d bye CATALOGUE OF THE PLANTS UNDER CULTIVATION IN THE | GOVERNMENT BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. RICHARD SCHOMBURGE, Dr. Phil., Director, hic fe of wun Imprrta, Orpen or run CRown, THE OnveER or Muerrr ov See & “en “Pr tue MAGNANIMOUS, AND THE UnDER ====o= /Memn. Imprntan Canon. Leroy. AcapE: ~, Lonpon; Cor. Mump, Rovat Bor. Soc if Agr. Evy " rine sta ~ Borspurcn; Hon, Meme. Groce. Soot lI] M ') Vienna AnD Boriiy; Cor. Mrevr Cor. Mpmn. Horrre. Soc., Bury Cor, Maun. Royar Soc. TaAsMAj ' anv Hon. Moun. Cuamp. or Ma i, ~ Soe. Puysteo. Mervica., Ertand bs Hox. Muare. Horr. Soc., Vicrorj ESENTED BY R. Schamudoaniile, Bisa ADELAIDE: PRINTED BY W. C. COX, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, NORTH-TERRACE. 1878. wi LIBRARY . AT ; “ORNELL UNIVERSIT Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924073957338 “ASNOH-W1Vd CATALOGUE OF THE PLANTS UNDER CULTIVATION IN THE GOVERNMENT BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE, SOUTH AUSTRALIA. RICHARD SCHOMBURGKEK, Dr. Phil., Director, Kyicut or tHe ImprertaL OrpER oF THe Crown, THE ORDER or Menrrr or Puiuir THE Maenanimovus, AND THE ORDER or THE Crown or IrTaLy; Mems. Impertan Carnot. Leronp. Acapemy; Cor. Mzms. Zooxoe. Soc., Lonpon; Cor. Mem. Royat Bor. Soc., Lonpon; Cor. Mens. Bor. Soc., Epivsurcu ; Hon, Mews. Gzoer. Soc., Drespen; Cor. Mums. Gzoer. Soc., VIENNA AND Bertin; Cor. Mes. Soc. Narionatz, Cuzrzourec, France; Cor. Mzms. Hortic. Soc., Bertin anp Franxrort 0O/M; Cor. Mems. Soc. Puysico. Mepica., Eruancen; Hon. Mems. Bor. Soc. Macperure ; Hon. Mems. Horr. Soc., Vicrorta; Hon. Mews. Rovat Soc., N. S. Warns; Cor. Mems. Royat Soc. Tasmanra; Hon. Meme. Acric. anp Horr. Soc., anp Hon. Mems. Cuams. or Manvuracrurzs, ADELAIDE, ETC., ETC. ADELAIDE: PRINTED BY W. C. COX, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, NORTH-TERRACE, 1878. ‘Page vii. “viii. “65. iam 10 Es *"102. HRRATA. For “ Myroxyllon” read “ Myroxylon.’ it4 “ canditum”’ read ‘ candidum.” “ Encalyptus” read “ Eucalyptus.” “ Jasminium”’ read ‘“‘ Jasminum.” ** Pantaneae’’ read ‘ Pandaneae.” PREFACE. Since the publication in 1871 of my first Catalogue of the Plants under cultivation in the Garden, the collection, by the constant introduction of new plants, mostly procured by exchange with kindred institutions, has been increased, exclusive of florists’ flowers, from 6,000 to 8,500 species. , The rapid increase necessitated a new edition of the Catalogue. In the new issue, instead of the former alphabetical arrangement, I have adopted the natural arrangement, which brings together all the plants that are nearest related 'to each other and have a similarity, enabling the student of botany, particularly in this Colony, to become soon acquainted with them. To facilitate to non-botanists the finding of a particular plant, an index of the orders and genera has been attached; also the list of English names of the plants, where such exist. This will be useful, particularly to those amateurs who know the English names and may be desirous of becoming acquainted with the botanical ones. I have added again the abbreviations of the names of the botanic authorities annexed to the genera and species of the plants, which would be unintelligible to a great many persons in the Colony if the full names of the authors were not given. For the foreign recipients of this Catalogue, I think it is not with- ~ut interest if I preface it with a brief description of our climate, its extremes, the difficulty we have to contend with in regard to acclima- tizing introduced plants, especially those from tropical, frigid, or Alpine zones (as their well-doing depends entirely upon the climate), and the plants from other parts of the globe which will become accustomed to our climate, and those which will not thrive outdoors. Our summer season includes the months of December, January, and February, when the temperature on the plains frequently exceeds 100° in the shade, and 180° to 140° in the sun. In 1876 the thermometer registered in December 114° 2’ in the shade, and 162° 6 in the sun. This degree of heat has only been exceeded on two former occasions, _viz., in 1865, when the thermometer registered, on the 9th January, 116° 3’, and-the 14th January, 1862, when the reading was 115° in the shade and 165° in the sun. Such a temperature produces very injurious iv. PREFACE. effects on the introduced plants, especially those from cooler climes, and leaves even injurious traces on the native vegetation. During the blowing of a hot wind the thermometer and the wet bulb thermometer show often a difference of 30° to 40°, and it is that which enables persons to bear the heat of our summer and carry out their usual pursuits in the field or elsewhere, which in a tropical climate would be impossible. : The changes of temperature during the summer are often very sudden, so that in a short time the thermometer falls from 90° or 100° to 60° or 70°. Our summer months are characterized by great heat, hot winds, and dryness. Often not a drop of rain falls for eight or ten weeks, and it is during this time that not only the indigenous but the acclimatized vegetation suffers materially. The ground becomes so hot and cracks, that even the occurrence of a heavy fall of rain serves only to clear the leaves from dust, as it evaporates as quickly as it falls. The autumn season includes in Australia the months of March, April, and May, and is one of our genial and beautiful parts of the year. The temperature falls rapidly, only reaching 70° to 90° in the shade, the mean being 64° 6’; and in the month of May it is only 58° 2’. The northern winds become cooler, the solar radiation is considerably reduced, and heavy dews begin to fall at night. The indigenous vegetation, which has suffered through the summer, awakes to new life, and trees and shrubs put forth fresh growth, while the leaves of the European deciduous trees and shrubs get their autumnal tints and drop. June, July, and August constitute our winter, our rainy season, which is usually marked by frequent rain and strong winds; but it happens also often that we have to content ourselves with remarkable dry winters, the mean temperature during the three months being 54° to 55° 7’. Heavy hoar frosts and frosts appear often during night. The lowest temperature registered in 1876 and ’77, during the month of July, has been 30° and 28°, the lowest experienced in the plains near Adelaide. Such heavy frosts have most disastrous effects upon the tropical and subtropical plants in the gardens. The spring season, the most genial and most beautiful in Soutn Australia, not surpassed in any other part of the world, includes the months of September, October, and November, the mean temperature during the first two months being 60° to 70°. At this time of the year, the gardens are in their best floral beauty— trees, shrubs, perennials, annuals, emulate each other in regard to their flowers, which are of such size, richness in color, and perfection as a PREFACE, Vv. northern gardener can scarcely imagine. But early-appearing hot winds in November destroy those floral beauties in the course of a few hours. The average fall of rain during the year in the plains of Adelaide is 19in. to 2lin.; but the distribution is unequal, even on plains not far apart, each showing a great difference in the rainfall. In the Mount Lofty Ranges, about eight miles distant from Adelaide, the average of rainfall is 40-677in. According to our indefatigable Government Astronomer, Charles Todd, C.M.G., the lowest rainfalls have been :—In 1850, when only 11°644in. fell; in 1859, 11-647; in 1857, 12-650in.; in 1854, 13-437in., and in 1871, 14:926in. The highest fall near Adelaide was in 1875, when 31-455in. fell. This climatic sketch refers only to the plains around Adelaide. In the southern parts, and in the hills, the temperature is much cooler, and. the rainfall,-as already mentioned, much heavier. From the foregoing it can be imagined that not all the plants from other countries will thrive with us. The Alpine and tropical ones suffer not only from our dry atmosphere, but the latter also from the cold during the winter months. In the hills the Alpine plants and those of other cool countries grow exceedingly well, but the tropical ones are destroyed by the frosts, which in such localities are even severer than on the plains. Not many European and North American forest trees prosper with us in the plains. Only the elm, plane, ash, chestnut ,poplar, locust tree grow vigorously, while the oak, lime, birch, horse chestnut, maple, thrive only slowly, and suffer materially from the drought. All the attempts to grow the beautiful beech tree in the plains have failed, and even in the hills it grows only slowly, while the other trees mentioned thrive most luxuriantly in those localities. It is the same with the coniferous trees. The most vigorous growing European pines on the plains are only Pinus halepensis Mill., Pinaster, Ait., and Pinea Linn. All other kinds show only a very moderate growth. Pinus sylvestris, Linn. and the genera Picea and Abies are of a lingering growth, while Pinus Larix Linn. succumbs to the slightest hot winds and droughts. Of this fine tree not one specimen is met with in South Australia. Of the Californian coniferous trees only such as appear’ at an elevation of 1,000 to 2,000 feet do remarkably well in the plains of South Australia, especially Pinus insignis Dougl., which reaches often in the course of ten to twelve years a height of 40 to 50 feet, with a stem of 5 feet in circumference. The Cupressus and Thujas thrive also vi. PREFACE, luxuriantly with us, although some kinds of the first seem to have a short duraticn of life in South Australia, especially Cupressus macrocarpa Hartw., which, after a very rapid growth, dies suddenly when about twelve to sixteen years old. Wellingtonia gigantea does not delight in our climate, although growing the first year tolerably well, but later it ceases to grow, and dies slowly. Very few of the Himalayan conifers prosper in the plains, especially such as appear at an elevation of 7,000 to 8,000 feet, viz, Adbtes Smithiana Loud., Brunoniana Lindl., Picea Pindrow Loud., Webbiana Loud., Pinus Gerardiana, Wall., excelsa Wall, &c. Their growth is very slow, and they succumb in a few years to the droughts and hot winds. Only Cedrus Deodara Roxb. and Pinus longifolia Roxb. doing well with us, although Cedrus Deodara in their native state appear at an elevation of from 5,000 to 12,000 feet. Still more difficult is the existence of the Japan conifers. None will prosper luxuriantly out of doors with us. Thudopsis, Retinospora, Chamaeccyparis, Cryptomeria are of a lingering growth, and much injured by hot winds and droughts. The beautiful umbrella pine Sciadopitys verticillata Stebold. can scarcely be kept alive indoors. None of the Taxus, may they be natives of Europe, America, or East India, prosper with us. I have already pointed out that some of the tropical trees and shrubs do not object to our climate, and thrive tolerably well. I will only mention the most noteworthy. Of ‘the Chinese and Japanese flora Paulownia imperialis Sieboid, Laurus Camphora Willd., Broussonetia papyrifera Vent., Stillingia ‘sebifera Michx., Aralia papyrifera Hook., Koelreuteria paniculata Laxm., Sophora japonica Linn., Eriobotrya japonica Lindl., Rhus succedanea Linn., Hibiscus rosa sinensis Linn., Euonymus japonicus, Linn., radicans Zuce., &c.; but the handsome Japanese maple, Acer polymorphum Spach., in its numerous varieties, despise our climate entirely. They even will not grow in our greenhouses. From the East Indian flora the following genera thrive well with us in the open air, viz.:—LErythrina, Rhaphiolepis, Bauhinia, Lagerstroemia, Guillandia, Poineiana Gillesti Hook. Poinciana pulcherrima Linn. is too tender. The Chinese, Japanese, and East Indian Alpine plants, viz., camellias, rhododendrons, azaleas, as already mentioned, will not stand our dry and hot summers out of doors, but find a genial climate in the hills and gullies, at an elevation of 1,000 to 2,000 feet, where they reach the same perfection that we are used to see them at home. PREFACE. vii. From the South American flora Jacaranda mimosaefolia Don., Myroxylion peruiferum Knth., Brugmansia, Begonias, and Tecomas. Only some of the African palms prosper with us in the open ground, viz., the date palm, Phenix daciylifera, Linn., reelinata Jacq., Chamaerops humilis Linn., Palmetto Michz. From tropical Australia, Corypha australis R. Br., and from other tropics Sabal Blackburnia Glebr., Chamaerops Fortunit. The South Australian climate suits all the succulent plants which develope out of doors to great perfection, especially Yuccas, Aloes,- Agaves, Fourcroyas. Aloe americana, mexicana, and Foureroya flower generally in their twelfth year after planting, their flower-spikes reaching the size and height (30 to 40 feet) as I have met them during my travels in South America. Of the Cacteae the same may be said, as only the smaller kinds want protection in summer from the scorching sun’s rays, and in winter from the heavy rains. : The growth and well-doing of the perennials, more particularly those of cooler climes, are very problematical. Only such as root deeply in the ground will withstand our dry summer. We do not succeed with the perennial PA/owes (although the annual Phloxes do remarkably well, even throughout the summer months), Delphiniums, Campanulas, and Aconitums; in fact, most of our handsome European perennials succumb to our summer. The annuals in general grow most luxuriantly during the winter and part of the spring months, and arrive at great perfection, especially the stocks, which reach so extraordinary a size as at home would be con- sidered an exaggeration if described. But our climate is fatal to the handsome and favorite autumn flower the China Aster, which, even in a very favorable season, will only produce small insignificant flowers ; and, strange to say, all its endless varieties, viz., quilled, Victoria, paeony-flowered, chrysanthemum asters go back to the original type. Also the handsome Dahlias will not prosper on the plains, their flowers being only small, and suffering from the slightest hot wind; but in the hills they attain perfection. Indeed the aspect of our gardens during the summer months would be a very dreary one if it was not for the Petunias, Verbenas, Zinnias, Zonale Pelargoniums, Tagetes, Amaranths, and Gomphrenas. These annuals develop their flowers, with a little help of water, to perfection unknown at home. Of the splendour of the oleanders, which bloom during the summer months, no northern gardener can have any con- ception. The masses, size, colour, and fragrance of their flowers surpass those produced in their native country; and these lovely plants are in bloom during all our summer months. vii. PREFACE. The roses will attain similar perfection if we have a favorable season; but, alas, this happens very rarely. The roses have to contend against two enemies, viz., the rose blight and the hot winds. The first scourge can be mitigated by cleaning, but against the hot winds we have no remedy. No flower is more injuriously affected by hot winds; and the small buds are even destroyed by only moderatly hot winds, appearing as if a fire had run over them. The dark-colored flowers suffer most. The rose season in 1877 of South Australia has never been surpassed. The roses were free of blight, and the atmosphere throughout September and October being cool, with a cloudy sky and occasional showers, produced a profusion of flowers not uncommonly fire to six inches in diameter. Bulbous and tuberous plants from the Cape thrive with us as vigorously as in their native country, chiefly the Gladiolus, Brunswigias, Haemanthus, Watsonias, Ixias, Babianas, Ornithogalums, §e. The same is the case with Hippeastrums, Amaryllis, Crinums, Pancratiums, Alstroemerias, c., from any part of the globe. Not so, however, with the Lidiums. Only Lilium canditum, longiflorum Thunb., and eximium Stebol., thrive well with us out of doors, while all other species, especially those from Japan, will not prosper in the open ground. The same dislike to our climate has also Fritillaria impersalis Linn., which never produces flowers, and the bulb dies within a year or two after its introduction. The tulips and hyacinths also find our climate in the plains unsuitable. The tulip bulbs will produce flowers for a year or two, but they gradually dwindle away after the second year. Hyacinths produce good flowers . the first year, but afterwards the bulbs divide into numerous suckers, which produce no flowers until they are separated and planted, requiring two or three years before they again flower, again to divide into numerous offsets. Ranunculus and Anemones produce the first year splendid flowers, especially the former; but the Anemone tubers show the same decay as the tulips, and dwindle away often already the second year. The Ranunculus begin to fail the third or fourth year. Narcissus, Tacettas and various other kinds delight in our climate, and attain to great perfection, except the varieties of Narcissus poeticus. In the plains it is impossible to grow ferns out of doors—not even the few South Australian species, which are found growing in the hills and gullies, unless planted in very shady, moist, and protected places. Regarding the plants grown under glass, the summer months of South Australia are not at all genial to the luxuriant growth of orchids, on account of the dry and hot atmosphere. To grow them on wooden blocks is not practicable at all. Though the orchid-houses be kept close, PREFACE. ix. shady, and damp, the hot air, especially in a fierce-blowing hot wind, will penetrate into the house and injure their air-roots, if growing on blocks, thus checking the growth of the plants materially, so that some time elapses before the roots show young growth: again. The only prevention is to grow the plants in orchid-pots in sphagnum for the protection of the roots. During the summer months great attention is required for the plants in the stoves, conservatories, palm and green houses. To protect the plants from the burning rays of the sun the houses must.be shaded by blinds. In fact, the effects of the sun on the glass act like a burning-glass, so that the leaves of the plants exposed to the sun’s rays are burned in a very short time. On days when the thermometer shows 130° to 140° in the sun, every precaution is necessary to keep the temperature down in the houses. With the exception of the intertropical fruits, although there are only a few of these, all fruits from other parts of the globe thrive most luxuriantly in South Australia, and come to such: perfection in size, and frequently in flavor, as is hardly known in other countries; and many fruits are found to improve materially by the change, as the climatic conditions often succeed in modifying and improving their condition. On the plains grow apples, pears, apricots, peaches, nectarines, oranges, citrons, lemons, plums, cherries, figs, almonds, mulberries, olives, and grapes; while in the hills and gullies besides are grown strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants, welnuts, chestnuts, filberts, &c. The apples grow to great sizes, but do not always possess the same fine flavour as at home, and contain more acidity. The apple trees suffer much from the attack of the American blight, for which no radical remedy is at present known. The trees which grow in the hills or in rich soil suffer most, and succumb at last to this scourge. The pears grow to perfection, and maintain the same flavor as in the old country. The fruit of the peaches, apricots, plums, reach to a size and contain a flavor unknown in Europe. The cherries do not attain the perfection of home. All the stone-fruit producing trees are short-lived, especially those of the peach, which live scarcely fourteen to sixteen years. This early decline may be owing to the quick, luxuriant growth and early and excessive bearing, circumstances which produce over-stimulation and early exhaustion. It often happens that by a fierce, hot north wind the parts of fruit, viz., apples, pears, plums, apricots, and peaches, on the plains, which are soca to the north become quite black, and are, in the true sense of the word, “baked.” Such days we are experiencing at the present: time. During the last eight days the reading of the thermometer has X. PREFACE, been from 98° to 110° in the shade; but on the 10th of January it was scarcely endurable. At about 3 o’clock p.m. the thermometer registered at the Botanic Garden 116° in the shade and 166° inthe sun. That such a temperature must prove very destructive to our introduced plants can easily be imagined. In fact, the leaves of trees and shrubs have the appearance as if a fire had run over them. The finest grapes are grown in the plains and the slopes of the Mount Lofty range facing the plains. Here they grow to a great size, the summer months ripen them to the greatest perfection; and the South Australian wine must obtain a high character in foreign markets. For the last five years the oidium has made its appearance in our vineyards, but not with such bad results as in Europe. Also the Phylloxera has appeared in the vineyards of our neighbour Colony, Victoria, and may, it is feared, also attack our vineyards. From this it will be seen that the Australian vignerons, like the European, have to contend against the two greatest scourges which can invade a vine-growing country. The cultivation of the olive is a great success, and the oil considered perfect. All vegetables can be grown during the autumn and winter on the plains ; but in no comparison so successfully as in the hills, where are raised the finest vegetables and other culinary herbs throughout the year in great abundance. Cauliflowers two feet in diameter are often seen in the market— cabbages, asparagus, turnips, artichokes, leeks, onions, beet, carrots, potatoes, endive, lettuce, celery, cucumbers, water and sweet melons growing to an extraordinary size, and of the finest flavor. The cucumbers and water and sweet melons grow most luxuriantly on virgin soil, but if grown on the same spot several years running (although manured) the fruit degenerate in size and flavour, and ulti- mately produce no fruit at all. That South Australian cereals are considered to be the finest grown in the world is pretty well known. When a new comer visits for the first time our Agricultural and Horticultural Shows, and observes the fine display of the splendid flowers, fruits, vegetables, and cerials in their utmost perfection, he must consider South Australia a favored land; and it is, indeed, surprising, that our fickle climate, with its extremes, droughts, hot winds, can produce such developed specimens of Nature’s gifts. R. SCHOMBURGK, Putt. Dr., Director. January 20th, 1878. ABBREVIATIONS, AUTHORITIES QUOTED. [Those marked * are dead.] Adans....... ...Adanson, M., a French botanist.* ANG: 3 i0ss oe eas ,.. Aiton, W. D:, Director of Kew Garden.* Ae sis sens aatelecs . Allioni, C., a Piedmontese botanist.* AME, ie sacs aie ne ; Andrews, H., an English botanist. Arm.......0+.... Amott, G. A., a Scotch botanist. Arrab...........Arrabida, Don A. da, a Brazilian botanist. Audib..... «.++.-Audibert, a French botanist. Backh.,....... .. Backhouse, J., an English botanist and traveller. Bail..... oueeeee = Swailey, J. W., an American Professor of Botany. Baker, J.G.,.....an English botanist. as Balb. ..........Balbis, J. B., Professor of Botany, Turin. Balf......... ..»» Balfour, J. H., Professor of Botany, Edinburgh. Banks ..........Banks, Sir J., a celebrated English botanist and tra- veller.* Bapt. ......., . Baptist, J. A., nurseryman in Sydney, N. 8. Ww. Barneoud, M. ....a French botanist. Bartl, .2..cseees Bartling, F. G., Professor of Botany, Gottingen.* Batthigicers-aogcenacy Barton, B. C., Professor of Botany, Philadelphia. Batem..... .. Bateman, J., an English botanist. Baumg. ......+. Baumgarten, J. C. G., a German botanist., Borst. wcies sevice. Bieberstein, Marshall F. V., a celebrated Russian botanist. Beauv.........+,. beauvois, Palisot de, a French botanist. Bebrs ac neiexwes Behr, Dr., a German botanist. Benth. ..........Bentham, G., a celebrated English botanist. Berg. .-..«.....Bergius, J., Professor of Botany, Stockholm.* Bernh..... .o...-Bernhardi, J. J., a German botanist. Bert. ........+-bertero, C. J., a celebrated Piedmontese botanist and traveller. Bess. ..........besser, W. J. J., a Russian botanist. Bivon...........Bivona, Bernardi A., a Sicilian botanist. Blanch. ........Blanchet, A., a botanist and traveller in Brazil. xi. ABBREVIATIONS. Blum. .esceenes - Blume, Cc. L., acelebrated Dutch botanist and traveller in Java.* Boiss. .......++.Boissier, E., one of the celebrated Swiss ites of the present time. Boj.............Bojer, an English botanist. Bong. eseeeeees»Bongard, H. G. von, a Russian botanist. Booth .....:....Booth, C., a celebrated nurseryman, Hamburg. Bose. .......+..Bose, Ti, late Director of the Royal Gardens, Paris.* Bory. ..........Bory, de St. Vincent, a French botanist and traveller. Bouché ........Bouché, C., Inspector of the Botanic Garden, Berlin. A. Br. ......+....Braun, A., Professor of Botany, and Director Botanic Garden, Berlin. P. Br. ..........Brown, P., an Irish botanist. Ry. Bri a acescesa . Brown, R., a celebrated English botanist.* Brong. .....e00. Brongniart, A., Professor of Natural History, Paris. Brouss...... ....Broussonet, P. M. A., a French botanist and traveller.* Bruce, J.... .an eminent botanist. # Burch...........W. Burchel, an English botanist. Brot. ...... ....Brotero, F. A.* Buchan. .,......E2uchanan, (Hamilton), a Scottish botanist. Bunge, A. ......a German botanist. Burm. ..........Burmann, W. J., Professor of Botany at Ams/erdam.* Calle ys. ccsiacncesgeces Caley, G., an English botanist and traveller. Carey. ..........Carey, M., an American botanist.* Carriere ........a French botanist. Cassin.,......... Cassini. H.,a French botanist.* Caves 2% ow seed es Cavanilles, A. J., a Spanish botanist.* Cel Siisg cua cae ve Cels, J. M., a celebrated French nurseryman. Cerv. ..........Cervantes, V., a Mexican botanist. Chaix .......05> Chaix, a French botanist. Chmss......... ..Chamisso, A. von, a celebrated German botanist.* Collad........... Colladon, T. F., a Swiss botanist. Colebr....... ....Colebrooke, H. Th., a botanical traveller in E. India. Colv....... .-....Colville, C., a botanist. Comm....... ....Commerson, P., a French botanist and traveller.* Oorr......++++..Correa, J. F., a Portugese botanist. Court. ..... ..»..Courtois, R. J., Professor of Botany, and Director of the Botanic Garden of Liibeck.* Cunn. ...... ....Cunningham, A., an English botanist. Cunn, .......,..Cunningham, R., an English botanist. Curt. ..........Curtis, W., an English botanist. Dec........+.+...Decandolle—father,* son,* and grandson, eminent botanists of Geneva. Decasn. ........Decaisne, J.. Professor of Botany, of Paris. Delar. ....... ... Dela Roche, a French botanist. Delil. ..........Delile, A. R., a French botanist and traveller. Den........+.++.Denson, J.,an English botanist. ABBREVIATIONS. xiii. Desf. ........+,Desfontaines, R. L., Professor of Botany, of Paris, and traveller in Africa. Desv. ..... ..++.»Desvaux, N. A., a French botanist. Desr. ...... .-..Dessrousseaux, a French botanist. Dietr. ..... ++ +.Dietrich, A.,a German botanist * DOW sis acecsas .Don, David and George, both celebrated English botanists.* Dougl...... .. +++ Douglas, D., Collector of Plants, and traveller in North America.* Dryand. ........Dryander, J., a Sweedish botanist.* Dumort. ......65 Dumortier, B. L.,a Belgian botanist. Dun....... .....-Dunal, M. F., Professor of Botany, of Montpellier, Dura. ccsacawinc% Durazzini, an Italian botanist. DuRoi........ »» lu Roi, a German botanist.* D’Urvil 2... cee D’Urville, J.,a French traveller and botanist.* Eckl.......+....Ecklon, F.,a German botanist, and traveller in Africa. 01g | ae Ehrhart, F., a German botanist.* Endl. ..,.......Emndlicher, S., Professor of Botany, Vienna.* Englm...........Engelman, C. W., a German botanist. isch. .+.e+eFischer, F, L. de, Director of the Botanic Garden, St. Petersburg.* Flucg:.; seoseeeesFluegge, J., a German botanist.* Forsk. w.ecseeres Forskal, P., a Swedish botanist.* Forst. ......0005 Forster, G.,a Professor of Natural Histon: of Halle.* Forts: ei06% . .Fortune, an English botanist.* Fras. ..........Fraser, Ch., an English botanist and traveller.* Funck........... Funcke, H. C., a French botanist. Gaert. ........ . Gaertner, J.,a German botanist. Gardener ...... an English botanist. Gaudich......... Gaudichaud, A., a French botanist and traveller. Gawl. ....... ...Gawler (Ker), J. B., an English botanist. Gay cacceiecnvas Gay, J., a French botanist. Gd igi cana aa ean ia Gillies, Dr. A., a botanical collector in Chili. Gledit........... Gleditsch, a Professor of Botony, of Berlin.* Gouan........00. Gouan, A., a Professor of Botany, and Director of Botanic Garden, Montpellier.* Grah. ..... .....Graham, R., Professor of Botany, University of Edin- burgh. Grayesssscccene ies, 8. A., an American botanist. Guers. ........+. Guersent, L. B., a French botanist. Guilfoyle........ Guilfoyle, nurseryman in Sydney, N. 8. Wales. Gusson. ..... ae yoiChissone, G., an Italian botanist. Halls. occ ccs ... Haller, A. von, a celebrated Swiss botanist. Hammilt ........ Hammilton, F., a Scotch botanist. Hanst..... eine A Hanstein, Dr., a German botanist. xiv. ABBREVIATIONS. Hartm...........Hartmann, K. L., a German botanist. Hart. ........ .Hartig, Th., a German Professor of Botany. Hartw.. ca... ees Hartweg, Ke, a German botanical traveller. Hassk...........Hasskard, J. C., a Dutch botanist. Harv. ..........Harvy, an English botanist. Haw. ..... ...+..Haworth, A. H., an English botanist.* Heist. ..,........Heister, L., a German Professor of Botany.* Heldr..,.. . Heldreich, Th. von, a German botanist. Hellen........... Hellenius, F., a German botanist. Hens. ...... ....Henslow, an English botanist. Herb. ...... . Herbert, W., an English writer on amaryllidaceous 7 : plants. * Herd. asus as ,. Herder, Dr. F. von, a Russian botanist. Heuff. .........+.Heuffel, J., an Hungarian botanist. Bile. ewisie ease oes 2. St. Hilaire, A., a French botanist, ‘and traveller in : South America. * Hill, W. .....,...Director Botanic Garden, Brisbane. | . Hochst.......... Hochstetter, Ch. F., a German botanist.* Hoess,F......... a German forester. Hoffmsg.......+. Hoffmannsegg, Count J. C., a celebrated German botanist. Hook ,.........Hooker, Sir W.,* and J. Hooker, son, celebrated botanists, and Directors of the Botanic Garden, Kew. Hopp. ..........Hoppe, D. H., Professor of Botany, Regensburg. Hornm. ........ Hornemann, Professor of Botany, and. Director of Botanic Garden, Copenhagen. Hort. ....000 ... Hortorum, of the Gardens. Houst:,......... Houston, G., an English botanist. Houtte.......005 Houtte, von L., a celebrated nurseryman at Ghent. Howe .....seees Howe, an English botanist. Hsskl. .......... Hasskarl, J. C., a Dutch botanist in ‘Java. Huds. .....« .. Hudson, W., an English botanist. Hueg. ........+. Huegel, Baron C., Director of the Botanic Garden, Vienna. Humb. & aie: Humboldt, A. von, the celebrated traveller and hotanist:# Bonplant, A., a celebrated botanist, his fellow traveller.* SE Jacquin, J. F. B. de, a celebrated Austrian botanist.* Jungh. ..... ...Junghuhn, F., a Dutch botanist. Juss. ......+-..dussieu, A. L. de, a celebrated French systematical botanist.* Karst. ..........Karsten, C. A., a German Professor of Botany. Karw. ......+.++.Karwinsky, Baron, a Bavarian botanist and traveller. Ker. ,..e0eeee8..Wer, J. B. (Gawl.), an English botanist. ith Risso, A., an Italian botanist. Rmph........... Rumphius, G. E., a celebrated Dutch naturalist.* Roche.......... .Rochel, A., an Hungarian botanist.* Roel e~ cxig:sso-ace eae a Roeling, J. C., a German botanist.* Roel vices sacs Roezel, a botanist and collector in Mexico. Roem. & Schult ., Roemer, J. J.,and Schultes, J. A., both distinguished 7 German botanists. RSC. in Be oe Roscoe, W., an English botanist. Roth gaigeaecees Roth, A. W., a German botanist.* RO ss 2 eecsie aaa Royle, I. F., an English botanist. Row. .......... Rowland, J., an English botanist. ROXD: oe 6S eters Roxburg, W., Director of the Botanic Garden, Madras.* Rudg. .......... Rudge, an 2 English botanist.* Ruiz & Pay. ....Ruiz, H.,* and Pavon, J.,* both celebrated Spanish botanists. Rudoly «si. seve x's '.Rudolph, C. A., a German betanist. a Russeck ........ Russeck, an English botanist. 8 RUSS. a6. csiesie ors 6 Russell, "A, an English botanist.* Sabin. ....-..05- Sabine, T., an English botanist. Salsb. .......+...Salisbury, an English botanist. Sali ess ese cece Prinz de Salm Dyck, J., an illustrious German botanist. Savign. ........ Savigny, J. C., a French botanist. Savi...... ie er Savi, G., an [talian Professor of Botany, Pisa.* Schau........ .. Schauer, J. C., Professor of Botany, Breslau.* Scheele, A....... A German botanist. Schlechtd. ...... Schlechtendal, D. F. L. de, a German botanist.* Scheidw..... ....Scheideweiler, a Belgian Professor of Botany. Schied. ..,..... Schiede, C. J. W., a German botanist and traveller. Schkr.. vei ci ce se Schkuhr, a German botanist.* Schleich........ .Schleicher, J. C., a Swiss botanist. XViil. ABBREVIATIONS. Schomb. ........Schomburgk, Sir Robert, a distinguished naturalist and traveller in South America.