"LTIVATKM OF CJ FRUITS " ~ BOI.SAY PRESIDENCY -T5T- H. F. Paranjpe, B.A. Bulletin Ko/95 of 1919. Poona . ! 0 J UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES Oeparlmont of Agriculture, Bombay, BULLETIN No. 95 oV 1919. THE CULTIVATION OF ORANGES AND ALLIED FEUITS 1M THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. H. P. PARANJPE, B.A., Aaaittant Economic Botanist. POONA ; FBINTED AT THE YERAVDA PRISON PBESS, 1920. OFFICIAL AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF IND&N OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS. In England. COMTABLB & Co., 10 Orange Street, Leicester Square, London, W.C. QWKBLAT & Co., 64, Parliament Street, London, S.W. HBNBT S. KINO & Co., 65, CornhiU, London, E.C., and 9, Pall Mall, London. P. S. KINO 4 BON, 2 & 4, Great Smith Street, Westminster, London, S.W. KBGAN PAUL, TBBHCH, TBUBKBB & Co., 68-74, Carter Lane, London, B.C., and 25, Museum Street, London, W.G. BBBNABD QCABITCH, 11, Graf ton Street, New Bond Street, London, W. T. FIBHB* UMWUJ, Limited, 1 Adelphi Tercace, London, W.C. W. IHACKBB & Co., 2, Creed Lane, London, E.C. LtrzAO 4 Co., 46, Great liussel Street, London, W.C. B. H. BiAOKwaii, 60 A 61, Broad Street, Oxford. DBIGHTON BBLL & Co., Ltd., Cambridge. Messrs. WiiUAM WESLEY & SON, 28, Essex Street, Strand, London. On the Continent of Ewop*. £»HBBT LBBOUZ, 28, Kue Bonaparte, Paris. MABTUUTB NIJHOTV, The Hague, Holland. In India. HisenreOTHAM & Co., Madraa. T. KAWAHAEAMA ITAB & Co., Madras. P. B. RAMA ITBB & Co., Madras. Mean*. VAS & Co. Madras. M. B. BY. E. M. GoPALAKBiSHNA KOHB, Wadura, N. B. MATHXTB, Nazir Kanun Hind Press, Allahabad. Messrs. A. EL WHBBLKB & Co., Allahabad, Calcutta and Bombay, THAOKBB, SPINK & Co., Calcutta and Simla. W. NBWKAK & Co., Calcutta. B. K. LAHMI & Co., Calcutta. R, CAKBEAT & Co., Calcutta. THE ASSOCIATION PEEKS, Calcutta. THAOKBB & Co., Ltd., Bombay. 0. B. TABAPOBBVAI.A, SONS 4 Co., Bombay. BUNDBB PANDUBANQ (BAMKATB SUNDER), Bombay, QOPAL NABATAN & Co., Booksellers, ic., Bombay. Mrs. BADUABAI ATMABAK SAQOOH, Ikwkseller, ic., Bombay. RAXOHANDBA GOTJJTD & SOH, Booknellers, &o., Bombay, BOWBAT TBAOT & BOOK SOCIBTT, Bombay. BupEBiNTBMoaNT, QovBBNUBNt I'itixriNa, Uoiubiiy, Poona« MAHAOKB, NTAYIBHBATA, Poona. TEK PBOPBIETOB OF THE DEW KIIABKHANA, Poona. Measrs. KABSAMDAB NABANOAB & SONS, Booksellera and Publishers, Surat, Messrs. BAMA KBIBONA & SONS, Lahore. VlAHAQBB, the "tflTAVADA," Department of Agriculture, \ BULLETIN No. 95 OF 1919. THE CULTIVATION OP OKANGES AND ALLIED FRUITS IN THE BOMBAY PRESIDENCY. DIVISION OF SUBTROPICAL HORTICULTURE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA BY H. P. PARANJPB, B.A., Assistant Economic Botanist, POONA : PRINTED AT THB XERAYDA. PBISOK. PSES3, 1920, 1 v,i A ;} "f o . v i $ n SB CONTENTS. TEE I.— Varieties II.— Climate III— Soils suitable for Citrus Trees IV.— Propagation V.— Planting of Trees and Inter-Crops j^ „ VI. — Treatment of Trees for Crop „ VII. — A Few Suggestions g „ VHI.— Diseases CT APPENDIX :— CM Analyses of soils and water Page 1 4 . 6 7 11 13 17 19 22-23 25T. The Cultivation of Oranges and Allied Fruits in the Bombay Presidency. CHAPTER I. THE CITRUS FRUITS AND THEIB VARIETIES. Citrus fruits are among the most paying orchard crops in the Bombay Presidency. The acreage under oranges is increasing fast, but the demand for the fruit so far exceeds the supply that large imports are made from the Central Provinces and a few other sources. Nevertheless ihere are many orange orchards which find it difficult to make a profit. The present bulletin is issued in order to place before the public the methods which have been found to yield the best result and give the largest profit, not only with oranges, but also with other kinds of citrus fruits. The citrus fruits commonly cultivated in Bombay belong to three species, distinguished as follows : — 1. The juice sacks in the fruit are easily separated from one another and do not adhere into one mass. The young shoots and leaves of the plant are hairy. Citrus deoumana, the Pomelo. 2. The juice sacks in the fruit are not easily separated from one another and adhere in one mass. The young shoots and leaves of the plant are not hairy. (a) The fruits are mammillate, that is to say, the stigma end ia i&ore or less distinctly produced. Citrus Medica, the Citron and its varieties. (6) The fruits are not mammillate, that is to say, the stigma end is flattened. Oitius aurantium, the orange and its varieties. Citrus decwnana, the Pomelo I (Marathi-Popna* : Kanarese — Pampari) occurs in two forms, with white pulp and red pulp, respectively. The fruit and leaves of the pomelo are the largest of all among the citrus fruits. The red variety generally fetches a better price than the white. An inter- mediate variety, with pink flesh, is occasionally found. Citrus Medica is found in four distinct varieties as follows : — (a) Citrus Medica proper, the Citron (Marathi — Mahalung ; Gujarati — Bijoura or Turanj : Kanarese — Madalada hannu). The fruit of thia variety is large, weighing up to three pounds, tho skin is warty and rough, and the rind very thiok. (sometimes more than an inch thick) with a carrot-like consistency. The pulp is somewhat bitter and acid, pale white in colour. The tree on which this variety is produced is rounded and flattened from above, and has generally yellowish appearance. The fruit is used for pickles, preserves, and 'f marmalade. It is rarely, however, cultivated alone, (b) Citrus Medica, variety limonum, the Jamburi. The first of this variety has a wrinkled and somewhat loose skin, and the pulp is exceedingly acid The plint is only used aa a stoos. in which to bud oranges. There are, however, many sab-varieties of Jamburi into which, however, we need not euter. (c) Citrus bfe>ii"a, variety limetta. the true Sweet Lime (Sakhar Limb*). The frqit of this tree has a sweetish taste at all stages, like sugar and water. The tree is yellowish in appearance. It is rarely cultivated in gardens and is of little practical importance. (d) Oitrus Hftdica, variety arida, the Sour Lime (Kigdi hmbu). This tree has small leaves and Sinall round fruits which are largely used for pickles and drinks. Chore is considerable cultivation of this tree all over the Bombay Presidency. Two sab varieties are found. The first of these is thick-skinned and is termed Godhadi: the other is thin skinned and is the true Ka/di limbu. The former is specially suited for making pickles. , A. third variety is sometimes met with in the Sholapar District, called Pve, Mosambi plants will stand a much more retentive and less drained soil than Santra plants. One of the reasons why 8aswad is so famous for Santras is that a number of small rivers rise from the Pnrandhar hills and flow heavily ia the rainy season. In their brief life they often wash away large blocks of Boils, thus leaving behind small islands. The land is, hence, vory much cut up and the islands thus formed have excellent side drains. The level of these islands is sometimes ten feet above that of the river beds. On such islands many of the orange gardens are situated. Whatever be the nature of the soil, water does not remain in it for a long time ; hence when water is cut off for resting the trees, the effect of the stoppage is very quickly seen. Thus at Saswad three weeks' rest is quite sufficient for Santrat, but on poorly drained soils six weeks' rest has only a slight effect. In some very well drained soils of Khandeah some of the Santra trees bear fruit without any special treatment such as resting, exposing of roots and manur- ing during the ourth