oe n fe — r — — 2 a ah tw Nannie i ad ES hee = 2 N — eee e — n an . 8 PoP — oe 8 = = 1 — 8 5 a FT 2 * 3 Ps * 4 = Bey * as? tan 8 = * Cornell Alnirersitg Library BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME FROM THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF Henry W. Sage 1891 kun Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924031031184 The Boke of Saint Albans BY DAME JULIANA BERNERS CONTAINING TREATISES ON HAWKING, HUNTING, AND COTE ARMOUR: PRINTED AT SAINT ALBANS BY THE SCHOOLMASTER-PRINTER IN 1486 REPRODUCED IN FACSIMILE With an Introduction by WILLIAM BLADES AUTHOR OF “THE LIFE AND TYPOGRAPHY OF WILLIAM CAXTON” LONDON ELLIOT STOCK, 62 PATERNOSTER ROW, E.C. 1881 Lo “ Manhood J am, therefore J me delyght To hunt and Hawke, to nourish up and fede Che grephounde to the course, the hawke to th’ flight, And to bestrypde a good and lusty stede.“ From Str THOMAS MoRE's Poems. Introduction. EVERAL independent printing preſſes were eftablifhed in England before the clofe of the fifteenth century ; and from them iffued numerous books which are invaluable to all ftudents of antiquity from the light they throw upon the focial habits and literary progrefs of our nation. Of thefe it may fafely be faid that not one exceeds in intereft that work of an unknown typographer, which is here prefented in facfimile, and which, from the town in which it was compiled, as well as printed, is known to all bibliographers as “The Book of St. Albans.” This work has always been a favourite, partly becaufe our feelings are appealed to in favour of the writer who for centuries has taken rank as England’s earlieft poetefs, and is ftill, in all our Biographical Dictionaries, reckoned among “noble authors; and partly becaufe we love myfteries, and a myftery has always enfhrouded the namelefs printer. The fubjects, too, fo curioufly alliterative—Hawking, Hunting, and Heraldry, have an enticing and antique flavour about them, being juft thofe with which, at that period, every man claiming to be “gentle” was expected to be familiar; while ignorance of their laws and language was to confefs himfelf a ‘“churl.” 6 Lntroduction. As to the language and orthography of the book, it is a never- failing fource of intereft, being quite different from any other printed work of the fifteenth century, except the St. Albans’ Chronicle from the fame prefs. Among bibliographers it ranks as “varifimus,’ the known copies being fo few that they might pro- bably be counted on the fingers of one hand. ‘Looking at the book, then, all round, it will be a convenient plan to confider thefe fubjects feparately, and to treat the volume in its four aſpects of Authorfhip, Typography and Bibliography, Subject- matter, and Philology. CHAPTER iL Authorship. MISTORIANS and Biographers, together with Libra- rians and Bookfellers, have a natural antipathy to anonymous books; and, wherever they can, are willing to accept the smalleft amount of evidence as proof of paternity. It faves much trouble and avoids numerous errors in cataloguing, when a recognifed name can be affociated with an anonymous work. From this tendency a bad habit has arifen of attributing to particular writers books concerning which the evidence of authorfhip is doubtful, if not altogether untruftworthy. In this very book we have a ftriking inftance of fuch erroneous attribution. The three treatifes, of which the book is made up, are quite diftinét, and to a portion only of one of theſe is there any author's name attached. Yet that name, Dam Julyans Barnes,” altered by degrees to “ Dame Juliana Berners,” is now univerfally received as the name of the authorefs of the whole volume. With even lefs fhow of reafon fhe is credited with the authorfhip of a “ Treatife on Fifhing” for which there is not the fhadow of evidence, that treatife having been added ten years later by Wynken de Worde, who, when reprinting the Book of St. Albans, thought that the subject of Fifhing would complete the work as a Gentleman’s Vade Mecum. There are really four diftinét tractates in the Book of St. Albans, although the two laft being on Heraldry are generally counted as one, 8 Aulſiorſſiip. The firſt is on Hawking; to this no name of the author is attached, but it has a prologue which no one acquainted with the other writings of the printer can doubt to be his. Of this we {hall have more to fay anon. The fecond tractate is on Hunting: it is fpecially affociated with the name of Dame Juliana Berners, and will require a more extended elucidation than the others. Here the evidence of authorfhip is as good as for moft pieces of fifteenth-century production a period at which literary rights did not exift, and when the ſcribe, if at all acquainted with the ſubject upon which the book he was copying treated, did not fcruple to interpolate his own ideas, and that without any egotiftical vanity, but merely from a feeling that all books being written for the good of men, and not from vanity in the author, it was a duty to improve them where poffible. But as improvement moftly meant the addition of fomething on the fame fubject taken from another manufcript, we have the conftant occurrence of one MS. being a compilation of two or three others, and yet appearing under the name of the laft compiler. In this treatife on Hunting we have the exprefs ſtatement at the end of the twenty-fourth page Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes.” This might certainly apply to the tranfcription only, but, when taken with Wynken de Worde's verfion, the probability is, that the lady compiled as well as wrote it. In the reprint by Wynken de Worde, only ten years later than the original, he varies the colophon thus :— “@ Explicit dame Julyans Bernes doctryne in her boke of huntynge,” the whole reprint ending Enprynted at weftmeftre by Wynkyn the Worde the yere of thyncarnacon of our lorde. M. CCCC. Ixxxxvj.” So that he, a contemporary, evidently believed her to be the authorefs. Later authorities attributed the whole book to her pen, but as they were in poffeffion of no more evidence than we now are, and probably not fo much, we fhould attach no weight to fuch ftate- ments, which were founded fimply on a vivid imagination. Author fhip. 9 But what is known of the lady who is admitted to have com- piled the twenty-four pages on Hunting? Who was Dame Julians Barnes? Here, unlefs a fentimental and inventive fympathy be employed to throw an artificial light upon the darknefs, we are in total ignorance. A biography of her has certainly been written, and all our Dictionaries and Encyclopedias devote a page or two to her hiftory, which, in 1810, under Haflewood’s nurture, attained its full development. Even fo far back as 1549, or nearly a century after her fuppofed death, the learned Bale, who wrote an account of all our Englifh celebrities, allows his gallantry to bedeck her memory with garments fine. Foemina illuftris!” he exclaims, “corporis et animi dotibus abundans ac forma elegantia fpectabilis” (An illuſtrious lady! abundantly gifted, both in body and mind, and charming in the elegance of her mien). Confidering that the name of the lady is the whole of the text upon which Bale had to build, this is by no means a bad fpecimen of imagina- tive biography, and became a good foundation for future commen- tators. The ftory, however, fared rather badly at firft; for Holinfhed, in 1577, while echoing Bale very exactly, is made, by a curious error of the printer, who miftook the letters π for m, to call the authorefs Julyan Bees; while Baker in his Chronicles, too carelefs even to refer to the original text, adds another blunder to the ftory, and, thinking that Julyan muft be a man’s name, dubs the authorefs “a gentleman of excellent gifts, who wrote certain treatifes of Hawking and Hunting.” Chauncy, in 1700 (Hiftory of Hertfordfhire), reftored her fex to the lady, and then fet to work upon making a family hiftory for her. His firft difcovery was that, being a “ Dame,” fhe was of noble blood. Finding alfo that the family name of Lord Berners was, in olden time, fpelt occafionally Barnes, he foon fupplied a father for our authorefs, in the perfon of Sir James Berners. And fo the game of making hiftory went on merrily up to the time of Jofeph Haflewood, who, in 1810, reprinted Wynken de Worde's B 10 Authorthip. edition of the Book of St. Albans, and fupplied a full-blown biography of the authorefs, giving particulars of her birth and education, the occupations of her youthful days, and a moft impofing pedigree. Let us quote Haflewood’s own words: “Julyans, or Juliana, Barnes, otherwife Berners, who has been generally defignated as the authorefs of the prefent volume, is fuppofed to have been born, towards the latter end of the fourteenth century, at Roding- Berners, in the county of Effex. The received report is that fhe was the daughter of Sir James Berners, whofe fon was created Baron Berners, temp. Henry IV., and that fhe once held the fituation of Priorefs of Sopwell Nunnery, in Hertfordfhire.” He then attributes to her the authorfhip of all four works in the Book of St. Albans. The difficulty of accounting for a lady fo placed writing upon fuch fubjects, is cleverly, if not ſatisfactorily fettled by affuming that fhe paffed her teens at court, partaking of the amufements of the field, and writing for her own ufe a common- place book on various fubjects. Then retiring through difappoint- ment (doubtlefs a love affair) to a cloifter, her rank raifed her to the pofition of priorefs. There in her feclufion, writing amidft the folitude of liftlefs hours and vain regrets, fhe verfified the gene- ral rules of fport from her own pleafant recollection, and from the diaries of her youthful happinefs, which fortunately fhe had preferved. If we remember the mania which feized all claffes for diary-keeping at the beginning of this century, when Haflewood wrote this, it will deepen our fenfe of humour to note that he attributes private diary- keeping to a young lady who lived axe 1450. But enough of fuch fham biography; let us return to facts. The word “Dame” did not in the fifteenth century, as it does now, imply any connection with a titled family, it meant fimply Miftrefs or Mrs. Chaucer fpeaks of Dame Partlet in this fenfe; and had the Dame Julyans Barnes of the fifteenth century lived now, fhe would have been juſt Mrs. Barnes.” Similarity of name in hiftory, like ſimilarity of found in philology, Author{hip. 11 is a will-o’-the-wifp which has led many a writer into a bog. Allowing that Lord Berners’ name was fometimes fpelt Barnes, is that fufficient reafon for making our authorefs a member of his family? I think not. That the greater portion of the book on Hunting was compiled by Miftrefs Barnes, is probably correct, and had fhe written much more, and produced even an original work on the ſubject, fhe would not have ftood alone, even at that early period, as an authorefs. Cryſtine de Pifan, two of whofe works were printed by Caxton, was contemporary with Julians Barnes, and left not only numerous original writings behind her—one of which was upon the Art of War—but left her mark, and that no mean nor ignoble one, upon the political courfe and moral development of her countrymen. But Dame Julyans’ work upon Hunting is certainly not original, as indeed very few works upon any fubject were at that period. This is evident from a glance at the text and the grouping of the fubjects. It begins with diftinguifhing the varieties of beafts and their ages; the proper names by which to defignate the beafts, fingly and together; on hunting and dreffing a Roe, a Boar, a Hare; of flaying; of the horns of a Roebuck; of the Hart; of the feasons; of the Hare. Then follows, from another fource, an inter- polation of a difcourfe between a Mafter of the Hunt and his man, going over portions of the fame ground again; and this ended, we get back again to the original MS. and the difmemberment of various beafts. All through, with the exception of the interpolated conver- fation, the text is addreffed to “ My deare childe.” Thus we read— „Do fo, my child;” “Think what I fay, my fon;” “My lief childer ;” Say, child, where you go? my dame taught you fo.” Evidently that portion was originally written for a mother to ufe * Taking Berners and Barnes to be the fame word, it is curious to note in connection with the work attributed to Dame Juliana, viz., The Book of Hunting—that the mafters of that {port employed men called Berners, to be ready with relays of horfes and to feed the hounds.—See Halliwell's“ Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words.“ 12 Authorfhip. as a fchool-book, by which her fon would learn to read, and, at the fame time, become familiar with the terms of venery. In the Bodleian Library is a fmall manufcript on the Terms of the Chafe, the beginning of which is :— Mi dere fones, where ye fare, be frith or by fell, ‘Take good hede in his tyme how Triftram wol tell.” This manufcript was probably copied by fome youth as a ſchool- exercife, which would account for the following odd colophon— Explicit, expliceat, ludere ſeriptor eat.” Compare the above with the opening ftanza of the verfes we attribute to Miftrefs Barnes :— “ Wherefoever ye fare, by frith or by fell,“ My dear child, take heed how Triftram doth you tell.” f The reft of the Oxford MS. is in fimilar accord with the print, but nowhere in it is there a word about Miftrefs Barnes. The words “ Explicit Dam Julyans Barnes” have been confidered to prove that the lady was alive when the book was printed. If, however, Sir James Berners were her father, of which there is no evidence, fhe muft have been clofe upon a hundred years old in 1486, as he died in 1390. But this is importing a needlefs difficulty into the theory, which is not rendered more probable by making the authorefs and printer contemporary. It may here be as well to fay a few words about Sopwell Nunnery, over which, without a particle of evidence, our authorefs is fuppofed to have prefided. Sopwell Nunnery, Hertfordſhire, was founded about 1140, under the rule of St. Benedict, and fubject to the Abbot of St. Albans, from which it was not far * « By frith or by fell = by foreft or by plain; but fee Halliwell's Dictionary. T Sir Triftram, the well-known knight of the Round Table, was a mighty hunter, and the great authority upon all fubjeéts connected with the chafe. Popular belief attributed to him the origin of all the ſpecial terms ufed in hunting, and his name was invoked to give authority to any ftatement upon this ſubject, juſt as in a later century the arithmetical rules of Cocker give rife to the popular phrafe—‘‘ According to Cocker.“ Authorfiirp. 13 diftant. The rule of life among the inmates was very fevere, and at the firft the nuns were enclofed under locks and bolts, made additionally fure. by the feal, on the door, of the Abbot for the time being (Chauncy’s Hiftory, p. 466). How long this lafted, and how the nuns liked it, hiftory faith not; but, in 1338, a re-organifation had become imperative, and the Abbot of St. Albans, among other inftructions, ordered that no nun fhould lodge out of the houfe, and no gueft within it (Newcome, p. 468). There does not feem much fcope left here for the Priorefs to take an active part in field fports, though a hundred and fifty years later, which was about the period of our “Dame,” many relaxations of the ſtrict rules may have become common. But, then, we have apparently accurate lifts of all the Prioreffes of Sopwell in the fifteenth century, and the name of Juliana Barnes does not appear at all in them. The known dates are these — In 1416, Matilda de Flamſtede was Priorefs. Four years before her death, which was in 1430, fhe was fucceeded by Letitia Wyttenham. The next whose name is known was Joan Chapell; the date of her appointment is not recorded, but as fhe was fet afide in 1480 on account of her age, fhe had probably occupied the pofition for many years. In 1480, Elizabeth Webb fucceeded Joan Chapell. What is really known of the Dame is almoft nothing, and may be fummed up in the following few words. She probably lived at the beginning of the fifteenth century, and fhe poffibly compiled from exifting MSS. fome rhymes on Hunting. There is ftill the authorfhip of the other parts of the book to determine, and if fimilarity of wording and phrafeology may be taken as evidence, they were all from one pen. At the end of the book on Heraldry the printer has put the following Here endeth the book of Blafing of Arms tranflated and compiled together at Seynt Albons.” Here we have the printer’s own ftatement as to the origin of his text, and doubtlefs this, as well as the treatife on Hawking, were made up or “compiled” from more 14 Aulhiorſſip. than one manuſcript in French. Haflewood gives a lift of fuch as are in the Britifh Mufeum, in feveral of which portions of the printed work are contained. Works on Hunting and Hawking were not uncommon in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, and are {till found in all large collections of manufcripts. There were feveral in the libraries of the Dukes of Burgundy in the fifteenth century, and many are ftill extant in the national collections of England and France. The other tractates in the volume have an origin very fimilar to that of the Book of Hunting. The Book of Hawking is an evident compilation from feveral manufcripts, which accounts perhaps for its deficiency in arrangement and want of continuity. The Book of Coat Armour alfo has two diſtinct fources in contemporary works, one of which was the De Officio Militari” of Nicholas Upton. From this the fchoolmafter copied Book IV. almoft word for word, fupple- menting it from The Book of the Lineage of Coat Armour,” as ſtated already. The only other literary work which can be attributed to our printer is the extenfive compilation known as the St. Albans’ Chronicle or the Fructus Temporum. But neither in the Chronicle, where he fimply combined two hiftories into one, nor in the Book of St. Albans, which is alfo a compilation, does the ſchoolmaſter ſhow any literary ability above the average of fcholars of his period. As ſpecimens of the ſchoolmaſter's powers of compofition we annex the following, the originals of which can be feen in the en- suing facfimile pages Prologue to the Book of pawking. “In fo much that gentlemen and honeft perfons have great delight in Hawking, and defire to have the manner to take hawks: and alfo how and in what wife they fhould guide them ordinately: and to know the gentle terms in communing of their hawks: and to under- ftand their fickneffes and infirmities, and to know medicines for them according, and the many notable terms that be ufed in hawking Author hip. 15 both of their hawks and of the fowls that their hawks fhall flay. Therefore this book following in a due form fhows very knowledge of fuch pleafure to gentlemen and perfons difpofed to fee it.” Prologue to Mistress Barnes’ Compilation on bunting, “ Likewife, as in the Book of Hawking aforefaid are written and noted the terms of pleafure belonging to gentlemen having delight therein, in the fame manner this book following fhoweth to fuch gentle perfons the manner of Hunting for all manner of beafts, whether they be beafts of Venery, or of Chace, or Rascal. And alfo it fhoweth all the terms convenient as well to the hounds as to the beaſts aforeſaid. And in certain there be many diverfe of them as it is declared in the book following.” Prologue to the Book of Coat Armour. “Here in this book following is determined the lineage of Coat Armours: and how gentlemen fhall be known from ungentle men, and how bondage began firft in angel and after fucceeded in man kind, as it is here fhowed in procefs, both in the childer of Adam and alfo of Noe, and how Noe divided the world in three parts to his three fons. Alfo there be fhowed the nine colours in Arms figured by the nine orders of Angels, and it is fhowed by the forefaid colours which be worthy and which be royal; and of regalities which be noble and which be excellent. And there be here the vertues of Chivalry, and many other notable and famous things, to the pleafure of noble perfons fhall be fhowed, as the works following witneffes, whofoever liketh to fee them and read them, which were too long now to rehearfe. And after thefe notable things aforefaid followeth the Blafing of all manner Arms in Latin, French, and Engliſh.“ N So wrote the ſchoolmaſter. Let us now fee what kind of book this is typographically. CHAPTER IL Tppographp and Bibliography. LD books muſt be loved, and their idioſyncraſies carefully ftudied, before they will yield up a/ their treafures ; that done, the obſervant lover will obtain poſſeſſion of both ſoul and body; he may revel in the intellectual feaſt provided by the author, or he may ſtudy the material and mechanical features of the books as repreſented by the peculiarities of paper and the habits and cuftoms of the various printers. Then, by grouping theſe as a botaniſt does his flowers, according to their organiſation into claſſes, orders, genera, and ſpecies, he may extract from his volumes true replies to queſtions which other wiſe would remain hidden for ever. So true is the dictum, “ The Mind it is which fees, and not the Eye alone.“ Many bibliophiles, however, of education and taſte have been pofitively blind when outfide the circle of their own particular ſtudies. So it was with the Rev. Dr. M‘Neille, a well-known critic and book- collector of fixty years ago. When addreſſing Dr. Dibdin he wrote thus of “The Book of St. Albans "—“ This book is itfelf ufelefs, and only a bon morceau for the quizzical collector.” With fuch feelings towards one of the moft curious works which this country produced during the infancy of the printing prefs, it was fimply impoffible that the intereft of its pages fhould be revealed to him; and however rich in divinity and edztiones principes of the claſſics the library of the Typography and Bibliography. 17 worthy doctor may have been, it is evident that our Book of St. Albans could never have been aught but an alien on v book-fhelves. The works printed by William Caxton were almoft without exception in the Englifh tongue, while the contemporary preffes of Oxford, St. Albans, and Machlinia were nearly all in Latin. Of the eight books at prefent known to have been printed at St. Albans, the only two in Englifh were the Fructus Temporum” and the work under review. The “Fructus” or St. Albans’ Chronicle is the fame as that printed two years previoufly by Caxton, with the addition of certain ecclefiaftical events and Papal chronology, probably added by the printer himfelf to pleafe the monks. The Book of St. Albans’ and the St. Albans’ Chronicle make a clafs of themfelves ; but as it is impoffible to underftand their pofition without a glance at the other works from the fame prefs, we will give a tabulated defcription of the whole eight. BOOKS PRINTED AT ST. ALBANS IN FIFTEENTH CENTURY. Date of No. of Size of : 1 Lines Title of Book. ae Size. Print- Printed Type] Printed 9 15 5 Ink. Device. Woot in guage. ing. | Leaves. Page. ures: 5 Page. Auguſtini Dacti ele- Latin ꝗto n. d. 18 1 | 52x33 none | none black none none 36 ancie 81 5 Saona Rhe- | Latin | 4to 1480 | 181 [2-1 SF 33 signed] none black none none 24 torica nova Alberti queſt. de modo | Latin | gto | 1480 46 3-1 5 K 33 signed none black none none 32 Significandi. Joan: Canonici Queft. | Latin | fol. 1481 | 174 | 3 | 8x5 signed none black none none 44 fup. Phys. Ariſt. Exempla facre ſcrip- Latin | 4to| 1481 | 83 | 3 | 52x 3% signed] none | black | none | none | 32 ture Ant. Andre fuper | Latin | 4to 1482 | 335 3 Logica Ariftotelis Chronicles of Eng- Engl. | fol. 1483? 295 | 2 land signed & red The Book of St. | Engl. | fol. | 1486 | 88 2-4 8x5 signed] yes black with | yes 32 Albans & red 52 x 34 signed none | black none none 32 every 8x5 lear | yes black with | yes 32 But who was the printer? What was his name? Was he affociated with the great Abbey ? and is there any internal or external evidence in his works to connect him with any other printer or any other town? The only notice we have of the printer is an accidental one by Wynken de Worde, who, in reprinting the St. Albans’ Chronicle, fays 8 18 Typography and Bibhography. in the colophon, Here endith this prefent Chronicle... compiled in a book and alfo enprinted by our fometime Schoolmafter of St. Alban.” He was a ſchoolmaſter, then, and this will account for the nature of his early works, all fcholaftic and all in Latin. Not till the end of his typographical career did he realife the fact that the print- ing-prefs, inftead of being the hobby of a few learned men, was the educator of the people, the whole nation ; and then he gave his country- men what they wanted—a hiftory of their own country and a book upon the whole (secular) duty of the gentleman, as then underſtood. The name of the fchoolmafter-printer is quite unknown. No notice of him is found in the records of the Abbey, nor does he appear in any contemporary document. Yet here, as in Miftrefs Barnes’s cafe, imagination has come to the refcue and a legendary name has been provided. Finding that the Prologue to the Book of Hawking began with the words, “Jn/omuch as gentle men and honeft perſons have great delight in Hawking;” finding alfo that the St. Alban’s Chronicle from the fame prefs began thus: “J/x/omuch as it is neceffary;” and bearing in mind that certain old authors had veiled heir names in the firft words of their works, Dr. Chauncy arrived at the fagacious conclufion that the St. Albans printer wifhed to veil 42s name, which really was “Infomuch.” The joke, for it almoft feems like one, does not bear even the ſcrutiny which itfelf invites, for although the ſchool- maſter ufes the words in two other places, in neither cafe are they at the beginning of a chapter.* It fhould be added that in this the worthy hiftorian of Herefordfhire only followed the lead of both Bale and Pits. Was he connected with the Abbey? I think not. There is not a word to fuggeft fuch a connection, although we may take it for granted that the Abbot and his fraternity could not have frowned upon On sig. a j recto of “ Cote Armour is “ Infomuch as all gentlenefs comes of God; and upon sig. b iij verfo is Infomuch that in the fifth quadrat,” &c. The ufe of the word in thefe cafes could have no veiled meaning, and it was probably only a peculiarity of diétion which had become a habit with the ſchoolmaſter. Typography and Bibliography. 19 the printer, or he would never have eftablifhed himſelf. His imprints all mention the town of St. Albans, but never the Abbey, and his poſi- tion was probably ſimilar to that of Caxton, who was ſimply a tenant of the Abbot of Weſtminſter, but, ſo far as is known, nothing more. Was he connected with Caxton and the Weftminfter prefs? With- out a fhadow of doubt I fay, No! Mr. E. Scott, of the MS. depart- ment in the Britifh Mufeum, has indeed ftrung together a number of furmifes to fhow that the Schoolmafter was employed by Caxton, and that all the books without date or place hitherto attributed to Weftminfter were really printed at St. Albans. But internal evidence is againſt any fuch gratuitous affumption. There is nothing in common between the two printers in any of their habits or cuftoms except the poffeffion of Caxton’s No. 3 type. This is the only one of Caxton’s types ufed outfide his own office (for W. de Worde, his succeffor in houfe and bufinefs, muft not be regarded as a feparate printer). Caxton employed it from his arrival in England in 1477 till 1484, when it makes its laft appearance in the headings of Æſop, the “Order of Chivalry,” and “The Golden Legend.“ In 1485 Caxton obtained a new fount, fimilar in fhape and character, and from that time the old No. 3 difappears to make way for the new and ſmaller type No. 5. This being more fuited to the tafte of the day, we find the larger and worn fount paffing over to the country prefs of St. Albans, where the Schoolmafter firft ufes it in 1486, being the identical year in which its fucceffor appears in Caxton’s “Royal Book.” We may here obferve that after the ftoppage of the St. Albans’ Prefs the fame fount finds its way back again and is feen in W. de Worde’s reprint, in 1496-97, of the two Englifh St. Albans books. But the difcovery of a copy of Caxton’s Boethius in the old Grammar School at St. Albans, and the numerous fragments of old books extracted from its covers, are quoted as confirming the idea. Yet the book itfelf and all thefe fragments were from Weſtminſter, not a fingle one being from a known St. Albans book, and they included the Caxton Chronicles, 1480, the Dictes,” 1477, and the 20 Typography and Bibliography. ftill earlier Life of Jaſon; fo that we had better at once remove the whole Weftminfter prefs, dated and undated, to St. Albans, if fuch an argument is to have any force. Thefe fragments, indeed, can only point to the fact that the copy of Boethius was bound in the printing office, as was commonly the cafe with the books from Caxton’s prefs. Again, Mr. Scott draws attention to the fact that a page of the St. Albans’ Book, 1486, has been copied by a contemporary writer on to the blank leaves of one of Caxton’s earlieft books. ’Tis true; but this copying of part of one book into another, printed ten years before, has no typographical bearing whatever. Laftly, the name Caufton appears in an old St. Albans’ Regifter of the early part of the fifteenth century. But this, again, means pofitively nothing. Caxton’s name was not at all uncommon; there were Cauftons or Caxtons in nearly every Englifh county, and I have quite a long lift of them. It is highly probable that Caxton, while at Weſtminſter, in the van of all the literature of his day, would have communications of fome fort with the important town of St. Albans; but that the two printers affifted one another in the production of books, is, fo far as any evidence goes, a pure fiction. Let us now glance at the bibliographical aſpect of the book. The work itfelf has no title. It is difficult in our time, accuftomed as we are to “teeming millions” of books, each with its own title- page, to conceive a period when the prefs fent out works without even the fhadow of a title-page. Before the invention of printing, the author fimply headed his firft page with the name of the work, as “Here begins the Confeffio Amantis,” or “Hic incipit Parvus Catho,” and, without preface or more ado, the text commenced. Sometimes even this little notification was omitted, and, as in Caxton’s “Jafon,” The Chefs Book,” “Tulle,” and many other fifteenth-century books, the ſubject of the work had to be learned by reading the text. So it is with the book now under review; it comprifes four diſtinct works, but to one only is there any heading, and that has the bare line “Incipit liber armorum.“ Typography and Bibliography. 21 The firft, “The Book of Hawking,” ſtarts ftraight off—“ This is the manner to keep Hawks,” and occupies three fignatures, a, b, and t, of eight leaves each, and fig. D, which has but four leaves, on purpofe that this portion might be complete alone, if fo defired. The fame idea controlled the arrangement of “The Book of Hunting,” which, beginning on fig. e j, ends with Dame Juliana’s “Explicit” on the recto of fig. f iiij. This left the laft feven pages of the quaternion to be filled up. Now it was a common practice, both with the fcribes and with the early printers, when they got to the end of their text and found that a page or two of blank paper was left, to occupy the blank pages with fuch common houfehold aphorifms or popular rhymes as came eafily to the memory, or were at hand in fome other book. So here the ſchoolmaster- printer fills up his vacant pages with a number of odd fentences and rhymes, moft of which occur over and over again in numerous manu- {cripts of early poetry. Among others we notice the well-known: Ariſe erly, ferue God deuouteli, and the world beſily. &c. &c. Alſo the folks proverb. Too wyues in oon hous, Too cattys and oon mous, Too dogges and oon boon, Theis fhal] neũ accorde i oon.