wi Tia All books are subject to recall after two weeks DATE DUE GAYLORD PRINTED IN U.S.A. PORDUE UNIVERSITY. LEAFLETS ON NATURE STUDY. LAFAYETTE, INDIANA. JUNE 1, 1808. Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www. archive.org/details/cu31924085811127 FOR THE USE OF TEAGHERS. Leaflets on Nature Study. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE USE OF TEACHERS OF SCHOOLS IN RURAL DISTRICTS. PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY. PRESS OF WM. B. BURFORD, CONTRACTOR FOR STATE PRINTING AND BINDING. 1898. a ° 2 St ot me go te 10. CONTENTS. Introd Wetionw.iccuuns es aag yous Sons 5345 te cake Coulter. The Study of the Foliage Leaf .................. Coulter. The Flower as an Object for Nature Study ....... Coulter, The Care of Domestic Animals ................. Plumb. A Children’s: Garden: +: ¢ss¢saaeaewgetaceeysnaas Bailey. A Chat About Bugs:cccos vsacieaane vane oureecanas Coulter. The Observation Club ..............cece eee ees Compiled. Sprinp Birds, wcneuinicssr navman seyqrewserenad Ruby. A Country School Garden .... 0.0.20... cece eee ee Coulter. A, Talk About Trees..v..+cxeseetasseveass vans . Coulter. A Study of our Insect Enemies.................. Troop. A Talk About Water-drops....... 0... ...000000- Duff. Climate in Some of its Relations to Daily Life.... Huston. The Germination of Seeds ...............0.0005. Arthur. Our Insect: Friends iis x9 4s 055 savasinded ved es ook Troop. Butter-making for Young People................ Plumb. About Spiders and their Curious Ways........... Ed. ‘School and Home.” The Workiol Wateb a ce cis t00 6 cine nie ae aeoea nn Duff. Heat and What It Does .... 6.0... . cece eee eee Duff. Our Friends, the Birds ...............000 sees eee Snyder. A Vegetable Garden ......... 00.6 cc cece eee ee Troop. An Experimental Farm for Young People....... Latta. Points for Young Farmers’ Club ................ Latta. The-Care of the Soll: sissnaca vs vice seamged yeas ve Huston. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. At the present time Nature Study is receiving considerable atten- tion from our high schools, and, to some extent. from our city an town graded schools. But little attention, however, has been given to the subject by the teachers in rural districts. While it may seem that the difficulties involved in the problem of Nature Study in rurai districts are great, we think that a careful examination of the con- ditions will show that these are more apparent than real. Indeed, the opportunities for work in the country are very much greater than for work in the city. We think it will be found also that the introduction of Nature Study will enable the teachers of district schools to accomplish the work which they are now doing more easily and with greater success. It is thought by many that there are influences at work upon the children in rural districts which have a tendency to withdraw their interest from their rural surroundings and to create in them a desire to leave the farm and seek their fortuncs in more populous centers. That this is true to a certain extent, no one will doubt. It then he- comes important to ask: how shall we enable these children to appre- ciate the beauties of Nature by which they are surrounded; to take a wider view of their opportunities: how shall we lead them to higher country living and country thinking, and, how shall we make the occupation in which most of them will, for a time at least. be engaged. more attractive and more profitable? The teachers are potent factors in the consideration of these important questions. It is our purpose to assist the teachers in solving them. and it is believed that we can do no more effective work in this direction than by publishing this seriex of Nature Study Leaflets, the purpose of which is described in Prof. Coulter’s “Introduction to Nature Study.” found in Leaflet No. 1. In order to show that this kind of work has been found to be eminently practicable, we may call your attention to what is going on in a large number of elementary schools in Europe. I quote from Appleton’s Popular Science Monthly for February, 1898: In many places in Europe schoo] grounds are very much better managed than in this country. Not only do school authorities there aim to supply materials for study in the school room, but they mean to impart clear ideas of horticulture and related occupations by various uses of land connected with the schools. They appreciate the training which results from pruning, budding and grafting trees, plowing, hoeing and fertilizing land, hiving bees and raising silk-worms. 6 Tn 1890 there were nearly eight thousand school gardens—gardens for practical instruction in rearing trees, vegetables and fruits—in Austria. In France, gardening is practically taught in twenty-eight thousand primary and elementary schools, each of which has a garden attached to it, and is under the care of a master capable of imparting a knowledge of the first principles of horticulture. No one ean be appointed master of an elementary school unless qualified to give practical instruction in cultivating the ordinary products of the garden. In Sweden, as long ago as 1871, twenty-two thousand children received instruc- tion in horticulture and tree-planting, and each of two thousand and sixteen schools had for cultivation a piece of land varying from one to twelve acres. Still more significant is the recent establishment of many school gardens in suuthern Russia. In one province two hundred and twenty-seven schools out of a total of five hundred and four have school gardens whose whole area is two hundred and eighty-three acres. * * * This movement has also widely spread over different provinces of central Russia. Since 1877 every public school in Berlin has been regularly supplied with plants for study every week, elementary schools receiving specimens of [our different species and secondary schools six. During the summer, at six o’clock in the morning two large wagons start from the school gardens loaded with cuttings packed and labeled for the different schools. The daily papers regularly announce what plants may be expected, and teachers consult with the gardeners as to what ought to be sown or planted. Teachers take their classes into the school gardens for lessons in botany, and are aided by the gardeners, who cut the specimens. Tn a conversation which T held Jast fall with Governor Mount upon the condition of the children of rural districts, he showed great. interest in the subject and made several important suggestions, and he afterwards made a speech before the State Agricultural Board on Jan. +, 1898, in which he warmly endorsed the scheme for the distri- Intion of leaflets on Nature Study, whereupon the State Delegate Board passed the following resolutions: Resolved, That we heartily approve of Governor Mount’s suggestions to the effect that the children in the public schools of the State should be systematically in- structed in such matters as pertain to country life. To this end we are in favor of an amendment to the school laws of the State, by which instruction shall be given in such elementary sciences as shal] pertain to agriculture and household econ- omy. Resolved, That until this change in the law can be secured, we suggest to offcers of public schools the propriety of advising their teachers to give occasional oral lessons upon such topies in Nature Study as will have a tendency to interest students in agriculture, horticulture, economic entomology, the care of domestic animals and household economy. Resolved, That we believe that the preparation and use of properly prepared leaflets upon subjects relating to agriculture, as suggested in the Governor’s address, would prove to be of great interest to our children in public schools and of great value to the agricultural interests of the State. The general principles on which the leaflets will be prepared and used may be summarized as follows: v4 First.. No attempt wil] be made to issue the leaflets in the order in which they are to be used by the teacher. [t is manifestly unde- sirable, if not impossible, to de this. Second. The leatlets for the most part will be prepared by mem- hers of the Purdue faculty, but assistance will be sought from others, and occasional selections from books and magazines may be expected. Third. No specific indication will be made as to the length of time each subject should occupy the attention of the pupils. Some of the subjects may properly occupy four weeks and some but a single week. This must depend chiefly upon the ingenuity of the teacher and upon the interest manifested: by the pupils. Further- more, some of the leaflets treat of subjects that should occupy the attention of the pupils for a brief time during the summer, and also for a brief time during the winter, as for example, the leaflet on ~The Care of Domestic Animals.” Fourth. Teachers should at all times strive to induce the pupils io xee and hear and think for themselves; in short, to become original investigators. Fifth. Tt would be well for teachers to organize observation clubs and take the pupils on occasional rambles through the country. Sixth. The pupils should be encouraged to make reports, to write essays and descriptions, and to illustrate on the blackboard and in their drawing books. Seventh. The method of presentation should he oral so far as possible. Habits of correct expression should be cultivated, and the children should he encouraged to ask questions. .\ query box might possibly be used to advantage. Eighth. Teachers should endeavor to interest parents in the en- terprise, and xhould conduct the work in such a way as to secure their earnest co-operation. They should be careful not to require an undue outlay of time or money. Ninth. It is sugvested that flower and fruit festivals, in their proper season, at which small prizes could be offered, might be help- ful. The co-operation of the county agricultural society and other similar organizations might be secured with advantage. Tenth. Since the leaflets are to be used by teachers of varying ex- perience and under widely differing conditions in respect to progress of pupils, no uniform method of treatment will he employed. Some of them will be in the form of directions to teachers, others in the form of directions to pupils, others again, in the form of oral object lessons, and still others will be in the form of stories; and, since they are prepared by a number of different people, no attempt will be made to present them with any uniformity in style of composition. 8 It is important to observe that very much of the Nature Study by the children must be done out of doors, and in the spring and summer, but many of the schools will not be in session at that time | of the year. Such of the leaflets therefore as especially relate to spring and summer work on the part of the children should be translated into oral lessons and given by the teachers of such schools during the winter term. It is quite apparent the leaflets can often be used in this way with but few slight changes in phraseoloyy. Thus instead of taking the children on an excursion in May to observe spring birds the teachers can re-phrase the leaflet on that subject, and use it as a basis for a conversation with the children, instructing them how to become good observers ax they vo about and requesting them to report the results of their obvervations at the beginning of the next term. These oral lessons should bring out, ax much as possible, the previous information of the children. Some of the leaflets, however, which seem especially to relate to objects which can be observed only in the spring, may serve as models upon which the teacher can construct exercises adapted to use in the fall by substituting subjects of study which can be readily found in the later months of the year. To emphasize what has already been said in the Letter of Trans- mittal it may he repeated that the chief purpose of these leaflets is to suggest methods to the teachers rather than to give them informa- tion, and that the most sucecssful results will be obtained when teachers are able to supplement these lessons by those of their own construction, JAMES H. SMART, President Purdue University. No. 14. LEAFLET On Narure StTupy. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. PREPARED BY THE FACULTY OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY. INTRODUCTION TO NATURE STUDY. By PROF. STANLEY COULTER. The purpose of these leaflets is to aid the teachers to bring the chil- dren of rural districts into close sympathy with nature, to cultivate the habit of accurate observation, and to give them such information con- cerning these matters as will be not merely of present interest and use, but which will serve to give added power and usefulness to them in after years, whether they remain upon the farm or enter some other life work. It is further the purpose to show how the truths gathered from these observed facts may be made to be of service in enabling them to do familiar things in a better way, or may even serve to sug- gest entirely new ways of forcing nature to contribute to our prosperity and comfort. Teachers in our ungraded schools are already overcrowded with work, and it is a part of the purpose of these leaflets to suggest to them how, not by added work, but by work of different character they may secure much more perfect and enduring results. Nature work of the highest type can not be given from data drawn from books how- ever skillfully prepared, the data must be drawn from nature itself. So each of these leaflets has as its real center some broad underlying prin- ciple, capable of almost endless illustration and expansion. If this is grasped, it will give new methods of interpretation of nature and its phenomena, which will enable the teacher to use to the objects nearest to his hand as the material for nature study. 2 Each leaflet is merely a suggestion as to how certain familiar objects may be successfully and profitably used in this work. No one of these leaflets is a complete statement of all the truth known concerning the subject treated. They should therefore be regarded by the teacher merely as suggestions, indicating how such material may be used. Large numbers of similar exercises upon subjects suggested by the teacher, or, better still, by the pupils, should be introduced at every point. The real value of these leaflets will be found to lie in the method of treatment and interpretation, not in the detailed exercises with which each one closes. - It should be remembered that the primary purpose of nature work is to cultivate habits of accurate observation. It is evident that in young children the perceptive powers are most keenly alive. Every- thing is novel and interesting to them, and the purpose should be to direct this interest in such a way as to bring to them added knowledge and become a mental habit. The objects used in nature work should be those objects which surround the child, and so these leaflets treat of familiar things which can be readily observed in almost any region. Children love to do things. As they watch the processes of nature about them they see various changes brought about by varying condi- tions. These are usually so complex in nature as not to be of ready interpretation. So far as the subjects admit, there is added to each leaflet suggested experimental work which is within the grasp of the pupils and which may serve to enforce the facts observed. These ex- periments should as a rule be conducted by the pupil, although the teacher should see that the required conditions are met. These ex- periments may be advantageously extended in ways self-suggestive to the live teacher, if care be taken that conditions are not too compli- cated for ready comprehension. While it may be necessary for the teacher occasionally to secure suit- able material for the demonstration of a specific point, the children should from the first be taught to provide their own material. It is fairly easy to have suitable material provided by showing an example of such object. If for example material illustrating the opposite arrangement of leaves upon the stem, with the successive pairs of leaves in different planes is desired, a twig of maple could be shown and the children asked to bring in branches in which the leaves were arranged in the same manner. Nothing should be said as to the char- acter of the arrangement, the eye of the pupil being the sole guide as to the material to be collected. It is plain that a similar method might be employed in almost any form of work undertaken. If chil- dren collect their own material they will develop habits of accurate 3 observation much more rapidly and at the same time will have a much keener interest in the work. It cannot be too strongly insisted that about the surest way to defeat the object of nature work is to tell the child what he is to see. Yet this is at the same time the teacher’s most common error. Unless the child is trained to observe and to rely upon the observations thus made, nature work in the lower grades is meaningless. The work should not be entirely formal or systematic, and indeed it would be impossible to formulate any definite work either as to char- acter or amount which should be assigned to the different grades. The children should be encouraged to observe those things that present themselves and these will vary from day to day. At one time it may be a flight of birds, at another a strange stone, at another a hail storm, or the opening of a flower, whatever it may be it should be used as matter for comment and farther observation. The children should be encouraged to extend their observations so as to include as wide a range of objects and phenomena as is self-suggestive. Yet the work should not be left to the chance material which may attract the child. It would be well to suggest objects to observe from time to time, which: will serve for the basis of some work which all have had opportunity to consider. Experience has shown also that such suggestions add much to the interest of the work and serve to give a new purpose and meaning to the field work or short excursions which should form a part of nature work. It would perhaps be well to spend the half of each exercise upon some previously suggested subject and the other half as an observation club in which the pupils should be encouraged to report and question concerning things which may have attracted their notice since the last exercise. Encourage this especially, even though you are not familiar with the objects or phenomena, for you are only an older pupil in nature work, and if you are sufficiently quiet and observant you may learn much of nature through the keen eyes of your pupils. The value of true nature work can scarcely be over-estimated. Habits of accurate observation soon lead to a correct perception of rela- tions, and this, when applied to the affairs of mature life, conditions