year. CHAPTER IV. PROPAGATION OF CITRUS TREES. Propagation by seed of Citrus plants except Kngdi Limlu is not desirable in this part of the country. We have seen by actual sowing of the seeds of Nagpur Santra, Hosambi and Reshmi Orange that seedlings of these plants are exceedingly thorny. In fact, there is hardly any leaf without a thorn. On the other hand these plants when budded 011 Jamburi or any other stock (although the stock be thorny) do not produce thorns. After careful examination of fifty budded Santra plants we have found two plants having two thorns each. Mosambi plants do occasionally have thorns bat these are very rare and the plants may be said to be practically unarmed. Absence of thorns is a great advantage in Citrus trees as the danger of puncturing the fruit is minimised and harvesting the fruit is facilitated. Also digging, manuring and pruning can be done with It es trouble. Another reason for the non-employ mebt of plants on their own roots is that they will often not stand the same severe conditions as the stock used. For example, Mosambi seedlings if flooded for a shoit time are permanently checked in their growth ; the bark of the stem which remains under water decays in a very short time, leaving the wood of the stem completely exposed. As a result of this the plants turn yellow and sickly and soon after become quite unfit for planting purposes Jamburi plnnts if similarly flooded do not suffer at all This shows that Mosambi plants will not bo satisfactory on their own roots where such a flood is possible. The pomelo can be propagated by budding on Jamburi siock, but the bud takes a very long time, sometimes six months, to germinate It is;not therefore convenient to propagate this plant by budding. At Gholvad and other places, it is customary to propagate this plant by the gontie (Marcotte) method, for which a branch three t<» four feet long is selected ; a portion of the bark which is light brown in colour is removed without injuring the wood below, to an extent of about two inches, and a small quantity of earth, is wrapped on the wound in a piece of gunny bag. The soil is kept moi^t by the dripping of water from a pot hanging over it. This oper > tiou is done at the commencement of the rains and the plant is ready for removal in about four months. There being generally plenty of rain during this period, the expenses of keeping the soil moist are considerably minimised and therefore this method is found very cheap and convenient. The Kagdi Limbu also is propagated by the gootie method mostly in the Surat and Thana Districts. By this method roots are freely produced in the rainy season and a plant of about two feet in height is readily secured. In the Deccan this plant is mostly propagated by seed, but in favourable cases it is possible to bud this plant on jamburi stock. The lowest one or two buds on a season's growth are often without thorns. Such buds though normally very small, can be made to swell in about a week by pruning the upper thorny portion of the branch and then can be used as scions. The percentage of success in this method is, however, small as compared with what is attained with Santra and Mosambi plants. This method, though not useful for dealers in nursery plauts, may be advantageously practiced by growers in their plantations, as budded plants grow very vigorously and bear early. B 608-8 8 "r The Santra and HfosamK plants are grown on a large scale. It is, "therefore, necessary to examine the details of propagation of these two plants with more care. These two are propagated, as said above by what is called the budding proces*, which consists of inserting a bud of Santra or Mosambi (ca1 led the scion) ou to another plant (called the stock), it often happens that a plant is put out in good soil, is receiving the best ol attention as regards water and manure, still it is not making good progress and never yields good fruit. It is difficult to account for its bad health In such cases the trouble may be due to either a b*d scion or a bad stock. Thus arises the nece.seity not only of budding but of choosing the right kind of stoc£ and scion. The next question that arises is: what stosk should be used for budding on. We have attempted budding mainly on four different kinds of stocks, namely, mahaturtg, jawbttri, rishmi Orauge, and Nagpuv Oraugr- The essential conditions required in a stock are that it must remain in sap-flow ng condition for a considerable time to facilitate the budding operation at any suitable time ; that it must ^row fant ; that the bark when ben g loosened from the wood below must separate readily; that it should not tear irregularly; aud that it must feel very watery t> the flag T inside, ^uch & stock is to be found in jamburi which may be safely used for budding on. Whatever stock is chosen, the best fruits ripened on the tree should be collected and allowed to rot fot some ten days. Wh«-n sufficiently soft, the seed-* should be extracted and the pulp buried in a manure pit. < >f th£ seeds only the plump and well developed ones should be selected. A good method of selection is to place the seed-* in water. Those that come to the surface should be rejected. Thost? that fall to the bottom are most'y safe for sowing The seeds should be sown as early as possible, for their germinating power does not last long If the seed is to be kept for a week or so it sh >uld be dried in the shade, smeared with ash and kept in a dry place. The seed is sown eir.her >n boxes or beds that should be protected from the heat of the sun. Seedlings when about four to five inches high ehould be transplanted in open sunny beds. Here the seedlings are plauted fairly closely at a distance of six to eight inches, to induce the plants to grow without branches on the lower part of the stem for about eight inches. This distance is sufficient for the budding operation. When transplanting, roots may be trimmed short. If the beds are properly worked by deep digging and adding a good quantity of old farm yard manure with occasional stirrrinj$ of the soil the plants grow fast and become ready for budding on in about eight to ten months; but ordinarily the plants take twelve to fourteen months. For budding purposes the stock should be of the thickness of a lead pencil. The bark should be easily separable from the wood below, it should re soft and pliable and the inside mucilaginous. The external colour of such abari is deep green closely streaked with whitish gray lines. These conditions are found when the sap is vigorously flowing in the plant. When the bark cannot be readily separated from the wood below or when it is dry inside it is futile to attempt to bad. Desirable conditions are to be seen in the stock from the commencement of the rains (the third w^ek of June) till the end of the cold weather (February). However, the budding operation may be done at any time of the year, provided other conditions are f tvour- able. If the stock is not in condition for budding on it can be made so in about ten days time with a light digging of the beds and light manuring followed by watering. In choosing the scion we must first have regard to the general charac- ter of the tree and choose scion buds from a tree which has desirable qualities. The best buds can be had from young trees and, as the tree grows oldj fewer buda are generally found. Buds from older trees do not make good plants. In choosing the actual branch from which to cut the buds we must look for the characters similar to those of the stock, namely, dark green colour of the bark with whitish gray lines, full flow of