-A98 .3W6>b Bulletin 465 September, 1942 Cytological and Genetic Studies of Sterility in Inbred and Hybrid Maize Frances J. Clark (Eonnctticut ^0Wttlt«ral ^xperintcttt Station CONTENTS Page Introductiox 705 asynapsis 709 Inversions 711 Traxslocations 716 POLLEX AXD OVCLE SeMI-LeTHALS 718 Degexerativk Changes 720 Discussion 723 Summary 724 Literature Citeu 725 Gytological and Genetic Studies of Sterility in Inbred and Hybrid Maize' Frances J. Clark A DISCUSSION of sterilitj'' in maize has applications to both practical and theoretical problems. One aspect is related to the increased growing of hybrid corn in recent years entailing more extensive breeding programs for the production of inbreds and hybrids. It is of practical value to determine and eliminate causes of sterility in in- bred lines in order that uniform production may be assured in hybrid corn. Partial or complete sterility may be manifested in corn by poorly filled ears, aborted pollen, and defective seeds, or a combination of these effects (Figures 1 and 2). Hereditary and non-hereditary fail- ure of seed formation have been described by Mangelsdorf (22). Cer- tain environmental conditions, such as relative growth rates of tassels Figures 1 and 2. Figure 1. Photomicrograph of pollen, stained with a weak solution of iodine, showing two types of aborted pollen grains. Smaller grains are darker in the pho- tograph, and empty grains have no included starch. The large grains are normal. Figure 2. Semi-sterile ear (right) and normal ear of maize. The semi-sterile ear has about 50 percent aborted ovules. and ears, insect injury, diseases and growing conditions, may also change the development of ears and tassels. Usually such factors may be separated from sterility caused by aberrant chromosome be- havior or genetic factors for lethal effects on gametes. However, if the silks receive insufficient pollen, the resulting ear often cannot be distinguished from a partially sterile one. Sterility which is in- herent in the genetic or chromosomal constitution of the plant will be transmitted to succeeding generations through the pollen or egg cells 1 This investigation was supported in part by a gra.nt from the Rockefeller Foun- dation. TOG Connecticut Expemnent Station Bulletin 465 or tlutuigli lioth. iuul usually results in relatively consistent percent- ages of aborted ovules or pollen in the progeny. The results of inbreeding and of crossing inbred lines have been discussed by Jojies (14. 15, 1()), Jones and Mangelsdorf (18). Jenkins (13). Si^rague (37) and others. The problem of hybrid vigor and aspects of heterosis have been reviewed by East (10). Singleton (35) and Jones (IT). A decrease in size and vigor of a ])lant generally accompanies inbreeding and the approach to homozygosity. Certain lines of maize become difficult to maintain because of such weakening, and are particularly susceptible to unfavorable growing conditions. Hybrids from such inbreds may, however, be quite vigorous. This fact has been given theoretical consideration by Jones (IT). Causes of poorW filled ears of corn and particularly M^eak plants have been determined for some stocks by detailed genetic and chromosomal anal- yses, but such methods have not been generally ap])lied in corn breeding programs. Problems of theoretical interest are also associated with a cyto- logical study of sterility in maize. Singleton (35) and Dobzhansky and Rlioades (9) have suggested cj'tological and genetic teclmiiiue^ for determining and locating factors responsible for heterosis. Burn- ham and Cartledge (T) have outlined a method for locating factors involved in resistance to disease. Theoretical significance can also be given to the variations found among a large number of plants, as in a breeding program. Ty])es of plan.ts that are aberrant in leaf growth, chloropliyll ])atterns. ])lant form and fertility of ganu^tes are often observed. The frecpiency of occurrence of such changes constitutes a si^ecial juolilem to be attacked only in experiments designed for the purpose. However, when large numbers of ])lants are gi-own it is pos- sible to observe the kinds of changes whicli occui- and to inv(>stigate the causes. The folh)wing i'e|)ort considers cytological and genetic studies of >om(' types of sterility encoimtei'cd in iul)reds and hybrids. Most of the i'ej)ort is based on progenies from semi-stei'ile ears discox'ered in a fieh] coin yield test in li)3.S. Open-pollinated ears wei-e harvested i'roiii \iiri('(i('s iind h\brids grown in the test ploi for calculations of yield. .V total of ll.'