sy it) AAS ‘ Cornell University Library Sthaca, New York BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 Minin Cc 24 ‘il rl Pa cusoa Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www. A TEXT-BOOK OF ZOOLOGY VOL. I MACMILLAN AND CO., LimITED LONDON FOMBAY . CALCUTTA MELBOURNE THE MACMILLAN COMPANY NEW YORK . BOSTON . CHICAGO ATLANTA . SAN FRANCISCO THE MACMILLAN CO. OF CANADA, Ltp TORONTO A TEXT-BOOK OF ZOOLOGY BY T. JEFFERY PARKER, D.Sc., F.R.S. PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OTAGO, DUNEDIN, N.Z. AND WILLIAM A. HASWELL, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. TROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF SYDNEY, N.S.W. IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I WITH ILLUSTRATIONS MACMILLAN AND CO., LIMITED ST. MARTIN’S STREET, LONDON IgIO T >t Aeses 7] Ricuarp CLay anp Sons, LimIrep, BREAD STREET HILL, E.C., AND BUNGAY, SUFFOLK. First Edition, 1898. Second Bdition, 1910. Zoology Vol. 1. ERRATA. PAGE. 17, description of Fig. 5, for ‘‘ atrosphere ” read ‘* astrophere.” 52, description of Fig. 35, for “‘ Rotalla” read ‘* Rotalia.” 71, description of Fig. 52, for ‘‘ Astasiopis ” read Astasiopsis.” 74, line 9, for ‘‘divison” read “ division.” 111, line 1, for ‘‘ out” read ‘ outer.” 208, line 10, for ‘‘ siphnozoids” read ‘‘ siphonozooids. 272, line 2, for “ prostrate” rend ‘ prostate.” 402, line 43, for ‘‘ periphiemal” read ‘‘ perihaemal. 450, line 7, for “ Fig. 346” read ‘* Fig. 347.7 ; Zoology. Vol. II. ERRATA. PAGE. 9, description of Fig. 710, for ‘‘ Fig. 667” read ‘ Fig. 709.” 17, line 8 from bottom, for ‘‘ end” read “(end)” 19, line 1, for ‘‘ peribranchial” read ‘ peripharyngeal.” 183, Fig. 840, for ‘‘ Pristurus ” read ‘ Pristiurus.”’ 229, description of Fig. 885, for ‘‘ dorsa” read ‘‘ dorsal.’ 322, line 20 from top, for ‘‘ innominiata” read ‘* innominala.” 432, lines 3 and 20 from top, for ‘‘ Apertyx”’ read ‘* Apteryx.” 500, line 1, for ‘‘ Arycteropus” read ‘“ Orycteropus.” 606, line 9 from top, for ‘‘ Squolodontidoe” read ‘‘ Squalodontidiw.” 620, line 3 from bottom, for ‘‘ import ” read ‘‘ important.” PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION IN spite of its bulk, the present work is strictly adapted to the needs of the beginner. The mode of treatment of the subject is such that no previous knowledge of Zoology is assumed, and students of the first and second years should have no more difficulty in following the accounts of the various groups than is incidental to the first study of a complex and unfamiliar subject. There can be little doubt that the study of Zoology is most profitably as well as most pleasantly begun in the field and by the sea-shore, in the Zoological Garden and the Aquarium. In a very real sense it is true that the best zoologist is he who knows the most animals, and there can certainly be no better foundation for a strict and scientific study of the subject than a familiarity with the general appearance and habits of the common members of the principal animal classes. But Zoology as a branch of academical study can hardly be pursued on the broad lines of general natural history, and must be content to lose a little in breadth of view—at least in its earlier stages—while insisting upon accurate observation, comparison, and induction, within the limited field of Laboratory and Museum work. A not uncommon method of expounding the science of Zoology is to begin the study of a given group by a definition, the very terms of which it is impossible that the student should under- stand; then to take a general survey of the group, illustrated by casual references to animals and to structures of which it is highly unlikely he has ever heard; and, tinally, to descend to a survey of the more important forms included in the group. It will probably be generally agreed that, from the teacher's point of view, this method begins at the wrong end, and is hardly more rational than vi PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION it would be to deliver a course on the general characteristics of English Literature, suitably illustrated by “ elegant extracts,” to a class of students who had never read a single English poet or essayist. There can be no question as to the vast improvement effected in zoological teaching by the practice of preceding the study of a given group as a whole by the accurate examination of a suitable member of it. With the clear mental image of a particular animal, in the totality of its organisation, the comparison of the parts and organs of other animals of like build becomes a profitable study, and the danger of the comparative method—that the student may learn a great deal of the systems of organs in a group without getting a clear conception of a single animal belonging to it—is much diminished. The method of “ types” has, however, its own dangers. Students are, in their way, great generalisers, and, unless carefully looked after, are quite sure to take the type for the class, and to consider all Arthropods but crayfishes and cockroaches, and all Molluses but mussels and snails, as non-typical. For this reason a course of Zoology which confines itself entirely or largely to “ types,” or, as we prefer to call them,’ examples, is certain to be a singularly narrow and barren affair, and to leave the student with the vaguest and most erroneous ideas of the animal kingdom as a whole. This is especially the case when the number of examples is small, each of the Phyla being represented by only one or two forms. In our opinion every group which cannot readily and intel- ligibly be described in terms of some other group should be represented, in an elementary course of Zoology, by an example. We have, therefore, in the majority of cases, described, in some detail, an example of every important class, and, in cases where the diversity of organisation is very great—as in Crustacea and Fishes—two or more examples are taken. The student is thus furnished with a brief account of at least one member—usually readily accessible—of all the principal groups of animals. By the time the example has been studied, a definition of the class and of its orders will convey some idea to the mind, and will 1 Following a suggestion for which we are indebted to Dr. Alexander Hill, Master of Downing College, Cambridge. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION vii serve to show which of the characters already met with are of distinctive importance, and which special to the example itself In order to bring out this point more clearly, to furnish a connec- tion between the account of the example and that of the class asa whole, and to give some idea of the meaning of specific, generic, and family characters, we have introduced, after the classification, a paragraph giving the systematic position of the example, some- times in more, sometimes in less detail. Following the table of classification with its brief definitions comes the general account of the group. This is usually treated according to the comparative method, the leading modifications of the various parts and organs being described seriatim. In a few cases this plan has been abandoned and the class described order by order, but this is done only when the deviations from the type are so considerable as to lead us to think the comparative method unsuitable for beginners. On the other hand, when all the classes of the phylum present a very uniform type of structure, the phylum is studied comparatively as a whole. The description of each group usually ends with some account of its ethology and distribution, and with a discussion of its affinities and of the mutual relationships of its various subdivisions. We have done our best to make the space devoted to each group proportional to its complexity and range of variation, and to subdue the natural tendency to devote most attention to the more recently investigated classes, or to those in which we ourselves happen to be especially interested. A few lesser groups have been put into small type, partly to economise space, partly because they seem to us to be of minor importance to the beginner. Following out the plan of deferring the discussion of general questions until the facts with which they are connected have been brought forward, we have placed the sections on Distribution, on the Philosophy of Zoology, and on the History of Zoology at the end of the book. We have, however, placed a general account of the structure and physiology of animals immediately after the Introduction, and one on the Craniate Vertebrata before the description of the classes of that division, but it will be obvious that these deviations from the strictly inductive method were inevitable in order to avoid much needless repetition. After a good deal of consideration we have decided to omit all viii PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION references to the literature of the subject in the body of the work. Anything like consistent historical treatment would be out of place in an elementary book; and the introduction of casual references to particular discoveries, while they might interest the more advanced reader by giving a kind of personal colouring to the subject, could hardly fail, from their necessarily limited character, to be misleading to the beginner, and to increase rather than diminish his difficulties. We have, therefore, postponed all reference to the history of the science to the concluding Section, in which the main lines of progress are set forth, and have given, as an Appendix, a guide to the modern literature of Zoology. The latter is intended merely to indicate the next step to be taken by the student who wishes to acquire something more than a mere text-book knowledge. The various Sections have been written by the authors in fairly equal proportions, but the work of each has been carefully read and criticised by the other, and no disputed point has been allowed to stand without thorough discussion. We are therefore jointly and severally responsible for the whole work. A very large proportion of the figures have been specially drawn and engraved for the book. Those in which no source is named are from our own drawings, with the exception of Figs. 571, 572, 1017, 1018, 1019, 1022, 1059, 1063, and 1071, for which we are indebted to Mrs. W. A. Haswell. Figs 1002 bis, 1005 bzs, are from photographs kindly taken for us by Mr. A. Hamilton.? Many blocks have been borrowed from well-known works, to the authors and publishers of which we beg to return our sincere acknowledg- ments. All the new figures have been drawn by Mr. M. P. Parker. 1 Tn this connection we cannot resist the pleasure of quoting two passages, exactly expressing our own views, from the preface to Dr. Waller’s Human Physiology, which came under our notice after the above paragraph was in type !— ‘‘T have given a Bibliography after some hesitation, feeling that references to original papers are of no use to junior students, and must be too imperfect to be satisfactory to more advanced students... Attention has been paid to recent work, but I have felt that the gradually-formed deposit of accepted know- ledge must be of greater intrinsic value than the latest ‘discovery’ or the newest theory. An early mental diet in which these items are predominant is an unwholesome diet ; their function in elementary instruction is that of condi- ments, valuable only in conjunction with a foundation of solid food.” * The figures referred to are numbered 608, 609, 1080, 1081, 1082, 1085, 1128, 1132, 1140, 1063, and 1067 in the new edition, PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION ix We have received generous assistance from Professors Arthur Dendy, G. B. Howes, Baldwin Spencer, and J. T. Wilson, and from Mr. J. P. Hill and Dr. Arthur Willey. Professor W. N. Parker has very kindly read the whole of the proof-sheets and favoured us with many valuable suggestions, besides acting as referee in numerous minor difficulties which would otherwise have cost a delay of many weeks. It is a mere truism to say that a text-book can never really reflect the existing state of the science of which it treats, but must necessarily be to some extent out of date at the time of publication. In the present instance, the revises of the earlier pages, giving the last opportunity for any but minor alterations, were corrected in the latter part of 1895, and the sheets passed for press in the middle of 1896. We are, therefore, fully alive to the fact that much of our work already needs a thorough revision, and can console ourselves only by reflecting that “to travel hope- fully is a better thing than to arrive, and the true success is to labour.” We may mention, in conclusion, that, whatever may be the merits or demerits of the book, it enjoys the distinction of being unique in one respect. The two authors have been separated from one another, during the greater part of their collaboration, by a distance of 1200 miles, and the manuscript, proofs, and drawings have had to traverse half the circumference of the globe in their journeys between the authors on the one hand, and the publishers, printers, artist, and engravers on the other. It will, therefore, be readily believed that all persons concerned have had every oppor- tunity, during the progress of the work, of exercising the supreme virtue of patience. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION A NEW edition of this Text-Book has been called for on some- what short notice, and, had it not been for the assistance generously rendered by Professor W. Newton Parker, who has helped me greatly in the revision of the proofs, and has made a large number of useful suggestions, it would have been impossible for me to have completed the work within the time prescribed. Fortunately, also, materials for the most important of the alterations and additions had been already, to a certain extent, prepared. The original plan of the work has not been in any way altered, and, though all parts have been subjected to careful revision, there is a good deal, especially in the descriptions of many of the examples, which has not been materially changed. On the other hand, some parts have been to a great extent re-written, and a good many illustrations have been added, a fair proportion of which are new to text-books of this description. T have the pleasure of acknowledging assistance on special points received from Professor J. P. Hill, Mr. 8. J. Johnston, B.A., B.Sc., Mr. E. J. Goddard, B.A., D.Sc., and Mr. H. L. Kesteven, B.Sc., all of the University of Sydney. A good many of the new illustra- tions were re-drawn by W. Birmingham, Laboratory Assistant, Department of Biology. W. A. HASWELL. CONTENTS PREFACE List oF Lunumeeerions IN Won, I. TABLE OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL eens ‘ IntROpUCTION THE GENERAL STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS , . Ameeba. . The Animal Cell . The Ovum: Maturation, lnpregnation, sci Seotnentabion SECTION I Germinal Layers . Tissues Organs . The Reproduction of eels . Symmetry. . . The Primary Subaiisions or Phyla of the Antinal Kingdom SECTION TI Puytum Prorozoa Class I. Rhizopoda 1. Example of the Class — Ameeben proteus Systematic Position of the Example Appendix to the Rhizopoda Class II. Mycetozoa 1. Example of the Class— Didiwnines Rear me 2. General Remarks . Class III. Mastigophora 1. Example of the Class—Euglena ene 2. Classification and General Organisation . Systematic Position of the Example Class IV. Sporozoa 1, Example of the Clase onoeustis ag re 2. Classification and General Organisation . Systematic Position of the Example the xiv CONTENTS Puytum Prorozoa—continued. Class V. Infusoria 1. Example of the Class—Par comeectaume , cauddatrm 2. Classification and General Organisation . Systematic Position of the Example Further Remarks on the Protozoa SECTION III Puytum anp Crass Porrrera [Parazoa] . 1. Example of the Class—Sycon gelatinoswm 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Example 3. General Organisation SECTION IV PuyLumM C&LENTERATA Class I. Hydrozoa.. 1. Example of the Chacon 2. General Structure and Classification Systematic Position of the Example Additional Remarks Class IL. Seyphozoa : 1. Example of the Clings Anadtien aur he 2. General Structure and Classification Systematic Position of the Example Additional Remarks Class III. Actinozoa : eels of the Class—Tealiv crussicor its ! Distinctive Characters and Classification * askontatio Position of the Example 3. General Organisation Class IV. Ctenophora 2 : Example of the Class— Hor nabnioee: phenioen ‘ . Distinctive Characters and Classification ~Gaatematic Position of the Example 3. General Organisation . Appendix to Ctenophora— (tomipl nies and Cetopiaten. The Relationships of the Ccelenterata Appendix (II) to the Ceelenterata—The Mesozoc SECTION V Puytum PLATYHELMINTHES 1. Examples of the Phylum i. Planaria or Dendrocelum ii. Fasciola hepatica ii. Tenia solium PAGE 88 88 91 91 101 105 105 111 112 114 128 128 128 140 142 167 168 168 176 177 184 185 185 193 196 196 211 211 220 221 222 225 226 230 235 236 236 240 245 CONTENTS Paytumw PLATYHELMINTHES-—condrivued. 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Examples 3. General Organisation 4. Distribution, Mode of Ceauhiense, iad Mutoal Relationships Appendix to Platyhelminthes—Class Nemertinea . Distinctive Characters and Classification SECTION VI Puyitum NEMATHELMINTHES Class I. Nematoda : 1. Example of the Class—Ascamis toe oe 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Example 3. General Organisation Class II. Acanthocephala . Class III. Chetognatha Appendix to Nemathelminthes Family Chetosomide >», Lichinoderidee 3, Desmoscolecide . Affinities and Mutual Relationships of the Neinathelminthes SECTION VII Puytum TROCHELMINTHES Class I. Rotifera . 1. Example of the Class—Br wuchionus Geis 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Example 3. General Organisation . Class II. Gastrotricha Appendix to Trochelminthes—Dinophilea and Histr iobdellen SECTION VIII Puytum Mo.uvuscoipa Class I. Polyzoa . 1. Example of the Class—Bugula oe te 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Example 3. General Organisation . : Class II. Phoronida Class III. Brachiopoda ; 1. Example of the Class—Magellunia Tenbiouleg is 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Example 3. General Organisation . Mutual Relationships of the Classes of the Molluscoida XV1 H Shi ns CONTENTS SECTION IX Phylum Echinodermata . Example of the Asteroidea—Asterias rubens or Andie aien favrwons . Example of the Echinoidea—trongilocentrotus or Echinis . Example of the Holothuroidea—Cuenmaria or Colochiris . The Crinoidea—Antedon rosacea, . Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Examples . . General Organisation SECTION X Prytum ANNULATA Class I. Cheetopoda 1. Examples of the Class 1. Nereis dwmerilii LL. Lwmbricus . 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Examples . General Organisation poe to the Chetopoda—Class Myzostomida Class I. Gephyrea i Example of the Cis Shaan nadits . Distinctive Characters and Classification 3 General Organisation Class III. Archi-annelida Class IV. Hirudinea . 1. Example of the Class—Hirudo medicinulis aul Il. cuannilis 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Example 3. General Organisation . 4. General Remarks on the Annulata SECTION XI PHyLtum ARTHROPODA Class I. Crustacea 1. Examples of the Class i. Apus or Lepidurus i. Astacus fluviatilis 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Examples 3. General Organisation . Affinities and Mutual Relationships . Appendix to Crustacea—Class Trilobita Class II. Onychophora Class ITI. Myriapoda 1. Distinctive Characters and Classification 2. General Organisation , CONTENTS Payira ARTHROPODA —cond inwed. Class IV. Insecta ok ‘ - ea: uf the Class—Periplanetu or ‘untae, or P. comericone . Distinctive Characters and Classitication Systematic Position of the Example . General Organisation Class v Arachnida : 1. Example of the Cassia isinepio ov Buthus 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification 3. General Oreanisation Appendix to the Aquelnile ihe Pre an Landa: and Tardiyrada , Relations of the Air- breathing ke siropuda SECTION XII Puyitum Mouuusca Class I. Pelecypoda 1. Example of the Clad Audis wad Unio 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Examples 3. General Organisation Class II. Amphineura 1. Distinctive Characters and Chuadifention 2. General Organisation ee ay i Class III. Gastropoda 1. Example of the Class—T'r von wotlifer: us 2. Distinctive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Example 3. General Organisation , Appendix to the Gastropoda A. Class Scaphoda B. Rhodope Class V. Cephalopoda 1. Examples of the Class i, Sepiu Neulilnus pompilins 2. “DisGneive Characters and Classification Systematic Position of the Examples 5. General Organisation . : General Remarks on the Mollascn : VoL. 1 b ne a 5 SO TED ot me ee LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VOL. I. Amceba proteus . Ameeba polypodia, fission Alveolar theory of Protoplasm Reticular theory of Protoplasm . Diagrams illustrating se him . Ovum of Sea-urchin . Maturation and fertilisation of ovum Segmentation of ovum . Gastrulation . Gastrula ‘ . . Various forms of apitheliun 2. Diagram to illustrate structure of siands . Gelatinous connective tissue . . Reticular connective tissue . Fatty tissue . Hyaline cartilage . Fibro-cartilage . . Bone . Unstriped Musvle . Striped Muscle . . Nerve-cells . Nerve-fibres . Various forms of spermatozoa . Viscera of Frog . Bones of human arm with jiveng muscle . Nervous system of Frog . . Hydra. ‘ . Diagram of axes of oles . Radial symmetry . Amceba, various species . . Protamceba primitiva . Quadrula, Hyalosphenia, Rvcalle, wail Difflugia. 3. Microgromia socialis d , : : LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . Platoum stercoreum . Various forms of Howmpinien 5. Shells of Foraminifera . Hastigerina murrayi . Dimorphism and alternation at sncmuinne in Polystomella . Actinophrys sol. . Actinosphzrium eichhornii . Various forms of Heliozoa . Actinophrys sol, conjugation . Lithocircus annularis : . Thalassoplancta brevispicula . . Aulactinium actinastrum . Actinomma asteracanthion . Collozoum inerme . Chlamydomyxa inpyainbhalundes . Labyrinthula 50. Didymium diffurme . Euglena viridis . . Various forms of Flagellata . Trypanosome ” . Vorticella . : . Zoothamnium arbuscula . 5. Opalina ranarum . Various forms of Paritiauliters . Diagram showing the mutual pie of the Protonod . Sycon gelatinosum Heematococcus lueialis . Pandorina morum . Volvox globator . Heteromita rostrata . . Various forms of Choanoflagellata . Various forms of Dinoflagellata . Noctiluca miliaris . Monocystis . . Gregarina re development . Eimeria and Coccidium . Coccidium, Life-history . . Malaria Parasite . Myxidium and Myzxobolus . Sarcocystis miescheri . Parameecium caudatum Br $5 conjugation 71. Various forms of Ciliata . a o 5 nieniied: ite ‘is transverse section . » ‘9 vertical section LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS xxi FIG. PAGE 82. Sycon gelatinosum, pore-membrane —. i re é , . 109 83. a apopyle .. ok . 109 84. Extemal form of various arate ee . 1 85. Ascetta primordialis. . . ; i -@ ( T6 86. Diagrams of canal system of various Genes a: ‘ . 1a 87. Vertical Section of Spongilla, . . . 118 88. Cells of ectoderm of Sponge . : . . 11g 89. Development of tri-radiate Spicule 120 90. Skeleton of various Sponges... : . 11 91. Various forms of Sponge Spicules ‘ F . 122 92. Pheronema Carpenteri . .. 123 93. Larva of Clathrina blanca ; » , 1d 94. Development of Sycon raphanus : : : 125 95. Obelia. , tz Hh ae Sg . 180 96. 4, Vertical Seaton of polype P fh e 8 . 132 97. Nematocysts of Hydra & @ Se of . . 183 98. Tentacle of Eucopella . . ; be 134 99. Obelia, medusa . bo oR . 2. 1385 100. Diagram of medusa . » oo. 136 101. Derivation of medusa from oulpe ok . , 137 102. Projections of polype and medusa. 2 »~ . . 188 103. Development of zoophyte DA at mow oa Ge a MO 104, Bougainvillea ramosa é ae »- . . 144 105. Various forms of Leptoline . i . 145 106. Ceratella . . . 146 107. Hydra... =. oe : 147 108. Protohydra Deckert . : . 148 109. Various forms of leptoline Medusze 150 110. Diagram illustrating formation of sporosac by degeneration ae medusa... ce ee ce oe 151 111. Early development of Bucope a ee ee . 152 112. Two Trachymeduse. . . .. » we 164 113. Two Narcomedusze : : ae » . 154 114. Aiginura, tentaculocyst ‘ : ee 155 115. Larva of Adginopsis . : , . . 156 116. Millepora alcicornis, skeleton co ah se . 157 117. Millepora, diagram of structure . . .. : 158 118. Stylaster sanguineus, skeleton . . . . . 159 119. Halistemma tergestinum r ek bm te of . 160 120. Diagram of a Siphonophore e OR ew Te oe ow og 162 121. Development of Halistemma . RS . , 163 122. Physalia .. : . 164 123. Diphyes eanpanulas . 165 124. Porpita Pacifica 3 P . 166 125. Graptolites er . 167 126. Aurelia aurita, dorsal ail ventral views : . 169 127. 3 », side view and vertical section . . ii 128, Re », portion of umbrella with tentaculocyst —, : . 172 xxi FIG. 120). 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170, 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176, LIST OF JLLUSTRATIONS Aurelia aurita, development , Tessera princeps Lucernaria . Pericolpa quadrigata Nausithée . Charybdzea marsupialis Pilema pulmo Pelagia noctiluca, dev epien Tealia crassicornis, dissection and transverse decead Diagrammatic sections of Sea-anemone Tealia crassicornis, section of tentacle , Nematocysts of Sagartia Section of mesenteric filament: of Savartia Transverse sections of embryos of Actinia . Zoanthus sociatus Hartea elegans . Corallium rubrum Astrea pallida Pennatula sulcata Tubipora musica Edwardsia claparédii Cirripathes anguina . Fenja mirabilis . Minyas : Alcyonium palmatum Gorgonia verrucosa Structure of simple coral Dendrophyllia and Madrepora Adamasia palliata Hormiphora plumosa ‘ : 5 <9 dissection and transverse section a 3 diagrammatic sections 5 aig section of branch of tentacle ee sense-organ . ( Dvum af Lampetia Segmentation of vosperm in Cishophans Development of Ctenophora Development of Callianira : : ” ” (later stages) Three Cydippida Deiopea kaloknenota Cestus veneris Berée forskalii Ctenoplana kowalevskii : Sections of embryos of Actinia sini Berve . Diagram illustrating the mutual relationships of the Cuslenterata Dicyema paradoxum with infusoriform embryos ys ” >» Vermiform 3 PAaGk 174 178 178 179 180 181 183 184 186 188 190 190 191 195 197 197 198 198 199 199 200 201 202 202 205 204 206 207 209 211 212 214 215 216 217 218 218 218 219 222 223 223 224 225 228 229 230 230 Fic. Wi 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213, 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221, 222. 223. 224.. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . Dicyema paradoxum, male Rhopalura giardii, male . » female Salinella, longitudinal section a5 transverse sig Planaria, digestive and excretory systems . sa nervous system 3 reproductive system Transverse section of a Planarian . Distomum hepaticum ‘ iy 9 section of integument es i internal organisation = a terminal part of reproductive apaeatue 3 - development Tenia solium ~ », head ws ;, transverse section " 55 proglottis i » Tipe proglottis i » development Various Planarians Gunda segmentata Digenetic Trematodes Gyrodactylus and Polystomum Temnocephala Actinodactylella Tetrarhynchus Tenia echinococeus . Ligula . . Caryophylleus Gyrocotyle . Archigetes . . ; Section of body-wall ‘ol a Tr felad Parenchyma of Flat-worm Diagram of Rhabdoceele . . +, Polyclad . a », Triclad Flame-cell . Reproductive organs of Mesostomum ehrenbergii Development of a Polyclad Miiller’s larva Embryos of Dendroccelum Embryo of Temnocephala cE ” ACysticercoid . 2. 2... i with head evaginated Cyst of Tenia echinococcus Scolices ,, et he fo be iS be WS fH re tS re. te She ws LIST OF TLLUSTRATIONS 225. Seolex of Tenia echinococcus 3. Process of budding in Microstomum : . Diagram of the relationships of the Pliehelminthes ‘en Nemer- tinea . Diagram of N Serieviiie . Proboscis of Nemertine . Tetrastemima : . Anterior portion of Nemertine —. ‘ Proboscis of Hoplonemertean, retracted 5 $3 5 everted . Transverse section of Nemertine 5. Vascular and excretory systems of Beniwrkine 36. Pilidium . Ascaris lumbricoides ; : +3 i transverse section 55 muscle tibres hs es dissection of female . Nervous system of Nematoda : . Ascaris lumbricoides, dissection of male organs ” 3. Body-wall of platymyarian Nematode . Dochmius duodenalis r 5. Transverse section of Gordius 3. Oxyuris 7. Gordius, paatany . Development of Ascaris nigrovenosa . Trichinella spiralis ; . Two species of Echinorhynchus (Gigantor lenichiues . Echinorhynchus gigas, dissection of male ii 7 re female as 33 Pe nephridia 3 female organs dD. Sawin ‘helinten », bipunctata, transverse S Racitnaie +5 = head », hexaptera, eye . Development of Sagitta 260. Cheetosoma 31. Echinoderes 32. Desmoscolex 33. A trochophorc . Brachionus rubens, female 33 33 pharynx . ay a male and female, witht acon re 7. Diagram of a Rotifer iS, Pusasclanii asplanchnus 9. Typical forms of Rotifera ” ” ” ” a mastax , fi . A ‘ PAQr 282 283 287 289 290 291 292 292 292 293 293 294 298 299 300 301 302 308 305 306 306 307 308 309 311 313 314 314 315 315 316 317 317 318 318 319 320 320 322 324 325 326 327 329 331 332 333 FIG. 272. 273. vv. 275. 270. ore mid. 278. 279, 280. 281. 28y. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289, 290, 291. 292, 293. 294. 295, 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312, 313. 314, 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Cheetonotus maximus , aa anatomy Dinephilus teeniatus . Stratiodrilus tasmanicus Bugula avicularia Development of Bugula ” x Larva of Bugula Plumatella . Cristatella Lophopus Pedicellina . Phoronis australis se + free end oe 8 internal organisation a a section sip development Magellania flavescens, shell me lenticularis, anatomy . 5 flavescens, lophophore sn muscular system . Terebratula, nervous system, &e. Typical Brachiopods a anatomy Tlevalopaient of Cistella . Larva of Cistella Development of Cistella . Lophophore of embryo Brachivpod Diagrams of oe Polyzoon and Phaiwnts Startish, oral aspect ss vertical section of arm #5 ambulacral system Starfish, portion of vertical section of arm "3 diagrammatic sections Asterias rubens, digestive system . Astropecten, section of stone-canal Anthenea flavescens, dissection from dorsal aapoct Asterias rubens, structure ‘ Anthenea flavescens, lateral disenation, dorsal surface $5 ventral surface Asterina gibbosa, development 9 *Y M9 ” bed ah = larva ad ” ¥3 35 exigua, young duties nammepliicis Asterina gibbosa, development Apical system of young Starfish “xvi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 320. Echinus esculentus, peristome . . B94 321. Strongylocentrotus .. » 395 3zz. Corona of Sea-urchin 396 323. Apical dise of Sea-urchin 397 324. Echinus, lantern of Aristotle . 897 325. Sea-urchin, anatomy, lateral view ; . 398 326. Echinoid, transverse section of ambulacral zone ; , 399 327. Sea-urchin, anatomy, oral view. ‘ j 400 328. Cucumaria planci —. fl ok is. ty . 401 329, Anatomy of « Holothurian — , : . 403 330. Antedon —. ; F . 405 331. Aboral view of Antedon ‘ : . 406 332. Antedon dise . . .. . + 406 333. is transverse section of pinnule ' F . 407 334, ss sagittal section . ‘ ; ; . 408 335. Anthenea, ventral view : 419 336. Ophioglypha lacertosa : , 420 337. Astrophyton arborescens . 421 338. Diagram of spine of Sea-urchin F : . 422 339. Pedicellaria of Arbacia punctulata 5 : . 422 340. Hemipneustes radiatus . . : : . 423 341. Clypeaster sub-depressus se 428 342. Metacrinus interruptus. . 424 343. Development of Echinoderms . 431 344. 6 » Antedon : & 4 . . 432 345, Diagram to illustrate the relationships of the classes of Echino- dermata . . . : ae: , : ‘ . 433 346. Nereis dumerilii 3 437 B47. 4 “ parapodium 440 348. 33 a sete. ‘ 441 349, Nereis diversicolor, proboscis 443 350. Nereis dumerilii, anatomy 444 351. 5 % transverse section 445 352. Pe ‘5 nervous system . 446 353 ‘a ne eye S. 4 447 Bod, i i dumerilii, nephridium . 448 355. 5 = development —, ; 451 356. is rr i“ .. +% 453 357. Lumbricus herculeus : . 454 358. a setze . ; j : : . 455 359. a transverse section , . , ‘ . 456 360. i herculeus, sagittal section . c ¢ w 457 361. ee nervous system, . ; , . . 459 362. 5 nephridium : : : . 460 363. a reproductive organs . : 462 364. 3 development . ; : . 463 365. Polynde setosissima. 467 366. Vermilia ccespitosa . 468 aw ws wow te te TIT aT AT i OS fort eo) fo oie | ww oD wm ws Re Oe FC OR WI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS 7. Chastopterus . Sete of various Polyelietn . Section of setigerous sac of an Oligochiete Polynée extenuata, anterior end . Polychzta, various, heads . Tubifex . Terebella . Aphrodita, enteric canal . Saccocirrus, transverse section . Phyllodoce, nephridium . . Nephridia and ccelomoducts . Diagram illustrating development. of gonad of Polychieta ; Sotrorbis levis. . Eupomatus, development of Se ee . Autolytus cornutus, budding 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389, 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404, 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. T 414, Syllis ramosa Serpule with their tubes Myzostomum a anatomy . Sipunculus nudus, anterior extremity . ae “9 tentacular fold a5 aS anatomy 4) Nervous system Pgielts viridis, female Echiurus Priapulus Bonellia, anatomy Echiurus, ciliated funnel 3 anatomy sf nervous system Bonellia, male Echiurus, trochophore Polygordius neapolitanus Protodrilus Polygordius neapolitanus, transverse section trochophore ” ” fs 5 later stage Gwuds medicinalis ” 7 transverse section ” ” jaw a », australis, dissection dean dorsal aspect » australis, 9 » left side », Medicinalis, nephridium . 3 : diagram of blood-channels section of eye cocoon . Three Rhynchobdellida Proboscis, of Clepsine exviii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420, 421. 422 Nephridium of Herpohdella Pontobdella, nephridial system Clepsine, development: : Diagram of origin of metamerism . Diagram illustrating the relationships of the Amnulata and Trochelminthes . Apus cancriformis, dorsal epee Lepidurus kirkii, side view 2. Apus glacialis, ventral aspect 423. 424, 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 459. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444, 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459, 460. 461. +, appendages : Lepidurus kirkii, agiteal: section : Apus, transverse section », Shell-gland », cancriformis, nervous system », structure of paired eye », development Astacus fluviatilis, male . ‘6 5% appendages : = a articulations and inuscles of es Section of skin and exoskeleton of Lobster Articulations and muscles of abdomen of Crayfish Astacus fluviatilis, dissection from right side 56 44 gills is - kidney aa a transverse section of thorax . ste ie diagram of circulation a5 a nervous system 3 Wns reproductive organs ' a ee formation of the blastoderm , is 4 early embryo ” ie nauplius Aa Pe section of embryo advanced embryo Thre ee Bri shiclanpeda. », Cladocera Cypris . Cyclops and Calocalanus , Various forms of parasitic Eucopepoda Argulus foliaceus Lepas anatifera . Balanus Sacculina carcini Nebalia geoffroyi Paranaspides Mysis oculata Diastylis Gammarus . 539 eo og wows: ole LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS » Asellus . Amphipoda . Isopoda . . Shrimp and Prawn 5. Scyllarus arctus . Pagurus bernhardus 8. Cancer pagurus . . Typical Brachyura . Squilla : . Orchestia cavimana, anmbony 72. Euphausia pellucida . 3. Nervous system of Crab . Cypris-stage of Lepas 5. Larvee of Crabs . . Diagram illustrating the mutual relationships “ot the orders at Crustacea . . Dalmanites and Phacops . Triarthrus beckii . Peripatus capensis 35 a3 ventral view of head anatomy » tracheal pit » nephridium . > hove zealandie, development » capensis . Scolopendrella immaculata . Scolopendra F . Lithobius forficatus . . Pauropus huxleyi . Strongylostoma, developrasnt. . Periplaneta americana oe mouth-parts . : = americana, lateral view of inaad <5 muscular system . ea anatomy salivary glands ; Tisohes of caterpillar . Periplaneta, tracheal system . o nervous system : 3 male reproductive organs . 43 female reproductive organs . Segmentation of ovum of Insect . Ventral plate of embryo Cockroach . Embryo Cockroach . Lepisma . Podura . Locusta . Ephemera . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . Aphis rose Cicada . . Culex and larva . Gastrophilus equi . Pieris . Crioceris . Section of integument of Taseet . Mouth-parts of Honey-bee ne », Diptera 35 », Lepidoptera 9. Digestive organs of Beetle . Nervous, tracheal, and digestive systems of the Honey-bee . Tracheal gills of Ephemerid . Heart of Cockchafer . . Nervous system of Diptera . Ocallus of Dytiscus larva . Chordotenal organ of Isopteryx 3. Sexual apparatus of Honey-bee . Segmentation of ovum of Insect . Germinal layers and amnion of Insect . 9. Development of Hydrophilus . ” . Apis relies, queen, weukon. and annie . Formica rufa . Euscorpio . Ventral surface of cephalothorax and pre- sndonie of Scorpion . Endosternite of Scorpion 3. Scorpion, anatomy, lateral view i i dorsal, development . Embryo of Scorpion . Chelifer bravaisii . Phrynus . Galeodes dastaguei 3. Epeira diadenia d as », chelicere and pedipalpi of female ” ” » male . Sarcoptes eatlinet . Trombidium fuliginosum . . Limulus a ventral view . Eurypterus fischeri . . Anatomy of dipneumonous Spider . Limulus, sayittal section 3. Lung-book of spider . Tracheal system of Spider . Gill-books of Limulus . Lateral eye of Euscorpius . Central eye of Kuscorpius PAGE 633 - 634 634 634 635 635 636 637 638 639 641 642 643 643 644 645 645 646 648 649 650 650 652 652 654 654 655 657 658 659 659 662 663 663 664 664 664 665 665 666 667 668 669 670 670 670 671 671 672 bt oe he Ot Or se Ge Se Noe aS aes aS aS aS as S| Co ee LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . Nymphon hispidum . 9. Pentastomum teenioides . Macrobiotus hufelandi , ‘4 . Diagram to illustrate aftinities of Aiehnpods . Anodonta cygnea ; 1 oe A aa en eee: is »» interior of valve and avivial removed from shell . 3 section of shell and mantle . ‘ - vygnea, animal after removal of mantle- lobe », dissection from left side a », structure of gills as », transverse sections A diayram of circulation a statocyst . si early embryu sy later embryos . ~ advanced embryo ie metamorphosis . Anatomy of Pecten . . Valves of Mya, Modiola, and Velleclle . Cardium edule . Venus gnidia . Serobicularia piperata . Solecurtus strigillatus . Diagram of concrescence of mantle-lobes . Requienia and Hippurites . Teredo navalis . Aspergillum . Mytilus edulis 3. Nucula delphinodonta . Gills of Pelecypoda . Gill-tilaments of Mytilus . Dissection of Poromya . Donax, enteric canal 5 . Nervous system and auditory organs of N eeain:, . Eye of Pecten . Development of Ustrea . Veliger of Ostrea . Embryos of Cyclas . . Diagram illustrating the mutual ielshiuushipe of the Belkeypoda . Chetoderma nitidulum . Neomenia carinata . . Chiton, spinosus, dorsal view » ventral view 5 valves of shell . Chetoderma nitidulum, longitudinal acetien . Chiton, longitudinal section . Nervous system of Amphineura . Neomenia carinata, reproductive organs 3. Chiton, nephridijal and genital systems XXXI TAGE 674 674 675 678 681 682 683 685 686 687 688 690 691 692 692 693 694 697 698 698 699 699 700 700 TOL 701 702 702 703 704 705 705 706 707 708 709 709 710 712 713 714 714 714 71a 716 717 717 718 719 EXIM LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG, 607. 608. 609, 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646, 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. 654. 655. Chitun, development Triton nodiferus, shell Triton nodiferus, shell, median section operculum . lateral view of body diagram of introvert dissection from dorsal side buccal mass vertical section of yucca cavity nervous system from dorsal side ” bel > ” a6 section of eye Diagrams ef digplacement of mantle-cavity, &c. Solarium perspectivum Terebra oculata Cypraea moneta . Doris tuberculata Carinaria mediterranea Limax . Sigaretus levigatus Aplysia Shell-bearing Peedi Atlanta peronii . Pterotrachea scutata Helix nemoralis Pleurophyllidia lineata Patella vulgata . : Pulmonary cavity and related parts in Limax Nervous system of Patella Nervous system of Aplysia de » Limneus . Eyes of Gastropoda Osphradium of Murex Reproductive organs of Helix Hermaphrodite gland of Gastropoda Forms of egg-cases in Gastropoda , Segmentation and formation of germinal Deen in acount Early development of Patella ‘Trochophore of Patella Later trochophore of Patella Veliger of Vermetus Diagram illustrating the pelitionships of the Gastropoda Dentalium, section of shell - anatomy ” larvee Rhodope Sepia cultrata Sepia, cultrata, shell agro chromatophore xt and related parts, lateral view . FIG. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 661. 662. 663. 664, 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Sepia, cultrata, cranial cartilage 56 i nuchal cartilage fe a mantle-cavity », officinalis, jaws »> section of buccal mass . », officinalis, enteric canal ‘ », cultrata, dissection of male from pnstedian aspect 9 5 lateral dissection of male », Officinalis, longitudinal section of ink-sac », cultrata, vascular system 34 ya cephalic ganglia ; “6 ia pedal and pleuro-visceral guiglia >, section of eye >, cultrata, statolith . >, Officinalis, renal organs an 55 diagrammatic sagittal aeobian ae femule.. »» male reproductive organs >> | Sperms and spermatophore Nautilus pompilius, section of shell 5 female in shell Nautilus macromphalus, entire animal . Nautilus pompilius, lobe of foot 5 3 spadix a 45 cephalic cartilage . mantle-cavity of male . : a dissection of male from left side i = arteries renal sacs, sentdin, Se. male reproductive organs female 9 i “3 minoramiphinluy; egs . Octopus vulgaris Loligo vulgaris Argonauta argo . Octopus lentus, male Amphitretus pelagicus Shell of Spirula . Spirula peronii . Ammonite . Shell of Belemnite a Argonauta argo . Segmentation of Loligo Blastoderm of Sepia », sections . Development of Loligo ” ” ed ”” ” ” ” Dae to ‘liustrate the relationships of the Cephalopoda VOL, I XXNUi PAGE 763 763 764 765 766 766 167 768 769 CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM IN THIS BOOK. KINGDOM ANIMALIA. Paytrm I. PROTOZOA. Class I. RHIZOPODA. Order 4. CysToFLAGELLATA. Order 1. Loposa. Class IV. SPOROZOA. >, 2. FORAMINIFERA. Order 1. GREGARINIDA. >, 3. HELIOZOA. », 2. CoccrpiIpBA. sae aS RaDIOLARIA. 5, -3. HAMOSPORIDIA. Class II. MYCETOZOA. » 4. MyYXOSPORIDEA. Class III. MASTIGOPHORA. 5) 0. SARCOCYSTIDEA. Order 1. FLAGELLATA. Class V. INFUSORIA. 3, 2. CHOANOFLAGELLATS. Order 1, CrLrava. >, 3 DINOFLAGELLATA. > 2. TENTACULIFERA. Puyittum Il. PORIFERA. Class PORIFERA. Order 2. Hrterocara. Sub-class I. Calcarea. Sub-class II. Hexactinellida. Order 1. Homocana. a IIT. Demospongia. Puytum TII. CAfALENTERATA. Class I. HYDROZOA. Sub-class I. Zoantharia. Order 1. LEPToLin x. Order 1. ACTINIARIA. Sub-order a. Anthomeduse, »> 2 MADREPORARIA, &n b, Leptomeduser, ., 3. ANTIPATHARIA, Order 2. TRACHYLIN-E. Sub-class IT. Aleyonaria. Class II. SCYPHOZOA. Sub-order «. Trachymedusu. Order 1. STAUROMEDUS.E. ie b. Narcomedusr, >, 2 Coronata, Order 3. HyDROCORALLINA. » 3 CUBOMEDUSE. >, + SIPHONOPHORA, » 4 DiscomEDUs£. >> 9 GRAPTOLITHIDA. Sub-order a. Semostome. » 4 ALCYONACEA. = b. Rhizostome, +) Oe GORGONACEA, Class III. ACTINOZOA. > 6. PENNATULACEA, VOL, I cm XXV1 Puyium Il. Class IV. CTENOPHORA. Order 1. Cypippipa. >, 2. LosBata. > 3 CESTIDA, >, + Rerory. Puyiem IV. Class I. TURBELLARIA. Order 1. PoLtyenLabIpa. » 2 TRICLADIDA. » 38 REHABDOCELIDA, Class II]. TREMATODA. Order 1. MoxoukNetica. ») 2 DIGENETICA. Puyirm V. Class I. NEMATODA. Order 1. NEMATOIDEA. >» 2. NEMATOMORPHA. Class II. ACANTHOCEPHALA. Puvirm VI. Class I. ROTIFLRA. Order 1. Ruizor., » 2 BdELLOIDA, 152 Be EBON, Sub-order a. IMoricatau, ee bh. Lovicata, Order 4. ScIRTOPODA. Puyitm VII. Class I. POLYZOA. Sub-class I. Ectoprocta. Order 1. GYMNOL“MATA. Sub-order a. Cyclostomata. ” b. ” c. Pryium VIII. Class I. ASTEROIDEA. Order 1. PHANEROZONIA, > 2. CRYPTOZONIA. Class 1I. OPHIUROIDEA. Order 1. Lysopmiviz. » 2 STREPTOPHICE. Chetlostomutu, Clenostomata, CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM CURKLENTERATA—continued, Appendix to Ctenophora—Clenoplany and Cteloplana. Order 1. PLatycTENEa. Appendix (II) to Ciwlenterata—Jlesozoa. PLATYHELMINTHES. Order 3. ASPIDOCOTYLEA. » 4 TEMNOCEPHALEA. Class III. CESTODA. Order 1. Moxozoa. 4 fe POINZOA. Appendix to Platyhelminthes—Class NEMERTINEA. NEMATHELMINTHES. Class III. CHAETOGNATHA. Appendix to Nemathelminthes—Chw- tosomidiv, Hehinodarvida, and Desmos- colecidir, TROCHELMINTHES. Order 5. TRoCHOSPH.ERIDA. > 6 SELSONIDA, Class II. GASTROTRICHA. Appendix to Trochelminthes—Dino- philew and Histriohdellea, MOLLUSCOIDA. Order 2. PHyLacroLaMAta, Sub-class II. Endoprocta. Class II]. PHORONIDA. » III. BRACHIOPODA. Order 1. INarticuLata. >> «2 ARTICULATA, ECHINODERMATA. Order 3. ChapoPHivin. »> 4&4 ZYGOPHIURE. Class III. ECHINOIDEA. Order 1. REecunartra. + 2. CLYPEASTRIDEA. >, 38. SPATANGOIDEA. CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Puytum VIII. Class IV. HOLOTHUROIDEA. Order 1, Enasreopa. » 2 PeDATA, » & APODA. Class V. CRINOIDEA. Sub-class I, Monocyclica. Pirytcm IX. Class I. CHETOPODA. Sub-class I. Polycheta. Order 1. ARcHI-CHATOPODA. > 2. PHANEROCEPHALA, 5, 3. CRYPTOCEPHALA. Sub-class II. Oligocheta. Order 1, MicropRti. >> 2 MEGADRILI. Appendix to the Chetopoda—Class MYZOSTOMIDA. ECHINODERMATA—continued. Sub-class II. Dicyelica. Class VI. CYSTOIDEA,. », WII. BLASTOIDEA. » VIII. EDRIASTEROIDEA. » IX. CARPOIDEA, ANNULATA. / Mey Kapit © Class II. @EPHYREA. Order 1. Inermta. >» 2 ARMATA, Class III. ARCHI-ANNELIDA. », IV. HIRUDINEA. Order 1. RHYNCHOBDELLIDA. » 2. ARHYNCHOBDELLIDA. Sub-order 1. Gnathobdellida. oe 2. Herpohdellida. Paytum X. ARTHRORODA. Class I. CRUSTACEA. Sub-class I. Branchiopoda. Order 1. ANoSTRACA. » 2 Norostrac.. >, 938. CONCHOSTRACA. », + CLADOGERA, Sub-class II. Ostracoda. 5, IIL. Copepoda. Order 1. Evcoprpopa. 3») 2 BRANCHIURA. Sub-class IV. Cirripedia. Order 1. EuctrrIpEDIA. >> 2 RAIZOCEPHALA. Sub-class V. Malacostraca. Order 1. MysipacEa. 2. CUMACEA. > 3. TANAIDACEA. 4. Isopopa. 3) oO. AMPHIPODA,. Sub-order 1. Macrura. me 2. Anomura, 54 3. Brachyura. Appendix to Crustacea—Class LOBITA. ‘ Class II. ONYCHOPHORA. », II]. MYRIAPODA. Sub-class I. Progoneata, Order 1. Pavroropa. >» 2. Dreropopa. >», 93 SyYMPHYLA. Sub-class II. Opisthogoneata. Order 1. CHILOPoDA. Class IV. Insecta. (| ;+/. Order 1. ApTERa. . ORTHOPTERA. . NEUROPTERA. . HEMIPTERA. Diprrera, LepIpoprERa. . COLEOPTERA, - . HyMrENoprERA. Class V. ARACHNIDA. Order 1. Scorpronrpa. 5, 2. PSEUDOSCORPIONIDA. . PEDIPALPIDA. . SOLPUGIDA. . PHALANGIDA. ARANEIDA, . ACARIDA, . NIPHOSURA. . EKURYPTERIDA. to the ee 8) TRI- 5a ” Appendix OHOMTP HE we DIGRADA, XXxvii Arachnida—-The Pycxoconipa, Lincuatubipa, and Tar- XXXVili Puytum NI. Class I. PELECYPODA. Order 1, PRoTOBRANCHIA. 2. FILIBRANCHTA. »” ” > + EUChAMELLIBRANCHIA, Sub-order «a. Infeyripalliata. v5 db. Strupalliata. Order 5. SEPTIBRANCHIA,. Class Il. AMPHINEURA. Order 1. PLacopHora,. > 2. APLACOPHORA. Class III. GASTROPODA. Sub-class L. Streptoneura. Order 1. AsvIDOBRANCHTA. Sub-order 1. Docoglossa. 16 2. Rhipidoylosse, Pavium XII. Sub-pHyLuM I. ADELOCHORDA. Class ADELOCHORDA. Sun-pHyLum II. UROCHORDA. Class UROCHORDA. Order 1. Larvaces. so 2s AABIACHS, Sub-order «. Cyclomyurii. se b, Hemimyaria. 3 .. Pyrosomata, Order 3. ASCIDIACEA. Sub-order a. lscidi simplices, i hb. Aseidie composite, Sup-pHyLum IIT. EUCHORDA. Section I. Acrania. Section II. Craniata. Class I. CYCLOSTOMATA. Order 1. PETROMYZONTES. >» 2 Myninorpet. ‘Class II. PISCES. Sub-class I. Elasmobranchii. Order 1, CLADOSELACHII. » 2 PLEURACANTIET. > 3 ACANTITODET, >> F SELACTIT, 3. PskUDO-LAMELLIBRANCHIA, CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM MOLLUSCA. Order 2. PrcTINIBRANCHIA,. Sub-order 1. Platypoda. 4 2. Heteropoda. Sub-class II. Euthyneura. Order 1. OristHOBRANCHIA. Sub-order 1. Teetthranchia, és 2. Nudibranchia. Order 2. PULMONATA. Appendix to the Gastropoda—Class SCAPHODA and RHODOPE. Class V. CEPHALAPODA. Sub-class I. Dibranchiata. Order 1. Decapopa. >> 2. Ocropopa. Sub-class II. Tetrabranchiata. CHORDATA. Sub-order «. Protoselachii. 2a b. Buselachii. Section a. Squalide, os B. Rajida. Sub-class II. Holocephali. », III. Teleostomi. Order 1. ChossopreryGit. >» 2. CHONDROSTEL. >» 3. HoLostet. > + TELEOSTEI. Sub-order a. Physostomi. an b. Anacauthini. ae ev. Acanthopter?. en d. Pharyngoguathi. “a ce. Plectognathi. a J. Lophobranchii. Sub-class IV. Dipnoi. Order 1. MoNoPNEUMONA. » 2. Dipnecuona. Appendix to Pisces—The Ostracodermi. Class III]. AMPHIBIA. Order 1. UnopEna. jy. eo SUR AL >, 3. GYMNOPHIONA. .5 + STEGOCEPHALA, CLASSIFICATION OF THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Puytum XII. Class IV. REPTILIA. Order 1. Sguamatva. Sub-order a. Lacertilia. Order 2. ” ” b. Ophidia. c. Pythonomorpha. RHYNCHOCEPHALIA. . CHELONIA. . THEROMORPHA. . CROCODILIA. . SAUROPTERYGIA, . ICHTHYOSAURIA. . DINoOsAURIA. . PrEROSAURIA. Class V. AVES. Sub-class I. Archzornithes. Sub-class II. Neornithes. Division A. Ratite. Order 1. . APTERYGES. . DINORNITHES, ” Division B. Order 1. . ODONTOLC.E. . ICHTHYORNITHES. MEGISTANES. RHE. . STRUTHIONES, . AE PYORNITHES, . GASTORNITHES. Carinate. STEREORNITHEs. PycGopopEs. . IMPENNES. . TURBINARES. . STEGANOPODES. . HERODIONES. . ANSERES. . ACCIPITRES. . CRYPTURI. . GALLIN®. . GRALLE. . GAVIA. . LimicoLa. XXXIX CHORDATA—continued. Order 16. PrEROULETES. > 17. CoLuMBA, » IS. Psrrract. », 19. STRICES. » 20. Prcarra. .» 2L. PAsSSERES. Class VI. MAMMALIA. Sub-class I. Prototheria. % II. Theria. Section A. Metatheria (MiRsupPIArta). Order 1. PoLypROTODONTIA. 35 2. DIPROTODONTIA. Section B. Eutheria. Order 1. EprntTata. » 2. CETacka. Sub-order «. Mystucoceti. ah b. Odontoceti Order 3. SIRENIA. > 4 Uneunata. Section 1. Ungulata vera. Sub-order a. Perissodactyla. 5 b. Artiodactyla. Section 2. Subungulata. Sub-order a. Hyracoideu. Pe b. Proboscidea. Order 5. CARNIVORA. Sub-order a. Carnivora vera. 39 b. Pinnepedia. Order 6. RoDENTIA. »,» 7. INSECTIVORA. >, 8. CHIROPTERA. Sub-order a. Megachiroptera. or b. Microchiroptera. Order 9. PRIMATES. Sub-order a. Prosimit. 3 b. Anthropoiden LOOLOGY INTRODUCTION Zoology, the branch of Natural History which deals with animals, is one of the two subdivisions of the great science Biology, which takes cognisance of all organisms, or things having life, as distinguished from such lifeless natural objects as rocks and minerals. The second of the two subdivisions of Biology is Botany, which deals with plants. The subject-matter of Zoology, then, is furnished by the animals which inhabit the land-surface, the air, and the salt and fresh waters of the globe: the aim of the science is to find out all that can be known of these animals, their structure, their habits, their mutual relationships, their origin. The first step in the study of Zoology is the recognition of the obvious fact that the innumerable individual animals known to us may be grouped into what are called species, the members of which resemble one another so closely that to know one is to know all. The following example may serve to give the reader a fairly accurate notion of what Zoologists understand by species, and of the method of naming species which has been in use since the time of the great Swedish naturalist Linnzeus. The DomesticCat, the European Wild Cat, the Ocelot, the Leopard, the Tiger, and the Lion are animals which agree with one another in the general features of their organisation—in the number and form of their bones and teeth, in the possession of retractile claws, and in the position and characters of their internal organs. No one can fail to see that these animals, in spite of differences of size, colour, markings, &c., are all, in the broad sense of the word, “Cats.” This is expressed in the language of systematic Zoology by saying that they are so many species of a single genus. According to the system of binomial nomenclature introduced by Linneus, each kind of animal receives two names—one the generic g B 9 ZOOLOGY name, common to all species of the genus; the other the specific name, peculiar to the species in question. Both generic and specific names are Latin in form, and are commonly Latin or Greek in origin, although frequently modern names of persons or places, with Latinised terminations, are employed. In giving the name of an animal, the generic name is always placed first, and is written with a capital letter, the specific name following it, and being written, as a rule, with a small letter. For instance, to take the examples already referred to, the Domestic Cat is called Felis domestica, the European Wild Cat F. catus, the Leopard /. pardus, the Tiger F. tigris, the Lion /. leo. Thus the systematic name of an animal is something more than a mere appellation, since it indicates the affinity of the species with other members of the same genus: to name an animal is, in fact, to classify it. It is a matter of common observation that no two individuals of a species are ever exactly alike: two tabby Cats, for instance, however they may resemble one another in the general characters of their colour and markings, invariably present differences in detail by which they can be readily distinguished. Jndividual variations of this kind are of universal occurrence. Moreover, it often happens that the members of a species are divisible into groups distinguishable by fairly constant characters: among Domestic Cats, for instance, we find white, black, tabby, gray, and tortoiseshell Cats, besides the large long-haired Persian breed, and the tailless Manx Cat. All these are distinguished as varieties of the single species Felis domestica. It is often difficult to decide whether two kinds of animals should be considered as distinct species or as varicties of a single species, and no universal rule can be given for determining this point. Among the higher animals mutual fertility is a fair practical test, the varieties of a species usually breeding freely with one another and producing fertile offspring, while distinct species either do not breed together or produce infertile hybrids or mules. Compare, for instance, the fertile mongrels produced by the union of the various breeds of Domestic Dog with the infertile mule produced by the union of the Horse and Ass. But this rule is not without exception, and in the case of wild animals is, more often than not, impossible of application: failing it, the only criterion of a “ good species” is usually the presence of constant differences from allied species. Suppose, for instance, that a naturalist receives for description a number of skins of wild Cats, and finds, after an accurate examination, that in some specimens the tail is two-thirds the length of the body and the skin of a uniform reddish tint with a few markings on the head, while in the rest the tail is nearly half as long as the body, and the skin tawny with black stripes. If there are no intermediate gradations between these two sets of individuals, they will be placed without hesitation in distinct INTRODUCTION 3 species: if, on the other hand, there is a complete series of grada- tions between them, they will be considered to form a single variable species. As, therefore, animals have to be distinguished from one another largely by structural characters, it is evident that the foundations of a scientific Zoology must be laid in Morphology, the branch of science which deals with form and structure. Morphology may be said to begin with an accurate examination of the external characters ; the divisions of the body, the number and position of the limbs, the characters of the skin, the position and relations of the mouth, eyes, ears, and other important structures. Next the internal structure has to be studied, the precise form, position, &c., of the various organs, such as brain, heart, and stomach, being made out: this branch of morphology is distinguished as Anatomy, And, lastly, the various parts must be examined by the aid of the microscope, and their minute structure, or Histology, accurately determined. It is only when we have a fairly comprehensive knowledge of these three aspects of a given animal—its external characters, its rough anatomy, and its histology—that we can with some degree of safety assign it to its proper position among its fellows. An accurate knowledge of the structure of an animal in its adult condition is not, however, all-sufficient. Nothing has been made more abundantly clear by the researches of the last half- century than that the results of anatomy and histology must be checked, and if necessary corrected, by Embryology—i.c. by the study of the changes undergone by animals in their develop- ment from the egg to the adult condition. A striking instance 1s afforded by the common Barnacles which grow in great numbers on ships’ bottoms, piers, &c. The older zoologists, such as Linnzus, grouped these creatures, along with Snails, Mussels, and the like, in the group Mollusca, and even the great anatomical skill of Cuvier failed to show their true position, which was made out only when Vaughan Thompson, about sixty years ago, proved, from a study of the newly hatched young, that their proper place is among the Crustacea, in company with Crabs, Shrimps, and Water-fleas, Given a sound knowledge of the anatomy, histology, and em- bryology of animals, their Classification may be attempted—that is, we may proceed to arrange them in groups and sub-groups, each capable of accurate definition. The general method of classification employed by zoologists is that introduced by Linneus, and may be illustrated by reference to the group of Cats which we have already used in the explanation of the terms genus, species, and variety. We have seen that the various kinds of true Cat—Domestic Cat, Lion, Tiger, &c.—together constitute the genus Fvlis. Now there B 2 4 ZOOLOGY is one member of the cat-tribe, the Cheetah, or Hunting Leopard, which differs from all its allies in having imperfectly retractile claws and certain peculiarities in its teeth. It is therefore placed in a distinct genus, Cynwlurus, to mark the fact that the differences separating it from any species of Felis are of a more fundamental character than those separating the species of Felis from one another. The nearest allies of the Cats are the Hyznas, but the presence of additional teeth and of non-retractile claws—to inention only two points—makes the interval between Hyenas and the two genera of Cats far greater than that between Felis and Cynelurus. The varying degree of difference is expressed in classification by placing the Hyznas in a separate family, the Hywnide, while Felis and Cynzlurus are placed together in the family Felidae. Similarly, the Civets and Mongooses form the family Viverride ; the Dogs, Wolves, Jackals, Foxes, &c., the family Canide ; Bears, the family Urside ; and so on. All the foregoing animals have sharp teeth adapted to a flesh diet, and their toes are armed with claws. They therefore differ fundamentally from such animals as Sheep, Deer, Pigs, and Horses, which have flat teeth adapted for grinding vegetable food, and hoofed feet. The differences here are obviously far greater than those between any two of the families mentioned above, and are emphasised by placing the flesh-eaters in the order Carnivora, the hoofed animals in the order Ungulata. In the same way gnawing animals, such as Rats, Mice, and Beavers, form the order Rodentia ; pouched animals, such as Kangaroos and Opossums, the order Marsupialia ; and so on. Carnivora, Ungulata, Rodentia, Marsupialia, Wc, although differing from one another in many important respects, agree in the possession of a hairy skin and in the fact that they all suckle their young. They thus differ from Birds, which have a covering of feathers and hatch their young from eggs. The differences here are considerably more important than those between the orders of quadrupeds referred to, and are expressed by placing the latter in the class Mammalia, while Birds constitute the class Aves. In the same way the scaly, cold-blooded Lizards, Snakes, Tortoises, &c., form the class Reptilia; the slimy-skinned, scaleless Frogs, Toads, and Salamanders the class Amphibia ; aud the finned, water-breathing Fishes the class Pisces. Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes all agree with one another in the possession of red blood and an internal skeleton— an important part of which is an axial rod or vertebral column— and in never having more than two pairs of limbs. They thus differ in some of the most fundamental features of their organisation from such animals as Crabs, Insects, Scorpions, and Centipedes, which have colourless blood, a jointed external skeleton, and INTRODUCTION 5 numerous limbs. These differecnces—far greater than those be- tween classes—are expressed by placing the backboned animals in the phylum or sub-kingdom Chodi/a, the many-legged, armoured forms in the phylum Arthrapada, Similarly, soft-bodied animals with shells, such as Oysters and Snails, form the phylum Mollusea, Polypes and Jelly-fishes the phylum Coclenterala. And finally the various phyla recognised by zoologists together con- stitute the kingdom Animalia. Thus the animal kingdom is divided into phyla, the phyla into classes, the classes into orders, the orders into families, the families into genera, and the genera into species, while the species themselves are assemblages of individual animals agreeing with one another in certain constant characters. It will be seen that the individual is the only term in the series which has a real existence: all the others are mere groups formed, more or less arbitrarily, by man. To return to the animal originally selected as an example, it will be seen that the zoological position of the Domestic Cat is expressed as follows :— Kingdom—ANIMALIA. Phylum—CuorData. Class—MAMMALIA. Order—CaRNIVORA. Family—Felidee. Genus—frlis. Species—F. domestica. The object of systematic zoologists has always been to find a natural as opposed to an artificial classification of animals. Good instances of artificial classification are the grouping of Bats with Birds on the ground that they both possess wings, and of Whales with Fishes on the ground that they both possess fins and live in the water. An equally good example of a natural classi- fication is the grouping of both Bats and Whales under the head of Mammalia because of their agreement, in all essential points of anatomy, histology, and embryology, with the hairy quadrupeds which form the bulk of that class. With the older zoologists the difficulty was to find some general principle to guide them in their arrangement of animals—some true criterion of classification. It was believed by all but a few advanced thinkers that the individuals of each species of animal were descended from a common ancestor, but that the original progenitor of each species was totally unconnected with that of every other, having, as Buffon puts it, “participated in the grace of a distinct act of creation.” To take an instance—all Wolves were allowed to be descended from a pair of ancestral Wolves, and all Jackals from a pair of ancestral Jackals, but the original pair in each case was supposed to have come into being by a supernatural 6 ZOOLOGY process of which no explanation could or ought to be offered. Nevertheless it was obvious that a Jackal was far more like a Wolf than either of them was like a Tiger, and that in a natural system of classification this fact should be expressed by placing the Wolf and Jackal in one family, the Tiger in another. All through the animal kingdom the same thing occurs: no matter what group we take, we find the species composing it resemble one another in varying degrees, or, as it is sometimes ex- pressed, have varying degrees of relationship to one another. On the view that each species was separately created the word relation- ship was used in a purely metaphorical sense, as there could of course be no real relationship between two groups of animals having a totally independent origin. But it was assumed that creation had taken place according to a certain scheme in the Divine Mind, and that the various species had their places in this scheme like the bits of glassina mosaic. The problem of classifica- tion was thus to discover the place of each species in the pattern of the unknown design. The point of view underwent a complete change when, after the publication of Darwin’s Origin of Species in 1859, the Doctrine of Descent or of Organic Evolution came to be generally iecepted by biologists. A species is now looked upon, not as an independent creation, but as having been derived by a natural process of descent from some pre-existing species, just as the various breeds of Domestic Fowl are descended from the little Jungle-fowl of India. On this view the resemblances between species referred to above are actually matters of relationship, and species are truly allied to one another in varying degrees since they are descended from a common ancestor. Thus a natural classification becomes a genealogical tree, and the problem of classification is the tracing of its branches. This, however, is a matter of extreme difficulty. Representing sy a tree the whole of the animals which have ever lived on the 2arth, those existing at the present day would be figured by the “opmost twigs, the trunk and main branches representing extinct orms. Thus the task of arranging animals according to their elationships would be an almost hopeless one but for two zircumstances : one, that remains of many extinct forms have been preserved ; the other, that the series of changes undergone by an wnimal in its development from the egg often forms an epitome of she changes by which, in the course of ages, it has been evolved rom an ancestral type. Evidence furnished by the last-named aircumstance is, of course, furnished by embryology : the study of »xtinct animals constitutes a special branch of morphology to vhich the name Paleontology is applied. The solid crust of the earth is composed of various kinds of ‘ocks divisible into two groups: (1) Igneous rocks, such as granite INTRODUCTION 7 and basalt, the structure of which is due to the action of the internal heat of the globe, and which originate below the surface and are not arranged in layers or strata ; (2) Aqueous or sedimentary recks, which arise by the disintegration, at the surface of the earth, of pre-existing rocks, the fragments or débris being carried off by” streams and rivers and deposited at the bottom of lakes or seas. Being formed in this way by the deposition of successive layers or strata, the sedimentary rocks have a stratified structure, the lowest being in every case older than the more superficial layers. The researches of geologists have shown that there is a general order of succession of stratified rocks: that they may be divided into three great groups, each representing an era of time of immense but unknown duration, and that each group may be subdivided into more or fewer systeiis of rocks, each representing a lesser period of time. The following table shows the thirteen rock-systems usually recognised, arranged under the three great groups in chronological order, the oldest being at the bottom of the list. 13. Quaternary and Recent. 12. Pliocene. 11. Miocene. 10. Eocene. Cretaceous. Jurassic. Triassic. Permian. Carboniferous. Devonian. Silurian. . Cambrian. . Laurentian. Imbedded in these rocks are found the remains of various extinct animals in the form of what are called fossils. In the more recent rocks the resemblance of these to the hard parts of existing animals is perfectly clear: we find shells hardly differing from those we pick up on the beach, bones easily recognisable as those of Mammals, Birds, or Fishes, and so on. But in the older rocks the fossils are in many cases so different in character from the animals existing at the present day as to be referable to no existing order. We find Birds with teeth, great aquatic Reptiles as large as Whales, Fishes, Molluscs, Crustacea, &c., all of an entirely different type from any now existing. We thus find that the former were in many cases utterly unlike the present animal inhabitants of the globe, and we arrive at the notion of a succession of life in time, and are even able, in exceptionally favourable circumstances, to trace back existing forms to their extinct ancestors. By combining the results of comparative morphology, embryology, III. Cainozoic or Tertiary. . II. Mesozoic or Secondary. J. Paleozoic or Primary .. fA po 00 He OLS ST 90 SO 8 ZOOLOGY and paleontology we get a departinent of Zoology called Phylo- geny, the object of which is to trace the pedigrees of the various groups. There are, however, very few cases in which this can be done with any approach to exactness: most “phylogenies ” are *purcly hypothetical, and merely represent the views at which a particular zoologist has arrived after a more or less exhaustive study of the group under discussion. Animals may also be studied from the point of view of Distribution. One aspect of this study is inseparable from Paleontology, since it is obviously necessary to mention in con- nection with a fossil the particular system or systems of rocks in which it occurs: thus we distinguish geological distribution or distribution in time. The distribution of recent forms may be studied under two aspects, their horizontal or geographical distribution, and their vertical or bathymetrical distribution. To mention the latter first, we find that some species exist only on plains, others—hence called alpine forms—on the higher mountains; that some marine shells, fishes, &c., always keep near the shore (dit¢oral species), others live at great depths (abyssal species), while others (pelagic species) swim on the surface of the ocean. Among aquatic animals, moreover, whether marine or fresh-water, three principal modes of life are to be distinguished. There are animals, such as Jelly-fishes, which float on or near the surface of the water, and are carried about passively by currents: such forms are included under the term Plankton. Most Fishes, Whales, and Cuttle-fishes, on the other hand, are strong swimmers, and are able to traverse the water at will in any direction ; they together consti- tute the Nekton. Finally, such animals as Crabs, Oysters, Sponges, Zoophytes, &c., remain permanently fixed to or creep over the surface of the bottom, and are grouped together as the Benthos. Under the head of geographical distribution we have such facts as the absence of all Land-mammals, except Bats, in New Zealand and the Polynesian Islands, the presence of pouched Mammals, such as Kangaroos and Opossums, only in some parts of America and in Australia and the adjacent islands, the entire absence of Finches in Australasia, and so on. We find, in fact, that the Jauna—ie. the total animal inhabitants—of a country is to a large extent independent of climate, and that the faune of adjacent countries often differ widely. In fact, it is convenient in studying the geographical distribution of animals largely to ignore the ordinary division into continents, and to divide the land-surface of the globe into what are called z00-geographical regions. The characteristics of these regions will be discussed in a future section ; at present it is only necessary, for convenience of reference, to give their names and boundaries. INTRODUCTION 9 1. The Holarctic Region includes the whole of Europe, Asia as far south as the Himalayas, Africa north of the Sahara, together with the corresponding portion of Arabia, and North America as far south as Mexico. For convenience of reference it 1s often customary to divide this region into two: its Eurasian portion is then called the Paleurctic, its American portion the Acaretie region, 2. The Lthiopian Region includes Africa south of the Sahara, Southern Arabia, and Madagascar with the adjacent islands. 3. The Oriental Region includes India, Ceylon, South China, the Malayan Peninsula, and what are known as the Indo-Malayan islands, 7.e. those islands of the Malayan Archipelago which lhe to the west of a line—called Mudlace’s line—passing to the east of the Philippines, between Borneo and Celcbes and between Bali and Lombok. 4. The Australian Region includes Australia, Tasmania, and the Austro-Malayan islands, i.c. the islands of the Malayan Archipelago lying to the east of Wallace’s line. 5. The New Zeeland Region includes New Zealand and the adjacent islands, such as the Chatham, Auckland, and Campbell groups. 6. The numerous groups of islands lying between Australia and Southern Asia to the west, and America to the east, are conveniently grouped together as the Polynesian Region. 7. The Neotropical Region includes the whole of South and Central America and part of Mexico. There are still two departments of zoological science to be ‘mentioned. As it is impossible to have a right understanding of a machine without knowing something of the purpose it is in- tended to serve, so the morphological study of an animal is im- perfect without some knowledge of its Physiology, ic. of the functions performed by its various parts, and the way in which they work together for the welfare of the whole. It is hardly possible to give more than occasional references to physiological matters in a text-book of Zoology, but in order to pave the way for such references a brief account of the general principles of Physiology will be given in the next section. — Not only may we study the action of a given animal’s organs, but also the actions of the animal as a whole, its habits, its relations to other animals—whether as friends, as enemies, or as prey, to the vegetable kingdom, and to its physical surroundings, such as temperature, humidity, &e. In a word, the whole question of the relation of the organism to its environment gives us a final and most important branch of Natural History which has been called Ethology or Bionomics. SECTION I. THE GENERAL STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 1. AMcEBA. Ir we examine under the microscope a drop of water containing some of the slimy deposit which collects at the bottom of pools of rain-water and in similar situations, we occasionally find it to abound in microscopic life ; and among the minute moving creatures in such a drop we frequently find examples of a remarkable or- ganism—the Amatba or Proteus Animaleule (Fig. 1). This is a little particle of irregular shape, which we should be likely, on a cursory examina- tion, to put down as motion- less ; it appears somewhat like an irregular particle of some colourless glass-like substance with a more granular central portion. If however, we make an exact drawing of the out- line of the Ameeba, and, after an interval, compare the draw- ing with the original, we find Fia. 1.—Ameoeba proteus, a living specimen. that the drawing appears no ce. vue. contractile vacuole; nv. nucleus; psd. pseudopods. (From Parker's Biology, longer to represent what we pene see ; a change has taken place in the shape of the Ameba; and careful observation shows that this change is constantly going on: the Amoeba is constantly varying in shape. This change is effected by the pushing out of projections or processes, called pseudopods (psd.), which undergo various alterations of size and shape, and may become withdrawn, other similar processes bemg developed in their place. At the same time careful SECT. 1 STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 1 watching shows that the Amceba is also, with extreme slowness, changing its position. This it effects by a kind of streaming motion. A projection forms itself on one side, and the entire substance of the Ameeba gradually streams into it; a fresh projection appears towards the same side, the streaming move- ment is repeated, and, by a constant succession of such move- ments, an extremcly gradual locomotion, which it often takes very close watching to detect, is brought about. In these movements, it is to be noticed, the Ameeba is influenced to some extent by contact with other minute objects; when the processes come in contact with small grains of sand or other similar particles their movements are modified in such a way that the Amceba, in its slow progress onwards, passes on one side of them, so that it might be said to feel its way among the solid particles in the drop of sediment. Judging from the nature of these movements, we are obliged to infer that the substance of which this remarkable object is com- posed must be soft and semi-fluid, yet not miscible with the water, and, therefore, preserving a sharp contour, These and other characteristics to be mentioned subsequently enable us to conclude that we have to do with the substance of complex chemical com- position termed protoplasm, which constitutes the vital material of all living organisms whether animals or plants. In Ameeba the protoplasm is in many cases clearly distinguishable into two parts, an outer homogeneous, glassy-looking layer completely enclosing a more granular internal mass. Examination of the Amceba with a fairly high power of the microscope reveals the presence in its interior of two objects which with a low power we should be likely to overlook. One of these is a small rounded body with well-defined contour, which preserves its form during all the changes which the Ameeba as a whole undergoes. This is termed the nucleus (Fig. 1, nw.); it is enclosed in an extremely delicate membrane, and consists of a protoplasmic material differing from that which forms the main bulk of the Amceba in containing a substance which refracts the light more strongly and which has a stronger affinity for certain colouring matters. The other minute object to be distinguished in the interior appears as a clear rounded space (¢. vac.) in the protoplasm. When this is watched it will be observed to increase gradually in size till it reaches a maximum of, let us say, a fifth of the total diameter of the Amceba, when, by a contraction of its walls, it suddenly disappears, to reappear presently and gradually grow again to its maximum size. This pulsating clear space is the contractile vacuole. Other clear spaces which do not pulsate are the non-contractile vacuoles, By watching the Ameeba carefully for some time we may be enabled to observe that the movements of the protoplasm of the body not only effect locomotion, but are connected also with the 12 ZOOLOGY SECT. reception of certain foreign particles of organic nature—de. either entire minute animals or plants, or minute fragments of larger forms—into.the interior of the protoplasm. A process of the protoplasm is pressed against such a particle, which becomes sunk in the soft substance, and passes gradually into the interior. Here it becomes enclosed in one of the non-contractile vacuoles, and by degrees partially or wholly disappears; the part, if any, which remains subsequently passes outwards from the protoplasm into the surrounding water. The matter which disappears evidently mixes with the protoplasm and adds to its bulk. All, in fact, of the matter of the foreign body that is capable of doing so, becomes digested and assimilated by the protoplasm. The fluid in the vacuole enclosing the food-particle (for such is the true nature of the foreign body) probably contains some ingredient of the nature ofa ferment, which is able to act on certain substances and render them more soluble or capable of being more readily taken up by the protoplasm. This we infer mainly from what we know of the digestion and absorption of food in the higher animals; but the fact, which has been established by experiment, that the Amceba is able readily to digest certain classes of organic substances, while others, when taken into the interior of the protoplasm, remain unaltered, seems to indicate that some special property, similar to those possessed by the digestive ferments of the higher animals, is present in the watery fluid surrounding the food-particle. The movements of the Amoeba, slow and gradual though they are, must involve a certain expenditure of energy or working power ; this can only be derived from the energy of chemical affinity which the protoplasm possesses in virtue of its complex chemical composition. The protoplasm loses some of this energy by its conversion into energy of movement. This loss implies the break- ing up of the complex chemical ingredients of which protoplasm is composed into simpler ones; the protoplasm falls a grade in the scale of chemical compounds, and by its fall generates the force by means of which the Amceba moves. The energy of chemical affinity which the protoplasm possesses is thus analogous to the potential energy which the weight of a clock has when it 1s wound up. As the weight, by virtue of its position, is able as it falls to deal out working power so as to cause the movement of the machinery of the clock, so the protoplasm is able, by the degra-. dation or decomposition of its complex compounds, to deal out working power enabling the Amceba to move. In the case of the clock-weight there comes a time when all the potential energy is expended ; the weight reaches its lowest limit, and unless it is wound up again the clock stops. The like holds good of the Ameeba ; the protoplasm is continually being used up—decomposed into compounds of a lower order—and, in course of time, the whole potential energy would become exhausted, were it not that a new I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 13 supply is being constantly received. This new supply of energy is derived from the substance of the food-particles; and this at the same time maintains the bulk of the Amoeba, which, if food par- ticles are absent from the water, gradually diminishes. _ Accompanying the degradation, or destructive imetabolism as it is termed, of the protoplasm, and intimately connected with it, is the passage inwards of oxygen from the air dissolved in the water, and the passage outwards of carbonic acid gas. Oxygen is a necessary agent in the process of destructive metabolism, and Fic, 2.