DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY BY ORLA-JENSEN DR. PHIL. PROFESSOR OF TECHNICAL BIOCHEMISTRY IN THE POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, COPENHAGEN. FORMERLY DIRECTOR OF THE SWISS EXPERIMENTAL DAIRY STATION TRANSLATED FROM THE SECOND DANISH EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS AND REVISIONS BY P. S. ARUP B.SC. (LOND.), F.I.C. CHIEF CHEMIST TO ENGLISH MARGARINE WORKS (1919) LIMITED WITH 70 ILLUSTRATIONS PHILADELPHIA P. BLAKISTON'S SON & GO. 1012 WALNUT STREET 1921 0 Printed in Great Britain. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE THE success of Professor Orla- Jensen's " Dairy Bacteriology," in the original as well as in the German, Dutch, and Finnish translations, has led me to hope that an English translation might find a welcome. The author has had the unique experience of an intimate knowledge of the highly-evolved dairy industries of two countries so widely different as Denmark and Switzerland, and, as the reader will find, he is keenly interested in the valuable work which has been carried out in English-speaking countries, particularly in America. The translation has been based on the second Danish edition of 1916, which is the standard text-book on its subject for Danish students of dairying. As Professor Orla-Jensen has spared him- self no pains in correcting and adding to the text in order to bring it thoroughly up-to-date, the present edition may be regarded as an entirely new one. Certain portions of purely local interest have been omitted, though the number of omissions on this account have been very few ; the scientific character of the work as a whole renders it of international interest. At the present time, when the question of pure milk is beginning to attract the attention which it deserves in the United Kingdom, it is hoped that the work may offer some useful suggestions to those engaged on the difficult problems which the whole question involves. In spite of the modesty of the author's claims I consider that his book should also convey something to those who can read between the lines, and on this account I venture to hope that not only students, but also dairymen and all others who have to deal with milk and dairy products, whether from the medical, veterinary or analytical side, will find something of interest in its pages. In conclusion, I wish to express my thanks to Mr. D. R. Wood, Public Analyst for the County of Somerset, for kindly reading the MS. and offering useful hints. PAUL S. ARUP. Liverpool. 524744 AUTHOR'S PREFACE IN order to avoid the inclusion of superfluous matter in this work on Dairy Bacteriology, I have, on the one hand, omitted from the teaching of dairy practice everything which is not exactly of bacteriological interest, and, on the other hand, from the bacteriological side everything which is not of interest in dairy practice. It is, therefore, assumed that the reader will have obtained from other sources a knowledge of dairy practice, and that through the study of this book he will obtain some guidance in the bacteriological technique. This work is not a treatise, but only a text-book, for which reason one must not expect to find in it mention of every single microorganism to which is ascribed the power of affecting milk or dairy products in one way or another. I have purposely scrutinised the literature on the subject as closely as possible, and through my own investigations I have sought to form an opinion as to the actual conditions. The book is in all details built up on my own experiences, culled from twenty -five years of research work, and I, therefore, feel that I can confidently recommend it to my pupils. ORLA-JENSEN. Copenhagen. CONTENTS TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE AUTHOR'S PREFACE . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE v vii xi PART I.— GENERAL CHAPTER I MICROORGANISMS AND FERMENTATIONS General Description of Microorganisms, their Nutrition and Growth — Fermentations — Enzymes — Variability — Methods of Culture and Examination. CHAPTER II BACTERIA . Classification — The Lactic Acid Fermentation and the Classi- fication of the Lactic Acid Bacteria — The Propionic Acid Fermentation — The Butyric Acid Fermentation — The Putre- faction Process. CHAPTER III YEASTS AND MOULDS The Species commonly found in Milk and Dairy Products and their Action. 26 49 PART II CHAPTER I CLEANING AND THE PROCUREMENT OF MILK .... Cleaning and Disinfecting — The Procurement of Milk — Clean- liness in Milking, etc. — Microorganisms in Milk, their Origin. CHAPTER II THE NORMAL AND ABNORMAL MICROFLORA OF MILK . The Normal Flora : Microorganisms in Milk, their Growth in and Influence on Milk under various Conditions — Abnormal Flora : Primary Milk Defects — Diseases of Cows, their Influence on Milk — Secondary Milk Defects — Infections with Disease Organisms — Abnormal Behaviour, Appearance, Taste and Smell. 54 63 x CONTENTS CHAPTER III PAGE THE PRESERVATION OF MILK AND ITS TREATMENT FOR DIRECT CON- SUMPTION 77 Cooling - - Sterilisation - Pasteurisation - - Bacteria in Pasteurised Milk — Condensed Milk — Dried Milk — Preservatives — Milk for Town Supplies — Cleaning, Pasteurising and Cooling — Milk for Infant Feeding. CHAPTER IV THE APPLICATIONS OF THE LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION IN THE DAIRY INDUSTRY 100 Dietetic Preparations — The Souring of Cream — Lactic Acid Cultures and Starters — Treatment of Starter Milk — Buttermilk — Separated Milk — Whey for Preserving Manure. CHAPTER V THE NORMAL AND ABNORMAL MICROFLORA OF BUTTER . .120 The Normal Flora : Butter from Unpasteurised and Pasteurised Cream — Changes in Butter on Keeping — Fat Hydrolysis — Rancidity — The Abnormal Flora : Original Butter Defects — Secondary Defects. CHAPTER VI THE RIPENING PROCESSES OF THE DIFFERENT CHEESES . .128 Action of Rennet and Lactic Acid in making the Curd and in Ripening — Types of Ripening Processes — Changes undergone by Constituents of Cheese in Ripening — Hard Rennet Curd Cheeses — Moulds in Cheese Ripening — Soft Rennet Curd Cheeses — Smeared and Mouldy Cheeses- -Acid Curd Cheeses. CHAPTER VII DEFECTS OF CHEESE ..... .151 Origin of Defects — Sponginess — Defects in Colour, Taste and Smell. CHAPTER VIII THE GRADING OF MILK .157 Taste and Smell — Estimation of Dirt — Leucocyte Test — Catalase Test — Rennet Test — Acidity — Fermentation Test — Reductase Test — Combined Reductase and Fermenting Test, with special Reference to the Interpretation of Results. INDEX • 175 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 1. Acetic Acid Bacteria (Bacterium aceti). (After Hansen) . . 2 2. Brewers' Yeast (SaccJiaromyces cerevisice). (After Hansen) . 2 3. Penicillium glaucum ........ 2 4. Growing Top Yeast. (After Mitscherlich) .... 3 5. Clostridia. (After Prazmowski.) Spore Formation in the Common Butyric Acid Bacteria ..... 4 6. Plectridia. (After Migula.) Spore Formation in the Tetanus Bacterium ......... 4 7. Spore Formation in Wine Yeast. (After Hansen} ... 4 SA. Mucor Mucedo. (After Kerner) ...... 5 8s. Transverse Section of a Single Sporangium. (After Brefeld) . 5 9. Penicillium glaucum. (After Brefeld) ..... 6 10. Oidium lactis. (After de Bary) ...... 6 11. Mucor racemosus with Chlamydospores. (After Brefeld) . . 6 12. Zoogloea of " Leuconostoc," a Coccus which forms slimy lumps in Cane Sugar Solutions. (After Zopt) .... 7 13. The Bacterium of "Long Milk." Capsule Stage. Milk not yet slimy .......... 7 14. The Bacterium of " Long Milk." Slimy Stage ... 8 15. The Bacterium of " Long Milk." Milk less slimy, but beginning to go thick owing to acid formation .... 8 16. Stab Cultures. A. The Anthrax Bacterium (aerobic). B. The Swine Erysipelas Bacterium (facultative anaerobic). (After Migula.) C. The Tetanus Bacillus (obligate anaerobe). (After Ball) 10 17. Involution Forms of Bacterium aceti produced by cultivation at 39° to 41° C. (After Hansen) . . ' . . .16 18. Freudenreich Flask 17 19. PetruschJcy Flask 17 20. Incubator with Petri Dishes, Plugged Test Tubes, Apparatus for Measurement of Gas Production, etc. . . .18 21. Desiccator for Anaerobic Cultivation . . . . .19 22. Stribolt's Method for the Cultivation of Anaerobic Bacteria. (After Salomonsen) ....... 22 23. J or gens en' s Moist Chamber ....... 23 24. A. Cornet's Forceps. B. Kuhne's Forceps .... 24 25. Bacterium pyocyaneum, monotrich. (After Migula) . . 26 26. Bacterium syncyaneum, lofotrich. (After Migula) ... 26 27. Bacterium typhosum, peritrich. (After Migula) ... 27 28. Bacterium vulgare, peritrich. (After Migula) .... 27 29. Various Cocci. (After Flugge) 27 30. Vibrio cTiolerce. (After Migula) 28 31. Various Screw-shaped Bacteria. (After Flugge) ... 28 32. Actinomyces bovis. (After Bostr'om) 29 xii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIG. PAGE 33. Thermobacterium bulgaricum. Grown in sterile milk. Stained with methylene blue. The grains are round and dark blue 30 34. Thermobacterium bulgaricum. Grown in milk pasteurised by heating previously to 80° C. for half an hour. Stained with methylene blue. The grains are long-drawn and red. Capsule clearly shown . . . . . . .31 35. Thermobacterium helveticum from Emmental Cheese. (After Freudenreich) . . . . . . . .34 36. Streptobacterium casei from Danish Dairy Cheese ... 34 37. Streptococcus cremoris (Streptococcus laclicus) .... 35 38. Streptococcus cremoris (Storch's No. 18) . . . . .36 39. Streptococcus thermophilus ....... 36 40. Streptococcus lactis ........ 37 41. Betacoccus from thin juice from Nakskov Sugar Factory . . 37 42. Streptococcus liquefaciens (Freudenreich' s Micrococcus casei amari) ......... 37 43. Streptococcus liquefaciens (Escherich's Streptococcus coli gracilis) 37 44. Various Betacocci in Stab Cultures in Cane-sugar Gelatine . 38 45. The Coli Bacterium which spoilt the Milk and Butter at Duelund Dairy in 1888. (After C. O. Jensen) .... 40 46. Bacterium acidi propionici (a) . . . . . .41 47. Bacterium acidi propionici (b). Grown at 39° C. ,. . .41 48. Bacillus subtilis. (After Migula.) a. Active rods before spore formation, b. A piece of film. c. Kods with spores. d. Stained to show the flagellse 46 49. Mycoderma cerevisice. (After Holm) ..... 50 50. M onilia nigra. (After Burri and Staub) . . . .51 51. Two Varieties of Penicillium brevicaule 52 52. Kotting Swede containing numerous Pectin -fermenting Plec- tridia 57 53. Milking Eoom at Fauerholm ...... 59 54. Gurler's and Stadtmiiller' s Milk Pails. (After Conn) . . 61 55. Cooling and Straining of Milk at Fauerholm. In the foreground Ice is being put into the bottom of BuscJc's Milk Pail . 78 56. Jonas Nielsen's Steriliser 80 57. Heine's Cleaning Separator . . . . . . .91 58. Laval's Cleaning Separator 92 59. Hygienic Stopper 93 60. Orla-Jensen's Household Pasteurising Apparatus ... 97 61. Bacterium bifidum, distinctly branched. From faeces of bottle- fed infant . . . . . . . . 101 62. Kefir Grains, natural size. (After Kern] . . . .103 63. Section through a Kefir Grain 104 64. Leucocyte Sediment from the Milk of a Cow suffering from Streptococcic Mastitis . . . . . . .159 65. Catalase Test Apparatus 160 66. Gelatinous Types ...... .164 67. Blown Types ...... .164 68. Spongy Types . . . 165 69. Cheesy Types . . . . . . . . . 165 70. Apparatus for Reductase and Fermenting Test to take 200 Samples . 168 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY PART I GENERAL Chapter I Microorganisms and Fermentations BY microorganisms or microbes, we understand all organisms which are too small to be seen by the naked eye ; they remained unknown until it had become possible to construct strong magni- fying glasses or the combination of lenses which make up the microscope. Bacteria were first observed by the Dutch optician Leeuwenhoek in 1675, but no real knowledge of their nature was gained until the latter third of the last century, when Pasteur carried out his classical researches. Bacteriology is thus a comparatively new science ; nevertheless it has already revolu- tionised both medical science and the technology of the fermenta- tion industries, among which may be included the dairying industry. As far as the fermentation industries are concerned, only three groups of microorganisms come into consideration, Bacteria, Yeasts and Moulds. Bacteria and yeasts proper are unicellular, while moulds are generally multicellular . Unicellular organisms may be united in chains, but the individual cells of the chain show no differentiation as regards structure or function, excepting such modifications as may be due to differences in age or nutrition. In the moulds, on the other hand, it is possible to distinguish between two groups of cells ; first, the mycelium, which is con- cerned with the nutrition of the organism, forming a tangled network in the nutrient medium, and second, the fine thread-like shoots which bear the reproductive organs and generally project out of the medium so that the spores may be carried away by air currents (see Fig. 8). DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY The size of microorganism is given in micromillimetres, or microns, designated by the Greek letter /z, being one-thousandth part of a millimetre. Bacterial cells generally measure from 0-5 to 2 JJL in thickness. Some idea of their minuteness may be formed on consideration of the fact that the space of a cubic millimetre will hold one thousand million bac- teria of average size. From Figs. 1, 2 and 3 it will be seen that the cells of yeasts and moulds are from five to ten times as large as those of the bacteria. V^ \ \W V V FIG. I.— Acetic Acid Bacteria (Bac- terium aceli). (After Hansen.) FIG. 2. — Brewers' Yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisice). (After Hansen.) All magnified 1,000 times (x 1,000). FIG. 3. — Penicillium glancum. GROWTH AND REPRODUCTION Under normal conditions a bacterial cell will soon grow to its maximum size, often becoming more or less elongated in form, when a cross partition appears dividing it transversely into two MICROORGANISMS AND FERMENTATIONS 3 separate daughter cells of equal size, which in their turn grow longer and divide, the process being repeated indefinitely. This mode of reproduction is known as fission. Yeast cells, on the other hand, reproduce by budding, or gemmation ; small round outgrowths appear and continue to develop until they attain the size of the mother cell (see Fig. 2). In the moulds we generally find growing points as in the higher plants ; only the outer cells are capable of reproduction, which mostly takes place by fission and only rarely by budding. Spore Formation. — As the higher plants form seeds, so many of the microorganisms form spores, the function of which is to preserve the species under adverse conditions. Spores are accordingly more resistant to the influence of desiccation, poisons and high temperatures than the ordinary cells. Two distinct \i FIG. 4. — Growing Top Yeast. (After Mitscherlich.) I. At 7 p.m. II. Next morning, 8 a.m. III. 9 a.m. IV. 10.15 a.m. V. Noon. VI. 3.30 p.m. VIT. 8 p.m. VIII. 9 p.m. IX. 10 p.m. X. 11 p.m. types are found : endogenous and exogenous spores. It is com- paratively seldom that the cell becomes completely changed into an Arthrospore, absorbing reserve food material freely and thickening its wall1. Endogenous spores are formed inside a cell while exogenous spores arise as constrictions on the end of a cell. Bacteria only form spores of the first mentioned type, only one spore appearing in each cell. If the spore causes the cell to bulge out locally, drumstick (Plectridium) or club-shaped (Clostridium) formations arise according as the spore lies at the end or in the middle of the cell. Germination in a direction approximately at right angles to the length of the cell is said to be lateral, and germination from the end polar. The yeasts likewise form endospores only, but several spores, up to ten in number, may be 1 In this connection it may be mentioned that, according to Preisz' investigations ( " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 1 Abt., 1918, Bd. LXXXIL, p. 321), the spore proper (the refractile body) is always only condensed reserve food material ; outside this may be demonstrated a mass of protoplasm from which growth proceeds. 1—2 4 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY formed in a cell. As a rule, two, three or four spores are found together (Fig. 7), and they generally grow by budding like the ordinary yeast cells. When moulds form endospores (e.g., the various Mucors) this takes place in specially shaped cells known as sporangia, which may contain several hundred spores (Figs. 8 A and SB). As a rule, however, the moulds form exogenous spores ; these are known as Conidia when formed as constrictions on specialised spore bearing members (Conidiophores) (see Figs. 3 and 9), and as Oidia when formed on the ordinary branches of the mycelium (Fig. 10). Considered as spores, the oidia are less characteristic than the conidia ; the Chlamydospores, however, are exceptional, being unusually thick walled oidia, which may be formed anywhere in the mycelium (Fig. 11). In a chain of conidia, the outer members are generally the oldest, and the inner ones the youngest. STRUCTURE AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF CELLS The main constituent of the cell is a viscous jelly-like trans- parent solution of proteins, known as protoplasm, which is the living substance of the cell. It is an extremely complex mixture of unstable compounds, which are largely built up of combinations FIG. 5.— Clostridia. (After Praz- FIG. 6.— Plectridia (After mowski.) Spore Formation in the Common Butyric Acid Bacteria. Migula.) Spore Forma- tion in the Tetanus Bacterium. All x 1,000. FIG. 7. — Spore Formation in Wine Yeast. (After Hans en.) of a considerable number of different amino acids. The feeble acid and basic properties of these acids are also characteristic of the proteins, a circumstance which enables the latter to combine loosely with a vast number of other substances, thus fulfilling a condition necessary for the vital processes. Oil drops and other reserve foodstuffs are often found in the protoplasm, and as a rule MICROORGANISMS AND FERMENTATIONS 5 there are one or more spaces containing cell sap (vacuoles) . Young and vigorous cells are nearly filled with protoplasm ; old or starved cells have only a thin layer on the cell wall. All cells possess a nucleus which, although similar to the rest of the proto- plasm in composition, is of a still more complex nature. When reproduction takes place, the nucleus is divided between the two new cells. The protoplasm is bounded by a cell wall which grows thicker as the cell ages. It is composed not of cellulose, as in the case of FIG. 8 A. — Mucor Mucedo. (After Ker-ner.) FIG. SB. — Transverse Section of a Single Sporangium. (After Bre- feld.) the higher plants, but of an allied carbohydrate which has been named hemicellulose ; it becomes coated with a nitrogenous substance identical with or very similar to chitin, the chief con- stituent of the shells or exoskeletons of the Crustacea and the insects. Mucin, a substance which forms a sticky mass with water, may also be present. As these substances are typical of many of the lower forms of animal life, it may be surmised that the bacteria form a sort of link between animal and plant life, and this theory derives some support from a consideration of their mode of life. The cell wall may sometimes swell up considerably ; in cases where DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY FIG. 9. — PenicilUum glaucum. (After Brefeld.) FIG. 10. — Oidium lactis. (After de Bary.) FIG. 11. — Mucor race- mosus with Chlamy- dospores. (After Brefeld.) MICROORGANISMS AND FERMENTATIONS 7 it retains its sharp contour, it is known as a capsule. Numbers of cells may thus form large jelly-like masses, known as zoogloea Occasionally the cell walls will become assimilated with the surrounding liquid, which then becomes slimy or ropy throughout (see Figs. 13, 14 and 15). FIG. 12. — Zoogloea of " Leuronostoc," a Coccus which forms slimy lumps in Cane Sugar Solutions. (After Zopt.) x 1,200. FIG. 13. — The Bacterium of " Long Milk." Capsule Stage. X 1,000. Milk not yet slimy. NUTRITION The following twelve elements enter into the composition of all organisms : — Oxygen, Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphur, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium and Iron. It follows that substances composed of these elements are necessary for the normal growth of microorganisms. Some of them, e.g., sulphur, calcium and iron, are only used in such minute DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY FIG. 14.— The Bacterium of " Long Milk/' Slimy Stage, x 1,000. FIG. 15.— The Bacterium of " Long Milk/' Milk less slimy, but beginning to go thick owing to acid formation, x 1,000. quantities that it is unnecessary to add them specially to the nutrient media if ordinary tap water is used. Chlorine and MICROORGANISMS AND FERMENTATIONS 9 sodium are only required in appreciable amounts by organisms normally living in salt liquids, i.e., marine and many pathogenic organisms. Like all other organisms, the microorganisms are able to derive the necessary sulphur, phosphorus and metallic elements from inorganic salts. These salts are found in the required proportions in plant ashes, and formerly it was the practice to add them to nutrient media in this form. If micro- organisms are cultivated in milk or the extracts of meat or plants they will generally be well supplied with the requisite inorganic nutriment. Nitrogen. — Microorganisms may be divided into two main groups according to their ability or inability to assimilate all the nitrogen they require from inorganic sources. A few species belonging to the former group can assimilate nitrogen from the air, and thus incidentally improve the soil for plant growth. The great majority of these, however, require their nitrogen in the form of ammonia or nitrates ; they are represented by the typical water bacteria, acetic acid bacteria, and many yeasts and moulds. Belonging to the group which cannot grow in the absence of proteins or the immediate decomposition products of proteins are many of the putrefactive bacteria and the true lactic acid bacteria. Carbon. — Microorganisms fall into two groups with respect to carbon assimilation. A few species of soil bacteria which oxidise ammonia to nitrates resemble the higher plants in being able to utilise atmospheric carbon dioxide as their sole source of carbon. Unlike the higher plants, however, they are best able to carry out this process in darkness — no bacteria tolerate direct sunlight. Most microorganisms require organic sources of carbon. Some putrefactive bacteria can obtain all the carbon they need from proteins, thus presenting a broad analogy to the carnivorous animals. As a rule, however, microorganisms require special sources of carbon such as carbohydrates, alcohols and organic acids, and often show marked preferences for certain substances ; thus some species will only grow in presence of certain sugars, a circumstance which is put to advantage in distinguishing closely related species from one another. Oxygen. — Oxygen and Hydrogen are assimilated from most of the nutrient substances and from water. Water must be regarded as the most important of the nutrient substances ; it constitutes about four-fifths of the total substance of the microorganism, besides which it is absolutely essential to life as a solvent and distributing medium for all the other nutrient substances. Like animal and plants, most microorganisms are capable of assimilating oxygen direct from the atmosphere. The analogy is only super- 10 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY ficial, for nearly all microorganisms can live without atmospheric oxygen for shorter or longer periods, provided that other sources of energy are available, and towards some species oxygen acts as a poison. Organisms which cannot live without atmospheric oxygen are defined as aerobic, and those which can do without it as anaerobic. The latter group is subdivided into facultative and obligate anaerobes, which are respectively helped or hindered in their growth by the presence of atmospheric oxygen. As a rule FIG. 16.— Stab Cultures. A. The Anthrax Bacterium (aerobic). B. The Swine Erysipelas Bacterium (facultative anaerobic). (After Mifjula.) C. The Tetanus Bacillus (obligate anaerobe). (After Ball.) aerobic organisms will, sooner or later, form a film on the surface of the culture solution or spread over the surface of solid media, only penetrating slightly below the surface. Facultative anae- robes will grow equally well at all .depths or on the surface, while obligate anaerobes only thrive below a certain depth. These relations are illustrated by the accompanying figures. The true lactic acid bacteria generally tolerate air, but thrive best in its absence ; in stab cultures, therefore, they will not spread over the surface, but penetrate the medium evenly from all points. MICROORGANISMS AND FERMENTATIONS U FERMENTATION PROCESSES The assimilated nutrient substances are employed, partly in building up the cells during growth and reproduction, and partly as sources of energy for these and other vital processes. All substances are not equally suited for both purposes, and distinction may be made between the nutrient substances proper and those which merely function as sources of energy. As long as active reproduction is taking place, a considerable proportion of the latter will be pressed into service as cell-building material, later on to be decomposed into simpler products, when the energy thus liberated will be utilised by the microorganisms. That portion of the period occupied by the reproductive process during which no appreciable amounts of decomposition products are separated is known as the incubation period. The decomposition products, which bear a certain general comparison with the substances contained in the urine of animals, are known as fermentation products, and fer- mentations are to be regarded as decompositions brought about by microorganisms. Exceptions occur when the organic sub- stances undergo complete oxidation to carbon dioxide and water ; such changes are looked on as respiration processes analogous to those observed among the higher organisms. Fermentation thus implies only a partial decomposition through the agency of micro- organisms. It is evident that such a process entails a certain loss of efficiency, and consequently a larger consumption of material. Complete decomposition is only effected by aerobic microorganisms, more particularly by the moulds which, as previously mentioned, are able to form aerial shoots. Moulds only function as fermenta- tion organisms when excluded from access to air, under which cir- cumstances many of them produce alcohol, like the yeasts. It will now be understood that the most typical of the fermentation organisms must be facultative or obligate anaerobes. Fermenta- tions are also known which are simple oxidations, such as the acetic acid fermentation. Processes of this nature require a plentiful supply of air, and can, therefore, only be carried out by aerobic organisms. Fermentations and fermentation organisms are often named after their most characteristic products, e.g., alcohol and butyric acid fermentations, lactic acid or butyric acid bacteria. Some- times the name is derived from the substance attacked, e.g., cellulose fermentation or cellulose bacteria. The former system is the more logical. Soil formation is the natural bacterial decomposition of plant remains into products, which, as a rule, are not stinking. Putrefaction is the decomposition of animal remains into products which are usually stinking. As 12 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY animal tissues consist for the most part of proteins, the term putre- faction has become synonymous with the bacterial decomposition of proteins. Formerly, when nothing was understood of the real nature of the different fermentations, they were generally looked on as chemical changes which apparently originated spontaneously, and which might improve a natural product. In cases where the natural product was spoilt instead of being improved the process was known as putrefaction. As alcohol fermentation is the most widely-known example, it is often supposed that the evolution of gas is characteristic of fermentations in general ; but in its modern sense the term fermentation includes a number of processes, such as the lactic acid and acetic acid fermentations, in which no gas is produced. ENZYMES The manifold chemical changes due to microorganisms are carried out through the agency of certain special substances, known as enzymes. These are bodies of unknown composition, possibly more complex than the proteins, which may be separated more or less easily from the protoplasm, and which are able in small amounts to induce certain chemical changes in relatively large amounts of material. Enzyme action may be extracellular or intracellular, according as the enzyme acts outside (exoenzyme) or inside (endoenzyme) the cell in which it has been formed. To the former class belong the digestive enzymes of animals ; as the function of these is to prepare the food for assimilation, they must necessarily act outside the assimilating cells. Many micro- organisms form enzymes which are analogous to these. On the other hand, the typical fermentation enzymes decompose or oxidise the assimilated food material inside the cell, and must therefore act inside the cell, so that the energy liberated in the process may be directly available to the cell. Distinction was formerly made between unorganised ferments, i.e., enzymes such as are contained in the digestive juices, and organised ferments, by which were understood the microorganisms. It was not until 1897, when Buchner succeeded in separating from yeast the enzyme which brings about alcoholic fermentation (zymase), that it became clear that all fermentations are ultimately due to enzyme action. The activity of enzymes increases with the temperature, but above certain limits the enzymes, like the proteins, become de- natured and lose their special properties. The optimum for most enzymes lies between 35° and 65° C. In aqueous solution they are generally rendered completely inactive at temperatures MICROORGANISMS AND FERMENTATIONS 13 between 65° and 85° C. In the dry state, some enzymes will stand temperatures of about 150° C. Enzymes resemble living organisms in being destroyed by heat ; on the other hand they are unaffected by many substances which act as poisons towards living protoplasm, such as toluene, ether, chloroform, ethereal oils, phenol, salicylic acid and benzoic acid. Some such substance, usually toluene, may therefore be added to an enzyme solution to keep it sterile ; boric acid is added to preparations of rennet. Most enzymes act best in feebly acid, all but neutral, solutions ; pepsin is exceptional in acting in presence of the appreciable proportions of acid contained in the gastric juice. As a rule, enzymes are named after the substances on which they act, thus maltase acting on maltose, lactase acting on lactose, urease on urea, etc . In some cases, however, previous usage has established other names. Diastase or, better, Amylase (amylum = starch) con- verts starch into dextrin and maltose ; it occurs plentifully in malt, and plays an important pa;rt in the brewing and distilling industries ; during the mashing process it converts the starch into fermentable products. It also occurs in the saliva and the pancreatic juice of mammals ; as it only makes its appearance some time after birth, newly-born animals are unable to assimilate starchy foods. Invertase hydrolyses saccharose, i.e., cane or beet sugar, into dex- trose (d. glucose) and Isevulose (d. fructose), a mixture which is found in honey and many fruits. Invertase, maltase, lactase and amylase are the chief carbohydrate splitting enzymes. Enzymes which hydrolyse fats into glycerol and fatty acids are known as lipases, and those which split proteins as proteolytic enzymes. Proteins may be hydrolysed by stages, each stage yielding a simpler product, thus : proteins to metaproteins to proteoses to peptones to polypep tides to amino acids. The first decomposition product of casein is paracasein, which, according to Hammarsten, differs from natural casein in being precipitated by the small amounts of calcium salts found in solution in normal cow's milk1. A microorganism which secretes proteolytic enzymes will always coagulate milk, and then gradually redissolve, i.e., peptonise, the precipitated paracasein ; unless the organism in question also belongs to the acid-producing group, the process of peptonisation will tend to produce an alkaline reaction in the milk. Peptonising organisms generally liquefy gelatine more or 1 The coagulation of casein by rennet appears to be analogous to the coagulation of other proteins by heat. See Orla Jensen, " Kemiske Under- sogelser over Maelkens Koagulering og Koaglets Oploselighed i Saltvand." Det kgl. danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Oversigter, 1914, No. 4. Chemische Untersuchimgen iiber die Gerinnung der Milch und iiber die Loslichkeit des Ger. in Salzwasser. Zeitschr. f. Physiol. Ohem.. 1914, Bd. XCIII., p. 283. 