“ Then the lift of proper terms to be ufed by gentlemen and thole curious in their ſpeech is of very common occurrence An herde of Hertis An herde of all mañ dere A pride of Lionys A fleuth of Beeris.”’ &c. &c. This was evidently copied from fome MS., and ends with] Ex- plicit,” and nothing more. On the next page we have the proper terms for carving or dismembering beaſts, fowls, and fifhes, followed on the laſt leaf by a liſt of biſhoprics and provinces. 22 Typography and Bibliography. Having thus filled up all his leaves, the printer begins his third ſubject on a frefh fignature, and introduces the “Liber Armorum” with the Preface (already printed). of Arms” follows, beginning on fig. t j, and ending on fig. f 10. This is extremely interefting, both in matter and in the very A long work on the Blafing rude woodcut reprefentations of armorial bearings with which the text is profufely illuftrated. Except in one or two cafes of uncommon tints, thefe are all colour-printed, as are the initials to paragraphs. In the Grenville copy, the preffman having forgotten to roll the the initials all appear in that femi-tinted ftate which would be the natural refult of fuch an omiffion. „forme, We notice, too, that where the coats of arms require, say, three colours on one page, then the initials are alſo in three colours; but if only one colour is required for the arms, only one colour, and that the ſame, is uſed for the initials. Occaſionally, where a peculiar colour was neceffary, a brufh was ufed to infert that tint by hand. In workmanfhip the St. Albans printer, efpecially in the Englith books, is much inferior to the contemporary iffue from the Weft- minfter prefs. The types are worfe, the arrangement worfe, the preffwork worfe, and the ink worfe. From this point of view alone, the theory that he would print for Caxton fo much better than he did for himfelf, is not worth ferious confideration. The Book of St. Albans went through many editions, particu- lars of which are difficult to obtain. 1486. The Boke of St. Albans (Brit. Mus.). 149-. By Wynken de Worde “at the fygne of the Sonne. By Wynken de Worde (Brit. Mus.). By W. Powell. “Imprinted at London in Fleteftrete at the fygne of George next to faynt Dunfton’s Church by Wyllyam Powell. By W. Copland. “Imprinted at London in Flete Street at the fygne of the Rofe Garlande by Wylliam Copland for Richard Tottell“ (Brit. Mus.). 1496. 15—. 15—. 15—. By W. Copland. 4to. 15—. By W. Copland. In ſaynt Martyns parifh in the Vinetre upon the three crane wharfe. 1548? By W. Copland. Imprynted at London in the Vyentre vppon the thre Craned Wharfe by Wyllyam Copland.” 1550. By W. Powell. “Hawkynge Hun- tynge and Fiſhynge.“ 8vo. Lon- don. 1551? By Abraham Vele. “In Lothebury ” Typography and Bibliography. 23 15—. By Henry Tab. Imprynted at G. M. (Gervafe Markham). Lon- London in Paul's chyrch yarde by don. 4to. (Brit. Mus.). me Héry Tab” (Brit. Mus.). 1596. By Wolffe. 15—. By J. Waley. “Imprinted at Lon- | 1596. By Iſlip. Hawking Hunting Fowl- don in Fofter laen by John Waley ” ing and Fiſhing, by Adam IIIIip. 4to. 4to. 1561. By Copland. In this year Copland | 1596. By E. Alde. Hawking Hunting was fined for “a book of Hawkyng, Fowling and Fifhing,” by Edward Huntyng, and fysſhynge cõtrary to Alde. the orders of this howse—iiij d' | 1600. By Wolffe. (Herbert, p. 367). 1606. By Wolffe. 1586. By E. Alde. 4to. (Bib. Dec.). 1614. By Helme. A Jewell for Gentrie 1590. By John Wolfe “at the fygne of the by S. T.“ 4to. (Brit. Mus.). Gunne.“ 1793. The Book of Cote Armour.“ Lon- 1595. By H. Lownes. The Gentleman's don, 4to, reprinted by J. Dalla- Academie or the Booke of St. way, with an excellent introduction Albans * * * Compiled by Juliana (Brit. Mus.). Barnes in the year from the incar- | 1810. The Boke of Hawking Hunting and nation of Chrift 1486. And now Cote Armour. Hazlewood's re- reduced into a better method by print. London. 4to. (Brit. Mus.). How did the fchoolmafter at St. Albans obtain his types? This is a puzzling queftion in the prefent ftate of palæotypography. Mr. Bradfhaw of Cambridge has, by unwearied ftudy of early printed books, thrown great light upon the connection and genealogy of numerous founts ufed by fifteenth-century printers, and fyftematic attention to the minute peculiarities of each printer is doubtlefs the only way in which thofe old books can be forced to yield up their fecrets ; but the tafk is immenfe, and beyond the powers of any one man to complete. Some day, however, when the palæotypography of this country, as well as of the Continental preffes, fhall have received that full technical and philofophical analyfis which time is fure to bring, the more fortunate bibliographer of the future will be able with certainty to track the footfteps and operations of the early typefounders, and will be enabled to ftate for certain to what extent Caxton and the St. Albans printer were their own typefounders, and to what extent and to whom they looked for outside help. As the cafe now ftands, we can only confefs our ignorance of where the St. Albans types came from. CHAPTER ILL Che Subjects Created. IN the rude civilifation of the fifteenth century, a year’s experience of which would fend moft of us to our graves, the mental occupation as well as the bodily 2 I= recreation of our anceftors was almoft confined to hunting and hawking. “Fifhing with an Angle” came in as a bad third, being too tame a purfuit for men who were no men if not men of war. Mimic war—war on the beafts of the field and the fowls of the air—war which could be purfued in times of peace, and which yet required knowledge, patience, fortitude, and courage—this had great attractions, and we cannot wonder at the general popularity of thefe purfuits. pe se The firft treatife in the following reprint is upon Hawking, a paftime effentially ariftocratic from the great expenfe it entailed in the purchafe, breeding, and maintenance of the birds. This, indeed, coupled with the diminution of game confequent on the progrefs of civilifation and the increafe of the population, led to the gradual decadence of the fport, and nearly to its extinction in the eighteenth century, although, in very rare cafes, falconry is even now practifed. As we have feen, one of the moft difficult objects in hawking was to obtain an eafy command of the proper vocabulary, and fo at firft ftart our author inſtructs us in “The manner to fpeak of Hawks, from the egg.” We muft not fay a young hawk is hatched, but The Subjects Treated. 25 diſcloſed; they do not breed but “eyer;” it was a want of culture in any falconer to fay that hawks were building their neft, they “timbered” it. When the young could firft leave the neft they were ‘‘ Boweffes,” and when they could fly they were “ Branchers,” and then was the time to catch and train them. When the young were caught, which was with nets, the firft thing was to “enfile” them, that is, to take a needle and thread and few up the eyelids,” fo that they “fee never a dele.” After a night and a day the threads were cut foftly for fear of breaking the. “lyddis of the ighen,” then they were fed with well-wafhed flefh, but kept awake the next night and day, after which they were fuppofed to be tame, or “ reclaimed.” The various difeafes to which Hawks are liable are then explained, and medicines prefcribed for them. Some of thefe are very abfurd and fome contradictory. Then comes a variety of terms for every movement and habit, for every limb or part of the body, and for almoft every feather in the plumage. In this minute defcription the author begins at the feet of the bird and fo works upwards, as when “Knyghttis been harneffide.” Next we are inftructed how important it is to be careful of the manner of guiding the Hawk the firft time it is ready to “nomme” a partridge; how to reward her by giving her the head and neck, after which on no account is fhe to fly again till fhe has “rejoiced,” ze., fharpened her beak and fhaken her feathers. More medicines follow, among which is how to get rid of “lies” (lice). ‘‘ Take a piece of rough blanket and hold it to the fire till it is quite hot; wrap the hawk therein, and without hurting hold her ſoftely and ftylly’ in your hands, and all the vermin will creep into the cloth.” A happy thought this! 5 The Geſſe, or ftrip of leather by which the Hawk is held when carrying her on the hand, is next defcribed, together with the creance or long line. More medicines ftill, and then how to treat Hawks when “in mew,” or moulting, a matter of great importance. To promote D 26 The Subjetis Treated. „mewing give the flefh of a kid, a young ſwan, and efpecially rats flesh; ftewed adders are alfo ftrongly recommended, or chickens which have been fed upon wheat foaked in broth of vipers. Gout feems a common difease in various parts of the Hawk's body, which may be known by {welling and “ungladnefs ;” alfo rheum and fever and blains and agrum, which laft is cured by a red-hot filver needle thruft into the noftrils. Botches in the jaw fhould be “ kutte with a knyfe.” More terms follow for various habits and actions, the laft paragraph being upon the variety of Bells ufed for Hawks. There fhould be two, one a “femytoyn” (femitone) below the other. The Bells of Melen (Milan?) were the beft, but,” fays the author, “there be now ufed Dutchland bells, of a town called durdright (Dordrecht), and they be paffing good, fonowre (fonorous) of ringing in fhrillnefs, and well lafting.” The whole ends with a lift of various fpecies of Hawks and their appropriatenefs to the various ftations of life, among which are— An Eagle for an Emperor. A Merlyon for a Lady. A Gerfalcon for a King. A Gofhawk for a Yeoman. A Peregrine for an Earl. A Sparehawk for a Prieft. A Mufkyte for “an holiwater clerke.” The fecond treatife is upon Hunting, and has a fhort preface, which probably came, like the firft, from the pen of the Schoolmafter. The work is all in metre, and evidently intended for boys to learn by heart. It begins by telling my dere chylde” the various kinds of beaft to be hunted; the changes of name they take as they grow older; the variety of horns ; how to fkin and difmember ; the various cries and noifes to be uſed; the feafons of hunting various beaſts. Then follow inſtructions how to hunt the Hare, and what to fay to the hounds, who muft always be addreffed in French, as “arere!” when he enters the kennel-door; “this is the firft word, my fon, of venery.” Sa fa cy auaunt,” “Sweff mon amy sweff,” and other fimilar cries are noted down, fome to be fhouted twice only and fome thrice, The Subjects Treated. 27 the chief cry being So how.” The knowledge of when and how often thefe cries fhould be ufed was moft important, as their proper ufe would bring ‘“worfhip among all men.“ Here, apparently, in the midſt of one effay, another is interpolated, and we are treated to a portion of fome old dialogue like The Mafter of the Hunt,” in which the Man' afks all forts of queftions and the Mafter” replies. It might indeed be dubbed “The Hunter’s Catechifm.” This occupies eight pages, and then we fall back upon the original rhyme again and the inftructions of the Dame to “my childe,” ending with the Explicit” of Dam Julyans Barnes. Some leaves remaining to be filled up, the moral and other fentences, as already defcribed at page 21, were added. Perhaps the third treatife upon Coat Armour and the Blafon of Arms is the moft interefting portion of the book. The quaintnefs of fome of the explanations is very amufing, and many people will find more points of fympathy, both hiftorical and technical, with this than with the others. The headline, Incipit Liber Armorum,” gives us at once the title of the manufcript from which the text was compiled. Heraldry Run Mad” might indeed have been an appropriate title for this, as well as all fimilar tractates; for the author, in his anxiety to honour the fcience, does not fcruple to take the reader back hiftorically not to Noah only, but to Adam, whofe fpade, he tells us, was the firft fhield in Heraldry, and who was the firft to bear Coat Armour. The argu- ment, if it may fo be called, is:—All ‘“gentilnes” comes from God; there were originally in heaven ten Orders of Angels bearing Coat Armour, but now only nine, Lucifer with ‘“mylionys of aungelis” having fallen out of heaven into hell and other places. As a bond- man might fay that all men come from Adam, fo might Lucifer fay he and his angels came from heaven. ; Cain, for his wickednefs, was the firft churl, and all his offfpring were churls alfo by the curfe of God. Seth, on the other hand, was a gentleman by his father's bleſſing; Noah, too, was a gentleman by nature, but of his three ſons, Sem, Cham, and Jafeth,” Cham, for 28 The Subjects Treated. his unfilial conduct, was made “ungentle.” The addrefs of Noah to his three fons is curious, and is thus fupplemented :— „Of the offfpring of the gentleman Japhet came Abraham, Mofes, Aaron, and the prophets, and alfo the King of the right line of Mary, of whom that gentleman Jefus was born, very God and man, after his manhood King of the land of Judah and of Jews, a gentleman by his mother Mary, and Prince of Coat Armour.” Some fay that Coat Armour began at the fiege of Troy, but it was of far greater antiquity than that, and was founded upon the nine Orders of Angels, who were crowned each with a diadem of precious ftones—the Topaz (truth), Smaragdus (hardihood), Amethyft (chivalry), Loys (powerful), Ruby (courageous), Sapphire (wifdom), Diamond, a black ſtone (durable), Carbuncle (doughty and glorious). Theſe reprefent Gentleman, Squire, Knight, Baron, Lord, Earl, Marquis, Duke, and Prince. Here we probably have the origin of the fhape of various crowns and coronets. Everything is treated in nines, and the nine virtues and nine vices of gentlenefs follow, with nine rejoic- ings, nine articles that every knight fhould keep, and nine manner of gentlemen, in which we learn that the Evangelifts and Apoftles were all gentlemen of the right line of that worthy conqueror, Judas Machabeus, who in courfe of time had fallen to labour, and fo were not called gentlemen. The four doctors of the Church—St. Jerome, Ambrofe, Auguftine, and Gregory—were alfo gentlemen of blood and of Coat Armour. There are nine differences of Coat Armour and nine quadrats, all of which are explained. The “ Blafyng of Arms” comes next, the preface to which is by the author, and not by the printer. It begins with the varieties of the Crofs as borne in arms, each being illuftrated by a rude woodcut printed in its proper colours, and the blafon, or technical defcription of each is given in Latin, French, and Englifh. All varieties of arms follow, with the myfteries of bends, engrail, borders, chequers, balls, cakes, rings, &c., offering but little which can be quoted, but forming an intereſting and ufeful book of reference. CHAPTER IV. Philologp. HERE is a ſtrongly marked individuality in the ſpelling * throughout all the treatiſes in this work. If the Hunting rhymes belong to Dam Julyans, their ortho- graphy, like the proſe portions, is that of the School- maſter, who appears to have been a North-countryman, many words leading to that conclufion. The formation of the plural by adding the letters is or “ys” ftrikes the attention at once. Thus the plural of bells is bellis; egg, eggis; vetch, fetchis; fulmert, ful- mertis; hawk, hawkys; herd, herdys; person, personys, and so on. The change of a y at the end of a word to anz is common, as onli, fofteli, unthrefti; and for if; algate ; awth for all the; bowke; chylder ; clepit ; clees; knaw; ken; yowre; and many others are Northern. As might be expected, many Anglo-Saxon and Anglo-Norman words now obfolete are found, fuch as benymme, blynne, byzete, canell, clepit, colver, dagon, gobbit, kawe, kydde, liggen, merde, nafethrils, nym,* raton, and many others. The following vocabulary will fhow the chief words in which peculiarity of fpelling or dialeét are noticeable :— alfe, half and, used for if“ arn, are algate, always appillis, apples affone, as ſoon * In the flang of thieves to ſtea/ is to nim at this day. 30 awntelere, antler awth, aught awth, all the barris, bars beeftys, beaſts beke, beak bellis, bells bene, be benymme, take away blynne, to ceafe boon, bone bodt, body bowellis, bowels Coll, but bottre, butter bowke, crooked bridde, bird broght, brought by/prenged, ſprinkled byzete, gain calt, called calde, called cattis fle/h, cat's fleſn canell, cinnamon callifh, call (imper.) chycon, chick chykynnes, chickens chooce, choice chylder, children clepit, called cloos, close communelt, commonly commythe, cometh cowntenanfis, counte- nances Philology. coluer, a dove colode, cold cogh, cough contenyt, contained cowples, couples croampe, cramp currage, courage cum, cumme, come dats, days dagon, a piece dayſes, daiſies deel, a portion defawte, default diuerts, divers dookes, ducks doon, do doys, does echeon, each one ech, each eS, ESS eegis, eggs ellzs, else elts, eels errabull, arable gelt, eaſily euer, every euerofe, roſewater euyn, ecuen, even eyre, air eygh, eyghen, eye, eyes Sebulnefs, feeblenefs fecſiens, ſtoats Jaukeneris, falconers feederts, federes, feathers fetchis, vetches feldis, fields Sofeerys, forefters Solowys, follows ee, flay forder, further forrgeet, forget Softewt, foſt fowrith, fourth fulmertis, polecats gedder, gather glayre, white of an egg gobbit, piece gres, greafe groyn, grown Hue, guide habull, able hawkys, hawks hawtyn, proud hakke, hack haare, hare heepis, heeps hedgis, hedges herdys, herds howndys, hounds hoole, whole hoold, holde, old hoom, home hudge, {mall huntid, hunted hunterys, hunters hennys, hens huicles oppon houghis hanylon, wiles of a fox hir igh,~ghe,tyen, eye, eyes zugraylyt, engrailled znowgh, enough zlich, alike tren, iron zlke, each Juse, juice awe, call ken, know knaw, knawe, know knottis, knots kneys, knees kow, COW knyue, knife kydde, known kyndelt, natural kut, cut layferly, leiſurely lew warme leppys, leaps lei, dear leuer, liver lies, lice linne, lynne, linen littyl, little liggyn, lie luke water lyddis of the ughen, eyelids lymayall, iron filings looff, loaf maake, make mary, Marrow markerts, markers merde, dung Philology. medecyne, medefyn, medlide, mingled meele, melts, meal, meals znedlill, mingle moch, much mony, many mowothe, mouth moyftour, moiſture myddes, midſt mynne, mine nafethritlis, noſtrils nares, noſtrils naaneys, names nathele/s, nevertheless neppe, catmint nettis, nets notabull, notable no moo, NO more nombur, number not, a nut nyghtis, nights nym, taken okys, oaks onli, only ony, honey ones, onys, once oouen, oven oon, one oppyn, open ordenatilt owte, Out parlous, perlous, peril- ous nomme, take, 31 pennyd, feathered perfonys, perſons Hellittis, pellets pike, pick proces, proceſs puttith, putteth praty, pretty properteis, properties guarterit, quartered vad, ? afraid vaton, a rat refiith, reſteth rode, ready vebuket, rebuked voys, roes roungeth row/fe, rouſe Jaauue, fave Jerven, few JSemytoyn, femitone ſe, fee Jrewys, {hows lau, flow Snakys, {nakes Joftelt, ſoftly Somwatt, ſomewhat ſoore, fore ſoꝛure, foar Soper, {upper Jowkyng, fucking Jounys, fons Jpanyellis, ſpaniels JSnakys, ſnakes taake, take takys, takes 32 Philology. tempur, temper arri rede, very red = wroght, wrought termys, termis, terms deri, very wode, wold, would tho, thet, they vnthreftt, unthrifty wight, ſwift thridde, third vreyne, urine woddys, woods theyem, them warbellith, warbelleth wylis, while theils, thrice watt, what yche, each theys, thighs weere, where lies, eyes togeyder, together weere, Weary yolow, yellow toon, two ware, were yowre, your tweys, twice wengys, wings yowris, yours tymelt, timely whaan, when thredts, threads whote nat, wot not We have now traced the various aſpects in which this curious work may be viewed. There is not one of them that would not repay much deeper ftudy, and the reader will, doubtlefs, fympathife with the writer in the wifh that more could be difcovered concerning the ſchoolmaſter- printer. That his pioneer attempts to eftablifh a printing prefs met with many difcouragements was a matter of courfe; and, doubtlefs, he had many technical, bufinefs, and even focial difficulties to overcome; for a reading public had to be created and patronage was ſcantily afforded. Neverthelefs he ſtruggled on for at leaft feven years, as we learn from the dates on his books, and whatever may have been his fhortcomings, either as author or as printer, the fact of his having been one of the earlieft promoters in this country of the grandeft difcovery which the mind of man has yet made, will unite all of us in honouring the memory and reſpecting the name, fhadowy though it be, of the “Scole mayfter of St. Albon.” WILLIAM BLavEs. ete delite in baukpne and deſire to haue the maner to take ukps: and alſo foto and m Maat Bple they ſhulde gyde theym ddynaleli : and to knabd che gentilt teꝛmys n comnunyng of thepꝛ aukys: and to ynderſconde theyꝛ ſekeneſes and eyfizmi⸗ tees: and alſo to knalbe medianes for theym acoꝛdyng. and monꝑ notabull camps that ben wſed ĩ hableyng both of their hau kpo and of the foßples that theiꝛ ha wwleys ſhalt fley . Theꝛſore thys book foblowyng in a delb foꝛme ſhewys wert knablege of ſuche pleſure to genlilt men and pfonps diſpoſed to ſe itt. I. fo moch that qentitt men and honeſt pꝛꝛſones taue ares Hys is che manes to begynne to kepe halblys: bot not it anes hawkps. bott oonli Goſhalbbxs : and Teꝛ: aaldiẽ of Gocha ds. andꝰ fave ho whxs. andy in att manez thay pha be taake . pope maner to (pehe of hawhis kro an ceg to thet t habüll to be takene . teꝛ Rarde they bene diſtloſed zaddlexs· and communeli cof been diſcloſed. as fone as che choughe and in ſome place mote ipmeli after che contte is of hebe. and tpmels bredyng. Tud Ke fhatk fap that plus won Cpe and not bree. a Boodes.QindKe ſhalt (ap that holvkxe soon draſd Ehen hep tere kymbeung to cheis neftes.and uot they belo ne ma⸗ ache neſtes nd in che tyme of heit loue hep alt. and not hauke. And We phatt fay that chen ed. nd hen they bene xntloſed and begynnelh kd feder any His of lengche non be kynde thep wilt dralb ſom fate out of the neſt: and drat to bowis. and come agugn & ther est 9 sy W co ſpeke of zo dleys. fiꝛſt Hap been gges. and af % nd then thap be clepit olbefſis ¶ And after ſopnt (ads sala dap hap Tt flic fro tres to ctes . & nd then thay bene ale Beatnchens .Qind then it is ame forte dae hm C_Qind . ij. mahttis be fore ſaynt Maꝛgaritis mp t. . mahtis after is beſte tolrpng of fpare abies · FR ow pe Chall demepn pow i tahpng o€ hawkie r With wat inſtrumẽtis chow pe (hall hide them ho fo Bik take fniblees he muſt haue nettis Wich ben kal; led orines and cp muſt be made of good ſmall threde and it hade nerd to be died ofhes geen or blKe fox eſpung of ther pode. and he moſt tale Rich hym nee delt and threde eo enfile the halbes that ben talen. Nd inthis maner thep muſt be afilkd. Taue che nee delt and three : and put it thoroßd the ouet igh lid and fo of that othes · and mate hem fa ſt onder the belze: thatt he ſe neuet a delt and then fie is enſiled as phe atthe to te . Sum oſen to enſile hem with the neꝛdet tah bidde a bone the keke. on the fem almoſt: bot that is the thors Wap {For of veeſon the ouct iat lidd clofith more iuſtly then the nethet be Muſe of the laꝛgeneſſe. hen phe is enſiled then bere chi zawlee home on the fiſte and aft hit on a peich and let hit ſtande thet a night and a d and on that othes mp to warde eum. chen talꝛe and cut eſeli the choedes and tale hem a Rap fofteli fox brekync of the lyddu of dhe gh. Then ſofte and fait begynne fo fed hy. and fais face Ruth her ttt ſhe Bilk ſitte Salt pon ey fiſk. For itis Ove de for hůtteng of hir Nengys . Nnd then inflame night afte ex png Bale tes alt npaheand the mont alt day. T 1 5 11810 Inowg h ko be elamed Ind th fiꝛſt eue cht ate: lect it be hot? and peise bes Indugh ther of han öowre hawke map be draw to reclaß me and the maner of hir dÿette ere balbbze be hade pennpd: phe map be dratbne to be meclopmed. od aft the Wale that che is dender pen mpd: 3 decerlapmed ¶ nd if ſhe bea Gof bake os Teꝛoſt that ſhalt be dec lapmed eueꝛ fede hym With la (he meete at the deadyng. and at che rec laymyng . bot Lote that hit be foots and in this mayeꝛ Foſhe it. Cake the meet and go to the Hates and ſtrihe it wp and dodne in the Bates .and Ben ge che Raa tes olbte. and oeh cher ith and ſhe be a brathn ches .Qind if it bene an Eyeſſe thos moſt Bash the meete clen nes chenye doo to the brawancheꝛ. and Rith a linne cloth wipe it and fer a. Nnd eueꝛmore the thrid dux xeue her caſtyngz Bien ſbe w flepna if ſhe bea Goptalte oz Teꝛaſſt in thus maner: Cake neb blanket cloth and cut. G. pelettis theꝛof of an im; 5 bong. And take the fleff and att .o.moscerlis : and Rithe popnt make an boole in eueri moreett. and put therm the pletion of cloth . arm take a far diſt Beth Bater andput hem thesin . Thy take the falblee and peue fps a mozceft of boote mete the molbntenqſuns of talfe biz foop- Then take hit chat lxch in che Saat. and led hir for alt npaht. d Lr he (Hall fede Howre hake. and to knawe ic inkirmite is · a ther hene mony diueris of them Taff meet and look that hiꝛ cſtyng be plumage than ooke that it be cleyn (onder the gerd) · and in the moro pe hal ſynde the ca ſeyng wonder the perch. andtheꝛ pe ſhalt lenolbe we? the the bodke be clene oꝛ noo. oi ſum gobbit Wilf be pololb and (um gene and ſum glaymous. and ſum cle Ind if itt be polotd ftp engenderith the frounce. che Vych itz an cuelt that Wut veſe in the moldothe oꝛ in the chelee nd if it he erwine (te Smooth the Oy. The condicion of this eueſt is this. it Wil aue m the he and make the pe to welt. F the ipen alt alap: moue ard dytke and bot it haue help: it Bilt dolvne in to the legges; and maake che legges to rancle . and if it gos fro the legges in to the hꝛde a gapne thi talbke is bot looſt · nd if it be glaymous and roping fip engenderith an euelt cal lid the Crp · chat is Bion an halbke map not mutepſe 72 F kolbre folate be a ſpuwe za wle: eue: fed ht Bich con Oerke wele powre⸗medicmes here folowing CLA medicine foꝛ the krounte ĩ the mowth abe a filuesfpootieantd put iy fat cine in xx Foe tit it e pote . Chen let holde the palblee and ofppn his bes and bain the foore and anopnte it Rich che mai of a gooſe that buche Lyne Longe and che (batt be hole. Nnd if the freun be Wep he greete as a note T hun chez is a grubbe ther : and dyn. thodd moſt vitt it Rith a Ma ſure in this marier. Leite holde the boiblze : and flitte ther the fore is. and thelb ſ halte fynde thez as it Rare the mabbe of a pracon. T abe it olbte alt hoole. and take a payte of ſheeris and cute the boole of the ſoove. and ma: he it ae fap os pe map Dith a lynne cloth. and Sipe clene he bloode a Say. and anopnt the foore wich halbme im. dais atelbde and afteꝛwaꝛde Rith mppl pen . tilt it behoole. Chow the frounce commpthe. The frounce commpch Bian a man fedich his holpke Pithe Porke oz cattiſfleſß· in · ds to gex ds Chow the Kp commpthe. Tu dab of hotr mente chis ſcheneſe the (Rp comme, Chow the Crap commmpthe - h Cap comnpth of Vaſh merte the Nich is Bash Suthe boote Kates in the defalote of hoote meete . Alſo it commythe a iii of cheedis che Bich ben in the Fle(h chat the batbler is fedre ich Jos chou gh chow pele che fufd neger fo clene. pit hei halte fende thredesz chez in Chan chin hawke thall bathe him - d euez more ech chridde qx let chyn zulbtze bathe hym. alk mes if ik he mere Bettes and ange ma Weekes in Nynter if it b pee Rather and not ellis .QUnd pix) thot bathes hp bolbles : exer peue hi a moꝛceſt of bote meres nwaſtʒ though ſde bene a Gophake. Now pe map carb yowre hahe to fle withe & cnrtage in the moꝛom. ff pe Salk that pobre ſulbke flpe in Ae modolbtide. few his the nyght before With hoote mete . and Barth theſſame merle in compris and wꝛyng obe the Bates clene . and that chalt make bre to haue lxſt and cuatoge to flict de momo in che beſt panes Row ve chall gyde pow if Howre hawke be full gooꝛged and pe wode foone haue a klyght EC ff pobbre n wke be full goczged . and hal xe old fodne (op pen intte‘a flightr: erke. Il. coenes, of Niete. and put bem in a moseatt of ſleſp: and peud theſſame moral lie to che tothe! and phe itt ale aneon aff tint (fe path With in her. and anon af: tꝛi chat fle bach oa ſt Rooke pe haue a moꝛcœſt of vote meet to peus bis ¶ nd xf poker we de oue:gocgged. peut he teffas medefpn . CCA mederpne for the Kp lie dypſes leeups. and ſtampe hem in a mortes.and bꝛyn K ole the Juſe . and Bho penne put it in the whkis nate Ones oz Epes Bhan de hawke es ſmalle gooꝛged. and a non after let bez tyre. and fie ſhalt be foole as a fyſß zellis take peꝛcelli Roots and ſeꝛue hiꝛ Bitch theyem in keſſame ma: nes. and Bion (he tyrich holde cel ĩ poldre tone Nich the (pring and tzut chatt make be: doide. bot it is peꝛlous & &ſe it often that the Jure falt nes fpꝛyug m to bis yghes « ¶ QAllſo and ge peue polbtꝛ nbotee freftj butte: oa de man of hogges chat is m ehe tone of che butte of poste .t¢ ſhaſt ma be hiꝛ bo. aiſt Kater Sele at th nates. and it ill tere ch na; ves oppn. bot it Witt make hiꝛ alten and poke CA medechne for the Crab moo ſolom B ale andchafe Rich polbee hondys che ſimdement of potbce And ſum éyme potbre balbtee afatenanfis as ſhpiked hiꝛ. and pet fiz propnith not. and thei pe moſt fap fle Refoznnth hiꝛ fer: us and not pitechhiꝛ federis. ¶ The · wij polbre ho wee col eth and not beckych ¶ Thy. win. (lp mbfith and not ſhakꝛith bez ſelfe ¶ The. ip . fle ſtreynith and not Clichrth noꝛ Crae; chith ¶ The. p fle mantellith and not ſtretchith hon fle put tich bez leges from hiꝛ oon after an otheꝛ: and hiꝛ Pynges fo: loth af tet hie logg) . then fle woth mantiſt hu and Bran fhe path mantilled bis and bzpnarth booth bez Bynges to geidet o⸗ ues biz backe pe ſhalt fap pobbre take Baꝛbellith rz Wynges. and chat is oon terme delde theꝛfotre ¶ Th. pi pe ſpaſt fap _ poorer wabhe muteſ fith or mutith and not fklpfith. ¶ Th dh; pe phatt ſap cſt podte halbe to the peꝛch. and not (et pou re ſalbke Oppon the peed. JER ere ſhal He vnderſtonde furthermore other ma ner ot termps that belong vn to hawkis koꝛ to cd mende them koꝛ diuerſe of thepr pꝛopirteie Jiſt pe ſpalt fap This is a fapꝛ halbe. an hudge hau Ey a Longe hahe. a floztthike patbte . f ſoy not this is a geete dalbhe. alſo pe ſpalt fap this hauke has a laꝛge bete Os a ſhoꝛtt beke . and aiff it not bille. an hudqe hede os a f malt he: de fapre fefoned pe ſhalt fap polbre talbkee is fit gooꝛged and not cropped. and polber pale puttithouet and enduetb. ano). vet flp woth booth dyueꝛſelx. — Chow powre hawke puttithouer n talblse plittithoue: tolen phe demeuith che mete from hir «0 arge in to his bowillis . ¶ ud thus pe ſhalt knawe it Bian phe puttithoues fie truer ſith with his bodi. and ſpecialli with the necke: as a Crane doothe on an otheꝛ bidde CG whan pe hall (ap enduth r embow ellid An whe aduth neuer as long as hit bobbillis bene fult at bez fedyng bol aſſone as phe is ſedde. and reſtith phe aouthe {reat and littiſt. N ud if hei gooꝛge be ide and the bolbeſt any thyng ſtiffid. ye ſhalt fap fie is embodocllid and woth not ful ly endlded and as long as pe map fele anp thyng in bis bobbellis it is peꝛlous to apuc kes anꝑ mete. Cch eite well theÿs termyÿs Hlowsng Sap an halbe bath a long wyng. a faire long taylt with ci baꝛris olbt. and ſtondith won the. o. This halbke is entiꝛpen ned That is (o fap Bien the federis of the Bynes bene bstdoen tke body and the chighis. Chis halbe hos an hudge legge oz a flat leg . oz a codnde legge. oꝛ a fase enſerid lege ¶ To knawe che maill of an hawlie Males aue Bhite mailt. Canuaſ mailt oꝛ Rex maiſt. End form calt M ede mastt J en malt. Vhite ma itt is ſoone im: abe. Canuafmaitt is betwene white mailt and Jon mailt. End J von ma itt is warm Rede. ¶ Diumage . and Cate powre hawhe. CL Qt Soſbawke noz d tercelt in hare fore gage haue nott thar maples named. bot it is calde theiz plumage. and afteꝛ the cote. it is arlde theyꝛ Matt ¶ nd if polos ha dee dead to any foldle bp countencence for to flee thez to pe ſhait fay cafe che