/rrs^ Das Pflanzenreich. Regni vegetabilis oonspeotus. Im Auftrage der Königl. preuss. Akademie der Wissenschaften herausgegeben von A. Engler. iv. 12. Najadaceae mit 71 Einzelbildern in 5 Figuren von A. B. Rendle. Ausgegeben am 17. Dezember 1901. Leipzig Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann 1901. p. iil'\lS Heft .7 Najadaceae von A. B. Rendle. (Gedruckt im October 1901.) (Najades Juss. Gen. (1789) 18 ex parte. — Najadeae Endl. Gen. (1837) 229 ex parte. — Najadaceae trib. Najadeae Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. III. (1883) 1018. — Najadaeeae Magnus in Engl. u. Prantl, Pflzfam. II. 1. (1889) 214.) Wichtigste Litteratur. R. Brown, Prodr. (1810) 345. — Endlicher, Gen. (1837) 230. — Kunth, Enum. pl. III. (1841) 111. — Aschersoh, Fl. Prov. Branden- burg I. (1 864) 669. — A. Braun, Revision of the genus Najas, in Journ. of Bot. II. (1 864) 274; Über die von Charles Wright auf Kuba gesammelten Arten der Gattung Najas, in Sitzber. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin 1868. 17. — Magnus, Najadacearum italic. eonspectus, in Giorn. bot. ital. II. (1870) 186; Najadaceae, in Engl. u. Prantl, Pflzfam. II. 1. (1889) 214. — Bentham et Hooker f., Gen. III. (1883) 1018. — Morong, The Najadaceae of North America, in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club III. 2. (1893) 57. — K. Schumann, in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (1894) 717. — A. B. Rendle, A sjstematic Revision of the genus Najas, in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 379 tt. 39 — 42; Supplementary notes, 1. c. (1900) 437; The British species of Najas, in Journ. of Bot. XXXVIII. (l 900) 105 t. 408. Morphologie und Entwicklungsgeschichte: Magnus, Beitr. zur Kenntn. d. Gattung Najas, Berlin 1 870 ; Über die Gattung Najas, in Ber. deutsch, bot. Ges. XII. (1 894) 214. — Eichler, Blütendiagramme I. (1875) 80. — C. Bailey, On the structure of N. graminea Del. var. Delilei Magn., in Journ. of Bot. XXII. (1 8q84) 305 tt. 249 — 2 52. — B. Jönsson, Om befruktn. hos slägtet Najas, in Lunds Univ. Arsskr. XX. (1883 — 1884). — K. Schumann, Morphol. Stud. (1892) 174. — Campbell, A morphological study of Najas and Zannichellia, in Proc. Calif. Acad. Sc. ser. 3. Bot. I. no. 1. (1897). Character. Flores unisexuales, plantae monoecae rarius dioecae. Flos masculus monander, ante anthesin saepissime subsessilis et in spatha inclusus, monochlamydeus ; perianthium apice bilabiatum ad antheram arcte applicitum ; anthera terminalis saepissime subsessilis, quadrilocularis rarius unilocularis. Flos femineus nudus rarius spatha in- clusus, ovarium ovale uniloculare; Ovulum singulum basale erectum anatropum, integu- mentis duobus; Stylus cylindricus, stigmatibus duobus vel tribus terminatus. Fructus in folii vagina sub medium inclusus, cum pericarpio tenui semini adhaerente. Semen durum, testa levis vel saepissime varie exsculpta; embryo rectus macropodus, valde evolutus, semini conformis, endospermium nulluni. Herbae annuae, aqua dulci vel subsalina submersae, e nodis radicantes; caules tenues elongati e folio paris inferiore ramosi, interdum, ut apparet, dichotome ramulosi, inermes vel rarius aculeati. Folia per paria approximata, sessilia, e vagina subbrevi anguste linearia, rarius latiora, sinuato-dentata vel serrulata, (dentes cum aculeo saepissime unicellulari luteo-brunneo terminati, saepe ad aculeum e margine protrusum reducti), uninervia, rarius in nervi dorso spinifera ; vagina truncata vel rotundata vel superne in auriculas producta, margine plus minus spinifera; squamulae intravaginales binae minutae. Flores parvuli, virides vel rubro-tincti , e basi ramulorum orti et in foliorum vaginis solitarii vel pauci ■aggregati, nudi vel spatha circumdati. A. Engler, Das Pflanzenreich. IV. 12. 1 2 A. B. Rendle. — Najadaceae. Vegetative Organs (Vegetationsorgane). The plants vary from a few centimetres to 6 dm in height and show considerable Variation in habit depending on the direction of the branches and the length and thickness of the internodes. The stem branches shortly above the base. The branches may be long and spreading or ascend from a decumbent base with a grass like growth, or may form a much-branched System in which each lateral axis grows as strongly as the main axis and gives rise to a dense apparently dichotomous Fig. I. A— C, 0 Najas marina L. A Habitus. B Flos Q. C Fl. <3 longit. sectus. O Fl. $, spatha perianthioque divulso. — D—F N. minor All. D Habitus. E Fl. Q, F Fl. $ longit. sect. — H N. flcxilis Rostkov. et Schm. Fl. Q. (See. Magnus; e spatha, i perianthium). growth (-e. g. in N. minor). Frequently the elongated shoots end in a dense dichotomous growth. The sueculent internodes are often very brittle, as in the common species JV. marina7 they are generally unarmed but in some forms of N. marina are furnished with short spine-bearing teeth. The leaves are apparently opposite; each pair however consists of an upper leaf which arises at a slightly higher level at the growing point and a lower one. Each pair forms an acute angle with preceding and sueeeeding pairs. A branch arises in the axil of the lower leaf only, starting from the second pair above the cotyledon. The lowest leaf on the branch is reduced to a small scale subtending a leaf-bud. The lowest deve- loped leaf of the branch, namely the upper leaf of the lowest pair, in which no bud arises, forms together with the adjacent pair of leaves on the main axis an apparent whorl of three. The sheath is well-developed and sharply distinguished from the lamina. The edges of the sheath of the lower leaf overlap the sheath of the upper leaf which is itself amplexi- caul. The sheath may be truncate or have more or less sloping Shoulders, or the Shoulders may be drawn out into longer or shorter auricles. The upper margins and auricles are A. B. Rendle. — Najadaceae. Fig. 2. N. horrido, A. Br. Caulis transverse sectus. (See. Rendle). generally furnished with small teeth or longer spine-bearing fimbriae; the tooth or fimbria always ends in a sharp yellowish-brown spine. The form of the sheath is generally constant for individual species and often for lar<*er groups. Sometimes as in N. indica it shows wide differences even on the same plant. Inside the sheath at the base arises a pair of minute hyaline cellular scales ; these are often subulate or filiform, but their shape is very variable even on the same plant, They oeeur in the cotyledon. The lamina forms an obtuse angle with the sheath. It is generally narrow linear in outline tapering above, sometimes becoming filiform ; it is rarely broader and linear-lan- ceolate as in some forms of N. marina. The margin varies considerably. In the broader- leaved forms of N. marina it is sinuate- dentate, the teeth often being longer than the leaf width, and ending in a strong yellow-brown spine with a base of several supporting cells. There is every gradation between this and the strueture in JV. gra- minea, where simple marginal cells protrude in the form of ascending yellow-brown translucent spines visible only under a lens, the leaf-margin appearing quite entire to the naked eye. In N. marina and several of its varieties , teeth similar to those on the internodes are found on the midrib on the back of the leaf. Similar dorsal spines oeeur in N. laeerata. As A. Braun indicated, the size and strueture of the marginal teeth afford useful specific characters. Anatomy (Anatomische Verhältnisse). The internal strueture of stem and leaf is very simple. The greatest differentiation oecurs in N. marina where we find in the stem a definite small-celled epidermis, a many-layered parenehymatous cortex in which is a row of intercellular Spaces, and a slender central cylinder. The stele is bounded by a layer which shows endodermoid thickenings on the radial walls, and consists of narrow closely packed thin-walled cells surrounding a central cavity. Just below the growing-point this cavity is oecupied by thin elongated cells which doubtless represent tracheal elements. In the leaf of JSf. marina a definite epidermis surrounds a large-celled mesophyll consisting only of a single layer at the edges, becoming two-layered as we advance inward, and separated towards the middle line on each side by a large intercellular space. A slender stele similar to, but smaller than that of the stem runs up the middle line, and is surrounded by one or two layers of mesophyll-cells. The remaining species forming the subgenus Caulinia, are even simpler in strueture. In the stem an epidermis closely resembling the underlying cortical layer surrounds a cortex consisting generally of one or two outer layers , which is connected with an inner layer surrounding the stele by slender bands separating large intercellular Spaces; the connecting bands are for the most part only one cell thick. In Najas horrida (Fig. 2) we find a more substantial cortex approaching that typical of N. marina. The leaves, which show some Variation in strueture, consist generally of two layers separated at a greater or less distance from the midrib by a larger or smaller intercellular space. Single cells, or groups of a few, in various positions may form thickened fibrous supporting cells; these may be constant for a given species or on the other hand variations may oeeur within its limits. The longitudinal intercellullar spaces in the leaf are interrupted by transverse septa to the strong develop- ment of which are due the horizontal lines running from the midrib towards the margin, which are characteristic of some species and oeeur on older leaves in others. 