14 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY less readily, being usually referred to as liquefying organisms. The proteolytic enzymes of the gastric juice, chymosin (rennet) and pepsin, only carry the cleavage of proteins as far as the peptone stage ; the trypsin of the pancreas effects complete hydrolysis to amino acids. The erepsin of the intestinal juice is particularly thorough in its action, but only attacks proteins which have already been partially broken down by other enzymes. Casein is exceptional in being directly attacked by erepsin1. Oxidising and reducing enzymes are known as oxidases and reductases ; they are of prime importance in connection with the breathing of animals and the reduction of carbohydrates to fats. Storch's well-known reaction, by which it is possible to ascertain whether milk has been heated to over 80° C. or not, depends on the presence in milk of an oxidase which is destroyed at 80° C., and can transfer the loosely bound oxygen of hydrogen peroxide to paraphenylene diamine or certain other colourless substances giving coloured products. Paraphenylene diamine gives a violet or, in the presence of casein, a blue colour. Many vegetable products, such as potatoes, fruits or fungi, contain oxidases as well as substances which yield coloured products on oxidation ; hence the darkening in colour which takes place when they are cut into pieces and left exposed to air ; if the material has been boiled, the oxidase will have been destroyed, and no darkening occurs. Reductases, on the other hand, are generally recognised by taking advantage of the fact that many substances, such as methylene blue, are decolorised on reduction. Catalase occupies a position intermediate between oxidases and reductases ; it decomposes hydrogen peroxide, but the oxygen so liberated will not act on paraphenylene diamine or similar oxidisable substances. Catalase only occurs in small quantities in milk, but plentifully in blood ; as constituents of the blood always pass into milk, which is drawn from diseased udders, an abnormally copious evolution of oxygen in the catalase test (see p. 159) is to be regarded as a bad sign. Certain poisons, easily destroyed by heat, known as toxins, are closely related to the enzymes. They are found in a few plants, in poisonous reptiles and other animals, and are frequently secreted by microorganisms. The various toxins are generally the active agents in diseases due to pathogenic organisms. Healthy living tissues are highly resistant towards enzyme action, and are provided with special poisons, bactericidal substances, which repel 1 It follows that microorganisms which secrete no other enzymes than erepsin attack casein, but do not liquefy gelatine. Conversely, the author has found that micrococci which liquefy alkaline, but not neutral or acid gelatine, do not peptonise casein. MICROORGANISMS AND FERMENTATIONS 15 bacterial invasion unless they have previously been weakened by the action of toxins. To counteract this, the higher organisms secrete substances, known as anti-toxins, which play an important part in recovery from disease and the subsequent more or less permanent period of immunity from the disease in question. VARIABILITY Microorganisms are classified together when they resemble one another in structure and habits of living and growth. Many microorganisms, however, are very liable to vary in appearance and in their biological characteristics, so that we may often have to deal with dissimilar forms which nevertheless belong to the same species. As we have really no sure guide enabling us to distinguish between essential and non-essential characteristics, it may often be difficult to determine whether we are dealing with different species or only variants of the same species. Undoubtedly, the biological properties, such as those which relate to nutrition, growth and energy, are more important in this respect than out- ward form, and, again, the means by which energy is produced are of more importance than the particular raw materials from which the energy is derived. Though it may be granted that an organism which derives its energy from an alcoholic fermentation instead of a complete oxidation to carbon dioxide and water would hardly be classified among the higher organisms, yet it is often observed that closely related organisms are able to utilise different nutrient materials. If a lactic acid organism undergoes variation, it does not follow that it will start producing alcohol or butyric acid instead of lactic acid, but it may easily lose its power to ferment a poly- saccharide, such as milk sugar, which requires a special enzyme, lactase, to convert it into fermentable material. In other words* the intracellular enzymes are much more characteristic of a given microorganism than the extracellular enzymes. It may be assumed that the chief products of a fermentation process will always be the same under similar conditions, but the by-products may vary considerably according to the condition of the organism. The ability to produce certain substances which affect the taste, smell or colour of the medium is especially variable. The nature of the cell wall may also vary, so that an organism may appear sometimes with and sometimes without a capsule, or the cell wall may dis- integrate into a mucilaginous mass. Bacteria are particularly liable to undergo this form of degeneration — especially the lactic acid organisms— generally as the result of over-nutrition ; an analogous instance is seen in fatty degeneration in animals. Temperature is an important factor in determining the form of 16 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY microorganisms ; on cultivation at temperatures approaching the maximum, acetic acid bacteria may be induced to undergo a striking transformation. In the case of acid-producing bacteria, the high concentrations of acid produced in the medium will also tend to cause the appearance of abnormal forms, known as involution forms, and in old cultures of lactic acid bacteria strange elongated, swollen or even branched cells may often be observed. Prolonged cultivation under adverse conditions is the best method of producing new varieties ; thus Emil Christian Hansen induced yeasts permanently to lose their capacity of forming spores by FIG. 17. — Involution Forms of Bacterium aceti produced by cultivation at 39° to 41° 0. (After Hansen.) x 1,000.* cultivating for several generations at temperatures above the maximum for sporulation. METHODS OF CULTURE It is not possible to compound a universal nutrient medium, for some substances may be essential for the well-being of certain organisms and poisonous to others. While certain water bacteria will only thrive in very dilute solutions of organic nutrient matter, yeasts and moulds thrive best in wort and fruit juice, milk bacteria in milk, and pathogenic bacteria in meat broth or blood serum. Such natural media are of variable and partly unknown composi- tion, and, therefore, do not lend themselves so well to the study of fermentations from the chemical point of view. For this purpose artificial media containing as far as possible only substances of known composition in definite proportions are the best ; for bacteria which require proteins, a preparation of peptonised fibrin known as Witte peptone is used ; unfortunately this involves the MICROORGANISMS AND FERMENTATIONS 17 introduction of a substance of which the composition is not quite constant ; only the best brands, prepared under standard condi- tions, should be used. Most milk bacteria thrive in the following solution : — Tap water, 1 litre ; sodium chloride, 2 grams ; dipo- tassium phosphate, 2 grams ; magnesium sulphate, 1 gram ; dextrose, 20 grams ; peptone, 20 grams. This solution has an alkaline reaction, and phosphoric acid should be added until it only just turns litmus paper blue. For the cultivation of water bacteria and most pathogenic organisms, the medium should be distinctly alkaline ; for yeasts and moulds it should be acid. The media are distributed in flasks or test tubes closed with plugs of non-absorbent cotton wool and sterilised by heating in an autoclave for a quarter of an hour at 1 10° to 120° C. The Freudenreich flask is the most convenient vessel to use, as the contents are not so easily dried up or infected as in test tubes. If the nutrient solution is to be used for the investigation of acid FIG. 18.— -Freudenreich Flask. FIG. \ •rmioris (Starch's 1,000. FIG. 39. — Streptococcus thermophilus. predominance in milk which is kept at ordinary room temperature, appearing mostly as diplococci in milk. It ferments dextrin, but not saccharose. Sc. fcecium is also a typical diplococaus form, which grows even at 50° C., and is very common in the manure of mammals. Other related organisms appear both as diplococci, and as longer chains in the same culture. They are distinguished according to their power to ferment a number of different sub- stances such as glycerine, sorbitol, maltose, dextrin and salicin. and generally also pentoses and saccharose ; their maximum temperature is about 45° C. As an example may be mentioned Sc. liquefaciens 3, which liquefies gelatine and produces a bitter taste in cheese. 1 "Zeitschr. fiir Hyg. und Infectionskrankheiten," 1899, Bd. XXXII., p. 361. 2 " Milchzeitung," 1899, Bd. XVIII., p. 18. 3 Freudenreich originally named this organism Micrococcus casei amari ("Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1894, p. 136). BACTERIA 37 The Betacocci have been so named by the author because they are generally found in sugar and other beets, swedes and mangold wurzels, especially when these are in a state of decomposition. In countries where such roots are largely used as cattle fodder, the Betacocci are of very common occurrence FIG. 40. — Streptococcus lactis. FIG. 41. — Betacoccus from thin juice from Nakskov Sugar Factory. FIG. 42. — Streptococcus Uquefacien-s (Freu- denreicKs Micrococcus casei amari). FIG. 43. — Streptococcus liquefaciens (Escherich's Streptococcus coli gracilis). in milk and in the cheese made therefrom. The Betacocci occur as diplococci or short chains, which are not to be dis- tinguished microscopically from the streptococci which have been dealt with above. They generally form Isevo lactic acid, gas and other by-products, and render saccharose broth more or less slimy. The slime formation may best be observed in 38 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY stab cultures in saccharose gelatine. Some species liquefy this medium after some time, though they do not decompose casein. The Leuconostocs (Fig. 12, p. 7), which may give a deal of trouble in beet sugar manufacture, are Betacocci. They grow at temperatures as low as 5° C., and some species thrive better at room temperature than at 30° C. The sour cabbage bac- terium, Sc. brassicce, also belongs to this group. FIG. 44. — Various Betacocci in Stab Cultures in Cane-sugar Gelatine. Group B. — The bacteria belonging to this group are not true lactic acid bacteria, differing from the forms hitherto described in forming catalase, reducing nitrates and generally growing well on the surface of solid media. The microbacteria are very small rods, usually only 0-3 to 0-4 /z thick, which stand fairly high temperatures, and are therefore to be found in pasteurised milk. They form lactic acid, and some of them (Bacillus acidophilus) are common intestinal organisms. To these bacteria are related a group of small rod bacteria which liquefy gelatine, but only produce traces of acid. The tetracocci include the acid-producing forms of the Micro- cocci and Sarcince. Division into these two groups is not feasible, and confusion may even occur with the Streptococcus group, as many of the Tetracocci appear as diplococci ; they may, however, readily be distinguished by their power to decompose hydrogen peroxide, for, as mentioned above, they differ from the true lactic acid bacteria in producing catalase. They produce less lactic acid BACTERIA 39 than the Streptococci, while they form notable amounts of acetic acid besides. They are more aerobic in character than the Streptococci, forming as a rule large surface colonies which are often coloured yellow, orange or pink. Most of them liquefy gelatine, though generally slowly, and they will therefore also coagulate milk, though the quantity of acid formed is seldom sufficient to accomplish this. Several of the liquefying species probably play some part in the ripening of certain cheeses, for example Tetracoccus liquefaciens1 , which forms white colonies and produces dextro lactic acid. The Tetracocci are found in great numbers in cow dung and earth, whence they find their way into dust ; they are well able to stand desiccation and common salt, and many of them will also stand heating to over 70° C. They are common skin bacteria, some giving rise to pustules and others to inflammations, which are generally not of a dangerous character. According to Beijerinck, certain lactic- acid-producing sarcinae which occur in soil, but are of no import- ance in dairy practice, produce large amounts of carbon dioxide and hydrogen. The Pseudo Lactic Acid Bacteria. — These are motile or non-motile, Gram-negative short rods with rounded ends, which seldom form chains or threads of any length. They do not require organic nitrogen, and in stab cultures show profuse surface growth. As a rule they do not liquefy gelatine, and are mainly intestinal and excremental bacteria. The gas which they produce from sugars consists of carbon dioxide and hydrogen in widely varying proportions ; according to certain American investigators, the composition of the gas formed affords a basis for the classifica- tion of these organisms 2. The aerogenes bacteria are non-motile rods which produce large amounts of gas, being able to convert most of the sugar present into gas, especially if the acid which is produced is neutralised. The gas may contain up to three times as much carbon dioxide as hydrogen, while aerogenes forms are known which may even produce carbon dioxide alone. In dairy bacteriology two types may specially-be distinguished. The one forms much slime which gives rise to outstanding colonies with the shiny appearance of porcelain ; appreciable amounts of alcohol are formed, but not acid enough to coagulate milk. If the acid is neutralised by chalk as fast as it is formed, the milk will gradually be converted into a thick slime. To this type belong certain pathogenic bacteria, such 1 The author ("Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1904, pp. 349 and 369) has described this organism under the name Micrococcus casei liquefaciens. 2 L. A. Rogers, W. Mansfield Clark, Brooke J. Davis and Alice C. Evans (" Journ. of Infectious Diseases," vols. 14, 15 and 17). 40 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY as Bacterium pneumonice, and some bacteria which, according to Gillebeau, cause inflammation of the udder. The second type, to which belongs Bacterium lactis aerogenes, produces less slime, and its colonies on gelatine are often but little larger than those of the lactic acid streptococci. They generally coagulate milk by the production of succinic acid and Isevo lactic acid. The aerogenes bacteria can convert the citric acid of the milk into acetic and carbonic acids. On corn and flour aerogenes bacteria are found which produce a yellow colouring matter. Bacterium cloacce is a liquefying aerogenes bacterium. Motile forms related to this organism may be regarded as a link writh the Proteus bacteria. In cheese such forms are often found, but these form spores in one end of the cell, and must there- fore be designated as aerobic Plectridia. The coli bacteria are as a rule peritrich, though often they are only slightly motile. They differ from the aerogenes bacteria in producing about equal quantities of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and also ^n their Power to decompose casein. In the latter respect they show a certain resem- blance to the true lactic acid FIG. 45.— The Coli Bacterium which spoilt bacteria, but they carry the the Milk and Butter at Duelund Dairy . . in 1888. (After c. o. Jensen.) x 1,000. decomposition further than the ammo acid stage, producing evil-smelling bodies, a circumstance which links them with the putrefactive" bacteria. The kind of lactic acid formed by the coli bacteria is influenced to some extent by the particular sugar fermented, and also by the nature of the nitrogenous nutrient matter present. They commonly form large amounts of succinic and acetic acids. Their surface colonies may re- semble those of the aerogenes bacteria in exceptional cases, but as a general rule, they spread out in thin, skinny layers. Numerous species of coli bacteria are known, many being pathogenic, giving rise to intestinal and other diseases such as typhoid fever and dysentery. Bacterium typhosum (Fig. 27) distinguishes itself by being very actively motile, while the dysentery bacteria are non- motile. None of these form gas. The commonest cases of meat poisoning are also due to certain coli bacteria, Bacterium enteriditis. The very dangerous coli bacteria which are dealt with here can easily be distinguished from the ordinary coli bacteria by the fact BACTERIA 41 that they do not ferment lactose to any appreciable extent. Even though they may make milk slightly acid to begin with, they always turn it alkaline at last. THE PROPIONIC ACID FERMENTATION The second fermentation process to be described is that in which sugar or calcium lactate is converted into propionic, acetic and carbonic acids. This fermentation is of particular interest in dairy practice in connection with the formation of cavities or " eyes " in cheese. The author's investigations on the ripening of Emmental cheese have shown that the above-mentioned products mostly appear at the stage at which the eyes are formed l ; FIG. 46. — Bacterium acidi propionici (a). X 1,000. FIG. 47. — Bacterium acidi propionici (6). Grown at 39° C. x 1,000. and Clark has shown that normal eyes contain nothing but carbon dioxide 2. The presence of the organisms in question can only be demonstrated after several successive inoculations into peptone broth containing calcium ' lactate instead of sugar. If such a medium be innoculated with almost any kind of cheese, active propionic acid fermentation will be found to have set in after systematic cultivation for a week or two. Bacterium acidi propionici was first isolated by Freudenreich and the author3. These bacteria are non-sporing, non-motile and Gram-positive. Several species are known which differ consider- ably in appearance. The species (a), which is mainly instrumental 1 " Studier over de flygtige Syrer i Ost." Doctoral. thesis, published by J. Gjellerup, Copenhagen. 2 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bull. 151. 1912. 3 "Uber die im Emmenthalerkase stattfindende Propionsauregarung " ("Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1906, p. 320.) 42 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY in forming eyes in Emmental cheese, resembles the streptococci, but it does not coagulate milk. To this group belong various colour- producing species which may form red and brown spots in Emmen- tal cheese 1. Other strains (b) are stout irregular rods, some of which become either branched or club-shaped, and stain so un- evenly that, like the diphtheria bacteria, they present a segmented appearance. These species produce sufficient acid (not lactic acid) from milk sugar to coagulate milk. The propionic acid bacteria do not decompose casein. Some of them are anaerobic, but may be accustomed to aerobic conditions ; when this occurs, their fermentative powers are gradually weakened. The aerobic varieties form outstanding colonies in stab cultures, and are on the whole as prone to slime production as the aerogenes type. The propionic acid bacteria grow at temperatures between 15° and 40° C. According to Bum 2, they occur in appreciable numbers in cow dung, and probably they find their way into milk from this source. THE BUTYRIC ACID FERMENTATION In this process carbohydrates or lactates are converted into a number of different products, among which butyric acid, carbon dioxide and hydrogen have attracted particular notice. In addition to these, notable amounts of lactic, acetic, propionic and formic acids are formed, and sometimes also various alcohols, so that the process is an extremely complicated one. The first butyric acid bacterium was described by Pasteur in 1861, a discovery which for the first time revealed the existence of obligate anaerobic organisms ; the butyric acid bacteria will under no circumstances grow in presence of atmospheric oxygen. They are fairly large rods which form spores, assuming either the Clostridium or Plectridium forms (Figs. 5 and 6) ; the spores exhibit polar germination. In the butyric acid bacteria it is often possible to demonstrate reserve food material which stains blue or violet with iodine ; this is most noticeable just before sporing if grown on starchy material such as potato slices. The young bacteria are generally Gram-positive. The true butyric acid bacteria can subsist on inorganic nitrogen, and in conjunction with aerobic bacteria they can assimilate atmospheric nitrogen3. They do not attack proteins ; in this respect they differ from a 1 Thoni and Allemann, " Centralblatt fiir Bacteriologie," 2 Abt., 1910, Bd. XXV., p. 8. According to the author's investigations, stab cultures of white varieties of the propionic acid bacteria are often red below the surface of the medium. " Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1912, p. 481. 3 Winogradsky, " Archives des Sciences hiologiques," 1895, tome 3, p. 295, and Bredemann, " Zentralblatt f. Bact.," 2 Abt., 1909, Bd. XXIIL, p. 385. BACTERIA 43 number of nearly related obligate anaerobic bacteria to be described in connection with the putrefactive process. As all the non- sporing bacteria in a liquid can be killed by heating for a few minutes at 90° C., the sporing organisms may readily be isolated by this means. If the liquid is rich in butyric acid bacteria, a small quantity may be inoculated after heating, into a tube containing a deep layer of sugar agar, but if only a few of these organisms are present their number must be increased by adding the heated liquid to sterile milk which all but fills a bottle securely closed by a spring stopper ; the fermentation should not be allowed to proceed too far before the bottle is opened, or the pressure of the accumulated gases may easily cause a burst. The butyric acid bacteria ferment most sugars (not mannitol), and are said to be able to ferment starch. Butyric acid is the chief product formed in milk. They occur principally in soil, manure and flour. According to Grassberger and Schattenfroh1, distinction is to be made between the motile and the non-motile forms, Bacillus butyricus mobilis and B. b. immobilis. The former is peritrich, and readily forms spores which are killed after only three minutes' boiling ; it does not ferment calcium lactate. It is responsible for the large amounts of butyric acid found in certain sour milk cheeses 2. The latter is somewhat larger and forms spores less readily, but on the other hand the spores are decidedly more resistant to heat, for they will survive one and a half hours' boiling. According to Barthel 3, it is far more common in milk than the motile form, which accounts for its regular occurrence in the human and animal intestines. As a gas-producing organism, it may give rise to the formation of cavities in cheese. It may sometimes be pathogenic, and is supposed by some to be merely a degene- rated variety of the organism of the cattle disease, blackleg or quarter evil (Bacillus Chauvoei), which is normally peritrich and attacks proteins. The butyric acid bacteria grow well at 16° to 40° C. While the butyric acid bacteria do not attack cellulose, a number of closely related Plectridium forms carry out a cellulose fermenta- tion which is of prime importance in the digestive process of herbi- vora and in soil formation. Other allied forms ferment the pectins which cement together the vegetable cells, and come to play an important part in the retting of flax and hemp. 1 "Archiv. f. Hygieine," XXXVII., XLII. and XLVIII. 2 Freudenreich and Orla- Jensen, " Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1905, p. 312. 3 " Obligat anaerobe Bakterien in Milch und Molkereiprodukten " ("Centralblatt 1 Bacteriologie/' 2 Abt., 1910, Bd. XXVI. , p. 1). 44 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY THE PUTREFACTIVE PROCESS The preceding sections have been devoted to certain carbo- hydrate fermentations. We now pass on to the fermentations of the proteins, which, according to our previous definition, come under the heading of putrefaction. In this process two distinct phases may be recognised : first, the protein hydrolysis or peptoni- sation, due exclusively to the proteolytic enzymes, in which the proteins are split up into soluble amino acids, and second, the decomposition of these acids by other enzymes (amidases, oxidases and reductases), with the formation of ammonia and various evil- smelling substances. While the final products of carbohydrate fermentation are always acid, those of protein fermentation are always alkaline. As the action of proteolytic enzymes arid also the growth of the organisms which secrete them are inhibited by small quantities of free acid, it is easy to understand why the presence of carbohydrates in appreciable amounts will prevent putrefaction ; it is only when the carbohydrates and their acid products have been destroyed or neutralised that the process of putrefaction will obtain a proper start. As all bacteria which secrete proteolytic enzymes may take part in a putrefactive process, we have to deal with a large number of types. We will first deal with the aerobic putrefactive bacteria, and then with those which are obligate anaerobes, for the former initiate the process and, consuming the available atmospheric oxygen, they prepare the ground for the latter group, which then carry the decomposition further ; it is especially during this second phase that the evil-smelling products, *so characteristic of putrefaction, are formed. A. The Aerobic Putrefactive Bacteria. 1. The Fluorescent Bacteria. — These are non-sporing motile rods with polar flagellse, producing a fluorescent green colouring matter (insoluble in chloroform) on neutral or alkaline media. The commonest species are monotrich and Gram-negative. They do not ferment lactose, and some are liquefying, others non -liquefy ing. Several, especially the non-liquefying species, are denitrifying organisms, i.e., they reduce nitrates to free nitrogen, and thus rob plants of their nitrogenous nutrient matter. They are very widely distributed in soil and water, and can as a rule grow at temperatures only slightly above 0° C. A species which is parti- cularly active in liquefying gelatine, Bacterium fluorescens lique- faciens, hydrolyses fats, and may therefore play an important part in turning butter rancid. Bacterium pyocyaneum (Fig. 25) is a nearly related form which also liquefies gelatine and hydrolyses fats, but it grows so slowly at ordinary temperatures that it does BACTERIA 45 not spoil butter under normal conditions. In addition to a fluorescence, this organism produces a blue colour (which is soluble in chloroform and is turned red by acids). It is often found as one of the active organisms in inflammations, when it imparts a blue or green colour, to the pus. A similar but Gram-positive, lofotrich and non-liquefying species is the bacterium of blue milk, Bacterium syncyaneum (Fig. 26), which in addition to a fluorescence produces a grey colour which is turned blue by acids ; it can therefore only colour milk blue in the presence of lactic acid bacteria. A peptonising rod form which colours neutral milk blue was isolated by Carl Lind, working in the author's laboratory. In all cases the blue coloration starts on the surface of the milk. The last- mentioned organism is perhaps identical with the water bacterium, B.cyaneofuscus, isolated by Beijerinck 1, which produces blue spots in cheese. The group most nearly allied to the fluorescent bacteria are the marine phosphorescent bacteria, which cause dead1 fish to become luminous. Being marine organisms, they require a nutrient medium containing sodium chloride. 2. Peptonising Cocci. — The liquefying micrococci and sarcina forms, especially those which do not produce acid, generally take part in putrefactive processes. Several of the colour-producing varieties thrive well in the outer paste which becomes the rind of many cheeses. 3. Coli Bacteria. — As mentioned above, these are intestinal organisms which find their way into milk from the excreta. Being acid-producers, they will generally retard rather than promote putrefaction, as carbohydrates are present in sufficient quantity both in the intestine and in milk. In the absence of carbo- hydrates, however, they act as typical putrefactive bacteria, decomposing amino acids. 4. The Proteus Bacteria. — As their name implies, these rod forms may assume many different shapes and sizes, sometimes growing out into long threads which may form a tangled network. They form no spores, and do not show any uniformity in their behaviour towards Gram's stain ; as a rule they are actively motile, being plentifully supplied with flagellse all over the cell. The proteus bacteria mostly ferment sugars, especially dextrose, with the production of succinic and acetic acids and various gases, and they generally liquefy gelatine. A non-liquefying form, Bacterium Zopfii, whose colonies ramify so freely on gelatine that it might easily be mistaken for a mould, is frequently found in milk. The most typical of the aerobic putrefactive bacteria is 1 "Botaiiische Zeituiig," 1891, Bd. XLIX., p. 704. 46 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY Bacterium vulgar e (Fig. 28), which coagulates and peptonises milk ; it can grow at low temperatures. Many closely related forms are pathogenic. The ptomaine poisons produced in meat are generally due to certain proteus and coli bacteria. The proteus group includes several colour-producing bacteria, such as the Bacterium synxantum of yellow milk and Bacterium erythrogenes of red milk. The latter, however, differs from the other proteus bacteria in being non-motile. Bacterium prodigiosum, which produces a fine red colour, especially when grown on starchy media, is far commoner of occurrence than the two last- mentioned organisms ; this FIG. 48. — Bacillus subtilis. (After Miyula.) a. Active rods before spore formation, d. Stained to show the flagellse. c. Rods with spores. All these X 1,000. b. A piece of film. X 100. phenomenon was formerly taken for the appearance of blood on the Host. As the red colouring matter is not soluble in water, the bacterium cannot colour milk red, but can only form red spots on the cream layer. It is Gram-negative, and most varieties coagulate milk quickly by forming both acid and rennet. The author has shown that it hydrolyses fat as actively as Bacterium fluorescens liquefaciens. 5. The Hay and Potato Bacteria. — These organisms are distin- guished by their ability to form spores which are more resistant to heat than those formed by the butyric acid bacteria. They are only killed after three to six hours' boiling, and a few species which do not grow at ordinary temperatures form spores capable of BACTERIA 47 resisting twenty hours' boiling. "The spores germinate laterally. The organisms of this group are typical soil bacteria, finding their way into the soil from hay, potatoes and other feeding stuffs, in which they were first found. With the dust, and from the excre- ments of the stable, they find their way into milk, rendering it very difficult to sterilise. Being obligate aerobes, they generally form films on the surface of the culture solution and carry the oxidation of carbohydrates almost to completion. They contain diastase, which enables them to hydrolyse starch ; if bread con- tains spores of these bacteria, which have not - been killed in baking, it becomes slimy after a few days. They peptonise actively, are Gram-positive and peritrich. The two best-known species, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus mesentericus, are best dis- tinguished from one another by cultivation on potato slices, on which the former produces a smooth film and the latter a wrinkled film. Bacillus mycoides is most frequently found in incompletely sterilised milk ; it forms stellate colonies like those of B. Zopfii, in stab cultures, before the gelatine is melted. Bacillus anthracis (Fig. 16A), grows similarly, but is non-motile. Most of the hay and potato bacilli are thermophile, that is they are able to grow at high temperatures, many of them growing well at 50° C., and some even at 60° C. Other species actually prefer temperatures of 50° to 70° C., and do not grow at ordinary temperatures ; these are often non-motile, and anaerobic rather than aerobic. When masses of hay or other vegetable matter become warm, this is in the first place due to the oxidation or respiration of the vegetable matter itself, but when the temperature reaches 50° C. the vital processes of the plant remains cease, and further production of heat is due to the action of the thermophile bacteria until their maximum temperature is reached. Further rise in temperature and spontaneous ignition may take place owing to purely chemical oxidation, i.e., combustion. B. Anaerobic Putrefactive Bacteria. — All the organ- isms of this group are peritrich spore-forming rods which closely resemble the butyric acid bacteria, from which, how- ever, they differ in being able to attack proteins. The most important member is Bacillus putrificus which contributes more than any other organism to the development of the putrefactive odour ; it is able to grow in solutions of pure proteins. The Plectridium foetidum, isolated by Weigmann l from cheese, which produces in milk a smell like that of Limburg cheese, is, according to Barthel 2, identical with Bacillus putrificus. The author 3 has 1 " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1896, Bd. II., p. 150. 2 " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1910, Bd. XXVI., p. 1. * 3 "Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt.. 1904, Bd. XIII.. p. 754. 48 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY examined a similar Plectridium form which was isolated from cheese, but which differs from the last-mentioned organism in being able to ferment calcium lactate and not thriving in the absence of special sources of carbon. Further, it produces in milk formic, butyric arid valerianic acids. Several poison -producing pathogenic forms also belong to this group, e.g., Bacillus botulinus, which forms poisons in sausages, and Bacillus tetani, the organism of tetanus or lockjaw (Figs. 6 and 16c). The subject of putrefactive fermentation has been dealt with at some length for two reasons : first, the putrefactive organisms are the most harmful with which we have to deal in dairy practice, and second, the ripening of cheese is a process of protein decom- position which takes a special course thanks to the acid which is always formed at the outset. The few milk bacteria which are not connected with the fermen- tation processes already described will be dealt with in Part II. Chapter III Yeasts and Moulds UNLIKE the bacteria, the yeasts and moulds prefer acid nutrient media, their natural habitat being soft, juicy fruits. They also thrive in sour milk and dairy products, in which they can produce a variety of changes owing to the number of enzymes which they secrete. They generally oxidise lactic acid, and thus render the medium better adapted for the nutrition of bacteria ; it is only with the co-operation of yeasts and moulds that putrefactive fermentation can become established in sour milk. Yeasts and moulds play an important part in the ripening of many sour milk and soft rennet cheeses. As most moulds hydrolyse fats, they contribute largely towards the development of rancidity in butter. Most yeasts and moulds can grow at comparatively low tempera- tures. While bacteria only develop in media containing at least 20 to 30 per cent, of water, moulds require only 14 per cent., and will therefore grow on comparatively dry feeding stuffs, whence they find their way with the stable dust into milk. A. YEASTS The best-known property of these organisms is the power to ferment sugars with the production of alcohol and carbon dioxide. They find technical application in the manufacture of beer, wine and spirits, while pressed yeast is used in baking to raise the dough. The sporing and the non-sporing forms are known as Saccharomycetes and Torulce, respectively. The non-sporing Mycodermce occupy a special position ; like the moulds, they only produce alcohol quite exceptionally, but they are able to oxidise this substance. 1. Saccharomycetes. — These are the most typical of the alcohol- producing yeasts (Figs. 2, 4 and 7). As the form of the cells is not very characteristic, and subject to considerable variation, the various species are best distinguished by the scheme of Emil Christian Hansen, which is based on the investigation of the spore formation and observation of the time which elapses before spores are formed under certain conditions. Moist plaster of Paris blocks are particularly well adapted for this purpose. The pure cultures used in breweries are generally round or oval yeasts, which 50 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY develop comparatively few spores in each cell ; certain wild yeasts, which spoil beer, grow as elongated cells and form large numbers of spores in each cell. Yeasts which collect at the bottom of the liquid towards the end of the fermentation are known as bottom yeasts ; those which rise to the surface are known as top yeasts. Bottom yeasts are employed in slow fermenta- tion at low temperatures, in the making of light wines and beers of the lager type. Top yeasts, on the other hand, cause more vigorous fermentations, and are used in the making of heavier wines and beers and spirits. Bakers' yeast is usually a top yeast. The yeasts used in the production of alcoholic beverages ferment maltose and sucrose, but not lactose ; the saccharomycetes met with in dairy practice ferment lactose and sucrose, but not maltose. 