sap, and also roundness of the bud- wood and plumpness of the buds. If the scion plant is not in condition, it can be readily brought into it by the same method as that employed for the stock. It is also desirable in such a case to trim the branches of their youngest growth. This induces swelling of the buda Buds from the current season's growth should not be selected for insertion as the wood is genera1 ly angled ; a bud taken from angled wood does not fit snugly on the round wood of the stock. The bud wood should be as thick as the stock plant. It should not be selected from a water shoot even though it is round. This wood is not sufficiently old and ripe for using as a scion. It is generally thorny, the buds do not come off easily, and as a rule do not gernvnate at all. In selecting the bud the lowest and the topiaost ones are generally useless. The topmost bud looks plump no doubt, but does not make a good plant. The lowest one is generaUy dormant and does not germinate. For this reason there is such a low percentage of success in inserting the lowermost thornless bud of the Kagdi Limbu. If bud-wood is not available within a short distance or bud-wood of some reputed varieties is to be obtained from a long distance, suitable pieces of bud- wood (from which the leaves have been removed with the knife ) having all th& characters described above may be packed in sawdust. The sawdust should first be thoroughly soaked in water and then squeezed between the palms so as to remove all the free water from it. The moist sawdust should be spread on a piece of oil-paper, the bud -wood placed on it and covered with moie moist sawdust. Care should be taken to see that the bud wood. has a good layer of moist sawdust on all sides. The oil paper should then be rolled round the saw dust and bud-wood iu it. The paper should again be wrapped in a piece of rubber or oil cloth (coated side facing inwards;. The whole thing may again be wrapped iu ordinary cloth or put in a tin box and may be sent by post as an ordinary parcel. We have seen that bud-wooi BO packed can remain in good condition for at least three weeks and stand a journey by post Each bud from the bud-wood is cut off by splitting the bark in a rectangle around the bud half an inch above and Delow the bud and one third of an inch to each side of the bud. It is then eased off and kept moist till insertion in the stock. The bud should be inserted in the stock about six inches from the ground. If the bud is inserted at a higher level than six inches the plant does not make good growth. We have seen that ordinary pLmts of three years' old had grown to a height of more than six feet but the plant budded at a higher level under . otherwise similar conditions had hardly made a growth of two feet. The cut for the bud is simply two cuts in the form of a ' T ' and the bark eased back to allow of the insertion of the bud. Both cuts should go only through the bark and in no case should they injure the wood inside ; otherwise gum comes out of the wood and forms a thin partition between the cambium of the stock and that of the ecion which, therefore, do not unite. Another method of easing the bark is to take only one vertical cut slightly longer than the bud itself and bend the stock over towards the cut, the bark 13 readily eased back and the B 508— 4 10 bud is slipped into the gap ; on releasing the stock the bud is nicely held in its proper position. Healthy and vigorous growing stocks readily allow of such bending. This method is largely followed by nurserymen. If the bud is inserted on the north side of the stock it gets natural protection from the sun. The operation should be done on a clear day when no rain is expected After insertion the bud is firmly tied with sopat, i.e., the inner part of the banana leaf -sheath. In about three weeks the bud begins to grow into a branch ; the stock is then cut off about six inches above the site of the bud, and the whole stock is cut off just above the bud when the branch from the bud is about six inches long. After this, care must be taken to rub off all buds that show any tendency to develop from the stock below the site of the bud. At no f ature period must any part of the tree produce branches except the scion. Now referring to the different kinds of stock it may be mentioned here that the bark of the Maha lung stick is somewhat brittle and less muci- laginous, and the sap flowing condition lasts only for a short time. The Refhmi Oratxge is not at all suited as a stock, for the bark closely adheres to the wood below, and is not moist enough inside. This and the Nagpnr Orange stock when cut off above the, bad often turn blank at the out and thus decay. With the pomelo as a sto?k the graat difficulty is that it does not stand well the trimming of its tap root and hence it is not well suited as a stock -plant which must stand repeated transplanting The Mosambi stock as mentioned above is very sensitive to'ftbods, for the part of the bark that remains under water decays in a ver^'short time. The Jamburi stock is free from all these faults. Soon after the heading in of the stock near the scion the budded plants should be transplanted to another bed which is properly worked by deep digging and enriched by a liberal supply of farm yard manure. This oper- ation is rendered necessary by th,tf fact that the roots have grown to a con- siderable length from the time when .the trea was last transplanted and the roots of one plant have intermingled with those of its neighbours. By repeat ed transplanting the roots remain under control and the plants can stand a long journey without any harvm. If the time between the second trans planting and final despatch i* long, the plants may be transplanted again. The plants are generally sold in the first month of the rainy season. Plants which have a very thiok stock sh -.nld not be purcha ed as they do not make good growth at all. Plants which remain in the nursery for a long time for want of a castpmea* .should be thrown away. Again, plants w&ich have not been transplanted into another bed at least two months before final planting are not worth purchasing. The purchaser should see that the bandage is removed from the stock, which must be free from con- strictions and that the stocks of the plants should have a fresh green bark ; blackish or dark coloured .bark indicates old and stunted plants. CHAPTER V. PLANTING OF TREES AND I&TEK-CROPS. After choosing a suitable site for orange trees the ground should be prepared for them in their permanent place. It is desirable to have the whoie plot level as far as possible, but a fall of three inches in a hundred feet may be allowed for the running of irrigation water'. If the land is too rolling, it would be a mistake to level the laud in one piece, for in that case good surface soil from the hiwher parts would be removed and the lower un- weathered soil would be exposed in which trees will not thrive. In such cases it is desirable to have terraces at suitable distances. The whole ground must be ploughed several times and all deep rooted weeds such as lavala, hariili and kunda must be carefully removed. It is desirable to sow sann-hemp seed in June and plough it in after six weeks, at flowsring time, for green manur- ing. The soil must in any case be thoroughly worked and mellow free from all norts of weeds before the trees are put in. In the hot season, holes three feet each way should be dug for planting trees. The distance at which the trees are planted varies with the nature of the soil and climatic conditions. In the ''oona District, Santra