1* 4 A. B. Rendle. — Najadaceae. Floral Structure (Blütenverhältnisse), in the fertile shoots (Fig. \ A, D) a tf or Q flower occupies the place of the lowest (scale-)leaf and its bud. The flower originates, as Magnus showed, by the dichotomy of an axillary branch. A protuberance arises at the growing-point in the axil of the lower leaf of each pair before the appearance of the upper leaf. This protuberance becomes divided by a vertical furrow into a slightly larger lower, and a slightly smaller upper rudiment. The former develops into a flower, the latter into the branch at the base of which the flower is apparently borne in the mature condition. The floral axis is therefore homologous to an axillary branch. Sporogenous tissue develops in the apex of the floral rudiment which becomes in the female the nucellus of the ovule, in the male the anther. In the female an annular wall grows up round the developing ovule ; its margin becomes 2 — 3-lobed according to the number of the stigmas, and when fully developed forms a closed Chamber containing the ovule. The time and mode of origin of the outer envelope in N. indica and its allies have not been observed. The integuments of the ovule arise, first the inner, then the outer, after the ovary-wall has become partly developed. In the male a symmetrical ring arises round the base of the anther, and subsequently a second appears inside the outer and remains always closely adherent to the anther. There is^ no sign of a midrib or of the division of either of these sac-like outgrowths into leaves. This floral development is of great interest. (l) The flower arises by the dichotomy of an axillary branch. (2) The sporogenous tissue is produced in the tip of the floral axis. (3) The homology of the envelopes is difficult to explain in the ordinary terms of the parts of a flower. In course of development the cup-like wall surrounding the ovule and the outer envelope of the anther are homologous, while the inner envelope which remains closely adherent to the anther corresponds with the integuments of the ovule. Magnus regards the carpel-like structure in the female flower as the homologue of the cup-like envelope round the group of carpels in the allied genus Zannichellia. The latter also arises as an annular outgrowth of the floral axis , but surrounds more than one rudiment each of which ulti- mately develops into an ovule surrounded by a stigma-bearing ovary-wall. Magnus suggests that the arrangement in Najas may have arisen from such a type by the suppression of all the ovules but one, and all the ovaries, leaving a naked ovule surrounded by a cup-shaped envelope (or perianth) which then developed stigmatic appendages. Najas, on this view becomes a gymnosperm, the female flowers of which have one, more rarely two, sac-like perianth envelopes corresponding with the two in the male. This view has not been generally accepted. Campbell has shown that in Zannichellia we have a group of monocarpellary flowers , that is , an inflorescence. He also remarks on the primitive character of the flowers in Najas and it is in the primitive simplicity of the flower that we must seek the clue to the arrangement. We have in both male and female an axial structure containing sporogenous tissue which develops respectively into structures obviously comparable with a normal anther and nucellus, the latter becoming surrounded by integuments forming a normal ovule. The ovule is surrounded by a cup-like outgrowth, which recalls the development of the ovary in Polygonum or Rumex (see Payer, Traite d'Organogenie tt. 64, 65) and which has the appearance and form of an ovary. The inner envelope in the male flower I regard as a perianth. It is a lateral outgrowth of the floral axis below the androecium, which it protects, and has therefore the characters of a perianth which has arisen rather late in the history of the flower-development. The outer sac which characterizes the male, and is occasionally present in the female I have called a spathe (Fig. \ C, F), remembering, however, that it is simply an outgrowth of the axis which ends in a flower, below that flower. It is comparable with the spathe so characteristic of submerged monocotyledonous water-plants, which may have, moreover, a very similar appearance (e. g. Lagarosiphon, Hydrilla etc.). It will then correspond, as Magnus sug- gested, with the cup-like envelope in Zannichellia, which on Campbell' s Interpretation becomes a spathe surrounding an inflorescence, as in the Aroids. A. B. Rendle. — Najadaceae. k Najas graminea is exceptional in having no spathe around the male flower (Fig. 5 S). The adult flowers generally stand singly in the fertile sheath-axil, more rarelj several together, a fertile shoot with suppressed internodes standing in the axil. They are generally 2 to 3 mm long. The q? consistsof a sessile or subsessile anther closely surrounded by a thin membranous perianth ending above the anther in two thickened lips (Fig. \ C). The anther is ellipsoidal or oblong in shape, has a delieate wall of two cell-layers and is generally 4- more rarely 1-locular. The cells are crowded with pollen-grains, oval or roundish in shape, both sometimes occurring in one anther, as in N. graminea] the grain has a single delieate uneuticularized wall, more or less Jilled with dark cell-contents con- sisting largely of starch-granules. In N. graminea the perianth forms two large ear-shaped lips above the anther. The membranous spathe conforms to the outline of the flower but is prolonged above it into a cylindrical neck which ends in a few of the characteristic spine-cells (Fig. \ G^F). A very short peduncle may be developed below the spathe; in N. podostemon it is almost as long as the flower. Before dehiscence of the anther the flower-stalk elongates pushing the anther, still closely enveloped by the perianth, through the spathe which becomes split, sometimes laterally, sometimes from the apex downwards. The lips of the perianth separate and the anther dehisces apically. The female flowers (Fig. \ B) are generally naked, consisting of a somewhat ellipsoidal ovary bearing a narrow style which divides into 2, more rarely 3, equal or unequal, linear- tapering stigmas. In some American species non-stigmatic spine-bearing appendages also oecur. Thus in N. flexilis a pair of spine-arms altern ates with the stigmas (Fig. \ H). N. microdon shows great variety in the number of stigmas and spine-arms, the oecurrence of transitional struetures indicating that the latter are merely barren stigmas. In a few tropical old-world species the female flower is enveloped in a spathe closely resembling that of the male. Pollination (Befruchtung). As the flowers are always submerged pollination must be effected by passive falling of the pollen , or by the transport of the pollen by currents of water or by aquatic animals. There is no evidence of the last-named. Magnus has observed the grains in N. marina to germinate before leaving the anther, the wall growing out into a long pollen-tube. Jönsson suggests that as the male flowers in monoecious forms stand higher on the shoot than the female which are mature at the same time, the pollen grains fall, weighted by their starch-contents , on to the stigmas beneath. This is quite possible especially as the spathe frequently splits laterally the anther being extruded on a curved