talvhe thez to. and not lett fu thez to. ¶ Nomme oꝛ ſeeſid. ¶ Lind if yore hald ke (Momme a fole. and the folble bre: ke a Wap fro hir. rhe tath diſcomfet monp fedetes of the folble. and is brokyn a Pap foꝛ m kyndeli ſpech pe ſhaſt fap poure tab ke hath ( Nomme oz feefid a folble and not take it q werkore an hawke is calde a { i€elere. ¶ And oft tyme it happith monp an halbke for egeꝛneſſe Ihen he ſhulde Momme a foldle be ſeeſich bot the federis. and as ofte as he doo fo he Giflich. therfore ſuch halbkxs been called ¶Miſe⸗ leres if they doo ofte ſo. = Row pe thall naame the membtres ok powre hawkis in conuenient termes . Qb pe halt vndeſtand the naamps off the membries of balokys: to bgynne ot hu fett and go (uploarte as lenxchitis been hameſſide and ameed. g ſo Be halt ename hy ¶ Talons. ſt te Clees behynde. that take of the. ehe tn China td aPownees. Dh Clees With ĩ the fote xe ſhalt calt of righthes Hovosees a Longe Sengles . Bote certapnly the Clees thut are pon Ap medylt ſeretche⸗ us pe ſhalt alt te loong Senales. ) a beth Sengles . FA the cottermefe Clespe ſhaſt caſt the Petp Smales a The kep oꝛ Cloſer. ndeꝛſtond ye alſo that enclees be caldethe & ree 555 i cue ‘Ger Be 8 fom exer 8 2 polore halwke ferenpth : open that Sengle. and alt che fote is op pen foz the ſtrength ther of fortpfieth alt dp fote . cr Seris of waterd oꝛ warp calowre. Knabe pe: that the ſbynne a boldte xolbve batbhys legges c his fete. is calde: the Seris of bez legges and his fete. Wie: thes thap be Naterp bebed or of Wapp colobbre xololve. CX The Bere Feder. Full Gommpa . Full Her mpd . and Ceclapmende . K tathhe halh. xh. ferris dopon hit taple. and oon prin cial feder of ſhyſſame is in the myddis . and in maner alt that oder bene coueꝛtid vnde fheſſame feder. and that is cal led the Meme feder of the taple . Qindthez gooth blake bang ouertbarr tle taple . and chos fame barrit ſhalt telle pols whan ſhe is fult ſummed. or fuft feampd. Pen Bhan phe is full bar nid) che ſtondith wypon . Gj · and then the is peꝛfite vede to be Necla de. 2 (Pe chalt xn derſtonde that as longe at an tatole ſton deh wonder tle nombre of. Gh. baꝛris . ¶ ud che be in hir fore aa ge: it moſt be ſayde that rhe is not full ſummed. foz fo longe ſhe is bot tende Hampd Bixthes ſhe be bralbncher oz Epes. : CL Bind iff che be a methed holbke. and ſtonde doꝛthin. ij. bas rig. pe halt fap fiz is not fidk feꝛmed · for ſhe is not habult ta be GReclaymed. be cafe fiz is drabve to foone olbe of the melbe fox The is no€ forte pemꝑde. no more than a foore palbke. C Brap les oꝛ Braplfederds . Degouted Wo Anabb foꝛchꝛmoꝛ of hawleeg. an halblꝛe bath long fmale White federis. zungyng wonder tle taptt : from hiz bolbelt ate Warde ard the ſame federis xe (halk cat the braples oz che braple federis. nd communely euczp goſhawke and euezy feral braplis bene byſprenged Dich blalee fpeckes {ike QUainpns and for alt chat thap bene accomptid neuer tie better · Wot andy a ſpare abe be fo Eamyned wvppon the braples. oꝛ a Muſuet. oder ye phalk fap (iz is Degoule d bo che xttezmoſt braxle. and much it betokpnis haz deres ¶ Breit federhs . Plumage. Barbe federda. Pendaunt Eederps: h ferric abolote de formore partepe of an fathlee : bemllea the brelt feeteris . ¢ the feꝛderis ond the Rpnges are plumage Th ferns onder the bele be calde th bark feos. Qlnd tly fer; ris that bene at the Joynte: at th halbes Ene thap ſton d fan Seng and ſhaappe at dents. thos be calde te penduunte fe ME. C Flagg o2 kaggie federps . | Dre ferris at che Nynges nept he boop be calde che flaga) or the fagg) federis. ¶Beme Federee of the wong Sercell FL nd te long ferris of th Ryniaes of an bathe bene calde the beme fe deris of de Kpne . End che ferris that funy att the pp: nyoy feder. of a node: folole. of an hake : ik is alde ch elt ¶ Und ye ſhatt vondeꝛſtonde iff an howke be in melbe pe fame ſeꝛcelt feder ſhalt be che laſt feder that fie it cafe. andy tpt chat be café > rhe is neueꝛ melbed. pit it has bene (een: (hat , Pibkes houe cafe that fame fiꝛſt as I haue heꝛde fap: bot that other Oewle is gendralt. and Nan [he hach caſt brs fercellio in mew. then and not exft it is tyme fos td fede his Bich Natz me ete and to begynne to enſapme hire. ¶CEnſahme A xſayme of an hoe is Ge grece. and bol if that he exke a d Bnd feopug of Bagh mel aa otheꝛwyſe as it N ) declared here after. fhe Wilk geddeꝛ a paneſt Nich map be his, co termoſt confafioy . and fle flye thertoith and take blood. and wolde theꝛ oppon C Couꝛertis oꝛ touert kt deris hr bene alſo federis ak cloos wppon the’ ſoscellis. andy kloſſüme be calde the oduertis or Ae coucst federis. and fo ‘alk he federis be calde that bene next oueꝛ fy long teme'fereris. and? the fagg fe deris won the Vynges C Backe federis - ¶C h ferris wpon the backe alſe be called Ey backe ferris Behe Clape Mares Sere ¶ Ch (Geke of che tatbhe is the wyper parte chat is creed The news pate of hi: beke is calde the clapꝛ of the the Ch Hoolie in the fakes ble bene callede the (ares. ¶ Th polo be twene ye Bebe & he peghen is aloe p° Sete C Cry nett is. C Ther be oon an habbke long ſwale blake fewris: lege vis abodbe the (err & choſſame: be calde Crinettis of e talbke ¶ Sore aage Pe halt ondeꝛſtonde thal the fiaſt pere of an bathe Bie: ther (in be alt raldncheꝛ or Exeſh. that fiꝛſt pere is calde biz fore aage. and alt chat pore ſhe is calde a fore falbke. fos and fly eſuape thal pere. With good fedng [hy io likly ko. edu te longe C To Keclapme an hawhe le m. ij. melis: onto tpme that (le Kitt oe to ee; L. and Phan fle Wilk come to Neclagme encecce her melis eueꝛp map betteꝛ and bettez . ¶ nd 07 fle come ed the ¶ Rec lame 1 8 fez that (ip ſdlore not. 555 the 1 ta be Bele 9 hit map happy chat ſhe Witt folore : fo kab in & ch Exe that pe chat ¶etheꝛ ſe hir noꝛ fynde Be W ffpe ilk Net lapm xolbte falblee pe moſt dente oon me ¶ Grd iff pobee hade ſhall flie & (he partrich Looke chat pe Enſayme bs n ſhe flie. Nhetheꝛ ſhe be Gauner o Epes Oꝛ metoed albke. q_ whp an hawhe is called an Epes - xc halbke is calde an Eyes of biz Eyghen. ſoꝛ an haute is broght wp cone: a Muſſaꝛd oz a Puttoce : as mo⸗ np 2 : hath Faleri Eygben. {For Bhan thay be diſeloſed and ke pit in ferme tylt Gap te ful ſummyd. ye ſhalt Rnawe theym by thep: Nate ri 8 nd alfo hir locke Witt not be fo qupcke as a H walboncheris is and ſo be cauſe the beſt kenalblege is bp the Epah · ep be alo Epeſes by lſo Grathe an Epes. bi te plenefe of dh (eres pity 885 of th fere ouez de be BIND de tet ch tapns’ ſys chat be xppon ber tapſt and beꝛ Bengps Bicle tayntys com for lacke of fe dyng · Bien thap be Epeo . a, 1 ¶C what a taynt is. ye Fa Capnt is a tfyng that gooch cucsibazte Ap federie 0 e Bynges. and of the tayt lpke as andy it Bere eætyn Nit Reimys and it begpnpth fia ſt to brede at the body. in the penne and that ſame penne ſhit frete afontes . and falle a Bap thus; mg theſſame topnte andy then is ſix haldke diſparagid for all at pere. Cchedecynps to Enſabme powre hawke TH ake the Note of Rafue and do it in cline Water. ond lap che flefß ther in. (o Comper a grele Nhyle + and peue it & polbee balbkee & erte . and if fle erte therof . drede not bot hit ſhalt bes oe hiꝛ grece. bot Within . in. daxs fle phatk nok qeettelp a⸗ he C Lilo take pullaſt and) qaslele and, ſtampe it Bele & ae? dez, and Kepnge olble the Yuce m a dyſh. and then Weete the (lef therm. and fede polbre talbhe therlwych. ond) bol it tem? pur polbte balble that is to ſap enſapme polbee balbke . Nich in m. gs. J meꝛuelt Mot locke eueti tap that pe make news Juc and Phan ye fore bis Pete polore meete iy in. CLUS take th Juet of poreellp Moric ocheꝛbviſe coldepeꝛ: cellp Roots . and thoſſame 1275 and l polore lect thes in aber talbke be Enſaymed and no arete abate 6 the ſalbke. * . = ¶ Som wofe to lap hare fleft in Kates almoſt a dap. and ye ur üyſſame to the po wkke at ſopeꝛ · and that at lyth alt npabt . Go cone Co brs in dt moꝛnyng. and thus to fer hem in melb or a be dealben a bolbte a monpth oz. Wi. Nerteys. and to enfa; thap le. as fone as thay caſt . e ougmmatabn fer ¶ Bow porore hawke enfapmpche de: ſton de pe for eeꝛtapn: that as long as polbre hohes fete be blakpſh and wugh: 115 is full of grece . and eueꝛ ag fle ah. bis fete 80 polo and ſmothe Now He ſhall gde pow w whan vowre hawhe ta redy to flie . Allo pe thal fap put vp a partriche n pe faue enfapmed pobbre hulbhe: and Recla Ii Aa chat ſhe eau flie ko Ge pasteich « mnt tokee d partrich m polore bagge . and goo in to the felde. and lef bm polbre ſpanpellis fynte a Coup of partrichys. and Bh chax be put wp. and begynne to ſcatre. pe moſt haue ma ꝛberia to marke fom of thapm. and then colbple (op poloee houndys. Wan pe due ſo oon. let ſum feloth of yowris preuels tale the paatrich owte of polbre bagge · and tp it by the legge : Rich a creaunce. and af it op as hiqh as h . andꝰ as ſoon as the halblas ſeith bee fin Pit flie ther to. and if polbre zuldle fees the parts; rich a boone . peue hi a cebaꝛde: theꝛuſpon. and go afteꝛ pe by lapſoure to ftp poatruch that be mazked and wo as J ſhalt telt pow here folobpng - ¶ Aff pe haue a chaſtiſed hounde: that Rill be debuket: and is a Metriutz. Vncouple hum and uo moo of polbee houndtis and goo to a ſengleꝛ paꝛtrich: of the coup fo ſpaplid. and be as mpal as pe can to th Meiſyng theꝛof and if polre haloke deſire caſt biz to it. and if ſte take it then is polbte ſalbe ma de for that pere. and of thyſſame paꝛtrich that fle fleth chus pe mooſt relbaꝛde biz as it ſpelbich here next folowyng C how de ſhall rewarde yowre hawhe - 97 5 a Knpfe and ditt che ede and te noche from ch bode ch pa teich. and ſeripe che ſuynne a Tap from the necke and peue that fame to the habe. and coues the body of the fotble Rith cs bonett oi an batt . and lap drffapd hed and tin necke theꝛup⸗ pony. and if fio Wilt foꝛſolke che fotble that (he plumpth on. and com to dlp ohe. then preupli take a Wap the paꝛtrich. and ve Warde polore halbe With the Sryne. and che necke . Belk te that fle erte no bonps . for chat is euelt to endelbe. and it Witt make bis Onluſty: for to flye. Qnd thus pe moſt ſeꝛue bis of as many as fie ſleth. bot let hir warde be the lafſe. fos eflic fle map be fone full gooꝛged. and then (ke map flye no more a arete While. cr how powre hawhe (hall Geiope . ¶ nd) Bhan potbre halbe fnth floyne a folble. and is de⸗ Waꝛded as J haue ſoyde. let hiꝛ not fue in no Phiſe tylt p* fle haue eioſed hiz. that is to fap. tyll ſy haue ſelbed. or ſnyded her beke. or ellꝑs tolbſed her. and Bhan fle jnth done any of theys . 02 alt. go and relriue moo and fiz ditt nym plente · Chan porwre hawke hath nomme a kowle how be (hall do that pe rebuke not the hawhe . TKrere Lele oon thyng · and belbare theꝛof. han polbee tars ke pothe nomme a paꝛtrich ſeonde a goode Bap of. and come not to nygh her. and dꝛpue a Bap powoe houndys. fos debu Lyng of hu. fox mary balblege Laue noon holbndys. and allo b in many bowndys Nilt tenymme theym thepde gamme from 7022 anges thet ig paꝛlous . and Nhiles polber holde plumith mme foftelp tolbazde hiz. al wap nere andꝰ nere and if f leue plumyng . and loke pon pod ſtonde ſtylt and cheꝛke hir. and Phiſeylt bre. tft fie plume apen. and thus ſeꝛue bis ptt pe be right nere hu. Chan ſofte and layſeꝛly: falt oppon powre krneys. and) pteuelꝑ While ſheplumpth {ett polbre onde and be fure of Ge geſſe · and than pe map gyde alt chyng as pe Wytt. and if pe doo che contrary : fin Eylt for fete cap hit game or let it go quytte. and that is bot loſſe to pol andy polber halbe alſo. FA medechne fo2 to make an Hawke to cat that is a comberpd with caſtyng with in her bod abe th Jute of Salandyne · and Betz a moꝛcelt of fleſh ther m. tle molbntenaunce of a Mole, and peue that moꝛcelt to the tabke.and that ſhalt make hi for to caſt hiꝛ olde caſt tyng . and the howke chatt be ſa fe. C A medecyv ne toꝛ an hawke that will ſoure A Of Fh the fleſh chat powre do wie ſhalt be fedde Dith: in pe Juee of fenelt. and that ſhalt take alfap that pride from bis and make hts to leue hes ſolbꝛyng Vhetheꝛ fie be lene oꝛ fatte. 80 monp mes an ho wle Nilt ſoldde Phan fly lackpth ba; eng CCA medechne for an hawke that is lowe. Was qupcke filues and put it in a baſſien of bwaſſe. andy do cher & ſaladyne: and aſtys . and medylt it Bele to gede tpt alt che quycke ſilueꝛ be dede. and medyft theꝛto fat of bons nps. and anopnte de habke ths with. and pang it about his necke tylt it falt a wax. and that halt flee ce lies . Alo powdre of oꝛp ment blolen po ay habke: N 6 aa ſhalt (lee the lies. 9 Qilfo take a dagon oz pece of Mough blanket wnhors and holde it to the fire. onto tyme it be thowugh olbte Warme and Braye te halwlte thez in. and than holde hiꝛ ſoftely and ſeyll ꝑ for huꝛtyng in polbte hondys . and iz Geꝛmyn Wilk cre p in to th cloth. ¶ l ſo holde his m the ſonne in a fayre ap · ¢ ye ſhalt ſe che weꝛmyn crepr olbte wppon kes federis. then take a knyfe and Bete che oon ſide of the blade therof Ee pode mobbth. F al Rap as thap appere lay the Bete fire of the knyfe to kepm. and dap Bill cleue thes to. and then ye map flee chapm . ¶ The oponpon of Oltregiers. fée2 the oppnpan of many Oſtregieꝛs: and pe fede polbre the conkpnttally ich Pore Vith Yapes . Eich yes .Oz eſpecia ll bete his mech n Rapeny Gerez.thay that be lolbſe. C © ftregeria . SGperuiteris « Faulenetis. Pate te ennfe'Y frcke of Oſtregeris: pe ſhalt wndeꝛſtonde thay be ale O ſtregeris that kepe Gophaheps.or Cex tellis . and tio that kere Sperhabkys and muſkeeteys ben cal lad Speꝛuiteris. and keprris of alt other palwkxs ben callidde Faukeneris « ¶ The length ot the Sele . Tewnes . Tpret tis. and how dep be kaſtined. * Brwettis Hare haue atoule ter legges Geffe made of ledeꝛz moſẽ commypnly . ſom of ſilke. Bich chulde be no lenges bot that the m ottis of thyym ſhulde. aſpere m myddys of the lefte honde: ketthe ne che longe fyngre and the leche fyngre. be mufe de lewnes ſhulde be faſtened to theym With a popre of tytettis. Sich ĩxvet⸗ ts ſhuld reſe oppon the lewnes . and not wppon the geſſes. for pngyng and faſtynyng mor frees Bhen fle flyeth. and thy me letones . gold halt faſtyn than aboldtr pode lyttylt fengre flackelp · in compopfpnes the ſaame m. im OF «(0 ld. as a boloſetynq onocuppere and tle foretipe ferme fo kere 90 13 5 5 h. A a [ ene ary Hele letheria a im hir bellis: ed a Soule bia logg chelt alle GSewettis eee cc Creaunce. rite pe ſhakk calf Fp long lyne that pe do mi poute able Eileen With: oder cee Phat fo eueꝛ it be. CA medecpne for an Hawhe that will cat klech tt lie b pollee halbkee chalk cele: in füpre Woltz. a 1 inp 995 ſhalt la bi fleſth ey CA mederbne toꝛ an hawhe chat has lok heꝛe to rage. | y tolbke chat hoch looſẽ hez cosrage : aman may knalbe 2 Ket we ede. Sos ſich te biz manes . Bhan fie is m(b to a folble . fir fleith a waywaꝛde as chogh flr melde nott the fowle. Oz ellis fin Pilt fle a Lettptt Way afteꝛ. and a noon fle yeuerh 16 op and fos ſuche ay za wkee ths is a Ronee weder yy. C Tae Ople of fpapne and tempere it Lith elem Rene .ans Sich the pelle of an egge and put kr in befe. and chrzof pews to polbre be. W. mozerllis and chen fet. hes in Ge fonne.and at euen ſede hiꝛ Brith an ofa hote colueꝛ . and if pe fede hu th9 jj temps that zalbue Was neues fo luſty noꝛ fo Joly before. as iy ¢ fe Wit be after and come to hit olbne corege. this make poudte of mecles that ſtynkich. and put de parte on the flefti of a pecoke and me dilt de blow of the pecolee among chr poudre. and make brs co erte tle Flesh . 175 medecpne that an bawhe (hall not lie i mew onlugpnee « Tpke ferme Motis chat groith on an Obe. and obe ail lig and make Jute of thepm and Bete bis fleſh chez m. d feede che habe · h Camps oꝛ. ij. and that ſhalt make bis to leue chat C A medicine hr an hawhe that hath the tene y habe that tath tle teyne a man map fone tenabb if hetibe hw. for this is hiꝛ maneꝛ Ste Lilt ponte more for oon balyng then an other for tii f if fir ſhul de flie a littylt Bile che ſhuld almoſt leſe hr: bret. Phecher ſhe be fatte oꝛ lene. and al Nax fle makpth heuy chere. and for that tne is the medpepne . ole aquantyte of de (Reewneffe of hofett [ith ch pudrt of Naſne and.zopes and fombbhet of gynges. and make tf reef in freſß ge 1j. pellettps and holde th; ho pke to the fire and) Blen fle felith de fete make her to ſwalowe che si pol lettps bp feronath.and knytte faſt bes beles chat h mje it noi olote and do fo thries · dend (ie chat be ſafe CAlh the Maſne and Oeubabe. and gꝛynde it to gedte. and make Yuce thezof and Wete the fleſh chez m. and peue it his bo erte. and fle ſhalt be boot. ¶COtiſo tate aliſabndde and the Moote of prima toſe andy ih Roote of gro gnauteles and ſeeth alt m ehe bottre of a hob and peue Hts . ih moꝛcelus eueꝛy dy nto the tyme that fhe be hoele. and lodke that fhe be dorde When pe xeue bis chr me; decyne. How a man Tall tale an hawke fo the C prec ho fo taltys an halbtze from de Exereꝛ: bpm behoueth to doo Kifelp.m bꝛyngyng bpm eaſeli. and to ker him ele from colde. and from huꝛtyng of theps bonys. foꝛ thap be fut tendre. andy chay moft jaue grete wx(t-anoy chax map not zuue ſtynkeyng g filthy Eyre bot as clene as an & map be chogbt. and) eueꝛmote peue him clene mete .and hote. F alittst ¢ oft. e change oftyn chez meete bot loke it be hot SC et not an hawhe be put in mew to late bot in chis maner as it folowth. ik pe loue oure hawke T. fi pe loue Bele potore aloe. Repe her Pele. and put his nott labe in melbe. for Who fo for conetofnefe of flieng leſes the tyme of his talbke mewyng .and Nithholdis fe: to long theꝛ fro fe map afte: putt hi ĩ melde at auenute . ſo chen a pate of his metbpng tyme is paſt. ¶ Delo fo putipth his halte in mewe in the begynnyng of Tentyn. if ſhe be kepit as phe albth to be che halt b mewed. in the beaynnpne of Auguſte. Chow pe (hall diſpoſe and oꝛdayn Howre mewe S cet urd diſpoſe pobbte medde . in this manen ſo. chat no dde fel nes puleatt ner hon other wermyy entre ther & Mer none Rynte nes no grote colte Ole hat it be oucs hole. Let that on porte of ſhe meſbe be turned to Harde the ſonne . ſo that in the mo oſt pate of the day: the forne map ome Inne CL &lſo ye moſt ſe that phe be not aueped nes queued, Bithe mych noyſe. ner With ſong of men. and that no manneꝛ follees come ko hit. bol oonly he that fedyth bis. ¶ Ae belrupth that polbre zalbke boue a fedyng ſeolelte in bis melbe. and a longe ſtꝛyng tyed theꝛtd : to faſeyn bts mete Vith for ellis ſhe Bilt caꝛp it a boddee che hout. and ſople it ith duſt nd pꝛꝛcuenture fie Witt hyde it tilt it ſtxnkze. and then fer (pon it. and that myght be biz deth. and theꝛfoꝛ When it is bondyn to the fapd fedyng (Cocke. ſhe ſhalt nethet at the fedyng ner at che tyrpng ne at the lightyng ne at the Nyſyng hustte his ſelfe. Nd Nhan fhe hach Fedde . tale a Bap the remenaunt if ang leeue · and in anylbyfe that fle haue clenemete.and att euerꝑ moelt freſh. foꝛ of (tale mets and euelt metis che phat engen der monp ſekeneſes. ¶ And loke pe go neues to polbre meth kot dh ye haft peut polbce halbe meete : & ellis 60.62: pg Mates. fo bate her. and ſuffya no Mayn to derbe his af no tyme . and pe map · and as for his bathyng that chalt vo thig hender hiz melbyng. ¶ The maner how a man (hall put an hawke in ta mewe . and that is to be wele nonted Off oon thyng pe moſt beware Beeſt pff fle haue anp eke: nes that pe make kez hole oꝛ ye put hi m melbe. ſoa as J n teꝛſtonde a ſelue halber halt neues mold Welt. for though fle me Doe fix ſhalt not endure bot Nhile fiz is grete and fatte. fo at the abatyng of biz aſtate fle map no lengea eure. ¶ Some tome Lith ot any medieyne manp men deupſyn hou Hap myght mew thes ba wleps foꝛ ſum put. hulbleys in me at high eftate . and ſum When thap be right low. and ſum han chax be fut. and ſum Bln dep be Empty and lene and furne Shen thap be myſera bult lene . Got therof ii is no force . iff fle n Meueꝛtheles. J ſhalt fap myn adupce as J haue ſene & ed. Nlbo fo puttith a Gofhawke oꝛ a E eꝛteſt oꝛ a ſpere ſulblꝛe in bo me ſo high that fe map be nobighe: · ſh Welt holde biz lo: nge in Ae poynt: oꝛ that ſhe leſe oz Lent anp federis. Nnd tbo fo uttith bis in meld lene : it Will be long oꝛ fie be demounted and fo puttith biz in mew fo hungꝛp and to lene: of fie haue ne ete at hi Welk ſhe wilt erte to moch. be cauſe of hungde. and pa: umture (lz may be we iter bp · as path of te be ſene V ot Bho ſo wilt that an za wle endure asd meld leyndli. myn tounteſtit is that fir be not co high nodeꝛ to lo. notes in ger 0 le deſeeſſe of hungte. bot like as fle Bolde flee tof then talze bute th: fiꝛſt zap of to moch eetyng .conto tyme that fir be ſtalvnchid and after chat a man map talze kes ſich me le as J ſ halt tell mo d playnli bet afte: 4 Ln what manet and how a man ſhall fede his bawhe in mewe. LI cke Beth Rat meetis ftp hoh bene moſt cofed to be fedde and fede bis theꝛwith. vi. days omtynualli. and ho coy days pe: ue hiꝛ biꝛdis Ynold . both mom and euxn . and let his plomme pon hem Bele . and tate caſtyng of the plomage . and that ſh: alt talabont hiꝛ Bele and quſe ez to haue goode appetrde a it chalt clenſe ele bis bobillis and Ryan (ie is Weeſt clenſed xe map peue hiꝛ Nhat mette that pe loilt fo it be clone and frefj CL Wot che beſte mete to make an habdke to melbe mooſt fone Pyth olb te any merecpne is the fleſhe of a kydde and of a pong Sanne and of a chikyy and eſpeaalt Ratonps fleſh fo ther be not aſſaughte (Noon like to hit and of a pong goos for (uch mee te is hote of it felfe. ¶ Mind toke gobittis of qrete freſh Elis. and ſpecialli th cal por next the (Manet . and er te it m hote blode of moton it is goode to malze kez to mete. bot ſpecialli it ſhalt make lez Pight after biz foorr aage ¶ Thees ſayd fleſhes bene goode to melbe ay palbke : and fo hep biz m tate bot loke fle haue goode plente euczp mp. fo that ſte 7 cher leue parte then Lacke any. and eue zy. M. day let hi both if fle lſe nd The fle Naxith nygh ferme peue his hennys andy cs and of an hound is paffina good. CMH halbke ro neuer full ferme noꝛ vedp foꝛto dralbe oldte of meld onto txme bir fercett be full qropy . pet ſaue J ſene fũ folleps wie hem olbée of melde When the ſartelt bete bot talfe i ſpwonge. and that s fazlous. fos dep ace not then nse pen; ned. ¶ Som folleps wfen Bhen an hake pus aft bis ſaꝛceſt to bqynne and Waßh hiꝛ meete and fete hiꝛ fo in meld Wich Kaif mate a monpth oz. N. Weekps oz euer hap dvalbe thapm . Cl Bot of alt fleches after fie ts mebed. a weſenable gooꝛge of an book paare ts beeſt. and alſo of a crobe hoote. bot it moſte be Warf in Nate z: and then it is ch better. Foz that Vit not benymmen hem haſtelp App: gerte. neꝛ put em m no geete febulnes / foꝛ it durith ſunldat With bic . ¶ To make an hawke to mew tymeli with owe and hurting of hir Noob J hatk tet pol Lrrap true medecpnes for to melbe an „ that pe chalk beleue for twolnthe and pe Witt af; ¶ Che: le in Roddys oꝛ in hedqis Bormps calde edders that ben Medde of nature · and he is alte pa · and alſo chr be ſna ks of theſſame unde. and ſhey be Verri bitte. Cake . j. o. ij of them and (mpte of thes hꝛdes and thendps of tleps taplis Then take a ne eaten pot: that Bas neues ſoſed. and cut hem 47 1 to fmak gobettys. and put thoſſame khotin. and let hem ſe: the ſeronglich. a grete Phile. at good layſez . and lei the pot be couerꝛd. chat no apve com olbte of it neꝛ no breth and ler it ſe the fo long that the faame colpons (eth Go grece . then caſt it out and doo a Kay the bonis. and gedeꝛ the greee. and put it jn a cle ne Weſſilt. and as oft as pe fede polbre balbke : anoyt kez meete theꝛmn. and let his ete as moch as fir Rik. and that meete hal mede fer at polbre albne Witt. A nother medecÿne. 5 cke Phele: and put it in Ape brothe chert cho deris Pere ſo⸗ then m. and Bhan pe ſe the hte begynnypch to cleue: take it owe and for hennys oz ehykynnes theꝛbbith . and fede polbre zulbkke ich defame polapn. ho Co will that an hawhe mewe not noꝛ fall noon of hiꝛ federis . therfore here is a medecyne 8 plover of Caneſt. and the Juce of franke coſt andy Juce of aranpo. and take moꝛcellis of fleſth. ij. oꝛ. in. if pe luſe and Beete them thin. and make the ptbke to ſwalo lb hem and ſeꝛu e bis ſo monꝑ tymys Ruff tale che flepnne of a frake oꝛ of an ors. and cut it m to ſmale peces. and tempeꝛ it Birth hoote blode : and aufe polore falbke oftyn tyme to fede theꝛof and fle ſhalt not mewe. C Foꝛ che gowte in che throte . hn pe ſe porber bathe blalb of py tymes: and that it om ms of no batyng pe map be ſure fle bath the gowte in de chrott nd fos chat Cake the blow of a pekot. and Encenſe mpm; bolanana. and claſbis of gelofte. and qanelt and gynger. and take of att thee euynlich and meoptt hem Ket proolleys blo; de. and (oth it tyſt it be hpcke and theꝛof make mozcellis . and peue the hake chez of eueri dy. at mydmoꝛne and att Coons . FAO: the gowee in the hede andi the Kapnes. TO fen pe ſe polbre fntblee map not endelb her merte noz temoſi te her aftate . ſhe nth Ae gobdte in che tre and in the Rap: nes ¶ Cake ORomyaß oder biſe called mompy among Potica; ries pe map haue it. and fhe ſlnne of an haare and peue if co polbee zawte to erte. ip · (mes With the fleſt of a att. and iff fiz mop holde thut meette fie ſhalt be ſaaſe ¶C A medecpne for a ſekenes called the kallera Jip orf Satya aes cles Tap hie: hf fs . Gor this (ekenes take a blackefnake.and cutte a Lap the hd. and che taplt and coke the myddylt. and frp it in an eꝛchyn pote. and fake the arece and ſaue it. and anopnt tze fleſth of a peccke Gpalorth and peur it to the halbe foꝛ (o cw erte Wii. maps. and pe zue no poke pene bis fleſtʒ of a coli and after de. wiij· ms · peur he a chen · and Wah it a liltil and peue it his (0 eetæ. and trie h tenderiſt of the breſt Bi the ffeechelt bone and let hts erte it. und if e ameme anp th: eng fie chat be holt · FAL medecÿne for the crampe in the thigh in che legge and in the kote of an hawke. de ſe potive hauke lay his oon fote põ bez oder fote. fhe is take Vith te cvampe . Then deate hu blow comon- che fole pf lies pon Chat othes fote. and pppon the legge alſo. and {fe chalk be Goole · C Foꝛ the Cogh oꝛ the pook - Take polbdee of aps: and put it xpon fe fleſh of a Col Hier and peue it of te to pobbre hake and With olbte dolbte fle ſhalk be hole. C medechne koꝛ the podagre. hm portice tathtaces fete be ſwollyn ſhy. path che po Cake fret map butter and as moch of Optt of Legere alꝑn . and chaufe it Bele to gedee at te fiere and make thes of anoꝑntement. and anopnt the fete. iit us. and ſet his in che forme . and peue bts flog} of a at. and ifthat auapſt nott che cuttynq of a Gpne. and Brame it a bobte the ſwel⸗ leng: and let hes ſit wfpon a colde (tone and anopnt brs Seth butter oz freſhe geete. and fle chat be holt. E medecyne ſoꝛ a Chenes within the body of an hauke and it (hewith not autewarde how Ge (hall be holpen and in what maner E man mop benath by de che. and vngladnes of an halb: he his infizmpte bot pre it is ſtraunge bo knalbe: Gynage that a man map not ſe: in pat ſekenes and hat manes thax fe geupde and ſpecialli Shana man Phote not Bhezof t€ coms myth ¶ Few pobre halle Bele oppon an henne and chen ma he hes to falt. ij. aps aftes : & aid Keele bre tobellis . Ch yep dap take honp ſo de and fpll Grd body fuſt. and bynde bez keke that fle caſe it not olbt of hiꝛ body and then (et hie olbtt in de ſonne. and Phen it drabith colar euen fede his ith an Mote ſowle. fos as J heꝛde mp maypſevis (ap and ſha be note hoolt hezof . loke neues ores medeoyne Nor che paſſion that S ochawbis haue faking ake malt 8 mal „% For hawhis that ben wonded . Wake « Kap the ferris abobt de onde and take Ge Bhite ofan Egge and Opleof Olyue. and medsh it co ged. and anopnt ti onde and tere it Worth Vinte ane Vuto tyme pefe tere fleſß · and then put m tha onde {comps (alk onto tyme che c m dede fleſh be Kafepe after take ent ente: and elene as myche of that oon as of that ows. medill it in fere. and Phan ye Wilk a: nopnt tly foore bete polbre oyntement and anoynt it Vith a pen: tptt the tyme the ſuynne grolb ayeme. andif pe fe wee fleſh thes on: and Rot haue it aſday Cake wenecrebe g then anopnt itt Vith dre Oyntement affoꝛſapde and fle ſhalt be holt CA medecine for an hauke that has the artetik Nen pe ſe polbre habe fat abolbte che hrt truſt it for frou ch fle path che aꝛtetike. Theꝛſore do let hiꝛ blow in de Origpnal 1 and after that peue hi a frogge foꝛ to cote. ⁊᷑ fle pha EXmedecine koꝛ an hauke combred i the bowillis len polbre wibke is Encombved in the bobbillis pe fhalt k: nabb it bp hiꝛ Epghes. foꝛ biz Eighen Nil be duke and ſhe Will Looke Vnglodli and hiꝛ meteſſing Kill deſolvle hiꝛ foundement Then take the hawkes meete and anoynt it With pore of cass nett and yeue it hiꝛ to erte. and ſhe ſ halt be holt. C medecpne for an hawke that has the goute Aede pob Ri it chat Ap bine we balbke Pith an Jrchyn ones oꝛ tlwyes. g it chalt CTA medechne fo2 an hawke that hath mites - Gore th Juce of Bormelbow and put it thes thap be and ther ſhalt dye. | Q That an hauke ve hir crate all the ſelon to five oꝛ lete l hen pe go to ch ſelde in the latte: ende of holbleyng and deſi w that pobbre tatbke phatt wfe hir crafte . Do to hia m this ma neꝛ let biz fle a folble. and let biz plym won it aſ moch as (be ißt. and When fle bath plymmed J nough go to bis foftelp for frapng. and relbazde biz on the folble . and) after that pe map café hia on a peꝛch. g afthelt fle map wfe biz craft ſo. as that fie flet alt the pere . CA medecpne kor an hauke that has the Goon CL noynt biz fundement Bich Opl€ . and put che plow: of alym Rith an hole (erat . CQ fo take an herbe callid eriſtis ſadder. g cnoynt hiꝛ mols Keen and (fe chalt be holt. Tilo take male flambe votis and polipdi and fe comes of ſpoꝛge and grinde it Beett and ſeeth it m butter and drabbe it chorugh a clooth. and make theo . i. pell ettis of the geette⸗ nes of a Mot. and put it m his mobtb in de moꝛoltrde. and lo he chat fiz be doide.· and then ker her faſt tilt euenſonq · and fede his littitt and littilt. and fie ſhalt de boot. C A medechne for vermpn Gebe tha Jure of cn (Roote of ffenelt. and ov it Nrw ch (oezmpn be. and thap ſhalt dpe . CA medecine £02 the Kewne that haukis haue Willen pe ſe polore hauke cloofe fer Exqhn and lth his he⸗ de. chen en ie te ewe ate ii 0 of a gote te firft aap and the fecunte peue hiꝛ epatike Beth ih fle fh of a chyeon and ftp ſhalt be hoolt CA medechne fo2 haukie that bene dꝛÿ and de ſore to D2pnke , to kepe hem mopk in kÿnde ¶ Cake te Yuce of haaꝛbhounde and Reele thyn hu bleys ne . 5 fede bez theꝛlbith onps oꝛ tlbyes . and fie chalt HA dꝛ ſchenes that hankis haur i their Entrellia habe that is (eke Vithm chentraples: is of an oder aray then m odes ſekeneſes . foꝛ if fle holde not his me: te bol caſt it. chat is token of the foule alet .for ſuꝛfete of feder that de peuw td tzawkis m (hy: polbth and af tez ward Ehen thap come Into trauayft. and ben anoyde of th (Neuer ther thay Bapen low to fipe and deſite forte reft and hen tyxauke is ſappon his peach then [be Witt flepe foꝛto putouez. at thentꝛic and if (he holde fleſtz anp While in her gooꝛge: it Bilt loke as it Bor ſooden and Nhyn fle is Naked fle aſſapech to put over ot thentꝛyng. and it 16 agluttide and oolded: With ty glett pt ſhe bath g enderid. and if (fe ſhulde aſtape fle moſt put oueꝛ o ellis ſhe moſt dye. O caſt it and iſ fiz aft it fhe map be hole ge Nith che medecyne. N A medeepne foe the Entredllis . Wake polkpe of Cages wlbe. and Bhan cep de Wele beton to gets . put theꝛcd ſpanyſhe ſalte. and afmpth hony there . a Werte theꝛ in thy fleche · and fer thyy tabke. ij. ys cheꝛwith and tf fle make daungeꝛ bo ete it. let holde chyn halbe . and make hts td ſwalow. ij. oꝛ.