Instructions for DEHYDRATING in the Home e Domestic Dehydrator Corporation 489 Fifth Avenue, New York City DEHYDRATION The New and Superior Method of Preserving Foods, Fruits, Vegetables, Meats and Fish & Directions Specially Prepared for the Domestic Dehydrator Corp. By Mrs. A. LOUISE ANDREA Dehydration Expert Copyright, 1921. Allrights reserved. Domestic Dehydrator Corp. A624132 Ls Oc G -5 1921 al 1 r ne r; 4 . 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Pe oie o1oy J, “UoTyeIpAYsp IO} pooryd st pooj yorym ursAely, ac tspepenessi232222278 Teesag ratte pdecndsvonncnssunenerend :cE2i32, Witsoe sada sdsdees: ‘sABI} 9} [[e IoAo ATUsAS Poy QUAStp St Ht YOM Urosy pue JeyIprumy wos} sesti 11e Yorum Ysnoiy} ong 19}Ued Sepreerrt ert eke ‘sodeosa Ire Uapry -dIN}SIOW 9Y} s1OYM 9}IY -p£H-2C ey} Jo apis Joyyte uo sony jo do}, 4e sua, sainipsaduia, MOT pup 1p Is10;7 aysnpiq s4DwWomp fo adisuiug afyuarsg aya uo payvafiag as—) pjoyasnoyzy 40f soyDspXyaqy 18417 suo, PY} 10F royerpAyoq V ee ee AN a GL Comparative Bulk of Fresh and st dae tes Vegetables Thirty-Eight Stalk Bunch of ine Before and After Dehydration One Bushel of Dehydrated Peas Stored in a Two-Quart - If canned would take 28 pint jars [ 4] DEHYDRATING FOODS ' [ow process of dehydrating foods in the Dehydrator is very easy and convenient. When the few simple princi- ples are understood, and after two or three experimental runs ‘have been made, it will be seen that the Dehydrator does preserving automatically and preserved foods of surpassing quality can be stored in astonishingly small space. Fresh garden and orchard flavors are retained and all the nutritive values are held fully. Only the water content is removed from the materials, and when soaked in plain water for a time, they take back the water they were robbed of. Thus, from dry-fresh, the foods become actual-fresh and can then be cooked and served just like the strictly fresh varieties. Dehydration is commanding world-wide attention. The Food and Agricultural Departments of the Governments are actively interested ; and eminent food authorities such as Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, Alfred W. McCann, Prof. E. V. McCollum and others are earnestly recommending dehydration and endorsing properly dehydrated foods; especially because these foods retain vitamines and other valuable principles. The Food Institute conducted by the New York Tribune says: “““Dehydrated’ is not merely a newfangled word for ‘Dried’; it means something new in results. ‘Water, waste and work’ are all taken out of the fruit or vegetable when it is dehydrated, and the concentrated food values and flavors are left. . . . There is more in this new way of dry- ing vegetables and their role in meeting modern conditions than meets the eye. Housekeepers cannot afford, in these crowded days, to ignore the compactness and serviceability of dehydrated foods.”’ Why Dehydrating is Superior to Drying All foods are composed of countless tiny cells containing flavorings, colorings, nourishment elements—and water. Through the old-time method of mere drying, the cell walls eo) cracked open, flavors escaped, colorings were lost and un- desirable changes occurred. Through scientific dehydra- tion, the water is sweated out without rupturing the cell walls; consequently dehydrated apple pie, or sauce made > from dehydrated apples, tastes exactly like fresh apple pie or sauce, while one can tell dried apple pie or sauce in- stantly upon tasting either. ; The more you expose the cells of the materials to the dehydration process, the quicker the water can be removed, ‘ —and replaced later. Theréfore, while vegetables, fruits, etc., can be dehydrated whole, it takes longer than is desir- able to pull the water out of the inner and deeper cells and to get the water back to those cells. Hence, it being advis- able to bring all the cells as near to the surface as possible, slice or cut the materials to be dehydrated according to the directions given. General Rules to Follow After the Dehydrator has been used a few times and the few fundamental rules understood, various liberties can be taken with times and temperatures with satisfactory results, but until the method is somewhat familiar, it will be best to follow the directions and temperatures herewith, as closely as possible. Start by dehydrating a small quantity of Carrots Parsley Okra Cabbage Spinach Squash or