fit DEN NOESKE NOEDHAVS-EXPEDITION 1876—1878. 3. BIND. DEI IORSKE NOEDIAVS-EXPEDITIOI 1876—1878. TREDIE BIND. ZOOLOGI. Fiske ved Robert Collett. Annelida ........... ved Gr. Armauer Hansen. Spongiadæ ved G. Armauer Hansen. Mollusca I. Buccinidæ ved Herman Friele. Mollnsca II ved Herman Friele. THE NORWEGIAN NORTH-ATLANTIC EXPEDITION 1876-1878. THIRD VOLUME. ZOOLOGY. Fishes by Robert Collett. Annelida by (J. Armauer Hansen. Spongiadæ by G. Armauer Hansen. Mollusea I. Buccinidæ by Herman Friele. Mollusca II by Herman Friele. ^>3 Ifølge Planen for Bearbejdelsen af det videnskabelige Ud- bytte. der erhvervedes under den norske Nordhavs-Ex- peditions 3 Togter i Aarene 1876 — 78. har der i forskjellige Brancher i inden- og udenlandske Tidsskrifter været leveret forelobige Oversigter, der kortelig Kave refereret de væsent- ligste Resultater. . enten saaledes. som disse lia ve foreligget etter Slutningen af hvert enkelt Togt. eller som et samlet Resume af dem alle. For de under Expeditionen erhvervede Dybvandsfiskes Vedkommende ere to saadanne foreløbige Oversigter ud- komne. begge trykte i ,,Forhandlinger i Yideiiskabs-Selskabet i Christiania Aar 1878-.1 Af disse Oversigter. der ikke vare ledsagede af Figurer, udgjør denne General-Beret- ning en udførligere, og i flere Henseender suppleret og corrigeret Bearbeidelse. Medens Udbyttet a f Evertebraterne allerede under de 2 første Togter, i 1876 og 1877. viste sig at være ganske betydeligt. og frembød Former af den største Inter- esse, vare de samtidig! indsamlede Fiske forholdsvis faa- tallige. Dette havde væsentlig sin Gruud deri. at de Apparater, der i de nævnte Aar anvendtes til Skrabning eller Optagelse af Bundprøver. ikke vare synderlig tjenlige til disse Dyrs Erhvervelse. Især var dette Tilfældet under det første Togt ; Undersøgelserne foregik desuden dette Aar næsten udelukkende paa de store Dybder i den iskolde Area mellem Norge og Island, hvor maaske idethele- taget Fiske-Faunaen er fattigere, end paa flere nordligere Localiteter. hvor Strømningsforholdene bevirke en rigeligere Adgang til Føde. skjønt Bundtemperaturen kan være lige- saa lav. Noget større blev Udbyttet Sommeren 1877. da "Undersøgelserne bleve drevne paa det noget grundere Vand. dels paa Bankerne udenfor de norske Kyster, dels i Trak- terne a f .Tan Mayen. 1 Collett. ,. Fiske, indsamlede under den norske Nordhavs- Expeditions 2 første Togter, lsTli og 1877". (No. 4. pp. 1— 24; fore- draget i Mødet den 22de Febr. 1878). Collett. ..Fiske fra Nordhavs-Expeditionena sidste Togt Som- meren 1878". (Xo. 14, pp. 1—106; foredraget i Mødet d. 13de Dec. 1878). Den norske Nordhavsexpeditiou. Collett: Fiske. Pursuant to the resolution for arranging and pub- lishing the fruits of the Norwegian North-Atlantic Ex- pedition, from voyages undertaken in the years 1876. 1877, and 1878, preliminary papers, connected with divers branches of scientific research, have appeared in Norse and foreign journals, giving a summary of the chief results attained, either progressively, as set forth at the termination of each separate voyage, or comprehensively, as a brief resume of them all. The deep-sea. fishes collected on the Expedition form the subject-matter of two such preliminary memoirs, both of which will be found in ''Forhandlinger i Videnskabs-Selskabet i Christiania Aar 1878. '^ These sj'noptical papers — which were not furnished with figures — have been subjected to a careful revision, and, with the aid of additional data, expanded into the present section of the General Report. For the invertebrate animals, the results even of the two first voyages, in 