.)l(') eai-s wei-c liarNc^tcd I'roui ;'.ll viirieties and hybrids included in this test. Oi" this nunibci'. -Jf. including 'J'J dif- ferent liybi'ids were classified as semi-stei'ile on the basis of the general aj)|K'arance of the eai's. Tweuty-foui' of these were grown in tlu' next genei'ation. Of this number it was found th:d the sterility was trans- nntted to succeeding genei'ations in \-2 of the progenies: niiu' of the progenies li;id no t r;insniission (d' llie sterility: three of the progeiues had p(»ssible transmission (d' the stciility. and two hiivc not as yet been grown. These I'esults gi\<' ;i niaxiniuni occnn-eni'c of ch:in,'ies ciuisini: stei'ility (d" IT in I l.!>ir,. nv idiout I per l.:i(iii. Thi- cnnnot be used a'- a measure cd' the IVe(|iiciicy -eneral way only with values found in experiments (lesi<>-ned to determine the frequencj'^ of naturally oceurrino- mutational chanfjes. The cytological and genetic analyses of the progenies from the semi- sterile ears were made in order to determine the kinds of naturally occurring changes which wva^j be detected more ])articularly with cytological methods. Another series of semi-sterile ears used in this investigation was obtained from various hybi-ids grown in other test plots. Six of these were from hybrids with the inbred Connecticut 243 ; five were from other field corn hj^brids, and one was from a sweet corn hybrid. The sterility was found to be transmitted to six of the progenies grown. Five of the progenies showed no transmission of the sterility, and one a possible transmission of the sterility. The progeny from the semi- sterile ear having questionable transmission in this group of hybrid ears is difficult to classify both genetically and cytologically since this hybrid, one Avith Connecticut 243, segregates a striped plant which is partiall}'^ ear-sterile, does not always mature and is not inherited as a simi3le recessive. The transmissible sterilities identified in the two groups of semi- sterile ears were found to be due to three general causes: (a) trans- location between non-homologous chromosomes, (b) inversions of re- gions of chromosomes and (c) genetic factors for pollen or ovule semi- lethals in which no cytological change could be found. A summary of the results obtained in these series of semi-sterile ears is given in Table 1. Six diiferent translocations have been found, one inversion and three definite pollen or ovule semi-lethals, with the addition of three possible semi-lethals. The progenies in which transmission of the sterility was definitely established showed semi-sterility in ap- proximatel}^ 50 percent of the plants, whereas in progenies with doubtful transmission of the sterility about 25 percent of the plants were classified as segregating defective gametes. The translocations and the inversion that have been identified are different from any that have been previously reported. This indi- cates that the changes are of a spontaneous nature and not due to any contamination from genetic stocks grown at the same time. Five inbred lines of dent corn have also been examined. Hy- brids with one of the inbreds were found to be semi-sterile, and two of the inbreds Avere characterized by some pollen abortion. K c3^to- logical examination was made to determine the causes of the sterility. Two inbreds were found to have variable amounts of asynapsis; one was found to have a small inversion : one was found to be homozygous for a translocation, and one was found to be mosaic for a chromoso- mal change. The last inbred is also characterized by degenerative changes in ear development, but any relation between such develop- ment and the cytological changes has not been established. One of the inbreds having asynapsis has also been found to segregate a plant with a striped chlorophjdl pattern, but the segregation is not that of a Mendelian recessive. ro8 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 465 '^ u fo M Uh « c .9 2I K-J t-^ c; — = — 0 -r c 0! c "O — 0 -O ■§1 0 ^i 0 0 '4-1 ^ ^ -t- -^1 0) 0 g Q TO x: ^ O -TD >~£; ^_ 1 •4— +- ■o -1- — '■ r- 1 — ^ iJ^ w a, in oo ^i c l/l (13 c 0 zl CN -. 