2. The Torulse. — These are smaller than the saccharomycetes and play only a subordinate part in the alcoholic fermen- tation industries. On the other hand, they are of far more frequent occurrence in dairy products, while the formation of alcohol in Kefir and similar beverages is chiefly due to the action of certain torulse which ferment lactose either by themselves or in symbiosis with cer- tain lactic acid bacteria. A lactose - fermenting species, Torula amara, which lives in sycamore leaves, will, according to Harrison, turn milk bitter in a few hours. The torulse which do not ferment sugar are still more widely distributed ; according to the author's investiga- tions, they develop freely in butter which is kept for some time. Certain species which form characteristic stellate colonies in stab cultures hydrolyse the fat more or less vigorously, provided that the butter is sufficiently acid. A certain torula which hydrolyses fat will colour butter red ; the growth of this organism is inhibited by common salt. 3. My coder mae. — While most yeasts form a film on the surface of the liquid after the fermentation is over, the mycodermse form a dull-looking film at the very outset. As a rule they are elongated cells containing a few bright granules. In the making of Emmen- tal cheese, a home-made rennet is generally employed which, if properly made, should be a practically pure culture of Thermo - bacterium helveticum covered by a mycoderma film which excludes FIG. as these act as insula/tors, prevenETng the transference of heat. This point was first demonstrated by Theobald Smith 4. Thus, wheji pasteurising at low temperajtur^Jr^ large^vessels, the milk must be in constant though not violent motion. Another condition is that the milk must not contain so much acid or rennet that the heating will precipitate the casein which may thus come to enclose and protect the bacteria. Pasteurisation can by no means be trusted in implicitly to cover all defects, for the result depends largely on the state of the raw milk. Fresh and cleanly handled milk may be practically sterilised on pasteurisation, though the milk flowing from the pasteurisers in some dairies frequently contains several thousand bacteria per cubic centimetre, and the subsequent passage over the coolers will, of course, not improve matters in this respect. The expression of the efficiency of pasteurisation as the percentage of bacteria killed on the number originally present is somewhat misleading ; using the processes described above, the percentage is usually over ninety- nine with bad milk, but it often falls as low as ninety with good milk, although the actual number of organisms is always many times greater in pasteurised bad milk than in pasteurised good milk. 1 Weigmann, " Mitt, des Deutschen Milchwirtschaftliches Verieins," 1914, Bd. 31 ; Burri, " Schweitzerische Milchzeitung," 1915, Nos. 42 and 43. 2 Ayers and Johnson, " Journ. of Agric Res.," 1915, Vol. III., No. 5. 3 " Meddelande," Nos. 117 and 118, fran Centralanstalten for forsok- svasandet pa jordbruks omradet, 1915. 4 " Journ. of Experimental Medicine," New York, 1899, vol. 4. PRESERVATION OF MILK AND ITS TREATMENT 83 It is obvious that the sooner the individual particles of the milk can be heated, the shorter will be the time occupied by the process of heating, and by spraying the milk into the pasteurising vessel, as is done in Oscar Lobeck's Biorisator, an effect is attained by momentary heating to 75° C , which is as efficient in killing the bacteria and as lenient towards the milk itself as that attained by heating to 63° C for half an hour. Biorisation may thus be regarded as a process intermediate in character between high and low temperature pasteurisation. Unfortunately the atomiser becomes choked so easily that the apparatus cannot be recommended in its present form. On investigating the Biorisation process 1) the author obtained the following remarkable results : — Not only the milk treated at 70° C., but also that treated at 80°, 85° and 90° C., kept worse than that treated at 75° C. Milk treated at 70° C. rapidly became sour, while that treated at 80° C. became putrid, mainly owing to the action of hay and potato bacilli. Tholstrup Pedersen 2 repeated these tests, heating the milk as quickly as possible in a boiling water bath. As this method of heating is less rapid than biorisation, the best results were obtained at a somewhat lower temperature, i.e., 70° C. The fact that hay bacilli and other heat-resisting organisms grow quicker in milk heated to higher temperatures can only be explained by the supposition that the bactericidal constituents of the milk are killed at temperatures above 70° C. ; Tholstrup Pedersen has adduced other evidence in favour of this supposition. From this it follows that the bacterial count of milk immediately after pasteurisation is not a perfectly .reliable gauge of its keeping power, as the keeping power depends just as much on the bactericidal properties of the milk as on the count (and of course also as on the nature of the organisms present). If the milk is kept at 10° C. or lower temperatures, these properties are more noticeable in lightly pasteurised milk in which the surviving organisms have become weakened by heating than in raw milk, an appreciable diminution in the number of organisms taking place during the first twenty-four hours. If milk is pasteurised at a high temperature (85° to 95° C.) or boiled (as in Soxhlet's apparatus for pasteurising nursery milk), only the spores survive, and milk or milk foods (e.g., chocolate) treated in this manner will therefore not become sour on standing, but will develop putrefactive or butyric acid fermentations. In most cases Bacillus mycoides and other aerobic sporing bacteria will be found. The milk soon acquires an unpleasant, sickly taste, a particularly dangerous feature being that poisonous sub- 1 " Maelkeritidende," 1915, p. 483. 2 "Maelkeritidende," 1916, p. 231. «— 2 84 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY stances may be formed before any apparent change has set in. Immediate cooling to under 14° C., or better still to under 10° C., delays these changes considerably. As many of the sporing bacilli can grow and even thrive well at high temperatures, the slow cooling of milk pasteurised by the methods under consideration may have disastrous results ; Tholstrup Pedersen has shown l that milk treated thus is affected most rapidly at 70° to 60° C. At these temperatures non -motile, aerobic rods will appear after only three hours' standing ; after four hours the milk is so changed that it will no longer stand boiling, and after six to eight hours it coagulates owing to the action of fermentation acid and bacterial rennet. At 60° to 50° C., the bacteria in question do not grow so rapidly, but in their place anaerobic plectridium forms develop freely. It is only under 50° C. that the common hay and potato bacilli appear, while at 40° to 30° C. the true butyric acid bacteria appear as welL The above outline gives an idea of the possible bacterial developments in milk pasteurised at high temperatures and allowed to cool spon- taneously. It has an important bearing on the treatment of skim milk in the Danish co-operative dairies ; as was mentioned above, the skim milk is sent back warm from the pasteuriser to the farms ; it is contained in cans holding up to 50 litres, and after three to four hours its temperature may be above 50° C., and in summer sometimes above 60° C.2 Formerly it was thought that the holding of milk at high temperatures over long periods enhanced the effect of pasteurisation, but now it is known that while this treatment certainly tends to destroy the normal flora of the milk, especially the lactic acid bacteria, it also encourages the growth of another and far more dangerous group of organisms. For this reason skim milk should be thoroughly cooled in the dairy ; there is no reason for heating it to temperatures above 80° to 85° C., the limit set by the Danish pasteurisation law. If this procedure is adopted, the cans must be cleaned before receiving the cooled milk ; the extra trouble thus involved is amply paid for by the saving in coal which may be effected by the use of the regenerative system of cooling ; moreover, the quality of the separated milk will be improved both as regards taste and keeping powers, while the tinning on the cans will last longer. It should be pointed out that the cleaning of the cans by the dairy by no means relieves the consumers from the obligations in this connection. The harmful bacteria may also be suppressed by souring the milk, but 1 " Maelkeritidende," 1915, p. 817, and 1916, p. 35. 2 These investigations also point to the necessity for caution in hay-box cookery, the food being kept for many hours at temperatures favourable to the development of thermophilic bacteria. PRESERVATION OF MILK AND ITS TREATMENT 85 as the resulting product cannot always replace unsoured milk, there is no need to go to this trouble unless facilities are lacking for cooling the milk to under 14° C. l From the results of these investigations it may also be understood why milk or cream which has been homogenised at 60° to 70° C., and which commonly has to stand for some time before it can be sterilised, may acquire a bad taste. The homogenisation should rather be accomplished at 80° to 90° C. , after which the milk should be sterilised at once. While high temperature pasteurisation alters the relative pro- portions between the numbers of the good and the harmful bacteria to the advantage of the latter group, the opposite effect may be produced by low temperature pasteurisation. Ayers and Johnson 2 have shown that the lactic acid bacteria have, as a group, greater heat-resisting powers than was formerly supposed, and that a larger relative proportion of these organisms is to be found in milk which has been warmed to 63° C. for half an hour than in the raw milk. This would appear to be an additional recommendation for low temperature pasteurisation. On the other hand, it must be mentioned that the lactic acid bacteria which survive this process sour the milk slowly at ordinary temperatures, and that there is yet a possibility that the milk treated in this way may suffer undesirable changes before it becomes sour. If the raw milk is particularly good, and therefore poor in true lactic acid bacteria, there is a possibility that it may eventually become just as harmful after low temperature pasteurisation as after heating to higher temperatures. In ordinary milk the true lactic acid bacteria are only killed off entirely by heating to 77° to 82° C. for half an hour. In agreement with this observation, Tholstrup Pedersen 3 found that milk which had been heated to 80° C. still contained many lactic acid bacteria, but that milk heated to 85° C. contained none. The author has found that the lactic acid bacteria growing at high temperatures, i.e., the thermobacteria, and in addition the microbacteria, Streptococcus thermophilus, Streptococcus fcecium, Streptococcus glycerinaceus, and a few micro- cocci are the lactic acid bacteria which best survive heating. The heat-resisting powers of the thermobacteria have been taken 1 The foregoing remarks, as well as those on the same subject on p. 70, are of particular interest in connection with the Danish co-operative dairy industry, in which separated milk is obtained as a by-product from butter making and sent to the farms, where it is extensively used for feeding pigs. The matter is, however, of general interest as an example of the great importance of cooling after pasteurisation. In the large dairies of the United Kingdom the separated milk is usually treated as recommended above before sending to biscuit and other factories. — Translator. 2 U.S. Dept. of Agric. Bureau of Anim. Industry, Bull. 161, 1913 ; " Journ. of Agric. Kesearch," 1914, vol. 2, No. 4. a " AT r»^n^/-K».,' •*-:/! /->^-,^i^ " 1015 -p SPJ 86 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY advantage of in the Swiss cheese making industry for many centuries. Pure cultures are obtained in the acid vats by filling up with warm " Schotte " (boiled clarified whey) so that the temperature rises to about 60° C. The thermobacteria are of no great interest in connection with pasteurised milk, as they develop very slowly in it unless kept at temperatures over 35° C. According to W eigmann's l investigations on low temperature pasteurisation, practically the whole of the bacterial reduction takes place during the first ten minutes, the remaining 1 or J per cent, is halved during the second ten minutes, while practically nothing happens during the last ten minutes. It is, however, necessary to continue for the last ten minutes if the milk is pasteurised in bottles, as it is considerably colder near the bottom than at the top. Ayers and Johnson have even continued heating for six hours without having observed any further bacterial reduction. It follows that the few bacteria which are not killed during the first ten to twenty minutes cannot be got rid of without raising the temperature, so that there is nothing to be gained by lengthening the time beyond the prescribed thirty minutes. According to the author's investigations, the advantages of pro- longed low temperature pasteurisation would be illusory if only for the reason that prolonged heating (e.g., for five hours), even to as low a temperature as 60° C., causes considerable chemical changes in the milk, and, what is still worse, the development of the thermo- philic putrefactive bacteria will be favoured by keeping the milk for so long a time between 60° and 70° C. The concentration of milk consists either in condensing in vacuo or complete evaporation to dried milk. Distinction is made between sweetened and unsweetened con- densed milk, the latter also being called evaporated, milk. Both are as a rule sold in hermetically-sealed tins, but the sweetened milk may also be shipped in cans or barrels. As the condensation is carried out at 50° to 60° C., the multiplication of bacteria is by no means excluded during this process, and the milk should therefore previously be freed from as many germs as possible by heating to the neighbourhood of 100° C. Fourteen to sixteen per cent, of cane sugar is added to the milk which is to be sweetened, and the product is evaporated to a third of its bulk, cooled quickly and stirred meanwhile so as to prevent 1 Weigmann, Wolff, Trensch and Steffen have confirmed Ayers' and Johnson's results, and also shown that the proportion of lactic acid to other bacteria is higher in stable milk than in pasture milk after low tempera- ture pasteurisation, because the former is richer in lactic acid bacteria than the latter (" Centralblatt f. Bakteriologie," 2 Abt., 1916, Bd. XLV., p. 63). PRESERVATION OF MILK AND ITS TREATMENT 87 the formation of large crystals of the difficultly soluble milk sugar, and finally filled into steamed (preferably sterile) vessels. Milk which has been treated in this manner is by no means sterile, but the high sugar content inhibits the development of microorganisms, as in jam. Quite a number of orange and white micrococci can, however, always be found in the milk, and occasionally also yeast, red as well as white Torulse, of which latter a few ferment saccharose even in these high concentrations, and, therefore, can make the tins bulge out 1. If the milk has not been thoroughly aerated after it has been in the vacuum pans, it is only in the top end of the tins that alcohol is formed. In this end moulds may develop in addition to yeasts, but their vitality is cut short as soon as all the oxygen present in the tin has been used up. This stage, however, need not necessarily mark the cessation of the harmful effect of the moulds, as the proteolytic enzymes contained in the moulds, after having digested the mycelium itself, may continue to act on the surrounding medium ; Rogers, Dahlberg and Evans have thus shown 2 that certain reddish brown lumps which are now and again found in old condensed milk, and the origin of which has hitherto been a mystery because no cells were found therein, are formed by Aspergillus repens in the way described above. As the unsweetened condensed milk is not so viscous, it must be homogenised to prevent the separation of cream ; it must be sterilised after having been tinned, in order that it may keep. As highly concentrated milk coagulates to a gelatinous mass at the high temperatures used in sterilisation, the unsweetened milk cannot be evaporated so far as that which has been sweetened ; the author was the first to show 3 that the soluble calcium salts present in the milk are the cause of this phenomenon, their con- centration naturally increasing with that of the milk ; if acid has 1 Hammer has named this yeast Torula lactis condensi (Iowa Agric. Exp. Station, 1919, Bull. 54, pp. 211 — 220. According to the author's researches, the micrococci as well as the yeasts come in the majority of cases from the sugar which is used, it is therefore very necessary that the sugar should be heated to a sufficiently high temperature after having been dissolved. The large amount oi! cane sugar in condensed milk inhibits the development of the ordinary cane-sugar-fermenting Saccharomycetes ; only Zygosaccharomycetes (i.e., certain sexually differentiated Saccharomycetes) will be able to grow in the concentration of cane sugar in question, but these are, so far as the author is aware, never found in milk products. " Journal of Dairy Science," 1920, vol. 3, p. 122. 3 Hoppe Seylefs " Zeitschrift f. physiol. Chemie," 1914, Bd.. 93, pp. 299, 300. In this work it is shown that the coagulation of faintly acid milk on boiling, which is a well-known phenomenon in cookery, is not directly due to the slight amount of acid, but to the soluble lime salts formed by it. The conditions causing the coagulation of normal (not acid and not con- dciised) milk on -sterilisation at 130° to 140° C. are more complicated, as in this case a proteolytic decomposition also takes place. For further informa- tion regarding these conditions, see the author's work in " Landwirtschaft- liches Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1905, p. 235. 88 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY been formed in the milk the concentration of soluble calcium salts is further increased. The worst conditions occur if rennet-forming bacteria are present in the milk in addition to acid-forming bacteria, as the amount of calcium necessary to precipitate the paracasein is only half that necessary to precipitate the casein. It is therefore obvious that only milk of the very best quality can be used for condensing, and such milk is of course also the easiest to sterilise with satisfactory results. According to Hunziker's investi- gations l, the bacteria which are found in incompletely sterilised evaporated milk are not so often hay and potato bacilli as a slender peptonising, non-acid-forming, non-sporing rod bacterium. This organism presumably belongs to the group of microbacteria which the author points out as being able to stand comparatively high temperatures for non-sporing bacteria. If the tins of evaporated milk bulge out, this is always due to anaerobic spore formers, i.e., butyric acid bacilli as well as anaerobic putrefactive bacteria. In leaky tins in which the milk has been infected after sterilisation one may, of course, find lactic acid bacteria as well as many other stray organisms. In order that the bad tins may be picked out, the manufacturers should always keep the condensed milk for a short time before sending it out. Fermentation in sweetened milk will always show itself in the course of about a week at 20° to 25° C., while the " incubation " time for sterilised un- sweetened milk often lasts two to three weeks, even at a temperature of 30° C. Milk is dried on drums in vacuo (Eckenberg's method), on drums heated to 140° C. (Hatmaker's method), or by finely dividing it and causing it to meet a current of air at 120° C., whereby it is instantaneously converted into powder (spray process). Of these methods, Hatmaker's is the easiest and cheapest, but the powder which is _ produced is difficultly soluble even if alkali has been added. The dried milk made by the spray process is far better, being completely soluble when freshly prepared. This is due to the fact that no denaturisation of the proteins takes place, as the current of warm air is cooled right down to 60° C. immediately on meeting the sprayed milk, owing to heat being absorbed in the process of evaporation. All the methods can of course be com- bined with an initial condensation of the milk. Only dried milk made by Hatmaker's process is sterile. The dried milk made by the other processes can of course be made more or less free from fijerms by pasteurising the milk more or less thoroughly at the 1 Otto F. Hunziker, " Condensed Milk and Milk Powder," Illinois, 1920. This work, which is based on wide experience, is strongly recommended to any one wishing to obtain information on these special branches of dairy practice. See also C. Porcher, " Le Lait Desseche," Lyon, 1912. Porcher strongly recommends dried milk for infant feeding. PRESERVATION OF MILK AND ITS TREATMENT 89 outset. Only skimmed milk is adapted for drying, as the milk fat is quickly oxidised owing to the large surface presented by the powder, and thus acquires a highly unpleasant taste. For this reason condensation must still be regarded as the best method for preserving whole milk, at any rate when it is a question of pre- serving it for a long time. Preservatives. — If it is only a question of preserving the sample for analysis, comparatively large amounts of antiseptics may be used, e.g., copper sulphate, potassium dichromate or formaldehyde (0-1 per cent.), but all such substances must be excluded if the milk is to be used as food for animals or human beings. According to Lazarus 13 the following can be added per litre of milk without the taste being affected : 3 grams sodium carbonate or bicarbonate, 1 to 2 grams boric acid, 0-75 gram salicylic acid. Soda naturally delays the souring, but not always the coagulation, as the growth of the rennet-forming bacteria is promoted thereby ; it has also a favourable action on the development of the pathogenic bacteria. Boric acid is without effect in the above proportions, while the salicylic acid inhibits the growth of bacteria to some extent 2. Behring has recommended the addition of a slight amount of formaldehyde to milk, 1 to 10,000 parts, to destroy the tubercle bacteria. This is certainly the highest dilution which can have any bactericidal action whatever. The only substance which can come into consideration in the present case is hydrogen peroxide, which is decomposed by the catalase of the milk into water and oxygen, the latter having an antiseptic action in the nascent state. The Danish engineer Budde has shown that the decomposition takes place most rapidly at 45° to 50° C., and as several species of bacteria are killed only by heating to these temperatures, the so-called Buddisation consists in treating the milk for several hours (stirring at first) at 52° C. with 0-35 part per thousand of hydrogen peroxide ; the bacteria are thus subjected to the simultaneous action of poison and heat. Commercial 3 per cent, hydrogen peroxide cannot be used on account of the poisonous impurities which it contains, and also the fact that it would dilute the milk'with 1 per cent, of water ; pure hydrogen peroxide must be used, which renders the method too costly, especially as all that is achieved is pasteurisation and not sterilisation. Barthel has shown that milk treated by Budde's process no longer gives Starch's reaction 3. In order to sterilise milk by means of hydrogen peroxide, 1 to 2 parts per thousand must be 1 " Zeitschrift f. Hygieine," VIII., p. 207. 2 According to Proks, 2 per cent, of benzole acid has no greater anti- septic action than 1 per cent of salicylic acid. 3 " Nordisk Maelkeritidende," 1903, No. 5. 90 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY used, in which case the milk acquires a very disagreeable taste. Moreover, the milk is appreciably affected by the milk enzyme galactase (see under the ripening of cheese) in the course of a few weeks, all of which goes to show that milk cannot be preserved for any length of time without having recourse to strong heating1. By adding substances containing catalase, such as liver extract (Hepin), blood serum or yeast extract, the excess of hydrogen peroxide may be removed immediately before the milk is used ; this process was used on a large scale for the production of milk for infant feeding (Perhydrase milk) on the estate of Prince Ludwig of Bavaria. According to the author's researches, ozone has no bacteri- cidal action on milk, and only gives it a highly disagreeable taste. In this connection, mention may be made of the suggestion to use the ultraviolet rays of the mercury arc lamp for sterilising milk. As is known from Finsen's researches, these rays have a bacteri- cidal action, and water has been sterilised on a large scale in this way. Milk, however, is somewhat impervious to the rays and, moreover, it generally contains highly resistant spores ; it is therefore doubtful whether the method will ever come to have any practical significance, notwithstanding the number of appliances which have already been devised for carrying it out. Powerful alternating currents are said to have been applied with greater success. TREATMENT OF MILK FOR TOWN SUPPLIES As the general methods usually available for producing good milk have already been discussed, the subject of the proper treat- ment of milk which is to be retailed in towns may be dealt with quite briefly. The difficulties to be faced are often considerable, for as the milk has often to be sent long distances by railway, it may not reach the consumer until it is six to thirty hours old, and even then it may have to stand for a long time under unfavourable conditions before it can be used up. Only milk which has been cleanly handled from the outset can be expected to keep good under these conditions. On arrival at the large dairies, the milk is first graded, smelt and tasted, and frequently sampled for further examination. After weighing or measuring, the milk is freed from particles of dirt by filtering or centrifuging. This treatment, at a stage when the bacteria have long since been distributed throughout the milk, can only be justified on sesthetic grounds ; it can have no influence on the keeping power of the milk. Some of the bacteria will naturally be removed, but, on the other hand, large clumps of bacteria are broken up with the result 1 As hydrogen peroxide itself has a solvent action on proteins, it will rather promote the action of the proteolytic enzymes than inhibit it. PRESERVATION OF MILK AND ITS TREATMENT 91 that plate counts show apparently more bacteria than before cleaning. The best results are got with the so-called cleaning separator (Fig. 57), which first whirls out the coarser and heavier particles in the form of slime, and then removes the finer particles (but also a number of fat globules if the milk is cold), by pressing the milk through a filter cloth which is stretched out in the form of a cylindrical bag. As the illustration shows, the bowl of the centrifuge is comparatively large in diameter and the filtration cylinder is supported by a truncated cone through the bottom of which the milk enters. Laval has constructed a clean- ing centrifuge with plates which acts only by separating the slime FIG. 57. — Heine's Cleaning Separator. (Fig. 58). The milk enters under the bottom plate into the large slime chamber, and then passes in between the plates to the outer side of the outlet pipe along which it is discharged from the top. After cleaning the milk is cooled to a few degrees above 0° C. on surface coolers through which brine is circulated from the refrigerator, after which it is run into well- cleaned cans or bottles and kept cold. In summer it is necessary to use ice on the carts from which the milk is retailed. Obviously, the necks of the bottles must be free from cracks, holes or crevices in which dirt may collect. The bottles are best closed by aluminium caps, pressed on by machinery so that they can only be removed by breaking them. Stoppers which can be removed and replaced at will must have a proper seal ; they have the advantage that they 92 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY serve to protect the milk from flies and dust after the bottle has been opened and the milk partty used, and they allow of the shaking up of the milk in order to distribute any cream which may have separated. The best stopper of this description is that shown in Fig. 59. It consists of a fairly stout porcelain stopper which is held firm by being simply clamped against the under side of the collar on the bottle neck ; it is easily removed when the bottle is opened, and is therefore easy to clean ; the joint is made by a paraffined paper ring which should constantly be renewed ; FIG. 58. — Laval's Cleaning Separator. rubber rings are not so good, as they are not always free from smell. (Another method which is largely used on grounds of economy is to close the bottle by a paraffined cardboard disc which fits tightly inside a groove in the neck of the bottle ; this method is less satisfactory than those described above, for after the disc has been removed and replaced, it easily becomes soaked through with the milk, and the internal groove in the neck of the bottle is objectionable on grounds of cleanliness. — Translator.) Milk is often pasteurised', the better to overcome the difficulties which beset the problem of keeping it good until it can be retailed. For the reasons stated above, this should be accomplished by the low temperature process or by short heating (flashing) to 70° to PRESERVATION OF MILK AND ITS TREATMENT 93 75° C.1 Low temperature pasteurisation (holder process) is best carried out in closed bottles completely immersed in water, as is done in the Danish beer pasteurising apparatus ; treated in this way, the milk does not lose its carbon dioxide, while the bottles are pasteurised as well. As the milk does not give off its loosely combined carbon dioxide at the temperatures employed, no appreciable pressure is developed in the bottles. If the milk is pasteurised in bulk and then bottled, the bottles must be sterilised beforehand. Ayers and Johnson 2 propose to bottle the milk warm in a warm room, and to let it stand for ten minutes before cooling ; as the temperature will only fall about 5° C. at the most during this period, the organisms which have gained access to the milk in the bottle during filling will generally be destroyed, and the milk will keep as well as if it had been pasteurised in the bottle. Milk which has been pasteur- ised rationally according to the methods suggested above still gives a positive Starch's reaction, and is consequently not recognised as pasteurised according to the Danish law, the definition being reserved for the milk which has been strongly heated so as to give a negative test. In any legisla- tion on this subject, it is highly desirable that distinction should be made between high and low temperature pasteurised milk. In the case of skim milk or buttermilk, however, the Storch test may quite well be employed as the criterion. Milk which is to be retailed to the public should either be raw, in which case it should be derived from herds kept under strict veterinary supervision, or it should be pasteurised by the low temperature process ; in addition to control by inspec- tion of the recording thermometer charts in the dairy, the 1 Tholstrup Pedersen proposes simply to slime centrifuge the milk- after it has been warmed to 70° C. This proposal is worthy of consideration, especially as Prescott and Breed ("Journal of Infectious Diseases," 1910, vol. 7) have shown that the white blood corpuscles, which carry much dirt and many bacteria with them, are more readily separated from warm milk. Unfortunately the cream line is affected by this treatment, as was shown in the trials made with the first Laval cleaning centrifuge (" Deutsche milch- wirtschaftliche Zeitung," 1912, No. 12). Milk is, therefore, now cleaned by centrifuging at 10° to 12° C. instead of at 70° C. 2 U.S. Dept. of Agric., Bureau of Animal Industry, Bull. 240 1915. FIG. 59.— Hygienic Stopper. 94 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY efficiency of the process should be checked first and foremost by ascertaining whether the number of microorganisms is satis- factorily low, which will be the case if it shows a long time for reduction (at least nine hours) in the reductase test (see p. 166). In this way a double purpose will be served, for the test will only show satisfactorily withjreshly pasteurised milk, and this is exactly what is required, for, unless pasteurised milk is fresh, it will be a source of danger, and should be regarded in the same light as an adulteration, as it purports to be better than raw milk, whereas in reality it is worse. As low temperature pas- teurised milk, like that pasteurised at a high temperature, cannot be relied on to sour spontaneously, it should not be sold as raw milk, but should be plainly marked with the date of pasteurisation. The high temperature pasteurised milk which is at present sold in Copenhagen is often as rich in bacteria as raw milk, and always shows copious evolution of gas in the fermenting test on account of its comparatively high content of butyric acid and pseudo lactic acid bacteria. The latter probably find their way into the milk on the open coolers and from unsterilised bottles. The advantages offered by such milk are exceedingly doubtful, and any one who fears the risk of infection had far better buy raw milk and boil it. According to the author's repeated investigations, the ice milk supplied to Copenhagen, which was mentioned above (sold from carts at about 9 a.m.), contains on an average 60,000 bacteria per cubic centimetre, and the ordinary milk from large dairies, from several hundred thousand to about two millions. Small dairies generally sell far inferior milk, the counts sometimes running as high as one hundred million organisms per cubic centimetre. Better conditions can hardly be expected without further legisla- tion. The author suggested at the International Dairy Congress at Stockholm1 that no hard and fast rule should be laid down once and for all as to the maximum number of bacteria and the minimum percentage of fat in different grades of retail milk, but that the dairies should be required to make some guarantee which should be plainly stated on the label in such a way that it could not be misunderstood. Competition would then bring about a gradual improvement in the quality of the milk, and the authorities would only have to see that the dairies did not promise more than they fulfilled. In this way the smaller dairies which can guarantee nothing, would be suppressed, and the trade would pass entirely into the hands of the large and well-regulated firms 2. 