Turnips Onions Pumpkin with any or all of which it is almost impossible to go wrong and after experience and success with some of these have taught how to tell when the materials are sufficiently dehydrated, one may then proceed confidently with other products. : Have the dehydrator ready, on coal, gas, electric or oil range or stove, or it can be operated over an oil lamp. See that flame is in center, but fairly well toward front of the Dehydrator, and, if on coal range, not directly over fire-box, [6] but over side or back burner, as too much heat is to be guarded against. Fill water pan (the humidifier) with hot water, and leave water in for two-thirds of dehydrating time with everything except rhubarb, corn, parsley and seasoning herbs, horse- radish, hot peppers and such highly pungent materials. Set a thermometer in one of the trays. A flat-backed thermometer is best, and keep it always in the same tray so that it will be readily found. The third tray from the bot- tom, on inside edge of tray is recommended for this purpose. See that the thermometer registers the proper starting tem- perature, and insert each tray with material loaded, as soon as it is ready. The thermometer tray can be loaded too, leaving space for the thermometer to be seen readily. After material is all in, close door and look at thermom- eter in five minutes or so. If too high, reduce heat; if too low, raise heat, and when thermometer holds steadily at temperature desired, no further attention is necessary until temperature has to be raised later or water is to be removed from pan or material is ready to come out. As stated, water pan should usually contain hot water for about two-thirds of dehydrating time, and process be finished with dry heat. Moreover, water pan should always be in place whether containing water or not. aoe TWO DAMPERS ON TOP OF THE DE- HY DRATOR are to remain open, except when a low heat is obtainable only, especially when used with a low or banked coal fire, so as to utilize all the heat available. See that no draught or cold air strikes just one side of the Dehydrator, or the contents of both sides would not be dehydrated uniformly. The trays may be loaded two or three layers deep, with most things, but at first, and until familiar with the method, better spread the material in single layers on the trays and when the product is nearly ready to be removed, go over the pieces and take out those sufficiently dehydrated, so as to learn the “‘feel’’ of completely dehydrated. Material in single layers dehydrates much quicker than when piled deeply. eS When is the Product Dehydrated ? To ascertain when properly dehydrated, cut a piece and press cut edges with fingers. If no free moisture can be squeezed out, the product may be considered as dehydrated, while for test of the entire quantity, if after squeezing a handful gently the pieces spring apart readily and do not crush and show moisture, the entire contents are ready to come out of the Dehydrator. Rather over-dehydrate than under-dehydrate, and when dehydrating at a low temperature, the material can be safely left in for any reasonable length of overtime without danger. Before the ‘“‘feel’’ of dehydrated is acquired, how- ever, and in case anything is taken out too soon and found that it becomes very wet, cold and clammy the next day, return to the Dehydrator without any water in the water pan, and dry out completely at a very low temperature-— 100° to. 110° -F-. If, for any reason, one cannot stay to finish the dehydra- tion of any particular lot, one may take out the partly finished product, set it, covered with cheese cloth, in a cool, airy place and finish the process next day. Insuch cases, though, the nearer dehydration is completed when the product is removed, the better will be the finished quality. Never leave material in Dehydrator without any heat under it. To Clean the Dehydrator Clean the Dehydrator as necessary, with round, stiff- bristled brush on long wire handle, and occasionally heat up Dehydrator, with water pan dry, to temperature of 180° for one hour, to insure sterilization of interior. Storing of Dehydrated Foods Dehydrated foods may be stored away in paper bags, boxes, crocks and other receptacles, preferably not air tight—but covered insect proof and in a dry, airy place. uel Preparing Materials for Dehydration Prepare materials as for canning or for the table, being careful to