0000 3 0 ^ ~^ ^ 0) ■*" CO On c — 0 •♦-' ^'ui Q) ^ in "1 0. ^^ ■§1. 0 C ro 0 ON 0 0 CO 0 o r^ § 5 r3 ^ •^' 5 a; M-ffl «j ts and of ster eth; Its call 0 c ui 0 u. 0! plan len ent s lie 1 plar logi u - — 0 UJ J- ii 0 — ' 0. _^ 0 u -^ 5 > ,^ i; G S C. M'-5 I/) ° 0 6' C f' E l- ^ J3 S nJ S ./,;''= ^ C 1 r->.*^ V,,— ^ •- QJ ^'^ c E ?^ « >=S S .-• < u. i 0 .-- y,'A < ^^^y, 1 b/: -^ -73 "ti g 0: to bo (i> rt K X ^ M 0 r- M .ti i* •I I-l O 10 m Sterility in I fibred and Hyhrkl MaiEe ■ 709 The results of the cytological and j:>enetic study of the iiibreds and hybrids will be discussed under the following divisions: asynapsis, inversions, translocations, pollen and ovule semi-lethals, and degener- ative changes. Unless otherwise noted, all preparations made were aceto-carmine smears from anthers fixed in a fixing solution composed of 3 parts 95 percent ethyl alcohol and 1 part glacial acetic acid, ac- cording to the method of McClintock (24). ASYNAPSIS The failure of the chromsomes to maintain close synapsis in the meiotic divisions has been found in a number of plants (3, 11, 12, 19, 20, 28, 31). Beadle (1, 2) found such a condition in maize to be in- herited as a simple recessive gene {as). Variable numbers of gametes are aborted as a result of the action of this gene since one or more chromosomes fail to be included in the nuclei of part of the develop- ing gametes. Aii examination of the pollen in inbred C243 revealed that abou.t 50 percent of the pollen was of aborted grains — small or without any included starch grains. A cytological examination of meiosis indicated that the cause of this partial pollen sterility was in the lack of complete synapsis of the chromosomes. It is doubtful whether this condition is the same as that reported by Beadle, referred to above, since tlie asynapsis is not as complete, and the ears show very little if any sterilitj?'. Counts of microsporocytes at the diakinesis stage of meiosis are given in Tables 2 and 3. Table 2. Counts of the Numbers of Cells Having Univalents at Diakinesis AND Metaphase. Fkom Two Plants of Inbred C243. Number of Number of Percent of cells with cells with Total cells with Plant 10 bivalents univalents cells asynapsis 38-392-] '■ Diakinesis 107 234 341 68.6 Metaphase 25 138 163 84.7 42G 17-3 Diakinesis 26 34 60 56.7 Table 3. The 406 Cells From Column TO THE Number Two of Table 2 Classified OF Univalents. According Plant 2 Number of univalents 4 6 8 10 12 20 38-392-1 178 42G 17-3 20 130 48 13 1 10 3 1 0 1 0 1 0 It is evident that most of the cells had only one or two chromo- somes which did not maintain their synapsis up to the time of diakine- sis and metaphase. In manj^ cells in which complete separation of some homologues was observed there were also one or more of the bivalents associated only at the ends. The number of chromosomes with partial asynapsis had no relation to the number of univalents in the cell. When univalents are present in the meiotic divisions, they are 10 Connect'fCKt h'.rjni'nDciif Station liullctrn 465 often not inchulod in either ol' the two (hiutihter niielei due to their lagging on the spindle or being left otf the spindle figure. Small mieronuclei Avhich become pycnotic develop from univalents excluded from developing telophase nuclei. This is simihir to the l)ehavior of fragment chromosomes (2()). Quartets that were counted with ref- erence to the presence of micronuchM are tab\dated in Tal)le 4. Tablk 4. Numbers of Quartets with Microxuclei axd the Xumhek ok Mkim- xucLEi IX the Microspores. Plant 38-392-1 42C 17-1 42C 17-2 Quartets with micronuclei 30 113 110 Quartets with no micronuclei 20 25 10 Microspores witli : 0 micronuclei 119 249 104 1 01 227 210 2 12 60 82 3 6 11 21 4 1 5 3 5 1 0 0 Percent of microspores with micronuclei 40.5 55.0 65.8 Tlie number of micronuclei in a (juartet is indicative of the auu)unt of pollen abortion to expect, although a chromosome left out in a pre- vious division is distributed at random to one of four microspores and may l)e inclnded in a developing nucleus. Two pollen counts were made of two plants of C243, one having 76 i)ercent small and empty grains, the other having 47 percent small and empty grains. The ])ol- len abortioi) resulting froui spores which faih^d to receive a t-omplete clii-omosouie couij)UMuent uiay be variable if tiu' auu)unt of asynapsis is (l('|)('n(h'nt upon envii-onuiental couditious. Souic iiulication of this was found in couipnrlng |)lauts growu iu tiie Held and in the green- house. l*owers aiul Dald {•2!