above the horizon, and had therefore risen 5U°. On the next day similar angular measurements of the same leaf were made; and at noon the chord stood 36° be- neath the horizon, and 9.30 p.s. 34° above it, so had risen 393°. The chief cause of the rising movement lies in the straighten- ing of the bldde, but the short petiole rises between 4° and 5°. On the third night the chord stood at 35° above the horizon, and if the leaf occupied the same position at noon, as on the previous day, it had risen 71°. With older leaves no such change of curvature could be detected. The plant was then brought into the house, and kept in a north-east room, but at night there was no change in the curvature of the young leaves; so that previous expo- sure to a strong light is appa- rently requisite for the periodi- cal change of curvature in the blade, and for the slight rising of the petiole. (21.) Wiyandia (Hydroleacer, Fam. 149).—Professor Pfeffer informs us that the leaves of this plant rise in the evening; but as we do not know whether or not the rising is great, this species ought perhaps to be classed amongst sleeping plants Omar. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 249 (22.) Petunia violacea (Solanew, Fam. 157).—A very young leaf, only 2 inch in length, highly inclined upwards, was observed for four days. During the whole of this time it bent outwards and downwards, so as to become more and more nearly hori- zontal. The strongly marked zigzag line in the figure on p. 248 (Fig. 111), shows that this was effected by modified circum- nutation ; and during the latter part of the time there was much ordinary circumuutation on a small scale. The movement in the diagram is magnified between 10 and 11 times. It exhibits a clear trace of periodicity, as the leaf rose a little each evening ; but this upward tendency appeared to be almost conquered by the leaf striving to become more and Fig. 112, more horizontal as it grew older. The angles which two older leaves formed together, were measured in the even- ing and about noon on 3 successive days, and each night the angle de- creased a little, though irregularly. (23.) Acanthus mollis (Acanthaceze, Fam. 168).—The younger of two leaves, 2} inches in length, petiole included, produced by a seedling plant, was observed during 47 h. Early on each of the three morn- ings, the apex of the leaf fell; and it continued to fall till 3 p.m, on the two afternoons when observed. A After 3 p.m. it rose considerably, and / continued to rise on the second night until the early morning. But on the first night it fell instead of rising, and we have little doubt that this Acanthus mollis : circumnuta- tion of young leaf, traced was owing to the leaf being very young and becoming through epi- nastic growth more and more hori- zontal; for it may be seen in the diagram (Fig. 112), that the leaf stood on a higher level on the first than on the second day. The leaves of an allied species (A. spinosus) certainly from 9.20 a.m. June 14th to 8.30 A.M. 16th. Apex of leaf 11 inches from the vertical glass, so movement considerably magnified. Figure here reduced to one- half of original scale. Temp. 15°-163° C. rose every night ; and the rise between noon and 10.15 p.m., when measured on one occasion, was 10°. This rise was chiefly 250 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar. IV. or exclusively due to the straightening of the blade, and not to the movement of the petiole. We may therefore concl ude that the leaves of Acanthus circumnutate periodically, falling in the morning and rising in the afternoon and night. (24.) Cannabis sutiva (Cannabinew, Fam. 195).—We have here the rare case of leaves moving downwards in the evening, but not to a sufficient degree to be called sleep.* In the early morning, or in the latter part of the night, they move upwards. For instance, all the young leaves near the summits of several stems stood almost horizontally at 8a.m. May 29th, and at 10.30 p.m. were considerably declined. On a subsequent day two leaves stood at 2 p.m. at 21° and 12? beneath the horizon, and at 10 p.m. at 38° beneath it. wo other leaves on a younger plant were horizontal at 2 p.m.,and at 10 p.m. had sunk to 36° beneath the horizon. With respect to this downward movement of the leaves, Kraus believes that it is due to their epinastic growth. He adds, that the leaves are relaxed during the day, and tense at night, both in sunny and rainy weather. (25.) Pinus pinaster (Coniferee, Fam. 223).—The leaves on the summits of the terminal shoots stand at first in a bundle almost upright, but they soon diverge and ultimately become almost horizontal. The movements of a young leaf, nearly one inch in length, on the summit of a seedling plant only 3 inches high, were traced from the early morning of June 2nd to the evening of the 7th. During these five days the leaf diverged, and its apex descended at first in an almost straight line; but during the two latter days it zigzagged so much that it was evidently cireumnu- tating. Thesame little plant, when grown to a height of 5 inches, was again observed during four days. A filament was fixed transversely to the apex of a Jeaf, one inch in length, and which had already diverged considerably from its originally upright position. It continued to diverge (see A, Fig. 113), and to descend from 11.45 a.m. July 31st to 6.40 a.m. Aug. Ist. On August Ist it circumnutated about the same small space, and again descended at night. Next morning the pot was moved nearly one inch to the right, and a new tracing was begun (B), From this time, viz., 7 a.m. August 2nd to 8.20 a.m. on the 4th * We were led to observe this Flcra, 1879, p.66. We regrc-t that plant by Dr. Carl Kraus’ paper, we cannot fully underet ‘ Beitrige zur Kentriss der Bewe- of this paper. Bn Tae gungen Wacksender Laubblatter,’ Cuap. IV. DICOTYLEDONS. 251 the leaf manifestly cireumnutated. It does not appear from the diagram that the leaves move periodically, for the descending course during the first two nights, was clearly due to epinastic 11°45’ a.m, 318" Fig. 113. 6°40'am1t _ ‘ K <7 am. and, Pinus pinaster: circumnutation of young leaf, traced from 11.45 a.m. July 31st to 8.20 a.m..Aug. 4th. At 7 A.M. Aug. 2nd the pot was moved an inch to one side, so that the tracing consists of two figures. Apex of leaf 144 inches from the vertical glass, so movements much magnified. growth, and at the close of our observations the leaf was not nearly so horizontal as it would ultimately become. Pinus austriaca.—Two leaves, 3 inches in length, but not 252 Cuap. 1V. quite fully grown, produced by a lateral shoot, on a young tree 3 feet in height, were observed during 29h. (July 81st), in the same manner as the leaves of the previous species. Both these CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Fig. 114. Qycas pectinata : circum- nutation of one of the terminal leaflets, traced from 8.30 a.M. June 22nd to 8 aM. June 24th, Apex of leatlet 7% inches from the ver- tical glass, so tracing not greatly magnified, and here reduced to one-third of original scale; temp. 19°-21°C, leaves certainly circumnuta‘ed, making within the above period two, or two and a half, small, irregular ellipses. (26.) Cycas pectinate (Cycader, Fam 294),— A young leaf, 114 inches in length, of which the leaflets had only recently become uncurled, was observed during 47h. 30m. The main petiole was secured to a stick at the base of the two terminal leaflets. To one of the latter, 3% inches in length, a filament was fixed; the leaflet was much bowed downward, but as the terminai part was upturned, the filament projected almost horizontally. The leaflet moved (see Fig. 114) largely and periodically, for it fell until about 7 p.m. and rose during the night, falling again next morning after 640 am. The descending lines are in a marked manner zigzag, and so probably would have been the ascending lines, if they had been traced throughout the night. CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES: MoNnocoTyLEDons. (27.) Canna Warscewiczti (Cannacce, Fam. 2).—The movements of a young leaf, 8 inches in length and 83 in breadth, produced by a vigorous young plant, were observed during 45 h, 501m., a8 shown in Fig. 115. The pot was slided about an inch to the right on the morning of the 11th, as a single figure would have been too complicated; but the two figures are continuous in time. The movement is periodical, as the leaf descended from the early morning until about 5pm., and ascended during the rest of the evening and Cuap, IV. part of the night. MONOCOTYLEDONS. 253 On the evening of the 11th it cireumnutated on a small scale for some time about the same spot. Fig. 115. A. B Canna Warscewiczii : circumnutation of leaf, traced (A) from 11.30 a.m June 10th to 6.40 a.m. 11th; and (B) from 6.40 a.m. 11th to 8.40 a.m. 12th. Apex of leaf 9 inches from the vertical glass. (28.) Iris pseudo-acorus (Iridee, Fam. 10).—The movements of a young leaf, rising 18 inches above the water in which the plant grew, were traced as shown in the figure (Fig. 116), during 27 h. 30m. It manifestly circumnutated, though only to a small extent. On the second morning, between 6.40 a.m. and 2 P.M. (at which latter hour the figure here given ends), the apex changed its course five times. During the next 8h. 40 m. it zigzagged much, and descended as far as the lowest dot in the figure, making in its course two very small ellipses; but if these lines had been added to the diagram it would have been too complex. (29.) Crinum Cupense (Amaryllidez, Fam. 11).—The leaves of this plant are remarkable for their great length and narrowness: one was measured and found to be 58 inches long and only 1:4 broad at the base. Fig. 116. Tris pseudo-acorus : circum- nutation of leaf, traced from 10.30 a.m. May 28th to2 pM. 29th, Tracing continued to 11 P.m., but not here copied. Apex of leaf 12 inches beneath the horizontal glass, so figure considerably mag- nified. Temp. 15°-16°C. Whilst quite young they stand up almost vertically to the height of about a fvot; afterwards 254 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap. IV. their tips begin to bend over, and subscquenily hang vertically down, and thus continue to grow. A rather young leaf was selected, of which the dependent tapering point was as yet only 54 inches in length, the upright basal part being 20 inches high, though this part would ultimately become shorter by being more bent over. A large bell-glass was placed over the plant, with a black dot on one side; and by bringing the dependent apex of the leaf into a line with this dot, the accompanying figure (Fig. 117) was traced on the other side of the bell, during 2: days. During the first day (22nd) the tip travelled laterally far to the left, perhaps in consequence of the plant having Leen Fig. 117. 10° 46'p.m.24h_ Crinum capense ; circumnutation of dependent tip of young leaf, traced on a bell-glass, from 10.30 P.M. May 22nd to 10.15 a.m. 25th. Figure not greatly magnified. disturbed; and the last dot made at 10.30 p.s1. on this day is alone here given. As we see in the figure, there can be no doubt that the apex of this leaf cireumnutated. A glass filament with little triangles of paper was at the same time fixed obliquely across the tip of a still younger leaf, which stood vertically up and was as yet straight. Its move- ments were traced from 3pm. May 22nd to 1915 am. 25th. The leaf was growing rapidly, so that the apex ascended greatly during this period ; as it zigzagged much it was clearly circum- nutating, and it apparently tended to form one ellipse cach day. The lines traced during the night were much more vertical than those traced during the day; and this indicates that the tracing would have exhibited a nocturnal rice and a diurnal fall, if the leaf had not grown so quickly. The movement of this same leaf after an interval of six days (May 31st), by which time the tip had curved outwards into a horizontal position, Ounap. IV. MONOCOTYLEDONS. 255 and had thus made the first step towards becoming dependent, was traced orthogonically by the aid of a cube of wood (in the manner before explained); and it was thus ascertained that the actual distance travelled by the apex, and due to circumnutation, was 33 inches in the course of 204 h. During the next 24h. it travelled 25 inches. The circumnutating movement, therefore, of this young leaf was strongly marked. (80.) Paneratium littorale (Amaryllidew).—The movements, much magnified, of a leaf, 9 inches in length and inclined at about 45° above the horizon, were traced during two days. On the first day it changed its course completely, upwards and downwards and laterally, 9 times in 12 h.; and the figure traced apparently represented five ellipses. On the second day it was observed seldomer, and was therefore not seen to change its course so often, viz., only 6 times, but in the same complex manner as before. The movements were small in extent, but there could be no doubt about the circumnutation of the leaf. (81.) Imatophyllum. vel Clivia (sp.?) (Amaryllides).—A long glass filament was fixed to a leaf, and the angle formed by it with the horizon was measured occasionally during three suc- cessive days. It fell each morning until between 3 and 4 P.m., and rose at night. The smallest angle at any time above the horizon was 48°, and the largest 50°; so that it rose only 2° at night; but as this was observed each day, and as similar observations were nightly made on another leaf on a distinct plant, there can be no doubt that the leaves move periodically, though to a very small extent. The position of the apex when it stood highest was ‘8 of an inch above its lowest point. (82.) Pistia stratiotes (Aroidee, Fam. 30). — Hofmeister remarks that the leaves of this floating water-plant are more highly inclined at night than by day.* We therefore fastened a fine glass filament to the midrib of a moderately young leaf, and on Sept. 19th measured the angle which it formed with the horizon 14 times between 9 a.m. and 11.50 p.m. The temperature of the hot-house varied during the two days of observation between 183° and 233°C. At 9 a.m. the filament stood at 32° above the horizon; at 3.34pm. at 10° and at 11.50 pm. at 55°; these two latter angles being the highest and the lowest observed during the day, showing a difference of 45°. The rising did not become strongly marked until between * ‘Die Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle,’ 1867, p. 327. 256 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar. IV 5 and6p.m. On the next day the leaf stood at only 10° above the horizon at 8.25 a.m, and it remained at about 15° till past 3p.m.; at 5.40 p.m, it was 28°, and at 9.30 p.m. 58°; so that the rise was more sudden this evening than on the previous one, and the difference in the angle amounted to 48°. The movement is obviously periodical, and as the leaf stood on the first night at 55°, and on the second night at 58° above the horizon, it appeared very steeply inclined. This case, as we shall see in a future chapter, ought perhaps to have been included under the head of sleeping plants. (33.) Pontederia (sp.?) (from the highlands of St. Catharina, Fig. 118. x Pontedevia (sp. ?): circumnutatron of leaf, traced from 4.50 p.m. July 2nd to 10.15 a.m.4th. Apex of leaf 16} inches from the vertical glass, so tracing greatly magnified. Temp. about 17° C., and therefore rather too low. Brazil) (Pontederiace, Fam. 46).—A filament was fixed across the apex of a moderately young leaf, 7} inches in height, and its movements were traced during 423 h. (see Fig. 118). On the first evening, when the tracing was begun, and during the night, the leaf descended considerably. On the next morning it ascended in a strongly marked zigzag line, and descended again in the evening and during the night. The movement, therefore, seems to be periodic, but some doubt is thrown on this conclusion, because another leaf, 8 inches in height, appearing older and standing more highly inclined, behaved differently. During the first 12 h. it circumnutated over a Cuar. IV. CIRCUMNUTATION OF CRYPTOGAMS. 257 small space, but during the night and the whole following day it ascended in the same general direction; the ascent being effected by repeated up and down well-pronounced oscillations. CRYPTOGAMS. (34.) Nephrodium molle (Filices, Fam. 1).—A filament was fixed near the apex of a young frond of this Fern, 17 inches in height, which was not as yet fully uncurled; and its move- ments were traced during 24h. We see in Fig. 119 that it Fig. 119, Nephrodium molle: civcumnutation of rachis, traced from 9.15 A.M. May 28th to 9 a.m. 29th. Figure here given two-thirds of original scale. plainly cireumnutated. The movement was not greatly magnified as the frond was placed near to the vertical glass, and would probably have been greater and more rapid had the day been warmer, For the plant was brought out of a warm greenhouse and observed under a skylight, where the temperature was between 15° and 16°C. We have seen in Chap. I. that a frond of this Fern, as yet only slightly lobed and with a rachis only ‘23 inch in height, plainly cireumnutated.* * Mr. Loomis and Prof. Asa Gray have described (‘ Botanical Gazette,’ 1880, pp. 27, 43), an extremely curious case of move- ment in the fronds, but only in the fruiting fronds, of Asplenium trachomanes. They move almost as rapidly as the little leaficts of Desmodium gyrans, alternately backwards and forwards through from 20 to 40 degrees, ina plane at right angles to that of the frond. The apex of the frond describes “a long and very narrow ellipse,” so that it circumnutates. But the movement differs from ordinary 258 CIRCUMNUTATION OF CRYPTOGAMS. Cuapr. IV In the chapter on the Sleep of Plants the conspicuous circum- nutation of Marsilea quadri/oliata (Marsileacee, Fam. 4) will be described. It has also been shown in Chap. I. that a very young Sela- ginella (Lycopodiacez, Fam. 6), only ‘4 inch in height, plainly circumnutated; we may therefore conclude that older plants, whilst growing, would do the same. (85.) Lunuluria vulgaris (Hepatice, Fam. 11, Muscales),— The earth in an old flower-pot was Fig. 120, coated with this plant, bearing gemme. A highly inclined frond, which projected 3 inch above the soil and was ‘4 inch in breadth, was selected for observation. A glass hair of extreme tenuity, ‘75 inch in length, with its end whitened, was cemented with shellac to the frond at right angles to its breadth ; and a white stick with a minute black spot was driven into the soil close behind the end of the hair. The white end could be accurately brought into a line with the black spot, and dots could thus be suc- cessively made on the vertical glass-plate in front. Any move- ment of the frond would of course be exhibited and increased by the long glass hair; and the black spot was placed so close behind the end of the hair, relative'y to the dis- tance of the glass-plate in front, that the movement of the end was F Rete magnified about 40 times. Never- Cunularia vulgaris: cireemnuta- ‘ tion of a frond, traced from theless, we are convinced that ovr 9a.m. Oct 25th to8 a.m. 27th. tracing gives a fairly faithful re- presentation of the movements of the frond. In the intervals between each observation, the plant was covered by a small bell-glass. The frond, as already stated, eirenmnutation as it occurs only sufficient to excite motion for » when the plant is exposed to the few minutes,” light; even artificial light “is Cuar. IV. CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. 259 was highly inclined, and the pot stood in front of a north-east window. During the five first days the frond moved downwards or became less inclined; and the long line which was traced was strongly zigzag, with loops occasionally formed or nearly formed; and this indicated circumnutation. Whether the sink- ing was due to epinastic growth, or apheliotropism, we do not kuow. As the sinking was slight on the fifth day, a new tracing was begun on the sixth day (Oct. 25th), and was continued for 47 h.; itis here given (Fig. 120). Another tracing was made on the next day (27th) and the frond was found to be still cir- cumnutating, for during 14h. 30 m. it changed its course com- pletely (besides minor changes) 10 times. It was casually observed for two more days, and was seen to be continually moving. ‘The lowest members of the vegetable series, the Thallogens, apparently circumnutate. If an Oscillaria be watched under the microscope, it may be seen to describe circles about every 40 seconds. After it has bent to one side, the tip first begins to bend back to the opposite side and then the whole filament curves over in the same direction. Hofmeister* has given a minute account of the curious, but less regular though constant, movements of Spirogyra: during 2} h. the filament moved 4 times to the left and 3 times to the right, and he refers to a movement at right angles to the above. The tip moved at the rate of about 0-1 mm. in five minutes. He compares the move- ment with the nutation of the higher plants.t We shall hereafter see that heliotropic movements result from modified circum- nutation, and as unicellular Moulds bend to the light we may infer that they also circumnutate. ConcLuninc REMARKS ON THE CIRCUMNUTATION oF LEAVES. The circumnutating movements of young leaves in 33 genera, belonging to 25 families, widely distributed * ‘Ueber die Bewegungen der Faden der Spirogyra princeps: Jahreshefte des Vereins fiir vater- lindische Naturkunde in Wiirt- temberg,’ 1874, p. 211. t+ Zukalalsoremarks (as quoted in ‘Journal R. Microscop. Soce.,’ 1880, vol. iii. p. 220) that the movements of Spirulina, a mem- ber of the Oscillatoriez, are closely analogous “to the well-known rotation of growing shoots and tendrils.” 260 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuap. IV. amongst ordinary and gymnospermous Dicotyledons and amongst Monocotyledons, together with several Cryptogams, have now been described. It would, therefore, not be rash to assume that the growing leaves of all plants circumnutate, as we have seen reason to conclude is the case with cotyledons. The seat of movement generally lies in the petiole, but sometimes both in the petiole and blade, or in the blade alone. The extent of the movement differed much in different plants; but the distance passed over wag never great, except with Pistia, which ought perhaps to have been included amongst sleeping plants. The angular movement of the leaves was only occasionally measured ; it commonly varied from only 2° (and pro- bably even less in some instances) to about 10°; but it amounted to 25° in the common bean. The move- ment is chiefly in a vertical plane, but as the ascending and descending lines never coincided, there was always some lateral movement, and thus irregular ellipses were formed. The movement, therefore, deserves tc be called one of circumnutation; for all cireumnuta- ting organs tend to describe ellipses,—that is, growth on one side is succeeded by growth on nearly but not quite the opposite side. The ellipses, or the zigzag lines representing drawn-out ellipses, are generally very narrow; yet with the Camellia, their minor axes were half as long, and with the Eucalyptus more than half as long as their major axes. In the case of Cissus, parts of the figure more nearly represented circles than ellipses. The amount of lateral movement is therefore sometimes considerable. Moreover, the longer axes of the successively formed ellipses (as with the Bean, Cissus, and Sea-kale), and in several instances the zigzag lines representing ellipses, were extended in very different directions during the same day or on swap. IV. CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. 261 the next day. The course followed was curvilinear or straight, or slightly or strongly zigzag, and little loops or triangles were often formed. A single large irregular ellipse may be described on one day, and two smaller ones by the same plant on the next day. With Drosera two, and with Lupinus, Eucalyptus and Pancratium, several were formed each day. The oscillatory and jerking movements of the leaves of Dionza, which resemble those of the hypocotyl of the cabbage, are highly remarkable, as seen under the microscope. ‘hey continue night and day for some months, and are displayed by young unexpanded leaves, and by old ones which have lost their sensibility to a touch, but which, after absorbing animal matter, close their lobes. We shall hereafter meet with the same kind of movement in the joints of certain Graminee, and it is probably common to many plants while cir- cumnutating. It is, therefore, a strange fact that no such movement could be detected in the tentacles of Drosera rotundifolia, though a member of the same family with Dionea ; yet the tentacle which was ob- served was so sensitive, that it began to curl inwards in 23 seconds after being touched by a bit of raw meat. One of the most interesting facts with respect to the circumnutation of leaves is the periodicity of their movements; for they often, or even generally, rise a little in the evening and early part of the night, and sink again on the following morning. TExactly the same phenomenon was observed in the case of coty- ledons. Thé leaves in 16 genera out of the 33 which were observed behaved in this manner, as did probably 2 others. Nor must it be supposed that in the remain- img 15 geuera there was no periodicity in their move- ments; for 6 of them were observed during too short a period for any judgment to be formed on this head 262 CIRCUMNUTATION OF LEAVES. Cuar. IV and 3 were so young that their epinastic growth which serves to bring them down into a horizontal position, overpowered every other kind of movement, In only one genus, Cannabis, did the leaves sink in the evening, and Kraus attributes this movement to the prepotency of their epinastic growth. That the periodicity is determined by the daily alternations of light and darkness there can hardly be a doubt, as will hereafter be shown. Insectivorous plants are very little affected, as far as their movements are con- cerned, by light; and hence probably it is that their leaves, at least in the cases of Sarracenia, Drosera, and Dionza, do not move periodically. The upward move- ment in the evening is at first slow, and with different plants begins at very different hours ;—with Glaucium as early as 11 a.m., commonly between 3 and 5 p.m. but sometimes as late as 7 p.m. It should be observed that none of the leaves described in this chapter (except, as we believe, those of Lupinus speciosus) possess a pulvinus; for the periodical movements of leaves thus provided have generally been amplified into so-called sleep-movements, with which we are not here concerned. The fact of leaves and cotyledons frequently, or even generally, rising a little in the evening and sinking in the morning, is of interest as giving the foundation from which the specialised sleep- movements of many leaves and cotyledons, not pro- vided with a pulvinus, have been developed. The above periodicity should be kept in mind, by any one considering the problem of the horizontal position of leaves and cotyledons during the day, whilst illumi- nated from above. Onar. V MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. 2055 CHAPTER V. Movirizp Circtunvuration: Ciimpinc PLAN’S; EPINAsTIC AND Hyponastic Movemunrs. Circumnutation modified through innate causes or through the action of external couditions—Innate causes— Climbing plauts; similarity of their movements with those of ordinary plants; increased ampli- tude; occasional points of difference—Epinastic growth of young leaves--Hyponastic growth of the hypovotyls and epicotyls of seed- lings—Hooked tips of climbing and other plants due to modified circumuutation — Ampelopsis tricuspiduta—Smithia Pfundii — Straightening of the tip due to hyponasty—Epinastic growth and circumnutation of the flower-peduucles of Trifulium repens and Oxalis carnosa, Tue radicles, hypocotyls and epicotyls of seedling plants, even before they emerge from the ground, and afterwards the cotyledons, are all continually circum- nutating. So it is with the stems, stolons, flower- peduncles, and leaves of older plants. We may, there- fore, infer with a considerable degree of safety that all the growing parts of all plants circumnutate. Although this movement, in its ordinary or unmodified state, appears in some cases to be of service to plants, either directly or indirectly—for instance, the cireum- nutation of the radicle in penetrating the ground, or that of the arched hypocotyl and epicotyl in breaking through the surface—yet circumnutation is so general, or rather so universal a phenomenon, that we cannot suppose it to have been gained for any special pur- pose. We must believe that it follows in some un- known way from the manner in which vegetable tissues grow. 18 264 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. V. We shall now consider the many cases in whick sircumnutation has been modified for various special purposes; that is, a movement already in progress 1s temporarily increased in some one direction, and tem- porarily diminished or quite arrested in other direc- tions. These caves may be divided in two sub-classes ; in one of which the modification depends on innate or constitutional causes, and is independent of external conditions, excepting in so far that the proper ones for growth must be present. In the second sub-class the modification depends to a large extent on external agencies, such as the daily alternations of light and darkness, or light alone, temperature, or the attraction of gravity. The first small sub-class will be considered in the present chapter, and the second sub-class in the remainder of this volume. Tur CIRCUMNUTATION OF CLIMBING PLANTS. The simplest case of modified circumnutation is that offered by climbing plants, with the exception of those which climb by the aid of motionless hooks or of rootlets; for the modification consists chiefly in the greatly increased amplitude of the movement. This would follow either from greatly increased growth over a small length, or more probably from moderately in- creased growth spread over a considerable length of the moving organ, preceded by turgescence, and acting suc- cessively on all sides. The circumnutation of climbers is more regular than that of ordinary plants; but in almost every other respect there is a close similarity between their movements, namely, in their tendency to describe ellipses directed successively to all points of the compass—in their courses being often inter- rupted py zigzag lines, triangles, loops, or small Csap V. CLIMBING PLANTS. 265 ellipses—in the rate of movement, and in different species revolving once or several times within the same length of time. In the same internode, the move- ments cease first in the lower part and then slowly upwards. In both sets of cases the movement mav be modified in a closely analogous manner by geotropism and by heliotropism; though few climbing plants are aeliotropic. Other points of similarity might be pointed out. That the movements of climbing plants consist of ordinary circumnutation, modified by being increased in amplitude, is well exhibited whilst the plants are very young ; for at this early age they move like other seedlings, but as they grow older their movements gradually increase without undergoing any other change. That this power is innate, and is not excited by any external agencies, beyond those necessary for growth and vigour, is obvious. No one doubts that this power has been gained for the sake of enabling climbing plants to ascend to a height, and thus to reach the light. This is effected by two very different methods; first, by twining spirally round a support but to do so their stems must be long and flexible ; and, secondly, in the case of leaf-climbers and _ tendril- bearers, by bringing these organs into contact with a support, which is then seized by the aid of their sensitiveness. It may be here remarked that these latter movements have no relation, as far as we can judge, with circumnutation. In other cases the tips of tendrils, after having been brought into contact with a support, become developed into little discs which adhere firmly to it. We have said that the circumnutation of climbing plants differs from that of ordinary plants chiefly by its greater amplitude. But most leaves circumnutate 266 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuav. V. in an almost vertical plane, and therefore describe very narrow ellipses, whereas the many kinds of tendriis which consist of metamorphosed leaves, make much broader ellipses or nearly circular figures; and thus they have a far better chance of catching hold of a support on any side. The movements of climbing plants have also been modified in some few other special ways. Thus the circumnutating stems of Sol- nanum dulcamara can twine round a support only when this is as thin and flexible as a string or thread. The twining stems of several British plants cannot twine round a support when it is more than a few inches in thickness; whilst in tropical forests some can embrace thick trunks ;* and this great difference in power depends on some unknown difference in their manner of circumnutation. The most remarkable special modification of this movement which we have observed is in the tendrils of Hchinocystis lobuta ; these ure usually inclined at about 45° above the horizon, but they stiffen and straighten themselves so as to stand upright in a part of their circular course, namely, when they approach and have to pass over the summit of the shoot from which they arise. If they had not possessed and exercised this curious power, they would infallibly have struck against the suiminit of the shoot and been arrested in their course. As soon 23 one of these tendrils with its three branches begins to stiffen itself and rise up vertically, the 1evolvying motion becomes more rapid; and as soon as it has passed over the point of difficulty, its motion coinciding with that from its own weight, causes it to fall into its previously inclined position so quickly, that the apex can be seen travelling like the hand of a gigantic clock, * 'The Movements and Hubits of Climbing Plants,’ p. 36. Umar, V. EPINASTY AND HYPONASTY. 267 A large number of ordinary leaves and leaflets and a few flower-peduncles are provided with pulvini; but this is not the case with a single tendril at present known. The cause of this difference probably lies in the fact, that the chief service of a pulvinus is to prolong the movement of the part thus provided after growth has ceased; and as tendrils or other climbing- organs are of use only whilst the plant is increasing in height or growing, a pulvinus which served to prolong their movements would be useless. It was shown in the last chapter that the stolons or runners of certain plants circumnutate largely, and that this movement apparently aids them in finding a passage between the crowded stems of adjoining plants. If it could be proved that their movements had been modified and increased for this special purpose, they ought to have been included in the present chapter; but as the amplitude of their revolutions is not so conspicuously different from that of ordinary plants, as in the case of climbers, we have no evidence on this head. We encounter the same doubt in the case of some plants which bury their pods in the ground. This burying process is certainly favoured by the circumnutation of the flower-peduncle; but we do not know whether it has been increased for this special purpose. EPINASTY—HYPONASTY. The term epinasty is used by De Vries* to express greater longitudinal growth along the upper than * ¢Arbciten des Bot. Inst. two terms as first used hy Schim- in Wiirzburg,’ Heftii. 1872, p. 223, per, and they have been adopted De Vries has slightly modified in this sense by Sachs. (p. 252) the meaning of the above 268 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cur. V along the lower side of a part, which is thus caused to bend downwards; and hyponasty is used for the reversed process, by which the part is made to bend upwards. These actions come into play so frequently that the use of the above two terms is highly convenient. The movements thus induced result from a modified form of circumnutation; for, as we shall immediately see, an organ under the influence of epinasty does not. generally move in a straight line downwards, or under that of hyponasty upwards, but oscillates up and down with some lateral movement: it moves, however, in a preponderant manner in one direction. This shows that there is some growth on all sides of the part, but more on the upper side in the case of epinasty, and more on the lower side in that of hyponasty, than on the other sides. At the same time there may be in addition, as De Vries insists, increased growth on one side due to geotropism, and on another side due to heliotropism; and thus the effects of epinasty or of hyponasty may be either increased or lessened. He who likes, may speak of ordinary cireumnutation as being combined with epinasty, hyponasty, the effects of gravitation, light, &c.; but it seems to us, from reasons hereafter to be given, to be more correct to say that circumnutation is modified by these several agencies. We will therefore speak of cireumnutation, which is always in progress, as modified by epinasty, hyponasty, geotropism, or other agencies, whether internal or external. One of the commonest and simplest cases of epinasty is that offered by leaves, which at an early age are crowded together round the buds, and diverge as they grow older. Sachs first remarked that this was due to increased growth along the uppe. side of the petiole and blade; and De Vries has now shown in tore detail that the movement is thus caused, aided slightiy by Cuar. V. EPINASTY AND HYPONASTY. 269 the weight of the leaf, and resisted as he believes by apogeo- tropism, at least after the leaf has somewhat diverged. In our observations on the cirecumnutation of leaves, some were selected which were rather too young, so that they continued to diverge or sink downwards whilst their movements were being traced. This may be seen in the diagrams (Figs. 98 and 112, pp. 282 and 249) representing the circumnutation of the young leaves ot dcanthus mollis and I’elargonium zonale. Similar cases were ob- served with Drosera. The movements of a young leaf, only } inch in length, of Petunia violacea were traced during four days, and offers a betier instance (Fig. 111, p. 248), as it diverged during the whole of this time in a curiously zigzag line with some of the angles sharply acute, and during the latter days plainly circum- nutated. Some young leaves of about the same age on a plant of this Petunia, which had been laid horizontally, and on another plant which was left upright, both being kept in complete dark- ness, diverged in the same manner for 48 h., and apparently were not affected by apogeotropism ; though their stems were in a state of high tension, for when freed from the sticks to which they had been tied, they instantly curled upwards. The leaves, whilst very young, on the leading shoots of the Carnation (Diauthus caryophyllus) are highly inclined or vertical ; and if the plant is growing vigorously they diverge so quickly that they become almost horizontal in a day. But they move downwards in a rather oblique line and continue for some time afterwards to move in the same direction, in connection, we pre- sume, with their spiral arrangement on the stem. The course pursued by a young leaf whilst thus obliquely descending was traced, and the line was distinctly yet not strongly zigzag ; the larger angles formed by the successive lines amounting only to 135°, 154°, and 163°. The subsequent lateral movement (shown in Fig. 96, p. 231) was strongly zigzag with occasional circum- nutations. The divergence and sinking of the young leaves of this plant seem to be very little affected by geotropism or heliotropism; for a plant, the leaves of which were growing rather slowly (as ascertained by measurement) was laid hori- zontally, and the opposite young leaves diverged from one another symmetrically in the usual manner, without any up- turning in the direction of gravitation or towards the light. The needle-like leaves of Pinus pinaster form a bundle whilst young ; afterwards they slowly diverge, so that those on the up- right shoots become horizontal. The movements of one such 270 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. V. young leaf was traced during 4} days, and the tracing here given (Fig. 121) shows that it descended at first in a nearly straight Fig. 121. z Pine, rvister : epinastic downward moversent of a young leaf, pro- duced by a young plant ina pot, traced on a vertical glass under a skylight, from U.45 a.m. June 2nd to 10.40 p.m. 6th. line, but afterwards zigzagged, making one or two little loops. ‘the diverging and descend- ing movements of a rather older leaf were also traced (see former Fig. 113, p. 251): it descended during the first day and night in a some- what zigzag line; it then cir- cumnutated round a small space and again descended. By this time the leaf had nearly assumed its final posi- tion, and now plainly circum- nutated. Asin the case of the Carnation, the leaves, whilst very young, do not seem to be much affected by geotropism or heliotropism, for those on a young plant laid horizontally, and those on another plant left upright, both kept in the dark, continued to diverge in the usual manner without bending to either side. With Cobea scandens, the young leaves, as they succes- sively diverge from the lead- ing shoot which is bent to one side, rise up so as to pro- ject vertically, and they retain this position for some time whilst the tendril is revolving. The diverging and ascending movements of the petiole of one such a leaf, were traced on a vertical glass under a sky- light; and the course pursued was in most parts nearly straight, but there were twc Cuar. V. EPINASTY AND HYPONASTY. 271 well-marked zigzags (one of them forming an angle of 112°), and this indicates circumnutation. The still closed lobes of a young leat of Dionzea projected at right angles to the petiole, and were in the act of slowly rising. A glass filament was attached to the under side of the midrib, and its movements were traced on a vertical glass. It circum- uutated once in the evening, and on the next day rose, as already described (see Fig. 106, p. 240), by a number of acutely zigzag lines, closely approaching in character to ellipses. This move- ment no doubt was due to epinasty, aided by apogeotrvpism, for the closed lobes of a very young leaf on a plant which had been placed horizontally, moved into nearly the same line with the petiole, as if the plant had stood upright; but at the same time the lobes curved laterally upwards, and thus occupied an unnatural position, obliquely to the plane of the foliaceous petiole. As the hypocotyls and epicotyls of some plants protrude from the seed-coats in an arched form, it is doubtful whether the arching of these parts, which is invariably present when they break through the ground, ought always to be attributed to epinasty ; but when they are at first straight and afterwards become arched, as often happens, the arching is certainly due to epinasty. As long as the arch is surrounded by compact earth it must retain its form; but as soon as it rises above the surface, or even before this period if artificially freed from the surrounding pressure, it begins to straighten itself, and this no doubt is mainly due to hyponasty. ‘The movement of the upper and lower half of the arch, and of the crown, was occa- sionally traced ; and the course was more or less zigzag, showing modified circumnutation. With not a few plants, especially climbers, the suimit of the shoot is hooked, so that the apex points vertically downwards. In seven genera of twining plants * the hooking, or as it has been called by Sachs, the nutation of the tip, is mainly due to an exaggerated form of circumnutation. That is, the growth is so great along one side that it bends the shoot completely over to the opposite side, thus forming a hook; the longitudinal line or zone of growth then travels a little laterally round the shoot, and the hook points in a slightly different direction, and so onwards until the hook is completely reversed. Ultimately it * «The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants,’ 2nd edit. p. 13. Z72 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. V. comes back to the point whence it started. This was ascertained by painting narrow lines with Indian ink along the convex surface of several hooks, and the line was found slowly to be- come at first lateral, then to appear along the concave surface, and ultimately back again on the convex surface. In the case of Lonieera bruchypoda the hooked terminal part of the revolving shoot straightens itself periodically, but is never reversed ; that is, the periodically increased growth of the concave side of the hook is sufficient only to straighten it, and not to bend it over to the opposite side. The hooking of the tip is of service to twining plants by aiding them to catch hold of a support, and afterwards by enabling this part to embrace the support much more closely than it could otherwise have done at first, thus preventing it, as we often observed, from being blown away by a strong wind. Whether the advantage thus gained by twining plants accounts for their summits being so frequently hooked, we do not know, as this structure is not very rare with plants which do not climb, and with some climbers (for instance, Vitis, Ampelopsis, Cissus, &c.) to whom it does not afford any assist- ance in climbing. With respect to those cases in which the tip remains always bent or hooked towards the same side, as in the genera just named, the most obvious explanation is that the bending is due to continued growth in excess along the convex side. Wiesner, however, maintains* that in all cases the hooking of the tip is the result of its plasticity and weight,—a conclusion which from what we have already seen with several climbing plants is certainly erroneous. Nevertheless, we fully admit that the weight of the part, as well as geotropism, &c., sometimes come into play. Ampelopsis tricuspidata—This plant climbs by the aid of adhesive tendrils, and the hooked tips of the shoots do not appear to be of any service to it. The hooking depends chiefly, as far as we could ascertain, on the tip being affected by epinasty and geotropism; the lower and older parts continually straight- ening themselves through hyponasty and apogeotropism. We believe that the weight of the apex is an unimportant element, because on horizontal or inclined shoots the hook is often extended horizontally or even faces upwards. Moreover shoots frequently form loops instead of hooks; and in this case the * ‘Sitzb. der k, Akad. der Wissenseh.,’ Vienna, Jun. 1880, p. 16. Crap. VY. extreme part, instead of hang- ing vertically down as would follow if weight was the efficient cause, extends horizontally or even points upwards. A shoot, which terminated in a rather open hook, was fastened in a highly inclined downward position, so that the concave side faced upwards, and the result was that the apex at first curved upwards. This ap- parently was due to epinasty and not to apogeotropism, for the apex, soon after passing the perpendicular, curved so rapidly downwards that we could not doubt that the move- ment was at least aided by geotropism. In the course of a few hours the hook was thus converted into a loop with the apex of the shoot pointing straight downwards. The longer axis of the loop was at first horizontal, but after- wards became vertical. During this same time the basal part of the nook (and subsequently of the loop) curved itself slowly upwards; and this must have been wholly due to apogeo- tropism in opposition to hypo- nasty. The loop was then fastened upside down, so that its basal half would be simul- taneously acted on by hypo- EPINASTY AND HYPONASTY. Fig. 122. Raum 5% H i A | { 10°50 'uantd panda 272 yet y 10° £0 pin tA i pon F25'am. 8 mec nasty (if present) and by apo- Ampelopsis tricuspidata : hyponastie geotropism; and now it curved itself so greatly upwards in the course of only 4h. that there could hardly be a doubt that both forces were acting movement of hooked tip of leading shoot, traced from 8.10 am. July 13th to 8a.m. 15th. Apex of shoot 53 inches from the vertical glass. Plant illuminated through a sky- light. Temp. 173°-19° C. Diagram reduced to one-third of origina‘ scale OTA MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. V. 3 op. Fig. 123, { ies 6°35 censl 2° pan. 1g h : Smithia Pfundir: hyponastic movement of the curved summit of astem, whilst straightening itself, traced from 9 A.M. July 10th to 3p.M. 13th. Apex 92 inches from the vertical glass. Diagram reduced to one-fitth of original scale, Plant illuminated through skylight ; temp. 1749-199 C. together. At the same time the loop became open and was thus reconverted into a hook, and this apparently was effected by the geotropic movement of the apex in opposition to epinasty. In the case of Ampelopsis hede- racea, Weight plays, as far as we could judge, a more im- portant part in the hooking of the tip. In order to ascertain whether the shoots of A. tri- cuspiduta in straightening themselves under the com- bined action of hyponasty and apogeotropism moved in a simple straight course, or whether they circumnutated, glass filaments were fixed to the crowns of four hooked tips standing in their natural position ; and the movements of the filaments were traced on a vertical glass, All four tracings resembled each other in a general manner ; but we will give only one (see Fig. 122, p. 273). The filament rose at first, which shows that the hook was straighten- ing itself; it then zigzagged, moving a little to the left between 9.25 a.m. and 9 P.M. From this latter hour on the 13th to 10.50 a.m. on the fol- lowing morning (14th) the hook continued to straighten itself, and then zigzagged a short distance to the right. But from 1 p.m. to 10.40 p.m. on the 14th the movement woman. V. EPINASTY AND HYPONASTY. 