remove decomposed, moldy and badly wilted parts. And the finer and fresher the material, naturally, the better will be the dehydrated products. Detailed direc- tions and temperatures follow: Leaf substances, such as parsley, can be dehydrated in one and one-half (1/2) hours or longer, according to mois- ture content due to age, season or soil where grown. Fruits and vegetables take from 4 to 6 hours or longer for some varieties, depending upon how thinly sliced or cut and the article in question, and how deeply trays are loaded. Quicker results may be obtained by using higher tempera- tures than those indicated, but it will be at the expense of quality. The object being to sweat out the water without rupturing the cell walls, time must be allowed for this, but the process requires so little fuel, the results are so much superior to any other form of preserved foods, and the proc- ess being automatic and needing practically no attention, the time element is not to be considered, as one can be attending to other matters meanwhile. Load the Dehydrator as early as possible in the morning, with materials requiring the longest time. Or it can be loaded in the evening and allowed to run all night if desired, this often proving very convenient, in which event tempera- ture at a little over the starting point for the product should be set for and allowed to remain so unless convenient to raise temperature later, and if well supplied with water the humidifier will furnish moisture sufficient for the purpose before the pan goes dry. Dehydrating Small Lots The Dehydrator can be employed constantly and to remarkable advantage in saving small lots of various materials, and through it one can insure having a winter’s [9] supply of parsley, mint, thyme and other herbs far superior to ordinary dried seasonings. And, if there is not enough of any one material to fill the Dehydrator at an operation, several varieties may be put in at the same time —each on its own tray, however. In this case, as all mate- rials put in may not be such as will finish in the same length of time, take out first that which dries quickest. But over- come any tendency to take materials out too soon. Dehydrating Cooked Foods Cooked as well as raw foods may be preserved by this method, and this will be found a great convenience, as instantly ready meals may thus be prepared for future use. Hash, stew, pea soup, and the like, cooked rice, corn or oatmeal, puddings of various kinds, are just placed in the Dehydrator, on pan trays instead of the mesh trays, at a temperature of 150° to 165°, the cells being already broken by previous cooking, and when dehydrated can be stored away—ready as wanted. Just as soon as the really simple principles of dehydration are understood—and they are easily learned—the De- hydrator will prove an always available means of saving and conserving almost everything that can be eaten. Eggs Eggs may be dehydrated in a solid pan tray at 100° to 110°, the whites and yolks lightly beaten to mix and poured into depth of one-quarter inch. The resultant whole egg powder keeps indefinitely and makes just as good omelets or scrambled eggs as fresh eggs do, and for cakes, etc., is measured in with the other ingredients. One level table- spoon of this egg powder with two tablespoons water gives one egg equivalent. When dehydrating anything liquid, never load pan tray to greater depth than one-quarter inch. [ 10 ] toa? — cutee saa "ball wy ne Preparing Vegetables for Dehydration BLANCHING When slicing or cutting is done, the slices or strips should be as even as possible in order to have uniform dehydration, And, with a few materials, blanching is advisable, as in these instances colors are set and flavors and certain other quali- ties assured. This blanching is done with various vegetables and some fruits by the housewife when doing home can- ning, and the best and easiest blanching method is to place the material in a wire-mesh receptacle in a covered vessel over—but not touching—actively boiling water for the length of time specified in directions for such materials as are to be blanched. The materials should not be piled too deep, or too closely in strainer or wire basket, but loosely enough to allow steam to circulate freely and reach all parts. And wide-mesh blanching trays should be used—*-inch mesh, if procur- able. Trays loaded can be suspended by hooks in wash boiler, but