¥ Schomb. ........Schomburgk, Richard, a traveller in British Guina, and Director of the Botanic Garden, Adelaide, South Australia. Schott .......... Schott, H., Director of the Botanic Garden, Vienna.* Schousb. ........Schousboe, P. K., a Danish botanist in Morocco. Schrad. ........ Schrader, H. A., a German botanist. Schrank ........Schrank, F. von Paula, a German botanist, and Director of the Botanic Garden, Miinich*. Schreb. ...... . Schreber, J. C. D. von, a German Professor af Natural : History.* Schult....... ....Schultes, J. A., a German botanist.* Schulz. ........ Schultz, C. H , a Professor of Botany, Berlin.* Scop. .......... Scopoli, J. A., Professor of Natural History, Pavia.* Sello. ..........Sellow, F.. a German botanist and traveller in Brazil.* Seem. .s2s044 ... Seeman, B., a celebrated German traveller, a botanist.* Sering......... . Seringe, N. C., a French botanist. Siebol...... ...e.Diebold, P. F. von, a Dutch botanist and traveller in Japan.* Sibth. ..........Sibthrop, J., an English botanist. Sims........... . Sims, J., an English garden botanist. Smith ...... ....Smith, Sir J. E., a celebrated English botanist.* Soland...... ....Solander, D. C., an English botanist.* Sond, ...... ....9onder, W., a celebrated German botanist. SOM ss sci Oe sas aus Sonnerat, P., a French botanist. Spache 66 oie cece Spach, A., a French naturalist.* Sparmee. voces Sparrman, A., a Swedish botanist. Spry vac nn savas as Sprengel, C. de, a celebrated German botanist.* Steud. cs scsee ces Steudel, E. T., a German botanist.* Stev. ...... ....Steven, C. von, a Russian botanist. Swtz. ..........Swartz, O., a celebrated Swedish botanist.* Sweet ..........Sweet, R., an English garden botanist.* Taush ..........Taush, J. F., an Hungarian botanist. TST gi vies sce wernt Tenore, M., Professor of Botany, and Director Botanic Garden, Naples. Teysm. .......> Teysmann, J. E., a Dutch botanist, and Director of the Botanic Garden, Buitenzorg, Java. Thunb. ......,.Thunberg, C. P., a celebrated Swedish Professor of Botany.* Torr. .... .... Torrey, J., Professor of Botany, New York. Tournef. .......,.Tournefort, a celebrated French botanist.* Tratt. gies cose ous .Trattinik, L., a Curator of the Botanic Museum, Vienna.* Traut. .........Trautvetter, I’. R. von, Professor of Botany, Kew. Trem. ..........2remeaux, a French botanist. Trécul...........A French botanist, ABBREVIATIONS. xix SEEING. (ocesd aa vale Trinius, C. B. von, a Russian botanist.* 4 i ye . Turczaninow, W., a Persian botanist. Turtsch. ....... . Turtschaniof, U. von, a Russian botanist. Vahl wo... eee Vahl, M., a Professor of Botany, Copenhagen.* Veitch ..... .. Veitch, James, celebrated nurseryman, London. Vent. ...... eee peentensnt, S. P., a French botanist.* Verschaff. ......Verschaffelt, a distinguished nurseryman, Belgium.* Wa. ae-ane sets ae are vw Villars, D., a French Professor of Botany.* Vogel ..5c cess Vogel, E., a German botanist. Vio. aecccinaedes 6 Vries, U. A. de, Professor of Botany, Amsterdam.* Woke eines ies Waltenstein, Count F. A., and Kitaible, P., Professor: of Botany and Director of the Botanic Garden, Pesth. Wally ceseteawes Wallich, N., formerly Director of the Botanic Garden,,. Calcutta. Walt. .......... Walter, Th., an American botanist. Wats ........-- Wats, H. C., an English botanist. Walp. .......06. Walpers, G. W., a celebrated German botanist * Wnghm. ........Wangenheim, F., a German botanist. Weihe ........ Weihe, A., a German botanist. Webb ....+..... Webb, P. B., an English botanist and traveller. ‘Weinm. ........ Weinmann, J. A., Inspector of the Imperial Garden,. Pawlowsk. Wender. sees... Wenderoth, W. J., Professor of Botany, and Director Botanic Garden, Marburg. Wendl. ........ Wendland, J. C., a German botanist.* ; Willd. .......... Willdenow, C. L. de, a celebrated German Professor of Botany, Berlin.* Withs csesaeneas Withering, G., an English botanist.* Weht. . .. Wight, R., Director of the Botanic Garden, Madras.. AN ae ee eee Zuccarini, J. G., a Bohemian botanist. LIST OF SIGNS USED. Tree or Shrub—woody plants. Shrub. Soft-wooded Shrub. Perennial. Biennial Plant—lasting only two years. Annual Plant—lasting only one year. Climbing Plant. Creeping Plant. Trailing Plant. Bulbous Plant. Tuberous Plant. Aquatic Plant. Epiphyte. Evergreen Plant. Deciduous Plant. Stove Plant. Green-House Plant. Out-Door Plant. GOVERNORS OF THE BOTANIC GARDEN. HON. SIR H. AYERS 8. DAVENPORT, Esa., J.P. W. WYATT, Esa., M.D., J.P. Hon. W. EVERARD, J.P. C. DAVIES, Esa., M.D., J.P. W. CAVENAGH, Esa., M.P. Ex Officio Members. THE SPEAKER | Tue Mayor or ADELAIDE Tue Presipent of the AGRICULTURAL and HorticuLtuRAL SociEty. DISTRIBUTION OF PLANTS. The Director is alone authorized to furnish plants, seeds, and cuttings, to public establishments and private persons, subject to the following rules :— 1. Plants valuable in agriculture, medicine, or arts, and specimens required for artistic, scientific, educational, or benevolent purposes, gratuitously supplied. 2. No new ornamental plants to be distributed by root or cutting until two years in the garden. 8. Such plants of this description, as they can be spared, will be offered in exchange for animals, plants, and seeds. 10 A PALM-HOUSE—CENTRAL GROUP. CATALOGUE OF PLANTS. DICOTYLEDONES. Ordo. RANUNCULACEAE. Jussieu. Trius. Clematideae. Clematis Linn. Virgin Bower. blanda Hook, bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia coriacea Dec. ft ~ evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia erecta All. y%~ (0.d.) 8S. Europe florida Thunb. hk ~ decd. (0.d.) Japan Fortuni Hort. 4% w (0.d.) Japan Gouriana Roxb. h ~— evgr. (o.d.) Tropical India, Malayan Peninsula indivisa Willd. hk. evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand integrifolia Linn. % ~ (0.d.) S. Burope lanuginosa Lindl. bh ~ decd. (0.d.) China microphylla Dec. bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) S. Australia montana Buchan. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) Nepal smilacifolia Wall. hh W evgr. (o.d.) Nepal, Himalayas, Java Standishii Hort. kh ~ evgr. (0.d.) Japan Viticella Linn, ht W~ decd. (0.d.) Europe Tribus. Anemoneae. Thalictrum Linn. Meadow Rue. angustifolium Jacq. % (o.d.) Germany var. laserpitiifolium concinnum Willd. Y% (o.d.) Europe foeditum Linn. Y% var. glabrum. (o. d.) ‘glaucum Desf. % (0o.d.) Europe majus Jacq. % (o.d.) Europe A 2 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Anemone Linn. Wind Flower. apennina Linn, tubr. (0.d.) Italy tub. (o.d.) Japan memorosa Linn. Y tubr. (0.d.) Europe palmata Linn. Y% tubr. (0.d.) Afriéa pavonina Lam. Y% tubr. (o.d.) Europe vitifolia Buchan. I (0.d.) Nepal Adonis Linn. Pheasant’s Foot. autumnalis Linn. © (0. d.) Europe vernalis Linn. ¥ (0.d.) Europe japonica Zuce. 2 Y hortensis Linn. Y% tubr. (0. d.) Star Anemone. Trius. Ranunculeae. Ranunculus Livy. Crowfoot. acontifolivs Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe acris Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe asiaticus Linn. 2% tubr. (0.d.) Orient bulbosus Linn. Y tubr. (0. d.) Europe bullatus Linn. ¥% tubr. (0.d.) 8S. Europe lanuginosus Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe monspeliacus Linn. Y% tubr. (o.d.) France repens Linn. fil. 2% (o.d.) Europe rutaefolius Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe Sprunerii Hort. ¥% tubr. (0. d.) Trius. Helleboreae. Helleborus Linv. Heilebore. antiquorum A. Br. og (0.d.) Orient niger Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Europe Nigella Linn. Love in the Mist. damascena Linn. © (0.d.) 8S. Europe Fontanesiana Hort. © (0.d sativa Linn. © (0.d.) 8S. Europe Aquilegia Linn. Columbine. astrata Koch. 7 (0. d.) Germany canadensis Linn. Y% (0.d.) N. America elata Ledb. Y% (0.d.) Siberia formosa Fisch. 4% (0. d.) Kamtschatka glandulosa Fisch. 1 (0. d.) Siberia glauca Lindl. ¥% (o.d.) Himalayas vulgaris Linn. ¥% (o.d.) Europe Italy BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 3 Delphinium Lixn. Larkspur. Ajacis Linn. © (0.d.) 8S. Europe azureum Michx. Y (o.d.) America chinensis Fisch. Y% (0.d.) China consolida Linn. © (0. d.) 8. Europe formosum Hort. Y% (0. d.) grandiflorum Linn. ¥% (o.d.) Europe nudicaule Torr & Gray. ¥% (o.d) California Requienii Dec. ¥% (0.d.) Majorca speciosum Bbrst. 1 (0.d.) Caucasus Trius. Paeontéae. Paeonia Liny. Peony. Moutan Sims. h decd. (0.d.) China officinalis Willd. % (0.d.) Europe Ordo. DILLENIACEAE. De Candolle. Trius. Dillenieae. Wormia Rorss. alata R. Br. bh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia Hibbertia Anpr. fasciculata R. Br. th und. shr. evgr. (o ad.) E. Australia volubilis And. h ~ evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Candollea Last. cuneiformis Labill. J shr. evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia Ordo, CALYCANTHACEAE. | Lindley. Calycanthus Liyy. Allspice Tree. floridus Linn. h _ shr. decd. (0.d.) Carolina “var. aurantiacus occidentalis macrocarpa Hook. } shr.decd. (o.d.) Japan Chimonanthus Linpt. Japan Allspice. fragrans Lindl. % shr.decd. (0.d.) Japan ramiflora Roxb. hh shr.decd. (o.d.) Japan 4 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. MAGNOLIACEAE. De Candolle. Trius. Wintereae. Drimys Forsr. avillaris Forst. h evgr. (0o.d.) Magellan digitata Hook. hh evgr. (0. d.) ‘S. America Tlicium Lixv. anisatum Linn. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Japan floridanum Linn. J} shr.evgr. (0. 4.) Florida religiosum Sieb. & Zucc. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Japan Trius. Magnolieae. Magnolia Liry. bicolor Hort. shr. decd. (0. d.) conspicua Salisb. Th decd. (o.d.) China fuscuta Andr. I shr. evgr. (o.d.) China “var. annonaefolia tf “ Campbelli grandiflora Linn. bh evgr. (o.d.) China Nerbertiana Hort. bh (o.d. purpurea Curt. wh shr.decd. (0.d.) China superba Hort. h (0. d.) Liriodendron Linn. Tulip Tree. tulipifera Linn. t decd. (0.d.) N. America Ordo. ANONACEAE. Dunal. Tribus. Ononeae. Cananga Rumen. odorata Teysm. I evgr. (st.) Java Atrabotrys R. Br. odoratissima R. Br. hh shr.evgr. (st.) India Trius. Mitrephoreae. Monodora Dun. grandiflora Dun. kh evgr. 8S. America BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 5 Tribus. Xylopeae. Anona Livy. Custard Apple. Cherimolia Mill. evgr. (st.) S. America muricata Linn. 1% evgr. (st.) S. America reticulata Linn, h_ evgr.. (st.) §S. America Trius. Miliuseae. Eupomatia R. Br. % Bennettii F. Muell. wh shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia laurina R, Br. t shr. evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia Ordo. MENISPERMACEAE. De Candolle. Trius. Cissampelieae. Sarcopetalum F. Must. _ Hlarveyanum F. Muell. - ~ evgr. (0. d.) Australia Stephania Lovr. . hernandiaefolia Hook. bh ~ evgr. (0. d.) Java, N. Australia Ordo. BERBERIDEAE., Ventenant. Tritus. Lardizabaleae. Akebia Decaisy. quinata Decaisn. Tribus. Berbereae. Berberis Livy. Berberry. Aquifolium Pursh. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. America asiatica Roxb. bh shr.evgr. (o.d.) HE. Indies Bealii Hook. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) China carolineana (?). Ih shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. America chinensis Desf. shr. evgr. (0.d.) China crataegina Dec. h shr. decd. (0.d.) Asia Darwinii Hook. w= shr.evgr. (0. d.) Chiloe 6 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Berberis—continued. diversifolia Steud. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) Monte Video dulcis D. Don. 4h shr. evgr. (0. d.) Magellan St. Ehrenbergii Kze. th shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico fasciculata Sims. I shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America Fortuni Lindl. h shr. evgr. (o. d.) fuchsioides Hort. h shr. evgr. (0. d.) globularis (?). I sbr. evgr. (0. d.) ilicifolia Forst. % shr. evgr. (0.d.) T. del Fuego Jamesonii Ch. Lem. J shr.evgr. (0.d.) Quito japonica Lindl. h shr.evgr. (0o.d.) Japan latifolia Ruiz. & Pav. hb shr.evgr. (o.d.) Peru laxiflora Schrad. shr. evgr. (o,d.) N. America Leschenaultii Wall. hb shr. evgr. (0.d.) E. Indies microphylla Forst. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) Magellan nepalensis Spr. h shr.evgr. (o.d) Nepal Neubertii (¢) Hort. hb shr. evgr. (0. d.) provincialis Audib. 7) shr.decd. (0.d.) France sanguinolenta Schrad. h evgr. (o. d.) sibirica Pall. ) shy. decd. (o.d.) Siberia stenophylla Hort. wh shr. evgr. (0. d.) tenuifolia Lindl. h shr.evgr. (0.d) Vera Cruz Thunbergii Dec. h shr.evgr. (0. d.) Japan vulgaris Linn. 1% shr. decd. (o.d.) Europe “© var. asperma ae * hypoleuca “ ‘“¢ ° purpurea . “ variegata Leontice Linn. Leontopetalum Linn. Y (0.d.) Italy Nandina Txuns. domestica Thunb. 1} shr.evgr. (o.d.) China Podophyllum Lixy. Emodi Wall. 4% (o.d.) N. America peltatum Linn. Y% (o.d.) N. America Ordo. NYMPHAEACEAE. | Salisbury. Sub Ordo. Nymphaea. Nuphar Sm. lutea Sm. Y% aq. pl. (0.d.) Europe BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. ‘3 Nymphaea Liyy. Water Lily. alba Linn. Y% aq. pl. (o.d.) Europe ampla Dec. ¥ aq. pl. (0. d.) India blanda Meyer. ¥% aq. pl. (0.d.) Guiana coerulea Savig. Y% aq. pl. (0.d.) Egypt dentata Schum. & Thun. Y% ag. pl. (0. d.) Sierra Leone gigantea Hook. ¥% aq. pl. (o.d.) N. Australia Lotus Linn. ¥% aq. pl. (o.d.) Egypt poicila Lehm. %¥%% aq. pl. (o.d.) S. America thermalis Dec. Y% aq. pl. (0.d.) Hungaria Victoria Scuoms. Regia Schomb. % aq. pl. (st.) S. America Ordo, SARRACENIACEAE. Endlicher. Sarracenia Livy. Drummondii Croom. Y% (g. h.) N. America purpurea Linn. 4 (g.h.) N. America Ordo. PAPAVERACEAE, Jussieu. Tribus. Eupapavereae. Papaver Linn. Poppy. alpinum Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe orientale Linn. Y% (0. d.) Levant ‘pinnatifidum Moris. Y% (o.d.) Italy pyrenaicum Willd. % (0.d.) Pyrenees Rhoeas Linn. ©. (0.d.) French Poppy. Europe somniferum Linn. © (0.d.) Opium Poppy. Hurope Argemone Liyy. grandiflora Sweet. © (0.d.) Mexico mexicana Linn. © (0.d.) Mexico ochroleyca Sweet. © (0.d.) Mexico BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Arabis Livy. Water Cress. alpina Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe Turrita Linn, (0.d.) Europe Trius. Alyssineae. Lunaria Lin. Honesty. biennis Moench. « (0.d.) 8S. Europe Aubrietia Apans. deltoidea Dec. Y% (0. d.) 8S. Europe Vesicaria Lam. Bladder Pot. sinuata Poir. © ,(o.d.) Spain Alyssum Lryy. Madwort. saxatile Linn. var compactum. % (0.d.) Russia Tribus. Sisymbrieae. Hesperis (Linn. Rocket. matronalis Linn. % (o.d.) Europe Erysimum Lin. ; Perofskianum Fisch & Mey. © (0.d.) Caucasus Tribus. Lepidineae. Jonopsidium Rzrcus. acaule Reichb. © (0.d.) Lisbon Lepidium Liv. Pepperwort, campestre Linn. © (0.d.) Europe Tribus. Thlaspideae. Iberis Liny. Candy Tuft. amara Linn. © (o0.d.) Europe gibraltaricar Linn. @ (0.4) Gibraltar sempervirens Linn, ¥ (0.d.) Candia Tenoreana Dec. 4% (0.d.) 8S. Europe umbellata Linn. © (0.d.) Italy : Sub Tribus. Tsatideae. Isatis Livy. Woad. tinctoria Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe 10 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. CAPPARIDEAE. Ventenant. Tribus. Cleome Linn. pentaphylla Linn. viscosa Linn. © Tribus. Capparis Livy. canescens Banks. Mitchelli Lindl. nobilis F. Muell. spinosa Linn. h Thylachium Lovr. Sinningi (?). bh shy. evgr. Cleomeae. © (o.d.) E. India (o.d.) E. India Cappareae. Caper Bush. bh evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia lh evgr. (0.d.) HE. Australia shr. decd. (o.d.) 8S. Europe (?) Ordo, RESEDACEAE, De Candolle. Trius. Resedaceae. Reseda. Livy. fruticulosa Linn. Luteola Linn. © odorata Linn. © Ordo, Cistus Linn. albidus Linn. h corboriensis Pourr. creticus Linn. h hirsutus Lam. h incanus Linn. ladaniferus Linn. bh und. shr. evgr. h und. shr. evgr. und. shr. evgr. und. shr. evgr. longifolius Lam. und. shr. evgr. laurifolius Linn. laxus Ait. Ledon Lam. ol Mignionette. (o. d.) Europe (o. d.) Weld. Europe (o. d.) Egypt CISTINEAE. De Candolle. Rock Rose. und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Spain hh und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Spain und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Tauria und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Spain und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Spain (o. d.) Spain (o. d.) Spain (o. d.) Spain (o. d.) 8. Europe (0. d.) Spain BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. II Cistus—continued. monspeliensis Linn, 1% und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) 8. Europe parviflorus Lam. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) 8S. Europe populifolius Linn. % und shr.evgr. (o.d.) §S. Europe salvifolius Linn. fh und. shy. evgr. (o.d.) S. Europe tauricus Presl, 1% und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Tauria Tuberaria Linn, f und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe undulatus Dun. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) 8. Europe vaginatus Ait. und. shr.evgr. (0. d.) Teneriffe vulgaris Spach. und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Europe Helianthemum Pers. Sun Rose. Andersonii Sweet. f und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Hybrid canescens Sweet. J und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe formosum Dun. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) §. Europe glutinosum Pers. . und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. Europe hyssopifolium var. cupreum Tenor. } und. shr. evgr. (0. d.). 8. Europe majoranaefolium Dec. } und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe mutabile Pers. % und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Europe rhodanthum Dun. h und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Spain rosmarinifolium Pursh. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Canada sulphureum Willd. hh und. shr. evgr. (o d.) Spain variabile Spach. h und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8. Europe “var. tomentosum C. Koch Ordo VIOLARIEAE. De Candolle. Tritus. Violeae. Corynostylis Mazr. Hybanthus var. albiflora Mart. h ~~ evgr. (st.) S. America Viola Linn. - Violet. cornuta Linn. % (o.d.) Europe odorata Linn. % (o.d.) Europe tricolor Linn. hb (0. d.) Europe Ordo. BIXINEAE. Xunth. ‘Tribus. Bixeae. Bixa Linn. Annotta. Orellana Linn. hh evgr. (st.) 8S. America 12 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Trisus. Oncobeae. Oncoba Forskx. Kraussiana Blanch. kh shr.evgr. (0.d.) B. Natal Trius. Flacourtieae. Azara Ruiz & Pav. integrifolia Ruiz & Pav. th shr.evgr. (0.d.) Chili Scolopia Scurzs. Brownii F. Muell. 1 shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Flacourtia Comm. cataphracta Roxb. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. India Aberia Hocusr. Caffra Har. hb evgr. (0.d.) S. Africa Ordo. PITTOSPOREAE. R. Brown. Pittosporum Banus. bicolor Hook. % evgr. (o.d.) HE. Australia Colensoi Hook. fil. kh evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand cornifolium A. Cunn. hb shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand crassifolium Banks. shr.evgr. (0. d.) N. Zealand eugenioides A.Cunn. hb evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand « fol. varieg. — ferrugineum Ait. bh evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia phillyraeoides Dec. % evgr. (0.d.) Australia revolutum, Ait. th shr.evgr. (0.d.) “Australia rigidum Hook fil. wh shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand rhombifolium A. Cunn. hk evgr. (0.d.) Australia Tobira Ait. wh shr.evgr. (0.d.) China “ fol. varieg. tenuifolium Banks & Sol. h evgr. (0. d.) N. Zealand undulatum Vent. hb evgr.-(o.d.) E. Australia venulosum (?). kh evgr. viridiflorum Sims. shr.evgr. (9.d.) C. G. Hope Hymenosporum F. Mvzt. flavum F. Muell. bh evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 13 Bursaria Cav. spinosa Cav. J} shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia Marianthus Hvze. bignoniaceus F. Muell. bh W~ (0.d.) 8S. Australia Citriobatus A. Cuny. multifiorus Cunn. th shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia Billardiera Sm. cymosa F. Muell. th shr.evgr. (0. d.) S. Australia longiflora Labill. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Sollya Linvt. heterophylla Lindl. hb shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Ordo, TREMANDREAE, R. Brown. Platytheca Srzerz. galioides Steetz. hh und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia Ordo. POLYGALEAE. = Jussieu. Polygala Linn. Milkwort. coreifolia Thunb. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) C.G. Hope grandiflora Lodd. 1% _ shr. evgr. d.) C. G. Hope myrtifolia Linn. kh shr.evgr. (o.d.) CO. G. Hope oppositifolia Linn. h shr. evgr. C. G. Hope speciosa Sims. kh shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Muraltia Necx. Heisterii Dec. und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope Mundia Kuntu. spinosa Dec. I und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope 14. CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. CARYOPHYLLEAE. ' Jussieu. Trius. Stleneae. Dianthus Livy. Pink. alpinus Linn. % (0.d.) Europe attenuatus Sm. Y% (o.d.) Spain arenarius Linn. ¥ (0.d.) Europe atrorubens All. % (0. d.) 8S. Europe bannaticus Heuff. % (0. d.) Europe barbatus Linn. gt (0.d.) Europe bicolor Bbrst. % (0.d.) Tauria caesius Sm. % (0.d.) Europe capitatus Dec. Y% (0.d.) Caucasus Carthusianorum Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Sweet William. Europe Caryophyllus Linn. % (0.d.) Carnation. §S. Europe caucasicus Sims. 7% (0. d.) Caucasus i chinensis Linn. o (0.d.) Chinese Pink. China ee var. imperialis corymbosus Sib. © (0.d.) Asia cruentus Fisch, ¥% (0. d.) Siberia’ deltoides Linn. ¥% (o.d.) Europe dentatus Fisch. Y% (0.d.) Siberia fragrans Bbrst. 7% (0.d.) Caucasus HeddewigiiRegl. © (0.d.) Japanese Pink. Japan petraeus W.K. 2% (0.d.) Hungary plumarius Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Common Pink. 8S. Europe pulchellus Pers. 2% (o.d.) Spain pungens Linn. ¥ (0.d.) Spain Scheuchzeri Reichb. ¥% (0.d.) Alps serotinus W.K. % (0o.d.) Hungary serrulatus Desf. % (0. d.) Africa superbus Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Europe sylvaticus Hopp. ¥ (o d.) Germany viscidus Bory. 2 (0. d.) Greece Tunica Scor. saxifraga Scop. % (o.d.) Europe Gypsophila Linn. altissima Linn. % (0.d.) Siberia elegans Bbrst. © (0.d.) Tauria paniculata Linn. Y% (o.d.) Italy perfoliata Linn. Y% (0. d.) S. Europe trichotoma Wender. % (0.d.) Europe : BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Saponaria Livy. Soapwort. calabrica Guss. Y (0.d.) Calabria multiflora Linn. 7% (0.d.) Germany ocymoides Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe officinalis Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe orientalis Linn. © (0.d.) Orient Silene Livy. Catchfly. alpestris Jacq. Y (0.d.) Alps Armeria Linn. © (0. d.) Europe Bergerii Schott. % (o.d.) Italy compacta Fisch. ¢ (0.d.) Caucasus fabaria Sm. Y% (0.d.) Sicily italica Pers. cg (0.d.) Italy livida Willd. Y% (0.d.) Carniola nutans Linn. % (0. d.) Europe orientalis Linn. © (0. d.) Europe ornata Ait. gg’ (o.d.) C. G. Hope Otites Sm. ¥% (0.d.) Europe pendula Linn. © (0.d.) Sicily quinquevulnera Linn. © (o0.d.) Europe tatarica Pers.. © (o.d.) Russia trinervia Sebast. © (o.d.) Italy ~ vyéspertina Retz. © (o0.d.) S. Europe viridiflora Linn, g (o..d.). 8. Europe Cucubalus Linn. Cambion. bacciferus Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe Lychnis Livy. chalcedonica Linn. % (0.d.) Levant Coeli rosa Desr. © (0.d.) S. Europe coronaria Desr. Y% (0.d.) Tauria corsica Loisl. % (0.d.) Corsica fulgens Fisch, ¥% (0.d.) Siberia flos-Jovis Desr. 2% (0.d.) Germany Haagaena Hort. % (0. d.) Sieboldii v. Houtte. % (0.d.) Japan ‘Visearia Linn. ¥ (0. d.) Europe Trius. Alsineae. Spergula Livy. Spurry. arvensis Linn, % (0.d.) Europe pilifera Dec. Y% (0.d.) Corsica 16 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. PORTULACEAE. Jussieu. Portulaca Lixy. Purslane. Gillesii Hook. © (0.4.) Chili grandiflora Camb. © (o.d.) Brazil Thellusoni Lindl. © (0.d.) Brazil Calandrinia Hums & Bonrt. glauca Schrad. % (0.d.) Chili speciosa Lindl. ¥% (0.d.) California ymbellata Dec. © (0. d.) Ordo. TAMARISCINEAE. Desvaux. Sub Tribus. Te amarisceae. Tamarix Linn. Tamarisk. chinensis Lour. T decd. (0.d.) China gallica Linn. I decd. (0.d.) 8. Europe Ordo. HYPERICINEAE. Lindley. Trius. Hypericeae. Hypericum Linn. _— St. John’s Wort. calycinum Linn. I und. shr. decd. (o.d.) Europe canariense Linn. wh shr.decd. (0.d.) Isl, Canary elegans Steph. % (0.d.) Russia . erectum Thunb. % (0.d.) Japan floribundum Ait. und. shr.decd. (0.d.) Isl. Canary Gebleri Ledb. % shr. decd. (0.d.) Siberia grandifolium Chois. J und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Teneriffe japonicum Thunb. Y (0.d.), Japan pblsnaitelins Chois. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Nepal olympicum Linn. Y% (0. d.) Levant orientale Linn. % (0.d.) Orient perforatum Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Europe repens Linn. ¥ (0.d.) S. Europe tetrapterum Fries ¥ (o.d.) Germany tomentosum Linn, % (0.d.) 8. Europe Androsaemum Att. ‘officinale All. % und. shr. (0.d.) §S. Europe PALM-HOUSE—FERN GROUP AND FOUNTAIN. BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 17 Ordo. GUTTIFERAE. Jussieu. Tribus. Clusieae, Clusia Lrxv. liboniana Lind. h evgr. (st.) S. America Tribus. Garcineae. Garcinia Linn. © Livistoni (?) Ih evgr. (st.) E. India. Xanthochymus Roxs. pictorius Roxb. hh evgr. (st.) India. Trius. Calophylleae. Calophyllum Lixy. Inophyllum Linn. h evgr. (st.) Java, Ceylon, India Ordo. TERNSTROEMIACEAE. De Candolle. Trius. Marcgravieae. Marcgravia Linn. paradoxa (?) ¥% W (st.) S. America Trius. Ternstroemteae. Eurya Tuvns. latifolia (?) fol. varieg. %° shr.evgr. (st.) Japan Tritu. Gordonteae. Camellia Livy. japonica Linn. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Japan Thea Linn. Tea. chinensis Sims. } shr. evgr. (g.h.) China B “18 CATALOGUE, OF PLANTS, Ordo. MALVACEAE. Jussieu. Trius. Malveae. Malope Liv. trifida Cav. © (0. d.) Barbary Kitaibelia Witxp. vitifolia Willd. 4% (o.d.) Hungary Palava Cav. ‘ flexuosa Hook. © (0.d.) Peru Althaea Linn. Marsh Mailow. officinalis Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe rosea Cav. ot (0.d.) Hollyhock. China Nuttallia Bazr. malvaeflora Fisch. 2 (0.d.) Texas Lavatera Linn. arborea Linn. < (0.d.) S. Europe maritima Willd. h (0o.d.) Spain Olbia Linn. shr. (0o.d.) 8. Europe trimestris Linn. © (o.§d.) S. Europe thuringiaca Linn. Y% (0.d.) Germany Malva Linn. Mallow. capensis Linn. I shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope crispa Linn. © (0.d.) Syria fruticosa Berg. h shr, evgr. (0.-d.) C. G. Hope sylvestris Linn. ¢ (0.d.) Europe Plagianthus Forst. betulinus A. Cunn. shr. ever. (o.d.) N. Zealand divaricatus Forst. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand pulchellus A. Gray. I shr. evgr.- (o.d.) E, Australia Sida Livy. ' alnifolia Linn. © (0. d.) India canariensis Willd. <1 (o.d.) Isl. Canaries indica Willd. © (0.d.) KE. India mollis Orteg. - shr.evgr. (0. d.) Peru vitifolia Cav. hb shr.evgr. (0.d.) Chili Abutilon Gazrty. Chinese Lantern. aurantiacum Hort. h shr. evgr. (0. d. Bedfordianum Hook. h ° shr. evgr. (o.d.)’ Brazil Darwinii tesselatum Hort. shr. evgr. (st.) BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Ig Abutilon—continued. floribundum Schlecht, 3 shr. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico Regnellii Miqul. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Brazil Sellowianum variegatum Hort. shr. evgr. (8t.) Thompsonii Hort. wh shr. evgr. (0. d.) s fol. varieg. venosum H. Turic. hh shr.evgr. (0. d.) Mexico vexillarium E. Mon. f shr.evgr, (0. d.) Brazil 7 fol. varieg. : j vitifolium Dee. % shr. evgr. (0.d.) Chili Sphaeralcea Sr. H111. umbellata ‘Spach. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Spain Trius. Ureneae. Pavonia Cav. coccinea Cav. h shr. evgr. (0.d.) St. Domingo praemorsa Willd. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Africa Tribus. Hubisceae. Hibiscus Livy. * brasiliensis Linn. I . shr. evgr. (0.d.) Brazil $8 var. grandiflorus. ne var. 5 compactus. calycinus Willd. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Mauritius Camdenii Hort. hb shr.evgr (0. d.) elatus Sw. bh shr.evgr. (0.d) W. Indies grandiflorus Michx. ¥% (0.d.) Florida es fi. albus “ fi. roseus Guilfoylii Hort. wh shr. evgr. (0. d.) Harrisonii Hort. wh shr.evgr. (0. d.) heterophyllus Vent. t shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Huegelii Endl. th shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia hybridus grandiflorus roseus Hort. wh shr. evgr. (0. d.) Lambertii Hort. ty shr.evgr. (st.) 8S. S. Island Lampas Cav. bh shr. evgr. (st.) E. India liliflorus Cav. shr.evgr. (0. d.) Bourbon Manihot Linn. -Y% (st.) E. India moscheutos Linn. Y% (0.d.) 8S. America mutabilis Linn. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India ee fi. pleno. palustris Linn. Y% (0.d.) N. America puniceus (?). .h shr. evgr. (0. d.) populneus Linn. } shr.evgr. (st.) India 20 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Hibiscus—continued. 4 Richardsonii Lindl. hb (od.) E. Australia rosa sinensis Linn. J) shr.evgr. (st.) China Rose. China “ en fi. luteo plend 7 35 fil. pleno ec » fol. varieg. speciosus Ait. 2 evgr. (o.d.) Florida splendens Fras. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia syriacus Linn. J shr. decd. Syria ee fl. alba. . tiliaceus Linn. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia Trionum Linn. © Bladder Ketmia. (0. d.) Italy Lagunaria G. Don. PatersoniG. Don. I evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Fugosia Juss. hakeaefolia Hook. h shr. eygr. (0.d.) S. Australia Gossypium Livy. Cotton. herbaceum Linn. © (0.d.) E. India Sturtii F. Muell. h% shr. evgr. (o.d.) 5S. Australia Trius. Bombaceae. Adansonia Liny. Baobab. digitata Linn. h evgr. (st.) Africa Ordo. STERCULIACEAE. Ventenant. Trius. Sterculieae. . Sterculia Livy. acerifolia A. Cunn. hb evgr. (0.d.) Flame Tree. E. Aus- tralia : Bidwilli Hook. bh evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia diversifolia G. Don. hb evgr. (0.d.) Owaria heterophylla Beauv. hb evgr. (o.d.) Owaria. platanifolia Linn. fil, bh evgr. (o.d.) China quadrifida R. Br. hb evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia ramiflora Benth. hb evgr. (o.d.) N, Australia rupestris Benth. h evgr. (0o.d.) HE, Australia trichosiphon Benth. h evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 24. Tarrietia Biome. ; _—" argyrodendron Benth. % evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Helicteres Linn. © ¥ . - Isora Linn, shr. evgr. (st.) Ceylon, India, Malabar,’. N. Australia. ° . * Pterospermum Scures: a: he acerifolium Willd.. evgr. (0. d.), E. India suberifolium Willd: 1) evgr. (o.d.) E. India Tribus. Dombeyeae. Dombeya Cav. natalensis Sond. J) shr.evgr. (o.d.) Port Natal Mastersii Hook. I shr.evgr. (0.d.) Isl. Bourbon Astrapaea Linvt. mollis. Lindl. bh .evgr. (0.d.) Madagascar Wallichii Lindl. h- evgr. (st.) Madagascar Trius. Hermannieae. Hermannia Linn. . angularis Jacq. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Africa candicans Ait. wh’ und.'shr. evgr: (0:d.) 8. Africa denudata Linn. fil. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope disermaefolia Jacq. shr.evgr. (0.d.) C.G Hope hyssopifolia Linn. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) C.G. Hope plicata Ait. wh . und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G.. Hope scordifolia Jacq. hb shr.evgr. (o.d.) S Africa venosa Bartl. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Africa. Theobroma Livy. Chocolate Nut Tree. Cacao Linn. I ever. (st.) 8S. America Guazuma Pru. tomentosa Humb & Bonpl. hh evgr. (0.'d.) S. America Rulingia R. Br. , corylifolia Grah. shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia pannosa R. Br. shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia parviflora Endl. th shr.evgr. (0. d.) W. Australia Commersonia Forsr. ; echinata Forst. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Moluccas, E. Australia 22 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Trius. Lastiopetaleae. Guichenotia J. Gay. ledifolia J. Gay. T shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia Lasiopetalum Sm. ferrugineum Sm. Jf shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia parviforum Rudge. 1% shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Ordo. TILIACEAE. — Jussieu. Trius. Grewieae. Grewia Liyn. acuminata Juss. J shr.evgr. (o.d.) Java latifolia F. Muell. shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia occidentalis Linn. _ shr. evgr. Ks d.) C. G. Hope serrulata Dee. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Bengal Trius. Tilieae, Entelea R. Br. arborescens R. Br. hh evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand Sparmannia Livy, ri. africana Linn, fil. th shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope Tilia Linn. Lime Tree. argentea Dec. I decd. (o.d.) Hungaria europaea Linn. hb decd. (0.d.) Europe sé var aurea ‘ a) “ longifolia dentata ne ** macrophylla * “ pyramidalis pubescens Ait. I decd. (0.d.) N. America rubra Dec. fh decd. (0.d.) Tauria Trius. Hlaeocarpeae. Elaeocarpus Livy. cyaneus R. Br. hb evgr. (0. d.) -E. Australia grandis F. Muell. hb evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia orientalis (?) bh evgr. (0. d.) serratus Linn. f evgr. (0.d.) E, India Aristotelia L’Hzr. racemosa Hook. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Chili BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 23 Ordo. LINEAE. De Candolle. Trius. Hulineae. Linum Livy. Flax. campanulatum Linn. ¥% (0. d.) Europe corymbulosum Reichb. Y (0. d.). Austria decumbens Desf. % (0o.d.) N. Africa flavum Linn. Y (0.d.) Europe grandiflorum Desf. © (o.d.) Algiers juniperifolium Ekl. Yy (0.d.) C. G. Hope Lewisii Mhlbgr. 2% (0.d.) N. America monogynum Forst. % (o.d.) N. Zealand ee var. grandiflorum es ‘“ varieg. narbonense Linn YY (0.d) Europe perenne Linn. fl. roseum. % (0.d.) Europe trigynum Dec. fh und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India usitatissimum Linn. © flax. (0. d.) Europe & var. fl. alba. the Ordo. MALPIGHIACEAE. © Jussieu. Trius. Malpighieae. Malpighia Livy. coccifera Linn. shr.evgr. (st.) E. India glabra Linn. J shr. evgr. (0. d.) 8S. America punicifolia Linn. shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. America. Tribus. Banisterteae. Stigmaphyllon A. Juss. ciliatum A. Juss. hb ~ evgr. (st.) Brazil - Heteropteris Kyin. nitida Humb. & Bonpl.. h ~ evgr. (st.) Brazil Banisteria Linn. chrysophylla Lam. th shr.evgr. (st.) S. America laurifolia Linn, h shr. evgr.' (st.) Isl. Jamaica 24 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. GERANIACEAE. De Candolle. Trius. Geranteae.. Geranium Lry. Crane’s Bill. erianthum Dec. % (0.d.) N. America hederaefolium Dum. h und. shr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope palustre Linn, % (0.d.) Europe phaeum Lam. YY (0.d.) Europe praterise Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe sanguineum Linn. Y (o.d.)° Europe sibiricum Linn, 2% (0.d.) Siberia sylvaticum Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Europe tuberosum Linn. Y% (0.d.) 8S. Europe Trius. Pelargonieae. Pelargonium Livy. Stork’s Bill. acetosum Ait. % und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope alchemilloides Willd. % (0.d.) C. G. Hope anemonifolium Jacq. % und.shr. (0.d.) C. G, Hope ardens Sweet var. major. Y% (0.d.) C. G. Hope astragalifolium Pers. 2% tubr. (0.d.) C.G. Hope Balbisianum Spin. var. superba. J und. shr. evgr. (o0.d.) C. G. Hope bicolor Ait. I und. shr.evgr. (o0.d.) C.G. Hope Blandfordianum Sweet. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) C.G. Hope capitatum Ait. } shr.evgr: (0.d.) C. G. Hope carnosum Ait. und. shr.evgr. (o-d.) C. G. Hope Comptoniae Sweet. hh und. shr. evgr. C. G. Hope conspicuum Sweet. 2 tubr. Hort. (0. d.), C. G. Hope. crassicaule L’Herit. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) OC. G. Hope crispum Ait. th shr.evgr. Hort. (0. d.) cucullatum Ait. th und. shr. evgr. (o.d,) C.G. Hope denticulatum Jacq. hh shr.evgr. (o.d. C.G. Hope echinatum Curt. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope fissifolium Pers. Y% tubr. (0.d.) C G. Hope flavum Ait. 2% tubr. (0.d.), C. G. Hope gibbosum Willd. th und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) ©. G. Hope graveolens Ait. T shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope grossularioides Ait. 1 shr.evgr. (0.d.) C.G. Hope Heritieri Jacq. % und. shr. evgr, (0.d.) C. G. Hope hirsutum Ait. var. melananthum. ¥ tubr. evgr. (0. d.) C. G. Hope BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 25 Pelargonium—continued. involucratum Sweet. hh und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope jatrophaefolium Dec. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope lateripes L’Herit. und. shr. evgr. (o.d.), C. G. Hope lobatum Willd. y% (0.d.) ©. G. Hope sacra ae Sweet. h und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) ©. G. . Hope malvaefolium Jacq. %' und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) C.G. Hope marginatum Cav. bh shr.evgr. Hort. (0. d. multiradiatum E. Mey. Y% shr. evgr. (o. d.) C. G. Hope odoratissimum Ait. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope pulverulentum Colv. Y% (o.d.) C. G. Hope , pumilum Willd Y Hort. (0. d.) quercifolium Ait. th shr.'evgr. (o0.d.) C. G. Hope Radula Ait. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope saepeflorens Sweet. h und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope sanguineum Wendl. % evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope tomentosum Jacq. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) C©.-G. Hope . triste Ait. Y Tubr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope viscosissimum Sweet. wh und. shr. evgr. (0..d.) OC. G. - Hope’ zonale Willd. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope «var. stenopetalum. OC. G. Hope Tropaeolum Linn. Nasturtium. albiflorum Hort. ¥% ~ tubr. tw. azureum Miers. Y% ~ tubr. tw. Chili brachyceras Hook. Y% .— tubr.tw. (g.h.) Chili coeruleum Miers. 2% W tubr.tw. (g h.) Chili edule Hort. 4% ~ tubr. tw. (g.h.) Chili Lobbianum Hook. © ~ tw. (0. d.) Colombia majus Linn. © tw. (o.d.) Peru minus Linn. © tw. (0.d.) Peru. pentaphyllum Lam. Y% tw. (o.d.) M. Video’ peregrinum Linn. © tw. (0.d) N. Grenada polyphyllum Cay. Y% tubr.tw. (g.h.) Chili speciosum Endl. % tubr.tw. (g.h.) Chili tricolorum Sweet. Y% tubr.tw. (g.h.) Chili ee var. Jarrati Paxt. Trius. Limnantheae. Limnanthes R. Br. : Duglasii R. Br. © (0.d.) Chili 26 CATALOGUE, OF PLANTS, Trius. Oxalideae. Oxalis Liny. Wood Sorrel. Andrieuxii H, Cels. Y blb. (0.d.) Mexico arborea Hort. % blb. (0. d.) “fi. alba. articulata Savign. Y% blb. (0.d.) Monte Video bifida Thunb. % Dblb. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Bowieana Lodd. ¥% blb. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope brasiliensis Hort. % blb. (0. d.) Brazil bupleurifolia St. Hill. yy blb. (0.d.) Brazil caprina Linn. ¥ blb. (0.d.) C. G. Hope compressa Thunb. ¥% blb. (0.d.) C. G. Hope corniculata Linn. ¥% (0.d.) C. G. Hope Deppei Lodd. ¥Y blb. (o.d.) S. America esculenta. (P) % bib. (0. d.) fallax Jacq. Y% blb. (0.d.) C. G. Hope filifolia Jacq. Y% Dblb. (0. d.) C. G. Hope flava Linn. Y blb. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope “var. pectinata floribunda Lehm. % (0. d.) Brazil grandiflora Jacq. %Y% blb. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope ts var. alba. heterophylla Dec. ¥% blb. (o.d.) OC. G. Hope hirta Linn. Y Dib. (0.d.) C.G “ var. rubella Jacq. Y% (0.d.) C.G. Hope lasiopetala Zucc. Y% Dblb. (0. d.) livida Jacq. Y% bib. (o.d.) C lupinifolia Jacq. Y% blb. (o.d.) C Marginata Jacq. Y% blb. (o.d.) C. G. Hope monophylla Linn. Y blb. (o. multiflora Jacq. Y Ddlb. (o.d obtusa Jacq. Y bib. (0. d.) pectinata Jacq. Y% blb. (0. d. . p pentaphylla Sm. Y% blb. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Piottae Collad. ¥% blb. (o.d.) C.G. Hope pupurea Thunb. Y% bib. (0. d.) C. G. Hope «var. laxula. rosacea Jacq. Y. blb. (0.d.) C. Good Hope scandens Humb. & Bonpl. 4% ~. ever. (g.h.) S, America sensitiva Linn. ¥% (o.d.) C. G. Hope tenuifolia Jacq. YY bib. (o.d.) C.G. Hope tetraphylla Cav. Y% blb. (o.d.) Mexico tropaeoloides. (?) % umbrosa Willd. Y% bdlb. (0. d.) C. G. Hope Valdiviana Barneoud. Y. (0. d.) Chili variabilis Lindl. 4 blb. (0. d.)- C. G. Hope versicolor Linn. % blb. (0.d.) C. G. Hope BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Trius. Balsamineae. Impatiens Rivin. Touch-me-Not. Balsamina Lim. © (g.h.) E. India glandulifera Arn. Y% (st.) E. India Hookeriana Arn, Y% evgr. (st.) Ceylon Ordo. RUTACEAE. Bartling. Trius. Ruteae. ; Ruta Turner. Rue. graveolens Linn. Y (o.d.) Europe Trius. Diosmeae. Calodendron Txuns . capense Thunb. hk evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope Diosma Livy. alba Thunb. h shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Adenandra WiLip uniflora Willd. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) OC. G. Hope Trius. Boronteae. Zieria Smitu. laevigata Sm. h = shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia lanceolata R. Br. shr.evgr. (0.d.) E, Australia Boronia Sm. elatior Bartl. ‘ shr.evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia megastigma Nees. bh shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia serrulata Sm. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) N.S. Wales Eriostemon Swm.. buxifolius Sm. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia difformis A. Cunn. shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Australia « _-var. Smithianus myoporoides Dec. kh shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia salicifolius Sm. shr. evgr. (o.d.) HE. Australia 27 28 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Correa Sm. speciosa Ait. 1% shr.evgr. (0. d.) Australia “© var. Backhousiana ee “magnifica ee “* pulchella \ sf “ viridiflora. Tribus. . Lanthoxyleae. Melicope Forsr. bijuga Gray. I shr.evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand ternata Forst. shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand Tribus. Toddalieae. Ptelea Linn. glauca Hort. t decd. (0.d.) N. America’ trifoliata Linn. hh decd. (0. d.) N. America « _-var. fol. aurea varieg. Phellodendron Rvrr. Amurense Rupr. hk evgr. (0.d.) R. Amur Acronychia Forsr. Baueri Schott. wh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Norfolk Isl. Skimmia Tuvns. japonica Thunb. fh shr.evgr. (st.) Japan oblata (?) shr.evgr. (st.) Japan , Trius. Auwrantieae. Murraya Livy. exotica Linn. th shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Glycosmis Corr. macrophylla Linn. hb shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Citrus Linn. Orange Tree. Aurantium Linn. hb evgr. (0.d.) Asia australasica F. Muell. t shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia buxifolia Poir. hb shr. evgr. (o.d.) China decumana Linn. h evgr. (0.d.) Shaddock. E. India japonica Thunb. h evgr. (0.d.) Japan Limetta Risso. hh evgr. (0.d.) Bergamotte, Asia « var. myrtifolia Limonum Risso. bh evgr. (0. d.) Lemon. Asia Medica Linn. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) Citron Tree. Asia nobilis Lour. hh evgr. (0.d.) Mandarin. China vulgaris Risso. fh evgr. (0.d.). Seville. Asia BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE, 29 Myaris Prest. inaequalis Presl.’ fh evgr. (0. d.) 'C, G. Hope Cookia Sonnerar. punctata Retz.’ t evgr. (o.d.) China Atalantia Corrza. buxifolia Oliv. - shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Ordo. SIMARUBEAE. _ De Candolle. % Tribus. Stmarubeae. Quassia Linn. . amara Linn. hb evgr. (st.) Surinam Simaba Avs. Cedron Planch. h shr.evgr. (st:) S. America Simaruba Avst. . officinalis Dec. evgr. (st.) Guiana Ailanthus Desr._ excelsa Roxb. hb decd. (0.d.) E. India glandulosa Desf. % decd. (0.d.) China Cneorum Linn. , ; tricoccum Linn. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe Ordo. OCHNACEAE. ‘De Candolle. Tritus. Ochneae. Ochna Scurzs. arborea Burch. } ever. (st.) Africa mauritiana Lam. h shy. evgr. (st.) Isl. Mauritips Gomphia Scuzzs. decorans Lehm. th shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil Theophrasta Lindl. shr. evgr. (st.) 8S. America 30 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Orato. BURSERACEAE. xunth. Trius. Amyrideae. Amyris Livy. balsamifera Linn. 1) evgr. (st.) S. America Ordo. MELIACEAE. ar. Jussieu. Trius. Melveae. Turraea Liny. a pubescens Hellen. 1% shr. evgr. {o.d.) China Melia Lin. Bead Tree. Azedarach Linn. hh decd. (0.d.) White Cedar. E. India composita Willd. hb evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia japonica Don. bh evgr. (o.d.) Japan Trius. Trichilieae. Dysoxylum Brive, rufum Benth. hh evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Ekebergia Srarm. Cape Ash. capensis Thunb. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Owenia F. Mvztt. | cerasifera F, Muell. hh evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia venosa F, Muell. fh evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Carapa Avst. guianensia Aubl. h evgr. (st.) Guiana Tribus. Swietenieae. Swietenia Linn... Mahogany Tree. Mahogani Linn. h evgr. (st.) S. America Tribus. Cedreleae. Cedrela Livy. serrulata Miq h decd. (0.d.) Sumatra Toona Roxb. h decd. (0.d.) Sydney Cedar, E. Australia, Asia, India, Java BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 3 Flindersia R. Br. australis R. Br. hh evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia oxleyana F. Muell. % evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia ‘ Ordo. OLACINEAE, Endlicher. Tribus. Icacineae. Apodytes E. Meyer. dimidiata E. Meyer. bh evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope Cassinopsis Sonn. capensis Sond. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope Ordo. ILICINEAE. Brongniart. Tex Liyy. Hoily. Aquifolium Linn, hb evgr. (o.d.) Europe cornuta Lindl. h evgr. (o.d.) China myrtifolia Lam. h shr. evgr. (0.d.) W. India opaca Ait. Ih evgr. (0.d.) N. America ‘Paraguariensis St. Hill. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) Paraguay Ordo. CELASTRINEAE. R. Brown, Tribus. Celastreae. Euonymus Linn. Spindle Tree. europaeus Linn. h shr. decd. (0. d.) Europe a6 var. fl. alba _& «fi. coccinea : fimbriatus Wall. % sh. decd. (0. d.) Malacca Hamiltonianus Wall. hb tr. evgr. (o.d.) E. India japonicus Thunb. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Japan “var. aurea varieg. se “< varieg. : latifolius Mill. aureavarieg. T shr.decd. (0.d.) 8. Europe microphyllus Hort. I (0. d.) : pendulus Wall. ‘h- shr. evgr. .(0. d.) E. India 32 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Euonymus—continued. radicans Zuce. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Japan “var. varieg. Sieboldianus Blum. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Java verrucosus Scop. Ih shr.decd. (o.d.) 8S. Europe Cassine Livy. Maurocenia Linn. hb shr.evgr. (0.d.) Hottentot Cherry. C. G. Hope Celastrus Livy. Staff Tree. ilicifolius Schrad. J shr. evgr. (0. d.) Brazil Elaeodendron Jaca. Olive Wood. australe Forst. hb evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia orientale Jacq. h evgr. (0.d.) Orient Ordo. RHAMNEAE. R. Browr. Tribus. Lizypheae. Paliurus Juss. Christ’s Thorn australis Gaert. shr. decd. (0. d.) S. Europe Zizyphus Juss. mucronata Willd. I evgr. (o.d.) S. Africa Berchemia Neck. : yolubilis Dec. bh ~ (0.d.) S. America Trius. Rhamneae. Rhamnus Livy... Buckthorn. Alaternus Linn. b= shr. evgr. (0. d.) 8S. Europe “var. varieg. alpinus Linn. fol. aur. var. t shr. decd. (0.d.) Europe catharticus Linn. bh shr. decd. (0. d.) Europe Frangula Linn. shr. decd. -(o.d.) Europe lanceolatus Pursh. shr. decd. (o.d.) N. America prinoides L’Herit. wh shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Africa tinctorius W. K. bh shr.decd. (0. d.) Hungary Hovenia Tuuns. | dulcis Thunb. th evgr. (0.d.) Japan ENTRANCE INTO THE GARDEN. BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 33 Ceanothus Linn. . africanus Linn. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8. Africa americanus Linn, shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. America azureus Desf. 1 sht.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico Delilianus Spach. shr.evgr. (0. d.) California divaricatus R. Br. shr.evgr. (0.d.) California intermedius Pursh. hh shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. America Lobbianus Hook. shr. evgr. (0. d.) California papillosus Torr. I shr.evgr. (0.d.) California tigidus Nutt. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) California thyrsiflorus Eschw, 1 shr.evgr. (o.d.) Mexico Veitchianus Hort. w shr.evgr. (0.d.) California Phylica Lixy. cordata Linn. shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Africa plumosa Linn. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) S. Africa Alphitonia Retssex, excelsa Reissek. fh tr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Cryptandra Sm. ericifolia Sm. kh shr.evgr. (0.d.) EH. Australia Pomaderris Last @apetala Labill. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia elliptica Labill. hb shr. evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia lanigera Sims. J shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Australia racemosa Hook. J shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia vacciniifolia Reissek. shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Colletia Comm. Bictoniensis Lindl. h shr. evgr. (0. d.).S America Ordo. AMPELIDEAE. Kunth. Vitis Livy. Vine. adnata Wall. bh ~ decd. (0. d.) E. India, N. Australia chontalensis Seem. b ~ decd. (0.d.) C. America heterophylla Thunb. bh ~ decd. (st.) Java var. varieg. hypoglauca F. Mnell. (o. d.) Australia incarnata Teysm. f ~ Sumatra odoratissima Don bh ~ N. America Thunbergii Sieb. & Zuce. hb ~ Japan trifolia Linn. var. varieg. bh ~ E. India vinifera Linn. bh ~ Orient Grape Vine. virginiana Desf. hb ~~ Virginia c. 34 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Cissus Linn. albo nitens Lind. bh ~ (st.) S. America amazonicus Lind. hh ~ (st.) Amazon antarctica Dec. 5 ~ (0.d.) E. Australia capensis Willd. ~ (od.) C.G. Hope discolor Blum. fi ~- st.) Java heterophylla Poir. bh ~ (st.) Java var. fol. varieg. hypoglauca Haw. bh ~ (0.d.) E. Australia Lindenii And. fh ~ evgr. (st.) 8S. America nitens Hort. bh ~ evgr. (st.) ‘vitiginea Linn. f ~ evgr. (st.) India porphyrophyllus Lind. } ~ evgr. (st.) India Ampelopsis Micux. quinquefolia Michx. h ~ decd. (o.d.) N. America tricuspidata Sieb. & Zuce. bh ~ decd. (0. d.) N. America virginica (?) bh ~ decd. eS d.) Virginia Leea Lixy. horrida Teysm. ‘hr, evgr. (st.) Java sambucina Willd. % shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Ord. SAPINDACEAE. Jussieu. Sub Ordo. SAPINDEAE. Bridgesia Brrr. spicata Hook. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Chili Cardiospermum Liyy. Heartseed. Halicacabum Linn. © ~ (0.d.) E. India Paullinia Lixy. thalictrifolia Juss. th evgr. (st.) 8S. America Diploglottis Hoox. rit. Cunninghamii Hook. fil. bh evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Schmidelia Liv. littoralis Blum. h evgr. (st.) Java Koelreuteria Laxm. paniculata Laxm. decd. (0.d.) China Jagera Biume. speciosa Blum 1% evgr. (st.) Java BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Aesculus Lin. Horse Chestnut. californica (?) decd. (0. d.) California flava Ait. I) decd. (0. d.)- Virginia | Hippocastanum Linn. h decd. (o d.) Europe rubicunda Herb. h deed. (o.d.) N. America Cupania Linn. anacardioides Rich. bh evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia australis R. Br. w evgr. (0.d.) E, Australia filicifolia (?) Th (st.) Brazil semiglauca F. Muell. I evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia tomentosa Sw. kh evgr. (ot.) EH. India xylocarpa A.Cunn, h evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Melicocea Livy. | bijuga Linn. hb evgr. (o.d.) Antilles Sapindus Linn. Soap Berry. emarginatus Vahl. I evgr. (st.) E. India Pappea Sond. hh evgr. (o,d.) C. G. Hope Saponaria Linn. hb evgr. (st.) 8. America Nephelium Livy. . «leucocarpum Blume. fh evgr. (st.) Java tomentosum (?) I evgr. (st.) Java Euphoria Juss. Litschi Desf. Ih evgr. (st.) E. India Longan Lam. h evgr. (st.) China Stadmannia Lam. amabilis (?) hh evgr. (st.) Zanzibar Harpulia Roxs. pendula Blanch. I evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Amirola Pers. nitida Pers. I evgr. (st.)- Peru Akania Hoox. rit. Hillii F. Muell. fh evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Sub Ordo. ACERINEAE., Acer Linn. Maple. campestre Linn. t decd. (o.d.) Europe dasycarpum Ehrh. } decd. (o.d.) N. America laurinum'Hsskl. th evgr.. (st.) Java macrophyllum Pursh. h decd. (0. d.) N. America monspessulanum Linn, hh decd. (o.d.) 8S. Europe 35 36 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Acer—continued. Negundo Linn. h decd. (0.d.) N. America “fol. varieg. Opalus Ait. h decd. (o. d.) S. Europe palmatum atropurpureum Lind. & Andr. decd. (g. h.) Japan palmatum rosea marginata (g-h.) Japan platanoides Linn Ih decd. (o.d.) Europe polymorphum h evgr. (g.h.) Japan dissectum “ fol. var. Pseudo-Platanus Linn. hk decd. (0.d.) Sycamore, Europe rubrum Ehrh. hk decd. (0.d.) N. America saccharinum Linn. h decd. (0. d.) Sugar Maple. . N. America striatum Lam. h decd. (0.d.) N. America vitifolium 1 evgt. (g.h.) Japan tataricum Linn. I decd. (0.d.) Tartary Sub Ordo. DODONAEAE, Dodonaea Livy. boroniaefolia G. Don: % shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia ceratocarpa Endl. shr.evgr. (o.d.) ‘W. Australia ericifolia G. Don. h_ shr.evgr. (0.d.) Tasmania viscosa R. Br. shr. evgr. (0. d.) , Australia «var. Burmanni ss “ conferta “6 “ salicifolia Alectryon Gazer. excelsa Gaertn. Ih shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia Sub Ordo. MELIANTHEAE, Melianthus Linn. °- Honey Tree. major Linn. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) -C. G. Hope minor Linn. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) OC. G. Hope Sub Ordo. STAPHYLEAE. Staphylea Livy. Bladder Nut. trifoliata Linn. J shr. decd. (0. d.) N. America BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 37 Ordo. ANACARDIACEAE. Lindley. Trius. Anacardieae. Rhus Linn. Sumach. copallina Linn. shr.decd. (o.d.) N. America Coriaria Linn. % decd. (0.d.) 8S. Europe Cotinus Linn. t shr. decd. (0. d.) 8. Hurope elegans Ait. th shr. decd. (o0.d.) N. America japonica var. Osbeckii, shr.decd. (0o.d.) Japan laevigata Linn. th shr.evgr. (0.d.) S. Africa pentaphylla. Desf. % shr.eygr. (o.d.) Sicily radicans Linn. bh ~ decd, (o.d,) N. America’ tufa Eke. I (0.d.) Africa succedanea Linn: J) shr.evgr. (o.d.) Japan. Toxicodendron Linn. bh ~ decd. (0o.d.) N. America tyyhina Linn. 1 decd. (0.d.) N. America velutina Wall. shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India viminalis Vahl. J shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Africa Pistacia Linn. Terebinthus Linn. hb evgr. (o.d.) S. Europe Schinus Livy. Pepper Tree. Molle Linn. % evgr. (0.d.) Peru Tribus. Spondtieae. Spondias Linn. Hog Plum. lutea Linn. “h evgr. (st.) S. America Mombin Linn. h evgr. (st.) E. India Ordo, CORIARIEAE. kndlicher. Coriaria Linv. myrtifolia Linn. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) S. Africa nepalensis Wall. shr. evgr. (0.d.) E. India 38 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, ‘Ordo. LEGUMINOSAE. Jussieu. Sub Ordo. PAPILIONACEAE. Tribus. Podalyrieae. Anagyris Lixy. foetida Linn. % shr. decd. (0. d.) Spain Thermopsis R. Br. fabacea Dec. Y% (0.d.) N. America napaulensis R. Br. 2% (0o.d.) Nepal Podalyria Lam. . sericea R. Br. J shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope styracifolia Sims. J) shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Brachysema BR. Br. ° aphyllum Hook. % und. shr. evgr. W. Australia lanceolatum Meisn. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) W. _ Australia ‘ Oxylobium Awnor. Callistachys Benth. % shr.evgr. (0. d.) (W. Australia Chorizema Lasizt. cordatum Lindl. % und.shr.evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia ilicifolium Labill. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) W. Australia varium Benth. J und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) W. Australia Viminaria Sm. denudata Sm. 1% shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. Australia Daviesia Sm. . genistifolia A.Cunn. J shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia ulicina Sm. var. ruscifolia. 1 shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia umbellulata Sm. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) E, Australia Pultenaea Sm. daphnoides Wendl. t shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia scabra R. Br. I shr.evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia stipularis Sm. J shr. evgr. (o.d.) E, Australia Eutaxia R. Br. empetrifolia Schlecht. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia Dillwynia Sm. ericifolia Sm. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) E, Australia hispida Lindl. J} shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 39 Tribus. Genisteae. Platylobium Sm. obtusangulum Hook. h shy. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Australia’ Bossiaea Vent. alata R. Br. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia biloba Benth. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia ensata Sieb. 1% shr.evgr. (o.d.) E, Australia scolopendria Sm. shr.evgr. (o.d,) E. Australia Templetonia R. Br. egena Benth. % shr.evgr. (0. d.) Australia retusa R. Br. wh shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Australia Hovea R. Br. acutifolia A.Cunn. I shr. evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia chorizemaefolia Dec. shr. evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia longifolia R. Br.:'t shr. evg?. (0. d.) Australia es var. lanceolata wh Australia Goodia Saziss. lotifolia Salisb. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia » « var. medicaginea Crotalaria Linn. arborescens Lam. J shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Cunninghamii R. Br. shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia juncea Linn. h = shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. India Phyllocalyx Hocusr. edulis Hochst. I shr.evgr. (0. d.) Abyssinia Lupinus Linn. Lupin. albus: Lion. © (0.d.) Levant angustifolius Linn. © (0.d.) 8S. Europe arboreus Sims. J und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Mexico bicolor Lindl. © (0.d.) N. America elegans Humb. & Bonpl.. © (0.d.) Mexico guatimalensis Hort. © (o0.d.) Guatemala Hartwegii Lindl. © (0.d.) Mexico hirsutus Linn. © (0.d.) S. Europe lepidus Dougl. © (o.d.) Columbia leptophyllus Benth. © (0.d.) California luteus Linn. © (0.d.) Sicily mutabilis Sweet. © (o.d.) Mexico pilosus Linn. © (0.d.) 8S. Europe polyphyllus Dougl. ot evgr. (o.d.) Columbia pubescens Benth. @© (0.d.) California subcarnosus Hook. © (0.d) California 40 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Aspalathus Lixy. sericea Linn. fil. shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Africa “var. nana Linn. fil. Adenocarpus Dec. cebennensis Dec. shr. decd. (o.d.) 8S. France telonensis Dec. th shr. decd. (o.d.) 8S. France Genista Livy. aspalathoides Lam. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Barbary canariensis Linn. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Isl. Canary candicans Linn. I shr. evgr. (o.d.) Europe ephedroides Dec. fh shr.evgr. (0.d.) ,Sardinia monosperma Lam. fh shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Europe procumbens W. K. shr.evgr. (0. d.) Hungaria ramosissima Poir. hh shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. Europe Rhodopena Hort. shr.evgr. (0. d.) Europe scoparia Lam. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Europe scorpius Dec. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe Spachiana Webb. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) Teneriffe tinctoria Linn. % shr.evgr. (0. d.) Ewope Spartium Linn. Spanish Broom. junceum Linn. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Spanish Broom. S. Europe linifolium Willd. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Spain Scoparium Linn. hk shr. evgr. (0. d.) Europe Ulex Liny. Furze. euopaeus Linn. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Europe cs var. fl. pleno. Cytisus Linn. Laburnum. albus Link. th shr. decd. (0.d.) White Broom. Europe “yar. incarnatus alpinus Mill. h tr.decd. (0.d.) Europe “var. fragrans austriacus Linn. shr. decd. Europe capitatus Jacq. shr. decd. (o.d.) Europe caucasicus (?) shr.decd. (0. d.) Caucasus. chrysobotrys Fisch. & Mey. h shr. decd. (o.d.) S. Europe elongatus W. K. hh shr. decd. (0. d.) Hungary filipes (?) t shr. decd. (o. d.) fragrans Lam. shr.deed. (0.d.) Teneriffe glabratus Link. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) Lusitan grandiflorus Dec. h shr.decd. (0. d.) Europe hirsutus Linn. h shr. decd. (0. d.) 8S. Europe Laburnum Linn. h tr.decd. (0.d.) Laburnum. Europe es var. Adami cs “ atropurpureus BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Cytisus—continued. Laburnum var. autumnalis a * involutum ie “ pendulus elegans ss “ quercifolius nigricans Linn. J shr. decd. (0.d.) Europe ruthenicus Fisch. % shr. decd. (o.d.) Caucasus spinosus Lam. shr. evgr.: (0. d.) 8. Europe triflorus L’Herit. 1 shr. decd. (0.d.) §S. Europe _uralensis Ledeb. shr.decd. (0.d.) Russia wolgaricus Linn.- f shr. decd. (0o.d.) Europe Hypocalyptus Tuvns. purpureus Thunb. 1% shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Trius. Trifolieae. Ononis Liny. Rest Harrow. rotundifolia Linn. Y% (o.d.) 8S. Europe spinosa Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe Trigonella Linn. Fenugreek. Foenum-graecum Linn. © (0.d.) Europe Medieago Linn. Medick. aborea Linn. h und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) S&S. Europe ‘falcata Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe sativa Linn. Y% (0.d.) Lucerne. Spain Melilotus Apans. Melilot. coerulea Lam. © (o.d.) Europe officinalis Lam. co (0o.d.) Europe valgaris Willd. © (0.d.) Europe Trifolium Liv. Clover. incarnatum Linn. © (0.d) Europe pratense Linn, Y% (0.d.) Common Red. Europe repens Linn. Y% (0.d.) Dutch Clover. Europe Tribus. Loteae. Anthyllis Livy. Kidney Vetch. Barba-Jovis Linn. .shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe Securigera Dec. Coronilla Dec. © (0.d.) Europe Lotus Livy. Birdsfoot. australis Andr. ¥% (0.-d.) Australia corniculatus Linn. Y (o.d.) Europe hirsutus Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe Jacobaeus Linn. I und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Cape Verd 42 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Tritus. Galegeae. Psoralea Linn. aculeata Linn, I und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) OC. G. Hope aphylla Linn. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) OC. G. Hope bituminosa Linn. h und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope pinnata Linn. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope spicata Linn. % und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Stachydis Linn. fil. h shr.evgr. (0. d.) C. G. Hope Amorpha Livy. Bastard Indigo. -fragrans Sweet. shr. decd. (o.d.) N. America’ fruticosa Linn. h shr. decd. (0.d.) Carolina Lewisii Lodd. hh shr.decd. (0.d.) N. America Indigofera Liyy. Indigo. amoena Ait. % und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope australis Willd. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Australia cytisoides Thunb. h shr. evgr. C. G. Hope Dosua Hamilt. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) Nepal incana Thunb. , und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope tinctoria Linn. und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) India Tephrosia Pzrs. trifoliata Dec. shr.evgr. (o.d.) C, G. Hope Galega Liny. Goat's Rue. officinalis Linn. Y% (0. d.) Spain orientalis Lam. 2% Caucasus persica Pers. 2% Persia Wistaria Nurr. chinensis Dec. bh ~ decd. (0.d.) China frutescens Dec. hb decd. (0.d.) N. America megasperma F. Muell. bh ~ decd. (0.d.) E, Australia. Robinia Liny. hispida Linn. hb decd. (0.d.) N. America Pseudacacia Linn. decd. (o.d.) N. America uG var. Decaisniana 66 “ inermis “ “« pyramidalis sé *« tortuosa viscosa Vent. 1 decd. (0.d.) N. America Daubentonia Dzc. magnifica Hort. J shr.evgr. (0.d.( S. America punicea Dec. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America superbissima Hort. I shr. evgr. (0. d. Tripetiana Poir. h shr. decd. (0. d.) S. America BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 43 Carmichaelia R. Bz. australis R. Br. t shr.evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand Clianthus Sozanp. Dampieri A.Cunn, Qo (0.d.) Sturt’s Pea. S. Australia puniceus Soland. I und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Glory Pea. N. Zealand Sutherlandia R. Bz. frutescens R. Br. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope Swainsona Satis. Burkittii F. Muell. 1% und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Australia. galegifolia R. Br. tb und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia ee var. Blanche de Castile « Greyana Lindl. hb und. ‘shr. evgr. (0. d.) Australia phacoides Benth. ¥ S. Australia Calophaca Fiscu. wolgarica Fisch. shr.decd. (0.d.) Siberia Colutea Liyv. . arborescens Linn: h shr. decd. (o.d.) 8S. Europe ss 6 var. Pocockii orientalis Lam. h shr. decd. (0.d.) Orient Halimodendron Fiscu. argenteum Dec. hh shr.decd. (0.d.) Siberia Caragana Lax. arborescens Lam. h shr.decd. (0.d.) Siberia Chamlagu Lam. h shr. decd. (o.d.) China frutescens Dec. J shr. decd. (0.d.) Siberia fe var. grandiflora gracilis Dec. — shr. decd. grandiflora Dec. th shr.decd. (0. d.) Siberia jubata Poir. % shr. decd. (0.d.) Siberia pygmaea Dec. fh shr. decd. (0. d.) Siberia Astragalus Livy. Milk Vetch. alopecuroides Linn, ¥% (0.d.) Siberia galegiformis Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Siberia maximus Willd. Y% (0.d.) America monspessulanus Linn. % (0o.d.) 8S. Europe Onobrychis Linn. % (0.d.) Europe Glycyrrhiza Lixy. Liquorice. glabra Linn. Y (0.d.) 8. America 44 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Trius. Hedysareae. Arthrolobium Dzsv. scorpioides Dec. © (o0.d.) S. Europe Coronilla Linn. Emerus Linn. hb shr. decd. (0. d.) 8S. Europe glauca Linn. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) France juncea Linn. hh shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe orientalis Mill. ¥% (o.d.) Orient pentaphylla Desf, w shr.evgr. (0o.d.) Algiers valentina Linn, b= shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe varia Linn. % (0.d.) 8S. Europe Hedysarum Liyn. . coronarium Linn, ¥% (0.d.) French Honeysuckle. Italy obscurum Linn. Y% (o.d.) Alps sibiricum Poir. % (0. d.) Siberia Amicia Dec. _ zygomeris Dec. bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) Mexico Ormocarpum Beavy. glabrum Teysm. & B. hh tr. evgr. (st.) Java sennoides Dec. kh tr. evgr. (st.) E. India suberosum Teysm. & B. shr. evgr. (st.) Java Arachis Linn. Earth Nut. hypogaea Linn. © (0.d.) S. America Desmodium Dzsv. . gyrans Dec. f und. shr.evgr. (st.) Bengal gyroides Dec. ¢? und shr. (st.) E. India latifolium Dec. I) und. shr. evgr. (st.) E. India nemorosum F. Muell. } und shr. evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia polycarpum Dec. Dec. % und. shr.evgr. (st) E. India triquetrum Dec. 1% und. shr. evgr. (st.) E. India umbellatum Dec. shr.evgr. (st.) EH. India Tribus. Vietveae. Vicia Liv. Vetch Tare. Gerardi Jacq. Y% ~ (0.d.) 8S. Europe sitchensis Bong. Y% ~ (0. d.) California sylvatica Linn. Y% ~ (0. 