1876 and 1877. proved very considerable. yielding forms of the greatest interest, whereas the number of fishes obtained was comparatively small. The chief reason of this, however, lay in the fact of the dredging-apparatus then employed not having been well adapted for securing specimens of these animals. Such showed itself the case more particularly on the first voyage; the investigations. too, in 1876 were carried on almost exclusively at great depths, in the cold area between Norway and the shores of Iceland, where the marine fauna is less rich perhaps than in some locali- ties further north, which the effect of ocean currents has secured a more abundant influx of food, though the temperature at the bottom may be" equally low. In the summer of 1877 the results were somewhat greater, the Expedition extending its investigations to shallower water, partly on the banks off the Norwegian coast, and partly in the region adjoining Jan Mayen. 1 Collett. "Fiske, indsamlede under den norske Nordhavs- Expeditkms to første Togter. 1 ST»i og 1877." [No. 4, pp. 1 — 24; read at Meeting held Feb. 221111 1878.) Collett. '-Fiske fra Nordhavs-Expeditionens sidste Togt Som- meren 1878." No. I l,pp. 1—106; read at Meeting held Dec. 13th 1K78.) 1 Xanr intet Hensyn tåges til en Del almindelige Ar- ter, der indsamledes paa ringe Dyb under Opboldet ved de norske Kyster, udgjør Antallet af de erholdte Dybvands- fiske under disse 2 første Aar: i 1876 1 Art (1 Individ), i 1877 10 Arter (17 Individer). Uagtet sin Faatallighed have disse dog indeholdt Former af ikke ubetydelig Interesse. Dette havde ikke alene sin Grund deri, at de tildels stam- mede fra Dele af Nordhavet, der i ichthyologisk Henseende vare saagodtsom ubekj endte (saaledes Trakterne omkring Jan Mayen); men af de indsamlede Specimina fandtes Arter, der i det Hele vare kun lidet bekjendte, saaledes som Un- gerne af Lycodes esmarkii, Coll.. og af den senere som ny beskrevne' Lycvdes frigidus; fremdeles Careproctus reinhardt, Kr. og Onos septemtrionalis, (Coll.). Endelig var en enkelt, Lycodes mwraena, tidligere ubeskreven. Da det ichthyologiske Udbytte saaledes under de 2 første Togter havde i det Hele været mindre, end paa- regnet, blev der under Udrustningen til det sidste Togt, i 1878, lagt speciel Vægt paa Anskaffelsen af saadanne Appa- rater, der ikke blot vare skikkede til at ojfiiente de for- skjellige Evertebrater fra de største Dybder, men tillige kunde medbringe Dybvandsfiske, som det maatte antages heller ikke her ganske manglede, naar blot Apparaterne vare istand til at opbringe dem. Et Trawlnet af ganske betydelige Dimensioner blev derfor indrettet væsentlig til dette Brug. og ved en sindrig Mechanisme ombord paa Skibet blev Linens Spænding modereret under Skrabningen ; men da et Fangeapparat af denne Construction neppe med Fordel kan benyttes, uden hvor Bunden er flad, og bestaar af Ler eller Sand, blev dets Anvendelse i det Hele ind- skrænket til et mindre Anta] Kast, hvor Bundforholdene tillode dette. Var Bunden stenet eller ujevn, blev Trawl- nettet ikke benyttet; ikke destoniindre kom det flere Gange op sønderflænget eller knækket. naar det tilfeldigvis var kommen til at berøre et klijtpefuldt Strøg af Bunden; ved én Lejlighed tabtes den hele Trawl tilligemed et Par Tu- sinde Favne Tougvark. Denne Anvendelse af Trawlnettet paa de dertil egnede Localiteter kronedes med et uventet Held. Neppe nogen- sinde gik Trawlen ned, uden at medbringe Fiske, under- tiden blot enkelte, men oftest flere. Den Dybde, hvori den nedsendtes, var forskjellig, men gik lige ned til mellem 1300 og 1400 