success. But in the period of school life it leads to correct notions concerning the relations of living forms to each other, of their relation to the inanimate world, of the influence of surroundings upon life forms, in such a way as to make nature self-interpretative, and her every manifestation educative. Such a knowledge of nature adds di- rectly and largely not merely to the happiness but to the power of its possessor. Knowing nature and her processes, knowing life and its 4 phenomena, he can so direct and control them as to produce the great- est results with the least expenditure of energy. It will make its possessors more expert in their management of cattle and poultry and bees, more skillful in their gardening and culture of small fruits, more successful in the larger operations of the farm. The applications of nature work touch every interest of rural life directly and constantly. These leaflets will therefore be so directed as to apply to the various interests relating to agriculture, horticulture, the care of domestic animals and household economy. ‘This will of course involve leaflets upon economic botany, economic entomology, soils, and other subjects having a bearing upon these broader topics. It is suggested that at least one hour a week be assigned for work of this character, and further, that in the case of very young children no exercise exceed twenty minutes in length. If the teacher is successful in presenting nature work it will be through honest effort. The more popular literature bearing upon the subjects treated should be read by the teacher, so far as opportunity offers, in preparation for the work. Excellent material bearing upon these subjects may be found in the science books recommended by the State Reading Circle. The fact that the objects which suggest themselves for nature study are so variant, and the added fact that they vary from day to day, with the season and with the region, renders it an evident impossibility to issue a series of leaflets which shall either by number or by date of pub- lication, indicate the order of the presentation of natural objects. These leaflets, then, do not suggest an order of presentation, but are meant simply as helps to the earnest, ambitious teacher, when in his nature work he meets the subjects of which they treat. As their purpose is to help the teacher, their number will be largely controlled by their success or failure in accomplishing this end. It is further sug- gested that no time can be assigned in which the work outlined in any leaflet should be completed. The method given is meant to be the chief feature, and these methods should, in the hands of the teacher, be capable of application not merely to the subject treated but to a very wide range of related subjects. FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS. No. 2. LEAFLET On Narure StTupy. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE USE OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS IN RURAL DISTRICTS. PREPARED BY THE FACULTY OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY. THE STUDY OF THE FOLIAGE LEAF. By PROF. STANLEY COULTER. The materials for “nature” study are the nearest and most con- spicuous natural objects. These materials necessarily differ with the locality, with the seasons, even from day to day. It will be found, however, that in almost every locality the greater part of these studies will be connected with plant forms. The reasons for this are very apparent. Plants are living things and life appeals to the child. The material for the studies is convenient and abundant. Plants have a fixed position, allowing the effect of varying conditions to be readily seen and understood. The life cycle is so short that all of its phases may be observed in a single school year. Beyond this it is to be re- membered that plants stand as the visible sign of the agricultural capacity of any region, giving us direct report of the character of its soil and climate; that they are intermediaries between unorganized matter and animal forms, and that they have profound economic im- portance not merely in furnishing food-stuffs, but also in some of their forms, in absolutely conditioning public health. It is, however, be- cause of their abundance and relative ease of preservation in any desired condition, that plant forms must naturally furnish the ma- terial for a large part of nature studies. The flowering plants are evidently the most conspicuous plant forms in any region, and of these the foliage leaf is the most conspicu- ous part. From the earliest spring when it begins to unfold its blade of delicate green, until it falls clothed in autumnal brilliance, it is the 2 dominating feature of the plant. For this reason, this leaflet is in- tended to suggest how the foliage leaf may be used as an object for nature study in such a way, that all work done will have a definite pur- pose and an equally definite value. Foliage leaves are so variant in general appearance, in position, in size and general outline, that it seems necessary to determine what characters are common toall such organs. The following general characters will be found to apply to all foliage leaves however diverse they may be in appearance. 1. The foliage leaf is a lateral organ of the stem. It is found upon no other part of the plant body. 2. The foliage leaf is, characteristically green, due to the presence of chlorophyll which is developed only in the presence of sun- light. 3. The foliage leaf is an expanded organ, giving the greatest possible surface exposure to light and atmospheric conditions. Other puts of the planis are mass structures, not surfaces. It is very evident from these common characters, that the foliage leaf is un organ adapted for the light relation. The value of this con- ception of the foliage leaf in nature studies can scarcely be over-esti- mated. Its application readily and clearly explains peculiarities of form, of position, of lobing, and the great mass of adaptations char- acteristic of plants growing under differing conditions. It explains in a general way plant outlines, and will be found to render clear many apparently puzzling conditions. Before illustrating the above points specifically, it will be well to consider briefly the work of the leaf. This work may be grouped under four heads. 1. Yranspiration, or the interchanges of moisture between the in- terior of the plant and the external air. The result of trans- piration, which is after all apparently little else than evapora- tion, is to aid in the transfer to the leaves of the nutrient water taken from the soil by the roots. 2. Respiration,or breathing. Those gaseous interchanges between the plant and the air through which oxygen is taken up by the plant and carbon dioxide returned to the air. 3. Carbon fixation, or those processes through which, under the in- fluence of light, carbon dioxide taken from the air is broken down, the carbon being retained and built into the tissues of the plant, while a portion at least of the oxygen is returned to the air. 3 4. Photo-syntax, or those processes through which, under the influ- ence of the light, the erude food materials derived from soil and air are transformed into substances suited to the needs of the plant. While for the purposes of this leaflet, only one of these uses, that of transpiration, will be considered, the others have been given to show how essential the light relation is to the foliage leaf if it ac- complish its assigned work. The foliage leaf then is not merely an ornamental appendage to the plant, its various peculiarities being considered as the result of chance, but a working organ intimately concerned with the most important duties in the individual life of the plant. Let us now examine some of the ways in which this light relation is secured. One of the forms, often seen, especially in the early spring, is that known as the “rosette” arrangement. The foliage leaves are apparently arranged radially, lying flat upon the ground, and in the absence of the stem, seeming at first glance quite unlike organs for light relation. Common plants with this arrangment are the mullein and plantain. If the leaves in this arrangement are without leaf stalks, it will be found that in almost every case they are broader at the apex than at the base, a form which in definitional botanies is known as spatulate. The successive circles of leaves as they arise from the center are progressively shorter, the broader portions at the apex fitting into the spaces left between the narrowed bases of the leaves of the preced- ing circle. If the whole rosette be looked at from above it will be seen that scarcely any portion of the lower leaves is shaded by those above, each leaf, by its peculiar form and the regularly diminishing size of the leaves of succeeding circles, being brought into the most perfect light condition. In the case of the plaintain, where leaf-stalks are present, the same condition is brought about by the progressive shortening of the leaf- stalk from the lower to the upper circles of leaves. It is very evident then that the “rosette” arrangement is a device for securing the light relation on the part of plants with reduced stems. MATERIAL FOR ILLUSTRATION : Common plantain, earlier leaves of mullein, shepherd’s purse, dandelion Taking the cases where leaves are found upon a well developed stem, the most casual examination will show device after device for securing proper light relations. So evident are they, that they need not be mentioned in detail, almost every species of plant furnishing its own solution to the problem. If an ordinary erect stem is looked at 4 from above it will be seen that the leaves are arranged in a series of fairly distinct ranks. The number of these ranks is important, since it has a direct relation to leaf form. The greater the number of ranks the narrower the leaves. The smaller the number of ranks the broader the leaves. Facts evidently explained by our conception of the leaf as the organ of light relation. Thus far it has been assumed that the leaf-bearing stem has been erect. If by any chance, or by the necessities of growth it should change from the erect to the horizontal position, it is evident that to secure proper light relations the leaf position must also change. Com- parisons of leaf positions upon erect and horizontal stems taken from the same plant will prove of great value in emphasizing the fact that above all other things the leaf must have light exposure. MATERIAL FOR ILLUSTRATION : Erect and horizontal stems of elm, maple, linn, oak, apple, peach, cherry, catnip, wild pinks, honeysuckle or of any plant that may be growing near at hand. J have considered as yet only cases in which the leaves were entire, or with unbroken margins, since these furnished the simplest illustra- tions. In the case of lobed or dissected leaves, the conditions are somewhat different. In the simpler forms of lobed leaves, the lobing is evidently a device to prevent the shading of underlying leaves. If you recall the ordinary ivy with its sharply angled leaves, almost geo- metrical in their regularity, this fact will be evident. Ifa growing tip of this plant, as it clings to the wall, be carefully flattened down it will be seen that the leaves fit into each other so accurately by means of these angles, that on the one hand there is scarcely any perceptible shading, and on the other there is scarcely any space unoccupied by the leaf. Such accurate fitting of leaves when brought to a common plane, produce what is known as leaf “mosaics,” which simply serve to again prove that the leaf is the organ of light relation. Where the leaves are much dissected, as in the case of the common rag-weed,there is the same arrangement in ranks, the same arrangement of leaves in different planes as in the case of the entire leaf, but as a rule no marked diminution in the size of the leaves as we pass from the base to the top of the plant, the constant shifting of the parts of the dis- sected leaf, and the possible play of light through the openings be- tween the leaf parts, being sufficient to prevent any portion of the underlying leaf from being continuously shaded. MATERIAL FOR ILLUSTRATION: Ivy, geranium, star cucumber, begonia, common mallow, rag-weed or any plant with lobed or dissected leaves. It will be seen then that leaf form largely determines the outline of the plant taken as a whole. Let us return to the mullein for a mo- ment. It will be remembered that the leaves are entire, the lower ones being the largest and standing nearly at right angles to the stem. As. the summit is approached the leaves become gradually smaller and at the same time more closely appressed to the stem, until at the extreme summit they are much reduced and nearly parallel to the stem. This arrangement, so evidently for the purpose of preventing shading of lower leaves, serves to give to the whole plant a general pyramidal outline, a form characteristic of simple plants with entire leaves. In the case of the rag-weed, on the other hand, since there is no diminu- tion in size of the upper leaves, the general outline of the plant is eylindrieal, a form characteristic of plants with divided or dissected leaves. It is evident that in genuine nature work the foliage leaf is to be studied from a new view point. It is not to be used as a frame upon which to hang definitions as to form and margin, apex and blade, but is to be considered as a working organ charged with important duties which can only be successfully performed in the presence of the light. In this view all peculiarities of position and form and structure are but devices for enabling the leaf to properly accomplish its work. The main question in every case concerning the foliage leaf is, “How is the light relation secured?” Before considering specifically how the view of the foliage leaf as the organ of light relation serves to explain many so-called adaptations to meet special conditions, it is necessary to touch very briefly upon the relation of plants to the soil. It is evident that by far the greater part of the food of the plant is derived from the soil. It is also plain from our knowledge of the structure of the plant, that this food must be taken up in the form of a watery solution. It follows, therefore, that the amount of water in the soil has a very important bearing upon the food supply of the plant, and serves, perhaps, more than any other one factor to determine its structural features. Indeed this matter of the available water of the soil is of such great import that it determines largely not merely the external form of the plant, but also modifies in a marked way its minute structure. Based upon this dependence of plants upon and their relation to water, the plants of any given region may be separated into three 6 groups, each showing adaptive arrangements to fit it for its place in nature. 1. Water-loving plants, or those plants which live either wholly or partly in water, or else grow in very wet soil, where the water percentage is 80 or above. This is an extreme form of vegetation, and the number of species of plants in this class in Indiana is relatively small. Technically such plants are known as Hydrophytes. 2. Dry soil or desert plants, at the opposite extreme from the water-loving plants. These plants grow in dry soil and atmos- phere, the water content of the soil being below 10 per cent. at its minimum. Such plants are known as Xerophytes. 3. Intermediate plants, or those adapted to medium conditions of moisture in air and soil. Such plants are known as Mesophytes, and constitute the larger portion of our native flora. While these differing soil conditions modify the structure of the en- tire plant, we wish at this time to consider only their effect upon the leaf. It is plain that when a plant lives in an extremely dry soil, that the water lost ly transpiration can be replaced with extreme diffi- culty, and that if no check were placed upon transpiration the avail- able water in the soil would soon be exhausted and the plant would die. On the other hand, when plants live in the water or in a soil rich in water, the losses from transpiration, however great, can be easily re- placed. As the foliage leaf is the chief organ of transpiration, the most evident adaptations to control the process occur in it. Let usconsiderin what ways transpiration may be checked, and then see if by an application of these facts, the foliage leaf will not tell to us the story of the water capacity of the soil. 1. Transpiration may be checked by reducing the size of the foliage leaf. Much less water will be evaporated in a given time from a vessel with ten square inches of exposed surface than from one with a sur- face exposure of one hundred square inches. So, much less transpira- tion will take place from a small leaf than from a large one. Think of the leaves of the waterlily, of the splatter dock, of the skunk cabbage, indeed of any water or marsh plant with which you are familiar, and compare them as to size, with leaves of the golden rods or the mullein or any familiar plant living in a dry soil. You will see at once a marked contrast. In tropical regions where water is abundant both in soil and air, the foliage leaves are very large, but as we come into the temperate regions the leaves are reduced in size until finally in desert or arctic regions they are so reduced that they almost lose the sem- blance of foliage leaves. 7 ®. ‘Transpiration may be checked by reducing the number of leaves. Ifyoucan recall any plant, say a wild rose, and compare one growing in moist soil with one growing in dry soil, you will at once see how often nature makes use of this device to prevent damage by excessive tran- spiration and to fit the plant to meet its conditions. And in this way also, the leaf tells us of the water content of the soil. You know farmers and gardeners say that in wet weather their plants all run to leaf, which only means that no check need be placed upon tran- spiration. 3. Transpiration may be checked by thickening the outer wall of the leaf. If you compare a leaf of a plant growing in dry soil with that of one growing in very moist soil, the former will in almost every case have the thicker and tougher outer covering. This is one of nature’s favorite devices for checking transpiration, and you can scarcely ex- amine a leaf taken from a plant growing in dry soil which will not show it and at the same time tell to you the character of the soil as to its water capacity. 4. Transpiration may be checked by the leaves having a covering of hairs. This also is of frequent occurrence in nature. The common mullein is a familiar example of this method of controlling transpira- tion. This of course is not the only use of hairs, as may be shown in some future leaflet, but it is one of their important uses. There are other methods of checking transpiration, but we are only concerned with those which are readily apparent and can be used in nature work. If we compare then the foliage leaves of plants growing under dry conditions with those of water-loving plants, the following facts are apparent: 1. The leaves are relatively small. 