4.) Europe villosa Roth. © ~ (0.d.) Germany Lathyrus Livy. latifolius Linn. 4% ~~ (0.d.) Everlasting Pea. Europe odoratus Linn. © ~ (0. a3 Sweet Pea. Sicily tuberosus Linn. Y% ~ (0.d.) Europe BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 45 Orobus Liv. venosus Willd. % (o.d.) Siberia Abrus Liny. precatorius Linn. Tf ~ decd. (st.) Wild Liquorice. E. India. N. Australia - Trius. Phaseoleae. Clitoria Linn. brasiliana Linn. Y% ~ evgr. (st.) Brazil coelestis Hort. Y% ~~ evgr. (st.) Brazil Ternatea Linn. Y% wW evgr. (st.) E. India e fl. alba Glycine Linn. clandestina Wendl. hb ~ evgr. (0.d.) Australia Hardenbergia Brentu. Comptoniana Benth, bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia monophylla Benth, hb ~ evgr. (o.d.) Australia is var. alba ne “ ‘rosea Kennedya Vent. coccinea Vent. kh ~ und.evgr. (o0.d.) W. Australia eximia Lindl. h ~ ever. (o.d.) W. Australia glabrata Lindl. bh ~. evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia . macrophylla Benth. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia nigricans Lindl. kh ~ evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia prostrata R. Br. th ~ evgr. (0.d.) Australia tubicunda Vent. h ~ evgr. (o.d.) EH. Australia “svar. Baumannii Sieberiana Hort. bh ~ evgr. (0.'d.) Sieboldii Hort. bh ~ evgr. (o. d.) Erythrina Livy. _ Coral Tree. bogotensis Hort. I evgr. (0. d.) Camdenii (?) hb evgr. (o.d.) S. America compacta Hort. h evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America Corallodendron Linn. h evgr. (o.d.) S. America Cristagalli Linn. hh evgr. (o d.) Brazil 7 var. laurifolia Jacq. (0.d.) Brazil. indica Lam. hh evgr. (o.d.) E. India “var. alba macrosperma (?) h evgr. (o.d. Parcelli Bapt. evgr. (o.d.) S.S. Island secundiflora Brot. % evgr. (o.d.) Brazil stricta Roxb. h. shr. evgr. (0.d.) E, India 46 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Erythrina—continued. umbrosa Humb. & Bonpl. hh evgr. (0. d.) varium Hort. hh evgr. (0. d.) vespertilio Benth. T evgr. (st.) N. Australia Mucuna Apans. Cow Itch. gigantea Dec. bh ~ evgr. (st.) E, India Butea Roxs. pubescens Roxb. shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. India Dioclea Hums. & Bonrt. glycinoides Hort. kh ~ evgr. -(0.d.) Brazil Canavalia Dzc. bonariensis Lind. Y% ~~ (0o.d.) B. Ayres obtusifolia Dec. 1% — (st.) N. Australia Physostigma Batr. Calabar Bean. calabarica Balf. Gi ~ evgr. (st.) Calabar Phaseolus Linn. Kidney Bean. Caracalla Linn. Y% ~ (0.d.) Brazil humifusus Sav. 4% w (0.d.) Mexico Vigna Savr. luteola Benth, Y% ~ (st.) N. Australia vexillata Benth. Y% ~ (st.) N. Australia Dolichos Liyy. biflorus Linn, Y% ~~ (0.d.) E. India comosus E. Mey. 4% ~ (0.d.) S. America Lablab Linn. © ~ (0.d.) E. India lignosus Linn. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) E. India Cajanus Dec. Pigeon Pea. indicus Spr. hb shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. India Fagelia Nzcx. bituminosa Dec. hk ~ evgr. (o.d.) OC. G. Hope Trius. -Dalbergieae. Dipteryx Scures. odorata Willd. h evgr. (st.) Guiana Dalbergia Liny. Fit. Sissoo Roxb. h evgr. (st.) E. India BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 47 Tribus. Sophoreae. Virgilia Lam. capensis Lam. shr. evgr. C. G. Hope lasiogyne D. Dietr. shr. 7 'C. G. Hope lutea Michx. 7 shr. evgr. N. America Sophora Liyy. Fraserii (?) th decd. (0. d.). japonica Linn. } decd. (0.d.) Japan “var. pendula Castanospermum A. Cunn. australe A. Cunn. Ro evgr. (0.d.) Moreton Bay Chesnut. E. Australia Myroxylon Nuvrr. peruiferum Linn. fil. h evgr. (0. d.) Balsam of Peru. Peru Barklya F. Mvztt. ; ; syringifolia. F.Muell. hb evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia Cadia Forsx. purpurea Forsk. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) Arabia Sub Ordo, CAESALPINIEAE, Tritus. Eucaesalpinieae. 4 Mezoneurum Desr. brachycarpum Benth. hh shr. evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Australia cucullatum Wight. shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India Caesalpinia Pru. Brassiletto. alternifolia th shr. evgr. (0. d.) Coriaria Willd. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. America ferruginea Decais. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Timor mimosoides Lam. shr. evgr. (0. d.) EH. India Nuga Ait. T) shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India Sappan Linn. evgr. (0.d.) E. India splendens Hort. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America Tara Hort. wh shr. evgr. (o.d.) Gymnocladus Lam. Kentucky Coffee Tree. canadensis Lam. hk decd. (0.d.) Canada Gleditschia Livy. Honey Locust Tree. horrida Willd. h decd. (0.d.) China monosperma Wall. wh decd. (0.d.) N. America triacanthos Linn. I decd. (0. d.) N. America 48 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Poinciana Livy. Flower Fence. Gillessii Hook. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America pulcherrima Linn, = shr. evgr. (st.) E, India Regia Bojer. I evgr. (st.) Madagascar Parkinsonia Linn. aculeata Linn. I evgr. (o.d.) W. India Tribus. Cassteae. Cassia Linn. alata Linn, h_ shr.evgr. (st.) E. India bacillaris Linn. fil. . shr. evgr..(o0.d.) E. India Brewsterii F. Muell. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia calliantha W. Meyer. J shr. evgr. (0. d.) Guiana Candolleana Vogel. + shr. evgr. (o.d.) Brazil capensis Thunb, hh shr. evgr. (0.d.) 0. G. Hope corymbosa Lam. fh shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope Fistula Linn. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Egypt florida Vahl. h shr. evgr. (0.d.) Florida glauca Lam. var. flava. hb shr. evgr. (0.d.). Java grandiflora Desf. shr. evgr. (st.) 8S. Europe linearifolia G. Don. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Brazil marylandica Linn. ¥% (0.d.) N. America occidentalis Linn. 1) shr. evgr. (o.d.) Egypt pubescens Jacq. hb shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. America Sophora Linn.. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. India speciosa Schrad. h shr. evgr. (o.d:) . Brazil suffruticosa Koen. hh. shr. evgr. (0.d.) E. India tomentosa Linn. 7 shr. evgr. (0.d.) §S. America Tora Linn. © (0.d.) E, India — Petalostyles R. Bz. labichoides R. Br. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia Ceratonia Liny. Carob Tree. Siliqua Linn. hb evgr. (0.d.) Levant Trius. Bawhinieae. Bauhinia Lryy. acuminata Linn. J shr.evgr. (0.d) Java alba Hamilt. shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India diphylla Buchan. } shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. India glauca Wall. J shr.evgr. (0. d.) India Hookerii F. Muell. bh (0.d) N. Australia malabarica Roxb, bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) E, India pubescens Dec.. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Brazil “HONACISHU S.UOLIAYNIA BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 49 Bauhinia —continued. purpurea Linn. hh decd. (0.d.) HE. India scandens Linn. hb ~ evgr. (0.d.) E. India tomentosa Linn. } shr. evgr. (0. d.) Ceylon variegata Linn. J shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. India Cercis Linn. Siliquastrum Linn. h decd. (0. d.) S. Europe: Tribus. Amherstieae. Brownea Jaco. coccinea Jacq.. bh evgr. (st.) S. America grandiceps Jacq. hh evgr. (st.) E. India Tamarindus Linn. Tamarind. indica Linn. h evgr. (st.) E. India Schotia Jaca. ‘brachypetala Sond. shr.evgr. o. d.)° C. G. Hope latifolia Jacq. th shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope speciosa Jacq. hb shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope Hymenaea Linn. Locust Tree. Courbaril Linn. h evgr. (st.) S. America Jonesia Roxs. Asoca Roxb. hb evgr. (st.) Java: declinata Jacq. h evgr. (st.) Java Sub Ordo. MIMOSEAE. Trius. Parkieae. Parkia R Br. biglandulosa Wight. Th shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Trisus. Adenanthereae. Adenanthera Linn. microsperma Teysm. shr.evgr. (st.) Java Pavonina Linn, J shr. evgr. (st.) E. India Entada Apays. Pursaetha Dec. hb ~ evgr. (st) E. India Prosopis Linn. Screw or Musquit Bean. glandulosa Torr. % evgr. (0.d.) Arizona pubescens Benth. h evgr. (0.d.) Arizona D i) 50 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Trius. EHumimoseae. Desmanthus Wi11p. punctatus Willd. und. shr. evgr. (st.) Tasmania Mimosa Liv. pudica Linn. (st.) Humble Plant. S. America tubicaulis Lam. hh shr. evgr. (0.d.) E. India sensitiva Linn. shr.evgr. (st.) Sensitive Plant. Brazil Trius. Acactede. Acacia Neck. acinacea Lindl. th shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia acuminata Benth. kh evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia anceps Dec. fh shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Australia armata R. Br. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia asparagoides A. Cunn. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia brachybotrya Benth. h shr. evgr.. (o.d.) Australia calamifolia Sweet. % shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia Cavenia Bert. % evgr. (o.d.) Chili Cunninghamii Hook. hk shr.evgr. -(0.d.) E. Australia cyanophylla Lindl. shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia cyclopis A.Cunn. 1 shr. evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia dealbata Link. hh ever. (o.d.) Australia decipiens R. Br. I shr.evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia decurrens Willd. hb evgr. (o.d.) Australia . diffusa Lindi. h shr.evgr. (o. d.) E. Australia, Tasmn. dilatata Benth. wh shr.evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia discolor Willd. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia dodonaeifolia Willd. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Australia eburnea Willd. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India extensa Lindl. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia falcata Willd. TF evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia farinosa Lindl. shr.evgr. (0.d.) S. Australia Farnesiana Willd. % evgr. (o.d.), E. India, Australia glaucoptera Benth. kh shr. evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia hispidula Willd. shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia homalophylla A. Cunn. bh evgr. (o.d.) Australia horrida Willd. h evgr. (0.d.) Africa implexa Benth. kh evgr. (0.d.) HE. Australia Julibrissin Willd. h decd. (o.d.) Levant juncifolia Benth. shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia Juniperina Willd. var. Brownii. % shr. evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia, Tasmania lanigera A. Cunn. = shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Lebbeck Willd. h evgr. (0.d.) Egypt leprosa Sieb. shr.evgr. (0. d.) Australia BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. §1 Acacia—continued. linearis Sims. J shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia lineata A. Cunn. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia linifolia Willd. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia longifolia Willd. t shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia - var. floribunda . ‘© mucronata te ‘© Sophorae lunata Sieb. hh shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia macradenia Benth. I) shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia Mangium Willd. th = shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. India melanoxylon R.Br. bh evgr. (0.d.) Blackwood. Australia, Tasmania microbotrya Benth. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia montana Benth. } shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia myrtifolia Willd. wh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia ns var. celastrifolia natalitia E. Mey. kh shr.evgr. (o.d.) C.G. Hope obliqua A. Cunn. = shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia Oswaldi F. Muell. th shr.evgr. (0. d.) Australia oxycedrus Sieb. h shr. evgr. (0.d.) Australia penninervis Sieb. hb evgr. (0.d,) Australia plumosa Howe. h decd. (o.d.) Isl. Madeira podalyriaefolia A. Cunn. bh shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia prominens A. Cunn. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia pugioniformis Wendl. th shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia pulchella R. Br. tb shr. evgr. (0. d.) W. Australia pycnantha Benth. bh evgr. Wattle. (o.d.) S. Australia retinodes Schlecht. I evgr. (0. d.) 8S. Australia Riceana Hensl. hh evgr. (o.d.) Tasmania rigens A.Cunn. J shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia rupicola F. Muell. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8. scam salicina Lindl. I evgr. (0.d.) Australia saligna Wendl. h evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia sentis F. Muell. bh evgr. (0.d.) Australia sericata A.Cunn. } shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia spectabilis A.Cunn, 1 shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia spinescens Benth. J shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia stricta Willd. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia, Tasmania strigosa Link. I shr. evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia Sundra Dec. hh evgr. (o.d) E. India tortuosa Willd. h shr. ever. (0. d. Isl. Jamaica trinervata Sieb. shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia ulicina Meissn. Jt) shr.evgr. (0. d.) W. Australia urophylla Benth. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia verniciflua var. exudans Lindl. } shr. evgr. (0.d.) Australia verticillata Willd. } shr.evgr. (o-d.) E. Australia. Tasmania sf var. maesta 52 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Acacia—continued. verticillata var. ovoidea Benth. vestita Ker. t shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia. viminalis Ait. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia Trius. Ingeae. Calliandra Bentu. haematocephala Hasskl. shr evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America Albizzia Duraz. lophantha Benth. h evgr. (0. d.) W. Australia Pithecolobium Marr. pruinosum Benth. hk evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia umbrosum Mart. I evgr. (o.d.) 5S. America Inga Wi1p. haematoxylon (?) hh evgr. (o.d.) America laurina Willd. Ih evgr. (st.) S. America pulcherrima Cerv.. kh evgr. (0. d.) Mexico Saman Willd. h sht.evgr. (0. d.) Caracas Ordo. ROSACEAE. Jussieu. Trius. Pruneae. Prunus Livy. Plum Tree. avium Linn. kh decd. (0.d.) Bird Cherry. Europe borealis Poir. th decd. (0. d.) N. America candicans Balb. hb decd. (0.d.) Europe cerasifera Ehrh. hb decd. (o.d.) N. America Chamaecerasus Linn. decd. (o.d.) Europe divaricata Ledeb. 1% decd. var. pendula. (o.d.) Caucasus domestica Linn. I decd. (0.d.) Europe “a var. pendula Laurocerasus Linn. th shr.evgr. Laurel. (0. d.) Levant lusitanica Linn. hb shr. evgr. (0. d.) Portugal Laurel. Europe Mahaleb Linn. decd. (0.d.) Europe | maritima Wngham. h decd. (0.d.) N. America orientalis Spach. var. fol. argent. % decd. (0. d.) Orient Padus Linn. } decd. (0.d.) Bird Cherry. Europe pumila Linn. hb decd. (0.d.) N. America semperfiorens Ehrh. hb decd. (o.d.) Europe spinosa Linn, hb decd. Sloe. (0. d.) Europe “var. fl. pleuo virginiana Linn. hb decd. (0o.d.) N. America BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 53 Tribus. Spiraeeae. Spiraea Linn. alba Ehrh. h und. shr. decd. (0. d.) N. America amoena Morr. } und. shr. decd. (o.d.) N. America ariaefolia Sm. % und. shr. decd. (o.d.) N. America barbata Wall. 2 (0o.d.) E. India bella Sims. % und. shr. decd. (0.d.) Nepal “var. coccinea Billardii Hort. % und shr.‘decd. (0. d.) Blumei G. Don. h und. shr. decd. (0. d.) Java callosa Thunb. und. shr. decd. (0.d.) Japan “var. pubescens cana W.& K. hb und.shr. decd. (0.d.) Dalmatia carpinifolia Willd. h und. shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America , chamaedrifolia Linn. % und. shr. decd. (o.d.) Europe ss var. ulmifolia confusa Regl. shr. decd. (0.d.) E. India corymbosa Rafin. % und. shr. decd. (o.d.) N. America ‘digitata Willd. 2% .(0.d) Siberia «var. tomentosa Douglasii Hook. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) filipendula Linn. % und. shr. decd. (0. d.) Foxii Hort. und. shr. decd. (0. d.) grandiflora Sweet. shr. decd. (o.d.) China Hookerii Hort. % und. shr. decd. (0. d.) hypericifolia Linn. % und. shr. decd. (o.d.) Europe japonica Siebold. % (0.d.) Japan laevigata Linn. J und. shr. decd. (0.d.) Siberia Lindleyana Wall. h und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) E. India nepalensis Lodd. % und shr. decd. (o.d.) E. India nutans Royl. % und. shr. decd. (0.d.) E. India opulifolia Linn. % und. shr. decd. (o.d.) N. America palmata Thunb. Y% (0.d.) Japan prunifolia Sieb. % und. shr. decd. (0.d.) Japan Reevesiana Lindl. und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) China salicifolia Linn. und. shr. decd. (o.d.) Europe var. rosea sorbifolia Linn. . und. shr. decd. (o.d.) Europe tomentosa Linn. hh und. shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America Thunbergii Siebold. % und. shr. decd. (0.d.) Java Ulmaria Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe ulmifolia Scop. % und. shr.decd. (0.d.) Siberia’ Kerria Dec. japonica Dec. hh shr. decd. (o.d. Japan “fl. pleno. N. America 8. Europe 54 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Tribus. Rubeae. Rubus Linn. Bramble. Balfourianus Weihe. } und. shr.tr. (o.d.) Europe Borreri Weihe. 1 und. shr. decd. tr. (0.d.) Europe cordifolius Weihe. J) und. shr. decd.tr. (o.d.) Germany diversifolius Lindl. 1% und. shr. decd. tr. (0. d.) England fruticosus Linn. % und. shr.decd. (0. d.) Europe Idaeus Linn. f fi. pl. und. shr. decd. tr. Raspberry. Europe laciniatus Willd. 3 und. shr. decd. tr. (0. d.) Germany leucostachys Schlecht. J und.shr.decd.tr. (o.d.) Europe Moorei F. Muell. J «und. shr. decd. tr. (0. d.) EL Australia odoratus Linn. % und. shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America rhamnifolius Weihe. % und.shr.decd. tr. (o.d.) Europe rosaefolius Sm. 7% und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Blackberry. Isl. Mauritius rudis Weihe. F und. shr. decd. (o.d.) Europe — spectabilis Pursh. hh und. shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America thyrsoides Weihe. h und. shr. decd. tr. (o.d.) Europe tiliaefolius Weihe. t und. shr. decd. tr. (0. d.) Europe triphyllus Thunb. und. shr. decd. tr. (0. d.) Japan Trius. Potentilleae. Geum Liny. chiloense Bab. ¥ (0. d.) Chili coccineum Sibth. Y (o.d.) 8. Europe es var. grandiflorum te «superbum urbanum Linn. % (0.d.) Europe Fragaria Linn. Strawberry. elatior Ehrh. Y% (0.d.) Europe Potentilia Livy. Cinquefoil. alpestris Hall. ¥% (o.d.) Europe argentea Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe aurea Linn. ¥ (0.d.) Alps Hippiana Lehm. Y% (0.d.) N.: America hirta Linn. 2% (0.d.) 8S. Europe Mackayana Hort. YJ (0. d.) pennsylvanica Linn, ¥% (0. d.) N. America thuringiaca Bernh. % (0.d.) Germany variabilis Klotzsch fl. pl. Y% (0. 4.) Visianii Hort. Y% (0. d.) BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 55 Trius. Poterieae. Agrimonia Liv. Agrimony. Eupatorium Linn, ¥ (0. d.) Europe Acaena Linn. ; Sanguisorbae Vahl. ¥% (0.d.) N. Zealand Cliffortia Linn. ericaefolia Linn. fil. I shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Tribus. LROSEQE. Rosa Linn. Rose. alba Linn. h shr. decd. (0.d.) White or Belgic. Europe alpina Linn. hb shr.decd. (0.d.) Alpine. Alps arvensis Huds. h shr.decd. (0.d.) Feld. Europe Banksiae R. Br. bh ~ decd. (0.d.) Banksian. China ne fl. alba ee fl. pleno bracteata Wendl. hh shr. evgr. (0.d.) Macartney. China canina Linn. hk shr. decd. (0.d.) Dog Rose. Europe centifolia Linn, J shr.decd. (o.d.) Cabbage Rose. Europe fs var. moschata cinnamomea Linn. h shr. decd. (0.d.) Europe & var. glandulifera e “ intermedia damascena Mill. % shr. decd. (0.d.) Damask. Levant ferox Ait. wh shr.decd. (o.d.) Caucasus gallica Linn. th shr. decd. (0.d.) French Rose. France indica Linn. wh = shr. evgr. (0.d.) Monthly Rose. China Lawrenceana Sweet. t shr.evgr. (o.d.) China microphylla Roxb. hb shr. decd. (0.d.) China moschata Mill. hb decd. (0.d.) Musk Rose. Africa multiflora Thunb. bh ~' decd. (0.d.) Japan nitida Willd. bh shr. decd. (0. d.) N. America parviflora Ehrh. h shr. decd. (0. d.) Burgundy Rose. Europe j rubifolia R. Br. % shr. decd. (o.d.) N. America rubiginosa Linn. hh shr decd. (0. d.) Sweet Briar. Europe rugosa Thunb. var. Regliana % shr. deed. (0. d.) Japan sanguisorbaefolia Don. shr. deed. (0 d.) Burnet. Europe sempervirens Linn. bh ~ (0. d.) vergreen Rose. 8S. Europe spinosissima Linn. I shr. decd. (0. d.) Scotch Rose. Europe 56 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Tribus. Pomeae. Pyrus Liyy. Pear and Apple. americana Dec. } decd. (o.d.) Canada Aria Ehrh. % decd. (o.d.) Europe aucuparia Linn. } decd. (0.d.) Mountain Ash. Europe ss var, pendula baceata Linn. } decd. (0.d.) Small Crab. Siberia — communis Linn. kh decd. (0.d.) Common Pear. Europe floribunda Sieb. hb decd. (o.d.) Japan var. pendula intermedia Ehrh. bh decd. (0.d.) Europe japonica Thunb. % decd. (0.d.) Japan Malus Linn. bh decd. (0.d.) Common Apple, Europe nepalensis Lodd. h decd. (o.d.) Nepal prunifolia Willd. bh deed. (0. d.) Siberian Crab. Siberia “salicifolia Linn. decd. (0..d.) Siberia Sieversii Ledeb. h decd. (0.d.) Siberia Crataegus Linn. Hanthorn. apiifolia Michx. hb decd. (o.d.) N. America Aronia Bosc. I decd. (0.d.) Orient Azarolus Linn. fh decd. (0. d.) 8S. Europe chinensis Steud. h decd. (o.d.) China coccinea Linn. h decd. (0.d.) N. America «var fol. varieg. cordata Mill. hh decd. (0. d.) N. America Crus-galli Linn. - decd. (0.d.) Cockspur. N. America Douglassii Lindl. I decd. (0.d.) N. America glandulosa Ait. hb decd. (o.d.) N. America Mexicana Moc. hh evgr. (0.d.) Mexico nigra Willd. h decd. (o.d.) Hungary orientalis Bibrst. h decd. (o.d.) Orient ovalifolia Hornm. h- decd. (o.d.) N. America Oxyacantha Linn. hb decd. (0.d.) Hawthorn. Europe fa var. argentea e “ kermesina fl. pl. os “* pendula var. fol. varieg. prunifolia Bosc. I decd. (0.c.) N. America punctata Ait. bh decd. (o.d) N. America Pyracantha Pers. hb evgr. (0. d.) Evergreen Thorn. Europe pyrifolia Ait. % decd. (o.d.) N. America sanguinea Pall. bh decd. (o.d.) Russia spathulata Michx. bh decd. (o.d.) Virginia triloba Pers. th decd, (0o.d.) Mauritania BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE, 57 Cotoneaster Mzprx. affinis Lindl. shr. decd. (0.d) E. India buxifolia Wall. .% shr.evgr. (0.d) E.:India laxiflora Lindl. % shy. decd. (0.d) Nepal microphylla Wall, % shr. decd. (0.d.) Nepal obtusa Wall. 7% shr. decd. (o.d.) E, India ovalifolia (?) shr.decd (0. d.) rotundifolia Wall. 1% shr.evgr. (0.d.) Nepal tomentosa Lindl. wh shr. decd. (0. d.) Europe vulgaris Lindl. 1% shr. decd. (0. d.) Europe Photinia Livovt. arbutifolia Lindl. % shr.evgr. (0. d.) California : fol. varieg. glabra (?) th shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. India serrulata Lindl. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) China Raphiolepis Liyvt. indica Lindl. t shr.evgr. (0.d:) China japonica Lindl. var. integerrima. f shr.evgr. (o.d.) Japan ovata Lindl. shr. evgr. (o.d.) China salicifolia Lindl. shr. evgr. (0. d.) China Amelanchier Liyvt. Botryapium Dec. } decd. (0. d.) Canada florida Lindl. decd. (0.d.) N. America montana (?) decd. (0. d.) N. America Ordo. SAXIFRAGEAE. Ventenat. Tribus. Saxtfrageae. Saxifraga Linn. Saxifrage. , ciliaris Lapeyr.’ Y% (o.d.) Alps crassifolia Linn. h (0. d.) Siberia flagellaris Willd. Y% (0.d.) Caucasus sarmentosa Linn. fil. % (g.h.) China umbrosa Linn. Y% (0.d.) Spain Tribus. Hydrangeae. Hydrangea Linn. fimbriata (?) var. macrophylla. % shr. decd. (g.h.) China hortensis Dec. I shr. decd. (g. h.) China 58 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Hydrangea—continued. japonica Siebold. % shr.decd. (g.h.) Japan “fol. argentea varieg. «fol. aurea varieg. “var. speciosa Otasko Sieb. and Zucc. % shr. decd. (g.h.) Japan paniculata Siebold. bh shr. decd. (g.h.) Japan ae var. grandiflora stellata Sieb. and Zucc. wh shr. decd. (gr.h.) Japan Deutzia Tuuns. corymbosa R. Br. kh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Himalayas crenata Hook. th shr. decd. (o.d.) Himalayas “fl. pleno. gracilis Lindl. wh shr. decd. (0.d.) Japan scabra Thunb. hh shr. decd. (0.d.) Japan viola fl. pl. Hort. % shr.decd. (0.d.) Japan Philadelphus Livy. Syringa. californicus Benth. th shr. decd. (0.d.) California coronarius Linn. % shr. decd. (0. d.) 8S. Europe floribundus Schrad. % shr. decd. (0. d.) N. America, grandiflorus Willd. shr. decd. (0. d.) N. America inodorus Linn. hh shr. decd. (0. d.) Carolina laxus Schrad. h shr. decd. (o.d.) N. America mexicanus Schlecht. 1% shr. decd. (0. d.) Mexico speciosus Schrad. } shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America tomentosus Don. J shr. decd. (0.d.) Nepal trinervius Schrad. shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America Zeyheri Schrad. th shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America Trius. Escallonieae. Escallonia Mutis. | floribunda Humb. and Bonpl. hb shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. America macrantha Hook. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Chili montevidensis Dec. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) Monte Video organensis Sard. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Brazil rubra Pers, shr.evgr. (0.d.) Chili Carpodetus Forsr. serratus Forst. I evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand Itea Linn. virginica Linn. shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America Quintinia Dec. i serrata A.Cunn. fh evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 59 . Trius. Cunonieae. Callicoma Anonr. serratifolia Andr. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) E, Australia Aphanopetalum Eno. resinosum Endl. th shr. evgr. (o.d.) EH. Australia Ceratopetalum Su. gummiferum Sm. I evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia apetalum Don. kh evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Weinmannia Linn. racemosa Forst. 1 evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand Trius. Ribesteae. Ribes Lixy. Currant. alpinum Linn, h shr. decd. (0.d.) Alps aureum Pursh. } shr. decd. (0.d.) Missouri glutinosum Benth. h shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America Menziesii Pursh. shr.decd. (0.d.) N. America multiflorum Kit. % shr. decd. (0. d.) Europe opulifolium Hort. h ‘shr. decd. (0. d.) Russia rubrum Linn. h shr. decd. (0.d.) Europe sanguineum Pursh. shr.decd. (0.d.) N. America saxatile Pall. JT) shr.decd. (0.d.) Siberia speciosum Pursh. } shr. decd. (0.d.) California tenuiflorum Lindl. % shr.idecd. (0. d.) N. America Bauera Banks. sessiliflora F, Muell. J shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Cephalotus Lasitt. follicularis Labill. 2 (0. d.) W. Australia Ordo. CRASSULACEAE. De Candolle. Crassula Linn. arborescens Willd. shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope cordata Ait. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope lactea Ait. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope portulacea Lam. shr.evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope spathulata Thunb. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) OC. G. Hope tetragona Linn, h shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope 60 CATALOGUE UF PLANTS, Rochea Dec. coccinea Dec. th und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Africa falcata Dec. h und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope Bryophyllum Sauiss. calycinum Salisb. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Isl. Molucca Kalanchoe Apans. laciniata Dec. % und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) E. India Cotyledon Livy. orbiculata Linn. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) C.G. Hope Echeveria Dec. abyssinica (?) % und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Abyssinia argentea Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (o. d.) atropurpurea Hort. % und. shr. (o. d.) carinata Hort. und.shr. (0. d.) coccinea Dec. % und. shr.evgr. (0o.d.) Mexico gibbiflora Dec. und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Mexico grandiflora Haw. % und. shr.evgr. (0. d.) Mexico metallica Lindl. h und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico retusa Lindl. % und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico “var. floribunda secunda Lindl. % und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico Sedum Liyy. Stone Crop. acre Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Europe Aizoon Linn. % (0.d.) Siberia “« var. varieg. albescens Haw. % (0. d.) Europe arenarium Brot. % (o. d.) Europe Anacampseros Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe brevifolium Dec. Y% (0. d.) Europe carneum variegatum Hort. ¥% (o.d.) Europe coeruleum Vahl. © (0.d.) Africa dasyphyllum Linn. % (0, d.) Europe Ewersii Ledeb. % (0.d.) Siberia - Fabaria Koch. % (0. d.) Europe Forsterianum Sm. Y (0.d.) Europe grandiflorum Ruiz. and Pav. Y% (0o.d.) Peru hispanicum Linn. % (0.d.) Europe hybridum Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe kamtschaticum Fish. % (0.d.) Kamtschatka ‘9 var. latifolia latifolium Bertol. % (0.d.) Europe lancifolium (?) ¥% (0. d.) Europe Maximowiczi Regl. ¥% (0.d.) Japan neglectum Tenor. % (0.d.) Europe BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. palustre Poir. © (0. d.) Europe purpurescens Koch, Y% (0. d.) Europe f var. albiflorum reflexum Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe “yar. glaucum repens Schleich. Y (0.d.) Europe Rhodiola Dec. ¥% (0.d.) Europe * var. ovatum rubens Dec. © (o.d.) 8S. Europe rupestre Linn. Y (0.d.) Europe Sieboldii Sweet. Y% (o.d.) Japan e var. fol. varieg. spurium Linn. % (o.d.) Europe “yar. album i “pallida roseum teretifolium Lam. Y% (0.d.) Europe Sempervivum Linn. House Leek. arboreum Linn. 1% und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Greece of var. varieg. barbatum Smith. h und. shr. evgr. Isl. Canary Funkii A. Brown. Y% Alps grandiflorum Haw. % (o.d.) §. Europe soboliferum Sims. h (o.d.) Germany sordidum (?) tabulaeforme Haw. tb und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Madeira tectorum Linn. ¥% (o0.d.) Europe as var. asimile umbelicum (?) Webbii Hort. 7 Ordo. HAMAMELIDEAE. R., Brown. Hamamelis Livy. virginica Linn. hb decd. (o.d.) N. America Rhodoleia Hoox. Championi Hook. h shr.evgr. (st.) Hongkong Teysmannii Blum. 4 shr. evgr. (st.) Java Liquidambar Liny. Sweet Gumtree. .imberbe Ait. I decd. (o.d.) Levant styraciflua Linn. I decd. (0.d.) N. America 62 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. HALORAGEAE. R. Brown. Haloragis Forsr. alata Jacq. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand Ordo. COMBRETACEAE. . Brown. Sub Ordo. COMBRETEAE. Terminalia Livy. Catappa Linn. h evgr. (st.) E. India elegans (?) evgr. (st.) Combretum Livy. grandiflorum Don. bh ~ evgr. (st.) Sierre Leone Krauseanum Hochst. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope purpureum Vahl. bh WY evgr. (st.) S. America ‘Whitianum Wall. h = shr.evgr. (st.) Nepal Quisqualis Liny. indica Linn. h ~ evgr. (st.) E. India Ordo. MY RTACEAE. R. Brown. Trius. Chamaelaucieae. Verticordia Dec. Brownii Dec. shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia densiflora Lindl. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia Callytrix Lasttt. microphylla A. Cunn. = shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia tetragona Labill, hb shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia , Trisus. Leptospermeae. Baeckea Liv. virgata Andr. wh shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia Astartea Dzc. fascicularis Dec. 1%) shr. evgr. (0. d.) ' Tasmania BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 63 Agonis Dec. flexuosa Schau. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia marginata Schau. hb shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Australia Leptospermum Forsr. _ Teatree. laevigatum F. Muell. wh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia lanigerum Sm. 1} shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia myrsinoides Schlecht. hh shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8. Australia scoparium Forst. shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia Kunzea Retcus. peduncularis F. Muell. shr. evgr. (0.d.) E, Australia Callistemon R. Br. Bottlebrush. brachyandrus Lindl. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia coccineus F. Muell. shr. evgr. (0.d.) S. Australia lanceolatus Dec. th shr.evgr. (o.d. S. Australia rigidus R. Br. shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia salignus Dec. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia speciosus Dec. f shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Australia Melaleuca Linn. acuminata F. Muell. wh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia armillaris Sm. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia *decussata R. Br. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia - densa R. Br. hh shr. evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia ‘ericifolia Sm. hb shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia genistifolia Sm. shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia glaberrima F. Muell. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia hypericifolia Sm. % shr.evgr. (o0.d.) Australia incana R. Br. wh shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia leucadendron Linn, f shr.evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia micromera Schau. } shr.evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia nodosa Sm. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Preissiana Schau. h evgr. (o.d.) Australia ; pustulata Hook. fil. hb shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia sparsiflora Turez. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia squamea Labill. } shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia uncinata R. Br. shr. evgr. -(o,d.) Australia. Wilsonii F. Muell. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8. Australia Beaufortia R. Br. decussata R. Br. th shr.evgr. (0.d.) W..Australia Calothamnus Last. quadrifidus R. Br. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia villosus R. Br. shr. evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia Angophora Cav. intermedia Dec. bh evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia subvelutina F. Muell. bh evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia 64 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Eucalyptus L’Herrr. Gumtree. alpina Lindl. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia amygdalina Labill. hb evgr. (0. d.) Grant Tree. KE, Australia bicolor A. Cunn. h evgr. (0.d.) Bastard Bor. Australia botryoides Sm. F evgr. (0.d.) Bastard Mahogany. E. Australia brachypoda Turez. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia ealophylla R. Br. kh evgr. (0.d.) Redgum. W. Australia callosa (?) hb (0.d.) E. Australia citriodora Hook. hb evgr. (0.d.) Spottedgum. E. Australia coccifera Hook. th evgr. (o.d.) Tasmania coriacea A. Cunn. Ip evgr. (0.d.) Whitegum. E. Australia cornuta Labill. th evgr. (0.d.) Yeit. W. Australia corymbosaSm. hk evgr. (0.d.) Blood Tree. E. Australia corynocalyx F. Muell. } shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia ficifolia F. Muell. h evgr. (0. d.) W. Australia glubulus Labill. evgr. (0.d.) Bluegum. Tasmania goniocalyx F. Muell. I evgr. (0o.d.) S. Australia gracilis F. Muell. % evgr. (o.d.) Australia grandifolia R. Br. hh evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia Gunnii Hook. fil. hh evgr. (0.d.) Tasmania haemastoma Sm. h evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Lehmanni Preiss. I evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia leucoxylon F. Muell. h evgr. (0. d.) Australia macrocarpa Hook. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia maculata Hook. fil, I evgr. (0. d.) Spottedgum. W. Australia marginata Sm. Ih evgr. (0.d.) Yarra. W. Australia megacarpa F. Muell. kh evgr. (o.d.) W. Australia obliqua L’Herit. h evgr. (0.d.) Strengybark. S. Australia occidentalis Endl, t) evgr. (0. d.) W.-Australia odorata Behr. evgr. (0. d.) Peppermint Tree. 8. Australia orbifolia F. Muell. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia paniculata Sm. hb shr. evgr. (0. d.) She-Lronbark. E, Australia pilularis Sm. hb evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia piperita Sm. h evgr. (0o.d.) E. Australia “« _var. eugenioides platypus Hook. h evgr. (o.d) W. Australia “var, nutans. Risdoni Hook. fil. hh evgr. (0.d.) Drooping Gum. Tas- mania resinifera Sm. I ever. (o.d) E. Australia ; robusta Sm. kh evgr. (0. d.) Swamp Mahogany. E. Australia rostrata Schlecht. hh evgr. (0.d.) Wahstegum. Australia i | ' ' ; | <) aa " : ue a WALK. MAIN BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 65 Encalyptus—continued. siderophloia Benth. h evgr. (0. d.) Jronbark. E. Australia Stuartiana F. Muell. hh evgr. (0. d.) Yellowgum. Australia tereticornis Sm. hb evgr. (0.d.) Redgum. HE. Australia tetragona F. Muell. TF evgr. (0.d.) W. Australia urnigera Hook. fil. f evgr. (0. d.) Weeping Gum. Tasmn viminalis Labill. bh evgr. (0.d.) Bluegum. Australia Tristania R. Br. conferta R. Br. bh evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia neriifolia R. Br. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Syncarpia Tev. laurifolia Ten. T evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Metrosideros Banxs. robusta A.Cunn. fh evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand tomentosa A. Cunn. I ever. (o.d.) N. Zealand Backhousia Hoox. myrtifolia Hook. th shr. evgr. (0.d.) E, Australia Tribus. Mi yrteae. Psidium W111p.. Guava. aromaticum Aubl. J , shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. America Cattleyanum Lindl. _h evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America littorale Raddi. wh shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. America pomiferum Linn. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America pyriferum Linn. shr. evgr. (0.d.) S. America Myrtus Lin. Myrtie. communis Linn. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Europe ae fol. varieg. sf fi. pleno. microphylla Humb. & Bonpl. h = shr. evgr. (0. d.) Peru romana Hoffmsg. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Orient tomentosa Ait. I shr.evgr. (0.d.) China Nelitris Gazrry. ingens F. Muell. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia paniculata Lindl. hb shr. evgr. (0.d.) Moluccas Pimenta Linvt. Allspice. vulgaris Lindl. I evgr. (st.): W. Indies Jambosa Dec. acida (?) th shr. evgr. (st.) 8.8. Islands aquea Dec. shr. evgr. © (st.) Moluccas E 66 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Eugenia Linn. apiculata Dec. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Chili brasiliensis Lam. J shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil Jambos Linn. h , evgr. (0.d.) Rose Apple. H. India Michelli Lam. h shr.evgr. (0. d.) Brazil myrtifolia Sims. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Smithii Poir. th evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia “var. pendula Ugni Hook. = shr.evgr. (0.d.) Chili Ventenatii Benth. hh evgr. (0. d.) S. America Trius. Lecythideae. Gustavia Livy. augusta Linn. h evgr. (st.) S. America brasiliana Dec. fh evgr. (st.) Brazil Napoleona Bzavv. Imperialis Beauv. shr. evgr. (st.) Guiana Ordo. MELASTOMACEAE. R. Brown. Tribus. Osbechieae. Heterocentron Navp. roseum A. Braun. hh shr. evgr. (st.) S. America Pleroma Dov. elegans Gard. 1 shr.evgr. (st.) S. America sarmentosa Hook. fil. h shr.evgr. (st.) Peru Lasiandra Dxc. Fontanesiana Dec. th shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil heteromalla Bauv. h shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil, macrantha Seem. wh shr.evgr. (0.d.) Brazil Osbeckia Lrny. tubicunda Arn. hh shr.evgr. (st.) Ceylon virgata Don. h shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Melastoma Linn. malabathrica Linn. 1% shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Trius. Rhexieae. Monochaetum Navp. sericeum Naud. 1 shr.evgr. (st.) S. America BUTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 67 Tribus. Medinilleae. Medinilla Gavp bracteata Blum. shr.evgr. (st.) Moluccas eximia Blum. shr.evgr. (st.) Java magnifica Lindl. shr.evgr. (st.) Java speciosa Blum. % evgr. (st.) Java _ Tribus. Miconieae. Sphaerogyne Navp. latifolia Naud. th shr. evgr. (st.) S. America Cyanophyllum Navp. Bowmanii Naud. hh. shr. evgr. (st.) Mexico Ordo. LYTHRARIEAE. Jussieu. Tribus. Lythreae. Cuphea R. Browy. jorullensis Humb. & Bonpl. } und.shr. (0.d.) S. America platycentra Lindl. h und. shr. evgr. Mexico procumbens Cav. © (0.d.) Mexico silenoides Nees. © (0.d.) Mexico strigulosa Humb. & Bonpl. Y% (0.d.) Mexico Lythrum Livy. roseum Hort. Y% (o.d.) Europe Salicaria Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe Lagerstroemia Linn. — Pride of India. indica Linn. h shr. evgr.. (o. d.) E,. India Reginae Roxb. hb shr.evgr. (o.d.) Malabar Ordo. GRANATEAE. Endlicher. Punica Livy. Pomegranate. Granatum Linn, h shr. decd. (0.d.) 8. Europe ee var. albescens : es “ nana grandiflora “ Legrellii 68 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. ONAGRARIEAE., Jussieu. Epilobium Livy. Willow Herb. angustifolium Linn. Y (o.d.) Europe hirsutum Linn. % (0. d.) Europe Zauschneria Prezst. californica Presl. Y% (0. d.) California Clarkia Pursu. elegans Dougl. © (0.d.) California pulchella Pursh. © (0.d.) California Oenothera Linn. Evening Primrose. acaulis Cav. Y (o.d.) Chili campylocalyx C. Koch. 4% (0 d.) S. America Drummondii Hook. Y% (o.d.) N. America ~ Fraseri Pursh. ¥% (0.d.) N. America fruticosa Linn. Y% (0.d.) N. America glauca Michx. ¥% (o.d.) N. America Lamarckiana Dec. ¢ (0.d.) C. G. Hope purpurea Curt. Y% (o.d.) America rosea Ait. %Y% (o.d.) Mexico sinuata Linn. © (0.d.) N. America speciosa Nutt. 4% (o.d.) N. America tetraptera Cav. YJ (0.d.) Mexico Godetia Spacu. Dunnettii Hort. © (o.d.) grandiflora Lindl. © (o.d.) N. America insignis Hort. © (0. d.) Lindleyana Spach. ©. (0.d.) N. America reptans Hort. © (o d.) Whitneyi Hort. © (0. 4d.) Eucharidium Fiscu. concinnum Fisch. © (o.d.) N. America Fuchsia Linn. coccinea Ait. % und shr.evg. (g.h.) Chili conica Lindl. % und shr.evgr. (g.h.) Chili cordifolia Benth. und.shr. decd. (g.h.) Mexico corymbiflora Ruiz. & Pav. h und. shr. decd. (g.h.) Chili fulgens Moc. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico globosa Lindl. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico gracilis Lindl. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Chili “var. varieg. procumbens Hook. h und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand splendens Zucc. % und. shr. decd. (g.h.) Mexico BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 69 Gaura Livy. Lindheimerii Englm. Y% (0.d.) Texas Ordo. LoASEAE. Jussieu. Loasa Juss. aurantiaca Hort. © ~ (g.h.) Chili tricolor Lindl. © ~ (g.h.) Chili Ordo. PASSIFLOREAE. Jussieu. Tribus. Passifloreae. Passiflora Linn. Passion Flower. acerifolia Chamss. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) Mexico alata Ait. bh ~ evgr. (st.) Peru alba Link. bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) Brazil coerulea Linn. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) Brazil edulis Sims. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) W. India glauca Humb. & Bonpl. h ~ evgr. (0. d.) S. America gracilis Link. th ~ evgr. (0.d.) Brazil Kermesina Link. h ~ evgr. (st.) Brazil limbata Ten. % ~ evgr. (0. d.) Brazil Loudonnii Sweet. hh ~ evgr. (0. d.) S. America macrocarpa Hort. h ~ evgr. (st.) Rio Negro’ minima Linn h ~ evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America odorata Hort. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) §S. America quadrangularis Linn. hb ~ evgr. (st.) S. America “ var. Decaisneana racemosa Brot. bh ~W ever. (st.) Brazil sanguilenta Hort. bh ~ evgr. (8t.) serratifolia Linn. h ~ evgr. (o.d.) W. India tetrandra Banks & Sol. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand trifasciata Lemaire. bh ~ evgr. (st) Brazil Tacsonia Juss. Exoniensis Hort. Ih ~— evgr. (st.) 8S. America manicata Juss. hh ~ evgr. (o.d.) Peru ‘molissima Humb. & Bonpl. bh ~ evgr. (o. d.) Brazil Morti Hort. bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) Aybrid pinnatistipula Juss. hb ~ evgr. (o.d.) Chili sanguinea Dec. bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) E. India tomentosa speciosa Juss. fh ~ evgr. (st.) 8S. America Van Volxemi Funck. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) N. Granada 70 CATALOGUE OF PLAN I'S, Tribus. Papayaceae. Carica Livy. Papaw Tree. aurantiaca Hort. bh evgr. (st.) S. America Papaya Linn. hh evgr. (st.) S. America Ordo. CUCURBITACEAE. © Jussieu. Tribus. Cucumerineae. Trichosanthes Linn. Snake Gourd. colubrina Jacq) © ~ tr. (0.d.) China Luffa Cav. aegyptiaca Dec. © ~ tr. (0.d.) Egypt graveolens Roxb. © ~ tr. (o.d.) N. Australia Momordica Linn. Balsamina Linn. © ~. tr. (st.) E. India Thladiantha Bunce _ dubia Bunge. ~~ tub.tr. (0. d.) China Rhynchocarpa Scurap. _ disecta (?) Y%w tr. (st.) Cucumis Livy. Cucumber. Melo Linn. © ~ tr. (0.d.) Sweet Melon. Asia. _ sativus Linn, © ~ tr. (0.d.) Cucumber. E. India Cucurbita Linn. Citrullus Linn. © ~ tr. (0.d.) Africa ovifera Linn. © ~ tr. (0.d.) Vegetable Marrow. Astracan Pepo Linn. © ~ tr. (0.d.) Pumpkin. Levant Bryonia Linn. laciniosa Linn. Y%~ tr. (0.d.) Ceylon Trius. LElaterieae. Cyclanthera Scurap, edulis Schrad. © tr. (o.d.) S. America Tribus. LanNonteae. Zanonia Linn. sarcophylla Wall. bh ~ tr. -(st.) E. India BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 71 Ordo. BEGONIACEAE. R. Brown. Begonia Liny. argentea V. Houtte. 1% shr.evgr. (st.) S. America argyrostigma Fisch. 1 shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil boliviensis A. Dec. ¥% (st) Bolivia & var. grandiflora : Caffra Meisn. ¥ (st.) 8S. America carminata Hort. Y (st. cinnabrina Hook. Y (st.) Bolivia conchaefolia Dietr. und. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil crassicaulis Lindl. und. shr.evgr. (st.) Guatemala Daedalea Hort. wh und. shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil discolor R. Br. YJ (st.) China diversifolia Knowl. Y% (st.) Mexico dipetala Grah. % und. shr. evgr. (st.) Bombay Dregei Otto& Dietr. h und.shr.evgr. (st.) C.G. Hope “var. Caffra : echinocephala Regel. % und. shr. (st.) S. America erecta multiflora Velloza. % (st.) 8S. America Evansiana Andr. Y. (st.) China excelsa Hort. Y (st.) fagifolia Fisch. J und. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil foliosa Humb. & Bonpl. h und. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil Froebelli Dec. Y% (st.) §S. America fuchsioides Hook. % und. shr. (st.) N. Granada hydrocotylifolia Hook. Y (st.) Mexico Ingrammii Henfr. Y¥ (st.) Hybr. Lapeyrousi Hort. Y (st.) Hybr. longipes Hook. h shr.evgr. (st.) Mexico manicata Cels. Y% (st.) Brazil Meyerii Link & Otto. th shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil nitida Dryand. und. shr. evgr. (st.) Isl. Jamaica octopetala L’Herit. 2% (st.) S. America odorata Willd. % und. shr. evgr. S. America palmatiloba Hort Y% (st.) Hybr. Pearcei Hort. 2% (st.) Hybr. “var. superba. YJ ; platanifolia Grahm. th shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil Rex. Putz. Y (st.) E. India -Richardsiana Moor. und. shr.evgr. 8. America Sandersii Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (st.) sanguinea Raddi. % und. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil Sedeni Veitch. 2% (st.) Brazil semperflorens Link & Otto. }) und. shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil sulcata Scheidw. h und. shr.evgr. (st) Columbia 72 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS. Begonia—continued. Sutherlandii Hort. (st.) Natal Thwaitesii Hook, YJ (st.) Ceylon Tweediana Lindl. % (st.) S. America undulata Schott. th shr.evgr. (st.) S. America Veitchii Hook. Y% (st.) Peru Weltoniensis Hort. und. shr. (st.) S. America zebrina Hort. 2% (st:) Brazil Casparya Dec. robusta Dec. Y% (st) Java Ordo, CACTEAE. De Candolle. Trius. LEchinocacteae. Melocactus Linx & Orto. Melon Thistle. communis Dec. I und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Antilles Mamillaria Haworts. Nipple Cactus. aberiformis gracilior Hort. I und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico acanthostephes Lehm. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico albiseta Muehlpf. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico amoena Hopfr. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico anguinea Otto. I und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico angularis Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico sf var. triacantha arietiha Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico atrosanguinea Ehrbg. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico aureiceps Lem. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico autumnalis Dietr. und. shr. evg. (0.d.) Mexico Beneckei Ehrbg. wh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico bicolor Lehm. var. multicephala. unk. shr. (g.h.) «var. polycephala | biglanculosa Pfeiff. und. shr.evgr. (g.h) Mexico bericata Mart. % . und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Bocasana Poselg. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Bockii Foerst. J und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico caespititia Dec. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico californica Hort. hh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) California carnea Zucc. I und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico centricirrha Lem. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico a var. goniodecantha Cetserii longispina Hort. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico chiasta Stiebr. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico cirrhifera Mart. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 73 Mamillatia—continued. columnaris Mart. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico conopsea Schdw. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico cornifera Dec. 1% und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico coronaria Haw. ‘und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico crassispina Pfeiff. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico crocidata Lem. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico crucigera Mart. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico daemonoceras Lem. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico decipiens Schdw. h und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico densa Link & Otto. wh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico diacantha nigra Haage. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico discolor Haw. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico divergens Dec. J’ und. shr.evgr. (g h) Mexico dolichocentra Lem. } und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico eburnea Link. und. shr. evgr. .(g.h.) Mexico elegans Dec. J) und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico elongata Dec. hh und.shr. evgr. ‘(g.h.) Mexico ee var. erecta “s “© intertexta ee “minima ss “¢ purpurea - “ tenuis Emundtsiana Sencke. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico euchlora Ehrhbrg. hb und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico ferruginea Stiebr. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Fischeri Pfeiff. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico flavovirens cristata Salm. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Foersteri Muehlpf. hb und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico formosa Scheidw. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico foveolata Muehlpf. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico fulvispina Haw. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Galeottii Scheidw. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico geminata Scheidw. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico gigantea Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico glauca Dietr. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico grisea Gal. J und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Gruenbergii Hort. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Guilleminiana Lem. bh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Haageana Pfeiffl. % und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico | haematactina Ehrbrg. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Hartmannii Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico hexucantha Salm. hb und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico hexicentra Salm. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Hopferiana Link. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico humilis Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico hystrix Mart. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico imbricata Weg. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico 74. CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Manillaria—continued. Isabellina Ehrbrg. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Karwinskiana Mart. 1% und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Mexico Krameri Muehlpf. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico laeta Hort. wh und. shr. evgr. (g. h. lamproclora Jacobi. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico lepidula Stbr. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico longimamma Dec. °° und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico longiseta Muehlpf. % und. shr..evgr. (g.h.) Mexico lutescens Hort. J und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico macracantha Dec. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico macrothele Mart. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Martiana Pfeiff. 1) und. shr. evgr, (g.h.) Mexico maschatacantha Cels. wh und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico megacantha Salm. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico melaleuca Karw. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico melanocentra Poselg. 1% und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico microthele Muehlpf. h und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico minima Reichb. th und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico monacentra Jacobi. hb und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Muehlenpfordtii Foerst wh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico multiceps Scheidw. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico mutabilis Scheidw. hh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Mystax Mart. wh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Neumanniana Lem. hh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico a var. glabrescens h nitens Otto. 1%) und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico obvallata Otto. wh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Odieriana Lem. th und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico es var. longispina pachythele Poselg. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Parvinskii Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Peacockii Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Pfeiliana Foerst. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico phymatothele Berg. wh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico polyédra Mart. 1% und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico polygona Salm. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico polythele Mart. var. quadrispina Salm. und shr. evgr. (g. h.) Mexico porphyracantha Jacobi. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico procurva Sencke. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico pulchella Otto. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico purpurascens Ehrbrg. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico pusilla Dec. th und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico “var, elongata eS “multiplex ee ‘“ perpusilla radiata Hort. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 75 Mamillaria—continued. recurva Lehm. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico rhodantha Link, % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico “ var. pellidior e ** spinosior es “ “Wendlandii ruberrima Stiebr. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Salmiana Fenn. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Schlechtendalii Ehrbrg. % und.shr. evgr. ‘(g.h.) Mexico Ke longispina Schmidtii Sencke und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Mexico Seitziana Zucc. 1 und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Senckii Forst. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico “var. laetevirens sempervivi Dec. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico setosa Pfeiff. Jt) und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico sphacelata Mart. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico sphaerica Dietr. J und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico. spinosissima Lem. J und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Stella-aurata Mart. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico & var. pallidior suaveolens Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico subangularis Dec. % und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico subcurvata Dietr. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico sulcoglandulifera Jacobi. % und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Mexico ’ sulphurea Foerst. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico uberiformis Zucc. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Uhdeana Jacobi. hh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico umbrinathrbrg. % und.shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico uncinata Zucc. 1% und. shr. evgr.. (g.h.) Mexico valida Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) variabilis Labour. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico versicolor Scheidw. kh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico ss var. speciosa vestita Hort. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico vetula Mart. w und. sh.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico villifera Otto. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico viridis cristata Link. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Webbiana Lem. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico e var. longispina Wildiana Pfeifi. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico var. cristata Haage. hb xanthotricha Scheidw. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Zuccariniana Mart. th und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Malacocarpus Sau. Martini Cels. th und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico 76 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Echinocactus Link & Orro. Hedyehog Cactus. acuatus Link. h und. shr. ever. (g.h.) Monte Video adversispinus Muehlpf. } und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) 8. America anfractuosus Mart. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico atropurpureus Salm. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico brachycentrus Salm. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil Bridgessii Pfeiff. 1% und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) ° Mexico™ cachetianus Hort. wh und. shr.evgr. (g. h. concinnus Hook. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Chili cornigerus Dec. ‘ und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Courantii Lem. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico denudatus Link & Otto. I und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico dolichacanthus Lem. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Echidne Dec. hh und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Chili electracanthus Lem. und. shr. ever. (g h.) Chili ferox Labour. kh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) 8. America flexispinus Salm. I und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Forbesii Lehm. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico gibbosus Dec. hh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Jamaica as var. Leonensis h gilvus Dietr. hh und. shr.evg. (g.h.) Mexico © gladiatus Link & Otto. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico hastatus Hopfr. ht und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico hexaédrophorus Lem. kh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Heyderi Dietr. hh und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Hookeri Mhlpf. wh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico hyptucanthus Lem. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico var. nitidus Monv. irroratus Schdw. hk und. shr. evg. (g.h.) Mexico lamellosus Dietr. wh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico ee var. fulvescens Salm. lancifer Dietr. % und. shr.evgr. (g.’h.) Mexico longihamatus Gal. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico mammillosus Lem. kh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Mirbelii Lem. var. Kochii. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Monvillii Lem. I shr. evgr. Mexico muricatus Link & Otto. bh und.shr.evg. (g.h.) Mexico mutabilis Foerst. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico myriostigma Salm. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico nobilis Haw. kh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico oligacanthus Salm. hb und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico ornatus Dec. hh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Ottonis Lem. kh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Pfeifferi Zucc. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico polyraphis Pfeiff. 1% und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico porrectus Lem. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Pottsii Scheer. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 77 Echinocactus—continued. purpureus Link & Otto. k und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico reductus Zucc. w und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico rinconensis Poselg.. I) und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico robustus Otto. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico sinuatus Dietr. hb und. shr.evgr. (g.h. Mexico submammulosus Lem. und. shv. evgr. (g:h.), Mexico sulcatus Link. wh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico tenuispinus Link. wh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil tetraxiphus Otto. Ih und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico théiacanthus Lem. J und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico theloides Hort. I shr. evgr. (g. h.) tortuosus Link & Otto. bh und. shr. evgr. Mexico tulensis Poselg. J und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico undulatus Dietr. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) ,Mexico Visnaga Hort. hh und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Wegeneri Salm. hh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Williamsii Lem. 1 und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Cereus Haw. PS acutangulus Otto. wh und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico Alacripontanus Mart. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil anguiniformis Stieb. wh und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico areolatus Mhlpf. th und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico atropurpureus Hort. hk und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) azureus Parm. 1 und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil Baumanni Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) baxaniensis Karw. kh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Bonplandii Parm. % wnd.shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil Bridgesii Salm. wh und. shr. evg. (0. d.) Mexico caesius Salm. J und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico candicans Gill. 1% und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico chalybaeus Salm. kh und. shr.evgr. (g-h.) Mexico chilensis Dec. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Chili clavatus Otto. hh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil coccineus Salm. wk und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil coerulescens Salm. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil colubrinus Otto var. flavispinus Salm. h und. shr.evgr. (g. i.) Coryne Hort. I) und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) divergens Dec. hh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Domingo Donkelaerii Salm. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil Dumortieri Hort. wh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil elongata Hort. wh und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) erectus Karw. 1 und. shr. evgr. (g h.) Mexico erinaceus Haw. kh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) E. India eriophorus Hort. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Cuba euphorbioides Haw. kh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil flagelliformis Mill. I und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) S. America 78 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Eehinesactus—continued. flagelliformis var. Salmonii formosus monstrosus racemosus Hort. kh und. shr. evgr. -h. sence cane Foerst. T und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) S. America geometrizans Mart. kh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Mexico giganteus Englm. h und. shy. evgr. (0. d.) grandiflorus Mill. wh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) E. India var. Maynardi Paxt. hamatus Scheidw. th und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil Hamea Hort. kh und. shr. evg. (g. h.) hermontianus Monv. kh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil hybridus speciosissimus tubiflorus Hort, % und. shr. evgr. i. superbus Hort. h inermis Otto. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil Kunthii Hort. bh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) lagenaeformis Foerst. hh und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) S. America lamprochlorus Lem. h und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) lepidotus Salm. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.). Mexico leptophis Dec. 1 und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico MacDonaldii Hook. th und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) macrogonis Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (g. Mallisoni Hort. wh und. shr. evgr. (g. h. marginatus Dec. kh und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico Martianus Zucc. wh und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico Martinii Labour. h und, shr. evgr. (o.d.) Mexico Moserii Hort. hh und. shr.evgr. (g. h.) Napoleonis Grah. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) E. India niger Salm. I und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil nitens Salm. wh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) nycticalus Link. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Ocamponis Salm. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) S. America paposus Hort. th und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) pentagonus Haw. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America pentapterus Hort. h und shr. evgr. (g. h.) pentaedrophorus Labour. h und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico peruvianus Haw. hh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Peru - var. monstrosus. Haw. pleiogonus Labour. wh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) S. America polychaetus Reichb. und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America, radicans Dec. hk und. shr.evg. (g.h.) 8S. America Roemerii Englm. und. shr. evgr. rostratus Lem. hh shr. evgr. 8S. America Schomburgkii Haage. h und. shr. evgr. Schrankii Zucc. kk und. shr.evgr. (g. h.) Mexico Seidelii Lem. hk und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico serpentinus Lagasc. hk und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico Spachianus Lem. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) S. America = BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. , 79 Echinocactus—continued. speciosissimus Dec. und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico is var. grandiflorus “ “ tubiflorus spinulosus Dec. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico splendens Hort. I und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) stamineus Englm. und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) strigosus Salm. kh und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) subrepandus Haw. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) S. America tephracanthus Labour. kh und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America tetragonus Haw. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) S. America Tinnei Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) tortuosus Forb. kh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America triangularis Haw. hb und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico tuberosus Poselg. I und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico ureacanthus Foerst. 2% und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) S. America validus Haw. kh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) §S. America variabilis Pfeiff. wh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) S. America violaceus Lem. kh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America Echinocereus Eneum. Blankii longispinus Englm. hb und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) S. America * brevispinulus Link. h und. shr. evgr. (g h.) 8S. America candicans Lem. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) 8. America claviformis Regl. hh und. shy. evgr. (g. h.) Meee cinerascens var. caespitosus Englm. h und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) S. America congestispinus Foerst. h ‘and. shr. evgr. (g.h.) S. America Dumelianus Haage. kh und. shr. evgr. (g ) 8. America dumericantha Hort. hb und. shr. evgr. (g. Ehrenbergii Englm. % und. shr.evgr. (g. » ) S. America enneacanthus Englm. 1 und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Mexico gladiatus Link & Otto. h und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America hystrix Englm. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico multangularis Englm. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico paucispinus Englm. 7% und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico pectinatus var. armatus Englm. th und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) 8. America “ var. castaneus Poselg. h Poselgerianus Link. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America procumbens Poselg. kh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) S. America propinquus Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) g.h.) 8S. America g.h.) 8. America raphecephalus Foerst. h und.shr. evgr. (g. rigidispinus Englm. h und. shr. evgr. (g. Roemeri Englm. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h f Scheerii Salm. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico strigosus Salm. tk und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) § 80 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Echinocereus—continued. trichacanthus Englm. h wund.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico viridiflorus Hort. hh und. shr.evgr. (g. h.) Whippei Hort. wh und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Pilocereus Lem. Curtisii Salm. kh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Dautwitzi Hort. kh und. shr evgr. (g. h.) fossulatus Labour. kh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico “var. pilosior Hoppenstedti Hort. und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) jubatus Salm. h und. shr. ever. (g.h.) Mexico ‘niger Hort. und. shr. evgr. (g. h. polylophus Salm. h und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico senilis Lem. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Echinopsis Zucc. achatina Foerst. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America apiculata Link. hb und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America Bridgesii Salm. hb und. shr.evgr. {g.h.) S. America campylacantha Pfeiff. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico cinnabarina Foerst. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Decaisniana Lem. bh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) 8. America ee var. multiplex grandiflora Eyriessii Zuce. 3 und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Forbesii Hort. Jt) und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America Houttii Cels. und. shr. evgr. (g. i.) Mexico integra Hort. kh und. shr. evgr. (g. Lagermanni Hort. h und. shr. evgr. ) Myslei Labour. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico, multiplex Zucc. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America oxygona Zucc. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico “var. subplena penecilliformis Link. und.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Pentlandii Salm. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) S. America Schelhasii Zucc. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico tricolor Dietr. und shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico tubiflora var. rosea Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Wilkensi Link. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Zuccariniana Pfeiff. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico. i var, fl. rosea Phyllocactus Linx. crenatus Salm. J und. ghr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico Empereur Hort. hk und. shr. evgr. (g. h. Hookerii Salm. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico phyllanthoides grandiflorus Salm. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico stenopetalus Salm. th und. shz. evgr. (g.h.) Mexico LAKE VIEW. BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 81 Epiphyllum Pretrr. . Ackermannii Haw. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico alatum Haw. und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Mexico “ var. grandiflorum Altensteinii Pfeiff. % und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Brazil bicolor Hort. % wnd. shr. evgr. (g. ‘ Blackei Hort. % und. shr.evgr. (g. Bridgesii Hort. th und. shr. evgr. (g. coccineum Haw. h_ und. shr. evgr. hs ) Brazil crenulatum Hort. und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) cruentum Hort. 1% und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) elegans Hort. th und. shr. evgr. (g.h.). Harrisonii Hort. wh — shr. evgr. Hybris Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) «var. Alexandrinae Hort. es “* aurantiaca superba Hort. ef “ Blindii Hort. se “ Bollwilleriana Hort. te * coccineum Hort. es * Conway’s Giant Hort. « “ Jeastei Hort. ee “ Jenkinsonii Hort. bs « Johnstoni Hort. es « Kampmanni Hort. ee “ Loudonii Hort. se “© Madmoiselle Courante Hort. “ “May Fly Hort. ss “* mexicana Hort. ce ** Muehlhousiana Hort. - “ multiflora Hort. es “ pallidum roseum Hort. ce « purpureum Hort. ce “ Quillardeti Hort. sé ** rosea alba Hort. ee “ Roydii Hort. se * Sellowii Hort. ts “ ‘V. d. Maelon Hort. Ruckerianum var. rubrum Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Russellianum Hook. var. Buckleyi Hort. % und. shy. evgr. h. ef oe Salmonium rubrum Hort. und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Snowii Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) speciosum Haw. kh wund.shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil spectabilis Hort. hh und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) a yar. superbum Hort. Spongii Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) tricolor Hort. und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) F 82 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Epiphyllum—continued. truncatum Haw. 1 und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil ee var. Alexandrae te “ coccineum es * violaceum violaceum Cels. J und.shr. evgr. (g.h.) S. America te var. grandiflorum es “ superbum Tribus. Opuntieae. Rhipsalis Gaertn. Cassytha Gaertn. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Jamaica conferta Haw. hh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil crispata Pfeiff. und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil pachyptera Pfeiff. Tt und. shr. evgr. (. h.) Brazil paradoxa Salm. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) S. America pentaptera Pfeiff. % und.shr.evgr. hb (g.h.) Brazil Saglionis Otto. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil salicornioides Haw. hh und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil es var. strictis Salm. Swarziana Pfeiff. 7, und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil triangularis Pfeiff. % und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) S. America Opuntia Mit. Indian Fig Cactus. albicans Salm. hb und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico Amyclea Ten. hb und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Naples andicola Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) angusta Meinsh. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico arborea Steud. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Brazil aurantiaca Gill. kh und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Chili brachyacantha Hort. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) brasiliensis Haw. hb und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Brazil candelabriformis Mart. h shr. evgr. (c.d.) Mexico cochinillifera Mill. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Cochineal Fig. “Mexico. corrugata Gill. var. Monvillii, % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Chili. crassa Haw. kh und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico crinifera Salm. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Brazil cylindrica Dec. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Peru s var. cristata cymochila Englm. und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico decumana Haw. hh und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. America decumbens Salm. hk und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico dejecta Salm. % und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Isl. Havanna dimorpha Foerst. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. America diademata Lem. h und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) S. America BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 83 Opuntia—continued. Dillenii Dec. } shr.evgr. (0. d.) §S. America elata Pfeiff. t und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Brazil elongata Haw. und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America Engelmanni Salm. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Brazil Ficus indica Mill. th und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) S. America #8 var. alba e “purpurea floccosa Salm. und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Brazil fulvispina Salm. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. America gigantea Hort. und. shr. evgr. (0. d. glaucescens Otto. und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. America glaucophyila Wendl. hb und.shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America var. laevior grandis Hort. hb und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Mexico Guillardelli Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) horrida Salm. % und. shr.‘evgr. (0.d.) S. America imbricata Haw. h und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico intermedia Salm. h und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Mexico involuta Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (o. d.) Kleiniae Dec. h und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico Labouretiana Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) lanceolata Haw. h und.shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America lanigera Salm. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. America leucotricha Dec. und. shr.evgr. (o.d) Brazil Lindheimeri Engim, } und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America longispina Haw. h und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Chili maculacantha Foerst. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) S. Bere. megacantha Salm. ty und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico microdasys Lehm. } und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico ts var. minima missouriensis Dec. var. leucospina. J) und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. America monacantha Haw. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America iS var. varieg. nigricans Haw. % und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America. oligacantha H. Vindob. hb und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico Palmeri Hort. h% und. shr. evgr. (0. d. Parmentieri Pfeiff. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. America Pentlandii Salm. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) S. America phaeacantha Englm. und. shy. evgr. (0.d.) Mexico Piccolominiana Hort. h und.shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America polyantha Haw. hh und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8. America Pseudo-Tuna Salm. h und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. America pusilla Haw. h und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America Rafinesquiana minoribus Hort. % und. shr.evgr. (0. d.) robusta Wendl. hh und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico Salmiana Parm. bh und. shr. evgr, (0. d.) Mexico 84 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Opuntia—continued. sphaerica Foerst. h und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. America spinulifera Salm. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Mexico Stapelia Dec. hh und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico stricta Haw. hb und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S, America subulata Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) sulphurea Gill. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Chili syringacantha Pfeiff. 1 und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. America triacantha Dec. h und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) S. America Tuna Mill. % shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico tunicata Lehm. h und. shr. ever. (9, d.) Mexico “© var. laevior vaginata Haw. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Brazil 3 var. minor , vestita Salm. % und. shr. evgr. (o. d.) vulgaris Mill. hh und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America: Pereskia Prum. aculeata Mill. shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Indies Bleo Dec. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico rotundifolia Dec. wh shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico subulata Muehlpf. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico Ordo. FICOIDEAE. Jussieu. Tribus. Mesembryeae. Mesembryanthemum Liny. Pigface. acinaciforme Linn. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) C. G. Hope adscendens Haw. Y% (0.d) OC. G. Hope aduncum Haw. h und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope aequilaterale R. Br. ¥% (0.d.) Australia aurantiacum Haw. 7) und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope aureum Linn. kh und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope australe Ait. YJ (0o.d.) Australia candens Haw. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope cordifolium Linn. © (0.d.) C. G. Hope ee var. varieg. crystallinum Linn. © (0.d.) C.G. Hope curvifolium Haw. und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope densum Haw. und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) CO. G. Hope depressum Haw. Y% (0.d.) OC. G. Hope var. lividum ss * lucidum edule Linn. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) C. G. Hope BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 85 Mesembryanthemum—continued. formosum Haw. h und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) C.G. Hope imbricans Haw. t und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope linguaeforme Haw. Y% (0.d.) ©. G. Hope marginatum Haw. h und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope polyphyllum Haw. h und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope pomeridianum Linn. © (0.d.) C.G. Hope productum Haw. I und.shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope pugioniforme Linn. g und. shr. evgr. . d.) C. G. Hope pulchellum Willd. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope rigidum Haw. th und. shr. evgr. (0. a C. G.. Hope rubrocinctum Haw. hh und. shr. evgr. EG d.) C. G. Hope scabrum Linn. h und.shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope tegens F. Muell. Y% (0.d.) E. Australia ~ tortuosum Linn. 1 und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope tricolor Haw. © (0.d.) C.G. Hope violaceum Dec. h und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G, Hope Ordo. UMBELLIFERAE. Jussieu. Tribus. Hydrocotyleae. Hydrocotyle Linn. = Marsh Pennyworth. vulgaris Linn. % (o.d.) Europe Trachymene Rvpcz. coerulea Graham. © (0.d.) W. Australia Tribus. A mmineae. Conium Livy. Hemiock. maculatum Linn. go (0.d.) Europe Bupleurum Linn. fruticosum Linn. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) S. Africa Apium Linn. . graveolens Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Celery, Europe Petroselinum Linn, Y% (0.d.) Parsley. Europe Pimpinella Livy. Sazifrage. Burnet. Anisum Linn. © (0.d.) Anise. Europe Saxifraga Linn. Y%. (0. d.) Europe 86 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Trius. Seselineae. Seseli Livy. Meadow Saxifraga. glaucum Jacq. Y% (o.d.) Europe leucospermum W.K. % (o.d.) Europe Foeniculum Apans. Fennel. vulgare Gaert. c (o.d.) Europe Meum Livy. Bald Money. athamanticum Jacq. Y% (o.d.) Europe Selinum Livy. Milk Parsley. decipiens Schrad. % (0.d.) Isl. Madeira Trius. Peucedaneae. Peucedanum Linn. Sulphur Wort. officinale Linn. 2% (0. d.) Europe Ferula Lin. Giant Fennel. communis Linn. % (0.d.) S. Europe Anethum Livy. Dill. graveolens Linn. © (0. d.) Europe Heracleum Linn. Cow Parsnip. giganteum Fisch. 2% (0.d.) Caucasus pubescens Biebrst. 2 (0. d.) Caucasus Sprengelianum W. A. Y% (0.d.) India Trius. Cawcalineae. Daucus Livy. Carrot. Carota Linn. cg (0.d.) Europe Trius. Laserpitieae. Laserpitium Linn. Laser Wort. latifolium Linn. 2% (0. d.) Europe Ordo. ARALIACEAE. — Jussieu. Aralia Liny. Bernaysiana Hort. bh evgr. (st.) 8S. S. Islands crassifolia Banks & Sol. bh evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand dentata Hort. hb evgr. (st.) S. 8S. Islands elegantissima Hort. h evgr. (st.) 5S. S. Islands BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 87 Aralia—continued. gracillima Veitch. hh evgr. (st.) S.’S. Islands Guilfoylii F. Muell. h evgr. (st.) §S. S. Islands hybrida Hort. fh evgr. (st.) 8. S. Islands japonica Thunb. h decd. (o.d.) Japan leptophylla Hort. h evgr. (st.) S.8. Islands maculata Hort. h evgr. (st.) §.S. Islands Osyana Hort. h evgr. (st.) Java papyrifera Hook. h evgr. (o.d.) China parvifolia Hort. .b evgr. (st.) 8. S. Islands pentaphylla Thunb. th evgr. (st.) Japan quinquefolia Hort. evgr. (st.) S. 8. Islands reticulata Humb. & Bonpl. bh evgr. (st.) S. America sambucifolia A. Cunn. I evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Schoefflera Spr. bh evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand Shepherdiana Hort. h evgr. (st.) S.S. Islands Schomburgkiana Hort. } evgr. (st.) S. S. Islands Sieboldii Hort. evgr. (st.) §S.S. Islands “fol. variegata Paratropia Drc. elliptica Miq. bh. evgr. (st.) Java , longifolia Dec. h evgr. (st.) Java Teysmannii Blum. bh evgr. (st.) Java Panax Liny. angustifolius F. Muell. hb evgr. (o0.d.) E. Australia” elegans F. Muell. bh evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia fruticosum Link. h shr. evgr. (st.) Mollucas Murrayi F. Muell. Th evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia quinquefolium Linn, Y% (0.d.) N. America sessiliforme (?) Ih evgr. (st.) simplex Forst. h evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand Botryodendron Envt. latifolium Endl. h evgr. (o.d.)° Norfolk Island Brassaia Envi. Umbrella Tree. actinophylla Endl. h evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Cussonia Tuuns. thyrsiflora Linn. fil. h shr.evgr. (o.d) S. Africa Hedera Liny. Ivy. algeriensis (P) bh ~ Algeria. canariense Willd. var. variegata h ~ evgr. (o.d.) Canaries Helix Linn. bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) Europe latifolia Wight. var. varieg. bh ~ KE. India. marginata argentea. fol. variegata. bh ~~ marmorata elegans Hoyt. bh ~ Rhombea Hort. h ~ 88 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ord. CORNACEAE. Lindley. Cornus Livy. Dogwood. alba Linn. Fh decd. (0. d.) Europe mascula Linn. % decd. (0. d.) Europe “var. argentea s “aurea sanguinea Linn. h shr. decd. (0. d.) Europe sericea Herit.. f shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America stricta Lam. hk decd. (0.d.) N. America Benthamia Lint. fragifera Lindl. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Nepal Aucuba Tons. bicolor Hort. % shr.evgr. (g.h.) himalaica Hook. = shr. evgr. (g.h.) Himalays japonica Thunb. var. maculata h shr. evgr. (g.h.) Japan viridis vera Hort. 1%) shr.evgr. (g. h.) Garrya Dovet. elliptica Lindl. h shr.evgr. (v.d.) California macrophylla Hartw. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico McLadeniana Lindl. th shr. evgr. (0.d.) S. America Griselinia Forsr. lucida Forst. wh shr.evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand Ordo. CAPRIFOLIACEAE. Jussieu. Trius. Sambuceae. Sambucus Linn. Elder. canadensis Linn. shr. decd. (o.d.) N. America nigra Linn. 1% shr. decd. (o.d.) Europe “var. argenteis “« laciniata pubens Michx. shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America racemosa Linn. kh shr.decd. (o.d) Europe xanthocarpa F. Muell. t evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Viburnum Liv. chinense Hook. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) China japonicum Sprgl. h = shr.evgr. (o.d.) Japan odoratissimum Ker. h shr. decd. (o.d.) China BOTANIC. GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 89 Viburnum—continued. Opulus Linn. 1 shr. decd. (0.d.) Guilder Rose. Europe “« var. roseum | Oxycoccos Pursh. shr. decd. (o.d,) N. America plicatum Thunb. h shr.decd. (0.d.) Japan rugosum Pers, 7) shr.evgr. (0.d.) Isl. Canary Sieboldtii Hort. shr. evgr. (o. d.) suspensum (?) shr.evgr. (o.d. Tinus Linn. Jf shr. evgr. -(0.d.) Laurustinus. 8. Europe Tribus. Lonicereae. Abelia R. Br. rupestris Lindl. % shr.evgr. (0. d.) China uniflora R. Br. h shr. evgr. (0.d.) China Lonicera Liny. Honeysuckle. brachypoda Dee. var. aurea reticulata wh shr. decd. (o. d.) Japan . ; Caprifolium Linn. ht ~ shr.evgr. (0.d.) Woodbine. Europe es var, atropurpureum se “ Fraserii chrysantha Turtsch. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) Siberia ciliata Muehlbrg. hh shr. decd. (0.d.) N. America coerulea Linn. th shr. decd. (o.d.) S. Europe confusa Dec. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) E. India Diervilla Lindl. % shr. (o.d.) N. America discolor Lindl. % decd. (o.d.) E. India grata Ait. bh ~ shr. decd. (o.d.) N. America hybrida superba Hort. h ~ (0. d.) iberica Bibrst. T shr. decd. (o.d.) Iberia japonica Thunb. bh ~ shr.decd. (0.d.) Japan nigra Linn. bh shr. decd. (o.d.) Europe pubescens Sweet. hb ~ shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. America Ruprechtiana Hort. wk ~ shr. evgr. (o. d.) sempervirens Ait. bh ~~ evgr. (o.d.) N. America Standishii Hook. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) China, tatarica Linn. h shr.decd. (0. d.) Europe «var. alba ee mycrantha oe “ pulcherrima “ pyrenaica Bs “rosea 6c “cc “ alba ee “ splendens Xylosieum Linn. % shr. decd. (0.d.) Europe ey var. mollis ss « Solonis go CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Leycesteria Watt. formosa Wall. I shr.evgr. (0.d.) Nepal “« var. fol. varieg. Weigelia Tuuns. amabilis Thunb. h shr. decd. (0.d.) China “var. fl. alba japonica Dec. th shr. decd. (0.d.) Japan Middendorfii Hort. % shr. decd. (0. d.) rosea Lindl. h shr.decd. (o.d.) China Ordo. RUBIACEAE. A. Jussieu. Tribus. Naucleeae. Sarcocephalus Arz. cordatus Miq. hh evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia Leichhardtii F. Muell. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Cephalanthus Linn. occidentalis Linn. hh shr.decd. (o.d.) N. America Tribus. Cinchoneae. Cinchona Linn. Quinine Tree. Calisaya Wedd. hb evgr. (gr.h.) Peru Succirubra Wedd. hb evgr. (gr.h.) Peru © Bouvardia Sauiss. alba odorata Hort. hh shr. evgr. (o. d.) candidissima Hort. shr.evgr. (o. d.) Davisonii Hort b= shr. evgr. (0. d.) Hogarthii Hort. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Humboldtii corymbiflora Hort. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Jacquinii Humb. & Bonpl. bh shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America jasminoides longipetala Hort. shr. evgr. (0. d.) leiantha Benth. hh shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico longiflora Humb. & Bonpl. var. flammea. h — shr. ever. (o. d.) Mexico rubioides Hort. var. splendens. 1) shr. evgr. (0. d.) splendens Grah. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. America triphylla Salisb. shr.evgr. (0. d.) Mexico umbellata carnea Hort. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Van Houttii Hort. wh shr. evgr.. (0. d.) BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Manettia Moris. glabra Chamss. % evgr.tw. (o.d.) Brazil Exostemma Dzc. amabilis h shr.evgr. (st.) S. America floribundum Roem. & Schult. h shr. evgr. Indies Trius. Rondeletieae. Rondeletia Linn. anomala (?) shr. evgr. (st.) Guatemala cordata Benth. hh shr.evgr. (st.) S. America spesiosa Lodd. hh shr.evgr. (st.) Mexico “svar. major e “« brilliantissima Lindenia Bentx. rivalis Benth. % shr.evgr. (st.) Vera Cruz Gloneria Linn. & Anpr. jasminiflora Lindl. h shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil ,Lindenia Benth. h shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil Trius. Hedyotideae. Pentas Bentu. carnea Benth. h shr.evgr. (st.) Africa Trius. Mussaendeae. Mussaenda Linn. frondosa Linn. h shr. evgr. (st.) E. India luteola Delil. h shr. evgr. (st.) Arabia Tribus. Hamelieae. Hamelia Jaca. nutans (?) bh shr.evgr. (st.) S. America Higginsia Pzrs. Roezli Lind. th shr.evgr. (st.) S. America g!I (st.) W. Gheisbechtii Hook. shr. evgr. (st.) S. America Tribus. Gardenieae. Burchellia R. Br. capensis R. Br. hh shr.evgr. (0. d.) C. G. Hope g2 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Randia Livy. ferox Dec. shr.evgr. (st.) Mexico Fitzalani F. Muell. h ever. (o.d.) E. Australia Krausii Harv. } shr.evgr. (0. d.) C. G. Hope macrophylla C. Moore 1 shr. evgr. (st.) Howe’s Island Gardenia Livy. Blumeana Dec. shr.evgr. (st.) Java chartacea F. Muell. f shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia ee var. latifolia florida Linn. J shr. evgr. (o.d.) China Rothmannia Linn. fil. I shr.evgr. (0.d.) 9. Africa Shepherdii Hot. 1 shr.evgr. (st.) S. S. Islands Stanleyana Hort. shr. evgr. (st.) Sierre Leone spinosa Thunb. 1h shr.evgr. (st.) China tetrasperma Roxb. hh shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Thunbergia Linn. fil. 1% shr. evgr. (st.) S. Africa Trius. Chiococceae. Hodgkinsonia F. Mvett. ovatiflora F. Muell. hb evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Australia Tribus. Vanguerieae. Canthium Lam. lucidum R. Br. kh shr. evgr. (0.d.) Abyssinia Tribus. Ixoreae. Ixora Linn. acuminata Roxb. shr. evgr. (st.) E. India alba Linn. b= shr.evgr. (st.) E. India amabilis Hort. % shr. evgr. (st.) barbata Roxb. h shr.evgr. (st.) E. India coccinea Linn. h shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Colei Hort. shr. evgr. (st.) crocata Lindl. var. rutilans. shr.evgr. (st.) China Duffii C. Moore h_ shr.evgr. (st.) 8S. 8S. Islands Fraseri Hort. th shr. evgr. (st.) Griffithii Hook. % shr.evgr. (st.) E. India javanica Dec. var. floribunda shr.evgr. (st.) Java Prince of Orange Hort. shr. evgr. (st.) princeps Hort. hh shr. evgr. (st.). rosea Wall. h shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Williamsii Hort. h shr. evgr. (st.) BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 93 Pavetta Linn. Ackeringae Teysm. th shr.evgr. (st.) Java borbonica (?) shr. evgr. (st.) Island Boubon Caffra Thunb. h shr. evgr. (st.) C. G. Hope indica Linn. shr. evgr. (st.) E. India subvelutina Miq. 1% shr.evgr. (st.) Java Coffea Linn. Coffee. arabica Linn. hh shr.evgr. (g.h.) Arabia laurina Poir. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Sierra Leone Liberica (?) th shr. ever. (g.h.) Africa Tribus. Morindeae. Morinda Linn. ‘citrifolia Linn. shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia jasminoides A. Cunn, 1° shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Tribus. Psychotrieae. Psychotria Linn. euneura Mig. hh shr. evgr. (st.) Java cyanococea Blum. J shr.evgr. (st) Java montana Blum. = shr. evgr. (st.) Java sarmentosa Blum. J shr.evgr. (st.) Java Rudgea Satiss. macrophylla Benth. t shr. evgr. (st.) 8. America Tribus. Anthospermeae. Serissa Commers. foetida Commers. var. variegata. J shr.evgr. (o.d.) China Nertera Banks. depressa Banks Y% (0.d.) 8S. America Coprosma Forsr. Baueriana Endl. var. variegata hb shr.evgr. (o.d.) China divaricata Hook. var. latifolia shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand . hirtella Labil. % shr. evgr. (0. d.) Tasmania lucida Forst. th shr.evgr. (o.d) N. Zealand robusta Raoul. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand spathulata A. Cunn. kh shr.evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand Stockii (?) hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand. Tribus. Galieae. Rubia Tournzr. Madder. tinctorium Linn. Y% (o.d.) Europe 94 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Galium Livy. Bed Straw. australe Dec. ¥ (0.d.) Australia rubioides Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe Crucianella Livy. stylosa Trin. YY (0.d.) Persia Asperula Liny. Woodruff. Aparine Bess. Y% (0. d.) Greece azurea setosa (?) © (0.d.) Caucasus tinctoria Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe Ordo. VALERIANEAE. De Candolle. Valeriana Lixy. Valerian. officinalis Linn. Y% (0o.d.) Europe Centranthus Dec. ruber Dec. Y% (0.d.) Europe “var. fl. alba Ordo. DIPSACEAE. A. Jussieu. Dipsacus Tourner. Weaver Teasel. fullonum Mill. Y% (0. d.) Europe Scabiosa Linn. atropurpurea Linn. © (0.d.) E. India ee var. major Ordo. COMPOSITAE. = Vaillant. Trius. Vernoniaceae. Vernonia Scures noveboracensis Willd. % (o.d.) N. America Tribus. Eupatoriaceae. Ageratum Livy, coelestinum Sims. ¢' (0. d.) N. America conyzoides Linn. ¢ (0.d.) Mexico BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 95 Eupatorium Livy. rit. ageratoides Linn. fil. Y (o.d.) S. America riparium (?) Y% (0. d.) Hebeclinium Dzc. ianthinum Hook. ¥ (st.) Brazil urolepis Dee. ¥Y% (0. d.) Brazil Mikania Wi. perossulenta (?) Guaco Humb. & Bonp al. y%w~w (st.) S. America Verschaffelli Hort. 4 ~ (st.) S. America Liatris Scures. graminifolia Pursh. 2, Caucasus macrostachya Michx. 3 N. America Trius. Asteroideae. Grindelia Wi1p. hirsutula Hook. Y% (0. oe California lanceolata Nutt. % AS N. America robusta Nutt. Y% (od ‘ “N. America squarrosa Dunal. Y% (0.d.) N. America Solidago Lixy. Golden Rod. arguta Ait. Y% (o.d.) N. America canadensis Linn. 2% (0. d.) Europe procera Ait. Y (o.d.) N. America Brachycome: Cass. iberidifolia Benth. © (0.d.) W. Australia multifida Dec. 4% (0.d.) Australia seapiformis Dec. ¥Y ‘(o.d.) HE. Australia Lagenophora Cass. Billardieri Cass. ¥ (0.d.) E. Australia Aster Linn. Star- Wort chinensis Linn. © (0.d.) China cyanaeus Hoffm. % (o.d.) N. America Novae-Angliae Linn. Y% (0.d.) N. America Novi Belgii Nees. %% ‘(0.d.) N. America peregrinus Pursh. ¥% (0.d.) N. America tardiflorus Linn. Y (0.d.) N. America a var. caespilosus tenellus Linn. fil. © (0.d.) S. Africa Bellis Livy. Daisy. perennis Linn. 2% (0.d.) Europe 96 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Calimeris Nzxzs. incisa Dec. Y% (0.d.) Siberia Diplopappus Cassin. fruticulosus Less. } shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Baccharis Linn. halimifolia Linn. wh shr.evgr. (0.d.) Virginia Felicia Cass. ‘ angustifolia Nees. J shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Africa Caffrorum Nees. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Africa Olearia Morncu. adenophora F. Muell. shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia argophylla F. Muell. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia asterotricha F. Muell. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Australia Forsteri (?) th shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand lepidophylla Benth. t shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia nitida (?) shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand pannosa Hook. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia stellulata Dec. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) 5S. Australia Celmisia Cass. verbascifolia (?) Y% (0. d.) Conyza Luss. chilensis Sprgl. g (0o.d.) Chili Tribus. I; nuloivdeae. Phagnalon Cass. rupestre Dec. 1% shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mediterranean Gnaphalium Liny. Everlasting. crassifolium Linn. h_ shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope luteo-album Linn. g@ (0.d.) Europe Helipterum Dzc. corymbiflorum Schlethdt. © (o.d.) Australia Sandfordi Hook. © (0.d.) W. Australia speciosissimum Dec. } und. shr. eygr. (0. d.) C. G. Hope variegatum Dec. I und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) C.G. Hope Rhodanthe Linvt. ’ Manglesii Lindl. © (o.d.) W. Australia Acroclinium A. Gray. ' yoseum Hook. © (0.d.) W. Australia FOUNTAIN. LARGE BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Q7 Helichrysum Garrty. = Golden Sunflower argenteum Thunb. h und shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8. Africa bracteatum Willd. © (0.d.) S. Australia elegans Don. © (0.d.) E. India ferrugineum Less. J und. shr. ever. (o.d.) S. Australia foetidum Cass. g' (0.d.) C. G. Hope fruticans Don. 1} und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) C. G, Hope strictum Moench. Y (o0.d.) Europe Cassinia R. Br. leptophylla R. Br. und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand Amobium hk. Br. alatum R.Br. Y (0.d.) E. Australia Humea §&m. elegans Sm. o (0.d.) KE, Australia Ixodia R. Br. achilleoides R. Br. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. Australia Inula Livy. Conyza Dec. Y% (0.d.) S. Europe Helenium Linn. 3 (0.d) S. Europe thapsoides Dec. Y% (0.d.) Caucasus Podolepis Lastiu. gracilis Grah. © (0.d.) Australia Buphthalmum Linn. frutescens Linn. h shr. evgr. (0. d.) N. America Telekia Baume. cordifolia Kit. Y4% (0. d.) Persia Tribus. He elianthoideae. Parthenium Liny. HysterophorusgLinn. © (o.d.) S. America Xanthium Liyy. Bathurst Burr. spinosum Linn. © (0.d.) 8. Europe Zinnia Livy. elegans Jacq. © (0.d.) Mexico Haageana Hort. © (0.d.) Mexico multiflora Linn. © (0.d.) Mexico verticillata Andr. © (0.d.) Mexico Sanvitalia Lam. procumbens Lam. © (0.d.) Mexico G 98 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ferdinanda Lacasc. eminens Lagasc. h evgr. (0.d.) Mexico Rudbeckia Lixy. amplexicaulis Vahl. © (o0.d.) California Wollastonia Dec. glabrata Dec. h und. shr. evgr. (st.) Isl. Timor Obeliscaria Cass. columnaris Dec. Y (0o.d.) S. America Helianthus Livy. Sunflower. annuus Liin. © (0.d.) 8S. America argophyllus Torr. © (0.d.) California californicus Dougl. © (0.d.) California macrophyllus Willd. © (o.d,) N. America uniflora Butt. © (o.d.) N. America Calliopsis Rztcus. Atkinsoniana Hook. Y% (0.d.) N. America bicolor Reichb. © (0.d.) N. America cardaminefolia Dec. © (0. d.) Mexico tinctoria Dec. © (0.d.) N. America Coreopsis Lixy. Ackermanni Hort. og (o.d.) N. America diversifolia Dec. Y% (0.d.) Carolina longipes Hook. © (0.d.) Texas Dahlia Cav. Cervantesii Lagaso. ¥% tubr. (0.d.) Mexico imperialis Roezl. 2 tubr. (0. d.) Mexico variabilis Desf. Y% tubr. (o.d.) Mexico Cosmus Cav. bipinnatus Cav. © (o0.d.) Mexico Bidens Liny. Wallichii Dec. © (0.d.) E. India Madia Mou. sativa Molin. © (0.d.) Chili Callichroa Fiscu & May. platyglossa Fisch & Mey. © (0.d.) California Trius. Helenioideae. Lasthenia Cass. glaberrima Dec. © (0. d.) California BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 99 Monolopia Dec. major Dec. © (0.d.) California Palafoxia Lac. texana Dec. Y (0. d.) Texas Tagetes Linn. Marigold. erecta Linn: © (0.d.) African. Mexico patula Linn. © (0.d.) French. Mexico signata Bartl © (o.d.) Mexico Blennosperma Lzss. californica Less. Y% (0. d.) California Helenium Liyy. autumnale Linn. ¥Y (o.d.) N. America Hooperii Gray. 4% (o.d.) N. America varium Schrad. © (0.d.) Mexico Gaillardia Fovucer. amblyodon J.Gay. 4% (0.d.) California aristata Pursh. Y% (o0.d.) N. America aurea superba Hort. ¥% (0.d.) N. America bicolor Spr. Y% (0.d.) N. America coccinea Hort. Y (0. d.) Drummondii Dec. © (0.d.) Mexico grandiflora Hort. 1 a d) N. America Loeseli Hort. Y% (0. d.) N. America picta grandiflora Hort. Y (0. d.)’ Richardsonii Penny. Y% (0.d.) N. America Trius. Anthemideae. Gonospermum Less. fruticosum Less. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) Isl. Canary Achillea Linn. Gerberi Willd. % (0.d.) Siberia lanata Sprgl. Y (o.d.) Europe millefolium Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Yarrow. Europe fl. rosea ptarmicoides Maxim. Y% (o. d.) Europe Ptarmica Dzc. impatiens Dec. Y% (0.d.) Siberia Matricaria Livy. capensis Linn. Y (o.d.) C. G. Hope eximia (?) 4% (o.d.) Europe nigellaefolia Dec. Y (o.d.) Europe Parthenium Linn. Y (0. d.) Europe 100 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Santolina Liyy. Chamaecyparissus Linn. var. incana. h und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) §S. Europe Anthemis Liyy. nobilis Linn. Y% (0o.d.) Europe. Chrysanthemum Livy. carinatum Schousb. © (o0.d.) Barbary coronarium Linn. © (0.d.) 8S. Europe foeniculaceum Dec. var. bipinnatifidum. Y% (o.d.) Isl. Canary indicum Linn. } und.shr. (o.d.) E. India pinnatifidum Linn fil. hb und.shr. (0o.d.) Isl. Maderia sinense Sabin. hh und.shr. (o.d.) China Argyranthemum Wess. frutesceus Schultz. hh und.shr. (o.d.) Teneriffe Leucanthemum Tovrner. arcticum Dec. Y% (0. d.) Kamtschatka Balsamita Desr. grandiflora Desf. ¥% (0.d.) Algiers Cotula Linn. anthemoides Linn. © (0.d.) Spain microcephala Dec. Y% (0.d.) S. Africa Pentzia Tuuns. Sheep Bush. virgata Less 1 und. shr. evgr., (o.d.) C.G. Hope Tanacetum Linn. Tonsy. vulgare Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe Artemisia Livy. Abrotanum Linn. }% und.shr.decd. (0.d.) Southernwood. 8. Europe Absinthium Linn. Y% (0.d.) Wormwood. 8. Europe judaica Linn. und. shr, evgr. (0. d.) Europe vulgaris Linn. Y (0.d.) Europe Trius. Senectonideae. Tussilago Livy. Coltsfoot. Farfara Linn. Y (0.d.) Europe Doronicum Liyy. caucasicum Bibrst. 2% (o.d.) Caucasus Brachyglottis Forsr. . repanda Forst. % shr.evgr. N, Zealand BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. IOI Cineraria Linn. acanthifolia Reichb. ¥% (g.h.) S. Europe cruenta L’Herit. ¥ (g.h) Isl. Canary maritima Linn. % (0.d.) 8S. Europe Emilia Cass. : sagittata Dec. © (o.d.) E. India Senecio Livy. Groundsell. artemisiaefolius Pers. (o. d.) S. Europe Eleagnifolius Hook. Y (0.d.) N. Zealand elegans Linn. © (0.d.) C.G. Hope glastifolius Linn fil. 4 (0. d.) C. G. Hope macroglossus Dec. 1, ~ (0. d.) C.G. Hope. odoratus Hornm. © (o0.d.) Australia Otites Pers. 2% Chili scandens Dec. ¥% ~ S. Africa Kleinia Liny. articulata Haw. h und. shr. evgr. C. G. Hope ficoides Haw. h und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope “var. angustifolia Farfugium Linpv. grande Lindl. Y (st.) China Ligularia Dec. giganteaS.& Z. Y (st.) Japan Kaempferi Dec. var. argentea. Y st.) Japan Othonna Linn. cylindrica Dec. und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope Trius. Calendulaceae. Calendula Livy. Marigold. officinalis Linn. © (0.d.) S. Europe pluvialis Linn. © (0.d.) S. Africa Osteospermum Livy. moniliferum Linn. hk shr.evgr. (0. d.) Africa pisiferum Linn. } shr.evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope Tribus. Arctotideae. Arctotis Linn. Bear’s Far. breviscapa Thunb. © (0.d.) S. Africa grandiflora Jacq. Y% (0.d.) S. Africa undulata Jacq. Y% (0.d.) S. Africa 102 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Sphenogyne R. Br. anthemoides R. Br. © (0.d.) C. G. Hope speciosa Mon. © (0.d.) S. America Gazania Garrty. Treasure Flower. rigens Willd. Y% (o.d.) C.G. Hope Tribus. Cynaroideae. Echinops Liyn. sphaerocephalus Linn. Y% (0.d.) 8S. Europe Xeranthemum Livy. annuum Linn. © (o.d.) S. Europe Carlina Linn. Caroline Thistle. acaulis Linn. ¥ (0.d.) Europe Carduus Livy. Marianus Linn. og (0.d.) Milk Thistle. Europe Cnicus Linn. Blessed Thistle. benedictus Linn. © (0.d.) Europe Cirsium Varit. Horse Thistle. heterophyllum Dec. Y% (0.d.) Europe Chamaepeuce Dec. Ground Pine Thistle. Casabonae Dec. o (0.d.) Italy diacantha Dec. (0.d.) Italy Onopordon Livy. Cotton Thistle. acanthium Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe Cynara Linn. Artichoke. Scolymus Linn. < (0.d.) 8S. Europe Serratula Livy. mucronata Desf. Y% (0.d.) Barbary Centaurea Livy. americana Nutt. © (o.d.) N. America argentea Linn. Y% (0.d.) Crete atropurpurea Oliv. % Hungary babylonica Linn Y (0.d) Orient Cineraria Linn. ¥% (0. d.) Europe Clementei Boiss. ¥% (0.d.) Spain Cyanus Linn. © (0.d.) Blue Bottle. Europe depressa Bbrst. 2% (0.d.) Caucasus Fenzlii(?) © (0. 4.) gymnocarpa Moris. ¥% (0. d.) BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Centaurea—continued. maritima Dufour. Y% (0..d,) Spain s var. candidissima moschata Linn. © (0.d.) Sweet Sultan. Persia Phrygia Linn. 2% (0.d.) Europe ragusina Linn. Y (6:d.) Dalmatia suaveolens Willd. © (o.d,) Orient Carthamus Liny. one tinctorius Dec. © (0.d.) Egypt Tribus. Mutistaceae. Barnadesia Lryy. grandiflora Linn fil. hb shr.evgr. (0.d.) Brazil rosea Lindl. h shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. America Stifftia Mrxan. chrysantha Mikan. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil Tribus. Cichoriaceae. Catananche Liny. —_ coerulea Linn. © (0.d.) S. Europe Cichorium Lin. Intybus Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe Tolpis Apans. barbata Gaertn. © (0.d.) S. Europe Crepis Linn. ' rubra Linn. © (0.d.) §S. Europe Hieracium Linn. elatum Fries. Y% (0. d.) Europe porrifolium Linn. ¥% (o.d.) 8. Europe prenanthoides Vill. Y% (o.d.) Europe rigidum Hartm. Y% (0. d.) Europe villosum Jacq. Y (0.d.) Europe Leontodon Liyy. Dandelion. Taraxacum Linn. % (o0.d.) Europe Sonchus Linn. Sow Thistle. laevigatus Willd. % (0.d.) Isl. Madeira pinnatus Ait. ¥ (0.d.) Isl. Madeira Tragopogon Linn. Goat’s Beard. porrifolium Dec. of (o. d.) §. Europe 103 104 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. STYLIDIEAE. R. Trown. Stylidium Sw. Stylewort. adnatum R. Br. Y (0.d.) Australia Ordo. GOODENOVIEAE. Bartling. Goodenia Sm. albiflora Schlechtd. Y% (o.d.) S. Australia amplexicans F. Muell. Y% (0.d.) Australia ovata Sm. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia Scaevola Linn. aemula R. Br. Y% (0.d.) Australia crassifolia Labill. 1% und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Australia Brunonia Sm. australis Sm. 2% (0.d.) Australia Ordo. CAMPANULACEAE. Bartling. Trius. Lobelieae. Centropogon Pres. Lucianus Hort. wh shr. evgr. (st.) S. America Isotoma Linpt. axillaris R. Br. Y (0.d.) Australia longiflora Presl. Y% (0.d.) W. India petraea F. Muell. 2% (0.d.) Australia Siphocampylus Pout. coccineus Lindl. (st.) Brazil Lobelia Linn. bicolor Sims. % (0.d.) C. G. Hope ardinalis Linn. Y% (0.d.) N. America ermoides Linn. © (0.d.) Africa Erinus Linn. © (0.d.) 8S. Africa fulgens Willd. Y% (0.d.) Mexico gracilis And. © (o0.d.) Mexico ramosa Benth. @© (o0.d.) Australia syphilitica Linn. © (0.d.) N. America trigonocaulis Roxb, © (o0.d.) Nepal BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE, 105 Tribus. Campanuleae. Wahlenbergia Scurap. gracilis A. Dec. Y% (0. d.) Australia Platycodon A. Dec. chinensis Paxt. Y% (g.h.) China fl. alba coerula A. Dec. Y% (g.h.) China Canarina Livy. Campanula Linn. fil. Y% tubr. (g.h.) Isl. Canary Roella Linn, ciliata Linn. hb = shr. evgr. (g.h.) OC. G. Hope Michauxia L’Herrr. campanuloides Juss. Y¥ (o.d.) Syria des carlo Linn. Bell Flower alliariaefolia Willd. ¥% (0.d.) Caucasus americana Linn. ¥ (o0.d.) WN. America altaica Dec. fil. 2% (0. d.) Siberia | bononiensis Linn. ¥ (0.d.) Italy canariensis Linn. Y (o.d.) Isl Uanary carpatica Jacq. Ty (o.d.) Alps eximia Wender. % (0.d.) Europe excisa Schleich. Y (0.d.) Alps ° latifolia Linn. var. macrantha Y (o.d.) Europe Leutweinii Heldr. ¥% (0.d.) Greece Loreyi Pollin. © (0.d.) Italy macrantha Fisch. ¥ (0. d.) ; Medium Linn. h (0.d.) Canterbury Bell. S. Europe “fl. alba “var. calycanthema pyramidalis Heer y% (o.d.) S. Europe fl. alba rhomboidea Linn. ¥% (o.d.) Europe rotundifolia Linn. Y (o0.d.) Europe saxifraga Bbrst. 2 (o.d.) Europe Speculum Linn. © (0. d.) Venus Looking Glass. S. Europe Tenorii Morett. Y% (o.d.) Naples _ thyrsoidea Lindl. Y% (0.d.) Europe Vidalli Hook. Y% (0.d.) Azores Trachelium Livy. Throatwort. coeruleum Linn. } (0.d.) Sardinia ee fl. album BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 107 Erica—continued. ciliaris Linn. shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope concinna Ait. t shr.evgr. (g.h.) OC. G. Hope cruenta Ait. h shr. evgr. (g.h.) C.G. Hope grandiflora Linn. h shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope lutea Linn. F shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope mammosa Linn. } shr.evgr. (g.h.) OC. G. Hope margaritacea Ait. I shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope persoluta Linn. h shr.evgr. (g.h.) OC. G. Hope perspicua Wendl. hk shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope philicoides Willd. T shr-evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope Pluckenetii Linn. h shr. evgr. (g.h.) C.G. Hope pyramidalis Ait. th shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope ramentacea Linn. hh shr.evgr. (g.h.) C rubens Andr. shr. evgr. (g.h.) OC. G. Hope C.G Tetralix Linn. hh shr.evgr. (g.h.)' C. G. Hope tubiflora Willd. hh shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope urceolaris Berg. I shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope vagans Linn. bh shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope Cc ventricosa Thunb. shr.evgr. (g.h.) C. G. Hope ae var. impressa “magnifica boc “superba verticillata Andr. % shr.evgr. (g.h) C.G. Hope vulgaris Linn. hh shr. evgr. (g.h.) Europe 66 Trisus. Le¢hodoreae. Rhododendron Liyy. Rose-Bay Tree. ponticum Linn. h shr.evgr. (g.h.) Asia Azalea Linn. pontica Linn. % shr.uecd. (g.h.) Turkey Menziesia Sm. bicolor Hort. 1+) und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Europe polifolia Juss. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Europe “var. purpurea Ordo. EPACRIDEAE. R. Brown. Tribus. Styphelieae. Styphelia Sm. viridis Sm. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) KE. Australia triflora Andr. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia 108 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Leucopogon R. Br. cricoides R. Br. Ih shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia microphyllus R. Br. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia virgatus R. Br. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Trius. Epacreae. Epacris Cav. grandiflora Sm. h = shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia impressa Labill. shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. Australia microphylia R. Br. hh shr.evgr. (0. d.). E. Australia obtusifolia Sm. hk shr.evgr. (o.d.) E Australia paludosa R. Br. = shr. evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia Ordo. PLUMBAGINEAE. Ventenat. Trius. Staticeae. Statice Linn. Sea Lavender. arborea Brouss. und. shr.evgr. (0. d.) Teneriffe bellidifolia Dec. 2% (0.d.) Hungaria Bonducella Lestib. 2% (0.d.) N. Africa brassicaefolia Webb. (0. d.) Isl. Canary Dicksonii Hort. Y% (0. d.) Halfordii Hort. Y% (0. d.) hybrida Mond. Y% (0.d.) 8S. Europe imbricata Webb. % (0.d.) Teneriffe incana Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe macrophylla Link. Y% (0.d.) Isl. Canary pseudo-armeria Jacq. Y% (0. d.) §S. Europe scoparia Pall. Y% (o.d.) 8S. Europe sinuata Linn. Y (0. d.) 8S. Europe spicata Willd. © (0.d.) Caucasus tartarica Linn. 2 (0.d.) Tartary Armeria W111p. Thrift alliacea Willd. Y% (0. d.) 8S. Europe cephalotes Schousb. Y% (0. d.) S. Europe elongata Hoffm. % (0.d.) Europe formosa Hort. Y (0. d.) “fl. alba “ * carnea mauritanica Wallr. 2 '(0.d.) Europe BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 109 Trius. Plumbageae. Plumbago Liny. Leadwort. capensis Thunb. = shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope coccinea Boiss. shr. evgr. (st.) . Larpentae Lindl. (0.d.) China rosea Lindl, } shr.evgr. (st.) E. India zeylanica Linn. shr.evgr. (0.d.) E, India “fl. alba Ordo. PRIMULACEAE. Ventenat. Tribus. Primuleae. Primula Lixy. Primrose. acaulis Jacq. Y% (0.d.) Common Primrose. Europe Auricula Linn. % (0.d.) Europe chinensis Lindl. Y% (g.h.) China cortusioides Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Siberia japonica A. Gray. Y% (g.h.) Japan veris Linn. ¥ (0.d.) Polyanthus. Europe verticillata Forsk. (o.d.) Egypt Dodecatheon Linn. American Cowslip. Meadia Linn. Y% (g.h.) N. America Tribus. Lystmachieae. Cyclamen Livy. Sow Bread. africanum Boss. % tubr. (g.h.) Africa europaeum Linn. Y% tubr. (g.h.) 8. Europe graecum Link. ¥% tubr. (g.h.) Greece ibericum Goldie. Y% tubr. (g.h.) Iberia neapolitanum Tenor. ¥ tubr. (g.h.) 8S. Europe persicum Mill. Y% tubr. (g.h.) Cyprus «var. album “ “ giganteum se «¢ purpureum ee “ rubrum pyrenaicum (?) ¥ tubr. (g.h.) Pyrenees repandum Sib. ¥ tubr. (g.h.) Greece Lysimachia Linn Loosetrift. vulgaris Linn. Y (0.d.) Europe 110 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Anagallis Liny. Pimpernel. arvensis Linn. © (o.d.) Europe grandiflora Andr. © (0.d.) S. Europe Monelli Linn. © (0.d.) Italy Ordo. MYRSINEAE. R. Brown. Tribus. Humyrsineae. Myrsine Liny. africana Linn. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope melanophleos R. Br. hh shy. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Urvilli Dec. % shr. evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand variabilis R. Br. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Ardisia Swarrz. crenulata Vent. shr.evgr. (g.h.) W. India crispa Dec. hh shr.evgr. (g.h.) Java denticulata Blum. h shr.evgr. (st.) Java humilis Vahl. bh shr.evgr. (st.) E. India solanacea Roxb. J shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Wallichii Dec. hb shr. evgr. (st.) E. India Trius. Theophrasteae. Theophrasta Juss. imperialis Lindl. Ih evgr. (st.) S. America regia Lindl. bh evgr. (st.) S. America Ordo. SAPOTACEAE. — Endlicher. Argania Roem. & Scuvir. Argan Tree. syderoxylon Roem. & Schult. h evgr. (0. d.) Morocco Achras Linn. australis R. Br. h evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Sapota Linn. h evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America: Bumelia Swartz. nigra Swartz. th evgr. (st.) Isl. Jamaica Mimusops Livy. cyanocarpa Cunn. } evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Elengi Linn. h evgr. (st.) E. India BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. II Ordo. EBENACEAE. Ventenant. Royena Linn. lucida Linn. shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope Diospyros Linn. Kau Apple. Kaki Linn. fil. h evgr. (0.d.) Japan virginiana Linn. h decd. (o.d.) N. America Cargillia R. Br. australis R. Br. hb evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia pentamera F. Muell. hb evgr. E. Australia Ordo. STYRACEAE. Richard. Halesia Linn. tetraptera Linn. hh shr. decd. (0.d.) Carolina Styrax Livy. japonicum Siebold. hh evgr. (o.d.) Japan Officinale Linn. h shr.decd. (0.d.) Asia Ordo. OLEACEAE. Lindley. Tribus. Jasmineae. Jasminium Linn. gracile R. Br. bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) Norfolk Island grandiflorum Linn. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India nudiflorum Lindl. th shr. decd. (o.d.) China odoratissimum Linn. shr.evgr. (0. d.) Isl. Madeira officinale Linn. hh shr. evgr. (0.d.) E. India pubescens Willd. % sbr.evgr. (0. d.) E. India pubigerum Don. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Nepal revolutum Sims } shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India Sambac. Ait. bh ~ evgr. (st.) E. India Wallichianum Lindl. hb shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India Trius. Syringeae. Forsythia Van. Fortuni (?) % shr. decd. (0.d.) Japan suspensa Vahl. shr. decd. (o.d.) Japan viridissima Lindl. h shr. decd. (0. d.) China 1I2 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Syringa Linn. amurensis Regl. th shr. decd. (0.d.) Rio Amur. Emodi Wall. wh shr. decd. (0. d.) India Josikaea Jacq. th. shr.decd. (o.d.) Europe persica Linn. hk shr. decd. (0.d.) Persia vulgaris Linn. bh shr. decd. (0. d.) Persia “fl. alba Trius. Fraxineae. Fraxinus Livy. Ash Tree. acuminata Lam. h decd. (o.d.) N. America alba Bose. hb decd. N. America americana Linn. hb decd. (o.d.) N, America argentea Loisl. decd. (0.d.) Corsica asplenifolia Hort. % decd. (o. d. aucubaefolia Hort. % decd. (o. d.) australis Hort. bh decd. (0. d.) epiptera Michx. hh decd. (0.d.) N. America excelsior Linn. bh decd. (o.d.) Europe “var. pendula lentiscifolia Desf. T) decd. (0.d.) Aleppo longifolia Bosc. % decd. (o.d.) N. America Ornus Linn. hb decd. (0.d.) 8S. Europe pubescens Walt. I decd. (o.d.) N. America rufa Bosc. % decd. (o.d.) N. America superba Hort. fh decd. (o. d.) viridis Bosc. var..nobilis decd. (o.d.) N. America Tribus. Oleineae. Phillyrea Livy. angustifolia Linn. wh shr.evgr. (o.d) 8S. Europe latifolia Linn. hb shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe media Link. } shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe Osmanthus Love. ilicifolius Lour. shr.evgr. (st.) Japan “var. variegata populifolius Lour. h shr. evgr. (st.) Japan Chionanthus Livy. virginica Linn. h decd. (o.d.) N. America Notelaea Vent. ligustrina Vent. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia longifolia Vent. shr. evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand a ‘ yet = = \) | cal 4 | n ° 4 ———— ——_ = a BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 113 Olea Liny. Olive. acuminata Wall. th evgr. (0.d.) E. India americana Linn. shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. America cernua Vahl. Ih shr.evgr. (o.d.) Isl. Mauritius europaea Linn. th evgr. (o.d.) 8. Europe fragrans Thunb. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) China ilicifolia Hasskl.* }h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Japan “var. nanus variegata Oleaster Link. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) Europe verrucosa Thunb. hh shr.evgr. (o0.d.) (©. G. Hope Whightiana Wall. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India Ligustrum Linn. Privet. coriaceum Nois. J shr.evgr. (o.d.) Hort. japonicum Thunb. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Japan ovalifolium Hsskl. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Japan of var. glauca sinense Lour. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) China undulatum Blum. h = shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. Guinea vulgare Linn. hb shr. evgr. (0. d.) Europe “var, sempervirens Ordo, SALVADORACEAE. Lindley. Salvadora Liny. _ Mustard Tree of Scripture. persica Linn. I evgr. (0.d.) Persia Ordo. APOCYNACEAE. Lindley. Trisus. Carisseae. Allamanda Liv. Aubletii Pohl. h shr. evgr. (st.) S. America Hendersonii Hort. bh ~ shr. evgr. (st.) neriifolia Hook. % shr. evgr. (st.) 5S. America nobilis T. Moore bh ~ evgr. (st.) Rio Branco Schottii Pohl. T shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil verticillata Desf. bh ~ (st.) 8S. America violacea Hort. h ~ evgr. (st.) Wardleana Hort. bh ~ evgr. (st.) Melodinus Forst. monogynus Carey. hh evgr. tr. (st.) E. India H 114 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Carissa Linn. ovata R. Br. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) Australia Arduina Lixy. ; bispinosa Linn. Jt shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope grandiflora E. Mey. kh shr.evgr. (0.d.) C. G, Hope Trius. Plumerieae. Cyrtosiphonia Mra. sumatrana Mig. hh shr.evgr. (st.) Sumatra Alyxia R. Br. ruscifolia R. Br. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia tetragona R. Br. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia Calpicarpum G. Don. albiflorum Teysm. hh shr.evgr. (st.) Java Cerbera Linn. ‘Thouarsii (?) th evgr. (0.d.) HE. India Tanghinia Txovars. Ordal Tree of Madagascar. veneniflua Poir. I evgr. (o.d.) Madagascar Ochrosia Juss. elliptica Labill. % evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia sandwicensis A. Dec. hh evgr. (st.) Isl. Sandwich Lactaria Ruru. coccinea (?) hh shr. evgr. (st.) Vinca Linn. Perewinkle. major Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe minor Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Europe rosea Linn. % und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India «var. fl. alba Plumeria Linn. acuminata Ait. hb evgr. (st) E. India alba Linn. bh evgr. (st.) HE. India Alstonia R. Br. constricta F, Muell. 1 shr. evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia scholaris R. Br. I ever. (st.) N. Australia Tabernaemontana Linn. orientalis R. Br. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Orchipeda Buivm. grandifolia Mig. h evgr. (st.)) Java BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Tribus. Parsonsia R. Br. heterophylla A. Cunn. hb ~~ ever. 115 Echitideae. (o. d.) N. Zealand velutina R. Br. ‘bh ~W evgr. (0.d.) N. Australia Wrightia R. Br. mollissima Wall. h Nerium Lin. odorum Soland. Oleander Linn. es var. ir ce Rhyncospermum jasminoides Lindl. oe var. varlegata. shr. evgr. Oleander. shr. evgr. shr. evgr. (st.) E. India h h alba album grandiflorum nivosum fi. pl. atropurpureum cardinale carrfeum fi. pleno flavum duplex “ lacteum luteum erectum “« marginatum Madoni grandiflora pictum argenteum punctatum purpurascens purpurea coccinea roseum carneum rubrum plenum splendidissimum variegatum fol. variegata A. Dec. h ~~ evgr. hv (o. d.) E. India (o. d.) §S, Europe (g. h.) China Beaumontia Wat. grandiflora Wall. h ~ evgr. (st.) E. India Echites Linn. _ grandiflora Meyer. h ~ evgr. (st.) picta longiflora Desf. T ~ evgr. (st.) Brazil melaleuca Hook. bh ~ evgr. (st.) Brazil rubro-venosa Lindl. kh ~ evgr. (st.) Rio Negro variegata Lindl. hk W evgr. (st.) Brazil Strophanthus Dec. capensis Dec. h shr. evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope 116 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Dipladenia A. Dzc. amabilis Hort. bh W tw. evgr. (st.) amoena Hort. kh ~ tw. evgr. (st.) bolivensis Hook. hb ~ tw.evgr. (st.) Brazil Brearleyana Hort. bh ~ tw.evgr. (st.) crassinoda A. Dec. bh ~ tw. evgr. (st.) Mandevilla Linvt. suaveolens Lindl. t ~ evgr. (o.d.) B. Ayres Ordo. ASCLEPIADEAE. Jacquin, Tribus. Periploceae. Cryptostegia R. Br. grandiflora R. Br. hb ~ evgr. (st.) E. India Periploca Liny. graeca Linn. bh ~ decd. (0. d.). Syria Tribus. Cynancheae. Araujia Bror. albens G. Don. bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) Brazil Tweedia Hoox. coerulea G. Don. bh tw. decd. (st.) S. America Gomphocarpus R. Br. Wild Cotton. arborescens R. Br. h und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Africa fruticosus R. Br. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope Calotropis R. Br. gigantea R. Br. % und. shr.evgr. (st.) India Asclepias Linn. Swallow Wort. curassavica Linn. 2% und. shr. evgr. (st.) S. America incarnata Linn. Y% (0.d.) N. America tuberosa Linn. 2% (0.d.) N. America Sarcostemma R. Br. australe R. Br. kh ~ evgr. (o.d.) Australia Raphistemma Wat. Hooperianum Wall. h und. shr. evgr. (st.) E. India pulcherrimum (?) % und. shr. evgr. (st. BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. I17 Tribus. Marsdenieae. Marsdenia R. Br. suaveolens R. Br. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Tylophora R. Br. barbata R. Br. bh W evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Symphysicarpus Hassxt. crysanthus Hasskl. h ~ evgr. (st.) Java Stephanotis Tuovars. floribunda Brong. hk ~ evgr. (st.) Madagascar Pergularia Liny. odoratissima Andr, hk ~ evgr. (st.) India Heterostemma Wicxr. acuminatum Den. hh shr.evgr. (st.) Java Hoya R. Br. australis R. Br. hk ~ evgr. (0. d.) E. Australia bella Hook. hh ~ evgr. (st.) E. India carnosa R, Br. wh ~ evgr. (st.) Asia «fol. aur. variegata fraterna Blum. bh WY evgr. (st.) E. India Nicholsoniae F. Muell. F ~ evgr. (g.h.) N. Australia picta Siebold. hb W evgr. (st.) Japan Trius. Ceropegieae. Ceropegia Linn. elegans Hook. h und. shr. tw. (st.) E. India : stapeliaeformis Haw. und. shr.tw. (o.d.) C. G. Hope Tribus. S tapelieae. Stapelia Livy. Carrion Flower. ciliata Thunb. h und.shr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope clypeata Jacq. kh wund.shr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope europaea Guss. bh und.shr. (0.d.) N. Africa fuscata Jacq. hb und.shr. (o.d.) Africa glauca Jacq. hb und.shr. (0.d.) Africa grandiflora Mass. % und. shr. (0. d.)_ C. G. Hope hirsuta Willd. mh und.shr. (od.) C. G. Hope lepida Jacq. t und.shr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope marmorata Jacq. h und.shr. (0.d.) Africa Plantii Ait. wh und.shr. (0.d.) C.G. Hope stellaris Jacq. % und.shr. (o.d.) Africa 118 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. LOGANIACEAE. Lindley. Trius. Gelsemteae. Gelsemium Juss. sempervirens Pers. bh ~ (o.d.) N. America Trius. Euloganieae. Spigelia Linn. Spot Flower. marilandica Linn. ¥ (0.d.) N. America splendens Hort. % (0. d.) Logania R. Br. latifolia R. Br. % shr. evgr. (0. d.) Australia longifolia R. Br. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Australia Nuxia Lam. , grandiflora (?) hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Africa Chilianthus Burcu. dysophyllus Benth. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) Africa Buddleia Linn. globosa Lam. h shr. evgr. (0.d.) Chili Lindleyana Fort. % shr. evgr. (o.d.) China madagascariensis Vahl. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Madagascar Neemda Roxb. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. India salvifolia Lam. shr.evgr. (0. d.) S. Africa Fagraea Tuuns. zeylanica Thunb. shr. evgr. (st.) Ceylon. Strychnos Livy. Atherstonei (?) th tr. evgr. (st.) (?) nux vomica Linn. hb tr. (st.) Potson Nut. E. India- Ceylon Ordo, GENTIANEAE. Jussieu. Tribus. Chironieae. Chironia Ly. floribunda Paxt. wh und. shr. (0. d. frutescens Linn. h und. shr. (0. d linifolia Moesl. h und.shr. (0.d.) Europe Erythraea Ricu. , australis R.Br. og! (0.d.) Australia BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. IIg Ordo. POLEMONIACEAE. Ventenat. Phlox Livy. decussata Lyon. Y (o.d.) N. America Drummondii Hook. © (0.d.) Texas Collomia Nort. coccinea Lehm. © (0. d.) N. America grandiflora Dougl © (o.d.) N. America Gilia Ruiz & Pav. capitata Hook. © (o0.d.) Columbia tricolor Benth. © (0. d.) California Polemonium Livy. Jacob’s Ladder. coeruleum Linn. ¥ (0.d.) 8S. Europe pulchellum Regl. Y% (0.d.) 8S. Europe Cantua Juss. buxifolia Lam. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) Peru pyrifolia Juss. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Peru Cobaea Cav. scandens Cav. ~ evgr. (o.d.) Mexico Ordo. HYDROPHYLLACEAE. | Lindley, Trius. Hydrophylleae. Nemophila Norr. . atomaria Fisch. © (o0.d.) California discoidalis Hook. © (o0.d.) N. America insignis Benth. © (0. d.) California maculata Benth. © (0.d.) California Trius. Nameae. Wigandia Humes. & Bownrt. Caracassana Humb. & Bonpl. bh und. shr. evgr. Caraccas macrophylla Chamss. hb (0.d.) Mexico urens G. Don. hh und, shr. evgr. (0. d.) Peru Vigieri Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) 120 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. BORAGINEAE, © Jussieu. Tribus. Cordieae. Cordia Linn. bantamensis Blume. h_ shr. evgr. (st.) Java subcordata Lam. h shr.evgr. (0. d.) N. Australia Tribus. Heliotropieae. Tournefortia Livy. sarmentosa Lam. h shr.evgr. (st.) Java Heliotropium Linn. Turnsole. peruvianum Linn. } und. shr.evgr. (o0.d.) Peru Trius. Borageae. Cynoglossum Linn. Hound’s Tongue. linifolium Linn. © (0.d.) 8. Europe officinale Linn. ( (0. d.) Europe Symphytum Lixy. Comfrey. asperrimum Bbrst. % (0. d.) Caucasus Borago Linn. officinalis Linn. © (o.d.) Asia Anchusa Livy. Bugloss. capensis Thunb. ¥% (0.d.) S. Africa italica Retz. Y (o.d.) S. Europe officinalis Linn. Y% (0.d.) 8S. Europe sempervirens Linn. Y% (o0.d.) 8S. Europe Myosotis Linn. Scorpion Grass. azorica Wats. o' (0. d.) Azores palustris Roth. 2 (0o.d.) Europe sylvatica Ehrh. 2% (0. d.) Europe Lithospermum Livy. arvense Linn. © (0.d.) Europe Echium Liny. Viper’s Bugloss. candicans Linn. fil. kh und.shr. (0.d.) Europe italicum Linn. Y% (0.d.) Italy Onosma Livy. tinctoria Bibrst. % (0.d.) Tauria BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE, 121 Cerinthe Linn. Honeywort. gymnandra Gasp. © (0.d.) S. Europe major Linn. © (o0.d.) S. Europe minor Linn. © (0. d.) 8S. Europe Ordo. CONVOLVULACEAE. De Candolle. Tribus. Convolvuleae. Rivea Cuors. nervosa Chois. bh ~ (st.) E India tiliaefolia Chois. bh ~ (st.) E. India Argyreia Lovr. speciosa Sweet. If ~ E. India Ipomaea Livy. angustifolia Jacq. Y%— (0.d.) E. India coccinea Linn. © ~ (0.d.) America digitata Linn. 4% ~ (0.d.) E. India dissecta Willd © ~ (o0.d.) N. Guinea ficifolia Lindl. © ~ (0.d.) 8S. America Hardingii Paxt. Y% ~ (0. d.) hederacea Linn. © ~ (0.d.) India Horsfalliae Hook. 4% ~ (st.) E. India insignis Ait YW E. India Jalappa Pursh. Y% ~ (st.) S. America Learii Lindl. bh W~ (0.d.) Ceylon limbata Hort. Y% ~ (?) (0. d.) mexicana (?) 