in no case must the water touch the materials when in active motion. Steam blanching preserves valu- able nutritive salts which would be lost by blanching directly in boiling water. When blanching, be exact as to time given in individual directions, and shake and drain off all the water possible before placing material in Dehydrator. Individual Directions In the following directions it will be observed that time of dehydration varies for fruits and vegetables, due to the difference in sizes and age of product, as well as respective moisture content, owing to soil conditions in different localities, wet or dry season, and length of time in trans- portation. Asparagus Green, medium sized stalks yield the best looking come drated product. Cut lengthwise in half, as whole stalks take too long to dehy- drate and their uncut skin prevents ready absorption of water in refreshening, whereas cut all the way down in half, restoration is complete and satisfactory. ? ‘Blanch 5 to 6 minutes, according to age. Start dehydrating at 110° for 1 hour, then raise and hold to finishing temperature of 118°. Water in humidifier, 6 to 8 hours. Time, 10 hours on, according to size. Sufficiently dry when no free moisture can be squeezed out of cut end and stalks are rather leathery. Beets Leave on roots and four to six inches of tops. Wash, then cook until done. Slip off skins. Slice 14 inch thick. Starting temperature, 130°; raise after one hour to 160° until dehydrated. Water in humidifier, 3 to 4 hours. Time, 6 hours on. Ready when pieces show tendency to become rather brittle and give out no free moisture when squeezed. Beans Select stringless variety or remove strings and stems and tips. Cut lengthwise evenly. fae] Blanch 3 to 5 minutes, according to age. To set the green color some housewives blanch in boiling water to which baking soda is added, two level tablespoon- fuls soda to a gallon of water. This form of blanch- ing is used in home canning also and is highly recommended by many. Soda blanching time for beans, 3 minutes. Place on trays about 14 inch deep and stir occasionally. Starting temperature 130°; raise in an hour to 140° and then 145°. Time, 7 hours or until no moisture can be pressed from cut piece. Water in humidifier, 4 to S hours. Brussels Sprouts Remove decayed leaves, cut in halves lengthwise. Blanch 2 minutes. Place on trays in single layers. Starting temperature 120°; raise in an hour to 140° until dehydrated. Time, 6 to 9 hours, or dry when cut piece shows no free moisture. Water in humidifier, 4 to 6 hours. Cabbage Remove decayed outer leaves and cut away central stalks. Slice 1 inch thick with slaw cutter or large knife. Spread evenly on trays to 4 inch depth. Stir on trays, once or twice. Starting temperature 120°; raise to 130° in an hour and then to 135° until finished. [13] Time, 6 hours on. ; Dry when no moisture can be pressed from thicker pieces. Water in humidifier, 3 to 4 hours. Carrots Clean, scrape and cut into cross or lengthwise slices inch thick, or they may be cut into Julienne strips if desired. ' Blanch for 2 minutes. Start dehydrating at 120°; raise after an hour to 140°, or even 145°, and continue that until finished. Water in humidifier, 3 to 4 hours. Dry test as for beets. Julienne strips will dry quicker than slices. Time for slices, about 6 hours or until no free moisture can be pressed from cut piece. Cauliflower Separate head into the flowerets, cutting off large stems, then lengthwise into slices about 1 inch thick. No blanching. Spread rather sparingly on trays with starting tempera- ture 120°, raised to 130° after 2 hours until finished. Time, 5 hours or more, depending upon moisture content, which varies greatly with all materials, according to wet or dry season, whether grown in sandy or clay soil, age and length of time from picking. Water in humidifier, 4 hours. Sufficiently dehydrated when no moisture can be pressed from cut stem end. Celery Remove leaves, cut stalks into 144 inch lengths. Green celery gives better-looking finished product. Place on trays % to 34 inch deep and stir occasionally. [14] Start at 125°, and after 1 hour, raise to 135° to finish. Water in humidifier, 4 to 5 hours. Dry when no free moisture can be pressed out. Leaves may be dehydrated separately for soups and stew flavorings. Corn Use corn when in the “‘milk’’ stage, before it reaches the “dough”’ stage. Husk, then blanch on