Sa ay Se eNe PEE EP EE VEY SURE RE YRY WED ieee ta seer aenceee Niner oan Sasaenege nye : oe PR an " ae fetes oe ae ae See ie aan 3b ay aces nase naesnied Sarit Saas es Peteerrryen Sais 7 a soe ss Fa aT ane: anne sia a i ott ers ia ROSWELL P. FLOWER FOR THE USE OF THEN. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE 1897 G05 W 64a 1897 apa a e PAM. — P CORNELL UNIVERSITY. Fy. fe: eae ee ences ara 1 THE ae ee Roswell P. Flower Library THE GIFT OF 8394-1 CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Cornell University The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www. ELEMENTS OF THE COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATES 0.123 ELEMENTS OF THE COMPARATIVE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATES ADAPTED FROM THE GERMAN OF DR. ROBERT WIEDERSHEIM PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY, AND DIRECTOR OF THE INSTITUTE OF HUMAN AND COMPARATIVE ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF FREIBURG-IN-BADEN BY W. N. PARKER, Px.D. PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF WALES SECOND EDITION (FOUNDED ON THE THIRD GERMAN EDITION) WITH THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THREE WOODCUTS AND A BIBLIOGRAPHY. Londvon MACMILLAN AND CO., Liurep NEW YORK: THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1897 All rights reserved on a & OS Ricuarp Cuxy ann Soxs> “LONDON AND BUNGAY. WeoFe Nys [a3 16977 4IMITED PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION PROFESSOR WIEDERSHEIM’S Grundriss der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbelthiere, published at Jena in 1884, was written to supply a need which had been felt forsome time past for a short text-book on Vertebrate Anatomy embodying some of the more recent views on the subject. The present book is a modified translation of the Grundriss, and it is hoped that it will serve to render Professor Wiedersheim’s work more widely known amongst English students. The plan of the original has been retained throughout, though numerous additions and modifications have been made to the work ; for many of these I have to thank Professor Wiedersheim,—for others I am myself responsible. I must also express my indebtedness to Professor Wiedersheim for revising the whole translation with me last summer, and for much help while the work was in progress. Within the limits of a short text-book like the present, much of the matter is of necessity greatly condensed: more detailed accounts of the various parts and organs will be found in the new edition of Professor Wiedersheim’s Lehrbuch der vergl. Anatomie der Wirbelthiere, which is to appear shortly, and on the first edition of which the Grundriss was founded. vi PREFACE The brevity of the descriptions is, however, to some extent made up for by the number of woodcuts. Most of these are taken from the German edition, but several new figures have been added. The arrangement of the book according to organs, and not according to groups of animals, is likely to render it more difficult for a beginner, and a general knowledge of Zoology will be of great assistance. The pages on which the different groups are described are, however, collected together in the index, so that the sections relating to any one group can be easily referred to. The present arrangement seems to be the only possible one if the book is to be founded on a scientific basis, for it is most important that the student should grasp the fact that there has been an evolution of organs, as well as of animals. The more theoretical and detailed matter is printed in small type, and in the form of notes: the student should in most cases pass this over when reading the book for the first time. A black and a spaced type have been used to render prominent important words or sentences. A bibliography is appended at the end of each chapter. This in no case presumes to be anything like a complete list of the literature of the subject: our object has been more particularly to mention the recent and the more important works, though many of these have doubtless been omitted. References to other re- searches can be found by consulting the works mentioned. At Professor Wiedersheim’s suggestion, I have not inserted a translation of the preface to the original, as it seemed unnecessary so todo. I may, however, mention that the book was written for students of Medicine, as well as for those of Comparative Anatomy : the intimate connection of the two subjects renders it most PREFACE vii important that medical students should have a general scientific basis for their special anatomical knowledge, My sincerest thanks are due to my friends Professors F. Jeffrey Bell and G. B. Howes, who have kindly read through the proof- sheets. To them J am indebted for numerous valuable suggestions, as well as for correcting many faults of style and expression which had escaped my notice. I must also express my thanks to my father, Professor W. K. Parker, and to Dr. Gadow, for many special details in connection with the skeleton, as well as to Mr. E. Radford for help in making the index. W. N. PARKER, UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, CARDIFF, May, 1886. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION SINCE the publication of the first edition of the Grandriss, on which the first English edition was founded, two further German editions have appeared, one in 1888 and another in 1893, the latter containing 695 pages as compared with 272 pages in the first edition. The book has, in fact, grown beyond the limits of a “Grundriss,” and has replaced the original Lehrbuch, no new edition of which has appeared since 1886. As it seemed desirable that the second English edition should be brought up to date without greatly exceeding the limits of the first, it has been necessary to use a free hand in abridging and recasting the text. I have therefore, with the author's permission, attempted to prepare a short text- book which, while retaining the original descriptions and arrangement as far as possible, should deal with the more essential and well-ascertained facts of Comparative Anatomy, presenting an approximate equality of treatment as regards its different sections without entering too fully upon doubtful theories or special details in Embryology and Physiology. The book has thus been almost entirely rewritten, with the approval of Professor Wiedersheim, who, besides revising the work, has furnished me with much new material. A number PREFACE ix of the old figures have been replaced and several additional ones inserted. The bibliography appended to the book, which has been considerably added to by Professor Wiedersheim since the third German edition was published, is rather extensive for a work of the kind, but I have not ventured to make selections from it and have merely modified the arrangement in some respects and made a few additions which seemed to me important for English readers. It will, I trust, be found useful by more advanced students. I must acknowledge my obligations to my brother, Professor T. Jeffery Parker, F.R.S., for numerous suggestions, and also to Professor G. B. Howes, F.R.S., Mr. Frank J. Cole, and Mr. Martin F. Woodward for valuable information on several special points. W. N. PARKER. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, CARDIFF, April, 1897. CONTENTS Preface to the First Edition . v Preface to the Second Edition ne viii INTRODUCTION ; ets ee | I. On the Meaning and Scope of Comparative Anatomy . 1 II. Development and Structural Plan of the Vertebrate Body . ; 2 JII. Classified List of the Principal Vertebrate Groups. . . 13 IV. Table showing the Gradual Development of the Vertebrata in Time . 15 SPECIAL PART. A. INTEGUMENT am ah Sica dings Eee & a. vetercpie 1G of Amphioxus, Fishes, and Dipnoans . ORG 16 of Amphibians es. tye a & 18 of Reptiles. .... 2... s 3 4 - 20 of Birds . Paar ee 20 of Mammals t 2% is 23 Mammary Glands. . : ag , 2 B. SKELETON . . . . ..... enlg = . 30 1. EXOSKELETON .. .. . ‘ « «a5 30 2. ENDOSKELETON .. ...... : er . Bt I, VERTEBRAL COLUMN. . 2 ae 4 lids 34 of Fishes and Dipnoans ... ‘ F : 36 of Amphibians . rr ee ee o 8 BR go ote fees of Reptiles. . -_ 45 of Birds . a : ; ; ‘ 47 of Mammals ac 2 ra 49 Il RIBS . . 2 52 of Fishes and Digudane ; ot of Amphibians ‘ ‘ 55 of Reptiles . 5 y. 8 56 of Birds 56 of Mammals v Xil CONTENTS PAGE Ill. STERNUM 38 IV. EPISTERNUM 62 Vv. SKULL 64 Introduction ' - z - 64 u. Brain-case (cranium)... ... 2... e 7 u. Visceral Skeleton 5. 69 c. Bones of the Skull . . 2... 70 Anatomy of the Skull (special part) 12 A. The Skull of Fishes 72 B. é6 of Dipnoans P 81 c. ss of Amphibians 82 D. 5 of Reptiles . 838 E. a6 of Birds . . 93 F. Ae of Mammals : 96 VI. LIMBS. . 3 102 a. Unpaired Bie: 102 », Paired Fins or Limbs. . 103 Pectoral Arch ap tls : 106 of Fishes and Dipnoans 106 of Amphibians ‘ aN 107 of Reptiles -. los of Birds ols bea ; » » 109 of Mammals 2 Z 109 Pelvic Arch . . . 109 of Fishes . 109 of Dipnoans : : lll of Amphibians F . ill of Reptiles ey . ll4 of Birds are soa ES of Mammals er ae . 120 Free Limbs .. ; 122, of Fishes and Dipnoans é 7 a a b2224 Phylogeny of the Ichthyopterygium i: 124 General Considerations on the Limbs of the higher sp ciesbiaks 125 Free Limbs of Amphibians... . ‘ 127 of Reptiles . fe eens a ee ee 17 of Birds : So oe 3 ‘ « 129 of Mammals i Boe a : s 2 «iw ves 180 C. MUSCULAR SYSTEM . gn Sg heres igat Rhu. oJ . 135 INTEGUMENTARY MUSCULATURE . 2... ‘ ; . . . 136 MUSULES OF THE TRUNK... i x “ ae of Amphioxus, Fishes, and Dionoues Ss 137 of Amphibians... 00... 0 1. . 137 of Reptiles... ¢ 244 gee w © 4 ao soa ABS CONTENTS MUSCLES OF THE TRUNK (continued)— of Birds of Mammals MUSCLES OF THE DIAPHRAGM MUSCLES OF THE APPENDAGES EYE-MUSCLES VISCERAL MUSCLES of Fishes . of Amphibia of Amniota . D. ELECTRIC ORGANS . E, NERVOUS SYSTEM AND SENSORY ORGANS I. CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD 1, SPINAL CORD 2, BRAIN (general description saa development) of Cyclostomi of Elasmobranchii and Holocephali of Ganoidei of Teleostei of Dipnoi of Amphibia . of Reptiles . of Birds . of Mammals II. PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM l. SPINAL NERVES 2, CEREBRAL NERVES Sympathetic III. SENSORY ORGANS (general dtdsredi nites swt dnveloprenity’ SENSE-ORGANS OF THE INTEGUMENT . a. Nerve-Eminences b. End-Buds . ‘ . Tactile Cells and ivonsdbe d. Club-shaped Corpuscles . . OLFACTORY ORGAN (general description and development) . . . . of Cyclostomes of Fishes . of Dipnoans of Amphibians of Reptiles of Birds of Mammals Jacobson’s Organ Xiil PAGE 140 140 141 142 142 142 142 143 144 xiv CONTENTS EYE (general description and development) of Cyclostomes . « of Fishes and Dipnoans of Amphibians of Reptiles and Birds of Mammals Retina . 3 i Accessory Organs in Connentton with the ae a. Eye-Muscles b. pee aes : . Glands : AUDITORY ORUAN (general descr ‘tion silt development) of Cyclostomes of Fishes and Dipnoans of Amphibians : re ee ae of Reptiles and Birds of Mammals F. ORGANS OF NUTRITION ALIMENTARY CANAL AND ITS APPENDAGES een descrip- tion) I. MOUTH Teeth (general description) of Fishes, Dipnoans, and Amphibians . of Reptiles and Birds of Mammals Glands of the Mouth of Amphibians of Reptiles . of Birds of Mammals . 4 pe ee Tongue THYROID THYMUS IL (ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, AND INTESTINE of Ichthyopsida . of Reptiles of Birds of Mammals . Histology of the Mucous Membrane of the Alimentary Canal LIVER . PANCREAS G. ORGANS OF RESPIRATION I. GILLS of Amphioxus of Cyclostomes wok ~I St Uo os wow Ww Ww rar re res | CONTENTS GILLS (continued)— of Fishes of Dipnoans of Amphibians ‘ II. AIR-BLADDER AND LUNGS 1. AIR-BLADDER 2. LUNs Air Tubes and iat of Dipnoans of Amphibians of Reptiles . of Birds of Mammals Lungs proper of Dipnoans of Amphibians of Reptiles of Birds of Mammals ABDOMINAL PORES H. ORGANS OF CIRCULATION General Description and Development Heart, together with Origin of Main Vessels of Fishes . ; of Dipnoans of Amphibians of Reptiles . of Birds and Mammals Arterial System Venous System of Fishes . of Dipnoans of Amphibians of Amniota Retia Mirabilia . Lymphatic System MODIFICATIONS FOR THE INTER- UTERINE NUTRITION oF THE EMBRYO: F@ITAL MEMBRANES 1. Anamnia 2. Amniota I, URINOGENITAL ORGANS General Description and Development Male and Female Generative Ducts . Gonads xvi CONTENTS PAGE URINARY ORGANS 349 of Amphioxus Pak ‘ - 349 of Cyclostomes, Fishes and Dipnoans . e 2% 350 of Amphibians 352 of Reptiles and Birds 356 358 of Mammals jatencs : : 2.3 ‘ GENERATIVE ORGANS ate F st, 8 . 359 of Amphioxus 2g . 359 of Cyclostomes 359 of Fishes and Dipnoans . . . 360 of Amphibians 7 365 of Reptilesand Birds .... .. dis 8) . 368 of Mammals 370 COPULATORY ORGANS . .... s eH 377 SUPRARENAL BODIES ae : 385 APPENDIX (Bibliography). . .. . ‘ : 389 TIN DEX 3030 Wace a ac a ae GS : 481 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY INTRODUCTION. I. ON THE MEANING AND SCOPE OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. A KNOWLEDGE of the natural relationships and ancestral history of animals can only be gained by a comparative study of their parts (Comparative Anatomy) and of their mode of develop- ment (Embryology or Ontogeny). In addition to existing animals, fossil forms must also be taken into consideration ( Pa- leontology), and by combining the results obtained under these three heads, it is possible to make an attempt to trace out the development of the various races or groups in time (Phylogeny). As the different phases of development of the race may be repeated to a greater or less extent in those of the individual, the depart- ments of Ontogeny and Phylogeny help to complete one another. It must, however, be borne in mind that in many cases the phases of development are not repeated accurately in the individual —that is, are not palingenetic,—but that “ falsifications” of the re- cord, acquired by adaptation, very commonly occur along with them, resulting in cenogenetic modifications in which the original relations are either no longer to be recognised at all, or are more or less obscured. In this connection, two important factors must be taken into consideration, viz., heredity and the capability of variation. The former is conservative, and tends to the retention of ancestral characters, while the latter, under the influence of change in external conditions, results in modifications of structure which are not fixed and unalterable, but are in a state of constant change. The resulting “ adaptations,” so far as they are useful to the organism concerned, are transmitted to future generations, and thus in the course of time gradually lead to still further modifications. Thus heredity and adaptation are parallel factors, and a conception of the full meaning of this fact helps us not only to gain an insight into the blood-relationships of animals in gene- ral, but also to understand the meaning of numerous degenerated B Z COMPARATIVE ANATOMY and rudimentary or vestiyial organs and parts in the adult organism which would otherwise remain totally inexplicable. Histology is a subdivision of anatomy which concerns the structural elements—the building-stones of the organism, and the combination of these to form tissues. Various combinations of the tissues giye rise to organs, and the organs, again, combine to form systems of organs. The structural elements consist primarily of cells and second- arily of cells and fibres, and the different tissues may be divided into four principal groups :— 1. Epithelium, and its derivative, glandular tissue. 2. Supporting-tissue (connective-tissue, cartilage, bone). 3. Muscular tissue. 4, Nervous tissue. Tn accordance with the functions they perform, epithelium and support- ing-tissue may be described as passive, and muscular and nervous tissue as active. By an organ we understand an apparatus constructed to perform a definite function: as, for instance, the liver, which secretes bile; the gills and lungs, in which an exchange of gases is effected with the surrounding medium; and the heart, which pumps blood through the body. The organ-systems, which will be treated of in order in this book, are as follows:—1. The outer covering of the body, or 7ite- gument ; 2. The skeleton; 3. The muscles, together with electric organs; +. The nervous system and sense-organs; 5. The organs of nutrition, respiration, circulation, excretion, and reproduction. The closely-allied branches of science defined above are united together as Morphology, as opposed to Physiology which con- cerns the functions of organs, apart from their morphological rela- tions. The results obtained from these two fields of study help to complete one another, and thus to throw light on the organisation of animals in general—that is, on Zoology in its widest sense. II. DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCTURAL PLAN OF THE VERTEBRATE BODY, The structural elements described in the preceding section as the building-stones of the organism, i.. the cells, all arise from a single primitive cell, the egg-cell or ovum. This forms the starting-point for the entire animal-body, and a general account of its structure and subsequent development must therefore be given here. The ovum consists cf a rounded vesicle (Fig. 1), in the interior of which the following parts can be distinguished :—the vitellus,, INTRODUCTION 3 the germinal vesicle, and one or more germinal spots. The outer covering of the ovum is spoken of as the vitelline membrane. Since the ovum in its primitive form as above described repre- sents a single cell, we may speak of the vitellus! as the protoplasm of the egg-cell, the germinal vesicle as its nucleus, and the germinal spot as its nwcleolus. The cell-nucleus is enclosed by a delicate nuclear membrane, and is made up of two constituents—the spongioplasm or chromatin, and the hyaloplasm or achromatin. One or two small particles, the centrosomes, are also present in the cell-body, and take an important part in the process of cell- division. An outer limiting membrane, corresponding to the vitelline membrane, is not an integral part of the cell, but may be ditferen- tiated as a hardening of the peripheral protoplasm. In sexual reproduction, such as (oN KB occurs in all Vertebrates, the fusion of D------ the sperm-cell, containing the genera- tive substance of the male, with the ovum, is an absolute necessity for the development of the latter. Fie, 1,—DracrkaM OF THR But before this can occur, certain UNIMPREGNATED OvuM. changes take place inthe ovum, which p, vitellus; AB, germinal are known as maturation. Thiscon- vesicle; A, germinal spot. sists of a twice-repeated process of cell- division (karyokinesis) similar to that which occurs in tissue- cells, except that the resulting daughter-cells are of different sizes, two small nucleated polar-cells (Fig. 2) being successively thrown off from the larger ovum, the portion of the original nucleus remaining in the ovum being known as the “femals pronuctcus.” A sperm-cell (spermatozoon) then makes its way into the ovum, and its nucleus (the male pronweleus) unites with the female pronucleus to form the segmentation nucleus. This process, which is known as impregnation or fertilisation, thus consists in a material fusion of the generative substances of both sexes, or more accurately of the sperm-nucleus and egg-nucleus. The essential cause of inheritance can thus be traced to the molecular structure of the nuclei of both male and female germinal cells. This structure is the morphological expression of the characters of the species. After fertilisation has taken place development begins. The segmentation nucleus divides into two equal parts, each of which forms a new centre for the division of the oosperm, as it must now be called, into two halves or blastomeres. This division, the beginning of the process of segmentation, takes place by the formation of a furrow round the egg which becomes deeper and deeper until the division is complete. (Fig. 2, a). AF 1 The vitellus consists of two different substances—protoplasm and deutero- plasm (yo/k)—in varying proportions in different animals, an RY 4 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The first stage in the process of segmentation is thus com- pleted; the second takes place in exactly the same way, and results in a division of the oosperm into four parts, and by a similar process are formed eight, then sixteen, then thirty-two blastomeres, and so on, the cells becoming smaller and smaller, and each being pro- vided with a nucleus (Fig. 2C—D). In short, out of the original oosperm a mass of cells is formed which represents the building- material of the animal body and which, from its likeness in appear- ance to a mulberry, is spoken of as a morula. In the interior of the morula a cavity (seymentation cavity or Fig. 2.—DIAGRAMS OF THE SEGMENTATION OF THE OOSPERM. A, first stage (two segments): RK, polar cells. B, second stage (four segments). C, further stage. D, morula stage. blastocele) filled with fluid is formed, and the morula is now spoken of as the blastosphere or blastula (Fig. 3). The peripheral cells enclosing this cavity form the germinal membrane or blasto- derm. Consisting at first of a single layer of cells, the blastoderm later on becomes two- and then three-layered. From the relative positions of these, they are spoken of respectively as the outer, middle, and inner germinal layers, or as epiblast, (ectoderm, ) mesoblast, (mesoderm,) and hypoblast (endoderm). An increase in the amount of food-yolk (deuteroplasm, see note on p. 3) present in the ovum results in certain modifications of the primi- tive process of segmentation as described above. Yolk is an inert INTRODUCTION 5 substance, and its presence tends to hinder or even entirely to prevent segmentation in those parts of the ovum in which it is abundant. When the whole ovum undergoes division, the segmentation is known as entire or holoblastic; when division is restricted to part of the ovum only, the segmentation is said to be partial or meroblastic} (Fig. 4). The question as to the origin of the germinal layers, on ac- count of its important significa- tion, is one of the most burning problems in Morphology, and as yet we cannot arrive at any full and satisfactory conclusion on the subject. It may, how- ever, he affirmed with certainty that in all Vertebrates the Fic. 3.—BLAsTospHERE. blastosphere passes—or did so BD, blastoderm; FH, segmentation in earlier times—into a stage cavity. called the gastrula. One must imagine this form as being derived primitively from the blastula by supposing that the walls of the latter (Fig. 3) became pushed in or invaginated at one part, thus giving rise to a double- walled sac (Fig. 5). The outer wall then represents the epiblast, which functions as an organ of protection and sensation, while the inner, or hypoblast, encloses a central space, the primitive intestinal cavity (archenteron), and represents the assimilating and digestive primary ali- mentary canal. The opening of the latter to the exterior, where the two germinal layers are continuous, represents Fic. 4.—DracramoraMer- the primitive mouth or blastopore OBLASTIC OosrERM WITH (Fig. 5). Discoin Sutras MnrOs. Out of the epiblast arise later the Bla, blastoderm ; Do, yolk. epidermis and its derivatives, the entire nervous system, the sensory cells, the crystalline lens of the eye, and the oral and anal involutions (stomodewm and proctodeum). In an early stage the hypoblast gives rise to an axial rod, the notochord (see p. 9), and eventually to the epithelium of the greater part of the alimentary canal 1 In holoblastic segmentation the resulting cells are approximately «qua/ in the Lancelet and in Mammals (with the exception of Monotremes) ; and unequal in the Cyclostomes, Sturgeon, Lepidosteus, Ceratodus, and nearly all Amphibians, the segmentation sometimes approaching the meroblastic type. In Elasmo- branchs, Teleosts, Reptiles, Birds, and Monotremes the segmentation is meroblastic and discoid, t.e., restricted to the upper pole of the ovum (Fig. 4). 6 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY (Fig. 6, A and B) with its glands, including the thyroid, thymus, liver and pancreas, as well as to the epithelial parts of the gill- sacs and lungs. Though we may look upon the epiblast and hypoblast,—that is, both the primary germinal layers—as arising in the manner above described, the problem as to the origin of the mesoblast is as yet by no means settled. All that can be said at present is briefly as follows :—The mesoblast is a secondary formation, and is phylo- genetically younger than the other two germinal layers; both as regards the origin of its cells and_ histologically, it is of a com- pound nature, and thus forms a marked contrast to the germinal layers proper. Reminding one in many points of the “ mesenchyme” of Invertebrates, it always arises at first from the point where Fic. 5.—GASTRULA. Lkt, epiblast ; Ent, hypoblast ; B/p, blastopore ; C, archenteron. epiblast and hypoblast pass into one another, that is, from the region of the blastopore, or, what comes to the same thing in the higher Vertebrates, from the primitive streak. Originating from between the other two layers, one of its first and most important functions is the formation of d/oced-cells; later it gives rise to the heart, vessels, supporting and connecting substances (connective-tissue, adipose tissue, cartilage, and bone), serous membranes (peritoneum, pleura, pericardium, arachnoid), muscles, and almost the entire exerctory and reproductive apparatus. A cleft appearing in the mesoblastic tissue divides it into a parietal or somatic (ayer (Fig. 6, A and B), lying along the inner side of the epiblast, and into a visceral or splanchnic layer, which becomes attached to the outer side of the hypoblast. The former, together with the epiblast to which it is united, constitutes the INTRODUCTION 7 Fic. 6, A AND B.—DIAGRAMMATIC TRANSVERSE SECTIONS THROUGH A DEVELOPING VERTEBRATE EMBRYO. D, alimentary canal; Hut, hypoblast, showing in Fig. A the thickening (Ch) which will form the notochord ; Ch! (Fig. B), the notochord now constricted off from the hypoblast ; UH", mesoblastic somite ; UG, primary urinary duct (pro- nephric duct); A, aorta; SP, splanchnic and Sop, somatic mesoblast ; Co, Cal, celome; H, remains of the upper part of the ccelome in the interior of the mesoblastic somites; Zit, epiblast; Med, central nervous system (medullary cord) :—in Fig. A it is shown still connected with the epiblast, from which it has become constricted off in Fig. B. 8 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY somatopleure, and the latter, together with the hypoblast, the splanchnopleure. The cavity separating these is the body cavity, or celome (Fig. 7), and is lined by an epithelium. The dorsal part of the mesoblast which lies on either side of the middle line early becomes transversely segmented to form a series of nesoblastie somites or protovertebree, which lose their cavities (Fig. 6, A and B) and are concerned in the formation of the vertebral column, body muscles, and urinogenital apparatus. ; As a general rule a thickened disc-shaped region can be recog- nised at a certain stage of development on the dorsal pole of the Fie. 7.—DIAGRAMMATIC TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE Bopy oF AN ADULT VERTEBRATE. Med, spinal cord ; NR, neural tube ; KW’, body-wall ; Co, dermis ; Hy, endodermic epithelium of alimentary canal (intestine); MR, visceral tube; 0, aorta ; Ms, mesentery ; Per, parietal layer of the peritoneum ; Per', visceral layer of the peritoneum ; J/sc, muscular coat of intestine ; Subm, connective-tissue coat of intestine ; DH, lumen of intestine ; II’, vertebral centrum with dorsal arch. oosperm: this is the so-called embryonte area, and on it the first indications of the body are seen. This region gradually becomes constricted off from the yolk by the formation of furrows at its anterior and posterior ends as well as laterally, and consequently the connection of the body-rudiment with the ventral yolk-sae (the 1 The ceelome may arise as a segmentally arranged series of pouches (enteroceles) from the archenteron, in which case its lining epithelium is at first continuous with the hypoblast, as is most plainly seen in Amphioxus ; or it may be formed secondarily by a splitting (delamination) of the mesoblastic tissue (schizocele). The first of these must be considered as the more primitive. INTRODUCTION i] vitello-intestinal duct) is reduced in size, and when the yolk is eventually entirely absorbed, disappears altogether (Fig. 8, +). In the higher Vertebrates (Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals) folds of the somatopleure arise externally to these furrows, and are known respectively as the head, tail, and lateral folds; these gradually grow upwards and eventually unite with one another dorsally so as to form a membranous, dome-like sac, the amnion (Fig. 8) which encloses the embryo and contains a fluid (diguor amntzt). Owing to the presence of this structure the above-named Vertebrates are usually distinguished as Amniota from the Anamnia (Fishes and Amphibians), in which no amnion is developed (p. 13). A network of blood-vessels becomes developed over the yolk- sac, which may therefore serve as an organ of respiration as well as of nutrition. But in the higher Mammals this func- tion is only a very subsidiary one, as at a very early stage a vascular sac-like outgrowth, the allantois (Fig. 8), arises from the hinder part of the intestine (ic, from the splanchnopleure). This serves not only for respiration, but also for the reception of excretory matters derived from the primitive kidney. It is also present in Amphibians, but in them remains small, and does not extend beyond the body cavity of the embryo; while in the Amniota it gradually increases in size and grows round the embryo as a stalked vesicle, which in Reptiles, Birds, and Monotremes comes to lie close beneath the egg-shell and acts as an efficient respiratory organ during the rest of the embryonic period. Towards the close of this period the allantois gradually undergoes more or less complete reduction. In the higher Mammalia, however, an important vascular con- nection takes place between the mother and foetus by means of the ulantois. The latter becomes attached to a definite region of the uterine wall, and from it vascular processes or villi arise, so that the foetal and maternal blood-vessels come into very close relations with one another. Thus an allantoic placenta is formed, which serves both for the respiration and nutrition of the foetus (Fig. 9). As an allantoic placenta is not developed in Monotremes and is only slightly indicated amongst Marsupials, these forms are distinguished as Aplacentalia from the higher Mammals, or Placentalia (p. 14). The following important points must be noted as regards the structure of the Vertebrate body. After the main organs have ap- peared, a smaller dorsal neural tube and a larger ventral visceral tube extend longitudinally through the body, and between the two is a rod-like supporting structure, the notochord (p. 5), which arises as an axial thickening of the primary hypoblast and forms the primitive skeletal axis: it is usually replaced by a vertebral column consisting of centra and arches, at a later stage of development (Fig. 7). All these are median in position, and the body is thus 10 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY P34 Via. 8, A, B, aypb C.—D1IaAGRAMS ILLUSTRATING THE FORMATION OF THE AMNION, ALLANTOIS, AND YoOLK-Sac. A anv B, in LonciITtuDINAL Sxction ; C, IN TRANSVERSE SECTION. i, embryo; Dh, alimentary cavity ; Do, yolk-sac ; +, vitello-intestinal duct ; PP, cuwloine; Ah, amniotic cavity ; AJ’, amniotic fold ; A, amnion ; AJ, allantois ; «, somatopleure ; }, splanchnopleure ; AZ, medullary cord ; C, notochord. INTRODUCTION 11 bilaterally symmetrical. The neural tube, or cerebro-spinal cavity enclosed by the skull and vertebral arches, contains the central ner. vous system (brain and spinal cord); the visceral tube (cwlome, p- 8, Fig. 7) encloses the viscera (alimentary canal, urinogenital organs, &c.), and its muscular walls may be strengthened by a series Pu LC) Fic. 9.—DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION THROUGH THE HumAN Gravip Urrnts. U, uterus ; 7b, Tb, Fallopian tubes ; UH, uterine cavity ; Dv, decidua vera, which at Pu passes into the uterine portion of the placenta; Dr, decidua reflexa ; Pf, fetal portion of the placenta (chorion frondosum, Chf); Chi, chorion leve; A, A, the cavity of the amnion filled with fluid : in the interior of the amnion is seen the embryo suspended by the twisted umbilical cord ; H, neart ; A, aorta; cs, precaval, ci, postcaval, and », portal vein; A/, allantoic (umbilical) arteries; +, the liver, perforated by the umbilical vein; D, the remains of the yolk-sac (umbilical vesicle). of ribs, articulating dorsally with the vertebral column. Certain of the ribs may reach the mid-ventral line and come into connec- tion with a breast-bone or sternum, and thus form complete rings or hoops around the visceral tube. The anterior ends of the central nervous system (brain) and ali- mentary tract enter into close relations with the outer world, the 12 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY former coming into connection with the higher sense-organs, while from the latter are developed the mechanisms for the taking i in of nutriment and for respiration. The anterior portion of the body, or head, passes behind into the trunk, either with or without the intermediation of a neck. The coelome is practically restricted to the trunk, in the hinder part of which the intestinal (anal) and urinogenital apertures are situated, and posterior to which again is the tai/, Head, trunk, and tail constitute the body-axis, as distinguished from the limds or appendages, which arise from the trunk and of which there are typically two pairs. INTRODUCTION 13 SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. On the ground of their relationship to one another, animals have been classified into certain divisions and subdivisions, which are designated as Classes, Orders, Suborders, Familtes, Genera, and Species, A general classification of the principal existing Vertebrate groups is given in the following table. A. Acrania. Amphioxus (Lancelet). B. Craniata. I. CYCLOSTOMATA (Suctorial Fishes). 1. Petromyzontide (Lamprey). 2. Myxinoidee (Myxine, Bdellostoma). Il. GNATHOSTOMATA (Animals provided with jaws). (a.) ANAMNIA (without amnion). 1. Pisces (True Fishes). a. Elasmobranchii (Sharks and Rays). 8. Holocephali (Chimera and Callorhynchus). y. Ganoidet. 1. Selachoidei (Cartilaginuns Ganoids—Aci- penser, Scaphirhynchus, Polyodon). 2. Teleostoidei (Bony Ganoids—Polypterus, Calamoichthys, Lepidosteus, Amia). 6. Teleostei. 1. Physostomi (with open pneumatic duct between the air-bladder and pharynx, 3 e.g., Cyprinus, Salmo, Silurus, Mor- Ichthyopsida. i ra 2. Physoclisti (air-bladder, when present, with closed pneumatic duct, e.g., Perca, Gadus, Lophius, Labrus, Plectognathi, Lophobranchii). 2. Dipnot, 1. Monopneumones (Ceratodus). 2. Dipneumones (Protopterus, Lepidosiren). 3. AMPHIBIA. a. Urodela. 1. Perennibranchiata (Proteus, Siren, \ Necturus). 2. Caducibranchiata. Derotremata (Amphiuma, Menopoma). Myctodera (Salamandra, Triton, Am- blystoma). B. Gymnophiona (Footless Ceecilians). y. Anwra (Frogs and Toads). 14 Sauropsida. Mammalia. 2 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY (b. AMNrotTa (Vertebrates which develop an amnion during fcetal life). . Reprint. a. Crocodilia (Crocodiles and Alligators). B. Lacertilia (Lizards, including Hatteria). y. Chelonia (Turtles and Tortoises). 6. Ophidi« (Snakes). 2. AVES. a. Ratitc (Cursorial Birds—Ostrich, Rhea, Emu, &c.). B. Carinate (Birds of flight). Aplacentalia or Achoric. a. Prototheria or Ornithodelphia (Monotremata—Orni- thorhynchus and Echidna). 8. Metatheriu or Didelphia (Marsupialia—Kangaroos, Phalangers, Opossums, &c. ). . Placentalia or Choriata. Eutheria or Monodelphia, Edentata. : Sirenia. Cetacea. Ungulata. Hyracoidea. Proboscidea. Rodentia. Cheiroptera. Insectivora. Carnivora. Lemuroidea Primates. 15 INTRODUCTION Paleozoic Kainozoic a | Mesozoic | “UBT ees “UVLICUUGS) AUPIN TOMO] utLmpig taddq UVTUOAD(T “snodayIMUOg.IeD “WRT g | “OISSBLL, “OISSBAN *sn0adeyaIy ‘AICI, “£rvurIIyeney ‘soystl IS1Y 29 JO ‘(splouey) paanounte) soystyp snoraumu [qe12104 JO ‘sapigday pur suviqiydury say ayd JO “STVULULE TAL pue sparg yay oyg : soprqdoy jo quowdoyaaep wutuixeut oq} JO ‘URAL YS ayy { speumurepy fo soueyeaord 94} JQ “queoeyy *WOLPBUIOT ‘ue Apreqnoryred ‘speanue pepooyq-wares Jo soueTeacid oy} JO ported ssattydey pus sueiqnidury ‘suvoudig pur ae soushd | “STRUUUIU ‘uaNagup) “H woud aqiadoW “ANIL NI VIVUITLUAA AHL JO INAWAOTHAAT TVOGVAO AHL ONIMOHS ATAVE SPECIAL PART. A. INTEGUMENT. THE skin consists of a superficial ectodermal and a deeper mesodermal layer. The former is called the epidermis (scarf- skin) and the latter the dermis (coriwm, cutis). The subcutaneous connective tissue is usually not sharply marked off from the dermis, but the one passes gradually into the other. The epidermis always consists of cells only, while the dermis is made up principally of connective tissue fibres, and may also enclose muscular fibres. Bony structures may occur in the dermis, as well as vessels and glands, which only rarely extend into the epidermis, from which the glands are all derived and with which they usually remain in connection by means of their ducts. Nerves, migratory leucocytes (lymph- or white blood-corpuscles), connective-tisswe cells, including pigment-cells (chromatophores) and free pigment, are found in both layers of the integument. Pigment is never formed in the epithelial or connective-tissue cells them- selves, but always originates in the blood. In the epidermis two layers may in general be distinguished :— a superficial, composed of flattened and hardened cells (stratum corneum, horny layer), and a deeper layer made up of soft proto- plasmic cells (stratum Malpightt, mucous layer). The latter serves as a matrix for the regeneration of the horny layer, the superficial part of which is continually scaling off. From the epidermis the cuticular organs and integumentary glands, and all other parts spoken of as epidermic structures take their origin. Such are, hairs, bristles, nails, claws, hoofs, &e. The peripheral sensory end- organs of the skin as well as the crystalline lens of the eye also arise by a differentiation of epidermic cells (p.5): the definite relation which many of these organs have with the dermis must be looked upon as a secondary acquirement. Amphioxus, Fishes, and Dipnoans.—The surface of the epidermis is covered with cilia in the larval Amphioxus (gastrula stage), and this must undoubtedly be considered as inherited from Invertebrate ancestors. The striated cuticular border of the outer INTEGUMENT 17 epidermic layer in many fishes (eg. Cyclostomi, Teleostei, and Dipnoi), and, as will be mentioned presently, in Amphibian larve, indicates the former possession of cilia (Figs 10 and 11). se» Goblet-cells (wnicellular glands) are very abundant in the many layered epidermis of Cyclostomes (especially Myxincids) and osseous Fishes, and are extremely numerous in Protopterus. Protopterus buries itself in the mud during the dry season, and its integu- ment, which, besides the numerous goblet-cells, also contains simple muauiti- cellular glands like those of the Amphibia, gives rise to a varnish-like secretion oe as well as to a hardened capsule or ‘‘ coccoon,” by means of which the animal Fig. 10.—DIAGRAMMATIC TRANSVERSE SECTION ILLUSTRATING THE STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN IN FISHEs. Ep, epidermis; Co, derma; J’, subcutaneous fat ; CS, cuticular margin; Ko, goblet-cells; B, B, goblet-cells opening on the surface ; Ko, granular slime- secreting cells present in Petromyzon and Malopterurus; (/, vessels which pass upwards in the vertical connective-tissue bundles of the derma ; W, hori- zontal connective-tissue bundles. is protected during its torpid period. In all Fishes which possess slime- secreting cells in the integument, it is probable that the secretion serves tu protect the outer skin from the action of the water. Multicellular glands are not commonly present in the integu- c 18 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ment of Fishes, but apart from Protopterus (see above) there are a number of exceptions to this rule. In male Elasmobranchs there is a large glandula pterygopodii (gland of the clasper) at the base of each pelvic fin : it arises as a tube-like invagin- ation of the skin, and is in relation with the copulatory organs. Poison-glands are found amongst the Teleostei. Thus in the Weever (Trachinus) there is a series of poison-glands lying on either side of the bases of the spines of the dorsal fin and operculum. In Thalassophryne the operculum is provided with a hollow spine, at the base of which a poison-gland is situated, and in Synanceia there is also a series of glands at the bases of the grooved dorsal spines. Poison organs are also present in Scorpeena and others ; but in many cases in which such organs have been described a more detailed histological examination is desirable. The phosphoresceit and eye-like organs present in the integument of some Fishes (Scopelidee, Chauliodus, &c.) are probably to be looked upon as modified glands. In Lepidosiren, apparently in the male only, the integument of the pelvic fins is provided with numerous (? erectile) villi. Pigment-cells, which are under the influence of the nervous system and are able to cause a change of colour, are present some- times in both layers of the integument, sometimes in the epidermis. only. The colouration is sometimes protective (¢.g. Flat-fishes) and sometimes sexual (e.g. Stickleback). The bony scales of Fishes lie in connective-tissue pouches of the dermis and are formed as ossifications of the latter. In Teleosts and Dipnoans they are covered by the epidermis through- out life; in Ganoids and Elasmobranchs this is only the case in the larva. In Teleosts the parts of the epidermis covering the ex- ternally visible portions of the scales becorne cornified. (For further details compare p. 30). Amphibia.—The epidermis of Amphibian larve is for a short period ciliated. In the adult, it may be said in general that the- Fic, 11.—Skry or Larva or SavaMANDER (Salumandra maculosa). Ep, epidermis; Co, dermis ; a, stratum corneum; ), stratum Malpighii; ZZ,. Leydig’s cells ; CS, striated border. integument of Amphibians is intermediate in structure between that of Fishes and Reptiles. The epidermis of those larvee which live in the water consists. of two sharply differentiated layers. The outer layer is usually made up of flat cells with a striated cuticular border on their free edge (Fig. 11), like that occurring amongst Fishes: the inner: INTEGUMENT 19 layer is composed of more cylindrical or cubical cells. The former corresponds to the stratum corneum, the latter to the stratum Malpighii. The horny layer is shed periodically, either entire or in pieces. Later, with advancing development, the layers of the epidermis become more numerous, and involutions towards the dermis take place in all parts, giving rise to a great number of sac-like and tube-shaped glands similar to those of Protopterus (p. 17); these are particularly abundant in certain regions—more especially on the head and flanks (Fig. 12). The individual glands are sur- Min Fic. 12.—SEcTioN THROUGH THE SKIN OF ADULT SALAMANDER (S. maculosa). Ep, epidermis ; Co, dermis, in the richly pigmented (P7) connective-tissue stroma of which the various sized integumentary glands (4, C, D, D, Z) lieembedded ; 4M, the muscular layer of the glands, lying within the basement membrane (Pr); M, the same, seen from the surface; 7, epithelium of glands; S, secretion of glands; J/m, subcutaneous layer of muscles, through which vessels (G) extend towards the dermis. rounded by muscle and connective-tissue fibres, pigment, blood- vessels, and nerves. Their secretion serves to keep the skin moist, but as experiments have shown, it also forms an important weapon of defence on account of its poisonous properties. This richness in glands is a characteristic of the skin cf Amphi- bia and to it they owe their moist and slippery nature. Frequently, as for instance in Toads, the skin is not smooth, but has a rough, warty appearance, caused by local proliferations of the epidermis. Epidermic claws, analogous to those of the Amniota, are present only in Xenopus (Dactylethra) and Onychodactylus. The pigment, accumulated principally in the dermis—partly diffused, partly enclosed within the cells—is under the control of the nervous system, and thus renders a change of colour possible; and 5) Qs 20 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY as the colour becomes modified according to the surroundings of the anirnal, it may serve as a protection (¢.9. Hyla). Saki Calcifications may occur 1 the dermis, or, as in Ceratop uae dorsata, definite bones may be formed (see p. 33): the dermis also encloses numerous smooth muscle-fibres. Reptilia.—The characteristic peculiarity of the skin of Reptiles is its capacity of producing scales (these are very simple in Geckos and Chameleons), warts, prickles, shields (c.g. the “ tortoiseshell of Chelonians), claws, rattles (Rattlesnake), and other epidermic structures (Fig. 13). All these are due in the first instance to the formation of dermal papillz, the markedly stratified epidermis covering which becomes cornified secondarily. The horny layer of the epidermis may be periodically cast off either entire (Snakes) Uanwite GWM EU Fie. 13.