—Amoeba polypodia in successive phases of division. The light spot is the contractile vacuole ; the dark the nucleus. (From Lang’s Zext-Book, after F. E. Schulze.) carbonic acid is a constant waste-product of such action. This interchange of oxygen and carbonic acid is the essence of the pro- cess of respiration observable in all living things. In addition to the carbonic acid given off in this process, other waste-products are formed and have to be got ridof. In all probability the contractile rucwole already referred to has to do with this process—the process of cacietion—since uric acid, which in higher animals is the typical form assumed by such waste-products, is said to have been detected in the interior of the contractile vacuole in the case of certain near relatives of Amceba. When food is abundant the Amceba increases in bulk—more 14 ZOOLOGY SECT, food being ingested than is required for simply maintaining the size unaltered—and soon a remarkable change takes place. The processes become withdrawn, and a fissure appears dividing the Ameeba into two parts (Fig. 2). This fissure grows inwards, and the two parts become more and more completely separated from one another, till eventually the separation becomes complete, and we have two distinct Amcebe resulting from the division of the one. While the protoplasm has been undergoing this division into halves the nucleus has also divided, and each of the two new Amcebe possesses a nucleus similar to the original one, and developed from it by division. It is mainly by this simple process of division into two, or binary fission as it is called, that repro- duction or multiplication takes place in the Amcba. In spite of the great simplicity of its structure, the Amoeba thus carries on a number of different functions. The practically structureless particle of protoplasm is able to act on matter absorbed as food in such a way as to alter the chemical composition of the latter and to assimilate it; 16 1s able to carry on movements of locomotion, as well as movements—those involved in the taking in of food particles—which may be looked upon as move- ments of prehension ; it exhibits a certain degree of sensitiveness ov irritability, as shown by the modifications of its movements which result from contact with foreign bodies; it is able to respire ; it carries on processes of excretion ; and, finally, it is capable of reproducing its kind. It is these functions that charac- terise diving beings as distinguished from non-living matter. What is specially characteristic of the living organism in general when compared with a non-living object is the capacity of the former to respond by changes in itself to influences operating on it from without. In the case of such an extremely simple organism as Amoeba, these changes are also, necessarily, extremely simple ; but they are of a quite definite character. In addition to the effects produced on its actions by mechanical obstacles and the presence of food-particles, it can be shown by experiment that Amba responds by definite changes in itself to such external influences as changes in the amount of oxygen supplied, in the quantities of various salts present, in the temperature, and in the electric conditions of the water in which it lives. The power of locomotion, the capacity for assimilating organic substances, and the absence of two special compounds—chlorophyll and cellulose— are specially characteristic of the animal as distinguished from the plant. 2. THe ANIMAL CELL. In all but the lowest animals the various functions just enume- rated are carried on by means of a more or less complex machinery STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY IN ANIMALS 15 of organs—muscles, alimentary or cnterie canal, glands, heart and blood-vessels, gills or lungs, nervous system, organs of excretion, and organs of reproduction. But in all animals, however complex, the same substance, protoplasm, which in Ameeba constitutes the bulk of the body, is the essential and active part. Wherever in the body active functions are being discharged and active changes are going on, there we find protoplasm present; where there is no protoplasm there is no vital activity. In the earliest stages of their existence all animals are formed entirely of protoplasm. Every animal consists at first of a single minute particle of proto- plasm, not widely different from an Amceba. Soon this particle divides into a number of parts which, instead of separating completely from one another, like the parts of a divided Ameeba, remain associated together, forming a clump of minute particles of protoplasm. Such minute protoplasmic particles are termed cells; every animal consists, at first, of a single cell, and afterwards, in all higher animals, this single cell becomes converted by division and subdivision into a little cluster or clump of cells. It is time that we should inquire more particularly into the meaning of’ these two terms—cell and protoplasm—evidently so important in the study of both plants and animals. Protoplasm, we have already seen, is a semi-fluid, gelatinous, clear or finely granular substance of complex chemical composition. It is known not to be a definite compound, but to be a somewhat varying mixture of chemical compounds, the most essential of which are bodies of the class of proteids—highly complex substances, into the composition of which the elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur all enter. Living protoplasm always contains a large amount of water. It is soluble in weak acids or weak alkalies; and is capable of being coag:- lated — rendered firmer and more opaque — by the action of heat and of strong alcohol. Its re- action is slightly alkaline. As regards its minute structure, it is generally Fic. 3.—Diagram to illustrate the alveolar theory of acknowledged that there protoplasm. (After Dahlgren and Kepner.) are two kinds of sub- stance in the protoplasm, in some cases more, in others less, dis- tinctly marked off from one another. One of these kinds of material is apparently of less fluid consistency than the other. According to one view (alveolar theory) the two kinds are intimately com- 16 ZOOLOGY SECT bined in the form of an emulsion or froth, the one forming the minute vesicles or bubbles in the froth, the other the ground substance in which the bubbles are embedded (Fig. 3). Accord- ing to another view (reticular theory), one of these substances, the less fluid, appears to be arranged in the form of a network of threads, composed of numerous minute rounded granules enclosing the second, more fluid substance in its meshes (Fig. 4). To a particle of pro- toplasm, typically con- taining a nucleus in its interior, constituting the entire body of such a simple organism as Tio. 4 Diagn to ustats the reticular theory of Amoeba, and forming one of the constituent ele- ments of which a higher plant or animal is made up, the term cell is applied. The word was first employed in reference to the micro- scopic structure of plants, in connection with which it is much more appropriate than in connection with the microscopic structure of anunals; for a plant-cell has, nearly always, a definite, firm, enclos- ing envelope or cell-wall (Fig. 5, I, ew)—a structure which is only exceptionally present in the case of animals. In the interior of the cell-protoplasm, or cyloplasm, is a body termed the nueleus, similar to the nucleus of Amceba, and usually of rounded shape, with the appearance of being enclosed in a thin nuclear membrane (A, nu.m), perforated by numerous minute apertures. In the nucleus is a single coiled thread, or a network of threads, or one or more rounded clumps, of a substance—chromatin (chr.)—which ditfers from ordinary protoplasm in having a stronger affinity for most staimiug agents. A rounded body termed the nuweleolus (ww), which usually occurs in the interior of the nucleus, is formed either of a solid mass of chromatin, or of a substance differing somewhat from chromatin in its properties, and less strongly affected by staining agents. When the nucleus divides during the process of division of the cell, its contents, more particularly the chromatin, in many cases go through a remarkable series of changes, to which the term karyokinesis or mvitosis is applicd. At the time when this silotic, division is about to be initiated, either one or two minute bodies (Fig. 5, A, ¢) are to be distinguished situated close together in the cytoplasm in the immediate neighbourhood of the nucleus. When only one of I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 17 ae bodies is present at the outset it subsequently becomes ivided into two. These are the centrosomes—minute masses of a specially modified protoplasmic substance, capable of being rendered Conspicuous by certain staining agents, ‘ surrounded by a light zone. The centrosomes, at first close together, gradually separate from one another, a spindle-shaped bundle of very fine fibres of achromatic! material—the nuclear spindle Fic. 5.—Diagrams illustrating karyokinesis. A, the resting cell; B, C, D, successive phases in the formation and arrangement of the chromatin loops and of the nuclear spindle; E, F ,G, separation of the two sets of daughter-chromosomes and their passage towards the poles of the spindle ; H, I, division of the cell-body and formation of the two new nuclei; ¢. centro- some; chr. chromatin ; cpl. cell-plate ; nu’. nucleoli; nu. m. nuclear membrane ; s. atrosphere ; sp. spindle. (From Parker's Biology, after Flemming, Rabl, &c.) —extending between them (Fig. 5, C). At the same time, or at an earlier stage, each centrosome has become the centre of a system of fine achromatin fibres (apparently made up, like the fibres of the spindle, of rows of granules) which are arranged round it in a radiating manner, forming a structure _ 1 The term achromatin is usually applied to all the matter of the nucleus that has not the special characteristics of chromatin; but it applies to cytoplasmic structures—?.¢. structures belonging to the body of the cell—as well. VOL, I c 18 ZOOLOGY SECT. termed the attraction-sphere or astrosphere (Fig. 5, A,s). Meantime important changes have been in progress in the nucleus. The chromatin first becomes arranged in a close tangle (spireme), and then becomes divided up into a number of parts—the chromatin segments or chromosomes—which frequently have the form of loop- like threads (Fig. 5, B, C, chr’), but often assume other forms. The number of chromosomes varies, but is constant throughout the cells of the same species of animal. The nuclear membrane disappears. Each of the chromatin segments splits lengthwise into two parts—the daughter-segments of the chromatin or daughter- chromosomes (Fig. 5, B—D), and with these the filaments of the spindle become connected. At this point the segments of the chromatin form a single group—the equatorial plate—extending across the axis of the spindle. The latter has shifted its position, so that its fibres now run across the original site of the nucleus. Each daughter-segment of the chromatin now separates from its fellow, so that two groups are formed, each containing a similar number of chromosomes. The two groups then move apart from one another, each approach- ing the corresponding end or pole of the spindle with its centrosome (Fig. 5, E—G). How this movement is effected is not definitely known; it has been supposed that it is due to the contraction of spindle-fibres attached to the centrosomes; but since there is no appearance of the fibres shortening or thicken- ing, 1t is unlikely that this can be the true explanation. When the groups have approached the extremity of the spindle, the segments of each unite, and eventually the entire chromatin of each of the two groups assumes the arrangement which the chromatin of the original nucleus exhibited before division began. A new nuclear membrane becomes formed around each chromatin group, and the whole assumes the character of a complete nucleus —the duughter-nucleus (Fig. 5, H, I). It is of importance to note that, though in this mitotic division of the nucleus of the animal cell the centrosomes are so conspicuous that it would appear as if they had an important share in controlling the process, yet mitosis takes place during cell-division of the higher plants on the same general lines as in animals though centrosomes have rarely, if ever, been observed in plants higher than the Mosses. A furrow which appears on the surface of the cell-protoplasm (Fig. 5,H, I), surrounding it in the form of a ring ina plane at right angles to the long axis of the spindle, deepens gradually so as to give rise to a cleft, eventually completely separating the substance of the cell into two halves. Each of these halves encloses one of the daughter-nuclei, and has assumed the character of a complete daughter-cell. During this process there is sometimes distinguish- able along the line corresponding to the division line between the STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 19 two cells a narrow septum ; this is known as the cell-plate (L., But a cell-plate is not of general occurrence in the division of the animal cell. In some instances the division of the nucleus is direct or amitotic, the nucleus simply becoming separated into two equal parts, without disappearance of the nuclear membrane and without any complicated re-arrangement of the chromatin. 3. THE Ovum: Maturation, IMPREGNATION, AND SEGMENTATION : THE GERMINAL LAYERS. Ameeba is simply an independent animal cell; or, to express the same meaning in another way, is a unicellular aniinal, and as such it is a member of the phylum of the Protozoa or unicellular animals. All the rest of the animal kingdom, forming the division J/ctazoa, are multicellular in the fully developed condition ; but each of these multicellular animals or Metazoa originates from a single cell—the ovum. The ovum is a typical cell (Fig. 6), usually spherical in shape, with one or more enclosing membranes, with cell-protoplasm enclosing a nucleus (germinal vesicle) in which are contained one or more rounded masses of chromatin (germinal spot or spots). The ovum may contain in addition to the protoplasm a quantity of non-protoplasmic nu- Fro, 6—Ovum of a Sea-Urchin, showing ] 7 NH. the radially striated cell-membrane. trient material or yolk. ‘ the protoplasm, containing yolk: Before the process of impregna- granules, the large nucleus (germinal . cane = 3 4 vesicle), with its network of chro- tion or fertilisation which gives matin and a large nucleolus (ger- = minal spot) (From Balfour's £m- the impulse to development, the bryology, after Hertwig.) ovum undergoes a change which is termed maturation (Fig. 7, A). This consists, in essence, of the throwing out of portions of the nucleus. The latter approaches the surface and divides, mitotically, into two parts— one coming to project on the surface and finally the projection being completely separated off from the ovum as a rounded particle— the first polar body (pol.). A second division of the nucleus results in the throwing off of a second polar body; and, after this has been formed, the portion which remains in the ovum resumes its central position and forms what is termed the /emale pro- nucleus (B, 2 pron.). The essential ultimate result of maturation is the reduction of the number of chromosomes in the ovum by one-half. In the process of impregnation a very minute body, the male Co 2 20 ZOOLOGY SECT. cell, sperm-cell, or sperm, penetrates into the interior of the female cell or ovwm, and the nucleus which it contains—the male pro- nucleus (C, f pron.) coalesces with the female pronucleus to form a single nucleus called the segmentation nucleus (H, seg. nucl.). The Fia. 7.—Diagram illustrating the maturation and fertilisation of the ovum. A, formation of first polar body; B, beginning of fertilisation, sperms approaching the micropyle; C, formation of the male pronucleus; D, approximation of the male and female pronuclei; E, formation of segmentation-nucleus ; 9 cert. female centrosome; g cent. male centrosome; mem. egg- membrane ; microp. micropyle ; pol. polar bodies; ? pron. female pronucleus; ¢ pron. male pronucleus ; seg. nucl. segmentation nucleus. principal part in the process of fertilisation is thus played by the two nuclei. The female centrosome disappears: a male centrosome enters with the sperm. Apparently in this process of fertilisation some attraction is STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 21 operative between the male and female cells. In many instances a prominence (the receptive prominence) is pushed out by the ovum at the point where the sperm enters. The female pronucleus, leaving its former central position, approaches the male cell as it enters. In most cases a single sperm alone enters the ovum in impregnation. According to the older observers, as soon as a sperm enters the ovum, a membrane is formed around the latter hindering the penetration of additional sperms. But it has now been shown that such a membrane occurs only in certain cases, and is quite exceptional. That, as a general rule, only one sperm penetrates into the ovum appears to be due to the circumstance that, as a result of the entry of the one sperm, the peculiar attraction above referred to becomes in some way destroyed or diminished. But, though the entry of one sperm only is usual, cases of the entry of several—polyspermy, as it is termed—are by no means rare, and would appear to be quite normal in some groups of animals. . In some animals the ovum develops parthenogenetically—i.e. without any process of fertilisation by means of a male cell. This is a normal phenomenon in certain families of insects, for example. In a considerable number of marine invertebrate animals it has been shown that though gamogenesis, a.e. develop- ment as the result of fertilisation of ovum by male cell, is the normal process, yet parthenogenesis can be produced by various artificial means. By adding various salts to the water in which the ova are contained, by changes of temperature, or by subjection to the action of carbonic acid gas, the ova, in the absence of sperms, may be caused to give rise to normal embryos. Such experiments on artificial parthenogenesis, as it is termed, show that the entry of a male cell into the ovum is not necessary for the development of the embryo even in cases in which gamogenesis is normal; but that other exciting influences may bring about the same result. Though, as stated above, the female pronucleus, under normal circumstances, plays so important a rdle in the development, it has been shown that it can be dispensed with. When unfertilised ova of a sea-urchin are broken up, and fragments devoid of nuclei are placed in water along with sperms, the fragments may be fertilised; and, the nucleus of the sperm taking the place of the segmentation-nucleus, normal young, differing from those produced in the usual manner only in their smaller size, may be developed. This phenomenon is known as merogony. The result of fertilisation is the formation of the impregnated ovum, or oosperm as it is called. The oosperm, it is to be noted, before development begins, consists in general of the primary ovum minus the portions of the substance of its nucleus removed 22 ZOOLOGY SECT. in the polar bodies and also minus its centrosome, and plus the sperm with its nucleus and centrosome. On impregnation follows shortly the process of division already briefly referred to, which is known as segmentation (Fig. 8). This either affects the entire substance (holoblastic or complete Fic. $.—VYarious stages in the segmentation of the ovum. (From Gegenbaur’s Comparative Anatony.) segmentation) or only a part (meroblastic or ineomplete seg- mentation) of the oosperm. In the former case the ovum usually contains little or no food-yolk, consisting exclusively, or nearly so, of protoplasmic matter. The first stage in the process of segmentation is the mitotic division of the segmentation-nucleus, accompanied by the division into two parts of the substance of the protoplasm—the result being the formation of two cells, each with its nucleus (Fig. 8). Each of these two cells then divides —four cells being thus formed; the four divide to form eight; the eight divide to form sixteen, and so on; until, by the process of division and subdivision, the oosperm becomes segmented into a large number of comparatively small cells which are termed the blastomeres. This mass of cells is spherical in shape, and the Fic. 9.—Gastrulation. avch, avchenteron ; Ul, blastopore ; ecto, ectoderm ; endo, endoderm. rounded blastomeres of which it is composed project on its sur- face so as to give it somewhat the appearance of the fruit of the mulberry, whence it is termed the mulberry body or morula stage. The blastomeres next become arranged regularly in a single layer—the embryo (Fig. 9, 4) assuming the form of a hollow I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 23 sphere, the blustosphere or blastula, with a wall composed of a single layer of cells enclosing a cavity—the segmentation cavity or blastocele, _ One side of the hollow blastula next becomes pushed inwards or invaginated (Fig. 9,B, C), as one might push in one side of a hollow india-rubber ball, the result of this process of invagination, or gastrulation as it is termed, being the formation of a cup—the gastrula (Fig. 10)—with a double wall. The cavity of the cup-shaped gastrula is the archenteron or primitive digestive cavity ; the opening is termed the dlastopore, the outer layer of the wall of the cup is the ectoderm (or epiblast), the inner the endoderm (or hypoblast). The ectoderm and endoderm are the primary germinal layers of the em- bryo ; from one or both of them are developed the cells of a third layer—the mesoderm (mesoblast)—which is subsequently formed between them, This mode of formation of the primary '%®-{0;;Gestruls in longi- germinal layers in holoblastic oosperms by a blastopore ;_ 8, arch- oe iS e enteron ;c, endoderm; process of gastrulation prevails in a number d, ectoderm, (From of different sections of the animal kingdom. eae In many animals, however, it becomes modi- fied or disguised in various ways; and in many meroblastic oosperms it is doubtful if there occurs anything of the nature of true gastrulation. The cells of the three germinal layers give rise to the various organs of the body of the fully-formed animal—each layer having a special part to play in the history of the development. As the various parts of the embryo become gradually moulded from the cells of the germinal layers, it becomes evident on comparison that their internal structure—the form and arrangement of their constituent cells—is undergoing gradual modifications, the nature of which is different in the case of different parts. A differentia- tion of the cells is going on in the developing organs, resulting in the formation of a variety of different kinds of ¢esswes. 4. TISSUES. The cells of the tissues of the animal body differ greatly in form in different cases. Some are rounded, others cubical, others polygonal; some are shaped like a pyramid, others like a cone, others like a column or cylinder; others are flattened and tabular or scale-like. Cells situated on free surfaces are in many cases beset at their free ends with delicate, hair-like structures or cilia which vibrate to and fro incessantly during the life of the cell 24 ZOOLOGY SECT. (Fig. 11, «); sometimes there is on each cell a single, relatively long, whip-like cilium, which is then termed a flagellum (f, 9). Cells Fia. 11—Various forms of epithelium. a, ciliated epi- thelium ; J, columnar ; «, surface view of the same ; ce, tesselated ; e, the same from the surface ; /, flagel- late epithelium with collars ; g, flagellate epithelium without collars; hk, epithelium of intestine with pseudopods; i, stratified epithelium ; &, deric epi- thelium of a marine planarian with pigment cells, rod-cells, and sub-epithelial glands. (From Lang’s Comparative Anatomy.) provided with cilia are termed ciliated, such as bear flagella flagellate cells. Some tissues are com- posed entirely of cells. Others, though originat- ing from cells or by the agency of cells, consist in greater or less measure of non-protoplasmic matter formed between the cells. Tissues composed en- tirely of cells take the form, for the most part, of membranes covering various surfaces, external and internal. Such mem- branes are known under the general name of epithelia (Fig. 11); they may consist of a single layer -of cells (a-A) or may be many-layered (1); the former are termed non-stratzjied, the latter stratified, epithelia. The cells of an epithe- lium may be flattened (c,e), their edges being cemented together so as to form a continuous membrane; or they may be cubical or cylindrical or prismatic (a, 6); in the case of a stratified epithelium the cells may be of different forms in different strata (7). The epidermis, which covers the outer surface of the body of an animal, is an example of an epithelium; sometimes it is stratified, some- times unstratified ; its cells sometimes possess cilia, sometimes are devoid of them. Lining the internal cavities of the body are layers of cells, or epithelia, sometimes in a single layer, sometimes in several layers, sometimes ciliated, sometimes non-ciliated. I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 25 _ Glands (Fig. 12) are formed for the most part by the modifica- tion of certain cells of epithelia. In many cases a single cell of the epithelium forms a gland, which is then termed a wnicellular gland (Fig. 12,4). The secretion (or substance which it is the function of the gland to form or collect) gathers in such a case in the interior of the cell, and reaches the surface of the epithelium through a narrow prolongation of the cell which serves as the duct of the gland (B). In other cases the gland is multicellular—formed of a number of cells of the epithelium lining a depression or infolding simple or complex in form, of the latter (D-G). In the central cavity of such a gland the secre- tion collects to reach the general surface or cavity lined by the epithelium through the passage or duct. A series of tissues in which the cells are, in most instances, sub- ordinate, as regards bulk, to sub- stances formed between them, is the group known as the con- nective tissues, including gela- tinous connective tissue, retiform connective tissue, fibrous connective tissue, cartilage, and bone. In the majority of forms of connective. tissue the cells le embedded in an intermediate substance called the matriz or ground-substance ; ary of the connective tissue. Berri acteenitre re ong In the case of gelatinous con- epithet, neva glands ting nective tissue (Fig. 13) the ground- with the surface by narrow processes substance (g) is of a gelatinous oe cette ee eae character, sometimes supported Urine sauna ee Gea Tee by systems of fibres (¢f), and the Lang.) cells are usually stellate or star- - shaped with radiating processes. Retiform or reticulate connective tissue (Fig 14) consists of stellate or branching cells with pro- cesses which are prolonged into fibres—the fibres from neigh- bouring cells joining so as to form a network. In this form of connective tissue there is no true ground-substance—the inter- spaces between the cells being filled with other tissue elements. Fibrous connective tissue, which is a very common form, has a ground-substance containing gelatin, consisting mainly of numerous fibres, usually arranged in bundles. Thicker yellow elastic fibres may be present among the others, and may be so numerous as to give the entire tissue an elastic character. Associated with fibrous 26 ZOOLOGY SECT, tissue, and produced by modification of its cells, is adipose or fatty ttsswe (Fig. 15), which consists of masses of large cells in which the protoplasm has more or less completely become replaced by fat, — ie fee 2 iY aS Se Fig, 18.—Gelatinous connective tissue of a Jelly-fish; e, epithelium; g, gelatinous matrix bg, branching ells ; ef, elastic bres, (From Lang’s Comparative Anatomy.) the cells being bound together into groups and masses or lobules by means of fibrous connective tissue. In the case of cartelage the matrix is of a firm but elastic h are fia. 14,—Reticular connective tissue. (From Lang.) character, sometimes quite homogeneous in appearance (hyaline cartilage, Fig. 16), sometimes permeated by systems of fibres (fibro- cartilage, Fig. 17), which may be of an elastic nature (yellow elastic I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 27 carttiage). The cells are usually rounded, and as a rule several occur together in spaces scattered through the matrix; sometimes condensation of the matrix round each of the spaces in which the cells are contained forms a cell-capsule. The outer surface is Fia. 15.—Fatty tissue; F, fat-cells ; B, connective-tissue fibrils. (From Lang, after Ranvier.) covered over by a fibrous membrane—the perichondriwm. Carti- lage is frequently hardened by the deposition in the matrix of salts of lime—and is then known as calcified cartilage. In bone or osseous connective tissue (Fig. 18) the matrix is exceed- ingly dense and hard owing to its being strongly impregnated with carbonate and phosphate of lime. It consists typically of numer- ous thin lamelle, which are arranged partly parallel with the sur- face, partly concentrically around certain canals—the Haversian canals (¢)—in which blood-vessels lie. The cells, or bone-corpuseles, lie Fic. 16.—Hyaline cartilage. Fia, 17.—Fibro-cartilage. in minute spaces—the lacune—between the lamellee, and a system of exceedingly fine channels—the eanalicwli—extend from lacuna to lacuna, containing fine protoplasmic processes by means of which neighbouring cells are placed in communication with one another The outer surface of the bone is covered by a vascular fibrous 28 ZOOLOGY SECT. membrane—the pertostewm—which takes an active part in its growth and nutrition. The connective tissues are all more or less passive in the functions which they perform, serving mainly for support and for binding together the various organs. Muscular tissue, on the other hand, has an active part to play—this being the tissue by means of which, in general, all the movements of the body of an animal are brought about, Muscular tissue varies greatly in minute structure in different groups of animals, and even in different parts of the same ani- mal. It consists of microscopic fibres aggregated together into large bundles or layers. These fibres are composed of a sub- stance—the muscle-substance— which when living has the special property of contractility, contract- ing or becoming shorter and thicker on the application of a stimulus. There are two princi- pal varieties of muscular tissue to be distinguished, termed re- spectively non-striated and striated muscle. Hach fibre of non-striated muscle (Fig. 19) is usually a single, greatly elongated cell, sometimes branched, with a single nucleus; it may contain a core of unaltered protoplasm, or all except the nucleus may be altered into muscle-substance; — cross- Me a a anole Goleek Stee sttiation is absent. A fibre of outer surface; b, lamelle concentric gtrjiated muscular tissue (Fig. 20) with the surface of the marrow cavity ; : ; ec, section of Haversian canals; c’, svc- 18 formed by the close union tion of a Haversian canal just dividing : into two; d, interstitial lamelle, (From Of several cells which are repre- Huxley's Lessons in Physiology.) sented by their nuclei (7). Some- times there is a core of proto- plasm ; but more usually the entire fibre is composed of muscle- substance, with perhaps a remnant of protoplasm in the neigh- bourhood of each nucleus. The substance of the fibre is crossed by numerous transverse bands and strie, the precise significance of which is a matter of controversy. The fibre is usually en- closed in a delicate sheath—the sarcolemma. Striated muscular I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 29 tissue is specially characteristic of parts in which rapid movement 1s necessary. The principal elements of nervous tissue are nerve-cells and nerve-fibres, Nerve-cells (Fig. 21) vary greatly in form; they are relatively a Se TL Fia. 19. —Non-striated muscle-cell ; f, substance of fibre > ”, nucleus ; p, unaltered protoplasm in the neighbourhood of the nucleus. (From Huxley’s Lessons in Physioloyy.) Ed large cells with large nuclei and one or several processes, one of which is always continuous with a nerve fibre. The nerve-sibres (Fig. 22), which are to be looked upon as greatly produced processes of nerve-cells, are arranged for the most part im strands which are termed nerves. The fibres themselves vary greatly in structure in different classes of animals. In the higher animals the most characteristic form of nerve-fibre is that which is termed the medullated nerve-fibre. In this there is a central cylinder—the asis-cylinder or newraxis (A, ax)—which is the B =! ska! J Aig, fer _— = d= a < i] ‘= ee im oe! BELO SL ines | ws Ome 7 bay ty A, part of a muscular fibre of a Frog; B, portion of striated muscle Fia. 20.—Striated muscle. 5 I (From Huxley's Lessons in Physiology.) teased out to show separation into fibrille. b, d, g, transverse bands and striw 3 2, nuclei. essential part of the fibre and is made up of numerous extremely fine primitive fibrille; this is surrounded by a layer of a white glistening material—the white substunce of Schwann or medullary sheath (med), enclosed in turn in a very delicate membrane—the neurilemma (newr). The blood, the lymph, and other similar fluids in the body of an animal may be looked upon as liquid tissues, having certain cells 30 ZOOLOGY SECT. —the corpuscles—disseminated through a liquid plasma, which takes the place of the ground-substance of the connective tissues. Fic. 21.—Nerve-cells. A, multipolar ; B, bipolar. Fic. 22.—Nerve-fibres. 4A, medullated ; B, non-medulated ; ax, neuraxis ; med, medullary sheath; neur, neurilemma. In a large proportion of cases such corpuscles are similar to Amcebe in their form and movements (amaboid corpuscles, lewco- cytes). In the blood of Vertebrates leucocytes occur along with coloured corpuscles of definite shape containing the red-colouring matter (hemoglobin) of the blood. The leucocytes are able, like Amcebe, to ingest solid particles, and under certain conditions a Fia, 23.—Various forms of spermatozoa. a, of a Mammal ; , of a Turbellarian worm; c, and d, and e, of Nematode worms; /, of a Crustacean; g, of a Salamander ; h, the commonest form with oval head and long flagellum. (From Lang’s Comparative Anatomy.) number of them may unite to- gether to form a single mass of protoplasm with many nuclei, termed a plasmodiwm. The characteristic cells of the reproductive tissues are the ova and the spermatozoa or sperms. The ova (Fig. 6), when fully formed, are relatively large, usually spherical cells, sometimes composed entirely of protoplasm, but usually with an addition of nutrient food-yolk. Each ovum, as already mentioned, en- closes a large nucleus (germinal vesicle) and in the interior of that one or more nucleoli or germinal spots. The sperms (Fig. 23) are extremely minute bodies, nearly always motile, usually slender and whip-like, tapering towards one extremity, and commonly with a rounded Acad at the other. I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 31 The sperms are developed by a succession of cell-divisions from certain cells—the primitive male cells—similar in character to immature ova. 5. ORGANS. The chief systems of organs of an animal are the integumen- tary, the skeletal, the muscular, the alimentary or digestive, the vascular, the respiratory, the nervous, the excretory, and the repro- ductive. The skin or integument consists in the majority of animals of a cellular membrane—the epidermis—to which reference has already been made, with, superficial to it, in many animals, a non- cellular layer the cuticle, and below it usually a fibrous layer which is known as the dermis. The epidermis may consist of a single layer or may be stratified; it is frequently ciliated, and some of its cells frequently assume the form of unicellular glands. Modi- fication of its superficial layers of cells gives rise frequently to the formation of hard structures contributing to the development of an exoskeleton (vide infra). The cuticle, when present, varies greatly in thickness and con- sistency. Sometimes it is very thin and delicate; in many animals it becomes greatly thickened and hardened so as to form a strong protecting crust, sometimes of a material termed chitin, somewhat akin to horn in consistency, sometimes soliditied by the deposition of calcareous salts. The cuticle is to be looked upon as a secretion from the cells of the epidermis; but the term is frequently applied in the case of the higher animals—in which a cuticle in the strict sense of the term is absent—either to a super- ficial part of the epidermis, in which the cells have become altered and horny, or to the whole of that layer. The layer or layers of the integument situated beneath the epiderm consist of fibrous connective tissue and muscular fibres, constituting, as mentioned above, the derm or dermis. The term skeleton or skeletal system is applied to a system of hard parts, external or internal, which serves for the protection and support of softer organs and often for the attachment of muscles. This system of hard parts may be external, enclosing the soft parts, or it may lie deep within the latter, covered by integument and muscles: in the former case it is termed an exoskeleton or external skeleton ; in the latter an endoskeleton or internal skeleton. In many groups of animals both systems are developed. An exoskeleton is formed by the thickening and hardening of a part or the whole of one of the layers of the integument enumerated above; or more than one of these layers may take part in its formation. In many invertebrate animals, such as_ Insects, Crustaceans, and Molluscs, it is a greatly thickened and hardened 32 ZOOLOGY SECT. cuticle which forms the exoskeleton. The horny scales of Reptiles, the feathers of Birds, and the fur of Mammals are examples of an exoskeleton derived from the epidermis, while the bony shell of Turtles and the bony scales of Fishes are examples of a dermal exoskeleton. When an endoskeleton is present, it usually consists either of cartilage or bone or of both; but sometimes it is composed of numerous minute bodies (spicules) of carbonate of lime or of a siliceous material. A skeleton, whether internal or external, is usually composed of a number of pieces which are movably articulated together, and which thus constitute a system of jointed Jevers on which the muscles act. The alimentary or digestive system consists of a cavity or system of cavities into which the food is received, in which it is digested, and through the wall of which the nutrient matters are absorbed ; together with certain glands. In the lowest groups in which a distinct alimentary or enterte cavity is present it is not distinct from the general cavity of the body ; but in all higher forms there is an enteric canal which is sus- pended within the cavity of the body, and the lumen of which is completely shut off from the latter. It may have simply the form of a sac or bag with a single opening which serves both as mouth and anus ; in other cases the sac becomes branched and may take the form of a system of branching canals. In most animals, however, the alimentary canal has the form of a longer or shorter tube beginning at the mouth and ending at the anal opening (Fig. 24). In most cases there are organs in the neighbourhood of the mouth serving for the seizure of food; these may be simply ¢entacles or soft finger-like appendages, or they may have the form of saws, by means of which the food is not only seized, but torn to pieces or pounded up to small fragments in the process of mastication. The alimentary canal itself 1s usually divided into a number of regions which differ both in structure and in function. In general there may be said to be three regions in the ali- mentary canal—the ingestive, the digestive and absorbent, and the egestive or efferent. The ingestive region is the part following behind the mouth, by which the food reaches the digestive and absorbent region. But, besides serving as a passage, it may also act as a region in which the food undergoes certain processes, chiefly mechanical, which prepare it for digestion. This ingestive region may comprise a mouth-cavity ov buccal cavity, a pharyna, an wsophagus or gullet, with sometimes a muscular gizzard which may be provided with a system of teeth for the further breaking up of the food, and sometimes a crop or food-pouch. The digestive and absorbent region is the part in which the chemical processes of digestion go on, and from which takes place I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 33 the absorption of the digested food-substances. Into this part are poured the secretions of the various digestive glands, which act on the different ingredients of the food so as to render them more soluble. Through the ning membrane of this part the digested nutrient matter passes, to enter the blood-system. This region may present a number of subdivisions ; nearly always there are at least two—a wide sac, the stomach, and a narrow tube, the antestine. The egestive or efferent region of the alimentary canal is the posterior part of the intestine, in which digestion and absorption do not go on, or only go on toa limited extent, and which serves ¢. Pic, 24.—General view of the viscera of a male Frog, from the right side. u, stomach ; b, urinary bladder ; ¢, small intestine; ¢/, cloacal aperture; d. large intestine; ¢, liver; 7, bile-duct: g, gall-bladder ; hk, spleen ; i, lung; k&, larynx ; /, fat-body ; m, testis; 7, ureter; 0, kidney ; Pp, pancreas ; s, cerebral hemisphere ; sp, spinal cord; t, tongue; w, auricle ; ur, urostyle ; v, ventricle ; vs, vesicula seminalis; w, optic lobe; x, cerebellum ; y, Eustachian recess ; z, nasal sac. (From Marshall.) mainly for the passage to the anal opening of the fwces or unabsorbed effete matters of the food. The whole of the interior of the alimentary canal is lined by a layer of cells—the alimentary or enteric epithelium. The form and arrangement of the cells of this epithelium vary greatly in different groups of animals. Usually, they are vertically elongated, prismatic or columnar, or pyramidal in shape ; frequently they are ciliated. In some lower forms, the cells lining the alimentary cavity have the power, like Amoeba, of thrusting forth processes of their protoplasm (Fig. 11, 2), and of taking minute particles of food into their interior to become digested and absorbed (intracellular digestion). Sometimes they are all more or legs active in secreting a fiuid destined to act on the food and render it more soluble; soinetimes this function is confined to certain of the cells, which have a special form; very often the secreting cells VOL. I D 34 ZOOLOGY SECT. line special little pouch-like, simple or branched glands, opening by a passage or duct into the main cavity of the alimentary canal. Besides these glands formed from specially modified cells of the enteric epithelium there are nearly always present certain large special glands, separate from the alimentary canal itself, but opening into it by means of ducts. Of these the most generally- occurring are the glands termed salivary glands, liver, and pancreas. The salivary glands have the function of secreting a fluid called the saliva, which, in many ‘cases at least, has a special action on starchy matters, converting them into sugar. The ducts of these glands open always, not into the digestive, but into some part of the ingestive region of the alimentary system. The most important function of the /iver—properly so called— is one distinct from the process of digestion; its secretion-—the bile—has, however, at least a mechanical effect on this process, and assists the secretion of the pancreas in its effects upon fat. In lower forms the organ to which the term liver is commonly applied appears in many cases to combine the functions of a true liver with that of a pancreas, and is thus more appropriately termed hepato-pancreas or liver-pancreas. The pancreas secretes a fluid—the pancreatic jwice—which has a very important effect in digestion. It renders substances of the nature of albumins soluble by converting them into modifications termed peptones; 1t converts starch into the soluble substance sugar; 1t acts on fatty matters in such a way as to convert them into emulsions which are capable of being taken up and absorbed, and it effects the splitting up of part of the fat into fatty acids and glycerine. When the food has been acted on by the various digestive secretions, the soluble part of it is fitted to be taken up and absorbed through the wall of the alimentary canal into the blood (in animals in which a blood-system exists), or into the fluid which takes its place. In the higher animals a part of the soluble matter of the food passes directly into the blood contained in the blood-vessels; while another part is taken up by a set of special vessels, the dacteals—which are a part of the lymphatic system, and reaches the blood indirectly. In some of the lower groups of animals there is no system of blood-vessels, and the nutrient matter of the food, absorbed through the alimentary canal, merely passes from cell to cell throughout the body, or is received into a space or series of spaces containing fluid intervening between the alimentary canal and the wall of the body. But in the majority of animals there is a system of branching tubes containing a special fluid—the blood, and it is into this that the nutrient matter absorbed from the food sooner or later finds its way. The blood has for one of its principal functions the conveyance of the nutrient matters from the I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 35 alimentary canal throughout the body, so that the various organs may select from it the material which they require for the carrying on of their functions. To carry out this office the blood is con- tained in a complicated system of branching tubes or dlcod-vessels . ; The essence of the process of respiration, as we have alreadyseen, 1s an interchange of oxygen and carbonic acid which takes place between the tissues of an organism and the surrounding medium, whether air or water. During the vital changes which go on in the bodies of all animals, as in Amceba, oxygen is constantly being used up and carbonic acid being formed. The necessary supply of oxygen has to be got from the air, or, in the case of aquatic animals, from the air dissolved in the surrounding water. At the same time the carbonic acid has to be got rid of. In the lowest animals—as for instance Amceba, and many of higher organisation—the oxygen passes inwards and the carbonic acid outwards through the general surface of the body. But in the great majority of animals there is a special set of organs—the organs of respiration—having this particular function. In some animals these organs of respiration are processes, simple or branched, lined by a very delicate membrane, and richly supplied with blood-vessels. Such processes are called gills or branchice ; they are specially adapted for the absorption of oxygen dissolved in water. In other animals the oxygen is obtained directly from the air ; and in such air-breathing forms the organ of respiration is very often a sac, either simple or compound, termed a lung. The interior of this sac is lined with an epithelium of extreme delicacy, immediately outside of which is a network of microscopic blood- vessels or cupillarics with thin walls; and the oxygen readily passes from the air in the cavity of the lung through its lining and the thin wall of the blood-vessel into the blood. In other air- breathing forms the organs of respiration are trachea, which are ramifying tubes, by means of which the air is conveyed to all parts of the body. In such forms, of which the Insects are examples, the air is conveyed, by means of these tubes, from openings on the surface of the body to all parts, and respiration goes on in all the organs. In order that the air or water in contact with the surface of the lungs or gills may be renewed, there are usually special mechanical arrangements. In many gill-bearing animals the gills are attached to the legs, and are thus moved about when the animal moves its limbs. In others certain of the limbs are constantly moving in such a way as to cause a current of water to flow over the gills. In air-breathing forms there is usually a pumping apparatus, by means of which the air is alternately drawn into and expelled from the lungs. In a great number of animals there is in the blood a substance D2 6 ZOOLOGY SECT. alled hemoglobin, which has a strong affinity for oxygen ; and the xygen from the air, when it enters the blood, enters into a state f loose chemical combination with it. In this state, or simply issolved in the fluid plasma of the blood, the oxygen is conveyed hroughout the body. Thus the blood, besides receiving the solid and liquid food from he alimentary canal and carrying it throughout the body for istribution, receives also the oxygen or gaseous food, and supplies t to the parts requiring it. In all parts of the body in which ‘ital action is taking place chemical changes are constantly going n. These chemical changes in the tissues, having for their result he production of heat, motion, secretion, and nerve-action, are or the most part of the nature of oavdations, and involve a constant onsumption of oxygen; while a product which becomes formed sa result of this action is carbonic acid gas. To carry out all the functions which it has to perform as a listributor of nourishment and oxygen and a remover of carbonic icid, the blood has to be moved about through the vessels—to irculate throughout the various organs. In the lowest forms in vhich a definite blood-system is to be recognised, this movement s effected in great measure by the general movements of the v0dy of the animal. In others certain of the vessels contract and lrive the blood through the system; such contractions are of a veristaltic character, the contractions being of the nature of con- ‘trictions running in a definite direction along the course of the ressel, with an effect similar to that produced by drawing the iand along a compressible india-rubber tube. In all higher forms the movement of the blood is effected by neans of a special organ—the heart. The heart is a muscular wxrgan which by its contractions forces the blood through the system of vessels. In its simplest form it usually consists of two thambers, both with muscular walls,—the one, called the auricle, ‘eceiving the blood and driving it into the other, which is called she ventricle. The latter, in turn, when it contracts, drives the blood shrough the vessels to the various parts of the body—the return of the blood backwards to the auricle from the ventricle being prevented by the presence of certain valves, which act like folding loors opening from the auricle towards the ventricle, but closing when pressure is exerted in the opposite direction. In the higher mimals the heart becomes a more complex organ than this, with a arger number of chambers and a more elaborate system of valves. Carbonic acid, as already mentioned, is a waste-product con- stantly being produced in the tissues and being carried off by the slood to pass out by the gills or lungs. Besides the carbonic acid, there are constantly being formed waste-substances of another slass—viz., substances containing nitrogen, of which wrie acid and wrea are the principal ultimate forms. These are separated from I STRUCTURE AND PHYSIOLOGY OF ANIMALS 37 the blood and thrown out of the body by a distinct set of organs called renal organs, or organs of urinary excretion. The form of these organs varies greatly in the different groups; in many cases they are more or less intimately connected with the genital system. In place of the simple contractions and extensions of the proto- plasm which constitute the only movements of Amceba, the higher animals are capable of complex and definite movements. These are brought about by the agency of a set of organs termed the muscles. 1 skeleton; <. cells of Zoochlorelia. (After cases remain fr ee, others, Bittschli, from Parker's Biology.) e.g. Lrthocireus, anastomose freely, 7.c. unite to form net- works. In one large section—the Acantharia—the pseudopodia contain firm axial rods similar to those in the pseudopods of the Heliozoa. There is no contractile vacuole, but in many forms the extra-capsular protoplasm contains numerous large non-contractile vacuoles, which give it the frothy or bubbly appearance noticed previously in Hastigerina. The vacuolated portion of the proto- plasm has a gelatinous consistency, and is distinguished as the calymma. The central capsule may be looked upon as a chitinoid internal skeleton, reminding us of the shell of Gromia and of Bat PHYLUM PROTOZOA 61 the perforated calcareous shell of Hastigerina with its investment of vacuolated protoplasm. It is found in its simplest form in Thalassoplancta (Fig. 44), in which it is spherical and uniformly perforated with minute holes. In other forms, such as Lithocireus (F 1g. 483), it is more or less conical in form, and the apertures are restricted to the flat base of the cone. Lastly, in the most complex forms (Fig. 45), the membrane of the capsule is double, and there are three apertures—a principal one having a central position and provided with a lid or operculum (op.), and two subsidiary ones on the opposite side. In relation with the principal or lidded aperture there is found in the extra- capsular protoplasm a heap of pigmented matter called the phawodiwm (ph.), prob- ably partly of the nature of excreta. The central capsule encloses, in addition to the nucleus or nuclei, oi]-drops, vacuoles, proteid crystals, and pigment. In some genera the central capsule is the only skeletal structure present, but in most cases there is in addition a skeleton —mainly external—formed, as a rule, of silica, but in one subdivision of the class of a substance called acanthin, composed of strontium sulphate, so transparent that it can only be distinguished from silica by chemical tests. The siliceous skeleton may consist of loosely woven spines (Fig. 44), but usually (and the acanthin skeleton always) has the form of a firm Fic. 44.—Thalassoplancta brevispicula, part of a frame-work of globular, conical, stellate, or discoid shape, frequently produced into simple or branched spines. In the forms with an acanthin skeleton the spines fre- quently have inserted into them a number of contractile filaments arising from the section. km. central cap- sule; ip. intra-capsular protoplasm; 2. nucleus, containing 2. numerous nucleoli ; 6¢. oil drops ; ca. calymma ; 7p. protoplasm surrounding calymma,; s. spicules. (From Lang’s Comparative Anatomy, after gelatinous extra-capsular layer. A very a beautiful form of skeleton is exhibited by Actinomma (Fig. 46), in which there are three concentric per- forated spheres (A, sk. 1, 8k. 2, sk. 3) connected by radiating spicules. The outer of these spheres occurs in the extra-capsular protoplasm (B, ex. caps. pr.), the middle one im the intra-capsular protoplasm, and the inner one in the nucleus (nw.). Colonial forms are comparatively rare in this order, but occur in some genera by the central capsule undergoing repeated divisions while the extra-capsular mass remains undivided. In this way is produced—in Collozowm for instance (Fig. 47, A, B, C) SECT. ZOOLOGY 62 Fic. 45,-Aulactinium actinastrum. c. calymma; km. central capsule; 7». nucleus; op operculum ; ph. pheeodium. (From Lang’s Comparative Anatomy, after Hacckel. Fic. 44.—Actinomma asteracanthion. A, the shell with portions of the two outer spheres broken away; B, section showing the relations of the skeleton to the animal; cent. caps, central capsule ; ex. caps. pr. extra-capsular protoplasm ; nu. nucleus ; sk. 1, outer, sk. 2, middle, sk. 3, inner sphere of skeleton. (From Biitschli’s Protozoa, after Haeckel and Hertwig.) I PHYLUM PROTOZOA 63 —a firm gelatinous mass, the calymma or vacuolated extra- capsular protoplasm (D, vac.) common to the entire colony, having embedded in it numerous central capsules (¢. caps.) each indicating a zooid of the colony. Collozoum may attain a length of 3 or 4 cm. Reproduction by binary fission has been observed in some cases, and is probably universal. The nucleus divides first, then the central capsule, and finally the extra-capsular protoplasm. Spore-formation has been observed in Collozoum and some other genera: the intra-capsular protoplasm divides into small masses, each of which becomes a flagellula (Fig. 47, E, F) provided with a single flagellum. In some instances all the spores produced are Fic. 47.—-Collozoum inerme, A—C, three forms of the entire colony, nat. size; D, a small colony showing the numerous central capsules (c. caps.) and extra-capsular protoplasm with vacuoles (vac.); E, spores containing crystals (¢c.); F, mega- and microspore. (From Biitschli’s Protozoa, after Hertwig and Brandt.) alike (E), and each encloses a small crystal (¢.): in other cases (F)— in the same species—the spores are dimorphic, some being small (microspores), others large (megaspores). Their development has not been traced. Symbiosis.—One most characteristic and remarkable feature of the group has yet to be mentioned. In most species there occur in the extra-capsular protoplasm (in the intra-capsular in some cases) minute yellow cells (Fig. 43, z.) which multiply by fission independently of the Radiolarian. It has been proved that these are unicellular organisms, sometimes regarded as plants (Class Algz), sometimes as animals (Class Mastigophora of the Protozoa), and named Zoochlorellw. This intimate association of two organisms is called symbiosis: it is probably a mutually beneficial partner- ship, the Radiolarian supplying the Zoochlorelle with carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste matters, while the Zoochlorelle 64 ZOOLOGY SECT. give off oxygen and produce starch and other food-stuffs, some of which must make their way by diffusion into the protoplasm of the Radiolarian. APPENDIX TO THE RHIZOPODA. CHLAMYDOMYXA AND LABYRINTHULA. Chlamydomyxa (Fig. 48), of which two species have been described, has been found living on Bog-mosses (Sphagnum) in Ireland and in Germany and Vic. 48.—Chlamydomyxa labyrinthuloides. ment of Alga ingested as food; sp. spindles in course uf pseudopods; B, resting-stage— numerous individuals in the cells ofa fragment of Sphagnum ; a, specimen completely enclosed in cell; 6 and c, specimens which have emerged through the ruptured cell-wall; C, specimen A, active phase; ¢.w. cell-wall; /. frag- multiplying by budding; D), by binary fission ; 4, by internal fission, J may represent a stage in spore-formation. (A after Archer, B—K after Geddes.) Switzerland. It may occur either in the active or in the resting condition. In the latter (B, a, b, c) it consists of a mass of protoplasm with a number of nuclei surrounded by a laminated wall of cellulose (p. 14). In the protoplasm are Il PHYLUM PROTOZOA 65 numerous non-nucleated protoplasmic bodies or chromatophores, containing chlorophyll and a green or brown colouring matter in varying proportions. There are also a number of minute rounded bodies of a bluish tint probably com- posed of reserve food-materials. In the young condition (a) the resting cells are globular and microscopic, lying enclosed within the cells of the Sphagnum, but as they grow in this confined space they become elongated and irregular, and finally burst through the wall of the moss-cell, forming masses (b, c) quite visible to the naked eye. These may bud (C) or undergo binary fission (D); or the protoplasm, retreating from the cell-wall, may divide into numerous small uninucleated amceboid masses, each of which subsequently surrounds itself with a new cell-wall (KE). During the whole of the resting stage there is nothing to distinguish Chlamy- domyxa from a plant, and it would certainly be placed among the lower Alge if the active phase of its existence were unknown. In the active stage (A) the protoplasm protrudes from the ruptured cell-wall in the form of stiff pseudopods produced into a complex network of extremely delicate filaments, which are much branched and perhaps anastomose, and may unite to form larger masses of protoplasm at a considerable distance from the original cell. At the same time the bluish spheres (sp.) found in the resting stage take on a spindle shape and travel slowly along the filaments. In one of the two known species the protoplasm entirely leaves the cyst wall and becomes free in the water. The filaments are used to capture living organisms (f.) which are digested by the protoplasm surrounding them, the products of nutrition being conveyed along the network to all parts of the organism. Thus in the active condition the nutrition of Chlamydomyxa is holozoic, z.e. strictly like that of an animal, the food consisting of living protoplasm. In the resting stage, on the other hand, nutrition is purely holophytic, i.e. like that of an ordinary green plant, the food Fie. 49. Labyrinthula vitellina. A, specimen crawling on a fragment of Alga (a.); ¢. ceils travelling in the filaments. B, part of specimen in resting condition with heap of cells (c.); C, a single cell from an actively moving specimen with connecting threads; nu. nucleus, _ Crom Biitschli’s Protozoa, after Cienkowsky.) consisting of the carbon dioxide and various mineral salts dissolved in the water. Chlamydomyxa multiplies in the resting condition by the formation of spores each containing two nuclei. These give rise to flagellule, the further history of which has not been traced. Labyrinthula (Fig. 49) in the resting stage (B) consists of » heap of small VOL. I F 66 ZOOLOGY SECT. nucleated cells (c.) connected by a homogeneous substance. In the active condi- tion (A) it is produced into long delicate stiff filaments of pseudopodial character, along which the cells (c.) travel, in the same manner as the spindles of Chlamy- domyxa. Labyrinthula has, therefore, the character not of a single cell, but of a cell-colony, formed of numerous cells connected together. Chlamydomyxa, on the other hand, has the character of a single multinucleate cell. There is thus no close connection between these two aberrant forms: but both may, perhaps, best be regarded as Rhizopoda with nearer relationships to the Moraminifera (Gromia in particular) than to any of the other orders. Fic. 50 -Didymium difforme. A, two sporangia (spg. 1 and 2) on a fragment of leaf (/.). 5, section of sporangium, with ruptured outer tayer (.); and threads of capillitium (cp.). C, a flagellula with contractile vacuole (c. rar.) and nucleus (nw.). D, the same after loss of flagellum ; b, an ingested Bacillus. EB, an amebula, F, conjugation of amcebule to form a small plasmodinm. G, a larger plasmodium accompanied by numerous amcebule; sp. ingested spores. (A\fter Lister.) CLASS II.—MYCETOZOA. J. EXAMPLE OF TAE CLAss—Didymium diffurme. Didymiun occurs as a whitish or yellow sheet of protoplasm (Fig. 50, G), often several centimetres across, which crawls, like a gigantic Amceba, over the surface of decaying leaves. It shows the charactezistic streaming move- II PHYLUM PROTOZOA 67 ments of protoplasm, and feeds by ingesting various organic bodies, notably the Bacilli which always occur in great numbers in decaying substances. Numerous nuclei are present. After leading an active existence for a longer or shorter time, the protoplasm aggregates into a solid lump, surrounds itself with a cyst, and undergoes multiple fission, dividing into an immense number of minute spores. The cyst (Fig. 50, A, spg. 1, spg. 2) is therefore not a mere resting capsule, like that of Amceba, but a sporangium or spore-case. Its wall consists of two layers, an inner of a dark purple colour and membranous texture, formed of cellulose, and an outer of a pure white hue, formed of calcium carbonate. Thus the whole sporangium, which may attain a diameter of 3 or 4 mm., resembles a minute egg. From the inner surface of the wall of the sporangiwn spring a number of branched filaments of cellulose, which extend into the cavity among the spores and together constitute the capillitium (B, cp.). The spores consist of nucleated masses of protoplasm surrounded by a thick cellulose wall of a dark reddish-brown colour. After a period of rest the proto- plasm emerges in the form of an amceboid mass which soon becomes a flagellula (C), provided with a single flagellum, a nucleus (nu.), and a contractile vacuole (c. vac.). The flagellule move freely and ingest Bacilli (D, 0.), and multiply by fission: then, after a time, they become irregular in outline, draw in the flagellum, and become amceboid (E). The amcebule thus formed congregate in considerable numbers and fuse with one another (F), the final result being the production of the great amceboid mass (G) with which we started. There is no fusion of the nuclei of the amcebule. Thus Didymium in its active condition isa plasmodium, i.e. w body formed by the concresence of amcebulee. 2. GENERAL REMARKS ON THE MyYcETOZOA. Speaking generally, the Mycetozoa differ from all other Protozoa in their terrestrial habit. They are neither aquatic, like most members of the phylun, nor parasitic, like many other forms, but live habitually a sub-aérial life on decaying organic matter. They are also remarkable for their close resemblance in the structure of the sporangia and spores to certain Fungi, a group of parasitic or saprophytic plants in which they are often included, most works on Botany having a section on the J/yxomycetes or ‘‘ Slime-fungi,” as these organisms are then called. They are placed among animals on account of the structure and physiology of the flagellate, amceboid, and plasmodial phases, which exhibit automatic movements and ingest solid food. The Mycetozoa are sometimes included among the Rhizopoda, a course which their very peculiar reproductive processes appears to render inadvisable. An interesting organism, called Protomyxa, probably belongs to this group. In its plasmodial phase it consists of orange-coloured masses of protoplasm, about 1 mm. in diameter, which crawl over sea-shells by means of their long, branched pseudopods, and ingest living prey. No nuclei are known. The protoplasm becomes encysted and breaks up into naked spores, which escape from the cyst as flagellule, but soon become amceboid and fuse to form the plasmodium. CLASS III—MASTIGOPHORA. 1. EXAMPLE OF THE CLass—Luglena viridis, Euglena (Fig. 51) is a flagellate organism commonly found in the water of ponds and puddles, to which it imparts a green colour. The body (E, H) is spindle-shaped, and has at the blunt anterior end a depression, the gullet (F, ws.), from the inner surface of which F 2 68 ZOOLOGY SECT. springs a single long flagellum (72.). According to recent observa- tions the flagellum is not a simple thread, but is beset with delicate cilium-like processes. The organism is propelled through the water by the lashing movements of the flagellum, which is always directed forwards ; it can also perform slow worm-like movements of contraction and expansion (A—D), but anything like the free pseudopodial movements which characterise the Rhizopoda is precluded by the presence of a very thin membrane or cuticle which invests the body. Oblique and longitudinal lines ;in the outer layer of the protoplasm may be due to the presence of contractile fibrils. There is a nucleus (xw.) near the centre of the body, and at the anterior end a contractile vacuole (H, ¢. vac.), leading into Fic. 51—BEuglena viridis. A—1), four views illustrating euglenoid movements; E and H, enlarged views ; F, anterior end further enlarged ; G, resting form after binary fission ; ¢. vac. contractile vacuole in H, reservoir in Eand F; cy. cyst; 1. flagellum ; #2. mouth ; nw. nucleus ; es, gullet; p. paramylum bodies; pg. pigment spot; 7. (in H), reservoir. (From Parker's Biology, after Kent and Klebs.) a large non-contractile space or reservoir (7.) which discharges into the gullet. The greater part of the body is coloured green by the charac- teristic vegetable pigment, chlorophyll, and contains rod-shaped grains of paramylum (H, p.), a carbohydrate allied to starch. In contact with the reservoir is a bright red speck, the stigma (pg.), formed of a pigment allied to chlorophyll and called hematochrome. It seems probable that the stigma is a light-perceiving organ or rudimentary eye. Euglena is nourished like a typical green plant: it decomposes the carbon dioxide dissolved in the water, assimilating the carbon and evolving the oxygen. Nitrogen and other elements it absorbs in the form of mineral salts in solution in the water. But it has Ir PHYLUM PROTOZOA 69 also been shown that the movements of the flagellum create a whirlpool by which minute fragments are propelled down the gullet and into the soft internal protoplasm. There seems to be no doubt that in this way minute organisms are taken in as food. Euglena thus combines the characteristically animal (holozoic) with the characteristically vegetable (holophytic) mode of nutrition. But, in all probability, the Euglena is in large measure saprophytic, the products of the decay of organic matter dissolved in the water being absorbed through the general surface. Sometimes the active movements cease, the animal comes to rest and surrounds itself with a cyst or cell-wall of cellulose (G), from which, after a quiescent period, it emerges to resume active life. It is during the resting condition that reproduction takes place by the division of the body in a median plane parallel to the long axis (G). Under certain circumstances multiple fission takes place, and flagellule are produced, which, sometimes, after passing through an amceboid stage, develop into the adult form. 2. CLASSIFICATION AND GENERAL ORGANISATION. The Mastigophora form a very extensive group, the genera and species of which show a wonderful diversity in structure and habit. The only character common to them all is the presence of one or more flagella. Some approach plants so closely as to be claimed by many botanists; others are hardly to be distinguished. from Rhizopods ; while the members of one order present an interesting likeness to certain peculiar cells found in Sponges. The class is divisible into four orders as follows :— ORDER 1,.—-FLAGELLATA. Mastigophora having one or more flagella at the anterior end of the body. ORDER 2.—CHOANOFLAGELLATA. Mastigophora having a single flagellum surrounded at its base by a contractile protoplasmic collar. ORDER 3.—DINOFLAGELLATA. Mastigophora having two flagella, one anterior, the other encircling the body like a girdle. ORDER 4.—CYSTOFLAGELLATA. Mastigophora having two flagella, one of which is modified into a long tentacle, while the other is small and contained within the gullet. 20 ZOOLOGY SECT. Systematic Position of the Hxample. Euglena viridis is one of several species of the genus Huglena, and belongs to the family Huglenide, sub-order Buglenoidea, and order Flagellata. The presence of an anterior flagellum and the absence of a collar, transverse flagellum, or tentacle, indicate its position among the Flagellata. It is placed among the Euglenoidea in virtue of possessing a single flagellum and a small gullet into which the reservoir opens. The genus Euglena is distinguished by its centrally placed nucleus, green chromatophore, red stigma, and euglenoid movements. E. viridis is separated from other species of the genus by its spindle-shaped body with blunt ante- rior and pointed posterior end, and by the flagellum being some- what longer than the body. ORDER 1,—FLAGELLATA. The cell-body is usually ovoid or flask-shaped (Fig. 52, 6, 7, 9, &c.), but may be almost globular (7), or greatly elongated (3). Anterior and posterior ends are always distinguishable, the flagella being directed forwards in swimming, and, as a rule, dorsal and ventral surfaces can be distinguished by the presence of a mouth or by an additional flagellum on the ventral side. They are, therefore, usually belaterally symmetrical, or divisible into equal and similar right and left halves by a vertical antero-posterior plane. Some of the lower forms have no distinct cuticle, and are able, under certain circumstances, to assume an amoeboid form (2). The curious genus Mastigamaba (4) has a permanently amceboid form, but possesses, in addition to pseudopods, a single long flagellum. It obviously connects the Mastigophora with the Rhizopoda, and indeed there seems no reason why it should be placed in the present group rather than with the Lobosa, Simi- larly, Dimorpha (5) connects the Flagellata with the Heliozoa: in its flagellate phase (@) it is ovoid and provided with two flagella, butit may send out long stiff radiating pseudopods, while retaining - the flagella, or may draw in the latter and assume a purely helizoan phase of existence provided with pseudopods only (8). Nuclei of the ordinary character are universally present. In addition there is present in the cytoplasm near the base of the flagelluma much more minute,deeply-staining body, which is termed the blepharoblast (Fig. 53). This has sometimes been taken for a micronucleus such as is general in the Infusoria, but it is not of nuclear origin, and does not take an active part in any reproductive processes. The number of flagella is subject to great variation. There mav be one (Fig. 52, 1-3), two (9, 10), three (6), or four (7). Sometimes the flagella show a differentiation in functiem ; in II PHYLUM PROTOZOA val Hetcromita, eg. (Fig. 57) the anterior flagellum (jl. Z) only is used in progression, the second or cies (f. 2) is trailed mS. 6.Dalflingeria ee 9.Cryptomonas B.0ikomonas 1. Dinobryon 12.Synerypta 13.Anthéphysa 14.Rhipidodendron Fia. 52.—Various forms of Flagellata.—In 2, flagellate (w) and amcbhboid (b) phases are shown ; in 6, flagellate (a) and heliozoan (b) phases; in 8 are shown two stages in the in- gestion of a food-particle (j.); chr. chromutophores ; c. vac. contractile vacuole ; f. food par- ticle g. gullet; nw. nucleus; /. lorica ; p. protoplasm ; per. peristome ; vi. vacuole of ingestion. (Mostly from Biitschli’s Protozoa, after various authors.) behind when the animal is swimming freely, or is used to anchor it to various solid bodies. In some (Trypanosomes, Tig. 53) the 72 ZOOLOGY SECT. flagellum (or one of them, if two are present) is attached through- out its length, or in the greater part of its length, to the edge of a wavy protoplasmic flange, or undulating membrane, ranning along the body. ; ; ; There are also important variations in structure correlated with varied modes of nutrition. Many of the lower forms, such as Heteromita, live in decomposing animal infusions: they have neither mouth nor gullet and take no solid food, but live by absorbing the nutrient matters in the solution ; their nutrition 1s, in fact, saprophytic, like that of many fungi. A few live as para- sites in various cavities of the body of the higher animals. The Hemoflagellata, an extensive group, live as parasites in the plasma of the blood of various vertebrates. Most of these appear to be harmless, but some are the causes of serious diseases in Man fa "] f1a. 53.—Trypanosomes of Fishes. ¢. blepharoblast; /. flagellum ; fu, and fp. (in 4) anterior and posterior flagella ; m. undulating membrane ; n. nucleus. (After Laveran and Mesnil.) and other higher animals. One Euglena-like form lives as an intra-cellular parasite within the cells of one of the lower worms. Heematococcus (Fig. 54), Pandorina (Fig. 55), Volvow (Fig. 56), and their allies present us with a totally different state of things. The mouthless body is surrounded by a cellulose cell-wall (¢.w.), and contains chromatophores (chr.) coloured either green by chloro- phyll or red by hematochrome. Nutrition is purely holophytic, 4.¢. takes place by the absorption of a watery solution of mineral salts and by the decomposition of carbon dioxide. It is, there- fore, not surprising that these chlorophyll-containing Flagellata are often included among the Alge or lower green plants. Other genera live in a purely animal fashion by the ingestion of solid proteinaceous food, usually in the form of minute living organisms: in these cases there is always some contrivance for capturing and swallowing the prey. In Ockomonas (Fig. 52, 8), we have one of the simplest arrangements: near the base of the flagellum is a slight projection containing a vacuole (v.7.); the movements of the flagellum drive small particles (/) against this region, where the protoplasm is very thin and readily allows the particles to penetrate into the vacuole, where they are digested. II PHYLUM PROTOZOA 73 In Euglena, as we have seen, there is a short, narrow gullet, and in some genera (9, g) this tube becomes a large and well-marked structure. Skeleton.—While a large proportion of genera are naked or covered only by a thin cuticle, a few fabricate for themselves a delicate chitinoid shell or lorica (10, ?.), usually vase-shaped and widely-open at one end so as to allow of the protrusion of the contained animaleule. In the chlorophyll-containing forms there is a closed cell-wall of cellulose (Fig. 54, cw.). One group of Fic. 54.—Heematococcus pluvialis. A, motile stage; B, resting stage; C, D, two modes of fission; E, Hamatococcus lacustris, motile stage; F', diagram of movements of flagellum ; chr. chromatophores ; ¢. vac. contractile vacuole ; ¢,7. cell-wall; nw. nucleus ; nw’, nucleolus ; pyr. pyrenoids. (From Parker's Biology.) marine Flagellates have siliceous skeletons similar to those of the Radiolaria, with which they were originally classed. In many genera colonies of various forms are produced by repeated budding. Some of these are singularly like a zoophyte (see Sect. IV.) in general form (Fig. 52, 71), being branched colonies composed of a number of connected monads, each enclosed in a little glassy lorica; or green (chlorophyll-containing) zooids are enclosed in a common gelatinous sphere, through which their flagella protrude (12); or tufts of zooids, reminding us of the flower-heads of Acacia, are borne on a branched stem (13). In Volvox (Fig. 56) the zooids of the colony are arranged in the form of a hollow sphere, and in Pandorina (Fig. 55) in that of a solid sphere enclosed in a delicate shell of cellulose. Lastly, in Rhipido- 74 ZOOLOGY SECT. dendron (Fig. 52, 24) a beautiful branched fan-shaped colony is produced, the branches consisting of closely adpressed gelatin- ous tubes each the dwelling of a single zooid. Binary fission is the ordinary mode of asexual multiplication, and may take place either in the active or in the resting condition. Heematococcus (Fig. 54) and Euglena (Fig. 51), for instance, divide while in the encysted condition; Heteromita (Fig. 57) ris, 55,—Pandorina morum. A, entire colony; B, asexual reproduction, each zooid dividing into a daughter-colony ; (, liberation of gametes; D—F, three stages in conjugation of gametes; G, zygote; H--K, development of zygote into a new colony. (From Parker's Biology, after Goebel.) and other saprophytic forms while actively swimming: in the latter case the divison includes the almost infinitely fine flagellum. In correspondence with their compound nature, the colonial genera exhibit certain peculiarities in asexual multiplication. In Dinobryon (Fig. 52, 11) a zooid divides within its cup, in which one of the two products of division remains; the other crawls out of the lorica, fixes itself upon its edge, and then secretes a new lorica for itself. In Pandorinu (Fig. 55) each of the sixteen zooids of the colony divides into sixteen (B), thus forming that number of daughter-colonies within the original cell-wall, by the rupture of II PHYLUM PROTOZOA 75 which they are finally liberated. In Volvo (Fig. 56), certain zooids, called purthenogonidia (A, a), have specially assigned to them the function of asexual reproduction: they divide by a process resembling the segmentation of the egg in the higher animals (D'=D*), and form daughter-colonies which become detached and swim freely in the interior of the mother-colony. A very interesting series of stages in sexual reproduction is found in this group. In Heteromita two individuals come together Wan (Ui Fic. 53.—Volvox globator. A, entire colony, enclosing several daughter-colonies ; B, the same during sexual maturity; C, four zooids in optical section ; DI—D5, develop- ment of parthenogonidium ; E, ripe spermary; I°, sperm; G, ovary containing ovam and sperms; H, oosperm; a, parthenogonidia; #. flagellum; ov. ovum ; ory. ovaries 5 py. pigment spot; spy. spermayies. (From Parker's Biology, after Cohn and Kirchner.) (Fig. 57, E") and undergo complete fusion (E?—E*): the result of this conjugation of the two gametes or conjugating cells is a thin- walled sac, the zygote (E°), the protoplasm of which divides by multiple fission into very minute spores. These, when first liberated by the rupture of the zygote (E*), are mere granules, but soon the ventral or trailing flagellum is developed, and after- wards the anterior flagellum (F!—F"). In Pandorina (Fig. 55) the cells of the colony escape from the common gelatinous envelope (C) and conjugate in pairs (D, E), forming a zygote (F, G), which, after a period of rest (H), divides and forms a new colony (K). } ZOOLOGY . SECT. a some cases the conjugating cells are of two sizes, union always iking place between a large cell or megagamete and a small cell Et Ic, 57,_Heteromita rostrata. A, the positions assumed in the springing movements of the anchored form; B, longitudinal fission of anchored form; C, transverse fission of the same; D, fission of free-swimming form ; E, conjugation of free-swimming with anchored form ; E5, zygote ; E6, emission of spores from zygote ; F, development of spores; 7.1, ante- rior; 7.2, ventral flagellum. (From Parker's Biology, after Dallinger.) r microgamete. In Volvox (Fig. 56) this dimorphism reaches its xtreme, producing a condition of things closely resembling what 1 PHYLUM PROTOZOA 77 we find in the higher animals. Certain of the zooids enlarge and form megagametes (B, ery.), others divide repeatedly and give rise to groups of microgametes (B, spy. E, F), each in the form of an elongated yellow body with a red pigment-spot and two flagella. These are liberated, swim freely, and conjugate with the stationary megagamete (G), producing a zygote (H), which, after a’ period of rest, divides and reproduces the colony. It is obvious that the megagamete corresponds with the ovum of the higher animals, the microgamete with the sperm, and the zygote with the oosperm or impregnated egg. It should be noticed that in the more complex cases of repro- duction just described we meet with a phenomenon not seen in cases of binary fission, viz., development, the young organism being far simpler in structure than the adult, and reaching its final form by a gradual increase in complexity. 1.Monosiga. 2.Salpingoeca. 3.Polyoeca. 4.Proterospongia. Vic, 58.—Various forms of Choanofiagellata. 20 illustrates longitudinal fission ; 2c, the pro- duction of flagellulz; ¢. collar; ¢c. vac. contractile vacuole; jl. flagelium ; J, lorica; nu. nucleus; 3. stalk, (After Saville Kent.) ORDER 2.—CHOANOFLAGELLATA. General Structure.—The members of this group are distin- guished by the presence of a vase-like prolongation of the proto- plasm, sometimes double, called the collar (Fig.58, /,¢.), surrounding the base of the single flagellum (7l.). The collar is contractile, and, although its precise functions are not yet certainly known, there is 8 ZOOLOGY SECT. vidence to show that its movements cause vorticesin the water which raw in small bodies towards the outside of the collar to which they dhere. By degrees such bodies are drawn towards the base, and ach is received into a vacuole which moves back into the interior f the protoplasm, another vacuole taking its place. The animalcule aay draw in both collar and flagellum and assume an anceboid form. The nucleus (#w.) is spherical, and there are one or two con- ractile vacuoles (¢. vac.), but no trace of mouth or gullet. Some yrms are naked (2), others (2) enclosed in a chitinoid shell or mica of cup-like form. \ BON< 2 © SECL. IV PHYLUM CCRLENTERATA 151 nervous systems. The velum and the sub-umbrella possess abundance of muscle-fibres, presenting a transverse striation, and round the margin of the umbrella is a double ring of nerve- cells and fibres, one ring being above, the other below the at- tachment of the velum (Fig. 101, D, nv, nv’). The medusa—thus furnish the first. instance _we have met with of-a-central-nervous- system, @.