2. The leaves are often fewer in number. 3. The outer covering of the leaf is thicker. 4. The leaves are often clothed with hairs, which in water-loving plants are almost always wanting. The intermediate plants show almost all conceivable variations be- tween these extremes and are extremely sensitive to the slightest changes in soil and air moisture, recording these changes in cor- responding leaf modifications. The differences in many cases in plants of the same species growing under differing conditions is so marked as to have led to the formation of distinct species, when the plant was merely trying to tell us the story of the soil. It is not wise, in these studies, to press the work upon a single feature too far. Continued application is an acquirement of age. The 8 endeavor has been to call attention to a few points which may suggest to the teacher how to use the foliage leaf in nature work. Similar studies, using some other one of the leaf functions as a4 basis, will doubtless suggest themselves to the teacher, as this work _progresses. Some of these may be treated in future leaflets should this one prove to be helpful to the teachers of the State. The teacher in the country school has here the greatest advantage over the teacher in the city. God’s laboratories are infinitely more complete and more suggestive than man’s, and earnest, honest work in these lines will develop in the pupil habits of observation which will not only be of temporary value but will be a permanent possession. METHODS OF PRESENTATION. 1. Develop general characters of leaf. (p. 2.) This may be done by bringing in abundant material representing different plant forms. Some of the plants should be entire, showing root as well as stem. Have the pupils tell what part of the plant is stem, what part is leaf and what part root. This develops easily and naturally the posttion of the leaf. The color of the leaf can now be con- sidered and this followed by the leaf as a flat organ or surface. Tell the pupil to bring to the school any plants in which the leaves are not upon the stem, are not green and are not expanded surfaces. Such exceptions will be found, but so rarely, that the general characters given will be seen to be the rule. 2. Arrangement of leaves to prevent shading. (a) Take some simple case, as the maple, the elm, the mulberry, or indeed almost any form with simple and entire leaves, being careful to select erect stems. The specimens should be fresh, or the wilting of the leaves may obscure the real relations. Ask if the successive leaves as you pass from base to top of the twig are directly above each other. Does this arrangement prevent the shading of the lower leaves by those above? By abundant material of these simple forms, have the child see the different ways in which this shading is prevented. In most cases it may be necessary to suggest to the child to look at the specimen from above and not from the side. (b) Take horizontal stems of the forms studied under (a), and have the child report upon the very apparent differences in arrange- ment. Ask why this difference occurs. If the answer does not sug- gest itself to the children, repeat the work under (a) and (b), using different forms. Be careful not to suggest the explanation, but allow the pupil to work it out, even though it seem to take a long time. 9 (c) Take the earlier leaves of the mullein, the plantain, the shep- herd’s purse or the dandelion. Work out first the “rosette” arrangement. Then lead up to various arrangements for preventing shading. In the hands of the skillful teacher, this should not be a difficult task. (d) The case of lobed and dissected leaves had perhaps better be illustrated by the teacher. The common ivy, star cucumber, or any convenient plant with lobed or angled leaves will be found suitable. 3. The general form of the plant as determined by the leaf. (a) To show pyramidal form of simple plants with entire leaves, take the common mullein, the shepherd’s purse, or any plant growing in your.region having entire leaves. Have lines drawn from the tip of top leaf to the tip of bottom leaf. What is the shape of resulting figure? (b) To show cylindrical form of plants with dissected leaves, take the rag-weed, or any form easily obtained, and proceed as in (a). In both cases plants of as many kinds as possible should be examined in order that the plant form as determined by the leaf may be seen to be the rule and not merely a chance outline. Plants in which branching does not occur or in which it is very simple should be chosen, as branches complicate the plant outline and render this point more dif- ficult to work out satisfactorily. 4. The leaf as indicating differing soil conditions. (a) Select any water or marsh plants with entire or nearly entire leaves. Suitable forms are waterlily, splatter dock, arrow leaf, skunk cabbage, or marsh marigold. Have them examined with reference to size, toughness and thickness of outer covering of leaf, and presence or absence of hairs. (b) Select forms of plants loving dry ground, such as the golden- rods, mustards, some of the smart-weeds, indeed any form growing in dry soil, whether its name is known or not. Examine as to same points as in (a). Compare conditions found in (a) with those in (b). (c) Take some single form, such as the wild rose, which you find growing in moist soil, intermediate soil, and dry soil. Note changes in leaf size, leaf number, character of outer covering and presence or absence of hairs, in specimens growing in these different conditions. 5. Experimental Work. 1. To show necessity of light for the development of leaf green. (a) Take two plants, equally vigorous, and place them in pots. Keep one in the sunlight, the other in the dark. Let all other condi- tions be identical. At the end of a week or ten days what differences are noticeable in the plants? 10 (b) Shade a portion of a vigorously growing leaf by covering with apiece of pasteboard. The pasteboard maybe held in place by pins passed vertically through it and the leaf, the small wounds made by the pins not producing any injurious effects. At the end of two or three days remove pasteboard and note results. Expose the previously covered portion to the action of light for a few days and note results. In the case of young children interest may be added by cutting the shading pasteboard into various patterns. 2. To show that leaf green is necessary to the growth of the plant. Continue experiment one (a) for two or three weeks. Note differ- ences in size and vigor of plants. 3. To show effect of soil moisture upon plants. Take vigorous seedlings of Indian corn, beans, peas or any rapidly growing plant and place in pots. Subject one plant to drought by withholding moisture from it, give to the other abundant water, being careful, however, not to drown the plant. Note the results at the end of one, two, three and four weeks. These suggestions are made not as laboratory directions, but merely as indications to the honest teacher, of methods by which information may be secured from nature itself without the intervention of text books. Suggestions which it is hoped will lead the teacher to find new meaning in that very common thing, the foliage leaf, and through this to give him the power to advance to a clearer and fuller interpretation of the life about him. FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS. No. 3. LEAFLET On Nature Stupy. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS. PREPARED BY THE FACULTY OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY. THE FLOWER AS AN OBJECT FOR NATURE STUDY. By PROF. STANLEY COULTER. In this study let us remember that the beauty of the flower is but an incident, that the work of the flower is the essential thing. Every living organism, whether plant or animal, has two supreme functions. One is the maintenance of the individual life of the organism, and this is secured by the varied processes concerned in nutrition. The other is the maintenance of the species or kind, and this is secured by the re- productive processes. To the flower, in a very large, degree, is com- mitted the work of perpetuating the species, and if this fact is kept in mind it will serve to make clear much of what follows: Before we consider the work of the flower, let us examine the flower itself very briefly. Let us take for example the apple-blossom or spring-beauty. It will be readily seen in these cases that the flower consists of four circles of parts. An outer and lower circle, which is green in color, known as the caly«, the separate parts being called sepals. Immediately within and slightly above the calyx, a second circle, usually some other color than green. This is the corolla, and its separate parts are petals. Within the corolla a third circle of parts very unlike either sepals or petals in form, the individual members of which are known as the stamens. If you examine closely you will 2 find the stamen to consist of two parts, a thread-like or ribbon-like lower portion, the filament, which bears at its summit a box-like part known as the anther. Within the anther are developed small bodies, rounded or angular in shape, and usually yellow or brown in color, which are called the pollen grains. | When the pollen grains are fully ripened the anther bursts open and the pollen is set free. When you walk through a field of rag-weed in the late summer the yellow powder that covers your shoes is the pollen of the plant. Do not forget this pollen, for it is very important, as we will find later. In the center of the flower a fourth circle of parts, often appearing as a single organ, the pistils. Here again we must examine the part somewhat in detail. In most cases the pistil is found to be made up of three parts; a swollen, rounded base called the ovary, a more or less expanded sum- mit known as the stigma, and a part connecting stigma and ovary known as the style If the ovary be cut across it will be found to contain a number of small, round bodies, usually colorless, which are known as the ovules. These ovules are the bodies which, after fertili- zation, become the seeds. Now, the ovules can only be fertilized through the agency of the pollen grains. If I wished to state the matter scientificially I would say that fertilization occurred when the protoplasmic contents of the pollen grain united with the protoplas- mic contents of the ovule, but for our purpose perhaps the first state- ment will do. It is easily seen, then, that pollen grains and ovules are the parts of the flower essential to reproduction, or, in other words, to the formation of the seed. We then have to seek the significance of the calyx and the highly colored corolla, for they must in some way be associated with the work of the plant. Let us turn for a moment to some other flowers, those of the walnut tree, of the oak, or of grass. Examining these, we find calyx and corolla absent or much reduced, although stamens and pistils are readily made out. It is very clear, then, that calyx and corolla can be and frequently are dispensed with by the flower. After this somewhat lengthy prelude, let us see what the facts it contains teach. Evidently the pollen, when liberated from the anther, must in some way reach the pistil, and, having reached the pistil, its protoplasmic contents must reach the ovule, which is completely en- closed in the ovary. With this latter part of the process we are not concerned in nature-study, but the former is of very great interest. It is plain, if we examine any large number of flowers, that the rela- tive positions of stamens and pistils are such that gravity will not insure the falling of the pollen grain upon the stigma. We must find some means, then, by which the pollen grain is transferred to the 3 stigma. This mechanical transfer of the pollen grain to the stigma constitutes what is known as pollination. Cross pollination is said to oceur when the pollen of one flower is carried to the stigma of another flower of the same kind. Without discussing the matter, we find that in nature cross-pollination occurs in a large majority of plants, and that by many devices self or close pollination is prevented. Cross-pollination is effected in a large measure through two agencies, the wind and insects. If we examine wind-pollinated flowers, we find the following con- ditions to exist:. 1. Calyx and corolla absent or greatly reduced. 2. Absence (ordinarily) of fragrance. 3. Absence of nectar or honey. 4, The development of an immense quantity of pollen. The reasons for these correlations are very evident. The wind is an insensate agent; it “bloweth where it listeth,” and its direction is not changed by brilliance of color, delicacy of odor or presence of nectar. So nature wastes no energy in the development ‘of useless structures, and all the force thus saved is turned to the production of large quantities of pollen grains. This great amount of pollen is necessary because of the uncertainty of any large portion of it finding its way to stigmas ready to receive it; and so these large quantities stand merely as the index of the difficulty of the perpetuation of species in wind-pollinated plants. In insect-pollinated flowers, however, we have a sentient agency, the insect, and as we examine the flowers we find the following correla- tions: 1. Development of color. Development of fragrance. Development of nectar. Extremely varied forms. . A reduced amount of pollen. It is scarcely necessary to speak in detail of these correlations. Color and fragrance serve largely, doubtless, to enable the insects to readily find the plants which produce their favorite food. We must remember that insects do not visit flowers because the flowers are beautiful or fragrant, but because they want food, the color and fragrance standing merely as the indication of the presence of food. The food, however, is so placed that the insect securing it bears away upon its body greater or less quantities of pollen. As it visits another flower of the same kind, this pollen is brushed off by the stigma, and pollination results. The devices for insuring that the pollen be thus OLR gow 4 borne away by the insect, and that it be deposited upon the stigma, are very numerous and very wonderful. Some of them are so jntri- cate as to seem almost incredible unless we remember how jealously nature guards the type. It sometimes happens that particular plants can only be pollinated by particular insects, a fact which largely explains many irregularities in flower forms. For example, the common red clover can only be pollinated through the agency of the bumble-bee. If the bumble- ‘bees in any given region were completely exterminated, the red clover would fail to set seed and would, in a very short time, become extinct. In many cases where the red clover blooms very early farmers do not expect the first flowers to set seed, because, as they say, “the flowers blossomed before bee-time.” Because of the purposeful movements of the insect from flower to flower in search of food, pollination is much more certainly assured than in the case of wind-pollinated flowers, and there is a corresponding reduction in the amount of the pollen. We here begin to see how tangled is the web of life, how closely interdependent are life forms. The plant furnishing food for the insect, the insect in its turn insuring the perpetuation of the plant form. The more we study nature, the closer and more wide-reaching will these relations be found, until we see that the fullest study of a single form would in the end include all living organisms. But, whether the pollinating agent is wind or insect, it would be possible in many cases that self-pollination would occur did not spe- cial devices for its prevention intervene. The more apparent of these are the following: 1. Stamens in one flower and pistils in another, though upon the same plant. 2. Stamens in the flowers of one plant, pistils in those of another. 3. Pollen maturing before the stigma is in condition to receive it, or the reverse. It is very evident that any one of these conditions will effectually prevent self-pollination. The existence of these conditions is easily made out by an examination of the flowers, although the last may need a word of explanation. The maturing of the pollen is evidenced by the bursting of the anther for its escape, and the subsequent droop- ing of the filaments. The indication of the stigma being in a condi- tion to receive the pollen is ordinarily the development, upon a more or less definitely marked region, of hairs or a mucilaginous substance which will serve to retain the pollen which falls upon it. 5 The questions in the study of the flower in nature-work that should always be in mind are these: 1. Is the flower self-pollinated or cross-pollinated? 2. If cross-pollinated, is the agency the wind or insects? 3. If by insects, what forms of insects visit the particular flower under examination? 4, What devices are present for preventing self-pollination? It will be seen that in this leaflet I have called attention to the matter of pollination alone. Other suggestions could be made as to the use of the flower as an object for nature-study, but a somewhat extended experience has convinced me that, with this point as the center, the interest in the flower is keener and of longer continuance. The study of form and color weary after a time, because of their almost infinite variety. The study of a definite purpose accomplished by means of various adaptations is of abiding'interest. If you' and ‘your pupils have the clear-cut conception that the flower has a definite and vital work to perform, and will honestly attempt to work out the various means by which this end ‘is secured, every flower will be to you material for nature-study, and you will find your work increase in interest from day to day. METHODS OF PRESENTATION. 1. Select fairly large and simple flowers for the study of the four circles which go to make up the complete flower. Abundant material should be secured and the variety of forms should be as great as possi- ble. Any or all of the following forms will be found suitable: Any of the buttereups, marsh marigolds, violets, water cress, larkspur, common ‘wild yellow poppy, ‘peas, beans, locust, apple, peach, cherry, straw- berry, dog-tooth violet, or any form near the school and accessible to the children. Work out the different circles repeatedly, using differ- ent plants until they are clearly understood. Make out the different parts of stamen and pistil. Do not have the flower torn to pieces, except when looking for the ovules. 2. Take flowers of maple, oak, hickory, beech or any grass and com- pare with flowers studied under No. 1. Points for comparison will readily suggest themselves to the teacher. 