pedicel. Fruit and Seed (Frucht und Same). The fruit is narrowly ellipsoidal or oblong, enveloped, where this oecurs, in the persistent spathe, and bearing the remains of style and stigmas. In fresh speeimens of N. marina and N. graminea the pericarp was sueculent, when dry the wall becomes thin and membranous generally clinging so closely to the seed as to take the impressions of the pitting on the testa. The seed has a conspieuous raphe. The testa is hard and brittle. In N. marina (Fig. 3 / — Q) it has many layers of cells with hard thick pitted walls , surrounded on the outside by a row of very large cells with thin walls and clear Contents the side walls having a delieate reticulate thickening. The outer cells ultimately perish and the testa consists of a stone-parenehyma, the surface of which is rugulose with irregulär polygonal pittings. Its thickness varies in the different forms and varieties. In the other species there are only three layers. The cells of the innermost are thickened and flattened, those of the middle layer are more nearly isodiametric with very thick hard much pitted walls , while those of the outer show three forms of development. In N. flexilis and N. tenuissima they are thickwalled and the seed-coat is smooth and polished. In the commonest type [N. minor, N. graminea etc.) the cells of the outer layer are large, clear, and thin-walled with a delieate spiral thickening on the side-walls. The cells vary in shape in different species giving the characteristic areolation to the testa. In 6 A. B. Rendle. — Najadaceae. a third type (e. g. N. microdon) ' the outer and side-walls of the outer layer are not thick- ened, but collapse, while the inner wall becomes thickened and with its concave surface forms the shallow pits, rows of which give a characteristic marking to the coat. The straight embryo fills the testa. It consists of a large hypocotyl and radicle, a well-developed lateral plumule and a blunt terminal cotyledon. Geographica! Distribution (Geographische Verbreitung). Najas is almost world- wide occurring in all zones except the frigid. It is still unrecorded for certain areas in which it might be expected to occur, such as Tasmania and New Zealand. The genus consists of a few widely distributed and a number of apparently more or less local species. N. marina, a Polymorphie species, comprising the subgenus Eunajas , oecurs over almost the whole area of the genus but finds its chief development in the north temperate zone of the Old World. The subgenus Caulinia has no such widely distributed species. N. minor ranges from the south of Europe and the Mediterranean area to tropical Africa and eastwards to India, North Asia and Japan; it has a variety in Scandinavia. N. graminea is an Old World tropical and subtropical species. N flexilis is temperate North American and North West European ; N. microdon replaces it in the warmer parts of America. The remaining species have all restricted areas and fall for the most part into small geographical groups, namery an Asiatic, Australian, Mascarene, African, and West Indian and tropical South American. Systematic Relations (Verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen). Najas forms a distinet and apparently primitive type of Monocotyledon. Its place is undoubtedly in the Helobiae series of which it has the characteristic large macropodous embryo. Its nearest ally is Zannichellia which resembles it in the axial stamen and the female inflorescence ; the latter is quite comparable but contains several flowers within the spathe. In general vegetative strueture Najas strongly resembles several submerged genera of Hydrociiariteae (Lagarosijihon, Hydrilla and Elodea) with slender branching stems, crowded narrow sessile leaves and an often finely toothed leaf-margin, the flowers being also enveloped by a tubulär or sac-like spathe but showing much higher differentiation. Fossils (Fossile Reste). Heer has described 3 species from tertiary strata namely N. effugita and stylosa from Oeningen and N. striata from Spitzbergen. The determinations are however extremely doubtful. Undoubted fruits of typical N. marina have been found in various neolithic, interglacial, and preglacial deposits by G. Reid proving the species to have been formerly widely distributed over the Southern portion of England (Fig. 3L). Fruits are also reported from similar deposits in Scandinavia (G. Andersson) and central Europe (G. A. Weber). Fruits of N. flexilis have been recorded from North Germany and Scandinavia indicating that this species was formerly more widely spread than at present in northern Europe. iV. minor (Fig. 4 T) is only known from Britain in fossil fruits found by Reid in Sussex (pleistocene) and Norfolk (Cromer forest bed, preglacial). In the Sussex locality was also found a Single seed of N. graminea (Fig. 5 U), a tropical and subtropical old- world species which has been introduced into North Italy and to one locality in the north of England. Genus unicum. Najas l. Najas [L. Gen. ed. 1. (1737) 278] L. Spec. pl. ed. 1. (1753) 1015; Endl. Gen. (1837) n. 1656; Benth. et Hook. f. Gen. III. (1883) 1018; Magnus in Engl. u. Prantl , Pflzfam. II. 1. (1889) 217. — Cavolinia Raf. in Amer. Monthly Magaz. (1818) 175. — Cavoliuun. Raf. in Journ. de phys. LXXXIX. (1819) 259. — Caulinia Willd. in Mem. Acad. Berlin 1 798 (1801) 87. — Fluvialis [J. Bauhin, Hist. pl. III. (1651) 779] Adans. Fam. II. (1763) 472; Pers. Synops. II. (1807) 530. — Fums Tourn. Inst. Herb. I. (1700) 569; Mappus, Hist. Najas. 7 pl. Alsat. (1742) H3. — Hyas Dumort. Anal. fam. (i 829) 61. — Ittnera C. C. Gmel. Fl. badens. III. (1808) 590. Clavis subgenerum. A. Dioeca; testa e stratis cellularum induratarum pluribus (plusquam tribus) constructa. Plantae saepius robustiores cum epidermide caulis foliorumque distincto, et cortice melius evoluto; internodiis et dorso foliorum saepe armatis . Subgenus I. Eunajas Aschers. B. Monoeca; testa e stratis cellularum induratarum tribus constructa. Plantae saepe graci- liores cum epidermide a cortice minus evoluto vix differente, internodiis et dorso folio- rum inermibus Subgenus II. Caulinia (Willd.) Aschers. Subgenus I. Eunajas Aschers. Fl. Prov. Brandenburg I. (1864) 669. 1. N. marina L. Spec. pl. ed. 1. (1753) 1015; Hörnern. Fl. dan. (1834) t. 2121; Morong in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club III. 2.(1893)58. t. 65; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 389 t. 39 figg. 1 — 30, et ib. (1900) 437. — N. major Allion. Fl. pedem. II. (1785) 221 ; Schnizl. Iconogr. I. (1843—1846) t. 71; Nees, Gen. pl. Fl. germ. III. (1845) 44, 45. — N. fluviatilis Poir. in Lam. Encycl. IV. (1795 — 1796) 416. — N. fluvialis Thuillier, Fl. Paris ed. 2. (1799) 510. — N. muricata Thuillier 1. c. 509. — N. mono- sperma et N. tetrasperma Willd. Spec. pl. IV. (1805) 331. — N. fucoides Griff. Notul. III. (1851) 182 t. 251. — N. latior Muell. ex K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (1894) 804. — N. polonica Zalewski in Kosmos XXI. (1896) 326. — Ittnera najas C. G. Gmel. Fl. badens. III. (1808) 590 t. 3. — /. major Reichb. Fl. germ. excurs. (1830) 150. — Sclerocarpus obliquus C. A. Weber in Neu. Jahrb. Mineral. II. (l 891 ) 79. — Ad 7 dm alta, fragilis, late ramosa; folia rigida, linearia ad oblongo-linearia, 1,5 — 3,5 cm longa, dentibus marginalibus validis patentibus ; vagina late rotundata , inermis vel denticulis paucis instructa. Flos (^ 3 — 4 mm longus, spatha lageniformi circumdatus, anthera quadrilocularis ; fl. Q nudus, stigmata 2, rarius 3. Fructus ellipsoideus 4 — 8 mm longus; testa rugulosa, areolis pluran- gulis notata (Fig. 1 A— C, G] Fig. 3A—Q). Typus in formis tribus occurrit: a. Forma luxurians internodiis elongatis, saepius inermibus ; foliis linearibus vel super vaginam angustatis, 3 — 4 cm longis, 2 — 4 mm latis, cum dentibus marginalibus (utrinque 7 — 9) saepius laminae latitudinem haud aequantibus; fructu 5 — 6 mm longo. (N. fluvialis Thuillier; N. major var. laevis DC. Fl. franc. ed. 3. II. (1 805) 587). b. Forma europaea communis, internodiis sparse armatis; foliis saepius 1,5 — 2 cm longis, interdum 2,5 cm, dentibus marginalibus quam in (a) majoribus; fructu ellipsoideo vel ovoideo-ellipsoideo 4 — 5 mm longo, saepius 2,5 mm lato. c. Forma cum foliis grosse-dentatis (saepius circa 2 cm longis), et fructu majore, 5 — 7,5 mm longo, et 2,5 — 3,5 mm lato. Der Typus ist weit verbreitet ; forma (a) ist von Central- und Südeuropa, Japan und Westaustralien bekannt; forma (b) ist allgemein in Europa verbreitet: ich habe sie gesehen von Ostengland, Frankreich, Deutschland, Schweiz, Ungarn, Russland, Italien, außerdem von Indien, China, Nordamerika, Jamaika, Nord- und Westaustralien ; forma (c) findet sich in Frankreich und Deutschland, ist häufig in der Schweiz und in Norditalien, man kennt sie auch von Südrussland, Kashmir, Central- und Nordasien, Nordamerika (Arizona) und Cuba. Var. a. denticulata Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1900) 438. — Sublaxa, nternodiis elongatis sparsissime et breviter spinosis; folia linearia, denticulis laminae lati- tudinem certe duplo brevioribus, dorso sparse et breviter spinifero. Central-Asien: Semipalatinsk, Ajaguz-Fluss (Korshinsky). Var. ß. Zollingeri Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1900) 438. — Luxurians, internodiis inermibus; folia linearia, plana, subacuta, margine denticulis frequentibus in- structo, dorso inermi. Fructus 4 mm long., 1,6 mm lat. Malayischer Archipel: Bali-Insel (Zollinger n. 389 1). 