· im · moꝛcellis in a dap. and ſacuali fz hak be hot C Nit J halt fap & pol a nodeꝛ chyng. ta ke hony at (he choungyng of the moon. and a kene nettylt andy cheꝛof make ſmaſt polwodre and Phen it is Welt grolonde. take y⸗ breſt Loon of an henne. and a noder of a coluez. and inthe it Rich a knyfe. and do a day th fuynne · and do thꝛꝛon Ae polodre and alt hoote ich the poſodre fede hi. and do ſo Hues . and 1 he ſhalt be holt * C Foꝛ ſekenes of Swellöng. AK ff an Picked felon be fibollpy in ſich a maneꝛ pt a may map hett it. that de able ſhatt noß dye thus a man map hel fe his ſtrongly. and lengthe hi lyfe. bot the halbke Milk be de; tp eae and gleetous of ehe Kekenes . and chezfoꝛ pe mooſt Take te Rote of comfory and ſugre iliche mpc . and feths it im fteſt grete ith the thꝛidde pate of bony .and then dralk it thorogh a fapwe cloofh and oft peue sf to Ae za we and ſh chatk amend . Ad blapniai haukes monthes cald eꝛounches ff te frounches it is dredd for hawkes. for it is anoyus nes. and drawith hi to deth. and With hol dech hꝛꝛ ſereng⸗ the. foꝛ men ſayn that it commych of cold. {For col de dolh halb kes mych home. and makpéh flebome falt olbte of the brapne @ the Epghen Witt ſwelt and empepre in bez lade. and bot fle ha: ue bnfteli helpe it Welk ſtoppe hex naſe chrillis. nd thesfor Cake Fenelt Marpatk and Reꝛſis ilich moch. and fethe it g dead it thowugh a cloth. and odeꝛ Fhiles . Path fer hede hea! and put fom in the Roofe of bez molvth. and fl chalk be faafe CCA medicine for an hauke that caſtis hir kleth hi in ſazſoilt ox ellis ; arp anne CA medechne fo the Keume clepid Aguun Deke chou feeth thy taut d his che keis blobbed. chen ſerch hes eee tate a nedelt of ſiluez and hele it iche fire. and bꝛynne ih Ola: rellis thourmah olvte. then anoynt it Ruth ople of Glpff. C $02 to make an hawhe grete and atte . Bake a quantyte of poorke and onp and butter Iliche my; che and poꝛgede grece and do a Pay the ſkynne. and ſethe hm to geder. and anopnt thy fle therm . and) few polbre hawke theꝛbbith. and fir chalt eycrece myghlelpy. Ellis take the Nyn; ges of an Eued. and fede hiꝛ and kepe his from trauelt andy do fo ofte though tle eued be neues fo fatte. and if polbre bath; ke be not paſſing fat Pithin a foꝛtenet Rondre J thynke. For booches that growe in an hawkis Jowe utt cheys botches Wich an kenpfe. and let otbte ehe mates of and after clenſe theym clene Pith a fplues ſpone ox ellie fille the hoolt ich a powdre of aenemelit Abrent. and wp pon that poſvdre do a littilt lazde: that is veſſide and ſo it ditt a Bap . Frere is a goode medecÿne for an hawhe that WOU not coon to Keclabme ¶C Take froft butter and put lheꝛto ſugde and put it in a cle ne cloth and Qeelayme hez to that and kepe it in a box m xou re. bagge. b FL medechne for hawkis that bene Kefrepned. hen wre habe (Mefpna and Caſtyng Nat chorogh ber oleate aht 1 Gntles fiz is Qefraned . Foꝛ that ſckenes: tutte pe greynes of ſhaffelegte and of pe. paz and gꝛynd it Veelt. and Comper it Beth ſtrong oynegtee and put in his (Mares and in the Mooff of biz molvth and peue hu fleſh to erte. and ſhe halt be ſaaff FL medecpne ſoꝛ hawkÿs that haue papne in ther croupes ¶ he chalk take fapte Moꝛſum and poudte of gelef : and meddilt it to gedte . and peue it to porte hawke tod eefe . and if fhe holdꝛit paſt che ſeeunde dax after. ſhe halt be ole. HL medecpne for the ſtoone in the kundement TWh polbre falbhee may not meteſe then fie huthe Catt ſekenes calde the ſedon. Nnd for this fekenes : pe (hatt take che beat of a ſwyne and ſhe greee of a fwyne . and ent tt Nich the floß of ehe ht and fie chatt be ſolpe . CA mederbne toꝛ the dꝛÿ Fronnce AO cents tole Ge Note i pon oe eae it 0 Bae ne iS tn and let it ſtonde and Wop leh Barme . then Bath yore fleſt therm. and feede polbre huldlte. . domes . and fie chat h hole CA medechne. for woꝛmps called anguellia TS ake preffare made of a lomte that Nas beme in vntyme d haare thezdf. 15 . porellig and put ib in a gut of a wle and fer fps Apztnith and lolze lix habblee be did Nyn pe peue His thxs medecyne ¶ &lſo take Jute of dragonys and put fut the gut of a pe⸗ gion and chen cut it and depazte il as de bale map oueaſ wo lob 1b. and put it in his body. and knptt his beke fox aaftpna ¶ Glo pee his dp bal lockye of a ue as hole as thay ben ait obbte.· and make potbdre of the pyntylt and caſt it pd che fleſh of a Cat. and fer ker therwith a che chat be holt. (SU: hawke Tprith. Fedith . Goorgith - MABehith . Knuth. Endupeh. chutith Drrchpch. FJophith . Puttihouer Pꝛopnyth. Plommöth . She warbullich. and mantellith. Sh tyrich wpion Numpys · She fedith on alt manez of fle} . She gooꝛgith Bolen fle fillich his goonge Heth meete . She apt When fb eich: chat s 6 (op fl puch stk Dh-Roufith hen fle ſhakith alt hiꝛ ferris and hiꝛ body to gedre. She Endupth When biz meete in biz bobellys faſt to di geſtiog. She mutith Nhen fir auopdith hrs order. She prachith When fle ſtondyth on any mane: bolbe oz perch . She Zoptath Then (te flepich · She puttithoueꝛ Bhen fle Euoidith hz meete oldte of hiꝛ gooꝛge m to hiꝛ bowillis. She propnith Ehen fle fet chych ople Wich hiz tebe ot hrz taple and anopntith hrs fre g hir faden. A plompth hen fle pullith ferns of anꝑ falble or of ap ocheꝛ and oaftys hem from tex be Basbtel pth al Fly deahith tooth h Pynqys outs le myddhs of her koeke . and tex they mete both and foftelp ſhalrpth tym. and let hem fatt apen . And ſty mantyllith en fhe ſtretchich bes oon Deng a long after ke: lege · and after daꝛde that och Byng. and mooſt compnly ſh doch that of ode oz (tp Barbet pth biz « C The namps of a Spare hauke as Octrigers and S paruiters haue determpned 012 is a queſtion aypd Whether a man haf caf a fpace N hewtze Oza fpere jake Osan afpere albke . ¢ Of; krigeꝛs . and alſo Spasurters : fapen fle map & allio alt. j. Clamps . for ties weſonys She may be alld a Syrre hawke for of alt tze ho wlexs that ther be fie te mooft fpere . that is to fap een teoce bo bre. fox Gp leſt mpfopeteng and nenten deng ¶ Glſo pte map be cal de an aſpare huwke of ſhaꝛprneſſe of biz rage and of biz lokyng quicly. and alſo of ber fleyng Fos fie is mooſt afper and harp: in alt thync that belong onto biz of any othes halbkys ¶ Sh may be alſo callid a ſpare zaw e fos. j. Reſones: oon is flr ſparich goſha eps and teꝛcellys both. ſiche as ben m Giz ſoore auge · Vnto tyme thay map be Nec laympd. andma de redp to flye. as Gofhabbleps and teꝛcellys that be not ful: Ip mewed: onto teme (hey map be clene enfapmpd and vedp to flge. fox alt the Bbple chax bene ona bult /the ſpare halbke. orca prthe theſſeſon. and fleth the matrich Welt. chat is to fap (room ſaynt ¶Maꝛgaritys day nto it be lammnas. and fo forth in Ae ere , e ; End [ip Wptt flee Welt pong fefatontio : pong heth cockys in Ep tegpnnpne of the pere. N nd after ¶Michelmos Bhan mes eriehes paffe heꝛ daungeꝛ J barce ſeen tem ma de ſum to fle thepre {urn to fle the T ele wypon the eue: at the Jutte ſume to fle che Bodecok and ſum for the blacke bute and the thruſle. ¶ Th Bodo is mmboroue to fle: bot if thes be crafte. thes fore hen pe come to a Bor or a quech of buſhus · aſt polbre ſpareha lbke in to a tre and keete ti bushes chen and if anx Bo wok a viſe fie Vit be fure therof . ¶ Ves molt fiꝛſt make brs to a folble cſt op opt of the buries . and polbre halbke mofe ſit on loof te as pe make hi to a faꝛtriche. ¶ lſo as J ſayde pe map calt hir a ſpa re halbke : foꝛ an odeꝛ Muſe. foꝛ and theꝛ Bez a ſhippe fra ght full of halbkis. and no thyng ellis and des Be; re a ſpare ſabke among thaym ther ſhuld no arftom be mpd be muße of hiꝛ . nd fo fox the moſt comune name thaꝑ be ale ſpa re holbkes for ch coſones a foꝛſapd. n hawke klieth to the vew to the Beke. oꝛ to the Toll. Mö Crepe Querre Fer Jue nt halte fleech to the Nyueꝛ dyue: ſis Nays. and fle: L the the fowle dyueꝛli. That ie to fap fly flieth to the Rw e & th keke .07 & tly Mit .¢ alt is bot oon. as ye ſhaſt knale tete afteꝛ She fleeth alſo eo the quaree : co the crepe.· and no mo Hays bot thoos. 1j. And fhe (ymmych the fotole at che fer Jul tp ox at Ge Yuttp fete. ow Chali pe knaw what theis termes betohpn & moo wlowyng. as Hu. Jutty terry. H ounte Kaundon . Crepe. Ennewed d (A Bohable ox a tercett that phat fler bo th EW. & the bolt ax to tle beke · in this maner fie is taught ye moſt fynde a folble m che (Reues.on in a pitte pciueli. and cheen fete poure hauke a arete (pace of. pon a moolt hilt oꝛ on the gw: wunde. and) crepe ſofteli Cobar che folble : from power babe ſtoeght Gap and Bhen pe come almoſt thes as the folble lyeth. locke bat kelbazde todazde ty halbe. and Rich polbte punde oz Beth potbre tabuz ſtpke: becke polbre hade td come & pou .and Bhen phe is on Beng · and comyth lodd bi the gwunde. and is al moſt at pol . che ſmyte poure tabuz. and cꝛy huff buff. buff and make che fowle to ſpꝛyng. and With that noyſe th folble Bil Ae che talbte SSptt nym it. And nob tale hede. Iff potbee hawke nym fie folble at che fox fire of the pues oꝛ of the pret from polh Chen ftp fleeth the folble at the feꝛ Jutty and if ftp flee it opon that ſide that ye ten on · as it map bape dyueꝛſe times. Then pe ſhalt fap ſhe math (le en tle fotble at tha Jutty feszp. ä Iff xolbre zu lle nym che folble a lofte: pe ſhalt fap ſh to: ke it at the mounte oꝛ at tte fouce . C nd if the folble ſpꝛyng not bot lee a long after che (Rea and the owe nym it chw. xe ſhalt fap (te fledo it at tz Raum dj C Creepe Hund pother puto Fleet ator eo de Cwexe Shen pe ſaue poh ce ſaldue on polber fpft and erepe ſofte ly to tp (Rpuesoz to te pit and ſtelith foftels to tn bepntze therof .andy then esp buff. and bi chat meane Mym a fowle. Ehen it is ſlayn at the Cs 5 ote at the feꝛ Juttę · oa at the Juttꝑ feꝛ:ꝑ. as a booue is (a; Bind tf it pn as it Doth of mes Me folble for fere of polbee halbe Bott fpꝛyng and falt apo m 6 th Rpues . oꝛ th ve ſees hiꝛ. and ſo lie ſeyſt and dare not atiſe. pe ſhalt fap then poldte balbke bath emelded the fowle m td tp Myueꝛ ond) fo phat pe fap and fips be moo fobles m de (Rpucs chen thate polber haldte npmmpth if thap not auſe for ſem of pol; wt ke CA chete TLrz one pe that a Bophatbe ſhulde not flie td any fo; Tle of ce Rpues Bith tells m no Bie. and tyxꝛfom a Goſh ade is ald a che TQuerre . Ew poet inbbtic fleeth eo the quezee . Shin te: be in a (to butk tyme Son des of mallaz des m che feld and Kien fly eſpich cheym and commpth coue rte hes ſelfe . and ſue pteupli on dea bed ges on lal bi the grownd . and npm oon of hem .o7 thap afe then pe phatt fap that ch folble Nas flap at the ques. O erde this terme draw om folbe mpfufe this teꝛme drald · and ſop that tha pꝛ hau ¢ Bitt ora & the N puer. & nd chat te: me dead is poopuali aſſignod to that za be that Ritt flee a (Roker Cob on a e un: pon a londe ſittyng. and then st moſt de ſapd chal ſich an tale Bik vad ee lt eo a Hooke . dy D cwe pe Chall vnderſtonde ik a man will make an bawhe to che querre in this maner he moſt do Make a tame Malare and ſet hym in a faps playn. and let hem goo Where he Wilt. chen take polbre bawke Oppon polbre fiſt. and goo to that playn. and hol de op polbre hande a praty Rap of from the ¶Malaꝛde. and locke if che halbe can efpie it. bp hi alopn coꝛage and if fie haue folbu de the folble and deſi de ko flee ther (o. let biz flee it. and plymme Welt oppon bee . and ſeaue her ſo · j. & · in. tymes and then fe is made to the quazre. , T baue knawyn aentplme that Phenſoeueꝛ and Nheꝛſoeuez hap fe any tame Sookes . and if theyꝛ halbkys Vol de deſite to thapm. then thap Nolde let flee to theym in ooragyng thep: haukps to be Beelt fleyng to the quazre ay oder tyme. Fl pratp craft to take an hawhke that is bꝛokõn owt of mew. and all maner of lwowlys that (yt in trees ik àa man wyll. Hocke Where an holbtze peschith for alt nyght: in anp ma: nez plate. and ſofte and lapferlp clymde € kez With a fron! te or a lante zue that tath bot oon light. in golbte hunde and let tip light be to Wa: d the hake fo chat fie ſe not yolbve face and pe map cake his by the leggys oꝛ odez Kile as pe lyſt. and in lyke Wiſe alt othes maneꝛ foldle . Of bawhbs Bellps . bellis that polber halbe halt Bires locke in any Br; e chat thap be not to heuy ouer bz powez to Keys. af fo that noon be hꝛupeꝛ then an offer bot like of Repahe. Tooke alſo that thap be ſonolvre and Welt ſowndyng and ſhil and not boch of oon ſolbne: bot that oon be a ſemytoyn onder a nodeꝛ. and that thap be hole and not brokyn and ſpetialli in te a “s place. For and thap be brokxn thap Pplt fos ne fult dulli. Off frare jolbte bellis ther is chooce and lyttiſt of chaꝛge of thapm : for thes teeth plenty. CL Bot for Gophatkes fomtpme Oel lis of Melon Pere malre tie beſt · and thap be fult goode foꝛ thay amunely be folb nden With ſilueꝛ and ſolde ther after. Got cher be nold wfeop of Duchelande bellps: of a tone calde duꝛdright and thay be paſſing goode. for thap be Pele fort Belt ſownded. ſonolb re of Męngyng in ſhilnes and paſſing Well laſtyng ¶ Hece erdyth che proceis of habyng. nd nolb folope the naampe of afk manes of habblepe t & Whom chey belong. CL Chebs haukes belong to an Empꝛoure xs be the names of aft mane: of hatbkes . Siſt an Eale.a Babterr.a (Melobne. Che fpmplefe of there in Bett (lee an Hynde adfe.a aby .a Koo a Aydd. au Elue. a Crane. a Muſtaꝛde a Storke.a Shai .a ee in fle playn ground. ¶ ud there be not elured. ne ceclapm by cauſe re that thap be fo pntmtdfe to the pꝛꝛch poztatiff ene theis . ij. by thez nature belong to an Empmldee . C Theis hawkes belong to a hůͤng hr is a Gesfaldhen. a TC ezcetk of a geꝛfaukm . nd the es belong eo a Ryng · Fm a pꝛynce wo her a Fawken qentit . and a Teꝛteli gentiſt. andthe: ji ps be for a pꝛynce E a duke c Ch is a Fabben of che wek. Bind that is for a duke Kyo an Cale . ¶ The: is a Fab peregryne ¶ ud chat is for an Cate ¶ Fa a Baron. Hlſo ches is a aſtazde and chat hauke is for a Baroy Rrawhes &2 a hnvght ¶ Cher is a Sace and a Sacret . Bind cheis k fora Rnpahe . Kawhis fora Squper . CLE ke: is a Lanare and a Zanrett . Rnd theys belong kd Sage, ä Adꝛ a lad Sh: is a (Reagan . End) chat hal bee is fo: a lady En hawhe for a pang man ¶ p: ww an Boby. nd that puke is for a yong man nd cheye te he bes of the toſbre: and ben both Jus a be ald and ceclapmed. ¶ And pit cher be moo hindis of hawkes Ch: ie a Goſhawke . and chat tadke is fos a peman ¶ Th is a Teꝛceſt. Rnd chat is foz a polbere man Ther is a Spare habke . and he is an halbe fora preſt ¶ Ch: is a nuflxte. nd he is for an holi Huter cleꝛke And there be of an oder manes kynde . fox thap flie to Oueꝛ Te and & fez Juttꝑ and to Jutty ffersp . C Explicit Frke Bife as ĩ the booke of halbkyng aforeſapd are Erityn and noted the tezmps of pleſure telonapne to gentitt men hrupng deite them. Yn cheſſame maneꝛ thys booke folobpng ſheldith: ko ſpch gentitt pezſonys the manes of huntyng for’ alt mane: of beeftps . Vetheꝛ thap be eeſtys of Lnezp . or of chare . oz Raftatl . Nnd alfo it phetbith alt the teꝛmys cd uenpent as Bett eo the holondps as to the beeſtys a foꝛſapd. Amd in ceꝛtayn ther be manp dpueꝛſe of thapm. as It is de clared in the boooke folowyng Veſtys ot vener Nl mec pe fare by fapth or by fell My dere chylde take ke holb T uſtram woth pou belt How manp manex beeſtys of weneꝛp thes Were Lypſtyn to polbre dame and fip ſhalt pol lece Foblbre maneꝛ beeſtys of Geneꝛzp (here are The fiꝛſt of tym ro tha. bert the ſecunde is dp hace Th bow 13 oon of (ho. the Wolff and not oon moo Beds ot the Chace C nd Nhyre tha t pe cum in playne oz m place J chalt pok bett Phich te teeltps of enchace Don of chm is the .. uche . a nothez 18 the Doo The op and the Maztron. and the Wilde Koo Ind pe ſhatt mp dere chylde other beeſtys alt · Mhere fo pe hem fone (Naſcalt pe chan hem call In frpth oz in felt: ax in fodeſt J xobb te. e ) Note here the aage ot an bert. QC Und fo: 6 fpebe of che kurt iff pe Pitt it lere Me halt hym a. Calfe . atk at the fyꝛſe pere Th ſeamde pere a. robe . fo ſhalt pe hym call Ehe theꝛde pere a. Smpad . lezneth thus. alt The folbrith pere a. Stagge. alt hem bp anx Lay Che fithe pect a. qrete Stagge . pouce dame bid polb fap The wi. pere calt pe bpm an kext. eee Dolch fo my chu Rylis pe been in quazt Go hinaw the hede of an hert . f that is dyuerſe CH And of ch horny that he chen berith a bote Che ſyꝛſt fre chatt be Jugett Pyth owte Theꝛ m fpndyn Wee fuche dyueꝛſite Mlatheles Ge, wi . pete eue:moore at de leeſt Tho ſhalt Wett Juge the peꝛche of ſheſſame beeſt hn he bath Blibntelere Rich olbt ang lett Gpalt and) Survialk alſo there Iſett And that m che toppe ſo Wien pe map hym keen Then phat pe catt hym foꝛchyd an heꝛt of kenne And Lehen he bath in ehe tome . ij of che ſelue Then pe ſhalt calt hym krochid an beat of. pi. And after aide in fhe toppe hen tip . in . bene Then ſhalt pe alk bpm ſommpd an het of. gi. And from’: iin . for arte Natt fo befatt e he neue: of fo many pe ſhalt hym ſummed cal Rpght of the nombre eupn that he is Callich bpm from. jm . forth ſummed Iys Qi fo aue pe ſele an tert freed Werle . Mn Heerde. A Weve. A Sounder. A Koute. ¶ my chelde allith heꝛdys of kext and of hynde And of Mucke and of doo Phere po hem ſynde nd a eue of Moos hat place thap be in nd a Sounder pe halk of the Vylde fwyne Anda Nolte of Bolues Vhere hap pa ſſin inne So phatt pe hem alt as many as thay bene & QLittill heꝛde. A mydyll herd A grete heerd 00 · is a littyſt hare chough it be of hyndis 5 el. is a mydyle leꝛde to cat bpm be lieyndis And . lopp · i a grete heꝛde calt. pe hem ſo Gs it bert be it hynde bucſte oz ells wo Fw pe Chall Gp a gret hert i not a fair n oder CA qrrete Gere Bhen pe Spm fe fo Phat pe hm cal Got neuezmoꝛe a fapre hezt foꝛ no thynq that map be falt & geete hynde a gerte bucke and a fap doo My ſonnys here pe Katke caſt pe hem fo | So pe ſhulde naame ſich dere: and do ag J pol lebe ¶ what is a beuy of Koa grete oꝛ (mall ¶ Und ſey is a beue of Noos on a caſbe And. p. ts a my dyſt beuy ſult Wele J it kale G gerte buy is. on . Bien chap to gedre be si fo catt hem ſonnps Meere that pe hem (2 moore nombus Chan ꝓlbis: the grettez the beuꝑ is en Nhat is a Sounder of ſwyne grete o2 final CO Tivelfe make a Sounder of the Wyle ſwyne bor · a medptt Sounder Bhat ploce thap be inne G. grete founder of floyne . pp . ve ſhalt calf Aforz geet not this leffion for chyng that map fall Tipnke Bt I fop : mp ſonne nyght and dap Ot the Koo huntpng . beekpng . and drel(png Ihen pe hunt at che Roo then ſhalt pe fap thoore He ctoſſees and teeſones polbee holondye bpfoore & grete Roobucke pe caſt bpm not fo Sot a fapre Roobucke and a fapee doo With the bo Wellis and With de blooor Rebar pe polore holvndes my ſonnys fo goode ¶ nd eche ſoote pe ſhalt cutte m. ij. J pol heme Taue che tobellis and the bloode and do alt to gedre chen eupth hit chan eo pobbre holondys fo 5 Bnd moche the glaaddez ten thay Bik go Tint to polber holbndes a ceKare is calt Fer hit is orten on the gwwnde and on the ſteynne calle The Roo ſhatt be heꝛdeled by weneri J Beene The. ij. foꝛtſyꝛ legges the kere layde by thene N xd take oon endez legge vp J polo prap End chat oder forte: legge right as J yo fap Eppon lie ode: fortes legge booth pe hem pytte End Wich chat other forther legge wp ye hem knptte Oon thys maneꝛ thus When pe aue Booaht - QUE hoole eo tte Rechen then hit rhatt be booghge Sane chat polbre hond ete : te bobbillis and ch fete. Nod of thage t vndoyng of the booze Mow & fpeke of Ae bore Ae fpꝛſt pere he is & ppaae of the Sounder called ale haue J blis The ſecunde pere an hogge and ſo ſhalt hx te rd an hoggeſteze Bien he is of peris. in And When he ie of. im pere a beore che lt he be From the Sounder of thy ſwyne then deptrith h & Spnauler ie h ſo: fo: a lone he Witt qoo. Bhan pe haue ſlayn che boode and Bilt do bpm vight e ſhalt endo hym wnflapne Nen he phatt be dight Koo . bredys and. i. of hym pe ſhalt make Gy the law of Genezp as I dure Wnts tale Thuꝛgh polbde houndys by ſlꝛyngth eff that he be wee Top ſhalt zuue the bolwyllis bople With the brede Cale pon the qrotone the: thx boore Was flayne End chat is calde a Rede fo hunteris it ſapne Spay the exth fo haue J blis : for that fo etm 18 Qcw of the hare - Mow for bo fpebe of the hare my founps (ecrreli Tint beeſt kyng ſhalt be calde of att wenesp For alt the fapre fpekpng and blawyng laf (ere Commyth of ſechyng and fyndyng of the dare 5 my leif chyl dez J take it on font e is the meꝛuelleſt beeſt that is m ony londe Sor he fpmaes and crous and Moungeth eue zmoore And beath talow and gas: and a boue teeth bath be foore End other While he is male: and fo pe ſhalt hym fone And othez Nhile female and kendilis by bende ew CL Ano Bien fe is female and byndelis zym Vith in An . ig. waves he hem becith oꝛ he Beth hem tpn Too (Rough and . ij ſmoth Pho Pitt hem ſe And j knottis alfo that kyndlus Wilk be Dhen he ie female fo telt J mp tale. CC The rewarde &2 howndys - When powre houndis by ſtꝛonth nth done he Eo dede Che hunter ſhalt dewaꝛde hm then With che kee Bith che ſhul deris and the firs and With the bolbellis alt (Ard att chynch) With m the Bombe ſaue onli the galt The quunche al ſo: peue hem noon of tho. Mich reKarre Nhyn oon the eꝛth it is al. Wich alk qoow hunteris the. halo . it is lt Then the lopnes of the hare loke pe not foꝛgete Bot bꝛyng hem & the kechyn for the loꝛdis mete nd of this ile hare ſpeke Be no mare Miche beeſtes Chall be klapne a wich Gripte Cob & ſpeke of che beſtes Kien Chay be flapne Tob many be le ꝛypte and hold manp be flapne tt chat tere ſuyne and talo and Nounge leue me Spalt te flayne ſafe che hade for he phat leripte be End aff chat tenth greece sand piles cher wfpon Euer ſhalt be ſeꝛypte hen Gap be ondoon Dy chexs maneꝛ plop : thus pe ſhalt fay . Mhiche beeGis (hall be reride wich che [pmer . (Mp deo ſonnps echeon nob Bult J pobd lere Hold many mane: teeftps as Wich ehe lymere Shaſt be wprerpe m frpth oꝛ in felde Booth the heit and the bucke and the boore fo Bild Qind att other beeſtys that huntid ſhalt be Shalt be ſought and founte With Oa tchis ſo fre Dap thus J pol told: mp childer fo bold The difereugpng of a Buche Cd pe fpcke of the ucke che fpꝛſt pere hu is Ql falone ſolbkyng on hie dum fap as Y yobb Bis The ſecunde pere a poekel. che. ij pece a ſobbrelt & ſolbde at the. ini . pere the twolbth Y vob telt The. OG. pete atl hym a Suche of the fyꝛſt hd Th. Gi. pore antl bpm a Mucke and do as J̃ pou rede OF the hoꝛnys ot a Bucke ¶ Th hoꝛnys of a arete Mucke or he fo be (Roſt be ſummpd as J fap heꝛkerpth & me Too braunchie fiaſt palbmyd he moſt haue And. inj. awaunceꝛs the foth iff pe Pit ſaue And pprn eſpeleꝛs and chen pe may bpm call PGhrre fo pe he a arte WBuche J telt po alt € the Roobucke Lind iff pe of the Moobucke Bik knaw cheſſame Th firfe pece h is a Rye ſoukyng on his came e ini Ch ſecinde pere lp is a cqerle: and ſo be fick af The hire pore an emule loke pe hym call Nobucke of the fiꝛſe tro be is at the im. yere : Te. O pete a Noobucke bpm calt J pol lere t ſapnt andewh day his hornys he Mitt aaſt Iy moore o m moos he hidyth hem faſt So that no man map hem fone fende Ellys m cestayn he doos not his kynde ¶ Tt ſaynt Yamps mp Pere fo he go Chen ſhalt e (Roobucke gendre Pith the Roo And ſo boldelp ther as pe du me Then is he ald a (Roobucke goyng in his suse (Rnd iff pe may a (Robucke (le With olbt anp fapte And pe fynde that heue grec at his tayle As ſum ¶Kobuckps taue hen pe hit Fonte Then ſhalt pe dere it as pe do of het and of hende (fo the Nobucke as hit is Weele kpde t holprode dy he gooth to Md. End wfith che bit: Then he map gebe hit Now of the hert and ok the hynde CL Somnys of ch kext and the hynde lerne pit pe map CTheꝛ cha p dra w & the heꝛde at boli room day To the ſtepe chen thay goon pche bote mp at noon Which ſeepe thap oſen mp childeꝛ J po fap Tuk hie be (Ryddeſomere at che laſt Kap . of 1 1 is to Beere hym fro the 5 o commpth to that place map fe hit With his ighe Ey other chyng chap wfe mp chylde alfo Th fame ſeſon of the pere to fople to go Of the cripng ok theds berltÿs ¶ Gin hert belodwys and a buche grnps J fnde And iche Roobucke ce tapne bel lis by kynde Che nopes of thepes bee ſtys thus pe ſhalt call Foꝛ pride of thepre make chap wfen hit all Sap chyl de here pe goo: poldre dame taght pou ſo erke well theys ſeſonys lolowyng. CL Spine of goece begynnyth at mydſomeꝛ day End tytt boli Room mp laſtych as J pou fap CT ſeſon of the fop fro de (Matiupte Tylt = 5 of eee lady fre on of cke at E ſteꝛ phatt begynne Get 1 laftith nygh oꝛ 1 n ¶ Th ſeſon of the Roo begynnpth at (Michelmas And hit ſhaſt endure and loft ontitt Candilmas At Michelmas begynnyth huntyng of the hate nd laſtith tilt mydſ omeꝛ thez nylt no man hit ſpare Ehe ſeſon of the Bolfe is in iche cuntre € the ſeſon of the fop and eue :mote ſhalt be The ſeſon of te wow is from te Matiupte oh che purification of olboe lady fo fre 255 at the Matupte of obre lady ſwete map fynde Nhyre he goth cones his feele Booth m Podys and feldis me and ow: frule hen he after foode malepth any fute Crobbys and acornys and nottro ches chax grold Babys and haeppes and other chp) pnold Tint ttt the purificacion laſtys as pe ſe And makepth the Moore in ſeſon eo be Mor While that frute map: laſt his time is noueꝛ paſt Ot che huntyng of the haare Ob & ſpohe of tin haace 1 ſhalt be ae Dhen che phatk dich houndes be foundpn and fog Th firle Bozte 5 houndis that tha hunt ſhalt owk pit Js at the kamelt worn Bien de openys it TZ tnt alt may bpm here: h chatt fap artte. his holb ndes Bolte cum to haſtely That is eh fizſt Bore my ſonne of wenesp And When be bath couplyd his kaun des pchoon Bind is forth With hem to tie felde goon And Phen he has of caſt his oo ples at witl Then chalk he ſpeke and fap his holvndis ett s de couple auaunt ſe auaunt . tlre fo nd then ho fo ho. thries and no mo nd then ſap. Sa facp auaunt So fob pw a fF pe ſe polbre holvndes houe one 1 e nd dma a Pap aꝛde fro poh fap as J pol kenne Ehn how amp . agupne hem calt fo len . Sheff mon amp ſweff . & make hm ſoft go And Uf anp fynd of the daare the z he hath bene nd he bight ¶Richez oz emounde thus é bpm bedene Opes agSemounre le Nillant. and J phatt pou ake Dé quita ron la colbare on la court code That Gemonde the Worthe. Brith ott anv faple Tat Kenpth to fynde the coldaꝛd With Ae phort ple ¶ And iff pe ſe Biere de hate at paſture path bene Iff hit be m thy tyme of the come arene , &nd iff polbre houudes cyace Beett at potooe Bilt Tho . ij. motis flatt pe brad booth lobe and Milf Ehm oon and chere an other chere te mfeurpre jus en fap . illogues Uloques in ſheſſame place Se fay to hem in kynde: conto tyme that pe biz fynde Se then caſt a ſigne alt the feld aloe 0 ſe at hte faſture pre phe bath be in oꝛ oldte Od at his foꝛme for gladli to be che is not lefe Cher fie bath paſturid m tyme of Meleſe Andanp hound fond oz muſyyg of bit mace Tea as [ip path byne and is goon otbt of chat place Da fe tous cp oft pll fo hak pe fap wenes aver, fo bod % . alſo lobe as pe map Sa cp ad efte fo hom . aflez that a ſa cy auaunt . and theꝛof be not lat nd Rien pe ſe (onto the plapne her at the laſt In felde oz in eꝛrabult londe: oz in to che Bore ſaſt nd polbre hounde Wilk fynde of bez thez then Se la Douce amp la. eſt c · and oo as 3 polb ken pak is to fap webe frende: thez is he come lolb Aor eo dꝛp here and ther Vith pe ſhalt fap ſo bom Ula ep couce ep Gaplaunf ſo how fo hob. chen Cp bus map pé no dere enge leone of weneꝛp And Bley pe come chez as pe two he Witt dwell nd fo ſemeth ko pol Welk then ſoy as J pold belt Ta rouce 10 oft a. Peng hr © hel throne ine he: Wish . ij ſohod . for pe no moore nd iff it ſemes Woll pot to fynde all m fere old here douce both here bods here he ſittys o ſhaſt pe fap my chyldre and for no chyng letiycz tt maneꝛ beſtys that euez chaſede Wore Baue oon manez of Ware ſo how. and no mor Co ful ſiſt oꝛ vnfilt eche manez of chaae Eh hunt eueꝛmoote in his motth that Borre he face nd iff polbre boundys at a chafe venne thes pe hunt nd che beeſt begynne to venne as hyattis be Bont Dz for to fanplon as coos the ſop Rich his gyle Oꝛ for to croſſe as the Roo doch oder While Oder dwelt fo chat polbre honndys cannot oldte g T hen ſhalt pe fap, hoo fa amp (a fa complep ſa arete fo how. ſich is the plap nd folo as moch is as fa how 6 fap t for . ſohobd is ſhoꝛt in ſpeche hen ik is bwught Theꝛfore fap We. ſohold bol ſa hold fap We nocht nd uF polore houndis chaſe at kext oꝛ af haare End thay renne at defaute thus pe ſhall fap thare Jex ſobolv aſſapne aſſapne fton tho a aſſapne arere folod theie Borms and no moo nd iff polore houndes venne Bett at fox oꝛ at doo And ſo faple at defaute fap Hue ferthe: or pe goo Ho ho oꝛe [ef aluy douce a lup · chat thap here Ho hop aſſayne aſſayne fa arere So hold fo bob wenez d coupler and do as J po kenne The moore Poꝛſhyp map pe taue among alk meme (Polbre croftis let be kæpdde: and do as J pow bydde lt my ſonnps m fame : and thus map pe konne of game Ghe boot that the map ſter hunter makythe to his man now here koloyng e map here Be mapſtez & his man makph his Rope That he knodpith be kynde Bye the kes doys Qe huntyng euezmoore When he ope Quod th man & his maifter hat Beer good loore For to kna What ha. doos the hoůndes hfo hat woth he mayſles quod the man e dooth quod he eupn as tholb mapſt ſe Scekpth . and fo woth no beeſt bot he ben bre keyth he quod tia man Phat is that to fap Wich his fete ha oppnys tip eich ther he qooth a Ray Bint is fe cuſe quod tle man naiſtes J the prag: T tat the bere be foore the houndes Wien thap bpm bunt ap Tut then to the Rpuer he Kellie for to goon ? Quod the maiſtez to ihe may der ar cauſes coon For. ii. cawſes the hert defitith to the & huer -p note wele theis termys Hlopng delcende a oder ¶ Oon mule for ch Myuez deſcende he is ap And fo is he to the Water Phen he takith the Wap hy aalliſt tholb hom . deſcend . mayſteꝛ I the poap For be poptis of is myght te footh A eh ſoy nothes is 6 the Wate: Wht he qooth othe: Bhple The enue that hym ſelben to foun de (o begyle CL Pit of this heꝛt quod his man maiftes Kole J ken n to the Bater Wien he leppe Byat he makes then e profenth quod che mapſteꝛ and ſo pe halt fap Foꝛ he Bot not bpm fel fe pit to he Wiſt a Wax hethez ouez Ae Pater he Witt for pafſfe ©: turne apen theſſame Wap the he fp2ft Bas Theſore hit ie profte as cheys bunteds fapne And Reprofes iff theſſame Pap he asne apene QE hat oder ſid of Gn Tater iff h wp ſterte Than (holt ge calk hit d. faule of Gp bere d Chat ie for Ge Wates of his leggee Berte tone in & tHe pid cal fall pn of his fete pen te Nate: hie Wap couen iff te bene Then beepyth be Bates ther Co take polo ernt And iff With de ater go alga te pod hit ſhalt ODefoulanb th Nate an tert ſo bpm calt Now ot che Nomblie merhe wele the tende he man es his mapſt ez fockpth fut blpth 87 Gp nomblps of tip het ale bpm feith Roh mong endps-der shat de hem Nich mne Gud the mapſteꝛ bot oon thpk noe chy une rd that is bot t. Gargilon . & ſpetze of att bi den End atk chere oder. ewas andy (Noundullis. bene Whe Auauncezs the Forcheꝛs gp Boloe J Vit and thot Boldeft me leere ew hes and d (Koundellia of tp Momplęs of pe dere Don croke of Ge (Nomblis lych eue moore oder the chwote dolle of the beelt be foore That call? is anaunceie Who fo can lem bene 45 tie wee the porte of the ombus chene mE is p thes nnelpes that lig eue hetwent Th . n . thers of A beet thal ovez pie euene In che Mpoof that allid is che wnat tf Aor the ſides wiht a bowte coauen it is fro e deere ſonn ge bolts : ſap of game J thus poth kolde Mit Polde J Nite maiſter Bhi cheys houndes alk Papen and crpen hen thay hym ceche ſhalt 02 Chap Nolde haue belpe that ta thap: (iytt es & flee che teefe that thay renne kylt ¶ Telt me mapſtes quod the man Bhat is the ſuyll by the are Woolde fo fapnne renne apeneſt the hilt Quod che mapſteꝛ for ber leggys be ſhoꝛteꝛ be foore Then te hynde: that is the ſuyft. of poore ¶ yd is the caufe quod the man p* men fap of yt keel Bink the haare ſittith ape Yhen fle takexth heey veeſe And ows beeſtys ly: as comnurneli men fayne Vor. ij. auiſes quod che mayſter J telt the plopne Doy is for fle luricles pon hiꝛ houghis ay End alt othes heſtys : can the ſide to the grolbnde fap An ows quſe ther is and that is noo fees | Jer ſte bercich booth ſelbet and pute amece ET git Wolde. J mayſeeꝛ quod the man fayne Pitt more re lych the ſuet of che rave be hynde oꝛ before Oueꝛ the lopne quod che mayſteꝛ of iche grace thold take Go Aor the taple and the chyne euen oon the backe vit Nolde J may eer quod the man th ves at Ge ler Bhat thot Nalkꝛeſt m the fel de rth chp lymeez Ther as an lyꝛt paſtuꝛred hach: on p* thow bym ſe To unade faatt oz lene Wither that he be J can quod) the mapſteꝛ Welt telt che thys caas Wo lnite Bele Phece he fap : and here ha fumeped ane (Polo and) eng lapmede iff that it be Then is tp fatt J the ett leꝛne theys of me And iff it be booth blacke and haꝛde and clene Then he is meecte lazbse and) leene And of chys tlke chyng iff hob leue not me Take trove in the Nyntre and then tho map it fe C it mapfter of ch haace fapn Wolde J Wit moore What h dooch Bien he qooth the holdndps befoozee Be forth and reforth ther he qooth a Kap” Mꝛpchyth and repꝛyckyth the footh for to fay Bot Wat is that quod the man Rien thap fo mone Tat ſhalt J quod the mapſteꝛ telt te futt ſoone In che feel des Phe he qooth no Kays beene Ther he forth hen he ſteppyth and hit may not be ſeene And after When he widblith and tuꝛnyth agapnne“ Then he wefoorth as goode hunteres fapnne . nd Bien he cennpth in th Pap dip oz Werte Then men map fone foſtalp of clees oz of frets That pꝛychpth the haare ape When he dooth foo End ceprpckepth then iff he agaxnne goo CL Maiftcr pit quod the man Kyat is this & fap R Cauntellap a lay. and a Relay. 