3. To study prevention of self-pollination by separation of stamens and pistils, use flowers of sassafras, spice bush, any of the spurges, oak, walnut ov willow. Many others will be found, if careful examination is made. 6 4. To stady ripening of pollen and stigma at different times, use crocus (cultivated), common plantain. It will be of great interest to the pupils if they are allowed to work out points under Nos. 3 and 4 for themselves. The material should be distributed, with only one question—“Does any device exist for the prevention of self-pollina- tion?” 5. While drawing is not nature-work, it is an accessory to it, and should be used wherever practicable, but never to the extent of ob- scuring the real center of the work, which is the study of nature. The drawing in nature-study is chiefly to be used as a convenient method of making notes. EXPERIMENTAL: To show insect agency in pollination. When peas or beans are in blossom, cover some bunches of flowers with mosquito netting in such a way as to exclude insects, yet admit light. Note results from day to day. Try the same experiment upon apple, peach or strawberry blossoms, and note results. If possible to have access to a field of red clover, enclose some flower-heads before opening in mosquito netting, to prevent insect visi- tation. Compare “netted” flowers with those that were left “un- netted,” as to setting of seed. These suggestions as to methods and experiments are only meant to serve as hints to the busy teacher. If fuller details are desired by any teacher into whose hands this leaflet falls, they will be cheerfully given upon addressing the author. Finally, it must be remembered that in all this work the essential feature is contact with the forms studied in their natural relations. It is the living plant that is to he studied. The scholars should be encouraged to collect their own material, to report upon facts they have observed, and be made to feel that it is their work to find new and interesting facts in nature about them. FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS. [LEAFLET On Nature STupy. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE USE OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS IN RURAL DISTRICTS. PREPARED BY THE FACULTY OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY. THE CARE OF DOMESTIC ANIMALS. By Pror. C S. PLums. The purpose of this little leaflet is to aid in training the powers of observation of children, by studying the animal life of their daily sur- roundings at home. Enough suggestions are given to the teacher in this to enable one to discuss several phases of such life with the children, and inspire them with an ambition to become more familiar with the daily needs and welfare of farm animals. Once upon a time, over a century ago, there lived in England a little boy by the name of Robert Bakewell. He lived with his parents in a stone house and helped take care of the horses, cattle, sheep and swine on the farm. He showed an unusual interest in all of the live stock, and was with them much of his time. As he grew in years, so bis interest in farm animals increased. He was rather a reticent fellow and kept his thoughts to himself. But he was a great thinker and observer. He saw that the people about him had many animals tbat were unworthy of their keeping. The stock grew slowly, ate much expensive food, were of ill shape and were not profitable to their owners. And so after giving this NOYE TO THE TEACHER. You will notice that part of the leaflet is printed leaded, or with the lines far apart. and a part of it not leaded. The teacher should use his discretion in the use of the closely-lined matter. In most cases it will be necessary to simplify it to meet the comprehension of the children. The leaded matter may be read to the children or presented orally just as it is. It, however, admits of unlimited amplification and discussion. In presenting it, the previous knowledge and expe- rience of the children should be drawn upon so far as possible. It is suggested that this leaflet affurds material enough for a great many lessons, and that part of it should be used in the summer and part in the winter. 2 matter much thought, Robert Bakewell began the work of improving the farm animals of his locality, in the county of Leicester. Horses, cattle and sheep he resolved to improve to a higher standard of excellence. His neighbors laughed at him, but he was not diverted from his self- assumed task. For years he worked at his problems, and finally he placed before the admiring world the improved English cart horse, Long- Horn cattle and Leicester sheep. Then Bakewell was honcred, even be- yond the shores of Britain, and in later days he became known as ‘‘ the father of improved live stock husbandry.” What led to Bakewell’s success ? . A natural love for animals The faculty of observation. An ambi- tion to improve that which he thought was inferior. The use of better methods. Persistency of purpose. Are not all these qualities found to some degree in you? Do not the boys and girls of the farm, more often than not, love the animals with which they come in contact? How can this love be turned to account as a means of education in one direction, and animal betterment in another? Let ussee! Robert Bakewell, as one engaged in caring for and improv- ing farm animals, believed in three things: (1) Stabling or shelter ; (2) Proper feeding and watering; and (8) Gentle treatment. Have you ever thought what a highly developed being the improved farm animal of to-day is? Did he not once run wild and independent? Has not the will of man greatly improved the horse, ox, cow and pig since the days when they roamed wild? Seventy-five years ago the fastest horses could hardly race a mile in three minutes. Do you know what the fastest record is today? Where cattle run wild they produce only enough milk to raise their calves on. How much milk has the best cow you have ever heard of given ina year? In some parts of the country, where the pigs run wild and have no care, they are so thin and have such long legs that they call them ‘‘ razor backs,’ and they can almost outrun the fastest dogs. How do the best looking pigs that you see on our farms and at our Fairs look, compared with a ‘razor back”? Yer, it is true, the farm animal of to-day is an artificial one, compesed of either nerves, muscle, meat or wool, and over which man has a won- derful power, if he but knew it Once shelter and care would have been an injury; now is more frequently a neces-ity. And so you should know the real necessity of giving farm animals the care that humanity and economy make des rable. Would it not be well to look into the necessity of these things? Sup- pore we consider some phases of the lives of farm animals that we might give attention to, and thereby add to the comfort of dumb beasts, while adding to our own knowledge of life. Stabling ov Shelter. All animals require protection from the changes of weather or other conditions to a greater or less extent. In the severe 3 cold of winter or the heat of summer, what do most animals'{naturally do? Do they seek for shelter? Is it fur this reason in part that sheds or barns are erected? How do cattle look as they stand in the corn- fields or barnyard on a cold, cloudy day in January, with a strong wind blowing? On the great prairies cattle seek the protection of groves or windbreaks, where other shelter is not provided. In the cooler northern part of the country, in winter, as in Indiana, for example, the humane and wise man provides comfortable barns or warm sheds in which his stock may be housed. Is this important? Let us see. Some years ago the writer conducted an experiment at the Indiana Experiment Station at Purdue, to see if shelter was desirable for ani- mals in winter. Six cows were used. Three of these were given shelter from all kinds of disagreeable weather, while three were kept out, ex- posed to all sorts of conditions during the day, the only shelter provided being a small shed open ou two sides. This experiment showed several things. First, that the exposed cows produced less milk each day than the sheltered. Second, the exposed cows lost in weight, while those given shelter gained Third, the exposed cows ate more food than the shel- tered ones. Fourth, from the financial side, the sheltered cows showed nearly $13 00 more to their credit than did the exposed ones. The animal body is something like the boiler of an engine. The food is the fuel which creates the energy to make the body go. If this body is exposed to severe cold, then more food or fuel is necessary to keep the system up, and so the cost for food is increased. Another thing should never be lost sight of, and that is that it is cruel to expose animals to intense cold without for hours ata time. Even in summer, when there is no breeze and the heat is excessive, all kinds of farm stock will suffer if they can not secure shelter of some kind from the sun’s rays. Suppose that we make some observations on the subject of shelter. Turn one of the horses or cows out of doors in cold winter weather, and note how it affects the appearance and the appetite. When it is stormy in winter, if possible compare the condition of wool and skin of a flock of sheep out of doors with those kept in shelter. Ask the man who buys and sells wool what kind of a fleece is most valuable, the one from sheep running in the rain and snow or the one kept in the dry shed? In sunimer place some pigs in a field exposed to the sun, where they can get no shelter, and compare their appearance and comfort with those lying in the shade. In warm weather, when flies are biting badly, begin to weigh the milk of four cows morning and night. Now turn two of these into the pasture and keep two in a darkened stable, and see what ig the influence on the milk yield and comfort of the different animals. 4 Food and Feeding. All true lovers of animals enjoy watching them eat. lu the great zodlogical gardens crowds assemble to see the lions eat and to feed the monkeys peanuts and candy. There is a sense of pleasure in watching our farm animals with hearty appetite eating their grain in the manger. The most successful feeders study the appetites of their stuck, and enjoy giving changes of diet and noting the relish shown by the animal in eating of it. Of the foods fed, horses prefer oats or corn. Cattle and sheep relish both of these, as well as bran and oil meal, while pigs enjoy corn or shorts or middlings best. In fact a large share of the pigs grown in the United States are fed on corn or its products. All classes of stock, however, enjoy and need herbage in some form, eith-r dry or green. Horses are usually fed timothy hay, and cattle clover and corn fodder, green or dry while sheep need clover or some kind of fine grass, as, for example, Kentucky blue grass. This last is the best pasture grass we have, though for pigs nothing is better than green clover. Now, that we know what fouds are used, how shall the animals be fed ? Shall they be fed at any regular hours? Is there a good and a bad way to feed? Suppose we say, that the best way to feed horses is to give them water first, then some grain, and last, hay. Is that right? Is that the way you do at home? I think horses should be watered before eat- ing. That is, so they will not wash their food down before they have ground it up well in the stomach. But suppose you ask a few men you know, who have horses, when they give them water, and report on this subject. Cattle are usually fed their grain first, and then the hay, or coarse fodder, or pasture. Horses and cattle must be fed morning, noon and night, although grain is not usually fed cattle at noon. Much, however, depends vpon circumstances, for horses that are hard worked, or cattle that are being fattened, or heavily milked, require more nutriment than do others. Sheep and pigs should be fed at morning and night, but if being fattened, it is best to feed them three times a day. It is important that all kinds of stock be fed only such an amount as will be entirely eaten, and with a relish, especially the grain. With some coarse hays or clover there always is necessarily some woody material left uneaten. Here isa good chance to make some observations. What do the live stock you are acquainted with eat? How much is fed them of this or that? At what hours of day are they fel? Do you know how fast they grow? There are sheep and pigs on many farms, where simple feeding experiments might be conducted. Let us take two lambs about the same size, and feed one corn meal and the other ground oats, and see which will grow the best. We should have scales, and the lambs should be weighed occasionally, say once a week, and an accurate record kept of 5 the growth, as well as of the amount of food eaten each week. Then, in a few weeks, it will be interesting to report on the gain in weight, how many pounds of grain were eaten, its value, and which cost the most. Will it not be easy to feed the calves the skim milk for a few weeks, weighing or measuring what they drink of it, and then report on the amount of such food a calf needs each day to grow well? Can you not show how much each 100 pounds of skim milk is worth, when fed to calves or pigs? Feed them the milk, weighing what you give daily, and keeping a record of the weights of the pigs or calves. How much grain do some cows eat daily, that make large amounts of milk? Will such a cow give less milk if she is fed less grain? Watering. Few people realize how important it is that farm animals should be watered properly. In wioter they suffer most, from having to drink from icy prols or troughs, so that if they get enough to satisfy thirst they are frequently chilied all through. With cold air all about the exterior of the body, and ice-water within, the temperature of the body is reduced, and then more food (fuel) is required in the furnace to warm up the body to the necessary point ayain. Do you thivk animals prefer warmed water in winter? Mr. Gurler, in his book ‘‘American Dairying,”’ tells of a case where some young heifers jumped into a water trough to get where the water was coming warm from a pipe. He says his cows when given water slightly warmed keep in better condition and give more milk. I have seen cows go to a stream of water flowing along icy shores, and drink, and then stand humped up and shivering as though suffering from ague. They were chilled through. A cow will easily drink fifty pounds a day of water at a temperature of 60 degrees, but if at 35 degrees, she will not drink all she needs, and will turn away chilled, yet thirsty. Do you know how a cow looks con- taining fifty pounds of ice-water. Teach the necessity of giving the farm stock water that is pure and clean, and which in winter has the chill removed from it. Filthy water usually carries disease germs, and may cause serious sickness. Thou- sands, yes millions, of pigs have died from disease through drinking water that was contaminated with cholera germs. The sheep and pig need as pure water to drink as the horse or cow, and they require plenty of it at all times. Would you not be interested to learn something about this important subject? How much will our farm animals drink at a time? A bucket of water on the scales may be weighed before and after drinking. Will more warm water be drunk than cold? Place a pail of very cold and one of very slightly warm water before the horse on a cold winter day and see which he will drink first. How much water does a sheep drink at atime? How much water will a horse drink in a week? Willa horse that is working hard drink more than one standing in the stable? 6 How much more water will a large horse drink than a small one? Do you know of any men who have heaters in their water troughs in winter, so that their stock may have warm water? If so, ask them how they like these heaters. Genileness is a most important thing to observe when among animals, if one desires to secure the best results in handling them. The man who has the pigs uuder his feet whenever he goes into the lot where they are, by his quietness and gentleness has taught them that he is their friend. Such a person usually knows how to feed profitably aud raise stock suc- cessfully. The man who sits by the nervous cow and quietly soothes her with a gentle voice while milking, instead of using harsh measures, secures more milk and enjoys the company of the beast more than would the man who would ‘teach her a lesson.’? No dumb animal was ever improved in disposition, or made more profitable to the owner, by the adoption of brutal or unnecessarily severe measures. The most successful feeders of stock are invariably gentle in handling their animals. The man who succeeds in getting the greatest speed out of a horse on the race-track is the one who rules by love, not fear. FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS. No. 5. LEAFLET ON NATURE STUDY. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS OF ' PUBLIC SCHOOLS. PREPARED BY THE FACULTY OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY. A CHILDREN’S GARDEN. By L. H. BAILEY, Professor of Horticulture in Cornell University. [Reprinted from a Cornell Leaflet by permission. ] We want every school child in the State to grow a few plants this summer. We want everyone of them to learn something of why and how plants grow, and the best and surest way to learn is to grow the plants and to watch them carefully. We want everyone to become in- terested in everything that lives and grows. It does not matter so very much just what kinds of plants one grows, as it does that he grows something and grows it the best that he knows how. We want the chil- dren to grow these plants for the love of it,—that is, for the fun of it, —and so: we propose that they grow flowers; for when one grows pumpkins and potatoes, and such things, he is usually thinking of how much money he is going to make at the end of the season. Yet, we should like some rivalry in the matter in every school, and we there- fore propose that a kind of fair be held at the school house next Sep- tember, soon after school begins, so that each child may show the flowers which he has grown. What a jolly time that will be! Now, we must not try to grow too many things or to do too much. Therefore, we propose that you grow sweet peas and China asters. They are both easy to grow, and the seeds are cheap. Hach one has many colors, and everybody likes them. Now let us tell you just how we would grow them. 1. The place.