1 " Maelkeritidende," 1911, p. 731. 2 The bacteriological condition of the milk retailed in the large towns of the United Kingdom leaves quite as much to be desired. It is to be PRESERVATION OF MILK AND ITS TREATMENT 95 The author has proposed the following regulations for the milk supply of Copenhagen1 : — (1) The milk trade of Copenhagen should be concentrated in the hands of a few authorised firms possessing the proper equipment and managed by competent experts, such dairies to be under municipal control in all details. (2) The prices paid for milk by the dairies to the producers, as well as the prices paid by the consumers to the dairies, should depend on the hygienic qualities of the milk, its cleanness, keeping qualities and fat content. (3) All persons having anything to do with the milk up to bottling should be under medical supervision, and the herds from which the milk is derived should be under effective veterinary supervision. (4) At the dairies, samples from each farmer should be taken at least once a week to be tested by the reductase and fermenting test, and analysed for fat ; these tests should be carried out by impartial persons appointed by the municipality in conjunction with a representative of the dairy. (5) According to the results of the reductase and fermenting test, the milk should be graded into four classes (see p. 170), the standard price to be that of second grade milk with 3-3 per cent, of fat (the average fat percentage in Copenhagen milk) . First grade milk to command a higher prfte, and third and fourth grade milk lower prices, a certain bonus or deduction being calculated for each tenth per cent, of fat over or under the average. (6) First and second grade milk, sold for direct consumption, should be pasteurised by the low temperature process ; third and fourth grade milk, which should only be sold for cooking and baking, should be pasteurised at a high temperature. (7) After pasteuri- sation all milk should be cooled to about 4° C., and kept on ice or in refrigerators during transit or in the shops. It should be plainly marked with the name of the dairy, its grade and fat percentage, as well as the date of pasteurisation ; it should not be feared that any attempts to effect improvement of milk by stimulating competition, as suggested by Professor Orla Jensen, would prove abortive, owing to the absence of any real competition in many parts of the country, and that the grading of milk by legalised standards will prove the only remedy for the unsatisfactory state of affairs. The enhanced market value of milk only gives emphasis to the necessity for cleaner handling and scientific treatment, and it is most unsatisfactory from the point of view of the public that the enormous increase in price has not been accompanied by any improvement in quality. The best example of what may be achieved under climatic conditions often worse than those of the United Kingdom is to be seen in the American Bacteriological Standards for Milk (U.S. Public Health Reports, Reprint No. 192). Here the regulation of the market value of milk according to its bacteriological condition receives the atten- tion which it deserves. Standards for certified special milk are often as low as 10,000 bacteria per cubic centimetre, and in many of the large towns the standards for raw milk are 500,000 bacteria -per cubic centimetre, or even less. — Translator. 1 " Ugeskrift for Laeger," No. 16, 1919. DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY sold later than two days after pasteurisation, while first grade milk which is to be used as nursery milk should not be allowed to stand for more than one day after pasteurisation. (8) While first and second grade milk should be sold exclusively in bottles, third and fourth grade milk should only be sold in cans. No question concerning milk, and it may even be said no question concerning the public welfare, is of greater importance than that of the Nutrition of Infants, and it will naturally claim our attention here. As Bunge was the first to show, the milks of different animals, are richer in proteins and calcium phosphate the quicker the animals for which they are intended form flesh and bone. To illustrate this point, the author has collated the following table of average analyses of different milks :— Woman Ass. Mare. Cow. Goat. Sheep. Sow. Bitch. Rabbit. Water 88-3 90-3 90-6 87-7 86-8 78-9 82-2 80-1 69-5 Proteins 1-6 1-8 2-0 34 3-7 6-2 6-9 7-3 15-5 Lactose 64 6-2 5-8 4-8 4-6 5-0 2-2 2-8 2-0 Fat . 3-4 1-3 1-2 3-4 4-1 8-9 7-7 8-5 10-5 Ash . 0-3 0-4 0-4 0-7 0-8 1-0 1-0 1-3 2-5 K,O 0-08 0-08 0-10 0-18 0-15 0-20 0-19 ' 0-14 0-25 Na20 0-03 0-03 0-02 0-rM 0-06 0-08 0-08 0-08 0-19 CaO 004 0-11 0-12 0-17 0-19 0-24 0-45 0-45 0-89 MgO 0-006 0-013 0-012 0-017 0-02 0-02 0-016 0-02 0-05 P20i 0-04 0-14 0-13 0-20 0-29 0-34 0-34 0-f)l 0-99 01. . 0-05 0-03 0-03 0-10 0-10 0-13 0-07 0-16 0-13 Number of days !' taken to double 180 60 47 •>~2 15 14 9 6 the weight. - The table shows that the milk of the ass and the mare onty differ from human milk in containing somewhat less fat and a little more calcium and phosphoric acid ; as they both resemble human milk in being alkaline towards litmus, and contain at least as much casein as albumin, they form the best substitute in cases where infants cannot be breast-fed. Unfortunately it is nearly always necessary to have recourse to cow's milk, as the only kind of milk available in large quantities. In order to make cow's milk resemble human milk, water, sugar, and, if possible, also cream, should be added to it. Cane sugar is often used as being the cheapest, but as it favours the development of butyric acid bacteria in the intestine at the expense of the true lactic acid bacteria1, milk sugar or malt extract is to be preferred. As the child grows older, it becomes possible to depart more and more from the composition of the mother's milk, and the additions of sugar and 1 Paul Sittler, " Die wichtigsten Bakterietype der Darmflora beim Saugling," Wurtzburg, 1909, p. 60. PRESERVATION OF MILK AND ITS TREATMENT 97 water to cow's milk may be gradually decreased. As the infant begins to secrete larger amounts of diastase, oat gruel or other starchy liquids may be substituted for sugar. Infectious germs are destroyed by boiling the milk in a saucepan or a Soxhlet's apparatus. The albumin, which is none too plentiful to begin with, is thus coagulated, while the casein is altered in such a manner that the milk coagulates more slowly and less completely with rennet. The change does not, as was previously supposed, solely consist in the precipitation of certain calcium salts which are a necessary factor in coagulation — when the milk comes into contact with the acid gastric juice the effect will be neutralised — but, according to the author's investigations1, a real denaturing of the casein takes place, which must mean that it becomes less digestible, for the coagulation of casein by rennet is (see p. 13) FIG. 60. — Orla-J 'enseri ',. c •gl c c 1 £ I c CS I * § 1 1 | 1 1 .-t" If 1 1 It 1 j II 1 ~ « *' ft -o "5 1 03 * A "3 ft 'S II ft C p. 0 A 'f ft 0 ft t3 Oi None. gl 84 None. s* "^ ^ -*, 29 ^ Raw. None. H'l 32 gl 36 "l 38 gl 38 30 "3 S7 3-) 60° f 7 f 9 f 8 j 14 24 27 31 ,". :J6 65° 7 7 " 7 1 1 f' 22 ,'f 32 85 70° H 7 7 8 || 10 19 1 3 gl 21 34 75D |f 7 8 | 8 "^ 6 " 12 11 f 18 ci 31 80° 7 8 7 7 7 " 8 8 f 8 85° 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 90° M 7 7 | 7 7 7 8 8 14 95° j} 7 7 7 6 7 8 8 8 Sterile. 20° M 8 8 30° „' 8 „' 8 8 40° i^ 8 8 8 1 Raw. None. f 13 ci 14 Strepto- %2 34 g3 38 g3 40 Slrepto- *2 28 c? 35 60° ,, 11 f 12 coccus gi 25 gl 27 gl 36 coccut 27 „ 33 65° ,, 7 M 10 i cremoris. f 15 f 21 " 36 t.hermo- 25 » 30 70° ,, 9 M 13 11 M 20 33 philus. f 19 S3 24 75° 80° gl 15 ci 16 ' j?i ci 17 16 || 10 10 » 11 11 f gl 18 33 gl 19 29 :: it 85° 15 gl 17 || 10 || 11 31 29 gl 33 90° ,, 14 16 12 18 28 gl'ci 30 gici 33 95° M 14 15 L5 33 33 „ 136 Sterile. 64° f 8 f 8 30° » 20 " 29 " 31 40° gl 37 gl 40 Raw. 60° ] Strepto- coccus f .-,4 16 g3 gl sl 2? gg*l 40 34 Thermo- 83 34 bacte- „ 30 «« I 39 si ci 60 33 si 43 65° luctis. 16 26 gl,,Sl S3 rium f 26 35 si ci 50 70° >» • 15 fgl 29 gi 85 helpe- „ 9 f 20 gi»i 43 . 75° , 5J 14 gi 32 37 tit- tun. f gl 21 81 ci 36 ci 63 80" 17 „ 34 39 f 12 f 16 g2 44 85° 17 „ 35 „ 39 » 12 26 gi 30 90° 14 .. 33 „ 36 " 13 1 ;; 16 gi si 36 95° 14 33 „ 37 » 13 „ 16 a? 21 Sterile. 30° " 19 " 35 „ 38 40° „ 22 | „ 35 „ 60 Raw. 60° Vigorous starter. gl 41 , 40 gl 36 34 gl 40 ' Thermo- 39 bacte- ¥ 71 gl 64 51 g3 gl 80 64 65' , 41 35 ,, 41 rium " 16 gl ci 41 48 70° • , 41 || 35 ,, 42 bulga- 19 f 18 S52 27 75° A 30 , 42 34 ,, • 41 ricum. 19 „ 20 gl sl 28 80° 44 || 36 42 || 18 fl gl 19 27 85° B 30 „ 40 35 .. 40 f"g. 19 ill 20 :vi 90° >, 42 || 32 41 gl 21 „ 21 g'l 30 95" 43 38 41 24 36 39 Sterile. „ 43 »' 35 '' 42 40° M 63 60 » 70 Spongy curdled, c = Cheesy (casein contracted and much f = Fluid, g = Gelatinous curdled, clear whey), fg = Semi-solid. See further under the " Fermentation Test." The acidity is given in Soxhlet-Henkel degrees (see p. 161). The original acidity of the milk was 7 ; t1]? acidity of the sterilised milk was, however, 8. APPLICATIONS OF LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION 115 The table first shows the behaviour of the uninoculated milk on standing ; at 20° C. it was practically unaltered after twenty-eight hours, which is explained by the slow growth of the heat-resisting bacteria at the ordinary temperature, whereas at 40° C. it was affected fairly quickly. The sudden interruption of the increase in acidity on heating the milk above 75° C. is explained by the fact that the" heat-resisting lactic acid bacteria will survive heating to 75° C., but not to 80° C. ; microscopic examination confirmed this view,'as streptococci were found in great numbers in the milk heated to 75°C., but none were found in that heated to 80° C. or more1. From the results already considered, we may draw the conclusion that it is impossible to be sure of the exclusion of foreign lactic acid bacteria from the starter unless the milk has been heated to at least 80° C. Microscopic examination also shows the milk pasteurised at 75° C. to contain most hay bacilli after standing, 75° C. being the lowest temperature at which the bactericidal substances of the milk are completely destroyed. These points are particularly well illustrated in the case of the milk which was kept at 64° C. ; in this milk only those thermophile bacteria grew which were not in the slightest degree affected by the pasteurisation, but which, on the other hand, seem to be fairly sensitive towards the bactericidal substances in the milk. This explains the somewhat paradoxical result that under these conditions the milk which has been heated to 75° C. or over is that which is most rapidly affected. The conditions are still more complicated in the inoculated milk. In the raw as well as in the low temperature pasteurised milk the lactic acid fermentation is inhibited by the bactericidal substances but encouraged by the lactic acid bacteria of the milk itself, and in the milk heated up to 70°, 75° and 80° C., a sharp struggle for existence takes place between the lactic acid and the hay bacteria, which often results favourably for the latter at the outset. Finally, it must be borne in mind that the higher the temperature to which the milk has been heated, the less oxygen will it contain. As the different species of lactic acid bacteria are differently affected by the conditions under consideration, no definite rule for pasteurisa- tion can be laid down on this head. Thus it was found that Streptococcus cremoris and the nearly related Sc. thermophilus develop most slowly in the milk heated to 75° C. (and the latter also in the milk heated to 70° C.), while Sc. lactis shows a minimum capacity for souring (though not very pronounced) in the milk which has been pasteurised at low temperatures and retained its bactericidal constituents. The point of special interest is that the vigorous lactic acid culture (starter) is only slightly affected by the 1 Living micrococci are, however, still found in milk pasteurised at 80° C. ; they grow best at 20° C. 116 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY previous treatment of the milk (perhaps a maximum capacity for souring is found in that heated to 80° C.). On the other hand, the two thermobacteria which are distinctly anaerobic in character are greatly influenced by the previous treatment of the milk, as is seen from the acidity and also/ in the case of Thermobacterium bulgaricum (of Yoghurt), by direct microscopic examination (cf. the illustrations, p. 30). Both these organisms grow best in raw milk, where the oxygen is quickly consumed by other organisms, and in sterile milk which is quite free from oxygen. Thermo- bacterium helveticum also shows a maximum of souring in the milk heated to 75° C. in which the bactericidal substances have been destroyed, but which still contains a little dissolved albumin. Of the lactic acid bacteria employed in these experiments, this was the only one which was influenced by the albumin, all the others growing better in milk which had been heated to 80° C. or above. From what has been said we may draw the conclusion that no harm will be done by pasteurising the starter milk thoroughly. All that is necessary is to avoid discolouration or burning, which may cause difficulty in judging the aroma of the starter or impart a cooked flavour to the butter in cases where large amounts of starter are used. Experience shows that pasteurisation for one hour at 85° gives good results. The milk is heated in a water bath, stirring frequently, and it is cooled as quickly as possible to the souring temperature, stirring carefully, the pail or can being placed in running water. Aeration by pouring the milk from vessel to vessel is unnecessary ; the risk of infection is only increased by exposure to the air, and especially by contact with more vessels than is strictly necessary. It is a great mistake to pass the pasteurised milk over a cream cooler. As in the case of cream, undesirable fermentations are best avoided by keeping the souring temperature low, and moreover, it is unsound as a matter of principle to accustom the bacteria to a sensibly higher tem- perature in the starter than that at which they are required to act in the cream. A temperature of 22° to 23° C. is quite satisfactory if only this is kept constant by placing the starter cans in a sufficiently large water-bath at the right temperature. Boekhout's and Starch's aroma bacteria, it may be noted, do not thrive well at higher temperatures. On the other hand, it is not advisable to lower the temperature further, as Sc. cremoris nearly always degenerates on propagation several times at temperatures below 22° C. As cream is always soured under this temperature, we find here a new and hitherto unknown reason why the use of butter- milk for this process is unsatisfactory in the long run. The water- bath may be made of wood or galvanised or tinned iron, and covered in in the same way as the culture apparatus, so that only APPLICATIONS OF LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION 117 the tops of the cans project. The cans are covered with steam sterilised double covers which allow of air circulation. As nothing is gained by keeping the starter cold overnight, there is no reason to add more culture than is necessary to ripen the starter before the following morning ; about \ to 1 per cent, is sufficient. Im- mediately before use the starter is skimmed, as the top layer will be richest in foreign germs if infection has taken place1. The starter is given a more liquid consistency by stirring it vigorously, after which it is poured into the cream ripening tank . As the starter is more easily titrated than cream, its acidity should be checked from time to time. Experience has shown that the best results are obtained with an acidity of 90° to 100° (number of cubic centimetres of normal soda per litre, corresponding to 18 to20c.c. of decinormal soda per 20 c.c. of milk). This corresponds to 36 to 40 Soxhlet-Henkel degrees. If the starter becomes weak and shows a lower acidity although it has been kept at a tempera- ture over 22° C. all the time, the culture used is weak, while if the acidity is too high the milk has probably been oversoured, and the most beneficial bacteria will not be in full vigour. The culture will thus often contain rod-shaped lactic acid bacteria, in which case it will be best to use a new culture. What has been said regarding the starter also applies to the culture from which the starter is made, only in this case still greater care is necessary, for an infection in the starter need only degrade the quality of a single churning, while an infected culture may cause repeated trouble. Fortunately it is easier to keep the culture pure, and there is not the same difficulty in obtaining the small amounts of finest grade milk required for this purpose as may be experienced in obtaining sufficient quantities of milk in the condition in which it should be used for the starter. Herein lies the advantage of propagating the culture and the starter separately instead of simply inoculating the new starter milk with some of the old starter. It is a good plan to keep two or three cultures going independently of one another, inoculating daily into fresh milk, for by comparing the tastes of the different cultures the detection of defects in taste is much facilitated and as it would be a very exceptional misfortune if all the cultures became bad at once, at least one good culture will always be available if the precaution is taken of renewing any bad cultures as soon as possible. Several forms, of culture making apparatus are on the market ; it is important that means should be provided 1 If the milk is stirred during the souring there is no benefit to be derived from this precaution. According to Bostrorns experiments at Alnarp dairy, the lactic acid bacteria thrive better if the milk is stirred occasion- ally. By this means local over- or under-souring is avoided. 118 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY for keeping the temperature of the milk as constant as possible during the souring period. Before leaving the subject of cream ripening, it may be pointed out that the so-called souring defects need by no means be ascribed to infections of totally foreign groups of microorganisms such as pseudo lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and moulds ; as often as not they may originate from the true lactic acid bacteria. Thus Storch once isolated a lactic acid bacterium which was able to produce a tallowy taste in cream and butter, and C. O. Jensen found, almost simultaneously, lactic acid bacteria, some of which gave the butter an oily taste, and others which imparted a burnt or malty taste 1. The last-mentioned taste is often produced by strains of Sc. lactis. From the foregoing it will be seen that the species of lactic acid bacterium chosen for the culture is by no means a matter of indifference. Buttermilk is obtained as a by-product from butter making ; its good qualities have already been mentioned. It becomes particularly good when the cream is pasteurised and soured with a pure starter. As the most favourable stage of the lactic acid fermentation has always been reached before the churning, the buttermilk quickly deteriorates in taste and throws out large lumps of casein unless it is kept quite cold. It follows as a matter of course that water should not be added to buttermilk which is to be retailed in towns ; under these circumstances all washing and rinsing of the butter should be done with ice-cooled butter- milk from a previous churning. Separated milk is not so suitable for this purpose, as it causes the buttermilk to curdle more quickly. The undiluted buttermilk will always have a lower acidity than the starter which has been used in souring the cream from which it is made, even if the cream and the starter milk have been soured in exactly the same way. Tholstrup Pedersen 2 has shown that the difference is largely due to the fact that the buttermilk loses its carbonic acid during churning ; the sour starter will also show a lower acidity if it is shaken before titration. The Souring of Separated Milk. — In the manufacture of mar- garine, separated milk is soured and churned into an emulsion with melted fat. The aroma of the soured milk is taken up by the fat in much the same way as occurs in butter making ; the difference between the two cases lies in the fact that while the aroma is taken up by the fat globules in the cream during the ripening process, this occurs in margarine only during the churn- ing, or emulsifying process, and the ensuing operations. As regards the actual souring of the separated milk, this subject has 1 " Forsogslaboratoriets,'' 22 de Beretning, 1891. a " Maelkeritidende," 1916, p. 65. APPLICATIONS OF LACTIC ACID FERMENTATION 119 been discussed at some length in dealing with the preparation of starters for the ripening of cream, and the process does not differ materially from that described under the souring of cream. Blichfeldt l has devised an appliance for the continuous souring of separated milk, consisting of a closed cylindrical vessel into which fresh separated milk is introduced, and from which soured skim milk is withdrawn simultaneously. The contents of the vessel are kept stirred, and J>y regulating the temperature and the rate of output, the acidity of the product may be kept constant. The apparatus is worked under sterile conditions as far as the avoidance of infection from outside is concerned, while the fresh separated milk must be efficiently pasteurised before use, which of course is also the case in the tank souring process. The continuous process has the advantage that by its means a large amount of milk may be treated in a relatively small space. The Preservation of Stable Manure by addition of Whey. — This process has been proposed by Barthel2, and will have economic value where whey is plentiful and peat is unobtainable. The lactic acid fixes the ammonia in a form easily available for the nutrition of plants (or the nitrifying bacteria). By using 50 to 100 litres of whey per 1,000 kilos of manure, at a cost of about Id., the increased yield to be obtained from good soil will amount to the value of 6s. 8d. In this connection it may be mentioned that all dairy refuse, even the washing water, has great fertilising value in virtue of the nitrogenous matter which it contains. The washing water should therefore, wherever possible, be used for surface irrigation on the fields instead of, as is sometimes done, run into ditches where it will putrefy. In this case the milk sugar, or rather the lactic acid formed therefrom, is a drawback, but as a rule the latter will be neutralised by the large amounts of lime used in cleaning. 1 English patent 4504, 1912. The patent covers continuous fermenta- tions. 2 C. Barthel and Sigurd Ehodin. Meddelande Nr. 57 fran Centralanstalten for forsoksvasanet pa jordbruksoniradanet, 1912. Chapter V The Normal and Abnormal Microflora of Butter • THE NORMAL FLORA FRESH butter from unpasteurised cream will naturally contain the same microorganisms as milk, and the bacterial changes which take place on keeping will be the same as those which occur in milk kept at the same temperature. Thus at low temperatures water bacteria will tend to predominate, while at the ordinary temperature the fresh butter will soon become sour owing to the rapid development of lactic acid bacteria, and, in particular, streptococci. Later on, lactic acid rod bacteria, yeasts and moulds appear. As the moulds, which hydrolyse the fat, only appear on the surface,? the keeping qualities of the butter will be greatly enhanced by packing it in large casks instead of in small flat slabs. Such small pieces will, unless frozen, be subject in the course of a few days to the same changes, originating on the surface and gradually working towards the centre, as occur in a mouldy soft cheese. Butter from pasteurised ripened cream will have a much simpler flora to begin with, as Strepto- coccus cremoris, used in the ripening process, will generally be the principal organism present. This organism, however, does not seem to be capable of living long in butter, and is gradually replaced by yeast, and generally also by lactic acid rod bacteria. Moulds, which are an unavoidable infection from the air, gradually appear on the surface. As the yeasts and bacteria only develop in the small drops of water which constitute only about one-sixth of the weight of the butter, it is obvious that butter will never show such high bacterial counts as milk and cheese. The number of microorganisms in butter will depend on the amount of nutrient matter and antiseptic substances present in the water droplets; i.e., on the washing, working and addition of salt, boric acid or other preservatives 1. Properly treated butter seldom contains 1 The preserving action of salt is more pronounced the lower the per- centage of water in the butter. Thus in butter containing 2 per cent, of salt, the aqueous portion will contain 12-5 per cent, of salt if the water percentage is 16, but 20 per cent, if the water percentage is 10. The development of microorganisms is only completely inhibited when the MICROFLORA OF BUTTER 121 more than a few million bacteria per cubic centimetre. In butter from unripened cream, the bacterial count increases during the first few days 1, after which it decreases. In butter from ripened cream the count is highest when the butter is freshly made (ten to twenty million lactic acid bacteria per cubic centimetre), and decreases steadily in the course of a few weeks to a few 'hundred thousand, and sometimes even to as low a figure as a few thousand, the reason being that the original lactic acid bacteria die off at a quicker rate than their successors develop, for the available nutrient matter, especially lactose, is continually falling off. In cases where fat hydrolysis is taking place, this source of carbon will be replaced by glycerine, and the lactic acid bacteria will then again fare better. On keeping for any length of time, butter acquires a stronger flavour, and it becomes rancid quicker than other fatty materials on account of the large amounts of water and nutrient substances which it contains. Before the introduction of margarine, com- pound and other substitutes, it was a common custom in Central Europe to preserve the butter fat by melting and separating off the other constituents ; the pure butter fat kept good if preserved in well closed stone jars in a cool place. Dudaux 2 was the first to study the changes which take place in butter on keeping. He found that direct sunlight promoted the action of atmospheric oxygen, i.e., its function was similar to that of the oxidases, causing oxygen to combine with the con- stituents of the butter-fat, especially the olein. Dudaux also found that butter was spoiled by various moulds to which he ascribed an action similar to that of sunlight in oxidising the fat. The author's investigations3 show that there is an important difference between the action of sunlight and that of micro- organisms. While fats are principally oxidised under the action of sunlight, the iodine value being reduced, they are hydrolysed by the microorganisms into fatty acids and glycerine, the acid value being increased. Oxidation causes changes in taste which are much more undesirable than those caused by hydrolysis ; if butter is concentration of salt reaches 25 per cent., e.g., with 13 per cent, of water and 3*3 per cent, of salt (tinned butter). If permissible by law, it is specially recommended to add 0-75 per cent, of benzole acid, or 2 per cent, of sodium benzoate, or a mixture of O5 per cent, of benzole acid and 0'5 per cent, of sodium benzoate. As benzole acid is a physiological product (it is trans- formed to hippuric acid), it may be regarded as one of the less objectionable preservatives. 1 The highest count ever obtained by the author from butter made from unripened cream was 59 millions per cubic centimetre. " Ls lait," Paris, 1894. 3 " Studien iiber das Kanzigwerden der Butter" ( " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1902, Bd. VIII., p. 11). References to earlier literature given here. 122 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY exposed to strong sunlight for only one hour, its surface becomes bleached and perfectly uneatable. The taste thus produced bears the closest resemblance to that of bad tallow, and is generally described as " talloivy." The rancid taste proper is only produced by the microorganisms, and is due to the lower members of the fatty acid series, i.e., the volatile fatty acids, as well as certain esters which have a fruity odour, such as ethyl and amyl acetate. The glycerine, which is usually completely transformed by the microorganisms, is, the starting substance in the formation of thes esters as well as of the alcohols which may be formed. As most fat hydrolysing organisms require air for their development, the exclusion of air is the most important precaution necessary to protect the butter from the changes under discussion. For this reason, butter intended for use in warm climates is packed in hermetically sealed tins. Heat, like sunlight, promotes the oxidation of the fat. According to Ritsert 1, carbonic acid, even in darkness, will impart a tallowy taste to butter ; this point is not without bearing on the ripening of cheese, as considerable quantities of carbonic acid are often produced in cheese. The most important fat hydrolysing microorganisms are Bac- terium fluorescens liquefaciens, Bacterium prodigiosum, Oidium lactis, Penicillium glaucum and Cladosporium butyri. As they do not form spores, they are all easily destroyed on heating ; of the two bacteria, B. fluorescens liquefaciens is, as mentioned above, very widely distributed in water, for which reason there is a danger in letting butter come into contact with water or ice. In many cases the advantages gained by pasteurisation are nullified when we introduce bacteria with the washing water, which have a worse effect on the keeping qualities of the butter than those which were destroyed in pasteurising. It should be made a principle to pasteurise (in a regenerative apparatus) all the water used for rinsing the cream cans, ripening tanks and churns, and for washing the butter. Moulds may come from the starter (or from the milk if the cream has not been pasteurised), from the air or from the packing material. By treating the casks and parchment paper for twenty -four hours or longer with con- centrated brine, nutrient substances are extracted and the mould spores are considerably weakened. It is better to treat the inside of the casks with melted paraffin wax immediately before use ; they will then be sterilised and rendered airtight. If this is done, parchment paper may be dispensed with, and the wood will not soak up brine and increase the tare at the expense of the nett weight 2. Although Oidium lactis and Penicillium glaucum 1 Inaugural dissertation, Berne, 1890. 2 Rogers, U.S. Dept. of Agric., Bureau of Anim. Ind., 1906, Bull. No. 89. MICROFLORA OF BUTTER 123 are the most active in hydrolysing fat, they do not spoil the-butter to the same extent as the above-mentioned bacteria. Not only do the moulds hydrolyse the fat, but they also consume part of the free fatty acids, especially the lower members of the series ; the acids produced by the bacteria, however, are allowed to accumulate to such an extent that the fat hydrolysing bacteria, which, curiously enough, are fairly sensitive to acid, are destroyed. This explains the fact that very rancid butter may occasionally be sterile some distance from the surface. The formation of the esters which are so characteristic of rancid butter is due to Penicillium glaucum and especially to Cladosporium butyri. The former, however, only forms esters in symbiosis with Oidium lactis, which mould also promotes ester formation by Cladosporium butyri. Certain mycodermse which do not themselves hydrolyse fat may also promote the formation of esters. According to the investigations oiH.C. Jacobsen1, exactly the same microorganisms are responsible for rancidity in margarine. All the above-mentioned organisms grow better and quicker in unsalted butter than in salted butter. The water bacteria are particularly sensitive to salt, and by packing the butter in large casks the moulds, which require air, will obtain the smallest possible surface for attack ; Danish butter and similarly prepared butters therefore contain, as a rule, only lactic acid bacteria and yeast. Among the yeasts, however, there are certain torulae which are by no means innocuous and which may, especially in symbiosis with lactic acid bacteria, hydrolyse butter-fat to varying extents. The reason why the lactic acid bacteria promote hydrolysis in such cases is that the yeasts in question thrive best in presence of a little lactic acid 2. While the lactic acid bacteria, generally speaking, promote the growth of yeasts and moulds, they inhibit the action of the fat hydrolysing bacteria to a considerable extent, so that it is difficult on the whole to say whether the souring of cream will as a general rule contribute towards the preservation of butter. According to the observations of Rogers and Gray 3, butter from pasteurised sweet cream keeps better than that from pasteurised sour cream, and the addition of a little lactic acid to the pasteurised cream has the same undesirable effect as souring with a starter. In all circumstances it is essential that the starter used should contain only pure cultures of good lactic acid bacteria, and no yeasts or moulds. The safest method of preventing yeasts and moulds as well as other harmful organisms from developing to any extent in 1 " Folia Microbiologica," 1918, V. 2. 2 Orla Jensen, " Maelkeritidende," 1910, p. 965. 3 Experimental Station Kecord, 1909, No. 5. 124 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY the butter is to wash it so thoroughly that the organisms will hardly find any nutrient matter therein1. THE ABNORMAL FLORA As in the case of milk (and, as we shall see later on, of cheese), the normal changes have been dealt with before the abnormal changes, though in the present instance one may note the im- portant difference that while the souring of milk may occasionally be a desired change, the turning rancid of butter is under all circumstances a defect, and if the defects of butter are classified in the same way as those of milk, i.e., into original and secondary defects, most of the latter will be found to be closely connected with the normal process "of turning rancid, although in their first and indeterminate stages they may go under many different names. The original butter defects may often be divided into defects in appearance and defects in taste ; they originate in the milk, in the ripening process or in the processes connected with churning, and they may be of a chemical or of a biological nature. As the nature of the feed largely influences the melting point of the butter -fat, it has an important bearing on the consistency of the butter., The consistency is also affected by the water percentage and the way in which the water is distributed. It is the fine state of division of the water in the butter which renders the product pliable and easily spread on bread. Storch's re- searches2 have shown that the water globules in butter should neither be too large nor too small. If they are too small, the butter will be dull in appearance and " thick," and if too large, they will tend to coalesce, giving a wet butter. Normal good butter contains about 3J million water globules per cubic millimetre, while " thick " butter contains about 12 J millions in the same volume. Storch has found that during the souring of cream bacteria may develop, which make the butter thick, but this defect may also be due to causes, chiefly chemical and mechanical, which give rise to a high water percentage. This is especially brought about by churning and working at too high temperatures 3. If the cream is oversoured the casein may collect in large lumps, which may persist in the butter in cheesy lumps and spoil its appearance and keeping properties. 