5 Thot ſhalt 2 che quod he: for a littilt byzete When che holdndys az ſet: an hert for to mete nd othe: hym chaſen and folowyn to take ” 3 alt 95 Gelais tho may pon hem malle en at his comyng pf thold lett thy howndys aoo While the oder that be behynde fez ee bpm a i The 16. a wWauntelap .and fo chol ſhalt hit att Fan thap are than fez before thoos ot: holbndes alt or thap map not chat dy nomore ſewe af Wilt nd holde thyn houndes ſtyll iff that thot fo do it alt tie houndes that de behynd be cum theꝛto Tian let thyn houndes alt to gedeꝛ goo Tat called is an allay. and looke tholb fap fo nd that hynderyng is prt to them that be behynde the reſtede wilt ouerco the Nee de by kynde & eelap is after Pen the houndes az paſt Feꝛ be fore Wich the heꝛt that hiet hem faſt To let thyn houndes fer afte: hem goon And that is then a foꝛthe zyng to hem echoon and thyn houndes haue oueꝛtake the ot; bi deſtres Ehn hab cher aft folue y of oon fweftnes hat is a foꝛloùng 5 ay hyndeꝛyng grete alt ot: n tilt Mit mapſteꝛ Bolo J fayn thus af pot leere Hut is a foslopna for that is goode to here Tat ſhalt J ſoy the quod he the forty at left hen chp houn des m the Bore ſechyn any keefé And the eft is (tofk a Wap obbt of the frpth ©: the houndes that tholb zuſt meten chesmrth And any other houndes before: than may thith hem me le Thees ores houndes arn then forlopnedY the {née For che beſte and che houndes a ꝛn fo fez before nd che houndes be hynde be Werde and ſo ore So chat chax map not at the beſe cum al ther Wilk The houndes be fore foꝛlopne hem and that is the (ptf Tap be ap fo fere be fore to me iff tholb Dill truſt End thys is the forlopne lece hit iff hom luſt f J liche thre thpnges cane the houndes to endurt CH (Pit Bolte J Beete mapfees iff it Bare thy Kft Hoban chyn houndes denne an heꝛt ont Glnd ap thy fosther chep goo dr glad thay bene For. tx}. muſes quod le oft tyme is ſene Don is When the bert vennys fa ſt on a cefe . Be ſwetich chat hit cennpth done chorogh owe his cles The houndes Llyn hap fynde of tpot ti is ſ wett Then a2 thay leuer to denne and lochen & lebe n odez mufe When che heꝛt ny no moore map Then Bit he Phite froth caſte ther he gooth a hap hen chyn houndes fynde of that then az chax glad In hope chap ſhalt bpm ruc and venne fo rad The. ij. auſe is of de heꝛt hen he is nygh we Then he caſtys olbt of his molbth fro and blade me The houndes madd that he ſhalt be talre foone than End euer the forthez dep qoo the gladdiz they cenne T hes as th mules .iij that cawſes hem gladde to he wich belt a ſlau hounde takis as fone as aſwikt ¶¶ ut beeſe pit mayſteꝛ J ap it fos non pit That mooſt boole alt houndes rennen Gntilt End alſo fone Ae ſlowyſt chalt hym oues kalze Gs the ſwyftiſt phatt do Bmeé Wap ſo eue: be tate That beeſt a WwWaufpn biaht a rok or a Gray Thees · ij. namys he hach le footh for to fap And chie is muſe tbeꝛof: foꝛ ho Witt by kynde Go chorugh chornye a Wap the chytzeſt he map fynde Ther as te ſwyftiſe houndes map ne forthes aoo Then che ſloweſt of foote be be neues fo theo hp che hare tumaßs and croteis . CL pit mayſeea Bolde J Bete Whi that men fapn Tint de haare ſumaps and cwteys booth plapn And alk offer manes beeſtys that huntid be Fenpoñ os feno as Be Wele hit fe Tint chalk J Weelt telt the quod the mapſtes then os Bhp that he femaps and cots Katt J nen ſemaich for he beꝛxch dlolb. chie is no les And & croters men fapy fos h kenth ques And Roukis on his houghis When he lettis it go End beeſtys of fich epnde fynde Ker no moo Bow monp bee ſtis femaxeñ mapftes fap J Volde lere Gnd hold many fene that Bare goode to here tt chis & belt quod the mapfter J holde hit bot lihgt QUE beeſtis chat beere taloſb and ſtonde wpright Femapen Nhe thay do fo fap as I de kome End alt oder fenoß that mbker dolbne theme. Few nonÿ maner beeſtis ot venerp & eleue ¶ Hob manp manes beeſtis pit mayſtez me telt Off wenesp Releuen by fryth or bx ffelt To this quod de wayfteꝛ J phatt te anſ bare Off alt beeſtis bot. ö. he ert and the mare m the Qlimuncacion of olbre lady day The ht chen releues the footh fos & fap ttt ſaynt Petrie dy and prule.and the haare tight: Fm the ui ficacton of olbo lady brights Tilt che teanſ lacion Releups :leuc pe me Off ſaynt as Gre of Cauntusbune fo Do vudo the wylde Woore - CLPit my chylde of the boote fox & fpele moor hen bn phatt be wonwon J tett pol be foore Pony . bredis pe ſhalt of hym make (How Bek pom my ſonnys Wit Weere pe ſhalt them take The fyꝛſt of chym is the hede Phat euer be fall An oder is fle ole and fo pe phatk hit cult The ſheldys on the ſholderis: (heꝛof ſhalt . ij. be Then epdeꝛ ſide of che ſloyne depꝛꝛtid in. ij The peeſtellis and tle gambons wpée theym . 3 Qlnd . ij . feleteps he bath: foꝛgete not tho Then take is legges and is fete g ſhaſbith pobre fleght Foꝛ chey ſbalt of his bredys be countid for. ij. SDepaztith the chyne m. im . peas and nomoo nd take cher polbre bredis . ppp. and. 3. nd fapte put the quo Bion it is take a Kop Jn ch bleddez of the boore my chylde J polb prap Fo hit is a medecyne: foꝛ monp mane: pyne C how pe thall bꝛecke an Bert . ix nd for to ſpeke of the heꝛt Bhile Be thyntee 007 b chylde fpꝛſt pe ſhalt bym ßue hen he phatt te onroy And chat is fox to fap oꝛ exer pe hym dyght Wich in his obbne hoꝛnys (o lop hym wpught t cheſſax cut bym that loꝛdys map (ee : noon fat oz leen Bhꝛdez chat he dee Thay cut of che ooddis dhe bely eum froo Oz pe legynne hem bo flie: and the ſhalt pe 00 Gt chaulis: Eo begynne aſſone as pe mag Erd ſlyttith bpm downe eum & thaſſaoa r And fto thaffap euen dewne the bele halt pe slice To the prffitk cher the codde Nas a wap tpt. «., Then [Let the lyfte legge euen fiꝛſt before 5 nd chen the lyfte legge by hynde oz pe oo moe And thees odeꝛ legges w pon th right {pw pon theſſame manes ſlyt pe that ipde To goo & the chebys looke pe be pref— oy > End ſo fleeth hym solone euen to the breſt nd fo fleeth hym forth right onto thſſa y Euen to the place Nhere che codde Nas at a Ny Then fleeth theſſame Bpfe alt chat om: ſy ~ s Got let the taptt of the beeſt (tit ez oon byde Than phatk pe hym vndo my chylde J poh Rede Rpahe w pon his awne ſhynne and lay hit on brede Tanke heede of the cuttyng of theſſame dere And begypnne fpꝛſt to make tle Eꝛbert Than take ott the ſhulderis . and flyttith a nooß The baly fo the ſyde from the coꝛbyy bone Tut is coꝛbyns fee : at the deeth he Will be Then take olbt the felbet that hit be not lafte Foꝛ that my chylde is good for lechecraft Than put thyn honde ſoftely onder the brefé bone nd ther halk pe take ott therter « noon 8 Tun put ole the pauncle . and from th munelp taas: Qt wap Bight the Mate ſich as he has Hoole it wich a fyngre. do as J polo kenne End Vith che bloode and che qrece fillilh hit theme Tooke threw that pe baue and nedelt therto : Fon to (el it With alt oz pe moore do f Neſtis of the chace of the fwete kewte x Cinhig: be be the chace : of che ſwele feli. nd at the 9 che Soo the Seere che Repnd the Clue . the Sppaard . the Otre. and the (Marton. be beeſti e chace of the ſtynleyng felbte Ind 3 1 He thet Gees „the Fulmaꝛd che i de. the Grape . the Kop . the Squprett + 2 8 0 56 and the 8 15 C Che namõps of diueꝛſe maner houndis his be che namys of hounds. {Fisfe the: is a Grehodnd a Baftard.a Onengtett. a (Raſtpfe. a Zeman . a Sas nyelt. Kachys. Renettps . Ceroures . Borchers houndes. Mypddpng wages . Crpnaltaples . and) Prilherid cuzrig. and fmale ladies popis that tere a Wap the flees and dyue: us {male falbtis . ¶ The pꝛopꝛeteis of a goode Srehound i= Greboune hula be heded like a Snake. and necked like a Drake. Foted like a Rat. Tapled like a Mat. Spd (phe a Teme. Chyned like a Wee ¶ Eh fiat pore he moſt leꝛne to fer. Cle ſecind pere to fel de hem lede. ¶ The. ij. pere be is felow le. The im ere ther is noon ſize Q Th. O. pore he 16 good Inough Cb. i pere he thatt holde the plough ¶ The wi pere lp Witt awaple: gente biktps for to affaple. ¶ The wry. pere linladitt. Che. tp . pete carefadptt ¶ nd Kipp te is com npn (o that pete: Gane bpm to the tanner, ¶ Aor che beeſt hobonde that cues brkke hade at. ip · pere h is full badde She pꝛopꝛetees ot a goode hore. rwe hoꝛs ſhulde haue. xx. zpretees. and condicſons. pits to Wit. in. of a man. in of a Boman . 1j. of a fox ij. of an haare and. ih. of an affe. Off a man boolde pode and hardp . Off a Woman fapre breſtid farce of here g efp (o lip wen, Off a fop a farce taple hort erie Wich a goode trol Off an hare a grete eygh a dꝛy hede. and ett dennyng Off an affe a bigge chyne a flatte lege. and goode toue . Tell krauelid Bomen ne Belk krouelid hore Bes neti goode ¶ QꝘriſe eꝛly ſeꝛue god deuouleli. and the Noꝛl de beſily doo thy Werke Riſeli. peue thyn almeſe fecretly Oo by the tap fad⸗ Ly . Anſ were the pple demudely. Oo to ths mete appetideli. Sit ther at diſcretely Of chi tonge be not (o Liberails- Nau fe cheꝛfrom tempatly. Goo to tht foxes ſoboꝛly nd to chy beode meeelp Oe m chyn Inne Jocũ del Pleſe thy loue oy Up · End ſlepe furele . Oerke wele theps . iii thonges - ¶ bo be im thynch principatt to be dead of ety Bile man Th first is de cusſe of olbre holy ſadez the pope . The ſecinde is thmdignacion of a prince Quia mdignacion regis wel punapis more eft. ok thade is tte fauos or tie Milk of a Juge The m. is Sclaundeꝛ e the mutaaon of a compnalte, Nuho chat mabith in Criftynmas a dog to his laꝛder. nd in Marche a Sob to is qardpnez . Gun in Map a fole of a Bhiſe mannps counſelt - He ſhalt neuer aue goode lader. fapte gazdey. (Mes Ke le keppd coloncelt. CL Fez from thy Rynnyſ men keeſte the. Death not thy neighboꝛps nopt the. In a goode cane cuntve theefte the. End ſitte stone Mobxn and weft the. lh that byldys his fous alt of ſalobes. nd prickpth a blynde bore oues the falowys · End fuffach bys Pyfe to ſeche mony halolwys . God ſende hym the blyſſe of eueꝛlaſtyng galowis LT theis be not directid then go thei at aventÿr CX Ther be mi thynges fult hare fos to knalb. Wyche Wap chat thay Witt drawe. Te fisft is the Napes of a pong may . The ſecunde the cours of a weffaptt in ee fee. The chridde of an Eddeꝛ oꝛ a ſeꝛpent fpeene . The. im „of a folble ſittyng on any thyng. Doo Pyues in oon hous. foo cattps and oon mous: Too dogges and oon boo: theis ſhalt ned accord 1 o. ho chat mannpth bym Wilh his Rpnne . And clo ſich his croofte Myth cheriteees . Shak aue many tages brokpnne . And alſo futt lyttꝑtt goode ferupes . The Compapnygs ok beets and fowlpe . M Bere of Bertis ay heꝛde of alt mart dede ay) Bede of Swannxs an Heid of Cranys — an Heꝛde of Coꝛlelbys an Herde of Prennys an Herde of haꝛlottys a Me of ffeſaunttys a Seup of Ladies a (Seup of Roos a Beup of Quaplis a Sege of eronnps a Seae of betouris di Soꝛde oꝛ a ſule of ma laꝛdis a (Multee of Pecckxe a Kalke of Snptis a Congoegacion of peple an Exaltyng of Laskis a Babe of Geshengolie ay hooſe of men ö a ffeliſhiſpyng of pomen a Chee of Goldefynches a Caſt of ¶ red a Couple oꝛ a myer of botillis a fflight of Sdues an Onkpntenes of Mauenes a Cloteryng of c a Diſſimu lacion of breddis a Route of Rnyghtis a Pride of Lionys a Sleuth of Beens a Cote of Grates a eꝛp of Conyie a G ches of Martronys a Geſynes of ferettis a Grace of ꝙrehoundie of 3 a Lece of Grehoundis of . in a Coupult of ſpapnellit a Couple of dennyng houndit a Littez of Welpie a Rpnoptt of pong Cattig a Spnqules of orie e Oftef tame Spe an Hasaraſſe of hoꝛſe a agg of coltis oꝛ a Rake a Garen of Mulic a Tupp of Gele a Cupp of haaus a Gagle of que a Brox of hennys a badelyng of otis a Moonpoctens of Kpueg a State of Pꝛynces a Thongh of bawons a . of Oikeris a Supfluple of Munn a Sole 2 gre 4 a Doctꝛyne of doctoris a Conttpng cf prechouuis a Sentence of Juges a Sampnyng of Yurzouns a Diligane of Meffangens an Obeiſians of ßuauntis a Sete of wfpheus a Sqauqht of boteleris a Poude ſhelwyng of taloꝛis a Tempans of akps a Stalke of foſte vis a Moo ſt of ſaudiouris a Lauqhtre of Oftelous a Gloſpng of Taueꝛneris a (Malepertnes of pedleꝛes a Thraue of Throſheris a ſquatte of Sabkeus. a Fighteng of beggers an ntrouth of ſompneris a Melody of Haꝛpꝛꝛs a Pauuertp of pypeꝛs a ſotelty of ſeꝛgeauntis a Tabeꝛnacle of bakeꝛs a Drifke of fiſheꝛs a Siſqoſyng of Taplouꝛe a Gleche of folotens a Smer of Coꝛpouris a Cluftce of Grapys a Cluftre of choꝛus a (Rage of Mapdmys a Rafull of Rnaups a bluſth of topes an oncredibilite of Cocoldis a Coup of partrichis - a Spipnge of Celis a Sefferte of Zapbpnay a fatt of Woodecockis a Congregaaoy of Dleuers a Coueꝛt of motis a Suet of Turtllis a Titmats of Pies an Oſt of ſpacobbis a Same of bees a caſt of haus of pe fous. j a Lece of theſſame haukis. ij a Flight of Soſhaukes a Flight of ſwalolbes a beldyng of Rookes a Muꝛmuracoꝝ of (Cares a Route of Woluess a Lepe of Lebaꝛdis a Shrebodenes of N pie a Skulke of Chups a fkulhe of ffopis a Meſt of Mabettis a Laboꝛ of (Mollis a Mute of houndes a Renetk of Nachis a Sute of a lyam a Cobazdnes of custis a Soundte of Pilde ſwyne a Stode of Mane a Paſe of Gſſe a Deoue of Nett a fflocke of Steyr a Gagle of Women a Pepe of chpkemps a Multiplenq of huſ bondis a Pontifialite of prelatis a Diguptt of chanonys a Chazae of curatis a Diſctecion of Preſtie a Sculke of freris a bhompnable fiahe of mous a Scott of Ftp a Epanple of Maiſteris an Obßuans of herimptis ay Eloquens of . an Epecucion of Officꝛys a farth of Marꝛchandie N a ꝓuiſion of ſte ad) of houf a Resff of Hanberis f a Credens of Seheus an onbrelbyng of Rezueris a Safegaꝛde of Porte ris a Glaſt of hunte ꝛts a Thcetenpnq of courteperts a Mrompſe of Tapſteris Apenq of pat dene rie 5 of papntens afh of Cate ris a Scol dyng of Remſteris a Ronwapng of Tyakeꝛig a Waplbardnes of haplbaꝛdis a Pœſhip of Batens a Meũthriuyng of 5 a ffraunch of Mylneris a Feſtre of Wrberis a Gorpna of wocuns a Trpnket of C ozueſeris © places of Shotuꝛneris a Mronkſhip of Coblezs a Salbe of fopis a Cluſere of Mottis a (Raae of the teethe a Rafatt of opes a Diſwœſhip of Scotts ¶ Explicit Fr€re flow the Dew teꝛmÿs to ſpeke ok breech: png oꝛ dꝛelſyng of Dpuerle beeſtis and wwlis zé And thellame is chewed of certapn Epllhes « ry Sere brokeme « QW Sooſe reve a Higge hedede and (pede a Capon ſalbſede a Checon fruſ ſhyd a Conp wnlacedx a Crane diſplayde a Cu ile Onoyntede a ffeſalont ale a Quayle Wyngged a Ploueꝛ Mynſed a Pegeon thyghed ralvne leechyop a Sbanne lyfte a Lambe ſhul deride a Rive ſhuldetide an Hen ſpoylede a MMalaꝛde wnbrafid an Heron dyſmembrid a Peooke diſ figured a Geture wntachid a Paꝛttich alet a Raale bꝛeſtyde a Wodechke chyghed an Egge T pred a ffere T pmbeꝛed Now of köcches & Samo Chyned a Pyke fplatted an Ha ddoke ſided a Cheuen fpnned a Sole loyned a Gumare chyned a Tend falbeed an Ele tzouſoned a Geeme ſplaped a Bazbitt cuflkepd a T cought gobettid C pe (hall Cap thus. FAL » heꝛt Heꝛbouzghith a Gucke lodgith an Eſqupex lodgich a (Roo beddith a poman beddith an haace in her foꝛme ſhul⸗ derpng or leengng. a Conp ſittyng. a Modecohe brekyng Ere nol folopng ſhalt te chewed) alt the Sh nd the Syſhopꝛyches of the weolme of 5 &nd pe ſhalt vndezſtonde that che Shyres be Bultten befote and tle biſſhopriches of theſſame az Wit folowyng nept aft and then afteritard as ſhelbed the Pꝛoupnces of this londe. ¶ Rente Caunturbury . Rouchefeze . ¶ Southeſex. Chyche ſtre. ¶ Daampſhyre Sutherey Myncheſtre. CC Mvldechrre. Oak. ſhyce. Salpbuꝛy ¶ Someꝛſete ſhbve. Doꝛſet hp. Bathe . ¶C Deuenſhyre. Coꝛnewaple. Eeeſtua Ceſſe . Medelſev. London. qr Mouthfolke. , Suthefolbe. Moztopdhe . ¶ Cambꝛpgeſhyde . Ele. ¶ Laycetre Hun tyngdon. Morthampton . Heꝛtſoꝛd. Med ford . Bokpnaham . Oppnfoꝛd. Lyncolne. Zyncolne ¶C Glouœtuu:- Woꝛcetuz ig. CL Herfordphpre « Herford . C Ceſchywe. Shropſhyre. pte of Lampe. Cheſtoe. =(Porkrerhtee . Stafordſhire. Sdarbihree ‘ (Motpnaham amd oder as parte of Lanca ſtreſhic. (Dozke. ꝛounces of England auntuꝛburi. and (Porte . Staffoꝛd. Daaby Motinaham. thule nde. Duꝛham. Weſtmeꝛlond. Tendale. Raslle Mes n chys boolꝛe folowyng is delꝛ:myned the lynage of Coote aꝛmuris: and bod gentilmen ſhalt be lenolyn from Ongenble men. and hot bondeage began fiaſt in aungelt and aftes ſuceded in man hynde. as it is ſhelbede in proceſſe bootle m che childe: of Num and alſo of Moe. and fob (Noe dauyded the Woꝛlde m. ij. paꝛtis & his. 1j. fornps . lo ther be cheldxd the. ip. cololbris m aꝛmps figuted by the. ip · oꝛeris of aungelis . and ik is ſhewyd by the ſoꝛſaxd cololdris Pych ben Woꝛthy and pcb ben Nopal. and of rigalikeis Wr; ch bin noble and Bich ten wellent. nd thes ben bere te wer tups of chpualsy and manp other notable and famobbſe thyn⸗ gys bo the plefure of noble peꝛſonys ſhalt be ſhelbyd as tip Wes bps folowyng Witteneſes Wo fo euez likych to ſe thaym and rede thapm Wych Were to longe nolb tomers. Mnd aftes theys notable chynch) afowſapde folowyth the Sloſpng of alt manes aꝛmps in latyn french and Englifh. ¶ Incipit Liber armorum. G. in Borthenes aaꝛmes ſoꝛ to here by the Mopall blow m oꝛdynanc all nobult and qentpf men from the peſẽ digte ko the labyſt i thys boolre (halt be chewed . and eo deſeueꝛ Bentilnes from wngentilnes . ¶ In fo moche thatt alt geil nes cummps of god of heuyn. al heuyn J Pylt begyn irre Pere. p. or deris of aungelis and nov ſtonde bol. ip. in co ole aꝛmuris of knabblege enceolbned fil bpe Wich pvecious (to neg. Where lucifeꝛ With mylionps of aungelis olbt of heuyn felt onto het and odyr places and ben boldpn thes in bondage. and alt There cveatid in hꝛupn of gentilt nature. QT bond man o7 a chuꝛle Bptt fap alt We te aummpn of adam. So luci feꝛ With his emperp map fop att Be be cummpn of hupn. (Nm che a ĩ neng of man bpne Bas as a (othe tonfprape and ton; ie and in che braunches is knolblegge Ride is wolun and Biche is grene - : : row Sentilmen (hall be hnawhn krom churlis & how thep kirlt began . And how Noe deupdpd the world in. iii. partit to his iji Connps - KP ot for to wupre gentil men from choꝛlis in hnaſt it (talk be pened. Chez Was neuer gentilmay nos chuꝛle oꝛdenpd by kyn de bol he had fadte and modre . dam and Eue had nothys fas dre noꝛ modte. and in ehe ſonnytz of Num and Eue Was four de bothe gentilman and chusle . Op the ſoonnps of Adam and Eue Seth Abet and Capn deuyded Bas the wpaſt blow fro the wnamtlk . & brother to flep his bwtheꝛ gtrazp to the La Bhere myghe be moze ongentelnes · y that did Cayn become a choꝛle and alt his ofſpꝛyng after bpm by che cuꝛſyng of god and his olone fadre adam ¶ And Seth Was made a gen til man thotow his farms and moderit bliſſyng. Nnd of the ofſpꝛyng of Seth (Noe come a amblnay bp tpn CL (Moe had. ij. ſonnys begetyn bp kynde. bythe modre . 4. Sede named Cham and Sem. and bp ehe fadre the thiꝛde Ms nampd Jafech. Pit m theys. ij. ſonnys gentilnes and xn; gentilnes Was founde ¶ In cham wnagiéines Was founde to his olone fader doo ij td diſtuue: bie preuptes and laugh his fade bo ſcorne T Jafech Vas the pongiſt and repreued his brodre. Cian like a gal man take mynde of Chum. for his wngentilnes y Bas become a choꝛle: and tnd de curfpng of god and his fade Moe. nd Bian Moe atboke he ſayde to Cham his forme: unowyſt nott tho tom hit become of Can Blam ſoon: and of his chusliſh blod . t the Worlte is drobdnde fare We. wii. nd now of ehe bo begynne dungen tilnes and a mufe & deſt rope os alt: Oppon the hie chalt be ¢ ſo J pray to god that it phatt falt. (Nobo & the Y gyue mp cure Bpcheo aptafe for eu . and J gyua & th: the north mete of the World (o drawe ehpn pobitacion for the: phatt it be. here for and arte ald and myſchef as a churle thot ſhalt foue. in the chird pazte of che Boꝛlde Nich ſhalt be ode Euwpe that is to fap the contre of chuꝛlys. ¶ Jafeth eũ hee: my ſonne Hho ſhalt haue my bliſſing dere ĩ ſtede of Seth (N dum fon J make thea gentilman to the Ke {te parte of te Bol de. and & ch occident ende: here as Welth and qutrce ſhalt be. thes chyn habitacion ſhalt be. (o take that otle: theꝛde paste of the Borlee Which ſhalt be calde aſia that is to fap the contre of gentilmen Bind Sem my ſon alſo a g lman J the make & multipli abellis blode that fo Bylkedli Nas f lapn · the oꝛxente tholb phat take that other theiꝛde parte of tha oꝛlde Which phat be calde affri . that is to fap the contre of kempuꝛnes. C OF the ofſpꝛyng of the gentilman Ja feth ome Halbraßam Moyſes M ron and the profettps · and alſo the kyng ) of xe right lene of maꝛy. of Vom that gentilmon IJheſus Was bome werp god and man: after his manhode Ryng of the londe of Jude g of Jues gentilman by is modre mary pꝛynce of Cole azmire. N ow longe Cote armures wer begunne afore chyntarnacion ot owre loꝛde Jhelu cryſt Tafeth made fiꝛſt Barge and theꝛ in he made a batt in koken ay alt he Bole . and aftertbarts . 5 ). gere and. vii. before nasnadon of Cuſte: Cotearmum us made · and fiqued ut the (exe of trope Pere in geſtys troianorum 5 the fiꝛſt degynnyng of tin lalbe of amps Pas. che Bide das effugured and begunne before anp lalbe in the Korlee . bott the labbe of natube. and before the · x · cõmalbndementis of god ¶ nd chys lathe of aamys as groun did wppon che. ig. o: derys of angelis in heuen encwloned With. ig. dyueris precious ſtonys of colowris and of woeꝛtuys dyueris · alſo of them as fi: gurid tha. p · colouris in aꝛmys. as m nombre to begynne the fiꝛſt ſcone is callid Topa ſion 5 $5219 lapis The kirſt Rone is calde Copation lignptipng golde in arms ¶ This ſeone T opa ſion is & femp ſtone. and gol de it is cal⸗ de n amys. Th wertue ther of is: chert the gentilman tie Ri: che thys ane in hte cote aꝛmure berithj a fare meſfangere in his yn) batylt halt be. Chr Rich ſtone is veßued m the angelis crolvne that Nas a tꝛwe maſſangeꝛ anda ſube in his kynch ty: taxtt of heuen Bhan dep faught Sith Tud fer C Secũdo lapia She Kcunde ſtone is cald S maragdus a graue Ip Gone lignikipng vert in armps ¶ Tkefeante flone is ale Smaragdus a grauell ſtone . d Perk it is elde in cramps . Th westu thes of is : that ch gentpl man te Nich in his cote aꝛmure it berith kene and zazdy in his ken) batelk phatk be. the Biche (Cone is veferued in tharchangel les ewodne chat Ras kene and fardp m his kxngis katuile of be; um Bion thei faught Beth lucifes Cr Setcius lapis ¶ And this Kone is calde brute colore ĩ arm vs 755 he thiꝛ de (tor is calde an N metiſte a duſketli (toy bruſk hit is alte in ammys . The wertu thes of is: that he the Wich te: rich in his Cole azmur that ſtone. foꝛtunable of wictor ĩ his bi ges bataylt att be. the Wich ſtone is veſezued co the Hirtukps coolone that Nas foꝛtunable and wictoriodds in his kpnay bata il of heuen Bhan thap faught Vith Lua fe Quartus lapis ¶ And this Rone is calde plũby color ĩ arms im. ſeone is calde a Matgarele a clolbdy fone Plum? by hit is calde macmps . The weꝛtue chez of 1s. What gentilmã that ĩ his Cofcarmure that ſtone berith grete goůnalbna of chi: ualrie in his kyngs bataplt he ſhalt jue . the Wich feone is ref ued in th poleſtatis colbne that Nos cheualriue of gounauna m his kyngys bataptt of heuyn Bhan thay faught Reith Zuafes intus lapis n ¶ A (ops ia calde finamer oꝛ ſanquine i arms ¶ Th. w. ſto is alee a Lops . a ſanquine ſcone oz ſinameꝛ hit is alee in armys. Th wertue hoof is: the gentilman thatt in his Cotearmuce this ftone berith myghtificht of pober in his bengys bataytt ſhalt be. che dich (Cone Nas ruſezued in domina & 1 dionys evotbne that Bas mpabe fut of pere in his kixugys ka: tail of heuyn Bhan thei faught Wsth Zuafes | 8 extus lapis ¶ And thd Cone is calde gowlpa in atinps CL The . vi. ſtone is ale a Muby a vedly ſtone . gobblys it is alde in armys . che wertue tleoof is . the gentyl men that ĩ hie Colꝛ aa mure Ghat ſtone berich bote and full of corags in hie uyngys bataylt ſhaſt be. the Brey ſtone is ceferued in the prnei patis crodne that Bas hote brinnyng as fire m his kyngys ba; taptt of eupn Bhan thap faught Bitch Lucifez CC Septimo lapis CA blut Gone it is 2 it is cala alure ĩ annps Db. oi}. Mone is lde a Suvhpre a bleb ſtone ine hit is ale m atmys. The wertuc therof to. che gentilman chat in his Coteatmure berith that ſtone: Vpſe and weitues in his ez upng in his tpn bataptt halt de. the dich is teſerued ko ton? crolbne that Kao Bpfe and weꝛtues m his byngys botoplt of h uyn Bhan thep faught With Zucifes 3 O trans lapis This fone is blahe and it is called Sabull C Th. wit} . ſton is a Dyamond a blake ſtone . Sable ic is ola m atmys . Th wertue therof is. at gentilman tha l ĩ bis Cotta mme chatt (tone berich: durabuſt e onfopnt in hie kyngps bataytt he phatk be. The Bich ſeone Bas reſeeued i the chrubpns coolone that Bas durable g tonfapnt in his kpnays bataptt of hun . Dan thap faught Vith Zucfez C r) lapis CA ſhinpng Gof and is calde Situeri armpe D ke. ip . Rone is ald Casbuncle a ſhxnyng Rone . Silt hit is cal de in amps. Che werde cherof is: Brat e in his Cofearmure this ftonetenth . futt dalbghti glorious 6 ſhynpng in his kyngye bataptt he halt be Thy Bich ſtone Rae evferucd in the Sew phyns crone: that Was full doughti glong ce eben his kg) bataptt of Ken Byan the fuught W. Zecfes Os the diuſe coloreit for the feld oe cotearmu tif, v. bene worth y and. iii. bene Kopall S be. ig. dyůſe colo ris for the fel de of Colea zmuos © e Gorthp g. im. Ropatt . Th w Borthp be theys: Sol de Beste Wruifk Plumbp ¢ Synam. nd the. im Ropatt te Has : Solis & ſure Sable c Suez Got nok aft bla ſeus of armys ther be bot. wi. coloris of pe Bich. h. be metalt g in. wlorig. Golde ß Silü fox metaſt. Text Goulis & ſude g Sabult fos oloris . ( theys be wſid and no moo. C Okt nine preci9 (tonit.v. be noble g. ii. ot dig on Ther be. ip · precious ſconys. G. noble g. ij. of dignite Che. w. noble ftonpe be theys T opaſion Smarogmat N ma⸗ the Maꝛgarcrt ¢ Aloys. Che. mi. of dignite be theys Mubi Sade pane and Caabuntuilt ¶ Oft thoꝛderil of àgeliſ. v. be ierarch n iii. tr S her be. ip. os ys of angels. W. Jeroachie . g · ni Crolp Eke (0. Jemichpe be cheys: Wnaelia Crchangelis wirtutes qHotefeates c mminanés The. im. Tronli be theps Guna; patꝰ Tromp Cherubyn and Semphpn . Cv. ot the dignitet ok regalite be noble a. iii. at ¶C Thi he. ip · digni tes of ¶ egalite. W. noble and im e callent Th. O. noble be theys Gentilmã Squieꝝ Rnyght a von and Loꝛd · N nd. im · evcrllẽ t be thers ale Mark u ke andꝰ Pyne pbne wertuel ot precid (tonpe TD pe wertues of pread ſtonys ben thes . W. general andy i -fpeaatk Th w. genalt ben cheys QU fuce meffenges Rene @ basdp fortunat of pico Cheual ui of qotinaunce @ myqhti: full of wer The. m. ſpecialt be thers : hole of comae Nyſe redp G Wertucs in Reꝛkyng Durable e wnfapne futt ought ¢ glonofe ſhenpng - ¶ The iii. veetuel ot cheualtp Oer Kertues of cheualzy bey ther . Thy fiꝛſt is iuſte in his beeſtiß. clennes of his plone. peti to haue of the podve. (o be gracious to his preſoñ. to be weuerent and faythfull to his god The ſecunde is that he be Wyſe i his batailt. prudent ĩ his fightig knobpng g pupna mynde ĩ his Pittis. The. ij. is p* be be nott flo ibis Berns Lone be fore pt his quill be fare Hanke god e uer of his victoꝛp g fos to haue mefure ĩ his ſuſtinãce. The im is to be ſeꝛõg & ſtedfa ſe ĩ his goůnãce. to hopꝛ bo haue pe (victory And wor not frome che felt and nol to ſhame his ate arm de. &lſo chatehe be not to boſtſult of his wanhod Toke that be 5 lowlꝑ and gentitt and With oldte debalodzy in his nga ge . R eve (hall be ſhewed the. ix · artikelis ot᷑ gentil nes. v of them ar amoꝛows and iiii fouerapn ¶ ber be. ip. artycles of gentilnes . and of theym. w. bene amozobs . and. ij. ſoueren. The. G. amorolbs gentilneſes ben thees Toꝛdlli of colbntenabonce T veleable in langacze Myſe in his anſ were Pe: fite m gouernabnoe . and Chews fult & fa ychfulnes . The. in ſouerapn gentilneſes ben theis Lewe othes mflhespng . ovo to goddis byddyng. Ano; png his olbne bizth in bezpng . and to drede his ſouerayn fo offende ¶ Ther be ix. vices contrard to gentilmen CT kez ben. ix . wices contrati to gentilmen of the Wiche. x. ben indeteꝛmynable and ij. delezmynable The. G. indeleamyna ble ben cheys: oon to be fult of flowthe in his Wezris . an olheꝛ to be full of booſt m his ma nhode. the thrid bo be full of colbaꝛd⸗ netz to is enemy. ch fauath to be füt of lechri i his body . a the fifthe to be full of dꝛynkyng z dronckunli . The be. in. deter mynable: on is to deuoke is olbñ cha lange. an other to flep his prefones Wich his olbj handis . the thar to doyde from his frues waygnes baner in che feld . and the fifthe to telt bis ſouerapgne fals Galps 6 C The be ix. ĩeſtimable teiopngis in armps Che. id. neſtimable reioync of asmps ben theps = uſt os genblman to be made a knyght i the felde at batill ¶ Th fecuncs is lyuelode of hym to veſayue after manhode Dh j. is cleualap to do bp fore his ſoueren ¶ The. n is amba(fatt 6 he put in his honde for Riſ dom. ¶ C. v. is pwues of knyghthode done be fore alioundis i honor of renolbne. ¶ CThys de alde in aꝛmps thy. autentpke (To folobith ch. im endyng ſtermptal lis pꝛꝛſonalt ¶ Cle fiuſt is a wo re knyght to be ma ried to the blode Ropalt ¶ Th ſecunde is to mus thanke of his ſouereyn peꝛpetuaſt· ¶ Th. in. is 60 kepe his Cote armure nſhampd m tuaſt ¶ nd the. in is & kept alt poꝑntis of is knyghthod as geſtys teoanorum de; clarich. Finaw pe that theis ii. oꝛderis wer. kirſt wedlok i then knyhthode. and knyhthode was made be fore Cote armure Was oꝛdened ¶ Chi Nas non oꝛdeꝛ bot. j. Bedloke fiꝛſt and lenyghihod aftes . QU knyght Bas made before onp cote azmure . and O: ipbion Was tte fiz(t kupabt that eueꝛ Bas. N ſteriali his fades come bi th right lyne of that gentilman Jafeth and (abo the pe: ple multiplie ¢ rd no goue:neꝛ & nd the cuꝛſed poeple of Sem Berd apenps them Olibion Bas che ſtꝛyngeſt and the manful Left man in his tyme ¶ nd the peple cred 07) Olibion to be theps maiſteꝛ and theiꝛ gone QT thowſand men Ker than mullipli⸗ ed of Jafethis lyne. Aſteria tt made to his fox a gaꝛlande a bolbte his hade of. ip · diueris precioufe ſtonys in tohenyng of chyual ri to be a goünes of a · M. men. & onto thys fame d p* High Jaue his name ĩ latẽ he is as moch to [or pe goun of. ic). mẽ Olibion tenelpo & Nſteꝛyalt his fadeꝛ and afkyd his bliſ⸗ ſeng . Aſteꝛpalt toke Olibions ſbeꝛd that The Jafethis ſawlcho that Tubalt made be fore the floode: and ſmote flat leng · to · ſymys pon th rpaht ſhuldre of Olibion in ake: uyng of the tw we rtuys of the ſoꝛſapde preaous flonps and gaue him his buffing Pith a chaꝛcze to ter the. ip Veztupe of cha ꝛpte nold folopna as pe ſhalt hece ¶ Theis be the charges oꝛ artikelis that euer knyght (hlude kepe bp the digndte ot his order % thep be i v. tempall and iii gooklp hr be. G. Emperatt ütups G · in. goſtly amps of charite tp (0 . empatk weꝛtuys be theys he ſhalt not tuꝛne his backe to his enemp foꝛ to flee. Th. 3 is that he ſhalt (ruly holde his pwmyſe to his frende: and alſo & his foo. The. ij. is hy phat be free of mete and drinkze to all his menp a boute him Th. m. is he ſhalt wpholde mapdonys zyghe. The. is that he ſhalt holde op ydoys zpght . Cheps be the. ij . weztu⸗ ps of charite gooſtly . The fizſt is: he phat honoure his fa: des and his mode . The ij is he ſhalt do noon home & tp pore. Th. ij. is he ſhalt be mezci fut. The. mj. is he ſhall holde Beth the facifice of the grete god of heupy And than &ſteꝛpalt did make to Olibꝛon a taꝛgett of Olpfe toe With in. coꝛneris . jj. a bouen is face and oon dolbne to the cw lo nd Baꝛde . m tokenpngthat thys Olibꝛoßj Was the chruc of alt thy blode of f. ij. ſonnys of Gp & Olif tse & onde (tote (wieterp fos co DyHj Op the