8 A. B. Rendle. — Najadaceae. Var. y. recurvata Dudley, Cayuga Fl. (1886) 104; Rendiel. c. (1899) 393 t. 39 figg. 9, 26. — Internodia plus minus spinosa; folii dentes marginales laminae latiiudinem aequantes vel excedentes. Fructus 4 — 5 mm long., 1,5 — 2 mm lat. (Fig. 3-4). Vereinigte Staaten von Nordamerika. Var. ö. Ehrenbergii A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1 864) 275 ; Rendle 1. c. 394 t. 39 figg. 10, 27. — Folia linearia, margine dentibus numerosis laminae latitudinem haud aequantibus instructo. Fructus minor 3 mm long., vix 2 mm lat. (Fig. 3 B, N). Arabien. Tunis. Socotra (Balfour n. 732 ; Schweinfurth n. 709). Var. £. Biedelii K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (189 4) 725; Rendle 1. c. — Caules laxi paene inermes; folia linearia, dentibus marginalibus patentibus numerosis, spinis in dorso pluribus; vaginae dentes prominentes 1 — 2. Brasilien: Lago de Pertininga (Riedel). Var. g. angustifolia A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1864) 275; Rendle 1. c. 395 t. 39 figg. 1 3, 28. — Laxa, internodiis saepius inermibus; folia 2 — 4 cm longa, anguste linearia, dentibus brevibus dissitis in utroque margine 5 — 10. Fructus 4 — 4,5 mm long., 1,5 — 2 mm lat. (Fig. 3E, 0). Häufig im Baltischen Gebiet, außerdem bekannt von Assyrien, Casp. Meerr Turkestan, Ost-Indien, Bourbon, Hawaii-Inseln, West-Australien. Var. rj. intermedia (Gorski) A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1864) 276; Rendle I. c. figg. 14, 29. — ?N. maritima Pall. Reise I. (l 791 ) 369. — N. intermedia Gorski in Eichw. Naturhist. Skizze von Lithauen (1830) 126. — Internodia inermia vel sparse spinosa; folia parva, 1,2 — 2 cm longa, anguste linearia, cum dentibus laminae latitudinem saepius excedentibus in utroque margine 4 — 7. Fructus saepius 3 — 4 mm, interdum 5 mm longusr 1,5—2,5 mm latus. (Fig. 3P, P). Häufig im Baltischen Gebiet und in Nord-Deutschland, sie kommt außerdem vor in Österreich (Klagenfurt), Schweiz, Russland, Sicilien, Casp. Meer, Afgha- nistan, Ostindien. Var. #. microcarpa A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1 864) 276; Rendle 1. c. 396. — var. Bollei K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (1894) 725. — Minor, breviter ramosa; folia anguste linearia, 1 — 1,9 cm longa, dentibus in utroque margine 5 — 7, saepius laminae latitudinem haud aequantibus. Semen saturate rujaro-brunneum , 2 — 5 mm longum, 1,5 mm latum. Gran Canaria. Var. l. brachycarpa Trautv. in Bull. Soc. natural. Moscou XL. 3. (1867) 97; Rendle 1. c (1900) 439. — Gaules inermes; folia brevia, linearia, obtusa, 5 — 16 mm longa, den- tibus in utroque margine 3 — 8, circa 1/4 laminae latitudinis aequantibus; vagina lata. Fructus late ellipsoideus 2,5 mm longus. Gentral-Asien: Alakul-See, Songarei. Var. x. brevifolia Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 396. — Ramosa internodiis spinosis elongatis; folia brevia 1 — 1,5 cm, rarius 2 cm longa, grosse-dentata. Fructus ellipsoideus 4 — 4,5 mm longus. Deutschland: Schlon-See bei Heringsdorf (Herb. Braun). Var. X. latifolia A. Br. ex K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (1894) 725; Rendle 1. c. 396 t. 39 fig. 11. — N. latifolia A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1864) 276. — Robusta inter- nodiis inermibus ; folia late linearia vel lineari-lanceolata, margine cum dentibus numerosis parvis, dorso linea prominula 5 — 7-spinosa instructo (Fig. 3 C). Venezuela: Bei Caracas. Var. p. grosse-dentata Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (l 899) 396 t. 39 fig. 1 6. — Dense ramulosa, internodia paene inermia; folia brevia 7 — 1 0 mm longa, irregula- riter grosse-dentata; vagina magna subtruncate rotundata. China: Kianang-Gebiet (Staun ton). Var.?/. muricata (Del.) A. Br. ex K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (1894) 725 non Hartmann; Rendle 1. c. 397 t. 39 fig. 1 2, ib. 440. — N. muricata Del. Fl. Egypt. (1 81 2) 281 t. 50 fig. 1 . — Caulmia muricata Spreng. Syst. I. (1 825) 20. — Internodia dense muricata; folia linearia, dense grosse-dentata, dorso spinosa. Semen 3,5 mm longum (Fig. 3D). Najas. 9 Sicilien. Algier. Ägypten. Ceylon. Trop. Ost-Afrika: Albert Nyansa (Stuhl- mann n. 28 41). Australien. Var. f. gracilis Morong in Bot. Gaz. X. (1885) 225; Rendle 1. c. 397; — var. an- gustissima K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. 1. c. — Gracilis internodiis elongatis, saepius inermibus; folia anguste linearia, 2,5 — 4 cm longa, in utroque margine dentibus 8 — 12 laminae latitudinem aequantibus vel excedentibus instructa. Semen oblongum 3,5 mm longum. Florida (Curtiss n. 2705). Var. o. californica Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1 899) 398 t. 39 fig. 15.— Brevis, ramosa, internodiis sparsissime spinosis; folia linearia, superne angustata, dentibus +20 JV 0 P TBS Fig. 3. A — Q N. marina L. A—G Folia varr. rccurvatae, Ehrenbergii, latifoliac, muricatae, angustifoliae , intermediae, califomicae. H Squamulae intravaginales. J Semen formae ct. K S. formae ß. L S. fossile britannicum. M S. formae y. N S. var. Ehrenbergii. 0 S. var. angustifoliae. P S. var. intermediae. Q S. var. mexicanae. — R—T N. indica (Willd.) Cham. R Fl. $. S Fl. 2. T Semen. (See. Rendle; s spatha, p perianthium, a anthera, st stigma). marginalibus (utrinque 6 — ] \) laminae latitudinem excedentibus vel haud aequantibus, spinis dorsalibus (4 — 6) saepe in nervo mediano prominente continuis (Fig. 3 G). Californien (Coulter n. 188, Orcutt). Var. 7t. mexieana Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 398 t. 39 fig. 30. — Atroviridis internodiis muricatis, folia lata (1,3 — 1,6 cm longa, 3 — 3,75 mm lata) curvata, irregulariter grosse-dentata ; vaginalata. Semen subovoideum, 3 mm longum, 2 mm latum (Fig. 3 Q). Mexico: Muleje (Palmer n. 20). 10 A. B. Rendle. — Najadaceae. Subgenus II. Caulinia (Willd.) Aschers. Fl. Prov. Brandenburg I. (1864) 670. Clavis sectionum. A. Flores utriusque sexus spatha circumdati Sectio I. Spathaceae Rendle B. Flos Qf1 spatha circumdatus, Q nudus. a. Vaginae declives Sectio II. Amerieanae Magnus b. Vaginae truncatae vel auriculatae Sectio III. Euvaginatae Magnus C. Flores utriusque sexus nudi Sectio IV. Nudae Rendle Sectio I. Spathaceae Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 398. Clavis specierum. A. Semen rectum. a. Dentes folii marginales laminae latitudinem aequantes vel longiores 2. N. indiea. b. Dentes folii marginales circa dimidium laminae latitudinis aequantes «. Vaginae breviter auriculatae 3. N. Sehweinfurthii. ß. Vaginae truncatae vel rotundatae * . . . 4. N. Welwitschii. c. Dentes folii marginales circa quartam partem laminae latitudi- nis aequantes; vaginae fimbriatae 5. N. afßnis. d. Denticuli folii marginales pauci et parvi Q.N.madagaseariensis. B. Semen curvatum • . 7. N. ancistrocarpa. 2. N. indiea (Willd.) Cham, in Linnaea IV. (1 82 9) 50 1 (synon. exclus.) ; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1 899) 399 t. 39 figg. 31 — 45. — N. minor var. indiea A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1 864) 278 pro parte. — N. tenuis A.Br. ex Magnus, Beitr. (l 870)p. vh. — Fluvialis indiea Pers. Synops. II. (1807) 530. — Caulinia indiea Willd. in Mem. Acad. Berlin 1798 (1801) 89 t. 1 flg. 3. — Laxa; caules tenuissimi saepe filiformes; folia angu- stissime linearia saepe setacea, 2 — 3 cm longa, dentibus marginalibus utrinque 10 — 17; vagina angusta, auriculata vel subtruncata vel late rotundata, dentata. Semen ellipsoideum 2 mm longum, areolis minutis numerosis, in seriebus 25 — 30, lineatum (Fig. 3R — T). Ostindien: Bengalen, Tranquebar (Klein im Herb. Willdenow n. 17092). 