trees should bo planted at fifteen feet apart. In Khandesh District, eighteen feet dis- tance is preferred With Mosambi trees the distance should be eighteen feet. Pomeloes are planted at twenty feet apart. Kagdi Limbu trees ehould be fifteen feei from oue another In an inferior soil the distance may be less but in good and fertile soils the distance should not be less than that indi- cated above. The hole should be filled with river soil, if available, otherwise with good garden soil, and 100 Ibs. farm yard manure per hole. It is desir- able to add some bone meal to each tree, say 5 Ibs., and if bone meal is not available simple raw bones crushed in a rJiunam mill may be used. Trees are generally planted at the commencement of the rains, or, if the rains are heavy, as in the Koukan, they may be planted at the «nd of A-ugust. Wh^n planting, the hud should face the side from which the wind blows ; this makes the tree even on all sides. Santra and Mosumbi plants should not be mixed up in the same plot. After the planting of the trees the intervening space should be utilised for some sab-cr p which will maet running expenses. In choosing a sub-crop in an orange plantation, one should see that its requirements conform to those of the main crop This is often neglected and the main crop suffers. In Khandesh, for instance, the basrai variety of banana is frequent- ly planted in an orange garden This variety, although it lasts for eight -en months only, does permanent harm to the orange trees, for the banana trees are planted at five feet apart, they are very d^arf (5 feet), they produce a large number of suckers and they require heavy irrigations. Orange trees, therefore, do not get sufficient light and receive too much water. This sort of associatiou of two crops is very detrimental to the main crop, giving no advantage to the other. In some places lucerne is grown aa an in; er crop between orange trees. It is a dwarf crop, no doubt, but receives constant irrigation tor about three years which very adversely affects the orange trees. The papaya is an unsuitable crop among orange trees as it is too shady. The inter crop for an ora-ige garden should, therefore, be a low one, requiring as little water as possible It should last not more than six months at the most Such crops are vegetables of all sorts, chillies, onions, gar Ho, rozelle, or cape gooseberry. In some parts of Khandesh, the neylec.tum- 12 rosetim variety of cotton is sometimes grown, doing apparently no harm.'to the tree. So also jmoar and bajri are grown in severe famine years, -when they may be allowed. Whatever crop is taken it should in no way cast its shade on the orange trees. It must be grown a little away, say 2 feet, from the tree. This ensures adequate space for the plant to grow. No inter. crop should be taken for more than four years at the most, preferably for three \ears only. If the ground shows a tendency to be sticky or weedy it is better to grow sann-hemp in the rainy season and plough it in the ground. By adding such bulky manure the soil is made porous ; the sann-hemp will rup the lower portions of the soil and will add to its fertility. It would be advantageous to add two to three baskets of farm yard manure per tree at the commencement of the rains. From the time of planting, each tree must be carefully examined from time to time and if any shoots bearing thorns start from ihe stock they must be immediately removed Occasionally a vigorous branch from the scion may bear thorns ; such a branch need not be removed, for, as the branch grows it will not produce any more thorns ; such a thorny branch must not be mistaken for a shoot from the stock. Leaves from the Jambttri stock emit a strong acid scent on crushing, while oiange leaves have a sweetish and pleasant smell. One can with a little experience readily distinguish the leaves both from their look and scent. Again it is also desirable to train the- plants in their early stage by pruning for two years some of the crowded short branches so as to open the centre j the remaining b'anches make a vigorous growth and come to bearing age at an early peri-d. Pruning 13 practised in Khandtsh where the plants show a decided advantage over un- pruned plants in shape, size and in bearing. In P.ioua and o'her places plants are rarely pruned and as a result thej bear a c msiderablem;iss of small Stunted and ciow*ded branches, which struggle among themselves for light and air. It is also necessary to see that every dead part is pruned clean, from the tree at least once a year. CHAPTER, VT. TREATMENT OP TBEES FOB CROP. If the trees are treated as explained in the foregoing chapter and if the soil is of the right kind they come to bearing aee when they have completed their fourth year in their permanent home. They often flower without any special treatment. This is particularly so in East Khandesh, but as a rule orange trees do require some kind of tieatment. Citrus trees, if they are continuously irrigated throughout the year simply produce a mass of leaves and no flowers. Orange trees apparently look like evei green trcea, but strictly speaking they are deciduous, and it is only in this condition that they bear flo wers. For this reason, the tree has to be induced to drop its leaves and this can be done within certain limits according to the wishes and con- venience of tho owner, for, orange trees can flower in February or Jane or in October. These flowering times have three difftrent nart-es, namely, amhe-bahar or February flowering, which corresponds with the flowering of the mango ; mrig-bahar or June flowering and hatli-bahar or October flowering. Orange trees should be induced to flower only once in a year and not twice or thrice, for, in that ca^e the crop standing on the tree will suffer and the trees will be exhausted. One of the two first flowerings is rsually chosen, as the trees require the cutting off of water and renting before each flowering and this is not so easy to secure for the hatti-bahar, as the rains continue :to fall till the middle of October. Now to take ombe-bahart for the first time, water should be withheld from the trees during the second half of December, and first half of Janu- ary. In ordinary cases one month's resting is usually sufficient, at least no more resting need usually be given to young trees for tho first time ; although in retentive soils six weeks' rest may be necessary. During tho time when two watering turns are missed the whole garden should be carefully plough- ed with a two bullock plough. If that is not possible the whole garden should be hand dug ; at least the ground near the trees will have to be dug uo. Withholding of water and ploughing between the trees will ripen off a considerable number of leaves which will then drop down. During the fourth week it is the usual practice to expose the roots of trees up to two feet all round the stem to a depth of four inches, in which condition they may be kept for about four days. Yonng fibrous and wiry loots which may be growing on the exposed roots or near the stem may be safely pruned but in no case large roots, which are the main stay of the tree, should be touched or injured. Pruning of the roots apparently increases the check on the water absorption without materially damaging the tree Experiments are still necessary to determine how far this root pruuirg is desirable. While the tree is in a resting condition all the dead and weakly branches should be carefully pruned. Each tree should be treated with a mixture of manure of cowdung, ash and old village refuse, about three baskets