>) also foiuid e\idence that the amount of asj'^napsis in uuii/.e may (lc|)('nd on cn\ironnicn(al conditions. In addition to the plants of C'24.'5 which wei-e I'ound to have asynapsis as described aboNc. iiil)r('d C14. three [)lauts of which were examined, was found to ha\c sonic asynapsis. Four i)lant> oi" the hy- brid ('24;i X C14 were I'ound to ha\e conipleto ])airing of thi' chrouu)- somes, ami likewise complete symqisis was found in one plant each of ('14 X ('<>77, Ldg X 02-^'^^ and"d!4:'> X miniatui-e seed. 'I'hesc results show that tlu^ asynai)sis of both ( '"2 b' ami CI I disappeai- upon hy- lu'idi/ation. If it is gene-conlrollcd. it niii>t be rcccs^ixc ami the two lines must have dill'erent genes I'or asvnapsi-. The transmission (d' t!i<' tendency toward asynapsis was tested by e.xamining pollen of plants ol' the progeny of hackcros.ses with C'24;i. The ba I ga\c UI> phiiits with noi'iiial polh'U and eight plant- with Sterility i)i Inhred and Ilybrid Maize 111 aborted pollen. A 1 :1 ratio would be expected from a simple gene ratio. Transmission is effected through both pollen and eggs but, since these numbers are small, it cannot be stated definitely that the inheritance is that of a simple recessive gene. Partial asynapsis seems to occur frequently in inbred plants and may well have some physi- ological basis for expression. INVERSIONS Two inversions were found during the examination of the inbreds and hybrids. One of these included the centromere, as was found by the prophase synapsis of the chromosomes and by the absence of bridges and fragments in the meiotic divisions. The other inversion does not include the centromere, as was shown by the cytological ex- amination. Types of crossovers in inversions, and gametes produced are discussed by McClintock (26), Darlington (8) and Sturtevant and Beadle (39). The inbred Iowa La has been grown for about 14 years. Cyto- logical examination of plants of this inbred indicated that a small inversion was present although the inbred might have been expected to be free from aberrations after the period of inbreeding. One plant was examined cytologically in the summer of 1938 to determine the morphology of the chromosomes. Bridges and small fragments were found at the meiotic divisions, and it was concluded that the plant was heterozygous for a small inversion. The progeny of this plant was grown and 10 plants of the next generation were also found to be heterozygous for an inversion since bridges and fragments were found. It was concluded that the inversion is a short one since the fragment is so small, but the location on the chromosomes was not observed. There is some evidence that it may be the small terminal inversion, not including the centromere, on the short arm of chromo- some 8 (previously reported by McClintock, 25), and the amount of crossing over is similar to that observed for the chromosome 8 in- version. The frequency of crossing over in this inversion was deter- mined by counts of the types of bridges and fragments observed at the meiotic divisions (Table 5). Table 5. Counts of Bridges and Fragments at the First Meiotic Division in Four Plants Having a Small Heterozygous Inversion. Percent Plant Non-cross- Bridge plus Bridge, no Fragment, Two cross- no. overs fragment fragment no bridge fragments Total overs 3 2" 4 1 + 1?=^ 67 29.9 3 P 2 0 40 15.0 ■? 0 0 0 9 22.2 8 1-M? 2 0 50 22.0 Anaphases 836-6 46 -7 34 -9 7 -11 38 Telophases -7 322 17 1 48 T 390 17.4 1 Fragment possibly attached to bridge. 2 No bridge; bridge in one? 2 One with bridg-e ; one with no bridge. 712 Connecticut E^-periment Station Bulletin 465 C.V\ mV. % %. 10 #♦* -^r*-^-^ ■jrj^ ■"■■-■'■ ■■ " -ti*'^ Ijm i:i,.. 1(M3. (l'.