275 was reversed and the shoot became more hooked. During the night, after 10.40 p.m. to 8.15 a.m. on the 15th, the hook again opened or straightened itself. By this time the glass filament had become so highly inclined that its movements could. no longer be traced with accuracy; and by 1.30 p.m. on this same day, the crown of the former arch or hook had become perfectly straight and vertical. There can therefore be no doubt that the straightening of the hooked shoot of this plant is effected by the circumnutation of the arched portion—that is, by growth alternating between the upper and Jower surface, but prepon- derant on the lower surface, with some little lateral movement. We were enabled to trace the movement of another straight- ening shoot for a longer period (owing to its slower growth and to its having been placed further from the vertical glass), namely, from the early morning on July 13th to late in the evening of the 16th. During the whole daytime of the 14th, the hook straight- ened itself very little, but zigzagged and plainly circumnutated about nearly the same spot. By the 16th it had become nearly straight, and the tracing was no longer accurate, yet it was manifest that there was still a considerable amount of movement both up and down and laterally; for the crown whilst con- tinuing to straighten itself occasionally became for a short time more curved, causing the filament to descend twice during thé day. Smithia Pfundii.--The stiff terminal shoots of this Legu- minous water-plant from Africa project so as to make a rectangle with the stem below; but this occurs only when the plants are growing vigorously, for when kept in a cool place, the summits of the stems become straight, as they likewise did at the close of the growing season. ‘lhe direction of the rectangularly bent part is independent of the chief source of light. But from observing the effects of placing plants in the dark, in which case several shoots became in two or three days upright or nearly upright, and when brought back into the light again became rectangularly curved, we believe that the bending is in part due to apheliotropism, apparently somewhat opposed by apogeo- tropism. On the other hand, from observing the effects of tying a shoot downwards, so that the rectangle faced upwards, we are led to believe that the curvature is partly due to epinasty. As the rectangularly bent portion of an upright stem grows older, the lower part straightens itself; and this is effected through hyponasty. He who has read Sachs’ recent Essay on the vertical 276 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. Y. and inclined positions of the parts of plants* will see how diffi- cult a subject this is, and will feel no surprise at our expressing ourselves doubtfully in this and other such cases. A plant, 20 inches in height, was secured to a stick close beneath the curved summit, which formed rather less than a rectangle with the stem below. The shoot pointed away from the observer ; and a glass filament pointing towards the vertical glass on which the tracing was made, was fixed to the convex surface of the curved portion. Therefore the descending lines in. the figure represent the straightening of the curved portion as it grew older. The tracing (Fig. 123, p. 274) was begun at 9 a.m. on July 10th; the filament at first moved but little in a zigzag line, but at 2 p.m. it began rising and continued to do so till 9 p.m.; and this proves that the terminal portion was being more bent downwards. After 9 p.m. on the 10th an opposite movement commenced, and the curved portion began to straighten itself, end this continued till 11.10 a.m. on the 12th, but was interrupted by some small oscillations and zigzags, showing movement in different directions. After 11.10 a.m. on the 12th this part of the stem, still considerably curved, cireumnutated in a con- spicuous manner until nearly 3 p.m. on the 13th; but during all this time a downward movement of the filament prevailed, caused by the continued straightening of the stem. By the afternoon of the 13th, the summit, which had originally been deflected more than a right angle from the perpendicular, had grown so nearly straight that the tracing could no longer be continued on the vertical glass. There can therefore be no doubt that the straightening of the abruptly curved portion of the growing stem of this plant, which appears to be wholly due to hyponasty, is the result of modified circumnutation. We will only add that a filament was fixed in a different manner across the curved summit of another plant, and the same general kind of movement was observed. Lrifolium repens.—In many, but not in all the species of Tri- folium, as the separate little flowers wither, the sub-peduncles bend downwards, so as to depend parallel to the upper part of the main peduncle. In Zr. subterraneum the main peduncle curves downwards for the sake of burying its capsules, and in this species the sub-peduncles of the separate flowers bend * «Ueber Orthotrope und Pla- — ten des Bot. Inst., in Wiirzburg, giotrope Pilanzeutheile; ‘Arbei- Heft ii. 1879, p. 226. Caspr, V, SZPINASTY AND HYPONASTY, Fig. 124, B and ‘, * a \ \ ie Nan F \ ah | j A Sept ; > a § FY 8 ae a7 pS TSF am eso'am e Trifolium repens: circumnu- tating and epinastic move- ments of the sub-peduncle of a single flower, traced ou a vertical glass under a skylight, in A from 11.30 aM. Aug. 27th to 7 A.M. 30th; in B from 7 a.M. Aug. 30th to a little after 6 p.m. Sept. 8th. 6°pms™ =, 278 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. V. upwards, so as to occupy the same position relatively to the upper part of the main peduncle as in 7. repens. This fact alone would render it probable that the movements of the sub- peduncles in Tr. repens were independent of geotropism. Never theless, to make sure, some flower-heads were tied to little sticka upside down and others in a horizontal position; their sub- peduncles, however, all quickly curved upwards through the action of heliotropism. We therefore protected some flower- heads, similarly secured to sticks, from the light, and although some of them rotted, many of their sub-peduncles turned very slowly from their reversed or from their horizontal positions, so as to stand in the normal manner parallel to the upper part of the main peduncle. These facts show that the movement is independent of geotropism or apheliotropism; it must there- be attributed to epinasty, which however is checked, at least as long as the flowers are young, by heliotropism. Most of the above flowers were never fertilised owing to the exclusion of bees ; they consequently withered very slowly, and the movements of the sub-peduncles were in like manner much retarded. To ascertain the nature of the movement of the sub-peduncle, whilst bending downwards, a filament was fixed across the summit of the calyx of a not fully expanded and almost upright flower, nearly in the centre of the head. The main peduncle was secured to a stick close beneath the head. In order to see the marks on the glass filament, a few flowers had to be cut away on the lower side of the head. The flower under obscr- vation at first diverged a little from its upright position, so as to occupy the open space caused by the removal of the adjoining flowers. This required two days, after which time a new tracing was begun (Fig. 124). In A we see the complex circumnutating course pursued from 11.30 am. Aug. 26th to 7 a.m. on the 30th. The pot was then moved a very little to the right, and the tracing (B) was continued without interruption from 7 a.m. Aug. 30th to after 6 p.m. Sept. 8th. It should be observed that on most of these days, only a single dot was made each morning at the same hour. Whenever the flower was observed carefully, as on Aug. 30th and Sept. 5th and 6th, it was found to be cir- cumnutating over a small space. At last, on Sept. 7th, it began to bend downwards, and continued to do so until after 6 p.m. on the 8th, and indeed until the morning of the 9th, when its movements could no longer be traced on the vertical glass. Jt was carefully observed during the whole of the 8th, and by Czar. 'V. EPINASTY AND HYPONASTY. 279 10.30 p.m. it had descended to a point lower down by two-thirds of the length of the figure as here given: but from want of space the tracing has been copie in B, only to a little after 6p.m. On the morning of the 9th the flower was withered, and the sub- peduncle now stood at an angle of 57° beneath the horizon. If the flower had been fertilised it would have withered much sooner, and have moved much more quickly. We thus see that the sub-peduncle oscillated up and down, or circumnutated, during its whole downward epinastic course. The sub-peduncles of the fertilised and withered flowers of Oxulis carnosa likewise bend downwards through epinasty, as will be shown in a future chapter; and thei. downward course is strongly zigzag, indicating cireumnutation. The number of instances in which various organs move through epinasty or hyponasty, often in com- bination with other forces, for the most diversified purposes, seems to be inexhaustibly great; and from the several cases which have been here given, we may safely infer that such movements are due to modified circumnutation. 19 280 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuae. VI CHAPTER. VI. Mopirtev CigcUsNUTATION: SLEEP OR Nyctirropic MovEmests, THEIR Use: SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. Preliminary sketch of the sleep or nyctitropic movements of leaves— Presence of pulvini—The lessening of radiation the final cause of nyctitropic movements—Manner of trying experiments on leaves of Oxalis, Arachis, Cassia, Melilotus, Lotus and Marsilea, and on the cots ledons of Mimosa—Conucluding remarks on radiation from leaves —Small differences in the conditions make a great differe-ce in the result—Description of the nyctitropic position and movements of the cotyl.dons of various plants—List of species—Coxcluding rermarks—Indcpendence of the nyctitropic movements of the leaves aud cotyledons of the same species—Reasons for believing that the movements have been acquired fur a special purpose. Tue so-called sleep of leaves is so conspicuous a phenomenon that it was observed as early as the time of Pliny ;* and since Linneus published his famous Essay, ‘Somnus Plantarum,’ it has been the subject of several memoirs. Many flowers close at night, and these are likewise said to sleep; but we are not here concerned with their movements, for although effected by the same mechanism as in the case of young leaves, namely, unequal growth on the opposite sides (as first proved by Pfeffer), yet they differ essentially in being excited chiefly by changes of temperature instead of light; and in being effected, as far as we can judge, for a different purpose. Hardly any one supposes that there is any real analogy * Pfeffer has given aclearand — riodi-chen Bewegungen der Blat interesting sketch of the history — torgaue,’ 1875, p. 163 of this subject in his ‘Die Pe- Cuap. VI. SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 281 between the sleep of animals and that of plants,” whether of leaves or flowers. It seems, therefore, advisable to give a distinct name to the so-called sleep-movements of plants. These have also generally been confounded, under the term “ periodic,” with the slight daily rise and fall of leaves, as described in the fourth chapter; and this makes it all the more desir- able to give some distinct name to sleep-movements. Nyctitropism and nyctitropic, ie. night-turning, may be applied both to leaves and flowers, and will be occasionally used by us; but it would be best to con- fine the term to leaves. The leaves of some few plants move either upwards or downwards when the sun shines intensely on them, and this movement has sometimes been called diurnal sleep; but we believe it to be of an .essentially different nature from the nocturnal movement, and it will be briefly considered in a future chapter. The sleep or nyctitropism of leaves is a large subject, and we think that the most convenient plan will be first to give a brief account of the position which leaves assume at night, and of the advantages apparently thus gained. Afterwards the more re- markable cases will be described in detail, with respect to cotyledons in the present chapter, and to leaves in the next chapter. Finally, it will be shown that these movements result from circumnutation, much modified and regulated by the alternations of day and night, or light and darkness; but that they are also to a certain extent inherited. Leaves, when they go to sleep, move either upwards or downwards, or in the case of the leaflets of com- * Ch. Royer must, however, be Nat.’ (Sth series), Bot. vol, ix excepted; see ‘Aunales des Sc. 1868, p. 378. 282 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuapr. VL pound leaves, forwards, that is, towards the apex of the leaf, or backwards, that is, towards its base; or, again, they may rotate on their own axes withott moving either upwards or downwards. But in almost every case the plane of the blade is so placed as to stand nearly or quite vertically at night. ‘Therefore the apex, or the base, or either lateral edge, may be directed towards the zenith. Moreover, the upper surface of each leaf, and more especially of each leaflet, is often brought into close contact with that of the opposite one; and this is sometimes effected by singulatly complicated movements. This fact suggests that the upper surface requires more protection than the lower one. For instance, the terminal leaflet in Trifolium, after turning up at night so as to stand vertically, often continues to bend over until the upper surface is directed downwards whilst the lower surface is fully exposed to the sky; and an arched roof is thus formed over the two lateral leaflets, which have their upper surfaces pressed closely together. Here we have the unusual case of one of the leaflets not standing vertically, or almost vertically, at night. Considering that leaves in assuming their nycti- tropic positions often move through an angle of 90°; that the movement is rapid in the evening; that in some cases, as we shall see in the next chapter, it is extraordinarily complicated; that with certain seedlings, old enough to bear true leaves, the cotyledons move vertically upwards at night, whilst at the same time the leaflets move ver- tically downwards; and that in the same genus the leaves or cotyledons of some species move upwards, whilst those of other species move down- wards ;—from these and other such facts, it is hardly possible to doubt that plants must derive some Cuap. VI. SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 2838 great advantage from such remarkable powers ot movement. The uyctitropic movements of leaves and cotyledons are effected in two ways,” firstly, by means of pulvini which become, as Pfeffer has shown, alternately more turgescent on opposite sides; and secondly, by in- creased growth along one side of the petiole or midrib, and then on the opposite side, as was first proved by Batalin.t But as it has been shown by De Vries tf that in these latter cases increased growth is preceded by the increased turgescence of the cells, the difference between the above two means of move- ment is much diminished, and consists chiefly in the turgescence of the cells of a fully developed pulvinus, not being followed by growth. When the move- ments of leaves or cotyledons, furnished with a pul- vinus and destitute of one, are compared, they are seen to be closely similar, and are apparently effected for the same purpose. Therefore, with our object in view, it does not appear advisable to separate the above two sets of cases into two distinct classes. There is, how- ever, one important distinction between them, namely, that movements effected by growth on the alternate sides, are confined to young growing leaves, whilst those effected by means of a pulvinus last for a long time. We have already seen well-marked instances of this latter fact with cotyledons, and so it is with leaves, as has been observed by Pfeffer and by ourselves. The long endurance of the nyctitropic movements when effected by the aid of pulvini indicates, in addition tc the evidence already advanced, the functional imvort- * This distinction was first Dassen in 1837. pointed out (according to Pfefter, + ‘Flora,’ 1873, p. 433. ‘Die Periodischen Bewegungen t ‘Bot. Zeitung,’ 1879, Dee der Blattorgave, 1875, p. 161) by 19th, p. 830. Cuap. V1 284 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. ance of such movements to the plant. There is another difference between the two sets of cases, namely, that there is never, or very rarely, any torsion of the leaves, excepting when a pulvinus is present ;* but this statement applies only to periodic and nyctitropic movements, as may be inferred from other cases given by Frank.t The fact that the leaves of many plants place themselves at night in widely different positions from what they hold during the day, but with the one point in common, that their upper surfaces avoid facing the zenith, often with the additional fact that they come into close contact with opposite leaves or leaflets, clearly indicates, as it seems to us, that the object gained is the protection of the upper sur- faces from being chilled at night by radiation. There is nothing improbable in the upper surface needing protection more than the lower, as the two differ in function and structure. All gardeners know that plants suffer from radiation. It is this and not cold winds which the peasants of Southern Europe fear for their olives.{ Seedlings are often protected from radiation by a very thin covering of straw; and fruit-trees on walls by a few fir-branches, or even by a fishing-net, suspended over them. There is a variety of the gooseberry,§ the flowers of which from being produced before the leaves, are not protected by them from radiation, and consequently often fail to yield fruit. An excellent observer || has remarked * Pfeffer, ‘Die Period. Beweg. der Blattorgane.” 1875, p. 159. + ‘Die Nat. Wagercchte Rich- tung von Pflanzentheilen,’ 1870, p. 52. } Martins in ‘Bull. Soc. Bot. de Frauce,’ tom. xix. 1872. Wells, in his fainous ‘ Essay on Dew,’ remarks that an exposed thermometer rises as soon as even w fleecy cluud, high in the sky, paszes over the zenith. 5 § ‘Loudon’s Gardener’s Mag.,’ vol. iv. 1828, p. 112. || Mr. Rivers in ‘Gardener’s Chron.,’ 1866, p. 732. Cuar. VL. USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 2Q8E that one variety of the cherry has the petals of its flowers much curled backwards, and after a severe frost all the stigmas were killed; whilst at the same time, in another variety with incurved petals, the stigmas were not in the least injured. This view that the sleep of leaves saves them from being chilled at night by radiation, would no doubt have occurred to Linnzus, had the principle of radia- tion been then discovered; for he suggests in many parts of his ‘Somnus Plantarum’ that the position of the leaves at night protects the young stems and buds, and often the young inflorescence, against cold winds. We are far from doubting that an additional advantage may be thus gained; and we have observed with several plants, for instance, Desmodium gyrans, that whilst the blade of the leaf sinks vertically down at night, the petiole rises, so that the blade has to move through a greater angle in order to assume its vertical position than would otherwise have been necessary ; but with the result that all the leaves on the same plant are crowded together as if for mutual protection. We doubted at first whether radiation would affect in any important manner objects so thin as are many cotyledons and leaves, and more especially affect dif- ferently their upper and lower surfaces; for although the temperature of their upper surfaces would un- doubtedly fall when freely exposed to a clear sky, yet we. thought that they would so quickly acquire by conduction the temperature of the surrounding air, that it could hardly make any sensible difference to them, whether they stood horizontally and radiated into the open sky, or vertically and radiated chiefly in a lateral direction towards neighbouring plants and other objects. We endeavoured, therefore, to ascer- tain something on this head by preventing the leaves 286 MODIFIED CIKCUMNUTATION. Cuap, VIL of several plants from going to sleep, and by exposing to a clear sky when the temperature was beneath the freezing-point, these, as well as the other leaves on the same plants which had already assumed their nocturnal vertical position. Our experiments show that leaves thus compelled to reniain horizontal at night, suffered much more injury from frost than those which were allowed to assume their normal vertical position. It may, however, be said that conclusicns drawn from such observations are not applicable to sleeping plants, the inhabitants of countries where frosts do not occur. But in every sountry, and at all seasons, leaves must be exposed to nocturnal chills through radiation, which might be in some degree injurious to them, and which they would escape by assuming a vertical position. In our experiments, leaves were prevented from - assuming their nyctitropic position, generally by being fastened with the finest entomological pins (which did not sensibly injure them) to thin sheets of cork supported on sticks. But in some instances they were fastened down by narrow strips of card, and in others by their petioles being passed through slits in the cork. The leaves were at first fastened close to the cork, for as this is a bad conductor, and as the leaves were not exposed for long periods, we thought that the cork, which had been kept in the house, would very slightly warm them; so that if they were injured by the frost in a greater degree than the free vertical leaves, the evidence would be so much the stronger that the horizontal position was injurious. But we found that when there was any slight difference in the result, which could be detected only occasionally, the leaves which had been fastened closely down suffered rather more than those fastened with very long and Caap. VI. USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 287 thin pins, so as to stand from } to ? inch above the cork. This difference in the result, which is in itself curious as showing what a very slight difference in the conditions influences the amount of injury in- flicted, may be attributed, as we believe, to the sur- rounding warmer air not circulating freely beneath the closely pinned leaves and thus slightly warming them. This conclusion is supported by some analogous facts hereafter to be given. We will now describe in detail the experiments which were tried. These were troublesome from our not being able to predict how much cold the leaves of the several species could endure. Many plants had every leaf killed, both those which were secured in a horizontal position and those which were allowed to sleep—that is, to rise up or sink down vertically. Others again had not a single leaf in the least in- jured, and these had to be re-exposed either for a longer time or to a lower temperature. Oxalis acetusella—A very large pot, thickly covered with between 300 and 400 leaves, had been kept all winter in the greenhouse. Seven leaves were pinned horizontally open, and were exposed on March 16th for 2h. to a clear sky, the temperature on the surrounding grass being — 4° C. (24° to 25° F.). Next morning all seven leaves were found quite killed, so were many of the free ones which had previously gone to sleep, and about 100 of them, either dead or browned and injured, were picked off. Some leaves showed that they had been slightly injured by not expanding during the whole of the next day, though they afterwards recovered. As all the leaves which were pinned open were killed, and only about a third or fourth of the others were either killed or injured, we had some little evidence that those which were prevented from assuming their vertically dependent position suffered most. The following night (17th) was clear and almost equally cold (— 8° to — 4° C. on the grass), and the pot was again exposed but this time for only 30m. Hight leaves had been pinned out, 288 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VE and in the morning two of them were dead, whilst not a single other leaf on the many plants was even injured. - On the 23rd the pot was exposed for 1h. 30 m., the tempera- ture on the grass being only — 2° C., and not one leaf was injured: the pinned open leaves, however, all stood from 3 to 2 of an inch above the cork. On the 24th the pot was again placed on the ground and exposed to a clear sky for between 35 m. and 40m. By a mis- take the thermometer was left on an adjoining sun-dial 3 feet high, instead of being placed on the grass; it recorded 25° to 26° F. (— 3:8° to — 38° C.), but when looked at after 1 h. had fallen to 22° F. (— 5°5° C.); so that the pot was perhaps exposed to rather a lower temperature than on the two first occasions. Eight leaves had been pinned out, some close to the cork and some above it, and on the following morning five of them (i.e. 63 per cent.) were found killed. By counting a portion of the leaves we estimated that about 250 had been allowed to go to sleep, and of these about 20 were killed (i.e. only 8 per cent.), and about 30 injured. Considering these cases, there can be no doubt that the leaves of this Oxalis, when allowed to assume their normal vertically dependent position at night, suffer much less from frost than those (23 in number) which had their upper surfaces exposed to the zenith. Oxalis carnosa.—A plant of this Chilian species was exposed for 30m. to a clear sky, the thermometer on the grass standing at — 2° C, with some of its Jeaves pinned open, and not one leaf on the whole bushy plant was in the least injured. On the 16th of March another plant was similarly exposed for 30m., when the temperature on the grass was only a little lower, viz, — 8° to—4°C. Six of the leaves had been pinned open, and next morning five of them were found much browned. The plant was a large one, and none of the free leaves, which were asleep and depended vertically, were browned, excepting four very young ones. But three other leaves, though not browned, were in a rather flaccid condition, and retained their nocturnal position during the whole of the following day. In this case it was obvious that the leaves which were exposed hori- zontally to the zenith suffered most, This same pot was after- wards exposed for 85-40 m. on a slightly colder night, and every leaf, both the pinned open and the free ones, was killed It may be added that two pots of O. corniculuta (var. Atro Cuar. VI. USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 289 purpurea) were exposed for 2h. and 3h. toa clear sky with the temp. on grass — 2° C., and none of the leaves, whether free or pinned open, were at all injured. Arachis hypogceea—Some plants in a pot were exposed at night for 80m. to a clear sky, the temperature on the surrounding grass being — 2° C., and on two nights afterwards they were again exposed to the same temperature, but this time during 1h. 30 m. On neither occasion was a siagle leaf, whether pinned open or frec, injured; and this surprised us much, considering its native tropical African home. Two plants were next exposed (March 16th) for 30 m. toa clear sky, the temperature of the surrounding grass being now lower, viz., between — 3° and — 4°C., and all four pinned-open leaves were killed and blackened. These two plants bore 22 other and free leaves (excluding some very young bud-like ones) and only two of these were killed and three some- what injured; that is, 23 per cent. were either killed or injured, whereas all four pinned open leaves were utterly killed. = On another night two pots with several plants were exposed for between 35m. and 40m. to a clear sky, and perhaps to a rather lower temperature, for a thermometer on a dial, 3 feet high, close by stood at — 3:3° to — 388° C. In one pot three leaves were pinned open, and all were badly injured; of the 44 free leaves, 26 were injured, that is, 59 per cent. In the other pot 3 leaves were pinned open and all were killed; four other leaves were prevented from sleeping by narrow strips of stiff paper gummed across them, and all were killed; of 24 free leaves, 10 were killed, 2 much injured, and 12 unburt; that is, 50 per cent. of the free leaves were either killed or much in- jured. Taking the two pots together, we may say that rather more than half of the free leaves, which were asleep, were either killed or injured, whilst all the ten horizontally extended leaves, which had been prevented from going to sleep, were either killed or much injured. Cassia floribunda.—A bush was exposed at night for 40 m. to a clear sky, the temperature on the surrounding grass being ~— 2° C., and not a leaf was injured.* It was again exposed on * Cassia levigata was exposed injured. But when C. leviquta to a clear sky fur 35 m., and C. calliantha (a Guiana species) for 60 m., the temperature on the surrounding grass being — 2° C., and neither were in the least was exposed for 1 h., the temp. on the surrounding grass being between — 3° and — 4° C., every leaf was killed. 290 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VI. another night for Lh., when the temperature of the grass was — 4°C.; and now all the leaves on a large bush, whether pinned flat open or free, were killed, blackened, and shrivelled, with the exception of those on one small branch, low down, which was very slightly protected by the leaves on the branches above. Another tall bush, with four of its large compound leaves pinned out horizontally, was afterwards exposed (temp. of surrounding grass exactly the same, viz., — 4° C.), but only for 30 m. On the fo'lowing morning every single leaflet on these four leaves was dead, with both their upper and lower surfaces completely blackened. Of the many free leaves on the bush, only seven were blackened, and of these only a single one (which was a younger and more tender leaf than any of the pinned ones) had both surfaces of the leaflets blackened. The contrast in this latter respect was well shown by a free leaf, which stood between two pinned-open ones; for these latter had the lower surfaces of their leaflets as black as ink, whilst the inter- mediate free leaf, though badly injured, still retained a plain tinge of green on the lower surface of the leaflets. ‘This bush exhibited in a striking manner the evil effects of the leaves not being allowed to assume at night their normal dependent posi- tion; for had they all been prevented from doing so, assuredly every single leaf on the bush would have been utterly killed by this exposure of only 30m. The leaves whilst sinking down- wards in the evening twist round, so that the upper surface is turned inwards, and is thus better protected than the outwardly turned lower surface. Nevertheless, it was always the upper surface which was more blackened than the lower, whenever any difference could be perceived between them; but whether this was due to the cells near the upper surface being more tender, or merely to their containing more chlorophyll, we do not know. Melilutus officinalis—A large pot with many plants, which had been kept during the winter in the greenhouse, was exposed during 5h. at night to a slight frost and clear sky. Four leaves had been pinned out, and these died after a few days; but so did many of the free leaves. Therefore nothing certain could be inferred from this trial, though it indicated that the norizontally extended leaves suffered most. Another large pot with many plants was next exposed for 1 h., the temperature on the surrounding grass being lower, viz.,— 3° to—4° C. Ten leaves had been pinned out, and the result was striking, for on the following morning all these were found much injured or Cuap. VI. USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 291 killed, and none of the many free leaves on the several plants were at all injured, with the doubtful exception of two or three very young ones. Melilotus Italica—Six leaves were pinned ont horizontally, three with their upper and three with their lower surfaces turned to the zenith. ‘The plants were exposed for 5h. to a clear sky, the temperature on ground being about — 1° C. Next morning the six pinned-open leaves seemed more injured even than the younger and more tender free ones on the same branches. The exposure, however, had been too long, for after an interval of some days many of the free leaves seemed in almost as bad a condition as the pinned-out ones. It was not possible to decide whether the leaves with their upper or those with their lower surfaces turned to the zenith had suffered most. Melilotus swaveolens—Some plants with 8 leaves pinned out were exposed to a clear sky during 2h., the temperature on the surrounding grass being — 2° C. Next morning 6 out of these 8 leaves were in a flaccid condition. There were about 150 free leaves on the plant, and none of these were injured, except 2 or 3 very young ones. But after two days, the plants having been brought back into the greenhouse, the 6 pinned-out leaves all recovered. Melilotus Taur ica.—Several plants were exposed for 5 h. during two nights to a clear sky and slight frost, accompanied by some wind; and 5 leaves which had been pinned out suffered more than those both above aud below on the same branches which had gone to sleep. Another pot, which had likewise been kept in the greenhouse, was exposed for 85-40 m. to a clear sky, the- temperature of the surrounding grass being between — 3° and — 4°C. Nine leaves had been pinned out, and all of these were killed. On the same plants there were 210 free leaves, which had been allowed to go to sleep, and of these about 80 were killed, i.e. only 38 per cent. Melilotus Petitpierrcana.—The plants were exposed to a clear sky for 85-40 m.: temperature on surrounding grass — 8° to —4°C. Six leaves had been pinned out so as to stand about 4 inch above the cork, and four had been pinned close to it. These 10 leaves were all killed, but the closely pinned ones suffered most, as 4 of the 6 which stood above the cork still retained small patches of a green colour. A considerable number, but not nearly all, of the free leaves, were killed or much injured, whereas all the pinned out ones were killed. 292 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar VL Melilotus macrorrhiza—The plants were exposed in the same manner as in the last case. Six leaves had been pinned out horizontally, and five of them were killed, that is, 88 per cent. We estimated that there were 200 free leaves on the plants, and of these about 50 were killed and 20 badly injured, so that about 35 per cent. of the free leaves were killed or injured. Lotus aristata.—Six plants were exposed for nearly 5h. tn a clear sky; temperature on surrounding grass — 15° C. Four leaves had been pinned out horizontally, and 2 cf these suffered more than those above or below on the same branches, which had been allowed to go to sleep. It is rather a remarkable fact that some plants of Lotus Jacobeus, an inhabitant of so hot a country as the Cape Verde Islands, were exposed one night toa clear sky, with the temperature of the surrounding grass — 2°C., and on a second night for 30 m. with the temperature of the grass between — 3° and — 4° C., and not a single leaf, either the pinned-out or free ones, was in the least injured. Marsilea quadrifoliata.—A large plant of this species—the only Cryptogamic plant known to sleep—with some leaves pinned open, was exposed for 1h. 385m. to a clear sky, the temperature on the surrounding ground being — 2° C., and not a single leaf wasinjured. After an interval of some days the plant was again exposed for Lh. to a clear sky, with the temperature on the surrounding ground lower, viz.,—4°C. Six leaves had been pinned out horizontally, and all of them were utterly killed. The plant had emitted long trailing stems, and these had been wrapped round with a blanket, so as to protect them from the frozen ground and from radiation; but a very large number of leaves were left freely exposed, which had gone to sleep, and of these only 12 were killed. After another interval, the plant, with 9 leaves pinned out, was again cxposed for 1h., the temperature on the ground being again — 4° GC. Six of the leaves were killed, and one which did not at first appear injured after- wards became streaked with brown. The trailing branches, which rested on the frozen ground, had one-half or three-quarters of thicit leaves killed, but of the many other leaves on the plant, which alone could be fairly compared with the pinned-out ones, none appeared at first sight to have been killed, but on careful search 12 were found in this state. After another interval, the plant with 9 leaves pinned out, was exposed for 35-40 m. to a clear sky and to nearly the same, or perhaps a rather lower, tempera- ture (for the thermometer by an accident had been left on a Cua. VI. USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 293 sun-dial close by), and 8 of these leaves were killed. Of the free leaves (those on the trailing branches not being considered), a good many were killed, but thcir number, compared with the uninjured ones, was small. Finally, taking the three trials together, 24 leaves, extended horizontally, were exposed to the zenith and to unobstructed radiation, and of these 20 were killed and 1 injured; whilst a relatively very small proportion of the leaves, which had been allowed to go to sleep with their leaflets vertically dependent, were killed or injured. The cotyledons of several plants were prepared for trial, but the weather was mild and we succeeded only in a single instance in having seedlings of the proper age on nights which were clear and cold. The cotyledons of 6 seedlings of Mimosa pudica were fastened open on cork, and were thus exposed for 1h. 45m, to a clear sky, with the temperature on the surrounding ground at 29° F.; of these, 3 were killed. Two other seedlings, after their cotyledons had risen up and had closed together, were bent over and fastened so that they stood horizontally, with the lower surface of one cotyledon fully exposed to the zenith, and both were killed. Therefore of the 8 seedlings thus tried 5, or more than half, were killed. Seven other seedlings, with their cotyledons in their normal nocturnal position, viz., vertical and closed, were exposed at the same time, and of these only 2 were killed.* Hence it appears, as far as these few trials tell anything, that the vertical position at night of the cotyledons of A/imosa pudica protects them to a certain degree from the evil effects of radiation and cold. Concluding Remarks on the Radiation from Leaves at Night——We exposed on two occasions during the summer to a clear sky several pinned-open leaflets of Trifolium pratense, which naturally rise at night, and of Oxalts purpurea, which naturally sink at night (the plants growing out of doors), and looked at * We were surprised that young seedlings of so tropical a plant as Mimosa pudica were able to resi-t, as well as they did, ex- posure tor 1 br. 45 m. tu a clear pky, the temperature on the sur- ruunding ground being 29° F. Tt may be added that seedlings of the Indian Cass/u pubescens were exposed fur 1 b. 30 m, to a clear sky, with the temp. on the sur- rounding ground at — 2° C., and they were not in the least injured 294 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATIOY. Cuar. VL them early on several successive mornings, after they had assumed their diurnal positions. ‘The difference in the amount of dew on the pinned-open leaflets and on those which had gone to sleep was generally conspicuous; the latter being sometimes absolutely dry, whilst the leaflets which had been horizontal were coated with large beads of dew. This shows how much cooler the leaflets fully exposed to the zenith must have become, than those which stood almost vertically, either upwards or downwards, during the night. From the several cases above given, there can be no doubt that the position of the leaves at night affects their temperature through radiation to such a degree, that when exposed to a clear sky during a frost, it is a question of life and death. We may therefore admit as highly probable, seeing that their nocturnal posi- tion is so well adapted to lessen radiation, that the object gained by their often complicated sleep move- ments, is to lessen the degree to which they are chilled at night. It should be kept in mind that it is especially the upper surface which is thus pro- tected, as it is never directed towards the zenith, and is often brought into close contact with the upper surface of an opposite leaf or leaflet. We failed to obtain sufficient evidence, whether the better protection of the upper surface has been gained from its being more easily injured than the lower surface, or from its injury being a greater evil to the plant. That there is some difference in consti- tution between the two surfaces is shown by the follow- ing cases. Cassia floribunda was exposed toa clear sky on a sharp frosty night, and several leaflets which had assumed their nocturnal dependent position with their lower surfaces turned outwards so as to be Cuapr. VIL USE OF SLEEP MOVEMENTS. 295 exposed obliquely to the zenith, nevertheless had these lower surfaces less blackened than the upper surfaces which were turned inwards and were in close contact with those of the opposite leaflets. Again, a pot full of plants of Trifolium resupinatwm, which had been kept in a warm room for three days, was turned out of doors (Sept. 21st) on a clear and almost frosty night. Next morning ten of the terminal leaflets were examined as opaque objects under the microscope. These leaflets, in going to sleep, either turn vertically upwards, or more commonly bend a little over the lateral leaflets, so that their lower surfaces are more exposed to the zenith than their upper surfaces. Nevertheless, six of these ten leaflets were distinctly yellower on the upper than on the lower and more exposed surface. In the remaining four, the result was not so plain, but certainly whatever difference there was leaned to the side of the upper surface having suffered most. It has been stated that some of the leaflets experi- mented on were fastened close to the cork, and others at a height of from 3 to ? of an inch above it; and that whenever, after exposure to a frost, any difference could be detected in their states, the closely pinned ones had suffered most. We attributed this difference to the air, not cooled by radiation, having been pre- vented from circulating freely beneath the closely pinned leaflets. That there was really a difference in the temperature of leaves treated in these two dif- ferent methods, was plainly shown on one occasion; for after the exposure of a pot with plants of Melzlotus dentata for 2h. to a clear sky (the temperature on the surrounding grass being — 2° C.), it was manifest that more dew had congealed into hoar-frost on the closely pinned leaflets, than on those which stood horizontally 20 296 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VL a little above the cork. Again, the tips of some few leaflets, which had been pinned close to the cork, pro- ected a little beyond the edge, so that the air could circulate freely round them. ‘his occurred with six leaflets of Oxulis acetosellu, and their tips certainly suffered rather less than the rest of the same leaflets ; for on the following morning they were still slightly green. ‘The same result followed, even still more clearly, in two cases with leaflets of Melilotus officinalis which projected a little beyond the cork; and in two other cases some leaflets which were pinned close to the cork were injured, whilst other free leaflets on the sume leaves, which had not space to rotate and assume their proper vertical position, were not at all injured. Another analogous fact deserves notice: we observed on several occasions that a greater number of free leaves were injured on the branches which had been kept motionless by some of their leaves having been pinned to the corks, than on the other branches. This was conspicuously the case with those of Melzlotus Petitpierreana, but the injured leaves in this instance were not actually counted. With Arachis hypogea, a young plant with 7 stems bore 22 free leaves, and of these 5 were injured by the frost, all of which were on two stems, bearing four leaves pinned to the cork- supports. With Ozalis carnosa, 7 free leaves were injured, and every one of them belonged to a cluster of leaves, some of which had been pinned to the cork. We could account for these cases only by supposing that the branches which were quite free had been slightly waved about by the wind, and that their leaves had thus been a little warmed by the sur- rounding warmer air. If we hold our hands motion less before a hot fire, and then wave them about, we Cnap. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 297 immediately feel relief; and this is evidently an analogous, though reversed, case. These several facts —in relation to leaves pinned close to or a little above the cork-supports—to their tips projecting beyond it— und to the leaves on branches kept motionless—seem to us curious, as showing how a difference, apparently trifling, may determine the greater or less injury of the leaves. We may even infer as probable that the less or greater destruction during a frost of the leaves on a plant which does not sleep, may often depend on the greater or less degree of flexibility of their petioles and of the branches which bear them. Nycrirropic ok SLEEP MoveMEnNtTS OF COTYLEDONS. We now come to the descriptive part of our work, and will begin with cotyledons, passing on to leaves in the next chapter. We have met with only two brief notices of cotyledons sleeping. Hofmeister,* after stating that the cotyledons of all the observed seedlings of the Caryophyllee (Alsinee and Silene) bend upwards at night (but to what angle he does not state), remarks that those of Stellarta media rise up so as to touch one another; they may therefore safely be said to sleep. Secondly, according to Ramey,f{ the cotyledons of Mimosa pudica and of Clianthus Dam- piert rise up almost vertically at night and approach each other closely. It has been shown in a previous chapter that the cotyledons of a large number of plants bend a little upwards at night, and we here have to meet the difficult question at what inclination may they be said to sleep? According to the view which we maintain, no movement deserves to be called * Dic Lehre von der Pflanzenzelle,’ 1867, p. 327. t ‘Adansonia,’ March 10th, 1869. 