2 (0.d.) Mexico Nil Roth, © ~ (oa.4. palmata Forsk. 4% ~ (0.d.) Egypt rubens Chois. 4% ~ (0.d.) KE. India rubro coerulea Huok. © ~ (0.d.) Mexico Sellowii Penny Y% ~ (0.d.) Brazil tuberculata Roem. & Schult. bh ~ (0.d.) Monte Video tuberosa Linn. fF ~ (0. d.) Isl. Jamaica Turpetum R. Br. ¥% ~ (0.d.) E. India Quamoclit Morncu. coccinea Monch. © ~ (0.d.) W. India vulgaris Chois. © ~ (0.d.) E India Batatas Cuors. edulis Chois. 4% ~ (0.d.) E. India venosaG. Don, ¥% ~ (0.d.) Isl. Mauritius 122 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Calonyction Cxors. diversifolium Hassk. 21 ~ (0.d.) Java sanguineum Chois. %% ~ (st.) E. India Calystegia R. Br. Bearbind. grandiflora G. Don. 4% ~ tw. (0.d.) Brazil inflataG. Don. % ~ tw. (o.d.) Hungary pubescens Lindl. fl. pl. 4% ~ tw. (0.d.) China sylvestris Roem. & Shult. 4% - tw. (0.d.) Hungary Convolvulus Livy. althaeoides Linn. 21 ~ tw. (0.d.) S. Europe canariensis Linn. fh ~ tw. (o.d.) Isl Canary cantabricus Linn. 4% ~ (o.d.) S. Europe floridus Linn. % und. shr.evgr. (0. d.) Isl. Canary mauritanicus Boiss. Y% tw. (o.d.) N. Africa tricolor Linn. © tw. (0.d.) 8. Europe Breweria R. Br. Roxburghii Arnot. bh WW evgr. (st.) E. India Tribus. Nolaneae. Nolana Liry. 1, atriplicifolia D. Don, © (0.d.) Peru paradoxa Lindl. ©, (0.d.) Chili | prostrata Linn. © (o.d.) Peru tenella Lindl. © (o. d.) Chili Ordo. SOLANACEAE. Jussieu. Tribus. S olaneae. Lycopersicum Mitt. Tomato. esculentum Mill. © (0.d.) 8S. America Solanum Liv. Nightshade. arboreum Humb. & Bonpl. bh evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America armatum R. Br. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Australia aviculare Forst. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Australia Balbisii Dunal. % und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Africa biflorum R. Br. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) S. Australia capsicastrum Linn. hh und. shr. evgr. (o0.d.) §S. Europe ciliatum Lam. und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Brazil corniculatum (?) und. shr. evgr. {(o. d.) Dulcamara Linn. % und. shr. decd. Europe BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. Solanum—continued. a ferox Linn. % und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Malabar Fontanesianum Dunal. © (0.d.) Brazil giganteum Jacq. kh shr.evgr. (0. d.) C. G. Hope Gilo Raddi. th und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Brrail. 123 horridum Dunal. und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) 8. Australia jasminoides Paxt. % W und. evgr. (o.d.) S. America lucidum Mart. % und. shr. decd. 8S. America mammosum Linn. © (0.d.) E. India marginatum Linn fil. h shr.evgr. (0. d.) Africa Melongena Linn. © (g.h.) Egg Plant. Africa nigrum Dun. © (o0.d.) Europe ovigerum Dun. © (o0.d.) E. India Pseudo-capsicum Linn. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) Isl. Madeira. pyracanthum Jacq. wh = shr.evgr. (o.d.) Africa reclinatum L’Herit. Y% (0.d.) Peru robustum Wendl. h shr. evgr. (0.d.) Brazil sodomaeum Linn. h und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Asia Minor “ var. spinosissimum stelligerum Sm. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia tomentosum Linn. J shr. evgr. (0. d.) 8S. America violaceum R. Br. th shr. evgr. (0.d.) E. India Physalis Livy. Hottentot Gooseberry. Alkekengi Linn. Y% (0.d.) S. Europe peruviana Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Peru Capsicum Livy. Capsicum. annuum Linn. © (0.d.) 8S. America baccatum Linn. fh shr.evgr. (0. d.) E. India cerasiforme Willd. % (0. d.) Withania Pave. somnifera Dun. h shr.evgr. (0. d.) 8. Europe Jochroma Bzntu. grandiflora Benth. 1% shr.evgr. (0.d.) Peru lanceolata Miers. % shr.evgr. 8S. America tubulosa Benth. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Loxa Warscewiczii Regl, 1 shr.evgr. (o.d.) §. America Nicandra Apays. : physaloides Gaertn. © Peru Tribus. Atropeae. Lycium Livy. Box Thorn. afrum Linn. = shr. decd. (0.d.) C. G. Hope barbarum Linn, bh ~ decd. (0.d.) 8S. Europe 124 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Atropa Liny. Deadly Nightshade. Bella Donna Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe Solandra Swarrz. grandiflora Swartz. th shr.evgr. (o.d.) Jamaica laevis Hook. 2 und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America viridiflora Ker. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America Trius. HHyoscyameae. Datura Livy. Thorn Apple. chlorantha Hort. © (o0.d.) S. America fastuosa Linn. © (0.d.) S. America humilis Desf. © (0. d.) S. America Metel Linn. © (0.d.) Asia meteloides Dec. © (0.d.) N. Spain. Stramonium Linn. © (0. d.) Europe Wrighti Hort. © (0.d.) S. America Brugmansia Pers. arborea Pers. J shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America . Knightii Hort. shr. evgr. (0. d.) sanguinea Don. hk shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America Wallisii Hort. I shr. evgr. (0. d.) Hyoscyamus Liny. niger Linn. 7% (0.d.) Europe Tribus. Cestrineae. Juanulloa Ruiz & Pav. parasitica Ruiz & Pav. und. shr. evgr. (st.) Peru Cestrum Livy. aurantiacum Lindl. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America diurnum Linn. = shr.evgr. (o.d.) W. Indies nocturnum Murr. h = shr. evgr. (0. d.) 8S. America Fabiana Ruiz & Pav. imbricata Ruiz & Pav. hb = shr.evgr. (o.d.) Peru Habrothamnus [npt. elegans Humb. & Bonpl. h shr. evgr. (0. d.) S. America fasciculatus Endl. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Mexico Nicotiana Linn. Tobacco. acuminata Grah. © (o.d.) S. America glauca Grah. I evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America longiflora Cav. © (o.d.) 3B. Ayres rustica Linn. gt (0.d.) 8S. America suaveolens Lehm. © (0.d.) Australia Tabacum Linn. gt (0.d.). S. America BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 125 Tribus. Salpiglossidae. Petunia Juss. _ nyctaginiflora Juss. Y% (o.d.) S. America variabilis Hort. © (0. d.) violacea Lindl. © (0.d.) B. Ayres Nierembergia Ruiz & Pav. frutescens Miers. gg (o.d.) 8S. America gracilis Hook, @ (0.d.) Uraguay Anthocercis Las. viscosa R. Br. hh shr.evgr. (o.d) W. Australia Browallia Lin. elata Linn. © (0.d.) Peru. Jamesonii Benth. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Granada viscosa Humb. & Bonpl. © (o0.d.) S. America Brunfelsia Liv. americana Linn. bh shr.evgr. (0.d.) W. Indies Hopiana Hort. % shr. evgr. (o. d.) Lindenii Hort. th shr.evgr. (0.d.) India Franciscea Pout, acuminata Pohl. h = shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil confertiflora Pohl. % shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil ee fol. varieg. crossa perfecta Hort. shr. evgr. (st.) eximea Sheidw. h shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil Lindenii Hook. hh shr. evgr. (st.) S. America macrantha Lem. shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil Pohliana (?) wh shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil Salpiglossis Ruiz & Pav. é sinuata Ruiz & Pav. © (0.d.) Chili variabilis Hort. © (0. d.) Chili Schizanthus Ruiz & Pav. Grahami Heok © (0.d.) Chili pinnatus Ruiz & Pav. © (0.d.) Chili retusus Hook. © (0.d.) Chili Ordo. SCROPHULARINEAE. R. Brown. Tribus. Verbasceae. Celsia Linn. cormandeliana Vahl. o (st.) E. India eretica Linn, © (0.d.) Crete i 126 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Verbascum Linn. Mullein. Blattaria Linn. ¢ (o.d.) Europe phlomoides Linn. ¢ (0.d.) Europe phoeniceum Linn. ¢. (o.d.) 8S. Europe Thapsus Linn. ( (0.d.) Europe Trius. Calceolarieae. Calceolaria Livy. Stipperwort. hybrida Hort. © (g.h.) pinnata Willd. © (0.d.) Peru rugosa Ruiz & Pav. hb shr.evgr. (g.h.) Chili scabiosaefolia Sims. © (g.h.) Peru Tribus. Hemimerideae. Alonsoa Ruiz & Pav. urticaefolia Steud. © (o.d) S. America Warscewiczii Hort. © (o.d.) S. America Angelonia Hums. & Bonrt. floribunda Kunze. ¥% (st.) Brazil Nemesia Vent. compacta Benth. © (0.d.) C. G. Hope floribunda Benth. © (0.d.) C. G. Hope Tribu. Antirrhineae. Linaria Tourner. Toad Flaz. bipartita Willd.. © (0.d.) 8S. Africa Cymbalaria Willd. 4% (o.d.) Europe purpurea Mill. YY (0.d.) 8S. Europe tristis Mill. ¥% (o.d.) Spain versicolor Moench. © (o.d.) 8S. Europe vulgaris Mill. ¥% (0.d.) Europe Antirrhinum Livy. Snapdragon. majus Linn. Y (0. d.) Europe Maurandia Orr. Barckleyana Jacq. Y% (0.d.) Mexico tf var. fl, alba semperflorens Jacq. 2 ~~ Mexico Rhodochiton Zucc. volubile Zuce. 4% ~ (0.d.) 8S. America BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 127 Trius. Cheloneae. Phygelius E. My. capensis E. Mey. th shr.evgr. (o.d.) C. G. Hope Halleria Linn. lucida Linn. f shr. evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Africa Scrophularia Linn. Figuort. divaricata Bunge. ¥% (0.d.) Iberia nodosa Linn. % (o.d.) Europe vernalis Linn. ¢! (0o.d.) 8S. Europe Paulownia Sizs & Zucc. imperialis Sieb. h decd. (o.d.) Japan Chelone Linn. barbata Cav. Y% (o.d.) Mexico Pentstemon Mircu. campanulatus Willd. ¥% (o.d.) Mexico « Cobaea Nutt. ¥% (0.d.) Texas cordifolius Benth. ¥% (0.d.) California glaber Pursh. Y (0.d.) N. America gentianoides Poir. 2% (0.d.) Mexico Hartwegi Benth.. % (0.d.) Mexico Jeffreyanus Hook. 2% (0.d.) Carolina Lobbianus Hook. } und. shr. (0.d.) Chili Murrayanus Hook, Y% (0.d.) Texas ovatus Dougl. ¥% (o.d.) N. America perfoliatus Brog. % (0.d.) Mexico pulchellus Lindl. 2 (0. d-) Mexico speciosus Dougl. Y% (0. d.) N. America Wrightii Lind. Y (0o.d.) Texas Russelia Jaca. juncea Zucc. J und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico multiflora Sims. J und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico Collinsia Nurr. bicolor Benth. © (0. d.) Columbia corymbosa Herd. © (o0.d.) Columbia grandiflora R. Br. © (0. d.) Columbia Tetranema Bentu. mexicana Benth. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Mexico 128 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Tribu. Gratioleae. Mimulus Livy. Monkey Flower.. luteus Dec. © (0.d:) Chili moschatus Dougl. © (g.h) Musk Plant. Chili quinquevulnerus Hort. © (g. h.) roseus Lindl. © (g.h.) California Tilingi Regl. © (g.h.) California Gratiola Livy. officinalis Linn. 2% (0.d.) Europe Torenia Linn. asiatica Linn. Y (st.) E. India “var. pulcherrima Y (st.) E. India Artanema Dov. fimbriatum Don. Y% (0.d.) E. Australia Tribus. Digitaleae. Digitalis Linn. Foaglove. aurea Lindl. ¥% (o.d.) Greece canariensis Linn. Y% (o.d.) Isl. Canary ferruginea Linn. ¥% (0.d.) S. Europe grandiflora All. ¥% (o.d.) Europe lanata Ehrh. Y (0. d.) Hungary lutea Linn. % (0.d.) Italy purpurea Linn. % (0.d.) Europe Sceptrum Linn. 2% (0.d.) Isl. Madeira Veronica Linn. Andersonii Lindl. shr. evgr. Hybrid. (0. d.) # fol. variegata Buxbaumii Ten. th shr. evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Europe cataractae Forst. var. diffusa I (0o.d.) N. Zealand chadamica (?) h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Chadam Island cupressoides (?) shr. evgr. (o0.d.) N. Zealand diosmaefolia A. Cunn. kh shr. (0.d.) N. Zealand | elliptica Forst. % und. shr. evgr. (0. 4d.) N. Zealand formosa R. Br. th shr. evgr. (0.d.) ‘Tasmania glabra Ehrh. hb (o0.d.) 8S. Europe glauca Sibth. © (0.d.) Greece Hectori (?) h shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand Hulkii F. Muell. wh und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand latifolia Linn. Y (0.d.) 8S. Europe Lavaudeana Raol. shr. evgr. (0. d.) N. Zealand VIEW FROM THE PALM-HOUSE TERRACE. BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE, 129 Veronica—continued. Leitchfieldi Hort. h shr. evgr. (9. d.) licopodioides (?) shr. evgr. (0. d.) N. Zealand macrocarpa Vahl, hh shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand. parviflora Vahl. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand perfoliata R. Br. hh shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia pinnata Linn. % (0. d.) Siberia salicifolia Forst. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand salicornioides (?) wh shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand Schmidtii Roem. and Schult. Y% (0.d.) Europe speciosa Cunn. var. Kermesina } shr. evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand spicata Linn. ¥ (0.d) Europe syriaca Roem. & Schult. © (0. d.) Syria urticaefolia Linn. fil. % (o.d.) 8S. Europe Ordo. GESNERACEAE. Lindley. Trius. Gesnereae. Gloxinia L’Herir. scaulescens Lindl. YJ tubr. (st.) Brazil insignis Hort. 4% tubr. (st.) maculata L’Herit. 1 tubr. (st.) S. America Achimenes P. Br. grandiflora Dec. 2 (st.) Mexico Isoloma Bentu. Decaisneanaz Benth. ¥ (st.) Brazil Tydaea Decsnez. Lindenii Hort. 7% tubr. (st.) S. America picta Decsne. Y% tubr. (st.) S. America Thalii Hort. Y% tubr. (st.) Gesnera Marr. barbata Nees. 2% tubr. (st.) Brazil Lindleyi Hook. % tubr. (st.) Brazil longiflora Humb. & Bonpl. % tubr. (st.) Brazil splendens Hort. 1 tubr. (st.) tuberosa Mart. Y% tubr. (st.) Brazil zebrina Paxt. 2 tubr. (st.) S. America Sinningia Ness. guttata Lindl. Y% tubr. (st.) Brazil Tapina Garrt. splendens Mart. 1 tubr. (st.) 8S. America variegata Hort. % tubr. (st.) I 130 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Tribus. Cyrtandreae. Cyrtodeira Hansr. chontalensis Seem. Y% (st.) Mexico fulgida Lindl. Y% (st.) S. se ia Columnea Liny. Lindleyi Hort. h W~ (st.) S. America scandens Linn. bh ~ (st.) 8S. America Schiedeana Schlechtd. Y% (st.) Mexico Nematanthus Marr. longipes Dec. fh ~W~ shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil Mitraria Cav. coccinea Cav. bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) Chili Aeschynanthus Jax. Hoschianus de Vr. % epi. (st.) Java grandiflora E. Don. Y% epi. (st.) E. India Lobbianus Hort. ramosissima Wall. % epi.' (st.) Nepal splendidus Hort. zebrinus v. Houtte. -Y% epi. (st.) Java Chiritia Hamixr. Moonii Hamilt. Yy (st.) Brazil Streptocarpus Linpt. biflorus (?) Y (st.) C. G. Hope Rexii Lind. Y (st.) C. G. Hope macrophyllus Hort. % (st.) Ordo. BIGNONIACEAE. De Candolle. Trius. Bisnonieae. Bignonia Liv. Trumpet Flower. alba lutea Hort. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) S. America argyrea versicolor Lindl. bh W evgr. (st.) S. America aurantiaca Hort. bh ~ evgr. (st.) Brazil capreolata Linn. hb ~ evgr. (o.d.) N. America Chamberlaynii Sims. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) Brazil Cherere Lindl. h ~ evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America gracilis Lodd. h ~ evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. I31 Bignonia—continued. Lindleyi Dec. - ~ evgr. (0.d.) B. Ayres mirabilis (7) bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America ornata (7) h ~ evgr. (st.) Brazil picta Humb. & Bonpl. bh ~ evgr. (st.) Guiana Roezliana Hook. hb ~ evgr. (st.) S. America speciosa Hook. h ~ evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America Tweediana Lindl. h ~ evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America villosa Vahl. bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) S. America venusta Ker. bh ~ decd. (0.d.) Brazil Wallichiana (?) bh ~ evgr. (0.d.) (?) Xylocarpa Roxb. bh ~ S. America Adenocalymna Marr. nitidum Mart. bh ~ evgr. Brazil Trius. Tecomeae. Catalpa Juss. Kaempferi Dec. h decd. (0. d.) syringaefolia Sims. | decd. (0.d.) N. America Tecoma Juss. australis R. Br. bh ~ evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia - var. La Trobi F. Muell. E. Australia capensis R. Br. bh evgr. (0.d.) C. G. Hope ceramensis Blum. h ~ evgr. (st.) Java fulva Dec. hb evgr. (0.d.) Peru grandiflora Delaun. bh ~ decd. (0.d.) China hybrida Hort. bh ~ jasminoides G. Don. bh ~ evgr. E. Australia pulchra Chams. h evgr. (0.d.) Brazil radicans Juss. bh ~ decd. (o.d.) N. America stans Juss. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) §S. America velutina (?) ¥% evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America Campsidium Szzm. filicifolium Seem. h ~ evgr. (0.d) Fiji Islands Valdivianum Seem. bh ~~ evgr. (o.d.) Chili Spathodea Bzavv. alba Hort. bh evgr. (0.d.) (?) Trisus. Jacarandeae. Jacaranda Juss. mimosaefolia Don. decd. (o.d.) Brazil Eccremocarpus Ruiz & Pav. scaber Ruiz & Pav. Y% ~~ evgr. Peru 132 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Parmentiera Dec. cerifera Seem. I evgr. (st) Panama Colea Bos. floribunda Boj. Ih evgr. (st.) Isl. Mauritius Tribus. Crescentieae. Crescentia Liyy. Calabash Tree. Cujete Linn. bh evgr. (st.) S. America Kigelia Dec. pinnata Dec. hb evgr. (o.d.) Nubia Ordo. PEDALINEAE. R. Brown. Trius. Martynieae. Martynia Livy. fragrans Lindl. © (0.d.) Mexico proboscidea Linn. © (0.d.) 8S. America Trius. Pedalieae. Pterodiscus Hoox. speciosus Hook. Y (0.d.) S. Africa Tribus. Sesameae. Sesamum Linv. orientale Linn. © (0.d.) India Ordo. ACANTHACEAE. sR. Brown. Tribus. Thunbergieae. Thunbergia Linn Fit. alata Hook. W evgr. (st.) Ceylon-Java “var. alba ae chrysops Hook. ~ evgr. (st) 8S. Leone grandiflora Roxb. W~ evgr. (st.) . India BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 133 Thunbergia—continued. Harrisii Hook. evgr. (st.) Madras Hawtaynii Wall. ~ evgr. (st.) Nepal javanica Gaert. ~ evgr. (st.) Java laurifolia Lindl. ~ evgr. (st.) E. India lutea Hort. WY Hexacentris Nurs. coccinea Nees. ~ evgr. (st.) India mysorensis Wight. ~ evgr. (st.) Mysore Meyenia Scutecurp. erecta Arrab. th shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil “var. fl. alba Vogeliana Hook. th shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil Tribus. Ruwellieae. Ruellia Livy. ciliata Hornm. % wund.shr. (g.h.) E, India formosa Andr. h und.shr. (g.h.) Brazil Dipteracanthus Nezzs. affinis Nees. Y (st.) E. India spectabilis (?) 4 (st.) (?) Sanchezia Ruiz & Pav. glaucophylla Hort. und. shr. evgr. (st.) Escuador nobilis Ruiz & Pav. hh und. shr. evgr. (st.) Escuador “var. variegata Strobilanthes Brum. laevigatus Hort. h shr.evgr. (st) (?) scaber Nees. shr.evgr. (st.) Java Whitfieldia Hoox. lateritia Hook. hb shr.evgr. (st.) Sierre Leone Trius. Acantheae. Acanthus Linv. Bear’s Breech. ilicifolius Linn. Linn. Y% (0.d.) E. India latifolius Hort. Y% (0. d.) mollis Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe montanus Rose. Y% (0.d.) E. Africa niger Mill. YY (0.d.) Portugal spinosus Linn. Y% (0.d.) Maly 134 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Trius. Justicteae. Barleria Liny. Arnottiana Nees. 2% shr.evgr. (o.d.) Ceylon cristata Linn. YJ (o.d.)- E. India dichotoma Roxb. % (0.d.) E. India Mackenii Hook. % (0.d.) KE. India obtusa Nees. I) und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Africa Prionitis Linn. % und. shr.evgr. (0o.d.) E. India Crossandra Sa.iss. flava Hook. Y% (st.) Sierre Leone Mackaya Harv. bella Harv. Y% (0.d.) S. Africa Chamacranthemum Nexrs.: Beyrichii Nees. 2% (st.) Brazil Gaudichaudii Nees. 2% (st.) Brazil Eranthemum Livy. Andersonii (?) und. shr. evgr. (st.) aureum reticulatum Hort. 1% S.S. Islands L bicolor Schrank. 1% und. shr. evgr. (st.) Isl. Lucon marmoratum Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (st.) 8.8. Islands sanguineum Hort. und. shr. evgr. (st.) 8. 8. Islands secundum (?) Y (st.) (?) semperflorens Roth. I und.shr.evgr. (st.) E. India tuberculatum Hook. hh und. shr. evgr. (st.) 8S. S. Islands variabile R. Br. & und. shr. evgr. (st.) Australia variegatum Hort. Y% (st.) S. 8S. Islands verbenaceum Nees. Y% (st.) Brazil Gymnostachyum Nexs. Pearci Hort. Y (st.) E. India Aphelandra R. Br. aurantiaca Lindl. 7% und. shr. evgr. (st.) Mexico es Roezli Ortig. hb Mexico cristata R. Br. % und. shr. evgr. (st.) E. India elegans Hort. I und. shr. evgr. (st.) Fascinator Lind. & Andr. h und. shr.evgr. (st.) Brazil Leopoldii v. Houtte. und. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil Liboniana Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil Porteana Morel. h und. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil Sinitzini Lind. kh und. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil Beloperone Nezs. oblongata Nees. % und. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil pulchella Nees. % und. shr. evgr. (st.) Brazil BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 135 Justicia Linn. Adhatoda Willd. % und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Ceylon carnea Lindl. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Brazil discolor Hort. % und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) flavicoma Lindl. h und. shr.evgr. (0.d.) Brazil ramosissima Roxb. h und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India Adhatoda Nzxs. cydoniaefolia Nees. th ~ evgr. (st.) Brazil ventricosa Nees. J) shr.evgr. (st) E. India Cyrtanthera Nes. chrysostephana Hook. % und. shr. evgr. (st.) S. America magnifica Nees. J) und. shr. evgr. (st.) 8. America Libonia C. Kocu. floribunda C. Koch. bh und. shr. evgr. (g.h.) Brazil Penrhosiensis Hort. % und. shr.evgr. (g.h.) Brazil Sericobonia Linp. & Anpr. ignea Lind. & Andr. h und. shr. evgr. (g. h.) Fittonia E. Cor. argyroneura Coem. 2% (st.) Peru gigantea Hort. % (st.) rubro-nervia Hort. Y% (st.) Graptophyllum Ness. hortense Nees. var. aurea maculatum. Y% (st.) Java pictum Nees. Y% (st.) E. India Thyrsacanthus Nzxzs. rutilans Planch. h und. shr. evgr. (st.) C. America Dicliptera Juss. Burmanni Nees. % evgr. (st.) E. India violacea Lindl, Y (st.) Siberia Peristrophe Nees. lanceolaria Nees. % und. shr. evgr. (st.) E. India et var. variegata Hypoestes R. Br. floribunda R. Br. Y (st.) N. Australia ¥ t 136 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. MYOPORINEAE. Endlicher. Myoporum Banxs & Sor. = Native Myrtle. acuminatum R. Br. I shr.evgr. (0. d.) Australia debile R. Br. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia laetum Forst. hk shr.evgr. (0.d.) N. Zealand parvifollum R. Br. kh shr.evgr. (0o.d.) Australia Pholidia R. Br. divaricata F. Muell. % shr.evgr. (0. d.) Australia Eremophila R. Br. ' alternifolia R. B. 1% und. shr.evgr. (0. d.) S. Australia Brownii F. Muell. I shr.evgr. (0. d.) Australia Macdonellii F. Muell. und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Australia maculata F. Muell. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia Ordo. VERBENACEAE. Jussieu. Tribus. Chloantheae. Spartothamnus A. Cunn. junceus A. Cunn. k= shr.evgr. E. Australia Tribus. Verbeneae. Lantana Linn. alba Mill. % shr.evgr. (0. d.) 8S. America Camara Linn. hh shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America crocea Jacq. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) Isl. Jamaica odorata Linn. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India Sellowiana Link. shr. evgr. (o.d.) 8S. America urticaefolia Mill. Th shr. evgr. (0.d.) §S, America Aloysia Scuav. Lemon Plant. citriodora Orteg. h shr.evgr. (0.d.) Chili Verbena Liny. Vervain. Aubletia Linn. © (0.d.) N. America hispida Ruiz. & Pav. ¥% (0o.d.) Peru Melindres Gill. 4% (0.d.) Brazil Tweediana Hook. % (0.d.) Brazil venosa Gill. ¥ (o.d.) B. Ayres BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 137 Petraea Livy. volubilis Linn. fh ~ evgr. (st.) S. America Citharexylum Linn. subserratum Sw. bh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Isl. Domingo Duranta Linn. Ellisia Jacq. t shr. evgr. (0. d.) E. India integrifolia (?) I shr.evgr (o. d.) mexicana (?) Ih shr.evgr. (o.d.) Mexico Plumieri Jacq. wb shr. evgr. (0.d.) 8S. America turbinata (7) wh shr. evgr. (0. d.) Trius. Viticeae. Callicarpa Livy. cana Linn. hh shr. evgr. (o.d.) E. India macrophylla Vahl. % shr.evgr. (0.d.) E. India pedunculata R. Br. % shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Vitex Linn. Chaste Tree. « Agnus-castus Linn. h = shr. decd. (0. d.) 8S. Europe arborea Roxb h evgr. (o.d.) E. India littoralis A. Cunn. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Zealand nitens F. Muell. hb shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia trifolia Linn. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. India Oxera Lasiit. pulchella Labill. shr. evgr. (st.) N. Caledonia Clerodendron Linn. Glory Tree. calamitosum Linn. = shr. evgr. (st.) Java Cunninghamii Benth. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) N. Australia fallax Lindl. h shr. evgr. (st.) Java “yar. alba fragrans Willd. shr.evgr. (st.) Japan glabrum E. Mey. hb shr.evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Africa nutans Wall. h shr.evgr. (st.) E. India speciosum Hort. h shr.evgr. (st.) China splendens G. Don. hh shr. evgr. (st.) Sierre Leone ternifolium D. Don. fh shr. evgr. Orinoco Thomsoniae Balf. bh ~ evgr. (st.) Africa cS var. Balfouri tomentosum R. Br. bh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia volubile Beauv. fh ~ evgr. (st.) N. Guinea Holmskioldia Rerz. sanguinea Retz, I shr.evgr. (0.d.) Java 138 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. LABIATAE. Jussieu. Trius. Octmotdeae. Ocimum Liv. Sweet Basil. Basilicum Linn. © (0.d.) India Plectranthus Lene. Eckloni Benthh ¥% (0.d.) Africa Coleus Lovr. Blumei Benth. h und. shr. evgr. (st.) Java laciniatus Benth. und. shr. evgr. (st.) Java pictus Hort. h und. shr. evgr. (st.) Duke of York Island Verschaffettii Hort. hb (st.) Lavandula Liny. Lavender. dentata Linn. % und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) S. Europe Spica Dec. und. shv. evgr. (0.d.) 8S. Europe Stoechas Linn. und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) 8S. Europe Tribus. Saturetneae. Pogostemon Desr. Patchouly Plant. Patchouly Pellet. T shr.evgr. (st.) E. India Perilla Livy. Nankinensis (?) © (0.d.) China Mentha Linn. Mint. australis R. Br. Y% (0. d.) Australia lavandulacea Willd. Y (0. d.) Spain piperita Linn. ¥ (0.d.) Peppermint. Europe Pulegium Linn. Y% (0.d.) Penny Royal. Europe sylvestris Linn. var. canescens. 2 (0. d.) * candicans viridis Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe Origanum Livy. Marjoram. vulgare Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe Thymus Livy. Thyme. Serpyllum Lion. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.), Europe vulgaris Linn. h , und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Europe Satureia Linn. Savory. montana Linn. ¥% (o.d.) Europe BUTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 139 Hyssopus Livy. Hyssop. officinalis Linn. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Europe Calamintha Morncu. Calamint. alpina Benth. Y (0.d.) Europe Nepeta Link. Y (0.d.) Europe officinalis Moench. ¥% (0.d.) Europe Melissa Linn. Baim. officinalis Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe Trius. Monardeae. Salvia Lryy. Sage. africana Linn. shr. evgr. (o.d.) C.G. Hope amabilis Knth. I shr. evgr. (o.d.) Hort. angustifolia Cav. Y% (0.d.) Mexico argentea Linn. of (0.d.) Crete aurea Linn. h shr. evgr. (o.d.) Crete aurita Thunb h shr.evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope azurea Lam. % (o.d.) Carolina bracteata Russ. % (0. d.) Europe eoccinea Linn. Y% (0.d.) Florida “ _-var. grandiflora * “ hybrida td “ splendens controversa Tenor. 2% (0o.d.) Europe fulgens Cav. und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Mexico Horminum Linn. (0.d.) Europe japonica Thunb. © (0.d.) Japan Lileana Hort. Y% (0. d.) : officinalis Linn. J und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Europe patens Cav. ¥% (g.h.) Mexico Roemeriana Scheele. % (0.d.) Mexico Sclarea Linn. cg (0.d.) Europe Sibthorpii Sm. % (o.d.) Europe splendens Ker. ¥% (0. d.) Brazil verticillata Linn. 2% (o.d.) Europe Rosmarinus Livy. Rosemary. officinalis Linn. % und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Europe Tribus. Nepeteae. Dracocephalum Linn. = Dragon’s Head. canariense Linn.. f und. shr.evgr. (o.d.) Isl. Canary thymiflorum Linn. © (0.d.) Siberia . 140 CATALOGUE OF PLANIS, Lophanthus Beyru. rugosus Fisch. % evgr. (o.d.) China Nepeta Liny. Cat Mint. Cataria Linn. ¥Y% (0.d) Europe grandiflora Bibrst. 2% (0.d.) Caucasus macrantha Fisch. Y% (0.d) Siberia Nepetella Linn. Y% (0.d.) 8. Europe Tribus. Stachydeae. Scutellaria Livy. Skullcap. galericulata Linn. Y% (o.d) Europe lateriflora Linn. % (0.d.) N. America macrantha Fisch. ¥% (o.d.) Siberia Mociniana Benth. 2 (0. d.) S. America oblonga Benth. % (0.d.) Ceylon orientalis Linn. 1% (0. d.) Caucasus peregrina Linn. Y% (0.d.) Tauria Ventenatii Hook. Y% (o.d.) St. Martha Physostegia Brentu. pubescens Benth, © (0.d.) America Marrubium Livy. Horehound. vulgare Linn. Y% (0. d.) Europe Stachys Liny. Hedge Nettle. alpina Linn. Y% (0.d) Europe germanica Linn. Y% (0.d) Europe lanata Jacq. Y% (0.d.) Tauria pubescens Ten. Y% (0.d.) Europe setifera C. A. Mey. Y& (0.d.) Caucasus sibirica Link. Y (0. d.) Siberia stenophylla Sprgl. ¥% (0.d.) Spain Anisomeles R. Br. albiflora Mig. © (0.d.) Java ovata R. Br. © (0.d.) E. India salvifolia R. Br. Y% (0.d.) N. Australia Leonotis Prrs. Lion’s Ear. Leonurus R. Br. hh shr. evgr. (0.d.) OC. G. Hope Phlomis Lixy. Jerusalem Sage. tuberosa Linn. % (o.d.) Caucasus BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE, Eremostachys Bunce. iberica Jaub. Y% (0.d.) Iberia laciniata Bunge. Y (0. d.) Caucasus Tribus. Prostanthereae. Prostanthera Lazitz. lasianthos Labill. hh shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia nivea A. Cunn. kh shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia rotundifolia R. Br. 1) shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia spinosa F, Muell. bh shr. evgr. (0.d.) E. Australia Westringia Sm. rosmariniformis Sm. shr. evgr. (0.d.) Australia Tribus. AJugoideae. Teucrium Liyy. corymbosum R. Br. % (0.d.) Australia cubense Linn. % (0. d.). Cuba hireanicum Linn. Y¥ (0.d.) Persia Marum Linn. h und. shr. evgr. (0. d.) Europe massiliense Linn. Y% (0.d.) S. Europe Scorodonia Linn. Y% (0.d.) Europe Ajuga Linn. australis R. Br. Y% (0.d.) Australia pyramidalis Linn. ¥% (0. d.) Europe Ordo. PHYTOL ACCEAE. R. Brown Trius. Petiverieae.. Rivina Livy. brasiliensis Nocc. h und. shr. evgr. (o.d.) Brazil humilis Linn. und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) E, India Tribus. Phytolacceae: Phytolacca Tovrner. decandra Linn. } (0.d.) America dioica Linn. % decd. (o.d.) 8S. America purpurascens A. Braun. % (0. d.) 8. America I4l 142 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Ordo. PLANTAGINEAE. Rp. Brown. Plantago Livy. Plantain lanceolata Linn. 1% (0.d.) Europe major Linn. 2% (o.d.) Europe media Linn. 2% (0. d.) Europe Ordo. NYCTAGINEAE. $A. Jussieu. Tribus. Mirabileae. Mirabilis Livy. Marvel of Peru. Jalapa Linn. Y (o.d.) Peru longiflora Linn. 2% (0.d.) Mexico Abronia Juss. arenaria Hook. Y (0. d.) California Trius. Bougatnvilleae. Bougainvillea Comm. spectabilis Hook. bh W evgr. (o.d.) S. America ne var. glabra S “magnifica ef “speciosa Trius. Boerhaavieae. Pisonia Livy. inermis Forst. h shr.evgr. (o.d.) Australia longirostris Teysm. I shr.evgr. (o.d.) Java Sinclairii Hook. % shr. evgr. (0.'d.) N. Zealand Ordo. POLYGONEAE. | Jussieu. Tritus. Polygoneae. Coccoloba Jaca. Seaside Grape. platyclada F. Muell. th shr.evgr. (0.d.) HE. Australia BOTANIC GARDEN, ADELAIDE. 143 Polygonum Liny. Persicaria. Fagopyrum Linn. © (0.d.) Buckwheat. Europe Hippopotami H. Huber. Y (o. d.) Sieboldi Meisn. Y (0.d.) Japan Muehlenbeckia Mzisn. adpressa Meisn. } shr.evgr. (o.d.) E. Australia Cunninghamii F. Muell. h shr. evgr. (0. d.) Australia Rheum Livy. Rhvbarb. Emodi Wall. % (0.d.) Europe palmatum Linn. und. shr. (0.d.) Asia Rhaponticum Linn, Y (0.d.) Asia | undulatum Linn. 2% (0.d.) China Rumex Linn. Dock. Acetosa Linn. ¥% (0.d.) Sorrel. Europe maximus Schreb. Y% (0.d.) Europe salicifolius Weinm. ¥ (0.d.) California sanguineus Linn. ¥ (0.d.) Europe Triplaris Livy. Lindeni Andr. I evgr. (st.) S. America Tribus. Brunnichieae. Antigonon Eyot. leptopus Hook. h ~ evgr. (g.h.) 8S. America Ordo. AMARANTACEAE. R. Brown Tribus. Celosieae. Deeringia R. Br. . Ambherstiana variegata Wall. h und. shr. (0.d.) E. India. celosioides R. Br. und. shr. evgr. (0.d.) HE. Australia japonica variegata Hort. (o.d.) Japan Celosia Linn. Cockseomb. cristata Linn. © (g.h.) E. India pyramidalis Burm. © (g.h.) E, India Tribus. Achyrantheae. Aerva Forsx. javanica Juss. J shr.evgr. (st.) E. India 144 CATALOGUE OF PLANTS, Amarantus Linn. Amaranth. caudatus Linn. © (0.d.) Prince’s Feather. E. India hypochondriacus Linn. © (0. d.) Love Lies Bleeding. Virginia ; melancholicus Linn. © (o.d.) E. India polygamus Linn. © (o0.d.) E. India salicifolius Veitch. © (0. d.) India spinosus Linn. © (0.d.) E. India tricolor Linn. © (0.d.) E. India Achyranthes Liny. argentea Lamm. Y (0.d.) Egpyt australis R. Br. Y% (o.d.) Australia Trius. Gomphreneae. Iresine Witt. acuminata Hook. Y% (g.h.) Brazil Herbstii Hook. Y% (g.h.) Brazil var. reticulata Huttoni Hort. % (0. d.) Lindenii v. Houtte. ¥ (0. d.) Ecuador Alternanthera Forsx. amabilis Hort. % (0. d.) paronychioides St. Hill, 2% (0.d.) S. America sessilis R. Ar. Y (0.d.) China spathulata Lem. Y% (0. d.)_ versicolor Hort. ¥% (0. d.) Gomphrena Liny. Globe Amarant. globosa Willd. © (o.d.) E. India Haageana Hort. © (0. 4d.) Ordo. CHENOPODEAE. R. Brown. Tribus. Chenopodeae. Rhagodia R. Br. linifolia R. Br. Y (0. d.) E. Australia Beta Linn. Beetroot. Cicla Linn. ( (0.d.) Europe “var. brasiliensis Brazil vulgaris Linn. ¢ (0.d.) Europe i a 4a