3. N. Schweinfurthii Magnus in Ber. deutsch, bot. Ges. XII. (1894) 22 0 ; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 400 t. 40 figg. 64 — 67. — Parva; caules filiformes, ramuli ultimi dense foliati; folia lineari-angustata , graciliter subrecurvata , 1,4 — 2,1 cm longa, dentibus marginalibus circa 12; vagina cylindrica, auriculis irregulariter spinosis; anthera unilocularis. Fructus incogn. (Fig. 4 C). Gentral-Afrika: Gebiet der Djur, Grosse Seriba Ghattas (Schweinfurth n. 2140 z. T.). 4. N. Welwitschii Rendle in Catal. Afr. PI. Welwitsch II. (1899) 95 et in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 401 t. 39 figg. 46—52, t. 40 figg. 53, 54. — Effusa; folia lineari-angustata 2 — 2,5 cm longa, dentibus marginalibus utrinque 12 — 16; vagina denticulis numerosis superne marginata. Semen ellipsoideo-oblongum , 2,5 mm longum, areolis quadratis in seriebus circa 2 5 lineatum (Fig. 4 B). Angola: Barra do Bengo (Welwitsch n. 247), Barra do Dande(Welwitsch n. 247b). 5. N. affinis Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1900) 440. — Gaules tenues, ramuli ultimi congesti, dense foliati; folia recurvata, linearia, dentibus marginalibus regula- ribus utrinque 12 — 18; vagina late rotundata; spatha Q limbis geminis linearibus uni- spiniferis terminata. Fructus ignot. WTest-Afrika: Senegal (Leprieur, Herb. Cosson in Paris). 6. N. madagascariensis Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 402 t. 40 figg. 55 — 63, et ib. (1900) 441. — Laxissima; folia angustissima vel filiformia ad 4,5 cm longa; vagina oblique vel vix auriculata, vel rotundata, sparse denticulata. Semen anguste Najas. 11 ellipsoideum 2,5 — 3 mm longum, areolis subquadratis vel sexangularibus in seriebus circa 25 regulariter lineatum (Fig. 4-4). Madagascar (Hildebrandt n. 4027; Baron nn. 3339, 3419). — Mauritius: am Mohastrom. — Bourbon. 7. N. ancistrocarpa A. Br. ex Magnus Beitr. (1870) p. vn. et 24 t. 3 figg. 1 — 5; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 403. — Dichotome ramosa; folia recurvata, S T TT Fig. 4. A N. madagascariensis Rendle. Fl. Q. — BN. Welwitschii Rendle. Semen. — C N. Schw ein furthii Magnus. Fl. <$ , anth. dehiscente. — D — E N, Wrightiana A. Br. D Folii vagina. E Semen. — F—H N. conferta A. Br. F Folium. G Semen. H Sculptura sem. valde aucta. — J—L N. microdon A. Br. J Folii vagina. K Folii margo valde auctus. L Fructus. — M—JSr N. flexilis Rostkov. et Schm. M Fl. <$, anth. dehiscente. N Semen. — O—P K punctata (A.Br.) Rendle. 0 Folii margo, valde auctus. P Fl. Q. — Q—B N. arguta H.B.K. Q Folium. R Folii dens marginalis, valde auctus. — S—T N. minor All. S Semen. T S. fossile britanni- cum. — U K Kur%iana Rendle. — V N. brevistyla Rendle. — W N. fovcolata A. Br. (See. Rendle; pe pedicellus, pr process. spinifer). 1,3 — 2 cm longa, iis N. minoris similia sed minus robusta et angustiora; vagina truncata vel rotundata. Semen parvum tenue, falcatum, longitudinaliter striatum. Japan: Yokohama (Wichura n. 813 z. T.). 12 A. B- Rendle. — Najadaceae. Sectio II. Americanae Magn. in Engl. u. Prantl, Pflzfam. II. I. (1889) 217. Clavis specierum. A. Anthera unilocularis. a. Semen politum 8. N. flexilis. b. Semen exsculptum 9 . N. podostemon. B. Anthera quadrilocularis. a. Denticuli folii marginales minuti oculo nudo haud manifeste conspicui . . 1 0. N. microdon. b. Denticuli folii marginales oculo nudo manifeste conspicui. <^. c^Jl-^y^^L^ a. Folia plusquam 1 mm lata. I. Gaules rigidi, folia rigidula punctata \\. N. punctata. II. Caules graciles, folia laxe recurvata haud punctata . . 12. N. arguta. ß. Folia minus quam 1 mm lata. J. Semen ellipsoideum, 1 mm longum. 1. Testa cum seriebus areolarum circa 10 1 3. N. microcarpa. 2.'Testa cum seriebus areolarum circa 20 14. N. Wrightiana. II. Semen elongatum, 2 mm longum 1 5. N. conferta. 8. N. flexilis (Willd.) Rostkovius et Schmidt, Fl. sedin. (1824) 382; Morong in Mem. Torrey Bot. Cl. III. 2. (1 893) 59 t. 66; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 403 t. 40 figg. 92 — 98 et ib. (1900) 441. — N. canadensis Michx. Fl. bor.-amer. IL (1803) 220. — Caulinia flexilis Willd. in Mem. Acad. Berlin 1798 (1801) 89 t. 1 fig. 1. — Fluvialis flexilis Pers. Synops. II. (1807) 530. — Gracilis, ramis erectis vel ascendentibus apice saepe plumosis; folia anguste linearia, 1 — 2,5 cm longa, margine spinulis minutis numerosis instructo; stigmata gemina cum processubus spiniferis sterilibus decussata. Fructus 2,5 — 3 mm longus (Fig. 1 H, Fig. 4 M—N). Der Typus in N.-W.-Europa (Irland, Schottland, Apland, Finland, Nord-Deutschland, Litthauen) und Nord- Amerika (Canada und nördliche Vereinigte Staaten). Var. a. microcarpa Nilsson in Bot. Notis. (1881) 147; Rendle 1. c. 404. — Planta brunneo-viridis, fructu minore 2 — 2,25 mm longo. Schweden. Var. ß. robusta Morong in Bot. Gaz. X. (1885) 255; Rendle 1. c. 404 et 441. — Robusta, folia lineari-angustata, 1,5 — 2 mm lata. Verein. Staaten von Nord-Amerika: Michigan, Massachusetts, Texas. 9. N. podostemon Magnus, Beitr. ( I 870) p. vii. t. 3 fig. 1 5, t. 5 figg. 1 6, 1 7 ; K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (1 894) 730 t. 123 fig. 3 ; Rendle 1. c. 405. — Effusa, caulibus gracillimis, rhombeo-dichotome ramosis; folia anguste linearia, 7 — 14 mm longa, manifeste serrula, dentibus cum cellulis pluribus marginem superantibus. Flos q* pedicellatus ; stigmata 2 — 3, Processus steriles 0. Fructus subfusiformis 1,1 — 1,5 mm; semen graciliter tesselatum. Brasilien: Gebiet Alto Amazonas, Rio Maranhao. 1 0. N. microdon A. Br. in Sitzber. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin (1868) 17 cum var. guada- lupense; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1 899) 405 t. 40 figg. 78 — 91 , et ib. (1900) 441. — N. flexilis Griseb. Veget. Karaib. (1857) 110 non Rostk. et Schm. — N. flexilis var. guadalupensis A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1864) 276, var. fusiformis Chapm. Fl. South. U. S. (1860) 444. — N. guadalupensis Morong in Mem. Torrey Bot. Club III. 2. (1893) 60 t. 67; K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (1 89 4) 726 t. 1 24 fig. 1. — Caulinia guadalupensis Spreng. Syst. I. (182 5) 20. — Debilis, diffuse ramosa, internodiis tenuibus; folia patentia interdum flexuosa, linearia, 1 — 2,5 cm longa, margine spinulis minutis numerosis instructo; stigmata 2, processubus spiniferis binis superadditis, interdum sliii;- mata 3. Semen anguste ellipsoideum, circa 2 mm longum, areolis subquadratis in seriebus 15 — 18 manifeste exsculptum (Fig. 4-7—1/). Najas. 13 Der Typus in den Vereinigten Staaten südlich von Nebraska ; Central-Amerika, Westindien, Süd-Amerika, Venezuela, Französisch - Guiana, Uruguay, Argentina. Var. a. curassavica A. Br. in Sitzber. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin (1868) 17, extensa; Ren die 1. c. 407. — N. flexilis varr. curassavica et Golhneriana A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. IL (1864) 277. — Planta robustior, suberecta, minus et rarius diffuse ramosa; folia latiora, 1,2 — 2,7 cm longa, 1 — 1,75 mm lata. Florida, Mexico, Westindien (Porto Rico, Guba), Venezuela. H . N. punctata (A. Br.) Rendle in Journ. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1 899) 407 t. 40 figg. 99 — 102. — N. flexilis var. punctata A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1864)277. — Caules rigidi, ramis brevibus; folia rigidula, punctata, late linearia, circa 1,8 cm longa, spinis margina- libus utrinque circa 35, cum cellulis binis elevatis; vagina valida in laminam transiens. Stigmata 2, processu spinifero interdum superaddito. Fructus incognitus (Fig. 4 0 — P). Venezuela: Caracas, Udora Valencia (Gollmer). 1 2. N. arguta H. B. et K. Nov. gen. et spec. I. (1 81 5) 37 I ; Magnus, Beitr. (i 870) p. vi. t. 3 figg. 19 — 22; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 410 t. 40 figg. 103, 104, et ib. (1900) 442. — N. arguta var. tenera A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. IL (1864) 277. — N. tenera Schrad. in Gott, gelehrt. Anzeig. IL (1821) 715. — Caulinia tenellaNees in Neuwied, Reise Brasil. IL (182 4) 3 45. — Dichotome ramosa, ramulis ultimis plumosis condensatis ; folia latiuscule linearia, obtusa , circa 2 cm longa , margine denticulis frequen- tibus regulariter minuto. Stigmata 2, processus spiniferi 2 — 3. Semen elongato-fusiforme, 2,5 mm longum, seriebus areolarum elongatarum plurimis exsculptum (Fig. 4 Q — R). Tropisches Süd-Amerika: Columbia, Mompox, am Magdalena-Fluss (H. B. et K.); La Paila (Hol ton); Ecuador, Guayaquil-Fluss (Jameson n. 544); Brasilien, Amazonen- Strom (Spruce n. 1622), Ilheos (Martius). 