1 In Weigmanns work, " Versuche zur Bereitung von Dauerbutter " (" Milch wirtschaftliches Zentralblatt," 1915, p. 353), many valuable hints will be found. 2 " Forsogslaboratoriets 36 Beretning," 1897. 3 Qrla Jensen, " Maelkeritidende," 1907, p. 943. MICROFLORA OF BUTTER 125 The original defects in taste 'are due to original milk defects (and therefore also possibly to the feed), to milk defects arising at a later stage, i.e., secondary defects, faulty ripening and impure salt. What has been said under the heading of milk regarding stable, grass, turnipy and bitter tastes, applies also to butter. When butter has a strong taste of grass it often contains numerous small gas bubbles, which show the defect to be due to gas-producing organisms, i.e., intestinal bacteria. Yeasts which ferment lactose may produce gas bubbles and give to the butter a peculiar yeast- like taste. Defects of this nature are generally to be avoided by pasteurising the cream.. On the other hand, pasteurisation will not prevent a metallic taste (which may arise in butter through washing with ferruginous water), and secondary defects due to faulty souring. A cooked taste is not so often due to heating the cream to too high a temperature as to heating it for too long, as may occur if the cooling after pasteurisation is too slow ; the taste often arises through the milk having too high an acidity, which causes the proteins to separate and burn on the pasteuriser. A burnt taste may also arise in this way ; as already mentioned, a burnt, oily or tallowy taste may also be due to faulty souring, while the effect of sunlight or copper salts in producing tallowiness has also been alluded to. If the salt used contains appreciable amounts of magnesium salts, it may give a bitter taste. Although for the sake of uniformity distinction has been made between original and secondary defects, it must be admitted that the line of demarcation between the two is by no means sharp. Thus a defect such as unclean taste, which is produced by various putrefactive bacteria (proteus, coli bacteria, etc.), may develop sooner or later in the history of. the butter. The term original defects will be applied to such defects as come out immediately or during the first few days after the butter has been made, and then disappear either partially or completely ; by secondary defects will be understood those which develop gradually and become worse as time goes on. Secondary defects are of course counteracted by any condi- tions tending to increase the keeping powers of the butter, i.e., good raw material, efficient pasteurising, pure starter, proper churning, thorough washing with good water, proper working and salting, clean air, sterile and airtight packing, and the most thorough cooling possible. Defects in appearance include mouldy spots which are generally accompanied by a mouldy smell ; it must be mentioned that many kinds of moulds may grow on butter besides those which generally cause rancidity, and although most of these organisms may be able to hydrolyse fat, moulds are known which do not do so. Oidium lactis cannot as a rule be seen in butter 126 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY with the naked eye, but most of the other moulds form green, brown or black spots. As has already been mentioned, butter from sweet cream may be coloured red by certain torulse, which in symbiosis with lactic acid bacteria hydrolyse fat and also give an oily taste in butter. Actinomyces chromogena turns butter brown and gives it an unpleasant earthy smell. Among the secondary defects of taste, the sour cheesy taste deserves special considera- tion. The acid is chiefly due to lactic acid rod bacteria, so that the defect is particularly likely to arise when the butter has not been properly freed from buttermilk or when it contains lumps of casein in which these cheese bacteria may initiate a cheese- ripening process. The defect, however, only attains its worst form when a symbiosis with yeast gives rise to fat hydrolysis 1. Certain yeasts may produce a fishy or train-oil taste. In marshy districts or where the land is occasionally inundated by sea or brackish water, this defect may appear in fresh butter, and is then due to the grass or small crabs which- are found in great numbers in the grass. Certain bacteria are also said to be able to produce a fishy taste by forming trimethylamine from lecithin 2. Some of the defects which may appear in butter after keeping for any length of time are of a purely chemical nature, like the oxida- tion process discussed above, and their appearance may be accelerated by iron and possibly other salts. It is therefore of importance that the salt used in butter should be chemically pure 3. It has been said that dairy salt may contain fat hydrolysing bacteria 4. Fresh pure salt is of course sterile, but when kept in the dairy, numerous organisms (thousands per gram) may collect on its surface, and Weigmann has therefore proposed to dry the salt in an air oven at 100° C. before use. As butter defects which are apparently of the same nature may arise in different ways, and conversely, as is often seen to be the case in butter grading, the same defect may pass under different names, it is hardly possible in the present state of our knowledge to go into further detail as regards the secondary defects. As, moreover, most of the defects sooner or later pass into the stage 1 The author was the first to show that the ability of certain yeasts to hydrolyse fat is promoted in the presence of lactic acid bacteria : " Bak- teriologisehe Studien iiber die danische Butter" (" Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1911, Bd. XXIX., p. 610). This was later confirmed by Sandelin : "Die Hefen der Butter," Helsingfors, 1919. 2 Thus, Cusick (" Journal of Dairy Science," 1920, Vol. III., p. 194) is of the opinion that this defect can be produced by Bad. ichthyosmius, a motile Gram-negative rod showing dirty white surface growth, peptonising milk while producing slight amounts of acid, and producing gas from cane sugar, but not from lactose. 3 Rogers, Berg and Potteiger, U.S. Dept. of Agric., Bureau of Anim. Ind., 1913, Bull. 162. 4 Wolff, " Milchzeitung," 1914, p. 545. MICROFLORA OF BUTTER 127 known as rancidity, it is probable that they are only forerunners of this principal defect. The dairies can easily control the keeping qualities of the butter which they produce, and thus of any possible defects, by making a practice of keeping samples of the freshly worked product in small jars at about 8° to 14° C., and tasting these after a week and a fortnight. Chapter VI The Ripening Processes of the Different Cheeses THE methods of preservation, involving the use of preservatives or bactericidal substances, include the use of harmless acids such as acetic or, better, lactic acid. The latter is not added but produced by allowing the material to be preserved to set up a lactic acid fermentation. This method is applied to the preserva- tion of beet slices, white cabbage (sauerkraut) and other sugar containing fodders and foodstuffs which contain too much water to be dried without the aid of artificial heat. In such cases it is only necessary to exclude air as completely as possible so that the acid-consuming moulds are kept down. The same process may also be applied to milk. If the yeasts and moulds are destroyed by pasteurising in bottles, and the milk is inoculated with a vigorous culture of lactic acid bacteria, it will remain unchanged after the souring process has been completed ; a similar principle is applied in the making of cheese, which is always based on a vigorous development of lactic acid bacteria. Under normal conditions the acid which is produced will always inhibit the growth of other bacteria, and in the closely pressed mass of cheese no moulds will develop, owing to the absence of air. If, as in the case of the hard cheeses, an additional protection is afforded in the shape of a firm cheese rind, all risk of infection is excluded, and a permanent product is obtained. The origin of cheese making was without doubt a desire to preserve the valuable constituents of milk in a permanent and easily market- able form. The primitive process, therefore, only involved the drying and salting of the curd, a process which is still employed in several places in the East. Subsequently it was discovered that the curd would also keep without drying, and that with suitable treatment it would acquire other valuable properties into the bargain. The art of cheese making thus became not only one of mere conservation, but also the production of a palatable food, and in the case of the soft cheeses it may well be said that attention has been concentrated on the latter point. The curd is separated by the action of either rennet or lactic acid ; we may commence with an examination of the mechanism of the two processes. RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 129 The active principle in rennet is a proteolytic enzyme Chymosin, the action of which does not cease with the coagulation of the milk and the contraction of the casein, but continues in the cheese with the formation of soluble proteins. The author's researches have established that cheese rennet exerts a powerful solvent action on the proteins of milk, and that this action is promoted by the addition of small amounts of acid l. American researches 2 have shown that the ripening of cheese is accelerated by increasing the amount of rennet used. As pepsin is also present in rennet, it was formerly supposed that the solvent action on the proteins was exclusively due to this enzyme. Careful investigation, however, has conclusively shown that chymosin itself is a proteo- lytic enzyme which can act in the presence of smaller amounts of acid than pepsin 3. The addition of pepsin to the milk used for cheese making appears to have no influence on the ripening process. Trypsin, on the other hand, has a decided influence on cheese, but may easily cause a bitter taste 4. In this connection, mention may be made of galactase, a proteolytic enzyme which, according to researches by Babcock and Russel5, is a normal constituent of milk, and which just after its discovery in 1897 was assumed to play a most important part in the ripen- ing of cheese. Subsequently it transpired that galactase does not play any notable part in the ripening of soft cheeses, in which, however, it is particularly plentiful 6 ; and the fact that this enzyme is not indispensable to the ripening of hard cheeses is amply demonstrated by the fact that good cheese has been produced on a large scale from milk which has" been heated to over 80° C., at which temperature the enzyme is destroyed. As regards the action of lactic acid, this is of interest not only in the making of sour milk cheeses, but also in the making of rennet cheeses. As is well-known, casein occurs in milk as a calcium salt, a dicalcium casemate (the calcium compounds of the proteins usually form milky solutions in water), and when casein is precipi- tated by acid it is not due to transformation into paracasein as occurs with rennet, but simply to the abstraction of lime by the acid. At the same time a little lactoglobulin is precipitated. The greater the percentage of casein in the milk, the more acid 1 " Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1904, p. 404, and 1907, p. 97. 2 Seventeenth Eeport of Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, Madison, 1900. 3 Petry, " Wiener Klinisclie Wochenschrift," 1906, p. 143. 4 Orla Jensen, " Nyt Tidskrift for Fysik og Kemi," 1897, p. 92, and " Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1901, p. 197. 5 Wisconsin Agric. Expt. Station, Bull. 14, 15 and 19. 6 Orla Jensen, " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1900, Bd. VI., p. 793. D.B. 9 130 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY will be required for complete coagulation. The higher the tem- perature, the easier the coagulation. Thus, at 18°, 30°, 40° and 100° C., 0-6, 0-5, 0-25 and 0-1 per cent, respectively of lactic acid will generally be required, corresponding to 80, 72-5, 53-5 and 27-5 c.c. of decinormal caustic soda per 100 c.c. respectively. For this reason, milk is often warmed when the casein is to be precipitated. If a temperature of 70° C. is exceeded, appreciable amounts of albumin are also precipitated ; larger yields of cheese are therefore obtained by using milk pasteurised at high tem- peratures. On heating to over 90° C., all the albumin and globulin are precipitated ; the more completely this takes place the more easily will the milk coagulate, for all solid particles, including fat globules, serve to stiffen the coagulum. The same milk will therefore coagulate at a lower acidity .when pasteurised at a high temperature than when pasteurised at a low temperature. Acid coagulum differs from rennet coagalum in not contracting so much, so that it does not separate such large quantities of whey when allowed to stand undisturbed. This affords a means of distin- guishing between the two types of coagulation. ,In the case of a bacterium which coagulates milk, a titration will at once decide whether a quantity of acid sufficient to be entirely responsible for the coagulation has been produced ; if not, then the bacterium must also have produced a coagulating enzyme like rennet. The coagulating power of rennet is increased by the addition of acid ; the reason for this is not only that the acid promotes the action of the enzyme, but also that it forms soluble calcium salts which facilitate the precipitation of the paracasein. The coagulation of pasteurised milk by rennet may thus be promoted by the addition of a fair amount of acid, e.g., in the form of buttermilk 1, and also by the addition of calcium chloride (100 c.c. of a 40 to 50 per cent, solution to 100 litres of milk). The contraction of the rennet coagulum is also promoted to a certain degree by the addition of acid, the whey separating most readily at a concentration of about J- per cent, of lactic acid, when all the casein is converted into the mono-calcium salt ; for this reason, the cheese dries better if prepared from slightly acid milk than if prepared from fresh milk. If the milk is so sour that there is a suspicion that the resulting cheese will be too dry, all that is necessary is to dilute it with water before adding the rennet ; in this way, the concentration of both the free, acid and the soluble calcium salts will be decreased. Conversely if a higher acidity is desired, the 1 In the making of Cheddar cheese from pasteurised milk, Sammis and Bruhn (Bureau of Anirn. Ind., 1913, Bull. 165) recommend besides the addition of starter milk containing f per cent, of acid the use of 1 part of normal hydrochloric acid per 100 parts of milk. RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 131 milk may be allowed to ripen at a temperature favou»able to the development of good lactic acid bacteria (15° to 20° C.), or an appro- priate amount of buttermilk, starter or other lactic acid cultures may be added. The longer' the time occupied in making the cheese, the sourer will be the curd. The "temperature of the curd when placed in the cheese press determines the species of lactic acid bacteria which shall obtain predominance. If scalding is omitted, and the curd is cooled by kneading after the whey has been run off, the bacterial flora will be quite different from that which results when heat is applied and the curd is taken direct from the warm whey. By scalding and carefully cutting the curd, the separation of the whey will be facilitated ; a means is thus afforded of shortening the curd forming process, and of regulating the degree of acidity of the cheese. As nearly half the natural acidity of milk is due to the casein, it follows that the whey must have a much lower acidity than the milk from which it was made. In order to control the process of souring during cheese making, the whey may be titrated at different stages. Although the indications thus obtained will be of some value, they are far from accurate, and should be supplemented by a careful examination of the consistency of the curd. On coagulation, with careful treat- ment of the milk, most of the bacteria become enclosed in the curd and consequently lactic acid fermentation will take place far more rapidly within the curd than in the whey 1. In the curd, however, most of the acid produced will be neutralised by the lime of the casein and the phosphates ; accordingly it will sometimes be found that in spite of a vigorous lactic acid fermentation the acidity of the whey may remain unaltered during the process, or even decrease as happens in the making of Emmental cheese, for owing to the fact that the whey is scalded at a fairly high temperature, the loss of carbonic acid more than counterbalances the gain in lactic acid taken up by the whey from the curd. If the bulk of the whey is removed at an early stage, the remaining whey will be more acid than usual at the end of the process as the lactic acid which has diffused out of the curd will have been diluted to a less extent. When the casein loses its lime it becomes, as van Slyke and Hart were the first to show2, fairly readily soluble in a 5 per cent, solution of sodium chloride, especially at 50° to 55° C., but this property is lost in the presence of an excess of acid. The author has shown3 that this 1 Orla Jensen, 'w Tiber die im Emmenthalerkiise stattfindende Milch - sauregarung." " Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1906, p. 287. 2 New York Agric. Exp. Station, Bull. No. 261, 1905. 3 " Zeitschrift f. physiologische Chemie," 1914, Bd. XCIIL, p. 283. 9—2 132 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY is due to the easy solubility of monocalcium casemate and para- caseinate, while free casein and paracasein are practically insoluble in salt solution. As cheese is always salted, these observations have an important bearing on cheese making ; it will now be understood why the acidity of the curd and the way in which it is salted come to nave such an important effect on the consistency of the cheese. When a slightly acid curd is salted or placed in brine, it will swell as if tending to dissolve, becoming elastic and semi- transparent. On the other hand, on excessive acidification or slow dry-salting, the curd will retain its original crispness for a long time. Monocalcium caseinate, though soluble in dilute salt solution, is insoluble in strong brine, for which reason the brine used in the cheese making dairies should contain at least 25 per cent, of salt ; as lactic acid is constantly diffusing into it from the cheeses, it should be neutralised and filtered from time to time, as is done in Holland. According to Rosengren, 1 to 1-2 per cent, of salt in cheese can be considered normal ; 2 per cent, or more makes the cheese dry, and inhibits the fermentation processes. The action of acid has been dealt with at some length not only because the degree of acidity influences the consistency of the cheese, but also because it has a determining in- fluence on ihe course taken by the ripening process which, owing to the empirical methods of treatment in vogue, deter- mines more than anything else the nature of the resulting cheese. As the maximum acidity attained by the cheese de- pends first and foremost on the amount of whey which it con- tains, the classification into more or less sour cheeses accords fairly well with the division into hard and soft cheeses. In the former the production of acid will practically be limited to the amounts required to neutralise the lime, and the cheese will therefore ripen uniformly throughout. On the other hand, the relatively large amounts of acid present in the soft cheeses will only be neutralised after a considerable lapse of time, and as a rule the process is only completed by the aid of the ammonia which is formed on the surface. It follows that in such cheeses the ripening process will start at the surface and work inwards by degrees ; for this reason the ripening may be accelerated by giving the cheeses a large surface relative to their bulk. The foregoing points are illustrated by the accompanying table which gives the percentages of soluble proteins and their decomposition products in different cheeses. Sol. N. stands for soluble nitrogen, i.e,. the nitrogen of the soluble proteins, plus that of the protein decomposition products present, Dec. N. for the nitrogen of the protein decomposition products, or amino acids which are not RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 133 precipitated by phosphotungstic acid 1. Am. N. stands for ammonia nitrogen. Per cent, of total Nitrogen. Per cent, of soluble Nitrogen. Sol. N. Dec. N Am N Dec N. Am N HARD CHEESES. 1 Emmental cheese, five months old. Interior. 35-82 17-36 — 48-47 — i Exterior. 29-22 12-57 — 43-02 — 9 Emmental cheese twelve months old, ripe. Interior. 33-15 17-35 2-37 52-34 7-15 1 Edam cheese four months old, ripe. Interior. 26-90 3-00 0-60 11-15 2-23 1 Prize Danish dairy cheese from pasteur- ised milk, three months old. Interior. 35-5 9-7 0-22 27-6 0-6 2 Prize Danish dairy cheese from pasteur- ised milk, six months old. Interior. 34-9 9-0 0-17 25-8 0-5 1 Swiss skim milk cheese, eight months old, ripe. Interior. 41-51 7-90 6-40 19-03 15-40 Exterior. 35-90 7-40 5-20 20-61 14-50 o Swiss skim-milk cheese, sixteen months old, over-ripe. Interior. 43-54 6-66 6-85 15-29 15-73 Exterior. 53-59 9-11 5-37 17-00 10-02 1 Roquefort cheese, ripe. The whole bulk. 52-50 23-64 4-99 45-03 9-51 kSoFT CHEESES. 1 Brie cheese, not quite ripe. Interior. 47-10 7-58 5-14 16-10 10-91 Exterior. 53-50 21-33 12-37 39-87 23-12 1 Camembert cheese, ripe. Interior. 95-52 8-71 8-71 9-12 9-12 1 Limburger cheese, six weeks old. Interior. 24-82 5-27 4-37 21-23 17-60 Exterior. 55-10 12-58 4-51 22-83 7-85 Limburger cheese, ripe. Interior. 99-82 4-33 1L-97 4-52 11-99 §1 1 Schabzeiger. The whole bulk. 37-35 16-58 5-80 44-39 15-53 al gs £° 1 Norwegian Gammelost (old cheese), ripe. Interior. 51-35 31-99 4-23 62-33 8-23 Exterior. 69-47 38-57 7-42 55-52 10-68 The chief feature of the ripening process is the conversion of insoluble proteins into soluble substances. The table shows that 1 For cheese analysis, see " Zeitschr. f. Nahrungs und Genussmittel " 1906, Bd. XII., p. 193. 134 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY in the hard cheeses usually only one-third of the casein becomes converted into water soluble proteins, whereas in the soft cheeses nearly all the casein undergoes conversion. This explains the apparent richness in fat of the soft cheeses, for when anything gives the sensation of melting in the mouth distinction is as a rule not to be made between melting proper, as in the case of butter, and a solvent action. Further examination of the soluble sub- stances in hard cheeses shows that a larger proportion of these have been converted into amino acids than in the soft cheeses ; these conditions may be summed up by saying that in hard cheeses the ripening is less extensive but more thorough., while in the soft cheeses it is extensive but not so thorough. This definition, however, cannot be regarded as a rigid one, for when the hard cheeses are not much older than the soft ones (see, for example, Edam cheese), the proportion of Dec. N. to Sol. N. is not large, and if the soft cheeses do only contain small amounts of amino acids, this is because these are quickly broken down into ammonia on the surface l. Now as ammonia readily combines with the lime free casein to form soluble salts, the high proportion of Sol. N. in the soft cheeses is partly attributable to the thorough- ness of the ripening process. The most important factor in the ripening of the rennet cheeses, besides the various microorganisms, is the rennet. It is the rennet which produces the perceptibly soluble proteins and the microorganisms carry the degradation further. Further, as the action of the most important of the enzymes of the cheese ripening bacteria is inhibited, while that of rennet is promoted by the presence of acid, it will easily be under- stood why the practically neutral hard cheeses contain larger proportions of amino acids than the soft cheeses. In the ripening of cheese, not only is the casein converted into easily digestible and palatable products, but the fat and the lactose also undergo changes. As might be expected, the fat is hydrolysed most rapidly in cheeses like Roquefort which are permeated with moulds. Rapid fat hydrolysis also takes place in cheeses made from separated milk, for here the fat globules are very minute and thus expose, a large surface for attack. On the other hand, fat hydrolysis proceeds with extreme slowness in the common hard rich cheeses. As, however, butyric, caproic and capric acids have a very persistent taste, they contribute very largely to the aroma of the cheese even though they may only be present in small amounts. The reason why the choicer cheeses must pass through a long period of ripening in order to attain their characteristic piquant taste to the full, is that the processes 1 Orla Jensen, " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1900, Bd. VI., p. 773. RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 135 of fat hydrolysis and ammonia formation to which the production of the sharp taste (not to be confused with the salt taste) is due proceed with extreme slowness in these cheeses. Both of these processes seem also in the case of hard cheeses to start at the surface $nd gradually penetrate inwards. While the fat is usually slowly decomposed in cheese, the lactose is the first constituent to undergo change. In hard cheeses it usually disappears in a few days and in soft cheeses in a week or two. Normally it is completely converted into lactic acid, which is neutralised by the lime and other bases present. Calcium lactate is not necessarily the end product, for it is quite frequently more or less completely converted into propionic acid by the fermentation process described on p. 41, whereby the normal " eyes " or cavities are produced in cheese. The butyric acid fermentation of calcium lactate however, must be looked on as a disease of cheese, for the evolution of gas will be too vigorous, while unpalatable or even poisonous substances may be produced. The author's researches on the volatile acids of cheese, summarised in the accompanying table, show that normally no more butyric acid is found in the ordinary rennet cheeses than will originate from fat hydrolysis. After these general remarks, we may pass on to consider the microorganisms which play the chief part in the ripening of the different kinds of cheese. The flora of the hard rennet cheeses will be dealt with first. Duclaux, who was the first to investigate this field, found in cheese various sporing rod bacteria which he named Tyrothrix, i.e., " cheese threads." He found both aerobic and anaerobic forms, i.e., what now would be called hay and potato bacilli and anaerobic putrefactive bacteria. As the aerobic forms were able to decompose and dissolve casein, and the anaerobic forms produced the odour characteristic of cheese, Duclaux and all other contemporary investigators were agreed that the ripening of cheese was due to the combined action of these bacteria 1. The constant success of Duclaux in isolating Tyrothrix bacteria from cheese was due to the fact that he employed an enrichment method which particularly favoured the growth of these bacteria. He introduced a small piece of cheese into broth in which the lactic acid bacteria did not thrive, and it was therefore only necessary to have a few Tyrothrix spores present from the outset in order that a Tyrothrix film should form on the surface of the liquid after some time, after which the anaerobic sporing bacteria, protected from the air, could grow rapidly. The careful researches carried out by Freudenreich over a period 1 Duclaux, "Le Lait," Paris, 1894, pp. 213 — 258. 136 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY of many years 1 have established that the Tyrothrix bacteria are comparatively rare in cheese, that normally they cannot develop in cheese even if introduced in large numbers, owing to their sensitiveness to acid, and finally that if conditions favourable to their growth are secured by using pasteurised milk and emitting the addition of lactic acid bacteria, they produce a disgusting taste of putrefaction in the cheese. The bacteria living in the Kind of Cheese. Found in 1,000 grams Cheese. As cc. normal. In grams. Total volatile acids. Total ammonia. Produced by fat hydrolysis. Produced by the splitting up of the Casein (paracasein) and Lac- tose (lactic acid). Total volatile acids. | i H Caproic acid. Butyric acid. Valerianic acid. | 1 Butyric acid. TJ •a c« O 1 1 4-218 _o 1 •< Formic acid. Emmental cheese. Interior. 88-0 75-0 0.116 0-176 — 1-680 — 6-190 1-275 Exterior. 75-0 55-0 0-928 1-232 — — 2-812 0-900 — 5-872 0-935 Edam cheese. Interior. 15-6 15-0 — — — 0-224 0-678 0-057 0-959 0-255 Swiss skim- milk cheese. Interior. 81-6 267-5 0-986 1-496 — — 2-405 1-200 0-138 6-225 4-548 Exterior. 100-0 207-5 1-682 2-552 — — 2-775 1-080 0-046 8-135 3-528 Roquefort cheese. Whole bulk. 38-0 115-0 0-928 1-672 — — — 0-540 0-092 3-232 1-955 Camembert cheese. Interior. 6-6 175-0 0-081 0-246 — — — 0-069 0-082 0-478 2-975 Brie cheese. Interior. 11-3 95-0 0-139 0-572 — — — 0-204 0-008 0-923 1-615 Exterior. 8-7 217-5 0-128 0-466 — — — 0-120 0-013 0-727 3-698 Limburg cheese. Interior. 111-0 200-5 0-058 0-440 1-581 — 5-180 1-140 0-046 8-445 3-409 Exterior. 104-5 220-0 0-232 1-003 1-550 j 4-529 0-822 0-046 8-182 3-740 Glarner Schabzeiger. Whole bulk. 258-2 215-0 1-195 1-848 — 4-452 9-102 3-198 — 19-795 3-655 interior portions of the cheese are nearly exclusively of the lactic acid group, and it must consequently be these which are principally responsible for the protein hydrolysis which takes place. Freudenreich, who devoted special attention to Emmental cheese, found chiefly the rod-shaped species, and succeeded in showing that these were able to attack casein if only the lactic acid which they produced was neutralised by chalk as completely as it is neutralised in the hard cheese. This forms the basis of a 1 The first of Freudenreich' s papers on this subject appeared in " Annales de Micrographie," 1889, p. 257, while the subsequent ones are nearly all published in " Landwirtschaftliches Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1891 to 1906. RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 137 correct understanding of the ripening processes which take place in these cheeses. According to the author's researches, the proteolytic enzyme of the lactic acid rod bacteria must be regarded as an endoenzyme, as it is not liberated by the living cell, and its action recalls that of erepsin, for it produces amino acids from the casein without forming albumoses and peptones as intermediate products l. The large amounts of amino acids which are found in many hard cheeses are principally due to the action of this endoerepsin2. The bacteria themselves take no part in the process, for most of them will be dead before the bulk of the amino acids have been produced 3 ; they do not thrive without sugar, and as all the lactose in hard cheeses will have been fermented in the course of a day or two, the ripening bacteria will already have reached their maximum (over 100,000,000 per gram) by then, after which they gradually fall off. Dead cells which are not exposed to desiccation generally digest themselves more or less completely owing to the action of the intracellular enzymes which thus set themselves free, so that they become able to exert their digestive action on the surrounding medium ; this is what happens in cheese where the endoenzymes act under favourable conditions, not involving too great dilution. The author has demonstrated the presence of such enzymes in both hard and soft cheeses 4. The fact that the ripening of hard cheeses depends on enzyme action pure and simple, and is not directly dependent on the action of living bacteria, is also demonstrated by the ripening of these cheeses at temperatures far below the minimum for cheese bacteria 5. Of the various rod-shaped lactic acid bacteria isolated by Freudenreich from Emmental cheese, one particular species, Thermobacterium helveticum, seems to be indispensable for the production of the typical sweetish taste, and it is extremely interesting to see how the methods of manufacture, arrived at by practical experience, favour the development of this bacterium throughout the process. As the organism occurs in the fourth stomach of the calf, it will develop freely when the stomach is extracted in a warm place with " Schotte " (see p. 50). This is the usual practice in the Swiss dairies, the ripening bacteria thus 1 " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1900. Bd. VI., p. 840, and 1904, Bd. XIII., p. 521. 2 Freudenreich and Orla Jensen, "Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1899, p. 167. 3 Orla Jensen, " Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1906, p. 303. 4 " Studien iiber die Enzymen im Ease," " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1900, Bd. VI., p. 734. 5 Babcock and Russel, Eighteenth Annual Report of the Wisconsin Agricultural Experiment Station, 1901, p. 136. 138 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY being introduced with the "natural rennet"*. As the stomachs, especially those of bad quality, also contain many harmful bacteria, it is advantageous to inoculate the rennet at once with a mixed culture of Thermobacterium helveticum and the mycoderma men- tioned on p. 50 2, or to secure favourable conditions for the lactic acid bacteria simply by adding lactic acid (e.g., some boiled acid Schotte) to the rennet. It is safer to use the pure factory made rennet, together with pure cultures of Thermobacterium helveticum, in sterile milk 3. In order to secure the development of this organism to the exclusion of other bacteria, the cheese must be made warm and kept warm in the presses. This is achieved by scalding at a comparatively high temperature, taking the curd out of the warm whey in a lump, and above all by making the cheeses so large that they will retain their heat for a long time. Cheeses made in this way maintain a temperature of 50° to 35° C. during the first twenty-four hours, and under these conditions Thermobacterium helveticum is certain to obtain predominance. At the same time a lactic acid streptococcus (Sc. thermophilus) having a high optimum temperature grows luxuriantly 4. As this organism does not attack casein, it hardly plays any important part in the ripening of the cheese beyond the souring process, and possibly assisting in the production of favourable conditions for the growth of the lactic acid rod bacteria, in much the same way as occurs in Yoghurt and similar products. While the drastic scalding weakens the gas-producing bacteria, the high temperature of the cheese while in the press favours the growth of the pseudo lactic acid bacteria, and if the milk was dirty there will already be a very vigorous development of blow holes. (Such a cheese (Presslis) develops a large number of pin- holes.) Coli and aerogenes bacteria, as well as butyric acid bacteria, may also develop at a later stage, and it is therefore advisable to keep the cheese as cold as possible after it has left the press, and until all the lactose has been fermented. Any evolution of gas will do far more harm in the compact mass of Emmental cheese than in most other cheeses from which the gas can partially escape through the narrow fissures which mark off the original particles of curd. For this very reason the normal cavities or " eyes " are able to attain to a much larger size in 1 Freudenreich and Orla Jensen, " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," Abt. 2, 1897, Bd. III., p. 545. 