—DiacnamMatic Sections THroucH Various Kinps oF EPIDERMIC ScaLes OF REPTILES. (From Boas’s Zoology.) A, rounded scales ; B, shields ; C, imbricating scales ; D, overlapping scales with bony seutes in the underlying dermis; h, horny layer; s, Malpighian layer of the epidermis ; 7, dermis; 0, bony scutes. or in shreds: it is renewed from the Malpighian layer. The integument of Hatteria retains the most primitive characters amongst Reptiles. Pigment-cells occur in the integument, rendering a change of colour possible in many cases (¢.g. Chameleon). Ossifications in the dermis are very common in Reptiles, and there is great variation in the degree of their development, from the small bony scutes present in Geckos (Ascalabota) to the large exoskeletal plates of Chelonians (see p. 33). Muscles are also present in the dermis. In contrast to the skin of Amphibians, that of Reptiles is entirely wanting in glands. In Lizards, the so-called femoral glands occurring along the ventral side of the thigh are said to be merely solid cones of epidermic cells, which form a series of papillze or warts and serve as clasping organs during copulation. Birds.—Birds possess a thinner dermis than any other Ver- tebrates, and it is less plentifully supplied with blood-vessels. INTEGUMENT 2, In the deeper layers there is a strongly developed network of muscle-fibres showing traces of transverse striation: these are inserted into the feather-sacs, and serve to erect the feathers. Apart from a gland present in the neighbourhood of the auditory passage amongst Gallinacez, there is only a single gland situated at the base of the rudimentary tail (uropygium): this wropygial gland is present in nearly all Birds, and its secretion serves to oil the feathers. Dermal bones are characteristically absent, while epidermic structures, such as feathers, claus, spurs, foot-scales, and beak-sheaths, are strongly developed. One of the most marked characteristics of Birds is the pos- session of feathers. In the majority of Birds they are of two kinds—down-feathers and contour-feathers, and are usually arranged in so-called feather-tracts (pterylw) separated by naked regions (apteria). The base of each feather is embedded in an epidermic sac or follicle. Their mode of development corre- sponds essentially with that of the epidermic scales of Reptiles. In the region where a feather is to be formed, the dermal tissue becomes raised up towards the ectoderm (Fig. 14, A), and thus gives rise to a vas- cular papilla. As this papilla grows out to form an elongated cone with a pointed apex, the ferther-yerm (B), its base sinks gradually deeper and deeper into the dermis, and thus becomes surrounded by a sort of poeket—the feather-follicle. The horny, as well as the Malpighian layer of the epidermis extends into the base of the follicle, and thence into the feather-germ, the interior of which is throughout filled by cells of the dermis, which give rise to the pip. As the feather-germ keeps on growing, the cells of the Malpighian layer begin to proliferate rapidly, giving rise to a series of radial folds arranged along a central axis, which extend inward towards the pulp, and are immediately bounded by the horny layer (C). These folds, between which the nutritive pulp extends, then become cornified and separated from above downwards from the surrounding cells ; and, by a gradual drying of the central pulp-substance, give rise to a tuft of horny rays, which are, however, at first bound together by the enclosing stratum corneum. Most Birds are hatched when the feathers are in this stage of develupment, and they thus appear as if covered with hbrush-like hairs. By the shedding of the surrounding horny layer the rays or barbs become free (D), and if these are all similar to one another, an embryonic down- feather is formed. The whole feather-germ, however, does not become divided up into barbs in this manner : its lower portion, embedded in the skin, retains a more uniform character and forms the qill (calcuits). The embryonic down-feathers (E), on the individual barbs of which smaller secondary rays or barbiles become developed, may retain their char- acter as such throughout life or may be replaced by definitive feathers. In this case a second, larger, follicle early arises from the base of the follicle of the down-feather, the pulp of the two being in connection (D). The papilla developing within the interior of this new follicle grows rapidly, gradually pushes the base of the down-feather out of its follicle, and comes to the surface. Each contour feather (penne) at first closely resembles a down- feather (pluma) in structure, and consists of a tuft of similar rays or barbs provided with secondary rays or barbules. In the course of further growth, however, one of the rays becomes rapidly a COMPARATIVE ANATOMY thickened, and forms a main axis or stem (scapus), to which the barbs are attached on either side. The proximal or basal portion of the scapus which bears no barbs is called the gull (calamus), and the distal part, to which the barbs are attached, the shaft (rachis). The barbs together constitute the vane (veaillum) (Fig. 14, F). A. Fra. 1£—Six Staces IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FEATHER. (Mainly after Th. Studer. ) Cu, dermis; Si, stratum Malpighii; Sr, stratum corneum ; §.1/!, Sc!, extensions of these tissues into the feather-papilla, Pap; /K, feather-germ; F, F", feather-follicle ; P, pulp; Fal (SJ/1), folds of the Malpighian layer extending into the feather-germ, and enclosed externally by the horny layer, HS (Sc?) : both layers are seen in the transverse section (C); /"Sp, quill of feather, which breaks up above into a tuft of rays or barbs (Sf); sec, sec, secondary rays (barbules) arising from the latter; R, rachis ; V, vexillum. For further details as to the different stages A-F’, compare text. The barbules are so arranged on each barb as to make the latter resemble an entire feather in appearance. The barbs may become very closely united together by means of minute hooks on the barbules, so that an extremely strong and resistant though plant structure is formed; this is especially the case in the large wing and tail feathers (renviges and rectrices). Tn many Birds each quill of the ordinary feathers of the body bears two yexilla, the second being spoken of as the aftershaft (huporachis), INTEGUMENT 23 A periodic casting of feathers, or moulting, takes place in all Birds, and corresponds to the similar process of the casting of the horny layer of the skin in Amphibians and Reptiles. The feather-covering of Birds must have been acquired in very early geological periods, for Archeeopteryx, found in the Jurassic strata of Bavaria, possessed well-formed feathers with a very delicate shaft and vane. Palseonto- ‘logical researches have not brought to light any definite intermediate stages between scales and feathers, but that they must once have existed is shown by the development of these structures. Mammals.—The integument of Mammals gives rise to hatrs, “which are characteristic of and confined to this Class. They may be almost uniformly developed all over the body and even on the soles of the feet, or may become reduced in more or less extensive regions. They are most scanty in the Cetacea, where only a few occur on the lips, and even these may disappear in the adult. The first to appear are certain tactile-hairs (vibrisse) on the head, along the course of the trigeminal nerve; all the hairs, however, serve as tactile organs as well as for keeping the body warm. Nothing definite can be at present stated as regards the phylogeny of hairs, but it seems at any rate probable that they are not directly comparable to the scales of Reptiles and feathers of Birds:! the arrangement of the hairs in alternating groups is probably the last indication of the former possession of scales. Each hair first arises as a proliferation of the epidermic cells in the region of the Malpighian layer which comes to project inwards towards the dermis (Fig. 15, A, B and C). In this manner the hair-germ is formed. Thus the epidermic portion is the primary one; a corresponding dermal papilla is formed secondarily, and is the homologue of the papilla which forms the first trace of the scale in a Reptile or the feather in a Bird, The thickening of the epidermis then grows downwards in the form of a papilla and becomes surrounded by the cells of the dermis, so that, as in the case of the feather, it comes to lie within a kind of pocket, the hair-follicle (Fig. 14, C). The originally uniform mass of cells of the hair-germ later becomes differentiated into a peripheral and a central portion. The latter consists of more elongated cells, and gives rise later to the hair-shaft with its medulla or pith, and to the cortex, as well as to the cuticle of the shaft and the so-called inner rovt-sheath; the former gives rise the onter svovt-sheath (comp. Fig. 16 A, which represents the fully-formed hair). The base of the hair-shaft which fills up the bottom of the follicle is broadened out to form the hair-bulb (Fig. 15, D), which grows round the later formed and highly vascular hair-papilla like a cap (C, D). At Dr, in D, the sebaceous glands (p. 27) are seen arising by a proliferation of the Malpighian cells. The hair usually breaks through the skin in an oblique direction ; the direction differ- ing in different parts of the body. The hair or hair-shafé embedded at its base in the hair- follicle, is more or less cylindrical: it consists of three parts— 1 It has been suggested that the hairs correspond to modified integumentary sense-organs such as occur in the lower Vertebrates (comp. Figs. 15 and 150). 2+ COMPARATIVE ANATOMY medulla, cortex, and cuticle (Fig. 16 A), all of which are formed from cells. The follicular tissue, which is richly provided with blood-vessels, extends into the bulb-like base or root of the hair- Fie. 15.—Dracrams oy Four Staces (A-D) tx THE DEVELOPMENT OF Hatrrs. (After F. Maurer.) Se, stratum corneum; S.J/, stratum Malpighii, which gives rise to an epithelial knob at Zp ; this grows inwards into the dermis (C) ; #, rudiment of the hair- follicle ; HP, hair-papilla; HK, hair-bulb ; Dr, rudiment of the sebaceous gland. In D,/ indicates the stratum lucidum with eleidin-granules in the cells. shaft, and gives rise to the huir-papilla. From this region a new hair-shaft_ may develop when the hair is shed, periodically or non- periodically as the case may be, often by the formation of a new papilla. The colour of the hair is due to three causes -—Firstly, INTEGUMENT 25 to the greater or less accumulation of pigment in the cells of the cortical layer; secondly, to the air contained in the intercellular Fic. 16, A.—Lonerruprnan SecTIoN THROUGIE A Harr. (Diagrammatic. ) Sc, stratum corneum ; S./, stratum Malpighii ; Co, dermis ; .j, arrectores pili ; Ft, adipose tissue ; /, outer longitudinal layer, and J", inner transverse layer of dermic coat (both composed of connective-tissue) ; Sch, hair-shaft ; 1/, medulla; PR, cortex ; O, cuticle of shaft; WS, W'S!, external and internal root-sheath, —the latter reaches above only as far as the point of entrance of the duets of the sebaceous glands (WBD); HP, hair-papilla, containing ‘vessels ; GH, hyaline layer, which lies between the inner and outer hair- sheaths, ¢.c., between the root-sheath and the follicle (dermic coat). spaces of the medulla; and lastly, to the nature of the surface of the hair, i.e, whether it is rough or smooth. The hairs are usually arranged in groups of finer and coarser elements, and, especially in the case of the vibrissee, are well innervated. 26 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY A richer hairy covering (lanwgo) is often met with in the embryonic -condition—as, for instance, in the human foetus—than occurs later ; and this fact, together with the occasional appearance of abnormally hairy individuals, indicates that at one time Man was distinguished by a far more abundant clothing of hair than at the present day. Other epidermic structures, formed as thickenings of the horny layer, also play a very important part in Mammals; such are— claws, nails, bristles, and spines (Hedgehog, Porcupine); the so- called whalebone (baleen) of the Mystaceti; the horn-sheaths in Ruminants; the nasal horns of the Rhinoceros; the scales in Manis and on the tail of the Beaver and other Mammals; the palatal plites of Sirenia ; and the ischial callosities of certain Apes. When pigment is present, as, for instance, on the snout in many Mammals and on the external genitals (labia majora and scrotum) and the teats in the human subject, it is always situated in cells of the Malpighian layer. The outer layer of the dermis, as may be seen by a glance at Fig. 16, B, may be divided into an outer papillary and an inner reticular portion. The pa- pille of the former are ac- curately adapted to the over-lying epidermis: some of them contain blood- and lymph-capillaries, and others, nerves with tactile cor- puscles. The latter, on the other hand, becomes lost without any sharp boundary line in the sub-dermal con- nective-tissue and in the more or less strongly-de- veloped fatty layer (panni- culus adiposus). The pads (tort) on the soles of the feet of most Mammals are due to large dermal papilla. Fie. 16, 3.—Sxerion tHRoveH tHe Human In addition to numer- SKIN. ous elastic fibres, smooth Se, a Noe eat a tee oe muscle elements are distri- sensory pepe s CP. vastulerpenilh ae buted throughout the der- and G, nerves and vessels of the dermis; 4215 ; they are particularly eae Ee ar with their ducts abundant in the scrotum Hits Sle , hair with sebaceous (dartos) and in the teats, and are present in connec- tion with the hair-sacs (arrcctores pili): the power of erecting the hair possessed by many Mammals is due to these (Fig. 16, A). A bony dermal skeleton is found only in the Armadillo amongst existing Mammals (comp. p. 34), INTEGUMENT 27 The integumentary glands, which are well developed in all Mammals except the Cetacea, are of two kinds, twhular and acinous. The former include the sweat-glands and their various modifica- tions ; while the latter are spoken of as sebaccous glands, and include the already-mentioned glands of the hatr-sacs, which serve to oil the hair (Figs. 15 D, and 16, A and B), the preputial glands, the inguinal glands of certain Rodents, the Meibomean glands of the eyelids, and many others. It must be borne in mind, however, that there is not always a sharp distinction between these two kinds of glands. The paired femoral gland of Ornithorhynchus opens by means of a long duct on to the spur present on the hind foot. Its secretion is poisonous. Another important modification of the integumentary glands of the Mammalia is seen in the mammary glands, which secrete Fic. 17, A.—A, VENTRAL View or A Broopine Femaue or Aehidnua hystrix. B, Dissection oF THE VENTRAL INTEGUMENT FROM THE Doksau (INNER) Sipe. (After W. Haacke.) t,-T, the two tufts of hair in the lateral folds of the mammary pouch (b.m.) from which the secretion flows. On either side of the pouch, which is surrounded by.strong muscles, a group of mammary glands (y.m.) opens ; ¢/, cloaca, milk for the nutrition of the young. In Monotremes these apparently correspond to sweat glands, while in other Mammals they represent sebaceous glands. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY to (oa) Monotremes possess no ¢eats, and the milk probably passes along the hairs, which in this region are arranged in bunches, and is then licked off by the young animal. The gland is compressed by a strong sphincter muscle. In Echidna, a mammary or marsupial pouch which is primarily paired and becomes unpaired secondarily, is early formed for the reception of the young, and the gland-masses open into two depressions of the ventral integument where the bunches of hair are situated (Fig. 17). These depressions may be called mammary pockets, and are of especial interest as they repre- sent the first stage in the development of the various forms of teats present in all other Mammalia, in many of which distinct indica- tions of the Monotreme condition are met with. The marsupial pouch of the Marsupialia is probably homologus with that of Echidna. Thus a_ similar mammary pocket is formed in the embryos of Marsupials and pla- cental Mammals by the epidermis extend- ing inwards towards the dermis, and cylin- drical, more or less branched processes a- rising from the base of the pocket thus formed (Fig. 17, B, 1). These processes only are the glands proper, the mammary pocket being simply a Fre. 17, B.—DracramMatic REPRESENTATIONS OF rate of the Outer all roe Earty DEVELOPMENT or tHE Leapixy face of the skin which Types or MamMary Grianps. (Modified from has sunk inwards, and soREE RAN thus it may give rise to. A, first or undifferentiated (mammary pit) stage; hairs and other intecu- Std 8 =] € stay rue 5 £, stage of the false teat; C, stave of the true mentary structures. teat; ¢, ©, rim (or rampait) of the glandular a area ; f, 4, glandular area ; y/, mammary glands ; The teats may be- d¢, maminary canal. come developed In one of two ways. Th the first of these, the skin surrounding the pouch becomes raised up to form a circular rampart, and thus gives rise to a teat perforated by a canal, into the base of which the ducts of the gland open (Fig. 17, B, B). In the second case, the gland sur- face itself becomes elevated into a papilla, while the surrounding INTEGUMENT 29 skin remains almost on a level with the rest of the integument (C). In the latter case the teats may be described as trxe or secondary (Marsupials, Rodents, Lemurs, Monkeys, and Man), and in the former as psewdo- or primary teats (Carnivora, Pigs, Horses, and Ruminants). The latter condition is already indicated in certain Marsupials (¢.g. Phalangista vulpina). The number of teats varies greatly: there may be as few as one pair, or as many as eleven pairs (Centetes). They are often situated in two nearly parallel rows along the ventral side of the thorax and abdomen which slightly converge towards the inguinal region: in other cases they may be restricted either to the inguinal (Ungulates and Cetaceans) or to the thoracic region (Sloths, Elephants, Sirenia, many Lemurs, Cheiroptera, and Primates) : while in others, they may be axillary or abdominal, or they may oceur in various combinations of all these regions. In the male, the mammary apparatus becomes aborted, though usually at birth and puberty milk is produced in the human subject. Male goats and castrated sheep have also been known to give milk, and the same is probably true of male Bats. The occasional existence in men of supernunierary teats, and in women of supernumerary mamme and teats (polimastism and polj- thelism) is very remarkable. They are usually situated in the thoracic region, and must be considered as atavistic to a primitive form which possessed numerous teats and which produced a number of young at atime. Such a transition from polymastism to bimastism may be seen plainly at the present day in the Lemurs: in them the inguinal and abdominal teats are seen in various degrees of retrogressive metamorphosis, while a single pair of thoracic teats remain well developed. This accords with the fact that most Lemurs bear only a pair of young ones at a time, which they carry with them at the breast. Moreover, in various Mammals a greater number of teats are present in the embryo than in the adult. The mammary glands, which are at first solid, become secondarily hollowed out and further differentiated. The whole intermediate tissue during lactation is filled with white blood-corpuscles (leucocytes); and possibly the well-known structural elements of milk, known as colostrums and milk-spheres, owe their origin to these corpuscles, which have passed through the walls of the acini. B. SKELETON. 1, EXOSKELETON. THE hard exoskeleton, consisting of bone or other calcified tissues, must be distinguished from the horny exoskeletal parts described in the last chapter, in which, however, the former was also referred to. Thus it will be remembered that the term “scale” is some- times used for a horny epidermal structure, and sometimes for a bony dermal one (pp. 18, 20). The first and most primitive hard structures in Vertebrates are met with amongst Elasmobranchs in the form of small, pointed Fic. 18.—DermMan DesxticLes oF Centrophorus — caleeus. (Slightly magnified. ) (From Gegenbaur’s Comp. An- atomy. ) denticles (placoid organs) in the skin; these consist of enamel and dentine, resting on a basal plate of done, thus resembling in structure ordinary oral teeth, which will be described later. Primitively, as in many Rays, there is a relatively small number of these placoids, which do not touch one another, while in most Sharks and Dog- fishes they are much more nunerous and close-set (Fig. 18). Their shape is rhombic or more or less rounded, each bearing a spine, and new ones being continually formed. The enamel, developed in connection with epidermic cells, is the primary part of the den- ticle (Fig. 19) ; the dentine is developed secondarily—that is, later—from the phyletically younger mesoderm, and this is also true of the bony portion. The enamel is therefore the first, and originally the only hard substance of the placoid organ. The first bony tissue to be developed is thus formed in connection with EXOSKELETON 31 these denticles, the basal-plate representing an accessory portion of the denticle, and serving to fix it within the skin. In the- further course of evolution the denticle itself undergoes reduc- tion, the basal-plate remaining as an independent structure This is illustrated by a study of the exoskeleton in other Vertebrates. In the Holocephali dermal denticles are only present on certain appendages (the claspers), and the first dorsal-fin is strengthened by a large bony spine. In most Ganoids thick plates, usually rhombic in form, are present in the skin; in bony Ganoids these cover the entire body, their margins being in apposition.! These ganoid-scales: correspond to the main (deeper) part of the placoid basal-plates,. aS ne Fic. 19.—VerticaL SECTION THROUGH THE SKIN oF AN Empryo SHARK. (From Gegenbaur’s Comp. Anatomy.) C, dermis ; ¢, c, c, d, layers of the dermis; p, papilla; £, epidermis ; ¢, its layer- of columnar cells ; 0, enamel layer. the spine having become rudimentary. Their surface is dense and smooth (ganoin-layer), and was formerly erroneously supposed to consist of enamel. In Lepidosteus they bear numerous small denticles; but from what has been said above, this fact does not indicate that each ganoid-scale corresponds to a multiple of placoids. The exoskeleton was largely developed amongst fossil Ganoids. The scales of Teleosts, the first indication of which, as in the case of placoid scales, is seen in the form of small papille of the dermis extending into the epidermis, correspond to the super- ficial portions of the basal-plates. In the further course of develop- ment they are seen to consist of bony plates arranged in oblique rows and lying directly beneath the ep:dermis, the individual scales not touching one another, and their surfaces lying parallel to the 1 In Amia, the scales have a ‘‘cycloid” form. (See note on p. 32.) 32 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY surface of the body. In this stage their arrangement resembles that seen in Ganoids. Subsequently they usually come to lie within definite pockets or sacs, and to overlap one another like tiles on a roof (Fig. 20 A). The surface of the scales may be sculptured. YY: Mbt HULL fra. 2U\.—DrackamMatic LoNne@rrupINAL SECTION THROUGH THE SKIN OF A TELEOSTEAN, TO SHOW THE RELATION OF THE Bony Scaues. (Fron Boas’s Zooloyy.) 7, dermis ; s, scale; v, epidermis. Amongst the Siluride (Fig. 29, B), Plectognathi, and Lopho- branchii, they may be of relatively large size and so arranged as to form a strong bony cuirass. Scales are wanting in Cyclostomes, and may be reduced or absent in repre- sentatives of the three larger Orders described above (viz., in Electric Fishes Spatularia, and some Eels). In the Dipnoi the arrangement of the scales is similar to that seentin the Teleostei. They consist of an external hard substance Fic. 208.—DERMAL ARMATURE OF Callichthys. L, barbules ; Br’, pectoral fin; BF, pelvic fin; RF, dorsal fin; DS and VS, dorsal and ventral bony shields; +, lateral line. arranged in a network and provided with numerous denticles, and of an internal portion composed of firm connective-tissue and bone. 1 Different forms of the rounded or polygonal scales in Teleostei are dis- tinguished as eycloid and ctenoid. The former, which are the more primitive, have a smooth margin, while in the latter the posterior margin is toothed and com)-like. Various intermediate stages exist between the two forms, EXOSKELETON 33 These denticles are developed from connective-tissue cells, and are not comparable to the placoid denticle; the resemblance, too, between the scales of the Dipnoi and Teleostei is only a superficial one. Thus the exoskeleton plays an important part in Fishes, and im numerous fossil Amphibians it reached a still higher develop- ment (Stegocephala), Amongst these, specially strong dermal plates were formed in the region of the shoulder-girdle, and very commonly most of the body was covered with scales. Fossil genera of Amphibia have, however, bequeathed but slight traces of this strong dermal armour to the existing forms of the group: as examples may be mentioned the bony plates in the skin of the back of certain Anura (Ceratophrys dorsata and Ephippifer auran- tiacus), as well as the scales lying between the ring-like scutes of Fie. 21.—A, Carapace, and B, Puastron or « Younc TEstupo Graca ; C, PLASTRON oF CHELONE Mipas. VN, neural plates; C, C, costal plates; M/A, marginal plates; Np, nuchal plate ; Py, Py, pygal plates ; H, entoplastron ; Zp, epiplastron ; Hy, hyoplas- tron; Hp, hypoplastron ; X7, xiphiplastron; R, FR, ribs. (J” indicates the anterior, and # the posterior end.) the footless Amphibia (Gymnophiona). The latter resemble in many points the scales of Fishes and Dipnoans, and may be derived from such a scaly covering as that of the Permian Salamander, Dis- cosaurus. The dermal skeleton was still more highly developed amongst fossil Reptiles, ¢.7., many Ornithoscelida (Stegosaurus). In these, enormous bony plates and spines, sometimes as much as sixty-three centimetres long, were present in the dorsal region. Teleosaurus also, as well as the Triassic Aétosaurus ferratus and the Cretaceous Nodosaurus textilis, possessed a strong exoskeleton. Amongst existing Reptiles (comp. p. 20), Crocodiles, many Lizards (Anguis, Cyclodus, Scincus), and more especially Chelonians, exhibit a well-developed dermal skeleton. In the latter Order D 34 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY there is a dorsal and a ventral shield (carapace and plastron) con- sisting of numerous pieces and completely enclosing the body (Fig. 21). Both arise independently of the endoskeleton, which is preformed in cartilage: that is to say, they are true exo- skeletal membrane bones (cp. note on p. 71). The exoskeleton, however, comes into the closest relation with the endoskeleton, and may supplant it here and there: thus, in Testudo, for instance, the thoracic and lumbar vertebre and ribs become quite rudimentary. Birds, as already mentioned in the chapter on the integu- ment, have no dermal skeleton, and this is true of all Mammals except Armadillos (Dasypodide). In these it consists of a series of movable transverse bony scutes covering the head and body and of smaller plates on the tail and limbs. Sparse hairs. occur between these plates. It is very doubtful whether this exoskeleton has been derived from that of Reptiles: more probably it, like the horny exoskeleton of Manis (p. 26), has arisen secondarily, and in consequence of its development the hairs have become reduced. In Glyptodon, a fossil member of this group, the dermal plates were firmly united together to form a large shield which covered the whole body. 2, ENDOSKELETON. I. VERTEBRAL COLUMN, An elastic rod, the notochord or chorda dorsalis, lying in the longitudinal axis of the embryo between the neural and visceral tubes (see p. 9), is the first part of the endoskeleton to be formed, and is the fore-runner of the vertebral column. It is developed as a ridge of the primitive hypoblast, from which it becomes constricted off, and is therefore of epithelial origin. The large parenchyma-like cells of which it is composed coosequently do not give rise to any intercellular substance ; vacuoles, however, soon appear within the cells, the protoplasm of which undergoes. modification, and thus a retrogressive metamorphosis sets in (Fig. 22). The fact that this occurs at such early stages of develop- ment shows that the notochord must long ago have begun to lose its primitive function, whatever that function may have been. As these degenerative processes are gradually carried still further, only the walls of the cells persist in the greater part of the notochord ; these become flattened by mutual pressure, so that they appear like a meshwork of pith-cells. At the periphery, however, the cells retain their protoplasm, and become arranged like an epithelium. Around the notochord two sheaths (Fig. 22 4, B) VERTEBRAL COLUMN 35 irp sk.l Fia. 22.—DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NoOTOCHORDAL SHEATHS AND VERTEBRAL COLUMN. A,—Farly stage, showing notochordal cells (xc) and primary sheath (sh), as well as the mesoblastic skeletogenous layer (sh./). B.—Later stage, in which the central notochordal cells (x) have become vacuolated and the peripheral cells have given rise to the ‘‘ notochordal epithe- lium” (nc. ep.) from which the fibrillar secondary sheath (sh®) is derived : paired dorsal and ventral cartilages (d.a, 1.a) have arisen in the skeletogenous layer. C.—Cartilage cells have passed through the primary sheath, and are invading the secondary sheath (Cartilaginous Ganoids, Holocephali, Dipnoi, Elasmo- branchii: in the last named chorda-centra are thus formed). D.—The cartilages are growing round the notochord, outside its sheaths, which gradually become reduced: thus arch-centra are formed (Bony Ganoids, Teleostei, Amphibia, Amniota). A—D represent the caudal region. E.—A later stage in the development of a pre-caudal vertebra. The notochord (xc) has become constricted, and the cartilages have united into a single mass and have given rise to a centrum (c), neural arch (z.@), neural spine (v. sy), transverse processes (¢/.j/) and articular processes (art): D2 36 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY are successively developed from its cells, and these differ both chemically and physically from one another. The primary sheath (so-called elasticw) is first secreted by the peripheral notochordal cells: the secondary sheath, which has a similar origin from the so-called “notochordal epithelium,” appears later, and occurs in all the Craniata; it is said not to be present in Amphioxus, the notochord of which, like that of the Tunicata, apparently represents the oldest and most primitive form of this struc- ture, such as is still repeated ontogenetically in Elasmobranchs. The thick secondary sheath, which like the primary, is at first homogeneous, gradually becomes fibrillar and replaces the primary sheath fanctionally. From the surrounding mesoblast a skeletogenous layer is de- veloped: this not only surrounds the notochord, but extends dorsally to it as well as ventrally (Fig. 22). Thus a continuous tube of embryonic connective-tissue is formed enclosing the spinal cord and only broken through at the points of exit of the spinal nerves. This stage is known as the membranous stage, and in it no indication is seen of the segmentation which occurs later in the vertebral axis. The cause of this segmentation is to be traced primarily to the muscular-system ; and it is evident, for mechanical reasons, that the segmentation of the vertebral column must alternate with that of the muscular segments or myotomes. Small masses of cartilage arranged metamerically later appear in the skeletogenous tissue close to the notochord, and these represent the rudiments of the dorsal and ventral arches and bodies or centra of the vertebra (Fig. 22, B, D, E). This is the beginning of the second or cartilaginous stage of the vertebral column; the various processes (spinous, transverse, articular, &c., Fig. 22, E) are then formed, and now ossification may occur (bony stage). Those parts of the fibrous tissue which do not become consolidated in this manner give rise to the /igaments of the vertebral column. During these differentiations of the skeletogenous tissue, the notochord suffers a very different fate in the various Vertebrate groups; it may increase in size and persist as a regular cylindrical rod, or it may become constricted at definite intervals by the forma- tion of vertebral bodies, or even entirely disappear. All these ontogenetic stages find their exact parallel in the phylogenetic development of Vertebrates, as the following pages will show. Amphioxus, as already mentioned, apparently possesses the most embryonic type of notochord. It is surrounded by a connec- tive-tissue layer and is entirely unsegmented. In Cyclostomes a very similar primitive condition is retained ; but a secondary sheath becomes developed, and cartilaginous ele- ments appear in the caudal region: in the adult Petromyzon these are present all along the notochord in the form of rudi- VERTEBRAL COLUMN 37 mentary newral (dorsal) arches, which, however, do not meet above the spinal cord. These cartilages, of which there are two pairs to each muscular segment or myotome, correspond to the “intercalary pieces” of Elasmobranchs (p. 38); they serve in the first instance for the origin and insertion of the muscles, and at the same time form a protection for the spinal cord. Neural spines also occur in the middle of the axis, and in the caudal region hemal (ventral) arches enclosing the caudal aorta and vein, as well as hamal spines, are present, and fusion of the cartilaginous elements occurs. To the condition found in Cyclostomes, that seen in the Cartilaginous Ganoids, Holocephali, and Dipnoi is directly connected, inasmuch as the metameric character of the skeletal axis Fre. 23.—PortioN oF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN oF Syritudaria. (Side view.) Fic. 24.—TRANSVERSE NECTION OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN OF Aeipenser ruthenus (in the anterior part of the body). Ps, spinous process ; WL, longitudinal elastic band ; SS, skeletogenous layer ; Oh, upper arch ; J/, spinal cord ; P, pia mater; Ic, intercalary pieces; C, noto- chord ; He, primary, and C's, secondary sheath of the notochord ; Uh, lower arch ; do, aorta ; /o, median parts of the lower arches, which here enclose the aorta ventrally ; 7, basal processes of the lower arches. is essentially indicated by the neural arches. In the two groups last mentioned, however, skeletogenous cells break through the primary notochordal sheath (elastica) and so invade the thick secondary sheath, which in consequence encloses cartilage cells amongst its fibres. In Chimera calcified rings are also developed in the central part of the sheath: these are more numerous than the arches. The latter are developed as paired dorsal and ventral cartilages : they remain cartilaginous in the Cartilaginous Ganoids (Figs. 25 and 24) and Holocephali, but become densely ossified in the Dipnoi (Fig. 25). In the caudal region the hemal arches enclose the eaudal aorta and vein; further forwards the cartilages do not meet in the middle line below, and consequently the lower arches end 3 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY pA) on either side in a laterally-directed cartilaginous projection, or basal process, ; The relations of the arches in Elasmobranchs, Bony Ganoids and Teleosts is similar to that above described. For the further strengthening of the vertebral column so-called intercalary pieces (Figs. 23, 24, 26, 28) appear between the upper and -lower arches in Cartilaginous Ganoids and Elasmobranchs, and these in the Sag LF ae G ua eB ccs i a nell ene u Fic. 25.—PortTIoN OF THE VERTELRAL CoLtuMyN oF Protopterus. C, notochord ; DF, neural spine ; F'7, interspinous bone ; FS, fin-ray. case of the dorsal arches are often spoken of as interneural plates. In Elasmobranchs the neural arch may be made up of several more or less distinct pieces—the neural processes arising from the centrum, the neural and interneural plates, and the neural spines. In the Elasmobranchii, the skeletogenous cells invade the notochordal sheath, as in the Holocephali and Dipnoi; but the sheath then becomes segmented to form a series of cartilaginous 06 Te Fic. 26.—Portiox or THE VERTEBRAL CoLtMy oF Scymnus. WK, centra; Ob, upper arches; Iv, intercalary pieces. The apertures for, the spinal rerves are seen ip the arches and intercalary pieces. vertebral bodies or centra, which from the mode of their formation may be called chorda-centra. The fact is thus accounted for that the number of arch-elements does not necessarily correspond with that of the centra in these Fishes. Ossification may occur in the concave ends of the centra and in longitudinal bars along each centrum, VERTEBRAL COLUMN 39 In Bony Ganoids and Teleosts paired dorsal and ventral carti- lages likewise arise above and below the notochordal sheath, but in the course of development so extend at the base as to completely surround it. From the dorsal carti- lages the upper arches take their origin, and from the ventral the lower ; while the cartilage surround- ing the notochord gives rise to the vertebral centra, which may there- fore be distinguished from those described above as arch-centra. In the development of the centra of both kinds, the notochord becomes constricted by the growth of the cartilage at regular intervals, while the latter undergoes segmen- tation into centra. Lach point of Fic, 27.—PortTIoN OF THE VERTE- BRAL CotumN oF Polypterus. WK, centra; BI, basal processes ; Ob, wpper arches ; Ps, neural spine. constriction corresponds to the middle of a centrum, «.¢., it is intra- vertebral in position, and the notochord may here disappear entirely ; \ ENR Fic. 28.—PortTIoy of THE VERTEBRAL CoLUMN oF Lepidosteus. (After Balfour and Parker.) vertebra’ from anterior surface ; B, two vertebrz from the side. cx, anterior convex face, and en}, posterior concave face of centrum ; h.a, basal process ; na, wpper arch ; 7.¢, intercalary cartilages ; /./, longitudinal ligament ; 7.5, interspinons bone. 40 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY intervertebrally it remains expanded and so persists as a kind of connecting- or packing-substance between contiguous centra, which are consequently of a deeply biccneave or amphicelous form (Figs. 294 and 298). One of the Bony Ganoids, Lepidosteus, forms a marked excep- tion to other Fishes as regards its vertebral column, inasmuch as definite articulations are formed between the centra. A con- cavity is formed at the hinder end of each centrum (Fig. 28), which articulates with a convexity on the next vertebra behind (opisthocelous form). The notochord (except in the caudal region) entirely disappears in the adult; in the larva it is seen to be ex- panded dntravertebrally, and constricted intervertebrally, a condition of things which appears again in the higher types—as, for instance, Fru. 294.—DIAGRAM SHOWING THE INTERVERTEBRAL REMAINS OF THE NorocHorp. C, C), expanded and constricted portions of notochord ; WA, centra; Li, inter- vertebral ligaments. Fic. 293.—PorTION OF THE VERTEBRAL CoLUMN oF A Yotxe DouFisi (Scy/linm canicula), After Cartier. notochord ; An, outer, and Aw, inner, zone of cartilage ; FA, the fibro-carti- laginous mass lying between these zones, which is undergoing calcification ; In, invertebral ligament. in Reptiles. In a still earlier larval stage, however, the constric- tions are intravertebral, as in other Fishes. The vertebral column of Fishes is characterised by a very uniform character of its elements, so that a distinction can only be seen between the trunk and caudal vertebre. Its primitive character is shown by the fact that the neural arches are usually incomplete dorsally. As a rule, the closing in of the arch is effected by special pieces of cartilage (comp. p. 38) and by an elastic longitudinal band (Figs. 24, 28) which is always present: this also applies to the heemal arches. Articular processes between the arches (zygapophyses) are usually present in Fishes which possess bony vertebra; in Rays and Chimeroids only amongst Fishes are definite articulations formed between the skull and VERTEBRAL COLUMN 41 vertebral column, and in these Fishes the anterior vertebre are fused into a single mass. In the caudal region of Amia the centra are mostly double, an archless pleuro- or post-centrim alternating with an inter- or pre-centiiin. A some- what similar condition is found in the Jurassic Eurycormus and other fossil Ganoids. As a rule Elasmobranchs and Ganoids possess a greater number of vertebree (in Alopecias vulpes there are 365) than Teleosts, in which we seldom meet with more than 70: the Eel, however, possesses more than 200. The caudal region of the vertebral column deserves particular attention in Fishes, and the condition of this region in Amphioxus, Cyclostomi and Dipnoi, may be taken as a starting-point. In these, the notochord extends straight backwards to the hinder end of the body and is surrounded quite symmetrically by the tail- fin, which is therefore spoken of as protocercal or diphycercal (Fig. 30). This condition is also met with in many Fishes of the Fic. 30.—Tam or Protopterus. Devonian strata as well as in young stages of Teleostei. In the latter, however, the ventral half of the tail-fin with its sup- porting skeleton (hzmal arches and fin-rays) is, as a result of un- equal growth, more strongly developed than the dorsal, and the end of the vertebral column becomes bent upwards, thus giving rise to a heterocercal tail. This form of tail may be recognised exteinaily, as in many Elasmobranchs, Ganoids, and numerous fossil Fishes ; or, may be masked by a more or less symmetrical tail-fin, as in Lepi- dosteus (Fig. 31), Amia, and more particularly in most Teleosts? (e.g. Salmo, Fig. 32), in which the heterocercal character is only visible internally. The posterior end of the vertebral column is then frequently represented by a rod-like wrostyle, and in Teleosts one or more wedge-shaped hypural bones (enlarged hemal arches) generally occur directly beneath it (Fig. 32). 1 The term homocercal is sometimes used to describe the masked heterocerca condition of the tail in-Teleostei. 42 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Amphibia.—The vertebral column of Urodeles may be ditfer-_ entiated into cervical, thoraco-lumbar, sacral, and caudal regions, and these regions can be recognised, except in certain modified forms, in all the higher Vertebrates. On account of the absence cof extremities in Czcilians, the vertebral column can only be Fic. 31.—Tam. or Lepidosteus. divided into three regions—cervical, thoracic, and a very short caudal. In Anura, no special lumbar region can be recognised, and the caudal portion is modified to form a urostyle (see pp. 41 and 44), The centra of the Amphibia, as well as those of the Amniota, correspond to arch-centra (see p. 39). Fie. 32.—CacvaL Exp oF VERTEBRAL COLUMN oF SaLmMon. (From Boas’s Zoology.) A, centrum ; h’, urostyle ; n, hemal arch; 2’ hypural bone; 0”, neural arch ; ¢, neural spine. The notochord of Urodele larva, like that of most Fishes, undergoes intravertebral constrictions, while intervertebrally it grows thicker, and accordingly appears expanded. Thus the vertebra here also are amphicwious, Later, intervertebral masses of cartilage become developed, which, together with the bone which is formed at the same time. in the surrounding conuective- VERTEBRAL COLUMN 43 ‘tissue, extend inwards towards the centre, gradually constricting the notochord so that it may eventually become entirely obliterated. Finally a differentiation, as well as a resorption, extending inwards from the periphery, occurs in these cartilaginous parts: in the interior of each an articular cavity is formed, so that in the vertebrae of the higher Urodeles an anterior convexity and Fic. 33.—LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN OF VARIOUS Unovetes. A, Ranodonsibericus ; B, Amblystoma tigrinum ; C, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (the three anterior vertebre, J, ZZ, [IZ); D, Sulameudring perspicillata. ‘Ch, notochord ; Jrh, invertebral cartilage: CK, vertebral cartilage and fat-cells ; XK, peripheral bony covering of centrum; &, ribs and transverse processes ; S, vertebral constriction of notochord in Amblystomea fiyrinum, without cartilage and fat-cells in this region ; **, intervertebral cartilaginous tracts; A/h, Mh, narrow cavities; @p, Gk, articular socket and head; Lig?, intervertebral ligaments. a posterior concavity may be distinguished, both covered with cartilage ; they are, therefore, opisthocelous. A glance at Fig. 33, A to D, will make this clear. In the development of the vertebral column of Urodeles we can thus distinguish three stages:—(1) A connection of the indi- 44 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY vidual vertebree by means of the intervertebrally expanded notochord; (2) a connection by means of intervertebral masses of cartilage; and finally (3) an articular connection. These three different stages of development find a complete parallel in the phylogeny of tailed Amphibians, inasmuch as many of the Stegocephala of the Carboniferous period, as well as the Perennibranchiata, Derotremata, and many Salamanders, possess simple biconcave vertebrae without differentiation of definite articulations? , The bony parts of the vertebre of Urodeles are not formed from the carti- laginous sheath of the notochord, but in the surrounding connective-tissue, there being only an intervertebral cartilaginous zone, extending into the ends of the centra. In the Anura,on the other hand, as in Elasmobranchs, Teleosts, bony Ganoids, and the higher Vertebrata, the vertebre are preformed in cartilage, and true arti- culations always arise between the vertebrae: as a rule the convexity is posterior and the concavity anterior (pro- celous form). A further difference is seen in the relations of the notochord, which persists intravertebrally longer than intervertebrally, a condition which leads towards the Reptiles. The configuration of the caudal region Fic. 34. —- Verterra, of the vertebral column must also be re- Cotumy or Discoglossus marked upon, as it differs in tailed and ee tailless Amphibians. The long caudal Pa, articular processes; portion of the vertebral column in Frog Renee aes 4; larve, which is very similar to that of trunk vertebre; Pte, Urodeles, undergoes during metamor- a eal eas of phosis a gradual retrogressive change, some, OF vr ure; and the vertebre of its proximal end vertebra; Ob, upper become fused together and ossified to form arch of first vertebra; a, Jong unsegmented dagger-like bone, the Sy, its condylar facets ; sed : Po, its anterior pro- uh ostyle (Fig. 34). : cess; R, ribs. Both neural and haemal arches arise in direct continuity with the centra. Heemal arches are, however, present in the caudal region of Urodeles only. The neural spines, as well as the transverse processes, which are as a rule bifurcated at the base and are present from the second ' In certain of the Stegocephala incomplete hoops of bone, the énéer- and pleuro-centre, twice as numerous as the arches, surrounded the persistent notochord. VERTEBRAL COLUMN 45 vertebra onwards, show the greatest variety as regards shape and size, differing in the several regions of the body. The transverse processes of the single sacral vertebra, which give attachment to the pelvis, are particularly strongly developed, ‘especially i in the Anura (Fig. 34). Articular processes (zygapophyses, comp. p. 40) are well de- veloped in all Vertebrates from Urodeles onwards, and consist of two pairs of projections arising from the anterior and posterior edges respectively of the neural arch. Their surfaces are covered with cartilage, and overlap one another from vertebra to vertebra like tiles on a roof: not unfrequently, in Urodeles, the neural spines also articulate with one another, and thus a well-articulated and mobile chain-like vertebral column results. The first vertebra (and this is the only cervical vertebra of Amphibia), becomes differentiated from the others, and consists of a simple ring which articulates with the two condyles of the skull, and also with the base of the latter by means of a more or less marked process often spoken of as the “odontoid” process (Fig. 34) ; thus a freer movement between the skull and vertebral column is rendered possible. This vertebra, however, is not homologous with the first vertebra (7.