¢. a concentration of nervous tissue over a limited area serving to control the movements of the whole organism. It has been proved experimentally that the medusz is paralysed by removal of the nerve-ring. Over the whole sub-umbrella is a loose network of nerve-cells and fibres connected with the nerve- ring, and forming a peripheral nervous system. In some meduse the circular canal communicates with the exterior by minute pores placed at the summits of papille, the Fic. 110—Diagram illustrating the formation of a sporosac by the degradation of a medusa. 4, medusa enclosed in ectodermal envelope (cx); B, intermediate condition with vestiges of umbrella (uw) and radial canals (a): (, sporosac. er, ectoderm ; en, endoderm ; i, manubrium ; ov, ovary ; t, tentacle; v, velum. (From Lang’s Comparative dnutomy.) endoderm cells of which contain brown granules. There seems to be little doubt that these are organs of eaeretion, the cells with- drawing nitrogenous waste-matters from the tissues and passing them out through the pores. If we excep’, the contractile vacuoles of Protozoa, this is the first appearance of specialised excretory organs in the ascending series of animals. Besides producing gonads, some meduse multiply asexually by budding, the buds being developed either from the manubrium (Fig. 105, 7a), or from the margin of the umbrella (72) or the base of the tentacles. The buds always have the medusa form. In many Leptoline the reproductive zooids undergo a degrada- tion of structure, various stages of the process being found in different species. Almost every gradation is found, from perfect meduse to ovoid pouch-like bodies called sporosacs (Fig. 105, 1b, 5, s), each consisting of little more than a gonad, but showing an in- dication of its true nature in a prolongation of the digestive cavity 152 ZOOLOGY SECT. of the colony, representing the stomach of the manubrium (Fig. 110). We thus have a reproductive zooid reduced to what 1s practically a reproductive organ. It is obvious that a continua- tion of the same process might result in the production of a simple gonad like that of Hydra: there is, however, no evidence to show that the Fresh-water Polype ever produced meduse, and the probabilities are that its ovaries and testes are simply gonads, and not degenerate zooids. The case is interesting as showing how a simple structure may be imitated by the degradation of a complex one. It is quite possible, on the other hand, that the reproductive organs of the Leptomeduse (Fig. 100) are sporosacs, ie, reproductive zooids, not mere gonads. In some rare cases the Fic.111—Early development of Bucope. A, blastularstage; B, planula with solid endoderm ; C, planula with enteric cavity; al. enteric cavity; ep. ectoderm; hy. endoderm. (From Balfour’s Embryology, after Kowalevsky.) sexual cells are not developed either in medusz or in sporosacs, but are formed directly in the blastostyles. In Obelia we found the medusze to be budded off from pecu- liarly modified mouthless zooids—the blastostyles. This arrange- ment, however, is by no means universal: the reproductive zooids —whetler medusee or sporosacs—may spring directly from the ceenosare, as in Bougainvillea (Fig. 104), or from the ordinary hydranths (Fig. 105,4 and 45). The primitive sex-cells, from which ova or sperms are ultimately developed, are sometimes formed from the endoderm or (more usually) ectoderm cells of the repro- ductive zooid; but in many cases originate in the ccenosare, and slowly migrate to their destination in the ectoderm of the gonad, where they metamorphose in the usual way into the definitive re- productive products, which when mature pass into the space below the ectoderm of the gonad. The development of the Leptolinz frequently, but not always, IV PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 153 begins within the maternal tissues, 7.c. while the oosperm or im- pregnated egg-cell is still contained in the gonad of the meduse or in the sporosac. The oosperm divides into two cells, then into four, eight, sixteen, &c. Fluid accumulates in the interior of the embryo, resulting in the formation of a blastula or hollow globe formed of a single layer of cells (Fig. 111, A). The blastula elongates, and the cells at one pole undergo division, the daughter- cells passing into the cavity, which they gradually fill (B). At this stage the embryo is called a planula: it consists of an outer layer of cylindrical cells—the ectoderm—which acquire cilia, and an inner mass of polyhedral cells—the endoderm. In some cases the planula arises by a different process: a solid morula is formed, the superficial cells of which become radially elongated and form ectoderm, the central mass of cells becoming endoderm. By means of its cilia the planula swims freely, and before long a cavity appears in the middle of the solid mass of endoderm, the cells of which then arrange themselves in a single layer around the cavity or enteron (C,a/). The planula then comes to rest, fixes itself at one end to some suitable support, and becomes con- verted into a simple polype or Aydrula by the attached end broadening into a disc and the opposite extremity forming a manubrium and tentacles. The hydrula soon begins to send off lateral buds, and so produces the branched colony. In Tubularia the oosperm develops, while still enclosed in the sporosac, into a short hydrula, which, after leading a free existence for a short time, fixes itself by its proximal end, buds, and produces the colony. In Hydra development begins in the ovary, and is complicated by the fact that the ectoderm of the morula gives rise to a sort of protective shell: in this condition the embryo is set free, and, after a period of rest, develops into the adult form. ORDER 2.—TRACHYLINE General Structure.—The members of this order are all meduse: no zoophyte stage is certainly known in any of them, and several species have been proved to develop directly from the egg. They thus differ from the members of the preceding order in the fact that no alternation of generations ordinarily occurs in their life-history. Most species are of small or moderate size, the largest not exceeding 100 mm. (4 inches) in diameter. The gelatinous tissue or mesoglea of the ex-umbrella is usually well developed, giving the medusa a more solid appearance than the delicate jelly-fish of the preceding order: this is well shown in Fig. 112, in which the apical region of the umbrella has a comparatively immense thick- ness. The tentacles are also stiff and strong, and are always solid in the young condition, although they may be replaced in the adult by hollow tentacles. 154 ZOOLOGY SECT. But the most characteristic anatomical feature of the group is the structure of the sense-organs, which are club-shaped bodies (Figs. 112 and 113, te) consisting of an outer layer of ectoderm Gh 1.Perasus Fee 2.Glossocodon xe Fic. 112.-Two Trachymedusze. civ. c. circular canal; gon. gonad; mnb. manubrium ; ath. mouth ; rad. c. radial canal; re. c. recurrent canal; ¢. tentacle ; tc. tentaculocyst ; tg. tongue ; vl. velum. (After Haeckel.) 1.Cunarcha 2.Polycolpa Fia. 113.—Two Narcomeduse, 2 in vertical section. gon. gonad; mnb. manubrium ; mth. mouth; pr. peronium ; rad.c. radial canal; t. tentacle ; tc. tentaculocyst ; t.7. tentacle-root ; v.l. velum, (After Haeckel ) enclosing a central axis of endoderm cells (Fig. 114): they have, therefore, the structure of tentacles. They contain one or more lithites, which are always derived from the endoderm. To lv PHYLUM CQ@LENTERATA 155 distinguish them from the lithocysts of Leptomeduse, and to mark the fact that they are modified tentacles, they are called tentaculo- cysts. They may either project freely from the margin of the umbrella, or may become enclosed in a pouch-like growth of ectoderm and more or less sunk in the tissue of the umbrella. Kyes occur in some, and are always of simple structure. The two sub-orders of Trachyline are characterised by the mode of origin of the tentacles. In Trachymeduse, as in the preceding order, they arise near the edge of the um- brella (Fig. 112), but in the Narcomeduse they spring about half-way between the edge and the vertex (Fig. 113), and are continued, at their proximal ends, into the ielly of the ex-umbrella in the form of “ tentacle-roots ” (t.7). As to the position of the reproductive organs, there is the same difference be- Fic. 114.-#Hginura myosura, a tentaculo- tween the two sub-orders cyst highly magnified. ect. ectoderm ; end. : endoderm; J. lithites; afc. nematocysts ; of Trachyline as between nv.c. group of nerve-cells. (After Haeckel). the two sub-orders of Lepto- line. In the Trachymeduse the gonads (Fig. 112, gon) are developed in the course of the radial canals: in the Narcomedusee (Fig. 118) they le on the manubrium, sometimes extending into the pouch-like offshoots of its cavity. There is always a well-developed velum, which, as in Fig. 118, 1, may hang down vertically instead of taking the usual horizontal position. In the Narcomeduse the manubrium is short; in the Trachymedusz it is always well developed, and is sometimes (Fig. 112, 2) prolonged into a long, highly contractile peduncle, having its inner surface produced into a tongue-like process (¢y) which protrudes through the mouth. In some the gastric cavity is situated in the manubrium, which in such a case is looked upon as partly of the nature of a process of the sub-umbrella (pseudo- manubrium). The simplest case of the development of Trachyline is seen in Aiginopsis, one of the Narcomeduse. The oosperm gives rise to a ciliated planula, which forms first two (Fig 115), then four tentacles, and a mouth, hypostome, and stomach. The larva of Eginopsis is thus a hydrula, closely resembling the corresponding stage of Tubularia. After a time the tentacular region grows out, carrying the tentacles with it, and becomes the umbrella of the 156 ZOOLOGY SECT. medusa. Thus the actual formation of the medusa from the hydrula of Aiginopsis corresponds precisely with the theoretical derivation given above (p. 136), It will be seen that in the present case there 1s no metagenesis or alternation of generations, but that development is accompanied by a metamorphosis—that is, the egg gives rise to a larval form differing in,a striking manner from the adult, into which it becomes converted by a gradual series or changes. Metagenesis is, however, nut quite unknown among the Trachy- line. Ina parasitic Narcomedusa (Cunina parasitica) the planula Fic. 115.—Larva of ABginopsis. m. mouth; ¢. tentacle. (From Balfour, after Metschnikoff.) fixes itself to the manubrium of one of the Trachymeduse which serves as its host, and develops into a hydrula. But the latter, in- stead of itself becoming metamorphosed into a medusa, retains the polype form and produces other hydrule by budding, these last becoming converted into medusz in the usual way. ORDER 3.—-HYDROCORALLINA. The best-known genus of Hydroid Corals is Afillepora, one species of which is the beautiful Elk-horn Coral, J/. aleicornis. The dried colony (Fig. 116 A) consists of an irregular lobed or branched mass of carbonate of lime, the whole surface beset with the numerous minute pores to which the genus owes its name. The pores are of two sizes: the larger are about 1 or 2 mm. apart, and are called gastropores (B, gp); the smaller are arranged more or less irregularly round the gastropores, and are called dactylopores (d.p). The whole surface of the coral between the pores has a pitted appearance. Sections (C) show that the entire stony mass is traversed by a complex system of branched canals, which com- municate with the exterior through the pores. The wide vertical Iv PHYLUM CCHLENTERATA 157 canals in immediate connection with the gastropores are traversed by horizontal partitions, the tabula (tb). In the living animal each pore is the place of origin of a zooid: from the gastropores protrude polypes (Fig. 117, P) with hypostome and four knobbed tentacles ; from the dactylopores long, filamentous, mouthless dactylozooids or feelers (D.Z), with irregularly disposed tentacles: the function of these latter is probably protective and tactile, like that of the guard-polypes of Plumularia and the dactylozooids of Hydractinia. The bases of the zooids are con- nected with a system of delicate tubes, which ramify through the Fic, 116.—Mlillepora alcicornis. A, part of skeleton, natural size; B, portion of surface, magnified; C, vertical section, magnified ; ¢.p. dactylopores ; g.p. gastropores ; tb. tabule. (After Nicholson and Lydekker.) canals of the coral and represent a much-branched ccenosare, recalling that of Hydractinia (p. 144). The ccenosarcal tubes have the usual structure, consisting of ectoderm and endoderm with an intervening mesoglea. From the relative position of the parts it will be obvious that the cal- careous skeleton is in contact throughout with the ectoderm of the colony: it is, in fact, like the horny perisare of the Leptoline, a cuticular product of the ectoderm. The only other genus to which we shall refer is Stylaster (Fig. 118), which forms a remarkably elegant tree-lke colony, abund- antly branched in one plane, and of a deep pink colour. On the branches are little cup-like projections with radiating processes passing from the wall of the cup towards the centre, and thus 158 ZOOLOGY SECT. closely resembling the true cup-corals belonging to the Actinozoa (vide infra). But in the case of Stylaster each “cup” is the locus, not of one, but of several zooids—a polype projecting from its centre, and a dactylozooid from each of the compartments of its peripheral portion. A calcareous projection, the style, the presence of which is the origin of the generic name, rises up from the tabula at the bottom of each pore. The gonophores in most species of Millepora are developed in certain of the pores in dilatations or ampulle ; in one species at Fia. 117.—Mfillepora. Diagrammatic view of a portion of the living animal, partly from the surface, partly in vertical section. In the sectional part the ectoderm is dotted, the endoderm striated, and the skeleton black. ect. ectoderm; end. endoderm; d.p. dactylopore ; D.Z. dactylozovid ; g.p. gastropore ; mth. mouth; P. polype; t. tentacle. (Altered from Moseley.) the apices of the dactylozooids. They are meduse, but never have the complete medusa-form, being devoid of velum, mouth, radial canals and tentacles. Both male and female medusz become free, but the period of free existence is very short. In Stylaster the medusoid character is much more completely lost, and the gonophores are more of the nature of sporosacs or IV PHYLUM CCELENTERATA, 159 degraded reproductive zooids lodged in special chambers («) of the coral. The Hydrocorallina occur only in the tropical portions of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, where they are found on the “ coral- Fic. 118—Stylaster sanguineus. A, portion of skeleton, natural size; B, small portion, * magnified ; a. ampulla ; d.p. dactylopores ; g.p. gastrupores. (After Nicholson and Lydekker.) reefs” partly or entirely surrourding many of the islands in those seas. Fossil forms are found as far back as the Triassic epoch. ORDER 4.—SIPHONOPHORA, The diversity of form exhibited by the members of this order is so great that anything like a general account of it would only be confusing to the beginner, and the most satisfactory method of presentation will be by the study of a few typical genera. Halistemma (Fig. 119 A) occurs in the Mediterranean and other seas, and consists of a Jong, slender, floating stem, to which a number of structures, differing greatly in form, are attached. At one —the uppermost—end of the stem isan ovoid, bubble-like body con- taining air—the float or pneumatophore (pn). Next come a number of closely set, transparent structures (net), having the general char- acters of unsymmetrical medusz without manubria, each being a deep, bell-like body, with a velum and radiating canals. During life these swimming-bells or nectocalyces contract rhythmically—ze. at regular intervals—drawing water into their cavities, and immedi- ately pumping it out, thus serving to propel the entire organismr ‘S, SUF ie B) N (Me 1S} ISS Ly) Fic, 119.—Halistemma tergestinum, A, the entire colony; B, a single group of zooids. ce. cenosarc ; dz. dactylozooid ; khpk. hydrophyllium or bract; net. nectocalyx or swimming- bell; xtc. battery of nematocysts ; p. polypo; pr. pneumatophore or float; s, s’, sporocysts ; t, tentacle. (After Claus.) SECT. IV PHYLUM CQiLENTERATA 161 through the water. Below the last nectocalyx the character of the structures borne by the stem changes completely: they are of several kinds, and are arranged in groups which follow one another at regular intervals, and thus divide the stem into seg- ments, like the nodes and internodes of a plant. Springing from certain of the “nodes” are unmistakable polypes (p), differing however from those we have hitherto met with in having no circlet of tentacles round the ‘mouth, but a single long branched tentacle (¢) arising from the proximal end, and bearing numerous groups or “batteries” of stinging-capsules (née). In the remaining nodes the place of the polypes is taken by dactylo- zooids or feelers (dz)—mouthless polypes, each with an unbranched tentacle springing from its base. Near the bases of the polypes and dactylozooids spring groups of sporosacs (B, s, s’), some male, others female; and finally delicate, leaf-like, transparent bodies— the bracts or hydrophy/lia (hph)—spring from the “ internodes ” and partly cover the sporosacs. It is obvious that on the analogy of such a hydroid polype as Obelia, Halistemma is to be looked upon as a polymorphic floating colony, the stem representing a ccenosarc, and the various struc- tures attached to it zooids—the polypes nutritive zooids, the feelers tactile zooids, the sporosacs reproductive zooids, the bracts protective zooids, and the swimming-bells locomotory zooids. The float may be looked upon as the dilated end of the stem, which has become invaginated or turned-in so as to form a bladder filled with air, its outer and inner surfaces being furnished by ectoderm, and the middle portion of its wall by two layers of endoderm, between which the enteric cavity originally extended (Fig. 120, pn). The upper or float-bearing end is proximal— ae. answers to the attached end of an Obelia-stem: it is the opposite or distal end which grows and forms new zooids by budding. In some Siphonophora the bracts contain indications of radial canals, so that these structures, as well as the swimming-bells and sporosacs, are formed on the medusa-type, while the hydranths and feelers are constructed on the polype-type. It will be noticed that the radial symmetry, so characteristic of most of the Hydrozoa previously studied, gives way, in the case of Halistemma, to a bilateral symmetry. The swimming-bells are placed obliquely, and the mouth of the bell is not at mght angles to the long axis, so that only one plane can be taken dividing these structures into two equal halves: the same applies to the polype and feelers with their single basal tentacle. When first formed the various zooids are all on one side of the stem, but the latter becomes spirally twisted during growth, and so causes them to arise irregularly. VOL. I M 162 ZOOLOGY SECT. The egg of Halistemma gives rise to a ciliated planula re- sembling that of the other Hydrozoa. At one pole the ectoderm becomes invaginated to form the float (Fig. 121, ep), the opposite extremity is gradually converted into the first polype (wo), and rect’ Ap Fic. 120.—Diagram of a Siphonophore: the thick line represents endoderm ; the space ex- ternal to it, ectoderm ; the internal space, the enteric cavity. cw. comosare ; Jz, dactylozooid ; kph. hydrophyllium ; ind. sporosae ; nel, net’. nectocalyces ; ntc. battery of neraatocysts ; p. polype ; pr. pneuimatophore ; é. tentacle, (After Claus.) a bud appears on one side which becomes the first tentacle (é). By gradual elongation, and the formation of new zooids as lateral buds, the adult form is produced; the various zooids are all formed between the first polype and the float, so that the two a Iv PHYLUM CQELENTERATA 163 become further and further apart, being always situated at the distal and proximal ends of the colony respectively. In an allied form (4ga/ma) the first structure to appear in the embryo is not the float, but the first bract, which grows considerably and envelops the growing embryo in much the same way as the umbrella of a medusa envelops the manu- brium. On this and other grounds some zoologists look upon the Siphonophore- colony as a medusa the manubrium of which has extended immensely and produced lateral buds after the manner of some Anthomeduse (Fig. 105, 7 a). Fig. 1:1.—Two stages in the development of Halistemma: the endoderm is shaded, the ectoderm left white. ep. pneumatocyst or air-chamber of pneumatophore ; hy. endoderm surrounding pneumatophore ; po. polype ; pp. pneumatophore ; t, tentacle. (From Balfvur, after Metschnikoff.) On this theory the entire cwnosare is an extended manubrium, and the first or primary bract is the umbrella. But frequently—as in Halistemma—a primary bract is not formed, and when present there appears to be no reason against regarding it asa lateral bud of the axis, of quite the same nature as the remaining zooids. In the well-known “ Portuguese man-of-war” (Physalia) there is a great increase in proportional size of the float and a corre- sponding reduction of the rest of the coenosare. The float (Fig. 122, pn) has the form of an elongated bladder, from 3 to 12 cm. long, pointed at both ends, and produced along its upper edge into a crest or sail (¢7): as a rule it is of a brilliant peacock-blue colour, but orange-coloured specimens are sometimes met with. At one end is a minute aperture communicating with the exterior. There are no swimming-bells, but from the underside of the float hang gastrozooids (p), ‘dactylozooids, branching _ blastostyles (gonodendra) with groups of medusoids looking like bunches of grapes of a deep blue colour, and long retractile sri (¢), M 164 ZOOLOGY SECT. sometimes several feet in length and containing batteries of stinging-capsules powerful enough to sting the hand as severely asa nettle. The male reproductive zooid remains attached, as in &. > ‘ } > LN AN wt a TAGE Te ota ethernet ny sal “en, Fic. 122.—Physalia : the living animal floating on the surface of the sea. cv. crest ; ». polype ; pn, pneumatophore ; ¢, tentacle. (After Huxley.) Halistemma, but the female apparently becomes detached as a free medusa. In Diphyes the float is absent. Two swimming-bells (Fig. 123.4, m) of proportionally immense size are situated at the proximal end of the ccensare, and are followed by widely-separated groups of zooids (2), each group containing a polype (7) with its tentacles (2), Iv PHYLUM C@LENTERATA 165 a meduzoid (y), and a large enveloping bract (¢). The stem often breaks at the internodes, and the detached groups of zooids then swim about like independent organisms. Porpita is formed on a different type, and has a close general resemblance to a medusa. It consists (ig. 124) of a discoid Fic. 123.—LBiphyes campanulata_ A, the entire colony; B, single group of zooids. a, ccenosarc ; ¢, cavity of swimming-bell; ¢, groups of zooids; g, medusoid ; i, grappling line or tentacle; m, swimming-bell; », polype; 0, mouth of swimming-bell; ¢, bract. (From Parker’s Biology, after Gegenbaur.) body, enclosing a chambered chitinoid shell (sh) containing air, and obviously corresponding with the float of Physalia. The edge of the disc is beset with long dactylozooids (¢) and from its lower surface depend numerous closely sct blastostyles provided with mouths and bearing medusz, while in the centre is a single large 166 ZOOLOGY SECT. gastrozooid (hy). The closely allied genus Velella is of rhomboidal form, and bears on its upper surface an oblique sail. The reproductive zooids are liberated as free meduse. The eggs give rise to young which have a close resemblance to flat medusx with manubrium, marginal tentacles, and an air-chamber or float developed in the ex-umbrella. Thus it is quite possible that the Siphonophora of the Porpita-type may be meduse the sub-umbrella of which has given rise to buds forming the feelers Fic. 124.—Porpita pacifica. Graptolites. the eggs of a Sturgeon; Limnocodium, a B, DN EROEE hoth doubtful Trachymedusa, hitherto found theca; s. siculas © vir- only in a tank in the Botanical Gardens, Le ot aan Regent’s Park, where it was probably in- troduced from the West Indies; and Limnocnida, found in Lake Tanganyika, Africa. The oldest known Hydrozoa are the Graptolites, found first in the Cambrian rocks; Hydractinia occurs in the Cretaceous epoch, and Hydrocoralline from the Cretaceous onwards. Parasitism, although rare, is not unknown in the class. Poly- podium, one of the Anthomeduse, is parasitic during part of its existence, in the ovary of the Sturgeon; and Cunina, one of the Narcomeduse, is parasitic on a Trachymedusa. In the section on the Protozoa we saw that while the majority of species are independent cells, each performing alone all the essential functions of an animal, others, such as Pandorina, Volvox, and Proterospongia, consist of numerous unicellular zooids associated to form a colony in which a certain division of labour obtains, the function of reproduction, for instance, being assigned to certain definite cells and not performed by all alike. Thus the colonial Protozoa furnish an example of individuation, numerous cells combining to form a colony in which the several parts are dependent one upon another, and which may therefore be said to constitute, from the physiological point of view, an individual of a higher order than the cell. 168 ZOOLOGY SECT. IV This is still more notably the case in the lower Metazoa, such as Ascetta and Hydra, in which we have numerous cells combined to form a permanent two-layered sac with a terminal aperture, some of the cells having digestive, others tactile, others repro- ductive functions. Thus while an Amceba or a Parameecium is an individual of the first order, Hydra and Ascetta are individuals of the second order, each the equivalent of an indefinite number of individuals of the first order. In the Hydrozoa we see this process carried a step further. Budding takes place and colonies are produced, the various zooids of which—each the equivalent of a Hydra—instead of remaining all alike, become differentiated both morphologically and physio- logically, so as to differ immensely from one another both in form and function. In Obelia, for instance, reproduction 1s made over exclusively to the meduse, while in Halistemma we have zooids specially set apart, not only for reproductive, but for tactile and protective purposes. Thus in Halistemma and the other Siphono- phora there is a very complete subordination of the individual zooids to the purposes of the colony as a whole, the colony thus assuming, from the physiological point of view, the characteristics of a single individual, and its zooids the character of organs. In this way we get an individual af the third order, consisting of an aggregate of polymorphic zooids, just as the zooid or individual of the second order is an aggregate of polymorphic cells or individuals of the first order. CLASS II.—SCYPHOZOA. 1. EXAMPLE OF THE CLASS—THE COMMON JELLY-FISH (Aurelia aurita). Aurelia is the commonest of the larger jelly-fishes, and is often found cast up on the sea-shore, when it is readily recognisable by its gelatinous, saucer-shaped umbrella, three or four inches in diameter, and by having near the centre four red or purple horse- shoe-shaped bodies—the gonads—lying embedded in the jelly. External Characteristics.—The general arrangement of the parts of the body is very similar to what we are already familiar with in the hydrozoan jelly-fishes. Most conspicuous is the concavo-convex winbrella, the convex surface of which, or ex- unbrella, is uppermost in the ordinary swimming position (Figs. 126 and 127, A). The outline is approximately circular, but is broken by cight notches, in each of which lies a pair of delicate processes, the marginal lappets (mg. lp.): between the pairs of lappets the edge of the umbrella is fringed by numerous close-set marginal tentacles (t). en es met 5 acta arenes eng Fic, 126.—Aurelia aurita, A, dorsal view, part of the ex-umbrell the stomach and one of the four gastric pouches ; B, ventral view. removed, a.r.¢. adradial canal; g. /. gastric filaments ; gon. ir. c. inter-radial canal; my. /p. marginal lappet ; mth. mouth radial canal ; s.g. p. sub-genital pit; st. stomach ; ¢. tentacles, a cut away to show part of —two of the oral arms are gonads; 9. p. gustric pouch ; 30rd oral arm; p.r. ¢. per- 170 ZOOLOGY SECT. A narrow region of the umbrella adjoining the edge is very thin and flexible: the structure thus constituted, with its marginal notches and the fringe of marginal tentacles, is the velariwm. Unlike the true velum of the medus of the Hydrozoa the velarium contains endodermal canals. In the centre of the lower or sub-umbrellar surface is a four- sided aperture, the mouth (mth), borne at the end of an extremely short and inconspicuous manubriwm ; surrounding it are four long delicate processes, the oral arms (or. a), lying one at each angle of the mouth and uniting around it. Each arm consists of a folded membrane, tapering to a point at its distal end, beset along its edges with minute lobules, and abundantly provided with stinging-capsules. The angles of the mouth and the arms lie in the four per-radii, zc. at the end of the two principal axes of the radially symmetrical body: of the marginal notches with their lappets, four are per-radial and four inter-radial. At a short distance from each of the straight sides of the mouth, and therefore inter-radial in position, is a nearly circular aperture leading into a shallow pouch, the suwb-genital pit (s.9.p). which lies immediately beneath one of the conspicuously coloured gonads (gon). The sub-genital pits have no connection with the reproductive system, and are probably respiratory in function. Digestive Cavity and Canal-System.—The mouth leads by a short tube or gullet (gul), contained in the manubrium, into a spacious stomach (st), which occupies the whole middle region of the umbrella, and is produced into four wide inter-radial gastric pouches (g.p), which extend about half way from the centre to the circumference, and are separated from one another by thick pillar-like portions of the umbrella-jelly. In the outer or peri- pheral wall of each gastric pouch are three small apertures, leading into as many radial canals, which pass to the edge of the umbrella and there unite in a very narrow circular canal (circ. c). The canal which opens by the middle of the three holes, is of course inter-radial (i.r.c): it divides immediately into three, and each division branches again: the canals from the other two holes are ad-radial (a.7.c), and pass to the circular canal without branching. There is also an aperture in the re-entering angle between each two gastric pouches: this leads into a per- radial canal (y.7.c), which, like the inter-radial, branches extensively on its way to the edge of the umbrella. The general arrangement of the cell-layers in Aurelia is the same as in a hydroid medusa (Fig. 127, B). The main mass of the umbrella is formed of gelatinous mesoglea, which, however, is not structureless, but is traversed by branching fibres and contains ameceboid cells derived from the endoderm. Both ex- and sub-umbrell# are covered with ectoderm, and the stomach and canal system are lined with endoderm, which is ciliated through- Iv PHYLUM C@LENTERATA 171 out. Some observations seem to show that the short tube described above as a gullet and a pair of the gastric pouches are lined, not by endoderm, but by an in-turned portion of the ectoderm, but this matter cannot be considered as definitely settled. It was mentioned above that in the free medusa the gonads appear through the transparent umbrella as coloured horseshoe- Fic. 127.—Aurelia aurita. A, side view, one-fouith of the umbrella cut away; B, diagrammatic vertical section, ectoderm dotted, endoderm striated, mesogloea black. cire. c. circular canal ; g.f. gastric filaments ; gon. gonad; g. p. gastric pouch; gul. gullet ; h. hood ; 7.7. c. inter-radial canal; mg. /p. marginal lappet; mth. mouth; or. a. oral arm; s.g. p. sub-genital pit; st. stomach. shaped patches. Their precise position is seen by cutting away a portion of the ex-umbrella so as to expose one of the gastric pouches from above (Fig. 126, A). It is then seen that the gonad (gon) is a frill-like structure lying on the floor of the pouch and bent in the form of a horse-shoe with its concavity looking inwards, é.c. towards the mouth. Being developed from the floor of the enteric cavity, the gonad is obviously an:. 172 ZOOLOGY SECT, endodermal structure: when mature, its products—ova or sperms —are discharged into the stomach and pass out by the mouth. Here, then, is an important difference from the Hydrozoa, in which the generative products are usually located in the ectoderm, and are always discharged directly on the exterior. The sexes are lodged in distinct individuals. Lying parallel with the inner or concave border of each gonad isa row of delicate filaments (Fig. 126, 127, g.f), formed of endoderm with a core of mesoglea and abundantly supplied with stinging- capsules. These are the gastric filaments or phacelle: their function is to kill or paralyse the prey taken alive into the stomach. No such endodermal tentacles are known in the Hydrozoa. Muscular and Nervous Systems.—The contractions of the bell by which the animal is propelled through the water are Fic, 128. Aurelia aurita. A, small portion of edge of umbrella, showing the relations of the tentaculocyst ; B, vertical section of the same region (diagrammatic), h, hood; /, lithite ; mg. tp, marginal lappet ; oc} ocellus ; olf. 1, olf. 2, olfactory pits. (Altercd from Lankester.) effected by means of a muscular zone round the edge of the sub- umbrella. The nervous system is formed on a different plan from that of the hydroid meduse. Extending over the sub- umbrellar surface between the superficial epithelial layer of ectoderm and the muscular layer is a plexus of simple nerve-fibres. This presents radial thickenings, most strongly developed externally in the per-radii and inter-radii, corresponding to the position of the marginal notches and sense-organs. About the base of each of the latter are special groups of nerve-cells. A slight ring-like thickening of the plexus extends round the margin in the neighbourhood of the marginal canal. The sense organs (Fig. 128) are lodged in the marginal notches in close relation with the nerve-patches: like the latter, therefore, four of them are per-radial and four inter-radial. Each consists of a peculiar form of sense-club or tentaculocyst, containing Iv PHYLUM CQiLENTERATA 173 a prolongation of the circular canal, and thus representing a hollow iustead of a solid tentacle. At the extremity are calcareous con- cretions or /ithites (1) derived from the endoderm, and on the outer side is an ectodermal pigment-spot or ocellus (oc). The tentaculocysts are largely hidden by the marginal lappets (mg. lp) and by a hood-like process (/.) connecting them ; and in connection with each are two depressions, one on the ex-umbrella (0/7. 7), the other immediately internal to the sense-club (o/f. 2): these depressions are lined with sensory epithelium and are called olfactory pits. The development and life-history of Aurelia present several striking and characteristic features. The impregnated egg-cell or oosperm divides regularly and forms a morula, which, by accumu- lation of fluid in its interior, becomes a blastula—a closed sac with walls formed of a single layer of ceils. One end of this sac becomes invaginated to form the gastrula. The blastopore or gastrula- mouth does not completely close, the resulting two layered planula (Fig. 129) differing in this respect, as well as in its mode of formation, from the corresponding stage of a Hydrozoan. The planula swims about by means of the cilia with which its ectodermal cells are provided, and, after a brief free existence, settles down, loses its cilia, and becomes attached by one pole. At the opposite pole a mouth is formed, the process taking place by a sinking-in or invagination of the surface so as to produce a depression lined with ectoderm (B, sé), the bottom of which becomes perforated so as to communicate with the enteric cavity (C, st): the depression is the stomodwum, a structure of which there is no trace in the Hydrozoa. On two opposite sides of the mouth hollow processes grow out, forming the first two tentacles: soon two others appear at right angles to these, the organism thus being provided with four per-radial tentacles. Subsequently four inter-radial and eight adradial tentacles appear. At the same time the attached or proximal end is narrowed into a stalk- like organ of attachment (KE), and the endoderm of the enteric cavity is produced into four longitudinal ridges, inter-radial in position, and distinguished as the gastric ridges or tenioles (D tn.). The mouth (E, mth.) assumes a square outline, and its edges become raised so as to form a short manubrium (mzb.); and, finally, the ectoderm of the distal surface—ze. the region lying between the mouth and the circlet of tentacles—becomes invaginated in each inter-radius so as to produce four narrow funnel-like depressions— the septal funnels or infundibula (E and F,s. /.)—sunk in the four gastric ridges. The outcome of all these changes is the metamorphosis of the planula into a polype (E), not unlike a Hydra or the hydrula-stage of the Leptoline, but distinguished by a pronounced differentia- tion of structure, indicated by the sixteen tentacles developed in 174 ZOOLOGY SECT. regular order, the stomodwum, and the four gastric ridges with their septal funnels. The Scyphozoon-polype is called a scyphula or scyphistuma. Fic. 129.~Aurelia aurita, devclopment, A, planula, erroneously represented as completely closed; B, C, formation of stomodeum; D, transverse section of young seyphula; E, seyphula ; F, longitudinal section of same: the section passes through a per-radius on the left of the dotted line, through an inter-radius on the right; G, division of scyphula into ephyrule ; IH, ephyrula from the side; L, the same from beneath. In A—D_ and F the ectoderm is unshaded, the endoderm striated, and the mesuglea dotted. a, lobes of umbrella ; mab. manubrium ; mth. mouth ; 3,f. septal funnel ; s¢. stomodeeum ; t. tentacle ; tn, twnivles. (From Korschelt and Heider's Embryology.) The scyphula may grow to a height of half an inch, and some- times nultiplies by budding. After a time it undergoes a process Iv PHYLUM COBLENTERATA 175 of transverse fission (G), becoming divided by a series of constric- tions which deepen until the polype assumes the appearance of a pile of saucers, each with its edge produced into eight bifid lobes, four per- and four inter-radial. Soon the process of constriction is completed, the saucer-like bodies separate from one another, and each, turning upside down, begins to swim about as a small jelly-fish called an ephyrula(H, I). The umbrella of the ephyrula 1s divided into eight long bifid arms («) with deep (per-radial or inter-radial) notches: it has of course carried away with it a segment of the stomach with the gastric ridges of the scyphula: during the process of constriction this becomes closed in on the proximal or ex-umbrellar side, while on the sub-umbrellar side it remains open, and its edges grow out to form a manubrium. Round the margin there are the bases of eight per-radial and inter-radial tentacles, each in the notch of one of the arms, and eight ad-radial tentacles in the intervals between the lobes: the latter disappear completely; the former may persist as the tentaculocysts. On each gastric ridge appears a single gastric filament, soon to be followed by others, and in the notches at the extremities of the eight arms tentaculocysts are now recognisable. In the meantime the spacious enteric cavity is continued into the eight arms in the form of wide radiating canals. As the ephyrula grows the adradial regions—at first deeply notched—grow more rapidly than the rest, the result being that the notches become gradually filled up, and the umbrella, from an eight-rayed star, becomes a nearly circular disc. Four oral arms are developed and numerous marginal tentacles, and the ephyrula gradually assumes the form of the adult Aurelia. It seems probable that the sub-genital pits of the medusa are formed from sections of the septal funnels of the scyphula. Thus the life-history of Aurelia differs in several marked respects from that of any of the Hydrozoa. There is, in a sense, an alternation of generations as in Obelia, the gamobium being represented by the adult Aurelia, the agamobium by the scyphula. But instead of the medusa being developed either as a bud on a branched colony, as in Leptoline, or by direct metamorphosis of a polype, as in Trachyline, it is formed by the metamorphosis of an ephyrula developed as one of several transverse segments of a polype; so that the life-history might be described as a metamor- phosis complicated by multiplication in the larval (scyphula) condition, rather than a true alternation of generations. It has been shown that, under exceptional circumstances, the egg of Aurelia develops into scyphule which do not undergo transverse division, the entire scyphula becoming metamorphosed into a single adult. | 1 176 ZOOLOGY SECT. 2. GENERAL STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION. The Scyphozoa may be defined as medusoid Coelenterata, having the same general structure and arrangement of the layers as the medusoid Hydrozoa, but differing from them in the possession of endodermal gastric tentacles; in having gonads the sexual cells of which are lodged in the endoderm and which discharge their products into the digestive cavity; in the absence of a true velum, and in nearly all cases, in the presence of sense-organs in the form of hollow sense-clubs or tentaculocysts. Whether a stomodeum or ectodermal gullet occurs is uncertain. Asin the Hydrozoa, the medusa develops directly from the egg in some Scyphozoa, while in others there is a sort of alternation of generations, a polype- form (agamobium) giving rise to the medusa-form (gamobium) by a process of transverse fission. In the majority, however, nothing is known of the life-history, the process of development having been worked out only in a few cases. As far as is known, the segmenting embryo gives rise to a gastrula by invagination in all with the exception of Zucernaria and its allies: by the partial or complete closure of the blastopore a planula is produced, at one end of which a second invagination takes place, forming the stomodeeum. The Scyphozoa are divisible into four orders, as follows :— ORDER 1.—STAUROMEDUS& (LUCERNARIDA). Scyphozoa having a conical or vase-shaped umbrella, sometimes attached to external objects by an ex-umbrellar peduncle: no tentaculocysts. ORDER 2.—CORONATA. Scyphozoa having the umbrella divided by a horizontal coronary groove : four to sixteen tentaculocysts. ORDER 3.—CUBOMEDUS2. Scyphozoa with a four-sided cup-shaped umbrella: four per- radial tentaculocysts. ORDER 4.—DISCOMEDUS&. Scyphozoa with a flattened saucer- or disc-shaped umbrella: not fewer than eight tentaculocysts—four per- and four inter- radial. Iv PHYLUM CQ@LENTERATA WW Sub-Order a—Semostome. Discomeduse in which the square mouth is produced into four long oral arms. Sub- Order b—Rhizostome. Discomeduse having the mouth obliterated by the growth across it of the oral arms: the stomach is continued into canals which open by funnel-shaped apertures on the edges of the arms. Systematic Position of the Bvample. Aurelia aurita is one of several species of the genus Aurelia, and is placed in the family Ulmaridw, the sub-order Semostome, and the order Discomedusw. Its saucer-shaped umbrella and eight tentaculocysts place it at once among the Discomedus: the presence of a distinct motith surrounded by four oral arms places it in the first sub-order or Semostome. This group contains six families, characterised mainly by differences in the canal system: the Ulmaride are distinguished by narrow branched radial canals opening into a circular canal. Of the eight genera in this family, Aurelia stands alone in having its tentacles attached on the dorsal or ex-umbrellar side of the margin, and in the oral arms showing no trace of bi- furcation. Eight species of Aurelia are recognised, A. aurita being distinguished by having the oral arms slightly shorter than the radius of the umbrella, and by possessing a trichotomous inter-radial canal and two unbranched adradial canals springing from each gastric pouch. ORDER 1.—STAUROMEDUS (LUCERNARIDA). Tessera (Fig. 130), formerly regarded as the simplest member of this group, is now looked upon as probably not 4 mature form. It is described as a small medusa about 4 mm. in diameter having the same general characters as the scyphula-stage of Aurelia, except that the bell-shaped body is free-swimming. The edge of the umbrella is surrounded by eight tentacles, four per-radial (p.r.t.) and four inter-radial (2.7.t.), and movement is effected by a well-developed system of circular and radial muscles. Lucernaria (Fig. 131), a genus not uncommon on the British coasts, is in one respect even more like a scyphula, since it is attached by a peduncle developed from the centre of the ex-umbrella. The margin of the umbrella is prolonged into eight short hollow adradial arms, bearing at their ends groups of short adhesive tentacles (t.). As in the scyphula, each gastric ridge contains an infundibulum, lined with ectoderm and opening on the sub-umbrella. The gastric filaments (9.f.) are very numerous—a distinct advance on Tessera—and the gonads (gon.) are band-like. There are no sense-organs in Lucernaria, but in an allied genus, Halicystus, there are eight per-radial and inter-radial marginal bodies (anchors) of the nature of reduced and modified tentacles, each surrounded at its base by a cushion-like thickening containing many adhesive cells. Internal to each anchor on the sub-umbrellar side is a pigment spot VOL. I N 178 ZOOLOGY SECT. (rudimentary eye). Slenoeyphus is an allied form which probably is able to move by creeping (looping) movements like those of u leech. Capria has no Fic. 130.—Tessera princeps. A, external view; B, vertical section, g.,f. gastric filament, gon. gonad; a7. t. inter-radial tentacle; mnub. manubriuin ; mth. mouth; p.r. ¢. per-radial tentacle ; st. stomach; tn. teeniole. (After Haeckel.) Bae 2 a : Fic, 131.—Lucernaria. A, oral aspect ; B, from the side, g. foot-gland ; y. /. gastric filaments gon. gonad ; wik, mouth ; ¢. tentacles; ta. tenioles, (After Claus.) tentacles. he Depastride have an almost entire margin fringed with tentacles. Iv PHYLUM CQ@LENTERATA 179 ORDER 2.—CoRONATA. This group includes a number of rare and beautiful Medus» of curiously complex structure, of which Pericolja may be taken as an example. The umbrella (Fig. 132) is usually conical, and is divided by a horizontal furrow (coronary groove) into an apical region or cone (cn.) and a marginal region or Fic. 132,—Pericolpa quadrigata. A, external view; B, vertical section. circ. s. circular sinus ; cn. cone; g. f. gastric filaments; gon. gonads; mg. lp. marginal lappets; mnb. manu- brium ; mth. mouth; pd. 2. pedal lobes; st. stomach; ¢. tentacles; tc. tentaculocysts ; tz. tenioles. (After Haeckel.) crown; the crown is again divided by 2 second, rather irregular horizontal furrow into a series of pedal lobes (pd. l.), adjacent to the cone, and a series of marginal lappets (mg. lp.), forming the free edge of the bell. In some of the Coronata, such as Pericolpa, the pedal lobes and marginal lappets correspond (i.e. are in the same radii) ; in others (Periphylla, Hphyropsis) they alternate. N 2 180 ZOOLOGY SECT. In Pericolpa four of the pedal lobes, inter-radial in position, bear tentaculocysts (¢c.); four others, per-radially situated, give origin to long, hollow tentacles (¢.). In the more complex genera there are eight additional adradial tentacles. The mouth (mth.) is very large, and leads by a wide manubrium (mnb.) into a spacious stomach (sf.), which is continued quite to the apex of the cone. In the wall of the stomach are four wide per-radial slits, leading into an immense circular sinus (cire. s.), As in Lucernaria, there are four wide inter-radial im- fundibula, The gastric filaments (g. /) are very numerous, and the elongated U-shaped gonads (gon.) are eight in number and adradial. The coronary groove is characteristic of the group: but in other points — such as the number of pedal and marginal lobes, tentaculocysts, and tentacles Fic. 133.—MNausithoe. The entire animal from the oral aspect. ar. adradii; g. gonads; g. f. gastric filaments ; i. inter-radii; m. circular muscle of sub-umbrella ; pr. per-radii; rl. tenta- culocysts; sr. sub-radii; ¢. tentacles. The black cross in the centre represents the mouth. (From Lang's Comparative Anutomy.) —there is great variation. Pericolpa and its allies (Peromeduse) resemble the Lucernarida and the members of the order Cubomedusew in the presence of twnioles and inter-radial septa: Ephyropsis and its allies (Cannostome) resemble the order Discophora in the absence of these structures, The scyphula larva of Nausithoé (Fig. 133) lives as a parasite in the interior of a horny sponge. OrvDER 3.—CUBOMEDUS. The Jelly-fishes forming this order are, as the name implies, of a more or less cubical form, resembling a deep bell with somewhat flattened top and square transverse section, They resemble the hydrozoan Meduse more than any of the other Scyphozoa. The best known species, Charybdea marsupialis (Fig. 134), is about 5 cm. in diameter and of very firm consistency. Iv’ PHYLUM CQiLENTERATS 181 As in the lower Coronata, the margin of the umbrella bears four tentacles (t.) and four tentaculocysts (¢v.) but the position of these organs is reversed, the tentaculocysts being per-radial, the tentacles inter-radial. The tentaculocysts are set in deep marginal notches, and the tentacles spring from conspicuous gelatinous lobes (/.), which probably answer to the pedal lobes of the preceding order, These pedal lobes sometimes bear a number of supplementary tentacles. Fic. 134.—Charybdza marsupialis. A, side view of the entire animal; B, vertical section passing on the left side through an inter-radius, on the right through a per-radius ; C, transverse section. circ. c. circular canal; end. lam. endoderm lamells; vn. dam’. its pro- longation into the velarium; g. f. gastric filaments; gon. gonad; gon’. septum separating gonads; J. lappet; mnb. manubrium ; rad. p. radial pouch; ¢, tentacle; tc. tentaculocyst ; vl. velarium. (After Claus, somewhat altered.) The margin of the umbrella is produced, in most cases but not in all, into a horizontal shelf (v/.), resembling the velum of the hydroid Meduse, but differing from it in containing a series of branched vessels (end. lam’.) continuous with the canal-system and of course lined with endoderm. In the Hydrozoa, it will be remembered, the velum is formed simply of a double layer of ectoderm with a 182 ZOOLOGY SECT. supporting layer of mesoglea. Such a false velum, like the produced thin edge of the umbrella in Aurelia, is known as a velarium. The mouth is situated at the end of a short manubrium (mnb.) leading into a wide stomach, from which go off four very broad shallow per-radial pouches (rad, p.), occupying the whole of the four flat sides of the umbrella, and separated from one another by narrow inter-radial septa or partitions (mesenteries) placed at the four corners. These pouches are cquivalent to wide radial canals, and the partitions between them to a poorly developed endoderm lamella (end. lam.). At the margin of the umbrella the pouches communicate with one another by apertures in the septa, so that a kind of circular canal is produced (cire. ¢.), which is divided into chambers by the mesenteries. Near the junction of the gastric pouches with the stomach are the usual four groups of gastric filaments (g. f-). The gonads (yon.) are four pairs of narrow plate-like organs, attached one along each side of each inter-radial septum. The nervous system takes the form of a sinuous nerve-ring round the margin of the bell, bearing a distinct group of nerve-cells at the base of each tentaculocyst and tentacle. The Cubomeduse are the only Scyphozoa which, like the Hydrozoa, have a complete nerve-ring. The tentaculocysts are very complex, each bearing a lithocyst and several eye-spots. ORDER 4.—DISCOMEDUS&. The preceding orders are all small ones, z.¢., include a small number of genera and species. The vast majority of Scyphozoa belong to the present order—-the “ Disc-jellies ” or ‘‘ Sea-blubbers ” as ordinarily understood. The umbrella is always comparatively flat, having the form of an inverted saucer. The edge is produced primitively into eight pairs of marginal lappets, but in some of the more highly differentiated forms the number both of lappets and of tentaculocysts becomes greatly increased. Most of the Semostome and Rhizostome are large, and one of the former group— Cyanca. arctica—may attain a diameter of 2 metres and upwards, while its marginal tentacles reach the astonishing length of 40 metres or about 130 feet. But in spite of their size and apparent solidity, the amount of solid matter in these great Jelly-fishes is extra- ordinarily small; some of them have been proved to contain more than 99 per cent. of sea-water, The marginal tentacles are hollow and often of great length in the Semostome (Fig. 126), and altogether absent in the Rhizostome (Fig. 135). In the Semostome there are four oral arms (Fig. 126, 0 r. a.), each resembling a leaf folded along its midrib, and having more or less frilled edges : in the Rhizostome each of the original four arms (Fig. 135, or. a.) becomes divided longitudinally in the course of development, the adult members of the group being characterised by the presence of eight arms, often of great length, and variously lobed and folded so as to present a more or less root-like appearance. The arrangement of the enteric cavity and its offshoots presents an interest- ing series of modifications. In no case are there any texnioles or inter-radial septa (mesenteries). In the Semostome (Fig. 126) the stomach-lobes give off well-defined radial canals, which are frequently more or less branched, often unite into complex networks, and sometimes open intoa circular canal round the margin of the umbrella. In the Rhizostome (Fig. 135, B) a similar network of canals is found in the umbrella, but an extraordinary change has befallen the oral or ingestive portion of the enteric system. Looking at the oral or lower surface of one of these Jelly- fishes, such as Pilema, no mouth is to be seen, but a careful examination of the oral arms shows the presence of large numbers—hundreds, or even thousands in some cases—of small funnel-like apertures (B, C, s.mth.) with frilled margins. Iv PHYLUM CQ&LENTERATA 183 Rhizostomes have been found with prey of considerable size, such as fishes, em- braced by the arms and partly drawn into these apertures, which are therefore called the suctorial mouths. They lead into canals in the thickness of the arms (B, c.), the lesser canals unite into larger, and then finally open into the stomach (st.). We thus get a polystomatous or many-mouthed condition which is practi- cally unique in the animal kingdom, the only parallel to it being furnished by the Sponges, in which the inhalant pores are roughly comparable with the suctorial mouths of a Rhizostome. - It has been found that this characteristic arrangement is brought about by certain changes taking place during growth. The young Rhizostome hasa single mouth in the usual position, and more or less leaf-like arms, folded along the midrib so as to enclose a deep groove, from which secondary grooves pass, like “< Sarah, M LLL Fic.135._Pilema pulmo. A, side view of the entire animal; B, vertical section, diagrammatic ; C, one of the suctorial mouths, magnified. ¢. arm canal; ¢.,/: gastric filamments; gon. gonads 5 or. a. oral arms 3; rad. ¢. radial canal ; s. mth. suctorial mouths ; s¢. stomach ; ¢/, (2, ¢3, tentacles on oral arms. (After Cuvier, Claus, and Huxley.) the veins of a leaf, towards the edge of the arm. As development proceeds, these grooves become converted into canals by the union of their edges, thus forming a system of branching tubes opening proximally into the angles of the mouth and distally by small apertures—the suctorial mouths—on the edges of the arms. At the same time the proximal ends of the arms grow towards one another and finally unite across the mouth, closing it completely, and forming a strong horizontal brachial disc, which in the adult occupies the centre of the sub- umbrellar surface. The gastric filaments are usually very numerous. In the higher Rhizostomz a remarkable modification is produced in connection with the sub-genital pouches ; the four pouches approach the centre and fuse with one another, forming a single spacious chamber, the suh-genital portico, which lies immediately below the floor of the stomach and above the brachial disc. 184 ZOOLOGY SECT. In many of the Discomedusx development takes place in the same general way as in Aurelia, 7c. the impregnated egg gives rise to a scyphula or asexual polype stage, which, hy transverse division, produces sexual meduse. In. Cassiopeia the scyphula arising from the fertilised ovum gives off buds which become detached as free-swimming planule, and these, coming to rest, develop into scyphule. But in other cases there is no alternation of generations, and development is direct. For instance, in Pelagia (Fig. 136)—one of the Semostome—a blastula is formed which becomes invaginated at one end, Fic. 136.—Pelagia noctiluca : Three developmental stages. m. mouth; +. marginal lappet ; s. tentaculocyst. (From Korschelt and Heider, after Krohn.) forming a gastrula. The blastopore or gastrula-mouth remains open, and a considerable space is left between the invaginated endoderm and the ectoderm. Next the mouth region becomes elevated, forming a manubrium, and around this a circular depression appears—-the rudiment of the sub-umbrellar cavity— surrounded by a raised ridge, the umbrella margin, which soon becomes divided into lobes, the marginal lappets. Up to this time the embryo is ciliated externally, but soon the cilia disappear, and the little creatures assume somewhat the form of an ephyrula, which gradually develops into the adult Pelagia. ADDITIONAL REMARKS ON THE SCYPHOZOA. The Scyphozoa are all marine, and the majority are pelagic, ac. swim freely on the surface of the ocean. A few inhabit the deep sea, and have been dredged from as great adepth as 2,000 fathoms. Nearly all are free-swimming in the adult state: some, however, live on coral-reefs or mud-banks, and are found resting, in an inverted position, on the ex-umbrella; and a few, such as Lucern- aria, are able to attach themselves at will by a definite ex- umbrellar peduncle. Many of the Scyphozoa are semi-transparent and glassy, but often with brilliantly coloured gonads, tentacles, or radial canals. In many cases the umbrella, oral arms, &c., are highly coloured, and some species, ¢.g. Pelagia noctiluca, are phosphorescent. They are all carnivorous, and although mostly living upon small Iv PHYLUM CCLENTERATA 185 organisms, are able, in the case of the larger species, to capture and digest Crustaceans and Fishes of considerable size. In many cases small fishes accompany the larger forms and take shelter under the umbrella. Considering the extremely perishable nature of these organisms, and the fact that many of them contain not more than 1 per cent. of solid matter, it is not to be expected that many of them should have left traces of their existence in the fossil state. Nevertheless, in the finely grained limestone of Solenhofen, in Bavaria, belong- ing to the Upper Jurassic period, remarkably perfect impressions of Jelly-fishes have been found, some of them readily recognisable as Discomedusee. CLASS III.—ACTINOZOA. 1. EXAMPLE OF THE CLAss.—A SEA-ANEMONE (Tealia crassicornis), Sea-anemones are amongst the most abundant and best known of shore-animals. They are found attached to rocks, sea-weeds, shells, &c., either in rock-pools or on rocks left high and dry by the ebbing tide. Usually their flower-like form and brilliant colour make them very conspicuous objects, but many kinds cover them- selves more or less completely with sand and stones, and contract so much when left uncovered by water, that they appear like soft shapeless lumps stuck over with stones, and thus easily escape observation. Any of the numerous species will serve as an example of the group: the form specially selected is the “ Dahlia Wartlet” (Lealta crassicornis), one of the commonest British species. External characters.—Tealia (Fig. 187, A) has the form of a cylinder, the diameter of which slightly exceeds its height. It is often as much as 3 inches (8 cm.) across, is of a green or red colour, and habitually covers itself with bits of shell,small stones, &. It is attached to a rock or other support by a broad sole-like base, sharply separated from an upright cylindrical wall or column, the surface of which is beset with rows of adhesive warts or tubercles : at its upper or distal end the column passes into a horizontal plate, the disc or peristome. In the middle of the disc, and slightly elevated above its surface, is an elongated slit-like aperture, the mouth (mth.j, from which streaks of colour radiate outwards. Springing from the disc and encircling the mouth are numerous short conical tentacles (¢.), which appear at first sight to be arranged irregularly, but are actually disposed in five circlets, of which the innermost contains five, the next five, the third ten, ZOOLOGY SECTS Fic. 137.—Tealia crassicornis. A, dissected specimen; 8, transverse section, the half above the line ab through the gullct, the lower half below the gullet. d. mes, directive mesenteries ; gon. gonads ; qul. gullet ; 1. m. longitudinal muscle ; /p.lappet ; mes. 1, primary» mes. 2, secondary, mes. 3, tertiary mesentcries ; mes. jf. mesenteric filantents; mfh. mouth ; ost. 1, ost. 2, ostia; p. m. parietal muscle ; sgph. siphonoglyphe ; s.m- sphincter muscle ; ¢. 7: transverse muscle. Iv PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 187 the fourth twenty, and the fifth or outermost forty, making a total of eighty. Obviously the Sea-anemone is a polype, formed on the same general lines as a Hydra or a scyphula, but differing from them in having numerous tentacles arranged in multiples of five, and in the absence of a hypostome, the mouth being nearly flush with the surface of the disc. Its great size and bulk, and the comparative firmness of its substance, are also striking points of difference between Tealia and the polypes belonging to the classes Hydrozoa and Scyphozoa. Enteric System.—Still more fundamental differences are found when we come to consider the internal structure. The mouth does not lead at once into a spacious undivided enteric cavity, but into a short tube (gl.), having the form of a flattened cylinder, which hangs downwards into the interior of the body, and terminates in a free edge, produced at each end of the long diameter into a descending lobe or lappet (/p.), This tube is the gullet or stomodcum, a structure we have already met with in the Scyphozoa, but which here attains a far greater size and importance. Its inner surface is marked with two longitudinal grooves (A and B, sgph.), placed one at each end of the long diameter, and therefore corresponding with the lappets: they are known as the gullet-grooves or siphonoglyphes. The gullet does not simply hang freely in the enteric cavity, but is connected with the body-wall by a number of radiating partitions, the complete or primary mesentertes (mes. 1): between these are incomplete secondary mesenterics (mes. 2), which extend only part of the way from the body-wall tothe gullet, and tertiary mesenteries (mes. 3), which are hardly more than ridges on the inner surface of the body-wal]. Thus the entire internal cavity of a Sea-anemone is divisible into three regions: (1) the gullet or stomodeuwm, communicating with the exterior by the mouth, and opening below into (2) a single main digestive cavity, the stomach or mescnteron, which gives otf (8) a number of radially arranged cavities, the inter-mesenteric chambers or metentera. It is obvious that we may compare the gullet and stomach with the similarly named structures in the scyphula-stage of Aurelia, and the mesenteries with the gastric ridges ; indeed, there seems to be little doubt that these structures are severally homologous, A further correspondence is furnished by the presence of an aperture or ostiwm (ost. 1) in each mesentery, placing the adjacent inter- mesenteric chambers in direct communication with one another: in Tealia a second ostium (ost. 2) is present near the outer edge of the mesentery. Moreover, the free edge of the mesentery below the gullet is produced into a curious twisted cord, the mesenteric filament (mes. f.), answering to a gastric filament of the Scyphozoa. In many Sea~-Anemones the mesenteric filaments 188 ZOOLOGY SECT. are produced into slender threads—the aconlia—which may be protruded through the mouth or through special apertures (cinelides) of the body-wall (Fig. 138, A.) The general arrangement of the cell-layers is the same as in the two preceding classes. The body-wall (Fig 138)—base, column, and disc—consists of a layer of ectoderm outside, one of endoderm within, and between them an intermediate layer or mesoglcea, which is extremely thick and tough. The gullet (gul.), which, like that of the scyphula, is an in-turned portion of the body-wall, is lined with ectoderm, and its outer surface—ie. that facing the inter-mesenteric chambers—is endodermal. The mesenteries (7s.) consist of a supporting plate of mesogliwa, covered on both sides by Fig. 138.—Diagrammatic vertical (A) and transverse (B) sections of a Searanemone. The ectoderm is dotted, the endoderm striated, the mesoglea black. «ar. acontium ; en. cinclis ; gul. gullet; tnt. wes. ce. inter-mesenteriec chamber; sacs. mesentery; mes. 7. mesenteric filament; mth. mouth ; ost. ostium; p. pore; ¢. tentacle. endoderm. The tentacles (¢) are hollow out-pushings of the disc, and contain the same layers. Muscular System.—Sea-anemones perform various charac- teristic movements: the column may be extended or retracted, the tentacles extended to a considerable length, or drawn back and completely hidden by the upper end of the column being folded over them like the mouth of a bag; the gullet, and even the mesenteries, may be partially everted through the mouth; and lastly, the whole animal is able, very slowly, to change its position by creeping movements of its base. These movements are performed by means of a very well- developed set of muscles. A mesentery examined from the surface IV PHYLUM CQLENTERATA 189 is scen to be traversed by definite fibrous bands, the two most obvious of which are the longitudinal or retractor muscle (Fig. 187, /.w.), running as a narrow band from base to disc, and the parietal avuscle (pan.), passing obliquely across the lower and outer angle of the mesentery. Both these muscles are very thick, and ” cause a projection or bulgmg on one side of the mesentery, specially obvious in a transverse section (B. lm.): a third set of fibres, forming the transverse muscle (t.m.), crosses the longitudinal set at right angles, but is not specially prominent. The longi- tudinal muscles shorten the mesentery, and draw the disc downwards or towards the base, thus retracting the tentacles; the parietal muscles approximate the column to the base, and the transverse fibres produce a narrowing of the mesentery and thus, opposing the action of the longitudinal muscles, act as extensors of the whole body. The withdrawal of dise and tentacles, during complete retraction, has been compared to the closure of a bag by tightening the string, and is performed in much the same way, the string being represented by a very strong band of fibres, the etrcular or sphincter muscle (s.m.), which encircles the body at the junction of the column and disc. The foregoing muscles can all be seen by the naked eye, or under a low magnifying power. They are supplemented by fibres, only to be made out by microscopic examination, occurring both in the body-wall and in the tentacles. The latter organs, for instance, are able to perform independent movements of extension and re- traction by means of delicate transverse and longitudinal fibres. It was mentioned above that the thickness of the longitudinal and parietal muscles produces a bulging on one surface of the mesenteries. A transverse section shows that the arrangement of the mesenteries and of their muscles is very definite and charac- teristic (Fig. 187, B). At each end of the gullet, opposite the siphonoglyphe, are two mesenteries (//. mes.), having their longi- tudinal muscles turned away from one another: they are distin- guished as the directive mesenteries, and, in the case of Tealia, there are two couples of directive mesenteries, one at each end of the long axis of the gullet. Of the remaining complete or primary mesenteries there are four couples on each side (mes. 1), differing from the directive couples in having the longitudinal muscles turned towards one another. The secondary and tertiary mesenteries (mes. ?, mes. 3) are also arranged in couples, and in all of them the longitudinal muscles of each couple face one another. Symmetry.—It will be noticed that Tealia, unlike the typical hydrozoan and scyphozoan polypes, presents a distinct bilateral sym- metry, underlying, as it were, its superficial radial symmetry. It is divisible into equal and similar halves by two planes only, viz. a verticr! plane taken through the long diameter of the gullet, and a transverse lune taken through its short diameter. 190 ZOOLOGY SECT. The general microscopic structure of a Sea-anemone is well shown by a section through a tentacle (Fig.139). Both ectoderm (vet) and endoderm (cz/.) consist mainly of very long columnar, ciliated, epithelial cells, and the mesogloea (msgl.) is not only ex- tremely thick, but has the general characters of connective tissue, being traversed by a network of delicate fibres with interspersed cells. The middle layer has, in fact, ceased to be a mere gelatinous supporting lamella or mesoylu, and has assumed, to a far greater A Fic. 139.—Tealia crassicornis, Trans- Fic. 140.—Three nematocysts of verse section of tentacle. ect. ectoderm ; Sagartia. (After Hertwig.) end. endoderm; l.m. longitudinal muscles ; msgl. mesoglea ; nv.c. nerve-cells; ne. f. nerve -fibres; atc. nemutocysts; ¢t. im. transverse muscles. (After Hertwig.) extent than in any of the lower groups, the characters of an inter- mediate cell-layer or mesoderm. Stinging-capsules occur in the ectoderm, and are also very abundant in the mesenteric filaments. They (Fig. 140) resemble in general characters the nematocysts of Hydrozoa, but are of a more elongated form, and the thread is usually provided at the base with very numerous slender barbs (B). Very fre- quently the coiled thread is readily seen in the undischarged capsule (A). Gland-cells (Fig. 141, gl.) are very abundant in the ectodermal lining of the gullet and in the mesenteric filaments: the latter are trilobed in section, and the gland- cells are confined to the middle portion, the lateral divisions ‘. IV PHYLUM CORLENTERATA 191 being invested with ordinary ciliated cells (¢). In virtue of possessing both stinging-capsules and gland-cells, the mesenteric filaments perform adouble function. The animal is very voracious, and is able to capture and swallow small Fishes, Molluscs, Sea- urchins, We. The prey is partly paralysed, before ingestion, by the nematocysts of the tentacles, but the process is completed, after swallowing, by those of the mesenteric filaments. Then as the captured animal lies in the stomach, the edges of the filaments come into close contact with one another and practically surround Fic. 141,—Transverse section of mesenteric filament of Sagartia. c. ciliated cells; gl. gland- cells; ate. nemnatocysts. (After Hertwig.) it, pouring out, at the same time, adigestive juice secreted by their gland-cells. The muscles described above consist partly of spindle-shaped nucleated fibres, and partly of muscle-processes, like those of Hydra: the latter occur chiefly in the transverse muscular layer of the tentacles and are endodermal, the longitudinal layer is formed of distinct fibres of ectodermal origin: the great muscles of the mesenteries are of course endodermal. Although always derived either from the ectoderm or endoderm, many of the muscle-fibres of Tealia undergo a remarkable change of position by becoming sunk in the mesoglea, and thus appearing to belong to that layer (Fig. 189 7. m.). This fact is significant from the cireum- 4 192 ZOOLOGY SECT, stance that, as we shall see, the muscles of all animals above Cuwlenterata are mesodermal structures. The nervous system is very simple. It consists of a layer of delicate fibres lying between the epithelial and muscular layers of the ectoderm. Among the fibres are found nerve-cells (Fig. 189, neve.), often of large size, and occurring chiefly in the disc and tentacles. Thus, as in the polype-forms previously described, the nervous system is in a generalised condition, and shows no con- centration into a definite central nervous system such as occurs in Medusa. Reproductive organs.—Sea-anemones are dicecious, the sexes being lodged in distinct individuals. The gonads—ovaries or testes —are developed in the substance of the mesenteries (Fig. 137, gon.), a short distance from the edge, and, when mature, often form very noticeable structures. The reproductive products are obviously, as in the Scyphozoa, lodged in the endoderm. The sperms, when ripe, are discharged into the stomach and escape by the mouth: they are then carried, partly by their own movements, partly by ciliary action, down the gullet of a female, where they find their way to the ovaries and impregnate the eggs. Thedevelopment of Sea-anemones resembles,in its main features, that of Scyphozoa. The oosperm undergoes more or less regular division, the details differing considerably in individual cases, and becomes converted into a planula, an elongated ovoidal body with an outer layer of ciliated ectoderm, and an inner layer of large endoderm cells, surrounding a closed enteric cavity, usually filled with a mass of yolk, which serves as a store of nutriment. In this condition the embryo escapes from the parent, through the mouth, swims about for a time, and then settles down, becom- ing attached by its broader or anterior end. At the opposite or narrow end a pit appears, the rudiment of the stomodeum ; this deepens, and its lower or blind end becoming perforated, effects a communication with the enteron. The mesenteries are developed in regular order, but in a way which would certainly not be suspected from their arrangement in the adult. First of all, a single pair of mesenteries (Fig. 142; A, 1) grow from the body-wall to the gullet, being situated one on each side of the vertical plane, at right angles to the long diameter of the stomodieum, and near one end of that tube. The enteron thus becomes divided into two chambers, a larger or dorsal and a smaller or ventral, and the embryo acquires a distinct bilateral symmetry. Next a pair of mesen- teries (2) appear in the dorsal chamber, dividing it into a median and two lateral compartments ; then a third pair (3) in the ventral chamber, producing a similar division; then a fourth pair (4) in the middle compartment of the dorsal chamber ; then a fifth pair (B, 5) in the lateral compartments of the dorsal chamber ; and a sixth (6) in the lateral compartments of the ventral chamber. Soon the longitudinal muscles are developed, and the fate of these primitive pairs of mesenteries can be seen. The third and fourth pairs become the two directive couples of the adult ; another couple of primary mesenteries is consti- tuted, on each side of the vertical plane, by one of the mesenteries of the first Iv PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 193 and one of the sixth pair ; a third couple is similarly formed by a mesentery of the second and one of the fifth pair. ‘Thus it is only in the case of the directive mesenteries that an adult couple coincides with an embryonic pair: in other instances the two mesenteries of w couple are of different orders, belonging to distinct embryonic pairs. The mesenteric filaments of the first cycle of Wy NIT YN: A Fic. 142,—Transverse sections of early (A) and later (B) stages of an embryo Sea-anemoune (Actinia.) The mesenteries are numbered in the order of their development; std. stomo- deum. (After Korschelt and Heider.) : mesenteries are partly ectodermal, partly endodermal in origin, those of the remainder entirely endodermal. The tentacles are developed in a somewhat similar order to that of the development of the mesenteries. The first to make its appearance is connected with the larger or dorsal enteric chamber mentioned above: for some time it remains much longer than any of its successors, and thus accentuates in a marked degree the bilateral symmetry of the embryo. of It will be noticed that the development of the Sea-anemone is accompanied by a well-marked metamorphosis, but that there is no alternation of generations. In this respect its life-history offers a marked contrast with that of Obelia. 2, DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS AND CLASSIFICATION. The Actinozoa are Coelenterata which exist only in the polype- form, no medusa-stage being known in any member of the. class. The actinozoan. differs from the hydrozoan polype mainly in possessing a stomodzeum : it differs from the hydrozaan and many scyphozoan polypes in the possession of mesenteries or vertical radiating partitions, which extend inwards from the body-wall and some of which juin the stomod#um. The free margins of the mesenteries bear coiled mesenteric filaments, which appcar to answer to the gastric filaments of Seyphozoa, but may be partly ectodermal in origin. The mesenteries are developed in pairs, VOL. I oO 194 ZOOLOGY SECT. symmetrically on each side of a vertical plane: their final radial arrangement is secondary. The body-wall consists of ectoderm and endoderm separated by a stout mesoglea containing fibres and cells. The stomodeum consists of the same layers reversed—z.. its lining membrane is ectodermal. The mesenteries are formed of a double layer of endoderm with a supporting plate of mesoglea. Nematocysts, frequently of a more complex form than those of Hydrozoa and Sevphozoa, are present in the tentacles, body-wall, stomodeum, and mesenteric filaments. The muscular system is well developed, and contains both ectodermal and endodermal fibres and endo- dermal muscle-processes. The nervous system consists of irregu- larly disposed cells and fibres; there is no concentration of these elements to form a central nervous system. ‘he gonads are developed in the mesenteries, the sex-cells are lodged in the endoderm, and the ripe sexual products are dis- charged into the enteron. The impregnated egg develops into a plannla, which, after a short free existence, ‘settles down and undergues metamorphosis into the adult form. Except in one doubtful instance there is no alternation of generations. In some Actinozoa the animal remains simple throughout life, but in most members of the class an extensive process of budding takes place, the result being the formation of colonies of very various form and often of great size. Some kinds, again, resemble Tealia in having no hard parts or skeletal structures of any kind; but the majority possess a skeleton, formed either of carbonate of lime or of a horn-like or chitinoid material, and developed, in most cases though not in all, from the ectoderm. The Actinozoa are classified as follows :— Sub-Class I.—Zoantharia. Actinozoa in which the tentacles and mesenteries are usually very numerous and are frequently arranged in multiples of five or six. The tentacles are usually simple, unbranched, hollow cones. There are commonly two siphonoglyphes and two pairs of directive mesenterics: the remaining mesenteries are usually arranged in couples with the longitudinal muscles of each couple facing one another. ORDER 1.—ACTINIARIA. Zoantharia which usually remain simple, but in a few instances form small colonies. The tentacles and mescnteries are numerous, and there is no skeleton. This order includes the Sea-anemones. ORDER 2.—MADREPORARLA. Zoantharia which resemble the Actiniaria in the general structure of the soft parts, but which usually form colonies, and Iv PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 195 always possess an ectodermal calcareous skeleton. This order includes the vast majority of Stony Corals (Figs. 146 and 156). ORDER 3.—ANTIPATHARIA. Compound, tree-hke Zoantharia in which the tentacles and mesenteries are comparatively few (6—24) in number. A skeleton is present in the form of a branched chitinoid axis, developed from the ectoderm, which extends throughout the colony. This order includes the “ Black Corals” (Fig. 150). Sub-Class II.—Alcyonaria. Actinozoa in which the tentacles and mesenteries are always eight in number. The tentacles are pinnate, ic. produced into symmetrical branchlets. There is never more than one siphono- glyphe, which is ventral in position, zc. faces the proximal end of the colony. The mesenteries are not arranged in couples, and their longitudinal muscles are all directed ventrally, ze. towards the same side as the siphonoglyphe. ORDER 4.—ALCYONACEA. Alcyonaria in which the skeleton usually consists of calcareous spicules or small irregular bodies occurring in the mesogloea, but probably originating from wandering ectoderm cells. The common “ Dead men’s fingers ” (A/ry miwm, Fig. 153) has a skeleton of this type. In some cases the spicules become aggregated so as to pro- duce a coherent skeleton, which may form a branched axis to the whole colony, as in the precious Red Coral (Coralliwm, Fig. 145), or a series of connected tubes for the individual polypes, as in the Organ-pipe Coral (Zuhipora, Fig. 148). In the “ Blue Coral” (Heliopora) the skeleton is a massive structure resembling that of the Madreporaria. Most genera are compound; a few, such as Hartea—which, however, is probably a larval form (Fig. 144)— are simple. ORDER 5.—GORGONACEA. Compound tree-like Alcyonaria, with a calcareous or horny skeleton of ectodermal origin forming a branched axis throughout the colony. Spicules are present in the mesoglea. There is no siphonoglyphe. The beautiful “Sea-fans” belong to this group (Fig. 154). ORDER 6.