Favne. Aldeles uventet var det at tinde Slægten Lycodes, hvoraf hidtil, som bekjendt, et kun ganske indskrænket Antal Individer ere kjendte, skjønt Slægten er repræsenteret ved forholdsvis ikke faa Arter, udbredt paa de fleste undersøgte Localiteter, hvor Dybden var nogen- lunde betydelig; saaledes erholdtes alene af en enkelt Art (L. frigidus, n. sp.) ikke mindre end 15 Individer, de fleste fra en Dybde af mellem 600 og 1300 Favne, eller derover, og næsten alene paa Steder, hvor Våndets Temperatur gik ned til under O". Ialt erholdtes denne Gang af Lycoder 25 Individer, tilhørende 6 Arter, hvoraf 3 vare tidligere ubeskrevne, og 1 beskreven under Beretningen om foregaaende Aars Togt. Exclusive of a few of the commoner forms taken at a trifling depth off the coast of Norway, the number of deep-sea fishes obtained on the two first voyages was 18, comprising 11 species: in 1876, 1 species (1 individual), in 1877. 10 species (17 individuals). But this result, though comparatively meagre, afforded forms of very considerable interest, — a circumstance to be explained not only by the habitat of several among them lying in tracts of the Northern Ocean hitherto unexplored by ichthyologists, certain of the species secured were likewise of rare occur- rence, and in themselves but little known ; for instance, the young of Lycodes esmarkii, Coll., and of Lycodes frigidus, since described as a new species ; moreover, Careproctus rein- hard/, Kr., and Onos septemtrionalis, (Coll.); finally, fjycodes murcena, a species not previously described. Thus, the ichthyological results from the two first voyages having on the whole proved less satisfactory than anticipated, great importance was attached, when fitting out the Expedition for the final voyage, in 1878, to the possibility of procuring apparatus which should be adapted not only for securing the various species of invertebrate animals there met with, but also for bringing up deep-sea fishes, which there was reason to belie,ve would be found to occur, were suitable apparatus employed for taking them. A trawl-net of very considerable dimensions was therefore con- structed, principally with the above object in view, an ingenious piece of mechanism regulating from the deck of the vessel the strain on the line. But fishing-apparatus of this charac- ter could not however, be employed except for traversing a smooth bottom of clay or sand, and its use was accordingly confined to some few hauls in specially favourable locals ities. Wheresoever, the bottom proved rugged or uneven, recourse was not had to the trawl-net; but notwithstanding the care thus displayed to prevent accidents, it came up several times in a damaged state, with the meshes torn or the boom broken, having chanced to strike against some rocky projection ; nay, on one occasion the entire trawl was lost, together with a couple of thousand fathoms of rope. The use of the trawl-net in localities for which it -is adapted met with eminent and unlooked-for success. Fishes were brought up at well nigh every haul, sometimes indeed two or three only, but more frequently a larger number. The net was worked at various depths, the greatest to which it was sunk being close upon 1400 fathoms. It occasioned no little surprise to find the genus Lycodes, — of which but a very limited number of individuals are as yet known, notwithstanding this genus is represented com- paratively by a good many species, — throughout most of the localities investigated where the depth was consider- able: thus, for instance. 