¢., the atlas) of the higher Vertebrates, as is demonstrated by a study of its development, which shows that the real atlas loses its individuality as a separate mass, and becomes united with the occipital region of the skull1 The first vertebra of Amphibians is therefore more nearly comparable to one of the next following cervical vertebre of higher forms. It possesses posterior zygapophyses only, and its condylar facets correspond to modified transverse processes. The number of vertebrze present in Urodeles is inconstant, and varies greatly : it may reach to nearly 100 (Siren), and in Cecilians may be very much greater (up to 275). In Anura, on the other hand, there are only eight precaudal vertebrae and one sacral, in addition to the urostyle. It is evident from this fact alone that the recent forms of Urodela and Anura are widely separated from one another. Reptilia.—In contrast to the numerous fossil forms, only a few existing Reptiles, viz., Hatteria (Rhynchocephala) and the Geckos (Ascalabota), retain throughout life the primitive biconcave char- acter of their vertebre, with the notochord expanded interverte- brally. In the generalised Rhynchocephala the formation of the vertebre out of several pieces, such as occurs amongst the Stegocephala (p. 44), is still indicated by sutures, each vertebra consisting of two processes, a centrum proper (pleurocentrum) and an intercentrum. In all the others, the notochord remains expanded longer in the intravertebral regions than intervertebrally, but in the adult it be- 1 A similar fusion of the anterior part of the vertebral column with the skull occurs in some Fishes and in Dipnoi. +6 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY comes entirely aborted and replaced by bony tissue. This stronger and more solid ossification of the whole skeleton forms a character- istic difference between the Ichthyopsida on the one hand and the Amniota on the other. As a rule the vertebre cf Reptiles become definitely articulated with one another, and are of the procelous type: the above-named forms, with intervertebral re- mains of the notochord, form an exception to this rule. In Croco-. diles fibro-cartilaginous intervertebral discs ov meniscr occur between the centra (Fig. 35). In Crocodiles the vertebre are mostly proccelous, an exception being seen in the two sacrals and first caudal. Jn Chelonians there is great variation in the form of the individual centra of the cervical vertebree—even in the same individual proccelous, opisthoccelous, biconcave, and even biconvex centra, with intervertebral dises, may occur ; while the thoracic and lumbar vertebree- have flattened faces, and are firmly united together by cartilage. In the Jurassic Ichthyosaurus and Eosaurus the centra were short and deeply biconcave, like those of Fishes, and the arches were connected with them by cartilage and connective tissue ; as a sacrum was absent, only a. precaudal and a caudal region can be recognised. In Plesiosaurus, Plio- saurus, Nothosaurus, Simosaurus, the Anomodontia and others, the centra. were also biconcave or flattened. What has been said as to the classification of the vertebrae into- different regions in Urodeles, as well as to the presence of the various processes, usually applies here also to a still greater extent.. Except in limbless form, there are always several cervical vertebrae instead of a single one: there are also typically at least two sacral. vertebra. The two first cervical vertebre become differentiated to form an at/as—usually consisting of three pieces, and an avis. —with an odontoid bone (Fig. 35, and comp. p. 45).1 The neural spines vary in size, and transverse processes arise from the centra themselves or close to them. Lower arches, attached intercentrally (chevron bones) are present in the tail in Lizards, Crocodiles, and some Chelonians; and besides these, median inferior processes of the centra themselves (? intercentra) are seen in many of the vertebre of Lizards, Crocodiles, and Snakes,. and in the latter paired processes partly enclose the caudal vessels. The arches in Snakes, Lizards, and Chelonians become united with the centra by synostosis, while in Crocodiles they remain, separated from them by sutures (Fig. 35). In consequence of the absence of a pectoral arch, the vertebral column of Snakes and Amphisbenians, like that of Cecilians,. consists of trunk and caudal vertebre only. The vertebral column of Chelonians deserves particular notice as a large portion of it becomes anchylosed with the dermal bones of the carapace (p. 33, Fig. 21), and is thus rendered immovable. ? The odontoid bone corresponds, morphologically to a part of a centrum of the: atlas. A_ so-called pro-atlas—the remains of a vertebra situated between the: skull and atlas proper—is present in the Crocodilia (Fig. 35), Hatteria, and. Chamielaeo, as well as in many fossil forms. > VERTEBRAL COLUMN 47 In Snakes and some Lizards (Hatteria, Iguana) extra articular processess (zygosphenes and zygantra) are developed on the neural arches. In Hatteria and the Geckos, small separate ossifications (intercentra, comp. p. 43, 44, 46) are present on the ventral side of the vertebral column between many of the centra. In the caudal region of Lizards an unossified septum remains in the middle of each centrum, so that the tail easily breaks off at these points when this happens the tail grows again, but proper vertebre are not formed. In fossil Reptiles, which both as regards size and number of species usually surpassed the existing representatives of the class, the sacrum often consisted of as many as four or five vertebrae. The following facts will give some idea of the monstrous proportions of these old genera of Reptiles :— Atlantosaurus immanis, a North American Dinosaur, reached a length of LS 5 772 pe # Fia. 35.—ANTERIOR PorRTION OF THE VERTEBRAL CoLUMN oF 4 Younu CROCODILE. WK, centrum; Ob, neural arch ; Ps, neural spine; Js, intervertebral disc ; P¢,- transverse process, arising from the base of the arch and articulating with the rib (R, A}, R?) at ¢; A, atlas ; w, ventral element, and » arch of atlas; 0, “pro-atlas” ; Hp, axis, articulating with the atlas at h; Po, odontoid process. about 80 feet, and the transverse diameter of the individual vertebrie amounted to 16 inches, while Apatoscanris laticollis, found in the same strata, possessed cervical vertebrae which reached a diameter of 34 feet. A knowledge of fossil genera of Reptiles is of the greatest interest, as in many groups important points of connection with Birds can be recognised. Birds.—The vertebral column of Birds corresponds with that of Reptiles not only in its phylogenetic relations, but also onto- genetically. In both groups the notochord eventually disappears entirely, and the whole skeleton becomes strongly ossified. Archeopteryx, as well as Ichthyornis (from the American Cre- taceous), possessed biconcave vertebre, but in existing Birds this character never occurs except in the free caudal vertebre (p. +9). Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and caudal regions can be distin- guished. The arches always become united into a single mass with the corresponding centra, and are no longer separated from 48 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY them throughout life by sutures, as is the case in certain Reptiles: even the ligament which keeps the odontoid process of the axis in its place may become ossified. Fibro-cartilaginous discs or menisci are present between the centra. In the cervical region, which is extremely flexible and often very long, the centra are in nearly all cases connected by means of saddle-shaped synovial articulations ; the upper part of the bifurcated transverse processes arises from the arch, the lower from the centrum, and these may unite with the corresponding forked rib, the vertebral artery and vein extending through the foramen thus formed (Fig. 36). In the thoracic and lumbar regions more or fewer of the vertebree usually become immovably united together. The sacral region in Bird-embryos, like that in existing adult Reptiles, consists of two vertebre only, the transverse processes of RE Pt Upst Fic. 36, A.—ATLAS AND Axis (from the left side); and B, THrrp CERVICAL VERTEBRA (ANTERIOR FACE) OF WOODPECKER (Picus viridis). A. Ob, A, arch and centrum of atlas; +, condylar facet ; Po, odontoid process ; WA, centrum of axis, and Sa, its saddle-shaped articular surface for the third vertebra ; Ps, neural spine of axis; Pt, transverse process. B. Sa, articular surface of centrum ; Ob, upper arch ; Pa, articular process ; Pf, Pt, the two bars of the transverse process, shown on one side anchylosed with the cervical rib (2); Ft, vertebrarterial foramen ; Psi, median inferior pro- cess (hyparpophysis). which ossify separately and correspond to fused ribs, as in Amphibians and Reptiles. During further development, however, a number of other (secondary sacral) vertebre (thoracic, lumbar, and caudal), with their rudimentary ribs, become fused with the two primary ones (Fig. 37), so that the entire number of vertebra in the sacrum may be as many as twenty-three. In Archeopteryx the sacrum was much shorter than in existing Birds, and fewer vertebrae were united with it. In existing Birds the caudal region always exhibits a more or less rudimentary character, and in its posterior portion the ver- tebra usually fuse together to form a flattened bone, the pygostyle, which supports the tail quills (Fig. 111). An exception to this rule is found only amongst the Ratite, in which all the caudal vertebrae VERTEBRAL COLUMN 49 remain distinct. That the latter is the more original condition in Birds is shown by a study of their development as well as by the condition of the tail in Archzopteryx, in which it was supported by numerous elongated free vertebre (Fig. 38). Moreover, in many Birds (e.g. Psittacus undulatus) more vertebrae are formed in the embryo than are seen in the adult. It must, however, be borne in mind that the pygostyle may be made up of from six to ten fused caudal vertebre, and in the sacrum even a greater number may be included (cp. p. 48): thus in the common Duck, seven become united with the pelvis, eight remain free, and the pygostyle is composed of ten separately ossified and fused segments, making in all twenty- five vertebree originally present in the caudal region of this Bird. Mammalia.—The notochord here persists longer intervertebrally than in- travertebrally, but it disappears entirely by the time the adult condition is reached. A jelly-like pulpy mass, the nucleus pulposus, persists, however, throughout life in the centre of the fibro-cartilaginous menisci which are developed between the centra. The whole vertebral column is preformed in cartilage, and the centra develop in continuity with the arches but become ossified from separate centres, Fic. 37.—PELVIs oF OwL (Stria bubo). Ventral as do algo the various processes. These sie ossifications, however, become fused to- W, position of the primary gether in the adult. The presence of sacral vertebre: be- bony discs or epiphyses on the ends of tween R and JI, and the centra which unite with the latter Loic kd elueae em dens € oe pe secondary sacral verte- comparatively late,is very characteristic bre, fused with the of Mammals; they are however absent primary (1"); Z7, ilium ; Is, ischium ; P, pubis ; or only imperfectly developed in Mono- A atime tice trematas and in existing Sirenia. ilium and pubis; R, True articulations between the centra last two pairs of ribs. are never formed, except on the atlas and anterior face of the axis; but as in Amphibians, Reptiles, and Birds, well-developed articular processes (zvgapophyses) are present, arising from the neural arches! The cervical region is usually the most moveable, and the centra may be so much hollowed out in this region as to give them an opisthoccelous character (e.g. Ungulata). In some cases, on the other hand, the 1 In certain Edentata (e.g. Myrmecophaga, Dasypus) extra articular processes are present besides the ordinary zygapophyses on the posterior thoracic and lumbar vertebree (Fig. 398.). E 50 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY cervical vertebrae may become firmly fused together (Cetacea), The distal parts of the transverse processes, representing rudi- mentary ribs, are perforated by the vertebrarterial canal (p. 48): in Monotremes these remain distinct at any rate for a long time. EN [P* ys y ¥Fia. 38.—Archwopteryx lithographica. From the Solenhofen slates (Jurassic. ) After Dames, from the specimen in the Berlin Museum. N The atlas and axis essentially resemble those of Birds, but the differentiation of the vertebral column into regions characterised by difference of form is much more sharply marked than in any other Vertebrates. There are as a rule seven cervical vertebra ; Bradypus, however, possesses eight to nine, and Tamandua bivit- tata eight, while in Manatus and Cholcepus there are only six. VERTEBRAL COLUMN 51 The transverse processes are simple in all but the cervical region and arise from the base of the arch: in the thoracic region they are tipped with cartilage on the ventral side of their distal ends for articulation with the tubercle of the rib (p. 58). In the lumbar and sacral regions they arise from the centra, and contain fused rib-ele- ments. In long-necked Ungulates (e.g. Horse, Camel, Ox) the neural spines of the anterior thoracic vertebree are greatly developed, and a correspond- ingly strong cervical ligament (ligamentum nuchze) is par- ticularly well developed to support the weight of the head. This is also true of antler-bearing animals and of the Gorilla. The number of thoraco- lumbar vertebreve varies greatly in different Mammals: there may be as few as fourteen (Armadillo) or as many as thirty (Hyrax). In Ungulates the number is constantly nineteen. Inthe lumbar ver- tebree the transverse pro- cesses are especially long, and other processes (anapo- physes, metapophyses, hypa- pophyses) are characteristi- cally present in this region. Thus, as 12 Amphib- ians, Reptiles and Birds, the pelvis is connected with the sacrum by means of rudimentary ribs. As in the two last-mentioned groups, there are not more than two primary sacral vertebrae, but except in Ornithorhynchusand most Marsupials a few caudal become later included in thesacrum and are usually more or less closely united Fic. 394.—DIAGRAM SHOWING MODE oF Osst- FICATION OF Human Axis. (Ventral surface.) From Flower’s Osteology of the Mammalia. o, odontoid process, or centrum of atlas ; c, proper centrum of axis; na, neural arch ; as, anterior articular surface ; ¢, ¢, ¢, ¢, epi- physes, completing the ends of the centra, Fic. 398.—Sip— View or THE TWELFTH AND THIRTEENTH THORAIC VERTEBRA oF Great ANTEATER (A/yrmecophaya jubata), 3. From Flower’s Osteology of the Mammatic. m, metapophysis ; te, facet for articulation of tubercle of rib; cr, ditto for capitulum of rib; az, anterior zygapophysis; az', additional anterior articular facet; p:. posterior zygapophysis ; pz! and pz”, addi- tional posterior articular facets. with it by synostosis. The various processes of the sacral vertebree are more or less reduced. In Anthropoids, as in Man, the first sacral vertebra is plainly marked off from the last lumbar by the formation of the so-called promontory. A sacrum is wanting in KH 2 52 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY the Cetacea and Sirenia, in correspondence with the absence of hind-limbs. The caudal vertebrae vary extremely in their development, and excepting in most long-tailed Mammals—such as Kangaroos, Sirenians, Cetaceans and certain Apes—no longer develop lower arches. When present these “chevron bones” are intervertebral in position. The greatest number of caudal vertebree is found in Microgale longicauda (forty-eight), Manis macrura (forty-six to forty-nine), Paradoxurus (about thirty-six), and certain Monkeys (thirty-two to thirty-three). The caudal region is most reduced in the higher Primates, in which it gives rise to a stump-like coccyx consisting of at most five to six rudimentary vertebre, all fused together, and these may even (in the human subject, especially in the male) fuse with the sacrum. Many facts as regards the development as well as the structure of the whole tail-region in the adult show however that the ancestors of Man must have been provided with a distinct and functional tail, II. Ries. The ribs do not a8 a general rule (with the exceptions to be noted presently) arise as outgrowths from the vertebra] column, but become developed independently in the skeletogenous layer—that is, in the tissue of the somites, and their connection with the vertebral column is a secondary one. They stand in the closest connection with the intermuscular septa or myocommata of the great lateral muscles of the body (Fig. 40 A,) are arranged seg- mentally, and onto- as well as phylogenetically, pass through a membranous, a cartilaginous, and a bony stage: their ossification is independent of that of the vertebral column. In their primitive form, the ribs have simple, unbifurcated heads, the articulation of which with the vertebral column first takes place in the region of the “intercentra ” (p. 47), and from this condition all the later modi- fications as regards their form and connection are to be derived. The ribs present great variation in the various vertebrate Classes : they may be short and stump-like and. almost horizontal in position, or may grow ventralwards so as to encircle the body- cavity. Primitively, ribs may be present all along the vertebral column, but in the higher types they become reduced in certain regions. In order to arrive at sound conclusions as to the morphological value of the ribs, their relations to the soft parts must be taken into consideration. It is then seen that they are not completely homo- logous throughout the vertebrate scrics, and that those of Ganoidei, Teleostei and Dipnoi are not exactly comparable to those of Elasmo- bianchii, Amphibia, and Amniota (Fig. 404A). “PoqVoIPUL JOU oIv 4X04 OT[} UT OF P2ddoyor CUT] Tes9ye] 94} YVOMOG soBuyiqaeo [pews oy} “vg uy ‘goPOSNUL [CIO}CT-01]UOA ayy pur [edaqe]-osiop a} MOTS Os[e somm3y oyy, ‘(,, 8qtt deddn ,,) eyormmy pue ‘viqrydmy tMyuerqouseygy Jo o1stejoureyo sqia “dy ¢ sayore peuary ‘an § (ea ‘H) sePporgn, Jo wower [epnes ot} UT soyore petm@tT Fo WHOF OYF UL Teadde ospe yoryas ‘(,SqLt JaAOT,,) SAYS] YOUL Jo oMSoZeIBYO sqit ‘wy fsesseooid yeseq “gg + etuopao jo [[BAL “(19 ‘sdeupry Ar [rey oY Jo oseq oy} Ynoryy “(vpporg) viqryduy—_T7 ‘snaeqd Sfog—q ‘TMyouvrqowse]y—d Soudig—p ‘eysoefay—q ‘leploury—Vy “peprys Ajavpiumts eae syed snosoyomoy ‘goyore [ettey PUB SIX otf} JO SuOTPepEt O44 BUIMOYS ‘SULVEITLUTA SAOTYVA LO NOILOGG ASUMASNVET, OMLVANVYOVIG— VOPR OMT re 54 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Ganoidei, Teleostei, and Dipnoi—In these forms the ribs, almost without exception, are connected with the ventral parts of the notochordal sheath (Dipnoans) or with the “basal processes ” (Ganoids and Teleosts, see p.38).! This is one point of difference between the ribs of these forms and those of other Vertebrates: another is that they are always situated beneath (internal to) the lateral muscles, between these and the peritoneum (Fig. 40a, A, B, C). In Teleosts the ribs are at first continuous with the basal processes and become secondarily segmented off from them: this may be a ccenogenetic modification. Towards the caudal region, the ribs gradually take on the form of hzmal arches, which have precisely the relations of the ribs as Fic. 408.—Anrrrion END oF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN oF PoLyprerus. From the ventral side. WK, centra ; I—J’,, first five pairs of dorsal ribs; ++, ventral ribs. described above. In Teleosts, however, the ribs gradually disappear in passing backwards to the tail, and the hemal arches are formed by the basal processes alone (Fig. 40a, B, c.). In spite of these differ- ences, however, there can be no doubt that the ribs of Teleosts are homologous with those of Dipnoans and Ganoids. Large rib-like structures (‘‘ upper ribs”) are present in Polypterus (Fig. 408), which have a similar position to that of the ribs in the forms next to be described ; and amongst the Teleostei (Clupeoidei, Salmonide) small cartilages are present beneath the lateral line in a similar position to that of the distal _ + The ribs are rudimentary in certain species of all the orders of Fishes, and in some cases their place is taken by fibrous bands, arising from the skeletogenous layer. They are wanting in Cyclostomes. RIBS 5D ends of the upper ribs of Polypterus, to which they probably correspond. There can be lttle doubt, however, that the more delicate bars which le ventrally to the larger structures in Polypterus correspond to the ribs of Fishes (‘‘lower ribs”) as described above. It is therefore possible that Polypterus and certain Teleostei possess the representatives of two sets of ribs—the one corresponding to those of the majority of Fishes, and the other to those of Elasmobranchs, Amphibians, and Amniota (Fig. 40a, E). The intermuscular bones present in the myocommata of Teleosts probably correspond simply to ossifications of the septa, and have nothing to do with ribs, Elasmobranchii.—The small, cartilaginous ribs of these Fishes arise independently of the vertebral column in the connec- tive tissue of the intermuscular septa, and extend outwards between the dorso-lateral and the ventro-lateral muscles (see Fig. 40 A, D). They are thus not genetically connected with the basal pro- cesses, although they early become united to them by ligament, and therefore do not correspond either to differentiations of the hzemal arches or to transverse processes segmented off from these. Amphibia. —The ribs of Amphibians arise in a very similar manner to those of Elasmobranchs, but differ from them in being from the first connected with the neural (dorsal) and not with the heemal (ventral) arches or basal processes. This is due to the phylogenetic upward displacement of the longitudinal septum separating the dorso-lateral from the ventro-lateral muscles. Like those of Elasmobranchii and Amniota, the ribs are situated between these two masses of muscle, but never extend very far laterally or ventrally. The ribs of Urodeles are forked at their proximal ends, and articulate with bifurcated transverse processes of the vertebra arising from the arch and centrum respectively: the dorsal part of the transverse process, arising from the arch, is a new acquis- ition, In many cases ribs are present only in the region of the trunk, but occasionally they extend into the base of the tail, where hemal arches, corresponding to the basal processes of Elasmobranchs, are also present! Urodeles therefore possess the representatives of two kinds of ribs, morphologically distinct. from one another (comp. Polypterus and Teleostei, p. 54). All the precaudal vertebre except the first usually bear ribs; in rare cases (Spelerpes) there are a few ribless lumbar vertebre. In the Anura the ribs are much shorter, and are doubtless degenerated. Asa rule, they become fused with the broad trans- verse processes, at the ends of which they are situated ; the anterior ones may sometimes, however, remain distinct (Fig. 84). They are never bifurcated, and no trace of hemal arches exists. 1 The elements of true ventral arches (basal processes) may also be present all along the trunk in the larva of Salamandra maculosa, and are still more marked in Necturus (Menobranchus). 56 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY In the Urodele Necturus four cartilaginous ‘‘abdominal ribs” (see below) may be present in the septa between the ventral parts. of the myotomes on the level of the shoulder-girdle. Bony abdominal ribs also occur in certain Stegocephala. Reptiles. As already mentioned, the ribs of the Amniota are comparable to those of the Amphibia, but they grow further ventralwards and so encircle the body-cavity to a greater or less extent. The dorsal (proximal) section of the rib may also become segmented from the distal (ventral) portion ; and as a rule a certain number of the ribs unite together ventrally to form a sternum (Fig. 44): these are usually distinguished as “true” ribs from the others, or “ false” ribs. ; The ribs of Snakes show the least amount of differentiation ; for, without giving rise to a sternum, they extend along the whole trunk from the third cervical vertebra to the anus, and retain throughout a similar form and size. In Lizards, where a dorsal, unforked, bony and a ventral cartilaginous portion can be distin- guished, three or four ribs reach the sternum, and are not always completely segmented off from it. In Chelonians the cervical ribs unite with the vertebrae more or less completely, and in the region of the trunk the ribs become fused with the costal plates of the carapace (p. 33). Their proximal unbifurcated ends are attached between the centra, at the junction of centrum and arch. There is no sternum. The proximal ends of the cervical ribs in the Crocodilia are bifurcated, in correspondence with the double transverse processes in this region, and thus a vertebrarterial canal is formed. Further back, the ribs increase in length, and become segmented into two or three articulated portions. In passing from before backwards, their point of origin becomes gradually shifted, so that while the anterior thoracic ribs ave attached to the centra, the posterior ones arise entirely from the transverse processes, which increase in size correspondingly. Hight or nine ribs reach the sternum, and from the eighteenth vertebra backwards the transverse processes no longer bear ribs, but only short cartilaginous apophyses. Uncinate processes (see below) are present in connection with the ribs in the Crocodilia as well as in Hatteria. ‘* Abdomincl ribs,” arising as ossifications of the inscriptiones tendinex of the ventral muscles, occur in Crocodiles and in Hatteria, as well as in numerous fossil Reptiles. Birds——The ribs of Birds exhibit a much more marked segmentation into vertebral and sternal portions, both of which become ossified, and this evidently stands in relation to their more active respiration. Uncinate processes, moreover, arise from the vertebral portions in nearly all Birds, and overlap the ribs next behind them (Fig. 41). The whole costal apparatus RIBS 57 is rendered still firmer by the frequent fusion of the vertebre (p. 48), by the individual ribs often being very broad, as well as by the form and arrangement of the sternum and pectoral arch, which will be treated of later. The last three or four cervical vertebrae may bear comparatively large and movable ribs. The a Un z it ay Ny i Fic. 41.—SKELETON OF THE TRUNK OF A FALCON. S, scapula; G, glenoid cavity for humerus ; Ca, coracoid, which articulates with the sternum (S#) at +; /u(CZ), furcula (clavicles); Cr, keel of sternum ; V, vertebral, and Sp, sternal, portion of rib; Un, uncinate process. number of ribs which articulate with the sternum varies between two (Dinornis elephantopus) and nine (Cygnus). (Concerning the sacral ribs, see p. 48.) Archeeopteryx possessed 12-13 pairs of ‘‘ abdominal ribs ” (comp. p. 56). Mammals.—The cervical ribs here unite completely with the vertebrae, and a vertebrarterial canal is thus formed, as in Croco- diles and Birds. There is considerable variation with regard to the + 58 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY number of ribs which reach the sternum, and in some cases the sternal, as well as the vertebral ribs may become ossified. In both “true” and “false” ribs (p. 56), acapitulwm, a neck, a tuberculum, and a body may be distinguished (Fig. 42). The capitulum of the former usually articulates with its own centrum as well as with that next in front, in the region of the epiphysis; the tuber- culum articulates with the cartilagin- ous facets on the transverse process, In the “false” ribs, these characters are to a greater or less extent lost. As already mentioned (p. 51), rudi- ments of ribs are present in the lumbar and sacral regions, and unite fi, 42.—CostaL ARCH OF . : cial Sue ‘. with the corresponding transverse processes. WK, centrum of vertebra ; Pt, transverse process ; Ps, neural spine; Cy, body of rib; Ca, capitu- This fact, as well as the rudimentary character and variety in size of the eleventh lam; Co, neck; 7'b, tuber. and twelfth ribs and the occasional presence culum; An, cartilaginous of a thirteenth rib in Man, shows that a reduc- sternal rib; St, sternum. tion in the number of these structures is here taking place: a gradual shortening of the thoracic portion of the vertebral column and a corresponding lengthening of the cervical and lumbar regions. is also taking place in Mammals generally, and thus it may be stated that the reduction in the number of ribs is correlated with a higher stage in development of the Vertebrate body. Ill. STERNUM. Never present in Fishes, the sternum appears for the first time in Amphibians in the form of a small variously-shaped plate of cartilage situated in the middle line of the chest (Fig. 43). It arises as a paired cartilaginous plate! in the inscriptiones tendinez of the rectus abdominis muscle, and therefore may be looked upon as corresponding to a pair of “abdominal ribs.” Such cartilaginous abdominal ribs must have been present in greater numbers in the ancestors of existing Urodeles (comp. Necturus, p. 56). In many tailless Batrachians (¢.y., Rana) the ventral portion of the pectoral arch is continued forwards in the middle line, from where the two clavicles meet, as a slender omosternum (Fig. 48, D): this has a similar origin, and the proximal portion both of it and of the sternum become ossified. Thus the sternum and omosternum of Amphibians are not to be considered as correspond- ? It is unpaired from the first in Triton and Rana, but this is probably due to an abbreviation of development. Fic. 43.—Prcrorat Arcu or Various AMPHIBIANS. (From the ventral side). A—Urodele (diagrammatic) ; B—Axolotl ; C—Bombinator igneus ; D—Rana esculenta. SS, suprascapula; 8, scapula; CZ, procoracoid; C/! (Cl in D), clavicle ; C, coracoid; EC, Co'", epicoracoid; +, Pf, G, glenoid cavity for the humerus; S/, Sf, sternum; Lp. omosternum ; /e, fenestra between procoracoid and coracoid bars. * and t in B indicate nerve-apertures. 60 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ing to differentiations of the pectoral arch,! but as consisting of skeletal parts which primarily belong to the body-wall, and only secondarily come into connection with the limb-skeleton. . In most Urodeles and certain Anurans the edges of the cartilag- inous sternum are inserted into the grooved median margins of the two coracoids (Fig. 43, B, C), to which they are united by connective tissue. In Rana, on the other hand (D), in which the two halves of the pectoral arch are much more closely connected in the middle line, by far the greater part of the sternum lies entirely posterior to the coracoids. In the Perennibranchiata and Dero- tremata the sternum is much simpler than in other Amphibians, and in Proteus and Amphiuma it undergoes complete degeneration. Fic. 44.—Prcrorat ARCH AND STERNUM OF A GECKO (Hemidactylus verrucosus). St, sternum; R, ribs; Si, cartilaginous cornua to which the last pair of ribs is attached ; SS, suprascapula; S, scapula; Co, coracoid; Co’, cartilaginous epicoracoid: Hp, episternum ; a, b, c, membranous fenestre in the coracoid ; C1, clavicle ; G, glenoid cavity for the humerus. Nothing is known with regard to the sternum of fossil Amphibians, which was probably entirely cartilaginous. In the Amniota, the sternum arises by a number of ribs on either side of the middle line running together to form a continuous cartilaginous tract. An unpaired cartilaginous sternal plate is formed by the tract of either side becoming more or less completely fused with its fellow, and from this plate the ribs become secondarily segmented off by the formation of true articulations. 1 It has been recently shown that in the Elasmobranch Notidanus cartilages are present in the median ventral line of the pectoral arch which are segmented off from the coracoids. STERNUM 61 Later it may become calcified (Reptiles), or converted into true bone (Birds, Mammals). In Reptiles, Birds, and Monotremes the coracoids, as in Amphibians, always come into direct connection with the lateral edges of the sternum (comp. Figs. 41, 44, and 48). The sternum is greatly developed in Birds, and consists of a broad more or less fenestrated plate, provided in the vast majority of Carinatee with a projecting keel, which forms an additional surface for the origin of the wing-muscles (Fig. 41). In contrast to these, the cursorial Ratitee are characterised by a broad, more or less arched, shield-like sternum without a keel. In some flightless Carinate, however, the keel is rudimentary or even ab- sent, and a keel may occasionally appear, though not constantly, Fic, 45.—A, Sternum or Fox; B, or Waurus; anp C, or Man. Mb, manubrium ; C, body ; Pe, xiphoid process ; R, ribs. in certain Ratite. The presence or absence of a keel is not, there- fore, a constant character separating these two groups of Birds from one another. A greater number of ribs are as a rule concerned in the forma- tion of the sternum of Mammals than is the case in Reptiles and Birds. Consisting at first of a simple cartilaginous plate, the sternum later becomes segmented into definite bony portions (sternebrae) the number of which may correspond to the affixed ribs (Fig. 45, A, B). But in other cases, as, for instance, amongst Primates (C), the individual bony segments may run together to form a long plate (corpus sterni). The anterior end of the sternum becomes differentiated into the so-called manubriwm, and the posterior end into the xiphoid or ensiform process. ‘The latter owes its origin in the embryo to the ventral fusion of a true pair of ribs. 1 A keel was also present in the flying Reptile Plesiosaurus, and may be developed wherever a larger surface for the origin of the pectoral muscles is required (e.g., Cheiroptera). 62 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY IV, EPISTERNUM. Episternal structures, which are wanting in Fishes, Dipnoans and recent Urodeles, play an important part in fossil Amphibians Fic. 46.—Prcroran ArcuH oF VARIous STEGOCEPHALA (from the ventral side). After H. Credner. A, Branchiosaurus, x 3; B, Pelosaurus x 2; C, Discosaurus, x 2; D, Hylono- mus, x 2; E, Archegosaurus, x about 4. ps, episternum; Cl, clavicle ; s, scapula; ¢, coracoid ; s, calcification in the sternum or in the cartilage of the coracoid. and primitive Reptiles (¢.g., Stegocephala and Paleohatteria), in which, both as regards form and structure, they bear a great re- semblance to the episternum of certain existing Reptiles. EPISTERNUM 63 In the Stegocephala, the episternum (“ interclavicle”) consists of a large bony plate, situated ventrally to the sternum, some of the various forms of which, as well as its relation to the pectoral arch and more particularly to the clavi- cles, will be seen by refer- ence to Fig. 46. The episternum of Palwohatteria and of re- cent Lizards and Crocodiles is essentially similar to that of the Stegocephala (Figs. 44, 46, and 47). In Lacerta and Crocodilus it arises, from before back- wards,as a paired structure,. which is not preformed in cartilage. An episternum is wanting in Chelonia and Ophidia, as well as in Chameeleo and Anguis. Fic. 47.—Prctoran Arca oF PaL®OHAT- TERIA (from the ventral side) After Credner. S, scapula ; C, coracoid; CV, clavicle; Eps, episternun. In Birds no ‘independent elements corresponding to this structure can be recognised ; the ligament extending between the clavicles and the sternal keel, the periosteal covering of the rome Recencee' als | Sabaiais Fic. 474.—EPpIsTERNUM OF AN Empryo Moe. (After A. Gitte). St, sternum ; es!, central por- tion and es”, lateral por- tion of the episternum ; cl, clavicle; 7.c, ribs. (The figure was constructed fro ‘om two consecutive hori- zontal sections. ) keel which is continued backward from this ligament, and the median portion of the fused clavicles when separately ossified (“interclavicle ”) may possibly have something to do with an episternum without being exactly homologous with it. The origin and meaning of the mammalian episternum, which is pre- formed in cartilage, is not known; it has probably no direct connection with the similarly-named structure in Reptiles, but apparently agrees with the latter at any rate as regards position and relations in the embryo Mole (Fig. 474). In Monotremes (Fig. 48) and certain Marsupials a median and two lateral portions can be distinguished, the latter being in connection with the clavicles. In these Marsupials the median portion unites with the ster- num, and as in Monotremes, becomes 64 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY ossified; while the lateral portions remain cartilaginous. In other Marsupials various stages in the reduction of the episternum are met with. Amonest the Placentalia the episternum is retained in the most independent condition in certain South American Cavies as well as in the Porcupine and other Rodents in which it consists of a median and two lateral parts, which are, however, quite independent of one another, and are only connected by ligaments. The median, st. Fic.—48.—PrEcToraL ARcH oF Ornithorhynchus puradoxus. m.s, manubrium sterni ; c!, c?, c3, first, second, and. third ribs 3 ot, sternebra : ey scapula ; m.c, coracoid (metacoracoid) ; e.c, epicoracoid ; c/, clavicle; es! nd es, episternum (‘‘ interclavicle”’). ‘ cartilaginous portion is closely applied to the sternum, while the lateral portions are connected with the clavicles, In the Sciuromorphze and Myomorphe the episternal apparatus is still further modified, the median piece having disappeared (or more probably having united with the sternum), while the small lateral pieces are attached to the manubrium and in the Sciuromorphe articulate with the clavicles. In the Lagomorphe fibro-cartilaginous lateral portions only are present, extending as far as the clavicles. Vv. THE SKULL. Introduction. The question as to the primary origin of the skull in the Craniata has always taken a foremost place amongst the morpho- logical problems relating to the structure of Vertebrates. Until past the middle of the present century the theory which held the field was the “ vertebral theory” of Goethe and Oken, according to THE SKULL 65 which the skull consisted of a number of modified vertebrae “cranial vertebre”). On this theory, therefore, the skull was regarded as a special modification of the anterior part of the vertebral column, and a large number of facts were brought forward in support of it: even when morphological science had made further considerable advances, there still seemed to be a certain amount of justification for it. The arguments in support of the vertebral theory of the skull may be briefly stated as follows. As in the vertebral column, three stages may be distinguished in the skull, ontogenetically as well as phylogenetically: viz. a membranous, a cartilaginous, and a bony stage (comp. p. 36). There is thus an important correspondence between these two parts of the cranio-spinal axis, and this is further em- phasized by the fact that the notochord always extends for a certain distance inte the base of the skull, so that the latter is developed on the same skeletogenous basis as, and in“direct continuation of, the vertebral axis. This theory depended on giving an exact account merely of the sheletogenous elements taking part in the formation of the skull, and for a long time it was not recognised that this could not possibly lead to a true interpretation of the origin of the verte- brate head. To attempt to do so was to “put the cart before the horse,” by looking upon the last acquesition of the head—its skeleton —as the leading point for future researches. It was only very gradually ascertained that the skull has never consisted of segmentally arranged cartilaginous portions, either in the course of its ancestral history or in that of the development of the individual. In the occipital region alone did it possibly at one time possess distinct neural arches, owing to the assimilation of more or fewer of the anterior segments of the taunk; and the view gradually gained ground that this important problem could not be solved merely by an anatomical and embryological analysis of the skeleton, but that a number of other parts and organs which arise much earlier must also be taken into account and their origin traced :—such are, the sensory organs, brain and cerebral nerves, cranial muscles, and the anterior part af the alimentary canal together with the mouth and visceral clefés. A considerable advance was thus made, and the problem was vigorously attacked both from the anatomical and embryological sides; and many of the researches which resulted have become classical in the history of the subject. It is impossible here to give more than the barest outlines of the results obtained, and even now much remains to be elucidated in this complex question, about many details of which numerous differences of opinion still exist. Moreover, a knowledge of the development and distribu- tion of the cerebral nerves is a necessary preliminary to the study of cranial morphology: these are treated of in a subsequent chapter, to which the reader is referred for explanation of parts of the following paragraphs. F 66 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The portion of the skull which is situated along the main axis in continuation of the vertebral column and which encloses. the brain is known as the brain-box or cranium, and is primarily composed of cartilage. A series of cartilaginous arches arise in serial order on the ventral side of the brain-case; these encircle the anterior part of the alimentary tract like hoops, incomplete: dorsally, and are distinguished from the cranial region as the visceral skeleton. The latter stands in important relation to branchial respiration, inasmuch as each consecutive pair of arches. encleses a passage (gill-slit), communicating between the pharynx and the exterior; this is lined by endoderm, and through it the water passes in branchiate forms. The foremost visceral arch bounds the aperture of the mouth, thus forming a firm support for it, and giving rise to the skeleton of the jaws; the other arches function primarily as gill-supports. Both cranial and visceral portions may become ossified later. Before the cartilaginous skeleton begins to be formed in the embryo, the greater part of the head consists of a soft, mesoblastic formative tissue, which gives rise to a membranous capsule around the brain: the individual cerebral nerves can already be plainly distinguished (membranous stage, comp. p. 36). The three organs of the higher senses also appear at a very early stage ; and these, in the course of further development, come to be situated in definite bays or cavities within the head, and thus are of extreme im- portance in modifying the configuration of the skeletal structures which are formed around them later. In the embryos of lower Vertebrates (¢.g., Elasmobranchs) more or less of the mesoblastic tissue which surrounds, isolates, and supports these organs becomes divided up metamerically into segments, so that a segmentation into somites (protovertebrw) occurs in the posterior part of the head as well as in the body (comp. pp. 8 and 36). The mesoblastic segments of the head, some of which enclose cavities arismg from the ccelome (or the pre-oral gut), consist of a tissue from which later become differentiated all the supporting structwres—including, of course, the skull, as well as the muscles (myotomes). Without going into further details as to the number and fate of these segments and their relation to the cerebral nerves, concerning which there is con- siderable diversity of opinion, it may be stated that the primary segmentation of the part of the head posterior to the auditory organ, in the region of the vagus and hypoglossal nerves, is at any rate more pronounced than that of the more anterior part of the head. The relations of the visceral to the cranial skeleton, and those of both to the primary segmentation of the head, must also be taken into consideration. Both cranial and visceral regions must have been originally segmented, and each myotome at one time included a ventral portion (lateral plate of the mesoblast) which enclosed a corresponding section of the cranial ccelome, or THE SKULL 67 “head-cavity.” Later, however, the visceral region became re- latively shifted toa greater or less degree, especially in the anterior part of the head, so that its segments no longer corresponded to those of the cranial region. Thus we find that the segmentation of the nervous, muscular, and visceral parts of the head do not correspond with one another. But although the segmentation of the visceral portion of the skull has in the course of phylogeny reached a certain degree of independence, and the cranial portion alone can be looked upon as being made up of a series of somites, it must not be forgotten that mesoblastic tissue extends from the head-somites into the visceral arches, each of the two anterior of which still contain a coelomic cavity at a certain period of development. a. Brain-Case (Cranium). The first cartilaginous rudiments appear in the primitively membranous skull-tube in the form of a pair of rods, the trabecule crantt. These lie along the base of the brain, their posterior parts embracing the notochord; they are thus divisible into pro- chordal (anterior) and parachordal (posterior) regions (Fig. 49), which may be continuous with one another. The parachordals soon unite to form a basilar plate, which grows round the notochord dorsally and ventrally, and thus early forms a solid support for the hinder part of the brain. The slender trabecule project forwards and enclose a space, which may be spoken of as the primitive pituitary space (Fig. 49). These structures may undergo further development in many dif- ferent ways in the various Vertebrate groups: the trabeculae may become completely united with one another in the median line (Fig. 50, A), and ye, 49, First Cartitacrnovs the connective-tissue of the oral Rupiments or rue SKULL. mucous membrane may become ossi- ¢, notochord; PH, separate fied to form a parasphenoid (B). In parachordal elements ; 7'r, other cases, the trabeculee may become hier ead ees : ary space; iV, A, e compressed and partly aborted owing three sense-capsules (olfac- to the great development of the eyes: tory, optic, and auditory). this obtains, ¢.g., in certain Reptiles and in all Birds, in which a fibro-cartilaginous interorbital septum appears in their place (C). In most cases a median cartilaginous bar (intertrabecula) is formed between the trabecule in front, fusing with them, and F 2 68 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY forming the ethmo-nasal septum (Fig. 51). It occasionally projects forwards to form a rostrum (Figs. 55, 56, and 58). Fic. 50.