cob in boiling water from 4 to 6 minutes, to set the milk. Then cut from cob and spread on trays 14 inch deep and with starting temperature of 130°, increasing to 140° in an hour, until finished. Stir occasionally to separate clusters and equalize dehydra- tion. No water used in pan. Product is dehydrated with dry heat. Dry when kernels are hard, semi-transparent and break clean and glasslike when crushed Okra The small, young pods may be dehydrated whole; next size cut lengthwise into halves and largest into quarters or 14-inch slices. Need not be blanched. Spread thinly on trays, starting at 120°; after 1 hour raise to 135° and hold. Water in humidifier, 3 to 4 hours. Sufficiently dehydrated when no moisture can be pressed from cut piece. [15 ] Onions Peel and slice 4 inch thick. No blanching. Spread thinly on trays, not over two layers deep, and put in Dehydrator as trays are loaded. Starting temperature 135°, raising to 145° after 1 hour and finishing at that. Water in humidifier, 3 to 4 hours. Time, 6 hours on, depending on age, moisture content and depth on trays. Dry when no moisture can be pressed from cut piece. This vegetable is apt to discolor, but restores to good color when soaked in water to refreshen. Parsley and Herbs Clean, remove decayed and wilted parts and spread in trays to 1 inch depth or so. Wash if dirty, but drain as dry as possible before placing in Dehydrator. Separate thick stalks from parsley leaves, etc., and dry separately. Starting temperature, 120°; raise to 135° after half hour. No water used in dehydrating parsley. Time, from 1% to 2% hours or until before leaves become crumbly dry. Peas Use as nearly fresh picked as possible. Shell, and blanch for two minutes after grading into two sizes—large, and medium and small mixed. Keep these sizes on separate trays for uniform dehydra- tion and convenience. - May be mixed after leaving Dehydrator. [ 16 ] Starting temperature 110° for 1 hour, raising to 120°, and even to 125° to finishing period. Water in humidifier, 3 to 4 hours. Dehydrating time from 61% to 8 hours on, depending on size, variety and moisture content. This treat- ment yields splendidly flavored and colored product. Time may be shortened by using still higher tem- perature, but finished product will not have quite as good quality. Potatoes Wash, peel and cut into 14- or 44-inch slices or cubes, or Julienne strips, these two latter dehydrating quicker than slices. As fast as cut in sufficient quantity, blanch and load trays. Blanching is done somewhat according to age of potatoes, but 8 minutes is a safe general time for all potatoes. Unless blanched, the potatoes will darken and discolor badly during dehydration. Starting temperature 125°; raise after 1 hour to 135° and then to 150°, as dehydration proceeds. Water in humidifier for 3 to 4 hours. Potatoes are sufficiently dehydrated when they are hard, glassy and rattle sharply. Sweet potatoes may be treated in the foregoing manner. Rhubarb Do not blanch. Cut into 4%-inch pieces, with those from large stalks split in two. Cover each tray bottom with single thick- ness of cheesecloth and spread rhubarb over, preferably in single layer. No water in pan when dehydrating rhubarb. [17] Initial temperature 110° for 1 hour, gradually raising to 125°. Sufficiently dry when leathery and very much shrunken and no free moisture can be squeezed from cut piece. Time depends, as with everything else, upon whether grown in wet or dry season, clay or sandy soil, age and consequent moisture content. Time, 7 hours on, or until condition as indicated for dry test. Soup Mixture Ingredients should be rather finely cut, dehydrated separ- ately and then be mixed in varying proportions, according to flavor desired. Small and broken pieces of most vegetables may be saved while dehydrating quantities of any one thing, the SaaS going well in soup mixture. Spinach pa Senda Produce Remove decayed leaves, roots and foreign matter. Cut off thick stems and dehydrate separately from leaves. Wash in two lots of hot and one of cold water, or more if necessary, to remove all grit; then drain and shake out as much water as possible, as any water retards the dehydrating process very greatly. Load trays and start with temperature of 130°; raise after first hour to 135° until finished. Dehydration time depends upon age of leaves and degree of wetness when put into Dehydrator—from 3 hours on, or