15 examples were obtained of a single species (L. frigid us. n. sp. ). the majority at depths ranging from 600 to upwards of 1300 fathoms, and almost exclusively in spots where the temperature of the water was below zero. The total number of Lycodes specimens was 25. comprising 6 species, 'o- of which bad not previously been described, and 1 for the first time in the Report of the Denne Slægt, der endnu hører til de i Musæerne sdler- sparsomsl repræsenterede Former af den axctiske Fauna. synes saaledes i Virkeligheden af alle Dybvandsfiske at være blandt de talrigste i Ishavets Dyb paa jevn Lerbund, og maa forekomme her i store Mængder; maaske udgjøre de hev Bovednæringen for Heve andre Rovfiske (Somniosus, linjar, etc.) paa Grund ai deres noget træge Niesen, hvilken sidste Egenskab det sandsynhgvis væsentlig skyldtes, at de saa otte erholdtes i Trawlnettet. Det samlede Udbytte under dette sidste Aars Togt adgjorde ialt 33 Arter, hvoraf 6 vare nye'for Videnskaben; af de under de l' foregaaende Togter erhvervede 11 Arter gjenfandtes de 10, hvoriblandt ogsaa den ny opstillede Lycodes muraena. De 6 Arter, der maa ansees som tidli- gere ubeskrevne, ere Raja hyperborea, Liparis {Paraliparis) batliybii, Lycodes frigidus, Lycodes pcdlidusi Lycodes lutkeni, samt Ehodichthys regina, den sidstnævnte tillige repræsen- terende en ny Slægt. Ialt har saaledes Expeditionen bragt 7 nye Arter (og 1 ny Slægt) for Dagen, alle udprægede Dybvandsfiske. Flere at de øvrige Arter vare kun ufuldstændigt kjendte eller beskrevne, hvilket saaledes var Tilfældet med flere af Lycoderne. En Art. Onos reinhardt, (Kr.), havde aldrig været tildelt endog deu korteste Diagnose eller Be- skrivelse, men dens Benævnelse er alene grundet paa en haandskreven Etikette, og dennes [ndførelse i en Catalog. Flere vare ikke tidligere paaviste i den europæiske Fauna, men blot tundne. tildels for længere Tid tilbage. og blot i enkelte Exemplarer. ved de grønlandske Kyster. Vil man saaledes udstrække et Lands eller en Landsdels faunistiske Omraade indtil i omkring 100 Kilometers Afstaud fra Ky- sterne. kan der til Spitsbergens Fauna føjes næsteu et Dusin Arter, som tidligere ikke have været omtalte fra denne Øgruppe. Det i 1878 undersogte Areal omfattede Strækningen mellem Hammerfest og Varangerfjorden i Syd. Havet hen- imod Novaja Zemlja i Øst og Jan Mayen i Vest. samt i Nord til Spitsbergens Nordvest-Spidse. Af de fleste Arter bar jeg hos et eller flere Individer undersogt Ventrikelens Indbold, og til Bestemmelsen af de her forefundne Dyrelevninger har jeg bavt en beredvillig Hjælp af Prof. G. 0. Sårs. hvis Navn er den bedste Ga- ranti for Bestemmelsernes Bigtigbed. Denne Undersøgelse af Maveindholdet har desuden bart Interesse ikke blot a f den Grund. at den har givet Bidrag til vor Kundskah om visse Evertebraters Fdbredelse mod Nord. men ogsaa fordi derved er bleven constateret det ret mærkelige Factum, at flere af disse pelagiske Dyreformer. der væsentlig have været anseede for at have sit Tilhold i Overfladen. formåa at trænge ned til de største Dybder, hvorfra Dybvandsfiskene preceding voyage. Hence this genus, which must still be regarded as one of the Arctic forms most sparingly represented in museums, would appear to he more numerous than an] other of the deep-sea fishes inhabiting the depths of the Polar Sea over a smooth ckvj bottom; and it occurs no doubt in very considerable quantities. There, perhaps, it constitutes the chief food of other predatory tishes (Somni- osus, Royce), owing to its somewhat sluggish movements, a circumstance which probably to a great extent accounts for this fish having been so often captured in the trawl-net. The number of species secured on this voyage, tin- last undertaken by the Expedition, amounted in all to 33. 