—Never put them—or any other flowers—in the mid- dle of the lawn,—that is,not out in the center of the yard. They donot look well there, and the grass roots run under them and steal the food and moisture. I am sure that you would not like to see a picture hung 2 up on a fence-post. It has no background, and it looks out of place. The picture does not mean anything when hung in such a spot. In the same way, a flower bed does not mean anything when set out in the center of alawn. We must have a background for it, if possible,-— a wall upon which to hang it. So we will put the flower bed just in front of some bushes or near the back fence, or alongside the smoke- house, or along the walk at the side of the house or in the back yard. The flowers will not only look better in such places, but it will not matter so much if we make a failure of our flower bed; there are always risks to run, for the old hen may scratch up the seeds, the cow may break into the yard some summer night, or some bug may eat the plants up. Perhaps some of the children may live so near to the school house that they can grow their plants upon the school grounds, and so have sweet peas and asters where there are usually docks and smartweeds. Grow them alongside the fence, or against the school house if there is a place where the eaves will not drip on them. 2. How to make the bed.—Spade the ground up deep. Take out all the roots of docks and thistles and other weeds. Shake the dirt all out of the sods and throw the grass away. You may need a little manure in the soil, especially if the land is either very hard or very loose and sandy. But the manure must be very fine and well mixed into the soil. It is easy, however, to make sweet pea soil so rich that the plants will run to vine and not bloom well. Make the bed long and narrow, but not narrower than three feet. If it is narrower than this, the grass roots will be apt to run under it and suck up the moisture. If the bed can be got at on both sides, it may be as wide as five feet. Sow the seeds in little rows crosswise the bed. The plants can then be weeded and hoed easily from either side. If the rows are marked by little sticks, or if a strong mark is left in the earth, you can break the crust between the rows (with a rake) before the plants are up. The rows ought to be four or five inches further apart than the width of a narrow rake. 3. How to water the plants.—I wonder if you have a watering-pot? If you have, put it where you cannot find it, for we are going to water this garden with a rake! We want you to learn, in this little garden, the first great lesson in farming,—how to save the water in the soil. Tf you learn that much this summer, you will know more than many old farmers do. You know that the soil is moist in the spring when you plant the seeds. Where does this moisture go to? It dries wp,— goes off into the air. If we could cover up the soil with something, we ss) should prevent the moisture from drying up. Let us cover it with a layer of loose, dry earth! We will make this covering by raking the bed every few days,—once every week anyway, and oftener than that if the top of the soil becomes hard and crusty, as it does after a rain. Instead of pouring water on the bed, therefore, we will keep the moisture in the bed. If, however, the soil becomes so dry in spite of you that the plants do not thrive, then water the bed. Do not sprinkle it, but water it. Wet it clear through at evening. Then in the morning, when the surface begins to get dry, begin the raking again to keep the water from getting away. Sprinkling the plants every day or two is one of the surest ways to spoil them. 4. When and how to sow.—The sweet peas should be put in just as soon as the ground can be dug, even before frosts are passed. Yet, good results can be had if the seeds are put in as late as the 10th of May. In the sweet pea garden at Cornell last year, we sowed the seeds on the 20th of April. This was about right. The year before, we sowed them on the 30th. If sown very early, they are likely to bloom better, but they may be gone before the middle of September. The blooming can be much prolonged if the flowers are cut as soon as they begin to fade. Plant sweet peas deep,—two to three or sometimes even four inches. When the plants are a few inches high, pull out a part of them so that they will not stand nearer together than six inches in the row. It isa good plan to sow sweet peas in double rows,—that is, put two rows only five or six inches apart,—-and stick the brush or place the chick- en-wire support between them. China asters may be sown from the middle of May to the first of June. In one large test at Cornell, we sowed them the 4th of June, and had good success, but this is rather later than we would advise. The China asters are autumn flowers, and they should be in their prime in September and early October. Sow the aster seed shallow,—not more than a half inch deep. The tall kinds of asters should have at least a foot between the plants in the row, and the dwarf kinds six to eight inches. Sometimes China asters have rusty or yellow spots on the undersides of their leaves. This is a fungous disease. If it appears, have your father make some ammoniacal carbonate of copper solution and then spray them with it; or Bordeaux mixture will do just as well or better, only that it discolors the leaves and flowers. 5. What varieties to choose.—In the first place, do not plant too much. A garden which looks very small when the pussy willows come 4 out and the frogs begin to peep, is pretty big in the hot days of July. A garden four feet wide and twenty feet long, half sweet peas and half asters, is about as big as most boys and girls will take care of. In the next place, do not get too many varieties. Four or five kinds each of peas and asters will be enough. Buy the named varieties,— that is, those of known colors,—not the mixed packets. If you are very fond of reds, then choose the reddest kinds; but it is well to put in at least three colors. The varieties which please you may not please me or your neighbor, so that I cannot advise you what to get, but I will give you some lists which may help you. Amongst all the sweet peas grown at Cornell last year, the following seemed to be best on our grounds: Dark purple. Waverly. Duke of Clarence. Striped purple. Gray Friar. Juanita. Senator. Lavender. Countess of Radnor. Dorothy Tennant Lottie Eekford. White. The Bride. Emily Henderson. Queen of England, Alba Magnifica. Primrose. Mrs. Eckford. White flushed with pink. Blushing Beauty Katherine Tracy. Eliza Eckford. Striped or flaked pink. Ramona. Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain. Orange-pink. Lady Penzance. Meteor. Rose-pink. Her Majesty. lendor. Apple Blossom. Boreatton. Rose pink shaded with orange. Firefly. Princess Victoria. At another place or in another season, these varieties might not have given us the most satisfaction; but these names suggest some of the colors, if one does not happen to have a seedsman’s catalogue handy. Of China asters, the Comet type—in various colors—will probably give the most satisfaction. They are mostly large-growing kinds. Other excellent kinds are the Perfection and Peony-flowered, Semple or Branching, Chrysanthemum-flowered, Washington, Victoria, and, for early, Queen of the Market. Odd varieties are Crown, German Quilled, Victoria Needle and Lilliput. Very dwarf kinds are Dwarf Bouquet or Dwarf German, and Shakespeare. FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS. No. 6. LEAFLET ON NATURE STUDY. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE USE OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS IN RURAL DISTRICTS. PREPARED BY THE FACULTY OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY. A CHAT ABOUT BUGS. By PROF. STANLEY COULTER. I believe in using pencil and paper, so I want you to have them near you while you are reading this leaflet. The first thing I want you to do is to make a list of all the animals that you know live about your home. I do not mean donestic animals, such as sheep and pigs and dogs, but wild animals, such as squirrels and rabbits. Write the names in a column on the left side of the page. Now opposite each name tell where the animal lives, whether in trees or caves or under ground, and also tell what kind of food it eats. After you have done this make a similar list of the birds that live about your home. Now try to make a list of the lugs or insects that you know live about your home, being sure to tell where they live and what kind of food they eat. You cannot tell so much about them as about the ani- mals and birds, can you? Of course, every boy and girl is interested in animals and birds. they love to watch them and are constantly trying to find out more about them, but I find very few boys and girls or even grown-up people who are interested in what they call “bugs.” Now, I do not think “bugs” a very nice name, but we can afford to let that pass because we know just what kind of animal we mean when we use the term. I was talking the other day about insects to some people, and when I got through one of them said: “I never knew 2 there was anything interesting about bugs before.” It was just because of that remark that I am writing this leaflet. Have you any idea how many different kinds of insects there are in the world? Well, there are hundreds of thousands. There are at least four times as many different kinds of animals of this kind as of all the other kinds put together. Have you studied arithmetic yet? If you have you will understand what I mean when I say that four-fifths of all the kinds of animal life by number belong in the family in which the bugs are found. So you see that they ought to interest us because they are so numerous. Did you ever hear of insects darkening the sun? They do sometimes, for they fly in such great swarms that they hide the sun just as it would be hidden by a heavy cloud. Do you think they could ever stop one of the great trains that you see rushing past on the railroad? They have done it, just because of their countless numbers. In Indiana we do not often see such vast numbers at a single time, but don’t you remember sometimes how you have driven through clouds of gnats, or how in the evening the fireflies have made the meadow gleam like the lights of a distant city’ If you watch this summer you will be surprised to find how many times you will see great swarms of bugs. Sometimes it will be in the morning, some- times in the iniddle of the day, sometimes in the evening. When you see them, if you have time, watch them and see if you can find out what becomes of them. Of this vast nuinber of bugs or insects some are very helpful to man, while others vive him a great deal of trouble and often cause him to lose his crops or harvested grain. Some of these insects help man, because if it were not for their love of honey many plants would not set seed, and that would mean that, after a while, that plant would entirely disappear. If all of the bumblebees in the world should be killed the red clover would also be destroyed, for red clover can only set sced when visited by bumblebevs. Others of these bugs help man because they eat the harmful ones, or destroy their eggs or young, while others, such as the honey bec, furnish him with food. A good deal of the harm done by insects is to growing crops. They attack it at all times. Sometimes just as the seed has burst open and is sending out its tender stem and roots, sometimes they wait until the leaves unfold and eat them, and sometimes they leave the plant untouched until the fruit is ripening and eat that. After the farmer puts his grain in the granary it is not safe, for some of the bues known as weevils may find it and eat it, just as if it had been put carefully 3 away for them. Try to find out how many kinds of bugs eat the tender, young seedlings. How many kinds eat the leaves? How many kinds eat the grain or fruit? Watch the growing corn and cabbages and potatoes and tomatoes, and do not forget the currant bushes and grapes and fruit trees. Sometimes you will have to look closely, for these dangerous insects are often so colored and marked as to almost exactly imitate the part of the plant upon which they feed. Then insects injure man because of their attacks upon domestic an- imals. Did you think a fly could keep cattle out of a country? There are some regions, especially in South Africa, where there is splendid grass and plenty of water, but no cattle. The reason is that in those regions there lives a fly known as the tsetze fly, which actually worries the cattle to death. I cannot stop to tell you about the way in which this is done, but perhaps if your father will tell you something about the bot fly and the way it troubles cattle you can work it out for your- self. Then others of these insects are hurtful because they destroy those that help us. Do you know any one that keeps bees? If you do, ask him to tell you about the bee-moth and other insects that spoil the hives. You see from what I have said that our bugs are of two kinds, those that eat vegetable food and those that eat animal food. Try how many different kinds of insects you can find that eat plant food and how many that eat animal food. I suppose none of you think you would be afraid of a flesh-eating insect. It might do to be afraid of a bear or a lion, but no one would be afraid of an insect. Yet in some places these fierce, flesh-eating insects at times gather in great num- bers and march in unbroken lines across the country in their search for new homes. Nothing can stop their march but fire or flood, and if a man should attempt to force his way through such an army he would be killed and eaten in a very short time. Even the plant-eating insects do their work of destruction very rapidly. I have seen a forty-acre field of wheat entirely eaten in less than two hours. Some time when you have found out all you can about bugs with your eyes, I hope you will get a magnifying glass, and then you can see the curious mouth-parts of these dangerous insects. Some are like scissors and some like chisels and all are very strong and powerful. When the bugs, which you have thought so uninteresting, have so much to do with the success or failure of the year’s work, don’t you think it would be wise to find out all you can about them? I am sure 4 I do, for I believe that if your fathers and mothers had known as much about bugs as you may. if you keep your eyes open, they would be very much richer than they are to-day. A million dollars seems like a ereat deal of money, does it not? A great many splendid things could be done with that amount. But did you know that the farmers vf Indiana Joxe more than a million of dollars every year because of insects? It is because I want you to try to save this vast sum of money that Iam trying to interest you in what are known as bugs. T believe I have said enough to show that bugs are worth studying. But did you ever think how wise xeme insects were? J know of some that build great domes ax perfect as our best engineers can de- vise. When we think of the size of the insect, they are vastly larger than anything man has ever undertaken. Man has wood and iron and steel to help him, but these insects have only the earth, and vet their wonderful arches and domes stand strong and true. Sometinics these domes are 60 feet around and 25 fect high and are led into hy a series of vaulted halls and passages that cover rods in every direction. Then xome insects are too proud to work, and so have slaves, who do all their work; in some cases they compel the slaves to chew the food for them and place the prepared morsv! in their mouth. To capture these slaves they march out in companies and regiments and brigades, under the command of officers. and wage a genuine war. They talk to each other by means of their “feelers” or antennae, as wise men call them, and »end messages from one part of the army to another or back to the home nest. I could tell you many more wonderful things that they de. Do you want to know what strange kind of insects know so much? Well, they are the ants. If you can find an ant nest this sum- mer far enough away from the house not to be a nuisance, do not destroy it, but watch it from day to day, an hour or two hours at a time, and you will come to the conclusion that I have, that an ant has more sense than the elephant, big as it is, and that it knows more than even the dog or horse. It is strange, is it not, that vou and I have not been more interested in animals that did such wonderful things? There are other insects beside the ant that are very intelligent. but I cannot stop to tell about them here. I was talking a little while ago about plant-eating and flesh-eating inscets, but what would vou think of insects that eat the hardest wood, or that thrive on carpets and furs? Of others that prefer stone, and others that will chew up iron? Yet there are inseets that destroy stone pillars. eating their way straight into the hard mass, and there o are those that eat into the hardest wood, making holes as true and smooth as you can make with a carpenter’s gimlet. I believe you will want that magnifying glass pretty soon to examine those wonderful mouth parts. Then some of these bugs can sew, making seams so perfect and drawing torn or cut edges together so carefully that you will need the magnifying glass again to find where they have been at work. Some- times instead of simply mending, they cut patterns out of leaves with their scissor-like jaws and sew the pieces together to make the de- sired article. There are others that spin, some coarse, rough threads, but others the finest silk. Indeed, if I were to try to tell you of all the wonderful things bugs could do I would have to write a book instead of a leaflet. Squirrels and rabbits cannot do such things, nor can birds. So I think if you watch closely you will find in your study of bugs not only many useful things, but many very wonderful things. But I believe the most wonderful thing is yet to be told. If you see a young lamb you know it is a lamb, and when it grows it only gets bigger, and though we call it a sheep, it has still the same shape and eats the same kind of food. A young pig is just like an old one, only smaller. But with our bugs this is not so. Most of them have three different forms, in each of which they spend part of their life. These forms look very unlike, they have very different habits and sometimes eat different food. Some time in the summer you may be fortunate enough to find some eggs which have been laid by a butterfly upon a leaf. If you mark the spot and watch carefully by and by you will see the eggs break open, and there will come out, not little butterflies, but ugly, worm-like looking things, with any number of legs and strong, big jaws, with which they immediately begin to devour the leaf upon which they were born. We call these caterpillars. Scien- tific men call them larvae. You can always tell a caterpillar from a worm, because a worm has no visible legs and no well-developed mouth parts. Now, remember that every caterpillar you see is only a “bug” in one stage of its life. Watch these caterpillars. Find a to- mato “worm” and watch it from day to day. Does it eat much? Does it grow rapidly? Go to the currant bushes and watch the cater- pillars there. Examine the tent caterpillars that grow in cherry and elm trees. Do they eat much? Do they grow rapidly? I believe you will come to the conclusion that about all a caterpillar has to do is to eat. Indeed, many insects are only destructive in the caterpillar stage. Do you know if the farmers in Indiana knew this and would destroy caterpillars, or better still, the eggs, they would save thousands of dol- 6 lars each year? Did you ever hear of a “cut worm?” Go out into a cornfield where they are at work. You can tell because the young corn is cut off just below the ground as cleanly as if with a knife. Dig up one of the cut worms. Is it a worm at all? But by and by, if you watch the caterpillar, it moves about less and eats less, and builds over itself a strange-looking outer covering. This outer covering varies in color with the material of which it is made. Sometimes it is earth, sometimes leaves, sometimes silk spun by the caterpillar. In this tightly fitting house the caterpillar lies, perfectly quiet, sometimes for a month, sometimes for two or three months and sometimes even for years. This is another stage of insect life, which is called the pupa stage. At last movements show themselves within the case, it splits open along the side, and there comes out the butterfly. It looks nothing like the caterpillar and nothing like the pupa. It does not have to grow, for it is as large the moment it is born as when it dies. Did you ever watch these changes from the egg, through the various stages, to the perfect insect? It can be easily done. You can try it with the currant caterpillar or the tomato caterpillar, and if you feed them well in the caterpillar stage you will have little difficulty in the work. But I only wanted to show you how much of interest there was in bugs, and more than that, how important it was that we should know more about them, and not to tell you in detail how to study them. After you have studied bugs a little while and know more about their structure you will find that lobsters and crawfish and spiders be- long in the same family, unlike as they seem to be to the butterflies and bees and grasshoppers. You will find that there are bugs that live in the water and others that live in the air; that some live under- ground and some upon other animals. Jndeed, you will find that every possible place where animal life can exist contains members of this great family, and you will no longer wonder that their number is so vast. FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS. No. ‘7. LEAFLET On Nature STupy. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE USE OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS IN RURAL DISTRICTS. PREPARED BY THE FACULTY OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY. THE OBSERVATION CLUB, No. 1. You will remember that in our talk last Friday I told you that we should try to-day to form a sort of observation club composed of those of us who think we would be interested in taking excursions about the country in order to find out all we can about the things which we see and hear every day, but about which, as I am sure you have already discovered, most of us know very little because we have not learned to use our eyes and ears as we should. I think from the talks we have already had you have begun to realize what a wonderful world this is; how full of beauty; and how many instructive lessons it has for us if we are but ready and willing to learn them. I hope you have been thinking and talking over what was told you last week and are ready now to organize some such club and to elect your officers. It seems to me we ought to have a president who will look after the business of the club and preside at its meetings; also a secretary to keep our records, take care of our money, if we ever have any, and of our museum, if we are able to collect one. I do not think we shall need any written constitution unless we should grow into a society of naturalists, as I hope we may when we have had more experience. Since I have promised to direct your field expeditions and to give you what field lectures I can, you may call me, if you please, the director of the club. 2 NOTE.—The children should then, in proper order, nominate and elect such officers as in the judgment of the teacher are desirable, with or with- out written rules for the government of the club. Among the names which may be selected for the club the following are suggested: The Ramblers, The Naturalists, The Zig Zag Club. Now, in order to interest you still more in the work which this club is going to try to do, I want to tell you something about a famous man who started, and for a long time conducted, one of these observation clubs in England. This man, the Rev. Chas. Kingsley, was a great preacher—for a time in the Cathedral at Chester and afterwards in that beautiful Westminster Abbey, of which you have probably heard— He was a great lover of books, too, but a still greater lover of nature. Tn an address which he once made to the boys in Wellington he said a good many wise things, a few of which I will read to you. I want you to listen very carefully, for he tells you some things which will be useful to you as members of an observation club. “The first thing for a boy to learn, after obedience and morality, is a habit of observation—a habit of using his eyes. They say knowledge is power, and so it is, but only the knowledge which you get by obser- vation. “The art of learning consists, first and foremost, in the art of ob- serving. “Hiverything which helps a boy’s powers of observation, helps his power of learning; and J know from experience that nothing helps so much as the study of the world about you, and especially of natural history. To be accustomed to watch for curious objects, to know in a moment when you have come to anything new—which is observation. To be quick at seeing when things are like, and when unlike—which is classification. All that must, and I well know does, help to make a boy shrewd, earnest, accurate, ready for whatever may happen.” While Mr. Kingsley was Canon of Chester he thought he might do good to the working people by interesting them in nature study. So he occasionally gave them evening lectures. I want to read you now a part of his lecture on coal, from which you will see that he had very keen eyes, and, too, that he used very beautiful language. In the course of his lecture he lifted a lump of coal from the table, and holding it up before his listeners, said: “A diamond, nothing less. We may consider the coal upon the fire as a middle term of a series of which the first is the live wood, and the last a diamond; and indulge safely in the fancy that every diamond in the world has probably, at some remote epoch, formed part of a grow- ing plant. A strange transformation, which will look to us more 3 strange, more poetical, the more we look at it. The coal on the fire, the table at which I stand, what are they made of? Gas and sunbeams, with a small percentage of ash, or earthy salts, which need hardly be taken into account. “ “Gas and sunbeams.’ Strange, but true. The life of the growing plant—and what that life is, who can tell?—laid hold of the gases in the air and in the soil, of the carbonic acid, the atmospheric air, the water, for that too is gas. It drank them in through its rootlets; it breathed them in through its leaf pores, that it might distil them into sap, and bud, and leaf, and wood. But it had to take in another ele- ment, without which the distillation and the shaping could never have taken place. It had to drink in the sunbeams, and absorbed them, buried them in itself—no longer as light and heat, but as invisible chemical force, locked up for ages in that woody fibre. “So it is! Lord Lytton told us in a beautiful song, how ‘the wind and the beam loved the rose.’ But nature’s poetry is more beautiful than man’s. The wind and the beam love the rose—or rather the rose takes the wind and the beam, and builds up out of them, by her own inner life, her exquisite texture, hue, and fragrance. What next? The rose dies; the timber tree dies—decays down into vegetable fibre, is buried, and turned to coal; but the plant can not altogether undo its own work. Even in death and decay, it cannot set free the sun- beams imprisoned in its tissue. The sun force must stay, shut up age after age, invisible but strong; working at its own prison cells, trans- muting them, or making them capable of being transmuted by man, into the manifold products of coal, coke, petroleum, mineral pitch, gases, coal tar, benzole, delicate aniline dyes, and what not, till its day of deliverance comes. Man digs it, throws it on the fire, a black, dead- seeming lump. A corner, an atom of it, warms till it reaches the ig- niting point; the temperature at which it is able to combine with oxy- gen. And then, like a dormant live thing, awaking after ages to the sense of its own powers, its own needs, the whole lump is seized, atom after atom, with an infectious hunger for that oxygen which it lost centuries since in the bottom of the earth. It drinks the oxygen in at every pore; and burns. And so the spell of ages is broken. The sun- force bursts its prison cells, and blazes with the free atmosphere as light and heat once more, returning in a moment into the same forms in which it entered the growing leaf a thousand centuries since. Strange it all is—yet true. But of nature, as of the heart of man, the old saying stands—that truth is stranger than fiction.” NOTE.—If the children are too young to understand the language of this quotation, it should be omitted. The teacher might, however, translate it into simpler language and make it serve as an interesting object lesson. Should he do this and wish for further information on the subject it may be found in “The Fairy Land of Science,’ by Arabella Buckley, one of the books in the list adopted by the Indiana Reading Cirele Board. But while Mr. Kingsley felt that he was helping the people by means of these lectures, he soon decided that he could do far more for a7 + them by establishing sowething in the way of an observation club, and so he offered to conduct excursions into the country and to give field lectures. He thought that perhaps there might be ten or fifteen people who would be willing to follow where he, with his botany box on his back and his geological hammer in his hand, would lead, but he often had a hundred or more. This was the beginning of the famous Chester Scientific Society, one of the strongest societies of its kind in England, which now has nearly six hundred members, and enrolls as honorary members such men as Huxley, Tyndall, Lyell and other famous scientists. In the lecture at Wellington, which I have already mentioned, Mr. Kingsley spoke of a very interesting story, which had, as he said, a great influence on his life. He said: “When we were little and good, a long time ago, we used to have a jolly old book called ‘Evenings at Home, in which was a great story called ‘Eyes and No Eyes, and that story was of more use to me than any dozen other stories I ever read. And when I read that story, I said to myself, I will be Mr. Eyes; I will not be Mr. No Eyes, and Mr. Eyes I have tried to be ever since; and Mr. Eyes I advise every one of you to be, if you wish to be happy and successful.” I will, if you like, read you the story to which Mr. Kingsley alluded. Although the scene is laid in England and the story speaks of some things which are not to be seen in this country, I think you can get from it some valuable lessons as to the use of your eyes and ears. EYES, AND NO EYES; OR, THE ART OF SEEING. By Dr. AIKIN AND MRS. BARBAULD. “Well, Robert, whither have you been walking this afternoon?” said Myr. Andrews to one of his pupils at the close of a holiday. R.—I have been, sir, to Broom-heath, and so around by the wind- mill upon Camp-mount, and home, through the meadows, by the river side. My, A.—Well, that’s a pleasant round. R.—I thought it very dull, sir; I scarcely met with a single per- son. I would rather by half have gone along the turnpike road. Mr. A.—Why, if seeing men and horses were your object, you would, indeed, have been better entertained on the highroad. But did you see William? 5 R.—We set out together but he lagged behind in the lane, so I walked on and left him. Mr. .\.—That is a pity. Ie would have been company for you. R.—O, he is so tedious, always stopping to look at this thing and that. I had rather walk alone. I dare say he has not got home yet. Mr. A.—Here he comes. Well, William, where have you been? W.—O, sir, the pleasantest walk! I went all over Broom-heath, and so up to the mill at the top of the hill, and then down among the green meadows, by the side of the river. Mr. A.—Why, that is just the round that Robert has been taking, and he complains of its dullness, and prefers the highroad. W.—I wonder at that. Iam sure I hardly took a step that did not delight me. and I have brought home my handkerchief full of cu- riosities. Mr. A.—Suppose, then, you give us some account of what amused youso much. I fancy it will be as new to Robert as to me. W.—I will. sir. The lane leading to the heath, you know, is close and sandy; so I did not mind it much, but made the best of my way. However, I spied a curious thing enough in the hedge. It was an old crab tree, out of which erew a great bunch of something green, quite different from the tree itself. Here is a branch of it. Mr. A.—Ah! this is mistletoe, a plant of great fame for the use made of it by the Druids of old in their religious rites and incanta- tions. It bears a very slimy, white berry, of which birdlime may be made, whence its Latin name Viscus. It is one of those plants which do not grow in the ground by a root of their own, but fix themselves upon other plants; whence they have been humorously styled parasiti- cal, as being hangers-on, or dependants. It was the mistletoe of the oak that the Druids particularly honored. F W.—A little further on, I saw a green woodpecker fly to a tree, and run up the trunk like a cat. Mr. A.—That was to seek for insects in the bark, on which they live. They bore holes with their strong bills for that purpose, and do much damage to the trees by it. W.—What beautiful birds they are! Mr. A.—Yes: the woodpecker has been called, from its color and size, the English parrot. W.—When I got upon the open heath, how charming it was! The air seemed so fresh, and the prospect on every side so free and un- bounded! Then it was all covered with gay flowers, many of which I had never observed before. There were, at least, three kinds of heath G (1 have got them in my handkerchief here), and gorse and broom, and bellflower and many others of all colors, that I will beg you presently to tell me the names of. Mr. A.—That I will, readily. W.—I saw, too, several birds that were new to me. There was a preity grayish one, of the size of a lark, that was hopping about some great stones; and when he flew he showed a great deal of white about his tail. Mr. A.—That was a wheat-ear. They are reckoned very delicious lirds to eat, and frequent the open downs in Sussex, and some other countics In great numbers. W.—There was a flock of lapwings upon a marshy part of the heath, that amused me much. As I came near them, some of them kept flying round and round, just over my head, and crying “Pewet!” so distinctly, one might almost fancy they spoke. I thought I should have caught one of them, for he flew as though one of his wings was broken, and often tumbled close to the ground; but as I came near, he always made a shift to get away. My. A.—Ha! ha! You were finely taken in, then! This was all an artifice of the bird’s to entice you away from its nest; for they build upon the bare ground, and their nests would easily be observed did they not draw off the attention of intruders by their loud cries and counterfeit lameness. W.—I wish I had known that. for he led me a long chase, often over shoes in water. However, it was the canse of my falling in with an old man and a boy, who were cutting and piling up turf for fuel, and I had a good deal of talk with them about the manner of prepar- ing the turf and the price it sells at. They gave me, too, a creature I never saw before—a young viper, which they had just killed, together “with sis dam. I have seen several common snakes, but this is thicker jn proportion and of a darker color than they are. Mr. A.—True. Vipers frequent those turfy, boggy grounds pretty much, and I have known several turf-cutters bitten by them. W.—They are very venomous, are they not? Mir. A.—Enough so to make their wounds painful and dangerous, though they seldom prove fatal. W.—wWell, I then took my course up to the windmill on the mount. I climbed up the steps of the mill in order to get a better view of the country around. What an extensive prospect! J counted fifteen church steeples; and I saw several gentlemen’s houses peeping out from the inidst of green woods and plantations; and I could trace the 7 windings of the river all along the low grounds, till it was lost behind a ridge of hills. But, I’ll tell you what I mean to do, sir, if you will give me leave. Mr. A.—What is that? W.—I will go again and take with me the county map, by which I shall probably be able to make out most of the places. Mr. A.—You shall have it, and I will go with you, and take my pocket spying glass. W.—I shall be very glad of that. Well—a thought struck me, that as the hill is called Camp-mount there might probably be some re- mains of ditches and mounds, with which I have read that camps were surrounded. And I really believe I discovered something of that sort running around one side of the mound. Mr. A.—Very likely you might. I know antiquarians have de- scribed such remains as existing there, which some suppose to be Roman, others Danish. We will examine them further, when we go. W.—From the hill, I went straight down to the meadows below, and walked on the side of a brook that runs into the river. It was all bor- dered with reeds and flags, and tall flowering plants, quite different from those I had seen on the heath. As I was getting down the bank, to reach one of them, I heard something plunge into the water near me. It was a large water rat, and I saw it swim over to the other side and go into its hole. There were a great many large dragen flies all about the stream. I caught one of the finest and have got him here in a leat. But how I longed to catch a bird that I saw hovering over the water, and that every now and then darted down into it. It was all over a mixture of the most beautiful green and blue, with some orange color. It was somewhat less than a thrush, and had a large head and bill and a short tail. Mr. A.—I can tell you what that bird was—a king-fisher, the cele-- brated halcyon of the ancients, about which so many tales are told. It lives on fish, which it catches in the manner you saw. It builds in holes in the banks, and is a shy, retired bird, never to be seen far from the stream where it inhabits. W.