




Ouke University Libraries

The dead of Ala Conl Pam q#96


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From the balmy Gulf of Mexico, to tlic rolling Tennessee, And from red Chattahoochee to the placid Tombeokbee; From mountain top and prairie, from city, town and vale, And from each bereaved household, is hear d solemn wail

For the Dead or Alabama, who their sirred hlood havo poured. Who have fallen by the cannon, the rifle and the sword ; Who have given up their hearts' blooii like wain- in this strife, Who counted Independence a greater lioon than life.

1' rum the General to the I'rivs m lived and died,

They faltered not before the foe— ho Of battle rushed upon lh< m, y< t ncvei did they b i nch, But fought and died upon Hie field, on picket, or in trench.

When this bloody war is over, and om liberty obtained, Borne war waned soldier will recount the battles we have gained And name those noble martyrs who have fallen in their prime, Who died themselves, to make us free who died for 'hhie and mine.

Be will tell of gallant Gratis, and thos.- others brave and tru.- ; Bodes, Saunders, Kelly, Tracey, will p . •« in sad review: Lomax, Martin, tl ale and WihinJ Garrolt, Beck and Bainc,

ml in tlein while they lived, i\.- mourn them now they're slain.

B art, JVoodw'ord, Brown and Adams, Lumpley, Wceden, Holt and Earle. iVtt jewels in tin- Southern Cross rieh< r than ai.y pearl :

\ i ini- 1 e:i' Ih, noble brothers, Bullock, Pegucs and Inge, But wed the Tyrant to his bidding that tie South would never cringe,

Jewett, NeSmith, and Fdrney\ R. T. m»I Egbert Jon Ivbv, Averett, Hanna, Uanby, eoboed beij dying groans ; No better soldier < ver tough t for ancient Home or Ore

Than \\ 1,. ih ■y.TKi.-ii \ and and Miunece.

fSebb, Williams, and Pelham, Baldwin, Little, Welch and I Were borne ol Bires who sever would Northern dominion brook; And 'midst the breve ones who have g< ne, no nobler spirit 'ihan Turner. Simpson, Posey, Clark, ?■■■)]', Uarson and Cornwell.

J!" will tell of Ph( Ian, Jackson, Trine-, Mickle, Pollard, Scott, And as-Ihirhel mourned at Kainah, we mourn because they're not; tidelirist, Man.isi at.d Summers, Hobbs, M«Crary, Nott and Sayre, Eaton, Bison, Pratt and Bostick, prove I what Southern nun will dare.

Re will <• II of Patton, McLemore, EluBson, Nettles, Pettihone, Brave r'eshler, gray-haired MuBgrove, and the young and gallant Stone: They hV Id the faith, they fought the fiflhtj though hard the way they trod.' 'lliey gained the crown, and now they r.si, their home is with their God.

![•■ will tell of .,;.•, Meek. Poller and Bethea,

And the twice five thousand privates i i . ;,, this fray,

f h ' ,w' s' l«d their failh with mail yi :,,,,,. v .'■!„-, )inVe taught us what to do Who man i,.t <ti. .!. .t n. .n. i .;., .- ..nu ., ..„.

Hi' will )•!! of all those t who have died far. faraway,

From the homes they 1 l! for hat lie. where their children used (o play ; Who pilied and died 'mongsl strangers, w ith no kindred hand to press Their aching brows when dying, or re leive their last caress.

lie wilt tell of churches rifled, towns, cities, h ' burned,

And the childr n who list to him, will their duty thi n have learned.

Will kneel around the nidi r, and whate'er may be their £.(.-, They will swear unto the Northmen, t u ir never dying hate.

All that the soldier will recount, '■ I or eyes,

' I is writ in crimson letters on the. ai ih and in tl.

1, and our once happy laud.

Is day By day laid desolate hy'bull, t and I. rind. ,

I ►hall w< , n 1 fraterni

Wiih tl.. men w ho biirm d out roof-trt wl ..;„ »

Shol t 1 1 not the Union '.' II. 11 hi

I! avert this fearful doom, these can I i^e. '

not for intervention, froi I, Franca or Spain.

The past should leai h us that the wish is groundli ■-. I . ,;n

up your 1 ins and fly to arms I no longer look abroad r, but rely upon voir own stout heart at d I

For while a r |eft |n cheer,

ir Sunny South will . , ,dr.

•}"" !f'i | i,v i| j.., ,,, |jj ij

For Ind.j e will li\

Now let each one do Ids duty, and m:»,e ready for the fight

wife and children, c< untry, homej God, honor, truth and right And if we Tall before the foe— with < ,..,ii, '

Jjjajjf ^— tai^MiaMa in hii firr nn I .,





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