6 of which proved new to science. Of the 1 1 species obtained on the two preceding voyages. 10 were again met with, including the new species Lycodes mwrcena. The 6 species that must be regarded as not previously known are: — -I>'"j" hyperborea, Liparis batJiybU, Lycodes frigidus, Lycodes pallidus, Lyt-atles lutkeni and Rlwdichthys regina, the last-mentioned also representing a new genus. The Ex- pedition has thus brought to light 7 new species, (and 1 new genus), all of them true forms of deep-sea tishes. Several of the remaining species were hut imperfectly known and described; this, for instance, was the case with divers of the genus Lycoi ' s. One pecies. ( )nos rt 'n. ' ardi, (Kr.). had not even been made the subject of the briefest diag- nosis or description : its designation is traceable to a manu- script label, copied into a catalogue. Several had not previously been shown to occur in the European fauna, but merely found, in some cases years ago and as solitary examples, on the coast of Greenland. Hence, if the area inhabited by the fauna of a country or region be assumed to extend to about 100 kilometres from its shores, we may add to the fauna of Spitzbergen nearly a dozen species of fishes not previously mentioned as occurring off that group of islands. The region investigated in 1878 comprised, southward, the tract between Hammerfest and the Varanger Fjord, eastward and westward, the expanse of ocean stretching towards Novaja Zemlja and Jan Mayen, and northward, that extending to the north-western extremity of Spitzbergen. In most of the individuals I have examined the con- tents of the stomach, and in determining the animal remains found there. Professor G. O. Sars, whose name is a suffi- cient guarantee for accuracy, has kindly favoured me with bis valuable assistance. Moreover, an examination of the stomach and its contents has proved of considerable interest, not only by contributing to our knowledge of the distribu- tion of divers invertebrate species in northern latitudes, but also from its having substantiated the very remarkable fact, that several of these pelagic forms of animal life, whose habitat was generally believed to be near the surface, possess the power of descending to the greatest depths erhvervedes. og de have lier vist sig at kunne opnaa en endog betydeligere Størrelse, end de, der ere kjendte fra de øvre Vandlag. Maaske bør alle disse opfattes som væ- sentligt beboende de dybere Vandlag, men naar visse gun- stige Betingelser ere tilstede, formåa de ogsaa at stige op til Overfladen. Til disse Dyreformer hører fremfor alle Amphipoden Themdsto libellvla, Mandt (af Hyperidernes Familie), der i store Mængder forekommer paa de fleste Steder i Ishavet; denne Art udgjorde Hovedbestanddelen af de undersøgte Arters Føde. og manglede neppe ganske hos nogen af dem. skjønt disse kunde tilhøre Arter, der beboede omkring 1000 Favnes Dyb, og paa Grand af sin Legemsbygning med Vished kunde antages ikke at være istancl til at hæve sig synderlig! fra Bunden. Det samme var Tilfældet med enkelte Calanider, og tiere andre pelagiske ■ Crustaceer. Nedenfor meddeles en Fortegnelse over alle de Sta- tioner, paa hvilke Dybvandsfiske erholdtes, tilligemed det paa hver enkelt Station erholdte Udbytte1. 1876. Station 33. Storeggen, 174 Kilom. vestenfor Aale- sund. Norge (63° 5' N. B., 3° 0' 0. L. f. Gr.), 30te Juni. 1 Scopelus inållcri. (Gmel.), i Overfladen. 1877. Station 124. Banken udenfor Trænen, Helgeland i Norge. 