—DraGRaMMATIC TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF THE HEAD IN EmMBRYO— (A) SturRGEoNs, ELASMOBRANCHS, ANURANS, AND MAMMALS ; (B) URODELES AND SNAKES ; (C) CERTAIN TELEOSTEANS, LIzaARDS, CROCODILES, CHELONIANS, AND Brrps. Tr, trabecule cranii; G, brain; 4, eyes; Ps, parasphenoid; JS, interobital septum ; F, frontal ; O/f, olfactory nerve. We must now further follow the processes of growth, start- ing from the primary condition described above, in which Fic, 51.—Later STAGE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRIM- ORDIAL SKULL. C, notochord ; B, basilar plate ; Tr, trabecula, which has united with its fellow in front of the pituitary space to form the ethmo-nasal sep- tum (S); Ct, cornu trabe- cule, and A/F, antorbital process, which support the olfactory organ (NK) in front and behind ; Ol, for- amina for exit of the olfac- tory nerves from the crani- um ; P/’, postorbital pro- cess of trabecula; A, eye ; O, auditory organ. the trabecule have united together in the middle line. The cartilaginous basal plate now comes into relations with the olfactory, optic, and auditory organs (Fig. 51), around which carti- laginous capsules are formed. Thus an olfactory, an orbital, and an auditory region are early differentiated. The olfactory and auditory capsules, especially in higher types, then become more and more drawn in to the skull proper, and the lateral edges of the basal plate begin to grow upwards round the brain on both sides, eventu- ally extending even to the dorsal region. Thus a continuous cartilaginous capsule is formed, such as persists throughout life in Elasmobranchs for example. But in by far the greater number of Vertebrates, the cartilage does not play so great a part, and is, as a rule, con- fined to the base and lower parts of the sides of the skull and to the sense- capsules, except in the occipital region, where it always extends over the brain. The rest of the skull, more particularly the roof, becomes directly converted from membrane into bone. At the same time, bones may become differ- entiated in connection with the primary THE SKULL 69 cartilaginous skull (chondrocraniwm) itself, which is thus more or less completely replaced by an osteocranium. In general the higher the systematic position of the animal, the less extensive are the cartilaginous constituents and the more important the bony. b. The Visceral Skeleton. The primarily cartilaginous visceral arches encircle the anterior section of the alimentary canal, lying embedded in the inner part of the walls of the throat (Figs. 52 and 53) and usually becoming ossified latter. They are always present in a greater number (up to aS many as nine) in forms which possess gills than in higher types (Amniota), in which they gradually be- come reduced, and may undergo a change of function, certain of them in some cases taking on definite relations to the auditory organ and larynx. The most anterior arch, serving as a support for the walls of the mouth and receiving its nerve supply from the trigeminal, arises first, and is distin- guished from the other or post-oral arches as the mandibular arch. The ye. 59 — Dracrammaric post-oral arches only function as gill- = Transverse Suction oF A bearers in the Anamnia: even the first STILL Later Srace IN THE . re . DEVELOPMENT OF THE. of these, the hyoid, which is supplied by — Patorpran SKurz. the facial nerve, becomes modified from C, notochord ; Tr, trabecule, those lying behind it: the latter, or branchial arches proper, are supplied by the glossopharyngeal and vagus. All the visceral arches must originally, how- ever, have borne gills. Primarily unsegmented, the indi- vidual post-oral arches may become broken up into as many as four pieces, of which the uppermost becomes inserted under the base of the skull, while the which enclose the brain (C) ventrally and later- ally; O, auditory capsule ; RH, the cavity of the pharynx, enclosed by the visceral skeleton ; 1 to 4, the individual elements composing each visceral arch, which is united with its fellow by a basal piece (Cp). lowermost is connected with its fellow by a median basal piece (Fig. 52). The mandibular arch also undergoes segmentation, and becomes divided into a short proximal piece, the guadrate, and a long distal mandibular or Meckel’s cartilage (Fig. 53). The quadrate grows out anteriorly into a process, the palatoquadrate or palatopterygoid, which usually becomes fixed to the base of the skull and forms the aaa upper jaw, Meckel’s cartilage forming the lower jaw. 70 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The quadrate, which serves as a support (suspensoriwm) for the jaws, either remains separated from the skull by an articulation— that is, is only united to it by connective-tissue—or it forms one mass with it. ; The hyoid—-which has always close relations with the man- dibular arch, and may also take part in its suspensorial apparatus * Fic. 53.—DIsAGRAMMATIC FiGURE OF AN EMBRYONIC ELASMOBRANCH SKULL, SHOWING THE RELATIONS OF THE VISCERAL ARCHES. NV, nasal capsule; A, eye; O, auditory capsule; Zr, trabecula; Q and PQ, quadrate and palatopterygoid, which are bound to the trabecula by ligaments at t; Mf, Meckel’s cartilage; L, labial cartilages; H, hyomandibular ; K, hyoid arch ; a to e, branchial arches, between which the gill-clefts (Ito V) are seen ; S, spiracle ; C, notochord ; b, vertebre, br, brain ; sp.c, spinal cord. —becomes divided, as do the true branchial arches, into a number of segments, the upper of which in many Fishes is distinguished as the hyomandibular (Fig. 53), from which a symplectic may be differentiated distally. Inthe mid-ventral line there is a basi-hyal connecting the arch of either side, and embedded in the tongue (entoglossal or glossohyal). ce. The Bones of the Skull. It is usual and convenient to distinguish in the entire skeleton between the bones which are formed in connection with cartilage, and eventually replace it to a greater or less extent (cartilage 1 It appears to be probable that the hyomandibular and hyoid proper are separate in origin: possibly also the spiracular cartilage (p. 75), often looked upon as representing fused mandibular rays, represents the remains of an entire arch ; and Dohrn maintains that Meckel’s cartilage and the palatoquadrate each represents a distinct arch. THE SKULL 71 bones), and those which arise in connective-tissue, entirely inde- pendent of cartilage (membrane- or investing-bones). But it must be borne in mind that there is no hard and fast line between these, and that histologically they are indistinguishable from one -another. Bone is always phylogenetically formed outside the cartilage, and its first appearance within cartilage (as in the Amniota more particularly) is to be looked upon as a secondary condition Again, in other cases (¢.g., in parts of the skeleton of Elasmobranchs), true bones are not formed at all, there being only a calcareous incrustation of the cartilage (calcified cartilage). The bones arising in the membranous regions of the skull (including the perichondrium) primarily come under the category of the dermal skeleton and, as already mentioned with regard to the latter, are to be looked upon as originating phylogenetically in connection with dermal denticles (p. 30). In this manner the bones of the mouth-cavity of Fishes and Amphibians, for instance, still arise: it must be. remembered that the epithelium of the oral cavity is formed by invagination of the outer skin. Such a mode of origin of the first skull-bones appears to be the oldest and most primitive, and it is most apparent in the lower Vertebrates (Fishes). This holds good also for those cases in which bones are formed merely by deposition of calcareous matter directly in the connective-tissue layer, without giving rise to tooth-struc- tures (¢g., all investing bones)—probably owing to an abbrevia- tion of development. The following lists give a summary of the most important bones according to their different relations to the skull. I. Investing Bones of the Mouth-Cavity (partly lying within it, partly bounding it on the outer side). . Parasphenoid. Vomer. . Premaxilla. Maxilla. Jugal, . Quadratojugal (in part). . Dentary. NID OB Oo WO 1 The different varieties of ossification may be conveniently classified as follows :— I. “Membrane Bones.” («) Dermostoses—ossifications of the dermis ; (b) parostoses—ossifications of the looser subcutaneous tissue; (c) ectostoses—ossifi- cations of the inner layer of the fibrous investment (perichondrium) of a tract of cartilage: these may extend into the latter, replacing it, and thus give rise secondarily to Il. ‘Cartilage Bones,” (endostoses). : ; It may, however, happen that in the course of generations an investing bone may take the place of a cartilage bone, and the formation of cartilage be entirely suppressed and not repeated again ontogenetically. -T Ww COMPARATIVE ANATOMY 8. Splenial. y. Angular. 10. Supra-angular. 11. Coronoid. 12. Palatine. 13. Pterygoid. Il. Investing Bones of the Outer Surface (enumerated from before backwards). Nasal. Lachrymal. Frontal. Prefrontal (of Reptiles). Postfrontal or postorbital. Supraorbital. Parietal. Temporal or squamosal. Supraoccipital (in part). SSO Toe ot ie oe ho Ill. “ Cartilage Bones.” Basioccipital : 3 : eae . Basisphewoid | Present only in Amniota (forming the base " Presphenoid J of the skull). . Exoccipital (and supraoccipital, in part). . Pro-, epi-, and opisthotic, also (in Teleostei) sphenotic and pterotic (forming the bony auditory capsule). , va \ sphenoid, developed in the trabecular region. Ore OF NO bE DID . Ethmoid, together with the rest of the skeleton of the nose (turbinals, &c.). . Quadrate. . Articular. . Visceral skeleton (in part). = Hoo ANATOMY OF THE SKULL. SPECIAL Part. A, Fishes.! In the Cyclostomata, the skull is developed essentially in the manner already described. Later, however, it shows many special peculiarities, probably in consequence of the suctorial (Petromyzon) 1 In Amphioxus (Acrania) there is no cranial skeleton, and the elastic non- cartilaginous rods which support the branchial apparatus are not comparable with the visceral skeleton of the Craniata, THE SKULL 73 or parasitic (Myxine) mode of life of these animals: the most important of these is the absence of jaws such as are present in all other Craniata; for this reason these forms are spoken of as Cyclostomata to distinguish them from the other craniate Verte- brates or Gnathostomata. Instead of the jaw-apparatus, which has doubtless become degenerated, and indications of which as well as of the hyoid can apparently still be seen (Fig. 54, sb.oc.a, p. lat.c, sty.c, en.c), a number of cartilages are present supporting the anterior part of the head. In the adult Lamprey, for instance, the suctorial mouth is supported by various skeletal elements, amongst which may be mentioned a ring-like cartilage around the margin of the dome-shaped oral funnel, between the dorsal side brbe brb.s Fic. 54.—SkvLL with BrancuiaL Basket oF Petromyzon marinas. (After W. K. Parker.) The cartilaginous parts are dotted. a.d.c. anterior dorsal cartilage; anterior lateral cartilage; au.c. annular cartilage ; au.c. auditory capsule ; br.b. 1—7, vertical bars of branchial basket ; br.c/. 1—7, external branchial clefts ; cu.c. cornual cartilage; cr.r. cranial roof; /.c. 1—4, longitudinal bars of branchial basket ; /y.c. lingual cartilage; m.r.c. median ventral cartilage ; na.ap. nasal aperture; nch. notochord ; Nv. 2, foramen for optic nerve ; o/f.c. olfactory capsule; pe.c. pericardial cartilage; p.d.c. posterior dorsal cartilage; p./at.c. posterior lateral cartilage; sh.oc.a. sub-ocular arch ; st.p. styloid process ; sty.c. styliform cartilage ; ¢. teeth. t of which and the brain-case are a couple of large overlapping cartilages : the tongue is supported by a long, lingual cartilage. On the mucous membrane covering the annular and lingual cartilages inside the oral funnel are a number of horny tecth. The fibro-cartilaginous olfactory sac is unpaired, and opens on the dorsal surface of the head by a single nostril. The visceral skeleton also shows many exceptional peculiarities: it consists of a delicate cartilaginous basket-work (Fig. 54), and has a very superficial position; we may -accordingly speak of the unsegmented cartilages of which it is composed as “eatra- branchials” to distinguish them from the true branchial arches of the Gnathostomata. 74 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY In Myxine, the extra-branchial basket-work is quite rudimentary and amongst other peculiarities, the long nasal passage 1s surrounded by cartilaginous rings, and communicates with the pharynx by a naso-palatine duct. : No fossil Cyclostomes are known, but Paleospondylus gunn from the Old Red Sandstone of Caithness possibly shows affinities with this group. In the Elasmobranchii and Holocephali the skull presents the simplest conditions and most easily comprehensible relations, so that it may be taken as the starting-point for the study of the skull of ali other Vertebrates. It consists of a simple carti- laginous and fibrous capsule either more or less immovably united with the vertebral column (Squalide,) or connected with it by articulations only (Raiidze and Holocephall). Fic. 55.—SKULL or Docrisy (Scyllinm canicula). (From T. J. Parker’s Biology, after W. K. Parker.) Cr. cranium ; aud.cp. auditory capsule; or. orbit; o/ficp. olfactory capsule ; 7. rostral cartilage ; hy.m. hyomandibular ; wp.j. palatoquadvate ; /.j. Meckel’s cartilage ; ventral part of hyoid arch ; /g./g’. ligaments supporting the jaws from the cranium ; /b. labial cartilage ; br.a. 1—5, branchial arches ; br.r, br.r’, branchial rays arising from the hyoid and branchial arches; ex. br. extva-branchial cartilages; Nv. 2, optic foramen; Nv. 5, foramen for trigeminal and facial nerves. (The spiracular cartilage is not indicated. ) True bones are never developed, the cartilage being merely calcified. In Elasmobranchs the palatoquadrate and Jower jaw are provided with numerous teeth, arranged in rows; in the Holocephali, the teeth have the form of strong and sharp-edged plates. The nasal region is often elongated to torm a long cut-water or rostrum (intertrabecula), at the proximal end of which the olfactory sacs are situated, their cavities being separated from the cranial cavity by a fibrous membrane (“lamina cribrosa”). Behind them are the deep orbital hollows, which are bounded posteriorly by the THE SKULL 75 strongly projecting auditory regions. Labial cartilages are present in connection with the lips, nostrils, and jaws (Figs. 55, 56, and 57). The palatoquadrate is usually only united to the basis craniil by ligaments, but in the Chimeroids (Fig. 57) it becomes immovably fused with it, whence their name of Holocephali. In the Sharks and Rays the palatoquadrate is not directly united to the skull, but is suspended from it by the hyomandibular (p.70, Figs. 55 and 56). In this case the skull may be described as hyostylic, to distinguish it from autostylie skulls, in which the hyoid takes no part in the suspensorium (Fig. 57). A cleft, the spiracie, is situated in front of the hyomandibular, and leads into the cavity of the mouth ; on its anterior wall may be found remnants of the embryonic spiracular gill, beneath which is a spiracular cartilage (comp. p. 70, and Fig. 56). The branchial skeleton is always well developed, and owing to secondary segmentation and fusion of its parts exhibits char- ALBrt EBr.2 HBr. Fic. 56.——SkuLL or Sate. (After W. K. Parker.) Au, auditory capsule ; Na, olfactory capsule ; P..N, prenasal rostrum ; Pl. Pt, Qu, palatoquadrate bar ; Afri, mandibular (Meckel’s) cartilage ; ./. Pt, spiracular cartilage ; H.M, hyomandibular ; 7.h./, interhyal ligament ; #. Hy, epihyal ; C. Hy, ceratohyal; H.Hy, hypohyal; A.Br, 1, 2, 5, hypobranchials ; above them are seen the cerato-, epi-, and pharyngo-branchials ; IZ, optic foramen ; V, foramen for trigeminal and facial nerves. (The branchial rays and extra- branchials are not indicated. ) acteristic modifications. On the outer circumference of each branchial arch, as well as on the hyomandibular and hyoid, radially- arranged cartilaginous rays are situated, which serve as supports for the gill-sacs (Fig. 55). Externally to these rays small rod-like “extra-branchial” cartilages are present. In nearly all Elasmobranchs the gill-slits open freely on to the surface of the body, but in Chlamydoselache and the Holo- cephali a fold of skin arising from the hinder border of the hyomandibular overlies them. This is the first indication of a gill- cover or operculum, such as is present in Teleosts and Ganoids. Amongst the Ganoids, the lowest condition is met with in 76 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY those formsin which the hyaline primordial skull, immovably fixed - to the vertebral column, is still retained (Fig. 58). These forms are spoken of as Cartilaginous Ganoids. As in Elasmobranchs, the cranial cavity reaches forwards to the ethmoidal region, but is separated from the latter by cartilage. The appearance of detinite bones, however, divides them sharply off from the Elasmobranchs, and proves their skull to be at a much higher stage of develop- ment. These bones have the form of richly sculptured plates and shields, and are developed partly from the mucous membrane lining the mouth and covering the visceral skeleton, and partly from the skin covering the roof of the skull. In the first-named Jrel Fic. 57.—Skuny or Chimera monstrosa, LATERAL ViEw. (From Parker and Haswell’s Zoology, after Hubrecht.) @.8.C. position of anterior semicircular canal; c.hy. ceratohyal; ep.hy. epi- hyal 3; frontal clasper ; h.s.c. position of horizontal semicircular canal ; 2.0.8. interorbital septum; (b. 1, lb. 2, Ib. J, labial cartilages ; Mch.C. mandible; Vv. 2, optic foramen; Nv. 10, vagus foramen; olf.cp. olfactory capsule ; op.r. opereular rays; pal.qu. palatoquadrate ; ph.hy. pharyngo- nye pe ¢. position of posterior semicircular canal; qu. quadrate region ; . rostrum. region a narrow parasphenoid forms a roof to the oral cavity and extends for some distance along the ventral side of the vertebral column. Ali- and orbito-sphenoids are present in the walls of the brain-case. The operculum is more pronounced than in the Holocephali, and is also supported by bones. The whole palato-mandibular apparatus, which is comparatively small and in connection with which bones are formed, is connected very loosely with the skull by means of a hyomandibular and sym- plectic, as well as by ligaments (Fig. 58). The dermal skeleton attains a much more considerable develop- THE SKULL 77 ment in a second group of these Fishes—the Bony Ganoids— and gives rise to a dense armour composed of numerous bones lying on the roof and extending into all parts of the skull and jaws (Fig. 59). The cartilage thus becomes reduced : it is, however, largely retained in Amia. The opercular bones are more highly developed than in cartilaginous Ganoids, and consist of an oper- culum, a preoperculum, a suboperculum, and an interoperculum. Tf all the membrane bones are removed and the cranium separated from the vertebral elements which are fused with it, a surprising similarity will be seen between the skull of Polypterus and that of Elasmobranchs—more par- ticularly that of Chlamydoselache and Notidanus. On the other hand, the chon- drocranium of Polypterus shows certain resemblances to that of the Amphibia. Rel Sig NA oa. we, _ = SOT ne wy 2 ys ace i < ° Ri +4 : oe Cop Fic. 58.—CraniAL SKELETON OF STURGEON (Acipenser) AFTER REMOVAL OF THE EXOSKELETAL Parts. WS, vertebral column ; Sp, apertures for spinal nerves ; Psp, neural spines ; Ob, neural arches ; C, notochord; GK, auditory capsule; PF’, AF, postor- bital and antorbital processes ; Orb, orbit ; 7, optic foramen; x, vagus foramen ; Na, nasal cavity ; R, rostrum; *, prominent ridge on the basis cranii ; Ps, Ps}, Ps", parasphenoid ; PQ, palatoquadrate ; Vu, quadrate ; Afd, mandible ; De, dentary ; Ar, articular ; Hm, hyomandibular ; Sy, symplectic ; Ih, interhyal ; hy, hyoid ; J to V, first to fifth branchial arches, with their segments—the double pharyngo-branchial (a), the epibranchial (b) the cerato- branchial (c), and the hypobranchial (¢); Cop, basal elements of the visceral skeleton ; R2, ribs. The branchial skeleton in Ganoids consists of four or five more or less strongly ossified gill-arches, decreasing in size antero- posteriorly (Fig. 58); and in bony Ganoids the surface which looks towards the throat is beset with teeth. The Ganoidei are of special interest, as they, with the Elasmobranchii, constitute the entire Fish-fauna through the Silurian, Devonian, and Carbo- niferous periods, and as the Teleostei which appear later, are doubtless derived from them. They also show connection with the Dipnoi and with the oldest Amphibia from the Carboniferous and Trias (Ganocephulu, Stegocephala). In the Teleostei, the skull presents a large amount of varia- tion ; its ground-plan, however, may always be derived from that 78 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY of the bony Ganoids, as is best seen by a comparison of the Siluroids with Amia. On the other hand, no relations with the t Fra. 59.—SKULL oF Polypterus bichir FROM THE DorsAL SIDE. Pmzx, premaxilla ; Na, external nostril ; V, nasal; Sb, Sb!, anterior and posterior suborbital; Orb, orbit; MM, maxilla; Sp, spiracular bones; PO, preopercu- lum (?); SO, suboperculum ; Op, oper- culum; F, frontal; P, parietal; a, b, c, d, swpraoccipital shields. The two arrows pointing downwards under the spiracular shields show the position of the openings of the spiracles on to the outer surface of the skull. Amphibia are observable, and we must consider the whole group of the bony Fishes as a side branch of the piscine phylum. Much of the cartilagin- ous primordial skull persists in most Teleostei1; the cranial cavity may either reach between the eyes as far as the ethmoidal region, or it may become narrowed and arrested in the orbital region (Fig. 50, ©), in which ali-, orbito-, and basi-sphenoid _ ossifications may occur (Fig. 61). The olfactory organs, as in most other Fishes, consist of two sacs lying in the cartilage of the ethmoidal region. The palatoquadrate bar becomes differentiated into a row of bony plates— the quadrate, meso- and metapterygoid, pterygoid, and palatine. The audi- tory capsule ossifies from five centres (see p. 72), and in the occipital region, as well as on the dor- sal surface of the skull, numerous bones are de- veloped, for details of which the reader is referred to Figs. 60 and 61. In many Teleosts a canal, lying in the axis of the base of the skull, encloses the eye- muscles, and opens on either side into the orbit. All the bones bounding the oral cavity, viz., the vomer, the parasphenoid, the premaxilla, and the maxilla, may bear teeth. The maxilla, however, is usually edentulous, and both it and the THE SKULL 79 premaxilla vary much as to their development : the latter may even be absent. Besides the above-mentioned bones in connection with the palatoquadrate bar, the cranial capsule of Teleosts is sur- rounded by other outworks consisting of bony plates and_ bars. These arise as true dermal bones in the region of the eyes (orbital ring), and in the gill-covers (opercular bones) : the latter are similar in number and name to those of bony Ganoids. A large number of sphot par See i t i t \ = eprot _ptler yom = tnlop symp Sbrunchiost dent avt 1 1 i 1 i : preop Fic. 60.—CRANIAL SKELETON OF THE SaLMoyx. (From the left side. ) soo Pmzx, premaxilla; eth, supraethmoid ; nas, nasal; ma, maxilla; juy, jugal; pt, pterygoid ; mpt, mesopterygoid ; mtpt, metapterygoid ; Quad, quadrate ; . hyom, hyomandibular ; pal, palatine; fr, frontal; v, 0, 0, 0, orbital Ting; par, parietal; sphot, sphenotic ; epiot, epiotic; pter, pterotic ; socc, supraoccipital ; op, operculum ; prwop, preoperculum ; intop, interoperculum ; subop, suboperculum ; branchiost, branchiostegal rays; dent, dentary; art, articular ; Zunge, tongue. branchiostegal rays are developed in the ventral part of the oper- cular fold, or branchiostegal membrane (Fig. 60). Anteriorly, the opercular apparatus lies against a bony chain consisting of three pieces—the hyomandibular, symplectic, and quadrate—which serves as a suspensorial apparatus for the lower Jaw (Fig. 60). The latter consists of Meckel’s cartilage and of several bony elements, the largest of which is the dentary: 80 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY | SOCC------ seal on isth q basoce--~~ ; f i h ‘ Psp ; ; basph proot Fia. 61.—A. CRANIAL SKELETON OF SALMON AFTER REMOVAL OF THE JAwWs, AND ORBITAL AND OPERCULAR Bonzs. (From the right side.) B. Longitudinal section of the same. The cartilaginous parts are dotted. basoce vo, vomer; psph, parasphenoid ; fr, frontal; ehteth, ectoethmoid ; socc, supra- occipital ; exocc, exoccipital ; basocc, basioccipital ; Col.re77, point of connec- tion of the skull with the vertebral column; basph, basisphenoid ; orbsph, orbitosphenoid ; alsph, alisphenoid ; cjiot, epiotic; pfero, pterotic ; opisth, opisthotic; proot, prootic; sphot, sphenotic; .V.o/f, canal for the olfactory nerve, the others are, the articular, angular, and coronoid. The last two, however, may be wanting. The hyoid arch is followed by four branchial arches and a rudimentary fifth which forms the ‘inferior pharyngeal bone.” THE SKULL , 81 The dorsal segments of these arches become fused together to form the “superior pharyngeal bone,’ which, like the inferior pharyngeal, usually bears teeth. A curious asymmetry is seen in the head of adult Pleurunectide. When hatched, these Fishes are quite symmetrical, but later on the eye of one side becomes rotated, so that eventually both eyes are situated on the same side ; in consequence of this, the skull also becomes asymmetrical. The tactile barbules present on the head of many Fishes (¢.g., Siluroids) are supported by skeletal parts. B. Dipnoi. The skull of the Dipnoi is in a sense intermediate between that of the Holocephali, Ganoidei, and Teleostei, on the one hand, and YooN ‘ iy See i 4 \ ) 9 J oa Fic. 62,—CraniaL SKELETON, PEcTORAL ARCH, AND ANTERIOR EXTREMITY OF Protopterus. W, W?, the vertebrae which are fused with the skull, with their neural spines (Psp, Psp) ; Occ, exoccipital, with the hypoglossal foramina ; Ob, auditorycapsule : Tr, trabecular region, with the foramina for the trigeminal and facial nerves ; FP, fronto-parietal ; Ht, membranous fontanelle, perforated by the optic foramen (17); SK, supra-orbital; SH, supra-ethmoid; A, cartilaginous nasal capsule; AF’, antorbital process (the labial cartilage, which has a similar position and direction, is not indicated) ; PQ, palatopterygoid, which converges towards its fellow of the other side at P@!; Sq, squamosal, covering the quadrate; A, A}, articular, joined to the hyoid (Hy) by a fibrous band (ZB) ; D, dentary; +t, Meckel’s cartilage, which is freely exposed, and grows out into prominences; SL, u, 6, teeth ; Op, Op, rudimentary opercular bones ; J to V, the five branchial arches; AR, cranial rib; LK, AK, lateral and median bony lamelle which ensheathe the cartilage of the pectoral arch (Kn, Kn); co, fibrous band which binds the upper end of the pectoral arch with the skull; x, articular head of the pectoral arch, with which the basal segment (b) of the free extremity articulates ; *,*, rndimen- tary lateral rays of the extremity (biserial type) ; 1, 2, 3, the three next seg- ments of the free extremity ; A, external gills. G 82 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY that of Amphibia on the other. In certain respects, however, it presents special characters in which it differs from that of all these forms. The chondrocranium is retained either entirely (Ceratodus) or at any rate to a large extent (Protopterus and Lepidosiren), and the cartilage bones are much less numerous than in Ganoids, exoccipitals only being present (Fig. 62). The cranial cavity extends forwards between the orbits to the ethmoidal region, and the lamina cribrosa is largely cartilaginous. The quadrate, which is covered by a sgquamosal (which corresponds to the preopercu- lum of Fishes), is fused with the cranium, and the connection between the latter and the strongly ossified palatopterygoid, which unites with its fellow anteriorly, is a very close one. The lattice-like cartilaginous nasal capsules are situated right and left of the apex of the snout, close under the skin. As in all the higher Vertebrates, each nasal cavity communicates with the mouth by internal nostrils (choane) as well as with the exterior by the external nostrils, which are, however, covered by the upper lip. The labial cartilages are directly connected with the inter- nasal septum. The occipital region is immovably connected with the vertebral column, some of the anterior vertebre being firmly united with the skull. The teeth, which are sharp and blade- like, are covered with enamel, and are borne on the palatoptery- goid and mandible; small “vomerine teeth” are also present, though there is no vomer. The gill-covers and branchiostegal rays are greatly reduced, and even the five cartilaginous gill- arches are in a very rudimentary condition in Protopterus and Lepidosiren. The strong lower jaw is ossified by an articular, a dentary, an angular, and a splenial, on the last mentioned of which the teeth are borne; Meckel’s cartilage extends for a short distance an- teriorly to the dentary. The Dipnoi are an extremely ancient group ; they existed in the Trias and Carboniferous periods, and possibly even extended into the Silurian. Several facts as regards their skull cannot be satisfactorily elucidated until something is known of its development. The morphology of the so-called ‘cranial rib” (Fig. 62), for instance, is not at present understood. c. Amphibia. Urodela.—The comparatively simple skull of tailed Amphi- bians is distinguished from that of bony Fishes in general principally by negative characters—on the one hand by the presence of less cartilage in the adult, and on the other by a reduction in the number of bones. In the larval condition (Fig. 63), the chondrocranium, with its nasal, orbital, and auditory Fov- THE SKULI 83 Pune Vo IN Sgu e oS Cee Coce Osp Fic. 63.—SKuLL or A Youne Fic. 64.—SkKuLL oF Salamandra atra AXoLoTL. Ventral view. (Aputt). Dorsal view. Bux CF e Cun Fic. 65.—SKvuLu or Salamandra atra (ADULT). Ventral view. Tr, trabecula; OB, auditory capsule ; Fov, fenestra ovalis, closed on one side by the stapes (St); Lgt, ligament between the stapes and suspensorium ; Cocc, occipital condyles ; Bp, cartilaginous basilar plate between the auditory cap- sules; Osp, dorsal tract of the occipital cartilage ; IN, internasal plate, which extends laterally to form processes (7’F'and AF) bounding the internal nostrils (Ch); NK, nasal capsule; Can, nasal cavity ; Na, external nostrils ; Fil, foramen for the olfactory nerve ; Z, tongue-like outgrowth (intertrabecula) of the internasal- plate, which forms a roof for the internasal cavity ; Qu, quadrate ; Ptc, cartilaginous pterygoid ; Pot, otic process, Ped, pedicle, and Pa, ascending process, of the quadrate; Ps, parasphenoid; Pt, bony pterygoid ; Vo, vomer; Pl, palatine; Pp, palatine process of maxilla ; Vop, vomero-palatine ; Pma, premaxilla; M, maxilla; Os, sphenethmoid; As, prootic; N, nasal; Pf, prefrontal, perforated at D for the lachrymal duct ; F, frontal; P, parietal ; Squ, squamosal (‘‘ paraquadrate,” Gaupp) ; LT, optic, V, trigeminal, and VUJ, facial foramina; Mt, point of entrance of the ophthalmic branch of the fifth nerve into the nasal capsule. G2 84 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY regions, has very distinctly the relations described in the introduc- tion to this chapter. The auditory capsules (Figs. 63 to 65)—which are bound together by cartilaginous tracts in the basi- and supra- occipital regions, and generally become strongly ossified later by the exoccipitals and prootics—show a new and _ important modification as compared with those of Fishes in the presence of an aperture, the fenestra ovalis, on the outer and lower side of each. This fenestra is closed by a cartilaginous plug, the stapedial plate, probably corresponding to a part of the wall of the auditory capsule; from it a rod-like cartilage or bone, the columella auris, corresponding phylogenetically to the upper element of the hyoid arch, extends outwards towards the quadrate in most Urodeles and serves to conduct the sound to the inner ear, the position of the semicircular canals of which is indicated by corresponding cartilaginous ridges on the capsule. In all Amphibians two condyles for articulation with the first vertebra are developed on the ventral periphery of the foramen I TG oo WV VV, Fic. 66.—SkULL anD VISCERAL ARCHES OF Menopoma. (From the side.) I, mandible ; II, hyoid ; ITI-VI, branchial arches; gu, yuadrate, above which is the squamosal; ar, articular; mk, Meckel’s cartilage, enclosed by the dentary bone. magnum. The occipital region is ossified by two exoccipitals, a bony supra- and basioccipital rarely being present in recent forms (certain Anura). The large nasal capsules, consisting throughout life of consider- able cartilaginous portions, are connected with the auditory capsules by means of the trabeculae, which give rise to the side walls of the skull and become more or less entirely ossified as the sphenethmoid and prootics. The cranial cavity is closed dorsally by the frontals and parietals, and ventrally by the parasphenoid, which is sometimes provided with teeth. In front of it are the vomers, which bound the internal nostrils; in adults each vomer becomes fused with the corresponding palatine, which forms a delicate bar lying on the ventral surtace of the THE SKULL 85 parasphenoid. These relations are secondary, for in the larval condition a typical palatoquadrate or pterygopalatine bar is present (Fig. 63). The lamina cribrosa (p.74) is either cartilaginous (¢.g., Salamandra) or membranous (¢.g., Triton); or the cranial cavity may be closed in front by special modifications of the frontals. On the outer side of the vomer lies the maxilla, and in front of this is a premaxilla which usually encloses, or at least bounds, a cavity. The latter bone extends on to the dorsal surface of the skull and abuts against the nasai, behind which usually follows a prefrontal. ‘The suspensorium is much more simple than that of Fishes (Figs. 68—66). It consists of the quadrate only, which has usually four typical processes connecting it with surrounding parts. and which becomes fused secondarily with the skull. On the outer surface of the quadrate an investing bone, the squamosal,1 becomes developed. In Tylototriton verrucosus the quadrate sends forwards a process which connects it with the maxilla: this is quite exceptional amongst Urodeles. With the exception of the lower jaw, in connection with which articular, splenial, and dentary bones are developed, the visceral skeleton of Urodeles undergoes various modifications in the different types. We may consider the ground-form, as exhibited in the larva, to consist of five pairs of bars in addition to the mandibular arch (Fig. 66). The anterior bar, or hyoid, consists of two segments (Fig. 67, A), as do also the two first branchial arches. The third and fourth branchial arches are much smaller, and each is composed of a single segment. All the above-named arches are connected with their fellows of the other side by means of a single or double basal piece. At the close of larval life, that is, when the gills are lost, the two hinder pairs of arches disappear entirely, while the two anterior pairs undergo changes as regards form and position, and may become more or less densely ossified (Fig. 67, B—D). In the genus Spelerpes, which possesses a sling-like tongue, the dorsal segment of the first branchial arch grows out into a long cartilaginous fila- ment, which extends far back under the dorsal integument (Fig. 67, D). The skull of the @ymnophiona differs from that of Urodeles mainly in its extremely solid and strong character, the ossifications being more extensive. In the extinct tailed Amphibians (7.e., Stegocephala, Fig. 68) some of which were comparatively gigantic, the cranial bones were very numerous and dense. A parietal foramen was present, as well as a ring of orbital bones. These forms possessed the same number of visceral arches as Urodeles, and it has been shown that they (e.g., Branchioscurus) underwent a metamorphosis. Existing Amphibia cannot have been derived directly from them. Anura.—The skull of the tailless Batrachia is at first sight very similar to that of Urodeles. It undergoes, however, an According to Gaupp, a true squamosal is never present in existing Amphibia, and the bone which is usually so designated he calls the paraquadrate. 86 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY essentially different and much more complicated development, and cannot in any way be directly derived from that of tailed: Amphibians. Epp br ED: A Boel BL Kebrd pe Oth B Fie. 67.—HyopraNcHIAL APPARATUS OF URODELES. A, Axolotl (S/redon stage of Amblystoma); B, Salamandra maculosa; C, Triton ecristatus; D, Spelerpes fuscus. Bbr, I, I, first and second basibranchial; AeH, ceratohyal ; ApH, hypohyal ; Kebr I, II, first and second ceratobranchial ; Lpbr £ to LV, first to fourth epibranchial; KH, A, small anterior and posterior pairs of cornua ;, part of skeleton of larynx ;, thyroid gland. A suctorial mouth, provided with labial cartilages and horny jaws, is present in the larva. An advance on Urodeles is seen in the formation of a tympanic cavity which is closed externally by a tympanic membrane, while internally it opens into the mouth by an hae THE SKULL ST Eustachian aperture. With the exception of certain small regions (fenestree) on the dorsal side, the skull of Anura forms a com- Fic, 68.—RESTORATION OF THE SKULL OF A STEGOCEPHALAN (from the Carboniferous of Bohemia). (After Fritsch.) Pmx, premaxilla ; /, maxilla ; V, nasal ; V7, nostril; frontal ; Pf, prefrontal ; P, parietal; Fp, parietal foramen; Soce, supraoccipital ; Br, branchial apparatus : Oc, sclerotic ring (orbital bones.) ; plete cartilaginous box, the ethmoid region being at first entirely cartilaginous, and later becoming ossified by a sphenethmoid, which Fic. 69.—-SKULL oF Rana esculenta. Ventral view. (After Ecker.) The investing bones are removed on the right side. Cocc, occipital condyles : Olat, exoccipital ; A’, auditory capsule ; Qu, quadrate ; iy, quadratojugal : Pro, prootic ; Ps. parasphenoid : As, alisphenoid region ; Pi, bony pterygoid ; PP, palatopterygoid ; FP, frontoparietal ; Z, spheneth- moid :virdle bone); Pa’, palatine ; Vo, vomer ; MV, maxilla ; Pma, premaxilla ; XN. NY cartilages in connection with the nasal capsules ; W.A, prorhinal cartilage ; I7, T, TZ, foramina for optic, trigeminal, and abducent nerves. 88 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY encircles the whole skull in this region and is perforated by the olfactory nerves. Tn the adult the bones are not so numerous as in Urodeles, and the frontal and parietal of either side as a rule fuse together, thus giving rise to a fronto-parietal. The maxillary bar grows back- wards much further than in Urodeles, and becomes connected with the suspensorium by means of a small intermediate bone, the quad- ratojugal (Fig. 69). The maxillary arch is therefore complete, as in Tylototriton amongst Urodeles (p. 85). The palatoquadrate is united anteriorly with the carti- laginous nasal capsule. (For the relations of the bones bounding the mouth-cavity compare Fig.69.) The bones of the lower jaw are a dentary and an angular, the distal end of Meckel’s cartil- age ossifying as a small “ mentomeckelian.” There is a much greater reduction of the branchial skeleton at the close of larval life than in Urodeles. In the larva representatives of the hyoid and of four branchial arches can be recognised, but these are all fused together and form a continuous struc- ture, reminding one of Fic. 70.—HYOBRANCHIAL SKELETON OF LARVAL the branchial basket- (A) anp Apvut (B) Froc. ie af the (After Gaupp.) wor 0 e amprey. bs, body of the hyoid; a.c, anterior cornua ; In the adult this be- p.¢, posterior cornua. comes greatly reduced, and the apparatus con- sists of a broad cartilaginous plate in the floor of the mouth, with long anterior and shorter posterior (thyro-hyal) cornua, the latter of which become ossified. D. Reptiles. Although as regards the structure of the skull existing Reptiles and Amphibians are widely separated from one another, certain resemblances exist between their extinct representatives (¢.g., Paleohatteria and the Stegocephala). THE SKULL 89 Excepting in the naso-ethmoidal region, the whole chondro- cranium usually becomes almost obliterated by an extensive process suproc Jormag c supra. 1 Ge Fic. 71.—SKULL or Lacerta ayilis (from Parker and Haswell’s Zooloyy, after W. K. Parker). A, from above ; B, from below ; C, from the side. ang, angular; art, articular ; bas.oc, basioccipital; bas.ptg, basipterygoid processes; bas.sph, Dasi- sphenoid ; co’, epipterygoid ; cor, coronary; dent, dentary ; eth, ethmoid ; ex.or, exoccipital ; eat.nar, external nares; for.mag, foramen magnum ; fr, frontal ; int.nar, internal nares ; ju, jugal ; cr, lachrymal ; maa, maxilla ; nas, nasal; oe.cond, occipital condyle; o/f, olfactory capsule ; opi.of, opis- thotic; opt.x, optic nerve; pal, palatine; par, parietal; para, para- sphenoid ; pur.f, parietal foramen;, premaxille ;, prefrontal ; ptg, pterygoid ; pt.orb, postorbital ; qu, quadrate; s.any, supra-angular ; s.orb, supraorbitals; sg, squamosal ; supra.t.4, supra.t.*, supratemporals (“ paraquadrate,” Gaupp) ; trans, transverse bone ; swpra.oc, supraoccipital ; rom, vomer. d 90 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY of ossification, which gives the skull a very firm and solid appear- ance; only amongst Lizards (Fig. 71), and especially in Hatteria is the cartilage retained to any considerable extent, and owing to the conformation of the bones in the posterior region, the skullin these forms presents a number of distinct spaces or fossze in the dry state. In Snakes and Amphisbeenians the cranial cavity extends forwards between the orbits as far as the ethmoidal region, while in the Lacertilia, Chelonia, and Crocodilia—in which a fibro-carti- laginous interorbital septum perforated by the olfactory nerve is present—its anterior boundary is much further back. The parasphenoid, which plays so important a part as an investing bone of the roof of the mouth in Fishes and Amphibians, Lh Pe Fic. 72.—SKuLn or Snake (Tropidonotus natrix), dorsal view. Fic. 73.