29e MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTA'TION. Cuap. VI nyctitropic, unless it has been acquired for the sake of lessening radiation; but this could be discovered only by a long series of experiments, showing that the leaves of each species suffered from this cause, if pre- vented from sleeping. We must therefore take an arbitrary limit. If a cotyledon or leaf is inclined at 60° above or beneath the horizon, it exposes to the zenith about one-half of its area; consequently the intensity of its radiation will be lessened by about half, compared with what it would have been if the cotyledon or leaf had remained horizontal. This degree of diminution certainly would make a great difference to a plant having a tender constitution. We will therefore speak of a cotyledon and hereafter of a leaf as sleeping, only when it rises at night to an angle of about 60°, or to a still higher angle, above the horizon, or sinks beneath it to the same amount. Not but that a lesser diminution of radiation may be advantageous to a plant, as in the case of Datura stramonium, the cotyledons of which rose from 31° at noon to 55° at night above the horizon. The Swedish turnip may profit by the area of its leaves being reduced at night by about 30 per cent., as estimated by Mr. A. 8. Wilson; though in this case the angle through which the leaves rose was not observed. On the other hand, when the angular rise of cotyledons or of leaves is smal], such as less than 30°, the diminution of radiation is so slight that it probably is of no sig- nificance to the plant in relation to radiation. For instance, the cotyledons of Geranium Ibericum rose at night to 27° above the horizon, and this would lessen radiation by only 11 per cent.: those of Linum Beren- diert rose to 83°, and this would lessen radiation by 16 per cent. There are, however, some other sources of doubt with Cuar. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 299 respect to the sleep of cotyledons. In certain cases, the cotyledons whilst young diverge during the day to only a very moderate extent, so that a small rise at night, which we know occurs with the cotyledons of many plants, would necessarily cause them to assume a vertical or nearly vertical position at night; and in this case it would be rash to infer that the movement was effected for any special purpose. On this account we hesitated long whether we should introduce several Cucurbitaceous plants into the following list; but from reasons, presently to be given, we thought that they had better be at least temporarily included. This same source of doubt applies in some few other cases ; for at the commencement of our observations we did not always attend sufficiently to whether the cotyle- dons stood nearly horizontally in the middle of the day. With several seedlings, the cotyledons assume a highly inclined position at night during so short a period of their life, that a doubt naturally arises whether this can be of any service to the plant. Nevertheless, in most of the cases given in the following list, the coty- ledons may be as certainly said to sleep as may the leaves of any plant. In two cases, namely, with the cabbage and radish, the cotyledons of which rise almost vertically during the few first nights of their life, it was ascertained by placing young seedlings in the klinostat, that the upward movement was not due to apogeotropism. The names of the plants, the cotyledons of which stand at night at an angle of at least 60° with the horizon, are arranged in the appended list on the same system as previously followed. The numbers of the Families, and with the Leguminose the numbers of the Tribes, have been added to show how widely the plants in question are distributed throughout the B00 dicotyledonous series. MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. Vi. A few remarks will have to be made about many of the plants in the list. In doing so, it will be convenient not to follow strictly any systematic order, but to treat of the Oxalide and the Leguminose at the close; for in these two Families the cotyledons are generally provided with a pulvinus, and their movements endure for a much longer time than those of the other plants in the list. List of Seedling Plants, the cotyledons of which rise or sink at night to an angle of at least 60° above or beneath the horizon. Brassica oleracea. Cruciferae (Fam. 14). - napus (as we are informed by Prof. Pfetier). Raphauus sativus. Githago segetum. (Fam, 26). Stellaria media (according to Hof- meister, as quoted), Caryophyl- ex Crucifere, Caryophyllex Anoda Wrightii. Malvacee (Fam. 36). Gossypium (var. Nankin cotton). Malvacer, Oxalis rosea. Oxalide (Fam. 41). — floribunda. - articulata. Valdiviana, sensitiva. Geranium rotundifolium. niacez (Fam. 47). Trifolium subterrancum. Legu- minose (Fam. 75, Tribe 3). strictum, leucanthemum. Lotus ornithopopoides, nose (Tribe 4), peregrinus, Jacobxus. Clianthus Dampieri. Legumi- nos: (Tribe 5)—according to M. Ramey. Smithia — sensitiva. (Tribe 6). Hematoxylon Campechianum. Le- Gera- Legumi- Leguminose guminose (Tribe 13)—accord- ing to Mr. R. 1. Lynch. Cassia mimosoides. Leguminose (Tribe 14). ——- glauca, florida. — corymbosa, ——- pubescens. tora. neglecta, 3 other Brazilian unnamed species. Bauhinia (sp. ?). (Tribe 15). Neptunia oleracea. (Tribe 20). Mimosa _pudica. (Tribe 21). albida. Cucurbita ovifera. (Fam. 106). —— aurantia. Lagenaria vulgaris. Cucurbitacea. Cucumis dudaim. Cucurbitaces. Apium petroselinum. Umbellifere (Fam. 113). graveolens. Lactuca scariola. Composite (Fam. T22);. Leguminose Leguminosz Leguminos:e Cucurbitacez Helianthus annuus (?). Composite. Ipomea ca#rulea, Convolvulaces (Fam. 151). purpurea, bona-nox, coccinea, Cuar, VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 301 List of Seedling Plants (continued). Solanum lycopersicum. Solanee (Fam. 157). Mimulus, (sp. ?) Scrophularinea (Fam. 159) — from information given us by Prof. Pfetler. Mirabilis jalapa. Nyctaginex (Fam. 177). Mirabilis longiflcra. Beta vulgaris. Polygonere (Fam. 179). Amaranthus caudatus. Amaran- thacea (Fam. 180). Cannabis sativa (?). Cannabince (Fam. 195). Brassica oleracea (Cruciferee). —1t was shown in the first chapter that the cotyledons of the common cabbage rise in the evening and stand vertically up at night with their petioles in contact. But as the two cotyledons are of unequal height, they frequently interfere a little with each other’s movements, the shorter one often not standing quite vertically. They awake early in the morning; thus at 645 am. on Nov. 27th, whilst it was still dark, the cotyledons, which had been vertical and in contact on the previous evening, were reflexed, and thus presented a very different appearance. It should he borne in mind that seedlings in germinating at the proper season, would not be subjected to darkness at this hour in the morning. The above amount of movement of the cotyledons is only temporary, lasting with plants kept in a warm greenhouse from four to six days; how long it would last with seedlings growing out of doors we do not know. Raphanus sativus.—In the middle of the day the blades of the cotyledons of 10 seedlings stood at right angles to their hypocotyls, with their petioles a little divergent; at night the blades stood vertically, with their bases in contact and with their petioles parallel. Next morning, at 6.45 4.m., whilst it was still dark, the blades were horizontal. On the following night they were much raised, but hardly stood sufficiently ver- tical to be said to be asleep, and so it was in a still less degree on the third night. Therefore the cotyledons of this plant (kept in the greenhouse) go to sleep for even a shorter time than those of the cabbage. Similar observations were made, but only during a single day and night, on 18 other seedlings likewise raised in the greenhouse, with the same result. The petioles of the cotyledons of 11 young scedlings of Sinupis nigra were slightly divergent at noon, and the blades stood at right angles to the hypocotyls; at night the pctioles were in close contact, and the blades considerably raised, with their bases in contact, but only a few stood sufficiently apright to be called asleep. On the following morning, 302 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. V1. the petioles diverged before it was light. The hypocotyl a slightly sensitive, so that if rubbed with a needle it bends towards the rubbed side. In the case of Lepidiwm sativum, the petioles of the cotyledons of young seedlings diverse during the day and converge so as to touch each other during the night, by which means the bases of the tripartite blades are brought into contact; but the blades are so little raised that they cannot be said to sleep. The cotyledons of several other cruciferous plants were observed, but they did not rise sufficiently during the night to be said to sleep. Githago segetum (Caryophyllez).—On the first day after the cotyledons had burst through the seed-coats, they stood at noon at an angle of 75° above the horizon; at night they moved upwards, each through an angle of 15° so as to stand quite vertical and in contact with one another. On the second day they stood at noon at 59° above the horizon, and again at night were completely closed, each having risen 31°. On the fourth day the cotyledons did not quite close at night. The first and succeeding pairs of young true leaves behaved in exactly the same manner. We think that the movement in this case may be called nyctitropic, though the angle passed through was small. The cotyledons are very sensitive to light and will not expand if exposed to an extremcly dim one. Anodu Wrightii (Malvace).—The cotyledons whilst moderately young, and only from ‘2 to ‘3 inch in diameter, sink in the evening from their mid-day horizontal position to about 35° beneath the horizon. But when the same seedlings were older and had produced small true leaves, the almost orbicular cotyledons, now ‘55 inch in diameter, moved vertically downwards at night. This fact made us suspect that their sinking might be due merely to their weight; but they were not in the least flaccid, and when lifted up sprang back through elasticity into their former dependent position. A pot with some old seedlings was turned upside down in the afternoon, before the noc- turnal fall had commenced, and at night they assumed in op- position to their own weight (and to any geotropie action) an upwardly directed vertical position. When pots were thus reversed, after the evening fall had already commenced, the sinking movement appeared to be somewhat disturbed; but all their movements were occasionally variable without any apparent cause. is latter fact, as well as that of the young cotyledons uot sinking nearly so much as the older ones, deserves notice. Cuar. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 3803 Although the movement of the cotyledons endured for a long time, no pulvinus was exteriorly visible; but their growth continued for a long time. The cotyledons appear to be only slightly heliotropic, though the hypocotyl is strongly go. Gossypium arborcum (?) (var. Naukin cotton) (Malvacer).—Tie cotyleunus behave in nearly the same manner as those of the Anoda, On June 15th the cotyledons of two seedlings were ‘65 inch in length (measured along the midrib) and stood hori- zontally at noon; at 10 P.M. they occupied the same position and had not fallen at all. .On June 23rd, the cotyledons of one of these seedlings were 11 inch in length, and by 10 p.m. they had fallen from a horizontal position to 62° beneath the horizon, The cotyledons of the other seedling were 13 inch in length, aud a minute true leaf had been formed; they had fallen at 10 p.m. to 70° beneath the horizon. On June 24th, the true leaf of this latter seedling was 9 inch in length, and the cotyledons occu- picd nearly the same position at night. By July 9th the cctyle- dons appeared very old and showed signs of withering; but they stood at noon almost horizontally, aud at 10 p.m. hung down vertically. Gossypium herbi ceum.—It is remarkable that the cotyledons of this species behave differently from those of the last. They were observed durivg 6 weeks from their first development until they had grown to a very large size (still appearing fresh and green), viz. 24 inches in breadth. At this age a true leaf had been formed, which with its petiole was 2 inches long. During the whole of these 6 weeks the cotyledons did not sink at night ; yet when old their weight was considerable and they were borne by much elongated petioles. Seedlings raised from some seed sent us from Naples, behaved in the same manner ; as did those of a kind cultivated in Alabama and cf the Sea-island cotton. To what species these three latter forms belong we do not know. We could not make out in the case of the Naples cotton, that the position of the cotyledons at night was influenced by the soil being more or less dry; care being taken that they were not rendered flaccid by being too dry. The weight of the large cotyledons of the Alabama and Sea-island kinds caused them to hang somewhat dcwnwards, when the pots in which they grew were left for a time upside down. It should, however, be observed that these three kinds were raised in the middle of the winter, which sometimes greatly interferes with the proper nyctitropic movements of leaves and cotyledons. 304 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VI. Cucurbitacece—The cotyledons of Cucurbita aurantia and ovi- fera, and of Lagenaria vulgaris, stand from the Ist to the 3rd day of their life at about 60° above the horizon, and at night rise up so as to become vertical and in close contact with one another. With Cucumis dudaim they stood at noon at 45° above the hori- zon, and closed at night. The tips of the cotyledons of all these species are, however, reflexed, so that this part is fully exposed to the zenith at night; and this fact is opposed to the belief that the movement is of the same nature as that of sleeping plants. After the first two or three days the cotyledons diverge more during the day and cease to close at night. Those of T'richosanthes anguina are somewhat thick and fleshy, and did not rise at night; and they could perhaps hardly be expected to do so. On the other hand, those of Acanthosicyos horridu* present nothing in their appearance opposed to their moving at night in the same manner as the preceding species ; yet they did not rise up in any plain manner. This fact leads to the belief that the nocturnal movements of the above-named species has been acquired for some special purpose, which may be to protect the young plumule from radiation, by the close contact of the whole basal portion of the two cotyledons. Geranium rotundi/olium (Geraniacer).—A single seedling came up accidentally in a pot, and its cotyledons were observed to bend perpendicularly downwards during several successive nights, having been horizontal at noon. It grew into a fine plant but died before flowering: it was sent to Kew and pro- nounced to be certainly a Geranium, and in all probability the above-named species. This case is remarkable because the cotyledons of G. cinereum, Endressii, Ibericum, Richardsont, and subcuulescens were observed during some wecks in the winter, and they did not sink, whilst those of G. Jb.ricum rose 27° at night. Apium petroselinum (Umbcllifere).—A seedling had its coty- ledons (Nov. 22nd) almost fully expanded during the day; by 8.30 p.m. they had risen considerably, and at 10.380 P.a. were almost closed, their tips being only ;8; of an inch apart. On the following morning (23rd) the tips were 338, of an inch apart, * This plant, from Dammara_ climber; it has been deacribed Land in S. Africa, is remarkable in ‘Transact. Linn. Soc.,’ xxvii from being the one known mem- _ p, 30. ber of the Family which is not a Cuap. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 308 or more than seven times as much. On the next night the cotyledons occupied nearly the same position as before. On the morning of the 24th they stood horizontally, and at night were 60° above the horizon ; and so it was on the night of the 25th. But four days afterwards (on the 29th), when the seedlings were a week old, the cotyledons had ceased to rise at night to any plain degree. Apium graveolens.—The cotyledons at noon were horizontal, and at 10 p.m. stood at an angle of 61° above the horizon. Lactuca scarivla (Composite).—The cotyledons whilst young stood sub-horizontally during the day, and at night rose so as to be almost vertical, and some were quite vertical and closed ; but this movement ceased when they had grown old and large, after an interval of 11 days. Helianthus annwus (Composite).—This case is rather doubtful ; the cotyledons rise at night, and on one occasion they stood at 73° above the horizon, so that they might then be said to have been asleep. Ipomea cerulea vel Pharbitis nil (Convolvulacese).—The coty- ledons behave in nearly the same manner as those of the Anocla and Nankin cotton, and like them grow to a large size. Whilst young and small, so that their blades were from ‘5 to ‘6 of an inch in length, measured along the middle to the base of the central notch, they remained horizontal both during the middle of the day and at night. As they increased in size they began to sink more and more in the evening and early night; and when they had grown to a length (measured in the above manner) of from | to 1:25 inch, they sank between 55° and 70° beneath the horizon. They acted, however, in this manner only when they had been well illuminated during the day. Never- theless, the cotyledons have little or no power of bending towards a lateral light, although the hypocotyl] is strongly helio- tropic. They are not provided with a pulvinus, but continue to grow for a long time. Ipomea purpurea (vel Pharbitis hispita)—The cotyledons behave in all respects like those of I. cerulea. A seedling with cotyledons ‘75 inch in length (measured as before) and 1:65 inch in breadth, having a small true leaf developed, was placed at 5.30 p.m. on a klinostat in a darkened box, so that neither weight nor geotropism could act on them. At 10 p.m. one coty- Jedon stood at 77° and the other at 82° beneath the horizon. Before being placed in tho klinostat they stood at 15° and 29° 306 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VL beneath the horizon. The nocturnal position depends chiefly on the curvature of the petiole close to the blade, but the whole petiole becomes slightly curved downwards. It deserves notice that seedlings of this and the last-named species were raised at the end of February and another lot in the middle of March, and the cotyledons in neither case exhibited any nyctitropic movement. Ipomaa bona-nox.—The cotyledons after a few days grow to an enormous size, those on a young seedling being 3; inches in breadth. They were extended horizontally at noon, and at 10 pm. stood at 63° beneath the horizon. Five days after- wards they were 4} inches in breadth, and at night one stood at 64° and the other 48° beneath the horizon. Though the blades are thin, yet from their great size and from the petioles being long, we imagined that their depression at night might be determined by their weight; but when the pot was laid hori- zontally, they became curved towards the hypocotyl, which movement-could not have been in the least aided by their weight, at the same time they were somewhat twisted upwards through apogeotropism. Nevertheless, the weight of the coty- ledons is so far influential, that when on another night the pot was turned upside down, they were unable to rise and thus to assume their proper nocturnal position. Ipom+a coccinea.—The cotyledons whilst young do not sink at night, but when grown a little older, but still only ‘4 inch in length (measured as before) and ‘82 in breadth, they became greatly depressed. In one case they were horizontal at noon, and at 10 p.xt. one of them stood at 64° and the other at 47° beneath the horizon. The blades are thin, and the petioles, which become much curved down at night, are short, so that here weight can hardly have produced any effect. With all the above species of Ipomcea, when the two cotyledons on the same seedling were unequally depressed at night, this seemed to depend on the position which they had held during the day with reference to the light. Solanum lycopersicum (Solanew).— The cotyledons rise soe much at night as to come nearly in contact. Those of S. palina- canthum were horizontal at noon, and by 10 p.m. had risen only 27° 80'; but on the fullowing morning before it was light they stood at 59° above the horizon, aud in the afternoon of the same diy were again horizontal. The behaviour of the cotyledons of this latter species seems, therefore, to be anomalous. Cuar. VI SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 307 Mirabilis julapa and longiflora (Nyctagines).— The cotyledons, which are of unequal size, stand horizontally during the middle of the day, and at night rise up vertically and come into close contact with oneanother. But this movement with J. longijlora lasted for only the three first nights. Betu vulgaris (Polygonese).—A large number of seedlings were observed on three occasions. During the day the cotyledons sometimes stood sub-horizontally, but more commonly at an angle of about 50° above the horizon, and for the first two or three nights they rose up vertically so as to be completely closed. During the succeeding one or two nights they rose only a little, and afterwards hardly at all. Amaranthus cuudatus (Amaranthacese)—At noon the coty- ledons of many seedlings, which had just germinated, stood at about 45° above the horizon, and at 10.15 p.m. some were nearly and others quite closed. On the following morning they were again well expanded or open. Cunnabis sativa (Cannabine).— We are very doubtful whether this plant ought to be hereincluded. The cotyledons of a large number of seedlings, after being well illuminated during the day, were curved downwards at night, so that the tips of some pointed directly to the ground, but the basal part did not appear to be at all depressed. On the following morning they were again flat and horizontal. The cotyledons of many other seed- lings were at the same time not in any way affected. Therefore this case seems very different from that of ordinary sleep, and probably comes under the head of epinasty, as is the case with the leaves of this plant according to Kraus. The cotyledons are heliotropic, and so is the hypocotyl in a still stronger degree, Oxalis—We now come to cotyledons provided with a pulvinus, all of which are remarkable from the continuance of the nocturnal movements during several days or even weeks, and apparently after growth has ceased. The cotyledons of O. rosea, floribunda and «rticulata sink vertically down at night and clasp the upper part of the hypocotyl. Those of 0. Vuléiviuna and sensitiva, on the contrary, rise vertically up, so that their upper surfaces come into close contact; and after the young leaves are developed these are clasped by the cotyledons. Asin the daytime they stand hori- zontally, or are even a little deflected beneath the horizon, they move in the evening through an angle of at least 90° Their somplicated circumnutating movements during the day have B08 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. V1 been described in the first chapter. The experiment was a superfluous one, but pots with seedlings of O. rosea and floribunda were turned upside down, as soon as the cotyledons began to show any signs of sleep, and this made no difference in their movements. Leguminose.—It may be seen in our list that the cotyledons of several species in nine genera, widcly distributed through- out the Family, sleep at night; and this probably is the case with many others. ‘lhe cotyledons of all these species are pro- vided with a pulvinus; and the movement in all is continued during many days or weeks. In Cassia the cotyledons of the ten species in the list rise up vertically at night and come into close contact with one another. We observed that those of C. florida opened in the morning rather later than those of C. glauca and pubescens. The movement is exactly the same in (. mimosoides as in the other species, though its subsequentl7 developed leaves sleep in a different manner. The cotyledons of an eleventh species, namely, C. nodosa, are thick and fleshy, and do not rise up at night. The circumnutation of the coty- ledons during the day of C. tora has been described in the first chapter. Although the cotyledons of Smithia sensitiva rose from a horizontal position in the middle of the day to a vertical one at night, those of S. Pfundii, which are thick and fleshy, did not sleep. When Mimusa pudica and albida have been kept at a sufficiently high temperature during the day, the cotyledons come into close contact at night ; otherwise they merely rise up almost vertically. The circumnutation of those of M. pudica has been described. The cotylclons of a Bauhinia from St. Catharina in Brazil stood during the day at an angle of about 5u° above the horizon, and at night rose to 77°; but it is pro- bable that they would have closed completely, if the seedlings had heen kept in a warmer place. Lotus.—In three species of Lotus the cotyledons were observed to sleep. Those of L. Jacobeus present the singular case of not rising at night in any conspicuous manner for the first 5 or 6 days of their life, and the pulvinus is not well developed at this period. Afterwards the sleeping movement is well dis- played, though to a variable degree, and is long continued. We shall hereafter meet with a nearly parallel case with the leaves of Sida rhombifuliu, The cotyledons of L. Gebelii are only slightly raised at night, and differ much in this respect frum the three species in cur list. Cuar VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 309 Prifoliwm—tThe germination of 21 species was observed. In most of them the cotyledons rise hardly at all, or only slightly. at night; but those of 7. glomeratum, striatum and incainatum rose from 45° to 55° above the horizon. With 7. subterraneum, leucanthemum and strictum, they stood up vertically; and with T. strictum the rising;movement is accompanied, as we skall see, by another movement, which makes us believe that the rising is truly nyctitropic. We did not carefully examine the coty- ledons of all the species for a pulvinus, but this organ was distinctly present in those of 7. subterranewm and striclwm ; whilst, there was no trace of a pulvinus in some species, for instance, in L. resupinatum, the cotyledons of which do not rise at night. Trifolium subterrancum.—The blades of the cotyledons on the first day after germination (Nov. 21st) were not fully expanded, being inclined at about 35° above the horizon; at night they rose to about 75°. Two days afterwards the blades at noon were horizontal, with the petioles highly inclined upwards; and it is remarkable that the nocturnal movemeut is almost wholly confined to the blades, being effected by the pulvinus at their bases; whilst the petioles retain day and night nearly the same inclination. On this night (Nov. 23rd), and for some few succeeding nights, the blades rose from a horizontal into a vertical position, and then became bowed inwards at about an average angle of 10°; so that they had passed through an angle of 100°. Their tips now almost touched one another, their bases being slightly divergent. The two blades thus formed a highly inclined roof over the axis of the seedling. This movement is the same as that of the terminal leaflet of the tripartite leaves of many species of Trifolium. After an interval of 8 days (Nov. 29th) the blades were horizontal during the day, and vertical at night, and now they were no longer bowed inwards. They continued to move in the same manner for the following two months, by which time they had increased greatly in size, their petioles being no less than °8 of an inch in length, and two true leaves had by this time been developed. Trifolium strictum.—On the first day after germination the cotyledons, which are provided with a pulvinus, stood at noon horizontally, and at night rose to only about 45° above the horizon. Four days afterwards the seedlings were again ob- served at night, and now the blades stood vertically and were in contact, excepting the tips, which were much deflexed, so that they faced the zenith At this age the petioles are curved 310 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. Vi. upwards, and at night, when the bases of the blades are in con- tact, the two petioles together form a vertical ring surrounding the plumule. The cotyledons continued to act in nearly the same manner for 8 or 10 days from the period of germination; but the petioles had by this time become straight and had increased much in length. After from 12 to 14 days the first simple true leaf was formed, and during the ensuing fortnight a remarkable movement was repeatedly observed. At I. (Fig. 125) we have a sketch, made in the middle of the day, of a seedling about a fortnight old. The two cotyledons, of which &e is the light, and Le the left one, stand directly opposite one another, Trifolium strictum; diurnal and nocturnal positions of the two cotyledons and of the first leaf. I. Seedling viewed obliquely from above, during the day: Re, right cotyledon; Zc, left cotyledon; F, first true leaf. II. A rather younger seedling, viewed at night: 2c, right cotyledon raised, but its position not otherwise changed ; Le, left cotyledon rai-ed and laterally twisted; J, first leaf raised and twisted so as to face the lett twisted cotyledon. IL. Same seedling viewed at night from the opposite side. The back of the first leaf, F, is here shown instead of the front, as in IL and the first true leaf (2) projects at right angles to them. At night (see IL and III.) the right cotyledon (Rc) is greatly raised, but is not otherwise changed in position. The left cotyledon (Zc) is likewise raised, but it is also twisted, so that its blade, instead of exactly facing the opposite one, now stands at nearly right angles to it This nocturnal twisting movement is effected not by means of the pulvinus, but by the twisting of the whole length of the petiole, as could be seen by the curved jine of its upper concave surface. At the same time the true leaf (/’) rises up, so as to stand vertically, or it even passes the vertical and is inclined a little inwards. It also twists a little, by which means the upper surface of its blade fronts, and almost comes into contact with, the upper surface of the twisted Ugar. V1. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 311 teft cotyledon. This seems to be the object gained by these singular movements. Altogether 20 seedlings were examined on successive nights, and in 19 of them it was the left cotyledon alone which became twisted, with the true leaf always so twisted tbat its upper surface approached closely and fronted that of the left cotyledon. In only one instance was the right cotyledon twisted, with the true leaf twisted towards it; but this seedling was in an abnormal condition, as the left cotyledon did not rise up properly at night. This whole case is remarkable, as with the cotyledons of no other plant bave we seen any nocturnal movement except vertically upwards or downwards. It is the more remarkable, because we shall meet with an analogous case in the leaves of the allied genus Melilotus, in which the ter- minal leaflet rotates at night so as to present one edge to the zenith and at the same time bends to one side, so that its upper surface comes into contact with that of one of tbe two now ver- tical lateral leaflets. Concluding Remarks on the Nyetitropic Movements of Cotyledons.—The sleep of cotyledons (though this is a subject which has been little attended to), seems to be a more common phenomenon than that of leaves. We observed the position of the cotyledons during the day and night in 153 genera, widely distributed through- out the dicotyledonous series, but otherwise selected almost by hazard; and one or more species in 26 of these genera placed their cotyledons at night so as to stand vertically or almost vertically, having gene- rally moved through an angle of at least 60°. If we lay on one side the Leguminose, the cotyledons of which are particularly liable to sleep, 140 genera remain ; and out of these, the cotyledons of at least one species in 19 genera slept. Now if we were to select by hazard 140 genera, excluding the Leguminose, and observed their leaves at night, assuredly not nearly so many as 19 would be found to include sleeping species. We here refer exclusively to the plants observed by ourselves. 21 312 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VL In our entire list of seedlings, there are 30 genera, belonging to 16 Families, the cotyledons of which in some of the species rise or sink in the evening or early night, so as to stand at least 60° above or be- neath the horizon. In a large majority of the genera, namely, 24, the movement is a rising one; so that the same direction prevails in these nyctitropic move- ments as in the lesser periodic ones described in the second chapter. The cotyledons move downwards during the early part of the night in only 6 of the genera; and in one of them, Cannabis, the curving down of the tip is probably due to epinasty, as Kraus believes to be the case with the leaves. The down- ward movement to the amount of 90° is very decided in Oxalis Valdiviana and sensitiva, and in Geranium rotundifolium. It is a remarkable fact that with Anoda Wrightti, one species of Gossypium and at least 3 species of Ipomeea, the cotyledons whilst young and light sink at night.very little or not at all; although this movement becomes well pronounced as soon as they have grown large and heavy. Although the downward movement cannot be attributed to the weight of the cotyledons in the several cases which were investigated, namely, in those of the Anoda, Ipomeea purpurea and bona-nowx, nor in that of I coc- zinea, yet bearing in mind that cotyledons are con- tinually circumnutating, a slight cause might at first have determined whether the great nocturnal move- ment should be upwards or downwards. We may therefore suspect that in some aboriginal member of the groups in question, the weight of the cotyledons first determined the downward direction. The fact ot the cotyledons of these species not sinking down much whilst they are young and tender, seems opposed to the belief that the greater movement when they are Cuar. VI. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 313 grown older, has been acquired for the sake of pro- tecting them from radiation at night; but then we should remember that there are many plants, the leaves of which sleep, whilst the cotyledons do not; and if in some cases the leaves are protected from cold at night whilst the cotyledons are not protected, so in other cases it may be of more importance to the species that the nearly full-grown cotyledons should be better protected than the young ones. In all the species of Oxalis observed by us, the coty- ledons are provided with pulvini; but this organ has become more or less rudimentary in O. corniculata, and the amount of upward movement of its cotyledons at night is very variable, but is never enough to be called sleep. We omitted to ascertain whether the cotyledons of Geranium rotundifolium possess pulvini. In the Leguminose all the cotyledons which sleep, as far as we have seen, are provided with pulvini. But with Lotus Jacobeus, these are not fully developed during the first few days of the life of the seedling, and the cotyledons do not then rise much at night. With Trifolium strictum the blades of the cotyledons rise at night by the aid of their pulvini; whilst the petiole of one cotyledon twists half-round at the same time, independently of its pulvinus. As a general rule, cotyledons which are provided with pulvini continue to rise or sink at night during a much longer period than those destitute of this organ. In this latter case the movement no doubt depends on alternately greater growth on the upper and lower side of the petiole, or of the blade, or of both, preceded probably by the increased turgescence of the growing cells. Such movements generally last for a very short period—for instance, with Brassica and Githago for 4 or 5 nights, with Beta for 2 or 3, and with Bl+ MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar V~ Raphanus for only a single night. There are, however, some strong exceptions to this rule, as the coty]eduns of Gossypium, Anoda and Ipomeea do not possess pul- vini, yet continue to move and to grow for a long time. We thought at first that when the movement lasted for only 2 or 3 nights, it could hardly be of any servico to the plant, and hardly deserved to be called sleep ; but as many quickly-growing leaves sleep for only a few nights, and as cotyledons are rapidly developed and soon complete their growth, this doubt now seems to us not well-founded, more especially as these move- ments are in many instances so strongly pronounced. We may here mention another point of similarity between sleeping leaves and cotyledons, namely, that some of the latter (for instance, those of Cassia and Githago) are easily affected by the absence of light; and they then either close, or if closed do not open; whereas others (as with the cotyledons of Oxalis) are very little affected by light. In the next chapter it will be shown that the nyctitropic movements both of cotyledons and leaves consist of a modified form of circumnutation. As in the Leguminose and Oxalide, the leaves and the cotyledons of the same species generally sleep, the idea at first naturally occurred tous, that the sleep of the cotyledons was merely an early development of a habit proper to a more advanced stage of life. But no such explanation can be admitted, although there seems to be some connection, as might have been expected, between the two sets of cases. For the leaves of many plants sleep, whilst their cotyledons do not do so—of which fact Desmodium gyrans offers a good instance, as likewise do three species of Nico- tiana observed by us; also Sida rhombifulia, Abutilon Darwinii, and Cienopodium album. On. the other Guay. V1. SLEEP OF COTYLEDONS. 315 hand, the cotyledons of some plants slecp and not the leaves, as with the species of Beta, Brassica, Geranium, Apium, Solanum, and Mirabilis, named in our list. Still more striking is the fact that, in the same genus, the leaves of several or of all the species may sleep, but the cotyledons of only some of them, as occurs with Trifolium, Lotus, Gossypium, and partially with Oxalis. Again, when both the cotyledons and the leaves of the same plant sleep, their movements may be of a widely dissimilar nature: thus with Cassia the cotyledons rise vertically up at night, whilst their leaves sink down and twist round so as to turn their lower surfaces outwards. With seedlings of Ozalis Valdiviana, having 2 or 3 well-developed leaves, it was a curious spectacle to behold at night each leaflet folded inwards and hanging perpendicularly down- wards, whilst at the same time and on the same plant the cotyledons stood vertically upwards. These several facts, showing the independence of the nocturnal movements of the leaves and cotyledons on the same plant, and on plants belonging to the same genus, lead to the belief that the cotyledons have acquired their power of movement for some special purpose. Other facts lead to the same conclusion, such as the presence of pulvini, by the aid of which the nocturnal movement is continued during some weeks. In Oxalis the cotyledons of some species move vertically upwards, and of others vertically downwards at night; but this great difference within the same natural genus is not so surprising as it may at first appear, seeing that the cotyledons of all the species are continually oscillating up and down during the day, so that a small cause might determine whether they should rise or sink at night. Again, the peculiar nocturnal movement of the left-hand coty- 316 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUT ATION. Cuar VI, ledon of Lrifolium strictum, in combination with that of the first true leaf. Lastly, the wide distribution in the dicotyledonous series of plants with cotyledons which sleep. Reflecting’ on these several facts, our conclusion seems justified, that the nyctitropic move- ments of cotyledons, by which the blade is made to stand either vertically or almost vertically upwards or downwards at night, has been acquired, at least in most cases, for some special purpose; nor can we doubt that this purpose is the protection of the upper surface of the blade, and perhaps of the central bud vr plumule, from radiation at night. Cuart. VIL MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. 317 CHAPTER VII. Moprrrep CrrctmNuTaT1IoN: Nyortirrovic or SLEEP MoveMEN13 OF Lraves. Conditions necessary for these movements--List of Genera and Families, which include sleeping plants—Description of the movements in the severul Genera—Osalis: leaflets folded at night—Averrhoa : rapid movements of the leaflets—Porliein: leaflets close when plant kept very dry—Tropzolum: leaves do not sleep unless welt Wuminated during day—Lupinus: varous modes of sleeping— Melilotus: singular movements of terminal leaflet-—Trifolium— Desmodium: rudimentary lateral leaflets, movements of, not de- veloped on young plants, state of their pulvini—Cassia : complex movements vf the leaflets—Bauhinia: leaves folded at night— Mimosa pudica: compounded movements of leaves, effect of dark- ness—Mimosa albida, reduced leaflets of—Schrankia: downward movement of the pinne—Marsilea: the only cryptogam known to sleep—Concluding remarks and summary—Nyctitropism consists of modified circumnutation, regulated by the alternations of light and darkness—Shape of first true leaves. We now come to the nyctitropic or sleep move- ments of leaves. It should be remembered that we confine this term to leaves which place their blades at night either in a vertical position or not more than 80° from the vertical,—that is, at least 60° above or beneath the horizon. In some few cases this is effected by the rotation of the blade, the petiole not being either raised or lowered to any considerable extent. The limit of 30° from the vertical is obviously an arbitrary one, and has been selected for reasons previously assigned, namely, that when the blade approaches the perpendicular as nearly as this, only half as much of the surface is exposed at night to the Cuap. Vil 318 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. zenith and to free radiation as when the blade is horizontal. Nevertheless, in a few instances, leaves which seem to be prevented by their structure from moving to so great an extent as 60° above or beneath the horizon, have been included amongst sleeping plants. It should be premised that the nyctitropic move- ments of leaves are easily affected by the conditions to which the plants have been subjected. If the ground is kept too dry, the movements are much delayed or fail: according to Dassen,* even if the air is very dry the leaves of Impatiens and Malva are rendered motionless. Carl Kraus has also lately insisted ¢ on the great influence which the quantity of water absorbed has on the periodic movements of leaves; and he believes that this cause chiefly deter- mines the variable amount of sinking of the leaves of Polygonum convolvulus at night ; and if so, their move- ments are not in our sense strictly nyctitropic. Plants in order to sleep must have been exposed to a proper temperature: Erythrina -crista-galli, oat of doors and nailed against a wall, seemed in fairly good health, but the leaflets did not sleep, whilst those on another plant kept in a warm greenhouse were all vertically de- pendent at night. In a kitchen-garden the leaflets of Phaseolus vulgaris did not sleep during the early part of the summer. Ch. Royer says,t referring I suppose to the native plants in France, that they do not sleep when the temperature is below 5° C. or 41° F. In the case of several sleeping plants, viz., species ot * Dassen, ‘ Tijdschrift vor. Na- turlijke Gesch. en Physiologie,’ 1837, vol. iv. p. 106. See also Ch. Royer on the importance of a proper state of turgescence of the cells, im *Annal. dee Se. Nat. Bot.’ (Sth series), ix. 1868, p. 343. t ‘Beitrage zur Kentniss der Bewegungen, &e, in ‘Flora,’ 1879, pp. +2, 48, 67, &e. t‘Annal. des Sc. Nat. Bot.’ (Sth Series), ix. 1868 p.seu, Cian VIE SLEEP OF LEAVES. 319 Tropeolum, Lupinus, Ipomcea, Abutilon, Siegesbeckia, and probably other genera, it is indispensable that the leaves should be well illuminated during the day in order that they may assume at night a vertical position ; and it was probably owing to this cause that seedlings of Chenopodium album and Siegesbeckia orientalis, raised by us during the middle of the winter, though kept at a proper temperature, did not sleep. Lastly, violent agitation by a strong wind, during a few minutes, of the leaves of Maranta arundinacea (which previously had not been disturbed in the hot- house), prevented their sleeping during the two next nights. We will now give our observations on sleeping plants, made in the manner described in the Intro- duction. The stem of the plant was always secured (when not stated to the contrary) close to the base of the leaf, the movements of which were being observed, so as to prevent the stem from circumnutating. As the tracings were made on a vertical glass in front of the plant, it was obviously impossible to trace its course as soon as the leaf became in the evening greatly inclined either upwards or downwards; it must therefore be understood that the broken lines in the diagrams, which represent the evening and nocturnal courses, ought always to be prolonged to a much greater distance, either upwards or downwards, than appears in them. The conclusions which may be deduced from our observations will be given near the end of this chapter. In the following list all the genera which include sleeping plants are given, as far as known to us. The same arrangement is followed as in former cases, and the number of the Family is appended. This list possesses some interest, as it shows that the habit of 820 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIR sleeping is common to some few plants throughout the whole vascular series. ‘The greater number of the genera in the list have been observed by ourselves with more or less care; but several are given on the authority of others (whose names are appended in the list), and about these we have nothing more to say. No doubt the list is very imperfect, and several genera might have been added from the ‘Somnus Plantarum’ by Linnzus; but we could not judge, in some of his cases, whether the blades occupied at night a nearly vertical position. He refers to some plants as sleeping, for instance, Lathyrus odoratus and Vicia faba, in which we could observe no movement deserving to be called sleep, and as no one can doubt the accuracy of Linneus, we are left in doubt. List of Genera, including species the leaves of which slep. Cuass I. DICOTYLEDONS. Sub-class I. ANGiospeRss—continucd, Sub-class I. ANGIOSPERMS, ‘ res. ike 5 Tropzolum. Tropzolex (49). Genus. Family. Crotolaria (Thisel-\ Leguminose (75) Githago Caryophyllex (26).| ton Dyer). } Tribe II. Stellaria (Batalin). - Lupinus, 34 4s Portulaca = (Ch. Cytisus. : Pa s Royer). } Honeletcen rn Trigonella. | » Tr. UE Sida. Malvacee (36). Medicago. i a 7 Abutilon. 3s Melilotus. j ao ‘3 Malva (Linnzus Trifolium. : and Pfeffer). } m Securigera. i #5 Tr. IV. Hibiscus my Lotus. | 1 ” ” neus), bag Psoralea, ' sy Tr. V. Anoda, #9 Amorpha (Du- Gossypium. si chartre). } ia ” Ayenia (Linnzus). | Sterculacee (37). Delea. si a ‘Lriumfetta (Lin- qe Indigofera, ‘ nei), Tiliacee (38). ATs, : Linum (Batalin). | Liner (39). Wistaria. 5 Oralis. Oxalide (41). Robinia, : i Averrhoa, s Spherophysa. 5 ey Porlieria. Zygophyllex (45). | Colutea, a as Guiacum. % Astragalus. se nn Impatiens (Lin-; Glycyrrhiza, sy e neus, Pfe tn Balsaminex (48). | Coronilla. vw Pav Batalin) Hedysarum. : 3 #8 ‘ Cuar. VU. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 321 List of Genera (continued). Cuase 1. DICOTYLEDONS (continued). Sub-class 1. ANUIOSPFtMS (continued), Sub-class I. ANGIOSPERMS, ie Reha. . Family. Genus. Family. Hata : = Onagraries (100). ie Leguminose (75), Passitlora. Passifloracer (103° rychis. ° 1 Davhige ne { a ire VAs Siegesbeckia. Composite (122). Smithia. 6 ay I Convolvulacex Arachis. i 55 Rome \ (151). Desmodium, ” ” Nicotiana, Solanew (157). Urania, ” ” Mirabilis. Nyctaginex (177). Vicia. » Tr. VIT. | Polygonum = (Ba- Pol 179 Centrosema. » Tr. VIL | talin), olygone (179). Amphicarpza, * Amaranthacex Glycine, z ie Amaranthus. { (180). Erythrina. ” ” Chenopodium. Chenopodiew (181) Apios. ” ” Pimelia (Bouché). | Thymetez (188). Phaseolus, ” ” Euphorbia. Euphorbiacez (202° Sophora. » Tr. X, Phyllanthus(Pfef- Cesalpinia. a. Todi fer). ” Hamatoxyion. ” ” eitieesakey ay . Sub-class I. GymNosPeRmMs. chartre). ae i gerne’ Péinciaca: is Ss Abies (Chatin), Cassia. a Ere XV, Bauhinia, i nae Cass II. MONOCOTYLEDONS. Tamarindus. 53 Tr. XV Adenanthera. » Tr. XX, | Thalia. Cannacee: (21). Prosopis. 7 a Maranta. ” Neptunia. = st Colocasia. Aroidee (30). Mimosa. ie 45 Strephium. Gramine (55). Schrankia. ” ” Acacia. Tr. XXII. . ‘Albizzia. i Tr. XXUL Cuass HI. ACOTYLEDONS. Melaleuca(Bouché). | Myrtaceae (94). Marsilea. Marsileacez (4). Githago segetwm (Caryophyllee).