325 Kilom. V.S.V. for Bodø (66° 41' N. B.. 6" 59' 0. L.). 19de Juni. Dybden 350 Favne (640"'). Bundtemperaturen — 0.9° C. Bunden Ler. 1 Lycode* frigiduti, jun. (beskreves først senere). 1 Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. 1 Lycodes muraenai n. sp. Station 164. Banken udenfor Lofoten, Norge, 117 Kilom. vestenfor Røst (63° 21' N. B.. 10" 40' 0. L.), 29de Juni. Dybden 457 Favne (836 '"). Bundtemperatu- ren — 0.7" C. Bunden graa Sandler. 1 Lycodes frigidus, jun. (beskreves først senere). Røst, Lofoten (67" 31' N. B.. 12" 12' 0. L.). 26de Juni. 50 — 150 Favne (100 — 280'"). Bundtemperaturen + 5° C. Bunden Sandbund. 1 Onos septemt7'ionalis! (Coll.). 1 Glyptocephalus cyrwglossus, (Lin.). Station 183. Havet nordvest for Lofoten, 354 Kilom. fra Land (69" 59' N. B.. 6" 15' 0. L.). 5te Juli. I Overfladen. 4 Sebastes marinus, (Lin.). Yngel. 1 En Del almimlelige Former, optagne fra ringe Dyb under Op- holdet ved .li' norske Kyster, ere ikke nærmere omtalte. in which deep-sea fishes were met with, where they attain even a larger size than those taken in the upper strata of the water. All of these forms should, per- haps, be regarded as occurring chiefly at great depths, but gifted with the faculty of ascending, under certain favourable conditions, to the surface. Among such forms must be ranked above all the Amphipod Themisto Hbellida, Mandt (of the family Hyperidce), which is found in enormous quantities in most parts of the Polar Sea; this animal had constituted the chief food of the species examined, and traces of its presence were probably not altogether wanting in any one of the examples, though belonging even to species that occur at a depth of about 1000 fathoms, and which from their bodily structure may with certainty be assumed not to ascend far from the bottom. Such. too. was the case with the Calanids and other species. List of stations at which deep-sea tiskes were taken, together with a specification of the results for each station.1 1876. Station 33. — Storeggen, 174 kilom. west of Aale- sund. Norway (lat. 63° 5' N.. long. 3" 0' E.). 30th June. 1 Scbpelus muUeri, (Gmel.); at the surface. 1877. Station 124. — The bank off Trænen, Helgeland in Norway. 325 kilom. WSW. of Bodø (lat. 66° 41' N. long. 6° 59' E.), 19th June; depth 350 fathoms ((14(1"') temperature at bottom — 0.9" C. ; clay bottom. 1 Lycodes frigidus, jun. (not described till later). 1 Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. 1 Lycoih:* murt rua, n. sp. Station 164. The bank off the Lofoten Islands. Norway. 117 kilom. west of Røst (lat. 68" 21' N., long. 10" 40' E.), 29th June; depth 457 fathoms (836™); temperature at bottom — 0.7" C; bottom: grey sablous clay. 1 Lycodes frigidus, jun. (not described till later). Røst, Lofoten Islands (lat. 67" 31' N., long. 12" 12' E.). 26th June; depth 50—150 fathoms (100—280"'); temperature at bottom -4- 5" C; sandy bottom. 1 < h/os septemirionalis, (Coll.). 1 Glyptocephalus cyrwglossus, (Lin.). Station 183. — The open sea. north-west of the Lofoten Islands, 354 .kilom. from land (lat. 69° 59' N., long. 6" 15' E.), 5th July; at the surface. 4 Sebastes ma rimts. (Lin.): fry. 1 The commoner forms obtained at a trifling depth off the Nor- wegian coast are not, included in this report. Jan Mayen (70» 54' N. Dybden 70 Favne (128 w). Runden sort (vulkansk) Station 223. Østsiden at' B.. 8» 24' V. L.). Iste August. Bundtemperaturen — 0,6° C. Sand og Ler. 1 Icelus hamatus, Kr. 1 Trifflops pingelU, Reinh. Station 224. Østsiden af Jan Mayen (70° 51'N. B., 8° 20' V. L.). Iste August. Dybden 95 Favne (174"'). Bnndtemperaturen — 0,6° C. Bunden sort (vulkansk) Sand og Ler. 1 Icelus hamatus, Kr. Station 237. Sydsiden af Jan Mayen (70° 41' N. B.. 10" 10' V. L.). 