until leaves begin to show signs of getting brittle dry. Stir while dehydrating to open wet clusters of leaves. Water in humidifier, 2 hours. Swiss chard, beet tops and other greens may be treated in the foregoing manner. No blanching. The heavy midrib of Swiss chard is cut out and dehydrated separately from the leaf. [18 ] ced ~~ sv we: i > ose - wee Squash and Pumpkin Firm, well colored varieties are best for dehydrating. Peel, remove seeds and soft, stringy centers; then cut into slices 4g to 14 inch thick. No blanching. Starting temperature 130° for one hour, then raise to 150° and finish at that. Pumpkin may be treated in the foregoing manner but blanched for 3 to 5 minutes. Start dehydrating at 130° and then raise to and finish dehydrating at 160°. Sufficiently dehydrated when slices are leathery in texture and no free moisture shows upon squeezing. Water in humidifier, 2 to 3 hours. Tomatoes Select sound, ripe tomatoes. Remove skins by placing in a wire basket and scalding in boiling water from 1 to 1% minutes or until skins crack. When cool enough, pull off skins and cut out cores. Also remove blemishes. Cut into slices 44 inch thick. Lay pieces of cheesecloth on tray and spread slices in single layers. Water in humidifier, 4 to 6 hours. Dehydrate at 120° for first hour, increase to 130° for next two hours, then raise to 140° and finish at that temperature. Sufficiently dehydrated when feel rather brittle and no moisture can be pressed from fleshy part of slice and slices break readily. This product will become more flexible after a few days, but will keep well in that condition. Dehydrating Cooked Vegetables Those who want to save time, in both dehydrating and re-freshening products, may do so by cooking some of their vegetables before dehydrating them. Some housewives prefer this method. [19] The cooking having broken the cells of the vegetables, they may be dehydrated at much higher temperatures— starting at 140° and finishing at 170°, thus shortening the dehydrating time very materially. No water used in humidifier. Cook the vegetables—after slicing or cutting, as directed for the raw materials—until just done, then drain and place immediately in the Dehydrator and leave in until thor- oughly dehydrated. If moisture is dried out as it should be, simply let mate- rials cool for a few minutes, then pack at once into air-tight — containers. When required for table use, soak cooked materials in cold water to cover for an hour or so, then place over fire in same water, and bring slowly to the boiling point. Fruits Fruits are preserved remarkably by dehydrating, and furnish such excellent material for sauces, tarts, pies, stewed fruit, puddings, etc., that it is impossible, in most instances to distinguish in flavor and character from those made from fresh-picked fruits. Furthermore, certain fruits will refreshen so closely to original condition that they may be drained after restoration, sprinkled with sugar and eaten uncooked, being still better, however, if chilled in the refrigerator for a short time after draining. Black rasp- berries and blueberries can be used in this way, but should be soaked over night in a cool place in slightly sweetened water, enough for them to absorb, with a little over. Cer- tain varieties of strawberries respond quite well, so that they may be eaten uncooked, but they do not restore to more than two-thirds of original size, as, while the cells take back their water, the air does not quite come back between the cells as it was before dehydration. The main purpose, however, is to preserve in small com- pass, the fruits with their bouquet, flavors, etc., so that they may always be on hand for cooking purposes, and for [ 20 ] idl i ‘ jams, sauces, preserves and sirups. This in itself is a strik- ing accomplishment, placing dehydrated fruits far ahead of similar materials preserved by the canning process. Apples Use ripe, weil-fleshed fruit, which must be cored, trimmed and sliced as rapidly as peeled, in order to avoid discoloration. Cut into 4- to 44-inch slices or small cubes, either with sharp knife or cutting machine. Drop fruit into water containing 2 teaspoonfuls of salt to a quart, or 8 teaspoonfuls to a gallon, immediately after paring and before cutting, lifting out each one only to trim and slice, then drop cut pieces into the water for a couple of minutes or so. Drain and spread on tray and place