—The first leaves produced -by young seedlings, rise up and close together at night. Ona rather older seedling, two young leawes stood at noon at 55° . above the horizon, and at night at 86°, so each had risen 31°. The angle, however, was less in some cases. Similar observations were occasionally made on young leaves (for the older ones moved very little) produced by nearly full-grown plants. Batalin says (‘Flora,’ Oct. Ist, 1873, p. 487) that the young leaves of Stellaria close up so completely at night that they form together great buds. Sida (Malvacee).—The nyctitropic movements of the leaves in this genus are remarkable in some respects. Batalin informs 322 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL as (see also ‘Flora,’ Oct. Ist, 1873, p. 487) that those ot Fig. 126 o°40'am.2o% 8°30'a.m,80% \\.9°45' aan 28% 4’pam.29'h Sida rhombifolia: circumnutation and nyctitropic (or sleep) movements of a leaf on a young plant, 94 inches high; filament fixed to midrib of nearly full-grown leaf, 23 inches in length ; movement traced under a sky- light. Apex of leaf 53 inches from the vertical glass, so diagram not greatly enlarged. S. napea fall at night, but to what angle he cannot remember. The leaves of S. rhombifolia and retusa, on the other hand, rise up vertically, and are pressed against the stem. We havo therefore here within the same genus, directly op- posite movements. Again, the leaves of S. rhombifolia are furnished with a pul- vinus, formed of a mass of small cells destitute of chlo- rophyll, and with their longer axes perpendicular to the axis of the petiole. As measured along this latter line, these cells are only ith of the length of those of the petiole; but instead of being abruptly separated from them (as is usual with the pulvinus in inost plants), they graduate into the larger cells of the petiole. On the other hand, S. napea, according to Ba- talin, does not possess a pulvinus; and he informs us that a gradation may Le traced in the several species of the genus between these two states of the petiole. Sida rhumbifolia presents another peculiarity, of which we have seen no other in- stance with leaves that sleep: for those on very young plants, though they rise somewhat in the evening, do not go to sleep, as we observed Cuar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 323 vn several occasions; whilst those on rather older plants sleep in a conspicuous manner. For instance, a leaf (°85 of an inch in length) on a very young seedling 2 inches high, stuod at noon 9° above the horizon, and at 10 p.m. at 28°, so it had risen only 19°; another leaf (1:4 inch in length) on a seedling of the same height, stood at the same two periods at 7° and 32°, and therefore had risen 25°. These leaves, which moved so little, had a fairly well-developed pulvinus. After an interval of some weeks, when the same seedlings were 24 and 3 inches in height, some of the young leaves stood up at night quite vertically, and others were highly inclined; and so it was with bushes which were fully grown and were flowering. The movement of a leaf was traced from 9.15 a.m. on May 28th to 8.30 a.m. on the 80th. The temperature was too low (15°—16° C.), and the illumination hardly sufficient; con- sequently the leaves did not become quite so highly inclined at night, as they had done previously and as they did subse- quently in the hot-house; but the movements did not appear otherwise disturbed. On the first day the leaf sank till 5.15 p.m.; it then rose rapidly and greatly till 10.5 pm., and only a little higher during the rest of the night (Fig. 126). Early on the next day (29th) it fell in a slightly zigzag line rapidly until 9 a.m., by which time it had reached nearly the same place as on the previous morning. During the remainder of the day it fell slowly, and zigzagged laterally. The evening rise began after 4 the same manner as before, and on the second morning it again fell rapidly. The ascending and descending lines do not coincide, as may be seen in the diagram. On the 30th a new tracing was made (not here given) on a rather enlarged scale, as the apex of the leaf now stood 9 inches from the vertical glass. In order to observe more carefully the course pursued at the time when the diurnal fall changes into the nocturnal rise, dots were made every half-hour between 4 p.m. and 10.30 p.m. This rendered the lateral zigzagging movement during the evening more conspicuous than in the diagram given, but it was of the same nature as there shown. The impression forced on our minds was that the leaf was expending superfluous movement, so that the great nocturnal rise might not occur at too early an hour. Abutilon Darwinti (Malvaceze).—The leaves on some very young plants stood almost horizontally during the day, and hung down vertically at night. Very fine plants kept in a 824 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIN large hall, lighted only from the roof, did not sleep at night, for in order to do so the leaves must be well illuminated during the day. The cotyledons do not sleep. Linnzus says. that the leaves of his Sid« abutilon sink perpendicularly down at night, though the petioles rise. Prof. Pfeffer informs us that the leaves of a Malva, allied to M. sylvestris, rise greatly at night; and this genus, as well as that of Hibiscus, are included by Linneus in his list of sleeping plants. Anoda Wrightii (Malvacese).—The leaves, produced by very young plants, when grown to a moderate size, sink at night either almost vertically down or to an angle of about 45° beneath the horizon; for there is a considerable degree of variability in the amount of sinking at night, which depends in part on the degree to which they have been illuminated during the day. But the leaves, whilst quite young, do not sink down at night, and this is a very unusual circumstance. The summit of the petiole, where it joins the blade, is developed into a pulvinus, and this is present in very young leaves which do not sleep; though it is not so well defined as in older leaves. Gossypium (var. Nankin cotton, Malvacere).—Some young leaves, between 1 and 2 inches in length, borne by two seedlings 6 and 7% inches in height, stood horizontally, or were raised a little above the horizon at noon on July 8th and 9th; but by 10 p.m. they had sunk down to between 68° and 90° beneath the horizon. When the same plants had grown to double the above height, their leaves stocd at night almost or quite vertically dependent. The leaves on some large plants of G. maritimum and Bruzilense, which were kept in a very badly lighted hot-house, only occasionally sank much downwards at night, and hardly enough to be called sleep. Oualis (Oxalide).— In most of the species in this large genus the three leaflets sink vertically down at night; but as their sub-petioles are short the blades could not assume this position from the want of space, unless they were in some manner yen- dered narrower; and this is effected by their becoming more or less folded (Fig. 127). The angle formed by the two halves of the same leaflet was found to vary in different individuals of several species between 92° and 160°; in three of the best folded leaflets of O. fragrans it was 76°, 74°, and 54° The angle is often different in the three leaflets of the same leaf. As the leaflets sink down at night and become folded, their lower surfaces are brought near together (see B), or even into Cuar, VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. 82 close contact; and from this circumstance it might be thought that the object of the folding was the protection of their lower surfaces. If this had been the case, it would have formed a strongly marked exception to the rule, that when there is any difference in the degree of protection from radiation of the two surfaces of the leaves, it is always the upper surface which is the best protected. But that the folding of the leaflets, and consequent mutual approximation of their lower surfaces, serves merely to allow them to sink down vertically, may be Fig. 127. O.xalis acetosclla: A, leaf seen from vertically above; B, diagram of leaf asleep, also seen trom vertically above. inferred from the fact that when the leaflets do not radiate from the summit of a common petiole, or, again, when there is plenty of room, from the sub-petioles not being very short, the leaflets sink down without becoming folded. This occurs with the leaflets of O. sensitiva, Plumierit, and bupleurifolia, There is no use in giving a long list of the many species which sleep in the above described manner. This holds good with species having rather fleshy leaves, like those of O. carnosa, or large leaves like those of O. Ort-gesti, or four leaflets like those of O. variabilis. There are, however, some species which show no signs of sleep, viz., O. pentuphylla, enneaphylla, hirta, and rubella. We will now describe the nature of the movements in some of the species. Oxalis acetosella.—The movement of a leaflet, together with that of the main petiole, are shown in the following dia- gram (Fig. 128), traced between 11 a.m. on October 4th and 7.45 am. on the 5th. After 5.30 p.m. on the 4th the leaflet sank rapidly, and at 7 p.m. depended vertically. For some time before it assumed this latter position, its movemerts could, of course, no longer be traced on the vertival glass, and the broken line in the diagram ought to be extended much further Cz iw] io) Fig. 128, Neon 46 F30'pinshy tha.m. dh SS or ern nnn. agen ee 16°45'a.m.5% 9xalis acetosella: circumnutation and nyctitropic movements of a nearly full-grown leaf, with filament at- tached to the midrib of one of the leaflets; traced on vertical glass dur- ing 20 h., 45 m. MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Crap. VIL down in this and all other cases. By 6.45 am. on the following morning it had risen considerably, and con- tinued to rise for the next hour; but, judging from other observations, it would soon have begun to fall again. Between 11 4.m. and 5.30 P.M. the leaflet moved at least four times up and four times down before the great noc- turnal fall commenced; it reached its highest point at noon. Similar observations were made on two other leaflets, with nearly the same results, Sachs and Pfeffer have also described briefly * the autonomous movements of the leaves of this plant. On another occasion the petiole of a leaf was secured to a little stick close beneath the leaflets, and a filament tipped with a bead of sealing- Wax was affixed to the mid- rib of one of them, and a mark was placed close behind. At 7PM., when the leaficts were asleep, the filament de- pended vertically down, and the movements of the bead were then traced till 10.40 P.M., aS shown in the fol- lowing diagram (Fig. 129), We here see that the leaflet moved a little from side to side, as well as a little up and down, whilst asleep. * Suchs in ‘Flora,’ 1868, p. 470, &c.; Pfeffer, ‘Die Period. Bewe gungen,’ &., 1875, p. 53. Cuar. VIL, SLEEP OF LEAVES. 327 Oxalis Valdiviana.—The leaves resemble those of the last species, and the movements of two leaflets (the main petioles of both having been secured) were traced during two days; but the Fig. 129. tracings are not given, as they resembled that of 0. acetosella, with ‘ the exception that the up and down oscillations were not so fre- 7 quent during the day, and there Oxulis acetosella: circumnuta- was more lateral movement, so that ee of leaflet when asleep ; : : raced on vertical glass broader ellipses were described. quring 3h. 40 m. The leaves awoke early in the morn- ing, for by 6.45 a.m. on June 12th and 13th they had not only risen to their full height, but had already begun to fall, that is, they were circumnutating. We have seen in the last chapter that the cotyledons, instead of sinking, rise up vertically at night. Oxalis Ortegesii—The large leaves of this plant sleep like those of the previous species. The main petioles are long, and that of a young leaf rose 20° between noon and 10 p.m, whilst the petiole of an older leaf rose only 18°. Owing to this rising of the petioles, and the vertical sinking of the large leaflets, the leaves become crowded together at night, and the whole plant then exposes a much smaller surface to radiation than during the day. Oxalis Plumierii.In this species the three leaflets do not surround the summit of the petiole, but the terminal leaflet projects in the line of the petiole, with a lateral leaflet on each side. They all sleep by bending vertically downwards, but do not become at all folded. The petiole is rather long, and, one having been secured to a stick, the movement of the terminal leaflet was traced during 45 h. on a vertical glass. It moved in a very simple manner, sinking rapidly after 5 p.m, and rising rapidly early next morning. During the middle of the day it moved slowly and a little laterally. Consequently the ascend- ing and descending lines did not coincide, and a single great ellipse was formed each day. There was no other evidence of circumnutation, and this fact is of interest, as we shall here- after see. Oxalis sensitiva.—The leaflets, as in the last species, bend vertically down at night, without becoming folded. The much elongated main petiole rises considerably in the evening, but in 22 328 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VII some very young plauts the rise did not commence until late at night. We have seen that the cotyledons, instead of sink- ing like the leaflets, rise up vertically at night. Fig. 130. o> Ni iene walis bupleurifolia: circum- autation of foliaceous pe- tiole, filament fixed ob- liquely across end of petiole; movements traced on ver- tical glass from 9. A.M. June 26th to 8.50 a.m. 28th. Apex of leaflet 44 inches trom the glass, so movement not much magnified. Plant 9 inches high, illuminated from above. Temp, 23}°- 242° C. Oxalis bupleurifolia.—This species is rendered remarkable by the petioles being foliaceous, like the phyllcdes of many Acacias. ‘The leaflets are small, of a paler green and more tender consistence than the folia- ceous petioles. The leaflet which was observed was °55 inch in length, and was borne by a petiole 2 inches long and °8 inches broad. It may be suspected that the leaflets are on the road to abortion or obliteration, as has actually occurred with those of another Brazilian species, O. rusci- Jormis. Nevertheless, in the present species the nyctitropic movements are perfectly performed, The folia- ceous petiole was first observed during 48 h., and found to be in continued circumnutation, as shown in the accompanying figure (Fig. 130). It rose during the day and early part of the night, and fell during the remainder of the night and early morning; but the move- ment was not sufficient to be called sleep. The ascending and descend- ing lines did not coincide, so that an ellipse was formed each day. There was but little zigzagging; if the filament had been fixed longitudi- nally, we should probably have seen that. there was more lateral move- ment than appears in the diagram. A terminal leaflet on another leaf was next observed (the potiole being secured), and its movements are shown in Fig. 131. During the day the leaflets are extended horizon- tally, and at night depend vertically ; and as the petiole rises during the day the leaflets have to bend down in the evening >‘ ° SLEEP OF LEAVES. 329 Cuap. VII. more than 90°, so as to assume at night their vertical position, On the first day the leaflet simply moved up and down on the ? Fig. 131. “aged 4SB] ay} Ul sv oules ayy SUOMpUo "YISZ N'Y CHB OF YING OUNG UO “WV G WoT seL[s [woIjsoA B UO paov.] $ qiIpruL yy Suole paxye yuaweyy YA Gayvay [vutuite; jo yuauaaow oidosyyoku pue TorenUUNLD + YyOfrunajdng synxo second day it plainly circumnutated between 8 a.m. and 4.30 p.m, after which hour the great evening fall commenced. 830 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap, VI Averrhoa bilimbi (Oxalide).—It hag long been. known," firstly, that the leaflets in this genus sleep; secondly, that they move spontaneously during the day; and thirdly, that they are sensi- tive to a touch; but in none cf these respects do they differ essentially from the species of Oxalis. They differ, however, as Mr. R. I. Lynch ¢ has lately shown, in their spontaneous move- ments being strongly marked. In the case of A. bilimbi, it isa wonderful spectacle to behold on a warm sunny day the leaflets one after the other sinking rapidly downwards, and again ascending slowly. Their movements rival those of Desmodium gyvans, At night the leaflets hang vertically down; and now Fig. 132, Averrhoz bilimbi: leaf asleep; drawing reduced. they are motionless, but this may be due to the opposite ones being pressed together (Fig. 182). The main petiole is in con- stant movement during the day, but no careful observations were made on it. The following diagrams are graphic representa- tions of the variations in the angle, which a given leaflet makes with the vertical, The observations were made as follows, The plant growing in a pot was kept in a high temperature, the petiole of the leaf to be observed pointing straight at the observer, being separated from him by a vertical pane of glass. The petiole was secured so that the basal joint, or pul- vinus, of one of the lateral leaflets was at the centre of a gradu- ated are placed close behind the leaflet. A fine glass filament was fixed to the leaf, so as to project like a continuation of the * Dr. Bruce, ‘Philosophical Trans.” 1785, p. 356. ‘Journal Linn. Soe. vol. xvi. 1877, p. 231. Cuar. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 331 midrib. This filament acted as an index; and as the leaf rose and fell, rotating about its basal joint, its angular movement Fig, 133, Averrioa bilimbi: angular movements of a leaflet during its evening descent, when going to sleep. Temp. 78°-81° F. could be recorded by reading off at short intervals of time the position of the glass filament on the graduated arc. In order 352 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL to avoid errors of parallax, all readings were made by looking through a small ring painted on the vertical glass, in a line with the joint of the leaflet and the centre of the graduated are, In the following diagrams the ordinates represent the angles which the leaflet made with the vertical at successive instants.* It follows that a fall in the curve represents an actual dropping of the leaf, and that the zero line represents a vertically de- pendent position. Fig. 183 represents the nature of the move- iments which occur in the evening, as soon as the leaflets begin to assume their nocturnal position. At 4.55 PM. the leaflet formed an angle of 85° with the vertical, or was only 5° below the horizontal; but in order that the diagram might get into owr page, the leaflet is represented falling from 75° instead of 85°. Shortly after 6 pM. it hung vertically down, and had attained its nocturnal position. Between 6.10 and 6.35 p.m. it performed a number of minute oscillations of about 2° each, occupying periods of 4 or 5m. The complete state of rest of the leaflet which ultimately followed is vot shown in the dia- gram. It is manifest that each oscillation consists of a gradual rise, followed by a sudden fall. Each time the leaflet fell, it approached nearer to the nocturnal position than it did on the previous fall. ‘'he amplitude of the oscillations diminished, while the periods of oscillation became shorter. In bright sunshine the leaflets assume a highly inclined de- pendent position. A leaflet in diffused light was observed rising for 25m. A blind was then pulled up so that the plant was brightly illuminated (BR in Fig. 134), and within a minute it began to fall, and ultimately fell 47°, as shown in the diagram. This descent was performed by six descending steps, precisely similar to those by which the nocturnal fall is effected. The plant was then again shaded (SH), and a long slow rise occurred until another series of falls commenced at BR’, when the sun was again admitted. In this experiment cool air was allowed t» enter by the windows being opened at the same time that the blinds were pulled up, so that in spite of the sun shining on the plant the temperature was not raised. The effect of an increase of temperature in diffused light 1s * In all the diagrams 1 ment. In Figs. 133 and 134 the the horizontaldirection represents — temperature is represented (along one minute of time. Each mm. tle ordinates) in the scale of 1 in the vertical direction repre- mm. to each 01°C. In Fig. scnts one degrev of angular move- 135 each mm. equals 0°2° F, Cuar. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. 333 ‘shown in Fig. 135. The temperature began to rise at 11.35 A.M. (in consequence of the fire being lighted), but by 12.42 a marked fall had occurred. It may be seen in the diagram that when the temperature was highest there were rapid oscillations Fig. 134, = a a Re cu Averrhoa bilimbi: angular movements of leaflet during a change from bright illumination to shade; temperature (broken line) remaining nearly the same. of small amplitude, the mean position of the leaflet being at the time nearer the vertical. When the temperature began to fall, the oscillations became slower and larger, and the mean position of the leaf again approached the horizontal. The rate of oscil- lation was sometimes quicker than is represented in the above diagram. Thus, when the temperature was between 31° end ; saanqesod uty Jo aduvyo ayy saoys OUI] Tayxorq syy, ‘atuvs oy} Surarewat yYory fainquiadaiay Jo asuvyo BV SULINpP yayvay jo quawtaAoM AL[NSuUB : tquupg DoYy.Liaap Cuap. VII. N. =) al aa BR =) 4 a =) oO MODIFIED CIR Cuar. Vil. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 333 32° C., 14 oscillations of a few degrees occurred 1n 19m. On the other hand, an oscillation may be much slower ; thus a leaflot was observed (temperature 25° C.) to rise during 40 m. before it fell and completed its oscillation. Porlieria hygrometrica (Zygophylles) —The leaves of this plant (Chilian form) are from 1 to 14 inches in length, and bear as many as 16 or 17 small leaflets on each side, which do not stand opposite one another. They are articulated to the petiole, and the petiole to the branch by a pulvinus. We must premise that apparently two forms are confounded under the same name: the leaves ona bush from Chili, which was sent to us from Kew, bore many leaflets, whilst those on plants in the Botanic Garden at Wirzburg bore only 8 or 9 pairs; and the whole character of the bushes appeared some- what different. We shall also see that they differ in a remarkable physio- logical peculiarity. On the Chilian plant the petioles of the younger leaves on upright branches, stood horizontally during the day, and at night sank down vertically so as to depend parallel and close to the branch beneath. The petioles of rather older leaves did not become at night vertically depressed, but only highly inclined. In one instance we found a branch which had grown perpendicularly downwards, and the petioles on it moved in the same direction relatively to the branch as just stated, and therefore moved up- wards. On horizontal branches the younger petioles likewise move at night in the same direction as before, that is, Fig. 136. ee ae Shae Done sole See. Sl bales seu AL Nard Policria hygrometrica: cir- cumnutation and nycti- tropic movements of pe- tiole of leaf, traced from 9.35 a.m, July 7th to about midnight on the 8th. Apex of leaf 74 inches from tho vertical glass. Temp. 194°-203°C. towards the branch, and are consequently then extended heri- contally; but it is remarkable that the older petioles on the MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Caar. VIL 336 same branch, though moving a little in the same direction, also bend downwards; they thus occupy a somewhat different posi- tion, relatively to the centre of the earth and to the branch, from that of the petioles on the upright branches. With respect to the leaflets, they move at night towards the apex of the petiole until their midribs stand nearly parallel to it; and they then lie neatly imbricated one over the other. Thus half of the upper surface of each leaflet is in close contact with half of the lower surface of the one next in advance; and all the leaflets, except- ing the basal ones, have the whole of their upper surfaces and half of their lower surfaces well protected. Those on the oppo- site sides of the same petiole do not come into close contact at night, as occurs with the leaflets of so many Leguminosz, but are separated by an open furrow; nor could they exactly coincide, as they stand alternately with respect to one another. The circumnutation of the petiole of a leaf { of an inch in length, on an upright branch, was observed during 46 h., and is shown in the preceding diagram (Fig. 186). On the first morning, the leaf fell a little and then rose until lpm, and this was probably due to its being now illuminated through a skylight from above; it then circumnutated on a very small scale round the same spot until about 4 p.m., when the great evening fall commenced. During the latter part of the night or very early on the next morning the leaf rose again. On the second day it fell during the morning till 1 p.m., and this no doubt is its normal habit. From 1 to 4 p.m. it rose in a zigzag line, and.soon afterwards the great evening fall commenced. It thus completed a double oscillation during the 24 h. The specific name given to this plant by Ruiz and Pavon, indi- cates that in its native arid home it is affected in some manner by the dryness or dampness of the atmosphere.* In the Botanic Garden at Wiirzburg, there was a plant in a pot out of doors which was daily watered, and another in the open ground which was never watered. After some hot and dry weather there was a great difference in the state of the leaflets on these two plants; those on the unwatered plant in the open ground remaining half, * «Systema Veg. Flore Peru- vianz et Chilensis,’ tom. i. p. 95, 1798. We cannot understand the account given by the authors of the behaviow: of this plant in its native home ‘There is much about its power of foretell’ ng changes in the weather; and it * appeurs asif the brightness of the sky largely di termined the open ing and closing of the leatleta. Cuapr. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. * 337 or even quite, closed during ghe day. But twigs cut from this bush, with their ends standing in water, or wholly immersed in it, or kept in damp air under a bell-glass, opened their leaves though exposed to a blazing sun; whilst those on the plant in the ground remained closed. The leaves on this same plant, after some heavy rain, remained open for two days; they then became half closed during two days, and after an additional day were quite closed. This plant was now copiously wate.ed, and on the following morning the leaflets were fully ex- panded. The other plant growing in a pot, after having been exposed to heavy rain, was placed before » window in the Labo- ratory, with its leaflets open, and they remained so during the daytime for 48h.; but after an additional day were half closed. The plant was then watered, and the leaflets on the two following days remained open. On the third day they were again half closed, but on being again watered remained open during the two next days. From these several facts we may conclude that the plant svon feels the want of water; and that as soon as this occurs, it partially or quite closes its leaflets, which in their then imbricated condition expose a small surface to evaporation. It is therefore probable that this sleep-like movement, which occurs only when the ground is dry, is an adaptation against the loss of moisture. A bush about 4 feet in height, a native of Chili, which was thickly covered with leaves, behaved very differently, for during the day it never closed its leaflets. On July 6th the earth ir the small pot in which it grew appeared extremely dry, and it was given a very little water. After 21 and 22 days (on the 27th and 28th), during the whole of which time the plant did not receive a drop of water, the leaves began to droop, but they showed no signs of closing during the day. It appeared alinost incredible that any plant, except a fleshy one, could have kept alive in soil so dry, which resembled the dust on aroad. On the 29th, when the bush was shaken, some lcaves fell off, and the remaining ones were unable to sleep at night. It was therefore moderately watered, as well as syringed, late in theevening. On the next morning (80th) the bush looked as fresh as ever, and at night the leaves went to sleep. 1t may be added thut a small branch while growing on the bush was enclosed, by means of a curtain of bladder, during 13 days in a large bottle half full of quicklime, so that the air within must have been intenscly dry ; yet the leaves on this branch did not suffer in the ° 3388 * MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cnap. VU least, and did not close at all during the hottest days. Another trial was made with the same bush on August 2nd and 6th (the soil appearing at this latter date extremely dry), for it was exposed out of doors during the whole day to the wind, but the ieaflets showed no signs of closing. The Chilian form therefore differs widely from the one at Wiirzburg, in not closing its leaflets when suffering from the want of water; and it can live for a surprisingly long time without water. Tropeolum mijus (?) (cultivated var.) (Tropsoles).—Several plants in pots stood in the greenhouse, and the blades of the leaves which faced the front-lights were during the day highly inclined and at night vertical; whilst the leaves on the back of the pots, though of course illuminated through the roof, did not become vertical at night. We thought, at first, that this difference in their positions was in some manner due to heliotropism, for the leaves are highly heliotropic. The true explanation, however, is that unless they are well illu- minated during at least a part of the day they do not sleep at nivyht; and a little difference in the degree of illumination deter- mines whether or not they shall become vertical at night. We have observed no other so well-marked a case as this, of the influence of previous illumination on nyctitropic movements. The leaves present also another peculiarity in their habit of rising or awaking in the morning, being more strongly fixed or inherited than that of sinking or sleeping at night. The move- ments are caused by the bending of an upper part of the petiole, between 4 and 1 inch in length; but the part close to the blade, for about 3 of an inch in length, does not bend and always remains at right angles to the blade. The bending portion does not present any external or internal difference in structure from the rest of the petiole. We will now give the experiments on which the above conclusions are founded. A large pot with several plants was brought on the morning of Sept. 8rd out of the greenhouse and placed before a north-east window, in the same position as before with respect to the light, as far as that was possible. On the front of the plants, 24 leaves were marked with thread, some of which had their blades hori- zontal, but the greater number were inclined at about 45°, beneath the horizon; at night all these, without exception, became vertical, Early on the following morning (4th) they reassumed their former positions, and at night again became vertical, On the 5th the shutters were opened at 6.15 a.m. and Cuar. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. ” 339 by 8.18 a.m., after the leaves had been illuminated for 2 h. 3 m., and had acquired their diurnal position, they were placed in a dark cupboard. They were looked at twice during the day and thrice in the evening, the last time at 10.30 p.m., and not one had become vertical. At 8 a.m. on the following morning (6th) they still retained the same diurnal position, and were now replaced before the north-east window. At night all the leaves which had faced the light had their petioles curved and their blades vertical; whereas none of the leaves on the back of the plants, although they had been moderately illuminated by the diffused light of the room, were vertical. They were now at night placed in the same dark cupboard; at 9 a.m. on the next morning (7th) all those which had been asleep had reassumed their diurnal position. The pot was then placed for 3h. in the sunshine, so as to stimulate the plants; at noon they were placed before the same north-east window, and at night the leaves slept in the usual manner and awoke on the following morning. At noon on this day (8th) the plants, after having been left before the north- east window for 5 h. 45 m. and thus illuminated (though not brightly, as the sky was cloudy during the whole time), were replaced in the dark cupboard, and at 3 p.m. the position of the leaves was very little, if at all, altered, so that they are not quickly affected by darkness; but by 10.15 p.m. all the leaves which had faced the north-east sky during the 5h. 45m. of illumination stood vertical, whereas those on the back’ of the plant retained their diurnal position. On the following morning (9th) the leaves awoke as on the two former occasions in the dark, and they were kept in the dark during the whole day; at night a very few of them became vertical, and this was the one in- stance in which we observed any inherited tendency or habit in this plant to sleep at the proper time. That it was real sleep was shown by these same leaves reassuming their diurnal posi- tion on the following morning (10th) whilst still kept in the dark. The pot was then (9.45 a.m. 10th) replaced, after having been kept for 86 h. in darkness, before the north-east window; and at night the blades of all the leaves (excepting a few on the back of the plants) became conspicuously vertical. At 6.45 a.m. (11th) after the plants had been illuminated on the same side as before during only 25m., the pot was turned round, so that the leaves which had faced the light now faced the interior of the room, and not one of these went to sleep at night; 340 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL whilst some, but not many, of those which had formerly stood facing the back of the room and which had never before been well illuminated or gone to sleep, now assumed a vertical posi- tion at night. On the next day (12th) the plant was turned round into its original position, so that the same leaves faced the light as formerly, and these now went to sleep in the usual manner. We will only add that with some young seedlings kept in the greenhouse, the blades of the first pair of true leaves (the cotyledons being hypogean) stood during the day almost horizontally and at night almost vertically. A few observations were subsequently made on the circum- nutation of three leaves, whilst facing a north-east window; but the tracings are not given, as the leaves moved somewhat towards the light. It was, however, manifest that they rose and fell more than once during the daytime, the ascending and descending lines being in parts extremely zigzag. The nocturnal fall commenced about 7 P.m., and the leaves had risen consider- ably by 6.45 a.m. on the following morning. Leguminose.—This Family includes many more genera with sleeping species than all the other families put together. The number of the tribes to which each genus belongs, according to Bentham and Hooker’s arrangement, has been added. Crotolaria (sp. ?) (Lribe 2).—This plant is monophyllous, and we are informed by Mr. T. Thiselton Dyer that the leaves rise up vertically at night and press against the stem. Lupinus (Tribe 2)—The palmate or digitate leaves of the species in this large genus sleep in three different manners. One of the simplest, is that all the leaflets become steeply in- clined downwards at night, having been during the day ex- tended horizontally. This is shown in the accompanying figures (Fig. 187), of a leaf of L. pilosus, as seen during the day from vertically above, and of another leaf asleep with the leaflets inclined downwards. As in this position they are crowded together, and as they do not become folded like those in the genus Oxalis, they cannot occupy a vertically dependent position ; but they are often inclined at an angle of 50° beneath the horizon. In this species, whilst the leaflets are sinking, the petioles rise up, in two instances when the angles were measured to the extent of 23°. The leaflets of L. sub-carnosus and arboreus, which were horizontal during the day, sank down at night in nearly the same manner ; the former to an angle of 38°, and the latter of 36°, beneath the horizon; but their peticles Cuar. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 341 did not move in any plainly perceptible degree. It is, however, quite possible, as we shall presently sce, that if a large number of plants of the three foregoing and of the following species Fig. 137. A. Lupinus pilosus; A, leaf seen from vertically above in daytime; B, leaf asleep, seen laterally at night. were to be observed at all seasons, some of the leaves would be found to sleep in a different manner. In the two following species the leaflets, instead of moving downwards, rise at night. With DL. Hartwegii some stood at noon at a mean angle of 86° above the horizon, and at night at 51°, thus forming together a hollow cone with moderately steep sides. The petiole of one leaf rose 14° and of ‘a second 11° at night. With L. luteus a leaflet rose from 47° at noon to 65° above the horizon at night, and another on a distinct leaf rose from 45° to 69°. The petioles, however, sink at night to a small extent, viz., in three instances by 2°, 6°, and 9° 380’. Owing to this movement of the petioles, the outer and longer leaflets have to bend up a little more than the shorter and inner ones, in order that all should stand symmetrically at night. We shall presently see that some leaves on the same individual plants of L. luteus sleep in a very different manner. We now come to a remarkable position of the leaves when asleep, which is common to several species of Lupines. On the same leaf the shorter leaflets, which generally face the centre of the plant, sink at night, whilst the longer ones on the opposite side rise; the intermediate and lateral ones merely twisting on their own axes. But there is some variability with respect to which leaflets rise or fall. As might have been expected from such diverse and complicated movements, the 342 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VI". base of each leaflet is developed (at least in the case of L. luteus) into a pulvinus. ‘The result is that all the leaflets on the same leaf stand at night more or less highly inclined, or even quite vertically, forming in this latter case a vertical star. This occurs with the leaves of a species purchased under the name of Fig. 138 Cc Lupinus pubescens: A, leaf viewed laterally during the day; B, same leaf at night; C, another leaf with the leaflet forming a vertical star at pight. Figures reduced. I. pubescens ; and in the accompanying figures we sce at A (Fig. 138) the leaves in their diurnal position; and at B the same plant at night with the two upper leaves having their leaflets almost vertical. At C another leaf, viewed laterally, is shown with the leaflets quita vertical. It is chiefly or exclusively the youngest leaves which form at night vertical stars. But there Cuar VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES, 8438 is much variability in the position of the leaves at night on the same plant; some remaining with their leaflets almost horizontal, others forming more or less highly inclined or vertical stars, and some with all their leatlets sloping downwards, as in our first class of cases. It is also a remarkable fact, that although all the plants produced from the same lot of seeds were identical in appearance, yet some individuals at night had the leaflets of all their leaves arranged so as to form more or less highly inclined stars ; others had them all sloping downwards and never forming a star; and others, again, retained them either in a horizontai position or raised them a little. We have as yet referred only to the different positions of tne leaflets of L. pubescens at night; but the petioles likewise differ in their movements. That of a young leaf which formed a highly inclined star at night, stood at noon at 42° above the horizon, and during the night at 72°,so had risen 380°. The petiole of another leaf, the leaflets of which occupied » similar position at night, rose only 6°. On the other hand, the petiole of a leaf with all its leaflets sloping down at night, fell at this time 4°. The petioles of two rather older leaves were subse- quently observed ; both of which stood during the day at exactly the saine angle, viz., 50° above the horizon, and one of these rose 7°—8°, and the other fell 8°—4° at night. We meet with cases like that of L. pubescens with some other species. On a single plant of L. mutabilis some leaves, which stood horizontally during the day, formed highly inclined stars at night, and the petiole of one rose 7°. Other leaves which likewise stood horizontally during the day, had at night all theiz leaflets sloping downwards at 46° beneath the horizon, but their petioles had hardly moved. Again, L.lut us offered a still more remarkable case, for on two leaves, the leaflets which stood at noon at about 45° above the horizon, rose at night to 65° and 69°, so that they formed a hollow cone with steep sides. Four leaves on the same plant, which had their leaflets horizontal at noon, formed vertical stars at night; and three other leaves equally horizontal at noon, had all their leaflets sloping down- wards at night. So that the leaves on this one plant assumed at night three different positions. Though we cannot account for this fact, we can see that such a stock might readily give birth to species having widely different nyctitropic habits. Little more need be said about the sleep of the species of Lu- pinus; several, namely, L. polyphyllus, nanus, Menziesii, speciosus, 23 344 MODIFIED CIRUUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL and ulbifrons, though observed out of doors and in the green- house, did not change the position of their leaves sufficiently at night to be said to sleep. From observations made on two sleeping species, it appears that, as with Zropavlum majus, the leaves must be well illuminated during the day in order to sleep at night. For several plants, kept all day in a sitting-room with north-east windows, did not sleep at night; but when the pots were placed on the following day out of doors, and were bronght in at night, they slept in the usual manner. The trial was repeated on the following day and night with the same result. Some observations were made on the circumnutation of the leaves of L. luteus and arbureus. It will suffice to say that the leaflets of the latter exhibited a double oscillation in the course of 24h.; for they fell from the early morning until 1015 a.m., then rose and zigzagged greatly till 4p.m., after which hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. By 8 a.m. on the following morning the leaflets had risen to their proper height. We have seen in the fourth chapter, that the leaves of Lupinus speciosus, which do not sleep, circumnutate to an extraordinary extent, making many ellipses in the course of the day. Cytisus (Tribe 2), Trigonella and Medicago (Tribe 3).—Only Fig. 139. Medicago marina: A. leaves during the day ; B, Icaves asleep at night. a few observations were made on these three genera. The petioles on a young p'ant, about a foot in height, of Cytisus fragrans vose at night, on one occasion 23° and on another 33°. The three leaflets als) lend upwards, and at the same time Ouap. VIL SLEEP UF LEAVES. 345 approach each other, so that the base of the central leaflet overlaps the bases of the two lateral leaflets. They bend up so much that they press against the stem; and on looking down on one of these }oung plants from vertically above, the lower surfaces of the leaflets are visible; and thus their upper surfaces, in accordance with the general rule, are best protected from radiation. Whilst the leaves on these young plants were thus behaving, those on an old bush in full flower did not sleep at night. Trigonella Oretica resembles a Melilotus in its sleep, which will be immediately described. According to M. Royer,* the leaves of Medicago maculata rise up at night, and “se renversent un peu de maniére 4 presenter obliquement au ciel leur face in- ferieure.” A drawing is here given (Fig. 139) of the leaves of M. marina awake and asleep; and this would almost serve for Cytisus fragrans in the same two states. Melilotus (Tribe 3).—The species in this genus sleep in a remarkable manner. The three leaflets of each leaf twist through an angle of 90°, so that their blades stand vertically at night with one lateral elge presented to the zenith (Fig. 140). We shall best understand the other and more complicated move- ments, if we imagine ourselves always to hold the leaf with the tip of the terminal leaflet pointed to the north. The leaflets in becoming vertical at night could of course twist so that their upper surfaces should face to either side; but the two lateral leaflets always twist so that this surface tends to face the north, but as they move at the same time towards the terminal leaflet, the upper surface of the one faces about N.N.W., and that of the other N.N.E. The terminal leaflet behaves differently, for it twists to either side, the upper surface facing sometimes east and sometimes west, but rather more commonly west than east The terminal leaflet also moves in another and more remarkable manner, for whilst its blade is twisting and becoming vertical, the whole leaflet bends to one side, and invariably to the side towards which the upper surface is directed; so that if this surface faces the west the whole leaflet bends to the west, until it comes into contact with the upper and vertical surface of the western lateral leaflet. Thus the upper surface of the terminal and of one of the two lateral leaflets is well protected. The fact of the terminal leaflet twisting indifferently to either * « Annales des Sc. Nat. Bot.’ (Sth series), ix. 1868, p. 368. 346 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL side and afterwards bending to the same side, seemed to us 80 remarkable, that we endeavoured to discover the cause. We imagined that at the commencement of the movement it might be determined by one of the two halves of the leaflet being a little heavier than the other. Therefore bits of wood were gummed on one side of several leaflets, but this produced no effect; and they continued to twist in the same direction as Fig. 140. Cc. Uelilotus officinalis: A, leaf during the daytime. B, another leaf asleep. C, a leaf asleep as viewed from vertically above; but in this case the terminal leaflet did not happen to be in such close contact with the Jateral one, as is usual. they had previously done. In order to discover whether the same leaflet twisted permanently in the same direction, black threads were tied to 20 leaves, the terminal Jeaflits of which twisted so that their upper surfaces faced west, and 14 white threads to leaflets which twisted to the east. These were ob- served occasionally during 14 days, and they all continued, with a single exception, to twist and bend in ihe same direction; for Cuar. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 347 oue leaflet, which had originally faced east, was observed after 9 days to face west. The seat of both the twisting and bending movement is in the pulvinus of the sub-petioles. We believe that the leafluts, especially the two lateral ones, in performing the above described complicated movements generally bend a little downwards; but we are not sure of this, for, as far as the main petiole is concerned, its nocturnal move- ment is largely determined by the position which the leaf happens to occupy during the day. Thus one main petiole was observed to rise at night 59°, whilst three others rose only 7° and 9°. The petioles and sub-petioles are continually circum- nutating during the whole 24 h., as we shall presently see. The leaves of the following 15 species, M. officinalis, suaveolens, parviflora, alba, tufestu, dentutu, gracilis, sulcata, elegans, ceruleu, petitpicrreana, macrorrhiza, Itulict, secundiflura, and Taurica, sleep in nearly the same manner as just described; but the bending to one side of the terminal leaflet is apt to fail unless the plants are growing vigorously. With WM. petitpierrea.a and secundiflora the terminal leaflet was rarely seen to bend to one side. In young plants of .I/. /talica it bent in the usual manner, but with old plants in full flower, growing in the same pot and observed at the same hour, viz., 8.30 p.m., none of the terminal leaflets on several scores of leavcs had bent to one side, though they stood vertically; nor nad the two lateral leaflets, though standing vertically, moved towards the terminal one. At 1030 p.m, and again one hour after midnight, the terminal leaflets had become very slightly bent to one side, and the lateral leaflets had moved a very little towards the terminal one, so that the posit.on of the leaflets even at this late hour was far from the ordinary one. Again, with M. 7aurica the terminal leaflets were never seen to bend towards either of the two lateral leaflets, though these, whilst becoming vertical, had bent towards the terminal one. The sub-petiole of the terminal leaflet in this species is of unusual length, and if the leaflet had bent to one side, its upper surface could have come into contact only with the apex of either lateral leaflet; and this, perhaps, is the meaning of the loss of the lateral movement. ‘The cotyledons donot sleep at night. ‘The first leaf consists of a single orlicular katlet, which twists at night so that the blade stands vertically. It is a remarkable fact that with M. Teurica, and in a somewhat less degree with M. macrorrhiza and petit- pierrcana, all the many small and young leaves produced during 3418 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL the early spring from shoots on some cut-down plants in the greenhouse, slept in a tutally different manner from the normal one; for the three leaflets, instead of twisting on their owu axes so as to present their lateral edges to the zenith, turned upwards and stood vertically with their apices pointing to the zenith. They thus assumed nearly the same position as in the allied genus Trifolium; and on the same principle that embryological characters reveal the lines of descent in the animal kingdom, so the movements of the small leaves in the above three species of Melilotus, perhaps indicate that this genus is descended from a form which was closely allied to and slept like a Trifolium. Moreover, there is one species, M. mvrs:anensis, the leaves of which, on full-grown plants between 2 and 3 feet in height, sleep like the foregoing small leaves and like those of a Trifolium. We were so much surprised at this latter case that, until the flowers and fruit were examined, we thought that the seeds of some Trifolium had been sown by mistake instead of those of a Melilotus. It appears therefore probable that d/. messanensis has either retained or recovered a primordial habit. The circumnutation of a leaf of M. officinalis was traced, the stem being left free; and the apex of the terminal leaflet described three laterally extended ellipses, between 8 a.m. and 4p.m.; after the latter hour the nocturnal twi-ting movement commenced, It was afterwards ascertained that the above movement was compounded of the circumnutation of the stem on a small scale, of the main petiole which moved most, and of the sub-petiole of the terminal leaflet. The main petiole of a leaf having been secured to a stick, close to the base of the sub- petiole of the terminal leaflet, the latter described two small ellipses between 10.30 4am. and2pm. At 7.15 p.m, after this same leaflet (as well as another) had twisted themselves into their vertical nocturnal position, they began to rise slowly, and continued to do so until 10.35 p.u., after which hour they were no longer observed, As M. messunensis sleeps in an anomalous manner, unlike that of any other species in the genus, the circumnutation of a terminal leaflet, with the stem secured, was traced during two days. On each morning the leaflet fell, until about noon, and then began to rise very slowly; but on the first day the rising movement was interrupted between 1 and 3 p.m. by the formation — of a laterally extended ellipse, and on the second day, at the sane time, by two smaller ellipses. The rising movement then Cuap. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 349 recommenced, and became rapid late in the evening, when the leaflet was beginning to go to sleep. The awaking or sinking movement had already commenced by 6.45 a.m on both mornings. Trifolium (Tribe 3).—The nyctitropic movements of 11 species were observed, and were found to be closely similar. If we select a leaf of 7. repens having an upright petiole, and with the three leaflets expanded horizontally, the two lateral leaflets will be seen in the evening to twist and approach each other, until their upper surfaces come into contact. At the same time they bend downwards in a plane at right angles to that of their former position, until their midribs form an angle of about 45° with the upper part of the petiole. ‘This peculiar change of position requires a considerable amount of torsion in the pul- vinus. The t.rminal leaflet merely rises up without any twist- Trifolium repens: A, leaf during the day; B, leaf asleep at night. ing, and bends over until it rests on and forms a roof over the edges of the now vertical and united lateral leaflets. Thus the terminal] leaflet always passes through an angle of at least 90°, generally of 130° or 140°, and not rarely—as was often observed with 7. s bterraneum—of 180°. In this latter case the terminal leaflet stands at night horizontally (as in Fig. 141), with its lower surface fully exposed tothe zenith. Besides the difference in the angles, at which the terminal leaflets stand at night in the individuals of the same species, the degree to which the lateral leaflets approach each other often likewise differs. We have seen that the cotyledons of some species and not of others rise up vertically at night. The first true leaf is generally unifoliate and orbicular; it always rises, and either stands verti- cally at night or more commonly bends a little over so as to expose the lower surface obliquely to the zenith, in the same manner as does the terminal leaflet of the mature leaf. But it does not twist itself like the corresponding first simple leaf of Melilotus. 350 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL With 7. Punnonicum the first true leaf was generally unifoliate, but sometimes trifoliate, or again partially lobed and in an intermediate condition. Circumnutation.—Sachs described in 1868* the spontaneous up and down movements of the leaflets of 7. ‘ncarnatum, when kept in darkness. Pfeffer made many observations on the similar movements in 7’ pratense.t He states that the terminal leaflet of this species, observed at different times, passed through angles of from 30° to 120° in the course of from 14 to4h. We observed the movements of 7. subterraneum, resupinatwm, and repens, Trifolium subterranenm.—A petiole was secured close to the base of the three leaflets, and the movement of the terminal leafict was traced during 263 h., as shown in the figure on the next page Between 6.45 a.m.and 6 p.m. the apex moved 8 times up and 3 times down, completing 8 ellipses in 11h. 15 m. The ascending and descending lines stand nearer to one another than is usual with most plants,. yet there was some lateral motion. At 6 p.m. the great nocturnal rise commenced, and on the next morning the sinking of the leaflet was continned until 8.30 a.m., after which hour it cireumnutated in the manner just described. In the figure the great nocturnal rise and the morning fall are greatly abbreviated, from the want of space, and are merely represented by a short curved line. ‘The leaflet stood horizontally when at a point a little beneath the middle of the diagram; so that during the daytime it oscillated almost equally above and beneath a horizontal position. At 8.30 a.m. it stood 48° beneath the horizon, and by 11.50 a.m. it had risen 50° above the horizon; so that it passed through 98° in 8h. By the aid of the tracing we ascertained that the distance travelled in the 3 h. by the apex of this leaflet was 1:03 inch. If we look at the figure, and prolong upwards in our mind’s eye the short curved broken line, which repre- sents the nocturnal course, we sec that the latter movement is merely an exaggeration or pro'ongation of one of the diurnal ellipses. The same leaflet had been observed on the previous day, and the course then pursued was almost identically the same as that here described. * ¢ Flora,’ 1868, p. 497. tT ‘Die Period, Bewegungen,’ 1875, pp. 35, 52. Ouap. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. 351 Trifolium res.pinatum.—A plant left entirely fre. was placed before a north-east win- Fi : my ig. 142. dow, in such a position that a terminal leaflet projected at right angles to the source of the light, the sky being uniformly clouded all day. The movements of this leaflet were traced during two days, and on both were closely similar, Those executed on the second day are shown in Fig. 143. The obliquity of the several lines is due partly to the manner in which the leaflet was viewed, and partly to its having moved a little to- wards the light. From 7.5) am. to 840 a.m. the leaflet fell, that is, the awakening movement was continued. It then rose and moved a little late- rally towards the light. At 12.30 it retrograded, and at 2.30 resumed its original course, having thus completed a small ellipse during the middle of the day. In the even- ing it rose rapidly, and by 8 a.m. on the following morning had returned to exactly the same spot as on the previous morning. The line representing the nocturnal course ought to be extended much higher up, and is here abbreviated into a short, and movement, as here shown, (68 inch in length), traced from temp. 16°-17° C. glass, Plant illuminated from above ; § inches from the vertical I scale. circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of terminal leaflet 6.45 a.m. July 4th to 9.15 a.m. 5th. Apex of leaf 3 magnified 5} times, reduced to one-half ot origina Trifolium subterraneum : 352 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL curved, broken line. The terminal leaflet, therefore, of this species described during the daytime only a single additional ellipse, instead of two ad- Fig. 143. ditional ones, as in the ae case of T. sublerraneum. But we should remember that it was shown in the fourth chapter that the stem circumnutates, as no doubt does the main petiole and the sub-petioles; sa that the movement repre- sented in fig. 143 is a com- pounded one We tried to observe the movements of a leaf kept during the day in darkness, but it Trifolium resupinatum: circumnutation began to po Aes after and nyctitropic movements of the ter- 2h. 15 m, an this was minal leaflet during 24 hours. well pronounced after 4 h. 30 m. Trifolium repens.—A stem was secured close to the base of a moderately old leaf, and the movement of the terminal leaflet was observed during two days. This case is interesting solely from the simplicity of the movements, in contrast with those of the two preceding species. On the first day the leafict fell between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., and on the second between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. On both days the descending course was somewhat zigzag, and this evidently represents the circumnutating move- ment of the two previous species during the middle of the day. After 1 p.m., Oct. lst (Fig. 144), the leaflet began to rise, but the movement was slow on both days, both before and after this hour, until4 pm. The rapid evening and nocturnal rise then commenced. Thus in this species the course during 24h. consists of a single great ellipse; in 7. resupinatum of two ellipses, one of which includes the nocturnal movement and is much elongated; and in T. subterranenm of three ellipses, of which the nocturnal one is likewise of great length. Securigera covonilla (Tribe 4).—The leaflets, which stand opposite one another and are numerous, 1ise up at night, come into close contact, ard bend backwards at a moderate angle towards the base of the petiole. Cuar VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 303 Lotus (Tribe 4).—The nyctitropic movements of 10 species in this genus were observed, and found to be the same, main petiole rises a little at night, and the three leaflets rise till they become vertical, and at the same time approach each other. This was conspicuous with di, Jacobeus, in which the leaflets are almost linear. In most of the species the Jeaflets rise so much as to press against the stem, and not rarely they become inclined a little inwards with their lower surfaces exposed obliquely to the zenith. This was clearly the case with L. major, as its petioles are unusually long, and the leaflets are thus enabled to bend further inwards. The young leaves on the summits of the stems close up at night so much, as often to resemble large buds. The stipule-like leaflets, which are often of large size, rise up like the other leaflets, and press against the stem (Fig. 145). All the leaflets of LZ. Gebelii, and pro- bably of the other species, are provided at their bases with distinct pulvini, of a yellowish colour, and formed of very small cells. The circumnutation of a terminal leaflet of L. perigrinus (with the stem secured) was traced during two days, but the movement was so simple that it is not worth while to give the diagram. The leaflet fell slowly from the early morning till about 1 p.m. It then rose gradually at first, but rapidly late in the evening. The Fig. 144, a A a aa Trifolium repens : circum: nutation and nyctitropic movements of a nearly full-grown terminal leaflet, traced on a ver- tical glass from 7 A.M. Sept. 30th to 8 a.m. Oct. 1st. Nocturnal course, represented by curved broken line, much ab- breviated. It occasionally stood still for about 20 m. during the day, and sometimes zigzagged a little. The movement of one of the basal, stipule-like leaflets was likewise traced in the same manner and at the same time, and its course was closely similar to that of the terminal leaflet. In Tribe 5 of Bentham and Hooker, the sleep-movements of species in 12 genera have been observed by ourselves and 354 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar VI others, but only in Robinia with any care. /'suralea acaulis raises its three leaflets at night; whilst Amorpha fruticosu,* Dalea alopccuroid.s, and Indigofera tinctoria depress them. Duchartre ¢ states that Tephrosia caribea is the sole example xf “ folioles couchées le long du petiole et vers la base;” but a Fig. 145. A. B. Lotus C.eticus : A, stem with leaves awake during the day ; B, with leaves asleep at night. SS, stipule-like leaflets. similar movement occurs, as we have already seen, and shall again see in other cases. Histaria Sinensis, according to Royer.{ “abaisse les folioles qui par une disposition bizarre sont inclinées dans la méme feuille, les supérieures vers le * Ducharte, *‘ilémentg de t*‘Ann. des Sciences, Nets, B tanique, 1867, p. 34. Bot. (5th series), ix. 1868. ¢ Ibid., p. 347. Cuap. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 355 sommet, les inférieures vers la base du petiole commun;” but the leaflets on a young plant observed by us in the green- house merely sank vertically downwards at night. The leaflets are raised in Spherophysa salsola, Colutea arborea, and a Desmodium qyrans: 20°, and 19°5° above the inclined positions Teak “econ: Pear which they had occupied during the day. above, reduced For instance, in the first of these four cases to one-half na- i s ral size. the petiole stood in the day at 23°, and at se ase pa night at 693° above the horizon. In the unusually large evening the rising of the petioles is almost completed before the leaflets sink perpendicularly downwards. 358 MODIFIED CIRUUMNUTATION. Cuar. VII. Cirenmnutation.—The circumnutating movements of four young shoots were observed during 5h. 15 m.; and in this time each completed an oval figure of small size. The main petiole also circumnutates rapidly, for in the course of 31m. (temp, 91°F.) it changed its course by as much as a rectangle six times, describing a figure which apparently. represented two ellipses. Fig. 149, A. Desmodium gyrans: A, stem during the day ; B, stem with leaves asleep, Copied from a photograph ; figures reduced. The movement of the terminal leaflet by means of its sub- petiole or pulvinus is quite as rapid, or even more so, than that of the main petiole, and has much greater amplitude. Pfeffer has seen* these leaflets move through an angle of 8° in the course of from 10 to 30 seconds. A fine, nearly full-grown leaf on a young plant, 8 inches in height, with the stem secured to a stick at the base of the leaf, was observed from 8.30 a.m. June 22nd to 8 a.m. June 2th ™ “Die Period. Beweg.,’ p. 35. Cnar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 356 In the diagram given on the next page (Fig. 150), the two curved broken lines at the base, which represent the nocturnal courses, ought to be prolonged far downwards. On the first day the leaflet moved thrice down and thrice up, and to a con- siderable distance laterally; the course was also remarkably crooked. The dots were generally made every hour; if they had been made every few minutes all the lines would have been zigzag to an extraordinary degree, with here and there a loop formed. We may infer that this would have been the case, because five dots were made in the course of 31m. (between 12.34 and 1.5 p.m.), and we see in the upper part of the diagram how crooked the course here is: if only the first and last dots had been joined we should have had a straight line. Exactly the same fact may be seen in the lines representing the course between 2.24pm. and 3p.m., when six intermediate dots were made; and again at 4.46 and 4.50. But the result was widely different after 6P.M..—that is, after the great nocturnal descent had commenced; for though nine dots were then made in the course of 32m , when these were joined (see Figure) the line thus formed was almost straight. The leaflets, therefore, begin to descend in the afternoon by zigzag lines, but as soon as the descent becomes rapid their whole energy is expended in thus moving, and their course becomes rectilinear. After the leaflets are completely asleep they move very little or not at all. Had the above plant been subjected to a higher temperature than 67°—70° F., the movements of the termiual leaflet would probably have been even more rapid and wider in extent than those shown in the diagram ; for a plant was kept for some time in the hot-house at from 92°—98° F., and in the course of 35 m. the apex of a leaflet twice descended and once ascended, travelling over a space of 1:2 inch in a vertical direction and of ‘82 inch in a horizontal direction. Whilst thus moving the leaflet also rotated on its own axis (and this was a point to which no atten- tion had been before paid), for the plane of the blade differed by 41° after an interval of only a few minutes. Occasionally the leaflet stood still for a short time. There was no jerking move- ment, which is so characteristic of the little lateral leaflets. A sudden and considerable fall of temperature causes the terminal leaflet to sink downwards; thus a cut-off leaf was immersed in water at 95° F., which was slowly raised to 103° F., and after- wards allowed to sink to 70° F., and the sub-petiole of the ter- minal leaflet then curved downwards. The water was afterwardg 24 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar Vil 360 Fig. 150. D o0B-o6T ‘dutay, ‘asoqe moy payeurumpys yuerg “a[eos [vutSrt0 Jo parry 00 0} paonpet wetSeiq ‘ssvj3 vortea ay) Woy sayour g xode sqr fyayvay [eUulWte} Jo qiaprur oy paxye quatuLyly ‘U 8b SuLtnp (papnyout ajorad *y78u9| ut soyour $e) Joy Jo ywauaaour oidoayryo4u puy uovynuumo.dso ¢ sunuhb wrpousay Cuar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES 361 raised to 12U° F., and the sub-petiole straightened itself. Similar experluents with leaves in water were twice repeated, with nearly the same result. It should be added, that water raised to even 122° F. does not soon kill a leaf. A plant was placed in darkness at 8.37 a.m., and at 2 Pm. (ie. after 5 h, 23 m.), though the leaflets had sunk considerably, they had py no means ac- quired their nocturnal vertically dependent position. Pfetfer, on the other hand, says * that this occurred with him in from $ h. to2h.; perhaps the difference in our results may be due to the plant on which we experimented being a very young and vigorous secdling. The Movements of the little Lateral Leaflets—These have been so often described, that we will endeavour to be as brief as possible in giving a few new facts and conclusions. The leaflets some- times quickly change their position by as much as nearly 180°; and their sub-petioles can then be seen to become greatly curved. They rotate on their own axes, so that their upper surfaces are directed to all points of the compass. The figure described by the apex is an irregular oval or ellipse. They sometimes re- main stationary for a period. In these several respects there is no difference, except in rapidity and extent, between their move- ments and the lesser ones performed by the large terminal leaflet whilst making its great oscillations. The movements of the little leaflets are much influenced, as is well known, by tempersture. This was clearly shown by immersing leaves with motionless leaflets in cold water, which was slowly raised to 103° F., and the leaflets then moved quickly, describing about a dozen little irregular circles in 40m. By this time the water had become much cooler, and the movements became slower or almost ceased; it was then raised to 100° F., and the leaflets again began to move quickly. Cn another occasion a tuft of fine leaves was immersed in water at 53° F., and the leaflets were of course motionless. The water was raised to 99°, and the leaflets soon began to move; it was raised to 105°, and the movements became much more rapid; each little circle or oval being completed in from 1m. 30s. to lm. 45s. There was, however, no jerking, and this fact may perhaps be attributed to the resistance of the water. Sachs status that the leaflets do not move until the surround- ing air is as high as 71°—72° F., and this agrees with our * ‘Die Period. Beweg.,’ p. 39. 362 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL. experience on full-grown, or nearly full-grown, plants. But the leaflets of young seedlings exhibit a jerking movement at much lower temperatures. A seedling was kept (April 16th) in a room for half the day where the temperature was steady at 64° F., and the one leaflet which it bore was continually jerking, but not so rapidly as in the hot-house. The pot was taken in the evening into a bed-room where the temperature remained at 62° during nearly the whole night; at 10 and 11P.m. and at 1 a.m. the leaftet was still jerking rapidly; at 3.30 4 m. it was not seen to jerk, but was observed during only a short time. It was, however, now inclined at a much lower angle than that occupied at lam. At 6.30 a.m. (temp. 61° F.) its inclination was still less than before, and again less at 6.45 a.m.; by 7.404 mM. it had risen, and at 830 a.m. was again seen to jerk. This leaflet, therefore, was moving during the whole night, and the move- ment was by jerks up to 1 a.m. (and possibly later) and again at 8.30 am., though the temperature was only 61° to 62°F. We must therefore conclude that the lateral leaflets produced by young plants differ somewhat in constitution from those on older plants. In the large genus Desmodium by far the greater number of the species are trifoliate; but some are unifoliate, and even the same plant may bear uni- and trifoliate leaves. In most of the species the lateral leaflets are only a little smaller than the terminal one. Therefore the lateral leaflets of D. gyrans (see former Fig. 148) must be considered as almost rudi- mentary. They are also rudimentary in function, if this ex- pression may be used; for they certainly do not sleep like the full-sized terminal leaflets. It is, however, possible that the sinking down of the leaflets between 1 a.m. and 6.45 a.m, as above described, may represent sleep. It is well known that the leaflets go on jerking during the early part of the night; but my gardener observed (Oct. 13th) a plant in the hot-house between 5 and 5.30 a.m., the temperature having been kept up to 82° F., and found that all the leaflets were inclined, but he saw no jerking movement until 6.55 a.m., by which time the terminal leaflet had risen and was awake. Two days after- wards (Oct. 15th) the same plant was observed by him at 4.47 a.m. (temp. 77° F.), and he found that the large terminal leaflets were awake, though not quite horizontal; and the only cause which we could assign for this anomalous wakefulness was that the plant had been kept for experimental purposes during Cuap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 362 the previous day at an unusually high temperature; the little 1ateral leaflets were also jerking at this hour, but whether there was any connection between this latter fact and the sub- horizontal position of the terminal leaflets we do not know. Anyhow, it is certain that the lateral leaflets do not sleep like the terminal leaflets; and in so far they may be scid to be in a functionally rudimentary condition They are in a similar condition in relation to irritability; for if a plant be shaken or syringed, the terminal leaflets sink down to about 45° be- neath the horizon; but we could never detect any effect thus produced on the lateral leaflets; yet we are not prepared to assert positively that rubbing or pricking the pulvinus produces no effect. Asin the case of most rudimentary organs, the leaflets are variable in size; they often depart from their normal position and do not stand opposite one another; and one of the two is frequently absent. This absence appeared in some, but not in all the cases, to be due to the leaflet having become completely confluent with the main petiole, as might be inferred from the presence of a slight ridge along its upper margin, and from the course of the vessels. In one instance there was a vestige of the leaflet, in the shape of a minute point, at the further end of the ridge. The frequent, sudden, and complete disappearance of one or both of the rudimentary leaflets is a rather singular fact; but it is a much more surprising one that the leaves which are first developed on scedling plants are not provided with them. Thus, on one seedling the seventh leaf above the cotyledons was the first which bore any lateral leaflets, and then only a single one. On another seedling, the eleventh leaf first bore a leaflet; of the nine succeeding leaves five bore a single lateral leaflet, and four bore none at all; at Jast a leaf, the twenty-first above the cotyledons, was provided with two rudimentary lateral leaflets. From a widespread analogy in the animal kingdom, it might have been expected that these rudimentary leaflets would have been better developed and more regularly present on very young than on older plants. But bearing in mind, firstly, that long- lost characters sometimes reappear late in life, and secondly, that the species of Desmodium are generally trifoliate, but that some are unifoliate, the suspicion arises that D. gyrans is descended from a unifoliate species, and that this was descended from a trifoliate one; for in this case both the absence of the little lateral leaflets on very young seedlings, and their sub- 364 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION Cuap. VII sequent appearance, may be attributed to reversion to more ct less distant progenitors.* No one supposes that the rapid movements of the lateral leaflets of 7. gyrans are of any use to the plant; and why they should behave in this manner is quite unknown. We imagined that their power of movement might stand in soma relation with their rudimentary condition, and therefore ob- served the almost rudimentary leaflets of Mimosa albida vel sensitiva (of which a drawing will hereafter be given, Fig. 159); but they exhibited no extraordinary movements, and at night they went to sleep like the full-sized leaflets. There is, how- ever, this remarkable difference in the two cases; in Desmo- dium the pulvinus of the rudimentary leaflets has not been reduced in length, in correspondence with the reduction of the blade, to the same extent as has occurred in the Mimosa; and it is on the length and degree of curvature of the pulvinus that the amount of movement of the blade depends. Thus, the average length of the pulvinus in the large terminal leaflets of Desmo- dium is 8mm., whilst that of the rudimentary leaflets is 2°86 mm.; so that they differ only a little in length. But in diameter they differ much, that of the pulvinus of the little leaflets being only 9°3 mm. to 0°4 mm.; whilst that of the terminal leaflets is 1°33 mm. If we now turn to the Mimosa, we find that the average length of the pulvinus of the almost rudimentary leaflets is only 0°466 mm., or rather more than a quarter of the length of the pulvinus of the full-sized leaflets, namely, 1:66 mm. In this small reduction in length of the pulvinus of the rudi- mentary leaflets of. Desmodium, we apparently have the proxi- mate cause of their great and rapid circumnutating movement, in contrast with that of the almost rudimentary leaflets of the Mimosa. The small size and weight of the blade, and the little resistance opposed by the air to its movement, no doubt also come into play; for we have seen that these leaflets if immersed in water, when the resistance would be much greater, were pre- vented from jerking forwards. Why, during the reduction of the lateral leaflets of Desmodium, or during their reappearance —if they owe their origin to reversion—the pulvinus should have been so much less affected than the blade, whilst with the * Desmodium vespertilionis is rudimentary lateral leaflets. Du- closely allied to D. gyrans, and chartre, ‘ Elémentsde Botanique, it seems only occasionally to bear —- 1867, p. 353, Cuap, VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 365 Mimosa the pulvinus has been greatly reduced, we do not know. Nevertheless, it deserves notice that the reduction of the leaflets in these two genera has apparently been effected by a different process and for a different end; for with the Mimosa the reduction of the inner and basal leaflets was necessary from the want of space; but no such necessity exists with Desmo- dium, and the reduction of its lateral leaflets seems to have been due to the principle of compensation, in consequence of the great size of the terminal leaflet. Uraria (Tribe 6) and Centrosema (Tribe 8).—The leaflets of Uraria layopus and the leaves of a Centrosema from Brazil both sink vertically down at night. In the latter plant the petiole at the same time rose 163°. Amphicarpeea monoica (Tribe 8).—The leaflets sink down ver- tically at night, and the petioles likewise fall considerably. Fig. 151. 7t5'p.m.10% Amphicarpea monoica: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaf during 48 h.; its apex 9 inches from the vertical glass. Figure reduced to one-third of original scale. Plant illuminated from above; temp, 174°-183° C, A petiole, which was carefully observed, stood during the day 25° above the horizon and at night 32° below it; it therefore fell 57°, A filament was fixed transversely across the tcrminal leaflet of a fine young leaf (2} inches in length including the * 866 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIE petiole), and the movement of the whole leaf was traced on a vertical glass. This was a bad plan in some respects, because the rotation of the leaflet, independently of its rising or falling, raised and depressed the filament; but it was the best plan for~ our special purpose of observing whether the leaf moved much after it had gone to sleep. The plant had twined closely round a thin stick, so that the circumnutation of the stem was pre- vented. The movement of the leaf was traced during 48 h., frum 9 a.m. July 10th to 9 a.m. July 12th. In the figure given (Fig. 151) we see how complicated its course was on both days: during the second day it changed its course greatly 13 times. The leaflets began to go to sleep a little after 6 P.m., and by 7.15 p.m. hung vertically down and were completely asleep; but on both nights they continued to move from 7.15 p.m. to 10.40 and 10.50 p.m., quite as much as during the day; and this was the point which we wished to ascertain. We see in the figure that the great sinking movement late in the evening does not differ essentially from the circumnutation during the day. Glycine hispida (Tribe 8).—The three leaflets sink vertically down at night. Erythrina (Tribe 8).—Five species were observed, and the leaflets of all sank vertically down at night; with & caffra and with a second unnamed species, the petioles at the same time rose slightly. The movements of the terminal leaflet of /-. crista- galli (with the main petiole secured to a stick) were traced from 6.40 a.m., June 8th, to 8 a.m. on the 10th. In order to observe the nyctitropic movements of this plant, it is necessary that it should have grown in a warm greenhouse, for out of doors in our climate it does not sleep. We see in the tracing (Fig. 152) that the leaflet oscillated twice up and down between early morning and noon; it then fell greatly, afterwards rising till 3 p.m. At this latter hour the great nocturnal fall com- menced, On the second day (of which the tracing is not given) there was exactly the same double oscillation before noon, but only a very small one in the afternoon. On the third morning the leaflet moved laterally, which was due to its beginning to assume an oblique position, as seems invariably to occur with the leaflets of this species as they grow old. On both nights after the leaflets were asleep and hung vertically down, they continued to move a little both up and down, and from side to side. Erythrina cafra.—A filament was fixed transversely across Cuar. VII. a terminal leaflet, as we wished to observe its movements when asleep. The plant was placed in the morning of June lUth under a skylight, where the light was not bright; and we do not know whether it was owing to this cause or to the plant having been disturbed, but the leaflet hung vertically down all day; nevertheless it circumnutated in this posi- tion, describing a figure which represented two irregular -el- lipses. On the next day it circumnutated in a greater degree, describing four irre- gular ellipses, and by 3 p.m. had risen into a horizontal po- sition. By 7.15 p.m. it was asleep and vertically depen- dent, but continued to circum- nutate as long as observed, until 11 p.m. Erythrina corallodendron.— The movements of a terminal leaflet were traced. During the second day it oscillated four times up and four times down between 8 am. and 4 P.M., after which hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. On the third day the movement was equally great in ampli- tude, but was remarkably simple, for the leaflet rose in an almost perfectly straight line from 6.50 a.m. to 3 P.m., and then sank down in an equally straight line until vertically dependent and asleep. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 367 Fig. 152. 640 ans" 4 | | O45 am. o& (ae i ! | 2'p.m. Arythrina crists-galli: circumnuta- tion and nyctitropic movement of terminal leaflet, 33 inches in length, traced during 25h.; apex of leaf 33 inches from the vertical glass. Figure reduced to one-half of original scale. Plant illumi- nated frora above; temp. 174°- 183° C. 368 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VII. Apios tuberosa (Tribe 8).—The leaflets sink vertically down at night. Phaseolus vulyaris (Tribe 8).—The leaflets likewise sink verti- cally down at night. In the greenhouse the petiole of a young leaf rose 16°, and that of an older leaf 10° at night. With plants growing out of doors the leaflets apparently do not sleep until somewhat late in the season, for on the nights of July 11th and 12th none of them were asleep; whereas on the night of August 15th the same plants had most of their leaflets verti- cally dependent and asleep. With Ph. caracalla and Hernan- desit, the primary unifoliate leaves and the leaflets of the secondary trifoliate leaves sink vertically down at night. This holds good with the secondary trifoliate leaves of Ph. Rox- burghii, but it is remarkable that the primary unifoliate leaves, which are much elongated, rise at night from about 20° to about 60° above the horizon. With older seedlings, however, having the secondary leaves just developed, the primary leaves stand in the middle of the day horizontally, or are deflected a little beneath the horizon. In one such case the primary leaves rose from 26° beneath the horizon at noon, to 20° above it at 10 p.m.; whilst at this same hour the leaflets of the secondary leaves were vertically dependent. Here, then, we have the extraordinary case of the primary and secondary leaves on the same plant moving at the same time in opposite directions. We have now seen that the leaflets in the six genera of Pha- seoleze observed by us (with the exception of the primary leaves of Phaseolus Roaburylit) all sleep in the same manner, namely, by sinking vertically down. The movements of the petioles were observed in only three of these genera. They rose in Centrosema and Phaseolus, and sunk in Amphicarpea. Sophora chrysophylla (Tribe 10).—-The leaflets rise at night, and are at the same time directed towards the apex of the leaf, as in Mimosa pudica, Cesalpinia, Hemutorylon, Gleditschia, Poinciana.—The leaflets of two species of Cxsalpinia (Tribe 13) rose at night. With Hematoxylon Campechianum (Tribe 18) the leaflets move for- wards at night, so that their midribs stand parallel to the petiole, and their now vertical lower surfaces are turned out- wards (Fig. 153). The petiole sinks a little. In Gleditschia, if we understand correctly Duchartre’s description, and in Poin- Cxar. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES. 3869 ciana Gillicsti (both belonging to Tribe 13), the leaves behave in the same manner. Fig. 153. A. B. Hematoxylon Campechianum : A, branch during daytime; B, branch with leaves asleep, reduced to two-thirds of natural scale. Cassia (Tribe 14).—The nyctitropic movements of the leaves in many species in this genus are closely alike, and are highly complex. They were first briefly described by Linnzeus, and since by Duchartre. Our observations were made chiefly on C. flori- bunda* and corymbosa, but several other species were casually observed. The horizontally extended leaflets sink down verti- cally at night; but not simply, as in so many other genera, for each leaflet rotates on its own axis, so that its lower surface faces outwards. The upper surfaces of the opposite leaflets are thus brought into contact with one another beneath the petiole, and are well protected (Fig. 154). The rotation and other move- ments are effected by means of a well-developed pulvinus at the base of each leaflet, as could be plainly seen when a straiglit narrow black line had been painted along it during the day. The two terminal leaflets in the daytime include rather less than a right angle; but their divergence increases greatly whilst they * Tam informed by Mr. Dyer near to C. laevigata. It is no douht that Mr. Bentham believes that — the same as the form described by C. floribunds (a common green- Jiindley (‘ Bot. Reg.,’ Tub. 1422)" house bush) is a hybrid raised in as C. Herbertiana, France, and that it cimes very 370 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL sink downwards and rotate, so that they stand laterally at night, as may be seen in the figure. Moreover, they move somewhat backwards, so as to point towards the base of the petiole. Fig. 154. (a Cassia corymbcsa: A, plant durmg day; B, same lant at night. Both figures copied from yhotographs, In one instance we found that the midrib of a terminal leaflet formed at night an angle of 36°, with a line dropped Onap. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 371 perpendicularly from the end of the petiole. The second pair of leaflets likewise moves a little backwards, but less than the terminal pair; and the third pair moves vertically downwards, or even a little forwards, Thus all the leaflets, in those species which bear only 3 or 4 pairs, tend to form a single packet, with their upper surfaces in contact, and their lower surfaces turned outwards. Lastly, the main petiole rises at night, but with leaves of different ages to very different degrees, namely, some rose through an angle of only 12°, and others as much as 41°. Cassia calliantha.—The leaves bear a large number of leaflets, which move at night in nearly the same manner as just described; but the petioles apparently do not rise, and one which was carefully observed certainly fell 3°. Cassia pubescens. — The chief difference in the nyctitropic Cassia pubescens: A, upper part of plant during the day; B, same p ant at night. Figures reduced from photographs. movements of this species, compared with those of the former species, consists in the leaflets not rotating nearly so much; 372 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Suap VIL therefore their lower surfaces face but little outwards at night. The petioles, which during the day are inclined only a little above the horizon, rise at night in a remarkable manner, and stand newly or quite vertically. This, together with the dependent position of the leaflets, makes the whole plant won- derfully compact at night. In the two foregoing figures, copied from photographs, the same plant is represented awake and asleep (Fig. 155), and we see how different is its appearance. Cassia mimosvides.— At night the numerous leaflets on each leaf rotate on their axes, and their tips move towards the apex of the leaf; they thus become imbricated with their lower surfaces directed upwards, and with their midribs almost parallel to the petiole. Consequently, this species differs from all the others seen by us, with the exception of the following one, in the leaflets not sinking down at night. A petiole, the movement of which was measured, rose 8° at night. Cassia Barclayana.—The leaflets of this Australian species are numerous, very narrow, and almost linear. At night they rise up alittle, and also move towards the apex of the leaf. For instance, two opposite leaflets which diverged from one another during the day at an angle of 104°, diverged at night only 72°; so that each had risen 16° above its diurnal position. The petiole of a young leaf rose at night 34°, and that of an older leaf 19°. Owing to the slight movement of the leaflets and the consider- able movement of the petiole, the bush presents a different appearance at night to what it does by day; yet the leaves can hardly be said to sleep. The circumnutating movements of the leaves of (. floribunda, ealliantha, and jubescens were observed, each during three or four days; they were essentially alike, those of the last-named specics being the simplest. The petiole of C. floribunda was secured to a stick at the base of the two terminal leaflets, and a filament was fixed along the midrib of one of them. Its movements were traced from 1 p.m. on August 18th to 8.80 a.m. 17th; but those during the last 2 h. are alone given in Fig. 156. From 8 a.m. or each day (by which hour the leaf had assumed its diurnal posi- tion) to 2 or 3 p.m. it either zigzageed or cireumnutated over nearly the same small space; at between 2 and 8 p.m. the great evening fall commenced. The lines representing this fall and the early morning rise are oblique, owing to the peculiar manner in which the leaflets sleep, as already described. After the Icaflet was asleep at 6, and whilst the glass filament hung Cuar. VIL SLEEP OF LEAVES, 373 perpenjicularly down, the movement of its apex was traced until 10.30 p.m.; and during this whole time it swayed from side to side, completing more than one ellipse. Bauhinia (Tribe 15).— Fig. 156 The nyctitropic movements aes of four species were alike, (h bo and were highly peculiar. “i A plant raised from seed \ oe sent us from South Brazil 3 by Fritz Miiller, was more aie especially observed. The Iraves are large and deeply i netched at their ends. At A night the two halves rise ; up and close completely i together, like the opposite ; leaflets of many Legumi- nose. With very young plants the petioles rise con- siderably at the same time; one, which was inclined at noon 45° above the hori- zon, at night stood at 75°; } it thus rose 30°; another i Hf rose 34°. Whilst the two i halves of the leaf are closing, i the midrib at first sinks i vertically downwards and i afterwards bends back- ; wards, so as to pass close A along one side of its own ; upwardly inclined petiole; if the midrib being thus di- BO rected towards the stemor / yf axis of the plant. The angle aed which the midrib formed with the horizon was mea- sured in one case at dif- ferent hours: at noon it stood horizontally; late in the even- ing it depended vertically; then rose to the opposite side, and at 10.15 p.m. stood at only 27° beneath the horizon, being directed towards the stem. It had thus travelled through 158° Apex of leaflet 53 inches from the inches long, Temp. 16°~-173°C. Figure reduced to one-hal. circuninutation and nyctitropic movement of a terminal leaflet (1 traced from 8.30 aM. tu same hour on following morning. vertical glass. Main petiole 32 of the or:ginal scale. Cassia florida. if ¢ 374 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL. Owing to this movement—to the leaves being folded—and to the petioles rising, the whole plant is as much more compact at night than during the day, as a fastigiate Lombardy poplar is compared with any other species of poplar. It is remarkable that when our plants had grown a little older, viz., to a height of 2 or 8 feet, the petioles did not rise at night, and the midribs of the folded leaves were no longer bent back along one side of the petiole. We have noticed in some other genera that the petioles of very young plants rise much more at night than do those of older plants. Tamarindus Indica (Tribe 16).—The leaflets approach or roeet each other at night, and are all directed towards the apex of the leaf. They thus become imbricated with their midribs parallel to the petiole. The movement is closely similar to that of Hematoxylon (see former Fig. 153), but more striking from the greater number of the leaflets. Adenanthera, Prosopis, and Neytunia (Tribe 20).—With Ade- nanthera pavonia the leaflets turn edgeways and sink at night. In Prosomis they turn upwards With Neptunia oleracea the leaflets on the opposite sides of the same pinna come into contact at night and are directed forwards. The pinnae them- selves move downwards, and at the same time backwards or towards the stem ofthe plant. The main petiole rises. Mimosa pudica (Tribe 20).—This plant has been the subject of innumerable observations; but there are some points in rela- tion to our subject which have not been sufficiently attended to. At night, as is well known, the opposite leaflets come into contact and point towards the apex of the leaf; they thus be- come neatly imbricated with their upper surfaces protected. The four pinne also approach each other closely, and the whole leaf is thus rendered very compact. The main petiole sinks down- wards during the day till late in the evening, and rises until very early in the morning. The stem is continually cireumnu- tating at a rapid rate, thongh not to a wide extent. Some very young plants, kept in darkness, were observed during two days, and although subjected to a rather low temperature of 57°—59° F., the stem of one described four small ellipses in the course ot 12h. We shall immediately see that the main petiole is like- wise continually circumnutating, as is each separate pinna and each separate leaflet. Therefore, if the movement of the apex of any one leaflet were to he traced, the course described would be compounded of the movements of four separate parts, Cuav. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 375 A filament had been fixed on the previous eveiing, longi- tudinally to the main petiole of a nearly full-grown, highly- sensitive leaf (four inches in length), the stem having been secured to a stick at its base; and a tracing was made ona vertical glass in the hot-house under a high temperature. In the figure given (Fig. 157), the first dot was made at 8.30 a.m. August 2nd, and the last at 7 p.m.on the 8rd. During 12 h.on the first day the petiole moved thrice downwards and_ twice upwards. Within the same length of time on the second day, it moved five times down- wards and four times upwards. As the ascending and descend- ing lines do not coincide, the petiole manifestly circumnnu- tates; the great evening fall 7°25%%m.on#\--. and nocturnal rise being an exaggeration of one of the cir- cumnutations. It should, how- ever, be observed that the pe- tiole fell much lower down in the evenings than could be seen on the vertical glass or is represented in the diagram. After 7 p.m. on the 3rd (when the last dot in Fig. 157 was made) the pot was carried into - a bed-room, and the petiole was i found at 12.50 a.m. (ie. after \ midnight) standing almost up- right, and much more highly ° inclined than it was at 10.40 P. p.m. When observed again at Mimosa pudica: circumnutation and s nyctitropic movement of main pe- 4 a.m, it had begun to fall, and tiole, traced during 34 h. 30 m. continued falling till 6.15 a.m., after which hour it zigzagged and again circeumnutated. Similar observations were made on another petiole, with nearly the same result. On two other occasions the movement of the main petiole 25 Fig. 157, a andl pmard 376 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VII was observed every two or three minutes, the plants being kept at a rather high temperature, viz., on the first occasion at 77°—81° F., and the filament then described 23 ellipses in 69 m. On the second occasion, when the temperature was 81°—86° F., it made rather more than 8 ellipses in 67 m. Therefore, Fig. 157, though now sufficiently complex, would have been in- comparably more so, if dots had been made on the glass every 2 or 3 minutes, instead of every hour or half-hour. Although the main petiole is continually and rapidly describing small ellipses during the day, yet after the great nocturnal rising movement has commenced, if dots are made every 2 or 3 minutes, as was done for an hour between 9.30 and 10.30 p.m. (temp. 84° F.), and the dots are then joined, an almost abso- lutely straight line is the result. To show that the movement of the petiole is in all proba- bility due to the varying turgescence of the pulvinus, and not to growth (in accordance with the conclusions of Pfeffer), a very old leaf, with some of its leaflets yellowish and hardly at all sensitive, was selected for observation, and the plant was kept at the highly favourable temp. of 80° F. The petiole fell from 8 a.m. till 10.15 a.m, it then rose a little in a somewhat zigzag line, often remaining statiqnary, till 5 p.m., when the great evening fall commenced, which was continued till at least 10 p.m. By 7 a.m. on the following morning it had risen to the same level as on the previous morning, and then descended in a zigzag line. But from 10.30 a.m. till 415 p.m. it remained almost motionless, all power of movement being now lost. The petiole, therefore, of this very old leaf, which must have long ceased growing, moved periodically ; but instead of circum- nutating several times during the day, it moved only twice down and twice up in the course of 24 h., with the ascending and descending lines not coincident. It has already been stated that the pinnee move independently of the main petiole. The petiole of a leaf was fixed to a cork support, close to the point whence the four pinnew diverge, with a short fine filament cemented longitudinally to one of the twe terminal pinuz, and a graduated semicircle was placed close beneath it. By looking vertically down, its angular or lateral movements could be measured with accuracy. Between noon and 4.15 pw. the pinna changed its position to one side by only 7°; but not continuously in the same direction, as it moved four times to one side, and three times to the opposite side, Cuap. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. . 377 in one instance to the extent of 16°. This pinna, therefore, circumnutated. Later in the evening the four pinnas approach each other, and the one which was observed moved inwards 59° between noon and 6.45 p.m. Ten observations were mace in the course of 2h. 20m. (at average intervals of 14 m.) between 4.25 and 6.45 p.m.; and there was now, when the leat was going to sleep, no swaying from side to side, but a steady inward movement. Here therefore there is in the evening the sume conversion of a circumnutating into a steady movement in one direction, as in the case of the main petiole. It has also been stated that each separate leaflet circum- nutates. A pinna was cemented with shellac on the summit ot a little ‘stick driven firmly into the ground, immediately beneath a pair of leaflets, to the midribs of both of which excessively fine glass filaments were attached. This treatment did not injure the leaflets, for they went to sleep in the usual manner, and long retained their sensitiveness. The movements of one of them were traced during 49 h., as shown in Fig. 158. On the first day the leaflet sank down till 11.30 a.m., and then rose till late in the evening in a zigzag line, indicating circum- nutation. On the second day, when more accustomed to its new state, it oscillated twice up tnd twice down during the 24h. This plant was subjected to a rather low temperature, viz., 62°—64° F.; had it been kept warmer, no doubt the move- ments of the leaflet would have been much more rapid and complicated. It may be seen in the diagram that the ascending and descending lines do not coincide; but the large amount of lateral movement in the evening is the result of the leaflets bending towards the apex of the leaf when going to sleep. Another leaflet was casually observed, and found to be con- tinually circumuutating during the same length of time. ; The circumnutation of the leaves is not destroyed by their being subjected to moderately long continued darkness; but the proper periodicity of their movements is lost. Some very young seedlings were kept during two days in the dark (temp. 57°-—59° F.), except when the circumnutation of their stems was occa- sionally observed; and on the evening of the second day the leaflets did not fully and properly go to sleep. The pot was then placed for three days in a dark cupboard, under nearly the same temperature, and at the close of this period the leaflets showed uo signs of sleeping, and were only slightly sensitive to ‘a touch. On the following day the stem was cemented to a 378 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Caap. VIL stick, and the movements of two leaves were traced on a verticai glass during 72h. The plants were still kept in the dark, ex- cepting that at each observation, which lasted 3 or 4 minutes, Fig. 158. 720'p.m 10:20'p.m. 12:50’ paths 6S°am.15° 10°40 mis ILEO UA Mimosa pudica: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of 4 leaflet (with pinna secured), traced on a vertical glass, from 8 a.m. Sept. 14th to 9 a.m. 16th. they were illuminated by two candles. On the third day the leaflets still exhibited a vestige of sensitiveness when forcibly pressed, but in the evening they showed no signs of sleep. Nevertheless, their petioles continued to circumnutate distinctly, Caar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 379 although the proper order of their movements in relation to the day and night was wholly lost. Thus, one leaf descended during the first two nights (i.e. between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m. next morn- ing) instead of ascending, and on the third night it moved chiefly in a lateral direction. The second leaf behaved in an equally abnormal manner, moving laterally during the first night, descending greatly during the second, and ascending to an unusual height during the third night. With plants kept ata high temperature and exposed to the light, the most rapid circumnutating movement of the apex of a leaf which was observed, amounted to 53, of an inch in one second; and this would have equalled 3 of an inch in a minute, had not the leaf occasionally stood still. The actual distance travelled by the apex (as ascertained by a measure placed close to the leaf) was on one occasion nearly $ of an inch in a vertical direction in 15 m.; and on another occasion § of an inch in 60 m.; but there was also some lateral movement. Mimosa albida.*—The leaves of this plant, one of which is here figured (Fig. 159) reduced to 2 of the natural size, present some Fig. 159. Mimosa albidu ; leaf seen from vertically above. interesting peculiarities. It consists of a long petiole bearing only two pinnz (here represented as rather more divergent than is usual), each with: two pairs of leaflets. But the inner * Mr. Thistleton Dyer informs Linn. Soc.,’ vol. xsx. p. 390) te us that this Peruvian plant (which be “the species or variety which was sent to us from Kew) is con- most commonly represents the sidered by Mr. Bentham (‘Traus. —sensitiva of our gardens.” B80 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL basal leaflets are greatly reduced in size, owing probably to the want of space for their full development, so that they may be considered as almost rudimentary. They vary somewhat in size, and both occasionally disappear, or only one. Neverthe- less, they are not in the least rudimentary in function, for they are sensitive, extremely heliotropic, circumnutate at nearly the same rate as the fully developed leaflets, and assume when asleep exactly the same position. With M. pudica the inner leaflets at the base and between the pinne are likewise much shortened and obliquely truncated; this fact was well seen in some seedlings of M. pwica, in which the third leaf above the cotyledons bore only two pinnee, each with only 3 or 4 pairs of leaflets, of which the inner basal one was less than half as long as its fellow; so that the whole leaf resembled pretty closely that of Jf, albida. In this latter species the main petiole termi- nates in a little point, and on each side of this there is a pair of minute, flattened, lancct-shaped projections, hairy on their margins, which drop off and disappear soon after the leaf is fully developed. There can hardly be w doubt that these little projections are the last and fugacious representatives of an additional pair of lcaflets to each pinna; for the outer one is twice as broad as the inner one, and a little longer, viz. +4, of an inch, whilst the inner one is only $58 long. Now if the basal pair of leaflets of the existing leaves were to become rudimcn- tary, we should expect that the rudiments would still exhibit some trace of their present great inequality of size. The con- clusion that the pinne of the parent-form of M. albida possessed at least three pairs of leaflets, instcad of, as at present, only two, is supported by the structure of the first true leaf; for this consists of a simple petiole, often bearing three pairs of leaflets. This latter fact, as well as the presence of the rudiments, both lead to the conclusion that M. albida is descended from a form the leaves of which bore more than two pairs of leaflets. The second leaf above the cotyledons resembles in all respects the leaves on fully developed plants. When the leaves go to sleep, each leaflet twists half round, so as to present its edge to the zenith, and comes into close contact with its fellow. The pinne also approach each other closely, so that the four terminal leaflets come together. The large basal leaflets (with the little rudimentary ones in contact with them) move inwards and forwards, so as to embrace the outside of the united terminal leaflets, and thus all eight leaflets Cuar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 38] (the rudimentary ones included) form together a single vertical packet. The two pinne at the same time that they approach each other sink downwards, and thus instead of extending hori- zontally in the same line with the main petiole, as during the day, they depend at night at about 45°, or even at a greater angle, beneath the horizon. The movement of the main petiole seems to be variable; we have seen it in the evening 27° lower than during the day; but sometimes in nearly the same position. Nevertheless, a sinking movement in the evening and a rising one during the night is probably the normal course, for this was well-marked in the petiole of the first-formed true leaf. The circumnutation of the main petiole of a young leaf was traced during 2 days, and was considerable in extent, but less complex than that of MZ. pudica. The movement was much more lateral than is usual with circumnutating leaves, and this was the sole peculiarity which it presented. The apex of one of the terminal leaflets was seen under tho microscope to travel J; of an inch in 3 minutes. Mimosa marginata.—The opposite leaflets rise up and approach each other at night, but do not come into close contact, except in the case of very young leaflets on vigorous shoots. Full-grown leaflets circumnutate during the day slowly and on a small scale. Schrankia uncinata (Tribe 20).—A leaf consists of two or three pairs of pinne, each bearing many small leaflets. These, when the plant is asleep, are directed forwards and become imbricated. The angle between the two terminal pinnz was diminished at night, in one case by 15°; and they sank almost vertically down- wards. The hinder pairs of pinne likewise sink downwards, but do not convorge, that is, move towards the apex of the leaf. The main petiole does not become depressed, at least during the evening. In this latter respect, as well as in the sinking of the yinne, there is a marked difference between the nyctitropic movements of the present plant and of Mimosa pudica. It should, however, be added that our specimen was not in a very vigorous condition. The pinne of Schrankia aculeata also sink at night. Acacia Farnesiana (Tribe 22).—The different appearance pre- sented by a bush of this plant when asleep and awake is won- derful. The same leaf in the two states is shown in the following figure (Fig. 160). The leaflets move towards the apex of the pinna and become imbricated, and the pinne then look like bits of dangling string. The following remarks and measurements 582 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL do not fully apply to the small leaf here figured. The pinne move forwards and at the same time sink downwards, whilst the main petiole rises considerably. With respect to the degree of movement: the two terminal pinne of one specimen formed together an angle of 100° during the day, and at night of only 88°, so each had moved 31° forwards. The penultimate pinne during the day formed together an angle of 180°, that is, they stood in a straight line opposite one another, and at night each had moved 65° forwards. The basal pair of pinnez were directed A. B, Acacia Farnesiana: A, leaf during the day; B, the same leaf at night. during the day, each about 21° backwards, and at night 38° forwards, so each had moved 59° forwards. But the pinne at the same time sink greatly, and sometimes hang almost perpen- dicularly downwards. The main petiole, on the other hand, rises much: by 8.30 p.m. one stood 34° higher than at noon, and by 6.40 a.m. on the following morning it was still higher by 10°; shortly after this hour the diurnal sinking move- ment commenced. The course of a nearly full-grown leaf was traced during 14 h.; it was strongly zigzag, and apparently Cuav. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 3883 represented five ellipses, with their longer axes differently directed. a Albizzia lophantha (Tribe 23).—-The leaflets at night come into contact with one another, and are directed towards the apex of the pinna, The pinne approach one another, but remain in the same plane as during the day; and in this respect they differ much from those of the above Schrankia and Acacia. The main vetiole rises but little. The first-formed leaf above the coty- ledons bore 11 leaflets on each side, and these slept like those on the subsequently formed leaves; but the petiole of this first leaf was curved downwards during the day and at night straightened itself, so that the chord of its arc then stood 16° higher than in the day-time. Melaleuca ericeefolia (Myrtacese).—According to Bouché (‘ Bot. Zeit., 1874, p. 359) the leaves sleep at night, in nearly the same manner as those of certain species of Pimelia. Gnothera mollissima (Onagrariez).—According to Linneus (Somnus Plantarum’), the leaves rise up vertically at night. Passiflora gracilis (Passifloracee).—The young leaves sleep by their blades hanging vertically downwards, and the whole length of the petiole then becomes somewhat curved downwards. Externally no trace of a pulvinus can be seen. The petiole of the uppermost leaf on a young shoot stood at 10.45 a.m. at 33° above the horizon; and at 10.30 p.m., when the blade was verti- cally dependent, at only 15°, so the petiole had fallen 18°. That of the next older leaf fell only 7°. From some unknown cause the leaves do not always sleep properly. The stem of a plant, which had stood for some time before a north-east window, was secured to a stick at the base of a young leaf, the blade of which was inclined at 40° below the horizon. From its position the leaf had to be viewed obliquely, consequently the vertically ascending and descending movements appeared when traced oblique. On the first day (Oct. 12th) the leaf descended in a zigzag line until late in the evening; and by 8.15 a.m. on the 18th had risen to nearly the same level as on the previous morning. A new tracing was now begun (Fig. 161). The leaf continued to rise until 8.50 a.m., then moved a little to the right, and afterwards descended. Between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. it circumnutated, and after the latter hour the great nocturnal fall commenced. At 7.15 p.m. it depended vertically. The dotted line ought to have been prolonged much lower down in * the figure. By 6.50 a.m. on the following morning (14th) the Bt MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL leaf had risen greatly, and continued to rise till 7.50 a.m, after which hour it redescended. It should be observed that the lines traced on this second morning would have coincided with and confused those previously traced, had not the pot been slided a very little to the left. In the evening (14th) a mark was placed behind the filament attached to the apex of the leaf, and its movement was carefully traced from 5 p.m. to 10.15 p.m. Fig. 161. =, < Passiflora gracilis: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of Jeaf traced on vertical glass, from 8.20 a.m. Oct. 13th to 10 a.m. 14th Figure reduced to two-thirds of original scale. Between 5 and 7.15 p.m. the leaf descended in a straight line, and at the latter hour it appeared vertically dependent. But between 7.15 and 10.15 p.m. the line consisted of a succession of steps, the cause of which we could not understand; it was, however, manifest that the movement was no longer a simple descending one. Siegesbeckia orientalis (Compositw#).—Some seedlings were raised in the middle of winter and kept in the hot-house; they flowered, but did not grow well, and their leaves never showed any signs of sleep. The leaves on other seedlings raised in May were horizontal at noon (June 22nd), and depended at a consi: Cuar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 385 derable angle beneath the horizon at 10 p.m. In the case of four youngish leaves, which were from 2 to 2} inches in length, these angles were found to be 50°, 56°, 60°, and 65°. At the end of August, when the plants had grown to a height of 10 to 11 inches, the younger leaves were so much curved downwards at night that they might truly be said to be asleep. This is one Fig. 162. Nicotiana glaca: shoots with leaves expanded during the day, and asleep at night. Figures copied from photographs, and reduced. of the species which inust be well illuminated during the day in order to sleep, for on two occasions when plants were kept all day in a room with north-east windows, the leaves did not sleep at night. The same cause probably accounts for the leaves on our seedlings raised in the dead of the winter not sleeping. Professor Pfeffer informs us that the leaves of another species (S. Jorullensis ?) hang vertically down at night. 386 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL Ip omea cerulea and purpurea (Convolvulacesz). —The leaves on very young plants, a foot or two in height, are depressed at night Fig. 163. <---> agen S'10'am13 3 pm LO" Bpm12% Nicotiana tabacum :; circumnutation and nyc- titropic movement of a leat’ (5} inches in length), traced on a vertical glass, from 3 pM. July 10th to 8.10 a.m. 13th. Apex of leaf 4 inches from glass. Temp. 17$°- 185° C. Figure reduced to one-half original scale. to between 68° and 80° beneath the horizon; and some hang quite vertically downwards. On the following morn- ing they again rise into w horizontal position. The petioles become at night downwardly curved, either through their entire length or in the upper part alone; and this apparently causes the depression of the blade. It seems necessary that the leaves should be well illuminated during the day in order to sleep, for those which stood on the back of a plant before a north-east window did not sleep. Nicotiana tabacum (var. Virginian) and glauca (Solaner).— Tho young leaves of both these species sleep by bendinh vertically up- wards. Figures of two shoots of N. glauca, awake and asleep (Fig. 162), are given on p 385 : one of the shoots, from which the photo- graphs were taken, was accidentally bent to oue side. At the base of the petiole of NV. tabacum, on the outside, there is a mass of cells, which are rather smaller than elsewhere. and Cuar. VII. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 387 have their longer axes differently directed from the cells of the parenchyma, and may therefore be considered as forming a sort of pulvinus. A young plant of N. tabacum was selected, and the circumnutation of the fifth leaf above the cotyledons was observed during three days. On the first morning (July 10th) the leaf fell from 9 to 10 a.m., which is its normal course, but rose during the remainder of the day; and this no doubt was due to its being illuminated exclusively from above; for properly the evening rise does not commence until 3 or 4 p.m. In the figure as given on p. 886 (Fig. 163) the first dot was made at 3 p.m.; and the tracing was continued for the following 65 h. When the leaf pointed to the dot next above that marked-3 p.m. it stood horizontally. The tracing is remarkable only from its simplicity and the straightness of the lines. The leaf each day described a single great ellipse; for it should be observed that the ascending and descending lines do not coincide. On the evening of the 11th the leaf did not descend quite so low as usual, and it now zigzagged alittle. The diurnal sinking move- ment had already commenced each morning by 7 a.m. The broken lines at the top of the figure, representing the nocturnal vertical position of the leaf, ought to be prolonged much higher up. Mirabilis longiflora and jalapa (Nyctaginee)—The first pair of leaves above the cotyledons, produced by seedlings of both these species, were considerably divergent during the day, and at night stood up vertically in close contact with one another. The two upper leaves on an older seedling were almost horizontal . by day, and at night stood up vertically, but were not in close contact, owing to the resistance offered by the central bud. Polygonum aviculare (Polygones).—Professor Batalin informs us that the young leaves rise up vertically at night. This is likewise the case, according to Linneus, with several species of Amaranthus (Amaranthacez); and we observed asleep move- ment of this kind in one member of the genus. Again, with Chenopodium album (Chenopodiez), the upper young leaves ot some seedlings, about 4 inches in height, were horizontal or sub-horizontal during the day, and at 10 p.m. on March 7th were quite, or almost quite, vertical. Other seedlings raised in the greenhouse during the winter (Jan. 28th) were observed day and night, and no difference could be perceived in the position of their leaves. According to Bouché (‘ Bot. Zeitung, 1874, p. 359) the leaves of Pim:lia linvides and spectabdilis (Thymelez) slecp at night. 388 _ MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL Euphorbia jacquinieflora (Buphorbiacee). — Mr. Lynch called our attention to the fact that the young leaves of this plant sleep by depending vertically. The third leaf from the summit (March 11th) was inclined during the day 30° beneath the horizon, and at night hung vertically down, as did some of the still younger leaves. It rose up to its former level on the following morning. The fourth and fifth leaves from the summit stood horizontally during the day, and sank down at night only 38°. The sixth leaf did not sensibly alter its position. The sinking movement is due to the downward curvature of the petiole, no part of which exhibits any structure like that of a pulvinus. Early on the morning of June 7th a filament was fixed longitudinally to a young leaf (the third from the summit, and 2% inches in length), and its movements were traced on a vertical glass during 72h., the plant being illuminated from above through a skylight. Each day the leaf fell in a nearly straight line from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., after which hour it was sc much inclined downwards that the movement could no longer be traced; and during the latter part of each night, or early in the morning, the leaf rose. It therefore circumnutated in a very simple manner, making a single large ellipse every 24 h., for the ascending and descending lines did not coincide. On each successive morning it stood at a less height than on the previous one, and this was probably due, partly to the increasing age of the leaf, and partly to the illumination being insufficient ; for although the leaves are very slightly heliotropic, yet, accord- ing to Mr. Lynch’s and our own observations, their inclination during the day is determined by the intensity of the light. On the third day, by which time the extent of the descending movement had much decreased, the line traced was plainly much more zigzag than on any previous day, and it appeared as if some of its powers of movement were thus expended. At 10 p.m. on June 7th, when the leaf depended vertically, its move- ments were observed by a mark being placed behind it, and the end of the attached filament was seen to oscillate slowly and slightly from side to side, as well as upwards and downwards. Phyllanthus Niruri (Euphorbiacew).— The leaflets of this plant sleep, as described by Pfeffer,* in a remarkable manner, apparently like those of Cassia, for they sink downwards at night and twist round, so that their lower surfaces are turned * «Dic Period. Beweg.,’ p. 159. Cuar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES 389 outwards, They are furnished, as might have been expected from this complex kind of movement, with a pulvinus, GYMNOSPERMS. Pinus Nordmanniana (Coniferee).—M. Chatin states * that the Isaves, which are horizontal during the day, rise up at night, so os to assuine a position almost perpendicular to the branch frora which they arise; we presume that he here refers to a horizontal branch. He adds: “En méme temps, ce mouvement d’érection est accompagné d’un mouvement de torsion imprimé & la partie basilaire de la feuille, et pouvant souvent parcourir un arc da 90 degrés.” As the lower surfaces of the leaves are white, whilst the upper are dark green, the tree presents a widely different appearance by day and night. The leaves on a small tree in a pot did not exhibit with us any nyctitropic move- ments. We have seen in a former chapter that the leaves of Pinus pinaster and Austriuca are continually circumnutating. MoNnocoTyLEDONS. Thalia dealbata (Cannacee).—The leaves of this plant sleep by turning vertically upwards; they are furnished with a well- developed pulvinus. It is the only instance known to us of a very large leaf sleeping. The blade of a young leaf, which was as yet only 13} inches in length and 63 in breadth, formed at noon an angle with its tall petiole of 121°, and at night stood vertically in a line with it, and so had risen 59°. The actual distance travelled by the apex (as measured by an orthogouic tracing) of another large leaf, between 7.30 a.m. and 10 P.m., was 104 inches. The circumnutation of two young and dwarfed leaves, arising amongst the taller leaves at the base of the plant, was traced on a vertical glass during two days. .On the first day the apex of one, and on the second day the apex of the other leaf, described between 6.40 a.m. and 4PM. two ellipses, the longer axes of which were extended in very different directions from the lines representing the great diurnal sinking and nocturnal rising movement. Maranta arundinacea (Cannaces).—The blades of the leaves, which are furnished with a pulvinus, stand horizontally during * ‘Comptes Rendus,’ Jan. 1876, p. 171. 290 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VII ' the day or between 10° and 20° above the horizon, and at night vertically upwards. They therefore rise between 70° and 90° at night. The plant was placed at noon in the dark in the hot- house, aud on the following day the movements of the leaves were traced. Between 8.40 and 1030 a.m. they rose, and then fell greatly till 1.87pm. But by 3p.m. they had again risen a little, and continued to rise during the rest of the afternoon and night; on the following morning they stood at the same level as on the previous day. Darkness, therefore, during a day and a half does not interfere with the periodicity of their movements. On a warm but stormy evening, the plant whilst being brought into the house, had its leaves violently shaken, and at night not one went to sleep. On the next morning the plant was taken back to the hot-house, and again at night the leaves did not sleep; but on the ensuing night they rose in the usual manner between 70° and 80°. This fact is analogous with what we have observed with climbing plants, namely, that much agitation checks for a time their power of circumnutation ; but the effect in this instance was much more strongly marked and prolonged. Colocasia antiquorum (Caladium esculentum, Hort.) (Aroidee), —The leaves of this plant sleep by their blades sinking in the evening, so as to stand highly inclined, or even quite vertical'y with their tips pointing to the ground. They are not provided with a pulvinus. The blade of one stood at noon 1° beneath the horizon; at 4.20 p.m., 20°; at 6p.m., 43°; at 7.20 p.m., 69°; and at 8 30 p.m., 68°; so it had now begun torise; at 10.15 p.m. it stood at 65°, and on the following early morning at 11° beneath the horizon. Tbe circumnutation of another young leaf (with its petiole only 3 inches, and the blade 4 inches in length), was traced on a vertical glass during 48 h.; it was dimly illuminated through a skylight, and this seemed to disturb the proper perio- dicity of its movements. Nevertheless, the leaf fell greatly during both afternoons, till either 7.10 pm. or 9 P.M., When it rose a little and moved laterally. By an early-hour on both mornings, it had assumed its diurnal position. The well-marked lateral movement for a short time in the early part of the night, was the only interesting fact which it presented, as this caused the ascending and descending lines not to coincide, in accord- ance with the general rule with circumnutating organs, The movements of the leaves of this plant are thus of the most simple kind; and the tracing is not worth giving. We havo seen that in another genus of the Aroidew, namely,-Pistia, the Cuar. VIL. SLEEP OF LEAVES. 391 leaves rise so much at night that they may almost be said to sleep. Strephium jloribundum™ (Graminee).— The oval leaves are provided with a pulvinus, and are extended horizontally or declined a little beneath the horizon during the day. Thoso on tho upright culms simply rise up vertically at night, so that their tips are directed towards the zenith. (Fig. 164.) Fig. 154. Strephium floribundum: culms with leaves during the day, and when asleep atnight. Figures reduced. Horizontally extended leaves arising from much inclined or almost horizontal culms, move at night so that their tips point towards the apex of the culm, with one lateral margin directed towards the zenith; and in order to assume this position the leaves have to twist on their own axes through an angle of nearly 90°. Thus the surface of the blade always stands vertically, whatever may be the position of the midrib or of the leaf as a whole. The circumnutation of a young leaf (2°3 inches in length) was traced during 48 h. (Fig. 165). The movement was remarkably simple; the leaf descended from before 640 a.m. until 2 or 2.50 p.m., and then rose so as to stand vertically at about 6 P.m., descending again late in the night or in the very early morning. * A. Brongniart first observed a Soc. Bot. de France,’ tom. vii that the leaves of this plant and 1860, p. 470. of Marsilea sleep: see ‘ Bull. de 26 392 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VII On the second day the descending line zigzagged slightly. As Fig. 165, lf} Strephium floribundum : ciyeumnu- tation and nyctitropic m>vement of a leaf, traced from 9 a.m. June 26th to 8.45 a.m. 27th; filament fixed along the midrib. Apex of leaf 84 inches from the vertical glass; plant illuminated from above. Temp. 23$°-243° ©, usual, the ascending and de- scending lines did not coincide. On another occasion, when the temperature was a little higher, viz., 24°-263° C., a leaf was -observed 17 times between 8.50 Am. and 12.16 p.m.; it changed its course by as much as a rectangle six times in this in- terval of 3 h. 26 m., and de- scribed two irregular triangles and a half. The leaf, therefore, on this occasion circumnutated rapidly and in a complex manner. ACOTYLEDONS. Marsilea quadrifoliata (Mar- sileaceze).—The shape of a leaf, expanded horizontally during the day, is shown at A (Fig. 166). Each leaflet is provided with a well-developed _pulvinus. When the leaves sleep, the two terminal leaflets rise up, twist half round and come into con- tact with one another (B), and are afterwards embraced by the two lower leaflets (C); so that the four leaflets with their lower surfaces turned outwards form a vertical packet. The curva- ture of the summit of the petiolo of the leaf figured asleep, is merely accidental. The plant was brought into a room, where the temperature was only a little above 60° F., and the movement of one of the leaflets (the petiole having been secured) was traced Cuar V1 SLEEP OF LEAVES. 393 during 24h. (Fig. 167). The leaf fell from the early morning till 1.50 p.m, and then rose till 6 p.m., when it was asleep. A Fig. 166. A. B. u, Marsilea quadrifoliaia: A, leaf during the day, seen from vertically above Bb, leaf beginning to go to sleep, seen laterally; C, the same asleep. Figures reduced to one-half of natural scale. vertically dependent glass filament was now fixed to one of the terminal and inner leaflets; and part of the tracing in Fig. 167, after 6 p.m., shows that it continued to sink, making one zigzag, until 1040p.m. At 6.45 a.m. on the following morning, the leaf was awaking, and the filament pointed above the vertical glass, Fig. 167. 8°45am7® 825'am.8& 104/n3n. L5O'pm Marsilea quadrifoliata: circumnutation and nyctitropic movement of leaflet traced on vertical glass, during nearly 24h. Figure reduced to two- thirds of original scale. Plant kept at rather too low a temperature. but by 8.25 am. it occupied the position shown in the figure. The diagram differs greatly in appearance from most of those previously given; and this is due to the leaflet twisting and moving laterally as it approaches and comes into contact with 394 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VII its fellow. The movement of another leaflet, when asleep, was traced between 6 p.m. and 10.385 p.m., and it clearly cir- cumnutated, for it continued for two hours to sink, then rose, and then sank still lower than it was at 6 p.m. It may be seen in ihe preceding figure (167) that the leaflet, when the plant was subjected to a rather low temperature in the house descended and ascended during the middle of the day in a somewhat zigzag line; but when kept in the hot-house from 9am. to 3 P.w. at ahigh but varying temperature (viz., between 72° and 83° F.) a leaflet (with the petiole secured) circumnutated rapidly, for it made three large vertical ellipses in the course of the six hours. According to Brongniart, Marstlea pubescens sleeps like the present species. These plants are the sole cryptogamic ones known to sleep. Summary and Concluding Remarks on the Nyctitropie or Sleep-movements of Leaves—That these movements are in some manner of high importance to the plants which exhibit them, few will dispute who have ob- served how complex they sometimes are. Thus with Cassia, the leaflets which are horizontal during the day not only bend at night vertically downwards with the terminal pair directed considerably backwards, but they also rotate on their own axes, so that their lower surfaces are turned outwards. The terminal leaflet of Melilotus likewise rotates, by which movement one of its lateral edges is directed upwards, and at the sume time it moves either to the left or to the right, until its upper surface comes into contact with that ot the lateral leaflet on the same side, which has like- wise rotated on its own axis. With Arachis, all four leaflets form together during the night a single vertical packet; and to effect this the two anterior leaflets have to move upwards and the two posterior ones forwards, besides all twisting on their own axes. In the genus Sida the leaves of some species move at night through. an angle of 90° upwards, and of others Cuap. VIL SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 390 through the same angle downwards. We have seen a similar difference in the nyctitropic movements of the cotyledons in the genus Oxalis. In Lupinus, again, the leaflets move either upwards or downwards; and in some species, for instance L. luteus, those on one” side of the star-shaped leaf move up, and those on the opposite side move down; the intermediate ones rota- ting on their axes ; and by these varied movements, the whole leaf forms at night a vertical star instead of a horizontal one, as during the day. Some leaves and leaflets, besides moving either upwards or downwards, become more or less folded at night, as in Bauhinia and in some species of Oxalis. The positions, indeed, which leaves occupy when asleep are almost infinitely diversified; they may point either vertically upwards or downwards, or, in the case of leaflets, towards the apex or towards the base of the leaf, or in any inter- mediate position. They often rotate at least as much as 90° on their own axes. The leaves which arise from upright and from horizontal or much inclined branches on the same plant, move in some few cases in a different manner, as with Porlieria and Strephium. The whole appearance of many plants is wonderfully changed at night, as may be seen with Oxalis, and still more plainly with Mimosa. A bush of Acacia Farnesiana appears at night as if covered with little dangling bits of string instead of leaves. Excluding a few genera not seen by ourselves, about which we axe in doubt, and excluding a few others the leaflets of which rotate at night, and do not rise or sink much, there are 37 genera in which the leaves or leaflets rise, often moving at the same time towards the apex or towards the base of the leaf, and 32 genera in which they sink at night. The nyctitropic movements of leaves, leaflets, and BUG MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIT petioles are effected in two different ways ; firstly, by alternately increased growth on their opposite sides, preceded by increased turgescence of the cells; and secondly by means of a pulvinus or aggregate of small ‘cells, generally destitute of chlorophyll, which become alternately more turgescent on nearly opposite sides ; and this turgescence is not followed by growth except during the early age of the plant. A pulvinus seems to be formed (as formerly shown) by a group of cells ceasing to grow at a very early age, and therefore does not differ essentially from the surrounding tissues. The cotyledons of some species of Trifolium are pro- vided with a pulvinus, and others are destitute of one, and so it is with the leaves in the genus Sida. We see also in this same genus gradations in the state of the development of the pulvinus; and in Nicotiana we have what may probably be considered as the commencing development of one. The nature of the movement is closely similar, whether a pulvinus is absent or present, as is evident from many of the diagrams given in this chapter. It deserves notice that when a pulvinus is present, the ascending and descending lines hardly ever coincide, so that ellipses are habitually described by the leaves thus provided, whether they are young or so old as to have quite ceased growing. This fact of ellipses being described, shows that the alternately increased turgescence of the cells does not occur on exactly opposite sides of the pulvinus, any more than the increased growth which causes the movements of leaves not furnished with pulvini. When a pulvinus is present, the nyctitropic movements are continued for a very much longer period than when such do not exist. This has been amply proved in the case of cotyledons, and Pfeffer has given observations to the same effect with respect Cuar. VII SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 397 to leaves. We have seen that a leaf of Ifimosa pudica continued to move in the ordinary manner, though somewhat more simply, until it withered and died. It may be added that some leaflets of Trifolium pratense were pinned open during 10 days, and on the first evening after being released they rose up and slept in the usual manner. Besides the long con- tinuance of the movements when effected by the aid of a pulvinus (and this appears to be the final cause of its development), a twisting movement at night, as Pfeffer has remarked, is almost confined to leaves thus provided. It is a very general rule that the first true leaf, though it may differ somewhat in shape from the leaves on the mature plant, yet sleeps like them ; and this occurs quite independently of the fact whether or not the cotyledons themselves sleep, or whether they sleep in the same manner. But with Phaseolus Rew- burghi the first unifoliate leaves rise at night almost sufficiently to be said to sleep, whilst the leaflets of the secondary trifoliate leaves sink vertically at night. On young plants of Sida rhombefolia, only a few inches in height, the leaves did not sleep, though on rather older plants they rose up vertically at night. On the other hand, the leaves on very young plants of Cytisus fragrans slept in a conspicuous manner, whilst on old and vigorous bushes kept in the greenhouse, the leaves did not exhibit any plain nyctitropie move- ment. In the genus Lotus the basal stipule-like leaflets rise up vertically at night, and are provided with pulvini. As already remarked, when leaves or leafiets change their position greatly at night and by complicated movements, it can hardly be doubted that these must be in some manner beneficial to the plant. If so, we 398 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VAL must extend the same conclusion to a large number of sleeping plants; for the most complicated and the simplest nyctitropic movements are connected together by the finest gradations. But owing to the causes spe- cified in the beginning of this chapter, it is impossible in some few cases to determine whether or not certain movements should be called nyctitropic. Generally, the position which the leaves occupy at night indi- cates with sufficient clearness, that the benefit thus derived, is the protection of their upper surfaces from radiation into the open sky, and in many cases the mutual protection of all the parts from cold by their being brought into close approximation. It should be remembered that it was proved in the last chapter, that leaves compelled to remain extended horizontally at night, suffered much more from radiation than those which were allowed to assume their normal vertical position. The fact of the leaves of several plants not sleeping unless they have been well illuminated during the day, made us for a time doubt whether the pro- tection of their upper surfaces from radiation was in all cases the final cause of their well-pronounced nyctitropic movements. But we have no reason to suppose that the illumination from the open sky, during even the most clouded day, is insufficient for this purpose; and we should bear in mind that leaves which are shaded from being seated low down on the plant, and which sometimes do not sleep, are likewise protected at night from full radiation. Nevertheless, we do not wish to deny that there may exist cases in which leaves change their position considerably at night, without their deriving any benefit from such movements, Although with sleeping plants the blades almost Cuap. VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 399 always assume at night a vertical, or nearly vertical position, it is a point of complete indifference whether the apex, or the base, or one of the lateral edges, is directed to the zenith. It is a rule of wide generality, than whenever there is any difference in the degree of exposure to radiation between the upper and the lower surfaces of leaves and leaflets, it is the upper which is the least exposed, as may be seen in Lotus, Cytisus, ‘Trifolium, and other genera. In several species of Lupinus the leaflets do not, and apparently from their structure cannot, place themselves vertically at night, and consequently their upper surfaces, though highly inclined, are more exposed than the lower; and here we have an exception to our rule. But in other species of this genus the leaflets succeed in placing themselves vertically ; this, however, is effected by a very unusual movement, namely, by the leaflets on the opposite sides of the same leaf moving in opposite directions. It is again a very common rule that when leaflets come into close contact with one another, they do so by their upper surfaces, which are thus best protected. In some cases this may be the direct result of their rising vertically ; but it is obviously for the pro- tection of the upper surfaces that the leaflets of Cassia rotate in so wonderful a manner whilst sinking downwards; and that the terminal leaflet of Melilotus rotates and moves to one side until it meets the lateral leaflet on the same side. When opposite leaves or leaflets sink vertically down without any twisting, their lower surfaces approach each other and some- times come into contact; but this is the direct and inevitable result of their position. With many species of Oxalis the lower surfaces of the adjoining lcaflets are pressed together, and are thus better protected 400 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL than the upper surfaces; but this depends merely ou each leaflet becoming folded at night so as to be able to sink vertically downwards. ‘he torsion or rotation of leaves and leaflets, which occurs in so many cases, apparently always serves to bring their upper surfaces into close approximation with one another, or with other parts of the plant, for their mutual protection. We see this best in such cases as those of Arachis, Mimosa albida, and Marsilea, in which all the leaflets form together at night a single vertical packet. If with Mimosa pudica the opposite leaflets had merely moved upwards, their upper surfaces would have come into contact and been well protected; but as it is, they all successively move towards the apex of the leaf; and thus not only their upper surfaces are pro- tected, but the successive pairs become imbricated and mutually protect one another as well as the petioles. This imbrication of the leaflets of sleeping plants is a common phenomenon. The nyctitropic movement of the blade is gene- rally effected by the curvature of the uppermost part of the petiole, which has often been modified into a pulvinus; or the whole petiole, when short, may be thus modified. But the blade itself sometimes curves or moves, of which fact Bauhinia offers a striking instance, as the two halves rise up and come intc close contact at night. Or the blade and the upper part of the petiole may both move. Moreover, the petiole as a whole commonly either rises or sinks at night. ‘This movement is sometimes large: thus the petioles of Cassia pubescens stand only a little above the horizon during the day, and at night rise up almost, or quite, perpendicularly. The petioles of the younger leaves of Desmodium gyrans also rise up ver- tically at night. On the other hand, with Amphi- Cuar. VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 401 carpea, the petioles of some leaves sank down as much as 57° at night; with Arachis they sank 39°, and then stood at right angles to the stem. Genc- rally, when the rising or sinking of several petioles on the same plant was measured, the amount differed greatly. This is largely determined by the age of the leaf: for instance, the petiole of a moderately old leaf of Desmodium gyrans rose only 46°, whilst the young ones rose up vertically; that of a young leaf of Cassia . floribunda rose 41°, whilst that of an older leaf rose only 12°. It is a more singular fact that the age of the plant sometimes influences greatly the amount of movement; thus with some young seedlings of a Bau- hinia the petioles rose at night 30° and 34°, whereas those on these same plants, when grown to a height of 2 or 3 feet, hardly moved at all. The position of the leaves on the plant as determined by the lighi, seems also to influence the amount of movement of the petiole; for no other cause was apparent why the petioles of some leaves of Melilotus officinalis rose as much as 59°, and others only 7° and 9° at night. In the case of many plants, the petioles move at night in one direction and the leaflets in a directly opposite one. Thus, in three genera of Phaseolez the leaflets moved vertically downwards at night, and the petioles rose in two of them, whilst in the third they sank. Species in the same genus often differ widely in the movements of their petioles. Even on the same plant of Lupinus pubescens some of the petioles rose 30°, others only 6°, and others sank 4° at night. ‘Lhe leaflets of Cassia Barclayana moved so little at night that they could not be said to sleep, yet the petioles of some young leaves rose as much as 34°. These several facts ay parently indicate that the movements 4102 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VII of the petioles are not performed for any special pur- pose; though a conclusion of this kind is generally rash. When the leaflets sink vertically down at night and the petioles rise, as often occurs, it is certain that the upward movement of the latter does not aid the leaflets in placing themselves in their proper posi- tion at night, for they have to move through a greater angular space than would otherwise have been necessary. Notwithstanding what has just been said, it may be strongly suspected that in some cases the rising of the petioles, when considerable, does beneficially serve the plant by greatly reducing the surface exposed to radiation at night. Jf the reader will compare the two drawings (Fig. 155, p. 871) of Cassia pubescens, copied from photographs, he will see that the dia- meter of the plant at night is about one-third of what it is by day, and therefore the surface exposed to radiation is nearly nine times less. A similar conclusion may be deduced from the drawings (Fig. 149, p. 358) of a branch awake and asleep of Des- modium gyrans. So it was in a very striking manner with young plants of Bauhinia, and with Ovzalis Oriegesit. We are led to an analogous conclusion with respect to the movements of the secondary petioles of certain pinnate leaves. The pinne of Mimosa pudica con- verge at night; and thus the imbricated and closed leaflets on each separate pinna are all brought close together into a single bundle, and mutually protect one another, with a somewhat smaller surface exposed to radiation. With Albizziu lophantha the pinne close together in the same manner. Although the pinne of Acacia Farnesiana do not converge much, they sink downwards. Those of Neptunia oleracea likewise / Cuap. VI. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 403 move downwards, as well as backwards, towards the base of the leaf, whilst the main petiole rises. With Schrankia, again, the pinne are depressed at night. Now in these three latter cases, though the pinne do not mutually protect one another at night, yet after having sunk down they expose, as does a dependent sleeping leaf, much less surface to the zenith and to radiation than if they had remained horizontal. Any one who had never observed continuously a sleeping plant, would naturally suppose that the leaves moved only in the evening when going to sleep, and in the morning when awaking; but he would be quite mistaken, for we have found no exception to the rule that leaves which sleep continue to move during the whole twenty-four hours; they move, however, more quickly when going to sleep and when awaking than at other times. That they are not stationary during the day is shown by all the diagrams given, and by the many more which were traced. It is troublesome to observe the movements of leaves in the middle of the night, but this was done in a few cases; and tracings were made during the early part of the night of the movements, in the case of Oxalis, Amphicarpza, two species of Erythrina, a Cassia, Passiflora, Euphorbia and Marsilea; and the leaves after they had gone to sleep, were found to be in constant movement. When, however, opposite-leaflets come into close contact with one another or with the stem at night, they are, as we believe, mechanically prevented from moving, but this point was not sufficiently investigated. When the movements of sleeping leaves are traced during twenty-four hours, the ascending and descend- ing lines do not coincide, except occasionally and by accident for a short space; so that with many plants a 404 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Caap. VII single large ellipse is described during each twenty-four hours. Such ellipses are generally narrow and ver- tically directed, for the amount of lateral movement is small. That there is some lateral movement is shown by the ascending and descending lines not coinciding, and occasionally, as with Desmodium gyrans and Thalia dealbata, it was strongly marked. In the case of Meli- lotus the ellipses described by the terminal leaflet during the day are laterally extended, instead of ver- tically, as is usual; and this fact evidently stands in relation with the terminal leaflet moving laterally when it goes to sleep. With the majority of sleeping plants the leaves oscillate more than once up and down in the twenty-four hovrs; so that frequently two cllipses, one of moderate size, and one of very large size which includes the nocturnal movement, are described within the twenty-four hours. For instance, a leaf which stands vertically up during the night will sink in the morning, then rise considerably, again sink in the afternoon, and in the evening reascend and assume its vertical nocturnal position. It will thus describe, in the course of the twenty-four hours, two ellipses of unequal sizes. Other plants describe within the same time, three, four, or five ellipses. Occasionally the longer axes of the several ellipses extend in different directions, of which Acacia Farnesiana offered a good instance. The following cases will give an idea of the rate of movement: Ozalis acetosella completed two ellipses at the rate of 1 h. 25 m. for each; Marsilea quadrifoliata, at the rate of 2h.; Trifolium subterraneum, one in 3h. 80 m.; and Arachis hypogea, in 4h. 50 m. But the number of ellipses described within a given time depends largely on the state of the plant and ou the conditions to which it is exposed. It often hap- pens that a single ellipse may be described during one Cuav. VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 405 day, and two on the next. Hrythrina corallodendron made four ellipses on the first day of observation and only a single one on the third, apparently owing to having been kept not sufficiently illuminated and perhaps not warm enough. But there seems likewise to be an innate tendency in different species of the same genus to make a different number of ellipses in the twenty-four hours: the leaflets of Trifolium repens made only one; those of TL. resupinatum two, and those of YL. subierraneum three in this time. Again, the leaflets of Oxalis Plumierit made a single ellipse; those of O. bupleurifolia, two; those of O. Valdiviana, two or three; and those of O. acetosella, at least five in the twenty-four hours. The line followed by the apex of a leaf or leaflet, whilst describing one or more ellipses during the day, is often zigzag, either throughout its whole course or only during the morning or evening: Robinia offered an instance of zigzagging confined to the morning, and a similar movement in the evening is shown in the diagram (Fig. 126) given under Sida. The amount of the zigzag movement depends largely on the plant being placed under highly favourable conditions. But even under such favourable conditions, if the dots which mark the position of the apex are made at consider- _ able intervals of time, and the dots are then joined, the course pursued will still appear comparatively simple, although the number of the ellipses will be increased; but if dots are made every two or three minutes and these are joined, the result often is that all the lines are strongly zigzag, many small loops, triangles, and other figures being also formed. This fact is shown in two parts of the diagram (Fig. 150) of the movements of Desmodium gyrans. Strephiwm floribundum, observed under a high temperature, £06 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL made several little triangles at the rate of 43 m. for each. Mimosa pudica, similarly observed, de- scribed three little ellipses in 67 m.; and the apex of a leaflet crossed 54, of an inch in a second, or 0-12 inch in a minute. ‘The leaflets of Averrhoa made a countless number of little oscillations when the temperature was high and the sun shining. The zigzag movement may in all cases be considered as an attempt to form small loops, which are drawn out by a prevailing movement in some one direction. The rapid gyrations of the little lateral leaflets of Des- modium belong to the same class of movements, somewhat exaggerated in rapidity and amplitude. The jerking movements, with a small advance and still smaller retreat, apparently not exactly in the same line, of the hypocotyl of the cabbage and of the leaves of Dionza, as seen under the microscope, all probably come under this same head. We may suspect that we here see the energy which is freed during the incessant chemical changes in progress in the tissues, converted into motion. Finally, it should be noted that leaflets and probably some leaves, whilst describing their ellipses, often rotate slightly on their axes; so that the plane of the leaf is directed first to one and then to another side. This was plainly seen to be the case with the large terminal leaflets of Des- modium, Erythrina and Amphicarpza, and is probably common to all leaflets provided with a pulvinus. With respect to the periodicity of the movements of sleeping leaves, Pfeffer* has so clearly shown that this depends on the daily alternations of light and darkness, that nothing farther need be said on this * ‘Dic Periolischen Bewegungen der Blattorgane? 1875, p. 80. a4 passim. Osar. VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 407 head. But we may recall the behaviour of Mimosa in the North, where the sun does not set, and the complete inversion of the daily movements by artificial light and darkness. It has also been shown by us, that although leaves subjected to darkness for a mode- rately long time continue to circumnutate, yet the periodicity of their movements is soon greatly dis- turbed, or quite annulled. The presence of light or its absence cannot be supposed to be the direct cause of the movements, for these are wonderfully diversified even with the leaflets of the same leaf, although ~all have of course been similarly exposed. The move- ments depend on innate causes, and are of an adaptive nature. The alternations of light and darkness merely give notice to the leaves that the period has arrived for them to move in a certain manner. We may inter from the fact of several plants (Tropzolum, Lupinus, &c.) not sleeping unless they have been well illuminated during the day, that it is not the actual decrease of light in the evening, but the contrast between the amount at this hour and during the early part of the day, which excites the leaves to modify their ordinary mode of circumnutation. As the leaves of most plants assume their proper. diurnal position in the morning, although light be excluded, and as the leaves of some plants continue to move in the normal manner in darkness during at least a whole day, we may conclude that the periodi- city of their movements is to a certain extent in- herited.* The strength of such inheritance differs * Pfeffer denies such inherit- ‘ Nachwirkung,” or the after- ance; he attributes (‘ Die Period. Bewegungen,’ pp. 30-56) the periodicity when prolonged for a day or two in d.rkness, to 27 effects of light and darkness. But we are unable to follow his train of reasoning. There does not seem to be any more reason for Cuarp. VU 4108 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. much in different species, and seems never to be rigid ; for plants have been introduced from all parts of the world into our gardens and greenhouses; and if their movements had been at all strictly fixed in relation to the alternations of day and night, they would have slept in this country at very different hours, which is not the case. Moreover, it has been observed that sleeping plants in their native homes change their times of sleep with the changing seasons. * We may now turn to the systematic list (p. 320). This contains the names of all the sleeping plants known to us, though the list undoubtedly is very imperfect. It may be premised that, as a general tule, all the species in the same genus sleep in nearly the same manner. But there are some ex- ceptions; in several large genera including many sleeping species (for instance, Oxalis), some do not sleep. One species of Melilotus sleeps like a Tri- folium, and therefore very differently from its con- geners; so does one species of Cassia. In the genus Sida, the leaves either rise or fall at night; and with Lupinus they sleep in three different methods. Re- turning to the list, the first point which strikes us, is that there are many more genera amongst the Legu- minose (and in almost every one of the Leguminous tribes) than in all the other families put together; and we are tempted to connect this fact with the great atlributing such mov: ments to this eause than, for instance, the in- herited habit of winter and summer wheat to grow best at different seasons; fir this habit is lost after a few yeurs, like the movements of leaves in darkness after a few days. No doubt some must be produced on the seeds by the long-continu d culti- vation of the parent-plants under difterent climates, but no one pro- bably would call this the ‘“‘ Nach- wirkung ” of the climates, * Pfeffer, ihid., p. 46. Cuap. VII. SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 40S mobility of the stems and leaves in this family, as shown by the large number of climbing species which it contains. Next to the Leguminose come the Mal- vacee, together with some closely allied families. But by far the most important point in the list, is that we meet with sleeping plants in 28 families, in all the great divisions of the Phanerogamic series, and in one Cryptogam. Now, although it is probable that with the Leguminose the tendency to sleep may have been inherited from one or a few progenitors and possibly so in the cohorts of the Malvales and Chenopodiales, yet it is manifest that the tendency must have been acquired by the several genera in the other families, quite independently of one another. Hence the ques- tion naturally arises, how has this been possible ? and the answer, we cannot doubt, is that leaves owe their nyctitropic movements to their habit of cir- cumnutating,—a habit common to all plants, and everywhere ready for any beneficial development or modification. It has been shown in the previous chapters that the leaves and cotyledons of all plants are continually moving up and down, generally to a slight but some- times to a considerable extent, and that they describe either one or several ellipses in the course of twenty- four hours; they are also so far affected by the alter- nations of day and night that they generally, or at least often, move periodically to a small extent ; and here we have a basis for the development of the greater nyctitropic movements. That the movements of leaves and cotyledons which do not sleep come within the class of circumnutating movements cannot be doubted, for they are closely similar to those of hypocotyls, epicotyls, the stems of mature plants, and of various other organs. Now, if we take the simplest 410 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL case of a sleeping leaf, we see that it makes a single ellipse in the twenty-four hours, which resembles one described by a non-sleeping leaf in every respect, except that itis much larger. In both cases the course pursued is often zigzag. As all non-sleeping leaves are inces- santly circumnutating, we must conclude that a part at least of the upward and downward movement of one that sleeps, is due to ordinary circumnutation ; and it seems altogether gratuitous to rank the remainder of the movement under a wholly different head. With a multitude of climbing plants the ellipses which they describe have been greatly increased for another pur- pose, namely, catching hold of a support. With these climbing plants, the various circumnutating organs have been so far modified in relation to light that, differently from all ordinary plants, they do not bend towards it. With sleeping plants the rate and amplitude of the movements of the leaves have been so far modified in relation to light, that they move in a certain direction with the waning light of the evening and with the increasing light of the morning more rapidly, and to a greater extent, than at other hours But the leaves and cotyledons of many non-sleeping plants. move in a much more complex manner than in the cases just alluded to, for they describe two, three, or more ellipses in the course of a day. Now, if a plant of this kind were converted into one that slept, one side of one of the several ellipses which each leaf daily describes, would have to be greatly increased in length in the evening, until the leaf stood ver- tically, when it would go on circumnutating about the same spot. On the following morning, the side of another ellipse would have to be similarly increased in length, so as to bring the leaf back again into its diurnal position, when it would again circumnutate Onar. VIF SUMMARY ON SLEEP OF LEAVES. 41] until the evening. If the reader will lock, for in- stance, at the diagram (Fig. 142, p. 351), representing the nyctitropic movements of the terminal leaflet of Trifolium subterraneum, remembering that the curved broken lines at the top ought to be prolonged much higher up, he will see that the great rise in the evening and the great fall in the morning together form a large ellipse like one of those described during the daytime, differing only in size. Or, he may look at the diagram (Fig. 108, p. 236) of the 34 ellipses described in the course of 6 h. 35 m. by a leaf of Lupinus spectosus, which is one of the species in this genus that does not sleep; and he will see that by merely prolonging upwards the line which was already rising late in the evening, and bringing it down again next morning, the diagram would represent the movements of a sleeping plant. With those sleeping plants which describe several ellipses in the daytime, and which travel in a strongly zigzag line, often making in their course minute loops, triangles, &c., if as soon as one of the ellipses begins in the evening to be greatly increased in size, dots are made every 2 or 3 minutes and these are joined, the line then described is almost strictly rectilinear, in strong contrast with the lines made during the day- time. This was observed with Desmodium gyrans and Mimosa pudica. With this latter plant, moreover, the pinne converge in the evening by a steady move- ment, whereas during the day they are continually converging and diverging to a slight extent. In all such cases it was scarcely possible to observe the difference in the movement during the day and even- ing, without being convinced that in the evening the plant saves the expenditure of force by not moving laterally, and that its whole energy is now expeaded 412 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VII in gaining quickly its proper nocturnal position by a direct course. In several other cases, for instance, when a leaf after describing during the day one or more fairly regular ellipses, zigzags much in the evening, it appears as if energy was being expended, so that the great evening rise or fall might coin- eide with the period of the day proper for this movement. The most complex of all the movements performed by sleeping plants, is that when leaves or leaflets, after describing in the daytime several vertically directed ellipses, rotate greatly on their axes in the evening, by which twisting movement they occupy a wholly different position at night to what they do during the day. For instance, the terminal leaflets of Cassia not only move vertically downwards in the evening, but twist round, so that their lower surfaces face outwards. Such movements are wholly, or almost wholly, confined to leaflets provided with a pulvinus. But this torsion is not a new kind of movement introduced solely for the purpose of sleep; for it has been shown that some leaflets whilst describing their ordinary ellipses during the daytime rotate slightly, causing their blades to face first to one side and then to another. Although we can see how the slight periodical movements of leaves in a vertical plane could be easily converted into the greater yet simple nyctitropic movements, we do not at present know by what graduated steps the more complex movements, effected by the torsion of the pulvini, have been acquired. A probable explanation could be given in each case only after a close investigation of the movements in all the allied forms. From the facts and considerations now advanced we may conclude that nyctitropism, or the sleep of leaves Cuap. VII. MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. 413 and cotyledons, is merely a modification of their ordi- hary circumnutating movement, regulated in its period and amplitude by the alternations of light and dark- ness. ‘The object gained is the protection of the upper surfaces of the leaves from radiation at night, often combined with the mutual protection of the several parts by their close approximation. In such cases as those of the leaflets of Cassia—of the terminal leaflets of Melilotus—of all the leaflets of Arachis, Marsilea, &c.—we have ordinary circumnutation modified to the oxtreme extent known to us in any of the several great classes of modified circumnutation. On this view of the origin of nyctitropism we can understand how it is that a few plants, widely distributed throughout the Vascular series, have been able to acquire the habit of placing the blades of their leaves vertically at night, that is, of sleeping,—a fact otherwise inexplicable. The leaves of some plants move during the day in a manner, which has improperly been called diurnal sleep; for when the sun shines brightly on them, they direct their edges towards it. To such cases we shall recur in the following chapter on Heliotropism. It has been shown that the leaflets of one form of Porlieria hygrometrica keep closed during the day, as long as the plant is scantily supplied with water, in the same manner as when asleep; and this apparently serves to check evaporation. There is only one other analogous case known to us, namely, that of certain Gramineze, which fold inwards the sides of their narrow leaves, when these are exposed to the sun and to a dry atmosphere, as described by Duval-Jouve.* We have also observed the same phenomenon in Elymus arenareus, * * Annal. des Sc. Nat. (Bot.),’ 1875, tom. i. pp. 32 -329. 414 STRUCTURE OF Cuar. VIL ‘There is another movement, which since the time of Linnzus has generally been called sleep, namely, that of the petals of the many flowers which close at night. ‘These movements have been ably investigated by Pfeffer, who has shown (as was first observed by Hofmeister) that they are caused or regulated more by temperature than by the alternations of light and darkness. Although they cannot fail to protect the organs of reproduction from radiation at night, this does not seem to be their chief function, but rather the protection of the organs from cold winds, and especially from rain, during the day. The latter seems probable, as Kerner * has shown that a widely different kind of movement, namely, the bending down of the upper part of the peduncle, serves in many cases the same end. The closure of the flowers will also exclude nocturnal insects which may be ill-adapted for their fertilisation, and the well-adapted kinds at periods when the tempcrature ig not favourable for fertilisation. Whether these movements of the petals consist, as is probable, of modified circumnutation we do not know. Embryology of Leaves.—A few facts have been in- cidentally given in this chapter on what may be called the embryology of leaves. With most plants the first leaf which is developed after the cotyledons, resembles closely the leaves produced by the mature plant, but this is not always the case. The first leaves produced by some species of Drosera, for instance by D. Capensis, differ widely in shape from those borne by the mature plant, and resemble closely the eaves of D. rotundifolia, as was shown to us by Prof. Williamson of Manchester. The first true leaf of * Die Schutzmittel des Pullens, 1873, pp. 30-39, Cuar. VIL. FIRST-FORMED ILEAVES. 415 the gorse, or Ulex, is not narrow and spinose like the older leaves. On the other hand, with many Leguni- nous plants, for instance, Cassia, Acacia lophantha, &c., the first leaf has essentially the same character as the older leaves, excepting that it bears fewer leaflets. In Trifolium the first leaf generally bears only a single leaflet instead of three, and this differs somewhat in shape from the corresponding leaflet on the older leaves. Now, with Trifolium Pannoniewm the first true leaf on some seedlings was unifoliate, and on others completely trifoliate; and between these two extreme states there were all sorts of gradations, some seedlings bearing a single leaflet more or less deeply notched on one or both sides, and some bearing a single additional and perfeet lateral leaflet. Here, then, we have the rare opportunity of seeing a structure proper to a more advanced age, in the act of gradually encroaching on and replacing an earlier or embryological condition. The genus Melilotus is closely allied to Trifolium, and the first leaf bears only a single leaflet, which at night rotates on its axis so as to present one lateral edge to the zenith. Hence it sleeps like the terminal leaflet of a mature plant, as was observed in 15 species, and wholly unlike the corresponding leaflet of Trifolium, which simply bends upwards. It is therefore a curious fact that in one of these 15 species, viz., M. Tawrica (and in a lesser degree in two others), leaves arising from young shoots, produced on plants which had been cut down and kept in pots during the winter in the green- house, slept like the leaves of a Trifolium, whilst the leaves on the fully-grown branches on these same plants afterwards slept normally like tl ose of a Meli- lotus. If young shoots rising from the ground may be considered as new individuals, partaking to a certain extent of the nature of seedlings, then the peculiar manner in which their leaves slept may be considered 416 STRUCTURE OF Cuar. VIL. as an embryological habit, probably the result of Meli- lotus being descended from some form which slept like a Trifolium. This view is partially supported by the leaves on old and young branches of another species, M. Messanensis (not included in the above 15 species), always sleeping like those of a Trifolium. The first true leaf of Mimosa albida consists of a simple petiole, often bearing three pairs of leaflets, ali of which are of nearly equal size and of the same shape: the second leaf differs widely from the first, and resembles that on a mature plant (see Fig. 159, p- 379), for it consists of two pinne, each of which bears two pairs of leaflets, of which the inner basal one is very small. But at the base of each pinna there is a pair of minute points, evidently rudiments of leaflets, for they are of unequal sizes, like the two succeeding leaflets. These rudiments are in one sense embryological, for they exist only during the youth of the leaf, falling off and disappearing as soon as it is fully grown. With Desmodium gyrans the two lateral leaflets are very much smaller than the corresponding leaflets in most of the species in this large genus; they vary also in position and size; one or both are sometimes absent; and they do not sleep like the fully-developed leaflets. They may therefore be considered as almost rudimentary ; and in accordance with the general prin- ciples of embryology, they ought to be more constantly aud fully developed on very young than on old plants. But this is not the case, for they were quite absent on some young seedlings, and did not appear until from 10 to 20 leaves had been formed. This fact Jeads to the suspicion that D. gyrans is descended through a unifoliate form (of which some exist) from a trifoliate species ; and that the little lateral leaflets reappear through reversion. However this may be, Onav. VII. FIRST-FORMED LEAVES. 417 the interesting fact of the pulvini or organs of move- ment of these little leaflets, not having been reduced nearly so much as their blades—taking the large terminal leaflet as the standard of comparison—gives us probably the proximate cause of their extrao:dinary power of gyration. 49128 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VUL CHAPTER VIII. Mopiriev CrrcumneTaTion: MovEMENTS EXOITED BY LIGHT. Distinction between heliotropism and the effects of light on the perio~ dicity of the movements of leaves—Heliotropic movements of Beta, Solanum, Zea, and Avena—Heliotropic movements towards an obscure light in Apios, Brassica, Phalaris, Tropeolum, and Cassia —AplLeliotropic movements of tendrils of Bignonia—Of flower- peduncles of Cyclamen—Burying of the pods—Heliotropism and apheliotropisin modified forms of circumnutation—Stcps by which one movement is converted into the other—Transversal- heliotropismus or diahelictropism, influenced by epinasty, the weight of the part and apogeotropism—Apogeotropism overcome during the middle of the day by diahelictropism—Eftects of the weight of the blades of cotyledons—So-called diurnal sleep—Chiloro- phyll injured by intense light—Movements to avoid intense light. Sacus first clearly pointed out the important dif- ference between the action of light in modifying the periodic movements of leaves, and in causing them to bend towards its source.* The latter, or heliotropic movements are determined by the direction of the light, whilst periodic movements are affected by changes in its intensity and not by its direction. The periodicity of the circumnutating movement often continues for some time in darkness, as we have seen in the last chapter ; whilst heliotropic bending ceases very quickly when the light fails. Nevertheless, plants which have ceased through long-continued darkness to move pe- riodically, if re-exposed to the light are still, according to Sachs, heliotropic. Apheliotropism, or, as usually designated, negative * ‘Physiologie Veg’ (French Translation), 1868, pp. 42, 517, &e. Cuap. VII MOVEMENTS EXCITED BY LIGHT. 419 heliotropism, implies that a plant, when unequally illuminated on the two sides, bends from the light, instead of, as in the last sub-class of cases, towards it; but apheliotropism is comparatively rare, at least in a well-marked degree. There is a third and large sub- cluss of cases, namely, those of “Transversal-Helio- tropismus” of Frank, which we will here call diahelio- tropism. Parts of plants, under this influence, place themselves more or less transversely to the direction whence the light proceeds, and are thus fully illumi- nated. There is a fourth sub-class, as far as the final cause of the movement is concerned; for the leaves of some plants when exposed to an intense and injurious amount of light direct themselves, by rising or sinking or twisting, so as to be less intensely illuminated. Such movements have sometimes been called diurnal sleep. If thought advisable, they might be called parabeliotropic, and this term would correspond. with our other terms. ; It will be shown in the present chapter that all the movements included in these four sub-classes, con- sist of modified circumnutation. We do not pretend to say that if a part of a plant, whilst still growing, did not .circumnutate—though such a supposition is most im- probable—it could not bend towards the light; but, as a matter of fact, heliotropism seems always to consist of modified circumnutation. Any kind of movement in relation to light will obviously be much facilitated by each part circumnutating or bending successively in all directions, so that an already existing movement has only to be increased in some one direction, and to be lessened or stopped in the other directions, in order that it should become heliotropic, apheliotropic, &c., as the case may be. In the next chapter some obser- vations on the sensitiveness of plants to light, their 420 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap VIII rate of bending towards it, and the accuracy with which they point towards its source, &c., will be given. Afterwards it will be shown—and this seems to us a point of much interest—that sensitiveness to light is sometimes confined to a small part of the plant; and that this part when stimulated by light, transmits an influence to distant parts, exciting them to bend. Heliotropism.— When a plant which is strongly heliotropic (and species differ much in this respect) is exposed to a bright lateral light, it bends quickly towards it, and the course pursued by the stem is quite or nearly straight. But if the light is much dimmed, or occasionally interrupted, or admitted in only a slightly oblique direction, the course pursued is more or less zigzag ; and as we have seen and shall again see, such zigzag move- ment results from the elongation or drawing out of the ellipses, loops, &e., which the plant would have de- scribed, if it had been illuminated from above. On several occasions we were much struck with this fact, Fig. 168. Beta oulga-is: circumnu- tation of hypocotyl, de- flected by the light being slightly lateral, traced on a horizontal glass from 8.30 A.M. to 5.30 p.m. Direction of the lighted taper by which it was illuminated, shown by a line joining the first and penultimate dots. Figure reduced to one-third of the original scale, whilst observing the circumnuta- tion of highly sensitive seedlings, which were unintentionally illu- minated rather obliquely, or only at successive intervals of time. For instance, two young seedlings of Beta vulgaris were placed in the middle of a room with north-east windows, and were kept covered up, except during each observation whicli lasted for only a minute or two; but the result was that their hypocotyls bowed themselves to fis side, whence some light occasionally entered, in lines which were Cuar. VIII. HELIOTROPISM. 421 only slightly zigzag. Although not a single ellipse was cven approximately formed, we inferred from the zigzag lines—and, as it proved, correctly—that their hypocotyls were circumnuta- ting, for on the following day these same seedlings were placed in a completely darkened room, and were observed each time by the aid of a small wax taper held almost directly above them, and their movements were traced on a horizontal glass above ; and now their hypocotyls clearly circum- nutated (Fig. 168, and Fig. 39, formerly given, p. 52); yet they moved a short distance towards the side where the taper was held up. Ifwe look at these diagrams, and suppose that the taper had been held more on one side, and that the hypocotyls, still circumnutating, had bent themselves within the same time much more towards the light, long zigzag lines would ob- viously have been the result. Again, two seedlings of Solanwm lyco- persicum were illuminated from above, but accidentally a little more light entered on one than on any other side, and their hypocotyls became slightly bowed towards the brighter side; they moved in a zigzag line and described in their course two little triangles, as seen in Fig. 37 (p. 50), and in another tracing not given. Thesheath- like cotyledons of Zea mays behaved, under nearly similar circumstances, in a nearly ; ' . similar manner, as described in our first 4% sativa : heliotropic movement and circum- chapter (p. 64), for they bowed themselves _putation of sheath-like during the whole day towards one side, cotyledon (14 inch in making, however, in their course some height) traced on hori- 2 zontal glass from 8 A.M. conspicuous flexures. Before we knew 4, 10.93 p.m. Oct. 1th. how greatly ordinary circumnutation was modified by a lateral light, some seedling oats, with rather old and therefore not highly sensitive cotyledons, were placed in front of a north-east window, towards which they bent all day in a strongly zigzag course. On the following day they continned to bend in the same direction (Fig. 169), but zigzagged much less. The sky, however, became between 12.40 and 2.86 v.u. Fig. 169. Slam: 422 overcast with extraordinarily dark thunder-clouds, and it was interesting to note how plainly the cotyledons circumnutated during this interval. et ee MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIIL Fig. 170. y bright Figure reduced to ypocotyl (-45 of inch in height) towards a moderatel glass from 8.30 A.M. to 11.30 a.m. Sept. 18th. pic movement of h . traced on a horizontal Apios graveolens : heliotro lateral light, one-third of original scale. The foregoing observations are of some value, from having ben made when we were not attending to heliotropism; and they led us to experiment on several kinds of seed- lings, by exposing them to a dim lateral light, so as to observe the gradations between ordinary circumnutation and heliotropism, Seedlings in pots were placed in front of, and about a yard from, a north-east window ; on each side and over the puts black hoards were placed; in the rear the pots were open to the diffused light of the room, which had a second north-east and a north-west window. By hanging up one or more blinds before the window where the seedlings stood, it was easy to dim the light, so that very little more entered on this side than on the opposite one, which received the diffused light of the room. Late in the evening the blinds were successively removed, and as the plants had heen subjected during the day to a very obscure light, they continued to bend towards the window later in the evening than would otherwise haveoccurred. Most of the seedlings were selected because they were known to be highly sensitive to light, and some because they were but little sensitive, or had become so from having grown old.. The movements were traced in the usual manner on a horizontal glass cover; a fine glass filament with little triangles of paper having been cemented in an upright position to the hypocotyls. Whenever the stem or hypocotyl became much buwed towards the light, the latter part of its course had to be traced on a vertical glass, parallel to the window, and at right angles to the horizontal glass cover. Apios graveolens.—The hypocotyl bends ina few hours rectan- Cuar VIII. HELIOTROPISM. 423 gularly towards a bright lateral light. In order to ascertain how straight a course it would pursue when fairly well illumi- nated on one side, seedlings were first placed before a south-west window on a cloudy and rainy morning; and the movement of two hypocotyls were traced for 3h., during which time they became greatly bowed towards the light. One of these tracings is given on p. 422 (Fig. 170), and the course may be seen to be almost straight. But the amount of light on this occasion was superfluous, for two seedlings were placed before a north-east window, protected by an ordinary linen and two muslin blinds, yet their hypocotyls moved towards this rather dim light in only slightly zigzag lines; but after 4P.m., as the light waned, the lines became distinctly zigzag. One of these seedlings, moreover, described in the afternoon an ellipse of considerable size, with its longer axis directed towards the window. We now determined that the light should be made dim enough, so we began by exposing several seedlings before a north-east window, protected by one linen blind, three muslin blinds, and a towel. But so little light entered that a pencil cast no perceptible shadow on a white card, and the hypocotyls did not bend at all towards the window. During this time, from 8.15 to 10.50 a.m., the hypocotyls zigzagged or circum- nutated near the same spot, as may be seen at A, in Fig. 171. The towel, therefore, was removed at 10,50 a.m., and replaced by two muslin blinds, and now the light passed through one ordinary linen and four muslin blinds. When a pencil was held upright on a card close to the seedlings, it cast a shadow (pointing from the window) which could only just be distinguished. Yet this very slight excess of light on one side sufficed to cause the hypocotyls of all the seedlings immediately to begin bending in zigzag lines towards the window. The course of one is shown at A (Fig..171): after moving towards the window from 10.50 a.m, to 12.48 p.m. it bent from the window, and then returned in a nearly parallel line; that is, it almost completed between 12.48 and 2 Pm. a narrow ellipse. Late in the evening, as the light waned, the hypocotyl ceased to bend towards the window, and circum- nutated on a small scale round the same spot; during the night it moved considerably backwards, that is, became more upright, through the action of apogeotropism. At B, we have a tracing of the movements of another seedling from the hour (10.50 a.m.) “when the towel was removed; und it is in all essential respects 28 424 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL similar to the previous one. In these two cases there could be no doubt that the ordinary circumnutating movement of the hypocotyl was modified and rendered heliotropic. Fig. 171. 10°50 com, 10°50'1.m, A, Apios graveolens : heliotropic movement and circumnutation of the hypo cotyls of two seedlings towards a dim lateral light, traced on a horizontal glass during the day. The broken lines show their return nocturnal courses. Height of hypocotyl of A ‘5, and of B55 inch. Ficure teduced to one-half of original scale. ~ Brassica oleracea.—The hypocotyl of the cabbage, when not disturbed by a lateral light, circumnutates in a complicated * Cuar. VII. HELIOTROPISM. ABE manner over nearly the same space, and a figure formerly given is here reproduced (Fig. 172). If the hypocotyl is exposed to a moderately strong lateral light it moves quickly towards this side, travelling in a straight, or nearly straight, line. But when the lateral light is very dim its course is extremely tortuous, and evidently consists of modified circumnutation. Seedlings were placed before a north-east window, protected by a linen and muslin blind and by a towel. The sky was cloudy, and when- ever the clouds grew a little lighter an additional muslin blind was temporarily suspended. The light from the window was Fig. 172. Brassica oleracea ordinary circumnutating mcvement of the hrpocoty! of a seedling plant. thus so much obscured that, judging by the unassisted eye, the seedlings appeared to receive more light from the interior of the room than from the window; but this was not really the case, as was shown by a very faint shadow cast by a pencil on a card. Nevertheless, this extremely small excess of light on one side caused the hypocotyls, which in the morning had stood upright, to bend at right angles towards the window, so that in the evening (after 4.23 p.m.) their course had to be traced on a vertical glass parallel to the window. It should be stated that at 3.30 p.m., by which time the sky had become darker, the towel was removed and replaced by an additional muslin blind, which itself was removed at 4 p.m., the other two 426 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VUL blinds bemg left suspended. In Fig. 173 the course pursued, between 8.9 A.M. and 7.10 p.m., by one cf the hypocotyls thna Fig. 173. SISpm. BPM 7 pre I? ‘am so'am. SR ris! Brassica oleracea : heliotropic movement and circumnutation of a hypocoty} towards a very dim lateral light, traced during 11 hours, ona horizontal glass in the morning, and on a vertical glass in the evening. Figure reduced to one-third of the original scale. exposcd is shown. It may be observed that during the first 16 m. the hypocotyl moved obliquely from the light, and this, Cuap. VILL. HELIOTROPISM. 427 no doubt, was due to its then circumnutating in this direction. Similar cases were repeatedly observed, and a dim light rarely or never produced any effect until from a quarter to three- quarters of an hour had elapsed. After 5.15 p.m., by which time the light had become obscure, the hypocotyl Fig. 174, began to circumnutate 6°30" about the same spot. The contrast between the two figures (172 and 173) would have been more striking, if they had been originally drawn on the same scale, and had been equally reduced. But the movements shown in Fig. 172 were at first more mag- nified, and have been re- duced to only one-half of the original scale; whereas those in Fig. 173 were at first less magnified, and have been reduced to a one-third scale. A tracing made at the same time with the last of the movements of a second hypocotyl, presented a closely analogous appear- ance; but it did not bend quite so much towards the ager th light, and it circumnu- 93 aa iniinee tated rather more plainly. Pialiis Comrines: blotone meremen Phaluris Canartensis,— ledon, towards a dull lateral light, traced Thesheath-likecotyledous ona horizontal glass from 8.15 a.m. Sept. of this monocotyledonous 16th to 7.45 a.m. 17th. Figure reduced plant were selected for to one-third of original scale. trial, because they are very sensitive to light and circumnutate well, as formerly shown (see Fig. 49, p. 63). Although we felt no doubt about the result, some seedlings were first placed before a south-west window on a moderately bright morning, and the movements of one were traced. As is so common, it moved Mt: 428 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. Vill for the first 45 m. in a zigzag line; it then felt the full influence of the light, and travelled towards it for the next 2h. 30m. in an almost straight line. The tracing has not been given, as it was almost identical with that of Apios under similar circum- stances (Fig. 170). By noon it had bowed itself to its full extent; it then circumnutated about the same spot and described two ellipses; by 5 p.m. it had retreated considerably from the light, through the action of apogeotropism. After some pre- liminary trials for ascertaining the right degree of obscurity, some seedlings were placed (Sept. 16th) before a north-east window, and light was admitted through an ordinary linen and three muslin blinds. A pencil held close by the pot now cast a very faint shadow on a white card, pointing from the window. In the evening, at 4.80, and again at 6 p.m., some of the blinds were removed. In Fig. 174 we see the course pursued under these circumstances by a rather old and not very sensitive cotyledon, 1°9 inch in height, which became much bowed, but was never rectangularly bent towards the light. From 11 a.m., when the sky became rather duller, until 6.30 p.m., the zigzageging was conspicuous, and evidently consisted of drawn- out ellipses. After 6.30 p.m. and during the night, it retreated in a crooked line from the window. Another and younger seed- ling moved during the same time much more quickly and to a much greater distance, in an only slightly zigzag line towards the light; by 11 a.m. it was bent almost rectangularly in this direction, and now circumnutated about the same place. Tropeolum majus.—Some very young see lings, bearing only two leaves, and therefore not as yet arrived at the climbing stage of growth, were first tried before a north-east window without any blind. The epicotyls bowed themselves towards the light so rapidly that in little more than 8 h. their tips pointed rectangularly towards it. The lines traced were either nearly straight or slightly zigzag; and in this latter case we see that a trace of circumnutation was retained even under the influence of a moderately bright light. Twice whilst these epicotyls were bending towards the window, dots were made every 5 or 6 minutes, in order to detect any trace of lateral movement, but there was hardly any; and the lines formed by their janction were nearly straight, or only very slightly zigzag, as in the other parts of the fgures. After the epicotyls had bowed themselves to the full extent towards the light, ellipses of considerable size were described in the usual manner. Crap. VIII. HELIOTROPISM. 429 After having seen how the epicotyls moved towards a mode rately bright light, seedlings were placed at 7.48 a.m. (Sept. 7th) before a north-east window, covered by a towel, and shortly afterwards by an ordinary linen blind, but the epicotyls still moved towards the window, At 9.13 a.m. two additional muslin blinds were suspended, so that the seedlings received very little more light from the window than from the interior of the room The sky varied in brightness, and the seedlings occasionally Fig. 175. 