2 J. TJidni, " Bacteriologische Studien iiber Labmagen und Lab." ("Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1906, p. 181.) 3 Rosengreen and Haglund, " Meddelande No. 101 fran Centraianstalten for forsoksvasandet pa jordbmksomradandet," Stockholm, 1914. 4 Orla Jensen, " Uber die in Emmenthalerkase stattfindende Milch- siiuregarung." " Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1906, p. 437. RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 139 Emmental cheese than in other makes. The eyes should only begin to form when the cheese has ripened to such a degree that it is sufficiently plastic to allow of their rounding off ; if they form too soon, they become irregular in shape, and if the mass is made too dry, it will never become sufficiently plastic ; in this state the cheese is known as " Gldsler," having elongated cavities or clefts instead of proper eyes. In order to promote the formation of normal eyes, the cheese is brought into a room at 18° to 22° C. when it is two weeks old. Here the ripening process is accelerated and the propionic acid bacteria will gradually develop so that in the course of four to six weeks the eyes will have been fully formed. The cheeses are then brought into a cold place again. As the propionic acid bacteria are very sensitive to sodium chloride, it is possible to regulate the formation of eyes by the addition of more or less salt * ; the chief reason for the adoption of the somewhat troublesome method of dry salting in the case of Emmental cheese, instead of methods by which the cheese receives its full amount of salt at an earlier stage, is doubtless that the cheeses would, in the latter case, only develop small eyes or none at all, as often occurs with small cheeses, which naturally tend to become salted too quickly. If the cheese has not been made sufficiently dry, or contains too many propionic acid bacteria at the outset, the development of the normal eyes will be excessive, and this is a defect which may be just as objectionable as the blowing at an earlier stage, which has been described above. On the other hand, if neither the ripening process nor the development of the propionic acid bacteria have progressed sufficiently in the " warm cellar," it may happen that the eyes will suddenly begin to form at a still later stage ; an after fermentation of this nature will always tend to give a variable product. The pre'sence of unusually large numbers of butyric acid bacteria will also give rise to an abnormal eye formation which, it may be noted, will be of the worst possible type2.' In such cases a very energetic butyric fermentation sets in when the cheeses are from ten to fourteen days old, and under these circumstances they will not stand exposure to the temperature of the warm cellar. Closely connected with the ripening process is the formation of drops of liquid or " Tears " in the eyes, a process which often first starts when the Emmental cheese is eight months old. The conditions determining the collection of this liquid are, first, that it shall not be too viscous, and second, that the pores of the cheese shall not be too fine. In the ripening of the cheese an appreciable proportion of the dissolved proteins are converted into amino 1 Orla Jensen, " Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1906, p. 437. 2 J. Thoni, " Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1906, p. 157. 140 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY acids, whereby the viscosity of the liquid is decreased, and as increasing amounts of the curd become soluble the pores in the cheese will become larger. The salt which at an earlier stage tended to cause the cheese to swell now has the opposite effect, but as the rind prevents contraction of the mass as a whole, the pores must become still larger. The salting and drying of the cheese finally bring about the precipitation of the sparingly soluble amino acids as white crusts, and these so-called " salt stones " may be distributed throughout the whole mass. The reason why the ripening of Emmental cheese has been discussed so thoroughly is that this cheese has been studied more thoroughly than any other. In this respect, the large-holed Swedish manor farm cheese, which resembles the Danish-made Swiss cheese, comes next. According to Gerda Troili-Petersoris researches J, the ripening of this cheese depends on peptonising tetracocci in addition to the lactic acid rod bacteria, and the formation of eyes on certain glycerine-fermenting aerogenes bacteria as well as the propionic acid bacteria. According to Gorini 2, peptonising tetracocci also play an important part in the ripening of Parmesan cheese, in the making of which the curd is scalded at a high temperature ; this cheese differs from Emmen- tal in being prepared without the addition of strongly acidifying lactic acid rod bacteria, a dough made from chopped calves' stomachs being used instead of the acid " natural rennet " de- scribed above. The peptonising cocci, just mentioned, generally develop freely in the fresh curd, for, unlike the tyrothrix bacteria, they can grow in the presence of acid. They are, however, quickly suppressed if too much acid is present, and will therefore be most prominent in cheeses which sour slowly or in cheeses made from milk which has been ripened at a temperature below 15° C., as they grow better than the true lactic acid bacteria under this temperature. The proteolytic enzyme secreted by the peptonising tetracocci is less sensitive to acid than the erepsin of the lactic acid rod bacteria, and its mode of action is intermediate between that of the latter and that of rennet. It would therefore appear to be best defined as an " exotrypsin" The best investi- gated of these cocci is Tetracoccus liquefaciens, which produces the characteristic taste of Tilsit cheese or Russian Steppe cheese, and there is no doubt that it plays an important part in the 1 "Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1909, Bd. XXIV., p. 343. » 2 Among the numerous papers by this investigator, special mention may be made of " Kecherches sur les coccus producteurs d'acide et de pressures du fromage " (" Eevue generate du lait," 1910, vol. 8, p. 337). The true significance of the action of the peptonising micrococci in the ripening of cheese was first pointed out by Weigmann, 1896 (" Centralblatt f. Bakt.." 2 Abt., Bd. II., p. 151). RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 141 ripening of these cheeses. Similarly, it is probable that it assists in the ripening of Gouda cheese, which is made on the smaller Dutch farms from perfectly fresh milk without the addition of lactic acid bacteria ; under such conditions these organisms will have ample opportunity for development. Boekhout and de Vries have shown that the peptonising bacteria do not assist to any appreciable extent in the ripening of Edam Dutch cheese, which is nowadays generally made with a lactic acid starter 1, and they have not succeeded in demonstrating other specific ripening bacteria 2. As Edam cheese is on the whole poor in typical pro- ducts of bacterial action (amino acids and volatile acids), it would appear that the bacteria here play only a subordinate part, and that the principal changes are due to the rennet, as is indicated by van Dam's researches3. "Salt stone" is occasionally found in Edam cheese, but in this case it consists of calcium lactate and phosphate. Again, in Cheddar cheese, the peptonising bacteria do not bring about any changes of importance ; here also a great deal of the action is due to the rennet, and the main feature in the making of this cheese is the production of a curd having a fairly high acidity at the outset, so that when the curd is pressed against a hot iron it can be drawn out into long silky threads (the hot- iron test). American investigators have found the flora in Cheddar cheese to consist almost exclusively of the true lactic acid bacteria, chiefly streptococci. The bacterial count reaches its maximum immediately after the cheese has been made and then decreases steadily, the rate of decrease being quicker the higher the temperature at which the cheese is kept4. By allowing the curd to become strongly acid through the agency of different streptococci, the author has succeeded in producing cheeses resem- bling Cheddar in texture and taste, so that there can be no doubt that in this case such bacteria actually accomplish more than the mere production of acid 5. . The streptococci cannot, however, be responsible for the large amounts of amino acids found in ripe Cheddar, so that here also we have evidence of the action of lactic acid rod bacteria. As a matter of fact, the author has never met with any kind of cheese in which lactic acid rod bacteria (strepto- 1 " Kevue generate du lait," 1910, vol. 6, p. 1. 2 " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1905, Bd. XV., p. 323, and 1906, Bd. XVII . , p. 1 49. These authors have described a diplococcus-like rod bacterium which converts lactic acid into acetic acid, carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and which is said to have some significance in the formation of eyes in Edam cheese. It will stand 4^ per cent, of salt, and its optimum tempera- ture is 21° C. (ibid., 2 Abt., 1918, p. 130). 3 "Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt,, 1910, Bd. XXVI.. p. 189. ' * Harrison, " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1904, Bd. XI., p. 637. Sub- sequently Harding and Prucha made a thorough study of the flora of Cheddar cheese (New York Agric. Exp. Station, Bull. No. 8, 1908). 5 " Centralanstalten's 97 Meddeise." 142 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY bacteria) could not be demonstrated in large numbers, a natural result of the ability of these organisms to overgrow all other bacteria under circumstances favourable to themselves. Thus, they also obtain predominance by slow degrees in the Danish dairy cheese, although this cheese, like Cheddar, is freely inocu- lated with lactic acid-producing streptococci by the addition of buttermilk. Barthel ascribes to the streptococci a more important part in the ripening of cheese than has hitherto been done. He has shown tfrat certain strains form, at ordinary temperatures, quite appreciable amounts of Sol. N. (see table, p. 143). The author has also found, with fair regularity, streptococci, especially strains of Sc. cremoris, which are conspicuously able to split casein into soluble products ; as these bacteria gradually lose this power when cultivated on artificial media, it may be surmised that streptococci which do not hydrolyse casein to any appreciable extent may acquire this property when cultivated in milk and cheese. It must also be pointed out that many lactic acid bacteria grow better in milk to which rennet has been added than in ordinary milk ; that is, their action is promoted by the rennet just as, conversely, the action of the rennet is promoted by the lactic acid. In addition to the action of certain lactic acid streptococci which hitherto have not been further investigated, the chief factors in the ripening of the hard rennet curd cheeses are seen to be the rennet, the exotrypsin of the peptonising tetracocci and the endoerepsin of the lactic acid rod bacteria. The relative importance of each of these factors varies considerably in different cheeses, and determines the characteristic properties of each variety. Further differences arise owing to the fact that the above-men- tioned groups of lactic acid bacteria include many different species, an illustration of the production of special characteristics owing to the action of a particular species of organism being seen in the case of Emmental cheese. The table on page 143 has been drawn up to illustrate the action of the several factors in ripening ; the amounts of soluble nitrogen (Sol. N.), nitrogen of decomposition products (Dec. N.), and ammonia nitrogen (Am. N.) formed in milk after two months are given (cf. table, p. 133). All the cultures were treated with chalk and shaken regularly so that the lactic acid produced was neutralised. Taking a wider view of the ripening process, as including not only the decomposition of -the casein, we must also consider the propionic acid bacteria as a ripening factor. Weigmann is of the opinion that the aromas of the various kinds of cheese are princi- pally due to the action of bacteria other than the lactic acid RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 143 organisms1, but as yet he has not been able to adduce any evidence as to the correctness of his theory. Rodella's 2 contention that the specific-taste-producing bacteria are obligate anaerobic sparing organisms can hardly be supported, for it has never been proved that these bacteria reproduce themselves in rennet curd cheese 3, and when on rare occasion they have been found in large numbers, a harmful action has also been observed. The interior of a hard cheese should have a clean taste and smell, but putrefactive pro- cesses in the rind cannot be avoided unless special precautions are taken, and if the cheese becomes very old the interior may also Milk with Chalk. Percentage of Total Nitrogen. Sol. N. Dec. N. Am. N. Streptococcus lactis .... Rennet ...... 2-51 11-75 2-02 0-00 0-23 0-00 Streptococcus lactis and rennet Tetracoccus liquefaciens Thermobacterium helveticum 60-56 75-70 36-12 5-32 12-12 34-60 0-36 1-89 3-91 become affected. An ordinary dairy cheese, not too poor in fat, may even be made to acquire quite a piquant flavour in the course of three to four months, if only certain changes are promoted in the outer layer, as is done in the case of the " smeared " soft cheeses. This method was at one time successfully applied by Fru Hanne Nielsen. Certain hard cheeses, e.g., Tilsit cheese, have a tendency to undergo similar changes spontaneously, and may therefore be regarded as intermediate between the hard and the smeared soft cheeses. On the other hand, those hard cheeses which become permeated with moulds form a link between the hard cheeses and the soft mouldy cheeses ; they will therefore be dealt with before passing on to the soft cheeses. Cheeses like Stilton, Gorgonzola and Roquefort, which are per- meated with moulds, resemble the other hard cheeses in their mode of ripening, i.e., the process does not originate on the surface and work inwards. The surface is kept as clean as possible, and the cheeses are not made flat ; on the contrary, they are shaped so as to expose a relatively small surface. In Stilton and Gorgon- zola the moulds only develop slowly, as they owe their presence to 1 " Mykologie der Milch," Leipzig, 1911, p. 223. 2 " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1903, Bd. X., pp. 499, 753; also 1906, Bd. XVI., p. 52. 3 Burri and Kursteiner. " Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1909, p. 442. 144 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY casual infection and not to artificial inoculation (at any rate, up till recently they were not purposely introduced) ; the initial stages of the ripening processes in these cheeses, therefore, follow much the same course as in the typical hard cheeses. On the other hand, Roquefort is inoculated with pure cultures of the required mould, Penicillium roqueforti, which means that a new factor comes into play at the outset, with the result that the ripening of this cheese, although accomplished at a low tem- perature (6° to 8° C.), only requires as many weeks for its com- pletion as the ripening of the above-mentioned cheeses require months. ThejDiquant taste and smell of this type of cheese are principally due to fat hydrolysis, and it is therefore possible to produce a similar aroma by inoculating the corresponding moulds into butter. These organisms also affect the casein to a consider- able extent, as is shown in the table on p. 133. Roquefort, in common with the Norwegian Gammelost (the latter an acid curd cheese which is permeated with mould), contains more amino acids than any other cheese. The development of the moulds is pro- moted by making the fresh cheese strongly acid, for which reason the curd is not submitted to a prolonged working, the treatment resembling that applied to the soft cheeses, while during the early stages of the ripening the cheese is kept at 18° to 20° C. in order to promote lactic acid fermentation. As air is necessary for the growth of the moulds, , the cheeses must be stabbed immediately after salting ; before doing this the surface of the cheese must be cleaned carefully to avoid the transference of the organisms growing thereon to the interior by means of the needle ; some of these organisms may colour the cheese red or turn it bitter. This is of particular importance if the cheeses are stabbed at later stages. They are stored in a comparatively dry room and placed on edge so that the holes shall not be closed up again. If it is desired to produce a typical Gorgonzola cheese in which certain bacterial fermentations will have taken place before the mould has com- menced its action, the stabbing should not be commenced before the cheese is two months old. The bluish-green veins of Gorgon- zola owe their origin to the practice of interlaying the fresh curd with acid curd which is twelve hours old and which has become strongly infected with Oidium lactis and various species of Peni- cillium on the surface. According to the results of the author's investigations with butter l, the above-mentioned mixture of moulds seems to be particularly well adapted to produce the desired taste and appearance of Gorgonzola. In the case of Stilton, the moulds simply penetrate through fissures in the 1 " Centralblatt f, Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1902, Bd. VIII., p. 369. RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 145 surface. The species of Penicillium found in Stilton and Gorgon- zola appear to be mainly Penicillium roqueforti. This circum- stance is explained by Thorn and Currie x by the fact that P. roqueforti can thrive with less oxygen than the other Penicillia, and therefore obtains predominance in the interior of the cheese, even though the cheese has not been inoculated with it. In the making of Roquefort cheese the veins are produced where desired by dusting with mouldy bread, of which about 0-1 per cent, of the weight of the cheese is used ; the mould grows not only in these places, but also in the holes made by the needle ; it is able to overgrow the cheese bacteria owing to the low temperature (8° C.) at which the cheese is ripened. The bread used for the cultivation of the mould is best made from a dough containing equal parts of rye, barley and wheat flour, and a little lactic or acetic acid, in which acid fermentation is induced by the addition of some sour dough. The bread is very thoroughly baked, which, in conjunction with the action of the acid which has been added, destroys bacterial spores which otherwise would develop when the bread is set aside for the development of the moulds. It is then cut into slices and dipped into sterile water containing J per cent, of acetic acid, into which a culture of the mould has been stirred. The bread slices are placed close together on sterile shelves in a damp room and covered with sterile filter paper. As the change in temperature caused by the growth of the mould, when this sets in, is consider- able, the initial temperature should be kept down to 9° to 10° C. When in the course of three to four weeks the bread has become thoroughly mouldy, the crusts are removed and the slices are dried for about ten days at 30° to 32° C., after which they are ready to be ground and sifted. The yield is 45 per cent, of the original weight of the bread. Even if the work is carried out in rooms which are as sterile as possible, it is difficult to avoid infection with foreign moulds. The author has accordingly worked out a method 2 in which the strain of P. roqueforti which is used is little by little accustomed to stand comparatively large amounts of formaldehyde. Formalin can be added to the water in which the slices are dipped, whereby the development of the foreign moulds which cannot stand formalin is inhibited. A mould powder made in this way is sold by Messrs. Blauenfeldt and Tvede, of Copenhagen. As already mentioned, the ripening process of the soft rennet curd cheeses starts at the surface and works inwards. At the same time, a ripening action due to the rennet takes place throughout the whole mass, even though it may not be very obvious. While the amounts 1 " Journal of Biol. Chem.," 1913, vol. 15, pp. 249 and 259. 2 " Maelkeritidende," 1919, p. 277. P.B. 10 146 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY of acid present in the interior of soft cheeses inhibit the action of the ripening factors hitherto considered, they promote the proteo- lytic action of the rennet and conserve its enzyme in an active state for a much longer time than is the case in the hard cheeses *. As will have been gathered from the preceding remarks, the soft cheeses may be divided into two groups : (a) The " smeared " cheeses ; in these the moulds are suppressed and prevented from forming aerial hyphse by daily smearing the cheeses either with a wet cloth or by hand, keeping them moist and protecting them as much as possible from the air by packing them closely together. (b) The mouldy cheeses ; in these the growth of moulds is favoured by touching the surfaces of the cheeses as little as possible, keeping them dry and providing for free access of air. The copious production of ammonia on the surface of the best- known of the smeared cheeses, Limburger and Romadour, has been found by the author2 to be due to a symbiosis of peptonising tetracocci and Bacterium casei limburgensis. The latter is a non-motile, very irregular short rod which does not ferment lactose ; it forms a film on media containing calcium lactate, and oxidises the lactic acid to acetic and carbonic acids ; it does not attack casein, but forms traces of ammonia in milk, from the amino acids, which has a slight solvent action on the casein. This organism is therefore to be classed with the bacteria which produce a soapy taste in milk. Its most characteristic property is its ability to carry further the decomposition of the products of protein hydrolysis which have been produced by other micro- organisms ; this is most strikingly illustrated by inoculating it into milk together with Tetracoccus liquefaciens. Percentage of Total N. Milk without Chalk. , Sol. N. Dec. N. Am. N. 1 Bacterium casei limburgensis 0-60 2-36 1-30 Tetracoccus liquefaciens 61-61 8-73 1-43 Bact. casei limburgensis and Tetracoccus liquefaciens ..... 67-59 32-13 14-99 . The smeared crust of Limburger cheese consists, according to the unpublished researches of Freudenreich, chiefly of Bacterium casei limburgensis together with smaller numbers of peptonising organisms (chiefly Tetracoccus liquefaciens, a small spore-forming 1 Orla Jensen, " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1900, Bd. VI., p. 795. * " Studier over de flygtige Syrer i Ost, etc.", Doctoral thesis, 1904. p. 74. RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 147 rod bacterium, and yeast) ; in view also of the results set out in the table on p. 146, there can hardly be any doubt as to the cause of the thorough-going decomposition processes which take place in this cheese. A similar flora will also develop on the rind of hard cheeses if they are kept damp, and it will be understood how the ripening of these cheeses may be modified so as to conform with the type generally associated with Limburger cheese. The ammonia formed on the surface gradually diffuses into the interior, and not only does it neutralise the lactic acid, thereby rendering possible the activity of the bacterial enzymes, but it also converts the casein into the readily soluble ammonium caseinate. The ripening of the soft smeared cheeses involves further complexities. In the ripe state these cheeses contain appreciable amounts of valerianic acid, an acid which is only produced by the above- mentioned bacteria in very small amounts, while on the strongly - smelling surface there are formed various typical products of putrefaction, such as hydrogen sulphide and indole. It is obvious that under normal conditions organisms other than those mentioned above participate in the process — Weigmann mentions Plectridium fcetidum — but whether their activity is to be regarded as at all desirable may be an open question ; it is quite possible that Lim- burger cheese might have a wider market if it contained no products of putrefaction. According to Laxa1, Oidium lactis participates in the ripening of certain Bohemian cheeses, which resemble Limburger cheese (Harrach and Knoppist) ; these cheeses therefore form a link with the mouldy cheeses. The moulds play a part in the mouldy cheeses similar to that of the peptonising bacteria in the smeared cheeses. As a type we may take Camembert, which, thanks to the researches of Roger, Maze 2, and Thorn 3, is one of the most thoroughly investigated cheeses. The moulds which develop in this cheese are Oidium lactis (according to Maze, Oidium camemberti, other oidium species, and a mycoderma), Penicillium camemberti, and P. candidum. The moulds of the Oidium group grow the quickest, while the Penicillium group first begins to develop after five to six days, when the surface has become a little drier. The chief difficulty lies in maintaining the proper humidity. If the air is too damp, the surface of the cheese becomes too slimy, as in the case of the smeared cheeses, and bacteria, yeasts, oidium, and even certain mucors, gain the upper hand ; if too dry, on the other hand, the Penicillia grow too freely, causing the rind to shrivel ; all the green Penicillia which develop (not excepting P. roqueforti) produce 1 " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1899, Bd. V., p. 755. 2 " Annales de 1'Institut Pasteur/' 1910. 3 U.S. Dept. of Agric., Bureau of Animal Industry, Bull. 115, 1909. 10—2 148 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY an undesirable taste. The moulds should not completely over- grow the surface, neither should they form too many conidia. The drying is regulated by providing for a suitable draught and by laying the cheeses on straw mats ; after three weeks, when the cheeses have softened at the corners, they are transferred to another room and placed direct on the shelves, or sometimes on mats infected with bacteria. The moulds are now displaced by rod bacteria resembling Bacterium casei limburgensis, which appear as red and brown spots between the mouldy ridges, and the ammoniacal fermentation which starts under these spots gradually penetrates to the centre, resulting in the production of ammonium caseinate and other soluble proteins. The quicker the cheese ripens, the quicker will it become perfectly liquid and putrefying. A good saleable cheese should, therefore, be made firm and ripened at a low temperature ; during the first few days, when the cheeses are salted and develop acid fermentation, they should be kept at 18° to 20° C. ; the drying room should be kept at 13° to 15°C., and the ripening room, to which the cheeses are finally transferred for the chief fermentation to take place, at 10° to 12° C., or even lower. Frequently the process is completed in the boxes in which the cheeses are packed for transport. Cheeses never get the proper taste if they are put in the boxes too early. As soon as the interior of the cheese has become neutral in reaction the lactic acid bacteria will be able to act as in hard cheeses, but they act slowly and have no time to produce any noteworthy change before consumption. While Oidium lactis and the necessary bacteria will establish themselves of their own accord, there is some difficulty in establishing the desired species of Penicillium in places where the manufacture of Camem- bert is to be started. Thorn recommends their cultivation on dry, sterilised rusks, wetted with a suspension of the conidia in water. After keeping for ten days at 20° C., the rusks will be overgrown by the mould ; these mouldy rusks are then shaken vigorously with water, in which the cheeses are dipped immediately before salting. The French mode of procedure is more scientific ; the Institut Pasteur (Service des vaccins. 35, Rue Dutot, Paris) supplies three different cultures for the purpose, consisting of an ordinary lactic acid starter, a culture of moulds, and a culture of the ammonia-producing bacteria. The two first-mentioned of these, or sometimes all three, are added to the milk before the rennet. The mould culture need only be used for the first ten days, after which it will have established itself in the mats used in the drying room, from which subsequent batches of cheese will become inoculated. The third culture is applied directly to the mats on which the cheeses rest during the last stage of RIPENING PROCESSES OF CHEESES 149 ripening. The cultures may also be obtained in powder form for sprinkling on the cheeses 1. Only the acid curd cheeses remain to be discussed. These include both hard and soft varieties, and the latter include both smeared and mouldy cheeses — even cheeses which resemble Roquefort in being permeated with moulds, e.g., the Norwegian Gammelost. The making of the hard acid curd cheeses2, the Danish cheeses, Appetitost, Knapost, the Norwegian Pultost, and the Swiss Green Alpine Cheese (Schabzeiger) presents several points of interest; they are scalded at a high temperature or for a long time and ripened before they are shaped (the Norwegian Pultost is not shaped at all). The scalding produces the same results as in the pasteurisa- tion of milk : the development of the sporing bacteria and the suppression of the lactic acid bacteria ; as the author has shown in the case of Schabzeiger3, and v. Klecki in the case of another acid curd cheese4, the curd develops a vigorous butyric acid fermentation ; in both cases the butyric acid bacteria were motile ; the butyric acid gives these cheeses a sharp taste. The ripening proper is due to lactic acid rod bacteria, which possibly act in conjunction with other microorganisms. As regards the decompo- sition undergone by the casein, the hard acid curd cheeses do not differ greatly from the hard rennet curd cheeses (see table, p. 133). According to Olav Johan-Olsen5, the ripening of Pultost, in which the author has found a fair amount of valerianic acid, is accomplished by yeast, Oidium lactis, and especially by a species of Mucor. Johan-Olsen has also carried out a detailed investi- gation of the ripening of the Norwegian Gammelost. Here the active moulds are especially species of Penicillium and Mucor, which turn the cheese green and brown respectively. As the curd or the cheese itself is strongly heated, it is improbable that the moulds are derived from the sour milk ; they must find their way into the cheese at a later stage, and gradually penetrate from the surface throughout the whole mass. This already takes place during the first six weeks, as the curd is fairly acid and porous. If it is desired to utilise separated milk for cheese, this is best done by turning it into one of the above-mentioned acid 1 According to our experience, it is sufficient to infect the mats with P. Candidum. The bacteria come of their own accord while the Oidia only do harm, 2 Several of these cheeses contain, in addition to casein, smaller or larger amounts of albumin (Zeiger), which ajso has an influence on the ripening process. 3 " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt,, 1904, Bd. XIII., p. 755, and 1907. Bd. XVII., p. 225. * "Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., 1896, Bd. II., p. 169. 5 " Undersogelser over Ost og Ostegaering," Kristiania, 1905. 150 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY curd cheeses, for, in spite of the lack of fat, a piquant product will result, owing to the formation of the sharp -tasting substances. In the ripening of the soft acid curd cheeses, e.g., Harz Cheese, the following organisms appear to play the principal part :— Oidium lactis, and, possibly, also certain yellow cocci1, a mycoderma 2, yeast, and lactic acid bacteria. In the ripe state these cheeses generally contain more amino -acids and less ammonia than the soft rennet curd cheeses. Oidium lactis has a more pronounced action on casein in presence of large amounts of lactic acid ; it forms only small amounts of ammonia. 