popné of his taꝛget (o che gro; wende the cuzſed broth: Cham Gy the coꝛneꝛ of his tazget a Lowen fiꝛchezeſe that oches brotins Sem. That othiz canez nept bo bpm felfe betokenpth that gentil man Jafeth the bliſ fed brothis of Phome god and man come bp right lente C The maner of hnyghthodis ben. ii. oon with the Gwerde An other with the Bath hr be. 3. manes of kenpghthodes oon Pich the ede and an other Bith the bath The bath is the Poꝛtheſt by cauſe of im. Nopaltes . Oon is Bran an onaged pꝛynde is made len pabt oz be crouned kyng The ſetunde is Bhan a Ryng oz an Emperoure is cwoibned. The thprde is Bun a quene oꝛ an Emperis is crobned. The im. is Bana Ryng oꝛ an Em perolbre cum to ſpeke With an other of dyueꝛſe londys Q bne maner ot gentplmen ther bene CO Th is a Sentylman of Nuncette and of blow ¶ Bind ther is a Gentylman of bloode ¶ Th: is a Gentylman of Cootearmus : and theos be. i Don of th Ryngys tage . ln other of a lozdeſhip . N nd) the there is of the kyllyng of a Sarpfoy And ther is a gentylman ntꝛpalt CL rd cher is a gentylman pocwfet And ther is a gentylman Speꝛptualt ¶ Th: is alſo a gentylman ſperituaſt and temperolt. and alt chys ben more playnlp declared in thys booke C Gentilmen be calde.iiii- maner ot whl one of awncetreis and iii ot Cotearmure DO he be im. diueꝛſe maneꝛ of gentlemen . Oon his a gentpl⸗ man of aloncetceys: Sich muſte nedis be a gentilmo n of blode · Cher be. ij . gentil men of Coteaꝛmute and not of blode Don is a gentylman of Cotarmure of the gynges bagge . that te to fay his deuioe by an herald Jqouej . Qn othe: gentilman of Cotaʒmuve is and not of blow akpng geupng a loꝛſhipp to a poman nder his ſealt of patent to hym and to his eprps fore ueꝛ moꝛe ke may Bere a Cotasmure of the fame loꝛdſhipp The thride his a poman criſtenyd pifhe talk a gentylman forfyn he map Pere the ſaꝛſinys Cotaꝛmute and noo ſarſyn a ſaꝛſpnie atarmuce nethiz cuftamps cotaz⁊muse bi ſeghtyng in noo Byſe (Pit ſum men foy that a criſten man oueꝛcomyng a criſten man feghtyng m the liſt phat bere the mtasmuce of him that is oueꝛ comyn . Oꝛ i a ſoueveyn kyng make of a poman a knpabt that fame knyght is a gentyman of blow by the wyalte of the kyng and of knyghthood ¶ A gentplman ſpirituall CO Ther is a aentplinan a chuꝛle ſone a preſte 6 be made and Hat is a ſpiritualt qentplman to god and not of blow . Butt if a gentylmannye fone be made preſte he is a genta both ſpi rituaſt and tempꝛraſt. Cufte Was a gentilman of his modes te: polue and babe cola ⁊mure of aunſeturis . The. im. Euangeliſt berith Biteeneſe of Criſtis Naꝛkys in the qofpett Pith atk chap: poſtilles. They Were Jebbys and of gentplmen come by the right lyne of that Borthp oquerouo Jud machabeus bot that bp fue aſſion of tyme the kxnrade felt to poueꝛtx : afteꝛ the doſtruccio b1 of Yue MMtachabeus and then hep feſt fo laboris & Bare al ; : 3 ie and the. i. doetotis of boli chiꝛch Sepnt Jes wm N mbroſe Wluqultyn and Gregort Was gentilmen of blow and of cotaꝛmures ¶ Alto the dinifionps ot cotarmuria be. ix. thatt is to Witt . v. pertyte and. iii. vnperkvᷣte Her be. ip. dyuiſionis of ofazmures. W. pez fie g. i. Gnpezfite. The. W. peafile be theys Teꝛmynaſt Colla teraltl Abſtrote Fipalt and aſtazd. ¶ Diterens Enboꝛdÿng ¶ Eumynaſt is cald in aamys alt the brelhezen of right lx⸗ ne hethiꝛ by fadre oz bp modce map bere the right heyris cotamꝛ: ure Nich a differens ale Enboꝛdyng . ¶ Mpferans Jemews CX Collateratt is ale in aamys the ſonnys of the brecheren of the right beyre beꝛpng the cotazmuris of cheyꝛ faderis With a dpfferans Jones Q ditkerens molet CL Fipalt in aꝛnys is alee the thiꝛde wore by the rightly’ ne from the right lepre by line male. hap map bere there faz wris cole armure With a differane molet Diterans countertreuis ¶ Th taſta:de of fipalt chalt bere his faxes colaamuve 07 unkurtreups . chat is to fap Bint fo euer fe berith in his felde he shalt bere m the coloſvris dyueꝛſe and no moe Now cher be. iii. cotarmurps imperkite and be bo2pn wych owte diterana | hr be. im. cotazmuris nm fite: and) be tome Nich othe differance. Thx finſt cotazmube is if a loꝛdſhip a fore (apse be gouen nder pa tent bi the kyng . and if he die Bath oute heyꝛ his cota mute is J ¶ Th ſecund is che otazmure of the epnay gyfte pif he dye Sich owe hex his oaꝛmude is dne. and if tbeys. j. otaꝛmu ris haue wſſhelb forth : che fith degre of theam bering Lyne by male be gentilmen of blode by lalbe of aꝛmys ¶ Eh Heer cotazmute of the Saꝛſyn vif the criſtyn man dye lich owte dofſhew his ootaꝛmure is done and if he had w/ ſhelb forth onto che fith degwe from him by right lyne of cof; heb male he is & gentylman of blode ¶ C fabrith cotarmure of the chefe blode pif he dye Beth old te onp vſſhelv the hole cotaꝛmure is Loft than it fal lith to be a wofaamuce of chympeꝛ fit beꝛyng With a vifferans MT QUE the baſtadis of alt cotarmuris ſhalt kw a fefſe Sa tall tne a baltoj of oon of che. mi. diqnites of colouris . evcepte che baſtaꝛde of the fiprales end the baſtaꝛde of che brett pane of the cheue blow hebe theritaunc is depaꝛ ded ko eüych brochiz e like moch theys baſtaꝛdis ſhalt adde more bagp to his azmys n fake a Sag a bag of aamęs Note here well who ſhall gue catarmures Cher cbaltnone of de - ip. oꝛdutis of wegalite bot alt onli We foucreane Neng qeue cootasmus for that is to hym impeo oj perid bi Lathe of amps . Nnd pit the kyng ſhalt nott make a knyght Sith olbte a cotazmure by fore . Sip knyght deftapn ĩ the felde mai makea cotaꝛmu knight Vn how manÿ places a knvᷣght map be made FL Anygbt is made in. G. dyuezſe plaas In mufeuang in londe of 80 An Semblyng ones banens . In liſtys of the bath nd at the ſepulcuz CCA lated cotarmuré is on the moderis parte CR ſeſſed cota: mure is calde the coofe of a gentpliboman houyng lyuelode Weddyd ko a man zauyng noo cotaꝛmure - biz fone may Weꝛe biz cootazmur rth a differance of azmps du ꝛyng his liue by the arstefp of lalb of asmps . and his fone ſhalt none beꝛe bot fo be that the gentyllboman be heyꝛ oꝛ nept of blow to that co kaꝛmute · Oꝛ ellis beyng hiꝛ byꝛth of the blow Ropalk and than half his hepre beꝛe hit cotatmuie Now Gentpll men be made of Gromis that be not ok cootarmure nether blode and they be cald vntriall and apocrikate as hit ſhewith Hlopng hr be. j. dyueꝛſe Gentylmem made of gwmps ? that be not gentilmen of coteaꝛmure nothes of blode. Don is ale in azm: ps aguitplmay wontriaſt that is td fap made wp emong rely: gxous men as prozps ¶ bbottis oz Mpſthopis . Tint other is alled in azmys a gentilt man appoctifate that is to fap ma u (yp and gouxy ko hem the name and the (pueray of a aentpl: man. ¶ In annps be vi di€erences that is to Gp ii. for excellent and ini. oꝛ nobullbs hr be. Wi. Differences m armps . 3: for thexcellenk. and. n for the nobles . Zatett and Enboꝛduzyng fox loꝛdis. FJemeds Molettys Flobre wlpee and Qupntfoples for thee nobke ° : n blafpng ot armps be.ig.quadracis that is o (ap. v. quadrate Einiall and iii. Cop all I. blafpna of aꝛmys thes be. ip . quadrottis for 6 con: ſider. G. qua drate finiatt and. mi ¶Noyalt. Fpue que orate fintall be ches. Gere. Gerundi . oetly. G eratly. and Endently.· 85 CL Geber is called in aꝛmꝑs han o aꝛmuris aꝛ· p quaa: te ris dyu eꝛſe cololbris a C Gerundi is called m asmps Bhan the cota ꝛmure is of .to . ppuerfe cololbris : f a fuſitaꝛget Bith in che cotazmure of Patt cololbre that hit be of CL Fadpis cal xi amps Nan the cootazmure its caunteꝛſeſid ¶ Geratly is cald in amps Bhan the cotaꝛmure is polodeꝛd Got a blaiſoꝛ ſhalt not fap he berith Zeman. Siluer plbwzd With Lamen Got he chalt fap he beruth E men or ellis in fume aꝛmps he muſte fag dem Eꝛmen: Bich is bo (ar Shitli Ezmen bm Tu ſo moch Hat ithe fifche quadrat fimalt hit is dete ꝛmyned of the tohenys of azmys . oꝛ J pwced t hit: is phelbed Boate maneꝛ of tokenp a gentylt wan map Merz geil man mai not Kees tons of amps bot of ſteinig lobte. that is to fap his cotaʒmute pnpat oz ellis J geratt With poeciouſe (tonpo ~ ; ‘i G erattyng boue.ww · bagges of cota:muris . Firſt With crof lettis. and of thepm the: de. im dyueꝛſe. and tho bene theps Cos fixylp. Cros paty Cros croflettis. and Cros floꝛp C Th ſecunde bage is Flore del N ¶ Th three baage is roflettys ¶ The fobrich nage is pꝛyma roſe · ¶ Th fifthe baage is qupnfolte . ¶ Tr fepthe rape is dinelpe Th ſeu eni age is chappe 2 The. Gj. baage is 11 | CL Gnd the i · baage is Creſſauntis that is to fap talfe the moone. theys be pobbdeꝛpgis of cotazmuris. ¶ Tb fifthe qua drale is alte Enden tly of. in . diuſe Weis that is bo fap tetallp lentally and fpeflp . ¶ Se bolly is lde ĩ atmys an a coteaꝛmure is cal de En dentyd of j. dpuerſe colowris m the length of the cotea rmute ¶ ALotalu is calde m aꝛmys Bian pe cotatmute is Endentid Wich. N. dyueꝛſe cololbris m Gp beꝛde of the cotazmu e C Feeſle is called in atmys. ij. manec Wepe Feſybage beſꝑ taꝛget and fefp general. eſp bagy is Bhan tokenps of armys be dif ſeiuered from the 950 of the cotea mu ve to the right (pleper in the feꝛlde CO Feſp taꝛget ie Byon a ſcogiohj or an engiflet is made in the mpddull of the cootazmure . ¶ Sele generalt is calde m atme Bhan the coofarmuce is Endeneid Pich. . dyueꝛſe colouris from the laſte poynt of the cootazmure to the fplepes V h chefe weal in armys the myddys of the cotaꝛmure of tye right ſxde uadrat is calde m aims Bhan the felde is ſet ith ſum tokyn of aꝛmys Ql quadrant -finatl is called in azmys Bhan the felde is diſcolourid With tokenis of azmps ſauyng no beeſt in the felde. Quadrant Nopalt is calde han the feelde occupyeth p* Faken of a heſt o onp othes Colppn fot With in the cod da rmure do the nolbmbre of fine . Ch fislE quadcant is oon tolypn of azmps allorti (ete andy Batt after his byꝛthe he beerith C Th ſecund quadrant Ropatl is beꝛyng in his to tazmuꝛ in. thynq) calde the tokenys of a ms that is & fap ij flow: redelic in fplcpals. ij voſis. in. chapplettis 13. lebaꝛdis. ij. lx onys. and fo tx. im. qua drat Moyalli is to kere a beeſt Raunz fande: bebaly lentally. and feſſelng. „ = ere (hall be heen what Cootarmtris retry’ al ben and weer the blaſer (hall begyn to blaſe hee cofarmuns be cher called ceſtzyaſt in ams. Con ie Bhan a coofazmure is baꝛti of dyueꝛſe cololb tis e the ppnt . and Prat colo wee the poynt be of .the popnt is the feld · Cher the blafes ſhalt begenne : ¶ Th ſecunde motazmure refériatt is calde ĩ armps Bhan a cdotazmute is paly of dyueꝛſe colouris to the popne . ¢ Whatt pale me dyſt m the poynt pt coloure is the felde The blaaſeꝛ phatt blaſe from that colo wee to the next coloure pale. ö ¶ Ske chord oo taꝛmur reſtriaſt is talde in aꝛmys Bhan a cootazmuce is ſen tꝛy of dyueiſe cololbris to the poynt and Bhatt Fettce mpdptt m che poynt pt colobbre is che felde. Che blafeps (batt blaſe from p* colobbee to fle nept colotbre of the lef te five of che coofazmurce and blaſe the colo wre ſentri. Q erke what ſentre Sigal Mangis Soꝛgis o. ther diuerſe here now kolowyng be calde ĩ armys ¶ M Senter m aꝛmps is called ſtakaꝛ of kentis. ¶ Hivralt be called m armps mplner ppkes - ¶ Manqys be called in azmps a ſleue ¶ Goꝛqys be called in azmys Kater bulges ¶ Elynellis h calde m amps. ij. quadrantis kruncholis. ¶ Oalps be calde mazmps qoneftonpe . CL Turtlettis be calde m armps Koftetk . ¶ Diaclys be called m asmps fcomrellps . Co M: cis be alte in armys mewowbris oꝛ glaſſes eons be calde in asmps brode ato hops . ¶ Tꝛonkhys be calde in aꝛmys anꝑ be ſeys tre oz neck Ikptt chag kli a ſondez ¶ emp is alte in aꝛmys hal fe a beſt in the felde. ¶ Countretteuis is lde m aꝛmys Boon palfe the belt is of oon ooloure and that othes halfe of an other coloure ¶ Ex atasmure chat berith a eroſſe & the poynt: the poyn te is the felde as Seynt Geoꝛge tenth gollis folbre anglettis of Silues . bot apens this rule ſum blaſeris of aꝛmps tepungne as hit is ſhelved m the boke foloyng ¶ This. ij be zmys. of and. Bich ſhalt not be rehꝛꝛſed in tizmys bot onys anp of thaym Ther be diuerſe berpngps ok keeldys Opueꝛſe beꝛyngis of ferldis tr: be ¶ Oon is beryng hole felde. hit is cleppd m aꝛmis clauzp ¶ Ty ſecũde is beꝛĩq too feldis. hit is calde ĩ aꝛmis Coũcli ¶ The cheede is beꝛyng too feld:6 m. mj. quazte xis: hit is caide m armys quaꝛil ¶ Ther bene. iii. cote armurps gꝛytt Three cotaꝛmuris gꝛptty tire bene in armps . Oon is al; led checkx that is Khon the felde is clateesd Lich diüſe colou tis ¶ Et ſecnde is aloe Bonds that is o fap han che felde is made like Batbts of oon coloure o of diueꝛſe colours COT chade is aalde werzy Bhan the felde is made like go bolettys of dyue:ſe alodus . Tn armys be ii. pinponhs. alfa it ſhewys wat clawrÿ cownterlp and quarterlÿ bene with other ¶ Ther kh in atmys lde. j. pynxonys Oon is Kian che feeld his a ſalbtri. Sepnt andre lvys craſſe map be clauti co: unteꝛly quartedp . Clatou is called plapy of oon coloure. Cobnterlp is B pan colobbris quattetly be. . colobus (ett m. jj. quatteris ¶ The ſecunde pynpoj is called cheffrounce that is a couple of ſpa tis . and that map be claurp counteclx qua ttetli geren and byally . CL Geter is Bhan. ts .cheffrounce be td gedur oꝛ moo. ¶ att is called Span a batte is be tene. ) cheffwung Here endeth che mooſte fpeaatk thyngys of che boke of the lynage of Coote aꝛmuris and hold gentylmen ſhalt be knolb⸗ pn from onqentylmen . and nol kee foloyng begynnyth the doke of blofpna of alt man amps: ĩ latyn french ¢ Enalifff Lopliat prima mas. Fu: beghrmpth the blasing of amps FT Dawe hemd pols in thge koche a foots both gentilmé 0 an. and hold che lab of aimzs Who fiiſt oꝛdant. and fom mont altura g deere ane ches ffeene of catssinisi Bith mony’ ofhes thonggis that lt nerd otf ba aheaſed . Nom I mtend to pwerd of fignys in azmpg and of che blafpnig of alt asmps . Mot for to tehordœ aft the ſignye thatts borne m armps ag Pac ye Mac Dragon Long atta. . Qind be auſe th cios is the mooft Borthi ſigne emong al rie in aimps : at Gp cros J Witt teqpnne . in the dich chys nobutt andy myghti pꝛynce Ryng thun pare grete trult ſo cat h lte hie axmpe that h tae of. i Sa gengs: and oi that an ochei phalte of. ij. crobnys . and Coke to his a ꝛmys a ctoſſe of Silueꝛ m a feelde of Merle and on the ught ſide an pinage of olbre bleſſid lady With biz ſone in hir ame . and We chat ſiczne of te cme he dyd monp maꝛuelis after’. as hit is Grityn m ehe dockis of ctonptlis of his mops A lſo J haue ted thpe ſigne of the cros to be ſende from add to that bleſſid man Maꝛœuri as wincenaus fapth.m (peailo hiſtotiali. of th maz; uellis deth of Julian thappoſtita Emproure . li“. x' he ſaythe thangele brought on (o the forefapd (Mezcun all azmure neceſſati Bith a ſhelde of aſure and) a tros flun Brith. mj. fie of golde · as here i this And J fonde newer chat euer any armys Waar ſende from fpupn bot in them thas the ſpgne of the cw s. E peeppid m tyaꝛmys of the Ryng of fr⸗ aun thy Withe armpe ceꝛtanli War ſende bi an alongelt from hx: upn that is to fap .115 flowris m maneꝛ of Sbeꝛdis m a felde 83 of afure . as hit phelbts here. che Bich cerfan ar mye Bare geuyn to the foꝛſapd keyng of fraunce in (pane of eueꝛlaſtyng trowbuſt and) chat he and his ſuceſſaues alt way With tntartt and ſwe veddys ſhulde h punpſhid. oo I athe here moo queſtionis of the crollis ligne Dm J une agayne bo the ſigne of the ews and afke a queſt ion: hom mony croſſis be Lorne m atmys. to the Bich queſt tion onder a ceꝛtan nowmbuꝛ J date not anflvere . for croſſis mnumerabult ar boꝛne nol dapli . bot decendyng to eueri cros the Wich a fore tyme J haue ſeen as fez as J an J entende t dilcribe. emong de Bich fiꝛſt the playn eros ſhalt be diſtrürd of the Bitch cz0e moo dolbtis be made chen of mony odyꝛ ctoffies . for ae moch as Lpfe men in blaſyng of aꝛmys holde foꝛ a we: ti tule that pe mooſt begynne to blaſe at tp lowyſt pnt of the ſheel . uche popnt be of on coloure. and ſo that coloure hat is m ch popnt of fe ſheelde is the felde of the armps ¶ Got in that rule to emeue a wap att doſbtis ye moſt mess re dyligently: that. that rule is trie Bich a littyll addicion . p* is to Bitte that m aꝛmys to be blaſed it is alt Wap to begynn at the popnt of the ſheelde: if the popnt be of con coloure . tt is tne: if fly coloure of tle pnt be more copioſe o2 gretteꝛ in thoſ armps .and then With olbte dowte pe ſhaſt begyn thes · oz el; Lye not. CL Qin Heer ch colo wres be equatt pti other on len oth or ouervaꝛt then euezmore pe ſhalt begynne to blaſe thoos amps in the right fie . and in that caſe pe phatt haue no wfpe cke to the poynt. Cm iff it be aſed bods berich Sept george . it is to bo knalb that pe moſt fop . lafine . ¶ qhortat w: num ſcutum 8 cum quadum ctuo plana d tubio. ¶ Galli. It pot da gent wong cs plan de goſdlez. ¶ Anglia . He beris a de of Silueꝛ Hith a plan ems of gobbles . as be: te apperith in theys amy End ch ſame mane: of Byſe aꝛ alk croſſis aupng a plapn Coff 88 crs of an equalt length on eueri poꝛb⁊ Plaꝑn eros is found in amps diffeꝛyng from the fick cos and hit is of an equatt length on curt posts as it ap gerith here. and theys aꝛmys be harder then the o⸗ ther & blaſe as hit is oppn . fox themys of chys eng tolbchis not te hemmps oꝛ che ottes paste of p* ſheel de i no porte in Bech pe ſhalt fap chat he: that xis thels aunys . latine . fic . Ille poꝛtat w 5 afido cnm cona ctuce plana aurea equalis longi: : adinsep il wp Sock Il port daſeꝛ cong etds pla: yn dung longu: p ont ¶ Engliee. Be berith afuce With a plaꝑn golden cꝛos of equal length on eüꝑ mete. nd this ie Gp differuntz m blafyng. that alt chendys of thys cios arne of e qual the ich mat not be in the playn ctos a fore. foꝛ c fte is tha lengeſt pate . and hit de Belt made. Bind this diffe cy rens fhalt appere bettiz in a eoota mute: chen it doch in a ſhald e ſo theꝛ is an eupdent di fferens be tip p. j. croſſis afozfam C Off a plagn eros ſtroptie i, Hoꝛ is an over eros aquaſt ſtmythyꝛ in Ge mpddis then See Sith opyn coꝛneris as here noi tduchyng dp (otterift parte of the ſheelde in anp mete thes of and hit is mlz a cros patent. N nd pe ſhalt fap thatle the Bid) kus this cros kasi this man. ¶ late fic . Ille postat nam ceucem agen: tam patentem in amp nigro. ¶ Ballice . JI port de ſable mong cros pte daz gent. ¶ Angi 0 fic. Hebeuch Sable a cos pulp f Silues CL Off a ct patent fipibptt . Seer patent is mate dyueꝛſe in the foto of the fame as bit aperich hem. nd then hit is ale a cos pate fipible. fon ĩ the exth ſych a cros map be pyohit. in the Bech coos . 1j . of he tops partes. ax opyn in chr corners and braddeꝛ thhan in the myddps · g his Foote is diſpoſid to piche i che exthe . latine - File portat de rubio cum cna ctuce figitula d albb ¶ Gallice . Il pont de gullis tong tros pate fiche magent ¶ Et anglio . He berich Sullys and a cios palp fixibiſt of Silueꝛ. & ud lmawe pe chat cher be mo np croſſis de kod may be maade fipibitt as hit chalt be ſhelrd hebe folowyng in dpueꝛſe. Off a plan etos coꝛdyd. Mong odp: croffis oon is forme the Bich is calde a cd did cros as hoe it is ſheſbed ĩ this etos de Wich is aal d. a cddid Cros : for hit is made of onys . che Bich veston cros I fe bott late : m thaꝛmys of a nobutt man : thy Bich in weꝛy wed Bas ſumme iy me a caifip man a Kops as he hym felfe fayd . an E hatt fa of him thattecith thepe aus V laune C Ile portat gobolles cum na cruce a plana 5 atgento e See K post de goullez e ung eros plapn coꝛdee dazqent. Q unglice fic gullis . e of Splues . C Off actos playn pforatid . es is an odyꝛ ctos plapn the Wich mezucluflp fro che lapn eꝛos of Sapnt gecage differs. as here agpenith . En here it is to be meꝛkyd . that thoppynxon of fum men : ſayng is . chat thers azmys be chebtesd aꝛmys. and this oepynpor is ottusli co be wepre agd fos aꝛmys map not be checked bot at the leſt in Gp nombus of . i. and m a ꝙrettyz nombus they may Bele be made. as Aerdbeoſbe ſhalt ple theo. Ckerſo⸗ it is to be fard . latme fic . lle poꝛtat on⸗ am crutem azqented pforatam in amp nigzo . Et gallic fic . port de 0 Sabi eng coos marae ptee. I nglice. b berith Sable and a etos prꝛforatid of Siluet t (tt CG. Off a beſantid cros. wer theis ctoſſis Be heue an odps ctos the Biche J ſalde late in thaꝛmys of a ceꝛtan Januens as late it ſhelbis End chis is alee a beſant eros for it is made alt of beſanttis . and ſych a cros maꝝ be made als fo; ne Rich (ptt mips as Beth beſanttys . for beſan tps and lyliſt aks differ not bot in colore . fos beſanttis be eue of golden coloure. ne the coloure of the beſant ſhalt be eppeeffid in blaſyng of at mys. fox it nedis not to fap a beſant of golde fos ther be no be ſantis bot of golde Theꝛfoꝛ it is to be ſapd . Laine ſie “(le pottat onam etucem talentatam m cmpo rubeo Salle ſie. ¶ Al port de goleʒ ong cꝛos beſaunter Angliee fic. ¶ He beuth qodles and a cꝛos beſauntid. C Aff a eꝛos flutzy Ob folo with an odpꝛ cros fluꝛzp . the Bich is ſo called as hit apperith bere . nd theꝛfoꝛ hit is calde de floriſh eng cꝛos. foꝛ hit has flouris in cued ende or de that is to fap ſaue the foote . thys cros fluꝛri ſum tpme is boꝛne in arms fipabutt · ¶ d then it ie calde in aꝛmꝑs a ctos fluari fipabulf . foꝛ in ih. of his oe be floriſhyng and in dp foote pichabult oꝛ fixabult. Chesfore it is to be ſaxde of him chat beris hit. laine . ¶ Poꝛtat vnam cuccem au team flo dam in campo aſoteo. Et galliſe. L l port daſoʒ na crops flouceteꝛ doꝛ. & nglice. ¶ He berith aſuu and a C206 flutri of golde. Cob bree phatt be ſhewxd of a ew fluꝛti mécht i ams OW folowich a nod cros th Bich is called a eros flus p patent. as bere it apperith. Qnd hit is lee a cos füꝛd patent fox be bath his endis opyn andi y myddys of cued ende apperith an othes chꝛyde m the manez of a flobre as it is opynli ſhelbed in Gre cos. Theꝛfore it ſhalt h ſapd that the be ces ef theys azmys: keris in this Ryſe as foloth fiz{t nf latyn thus. Ce Poꝛtat nam carcem flo sam patente de auro n camp afurco. Et gallice ſic. cs! port dafoz. cong, fate floureteꝛ tos . BWrglice fic . CD berith afuce with a cros patent fluꝛti of golde. c ſhalt pndeꝛſtand here of a plapn The eros. Os ouer pe halk onderſtonde that ther is ay othore lapn eros tle Wich ceꝛtanly is cal de a Watery cw. and tt de calde a Tater cros for hit is made bi the ma ner of Water kwibbulled with Bynte . as here hit ſhelvps l theps armys . Thenſoꝛ he the wich berith yn} thoys aꝛmys boris in this dyſe as it ſhalt fololo fiꝛſt in latyn thus x CPoztat nam cru planam ondoſam de aꝛ eto in campo rubeo. : Et gallice ſic. . Il port de gowlez tung eros plogn onder urgent. &ngliè fic . a De berith golyles and a playn Fated coos of Seluez * c ii C Alo Ger is a cre chat is cald inuechpt. M amps alſo aꝛ founde meo croſſis d Wich az made of colobas muckbpt oz ment as hre m thys eꝛos ape: nth And it is calde actos muelcpt for the cau fe that hit pas. y. coldu tis. oon put m & an o⸗ the: . nd of him chat beris theys aꝛmys pe ch alk fap fiaſt m latyn thus. ¶ Poꝛtat onam cracem plano m muec tum de coloribus alt is ct m GUS m campo tuo. Et qallice fie . yi fost de golblez tong eꝛos playn ere mecentc fable . lic. ¶ He beath goles and a cꝛos of Siluez and Suse in ucktpt . Off an othes manes cio that is cald a etos ctoflet. Let folo with an othes eros th Rich es tal de a ctoa erf ſit or croſlet. and hit is old czoſſit fos j ciz end h is ceoffit as hee appetit: . ot this ctos is not fo oft dome in amy by him ſelfe as other crof fie neuer the lees mony (ymps hit is boꝛne i di: wynutiups that is & fap m littytt croſſis cꝛoſſit And thy tha ꝛmys az poet With titty cref: cmaatt . nd pe ſhalt fap due of hym pt ene chaps at mys fiaſt m latyn. T lle pꝛtat vnam cum trucio tam d aꝛgento m campo a ſodeo. Et galliq fic . | port infos wong crore exaptee dient. N nglic fic e beuth afuce g a ctos ctoflet of Silues . A nd Blan ſuch croffis az borne and pubiasmpe as J faid afore t dpmpnuturps & Be othée arp cto nombre chem chap as called in frend Etoflettys. ¶C More owes thes is a ctos maſtulatit as here it folobis . Of: ye Belt pit pe thes is on othes cros the Bpch is ml: is led a co maſeu latif as hre it appetis . & nd chis eros called a cme maftulatit foꝛ h is made of maf dilys of ée Wid ceꝛtan maſeulis pe chaſt ſe af : be dard in the chapituꝛ of fuſꝑllis maſcult: and lofpnaps lee this mater ſhalt be mooꝛ playnli treit. ud he chat kas chys arms betis as it is ſhelbed hes after. - fiꝛſt in loten dhus . Poꝛen( nam carcem ma ſcu latam de aig i m camp a: ſeceo. Etaallice fie. ¶ Il port mfoz ong crs maſeulet i e ſie. ¶ He beiich afure and a cos maſcu EX Al fo che: is a ctos maſiu lotit and peꝛſoratit as hre. taht. in e maſculps as it is oppn in che paiſnghe e folobyng. End chus pe moſt bloſe hym . fizfe m latyn in ches Ppſe. I. Ile poxtat nam ctucem ma 1 5 a 0 in ae aramteo. Et aallia fic . port daaqen 5 de auiles maſcule W. Nnglicœ fie. Be ruth Siues Wich a cꝛ00 of goldles maſcu latit palit - C= it note: chat thys eros maſeulatit ſum (yme is pfo C Shr is a mylneris cws as hier ik ſhalt he ſhewed. Ex folobis an otheꝛ eros the Bich is cal de dp cros of a milne for hit ix made to Ele ſimplitu de of a clon ifm ment of pene in mylnys the Nich berich the mylne ſton by the Rich ĩſerument: that ſton in his are is boene equally that he wclpne not oueꝛ myche on che right pte neꝛ on che lefte pazte. bot myniſte apne to eueri parte chat: that is his equallp and Vith owte frabbde . And thys is geupn to Jugis & bete n they aue: and (o thos chat haue Juri: Diction wnws cheym . That ie & fap as che foꝛſapd iſtrumẽt is directe: bo the mylne (tone cqualli and? Wich olbte gyle. Ss thos Juges ar bondyn & gyffe equalli & eueri man his right. And it is bo be ſapd pe Hp poſ ſeſſoꝛ of cheis azmp lens i chis Bp(e . fiꝛſt i latyn thus · ¶ Poꝛtat vnam truem molẽ dinarem azqenteam m amp ae Et iam gallia . CJ pit gobbles ong cros molegne meget . Nnglice. Ne berith gobbles and a mylneris cos of Splucs . Db it phath be chewed of a eros that is tusnpt a gape. stan We haue a cros te Bich is calde a eros kuꝛnpl a? L apn é and this cwos is calde eefornpl: for the cauſe x d is eros on eueri ſide as vetoꝛn | if the manes of a (Ramps borne . Gad ly that buris theis aꝛmps beris ĩ chis Wife fieſt in lalen thus . O ortat nam crucem auceam it fam in ſcuto aſiweo. Gallice fie . IL post daſos rong ctos vecertilee do:. Wnaliee fic . C Be berie afuce With a cros muerſit of golde. C Off a coe ffoꝛld. Chee: ſtande pe that ties be other men the Wich bees in QU Jeeps azmys a cortan foꝛleyd cos as Gps is. And hit is called foꝛkyd: fox as moch as that alt chen; dys of hit az cloupn and ſoꝛkpyd. Therfore hit ſhalt be ſayd of thos me that berit theps aꝛ mys in chte Bhife . primo latine. ¶ Moꝛtat nam etucem fuxcntam de auw in amp aſereo Gal. I port uſo: ng cros we . Anglia. ¶ He berith afure Vith a cios forkeyd of gold ‘ ¶ Off a cros engraplid oz eigradid. so cha be ceztayn nobult wen the Wich beer a cws eng: Are oꝛ eraylid. as it apperis here fololbpna nd hie is calde a cros engraylid foz hit is not pla ye m onp parte of him bat engraylid alſo Net ouer his length as ouer his breed : (Leue: the lees this engraplyng is no pꝛoput langage aftrs the fight of chys cmos : bol ratheꝛ an enden tyng as teuth is Gol il is de comune maneꝛ of fpe uyng in cheys atmys . Eherfove pe moſt ſax as I ſapd a fobe Em pe ſhalt fap of him chat beris theys atmps m thes Bp ſe. Fuſt in latyne thus. oꝛtat (nam ctucem ingramtam de alto in campo mko.€t tam Gallicte. . Cl pte gullys tong eros ingral mroent . Qlnalice . CL /e wus godlps and a ctos mamples of Spluer. C Off a eros cutoff Fynd pet an othp eros: che Bich is boꝛne mony fim: poi cha mys of nobult men . che Wich is ala cone tefl atio And hit is cald trunkzatid fos hit ma def. Gore tats cut a Wap · as here. The; 2 breit! is to be ſayd that Gp pſſeſee of theys az mys beris in latine thus. ¶ Poꝛtat nam cm cem truncatam de aꝛgentd in campo tubꝛo Ei gal. L l pot d gullez (unc ezos recopet durget. nglice. ¶ He tenth gowles Pith a ems trunka tid of if Stee CL off a knotty eros. Bos pe pit aftes theys croffis the: is an oches cꝛce tf iche is calde a lrnotty cꝛos: Ge Wich ĩ estan is calde fo for hit tas meity end cestan lenottis. as hebe Und it is to be “opt of bem that tens theys as mps in thys Nyſe . Primo late . T pfe pos: fat nam crucem auream nodulatam ĩ ſeuto afo deo. Et gallice. Aub port daſos (ong ez os bo tone ws. Anglite CL He beris afuce Bich A cꝛos kmotty of goolde rs | And thys ezos is foumte other Nhile ppake or figityue i as ms. and) then his foote is figitxue as J ſapd a fore . CL Off actos fluzw knottid , wer chies croſſis Be tue acestan cove flusti of the (is ch t is fpolepn a foore . the Biche cos fluzti is ſounde tinotty as here. nd that is as J fopd a fore boten kenottys as founde i chendys and the angus of ehe fapd cros. N nd che beres of the ſapd amps fate. ¶ Poꝛtat nam erucem nodu latam flo rium auzteam in camp de aſuꝛo . Et galliœ fic ¶ Il post qſoz wong ctos floretee borone doꝛ Gate. ¶ He berith afure and a ctos flurvi knot of gold C Off a cros mbbbutt paid. Ctos dolbbult is founde in the asmps of dpucz(e nobult men tie Vypch ceꝛtan ctos is mide a dolbbult ptitid cros Hor if it be duydid oꝛ patid aftet ch long Wap oz the bꝛode Tap pit ther a bydys on dolvbulk cros as Re may ſe here. Mit Y haue (cen man no; ig butt men dolvttyng of thys crosmorce then of anp eꝛos a fore {aid : the Wich neuer the lees aftiꝛ long 0 diſputacioms in thoppyrion a forefapd veſtid and? concludid. Theafode he chat beris thepe amps . latine fic . Porint onam corcem duplicntamy azgeiteam m aæmpo m: go . Galliæ fie . ¶ Al port {able ong ctos doloble pꝛtie da gent. &nglice fic. ¶ He kerith Sable and a ctos dowble peztitid of Silues . C Off actos wibble ptifin floriſhid Bie cros whble ptitid is waried fam timys . and then hit is called a ctotz doloble mrtitrd floriſhid. as here. (Keuestheles hit is calde a eros fluzri inpꝛopu⁊li as ſum men ſayen fos hit faylich the myddys of (hag flowee as a non bit halt folo in th next asm es. the wich ceꝛtan myddys by no manes of Bpfe m that cꝛos doldbble ꝑtitid may be. as a noon it ſhalt be hebed. Mot he that berith theis amis ; latine . CL Portat vnam crucem duplam pétam auream in campo rukeo . Gallia . ( Il post de qotbles ong eros double ptie floreter d. Glnglice> ¶ He berith gotblesand a cos doldble ꝑtitid fluꝛdi of gold CL Off a eꝛos triprtitin floriphid . ptitid flo riſhid for the: faplith the myddys of Ae eros by the Bich the cros flouphid is ma de pfite. as here hil is oppy . the Bech ceꝛtay myddys putt the: to it ſhalt not be called a cro dobble ptitid floriphed t rathiꝛ it ſhalt be aalde a eros thoefolde ptitid | str. and then it is Belt dlaſed . fos and it be dyutdid after de longnes oꝛ after te bꝛodenes alt Bap oon parte ſhalt a byde triptitid in the wyddis of ſhe creo as itis opyn ĩ thazmys a fore Prittyn. ¶ nd therfore h that be vith cheis aamis . latine . ¶ Portat (ond ecucẽ᷑ (riptitã de as g icayn de afuro. Gallice. ¶ Il port mafer ong, eos trefos po ptee floretee dargent. ng lite ſie. ¶ He berith of afure With a cros kriptitid floꝛe of Silues . er ers is phelbeda fore this eꝛos is calde a eꝛos dotbble ¶C ff a mylneris ctos phacothyd oꝛ w brut obble heer is pit of a certopn ſhadolb of a mylnerys cds as it ſhewith hebe folobyng . ¶ nd kenabd pe that il iõ called a harold of a cros for eueꝛmoꝛe thys tharos is made of blacke coloure .of Nhat ſum e wer coloute che felde te of . the ſhadold is mad of Slacke . and the bodi of the fame ſhadolb is of xe fame colour With dp feld. ¶ nd hethat de nif cheys amps. latine Poꝛtat onam aucem (mbratam m campo quero. ¶ Galua fic . Il pat doꝛ wong eros molepne Ombre, ¶ nglic. Be berith of golde With a myln xis c vos ombrolid oa ſha do yd. ¶C Off a cos floree patent Ymbratid. (other ſampult is ſene of the ombracion of a certagn HAcwe . and) chys cꝛos is alee a eros floꝛe ombratid as amerith here . bot truly ſpeleyng andpꝛopurli. 