immediately into the Dehydrator, which must be at ready temperature of 130°. Hold 130° for one hour after fruit is all in, then raise to 140°, and increase gradually to 170°. Slices must not dehydrate crisp and hard, but are sufficiently de- hydrated when a handful pressed firmly in the hand has a leathery, springy feel, and pieces separate promptly and show no free moisture on hand. Water in humidifier, 4 to 5 hours. Berries Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries and loganberries are treated alike. Best picked early in morning, well ripened but not soft. Trays should be placed in Dehydrator as fast as filled. Water in humidifier, 6 to 7 hours. Starting temperature 135°, gradually increased to 150° or $55°. Fruit is sufficiently dehydrated when it is dry and hard enough to rattle and shows no free moisture when squeezed between fingers and thumb. [21 ] Strawberries should be cut in half, lengthwise, started at initial temperature of 115°, raised in 1 hour after fruit is all in to 125°, and gradually increased to 140°, or even 150°, near finish. Cherries Select firm, ripe fruit, remove stems and stones and spread on trays. If cut in half after stoning dehydrating will be considerably quicker. Start with temperature of 120° for 1 hour after fruit is all in Dehydrator, and gradually increase to 150°. Water in humidifier, 6 to 7 hours. Fruit is sufficiently dehydrated when rid of free moisture and in elastic, raisin-like condition. Peaches Peel ripe, firm fruit, remove stones and cut into slices Or halves, place on trays and set in Dehydrator im- mediately; halves with cavities uppermost. Initial temperature 130° for 1 hour, then raise gradually to 160° to finish. Slices will dry very much quicker than halves. Water in humidifier, 6 to 7 hours. Test for dehydrated condition same as apples. Pears Peel, core, trim and slice lengthwise, ¥g to 4% inch thick. Dip in weak salt solution—8 teaspoonfuls of salt to 1 gallon of water. Drain well and spread on trays thinly, with initial tempera- ture of 120° for 1 hour, then raise gradually to 165°. Water in humidifier, 5 to 6_hours. Test for dehydrated condition same as apples. [22] Plums Small, thin-fleshed varieties have not body enough to give satisfactory condition, so select firm, well-fleshed fruit, nicely ripened. Remove pits, cut into halves and spread in single layers on trays, with cut sides up. Apricots are handled in the same way. Initial temperature for first 2 hours 130°, gradually raising temperature 10 degrees at a time, finishing at 165°, when fruit becomes nearly dry. Water in humidifier, 5 to 6 hours. Sufficiently dehydrated when no free moisture can be pressed from cut piece and product is pliable and springy. Directions have been given herein for the vegetables and fruits most generally used, but should the owner of a Dehydrator desire directions for any material out of the ordinary, these may be received promptly by sending request for same to the Domestic Dehydrator Corporation, 489 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Treatment of Products After Dehydrating Before permanently storing away, fruits and vegetables must be subjected to a short curing or conditioning process. This is important and should on no account be overlooked. Any lot of material will not be uniformly dry, when leav- ing the Dehydrator. Some pieces may be a little too dry and others not quite dry enough. When piled together, the product will ‘“‘even up’’; that which holds too much mois- ture giving out to that which may be over-dried, the latter absorbing from the former. Thus the entire mass becomes uniform and ‘“‘conditioning’’ becomes complete in a few days. [ 23] The material should be kept covered with cheesecloth to guard from insect infestation, piled on paper or be placed in good sized containers and stirred twice a day. The conditioning time depends upon general dryness when removed from Dehydrator, and-atmospheric condi- tions at the time, but it should never be less than four days, and may well be increased to ten days, for safety’s sake. If kept in a dry, airy place, out of the way and covered with cheesecloth, this conditioning need cause no in- convenience. After this conditioning, when the material feels almost brittle dry, it may be stored away until desired for use, and preferably in containers which are insect-proof, but not air tight. Failure to allow for proper conditioning