—PENNATULACEA. Aleyonaria in which the colony is usually elongated, and ha» one end embedded in the mud at the sea-bottom, while the opposite or distal end bears the polypes, usually on lateral 196 ZOOLOGY SECT. branches. The stem is supported by a calcareous or horny skeleton. The polypes are dimorphic. The “Sea-pens” (Peanatulu) are the commonest members of this group (Fig. 147). Systematee Position of the Haanvple. Tealia crassicornis is one of several species of the genus Teulia. it belongs to the family Zvewdidw, which, with several other families, make up the tribe Heractiniw, of the order cletiniariu, of the sub-class Zoanthariu. The presence of numerous tentacles, arranged in multiples of five, places it at once among the Zoantharia. The fact that it is siaiple and devoid of a skeleton causes it to be assigned to the Actiniaria. This order is divided into tribes characterised by differences in the arrangement of the mesenteries, especially by the presence of one or two couples of directive mesenteries, and by the direction in which the longitudinal muscles face. In the Hexactiniee the mesenteries are all arranged in couples with the longitudinal muscles of each couple facing one another, except in the case of the two directive couples. The mesenteries are in multiples of five, and the stomodeum has two siphono- glyphes and two lappets. The family Tealidee is characterised by the possession of numerous mesenteries, of tentacles of moderate length which are completely covered by the closed-in disc during retraction, and by the presence of a large endodermal sphincter muscle. The genus Tealia is distinguished from other members of the same family by being broader than high, by having numerous retractile, equal-sized tentacles, and by the presence of longitudinal series of warts on the column. The species crassicornis is distinguished from other species of the genus by the warts being of approxi- mately equal size. 3 GENERAL ORGANISATION. The chief variations in the external form of the Actinozoa are due to the diverse modes of budding: as we shall see, the structure of the individual polypes or zooids is remarkably uniform—at least as regards all the essentials of their organisation. Nearly all the Actiniaria or Sea-anemones are simple, and, in the few instances where colonies are formed, these are usually small, and contain a very limited number of zooids. In Zoanthus (Fig. 143), for instance, the original polype sends out a horizontal branch or stolon (st.), from which new polypes arise. Besides the Sea-anemones the only simple forms are certain Madreporarian corals, such as Flabellum (Fig. 155, A, B), and three genera of Alevonacea, of which Hartea (Fig. 144) may be taken as an example, Iv PHYLUM CQLENTERATA 197 The simplest mode of budding is that just described in Zoan- thus, in which new zooids are developed from a narrow band-like Fic. 143.—Zoanthus sociatus. A, entire colony ; st. stolon. whee B, transverse section. syph. siphonoglyphes ; d. ¢. dorsal, and +. d. ventral directive mesenteries. (After McMurrich and Korschelt and Heider.) or tubular stolon (Fig. 143, st). A more usual method resembles that with which we are already familiar in Hydrozoa, new buds being Fic. 144.—Hartea elegans. gul. gullet ; mes. mesentery ; sp. spicules; ¢. tentacles. (After Perceval Wright.) formed as lateral outgrowths, and a tree-lke colony arising with numerous zooids spring- ing from a common stem or cenosare. Corallium and Gor- gonia (Figs. 145 and 154) are good examples of this type of growth. In other cases the buds grow more or less paral- lel with one another, producing massive colonies either of close- set zooids or of zooids separ- ated by a solid coenosarc. As examples of this type we may take Palythoa, the most com- plex of the Actiniaria, and many of the common Madre- poraria, such as Astrea (Fig. 146). In the Sea-pens (Penna- tulavea) the proximal end of the elongated colony (Fig. 147) is sunk in the mud, and the distal end bears zooids springing either directly from 198 ZOOLOGY SECT. the ccenosare or, as in Prnnatula itself, from flattened lateral branches. The stem itself is the equivalent of a polype. A very peculiar mode of budding occurs in the Organ-pipe Coral (Tulipora). The base of the original polype (Fig. 148) grows out into a flattened expansion from which uew polypes arise, diverg- ing slightly from one another as they grow, and separated by tolcr- ably wide intervals. The distal ends of the polypes then grow out into horizontal expansions or platforms (pl.), formed at first of ectoderm and mesoglcea only, but finally receiving prolongations of the endoderm. The platforms extend, come in contact with one another, and fuse. In this way platfoims of considerable extent : are formed (A, pil.), uniting the Tio. 145.-Corallium rubrum, por- polypes with one another. From tion of a branch, (From Claus, after Lacaze-Duthiers. ) the upper surfaces of the platforins, between the older polypes, new buds arise, and in this way the colony tends to assume the form of an inverted pyramid, the number of zooids, and consequently the diameter of the colony, increasing part passwu with the vertical Fic. 146.—Astreea pallida, the living colony. (After Dana.) growth of the latter. The skeleton of this remarkable coral will be referred to hereafter. Although the general structure of the individual polypes of the Actinozoa 1s, as mentioned above, very uniform, the varia- tions in detail are numerous and interesting, especially among the Actiniaria. One of the most important points to consider Iv PHYLUM CCELENTERATA 199 Fic. 147.—Pennatula suleata. A, entire colony; B, portion of the same magnified. l. lateral branch ; p. polype; s. siphonozooid. (After Koelliker.) CUTTING Fic. 148.—Tubipora musica. A, skeleton of entire colony ; B, transverse sections of polype 3 C. single polype with tube and commencement of platform; D, growth of new polypes from platform, /. m. longitudinal muscles ; p1. p2. polypes; pl. platform ; s7ph. siphonoglyphe ; sp. spicules ; std. stomodzeum. (After Cuvier, Quoy and Gaimard, and Hickson.) 200 ZOOLOGY SECT. is the arrangement of the mesenteries. In Edwardsia (Fig. 149), a genus which burrows in sand instead of attaching itself to rocks, &c., there are only eight mesenteries (B)—the usual two couples of directives, and two others on each side of the vertical plane, having their longitudinal muscles directed ventrally, and therefore not arranged in couples. The adult Edwardsia thus corresponds with a temporary stage in the development of one of the more typical sea-anemones, viz., the stage with eight mesen- teries shown in Fig. 142, A.; it is probably to be looked upon as the most primitive or generalised member of the order. In Zoanthus (Fig. 143, B) the dorsal directives (d./.) do not reach the gullet, and each lateral couple con- sists of one perfect and one small and imperfect mesentery. In Ceri- anthus, another burrowing form, there is a couple of very small ventral directives, and the remain- ing mesenteries are very numerous, not arranged in couples, and all directed ventrally at their outer ends, so as to have a very obviously bilateral arrangement: in this genus, as growth proceeds, new mesen- teries are added on the dorsal side, and not, as is usual, between already Fio, 149.—Bdwardsia elaparédii. formed couples. On the other hand, , the entire animal; ¢. tube. B. ] anys , transverse section. (After Andres, the. newly discovered Gy) achis eXx- and Korschelt and Heider.) hibits a perfectly radial arrange- ment: the mesenteries are all arranged in couples with the longitudinal muscles facing one another. Jastly, in all the more typical Sea-anemones (forming the tribe Heaactiniw) there are either six, eight or ten pairs of perfect mesenteries, which, as well as the secondary and tertiary cycles, are all arranged in couples, the longitudinal muscles of all but the one or two directive couples facing one another. In the Madreporaria the mesenteries are arranged, so far as is known, in the way just described for the Hexactinie. In the Antipatharia there are six primary, and sometimes either four or six secondary mesenteries. In the whole of the Alcyonaria the mesenteries are eight in number: they are not arranged in couples, and their longitudinal muscles all face the same way, viz., towards the ventral aspect (Fig. 148, B). In this whole sub-class, therefore, the resemblance to Edwardsia is very close, the main difference being that the longitudinal muscles of the ventral directives face inwards in the Alcyonaria, outwards in Edwardsia. Iv PHYLUM CCQHLENTERATA 201 The tentacles in Zoantharia are usually very numerous, and in nearly all cases have the form of simple glove-finger-like out- pushings of the dise. In Edwardsia, however, they may be reduced to sixteen, and in some genera of Sea-anemones they are branched. In the Antipatharia (Fig. 150) they vary in number from six to twenty-four. When more than six are present, six of them are larger than the others. Fic. 150.—Antipathes ternatensis, portion of a branch, showing three zvoids and the horny axis besct with spines. (From the Ciunbridge Natural History, after Schultze.) In the Alcyonaria, on the other hand, the tentacles, like the mesenteries, are eight in number and are always pinnate, ‘r. slightly flattened and with a row of small branchlets along each edge (Fig. 144). Many Actiniaria have the tentacles perforated at the tip (Fig. 138, A, p.); and in some species these organs undergo degeneration, being reduced to apertures on the disc, which represent the terminal pores of the vanished tentacles and are called stomidia. Many Sea-anemones possess curious organs of offence called acontia (Fig. 138, A, and Fig. 157, ac.). These are long delicate threads springing from the edges of the mesen- teries: they are loaded with nematocysts, and can be protruded through minute apertures in the column, called “ port-holes” or cinclides (ci.). Enteric System.— The gullet in the Actiniaria presents some remarkable modifications. It is usually a compressed tube with two siphonoglyphes, but in Zoanthus and some other genera the ventral gullet-groove alone is present (Fig. 143, B), and in Gyractis both grooves are absent, and the tube itself is cylindrical with a circular mouth. The ordinary compressed form of gullet often assumes, in the position of rest, an %-shaped transverse section, owing to its walls coming together in the middle and leaving the two ends wide open. In most of the Antipatharia the zooid is drawn out in the direction of the long axis of the branch (Fig. 151), and in some it becomes constricted into three parts (6) which may have the appearance of separate zooids, the central part containing the gullet with the mouth, while the lateral parts each contains a gonad; each of these apparent zooids bears two of the six tentacles; the median one has all six mesenteries attached internally to the gullet; in each lateral part there is only the outer portion of one of the 202 ZOOLOGY SECT. : ; ‘ " transverse mesenteries. In such a form as Schizepathes (Fig. 151, B) there is thus recognisable an arrangement of the parts which night Fic. 151.—Antipatharia. A, oral face of zovid of Parantipathes. B, oral face of zooid of Schizopathes, (After Delage et Hérouard.) be interpreted as a dimorphism of the zooids, one set —the parts containing the mouth and gullet—being regarded as gastrozooids, and the others containing the gonads as gonozouids. Fixed and Free Forms.— (at i " B\\\¥ Cc Fic, 271.—Typical forms of mastax. A, forcipate type; B, incudate type; C, ramate type. Jf. fulerum ; m. manubrium; 7. ramus; uw. uncus. (After Hudson and Gosse.) used to seize prey, the mastax being in this case protrusible. Lastly, the fulcrum and manubrium may be absent, and the unci and rami very strong and massive (C). Glands, supposed to be salivary, open into the mastax or cesophagus. The stomach is always large, and usually has a pair of digestive glands opening into it: it may pass insensibly into the intestine, or the latter may be a distinct chamber of more or less globular form. In the Rhizota the intestine turns forwards so as to allow of the anus being brought over the edge of the tube in defecation (Fig. 269, 4,a). In Asplanchna (6) the stomach ends blindly, the intestine, cloaca, and anus being absent. The excretory system is very uniform in structure. It con- sists of a pair of more or less coiled nephridial tubes, placed longitudinally and giving off lateral branchlets which end in fiame-cells. The outer surface of each flame-cell usually bears one or sometimes two flagella, which lie free in the body-cavity. 334 ZOOLOGY SECT. Frequently, but not always, the two tubes open posteriorly into a contractile vesicle or bladder which discharges into the cloaca, Nervous System and Sense Organs. —The nervous system usually consists of a single ganglion (Fig. 267, br) towards the dorsal aspect of the anterior part of the body, and representing the brain or supra-cesophageal ganglion of the higher Worms : it sends nerves to the muscles, trochal disc, and tactile organs. In some cases a smaller ventral or infra-cesophageal ganglion is present as well, connected with the first by a pair of slender cesophageal connectives. Connected with the dorsal ganglion are a pair of lateral longitudinal nerves which run backwards to the tail, giving off branches in their course. One or more eyes (¢) are usually present in close relation with the brain, and are sometimes mere spots of pigment, but may be provided with a refractive body or lens. The only other organs of sense are the tactile rods (ay, Lf.), of which there is usually one on the dorsal surface near the anterior end of the body, and frequently two others, one on each side of the trunk. They are more or less rod- like structures, tipped with delicate sensory hairs and receiving nerves from the brain. Reproduction and Development.—In most cases the female reproductive organs have the same general character as in Brachi- onus, te. the gonad is unpaired (Fig. 264), consists of germarium and vitellarium, and is provided with an oviduct (Fig. 267). But in some of the Bdelloida, such as Philodina, there are two ovaries, not divisible into germ-gland and yolk-gland, and the oviduct is absent. The males are smaller than the females and degenerate in structure, the enteric canal being atrophied (Fig. 266, A). There is a large testis (¢) with a duct opening at the end of a protrusible penis (p), which is dorsal in all but Asplanchna, in which it, as well as the cloacal opening of the female, appear to be ventral. Apparently hypodermic impregnation sometimes takes place, t.e. the body-wall of the female may be perforated at any place for the entrance of the sperms. Three kinds of eggs are produced: large and small swmmer eggs, which always develop parthenogenetically, the larger giving rise to females, the smaller to males ; and thick-shelled winter eggs, which probably require impregnation, and remain in an inert condition all through the winter, finally developing in the spring. Most Rotifers are oviparous, but some (Philodina, &c.) bring forth living young, which are born by breaking through the body-wall or through the cloaca, thus causing the death of the parent. Segmentation is total and irregular, the oosperm dividing into megameres and micromeres. An epibolic gastrula is formed, the blastopore closes, and invaginations of ectoderm give rise to the stomodzum and proctodeum. The tail is formed asa prolongation VII PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES 335 of the postero-ventral region of the embryo, and contains at first an extension of the endoderm. No metamorphosis is known to take place in any member of the class. Ethology.—A few Rotifers live in the sea, but the majority are fresh-water forms, occurring in lakes, streams, ponds, and even in puddles the water of which is rendered foul and opaque by mud and sewage. Frequently the water in which they live is dried up, and the thick-shelled winter eggs may then be widely dispersed by wind. It is even stated that the adult animals may survive prolonged desiccation and resume active life when again placed in water. They are able to survive prolonged exposure to tem- peratures far below the freezing point of water. Many forms cling to the bodies of higher animals in order to obtain a share of their food, thus leading a kind of commensal existence. Others go a step further and become true external parasites, like Drilophaga on a fresh-water Oligochete (vide Section X), or Seison on the little Crustacean Webalia (Fig. 457). Others, again, are internal parasites, such as Albertia in the celome of Earthworms and the intestines of fresh-water Oligochzetes (Mais), and Nolommata werneckit in the cells of the fresh-water Alga Vaucheria. Affinities.—The affinities of the Rotifera are very obscure. Their general resemblance to the free-swimming larve of Annelids (phylum Annulata) is extremely close, and, in particular, the curlous Trochosphera is, to all intents and purposes, a sexually mature trochosphere with a mastax. The excretory organs recall those of the Platyhelminthes, and also resemble the provisional nephridia or head-kidneys of Annulate larve. Lastly, the hollow muscular appendages of Pedalion and Hexarthra give those genera a certain resemblance—which is probably, however, merely adaptive —to the nauplius or free-swimming larva of Crustacea. Class II.—GaAsTROTRICHA. The Gastrotricha (Figs. 272 and 273) are a small group of minute fresh-water animals, which ave apparently allied, though certainly not very closely, to the Rotifera, and are on that account placed in the present phylum. The body is spindle-shaped with flattened ventral surface. The ventral surface bears two longitudinal bands of cilia ; the dorsal is non-ciliated, but in some forms hears a nwnber of longitudinal rows of slender, pointed, cuticular processes. The aboral end is narrow and usually bifurcated. On the head are four tufts of flagella, which are partly sensory, partly vibratile. The mouth, situated at the anterior end, leads by a narrow tube into the thick-walled cesophagus. At the beginning of the latter are a number of small chitinous denticles, and in front of them a circlet of seta. The cwsophagus leads to a wide elongated stomach followed by a short intestine which terminates in an anal aperture at the posterior extremity. The nephridia are a pair of unbranched coiled tubes each opening on the ventral surface and terminating ZOOLOGY SECT. internally in a flame-cell, The nervous system consists of a large dorsally and anteriorly situated cerebral ganglion or brain giving off a pair of ventro-lateral longitudinal nerves. The sexes are united, and there is no metamorphosis. Fic. 272.—Chaetonotus maximus. Fic. 273.—-Chaetonotus maximus (or- Highly magnified. (After Zelinka.) ganisation). brn. brain; gld. adhesive gland; mes. mesenteron; mo. mouth; es, cesophagus; ov. ovum; ovar. ovary ; retr, retractor muscles ; vent. mus, ventral muscle. (After Zelinka.) APPENDIX TO THE TROCHELMINTHES. The Dinophilea and Histriobdellea. These are two isolated groups of minute animals which may most conveniently be dealt with in association with the Trochelminthes, since they bear certain striking resemblances, now to one, now to another, member of that phylum ; but they differ from all of them in the assumption of a simple kind of meta- merism (p. 43), by virtue of which they have claims to association with the vir PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES 337 Annulata—a phylum to be treated of later. The Dinophilea are free-living animals, mostly marine, one species living in brackish water. The Histriobdellea are parasitic or commensal, and live on the European lobster and the Australian fresh-water cray fishes. Dinophilus (Fig. 274) is a minute worm-like animal with a head or pro- stomium, a body composed of from five to eight segments separated from one another by constrictions, and a short ventral tail, The prostomium bears two eye-spots and some sensory hairs: it is either covered uniformly with cilia, or bears two or three annular ciliated bands apparently representing the prototroch of the trochophore. The body is in some of the species uniformly ciliated ; in others the cilia are disposed in rings corresponding to the segments, except on NUL nan LL a "| aera Fic. 274.—Dinophilus taeniatus. The left figure represents the dorsal surface of a young individual, x 76; the mouth and alimentary tract are seen by transparency. The right figure shows the anatomy of the male, x 38, an. anus; b, rectum; c. body-cavity ; d. vas deferens ; m. pharynx ; 7’. the first nephridium ; @. entrance to the wsophagus ; p., in left fig., prostomium; p., in right fig., penis; st. stomach; s. x. vesicule seminalis. (From Sheldon, after Harmer.) the ventral surface, where the ciliation is always uniform. The mouth, which is situated on the ventral aspect of the prostomium, leads into an alimentary canal consisting of cesophagus, stomach, and intestine, all of which are ciliated; the anus (an) is placed dorsally over the tail. A protrusible muscular proboscis lies, when retracted, in a recess opening close to the mouth. There is an imperfectly developed ccelome which is crossed by strands of connective tissue. A nervous system is present, and consists of a large dorsal ganglion in the prostomium, giving off two anterior, and two posterior nerves or ventral cords (sometimes segmented into a series of ganglia connected in each segment by commissures), all situated in the epidermis. ; The excretory system consists of a series of metamerically arranged pairs of VOL. 1 Zz 338 ZOOLOGY SECT, tubes (v’). The inner ends of these do not open into the hody-cavity, but are provided with peculiarly modified flagellate cells known as so/cnocytes, so that these paired excretory tubes resemble closely the nephridia of some of the Poly- chieta (phylum Annulata ; see Section X.). The sexes are separate. In the male there is a conical ventral penis ; the last pair of nephridia act as vesicule seminales. In the ovary two sets of ova are developed, the larger destined to give rise to females, and the smaller destined to form males. They pass into the body-cavity and reach the exterior by an aperture on the ventral surface in front of the anus. A process of unequal segmentation is followed by the formation of an epibolic gastrula. What is known of the development is in favour of the view that Dinophilus is to be looked upon as a trochophore-like form that has made some progress in the evolution of metamerism. The Histriobdellea comprise only the two nearly-allied genera Histriob- della and Stratiodrilus (Fig. 275)—the former found on the eggs of the Euro- pean lobster, the latter in the gill- cavities of Australian and Tasmanian fresh-water crayfishes. The animal is narrow, almost cylindrical, with a well-marked head, a body of six seg- ments, and a narrower tail-region in which segmentation is not clearly marked. The head bears five tentacles (t!, 7, ) tipped with non-motile sen- A) —— \" 8 vas { : oy ES ZN Dp 2 ol sory cilia, and a pair of retractile ee 70 _p appendages or limbs (J, a), with basal ac glands the ducts of which open at their extremities. The head has the mouth at its anterior extremity on the ventral aspect. The body bears, in Stratiodrilus, three pairs of two- jointed non-retractile appendages or cirri (cl, ¢?, ¢3) tipped with non- motile cilia, and in the male a pair of retractile appendages or claspers (cl). At the end of the tail is a pair of large freely movable appendages or legs (lp), which are the organs of locomotion: at the end of each of q =! tf Fic. 275.—Stratiodrilus tasmanicus, male. ae. accessory gland of male ap- paratus; br. ¢ brain; ¢!. ¢2. ¢3. cirri; el. claspers (appendages peculiar to the male) ; ex, excretory tubes; gr. gld. granule-gland 3; 1. a, anterior limb; J. gl. gland at base of anterior limb; l. gld. gland at base of pos- terior limb; Jl. p. posterior limb; 7. ce. nerve-cord; p. penis; ?¢1. ¢2. ¢3. tentacles ; ves, vesicula seminalis. but with the relative position of malleus and incus inverted. these open the ducts of a mass of unicellular glands. The anus is situ- ated posteriorly between the bases of the legs. Opening from the mouth- cavity on its ventral aspect is a muscular sac in which are enclosed, when retracted, a system of chitinous jaws reducible to the same general type as the mastax of the Rotifera, There is a highly developed nervous system consisting of a large brain (br. c.) situated dorsally in the prostomium, a pair of cesophageal connectives, and a ventral nerve cord (ac) with a series of ganglia which have a distinctly metameric vil PHYLUM TROCHELMINTHES 339 arangement. The excretory system takes the form of ciliated tubes (ex), closed internally, and showing a tendency to metamerism: these extend into the head. The sexes are distinet : the male has a protrusible penis, directed ventrally. There is no metamorphosis. There seems to be some reason for believing that Dinophilus and the Histriobdellea may help to bridge over the interval between the Trochelminthes and the higher segmented worms or Annulata. In this connection the Echinoderide, which were noticed in an appendix to the last Section (p. 319), have also to be kept in view. SECTION VIII ° PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA ? THE phylum Molluscoida comprises three classes—the Polyzoa Gncluding, provisionally, the #ndoproctu), the Brachiopoda, and the Phoronida. The members of these three classes are tolerably widely divergent, so that it is somewhat difficult to frame a general account of the entire phylum; but the following are the most important common features :— There is, except in the Endoprocta, a body-cavity (ccelome), lined in most cases with a ccelomic epithelium, within which the ali- mentary canal is suspended by means of mesenteries or by means of funicular strands taking their place. The dorsal region of the body is abbreviated, being represented only by a short space between the mouth and anus, which are closely approximated. There is a lophophore or tentacle-bearing ridge, usually of a horse- shoe shape, containing a special compartment of the ccelome, and overhanging the mouth on its anal side there is in most cases a sensitive process—the epistome—also -containing a special com- partment of the body-cavity. The central part of the nervous system consists of a single ganglion (supra-cesophageal), or of two ganglia (supra-cesophageal and infra-cesophageal), or of a nerve- ring. The nephridia when present are in nearly all cases a single pair of ciliated tubes, which act also as gonoducts. CLASS I.—POLYZOA. The Polyzoa form colonies known as “Sea-mats,” or “ Coral- ines,” which in many cases bear a close general resemblance to lines, y 1 This and all the remaining phyla of the animal kingdom are characterised by the possession of a true celome, i.e. of a cavity interposed between the wall of the body and that of the enteron, and developed either directly by outgrowth from the archenteron, or formed from clefts that appear in solid masses of mesoderm cells. The only group hitherto dealt with in which a definite celome is present is the Chetognatha. In some of the groups which are here comprised in the ccelomate phyla, however, as will be seen, the cclome is reduced, or entirely absent, or not typically developed. 340 SECT. VIII PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 341 Hydroid Zoophytes, and only on a more minute inspection are found to differ totally from the latter and to exhibit a very much higher type of structure. 1. EXAMPLE OF THE CLASS.—BUGULA AVICULARIA. Bugula avicwlaria, the common Bird’s-Head Coralline (Fig. 276), occurs in brown or purple bushy tufts, two or three inches long, on rocks, piles of jetties, and similar situations on the sea-shore in all parts of the world. On a naked-eye examination it presents a considerable resemblance to a Hydroid Zoophyte, and might readily be taken for a member of that group. It consists of dichotomously branching narrow stems, which are rooted by a number of slender root-filaments. Each stem is found, when examined with a lens, to be made up of a number of elements, the zowcia of the colony, which are closely united together and arranged in four longitudinal rows. The zocecia are approximately cylindrical in shape, but broader distally than proximally, four or five times as long as broad, and have, near the distal end, a wide crescentic aperture—the “mouth” of the zoucium—on either side of which is a short blunt spine. A rounded structure—the owciwm—in many parts of the colony lies in front of each zocecium (Fig. 276, owe.). On each zocecium, except a few at the extremities of the branches, is a remarkable appendage, the aviculariwm (avic), having very much the appearance of a bird’s head supported on a very short stalk : if the Bugula is examined under the microscope in the living condition, the avicularia will be found to be in almost constant movement, turning from side to side; and a movable part, com- parable to the lower jaw of the bird’s head, will often be seen to be moved in such a way that the mouth of the avicularium is opened very widely and then becomes closed up with a quick “snap.” All the parts hitherto mentioned can be shown, by using appropriate tests, to be composed of some material akin to chitin in composition. The chitinous wall of the zocecia is the hardened and thickened cuticle of the zooids, having beneath it the soft body- wall! The anterior region of the body of the zooid forms an introvert, te. is capable of being involuted lke the finger of a glove within the more posterior part: the cuticle covering this, con- tinuous behind with the thick ectocyst, is quite thin and flexible. When the introvert is everted it is seen to bear at its anterior end a circlet of usually fourteen long, slender filiform tentacles (¢ent) on a circular ridge or lophophore surrounding the mouth of the zooid. The tentacles are densely ciliated except along their outer surfaces: the cilia vibrate actively in such a way as to drive currents of water, 1 The terms ectocyst and endocyst are commonly applied respectively to the hardened cuticle of the zooid and its soft body-wall, 342 ZOOLOGY SECT. and with them food-particles, towards the mouth (mo) : they are also capable of being bent in various directions. In the interior of Fic, 276.—Bugula avicularia. Two zvoids, magnified. an. anus; avie. avicularia; emb. embryo enclosed in the ocecium ; ‘funic. funiculus ; gast, muscular bands passing from the stomach to the body-wall ; ‘at. intestine ; 20. mouth ; or. oceciumy; ws. cesophagus ; ov. ovary 5 ph. pharynx ; ret. parieto-vaginal muscles; sp. spermatidia ; stom. stomach ; tent. tentacles. The ganglion, which is not indicated, lies just below the middle of the stroke from mo. a narrow prolongation of the ceelome. In all probability, besides bringing minute particles of food to the mouth of the zooid by the action of their cila, the tentacles are prehensile as well as VIL PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 34 tactile, and also act as organs of respiration. When retracted they become enclosed by the walls of the introvert as by a sheath— the tentacle-sheath. A pair of bands of muscular fibres—the parieto- vaginal muscles (ret.)—passing to the introvert from the body-wall, serve to retract the introvert and tentacles. The body-wall consists, in addition to the cuticle, of an epidermis composed of a single layer of large flattened cells, two muscular layers, the outer circular and the inner longitudinal, and a layer of an irregular cellular tissue, or parenchyma. The ceelome is extensive ; it is lined extervally by the parietal layer of parenchyma forming the innermost layer of the body-wall, and internally by a visceral layer of the same tissue, ensheathing the alimentary canal. Across the cavity between the parietal and visceral layers of the parenchyma pass numerous strands of spindle- shaped cells. A large double strand (/uwnic) passes from the proximal or aboral end of the alimentary canal to the aboral wall of the zocecium ; this is the funiculus. A transverse partition cuts off (though not completely) a smal] anterior compartment of the ccelome from the rest. ‘he former surrounds the basis of the tentacles, the narrow internal cavities of which are in com- munication with it: this is known as the circular canal. The ccelomic fluid contains a number of colourless corpuscles or leucocytes. Alimentary Canal.—The mouth (mo) leads into a wide chamber—the pharynx (ph)—just behind the bases of the tentacles ; from this asomewhat narrower short tube, separated by a constric- tion from the pharynx, leads to the stomach (stom) from which it is also separated by a constriction. The stomach gives off a long conical prolongation or cwcwm passing towards the aboral end of the zocecium, to which it is attached by the funiculus. The intestine (int) comes off from the oral aspect of the stomach, not far from the cesophagus, with which it lies nearly parallel: it ter- minates in a rounded anal aperture (an) capable of being dis- tended to a considerable size, situated not far from the mouth, but outside the lophophore. The entire alimentary canal is lined by an epithelium, which is ciliated throughout except in a portion of the stomach: the cells of the epithelium, which are arranged in a single layer, vary in length in different regions, being longest in the pharynx, which is comparatively thick-walled. A pair of slender muscles (gast) passing from the body-wall to the stomach act as .retractors of the alimentary canal when the introvert is drawn back. There are no blood-vessels. The nervous system consists of a small round ganglion situated between the mouth and the anus, giving off nerves to the various parts; organs of special sense are absent. Definite ex- cretory organs clo not occur in Bugula, the function of excretion 344 ZOOLOGY SECT. (i.e. the collection of the nitrogenous waste-matters) being appar- ently carried on by the leucocytes and the cells of the funicular tissue. Reproductive Organs.—Ovary and testis are found to occur together in the same zooid. They are both formed from specially modified cells of the parenchyma, either of the funiculus or of the body-wall. The testis, developed from the cells of the funicular tissue, gives origin to spherical masses of cells—the spermatidia (sp)—which develop into sperms with very long motile tails. These become free from one another and move about in the body-cavity or in its prolongations into the tentacles. There is no spermiduct, and it is doubtful if the sperms pass to the exterior. The ovary (ov) is a small rounded body formed from the parietal layer of the parenchyma about the middle of the zocecium ; it consists of only a small number of cells of which only one at a time becomes a mature ovum, certain smaller cells forming an enclosing follicle. The mature ovum is perhaps fertilised in the celome; it passes into the interior of a rounded outgrowth of the zocecium—the oecium (oec)—lined with parenchyma, and forming a sort of brood- pouch in which it undergoes development. Development.—Segmentation (Fig. 277) is complete and nearly regular. A blastula is formed having the shape of a bi-convex lens. In the interior of the blastoccele or cavity of the blastula, four cells (end)—the primitive endoderm cells — become distinguishable: these increase in number by division, and form a mass of free cells which almost completely fill the blastoccele; this mass apparently represents both endoderm and mesoderm. Small cavities which appear in it subsequently unite together to form the primitive cclome. A very broad ring-shaped thickening—the corona (G, cor.)— is formed round the equator of the embryo and becomes provided with cilia. A circular pallial groove arises on the oral side of the corona. A sac-like, afterwards beaker-shaped invagination of the ectoderm on what is destined to become the oral side of the ciliated ridge, forms a larval structure, termed the sucker (Fig. 278, suck), which afterwards serves to fix the larva. A second depression of the ectoderm in the region of the corona on the oral side forms the ectodermal groove. At the aboral pole is developed, also from the ectoderm, a second larval structure—the calotte or retractile dise (disc), on which motionless sensory cilia appear. In close relation to the ectodermal groove is formed a mass of cells, the pyriform organ (p). An alimentary canal is absent in the larva of Bugula when it escapes from the ocecium. After an interval of free existence as a ciated larva, certain changes appear which lead to a very complete metamorphosis. The sucker becomes everted by a strong contraction of the body, and fixes the larva to some foreign VUI PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 345 object. The aboral side of the larva becomes greatly extended, so that almost the entire integument of the primary zooid is devel- oped from this part (te. from the region occupied by the retractile disc and pallial groove). Accompanying the extension of the aboral surface are the obliteration of the pallial groove and the bending down of the corona towards the oral side. Thus the stage of the larva termed the uwmbrella-shaped stage is reached. The sucker is everted, and by means of it the larva becomes attached. The edge of the “umbrella” becomes bent downwards, and Fic. 277.—Early stages in the development of Bugula. cent. central mass of cells ; cor. corona ect. ectoderm ; end. endoderm ; sey. segmentation-cavity. (After Vigelius.) fused with the broad plate into which the sucker has ex- panded, thus enclosing a circular cavity, the so-called vestibule (Fig. 279, v). The walls of this, consisting of the coronal cells and a portion of the original sucker, become broken up and the cavity is merged in the general cavity in the interior of the larva. All the larval structures have now disappeared with the exception of the basal plate of the sucker and the retractile disc. The former gives rise to the basal part of the wall of the primary zoecium. From the latter, which becomes invaginated, or from a sac which is developed to replace it, are developed both the ectodermal and endodermal structures of the primary zooid. 346 ZOOLOGY SECT Occupying the interior of the larva at this stage in addition to this sac, there is only a mass of undifferentiated tissue derived from the original central tissue together with that derived cor Fic. 278,—A, Larva of Bugula plumosa ; B, Sagittal section of larva of Bugula (diagram- matic). cent. central tissue; cor. corona; disc. retvactile disc ; e. ectodermal groove ; p. pyri- form organ ; pall. pallial groove; suck. sucker. (From Korschelt and Heider, after Barrois.) from the disintegrated corona, pyriform organ, and part of the sucker. The outer wall forms the wall of the primary zocecium, the surface of which becomes covered with a chitinous cuticle or ectocyst. Most of the mternal mass goes to form a brown body, which now becomes developed, but a part of it seems to form the mesoderm of the zooid. A diverticulum of the sac constitutes the first rudiment of stomach and intestine; a second diverticulum forms the rudiment of the cesophagus; these become applied to one another and fuse to form the con- tinuous alimentary canal. The ganglion arises as an invagination of the ecto- derm in the space between mouth and anus. The upper part of the cavity of the primitive sac, after the rudi- MIG Pehed, Lote or Baeaia, ment of the alimentary canal has been c. cells of corona; r. rudiment separated off, forms a space termed the of the zooid in the form of a “ : sac; s, basal plate of everted atrium; the walls of this become con- Ronchit’ and’ Holder, “ates Vetted into the tentacle sheath, while Barrois.) on its base appear the rudiments of the tentacles and lophophore. During the development of the organs of the adult zooid the brown body becomes closely applied to the stomach and gradually absorbed. The primary zooid thus formed gives rise asexually by a process of repeated budding to the branching structure which has been Vu PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA B47 described. In many of the zocecia of a fully-developed colony no zooid is found to be present, but, instead, there is a dark brown body similar to that which occurs in the primary zocecium. This is a zooid that has undergone degeneration — the lophophore, tentacles, and alimentary canal having become absorbed. Such degenerated zooids are capable of regeneration, the organs becoming re-developed and the brown body re-absorbed. 2. DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS AND CLASSIFICATION. The Polyzoa are Molluscoida which, with one exception, form colonies of zooids connected together by a common organic sub- stance. There is a lophophore bearing a series of slender, cilated, post-oral tentacles. The anterior part of the body forms, in the majority, a short introvert, within which the lophophore and the tentacles are capable of being withdrawn. In some the pro- stomium is represented by a small lobe—the epistome. The alimentary canal is U-shaped, and the anus is anterior, within, or just outside, the tentacular circlet. Jn most the nervous system is represented only by a small ganglion between the mouth and the anus. A cuticle, sometimes gelatinous, sometimes horny, sometimes calcified, forms a firm exoskeletal layer for the support of the colony. Nephridia (corresponding to the head-nephridia of the trochophore) occur only in the #ndoprocta. There is -no vascular system. The sexes are usually united. The majority of Polyzoa occur in the sea; a limited number are inhabitants of fresh water. Sub-Class I.—Ectoprocta. Colonial Polyzoa with the anus outside the lophophore, with a well-developed introvert and a spacious ccelome. ORDER J].—GYMNOLAEMATA. Almost exclusively marine Ectoprocta, with a circular lopho- phore, and without an epistome. Sub-order a.—Cyclostomata. Gymnolemata with tubular calcareous zocecia having circular apertures devoid of closing apparatus. Including Crista, Idmonea, ce. Sub-order b.—Cheilostomata. Gymnolemata with calcareous or chitinous zocecia usually pro- vided with opercula. Including Bugula, Flustra (“Sea-mat”) Membranipora, Cellepora, Selenaria. 348 ZOOLOGY SECT. Sub-order e.—Ctenostomata. Gymnolemata with chitinous or gelatinous zocecia provided with a series of tooth-like processes closing the aperture when the tentacles are retracted. Including Aleyonidium, Serialaria, Paludicella, ORDER 2.—PHYLACTOLEMATA. Fresh-water Ectoprocta with horse-shoe-shaped lophophore and with an epistome. Including Cristatella, Plumatella, Predericella. Sub-Class II.—Endoprocta. Colonial or solitary Polyzoa multiplying by the formation of buds, which in Zoxosoma soon become separated off, while in Pedicellina they remain connected together by a creeping stolon. The anus, as well as the mouth, is internal to the lophophore. The introvert is slightly or not at all developed. A pair of ciliated nephridial tubes are present. Systematic position of the Ecameple. Bugula avicularia is an example of the sub-order Cheilostomata of the Gymnolemata. It is a member of the family Bicellariide, which is characterised by the erect plant-like colony, with narrow compressed branches, and attached by root-like fibres; by the avicularia, when present, being stalked and bird’s-head shaped ; and by the wide oblique apertures of the zocecia all facing in the same direction. Bugula differs from the other genera of the family in the arrangement of the zocecia in double or multiple rows, in their close union, and in the avicularia, when present, being on the side on which the mouth is situated. The various species differ in the exact shape of the zocecia and of the avicularia. 3. GENERAL ORGANISATION, Sub-Class I.—Ectoprocta. The Ectoprocta and the Endoprocta differ so considerably from one another that it is advantageous to deal with them separately. The Ectoprocta are all colonial—the colonies being capable, in most cases, like the colonies of hydroid zoophytes, of increasing in size to an apparently indefinite extent by continuous budding. The thickened cuticle which forms the support of the colony is sometimes gelatinous, sometimes chitinous, sometimes chitinous with sand-grains affixed, sometimes calcareous. The form of the VIII PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 349 colony varies in different families and genera in accordance with differences in the shape of the constituent zocecia, and differences in their mode of budding and consequent arrangement. The zocecia are sometimes tubular, sometimes ovoid, sometimes poly- hedral. In some cases the buds are so developed that the colony assumes the form of a thin, flat expansion, which may be encrusting, and consist of a single layer of zocecia in close contact with one another or connected together by tubular processes; or may be erect, and with the zocecia either in one or two layers: sometimes the lamellar colony thus formed may be fenestrated or divided into lobes; sometimes it is twisted into a spiral. In other cases the colony, instead of being lamellar, has the form of an erect, shrub- like structure, consisting of numerous cylindrical, many-sided, or Fic. 280.—Plumatella, Portion of a colony, magnified. funic. funiculus; gang. ganglion ; int. intestine ; mo. mouth; @. esophagus; repr. gonad ; retr, retractor muscle ; st. stomach ; stato. statoblasts. (After Allman.) strap-shaped branches arising from a common root. Sometimes there is a creeping cylindrical stolon, simple or branched, having the zooids arranged along it in a single or double row. The colony is free only in Cristatella (Fig. 281)—in which it performs creeping movements, in some other (American) forms of Phylactolemata (in the younger stages of the colony), in one family of the Cheilostomata—the Selenartide, (in which it moves along with the aid of certain peculiar appendages—the vbracula—to be described subsequently), and in one or two other cases. The zocecia open on the exterior by means of circular, semi- circular, or crescentic apertures, which in the Phylactolemata and the Cyclostomata among the Gymnolemata are devoid of anyspecial closing apparatus; while in the Cheilostomata there is a movable 350 ZOOLOGY SECT. lid or operculum closed by a pair of oerlusor muscles when the introvert 1s retracted ; and in the Clenostomata there is a series of lobes or teeth which close in together over the opening. The cavities of the neighbouring zoecia are in some forms completely cut off from one another by a continuation of the chitinous -or calcareous exoskeleton ; in others there 1s free communication ; in others, again, there is communication through a number of minute perforations. The oral (anterior) part of the body of each zooid is, as already described in the case of Bugula, covered only with a thin and Fic, 281.—Cristatella mucedo. Entire colony. (After Allman.) flexible cuticle, and forms an introvert capable of being retracted into the interior of the zocecium. At the free end of the mtrovert is the mouth surrounded by a lophophore bearing tentacles. The tentacles are always simple, filiform, and hollow, each containing a narrow diverticulum of the civewlar canal or anterior compartment of the celome. They are beset with vibratile cilia by means of which currents are created subserving alimentation and respiration, They are also highly sensitive, and are capable of being bent about in various directions by the contraction of muscular fibres in their walls, so that they can be Vil PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 351 used for prehension. In the Phylactolemata (Fig. 280) the lophophore is horse-shoe-shaped, in the Gymnolamata (Fig. 276) circular: in the former, but not in the latter, there is a ciliated lobe, the epistome (Fig. 282, ep)—which may have a sensory func- tion—overhanging the mouth on the anal side. The retraction or the introvert is effected by a pair of bands of muscular fibres, the parieto-vaginal muscles, passing to it from the body-wall, and by a pair of retractor muscles passing from the latter to the ali- mentary canal. Structure of body-wall.—Beneath the cuticle is an epi- dermis, consisting of a single layer of flattened polygonal cells, firmly united together by their edges. Beneath this there is usually, but not always, a layer of muscle, which is arranged in two strata—an t external composed of circular, a and an internal of longitu- dinal fibres. There is an ex- tensive coelome lined in some forms (Phylactolemata) by a definite coelomic epithelium, in part ciliated; while in others there is no such de- finite epithelium, but its place is taken by thin parietal and visceral layers of an irregular eA cellular tissue—the paren- chyma. Crossing the ccelome are strands, in some instances very numerous, of spindle- shaped cells. In some cases Fig. 282.—Anterior portion of the body of two mesenteric bands sus- Lophopus, from the right side. an. anus; = ep. epistome ; ga. ganglion ; 0. mouth; pr. in- pend the alimentary canal— testine; sf. cesophagus; ¢. tentacles, cut off a h d 7 h near the base. (From Lang's Comparative an anterior attached near the ‘Anatomy. After Allman.) mouth and a posterior passing from the cecum to the aboral end of the zocecium; in most cases the latter, to which the special name of fwniculus is given, is alone present. The alimentary canal has in all species the parts that have been already described in the case of Bugula. In some of the Cheilostomata it is stated that the cells of the cesophagus bear numerous striated muscle-fibre processes. In some Ctenosto- mata there is in addition a thick-walled chamber—the gizzard —with chitinous teeth, between the cesophagus and stomach. The nervous system consists of a single, sometimes bilobed, ganglion (Fig. 280, gang, and Fig. 282, ga) placed between the mouth and the anal aperture, and of nerves passing from it to the various parts. There are never any organs of special 352 ZOOLOGY SECT. sense, unless the epistome of the Phylactolemata be of that nature. Nephridia are not known with certainty to exist in any of the Ectoprocta. In some there is a pore through which water enters the body-cavity, or a ciliated intertentacular tube opening at the base of the tentacles. Excretion appears to be performed by certain cells of the funicular tissue and of the parenchyma or ccelomic epithelium. These become loaded with the products of excretion, and are set free as leucocytes in the ccelome, whence they may pass out through the intertentacular tube or may accumulate in the cells of the brown body. In many Ectoprocta the colony bears a series of remarkable appendages—the avicularia—which are of the nature of modified zooids. In typical cases the avicularium has the bird’s-head-like form that has been already described in the case of Bugula; sometimes it is completely sessile. A second set of movable appendages found in some forms are the vibracula; these are long tapering whip-like appendages which execute to-and-fro movements. The avicularia are frequently found to have seized in their jaws minute Worms or Crustaceans, and it is probable that their function, as well as that of the vibracula, is defensive ; in the case of the Selenartide, which form unattached colonies, it is said that the movements of the vibracula subserve locomotion. The impregnated ova in many cases undergo the early stages of their development in certain dilatations of the colony (Fig. 276, o«c.), and in many of the Gymnolemata (Cheilostomata) these ovicells or owcia, as they are termed, take on a very definite shape. Reproduction and Development.—As a general rule the Ectoprocta are hermaphrodite. Both ovary and testis are derived from the layer lining the ccelome (parenchyma or ccelomic epithelium as the case may be), or from the funicular tissue. The testis may be single or double. The spermatidia,as in Bugula, or the mature sperms, become free in the ccelome. The ovary is very generally situated towards the oral end or about the middle, the testis towards the base. The mature ova escape into the celome, and in some forms there become impregnated apparently by the spermatozoa of the same individual. The development of the larva may take place in the ccelome or in a special diverticulum of it; in the Cheilostomata the fertilised ova pass into the ovicells ; in some cases, both among the Phylactolemata and the Gymnolemata, they are received into a sheath formed by the tentacles of an imperfectly-developed zooid formed in a zocecium in which the original zooid had undergone degeneration. _ In those cases in which the early stages of development are passed through in the body-cavity of the parent, the ciliated embryos may either escape through the zocecial aperture after the VIII PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 353 zooid has undergone degeneration, or through a special opening formed for them in the wall of the zocecium. In some the fertilised ova pass out through the intertentacular tube. In Crista and other Cyclostomata each of the ripe occia is found to contain a large number of embryos, developed from one ovum. The ovum in this genus segments to form a mass of cells from which finger-like pro- cesses arise, the end of each of these becoming constricted off to form an embryo. Segmentation is total and approximately equal. The form of the free-swimming larva varies considerably, but in most there is a circular band with very long cilia, the corona, which may represent the tentacular crown of the adult; this divides the surface into two regions—oral and aboral. The larva may or may not be provided with a digestive canal. The aboral portion of the body presents a ciliated retractile dose or calotte; on the oral side is the sucker by which the larva afterwards becomes fixed. By a metamor- phosis similar to that which has been described in the case of Bugula (p. 844), a primary zocecium with a primary zooid is developed from the previously free ciliated larva. In the Cyclostomata the larva is barrel-shaped, with the mouth at one end, and at the other a prominence corresponding to the retractile disc. In the Phylactolemata the larva is in the form of a ciliated hollow cyst from which the colony is formed by gemmation. A special form of asexual multiplication by means of bodies termed statoblasts (Fig. 280, stato) is observable in the Phylactolemata. The statoblasts are internal buds formed from the funiculus and enclosed in a chitinous shell; they are set free eventually by the death and decay of the parent colony, and in spring each gives rise to a small zooid which fixes itself and develops into a colony. Ethology and Distribution.—None of the Ectoprocta are parasites in the strict sense of the term, but very many of them live in intimate association with other organisms, often growing over and through them so as to form with them one complex structure. Certain genera are able by some means to excavate minute burrows in the shells of bivalves. The majority of Ectoprocta are marine; but all the Phylacto- lermata, together with Paludicella of the Ctenostomata, are in- habitants of fresh water. The fresh-water forms inhabit both running and stagnant waters; they occur at all elevations and are represented in all the great regions of the earth’s surface. The marine forms are most abundant at moderate depths; but representatives of the group have been dredged from as great a depth as over 3,000 fathoms. In certain localities the larger kinds grow in great luxuriance, so as to form miniature forests. Geologically the Ectoprocta are a very ancient group, being VOL. I AA 354 ZOOLOGY SECT. represented in the Cambrian and later Palsozoic formations by forms which appear to have belonged mainly, if not exclusively, to the Cyclostomata. In the later formations of the Mesozoic period the Cheilostomata are also abundantly represented, and in the Tertiary the latter sub-order greatly outnumbers the Cyclostomata. The Tertiary Polyzoa flourished in certain localities in such luxuriance that their remains form calcareous deposits of very great extent. Sub-Class II.—Endoprocta. While the sub-class of the Ectoprocta comprises a large number of genera, that of the Endoprocta includes only Pedicellina (Fig. 283), Loxosoma, Urnatella, Myosoma, Gonopodaria and Ascopodaria, with one or two other less completely known forms. They are all marine except Urnatella—an American fresh-water genus. The feature indicated by the name of the sub-class—viz. the position of the anus within the circlet of the tentacles, is an important point of difference from the rest of the class ; but there are others of as great or greater importance. In none of the Endoprocta is there is a distinct introvert. The body is cup-shaped, with a rim which is capable of being inverted over a cavity—the vestibule—within which the tentacles can be withdrawn, and which contains both mouth and anus. An epistomve overhangs the mouth. The ccelome is almost or quite obliterated; the space between the alimentary canal and the wall of the body being filled, more or less completely, with a gelatinous hyaline matrix. A pair of nephridia are present. In Loxosoma they lie one on each side of the cesophagus and open separately on the exterior; they are ciliated intra-cellular tubes, each of which probably begins in a flame cell. In Urnatella the two nephridial tubes unite to open into the cloaca—a diverticulum of the vestibule. The ganglion (Fig. 283, gang), situated between mouth and anus as in the Ectoprocta, is bilobed in Loxosoma. Testes and ovarves occur in the same individual in some, but appear to mature at different times: they are provided with special ducts ; in others the sexes are separate. Pedicellina and Urnatella are colonial, Loxosoma solitary. _ In Pedicellina (Fig. 283) there is a creeping stolon with which a number of zooids are connected ; a diaphragm separates the body of each zooid from the stalk. Gonopodaria ramosa has a branching stalk. Urnatella has a disc of attachment with one to six, jointed, branching stems. In Loxosoma, which is found attached to various Annulata, two parts are distinguishable—the calyx or body and the stalk. In the base of the latter is the so-called foot-gland, consisting of a small number of granular cells arranged around a central space opening on the exterior. Buds are formed, but vit PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 355 become detached before reaching maturity. Segmentation of the ovum is complete, and a gastrula is formed by invagination. Certain ditferences in the larval history have sometimes been regarded as separating very widely the Endoprocta from the Ketoprocta. The former, like the latter, have a free-swimming ciliated larva, provided with a corona and a ciliated disc. This develops directly into the primary zooid after becoming attached by means of the oral surface. The ectoproct larva also, as stated previously (p. 344), becomes attached by the oral surface ; but any rudiments of a zooid—such as an alimentary canal—which may Fic. 283.—Pedicellina. Showing successive stages (numbered 1 to 6) in the development of zovids by budding. an. anus; gang. ganglion ; mo, mouth ; tent. tentacles (retracted). (After Hatschek.) have been developed, become absorbed, and the primary zooid is developed at the free or aboral end of the larva, with its oral surface directed upwards, away from the base of attachment. The difference, however, is not so important as it may at first appear, for the parts of the larval Endoproct do not remain in the reversed position in which they are situated when attachment first takes place, with the vestibule, mouth, and anus directed downwards. Very soon a rotation is observed to take place, by virtue of which the vestibule and developing tentacles, with the mouth and anus, become carried to their permanent position on the free-surface of the animal. CLASS II. PHORONIDA. The position of Phoronis, a worm-like marine animal, is a matter on which widely divergent views are held. On account of certain strong resemblances to the Polyzoa, and, more particularly, AA2 356 ZOOLOGY SECT. to the Phylactolamata, it is most commonly looked upon as related to that class and to the Brachiopoda, and the Phoronida may thus conveniently be dealt with as a class of the Moiluscoida. Phoronis (Fig. 284) lives in associations consisting of a number of individuals, all of which are developed from ova, there being no process of asexual] formation of buds. Each worm is enclosed in a membranous or leathery tube, within which it is capable of being completely retracted. The body is cylindrical, elongated, and unsegmented. At one end there is a crown of numerous slender, ciliated tentacles borne on a horse-shoe- shaped lophophore, the lateral cornua of which are spirally coiled in the larger species; these are supported by a mesodermal skeleton and are non-retractile. Both mouth and anus (Fig. 285, mo, an) are situated at this tentacular extremity of the body, separated from one another by only a short space. This short space between mouth and anus represents, as in the Polyzoa, the greatly abbreviated dorsal surface; but it will be convenient to term this end of the animal the anterior, and the opposite the posterior end: the side of the elongated body towards which the mouth is approximated may be dis- tinguished as the oral, the opposite as the anal. A small lobe—the epistome (ep)—over- hangs the mouth and lies between it and the anus. Near the anus open two ciliated xe- phridial tubes (neph) of mesodermal origin, which open internally each by two apertures into the posterior chamber of the ccelome. The celome, which is lined with a coelomic epithelium, consists of three main parts of very unequal extent. The first (prosocwle) is a narrow cavity in the epistome. The second (mesocele), which is in communication with the Me tealin sae first, lies in front of a transverse septum or size, mesentery extending between the mouth and anus, and perforated by the cesophagus but not by the rectum; it is prolonged round the lophophore and gives off narrow diverticula to the hollow tentacles. The third, and by far the most extensive part of the ccelome (metacele), occupies the whole of the length of the body behind the trans- verse septum. It is subdivided into two by a median longi- tudinal mesentery (Fig. 287, m, m.), which extends from the oral to the anal surface and supports both limbs of the alunentary VIII PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 357 canal; and each of these is further subdivided by a longitudinal mesentery extending from the body-wall to the cesophagus (@) in the one compartment (usually termed the right), and to the rectum (7) in the other (left). The alc- mentary canal is bent on itself to form a loop, as in the Polyzoa: it is distinguish- able into esophageal, gastric and intestinal regions. There is a closed system of blood- vessels with contractile walls containing red blood-cor- puscles. The nerrous system lies immediately below the cells of the epidermis. Nerve- elements are generally distributed over the surface, but are specially concentrated in the form of a ring surrounding the body just behind the mouth, but not enclosing the anus, thickened into a ganglion be; tween mouth and anus, and giving off nerves to the ten- Fic. 285.—Phoronis australis, magnified. nephr, nephridial aperture ; neph, nephridium ; (After Benham.) free end, an, anus 3 ep. epistome ; mo. mouth ; tacles. There are no organs of special sense. Phoronis is hermaphrodite. Ova and sperms are developed in the ccelome towards the pos- terior end from cells on the wall of one of the large blood-vessels. When mature these pass out through the nephridia to the spaces enclosed by the tentacles, where the ova are impregnated (—according to another account, fertilisation takes place in the ceelome—), and they go through the early stages of development fixed to the tentacles. The Fic. 286.—Phoronis australis, internal organisation. ay. bl. afferent blood vessel ; an. anus ; ef. bl. efferent blood vessel ; ep. epistome ; mes. mesentery; mo. mouth ; wyphe p. nepbridiopore; nephr. d. duct of nephridium; aephrost. nephrostome (internal opening of nephridium ; es. ceso- phagus ; rect. rectum; rect. mes. rectal mesentery ; sept. septum; tent. tentacles (cut short). (After Benham.) segmentation is complete and slightly unequal: when four blas- tomeres are formed two larger, darker endoderm and two smaller, clearer ectoderm cells are to be distinguished. A blastula is formed with clearer ectoderm cells on one side; invagination takes place; and, as the embryo elongates, the blastopore is 358 ZOOLOGY SECT. drawn out into a slit which eventually becomes closed up behind, the anterior portion alone remaining open to form the mouth. The anus is developed later as an invagination in the position of the posterior part of the former blastopore. The mesoderm arises from cells budded off from the endoderm. The prosoccele and mesoceele arise by the formation of fissures; the metaccele by a process of folding off from the archenteron. A large pre- oral lobe is formed, and the anus becomes surrounded by a circlet of cilia (Fig. 288, A). The part of the body on which the anus ef. v ET ss ms 1 RA Bek ff / ong Fic. 287.—Phoronis, transverse section towards the anterior end. af. v. afferent blood-vessel ; ce. m. circular layer of muscular fibres; ef. v. efferent blood-vessel; ep. epidermis; c. m. cir- cular layer of muscle; m,m. mesenteries; ve. f. funnel-like opening of nephridium; @. cesophagus ; 7. rectum. (After Benham.) is situated becomes elevated into a conspicuous process. Behind the mouth there is a circlet of cilia, and from this region grow out a circlet of processes—the rudiments of the larval tentacles (B). The larva has now reached the stage to which the term actinotrocha is applied. It has a large hood-like lobe overhang- ing the mouth and a circlet of ciliated larval tentacles; the anus is situated on a prominent process. There is a pair of larval excretory organs corresponding to those of the trochophore larva (p. 322): these apparently do not become converted into the nephridia of the adult. A thickening Vu PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 359 of the ectoderm of the pre-oral lobe, sometimes bearing eyespots, appears to represent the apical plate of the trochophore. At the point where the cesophagus opens into it, the gastric region of the alimentary canal gives off forwards in one species a pair of hollow diverticula, the cells of which contain vacuoles like those of the neighbouring parts of the stomach itself. Fic. 288.—Phoronis, development. A, young larva; B, larva after the formation of the post oral circlet of tentacles ; C. larva with commencing pit-like involution ; D, larva with invagina- tion partly everted ; E. invagination completely everted. m. mouth; an. anus; iv. involution to form body. (From Balfour’s Embryology.) The ectoderm of the process on which the anus is situated subsequently becomes involuted to form a deep pit (C, ww), and rudiments of the adult tentacles are formed as a ring of processes at the bases of the larval tentacles. The metamorphosis from this point is completed with great rapidity. The larva sinks to the bottom ; the pit at the side of the anal elevation becomes everted (D), and the alimentary canal of the larva is drawn into it (£), the projection thus formed, which grows out at right angles with the BOO ZOOLOGY SECT. long axis of the larva, becoming the body of the future animal ; the larval tentacles and pre-oral lobe become thrown off, and the lophophore is developed. CLASS III BRACHIOPODA. The Brachiopoda are the fabricators of the well-known “ Lamp- shells” found in most parts of the world. They occur in the sea at various depths, and were formerly classed under the Mollusca, their characteristic bivalved shell being compared with that of oysters, mussels, &. 1. EXAMPLE OF THE CLASS—-Iagellania (Waldheimia) lenticularis or M. flavescens. Magellania lenticularis is found in great numbers, at moderate depths, off the coast of New Zealand. An allied species, If, flavescens, is equally common in the Australian seas, and several other species are known in various parts of the world. The body is entirely covered by a shell (Fig. 289) of oval form and pink colour, composed of two pieces or valves, one of which, dis- tinguished as the ventral valve (v. v), projects beyond the other or dorsal valve (d. v), in the form of a short conical beak (6) perfor- ated at the end by an aperture, the foramen (b), through which passes a dark brown stalk or peduncle (Fig. 290, B, pd) of horny consistency. In the natural state the peduncle is attached to a rock or other support, and the animal hes with the ventral valve uppermost and with the valves gaping slightly. The pointed or peduncular end of the shell is considered to be posterior in posi- tion, the opposite end or gape anterior. It will be convenient to consider the shell first. Both valves are deeply concavo-convex, of a pinkish colour outside, white within. The ventral valve (Fig. 289), as already stated, is produced poste- riorly into a beak (0), terminating in a foramen (/) for the peduncle. The distal margin of the foramen is left incomplete by the shell proper, but is closed by a small double plate, the deltidiwm (d). Immediately anterior to the beak is the curved hinge-line along which the valve articulates with its fellow, and just anterior to the hinge-line the inner surface of the shell is produced into a pair of massive, irregular hinge-tecth (¢). On the inner surface of the valve, towards its posterior end, are certain shallow depressions inarking the attachments of muscles (ad. m, d. m). The dorsal valve (D) has no beak, but its posterior edge forms a hinge-line which is produced in the middle into a strong cardinal process (¢. p) with a curiously folded surface: when the two valves are in position this process fits between the hinge-teeth of the VI PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 361 ventral valve, the hinge-teeth in their turn being received into de- pressions (s) placed on each side of the cardinal process. The inner surface of the dorsal valve is produced into a median ridge or septum (sp), continuous posteriorly with the cardinal process, and attached on either side of the base of the latter are the two ends of a delicate calcareous ribbon, the shelly loop (s. 1), which projects Fic. 289.—Magellania flavescens, A, the entire shell from the dorsal aspect, and B, from the left side; C, interior of ventral valve, and D, of dorsal valve. ad. m. adductor impres- sions; 6. beak ; ¢. p. cardinal process; ¢. deltidium; d. m. divaricator impressions; d. v. dorsal valve; 7. foramen; p. m. protractor impressions; s. tooth-socket; s. 1. shelly loop; sp. septum; ¢t. hinge-tooth; v. aj. m. adjustor impressions; v. v. ventral valve. (After Davidson.) freely into the cavity enclosed between the two valves, and has the form of a simple loop bent upon itself. The inside of the dorsal valve also has muscular impressions. Externally both valves present a series of concentric markings parallel with the edge or gape: these are lines of growth, the shell being built up by new layers being deposited within those previously formed, and projecting beyond them so as to form a series of outcrops. 362 ZOOLOGY SECT. Microscopically the shell consists of prismatic rods or spicules of carbonate of lime, placed obliquely to the surface and separated from one another by a thin layer of membrane. It is also tra- versed, perpendicularly to the surface, by delicate tubules which begin on the inner surface in microscopic apertures and extend to within a short distance of the outer surface. The actual body of the animal (Fig. 290, B) lies at the posterior end of the shell, occupying not more than a third of the space enclosed between the two valves: it is consequently more or less wedge-shaped in form, and presents dorsal and ventral surfaces in contact with the two valves, and an anterior surface looking towards the gape. The dorsal is of greater extent than the ventral surface, so that the anterior surface is placed obliquely. The dorsal and ventral regions are continued each into a flat reduplication of the body-wall, closely applied to the correspond- ing valve and containing a prolongation of the celome. The two flaps thus formed are the dorsal (d. m) and ventral (v. m) mantle- lobes. They are fringed with minute setze (s) lodged in muscular sacs, like those of Cheetopods (vide Sect. X.), and give off from their outer surfaces hollow processes which extend into the tubules of the shell mentioned above. The large wedge-shaped space or mantle-cavity, bounded by the mantle-lobes above and below, and behind by the anterior surface of the body, is occupied by a huge and complex lophophore (Figs. 290 and 291, lph), which springs from the anterior surface of the body, and, like that of the fresh-water Polyzoa and of Phoronis, has the general form of a horse-shoe. It is, however, peculiarly modified: the two limbs of the horse-shoe curve towards one another so as to adapt themselves to the mantle-cavity; and the middle of the concave edge, which is dorsal in position, is pro- duced into a spirally coiled offshoot (lph’) which lies between the two arms and is coiled towards the dorsal side. The lophophore is hollow, containing a spacious cavity or sinus: its two main arms also receive prolongations of the ccelome into which the digestive glands project: it is frmged throughout its whole extent with long ciliated tentacles which form the outer boundary of a ciliated food-grovve, bounded on the inner side by a wavy ridge or lip (p, lp’). By the action of the cilia microscopic particles are swept along the food-groove to the mouth. Digestive Organs.—The mouth (mth) is a narrow crescentic aperture situated in the middle of the lophophore, towards its convex or ventral edge, and is bounded dorsally by the lip. It leads into a V-shaped enteric canal which consists of a gudleé passing upwards from the mouth, an expanded stomach (st), and a straight intestine (int.) which extends from the stomach downwards and backwards towards the ventral surface and ends blindly, there being no anus. On each side of the stomach, and opening Vu PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 363 into it by a duct, is a large, branched digestive gland (d. gl). The whole canal is lined with ciliated epithelium. Fic, 200.—A, body of Magellania lenticularis, removed from shell; B, sagittal section of the entire animal. Both semi-diagrammatic, the lophophore being represented as of smaller proportional size than in the actual animal (ef. Fig. 291). d. gl. digestive gland ; d. im. dorsal mantle-lobe ; d. v. dorsal valve of shell; gon!, gon. gonads ; ht. heart ; int. intestine ; lp, lpl. lip; lphk. lophophore; lphl. its coiled process; mth. mouth; npk. in B, nephridium, in A, nephridial aperture ; pd. peduncle ; pl. si. pallial sinuses ; s. setae; st. stomach; v. m. ventral lobe of mantle ; v. v. ventral valve of shell. The body-wall consists externally of an epidermis formed of a single layer of cells, then of a layer of connective tissue, of a 364 ZOOLOGY SECT. cartilaginous consistency in many parts, and finally of a ciliated ccelomic epithelium lining the body-cavity. On the outer surfaces of the mantle-lobes, where they are in contact with the shell, the epidermis is replaced by a thin membrane showing no cell-structure. The muscular system (Fig. 292) is well developed. Two large adductor muscles (ad. m) arise on each side from the dorsal valve, and passing downwards, unite with one another so as to have a single insertion on the ventral valve: their action is to approximate the valves and so to close the Fic. 291.—Magellania flavescens, the ventral shell. A large and a small valve removed. c. p. cardinal process ; lph. arm A : 5 of lophophore; Iphl, its coiled process, with pair of divaricators (d. m, dm’) aoe Ee eitter Daviiion) no Tent side; mil. arise from the ventral valves, and are inserted into the cardinal process, which they depress: as this process_is_ situated posteriorly to the hinge-line, its depression raises the rest of the dorsal valve and so opens the shell. Two pairs of muscles arising, one from the ventral, the other from the dorsal valve, and Fic. 292.—Muscular system of Magellania. ad. m. adductors; b. beak; d. aj. m. dorsal adjustors; d.m., d. m’. divaricators; d. v. dorsal valve; int. intestine ; mth. mouth; pd. peduncle; pd. sh, sheath of peduncle; ». m. protractor ; s.7. shelly loop; v. aj. m. ventral adjustors ; v. v, ventral valve. (After Hancock.) inserted into the peduncle, are called adjustors (a.m): the peduncle being fixed, they serve to alter or adjust the position of the animal as a whole by turning it in various directions. vul PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 365 The ceelome is a spacious cavity more or less encroached upon by the muscles and other organs, and traversed by sheets and bands of membrane which connect the enteric canal with the body-wall, and thus act as mesenteries. The ceelome is continued into each of the mantle-lobes in the form of four canals or pallial sinuses (Fig, 290, pl. sz), the two outer of which are extensively branched. Blood-System.—Attached to the posterior region of the stomach is a small, almost globular sac (1), which has been proved to be contractile and is to be considered as a heart. Vessels have been traced from it to various parts of the body, but the relations Fic. 293,-—-Anterior body-wall of Terebratula, to show nervous system, &c. dim. dorsal mesen- tery ; g. brain; gf. genital folds; 2. nephridinm ; nt. nephrostome ; es. gullet ; ov,ovary ; se. cesophageal connective; vsg. infra-cesophageal ganglion ; vm. ventral mesentery; dmn, hn, ian, san, nerves. (From Lang’s Comparative Anatomy, after van Bemmelen.) of the whole circulatory system and the course of the circulation are very imperfectly known. The excretory organs consist of a pair of very large nephridia (nph) lying one on each side of the intestine. Each is funnel- shaped, having a wide inner opening or nephrostome, with plaited walls, opening into the ceelome, and a narrow, curved, outer portion which opens into the mantle-cavity not far from the mouth. As in many cases which have already come under our notice, the nephridia act also as gonoducts. The nervous system (Fig. 293) is a ring round the gullet pre- senting supra- (g) and infra- (usg) oesophageal swellings or ganglia, of which the infra-cesophageal is the larger. Nerves are given off 366 ZOOLOGY SECT. to the mantle, lophophore, &c. No special sense-organs are known. Reproductive Organs.—'The sexes are separate. There are two pairs of gonads (Fig. 290, gon), one dorsal and one ventral, in the form of irregular organs sending off branches into the pallial sinuses, 2. DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS AND CLASSIFICATION. The Brachiopoda are Molluscoida in which the body is enclosed in a shell formed of two parts or valves which are respectively dorsal and ventral in position. The body occupies only a small portion of the space enclosed by the shell, and is usually attached to foreign objects by a posteriorly placed stalk or peduncle: it gives off dorsal and ventral reduplications, the mantle-lobes, which line the valves of the shell and enclose a large mantle-cavity. From the anterior surface of the body is given off a lophophore which surrounds the mouth, and is beset with ciliated tentacles. There is a ridge-like pre-oral lip which is continued on to the lophophore. The enteric canal is usually V-shaped, and is divisible into gullet, stomach, and intestine: there is a pair of digestive glands. The ccelome is spacious, and is continued into the mantle-lobes. A heart is usually present, attached to the stomach. The excretory organs are one or two pairs of nephridia which act also as gonoducts. The nervous system is a ganglionated circum-cesophageal ring: sense-organs are usually absent in the adult. The sexes are separate or united. Develop- ment is accompanied by a metamorphosis. The class is divided into two orders :— OrvDER 1.—INARTICULATA. Brachiopoda in which the shell is not composed of oblique prisms: the valves are not united by a hinge, and there is no shelly loop for the support of the lophophore. An anus is present. Including Lingula, Crania, Discina, &e. ORDER 2.—ARTICULATA. Brachiopoda in which the shell is formed of oblique prisms or spicules of calcium carbonate: the two valves unite by a definite hinge, and there is usually a shelly loop, for the support of the lophophore, developed in connection with the dorsal valve. The intestine ends blindly. Including Magellania, Terebratula, Rhynchonella, Cistella (Argiope), &e. Vil PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 367 Systematic position of the Evrample. The genus Magellania, of which there are several species, belongs to the family Terebratulide, and to the order Articulata. The dissimilar valves of the shell articulated by teeth and sockets, and the absence of an anus, place it among the Articulata. The Terebratulide are distinguished by an oval or rounded shell, the structure of which is punctate, the dots corresponding with blind tubes receiving processes of the mantle; the beak of the ventral valve is prominent, and hasa foramen partly bounded bya deltidium of one or two pieces: there is a shelly loop springing from the hinge-line of the dorsal valve. The genus Magellania is characterised by having the shelly loop fully half as long as the shell itself, and by the presence of a median septum on the inner face of the dorsal valve. The specific differences between M. lenticularis and M. flavescens are largely matters of detail, depending upon the precise form of the shell and loop. More obvious differences are seen in the shell, which is pink, evenly-rounded, and short-beaked in M. lenticularis, while in M. flavescens it is horn-coloured, almost pentagonal, and has a prominent beak. 3. GENERAL ORGANISATION. The shell presents two distinct types: in the Articulata, the order to which Magellania belongs, the dorsal and ventral valves are dissimilar, the dorsal valve having a cardinal process and usually a shelly loop, the ventral a spout-like beak for the peduncle ; while in the Inarticulata, of which Lingula is a good example (Fig. 294,A), the two valves are nearly alike, and there is no shelly loop and no beak. These differences are accompanied by differences in micro- scopic structure; in the Articulata the shell is dense and stony, and is formed of obliquely placed calcareous prisms, while in the Inarticulata it has no prismatic structure, but usually con- sists of a chitinoid material more or less strengthened by calcareous spicules. Among the Articulata the loop may be absent; when present, it varies greatly in form and size, being sometimes very small and simple (Fig. 294, C, D), sometimes bent upon itself, as in Magellania, sometimes attached to the septum or to the interior of the dorsal valve (E), sometimes, as in the extinct Spirifera, represented by a complex double spiral (F), sometimes reduced to short, paired rods springing from the septum (G). The majority of both orders are attached by a longer or shorter peduncle which passes between the proximal ends of the valves in Lingula (Fig. 294, A), through a perforation in the ventral valve in Discina (C), and through a foramen in the spout-like posterior end 368 ZOOLOGY SECT. of the ventral valve in the Articulata. Crania (B) has the ventral valve fixed directly to foreign objects, the peduncle being absent. The lophophore is found in its simplest form in Cistella (Fig. 295, A), in which it is a horse-shoe-shaped disc with very short arms, attached to the dorsal mantle-lobe and surrounded with flexible tentacles which project between the valves. From this the lophophore of Magellania, which may be considered as typical for the Articulata, is easily derived by an increase in size, and by the prolongation of the middle region of the concave edge into a coiled offshoot. In the Inarticulata (C), and in Rhyn- chonella (B) among the Articulata, each arm of the horse-shoe is Fic, 294.