8 it is no cꝛotz: bott a ſhadolb of ſuch actos . and the veſon is . for the bodi of the ard ſhadobb is of the fame coloure Nith the felde. nd ſo che colo re that is m the felde phetbith by alt the body of che fapd ſhadold. ¶ rd thoo that bees thes armps . latine . portant nam crucẽ florinm palentem vm: bratam in camp tubeo CI Gallice fic Gl port de gobbleʒ (ong etos pater floritee ombre ¶ Qlnatlice fic . He berth of gold les and a cios patent flore mbratyd. ¶ OFF acts flon méent umbtotit and peꝛfototid. Cues che les after ſum men thps ſhadoyd cme oches (Ep? le is petſid maꝛuolufl as hit fololvith bere and than hit is aide actos floon patent mb ratyd ard petfo: Bld for hit acoidie Mitch che coos precdynq epceppid the waſyng n c mpddys of the ſayd pha doo ¶ And then hit ſhalt be ſopd chat he the the Brelp teath this cms . latne. Poꝛtat Ona ctucem flo tim patentem mbratim peꝛforatam cum rubio in campo aureo Lt callice fic Yl prt w2 wngcmps pate flowfe ombae g faite de golble, . | 7 BH irialice He berich of gold a cos mtint fluꝛti hadopd g pea[p> With qotbles, Laſerie mooſt be Bare of theis amps oombratid of th Bich : monp roddles be ſhelbed a fore. ot for ehh bla⸗ ſyng of theis ceꝛtan amps ſum ignorant men of thys crafte tate th rule goyng a fore that is & Brite of the colodris (ranſ; mutid as pe fal a fore Mot ther be cerfan nobuls and geil; men in viglon de th Dich beede ſhadops diueꝛſe in theyt azmys as Lyon ¶Qntlop ard othes . and thep that dere cheys armis and hie be a lxon pe ſhalt ſai m lat ¶ oꝛtat wum leone Combratum in amp azo CU” Gallice . HE port dz et (ong leon Ombꝛes. CT Qinalice . He bes rith of golde and a lyon gmbzatd . ¶ nd men fap that ſuche pſonps as beer theps dmbratid aꝛmps tnd chere pgeritoris bespna the fame nok Gm brakd bot hole Got the poſ ſeſſionis g the patcimonpes deſcendid to otfes men. then the Oleuoys oꝛ Rynnyſ men teupng in goode dope and tauftpna & haue the pof(effionis of their paemtous ; bees chen amps ombratid . alt odes dtffezens a fore ſaid leuig. fos Bien Axp baue chat mtrimonp : that thai truſtit w. ſoon Hap map bees that lion oꝛ other beeſt of the fame coloute the li; pz Progenptoas bars. and it is bettpꝛ to beer Hos aꝛmis ombratit thenhoollg toleeff trp ptogemtouris az ys. C Mit frre folowis an cate cos hmpt or boꝛdetil as apperis wet dolbte pit demapnys a nendps blaſeris of amps i Vofferens be tie thus cros fimbuq tit oz boꝛderit. as he re nob apperis and ty ſoiſayd eros ombratit. in ſo woch chat thepat mych like. and) it appe⸗ ris m the fixſe ſight that they be bot oon. bot and a man beholde Welt chez is a gret differens . for the boꝛdiꝛ of thys crot is Wa riet as Belk fro the coloure of the cros as fro c colouce of ch felde. ard elles is (h no doe. Thezfote it Patt be faye of hem that bedis theys aꝛmys in thys Vyſe fiꝛſt m latpn thus dat vnam cruom nigram peꝛforatam florium palentem fimbriatom ſiule boduratam cum aꝛ gtd in camp rubeo Gallic fic ¶ Il post d qulleʒ ong cris flourete pate pez ce de ſabult hoꝛ dure da: gent. ¶nglice fie. ¶ He be tich gou les Bich a coos fluꝛri patent peafit of Sable boꝛderit . Sila,’ Nobd folobis an Campy eros as it halk be ſh eloyd Dx certan thr is an Ezmyn etre . 4 hit is a meꝛuelus cros of ye Rich cher Nas a di fprttacion . at london by a certan hracomde of Se tan. xd it Ras dete ꝛmpnyt chat cheys azmyps map fe m non other oloute bot as bere it appetis nd thxs cros is cald an Eimyn coos . and it d halk be fayd of him chat boris theps azmys in chys Bp(e as it ſpalt folob . fiz(t in lalyn thus. ¶ ortat wnam crucem e: remtnalem. Et ale fi fic. CYL prt ong crops Etemmee Nnglic fic . Ae He berith acmsermpn ¶ nd here ye mooſt a chat the coloute i cheys aꝛmys (halk not be eypreſſit᷑ fos this eros ner cheis aꝛmitz map not b made bot of theys colouris that is to fap allone of blacke and Nhile the dich aꝛ the propuꝛ colo vis of cheys amps Sufftdientli is ſpokpn of croſſis afore . noth folo dis an odiʒ treteps of opueꝛſe amps quaateꝛꝑt as hre phat be ſhewyt. OF azmpe quazteut ſum a2 azmis quazterit plapn Sum quasterit enqradii Sum quaꝛterit tarafit . Sumquat terit inueckpt . Sumquastecit indentit of the Bech it phatt be ſpokxyn euetich oon after offer ard fiaſt of thazmps playn Tit chalt be thewyd fiaſt of aꝛmys quacterit plapn, O maneꝛ of Ryſe a2mys map be quartent. Ch fuſt manez is oppn Phan. j. dpuezſe azmps aꝛ boꝛne ea pe beris cheys aꝛmys thus as folotbye, fiaſt keꝛli as it is oppn and plan in tha ꝛmys of the kyng o 7 kuatyn lle oꝛtat aꝛma egies Francie 0 0 g of 5 And pe ſhaſt fap of hym Tats quꝛte ata. Et gallice fic. Pot lez aꝛmes de France et mnale | pee 1 Nnglice fic. ibe kus chaꝛmys of France ¢ Englonde quasterii. And it halk not be te deus fo no man that Frame is put be five Englonde iblafpng. tot deaule is this . foctharinps of cance in atmys be put afore and Ke haue a geñalt rule p: fumett macmps be. p. lou tis moo t th poynt of the hel ; & . chm pe ſhaſt not begpn at the poput to blafe them. bot in th rahe pte oꝛ (it of thos annys . chat ſame coloure ther found ithe right fate of ye chelde is not ehe felde of tharmis. fos tt mac fortu no it is not ch geetiſt colouce i ha tmys af ſayd bot les oz Bith othit equatt . and neü the les pe ſhalt begyn to blaſe ter . Off armys quartly bone nob if halk be chelwyd. 2 He ſecũd maner of Nyſe of beꝛyng quarterit armps is Fyn . mi. diuſe aamye quazili te toꝛne ag here is chelbyt Nud he chat boris cheys armys du. in di re ſe aꝛmys quaatli. latine fic. lle mrtatqua Jn hel tuo aꝛma diũſa quaꝛt᷑tata Gallerie ; 0 U Il port quaster azmes diũſeʒ quaꝛteleez. nglice fic e berith. mij. ans dru(e quarth . nd hen if it be aſkpt hob theys az: mys ſhuldẽ te blafit. T hʒ blaſeꝛ moſt begyn ithe heyſe comett ott ch uqht fie padpng to ep azmps - tha ꝛmys m the right fire blafit : ye moſt go to the odir fit g then to the thiꝛde ſide a aft 0 ehe laſt . Nnd pe moft enol that thepe azmys veheꝛ ſit afore be plapn azmps quazteut. oan an othiꝛ man of beꝛyng of atmmys quartié Then Y az; quaꝛterit be boꝛne quastlé . andit is boꝛne moſt ĩ aamis of quenps and ſo tars that noble quene of Englond quene Anna Bp fe to that vopatt prince Apng (Richard the ſecende: the Wich bude chaꝛmns of Englondẽ of Fraunce and of thempoz of Gl map quastlig m. x pees · chat is & fap m ch right (tt of 7 11 elde in te fiꝛſt quarter ſhe bade ſhermys of frauneæ. in. flo 5 of os ia felte of aſure. gi dp ſetunde quaré.ty Zi baꝛtis of golde ĩ a felde of gowles . gi pt chiꝛd quatt an Egle folapd ddt. h. neckis. ai che. ij · a blaze Ipon ramppng ĩ a fel de of Sila. and fo chaungeablp phe bade theys aꝛmys m. pi. quastens tle Rich ſeldyn is (een many azmys - CL Off camps quarterit and engraplyt nod ſhaſt be phetbptt Om J hel pol ye ſum time Re zuue aꝛmys quarterit Lee that is to Pitt Bean eüp aꝛmys ĩ his quaꝛt᷑ is engraplit as here apperis · q it phat be fapd of him pe bens theis asmp thus . fiaſt ĩ latyn ¶ Ille poꝛtat de aur g rubio arma qua ꝛteriata ¢ mara: data. Et galliq fic. ¶ Il poꝛt doꝛ et gowleʒ qua tile engel. ¶ nglice fre ¶ Te tenth of golde ẽ gelules qua ⁊tetip engraꝑl it. & nd thet at alt aunys engwdit for they at made of. j. olouris the Rich geadikly ar broght to gedit con coloure in to an others mloure Off amps quaterit and izwiſpt noth J Bill ſpeke. E tan aꝛmps that be quarteri¢ and ixraſit as here apperis. the Rich ctan camps ar cal ted quarterit anne itraſit. for tke colouris be ra: fit olot as oon coloude ĩ raſyng Kare take abap from en olhit. ¶ nd it ſhalt ke ſayd of him ye tes ris cheis aꝛmys mn latyn thus. JOortatasma quarteriata trafa d albo g nigro · Gallice fic ¶ Il pont daꝛgmtet Sable quactler ittaſe. A nglice fic . E keris Siluet and Sable quasterelp tseafpd. Off armys quasterit mueckpt now hre it hath be ſhewyt. Her be pet ſolbnde aꝛmys quartli inueckpt. oꝛ av ſum men fap thep be a amp quaterit of eololobris inu echt as here apperis. the Rich for foth az aloe azmis quaꝛterit ĩuectut oz of colo rus mucchpt . foꝛ ĩ them az.ij.nloung quaꝛcli put: ye Goon ĩ to the ochiꝛ . 2 fo on alo wets ĩuthit ĩ Goan offis T heꝛfore it is (aid of hi ‘tenis theis aꝛmys ĩ this Rife fiꝛſt ĩ latpy thus lle postal qua ꝛt᷑iatim de aſurio et auto ĩucctis Et qallice fic. ¶ Il post quartli werve mafor el m2 . Wnalice fic . ¶ He ruth quaséli mueckpt of afure and golde. | N olb of arms quazterit indentpt it phat here k ſhewyd. masterit annys be ſounde dtutꝛſe ſhe Pych ar calde inden tit as hre agpetic : and they az cule: mdentit foꝛ. . co: lowtis oon in to an othia by th man of teth az in dentit : as is opyn ĩ che ſheld. ¶ ud chus pe phatk blaſe cheym fiꝛſt in lay. E ortat arma quasteriata Teenta; ta de rubio et duro. Gallice ſie. LI poꝛt quartestlee endenkler de goldlez et doz. (Nnglice. 8 He berith quaséli enomtit of gotbles and go . Off armpe pastit aftiz the long Bap here halt be heboyt. inken de nol to detmyn of aꝛmys paztit aftet dh longe the Nich ẽtan patkyng aft tha long Ray on on length is 1 pt of Byfe . CO Th fiaſt pticion fos oth is d ‘of j oloutis in atmps afler ch long Bap in the plapne man CL Theis alſo a piyng of armps of .5.coloutie ingradyt - ¶ nd alſo ther is aptyng of. ij · colodris irmafit. ¶ Glſo foꝛſoth ther is a pastyng of. j. cololbris mucckpt - CL Gd thes is an othis paztyng of. 3j. cololbris endentit. ¶ This alſo a ptyng of. ij. olowris clolbdit ox nbulatit. ¶ rd maoꝛe ouer ths is a ptyng of. j olobris Watery . PMY ſhewpd to pot that chr be ceztan a tmys pastit aftes the long Wap of ij. clolbris in th plapn Way as here appeus i cheys armmys. nd they aꝛ cal ptit aꝛmys for theꝑ be made of j. oloutis equal li ptit. nd he that teria theis arms berie thꝰ d latpn. (ue postat azma paꝛtita plana ſecun: dum longum de aſorio et albo. Gallicæ fic . CL Fl pet dnſos et dagent playn pte. N ngli “™ cefic. Re hiith afuc and Spluer plapy ptit . CC Off azmpa pattil the long Gap ingralpt J Witt phet hebe {fo ther is ptiaon of aꝛmys engralyt the long Way as ws CA faid a fore bi engraplyng df. j. colouris to gedꝛꝛ as kere apes. ¶ ud cheys aꝛmys ar calde aamys en: empl pt ptt af tes the long Way of ſiluet and Sa ble. N nd it ſhall be fapd of him that berith thes ars i latyn thus. PQ oztat arma ptita ſecun dum longum ĩgradata de aꝛgento et gro. Gal: lier fic ¶ Il port daꝛgent mgrayleꝛ et Sable p; f te du long . Blnalice fic Ee berith Syluer and Sable in: graplyt ptit after the long Gap . ere NOW it ſhalt be pheibpt of asmpe msti€ end irraſit. He thud maner of Rife ar fount aꝛmys mafit of. . co⸗ bees C irraſit as here. of th Rich it is to be ſapd: as afore of quastent armps iꝛtaſit. nd he that teris theps armys: bus m this Bye as folobys fiꝛſt m latyn thus . Doꝛtat arma ptita ſecundũ longum srrafa de aꝛgentd et tubio . Ballice fie . CF prt ꝑte du long dzgent et d gwwlez race Qinalice ſie. He berith azmys paztit on length of Selues and gowles trmfit > Off wanps pit the long Rap and inueckpt now J Nilt ſpebe fo kh founth manet of yſe: azmpo partit aa boꝛne af ter ch longe Kap of j. olouris nueckyt as here apperie nd theis a zmys be alte mueclext for the colo us be put oon in to an ochiꝛ on wunde Pyſe. End theys armes diffes moch fro tharmys next leyng afore ireafit . Wheꝛfore it ſhalt be ſaxd of hym the Bich kus theps aꝛmys chus as it ſhalt flow fiaft m latyn thus. Lypſe patat ama e partite ſetundum longum de alonbus alto et rubio mucctis . Galli fic. ( Il port partee Wesm du long mraent el de gowblez I nglice fic E berith poztit mueckyt on lengthe of Siluez and golvles. d Off aꝛnys paatit oy che long Rape montpe bee it is ſhelopd Otheli an othiz manez of mrtpt aꝛmys ther is che Pi he is lde dp fyfthe manet paztyt after the long Bap of. N. colouris and theys aꝛmys az called portptt indentptt. for thys mufe that. ij. diu ſe cololbris az put to gethit: chat is to fop bite and blac az put & ged afk the mar of mẽnis tethe as it is ſayd afore m che quaꝛte rit azmys indentpt. And cher fore pe ſhalt fay of bom the Bich kus theys armps in thys Wyle. fiꝛſt in latyn thus. Pcꝛtat as ma fastità ſecundum longum de argentd et nigto mdentata Gallic ſic. TL I post partee erdente du long dazgent g fable Et angliafie. ¶ He kath azmps ptit indentit on length of Spluez and Sable . Off army matyt afk dp long Bap clow dy oz nebulalyd. 4 the ſept man of Gpyſe her be azmps borne pastpt afk long Bap nebu latyt as here it ſhalt be phelbpd in lis ſcochon. N nd theps aꝛmps be alde innebulatyd fo. j clolbris a: put to gedte by the manere of clow dys - Thyꝛfore Ae poſ ſeſſoꝛ of cheys a amps be us m thys Pyſe as it chatt be ſapd fi ꝛſt i Latyn chits Do itat aꝛma pa ꝛtita ſecundum longum de aꝛgentd et aſorio innebulata. Et qallia fic . ¶ Il post ptie du Long da cent g daſoꝛ mne Anglice fic. ¶ De bens azmps pastpett on length of Sil; ueꝛ and afure innebulatpt b Off army pfyt ati of Sylueꝛ and golbles chis ſcochon is Ore oueꝛ afk eps aꝛmys aforefapd pit ther be borne amps matpt after the longe Ray. and they be Natter as hre in this ſtochon it apperith. and cheys asmis as calde Natteri: foꝛ. ij. cololoris as ncariet oon in bo an other by tip manet of Water trobulde W. Kent . ¶ nd ye ſhalt fap of him that kus this asings m thys Vyſe as folobys: fiaſt n latyn CL sfrortat arma ptpta wndofa ſecundum long de asaart et mbio. Gallic ſie. ¶ Al mst ptice du long dusgent ef de golblez onder. El anglic fic. ¶ He rath aꝛmęs postpt th long Wop of Syluer and gowles Nalteri. Nobd here J begynne bo fpeke of aꝛmys pastyl oucalbare : Nes nobb fololhps to ſe of azmps ptpt ouezDart . the A~LBich cztan pozticion ou ezazt is made as monp Wyſe as is the ptpaon on length. that is to fap on th plapn Rap ouezwazt. ingcaplyt. iacaſit. nuechyt . mdentit. innebula⸗ tit. and) Batten . Weꝛfode of cheys cestapn (hat be che wyd bp ſixnys and fizſt J teqpne | at plapn aꝛmps ouldaat as pre it hall be phe * hyd . nd it chatt be (apo of bpm chat berithe theys army m chys Wyſe fiiſt in latyn thus C Poꝛtat azma paꝛ tita eptranſ ũ ſo plana de au ro g aſo uo. Et gallic ſic. ¶ Il post pate ttanfũſie dor g mor. Anglia fic. Ete tenth golde and aſure pat oübat ¶ Rnab pe that here is no colbte of chat fir ſt ale : that is ko fay that a man ſhalt beqyn at thr poynt of the chelde to blaſe foꝛ eee is as mych aloure of gol de as of aſure CL Off arms irroſii ottbare noth bree 1b phalk be chelbpe . Od of a nothiz maner of paatpcion of colouris in amis ouù daz J Vit fpetee. Ind it is alee itraſit as here it ſhalt appere m this ſcochron. of che Wich it 1s & be fupd chat tie gentytt man tie Wich beris Heps armps tens m chis maner as folos fiꝛſt m latyn thus. ¶ Poꝛtat anna patita extranſuſo inaſa de auro et rubio Et gallic fie. ¶ Gl gost paztie tranſueaſe iaraſe dos et golblez. Anglic fre. ¶ De berich aꝛmps partyt ouestoart tttaſpe of golde and gobbles . N obb of aꝛmys paꝛtyt otrthartt pe ſhalt paue an exemple. Emps ther be alſo ddentyd oüddaꝛt and paꝛtyt · ¶ nd chey be alte mdentyd fos thepte coloſbris as is ſapd afore at put oon im to an othiz bi de manet of meme tethe . nd uf phat be ſayd of him that beng theys aꝛmys m chys Byfe fitſt m latyn thus N ortat arma ptitu eptranſuſo ĩ dentata de auro et aſotio as afor is cehezſit. Et qallice fic . TI port ptiæ & trauets doꝛ et daſoꝛ endenter Inglic fre ¶ He berich armps ptpt ouldaꝛtꝛ mdenkytt of gol de and afuce And & reheꝛſe moore of ptyt azmps oùlbaꝛte it nediſnot fos it is rehꝛꝛſpt fufficrentli in the rules next afote ĩ ams ꝑtpt on lenglhe · Theꝛfowe it phatt not be cetezſptt here agapn . quia inu tilis eſt vepeticio mus ad eiufdem . and that is eo fap Il is an onpfitabull veberfyne of oon thyng to orbes(e the fame a gapn in ds next (entane . Theꝛſot to ſpelte moore of asm: 78 matt and Ficuce hepm : othes of mgraplit oꝛ ittaſit muec ht mdentit nebulatyt and ondatpt: it nedys nof . for they te taght fufficently ĩ ch long y. ¶ nd J beleue it ſhalt te had h fend mony moo annps ptpt aft the long Bap oꝛ ou art then as reheꝛſit a fore Neu cht lees if anp be fumde or ſe⸗ ne. in cheym the fame rules phatt be obſezuit: as is alezfit a fort . and it is enogh for alt azmys on that mañ eo & blafit that anp gentytt man tenth ptyt. Off camps the Nich az ald cheiff oz an hede J Wilk phere. Oe cite men Bolts : yt cheys azmps after vel ſitt de be calde armys ptyt - dp Rich catanb 12 2 for pt: chr is no wert pticion of dp colonris oz any liclenes of dyuiſion of coloutis . Certanlp in asmpe peit it is recquprit albap that che ptps of de alouns b equaſt. and chat is not teed m this figure. ſos ch meore pte by mpd is Siluen. Tbeꝛfore pe ſhalt fay of him that beris cheys azmpe cho ſiaſt i laten. ¶ Porztat d aꝛqnto et caput ſcultide a ſotio eũ duabus macul is pforatis d auto. Gallia fic. CL Il post anzaant tong cheiff duſoz at deup molettis ptees do:. Et anglic ſie. ¶ He berith Silues a Chaff oz a Cyftan of afuct and i).molettpa pforat of golde. nd pe halk knaw that i cheys aꝛmys fp rule afore Bre fon moſt be con ſiderit chat is co fay : that at the Coon it is (o apn ko blaſe if Hat colotore of che Coon be geetteꝛ oꝛ moꝛe co ppous colour m azmys as it is ſayd afore N nd more ouer it is to be meꝛkyt chat no azmis albe & de calde pepe azmis bot iff they be made of. . colouris onps paꝛtit and no mote ſdꝛ az: mys palit az not callit: noꝛ abe not to be cal de mrtpt azmps alt thogh they be made of j. coloutis fox thes cololbris not al: lonu onys bot dpuerfe tymys az partptas kere ayers QM nd theys armps be culde palit aꝛmps for thep be ma de bi the man of palls. Nnd it ſhalt be fapd of bpm that beris cheys aꝛmys ĩ latyy thus. Foo tut aꝛma pa lata de auto et aſorio. Gallice ſic CFA port pole do & mfoz . & nglice fic . He berth pale of golde and afure - Off aꝛmps palil vndatit not here it phatt be rhelkpe ‘ J lee azmys of tyme at fount ondutpt that is to fap Vatter as here apperis. Bind theps be calde polpé as; mys Gndalpt & the differance of baꝛrit aꝛmye ondatpt. the ich azmps kazcié map alfo be oon datt as aftet ſhalt be ſhebyt. ¶ nd it ſhalt be ſayd of him that bens theys azmps thus m latyn oꝛtat arma palate pnduta wel n doſa de rubte et aꝛgẽtd . Et gallice fic. ¶ Il mit ple dender d golblez et argent. Et anglice fic. ¶ He beuth poly ndatpt of gowles and Selucs . oe #f —yt—“ CL Off aws palit cwlext and ſhazpe nol J Wilk foeke . ke and beholde for monp manes of Pyſe thes palit as; Amps be borne dpucsfeli as it is ſhewyt m thys toke - and theis azmys nold ſhewypt here: be calde palit cwkyt and phazpe . form theys asmps . . colo: vis paly az put to gethiꝛ: on m to an othiꝛ cw⸗ kaplly and ſhaꝛpe . Theꝛfore it ſhalt be ſayd of hi the Bich beris thes aꝛmis m thys Ryle . fiaſt ĩ la tpn thus. ¶ Poꝛtat᷑ azma plata toꝛtuoſa acu ta de nigro ct aꝛgentd. Gallieꝛ fic, ¶ Il prt pale Munſett de Sable et dargenk. & nguc fic. ¶ He beuth pale crokpt nnd shape of Sable and Spluer . Off-amys bærit plapy nod free it ſhalt de petbpe . Cre ithps chapyture afore is deleꝛmpnpt of falit azmis | and in thys thapyture nold fololwyng ie chatk be delez; mpnpe of barrit amps . for che Wich it halt be kmolb that az; mps map be mony manes of Pyſe barrit. and the fiz(¢ maneꝛ of Nyſe is plapn barrik. as here aſperis. nd ye ſhalt tenold that cher be ceꝛtan arms bartit plapn . and then pe ſhalt nott new to ſop ĩ the blafpne of theys axmyps : he berith pla pne azmys baꝛut. Mol ĩ all ochp diſpeꝛyng as; ms bartit: ye moſt nedys dec lace the blafpne of cheym holbe thos bait amps differ from plapn . foꝛ fũ be baꝛrit BF a Apon raumpyng ox a goehonde ox odiz beeſtis & fũ be badi ¢ polo derit Beth eros croflettys molettys Sereſentis ſmale briddis oz other difference bot as for theys plopy atmis afore pe ſhal fay m latyn in thys Rpſe. Ooꝛtat arma barrata de argent E ni; gro Et gallice fic . . N. port barce datgent et Sale Mnglice fic. ¶ He berich barti of Siluet and Sable ¶ Off batrit amps ondatit nol J Wplt phe as apperith. nol pe foꝛ ètan that armys barrit ochit ile be tarnt @ on datit that is to fay Nater . as kere it apperith. nd they be called barrit wondatit for hep be made of . j. colours me tyng & gedre by ih maner of a floyng Katee as it is opyn afore - ¶nd pe ſhalt fap of bpm thai beris there armys ĩ this Ryſe. firſe ĩ latyn us CL Poꝛtot arma betrata pn duta de nigro et albo Ballice ſic. ¶ Il port ba tm nder d Sable et daigent. N nglice fre. ¶ He beris batri n datit of Sable and Siluet. ¶ Off annps baꝛrit and inueckyl pe ſhale taue evemple aꝛrit aꝛmys mueckyt az borne of diueꝛſe gentiſt men. 12 as here is ſheloyd. nd thap as called mueckyt foꝛ in eueti baꝛve. ij. colouxis az put mueckyt by the ma nes of a count Wap as is fapd afore . N nd fe y⸗ beris this armys kus in chys Wyſe . fiaſt m la; tpn thus. ¶ Poꝛtat aꝛma baꝛzata de coloribus rubeo et allo muectis. Et gallice ſic Al post baꝛri werree de goldlez et daꝛgent Giger fic. ¶ He berith tare muet kt of goldles and Sil :. = CT Rind F begyy Wich golbles for that coloure is the Fait im Op tight cent. Off asmps basspt crołt and ſhaꝛppe as here afk is ſhewil. oOo men thes be ceꝛtanli the Dich bere aꝛmit bund cro kept and hase as hete it apperith in theys azmps . and hap be called aꝛmys baꝛtit for differance of as; mys the fame mani of Wyſe paut: and tha be cal: led crokpt and ſhaꝛpe . ſoꝛ as it is ſapd a fore. j lotus az pul to gethyꝛ crokytli and thazpe Chefow it ſhaſt be fayd that the Lorde the Bich be us theps armps benth in this Ryſe. fiiſt i latyn AC lle portant ama barrata toatuoſa ct acuta de nigh et auto Et gallice fic l poꝛt bases daumceteꝛ acute de Sable et doꝛ Nunglie fic. ¶ He berth baꝛtis crokept and ſhaspe of Sa ble end gol. N it ſhaſt be ſhebyd of camps chat at banly barzpf. Go” be foꝛſoche cextm aꝛmps bendli bazeié . and thet be cal led bendly baꝛrit. and foꝛ this mule they be lde bendly barrit. for. j. colouris a iunyt to getheꝛ in eue 2p baꝛwe bendly. as it is opꝑn here ĩ theis armif End therfore it ſhalt be fapd of him that boris thes. atmys: inthis Bpfe as fololbis. fiꝛſt in la ten thus. ¶ J pſe poꝛtat arma bend ma & cu bio et auto . Et gallic fic. ¶ Al port barre bender de gowblez et doꝛ. ¶nglioꝛ ie ( He berith bares bendy of Fowles and colts . CO Got neue: (he lees pe moſt dyllgentli attende in the blafyng of ſych aamps : as palpt barrit and bendyt . fox and they ben not futtelly confaupt a man ſodanly onſ weꝛyng map lightly in thoos aꝛmys be diſſapuyt . {Foz certanly thes acmpe be callow palpt aꝛmys in the Bich ar folbnde fo many palys of oon colo wre as ar of an other. Qlnd aff the palys of bothe the cololwris ben not equalt thos armys be not mlpt . In diuerſe atmys of gentilt men be folbnde. J. palis of oon colobbce. and j. of another as here in thers armxe folobyng it ſhalt be ſhewed. that is to ſay ther be. ij. pa lys of golbles and. j. of golde foꝛ of ch colobre of weet apperith. m. paꝛtes m the ſhelde and bol 5j. al lone of the colotore of golde Theꝛ fore the gẽ tilt man that tenth theis armys: kus i this Riſe e chus ye ſhalt fap of him . fiꝛſt in latyn thus D ortat duos palos aureos in camp rubeo. Et gallic fic « ¶ Al port de gobllez et deup pales ws. Et analic fic. Ke berith gotolps and. ) polis of golde. rere pe phatk diligently mezke aꝛmps barit and lees baꝛtid. cololbus in amps palyt bart oz lees bazrit of the Rich ttplt barrie pe moſt be Late When thap be fond in azmys. as here it is ſhelbyd m theys armps . for ſych lynes be called lyttiſt baztis to the diffe vance of littiſt barns . ¶ ud it phatt be faye that the gentitt man tir Wich beth cheys aꝛmps bens in this thps Byſe fir ſt in latyn thus as folodd s D: mofé alſo aue attende to the nombre of both too id ¶ Portat onam batom ¢ duas batulas da allo in amp cn: bio. Et gallia fic. ¶ Il port de gowlez ſong batwe ct dap borrelettee duzgemt. Et anglice fic . CL Be bench gowles oy barre and. ij. liteſt batris of Splues. ROK J Wopll fpeke of aꝛmys hasrid & litelt bartis flovipype holde bot the forfapd letitt barris az othpstbple made louſhengli ethan the be ale floriſhyt as hy i chye End chen be caldeflotifhit: fos they be made bi x ma xt of a flo bre deluc. nd pe ſha tt ſap of him that isplfeflon of hepe aampe thpe Dife as fo Lotbpe · fis{t in latꝑn thus. Doꝛtat wnam bat rum et duas barulas florias albas in ſcuto fine amp blo dio. Gallic fic. LI poꝛt diſoꝛ wong barrier et deux batcelettes florit daagmt. Mn alice fic . NE berith afute aan bat and. . Lith battis flori⸗ tet of Dplues . Nos J intnde to fpeke of bendys in aꝛmys as bere . Theꝛ Wyle thes is Lorne in aꝛmps a bende as is fund ĩ O aꝛmys of cestan noble gentil men as kere nolo itt Att beſhewyt. nd pe mooft nate chat it is mite a binde fie wich begynnys al che tight co mex or te one of de ſheld : and diſtendith & p* ieee fie of te foame heel : Go ee ifferame of ff ſuret o of liteſt ſtauys of Gp Wich it (halt be fpo len after & und of hem that bas chens arme pe chatt [ap Gus as dle S. fisft in latgn . G. Hat ban e bendam de rubio in cmpo auteo. Sallite fic. Lat prt doz Ong bende de glwlez. nglice fie. ¶ He bech gold ¢ a bende of goles. Off Lite bowys in armpg nobb here is a epemputl . Ran pe fpth aſote it is ſapd that certan littplt bartis ar Aboꝛne ĩ aꝛmys mony tymys. On the fame maneꝛ of Biſe ax tome littl bendys as here it ſhalt be ſheloyt. nd they be calde bendyllys to tly differans of grebe bendys = as it is opꝝn . Bind of hym that bers theps 69 it chalk be fapd . fizſt in latyn as here ſolobys ; oꝛtat vnum bendam g duas bendu las de auro i campo blo deo. Et galliœ ſic. Tl pot daſoꝛ eng bend) et deup bendelettis toz . Nnglice fic . Ne berith aſure a bende and. z. bendils of golde. nd thes bendpls az othistople floriſhyt as is ſhewyt in the figure a fore in bartig. nd in diüſe azmps thep be ſounde that they be chenpk. and ſun be polbderit wich molettis. and fury With odie dyfferuns the Rich nedps not to be figurit hebe ¶ Off amps palit and bendgt nob hebe it ſhalk be ſhebvyde Ss. beſe maner of opfe certanlꝑ of beꝛyng of dpuͤſe az ms in con ſheel de is in theps bendys bering fora man that has a patrimonꝑ left by his fadps . and o⸗ ther cectan londys by his modyꝛ cumpng ko him to che Wich londys of his moderis ar aſpropuzt amps of ofte tpme for ik map bap that theys armps coom fo hir by the Bap and diſcent of hir progenpturia . Chen map the bapre and hym Lie fore ch boott s of his fadys in pe holt ſherlde. N nd 7 ſy a lende he map bere hie modetis sie ei hacia 2 aſpecis . Bind it ſhalt be fayd of him that betis cheys azmys he lotyn chus. Noitat arma pala de as gw & tubꝛo dm tone ihe ea „ Tl port nale dugeit et de god et Ong bende de Anglic ſic deri 5 Sylue: and golwles Wich a een fabyt on aa CRnd dchyꝛwyle d bendt thes i d. ih. ot al R Off armys bende fuſillgt bw noth J Wik pempuſt. (| > Om of ther be umd in armpe other ceꝛtan berdys fo ſũ man ſtrumge from theps . and her J Lytt chelb & yow a bende Gp Buch is culdt a dende fuſilul: as here aß? ge ꝑtich in this ftochon . ¶ nd it is arlde ſuſuillit fos fa tt is maz alt of fuſalis of dn Bich atm fiſdus more ſhaſt be ſpokyn aftaꝛd. Bot be che dich hae theps asmps kus in latyn thus. Etiat wnam aa ſuſd lamm de aucs in cainpo aſorio . Gallic fic. Il pst aafos cong bender fuſtll mz. Brain fic « ¶ H tarith afuce a ben fufilit of gold. nd chys bende monp tymꝑs is borne Bith erangttis and t ii Ates nch it pale fpokiy of opaesfe bini t nE puree manp and dyuͤſe aa founde ĩ armps andaz bos: of 8 8 men i of the Bich ſum be playn. ſum i geaplit. fun t. fam playn poſbderit. ſum eheeut᷑. fun gobonett. fon inact. of dr Wich it ſhalt ke ſpckyn elite oom aftet oꝛdiꝛ . nd fiꝛſt of playne boꝛduris J Witt ſpeke as here it aperis . ¶nd the boꝛdure is alee plapne hen it is made playn of oon colo lbte aloon · as kere in chys rockon « Nndit phatt be fapee of bym that is poſ ſeſſoꝛ of theys azmps fiaſt m latyn 69 CL Poxqt tres woſas tubias in amp aꝛg dum vnd boꝛdura dubio. Et gallio fic . ‘ C Al pat ducgent twois wofig de goulez el tong boꝛ düre do ge hs Et angliœ fie ¶ He bach Siluez. ij. woſis of gold les and a boꝛduve of golbles . N Off amps boꝛdurit and ingwaplik now hres fololbys emp "Rye Vith a bordure ingraylit other White az boꝛne of nan nobuſt men as here nolb is ſhelbit m chys ſtochon. And ſpetd a boꝛdure is ade a boꝛduw ingroplit fos the love of bpm is put ge by ge in to che felde of chaꝛmys as it is opyn here. nd the poſ {efor of theys aꝛmys boris ĩ latyy tong thus as fololbye . ¶ Protat azma de auro fymbriate fi; ue boꝛdurata de nigro ingraduen cum tabus macu⸗ us peꝛforatis de ngo. Gallice ſie . ¶ Il port do fois mul} lettis pꝛꝛforate de Sable ng boꝛduvee ingrapler de Sable ſic. berich golde. ij. molectis pra foratit e en 65 Saba 8 ans Ob of ams tostenit and talentié J Bit che wempée . Her is borne in armps acre boꝛdure kolentit as here. nd il is not noteſſari bere to eppres the dolo bre of che ta tentis oi beſantis: fos tha be euer of gold Nnd is Hatt be ſapd of him that beris thes azmis in Epp topfe fiꝛſt in latynchus. (T coꝛmat w: num ſignum pinie de rubis in campo albo boꝛdu ratum cum tubio talentatim. Gallice fie . IL post m sgent ong thueton de goblez Lordi N ree Molle talenter . Et ange ſie Be keith filuer a Chrueron of goldles boꝛdurit Kith gedles Mge : CL Off armps boꝛdurit uuyng. j. Chuetons of filuctac . mys plwut dyueꝛſe Waps other ple Nich nolettis With roſtẽ od Wich littylt troſſis o7 Rich beſantis oꝛ odei dyuͤſe. nd it is calte a boꝛdure polbdetik Bien anp thyng is t chat boꝛdure : of What ſum eü ſigne it be. as it i (ada fore . and cheys ſignys as tofis moletif and offer a2 not counttt fox e tan nombut: fos p° nombus of that pow deryng epcedis th nombur of to End chen pe Lorduce re cald pow derit as her a Glad pe halt ke that te piſeſſen of chehs amps kus in his Bpfeas ſolo ys fis{t in latyn thus. ¶ . Poꝛtat wnum fu; Okres pe hat cettan tymys a boꝛdure is boꝛnẽ in as em tum de cubio aun duobus ſignis apitaiibus d alto & wn lo dura pulùi ſotu eum talentis. Et gallio ſe. ¶ Il poꝛt d goible, wup Chrurront ego et (ong boꝛdure da goldlez pod: beet telen ter. ¶ ygliæ fic. Ne betich goldles. ) Chuerons of Spluer and a torduce polpderit wich boſantis. 8 — C Mit ce: ie an other mancz boꝛ dure that is ale Chrekezt. E tout pit an offer boꝛdure in aꝛmys dp Rich is tale a bosdum cheikkent . ¶ ud it is calde a chekkerit boꝛ dum for hit is made of. j. colowris by the manes of a Chace: ac ho it apperis. &nd it ſhalt be ſapd of hym the Nich kus the ps camps in this Bpfe as folops . fiꝛſt m la: tpn thus. Noꝛtut onam ctuum tubiam pla: nami amp agentes am (ona boꝛdura ſtacmta WMmign et az gmto . Gt gallica fic. TI prt Mroent tong ctops plapn de qolbles Lorduree chile her de Sable et meget . Et analier fic. FRE herich Siluer oon eros plagn of godoles a borduce chile? af wich Sabult ¢ Siluer . Off bordutis gobona tit note hyve is an epemputt . Lat pe more ott that pit bp fite armęs the wich Bi haut ſpoho of afore R. * other bo»: chat is cald a hosdure gobonatit. as frre it phatt be ſhewt ĩ thpe kooehon next folowyng. Erd hit is ald gobonatpt for hit is made of j. olouris quadtatli iopnpt.p! is t0 (op of blacke C Bhste . g of hym that kus ches amps pe ſhalt (ep m latyn thus as foloprs CL Ma ut d aꝛgento duas bendas de nig wo cf ana boꝛdutu de mgr et alto gobonata. Et gal lice fic. ¶ Il pat mzqent dux bendes et tong i boꝛdure de ſoble et ange QUnglen fic. ¶ He tenth flues 1j handys of Sable ich a boꝛdure gobonatit of Sable g ſilue C a thys fame borduce baare thal nobult pꝛync th dutee : of Glouceltp: brothps & Hat nobuſt Periobre Ryng henri the fifth: (y Rich mpalt duke bare in his ams che holt azmpa of ‘ and of Englondquastlp Sith a boꝛ dure gobonatit of luer and fable as is ſhelbyt in diůſe plaas - nd to blaſe theps oamps it nedis not to be veheꝛſit. fos it iso ſuffiſcienil taght afode m diueꝛſe placis. 5.847% a2, en of 1 23 1 785 C Jemof boꝛduris fad in aimęs of colobris inueekyt. cs as 2 1 ö . 8 . ex be pit boꝛduris ĩ astnps of ij. od CE int as kere in thys figure appe: tis . and hit is calde a boꝛdure mueckyt for hit U is made of · . colodris (o gedys muccpt . And ge ſhalt (ap of bpm tip Wich berith theys asmps m latpn thus Norat arma quastiata detubio ö et auto cuin dna boꝛduta do as gent et nigto ſimul imtectis - Ei galllo fic. Al port quaateleꝛ de gowleʒ et tos oueſq e Bg a RN, ae e Wi) atedrdi not thy Rich of neceſſite ſhitlde acondo iff cy foꝛſoyd opp nxon Wer tr . nd of hem that bees theys amps pe ſhalt fop in latyy . D ortut azma cnEtenatü & blodio 4 alto Et qallice fic. LI port gitont aaforet digen. Ginglice fic. He tenth contra conpt of afute ond flues Lg a 2 A‘ oe aa * e Pp = Yo „% „ , 1 ta) sto at ame a ey * : ; “ Off pilitarmpe noe here it halk be phetopt - 1 * . as j * aus * Oꝛ as iych as it is fpokpn afoce of amps: in the Bish Up colowris mete to gedys in ihn myddiſt popnt mordp . Moti folowych of carton azmps in d Lich ij. pi: Lis mete co gedpꝛ in on mone. as here in thys fi: gute. nd it ſhalt te ſapd of bpm che Ricks be; us theps amps m me ches Pyſe. CX Prortat ters pilas nigras in amp au,m⅜ Sol lic fic . L „5 du fable . Et analice fic . CL Be berith goles} .prlis of fable al 15 n ie : 1 — eae C Off ballis in here noth i a8 8 3 nol it pe: eer g ff * mes . e ao Pa ye * — 2 4 * 5 - f „ e, i eee e 2 : I ‘de Pe, ; 4 Fr . 