\lil;inali'iii on uiipusilf ]);iL;t'.) Stenllty in Iiibrecl arul Hybiid Maize 713 A single crossover within the inverted region is represented in these counts by a bridge and a fragment. If the fragment is included in one of the developing telophase nuclei, only a bridge is observed; if the bridge should break early, only a fragment Avould be observed. A double crossover (4-strand) is represented by a bridge and two fragments at the first meiotic division. The occurrence of other types of crossovers cannot be demonstrated from the division I configura- tions, but the presence of bridges in the second meiotic division indi- cates that they may occur in this small inversion (Figures 10 and 11). Six cells were found (of a total of 140 counted) having a bridge in one of the sister cells resulting from the first meiotic division. A three- strand double crossover, one crossover in the inversion and one cross- over outside the inversion, results in a bridge in one of the sister cells at the second meiotic division. A triple crossover results in a bridge in both sister cells of division II, one sporocyte of this type being ob- served among the 140 counted. It is evident that numerous cross- overs take place within the limits of this small inversion. The second inversion was found during the examination of the semi-sterile ears from the field corn test described above. The inver- sion was found in the following hybrids: 4-8 X B,4, 540 X 4-8, 187-2 X 4-8A and Iowa Hybrid 13. Since 4-8 was one parent of the first three hybrids, it may be that this inbred carried the inversion and that it was found in the open pollinated ear of Iowa Hybrid 13 through contamination. Further examinations of the inbreds used in the making of these hybrids will have to be made before it is certain that the inbred 4-8 was heterozygous or homozygous for the inversion, or whether it occurred spontaneously in a generation prior to making the hybrids. The limits of the inversions are shown diagramatically in Figure 3, and photographs are shown in Figures 12 and 13. Since the in- version includes the centromere, crossovers do not result in bridges and fragments at the meiotic divisions. However, duplicated and defi- cient gametes are formed as a result of crossing over, and aborted pollen grains and semi-sterile ears are characteristic. Inversions Figure 10. Chromosome bridge at anaphase of the second meiotic division in one of the sister cells. See text for explanation. Plant 40-836-5 (Pedigree Iowa La.) Magnification X 500. Figure 11. Bridges at anaphase of the second meiotic division in both sister cells. See text for explanation. Plant 40-836-5. (Pedigree Iowa La). X 500. Figures 12 and 13. Two sporocytes heterozygous for the inversion on chro- mosome 1. The loop configuration is at the lower part of each photograph. The arrows point to the centromeres. Plant 39-1428-2. (Pedigree 4-8x^4). V950. Figure 14. Heterozygous translocation between chromosomes 1 and 2. A drawing of this translocation is given in figure 9. Plant 38-382-1. (Pedigree 237 Q2L4A). X 750. Figure IS. Photomicrograph of a sporocyte from the same plant which had the sporocyte shown in figures 9 and 14. In this cell there was no translocation between chromosomes 1 and 2. The numbers 1 and 2 'on the photograph are placed by the respective chromosomes. The arrows point to the centromere regions. Plant 38-382-1. (Pedigree 237 Q2L4A). X 750. 714 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 405 i l_ Figure ^. A. Normal chromosome 1. The arrows mark the approximate limits of the inversion. B. Inverted chromosome 1. C. Outline drawing of synapsis of normal and in- verted homologues at mid-prophase of meiosis. Plant 42G 8-1 (Pedigree 540X4-8). The centromere region in all drawings is indicated by the ligliter open circle. including centromeres are rarely reported (Sturtevant and Beadle 39, p. 189). They may occur as frequently as other inversions, but the method of detecting them in maize by the presence of anaphase bridges and fragments does not alloAv the identificatiou of those inversions includin.g the centromere. The amount of jioHeu abortion in ])]auts from two of tlie ]iyl)rids is given in Table (>. Table 6. Counts of the Pollen Produckd by Four Plants Having a Hktkr- ozYGous Inversion on Chromosome 1. Pedigree Plant Normal pollen grains Empty grains Small ■grains Total Percent aborted 187-2 y 4-8A 40-899-15 691 647 786 269 252 318 6 12 11 966 *)1] 1115 28.5 29.0 29.5 540 X 4-8 42G 2-3 42G 8-1 8-3 539 768 813 365 146 227 38 942 914 