— _,, 56 oe a ventral view. Cocc, occipital condyle ; Osp, supraoccipital ; Ol, exoccipital ; For, fenestra ovalis ; Pe, periotic; P, parietal; /, frontal; #", postfrontal; Pf, prefrontal ; Lith, ethmoid ; N, nasal; Pmz, premaxilla; Af, maxilla; By, basioccipital ; Bs, basisphenoid ; Ch, posterior nostrils; Vo, vomer; Pl, palatine; Pt, pterygoid; 7's, transverse bone; Qu, quadrate; Squ, squamosal ; Art, articular ; Ay, angular ; SA, supra-angular ; Dt, dentary ; IJ, optic foramen. begins to disappear; amongst Reptiles it only attains any im- portant development in Snakes, where the anterior part remains and forms the base of the interorbital region. Its place is taken by two cartilage bones, the basioccipital and basisphenoid, situated along the basis cranii. In contradistinction to the Amphibia, only a single condyle connects the skull with the vertebral column: this, on close examination, is seen to be formed of three parts, derived from the basioccipital and exoccipitals respectively. THE SKULL 91 The roofing bones of the skull are well-developed and in the Lacertilia may become closely united with overlying dermal bones, while the trabecular region (ali- and orbitosphenoids) becomes of secondary importance in the adult, its place being partly taken by processes growing downwards from the frontal and parictal : this is especially the case in Snakes. The parietals are paired in the Chelonia and in Hatteria; in all other Reptiles they become fused together, as do also the frontals in many Lizards and Crocodiles. A parietal foramen? is present in many Lizards. The topographical relations of the several bones to one another are shown in Figs. 71 to 74. It will be seen in them that the ground-plan of the Urodele skull is here fundamentally retained. In addition, however, to a postorbital, an imperfect circumorbital ring of bones is present in Lizards. In many Lizards, moreover, Fro. 74.—Sxkubyi or Younc Water-Torroise (Lmys europa). Side view. Osp, supracccipital, which gives rise to a crest ; Pf, prefrontal, which forms a great part of the anterior boundary of the orbit; J, point of entrance of the olfactory nerve into the nasal capsule ; Na, external nostril ; Si, interorbital septum ; J7K, horny sheaths of jaws ; Jug, jugal ; Qig, quadratojugal (‘ para- quadrate,” Gaupp); Mt, tympanic membrane; BP, cartilaginous interval between basioccipital and hasisphenoid ; A/d, mandible. Other letters as in Figs. 72 and 73. a rod-like bone, the epipterygoid (also represented in Crocodiles), connects the parietal with the pterygoid, and a transverse bone extending from the maxilla to the pterygoid is typically present in Reptiles, but is wanting in the Chelonia and Typhlopide. The auditory capsules are ossified from three centres, the prootic usually remaining free, and the epiotic uniting with the supraoccipital and the opisthotic with the exoccipital. A fenestra rotunda is present in its walls in addition to a fenestra ovalis, into which latter the stapedial plate of the columella is inserted (see p. 84), and the tympanic cavity in most Reptiles communicates with the pharynx by means of an Eustachian tube. 1 In certain Chameleons its representative is in the frontal. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The columella here also probably arises in connection with the upper end of the hyoid arch (see p. 84), with which it is continuous in Hatteria. The quadrate alone forms as the suspensorium for the lower jaw: it may be articulated with the skull (Ophidia,’ most Lacertilia) or firmly fixed to it (Hatteria, Chelonia, Crocodilia). According to Gaupp, a squamosal is wanting in narrow-mouthed Snakes and Hatteria, and a paraquadrate, comparable to that of the Amphibia (p. 85) is present in almost all Lizards and Chelonians, a quadratojugal being found only in Hatteria. The pterygopalatine arch is well developed in all Reptiles. In Snakes and Lizards it is more or less movable and free from the base of the skull, while in Chelonians and Crocodiles it meets with its fellow to a greater or less extent in the middle line, and shelf-like palatine processes of the maxilla also come into connection with the palatines :—thus a secondary roof is formed to the mouth-cavity distinct from the true (sphenoidal) base of the skull. The cavity thus formed closes in the posterior pro- Fic. 75.—Skvu, or a Youre longation of the nasal chambers, Crocopite. (Ventral view.) which consequently become sharply Cocc, occipital condyles; Ob, differentiated from the mouth. In basioccipital ; Ch, internal Chelonians the pterygoid bones do Saini Te DRE veoh telea part in the formation of this orbit; P/, palatine; J, palatine process of maxilla ; Pmzx, premaxilla ; 7's, trans- verse bone; Jy, jugal; Qj, quadratojugal (‘* paraquad- rate,” Gaupp) ; Qu, quadrate. hard palate, which in Crocodiles is much more markedly developed, and is formed by the premaxillz, maxille, palatines, and pterygoids, : the posterior nostrils here opening far back into the pharynx (Fig. 75). A number of bones arise in connection with the lower jaw, viz., a dentary, angular, supra-angular, splenial, coronoid, and articular. Teeth are well developed in all Reptiles except Chelonians, 1 In Snakes (Figs. 72 and 73) (except Tortrix), the quadrate is only indirectly connected with the skull by means of the squamosal, which extends backwards, and thus throws the articulation of the lower jaw far back, giving rise to a very wide gape. In most Snakes, and particularly in the Viperine forms, the facial bones are capable of movement upon one another, but in Typhlops they are im- movably connected with the skull. The two rami of the mandible are connected by a more or less elastic ligament. : THE SKULL 93 in which they are replaced functionally by strong horny sheaths on the edges of the jaws. The teeth may be borne on the palatine and pterygoid, as well as on the maxilla, premaxilla (which is usually unpaired), and dentary. In the young Hatteria only amongst existing Reptiles do the vomers bear teeth (usually one on each). In certain fossil forms brush- like masses of sphenoidal teeth were present. The remarkable horned skull of the gigantic Ceratopside (Dino- sauria) which reached a length of nearly seven feet, possessed horny beaks in addition to teeth on the maxilla and dentary. shaped connective-tissue septa or myocommata, between which the fibres run longitudinally. The myotomes have an alternating arrangement on the two sides. On the ventral region of the anterior two-thirds of the body there is a thin transverse sheet of fibres. In Fishes and Dipnoans the myotomes and myocommata are arranged in pairs and consist, on either side of the body, of two portions, a dorsal and a ventral, separated from one another by a connective-tissue septum extending from the axial skeleton to the integument (comp. Fig. 116)! The myotomes meet together in the mid-dorsal and mid-ventral lines. This primitive metameric arrangement of the lateral muscles of the trunk forms a characteristic feature in Vertebrates, and stands in close relation with the segmentation of the axial skeleton and spinal nerves, the number of vertebra and pairs of nerves corre- sponding primitively to that of the myotomes. The lateral muscles largely retain their primitive relations in Fishes and Dipnoans, but on the ventral side of the trunk, where they enclose the body-cavity (comp. Amphioxus), certain differentiations occur which indicate the formation of the recti and obliqui abdominis of higher types. The dorsal portions of these parietal muscles, as well as the ventral portions in the caudal region, retain the more primitive relations. Amphibia. —In Urodeles (Figs. 116 and 117) primary and secondary ventral trunk-muscles can be distinguished, and both of these groups, like the dorsal muscles, are segmented. The former group consists of internal and external obliqut and recti. The secondary muscles arise by delamination from the primary, and give rise to a superficial external oblique, a superficial rectus, a transversalis, and a subvertebralis. These, however, only attain importance in caducibranchiate forms, in which they become marked during metamorphosis, and the primary musculature then 1 This septum is not present in Myxinoids, and is absent in Petromyzon and Lepidosteus posteriorly to the gills. 138 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY undergoes more or less reduction. Thus various conditions of the ventral musculature are found amongst Urodeles. _ In the Anura, on the other hand, both primary and secondary muscles present a marked uniformity and relative simplicity ; in the adult they give rise to a segmented rectus, an obliquus externus, and a transversalis, as well as to a cutancus abdominis derived from the external oblique. No trace of an internal oblique can be seen in the adult. Reptiles.—In Reptiles, the lateral muscles of the trunk attain a much higher grade of development. This is to be accounted Ie LAL a at i De / Ret UNC 2, Fic. 116.—Tue Muscunaturs oF Siredon pisciformis. (From the side.) LI, lateral line ; D, dorsal, and V, ventral portion of caudal muscles ; R.V, dorsal portion of lateral muscles of the trunk ; O, O, outer layer of the external oblique muscle, arising from the lateral line, and extending to the fascia, F ; at * a piece of this layer is removed, exposing the inner layer of the muscle (Ob); at Re the oblique fibres of the latter pass into longitudinal fibres, indicating the beginning of the differentiation of a rectus abdominis ; at Re’ the rectus-system is seen passing to the visceral skeleton ; Mc, fibrous parti- tions between the myotomes of the dorsal portion of the lateral muscles; 7, temporal ; Ma, masseter ; Dg, digastric ; 1/h}, mylohyoid (posterior portion) ; Ce, external ceratohyoid muscle; Lv, levator arcuum branchialium ; ttt, levator branchiarum ; Cph, cervical origin of the constrictor of the pharynx ; Th, thymus; Lt, latissimus dorsi; Ds, dorsalis scapule ; Cu, cucullaris; SS, suprascapula ; Ph, procoraco-humeralis. for by the more perfect condition of the skcleton, more especially of the ribs and pectoral arch. The ribs and intercostal muscles now play an important part in respiration, and changes, necessitated by the more important development of the lungs, are thus brought about. The distinction between thoracic and abdominal regions becomes gradually more plainly marked, and distinct external and internal intercostal muscles are now differentiated. In the lumbar region the ribs become gradually withdrawn from the muscles lying MUSCULAR SYSTEM 139 between them; the{muscles thus lose their intercostal character, and form connected sheets, extending between the last pair of ribs Fic. 117,.—Tae Muscunature or Stiredon pisciformis. (Ventral view.) O, outer layer of the external oblique, passing into the fascia, which is shown cut through at #; Ob, inner layer of the same muscle ; Re, rectus abdominis, passing into the visceral musculature (sternohyoid) at Re!, and into the pector- alis major at P ; Mh, Mh, anterior and posterior portions of the mylohyoid, which is cut through in the middle line, and removed on the left side, so as to show the proper visceral musculature ; Ce, Ci, Ci, external and internal ceratohyoid : the former is inserted on to the hyoid (Hy); Add, adductor arcuum branchialium ; C, constrictor arcuum branchialium ; Ch, portion of the constrictor of the pharynx, arising from the posterior branchial arch ; Dp, depressores branchiarum; (Gh, genio-hyoid ; Ph, procoraco-humeralis ; Spc, supracoracoideus ; Cbb, coraco-branchialis brevis; Clo, cloaca; La, linea alba. and the pelvic arch (¢.g., the quadratus lwmborum, which lies close against the vertebral column). 140 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The rectus abdominis, which is always well developed, but does not extend anteriorly to the sternum, becomes divided into three portions,—a ventral, an internal, and a lateral. While no important differentiation is noticeable in the dorsal por- tion of the lateral body-muscles in Urodeles, a marked subdivision of these muscles is seen in Reptiles. In them may be distinguished a longissimus, an wecostalis, interspinales, semispinales, multifidi, splenit, and levatores costarum, together with the scalenz, certain of which belong to the last-mentioned group, and others to the intercostal muscles, The muscles of the main part of the tail retain primitive rela- tions similar to those seen in Fishes: at the root of the tail and in the cloacal region, however, new muscles become differentiated. Birds.—In Birds the primitive character of the trunk-muscles has disappeared far more than in Reptiles. This is mainly to be accounted for by the excessive development of the muscles of the anterior extremity—the pectoralis major more particu- larly,—and the corresponding backward extension of the breast- bone. External and internal oblique muscles are present, but only slightly developed: this is more particularly true of the internal, which appears to be undergoing degeneration. No trace of a transversalis can be distinguished ; but, on the other hand, a paired, unsegmented rectus is present. External and internal intercostals are well developed, and a triangularis sternt appears for the first time on the inner surface of the sternal ends of the ribs. The dorsal portion of the trunk musculature is only slightly developed in the region of the trunk, though very strongly marked in the neck. All these modifications in Birds seem to be accounted for by the specialisation of the mechanisms for flight and respiration, to assist which the greatest possible number of muscles are brought into play and thereby influence the whole organism: an essential difference is thus brought about between Birds and Reptiles. Mammals.—Three lateral abdominal muscles are always present in Mammals, an external and internal oblique and a trans- versalis. In many cases, more particularly in Tupaia and in Lemurs, the external oblique possesses tedinous intersections, thus indicat- ing its primitive segmental character; but in general all these muscles consist of broad uniform sheets. Towards the middle line they pass into strong’ aponeuroses, which ensheath the rectus abdominis. The latter consists of a single band on each side and possesses a varying number of myocommata; it is no longer con- ‘nected with the axial muscles of the neck belonging to the same system (sternohyoid, sternothyroid, &c.) as is the case in Urodeles, MUSCULAR SYSTEM 141 for the sternum is always interposed between them, as it is in the Sauropsida. In Monotremes and Marsupials, a strong pyramidalis muscle lies on the ventral side of the rectus abdominis. It arises from the inner border of the “ marsupial bones” (epipubes, p. 121) and may extend forwards as far as the sternum. In the higher Mammals, where the epipubes are absent, the pyramidalis usually becomes greatly reduced or entirely lost. Traces of it are, however, commonly to be met with even in the Primates, and always arise from the anterior border of the pubis, right and left of the middle line. The external and internal oblique muscles are represented in the thoracic region in Mammals, as in the Sauropsida, in the form of external and internal intercostals. What has been said above as to the differentiation of the dorsal portion of the trunk-muscles in Reptiles applies also essentially to Mammals. The greater number of the muscles in connection with the external genital organs become differentiated from the primitive sphineter cloace : the origin of the others is not known. B. Muscles of the Diaphragm. A complete diaphragm dividing the ccelome into thoracic and abdominal cavities occurs only in the Mammalia. It is dome- shaped and muscular, its muscles arising from the vertebral column, ribs, and sternum. The diaphragm is of great importance in respiration, as it allows of a lengthening of the thoracic cavity in a longitudinal direction. It is supplied by a phrenic nerve, arising from one or more (8rd to 6th) of the cervical nerves; and usually consists of a central tendon, perforated by the cesophagus and post- caval vein, and of muscular fibres radiating from this to the periphery and forming dorsally two strong “pillars of the dia- phragm.” In some cases (¢.g., Echidna, Phocena) the diaphragm is entirely muscular. Amongst the Sauropsida, a partition is present between the pleural and peritoneal cavities in Chelonians, and is still more marked in Crocodiles and Birds!: this is connected with the ribs by muscular fibres. It, however, does not enclose the peri- cardium, which, as in the Anamnia, lies in the general peritoneal cavity. The evolution of the mammalian diaphragm is not yet tho- roughly understood. 1JIn Birds, two entirely different structures have been described as a diaphragm. (See under .477-sacs.) 142 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY c. Muscles of the Appendages. The most primitive condition of the muscles of the extremities is met with in Fishes and Dipnoans, in which the musculature of each surface of the fin forms a more or less uniform mass which may become differentiated into layers. Everything goes to prove that all the muscles of the appendages are to be looked upon primarily as derivatives of the lateral muscles of the trunk, ie, of the myotomes; and although in the Amniota they have apparently an independent origin, this is probably only due to an abbreviation of development. Two principal groups of appendicular muscles may always be distinguished : one lying in the region of the pectoral and pelvic arches, dorsally and ventrally, the other in the free extremity. In Fishes and Dipnoans the latter consist essentially of elevators, adductors, and depressors of the fins; while from the Amphibia onwards, in correspondence with the more highly-differentiated organs of locomotion, considerable complication is seen, and there is a much more marked separation into individual muscles corresponding with the different sections of the extremity. Thus elevators, depressors, rotators, flewors, extensors, and adductors are present in connection with the upper arm and thigh, fore-arm and shank, and hand and foot, and the digits are also moved by a highly-differentiated musculature. The number of muscles gradu- ally increases in passing from the Urodela through the Sauropsida to the Mammalia. When, as in the Primates, the anterior extremity is con- verted into a prehensile organ, new groups of muscles appear known as pronators and supinators, The former are derived from flexors, the latter from extensors. dD. The Hye-Museles. (These will be treated of in connection with the organ of vision.) Visceral Muscles. Fishes.—Cousiderable differences exist in the visceral mus- culature of Fishes In Elasmobranchs, Fiirbringer classifies these muscles as follows :— A. Cranial muscles (consisting originally of transverse or circular fibres) supplied by the V‘, VII, IX*, and X™ cerebral nerves. 1 In Cyclostomes there is a remarkable transformation of the cranio-visceral musculature in correspondence with their peculiar cranial skeleton (suctorial apparatus) and branchial basket. MUSCULAR SYSTEM 143 1. Constrictor arcuum visceralium, incl. constrictor superficialis dorsalis and ventralis. Innervation. Levator labii superioris a maxille ,, Vv. » palpebree nictitantis + ss rostri 5 hyomandibularis VII Depressor rostri 2 ae mandibularis and hyomandibularis Interbranchiales . : ob : as well as the first spinal nerve. (b) Hypobranchial spinal muscles, ventral to visceral skeleton. Spinal nerves, and atl the last one or more of the spino- occipital nerves. 6. Coraco-arcuales, incl. coraco-bran- chiales, coraco-hyoideus, and coraco- 7 8CU— ade | peel.vein +-Lpostcard AG Fic. 248. Fic. 247.—HeEart or Protopterus annectens. From the left side, part of the wall of the left atrium being removed. (After Rose.) W, fibrous cushion extending into the ventricle; S?.r, sinus venosus, within which the pulmonary vein (Lv) extends to open into the left auricle by a valvular aperture; Z.7h and R.Vh, left and right atria; S.a, septum atriorum ; Co, conus arteriosus. Fic. 248.—Ceratodus forsteri. DIAGRAMMATIC VIEW OF THE HEART AND MAIN Buioop VESSELS AS SEEN FROM THE VENTRAL SuRFACE. (From Parker and Haswell’s Zoology, after Baldwin Spencer. ) aff. 1, 2, 3, 4, afferent branchial arteries; 1 br, 2 br, 3 br, 4 br, position of gills ; c,d, conus arteriosus; d.a, dorsal aorta; d.c, ductus Cuvieri ; epi.1, epi.2, epi.3, epi.4, efferent branchial arteries ;, hyoidean artery ; ¢. r.¢, post- caval vein ; /, left anterior carotid artery ; /.aur, left auricle ; /.br.v, left brachial vein; /.juy., left jugular vein ; /, left posterior caro- tid artery ; /.post.card, left posterior cardinal vein ;, left pulmonary artery ; /.se.v, left sub-scapular vein ;, right anterior carotid artery ; r.aur, vight auricle ;, right brachial vein ; ».jug.7, right jugular vein ;, vight posterior carotid ; », right pulmonary artery ; 7.s¢.v, right sub-scapular vein ; vert, ventricle. begins to be divided into two chambers. In Protopterus this divi- sion is complete, so that two currents of blood, mainly arterial and VASCULAR SYSTEM 309 mainly venous respectively, pass out from the heart side by side. The former comes from the pulmonary vein, from which it passes into the left atrium, thence into the left side of the ventricle, and so to the two anterior branchial arteries. The venous current, on the other hand, passes from the right side of the ventricle into the third and fourth afferent branchial arteries and thence to the corresponding gills, where it becomes purified ; it reaches the aortic roots by means of the efferent branchial arteries. The paired pui- monary artery arises from the fourth efferent branchial in Ceratodus (Fig. 248), and from the aortic root in Protopterus and Lepidosiren, that of the right side bifurcating to supply the dorsal surface of the lung or lungs (p. 288), while that of the left side supplies the ventral surface. The two pulmonary veins unite to form a median trunk which becomes closely connected with the sinus venosus, so as to appear sunk within its walls (Fig. 247). Thus the blood becomes once more purified before it passes into the left ventricle. A postcaval vein, present from the Dipnoi onwards, opens into the sinus venosus posteriorly to the precavals, and with it the hepatic veins communicate (Figs. 248 and 267). Amphibia.— With the exception of the Gymnophiona, in which it is situated some distance back, the heart in all Amphibians lies far forwards, below the anterior vertebre. A septum atriorum is well developed, but in Urodela and Gymnophiona it is more or less fenes- A Pic. 249.--DIAGRAM SHOWING THE CovRsk oF THE BLoop TITROUGIE TUE HEART 1s Urodela (A) AND Anurea (B). A, right atrium; A’, left atrium ; I’, ventricle ; fr, conus arteriosus, divided:sin Anura (B) into two portions, 7, fr! : through fr venous blood passes into the pulmonary arteries, Ap!, Ap', while through tr’ mixed blood goes to the carotids, ci—ce, and to the roots of the aorta, RA ; /r, (rv, pulmonary veins 3. v, ¢, pre- and post-cavals (only one precaval is indicated), trated (Fig. 250). There are always two fibrous, pocket-like atrio- ventricular valves, which are connected with the walls of the ventricle by cords, The two pulmonary veins unite before opening into the left atrium. 310 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY The cavity of the ventricle is unpaired, and neither in Urodela nor Anura shows any trace of a septum, so that the blood passing out from it must have a mixed character (Fig. 249). The ven- tricle is usually short and compressed, but is more elongated in Amphiuma, Proteus, and the Gymnophiona. It is continued an- teriorly into a conus arteriosus, as in Elasmobranchs, Ganoids, and Dipnoans; this has usually a slight spiral twist, and possesses a transverse row of valves at either end, as well as a spiral fold ex- tending into its lumen. This holds good for the Axolotl, Amblystoma, Fre. 250.—Huarer or Cryptobranchis japonicus, From the ventral side. (After Rése.) Tura left atrium is cut open. S.a, septum atriorum, perforated by numerous small apertures ; L.v, L.2, the two pulmonary veins, opening by a single aperture into the left atrium ;, atrio-ventricular aperture ; 1%, 4%, the four arterial arches ; P.d. and P.s, left and right pulmonary arteries ; ‘7, truncus arteriosus; L. lh, R.Vh, left and right atria; V.s.d and V.s.s, subclavian veins ; J.j.d and V.j.s, jugular veins ; V.c.d, V.c.s, posterior cardinal veins ; J’.c.7, postcaval vein. Salamandra, Amphiuma, and Siren. In others (eg., Necturus, Proteus, Gymnophiona), retrogression is seen in a lengthening of the conus, the disappearance of the spiral fold, and the presence of only a siugle row of valves. In Anura, the fold lying within the conus extends so far back that no undivided portion of the cavity is left. The consequence of this is that the blood passing into the hindermost pair of the arterial arches—that from which the pulmonary arteries arise—is mainly venous, while the others contain more or less mixed blood (Fig. 249, B) ; for, owing to the spongy nature of the ventricle, there 1 This spiral fold corresponds to a series of fused valves. VASCULAR SYSTEM 311 is no time for its contained blood to get thoroughly mixed before it is forced into the conus. : _ As in the Dipnoi, four afferent branchial arteries (Fig. 250) arise on either side from the short conus in the Amphibia, which —taking as a type the larva of Salamandra—have the ‘follow- ing relations (comp. Fig. 243, ¢). _ The three anterior arteries pass to numerous external gill-tufts in which they break up into capillaries (Fig. 251). From the latter three efferent vessels arise, which pass to the dorsal side, and there unite on either side to form the aortic root. The fourth afferent Fie, 251.—THe ARTERIAL ARCHES oF THE Larva or a SALAMANDER. (Slightly diagrammatic.) (After J. E. V. Boas.) tr, truncus arteriosus ; 1 to 3, the three afferent branchial arteries ; J to IZI, the corresponding efferent arteries ; 4, the fourth arterial arch, which becomes connected with the pulmonary artery (Ap); a, w, direct anastomoses between the second and third afferent and efferent branchial arteries; ce, external carotid ; «7, internal carotid ; +, net-like anastomoses between the external carotid and the first afferent branchial artery, which give rise later to the “carotid gland”; RA, aortic roots ; .40, dorsal aorta. The arrows show the course which the blood takes. branchial artery, which is smaller than the others, does not pass to a gill, but to the pulmonary artery, which arises from the third efferent branchial. The pulmonary artery, therefore, contains far more arterial than venous blood, and thus the lungs of the Sala- mander larva, like the air-bladder of Fishes, can only be of secondary importance in respiration. The internal carotid arises from the first afferent branchial artery, towards the middle line, the external carotid coming off further outwards (Fig. 251). The latter, as it passes forwards, becomes connected with the first afferent branchial by net-like anas- tomoses, and these give rise later to the so-called “ carotid gland” } 1The ‘carotid gland” loses its character as a refe mirabile (comp. p. 333), and in the adult consists simply of a muscular vesicle with septa in its interior. 312 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY of the adult, which probably functions as an accessory heart. Direct connections exist between the second and third afferent and efferent arteries. Towards the end of the larval period, the second efferent bran- chial artery increases considerably in relative size, and the fourth arterial arch also becomes larger. By a reduction of the anasto- mosis with the third arch, the fourth carries most of the blood for the pulmonary artery, and the latter thus now contains more venous than arterial blood. When branchial respiration ceases, the anasto- moses between the afferent and etferent branchial arteries no longer consist of capillaries, but a direct connection between them be- comes established (Fig. 252). Finally, the connection between the Fic. 252.—ARTERIAL ARCHES oF aN ADULT Salamandra maculosa, SHOWN SPREAD ouT. (After J. E. V. Boas.) co, tr, truncus arteriosus; 1 to 4, the four arterial arches; ce, external carotid ; cd, “ carotid gland” ; ¢/, internal carotid. The fourth arterial arch, which gives rise to the pulmonary artery (4), has increased considerably in size relatively, and is only connected by a delicate ductus Botalli (t) with the second and third arches ; RA, root of the aorta; «, cesophageal vessels. first and second branchial arches disappears, the former giving rise to the carotid and the latter forming the large aortic root; an anastomosis remains throughout life, however, between the fourth arch, which forms the pulmonary artery, and the second and third arches. This is usually spoken of as the ductus Botalli. The third arch varies greatly in its development; it may be present on one side only, or may even be entirely wanting. In the larve of Anura there are also four afferent branchial arteries present on either side, but these are connected with the corresponding efferent vessels by capillaries only, there being no direct anastomoses (compare Fig. 251). The consequence of this is that all the blood becomes oxygenated. In the adult Frog the third arterial arch becomes entirely . VASCULAR SYSTEM 313 obliterated, and there is no ductus Botalli: the other vessels re- semble those of the Salamander. In lungless forms (p. 290) a correlative reduction of the pulmonary vessels occurs. Reptiles.— As in all Amniota, the heart of Reptiles arises far forwards in the neighbourhood of the gill-clefts, but on the forma- tion of a neck it comes to lie much further back than is the case in Fic. 253.—Heart or A, Lacerta muralis, AND B, oF A Larce Varquius, SHOWN CUT OPEN ; C, DiaGRAM OF THE REPTILIAN Heart. V, V}, ventricles ; A, A’, atria ; fr, 7rca, innomi- nate trunk; 1, 2, frst and second arterial arches; Ap, Ap', pulmonary arteries; Vp, pulmonary vein; + and *, right and left aortic arches ; RA, root of aorta; Ao, dorsal aorta ; Ca, Ca}, carotids ; Asc, As, subclavian arteries. J, jugular vein; J's, subclavian vein ; Ci, postcaval : these three veins open into the sinus venosus, which lies on the dorsal side of the heart, above the point indicated by the letter 8. In the diagram C the pre- and postcavals are indicated by Ve, Ve, only one precaval being represented. the Anamnia.! The carotid arteries and jugular veins are thus correspondingly elongated. The principal advance in structure as compared with the Am- phibian heart is seen in the appearance of a muscular ventricular 1 It is situated furthest forwards in the majority of Lizards and in Chelonians : in Amphisbenians, Snakes and Crocodiles it lies much further back. 314 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY septum, which may be incomplete, as in Lizards (Fig. 253, 3), Snakes, and Chelonians, or complete, as in Crocodiles. The conus arteriosus now becomes practically absorbed into the ventricular portion of the heart, and each aortic root may be made up at its origin of two arches, anastomosing with one another (Lacerta, Fig. 243, 4), or of one only (certain Lizards, Snakes,.- Chelonians, and Crocodiles, Figs. 253, B, 255), from which the carotid artery arises directly. The left and right aortic arches cross at their base, so that the left arises on the right side, and vice versa.! The most posterior arterial arch gives rise to the pul- monary artery (comp. Fig. 243, D). The blood from the right ventricle passes into the pulmonary artery as well as into the left aortic arch, and, according as the septum Lteaabd. Fie. 254.—Heart or Cyclodus bodduertei. From the dorsal side. (After Rise). The sinus venosus is almost entirely absorbed into the right atrium. D.C.s, D.C.d, precaval veins; V.c., postcaval vein; I7j.d, jugular, V.s.d, sub- clavian, and V.C.d. posterior cardinal vein of the right side. L.v, pulmonary vein; P.s, P.d, pulmonary arteries ; An.s, An, innominate arteries ; ,o.abd, dorsal aorta ; Sp.i, spatinm intersepto-valvulare (comp. Fig. 257). ventriculorum is complete or incomplete, is either entirely venous (Crocodiles) or mixed (other Reptiles, Fig. 253, c). The valves of the heart have undergone a considerable reduction in Reptiles: at the origin both of the aorta and of the pulmonary artery there is only a single row; this is also the case in all other Amniota. In Crocodiles the right atrio-ventricular aperture is guarded by a large muscular valve on the right (outer) side of the aperture, The sinus venosus, which even in the Amphibia—especially Anura—shows indications of becoming sunk into the right atrium, is now usually no longer recognisable as a distinct chamber ex- ? A small aperture of communication between the two aortic roots, the foramen Poanizzw, exists in Crocodiles. VASCULAR SYSTEM 315 ternally (Figs. 254256). It becomes partially divided into two portions by a septum ; and the left precaval, opening on the left of Pe i Si. Amn“ \\ Fic. 255. Fig. 256. Fic. 255.—Hzart or a Youna Crocodilus niloticus. From the dorsal side. (After Rise). Tr.ce, common carotid ; 8.x, S.d, subclavian arteries ; 4.s and A.d, left and right aortic arches ; A.m, mesenteric artery ; L.V.h, R.V.h, left and right atria ; V.c.c, coronary vein. Other letters as in Fig. 244. Fic. 256.—HeEart or Crocodilis niloticus. From the right side. (After Rése). Part of the wall of the right atrium is removed. 0.a.v, atrio-ventricular aperture ; Va.d and Va.s, the two sinu-auricular valves, the white line between which is the margin of the sinu-atrial septum. Other letters as in Figs. 244 and 245. this septum, may appear to enter the right atrium independently (e.g., Snakes.) The pulmonary veins unite into a single trunk before entering the left atrium. Birds and Mammals.—lIn these Classes, the atrial and ventri- cular septa are always complete, and there is no longer any mixture 316 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY of the arterial and venous blood. The muscular walls of the ventricle are strongly developed and very compact. This is particularly the case in the left ventricle, on the inner wall of which the papillary nuuseles are well developed : the left ventricle is partially surrounded by the right, the cavity of the latter having a semilunar transverse section, and its walls being much thinner than those of the former (Fig. 258). In both Birds and Mammals the blood from the head and body passes by means of the precavals and postcaval into the right Fic. 257.—HEARt or Goosk (Anser vulgaris), DISSECTED FROM THE RIGHT SIDE. (After Rise. ) The right atrium and ventricle are cut open, and their walls reflected. S.a, septum atriorum ; ZL. Vi, limbus Vienssenii—a ridge arising from the ventral wall of the right atrium ; the space between this and the septum atriorum is known as the spatium intersepto-valvulare (comp. Figs. 254 and 255). Via.s, V.a.d, the two sinu-auricular valves, situated at the entrance of the postcaval ; MLK, MK’, muscular right atrio-ventricular valve; Ao, aorta; V.c.s.d, right precaval ; J’.c.c, aperture of coronary vein. atrium, as docs also that from the walls of the heart through the coronary vein? (Figs. 257, 259, 260, B), and the sinus venosus— especially in Mammals—is scarcely recognisable (Figs. 257, 250) : the right atrium is separated from the right ventricle by means of a well-developed valve. In Birds (Fig. 257) this valve resembles that of Crocodiles, and is very large and entirely muscular, while in most Mammals it consists of three membranous lappets (tricuspid 1 Coronary reins ave present in most of the lower Vertebrates also (comp. ¢.9., Fig. 255), and the heart is supplied with arterial blood by coronary arteries, usually arising in Fishes from a hypobranchial artery connected with the efferent branchials or subclavians, and in higher forms from the base of the aorta. VASCULAR SYSTEM 317 valve) to which are attached tendinous cords,! arising from the papillary muscles. In Birds the left atrio-ventricular aperture is provided with a valve consisting of three membranous folds : in Mammals there are only two folds, and the valve is therefore known as the déeuspid or mitral ; three semilunar pocket-like valves are also present at the origins of the pulmonary artery and aorta in both Birds and Mammals. As regards the origin of the great vessels, Birds are distinguished _ from Mammals by the fact that in them the right, while in Mammals Fie. 258. Fic. 258.—TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE VENTRICLES OF (rus cinerce. Td, right, and Vg, left ventricle ; $8, septum ventriculorum. Fic. 259.—HeEart oF Ornithorhynchus paradoxus. From the dorsal side. (After Rése. ) Vies.s, Wes.d, precaval veins; 17¢.7, posteaval ; Vie.r, coronary vein; Tve.s.s, coronary sinus; 1.7, pulmonary veins; 10, aorta; P.x, P.d, pulmonary arteries; R.V.L, right atrium ; S.p./, Spatium intersepto-valvulare. the left aortic arch persists (Fig. 243, E,F); the corresponding arch of the other side in both cases gives rise to part of the subclavian artery. Thus in both Birds and Maminals there is only a single aortic arch. As in Amphibians, the posterior arterial arch gives rise to the pulmonary artery. The pulmonary veins, two from each lung, open close together into the left atrium (Fig. 254). Amongst the more important points in the development of the heart may be mentioned the fact that in the embryo the two atria communicate with one another secondarily by means of the foramen ovale, through which the blood from the postcaval passes into the left ventricle (Fig. 260). This foramen closes up when the lungs 1 There are no chord tendinex in Monotremes, the heart of which in many respects resembles that of the Sauropsida. 318 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY come into use, but its position can still be recognised as a thin area (fossa ovalis) in the atrial septum, surrounded by a fold (annulus ovalis). Extending from this to the base of the postcaval and right precaval respectively are two folds, known as the Eustachian and Fic. 260.—Hearr or Human Forrus (8tH Montn). A, From the right, and B, from the left side. (After Rése.) The walls of the atrium and ventricle are partly removed in each figure. Va.s, left. sinu-auricular valve, fused with the septum atriorum (S.a,V.a,f); Va.Th, Thebesian valve, in direct connection with the Eustachian valve (Va.L); L.V, left atrium ; /’.0.v, foramen ovale; V.c.s, left precaval ; I’.c.1, postcaval ; .1.0, aorta; P, P.d, P.s, pulmonary artery; DB, ductus Botalli (ductus arteriosus); L.v. pulmonary vein; V.c.c, coronary vein. Thebesian valves (Fig. 260, 4); these represent the remains of the right sinu-auricular valve, and serve in the embryo to conduct the blood from the right atrium into the left. Great variations are seen in the mode of origin of the carotids and subclavians from the arch of the aorta in Mammals. Thus “Ao Fig. 261.—Five Dirrerent Moprs or ORIGIN OF THE GREAT VESSELS FROM THE ARCH OF THE AORTA IN MAMMATS. Ao, aortic arch , 1h, tbe, brachiocephalic trunk ; c, carotids ; s, subclavians. there may be a brachiocephalic or innominate trunk on either side (Fig. 261, A); or an unpaired common brachiocephalic, from which the carotid and subclavian of one or both sides arise (B, C, E) ; or, ARTERIAL SYSTEM 319 finally, a common trunk of origin for the carotids, the subclavians arising independently on either side of it (D). ARTERIAL SYSTEM, The essential relations of the carotid arteries, dorsal aorta, and pulmonary arteries, as well as the embryonic vitelline arteries, have already been dealt with (pp.301-305, Figs. 242, 264, &c.), An external carotid and an internal carotid arise on either side independently from the anterior efferent branchial arteries in Fishes and Dipnoans, but from the Amphibia onwards these vessels are formed by the bifurca- tion of each common carotid. In these higher types, the internal carotid passes entirely into the cranial cavity, and supplies the brain with blood, while the external carotid goes to the external parts of the head (face, tongue, and muscles of mastication). The origin of the subclavian artery, which supplies the anterior extremity, is very inconstant, being sometimes symmetrical, some- times asynimetrical. It arises either in connection with the posterior efferent branchial vessels, or from the roots or main trunk of the aorta (Figs. 262-264, &.). Extending outwards towards the free extremity, the subclavian passes into the brachial artery, from which a dorsal and aventral branch arise, and these subdivide again in the limb. From the dorsal aorta, in which a thoracic and an abdominal portion can be distinguished in Mammals in addition to the caudal portion, arise parietal (intercostal, lumbar), and culiac, mesenteric, and wrinogenital arteries, supplying the body-walls and viscera re- spectively. ‘These all vary greatly both in number and relative size ; thus, for instance, there is sometimes a single caliaco-mesen- teric artery (Fig. 262), sometimes a separate coeliac, and one or more mesenteric arteries (Fig. 264);! the venal and genital arteries also vary in number and arrangement. All the branches of the dorsal aorta, however, present primarily an approximately metameric character, their number becoming more or less reduced owing to a concentration of the vessels, which is more marked in short-bodied than in long-bodied Vertebrates. The aorta is continued posteriorly into the caudal artery, which usually lies within a coelomic canal enclosed by the ventral arches of the vertebree (Figs. 262-264); the degree of its development is naturally in correspondence with the size of the tail. In cases where the latter is rudimentary, as in Anthropoids and Man for instance, the caudal aorta is spoken of as the median sacral artery, and the aorta here appears to be directly continued, not by it, but 1 The caliac typically supplies the stomach, liver, and spleen ; one or more anterior mescnterics the whole intestine with the exception of the rectum, as well as the pancreas ; and a posterior mesenteric the rectun, 520 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY BEuAs Gj "| oy ; XS ‘ NS CZ Fie. 262.—Tun ARTERIAL System oF Salameandra maculosn. LA, roots of the aorta ; Ao, Ao, dorsal aorta; Sc, subclavian artery, from which the cutaneous artery (Cu) arises ; the latter anastomoses posteriorly with the epigastric artery 4; Ov, ovarian arteries; Com, cceliaco-mesenteric ; A, hepatic artery ; J, J, Z, anterior mesenteric arteries passing to the small intestine ; M/, .1/, posterior mesenteric arteries; R, &, renal arteries; I/r, common iliac; Cr, crural artery; Hy, hypogastric artery; 4, A, vesical (allantoic) arteries; Joc, caudal aorta; P, pharynx and cesophagus; m, stomach ; 7, pancreas ; /, liver ; ¢, 2, small intestine ; e¢, rectum ; B/, urinary bladder ; C7, cloaca. ARTERIAL SYSTEM 321 Fic. 263.—Tur ARTERIAL System or Hmys ewropwa. Tr, trachea; Br, Br, the two bronchi; m, stomach; d, d, small intestine ; ¢, large intestine ; Ap, pulmonary artery ; Cac, common carotids, with tracheal and cesophageal branches (77, Oe); Sc, subclavian artery; Ver,vertebral artery ; RA, roots of the aorta; Ao, dorsal aorta ; Co, Co!, and Me, eceliaco- mesenteric artery, which here arises as a bundle of separate vessels; UG, urinogenital arteries; Cr, crural artery ; H, epigastric artery; Js, sciatic artery ; J[B, posterior mesenteric arteries ; C, caudal aorta. Y 322 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY by the common iliac arteries, which pass outwards into the pelvic region. Each common iliac artery becomes divided into an ‘internal iliac, or hypogastric, supplying the viscera of the pelvis, and derived from the proximal portion of the embryonic allantoic artery, and an external iliac, which is continued into the erural or femoral and supplies the hinder extremity (Fig. 262). In some cases the internal and external iliacs come off separately from the aorta (Fig. 263). The function of the femoral may be largely taken by a sciatic artery arising separately from the aorta (Birds). The main vessels again branch out in the limb. VENOUS SYSTEM, Fishes.—Taking the Elasmobranchii more particularly into consideration, a few of the more important facts as regards the development of the veins must first be considered (comp. p. 301). The first veins to appear in the embryo are the paired omphalo- mesenteric veins, which bring back the blood from the surface of the yolk and from the walls of the gut (Fig. 265, 1, II). The vessels from the former region are known as vitelline veins, while those from the latter give rise to swbintestinal veins (III—VII), running beneath the embryonic intestine, which primarily extends into the caudal region as the post-anal gut. On the disappearance of the latter, the posterior part of the subintestinal vessels gives rise to the caudal vein, which now lies directly beneath the caudal aorta and loses its direct connection with the anterior part (VIIJ— XII). As the liver is gradually developed, the main trunk of the left omphalo-mesenteric vein breaks up into capillaries within this organ, and these again unite anteriorly, opening into the proximal ends of both omphalo-mesenteric veins. The latter thus give rise to the hepatic veins, which open into the sinus venosus (or precaval, e.g., in Cyclostomes), New vessels from the various parts of the alimentary canal (gastric, splenic, and mesenteric veins) are gradually developed, the pre-caudal portion of the subintestinal vein becoming of minor importance; all these vessels unite to form what is now known as the hepatic portal vein, and thus pour their blood through the capillaries of the liver (Figs. 270, 264—268). Anteriorly to the heart, a paired precaval vein (ductus Cuvieri) is developed (Figs. 264—268),and opens into the sinus venosus. This is formed, on either side, by the confluence of ananteriorand a posterior cardinal vein, the former bringing back the blood from the head (external and internal jugular veins), and the latter from the body, 1 A single or paired inferior jugular from the ventral part of the head may also be present (Fig. 266). 