per tree. This manure should be spread over the whole bed of the tree and mixed with soil. It should not be heaped up around the stem. Beds and water channels should now be made and the tree > irrigated by January 15. The first irrigation should be scanty, just sufficient to moisten the upper surface of the coil. This stimulates the formation of flowers Copious watering at the first irrigation tends to produce leafy •hoots. The second watering should be given three days after the first watering. This is followed by a third watering five days after. After that irrigation should be given in the usual manner according to the needs of the plant. Flowers generally appear one month after the first watering and fruits ripen ten months after that. In the case of trees that have already commenced to hear the ambe-bahar the usual water supply should be gradually lessened when half the crop is gathered, so that, by the time the last fruit is harvested the surface soil is fairly dry. The necessary resting period varies with the nature of the soil. In very well drained soils this period is very short and flowers appear almost im mediately after the first wateung In the ordinary orange gardens of the Foona Dist'iot four weeks resting is sufficient ; and in r< ten- tive soils six weeks resting is necessary. In places which are surrounded by sugarcane fields from which the ovange trees receive constant percolation, fl wering is hardly possible or if it dots occur at all," it is meagre and most irregular. Similarly, trees growing on an extensive plain with deep black clay soils do not pnduce flowers at regular intervals Such planta- tions are rarely, if ever, paying. Suggestions for treatment of plantations of the latter type will be found in the next. chapter. Climatic conditions also ^eem to have some effect on the condition of the plants with respect to their rtt-ting season. Dry and hot conditions, such as those of Khandesh, remove soil moisture very quickly. ! ranspiration from the leaves is also very rapid. Trees in such a condition, therefore, quickly respond to resting operations and three weeks1 rest is generally sufficient. At VVawoshiin the Pen Taluka of the Kolaba District, the atmos- phere is very moist, the crop is harvested and finished by the end of March and from that time to the commencement of rains the trees are given no water at all. The soil is poor and trees have during the fruiting season to be irrigated at an interval of six days, lest the fruits drop. In spite of the long resting period of two months the trees remain in good healthy condition and flower well in the rainy season. The water table iu the sub-soil also has an indirect effect on the resting period. When the well water is very low, it is lifted up at a considerable expense and it is natural, therefore that that no move water is given than what is actually n-sceaeary for the welfare of the plants. The trees, there- fore, s-how tho drying effect very quickly ; but such is not the case with the trees which receive a liberal supply of water as, for instance, in gardens commanded by canals or wells with a high water table as in some places of Juunar Taluka of the 1'oona District. For the mrig -bahar it is usual to withhold water during all April and the first week of May. Tho exposing and pruning of roots are done exactly in the same manner as explained above in the case of the ambe-bahar. The first watering is give a iu the second week of May and flowers appear in the second week of June; the crop is harvested in March. In some places where the water level goes very low in the welis or where the water supply altogether tails in the hot season, the resting period is either prolonged or shifted to May. In some parts of Khau flesh, resting is given in May and the treos flower in July ; at Wawoshi in the Pen Taluka the trees are rested for two months (April and May). . For the hatti-bahar it is impossible to rest the trees in the months of August and Septomber, as there is rain during this period. This crop therefore is not taken as a rule by the cultivator except when the rainfall is very scanty or when tho mrig-bahar is missed. Tt often happens that in spite of the regular treatment given to the plants they of ten produce flowers at odd times Trees are often met with in a plantation where fruits are noticed in all the stages from flower to alrao4 n ripe fruit. , Again, from several causes a bahar may be altogether missed, even though the trees have received regular treatment An abnor- mally heavy crop in one year is often followed by poor crop or no crrp r\nd this is accounted for by the exhaustion of the trees. The only pos?iUe remedy against this trouble is to give a liberal doso of manure especially potash and phosphatic manures when a heavy crop appears on the tree. This helps the trees to recoup its material for the nest year while it is still developing its fruits. Another cause of the failure ff a crop is that the resting operation is not commenced at the right lime or it is sometimes unusually prolonged and this is particularly the case wi h the ambe-bahar, which is often missed. The resting period is sometimes cut short by unusual rains when the tree suddenly starts all-round vegetative growth before the buds have sufficiently matured. When the trees fail to produce a crop of flowers, say, of the ambe-bahar, it is necessary to treat them for the next mrig-bahar. With proper treatment, trees do flower at the time of the suc- ceeding bjhar and thus the bearing season is postponed for six: months. Some cultivators, however, prefer for various reasons to take a bahar at a particular season and are prepared to forego almost a full y ar's crop Now which of the two bahars is the best to take is decided by certain factors, the most important of which are water, insect pests and market. We have seen above that the frnits of the ambe-bahar develop during the months of February to November and when once the fruit is set on the tree xegular irrigation throughout the dry season is essential. In the months of April and May the water level in the wells goes very low ; to irrigate the gardens from such wells is a very expensive business. Now if the mrig-bahrir is taken the crop develops from the months of July to March of which the first three months are of the rainy season. When the water level goes low (April and May) the trees need no water; it is natural there- fore that in regions where water supply is scanty the mrig-bahar is the favourite with the cultivator and where it is abundant, for instance, in the Poona District the ambe-bahar should be preferred. In Khandesh people always go in for the mri'j-bahar and in Poona the gardens are generally treated for the ambe-bahar. At Wawoshi in the Kolaba District the well in the orange garden has practically no water in the months of April and May. It is therefore natnral that the grower should take nothing but the mrig- bahar. From the last picking of the fruit he waits till the advent of the rains. His trees flower when rain is pouring in heavy showers and the fruit sets all right. The ambe-bahar in this case is an impossibility. Near Poona the cultivator has to take into consideration the fact that in Khandesh and the Central Provinces orange trees are more prolific than those of Poona. He therefore so times his operations that his crop can be placed on the market when hft competitors have less fruit to offer. The second factor is the presence of insect pests, such as the moth Ophideres. These moths are very bad during the rainy season, Jnly, August and September; they puncture