1 Eckks, "Landwirt. Jahrbuch der Schweiz," 1905, p. 503. s EaJin, " Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt.f 1906, Bd. XV., p. 786. Chapter VII Defects of Cheese FROM the scientific point of view, the defects of cheese must be classified according to their origin. They may be due to milk of abnormal composition, faulty treatment in the manufacture (including production and treatment of the curd, pressing, salting, and treat- merit during ripening) or to bacterial action. Only the last- mentioned cause comes within the scope of this work. In practice, however, the various causes are so interdependent that it is difficult to make any hard and fast distinction. By judicious treatment of the milk and the cheese, it will generally be possible to avoid the development of harmful organisms, whereas with careless treatment, even when starting with good milk, their development may easily be encouraged. To take an instance, if the milk has curdled badly (a fault which might have been corrected by raising its temperature or adding a little calcium chloride), owing to the presence of raw milk or milk from cows which are getting towards the end of their lactation period, the curd will not dry readily and the cheese will tend to become spongy, even though the milk used could be described as good from the bacteriological point of view. Sponginess may thus be due, not merely to the presence of large numbers of gas- producing organisms, but to an excess of lactose in the curd. As has been mentioned, gas-producing organisms may come from the udder (Aerogenes mastitis), though in the great majority of cases they owe their presence to diarrhoea among the cows and unclean milking ; the acuter the digestive trouble, the richer will the manure be in gas-producing bacteria and the greater will be the difficulty in keeping the milk free from infection through the manure. The gases which are formed consist chiefly of hydrogen and carbon dioxide, the former being the more objection- able, for the water in the cheese will absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide before the slightest tendency towards sponginess becomes apparent. At 15° C. and at atmospheric pressure water will absorb its own volume of carbon dioxide, at two atmospheres pressure twice, and at three atmospheres three times its volume, 152 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY etc. ; not only are the hard cheeses submitted to great pressures in the press, but any tendency towards expansion from within will meet with considerable resistance, owing to the close texture of the curd, and particularly the rind. By storing at a low temperature, a tendency towards sponginess may be kept in check in two ways, for not only is the absorption of carbon dioxide by water increased by lowering the temperature, but the development of the gas-forming bacteria is checked. It will thus be understood why sometimes bacterial growth may appear to commence afresh when the cheese is taken out of a cold cellar on a warm day, even though no new development of gas-forming bacteria actually takes place. It will also be understood why eyes are more readily formed in Emmental cheese when the curd has been saturated with carbon dioxide during the fermentation of the lactose ; under these conditions the distinction between normal and abnormal eyes may not become so sharp as might be expected, even though the two processes are due to totally different bacteria. Unlike carbon dioxide, hydrogen is only very sparingly absorbed by water ; it follows that those organisms which produce the most hydrogen are capable of doing the most harm. Thus the butyric acid organisms may transform the cheese into a large-holed^ spongy mass in the course of two days ; the non-motile butyric acid bacteria are especially dangerous, owing to their ability to ferment calcium lactate, and thus to cause damage after all the lactose has been fermented. The aerogenes bacteria, especially the colon bacteria, also produce hydrogen. On the other hand, these organisms are able not only to effect respiration by means of atmospheric oxygen, but they will transfer loosely-bound oxygen from oxidising agents, like saltpetre, to sugar, and thus consume the sugar completely, so that no hydrogen is liberated or lactic acid formed. Saltpetre is thus an excellent preventative of the harmful effects of these bacteria ; as a rule it will be sufficient to add 30 to 50 grams of potassium nitrate per 100 litres of milk 1. As the propionic acid bacteria and the lactose fer- menting yeasts do not form other gases than carbon dioxide, they are less dangerous to the fresh curd. The yeasts can, however, blow the soft cheeses in which there are particularly large amounts of sugar to be fermented ; their growth is pro- moted by small amounts of free lactic acid. The most natural means of preventing sponginess, as well as most other cheese defects, is the use of a vigorous lactic acid starter consisting, as 1 According to Eosengren, it is dangerous to use saltpetre in Emmental cheese, even in small amounts ; 10 grams per 100 litres may produce an unclean taste and turn the cheese red. Feebly acid cheeses, like Gouda, are best able to stand the addition of larger amounts of saltpetre. DEFECTS OF CHEESE 153 far as possible, of a culture of the specific organisms of the cheese in question ; in this way the ripening of the cheese will also be accelerated. Saltpetre in small amounts is without effect on the ripening process, while a low temperature and plentiful salting delay it. The last-mentioned expedient is very effective ,in regulating the formation of normal eyes, but it is too slow in operation to prevent the defect of sponginess unless the curd is salted direct, before moulding, though this method is not appli- cable to the choicer varieties of cheese. (See the " Ripening of Em mental Cheese.") As was mentioned above, the degree of plasticity of a cheese is determined by its content of acid and salt. If the curd is too acid or if it has been made too dry, e.g., by over-scalding, it will become crisp and, therefore, easily crack or crumble to pieces on rough treatment, and particularly if much gas is produced. A hard coat or rind produced by injudicious salting or over-drying will, of course, easily crack. The coat will also tend to crack when large amounts of whey collect beneath it ; this may occur when the cheese is pressed too hard to begin with, so that the outer layer becomes too compact before a sufficient amount of whey has been expelled, or, again, as mentioned above, the trouble may be due to slimy whey. If the cheeses are too damp without, however, being particularly acid, they will flow or be liquefied, especially if the temperature is high. 8c. liquefaciens, if abundant, will always cause this defect. It has a strong peptonising action on the curd and produces, at the same time, a bitter taste. While defects in colour no longer play any important part as far as milk is concerned, they are of great importance in the case of cheese making, for in cheese they have ample time to develop. Distinction may be made between cases in which the colour appears evenly or in spots throughout the whole cheese, and those cases in which it only appears on the surface. Light spots in the interior are due to the reduction of the colour which has been added to the cheese 1. The commonest colour defect is the turning grey or blue of the curd, due to admixture of salts of iron or copper. Iron may come from the water, rusty pails or, if the milk is heated by direct steam, from the steam- pipes. Copper may come from the cheese vat or, in the case of Parmesan cheese, from the untinned copper vessels in which the v 1 According to Campbell ("Trans, of the Highland Agric. Soc. of Scot- land," 1898) this defect may be avoided by the use of a good lactic acid starter. The reducing organisms may be colon bacteria (Harrison, " Eevue Generale du Lait," 1902, vol. 1, p. 457) and torulse (Harding, Rogers and Smith, New York Agric. Exper. Station, Geneva, 1900, Bull. No. 183). 154 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY evening milk is often kept for eighteen hours. In the case of iron the colour is due to ferrous salts, for which reason the outer portion of the cheese will not be coloured, while the colour disappears from a slice of the cheese which is exposed to the air. In the case of copper the conditions are reversed ; as the colour is due to the green cupric salts, the outer portions will be the most affected, and a slice cut out of the cheese will only develop the full colour after exposure to air for some time. Metallic sulphides, stable in air, will be produced where hydrogen sulphide is formed. The minute coloured spots which are sometimes found distributed throughout the whole mass are of greater interest from the bacteriological point of view, as they are colonies of chromogenic organisms, which develop in the same way as on other solid media, such as nutrient gelatine or agar x. The conditions of bacterial growth consequent on the cheese being a solid medium are not so strikingly illustrated in the case of the lactic acid bacteria, which grow rapidly throughout the fresh curd, and thus appear to be evenly distributed ; but the slow-growing organisms which appear at a later stage will appear in this characteristic manner. Thus Bacillus cyaneofuscus (which, however, dies out before the cheese has fully ripened) forms blue spots in Edam cheese, while the chromogenic propionic acid bacteria form red and brown spots in Emmental cheese. In all probability the eyes in Emmental cheese are formed in those places where the colonies of propionic acid bacteria are particularly abundant. According to Connel 2. the so-called rusty spots in Cheddar are caused by Bacillus rudensis, an acid-producing organism, which may possibly belong to the propionic acid group, as it is generally found in or near the eyes of Emmental cheese ; being particularly prevalent in spring, it is supposed to originate from the fresh grass ; if once established in the dairy, it will appear in successive batches of cheese unless all the appliances are sterilised. The form of discoloration resulting in the production of a red colour just inside the rind, but not in the rind itself, may be regarded as intermediate between interior and exterior discolora- tion. It is said to be due to the diffusion of colouring matter from the shelves into the cheese ; shelves of white pine, but not of red pine or fir, are said to be objectionable in this respect. This explanation hardly holds good in all cases, for the red zone may spread after the cheeses have been removed to another place, and 1 The staining of cheese sections to show the natural position of the bacteria was first accomplished by Miss Gerda Troili-Petersson, 1904 ("Centralblatt f. Bakt.," 2 Abt., Bd. XI., p. 212). 2 "Discoloration of Cheese," Canadian Dept. of Agric. Bull., 1897, and Harding and Smith, New York Agric. Exper. Station, Geneva, 1902, Bull. No. 225, DEFECTS OF CHEESE 155 the coloration is generally accompanied by an unpleasant taste. In the latter event the trouble is most likely due to chromogenic organisms which have penetrated the rind. Among the bacteria which produce a red colour in cheese, both cocci and rod forms are known 1. Several of them liquefy gelatine, and many of them are chromogenic on cheese, but not on the common media, and some of the organisms which produce a red colour on the surface of the soft mouldy cheeses are only chromogenic in presence of the decomposition products formed from the casein by the moulds which are characteristic of the cheese in question. Bacteria are known which colour the rind yellow 2 and brown ; in fact, the rind always becomes brown when kept damp. Atmospheric oxygen plays an important part in all these colour changes. Many moulds also produce surface colorations, e.g., Oidium aurantiacum, Penicillium casei, Cladosporium herbarum, and Monilia nigra. Red and yellow Torulse are also believed to play some part in the process. Many moulds penetrate the rind and make the surface uneven. In this connection mention may be made of cheese mites and maggots, though their detailed descrip- tion does not come within the scope of a work on bacteriology. In order to avoid the transference of harmful organisms from cheese to cheese, the uninfected cheeses should always be washed before those which are infected, and the cloth should be boiled for a quarter of an hour daily. The only efficient means of preventing the defects under consideration is the thorough disinfection of the ripening room and the shelves (see p. 56). Defects in taste and smell, originating from the fodder, will generally disappear in time. Similarly, the bitter taste due to Streptococcus liquefaciens and Torula amara, and sometimes also that due to certain lactic acid rod bacteria 3, may disappear during a later stage of the ripening. Many of the chromogenic organisms produce unpleasant tastes. The tallowy taste sometimes found in rich cheeses (e.g., Gouda cheese) is probably due to those organisms which turn milk and butter tallowy. Bitter and tallowy tastes are defects which chiefly occur when fresh cheeses are kept too 1 Thus Adametz has described two micrococci which do not liquefy gelatine, or, at any rate, only do so very slowly ; they form red colonies on gelatine and agar. Gratz has isolated a liquefying bacterium, Micrococcus rubri casei, which forms pink colonies, and Weigmann has isolated two liquefying organisms, Micrococcus chromoflavus and Bacterium casei fusci, which form chrome yellow and cream-coloured colonies respectively on the common media, but which turn the surface of the cheese red. The red Bacillus firmitatis, isolated by Roger from Camembert cheese, grows only in the decomposition products produced by moulds." 2 Thus Barthel has found that yellow spots may be produced by Micro - coccus flavus, a liquefying organism commonly found in air. 3 Harding. Eoqers and Smith, New York Agric. Exper. Station, 1900, Bull. No. 183, 156 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY damp and cold 1. In the French soft cheeses Penicillium brevicaule produces a taste of cabbage. The organisms which produce spongy cheese may also give rise to unpleasant, mostly bitter-sweet tastes. Spongy cheeses, more- over, dry too readily, so that they ripen too slowly. As cheese poisoning, like meat poisoning, is chiefly due to certain colon bacteria and sometimes to non-motile butyric acid bacteria, spongy cheese must always be regarded with suspicion 2. 1 At a low temperature the peptonising bacteria develop more rapidly than the good lactic acid bacteria, or the bacterial metabolism may be too sluggish to cause the disappearance of all the atmospheric oxygen in the cheese. Sunlight promotes the oxidation of the fat in cheese, as in butter. As already mentioned, copper salts and carbonic acid which latter is copiously produced in the ripening of cheese, may turn the fat tallowy. 2 H. Kuhl (" Zeitschrift f. Untersuchung der Nahrungs und Genuss- inittel," 1913, Bd. 25, p. 193) reports on a case of poisoning by cheese which was due to an aerogenes bacterium. A number of references to the literature of this subject are given in this paper. Chapter VIII The Grading of Milk THIS chapter deals with the more important methods of judging of the cleanness and freshness of milk and its suitability for the making of good dairy products. EXAMINATION FOR TASTE AND SMELL As the senses of taste and smell are our best aids in avoiding putrid or harmful food, every careful examination of milk should include tasting and smelling. Unfortunately the test is of a decidedly subjective nature, as the senses in question are soon dulled. Further, considering that the temperature of the milk varies considerably on arrival, and that the smell and taste are most pronounced when the milk is warm from the cow, it is evident that milk can only be graded very roughly by this method, and that the detailed classification in fifteen grades according to the taste and smell alone, as was previously carried out by the Danish milk grading associations, was futile. ESTIMATION OF DIRT Milk which contains visible amounts of pus, blood, manure, etc., must of course be regarded with suspicion from the outset. It may justly be demanded that milk retailed in towns shall show no sediment when 1 litre is allowed to stand at rest for two hours in a vessel of colourless glass. It is advantageous to use vessels tapering to the bottom, so that the sediment may readily be collected for examination after the milk has carefully been decanted off. As only the heaviest particles will separate, it is more usual nowadays to filter a definite quantity through a^ disc of cotton wool, which will become more or less dirty according to the state of the milk. The discs may be dried and kept, so that a " dirt scale" may be prepared for future reference and comparison1, and the dirtiest discs may perhaps produce some moral effect if sent to the suppliers responsible for them. As it is impossible to take an average sample of dirt from a large quantity of milk, it 1 See, for example, Hoyberg's Scale in " Maanedsskriftet for Sund- hedspleje," 1910, p. 49. 158 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY will be necessary in dairies to filter the contents of each can or churn through a separate cotton wool disc, and also to examine the empty cans carefully, for most of the dirt usually remains in them. As has been previously pointed out, the chief impurity of milk is cow manure, which contains 80 per cent, of water, and soluble matter, both of which are completely incorporated with the milk owing to the shaking up which occurs in transit ; at the same time, the bacteria which constitute an appreciable proportion of the solid matter, are distributed throughout the milk. The above estimate applies to normal dung ; if the cows are suffering from diarrhoea, the dung will contain a still larger proportion of soluble matter, and consequently the filtration test will show less dirt. Further, the more liquid the dung the greater will be the propor- tion of dangerous bacteria introduced into the milk. The estima- tion of dirt therefore furnishes no measure of the bacterial contents of the milk, and it must also be remembered that very dirty milk which has been well cooled may contain fewer bacteria than less dirty milk which has been inadequately cooled. In reality, therefore, the only sure indication afforded by the dirt test is whether the milk has been properly cleaned or not, either by straining, filtering or centrifuging. TROMMSDORFF'S LEUCOCYTE TEST The particles of dirt and foreign bodies which are found in suspension in milk are removed much more completely by centri- fuging than by sedimentation or filtration. Thus, of the white blood corpuscles or leucocytes which normally do not separate out when the milk is allowed to stand for a relatively short time, 3 to 50 per cent, are separated by centrifuging, or even more if the milk is warm 1. The heating should, however, not exceed 70° C., for otherwise precipitation of the proteins may occur. As was first shown by Barthel, the centrifuge slime therefore consists very largely of leucocytes2. By direct microscopical counts, normal milk has been shown to contain J to 1 J million leucocytes per cubic centimetre 3. The number of leucocytes increases as the yield of milk decreases, being particularly high at the beginning and towards the end of the lactation period. It is still higher in cases of udder disease, and on this fact Trommsdorff has based his test, the object of which is to ascertain whether or not the milk has been derived from healthy cows. The test is carried out as 1 Campbell, U.S. Dept. Anim. Industry, Bull. 117, p. 19. " Revue generate du lait," 1901, vol. 1, p. 193. 3 Prescott and Breed, " Journal of Infectious Diseases," 1910, vol. 7, p. 632 ; Breed and Stiger, ibid., 1911, vol. 8, p. 361. THE GRADING OF MILK 159 follows : 10 c.c. of the milk are introduced into a glass tube, the end of which is drawn out into a capillary graduated in thousandths of a cubic centimetre. The tube is closed by a rubber stopper and whirled at a speed of 1200 revolutions per minute. Normal milk will generally yield a sediment measuring 0-002 to 0-004 c.c., while milk drawn from diseased udders will yield a sediment measuring 0-01 c.c. or even more. The amount of the sediment is, however, not a decisive criterion by itself ; the test must be supplemented by a microscopic examination, and only in cases where large numbers of bacteria characteristic of udder disease, FIG. (34. — Leucocyte Sediment from the Milk of a Cow suffering from streptococcic mastitis. (After Ernst.} X 1000. e.g., streptococci, are found can definite conclusions be drawn. As these bacteria cannot be distinguished from the harmless milk bacteria by direct inspection1, the test is only of value when applied to milk fresh from the cow, and can therefore only be applied as an aid to veterinary control at the farm. In mixed milk the characteristic features are completely lost on account of the dilution alone. THE CATALASE TEST This test is supplementary to the leucocyte test. The various constituents of blood, especially the corpuscles, are rich in catalase ; 1 Capsule formation and disc-like cells, which by some authors are regarded as characteristic of Sc. mastilidis, can be observed in all strepto- cocci. On the other hand, as already mentioned under Sc. mastitidis, the red colour in casein starch stab cultures is very characteristic. 160 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY £L n for this reason, milk drawn from cows with diseased udders or from cows which are approaching the end of the lactation period, or colostrum, will liberate large amounts of oxygen from hydrogen peroxide. As the fat globules carry with them large numbers of leucocytes, unpasxeurised cream, obtained either by spontaneous separation or by the use of the separator, will be richer in leucocytes than the corresponding skim milk. Many ingenious and sometimes complicated forms of apparatus have been devised for the carrying out of the test. In the author's laboratory Lind's apparatus is used ; this consists simply of a graduated tube of 20 c.c. capacity, into which 15 c.c. of milk are introduced ; sufficient hydrogen peroxide (1 to 3 per cent.) is added to fill the tube, the rubber stopper carrying the bent tube is inserted, and the apparatus is inverted as shown in the illustration. The maximum amount of oxygen is obtained at 20° to 25° C., so that no water bath or thermostat is necessary. The number of cubic centimetres of oxygen evolved in six hours is taken as the catalase number. Fresh milk from healthy cows will not yield more than 2-5 c.c. In mixed milk the blood corpuscles will be too sparsely distributed to produce any recognisable effect. The milk must be perfectly fresh when tested, as many bacteria decompose hydrogen peroxide. The common sarcinae and micrococci (see p. 38), e.g., Micrococcus candicans, and most of the putrefactive bacteria are particularly active in this respect, while the true lactic acid bacteria and the butyric acid bacteria l do not produce catalase. Milk which has stood for any length of time at a low temperature, or old pas- teurised milk, will accordingly show high catalase values. Hesse 2 has proposed to apply the catalase test to butter as follows : 100 grams of butter are warmed to 45° C. and shaken with 40 c.c. of water at this temperature ; the aqueous liquid is separated and tested in the same way as milk. It is obvious that butter which has been made from pasteurised cream ripened with a pure starter of lactic acid bacteria will show a low catalase figure ; if the butter has been washed with bad water it may show a high catalase figure, for Bacterium fluorescens liquefaciens is particularly active in decomposing hydrogen peroxide. 1 Orla Jensen, " Det. kgl. danske Videnskabers Selskabs Oversigter " (Danish Academy of Sciences), 1906, No. 5, p. 306. 2 " Molkereizeitung," Hildesheim, 1912, No. 6. FIG. 65. — Catalase Test Apparatus. THE GRADING OF MILK 161 THE RENNET TEST As milk drawn from diseased udders generally coagulates badly with rennet, this test affords the same indications as the two tests just described ; it has also a practical significance, for milk which coagulates badly can hardly be made into good cheese, even if it is satisfactory from the bacteriological point of view. The test may be applied with advantage when difficulty is experienced in making the curd sufficiently dry, so that the particular consign- ments of milk which are at fault may be detected. In the labora- tory the test is generally carried out by means of Schaffer's apparatus, which consists simply of a shallow water bath with a false bottom on which a number of beakers can be placed. One cubic centimetre of one of Hansen's rennet tablets, No. 2, in 500 c.c. of water is added to 100 c.c. of milk which is kept at 35° C. ; normal milk will coagulate in nine to nineteen minutes. MarschalUs apparatus is better suited for use in the dairy ; this consists of a graduated enamelled iron cup having a fine opening in the bottom. The hole is closed by a finger, the cup is filled, and milk is allowed to run out until the level comes to the top graduation mark in the cup. One cubic centimetre of the rennet solution is rapidly and thoroughly mixed with the milk, and the finger is removed from the opening. The milk will cease to run out the moment coagula- tion sets in, so that the capacity for coagulation will be inversely proportional to the amount of milk which has run out. Con- versely, this apparatus may be used for the estimation of the coagulating capacity of rennet, which is a test of some importance in the Swiss dairies which make their own rennet. The means available for correcting a deficient capacity for coagulation are discussed on p. 130. DETERMINATION OF ACIDITY The degree of acidity is generally understood to be the number of cubic centimetres of standard sodium hydroxide solution required to neutralise a given volume of milk, with phenol phthalein as indicator. The Soxhlet-Henkel degrees, which are largely used on the Continent, express the number of cubic centimetres of quarter normal alkali per 100 c.c. of milk. In British and American works, degrees of acidity are understood to represent the number of cubic centimetres of normal sodium hydroxide per litre of milk ; the titration is often carried out with decinormal alkali, using smaller quantities of milk, the results being calculated to the above standard ; as little as 10 c.c. of milk is sometimes used, but more exact results can be got by using larger quantities. No water should be added to the milk or cream before titration, as D.B. 11 102 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY this will lower the acidity. EllbrecMs titration paper " Exact " has been designed as a colour standard in order to ensure that the same end-point is reached each time. Richmond gives the follow- ing method in his " Dairy Chemistry " : " 10 c.c. of milk are titrated with decinormal baryta, or 11 c.c. with eleventh normal strontia, using 1 c.c. of J per cent, phenol phthalein ; as a standard, an equal volume of milk is coloured with one drop of 0-01 per cent, rosaniline acetate in 96 per cent, alcohol." The degree of acidity of normal milk generally lies between 16 and 19 (6-4 to 7-6 Soxhlet- Henkel). If under 15 (6 S.-H.), the milk is probably derived from cows which are sick or approaching the end of the lactation period, or it may have lost a portion of its natural carbonic acid by having been kept in shallow vessels, shaken or warmed. If the degree of acidity is over 21 (8-4 S.-H.) the milk may be derived from cows suffering from streptococcic mastitis or it may contain colostrum the acidity of which may be as high as 55. As a rule, however, high acidity will be due to incipient lactic acid fermenta- tion. Mixed milk having an acidity of over 21 will usually coagulate on mixing with an equal volume of 68 per cent, alcohol ; this is the basis of the so-called alcohol test. The boiling test is based on the fact that milk having an acidity of over 27-5 coagu- lates on boiling. It is, however, impossible to be certain that the milk will stand pasteurisation if the acidity exceeds 22-5 *. Fresh milk shows an amphoteric reaction towards litmus, i.e., it turns red litmus blue and blue litmus red ; if the degree of acidity is under 12-5, the reaction towards litmus will be alkaline. Accord- ing to Hoyberg2, the rosolic acid solution proposed by Hilger for the detection of added soda may be used with advantage in testing milk from the individual quarters with a view to detecting udder disease. If 5 c.c. of 96 per cent, alcohol and 0-5 c.c. of a 1 per cent, rosolic acid solution are added to 5 c.c. of milk, an orange colour will be obtained with normal milk, and a red colour with alkaline milk. Eugling 3 has shown that a saturated alcoholic solution of alizarin may be used for the same purpose ; if 5 to 10 drops of the solution are added to 50 c.c. of milk, a red-violet colour will be produced with normal milk, a violet-blue colour with alkaline milk, and a yellowish colour with sour milk. Morres 4 combines this test with the alcohol test in the Alizarol test, 0-05 per cent, of alizarin being dissolved in the 68 per cent, alcohol, so that an indication may be obtained as to whether the coagulation is due to acid- or rennet-producing bacteria. If narrow test tubes 1 Henlcel, " Milchwirtschaftliches Zentralblatt," 1907, Bd. III., p. 378. "Skandinavsk Veterinaertidsskrift," 1911, p. 23. " Handbuch f. die praktische Kaseriei." Leipzig, 1901, p. 20. 4 " Oesterreichsche Molkerei-Zeitung," 1912. A colour scale for this test is supplied by Dr. N. Gerbers Co., Zurich. THE GRADING OF MILK 163 % are used, 2 c.c. of milk and 2 c.c. of alcohol will suffice for this test. It is recommended that the dairies should apply it to each can of milk and reject all milk which shows a precipitate or an abnormal colour. THE FERMENTATION TEST This test shows if the milk has become infected with an undue proportion of gas-producing organisms, which first and foremost include the pseudo lactic acid bacteria. We have already seen that these are among the most objectionable organisms that can be met with in dairy practice, as they cause trouble in various ways, including the spoiling of milk for the purpose of cheese making. As the pseudo lactic acid bacteria are usually brought into the milk with the cow dung, and are particularly plentiful when the cows are suffering from diarrhoea, the fermentation test will give evidence of undue contamination and thus give warning that the milk may possibly be dangerous for human consumption. This test is of value not only in judging of the suitability of milk for cheese making, but also in the laboratory control of retail milk, particularly that which is to be used for infant feeding. While most of the milk bacteria (excepting the thermobacteria, which, however, are rare in fresh milk) grow best at about 30° C., many of them ceasing to develop at temperatures above 38° C. , the pseudo lactic acid bacteria, being typical intestinal organisms, have their optimum at blood heat, and will gain predominance most readily at a slightly higher temperature, for which reason the fermentation test is carried out at 38° to 40° C. It is important that the tem- perature should not be allowed to vary beyond these limits, as at a higher temperature good milk may appear to be bad, while at a Lower temperature bad milk may appear to be good. If fine distinction is made between the different types and degrees of fermentation, these temperature limits are too wide, and the temperature should be kept constant at 38° C. In order that the results of the test may be strictly comparable, it is advisable always to use tubes of a certain diameter (about 2 cm.), into which 40 c.c. of milk are introduced. The shape of the tubes is shown in the accompanying illustration ; they should be strongly made and provided with a graduation mark at 40 c.c., and with a frosted square so that they can be marked in pencil. An average sample of each supplier's milk should be taken, preferably from the weighing or measuring vessel, by means of a small measure furnished with a pointed spout. The measure should be rinsed several times with the milk which is being sampled before taking the actual sample. The tubes are marked, covered with a small cap of aluminium or zinc, placed in stands and brought into the 164 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY water bath. Failing a proper thermostat, the temperature may be kept fairly constant by means of a spirit lamp or gas burner, provided that a large well-insulated water bath is used, and that the temperature of the room does not vary too much. The samples are examined after twelve and twenty to twenty-four hours. If quite fresh, the milk will remain liquid for twelve hours. The sooner visible alteration occurs, the greater the importance to be attached to the results of the test. On the other hand, milk 01 02 03 FIG. 66. — Gelatinous Types. &1 &2 &a FIG. 67. — Blown Types. containing relatively few bacteria gives unreliable indications, duplicate tests often showing different types of fermentation. According to Peter's classification, we may distinguish between the following types in the fermentation test : — Fluid (/), gela- tinous (g), blown (b), spongy (s) and cheesy (c) (see his illustrations). In the gelatinous type the true lactic acid bacteria predominate ; a perfectly homogeneous coagulum is denoted by gv a coagulum with very few streaks and bubbles by g2, and one with few streaks and bubbles by g3. In the blown (gassy) milk the pseudo lactic THE GRADING OF MILK 165 acid bacteria predominate ; bv b2 and 63 indicate progressive degrees of intensity of gas evolution. While there is only a difference of a degree between g3 and 6l5 all the casein will have been driven to the surface in b3. The spongy types, sv s2 and «3, differ from the blown types in being finer in curd texture. In si the coagulum forms so fine a network that it may easily be mistaken for gr Milk which is poor in true lactic acid bacteria often becomes spongy in the fermentation test, owing to the gas production FIG. 68. — Spongy Types. FIG. 69. — Cheesy Types. being in full swing before coagulation occurs. In this case the gas-producing organisms may sometimes be lactose fermenting saccharomycetes. The cheesy type is distinguished by a well- marked separation of clear whey, due to organisms which secrete rennet-like enzymes, especially peptonising lactic acid strepto- cocci ; cl5 c2 and c3 indicate progressive degrees in the contraction of the curd. If at the same time much gas has been formed, this type cannot well be distinguished from the spongy or the blown type. In actual practice distinction is only made between the 166 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY highly objectionable blown types 62, ^3 and s3 on the one hand, and all the remaining types on the other. In examining the fermentation types the following should also be watched for : sediment (and possibly pus), sliminess, and evil-smelling milk. Alkaline milk keeps fluid for a long time, and often putrefies before going sour. The combined rennet and fermentation test suggested by Fr. Jos. Herz is a special form of the fermentation test, 2 c.c. of the rennet solution mentioned above being added to each test tube. Milk which coagulates badly will have separated compara- tively little whey and formed a soft and non-coherent coagulum after twelve hours. On examination after twenty to twenty -four hours the coagulum should have assumed the form of a smooth cjdinder, which only shows small holes in longitudinal section. If the coagulum contains large holes, and especially if it forms a screw-shaped sponge floating on the surface of the whey, the milk must be considered unsuitable for cheese making. In the Emmental dairies, where a home-made rennet is used which, at the same time, is also a culture of the more important ripening bacteria, but which not infrequently contains colon and aerogenes bacteria, it is of the greatest importance to test the milk, both with and without the addition of rennet. If a bad result is obtained without rennet and a good result with rennet, the milk is certainly bad, though the lactic acid bacteria in the home-made rennet will be able to counteract the defect. The milk is only unsuitable beyond doubt if the test with rennet turns out badly. If the last-mentioned result is obtained in spite of the fact of the milk being good, then the rennet will be known to be unfit for use. The tubes and caps used in the fermentation test must be cleaned immediately after use by rinsing carefully with hot soda solution, after which they should be placed in the stands and covered completely with water into which steam is then passed for about fifteen minutes. Finally, they are to be dried in a warm place. THE REDUCTASE TEST All living cells, including microorganisms, have reducing properties, which are well illustrated by their behaviour towards methylene blue. The rate at which milk decolorises methylene blue will, therefore, depend on the number of microorganisms in it. The reductase test devised by Barthel x and the author 2 is based on this fact. 1 *' Kungl. Landtbruks-Akademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift," No. 6, 1907. 