may result in molded product or other damage. As intimated already, if anything is taken out too soon and found that it has become very wet, cold and clammy next day, and remains in that state after stirring or mixing, return it at once to the Dehydrator and dry out completely at 100° to 110°, without any water in the pan. On the other hand, many fruits and vegetables will become just moist and a little soft and pliable after having been taken out as sufficiently dry (which they actually were), and now they - are merely sweating and evening up, so they will soon start to dry off again and continue to do so until they become entirely dry throughout, and quite hard, whereupon allow enough extra time for this dry condition to be established beyond all doubt, then store in empty boxes or in crocks, jars and other containers—preferably jars or crocks tied over tightly with single cheesecloth covering only, so as to permit of ventilation. Be sure to condition sufficiently. Restoring and Cooking Re-fresh dehydrated materials in cold water, allowing, generally speaking, 2’ times as much water as material. Place in glass, enamel or earthenware receptacle, and soak [ 24 ] from 3 to 6 hours, or overnight, in a cool place. Cook in same water, adding more water if needed, and with vege- tables add salt to taste when nearly done, cooking until quite tender. There should be very little water left after cooking, and this may be used to advantage as part of the sauce. Spinach, beet greens and the like, require no previous soaking, but are put on in cold water, brought slowly to boil and boiled gently until ribs are tender. Accessories _ As aids to the housewife, saving of much time, work and drudgery, there are various ingenious, practical and inex- pensive devices at her service. THE DOMESTIC DE- HYDRATOR CORPORATION will be glad to furnish particulars and prices of those which have proved most serviceable, satisfactory and reliable, the list including peelers, slicers, scrapers, cabbage cutters, corers, stoners, pan trays, cleaning brushes and thermometers. Cite. MTSE OR) jz BS TS Se ee ee a i One Bushel of String Beans, Weighing 26 Pounds Before Dehydrating. Weight After Dehydrating 22 Pounds One Bushel of Spinach Before and After Dehydrating [ 25 ] | Reduction Table According to the table furnished by Professor Caldwell, hundred-pound lots of fresh fruits and vegetables reduce as follows upon dehydration: ‘Product Pounds Product Pounds Apples (autumn Figs to. . .) % aaigee and winter vari- Loganberries to . 17to22 eties) toi.) 42 to 15 | Okra to . . > sie Apples (summer : varieties) to .« 10to12 Onions 10, ._ an | ee oe Parsnips to. |. 7 2a cs. % pe t i aegis ‘ Peaches to’ . J iia : Blackberries to . 16 to 20 Peageee 18 t0 22 Beansto . . *. iitol3 Peas (garden) to . 22to25 Beets’ to. MA to dy Potatoes (sweet) to 30 to 35 Cabbageto . . 8to 9 Potatoes (white) to 23 to 25 Carrots to 0 to 12 Prunesto. . . 30to33 Cauliflower to . 12to14 ot ea bo. Raspberries to . 17to23 nents he ene D Spinach to. ~ | = eaaaeaee Cherries (pie) to . 17 to 21 Squash to. . Jaane Cherries (sweet) to 22 to 26 Tomatoes to . . 6$to 9 Corn (sweet) to . 26 to 33 Turnips to | i ee [ 26] [ 29] Index Page Comparative bulk of fresh and dehydrated vegetables 4, 25 Dehydration preface Difference between dehydration and drying What to try the first time Where the dehydrator can be used Humidifier Thermometer Regulation of temperatures and moisture . Dampers on top of dehydrator . Draughts . To load trays When product is dehydrated What to do in case product has not been properly dehydrated To clean the dehydrator Storing of dehydrated foods Preparing foods for dehydration Loading the dehydrator Dehydrating small lots Dehydrating cooked foods Dehydrating eggs Blanching—preparing food for dehydrator Reasons for varying time and temperatures (Continued on next page) [31] Sh ye OS eG SN» - Ge sn [ ndex—Continued DEHYDRATING Asparagus . Beets Beans ; Brussels sprouts Cabbage oe atrots Cauliflower Celery Corn . Okra: * Onions Parsley and ee Peas... Potatoes Rhubarb Soup mixture Spinach and similar feat Squash and pumpkin . Tomatoes . DEHYDRATING Apples Berries Cherries Peaches Pears Plums Dehydrating cooled veep Treatment of products after dehydrating . Restoring and cooking Accessories String beans before aia ee sdelesraiecitane Spinach before and after dehydrating Reduction table. [ 32] Page A mm