—I must try to get another sight of him, for I never saw a bird that pleased me so much. Well, I followed this little brook till it entered the river, and then took the path that runs along the bank. On the opposite side I observed several little birds running along the shore, and making a piping noise. They were brown and white and about as big as a snipe. Mr. A.—I suppose they were sand-pipers, one of the numerous fam- 8 ily of birds that get their living by wading among the shallows, and picking up worms and insects. W.—There were a great many swallows, too, sporting upon the sur- face of the water, that entertained me with their motions. Some- times they dashed into the stream: sometimes they pursued one an- other so quickly, that the eve could scarcely follow them. In one place, where a high, steep sand bank rose directly above the river, I observed many of them go in and out of holes, with which the bank was bored full. Mr. A.—Those were sand martins, the smallest of our species of swallows. They are of a mouse color above, and white beneath. They make their nests, and bring up their young in these holes, which run a great depth, and by their situation are secure from all plunderers. W.—A little further, I saw a man in a boat, who was catching eels in an odd way. He had a long pole, with broad iron prongs at the end, just like Neptune’s trident, only there were five instead of three. This he pushed straight down among the mud, in the deepest parts of the river, and fetched up the eels sticking between the prongs. Mr. A.—I have seen this method. It is called spearing of eels. W.—While I was looking at him, a heron came flying over my head, with his large, flapping wings. He alighted at the next turn of the river, and I crept softly behind the hank to watch his motions. He had waded into the water as far as his long legs would carry him, and was standing with his neck drawn in, looking intently on the stream. Presently he darted his long bill, as quick as lightning, into the water, and drew out a fish, which he swallowed. I saw him catch another in the same manner. He then took alarm at some noise I made, and flew away slowly to a wood at some distance, where he settled. Mr. A.—Prohably his nest was there, for herons build upon the loftiest trees they can find, and sometimes in society together, like rooks. [ormerly, when these birds were valued for the amusement of hawking, many gentlemen had their heronries, and a few are still remaining. W.—I think they are the largest wild birds we have. Mr. A.—They are of great length and spread of wing, but their bodies are comparatively small. W.—I then tured homeward, across the meadows, where I stopped awhile to look at a large flock of starlings, which kept flying about at no great distance. I could not tell at first what to make of them; for they arose altogether from the ground as thick as a swarm of i) bees, and formed themselves into a sort of black cloud, hovering over the field. After taking a short round they settled again, and pres- ently arose again in the same manner. | dare say there were hundreds of them. Aly. A.—Perhaps so; for in the fenny countries their flocks are so numerous as to break down whole acres of reeds by settling on them. This disposition of starlings to fly in close swarms was remarked even by Homer, who compares the foe. flying from one of his heroes, to a cloud of stares retiring dismayed at the approach of the hawk. W.—After I had left the meadows, I crossed the cornfields in the way to our house, and passed close by a deep marl pit. Looking into it I saw in one of the sides a cluster of what I took to be shells; and upon going down I picked up a clod of marl, which was quite full of them; but how seashells could get there I cannot imagine. Afr. A.—I do not wonder at your surprise, since many philosophers have been much perplexed to account for the same appearance. It is not uncommon to find great quantities of shells and relics of marine animals even in the bowels of high mountains, very remote from the sea. They are certainly proofs that the earth was once in a very dif- ferent state from what it is at present; but in what manner, and how ‘ong ago these changes took place, can only be guessed at. W.—I got to the high field next our house just as the sun was set- ting, and I stood looking at it till it was quite lost. What a glorious sight! The clouds were tinged purple and crimson, and yellow of all shades and hues, and the clear sky varied from blue to a fine green at the horizon. But how large the sun appears just as it sets! I think it seems twice as big as when it is overhead. Mr. A.—It does so; and you may probably have observed the same apparent enlargement of the moon at its rising? W.—I have; but, pray, what is the reason of this? Mr. A.—It is an optical deception, depending upon principles which I can not well explain to you till you know more of that branch of science. But what a number of new ideas this afternoon’s walk has afforded vou! I do not wonder that you found it amusing; it has been very instructive, too. Did you see nothing of all these sights, Robert? R.—I saw some of them, but I did not take particular notice of them. Mr. A.—Why not? R.—I don’t know. I did not care about them, and I made the best of my way home. Mr. A.—That would have been right if you had been sent with a 10 message; but as you walked only for amusement, it would have been wiser to have sought out as many sources of it as possible. But so it is—one man walks through the world with his eyes open, and another with them shut; and upon this difference depends all the superiority of knowledge the one acquires above the other. I have known sailors, who have been in all quarters of the world, and could tell you nothing. * * * Qn the other hand, a Franklin could not cross the Channel without making some observations useful to mankind. While many a vacant, thoughtless youth is whirled throughout Europe without gain- ing a single idea worth crossing a street for, the observing eye and inquiring mind find matter of improvement and delight in every ramble in town or country. Do you, then, William, continue to make use of your eyes; and you, Robert, learn that eyes were given you to use.” I hope that as Mr. Kingsley says, you will try to be Mr. Eyes all of you, especially during the coming week, and that you will try to find out all that you can about the birds that you see day by day. Next Saturday we will take our first field excursion and the subject of our study will be “Our Spring Birds.” FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS. No, 8, LEAFLET ON NATURE STUDY. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE USE OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS IN RURAL DISTRICTS. PREPARED BY THE FACULTY OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY. SPRING: BIRDS. By Mrs. JEANETTE D. RuBy. I wonder why every boy that can borrow a gun goes out into the woods, and tries to kill birds. I sometimes think it is because boys, and even grown people for that matter, know so little about birds. When we become acquainted with our native birds and learn their habits and know what they eat, we find that nearly all of them are help- ful to us, and that only a very few are ever harmful to us. Suppose you write down upon one slip of paper the ways in which birds help us, and on another the ways in which they harm us. Which list is the longer? Perhaps when you first think about it the second will be the longer; but keep the lists, and during the summer keep your eyes open and note down every good thing and every bad thing you see birds do. When the season is over, I believe you will care for the birds not merely because they are so beautiful, but also because they are so help- ful. You think the owls are altogether bad, perhaps, but try to find out what they feed upon and see if it is true. Of course they may eat a chicken occasionally, but you know that the owls in your neighbor- hood do not eat enough chickens to keep them alive. You guard your chickens too carefully for that. What do you think they eat when they cannot get chicken? When you find out let me know whether you think that even the owls are altogether bad. You can watch the screech owl more easily than any other perhaps, because it is so very 2 common and does not seem to be so much afraid of man as some of its relations. But I am not going to talk about the good or the harm that birds do just now, that may come later, but I wanted to show you why I think you ought to study the birds about your home, and how I think you ought to study them. To-day, as it is late in March, let us go out into the woods and see how many different kinds of birds we can find and try to learn something about each of them. Of course we cannot learn all about them in a single trip like this, but we can begin, and then by watching them from day to day we can have them answer all the questions that we choose to ask. Listen! That is the first note of our earliest arrival, the bluebird. He has been called the “Darling of Spring,” and that soft, pleasing warble can come from no other throat. Notice his different tones. What do they mean? Can you hear him warble half angrily, then coaxingly, then cheerily and confidently, and the next moment sadly and plaintively? You must learn these different notes, for they each have a meaning which you can find if you are in earnest in try- ing to learn all you can of bird life. There he is, no one can mistake the blue-bird. I wonder if we will see his mate, for sometimes he comes a week in advance of her. Yes, there she is also, but not quite so gaily dressed. Why do you suppose her feathers are not so bright a blue as her mate’s? Notice this sum- mer how many different kinds of birds you can find in which the col- ors of the female are not so bright as those of the male. Suppose you do not ask anyone to tell you the reason, but see if you can work it out yourself. There must le some good reason for it, for everything in nature has its reason. But there they fly to that knot-hole in yonder apple tree. Why do you suppose they are examining it so intently? Place a box in your garden and see whether they will choose that, or a hole in a rotten stump or tree for their home. But while they are so busy let us see if we can how they are dressed. Perhaps as the male bird is the more showy of the two we had better watch him. Tis coat is blue, no mis- take about that, and some one has called it the azure blue of the spring sky. What is the color of his throat and breast? What is the color of his under parts? Are his eyes large or small? What is the color of his legs and beak? How long is he? Don’t you see you will have to carry a note book with you so you can put down all you are learning? I hope he will not meet with the sad fate of a blue-bird I found last August, who had been indulging in his favorite pastime of peeping 3 in holes and crevices, and by some unlucky move got his leg entangled in a horse-hair which had been woven into a nest. His efforts to free himself were hopeless and there he perished. His form dried and embalmed by the summer’s heat was yet hanging in September, the outspread wings and plumage nearly as brilliant as in life. Did you ever see any in winter? Note the time they first appear. Who has seen them feed their young? Let me tell you what I have seen. Last summer, I saw a mother-bird capture a harvest-fly, and after bruising it awhile on the ground, she flew with it to a tree, and gave it to the young bird. It was a large morsel, and baby made a brave effort to swallow it, but did not succeed, so that mother took the fly again to the side-walk, and proceeded to bruise and break it more thoroughly. Then she again placed it in her baby’s beak with an air which seemed to say, “There; try it now.” He swallowed and choked, but the great fly was still too big for his tiny beak. The young bird fluttered and fluttered and moaned, “I’m stuck, I’m stuck;” and the anxious parent again seized the morsel, carried it to an iron railing, and came down on it with all the force of her beak, with never-tiring perseverance. She offered it to her young a third time, with the same result, except that this time he dropped it, and she was on the ground as soon as the fly, and taking it in her beak flew to a high board fence. Just then the father blue-bird appeared, and said very plainly and eurtly, “Give me that bug.” But she would not do it, and flew away,, and I never found out whether baby blue-bird got any portion of the fly dainty. Watch carefully this summer and see if you can find a blue-bird feeding its young. What kind of food do the young blue-birds eat? Do they never eat other kinds? Let us go on through this old orchard. Just over that fence yonder we will strike the old wood-road. See the ferns in their first dress of tender green, wearing their droll little hoods; but we must not stop for them to-day, for our March visitors have come and are calling for us. There is the note I have been listening for. Did you ever hear a more charming song? How would you describe it? “One high note, three times repeated, and then a trill like a canary.” This is a song we will hear frequently for, the song-sparrow never wearies of singing. There; James is beckoning us eagerly. I suspect he has found the nest in that clump of bushes, or under that pavement of board which is raised from the ground a couple of inches. Has he disturbed the birds? Something is the matter, for there they are with their wings raised in a way expressive of horror and dismay. Let us hurry. Oh, ag 4 there is a black-snake. See the quick movement of its head. What is it trying to do? Seize the birds? Let us hide here behind this stump, and watch the battle. The birds are so busily trying to beat him off that they have no time to cry. Notice how they keep their wings uplifted. There, the snake struck at one of them, but the other is re- newing the assault from behind. How the poor things are panting with the fright and the exertion. John, throw a stone at that snake. Well, that routed him and he has hidden under the fence. Too bad. The nest has been rifled and there are no eggs. I wish we had come a little sooner. Why did they not build their nests higher, so that snakes could not rob them? Do the song-birds generally build high or low? Observe for your- self and tell me. Last May, a song-sparrow that had met with some such misfortune ax this bird. built its nest in a thick mass of wood- bine, against the side of my house, about fifteen feet from the ground. ‘Would you not have thought that a safe place? But it was not, either a rat or an owl pillaged the nest one night. What did the mother- bird do? After a week’s moping she built again. Where, do you sup- pose? A few yards from the house on a smooth piece of green grass. There was not a weed or shrub to conceal it. When I saw the nest on the bare ground almost at my feet, I felt sure that the cats would kill her. The desperate little bird sat there day after day, looking like a brown leaf pressed down in the short grass. As the weather grew hot, and the sun beat down on her, she fairly panted. It was no longer a question of keeping the eggs warm, but of keeping them from roast- ing. I have known male robins in similar cases to make sunshades of themselves. But there was no perch for her husband had he been disposed to shield his mate. Unwisely, I‘tried to help, and stuck a leafy twig beside the nest. It was a mark for some cat or other enemy, and probably this time the mother-bird was caught, for I never saw her again. Whose eyes were keenest and who can best describe our little song- sparrows who were fighting the snake? Mary says, they wore black and brown coats,andhad chestnut heads with small black stripes. Very good. Who can add to that? When they flapped their wings, Ruth says, she noticed their under parts were white streaked with brown. Wow many saw the dull red edging the wing feathers, and the little brown stripe behind the ear? Don’t forget their long and nearly even brown tails. Were their bills and feet black like the blue-bird’s? Some say “Yes.” and some “No.” They matched the rest of their very sober 5 and tasty spring dress, being pale brown. Do you think you can call them by name when you meet them again? How many know the robin? All? Suppose then you draw me a robin, and write a description of his plumage, and habits. Early in March he is with us to remain until fall. Let us sit down by this crooked, lazy little stream bordered with willow, while we do our draw- ing and writing. Very good. I would know that to be a bird, but whether robin or song-sparrow I could not tell. “Under part, dingy orange red, or chestnut brown.” Right as far as it goes, but is that all you can tell? Let me ask you a few questions: and how fortunate it is that that robin has come and perched himself on that limb not twenty feet away. But you must look quickly and keenly for he may fly away at anv moment. What is the color of his throat? What the color of his eyelids? Has he any spot in front of his eye? If so, what is its color? What is the color of his back, and wings, and tail? Are they all alike or different? What is the color of his legs and beak? How long do you think he is? If you have all those questions answered you will see what I meant when I said you would have to see quickly and keenly. Now he is singing; and do you know what his song seems to sav to me? It seems as if he were saying, “Spring is here—is here—is here. I’m so glad. Im so glad.” Does it sound like that to you? Jf it does not now. I am sure it will some time in your life, for whether it rains or shines, whether it is cold or hot, the robin never forgets to sing his glad song. I hope some time you will find a robin’s nest. If you do, be very careful not to disturb it, but if you can, find of what materials it is made. Find also if you can how many eggs it contains. What is their color? What is their size? In this work you will have to be able to think in inches. Can you do it? Make dots on a sheet of paper an inch apart. Then some three, five, seven and ten inches apart. Then take a ruler and measure and see how near right you are. If you are very much mistaken keep trying until an inch really means something to you. Some persons think we ought to kill the robin because he eats our cherries, grapes, and other small fruits. They are very much mis- taken. Fruit is a small part of the robin’s diet. What do you think he eats before cherries are ripe? It is worms and insects, and by the havoc he makes among them he more than compensates for his occa- sional visits to our fruit trees. I once kept a couple of robins in a 6 eage for a day or (wo and found that each one ate sixty-eight worms a day. The length of those worms which I patiently toiled all day to provide, was about fourteen feet. If you really wish to