13. N. microcarpa K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (1894) 727. — Ramuli rhombeo- dichotomi ; folia anguste linearia vix 5 mm lata , denticuli subrepandi , in utroque margine 7 — 10, cum cellulis pluribus elevati; vagina subciliata. Stigmata 2, processubus spiniferis 1 vel 2, rarius 3, superadditis. Semen late ellipsoideum. Paraguay (Weddell n. 2374 z. T. und n. 3289). 14. N. Wrightiana A. Br. in Sitzber. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin (1868) 17 ; K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (1894) t. 123 fig. 1 (sub N. conferta)', Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 408 t. 40 figg. 68 — 74. — N. flexilis Griseb. Catal. pl. cubens. (1866) 2 1 8 non Rostk. et Schm. — Erecta, ramis vel ramulis brevibus dense foliatis ; folia anguste linearia, leviter recurvata, 1,2 — 2,2 cm longa, denticuli circa dimidium laminae latitudinis aequantes, in utroque margine 15—20. Flores Q aggregati; Stigmata 2, semen areolis subquadratis in seriebus circa 2 0 lineatum (Fig. bD — E). Der Typus in Westindien (Cuba) und Brasilien (Pernambuco, Schenck n. 4161). Var. a. laxa A. Br. in Sitzber. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin (1868) 17; Rendle 1. c. 409. — Debilis et laxa; folia quam in typo latiora, dentibus marginalibus ascendentibus et minus prominulis. Cuba. 15. N. conferta A. Br. in Sitzber. Ges. naturf. Fr. Berlin (186 8) 17; K. Schum. in Fl. brasil. III. 3. (1 891) 728 (pro parte); Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (I 899) 409 t. 40 figg. 75 — 77. — N. arguta var. conferta A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. IL (1 864) 277. — Planta minor confertim ramosa et dense foliata; folia anguste linearia, 1,2 — 1,7 cm longa, dentibus in utroque margine 8 — 10, laminae latitudinem excedentibus. Semen anguste ellipsoideo-oblongum seriebus areolarum angustarum numerosis obscurius lineatum (Fig. 4 F—H). Cuba (Wright nn. 75, Max von Neuwied; Wedde 3715). — Franz ö 1 n. 2374 z. TA Guiana (Leprieur). — Brasilien 14 A. B. Rendle. — Najadaceae. Sectio III. Euvaginatae Magnus in Engl. u. Prantl, Pflzfam. II. I. (1889) 218. Clavis specierum. A. Anthera unilocularis. a. Testae areolae latiores quam longae 1 6. JV. minor. b. Testae areolae isodiametricae 1 7. JV. Kurziana. c. Testae areolae longiores quam latae. a. Vagina rotundata vix auriculata I 8. JV. tenuissima. ß. Vagina breviter et late auriculata 1 9. JV. gracillima. ß. Anthera (qua cognita est) quadrilocularis. a. Species asiaticae. a. Vagina magna, marginibus late imbricatis 20. JV. Kingii. ß. Vagina plus minus cylindrica. •I. Spatha apice lacerata . . . . . . 2 1 . JV. lacerata. II. Spatha apice haud lacerata. 1. Semen plus quam 2 mm longum 22. JV. foveolata. 2. Semen circa 2 mm longum 2 3. JV. falciculata. 3. Semen 1 mm longum 24. JV. brevistyla. b. Species australienses. a. Denticuli folii marginales minuti. I. Vagina longe auriculata 2 5. JV. tenuifolia. II. Vagina breviter auriculata 26. JV. Browniana. ß. Denticuli folii prominuli 27. JV. Leichliardtii. c. Species mascarenae. a. Folia anguste-linearia 28. JV. australis. ß. Folia setacea 29. JV. setacea. d. Species africanae. a. Folia falcata, dentes laminae latitudinem excedentes . . . 30. JV. horrida. ß. Folia haud falcata, dentes laminae latitudinem haud ex- cedentes 3 1 . JV. interrupta. 16. N. minor Allione, Fl. pedem. II. (1785) 221; Nees, Gen. pl. Fl. germ. III. (1858) t. 44 figg. 22—24; Magnus, Beitr. (4 870) t. 1 , 2 etc.; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 410 t. 44 'figg. 1 05— 1 1 5; et ib. (1900) 442; etinJourn. of Bot. XXXVIII. (1900) 107 t. 408; — var. intermedia Gesati, Compend. Fl. ital. (1867) 204. — JV. marina L. Fl. suec. ed. 2. (1755) 345 pro parte (i. e. synon. e Micheli). — JV. subulata Thuillier, Fl. Paris ed. 2. (1799) 5 1 0. — JV. fragilis Del. in Descr. Egypt. Hist. nat. II. (1 81 3) 175. — JV. dichotoma Roxb. Hort, bengal. (4 8 4 4) 7 4 et Fl. ind. III. (1 832) 749. — JV. heteromorpha Griff, ex Voigt, Hort, suburb. calcutt. (1845) 694. — ?JV. ternata Roxb. ex Griff. Notul. III. (1851) 1 83 et Icon. pl. asiat. (4 854) t. 252. — JV. alagnensis Paglia in Att. Soc. ital. Sei. nat. X. (1867) 399.non Pollin. — Gaulinia fragilis Willd. in Mem. Acad. Berlin 1798 (1 801) 88 t. 1 fig. 2 et Spec. pl. IV. (l 805) 1 82; Nees, 1. c. t. 45 figg. 1 — 4 1. — G. minor Goss. et Germ. Fl. Paris (4 845) 575. — Fluvialis minor Pers. Synops. II. (4 807) 530. — Ittnera minor C. C. Gmel. Fl. badens. III. (4 808) 592 t. 4. — Fragilis, 4 — 25 cm alta, valde et saepe dichotome ramosa; folia linearia, superne angustata, recurvata, 1 — 2 cm longa, cum dentibus in utroque margine 6 — 10 patentibus, e basi lata spiniferis, laminae latitudinem rarius aequantibus; in planus laxioribus folia ad 2,5 cm, haud recurvata, denti- bus 12 — 15 utrinque instrueta; vagina truncata, rotundata. Semen 2 — 3 mm longum, oblique lineari-oblongum , seriebus 12 — 18 scalariformibus exsculptum (Fig. iS — T, Fig. 1 D—F). Der Typus in Central- und Süd-Europa (nur fossile in England); Mediterran - Gebiet: Algerien, Tunis, Egypten, Kleinasien, Syrien; Asien: Kurdistan, Persien, Afghani- stan, Indien, Vorderindien, Mandschurei, Japan; Trop. Afrika: Emin Pascha Reise (Schweinfurth n. 4242). Najas. 15 Var. a. spinosa Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (l 899) 413. — Folia anguste linearia margine et dorso valde dentata, dentes marginales laminae latitudinem subaequantes, vel vix breviores. Semen 1,5 — 1,75 mm longum. Ost-Indien (Wight n. 2793). 17. N. Kurziana Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1 899) 413 t. 41 figg. 116 — 121. — Parva, caulis gracillima; folia tenuia, c. 15 mm longa, utrinque denticulis minutis numerosis instructa ; vagina breviter auriculata. Semen ellipsoideo-oblongum, 1 mm longum, conspicue areolatum, seriebus areolarum quadratarum circa 1 6 (Fig. 4 U). Ost-Indien: Nord-Bengalen zwischen Kishenganj und Oolabena (Kurz). 18. N. tenuissima A.Br. ex Magnus, Beitr. (1870)24, 45, t. 5 figg. 13, 14; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1 899) 414. — N. minor var. tenuissima A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1864) 277. — Laxissima, folia tenuissima, circa 12 mm longa, dentibus in utroque margine circa 8 vix protrusis. Semen anguste ellipsoideum, 2,5 mm longum, areolis elongatis quadrangulis lineatum. Finnland: Wesijärvi-See Tavastland-Gebiet (Norrlin), nahe Borga (Saelan). 1 9. N. gracillima (A.Br.) Magnus, Beitr. (1 870) 23 ; Morong in Mem. Torrej Bot. Club III. 2. (1893) 61 t. 68; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 414 t. 41 figg. 122 — 125. — N. indica var. gracillima A. Br. ex Engelm. in A. Gray, Man. Bot. ed. 5. ( I 8 68) 681. — Caules filiformes, folia angustissime linearia, 2 — 2,5 cm longa, margine inferne integro, superne denticulis spiniferis vix prominulis distantibus instructo. Semen lineari- oblongum, 2,5 — 3 mm longum, areolis in series numerosas ordinatis et duplo longioribus quam latis (Fig. 5D). Östliche Vereinigte Staaten. 20. N. Kingii Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 415 t. 41 figg. 126 — I 31, ib. (l 900) 4 42. — Gaules elongati, effusi, apice dense ramulosi; folia lineari-angustata, 3,5 cm longa, dentibus in utroque margine 16 — 19, obtuse triangulis, laminae latitudinis dimidium aequantibus vel brevioribus. Semen ellipsoideum 0,75 — 2 mm longum, areolis parvis subsexangulis, in seriebus circa 30 (Fig. 5J. — C). Süd-Andamanen (King); Singapore; Tonkin (Balansa n. 4651). 2 I . N. lacerata Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1 899) 41 6 t. 41 figg. 1 32 — 13 8. — Rigidula, dichotome ramulosa; folia linearia ad 2,5 cm longa, dorso carina dentata instructa , dentibus in utroque margine circa 1 2 , laminae latitudinis dimidium aequantibus vel minoribus ; vaginae auriculae grosse-dentatae. Fructus ignotus (Fig. §E—F). Ost-Indien: Tinnevelly (Beddome n. 8202); Madras (Wight); ?Bengal (Clarke n. 4366, ohne Blut.). 