2 " Maelkeritidende," 1909, p. 359. THE GRADING OF MILK 1(57 It must not be assumed that the time taken to decolorise methylene blue (reduction time) under standard conditions is an accurate measure of the number of microorganisms in the milk ; for, in the first place, all microorganisms do not reduce with equal rapidity, and, second, the milk itself, as obtained from the cow, contains reducing substances. Of the milk bacteria examined by the author Streptococcus liquefaciens appears to have particu- larly marked reducing powers, while the true lactic acid bacteria are among the organisms which reduce slowly. The obligate anaerobic bacteria reduce rapidly, a fact easily explained on considering that they derive their energy from reduction processes. The reduction time is shortened by the addition of a little alkali, and lengthened by the addition of a little acid. As regards the reducing substances natural to milk, the most important is aldehyde reductase, an enzyme which appears to be associated with the fat globules 1, but which has no significance in the present connection, as it only decolorises methylene blue in presence of formaldehyde. Greater interest attaches to the leucocytes, which, like other living cells, are able to reduce methylene blue2. They will, however, only exert an appreciable effect on the reduction time if present in large numbers, while it can hardly be considered a drawback to the test that milk rich in leucocytes should appear to be worse than its bacteriological condition would warrant, inasmuch as such milk should always be regarded with suspicion. Of still greater importance is the fact that milk contains substances other than enzymes which exert a reducing action in the absence of oxygen. Thus Burri and Kursteiner have shown 3 that newly- sterilised milk which has been prevented from absorbing oxygen decolorises methylene blue rapidly, and Barthel 4 has shown that raw milk behaves similarly when the dissolved oxygen is expelled by a current of hydrogen or carbon dioxide, from which he concludes that the decolorisation of methylene blue in milk is due to the action of the milk itself, and that the microorganisms only act indirectly by consuming the dissolved oxygen. This 1 Orla Jensen, " Uber den Ursprung der Oxydasen und Reduktasen der Kuhmilch," Det Kgl. Danske Videnskabernes Selskabs Oversigter (Danish Academy of Sciences), No. 5, 1906, and Centralblatt f. Bakt. II. Abt. 1907, XV1IL, p. 211. 2 Olav Skar, " Skandinavsk Veterinaertidsskrift," 1913, p. 51. " Milchwirtschaftliches Zentralblatt," 1912, p. 269. 4 " Skandinavisk Veterinaertidsskrift," 1916, p. 155. The author has been able to confirm BartheVs results, and has found that milk with a low bacterial count which is kept free from atmospheric oxygen by passing a current of hydrogen through it reduces methylene blue in forty-five minutes at 40° C., no matter whether raw or sterilised. (On the addition of a little formaldehyde decolorisation was complete in ten minutes.) As pure lactose solutions were not found to decolorise methylene blue under similar experimental conditions, the reducing action of milk itself cannot be due to the lactose. 168 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY explanation, however, hardly covers the case of the obligate anaerobic bacteria, but, as far as the aerobic organisms are concerned, the reducing action of the milk itself is, no doubt, a contributing factor, so that in the reductase test the degree of aeration of the milk is a condition which must not be overlooked. Milk will already begin to absorb oxygen freely as it comes in a fine stream from the udder, and its oxygen content will naturally be increased on pouring from vessel to vessel, and especially during any process of aeration to which it may be submitted. The dissolved oxygen will gradually be consumed as the micro- organisms increase in number ; the less the milk is shaken, and the deeper the vessels in which it is kept, the quicker will the oxygen content fall off. The temperature at which the milk is kept is also an important factor in this connection, for not only FIG. 70. — Apparatus for Reductase and Fermenting Test to take 200 Samples. will the bacteria develop more rapidly at higher temperatures, but the individual cells will consume more oxygen at higher than at lower temperatures 1. In order to equalise these conditions, it will be advisable always to shake the milk well before subjecting it to the reductase test. It will be seen that the theory of the reductase test is not so simple as was formerly supposed ; nevertheless, numerous experiments with mixed milk of commerce have shown that the reduction time, as determined by the reductase test, furnishes just as satisfactory a measure of the bacterial contents as the troublesome method of plate counts, which, as a matter of fact, is by no means less subject to error than the reductase test. Moreover, the differences between the reducing powers of the different species of bacteria are not greater than the differences displayed in this respect by the members of the same species 1 This is clearly shown by C. Lind's work, " Reduktaseproven sammen- io-net med Bakterietaellingsmetoden " (" Ma-elkeritidende," 1915, p. 921), THE GRADING OF MILK 169 when subjected to different conditions. The more favourable the conditions for bacterial development, the shorter will be the reduction time. It follows that not only does the reductase test give an estimate of the number of organisms present, but the result will be influenced to some extent according to the vitality of the organisms, which is a factor as important as any other in determining the keeping power of the milk. As the reductase test will reveal any appreciable bacterial increase before this becomes apparent through the presence of lactic acid, it is not only the most convenient, but also the most sensitive, method for the grading of milk, whether for retail direct or for the making of dairy products. On the other hand, it must be admitted that milk from individual cows or milk that has been subjected to unusual treatment may give divergent results. The translator l has thus found that milk which has been kept for a long time at low temperatures appears to be better than it really is, in the reductase test carried out at 38° C., because the majority of the bacteria in it are greatly weakened at the temperature in question. Such milk is decolorised quicker at 28° C. A comparison between the reduction times of the same milk at 28° and 38° C. can thus furnish information as to how this milk has been treated. According to the author's proposal, however, the test should be carried out at 38° to 39° C., as this will, in the majority of cases, give the shortest reduction time. On the other hand, it is a wrong principle to employ a still higher temperature, as was oTiginally done, for then the development of all the most common milk bacteria will be hindered. The methods of sampling and the apparatus required for the reductase test are the same as have already been described under the fermentation test. Particular care must be taken to measure out exactly 40 c.c. of milk, either by means of a graduation mark on the tube or by taking the sample in a measure holding exactly 40 c.c. when filled to the rim. As the preparations of methylene blue on the market are very different in their properties, and the solutions made from them are not permanent, it is necessary to use a fresh solution of definite strength, made from a standard pre- paration. The tabloids prepared for the purpose 2 are readily soluble in warm water ; each tabloid makes 200 c.c. of solution, 1 c.c. of which is required for each test with 40 c.c. of milk. The colour is mixed with the milk by rolling the tube in the hands, then pressing the mouth against a clean portion of the palm of the 1 "Analyst," 1918, 43, p. 1. 2 By Messrs. Blauenfeldt and Tvede, of Copenhagen, who also supply all requisites for the reductase test, including complete outfits suitable for dairies dealing with milk from 100 to 400 suppliers. 170 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY hand and shaking vigorously. For each tube a different portion of the palm should be used, and, when completely wetted, the hand should be carefully washed before proceeding any further. In actual practice, the colour is added when all the samples have been taken and the tubes are in position in the stand. After placing in the water bath, the samples should be examined at frequent intervals during the first twenty minutes, after which they need only be examined every quarter or half hour. As mentioned above, the author has found it best to employ the same temperature as in the fermentation test ; in this way there is the additional advantage that the two tests may be combined. The combined reductase and fermenting test l gives information regard- ing both the number and the nature of the organisms in the milk. The joint investigations of Barthel and the author 2 have shown that it is possible by means of the reductase test to grade milk and cream into four classes, as follows :— Class 1. — Good milk, not decolorised in five and a half hours, containing, as a rule, less than | million bacteria per cubic centi- metre 3. Class 2. — Milk of fair average quality, decolorised in less than five and a half hours but not less than two hours, containing, as a rule, | to 4 million bacteria per cubic centimetre. Class 3. — Bad milk, decolorised in less than two hours, but not less than twenty minutes, containing, as a rule, 4 to 20 million bacteria per cubic centimetre. Class 4. — Very bad milk, decolorised in twenty minutes or less, containing, as a rule, over 20 million bacteria per cubic centimetre. If samples of retail milk from different dairies are to be com- pared, they must, of course, be examined simultaneously ; thus it would be unfair to sample one dairy on a cold morning and another on a warm afternoon. Unpasteurised milk, as sold in large towns, should retain its colour in the test for at least two hours, and the pasteurised rmlk for at least five and a half hours. Most of the milk retailed by the large dairies in Copen- hagen fulfil these requirements 4. The pasteurised milk supplied 1 " Maelkeritidende," 1909, p. 359. 2 " Milch wirtschaftliches Zentralblatt," 1912, No. 14. 3 As the counts were found by the plating method, they were really under-estimated ; milk bacteria usually occur in pairs and not infrequently in long chains, or large clumps, which are not broken up on shaking, and in such cases only one colony is obtained. The counts should at least be doubled, and in some cases they should be trebled or quadrupled. 4 Orla Jensen, " Maanedsskrift for Sundhedspleje," 1909, p. 239. The translator has found the reductase and fermenting test to be of great use in the control of milk as it arrives from the farms, and that the conditions of treatment of the milk on various farms were found to correspond with conclusions which had previously been drawn from the behaviour of the samples in this test. THE GRADING OF MILK 171 by these dairies is, generally speaking, not so good as might be expected ; this matter deserves attention, for pasteurised milk which is rich in bacteria can only be regarded as a highly objection- able product. It should, therefore, be forbidden to sell pasteurised milk as raw milk. In the dairies it is impossible to lay down a definite line of demarcation between first and second grade milk without unduly lowering the standard, for obviously milk cannot be expected to conform to the same standard on a close summer's day as on a frosty day. The author has therefore proposed the adoption of the average reduction time of all the samples tested at one time as the standard for that particular batch of samples. Only milk which is better than the average will be placed in class 1. Milk showing a reduction time equal to or less than the average, but not less than two hours, will be placed in class 2, and other cases can be dealt with as detailed above. As it may be inconvenient to have the samples examined for longer than twelve hours, the reduction time of any samples not finished in this time may be set down as twelve hours in calculating the average ; such cases will only occur on cold winter days. All reduction times may be estimated to the nearest quarter of an hour, the reduction time of milk in class 4 being set down as a quarter of an hour. If it is desired to combine the grading according to taste and smell and according to the results of the fermenting test, with the grading according to the reductase test, the following system may be adopted : — Samples placed in classes 1, 2 or 3 according to the reductase test are degraded by one class if the taste and smell are decidedly bad, and samples thus placed in classes 2 or 3 are further degraded by one class if the results of the fermentation test show 62, 63 or s3. If the average reduction time should be under five and a half hours, class 1 milk which is decolorised before this time, and which is bad according to the fermenting test, should also be placed in class 2. It will be seen that, excepting in the case just mentioned, the results of the fermenting test are not taken into account in the cases of samples placed in classes 1 and 4, the reasons for this being as follows : — Milk which contains relatively few bacteria will generally show a bad result in the fermenting test as it will be particularly poor in true lactic acid bacteria ; moreover, the results observed in the combined reductase and fermenting test in such cases may often be worse than would be shown in the fermenting test alone, as methylene blue exerts a certain toxic effect on bacteria, especially the true lactic acid bacteria, and the fewer the bacteria the more of the poison will each cell have to reduce. On the other hand, the fermenting results are not affected by the small amount of methylene blue 172 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY used in the reductase test, in the case of milk containing a greater number of bacteria. Conversely, milk which is very rich in bacteria generally shows good results in the fermenting test, for even if it may contain millions of gas-producing bacteria, it will generally contain still greater numbers of true lactic acid bacteria, and therefore become sour so quickly that the former type will not be able to gain predominance. No error will be committed in ignoring the results of the fermenting test in the cases mentioned, for the small numbers of bacteria in the best milk, whatever their nature, will not be able to exert any influence on the mixed milk of the dairy, while the worst milk will already have been placed in the lowest class, and cannot therefore be degraded any further. In the combined test, the fermentation need not be observed until after the lapse of twenty to twenty-four hours as the reductase test gives a far more accurate estimate of the number of bacteria present than the fermenting test after twelve hours. It should be clearly understood that while the indications afforded by the fer- menting test are purely qualitative, those afforded by the reductase test are purely quantitative, and it is only by combining the two tests that any real insight will be obtained into the nature of the bacterial contents of the milk. In large dairies it will only be possible to take an average sample of each supplier's milk. If the number of suppliers is not large, there is no reason why the morning and evening milk should not be tested separately provided that the cans are properly marked according to the respective meals as they always should be. When the milk only comes to the dairy in the morning, it will generally be found that the morning milk will be better than the evening milk, though if the milk comes from a long distance, the reverse may be the case during warm weather if the morning milk has not been cooled. In such cases it will also be necessary to cool the morning milk. The more frequent the test the juster will be the impression formed as to the relative goodness of the milk from different suppliers. Large dairies which of course should keep a well-equipped laboratory under the guidance of a chemist, who has been trained in bacteriology, will do best to test each supplier's milk daily. In the co-operative dairies, samples from all the suppliers should be tested once a week, and one of the members of the association should be present in turn, as an impartial witness. The co-operation of expert milk tasters is no longer absolutely necessary in view of the more objective methods which are now at our disposal ; the examination of samples in the reductase test requires no particular scientific knowledge, and may be performed by any reliable boy or girl. Samples which need not be subjected to the fermenting test should be removed from THE GRADING OF MILK 173 the water bath in the evening ; next morning the blown or very spongy samples may quickly be picked out. The following table has been drawn up in order to illustrate the system : — 1 Time for decolorisation. Classification according to p a Remarks on Fermenta- Also taste : .1 1 Taste and Smell. Exact. In round numbers. tion test. Reductase test alone. Also taste and smell. and smell and fer- mentation test. 03 1 19 min. ihr. ft IV. IV. IV. 2 3 hr. 31 min. 3| hr. * *a II. II. III. 3 24 min. fhr q III. III. III. 4 5 hr. 30 min. 5| hr. X I. I. I. 5 Acid 5 min. i hr. g IV. IV. IV. 6 over 12 hr. 12 hr! g 1. J I. 7 1 hr. 57 min. 2 hr. 63 II. II. III. 8 7 hr. 5 min. 7 hr. g I. I. I. ! 9 52 min. fkr 02^i* III. III. III. 10 11 Flat or slight turnip taste Bitter 5 hr. 1 7 min. 1 hr. 40 min. If hr. Ml I. III. II. IV. II. IV. 1 The average reduction time was 3| hours. The samples were placed : — 3 in Class L, 1 in Class II., 4 in Class III., 3 in Class IV. * In practice round figures only need be noted. To facilitate the calculation of the average, i may be written as |. When the fermentation result is denoted by two letters, this denotes an intermediate form. The average of the four weekly tests places the milk in the class which has to be reckoned with during the corresponding month. The figure is rounded off to the nearest unit, fractions of | or over being counted as 1. The grading of milk has been dealt with at length because it furnishes just basis for payment according to quality, the only really effective means available for improving the quality of milk. If such a system were established there would be some hope that the farmers would exert themselves to ensure the clean treatment and proper cooling of their milk, just as the more progressive of the Danish farmers have succeeded in increasing the fat content of their milk since the system of pay- ment according to " fat units " was adopted by most of the co- operative dairies in Denmark. The two systems may easily be combined by allowing a small increase in the price per fat unit for first-class milk, and making a corresponding deduction in the case of third-class milk. Double the amount should be deducted for fourth-class milk. There would be no surer means of guarding against butter and cheese defects, and there could be no better re- commendation for the dairy products than the fact that they had been made from milk sufficiently clean and fresh to be palatable 174 DAIRY BACTERIOLOGY to the most critical. This reform would also have far-reaching results contributing indirectly to the welfare of coming generations ; for once the principles of hygiene have gained a footing in the cow- shed they will gain admission everywhere else. Healthy and clean cows, good milk, healthy children. INDEX ACID, acetic, 1, 16, 30, 128 butyric, 42, 135, 139 lactic, 30, 31, 32, 49, 128, 129 optical isomers, 32 propionic, 41, 139 Acidity of cream, determination of, 107 of milk, determination of, 161 of starter, determination of, 117 of whey, determination of, 131 Acids, fatty, 122, 134, 144 Actinomyces bovis, 29 chromogena, 126 Actinomycetes, 29 Actinomycosis, 70 Aeration of cream, 112 of milk, 78, 168 of starter milk, 116 Aerobic bacteria, 10 Aerogenes bacteria, 39, 153 mastitis, 151 After-fermentation of cheese, 139 Albumin, 81, 96, 97, 113, 130, 149 Alcohol test, 162 Alcoholic fermentation, 50, 102 Alizarol test, 162 Alkali -forming bacteria, 63, 65, 75 Amino acids, 4, 140 Ammonia formation in cheese, 134, 135, 136, 146, 147 Ammonium casemate, 119, 134, 135 Amylase, 13 Anaerobic bacteria, 10, 19, 42 Anthrax, bacterium of, 10, 71 Anti-toxins, 14, 97 Appetitost, 149 Aroma bacteria in butter, 108, 110, 116 in cheese, 142 Aspergillus repens, 87 Autoclave, 17 Average reduction time, 171 BACILLUS, 27, 29 Bacillus, abortus, 71 acidi lactici, 32 acidophilus, 38 anthracis, 10, 47 bifidm, 33, 101 botalinus, 48 bulgaricus. See " Thermobacterium bulgaricum." butyricus immobilis, 43 mobilis, 43 Chauvoei, 43 coli, 40, 45, 65 cyaneofuscus, 45, 154 Delbrucki. See " Thermobacterium cereale" firmitatis, 155 mesentericus, 47 Bacillus, mycoides, 47, 67, 71, 101 putrificas, 47 rudensis, 154 subtilis, 46, 47 tetani, 48 typhosus. See " Bacterium typho- .w/w." Bacteria, 1, 27, 29 classification of, 26, 29 in air, 61 in butter, 20, 120 in cheese, 20, 137 in earth, 47, 61 in manure, 61, 63, 70, 158, 163 in milk, 19, 20, 62, 64, 71, 69, 163, 166, 170 in salt, 126 in straw, 61 in udder, 61, 63 in water, 21, 40, 44, 68, 74, 75, 123 lactic acid, classification of, 32 pathogenic in milk, 69, 71, 97 staining of, 24, 25 Bactericidal substances, 55, 89, 113 of milk, 64, 97 Bacteriological methods, 16 Bacterium abortus, 71 acidi propionici, 41 bifidum, 33, 101 carotce, 74 casei a. See " Streptobacterium casei" casei y. See " Betabacterium breve" casei 8. See " Betabacterium longum." casei e. See " Thermobacterium helveticum." casei fusci, 155 limburgensis, 146, 148 caucasicum, 35 cloacce, 40, 104 coli, 40; 45 cyaneofuscus, 45 enteriditis, 40 erythrogenes, 46 fluorescens liquefaciens, 44, 46, 74, 160 lactis, 32 acidi. See " Streptococcus lactis.'''' aerogenes, 40 innocuum, 63, 75, 107 longi, 36 acidi, 32 minimum mammce, 69 pneumonice, 40 prodigiosum, 46 pyocyaneum, 26, 44 pyogenes, 69 sapolacticum, 75 176 INDEX Bacterium syncyaneum, 26, 45 synxantum, 46 typhosum, 27, 40, 71 vulgare, 27, 46 Zopfii, 45, 75 Betabacterium, 33, 67 breve, 34 caucasicum, 34 longum, 34 Betacoccus, 33, 37, 38, 65 Biological characteristics, 15 Biorisation, 83 Bitter taste in butter, 125 in cheese, 129, 155 in milk, 75 Blood in milk, 69, 159 Blown cheese, 139, 151 milk, 164 Blue milk bacteria, 73 Boiling test, 162 Bottling of milk, 91 stoppers for. 91 Brie cheese, 133 Buchner, 12 Budde's process, 89 Burnt taste, 79, 118, 125 Burri's Indian ink method, 25 tubes, 19, 65 Butter, aroma of, 108, 110, 116 defects, original, 124 secondary, 125 flora, abnormal, 124 normal, 120 making of, 106 milk, 98, 118 rancidity of, 51, 52; 121, 127 Butyric acid bacteria, 42, 139, 149, 152, 160 CABBAGE taste in cheese, 156 Calcium lactate, fermentation of, 41, 42, 135 Camembert cheese, 133, 136, 147 Capsule formation by bacteria, 7 Carbol fuchsine, 25 Carbon, sources of, 9 Carbonic acid, 122, 151, 156 Casein, 13, 14, 97, 99, 129, 131 Catalase, 14, 33, 90 test, 159 Cell walls, 5 Cells, 4 Cellulose, fermentation of, 43 Certified milk, 60, 62 Cheddar cheese, 43, 130, 141, 154 Cheese curd, consistency of, 131, 132 making of, 129 defects, 73, 129, 151 flora, abnormal, 151 normal, 135 in milk, 72, 164 poisoning by, 156 rennet, 129, 166 ripening of, 128, 132 course of, 132 depth of, 134 extent of, 134 salt in, 131, 132, 139 Cheesy milk, 72, 164 sour butter, 126 Chlamydospores, 4 Cholera bacteria, 28, 71, 82 Chymosin, 14, 81, 129, 138, 143, 165 Cilia, 26, 46 Cladosporium, 51 butyri, 51, 123 herbarum, 51, 56, 155 Classification of bacteria, 28 of lactic acid bacteria, 32 Cleaning, 54, 58, 59 separator, 90 Clostridium, 3, 4 Coagulating milk, 72 Coagulation of milk proteins, 81, 129 Cocci, peptonising, 45 Coccus, 27 Coccus liquefaciens. See " Streptococcus liquefaciens." Coli bacteria, 39, 45, 65, 125, 152, 153 Colonies, 20, 23 Colostrum, 69, 71, 151, 162 Colour defects in butter, 126 in cheese, 45, 153 in milk, 73 producing organisms, 44, 45, 46, 73 Condensing of milk, 86 Conidia, 4 Cooked taste in butter, 125 in cream, 81 in milk, 8l Cooling of cream, 81, 111 of milk, 65, 77, 91, 95 Copper in cheese, 153 in milk, 75 Counts, bacterial, of air, 61 of butter, 20 of cheese, 20 of earth, 61 of manure, 61 of milk, 19, 20, 62, 64, 170 of straw, 61 of water, 21 Cow-sheds, floor covering of, 58, 59 Cows, diarrhoea of, 57, 72, 151, 158, 163 diseases of, 57, 69, 71 Cracks in cheese, 73, 153 Cream, cooling of, 81, 111 fat in, 110 homogenisation of, 80 pasteurisation of, 109, 111, 120 pathogenic germs in, 109 souring of, 36, 106 whipped, 67 Cultivation methods, 16, 17, 22 Cultures, lactic acid, 108, 117 dry, 109 mould, 145, 148 pure, 21, 24, 145, 148 single cell, 21, 24 Curd, acidity of, 131 consistency of, 131, 132 making of, 131 DANISH dairy cheese, 133, 136, 142 Swiss cheese, 140 Defects of butter, 122, 124 of cheese, 151 of milk, 68, 71 Diarrhoea of cows, 57, 72, 151, 158, 163 INDEX 177 Diastase, 13, 47 Diet of cows, 57, 68 Dietetic preparations, 100 Diffusion slices, 58 Diphtheria bacteria, 29, 71, 82 Dirt in milk, 60, 61, 90, 157 Disease germs in milk, 29, 71, 82 Diseases of cows, 69, 71 Disinfecting, 55 Dry cultures, 109 Dutch cheese, 36, 73 Dysentery bacteria, 82 EARTHY smell in butter, 126 Edam cheese, 36, 73, 133, 136, 141, 154 Emmental cheese, 34, 41, 42, 131, 133, 136, 142, 152 Endoenzymes, 12, 137, 142 Enrichment method, 22 Enzymes, 12, 15, 97, 129, 137, 140, 142, 167 Erepsin, 14, 137, 140, 142 Exoenzymes, 12, 140, 142 Eyes in cheese, abnormal, 139 normal, 41, 42, 138, 152 FAT butter, hydrolysis of, 121, 134 oxidation of, 121 Fat hydrolysis by microorganisms, 44 in butter, J.22 in cheese, 134, 144 in cream, 110 in cheese, 134 in milk, 96 Feeding of cows, 57, 68 Fermentation processes, 11, 30, 41, 42, 44, 106, 119, 128, 139 Fermenting milk, 72 test, 163, 170 combined with reductase test. 166 Ferments, 12 Fishy taste in butter, 126 Flagellae, 26, 46 Flash pasteurisation, 82 Flies, 60 Floor of cow-sheds, 58, 59 Fluorescent bacteria, 44, 65 Fodder, influence of, on milk, 68 Foot and mouth disease, 82 Freudenreich flask, 17 Fuchsine, 25 GALACTASE, 90, 129 Gassy milk, 72 Gentian violet, 25 Gioddu, 100 Gldsler, 139 Globulin, 130 Gorgonzola cheese, 143 Gouda cheese, 141, 155 Grading of milk, 157, 170 Gram's staining, 25 Grass taste in butter, 125 in milk, 74 Green Alpine cheese, 133, 136, 146, 149 Growth and reproduction, 2 Gruyere cheese, 34, 136 HANSEN'S distinction of yeasts, 49 single cell culture, 24 D.B. Harrach cheese, 147 Hay bacteria, 46, 83 Hard cheeses, 132, 149 Harz cheese, 150 Heat action on bacteria, 19, 80 on enzymes, 12 Holder pasteurisation, 82, 93 Holes in cheese, abnormal, 139 normal, 41, 42, 138, 152 Homogenisation, 79, 80, 85 Household pasteurisation apparatus, 83, 97 Hydrogen peroxide, 14, 89, 90, 93, 159 ICE milk, 60, 78, 94 Immunity, 15 Incubation period, 11 Incubator, 17, 18 Infants, nutrition of, 88, 96, 97 Infection, 56 by milk, 69, 71, 82 Invertase, 13 Involution forms, 16 Iron in cheese, 153 in milk, 98 Isigny butter, 110 JORGE NSEN'S moist chamber, 23 KAELDER milk, 102 Kefir, 51, 100, 103 Knapost cheese, 149 Knopist cheese, 147 Koch, 17 Kumys, 100, 102 LACTASE, 13 Lactic acid, 30, 31, 32, 49, 128, 129 optical isomers, 32 bacteria, pseudo, 30, 38, 39, 118 true, 32, 114, 160, 171 fermentation in cheese, 129, 153 psuedo, 30, 163 true, 30, 106, 114, 128 micrococci, 38 rod bacteria, 33 streptococci, 35 Lactobacillus, 33 Lactose, 96, 135 Leben, 100, 102 Lecithin, 98, 126 Leucocyte test, Tromsdorff's, 158 Leucocytes in milk, 93, 158, 167 Leuconostoc, 7, 38 Limburg cheese, 133, 136, 146 Lipase, 13 Liquefying of cheese, 153 organisms, 14, 153 Lofotrich bacteria, 26 Long milk, 7, 8, 36, 72, 100 whey, 72 Low temperature pasteurisation, 82, 93 MALT taste in butter, 118 Maltase, 13 Manure, bacteria in, 61, 63, 70, 158, 163 preservation of, 119 Mastitis, 69, 72, 151, 159 Mazun, 100 Meat poisoning, 46 12 178 INDEX Medicines passing into milk, 68 MetaUic taste in butter, 125 in milk, 75 Methyl violet, 25 Methylene blue, 25, 166 Microbacterium, 33, 38 Micrococcus, 27, 65 Micrococcus candicans, 160 casei amari. See " Streptococcus liquefaciens" casei liquefaciens. See " Telracoccus liquefaciens." chromoflavus, 155 flavus, 155 Freudenreichii, 72 rubri casei, 155 Microorganisms, 1 cultivation of, 16, 17, 22 mode of growth, 3 multicellular, 1 size of, 2 spore formation by, 3 unicellular, 1 Midday milk, 79 Milk, acidity of, 161 aeration of, 78, 168 bacterial counts of, 62, 170 bottling, 90 certified, 60, 62 coloured, 73 coagulation of, 72, 87 condensing of, 86 cooling of, 65, 77, 81, 91, 94, 95 defects, primary, 68 secondary, 71 dirt in, 60, 61, 90, 157 dried, 88 fermented, 100 fermenting, 72 flora, abnormal, 68 normal, 63 from cows long in milk, 69, 151, 162 gassy, 72, 164 grading of, 157, 170 homogenisation of, 79, 80, 85 keeping of, 65, 77 pails, 60 pasteurisation of, 70, 81, 93, 94, 162 pathogenic germs in, 69, 71, 80, 97 poisoning of, by bacteria, 83 powder, 88 preparations, 100 preservation of, 77 ropy, 100 separated. See " Separated milk.'' skim. See " Separated milk." slimy, 100 souring of, 66, 67 stale, 67 sterilised, 79 strainers, 60 town supplies, 90, 95, 170 sugar, 96, 135 unclean, sour- tasting, 73 Milking, 59 machines, 59 Moist chamber, 23 Monilia nigra, 51, 155 species of, 51 Monotrich bacteria, 26 Morphology, 4 Mould spots on butter, 125 on cheese, 155 on walls, 56 Moulds, 2, 49, 51, 118, 121, 122, 125, 134, 143, 145, 148, 155 Mouldy cheeses, 143, 146 Mucin, 5 Mucor, species of, 4, 56 Mucorinse, 29 Mycelium, 2 Mycoderma, species of, 50, 104 Mycoderma cerevisice, 50 Mycomycetse, 29 NIELSEN'S steriliser, 80 Nitrates, reduction of, 33 Nitrogen, sources of, 9 Norwegian Gammelost, 133, 149 Kaeldermaelk, 102 Nucleus, 5 Nutrient media, 7, 17, 19 Nutrition of animals, 96 of bacteria, 7, 15, 16, 17 of infants, 88, 96, 97 OIDIUM, 4, 51 Oidium aurantiacum, 155 camemberti, 147 lactis, 6, 51, 67, 107, 122, 123, 125, 144, 147, 148, 149, 150 Oily taste in butter, 118, 125 Optimum temperature, 12 Orla-Jensen's household pasteuriser, 97 Oxidases, 14, 167 Oxygen, sources of, 9 PARACASEIN, 13, 129 Parmesan cheese, 140, 153 Pasteur, 32 Pasteurising of cream, 81, 109, 111, 120 of milk, 81, 93, 162 of milk for starter, 113 of separated milk, 70, 84 of water, 1 22 Pathogenic germs in butter and cream, 109 in milk, 69, 71, 80, 97 Payment according to quality, 61, 173 Penicillium, 52, 144, 145, 148 brevicaule, 53, 74, 156 camemberti, 53, 147 candidum, 53, 147 casei, 53, 155 (jlaucum, 2, 6, 52, 122, 123 roqueforti, 52, 145, 147 Pectins, 43, 57 Pepsin, 14, 129 Peptones, 13 Peptonisation, 13, 129, 133, 137, 140 Perhydrase milk, 90 Periirich bacteria, 26 Petri dishes, 19 Petruschky flasks, 17, 20 Plectridium, 3, 4 foetidum, 47, 147 INDEX 179 Poisoning by cheese, 156 by meat, 46 Poisons in milk, 68, 83 Potato bacteria, 46, 83 Preservation of butter, 120 of milk, 77, 89, 128 of stable manure, 119 Preservatives, 89, 120 Pressler, 138 Propionic acid bacteria, 41 fermentation, 41, 42 Proteins, hydrolysis of, 44, 48, 81, 129, 133, 136, 143, 146 Proteolytic enzymes, 13, 129, 133, 137, 140, 143 Proteus bacteria, 40, 45, 65, 104, 125 Protoplasm, 4 Pultost, 149 Pure cultures, 21 Pus in milk, 69 Putrefaction, 11, 40, 143, 147 Putrefactive bacteria, 44, 125 QUALITY, payment according to. 61. 173 RANCIDITY, 51, 52, 121 Ray fungi, 29 Red milk bacteria, 73 Reductase and fermenting test, 95, 170 test, 166, 170 Reductases, 14 in milk, 167 Rennet, 14, 81, 129, 138, 143, 165 and fermentation test, 166 curd cheeses, hard, 135 soft, 145 test, Marshall's, 161 Schaffer's, 81, 161 Reproduction, 3 Retting, 43 Ripening of cheese, 128, 132, 134 Romadour cheese, 146 Ropy milk, 7, 8, 36, 72 whey, 36, 73 Roquefort cheese, 134, 136, 143 Rosolic acid test, 162 Rotting, 11, 57 Russian Steppe cheese, 140 Rust spots in cheese, 155 SACCHAROMYCETES, 49, 65, 87 Salt, bacteria on, 126 milk, 68 stones, 140 Salting of butter, 120 of cheese, 131, 132, 139 Saltpetre, 152 Salt stones in cheese, 140 Sarcina, 27, 38, 160 Scarlatina, 71 Scarlet fever, 71 Schabzeiger cheese, 133, 136, 146, 149 Schotte, 86, 137 Sediment in milk, 157, 159 Self-souring of cream, 106 of milk, 64, 67, 72 Separated milk, 84, 89, 118, 149 Separator, cleaning, 91 Single cell cultures, 24 Skim milk. See Separated Milk. Skuta, 106 Slime formation, 38, 42 Slimy milk, 72 whey, 36, 73 Smeared cheeses, 146 Smell and taste of milk, 72, 172 Soapy taste, 75 Soft cheeses, 132, 145, 150 Soil bacteria, 11, 38, 43, 44, 47 formation, 11, 43 Sour cheesy smell in butter, 126 Sour milk cheeses, hard, 1 49 soft, 150 Souring defects, 118 of cream, 36, 106 of milk, 66, 67, 112 of separated milk, 112, 118 of starter milk, 112 Soxhlet's nursery pasteuriser, 83 Species, 15 Spirillum, 28, 29 Spongy cheese, 139, 151 milk, 165 Sporangia, 4 Spores, 3, 4, 49, 80, 83 endogenous, 3 exogenous, 3 germination of, 3 Stab cultures, 10, 21, 38 Stabbing of cheese, 144 Stable floors, 58, 59 smell in butter, 125 in milk, 74 Staining of bacteria, 24, 25 Staphylococcus, 27 Starter for cream, 108, 112, 113 Sterilised milk, 79, 167 Sterilising, 19, 79, 167 Stilton cheese, 143 Storch's reaction, 89, 93 Streak cultures, 21 Streptobacterium, 33, 34, 35, 67 casei, 34 plantarum, 34 Streptococci, 27, 33, 35, 63, 65, 107, 120, 141, 159 Streptococcus acidi lactici, 32 agalactice. See " Streptococcus mas- titidis." brassicce, 38 casei amari. See " Streptococcus liquefaciens. ' ' cremoris, 35, 36, 73, 102, 112, 114, 115, 120 fcecium, 36, 65, 85, 102 glycerinaceus, 85, 102 hollandicus, 36 lacticus. See ''Streptococcus cre- moris" lactis, 27, 36, 37, 65, 66, 102, 114, 118, 143 liquefaciens, 37, 72, 75, 140, 153, 155 mastitidis, 36, 69 pyogenes, 36 thermophilus, 35, 36, 65, 85, 114, 138 Streptococci, heat-resisting, 85 pathogenic, 159 180 INDEX Spirillum, 28 Storch's reaction, 14, 89, 93 Stribolt's anaerobic cultivation, 22 Sugar beet slices, 58 in condensed milk, 86 Sugars, fermentation of, 23 Sulphur bacteria, 29, 75 Swedish manor farm cheese, 140 Swine erysipelas bacterium, 10 Swiss cheese making, 86 Swiss skim milk cheese, 133, 136 Symbiosis, 102, 103, 109, 146 TALLOWY taste in butter, 118, 122, 125 in cheese, 155 in milk, 75 Taste and smell of milk, 157 Tears in cheese, 139 Tetanus bacillus, 10 Tetracocci, 33, 38, 72, 140, 142 Tetracoccus liquefaciens, 39, 140, 143, 146 Thermobacterium, 33, 67, 85 bulgaricum, 30, 31, 34, 101 116 cereale, 33 helveticum, 34, 50, 116, 143 jugurt, 34 Thermophilic bacteria, 47, 83, 85 Thermostat, 18 Thick butter, 124 Thread bacteria, 29 Tilsit cheese, 140 Torula amara, 50, 75, 155 Torulce, 49, 50, 67, 123, 126, 153 Town's milk supplies, 00, 95, 170 Toxins, 14 Train oil taste in butter, 126 Trommsdorf's leucocyte test, 158 True lactic acid bacteria, 30, 72 Trypsin, 14, 129, 140, 142 Tubercle bacteria, 70, 82, 97, 109 Tuberculosis, 69, 71, 82 Turnip taste in butter, 125 in milk, 74 tops, 57 Typhoid bacteria, 27, 40, 71, 82 Tyrothrix bacteria, 135, 140 UDDER, bacteria in, 61, 63 inflammation of, 69 tuberculosis, 69 Ultra-violet rays, 90 Unclean taste in butter, 125 in cheese, 155 in milk, 73 Urda, 106 VACUOLES, 5 Variability, 15 Variants, 15 Variety, 15 Vibrio, 28, 29 Vitamines, 98 Volatile acids in butter, 121 in cheese, 136 WASHING of butter, 111, 118, 124 Water, bacteria of, 21, 40, 44, 74, 76, 123 Wet butter, 124 Whey, 86, 119, 131 champagne, 106 . long, ropy or slimy, 36, 73 sparkling, 106 YEAST, 2, 3, 49, 67, 105, 118, 121, 123 taste in butter, 125 Yeasts, fermentation of sugars by, 50 Yellow milk, bacteria of, 46 Yoghurt, 100, 138 ZOOGLO3A, 7 Zygosaccharomycetes, 87 Zymase, 12 THE WHITEFRIARS PRESS, LTD., LONDON AND TONBRIDGE. : - ISJJOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE 'ED BELOW T.C 8861