1040 42.8 16.0 22.0 Since a >iiiM|(. ci-o.ssoNcr williiii llu'. inverted region results in two normal clironial ids and two delicient cliromatids from one sporocyte, the anioiinl of crossing o\-er is ap]»i'o\iinatel \' doubh^ th(> amount of ])ollen alioilion. II a jilaiit lielero/ygoiis for (he inxcr^ioii nn cliiiimosome 1 is -eir.Ml. (lie fesuHing progeny -lionld |ia\-e one foiii'tji plants with uor- mal clirojuosonie 1, one-foiirlli liomo/.ygons foi- (he invcrled ciiroMU)- some, 1 and oiie-lialf hetei'ozygous for (he inversion. If a |)lan( heter- o/ygoiis for (he invei'sion is used as either (he male or female paicnt Sterility In lvl>i'Cil (ind riijhrid Maize 715 Tablk 7. Progeny of Plants Heterozygous for Inversion on Chromosome 1. No. of plants No of semi- Percent with Type of cross witho Lit inversion sterile plants Total inversion Hybrid ear open-polinatec 4-8 X R4 11 s' 19 42.1 540 X 4-8 22 18' 40 45.0 187-2 X 4-8A 15 14^ 29 48.3 Iowa Hybrid 13 22 3 25 12.0 Selfed ears from 187-2 X 4-8 A 2 15^ 17 88.2 10 6 16 37.5 5 7 12 58.3 3 9 12 75.0 Heterozygous inversion X or on normal 11 8 19 42.1 14 7 21 33.3 8 11 19 57.9 Totals 123 106 229 46.3 1 One plant examined cytologically. 2 Two plants examined cytologically. in a cross with a normal stock, one-lialf the resulting progeny should be heterozygous for the inversion and one-half should have normal chromosomes. When any of these three tyi^es of crosses is made, there should be one-half the progeny with normal pollen and one-half the progeny with pollen segregating aborted grains, the latter represent- ing plants heterozygous for the inversion. Ears of most plants lieterozygous for this inversion are recognizable as semi-sterile. Trans- mission of the inversion was tested by making the crosses described above. The data are given in Table 7. Classitications were based on Figure 4. Outline drawing of the synapsis at mid- prophase of meiosis in a plant heteroz5'-gous for a trans- location between chromosomes 1 and 2. An inbred (696-3c) was found to be homozygous for the translo- cation. Chromosome 1 has prominent chromomeres at the end of the short arm and a heterozygous knob on the short arm. Chromosome 2 has a homozygous knob on the long arm. Plant 38-1210-8 (Pedigree 696-3c X Pamunkey). 716 Connecticut Experiment Station Bulletin 465 jDollen or ear examinations and in some instances Avere verified by cytological examination. Crosses between the inversions from differ- ent sources will be made to determine if thej^ are identical. A further proof of this would be in findinf^ the inversion in the inbred 4-8. TRANSLOCATIONS Seven different translocations have been identified during tlie analysis of the semi-sterile ears. One of the translocations is of par- ticular interest since 696-3c, a Lancaster field corn inbred, was found to be homozygous for it. It was observed that all plants resulting from crosses with this inbred had semi-sterile ears. The hybrid 696-3c X Pamunkey was examined cytologicalh^, and the translocation was found to be present in the heterozygous condition (Figure 4). Approximately 0.4 of the sliort arm of chromosome 1 was exchanged with about 0.5 of the long arm of chromosome 2. The translocation had occurred in the inbred and became homozj^gous during inbreeding. Since no apparent growth change occurred in the inbred as a result of the translocation it was not detected until hybrids with it were grown and the translocation became lieterozygous. Roberts ('32), however, found evidence stat- istically that some homozygous translocations may affect the de-\-elop- ment of the maize plant in the rate of maturing and total growth. Figures 5, 6 and 7. Oulliiir drawings of syiiapscd chromosomes at tlu- niid-prupliasr of incio: I'IGURE 5. Heterozygous translocation between chromosome 1 and C). The translocation occurred near the ends of each cliromosome. Chromo- some 0 is attached to the nucleolus and is cliaracterized in this plant by a small and a large knob on the long arm. Plant 40-894-10. (Pedigree 682-8c X 24.3). i-'iGUUE 6. J fc'terozygfius translocation hetwren clnomosomes 2 and 5. The translocation occurred about mid-way on the long arm of chromosonie 2 and very near the centromere on chromosome 5. t'lu-omosome S in this plant was heterozygous f and 9. The