22. N. foveolata A. Br. ex Magnus, Beitr. (1870) p. vn. ; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 416 t. 41 figg. 139—144 et ib. (1900) 443. — N. indica Zoll. Syst. Verzeichn. Heft 1 u. 2 (1854) 74 non Cham. — Caules elongati patentes, folia linearia superne valde angustata vel setacea, 1,5 — 3,5 cm longa, in utroque margine denti- culis parvis subtriangulis aculeatis 6 — 20 instructa; vagina breviter auriculata. Semen 2,25 — 2,5 mm longum, areolis distinctis, in medio seminis subquadratis, in seriebus circa 20 (Fig. 4TF). Der Typus findet sich in Ost-Indien (Clarke n. 31 879, Hooker f. n. 639 u. s. w.); Sumbawa (Zollinger n. 3398); Timor; Philippinen; Molukken; Japan: Yokoska (Savatier n. 1348). Var. a. minor Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 417. — Folii denti- culi quam in typo minus conspicui, y3 — lL laminae latitudinis aequantes. Semen 1,5 mm longum, manifeste areolatum, areolis subquadratis vel multangulis, in seriebus 1 4. Ost-Indien: Kaktee Tank bei Belgaum. 2 3. N. falciculata A. Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1864) 278; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 417 t. 42 figg. 145 — 151. — Caules graciles elongati erecti, ramis brevibus ascendentibus ; folia anguste linearia, 1,6 — 2 cm longa, cum denticulis in utroque margine 18 — 25, i/i — 1/i laminae latitudinis aequantibus; vaginae auriculae saepe falcatae. 16 A. B. Rendle. — Najadaceae. Semen ellipsoideo-oblongum , circa 2 mm longum, areolis quadratis minutis, in seriebus circa 30. Ost-Indien: Madras (Wight). ■ — Java (Horsfield). — Manila (Martens). Nota. Species dubia; specimina plura desiderata. 24. N. brevistyla Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (l 899) 41 8 t. 42 figg. 152 — 157. — Gaules tenues elongati, ramulis brevibus dense foliatis; folia rigidula 1 — 2 cm Fig. 5. A— G N. Kingii Rendle. A Folii basis. B Semen. G Sem. sculpt. , valde aucta. — D Nt gracillima [A.. Br.i Magnus. Folii vagina cum fructu. — E—F N. lacerata Rendle. E Laminae pars dentes dorsales exhibens. F Fl. <$. — G—H N. tenuifolia, R. Br. G Fl. <$. H Sem. — J N. Broivniana Rendle. Sem. — K N. australis Bory. Folii vaginae pars superior. — L — M N. setacea (A. Br.) Rendle. L Folii vagina a latere visa. M Squamula intravaginalis. — N—P N. horrida A. Br. N Folii basis. 0 Fl. Q. P Semen. — Q — V N. graminea Del. Q Folii vaginae pars, auricula. B Folii marginis pars e specimine pbilippinensi. S Fl. $. T Semen. U S. fossile britannicum. V Sem. var. angustifoliac. (See. Rendle). Najas. 1 7 longa, cum denticulis e basi lata spiniferis utrinque 10 — 22, laminae latitudinis dimidium aequantibus ; vagina saepius breviter auriculata. Stylus brevis. Semen 1 mm longum, areolis subquadratis in seriebus circa 20 (Fig. 4 V). Ost-Indien: Calcutta. — Hinter-Indien: Assam. 25. N. tenuifolia R. Br. Prodr. (1810) 345; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Sei*. V. (1 899) 419 t. 42 figg. 158—162 et ib. (l 900) 443. — N. graminea var. tenuifolia A.Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1 86 i) 278. — Caules erecti vel basi repentes, ramis saepe brevioribus ascendentibus vel interdum elongatis et laxius foliatis; folia flexuosa, 2,5 — 3,5 cm longa, in utroque margine cum denticulis vix prominulis 18 — 20. Semen oblongum vel ellipsoideo- oblongum, 2,3 mm longum, regulariter areolatum, areolis quadratis minutis, in seriebus circa 30 (Fig. $G—H). Australien: Nord- Australien , Queensland und New South Wales. — Neu-Cale- donien. 26. N. Browniana Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 420, t. 42 figg. 163 — 167. — Caules debiles, ramosissimi, 15 cm longi, folia filiformia cum spinulis in utroque margine 10 — 15. Semen ellipsoideum , 1,5 mm longum, areolis quadratis in seriebus circa 25 subirregulariter lineatum (Fig. 5/). Nord-Australien: Gavern-Insel, Carpentaria-Bucht (R. Brown). 27. N". Leichhardtii Magnus, Beitr. (1870) 46, t. 8 figg. 1—8; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 420, t. 42 figg. 168 — 171. — Folia flexuosa, cum denticulis in utroque margine 10 — 17 saepe laminae latitudinem aequantibus ; vagina valde auricu- lata. Fructus ignotus. Australien (Leichhardt). 28. N. australis Bory ex Chamisso in Linnaea IV. (1829) 501 ; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 421 t. 42 figg. 172 — 176. — N. minor var. indica A.Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1 864) 278 pro parte. — Caulinia alternifolia Willd. ex Cham. 1. c. — Laxissima, graminea, ramis elongatis ad 50 cm; folia sicca flexuosa, cum denticulis in utroque margine 12 — 18, breviter triangulis; vagina superne late rotundata et denticulis numerosis instructa. Semen anguste ellipsoideum, 2,7 mm longum, areolis quadratis minu- tis in seriebus circa 25 regulariter lineatum (Fig. 5ÜT). Mauritius. — Bourbon. — Madagascar (Baron n. 2629 ; Humblot n. 351). 29. N. setacea (A. Br.) Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (I 899) 422 t. 42 figg. 177 — 182, ib. (1900) 443. — N. minor var. setacea A.Br. in Journ. of Bot. II. (1864) 278. — Debilis caulibus filiformibus ; folia 1,4—1,7 cm longa, cum spinulis vix prominulis in utroque margine 20 — 30; vagina late auriculata, auriculis paucidentatis. Semen ob- longum 1,5 — 1,7 mm longum, areolis quadratis minutis, in seriebus circa 30, subdistincte lineatum (Fig. 5 Jf). Mauritius (Mougeot; Neraud). 30. N. horrida A. Br. ex Magnus, Beitr. (l 870) p. vn, 46, 47; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 422 t. 42 figg. 183—191, ib. (1900) 443. — N. peetinata Magnus in Aschers, et Schweinf. Illustr. Fl. Egypte (1889) 145 et in Ber. deutsch, bot. Ges. XII. (1894) 219. — Caulinia pectinata Pari. Fl. ital. III. (1858) 665. — Caules saepe robusti elongati effusi, ramis dense fructicoso-ramulosis ; folia 0,8 — 2 cm longa, crassiuscula, saepe rigida, cum dentibus validis 4 — 8 utrinque armata; vagina lata, truncate-rotundata. Semen oblongo-ellipsoideum, 2 — 2,5 mm longum, areolis subquadratis in seriebus circa 20 distincte lineatum (Figg. 2, et oN — P). Algerien: La Calle, Rivisteau au lac Houbera (Durieu). — Central-Afrika: Gazelle-Fluss (Schweinfurth n. 1137 und 1228 z. T.); Fazogl (St. Ange). — Tro- pisches Ost-Afrika: Tanganyika-See (Höre), Mozambique (Schlechter n. 11883). — West-Afrika: Nupe (Barter n. 1065), Kamerun (Preuss n. 452, Staudt n. 488), Senegal (Roger; Leprieur). 31. N. interrupta K. Schum. in Engl. Pflanzenwelt Ost-Afr. C (1895) 94; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1 899) 423. — Gaules graciles rigiduli; folia circa 1 cm longa, irregulariter paucidentata (dentes utrinque 5 — 6); vagina saepius asymmetrica, latissime A. Engler, Das Pflanzenreich. IV. 12. 2 j_& A. ß. Rcndle. — Najadaccae. rotundata vel truncata. Semen fusiforme, 2 mm longum, areolis quadratis in seriebus circa 20 manifeste exsculptum. Tropisches Ost-Afrika (Fischer n. 614). — Süd-Afrika (Bolus n. 6283). Sectio IV. Nudae Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 42 4. 32. N. graminea Del. Fl. Egypte (1812) 282 t. 50 fig. 3; C. Bailey in Journ. ofßot. XXII. (188 4) t. 250; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 424 t. 42 figg. 192 — 201, et ib. (1900) 443. — Var. Delilei Magnus in Ber. deutsch, bot. Ges. I. (1883) 522; Bailey 1. c. 3 05 t. 2 4 9. -^ N. alagnensis Pollini, Fl. veron. III. (1824) 49. — iV. seminuda Griff, in Voigt, Hort, suburb. calcutt. (1845) 694 et Icon. pl. asiat. (1851) tt. 251 fig. 2, 253, 254. — JST. valisnerioides Griff. Notul. III. (1851) -180. — N. tenuifolia Aschers, in Att. Soc. ital. sei. nat. X. (1867) non. R. Br. — N. serristipula Maxim, in Bull. Acad. St. Petersbourg XII. »(1868) 72. — Gaulinia alagnensis Pollini, Hort, et Prov. veron. pl. (1816) 26, et Fl. veron. III. (1824) 49. — G. intermedia Balbis in Mem. Accad. Sei. Torino XXIII. (1818) 105 (nomen); et in Nocca et Balbis, Fl. ticin. II. (1 821 ) 1 63 t. 1 5. — Gra- minea, saepius graduier plumosa, super basin longe ramosa, caules ad bipedales, ramulis brevibus dense foliatis; folia anguste linearia, 1,5 — 2,5 cm longa, utrinque spinulis minutis numerosis (30 — 50) ascendentibus instrueta; vagina longe auriculata. Semen anguste oblongum ad ellipsoideo-oblongum , 1,75 — 2,25 mm longum, areolis parvis subquadratis vel plurangulis numerosis subirregulariter sed saepius distinete lineatum (Fig. 5Q— V). Der Typus ist in der alten Welt weit verbreitet. Ich habe ihn gesehen von Algerien, Egypten, Nubien, Abyssinien, Ost-Afrika, Arabien, Syrien, Sokotra, Persien, Indien, Hinter- Indien, Java, Celebes, Amboina, Philippinen, Molukken, Hongkong, Japan, Neucaledonien, Australien. Er kommt auch in Nord-Italien vor, hier vielleicht eingeführt, außerdem