748'a.m Tropaolum majus : heliotropic movement and circumnutation of the epicotyl of a young seedling towards a dull lateral light, traced on a horizontal glass from 7.48 a.M. to 10.40 p.m. Figure reduced to one-half of the original scale. received for a short time less light from the window than from the opposite side (as ascertained by the shadow cast), and then one of the blinds was temporarily removed. In the evening tho blinds were taken away, one by one. The course pursued by an epicotyl under these circumstances is shown in Fig. 175. During the whole day, until 6.45 pm., it plainly bowed itself towards the light; and the tip moved over a considerable space. After 6.45 p.m. it moved backwards, or from the window, till 430 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuap. VIL 10.40 p.m., when the last dot was made. Here, then, we have a distinct heliotropic movement, effected by means of six elongated figures (which if dots had been made every few ininutes would have been more or less elliptic) directed towards the light, with the apex of each suc- Fig. 176. cessive ellipse nearer to the window than the previous one. Now, if the light had been only a littie brighter, the epicotyl would have bowed itself more to the light, as we may safely conclude from the previous trials; there would also have been less lateral movement, and the ellipses or other figures would have been drawn out into a strongly marked zigzag line, with probably one or two small loops still formed. If the light had been much brighter, we should have had a slightly zigzag line, or one quite straight, for there would have been more movement in the direc- tion of the light, and much less from side to side. Sachs states that the older inter- nodes of this Tropzolum are aphe- liotopic; we therefore placed a plant, 11% inches high, in a box, blackened within, but open on one side in front of a north-east window Tropeolum majus: heliotropic without any blind. A filament was movement and circumnuta- fixed to the third internode from tion of an old internode to- the summit on one. plant ae wards a lateral light, traced 3 plant, and to on a horizontal glass from 8 the fourth internode of another. AM. Nov. 2nd to 10204.M. These internodes were either not snd ae ecto show ald enough, or the light was not suf- ficiently bright, to induce aphelio- tropism, for both plants bent slowly towards, instead of from the window during four days. The course, during two days of the first-mentioned internode, is given in Fig. 176; and we see that it either circumnutated on a small scale, or travelled in a zigzag line towards the light. We have thought this case of feeble heliotropism in one of the older internodes of a plant, ‘ ry ry A ‘ ‘ ‘ Cuap. VILL. HELIOTROPISM. 451 which, whilst young, is so extremely sensitive to light, worth giving. Cassia tora. — The cotyledons of this plant are extremely sensitive to light, whilst the hypocotyls are much less sensitive than those of most other seedlings, as we had often observed with surprise. It seemed therefore worth while to trace their move- ments. They were exposed to a lateral light before a north-east window, which was at first covered merely by a muslin blind, but as the sky grew brighter about 11 am., an additional linen olind was suspended. After 4 p.m. one blind and then the other was removed. The seedlings were protected on each side and above, but were open to the diffused light of the room in the rear. Up- right filaments were fixed to the hypocotyls of two seed- lings, which stood vertically inthe morning. Theaccom- panying figure (Fig. 177) shows the course pursued by one of them during two days; but it should be particularly noticed that during the second day the seedlings were kept in darkness, and they then circumuutated round nearly the same small space. On the first day (Oct. 7th) the hypocoty] moved from 8 am. to 12.23 p.m, toward Fig. 177. 6jam74 0°10 p.m 7A Cassia tora: heliotropic movement and circumnutation of a hypocotyl (13 inch in height) traced on a horizontal glass from 8 a.m. to 10.10 p.m. Oct, 7th. Also its circumnutation in darkness from 7 a.m. Oct. 8th to 7.45 AM Oct. 9th. the light in a zigzag line, then turned abruptly to the left and afterwards described a small ellipse. Another irregular 432 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIIL eliipse was completed between 3 p.m. and about 5.30 P.M, the hypocotyl still bending towards the light. The hypocotyl Fig. 178. Biqnonia capreolata: aphe- liotropic movement of a tendril, traced on a hori- zontal glass from 6.45 A.M. July 19th to 10 a.m. 20th. Movements as originally traced, little magnified, here reduced to two-thirds of the original scale. was straight and upright in the morn- ing, but by 6 p.m. its upper half was bowed towards the light, so that the chord of the are thus formed stood at an angle of 20° with the perpendicular. After 6 p.m. its course was reversed through the action of apogeotropism, and it continued to bend from the window during the night, as shown by the broken line. On the next day it was kept in the dark (excepting when each observation was made by the aid of a taper), and the course followed from 7 4,M on the 8th to 7.45 a.m. on the 9th is here likewise shown. The difference between the two parts of the figure (177), namely, that described during the daytime on the 7th, when exposed toa rather dim lateral light, and that on the 8th in darkness, is striking. The difference consists in the lines during the first day having been drawn out in the direction of the light. The movements of the other seedling, traced under the same circumstances, were closely similar. Apheliotropism—We succeeded in observing only two cases of aphelio- tropism, for these are somewhat rare ; and the movements are generally so slow that they would have been very troublesome to trace. Bignonia capreolata—No organ of any plant, as far as we have seen, bends away so quickly from the light as do the tendrils of this Bignonia. They are also remarkable from circum- nutating much less regularly than most other tendrils, often remaining stationary; they depend on apheliotropism for coming into unar. VIL APHELIOTROPISM. 433 contact with the trunks of trees.** The stem of a young plant was tied to a stick at the base of a pair of tine tondrils, which projected almost vertically upwards; and it was placed in front of a north-east window, being protected on all other sides from the light. The first dot was made at 6.45 a.m., and by 7.35 A.M. both tendrils felt the full influence of the light, for they moved straight away from it until 9.20 a.m., when they circumuutated for a time, still moving, but only a little, from the light (see Fig. 178 of the left-hand tendril), After 3 p.m. they again moved rapidly away from the light in zigzag lines. By a late hour in the evening both had moved so far, that they pointed in a direct line from the light. During the nigit they returned a little in a nearly opposite direction. On the following morning they again moved from the light and con- verged, so that by the evening they had become interlocked, still pointing from the light. The right-hand tendril, whilst converging, zigzagged much more than the one figured. Both tracings showed that the apheliotropic movement was a modi- fied form of circumnutation. Cyclamen Persicum.— Whilst this plantis in flower the peduncles stand upright, but their uppermost part is hooked so that the flower itself hangs downwards. As soon as the pods begin to swell, the peduncles increase much in length and slowly curve downwards, but the short, upper, hooked part straightens itself. Ultimately the pods reach the ground, and if this is covered with moss or dead leaves, they bury themselves. We have often seen saucer-like depressions formed by the pods in damp sand or sawdust; and one pod (°3 of inch in diameter) buried itself in sawdust for three-quarters of its length.t We shall have occasion hereafter to consider the object gained by this burying process. The peduncles can change the direction of their cur- vature, for if a pot, with plants having their peduncles already bowed downwards, be placed horizontally, they slowly bend at right angles to their former direction towards the centre of the earth. We therefore at first attributed the movement to geotropism ; but a pot which had lain horizontally with the pods * ©The Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants,’ 1875, p. 97. t The peduncles of several other species of Cyclamen twist themselves into a spire, and av- cording to Erasinus Darwin ,* Bo- tauic Garden,’ Canto., iii. p. 126), the pods forcibly penctrate the earth. See also Grenier and Godron, ‘Fl sre de France,’ tom ii p. #59. 434 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuoap. VILL all pointing to the ground, was reversed, being still kept hori- zontal, so that the pods now pointed directly upwards ; it was then placed in a dark cupboard, but the pods still pointed up- wards after four days and nights. The pot, in the same position, was next brought back into the light, and after two days there was some bendinz downwards of the peduncles, and on the fourth day two of them pointed to the centre of the earth, as did the others after an additional day or two. Another plant, in a pot which had always stood upright, was left in the dark cupboard for six days; it bore 3 peduncles, and only one became within this Fig. 179. Cyclamen Persicum: downward apheliotropic movement of a flower-peduncle, greatly magnified (about 47 times ?), traced on a horizontal glass from 1 p.m. Feb, 18th to 8 a.m. 21st. time at all bowed downwards, and that doubtfully. The weight, therefore, of the pods is not the cause of the bending down. This pot was then brought back into the light, and after three days the peduncles were considerably bowed downwards. We are thus Jed to infer that the downward curvature is due to apheliotropism ; though more trials ought to have been made. In order to observe the nature of this movement, a peduncle bearing a large pod which had reached and rested on the ground, was lifted a little up and secured to a stick. A filament was fixed across the pod with a mark beneath, and its moves Cuar. VIII. «.PHELIOTROPISM. 435 ment, greatly magnified, was traced on a horizontal glass during 67h. The plant was illuminated during the day from above. A copy of the tracing is given on p. 484 (Fig. 179); and there can be no doubt that the descending movement is one of modified circumnutation, but on an extremely small scale. The observa- tion was repeated on another pod, which had partially buried itself in sawdust, and which was lifted up a quarter of an inch above the surface; it described three very small circles in 24h. Considering the great length and thinness of the peduncles and the lightness of the pods, we may conclude that they would not be able to excavate saucer-like depressions in sand or sawdust, or bury themselves in moss, &c., unless they were aided by their continued rocking or circumnutating move- ment. Relation vetween Cireumnutation and Heliotropism.— Any one who will look at the foregoing diagrams, showing the movements of the stems of various plants towards a lateral and more or less dimmed light, will be forced to admit that ordinary circumnutation and heliotropism graduate into one another. When a plant is exposed to a dim lateral light and continues during the whole day bending towards it, receding late in the evening, the movement unquestionably is one of heliotropism. Now, in the case of Tropzeolum (Fig. 175) the stem or epicotyl obviously cii:cumnu- tated during the whole day, and yet it continued at the same time to move heliotropically; this latter movement being effected by the apex of each succes- sive elongated figure or ellipse standing nearer to the light than the previous one. In the case ot Cassia (Fig. 177) the comparison of the movement ot the hypocotyl, when exposed to adim lateral light and to darkness, is very instructive; as is that between the ordinary circumnutating movement of a seedling Brassica (Figs. 172, 173), or that of Phalaris (Figs. 49, 174), and their heliotropic movement towards a window protected by blinds. In both these cases 430 RELATION BETWEEN Crap. VII and in many others, it was interesting to notice how gradually the stems began to circumnutate as the light waned in the evening. We have therefore many kinds of gradations from a movement towards the light, which must be considered as one of circumnutation. very slightly modified and still consisting of ellipses or circles,—though a movement more or less strongly zigzag, with loops or ellipses occasionally formed,—to a nearly straight, or even quite straight, heliotropie course. A plant, when exposed to a lateral light, though this may be bright, commonly moves at first in a zigzag line, or even directly from the light; and this no doubt is due to its circumnutating at the time in a direction either opposite to the source of the light, or more or less transversely to it. As soon, however, as the direction of the circumnutating move- ment nearly coincides with that of the entering light, the plant bends in a straight course towards the light, if this is bright. The course appears to be rendered more and more rapid and rectilinear, in accordance with the degree of brightness of the light—firstly, by the longer axes of the elliptical figures, which the plant continues to describe as long as the light remains very dim, being directed more or less accurately towards its source, and by each successive ellipse being de- scribed nearer to the light. Secondly, if the light is only somewhat dimmed, by the acceleration and increase of the movement towards it, and by the retardation or azrestment of that from the light, some lateral movement being still retained, for the light will interfere less with a movement at right angles to its direction, than with one in its own direction.* * In his paper, ‘U+ber oitho- — tleile’ (« Arbeiten des Bot. Inst trope und plagiotrope Pfanzen- in Wiirzburg,’ Band ii. Heft ii Cuap. VIII. CIRCUMNUTATION AND HELIO“. ROPISM. 437 The result is that the course is rendered more or less zigzag and unequal in rate. Lastly, when the light ‘is very bright all lateral movement is lost; and the whole energy of the plant is expended in rendering the circumnutating movement rectilinear and rapid in one direction alone, namely, towards the light. The common view seems to be that heliotropism is a quite distinct kind of movement from circumnuta- tion; and it may be urged that in the foregoing diagrams we see heliotropism merely combined with, or superimposed on, circumnutation. But if so, it must be assumed that a bright lateral light completely stops circumnutation, for a plant thus exposed moves in a straight line towards it, without describing any ellipses or circles. If the light be somewhat obscured, though amply sufficient to cause the plant to bend towards it, we have more or less plain evidence of still- continued circumnutation. It must further be assumed that it is only a lateral light which has this extraor- dinary power of stopping circumnutation, for we know that the several plants above experimented on, and all the others which were observed by us whilst grow- ing, continue to circumnutate, however bright the light may be, if it comes from above. Nor should it be forgotten that in the life of each plant, circumnuta- tion precedes heliotropism, for hypocotyls, epicotyls, and petioles circumnutate before they have broken through the ground and have ever felt the influence of light. We are therefore fully justified, as it seems to us, in believing that whenever light enters laterally, it is the 1879), Sachs has discussed the the organs of plants stand with manner in which geotropism and respect to the direction of the heliotropism are affected by dif- incident force. ferences in the angles at which 438 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION, Cua. VIL movement of circumnutation which gives rise to, or is converted into, heliotropism and apheliotropism. On this view we need not assume against all analogy that a lateral light entirely stops circumnutation ; it merely excites the plant to modify its movement for a time in a beneficial manner. The existence of every pos- sible gradation, between a straight course towards a lateral light and a course consisting of a series of loops or ellipses, becomes perfectly intelligible. Finally, the conversion of circumnutation into heliotropism or apheliotropism, is closely analogous to what takes place with sleeping plants, which during the daytime de- scribe one or more ellipses, often moving in zigzag lines and making little loops; for when they begin in the evening to go to sleep, they likewise expend all their energy in rendering their course rectilinear and rapid. In the case of sleep-movements, the exciting or regu- lating cause is a difference in the intensity of the light, coming from above, at different periods of the twenty-four hours; whilst with heliotropie and aphe- liotropic movements, it is a difference in the intensity of the light on the two sides of the plant. Transversal-heliotropismus (of Frank*) or Déiahelio- troysm.—The cause of leaves placing themselves more or less transversely to the light, with their upper surfaces directed towards it, has been of late the subject of much controversy. We do not here refer to the object of the movement, which no doubt is that their upper surfaces may be fully illuminated, but the means by which this position is gained. Hardly a better or more simple instance can be given * *Die natiirliche Wagerechte Frage iiber Transver-al-Geo-und Richtung von Pflanzenth ilen,’ Heliotropismus,” ‘ Bot. Zeitung, 18'0 See also some interesting 1873, p. 17 e¢ seq. articles by the same author, * Zur Cuar. VIII. DIAHELIOTROPISM. 439 of diaheliotropism than that offered by many seed- lings, the cotyledons of which are extended hori- zontally. When they first burst from their seed-coats they are in contact and stand in various positions, often vertically upwards; they soon diverge, and this is effected by epinasty, which, as we have seen, is a modified form of circumnutation. After they have diverged to their full extent, they retain nearly the same position, though brightly illuminated all day long from above, with their lower surfaces close to the ground and thus much shaded. There is therefore a . great contrast jn the degree of illumination of their upper and lower surfaces, and if they were heliotropic they would bend quickly upwards. It must not, how- ever, be supposed that such cotyledons are immovably fixed in a horizontal position. When seedlings are exposed before a window, their hypocotyls, which are highly heliotropic, bend quickly towards it, and the upper surfaces of their cotyledons still remain ex- posed at right angles to the light; but if the hypo- cotyl is secured so that it cannot bend, the cotyledons themselves change their position. If the two are placed in the line of the entering light, the one furthest from it rises up and that nearest to it often sinks down; if placed transversely to the light, they twist a little laterally; so that in every case they endeavour to place their upper surfaces at right angles to the light. So it notoriously is with the leaves on plants nailed against a wall, or grown in front of a window. A moderate amount of light suffices to in- duce such movements; all that is necessary is that the light should steadily strike the plants in an oblique direction. With respect to the above twisting move- ment of cotyledons, Frank has given many and much more striking instances in the case of the leaves on 29 440 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Chap. VITL branches which had been fastened in various positions or turned upside down. ; In our observations on the cotyledons of seedling plants, we often felt surprise at their persistent hori- zontal position during the day, and were convinced before we had read Frank’s essay, that some special explanution was necessary. De Vries has shown* that the more or less horizontal position of leaves is in most cases influenced by epinasty, by their own weight, and by apogeotropism. A young cotyledon or leaf after bursting free is brought down into its proper position, as already remarked, by epinasty, . which, according to De Vries, long continues to act on the midribs and petioles. Weight can hardly be influential in the case of cotyledons, except in a few cases presently to be mentioned, but must be so with large and thick leaves. With respect to apogeotropism, De Vries maintains that it generally comes into play, and of this fact we shall presently advance some indirect evidence. But over these and other constant forces we believe that there is in many cases, but we do not say in all, a preponderant tendency in leaves and cotyledons to place themselves more or less trans- versely with respect to the light. In the cases above alluded to of seedlings exposed to a lateral light with their hypocotyls secured, it is impossible that epinasty, weight and apogeotropism, either in opposition or combined, can be the cause of the rising of one cotyledon, and of the sinking of the other, since the forces in question act equally on both ; and since epinasty, weight and apogeotropism all act in a vertical plane, they cannot cause the twisting of the petioles, which occurs in seedlings under the * «Arbeifon des Bot. Instituts in Witrzburg,’ Heft. ii. 1872, pp. 423-277. Cnar, VIII. DIAHELIOTROPISM. 441 above conditions of illumination. All these movements evidently depend in some manner on the obliquity of the light, but cannot be called heliotropic, as this implies bending towards the light; whereas the coty- ledon nearest to the light bends in an opposed direc- tion or downwards, and both place themselves as nearly as possible at right angles to the light. The move- ment, therefore, deserves a distinct name. As coty- ledons and leaves are continually oscillating up and down, and yet retain all day long their proper position with their upper surfaces directed transversely to the light, and if displaced reassume this position, dia- heliotropism must be considered as a modified form of circumnutation. This was often evident when the movements of cotyledons standing in front of a window were traced. We see something analogous in the case of sleeping leaves or cotyledons, which after oscillating up and down during the whole day, rise into a vertical position late in the evening, and on the following morning sink down again into their horizontal or dia- heliotropic position, in direct opposition to heliotro- pism. This return into their diurnal position, which often requires an angular movement of 90°, is analo- gous to the movement of leaves on displaced branches, which recover their former positions. It deserves notice that any force such as apogeotropism, will act with different degrees of power* in the different posi- tions of those leaves or cotyledons which oscillate largely up and down during the day; and yet they recover their horizontal or diaheliotropic position. We may therefore conclude that diaheliotropic movements cannot be fully explained by the direct action of light, gravitation, weight, &c., any more * See former note, in reference to Sachs’ remarks on this st hject. 442 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIII than can the nyctitropic movements of cotyledons and leaves. In the latter case they place themselvez so that their upper surfaces may radiate at night as little as possible into open space, with the upper surfaces of the opposite leaflets often in contact. These movements, which are sometimes extremely complex, are regulated, though not directly caused, by the alter- nations of light and darkness. In the case of diahelio- tropism, cotyledons and leaves place themselves so that their upper surfaces may be exposed to the light, and this movement is regulated, though not directly caused, by the direction whence the light proceeds. In both cases the movement consists of circumnutation modified by innate or constitutional causes, in the same manner as with climbing plants, the circumnu- tation of which is increased in amplitude and rendered more circular, or again with very young cotyledons and leaves which are thus brought down into a hori- zontal position by epinasty. We have hitherto referred only to those leaves and cotyledons which occupy a permanently horizontal position; but many stand more or less obliquely, and some few upright. The cause of these differences of position is not known ; but in accordance with Wiesner’s views, hereafter to be given, it is probable that some leaves and cotyledons would suffer, if they were fully illuminated by standing at right angles to the light. We have seen in the second and fourth chapters that those cotyledons and leaves which do not alter their positions at night sufficiently to be said to sleep, commonly rise a little in the evening and fall again on the next morning, so that they stand during the night at a rather higher inclination than during the middle of the day. It is incredible that a rising movement of 2° or 3°, or even of 10° or 20°, can be of nap. VILL DIAHELIOTROPISM. 449 any service to the plant, so as to have been specially acquired. It must be the result of some periodical change in the conditions to which they are subjected, and there can hardly be a doubt that this is the daily alternations of light and darkness. De Vries states in the paper before referred to, that most petioles and midribs are apogeotropic ;* and apogeotropism would account for the above rising movement, which is com- mon tosomany widely distinct species, if we suppose it to be conquered by diaheliotropism during the middle of the day, as long as it is of importance to the plant that its cotyledons and leaves should be fully exposed to the light. The exact hour in the afternoon at which they begin to bend slightly upwards, and the extent of the movement, will depend on their degree of sen- sitiveness to gravitation and on their power of resist- ing its action during the middle of the day, as well as on the amplitude of their ordinary circumnutating movements; and as these qualities differ much in dif- ferent species, we might expect that the hour in the afternoon at which they begin to rise would differ much in different species, as is the case. Some other agency, however, besides apogeotropism, must come into play, either directly or indirectly, in this upward movement. Thus a young bean (Vicia faba), growing in a small pot, was placed in front of a window in a klinostat ; and at night the leaves rose a little, although * According to Frank (‘Die nat. Wagerechte Richtung von Pianzentheilen.’ 1870, p. 46) the root-leaves of many plants, kept in darkness, rise up anil even be- eome vertical; and so it is in some cases with shoots. (See Rauwen- hoff, ‘Archives Nceérlandaises,’ tom. xii. p. 32.) These movements indicate apogeotropism ; but when organs have been long kept in the dark, the amouut of water and of mineral matter which they con- tain is so much altered, and their regular growth is so much dis- turbed, that it is perhaps rash to infer from their movements what would occur under normal con- ditions. (See Godlewski, ‘ Bot Zeitung,’ Feb. 14th, 1879.) $44 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VITL the action of apogeotropism was quite eliminated. Nevertheless, they did not rise nearly so ae : night, as when subjected to apogeotropism. a = not possible, or even probable, that leaves SBC Cou ledons, which have moved upwards a0 the knee: through the action of apogeotropism during countless generations, may inherit a tendency to this movement ? We have seen that the hypocotyls of several Legu- minous plants have from a remote period inherited a tendency to arch themselves; and we know that the sleep-movements of leaves are to a certain extent inherited, independently of the alternations of light and darkness. In our observations on the circumnutation of those cotyledons and leaves which do not sleep at night, we met with hardly any distinct cases of their sinking a little in the evening, and rising again in the morm- ing,—that is, of movements the reverse of those just discussed. We have no doubt that such cases occur, inasmuch as the leaves of many plants sleep. by sinking vertically downwards. How to account for the few cases which were observed must be left doubtful. The young leaves of Cannabis sativa sink at night between 30° and 40° beneath the horizon; and Kraus attributes this to epinasty in conjunction with the absorption of water. Whenever epinastic growth is vigorous, it might conquer diaheliotropism in the evening, at which time it would be of no import- ance to the plant to keep its leaves horizontal. The cotyledons of Anoda Wrightii, of one variety of Gossypium, and of several species of Ipomea, remain horizontal in the evening whilst they are very young; as they grow a little older they curve a little down- wards, and when large and heavy sink so much that they come under our definition of sleep. In the case of Cuav. VILL. PARAHELIOTROPISM. 445 the Anoda and of some species of Ipomeea, it was proved that the downward movement did not depend on the weight of the cotyledons; but from the fact of the move- ment being so much more strongly pronounced after the cotyledons have grown large and heavy, we may suspect that their weight aboriginally played some part in determining that the modification of the circum- nutating movement should be in a downward direction. The so-called Diurnal Sleep of Leaves, or Parahelio- tropism.—This is another class of movements, dependent on the action of light, which supports to some extent the belief that the movements above described are only indirectly due to its action. We refer to the movements of leaves and cotyledons which when moderately illuminated are diaheliotropic; but which change their positions and present their edges to the light, when the sun shines brightly on them. These movements have sometimes been called diurnal sleep, but they differ wholly with respect to the object gained from those properly called nyctitropic; and in some cases the position occupied during the day is the reverse of that during the night. It has long been known* that when the sun shines brightly on the leaflets of Robinia, they rise up and present their edges to the light; whilst their position at night is vertically down- wards. We have observed the same movement, when the sun shone brightly on the leaflets of an Australian Acacia. Those of Amphicarpwa monoica turned their edges to the sun; and an analogous movement of the little almost rudimentary basal leaflets of Mimosa albida was on one occasion so rapid that it could be distinctly seen through a lens. The elongated, uni- foliate, first leaves of Phaseolus Roxburghii stood at 7 a.m. at 20° above the horizon, and no doubt they afterwards sank a little lower. At noon, after having been exposed for about 2h. to * Pfeffer gives the names and dates of several ancient writers in hia * Die Periodischen Bewegungen, 1875, p. 62. 446 Cuar, VIIL a bright sun, they stood at 56° above the horizon; they were then protected from the rays of the sun, but were left well illuminated from above, and after 30 m. they had fallen 40°, for they now stood at only 16° above the horizon. Some young plants of Phaseolus Hernandesii had been exposed to the same bright sunlight, and their broad, unifoliate, first leaves now stood up almost or quite vertically, as did many of the leaflets on the trifoliate secondary leaves; but some of the leaflets had twisted round on their own axes by as much as 90° without rising, so as to present their edges to the sun. The leaflets on the same leaf sometimes behaved in these two different manners, but always with the result of being less intensely illuminated. These plants were then protected from the sun, and were looked at after 1}h.; and now all the leaves and leaflets had re- assumed their ordinary sub-horizontal positions. The copper- coloured cotyledons of some seedlings of Cassia mimosoides were horizontal in the morning, but after the sun had shone on them, each had risen 453° above the horizon. The movement in these several cases must not be confounded with the sudden closing of the leaflets of Mimosa pudica, which may sometimes be noticed when a plant which has been kept in an obscure place is suddenly exposed to the sun ; for in this case the light seems to act, as if it were a touch. From Prof. Wiesner’s interesting observations, it is probable that the above movements have been acquired for a special purpose. The chlorophyll in leaves is often injured by too intense a light, and Prof. Wiesner* believes that it is protected -by the most diversified means, such as the presence of hairs, colouring matter, &c., and amongst other means by the leaves presenting their edges to the sun, so that the blades then receive much less light. He experimented on the young leaflets of Robinia, by fixing them in such a position that they could not escape being intensely illuminated, whilst others were allowed to place themselves obliquely; and the former began to suffer from the light in the course of two days. In the cases above given, the leaflets move either upwards MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. * Die Niaturlicher Einrich- tungen zum Schutze des Chloro- phylls” &c., 1876. Pringsheim has recently observed under the microscope the destruction of ehjorophyll in a few minutes by the ection of concentrated light from the sun, in the presence of oxygen. See, also, Stahl on the protection of chlorophyll from intense light, in ‘Bot. Zeituny, Cuar. VIIL PARAHELIOTROPISM. 417 or twist laterally, so as to place their edges in the direction of the sun’s light; but Cohn long ago observed that the leaflets of Oxalis bend downwards when fully exposed to the sun. We witnessed a striking instance of this movement in the very large leaflets .of U. Urtegesit. A similar movement may frv- quently be observed with the leaflets of Averrhoa bilimbi (a member of the Oxalidz); and a leaf is here represented (Fig. 180) on which the sun had shone. A diagram (Fig. 134) was given in the last chapter, representing the oscillations by which a leaflet rapidly descended under these circumstances; and the mevement may be seen closely to resemble that (Fig. 183) bv Averrhoa bilimbi: leaf with leaflets depressed after exposure to sunshine; but the leaflets are sometimes more depressed than is here shown. Figure much reduced. which it assumed its nocturnal position. It is an interesting fact in relation to our present subject that, as Prof. Batalin informs us in a letter, dated February, 1879, the leaflets of Oxalis acetoselia may be daily exposed to the sun during many weeks, and they do not suffer if they are allowed to depress themselves; but if this be prevented, they lose their colour and wither in two or three days. Yet the duration of a leaf is about two months, when subjected only to diffused light; and in this case the leaflets never sink downwards during the day __ As the upward movements of the leaflets of Robinia, and the downward movements of those of Oxalis, have been proved to be highly beneficial to these plants when subjected to bright sunshine, it seems probable that they have been acquired for the special pwrpose of avoiding too intense an illumination. As it would have been very troublesome in all the above cases to 448 MODIFIED CIRCUMNUTATION. Cuar. VIL have watched for a fitting opportunity and to have traced the movement of the leaves whilst they were fully exposed to the sunshine, we did not ascertain whether paraheliotropism always consisted of modi- fied cireumnutation; but this certainly was the case with the Averrhoa, and probably with the other species, a3 their leaves were continually circumnntating. Cusp. UX. SENSITIVENESS TO LIGHT. 449 CHAPTER IX. SENsITIVENESs or PLants To LIGUT: ITS TRANSMITTED EFFECTB, Uses of heliotropism—Inscctivorous and climbing plants not heliotropic —Same organ helictropic ut one age and not at another—Extra- ordinary sensitiveness of some plants to light—The effects of light de not correspond with its intensity— Effects of previous illumination —Time required for the action of light—Aftcr-effects of light— Apogeotropism acts as soon as light tails—Accuracy with which plants bend to the light—This dependent on the illumination of one whole side of the part—Localised sensitiveness to light and its transmitted eftects—Cotyledons of | halaris, manner of bending— Results of the exclusion of light from their tips—Effects trans- m.tted beneath the surface of the ground—Lateral illumination of the tip determines the direction of the curvature of the base—Coty- ledons of Avena, curvature of basal part due to the illumination of upper part—S'milar results with the hypocotyls of Brassica and Beta—Radicles of Sinapis apheliotropic, due to tte sensitiveness of their tips—Concluding remarks and summary of chapter—Means by which cireumnutation has been converted into heliotropism or apheliotropism. No one can look at the plants growing on a bank or on the borders of a thick wood, and doubt that the young stems and leaves place themselves so that the leaves may be well illuminated. They are thus enabled to decompose carbonic acid. But the sheath-like coty- ledons of some Graminez, for instance, those of Pha- laris, are not green and contain very little starch ; from which fact we may infer that they decompose little or no carbonic acid. Nevertheless, they are ex- tremely heliotropic; and this probably serves them in another way, namely, as a guide from the buried seeds through fissures in the ground or through overlying masses of vegetation, into the light and air. This view 450 SENSITIVENESS TO LIGHT. Cuap. IX, is strengthened by the fact that with Phalaris and Avena the first true leaf, which is bright green and ne doubt decomposes carbonic acid, exhibits hardly a trace of heliotropism. The heliotropic movements of many other seedlings probably aid them in like manner in emerging from the ground; for apogeo- tropism by itself would blindly guide them upwards, against any overlying obstacle. Heliotropism prevails so extensively among the higher plants, that there are extremely few, of which some part, either the stem, flower-peduncle, petiole, or leaf, does not bend towards a lateral light. Drosera rotundifolia is one of the few plants the leaves of which exhibit no trace of heliotropism. Nor could we see any in Dionza, though the plants were not so carefully observed. Sir J. Hooker exposed the pitchers of Sarracenia for some time to a lateral light, but they did not bend towards it.* We can understand the reason why these insectivorous plants should not be heliotropic, as they do not live chiefly by decom- posing carbonic acid ; and it is much more important to them that their leaves should occupy the best position for capturing insects, than that they should be fully exposed to the light. Tendrils, which consist of leaves or of other organs modified, and the stems of twining plants, are, as Mohl long ago remarked, rarely heliotropic; and here again we can see the reason why, for if they had moved towards a lateral light they would have been drawn away from their supports. But some tendrils are apheliotropic, for instance those of Bignonia capreclata * According to F. Kurtz(‘Ver- tonia Californica are strongly handl. dvs Bot. Vereins der Pro- apheliotropic. We failed to detect vinz Brandenburg,’ Bd. xx. 1878) this movemcnt in a plant which the leaves or pitchers of Darling- we possessed for a short time. Cuar. IX. SENSITIVENESS TO LIGHT. 451 and of Snulaz aspera; and the stems of some plants which climb by rootlets, as those of the Ivy and Tecoma radicans, are likewise apheliotropic, and they thus find a support. The leaves, on the other hand, of most climbing plants are heliotropic ; but we could detect no signs of any such movement in those of Mutisia clematis. As heliotropism is so widely prevalent, and as twining plants are distributed throughout the whole vascular series, the apparent absence of any tendency in their stems to bend towards the light, seemed to us so remarkable a fact as to deserve further in- vestigation, for it implies that heliotropism can be readily eliminated. When twining plants are exposed to a lateral light, their stems go on revolving or cir- cumnutating about the same spot, without any evident deflection towards the light; but we thought that we might detect some trace of heliotropism by com- paring the average rate at which the stems moved to and from the light during their successive revolutions.* Three young plants (about a foot in height) of Ipomea cwxrulea and four of I. purpwrea, growing in separate pots, were placed on a bright day before a north-east window in a room otherwise darkened, with the tips of their revolving stems fronting the window. When the tip of each plant pointed directly from the window, and when again towards it, the times were recorded. This was continued from 6.45 a.m. till a little after 2pm. on June 17th. After a few observations we concluded that we could safely estimate the time * Some erroneous statements nvmber of observiitions, for we did are unfortunately given on this not then know at how unequal subject, in ‘The Movements and a rate the stems. and tendrils of Habits of Climbing Plants,’ 1875, climbing plants rometimes travel pp. 28, 82, 40, and 53. Conclusions in different parte of the same re- were drawn from an insufticient volution. 452 SENSITIVENESS TO LIGHT. Cise te taken by cach semicircle, within a limit of error of at most 5 minutes. Although the rate of movement im different parts of the same revolution varied greatly, yet 22 semicircles to the light were completed, each on an average in 73°95 minutes; and 22 semicirelos from the light each in 73°5 minutes. It may, there- fore, be said that they travelled to and from the light at exactly the same average rate; though probably the accuracy of the result was in part accidental. In the evening the stems were not in the least deflected towards the window. Nevertheless, there appears to exist a vestige of heliotropism, for with 6 out of the 7 plants, the first semicircle from the light, described in the early morning after they had been subjected to darkness during the night and thus probably rendered more sensitive, required rather more time, and the first semicircle to the light considerably less time, than the average. Thus with all 7 plants, taken together, the mean time of the first semicircle in the morning from the light, was 76°8 minutes, instead of 73-5 minutes, which is the mean of all the semicircles during the day from the light; and the mean of the first semi- circle to the light was only 63:1, instead of 73°95 minutes, which was the mean of all the semicircles during the day to the light. Similar observations were made on Wistaria Sinensis, and the mean of 9 semicircles from the light was 117 minutes, and of 7 semicircles to the light 122° minutes, and this difference does not exceed the pro- bable limit of error. During the three days of expos sure, the shoot did not become at all bent towards the window before which it stood. In this case the first semicircle from the light in the early morning of each day, required rather less time for its performance thar’ did the first semicircle to the light; and this result. Crap. IX, SENSITIVENESS 110 LIGHT. 453 if not accidental, appears to indicate that the shoots retain a trace of an original apheliotropic teaderey. With Lonicera brachypoda the semicircles from and to the light differed considerably in time; for 5 semi- circles from the light required on a mean 202-4 minutes, and 4 to the light, 229-5 minutes; but the shoot moved very irregularly, and under these circum- stances the observations were much too few. It is remarkable that the same part on the same plant may be affected by light in a widely different manner at different ages, and as it appears at different seasons. The hypocotyledonous stems of Ipomea cxrulea and purpurea are extremely heliotropic, whilst the stems of older plants, only about a foot in height, are, as we have just seen, almost wholly insensible to light. Sachs states (and we have observed the same fact) that the hypocotyls of the Ivy (Hedera helix) are slightly heliotropic; whereas the stems of plants grown to a few inches in height become so strongly aphelio- tropic, that they bend at right angles away from the light. Nevertheless, some young plants which had _ behaved in this manner early in the summer again became distinctly heliotropic in the beginning of September; and the zigzag courses of their stems, as they slowly curved towards a north-east window, were traced during 10 days. The stems of very young plants of Tropwolum majus are highly heliotropic, whilst those of older plants, according to Sachs, are slightly apheliotropic. In all these cases the heliotropism of the very young stems serves to expose the cotyledons, or when the cotyledons are hypogean the first true leaves, fully to the light; and the loss of this power by the older stems, or their becoming apheliotropie, is connected with their habit of climbing. Most seedling plants are strongly heliotropic, and 454 SENSITIVENESS TO LIGHT. Cuap. IX it is no doubt a great advantage to them in their struggle for life to expose their cotyledons to the light as quickly and as fully as possible, for the sake of obtaining carbon. It has been shown in the first chapter that the greater number of seedlings circum- nutate largely and rapidly; and as heliotropism con- sists of modified cireumnutation, we are tempted to look at the high development of these two powers in seedlings as intimately connected. Whether there are any plants which circumnutate slowly and to a small extent, and yet are highly heliotropic, we do not know; but there are several, and there is nothing surprising in this fact, which circumnutate largely and are not at all, or only slightly, heliotropic. Of such cases Drosera rotundifolia offers an excellent instance The stolons of the strawberry circumnutate almost like the stems of climbing plants, and they are not at all affected by a moderate light; but when exposed late in the summer to a somewhat brighter light they were slightly heliotropic; in sunlight, according to De Vries, they are apheliotropic. Climbing plants circumnutate much more widely than any other plants, yet they are not at all heliotropic. Although the stems of most seedling plants are strongly heliotropic, some few are but slightly helio- tropic, without our being able to assign any reason. This is the case with the hypocotyl of Cassia tora, and we were struck with the same fact with some other seedlings, for instance, those of Reseda odorata. With respect to the degree of sensitiveness of the more sensitive kinds, it was shown in the last chapter that seedlings of several species, placed before a north-east window protected by several blinds, and exposed in the rear to the diffused light of the room, moved with unerring certainty towards the window, although Omar. IX. SENSITIVENESS TO LIGHT. 45h it was impossible to judge, excepting by the shadow cast by an upright pencil on a white card, on which side most light entered, so that the excess on one side must have been extremely small. A pot with seedlings of Phalaris Canariensis, which had been raised in darkness, was placed in a com- pletely darkened room, at 12 feet from a very small lamp. After 3 h. the cotyledons were doubtfully curved towards the light, and after 7 h. 40 m. from the first exposure, they were all plainly, though slightly, curved towards the lamp. Now, at this dis- tance of 12 feet, the light was so obscure that we could not see the seedlings themselves, nor read the large Roman figures on the white face of a watch, nor see a pencil line on paper, but could just distinguish a line made with Indian ink. It is a more surprising fact that no visible shadow was cast by a pencil held upright on a white card; the seedlings, therefore, were acted on by a difference in the illumination of their two sides, which the human eye could not dis- tinguish. On another occasion even a less degree of light acted, for some cotyledons of Phalaris became slightly curved towards the same lamp at a distance of 20 feet; at this distance we could not see a cir- cular dot 2:29 mm. (‘09 inch) in diameter made with Indian ink on white paper, though we could just see a dot 3°56 mm. (‘14 inch) in diameter; yet a dot of the former size appears large when seen in the light.* We next tried how small a beam of light would act ; us this bears on light serving as a guide to seedlings whilst they emerge through fissured or encumbered ground.