translocation occurred on chromosome 6 beyond the small knob and on chromosome 9 near llie end lants wei-c normal. It was concln(h'd that the apparent semi-sterilit}- of ])art of the ear was (hie to environmental or physio- logical ciinses. POLLEN AND OVULE SEMI-LETHALS Instances of a type of senii-stci-ilily in which cei'tain pi'oportions ol' (lie ganietes arc dcrcc|i\e but in which no \isil)le chromosome aber- rations can be dete<'ted have been rei)oi1c(| in mai/e, (2;>, liO, 33, 34, 30). These factors may be locatecl on the chromosomes by means of iStcfUlty iih Inhred mid Ili/hrid Marie 719 lmka- place in sporocytes or pre-meiotic cells from an analy- sis of the chromosomes. Ho^Yever, if any chanh)catioii. or no selection against gametes carrying it. lines homozygous for a change are automatically establislied durmg inbreeding in the same manner that a gene for a plant character is obtained homozygous in an in- bred line. 'The inbred 696-3c was found to be homozj^gous for a translocation between chromosomes 1 and 2. Another, a sweet corn inbred, was previously found at the Connecticut Experiment Station to produce all semi-sterile ears when crossed with other inbreds. This was also homozygous for a translocation (identified by Burnham). Inbreds homozygous for translocations are not detected, until crosses are made with them imless there is some efi'ect on the growth of the plants. They are useless in the production of hybrids since all the resulting crossed progen}'^ is semi-sterile. The type of sterility which is transmitted either through the pollen or through the egg cells is also occasionally found in inbred and hybrid stocks. When the pollen is segregating defective tj^pes but the ears are normal, the condition cannot be recognized by field examin- ation. All inbred carrying a factor for pollen abortion would be at no serious disadvantage if it were normal in other respects and produced adequate amounts of pollen in s])ite of the sterility. When a factor for ovule abortion is present and the pollen is normal, the condition would be easily recognized by the semi-sterile ears produced, and the line would be discarded for commercial production. Degenerative changes which occur sporadically in inbred material are of interest in theoretical problems but are a hindrance in a prac- tical breeding program. ]\Iany of these may have physiological or en- vironmental bases for expression. They are dillicult to analyse gen- etically and there is a possibility that the presence of modifying fac- tors may affect the phenotype, particularly in instances in which the ratios differ significantly from theoretical Mendelian ratios. When sib lines differ after a number of years of inbreeding, as was found to be the case in line C2;^>7, the inferences may lie drawn that the inbreds may be very susceptible to critical environmental conditions, that hom- ozygosity has not been attained or that the fre(|uency of changes af- fecting the phenotype of the ])lant is relatively high. In the line C237 there may also be a condition t'lnoiiuii- n lallicr high frequency of chi'ftmosomal changes. A cytological study of the inbreds and hybrids reported here has shown that many of the changes had occurred without producing any visible effect on the ])lant growth although the IVrtilily of the gam- etes was altered. The analysis was uii(l('itMi(ci'iliti<'s and the tyjjcs of changes A\hi(h had oceiirred. SUMMARY .Vn <'.\!iniiii:il ion of {\\v progenies ol' ;)(• semi-sterile eai'S oecnrring spontaneon.->ly iimong hybi-ids grown in (est plots showed that IS of the pi-ogenies transmittecl the stei-ility to tlu; next generation, four had Stenlity in Iiibred and Ilyhrid Maize 725 doubtful trausniission of the sterility and 14 had no transmission of the sterilit}''. Six translocations, an inversion and three factors for lethal gametes were found among the progenies in which the sterility was transmitted to succeeding generations. Five inbred lines of dent corn were analyzed cytologically to de- termine the causes of sterility in the inbrecls and in hybrids with them. Two were characterized by variable amounts of asynapsis. One was found to have a small inversion and one was found to be homozy- gous for a translocation. 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