323 VENOUS SYSTEM “UIDA [eraye] (ayo) FUIOA oRTTL ‘azo § UIOA WeLAepoqns ‘ajo's f aurea o1geday ‘ary { uaa [eqA0d oryedoy ‘a-d-y “yeavooad ‘araatad $ gute o1yeutieds ‘a‘ds $puurpaes sotioysod “eps fsutoa Teuar yuayoaar ‘as £ eyaod yeuea ‘ard SUTOA [apni ‘apy fue (Teurpreo sojreyue) aepnSnl “°C fare Tepneo ‘pps § Kraqae ovryt ‘ype § solieqze Teual ‘n'a $ salioqae o1yeutstads oyds $(7ds) usetds pur ‘(wl) searourd (v2) oulysoquT at] suts{ddns ‘A098 oLio4uesaUul py oe $ (47) daalyT pure (7s) youuloys oy9 Surdyddus ‘Laaqae ovrpoo ‘vy §Aaaqye uBlaepqns ‘vps § plyoavo “My S eqIoR [eslop Soup ¢ { sapdoqIe jerypouviq yuereya ‘ways LsaLopw putpouriq quedaye ‘wage $ey10e TRAVUA ‘ov'a f SMSOLIOJIY snoundy ‘j0y'd f apTAQUOA “2 f LUNTIze ‘ny $snsoueaA snuUrs (hbojorg Ravpunuagy SAoyIed “ff, Wod]) “HSIAvOC] V dO WHISKY AVTOOSVA AML 40 MATA TOG OLLVAWVADVIGINAS— "P9S Sats “on hich it runs on either side of the aorta, between it and the 10 W A subclavian vein from the pectoral fin also opens into kidneys. ae 2 idl hs ill 324 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Fia. 265.—Di1aGRAmM oF STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE VEINS IN Exasmo- BRANCHS. (I—XJ after Rabl, XII after F. Hochstetter.) Ca, Cp, anterior and posterior cardinal veins; Cd, caudal vein; D,D, vitelline veins; DC, precaval vein or sinus; Cl, region of the cloaca; H, sinus venosus of heart ; J, subintestinal vein; J7.V, interrenal vein; Lb, hepatic veins ; **, hepatic sinus ; Np/, renal portal system ; VP, hepatic portal vein ; Vpo, capillaries of the hepatic portal system; +, cardinal sinus; Sbc, sub- clavian vein ; Os, Od, left and right omphalo-mesenteric veins. the precaval sinus or proximal end of the posterior cardinal vein. The caudal vein usually bifurcates posteriorly to the cloaca, each branch passing along the outer side of the corresponding kidney, VENOUS SYSTEM 325 Card. ant.\ Jug) Duct. Cuv. a Fic. 266.—For description see next page. 326 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Fie. 266.—D1AGkamM or THE VEINS OF AN ELASMOBRANCH. H, heart; Duct.Cur, precaval sinus ; Card.ant (Jug), anterior cardinal (jugular) ; the inferior juyular is seen nearer the middle line ; Subcl, subclavian ; Seit, V, lateral vein, which arises from « venous network in the region of the cloaca (Ven.Cl.B), from one or more cutaneous veins of the tail (Cut./), from the veins of the body-walls, and from those of the pelvic fing (HEV) ; Caud.v, caudal vein, which divides into two renal portals, A, A}, at the posterior end of the kidneys (N): from these arise the adve- hent veins of the renal portal system (V.adv); V-rev, revehent renal veins, from which the posterior cardinals (CV) arise; Card.V.S, cardinal sinus, communicating with its fellow in the middle line; V.port, hepatic portal vein, receiving its blood from the intestine (ZD), stomach (My), and wsophagus (Oes.V), and anastomosing with the lateral vein posteriorly, and with the cardinal sinus anteriorly ; Gen.V, genital veins; L.V.S, hepatic sinus ; Leb, liver. and giving off advehent vessels into the latter (Figs. 264, 265, IX —XIIT, 266-268). These divide up into capillaries, forming a renal portal system, the capillaries again uniting to form revehent veins which open into the posterior cardinals, ‘lhus the typical condition of the veins seen in adult Fishes is reached, and only a few of the more important modifications can be mentioned here. In Cyclostomes and Elasmobranchs, the anterior part of the subintestinal vein still persists as a small vessel running within the spiral valve of the intestine. In the latter Order, many of the veins (e.g., precavals, anteriorand posterior cardinals, inferior jugulars, hepatic and genital veins) enlarge to form capacious sinuses, and a large lateral vein (Figs. 264, 266), running in the body-walls either close to the skin or just external to the peritoneum, opens into each precaval or posterior cardinal. This probably corresponds to the vein of the primary lateral-fin folds (p. 104). A renal portal system is said to be absent in Cyclostomes, and is inconstant and very variable amongst Ganoids and Teleosts: in many instances the caudal vein communicates directly with one or with both posterior cardinals, and in the former case the other cardinal shows a tendency to become reduced in size: a similar reduction occurs in many of the forms to be described next. Dipnoi.—The chief point of interest as regards the veins of Dipnoans (Fig. 267) is the presence of a large unpaired postcaval vein, derived in part from the posterior cardinal, and comparable to that of the Amphibia and Amniota. A renal portal system is present, and the blood from the kidneys is collected into two veins having the relations of posterior cardinals. Only the left of these however, opens anteriorly into the corresponding precaval, the right, which is much the larger of the two, passing along the dorsal border of the liver to open independently into the sinus venosus in the middle line. The renal portion of this vein is evidently homologous with the corresponding part of the posterior cardinal, the anterior portion of which can no longer be recognised. VENOUS SYSTEM 327 Fic. 267.—D1acram oF THE VENOUS System or Proftopferus annectens. (After W. N. Parker.) v, ventricle ; at, atrium ; p, pericardium; ca, conus arteriosus ; Jz, Je, internal and external jugular; Vsbc, subclavian ; DC, DC’, precaval veins ; Cp, post- caval; Vh, Vh, hepatic veins; ZL, liver; G@.B, gall-bladder ; (.G, bile-duct ; M, “stomach”; Da, intestine; L.(/, lymphoid organ in the walls of the stomach, the blood from which passes into the hepatic portal veins (Vpo, Vpo'); par.v, parietal veins, from the body-walls; Ov.v, ovarian veins ; N, N, kidneys; BV, pelvic vein; V.eawl, caudal vein;, renal portal vein ; ws, cesophageal vein; V.card, left posterior cardinal vein, which is connected by anastomoses (ans) with the postcaval (Cp) in the region of the kidneys, s28. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY Thus the postcaval is made up of a posterior or renal portion, and of an independently developed anterior or hepatic portion. In Ceratodus, the posterior cardinal and postcaval are directly continuous with the caudal vein, and the renal portal, receiving branches from the posterior end of the body, arises from the iliac vein, which also gives off a pelvic branch. The latter unites with its fellow in the middle line to form a median abdominal vein, com- parable to that of the Amphibia, and opening into the sinus venosus. The two pulmonary veins unite into a single trunk before opening into the left atrium (p. 309). Amphibia.—A large postcaval vein arises in essentially the same manner as in the Dipnoi, its renal section being formed by the fusion of the two posterior cardinals in this region. The hepatic portion apparently arises in part from the right omphalo- mesenteric vein, and in part independently, while the hepatic portal vein is developed from the left omphalo-mesenteric. The postcaval receives blood from the kidneys and generative organs, as well as indirectly from the posterior extremities, body-walls, and tail (when present), The anterior part of both posterior cardinals persists in Urodeles and in Bombinator as the paired azygos vein, and this may exceptionally be present on one or both sides in other Anurans. It communicates with the corresponding precaval (Fig. 268). A renal portal system is present, and is formed, as in Fishes, by the bifurcation of the caudal vein, which is wanting in adult Anura; into the renal portal open the veins from the hind-limb, and vessels from the body-wall often also communicate with it. The blood from the kidneys passes into the postcaval. Connecting the right and left renal portals (or femorals) is a transverse pelvic vein, from which, in the medio-ventral line of the body, an abdominal or epigastric vein arises,as in Ceratodus: this is primitively paired, and corresponds genetically with the lateral veins of Elasmobranchs ; it extends forwards in the ventral body-wall into the liver, in which it breaks up into capillaries, becoming secondarily connected by anastomoses with the hepatic portal vein (Fig. 268), The ab- dominal vein receives blood from the cloaca, bladder, and body- walls. In Urodeles remains of the subintestinal vein also open into the hepatic portal system, The arrangement of the anterior cardinals (external and inter- nal jugulars) is essentially similar to that seen in Fishes and Dipnoans. Amniota.—The section of the right posterior cardinal vein in the region of the embryonic kidney (mesonephros, p. 341) gives rise, as in the Dipnoi, to the hinder part of the postcaval: the hepatic section of the latter arises as in Amphibia. In the Saur- opsida, the anterior portions of both posterior cardinals disappear, Duct Cuv. ---- Card. ant. (Jug) ( Azygas.) V Cava anf: pars anter. V. Cava inf. ars post. Ee. Fic. 268.—D1acram of THE VENOUS SysTEM OF Salamandra maculosa. Caud.V, caudal vein, which bifurcates at the posterior end of the kidneys (NV, NV) to form the renal portal system (Nier.Pft.Kr); V.adv, V.rer, advehent and revehent renal veins; V,z/iaca, femoral vein, which divides into an anterior (tt) and a posterior ({) branch: the latter opens into the renal portal, and the former (pelvic vein) unites with its fellow to form the abdominal vein (Abd. V), and also receives vessels (*) from the cloaca, bladder, and posterior part of the intestine. V’.Cava inf. pars anter, and V.Cara inf. pars poster, anterior and posterior sections of the postcaval ; Card.ant (Jug), and Card. post (Azyg), anterior and posterior cardinal veins (/.¢., the jugular and azygos). Subel, subclavian vein ; Duct.Cur, precaval ; H, heart ; D, D, alimentary canal, from which the hepatic portal vein (J’. port) arises ; Ly, longitudinal vein of the intestine; Lypft.Ar, hepatic portal system; L.V, hepatic vein. ’ 330 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY and are replaced by vertebral veins, while in Mammals. they persist as the azygos veins. An anastomosis is formed between these, and eventually the anterior part of the left disappears, the blood from both sides passing into the right azygos (hemiazygos), which opens into the right precaval (Figs. 269 and 270). The anterior cardinals give rise, as in lower Vertebrates, to the jugulars, which, as well as the subclavians and vertebrals or azygos, ES: SAS Sea MS ti ti ial peter ty Fig. 269.—D1acRAM SHOWING THE RELATIONS OF THE PosTERIOR CARDINAL and PostcavaL VEINS IN A, THE Rapsit, AND B, May. (After Hoch- stetter). V.r.d, V.r.s, renal veins; V. cl. 8.e, common iliac vein; J.J, lumbar vein ¢ Pigi postcaval; V.c.p. d, V.c.p.s, right and left posterior cardinals ; 7”., common internal iliac vein. open into the precavals. In Reptiles, Birds, Monotremes, and Marsupials, as well as in many Rodents, Insectivores, Bats, and Ungulates, both precavals persist throughout life; but in other Mammals the main part of the left disappears, all the blood from the head and anterior extremities passing into the right. The coronary veins open into the base of the left precaval (coronary sinus, Fig. 259). VENOUS SYSTEM 331 A renal portal system occurs in connection with the embryonic kidney in all Sauropsida, and traces of it can also be recognised in embryos of Echidna. In adult Reptiles, renal portal veins give off branches into the permanent kidney (metanephros, p. 346): in Fie. 270.—Dr1aGRAM ILLUSTRATING THREE STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE Hepatic Portat System. (See next page for c.) Hf, heart ; Sv, sinus venosus ; DC, DC, precavals ; Ci, postcaval; L, liver; Om, Om, Om, the three sections of the omphalo-mesenteric vein (the first still shows its originally paired nature at tt: in stage B, the second section of this vein, which passes through the liver, disappears, so that Om and Om? are only connected by capillaries: in stage C, the first section (Om) has quite disappeared, and the umbilical vein (Umb) has become developed); DA, ductus venosus ; *, connection of the umbilical vein with the capillaries of the liver; Vr, revehent veins; Vad, advehent veins; Mes., mesenteric vein, which later gives rise to the hepatic portal (V.port), receiving blood from the alimentary canal (D); Az., azygos; Jl, iliac vein; N, kidney. Birds only a slight indication of such a renal portal system exists, and in Mammals it is entirely wanting. As in Fishes, the first veins to appear in the embryo are the omphalo-mesenteric veins (Fig. 270, A), bringing back the blood from 332 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY the yolk-sac, and uniting into a single trunk before opening mito the heart. As the liver becomes developed, a portal circulation arises, and the main trunk of the vein, where it passes through the liver, disappears. In the meantime, the cceliac and mesenteric veins have become developed, and all the blood from them, as well as from the vitelline veins, now passes through a common trunk, the hepatic portal vein, into the capillaries of the liver, whence it I _ Me Fic, 270, c.—Reference to lettering on previous page. reaches the sinus venosus through the hepatic veins. The vitelline veins gradually disappear as the yolk-sac becomes reduced. In addition to these vessels, the umbilical vein must also be mentioned. This vessel is originally paired, and corresponds genetically to the lateral veins of Elasmobranchs and to the abdominal or epigastric vein of Ceratodus and Amphibians. It is situated originally in the body-walls, and comes into rela- tion with the allantois (pp. 9 and 337), opening eventually into the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM 333 postcaval: as the allantois increases in size, it brings back the oxygenated blood from this organ (i.e., from the placenta in the higher Mammalia). The right umbilical vein, however, early be- comes obliterated, and the left comes into connection with the capillaries of the liver, its main stem in this region disappearing (Fig. 270, B). Thus the blood from the allantois has to pass through the capillaries of the liver before reaching the heart. In the course of development, however, a direct communication is formed be- tween the left umbilical vein and the remains of the fused vitelline veins, and this trunk is known as the ductus venosus (Fig. 270, Cc). On the cessation of the allantoic (or placental) circulation, the ductus venosus becomes degenerated into a fibrous cord, so that all the portal blood has to pass through the capillaries of the liver. The intra-abdominal portion of the umbilical vein persists throughout life as the epigastric vein in Reptiles and in Echidna, but disappears in Birds and in other Mammals. The mode of development of the veins of the extremities is essentially similar in all the Amniota, and at first resembles that occurring in Amphibia, though later on considerable differences are seen in these two groups, more especially as regards the veins of the digits. Retia Mirabilia. By this term is understood the sudden breaking-up of an arte- rial or venous vessel into a cluster of fine branches, which, by anastomosing with one another, give rise to a capillary network ; the elements of this network may again unite to form a single vessel. The former condition may be described as a wnipolar, the latter as a bipolar rete mirabile. If it is made up of arteries or of veins only, it is called a rete mirabile simplex; if of a combination of both kinds of vessels, it is known as a rete mirabile duplex. The retia mirabilia serve to retard the flow of blood, and thus cause a change in the conditions of diffusion. They are extremely numerous throughout the Vertebrate series, and are found in the most varied regions of the body, as, for instance, in the kidneys glomeruli, p. 345)—where their above-mentioned function is most clearly seen; on the ophthalmic branches of the internal carotid ; on the vessels of the air-bladder in Fishes (p. 280); along the intercostal arteries of Cetacea; on the portal vein; and along the caudal portion of the vertebral column in Lizards. LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. In Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles, but more particularly in the first-named Class, lymph vessels (p. 299) are often not plainly differentiated, and occur mainly along the great blood- 334 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY vessels, as. well as on the bulbus arteriosus and ventricle, lying in the connective-tissue surrounding these structures. Numerous independent lymphatic vessels may, however, also be present, arising from a capillary network under the skin, and extending into the intermuscular septa ; the intestinal tract and the viscera are also generally provided with definite lymph-vessels in the Amphibia and Amniota. Contractile lymph-hearts may be present in connection with the vessels. They occur in Fishes, but are much better known in Amphibians, Reptiles, and Bird-embryos. Thus, in Urodeles, nume- rous lymph-hearts are present under the skin along the sides of the body and tail, at the junction of the dorsal and ventral body- muscles; in other Amphibians they are either confined to the poste- rior end of the body (pelvic region), or, as in the Frog, are present also between the transverse processes of the third and fourth vertebre. In Reptiles posterior lymph-hearts only are present, and are situated at the boundary of the trunk and tail regions, close to the transverse processes or ribs, Similar structures are not known to be present in Mammals. Large lacunar lymph-sinuses are present under the skin of tail- less Amphibia, and the skin is thus only loosely attached to the un- derlying muscles. These subcutaneous lymph-sinuses are connected with those of the peritoneal cavity. Amongst the latter, the sub- vertebral lymph-sinus is of great importance in Fishes, Dipnoans, and Amphibians; it surrounds the aorta and is connected with the (mesenteric) sinus lying amongst the viscera, into which the lymphatic vessels of the intestine open. In Fishes and Dipnoans there is also a large longitudinal lymphatic trunk lying within the spinal canal. As already mentioned, the higher we pass in the animal series the more commonly are lymphatic trunks with independent walls to be met with. From Birds onwards a large longitudinal subverte- bral trunk (the thoracic duct) is always present. In Mammals this arises in the lumbar region, where it is usually dilated to form the cisterna or receptaculum chyli; it receives the lymph from the posterior extremities, the pelvis, and the urinogenital organs, as well as the dacteals, or lymphatics of the intestine. In Mammals it communicates anteriorly with the left, and in Sauropsida with both left and right precaval veins. The lymphatics of the head, neck, and anterior extremities open into the same veins. The lymphatic vessels of Birds and Mammals are, like certain of the veins, provided with valves, the arrangement of which allows the lymph stream to pass in one direction only, <.¢., towards the veins, The lymph, as already mentioned (p. 299), consists of two elements, a fluid (plasma) and cells (lymph-corpuscles, leucocytes) ; and similar cells are present in the lymphoid or adenoid tissue which occurs beneath the mucous membrane in various parts of the body ° LYMPHATIC SYSTEM 335 (eg., alimentary canal, bronchi, conjunctiva, urinogenital organs) and is particularly abundant in Fishes, Dipnoans, and Am- phibians (pp. 267, 352, 363). The migration of the amceboid leucocytes to the surface (p. 267) is due to various causes. It may simply result in getting rid of superfluous material, or may be of considerable importance in removing broken-down substances and harmful bodies (e.g., inflammatory products, Bacteria), the particles being ingested by leucocytes (hence often called phagocytes) before the latter are got rid of. The mass of lymphoid tissue on the heart of the Sturgeon, and possibly also the so-called fat-bodies (corpora adiposa) of Amphibia and Reptilia (pp. 368, 370), and the ‘“‘hibernating gland” of certain Rodents, may be placed in this category ; they consist of lymphoid and fatty tissue, and serve as stores of nutriment. The agglomeration of a number of lymphoid follicles gives rise to those structures which are spoken of as “lymphatic glands” or adenoids. ‘These are always interposed along the course of a lymphatic trunk so that afferent and efferent vessels to each can be distinguished. They probably appear first in Birds, and are most numerous in Mammals, where they are present in abundance in various regions of the body; they differ greatly in size, The spleen which is present in almost all Vertebrates, is closely related to these structures. It corresponds to a specially differentiated portion of a tract of lymphoid tissue primarily extending all along the alimentary canal, and in Protopterus it still remains enclosed within the walls of the stomach (Fig. 209). In other Vertebrates it is situated outside the walls of the canal, but even then may extend along the greater part of the latter (¢.g., Siren). Usually, however, either the proximal or the distal portion of it undergoes reduction, and the organ is generally situated near the stomach, though it is occa- sionally met with in other regions of the intestinal tract, as, for instance, at the commencement of the rectum (Anura, Chelonia). In some cases (¢g., Sharks) it is broken up into a number of smaller constituents. The tonsils are also adenoid structures. They are most highly developed in Mammals, where they give rise to a paired organ lying on either side of the fauces—that is, in the region where the mouth passes into the pharynx, and usually also to a mass situated more posteriorly on the walls of the pharynx itself (pharyngeal tonsils); the latter are phylogenetically the older organs and are present in Reptiles, Birds, and most Mam- mals! The tonsils consist of a retiform (adenoid) connective- tissue ground-substance enclosing a number of lymph-corpuscles, which are arranged in so-called follicles, and are capable of mi- grating to the surface. 1 Tonsil-like organs are also present in Amphibians. 336 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY New leucocytes are continually formed in the marrow of the bones, as well as in the lymphatic glands and spleen; the spleen is apparently also of importance in absorbing the broken-down remains of the red blood-corpuscles, MODIFICATIONS FOR THE INTER-UTERINE NUTRI- TION OF THE EMBRYO: FQ@TAL MEMBRANES. J. ANAMNIA. In several Blasmobranchs the oviduct gives rise to glandular villi which secrete a nutritive fluid, and in an Indian Ray (Ptero- platea micrura) there are specially long glandular villiform pro- cesses which extend in branches through the spiracles into the pharynx of the embryos, of which there may be as many as three in each oviduct. The gill-clefts of the embryos are in close appo- sition, and there are no gill filaments (see p. 278). In certain viviparous Sharks (viz., Mustelus levis and Carcha- rias) the walls of the vascular yolk-sac become raised into folds or villi, which fit into corresponding depressions in the walls of the oviduct, the latter becoming very vascular. A kind of wmbilical placenta is thus formed, by means of which an interchange of nutri- tive, respiratory, and excretory matters can take place between the maternal and foetal blood-vessels. Amongst viviparous Teleosts (comp. p. 360) various arrange- ments for the nutrition of the embryo occur. In Zoarces viviparus (and probably also in the Embiotocideg), the embryos are retained in the hollow ovary, the empty follicles (corpora lutea) of which give rise to extremely vascular villi, from which a serous fluid containing blood- and lymph-cells is extruded into the cavity of the ovary and thus surrounds the masses of embryos. These swallow the fluid and digest the contained cells. In other forms (¢.g., Viviparous Blennies, and Cyprinodonts), the embryos undergo development within the vascular follicles, and are probably nour- ished by diffusion ; while in Anableps, villi are developed from the yolk-sac, and these doubtless absorb the nutritive fluid from the walls. of the ovary. In certain Amphibians which have no prelarval existence, in- teresting modifications occur for nourishing the young until the larval stage is passed. Thus in the Alpine Salamander (Salaman- dra atra), a large number of ova (40—60) pass into each oviduct, just as in the allied 8. maculosa, in which the young are born as gilled larve. Were this the case in S. atra, the young would be carried away in the mountain streams and destroyed, and acurious adaptive modification has therefore arisen in this form, in > FQTAL MEMBRANES 337 which only one embryo (that nearest the cloaca) in each oviduct undergoes complete development, remaining within the body of the parent until the gills are lost and metamorphosis has taken place. The other eggs break down and form a food-mass for the survivors after their own yolk has become used up. Degene- rative changes, moreover, take place in the epithelium of the ovi- duct, and masses of red blood-corpuscles pass into the lumen of the latter, undergo degeneration, and become mixed with the broken- down yolk-masses, the resulting broth being swallowed by the surviving young. After the birth of the latter, the uterine epithe- lium becomes regenerated; and thus a process occurs which some- what resembles that of the formation of a decidua in placental Mammals (p. 340). II, AMNIOTA. In all the Amniota, as already mentioned (pp. 9 and 302), foetal membranes, known as the amnion and allantois are developed, the latter, or primary urinary bladder, represented only in rudi- ment in the Amphibia (p. 259), being of great importance in con- nection with respiration, secretion, and (in the higher Mammals) nutrition of the embryo. A glance at Fig. 8 will show that, owing to its mode of develop- ment, the amnion! consists primarily of two layers; an inner, the amnion proper, and an outer or false amnion. The latter les close to the vitelline membrane, and forms the so-called serosa, or serous membrane. As the allantois grows it extends into the space con- tinuous with the celome between the true and false amnion, and may entirely surround the embryo. Amongst Reptiles, the eggs of the viviparous Lizard, Seps chal- cides, are relatively poor in yolk, and this is compensated for by the yolk-sac and allantois coming into close relation with the walls of the oviduct, thus forming an wmbilical and an allantoic placenta, one at either pole of the embryo; the latter of these is the more important. Both foetal and maternal parts of the pla- cente become extremely vascular, and thus the necessary inter- change of materials can take place between the blood of the em- bryo and mother. In Trachydosaurus and Cyclodus, as well as in the Chelonia, a kind of umbilical placenta is apparently also formed. The fact that a vascular yolk-sac (often known as the wmbilical vesicle) is present in placental Mammals, indicates that they are descended from forms in which, like the Sauropsida, the eggs were rich in yolk, and which were viviparous. This condition is 1 As the head enlarges and sinks downwards, it is at first surrounded by a modification of the head fold (p. 9) consisting entirely of epiblast and called the pro-amnion: this is afterwards replaced by the amnion. Z 338 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY moreover retained in the Monotremes, and even in Marsupials the ova are relatively large as compared with those of the higher Mammalia. ; As the amount of yolk gradually became reduced in the course of phylogenetic development, close relations were set up between the foetal (allantoic) and maternal blood-vessels, the allantois becoming closely applied to the serosa to form a chorion (Fig. 271); but that this condition was only very slowly evolved is shown by the fact that, even at the present day, Mammals exist in which it has not been reached. These (viz., Monotremes and most Marsupials) are therefore known as Aplacentalia or Achoria, in contradistinction to the higher Placcutalir or Choriata. Moreover, in the Rodentia, Insectivora, Cheir- optera, Carnivora, and Ungulata more or less distinct indications of an wmbilical placenta, formed in connection with the yolk-sac, can still be observed, and ata still earlier stage the ova are nourished by uterine lymph (compare p. 336). In Monotremes and Marsu- pials, both the yolk-sac and allan- tois take part in respiration; in the former the two are of equal importance, while amongst the latter the yolk-sac is solely or ae 271.—DIAGRaM OF beaten mainly (Phalcolarctos) important Aiawicen, (tout Boas's Sevens in this respect. In Perameles Posiouics en eeeina Gi cain obesula a further approach towards < a (umbilical vesicle) ; the citer the format ion of a true allantow most line represents the serous placenta 18 seen, the allantois membrane. The outer wall of giving rise to small vascular villi. the allantois has united with the In most Marsupials the allantois serous membrane to form the P chorion from which branchial villi Serves merely as a urinary reser- arise. voir, and in none of them does it possess any important function as an organ of nutrition, the young being born ut a relatively early stage, when they become attached to the teats of the mother, and are then nourished by means of milk (see p. 288). In the higher Mammals, the umbilical placenta has usually only a very temporary importance, though in some cases (eg., Rodents) it probably takes some part in respiration and nutrition during the whole uterine life. The allantois extends out from the body of the embryo and becomes attached to the serous membrane to form the chorion, from which numerous villi extend into the uterine wall (Fig. 271). As both the latter and the allantois become extremely vascular, the uterine and allantoic capillaries and sinuses coming into close contact with one another, a complicated FETAL MEMBRANES 339 allantoic placenta arises, consisting of maternal and fcetal parts (Fig. 9). Thus the embryo is supplied with the necessities for existence during its comparatively long intra-uterine life. Various forms of placenta are met with amongst the Placentalia. The most primitive type is apparently that in which the allantois becomes attached around the whole serosa, so that the resulting chorion, from which the comparatively simple villi arise, are equally distributed over the whole surface (Fig. 271). This form is known as a diffused placenta, and is met with in Manis, the Suide, Hippo- potamus, Tylopoda, Tragulidz, Perissodactyla, and Cetacea. The next stage is characterised by the chorionic villi becoming more richly branched, so as to present a greater superficial extent, and at the same time being concentrated into definite and Choriongelacsse Mii tert. Wey: oe my : Decidia a i aaa pate Zotton das Cherion. Prondosum. Mea Herd. Blatyeorsss Fru. 272.-—-DraGRAM TO ILLUSTRATE THE RELATIONS OF IHE F@TAL AND MATERNAL VESSELS IN THE HumMAN PLACENTA, SHOWING CHORIONIC AND MaterRNAL VESSELS AND CAPILLARIES, VILLI (Zotten), AND DuEcrpvA. (After Keibel.) more or less numerous patches or cotyledons. Thus a polycoty- ledonary placenta arises, such as is met with in most Ruminants, some of which, such as Cervus mexicanus and the Giraffe, show an interesting intermediate form of placenta between the diffuse and the cotyledonary. The chorionic villi in these two types of placenta, even though more or less branched, separate from the uterine mucous membrane at birth, the latter not becoming torn away: these placente are therefore spoken of as non- decidwate. A further complication is seen in the forms of placenta known as the zonary, the dome- or bell-shaped, and the discoidal, in which the connection between fcetal and maternal parts becomes much more close, the villi giving rise to a complicated system of branches within the uterine mucous membrane (Fig. 272). Thus the latter Z2 340 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY becomes to a greater or less extent torn away at birth (decidua), the placenta being therefore spoken of as deciduate. In these cases, the placental part of the chorion does not extend all round the embryo. In the zonary placenta only the two opposite poles of the chorion are more or less free from vascular villi, and this girdle-like form occurs in the Carnivora, as well as in the Elephant Hyrax, and Orycteropus. In Lemurs and Sloths, the placenta is dome- or bell-shaped, while in Myrmecophaga, Dasypodide (Arma- dilloes), and Primates (Hig. 9) it forms a discoidal mass on the dorsal side of the embryo (metadiscoidal form). The discoidal placenta of Rodentia, Insectivora, and Cheiroptera has probably not arisen, like that just mentioned, from a diffused type, but was originally restricted to a discoidal area, owing to the umbilical vesicle occupying a large surface of the chorion. From the above description it is evident that the differences in the form of the placenta are mainly those of degree, and that the latter gives little indication of the systematic position of the animal in question. The histological structure of the placenta and the various modifications seen in the maternal mucous membrane cannot be described here ; it is, however, important to note that there is no direct communication between the maternal and feetal blood, and that the maternal capillaries usually enlarge to form sinuses, the walls of which become invaginated by the villi: thus the latter are covered by an epithelium furnished by the maternal tissues (Fig. 272). In the course of development the embryo becomes more and more folded off from the yolk-sac (Fig. 8), the stalk of which latter and that of the allantois, enveloped by the base of the amnion, together form the wmbilical cord. At birth, the fcetal membranes are shed, the intra-abdominal portion of the allantois persisting as the urachus (comp. p. 358). I. URINOGENITAL ORGANS. a. GENERAL PART. The first traces of the urinary and generative organs of Verte- brates arise on the dorsal side of the ceelome, right and left of the aorta, and are more or less closely connected with one another, both morphologically and physiologically. The part of the urinogenital system first to arise is the paired pronephros and its duct, the pronephric duct. This is the most ancient and primitive excretory organ of Vertebrates; it is usually restricted to a few of the anterior body segments, close behind the head, whence it is often known as the “head-kidney.” It originates primarily as a series of segmentally arranged invaginations of the somatic mesoblast in the region of the ventral section of the mesoblastic somites, these invaginations giving rise to excretory tubules or nephridia (Figs. 273 and 274) ; secondarily, however, in consequence of alterations in the relative rate of growth of the parts, the tubules come to arise in connection with the unsegmented body-cavity. Each tubule opens into the coelome by a ciliated funnel or nephrostome, and comes into relation with a segmental blood-vessel which primarily connects the aorta with the subintestinal vein. These vessels become coiled to form a rete mirabile known as the glomus (Fig. 274). Primarily, as in Cheto- pods, the tubules must have opened at the other end on to the surface independently, through the ectoderm (Fig. 277, A, and comp. Amphioxus, p. 348 and Figs. 219 and 277, A), but this condition is no longer observable in the Craniata, in which they all communi- cate with a longitudinal pronephric duct. The number of nephro- stomes is in most cases not more than two or three. The pronephric duct is apparently a later acquisition than the pronephros itself. It first appears in the somatic mesoblast,! arising by the fusion of the peripheral ends of the pronephric tubules to form a longitudinal collecting tube (Figs. 274, 277, B), which extends backwards to open into the cloaca, thus establishing a communication between the ccelome and the exterior. 1 In Elasmobranchs its origin can be traced to the epiblast. 2 hy.s. ewe a das BS Ca G4 a Fic. URINOGENITAL ORGANS 343 273.—A Serres of DiaGramMatic FIGURES ILLUSTRATING THE ACCOUNT OF THE COMPARATIVE MorrHoLoGy oF THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF THE VERTEBRATA GIVEN IN THE FoLLOwING PaGEs. A, the pronephros stage of the Anamnia; B, a later stage of the same; C, the p) = urinogenita] apparatus of the male Amphibian; D, the same of the female ; E, pronephros stage of the Amniota, the mesonephros as yet rudimentary ; F, urinogenital apparatus of the Amniota at a stage at which the sexes are not differentiated ; G, urinogenital apparatus of male Amniota; H, the same of female Amniota. .» pronephros ;, duct of the pronephros; ms., the developing me- sonephros ; ms.s, part of the mesonephros, becoming converted into the epididymis and parovarium ; #is.r, vestiges of the mesonephros, the para- didymis and the paroophoron; +, rete and vasa efferentia testis; tt, a network homologous with these structures at the hilum of the ovary; hy.s, stalked hydatid ; ms.z, portion of the mesonephros which in Amphibians and Elasmobranchs becomes the so-called pelvic kidney;, duct of the mesonephros, which in male Amphibians and Elasmobranchs becomes (Fig. C) the urinogenital, and in females (Fig. D) the urinary duct. In the male Amniota it gives rise to the seminal duct (Fig. G), and in the female to Girtner’s duct (Fig. H); 7.s, the seminal vesicle, an outgrowth of the duct of the mesonephros; d.m., Miillerian duct, which in Mammals becomes differentiated (fig. H) into the Fallopian tube (fl), the uterus (vf), and the vagina (vy); vs, its abdominal aperture; hy, and w.m (Fig. G), unstalked hydatids and uterus masculinus (vestiges, in the male, of the Miillerian duct, d.m.); m.t., the definitive kidney or metanephros of the Amniota, said to arise from the ureter (17), itself an outgrowth of the mesonephric duct ; ai, allantois or urinary bladder ; sv, urinogenital sinus ; p.g, genital prominence, y.g, gonads, undifferentiated stage; ov, ovary; ¢s., testis; c/, cloaca; «/, rectum ; p.a, abdominal pore ; g.c, Cowper’s glands. TABULATED RESUME OF THE Facts PicroRIALLy ILLUSTRATED ON THE OPPOSITE Pronephros. Pace. Ananimnia. Amniota. | ea | Develops in all Anamnia, but | Still develops in the Amniota, | = y | rarely persists as a permanent | but as an excretory organ under- ’ SS | excretory organ. goes entire degeneration in the |. = embryo: it may take part in the [ Ss ion formation of the suprarenal body (7) In Elasmobranchii, appears to Probably persists as the meso- 7] ° o = ‘a give origin by subdivision to | nephric (Wolffian) duct, and con- 2 | 3 | both mesonephric (Wolffian) tributes in some to the forma- 8] |and Miillerian ducts. In Am- | tion of the Miillerian duct. & \ = | phibia, becomes converted into | «; | © | the mesonephric duct. Its fate in | 5 s other Anamnia is not yet fully 3/s investigated. a let Li af Functions in all Anamnia asa, Loses its renal function in all S| & jurinary gland. In Elasmo-, Amniota (as a rule in the em- | 2 | branchs, Amphibians, and one bryo), and becomes vestigial, Q(z | or two higher Fishes, its anterior except so far as it becomes an S| 3 | portion becomes related to the accessory portion of the repro- S| © |male genital apparatus, the ductive apparatus in the male “| = | posterior portion persisting as a and enters into the formation of = | permanent kidney. the suprarenal body (7) COMPARATIVE ANATOMY TABULATED REsumE—(Continaed). Anamnia. Amniota. The proximal portion becomes The proximal end becomes the 3 in most cases (except in Cyclo. rete and vasa efferentia testis, ‘2 | stomes and Teleosts) related to the caput epididymis, and per- _ | | the testis and functional in the . haps also the stalked hydatid S transmission of the semen, the | of Morgagni: the distal end be- ze distal functioning as a kidney. | comes the paradidymis (Giraldé’s. > ' organ). q 1 g 3 CMM Sr at apne AT soe aa eae Al Persists as the kidney. | The greater part of the proxi- el /mal portion becomes the par- om | ovarium, the distal the paroo- \ ‘ ' phoron. / Functions in most higher | The proximal portion becomes | 3 | Fishes merely as the urinary | the corpus and cauda epidymis S| duct. | and the distal the seminal duct gl In Elasmobranchs, Amphi- | (vas deferens). a | bians, and some Ganoids, serves eB as the urinogenital duct. § Jae = Sao et 4 Oo. =i Functions exclusively as the |The greater part, as a rule, rie duct of the mesonephros, 7.e., degenerates ; the proximal por- 5 the urinary duct. | tion may be retained in a vestigial Se ‘form in the region of the par- A's /ovarium. In certain cases it i 8 ‘may persist, as a whole, as & | Gartner’s canal. The distal end ‘becomes the organ of Weber. i In Elasmobranchs it degene- The proximal portion becomes _% ;rates in post-embryonic life, | the unstalked hydatid of Mor- /.& | vestiges of its proximal portion | gagni, the distal, in some Mam- 3 cae being retained. Its existence! mals, the so-called ‘uterus Sl in most other Fishes is doubt- | masculinus.” In exceptional A. ful. In Dipnoi and Amphibia it | cases the whole is retained as E. is retained, at any rate for some | Rathke’s duct. In Sauropsida ap time, for its whole length, in aj; the distal part usually dis- a | functionless and often but little | appears. ‘2 | 3 | degenerate condition. alo | a Se Sess es ane = | When present, becomes the Becomes the whole genital | whole genital duct. duct. S 121. pe . i'8 5 g | Probablyunrepresented(comp . Appears to arise in part (ure- ie 5 ip. 352). ter) from the distal end of the E Bar tl At a mesonephric duct, and in part Bo) sz ‘(secreting elements) as a caudal ap s extension of the mesonephros. ni vo o rad a a | URINOGENITAL ORGANS 345 The pronephros itself has only a transitory function as an excretory organ. Its duct, however, always persists, and usually undergoes important modifications, which are closely connected with the appearance of a second and more extensive series of indung tomhohtle tr Verb mit dem Color. Myo ~—4ussere Haut os de l th , resp: Von Acer Urnicre adbgeschrairt: Myotonv. Derivat des Cocloms tame Coe (ina SU Nopthrostorm- derVornicre (bervimprt) (Perttoncum) DIAGRAMMATIC TRANSVERSE SECTION ILLUSTRATING THE PRIMARY RELATIONS OF THE PRONEPTTROS Tone Glomus dcr Vornicre vorgcbauchte Coclomrvand’ ay crise Neberrtcre Al sn Kt (bevurgrcrt) Nathrostom der Urnicre’ Partetal. Peritore Urnierengang 274. Fie, (ON THE Rreir) AND MESONEPHROS (ON THE LEFT) wir THEIR Ducts. eovoro aaSon Pin ee Boe, Tt Or°OsgE ob. 2 ep yo nen = ae ee Asge oe s FEoxv od 2 Br oe Sea 7 oy = = ia) in} On the left lome, and a mesonephric tubule (CUrriere) and its duct iated nephrostome of the m the spinal cord, notochord, aorta, and intestine. ome are seen to be continuous ), and the glomus are shown. Between the n capsule are shown. intestine are seen the rudiments of the gonad right the cavities of the myotome and the cel myotome has become shut off from the ere (Vornierc), the pronephric duct (Vorniergand In the middle line are seen, from above downwards, as a Malpie (Vebenniere). (Aeémdriise) and suprarenal excretory segmental tubules, which appear later, mainly posteriorly to the pronephros, and constitute the mesonephros or mid- kidney; the pronephric duct now serves as a mesonephric duct. The mesonephros, often known as the MWoljian body (Figs. 273, 274, 277, B), is sometimes regarded as corresponding simply to 346 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY a “later generation” of pronephric tubules. It appears more probable, however, that this organ originates independently from a part of the mesoblastic somites situated more dorsally than that which gives rise to the pronephric tubules. Primitively, the mesonephros is strictly metameric, owing to the fact that each of its tubules corresponds to the primary channel connecting the cavity of a somite with the unsegmented ccelome (Fig. 274). The loss of connection between these two sections of the primary ccelome results in a series of segmental nephridia, each of which opens into the body-cavity by a nephros- tome, while at its other, or blind end, it comes into connection with the prone- phric duct—or mesonephric duct as it must now be called (Fig. 275). The glomus of the pronephros is continued backwards, and in the region of the mesonephros breaks up into portions, or glomeruli, each of which is situated in a small cavity constricted off from the colome and opening into a mesonepbric tubule, forming what is known as a Malpighian capsule (Figs. 274, 275). Each mesonephric tubule, then, in its primitive form, is made up of the following portions (Fig. 275):—(1) a Fic. 275.