—Typical Brachivpoda, A, Lingula; B, Crania; C, Discina ; D, Terebratula ; E, Cistella ; , Spirifera; G, Kraussina. (After Bronn.) coiled into a conical spiral, which in some cases can be protruded between the valves. The most noteworthy point about the muscular system is the fact that the shell is both opened and closed by muscular action. The dorsal valve may be taken to represent a lever of which the hinge-line is the fulcrum, the cardinal process the short arm, and the main portion of the valve the long arm. The muscles all arise from the ventral valve, the adductors being inserted into the inner face of the dorsal valve, which they depress, the divaricators into the cardinal process, their action depressing it and thus elevating the valve itself. In Lingula there is a very complex muscular system by means of which the valves can be rubbed upon one another, or moved laterally as well as opened and shut. Vil PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 369 In the Articulata the enteric canal is V-shaped, as in Magel- lania, the intestine being straight or nearly so, and ending blindly. In the Inarticulata, on the other hand, the intestine is usually coiled, and always ends in an anus (Fig. 295, C, a), which generally opens into the mantle-cavity, but in one genus (Crania) into a pouch or sinus at the posterior end of the body between the valves. A heart is usually present, but the function of blood is per- formed mainly by the ccelomic fluid, which is propelled by the cilia lining that cavity, and circulate both in the ccelome itself and AOE eS TTI SO sipre’s Ue Mdina lph Fic. 295,—Dissections of A, Cistella ; B, Rhynchonella; and C, Lingula. u«. anus; /ph. lophophore ; mth. mouth. (After Schulgin and Hancock,) in the pallial sinuses, each sinus presenting—in Lingula at least —both an outgoing and an ingoing current. A single pair of nephridia, resembling those of Magellania, occurs in all known genera except Rhynchonella, in which there are two pairs, one dorsal and one ventral. Besides discharging an excretory function they act as gonoducts. The nervous system always takes the form of a circum-ceso- phageal ring with ganglionic enlargements, the largest of which is ventral or sub-cesophageal in position. Otocysts have been described in Lingula, rudimentary eyes in Megerlia, and patches of sensory epithelium in Cistella: with these exceptions sensory organs are unknown. There are usually four gonads, two dorsal and two ventral, VOL. I BB 370 ZOOLOGY SECT. sending prolongations into the pallial sinuses. Some genera are dicecious, others hermaphrodite, the epithelium of the gonads producing, in the latter case, both ova and sperms. ate The development of the Brachiopoda is best known in Cistella, in which the first stages of development are passed through Fic. 296.—Two stages in the development ‘of Cistella (Argiope). b. provisional setze ; bl. Pplastopore ; me. mesen- teron; pv. coelomic pouches. (From Balfour’s Embryology, after Kowalevsky.) in a pair of cavities, the brood-pouches, situated at the base of the lophophore. Segmentation is regular and complete, and results in the formation of a blas- tula, which is converted into a gastrula by invagination (Fig. 296, A). Paired sacs, the celomic pouches (p.v), grow out from the archenteron, and the blastopore closes. The coelomic sacs separate from the mesenteron (B, me) or middle portion of the archenteron, and extend between it and the ectoderm, forming the right and left divisions of the coelome: their outer walls thus become the somatic, their inner walls the splanchnic layer of mesoderm. The mesenteron remains closed and surrounded by the ccelomic sacs during the whole of larval life. The embryo now elongates and be- comes divided by an annular groove into two divisions, an anterior and a posterior: a second groove soon appears in the anterior division, the embryo then consisting of three regions (B), which, from a superficial point of view, might be looked upon as meta- meres. But as the segmentation affects only the body-wall and not the internal parts, the process is not one of metamerism, and the three apparent segments are called respect- ively the head-region, the body-region, and the peduncular region (Fig. 297). Next the head-region grows out into an umbrella-like disc surrounded with cilia and bearing four eye-spots (Fig. 298, A), and on the body-region a backwardly-directed an- nular fold (m) appears, bearing four groups of provisional sete. In Cistella, which has no sete in the adult condition, the pro- visional setze are subsequently lost, and are Fic. 297.—Young larva of Cistella, with the three segments, two eye-spots, and two bundles of setee (From the Cambridge Natural History, after Kowal- evsky.) not replaced. In forms which possess sete in the adult condition the provisional sete are likewise lost, but are replaced by the per- manent set. Soon this mantle-fold divides into dorsal and ventral lobes, which, being directed backwards, cover the peduncular region. VIII PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 371 In this condition the larva swims freely like a trochophore. After a time it comes to rest and fixes itself by its peduncular seg- ment (B). The two lobes of the mantle-fold (m) become refexed so as to point forwards instead of backwards, thus leaving the peduncular region exposed and covering the head-region: by this process the outer surface of the larval mantle becomes internal, and vice versa. A stomodeum is formed on the head-region, and, communicating with the mesenteron, establishes the enteric canal. The umbrella-like head-region decreases in size, and perhaps forms the lip, which is at first confined to the part immediately dorsal to the mouth. The lophophore appears at first on the inner surface of the dorsal mantle-lobe, but gradually extends and surrounds the mouth ; in its earlier stages it is circular, but afterwards assumes the horse-shoe form by sending out paired exten- sions. In genera with a complex lophophore, like Magellania, this organ has at first a simple horse- shoe form (Fig. 299, lph). A shell is secreted by the mantle-lobes, and the peduncular region becomes the peduncle of the adult. Distribution.—The Brachiopoda are all marine. They are widely distributed geographically, and live at various depths—from between tide-marks to 2,900 fathoms. At : 7] 3 Fic. 298.—Two later stages in the the present day the class includes eee gre ees only about 20 genera and 100 free-swimming ; B, after fixation. 7 b . . ‘ h hs. peduncular region ; m. mantle ; species, ut in past times the case ese Gk tar are lag : 5 = wk. ciliated ring ; vs. head-region. was very different. Brachiopods ap (From Lang’s Comparative Ana- pear first in the lower Cambrian tomy, after Kowalevsky.) rocks, where the existing genera Lingula and Discina are found. No more striking examples can be adduced of persistent types—organisms which have existed almost unchanged for the vast period during which the whole of the fossiliferous rocks have been in process of formation. Alto- gether 106 genera are known from the Paleozoic rocks, 34 from the Mesozoic, and 21 in the Cainozoic and Recent. periods. Obviously the group is tending, though slowly, towards extinction. Researches on fossil and recent forms have shown the BB 2 72 ZOOLOGY SECT. Brachiopoda to illustrate, in a remarkable manner, the recapitu- lation theory already referred to: the theory, that is, that ontogeny or individual development is a more or less modified recapitulation of phylogeny or ancestral development. It has been shown that there is a striking and almost com- plete parallelism between the stages in the development of the shelly loop in such highly organised forms as Magel- lania, and the entire series of articu- lated Brachiopods from those with the simplest to those with the most complex loop. MutTuaL RELATIONSHIPS OF THE CLASSES OF THE MOLLUSCOIDA. In adult structure Phoronis ex- hibits marked resemblances to the Ectoprocta, more especially to the Fro, 299.-Lophophore of embryo Phylactolemata—resemblances which of Terebratulina. . y!. di- will be rendered clear by a comparison gestive gland; int. intestine; s é : lp. Vip ; Tpke. lophophore ; mth. of the diagrams A and B in Fig. 300. Heller, alter Morse) “"" «In. both, the ventral side of the body Heider, after Morse.) ? y is greatly produced and elongated, and, by the approximation of the mouth and anus, the dorsal surface is reduced to a very short space between those two apertures. The form of the lophophore, the presence of an epistome having similar relationships in the two groups, and the fact that the ccelome is similarly developed in both, point in the same direc- tion. Some points which are supposed to indicate relationships with the Annulata and with the Chordata are referred to at a later stage. The resemblances between the Brachiopoda and the other two classes of the phylum are somewhat disguised by the development of the shell, but are very obvious—more particularly when we take into account certain features of the development. One of the most striking points of resemblance between the three classes is the presence of the lophophore with its tentacles; in the earlier stages of its development in the Brachiopod, as we have seen, this structure (Fig. 299) has the horse-shoe shape which it retains in the adult Phoronida and Phylactolemata, and a lobe—the arm- fold or lip (4v)—comparable to the epistome, is present overhanging the mouth. The end of the body of the Brachiopod with which the peduncle is connected must correspond to the aboral extremity in the Polyzoa, since this represents the part by which the larval Polyzoan becomes fixed, the everted “ sucker” of the latter being VIE PHYLUM MOLLUSCOIDA 373 evidently homologous with the foot-segment of the larval Brachio- pod. The end of the body of the Brachiopod from which the peduncle proceeds is thus the ventral portion. From the position of the epistome and lophophore, it follows that the dorsal valve of the Brachiopod, being on the same side of the mouth as the epistome, lies on the side of the body corresponding with the anal side of the Polyzoan, though the intestine is bent round in the Fic. 300.—A, Diagrammatic median section uf a phylactolematous Polyzoan. «mn. anus; ep. epistome ; ep. cav. epistome-cavity ; funic. funiculus; gang. ganglion ; int, intestine ; mo. mouth ; reph. nephridium ; os. esophagus ; sf. stomach ; tent. tentacles. B, diagrani- matic median section of iPhoronis. mcs. mesentery; nr. nerve-ring. Other letters asin A. (From Korschelt and Heider, after Cori.) opposite direction and directed towards the ventral valve. The supra-cesophageal ganglion of the Brachiopod represents the single ganglion of the Polyzoa, though it is subordinate in importance to the infra-cesophageal ganglion—not represented in the latter group. Other important points of resemblance between the Brachiopoda and the Phoronida are seen in the character of the nephridia and the presence in both of larval forms which may very well be looked upon as modified trochophores. 374 ZOOLOGY SECT. VIII The sete of Brachiopods, sunk in muscular sacs, are marks of annulate affinities, since such organs are found elsewhere only among Cheetopoda and Gephyrea (Sect. X.). The form of the larva tells in the same direction, the eye-bearing head region or prostomium and the provisional sete being very striking charac- ters. But the segmentation of the Brachiopod is quite different from that of the annulate larva, in which new segments are always added behind those previously formed, and in which metamerism always affects the mesoderm. SECTION IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA THE phylum Echinodermata comprises the Starfishes (Asteroidea), Sea-urchins (Hchinoidea), Brittle-stars (Ophiuroidea), Feather-stars (Crinoidea), and Sea-cucumbers (Holothuroidea). All exhibit a radial arrangement of parts, which is recognisable as well in the globular Sea-urchins and elongated Sea-cucumbers as in the star- shaped Starfishes, Brittle-stars and Feather-stars. Another uni- versal feature is the presence of a calcareous exoskeleton, sometimes in the form of definitely shaped plates, which may fit together by their edges so as to form a continuous shell; sometimes merely in the form of scattered particles or spicules. In very many the surface is beset with tubercles or spines, from which feature the name of the phylum is derived. The various systems of organs attain a comparatively high degree of complexity. An extensive ccelome is present, developed in the embryo from hollow outgrowths from the archenteron. The Echinoderms are rarely capable of rapid locomotion, and are sometimes permanently fixed by means of a stalk; they never give rise to colonies by budding. Without a single exception, all the members of this phylum are inhabitants of the sea. 1. EXAMPLE OF THE ASTEROIDEA. A Starfish (Astertas rubens or Anthenea flavescens). General External Features of Asterias rubens.—The body of the Starfish is enclosed in a tough, hard integument, containing numerous plates, or ossicles as they are termed, of calcareous material. This exoskeleton is not completely rigid in the fresh condition, but presents a certain limited degree of flexi- bility. The body (Fig. 301) is star-shaped, consisting of a central part, the central disc, and five symmetrically arranged processes, the arms or rays, which, broad at the base, taper slightly towards 375 376 ZOOLOGY SECT. their outer extremitics. There are two surfaces—one, the aboral or abactinal, directed upwards in the natural position of the living animal; the other, the oral or actinal, directed downwards. The aboral surface is convex, the oral flat; the colour of the former is much darker than that of the latter. In the centre of the oral surface (Fig. 301) is a five-rayed aperture, the actinostome, and running out from this in a radiating manner are five narrow grooves, the ambulacral grooves, each extend- ing along the middle of the oral surface of one of the arms to its extremity. Bordering each of the ambulacral grooves there are either two or three rows of movable calcareous spines, the ambulacral spines. At the central ends of the grooves the ambulacral spines of contiguous sides of adjacent grooves form five groups, the mouth palle, one at each angle of the mouth. External to the am- bulacral spines are three rows of stout spines which are not movable ; and a third series runs along the border separ- ating the oral from the vboral surface. On the convex aboral surface there are a by number of short stout Pre 301.— Starfish (Asterias rubens), General view of the spines arranged in ir- oral or actinal surface, showing the tube-feet. (From Leuckart and Nitsche’s Diagrams.) regular TOWS parallel with the long axes of the rays. These are supported on irregularly-shaped ossicles buried in the integument. In the soft interspaces between the ossicles are a number of minute pores, the dermal pores, scarcely visible with- out the aid of a lens. Through each of these pores projects a very small, soft, filiform process, one of the dermal branchia or papule (Fig. 305, Resp. cw), which is capable of being entirely retracted. Very nearly, though not quite, in the centre of the aboral sur- face is an aperture, the anus (Fig 310), wide enough to admit of the passage of a moderately stout pin. On the same surface, midway between the bases of two of the rays, is a flat, nearly circular plate, the surface of which is marked by a number of radiating, narrow, straight, or slightly wavy grooves; this is the madreporite (mad.). The presence of this structure interferes to some Ix PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 377 extent with the radial symmetry of the Starfish, two of the anti- meres (p. 42), viz. those between which the madreporite is placed, being different from the rest. There thus arises a bilateral sym- metry, there being one vertical plane, and only one—that passing through the middle of the madreporite and through the middle of the opposite arm—along which it is possible to divide the Starfish into two equal—right and left—portions.! The two rays between which the madreporite lies are termed the biviwm, the three remaining the triviwm. Attached to the spines of the oral surface, in the intervals between them, and in the intervals between the spines of the dorsal surface, are a number of very small, almost microscopic bodies, which are termed the jpedicellarie (Fig. 305, Ped). Each of these is supported on a longer or shorter flexible stalk, and consists of three calcareous pieces—a basilar piece at the extremity of the stalk, and two jaws, which are movably articu- lated with the basilar piece, and are capable of being moved by certain sets of muscular fibres so as to open and close on one another like the jaws of a bird. In some of the pedicellariz the jaws, when closed, meet throughout their entire length, while in the case of others, mostly arranged in circles round the spines on the aboral surface, one jaw crosses the other at the end like the mandibles of a Crossbill. In a well-preserved specimen there will be seen in each of the ambulacral grooves two double rows of soft tubular bodies ending in sucker-like extremities; these are the tube-feet (Fig. 301). In a living specimen they are found to act as the locomotive organs of the animal. They are capable of being greatly extended, and when the Starfish is moving along, it will be observed to do so by the tube-feet being extended outwards and forwards (7.¢. in the direction in which the animal is moving), their extremities be- coming fixed by the suckers, and then the whole tube-foot con- tracting so as to draw the body forwards; the hold of the sucker then becomes relaxed, the tube-foot is stretched forwards again, and so on. The action of all the tube-feet, extending and con- tracting in this way, results in the steady progress of the Starfish over the surface. With the aid of the tube-feet the Starfish is also able to right itself if it is turned over on its back. At the extremity of each of the ambulacral grooves is to be distinguished a small bright red speck, the eye (Fig. 305, A, oc), over which is a median process, the tentacle (¢), similar to the tube- feet, but smaller and without the terminal sucker. The tentacles have been ascertained by experiment to be olfactory organs, the Starfish being guided to its food much more by this means than by the sense of sight. 1 The slightly eccentric position of the anal aperture introduces a correspond- ingly slight inequality between the right and left portions. 378 ZOOLOGY SECT. Transverse Section of an Arm.—TIf one of the arms be cut across transversely (Fig. 302 and Fig. 305, B) and the cut surface examined, the aboral part of the thick, hard wall of the arm will present the appearance of an arch (with its convexity upwards), and the oral part the form of an inverted V, the ends of the limbs of which are connected with the oral ends of the aboral arch by a very short, flat, horizontal portion. Enclosed by these parts is a space, a part of the calome or body-cavity, and below, between the two limbs of the V, is the ambulacral groove. The aboral arch is supported by a number of irregular ossicles and is perforated by the numerous small dermal pores, through which the dermal branchiz project. The V-shaped oral part of the body-wall—i.e. the walls of the ambulacral groove—is supported by two rows of elongated ossicles, the ambulacral ossicles (Fig. 305, Amb. os), which meet together at the apex or summit of the groove like the rafters supporting the roof of a house, but with a movable articu- lation allowing of separa- tion or approximation ot the two rows so as to Fic. 302.—Starfish. Vertical section through an arm. open or close the groove. amp. ampulle ; ep. epidermis; rad. amb. radial vessel of the ambulacral system; points to the At the end of the Tay’ septum dividing the perihemal vessel into two parts ; the ambulacral ossicles rad. ne. radial nerve of the epidermal system; sp. : * spaces in mesoderm of body-wall; t. 7 tube-feet. end in a inedian ter- (From Leuckart, after Hamann.) minal ossicle. At the edges of the groove a row of ossicles support the ambulacral spines and prominent tubercles. Between the ambulacral ossicles of each row are a series of oval openings, the ambulacral pures, one between each contiguous pair of ossicles, and so arranged that they form two rows on each side, one row higher than the other, the pores of the higher row alternating with those of the lower. In the ventral groove lie the contracted tube-feet (7. #.): each tube- foot. is found to correspond to one of the ambulacral pores, so that the former, like the latter, are arranged in a double alter- nating row on each side of the groove. When the tube-foot is drawn upon, it is seen to be continuous with one of a series of little bladder-like bodies, which le on the other side of the ambu- lacral ossicles, i.e. in the cavity of the arm. These—the ampulle IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 379 (Figs. 302 and 305, amp.; Fig. 303, ap)—are arranged like the tube- feet, in a double row on each side, a higher row and a lower, there being one opposite each ambulacral pore. When one of them is squeezed, the corresponding tube-foot is distended and protruded, the cavities of the tube-foot and ampulla being in communication by means of a narrow canal running through the ambulacral pore and provided with a valve. It is in this way that the foot is protruded in the living animal: the corresponding ampulla being contracted by the contraction of the muscular fibres in its walls, the contained fluid is injected into the tube- foot and causes its protrusion, the return of the water back- SY wards through the canal being prevented by the closing of the valve. fe hn Vascular and Nervous System.—Running along the ambulacral groove, immedi- ately below where the ambu- lacral ossicles of opposite sides ap articulate, is a fine tube, the radial ambulacral vessel (Fig. 302, rad. amb, Fig. 303, 7), which appears in the trans- verse section as a small rounded aperture. From this short side- branches (Fig. 303, 7’) pass out on either side to open into the bases of the tube-feet. Below the radial ambulacral vessel eit is a median thickening of the integument covering the am- bulacral groove: this marks Fic. 303.—Ambulacral system of a Starfish. a. ampulle; ap. Polian vesicles; c. circular canal; m. madreporite ; m’. madreporic canal; ¢. tube-feet; p. radial vessels; 7’, the position of the radial nerve branches to ampulle. (After Gegenbaur.) (Fig. 302, rad. ne) of the epidermal nervous system, and is traceable as a narrow thickened band running throughout the length of the groove, and _ter- minating in the eye at its extremity, while internally :it be- comes continuous with one of the angles of a pentagonal thickening of a similar character, the nerve-pentagon, which surrounds the mouth. In thin sections (Fig. 304) the ventral median thickening, or radial nerve (rad. nerv.), as well as the nerve- pentagon, are seen to be thickenings of the epidermis, consisting of numerous vertically-placed, fibre-like cells, with their nuclei at their outer (lower) ends, intermixed with longitudinal nerve-fibres and with nerve-cells. | Above this, on each side of the epidermal nerve-thickening constituting the radial nerve, is a band of cells 380 ZOOLOGY SECT. (d. nerv.) also of a nervous character. These more deeply placed nerve-bands are the radial parts of the deep nervous system: like the epidermal, the deep nervous system has a central part in the form of a pentagon, which in this case is double, surrounding the mouth. A third set of nerve elements (the calomic nervous system) extends along the roof of the arm superficial to the muscles. The two radial nerve-bands of the deep nervous system are thickenings of the lining membrane of a space overlying the radial nerve and underlying the radial ambulacral system. This space (rad. bi, v), extending, like the other parts that have been mentioned, throughout the length of the arm, forms part of a system of channels, the perihemal system, which have been regarded as constituting a blood-vascular system. This radial perthemal vessel or sinus, as it is termed, is divided longitudinally by a vertical septum (sept.) into two lateral halves. Internally it communicates with an oral ring-vessel surrounding the mouth and likewise divided into two by a septum. The inner division of the ring- vessel is connected with the axial sinus referred to on i rod nerv cS , oe p- 384. Fic. 304.—Starfish. Lower part of a vertical een bs section through the arm, to show the structure In the septum dividing of the radial nerve and the position of the the radial perihemal sinus deep nervous system ‘and radial perihemal vessels. d. nerv. strazid of deep nervous system ; into two runs a strand of a radial nerve; sept. septim of radial pert. Kind of gelatinous connective peal vane pf radial nowneestrandeltNe tissue containing many leuco- (After Cuénot.) cytes and perforated by ir- regular channels or lacune: this is the radial strand of the /acwnar or hemal system. Like the radial vessels of the perihemal system, the radial strands of the lacunar system are connected internally with an oral ring. Structure of the Disc.—When the aboral wall of the central disc is dissected away, the remainder of the organs come into view (see Fig. 308). The rows of ambulacral ossicles appear in this view as ridges, the ambulacral ridges, one running along the middle of the oral surface of each arm to its extremity, and extending inwards to the corresponding angle of the mouth. At the sides of each of these ridges appear the rows of ampulle. Within the pentagonal actinostome is a space, the peristome, covered with a soft integument, and in the centre of this is a circular opening, the true mouth, the size of which is capable of being greatly increased or diminished. IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 381 Body-wall and Celome.—The entire outer surface is covered with a layer of ciliated epithelium, the epidermis or deric epi- thelium (Fig. 305, Der. Epithm), which is continued over the various appendages and processes—the tubercles and spines, the pedicellarie, the dermal branchiz, and the tube-feet. Beneath it is a network of nerve-fibrils with occasional nerve-cells. The mesoderm (Derm) of the wall of the body beneath this consists of two layers, between which are a number of spaces: the ossicles (08) Fic. 305,—Diagrammatic sections of a Starfish. A, vertical section passing on the right through a radius, on the left through an inter-radius. The off-side of the ambulacral groove with the tube-feet (7. /.) and ampulle (4.p.) are shown in perspective. B, trausverse section through anarm. The ectoderm is coarsely dotted, the nervous system finely dotted, the ectoderm radially striated, the mesoderm evenly shaded, the ossicles of the skeleton black, and the ecelomic epithelium represented by a beaded line. Amb. 0s. ambulacral ossicles ; Amp. am- pulle ; An.anus; C. Amb. V. circular ambulacral vessel: C. B. V. septum of ring perihzemal ; vessel ; Cd. ewe. cardiac ceca; (il. celome; Cel. Epithm. ccelomic epithelium ; Der. Epithm. deric epithelium ; Dern.mesoderm ; Ent. Epthi. enteric epithelium : Jnt. ce. intestinal czeca. Mdpr. madreporite ; Mes. mesentery; Mth. mouth; Nv. R. nerve-ring ; oc. eye ; 0s. ossicles of body-wall; Ovd. oviduct ; Ped. pedicellarie ; ph. periheemal spaces; Pyl. cee. pyloric czeca ; Rad, amb, v. radial amlulacral vessel; Rad. B. V. points to septum in the radial periheemal vessel; Rad. Nv. radial nerve; Resp. ce. dermal branchie ; St. stomach ; S¢. c. stone-canal ; t. tentacle; 7. F. tube-feet. (From Parker's Biology.) are all, except the ambulacral ossicles and the inter-radial par- titions, developed in the outer of these two layers. Each osstcle consists of a close network of calcareous rods. Between contiguous ossicles extend bands of muscular fibres. The interior of the cwlome (Cel.) or body-cavity is lined by a ciliated epithelium, the celomic epithelium (Cal. Hpithm.), which not only covers the inner surface of the body-wall as the parietal layer, but also forms an investment for the contained organs— the various parts of the alimentary canal and its appendages, the gonads, the madreporic canal, ampulle, etc. In addition 382 ZOOLOGY SECT, to this visceral layer of the peritoneum, the wall of the ali- mentary canal and its ceeca consists of a muscular layer and an internal lining, the enteric epithelium or endoderm (Knt. Epthm). The coelome is filled with a fluid, the celomie fluid, consisting mainly of sea-water, but containing a number of amceboid cor- puscles (amabocytes) containing a brown pigment. The dermal branchiz cousist of a muscular layer, an eaternal epidermal layer, and an internal peritoneal layer, the internal cavities of the hollow branchiz being in free communication with the ccelome. Digestive System.—The mouth is found to open through a short passage, the wsophagus, into a wide sac, the cardiac division of the stomach (Fig. 305, St, Figs. 308, 310, card. st). This is a five-lobed sac, each of the lobes of which is opposite one of the five arms. The walls of the sac are greatly folded, and the whole is cap- able of being everted through the opening of the mouth, wrapped over some object desired as food, and then retracted into the interior, the re- traction being effected by means of special retractor muscles (Fig. 308, retr) which arise from the sides of the Set ambulacral ridges. This Bln Goee cardiac division of the Fic, 306,—Asterias rubens. Digestive system. ua. ; anus; card. st. cardiac division of the stomach ; int. stomach communicates eae, intestinal ceca; madr, madreporite; pyl. ewe. aborally with a much pyloric ceca; pyl. st. pyloric division of the stomach. (From Leuckart. ) smaller chamber, the pyloric division of the stomach, and this in turn opens into a very short conical i- testine, which leads directly upwards to open at the anal aperture. The pyloric division of the stomach is pentagonal, each angle being drawn out to form a pair of large appendages, the pylori ceca (Figs. 305, 306, 308, 310, pyl. cee). Each pair of pyloric ceeca commences as a cylindrical canal or duct, the lumen of which is continuous with the cavity of the pyloric chamber. This soon bifurcates to form two hollow stems, extending to near the extremity of the cavity of the arm, and giving off laterally two series of short branches, each having connected with it a number of small bladder-like pouches. The walls of the pyloric caeca are glandular: they secrete a digestive fluid, and are therefore to be Ix PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 383 looked upon as digestive glands. It is found by experimenting with this digestive fluid that it has an action on food-matters similar to that exerted by the secretion of the pancreas in the Vertebrata, converting starch into sugar, proteids into peptones, and bringing about the emulsification of fats. While the pouches of the cardiac division of the stomach are attached to the oral wall of the body, the pyloric ceca are connected with the aboral wall, From the short intestine are given off inter-radially two hollow appendages, the intestinal ceca (Figs. 306 and 308, int. cc), each with several short branches of irregular shape. Ambulacral System.—Running downwards from the madre- porite to near the border of the mouth is an S-shaped cylinder, the madreporie or stone-canal (Figs. 308, m’. 310, mad. can). The walls of this canal are supported by a series of calcareous rings, and projecting into it is a ridge which bifurcates to form two spirally rolled lamellz occupying a considerable part of the lumen of the canal. In some Starfishes, such as Astropecten (Fig. 307), the internal structure is more com- plicated owing to the branching of the lamelle. The interior of the madreporic canal communi- cates above with the exterior through the grooves of the madre- porite. At the bottom of each of the grooves is a row of pores leading into a sac, the ampulla, which in turn leads into the = inadreponie canal, Below, Che TN Wewusamia s surdsn Cole latter opens into a wide, five- pecten). (From Gegenbaur, after Teuscher.) sided, ring-like canal, the ring- vessel of the ambulacral system. From this are given off the five radial ambulacral vessels, passing to the extremities of the arms. From the pentagonal canal are given off also in most Starfishes, but not in Asterias, a series of five pairs of appendages, the Polian vesicles (Fig. 303, ap; Fig. 308, pol. ves)—pear-shaped, thin-walled bladders with long narrow necks—which are placed inter-radially. At the sides of the neck of each Polian vesicle (except in the inter-radius containing the madreporic canal, where there is one on one side only) project inwards a pair of little rounded glandular bodies, the racemose or Tiedemann’s vesicles (Fig. 309, 7’), the cavity in the interior of each of which, opening into the ring-vessel, is divided into a number of chambers. The various parts of the ambulacral system of vessels have a muscular wall and an internal lining epithelium in addition to the coverings which they may derive, according to their situation, either from the external epidermis or the internal coelomic epi- thelium. The muscular layer is most strongly developed on the 384 ZOOLOGY SECT, tube-feet, where it consists of two strata, and is also well developed on the ampulle and Polian vesicles. The stone-canal is enfolded in the wall of a wider canal, the axial sinus (Fig. 309, ax. s), which forms a part of the perihzemal system already referred to. The axial sinus runs nearly vertically. At its oral end it opens into the internal division of the oral ring Lyl.cec ¢ pyl.cec fel. ves Fic, 308.—Anthenea flavescens. Upper view of a dissection of the internal organs. The aboral wall of the body, with the exception of a small portion round the anus and the madre- porite, has been completely removed. One of the five intestinal ceca has been removed with the exception of its proximal part. All the ovaries have been removed except one pair, and four of the pairs of pyloric czeca have been cut away close to their bases. 1—5, the five rays with their ambulacral ridges ; amp. ampulle; an. anus; int. cwc. intestinal ceca; 7. p. cut ends of the inter-radial partitions ; mad. madreporite with the madreporic canal ; ov. ovaries ; pol. ves. Polian vesicles; pyl. ca@c. pyloric ceca; retr. retractor muscles inserted into the cardiac division of the stomach. sinus ; aborally it approaches close to, if it does not actually open into, an aboral ring sinus: it also communicates aborally with the stone-canal, and perhaps opens on the exterior through certain of the pores in the madreporite. Accompanying the madreporic canal and also enfolded in the wall of the axial sinus there is an organ—the axial organ (Fig. 309, g. stol)—the relationships and function of which have given rise IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 385 to a considerable amount of difference of opinion. It is a fusiform body, the interior of which assumes an appearance of com- plexity largely due to both its inner surface (ie. that turned towards the axial sinus) and its outer (that facing the ccelome) being folded in a complicated manner. The axial organ contains strands of lacunar tissue, 7.¢. of the same tissue that composes the awe “\ ys net i gus NY TITY 3 gu a ih \s MM Fic. 309.—4, view of the under part of a specimen of Asterias rubens, which has been horizontally divided into two nearly equal portions. B, enlarged view of the axial sinus, stone-canal and genital stolon cut across. azab. oss. arabulacral ossicle ; aap. ampuille of the tube-feet ; az. s. axial sinus ; gon. gonad ; g. stol. genital stolon or axial organ ; marg. marginal ossicle ; nerv. circ. nerve-ring ; o¢. cut end of esophagus ; pst. peristome ; ret. retractor muscle of the stomach ; sept. inter-radial septum; stone. c. stone-canal; 7. Tiedemann’s vesicle ; w.v. 7. Water-vascular ring-canal. (After MacBride.) so-called hemal system, and is intimately related with the latter. Its essential morphological character, however, appears to be that of a genital stolon. At its aboral end it is continuous with a genital rachis, which, in the form of a ring, runs in the aboral perihemal sinus, and gives off branches to the gonads. There is evidence that the sexual cells originate in the aboral end of the axial organ, and travel through the genital rachis and its branches VOL. I cc 386 ZOOLOGY SECT. to the’gonads, which are to be looked upon as the greatly expanded extremities of the latter. Strands of the lacunar tissue accompany the genital rachis and its branches to the gonads. Reproductive System.—The Starfish is wnisexual, each in- dividual possessing either ovaries (Figs. 308, 309, and 310, ov) or testes, which appear very similar until they are examined micro- scopically. They consist of masses of rounded follicles, like bunches of minute grapes—a pair in each inter-radial interval. Ova and sperms are alike developed from cells of the same character as those which become the ameebocytes of the ccelomic and other cavities of the body. The ducts, by means of which the ova or sperms reach the exterior, open on the aboral surface Fic, 310.—Anthenea flavescens. Lateral view of a dissection in which one of the rays and a portion of a second have been removed, and in which the alimentary canal has been laid open. amp.ampulle; an. anus ; card. st. cardiac pouch of the stomach ; int. cece, intestinal execu ; ip. inter-radial partition ; mad. madreporite ; mad. can. madreporic canal ; ov. ovary : pyl. cee, pyloric ceca; 7. cut ends of the ring-vessel of the ambulacral system ; ring v. posi- tion a ring-vessel ; retv. retractor muscle of cardiac pouch uf stomach ; s. cavity of the stomach. through a number of perforations on a pair of sieve-like plates, situated inter-radially close to the bases of the arms. Anthenea flavescens (Figs. 308, 310, 311, 312), a common Australian Starfish, which may be taken as an example instead of Asterias rubens, differs from the latter in the following main points. The animal consists of a relatively large central disc and five relatively short arms, which taper rapidly towards their extremities. On the oral surface the comparatively broad, flat surfaces be- tween the ambulacral grooves are roughish, owing to the plate-like ossicles being beset with a number of minute rounded tubercles, which, in the immediate neighbourhood of the ambulacral grooves, assume the character of short, blunt spines. Here and Ix PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 387 there among the tubercles, usually one in the middle of each ossicle, are pedicellarie, which differ widely from those of Asterias. Each pedicellaria in An- thenea is a small, narrow, oblong, calcareous body, consisting of two parallel narrow valves or jaws: these, instead of being supported on a_ flexible stalk, are articulated with the edges of a slit-lke depression on the surface of the flat ossicle, and are thus on a level with the general surface. The term valvulate is applied to pedicellarize of this de- scription. In a living Anthenea many of the pedicellarize will be found to have their valves widely open; when they are touched the valves close together, gradually open- ing again after a little time. Fic. 311.—Anthenea, view of aboral surface. (After Sladen.) The ambulacral spines bounding the ambulacral grooves are flattened and blunt, and arranged Fic. 312.—Anthenea, view of oral surface. (After Sladen.) in fan-like fasciculi. Round the border separating the aboral and oral surfaces the plates are arranged in two somewhat irregular rows. The aboral surface is strongly convex, but not uniformly so, there being a more or less distinct de- pression in the form of a shallow open groove, the inter-radial depression, op- posite each of the intervals between the arms. The surface is dotted over with numerous small rounded tubercles, arranged in some- what irregular radiating lines. These aboral tuber- cles, though fewer than co 2 388 ZOOLOGY SECT. those on the oral surface, are for the most part more promineht, so that they assume the character of short spines. The ossicles on which they are borne are star-shaped with six rays, a spine being borne in the centre of each ossicle, and one on each of the rays. Between the ossicles the surface is covered with a soft, slimy skin, perforated by a large number of minute dermal pores, each of which is enclosed by a minute irregular ring of calcareous matter; each pore serves for the lodgment of one of the dermal branchiw. Numerous pedicellariz, similar to those on the ventral surface, but smaller, are borne on the ossicles, usually taking the place normally occupied by the central spine. The tube-fect are arranged in a single row on each side of each ambu- lacral groove ; but the ampulle are in two rows, an upper and a lower, and each tube-foot has two ampulle connected with it, one of the upper row and one of the lower row. Anthenea has vertical calcareous tnter-radial partitions not de- veloped in Asterias. There are five bifid intestinal cceca, which are narrow tubes slightly enlarged and lobed at the extremities. Development of a Starfish (Asterina gibbosa or A. exigua ').—In these Starfishes the reproductive apertures are placed on the ventral surface. When the ova have been dis- charged and impregnated, they adhere by means of a viscid investment to the surface (rock or stone) on which they are laid, and go through all the stages of their development in this position, never passing through a free pelagic stage. The eggs are about half a millimetre in diameter, and of a spherical shape. Each con- sists of a perfectly opaque central mass of yellow or orange yolk, and of a glassy layer enclosing this. After fertilisation the process of segmentation begins by the division of the ovum into two blasto- meres alinost equal in size, but one, which may be termed cell I, shghtly smaller than the other (cell II.). Both I. and II. soon afterwards divide, I. somewhat earlier than II. The resulting four cells again divide, leading to the formation of an eight-celled stage (Fig. 318, A), in which the four cells derived from I. form an incomplete ring not closed below, and the four derived from IT. form an incomplete ring open above. The eight cells then divide by meridional fissures into sixteen, and a further division results in the formation of thirty- two. The thirty-two cells become arranged in such a way as to enclose a central cavity which had been present in the four-celled stage: this stage (B) 1s the blastula; the cavity is the segmenta- tion-cuvity or blastocele. The number of cells in the wall of this cavity increases by further divisions, and the whole surface becomes covered with vibratile cilia. A process of invagination then follows, one side of the blastula being pushed inwards to form 1 The development of these has been described in preference to that of the examples, as it is more completely known. IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 389 a double-walled cup or gastrwla (C) opening on the exterior by an opening, the blastopore, which, at first very wide, gradually becomes narrowed. At the same time the shape of the larva alters, so as to be somewhat elongated, the blastopore, lying at first midway between the two poles, afterwards gradually drawing nearer to what becomes the posterior end. Of the two layers of the gastrula (D and #), the outer is the ectoderm, the inner the endoderm ; between them is a space, at first filled with gelatinous matter, in which cells soon appear, giving lic. 313,—Early stages in the development of a Starfish (Asterina gibbosa). 4, cight-celled stage; B, stage of about thirty-two cells scen in section; C, gastrula stage; D, section of early gastrula; £, section of later gastrula. arch. archenteron; blastoc, blastoccele ; blp. blastopore ; ect. ectoderm ; end. endoderm. (Modified after Ludwig.) rise subsequently to an intermediate mass of tissue, the mesenchyme. The cavity in the gastrula is early distinguishable into two parts (Fig. 314, B)—that part into which the blastopore leads (arch), and a wider terminal part (ent); the former becomes the stomach and intestine of the larva, the blastopore giving rise to the larval anus ; the latter is termed the enterocele (celome). The wall of the enterocceele becomes thinner, and it gives off two lateral swellings, the right and left enterocwlic pouches (C, ent), which are closely applied to the sides of the larval alimentary canal: the left pouch is soon seen to be larger than the right. The entero- coele is subsequently completely closed off from the enteric canal. It now consists of three parts, an anterior undivided part, and the two pouches, right and left. Of the latter the left grows more rapidly than the right: both extend posteriorly in the space between the enteric canal and the body-wall to coalesce posteriorly 390 ZOOLOGY SECT. in such a way as to give rise to the cwlome of the adult. The anterior undivided part (anterior calome) forms the ccelome of a conspicuous larval structure, the pre-oral lobe, and it eventually larvorg lary. org B lary, or < Le. Fig. 314.—Later stages in the development of the larva of Asterina gibbosa. 4, newly hatched larva, ventral surface with the beginning of the larval organ at the anterior end and with the larval mouth. 8B, dorsal half of an embryo of the same age as 4. C, somewhat older larva with larger larval organ, the ectoderm of the left side removed to expose the alimentary canal-and the walls of the body-cavity. arch. archenteron ; bl. p. blastopore ; ect. ectoderm ; ent. enteroceele ; larv. mo. larval mouth ; larv. org. pre-oral lobe ; stom. stomodzeum. (From Ziegler’s models.) becomes cut off from the right and left pouches, giving off on the left a five-lobed outgrowth, the hydrocele, which forms the foundation of the entire ambulacral system of the adult: a right larv. OG, \ ere oept : Fic. 315.—Larva of Asterina gibbosa. 4, diagrammatic lateral view; the alimentary canal dotted, the ambulacral system striated, the ectoderm shaded. B, Larva seen from the left as an opaque object, the body-wall of the left side removed ; hydroccele separated off from left enteric sac and partly surrounding cesophagus. ali. alimentary canal ; amb. ambula- cral system or hydroceele ; dors. p. dorsal pore ; eat. enteric sacs and ccelome ; larv. mo. larval mouth; larv. org. pre-oral lobe; @s. cesophagus of adult ; 7,7. lobes of hydroceele ;« sept. septum between the enteroccelic sacs. (4, after Ludwig ; B, from Ziegler’s models.) hydroccele is only represented by a small vesicle which in normal embryos undergoes no further development. Before the hydro- ccele is developed and before the nght and left coelomic pouches have become cut off, two apertures make their appearance Ix PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 391 on the surface of the larva: one, on the ventral side, is the open- ing of the stemedeuwm or larval mouth; the other, on the dorsal side, is the dorsal pore. The mouth subsequently opens into the larval stomach, and for a time the enteric canal of the larva opens on the ex- terior both by mouth and anus: soon, however, the larval anus be- comes closed up. The dorsal pore is developed as an outgrowth of the anterior part of the enterocele, a little to the left of the middle line, meeting a thickening of the ecto- derm about the middle of the dorsal surface, where an aperture is formed. The pre-oral lobe appears at an early stage as a dilatation at the anterior end of the larva. This Fic. 316,—Larva of Asterina, view of the left side, showing the five- lobed prominence (anb.) formed by the developing ambulacral system on what is destined to become the ventral surface of the body of the Starfish ; larv. org. larval organ. takes an antero-posterior direction, and assumes the character of an elongated, almost cylindrical, hollow appendage at the anterior end of the larva, consisting of a shorter, anterior, and a Fic. 317.—Asterina exigua. Young Starfish shortly after the metamorphosis has bzen completed, viewed from the oral side. circ. amb. circular ambulacral vessel ; dors. p. dorsal pore and madreporic canal ; rad. amb, radial ambulacral vessel ; s¢. stomach ; tent. tentacle ; t. f. tube-feet. longer, posterior, part. On the anterior sur- face of the pre-oral lobe a flattened area appears surrounded by a raised rim, which is beset with specially large cilia: this is the larval organ. In the middle of the larval organ appears an ele- vation, the rudiment of a sucker by means of which the larva be- comes attached when the metamorphosis is about to begin. At this stage the larva (Fig. 316) is able to creep by contractions of the pre-oral lobe, and also to swim by the action of the cilia, more especially the cilia of the larval organ. The hydroceele, at first a five-lobed outgrowth of the entero- cele, grows into the form of a horse-shoe with five lobes, each of BND ZOOLOGY SECT. which represents one of the radial parts of the ambulacral system, the horse-shoe itself representing the ring-vessel. The rudiment of the madreporic canal arises as a groove on the posterior wall of the anterior ccelome. This develops into a canal leading from the hydroccele to the anterior ccelome, and eventually entering into connection with the dorsal pore, forms a tube, the madreporic canal, leading from the ring canal to the madreporite, of which the dorsal pore represents the first-formed aperture. As the hydroceele develops, its form influences the external shape of the larva; on the left-hand side there grows out a five- lobed elevation (Fig. 316, amb), each of the lobes corresponding to one of the five lobes of the hydroccele. Each of the latter then becomes divided, first into three rounded processes (Fig. 315, B, amb), and then into five, and these project freely on the Fic. 318,—Views of the larva of Asterina gibbosa in the course of metamorphosis, 4, larva of eight days, from the right; B, left, and C, right view of the larva of nine days ; 1-5, lobes of hydroccele ; I-V, rudiments of arms. (From MacBride, after Ludwig.) surface; the middle one is the rudiment of the tentacle, the lateral processes are the first two pairs of tube-feet. At the same time five elevations of the opposite wall become evident, and give rise to the beginnings of the dorsal regions of the arms (Fig. 318). The transition from the larval stage to the condition of the five- rayed Starfish (Fig. 317) is effected by the abortion of the pre- oral lobe—(which, on the larva becoming fixed by means of the sucker, degenerates into a temporary stalk and eventually becomes completely absorbed)—by the further development of the arms and tube-feet, and by certain changes which take place in the internal organs. Of these, one of the most important is the formation of a new mouth and cesophagus (Fig. 315, B, es), the larval mouth and cesophagus becoming abolished during the metamorphosis. Round this new mouth grows the ring-vessel of the ambulacral system. From the stomach, diverticula grow out radially into the developing arms to give rise to the caeca; and later the permanent anal opening is formed on the dorsal surface. Ix PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 393 When the first ossicles are definitely formed they present the following arrangement (Fig. 319). In the middle of the abactinal surface is a single central plate (dors). Around this are five basals (bas) one of which becomes merged into the madreporite. External to these, five radials (rad) appear somewhat later. At the end of each developing arm is a single terminal or ocular plate (erm), which is carried outwards as the ambulacral and adambulacral ossicles of the arm are developed, supporting the corresponding eye and tentacle. A ring of secondary radials or infra-basals (sec. rad) is developed between the radials and the central. In the Fic. 319.—Diagrata showing the relations of the chief plates of the apical system in the young Starfish. az. anus; bas. basals; dovs. central ; madi, madreporite ; rad. radials ; sec. rad. secondary radials (infra-basals). adult, by the intercalary development of numerous additional ossicles, these primary plates of the apical system, as it is termed, lose their original arrangement, and become no longer recognisable. 2, EXAMPLE OF THE ECHINOIDEA. A Sea-Urchin.—(Strongylocentrotus or Echinus.) General External Features.—The Sea-Urchin (Figs. 321 and 322) is globular in shape, but somewhat compressed in one direc- tion, so that two poles are distinctly recognisable. At one of these the degree of flattening is greater than at the other; this is the oral pole, the opposite pole being termed the anal or aboral. At the oral pole is a rounded aperture, the mouth, through which may be seen projecting five hard white points, the extremities of the 394 ZOOLOGY SECT. teeth, surrounding the mouth is a thin, soft membrane known as the peristome or peristomial men.brane (Fig. 320). At the anal pole is a much smaller aperture, the anus, the space immediately surrounding which is termed the periproct (Fig. 322). The entire surface, with the exception of the peristome and periproct, is bristling with spines—cylindrical, pointed, solid ap- pendages, the surface of which is longitudinally fluted. These are movably articulated with the body so that they may be turned about in all directions. When one of them is removed (see Fig. 388, p. 422), itis found that the joint is of the character of a ball Fic. 320.—Eehinus esculentus, peristome, 1, tube-feet of the lower ends of the radii; 2, branchia; 3, teeth ; 4, buccal tube-foot; 5, peristomial membrane. (From MacBride, after Kiikenthal.) and socket, a concavity on the base of the spine fitting over a hemispherical elevation on the surface of the Sea-urchin, and the spine being retained in place and caused to move by means of a capsule of muscular fibres enclosing the joint. Around the bases of the large spines are a number of very small spinules. Here and there among the spines are to be observed minute pedicellariw (see Fig. 340, p. 423), which are comparable to the stalked pedicellarie of Asterias; but each has three jaws instead of two, and a relatively long stalk, which is supported by a slender calcareous rod. Here and there are to be found also small IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 395 rounded bodies termed the spheridia, which are perhaps, like the pedicellariz, to be looked upon as modified spines: they contain ganglion-cells and are apparently organs of special sense, having possibly the function of detecting changes in the composition of the water. Projecting from the surface among the spines all the way from the peristome to the periproct will be observed five double rows of tube-feet (Fig. 321), which in a living specimen will be found to be capable of great extension. These are similar to the tube- Fic, 321.—_Strongylocentrotus, entire animal with the tube-feet extended. (From Brehm’s Tierleben.) feet of the Starfish, and have similar functions: the sucker-like extremity of each is supported by a perforated sieve-like plate of calcareous matter. Each double row of tube-feet occupies a meridional zone of the surface, termed the ambulacral areu, corresponding to the ambulacral groove of the Starfish : the inter- mediate zones are termed the inter-ambulacral areas. At the oral end of each ambulacral area on the peristome (Fig. 320) is a pair of appendages similar to tube-feet, but shorter, and termed tentacles. Ten shrub-like appendages, the dermal branchie, are situated in. 396 ZOOLOGY SECT. the peripheral part of the peristome, a pair opposite each inter- ambulacral area. When the spines are removed, the body is found to be enclosed in a rigid globular shell, or corona (Fig. 322) as it is termed, formed of a system of plate-like ossicles, the edges of which fit accurately and firmly together, and the surfaces of which are ornamented with the rounded elevations or tubercles for the articu- lation of the spines. These plates are arranged in ten zones, each consisting of two rows, running in a meridional direction from the Fic, 322,—Corona of Echinus esculentus, from the aboral surface, showing the arrangement of the plates of the corona. 1, the anus; 2, periproct, with irregular plates ; 3, the madre- porite; 4, one of the other genital plates; 5, an ocular plate ; 6, an inter-ambulacral plate ; 7, an ambulacral plate; 8, pores for the protrusion of the tube-feet ; 9, tubercles. (After MacBride.) edge of the peristome to the neighbourhood of the periproct. Of the zones of plates there are two sets, each consisting of five, the members of which alternate with one another. In the case of one of these sets of zones—the ambulacral zones or ambulacral areas already referred to—each of the plates is perforated towards its outer end by two minute pores, the ambulacral pores, for the pro- trusion of the tube-feet. In the other five zones, the zler-ambu- lacral zones or areas, the plates are not perforated. At its anal end each area, ambulacral or inter-ambulacral, ends in a single apical plate, so that the periproct is surrounded by a ring of 1X PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 397 ten plates, the wpieal system of plates (Fig. 323). Of these, the five that are situated at the ends of the ambulacral areas are termed the ocular plates (oc), owing to the fact that each of them bears a structure once supposed to be a rudimentary eye, but now known to be a tentacle; while the five opposite the inter-ambulacral areas are termed the genital plates (gen), each of them being perforated by an opening which is the aperture of one of the five genital ducts— the ducts of the ovaries or testes Fic. 323.—Apical system of plates aud as the case may be. One of these epee extremiiips of zones of Laer = ofa Sea-urchin. amb. ambulacra genital plates (mad?) has a swollen zones ; gen. genital plates; int. ainb. | S inter-ambulacral zones ; madi. madre- and spongy, appearance, which dis- porite ; oc. ocular plates ; peripr. peri- tinguishes it from the others: this proct. (After Leuckart.) is the madreporite, through which, as in the case of the structure of the same name in the Star- fishes, the madreporic canal communicates with the exterior. The two ambulacral areas between which the madreporite lies con- stitute the biviwm, the remaining three the trivium. On the inner surface of the shell, close to the edge of the peri- stome, there project inwards five processes, the auricles (Fig. 825, aur), one opposite each ambulacral area. Within the ring of auricles lies a complex structure termed Aristotle’s lantern (Fig. 324). This consists of the five teeth (c), the apices of which are to be Fic. 324.—Lantern of Aristotle of Echinus. 4, two of the five chief component parts apposed and viewed laterally. 3B, lateral, and C internal view of a single part. a. alveolus; a’. suture with its fellow; b. epiphysis; b’. suture with alveolus ; ¢. rotula; d. radius; e. tooth. (From Huxley’s /avertebrates, after Miller.) seen projecting through the mouth, together with a system of ossicles. The teeth are long, curved, and pointed : proximally each is supported by and partly embedded in a pyramidal ossicle, the alveolus (a), consisting of two halves united by a longitudinal suture. 398 ZOOLOGY SECT. Firmly united to the base of the alveolus is a stout bar, the epiphysis (b). Adjacent epiphyses are in close contact with one another, and running inwards from their points of union are five radially-directed, stout bars, the rotule (c), the inner ends of which unite to bound a circular aperture through which the cesophagus passes. With the inner end of each rotula is movably articulated a more slender bar, the radius (¢d), which runs outwards, parallel with, and closely applied to, the rotula, to endin a free, bifurcated extremity. Aristotle’s lantern as a whole is in the shape of a five- sided pyramid, at the apex of which project the five teeth ; the pyramid is hollow, containing a passage which is the beginning of the cesophagus. The base has the appear- ance of a wheel, the tyre of which is re- presented by the five epiphyses, the spokes by the five rotule with the five radii in close contact with them, and the hub by the rounded central aperture. Passing be- tween the various os- sicles of the lantern, Fic. 325.—Lateral view of the internal organs of a Sea- urchin as seen on the removal of ahalf of the shell. ab.r. ves. heemal strand, aboral ring ; amb. 7, ambulacral ring- canal ;amp.ampulle ; an. anus ; aur. auricle ; cel. celome ; int. intestine ; int.ves.intestinal hemal strands ; mad. mad- reporite ; mad. can. madreporic canal; mo. mouth; mus. muscles passing from the auricles to Aristotle's laitern ; neve. 7. nerve-ring ; oc. ocular plate ; 07.7. ves. heemal strand, oral ring ; plerc. ovoid gland ; pol. ves. Polian vesicle ; rad. amb, radial ambulacral vessel ; rad. ne. radial nerve ; siph. siphon ; sp. radial extension of the coelome surrounding the nerve ; ¢. f. tube-feet. (From Leuckart, after Hamann.) and from them to the auricles, are systems of muscles by means of the contractions of some of which the lantern as a whole can be protruded or retracted, while the action of others is to cause the movements of the alveoli by which the teeth are brought to bear on the food. Nervous System.—Passing outwards through each auricle, and running along ihe inner surface of the corona opposite the middle of each ambulacral area, is a radial nerve (Fig. 325, rad. ne). Within the ring of auricles the five-radial nerves are con- nected with a nerve-ring (nerv. 7) surrounding the mouth. At its distal end each radial nerve is connected with the so-called eye (0c), borne by the corresponding ocular plate. These parts correspond to the epidermal nervous system of the Starfish, which, owing to the ambulacral grooves having become closed in to form narrow canals—the epinewral canals (Fig. 326, ep.), covered over by the plates of the corona—is here more deeply situated ; the deep and coelomic systems are only feebly developed. IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 399 Ambulacral System.—Internal to each radial nerve, and pur- suing a corresponding course, runs a radial ambulacral vessel (Figs. 325 and 326). From this are given off on each side a series of short branches to the tube-feet, with each of which is connected one of a series of compressed sacs, the ampulle (amp), by two canals, one passing through each of the two pores. At their oral extremities the five radial ambulacral vessels unite with a ring-vessel surrounding the cesophagus. Appended to the ring-vessel are five Polian vesicles (pol. ves.) in the form of small mammillated bodies. A madreporic canal (mad. can.), corresponding to that of the Starfish, but with soft membranous walls devoid of ossicles, perih Fic, 326.—Diagrammatic transverse section of the ambulacral zone of an Echinoid. amb. oss. ambulacral ossicle; amp. ampulla of a tube-foot; ep. epineural canal; muse. muscles attaching spine to its tubercle ; nerv. nervous ring in base of spine ; n. 7. radial nerve-cord ; oss, ossicle in the sucker of the tube-foot ; ped. pedicellaria ; perih. radial periheemal canal ; pod. tube-foot ; wv. r. radial ambulacral vessel. (After MacBride.) runs from the madreporite at the side of the periproct to the ring-canal. The enteric canal (Fig. 327, ali) is devoid of the radial czca which it presents in the Starfish: it is a wide, soft-walled tube, which winds round the interior of the corona in its passage from the mouth to the anus, held in place by a band of threads, the mesentery, passing out from it to the inner surface of the shell. It gives off a short blind diverticulum, the siphon (siph); this, together with the intestine itself, probably acts as an organ for the respiration of the coelomic fluid. The celome contains a fluid in which, as in the Starfish, there are numerous corpuscles. Of these there are two kinds —ameboid corpuscles (amebocytes) with long pseudopodia, and vibratile corpuscles, which closely resemble sperms, having a rounded 400 ZOOLOGY SECT. head and a slender vibratile tail: the latter aid in bringing about a constant circulation of the coelomic fluid. The part of the ccelome containing Aristotle’s lantern is com- pletely cut off from the rest by the arrangement of the membrane enclosing the lantern, and the function of the branchize on the peristome is evidently the oxygenation of the ccelomic fluid enclosed in this compartment, which is known as the lantern- celome. The perihemal and hemal or lacunar systems, as well as the axial organ, will be referred to in the account of the general structure of the phylum. The reproductive organs consist of five masses of minute rounded follicles (Fig. 327, ov) situated in the anal portion of the shell, and each communicating with the exterior by its duct, Fic. 327.—Alimentary canal and other organs of Sea-urchin as seen when the ora half of the corona has been removed, ab. r. ves. aboral ring of the hemal system; ali. ali- mentary canal; amp. ampulle ; int. ves. intestinal blood-vessels ; ant. lantern of Aristotle ; es, cesophagus ; or. r. v. oral ring-vessel of the hemal system ; ov. ovary ; rect. rectum ; siph. siphon ; z. teeth. (From Leuckart, partly after Cuvier.) which perforates the corresponding genital plate. The sexes are distinct; as in the Starfish, there is little difference to be observed between the ovaries of the female and the testes of the male until we come to examine their microscopic structure. The genital rachides which in the Starfish connect the gonads with the genital stolon (p. 385) are aborted in the adult Sea- urchin. The early stages in the development of the Sea-urchin are very similar to the. corresponding stages in the development of the Starfish described on page 388. The bilateral larva of the Sea-urchin, which is termed a plutews, is provided with a number of elongated arms or processes supported by delicate calcareous rods. A metamorphosis, in which the bilateral larva becomes converted into the radial adult, takes place as in the Starfish. IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 401 3. EXAMPLE OF THE HOoLoTHUROIDEA, A Sea-cucumber.—Cucuwmaria or Colochirus. General External Features—The body (Fig. 328) is elon- gated, in shape not unlike a miniature cucumber, somewhat irregularly five-sided, with an opening at each end. One end is somewhat thicker than the other, and the opening at this thicker (oral or anterior) end is the mouth, that at the opposite (aboral or posterior) end is the anus. The body is five-sided, and along each side there extends a double row of tube-feet. In Colo- chirus there is a very distinct / ventral surface, into which NY three of the five sides enter, : distinguished by the absence of the rows of tubercles that occur on the dorsal portion of the surface, and by the presence of three distinct bands of tube-feet. This ventral part of the body with its three ambulacral areas is the equivalent of the triviwm of the Starfish, the rest re- presenting the biviwm. On the dorsal surface, instead of typical tube-feet, there are papillze devoid of sucking ex- tremities, and similar appen- dages take the place of tube- feet at the ends of the three ventral bands. In Cucumaria the ventral surface is less distinctly : defined, but its Fiq, 328,—Cucumaria planci. Entire animal position is to be deter- seen from the ventral surface, (From Hertwig's mined by reference to the Lehrbuch, after Ludwig.) tentacles (vide p. 402); there are no papillz. The ventral surface is, it is to be noticed, parallel with the axis joining mouth and anus, and the body, when compared with that of the Starfish or Sea-urchin, is greatly drawn out in the direction of the line joining mouth and anus. There are no definite calcareous plates; but the integument is tolerably hard, owing to the presence in its substance of innumer- able microscopic calcareous spicules, very variable in shape in different species of Cucumaria, and in Colochirus having the form of sieve-like or lattice-like plates, some of which are to be found VOL. I DD 402 ZOOLOGY SECT. even in the walls of the tube-feet. The tube-feet are, like those of the Starfish, used in locomotion, progression being effected by creeping with the ventral surtace applied to the ground. In a Sea-cucumber living undisturbed under natural conditions there will be found protruding through the mouth a circlet of ten tentacles, which are to be looked upon as greatly developed and specially modified tube-feet. These are tree-like in shape—a central stem giving off a number of short branches, which may in turn be branched—and they are highly sensitive and contractile. Two of these tentacles will be seen to correspond to each of the ambulacral areas. The pair situated opposite the middle ambulacral area of the ventral surface are very much smaller than the others, and will be observed to perform the special function of pushing the food-particles into the mouth. All the tentacles are drawn completely back within the mouth when the animal is disturbed. Structure of Body-wall—When the wall of the body is divided, it is found to consist, in addition to the hardened integu- mentary layer, of two layers of muscle in addition to a thin layer of cells, the peritonewm or calomic epitheliwm, liming the ccelome. The outer layer of muscle is a complete, continuous layer of muscular fibres which have a circular arrangement, we. are arranged in a ring-like manner around the long axis of the body ; while the inner layer is not continuous, consisting, in fact, merely of five flattened bands which run longitudinally from the oral to the anal extremities, each underlying one of the ambulacral areas. In close contact with each of these bands, on its inner surface, runs a radial ambulacral vessel (Fig. 329, rad. amb) together with a radial nerve. Ambulacral System.—Just behind the bases of the tentacles, and surrounding the beginning of the esophagus, is a cireular ambulacral vessel (ring. ves) which gives off the five radial vessels ; these first run forwards and give off branches to the tentacles, and then backwards, passing along the ambulacral areas and giving off branches to the tube-feet, each of which is provided with its ampulla. From the ring-vessel also arises a large pear- shaped Polian vesicle (pol. ves), and a short sinuons canal, the madreporie canal (mad. can), which ends in a perforated extremity— not situated, like the madreporite of the Starfish or Sea-urchin, on the outer surface of the body, but in the interior of the ccelome. A nerve-ring surrounds the mouth and gives off the five radial nerves. Both periphemal and hemal systems are well developed. The latter comprises a ring-like strand (7. 62. ves) situated close to the nerve-ring and sending off five radial strands, as well as dorsal and ventral strands (cnt. ves) accompanying the enteric canal, and a plexus surrounding the left respiratory tree (p. 404). IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 403 The ceelome contains a fluid in which float numerous amebo- cytes, similar to those of the Starfish, and also a number of radams UT a wea ; rad oss CGE, < eneer oss 7c. bl.ves Vie 2 gen. du ol Ue jn <= es Pol ves Lf 2 i 77Lad Can ; stom - a es tnt.ves ind ves , ; ee ! if j / : . We | 2 wrt aE aN pa j 3 a ee 1 Bld, be ; AS Z long mus 4 Ne r a Jer G long mus [ = ison y ent ves Y. ce . i ent Ves resp } el, = Long. mus =a tnu.ves ~ } od Auf, z ata teres CLre mua ANN’ Cf SHE CLC. 1s, C4Lu org } ’ UTE cong. ices ZF bw a long. mus ot cL.op Fic. 329,—Internal organs of a Holothurian as scen when the body-wall is divided along the middle of the dorsal surface. b. w. body-wall; circ. mus. circular layer of muscle; cl. cloaca; el. op. cloacal opening; Cuv. org. Cuvieran organs; gen, ap. genital aperture ; gen. du. genital duct; gen. gl. gonad; int, intestine; inter. oss. inter-ambulacral ossi- cles ; iat. ves. intestinal hemal strands; long. mus. longitudinal band of muscle; mad. can. madreporic canals; mes. mesentery ; pol. ves. Polian vesicles ; rad. amb. radial ambulacral vessel ; rad. oss. ambulacral ossicles ; 7%. b/. ves. ring strand of heemal system ; resp. respira- tory trees ; ring-ves. ring-vessel of the ambulacral system ; stom. stumach. (After Leuckart.) flattened nucleated corpuscles containing a red colouring matter —hzmoglobin—almost identical with that which gives the red colour to the blood of the higher animals. DD 2 404 ZOOLOGY SECT. The enteric canal is, as already mentioned, surrounded at its oral extremity by the circlet of tentacles, and within these, when they are fully exserted, is a narrow peristome with the mouth in the centre. When the tentacles are retracted the peristome be- comes inverted, so that peristome and tentacles are enclosed within a chamber, the buccal chamber, into which the mouth leads. Surrounding the esophagus, which lies immediately behind the buccal chamber, is a circlet of ten circwm-asophageal ossicles, five ambulacral (rad. oss) in position, and five inter-ambulacral (dnter. oss). Through each of the former pass the corresponding radial ambulacral vessel, heemal strand, and nerve. The alimentary canal itself is a simple cylindrical tube, only indistinctly marked out into cesophagus, stomach (stom), and intestine. It forms several coils within the coelome, to the wall of which it is attached by a thin membranous dorsal mesentery, and terminates behind in a comparatively wide chamber, the cloaca (cl). Opening into the cloaca is a pair of remarkable organs of doubtful function, the so-called respiratory trecs (resp). Hach of these, beginning behind in a single tubular stem, becomes elabo- rately branched in front, some of the branches reaching nearly to the anterior end of the body-cavity. Each of the terminal branches ends in a small enlargement or ampulla. Besides having to do, most probably, with the respiration of the ccelomic fluid and with the excretion of waste-matters, these organs have a hydrostatic func- tion; it is through them also that, when the tentacles are with- drawn, the overplus of fluid which would impede their retraction is got rid of, and by their means, in like manner, that the quantity is again increased when the tentacles are protruded again. In all probability it is through the permeable walls of these organs that additional supplies of sea-water are received into the ccelome, and thus reach the ambulacral system through the perforated end of the madreporic canal. Reproductive Organs.—The Sea-cucumber, like the Starfish and Sea-urchin, has the sexes separate. Ovaries and testes (gen. gl) are very like one another, and consist of bunches of tubular follicles, which communicate with the exterior by means of a duct opening on the dorsal surface some little distance behind the oral end (gen. ap.). The early stages of development are very similar to those of the Starfish (p. 388). The bilateral, however, assumes a shape somewhat different from that of the Asteroidea, and is termed the auricularia (Fig. 343): it has a number of short processes developed in the course of the ciliated bands. The larval mouth and ceesophagus, instead of being abolished as in the case of the Starfish, persist to the adult condition. -IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 405 4. THE CRINOIDEA. A Feather-Star—Antedon rosacea. General External Features.—In the Feather-Star (Fig. 330), as in the Starfish, there are to be recognised a central disc and a series of five radiating arms. In the natural position of the animal the side of the disc which corresponds to the oral or actinal surface of the Starfish is directed upwards, and the aboral or abactinal surface downwards, The five arms are bifurcated at their bases; they are feather-like and highly flexible, acting as the locomotive organs of the animal, their alternate flexions and extensions resulting in a slow movement through the water. On Fic. 330.-Antedon. Side view of entire animal. (From Leuckart and Nitsche’s Diagrams.) the aboral side of the disc are whorls of slender, curved, cylindrical appendages, the cirri (Fig. 3381), by means of which the Feather-star is enabled to anchor itself temporarily to a rock or a sea-weed. On the oral side of the disc the body-wall is soft and flexible, containing only scattered irregular spicules of calcareous matter ; and nearly, but not quite, in the centre of this surface is an opening, the mouth (Fig. 332, mo). From the mouth five very narrow grooves, the ambulacral grooves, radiate outwards towards the bases of the arms, near which they bifurcate, so that ten grooves are formed, one passing along the oral surface of cach of the ten arm-branches to its extremity. The anal opening (an) is likewise on the oral surface, being situated on a papilliform elevation in the interspace between two of the radiating-canals. 406 ZOOLOGY SECT. The aboral side of the dise is occupied by a large, flat, pentagonal ossicle, the centro-dorsal ossicle (Fig. 331, ¢; and Fig. 334, CD), oe je C2 Fic. 331.—Aboral view of Antedon. c. centro-doursa] ossicle ; ¢ir. cirrus; R,! #2 R,3 the three radial plates of one column ; syz. syzygy or articulation. (After MacBride.) bearing on its outer surface a number of little cup-like depressions, with which the bases of the cirri are connected. The cirri (cir) Fic, 332.—Antedon, oral (upper) surface of the central disc. an. anus ; mo. mouth. (From Vogt and Jung.) consist each of a row of slender ossicles, covered, like all the rest of the animal, with cpidermis, and connected together by means IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 407 of muscular fibres. Concealed from view by the centro-dorsal ossicle is a thin plate termed the “ rosette” (vos), formed by the coalescence of the basals of the larva. At the sides are five first radial ossicles (BR), also concealed by the centro-dorsal ossicle: with each of these articulates a second radial (R?), which is visible beyond the centro-dorsal. With each of the second radials articulate two third radials (R*), each forming the base of the corresponding arm-branch. The ossicles of the arms—brachials (Br.1, Br.2)—are arranged in a single row in each arm. They are somewhat elongated in the direction of the long axis of the arm, strongly con- vex on their aboral surfaces, longitudinally grooved on the oral surface, and connected to- gether by the investing epi- dermis and by bundles of muscular fibres, by the con- tractions of which the move- ments of the arms are brought about. Fringing the sides of each arm are two rows of side- branches, or pinnules, each sup- ported by its row of connected ossicles, and each grooved along its oral surface. The celome contains num- ; : Fic. 333.—Antedon, transverse section of a erous strands of connective- pinnule. amb. ne. radial nerve of the super- S 4 ficial (ambulacral) nervous system; az. ne. tissue which serve to suspend axial nerve; cel. can. sub-tentacular and the various organs. celiac canals ; mus, muscles ; neur. ves. radial a sinus of the perihzeemal system; rad. amb. Extending through the arms radial ambulacral vessel giving off branches ° to the tentacles. Between the paired sub- and pinnules between the sup- tentacular and eS ee ne i | : enital rachis. The small round bodies above porting ossicles and the eine the line from rad. amb. are the sacculi. (After bulacral grooves are three Teuscher.) canals which are prolongations of the celome (Fig. 333, cal. can). Two of these—the sub- tentacular canals—form a pair separated from one another by a median septum underlying the ambulacral groove. The other— the caliac canai—runs between these and the supporting ossicles (oss). The sub-tentacular canals and the coeliac canal communicate with one another at the extremity of each arm. The enteric canal begins with a wide, funnel-shaped e@so- phagus leading to a spacious stomach which gives off a number of short, blunt diverticula and a pair of longer, narrower, “hepatic ” ceca, which are slightly branched at the ends. Distally the stomach becomes contracted and opens into a wide intestine, which winds round the celome, becoming narrower where it passes upwards to 408 ZOOLOGY SECT. open on the exterior, the terminal part, or rectum, projecting as a tubular papilla on the surface. In the living animal the rectal tube is observed to undergo frequent movements of contraction and dilatation, by means of which water is drawn into and expelled from the intestine; so that here, as in the Sea-urchin, there would appear to be a process of intestinal respiration. The ambulacral system consists of a ring-vessel surrounding the mouth, and a series of radial vessels (Fig. 333, rad. amb.) which run in the ambulacral grooves, giving off branches to the pinnules. Connected with the radial vessels and their branches are a series of minute tubular appendages, the so-called tentacles (Fig. 334, tent.), which are homologous with the tube-feet of the Starfishes Lent A al cirr Fic. 334.—Antedon, Diagrammatic view of a median vertical section through the dise, passing through one radius and one inter-radius. amb. ambulacral vessels ; az. co. axial nerve-cord passing through the ossicles of the arm; Br.l Br.2 brachial ossicles; CD, centro-dorsal ossicle ; cent. eaps. central capsule; chamb. org. chambered organ; cirr. cirri; ect. ne. ambulacral (epidermal) nerve-ring and radial nerve ; gen. st. genital stolon ; iat. intestine ; mo. mouth ; Rl R.2 R.3 radials; ros. rosette; tent. tentacles; wat. p. water-pores. (Aftcr Milnes Marshall.) cent.caps and Sea-urchins, but are devoid of terminal suckers. These are not organs of locomotion : they bear numerous sensory papille, and are therefore to be looked upon as tactile organs, but they probably also have a respiratory function. Connected with the ring-vessel are a number of ciliated, branched, tubular diverticula, the water- tubes, which are suspended within the ccelome, and may open freely into it at their extremities. A large number of vessels with minute ciliated openings—the water-pores (wat. p)—lead through the actinal wall of the disc: these and the ciliated tubes are to be considered as together representing the madreporic canal and its openings in the Star-fish and Sea-urchin. The nervous system consists of three perfectly distinct parts— superficial, deep, and axial or aboral. A superficial radial nerve- 1X PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 409 ring (ect. ne) surrounds the mouth, and from it are given off a series of nerves—thickenings of the epidermis of the ambulacral grooves and their offsets—which extend throughout the length of the arms and pinnules. The deep nervous system follows the same general arrangement as the superficial. In the axis of the supporting ossicles of the arm is an aaial nerve (ax. co), which gives off branches (Fig. 333, av. ne) running through the axes of the ossicles of the pinnules. The axial nerves are connected internally, not with the circum-oral nerve-ring, but with a central body situated below the rosette, in the interior of the centro-dorsal ossicle. This, the central capsule (Fig. 334, cent. caps), forms the investment of a body termed the five-chambercd organ (chamb. org), divided into five parts by radial septa, and continuous with the aboral end of the genital stolon. Processes from the five angles of the central capsule combine to form a pentagonal ring from which pass out- wards the axial nerves of the arms. Aborally the central capsule gives off nerves to the cirri. A system corresponding to the perihemal system of the Starfish is present, though reduced, and there is a highly developed and complicated lacunar or hemal system. Numerous bodies termed the sacculi, the character of which has given rise to much discussion, occur regularly arranged along the ambulacral grooves and also in other parts. They are small, spherical bodies which become vividly coloured when treated with staining agents. They are sometimes supposed to be parasitic Alge; but the regularity of their arrangement is opposed to such a view. It has been suggested with more appearance of probability that they may be masses of reserve materials, stored up for the nutrition of the animal, or may consist of excretory matters. The reproductive organs—ovaries or testes, as the case may be—are lodged in the dilated bases of the pinnules, which become considerably enlarged as the ova or sperms mature, those next to the bases of the arms alone remaining sterile. When mature, the sexual elements escape by means of short ducts. Each gonad is one of the terminal parts of a system of tubes lined by an epithelium, and extending from a central part or genital stolon (gen. st)—lodged in the vascular plexus that surrounds the cesopha- gus and connected dorsally with the chambered organ—outwards through the arms; the terminal portions, lying in the pinnules, are dilated to form the reproductive organs, and the cells of their epithelium become developed into ova or sperms, while the rest constitute a non-fertile connecting rachis. This system is enclosed throughout by a plexus of hemal lacunee. Like the rest of the Echinoderms, the Feather-star undergoes a metamorphosis (Figs. 344 and 345). It passes through a frce- swimming ciliated larval stage, which is followed by a fixed 410 ZOOLOGY SECT. stalked stage known as the “ pentacrinoid” larva on account of the resemblance which it bears to the adult Pentacrinus, one of the permanently fixed members of the same class. This fixed pentacrinoid larva passes into the adult free-swimming Feather- star by the development of the dorsal cirri, the elongation of the arms, and the absorption of the stalk. 5. DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS AND CLASSIFICATION. The Echinodermata are radially symmetrical animals, the radial arrangement of whose parts imperfectly conceals a more obscure bilateral symmetry. The surface is covered with an exoskeleton of calcareous plates or ossicles, which usually support a system of movable or immovable calcareous spines. There is a large body- cavity or coelome, and well-developed alimentary, nervous, and vascular systems. A characteristic system of vessels, the ambu- lacral system, is connected with the locomotion of the animal, as well as with other functions: the organs of locomotion are in most cases elastic and contractile tubular bodies, the tube-feet, which are appendages of the ambulacral system. Nearly all the systems of organs of the animal partake to a greater or less extent of the general radial form of the body. Reproduction is entirely sexual. In the course of its development from the egg the Echinoderm passes through a peculiar larval stage, in which the symmetry of parts is bilateral, instead of radial as in the adult animal. All the Echinodermata are marine. The Echinodermata are classified as follows :— SUB-PHYLUM I.—_ELEUTHEROZOA. Echinodermata devoid of a stalk, and always freely locomotive in the adult condition: with a system of radial ambulacra in the form of grooves or areas radiating out from the mouth, and containing a double series of tubular appendages of the ambulacral system, the tube-feet, usually employed in locomotion, and in the majority of cases provided with terminal suckers: the anus usually aboral ; the mouth on the surface that is habitually directed downwards, or at the end habitually directed forwards in locomotion. CLASS I.—ASTEROIDEA. Free Echinoderms with star-shaped or pentagonal body, in which a central disc and usually five arms are more or less readily distinguishable, the arms being hollow, and each containing a prolongation of the coelome and of its contained organs. There are distinct oral and aboral surfaces, on the former of which the anus and the madreporite are situated. and on the latter the IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 411 mouth and five narrow ambulacral grooves lodging the tube-feet. The larva has the form either of a dipinnarta or of a brachiolaria. This class includes the Starfishes. ORDER 1.—PHANEROZONTA. Asteroidea with large marginal ossicles. The dermal branchiz are present only on the aboral surface. The ambulacral ossicles not closely crowded. Pedicellariz sessile. ORDER 2.—CRYPTOZONIA. Asteroidea with the marginal ossicles inconspicuous. Dermal branchiz not restricted to the aboral, but often present on the oral surface. Ambulacral ossicles crowded together. Pedicellari stalked or sessile. CLASS II.—OPHIUROIDEA. Star-shaped free Echinoderms, with a central disc and five arms, which are more sharply marked off from the disc than in the Asteroidea and which contain no spacious prolongations of the celome. There are distinct ora] and abora] surfaces. The anus is absent; the mouth, as well as the madreporite, on the oral surface. Except in one fossil order there are no ambulacral grooves. The larva is a pluteus. This class includes the Sand- stars and Brittle-stars (Figs. 336 and 337). ORDER 1.—LYSOPHIUR.. Extinct Ophiuroids with ambulacral grooves. Silurian and Devonian. ORDER 2.—STREPTOPHIURE. Ophiuroids in which the ambulacral ossicles articulate with one another by simple ball-and-socket joints. ORDER 3.—CLADOPHIUR. Ophiuroids in which the ambulacral ossicles articulate with one another by means of hour-glass-shaped surfaces. The arms may be branched. ORDER 4.—ZyYGOPHIUIE. Ophiuroids in which the movement of the ambulacral ossicles on one another is restricted by the presence of lateral processes and pits. 412 ZOOLOGY SECT. CLASS IIL—ECHINOIDEA. Free Echinoderms with globular, heart-shaped, or disc-shaped body enclosed in a shell or corona of close-fitting, firmly united calcareous plates. The mouth is nearly always polar; the anus usually at the opposite (aboral) pole; the madreporite is close to the latter. There are no ambulacral grooves; but the surface is divided into alternating ambulacral and inter-ambulacral zones or areas, which usually run from pole to pole. The larva is a pluteus. This class includes the Sea-urchins, with the Heart-urchins and Cake-urchins. ORDER 1.—REGULARIA. Echinoidea with globular corona containing, in most cases, twenty meridional rows of plates. Mouth and anus polar. A lantern of Aristotle is present. This order includes the Sea- urchins. ORDER 2.—CLYPEASTRIDEA. Echinoidea with more or less flattened corona, with the mouth central, the anus excentric. A lantern of Aristotle is present. This order includes the Cake-urchins (Fig. 341). ORDER 3.—SPATANGOIDEA. Heart-shaped Echinoidea with the mouth and anus excentric. No lantern of Aristotle. This order includes the Heart-urchins (Fig. 340). CLASS IV.—HOLOTHUROIDEA. Free Echinoderms with elongated, cylindrical or five-sided body, having the mouth and anus at opposite extremities. The body- wall is usually only supported by scattered ossicles or spicules. There is no external opening to the madreporic canal (except in some Llasipoda). The surface usually exhibits five ambulacral areas; but these may be absent. There isa circlet of large oral tentacles. The larva is an auricularia. This class includes the Sea-cucumbers and “ Béche-de-mer.” ORDER 1.—ELASIPODA. Holothureidea with well-marked bilateral symmetry, with tube- feet on the ventral surface (which is flattened) and papilla on the dorsal. Contined to the deep sea. IX PHYLUM ECHINODERMATA 413 ORDER 2.—PEDATA. Holothuroidea: with tube-feet either in longitudinal rows or scattered irregularly over the surface. ORDER 3.—APODA. Holothuroidea devoid of tube-feet and of radial ambulacral vessels. SUB-PHYLUM II.—PELMATOZOA. Echinodermata which are usually fixed at the base, and usually supported on a stalk composed of a row or rows of ossicles (Fig. 342): the mouth on the free surface, near or in the centre, and having extending out from it on the oral surface a radially arranged system of narrow, ciliated ambulacral grooves, having the function of food-grooves, which may run between the plates of the theca, on the surface of the theca, or along the oral surfaces of a system of radial processes or arms given off from it. The tube-feet of other Echinoderms, when represented, take the form of small, tubular, strongly ciliated appendages (tentacles) without suckers: the anus usually on the oral surface. CLASS I—CRINOIDEA. Mostly fixed, stalked Pelmatozoa in which there is a theca comprising five regularly arranged radial and five basal plates, giving off five, usually branched, jointed processes or arms; with food-grooves radiating out from ‘the mouth along the oral surfaces of the arms, and extending along their branches: the central parts of the ambulacral, nervous, and reproductive systems, and of the ceelome lodged in the theca, send extensions through the arms. This class comprises, together with many extinct forms, the only living Pelmatozoa, Sus-Criass J.—Monocyctica. Crinoidea in which the base of the theca comprises basals only. Sup-Cxiass II.—Dicycrica. Crinoidea in which the base comprises basals and infra-basals. CLASS II.—CYSTOIDEA. Fixed, stalked, or sessile Pelmatoza, with the plates of the theca sometimes irregular, sometimes arranged in a regular radial system, with food-grooves extending for a longer or shorter distance over the surface of the theca, some- times on special plates lying above those of the latter, their terminal parts 414 ZOOLOGY SECT. extending on to a varying number of unbranched arms or “ fingers”; the theca perforated completely or partially by numerous pores which are supposed to have lodged respiratory processes. Lower Silurian to Carboniferous. CLASS III.—BLASTOIDEA. Fixed Pelmatozoa with well-developed stalk, and theca with a regular system of plates; with five, rarely four, food-grooves radiating out from the central mouth, and each borne on a special ‘lancet plate,” the inter-radial intervals between which are occupied by a corresponding number of oral or “deltoid” plates. The grooves are bordered by a series of side plates bearing small branches or ‘ fingers” to which side branches of the grooves extend. In the intervals between the grooves on the aboral sides of the deltoids are a whorl of plates perforated by the apertures of groups of internally situated respiratory folds (hydroxpires). The anus is eccentrically situated on the oral surface. Upper Silurian to Carboniferous. CLASS IV.—EDRIASTEROIDEA. Fixed (or sometimes free ?) Pelmatozoa, usually sessile, rarely with a short stalk ; with saec-like, cushion-shaped or disc-shaped theca made up of numerous plates devoid of any regular arrangement and without any appendages ; with central mouth and five straight or curved radiating food-grooves bordered by covering plates : anus and madreporite on oral side. Cambrian to Carboniferous. CLASS V.—CARPOIDEA. Pelmatozoa with a well-developed stalk, with the body laterally compressed, with only two food-grooves running out from the mouth. Theca composed of numerous small irregular plates with larger lateral plates forming a framework along the margins. Cambrian and Silurian. Systematic Position of the Examples. Asterias rubens 1s a species of the genus Asterias, which, with several others, constitutes the family * 7 @ 2 3 yy past led ==> = ¥ Vey, aoa a0) ie le a VENE. VES S — TL, CO— Fic. 350.—Nereis dumerilii. Semi-diagrammatic view of the anterior portion of the body with the dorsal body-wall removed, su as to show the ali- mentary canal, the septa, the blood-vessels, and the nephridia ; a portion of the intestine removed so as to show the ventral blood-vessel and nerve-cord which lie below. dors. vess, dorsal vessel ; gl. ceso- phageal glands ; int. beginning of intestine ; ne. co. uerve-cord ; reph. nephridia ; a's, esophagus ; palp, palp ; para, parapodia ; perist, peristome ; perist. tent. peristomial tentacles ; ph. pharnyx with its jaws ; prest, prostomium ; tert, prostomial tentacles ; vent. vers, ventral vessel. ccelomic epithelium (par. pert. The cuticle (cut) is a thin chitinous layer which exhibits an im- descent lustre due to the presence of two intersect- ing systems of fine lines; it 1s perforated by numer- ous minute openings, the openings of the epidermal glands. The epidermis (ep) 1s very thin, except on the ventral surface, where it becomes consider- ably thickened. It consists of a layer of cells con- taining numerous twisted. unicellular glands, which are most abundant on the ventral surface, particu- larly near the bases of the parapodia; on the dorsal surface the epidermis contains plexuses of fine blood-vessels. The mus- cular layers are two in number—an external, in which the fibres run cir- cularly (etre. mus), and an internal, in which they run longitudinally. The latter is not a continuous layer, but consists of four bundles of fibres, two dorso-lateral (dors. long. mus) and two ventro- lateral (vent. long. mus). Nereis has a_ well-de- veloped system of vessels filled with blood of a bright red colour. A main dorsal vessel (Figs. 350 and 351, dors. vess) runs from one end of the body to the other above the alimentary canal, and is visible in places through the body-wall in the living animal. It, as well as ec x PHYLUM ANNULATA 445 the majority of the vessels, undergoes contractions which are of a peristaltic character—waves of contraction passing along the wall of the vessel so as to cause the movement of the contained blood. These peristaltic contractions are more powerful in the case of the dorsal vessel than in that of any of the others, and run with great regularity from behind forwards, so as to drive a current of blood m that direction. The contractions are brought about partly by a series of muscular fibres which are arranged in ders long mus cul § / dors.vess © ge FF dlors.long. mits eh =4 BAT WE Nia iiss 1 A nies Ke ie ra Sa aye) ibas ov i iA TA be\ 4, " briff v ip " 7] Tl WM SS TA ee Loss =Y LS itt BS vent. vess 70.CO CUC-TMUS 4 \, GB Fic. 351.—-Nereis dumerilii. Semi-diagrammatic transverse section of the middle region of the body. circ. mus. (external), circular layer of muscle of body-wall 3 ear. ius. (internal), circnlar layer of muscle of wall of enteric canal ; co’. cceelome ; ews, cuticle ; dors. long. mus. dorsal longitudinal muscles of body-wall ; dors. vess. dorsal vessel ; ent. ep. enteric epithelium ; ep. epidermis ; long. mus. longitudinal muscle of wall of enteric canul; ne. co. nerve-cord ; neph. nephridium ; neur. set. neuropodial setz and aciculum with their muscles ; not. set. notopodial setz and aciculum ; obl, aus. oblique muscle ; ov. ovary ; par. peri. parietal layer of ceelomic epithelium ; vent. long. mus. ventral longitudinal muscle ; vent. vess. ventral vessel ; vise. peri. visceral layer of coelomic epithelium. (The entire extent of the celomic epithelium is not represented.) rings round the wall of the vessel at short intervals ; but the wall of the vessel is itself contractile. Along the middle of the ventral surface below the alimentary canal runs another large longitudinal vessel, the ventral vessel (vent. vess), in which the current of blood takes a direction from before backwards. Connecting the dorsal and ventral vessels, there are in each segment two pairs of loop-like transverse vessels which give off branches to the parapodia, the alimentary canal, and neighbour- ing parts. Some of these branches communicate with plexuses of fine vessels in the interior of the lobes of the parapodia and in the integument of the dorsal surface, and with dilatations or sinuses 446 ZOOLOGY SECT. situated in the bases of the parapodia. A delicate longitudinal neural vessel accompanies the nerve-cord. Nereis 1s devoid of any branchie ; but there can be little doubt that the lobes of the parapods with their rich blood-supply, and the areas of integument occupied by plexuses of blood-vessels, subserve the function of respiration. There is a well-developed nervous system (lig. 352), which is bilateral and metameric in its arrangement, like the other systems , e\\, ¢ eC Fia, 352.—Nereis.—Anterior portion of nervous system, comprising the brain, the cesophageal connectives, and the anterior part of the ventral nerve-cord. (After Quatrefages.) ot organs. Situated in the prostomium is a large bilobed mass of nerve-matter containing numerous nerve-cells, the cerebral ganglion or brain (c). This gives off tentacular nerves to the tentacles and palpi, and two pairs of short thick optic nerves to the eyes. Behind, two thick nerve-strands, the esophageal connectives (d), curve round the mouth in the peristomium to meet on the ventral aspect behind the mouth and below the pharynx. The cesopha- geal connectives with the cerebral ganglion thus form a ring around the anterior part of the enteric canal. From them are x PHYLUM ANNULATA 447 given off nerves to the two anterior pairs of peristomial tentacles. Running backwards from the point of union of the cesophageal connectives along the entire length of the body of the worm, on the ventral aspect, is a thick cord of nerve-matter, the sieniea nerve-cord (kt). In each segment this cord presents a little dilata- tion from which nerves are given off to the various parts of the segment : and each of these enlargements is really double, consist- ing of a pair of closely-united ganglia. The intermediate parts of the cord, between successive pairs of ganglia, are also double, consisting of a pair of longitudinal connectives enclosed in a common sheath. Given off behind from the cerebral ganglion is a system of fine nerves with occasional small ganglia, the stometogastric or visceral system, distributed to the anterior part of the alimentary canal. Fira. 353.—Nereis.—Section through one of the eyes. co, cornea; cu. cuticle ; 1. lens; 7. layer of rods; +e. retina. (After Andrews.) The first ganglion of the ventral cord, which is situated in the third segment, represents at least two double ganglia which have coalesced, as is shown By the fact that it gives off nerves to the two posterior pairs of peristomial tentacles and to the first pair of parapodia. The tentacles and palpi, as well as the cirri, are probably organs of the sense of touch. The only other sense-organs are the four eyes and the two nuchal orguns, all situated on the prostomium. The eye (Fig. 353) consists of a darkly pigmented cup, the retina (re.), with a small rounded aperture, the pupil, and enclosing a mass of gelatinous matter, the dens (/.) The wall of the cup is composed of numerous long and narrow cells lying parallel with one another in a radial direction. The outer end of each cell narrows into a nerve-fibre forming part of the optic nerve; near this end is a nucleus; the main body of the cell is densely 7 448 ZOOLOGY SECT. pigmented; the inner part projects towards the lens as a clear hyaline rod (v). The cuticle of the general surface passes over the eye, and a continuation of the epidermis with its cells some- what flattened, constitutes the cornea (co): The nuchal organs consist of a pair of pits lined by a special ciliated epithelium with gland-cells, situated in close contact with the posterior part of the brain near the posterior part of the prostomium on the dorsal side, They are regarded as olfactory in ftnction. The organs which are supposed to perform the function of excretion are a series of metamerically arranged pairs of tubes, the segmental organs or nephridia (Figs. 350 and 351, neph, Fig. 354) occurring in all segments of the body with the exception of several at the anterior and posterior ends. The nephridium consists of two parts—a_ body and a narrow anterior prolonga- tion. The body is of an irregular oval shape directed nearly trans- versely, but slanting somewhat ; the outer end, situated in the base of the parapodium near its middle, is much the narrower ; the inner end is continuous with a narrow prolongation about equal in length to the body, which runs forwards and in- wards to become attached to the mesentery. The external open- ing or nephridiopore (eat. op) is a fine circular pore capable of being widened or contracted, situated on the ventral surface Fic. 354.—Wereis dumerilii. One of the not far from the b ase of the nephridia. ert. op. external opening or ventral cirrus. This leads into nophrostome opening inte the eaiome; & canal, ciliated except in its mes. transverse mesentery or septum. most external part, which runs through the anterior prolonga- tion to its extremity, where it bends sharply back again and runs to the body, through which it pursues an extremely tortuous course to the outer end, and then bends back again and runs in the anterior prolongation to the extremity of the latter, where it opens into the ccelome through a ciliated bell or funnel (fun), the nephrostome, projecting through the septum into the cavity of the segment next in front of that in which the body of the organ lies. The edge of the nephrostome is produced into a number x PHYLUM ANNULATA 449 of narrow ciliated processes not represented in the figure. Throughout its course the canal is excavated in a mass of nucleated material of a granular character not distinguishable into cells. On the dorsal side of each segment, in close relation to the longi- tudinal muscular bundle, is a specially developed ciliated tract of the ceelomic epithelium of the nature of a short funnel without external aperture, the dorsal ciliated organ. It is possible that at the time of sexual maturity an aperture is formed through the body-wall opposite this funnel, and that thus a genital duct of a temporary character becomes formed: but no such opening has ever been observed. Nereis is unisexual. The sexual elements, ova or sperms, are formed from temporary masses of cells, cvaries or testes, which are developed towards the breeding season by a proliferation of the cells of the membrane (coelomic epithelium) lining the ecelome ~ and the structures it contains. In Nereis dwmerilii there is in the ° male only a single pair of these proliferating masses of cells (testes), | situated in one of the segments between the nineteenth and the twenty-fifth. But in other species of Nereis they are much more numerous. These, during the season of their active development, give off groups of cells which become disseminated throughout the ccelomic fluid. The original cells (mother-cells) undergo division into smaller cells, each of which develops into a sperm with a minute rod-shaped head and a long vibratile flagellum or ¢az/. In the female the ovaries (Fig. 351, ov), formed by a similar process of proliferation, take the form of rounded masses of cells, meta- merically arranged, surrounding the principal vessels throughout the length of the body. The young ova become detached from the ovaries, and attain their full development while floating about in the cceelomic fluid. Both ovaries and testes dwindle after they have given off the sexual cells, and at the non-breeding season of the year are not to be detected. Ova and sperms, when fully ripe, are discharged, reaching the exterior probably through apertures temporarily formed by rupture of the body-wall (cf above), and impregnation takes place by contact between the two sets of elements while floating freely in the sea-water. Nereis dumerilii is an extremely variable species. If we compare a number of specimens, we find numerous individual differences between them. The most striking of these are differences of colour and of the number of segments in the body ; but a careful examination reveals many other points in which individuals differ. Thus the precise form of the lobes of the parapodia, together with the number of sete in the two bundles, vary; so also do the relative length of the tentacles, the number of teeth on the jaws, and the number and arrangement of the denticles in the buccal cavity. Not only are such individual VOL. I GG 450 ZOOLOGY SECT. differences common, but the species occurs in tivo distinct forms or phases, which differ from one another so widely that they have been referred to distinct genera. One of these is the Nerets phase, which is that described in the preceding paragraphs. A Nereis dumerilii may become sexually mature in this form, or may first undergo a serics of changes by which it becomes converted into the second or Heteronereis phase (Fig. 346, B). The principal changes which take place during this inetamorphosis are a great increase in the size of the eyes, and a marked modification of the parapodia in the posterior portion of the body, the lobes becoming larger and more leaf-like, and the sete of the Nereis being superseded by others which are considerably longer, more nume- rous, and somewhat oar-shaped. The Heteronereis, instead of creeping about on the bottom, swims about actively through the water by wriggling movements of the body combined with active paddling movements of the parapodia with their long sete. After a time the Heteronereis, like the Nereis, becomes sexually mature, developing ova and sperms, the latter of which differ remarkably in shape from those of the Nereis phase. Development.—The egg of Nereis when first discharged is enclosed in a transparent thick gelatinous envelope, within which are two membranes—an outer very thin and delicate, and an inner (zona radiata) thicker and very distinctly striated in a radial direction. The protoplasm of the ovum contains a number of oil-drops and yolk-spherules. When fertilisation takes place the yolk-spherules move away from what is destined to become the upper pole of the egg, leaving a polar area composed of granular protoplasm. The zona radiata disappears, and the contents of the ovum undergo for a time amceboid changes of form. Then the spherical form is reassumed, two small bodies— the polar bodies (p. 19)—are thrown off at the upper pole, and the process of segmentation begins (Fig. 355). Up toa fairly advanced stage this corresponds very closely with the segmentation of the Polyclad oosperm as described on page 273. The oosperm divides first into two parts, then into four. From these four cells—the megameres—there are separated off in succession three sets of micromeres, making twelve in all. One of these, belonging to the second set, somewhat larger than the others and differing from them in its subsequent history, is termed the first somatoblast (som. 1); a second somatoblast (som. 2) is soon given off from the same megamere that gave origin to the first. The germinal layers are now all established. The micromeres constitute the ectoderm, destined to give rise to the epidermis and all its derivatives, to the cerebral ganglion and nerve-cord, to the cesophagus and rectum. The megameres eventually give origin to the cells of the endoderm, forming the internal epithelium of the alimentary canal. The second somatoblast gives rise to Xx PHYLUM ANNULATA 451 the entire mesoderm of the Annelid. As the micromeres multiply by division, they form at first a cap of small cells over the upper pole of the embryo; eventually the cap extends so as completely to cover the four megameres and the descendants of the somato- blasts except at one point, the b/astopore, at the lower pole, where the investment remains for a time incomplete. When the blastopore closes, the process of epibolic gastrulation is completed. A thickening of the layer of ectoderm cells, the apical plate, in the middle of what is destined to form the head-end of the embryo, is the rudiment of the cerebral ganglion : in close relation to it are formed a pair of pigment-spots, the larval eyes. From Fia. 355.—Nereis. Early stages in the development. 4, lateral view of eight-celled stage ; B, the same from alove ; C, stage of the formation of the first somatoblast ; D, stage at which both somatoblasts are present; macro. megameres ; micro. micromeres; som. 1, som. 2. first and second somatoblasts. (After Westinghausen.) the middle of the head-end projects a tuft of cilia (Fig. 356, A, ap. cil.). Encireling the body of the larva behind this is a thick- ened ridge, the prototroch (prot), the cells of which develop strong cilia. Just behind the prototroch the cells of the ectoderm become pushed inwards in the middle of what will eventually become the ventral surface, so as to line a sort of depression or pouch; this is the stomodewm (st) or rudiment of the mouth and cesophagus. The anus (az) does not appear until later; the position which it will subsequently occupy is indicated at this stage by a pigmented area (pig. ur) marking the point at which the blasto- pore becomes closed. The first and second somatoblasts divide to form a mass of small cells which extend on the ventral surface Ga 2 452 ZOOLOGY SECT. X behind the prototroch and mouth, constituting what is termed the ventral plate; of this plate the more superficial cells are descendants of the first somatoblast—one of the twelve original micromeres ; and those situated more deeply are derived from the second somatoblast or mesomere. A superficial thickening of the ectoderm along the middle of the ventral plate is the rudiment of the ventral nerve-cord (xcwr. pl); the deeper cells divide and extend to forma pair of mesoderm bands or musele- plates, from which the muscles of the body-wall are developed ; the muscular layers of the wall of the alimentary canal are derived from certain of the same set of cells which migrate inwards from the lower end. A pair of micromeres separated from the rest at an early stage are destined to form the larval excretory organs, the head-kidneys or larval nephridia: at first situated at the upper end, they sink below the surface and migrate downwards till they come to lie below the prototroch ; each then elongates, and a number of vacuoles which have become formed in the interior coalesce in such a way as to form a long, narrow canal. The embryo has now reached the completed trochophore stage. The endoderm cells become arranged so as to bound a canal- like space, the beginning of the lumen of the middle part of the alimentary canal (cesophagus and intestine, aé.), the cells subse- quently giving rise to the enteric epithelium. This canal becomes continuous in front with the stomodseum, and behind with a second smaller ectodermal invagination, the proctodwum, which arises in the position of the former pigment-area. The part of the larva behind the prototroch now elongates, and two pairs of invaginations, the setigerous sacs (set. sacs), appear at its sides: in the interior of these, to which a third pair is soon added, are developed sete which grow out toa great relative length as the larval or provisional sete. Constrictions soon appear marking off the first three segments, and at the same time the mesoderm bands undergo a corresponding division into three pairs of mesoderm segments. The mesoderm segments of each pair grow inwards towards one another and surround the alimentary canal: in the interior of each appears a cavity which is the beginning of a segment or chamber of the celome. As the two mesoderm segments become closely applied to one another and unite around the alimentary canal, their two cavities also come into close relation, and eventually are separated from one another only by thin vertical septa, forming dorsal and ventral mesenteries which subsequently disappear. Successive mesoderm segments also come into close relationship with one another, their cavities eventually only remaining separated by thin transverse partitions, which form the intersegmental septa. The region in front of the prototroch becomes modified to form the Jebod sens. h Fic. 356.—Nereis. Later stagesin thedevelopment. A, stage at which the prototroch and the apical tuft of cilia first become distinct. B, somewhat later stage, in which the stomodzal invagination is being formed, and the rudiments of the mesoderm bands are distinct ; C, late trochophore stage in which there are rudiments of the setigerous sacs; D, somewhat later stage, in which the parapodia have begun to become prominent and the provisional sete project freely ; £, larva with three segments. an. anus; ap. cil. apical cilia; ap. pl. apical plate ; eve, eye; fr. bod. frontal bodies; ivt. intestine; /. mus. longitudinal muscle ; mes. mesoderm ; mo. mouth ; newr. pl. neural plate ; para. parapodia ; pig. ar. pigmented area ; prot. prototroch ; sens, i. sensory hairs ; set. sacs. setigerous sacs: som. second somatoblast and group of cells formed from it; s¢. stomodxum ; tent, peristomial tentacles. (After E. B. Wilson.) 453 454 ZOOLOGY i SECT. prostomium of the adult. The part immediately behind forms the peristomium, which bears setz, and is to be looked upon as the specially modified first segment. The body increases in length, and additional segments with their setigerous sacs become dis- tinguishable (#) until, on the development of the tentacles, the outgrowth of the parapodia (para) with their cirri and the permanent sete (which replace those first formed), the formation of the full number of segments, and the completion of the internal organs, the adult condition of the worm is attained. bd. THe Earraworm (Lumbricus). General External Features.—The Earthworm (Fig. 357) has a long narrow body, which may be described as approximately Fic, 357.-Lumbricus herculeus. A, entire specimen, latcral view; B, ventral view of anterior portion of the body, magnified. 1, 15, 33, first, fifteenth, and thirty-third segments. Each of the black dots represents u pair of sctw. (After Vogt and Jung.) cylindrical, but slightly depressed towards the posterior end. Dorsal and ventral surfaces are readily recognisable, the latter being much paler in colour than the former, and exhibiting a x PHYLUM ANNULATA 455 slight flattening ; the anterior end is distinguishable in the living anmnal as that which is directed forwards in the ordinary creeping movements of the worm. The surface, as in the case of Nereis, is very distinctly marked out into segments or metameres by a series of ring-like constrictions ; the segments, which are very numerous—amounting to about 150, are somewhat longer towards the anterior end than they are further back. At the extreme anterior end is a rounded lobe, the prostomium., immediately behind and below which is the opening of the mouth. Next to the prostomium is the most anterior segment, the pert- stomiwm, which bounds the mouth behind. The eyes and tentacles present in Nereis are not represented. On the most posterior segment, the anal segment, is a small median opening, the anal aperture. A limited region of the body in front of the middle, comprising segments from the thirty-second to the thirty-seventh, has a swollen appearance; this is termed the clitellum. There are no parapodia like those of Nereis, but running along the lower sur- face of the worm are to be recognised with the aid of a lens four double rows of short bristles or sete (Fig. 358), a pair of each row occur- ring in each segment, which thus possesses eight altogether. The extremities of all these sete are directed backwards, and they act as fulera for the forward movements of the worm on the surface of the ground or in the interior of its burrow. The sete in the clitellum, and those in the neighbourhood of the genital apertures, are much slenderer than the rest. |...” pumbricus Along the middle line of the dorsal surface, ‘Sob, bighly amenihed, from about the eleventh segment backwards, is a row of small apertures, one at the line of division between each contiguous pair of segments: these, which are termed the dorsal pores, perforate the body-wall and open internally into the coelome. Through these ccelomic fluid is capable of being discharged, covering the surface with a thin layer which may protect the worm from desiccation or from contact with irritating sub- stances. On the ventral surface are two rows of minute apertures—a pair on each segment—the excretory apertures or nephridiopores. On the ventral surface of the fifteenth segment (Fig. 357, 15), is a pair of slit-lke apertures with somewhat tumid lips, the male reproductive apertures ; and on the segment immediately in front—the fourteenth, are two smaller rounded apertures, the female reproductive apertures. In the intervals between the ninth and tenth, and tenth and eleventh segments are two pairs of small pores, the openings of the receplacula sements. 456 * ZOOLOGY SECT. The body-wall (Fig. 359) consists of a cuticle, an epidermis or deric epithelium, a dermis, muscular layers with associated con- nective-tissue, and, lining the inner surface, a thin cellular membrane, the peritoneum or eeloniic epithelium. The cuticle (cut.) is similar to that of Nereis, and has a similar iridescent lustre ; 16 is perforated by numerous minute apertures. The epidermis consists, except on the clitellum, of a single layer of cells elongated in the vertical direction: many of these cells have the character of unicellular glands: many others are sensory cells, dors.7 CAATTERA ALANS 4 eel f ie CA RACAAL bie SUBILVCES Fic. 359,—Lumbricus, transverse section of the middle region of the body. ere. mus. layer of circular muscular fibres ; cut. ewlome ; cut. cuticle; dors. v. dorsal vessel ; epid. epidermis ; ext. neph. nephridiopore ; hep. layer of chloragen cells; /ong. mus. longitudinal muscle ; neph. nephridium ; nephrost. nephrostome; 2. co. nerve-cord 3 svt. setw; sub. n. vess. sub- neural vessel ; typh. typhlosole ; vent. v. ventral vessel. (After Marshall and Hurst.) and are connected by fine nerve-fibres with the nerve-cord. On the clitellum the epidermis is thickened, and blood-vessels extend between the cells. Below the epidermis is a layer of connective- tissue, the dermis. The muscular fibres which make up the greater part of the thickness of the body-wall are arranged in two principal sets—a layer of circularly arranged fibres (cire. mus) situated externally, immediately below the dermis and a layer of longitudinally ~ arranged fibres (dony. mus) situated internally. The circular layer is interrupted at all the intervals between the segments; the longitudinal layer is interrupted along x PHYLUM ANNULATA 457 a series of longitudinal lines, so as to be divided into seven bundles. The sete (Fig. 358) are lodged in sacs, the setiyerous saes (sce Fig. 369), lined by a continuation of the epi- dermis. In the region of the body in which the reproductive organs are lodged some of these sacs are enlarged and glan- dular, and receive the special name of capsulo- genous glands, The enteric canal (Fig. 360) is, as in Nereis, a tube which runs through the entire length of the body from the mouth at the an- terior to the anus at the posterior end. As in the case of Nereis, it lies in a cavity, the cwlome, lined by a thin cellular mem- brane, the peritoneum or celomic epithelium, and filled with a fluid, the celomic fluid, contain- ing colourless corpuscles. The ccelome is divided into a series of chambers corresponding to the seg- ments by a series of delicate transverse parti- tions, the septa or mesen- teries, consisting of folds of the peritoneal mem- brane enclosing muscular fibres. The mouth leads into a small buccal cavity. This is followed by a much larger, thick- walled, rounded chamber, the pharynx (ph.). From the wall of the pharynx there run outwards to the body-wall a number of radially arranged bundles of muscular fibres which, when they contract, draw the pharynx backwards, and at the same, time 3 m.c. nerve-cord ; neph. neph: e anterior halfof the animal. br.brain ; cr. crop + (After Marshall and Hurst.) middle seminal vesicle pouch ; ov. ovary; pk. pharynx; 7.0. receptaculum ovorum ; n through th lateral vesiculz seminales, ‘ % 8 5 S Longitudinal vertical sectio es. gl. aperture of a d: deferens ; ves. sem. posterior . gizzar seminal funnel; gi od, oviduct ; &s. cesophagus ; te, anterior testis; 7. d. vas re Fic. 360.—Lumbricus hereuleus. 458 ZOOLOGY SECT. dilate it. Behind the pharynx follows a comparatively narrow tube, the esophagus (ws), which extends through about seven segments. At the sides of the wsophagus, in each of the segments ten, eleven, and twelve, is a pair of rounded projections. The first pair—the esophageal ponches—are hollow, and their cavities are in communication with the lumen of the cesophagus (ws. gl). The other two pairs—the caleiferows glands—are thickenings of the wall of the cesophagus, the fluid in the interior of which is milky, owing to its containing numerous particles of carbonate of lime ; the numerous small cavities which they contain are in communi- cation with the cesophageal pouches. Posteriorly the cesophagus is continuous with a rounded thin-walled chamber, the crop (cr) and this is followed by a very thick-walled chamber, also of rounded form, the g7zzard (giz). From this the intestine (int) extends throughout the rest of the length of the body to the anal aperture. It is wide, with thick but soft walls, constricted opposite the septa, ze. in the intervals between the segments. Running along the middle of its dorsal surface is a longitudinal fold, the typhlosole (Fig. 359, typh), projecting downwards into the lumen. On the wall of the intestine outside the muscular layers and surrounding the intestinal blood-vessels are a number of granular, yellow cells—the chloragen cells (hep): these are specially abundant in the typhlosole. The terminal part, situated in the last segment, is termed the rectum. The whole alimentary canal is lined internally by a cuticle—which is thicker in the gizzard than elsewhere, and by a single layer of ciliated columnar epithelial cells, the enteric epithelium. Some of these cells, more granular than the others, grouped in certain regions—more particularly along the typhlosole, are of the nature of unicellular digestive glands, secreting a digestive fluid. Others seem to be specially concerned in the absorption of the digested food. External to this is a layer of connective-tissue, between which and the external covering of yellow cells are muscular fibres, of which there are two layers, an external longitudinal and an internal circular. These layers are greatly thickened in the walls of the pharynx and of the gizzard. The Earthworm, like Nereis, has a well-developed vascular system, consisting of blood-vessels with well-defined walls. The blood is bright red, the colour being due to the same colouring matter, viz. haemoglobin, as in the case of the blood of the higher animals, occurring, however, not in corpuscles, but in the liquid part or plasma; corpuscles are present, but they are colourless. The main trunks are the dorscl, the ventral, the sub-neurel, the two lateral nenral, and a series of transverse branches. The dorsal vessrl (Fig. 359, dors. v) runs along the middle of the dorsal surface between the body-wall and the intestine ; it is readily visible shining through the former in the living worm. The ventral vessel (vent. v) x PHYLUM ANNULATA 459 hes below the alimentary canal, the swb-newral below this again under the nerve-cord; the lateral neural lie on cither side of the nerve-cord. The transverse brunches correspond in number to the segments ; they run round from the dorsal vessel to the ventral, giving off branches in their course. Five of them, viz. those in the seventh to the eleventh segments inclusively, are dilated and pulsate rhythmically; these have the function of driving the blood through the system of vessels, and are hence frequently termed the “hearts.” The walls of the principal vessels are contractile, and assist in bringing about the movement of the blood, which is propelled in such a way as to run forwards in the dorsal vessel and backwards in the ventral, its direction of move- ment being regulated by a number of valves in the “ hearts,” the dorsal vessel. and the chief vessels connected with it. The nervous system (Fig. 361) consists of a dorsal bilobed brain or cerebral ganglion and a double ventrul nerve-cord together with a pair of @so- phageal connectives, by which the former is connected with the anterior end of the latter. The brain, which is of small size, is situated in the third segment, above the beginning of the alimentary canal; it is divided by a median constric- tion into two lateral parts of pyriform shape with their broad ends in contact. The connectives pass from this round the sides of the ali- mentary canal to unite in the middle below with the anterior end of the ventral nerve-cord. ne co In this way a complete me7ve- Fic. 361.—Lumbricus. Anterior portion of ring or nerve-collar surrounds nervous system. cer. gung. cerebral ganglion é ‘ or brain ; com. cesophageal connectives ; ne. co. the anterior part of the enteric ventral nerve-cord ; prost. prostomium. (After canal in the third segment. Beat) From this the ventral nerve- cord extends backwards to the posterior end of the body, and in each segment it presents a slight enlargement or ganglion, as it is usually termed, most conspicuous in the more posterior segments. The whole cord is double, consisting of two intimately united right and left parts. From the brain, nerves are given off to the prostomium; and from the ventral cord three pairs of nerves arise in each segment. From the cesophageal connectives a series of stomatogastric nerves pass to the pharynx and neighbouring parts of the alimentary canal. 460 ZOOLOGY SECT. The Earthworm is devoid of organs of sight or hearing. It exhibits sensitiveness to bright light, the sensitive elements being large cells of the epidermis devoid of pigment. The sense of coe ext erro ee eget ede CNbaE payee aed eee sarc h cut WES Fic. 362.—Nephridium of Kumbricus (diagrammatic).—¢. ampulla between ciliated and non- ciliated parts of the intracellular canal; c:/. ciliated part of the intracellular canal; coe. investnient derived from the ceelomic epithelium ; es. nephridiopore ; /.c. non-ciliated part of the intracellular canal ; mes. septum; vst. nephrostome ; t.v. intercellular canal of the terminal vesicle. /.—W//. the three principal loops. (From Meisenheimer, after Maziarski.) hearing appears to be absent; but a faculty analogous to taste or smell, enabling the animal to distinguish between different kinds of food, is well developed. The goblet-shaped bodies, groups of N PHYLUM ANNULATA 461 narrow epidermal cells, most abundant on the prostomium and peristomium, have probably to do with this faculty. Tho organs of excretion—the segmental organs or nephridia —(Fig. 362) are similar to those of Nereis, but somewhat more complicated. They are slender tubes which occur in pairs in all the segments of the body except the first three and the last. Externally each nephridium opens by one of the small nephridio- pores which have already been mentioned as occurring on the ventral surface ; internally it ends in a funnel-shaped ciliated extremity with a crescentic slit-like aperture, the nephrostome (nst), opening into the cavity of the segment in front of that in which the external aperture occurs. The tube is thrown into three loops attached to the posterior surface of the corresponding septum by a fold of membrane. Two parts are clearly recognis- able—an inner narrow and an outer wide part: in the former the narrow central lumen is a perforation through the axis of a string of cells, and is thus intracellular: it is lied in parts with cilia arranged in two rows; in the latter (the terminal vesicle) the passage is lined by cells, and is thus intercellular, and there is a thick muscular investment. The nephridia are abundantly supplied with blood by means of nephridial branches of the ventral vessel. Reproductive Organs.—The Earthworm is hermaphrodite. There are two pairs of very small flattened testes (Figs. 360, 363, fe, te’), partly divided into a number of digitate lobes, situated in the tenth and eleventh segments. A pair of comparatively large sacs, the anterior vesiculee seminales (ant. ves. sem) lie partly in the cavity of the ninth segment, but extend into the tenth, where they coalesce in the middle to form a large median sac of some- what irregular form, the anterior sperm-reservoir (ant. sp. res). The anterior pair of testes project into this, and the cells destined to form the sperms, developed in the former, pass by dehiscence into the large median cavity. On either side is a large ciliated funnel, or rosette (fun), leading outwards from the interior of the reservoir. A second pair of vesicule seminales (mid. ves. sem), situated in the eleventh segment, also open into the anterior sperm-reservoir. A third pair (post. ves, senv), situated in the twelfth segment, unite in front to form the posterior sperm-reservoir (post. sp. ves), which lies in the middle of the cavity of the eleventh segment. The posterior pairs of testes have the same relation to this as the anterior pair have to the anterior reservoir ; and a posterior pair of ciliated funnels (/wn) lead outwards from its cavity. Each ciliated funnel passes into a narrow, somewhat convoluted duct, the vas efferens, and the two vasa efferentia of each side unite to form a vas deferens or spermiduct (v. def), right or left as the case may be, which passes almost straight backwards to open by the corresponding male aperture on the fifteenth segment. 462 ZOOLOGY SECT. The female reproductive organs consist of a pair of ovaries, a pair of oviducts with a pair of reeeptacule ovorum, and two pairs of receptacula seminis, The ovaries (ov) are minute pear-shaped bodies, which are situated in the thirteenth segment, attached to the septum between the twelfth and thirteenth. The oviducts (ov. ¢) are a pair of short tubes, each with a comparatively wide funnel- shaped opening into the cavity of the thirteenth segment, and extending backwards and outwards in the fourteenth segment to open at the female aperture on the ventral surface of the latter. The receptacle ovorum are a pair of reniform sacs which open into Ail ves. SET ane. Le ri taut na mn al | TA if th il i i i ' ut i (i ul TEC iit mT i dit z lini A i MEAT ae mud. ves ser} Hh WAY post.sp.res| a ni Ly Post ves Sem Fic, 363.—Lumbricus herculeus. Reproductive organs. ane. sp. res. anterior sperm reser- voir ; ant. ves. sem. anterior left vesicula seminalis ; fun. funnel-like openings of vasa efferentia; dat. intermuscular partitions ; mid. ves. sem. middle vesicula seininalis ; 2. co. nerve-cord ; 0 ovaries; ov. d. oviducts; post. sp. res. posterior sperm-reservoir ; post. ves. sem. posterior vesicula seminalis ; rec. receptacula seminis; f, anterior, and te’, posterior testes; v. eff. anterior, and 7. ef’. posterior vas efferens ; v. vef. vasa deferentia. (After Vogt aud Jung.) the funnel-shaped ends of the oviducts. The reecptacula seminis (ver) are two pairs of rounded sacs which open on the exterior in the intervals between the ninth and tenth, and tenth and eleventh segments. Though hermaphrodite, the Earthworm is not self-impregnating, but two individuals provide for mutual fertilisation by an act of copulation. The copulating individuals apply themselves together by their ventral surfaces, the heads pointing in opposite directions, and become attached in this position by the sete of the genital region and by a viscid secretion from the clitellum and _ of x PHYLUM ANNULATA 463 the eapsulogenous glands (p. 457), situated in the neighbourhood of the reproductive organs. The sperms from the male apertures of each pass along temporarily formed grooves to the receptaeula seminis of the other. When the ova are mature they are discharged from the ovary into the cavity of the thirteenth segment, whence they pass out to the exterior through the oviducts, to be enclosed in the cocoon EX OMS LG} So. 4 o) Tteé7r° Tic. 364.—Early stages in the development of Lumbricus. 4, lateral view of flattened blastula ; B. ventral view of gastrula with slit-like blastopore ; C, lateral view of latcr stage. blastoc. blastoceele ; blastop. blastopore ; ert. ectoderm ; end. endoderm ; m. primary mesoderm cell ; mes. mesoderm bands ; ner. cell from which the primitive nerve-cord (ne. co.) takes origin ; nph. cells taking part in the forination of the nephridia ; st. stomodeeum. (After Wilson.) (vide infra), after having being detained for a time in the receptaculum ovorum. Development.—The oosperms or fertilised ova of the Earth- worm are enclosed, together with a quantity of an albuminous fluid derived from the capsulogenous glands, in a cocoon, the wall of which is formed of a viscid secretion from the glands of the clitellum, hardened and toughened by exposure to the air. The 464 ZOOLOGY SHOT, eocoon is deposited in the earth and the embryos develop into complete, though minute, worms before they make their escape. The segmentation is somewhat unequal. A flattened blastula (Fig. 364, A) is formed, with a large but flattened scgmentation- cavity. This becomes invaginated to form a cylindrical gastrula (B); the blastopore narrows and subsequently gives rise to the mouth of the adult. A pair of large mesoderm cells (m) are early marked off from the other cells of the gastrula; these undergo division to form a pair of mrsoderm bands composed of several rows of small cells which grow forwards towards the mouth. By swallowing movements the embryo at this stage, having burst through the enclosing vitelle membrane, takes in the albuminous fluid in the interior of the cocoon, and increases rapidly in size. As the embryo elongates, the mesoderm bands become divided into segments, and the subsequent history of these is essentially similar to what has been already described in the case of Nereis. The ectoderm is thickened on each side along the line of the mesoderm bands, and the mass of ectoderm cells so formed becomes arranged in anumber of rows each originating be- hind in a larger rounded cell or ¢eloblast. The innermost of these rows (Fig. 364, C, ner, ne. co) give rise to the ventral nerve-cord. The next two rows (ph) are said by some observers to give rise to the nephridia all but the funnels: but according to others the nephridia, or at least all their inner glandular portions, are of mesodermal derivation. The brain and cesophageal connectives are formed in continuity with the rudiments of the ventral nerve-cord. On the whole the development resembles that of Nereis, the chief differences being such as may be traced to the non-occurrence in the Earthworm of any free-swimming trochophore stage, and the absence of such larval structures as the large pre-oral lobe, the apical plate, the prototroch, and the larval nephridia or head- kidneys. 2. DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS AND CLASSIFICATION. The Cheetopoda are Annulata with the body made up of distinct metameres, which are usually numerous and similar throughout. The metameres are provided with chitinous setae developed in sacs (setigerous sacs) of the epidermis, and usually elevated on muscular appendages, the parapodia. There is a large ccelome divided internally into chambers by transverse septa, and not in com- munication with the blood-vascular system, which is nearly always highly developed. The ventral nerve-cord consists of a chain of ganglia. The reproductive cells are formed by a proliferation of certain parts of the peritoneum or membrane lining the ccelome, and usually reach the exterior through ecelomoducts or through modified or unmodified nephridia. x PHYLUM ANNULATA 465 Sub-Class I.—POLYCH ATA. Chetopoda with the sexes distinct, and the ovaries and testes of simple character and metamerically repeated. Highly developed parapodia are present, in most instances, bearing numerous long sete. There is usually a definite head with eyes and tentacles, and often cirri and branchize on the segments of the body. A clitellum is never developed. A metamorphosis takes place: the larva is a trochophore. Nearly all the Polycheta are marine. ORDER 1—ARCHI-CHEHTOPODA. Aberrant or primitive Polychzeta! in which the nervous system is not separated from the epidermis, and the ventral cord is not segmented into ganglia. Only one genus (Succocirrus). ORDER 2.—PHANEROCEPHALA. Polycheta with protrusible pharynx usually armed with chitinous Jaws. There is a well-developed head. The segments are completeiy or nearly similar throughout the length of the body, and the parapodia are usually equally devcloped throughout and provided with cir. The branchiz, when present, are not confined to the anterior end. ORDER 3.—CRYPTOCEPHALA. Polycheta devoid of protrusible pharynx and of jaws or teeth. The head is frequently very small, and sometimes is devoid of eyes or of tentacles, the prostomium sometimes much reduced and covered over by the peristomium. The body is distinguishable, by differences in the form of the segments, parapodia, and sete, into two or even three regions. The parapodia are liftle prominent in the posterior parts, and usually without cirri. The branchiz, when present, are usually confined to the anterior end, and are sometimes represented by modified cephalic palpi. Sub-Class II.—_ OLIGOCH ATA. Cheetopoda with the sexes united, the reproductive system com- plicated, the ovaries and testes compact and never more than two pairs of each. No definite paropodia are developed and no cirri, and only a small number of simple setze on cach segment The head is not distinct. A clitellum is usually present. ‘here is no metamorphosis. Mostly terrestrial or fresh-water forms. I The Arehi-Chietopoda ave usually classed with the Polychreta, but their alliances are perhaps quite as close with the Oligocheta. In some respects Naccocirrus resembles Polygordius and Protodrilus (4rhei-Annelidu gv.) but is distinguished from them by the possession of setiw. VOL, [ HEL 466 ZOOLOGY SECT. OrpdeER 1.-—MICRODRILI. Small Oligocheta with relatively few segments, often multiply- ing asexually. The male genital pores are on, or in front of, the seventh segment. The vasa deferentia are short, opening on the segment immediately behind that in which the internal apertures are situated. The anterior part of the body is often distinguished from the rest by a difference in the form and arrangement of the sete. The clitellum, which is composed of only one layer of cells is situated comparatively far forward. Eye-spots are frequently present. ORDER 2—MEGADRILI. Mostly large Oligocheta with many segments, never multiply- ing asexually. The male genital pores are behind the seventh segment. The vasa deferentia are elongated, passing through two or more segments. The anterior part of the body is never special- ised as regards its setw. The clitellum, which consists of two layers of cells, never begins in front of the twelfth segment. Eye-spots are not developed. Systematic Position of the Hxamples. Nereis dumerilit is one of many species of Nereis differing from one another in certain minor details of their structure—such as the relative length of the palpi and tentacles, the size and form of the eyes, the shape of the parapodia, the form of the sete, and the like. The genus Nereis differs from the other genera of the family Nereidew, to which it belongs, in having the parapodia biramous and the cirri simple, and in the presence of a series of denticles in the buccal cavity in addition to the pair of jaws. The family Nereide differs from all the other families of the sub-order Nereidiformia of the Phanerocephala in the union of the following characters :—The body is always elongated and made up of a con- siderable number of segments. The prostomium is well developed, and bears a pair of tentacles, a pair of palpi, and four eyes. The peristomium is devoid of parapodia, and has four pairs of tentacles. The parapodia are either uniramous or biramous; both dorsal and ventral cirri are present; the sete are compound (articulated). There is a pair of anal cirri. In the pharynx there is always a pair of horny jaws, and usually a number of denticles in the buccal cavity. The members of the sub-order Nereidiformia are all character- ised by the possession of well-developed tentacles and palpi, and usually peristomial cirri. There are highly developed parapodia with acicula, jointed sete, and dorsal and ventral cirri. The buccal x PHYLUM ANNULATA 467 region of the enteric canal is eversible as a proboscis, and there are usually horny jaws. There are several species of the genus Lumbricus, differing from one another in the general form of the body, the number of the segments, the shape of the prostomial lobe, and other minor points. All of them agree in the presence of the following features, which characterise the genus and distinguish it from the many other genera of the family Lwmbricide :— The prostomium is dovetailed completely into the peristomium. The seta are always in couples. There are longer and straighter sete on the clitellum. The male apertures are always on the fifteenth segment. There are three pairs of vesicule seminales, in the ninth, eleventh, and twelfth segments, connected across the middle line in the tenth and eleventh by sacs enclosing the ciliated funnels. There are two pairs of receptacula seminis al- ways situated in the ninth and tenth segments. The family Lumbricid is distinguished from the other families of the sub-order Megadrilt, which comprises all the Earthworms. by the combination of the following features :— The clitellum usually begins behind the twentieth segment and occupies from six to nine segments; it 1s incomplete ventrally. Dorsal pores are present. ‘The sete on the clitellum differ from the others. The male apertures are not situated further back than the fifteenth segment. There are three or four pairs of vesicule seminales, in the ninth to the twelfth seg- ments. The testes and ciliated funnels are usually in the tenth and eleventh segments : the female apertures on the fourteenth. 3. GENERAL ORGANISATION, The general form of the body in the Cheetopoda is cylindrical, but in many, e7., some members of the families Polynoide (Fig. 365) and Amphinomida, there is a very considerable degree of dorso-ventral compression. In most the body is very long in comparison with its breadth; but this is not a universal rule, the length being in some cases not more than five or six times the breadth. The surface is marked out Fic. 365.—Polynde seto- sissima. Dorsal vicw by a number of more or less distinct of entire animal, -with is tot] : 7 j the pharynx protruded. annular constrictions or impressed lines (ith Ouetnoees) into a corresponding series of segments or metameres, which are usually very numerous, often some hundreds in number, though in some cases there are not more than from twenty to thirty. These segments are HH 2 468 ZOOLOGY SECT. usually very similar throughout the length of the body ; but in the Cryptocephala (Figs. 366, 367, 3873) there may be two or even more regions distinguishable from one another by the form of the segments and of their appendages. In the Oligochieta there is a thickened zone, the elctel/um, comprising sometimes only one segment, sometimes a number. Each segment, with certain exceptions to be noted presently, bears either a pair of parapodia vr merely a greater or smaller number of seta. Parapodia are lateral hollow processes of the body-wall bearing a number of Fic, 366.--A Serpulid (Vermilia coespitosi. Lateral view of animal removed from its tube. ubd. abdomen ; by, branchie ; op. operculum ; th. thorax. bristles or set. Frequently the parapodium is divided horizon- tally into two distinct lobes or branches—a dorsal which is termed the notopodium, and a ventral which is termed the newropodium. Even when this is not the case there may be two bundles of sete representing the the two parts. The seta: are nearly always chitinous; in Buphrosyne they are calcified. They are always solid, except in Huphrosyn, entire, or divided into a number of joints. In shape (Fig. 368) they vary greatly in different groups ; often several very distinct forms uf setw are present in different x PHYLUM ANNULATA 469 parts of each parapodium of a single worm, or in parapodia of different regions of the body. Some are exceedingly delicate and hair-like, others needle-shaped, others compressed and sabre-like, others bayonet-like. Very often there is a long, straight, narrow part or handle with which is articulated a terminal blade, or bayonet, or hook. Sometimes the set are quite short, projecting little beyond the parapodia, and are hook-like or comb-like. Usually each bundle contains, in addition to the ordinary set, a stouter, straight, simple seta, which scarcely projects on the sur- face ; this is termed the aciewlwm. Each seta, or each bundle of setae, is lodged in a sac, the setigerous sae (Fig. 369), formed by an invagina- tion of the integument, and lined by cells continuous with the epidermis. Each seta is derived from one of these cells, and is to be looked upon as a specially developed part of the cuticle of the general outer suface. The setigcrous sacs are usually provided with protractor and retractor muscles, by the action of which the sete may be thrust out or retracted. In addition to the sete the para- podium bears very commonly certain soft appendages of a sensory character, the cirri (Fig. 347, dors. cirr., vent. eirv.). There are usually both dorsal and ventral cirri, the latter nearly always much smaller than the former. The cirri are usually filamentous, sometimes jointed; sometimes they Fic. 367.-Chetopterus. Natural size of a young specimen. A, an- are laterally compressed and leaf-like. In Polynée (Figs. 365 and 870) and its allies certain of the parapodia bear, instead of dorsal cirri, flattened terior region of the body ; B, middle region; C, hinder region. c, peri- stomial cirri; d, “sucker” ; e, the great ‘‘ wings”; f, the first of the three ‘‘fans” ; m,- mouth, (From Benham, after Pancevi.) scales, the elytra (el.), richly supplied with nerves: these are sometimes looked upon as modified dorsal cirri, but in some members of the group cirri and elytra occur together on the same segment. In Sternaspis a ventral shield formed by a thickening of the cuticle in the posterior region of the body bears a number of setze round its edge. In the Oligocheta (Fig. 372) the parapodia are absent as pro- cesses of the body-wall, and are merely represented by a small number of short sete each lodged in its sac; cirrl are not developed. In certain Oligocheta set are absent. The first segment or prostomiwm, together with the second or 470 ZOOLOGY SECT. peristomium, forms in many Polycheta a very distinct head; the prostomitwn in such a case bears eyes and tentacles and contains Fic. 308.—Setve of various Polycheeta. (From Claparéde.) the cerebral ganglion ; on the peristomium is the opening of the mouth, and from it also arise the peristomial tentacles. A Fic 369.—Section of the setigerous sac of an Oligochwete. 6), setigerous sac ; bo, supplementary follicle with seta; e, deric epithelium (epidermis); 7m, longitudinal muscles of body-wall ; m, m, muscles of the setigerous sac; 7.m, circular muscular layer of body-wall. (From Hatschek, after Vejdovsky.) ventral pair of prostomial tentacles, somewhat thicker than the rest, are sometimes to be distinguished, and are termed the palpi. x PHYLUM ANNULATA 471 Neither prostomium nor peristomium bears parapodia, though an aciculum is sometimes developed in the latter; the prostomium in fact, is not quite correctly termed a segment, being different from the true segments both in structure and in mode of develop- ment. In the Oligocheta there is no definite head, tentacles are entirely absent, and in the terrestrial forms the prostomium does not lodge the cerebral ganglion. In Sternaspis spinosa the pro- stomium is elongated and bifurcated like the proboscis of the Gephyrea armata (vide infra). Fic. 370.—Polynoe extenuata. Dorsal view of anterior extremity. dors, cirr, dorsal cirri ; el. elytra; perist. tent, peristomial tentacles ; prest, prostomium. (After Claparéde.) The last segment is termed the anal segment, owing to its bearing the anal opening ; it usually also differs from the preceding segments in wanting the parapodia and in having a pair of special cirri, the anal cirri. Branchiz are borne on the dorsal surfaces of more or fewer of the segments in many of the Polycheta. Sometimes they occur on all, or nearly all, the segments; sometimes they are confined to the middle region of the body; sometimes they are present only at the anterior end, as in the majority of the Poly- cheeta living habitually in tubes (Figs. 366 and 373). In the 472 ZOOLOGY SECT. Terebellidw (Fig. 873) the branchix are situated on the dorsal sur- faces of some of the anterior segments. In the Serpulida (Fig. 366) they form two incomplete lateral circlets of elongated appendages situated at the anterior end of the body, apparently representing modified palpi, and sometimes supported by a carti- laginous skeleton ; one of them is enlarged to form a stopper or operculum (op.), often armed with calcareous plates and spines, for the closure of the mouth of the tube in which the annelid lives. In Fic. 371.—Heads of various Polycheta (diagrammatic). A, Polynoid ; B, Syllid; C, Nephthys : D, Eunice; BE, Phyllodoce; F, Trophonia, a, prostomium ; c, cirri of body segments; c!, peristomial cirri (tentacles) ; ¢?, cirrus of first body-segment ; ¢?, cirrus of sccond body-seg- ment; ¢’, point of attachment of elytron; p, palp; s, nuchal organ; t, tentacle; /, peri- stomium : //, //, JV, segments. (From the Cambridge Natural History.) shape the branchiz are sometimes filiform, sometimes compressed and leaf-like, sometimes branched in a tree-like manner, some- times pinnate. In Serpula (Figs. 366 and 383) and its allies each branchia consists of an elongated stem on which are borne two rows of short filaments. The surface of the branchie is usually ciliated. They are richly supplied with blood-vessels when a blood-vascular system is developed; in Glycera, in which there are no blood-vessels, each branchia contains a diverticulum of the ceelome. x PHYLUM ANNULATA In the Oligochzta branchia are rarely present ; but in certain of the Naudomorpha there are metamerically arranged simple or branched branchiz, sometimes retractile, on the segments of the posterior region. The body-wall consists of a cuticle, an epidermis, muscular layers, and a layer of peri- toneum. The cuticle, composed of a chitinoid material, usually presents two systems of fine lines intersecting one another at right angles: it is perforated in many places by the ducts of the unicellular glands of the epidermis. The epidermis con- sists of a single row of cells, in some cases, with smaller cells of replacement intercalated be- tween their inner ends. In shape the cells vary greatly in different families and often in different parts of the body of the same worm, being some- times flattened, sometimes cubi- cal or polyhedral, but more usually more or less vertically elongated. Cilia occur on the surface in certain parts in many Chetopoda. Among the ordin- ary cells of the epidermis there are usually numerous unicellu- lar glands often containing rod- like bodies. In the tubicolous forms these unicellular glands are active in secreting the ma- terial for the construction of the tube. In addition, the epi- dermis frequently contains sen- sory cells, which are in many cases contained in certain special elevations or sensory papille. The muscular part of the body-wall consists of two layers, in the outer of which the fibres are disposed circularly, while in a», antenua ;¢, head ; bry. thoracic fect; d, intestine; 2. heart; Aim, gizzard; mel. mandible; m/, mandibular palp; mnt. exo- podite of second maxilla; pj—p4, pleopods ; vy. rostrum 3 8, carapace ; sm, adductor muscle ; t. testis; /—VI//, thoracic segments. (From Lang's Comparative Anatouy, after Claus.) are small, transparent, shrimp-like forms, mostly from 2—6 mm. in length. They agree with the Crayfish in the general form of the body, in the union of the head and thorax, in the VoL. 1 PP ds8v ZOOLOGY SECT. presence of a carapace—which leaves some of the posterior thoracic segments free—and in the number both of segments and appendages, but present several interesting characters Fic. 458.—Paranaspides lacustris, x4. al, antennules; a2, antenne; Ab.1, first abdominal segment: ep, epipodites or gills on the thoracic legs; md, mandible; Pl.1, first abdominal appendage ; 7’, telson; 7h.8, eighth free thoracic segment; UY, uropud. (After Geoffrey Smith.) indicating a lower grade of organisation. One of the most notable of these is the absence of differentiation in the thoracic appendages, which, though they have a leg-like and not a leaf-like form, are all alike, none of them being modified into maxillipedes, Fic, 459.—IMysis oculata. cad. endopodite; er. exopodite ; of, otocyst. (After Gerstaccker.) except to a very slight degree in some forms. Moreover, the legs all possess exopodites (e7), thus retaining the primitive biramous or “ split-footed”” form which is lost in the Decapoda. ‘The first five pleopods are large in the male, small in the female: the sixth xI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 583 is a uropod, z¢, assists the telson in the formation of the characteristic malacostracan — tail- fin: there is no tiace of the entomostracan caudal styles The Cumacea are also a very small group: Diastylis (Fig. 460) is a good cxample. They are little shrimp-like animals, differ- ing from all the Malacostraca pre- viously considered in having poorly developed sessile cyes, sometimes fused together, and in some genera altogether absent. The carapace (cth) is so small as to leave the five posterior segments (¢hJV— VITI) uncovered. The first two pairs of thoracic limbs are maxilli- pedes, the last six, legs: of these two or three pairs have cxopo- dites (ex). The Tunarducea, the Lsopoda and the Lmphipod« are often grouped together under the heading of Arthrostracu. These orders, par- ticularly the two last, comprise a great number of genera and species, many of them strangely modified in correspondence with special habits of life. The best known examples of the Amphipoda are the little Fresh-water Shrimp (Gammarus, Fig. 461) and the Sandhoppers (Zalitrus, Orchestia) so common on the sea-shore. Of the Jsopoda very convenient ex- amples are Asellus (Fig. 462), common in fresh-water, and the well-known Wood-lice or Slaters (Oniscus, Fig. 464, 7), found under almost any picce of wood, stone, &e¢., which has lain undis- turbed on the ground for a few weeks. The body is usually compressed or flattened from side to side in Amphipods (Fig. 461), depressed or flattened from above down- ay ES \ x lic. 460.—Diastylis stygia. «1, an- tennule; a?, antenna; ub.1—ab.7, ab- dominal segments ; cth. cephalothorax ; en, endopodite; er, exopodite; p.1,p.6, pleopods ; IV-VIJ, th VIII, free thoracic segments. (From Lang’s Comparative Anatomy, after Sars.) PP2 ast ZOOLOGY SECT. wards in Isopods (Fig. 462). The normal malacostracan number of segments is present, but the first thoracic segment is always united with the head, so that the apparent head is really an incom- plete or partial cephalothorax (¢.t). In the Tanaidacea (Tanais, &c.) the second segment of the thorax also unites with the head, and such forms—sometimes included under a distinct sub-order, _lnisopoda—form a transition to the other Malacostraca, and especially the Cumacea. In the Amphipoda and Isopoda, the pos- terior seven thoracic segments (th.?—ihS) are free, and those of the short abdomen are usually free in Amphipods (Fig. 461, abd. Vic. 461.—Gammarus neglectus. ¢//.f—«abd.ti, abdominal segments; wrt.1, antennule ; ant. 2, anteuna; cth. cephalothorax ; £. cye; j. f. 1, first jumping foot ; 7. 1—l. 7, legs; mep. maxillipade ; os. oostegite ; ov. ova; s.j.1, first swimming foot ; th.s—th.’, free thoracic segments. (After Gerstaccker.) 1-4), often more or less fused in Isopods (Fig. 462, abd). In some Isopoda the thoracic segments are produced laterally into large and prominent pleura. The eyes (#) are compound and usually sessile : they are, how- ever, stalked in some of the less specialised members of the order, a circumstance which lends support to the view that the sessile eyes have, in this particular group, arisen by the atrophy of eye- stalks. The antennze (azt.?) as well as the antennules (ant.Z) are uniramous, or the former bear a minute exopodite. The first pair of thoracic appendages (mxp) are modified to form maxillipedes, which are sometimes united together in the middle line so as to form a sort of lower lip. The remaining seven thoracic append- ages take the form of legs (/./-1.7) which are usually arranged in XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 585 two groups, four of them directed forwards and three backwards, or vice rersé. The legs end either in simple claws or in large sub- chele: vestigial exopodites are present in some Tanaidacea. In the female, certain of the legs bear flat plates, the ocstegites (Fig. 461, os), probably modified epipodites, which enclose a brood- pouch for the reception of the eggs. In Amphipods the gills are also borne on the legs. The abdominal appendages are very different in the two orders. In Amphipoda the first three are biramous swimming-feet (Fig. Lp if Y LF G /, PA aG Fic. 462._Asellus aquaticus. A, dorsal; B, ventral view. «d/,abdomen ; ant.1, antennule ; ant2, antenna; bp. breod-pouch ; ¢.th, cephalothorax: £, eye; /.1—1.7, legs; pl.1—pl.?, pleopods ; th.2—th.S, free thoracic segments. (After Gerstaecker.) 461, sf.), the last three peculiar stiff processes used for jumping (jf). In Isopods more or fewer of the pleopods have broad plate- like endo- and exopodites (Fig. 462, p/.3), the former thin and vascular and acting as gills: the sixth pair (p/.4) are either leg- like or aid in the formation of a tail-fin. Interesting modifications occur in both sub-orders. Among the Amphipoda, Phronima (Fig. 463, 7) is a marine form of glassy transparency, the female of which inhabits a transparent barrel- like structure—the test of a pelagic Tunicate—in which she D86, ZOOLOGY SECT. brings up her young. Caprella (-’)is a singular creature in which the abdomen is quite vestigial, and the rest of the body, as well as the appendages, extremely slender. It creeps about on colonies of Hydrozoa and Polyzoa, to the branches of which its own form and colour are so closely assimilated as to render it difficult of detection. The allied Cyamus (Whale-louse, :?) is parasitic on the skin of whales: it also has a vestigial abdomen, but the body —exceptionally among Amphipods—is broad and depressed, and the legs are curiously swollen. Fic. 463.—Amphipoda. 3, u, male; b, female. (After Gerstaecker, and Bate and Westwood. Among the Isopoda, one of the most interesting forms is the common Wood-louse (Fig. 464, 2), which is almost unique among Crustacea for its perfect adaptation to terrestrial life. The allied “ Pill-bugs” (Armadillidium, ?) have the habit of rolling them- selves up intoa ball when disturbed. Cymothoa and its allies are large species (6-8 cm. in length) parasitic in the mouths of Fishes, where they hold on to the mucous membrane with their short, clawed legs: their mouth-parts are often modified for sucking. In the Bopy- rint, found in the gill-cavities of various Crustacea, parasitism 1s accompanied by great degeneration and asymmetry (2) as well as by a notable degree of sexual dimorphism, the males (<, b, m) being very small and permanently attached to the bodies of the females. Lastly, in Cryptoniscus, parasitic on Crabs, the adult female (4, b) has XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 587 no trace of crustacean organisation, and it is only by the study of development that its true systematic position can be guessed. In the division Eucarida, the Kuphuusineew (Fig. 472) are pelagic forms in which none of the thoracic appendages are modi- fied so as to take the form of mavillipedes, and in which there ix only a single series of branchize (podobranchs). Amongst the Decapoda are included nearly all the largest and most familiar Crustacea—the Prawns and Shrimps, Lobsters, Cray- fishes, and Crabs. The cephalothorax is always completely covered by the carapace. The three anterior pairs of thoracic appendages are modified into maxillipedes, which retain the original biramous character, but the five posterior pairs are enlarged, and form legs, 2. Armadillidium. 3. Gyge. 4. Cryptoniscus. Fic. 464.—Isopoda. 3,a, entire animal; b, posterior end with attached male (m); 4,a, larva ; b, adult female. (After Cuvier, Claus, and Gerstaecker.) which are always—except as an individual variation—devoid of exopodites in the adult. In the Shrimps and Prawns (Fig. 465) the body is compressed,' and the exoskeleton is not calcified. The abdomen is very large in proportion to the cephalothorax, and has a peculiar bend close to its Junction with the thorax. The legs are very slender, are used for swimming, not walking, and sometimes one pair, sometimes another, is enlarged to form the chelipeds. The rostrum is large —sometimes longer than the rest of the carapace—and the eye- stalks, antennz, and legs may attain extraordinary dimensions. The Lobsters and fresh-water Crayfishes agree with Astacus in all essential details, but the sea-Crayfishes (Palinwrus) present some striking modifications. There are no chelw, the legs all ending in simple claws: the antennz are of immense size, and their proximal segments are fused with one another and with the carapace, quite crowding out the epistoma: the rostrum is reduced, or even vestigial, and the pleopods are very broad and fin-like. In Seyllarus (Fig. 466) and its allies the body is hroad and depressed, the bases 588 ZOOLOGY SECT. of the legs widely separated from one another by the broad sterna, the antennw (cxé. :2) short and plate-like, and the eye-stalks (£2) enclosed in sucket-like grooves of the carapace. Most of ee, oe ne ee 2.Palaemon. Fic. 465,—Shrimp (dorsal view) and Prawn (side view). (After Cuvier.) these characters show an approximation to what is found in the Crabs. Of the Anomiura, the Hermit-crabs (Pagurus, &c., Fig. 467) are very strangely modified in relation with their peculiar mode XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 589 of life. They are always found inhabiting the empty shells of Gastropods (WwW helks, Periwinkles, &c.), the abdomen, which has become spirally twisted, completely enclosed within the shell and only the cephalothorax protruding. In correspondence with this mode of protection, the abdomen is soft, having only vestiges of terga (¢) on the dorsal side, and its appendages are more or less atrophied except the sixth pair (wp), which take the form of a pair of hooks, and are used to hold on to the columella of the shell, The fifth pair of legs (25) are much reduced, and in Fic, 466.—Seyllarus arctus. Fic. 407.—Pagurus bernhardus. ch. chela of ant.1, antennule ; ant.2, antenna ; first right leg; 1.4, 24, fourth and fifth legs; EB, eye. (After Cuvier.) t, abdominal terga; vp. urupods. (After Bell.) some species one of the chelipeds is greatly enlarged and its chela (ch) acts as an operculum, completely closing the mouth of the shell when the animal is retracted. As the Hermit-Crab grows it takes up its abode in larger and larger shells, sometimes killing and removing piecemeal the original inhabitant. Other Anomura, such as the Cocoa-nut Crab (Birgus), Hippa, &c., approach the Brachyura in the short, more or less permanently flexed abdomen, but are clearly separated from them by the structure of the head and its appendages. In the Brachyura, or true Crabs, we reach the highest degree of 590 ZOOLOGY SECT. specialisation known among the Crustacea. The cephalothorax (Fig. 468) is always of great proportional breadth, and is frequently much broader than long. The abdomen, on the other, hand is greatly reduced, its sternal region is uncalcified, and it lies permanently Fic, 468.