well developed fruits at night time and thus cause a considerable loss of frnits of the ambe-bahar. Fruits of the mrig-bahar are just developing during this period and the moths do little harm to them. Thus the orange grower who places his crop on the market in March practically suffers no loss from the troublesome moths, 16 Local practice has much to do with tho choice of the laKart. Orange cultivators ot a tract become accustomed by long practice to perform their operations at certain times; they do everything almost automatically. To shift the operations to different reasons is a difficult j >b to thorn. To adapt oneself to changed conditions at a moment's notice requires consider- able education aud training. The cultivator in Poona District does not as a rule like the mrig-l>ahar and similaily the orange grower of Khandesh does not like the ambe-bahar He is generally unwilling to purchase young orange plants from Poona as they are accustomed to bear the ambe-bahar; he procure s his plants from Nagpur even at a higher cost where treeg usually bear the mriy-bahar. As regards other kinds of citrus trees, ladoo, kaw'a, &c., they are treated exactly in the same manner as tantra plants. Sakharlimbu and m ihalung plants bear pome crop without any special treatment ; but they too have the usual bearing seasons and respond to the same treatment as that given to santra and mosambi trees. The kagdi-limbu trees as a rule do not require special rest ; they generally flower in the months of February and ripen their fruit in July and August. Occasionally they produce flowers in the month of October in addition to flowers which appear at any time of the year. The trees are manured with town sweepings without exposing the roots. But cases do occur where trees do not produce the normal crop of flowers, or where the fruit does not develop to its normal size and drops prematurely. This is generally associated with defecting the soil or over- irrigation. Scab both on the fruit and branches is also a fruitful source of this trouble. It is better to treat such plantations by cutting off water for one month and root exposure followed by manuring with town sweepings. If the trees are infested with scab they should be pruned of their diseased branches and should be immediately sprayed with Bordeaux mixture [see Bulletin No. 71 (1915) of the Bombay Agricultural Department]. The spraying will give tone to the trees. If aphis is very bai the trees should be sprayed with Incosopol* ( 1 Ib. of Incosopol to be mixed with 8 gallons of water). Pomelo trees when they arc planted in a regular garden must be treated in December with old sheep manure about three baskets (60 Ibs.) to each tree. The trees do not require a severe rest or root exposure. About two wee KB' rest at Christmas time will quite suffice. Flowers generally appear in January and fruits ripen in November and December. • tfadt by th« Indian Cotton Oil Co., Navaari, Bombay Praudenoy. CHAPTEE VII. Occasionally one meets with orange gardens which present peculiar difficulties and must be treated according to the nature of the individual case. A Santra plantation in Junnar Taluka, for instance, showed signs ot the yellowing of leaves and dying of branches of groups of trees here and there. The fruits of the trees remained small, prematurely turned yellow and dropped. Analysis of the soil showed large amounts of salts ( see soil analyses given at the end). The well water which was used to irrigate the. plantation was not salty. In the soil around the sickly trees succulent weeds such as are usually found on salty soils ware noticed. This was a clear case of accumulation of salt in the soil. Owing to defective drainage in the soil an extra amount of salt was brougrt "to the surface after every irrigation. Water evaporated from the surface leaving salts behind. Now to correct the defect in the soil, resort must be had to through drainage. To effect this trenches must be dag out round about the diseased trees at short intervals say at fifteen to twenty feet. Each trench must be three feet deep and eighteen inches wide. The trenches from the diseased trees should be connected to one common trench finally leading to the nearest stream or nane has to see that irrigation or rain water will actually flow from the plot to the nala. If water remains stagnant in the tranches it will possibly make the case worse. Heavy rains in the monsoons are likely to wash away soils from the sides of the trenches. This can be pre- vented by putting brush-wood in the trenches at short intervals. The di+ticulty of iirigating the trees may be overcome by using small pipes or pieces of corrugated iron sheets through which water can be carried over the trenches. By this method the land can be improved in the course of about two years. It occasionally happens that trees are planted in a very clayey soil ; tbe subsoil, which is in ordinary cases lighter, more penetrable and more drain- able, proves to be equally clayey. The trees grow all right for a fe»y years and give a very good outturn. But soon after they begin to decline in their vigour, young twigs begin to turn yellow and die ; the plants make a feeble attempt to form new shoots lower down but these never make any progress and finally the trees die a slow death, [n this case also trenches made in the manner described above will improve the case. When the soil is not so bad as described above nor is it as good as it should be, the plantation may be treated in a little different manner. In- stead of making water channels in the usual manner, long furrows may be made between two rows of trees. At every watering turn alternate lines raay be used and the lema'ning ones may be cultivated with a harrow. At the second watering the dry part may be irrigated and the wet part of the previous turn cultivated. In this way the soil will receive less water the dry pai't will act as a lung and the disadvantages of the clayey soil will be greatly minimised. The soil will be further improved if a green manure like sanu-hemp is ploughed into the soil in the rainy season It is a common phenomenon that Santra fruits in certain places do not develop an attractive colour nor do^s the fruit develop to its normal size. Again the fruits of the mrig-bahar (ripening in Febr aary-^Iaroh) in certain localities are scorched on the side exposed to the sun. The cause of this is generally to be found in soil conditions, especially imperfect drainage and aeration. Attention, should be given to these points. As regards the use of special manures for orange trees little attention has been paid so far ; the following manures are recommended : — 201bs. farm yard manure 10 „ wood ashes £ per tree after on? year, I? n This manure may be increased by — 10 Ibs. farm yard manure "j 2 „ ash V per tree per year for 8 years 1 „ bone meal. J when it may be kept at that rate. This manure may best be given at the beginning of the rains if not heavy or in August if they are heavy. It should be mixed with soil and spread over the bed. In famine years such as that of the year 19 18-19 it is very difficult to keep the trees living Water in the wells is very low and insufficient, and bullocks become too emaciated to lift it up. The best way to save the trees would be to irrigate the bearing trees first at ten to twelve days interval and then to irri.ate the remaining ones which carry no fruit if the well allows it. In extreme cases if the trees could be irrigated by the end of February they a- least could e saved. After the last watering the whole ground should be lightly harrowed once in