2 3 : % ͤ % ee ĩ . 5 ets . tog i . ra A and then it is aalde ĩ latpy pila manualis as here And oche a hile it is an 1 e fos the ſoote and then it is calde in latyn pila pedalis a fote bat CThesfor ii ſhalt be (apd of hym that beris ches ar mpsm lan Poꝛt tes pilas ages mamp mbto. Et gallia ſit. C l putts Golbles tis feletit ma gt. Et anglie fie . a Ee bevich gobles 17 balis of Silue: stanli pe moſt me ate (hati chis figure of ballis a ma map 8 er. Meafote ſhoꝛtlp it is to be knab chat ſich map bane aft colo bris bot the planes of gold . for g tha be of g soo caloutis: thep ſhulde be ontte Calentis 0; tefantws ee Nicht bee pares dag : Ot erteltys u litit Cabo i: ag « a2 Ee be alfo boꝛtellis pt be GE Caleys We ich be quetter then belles e tharmpe be taulp made as hem it is oppy . &nd be chat be ae eps arms beris in this dyſe fiꝛſt ĩ latyn. CL oꝛtet tos tote l las cubiae ĩ amp aumo. Galli fic. as post dos et trois t̃oꝛteulp de goklez . Et anglice fic . ¶ He berith golde g. ij. Cakps of ables - 7 ore due: mezhe: that᷑ as Bele ballys in camps as hahe and beſantis alt Wap ar hooſt mint figuris @ not ꝑforat Off fortes or Bellis eee J will fpeke. les thes be kam nobuſt men che bid bees fiche rounre fi 8 ra Bich nde pipet fontanps oꝛ Bellis as bree ap petis . de Bich fontanc etimore moſt be of Thyle colodere for ih thyng the Bech they vepreſent Fe: thep vepeefent etimore dp coloioer of the La tes of a Bett che Bich is white nd of bpm p® keris thes azmps pe moſt fap in latyn tie. ortat tres fontes ĩ aampo auto . Gallice fic FI port dos et trois fontepns . & nglice fie. ¶ De but of golde and. ij. Bellis . 3 Off spnave ch Bich be other wunde inſtrumentis J Litt fpeke Stes thers volonde figuris a fore reheifpt the: be clan figutis ih Bid) te pforntt as OO be ryngys: as hece apperis. nd it ſhalt be ſapd of bpm that beris theis aꝛmps ĩ laton thꝰ. Pes O | tatters anulos aureos ĩ campo mign . Gallice fie LI pot di fable ettrorganulettists.Q@in alice fic . Ee berith Sabutt and. ij spmapsof gold ¶ Off tractys in asmpe . 2 il is fapd of boꝛduria ĩ azmps . nolb it folo wich to e of tractis oꝛ lynys . and fiꝛſt of a ſymple trad. and thep be calde trat tis fox as mpeh as tle felde remap nyng of Charmps as Nele With d as Wich owe. F an othes lyne is dralbyn of an othe: colore as habe: co the man of a ſhelde . ¶ d it ſhalt be fapoy of hem that beris thes asmpe ĩ latyn · Qoꝛtat confi tene tũ ſipliem planam aurefi ĩ campo aforco ; Gallic fic. ¶ Il port mfos tong trace playn voz. M nglic ſit He berich afure a plapn tract of golde O ffa tract ingtaplyt oh tooth Ap ſydys hebe is an mple. tract os a lyne ofhis While is mgtaplyt on the paz Ae as here mthxs fygure apenth . And ther it chalt be fayd of hym tbak beris cheys aꝛmps ĩ chys l fe fiꝛſt m latyn thus > ¶ Hoꝛiut cafe tract pees parte ĩgtadatum de aupo ĩ amps tubio Et gallice fre. ¶ Il prt w goſbleʒ vng trace ingtaple de cheſtim coſte doꝛ Anglice fre . Ke berith gowles bptha tract ngraplpt on bo: bch the ſides of gold. ¶C Off a tiact dſbbult and flotichpt it phatt be ſhewyt. yes tract is ober Bple dolwbult as in thazmys of th Reng of Seottelonde. as kee in this ſcochon ee the forfapd Ryng of Sotttelond beris ĩ chys y R ſe fiꝛſt m latyn thus. Noꝛtat duplicem trac tum cum floribus glodioli onttapoſitis et ono leone tapac de rubio in amp aureo. Et galli ceftc » TI port dos png dolle trace floretee countree et Cong leon rampant d gowlez. An: alice ſie. ¶ He berith gold a dolvble trace florißhyt cntrari und a Lyon tampyng of golvles. Off kractis ttiplatit and quakriplatit otfpsthple . fo of theys armꝑs afore weheſit J fꝑnde more dpueaſitt CA fos chez be cettan nobull mon the wich bere theps tracts triplaht as here in thys ſygure . and ſum bere hit | quatriplatit as is founte ĩ diſe aamis . N nd pe halt fap of him thal bers cheys azmys tuplate i latyn C Portat tiactum triplicatũ d al boi amp aurro. Sallice fic . LI pat d: ong trace triple mroent . &nglice fre. ¶ Hebe: uch gold a trace of Silues. Off a tenet ſpmpult of. 3. colotbris and mnueckptan exemple Ö te other nobult men the Bich bere a ſimpult trort of. 3 colo ris mueclept as hoe not it halt be ſhewyt in chys ſtochon. And the poſſef ſos of cheys aꝛmys boris in this Byfeas foloddis fizſt m latyn. Noꝛtat ouum trac tum ſimpliem de coloribus aſorio a2; gerteo inuectis in ſcuto aureo. Et gallice fic . CY! port dos wong trace ſimple wezre duſos et daꝛgent N nglice fie. ¶ He kath gold and a tract ſꝑmple mueckꝑtł᷑ of aſuve and Siluez FAL flex teactis nod it halk be ſpoleyn of fyffutis oꝛ ſtauys fore theps fpffuris it is fpokpn of bendys: and eheiz dif; ferans . (Wold it ſhalt be fpotspn of fpffans . the Wpdc tan fpf ſuris oz ſtaups begynne in the lefte borne of the ſhelde: C ar drabbne to the right pate of the ſhelde benceth to the diffe ran ce of bendys the wych be sed in the right boꝛne of the hovel: az dratbne to the 110 ſide of the ſhelde 1 and thys Na e moſe the fpffuce be dralbne agkece apperis i thys fygure. ¶ nd pe ſhalt vndiꝛſtonde that theis fif 1 ſuris diffez as monp Nays as the foꝛſayd bendys dyfferpt. bot it nedys not to be reheꝛſpt for it is playn ſhewyt afore. Thyꝛ be fyffuris oꝛ ſtauys playn . mqradyk. inucclpt . and fuſpllatit. as a ſapd afore in the place of bendys . Bind cheys ſtaups baftas: dps az Bont to bere oz namli thap ſhulde ber thaym. nd chen thps fyſ ſuve is ald a ſta ffe. "a frend ie is ia a baſton Bot commynti ic is calde a fiffure for as mpd) that he cleuys his fa deris armęs m. ij partes for that ba ſtaꝛd ss elouyn and dupdpt from the patrimony of his fades . & ud ſo ſych a daſta id is foꝛbedyn bo bere the holt aꝛmys of his fader for the teuerantz of his blow . bot his faderis a ꝛmys he may bete ith ſpch a ſta ffe as is ſayd afore: m ſiqne and finalt declaraqon of his baf taꝛdy andy bo the differance of proput and naturalt bapre of his fade. ind hen pe haue anꝑ ſych· a plapn fiſſure oꝛ a ſtaffe ĩ armys oꝛ ingraplit ueckyt᷑ oꝛ fuſillatit: of that (ome ſta ffe pe ſhalt fap as a fore is weheꝛſit in dp chapitute of boys moore plapnli. nd fle baftarde the Wich herith theps azmys poſſeſſis in latyn on thys maneꝛ as now here fololbys N oꝛtat vnam fiſſuram ſiue baculum auteum i amp aſorio. Oallsee fic 1 0 port duſoꝛ et tong fers doꝛ N nglioœ fic · ¶ He berith afure and a fiffuce oz a ſtaffe of golde. Nod here J begenne eo ſpeke of a:mys hꝛdxd as il appetie AX Ter be Gan nobult men fhe Bich bre amis hedit as here Oil aperith. And pe moſt tnalb that theis armps be cal led hedyl: Phen the hyẽꝛ parte of ch ſhelde thal is to ſag thy hede is made of eon coloube or of moo then U of con’. E that paste ꝓftendys not to the myddis of the chelde as abo is ſhewyt by the ſhelde. nd knibe pe that in the hꝛdit aꝛmys is a good man of beꝛyng of dpufe aꝛmps as by foꝛtune fil ~ noble man has mony londis and grete loꝛdſhiſpys by his mo: dyr for che Bpch londys of his moderis he mtendys to bere the camps of his modps and ſo he map do fos if is rights Gol he that difcendps of a nobult fadyꝛ or of a gentiſt man by the Bpch be bad anp ſimple patrimony. then ſych a nobult man: and h Bill : map tere ch holt azmys of his moodyꝛ in the lawpz paste of his phelte . and m ſych an hyde as J ſayd a fore be map and he Balk tere che holt aꝛmys of his fadyꝛ And it chalt be fapd of hm that beris cheys aꝛmys ithe Bp fc fiaſe m latyn dhus . ¶ Poꝛtat onum ſignum capitale de ni gro m campo auteo cum (ono capite rubio et tribus talentis ĩ eo dem. Et gal lic fic. I post dos dong chueron de Sabull et wong Cheff de gowlez et frois beſantis en la meſ mes Anglia fie. ¶ He tenth golde a cheuewn of Sabult Re a Cheeff of gobbles and. ih. beſantis thes in. ¶C nd cher be carton nobulf pſones the ich beer in the chel de afore ceheꝛſit of golde as is fapd a fore a Cheue ron of Sa: butt oꝛ of ſum odyꝛ cololbre amd. ij. ete woſis oꝛ Bhpte oꝛ fum other ſygnys as croſſis creſſantis baddps oz flobus and a ch eff ſum of Sabult ſum of other colotore with tie ſigne of molet tis oꝛ ode: colrynync) che Bich need not to be voher ſit. nd chen fhafk euerich oon of cheym be blaſit in his nombuz like as te feld and che ſignes requide: as bp fortune ſum men bere thus to fop . He berith Sabult a Cheueron of golde. ij rede wſps of golbles a Chxeff of afure Bith. tj. molettys pezforatit of wert and thus of alt othe: differanfps . Off amps palit Sich oon qua tes of an othes coloure « Eꝛtanly thes be ſum nobult men the wych bere in ther as 6 eon quastes of an other cololbre defferyng from ih aloam or dh caloteis of te held as hr. inte Bich azmis it is t be fapd that the nobuſt man eh Vich keris theym berich in chis Nyſe fia ſt in latpn . tut a: ma palata de aſerio ę aur cum ona quasteria eremetia . Et galliee ſie. I pet palet duſoꝛ et dos Ong quart demyn Sranglia ſie. e brich palp aſos and gelde ith on quaat of Eimyn 1 ¶ Und it is to be notit that pe moſt haue a reſpebltyi & tha lo bre of that pale the Wich ſhulde aſcender & tle ight hoꝛne of the ſhelde iff that quarter es not thes. and ĩ that colobre pe moſt eu moore begyn to blaſe choos amps Like as the quaꝛc Mere not che as afoꝛ is rehezſit. Nowoef aumęs chelekeerit ieee pe ſhalt zaus an exemple. : . itagpetith in chys figur folowyng and thep be calma; imps chꝛlaketit Bion hep at made of. j. colouris to the manet of a cheleker · End ches aꝛmys vefap : ue manp differentz as in hedys on quasteas! baz tis and bendis and otheꝛ bples i Cheuerons of y Rich it (halk be ſpokyn a non foloyng . nd of hem che Rich pofſeſſis theys aꝛmps pe phat (op in lain. thus. yDastat ama ſcafatg d. aſerio el auw. Et aptlice ſit . Ger ſcalcke daſoꝛ et doz Englice fic . ¶ he with Ciatstes of afum and golde Ox oueꝛ offer Bhple Be ſe annpe chrbkecit as hr nots uf f) Off Chnewne dp Bich ienalh aꝛ ale albpule of fparcio ; E tone fotheli in amps certan franps te Bech ar calde Cheuerons in french. nd they be calde m latyn Signa capitolia wel Gana . and in engliſh a cowpult of fpatus as kere | is ſheboyd ĩ theps ſignes: the Wich ſignes bp lik pays lenes fiꝛſt War boꝛne of aapenfanes and make: ris of howſes. for an holyſe is nek made pfite ptf thos ſpa tris be puta pon hit: by the manet of an bw. and. j. ſyche ſpatris os chuerons tonpt & gedyꝛ make a mpitall fpane . p* is to fop a cold i pull of ſpaꝛris . and other While. h. ſyche be boꝛne ĩ aꝛmys and ochyꝛ hile. in. odyꝛ hile. in. as it is knalbyn. nd of him chat boris cheys aamys afore pe ſhalt fap thus as fololbys fiaſt i laten. CL Poꝛtat de rubio et duo ſigna capi talia de auw cã tubus calentis. Et gallic fic. ¶ Al post de golbz et deu Chuèrons don ef trois talen. Anglo ſie. ¶ T He kerith. goles and. j. Chutwons of golde Wich i fonts. Off a Chuꝛtoy 03 a fpane mnpitatl engwplyt hw id ſbewyt ‘ As a Chueten is ochi : Binle engraplpt as tree and the tis & be ſapd of bpm the Rich beus theys aꝛmye m la ten m chys Nyſe. ¶ Moꝛtat num ſignum aps tale ingradutum de albo m amp aſoreo . Et gal lies ſie. ¶ Al port daſo: ong Cheue ron du gt mqraplee . ¶ ngliæ fie. ¶ Ho berich afure and a Chucwn of Spluss gw. 2 Coff deucsft and meꝛuelus Cxuetons pit J Bit fake . Mos oueꝛ pit ĩcheys ſignps of Chuerons other Phile ie Afcbæde a dolbte in the blaſyng of theym. Bley thei be me de of dyueꝛſe oolowris tranſmutit as hte in this ſeochon apperith. N nd of bpm ii Nych beris thee aꝛmps pe ſhalt ſop m latyn. ¶ Poꝛtat aꝛma quaaetiala de nigw g argente aim no ſiqno : pitali de diceis ooloribus tranſmutatis. Galli fic. TL port quartertee de ſable g migente ong Cheucron chaunger lung de loultre. Anglia fic. ¶ He be: rich quarterly Sable and Silues With a Chueron of 5 ſapd cololbris tranſmutit. Off Cheueuetons diffeiyng on the longe Gop - fo cheps ſignes or Chyuwens be differt after the long Wap m aꝛmps as hee m this figure apperich. ¶ nd then of hem tx Rich beris theys aꝛmys pe ſhalt fap m lati. ¶ Poꝛtat aꝛma paꝛtita ſecii dit lõgũ de or: lonbus auldeo a rubeo cum (orto ſigno mpstols de dictis mloubus tranſmutatis. Galliq fic . T | post pastie du long de doꝛ ¢ gololes (ong cle / tern chaunge lung de laultre. Qlnalice fic . ¶ He teath pa: ty aft de longe Nax of. j calouris golde and gallen Rich a Chꝛueron of the ſapd colo lbris tranſ mutit. C off xbts enong hxdis ibtaf yng thepe asmps fuyng TA Mons, othps dwtis: a botbée Mp bleſpng of tharmis tude Aer nol næt J haus head hetcodde patadeng fi theym felfe (vedi conpng in blafpna of aꝛmys mes uelufli to dreeme m the blafpna of thepsazmps . und ſum holde oon oppnpon and ſum an other. neuer the les it is no crete neede to dolote m ch blaſyng of theym as to conyng men. Chore of hem yẽ beris thee a zmys pe phatt ſap ĩ latyn 2. Ecsret duas ples capitis fut de rubio g faam ptem de albo ad modum ſigm capitalis et tres wſas de coloribus t᷑ranſ mutatis. Et qallice fic. ¶ Il poꝛi lez deup pties du chief de golvleʒ et le troiſune daꝛ gent pies en manere du cheueroj et trois soles lung de laultee . QWnalice fic . Ne brith. j paztis of the hecde of che shelter gotles and the chride pte Siluer by the maner of a che: uerdn and. ij roſes of the fame cdlowris tranſmutik. Ott imps fifi in exit fppnbpllis nove J Bil pete. Her be certan gentylmen and nobuls the Bich beere in kheyr eens fufellis : of the nombut of the Wich: mp loꝛde of Glauceſtut p: nobult prince concle to Ryng henri tha (oot Bas - Foꝛ he pad in his aꝛmys. ij fuſdlis of gokwles by de ma of a bar in a felde of filues che Nich i tan armps this nobult duke bare by the reſon of cz tan londis be ; longyng to the mounte. Got pe phatt fap of hym E that beris theys ams ĩ this ſcochon in latpn chꝰ 2 Sam de rubio et toes fufulos de azaento . bgallice fic . T l port de golvlez et trois fuſule; dazgent. Anglick ſie. ¶ De berich gowles and. ij fuſeles of Diluer A nd otherthple theys . in fuſults on ij. be boone bp the maner of a poole. ae ee Je is to h noſit chal hen. ij fufules oꝛ. j. at boꝛne ce moo & nombut of. ip the Bich nombus if thes eocete : fap euermote that thos aꝛmps be poſpdetit Dith fuſillis oz other thyngys andy noon othps pfe . ¶ rd fo generolli pe moſt knab that iff anp chyng te borne in a ꝛmys oues ihn nombus of. ix then thoos amps Whot ſum cuss hep be thaꝑ as polboeri¢ . © ff oon ff pth born in asmps bore IJ Bilt evemputt. Ou While oon fuſplt is tome allon in aꝛmys as tne i thys figube it apperith. in Wich mdteꝛ IJ haue head ceꝛtan heꝛtoddis colbte m fleps opynxonys . (Met the lere it is clan that pe ſhalt fap of hym the Rich beris theys asmps Rith olbte dolle ĩ latyn thus as fos Lotro · > ortat d rubio cum no fuſulo de auto Et gallice fic. Il pot de godvlez tong fufitt cor & xglice fie. ¶ He berich gowles and a fuſilt of gold Off ay fuſptt of dyueꝛſe clowris nok herr J Gilt ſpeeke. “fo cheps fufpllis ſum tyme as bome of dyueꝛſe cololbris s ber m thys figure it is ſhelbyd. Mot it is a moore volte bord theys aꝛmys ſhulde be blafit then thaꝛ⸗ mips afore . bot pe phatt fap ĩ latpn of bpm the Be cle has ches amps mn this Nyſe tat aꝛma pastita ex tranſueꝛſo di alto et Maro cum (ono ſuſu lo dſdem alonbus tranſmutatus. Et gal lice fic . LI port pati de traueas da: gent et fable of png ant de meſmes colouꝛs lung d laul tro. Et anglice fic fw Re tenth azmys prtid ower Bare of Siluet g fable ich a fuſ ptt of the ſaam colo wris tranſ mutit. si Off faſyllis by che maneꝛ of a bende here I Lill fũ dat ſay. Ore ouet ſych fuſ yllis ar boꝛne in aꝛmys by (he mane: of a bende. as ere nolb aperith ¶ ud then ye ſhalt fap of hym the Bich peſſeſſis theye armgs in the Pyſe fiz(t n latyn thus. ¶ Poꝛtat onam bendam iſillatam de auw in campo uibeo. Et gallice fic l poꝛt de golbleꝛ (ong bende fufptt oz. Et anglic fic. ¶ He beuch golbles and a bende fuſpllit of golde. ¶ Off a baꝛ fuſęllit in aꝛmys here is an exemple. = fo ther be Lorne in armps cheys fuſyllys in a bas fuſpllit as here it apperith. nd then it is to be fapd of bpm the ich ath theys azmps in latyn thus. ¶ shor: tat de rubio cum (ona baꝛta fuſillata de aꝛgento Galli fic . ¶ Il port de qotles wong baꝛte fu s ſulee dar gent. Et anglice fics ¶ He berith gobbles and a bat fuſyllyt of Siluet. Gnd fn men fap that tle forfapd azmps begay of Weuerie foꝛ as mpd) as Peueris we ſich fuſillys made of fponnpn Bott Knabe pe p* differans bi tthip ffuſillis Maſclie e efenq Ob here pe ſhalt knald che differans be thip fufillis maf I. Cailps and loſpngys. Wheꝛfore it is to be nab that fuſpl lis at cues moze long alſo fuſpllis az ſtrattꝑꝛ outet in the baly then at (Maſcules . ¶ nd M aſtules at larger out in tre balg: and hoster m length chen be fifplics . as lere i this ſcochon it appenth. ¶ nd it phatt be ſapd of bpm 5 that rise theps aꝛmys m chis Ryſe · firftila tpn. o oꝛtat & bio g ſex maſcu las & au Et galſio fie . LI poꝛt oo et. Si. maſcu les dz: Et angliq ſie. ¶ He kath gowles and {ep maſcules of golde End thegs maſtules other Phile ar pforatié as I ſapd ofowe m the chapstuce of tems maſeu latit Of an other maneꝛ of maſcules pit here J Bitk ſpeke Iſo others Phile at boꝛne aꝛmys ma ſculatit as free now m this figure folowyng is ſhe yt. ¶ nd ye ſhalt on deꝛſtande chat thos aꝛmys be calde maſcu latit m the Bch Ge forfayd maſeules begyn moſt plentupf ly m th right angle of the ſhelde. and ai endid to daꝛde che lefte pte . the Wich ceꝛtan aꝛmys in up wed ar palit. g at deupdit ĩ (o. ij. polys pf thee be ſubtile conſapuyt. nd of bpm that beris theys . aꝛmys it ſhalt be fap i this Wpfe fiꝛſt m latyn. Prawta:; ma mafulata de argent g aſo tio. Et gallic fic _ Lt pet masaent et daſoꝛ makulee . Et anglic fic . Cr benth of Silues and afuce maſaulatit. ö f f in Offflofmape both and Bynt maner of fe fg be made Jo lofpnape no manes of Bpfe be made tot? arms ben dit. ner they map not be made by far ſelfe. and thep bo dad att tap as thꝛys de made bendit. Blind pe ſhalt haue the meoſt werey differans bp tip the foꝛſapd maſculatit aꝛmys and bendid m che pretu ris of the foꝛſayd aꝛmys. ¶ nd pe moſt take ths for a generalt enfoꝛmacion and inſt ruecion hact certanti loſynq) eùmore ſtande wpaabt: that is to fap that te hyyſt poynt oꝛ the heght: eü aſœndis bo fautn or to a marmype bred. fo chat the hepſt poynt evtendpa tt i lp to the he ed of the phelte . and of the oueꝛ Naꝛt coꝛneris oon eplendis wt: teꝛly to th ub. ſide. and chat other coꝛnet eofendys to the lef e ſide of the ſhelde . and the labbiſt parte qotendps to tle labife paste of the ſhelde dyawetralik as it is oppn m the ſheld next a fore . And fo Rich oldte doldte Be haute kh differans of che fox ſayd frames . that is to Bete of OM aſcules and Loſynges. Nota alſo the foꝛſapd fuſpllus neuer be founde pforatit net lo: ſengys afore fapd be neu ꝑfota tit. ob of a ſigne ĩ armis pe is ale a Salto ti a man of a cme Her is an other mauer of ſigne m azmys: by dyuͤſt obult men bome: the Bich is alte a Saltod . and it is made by the man of acms of Gapntandel es here no it apperith. ¶ ud thys cos is lie: tepnt after certor men to an mſtrument made m dpueꝛſe parltys the Wich is of a grete maqynptude oz laꝛgenes : to ch compariſon of thys ſigne Ard it is Ket nod of nobult gentrlmem and bunttecig that fpch faltatories az ormnt in monp pa ihps g pla- AG to tane Gilde beeftps che Bich onps theiz enteꝛyng: by dba iſtrumente map nek goo a gayn. Mberfote in alte tyme thes fignpe Pere geupn to uch me. and; otherlopfe ale aus rie Olpgonps or keperis tie Dich men fuffis not there treſuces i Bhat manes of Bpfé chen ba getyn : Go mffe from thepm . nde hem the Wid) poſſeſſis thops aꝛmys pt phatt fop in latpy . Oc fat de aſo rio et num ſalta to uum de auw. Et gallic fic .. I. U pat ufer (ong ſaultieꝶ do:. Ge anglice ſie. ¶ the tenth aſua and a Saltorp oꝛ a father of golde. Oft enge (atta eg dil he J Bit epemphit . =” Orb ko pe moſt mal that thhps asmps Sabbtre h o: KU thes Bhile engrodit as here in thps figum nob ayperith And chey hep be arl de falbtce engroditac it is C ſaxd afore in monpploas . as of tie cros inqrodit of tazris and bendys . ¶ nd of hym chat bug theys aꝛmys pe ſhalt fap in laten . PO oꝛtot o: num ſaltatorium mqęwtatum de auto m amp a: forio . Et gallice fre . L. poꝛt qſos wong fouls tet do engraple:. Et anglice fc . ¶ He berith aſure and a eros ſaldtre of golde engradit 4 Off mang croſſis fatotee boꝛne in ams ingradꝑt an pemple Tee Nhile ther be bo me monp croffis ſalbtre ĩ aæmyt en; gradit in oon chelde ° ether While. j. ocher Phile. in. as fe hem ¶ nd of hym chal berig ches camps hae ie phatt de ſoyd in lo tyn. ZL Hoitat fonam bas ram planam et tria e ene auro ĩ campo diho. Et gallue fic We Al pot & gol: lez (ong tare plapn et trois ſaultieas equates tox Et anglice fic. Fe bench gowles oon bat playn 4 and ij. ſabdtre croſſis engrodyt of gold. a Off Crolbnys m aꝛmys boꝛne bp the mayer of a pale. T is diligentli to be ma ⁊kyt᷑ that Bipn Ne fap ſich a loa de berich in ſych fpanps . Hol theys. ij. ſignes ar to3 ne m aꝛmys Re fap not alt Bap . Foz other Bhile theys . in. ſignps ar put in a ſheld by the maue : of a pale. ¶ nd chen ther baal ſignes palit . as ere i thys figu de it ap: pirith). & xd of bpm that has theys azmys pe XI. thatt fap m lan. oꝛtat ij. nas de aum A palotae in campo aſorio. Et gallid fie. LI rt cafes et trois cotones doꝛ pal eeʒ. ¶ ngliq fic ‘ely’ He bevith aſu de and 1j cwnxe of gol de palit. On crolbnys m aamys boꝛne basrit here J Bit 1 poll | & theps . i . ſignes othzr Nhile be tos; e batrit here nok apperith in thys figure. And then of hin chat tens cheps asmps pe ſhall fay mlatpn . S& Hortat tres crenas auteas ĩ campo aforio. Et gatlice ſic. C gi post daſo: et et tis edwnes baterʒ . Et anglia ſie C De berith aſude g ij. crounps of golde batritt Off. ip. Coonge bone in the Comneri of de shelve. Cie theys· i cconps h tome ithe moſt ampn Bap in che cozneris of the ſheld as hre in thys ſcochon it ap verich. I nd chen pe moſt thus fap that ches. 1j -fignes de borne in the coznetis of dhe ſhel de. fos chat is the moſt comune ¢ th mooſt famuſt manet of beapna of ches. ij ſignes oꝛ ani manet ſigneſ Tkeafore pe ſhalt fap chat ſych a loꝛde berith ila tpn in chys Bife as here folowys. Poꝛtot de aſomo et (ces oe auwas · non expcemendo loa. Et gallice fic, ¶ Il post duſos & trois cone da. Et angli; co (ue. ¶ Ihe terith afuce and. ij crobnxs of gold. OF fies borne in arms in dpife Bole hyre is a decttine nebb wibée pit is founde in aamps . for as mpc as thes foo a ceꝛtan man that abt Peltus de tupibus in tym paſſit the biſſhop of Mpncheſteꝛ: toe Bich baa: ĩ his asmpe ij ¶Nochys after bps atone naam . in Nich aꝛmps it ic dot. Blather it is enogh to fap in te blaſyng of them : that he tac ſych it fiſhys allone as here in thes ſcochon. And certanlp J chynke nap . fos de ail gopng a fore . Bot it is chus to be ſapd: of the fapoy Pitui m latyn. CL Pontaint tees huiuſ modi pifces atgnteos natuntes in am niga. Et gallite fit. ¶ Il pot w Sable et trois Ro cles napanG daagent . Et anglice ſic. ¶ e berith Sable and in Mocha fwymmęng of Siluet. C nd then & thazmps of Sal frid lucy as here not aperis ĩ this figure nd pe mof fap pt be bare thus in latyn 52 oꝛtauit tres lutios aureos in campo rubeo . Et gel lia fic. ¶ J. pozt d gobblez et trota luteʒ m2. N nglice fic . Be berith gowles and ti lucee of gold Wich ceꝛtan blafpna rth olbte dec laracion free is enoay . for Ap ſapd fiſhes arin thare proput placis as J ſapd in the afore . 5 Pat ſhalt be fapd of he man chen: the Vich keris . . bazbellis tuꝛngng thepz bockys eo ge dez as here ayers . (Ye moſt fap in latyn th ¶ Poꝛtai duos baꝛbil los aureos admuicem é Qe Meꝛtentes in ſcuto aforio pulueriſato cũ ctuci dus erutiatis figitiuis d auro. Et gallice fic . II port cafor pu dze der crops cwotelez fiche et duux bar! bule doꝛs an doꝛs doz . El anglice fie. ¶ He berith a ſure pow derit Bith croſſis c tofleteys pyeche and . I. baꝛbellis of golde kacke fo backe. Off aꝛmęs fy Bich ar ealde frectis here nol J Nett fpeke . the Meame of Englonde baar in his azmps a frecée . ich eeꝛtan frectis ĩ monp aꝛmys of dyueꝛſe gentiſt men at founde . offer While reede offer Bhile golde . and other Phyle blac overIobule ſimple and) odezlohile dolbble othez hile tripult Gee nobutt baton chat is to fap the loꝛde alddeley of and other While it is mulleplict ou alt the cheld as bree it apperich. and pe moſe ondizſtandeon gert differans by {hip azmys bendit and thers azmys the Bich be made Bith the forfapd frettys Where ik is to be maꝛkyl that in bodyt aꝛmys th colouris contenpt equallp at dyuydi. ot ĩ thes frectis the feld al det abpope holt as here. and this fos ſapd loꝛde au delep berie thus m latpn . ¶ Portal azma ſtec cata d auto m mp tubeo. Et gallic fic. II por de go lez tong frocte d. Nngliœ fic. TC De beath gowñlte and a frecte of colts ° Off amps jaupra beeſcis falpentyng oꝛ ramppng. s here ĩ thys figure folowyng apenth . of the Tachi the do dd afore I aue made no meneion. ¶ ud of bpm that 1s poſ ſeſſos of theys aꝛmys pe chalk ſay ĩ latpn . ꝛtat de tubio g onus Leos nem d argent . Et gallice fic. (CAI prt de gowlez cong Leon ſaliantz meget . Et an; glie fic « ¶ He berith gowles g a lion cam: pong of ſdluẽt· ¶ ud ke is lde a Lion rampyng for ches ch ſe. for as mych as che right foote aſcendych to ee right hoꝛne of ehe ſhelde . ano che lefte foot ofendpth in to the foote of the ſhelde as apperith ĩ t figuce · End this fame man ie obſerupt m alt berſtis ſaupng. nij. fœte. that is to fap m lionſs leopaʒ dis bens doggis Pitch other Like bo chem . Gage in chaꝛmps of dyueꝛſe nobult at borne ramppng off azmye tarrié and of (abllis toꝛne in ams Art note Belk thaꝛmps of the fadpz as he Le. and) then ch differanas as if ſhalt be chelbxt foꝛ ceꝛtan ther be dptife nobult men y Bich tere labellis m theyꝛ azmps as it hatt de ſhe boyt ĩ figure after. foꝛ the Wich it is ko be lena we that ſpch Labellis az not pwpuꝛli calde ſicnes m aꝛmys bot dyfferancis of ſignes. that Then it is fo: chat a ny nobult man haue monp left getyn fomnps : then p fiꝛſt fon the Bich is his fareris apres chalk base ehe holt a ꝛmys of his fadyꝛ With ſum lyttilt differant as ce . to Blom fpeaalls is geuyn a moon encte ; fora; . for that fizfe (oH is in hope of augmen; tacio and enevefſyng of his ptumonp . E thys differans may be ſun littiſt molet oꝛ a coos croſlet or f pch a like differans . ¶ Ty (une brows chalt bore the holt aꝛmys of bis fares Wich. ij. label lis to the differans and m to the ſigne that h is che thride that bers thof amps. CL lſo the chrid browe if det be any all bete iin · labellis ĩ ton that he is che fau: rith: that berich thos arms of Whom the fader is the izle. the apes 18 Gp ſecunde. and dp ſecunde brow is p thum : that beris choos azmps . nd fo fololb; ps chat the thaw broder ſhalt berre. ini . Labelliſ ; as here it apperith m thys figure. nd fo foz: the iff thoꝛ be moo beacher ye ſhall encree po Labellps aftes the foꝛme afore rehꝛꝛſit. nd che ſimmys of Geos fame brether halt tete de fame labels. ¶ And ĩ aſe chat de ſcummde brother the Beeh tenth 1i) .Labeles aue. j fonnpe . certanlp theldes foon of (os... tho Bich is hapre to his fadyꝛ chalk tere ts hooſt az s mys of his fadps: With alſo manp latelps as his fadys did. "Bed a littylt ifrs as here it appe cith m chys ſcoehon. ¶ And bps ſecunde bye chalt bere fle holt aꝛmys of bps fadp: Wah g de fame labellis as his fu dyꝛ baare ande no moo Vith a boꝛdute as here m n ches 1 next folowyng it ſhalt be ſhewyt. and as it is deheꝛſit in the ch piture of boduris. CEQ nd iff cheꝛ be the thride bꝛodyr then he ſhalt bete bys ſa de tis anne Sat tin ſame label lis and a boꝛdure of an other cololdre to fhe differanf of bys brothpꝛ as it chalk be ſhelbxt i ches fochon next fup CT nd ch ehyldpꝛ of choos men phatt bere Sep: eker not in theps faderitz amys. bot in boꝛdutis and dyupſtonys dpufe . T nd like as the chyldr of che ſecunde to dyꝛ bezpng ty. seit “aa uydyt and dpffer: nꝑg and thepz bod ade eee of mil rane * fs sprig in . Labellis: ates ‘Ge (ome camps that thepe Fate: did E alfo monꝑ labellis . Qlnd they as dyfferit bp thep: ſignys and cheyz boꝛduris as afore is reheꝛſit: and opufe gan a Oder Bhele a Upon raunpyng oon pazte ved an othdz blank “> Ord certrmly of alf de franpe the Bich ar founde i ame as of Flolbus leups and other meꝛuellps tons I cn nok dec hace here : tha be fo monp . Bot pe ſhalt knaw general lp that foꝛ alt tharmps the Nich lyghily any man gas ſeen 15 taps : pe haue rules ſufficient as J de lene . to dyſceꝛme and bla ſe anp of theym: and it be fo that pe be not in polbte mynde to paſtp oz (o f loyfte m dp opkernpne · (let pe map not ouez:yn ſwyfkly the foꝛſopd cules . bot dyligently baue theym in polbos mynd . and be not to fult of conſattis. Yer be that Pitt hunt ij fais? oon oſbre: oꝛ ooh While oon . an other while an othe: Licht be loſye boch. Thesfore tabee heeds to the cules . Iff fo be that hep be not a generalt doetrine: pet ſhall thai profede foꝛ ches ſtiens gretly f Merle pe Bele theys que ſtiongs here noth folodbyng. Ol nod bo a queſtion I Wik procede. and thai is thys Ache: Hazrmpo of Ge graunkyng of a pꝛpnte ox of o der do dps as better oꝛ of ſych dignyte : as asmps of a manif peoput auttorite tae . Bien that it is leefult to eueri nobult man to tke to hym aꝛmps at his plefure Foz the ich quefer; on it is 6 beknak chat. mij. manes of Ppſe We aut azmps . Ele fiꝛſt manet of Bole Ke haue olber albne azmis & Ei Heber of otbes fadyz oꝛ of olbre moodps oꝛ of olbee predps ceſeſ ſoris . be Bpch manes of tespng is comune and famus in ch Pech J itt not ſtonde long · fos that mant is tafe pups ¶ Eh fecuntemaner Be baue amps by olbee metittys as Cereꝑ playnly it apperith by the addicion of thaꝛmys of Fraũce to thasmps of Englonde geipn by chat mooft nobult man pꝛyn ce Ldiard the fiaſt getyn fone of Ryng Collard the thrive ye tyme Ryng of Englond after te takpng of Ryng John of Fraunc i che balelt of Peyters . Che Wich ceꝛtun addicion Kos lefult and rightwyfli den . and on the ſaame ma ner of Nhyſe mygbt a poore azchet baue tale a pꝛync oz ſum nobutt loꝛde . C fo thaꝛmps of that pꝛyſoneꝛ: bp hym ſo tate rightwiſly he map put to bpm and ko his hayris 9 ote Con dx chu mane: of Bhyfe Khe hace arnys tke Bich Be bete by Ge grauntyng of a prpnce 02 of ſum othez lordpe . ¶ Gind pe molt tenath chat toos azmps che Bpch Ke haue of che gralvntyng of a prpnce oꝛ of a Lorde ceſayue no queſtion Bhp chat he brich thos fame . fox Phi the pꝛynce Wylt not: that ſich a queſtion be afkepé . Bi he gaue to anp man f ch an aꝛmys as it is plapn in the latbe of nature and Ciuyſt. Foz that fame that pleſes ther pzpnee tas che ſtvength of lalde . bot if anp mã bare thos azmps afore . foꝛ that thyng the Bich is myne Rith a righibys tilpit Brith owte deſeꝛuyng map not be take fro me nex the pꝛynce map not do hit wahttopflp . ack ſaurich maneꝛ of Bhife Be haue thas armps the Bich the Cake on olbre albne ypuz auctoxite . as in theps days opyn⸗ lp Be fe. hols manp pore men by haps grace fauouce labouve or deſezupnch): as made nobuls .Sum by theps prutens . SH bi ſxꝛ mãtod . ſũ bi thes ſtꝛength . ſũ bi thes conic . ſũ bi od utuxs Andof cheys men monp by cheyr albne autouite uu take at: mys to te borne ts theym and td thet apna of Bhoom it nedys not bere 6o whusfe pe names. (Met ch less amps that be fo tan chey map lefully and frelp bert. Got pit dep be not of fo gerte dignyte and autorite as thoos azmpe ch dich az qrorntptazy bp day by che autorite of a pꝛynce ox of a low. Pet ams bi o mannys propur auctorite take : if an other man bane not bot ne theym afore : be of ſtrength noah. CL End it is de opynpon of moni men that an ferred of azmif map que armps . Got J fap i anp ſych aꝛwys be lana np heꝛdod apupn that thoos asmps be of no more auctod te Gpos azmpe ih; Bich be take bp a mannys alone auctorite . CO Gepliat . CL Bece m chys bobe afore at cin benpt che bokys of haukpna and huntyng Vith othe: pleſuris dyueꝛſe as in ih boke apperis and alfo of Cootazmutis a nobult Wezke. ¶And here nobb nz dyth che bole of blaſpng of armps tranſ latpt and compptyt to gedpꝛ at Seynt albons de pere from thin znadion of obo tod Zod Criſt. M. CCCC. lppp w & pi finis diöſotꝶ genoſis palde wbtitt wt ieztibs mate