—Cancer pagurus. A, dorsal, B, ventral aspect. aat.1,antennule ; ant.2, antenna ; abd.1, abd.3, abd.7, abdominal segments ; BE, eye-stalk ; 1.1, 1.5, legs; wep.3, third maxilli- pedes. (A, after Bell.) flexed in a groove on the very broad thoracic sterna, so as to be often quite hidden in a view from above. In correspondence with this the pleopods are much reduced, the male retaining only two pairs as copulatory organs, the female four pairs for the attachment of the eggs, The uropods are absent, so that there is no tail-fin, XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 591 The eye-stalks (#) are contained in orbits or sockets of the carapace, which are so prolonged that the eyes appear to arise behind the antennules and antenne. Both pairs of feelers are small, and the (After Belliand de:Haan.) Fia. 469.— Typical Brachyura bases of the antennules are contained in sockets or /ossettes. third maxillipedes (map.) are broad, flat, and valve-hke, not leg- like as in the Macrura. of great size; the remaining legs generally end in simple claws, The The first legs (/.2) form chelipeds often 592 ZOOLOGY SECT. but in the Swimming-erabs (Fig. 469, 7) the distal segment in the fifth pair is flattened and forms a fin. The range of variation in form, proportions, colour, markings, &e., among Crabs is very great (Fig. 469). Unlike the Decapoda, the Stomatopoda form a very small order, comprising a few genera varying from the size of a Shrimp to that of a Lobster. Sqiilla (Fig. 470) is the best known genus. The abdomen («f—a7) is very large in proportion to the cephalothorax, and the carapace (ch), which is thin and undalci- fied, leaves the last three thoracic segments (VJ—VJII) un- covered, The rostrum is movably articulated, and covers the anterior head-region, which is divided into two distinct segments, the first bearing the large stalked eyes, the second the antennules. Fic. 470.—Squilla. «i, antennule; a2, antenna; a1—a7, abdominal segments ; br, gills ; eth, cephalothorax ; p, copulatory organ ; pl— 5, pleopods ; p6, uropods ; VI—VIIJ/, free thoracic segments ; 1—8, thoracic appendages, (Fron Lang's Comparative Anatomy.) This arrangement appears to support the view that the anten- nulary region is a metamere distinct from the prostomium ; but the division in question is absent in the larva, and does not appear till the proper segmentation of the body is established : probably it has a physiological meaning, and is connected with the necessity of extreme mobility of the eyes and olfactory organs in an animal which lives in a burrow with only the anterior end of the head exposed. The antennule (7) has three flagella ; the antenna (2) a single flagellum and a very large exopodite. The first five pairs of thoracic limbs (J—) are turned forwards towards the mouth, and act as maxillipedes; the second of these—corresponding with the second maxillipede of Astacus—is very large (7), and its distal segment is turned back and articulated to the penultimate seg- ment like the blade of a pocket-knife to the handle. In this way a very efficient weapon called a sib-chela is produced, both of the segments of which are produced into strong spines, The re- XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 593 maining three thoracic appendages (G—8) are slender legs pro- vided with exopodites: the last of them has a styliform copu- latory organ (p) developed from its proximal segment. The pleopods are large and biramous: the first five (pl, %) have gill- filaments (07) attached to their plate-like exopodites: the sixth (y@) form large uropods or lateral tail-lobes, as in Astacus. With regard to the texture of the exoskeleton, there is every graduation from the delicate polished enticle of most Branchiopoda, Ostracoda, Copepoda, &., through the caleitied but still flexible cuticle of Astacus, to the thick, tuberculated, stony armour of many Crabs (Fig. 469, 3), or the shelly picecs of Cirri- pedes. The exoskeleton is secreted froma single-layered ectoderm, and undergoes periodical moults or ecdyses. There is no trans- verse layer of muscle, and the longitudinal layer is broken up into paired dorsal and ventral bands. As a rule, each limb- segment is acted upon by two muscles: the joints are nearly always hinge-joints. The body-cavity consists of several chambers separated from one another by partitions. In Pulemonetes, one of the Prawns, there is a median dorsal chamber enclosing the ophthalmic artery, and not containing blood: it is probably a portion of the ccelome in the strict sense of the word. The cavities of the gonads are also coelomic, and the ducts by which they communicate with the exterior are probably modified ccelomoducts. In addition to these cavities there is a large central space, in which the enteric canal, digestive glands, gonads, &c., lie; paired lateral spaces containing portions of the shell-gland; spaces in the limbs; and the peri- cardial sinus, in which the heart lies. All these cavities contain blood, and constitute a kind of secondary body-cavity, formed by the enlargement of blood-vessels, which have largely replaced the true coelome. Such a secondary or blood-containing body-cavity is called a hamocele. : The enteric canal consists of a vertical gullet, an expanded “stomach,” and a nearly straight horizontal intestine. In some of the Cladocera the intestine is coiled, but this is quite exceptional. In the lower Crustacea, part or the whole of the “stomach,” is formed from the mesenteron, but in Malacostraca both gullet and “stomach” (gizzard) are developed from the stomocdeum. A “gastric mill” is present in Malacostraca, and a rudiment of such an apparatus occurs in Ostracoda. The digestive glands are usually branched ceca formed as offshoots of the mesenteron : in the Isopoda and Amphipoda (Fig. 471, /) they are unbranched ceca extending into the abdomen: in Stomatopoda they consist of ten metamerically arranged organs opening into the intestine. In Amphipods there are intestinal caeca (ud) which may have an excretory function. So-called salivary glands, opening on the labrum, have been found in several genera. 594 ZOOLOGY SECT. In most of the the Branchiopoda, Ostracoda, Copepoda, and Curipedia, respiration takes place bythe general surface of the body, and the only respiratory organs are specially modified parts of the appendages. In the stalked Barnacles, however, there are delicate Fic. 471.-Orchestia cavimana, mile. «, eye; a, antennule; a, antenna; aoa, anterior aorta; op, posterior aorta ; bin, ventral nerve-cord ; br, gills; C-+7', cephalothorax ; de, vas deferens ; e/, rectuin; g, brain; h, heart ; hi, intestine ; kf, maxillipede ; /, digestive glands ; w, gullet ; p 1—p 7, abdominal segments 5 sim, “stomach” ; ud, intestinal c-cum ; vs. vesicula seminalis ; ¢, testis; (I—VII/, free thoracic segments. (Prom Lang's Comparative Anatomy, after Nebesky.) processes attached to the feet, which are supposed to be rudiment- ary gills. Amongst the Malacostraca also, the Phyllocarida, many Mysidacea, and the Cumacea have no specialised respiratory organs, but the Euphausiacea possess tufted podobranchix (Fig. 472) quite XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 595 uncovered by the carapace. In the Decapoda the gills may be either plume-like, as in Astacus and its allies, or the delicate eylindrical gill-filaments may be replaced by flat plates, as in Crabs and many Prawns. It is in this order only that we find the three types of gill described in Astacus, and the examination av Fic, 472.—Antcrior portion of Buphausia pellucida. a), antennule; ané.2, antenna; ab.1, first abdominal segment ; au, eye; br. 1—8, podobranchia ; cth. cephalothorax ; en.1, en.2, endopodites of first two thoracic limbs; ex.1—ex.6, exopodites of first six thoracic limbs ; h. heart ; 1, digestive gland ; m, ‘‘stomach” ; ov. ovary ; ovd. oviduct ; J—VIII, protopodites of thoracic limbs. (From Lang's Comparative Anatomy.) of numerous forms leads to the conclusion that the typical or theoretical branchial formula for the group 1s as follows :— Tuoract: | ; ad ees . | | SRiahENTS: I. I. Tit. | IV. Vv. VI p ican aati i Podobranchiw |] + ep) l+ep.1l+ep, l+ep|) lt+ep' ltep | l+ep l+ep ! 8+ Sep Arthrobranchie| 2 2 2 ! 2 2 2 2 2 {16 8 Pleurobranchi| 1 1 1 | 1 1 | J | 1; 1 a | | | Sod | Total ... 4+ep| 4+ep eerie Heap dep) Aten ttep ene i | ( Actually, however, this formula never occurs, as there is always more or less reduction in the number of gills. Palinurus has the highest number known, viz., twenty-one, and in the Common Crab the total number is only nine. Many Crabs live on land, and their gills are enabled to discharge their function in virtue of the moisture retained in the nearly closed gill-chamber. In the Cocoa-nut Crab (Birgus) the upper part of the gill-chamber is separated from the rest and forms an almost closed cavity into which vascular tufts project: it thus 596 ZOOLOGY SECT. functions as a true lung. Probably the inner surface of the gill- cover or branchiostegite performs a respiratory function in the Crayfishes. In Amphipoda, also, the gills (Fig. 471, dr) are outgrowths of the thoracic himbs: in Isopods they are the modified endopodites of the second to the fifth pleopods; in some of the terrestrial forms, in adaptation to aerial respiration, a system of air-tubes are developed in the exopodites ; in Stomatopoda, gill-flaments (Fig. 470, br) spring from the exopodites of the first to the fifth pleopods. Moreover many Crustacea perform rhythmical contractions of the intestine, taking in and expelling water: such anal respiration 18 common among the lower groups, and is especially noticeable in Cyclops. The heart is absent in many Copepods (including Cyclops), in sume Ostracoda (including Cypris), and in Cirripedia: it is an elongated tube with several pairs of ostia in Euphyllopoda, Leptostraca, Stomatopoda, Anaspidacea, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, and Amphipoda (Fig. 471, 4); in Cladocera and Decapoda it is shortened to an ovoid sac with one or more pairs of ostia. Excretory Organs.—In many larval Crustacea two pairs of modified mesonephridia are present—the antennary glands opening on the bases of the antenne, and the maxil- lary or shell-glands opening on the bases of the second maxille. But as development proceeds one pair nearly always atrophies, the maxillary gland alone being usually retained in the Branchiopoda, Ostracoda, Copepoda and Cirripedia, the antennary gland in the Malacostraca. In the Stoma- topoda, however, there 1s no antennary gland, and the function of renal excretion may be discharged by a pair of glandular tubes opening into the rectum; and in Amphipoda a similar function is assigned to ceca opening into the posterior end of the mesenteron. In sume of the Cirripedia the maxillary gland is described as opening into Fic. 478.—Nervous system of a Cra) (Maja squinado). ba, thoracic ganglion; cg. commissural ganglion; g, brain ; m, “stornach "5 se, cesophageal connective ; sg, visceral nerves ; 7, post-veso- phageal connective. (From Lang's Comparative Anat- omy, after Miluc-Edwards.) of gangha. one of the compartments of the body-cavity like a typical nephridium. The nervous system is always formed on the ordinary arthropod type, as de- scribed in Apus and Astacus, and the chief variations it presents are connected with the greater or less amount of concrescence In the sessile Barnacles and in the Crabs (Fig. 478) this proccss reaches its limit, the whole ventral nerve-cord being represented by a single immense thoracic ganglion (bg). XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 597 The sense-organs are mostly of the same character as those of the two examples. The median or nauplius-eye always occurs in the larva, and can frequently be shown to exist in the adult of even the higher groups (Decapoda). The Cirripedia and many parasitic Copepods are eyeless in the adult, as also are certain subterranean Malacostraca. Olfactory setae occur, as a rule, on the antennules, and the auditory organs (or statocysts) of Decapoda are open sacs in the basal segment of the same appendages, but in Mysidacea they occur as closed cysts (Fig. 459, of) in the endopodites of the uropods. Reproduction.—In most Crustacea the sexes are separate, but hermaphroditism occurs in some Branchiopods, in nearly all Cirri- pedes, and in certain parasitic Isopods (Cymothou). In the latter case the animals are protandrous, male organs being developed first, and female organs at a later stage. In many Cirripedia minute complemental males are found attached, like parasites, to the body of the ordinary or hermaphrodite individual, the male organs of which appear to be inadequate for the full discharge of the ferti- lising function. Sexual dimorphism is almost universal, and reaches its maximum in the parasitic Copepods and Isopods already referred to. The gonads are always a single pair of hollow organs discharg- ing their products into a central cavity or lumen, whence they pass directly into the gonoducts and so to the exterior. The gonads may be single or branched, and frequently there is more or less concrescence between those of the right and left sides, as in Astacus and Cyclops. The sperms vary greatly in form, and are usually motionless: in Cirripedia, however, they are motile, and in Ostracoda they perform movements after reaching the female ducts. In some Ostracoda they are about three times as long as the animal itself (Fig. 450, D). In many Branchiopoda and Ostracoda reproduction is parthenogenetic. In Daphnia, for instance, the animal reproduces throughout the summer by parthenogenetic swmmer eggs, which develop rapidly in the brood- pouch (Fig. 449, 1, br. p.). In the autumn winter eggs are produced, which are fertilised by the males: they pass into the brood-pouch, a portion of which becomes specially modified and forms the ephippium or saddle. At the next moult the ephippium is detached and forms a sort of bivalved capsule in which the eggs remain in an inactive state during the winter, developing in the following spring. Development.—In some Crustacea segmentation is complete, and a hollow blastula is formed: in others segmentation is followed by an accumulation of yolk in the interior, resulting in the formation of a superficial blastoderm, as in Astacus: in others, again, the egg is telolecithal, and the protoplasm, accumulated at one pole, divides so as to form a disc of cells VOL, I QQ 598 ZOOLOGY SECT. which afterwards spreads over the whole yolk. But in most cases the egg is centrolecithal and segmentation superficial, as in Astacus. Development is always accompanied by more or less metamor- phosis. In most Branchiopoda the young is hatched in the form of a nauplius (Fig. 429, A), and further changes are of the same char- acterasin Apus. In Cladocera development is direct, the nauplius- stage being passed through in the egg, and the young hatched in a form closely resembling the adult. In one of the Cladocera, however, Leptodora (Fig. 449,37), while development of the summer eggs is indirect, the winter eggs give rise tu free nauplii. In the Ostracoda the nauplius is peculiar in having a bivalved shell and all three pairs of appendages uniramous. In all the Copepoda there is a free nauplius, which, in the parasitic forms, leads a free existence for a time, and then attaches itself to its particular host and undergoes retrograde metamorphosis. In the Cirripedia, also, there is a free nauplius, the body of which is often produced into long spines. After several moults, the Fic. 474.—Cypris-stage of Lepas fascicularis. «). abdomen; pa. paired cye; rf, thoracic fcet ; wa, unpaired eye; 1,antennule. (From Lang’s Comparative Anatomy, after Claus.) nauplius passes into a form called the Cypris-stage (Fig. 474), characterised by the presence of a bivalved shell, like that of an Ostracod: the antennules (Z) also have become modified into organs of adhesion by the development of the penultimate segment into a disc, the antennee have disappeared, and six pairs of swimming-feet like those of a Copepod have made their appearance : there are paired compound eyes, and the shell is closed by an adductor muscle. After leading a free existence for a time, the Cypris- larva attaches itself by its antennules, aided by the secretion of cement-glands, and becomes a pupa: the carina, terga, and scuta appear beneath the shell, and within the skin of the mouth- parts and legs of the pupa appear the corresponding appendages x1 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 599 of the adult. In Lepas the anterior region of the head grows out into a peduncle. The pupal integument is then thrown off, the paired eyes disappear, and the adult form is assumed. In Sacculina a still more extraordinary metamorphosis takes place. The young is hatched as a nauplius, and passes into a Cypris-stage. In this condition, after a brief free existence, it attaches itself to the body of a young Crab, near the base of a seta. The thorax with its appendages is thrown off, and the rest of the body is converted into a rounded mass, from the anterior end of which an arrow-like process is developed. This perforates the cuticle of the host, and, through the communication thus formed, the whole body of the parasite passes into the interior of the Crab, and becomes surrounded by a new cuticle, the old cuticle being left empty on the outside of the Crab’s body. The Sacculina now sends out root-like processes, grows immensely, and, pressing upon the body-wall of the Crab, causes atrophy of the tissues: this allows the now greatly-swollen parasite to project on the exterior as the tumour-like adult described above (p. 579). The embryo of Euphausia leaves the egg as a_ typical free-swimming nauplius; this passes into what is called the protozowa-stage, distinguished by the possession of an elongated, unsegmented abdomen without appendages. After successive moults, the rest of the appendages appear, and the adult form is assumed. In Mysis (Fig. 459) the nauplius is maggot-like, and undergoes development in the brood-pouch, emerging in a condition closely resembling the adult. The development of the Decapoda presents a very interesting series of modifications. In two genera of prawns (Penceus and Lucifer) the embryo leaves the egg as a nauplius, and passes by successive moults through a protozoa stage, a zowa-stage, with segmented but limbless abdomen, and a mysis or schizopod-stage in which it resembles an adult Mysis, having exopodites to all the thoracic limbs. In the Crabs the nauplius stage is passed through in the egg, and the young is hatched in the form of a peculiarly modified zowa (Fig. 475, A), with an immense cephalothorax produced into spines, large stalked eyes, and a slender abdomen. This passes by successive moults into the megalopa-stage (B), which resembles an adult Macruran, having an extended abdomen with well- developed pleopods. The megalopa passes by successive moults into the adult form. In the Lobster (Homarus) both nauplius and zozea-stages are passed through in the egg, and the embryo is hatched in the mysis-stage with exopodites to all the thoracic limbs. In the Rock-lobster (Palinwrus) and its allies, ihe newly hatched young is a strangely modified Mysis-form called a Glass-Crab or Phyllo- Q Q 2 600 ZOOLOGY SECT. soma: it has broad, depressed cephalic and thoracic shields of glassy trausparency: the abdomen is very small and the legs extremely long and biramous. Lastly, in the Fresh-water Cray- fish the young resemble the adult in all but proportions and certain unimportant details of structure. Thus in the series of Decapoda we get a gradual abbreviation in development, stages which are free larval forms in the lower types being hurried through before hatching in the higher. The larve of Stomatopoda are grotesque little creatures with a very large spiny carapace. In Amphipoda there is no free larval > Rie Fiu. 47i.—Linvie of Crabs. A, Zuwa-stage of Maja; B, Megalopa-stage of Portunus. h, heart ; ¢y—u,, abdominal segments; J, antennule ; 2, antenna ; /—VJ//, thuracic append- ages. (From Liuug's Comparative Anatomy, after Claus.) form, but in Isopoda the young leave the egg in the form of a curlous maggot-like modification of the nauplius, which remains in the brood-pouch until it has attained the adult form. Ethology.—The Crustacea are remarkable for their very perfect adaptation to the most various conditions of life: they occur in fresh-water, in the sea, in brine-pools, in subterranean caves, and on land: of the marine forms some are littoral, some pelagic, some abyssal, descending to over 3,000 fathoms. One species of Copepod, Pontellina mediterranca, may almost be considered as aérial: it is described as taking long flying leaps out of the water, after the manuer of a Flying-fish. Some, like Lobsters, Craytishes, &c., are XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 601 solitary ; others, hke Shrimps, are gregarious, occurring in immense shoals. Most of them either prey on living animals or devour carrion, but, as we have seen, the barnacles are fixed, and feed on minute particles after the fashion of many of the lower animals, and the members of more than one order are parasites remark- able for their deviation from the typical structure of the class and their adaptation to their peculiar mode of life. In size they present almost every gradation from microscopic Water-fleas to Crabs two feet across the carapace, or four feet from tip to tip of legs. As to geographical distribution, all the chief groups are cosmo- politan, and it is only among the families, genera, and species that matters of interest from this point of view are met with. Fossil remains are known from very ancient periods. The oldest forms are usually referred to the Phyllocarida, and oecur from the Cam- brian to the Trias. The shells of Ostracoda are also known from the Cambrian upwards, and those of Cirripedia from the Silurian. Peracarida are known from Paleozoic times, but are rare as fossils: the earliest Macruran is a shrimp-like form from the Devonian, while the highly differentiated Brachyura are not known with absolute certainty until the Cretaceous period. It was in the Crustacea that the recapitulation theory so often alluded to was first worked out in detail. Embryology shows that all Crustacea may be traced back in individual development to the nauplius, upon which follows some kind of zozea-stage, many of the lower forms progressing no further. But in Malacostraca the zoza is followed by the mysis-stage, which is permanent in Schizopods, transient in Decapods. It was certainly a tempting hypothesis that this series of forms represented as many ancestral stages in the evolution of the class. But we have to remember that all such free larvee are subject to the action of the struggle for existence, and have no doubt been modified in accordance with their own special needs and without exclusive reference to their ancestors or to the adult species into which they finally change. Many Crustacea present instances of protective and aggres- sive characters, 7.c., modifications in form, colour, &c., which serve to conceal them from their cnemies or from their prey. Probably the most striking example is that of certain crabs (Paramithrax), which deliberately plant Sea-weeds, Sponges, Alcyonarians, Zoo- phytes, &c., all over the carapace, and are thus perfectly concealed except when in motion. Another Crab, a species of Dromia, carries a relatively immense Ascidian or Sea-squirt on its back, and in another member of the same family the hinder legs are used to hold umbrella-wise over the back a single valve of a bivalve shell, 602 ZOOLOGY SECT. Several instances of commensalism occur in the class. The association of Hermit-crabs with sea-anemones, has already been referred to (p. 208): another interesting example is the occurrence of the little Pea-crab (Pinnotheres) in the mantle-cavity of Mussels. Other Decapods are found in the intestines of Sea-urchins and Holothurians, and one genus of Crab lives in a cavity in a Coral, the aperture being only just sufficient to allow of a due supply of food and water. It is in Crustacea that we find the first indication of characters the purpose of which appears to be their attractiveness to the opposite sex. Theimmensely enlarged and highly coloured chele of some male crabs (@elasimus, Fig. 469, 2) are said to be used for attracting the female as well as for fighting. The sound-producing organs of some Decapoda have probably also a sexual significance. The Rock-lobster (Palinurus vulgaris) has a soft chitinous pad on the antenna, which it rubs against a projecting keel on the sternal region of the head, producing a peculiar creaking sound ; and Alpheus, another Macruran, makes noises by clapping together the fixed and movable fingers of its large chele. The fact that these sounds can be produced at the will of the animals seems to show that the latter undoubtedly possess a sense of hearing, and that the auditory sac is not merely an organ of the sense of direction. x Affinities and Mutual Relationships.—That the Crustacea belong to the same general type of organisation as the articu- lated worms is clear enough. The advance in structure is shown in the reduction in number and in the differentiation of the segments, and in the concrescence of those at the anterior end to form ahead; in the hardening of the cuticle into sclerites so as to form a jointed armour; in the jointing and mobility of the limbs; and in the differentiation of the dorsal vessel into a heart by which the propulsion of the blood is alone performed. The resemblance of the foliaceous limbs of Phyllopeds to the parapodia of the higher worms is so striking that one can hardly believe it to be without significance. On the other hand, the absence of transverse muscles and of cilia, and the replacement of the ccelome by blood-spaces, are fundamental points of difference from any known Cheetopod. As to the mutual relations of the various orders, the Branchio- poda, with their very generalised structure and parapod-like limbs, may be taken as the base of the series. The Ostracoda, Copepoda, and Cirripedia are best conceived as derivatives, along XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 603 separate lines, of an ancestral form common to them and the Branchiopoda. By a differentiation of the post-cephalic limbs, and a reduction in the number of segments, the branchiopod- type easily passes into that of the Phyllocarida, which, though they nearly conform to the malacostracan type of segmen- tation, have still marked traces of relationship with lower groups in the presence of caudal styles and in their bivalved carapace and foliaceous thoracic appendages. Next to these in ascending order would come the Cumacea with their cephalic carapace coalescent with the first three or four thoracic segments and bounding branchial cavities at the sides of the thorax, but with—as more primitive features—a biramous character in some of the thoracic appendages and the absence of the fan- like tail-fin. Then a little higher, the Arthrostraca (Tanaidacea, Isopoda and Amphipoda) and the Anaspidacea may be supposed to have branched off from the main trunk at about the same level, and may be regarded, on account of a number of resemblances, as having had a common origin from it. Probably the Anaspidacea are to be looked upon as more primitive than the other two groups in view of their less advanced coalescence of the first thoracic segment with the head, the absence of specialised maxillipedes, and the biramous character of the thoracic limbs; but, on the other hand, they show a higher development in the possession of the fan-like tail-fin and the stalked movable eyes such as charac- terise the Decapoda. A stage nearer the latter group are the Mysidacea, with their single pair of maxillipedes, their stalked eyes, their rudimentary podobranchie and their fan-like tail-fin; but these still show some primitive features, more especially in their incomplete cephalo- thorax and their biramous thoracic appendages. But without doubt it isin the Euphausiacea that we find the nearest connections with the Decapoda. This is shown, in spite of the absence of maxillipedes, in their completed cephalothorax, their series of podobranchiz, and sac-like heart, in addition to their stalked eyes and fan-like tail-fin. : From the Euphausiacea the Macrura are derivable by the differentiation of three pairs of foot-jaws and the disappearance of the exopodites of the legs. In the series of the Macrura we find, on passing from the Prawns through such forms as Astacus, Palinurus, and Scyllarus, a gradual shortening of the abdomen, accompanied by a broadening and flattening of the whole body. In Birgus, Hippa, &., this process goes a step further, and the abdomen becomes permanently flexed under the cephalothorax, ae leading to the high degree of specialisation found in the rabs, 604 ZOOLOGY SECT These relationships are expressed in the following diagam :— Brachyura Anomura Macrura Euphausiacea Arthrostraca Mysidacea Anaspidacea Stomatopoda a Phyllocarida Trilobita Branchiopoda ae Copepoda Ostracoda Annulata Fic. 476.—Diagram illustrating the mutual relationships of the orders of Crustacea. APPENDIX TO CRUSTACEA. Class TRILOBITA. The Trilobita are extinct Arthropods peculiar to, and characteristic of, the Paleozoic rocks : they are specially abundant from the upper Cambrian to the Carboniferous. They are often found in a wonderfully good state of preservation, owing to the hard exoskeleton covering the dorsal surface: the greater part of the ventral region and the appendages were, however, very delicate, and are preserved only in exceptionally favourable cases. The body is depressed, more or less oval in outline, and divided into three regions, the head (Fig. 477, ¢.sh), the thorax (th), and the abdomen (p), all of which usually present an elevated median ridge and depressed lateral portions, whence the trilobation generally characteristic of the group. The head is XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 605 covered by a carapace or cephalic shield (, the elevated median region of which, known as the g/abella (g/), usually presents three or four transverse grooves, probably indicating the presence of four or five segments. The lateral regions of the carapace are divided hy an oblique line of separation, the frontal or facial suture (f.s), into an inner or mesial portion, the fiavd cheek (f.c), continues with the glabella, and an outer free portion, the morable cheek (mv); the latter bears the large paired compound eye (c). In some cases there is an indication of a dorsal organ, like that of Apus, on the last cephalic segment. Ventrally the carapace is continued, as in Apus, into a sub-frontal plate (B, s.f.y), to the posterior edge of which is attached a large labrum or hypostome (/bv). In many Trilobites the hypostome lears a pair of small compound eyes. ‘The posterior angles of the carapace are often produced into spines. Fic. 477.—Dalmanites socialis, dorsal aspect; B, the same rolled up; C, under-side of head of Phacops fecundus. ¢.sh. cephalic shield ; e. eye; f.c. fixed cheek ; fs. frontal suture ; gl. glabella; lbv. labrum; m.r. movable cheek; p. pygidium; p/. pleura; s.f.p. sub-froutal plate ; th. thorax. (After Gerstaecker.) The thorax (th) is composed of a variable number (2-29) of movably articulated segments, which are commonly trilobed, consisting of a merlian region or axis, and of lateral plewra (pl) often produced backwards and downwards into spines. The abdomen is covered by a caudal shield or pygidium (p), formed of a variable number of fused segments. Owing to the mobility of the thorax, the Trilobites were able in many cases to roll themselves up like Wood-lice (B). Each of the segments, with the sole exception of the last or anal, hore a pair of appendages. The appendages are known only ina few cases. Quite recently a single pair of antennze (Fig. 478) has been shown to exist in one species, probably attached to the sub-frontal plate. Four pairs of biramous leg-like cephalic appendages have been demonstrated, and the thorax bears slender biramous legs with endo- and exo-podites, and bearing spiral gills. Similar limbs are present on the abdomen. 606 ZOOLOGY SECT. The larvw of several species of Trilobites have been found in the fossil state. In some of these the body consists only of carapace and pygidium in the youngest stages, and the thoracic segments are subsequently intercalated in regular order. In other species the earliest stage has the form of a rounded plate, the posterior portion of which elongates and segments to form the thorax and abdomen. — F Be25e) fe SST See Te At UES cl NS . ee =a NG SEN Matias er DFP uN y it Fic. 478.—Triarthrus becki, x2}. A, ventral surface with appendages; Ep, metastome ; Hy, hypostome. B, second thoracic appendage. ca. endopodite ; ex. exopodite x12. (From the Cambridge Natural History, after Beecher) Nothing is known of the larval appendages, and none of the stages hitherto dis- covered can be considered as nauplii. The precise systematic position of the Trilobites is uncertain, but their nearest affinities seem to be, on the whole, with such Branchiopoda as Apus : but the relationship is by no means a close one. XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 607 CLASS II—-ONYCHOPHORA. The class Onychophora comprises only the aberrant arthropod genus Pertpatus, with several sub-genera, which differs very widely In certain important features of its organisation from all the rest of the Arthropoda, and in some respects enables us to bridge over PN Se AANA Geo Fic. 479.—Peripatus capensis, lateral view. (From Balfour.) the interval between the latter and some of the lower phyla, more particularly the Annulata, General external features.—Peripatus (Fig. 479) is a cater- pular-like animal of approximately cylindrical form, and not divided into segments: it has a fairly well-marked head, and a series (l4— 42, according to the species) of pairs of short stumpy appendages. Fic. 480,—Ventral view of head of Peripatus capensis, with antenns, jaws, oral papille, and first pair of legs. (After Balfour.) The integument is thrown into a number of fine, transverse wrinkles. and is beset with numerous conical papillae, each capped with a little chitinous spine. The head (Fig. 480) bears a pair of antenne, a pair of eyes,a pair of jaws, and a pair of short processes known as the oral papille. The antenne are made 608 ZOOLOGY SECT. up of anumber of short rings bearing minute spines. The eyes are constructed somewhat after the model of the chwtopod eye as described on p. 478. On the surface of the oral papille are situated the apertures of a pair of glands—the slime glands. Each jaw is composed of two curved, faleiform, pointed, chitinous plates, the inner toothed on their posterior con- cave edge ; they he at the sides of the mouth enclosed by a cir- cular lip. The jaws, as. well as the oral papille, are de- veloped as modified limbs. The legs are not jointed, but rows of papille give them a ringed appearance; each con- sists of a conical proximal part and a small distal part or foot, the latter terminating in a pair of horny claws. The ventral surface is reddish in colour, the dorsal darker: the latter presents an elaborate pattern—which varies greatly in different individuals—pro- duced by minute mottlings of various colours and tints— green, red, and brown, and the arrangement of these in stripes and bands. Body-wall and _ body- cavity.—The wall of the body consists of a cuticle, a layer of deric epithelium with an un- derlying layer of fine fibres, a Fie. 481,—Dorsal view of the internal organs of layer of circularly arranged Peripatus, aa. anus; ant. antemmm; Jn. muscular fibres, and a layer of ; cox. gid. coxal gland of the seven : : eke ie teenth leg; g gen. male genital aperture ; longitudinal fibres divided into ne. co, nerve-cord ; neph. nephridia; or. pap. a series of bundles. A layer of Std Ow ae More, Wok eed eet elena ll dint ee: -eplthelman lines the wall of the body-cavity and invests the contained organs. Incomplete muscular partitions divide the cavity into a median and two lateral compartments, in addition to the pericardium, or space in which the heart is lodged ; the lateral com- partments send prolongations into the legs. As in the Arthropoda in general, the body-cavity is a heemoceele, and is filled with blood. The enteric canal (Fig. 481) begins with a small buccal cavity, ay ane : io - ayn xI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 609 enclosed by the circular lip raised up into a number of papille bearing a few spines, and having on its roof a slight prominence, the tongue, with a row of small spines or teeth. This is followed by a thick-walled pharynx (phar.) leading to a narrow «asophagus. The part which follows, the mesenteron or stomach-intestine, a wide somewhat thin-walled tube, extends nearly to the posterior end of the body. The narrower rectum leads to an anal aperture situated on the last segment of the body. A diverticulum leading back- wards from the buccal cavity receives the secretion of two long narrow tubular salivary glands (sal. gld.). Circulatory system.—The heart is an elongated tube run- ning through nearly the entire length of the body. It presents a number of pairs of ostia " arranged segmentally— Ze, one opposite each pair of legs. It is enclosed in a pericardial sinus imper- fectly cut off from the general body-cavity by a longitudinal partition. The only other vessel is a median ventral vessel. The organs of respir- ation (Fig. 482) are de- licate, unbranched — or EEE rarely branched tracheal 6) tubes, lined with a thin = Fic. 4s2.—Section through a tracheal pit and diverg- ors xk ss ing bundles of tracheal tubes of Peripatus. ty. chitinous layer exhibiting trachew; tv, c. cells in walls of trachee; tr.v. fine transverse striations. tracheal stigma; tr. p. tracheal pit. (From Cum. : fi Nat. Hist., after Balfour.) Groups of these open 1n little depressions of the integument, the tracheal pits (¢7.p.), the external openings of which are known as the stigmatu (¢7.0.). The stigmata in some of the species are distributed irregularly over the surface; in others are arranged in longitudinal rows. By means of these tubes air is conveyed to all parts of the body. A series of pairs of glands, the coxal glands (Fig. 481, cou. gid.), lie in the lateral compartments of the body-cavity, and their ducts open on the lower surfaces of the legs just outside the nephridial apertures. Their distribution varies in the two sexes and in the different species: in one species—P. edwardsit—they are only developed in the male. A pair of larger glands—the slime glands (si. gid.)—opening at the extremities of the oral papilla, may be modified coxal glands: the secretion of these is discharged in the form of a number of fine viscid threads when the animal is irritated, and appears to serve a defensive purpose. The nervous system consists of a brain (bin.) situated in the head, and of two longitudinal nerve cords (ne. co.) which run parallel 610 ZOOLOGY SECT, with one another throughout the body to the posterior end, where they join together behind the anal aperture. A number of very fine transverse commissures, more numerous than the segments, (2.e., than the pairs of limbs) connect the two cords together to form a ladder-like nervous system comparable to that of some of the Flat Worms. The cords are very slightly swollen opposite each pair of limbs: nerve-cells cover them uniformly throughout their entire length. The brain gives off nerves to the antenne., The nerves to the jaws are just where the brain passes into the longitudinal nerve cords. The cxcretory organs are nephridia (Fig. 483) of the type of those of the Annulata, situated in pairs in the lateral compartments of the body-cavity, and opening on the lower surfaces of the legs at their bases. Each nephridium consists of a thin-walled closed internal vesicle, a looped tube (s.¢.), and a dilated ter- minal vesicle (s.), situated close to the external open- ing. The salivary glands and the reproductive ducts are, as shown by the study of their development, speci- ally modified nephridia, as apparently also are a pair of glands—the anal glands —opening close to the anus. Fic. 483.—Peripatus capensis, nephridium frum the ninth pair of legs. 0.s, external opening ; Reproductive organs. p-f, internal opening into the lateral compartment > uf the body-cavity ; s, vesicle of nephridium; —Peripatus has the sexes sc. 1, s.c. 2, s.e. 8, sc. 4, successive regions ot ee coiled portion ; s.0.t., third portion of nephridium distinct. In the female is not shown,” (kro the Con. Net waivanee there are two tubular Balfour.) : ovaries and two wtert, the latter in the form of long curved tubes which unite behind in a median vagina opening on the exterior on the ventral surface just behind the anus, between the legs of the last pair or behind them. In the oviparous forms the opening is situated at the end of a long cylindrical process— the ovipositor. In some species, connected with each uterus where it leaves the ovary, are two diverticula—the receptaculum seminis and receptaculum ovornm. In certain species one or other of these may be absent. In the male there are two tubular testes, each with a narrow vas efferens opening by a funnel-like aperture into a vesicula seninalis ; this is followed by a long, narrow, coiled vas deferens. The two vasa deferentia unite together to form a median tube—the ductus gjaculatorius—opening on the exterior, in the same position as the vagina of the female. The wall of the proximal part of the ejaculatory duct is glandular, and secretes a substance forming x1 PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 611 complicated cases which enclose masses of sperms to form spermatophores. Development.—The differences between the species of Peripatus as regards the segmentation of the egg and the formation of the germinal layers as described by various observers are very con- siderable. Nearly all the species are viviparous, but in some the egg, before the completion of embryonic development, is enclosed in a well-formed shell, and in certain species the eggs pass out to the exterior before the emergence of the embryo. In some species the egg encloses a considerable amount of food-yolk, in others the quantity of food-yolk is smalJ, and nutriment is obtained from the parent. In P. nove-zealandiw there is a superficial segmentation. The first segmentation-nucleus is itself superficial, and segmentation Fic, 484.—T'wo early stages in the development of Peripatus nove-zealandiz. A, transverse section of an ovum in which the yolk is nearly covered by the blastoderm (bl); B, transverse section of an ovum in which the blastopore (blp.) is formed. (After Sheldon.) results in the development of a number of nuclei, each with its island of protoplasm, which arrange themselves on what is destined to become the dorsal side (Fig. 484 A), opposite the site of the future blastopore, while some pass inwards to the central part of the ovum. ‘lhe peripheral nuclei multiply rapidly and grow round the yolk so as completely to enclose 16 except on a small space (blastopore) in the middle of the ventral side (B). There a thickening takes place, and an involution of the lips of the blastopore results in a sort of invagination, the floor of the invagination-cavity being formed of yolk with scattered nuclei, In another species—/. capensis—the segmentation has the appearance of being total; but the cells, though separated by fissures externally, are fused internally. A peripheral ectodermal layer becomes formed, enclosing a central, nucleated, vacuolated 612 ZOOLOGY SECT. mass, except at one point where a small area, the blastopore, is uncovered. The central mass is the endoderm; the lumen of the enteron is formed by coalescence of the vacuoles. In accordance with the smaller size of the ova and the rela- tionship of the embryo with the wall of the uterus, the American species show a totally different mode of development. The eggs, which are almost entirely devoid of yolk, undergo a total and tolerably equal process of segmentation. Even at this stage the embryo, which increases considerably in size, appears to receive nutrient lymph from the uterine wall. When it has reached the 32-cell stage the embryo, according to one observer, consists of a solid mass closely invested by the epithelium of the wall of the uterus. It then becomes reduced in size, and owing to exosmosis, assumes the form of a disk placed in close apposition to one side of the wall of the uterus. The embryo subsequently loses its flattened form and becomes somewhat vesicular, the cavity of the vesicle opening into the cavity of the uterus. From its surtace are given off isolated cells which become applied in part to the wall of the uterus, and finally unite to form a complete envelope (amnion) enclosing the embryo. The vesicle then becomes closed and the embryo raised from the surface of the uterine wall, the part appled to the latter narrowing so as to form a sort of stalk, at the base of which is a growth of cells termed the placenta. Into close relation with this placenta comes a ring- shaped thickening of the uterine wall, the wterine placenta. In P. capensis (Fig. 485) proliferation of cells gives rise to an oval thickening behind the elongated blastopore. The mesoderm takes its origin at this point and extends forwards in the form of two germinal bands, one on the right of the blastopore and the other on the left. These bands undergo a division into rudiments of segments—the division beginning in front. The lips of the blastopore meanwhile become approximated, and fuse throughout the greater part of their length, leaving only an anterior and a posterior opening; these go to form the mouth and the anus respectively. The division into segments soon becomes well marked. The cavities of the segments give rise only to the nephridia and the generative ducts, which thus alone represent the cwlome. At the anterior end the head lobes become distinguishable. The body elongates, and the head and trunk become differentiated. The limbs now arise as ventro- lateral outgrowths which are developed from before backwards. Distribution.—The various species of Peripatus are all terres- trial, and are found in damp localities, under bark, or dead timber, or stones. Some twenty-nine species occur in the Neotropical region; one in South America; eight in Africa; four in Malaya ; one in New Britain, and eight in Australasia. Relationships.—Peripatus is the most primitive of existing XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 613 Arthropods, and presents some striking points of resemblance to the Chitopoda. The development is in the main arthropodan, especially as regards the mode of segmentation (at least in the forms with much food-yolk, which are probably the more Fic. 485.—-Three somewhat later stages in the development of Peripatus capensis, showing the mode of closure of the blastopore and the appearance of the primitive segments. A, stage in which the hlastopore (bl.) has the form of an elongated slit ; B, stage in which the blastopore is closing up in its middle part ; C, stage in which the blastopore has become closed up except the anterior part which has gone to form the mouth (mo.), and the posterior part which has formed the anus (tn.); the whole embryo has now become strongly curved towards the dorsal side, (After Balfour.) primitive), the mode of closure of the blastopore, and of the development of the mesodermal strands. Arthropodan also are the relatively large size of the brain and the presence of trachea, the character of the heart with its pairs of ostia, together with the clawed appendages, and the jaws in the form of modified VOL. I RR 614 ZOOLOGY SECT. limbs. The nephridia on the other hand, and their modification in certain segments to form the gonoducts, which are ciliated internally, are annulate in character; and in all probability the slime-glands and coxal glands correspond to the setigerous glands of the Cheetopoda. The nervous system is peculiar, and is most nearly paralleled among the Platyhelminthes and the Mollusca. Also peculiar, and serving to distinguish Peripatus from the rest of the Arthropoda, are the large number of stigmata and their irregular arrangement, the presence of only a single pair of jaws, and the nature of the cuticle. CLASS III.—MYRIAPODA.’ The class Myriapoda, including the Centipedes and the Millipedes, consists of tracheate Arthropoda, which present many features of resemblance to the Insects. There is a distinct head, bearing many-jointed antenns, a pair of eyes, and two or three pairs of jaws; the body is not distinguishable into regions, but consists of anumber of similar segments, each bearing either one pair of legs or two pairs. A system of air-tubes or trachez, similar to those of Peripatus and the Insects, open by a series of stigmata, usually in considerable numbers, on the sides or lower surfaces of the segments. A.—DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS AND CLASSIFICATION. The Myriapoda are tracheate Arthropoda in which there is a head, bearing antenne and jaws, anda trunk made up of a number of similar segments, provided with leg-like appendages. Groups of ocelli are present on the head. Sub-Class I—PROGONEATA. Myriapoda in which the genital apertures are situated far forwards towards the anterior end of the body. OrnvDER 1.—PAuROPODA. Progoneata with ten trunk-segments and nine pairs of legs, one pair to each segment except the first. Antenna with several flagella. Trachez not known. The order includes only the single genus Pauropus (Fig. 489). 1 Ag will appear subsequently, the class Myriapoda, as formerly understood, comprises two groups which are separated from one another by such important differences that they might very well be looked upon as constituting two distinct and independent classes. The old class Myriapoda is retained here as a matter of convenience, and the two constituent groups are ranked as sub-classes, XI PHYLUM ARTHROPODA 615 ORDER 2.—DIPLopop, (CHILOGNATHA). Progoneata with a body composed of a considerable number of apparent segments, each of which, with the exception of the first three, bears two pairs of legs. There are no maxillipedes. This order includes the Millipedes. ORDER 3.-—SYMPHYLA. Progoneata in which there are not more than twelve leg-bearing seginents, and in which there is only a single pair of branching trachex, the external apertures of which are situated in the head. Not more than three pairs of jaws. Feet with two claws. This order includes only the two genera Scolopendrella (Fig. 486), and Scutigerella, Sub-Class II.—OPISTHOGONEATA. Myriapoda in which the genital aper- tures are situated at the posterior ex- Fi. 486, Seolopenarella : immaculata. (From Leuck- tremity of the body. art, after Latzel.) : ORDER 1.—CHILOPODA (SYNGNATHA). Opisthogoneata with numerous (15—173) trunk-segments, each bearing a single pair of legs. Numerous trachez opening in pairs of stigmata on the sides of a number of the segments. Four pairs of jaws, including a pair of poison-jaws. Feet with a single claw. This order includes the Centipedes (Fig. 487) and Scutigera. GENERAL ORGANISATION. External features.—The head in the Myriapoda is as_ well marked off asin an Insect; it appears to be composed of about four fused segments. The antenna consist sometimes of many, sometimes of comparatively few segments; in Puuwropus they are branched. to form a cylindrical tube en- aR ee closed by the shell (Fig. 649), SSS which is in the form of a delicate, Fic. 649.—Dentalium, longitudinal section of curved tube, open at both ends shell. (After Keferstein.) and wider at the anterior or oral end than at the other. The foot (Fig. 650, f) is narrow, trilobed at the extremity or provided with a terminal disc, capable of being protruded through the oral opening of the shell, and used for burrowing in sand. The mouth is NIL PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 757 situated on a short oral proboscis, and is sometimes surrounded by lobed pro- cesses or pinnate palpi. Further back are a pair of tentaculiferous lobes, each bearing a large number of filiform tentacles, which are probably respiratory in function. The mouth leads into a buccal cavity containing an odontophore. Connected with the mesenteron is a large bilobed digestive gland (/.). The anus is situated ventrally behind the base of the foot. The vascular system is extremely simple, con- sisting of sinuses without definite walls, and there is no distinct heart, though in the neighbourhood of the rectum there is a specially contractile part of the prin- cipal sinus. Two nephridia open near the anus, the right one acting as a gonoduct, the left (k) entirely renal in function. The sexes are distinct. There is an elongated unpaired gonad (g.), divided by lateral in- cisions into anumber of lobes, occupying all the posterior and dorsal parts of the body. Anteriorly it narrows to form a duct opening into the right nephridium. The nervous system consists of paired cerebral, pleural, pedal, and visceral ganglia; the cerebral ganglia are situated close together. There are no eyes or statocysts. In the gastrula stage the embryo, which is provided with cilia, becomes free. The ciliated cells are arranged in a characteristic manner in three rows which, at first situated close together about the middle of the body, become shifted at a later stage near the apical pole, and amalgamated into a broad band representing the pre- oral circlet of other molluscan larve ; at the same time Fic. 650.—Dentalium, a bunch of cilia previously developed at the apical anatomy. a. anterior pole becomes more conspicuous and a considerable part. aperture of mantle; 7. z : lester foot; ¢. gonad ; i, neph- of the general surface covered with more delicate cilia. ridium; JU. digestive The blastopore, at first terminal, is shifted forwards on gland. (From the Cram the ventral surface until it comes to be immediately Union Natuhal History, after Lacaze-Duthiers.) behind the ciliated circlet. At its anterior end an in- yagination gives rise to the mouth and stomodzeum. ‘i es Fia, 651.—Veliger of Dentalium. A, longitudinal section of a larva 14 hours old; B, larva of 37 hours; C, longitudinal section of larva of 34 hours, m. mouth; v, v. velum, (From Cooke, after Kowalewsky.) is developed, and soon the rudiment of the shell. The post-oral region, at first inconsiderable in size, soon undergoes an increase, until it forms eventually by Tos ZOOLOGY SECT. far the lonvest part of the body, while the pre-oral region almost completely aborts. When the post-oral region has attained a certain size, there are developed on it two lateral folds, the rudiments of the mantle (B), which grow inwards towards the middle ventral line, and later on unite by their free Fie. 652.—Rhodope ver- anii. General view. The scattered curved bodies are the spicules. @ «ap. male aperture; Q@ «ap female aperture; — bue. buecal cavity; bra. cen- tral nervous system ; cac. cecum; int, intestine; mth, mouth; or. ovary ; pam. layer of pigment ; sal. gid. salivary gland ; te. testes. (After von Graff.) margins. The pre-oral circlet or velum changes its form—at first it is conical, later it becomes plate-like, and is then gradually reduced, the larva sinking to the bottom; and though still occasionally swim- ming with the aid of the velum, coming to use the foot as a creeping organ. The shell now increases in size step by step with the growth of the mantle, and bends round the body of the larva until its edges meet and coalesce in the ventral median line. Later it assumes the elongated conical form, curved towards the dorsal side, characteristic of the adult. The foot at the same time elongates and takes on the charac- teristic three-lobed shape. B. RHODOPE. Rhodope (Fig. 652) is a minute, elongated, fusi- form animal, ciliated externally, with complete (external) bilateral symmetry. There is no shell, but within the body-wall, in the parenchyma between it and the enteric canal, are numerous irregularly shaped calcareous spicules. There are neither jaws nor odonto- phore. The enteric canal—which is a narrow tube, consisting of buccal cavity, with salivary glands, cesophagus, mid-gut with a ecum, and rectum—opens in an anal aperture situated to the right of the posterior extremity of the body. A digestive gland is absent. The central part of the nervous system consists of a supra-cesophageal mass made of three pairs of ganglia—cerebro-visceral, pedal and buecal— and a single ventral ganglion. An eye and a stato- cyst are situated on each side in close relation to the cerebro-visceral ganglion. The nephridial system opens on the right side in front of the anus: it consists of a narrow ciliated canal, running out from which are two longitudinal excretory canals with a number of flame-cells similar to those of the Flat- worms, but of a multicellular structure. There are no blood-vessels, and specialised organs of respiration are also absent. The sexes are-united. The gonads consist of about twenty ventrally situated masses of cells, the an- terior being ovaries and the posterior testes. There is a common duct receiving the products of all the gonads ; and a single hermaphrodite aperture, with a muscular penis, a receptaculum seminis, and an accessory gland. There is no metamorphosis, and the larva is not provided at any stage with any representatives of either shell-gland or foot. Though the occurrence of flame-cells is unique, there can be little doubt that Rhodope is best regarded as a degenerate member of the Mollusca, and it probably finds its nearest relatives among the Gastropoda. XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA -T or ~ Class V.-CEPHALOPODA. The Cephalopoda, including the Cuttle-fishes, Squids, Octopods, and Nautili, are marine Mollusca of a high grade of organisation. There is a very definitely-formed head, bearing a pair of highly- developed eyes, and surrounded by the anterior portion of the foot, modified into arms or tentacles. The body is bilaterally symmetrical. The posterior part of the foot is modified to form a funnel leading out from the large mantle-cavity. A shell is sometimes present, sometimes absent. When present it is usually internal, but sometimes external, and in the Nautili is capable of containing the body of the animal. 1. EXAMPLES OF THE CLASS. 1. THE CurrLe-Fisu (Sepia), Cuttle-fishes are marine Molluscs, which live usually at a depth of a few fathoms, but often come into shallower water, and are frequently caught in the trawl or the seine. The animal arrests attention when compared with Unio or Triton by the strength, and more particularly the rapidity, of its movements; by the possession of a pair of eyes resembling in size and complexity those of a Fish; and by various other features, all pointing to a higher grade of organisation than is attained by the members of the classes of Mollusca dealt with in the preceding pages. External Features.—The Cuttle-fish (Fig. 653) has a distinct head, bearing ten long arms, and a pair of large, highly-developed eyes. ‘The head is connected with the body by a constricted region or neck. The trunk is elongated and shield-shaped, the base of the shield being towards the head. The long axes of head and trunk are in line with one another. Not only the head, but also the trunk, are completely equilateral, in which respect there is a marked contrast to Triton ; and this symmetry extends to most of the systems of internal organs. The free extremity of the head bears the mouth, and is accordingly termed the oral extremity, the opposite extremity, the apex of the shield-shaped body, is the aboral end. The surfaces of the shield are anterior or antero-dorsal and posterior or postero-ventral, its borders right and left. The anterior surface is to be distinguished by its darker colour, and by the firmness of the body-wall, due to the presence in this position of a hard internal shell. 1 Most of the figures have reference to a common Australian species —S. cultrata —but the differences between the various species of the genus are slight and unimportant, and the description given will apply fairly well to any other species, 760 ZOOLOGY SECT. The aperture of the mouth is surrounded by the bases of the ten arms, These are in pairs, situated to the right and left of the median plane. All of them, with the exception of the fourth pair (the most anteriorly situated pair being reckoned as the first), are stout at the base and taper towards the extremity. When extended they are about two-thirds of the length of the body. The outer surtace of each (2.c. that turned away from the mouth) is strongly convex, the inner flat, and beset throughout its length with a number of suckers, which are arranged in four longitudinal rows. Each sucker is in the form of a shallow cup, supported on a short, thick stalk (s¢.); the lip of the cup is membranous, and immediately within it is a narrow, horny rim (dent.). Into the floor and walls of the cup are inserted numerous muscular fibres. When the sucker is being brought into use it is firmly applied to the surface of the object ; by the contraction of the muscular fibres the cavity of the cup is then enlarged, and a partial vacuum is formed, the result being firm adhesion, owing to the pressure of the surrounding water. The fourth pair of arms, usually known as the tentacles, are comparatively long and nar- row, and provided with suckers only towards their free ends, which are somewhat thickened and club-like. In the male the Fic. 653.-—Sepia cultrata. Entire animal fifth arm on the left side presents viewed from the antero-dorsal aspect. a slight modification, some of the suckers being absent. This is an indication of a change termed hectocotylisation, which, as will be pointed out in the general account of the class, assumes in some cases a very remarkable character. As the nerves which supply them are derived: from the pedal ganglia, there is no doubt that the arms of Sepia represent a portion of the foot of other Molluscs; but there is some doubt as to whether they correspond to the fore-foot or to the epipodia of the Gastropoda. XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 761 The head-region, comprising as it does the arms (which are the chief part of the foot) and the head proper, is termed the cephalopodium. The trunk is covered over by the thick integument of the mantle, which terminates toward the oral end in a ridge round the neck. Anteriorly this ridge projects as a prominent rounded lobe under cover of which the head can be partially retracted. Posteriorly it forms the posterior lip of the opening of a large cavity bounded by the mantle—the mantle-cavity—which extends along the entire posterior face of the body almost to the apex. The wide cleft between the oral edge of the mantle and the posterior surface of the body is not the only aperture leading into the mantle-cavity. On the oral side of this cleft is a large tube—the funnel (Fig. 658, imf.)—opening on the exterior behind the neck, and internally communicating by a wide aperture with the mantle-cavity. The cleft is capable of being almost completely closed by the apposition of a pair of oval projections (mant. cart.) of the inner surface of the posterior mantle-wall near its oral border, and a pair of concave depressions (inf. cart.) on the opposite (posterior) face of the funnel. The funnel is thus, under ordi- nary circumstances, the main outlet of the mantle-cavity. As such it not only carries to the exterior the effete water of respiration, the fecal matters from the intestine, and the products of the excretory and reproductive organs, but also takes an important part in locomotion, the most important movements of the Cuttle-fish—by which it darts rapidly through the water in the direction of the aboral pointed end of the body— being effected by rhythmical contractions of the muscular walls of the mantle-cavity causing jets of water to be forced in the oral direction through the funnel. The free passage of water inwards through the funnel is prevented by the presence in its interior of a flap-like valve opening outwards. The water required for re- spiration and in locomotion is thus drawn in, not through the funnel, but through the partially-closed slit-like pallial aperture previously referred to. The funnel seems, from the source of the nerves which supply it, to be, like the arms, a specially modified part of the foot. Fringing each lateral margin of the body is a thin muscular fold—the jin—which is used as a swimming organ. The anterior wall of the body exhibits, as already mentioned, a hard and resistant character owing to the presence of the internal shell (Fig. 654). This is completely enclosed in a sac of the mantle. Like the body itself, it is bilaterally symmetrical. In shape it may be described as leaf-like, with a rounded and comparatively broad oral end, and a narrower aboral end, provided with a sharp, anteriorly-projecting spine. The posterior surface is convex; the anterior convex towards its oral end, but deeply ZOOLOGY SECT. concave aborally, and bounded laterally by thin prominent wing- like ridges which converge to meet at the aboral extremity. The Fig. 654.—Shell of Sepia cultrata, posterior view. Re- duced. main mass of the shell consists of numerous, closely-arranged, thin lamin of calcareous com- position, between which are interspaces contain- ing gas. On the surface is a thin layer of chitinoid material, and slightly thicker strips of similar composition run along the margins. The living Cuttle-fish will be observed to undergo frequent changes of colour, and blushes of different hues are to be observed passing over the surface. These are due to the presence of numerous contractile pigment-containing cells or chromatophores (Fig. (55) situated in the deeper layers of the integument over the entire surface. The chromatophores are flattened sacs with elastic walls, the contracting tendency of which is capable of being counteracted by the action of bundles of muscular fibres radiating outwards from the edge of the sac into the sur- rounding tissues. When these radiating fibres are in action the edge of the chromatophore is drawn outwards in different directions, and as a result the flattened sac becomes more expanded and thinner, the pigment being spread out into a thinner layer. When the fibres are relaxed the elasticity of the wall comes into play, and the chromatophore contracts, the contained pigment re- suming its former arrange- ment. A peculiar iridescence which, in addition to the play of colours, is recognisable in the integument of Sepia, is due to the presence of a number of cells, the zidocysts. When the mantle-cavity is laid open (Fig. 658) there is seen on each side of it one of the two plume-shaped clenadia (cten.). In the middle line of the posterior surface, close to the internal opening of the funnel, is the anal aperture (un.) situated at the oral extremity of a longi- tudinal tube—the rectwm. Fre. 655.—Chromatophore of Sepia, magnified. vuc. nuclei in wall of sac; piyi. pigment; rad, wus. radiating strands of muscle. (After Vogt and Jung.) On either side of the rectum is a much narrower projecting tube with a terminal opening—the XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 763 nephridial aperture (neph.). On the left-hand side is the opening of the sperm-duct or oviduct (ovid.) as the case may be. : In addition to the shell, which is an important protective structure, and gives support to the muscles of the fins, Sepia also has a remarkably well developed internal skeleton composed of cartilage. An important part of this—the cranial cartilage (Fig. 656)—protects the principal nerve- centres, encloses the statocysts, eye and gives support to the eyes. ae Other cartilages support the bases of the arms. A thin shield- shaped plate—the nuchal cartilage (Fig. 657)—lies on the posterior surface of the neck. The pair of elevations on the posterior wall of the funnel and the correspond- ing depressions on the anterior surface of the body are borne Vises each on a thin plate of cartilage, — Fiu.s%0.—Sepia eultrata, cranial car- : : tila een fi th terior a ot, and other thin cartilages support with the oanities of the wong ae the bases of the fins erie eye, position of eye indicated by aS otted line; of. statocyst; pall. n. Alimentary System. == he pallial nerve; cise. n. visceral nerves. mouth is surrounded by a thin peristomial membrane, within which isa circular lip beset with numerous minute elevations. Lodged within the circular lip is a pair of powerful horny jaws (Fig. 659, Fig. 660, jaw}, jaw?; Fig. 661, 7.; Fig. 663, jaw). These have somewhat the appearance of the beak of a parrot, the posterior jaw being larger and more strongly bent than the other, which it partly encloses. The mouth leads into a thick-walled buccal cavity, which contains an odontophore bearing numerous minute horny teeth. The esophagus (Figs. 660 and 661, @ ; Fig. 663, @s), following on the buccal cavity, is a narrow straight tube, which runs between the halves of the “liver” towards the aboral end of the body. It opens into a rounded thick-walled ied ih = etic stomach (st.), and, close to the pyloric aperture cultrata,nuchal leading from the latter into the intestine, opens ss a wide caewm (e.). The alimentary canal at this point bends sharply round upon itself, and the intestine runs nearly parallel with the cesophagus to open into the mantle-cavity as already described. A pair of glands (Fig. 661, sg.; Fig. 663, sql.), which are commonly termed sa/ivary, though their functional correspondence with salivary glands has not been proved, are situated in the head behind the cranial cartilage. The ducts of these two glands run inwards and unite tu form a median duct, which opens into 764 ZOOLOGY SECT. the buccal cavity. The name of “ liver” (Fig. 660, LU. ; Fig. 662, liv.) or digestive gland is given to a large brown glandular mass which extends from the neighbourhood of the salivary glands nearly to the aboral end of the body. It consists of two partly united right 0 ty Wo, | fA \. 20/0) oF Soy Be Rt) [2a \ So) [2G t ANA SIN ie) C mart.cart rt \\ liv I inkd acmid Zz DW) Fic. 658.—Sepia cultrata, female seen from the posterio-ventral aspect, the wall of the mantle cavity divided along the middle line and the twu flaps thus formed spread out go as tu expuse the contents. ac. nid. accessory nidamental glands ; av. anal aperture with its lateral append- ages; f. membranous fold attaching the ctenidium to the wall of the mantle-cavity; inf. external opening of funnel; inf. cart. infundibular cartilage ; ink. 7. ink-duct ; tak. s. ink-sac ; liq. ligamentous band which extends from the anterior wall of the mantle-cavity to the ovary, cut across ; dir. “liver”; l. cfen. left ctenidium ; /. neph. left nephridial aperture ; l. nid. left nidamental gland ; (. si. y. loft stellate ganglion ; manf. cart. mantle-cartilage ; mo. mouth ; mus. neck-muscles ; or, ovary 3 ovid. oviduct ; rect. rectum. and left portions, each of which has a duct opening into the cavity of the alimentary canal opposite the point where stomach, cecum, and intestine meet. Surrounding the ducts and opening into them are masses of minute vesicles (Fig. 661, 6, d.); -the secrction of these has the property of converting starchy matters XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 765 into sugar; they sometimes, though without sufficient reason, receive the name of pancreas. Immediately below the thin integument of the anterior wall of the mantle-cavity lies a characteristic organ—the ink-sae (Fig, 658, ink. s.; Fig. 661, 2). This is a pear-shaped body, a portion of the interior of which is glandular and secretes a black substance— the ink or sepia—which collects in the main cavity of the sac and is discharged by a cylindrical duct opening into the rectum close to the anal aperture. When the Cuttle-fish is startled it discharges the ink, which, mixing with the water in the mantle-cavity, is ejected through the funnel as a black cloud, under cover of which the animal may escape from a threatened attack. Vascular System.—The heart (Figs. 662, 663, and 665) of the Cuttle-fish consists of a ventricle and two auricles. The ventricle (vent.) which is divided into two lobes by a constriction, Is some- what obliquely placed, but the rest of the vascular system is almost completely equilateral. At its oral end the ventricle gives off a large vessel—the oral aorta (aort.); aborally it gives origin to be a much smaller aboral aorta (aort’), which bends over the ink-sac and supplies the aboral portions of the body. The s : y Fiu, 65.—Sepia officinalis, jaws. A arteries which lead off from the fy situ: a removed and slightly en. i ] Jarged. (From the Cambridge Nuturat aorte communicate by their ivory.) ultimate branches with a system of capillaries, and these with a system of veins. A large median vein, the vena cava (¢. ev.), runs from the head to the neighbourhood of the rectum, in front of which it bifureates to form the left and right afferent branchial veins (J. aff. br. v., r. aff. br. v.), each running through the cavity of the corresponding renal organ to the base of the gill, where it 1s joined by veins from the aboral region. At the base of the gill the afferent branchial vein becomes dilated to form a con- tractile sac—the branchial heart (r. br. ht.)—appended to which is a rounded body of a glandular character—the appendage of the branchial heart, representing the pericardial glands of the VOL. I 3.¢ 766 ZOOLOGY SECT. Peleeypoda. The afferent branchial vein runs through the axis of the branchia, giving off branches as it goes. The blood is carried back to the ventricle on either side by a dilated contractile vessel, the auricle or efferent branchial vein (lL. aur., 7. aur.). The celome (Fig. 671) is a pouch of considerable size, divided by a constriction into oral and aboral parts. The former is the pericardium, or cavity in which the heart is lodged ; it gives off a pair of diverticula, right and left, each lodging the corresponding branchial heart, and communicates by a pair of apertures with Fic. 660.—Sepia, median section through Fic, 661,—Sepia officinalis, entcric the buccal mass. yg. luc. buccal ganglia ; canal. a. anus; b. d. duct of one of uv. stom, stomatogastric ganglia; gust. sup- the portions of the digestive gland ; posed gustatory organ; jawl, posterior b. m. buccal mass ; ec. cecum ; 7. ink- jaw ; jaw, anterior jaw; w. esophagus ; sac; i. d. ink-duct; j. jaws; l0. p-rist. peristomial membrane ; rad. radula. digestive gland; w. cesophagus; p. (After Keferstein.) pancreatic appendages ; 7. rectum 3 s. g. salivary glands ; sf. stomach. (From the Cambridge Natural History.) the cavities of the nephridia or renal sacs. The aboral part of the coelome forms the capsule (gonocele) which encloses the ovary or testis. The paired, plume-shaped ctenidium les parallel with the long axis of the body. It is attached throughout the greater part of its length to the wall of the mantle-cavity by a thin muscular fold, and consists of numerous pairs of delicate lamella, the surface of which is increased by the presence of a complex system of fold- ings. Internally the lamelle are not completely in contact, an XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 767 axial canal being left through which the water penetrates freely to all parts of the gill. The blood carried to the gill by the afferent branchial vessel passes in a system of minute branches through the lamell, and is gathered up again into vessels which open into the main efferent vessel leading to the auricle. Sad ea ar reas Fic. 662.—Sepia cultrata, male specimen seen from the postcro-ventral aspect, the mantle- cavity opened as in Fig. 658, the posterior body-wall partly dissected off, so as to expose the organs in the visceral sac, the ink-sac and duct removed. aort. main aorta; aort.’ aboral aorta ; app. appendage of left branchial heart ; ewe. cecum; inf. cart. funnel cartilages ; fir. digestive gland ; l. ald. v. left abdominal vein ; 7. «ff. bv. left afferent branchial vessel ; /. wur. left auricle; /. br. ht. left branchial heart; l. cfen. left ctenidium; /. st. g. left stellate ganglion ; mant. cart. mantle-cartilage ; mo. mouth; pen. penis; prost. prostate; 1. abd. v. right abdominal vein ; +. e/en. right ctenidium ; vert. rectum; +. ven. app. appendages of right afferent branchial vessel ; te. testis; te. «. vein to testis; va. valve of funnel; vent, ventricle. Nervous System.—Though parts homologous with those of Triton are recognisable in the nervous system of Sepia, their pro- portions and arrangement indicate a higher grade of organisation. The cerebral, pedal, and plewro-visceral ganglia (Fig. 666), all of relatively large size, are closely aggregated together around the 3c 2 768 ZOOLOGY SECT. esophagus, supported and protected by the cranial cartilage. The cerebral ganglia (ver. g.) ave fused together into a rounded mass, lodged in a hollow of the cranial cartilage, and covered over anteriorly by a strong fibrous membrane. Laterally are given off Fic. 663.—Sepia cultrata, lateral dissection of male. The left-hand half of the head has been removed by an approximately median longitudinal section, the buccal mass, however, being left intact ; the funncl and the anterior and posterior walls of the mantle-cavity are likewise bisected longitudinally. The left ctenidium with the left nephridial sae and left branchial heart have been removed from their natural position and displaced backwards so as to expose the other organs. The digestive gland with its ducts and the pancreatic appendages have been removed, but the position of the former is indicated by a dotted line. app. appendage of left branchial heart ; aort. aorta; aort’. aboral aorta 3 buc. buccal mass ; br. cart, section of cartilage supporting the arms; cer. . cerebral ganglia; giz. gizzard ; ink. 8. ink-sac 3 taf, funnel; jaw, jaw; l. aur. left auricle; l. br. kt. left branchial heart ; l. cten. left ctenidium ; liv. position of digestive gland ; l. neph. left nephridial sac ; 2. cart. nuchal cartilage ; «s. esophagus; of. cavity of statocyst laid open; ped. g. section of pedal gang- lion ; perist. peristomial membranc ; post. v. abdominal vein ; 7. aur. right auricle; r. cten. right ctenidium ; rect. rectum; sal. salivary gland; sh. shell; st. stomach; te. testis; va. valve of funnel; ¢. car. vena cava; rent, ventricle. a pair of short thick processes—the optic nerves or optie stalks (opt. st.—which expand almost immediately into large masses— the optic ganglia (opt. g.\—in immediate contact with the eyes. At the sides and posteriorly a pair of very thick commissural bands of nerve-matter pass round the cesophagus to unite with the XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 769 pedal and pleuro-visceral ganglia, which lie behind. The pedal ganglia (Fig. 667) are, like the cerebral, united into a single mass; orally this is prolonged and expanded into a broad mass from which the ten brarhial nerves (br. n.) are given off to the arms. The plewro-visrervl ganglia, also united into one, are in immediate contact with the pedal behind the cesophagus. Besides the optic nerves the cerebral ganglia also give off a pair of slender nerves which join a smaller pair of closely united buccal ganglia (Fig. 666, bwc.), situated close to the buccal mass on the anterior aspect of the cesophagus. The buccal ganglia again (which are some- times looked upon as separated portions of the cerebral) are connected by slender connectives with a pair of stomatogastric ganglia (Fig. 660, g. stom.), also closely united, situated on the posterior aspect of the csophagus. Besides the ten brachial nerves, each of which, expanding at the base of the arm into a brachial ganglion, runs along the axis of the arm to its extremity, the pedal ganglia also give off nerves to the funnel, and also a pair to the statocysts; but the latter are found, when their fibres are traced to their origin, to be derived from the cere- bral ganglia. The pleuro-visceral ganglia give off two visceral nerves (Fig. 667, vise. n.) supplying the various internal organs, one pair of branches, the branchials, having each a branchial ganglion at the base of the ctenidium, and running along its axis to its extremity. Two other Fia. 664.—Sepia officinalis, ganglia of considerable size—-the visceral longitudinal section of ink: : : SAC. tL, 3 & ink- 5 and the gastric—occur in the course of ngs inkigland {7 auvity ‘ aT ASU < 17 of ink-sac; 0. orifice of ink- this system. The pleuro-visceral ganglia a a a also give off two very stout pallial nerves ter muscles. (From the Cum- . si tiidge Natural History, after (pall. n.) which run through the neck to Girod.) the inner surface of the mantle-cavity, where each expands into a large, flat, pallial or stellate ganglion (Fig. 658, J. st. g.), which is visible in front of the ctenidium when the mantle-cavity is opened. From the outer edge of this arise a number of nerves supplying the various parts of the mantle. The organs of special sense of the Cuttle-fish are much more highly developed. than those of Triton. The eyes (Fig. 668) are wal) ZOOLOGY SECT. supported by curved plates of cartillage forming a sort of orbit, connected with the cranial cartilage. The significance of the ) nabdv. A ver. app ’ SOUYV Fic, 665,—Sepia cultrata, heart and main blood-vessels from the pusterior aspect. «ant. wo, aort, aorta; aort’. aboral aorta; app. appendage of right branchial heart; ef. br. v. right efferent branchial vessel; ink. a. artery to ink-sac ; ink. v, vein from ink-sac ; Ll. aff. bv, v. left afferent branchial vessel; l. aur. left auricle; or. 7. deep ovarian vein ; ov. v'. superficial ovarian vein; pall. v. pallial vein; r. ud. v. right abdominal vein; +. af. br. v. right afferent branchial vein ; 7. cten. right ctenidium; +. br. ht, right branchial heart; v. cae. vena cava: ven. app. venous appendages ; vent. ventricle. bri VESC.TL vese.n Fia. 666.—Sepia cultrata, cephalic gang- Fic, 667.—Sepia cultrata, anterior vicw lia from the anterior aspect. uo. aorta; buc, buceal ganglion ; cer. bue. con, cere- bro-buceal connective; cer. g. cercbral ganglion ; opt. g. optic ganglion (removed on the left side); opt. st. optic stalk ; pall. n. pallial nerve ; pl. a. pleural gung- lion ; vise. n, visceral nerves, of pedal and pleuro-visceral ganglia after removal of the cerebral and optic. hr. 2. brachial nerves; conn. connectives be- tween the cerebral and the pedal and pleuro-visceral ganglia (cut across); inf. n. nerve to funnel; pall. 2. pallial nerves; vise. n, Visceral nerves, various parts of the eye will not be fully understood till the struc- ture of that of the Vertebrata has been studied. A transparent XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 771 portion of the integument covering the exposed face of the eye is termed the false cornea (corn). The eye-ball has a firm wall, or sclerotic, strengthened by plates of cartillage (sel. cart). Externally, «e.,on the side turned towards the surface of the head, this presents a large opening—the pupil. The part of the sclerotic which imme- diately bounds the pupil is termed the iris (ir) ; it contains muscu- lar fibres by whose action the size of the pupil can, to a limited extent, be increased or diminished. Just internal to the iris and projecting slightly through the pupil is the lens—a dense glassy- looking body of a spherical shape. The lens consists of two plano- convex lenses in close apposition ; it is supported by an annular etl proc f scl.cart hey SN STATINS y CAI SZ orb.cart Fia. 668.