a fortnight removing all weeds. In the necond week of June the trees if they have gone very bad should be pruned with a saw leaving stumps of ab mt three feet in height. In the rains just follow- in? this operation the stumps will sprout very profusely if the rains are favourable the new shoots -nay produce a few flowers but the trees will be benefited if these aw removed as they appear, tn the following year the trees may be allowed to develop a few fruits. Soon after pruning the stock produces suck ors from below which uust be carefully rubbed off to encour- age shoots from the soiim. In the first aeasofi'after pruning any suitable intercrop may be taken between tho trees. One often meets with orange gardens which are nicely laid out in the beginning but come to be neglected through several causes. Advice is often sought as to the best method of renovating such old and neglected gardens. When dealing with such cases one has to see that the whole garden is first ploughed properly. The trees should then be pruned of all their dead shoots and dying branches, removing at the same time all diseased portions of the trees. The trees should be thoroughly examined for borers and grubs which if found should be destroyed. Perhaps it may be necessary to spray the trees with some insecticide or fungicide which may act as a deterrent such as incosopol or Bordeaux mixture. The worst trees may perhaps die under this treatment. • he trees should be treated with a liberal dose of farmyard manure. They will on the whole certainly show improvement by producing fresh and healthy shoots. Kagdi Limbu trees are hardv and as a rule yield a f iir crop without any sp cial care. This fact gene.-ally aoco ints for the neglected appearance of ga-dens. Tho tr es of about ten years old are very often seen loaded with a considerable quantity of d a 1 material In all cases suoh trees should be pruned every year of their dead branches when the crop is harvested in September or at any time convenient to the owner Bat this work must not be neglcctei on any account. Timely attention to the hygienic conditions of the garden always repays its costs many times over. The garden is rarely infested with diseases. It yields a better aad increased crop and its life is considerably, increased. CHAPTER VIII. DISEASES OF CITEUS TBEES. Aphides.— The Green Fly (mava in Marathi). All kinds of Citrus plants are liable to the severe attack of this pest. Young branches as they develop are often infested with colonies of tiny black or yellow insects. Such plants as a rale have an unhealthy appearance and the lower leaves are covered with a sticky secretion. At first the insects are wingless and have two short tubes projecting from the abdomen. Later on winged individuals appear. These little insects do a considerable damage to citrus plants by sucking juice from young branches and leaves; "they also excrete a sweet liquid which falling on the leaves below makes them sticky and shiny and gives a footing to a black fungus ; this appearance on the plant is generally familiar in India. Ants and other insects are fond of this liquid and come to the plants to obtain it. Ants obtain it direct from the plant lice and it is well known that some ants use plant lice as we do cows, not only ' milking ' them but preparing shelters for them and caring for them " (Lefroy : Indian Insect Pests, page 138). The aphides are generally worse in the cold season, particularly in the months of October to February. They hate a natural enemy which keeps them in check, namely, the lady-bird-beetle which is a small rounded bettle about the size of a split pea, coloured in red and yellow with black spots. The grub and beetle feed very actively upon aphides. The best remedy is to spray the plants particularly young parts with Incosoppl, a product manufactured from cotton seed by the Indian Cotton Seed Oil Company of Navasari, District Surat. This substance is mixed with cold water in the proportion of 1 Ib. to 8 gallons of water. The disease will be checked with two sprayings given at the right time j otherwise more sprayings at an interval of one week will be necessary. Aphides can also be checked by spraying tobacco solution. " Soak 2 Ibs. of tobacco in 2 gallons of water for 24 hours or boil for half an hour. Disssolve | Ib. bar soap or 1 point of soft soap in the mixture. This is the stock solution. Dilute with 7 parts of cold water." The Lemon cutter pillar (Papilio demoZetw).— All kinds of Cirtus trees and particularly Eagdi Limbu are defoliated by curiously marked caterpallars which feed openly upon the leaves of the plant. These cater- pillars hatch from small round yellow eggs laid a few at a time upon the topmost shoots of the plants where the young caterpillars will find tender leaves upon which to feed. They are at first brown with white markings closely resembling the droppings of birds, and doubtless feed on the leaf in an exposed position to assist the resemblance. When nearly full grown the colour changes to a vivid green, with lateral brown markings and the caterpillars now leave their exposed position on the leaf. When young they feed on the quite small leaves, attacking larger leaves as they grow older. As a rule only a few are found on each plant but they do much mischief to small plants and, if abundant, entirely strip them. The caterpillar pupates on the plant, fixing itself by the tail and by a thread round the body which is fastened on each side to the plant. The butterfly is large and conspicuous, common throughout the plains. It lays its eggs also on the JBer (Ziiyphua jujuba) and other wild plants. There are several broods in the year the first in April, the second in June, the last in November, but there is also a brood in December in places where the cold is not too great. The simplest method of dealing with this pest is to pick off the caterpillars and destroy them. The application of lead arsenate is effectual, but as there is usually a succession of egg laying females, one application is not sufficient, and it is simpler to pick them by hand. A boring insect is sometimes found penetrating the trunk of trees especially in old and neglected gardens. This is not yet identified. It can be killed by a stiff iron wire in its hole and the hole then filled with wax. White ants are sometimes very troublesome. In such cases the nest must be searched for and dug out and the queen ant killed. The most important pest on orange fruits is the moth (Ophideres) which does considerable damage to fruits at night time. The fruit when almost ripe is punctured and its juice is sucked up by the moth. The fruit then falls to the ground. There are several species of this of which Ophideres fullonica is the commonest one. " It pierces the rind of the fruit with its powerful proboscis in order to extract the sap. The insect is a handsome one, the upper wings coloured in tone of gray to resemble tree bark, the lower bright orange and black. By day this insect hides on bark of trees with the wings folded, coming out at dusk to fly about. It is attracted to fruit, feeding on the juices." Another moth which also does considerable damage to orange fruits at night time is Nyctipao Tiieroglyphica. " This is a large deep coloured moth up to five inches in wing expanse. The large ocellus-like markings on the forewing are very striking." The lai*vee of these insects have not been found, nor are their food plants known. It is, therefore, difficult to control these two pests except by catching them with a hand net at night. The insect is not very active ; it does not therefore