study birds, place a shallow vessel of some sort, in your school or home yard, and keep it constantly filled with water. For several summers I have had an old-fashioned iron camp-kettle in my back yard under some peach trees. The birds soon found out that there was always fresh water there and a secluded spot in which to drink and bathe. Although few nested in the yard, the robins, blue- jays, red-headed woodpeckers, cat birds, sparrows and many others, came almost daily. Some must have come from quite a distance. I thus had a good chance to watch the industry of father robin, whose whole day was spent in putting worms in insatiable beaks at about the rate of ahout one in every three minutes. Watch the robins teaching their young to bathe. The father keeps a lookout for cats and other enemies, while the mother says as plain as bird can say to her children, “Jump in. Jumpin. Dm here. I’m here.” Sometimes the bluejay comes, and naughty, selfish fellow that he is, drives parents and babies both away, claiming the bathing place as his especial right. He was even very impudent to me. Several mornings in the hot summer weather, I forgot to fill the kettle with fresh water. The bluejay would come to the house and scold, and scold, until I came out, then flying low over my head, as I filled the kettle, he would rate me soundly for my neglect. I tried him on several occasions until I con- vinced myself that his actions were due to design, not accident. Let us make a list of the birds we have seen to-day. We have seen three—blue-bird, song-sparrow, and robin. What bird has been with us off and on all winter? He has a shrill whistle like “wheeo—wheeo, wheeo.” Everyone knows him. It is our naughty favorite, the hand- some, saucy, mischievous bluejay. He is a vain fellow, and you have a chance to make many good sketches of him as he sits coquettishly turning his splendidly crested head from side to side. All the birds know his trick of stealing through the trees in May or June in quest of eges. Just watch the robins hustle him out of the tree that holds their nests crying, “Thief, thief,” at the top of their voices. Did you ever hear him sing? It is said that he can sing as sweetly as a mock- ing-bird, but his usual notes are harsh and ill-tempered and only occasionally musical and sweet. Some people say he is a murderer, that he is a regular cold-blooded assassin, killing the fledglings of other birds, but the careful studies made by the Agricultural De- pariment at Washington seem to prove that much of his bad reputa- 7 tion is undeserved. Find out all you can of his habits, where he builds his nest and how. How can you tell him from a bue-bird, for he too has a blue coat and black bill and legs? Are there any markings on his wings or throat or head, by which you may always know him? Now let us stop for to-day and take another trip together late in April, but do not let us forget to watch the birds every day until then. The morning is the best time to study birds, so let us start early for the woods this bright April day. This field so green with its covering of young wheat is just the place to find one of our familiar birds, the meadow lark. So two of you have seen him at the same time. One has seen him walking between the rows of wheat and the other perched on the top of a rail fence. Now as you have found him you may answer our questions about him. What is the color of his back and of his wings? Is it a solid color or is it speckled? What is the color of his breast? Has he any queerly shaped mark upon it? Sup- pose you describe it. What is the color of his legs and beak? How long do you think he is? Is he larger or smaller than the robin? How did he move when on the ground, did he walk or hop? As you are studying birds this spring, suppose you make a list of the birds that walk and another list of the birds that hop when moving about on the ground. At the end of the season see which list is the longer. Let us watch the bird upon the fence and perhaps we can see him when he sings. It will not take us very long, for the meadow-lark like the robin is almost always singing. Listen to his song and see how he throws back his dear little head in true operatic style. What do you think he says? Some people who love the meadow-lark think it is, “I see you, you can’t see me.” Whatever it is, he evidently thinks this is a beautiful world and is telling us so. Go over into the meadow and see if you can find the meadow-lark’s nest. It ought to be on the ground, concealed by some of the long grass. But what is that gorgeous bird, with his crimson epaulets bor- dered with buff that we have disturbed so that it is flying away? You all know him, because he is our very common red-shouldered black- bird. Do you hear what he is saying as he flies away? Listen closely so that you can recognize him by his call after this. He is a very great friend of the meadow-lark at this season of the year, and usually chooses the same meadow for his nesting place. But we must go on or we will not reach the woods. Here is a nest which I almost stum- bled on in the grass. Yes, it is the meadow-lark’s nest, and in it are four eggs. What color are they. Don’t disturb it, for we want to see some baby larks in the weeks to come, and hear some more lark songs next spring. 8 What is that rattling drum-call? Look! There is the drummer, high up on that telegraph pole, and very conspicuous he is, with his glossy black and white plumage, and brilliant red head and neck. How does he beat that long, rolling rattle, the regular woodpecker drum-call? Does the sound come from the bird or the wood? Did you ever notice a red-headed woodpecker make a soundless call on a fence stake where the decaying wood allowed of the full entrance of his beak? There he goes to that hickory tree. Notice the rapid, spas- modic motion of his head. Don’t you think he is a pretty good ath- lete, to hurl his head and beak back and forth like that? Let us count how many strokes to the second. How many did you make it? No- tice his leys. Have you seen any bird this Spring with as short ones? Can you tell me why his tail feathers are tipped with stiff points? Watch him and vou will see. There, he’s going to strike a hard blow with his bill. Sce him brace the pvints of his tail feathers against the tree and, rising to the full length of his short, powerful legs. and drawing back his body, head and neck, dash his bill home with a force of weight and muscle which is knocking off good-sized pieces from the hard hickory tree. What is he after? Some worm or insect whose retreat he has discovered. You think he must hurt the tree, do you? Suppose you watch him closely this summer and see whether he works on living or dead trees. But he has a relative known liy his yellow vest, sometimes called the “yellow-bellied xap-sucker,” who does injure fruit and shade trees by stripping off the bark and boring holes. Our red-headed friend dovs not confine himself to insects alone. He eats nuts, fruits, and is very fond of corn, wheat and melons, but he eats so many insects that he earns all that he takes from the orchard and field. He is not a very satisfactory article for a sketch. Five seconds is about as long as he remains in one position, but we must learn to do some things in a hurry. Let us see if we can draw an outline of his form. It is pretty easy to make something that everybody knows is meant for a hird, but it is not nearly so easy to make a sketch that every one will know was meant for a particular bird. But this is one of the things that it will pay you to keep on trying. and after a while you will be surprised to find how well you can draw. But, while he is before us, let us write his color description. Put it in this order: Head and neck, back, breast, wings. Where are the white bands—on his body or on the wings, or both? Tf we had as sharp eyes ax he has, not much would escape us. See! Starting from the topmost branch of that tall tree he is flying 9 fifty yards straight to an insect near the ground. Look at him catch that fy on the wing. How many different kinds of woodpeckers do you suppose we have in our woods? Find out their names. There are six or seven you will certainly see, and perhaps you will be fortunate enough to meet two or three more. The red-head has numerous rela- tives—thirty alone that are good American citizens, and about two hundred foreign relatives. Wouldn’t you like to see the king of them all, who lives in the South and only rarely visits us? He must be worth seeing, with his grand scarlet crown, and great ivory white bill. How much larger do you suppose he is than this one we have been watching? The length with his ivory bill is twenty-one inches, while this one can not be more than ten. To see such a king and queen in vigorous galloping flight through the woods must be a sight worth seeing. His dress is very much like our red-head’s. Indeed all the woodpeckers have a bit of red about their heads, and that makes them so conspicuous that cruel women like to wear them on their hats. I think the bird knows it, for he has been a little shy of late, keeping in the woods and up in the tree-tops, instead of along the old weed- grown, worm-eaten fences. Would you call the woodpecker a musician? Well, if the drummer is a musician, he is one. He can also call, squawk, squeal and splutter. There is another woodpecker. That is the one I spoke about a little while ago—the “yellow-bellied sap-sucker.” Why is he called a sap- sucker? Follow him into the woods and you will find out. See how many holes he has drilled—a regular band of them about the trunk of that sugar maple tree. What is he drinking so eagerly? Sap, of course. Robert, climb that tree, and count the holes he has made. Sixteen! think of that. Sometimes a sap-sucker will stay for hours at a single tree, sipping the sap, and then waiting for it to collect again. How much of their time do you suppose they spend sap-drinking? Did you ever see one sitting on the edge of a sugar trough drinking of the ready tapped maple sap? It is a short step from sap-sipping to cherry- tasting. Don’t you think you would stop drilling into the hard green wood for food, when you could find a superior flavor stored up in a cherry, apple or grape? The poor woodpeckers have to suffer for their kinsman’s sins, but the yellow vest, and the crimson cap, enclosed by a half moon of black, and a border of yellowish white, ought to enable any one to know the bird of bad morals from his more virtuous relations. Let us go into that thicket of haw and crab-apple. Last year it was the favorite haunt of the brown thrush, or the brown thrasher, 10 as he is sometimes called. We are fortunate, for there is our bird in his snuff-colored coat and dappled vest. I believe he is the very same bird that I found here last year. Is he not a picture to remember, sitting on the topmost branch of that tree, with the morning sun bringing out the red tints in his brown coat. Listen to that shower of song, so full-toned, loud and clear. Such ecstatic trills and qua- vers; and Nature has been his only teacher, but there is none above her. Does he sing all the year round? In the South he now and then sings a low, dreamy, lulling song at night. Let us separate and ex- amine every foot of ground quietly and closely for the nest, being careful not to frighten the birds. But here is the nest. Why do you suppose the male bird is no nearer his mate? To throw us off the track, and distract our attention from his treasures? Is this the nest, this straggling mass of twigs, roots, bark and leaf stems on the flat projection of that fence-rail? Is it ever on the ground? See how artfully it is concealed. It is the last place I would have thought of looking, and when you do look, you can see nothing but a mass of green leaves. What delicately pretty eggs. How many are there? “Four. But one is different—a dirty, speckled looking egg—not like those pale-green ones flecked with brown.” Let me see it. It’s a cow-bird’s egg. “What is a cow-bird?’ You have certainly seen them in the cow pasture, as black as crows, but much smaller and with an evil, thievish eye. It is a bird of low principles. What do I mean by that? It makes some other bird hatch its eggs. J have caught it in the act of carrying off wren’s eggs; and, of course, it had left an egg of its own in the wren’s nest. Is it not a shame that our lovely brown thrush, devoid of a single vice, will have to rear this ugly little foundling, who has taken the place of at least one nestling? It will be much larger than the others, and, if it is like its kind, will be very selfish and claim everything in sight. pushing the baby thrashers aside. Suppose we sit down on the bank of this stream and rest a while. What was that splash? Ah! A kingfisher after his prey. There he mounts to his perch in that branch of sycamore overhanging the water, with a fish in his beak. How will he kill it? Watch him and see. There, he is beating it on the limb of the tree until the spines of its fins are crushed. Is he choking? No, but certainly his eating is not very enjoyable, judging by his gulping, stretching of neck, jerking of wings and contortion of body. What advantage is it to him that he is all ashy-blue and purple and silver-gray and white, instead of bright scarlet? Do you suppose a minnow looking up through the- 11 dancing water can tell that sky-blue and silvery creature poised above: him from the sky and clouds? If he could, the kingfisher would often go hungry. Why is he called the “belted kingfisher’? Where does. he nest? I expect we would find his nest over there in a hole in that dry, sandy bank, for the kingfisher is one of our burrowing birds. There is an interesting legend about him, and the poets have sung about him under his other name, the “Halcyon.” See if you can find out what they tell of him. Write a color description of him as you did of the other birds. "But let us go back to the school yard and see if we can discover what birds have found a vessel of water we placed there for their use. What is that slender, quick-moving bird? The cat-bird, you all say. What a strange name. Irritate him and see if you can not find how he got that name. But if we find out more about him we will have to follow him over into that secluded corner of the pasture. Now listen to his song. Did you ever hear anything finer? It is one of the best in the world. Does it resemble the song of any of the birds that we have met in our walks? Think carefully and listen carefully be- fore you answer. Now, listen to the cat-bird talk, the soft “chuck” and “mew” in all tones. I wish he would give us his wonderful whisper song. There, his mate has seen us. She says, “Sing lower—lower—lower.” Now we can hardly hear him, and we are not more than ten feet distant, but we can see him and get his description for our picture gallery of spring birds. Note the color of his back, breast and head. See if you can see a patch of chestnut-brown anywhere about him. He seems very happy now. See him sit and swing and sing on the willows by yonder little brook. Don’t you think him handsome? His beauty does not make him a favorité, however. What is the cause of that? Well, like the human family, his unsocial habits and the way he has of skulking off by himself have excited a prejudice against him which is not unfounded, for I caught a cat-bird last summer perched upon the rim of a pewee’s nest, hastily devouring the eggs. I was so vexed with her that I killed her on the spot, but I regretted it heartily when I found that she had a well-constructed nest of her own in a tree not far from the house, and five lovely deep greenish-blue eggs in it. But here we are near the corner where we must separate. How many birds have we met and described in our walks? Name them, if you can. Have we met others? “Many of them.” How many do you suppose can be seen in the State of Indiana alone? Over three hundred different species. and of these about one hundred and 12 fifty make their homes here. During the summer you will have the opportunity to visit many bird homes and find out how feathered babies are taught and cared for and disciplined. Let us see whose note-book will have the best sketches and the most accurate descrip- tions of birds seen and observed. NOTE TO THE TEACHER. This leaflet is the result of original observations combined with adap- tations from John Burroughs, Maurice Thompson and John B. Grant. It is intended to be used by the teacher simply as indicating the man- ner in which children may be interested and directed in the study of birds about them; and also the use which the teacher may make of the many valuable and instructive books upon the subject in the way of adapting them to the child’s needs. % This, of course, is an imaginary excursion. The real excursion should have more of the activity of the children in it and its incidents will of necessity be altogether different. It should be remembered that the time at which the birds spoken of in this paper will appear will depend some- what upon the advancement of the season and also upon the latitude. In order to see the most of them at their best, two or three excursions at least should be taken. FOR THE USE OF TEACHERS. No. 9. LEAFLET ON NATURE STUDY. ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO THE USE OF CHILDREN IN SCHOOLS IN RURAL DISTRICTS. PREPARED BY THE FACULTY OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY. A COUNTRY SCHOOL GARDEN. : By PROF. STANLEY COULTER. Have you ever thought how much of your time is spent at school? Suppose you take a pencil and work it out. Seven months, or twenty- eight weeks, or one hundred and forty days. And you are there just about eight hours each day. Do you not think you would work better and be happier if the school yard and school room were made pretty and attractive? I know you would, for I have watched children at work for many years, and know just how much cheerful surroundings help them. What kind of school yard have you? J have seen hundreds of schools in the country, and nearly as many in towns, where the school yard was so bare and ugly that I wondered how either the teacher or scholars could possibly do good work. Now, if your school yard is of this sort, suppose, when school opens, you all join together to make it more pleasant. Of course you will want plenty of room in which to play, and that part you need only keep free from litter and rubbish. Then, of course, you must have walks, so that there is only left the odd corners of the school yard for you to care for; and it is about these odd corners that I want to talk. But, before I do, I want to say something about walks. I visited a school not long ago where there was no sign of a walk, and had w wade through the mud to icach the front door. Of course, I carried a good deal of mud into the school room, and it dried on the floor and soon became dust, which 2 very soon filled the air and made it unfit to breathe. For dirt and