—Sepia, section of eye. cil. proc. ciliary processes ; conn. false cornea ; ir. iris; lens, lens ; opt. y optic ganglion ; orb. cart. orbital cartilage ; rds. rods 3 ref. retina; sel. cart, sclerotic cartilage. (From Vogt and Jung, after Hensen.) process—the ciliary process (ctl. prec.) —projecting inwards from the sclerotic. Between the two parts of the lens lies a thin layer of cells—the cornea. The lens with the ciliary process divides the cavity of the eye into two portions, a smaller outer—the cavity of the aqueous humour,— containing water, and a larger inner, contain- ing a gelatinous substance—the vitreous humour. Over the wall of this inner chamber extends the retina (ret), the sensitive part of the eye, in which the optic nerve-fibres derived from the optic ganglion terminate. The retina is of somewhat complicated structure, consisting of a number of layers; of these that which Ti2 ZOOLOGY SECT. immediately bounds the internal cavity of the eye is a layer of short narrow prismatic bodies—the lwyer of rods (rd), while the outermost is a layer of optic nerve-fibres connected with the nerve- cells of the optic ganglion on the one hand, and with the other elements of the retina on the other. In imnediate contact with the eye, in addition to the optic ganglion, is a large soft body of unknown function, the so-called optic gland or white body, Bundles of muscular fibres bring about limited movements of the eyeball in various directions. A pair of integumentary folds of the character of eyelids are capable of being drawn over the cornea. The statocyst (“ otocyst”) (Fig. 656), though not of such compli- cated structure as the eye, is very much more highly developed than that of the Pelecypoda or Gastropoda. The two statocysts are embedded in the cartilage of the posterior portion of the cranium close to the pleuro-visceral ganglion. The cavities of the two organs, which are about 3 mm. in diameter, are separated by a median cartilaginous septum. The inner surface presents a number of rounded and pear-shaped elevations, and is lined with a flattened epithelium raised up on the posterior surface into a ridge or erisia acustica and a macula acustica composed of large cylindrical cells provided at their free extremities with short cilia, and produced at their bases into processes continuous with nerve-fibres derived from the statocyst-nerve. Enclosed in the cavity of the statocyst and attached to the macula is a large statolith (Fig. 669) of dense composition and comphcated form. The function of the stato- cysts as organs of hearihg is quite unproved; it has been shown by experiment that their re- moval leads to a loss of the power of co- ordinating the movements in such a way as to maintain the equilibrium. Supposed to be olfactory in function is a = pair of ciliated pits, which open by slits on the Pe ta piacul- surface behind each eye; among the ciliated highly magnified.’ cells lining the pit are numerous narrow sensory cells connected at their bases with the fibres of anerve derived from a small ganglion situated close to the optic ganglion. A small elevation (Fig. 660, gust), covered with papule, on the floor of the buccal cavity just in front of the odontophore, is perhaps an organ of taste. ‘he excretory organs or nephridia of Sepia (Figs. 670 and 671) are a pair of thin-walled sacs, which open into the mantle- cavity by the conspicuous excretory apertures already described. On either side is an aperture (ap.!) placing the cavity of the sac in communication with the pericardium, and the right and left sacs communicate with one another anteriorly and posteriorly. From XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 773 their posterior junction is given off a median diverticulum (Fig. 671, med. s), into which the pancreatic follicles (panc.) project. Through each excretory sac runs the corresponding «ferent branchial vein, formed by the bifurcation of the vena cava, and surrounding it are masses of glandular tissue (Fig. 670, ven. app), by whose agency the process of renal excretion (the products of which, in the shape of a nitrogenous excretory med.s Fic. 670.—Sepia officinalis, excretory organs. abd. v. abdominal vein ; «pl, funnel-like opening from the pericardium; ap2, aperture of communication between the left and the median nephridial sac ; ink. s. v. ink-sac vein ; mel. s, median sac ; pall. v. pallial vein ; wr. ureter 5 +, cav, Vena cava; tea, app. venous appendages of the afferent branchial veins. (From Vogt and Jung, after Grobben.) substance called guanin, are to be detected in the internal cavity) is carried on. Reproductive system.—In the male the testis (Fig. 672, ¢e.) forms a compact mass of minute tubules situated in the aboral region of the body and enclosed in a capsule. The single spermi- duct (v. def) is a greatly convoluted tube which leads from the cavity of the capsule towards the right; it opens into an elon- gated vesicula seminalis (ves.), to which is appended a glandular body, the prostate (pr.). In the interior of the vesicula seminalis v4 ZOOLOGY SECT. the sperms are rolled up by the action of a system of grooves and ridges into long narrow bundles of about 2 cm. in length, each of which becomes enclosed by a chitinoid capsule of a narrow cylindrical shape, forming a spermatophore (Fig. 673, B); at one end of the spermatophore is a complicated apparatus of the nature of a spring for causing the rupture of the wall and the discharge of the sperms. The vesicula seminalis expands into a wide sac— WP) sap Ziv 0) ov Be Fic. (71.—Sepia officinalis, diagram of a median vertical section of a female specimen, to show tbe relations of the cavities. «ap. aperture between the secondary body-cavity (peri- cardium) and the lateral nephridial sac ; br. if. branchial heart ; nf. funnel; ivi s. ink-sac ; iat, intestine; lat. s. lateral nephridial sac; lir. liver; med. s. median nephridial sac ; or. ovary ; ov. ap. aperture leading from oviduct to secondary body-cavity ; pane, pancreatic topemiag ee ; sh, shell; st, stomach ; ws. ureter ; rent. ventricle. (From Vogt and Jung, after xrobben.) the spermatophoral sac or Needham’s sac (Fig. 672, sp. s.)\—in the interior of which the spermatophores are stored. This opens into the mantle-cavity by the aperture already described at the extremity of the penis to the left of the middle line. In the female the ovary (Fig. 658, ov.) occupies a position exactly corresponding to that of the testis in the male, and is enclosed in a similar capsule, with the cavity of which the lumen of the oviduct is continuous. An axial swelling bears numerous follicles, XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 779 each containing a single ovum at various stages of development, and supported on a long slender stalk. At the breeding season the ovary becomes a compact mass of ova, which assume a polygonal shape owing to mutual pressure. The oviduct (ovid.) is a wide tube, opening, as already described, into the mantle- cavity to the left of the rectum. Occupying a conspicuous position on the anterior wall of the mantle-cavity of the female is a pair of large flattened glands of somewhat oval outline, the Fic. 672.—Sepia, reproductive organs of male. pn. penis; Fic. 673.—Sepia. A, sperms, pr. prostute; sp. x. sperm-sac; te, testis; v. def. vas highly magnified ; B, sperma- deferens ; ves. vesicula seminalis. (After Keferstein.) tophore. sp. mass of sperms ; spr. spring apparatus by which the wall of the spermatophore mdamental glands (nid), situated to the — Frupiured. (Prom Vogt and right and left of the ink-duct. In the long axis of each is a median canal, on either side of which is a range of closely-set delicate lamelle ; the median canal opens into the mantle-cavity by a slit bounded by a number of plaits situated at the narrower oral end. The nida- mental glands secrete the viscid material by means of which the eggs when deposited adhere together in masses. A glandular mass of unknown function, known as the accessory nidamental glands (ac. nid.), lies at the sides and around the oral ends of the nidamental glands proper. 776 ZOOLOGY SECT. i, THE Pearty Nautitus (Nautilus pompilius). The three living species of Nautilus, of which N. pompilius is the best known, are inhabitants of moderately shallow water about the shores and coral-reefs of the South Pacific, usually swimming near the bottom, and probably rarely, if ever, coming voluntarily to the surface. The body is enclosed in a calcareous, spirally- coiled shell (Fig. 674), into which the entire animal can be with- drawn for protection, The cavity of the shell is divided by a system of septa into a series of chambers, the last and largest of which, opening widely on the exterior, alone lodges the body of the Fic. 674.—Section of the shell of Nautilus pompilius, showing the septa (s, s), the septal necks (s. 7., 8. 2.), the siphuncle, si. (represented by dotted lines), and the large body-chamber (ch). (From the Cambridge Natural History.) animal. Between the animal and its shell there is a direct organic connection through the intermediation of a narrow, tubular, vascular prolongation of the visceral region, which perforates the entire series of the septa to the apex of the spiral. This tube, which is termed the siphwnele (si.), has its wall supported by scattered spicules of carbonate of lime; but, in addition, as it passes through each septum, there is produced over it for some distance a shelly tube—the septal neck (s. n.)—continuous with the substance of the septum. The apical or initial chamber presents a small scar, the cicatriz, which may indicate the original presence of the larval shell, or protoconch, which has fallen off in the course of develop- ment. XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 777 When the shell of the Nautilus is compared with that of Triton some points of resemblance, together with important points of difference, will be at once recognised. In both the growth of the shell has taken place in such a way as to produce a gradual and regular increase in the width of the internal cavity, from the apex to the mouth, the result being a form of shell which, if it were straightened out, would be a long cone. In both the growth has not taken place in a straight line, but in a spiral, and a spiral of so close a character that successive turns are in immediate contact and their walls fused together. But in Nautilus all the turns of the spiral are in the same plane; the spiral in other words, is a flat one, as has already been found to be the case in certain of the Gastropoda (p. 737), whereas in Triton the spiral is an elongated helix: in other words, the spiral of Nautilus is that of a watch- spring, that of Triton that of a corkscrew. The possession by Nautilus of the series of septa marking the position which the animal has occupied at successive stages in its growth is another striking difference. Moreover the relations of the soft parts of the shell are radically different in the two cases. In Triton the body is attached to the shell by the columellar muscle; in Nautilus the main organic connection is by means of the siphuncle ; for, though it is chiefly through the pressure exerted by two great lateral masses of muscle (Fig. 675, onus.) that the Nautilus retains its hold of the shell, the muscular fibres are not attached to the latter in the same intimate way as those of the columellar muscle of Triton, but are inserted into a horny cuticular membrane inter- vening between the muscle and the shell. Again, while the curva- ture of the body of Triton with the enclosing shell is towards the ventral side (endogastric), in Nautilus it is towards the dorsal side (exogastric). When the animal is removed from the shell it is found to possess two regions, a distinct and relatively large, obtusely conical head bearing eyes and a system of tentacles, and a rounded sac-like trunk. Both head (or cephalopodium) and trunk are very slightly compressed, the direction of the compression being, as in Sepia, from the antero-dorsal towards the postero-ventral side, and they are almost complete bilaterally symmetrical, only a very slight disturbance of the symmetry being discernible. The mouth, situated at the free extremity, is provided with a pair of relatively enormous, partly calcified jaws (Fig 675). Surrounding the mouth is a series of bilaterally arranged lobes which represent the fore- foot or the epipodia of other Molluscs. These are beset with numerous slender, three-sided tentacles, each provided with an elongated tubular sheath, in the interior of which the greater part of the tentacle in the retracted condition lies enclosed, only a small portion protruding. Minute ring-like markings on the tentacle are due to the presence of a number of annular constric- 778 ZOOLOGY SECT. tions, which give the tentacle a transversely ridged character. There are no suckers: but the ridged surfaces enable the tentacle to adhere firmly to rough objects. The tentacles are arranged in two series, an outer and an inner. The outer, which are borne on an annular muscular ridge of the foot, are nineteen on each side in both sexes. Anteriorly this muscular ridge is thickened to form a massive lobe—the hood (Figs. 675, 676, hd.)—in which there is a concavity for the reception of the coil of the shell. The Fic. 675,—Nautilus pompilius, diagrammatic lateral view of a female specimen enclosed in its shell. cart. cartilage ; cfen. ctenidia ; hd. hood ; ins. funnel ; jaws, jaws ; mant. mantle ; mant’, dorsal mantle fold overlapping the coil of the shell ; us. position of lateral mass of muscle: nid. nidamental glands ; sept. first septum ; siph. siphuncle. (After Keferstein.) hood bears two tentacles, and has the appearance of being com- posed of the immensely developed sheaths of these, completely fused together in the middle line: on each side the enlarged sheaths of a second pair of tentacles are closely applied to, though not completely coalescent with, the hood, being separated from the latter by a narrow groove. The hood, with these two enlarged sheaths, is covered with a thickened tuberculated skin, and acts after the manner of an operculum for protecting the tentacles xIT PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 779 and other soft parts about the head. Altogether there are forty- two tentacles of the outer series, including four ophthalmic tentacles, one situated on the oral and ancther on the aboral side of each eye. The latter (ophthalmic) differ from the rest in being highly Fic. 676.—Nautilus macromphalus, adhering to the substratum in a vertical position by means of its tentacles. ¢. eye; h. hood; n. w. nuchal membrane detached from coil of shell ; o. t. ophthalmic tentacles ; sh. shell; w. f. wing of funnel. (After Willey.) sensitive, ciliated, and with the ridges on the inner side produced into lamelle. The tentacles of the inner series difter strikingly in number and arrangement in the two sexes. In the female there are two inner lateral lobes, right and left, quite symmetrically developed, each bearing twelve tentacles, and an inner posterior 780 ZOOLOGY SECT. lobe (Fig. 677) divided by a deep median notch into two, each half bearing twelve to fourteen tentacles. On the middle of the oral surface of the latter, close to the median notch, is an oval patch raised up into numerous closely set ridges (organ of Owen). In the male the inner posterior lobe with its ridged organ is only represented by a median posterior body consisting of two oval elevations, each divided into a number of folds (organ of Van der Hoeven). The internal lateral lobes are greatly modified, four of the tentacles on either the right side or the left, usually the latter, being modified to form a structure termed the spadix (Fig. 678), Fic. 677.—Inner posterior lobe of foot of female of Nautilus pompilius, with neighbouring parts of cephalopodium. ow. organ of Owen; ¢. one of the tentacles of the outer wing; val. organ of Valenciennes. (After Willey.) which is supposed to represent the hectocotylised arm of the male Sepia. It has the form of a large compressed cone formed by the union of the enlarged sheaths of three of the tentacles. The corresponding tentacles themselves are in the adult male enor- mously thickened, and the outer surface of the most posterior (2) is covered with regularly arranged rows of minute pits. A fourth tentacle, much smaller than the others, is closely applied to the outer surface of the organ. In the internal lateral lobe, right or left as the case may be, opposite that bearing the spadix, the latter is represented by a group of four tentacles forming what is termed the anti-spadix. XI PHYLUM MOLLUSC'A 781 A further difference between the male and the female with regard to the foot is the presence in the latter, but not in the former, on the inner surface of the outer ring, close to the inner posterior lobe on either side, of an area thickly beset with delicate membranous ridges (organ of Valenciennes, Fig. 677, vel.). On the posterior side of the head is a funnel corresponding with that of Sepia, but extending further forwards ; this, however, does not form a com- pletely closed tube, the edges of its right and left moieties being simply in apposition posteriorly without bemg united together. Near the oral end is a large, somewhat triangular valve arranged like that of Sepia. There is an internal skeleton of cartilage (Fig. 679), as in Sepia, but its relationships with the nerve-ganglia are much less intimate in the case of Nautilus than in that of Sepia. 3~ Fic, 678.—Nautilus pompilius, spadix of full-grown male, seen from the outer side. 1, 2, 3, 4, modified tentacles ; 1, withdrawn into its sheath, its position and shape indicated by the dotted line; 38, the flattened tentacle with the rows of minute cavities ; xz, patch of modified integument. Two-thirds of the natural size. (After Haswell.) Mantle and Mantle-Cavity.—The mantle is produced around the head into a free flap, longer and looser than the mantle-flap of Sepia. Fic. 679.—Nautiius pom- pilius, cartilaginous in- ternal skeleton. (After Keferstein.) Dorsally this splits into two layers, reflected over the convexity of the shell, which fits into a hollow behind the hood. Ventrally and posteriorly the mantle en- closes a large mantle-cavity (Fig. 680), cor- responding to that of Sepia. lodged two pairs of ctenidia (cten.), having the same general structure as the single pair present in Sepia. of the ctenidia of each side is a small knob- like elevation, the oral osphradium (ant. os.),1 and behind the bases of the more aborally situated pair are two compressed, bilobed projections, more or less completely united in the middle so as to form a transverse ridge; these are the aboral osphradia (p. 0s.). In this are Between the bases In the iniddle line of the mantle-cavity is the anus (an.), a large 1 As in Sepia, it is convenient to use the term oral for parts towards the mouth end, and «hora! for those situated towards the opposite extremity, the same terms being also used to indicate re/ufive position of different parts. The relative position of the parts is, however, for the sake of simplicity given here as they lie when the mantle-cavity is opened by turning back its thin postero- ventral wall. VOL. I 3D 782 ZOOLOGY SECT. aperture with minutely lobed margin, situated on a slight eleva- tion, but by no means so prominent asin Sepia. On each side are two apertures, the oral and aboral nephridial apertures (Fig. 680, a. 2. neph., pt. neph.), corresponding to the single pair of Sepia, but not elevated on papilla. Close to each posterior ry, Rar re A, Fic, 680.—Nautilus pompilius, interior of mantle-cavity of a male specimen with the postero-ventral wall reflected. «. /. neph. oral left nephridial aperture; an, anus; cten. ctenidia ; ey. eye; 7. funnel; /. g ap. left reproductive aperture indicated by a bristle passed through it; /. vise. ap left viscero-pericardial aperture ; mn. s. Needham’s sac; pen. penis 5 pl. neph. aboral left nephridial aperture ; ». os. aboral osphradia 31. «nt. os. right oral osphra- dium ; v. ». visceral nerves. (After Willey.) nephridial aperture is an opening—the viscero-pericardiul (/. vise.ap., r, vise, ap.)—leading into the pericardial section of the cceelome; these are not represented in Sepia. In both sexes there are two reproductive ducts, right and Icft; but in both the right alone appears tu be functional, and the left is much the smaller. The XIL PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 783 opening: of the right sperm-duct of the male is situated on a cylindrical prominence—the penis (pen.)—placed close to the middle line. In the female the nidamental glands are, as in Sepia, conspicuous objects when the mantle-cavity is exposed; but they are mainly situated on its posterior instead of its anterior wall. Enteric Canal.—The mouth is surrounded by a peristomial membrane beset with numerous papille. There is a pair of jaws (Fig. 681, jaw) of similar shape to those of Sepia, but much more powerful, and calcified towards the tips. The buccal mass is a large.rounded body with thick muscular walls. On the floor of the contained cavity is a large and prominent odontophore (odont.), with long and pointed, curved teeth. In front of the odontophore is a large bilobed soft prominence, the tongue (tong.). Behind the odontophore, between it and the opening of the cesophagus, are one large median and two lateral tongue-like pro- minences beset with papille; on the inner surface of the latter are the apertures of a pair of salivary glands. The cesophagus («s.) becomes dilated aborally into a very spacious crop (cr.) for the storage of the food, which consists of small prawn-like Crustaceans and small Fishes broken up by the jawsandradula. This opens into a rounded stomach (stom) having very much the appearance of the gizzard-like caecum of Sepia. The intestine (znt.), shortly after it leaves the stomach, develops a rounded cecum (ewe.) with complexly folded walls, into which the ducts of the digestive gland or “liver” open. The intestine does not pass straight to the anus as in Sepia, but first bends round in a short coil, The ink-sac and duct of Sepia are not represented. There is a very large digestive gland divided into four main portions or lobes, each of which is made up of a number of lobules. The ducts (“bile-ducts,” 0. du.), opening as above mentioned into the cecum, have a series of small diverticula which may represent the pancreatic appendages of Sepia. The celome consists of the pericardium and the gonocwle—the cavity in which the gonad is enclosed: these communicate with one another by three apertures. The pericardium contains the ventricle, the four auricles, and parts of the renal glandular appendages. It communicates with the exterior by the viscero- pericardial apertures. ; Heart and Vascular System.—The vascular system consists of the heart, the arteries and veins, and certain large spaces constituting the hemoceele. The latter consists of three chief parts—the peri- stomial, peri-cesophageal and peri-hepatic heemocceles, the first sur- rounding the buccal mass, the second the cesophagus, and the third the liver. ; : The ventricle (Figs. 681 and 683, vent.) is a bilobed, transversely placed, muscular sac, very similar to that of Sepia. On either side 3D 2 Fic. wf tng pedg Pag, VUSCIL palln rliw bait coec tnl.7 6sl.—Nautilus pompilius, dissection of the internal organs of a male, from the left side. The funnel and the hood have been divided by a longitudinal median section, A portion of the wall of the buccal cavity has been removed to show the odontophore and the tongue. acc. gl. vesicula seminalis; an, anus ; dort, oral aorta ; wort’, posterior pallial artery; b. du. bile-ducts ; bue. ». buccal nerves ; bue. pap. papille of peristomial membrane ; cer. y. cerebral ganglion ; ewe. cecum ; er. crop; hd. hood; ins. funnel ; inf. 2. infundibular nerve ; it.) part of intestine between stomach and cecum ; in/.2 part of intestine following cvcum ; jaw, larger (pusterior) jaw ; 1. off. br. v. left efferent branchial vessels ; l. tev. int. left internal tentacular lube ; need. s. Necdham’s sac ; odont, odontophore ; «’. style passed from buccal cavity into the opening of the wsophagus ; «s, wsophagus ; olf, x. olfactory nerve ; opl. n. optic nerve ; olo, statocyst 5 pall. ». pallial nerves ; ped. g. pedal ganglion; pl. y. pleural ganglion ; 7. ef. br. v. right efferent branchial vessel; rer. retractor muscle of the buccil mass; 7. liv. right lobe of “liver” 5 stoi. stomach ; (est, testis ; tong. tongue-shaped elevation of the flour of the mouth; va. valve of funnel ; ven. c. Vena vaya; vent. ventricle. SECT, NIT PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 785 there open into it two auricles or efferent branchial vessels (a.or.), one from each of the four ctenidia. The ventricle gives off a large main aorti (aort.), which passes to the head after giving off arteries to the stomach, the crop, the digestive gland, and the mantle. From the aboral surface of the ventricle arises a smaller artery, the lesser aorta, which immediately bifurcates. One of its branches the posterior pallial artery (Fig. 682, post, pall. a.)—passes to the area of the mantle applied to the septum, bifurcates to supply this area, and gives off a branch to the siphuncle. The other—anterior rect ‘SI Fic, 682.—Nautilus pompilius (male), origin of pallial and genital arterics. aat. pal. a. anterior pallial artery; ef. bv. 7. efferent branchial veins ; gen. «, 1, artery to vesicula seminalis (7. sem.) ; gen. a. 2, testicular artery and its branches ; gen. a. 3, artery to pyriform sac; 7. 8 spermatophore-sac ; post, pall. a. posterior pallial artery ; pyr. pyriform sac ; rect. rectum ; ‘est, testis. (After Willey.) pallial (ant. pall. a.\—after giving off arteries to the intestine and rectum, and to the branchize and osphradia, passes to the muscular edge of the mantle, bifurcating anteriorly. Three genital arteries ( gen. a. 1, 2, 3), supplying the various parts of the re- productive apparatus, are likewise given off directly from the ventricle, A large vena cava (Figs. 681 and 683, ven. ¢.) occupies a position corresponding closely with that which it occupies in Sepia. It presents the remarkable peculiarity of being in free communication by numerous (valvular) apertures with the general cavity of the 786 ZOOLOGY SECT. hemoceele. At its aboral end it presents a dilatation from which four afferent branchial veins (Fig. 683 «laf, p.Llaf, p.r.aff, rant. aff.—two right and two left—proceed to the corresponding ctenidia, at the bases of which veins from the aboral region join them. There are no branchial hearts. The renal organs (Fig. 683) are, like the ctenidia and the afferent and efferent vessels, four in number, instead of two as in Sepia. Each renal sac (/. neph. s., 7. neph. s., l. post. neph. s., 7. post. neph. 8.) opens into the mantle-cavity, as already stated, by an orifice which is not drawn out into a tube. There is no communication between the cavities of the different sacs, and thus no median pane ieee ee 2. u.ap \ ‘Lpost.neph.ap Shp —— eee a rpost.neph.ap Ee . ee PLY : E eerenny ee | rpost.neph.s | rpost.aur | vent renapp _ Lpost.neph.s veSe,pers Fic. 688.—Nautilus pompilius, renal sacs, with ctenidia and other related parts, as seen from the posterior aspect ; the boundaries of the four renal sacs represented by dotted lines. a. l, aff. left oral afferent vessel; cten. right ctenidia ; l. neph. s. left nephridial sac ; l. neph. ap. left oral nephridial aperture; l. ost. neph. ap. left aboral nephridial aperture ; 7. post. neph. s. left aboral nephridial sac ; l.v.ap, left viscero-pericardial aperture 5 p. lL. aff. left aboral afferent vessel; ». 7. aff. right aboral afferent vessel; 7. ant. af. right oral afferent vessel; 7. ant. aur. right oral auricle; ren. app. renal appendages ; 7. neph. ap. right nephridial aperture; +. post. aur. right aboral auricle; 7. post. neph. s. right aboral nophridial sac; +. v. ap. right viscero-pericardial aperture ; ven. c. vena cava; vent. ventricle ; vise, per. 8, Viscero-pericardial sac, chamber as in Sepia, and there is also no communication with the pericardium. The cavities are found to contain phosphate of lime. Into each projects, from the corresponding afferent branchial vein, a compact rounded group of venous appendages (ren. app.), consisting of two symmetrical portions. Internal to these, each afferent vein has connected with it a second group of glandular appendages, which are cylindrical or club-like in form ; they project, not into the nephridial sac, but into the peri- cardial compartment of the celome. They have been compared with the appendages of the branchial heart of Sepia, but differ in their relations to the renal appendages. XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 787 Nervous System.—Nautilus differs strikingly from Sepia, and somewhat resembles Chiton (p. 716, Fig. 604) in the form assumed by the central parts of the nervous system (Fig. 681, cer. g.), distinct ganglia being absent. A very thick nerve-collar, the posterior portion of which is double, surrounds the cesophagus just behind the buccal mass. The anterior part of the collar (Fig. 681, cer.y.) represents the cerebral ganglia, the oral portion of the posterior part the pedal (ped. g.), the aboral portion the pleuro-visceral (pl. y.); while the lateral parts, not distinctly marked off from the rest, represent the cerebro-pedal and cerebro-pleural connectives. From the cerebral ganglia pass nerves to the buccal mass, to the olfactory organs (olf. n.) and the statocysts, and a pair of very thick optic nerves supply the eyes (opt.n.). The pedal ganglion gives off numerous nerves to the tentacles and the funnel, and from the pleuro-visceral arise pallial and visceral nerves. Sense Organs.—The statocysts (otocysts) are a pair of sacs embedded in recesses close to the cerebral ganglia, but not enclosed in the cartilage of the endoskeleton; each contains a number of microscropic statocones. An olfactory function is ascribed to a process (the rhinophore) with a ciliated pit at its base, situated on the aboral side of the eye. The ophthalmic tentacles (Fig. 676, o.t.) are supposed to act as accessory olfactory organs. The osphradia (p. 781) contain ganglion-cells, are beset with sensory cilia, and are undoubtedly organs of special sense. The eyes, situated at the sides of the head, are very large but extremely simple in structure, presenting a marked contrast to those of Sepia, and scarcely comparable to those of any other animal with the exception perhaps of Patella (p. 746). Each is of the shape of a saucer, attached to the head by its convex side by means of a short thick stalk, the mouth being closed in by aslightly convex disc, with a circular aperture at about its centre. A slightly raised rim runs round close to the margin on the posterior half, and a narrow groove extends inwards from this to the central aperture. In the interior of the cup is neither lens, vitreous humour, nor iris. The sea-water, passing in through the central aperture, directly bathes the retina, which is spread over the interior in a thick layer. Reproductive Organs.—The gonad (testis, Fig. 684, ¢est., or ovary, Fig. 685, ov.), like that of Sepia, is single and median, enclosed in a special sac towards the aboral end of the body. The duct is paired in both sexes, but in both the right alone appears to be functional. In the male a large glandular vesicula seminalis, in which the spermatophores are formed (acc.) is connected with the right duct, and this appears to be represented on the left-hand side by a vestige—the so-called pyriform sac (pyr.), situated close to the ventricle. The distal part-of the right duct dilates to form 78S ZOOLOGY SECT. a receptacle, the spermatophoral sac or Needham’s sae (sp. 8.), and opens, nearly in the middle line at the end of a prominence—the penis (Fig. 680, pen.). In the female the right oviduct has a Trgelr.op Fic, 684.—-Nautilus pompilius, male reproductive organs. «ec. vesicula seminalis ; ef”. vess. efferent branchial vessels; /. yen. op. left genital opening; post. ae, posterior aorta; pyr. pyriform appendage; 7. gen. op. right genital opening; sj. 8s. spermatophore-sac ; fest, testis; vent, ventricle. Fic. 685.—Nautilus pompilius, female reproductive organs. alb. albumen-gland ; 1. gen. op. left genital opening ; ov. ovary ; pyr. pyriform appendage ; 7. gen. op, right genital opening ; vent. ventricle. (After Lankester and Bourne.) glandular dilatation, which is supposed to be an albumen gland. The ova are of large size, greatly exceeding those of Sepia in dimensions, containing a large proportion of food-yolk, Nidamental XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 789 glands are present, but are mainly situated, as already pointed out, on the posterior instead of the anterior wall of the mantle- cavity. Each egg becomes enclosed in an elaborate capsule (Fig. 686), probably moulded by the agency of the organ of Owen, on the inner posterior lobe of the foot of the female (Fig. 677). The development is not known. 2 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS AND CLASSIFICATION, The Cephalopoda are bilaterally symmetrical Mollusca, which have the main part of the foot displaced for- wards to the neighbourhood of the mouth and divided into a series of arms bearing suckers, or of lobes bearing tentacles, while the remainder * te oe aueiea of the foot forms a funnel for the in its capsule. (After Willey.) egress of water from the mantle-cavity. The visceral mass is symmetrical and not coiled. The mantle encloses posteriorly and ventrally a large mantle-cavity, in which are situated the ctenidia and the nephridial, reproductive, and anal apertures. The shell may be absent or rudimentary ; when present and well developed, it may be internal or external, undivided, or divided internally by septa into a series of chambers. There is an internal cartilaginous skeleton, supporting and protecting the nerve-centres and giving attachment to muscles. The mouth is provided with a pair of horny jaws, and an odontophore is present. In the majority there is an ink-gland with a duct opening into the rectum. The ctenidia and nephridia are either two or four in number. The nervous system is highly developed; and the principal nerve-ganglia are aggregated together around the cesophagus. The sexes are separate; the segmentation of the ovum is meroblastic, and there is no metamorphosis. Sub-Class I.—Dibranchiata. Cephalopoda in which the main part of the foot assumes the character of a circlet of either eight or ten arms, bearing suckers, andsurrounding the mouth. The funnel forms a complete tube. The shell is usually internal ; when external its cavity is not divided by septa. There are two ctenidia, two nephridia, and two branchio- cardiac vessels or auricles, An ink-gland and duct are present. van) ZOOLOGY SECT. ORDER 1,—DECAPODA. Dibranchiata possessing ten arms, with stalked suckers provided with horny rims, and with a well-developed internal shell. This order includes the Cuttle-fishes, Squids, Spirula, and others, as well as the extinct Belemnites. ORDER 2.—OCTOPODA. Dibranchiata provided with cight arms, the suckers on which are sessile and devoid of horny rims: with or without slight vestiges of an internal shell. An external shell, secreted by a specially- modified pair of arms, is present in the female Argonaut only. This order includes the Octopods and the Argonauts. Sub-Class II.—Tetrabranchiata. Cephalopoda in which the main part of the foot has the character of lobes bearing numerous tentacles. The funnel does not forma complete tube. There is an external, spiral, chambered shell. There are four ctenidia, four nephridia, and four auricles. An ink-gland is absent. This sub-class includes only one living genus, Nautilus, but the Ammonites and other extinct forms are usually referred to it. Systematic Position of the Examples, The genus Sepia is a member of the family Sepiide of the order Decapoda, which is distinguished from the seven other families of the order by the combination of the following features :—The body is compressed and comparatively broad; the fins are narrow and elongated ; the internal shell consists almost entirely of calcareous material. Nautilus is the sole living representative of the sub-class Tetra- branchiata, 3. GENERAL ORGANISATION. The uniformity of structure among the Dibranchiate Cephal- opoda is very great, and, as already stated, Nautilus is the only living member of the Tetrabranchiata, so that comparatively little has to be said to supplement the descriptions of the two examples, External Features.—The general external shape differs very little in the different members of the Dibranchiata: the body in some is more elongated, in others, less ; the degree of compression likewise varies, Fins may be absent, and the animal may pro- XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA TOL gress entirely by creeping with the aid of the long arms, or by swimming by the movements of the arms, or under the propulsion of a current of water forcibly ejected through the funnel by the contraction of the muscular mantle (Fig. 687). When fins are present they may take the form of a continuous lateral flap as in Sepia, but, more usually, are of the nature of flattened lobes situated towards the aboral extremity of the body (Fig. 688); in Ctenopteryx they have the character of fringes of filaments. The arms vary in length and proportions and in the form and arrangement of the suckers. Eight arms are present in the Octopoda and ten in the Decapoda. In the former group the Fic. 687.—Octopus vulgaris. 4, at rest; B, in motion; f. funnel, the arrow showing the direction of the propelling current through the water. (From Cvoke, after Merculiano,) Argonauts (Fig. 689) have, in the female, one pair of arms (wa.) flattened and expanded at the extremities for the secretion and support of the shell (sh.). In the Decapoda one pair of arms, the fourth, is always specially modified, as in Sepia, to act as prehensile appendages or tentacles capable of being partly or entirely retracted within certain sacs situated at their bases. In nearly all one of the arms is specially modified (or hectocotylised) to act as an intromittent organ. This modification is only very slight in Sepia and confined to the base, and is most marked in certain of the Octopoda (Fig. 690), including the Argonauts. In the latter, before the breeding season, the third arm in the male is found to be represented by a rounded sac, which subsequently 792 ZOOLOGY SECT. bursts and sets free the elongated hectocotylised arm. Spermato- phores are taken by the arm from the genital opening, and in the act of copulation the entire arm is detached and left in the mantle-cavity of the female. In other cases the arm is not detached. The suckers are sometimes stalked, sometimes sessile, sometimes armed with hooks, sometimes replaced by hooks. In many cases the arms are united by a web-like fold, the inter- Fic, 688,—Loligo vulgaris. A, entire animal, dorsal view ; B, horny internal shell or pen. (From Keferstein.) brachial membrane (Fig. 691), which may reach nearly to their extremities. In the Tetrabranchiata the series of groups of slender, ringed, sheathed tentacles, situated on lobes of the foot surrounding the mouth, take the place of the arms, and suckers are not present. In the males the spadix probably represents, functionally at least, the hectocotylised arm of the Dibranchiata. In all the Dibranchiata the funnel is a complete tube. In the Nautilus, on the other hand, as we have seen, the folds which form the funnel have their edges merely in apposition, and uot united. XI PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 793 A valve, such as has been described in Sepia, occurs in most Decapoda and in Nautilus, but is absent in the Octopoda. Fic. 689.-Argonauta argo, female, showing the relations of the animal to the shellin the living state, the arrow showing the direction of movement. 7. funnel; . mouth, with jaws project- ing; sk. shell, with arms as seen through it; wa, webbed arm clasping the shell. (From Cooke, after Lacaze-Duthiers.) Chromatophores, similar to those of Sepia, are universal in the Dibranchiata but absent in Nautilus. Shell.—The shell of Nautilus is the most complete and yet in a certain sense the most primitive. As already stated, it is an external shell of a spiral character, divided internally by septa into a series of chambers. The last of the chambers is occupied Fic. 6u0.—Octopus lentus, wale specimen, showing the structure of the hectocotylised arm (h. a). (From Cooke, after Verrill.) by the body of the animal; the rest are filled with gas. Perforat- ing the middle of all the septa in succession is a spiral tube—the siphwncle—continuous with the centro-dorsal region of the visceral 794 ZOOLOGY SECT. prominence. In the course of its growth the body of the Nautilus shifts forwards at intervals into a newly formed chamber, and a new septum is formed closing the latter off from the cavity last oc- cupied. It is only after the last septum has been formed that the animal attains sexual maturity. Of existing Dibranchiata, Spirula alone has a shell (Fig. 692) com- parable to that of Nautilus. The shell of Spirula is of spiral form, the turns of the spiral, however, not being in close contact. In- ternally it is divided into chambers by a series of septa, and these are perforated by a siphuncle. But \ the initial chamber (protoconch) (iis Wixi TERS ER SBARASHES instead of being, like the initial an Octoped with the arms united by a Chamber in Nautilus, similar to the enantio (hem Cocke ate Homey others though smaller, is dilated into a spherical shape, constricted off from the succeeding chamber, and has passing through it a tube—the prosiphon—not continuous with the siphuncle. Again, as will be seen by comparing Figs. 675 and 693, the relation of Fic. 692.—Shell_of Spirula. A, outside view; B, showing last chamber and position of siphuncle ; C, in section, showing the septa and the course of the siphuncle ; D, shell broken “ ead the convexity of the inner side of the septa; EB, portion of a septal neck. (After ‘ooke. the soft parts to the shell is the reverse of what obtains in Nautilus, the shell of Spirula curving backwards (endogastric XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 795 curvature), that of Nautilus forwards (¢vogastric curvature). More- over the shell of Spirula is an internal structure, being almost completely covered by the mantle. The shell of the extinct Ammonites (Fig. 694), which are usually referred to the Tetrabranchiata, resembles that of the Nautilus in many respects, being a chambered spiral shell with a large terminal chamber, and with a siphuncle. The chief external difference is in the form of the swtwres, or lines of union of the edges of the septa with the side wall of the shell; these are more or less complexly lobed, instead of being entire as in Nautilus. But in one im- portant respect the shell of an Ammonite differs from that of Nautilus and ap- proaches that of the dibranchiate Spirula. At the apex of the spiral is an initial chamber or protoconch, which is dilated and separated from the first of the or- dinary chambers by a constriction, and has passing into it a prosiphon not con- tinuous with the siphuncle. The Am- Fu. 693—Spirula peronii, 7 . lateral view. «, terminal monite was also characterised by the sucker; /. famel; s,s], #. possession of a paired or unpaired struc- ee oo oe ie ture, sometimes horny, sometimes cal- which is indicated hy dotted lines, (From Cooke.) careous, called the aptychus,not represented in any existing form. The aptychus, which was composed of two parts, may have been of the nature of an operculum for closing the mouth of the shell, but was more probably endoskeletal. Young Ammonites, each with its aptychus, have been found within the shell of the parent, in which they must have remained protected during their development. In the ordinary decapod Dibranch- iata the shell may consist of three parts—a horny pen or pro-ostracui, a calcareous guard, and a part termed the phragmacone. The last, which os alone represents the shell of Spirula, Fic, 604,—An Ammonite(Ceratites has the form of a cone divided intern- nee ally by a series of septa perforated by a siphuncle. These parts are most completely developed in the extinct genus Belemnites, 1n which the shell’ (Fig. 695) consists of a straight, conical, chambered phragmacone (phr.), with a siphuncle, enclosed in a calcareous 796 ZOOLOGY SECT. sheath, the guard, produced into a horny or calcareous plate, the pro-ostracum (pen.). In Sepia the spine-like projecting point represents the guard, and the main sub- stance of the shell is to be looked upon as the pro-ostracum and phragmacone, the septa of the latter being represented by the calcareous lamelle. In the Squids (¢.g., Loligo) the shell (Fig. 688, B) is long, narrow, and completely horny; it corre- sponds to the pro-ostracum, the phrag- macone being entirely absent. In Octopus the shell is represented only by a pair of vestiges with which muscles are connected. In Argonauta there is no shell in the male, but the female has an external shell (Fig. 696) of a remarkable character. This is a delicate spiral struc- ture the internal cavity of which is not Fig, 693.—Shell ofa Belem. clivided into chambers. It is not secreted mites an te by the mantle like the shells of other pro-ostracum ; phr, phrag- 4 mocone. (From Nicholson Mollusca, but by the surfaces of a pair of an ydekker’s Pulwonto- E ‘ 2 ig louy-) the arms ending in expanded disc-like extremities, which become applied to its outer surface (Fig. 689); its chief function is to carry the eggs. An internal cartilaginous skeleton is present not only in Sepia and Nautilus, as already described, but in all the Cephalo- poda. Such an internal skeleton occurs in other groups—some SERCH, | Ze \ix cs lta Sy a> oe Fic, 606.—Shell of Argonauto argo. Chivtopoda (p. 472), Crustacea, and Arachnida (p. 667)—but attains a much more elaborate character in the present group than in any othcr Invertebrates. XU PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 797 The plume-shaped gills, lodged in the mantle-cavity, are two in number in all the Dibranchiata, as in Sepia. In the Tetra- branchiata there are four gills, similar in general character to those of the Dibranchiata. The ceelome in the Dibranchiata has the the extent already indicated (p. 766) in the case of Sepia, except that in the Octopoda the oral part does not exist. In Nautilus it encloses, besides the heart and gonad, a part of the glandular appendages of the afferent branchial vessels. In the Dibranchiata the pericardial portion communicates with the nephridia ; in Nautilus this com- munication is absent, but the ccelome opens on the exterior by two symmetrical viscero-pericardial orifices placed at the side of the openings of the aboral nephridia. Alimentary Organs.—Jaws similar to those of Sepia are present in all the members of the class; in Nautilus, instead of being completely horny, they are partly calcified. Buccal mass, cesophagus, stomach, intestine, salivary glands, and digestive gland are all of the same general character throughout all the members of the class. In some of the Dibranchiata, such as Octopus, there are two pairs of salivary glands. In Nautilus the salivary glands are absent, so far as known, the cesophagus is dilated to form a sort of crop, and the stomach is gizzard-hke. In that genus also the ink-gland, general in the Dibranchiata, is absent, and there is a cecal appendage to the intestine ; the digestive gland is four-lobed, each lobe having its duct. The so-called pancreas, described in Sepia, is similarly developed in all the Dibranchiata, and is present also, though only feebly developed, in the Tetrabranchiata. Heart and vascular system are well developed in the Cephalopoda, and their structure and arrangement closely corre- spond with what has been described in Sepia, except that in Tetrabranchiata there are, as already stated, in accordance with the double number of gills, four auricles instead of two, and branchial hearts are absent. Nervous system and sense-organs.—The ganglia of the central nervous system are in all closely aggregated together round the cesophagus, as already stated to be the case in Sepia ; and the general disposition is the same as that described. In Octopus the ganglia are much less sharply marked off. In Nautilus, as already mentioned, there is less concentration, and distinct ganglia are not recognisable. All the Dibranchiata possess highly developed eyes similar to those of Sepia; but in Nautilus the eyes are ofa much simpler character, each consisting of a sac opening on the exterior by a small rounded aperture, lined internally by a two-layered retina similar to that of Sepia, but without lens, vitreous humour, or cornea. In the embryo of the Dibranchiata, the eye passes through a stage in which it is in the condition of an open cup similar to the adult eye of Nautilus. Osphradia are present, as VOL. I 3 E TOS ZOOLOGY SECT. already mentioned, only in the Tetrabranchiata; but in both the Dibranchiata and the Tetrabranchiata certain sensory processess or depressions conjectured to possess an olfactory function are developed on the head. Statocysts are universally present. All the Dibranchiata have two nephridia similar in character to those of Sepia, and communicating with one another ; in Octopus they are completely united. In the Tetrabranchiata there are four nephridia, each opening on the exterior. The sexes are distinct in all the Cephalopoda, and in addition to the hectocotylised arm, there are frequently other external differences between male and female. In all the Dibranchiata the arrangement of the gonads and gonoducts is, as regards general features, similar to what we find in Sepia. In Octopus, however, there are two oviducts instead of one, and in one other member of the Octopoda (Hledone moschata) the same holds good of the spermiducts, Development.—The development of the Dibranchiata alone is known. The eggs are very large, containing a relatively large amount of food-yolk. They are usually laid in masses or strings embedded in a soft gelatinous, or a tougher, more leathery substance, usually attached to some foreign body; in some cases each egg, enclosed in a gelatinous sheath, has a longer or shorter stalk. A chorion or delicate transparent egg-membrane, in which there 1s an aperture—the micropyle—immediately invests the egg itself, In shape the egg is oval or spherical. The greater part of the comparatively small quantity of protoplasm lies as a disc-like elevation on the sur- face of the yolk on the side of the egg at which the micropyle is situated. Continuous with this germinal dise is a thin layer of peripheral protoplasm investing the entire ovum. Segmentation (Figs. 697 and 698) is incomplete, being con- fined to the germinal disc. At an early stage in the process of division, the blastoderm exhibits a distinct bilateral symmetry. This meroblastic segmentation results in the formation of a nee eee es Lace nearly circular blastoderm, the (From orschelvand Heider, after Watast)” outer cells of which tend to separate off. At first the blas- toderm consists of only a single layer of cells—the ectoderm, which gradually extends. At a later stage a second layer (Fig. 699, B,C) appears below the margin of the blastoderm, and vent XIL PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 799 extends inwards until it comes to underlie the whole of the embryonic part of the blastoderm : separating this from the yolk Fic, 698.—Sepia, blastoderm at a late stage of segmentation. b/. blastoderm; yk. yolk. (From Korschelt and Heider, after Vialleton.) isa thin layer of uncertain derivation—the yolh-cpithelium (Fig. 699, yk. ep.). There is some doubt as to the nature of the second an CR OO CE LEE SNe RTS Yyh-—P —Secti through the edge of the blastoderm of Sepia at three successive stages ; asa wile yolk ita ep. yolk-epithelium. (From Korschelt and Heider, after Vialleton.) layer; it certainly gives rise to the mesodermal structures, and by some observers it is also said to form the epithelium of the 3B 2 800 ZOOLOGY SECT. mesenteron. From whatever source it may be derived, the latter becomes distinguishable as a cell-plate which is converted into a vesicle opening below against the yolk-epithelium, there never being any direct communication with the yolk. An exten- sive stomodeum eventually opens into this; a proctodeum is merely represented by the ectodermal pit forming the anus. siege Fic. 700.—Early stages in the development of Loligo. 4, stage at which the rudiments of the eyes and of the shell-gland are first distinguishable ; B, later embryo from the oral side; Cand D, from the anal side. ant. f. 7. anterior funnel-fold; ar. rudiments of arms; cfen. ctenidia ; eye, eye; mo. mouth; mant, rudiment of mantle ; of. statocyst ; post. f. f. posterior funnel-fold ; sh. yl. shell-gland ; yk. s. yolk-sac. (After Korschelt and Heider.) About the middle of the blastoderm appears a thickening of a cap-like shape, the edges of which become raised above the general level of the blastoderm; this is the rudiment of the mantle. On the surface of this is developed a depression which subsequently forms a closed sac—the shell-gland (Fig. 700, Below the mantle—ze. nearer the vegetal pole—appear two eleva- tions each with a pit-like depression, which are the rudiments of XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 801 the eyes; and still nearer the vegetal pole a serics of paired elevations, the rudiments of the arms. necart Are Yes yk.s Fic. 701.—Two later stages in the development of Loligo. A, fromthe funnel side. B,obliquely from above. Letters as in preceding figures; ne. cart. nuchal cartilage. (After Korschelt and Heider.) Yes Yes Fic. 702.—Two stages in the development of Loligo, later than those represented in Fig. 701. From the anal or funnel side. Letters as in preceding figure ; in addition, jin, fins. (After Korschelt and Heider.) After the complete enclosure of the yolk by the blastoderm, the mouth (70.) is developed as an oval depression between the rudi- 802 ZOOLOGY SECT, ments of the eyes. Immediately in front of the edge of the mantle appear two short ridges, the beginnings of the gills (e¢en.), and a pair of folds—the postervtor funnel-folds (post. f. 7.)—which are formed between these and the eyes, are the first rudiments of the funnel, the greater part of which, however, 1s formed from a second pair of folds—the anterior funnel-folds (ant. f. f.)—developed further forwards. Behind the anterior funnel-folds appear two pit-like depressions, which subsequently develop into the statocysts. The elevations on which the eyes (eye) are situated become more and more prominent. The eyes themselves are formed yrs Ys Fic. 703.—Two late stages in the development of Loligo, seen from the funnel side, Letters as in preceding figures. (After Korsche]t and Heider.) from a part only of these elevations; each is a pit which sub- sequently becomes closed to forma vesicle—the optic vesiele : later an ingrowth of the ectoderm over this gives rise to the lens. The embryo covers only a part of the egg, and as it develops, it withdraws itself more towards the animal pole, at which the germinal dise was originally situated—a constriction, which soon hecomes very deep, separating it off from the rest of the egg; the latter, consisting of the greater part of the yolk enclosed in a thin layer of blastoderm, forins a rounded appendage of the embryo—the XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 803 yolk-sac (yk. s.). The yolk-sac undergoes contractions, which are due to the action of contractile cells in the thin mesoderm hning it, and by this means the yolk is forced into the interior of the body of the embryo. The anus appears as an aperture situated ona little papilla—the anal papilla. A row of cilia, which are developed in the neighbour- hood of the mouth in some forms, perhaps represent the velum or-pre-oral circlet of other molluscan embryos. The mantle now increases in extent, and its margins become more prominent. The anterior funnel-folds grow out and unite in the middle lime; and these, with the posterior folds, go to form the completed funnel together with the “neck-muscles.” For a time the edges of the two folds which form the funnel remain free ; eventually they coalesce into a complete tube. The edges of the mantle grow out into prominent folds to form the mantle-cavity, into which the gills are drawn. Lateral out- growths have already given rise to the rudiments of the fins. The arms grow out into more and more prominent processes on which the suckers are developed, the second pair—the prehensile arms (ar. 2)—soon becoming distinguishable from the rest by their greater length. As the embryo increases in size, the yolk is gradually absorbed, and the yolk-sac decreases in bulk, until, when the embryo leaves the egg, it has almost completely disappeared. Distribution.—The Cephalopoda are all marine, and range from tidal limits to a considerable depth. A large number (Lolago, etc.) are pelagic and move together in great shoals. Sepia lives chiefly between stones and in rock-fissures in the littoral zone, and often burrows in sand. Octopus constructs a den or shelter of stones to which it always returns after excursions in search of food. Cephalo- pods are, nearly without exception, carnivorous. In length they range from an inch or two to as much as fifty feet—the gigantic members of the group, such as Architeuthis, being by a long way the largest of invertebrate animals. Like the other classes of Mollusca they are most abundant in tropical and warm-temperate seas. If the Ammonites are to be included among the Tetrabran- chiata, that sub-class was most abundantly represented during the Mesozoic period. The nautiloid Tetrabranchiata were most abundant in the Paleozoic epoch, during which there lived a great variety of forms of this group, the shell being straight (Orthoceras), or curved (Phragmoceras), or in a flat spiral with the turns not in contact, or in a helix, or a flat close spiral (Nautilus and others). The earliest representatives of the Nautiloids are found in rocks of Cambrian age; they are com- paratively scarce in the Mesozoic epoch and in the Tertiary, and are represented at the present day only by the genus 804 ZOOLOGY SECT. Nautilus itself. The Ammonites are mainly Mesozoic, the repre- sentatives found in the earlier rocks (from the Upper Silurian onwards) being few in number and simpler in structure than the more typical later forms. The oldest fossil representatives of undoubted Dibranchiata belong to the extinct order of the Belemnites, which flourished in the Mesozoic period from the Trias to the Cretaceous. and survived in scanty number into the Tertiary. Unhke the Tetrabranchiata, the Dibranchiata would appear to have reached their maximum at the present day. The mutual relationship of the various groups of Cephalopoda are indicated, as nearly as the information at our disposal will allow, in the following diagram (Fig. 704). Decapoda Belemnites Nautlloids Octopoda Ammonites Fic. 704.—Diagram to illustrate the relationships of the groups of Cephalopoda. GENERAL REMARKS ON THE MOLLUSCA. The Mollusca, like the Arthropoda, form an extremely well- defined phylum, none of the adult members of which approach the lower groups of animals in any marked degree. There are, however, clear indications of affinity with “ Worms,” especially in, the frequent occurrence of a trochophore stage in develop- ment, in the presence of nephridia, and in the occurrence, in Amphineura and some of the lower Gastropoda, of a ladder-like nervous system resembling that of some Turbellaria and of the most worm-like of Arthropods—Peripatus. The head-kidneys or primitive nephridia of the molluscan and annelid trochophore are practically identical, and are probably homologous with the various types of nephridial tubes found in “ Worms” from Platy- helminthes to Cheetopoda. If the occurrence of the trochophore be taken as a guide towards the ancestry of the Mollusca, it need not necessarily be regarded as leading back to the Annulata. In fact the presence of not more than a single pair of nephridia (and of ctendia) in all with XII PHYLUM MOLLUSCA 805 the exception of Nautilus, would seem to indicate the derivation of the phylum from a group in which metamerism had not arisen. It will be readily recognised that the gap between the typical trochophore and certain forms of Turbellarian larve (Miiller’s larva) is not a very wide one, and might be covered by adaptation of the larval Flat-worm to a freer pelagic life. If we were to suppose that the most primitive Mollusca were derived from Turbellarian-like ancestors, the conversion of a larva of the type of Miiller’s larva into a larval form like the molluscan trochophore would also have to be postulated. This might involve a common platyhelminth origin for Annulata and Mollusca, with subsequent extreme divergence— a divergence in which the respective trochophores would take part, though in a limited degree. The chief changes which the adult animal would have to undergo in order to assume the character of a primitive Mollusc on this supposition, would be—(1) The development of some kind of protective layer of hard material, perhaps composed at first of spicules in a thickend integument, on the dorsal surface—the rudiment of the shell; (2) The greater development of the muscular layers of the body-wall on the ventral side to give rise to a more efficient and specialised creeping organ than was possessed by the Turbellarian ancestor ; (3) The develop- ment of specialised respiratory organs in the form of ctenidia—a change rendered necessary by the great reduction in the available respiratory area brought about by the development of the shell ; (4) The formation of an anus and proctodeeum ; and (5) the develop- ment of a celome. With regard to the relationships of the various classes of Mollusca, the following points are some of the most important to be borne in mind. The lowest members of the phylum are undoubtedly the Proto- branchia among Pelecypoda, and the Aplacophora ainong Amphi- neura. The latter take the lowest rank in virtue of the absence of both foot and shell, but the possession by some of a radula indi- cates a comparatively high degree of specialisation. On the other hand, while there is no indication of an odontophore, even in, a rudimentary condition, in the Pelecypoda, the foot and shell are well developed even in Nucula and its allies. There is no actual evidence to show that the foot and shell have been lost by degenera- tion in the Aplacophora or the odontophore in Pelecypoda ; and it would appear, therefore, that the two groups are to be derived independently from some primitive form. The facts that the pelecypod shell, at its first appearance, 1s univalve, and that the foot of the Protobranchia is of the creeping type and their ctenidia plume-like, suggest the derivation of the class from a form resembling a simple type of Gastropod with no odontophore and with undisturbed bilateral symmetry. The Amphi- neura are also bilaterally symmetrical, with paired ctenidia, kidneys, 806 ZOOLOGY SECT, XII and auricles, and the fact that these organs are also paired in the lower Gastropoda, seems to point to a common ancestor for Pele- cypoda, Amphineura, and Gastropoda, which was bilaterally sym- metrical, had a creeping foot, a simple shell, paired auricles, kidneys, and gills, and no odontophore. While the leading feature in the evolution of the Pelecypoda has been the splitting of the mantle into two halves and the resulting bivalve shell, the most noticeable fact in that of Gastro- poda, apart from the appearance of the odontophore, has been the torsion of the visceral mass, producing a characteristic asymmetry. In the Cephalopoda, on the other hand, the primitive bilateral symmetry 1s retained, and the most characteristic special feature of the group is the extraordinary modification of the foot into arms or tentacles, and funnel. The class is raised far above the remain- ing Mollusca by its wonderfully high organisation, especially of the nervous system and the eye, and there is nothing to indicate close relationship with any of the lower classes beyond the general conformity to the molluscan plan of organisation and the presence of an odontophore. The Cephalopods form, in fact, a singularly isolated group. Paleontology has not hitherto given any indica- tion of their origin, and embryology is equally silent; the absence of a free larva, and the profound modification in development produced by the enormous mass of food-yolk, sharply separating them from all other members of the phylum. INDEX INDEX All numbers refer to pages: words in italics are names of families, genera and species: words in thick type are names of higher divisions: words in small capitals are names of examples. Numbers in thick type are numbers of pages on which there are figures : an asterisk after a number indicates « definition of the term or of the group. Aas 376*, 418 Abdomen, of Apus, 531: Astecus, 541: Periplaneta, 620, 622 Aboral, 376*, 418 Absorption, 34 Abyssal species, 8* lcantharia, 60 Acanthin, 61* Acanthocephala, 297* - External charac- ters, 312, 313 : Body-wall, 312: Body- cavity, 313: Proboscis, 313: Vessels, 313: Nervous-system, 313: Excretory organs, 313, 815: Reproductive organs, 814, 315: Development, 315 Acanthobdella, 518, 519 Acarida, 661*, 665, 667, 668, 669, 672, 673 Achromatin, 17* Aciculum, 441* Acineta, 99, 100, 101 Acela, 252, 267, 272 Acontia, 188*, 201 Acorn-shells, 565 Actaon, 745 Actinal, 376*, 418 Actinia, 198, 228 Actiniaria, 194*, 196, 197 Actinobolus, 93, 94 Actinodactylella, 259, 260, 267, 273 alctinometra, 425 Actinomma asteracanthion, 61, 62 Actinophrys sol, 56, 57, 69 Actinospherium, 57% Actinostome, 376* Actinotrocha, 358, 359, 503 Actinozoa, 128: Example, 185: Distine- tive characters and classification, 193 : Systematic position of example, 196: General organisation, 196: Budding, 197 : Structure of poly pes, 198 : Enteric system, 201: Fixed and free forms, 202: Dimorphism, 202: Skeleton, 202: Colour, 208: Commensalism, 208: Distribution, 209 Actinula, 226*, 229 Adamsia palliata, 208, 209 Adductor impressions, 682, 683, 694, 697, 698, 699 Adductor muscles, 683, 697, 698 Adhesive cells, of Hormiphora, 215*: Turbellaria, 264 Adipose tissue, 26*, 27 Adjustors, 364* Adradius, 139 Adrectal gland, 744 Ajginopsis, 155, 156 Aiginura, 155 Equorea, 143 Affinities—See Relationships Agalma, 163 Agamobium, 140*, 176 Aggressive characters, in Crustacea, 601 Air-sacs, of Insects, 642 Albertia, 335 Alciopide, 488 Alcippe, 565, 579 Alcyonacea, 195, 197, 198, 199, 203 Alcyonaria, 195*, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 227 Alcyonide, 208 Alcyonidium, 348 Alcyonium, 195, 208 Alecithal, 219* Alimentary canal—See Digestive system Alimentary system—NSee Digestivesystem Allolobophora antipe, 481 Alpheus, 602 810 Alpine forms, s* Alternation of generations—See Meta- genesis. Alveolus, of Sea-urchin, 397 Ambulacral area, 395 Ambulacral grooves, 376” Ambulacral ossicles, 378, 381, 419 Ambulacral pores, 378, 396 Ambulacral ridges, 380 Ambulacral spines, 376, 387 Ambulacral system, of Asteriax, 383: Eichinus, 396, 399: Sea-cucumber, 402, 403: Anfedon, 408: Echinodermata, 415 Ainitotic division, 19* Ammonites, 790, 795, 803, 804 Amnion, of Peripatus, 612: Periplaneta, 631: Scorpion, 659 Ama@sBa, 10, 11, 12, 18, 14: Pseudopods, 47: Endosarc, 46: Ectosarc, 46: Con- tractile vacuole, 46: Encystation, 46: Fission, 46: Systematic position, 48 Amebidw, 48 Ameebocytes, 382, 399 Amebophyra, 233 Amcebula, of Didymium, 66, 67° of Gregarina, 82, 83 Amphiblastula, 124*, 125 Amphidises, 121*, 122 Amphilina, 262, 287 Amphineura, 680, 712* : Distinctive char- acters and classification, 712: (eneral organisation, 713: External features, 718,714: Ctenidia, 713: Alimentary system, 715: Body cavity, 715: Vas- cular system, 715: Nervous system, 715, 717: Reproductive and renal organs, 718, 719: Development, 718, 720: thology, distribution, &c., 720 Amphinomider, 467 Amphipoda, 568*, 583, 584, 585, 586, 593, 596, 603 Amphiptyches, 202, 268 Amphistomum, 257 Amphitretus pelayicus, 794 Amphiura, 232 Amphinra squamata, 429 Ampullx, 158*, 378*, 399 Ampullaria, 749 Amusium, 702, 704 Anal filament, 663 Anal glands, of Periputus, 610 Anal respiration, 596 Anal spot, of Paramecium, 90 Anaspidacea, 566*, 581, 582, 596, 603 Anaspides, 566, Anatomy, 3* Anchors, 177 Angiillula, 305 Anisopoda, 584” Ankylostoma duodenale, 306 INDEX Annulata, 439%: General remarks on, 523 : Relationships, 525 Annuli of Leech, 506 Axoponra, 680: Shell, 682: Body, 684: Muscles, 684 : Ccelome, 684: Digestive organs, 684, 685 : Gills, 685 ; Excretory organs, 689: Circulatory system, 689, 690: Nervous system, 690: Sensory organs, 691: Reproductive organs, 691 : Development, 692, 698, 694: Syste- matic position, 696 Anodonta, 696, 697, 698, 704 Anomia, 695, 697, 698 Anomura, 569*, 588, 589 Anopheles, 87 Anoplophyra, 94 Anostraca, 563*, 571 ANTEDON ROSACEA, 405 : General external features, 405, 406: Ossicles, 406 Cwlome, 407: Enteric canal, 407: Ambulacral system, 408: Nervou: system, 408: Perihemal and hemas system, 409: Sacculi, 409: Reproducl tive organs, 409 : Metamorphosis, 409- 432, 483: Systematic position, 414: Development, 432 Antenna, of Asfacus, 544—See also Ap- pendages Antennary gland, of Astacus, 551, 552 Antennary glands, 55], 596 Antennule, of Astacus, 544—See also Appendages ANTHENEA FLAVESCENS, 884, 386, 887, 388 Anthomeduse, 141%, 143, 144, 149 Anthophysa, 576 Anthosoma, 575, 576 Anthura, 568 Antimeres, 42* 415 Antipatharia, 195", 201, 202, 203, 204, 210 alntipathes, 201 Antispadix, 780 Ant-lions, 633 Ants, 636, 652 Aorta—See Vascular system Aphides, 647 alphis rose, 683 Aphrodite, 475 Aphroditea, 474, 475 Apical plate, of Trochosphere, 323 Apical system of plates, 393, 397 Apis mellifica, 637, 652 Aplacophora, 713*, 715, 717, 718, 720, 721, 805 Aplysia, 738, 739, 740, 746 Aplysiidiv, 734 Apoda (Holothuroidea), 413*, 426, 428 Apodiidw, 569, 570* Apopyle, 108, 109, 110* Appendages, of Rotifera, 330: Apus, 529, 580: Asfucus, 542, 548, 544: Crus- tacea, 570: Per/patus, 607, 608: Peri- INDEX plancida, 621 . Insecta, 637: Scorpion, 655 Apseudes, 567 Aptera, 632*, 640, 677 aAptychus, 795* Avus, 526: External characters, 527, 528: Appendages, 529, 530: Body- wall, 531: Muscular system, 532: Digestive organs, 532, 533: Body- cavity, 6383: Circulatory system, 533: Respiration, 334: Renal organ, 534, 535: Nervous system, 584, 536: Organs of sense, 536, 587: Reproduc- tive organs, 537: Development, 537, 538: Systematic position, 569 Apus, 584, 535, 537, 538 aApus cancriformis, 528, 536 clpus glacialis, 529 Aquatic pupa, 651 Arachnida, 526, 653°, 677: Example, 653: Distinctive characters and classi- fication, 660: General organisation, 662: External form, 662-667: Endo- sternite, 667: Coxal glands, 667: Alimentary system, 667: Heart, 668 : Organs of respiration, 668: Nervous system, 670: Sense-organs, 670: Re- productive apparatus, 671: Mode of life, 672: Geological history, 673 . Appendix, 673 Arachnidium, 664 Araneida, 661*, 664, 667, 669, 670 Arbacin punctulata, pedicellaria, 422 Arca, 695, 697, 701, 702, 704, 706, 711 Arcella, 49, 50 Archeocytes, 122 aArchenteron 23* Archi-Annelida, 439, 503*, 504, 505, 524 Archi-cerebrum, 555 Archi-cerebrum, of Periplaneta, 631 Archi-Chetopoda, 465°, 477 Archigetes, 262, 263, 287 Architeuthis, 803 aAryiope, 366 Aryonautu argo, 798, 796 Argonauts, 790, 791, 796 Argulus, 565, 576, 577 Arhynchobdellida, 516* Aricia, 479 Aristotle’s lantern, 397 Ark-shell, 702 Armadillidium, 586, 587 Armadillo, 524, 546 Armata, 496*, 497, 498, 499, 502 Arrow worms, 297 Artemia, 563, 571 Arthrobranchie, 551 Arthropoda, 526%: breathing, 677 Arthrostraca, 583* Articulata, 366*, 367, 368, 369: Shell, 398 Ascarida, 304° Affinities of air- 811 ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES, 297: External characters, 297: Body-wall, 298: Digestive organs, 299, 300: Cclome, 301: Excretory system, 301: Nervous system, 301, 802: Reproductive organs, 302, 803: Development, 303: Systematic position, 304 Ascaris meyalocephala, 297 Ascaris niqrovenosa, 308, 309, 310 Ascnris suilla, 297 Ascetia, 116 Ascon, 117, 118* Ascopodaria, 354 Asellus, 568, 583, 585 Asexual reproduction, 40: in Ameba, 46: Heliozoa, 59: Radiolaria, 63: Euglena, 69: Flagellata, 74: Choano- flagellata, 78: Dinoflagellata, 79: Cystoflagellata, 79: Sporozoa, 80: Coccidiidea, 84: Hzemosporidea, 86: Myxosporidea, 87: Paramecium, 90: Ciliata, 98: Tentaculifera, 101: Sponges, 121: Actinozoa, 197: Platy- helminthes, 283: Bugula, 346: Cheetopoda, 486 Aspergillum, 696, 701, 702 Aspidobranchia, 733* Aspidochirote, 415 Aspidocotylea, 253", 260, 273 Aspidogaster, 284 Asplanchna, 328, 330, 331 Astacopsis, 569 Astucus, 569 AsTacus FLUVIATILIS, 539, External characters, 540: Abdomen, 541, Thoracic region, 541: Head, 542: Appendages, 542, 548: Articulations, 545: Body-wall, 546: Muscular system, 546, 547: Digestive organs, 548: Respiratory organs, 549, 550: Excretory organs, 551, 552: Circula- tory organs, 551, 552, 553, 554: Nervous system, 555 : Sensory organs, 556 : Reproduction, 556, 557 : Develop- ment, 557, 558, 559, 560, 561 : System- atic position, 570 Astasiopsix, 71 ASTERIAS RUBENS, 375: General external features, 375, 876, 377: Transverse section of an arm, 378: Vascular and nervous systems, 379 : Structure of the disc, 380: Body-wall and celome, 381 : Digestive system, 382: Ambulacral system, 383: Reproductive system, 386 : Systematic position, 414 Asteriide, 414* Asterina, development, 388, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393 Asterina yibbosa, 429, 432 Asteroidea, Example, 375: Development, 388 : Distinctive characters and classi- fication, 410: Apical system, 417: Modifications of form, 418, 419: 812 Celome, 425: Ambulacral system, 425: Blood-vascular system, 426: Hemal system, 427: Axial organ, 428: Enteric canal, 429: Nervous system, 429: Reproductive organs, 429 : Development, 430: Ethology, 434 Asthenosoma, 421 Astracoidea, 570* Astra, 197, 198, 207 Astropecten, 419, 420 Astrophyton, 421 Astrosphere, 17, 18” Atlanta peroni, 741 Atrium, 249, 346 Atrochal, 486* Attraction-sphere, 18* Auditory organs, 39, 645 Anlactinium actinastrum, 62 Aulostoma, 516, 522 AURELIA AURITA, External character- istics, 168, 169: Digestive-cavity and canal system, 170, 171: Cell-layers, 170: Gonads, 171: Gastric filaments, 172: Muscular and nervous systems, 172: Nense-organs, 172: Development and life-history, 1738, 174, 175: Systematic position, 177 Auricle, of heart, 36* Auricles, of Sea-urchin, 397 : phora, 223* Anriciaria, 404, 413, 4381, 432 Australian region, 9* -Autolytus cornutus, 487 Avicularium, 341, 342, 352* Axes, 42” Axial fibre, 92, 96, 97 Axial nerve, 409 Axial organ, 384, 400, 428 Axial sinus, 380 Axis-cylinder, 29", 80 of Cteno- B Deke 565, 577, 579 Barnacles, 3, 526, 565, 577, 579, 594, 596 Barrier reef, 210 Basal plate, of coral, 205*, 206 Batteries, 161* Bdelloida, 328*, 330, 334 Buelloura, 284 Bear-animalcules, 673 Bee-parasites, 65] Bees, 526, 619, 636, 647, 652 Beetles, 525, 619, 635, 640 Belemnites, 790, 795, 796, 805 Benthos, 8* Berenice, 150 Beroé’’, 224, 228 Beroida, 221*, 224 Bicellariide, 348* Bicellular glands, 493* INDEX Bilateral symmetry, 41, 43* Bile, 34* Binomial nomenclature, 1* Biology, 1* Bionomics, 9* Bipalium, 255 Bipinnaria, 411, 432 Bird-lice, 651 Bird’s-Head Coralline, 341 Birgus, 569, 589, 595, 603 Birth-opening, 245* Bivium, 377, 416 : of Sea-cucumber, 401 Black coral, 195*, 202, 210 Blastoccele, 23* Blastoidea, 414*, 435, 437 Blastomeres, 22* Blastopore, 22, 23* Blastosphere, 23* Blastostyle, of Obelia, 129*, 180: Lepto- linee, 151 : Porpita, 165, 166 Blastula, 23* Blattu—See Periplaneta Blattide, 636, 653 Blepharoblast, 70*, 72 Blood, 29*, 34* Blood-corpuscles, 30 Blood-vascular system—See system Blood-vessels, 34 Blow-flies, 635 Blue coral, 195 Bodotria, 567 Body-cavity—See Ceelome Body-wall, of Sea-anemone, 185: Hormi- phora, 215: Liver-fluke, 241: Platy- helminthes, 262: Nemertinea, 290: Ascaris, 298: Nematoda, 305: Cheeto- gnatha, 316: Brachionus rubens, 325 : Bugula, 343 : Ectoprocta, 351 : Mayel- lania, 362: Asterias, 381: Sea-cucum- ber, 402: Nereis, 443: Earthworm, 456 : Cheetopoda, 473 : Sipunculus, 493 : Gephyrea, 497: Hirudo, 508: Apus, 531: Astacus, 546: Crustacea, 594: Peripatus, 608: Myriapoda, 617: In- secta, 636 Bojanus, organs of, 689 Bolina hydatina, 224 Bone, 25, 27*, 28 Bone-corpuscles, 27* Bonellia, 496, 497, 499, 500, 501 Book-gills, 671 Book-lungs, 657, 668 Book-scorpions, 662 Bopyrini, 586 Bopyrus, 568 Botany, 1* Bot-fly, 635, 651 Bothridia, 262* Bothriocephalus, 261, 279, 285 Bothriocephalus latus, 285 Botryoidal tissue, of Leech, 509 Bougainvillea, 143, 144, 152 Vascular INDEX Brachial disc, of Discomeduse, 183 Brachial ossicles, 407 Brachiolaria, 411, 432 Brachionide, 329* Brachionus, 324, 325, 326, 328, 329 BRACHIONUS RUBENS: External charac- ters, 323, 324: Body-wall, 325: Diges- tive organs, 325: Ccelome, 325: Ex- cretory system, 326: Nervous system, and sense organs, 326: Reproduction and development, 326, 327 : Systematic position, 329 Brachiopoda, 340, 360*: Example, 360: Distinctive characters and classifica- tion, 366: Systematic position of ex- ample, 367 : General organisation, 367 : Shell, 367, 368: Peduncle, 367: Lo- phophore, 368: Muscular system, 368 : Enteric canal, 369: Heart, 369: Nephridia, 369: Nervous system, 369 : Gonads, 369 : Development, 370, 371: Distribution, 371 Brachyura, 569*, 589, 590, 591, 601 Bract, 160, 161*, 531 Brain, 38 Branchellion, 516, 517, 519, 522 Branchie, 35*- of Asterias, 376. Sea- urchin, 395: Polychwta, 471 : Oligo- cheta, 473: Branchellion, 519: Astacus, 549; Crustacea, 593: Ano- donta, 686, 687, 688 : Pelecypoda, 702 : Triton, 725: Gastropoda, 742 Branchial formula, of Astacus, &e., 551 Branchiopoda, 563*, 569, 570, 571, 593, 594, 596, 597, 598, 602, 603, 677 Branchipus, 563, 570, 571 Branchiura, 565*, 573, 577 Brine-shrimp, 571 Brisingide, 418 Brood-pouch, 370, 531 Brood-cavity, 101 Brown body, 346 Buccal cavity, 32 Buccinum undatum, 722 Budding, 40*, 41—See Asexual repro- duction Budding, in Turbellaria, 257 Buffon, 5 Bugs, 634, 640, 651 Bugula, 347 Bueuba AVICULARIA, 341, 342: Body- wall, 343: Ceelome, 343: Alimentary canal, 343: Nervous system, 343: Excretory organs, 343: Reproductive organs, 344: Development, 344, 345, 346 : Systematic position, 348 Bugula plumosa, 346 Bursa copulatrix, 270, 271, 272, 273, 647 Busycon, 149 Buruvs, 653: External features, 654, 655: Digestive system, 656, 657, 658 : Circulatory organs, 656, 657 : Organs of respiration, 657 : Nervous system, 657, VOL. I 813 658 : Organs of special sense, 658 : Re productive organs, 658 : Developinent, 5: Butterflies, 526, 619, 635 Byssus, 694, 702 Byssus-gland, 694, 702 Byssus, provisional, 693 C Cieade 633 Cake-urchins, 412*, 417, 423 Calcarea, 112*, 120, 122, 123 ; Calcareous spicules, of Sponges, 107, 108, 120, 122 Calciferous glands, 458 Callianira, 218, 219, 222 Callitiara, 150 Calocalanus, 574 Calotte 230*, 344 Calymma, of Radiolaria, 60 Calyptoblastea 143* Cambaru-, 569 Cambrian, 7 Campanulariide, 142* Canalicule (bone), 27* Canals, Haversian, 27*, 28: incurrent, radial or flagellate, excurrent of Sponge, 107, 108, 109*, 117: of Medusa, 135, 136 Canal system of Sponges, 117, 118 Cancer, 569, 590 Cannostome, 180 Capillaries, 35* Capillary vessels, 238 Capillitium, of Mycetozoa, 66, 67 Caprella, 568, 586 Capria, 178 Capsulogenous glands, 457 Carabus auratus, 641 Carapace, y 4 Xoots, 155% ’ > structure, Tentacles, 155: Reproductive organs, 154, 155: Development, 155, 156 Trachymeduse, 142”, 154, 155, 156 Translation, 285* Trap-loor Spider, (72 Trapeia, 209 Trematoda, 252", 257, 258, 259, 260, 264, 265, 266, 207, 268, 269, 270, 272, 273, 277, 278, 279, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288 : Example, 240 Treploplaa, 233 Triarthrus beckii, 606 Trichina, 310, 311 Trichinella, 306, 311 Trichiniasis, 312 Trichocyst, 89, 93 Trichoplax, 233 Trichostomata, 91 Tricladida, 252*, 253, 255, 257, 263, 264, 267, 268, 269, 271, 275, 276, 283, 284 Tridacne yiguts, 710 Trigger-hair—See Cnidocil Trigonia, 695, 701, 710, 711 Trilobita, 604, 605, 606, (77 Trimorphism, 129* Trimyaria, 290 Tristivothata, 319 TRITON NODIFERUS, 721. Shell, 721, 722, 723: External features of soft parts, 723: Foot, 724; Visceral spiral, 725: Mantle, 725; Ctenidium, 725; Os- phradium, 726: Digestive system, 726, 727, 728: Vascular system, 720: Ex- cretory system, 729: Nervous system, 729, 730, 731: Sensory organs, 731 : Reproductive organs, 732: Systematic position, 734 Tritonidie, 733, 734", 745 Trivium, 377*, 416 Trochal disc, 324 Trochelminthes, 322": Appendix, 336 Trocheta, 516 Trochophore—Sce Trochosphere Trochosphura, 328. 832, 335 Trochospherida, 328* Trochosphere, 322, 440 Trochus, 733, 747 Trombidinm fuliyinosum, 665 Trophozoite, 80 Trypanosomes, 71, 72 Tube-feet, 377%, 376, 395, 401 Tubifea, 478, 483 Tibificidic, 488 Tubipora, 195, 198, 199, 203, 208, 210 Tuhulasia, 145, 158 Trhidaviv, 143 Turbellaria, 252*, 255, 256, 257, 202, 263, 264, 2065, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 284, 286: Ex- imple, 236 Lurbo, 733, 747 Typhlosole, 458°, 475, 685 838 INDEX U O sine, ii Umbo, 683 Umbrella, 168* Uncus, 325* Undulating membrane, 72”, 92, 94 Unicellular, 19* Unicellular gland, 25* Unio, 680, 696—See Anodonta Unio margaritifer, 680, 711 Unionide, 696* Unisexual, 40* Urea, 36 Uric acid, 13, 36 Urinary organs, 37* Urnatella, 354 Urns, 493* Uropod, 542* Uterine bell, 313 Uterus, 40* vy \ Leen contractile, 11*, 18, 47, ,66 68, 86, 88, 93, 96, 101 : non-contractile, 11*, 60, 93, 94 Valenciennes, organ of, 781* Valvulate, 387* Van der Hoefen, organ of, 780* Variation, individual, 2*, 113 Variety, 2*, 114* Vascular system, 34: Nemertinca, 291: Acanthocephala, 313: Phoronis, 357: Magelania, 365: Brachiopoda, 369: Starfish, 379: Holothurian, 426: Antedon, 409: Echinodermata, 426: Nereis, 444; Lumbricus, 458: Sipun- culus, 493: Gephyrea, 498: Archi- annelida, 504: Hirudo, 512: Hirudinea, 518: Apus, 533: Astacus, 551: Crus- tacea, 596: Peripatus, 609: Peri- planeta, 625: Insects, 642: Scorpio, 656: Arachnida, 668: Mussel, 689: Pelecypoda, 706: Amphineura, 715: Triton, 729; Gastropoda, 744: Scapho- poda, 757: Sepia, 765: Nautilus, 783 ; Cephalopoda, 797 Vas deferens—NSee Spermiduct Vegetal pole, 751 Velarium, 170*, 182 Velella, 166 -Veliger, 709, 710%, 751 Velum, 135*, 186, 170, 710, 752 Ventral, 42* Ventricle, 36* Venus gnidia, 699 Venus’s Flower-basket, 120 Venus’s Girdle, 223 Vermes, 235 Vermetes, 733 Vermetus, 755, 756 Vermiform embryos, 231] Vermilia cespitosa, 468 Vertebral column, 4 Vestibule, 95 Vibracula, 349, 352* Vibratile corpuscles, 399 Virgula, 167* Visceral spiral, of Triton, 725 Vitellaria, 270 Vitelline glands—See Yolk-glands Vitelline membrane, 217 Vitreous body, 536* Viviparous, 40* Voluta, 749 Volvox, 72, 73, 75, 76, 77 Vortex, 265 Vorticella, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98 Vulselia, 698 Ww We ene Magellania Wallace’s line, 9* Wandering cells, 111 Wasps, 636, 647, 652 Water-bugs, 634 Water-flea, 526, 564 Water-pores, 408*, 426 Water-sac, 536 Water-tubes, 408*, 426, 686 Water-vascular system, 236* Whale-louse, 586 Wheel-animalcules—See Rotifera Wheel-organ, 324 Whelks, 680, 733 White body, 772 White substance of Schwann, 29* Winter eggs, 327, 597 Wood-louse, 526, 568—See Onixeis x Fy ee 661*, 666, 667, 668, 669, 673, 677, 678 Y y nes Cretis—See Zoochlorella. Yellow elastic cartilage, 26* Yoldia, 695 Yolk, 19* Yolk-glands, 236* Yolk, epithelium, 799: reservoir, 243 Yolk-sac, 803 INDEX 839 Zoochlorella, 60, 63, 208, 341 Z Zoo-geographical Regions, 8 Z Zooid, 40* 50, 75, 283 ILLA CALLOPHYLLA, 670 Zoology, 1* Zoxa, 599* Zoophyte, 128 Zoantharia, 194* 227 Zoothamnium, 97 Zoanthus, 196, 197, 200, 201 Zygophiure, 411* Zoceciun, 341 Zygote, 74, 75* 80, SI R. CLAY AND SONS, LTD, BREAD 8T, HILL, £.C,, AND BUNGAY, SUFFOLK.