require considerable skill in catching them with a net and lantern. Arbela tetraonis is found in old and neglected gardens and also feeding on the bark of a great many fruit trees, such as guava, mango, orange. The larva may be known by the peculiar patches of excrement and silk found on the bark of trees near the bore of the caterpillar which comes out at night, feeds on the bark and makes this peculiar covering on the part it eats. The larval galleries and freshly eafen bark around them are evidence of the piesence of the caterpillar which is readily destroyed by syringing into its burrow a' mixture of two parts of chloroform and one part creosote. The pest can also be controlled by the following method, b irst remove all excreta and webby material from the trunks of affected trees and spray the trunks thoroughly with Paris Green (proportion 1 Ib. Paris Green, 1 Ib. soft soap and 8 gallons water j. Two sprayings in a week will complete- ly check the pest. Aspidiotus aurantii is a scale insect that produces scale like spots on the fruit. The remedy for this is spraying with rosin wash prepared by boiling 2 Ibs. of rosin and 1 Ib. of -washing soda together in water till dissolved and mixing with water up to 8 gallons. Aleurodes eugeniae Tar. aurantii is a small scale insect which attaches itself to leaves. It has the appearance of small black scale with a white border. Remedy : rosin wash as described above. These two pests are very minor ones in the Bombay Presidency. So far we have been tronbled with no serious fungus diseases of Citrus in the Bombay Presidency. There are however two diseases to which attention is drawn here. Scab is common on many kinds of Citrus fruits especially santra, mosambi and k Tgdi limbu. Young branches of kagdi limbu are also spotted with scab. The origin and exact nature of scab is not properly understood. Some fungi are usually associated with scab, but they are by no means proved to be the primary cause of the disease. Some kinds pf bacteria are also found with scab. Another obscure disease is a browning of the mosambi fruit called tanibera. The cause of this disease is not known, but it appears that it is generally found in gardens which are perpetually moist as in sugarcane tracts. At Wawoshi in the Kolaba District, orange trees were affected with a disease in which the branches died one after another. The cause of the disease is not definitely understood, but cultures from the affected branches showed several fungi of which Nectria, Diplodia and Fusarium were prominent. It is not clear if any of these fungi is the real cause of the disease, for inoculation experiments of these fungi did not produce the disease. Fortunately this disease is confined to only one garden in the Bombay Presidency ; it appears in the rainy season and it is kept well under control by pruning and burning the affected branches and by thoroughly spraying the trees with Bordeaux mixture. Fusarium Umonis sometimes attacks plants at the collar. The usual remedy recommended is to cut out diseased parts and paint with 50 per cent, carbolic acid* 3 8 S S 6666 ^ A. 6 6 8 8 • ? 9 ° ? « ? 4n cb 6 .II. a* O Ci « 05 A. 6 9 6 6 5 S 6 6 O O 66 » » 6 6 « o? 6 6 666 5 § S 606 0666 eo 10 $ S o o o S ? « «n* eb o »o »o § 5 8 8 § S § g 11111 1 I 1 1 1! I! I « 3 II g i* i* i. I ° S| fijl fS S 3 11 1l ^ I a Analyte* of Waters unfit for Citrti* tree*. [Parts per 100,000.} VI Wells at Sabannati in Gujarat. A well at Akalkot. atcr Samples. Nos. 523 532 533 332 A 362B Total salts contained 80-00 224-00 184*00 464-00 360-00 280-00 Calcium carbonate 12-00 22-80 10-00 8-00 20-00 28'42 Magnesium carbonate 6-09 12-17 15-22 36-53 51-59 Magnesium sulphate 9-15 Sodium carbonate 6-24 6-24 10-40 12-48 Sodium bicarbonate 19-55 11-63 16-05 23-50 Sodium sulphate 4-88 19-52 21-96 51-24 20-74 Sodium chloride 82-34 136-29 99-33 302-94 231-00 Oaloium sulphate 74'5 Oalouim chloride 30'36 Magnesium chloride 45-72 Water No. 623 is good bat all others are unfit for irrigation. POOKA: PRISTKD AT THH IVDJL PRISON PBiSfl, LIST OF AGRICULTURAL BULLETINS PUBLISHED BY THE DEPARTMENT 1 OF AGRICULTURE (1908 TO 1918-19) AND KEPT FOR SALE AT THE GOVERNMENT BOOK DEPOT, BOMBAY, POONA. Subject. No. Tear. ] as. 'rloe a. P« 30 1908 Field, Garden and Orchard Crops of the Bombay Presidency, by Q. A. Gammie, Economic Botanist, Bombay 0 12 0 32 1908 Locusts iu India, by H. M. Lefroy, Imperial Entomologist, Pusa 0 8 0 33 1909 Cultivation of Broach Cotton in Dharwar, by M. L. Kulkarni, Divisional Inspector of Agriculture, S.D. 0 4 0 a> ,, „ (Kanarese) 0 4 0 SI 1909 Night-soil— A Valuable Manure, by G. K. Kelkar, Assistant Professor of Agriculture, Agricultural College, Poona 0 4 0 35 1909 Kalar in Sind, by G. S. Henderson, Deputy Director of Agriculture, Sind ... 0 4 0 36 1910 First Experiments in the Treatment of Grape-Vine Mildew in the Bombay Presidency, by W. Burns, Economic Botanist 0 14 0 37 39 1910 1910 An Examination of the Seed-Supply of the Broach District, by G. D. Mehta. The Salt Land of the Nira Valley, by Harold H. Mann, Principal, Agricul- 0 4 0 tural College, Poona, and V. A. Tarnhaue, Laboratory Assistant, Agricul- tural College, Poona 0 5 0 40 1911 The Cultivation of Guavas near Poona, Dharwar and Liinbgaou 0 12 0 41 1911 Groundnuts in the Bombay Deccaii 0 4 0 42 1911 Note on Long-stapled Cotton in Sind 0 3 0 43 1911 An Examination of the Seed-Supply of the Broach District, Part II .. 0 5 0 44 1911 Preliminary Study of the Red Rot of Sugarcane in the Bombay Presidency. 0 a 0 45 1911 Second Year's Experiments in the Treatment of Grape- Vine Mildew in the Bombay Presidency 0 14 0 46 1911 Seed Selection Series I, Broach Cotton 0 8 0 47 1911 San Hemp 0 4 0 48 1911 Poona Furnace 0 7 0 „ ,, (Marathi) 0 6 0 49 1911 An Examination of the Seed-Supply of the Ahmednagar District, Part I. 0 5 0 60 1912 An Examination of the Seed-Supply of the Ahmednagar District, Past 11. 0 8 0 61 1912 Third 1 ear's Experiments in the Treatment of Grape-Viue Mi'.dew . ... 0 S 0 62 1912 Muscovado Sugar Machinery and its scope for (Jui Manufacture in India. 0 8 0 63 1912 A Method r>t- improving the Quality of Cotton Seed 0 7 0 64 1912 A Note on Steam Ploughing 0 10 0 65 1913 An Examination of the Seed- Supply of the Poona District 0 3 0 56 1913 Preseui State of the Dairying Industry in Bombay 0 3 0 57 1913 improvement of the Indigenous Plough of Western India 0 12 0 S8 1913 Prickly Pear Experiments 0 14 0 69 1914 Coui^oa Salt and its use as Manure in the Konkan Division 0 3 0 60 1914, Note ou Indian ,->ugar Industry and Modern Methods of Sugar Manu- facture 0 12 0 Cl 191' Sugarcane, its Cultivation and Gul Manufacture 0 5 0 62 1914 1 be Value of Castration of Deccan Bullocks 0 3 0 63 1914 Substitutes for Rab 0 3 0 64 1914 Alkali or Kalar Experiments and Completion Report of Daulatpur Reclamation Station in Sind " ... 0 14 0 65 1914 A list ol diseases ot Economic Plants occurring in the Bombay Presidency.. 0 4 Q 66 1914 Indi^eiiou.- Implements of the Bombay Presidency 2 2 0 67 1914 An Examination of the Seed-Supply of the Sholapur District 0 3 0 68 1914 A Note ou Weil Boring 0 5 0 69 1915 Tue Rice MI-HI Borer in the Konkan 0 3 6 70 1915 Impr ..\ •• mi'iit of Cotton in the Bombay Presidency (except Sind) 0 3 6 71 1915 owing in the Nasik District ... 0 9 0 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY This book is DUE on the last date stamped below So. r, 72 19 73 19 74 75 1 77 191 78 191 79 19] 19] 81 19] 82 19] 83 19] 84 191 UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY ••• I SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILI1 001 100309 2