—DIAGRAM OF THE MESONEPHRIC TUBULES, SHOWING THEIR (SECOND- ARY) CONNECTION WITH THE Mesonepuric Duct (SG). The two anterior tubules are already connected with the duct, while the two posterior have not yet reached so far. S7, nephrostome; IM, Mal- pighian capsule with glome- rulus ; DS, coiled glandular tubule ; HS, terminal por- tion of latter. funnel-shaped ciliated aperture, commu- nicating with the body-cavity (nephro- stome, or peritoneal funnel); (2) a rounded mass of capillaries (glomerulus), which is situated within a cavity (Mal- pighian capsule) derived from the celome; and (8) a coiled glandular tubule, opening into a collecting (me- sonepbric) duct. Thus the mesonephros, as well as the pronephros, besides its main function of excreting waste pro- ducts by means of the epithelial cells lining the tubules, serves also to conduct water derived from the blood in the glomeruli, and peritoneal fluid, from the body. The mesonephros is of greatest importance in the Anamnia: in many Fishes it serves exclusively as a urinary organ, but in Elasmobranchs and higher forms it also takes on certain relations to the generative apparatus, giving rise to the refe and vasa efferentia of the testis, as well as to the parorchis or epididymis (p. 350), and, in Amniota, to other more or less rudimentary organs of secondary importance (compare Fig. 273). Nevertheless, it may still serve as the permanent urinary organ (Klasmobranchs, Am- phibians), or may more or less entirely disappear as such (Amniota) ; in the latter case, a third series of tubules is formed, giving rise URINOGENITAL ORGANS 347 to a metanephros, or hind-kidney, with which is connected a metanephric duct or ureter. The metanephros corresponds to a later developed posterior section of the mesonephros. Each metanephric duct apparently arises as a hollow outgrowth from the posterior end of the meso- nephric duct, where the latter opens into the cloaca. It gradually extends forwards, and comes into connection with a series of tubules developed as buds from the hinder end of the mesone- phros and provided with ccelomic Malpighian capsules and with glomeruli, but not with nephrostomes. The posterior end of the ureter soon loses its connection with the mesonephric duct, and opens independently either into the cloaca or into a urinary bladder (Figs. 294—297). THE MALE AND FEMALE GENERATIVE Ducts. In the Elasmobranchii, Amphibia, and Amniota, ¢wo canals are formed in connection with the primary excretory apparatus : one of these is known as the secondary mesonephric or Wolffian duct— which in male Elasmobranchii and Amniota functions as a seminal duct or vas deferens and in male Amphibia as a urinogenital duct, and the other as the Miillerian duct—which opens anteriorly into the cceelome and serves in the female as an oviduct (Figs. 278, 279). The Wolffian duct becomes rudimentary in the female—except in Amphibians, in which it still serves as a urinary duct (Fig. 279)— and the Miillerian duct remains in a more or less rudimentary condition in the male. These two ducts in some cases (Elasmo- branchs) arise by a splitting of the primary mesonephric duct into two (Fig. 278), but more usually the Miillerian duct arises independently from the ceelomic epithelium. All the urinogenital ducts are lined by a mucous membrane, external to which are muscular and connective tissue layers. (For the relations of the urinary and generative ducts in other Fishes and in Dipnoans see pp. 3860-363.) THE GonaDs (“GENERATIVE GLANDS ”). The sexual cells, which give rise to the ova and spermatozoa originate from the germinal epithelium, which corresponds to a differentiation of part of the celomic or peritoneal epithelium on the dorsal side of the body-cavity on either side of the mesentery, and into which the adjacent mesoblastic stroma penetrates; thus a pair of gonads or “sexual glands” is formed (Fig. 274). Primitively the gonads were arranged segmentally, and extended through- out a greater number of body segments (compare Amphioxus, p. 359). The primitive germinal cells ave at first entirely undifferen- tiated, but in the course of development a differentiation takes place, resulting in the formation of a male or a female gonad, we., a testis or an ovary. 348 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. The mode of development of the ova and spermatozoa is briefly as follows :— Ova.—The cells of the germinal epithelium grow inwards amongst the stroma of the ovary in the form of clustered masses : some of these increase in size more than the others, and give rise to the ova, while the smaller cells form an investment of follicle round them, and serve as nutritive material. The investing cells multiply, and in Mammals a cavity containing a fluid is formed in the middle of each follicle (Fig. 276): the main mass of the follicular cells which enclose the ovum project, as the discus proligerus, into the cavity of the follicle. When ripe, the ovum, surrounded by a vitelline membrane, comes to the surface of the ovary and breaks through into the abdominal cavity; it then passes into the coelomic aperture of the oviduct. A certain amount of blood is poured out through the broken ends of the vessels in the stroma of the ovary into the cavity of the follicle in which the ovum lay : this ‘‘ wound” then closes up, and its contents undergo fatty degeneration, giving rise to a body of yellow colour, known as the corpus butewmn, ; Spermeatozoa.—As in the case of the female, primitive germinal cells can be at first distinguished in the development of the male generative elements, These give rise to a series of seminal tubules (Fig. 300), containing larger and smaller cells; the former undergo division to form the sperm-cells or PS Ke Ps 2 ray RO: iS (i 'o, if a Q Fic. 276.—Srcrion THROUGH A PoRTION OF THE OVARY OF A MAMMAL, SHOWING tHE Mop oF DEVELOPMENT OF THE GRAAFIAN FOLLICLES. KE, germinal epithelium, ingrowths from which extend into the stroma of the ovary to form the ovarian tubes (PS): the stroma is penetrated by vessels (g.g)3; U, U, primitive ova; S, cavity between the follicular epithelium (tunica granulosa, Vy) and the primitive ova; Lf, liquor folliculi; D, discus proligerus ; Mi, ripe ovum, with its germinal vesicle (A) and germinal spot ; Mp, zona pellucida, showing racliated structure ; Z'f, theca folliculi. spermatozoa, The nucleus gives rise to the so-called ‘‘ head” of the sperma- tozoon, while the surrounding protoplasm becomes differentiated to form the motile ‘tail,’ which serves as an organ of propulsion, the ‘*neck” (Mittolstiick) arising from the centrosome of the cell (p. 3). URINOGENITAL ORGANS 349 ). SPECIAL PART. URINARY ORGANS. In Amphioxus a series (90 or more) of independent segmental tubules are present on either side in the reduced section of the ceelome situated on the dorsal side of the pharynx (“dorsal y\ [we x > MTN Qi es ; Srepotp, Zusatz zu den Mittheilungen iiber die Verwandlung des Axolotl in Amblystoma. Loc. cit. Bd. NXVII. WreprersHerm, in Ecker’s Anatomie des Frosches. REPTILIA. Butter, G. W. On the Complete or Partial Suppression of the Right Lung in the Amphisbenide and of the Left Lung in Snakes and Snake-like Lizards and Amphibians. P. Zool. Soc. 1895. Gace, 8. P. Wasserathmung bei weichschaligen Schildkréten. Ein Beitrag zur Physiologie der Athmung bei Wirbelthieren. Amer. Nat. Vol. XX. No. 3. 1886. See also Biol. Centralbl. Bd. VI. No. 7. 1886. Hexte, J. Vergl. anatomische Beschreibung des Kehlkopfs. Leipzig, 1839. (Includes other Vertebrates. ) Liessyer, E. Ein Beitr. zur Kenntnis der Kiemenspalten und ihrer Anlagen bei amnioten Wirbelthieren. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XIII. 1sss. 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Bracuer, A. Sur le développement de la Cavité hépatoentcrique chez les Amphibiens. Anat. Anz. Bd. XI. No. 21. 1896. Briper, T. W. Port abdominales of Vertebrata. Journ. Anat. and Physiol. Vol. Butter, G. W. On the Subdivision of the Body-Cavity in Lizards, Crocodiles, and Birds. P. Zool. Soc. 1889 and 1892. Enpres, H. Beitr. z Entwicklungsgeschichte und Anatomie des Darmes, des Darmgekrises und der Bauchspeicheldriise. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XL. 1892. GEGENBAUR, C. Bemerkungen tiber die Poriabdominales. Morph. Jahrb. Ba. X. 1885. Kuaatsen, H. Zur Morphologie der Mesenterialbildungen am Darmcanal der Wirbelthiere. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XVII. 1892. Comp. also Bd. XX. Larastrr, F. and Buancnarp, R. Le péritoine du Python, etc. Bull. Soe. Zool. France. 1879. Maruers, P. Zur Morphol. der Mesenterialbildungen bei Amphibien. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XXIII. Heft. 2. 1895. Ruan, G. Der Verkiirzungsprocess ani Rumpf von Halbaffen. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XVIII. 1892. Die Grenzlinien der Pleurasicke und die Lagerung des Herzens bei Primaten, insbesondere bei den Anthropoiden. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XIX. 1892. Sotcer, B. Stud. z. Entwickl.-Gesch. des Coeloms und des Coelomepithels der Amphibien. Morph, Jahrb. Bd. X. 1885. Tanga, T. Ueber die Grenzen der Pleurahéhlen bei den Primaten und einigen andern Siiugethieren. Morph. Jahrb, Bd. XVII. 1891. Toipt, C. Ueber die ieeepeebemlan Gesichtspunkte in der Anatomie des Bauch- felles und der Gekrise. Denk. Ak. Wien., Math naturwiss. Kl. Bd. LX. 1893. Ueber die Geschichte der Mesenterien. (Referat.) Verh. Anat. Ges. 1893. Turner, W. On the Pori abdominales in some Sharks. Journ. Anat. and Physiol. Vol. XIV. Wemzer, M. Die Abdominalporen der Salmoniden nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Geschlechtsorgane der Fische. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XII. 1887, K. ORGANS OF CIRCULATION. Ayers, H. The Morphology of the Carotids, based on a study of the Blood- Vessels of Chlamydoselachus anguineus. Bull. Mus. Harvard. Vol. XVII. 1889. BARDELEBEN, K. v. Ueber Begleitvenen. Deutsche Medic. Wochenschr. 1894. No. 14. (Comp. also Sitz.-ber. d. Jen. Ges. f. Medic. u. Naturwissensch, Jen. Zeitschr. 1883. Bd. XIV.). Barkow. Disquis. de arteriis mammalium et avium, Nova acta Acad. Leop. Tom. XX. 1843. Biepparp, F. EK. Note on the presence of an Anterior abdominal Vein in Echidna. P. Zool. Soc. 1884, and Zool. Anz. VII. 1884. On the heart of Apteryx. P. Zool. Soc. 1885. Bepparp, F. EB. and Mrreunnn, P. C. On the structure of the heart of the Alligator. P. Zool. Soc. 1805, APPENDIX 463 BEMMELEN, VAN. Die Halsgegend der Reptilien. Zool. Anz. Bd X. 1887. Brernays, A. C. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Atrioventricularklappen. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. II. 1876. Biscnorr, Tu. Ueber den Bau des Crocodilherzens, etc, Arch, f. Anat. und Physiol. 1836. BizzozEro, G. Neue Untersuchungen tiber den Bau des Knochenmarkes bei Vogeln. Arch f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXV. 1890, Boas, E. V. Ueber Herz und Arterienbogen bei Ceradotus und Protopterus. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. VI. 1880, ar den Conus arteriosus bei Butirinus und bei anderen Knochenfischen. oc. cil. Ueber den Conus arteriosus und die Arterienbogen der Amphibien. Loe. cit. Bd. VIT. 1881. Beitrige z. Angiologie d. Amphibien. Loe. cit. Bd. VIII. 1882. base die Arterienbogen der Wirbelthiere, Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XIII. Born, G. Beitr. zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Siiugethierherzens, Arch. f. mikr, Anat. Bd. XNXIII. 1889. Brenner, A. Ueber das Verhiltnis des Nerv. laryngeus inferior Vagi zu einigem Aortenvarietiiten des Menschen und zu dem Aortensystem der durch ca athmenden Wirbelthiere iitberhaupt. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 3. Britcke. Beitr. zur. vergl. Anatomie und Physiologie des Gefiissystems der Amphibien. Denk. Ak. Wien. Math.-naturw. Cl. Bd. IIT. | 1852. Burne, R. R. On the aortic arch system of Saccobranchus fossilis. Journ. Linn, Soc.—Zool. Vol. XXV. 1896. : Caprat, M. Du développement de la partie céphalo-thoracique de l’embryon, de la formation du diaphragme, des pleures, du péricarde, du pharynx et de loesophage. Journ. de lanat, et physiol. Vol. XIV. 1878. Catorr, L. Anatomia del Axolotl. Memorie della Accad. delle Scienze di Bologna, Tome III. 1851. Sugli organi della circolazione e della respirazione dei gyrini della Rana esculenta e delle larve della Salamandra cristata. Nuov. Ann, dell. Scienz. nat. di Bologna. Ann. I. 1838. CLayPoLe, E. J. An Investigation of the Blood of Necturus and Cryptobranchus. Proc. Amer. Micros. Soc. Vol. XV. 1893. Dekuuizen, M. C. Ueber das Blut der Amphibien. Verh. Anat. Ges. 1892. Donrn, A. Studien z. Urgeschichte des Wirbelthierkérpers. XV. Neue Grund- lagen zur Beurtheilung der Metamerie des Kopfes. Mittheil. Zool. Stat. Neapel. Bd. IX. 1890. DuverNnoy. Notesur lastructure du coeur des Crocodiliens. Journ. delInstitut 1838. Eister, P. Das Gefiiss- und periph. Nervensystem des (‘orilla, Halle a/s. 1890. Fraxyveé. Nonnulla ad Amiam calvam accuratius cognoscendam. Jerlin, 1847. Fritscu, G. Zur vergl. Anatomie des Amphibienherzens. Arch. Physiol. 1896. GEGENBAUR, C. Zur vergl. Anatomie des Herzens. Jen. Zeitschr. Bd. I. 1866. Gieuio-Tos, E. Sulle cellule del Sangue della Lampreda. Atti. Acc, Torino, Classe di Sc. Fis. Mat. e Nat. Serie 2a, T. XLVI La struttura e Pevoluzione dei Corpuscoli rossi del Sanguine nei Vertebrati. Loc. cit, T. XLVII. Gomprrrz, C. Ueber Herz und Blutkreislauf bei nackten Amphibien. Arch. Physiol. 1884. Grossrk, O., and Breztxa, KE. Ueber die Entwickl. der Venen des Kopes u. Halses bei Reptilien. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. NXIU. Heft 2. 1895. Hann. Commentatio de arteriis anatis. Hannover, 1830. Hasse, C. Die Ursachen des rechtzeitigen Kintritts der Geburtsthitigkeit beim Menschen. Zeitschr. fiir Geburtshilfe und Gynaekologie. Bd. VI. Heft 1. Hocusterrer, F. Ueber den Einfluss der Entwicklung der bleibenden Nieren auf die Lage des Urnierenabschnittes der hinteren Cardinalvenen. Anat. Anz. III. Jahrg. 1888. Ueber das Gekrése der hinteren Hohlvene. Loe. cit. 464 APPENDIX Hocusretrer, F. Ueber die Bildung der hinteren Hohlvene bei den Sauge- thieren. Anat. Anz. II. 1887. _ Beitriige zur vergl. Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte des Venensystems der Amphibien und Fische. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. NTT. 1888. _ (For the development of the Abdominal vein in Salamandra, comp. Bd. XXI. 1594. ) Ueber die urspriingliche Hauptschlagader der hinteren Gliedmasse des Menschen und der Siugethiere nebst Bemerkungen iiher die Entwick- lung der Endiste der Aorta abdominalis. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XVI. 1890. Ueber die Entwicklung der Extremititen-Venen beiden Amnioten. Loc. cit. Bd. XVII. 1891. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Gefiiss-Sysiems (Referat). Anat. Heft. Ergebn. Beitr. z. Entw.-Geschichte des Venensystems der Amnioten. II. Reptilien (Lacerta, Tropidonotus). Morph. Jahrb. XIX. BD. 1892. ITI. Siuger XX. Bd. 1893. Beitr. z. Anat. and Entw. Geschichte d. Blut-Gefassystems d. Monotremen. Aus Seuox, Zoolog. Forsch. Reisen in Australien u.d. Malay’schen Archipel. Jena, 1896. Horrmay, C. K. Zur Entwickl.-Gesch. des Herzens und der Blutgefisse bei den Selachiern. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XIX. 1893. Zur Entw. Gesch. d. Venensystems bei den Selachiern. Morph. Jahrb. XX. Bd. 1893. Unters. iiber den Ursprung des Blutes und der blutbereitenden Organe. Verh. Ak. Amsterdam (IL. Sect. 3. Theil, No. 4. 1894). Hoxrrock, A. T. The origin of the Endocardium in Bony Fishes. Bull. Mus. Harvard. Vol. XXV. No. 7. 1894. Howes, G. B. Note on the Azygos Veins in the Anurous Amphibia. P. Zool. Soc. On the intestinal Canal of the Ichthyopsida, with especial reference to its Arterial Supply and the Appendix Digitiformis. Journ. Linn. Soc. Zool. Vol. XXITI. 1890. Husrecut, A. A. W. Studies in Mammalian Embryology. I. The Placentation of Erinaceus europaeus with Remarks on the Phylogeny of the Placenta. Q. Journ. Mier. Sci. Vol. XXX. N. 3. 1889. Huscuxe. Ueber die Carotidendriise einiger Amphibien. Treviranus’ Zeitschr. f. Physiologie. Bd. IV. 1831. Hyrtt, J. Berichtigungen iiber den Bau des Gefisssystems von Hypochthon Laurentii. Medicin. Jahrb. d. dsterr. Staates. Bd. 48. 1844. Beobachtungen aus dem Gebiete der vergl. Gefiisslehre. Medicin. Jahrb. d. ésterr. Staates. Bd. 24, 8. 69 ; 232 ; 376. Das arterielle Gefiissystem der Edentaten. Denk. Ak. Wien. Bd. VI. 8. 21. Das arterielle Gefiissystem der Monotremen. Loc. cf. Bd. V. 8. 1. Das arterielle Gefiissystem der Rochen. Denk. Ak. Wien. XV. Bd. 185s. Die Kopfarterien der Haifische. Loc. cit. NNXII. Bd. 1871. (and see p. 397.) Hvuxtey, T. H. On the structure of the Skull and the Heart of Menobranchus lateralis. P. Zool. Soc. 1874. Jacquart. Mém. sur plusieurs points du systéme veineux abdominal du Caiman. Ann. sci. nat. Tom. IV. Mém. sur les organes de la circulation chez le Python. Lor. cit. Juin, Cu. Des origines de laorte et des carotides chez les poissons Cyclostomes. Communic. prélim. Anat. Anz. Jahrg. II. 1887. i LancEr, A. Ueber die Entw. Gesch. des Bulbus Cordis bei Amphibien und Reptilien. Morph. Jahrb, XNI. Bd. 1894. Mackay, J. Y. The development of the Branchial Arterial Avches in Birds, ete. Phil. Trans. Vol. 179. 1888. Mati, J. P. Die Blut- und Lymphwege im Diinndarm des Hundes. Abh, d. math.-phys. Classe der K. Nichs. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch, Bd. NIV. No. II. Leipzig, 1887. MARSHALL, M., and Buxss, EK. J. The Development of the Blood Vessels in the Frog. Stud. Owens Coll. Vol. TI. 1890. Matvrer. F. Die Kiemen und ihre Gefisse bei anuren und urodelen Amphibien, ete. Morph. Jahrb, Bd. ATV. APPENDIX 465 Mayer, P. Ueber die Entwicklung des Herzens und der grossen Gefassstimme bei den Selachiern. Mittheil.-Zool. Stat. Neapel. WII. Bd. 1887. Ueber Eigenthiimlichkeiten in den Kreislaufsorganen derSelachier. Loc. cit. VIII. Ba, 1888, ‘ MeEuNeRT, E. Uber Ursprung und Entw. d. Haemovasalgewebes (Gefasshofsichel) ___ bei Emys lutaria und Struthio camelus. Morph. Arb. Bd. VI. H. 1. 1896. MULLER, J. Ueber das Gefissystem der Fische. Abh. Ak. Berlin, 1839. Ideen zur Vergleichung der Blutgefasstamme der verschiedenen Classen der Wirbelthiere. Loc. cit. Ueber die Wundernetze. Loc. cit. Nicorar. Unters. iiber den Verlauf und die Vertheilung der Venen bei Végeln, aoe und Fischen, besonders die Venen der Nieren betreffend. Isis, Nirscu. Observationes de avium art. carotid. comm. Halle, 1829. OpreL, A. Unsere Kenntnis von der Entstehung der rothen und weissen EL Centralbl. f. Allgem. Pathol. und pathol. Anat. III. Bd. Owen, R. On the structure of the Heart in the Perennibranchiata. Tr. Zool. Soc. 1835. Panizza. Sulla Struttura del cuore e della circolazione del sangue del Crocodilus lucius. Bibliotheca italiana. LXX. 87. Parker, T. J. On the Blood-vessels of Mustelus antarcticus, ete. Phil. Trans. Vol. 177. 1886. On the venous system of the Skate. Tr. N. Z. Inst. Vol. XIII. 1880. ParkeER, W. N. On the occasional Persistence of the Left Posterior Cardinal Vein in the Frog, with Remarks on the Homologies of the Veins in the Dipnoi. P. Zool. Soc. 1889. Popowsky, T. Phylogenesis des Arteriensystems der unteren Extremititen bei den Primaten. Anat. Anz. VIII and X. Bd. Jahrg. 1893, 1894. Rasy, C. Ueber die Bildung des Herzens der Amphibien. Morph. Jahrb. Bad. XII. 1887. Ueber die Entwicklung des Venensystems bei Selachiern. Aus d. Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstage R. Leuckart’s. Leipzig, 1892. RaFFAELE, F. Sistema vascolare nei Selacei. Mittheil. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1892. Rapp. Ueber die Wundernetze. Meckel’s Archiv. 1827. RatHkeE, H. Ueber die Entwicklung der Arterien, welche bei den Siugethieren von den Bogen der Aorta ausgehen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. 1843. Untersuch. iiber die Aortenwurzeln der Saurier. Denk. Ak. Wien. Vol. XII. 1857. Ueber die Bildung der Pfortader und der Lebervenen bei Siiugethieren.. Meckel’s Archiv. 1830. Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung des Venensystems der Wirbelthiere: Bericht tiber das naturhist. Seminar der Univer. Koinigsherg. 1838. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Natter. Kénigsberg, 1839. Rex, H. Beitr. z. Morphologie der Hirmvenen der Elasmobranchier. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XVII. 1891. Beitr. z. Morphologie der Hirnvenen der Amphibien. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XIX. 1892. Rogin, Cu. See literature quoted by F. Hochstetter. (pp. 463, 464.) Rosz, C. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Saugethierherzens. Morph. Jahrb, Bd. XV. 1889. Beitr. z. vergl. Anat. des Herzens der Wirbelthiere. Loe. cit. Bd. XVI, 1890. Rickert, J. Ueber die Entstehung der endothelialen Anlagen des Herzens und der ersten Gefasstamme bei Selachierembryonen. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. VIL. 1888. Rucs, G. Varietiiten im Gebiete der Arteria femoralis des Menschen. Der Gefisskanal im Adductor magnus. Morph. Jahrb. 4. Bd. XXII. 1894. Zur Anat. u. Entw. Gesch. der Arterien des Vorderarmes des Unterschen- kels u. Fusses. Loe. cit. Bd. H. 2. Rusconr. Descrizione anatomica degli organi della circolazione delle Larve delle Salamandre acquatiche. 1817. Développement de la Grénouille comm. 1826. Hist. nat., développement et metamorphose de la Salamandr terrestre. 1854. H H 466 APPENDIX SAbATIER. Observations sur les transformations du systéme aortique dans la série _ des Vertébrés. Ann. sci. nat. Sér. 5. Tom, XIX. . . Etudes sur lée coeur dans la série des Vertébrés. Montpellier et Paris, 1873. Satzer, H. Ueber die Entwickl. der Kopfvenen der Meerschweinchen. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XXIII. Heft. 2. 1895. : . Scuwaze, E. Zur vergl. Anatom. d. Unterarmarterien, speciell d. Arcus volaris sublimis. Morph. Jahrb. XXIII. Bd. oa Ueber die Varietiten der menschlichen Arteria mediana in ihrer atavistischen Bedeutung. Inaug. Dissert. Heidelberg, 1895. ScHWEIGGER-SErpEL, Das Herz. Stricker’s Handb. der Lehre von den Geweben. 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ZANDER, R., and Strrpa, H. Persistenz des Urnierentheiles der linken Cardinal- vene, Anat. Hefte. I Abth. Heft 4. 1892. ZincLer, H. E. Die Entstehung des Blutes bei Knochenfischembryonen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXX. Die Entstehung d. Blutes der Wirbelthiere. Ber. Ges. Freiburg. IV. Bd. 1889. Ueber die embryonale Anlage des Blutes bei den Wirbelthieren (Vortrag). Verh. d. Deutschen Zoolog. Gesellsch. 1892. ZUCKERKANDL, E. Zur Anat. u. Entw. Gesch. d. Arterien des Vorderarmes, I. Theil Anat. Heft I Abth. (4 Bd. H1). (Comp. also V. Bd., H. I.) LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. Baxnwartuy. Untersuchungen iiber die Milz. I. Theil Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXVIII. 1891. Barkow. Der Winterschlaf. Berlin, 1846. Buper, A. Ueber Lympherzen bei Hiihnerembryonen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1882. Untersuch. iiber die Entwicklung des Lymphsystems beim Hiihnerembryo. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 1887. Bit.RotH, Tu. Beitraige zur vergl .Histologie der Milz. Virchow’s Archiv. Bd. XXu. XXIII. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. 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Sienne, 1874. —— lymphaticorum corporis humani historia et iconographia. Senis, i . Mavrer, F. Die erste Anlage der Milz und das erste Auftreten von lymphati- schen Zellen bei Amphibien. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XVI. 1890. Meyer, J. Systema amphib. lymphat. disquisitionibus novis examinatum. Berlin, 1845. Miter, W. Ueber den feineren Bau der Milz. Leipzig, 1865. Mixer, J. Ueber die Lymphherzen der Amphibien. Arch. fiir Anat. und Physiol. 1854. Ueber die Lymphherzen der Chelonier. Abh. Ak. Berlin. 1839. Ueber die Lymphgefiisse der Myxinoiden. Loe. cit. Noerze, W. Die Riickbildung der Gewebe im Schwanz der Froschlarve. Arch. f. mikr. Anat Bd. XLV. Panizza, Osservazioni anthropozootomiche-fisiologiche. Pavia, 1830. Sopra il systema linfatic. dei rettili. Ricerche zootomiche. Pavia, 1833. Ueber die Lymphherzen bei den Amphibien. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 1834. Ranvier, L. Morphologie du systéme lymphatique. De lorigine des lymph- atiques dans la peau de la Grenouille. Compt. rendus, CX-X,. Développment des vaisseux lymphatiques. Loe. cit, CX XI. Rarp, W. Ueber die Tonsillen. Arch. f. Anat. a. Physiol. 1839. RECKLINGHAUSEN, V. Die Lymphgefisse und ihre Beziehungen zum Bindegewebe. Berlin, 1862. Retzivs, G. Biolog. Untersuch. N. F., I. No. 4. Ein sogen. Caudalherz bei Myxine glutinosa. Stockholm, 1890. Rurrer, A. On the Phagocytes of the Alimentary Canal. Q. Journ. Micr. Sci. Vol. XXX. 1890. Rusconr. Riflessioni sopra il systema linfat. dei rettili. Pavia, 1845. Ueber die Lymphgefiisse der Amphibien. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1843. Sarpey, Po. C. Etudes sur lappareille mucipare et sur le systeéme lymphatique des poissons. Paris, 1880. Description et iconographie des vaisseaux lymphatiques considérés chez VYhomme et les vertébrés. Paris, 1886. Scurrr, M. Remarques sur l’innervation des coeurs lymphatiques des Batraciens anoures. Tom. I. 1884 u. II. 1885. Stannivs, H. Ueber die Lymphherzen d. Vigel. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. 1843. Stiepa, L. Zur Histologie der Milz. Virchow’s Arch. Bd. XXIV. Stour, Pu. Zur Physiologie der Tonsillen. Ueber Mandeln und Balgdriisen. Arch. f. pathol Anat. Bd. XCVII. Heft 2. Ueber die peripheren Lymphdriisen. Sitz.-ber. Ges. Wiirzburg. 1883. Ueber den Bau der Conjunctiva palpebrarum. Loc. cit. 1854. Ueber die Lymphknitchen des Darmes. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. NXNIII. 1889. Die Entwicklung des adenoiden Gewebes, der Zungenbilge und der Mandeln des Menschen. Festschrift zur Feier des 50jihr. Doctor-Jubiliiums von Nigeli und Kélliker. Ziirich, 1891. Srricut, 0. van DER. Nature ec division mitosique des globules blancs des Mammi- féres. Verh. Anat. Ges. 1893. TricuMayy. Das Saugadersystem vom anatom. Standpunkte aus betrachtet. VALENTIN. Ueber die Structur der Lympherzen und Lymphgefisse. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 1839. Vincent, SWALE, and Harrison, H. 8. On the Hemolymph Glands of some Vertebrates. Journ Anat. and Physiol. Vol. NXXI. Weber, E. Ueber das Lymphherz von Python tigris. Loc. c7t. 1835. Wetiky, W. Ueber vielzahlige Lymphherzen bei Salamandra macul. und Siredon piscif. Zool. Anz. No. VI, No. 183, 1884. WiepersHeim, R. (See p. 459.) HH 2 468 APPENDIX ZAWARYKIN, Ta. Ueber die Fettresorption im Diinndarm. Pfliiger’s Arch. f. d. gesammte Physiologie. Bd. XXXI. 1883. ZAWARYKIN, J. Ueber das Epithel der Tonsillen. Anat. Anz. IV. 1889. L. URINOGENITAL ORGANS. GENERAL. Baxsrant, G. Legons sur la génération des Vertébrés. Paris, 1879. Batrour, F. M. On the origin and history of the urogenital organs of Verte- brates. Journ. Anat. and Physiol. Vol. X. 1876. On the structure and development of the Vertebrate ovary. Q. Journ. Mier. Sci., Vol. XVIII. 1878 (and see p. 391). Batiowitz, E. Zur Lehre von der Structur der Spermatozoén. Anat. Anz. I. Jahrg. 1886. Untersuchungen tiber die Structur der Spermatozoén, &c. I. Theil: Die Spermatozoén der Végel. III. Theil: Die Spermatozoén der Fische, Amphibien und Reptilien. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXII, 1888, Bd. XXXVI, 1890. Fibrillare Structur und Contractilitét. Verh. Anat. Ges. 1889, and Pfliiger’s Arch. f. die gesammte Physiologie. Bd. LXVI. Heft 8/9. Die innere Zusammensetzung des Spermatozoénkopfes der Saugethiere. Centralbl. f. Physiol. 1891. Heft 3. Die Bedeutung der Valentin’schen Querbinder am Spermatozoénkopf der Siugethiere. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 1891. Weitere Beobacht. tiber den feineren Bau der Séugethierspermatozoén. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. LII. 1891. Bemerk. zu der Arb. v. Dr. Phil. Karl Ballowitz Ueber die Samenkérper des Arthropoden nebst weiteren spermatolog. Beitragen, betr. die Tuni- caten, Mollusken, Wiirmer, Echinodermen und Cceelenteraten. Int. Monatschr. Anat. Bd. XI. 1894. Baxiowirz, K. Zur Kenntnis der Samenkérper der Arthropoden. Internat. Monatschr. Anat. Bd. XI. 1894. BaRDELEBEN, K. v. Die Entstehung. d. Samenkérper. Anat. Anz. Bd. XI. 1896. (Comp. also Bericht iiber die Naturf. Versaminlg. Sept. 1891, and Versammlg. d. Anat. Gesellschft. in Wien. 1892.) Ueber den feineren Bau der menschl. Spermatozoén. Verh. Anat. Ges. 1891. Ueber Spermatogenese bei Siingethieren, besonders beim Menschen. Loc. cit. 1892. Bearp, J. The Origin of the segmental duct in Elasmobranchs. Anat. Anz. II. Jahrg. 1887. Benpa, C. Untersuch. tiber den Bau des functionirenden Samencanilchens einiger Siugethiere, und Folgerungen fiir die Spermatogenese dieser Wirbelthierklasse. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. NNN. 1887, Die neuesten Publicationen auf dem Gebiete der Samenlehre. Kit. Studie. Internat. Centralbl. fiir die Physiol. und Pathol. der Harn- und Sexual- Organe. Bd. I. Heft I. BENEDEN, E. van. De la distinction originelle du testicule et de Vovaire, ke. Bull. Ac. Belgique, Vol. XXNXAVIT. 1874. Recherches sur la maturation de l’oeuf, la fécondation et la division cellulaire. Gand and Leipzig, 1883. Bronv1, D. Die Entwicklung der Spermatozoiden, Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXV. 1885. Boxnet, R. Ueber die ektodermale Entstehung des Wolff’schen (anges bei den Siiugethieren. Miinch. Medic. Wochenschrift. No. 30. Jahrg. 1887. Born, G. Die Entw. der Geschlechtsdriisen. Anat Hefte Ergebn. 1895. Bovert, Tu. Ueber die Bildungsstiitte der Geschlechtsdriisen und die Entstehung der Genitalkammern beim Amphioxus. Anat. Anz. VII. Jahrg. 1892. Brunn, A. v. Beitriige zur Kenntnis der Samenkirper und ihrer Entwicklung bei Saiugethieren und Vigeln. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXIII. 1883. Burnett, W. J. Researches on the Development and intimate Structure of the Renal Organs of the four Classes of the Vertebrates. Amer. Journ. of sciences and arts. II. Ser., Vol. NVII. APPENDIX 469 ee ee ‘0 Der Harnleiter der Wirbelthiere. Anat. Hefte. I. Abth. (4 Exner, V. v. Unters. iiber den Bau der Samencanilchen und die Entwicklung der Spermatozoiden bei den Saugethieren und beim Menschen. 1872. OE po mnagenete der Saiugethiere. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXI. Eimer, Th. Unters. itber den Bau und die Bewegung der Samenfiden. Verh. Ges. Wiirzburg. N. F. Bd. VI. Fiemmine, W. Die ektoblastische Anlage des Urogenitalsystems beim Kanin- chen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1886, Weitere Beobachtungen iiber die Entwicklung der Spermatozoén bei Sala- __mandra macul, Loe. cit. Bd. XXXI._ 1887. FUrprincer, M. Zur vergl. Anatomie und Entw.-Geschichte der Excretions- organe der Vertebraten. Morph. Jahrb., Vol. IV. 1878. Haackz, W. Ueber die Entstehung des Siugethiers. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. VIII. 1888, Havvon, A. C. Suggestion respecting the epiblastic Origin of the Segmental Duct. P. Dublin Soc. N.S. Vol. V. 1887. HEIDENHAIN, R. Mikrosk. Beitr. zur Anat. u. Physiol. der Niere. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. X. 1874. HeEnsEN, V. Physiologie der Zeugung. Handbuch der Physiologie von L. Her- mann. Bd. VI, 2. Th. Hermann, F. Beitr. zur Histologie des Hodens (Salamandra and Maus). Arch, f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXIV. 1889. Hertwie, O. Vergleich von Ei- und Samenbildung bei Nematoden. Eine Poe fiir cellulaire Streitfragen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXVI. Horrmann, C. K. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Urogenitalorgane hei den Anamnia. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XLIV. 1886. Hou, M. Ueber die Reifung der Eizelle bei den Saugethieren. Sitz.-ber, Ak. Wien, Bd. CII. Abth. III. 1893. Janosik, J. Bemerk. tiber der Entwickl. d. Genitalsystems Sitz.-ber.Ak., Wien. 1890. Bd. XCIX. Abth. III. JENSEN, O. Die Structur der Samenfiden. Bergen, 1879. Juuin, Cu. Structure et développement des glandes sexuelles ; ovogenése sper- matogenése et fécondation chez Styelopsis grossularia. Bull. sci. France Belgique T. XXV. 1893. KLEINENBERG, N. Ueber die Entstehung der Eier bei Eudendrium. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XXXV. 1881. Koéuiiker, A. Zur Bedeutung der Zellenkerne fiir die Vorgiinge der Vererbung. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XLII. 1885. Koxtimann, J. Ueber Verbindungen zwischen Coelom und Nephridium. _Fest- schrift zur Feier des 300jihr. Bestehens der Univers. Wiirzburg, 1882. La Vauette St. George. Der Hoden. Abschnitt in dem Handbuch der Lehre von den Geweben des Menschen und der Thiere. Herausgeg. von §. Stricker. Leipzig, 1871. (Comp, also numerous papers in Arch. fiir mikr. Anat.) LeREBOULLET. Rech. sur l’anatomie des organes génitaux des animaux vertébrés. Nov. act. Acad. Leop -Car., &c. 1851. Lupwic, H. Ueber die Eibildung in Thierreiche. Arb. Inst. Wirzburg. Bd. I. 1874. Martin, E. Ueber die Anlage der Urniere beim Kaninchen. Arch, f. Anat. und Physiol. 1888. Martin-Sarnt-Ance, G. J. Etude de l'appareil réproducteur dans les cing classes d’animaux vertébrés, &c. Paris, 1854. Mecxet, H. Zur Morphologie der Harn- und Geschlechtswerkzeuge der Wirbel- thiere, &c. Halle, 1884. Mriuaxcovics, V. v. Entw. des Harn- und Geschlechtsapparates der Amnioten. I. Der Excretionsapparat. II. Die Geschlechtsginge. III. Die Geschlechts. driisen. Internat. Monatsschr. Anat. Bd. II. 1885. Minot, CHARLES SepGwick. A sketch of comparative Embryology. The History of the Gonoblasts and the theory of sex. Amer. Nat., 1880. Abstract in Biol. Centralbl. No. 12, Bd. I. 470 APPENDIX Mrrsuxuri, K. The ectoblastic Origin of the Wolffian Duct in Chelonia. Zool. Anz. XI. Jahrg. 1888. Muir, Jon. Bildungsgeschichte der Genitalien, &c. Diisseldorf, 1830. Nacen, W. Das menschliche Ei. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd, XXXII. 1888. : Pertnyt, J. v. Entwicklung des Amnion, Wolff’schen Ganges und der Allantois bei den Reptilien. Zool. Anz. XI. Jahrg. 1888. Ratu, O. vom. Beitr. zur Kenntnis der Spermatogenese von Salamandra maculosa. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. LVII. 1893. ; Ratuxe, H. Beobachtungen und Betrachtungen iiber die Entwicklung der Geschlechtswerkzeuge bei den Wirbelthieren. Neue Schriften d. natur- forsch. Gesellsch. in Danzig. Bd.I. 1825. Rerzius, G. Zur Kenntnis der Spermatozoén. Biol. Untersuch. Stockholm. 1881. Zur Kenntnis vom Bau des Eirstockeies und des Graaf’schen Follikels. Hygiea. Festband No. 2. 1889. : Rickert, J. Entwicklung der Excretionsorgane. Anat. Hefte, Ergbn. Wies- baden, 1892. Ruce, G. Vorginge am Eifollikel der Wirbelthiere. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XV. 1889, Scuutrze, O. Untersuchungen tiber die Reifung und Befruchtung des Amphibien- Kies. I. Abhdlg. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XLV. 1887. Semon, R. Die indifferente Anlage der Keimdriisen beim Hiihnchen und ihre Differenzirung zum Hoden. Jen. Zeitschr. Bd. XXI. N. F. XIII. 1887. Studien iiber den Bauplan des Urogenitalsystems der Wirbelthiere. Dargelegt an der Entwicklung dieses Organsystems bei Ichthyophis glutinosus. Jen. Zeitschr. Bd. XXVI. 1891. Semper, C. Das Urogenitalsystem der Plagiostomen und seine Bedeutung fiir die tibrigen Wirbelthiere. Arb. Inst. Wiirzburg. Bd. IT. 1875. Die Stammesverwandtschaft der Wirbelthiere und Wirbellosen. Loc. cit. Bd. II. Sotcer, B. Beitr. z. Kenntnis der Niere und besonders der Nierenpigmente niederer Wirbelthiere. Abh. Ges. Halle. Bd. XV. 1882. Eierstock und Ei. Leipzig, 1870. Spex, Graf F. Ueber directe Betheiligung des Ektoderms an der Bildung der Urnierenanlage des Meerschweinchens. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. 1884. Ueber weitere Befunde zur Entwicklung der Urniere. Mittheil. des Vereins Schleswig Holstein. Aerzte. Heft 11,2. 1886. Wa.peyer, W. Bau und Entwicklung der Samenfiden. (Referat.) Anat. Anz. Il. Jahrg. 1887. Ueber Karyokinese und ihre Beziehungen zu den Befruchtungsvorgingen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXII. 1888. Eierstock und Ei. Leipzig, 1870. Wetsmann, A. Die Entstehung der Sexualzellen bei den Hydromedusen. Mit Atlas. Jena, 1883. i Numerous ‘‘ Essays upon Heredity and kindred Biological Problems.” English translation by Poulton and Shipley. Vols I. and II. Oxford, 1889-91 and 1892. The Germ-plasm, a theory of Heredity. Translated by Parker and Rénnfeldt. London, 1893. Germinal Selection. Jena, 1896. (English trans. in ‘‘ The Monist,” vol. VI. No. 2.) Chicago, 1896. : WuueE, J. W.van. Die Betheiligung des Ektoderms an der Entwicklung des Vornierenganges. Zool. Anz. IX. Jahrg. 1886. Ueber die Mesodermsegmente des Rumpfes und die Entwicklung des sr abies dias bei Selachiern. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXIII. (a) AMPHIOXUS, CYCLOSTOMATA, Boveri, Ta. Ueber die Niere des Amphioxus. Miinchener Medicin. Wochen- schrift, 1890. No. 26. Ueber die Bildungsstitte der Geschlechtsdriisen und die Entstehung der Genitalkammern beim Amphioxus. Anat. Anz. VII. Jahrg. 1892, APPENDIX 471 Boveri, Tu. Die Nierencaniilchen des Amphioxus. Ein Beitrag zur Phylogenie des Urogenitalsystems der Wirbelthiere. Zool..Jahrb. Bd. V. 1892. CaLBerLa, E, Der Befruchtungsvorgang beim Ei von Petromyzon planeri. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Bd, XXX. 1877. Cunnincuam, J.T. On the Structure and Development of the reproductive a Myxine glutinosa, Q. Journ. Micr. Sci. Vol. XXVII. N. er, i Ewart, J.C. Note on the abdominal pores and urogenital sinus of the Lam- prey. Journ. Anat. and Physiol. Vol. X. 1876. Howes, G. B. On the Affinities, Inter-Relationships and Systematic Position of the Marsipobranchii, Trans. Biol. Soc. Liverpool. Vol. VI. 1892. JUNGERSEN, H. Beitr. zur Kenntnis der Entwicklung der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Knochenfischen, Arb. Inst. Wiirzburg. Bd. IX. 1889. Kuprrer, C. and Brewecks, Der Vorgang der Befruchtung am Eie der Neunaugen. Festschr. zur Feier von Th. Schwann. Kinigsberg, 1878. Lecros, R. Sur la Morphologie des glandes sexuelles de l’Amphioxus lanceo- latus. Compte-Rendu des Séances du troisieme congrés internat. de Zoologie, Leyde. 1895. Meyer, Fr. Ueber die Nieren der Flussneunaugen (Petromyzon fluviatilis). Centralbl. f. d. medic. Wissensch. 1876, No. 2. Mitier, A. Ueber die Befruchtungserscheinungen im Ei der Neunaugen. Verhdl. d. Kinigsb. physik.-dkonom, Gesellsch. 1864, Mier, J. Unters. iiber die Kingeweide der Fische. Abh. Ak. Berlin, 1845. Mitier, W. Ueber das Urogenitalsystem des Amphioxus und der Cyclostomen. Jen. Zeitschr. Bd. IX. 1875. Ueber die Persistenz der Urniere bei Myxine glutinosa. Loc. cit. Bd. VII. 1873. Nansen, F. A Protandric Hermaphrodite (Myxine glutinosa, L.) amongst the Vertebrates. Bergens Museums Aarsberetning for 1887. Bergen 1888. RtcKkErtT. Ueber die Entstehung der Excretionsorgane bei Selachiern. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 1888. ScuNEIDER, A. Beitr. zur vergl. Anatomie und Entwicklung der Wirbelthiere. Berlin, 1879. Scorr, W. B. Beitrage zur Entwicklung der Petromyzonten. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. VII. 1881. Semon, R. Das Exkretionsystem der Myxinoiden in seiner Bedeutung fiir die Morphol. Auffassung des Urogenitalsystem der Wirbelthiere. Festschrift fiir Carl Gegenbaur. Leipzig, 1896. Sosorra, T. Die Befruchtung des Eies von Amphioxus lanceolatus, Anat. Anz. Bd. XI. 1895. SpenGEL, J. W. Die Excretionsorgane von Myxine. Anat. Anz. Bd. XIII. 1897. (b) ELASMOBRANCHII. Borau, H. Ueber die Paarung und Fortpflanzung der Scylliumarten. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XXXV. 1882. La VALETTE ST. GEORGE. Diss. de Spermatosomatum evolutione in Plagiostomis. Festschr. Bonn, 1878. Parker, T. J. On the gravid uterus of Mustelus antarcticus. Tr. N. Z. Inst. Vol. XV. 1882. Notes on the Anat. and Embryol. of Scymnus lichia. Zoe. cit, Vol. 15. 1882. Prelim. Note on the Vesicule Seminales and the Spermatophores of Mustelus antarcticus. Proc. Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci. Vol. IV. 1892. Notes from the Otago Museum, ‘‘ Nature.” On some embryos of Callorhyn- chus antarcticus (Vol. XXIX. 1893.) On the claspers of Callorhynchus (Vol. XXXIV.) ; ; Perri, K. Die Copulationsorgane der Plagiostomen. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XXX. Rasn, C. Ueb. die Entwick. d. Urogenitalsystems der Selachier. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XXIV. Rickert. Ueber die Entstehung der Excretionsorgane bei Selachiern. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 1888. Scuutty, A. Zur Entwicklung des Selachiereies. Arch, f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XI. 1875. 472 APPENDIX Semper, C. (See p. 470.) Turner, W. Addit. Observ. on the Anatomy of the Greenland Shark (Laemargus borealis). Journ. Anat. and Physiol. Vol. VIII. Wisue, J. W. vay. Ueber die Entwicklung des Excretionssystemes und anderer Organe bei Selachiern. Anat. Anz. II. Jahrg. 1888. (And see p. 470.) (c) GANOIDEI AND TELEOSTEI. Batrour, F. M. On the nature of the organ in adult Teleosteans and Ganoids which is usually regarded as the Head-Kidney or Pronephros. Q. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1882 (See also p. 395.) Brarp, T. The Pronephros of Lepidosteus osseus. Anat. Anz. Bd X. No. 6. 1894. Brock. J. Beitr. zur Anat. und Histol. der Geschlechtsorgane der Knochen- fische. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. IV. 1878. Ueber Anhangsgebilde des Urogenitalapparates von Knochenfischen. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XLV. 1887, Durosst. De Vhermaphrodisme chez le Serran. Annal. de sc. nat. 1V. Ser. tome V. Paris, 1856. Emery, C. Zur Morphologie der Kopfniere der Teleostier. Biol. Centralb. Bd. I. 1881 bis 82. Studi intorno allo sviluppo ed alla morfologia del rene dei Teleostei. Mem. Acc. Lincei. Anno. 279. Mem. Vol. XIII Ferx. Ueber die Entwicklung des Excretionssystems der Forelle (Vorniere, Urniere, Nachniere). Verh. Anat. Ges. 1895. Futiarton, T. H. On the Development of the Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) Rep. Fishery Board of Scotland, 1895. GroseLik, 8S. Zur Morphologie der Kopfniere der Fische. Zool. Anz. Jahrg. VII, No. 207. 1885. Zur Frage tiber die Persistenz der Kopfniere der Teleostier. Zool. Anz. Jahrg. IX. 1886. GuireL, F. Description des Orifices génito-urinaires de quelques Blennius. Arch. Zool. exp. B. Sér. Vol. I. 1893. Hermes, O. Ueber reife minnl. Geschlechtstheile des Seeals (Conger vulgaris) und einige Notizen iiber den mannlichen Flussaal (Anguilla vulgaris). Zool. Anz. Jahrg. IV. 1881. Hout and Catperwoop. Survey of Fishing Grounds. Journ. Dublin Soc., Vol. V. (Ser. II.), IX. 1895. Howes, G. B. Onsome Hermaphrodite Genitalia of the Codfish (Gadus morrhua), with Remarks upon the Morphology and Phylogeny of the Vertebrate Reproductive System. Journ. Linn. Soc., Zool., Vol. XXIII. 1891. On the Arrangement of Living Fishes, as based upon the Study of their Reproductive System. Cardilf Meeting of the British Association. 1891. Hyrti, J. Beitr. z. Morphol. der Urogenitalorgane der Fische. Denkschr. d. Wien. Acad. d. Wiss. I. 1850. Ueber den Zusammenhang der Geschlechts- und Harnwerkzeuge bei den Ganoiden. Denkschr. d. Wien. Acad. d. Wiss., VIII. 1854. Juerinc, H. v. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Girardinus. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XXXVIII. 1883. Juncersen, H. Beitr. zur Kenntnis der Entwicklung der Geschlechtsorgane bei den Knochenfischen. Arb. Inst. Wiirzburg. Bd. IX. 1889. Die Embryonalniere des Stérs (Acipenser sturio). Zool. Anz., Nos. 4385 and 436. 1893. (Comp. also Saertryk af Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturh. Foren. i. Kbhn. 1893). Die Embryonalniere von Amia calva. Zool. Anz., No. 451. 1894. Korrrer, C. Beobachtung iiber die Entwicklung der Knochenfische. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. IV. 1868. MacLeop, J. Rech. sur l'appareil reproducteur des poissons osseux. Bull. Ac. Belgique. 50 Ann., Ser. III., Tom. I Rech. sur la structure et le développement de l'appareil reproducteur femelle des Teléostiens. Arch. de Biol. IT. Mosius, K. Ueber die Eigenschaften und den Urspruny der Schleimfiden des Seestichlingnestes. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XAV. 1885. APPENDIX 473 ake Beitr. zur Entw. der Knochenfische. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. Owstanyikow, Pu. Studien iiber das Ei, hauptsiichlich bei den Knochenfischen. Mém. Ac. St. Pétersb., Série VII. Tome XXNIII, No. 4. 1885. RaTuKE, H. Ueber die Geschlechtstheile der Fische. Neueste Schrift. d. naturf. Gesellsch. « Danzig. Bd.I. Heft. 3. Halle, 1824. (Also in Beitrage zur Geschichte der Thierwelt. IT. Halle, 1824, p. 117). Zur Anatomie der Fische. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 1836. a A. Unters. iiber die Entwicklung der Teleostierniere. Dorpat, STUHLMANN, F. Zur Kenntnis des Ovariums der Aalmutter (Zoarces viviparus Cuv.) ‘‘Abhandl. aus dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften.” Bd. X. Festschrift zur Feier 50 jiihr. Bestehens des Naturwissensch. Vereins zu Hamburg. Hamburg, 1887. Syrsk1. Ueber die Reprod.-Organe des Aals. Sitz.-ber. Ak. Wien. Bd. LXNIX. Abthl. 1. Voer, C. Embryologie des Salmones. Neuchatel, 1842. Voer and ParreNueim. Rech. sur l’anatomie comparée des organes dle la génér- ation chez les animaux vertébrés. _Premiére partie: Des organes de la génération des poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat., Sér. IV., Tome 1]. 1859. Weser, M. Ueber Hermaphroditismus bei Fischen. Tijdschrift der Neder- landsche Dierkundige Vereeniging, 1884. 1887. Dipnot. (See pages 395, 396.) Bepparp, F. E. The Ovarian Ovum of Lepidosiren (Protopterus). Zool. Anz. Jahrg. [X., Nos. 225 and 226. 1886. Observations on the Ovarium Ovum of Lepidosiren (Protopterus). P. Zool. Soc. 1896. , AMPHIBIA. Bipper, F. G. Vergl. anat. und histol. Unters. iiber die minnl. Geschlechts- und Harnwerkzeuge der nackten Amphibien. Dorpat, 1846. Buaycuarp, R. Sur les glandes cloacales et pelviennes et sur la papille cloacale des Batraciens Urodéles. Zool. Anz. Jahrg. IV. 1883. CuarkE, 8. P. The early Development of the Wolffian Body in Amblystoma punctatum. Stud. Biol. Lab., Johns Hopk. Univ., Vol. II., No. 1. CoLe, - J. Acase of Hermaphroditism in Rana temporaria. Anat. Anz. Bd. XI. 1895. Duvernoy, C. L. Fragments s. les Organes génito-urinaires des Reptiles, ete. Mém. Acad. Sciences. Paris. Wol. XI. 1851. Fretp, H. H. The Development of the Pronephros and Segmental Duct in Amphibia. Bull. Mus., Harvard, Vol. XXI., No. 5. 1891. Ueber streng metamere Anlage der Niere bei Amphibien (Vortrag). Verhandl. d. Deutschen Zool. Gesellsch. 1892. Die Vornierenkapsel, ventrale Muskulatur, und Extremitaten-Anlagen bei den Amphibien. Anat. Anz. Bd. IX. 1894. Ueber die Morphologie der Amphibien-Harnblase. Morph. Arb. Bd. IV. 1894. (Comp. also Anat. Anz. Bd. IX. 1894). Firprincer, M. Zur Entw. der Amphibienniere. Heidelberg, 1877. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. IV. 1878. GieLio-Tos. E. Lui Corpi grassi degli Anfibi. Atti Acc. Torino. Vol. XXX. 1894-95. Sull Origine dei Corpi grassi negli Anfibi. Loc. cit. Vol. XNXI. 1895-96. GitEs, A. E. Development! of the Fat-bodies in the Frog: a Contribution to the History of the Pronephros. @. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1888, and Stud. Owens Coll., Vol. II. Manchester, 1890. HEWweENHAIN, R. Mikr. Beitrige zur Anatomie und Physiologie der Nieren. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. X. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Topographie und Histologie der Cloake und ihrer driisigen Adnexa bei den einheimischen Tritonen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXV. 1890. 474 APPENDIX Juncrrsen, H. Om Udviklingen af den Miillerske Gang (Aeggelederen) hos Padderne. Vidensk. Meddel. fra den naturhist. Forening i. Kjobenhavn. 1892. Kinespury, B. F. The Spermatheca and Methods of Fertilisation in some American Newts and Salamanders. Proc. Amer. Mier. Soc., Vol. XIII. 1895. Knapre, E. Das Bidder’sche Organ, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Anatomie, Histologie und Entw.