in England nahe Manchester, an dieser Stelle sicher eingeführt. In pleistocenen Schichten von Sussex hat Reid einen Samen gefunden. Die Pflanze von Manchester ist den Pflanzen aus Egypten und Syrien im Blattbau ähnlich; Magnus betrachtet diese als eigene Varietät: Var. Delilei. Var. a. minor Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 426. — Minor, debilis; folia 7 — 16 mm longa; vagina brevius auriculata; semen 1,15 — 1,5 mm longum. Ost-Indien und Hinter-Indien: Bengal (Griffith n. 5609/6), Burmah (Griffith), Pegu (Kurz nn. 3192, 3310). Var. ß. angustifolia Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1899) 427 t. 42 fig. 202. — Debilis, folia angustiora (2 — 3 mm lata) apice subsetacea, denticulis mar- ginalibus magis conspieuis. Semen vix 1 mm excedens (Fig. 5 V). Singapore (Ridley n. 8946). — Borneo (Motley). Species dubiae vel exeludendae. N. celeUca Koorders in Mededeel. van's Lands Plantent. XIX. (1898) 270, 637. »Species valde incerta. Dioeca. Folia opposito-approximata, anguste linearia, spinulose dentata, 15 mm longa et 1 mm lata, basi subauriculato-dilatata ; auriculis 2 acutis ciliolatis. Ovarii carpellum ellipsoideum, apice angustatum, stigmatibus subulatis 4 — 6«. Celebes: Minahassa. Nota. Species haud visa, numero stigmatum (4 — 6) cum genere vix congruens. N. mierophylla Reichb. Fl. germ. excurs. (1832) 843. — Caulinia mierophylla Nocca et Balb. Fl. ticin. IL (1 821) 1 63 t. 1 6. — Ni fallor, est Ceratophyllum demersum L. N.? obvoluta Blanco, Fl. Filip. ed. 2. (1845) 460 est Ceratopteris thalictroides Brongn. vide op. cit. gran. ed. nov. App. (1880) 332. N. palustris Blanco, Fl. Filip. (l 837) 660. — N. lobata Blanco 1. c. ed. 2. (18 45) 459. — N. tenuifolia Naves et Vill. in Blanco, Fl. Filip. nov. App. (1 880) 297 non R. Br. — Folia alterna, flores notabiles, fruetus vesicaeformis cum genere haud congruunt. Najas. 1 9 N. rigida Griff. Notul. III. (1851) 181. — Folia carnosa rigida, alterna, interspatia concava; pistillum perianthio tubuloso apice spiculigero inclusum. Serampore. Pistillum ad N. indicam spectat sed nee folia carnosa, rigida, cum hac specie nee folia alterna cum genere congruunt. GauJinia ? composita Buch.-Harri. ex Wall. Numer. List n. 5184 est Ceratophyllum sp. Species fossiles. Najas effugita Heer, Fl. tert. Helvet. I. (1854—1855) 103 t. 46 figg. 3a et 3b; Sehimper u. Schenk, Handb. Paläont. II. (1 890) 381 ; Rendle in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2. Ser. V. (1900) 444. »N. fructibus minoribus lanceolatis, stylo brevissimo, stigmatibus duobus elongatis«. Oeningen. Nota. Specimen mihi non visum; forsan ex affinitate N. marinae? N. striata Heer in K. Svensk. Vetensk.-Akad. Handl. VIII. no. 7. (4870) 52, t. 8 figg. 5, 6 ; Sehimper u. Schenk 1. c. ; Rendle 1. c. »N. fructibus ovato-lanceolatis, longitudinaliter striatis, stylo longiusculo « . Spitzbergen, Kingsbai. Nota. Species mihi non visa ex iconibus ad genus 2V". pertinere non potest. N. stylosa Heer, Fl. tert. Helvet. 1. c. figg. 1,2; Sehimper u. Schenk 1. c. ; Rendle 1. c. »N. fructibus ovato-lanceolatis, stylo longiusculo, stigmatibus duobus elongatis.« Oeningen. Nota. Specimen mihi non visum ; üg. 1 (ramus cum foliis) ad genus N. verosimiliter non pertinet, fruetus (fig. 2) pro genere nimis magnus est. a* Register für Rendle-Najadaceae. Die angenommene Gattung ist fett gedruckt, die angenommenen Arten sind mit einem Stern p1 bezeichnet. Americanae Magnus (sect.) 4 0, 4 2. Caulinia Willd. 6. (3). alagnensis Pollini 4 8. alternifolia Willd. 4 7. composita Buch.-Ham. -1 9. flexilis Willd. 4 2. fragilis Willd. 4 4. guadalupensis Spreng. 4 2. indica Willd. 4 0. intermedia Balbis 4 8. microphylla Nocca et Balb. 48. minor Coss. et Germ. 4 4. muricata Spreng. 8. pectinata Pari. 4 7. tenella Nees 4 3. Caulinia (Willd.) Aschers, (subg.) 7, 4 0. Cavoliana Raf. 6. Cavolinia Raf. 6. Eunajas Aschers, (subg.) 7. (6). Euvaginatae Magnus (sect.) 10, 44. Fluvialis Adans. 6. flexilis Pers. 4 2. indica Pers. 4 0. minor Pers. 4 4. Fucus Tourn. 6. Hyas Dumort. 7. Ittnera G. C. Gmel. 7. major Reichb. 7. minor G. G. Gmel. 4 4. najas C. C. Gmel. 7. Najadaceae Magnus 4. Najadeae Endl. 4. Najades Juss. 4. Najas L. 6. *affinis Rendle 4 0, n. 5. alagnensis Paglia 4 4, n. 4 6. alagnensis Pollini 4 8, n. 32. *ancistrocarpa A. Br. 4 4. n. 7. (4 0). *argutaH.B.K. 4 3, n. 4 2. (41 Fig. 4,4 2). arguta var. conferta A. Br. 4 3, n. 4 5. arguta var. tenera A. Br. 4 3, n. 4 2. ♦australis Bory 4 7, n. 28. (4 4, 4 6 Fig. 5). *brevistyla Rendle 4 6, n. 24. (4 4 Fig. 4, 4 4). *Browniana Rendle 4 7, n. 26. (4 4, 4 6 Fig. 5). canadensis Michx. 4 2, n. 8. celebica Koorders 4 8. *conferta A. Br. 4 3, n. 4 5. (4 4 Fig. 4, 4 2). dichotoma Roxb. 4 4, n. 4 6. effugita Heer 4 9. (6). *falciculata A. Br. 4 5, n. 23. (U). flexilis Griseb. 4 2, n. 4 0 ; 4 3, n. 44. flexilis (Willd.) Rostkovius et Schmidt 4 2, n. 8. (2 Fig. 4 , 5, 6, 4 4 Fig. 4). var. microcarpa Nilsson 4 2, n. 8. var. robusta Morong 4 2, n. 8. flexilis var. curassavica A. Br. 4 3, n. 4 0. flexilis var. fusiformis Chapm. 4 2, n. 4 0. flexilis var. Gollmeriana A. Br. 4 3, n. 4 4. flexilis var. guadalupensis A.Br. 4 2, n. 4 0. flexilis var. punctata A. Br. 4 3, n. 41. fluvialis Thuillier 7, n. 4. fluviatilis Poir. 7, n. 4. *foveolata A.Br. 45, n. 22. (4 4 Fig. 4, 4 4). var. minor Rendle 4 5, n. 22. fragilis Del. 4 4, n. 16. fucoides Griff. 7, n. 1. *gracillima (A. Br.) Magnus 1 5, n. 19. (14, 16 Fig. 5). *graminea Del. 18, n. 32. (3, 5, 6, 4 6 Fig. 5). var. angustifolia Rendle 18, n. 32. var. Delilei Magnus 18, n. 32. var. minor Rendle 1 8, n. 32. graminea var. tenuifolia A. Br. 17, n. 25. guadalupensis Morong 1 2, n. 4 0. heteromorpha Griff. 4 4, n. 4 6. *horrida A.Br. 4 7, n. 30. (3 Fig. 2, 4 4, 4 6 Fig. 5). *indica (Willd.) Cham. 4 0, n. 2. (3, 4, 9 Fig. 3). indica Zoll. 4 5, n. 22. indica var. gracillima A.Br. 4 5. intermedia Gorski 8, n. 4. *interrupta K. Schum. M, n. 34. (4 4). *Kingii Rendle 4 5, n. 20. U, 4 6 Fig. 5). *Kurziana Rendle 4 5, n. 17. (11 Fig. 4, 14). *lacerata Rendle 15, n. 21. (3, 1 4, 1 6 Fig. 5). latifolia A. Br. 8, n. 1. latior Muell. 7, n. 4. *Leichhardtii Magnus 4 7, n. 27. (4 4). lobata Blanco 18. *madagascariensis Rendle 4 0, n. 6. (4 4 Fig. 4). major Allion. 7, n. 4. major var. laevis DC. 7, n. 1. *marina L. 7, n. 4. (2 Fig. 1, 3, 5, 6, 9 Fig. 3). var. angustifolia A. Br. 8, n. 1. var. angustissima K. Schum. 9, n. 1. var. brachycarpa Trautv. 8, n. 1. var. brevifolia Rendle 8, n. 4. var. californica Rendle 9, n. 4. var. denticulata Rendle 7, n. 4. var. Ehrenbergii A. Br. 8, n. 4. var. gracilis Morong 9, n. 4 . var. grosse-dentata Rendle 8, n. f. var. intermedia (Gorski) A. Br. 8, n. 1 . var. latifolia A.Br. 8, n. 4. Register. 21 var. mexicana Rendle 9, n. 4. var. microcarpa A. Br. 8, n. 4. var. muricata (Del.) A. Br. 8, n. 4. var. recurvata Dudley 8, n. 1. var. Riedelii K. Schüret. 8, n. 4. var. Zollingeri Rendle 7, n. 4. marina L. p. p. 4 4, n. 1 6. maritima Pall. 8, n. 1. ♦microcarpa K. Schum. 4 3, n. 4 3. (4 2). ♦microdon A. Br. 42, n. 4 0. (5, 6, 4 4 Fig. 4). microdon var. curassavica A.Br. 4 3, n. 4 0. microphylla Reichb. 4 8. *minor Allione 4 4, n. 4 6. (2 Fig. 4, 5, 6, 4 4 Fig. 4). var. intermedia Gesati 4 4, n. 4 6. var. spinosa Rendle 4 5, n. 4 6. minor var. indica A.Br. 4 0, n. 2; 4 7, n. 28. minor var. setacea A. Br. 4 7, n. 29. minor var. tenuissima A. Br. 4 5, n. 4 8. monosperma Willd. 7, n. 4 . muricata Del. 8, n. 4. muricata Thuillier 7, n. 4. obvoluta Blanco 4 8. palustris Blanco 4 8. pectinata Magnus 4 7, n. 30. ♦podostemon Magnus 4 2, n. 9. (5). polonica Zalewski 7, n. 4. ♦punctata (A. Br.) Rendle 4 3, n. 44. (4 4 Fig. 4, 4 2). rigida Griff. 4 9. *Schweinfurthii Magnus 4 0, n. 3. (4 4 Fig. 4). seminuda Griff. 4 8, n. 32. serristipula Maxim. 4 8, n. 32. *setacea (A. Br.) Rendle 4 7, n. 29. (4 6 Fig. 5). striata Heer 4 9. (6). stylosa Heer 4 9. (6). subulata Thuillier 4 4, n. 4 6. tenera Schrad. 4 3, n. 4 2. tenuifolia Aschers. 4 8, n. 32. tenuifolia Naves et Vill. 4 8. ♦tenuifolia R. Br. 4 7, n. 25. (4 4, 4 6 Fig. 5). tenuis A. Br. 4 0, n. 2. ♦tenuissima A. Br. 4 5, n. 4 8. (5, 4 4). ternata Roxb. 4 4, n. 4 6. tetrasperma Willd. 7, n. 4. valisnerioides Griff. 4 8, n. 32. ♦Wehvitschii Rendle 4 0, n. 4. (4 4 Fig. 4). ♦Wrightiana A. Br. 4 3, n. 4 4 (4 4 Fig. 4, 4 2). var. laxa A. Br. 4 3. Nudae Rendle (sect.) 4 0, 4 8. Sclerocarpus obliquus G. A. Weber 7. Spathaceae Rendle (sect.) 4 0. Druck von Breitkopf & Härtel in Leipzig. O QK 97 Heft 7 Das Pflanzenreich Bo