-Gesch. der Geschlechtswerkzeuge einiger Amphibien, besonders der einheimisclien Bufoniden. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XI. 1886. Leprun, H. Recherches sur lappareil génital femelle de quelques Batraciens indigénes. ‘‘ La Cellule,” t. VIL, 2 fascicule. 1891. Leypic, F. (See p. 395.) : MacBripe. The Development of the Oviduct in the Frog. . Journ. Micr. Sci., Vol. XXXITI. 1892. MarsHAtL, A. Minnes. On certain Abnormal conditions of the Reproductive Organs in the Frog. Journ. Anat. and Physiol. Bd. XVIII. 1885. MarsHatu, M., and Buss, E. J. The Development of the Kidneys and Fat- bodies in the Frog. Stud. Owens Coll., Vol. IJ. 1890. ; . Meyer, F. Anat. des Urogenitalsystems der Selachier und Amphibien. Sitz.- ber. naturf. Ges. Leipzig, 1875. re Moxuier, §. Ueber die Entstehung des Vornierensystems bei Amphibien. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. Jahrg., 1890. Muuuen, A. von zur. Unters. tiber den Urogenit. App. d. Urodelen. Inaug. Dissert. Dorpat (Jurjew). 1894. MUiier, J. Ueber d. Wolff. Kérper bei den Embryonen der Frische und Kréten. Meckel’s Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. 1829. Nusspaum, M. Ueber die Endigung der Wimpertrichter in der Niere der Anuren. Zool. Anz. Bd. III. 1880. Ueber den Bau und die Thitigkeit der Driisen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXVII._ 1886. RatuKke, H. Bemerk. iib. mehrere Kirpertheile der Coecilia annulata. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1853. ScHNEIDER, A. Ueber die Miill. Gange der Urodelen und Anuren. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch. 1876. SELENKA, E. Der embryonale Excretionsapparat des kiemenlosen Hylodes Martinicensis. Sitz.-ber. Ak. Berlin, 1882. Semon, R. Ueber die morphol. Bedeutung der Urniere in ihrem Verhiltnis zur Vorniere und Nebenniere und iiber ihre Verbindung mit dem Genital- system. Anat. Anz., V. Jahrg. 1890. (See p. 470.) SPENGEL, J. W. Das Urogenitalsystem der Amphibien. Arb. Inst. Wiirzburg. Bad. III. 1876. La VauerTe St. Grorce v. Die Spermatogenese bei den Amphibien. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XII. 1876. Zwitterbildung beim kleinen Wassermolch (Triton taeniatus). Loc. cit. Bd. XLV. 1895. WIEDERSHEIM, R. (see p. 397.) ; Witson, G._ The Development of the Miillerian Ducts in the Axolotl. Anat. Anz. Bd. IX. 1894. The Development of the Miillerian Duct of Amphibians. Tr. R. Soc. Edin. Vol. XXXVIII. ; Wirricu, von. Harn- und Geschlechtswerkzeuge der Amphibien. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. IV. 1853. ZELLER, E. Ueber die Befruchtung bei Urodelen. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XLIX. 1890. REPTILIA. Boas, J. E. V. Zur Morphologie der Begattungsorgane der amnioten Wirbel- thiere. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XVII. 1891. Braun, M. Das Urogenitalsystem der einheimischen Reptilien. Arb. Inst. Wiirzburg. Bd. IV. 1877. Entwicklung des Wellenpapageis. Loc. cit. Bd. V. Ciark, J. Embryology of the Turtle. Agassiz’s Contrib. to the Nat. Hist. of the United States of North America. Vol. II. Boston, 1857. APPENDIX 475 Eimer, Tu. Unters. iiber die Eier der Reptilien. I., II. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. VIII. 1872. Gapow, H. Remarks on the Cloaca and the Cop. Orgs. of the Amniota. Phil. Trans. Vol. CLNXVIII. Horrmany, C. K. Zur Entw.-Geschichte der Urogenitalorgane bei den Reptilien. Zeitsfchr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XLVIII. 1889. Howes, G. B. On the vestigial structures of the reproductive apparatus in the male of the Green Lizard. Journ. Anat. and Physiol. Vol. XXI. (N.%. Vol. I.)._ 1887. Jacquet, M. Hermaphroditism in Lacerta. Bibliographie Anatomique. No. 6. Nancy, 1895. Kvrrrer, C. and Bexecke. Die ersten Entwicklungsvorginge am Ei der Repti- lien. Kénigsberg, 1878. Die Entstehung der Allantois und die Gastrula der Wirbelthiere. Zool. Anz. Bd. II. 1879. LEREBouLLET. Rech. sur le développement du lézard. Ann. sci. nat. (Zool.). Tome XVII. RatHke, H. Entw.-Gesch. der Natter. Kénigsberg, 1839. Entw.-Gesch. der Schildkriten. Braunschweig, 1848. Unters. iiber die Entwicklung und den Kiérperbau der Crocodile. Braun- schweig, 1866. Saccui, M. Contribuzione all'Istologia dell’ovidotto dei Sauropsidi. Atti Soc. 7 Ital. di Sc. Nat. Vol. XXX. Milano, 1887. Sotcer, B. Zur Kenntnis der Crocodilierniere und der Nierenfarbstoffe niederer Wirbelthiere. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. XLI. 1885. SrrauL, H. Ueber die Entw. des Canalis myeloentericus und der Allantois der Eidechse. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 1881. (See also Sitz.-ber. d. Ges. z. Beférderung d. gesammten Naturwissensch., Marburg, Nov. u. Dec. 1880. ) Ueber Canalis neurentericus und Allantois. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1883. WHUEDERSHEIM, R. Ueber die Entwicklung des Urogenitalapparates bei Cro- codilen und Schildkréten. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXNVI. 1890. WiHE, J. W. vax. Bydrage to te Kennis van het Uro-genital-System by de Schildpadden. Nederl. tydschrift der Dierkundige Vereenigung. Bd. V. 1880. AVES. Batrotr, F. M., and Sepawick, A. On the Existence of a Head-kidney in the Embryo Chick, &e. . Journ. Mier. Sci. Vol. XIX. 1879. BENEDEN, E. vay. Contrib. a la connaissance de l‘ovaire des Mammiferes. Vol. I. 1880. Boas, J. E. V. Zur Morphologie der Begattungsorgane der amnioten Wirbel- thiere. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XVII. 1891. . Bornuyavet, TH. Unters. iib. d. Entwicklung des Urogenitalsystems beim Hiihnchen. Inaug.-Diss. Piga, 1867. Bruxy, A. v. Die Riickbildung nicht ausgestossener Eierstockseier bei den Vigeln. Festschr. f. J. Henle. 1882. . Burcer, H. De Ontwikkeling van de Miiller’ sche Gang bij de Eend en de Bergeend. (With abstract in German.) Tijdschr. d. Ned. Dierk. Vereen (2). IV. 3. 1894. Dansky, J., and Kostexirscu, J. Ueber die Entwicklung der Keimblatter und des Wolff schen Ganges im Hiithnerei. Mem. Ac. St. Peétersb., VII. Ser. Vol. XXVII. 1880. Feirx, W. Die erste Anlage des Excretionssystems des Hiihnchens. Festschrift z. 50jahr. Doctor-Jubilaum von Nageli und Kélliker. Ziirich. 1891. Gasser, E. Beitr. z. Entwicklungsgeschichte des Allantois, der Miiller’schen Gange und des Afters. Frankfurt, 1874. ; : Beobacht. iib. d. Entstehung des Wolff'schen Ganges bei Embryonen von Hiihnern und Ginsen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XIV. 1877. Beitr. z. Entwicklung des Urogenitalsystems der Hithner-Embryonen. Sitz- ber. d. Gesellsch. z. Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissensch. Marburg, 1879. 476 APPENDIX Gasser, E. Die Entstehung der Cloakenéffnung bei Hiihnerembryonen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1880. Das obere Ende des Wolffschen Ganges. Sitz-ber. der Gesellsch. zur. Be- forderung der gesammten Naturwiss. zu Marburg, 1878, S. 52. Horrmayy, C. K. Etude sur le développement de Vappareil uro-génital des oiseaux. Verh. Ak. Amsterdam. (2. Sectie, Deel I. No. 4. 1892.) Kip, M. J. vay Erp Taatman. Over de Ontwikkeling van de Miiller’sche Gang bij Zoogdieren (with abstract in German). Tijdschr. d. Ned. Dierk. Vereen. (2). IV.1. 1863. Kowatevski, R. Die Bildung der Urogenitalanlage bei Hiihnerembryonen. Warschau, 1875. Kurrrer, C. Unters. iiber die Entwicklung des Harn- und Geschlechtssystems. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. II. 1866. Miter, Jou. Erectile minnliche Geschlechtsorgane der straussenartigen Vogel, &c. Berlin, 1836. Romiri, W. Die Bildung des Wolff’schen Ganges beim Hiihnchen. Centralbl. f. d. medic. Wissensch. 1873. No. 31. Bau und Entwicklung des Eierstockes und des Wolff schen Ganges. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. X. 1873. Srpewick, A. Development of the Kidney in its Relation to the Wolffian Body in the Chick. Q. Journ. Micr. Sci. Vol. XX. 1880. On the Development of the Structure known as the Glomerulus of the Head- kidney in the Chick. Loc. cit. Vol. XX. 1880. Early Development of the Wolffian Duct and Anterior Wolffian Tubules in the Chick ; with some Remarks on the Vertebrate Excretory System. Loc. cit. Vol. XXI. 1881. Semon, R. Die indifferente Anlage der Keimdriisen beim Hiihnchen und ihre Differenzirung zum Hoden. Jen. Zeitschr. Bd. XXI. N. F. XIII. 1887. Sremeruixe, E. Beitr. zur Embryologie der Excretionsorgane des Vogels. Inaug.- Dissert. Marburg, 1882. Ticuomirorr, A. Androgynie bei den Vigeln. Anat. Anz. Jahrg. III. 1888. (See also, in Russian, in Arb. des Laboratoriums des zool. Museums an der Univ. Moskau, ‘‘ Zur Frage tiber den Hermaphroditismus bei den Vigeln.”) MAMMALIA. Amann, J. A., JR. Beitr. z. Morphologie der Miiller’schen Ginge und iiber accessorische Tubenostien. Arch. f. Gynakol. Bd. XLII. Heft 1. 1892. Arnpt, R. Beitr. z. Anat. und Entwickl.-Geschichte des Ruthenknochens. Inaug.-Dissert. Erlangen, 1889. BeEavuREGARD, H. et Boutart. Recherches sur les appareils génito-urinaires des Balaenides. Tome XVITI. Bepparp, F. E. Remarks on the Ovary of Echidna. Proc. R. Physical Soc. Edinburgh, 1885. BenepEN, E. vay. Recherches sur la maturation de leuf, la fécondation et la division cellulaire. Gand, Leipzig und Paris, 1883. Biscnorr, Tu. Vergl. anat. Untersuchungen tiber die iusseren weibl. Geschlechts- organe des Menschen und der Affen. Ab. Bayer. Ak. XIII. 2. und 3. BuaNcHARD. Etudes sur la stéatopygie et le tablier des femmes Boschimanes. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, VIII. p. 1883. Bonnet, R. Ueber die ektodermale Entstehung des Wolff schen Ganges bei den au ae Sitz.-ber. Morph. Physiol. Miinchen, 3. Jahrg. 1887. eft 2. Brass, A. Beitr. zur Kenntnis des weibl. Urogenitalsystems der Marsupialier. Inaug.-Dissert. Leipzig, 1880. Carraneo, G. Sugli organi riproduttori femminili dell’ Halmaturus Benetti Gould. Milano, 1882. Sulla condizione dei fondi ciechi vaginali della ‘“‘ Didelphys Azarae” prima e dopo il parto. Boll. d. Mus. di zoolog. e anat. comparat. di Genova. No. 34. 1895. Exner, V. v. Unters. itber den Bau der Samenkaniilchen und die Entwicklung der Spermatozoiden bei Siugethieren und beim Menschen. Unters. aus d. Instit. f. Physiologie und Histologie in Graz v. A. Rollet. 2. Heft. 1871. ‘APPENDIX 477 Ecu, Tx. Beitr. z. Anatomie und Entwicklung der Geschlechts-Organe. I. Zur Entw. des Urogenitalsystems beim Kaninchen. Inaug.-Dissert. Ziirich, 1876. Fuercuer, J. J. On the existence after parturition of a direct Communication between the median vaginal cul-de-sac and the urogenital canal in certain Species of Kangaroos. P. Linn. Soc. N.S. W. Vol. VI. 1881. p.796. On some points in the Anatomy of the Urogenital Organs in Females of certain species of Kangaroos, Part I., P. Linn. Soc. N. 8. W. Vol. VII. 1882. p. 640, part II. Loc. cit. Vol. 1883. p. 6. GitpERT, Tu. Das Os priapi der Siuger. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. VIII. 1892. Haacks, W. Meine Entdeckung des Eierlegens der Echidna hystrix. Zool. Anz. VII. Jahrg. No. 182. 1884. Hasse, C. Die Wanderung des menschl. Eies. Zeitschr. f. Geburtshilfe und Gynikologie. Bd. XXII. Heft 2. Haycrart, J. B. The development of the Kidney in the Rabbit. Internat. Monatschr. Anat. Bd. XII. Heft 6. 1895. Hensen, V. Beobacht. iiber die Befruchtung und Entwicklung des Meer- schweinchens und Kaninchens. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1875. JariscH, A. Ueber die Schlagadern des menschlichen Hodens. Ber. d. naturw. Vereins zu Innsbruck. 1889. Kaprr, H. Unters. iiber das Ovarium und dessen Beziehungen zum Peritoneum. Arch. f. Anat. 1872. Karz, O. Zur Kenntnis der Bauchdecke und der mit ihr verkniipften Organe bei den Beutelthieren. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. 36. 1882. KerseL, F. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Harnblase. Anat. Anz. VI. Jahrg. 1891. Ueber die Harnblase und die Allantois des Meerschweinchens nebst einer Bemerkung iiber die Entstehung des Nierenganges (Ureters) bei Siiugern. Anat. Anz. VIII. Jahrg. 1893. Zur Entw. Geschichte des menschl. Urogenitalapparates. Arch. Anat. 1896. (Comp. also Arch. Anat. 1888, und Verh. Anat. Ges. 1895.) Kuaatscu, H. Ueber den Descensus testiculorum. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. XVI. 1890. Kocxs (und WaAsILIEFF). Ueber die Gartner’schen Caniile beim Weib. Arch. f. Gynikol. 1883. Kouprrer, C. Unters. iiber die Entwicklung des Harn- und Geschlechtssystems. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. I. 1865 u. Bd. II. 1866. Koéurker, A. Ueber die Entwicklung d. Graaf’schen Follikel der Saiugethiere. Verh. Ges. Wiirzburg. Bd. VII. 1875. LANDWEHR. Hermann’s Physiologie (Abschnitt: Die Zeugung. Bearbeitet von Hensen). Laneuans, P. Ueber die accessorischen Driisen der Geschlechtsorgane. Virch. Archiv. Bd. LXI. Lataste. Sur le bouchon vaginal des Rongeurs. Zool. Anz. Jahrg. VI. 1883. (Comp. also ‘‘ Actes de la Société scientif. du Chili.” T. IIT. 1893.) Lisrer, J. J. and FLetcuer, J. J. On the Condition of the median portion of the Vaginal Apparatus in the Macropodide. P. Zool. Soc. 1881. Messinc, W. Anat. Unters. iiber den Testikel der Saugethiere. Inaug.-Dissert. Dorpat, 1877. Meyer, H. Die Entwicklung der Urnieren beim Menschen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXVI. 1890. Mitier, Gerrit §., sR. On the Introitus vaginae of certain Muridae. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. XXVI. Moran, H. Des transformations épithéliales de la Muqueuse du vagin de quelques Rongeurs. Journal de Anat. et Physiol. Tome XXV. Mixer, P. Das Porenfeld (Area cribrosa) oder Cribrum benedictum aut. der Nieren des Menschen und einiger Haussiiugethiere. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. 1883. Nacet, W. Ueber die Entwicklung des Urogenitalsystems des Menschen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXIV. 1889. Ueber die Entwicklung des Uterus und der Vagina beim Menschen. Loc. cit. Bd. XXXVII. 1891. Ueber die Entwicklung der Urethra und des Dammes beim Menschen. Loc. cit. Bd. XL. 1892. 478 APPENDIX PaLapDINxo, G. Ulteriori ricerche sulla distruzione e rinnovamento continuo del parenchima ovarico nei mammiferi, etc. (Dal Laboratorio d’Istologia e fisiolgia generale dell’ Universita di Napoli.) Napoli, 1887. Abstract in Anat. Anz. Jahrg. II. 1887. Priitcer, E. Die Eierstécke der Siugethiere und des Menschen. Leipzig, 1863. PINNER, O. Ueber den Uebertritt des Eies aus dem Ovarium in die Tube beim Saugethiere. Arch. f. Anat. und Phys. 1880. Poutton, E. B. The structures in connection with the Ovarium Ovum of Marsupialia and Monotremata. Q. Journ. Micr. Sci. Vol. XXIV. N. &. 1884. RertERER, M. Ep. Note sur le développement du pénis et du squelette du gland chez certaines rongeurs. Comptes Rendus Hebdom. des Séances et Mémoires de la Soc. du Biol. Tome IV. 1887. Risse, H. Die feinsten Nervenfasern und ihre Eadigungen im Ovarium der Saugethiere und des Menschen. Anat. Anz. VI. Jahrg. 1891. Roginsox, A. On the Position and peritoneal Relations of the Mammalian Ovary. Journ. Anat. and Physiol. 1887, and Stud. Owens Coll. Vol. II. Manchester, 1890. Rotu, M. Ueber einige Urnierenreste beim Menschen. Festschrift zur Feier des 300jihr. Bestehens der Universitit Wiirzburg. 1882. Scuvuury, H. Zur Morphologie des Ovariums. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XIX. 1881. SELENKA, E. Studien iiber Entwicklungsgeschichte der Thiere. 4. Heft, II. Hilfte: Das Opossum. Wiesbaden, 1886. Srermvacu, E. Unters. z. vergl. Physiol. d. minnl Geschlechtsorgane. Arch f. d. ges. Physiol. Bd. LVI. 1894. Fatat MEMBRANES, PLACENTA, ETC. (Comp. also pp. 468-478). BearpD, Joun. The yolk-sac, yolk, and merocytes in Scyllium and Lepidosteus. Anat. Anz. Bd. XII. 1896. BENEDEN, E. van and Junin, Cu. Recherches sur la formation des annexes feetales chez les Mammiféeres. Arch. Biol. Tome V. 1884. Boxxet, R. Die Uterinmilch und ihre Bedentung fiir die Frucht. Stuttgart, 1882. Bumm, E. Ueber die Entwicklung des miitterlichen Kreislaufes in der mensch- lichen Placenta. Arch. f. Gynikologie. Bd. XLIII. Heft 2. 1892. Ueber die Entwiklung des miitterl. Blutkreislaufes in der menschl. Placenta. Arch. f. Gynikol. Bd. XLIII. H. 2. CaLpweLL, W. H. Onthe Arrangement of the Embryonic Membranes in Mar- supial animals. Q. Journ. Micr. Sci. Vol. XXIV. 1884. The Embryology of Monotremata and Marsupalia. Phil. Trans. Vol. 178. 1887. Duvat, M. Le Placenta des Rongeurs. Paris, 1889-93. Freiscumany, A. Der einheitliche Plan der Placentarbildung bei Nagethieren. Sitz-ber. Ak. Berlin. XXVI. 1892. Comp. also ‘‘ Embryol. Untersuch- ungen.” H. 1-3. Wiesbaden, 1889-93. Embryol. Untersuchungen ITI. Heft. Die Morphol. d. Placenta bei Nagern und Raubthieren. Wiesbaden, 1893. FromMet, R. Ueber die Entwicklung der Placenta von Myotus murinus. Wiesbaden, 1888. Giacomini, E. Nuovo Contributo alla migliore conoscenza degli annessi fetali nei Rettili. Recezione del 'sacco vitellino e dell’allantoide nella cavita abdominale. Monitore zoologico Italiano. Firenze. Anno. IV. Uro. 31. Agosto, 1893. GoprEt, R. Rech. sur la structure intime du Placenta du Lapin. Inaug-Diss. Bern, 1877. Hernrictus, G. Ueber die Entwicklung und Structur der Placenta beim Hunde. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXIIT. 1889. Hint, J. P. On the placenta of Perameles obesula. P. Linn. Soc., N.S.W. 1895. Hint, J. P., and Martin, C. J. On a Platypus embryo from the intra-uterine egg. P. Linn. Soc., N.8.W. Vol. IX. APPENDIX 479 Hirota, 8. On the sero-amniotic connection in the chick. Journ. Coll. Sei., Japan, Vol. VI. 1894. Hormeier, M. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Entwick. d. menschl. Placenta. Zeitschr. f. Geburtshilfe u. Gynikologie. Bd. XXX., H. 3. Hverecut, A. A. W. Spolia Nemoris (includes Lemurs and Edentates). Q. Journ. Micr. Soc. Vol. XXXVI. 1894. The Placentation of the Shrew (Sorex vulgaris). Loc. cit. Vol. XXXV. 1893. Die Phylogenese des Amnions und die Bedeutung des Trophoblastes. Verh. Ak. Amsterdam, 1895. Kerset, Fr. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der menschlichen Placenta. Anat. -Anz. 1889. No. 17. Laxcuass, Tu. Unters, iib. die menschliche Placenta. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. 1s77. Mrsot, CHARLES NEDGWwick. Uterus and Embryo. I. Rabbit. II. Man, Journ. Morphol. Vol. II. 1889, Die Placenta des Kaninchens. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. X. 1890. A theory of the structure of the placenta. Anat. Anz. VI, Jahrg. No. 5. 1891. Jterus and Embryo. Journ. Morphol. 1889. Mirstxvrri, K. On the fwtal membranes of the Chelonia. Journ. Coll. Sci., Japan, Vol. IV. 1890. Osporn, H. F. The Feetal Membranes of the Marsupials. Journ. Morphol. Vol. I. 1887. (See also Q. Journ. Mier. Nci., 1883.) Parker, T. J. Note on the fceetal membranes of Mustelus antarcticus. Tr. N. Z. Inst. Vol. XXII. 1889. Pororr, D. Die Dottersask-Gefiisse des Huhnes. Wiesbaden, 1894. Rogixsoy, A. The Nutritive Importance of the Yolk-Sac. Journ. Anat. and Physiol. Vol. XNVI. 1892. Ryper, J. A. The origin of the Amnion. Amer. Nat. Vol. XX. 1886. (And compare also Vol. NXI. 1887.) SELENKA, E. Zur Entstehung der Placenta des Menschen. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. X. No. 24. 1891. Semoy, R. Entstehung u. Bedeutung der embryonalen Hiillen u. Anhangs- organe d. Wirbelthiere. Compte-rendu des Scances du troisiéme Congres internat. de Zoologie. Leyde, 1895. Zool. Forschungreisen in Australien u. dem Malayishen Archipel. Bd. I. Jena, 1894. (See also p. 470.) STRAHL, H. See numerous papers on the Placenta in Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. and Marburger Nitzungsberichten fom Jahr, 1888, onwards. Der Uterus post partum I. Anat. Hefte. I. Abth. Bd. TI. H. 3. 1894. Der puerperale Uterus der Hiindin. Loe. cit, I. Abth. Bd. V. H. 3. 1895. Taraxt. Sulle condizioni uteroplacentari della vita fetale. Firenze, 1886. TuRNER, W. Observations on the structure of the human placenta. Journ. Anat. and Physiol. Vol. VII. 1873. Some general observations on the- placenta with special reference on the theory of evolution. Loc. cit. Vol. XI. 1877. Lectures on the anatomy of the placenta. Edinburgh, 1876. Wapever, W. Bemerkungen iiber den Bau der Menschen- und Affenplacenta Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXXNV. 1890. Ueber den Placentarkreislauf des Menschen. Sitz.-ber. Ak. Berlin. VI. 1887. Wirepersnem, R. Beitr. zur Entw.-Gesch. von Salamandra atra. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XNXVI. 1890. Wirsoy, J. T. Description (with figures) of a_young specimen of Ornithorhyn- chus anatinus. P. Linn. Soe., N.S.W. Vol. IX. Woop-Masox, J. and Ancock, A. On the uterine villiform papille of Ptero- platea micrura and their relation to the embryo. P. Roy. Soc. Vol. XLIX. 1891. ZiruLteR, H. E. Die Entstehung des Periblastes bei der Knochenfischen. Anat. Anz Bd. XII. 1896. 480 APPENDIX -SUPRARENAL BoDIEs. ALEXANDER, ©. Untersuchungen tiber die Nebenniere und ihre Beziehungen zum Nervensystem. Ziegler’s Beitr. d. path. Anat. u. allg. Path. Bd. XI. Heft 1. 1891. 8. 145-197. Braun, M. Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung der Nebennieren bei Reptilien. Arb. Inst. Wiirzburg. Bd. V. Bruny, A. v. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des feineren Baues und der Entwick- lungsgeschichte der Nebennieren. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. VIII. 1872. Coittincr, W. E. On the so-called suprarenal bodies in Cyclostoma. Anat, Anz. Bd. XII. 1896. The suprarenal bodies of Fishes. Nat. Sci. Vol. X. 1897. Dostorzwsky, A. Ein Beitrag zur mikroskop. Anatomie der Nebennieren bei Saugethieren. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXVIII. 1886. GorrscHat, M. Ueber Nebennieren der Saugethiere, speciell iiber die des Menschen. Sitz.-ber. Ges. Wiirzburg, 1882. Ueber die Nebennieren der \Sdugethiere. Biol. Centralbl. Bd. III. 1883, No. 18. Structur und embryonale Entwicklung der Nebennieren bei Saiugethieren. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1883. JANosik. Bemerkungen tiber die Entwicklung der Nebenniere. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXII. 1883. Masamaro Inapa. Notes on the Development of the Suprarenal Bodies in the Mouse. Journ. Coll. Sci. Japan. Vol. IV. 1891. Mrwatcovics, v. (See p. 469.) Mitsuxvuri. On the Development of the Suprarenal Bodies in Mammalia. Q. Journ. Micr. Sci. London. New Series. 1882. Perit, A. Recherches sur les capsules surrénales. Théses présentées a la faculté des sciences de Paris, etc. Paris, 1896. (See also Bull. Soc. Zool. France. XX.) PraunpDLer, M. Zur Anatomie der Nebenniere. Sitz.-ber. Ak. Wien. Bd. CI. Abth. III. 1892. RAvger. Zur feineren Structur der Nebennieren. Inaug.-Diss. Berlin, 1881. Srintinc, H. Zur Anatomie der Nebennieren. Virchow’s Arch. Bd. C. IX. 1887. Vincent, SwALE. The suprarenal capsules in the lower Vertebrates. Proc. Birmingham. Nat. Hist. and Philosoph. Soc. Vol. X. Part 1. 1896. On the morphology and physiology of the suprarenal capsules in Fishes. Anat. Anz, Bd. XIII. 1897. Contribution to the Comparative Anatomy and Histology of the suprarenal capsules. The suprarenal bodies in Fishes, and their relation to the so-called head kidney. Tr. Zool. Soc. Vol. XIV. Part 3. 1897. Wetpon, W. F.R. On the Head Kidney of Bdellostoma with a suggestion as to the origin of the Suprarenal Bodies. Stud. Morph. Cam. Vol. IJ. Part 1. 1884. On the suprarenal Bodies of Vertebrata. Q. Journ. Micr. Sci. 1885. ZanvER, R. Ueber functionelle und genetische Beziehungen der Nebennieren za andern Organen, speciell zum Grosshirn. Beitr. z. pathol. Anat. und z. allgem. Pathol., herausgegeb. von Prof. E. Ziegler. Bd. VII. 1890. INDEX AMPHIOXUS :—segmentation of ovum, 5; development of body-cavity, 8 ; inte- gument, 16; notochord, 36; central nervous system, 157 ; nerves, 178, 179, 189; sense-organs, 190, 197, 211; lateral or metapleural folds, 104; muscles, 137 ; mouth, 239 ; alimentary canal, 257, 267; liver, 269; gills, 275 ; blood-vessels and corpuscles, 299 ; urinary organs, 348 ; generative organs, 359 (Compare Fig. 219) CycLosToMES :—segmentation of ovum, 5; integument, 16 ; vertebral column, 36 ; skull, 72; median fins, 103; muscles, 137, 142; brain, 157; spinal nerves, 179, 189 ; sense-organs of the integu- ment, 191, 193 ; olfactory organ, 197 ; eye, 211 ; auditory organ, 224 ; mouth, 239; horny teeth, 241; tongue, 252 ; thyroid, 255; alimentary canal, 257, 259, 267; liver, 271; pancreas, 272 ; gills, 275; genital pores, 298 ; blood- corpuscles, 300; heart, 305; veins, 322, 326 ; urinary organs, 349 ; genera- tive organs, 359 FisuEs :—integument, 16; exoskeleton, 30; vertebral column, 37; ribs, 54; skull, 74-81; unpaired fins, 103; paired fins, 104; pectoral arch, 106 ; pelvic arch, 109; free limbs, 122 ; parietal muscles, 137 ; visceral muscles, 142; muscles of the appendages, 142; electric organs, 146; spinal cord, 151; brain, 159-165; spinal nerves, 179 ; cerebral nerves, 180 ; sympathetic, 188; sense-organs of the integument, 190- 193; olfactory organ, 198; eye, 211 ; retina, 214; eye-muscles and eyelids, 216, 217; auditory organ, 224; rela- tions of auditory organ with air- bladder, 226 ; teeth, 241 ; tongue, 252 ; thyroid, 255 ; thymus, 256 ; alimentary canal, 257, 267; liver, 260; pancreas, 272; gills, 273, 276; air-bladder, 273, 280 ; abdominal and genital pores, 298 ; heart and vessels, 300, 305 ; arteries, 319; veins, 302; retia mirahilia, 333 ; lymphatic system, 333; spleen, 335 ; nutrition of embryo, 336; urinary organs, 300; generative organs, 360 ; claspers, 377 ; suprarenal bodies, 385 Dipnoans :—integument, 16; exoskele- ton, 31; vertebral column, 37; ribs, 54; skull, 81; unpaired fins, 103; pectoral arch, 107; pelvic arch, 111 ; free limbs, 122 ; parietal muscles, 137 ; muscles of the appendages, 142 ; brain; 165; cerebral nerves, 180; sense- organs of the integument, 190-193; olfactory organ, 199; eye, 211; audi- tory organ, 224; teeth, 243; tongue, 252; thyroid, 255; thymus, 257 ; ali- mentary canal, 257, 267; pancreas, 272; gills, 278 ; lungs, 283, 288; ab- dominal pore, 278 ; heart, 307 ; blood- vessels, 319, 326 ; spleen, 335 ; urinary organs, 352 ; generative organs, 361 AMPHIBIANS :—segmentation of ovum, 5; integument, 18; exoskeleton, 20, 33; vertebral column,42 ; ribs,55 ; sternum, 58; episternum, 62; skull, 82, 88; median fins, 183 ; pectoral arch, 107 ; pelvic arch, 111; free limbs, 127 ; parietal muscles, 137 ;_ visceral muscles, 143; muscles of the appen- dages, 142; spinal cord, 152; brain, 166; spinal nerves, 179; cerebral nerves, 180); sympathetic, 189; sense- organs of the integument, 190, 193 ; tactile cells, 175 ; olfactory organ, 200 ; Jacobson’s organ, 205; eye, 212; retina, 214; eye-muscles and eyelids, 216, 217; glands of the eye, 218; auditory organ, 226 ; teeth, 243 ; glands of the mouth, 251 ; tongue, 253; thy- roid, 255; thymus, 257; alimentary II 482 canal, 257, 267 ; liver, 269; pancreas, 272; gills, 273, 279; air-tubes and larynx, 283; lungs, 288; blood-cor- puscles, 300 ; heart, 309 ; arteries, 319 ; veins, 328; lymphatic system, 333; spleen, 335; nutrition of embryo, 336 ; urinary organs, 352 ; generative organs, 365 ; copulatory organs, 379 ; adrenals, 385 RepriLes :—segmentation of ovum, 5 ; integument, 20; exoskeleton, 33; vertebral column, 45; ribs, 56; ster- num, 60; episternum, 63; skull, 88 ; median fins, 103; pectoral arch, 108 ; pelvic arch, 113; free limbs, 127; parietal muscles, 138 ; visceral muscles, 144; muscles of the appendages, 142 ; “diaphragm,” 141; spinal cord, 152 ; brain, 167; spinal nerves, 179; cere- bral nerves, 180; sympathetic, 189; end-buds, 193 ; tactile cells, 195; Pa- cinian corpuscles, 195 ; olfactory organ, 201 ; Jacobson’s organ, 207; retina, 214 ; eye-muscles and eyelids, 216, 217 ; glands of eye, 218; auditory organ, 227; teeth, 243; glands of mouth, 251 ; tongue, 253; thyroid, 255; thymus, 257 ; alimentary canal, 262, 267 ; liver, 269; pancreas, 272; air-tubes and larynx, 284; lungs, 290; abdominal pores, 298 ; heart, 313; arteries, 319 ; veins, 328; lymphatic system, 333; spleen, 335; urinary organs, 356; generative organs, 368; copulatory organs, 379 ; suprarenals, 370, 385 Birps :—segmentation of ovum, 5; inte- gument, 20; vertebral column, 47 ; ribs, 56 ; sternum, 60 ; episternum, 63 ; skull, 93; pectoral arch, 109; pelvic arch, 119; limbs, 129; parietal muscles, 140; spinal cord, 152; brain, 172 ; cerebral nerves, 180 ; sympathetic, 189 ; tactile cells, 195; Pacinian cor- puscles, 195; olfactory organ, 202 ; eye, 213; retina, 214 ; eye-muscles and eyelids, 216, 217; glands of the eye, 218; auditory organ, 227; teeth, 245 ; glands of the mouth, 252 ; tongue, 253 ; thyroid, 256; thymus, 257; alimen- tary canal, 262, 267 ; liver, 269; pan- creas, 272; air-tubes and larynx, 285; lungs and air-sacs, 291; circu- lation in embryo, 364; heart, 315; arteries, 319; veins, 328 ; lymphatic system, 384; urinary organs, 356; generative organs, 368; copulatory organs, 380; suprarenals, 385 MAMMALS :—segmentation of ovum, 53 integument, 23 ; mammary glands, 27 ; exoskeleton, 34 ; vertebral column, 49 ; ribs, 57 ; sternum, 60; episternum, 63 ; INDEX skull, 96; median fins, 103; pectoral arch, 109; pelvic arch, 120; limbs, 130; parietal muscles, 140; visceral muscles, 144; muscles of appendages, 142 ; diaphragm, 141; spinal cord, 152 ; brain, 172; spinal nerves, 179 ; cere- bral nerves, 180; sympathetic, 189 ; end-buds, 193; tactile cells, 195; Pa- cinian corpuscles, 195 ; olfactory organ, 203 ; Jacobson’s organ, 207 ; eye, 214; retina, 214; eye-muscles and eyelids, 216, 217; glands of eye, 218 ; auditory organ, 229; histology of cochlea, 232 ; lips, 239 ; teeth, 245 ; glands of mouth, 252 ; tongue, 255; thyroid, 256; thy- mus, 257; alimentary canal, 263, 267 ; liver, 269; pancreas, 272; air-tubes and larynx, 286; lungs, 296 ; blood- corpuscles, 300; heart, 315; arteries, 319; veins, 328; lymphatic system, 334; spleen, 335 ; tonsils, 335 ; urinary organs, 358; generative organs, 370 ; copulatory organs, 382; suprarenals, 385 ae Abdominal pores, 298 Acetabular bone, 120 Acetabulum, 113-120 Achromatin, 3 Acrania, 13 Acrodont dentition, 243 Acromion, 109 Adrenals (see Suprarenals) Air-bladder, 273, 280 Air-sacs of birds, 291 Air-tubes, 283 Alimentary canal, 235-269 appendages of, 269 mucous membrane of, 267 Allantois, 9, 259, 337 Amnion, 9, 337 Amniota, 9 Amphiccelous vertebra, 40 Anamunia, 9 Antibrachium, 126 Antlers, 100 Anus, 235 Aortic arches, 303 Aponeurosis, pulmonary, 292 Appendages, 12 Appendices auricula, 305 Apteria, 21 Avachnoid, 151 Archenteron, 5 Arches, neural and hemal, 36 Archipterygium, 196, 124 Arteries, 299—322 Artiodactyle foot, 134 Arytenoid cartilages, 283 Astragalus, 127—132 Atlas and axis of Reptiles, 46; of Birds, 48 ; of Mammals, 49, 50 INDEX Atrial chamber of Amphioxus, 275 Auditory capsules, 68 Auditory organ, 220—234 :—development of, 220; relations with air-bladder, 226 Auditory ossicles, 100, 231 Autostylic skulls, 75 B. Baleen, 26 ee processes of vertebral column, 38, Basilar plate, 67 Basipterygium, 103, 104, 110, 122—125 Bidder’s organ, 366 Bile-duct, 272 Biserial fin, 106, 123, 124 Blastoderm, 4 Blastopore, 5 Blastosphere, 4 Blastula, 4 Blood corpuscles, 299. 300 Blood vessels, 299 Bodies of vertebrie (see Centra) Body-axis, 12 Body-cavity, 8 Bones, cartilage-, membrane-, and invest- ing-, 70; dermal, 18, 20, 26 Bones of skull (see Skull) Brachium, 126 Brain :—development, 149, 153; mem- branes of, 151; general structure, 153 ; convolutions, 154, 172; epiphysis, 154, 155; hypophysis, 154, 155; optic vesicles, 154; pallium, 153; saccus vasculosus, 154, 159, 160; ventricles, 156 Brain of Cyclostomi, 157; of Elasmo- branchii and Holocephali, 159; of Ganoidei, 162; of Teleostei, 162; of Dipnoi, 165; of Amphibia, 166; of Reptilia, 167; of Aves, 172; of Mam- malia, 172 Brain-case, 67 Branchiz (see Gills) Branchial arches, 69, 75—80, 85, 88, 93, 94, 102 Branchial basket of Cyclostomes, 73, 74 Branchial clefts, 69, 72, 236, 273 Branchiostegal membrane and rays. 79. 82 Bronchi, 281, 285, 296 Bursa Fabricii, 263 C. Czecum, 236, 262, 266 Calcaneum, 126—133 Campanula Halleri, 212 Cannon-bone, 134 Capillaries, 300 483 Carapace, 34 Carpalia, 126—133 Carpometacarpus, 130 Carpus, 126—133 Cartilage-bones, 71 Cauda equina, 152 Cement of teeth, 240 Centra of vertebrie, 36 Central nervous system, 11, 149 Centrosome 3, 348 Cerebral flexure, 156 Cerebral nerves, 180 Cerebral vesicles, 153 Cerebro-spinal cavity, 11 Cheiropterygium, 125 Chevron bones, 46, 52 Chiasma, optic, 208 Choanez, 82 Chondrocranium, 69 Chorda dorsalis (see Notochord) Chorion, 338 Choroid, 209 Choroid fissure, 209 Choroid ‘‘ gland,” 212 Choroid plexus, 158 Chromatin, 3 Cilia, 16 Ciliary folds, 209 Ciliary muscles, 210 Circulation (fcetal), 300 Claspers, 31, 377 Classification of Vertebrates, 13 Clavicle, 107—109 -Claws, 16, 19, 20, 21, 26, 130 Clitoris, 373, 380, 384 Cloaca, 236, 259, 262 Coccyx, 52 Cochlea, 221—232 : histology of, 233 Ceelome, 8 Colon, 236 Colostrums, 29 Columella auris, 84 Commissures of brain, 154 Conjunctiva, 210 Constriction of notochord, 39, 40, 42, 45, 47, 49. Copulatory organs, 377 Coracoid, 107—109 Corium, 16 Cornea, 210 Corpora adiposa, 368, 370 Corpora cavernosa and corpus spongio- sum, 382, 384 Corpus callosum, 173 Corpus luteum, 347 Corpuscles of blood, 268 Craniata, 13 Cranium, 66, 67 Cribriform plate, 99 Cricoid cartilage. 283 Crop, 262 Crus, 126 Cuboid, 132 Cutis, 16 484 D. Decidua, 340 Dental formule, 250 Denticles, dermal, 30, 71 Dentine, 240 Dentition, milk, 245 Dermal skeleton, 30—34 Dermis, 16 Deuteroplasm, 3, 4 Development :—general, 3—12; feathers, 21; hairs, 23; teats, 28 ; dermal skele- ton, 30; vertebral column, 34; tail of Fishes, 41; ribs, 52; sternum, 58 ; skull, 64—72; horns, 99; limbs, 102—106 ; muscles, 135, 142; electric organs, 147; central nervous system, 149; brain, 153; nerves, 177, 180; sympathetic, 188; sensory organs, 189 ; olfactory organ, 196; eye, 207; glands of eye, 218; auditory organ, 220; alimentary canal, 235; teeth, 239; thyroid, 255; thymus, 256; ali- mentary glands, 267—272 ; gills, 272; air-bladder, 273 ; lungs, 281 ; air-sacs, 295; heart, 300; placenta, 337; urinogenital organs, 341 ; suprarenals, 385 Diaphragm, 141 Digestion, intracellular, and extracellu- lar, 267 Digits, 123—134. Diphycercal tail, 41 Diphyodont, 241 Discoid segmentation, 5 Duct :—hepatic, 272; naso-lachrymal, 201 ; naso-palatine of Myxinoids, 198 ; pancreatic, 272; pneumatic, 280; sali- vary, 251, 252; urinogenital, 346. Ductus Botalli, 312. Cuvieri, 322 ejaculatorius, 377 endolymphaticus, 221 perilymphaticus, 232 venosus, 333 Duodenum, 236 Dura mater, 151 E. Ear, 220—234 Echeneis, suctorial disk, 103 Ectoderm, 4 Egg-cell (see Ovum) Electric lobes of brain, 161 Electric organs, 146, 150 Embryonic area, 8 Enamel organs, 240 End-buds, 193 Endoderm, 4 Endolymph, 222 Ensiform process. 61 Enterocceles, § INDEX Epiblast, 4 Epicoracoid, 109 Epidermis, 16 Epididymis, 346, 350 Epiglottis, 286 Epiphyses of vertebra, 4!) Epiphysis cerebri, 155 Epipubis, 111. 114, 117, 118, 121 Episternum, 62—64 Eustachian aperture and tube, 87 91, 94 Exoskeleton, 30, 34 Extra-branchials, 73, 75 liye, 207—216:—glands in connection with, 217; muscles cf, 216 Eyelids, 217 Eyes, rudimentary, 211 213 F, Fallopian tube, 373 Fascix, 136 Fat-bodies, 368, 370 Feathers, 21 Femur, 126—131 Fenestra :—rotunda, 91, 227, 232; ovalis. 84, 226, 232 Fertilisation of ovum. 3 Fibula, 126, 131 Fibulare, 126, 133 Filum terminale, 152 Fin-rays, 103, 105, 122. 125 Fins (see Limbs) Food-yolk, 3, 5 Foramen ovale (of heart), 317 Foramen Panizzx, 314 Fureula, 109 ts. Gall-bladder, 272 Giartner’s duct, 375 Gastrula, 5 Generative cells, development of, 347 Generative ducts, 346 Generative organs, 359—385 Genital pores, 298 Germinal epithelium, 347 Germinal layers, 4 Germinal spot, 3 Germinal vesicle, 3 Gill-arches and clefts arches and Clefts) Gills, 236, 273 Gills, external, 273, 278, 279 Gills, spiracular, 278 Gizzard, 262 Glands :—Bowman’s, 204; of Bartholini 385; of claspers, 18, 378; Cowper’s, (see Branchial 385; digestive, 267; femoral, 27: gastric, 257, 267 ; Harderian, 217: inguinal, 27; integumentary, 17—29 - intermaxillary or internasal, 251: a > INDEX labial, 251 ; lachrymal, 217 ; of Lieber- kithn, 268; lingual, 251; mammary, 27; Meibomian, 219; Moll’s, 219; nasal (external) of Birds, 203 ; of olfac- tory mucous membrane, 201, 202 ; ovi- ducal, 363; palatine, 251; parotid, 252; pharyngeal, 251 ; poison, 18, 251 : preputial, 27, 385; prostate, 377; rectal, 261; sebaceous, 27; Stenson’s, 204 ; sublingual, 252 ; sweat, 27; uni- cellular, 217; uropygial, 21. Glomerulus, 345 Glomus, 341 Glottis, 281 Glyptodon, exoskeleton of, 34 Gnathostomata, 73 Goblet-cells, 17 Gonads, 347 Gut, postanal, 322 Gyri, 154 Hairs, 16, 24 Head, 12 Heart, 299—319 Hemibranch, 276 Heredity, 1 Hermaphrodite structures, 365, 366, 370 Heterocercal tail, 41 Heterodont dentition, 241 Hibernating gland, 335 Holoblastic segmentation, 5 Holobranch, 276 Homocercal tail, 41 Homodont dentition, 241 Horns, 99 Humerus, 126—133 Humour, vitreous, 209 aqueous, 210 Hyaloplasm, 3 Hymen, 375 Hyoid arch, 69, 70, 75, 76, 80, 82, 85. 88, 93, 94, 102 Hyomandibular, 70, 75, 76 Hyostylic skulls, 75 Hypoblast, 4 Hypoischium, 117, 118 Hypophysis cerebri, 155 Hypural bones, 41 Ichthyopsida, 13 Ichthyopterygium, 125 Tleum, 236 Ilium, 114—120 Impregnation, 3 Incus, 100, 231 Inguinal canal, 375 Integument, 16—29; sense, organs, of, 190 Intercalary pieces of vertebra. 38 485 Intercentra, 41, 44, 45, 47, 52 Interclavicle, 63 Intermedium, 126—133 Intermuscular bones, 55 Interspinous bones, 103 Intertrabecula, 67, 74 Intervertebral discs, 46, 48, 49 Intestine, small and large, 236, 257, 262. 263 Tris, 210 Ischium, 114, 120 a Jacobson, anastomosis of,. 186 Jacobson, organ of, 205 Jejunum, 236 K. Karyokinesis, 3 Kidney, 340—359 L. Labial cartilage, 73, 75 Labyrinth :—membranous, 221; bony, 222 Lachrymal glands, 217 Lacteals, 334 Lagena, 221 Lamina cribrosa, 74, 85 Lanugo, 26 Laryngeal pouches, 288 Laryngo-tracheal chamber, 283 Larynx, 281, 283 Lateral fin-folds, 103 Lateral line, sensory organs of, 191 Lens, crystalline, 209 Leucocytes, 334 Ligaments, intervertebral, 36 Limbs :—unpaired, 102; paired, 103—134 Lips, 239 Liver, 269 Lungs, 273, 281, 288 Lymph, 299, 334 Lymph-hearts, 334 sinuses, 334 vessels, 299, 333 Lymphatic glands, 267, 335 system, 333 Lymphoid substance in relation with urinogenital organs :—of ‘Teleostei, Ganoidei, and Dipnoi, 352, 363; of Amphibia, 368 ; of Reptilia, 370 M. Macula acustica, 228 Malleus, 100, 231 : Malpighian capsule, 345 Mammalia, 14 Mammary glands, 27 486 Mammary pouch, 28 Mandibular arch, 69 Manubrium sterni, 61 Manus, 126—134 Marsupial bones, 121} Marsupial pouch, 28, 375 Maturation, 3 Meatus, external auditory, 224 Meckel’s cartilage, 69 Mediastinum, 298 Medullary cord and groove, 149 Membrana tympani, 224 tympaniformis, 286 Membrane bones, 71 Membranous labyrinth, 221 Menisci of vertebra, 46, 48, 49 Meroblastic segmentation, 5 Mesentery, 236 Mesoblast, 4, 6 Mesoblastic somites, 8, 66 Mesoderm, 4 Mesonephric duct, 341, 346 Mesonephros, 341 Mesopterygium, 122—125 Metacarpus, 126—134 Metamerism of head and body, 33, 65, 181 Metanephric duct, 346 Metanephros, 246 Metapterygium, 110 Metatarsus, 126—134 Milk dentition, 245 Morula, 4 Mouth, 235, 239 Miillerian duct, 346 Muscular system, 135—145 :—voluntary and involuntary, 135; integumentary musculature, 136; facial muscles, 136 ; muscles of the trunk, 137; of the dia- phragm, 141; of the appendages, 142 ; of the eyes, 181, 216; visceral muscles —Fishes, 142; Amphibia, 143; Amni- ota, 144; muscles of the feather sacs, 21; arrectores pili, 26; ciliary, 210, 213, 214; of iris, 210, 214; cremaster, 375; lateral, 137; papillary, 316 ; platysma myoides, 136; stapedius, 231; tensor tympani, 231 Myocommata, 137 Myotomes, 66, 137 N. Nails, 26 Nares (see Nostrils), Naso-lachrymal duct, 201 Naso-palatine duct of Cyclostomes, 74 Navicular, 133 Neck, 12 Neostoma, 155 Nephridia, 341, 346 Nephrostomes, 341, 345 Nerye-eminences, 19) Nerve-plexuses, 179 INDEX Nerve, lateral, 185, 187 phrenic, 14] Nerves, cerebral, 180—188 ; olfactory, 196 ; optic, 207 ; oculomotor, trochlear, and abducent, 184, trigeminal, 184 ; facial, 185; auditory, 186 ; glossopharyn- geal, 186 ; vagus, 186 ; spinal accessory, 187 ; hypoglossal, 188 Nerves, spinal, 177, 179 Nervous system, 149 ; central, 149—177 ; peripheral, 177—189; sympathetic, 189 Neural ridge, 177 Neural tube, 9 Neurenteric canal, 151 Neuroglia, 149 Neuropore of Aiphioxus, 157 Nictitating-membrane, 217 Nose, external, 204 Nostrils, 73, 82, 197 Notochord, 5, 9, 34—49 Nucleolus, 3 Nucleus, 3 Nucleus pulposus, 49 O. Obturator foramen, 111, 117, 119 Odontoid bone, 46 (Esophageo-cutaneous duct, 275 (Esophagus, 238, 257, 262, 263 Olfactory organ, 196—207 Olfactory scrolls, 203 Olfactory tract and bulb, 159 Omosternum, 58 Oosperm, 3 Opercular bones, 77,79 Operculum, 75 Orbital ring, 79, 91 Organ of Corti, 230 Os penis and clitoridis, 384 Ossification, 71 Osteocranium, 69 Otic bones, 78 Otoliths, 222 Ovarian follicle, 347 Ovary, 347, 359—375 Oviducal gland, 363 Oviduct, 346 Ovipositor, 360 Ovotestis, 367 Ovum, 2, 347 P. Paeinian corpuscles, 195 Palate, 92, 94, 28s Paleostoma, 155 Palatoquadrate, 69, 75, 76, 78 Pancreas, 272 Panniculus adiposus, 26 Parachordal and prechordal cartilages, 67 Paraphysis, 155 Parietal foramen, 85, 91, 162, 166, 171 Parietal organ, 155, 171 Parorchis, 346, 350 Parovarium, 375 Pars acetabularis, 119, 120 Patella, 132 Pecten, 213 Pectoral arch, 106 Pelvic arch, 109 Pelvic plate, 109, 111 Penis, 377, 379—384 Pericardium, 300 Perilymph, 222 Perinzeum, 375 Perissodactyle feet, 134 Peritoneal funnels, 235 Peritoneum, 235 Pes, 126—134 Phalanges, 126—134 Pharyngeal teeth of Teleosts, 81 Pharynx, 236, 273 Phosphorescent organs, 18 Physoclisti, 280 Physostomi, 280 Pia mater, 151 Pigment of skin, 18, 19, 20, 26 Pineal organ, 155, 159 Pinna of ear, 233 Pisiform bone, 128, 133 Pituitary body, 155 Pituitary space, 67 Placenta, allantoic, 9, 337--340 Placenta, umbilical, 336—338 Placoid organs, 30 Plastron, 34 Pleura, 297 Pleurocentra, 41, 44, 45 Pleurodont dentition, 243 Pleuronectide, asymmetry of head, 81 Plica semilunaris, 217 Pneumatic bones, 93, 99, 130, 295 Poison fangs, 243 Polar cells, 3 Polymastism and Polythelism, 29 Polyphyodont, 241 ; Prehallux, 127, 128, 133 Prepollex, 128, 133 Prepubic process, 117 Prepuce, 382 Primitive steak, 6 Pro-amnion, 357 Pro-atlas, 46 Processus falciformis, 21] Processus vermiformis, 266 Procoracoid, 107 Proctodeum, 5, 235 Promontory of sacrun, 51 Pronephric duct, 3 £1 Pronephros, 341 Pronucleus, male and female, 3 Propterygium, 122—125 Prostate, 377 Protocercal tail, 41 Protovertebre, 8, 66 INDEX Proventriculus, 262 Pseudobranch, 278 Pterygiophores, 103, 105, 122—125 Pterygopodium, 378 Pteryl, 21 Pubis, 114—120 Pupil, 210 Pygostyle, 18 Pyloric cwca, 259 (). Quacdrate cartilage, 69 R. Raciale, 126—133 Radii of fins, 102, 105, 122—125 Radius, 126—133 Receptaculum chyli, 334 Rectum, 236 Reproduction of tail in Lizards, 47 Respiratory organs, 273—298 Rete testis, 346 Retia mirabilia, 280, 333 Retina, 208, 214 Ribs, 11, 52—61 Ribs, abdominal, 56, 57, 58 Ribs, cranial, of Dipnoi, 82 Rudimentary limbs, 109, 121, 127, S Ruminant stomach, 265 S. Sacculus, 221 Sauropsida, 14 487 129, Scala vestibuli, tympani, and media, 232 > v Pp 2 Seales, 18, 20, 26, 30 Scapula, 107—109 Schizoccele, 8 Sclerotic, 210 plates, 213 Scrotal sacs, 375 Segmentation cavity, 4 nucleus, 3 of head, 66 of oosperm, 3, 5 semicircular canals, 221 Sense-capsules, 68 Sense organs of integument, 190—196 Sensory organs, 189—234 Septum, oblique, 202 Sesamoids, 136 Sheaths of notochord, 34 Skeletogenous layer of vertebral column, Skin, 16 Skull, 64—102 bones of, 71, 76—102 Somatopleure, 8 Spermatozoa, 3, 348 488 Spinal cord, 149, 152 Spines, neural and heemal, 37 Spiracle, 75, 277 Spiracular cartilage, 75 Spiral valve of intestine, 257 Splanchnopleure, 8 Spleen, 335 Spongioplasm, 3 Spots, blind and yellow, of retina, 214, 216 Stapedial plate, 84 Stapes, 100, 231 Sternum, 11, 56, 58—61 Stomach, 236, 257, 262, 263 Stomodzeum, 5, 235 Stratum corneum and Malpighii, 16 Sublingua, 255 . Sub-notochordal rod, 235 Suctorial mouth, 73, 86 Sulci, 154 Suprarenal bodies, 370, 385 Suspensorium, 70, 85, 92 Swim-bladder (see Air Bladder) Sympathetic, 188 Symphysis pubis and ischii, 114--1v1 Symplectic, 70, 76 Syrinx, 258 - T. Tactile cells and corpuscles, 194 Tapetum, 212 Tarsalia, 126—133 Tarsometatarsus, 130 Tarsus, 126—133 ° Taste, organs of, 193 Teats, 28 Teeth, 74, 78, 82, 84, 92, 94, 239—250 horny, 73, 241, 248, 250 Testis, 347, 359—377 Thecodont dentition, 243 Thoracie duct, 344 Thymus, 256 Thyroid, 255 Thyroid cartilage, 286 Tibia, 126—131 Tibiale, 126—133 Tibiotarsus, 130 Tissues, 2 Tongue, 252 muscles of, 144 Tonsils, 335 Tori, 226 Trabeculw cranii, 67 Trachea, 281, 283 Triconodont tooth, 246 Tritubercular tooth, 246 Trunk, 12 Tubules of kidney, 341 Turbinals, 100, 200—203 Tusks, 250 Tympanic membrane and cavity, 86, 224 Typhlosole, 257 INDEX U. Ulna, 126—133 Ulnare, 126—133 Umbilical cord, 340 vesicle, 337 Uniserial fin, 122, 124 Unciform bone, 132 Uncinate processes, 56 Urachus, 340, 358 Ureter, 346 Urethra, 358 Urinary bladder, 259, 262, 354, 357, 358 of Fishes, 350 organs, 348 —359 Urinogenital organs, 340—385 Urostyle, 41, 44 Uterus, 363, 373 masculinus, 377 Utriculus, 221 Ne Vagina, 373 Vas deferens, 346 Vasa efferentia, 346, 350 Vascular system, 299—336 Veins, 299—318, 322—333 Velum, 275 Vent, 235 Ventricles of brain, 156 Vertebral column, 9, 34-52 theory of skull, 64 Vertebrarterial canal, 50 Vesicula seminalis, 354, 363, 377 Villi of intestine, 269 of placenta, 338 Viscera, 11 Visceral arches, 66, 69, 75—85, 88, 93, 94, 102 Visceral tube, 9 Vitelline membrane, 3 Vitello-intestinal duct, 9 Vitellus, 2 Voeal cords, 283 Vocal sacs of Anura, 283 He W. Wolttian body, 341 duct, 346 Ns Niphoid process, 61 Die Yolk, 3, 4 Yolk-sac, 8 Z. Zygantra and Zygosphenes, 47 Zygapophyses, 40, 45, 47, 48, 49 Zygomatic arch, 100 ae rere eee pee ACRE a ! eee Saal mae We % ae tab aiatiag a RRR Sa Ra eas ae ‘ cee pee ‘ ‘ ee Re i = SPEC Ramana % mee Pers aes a SY Me Sa a mini nin nshechbnenensi ety i hh) . ets Sees NSE NRT Secon a a a e eR igeeen ee Se Sean as nye oe i en aan: oman ane on 2 Rea ucts sone ia SS oe ee gas een fe By sine aa Se eeeneant pate paneer ee a Pee