3die August. Dybden 263 Favne (481"'). Bnndtemperaturen — 0.3" C. Bunden grovt Grus og Smaastene, især af Lava. 1 Trighps pingelii, Reinli. 1 Careproctus reinhardt, Kr. 1 I ry in ml is ririilis. (Fabl-.). Station 248. Havet vestenfor Lofoten. 364 Kilom. fra Land (67" 56.5' X. B.. 4" 11' 0. L.). 8de August. I Overdåden. 1 Sebastes marinus, (Lin.). Yngel. 1878. Station 261. Tanafjord i Øst-Finmarken (701 47.5' N. B., (232 m). og Ler 5 2 1 28° 30' 0. L.). 25de Juni. Bundtemperaturen -f- 2.8° Dybden 127 Favne C. Bunden Mudder Raja radiata, Doriov. Sebastes marinus, (Lin.). Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, (Lin.). 6 Hippoglossoides platéssoides, (Fabr.). Station 262. Havet ostenfor Vardø. 63 Kilom. fra Land (70" 36' N. B., 32" 35' 0. L.). 27de Juni. Dyb- den 148 Favne (271'"). Bundtemperaturen + 1,9° C. Bunden Ler. 1 Centridermichthys uncinatus, (Reinli.). Station 275. Havet østenfor Beeren Eiland. 360 Kilom. fra Land (74" 8' N. B.. 31° 12' 0. L.). 2den Juli. Dybden 147 Favne (269m). Bundtemperaturen -- 0.4" C. Bunden groiiligt Ler. 1 Sebastes marinus, (Lin.). 3 Centridermiclithys uncinatus, (Reinh.). Station 286. Havet sydvest for Beeren Eiland. 215 Kilom. fra Land (72" 57' N. B.. 14" 32' 0. L.). 6te Juli. Dybden 447 Favne (817'"). Bundtemperaturen — 0.8 o C. ' Bunden graagrønt Ler. 18 Sebastes marinus, (Lin.), Yngel, i Overdåden. 1 Platysomatichthys hippoglossoides, (Walilb.). Station 223. — Eastern shore of Jan Mayen (lat. 70" 54' N., long. 8° 24' W.), 1st August; depth 70 fathoms (128'"); temperature at bottom — 0.6" (!.-. bottom: black (volcanic) sand and clay. 1 Icelus hamatus, K r. 1 Triglops jiini/ilii, Reinli. Station 224. - Eastern shore of Jan Mayen (lat. 70» 51' N., long. 8" 20' \Y\). 1st August; depth '.15 fatl is (174"'); temperature at bottom -- 0.6° C; bottom: black (volcanic) sand and clay. I Icelus hamatus, Kr. Station 237. — Southern shore of dan Mayen (lat. 70" 41' N., long. 10" 10' W.). 3rd August: depth 263 fathoms (481'"); temperature at bottom — 0.3° O; bottom: coarse sand and shingle, consisting to a great extent of lava. 1 Iriglops pingelii, Reinh. 1 di nil rutins reinhardt, Kr. 1 Gymnelis viridis, (Fabr.). Station 248. - The open sea. west of the Lofoten Islands. 364 kilom. from land (lat. 67" 56,5' N.', long 4" 11' E.), 8th August: at the surface. 1 Sebastes marinas, (Lin.); fry-specimen. ' 1878. Station 261. — The Tana Fjord. East Finmark (lat. 70" 47.5' X., long. 28° 30' E.), 25th June; depth 127 fathoms (232'"); temperature at bottom -4- 2.8" C; bottom: mud and clay. 5 Raja radiata, Donov. 2 Si'/iiistrs mnriinis. (Lin.). 1 Glyptocephalus cytwglossus, (Lin.). 6 Hippoglossoides platéssoides, (Fabr.). Station 262. - - The open sea. east of Vardø, 63 kilom. from land (lat. 70» 36' X.. long. 32» 35' E.). 27th dune; depth 148 fathoms (271'"); temperature at bottom -f- l.'.l" O; bottom: clay. 1 Centridermichthys uncinatus, (Reinh.). Station 275. — The open sea, east of Beeren Eiland, 360 kilom. from land (lat. 74" 8', long. 31» 12' E.), 2nd July; depth 147 fathoms (269'"); temperature at bottom — 0.4" C; bottom: greenish clay. 1 Sebastes marinus, (Lin.). 3 Centridermichthys uncinatus, (Reinh.). Station 286. — The oj>en sea, south-west of Beeren Eiland. 215 kilom. from land (lat. 72° 57' X., long. 14" 32' K), 6th July; depth 447 fathoms (349'»); temperature at bottom — 0.8" O; bottom: grey-green sand. 18 Sebastes minimis, (Lin.), fry; at the surface. 1 Flatysomatichthys hippoglossoides, (Wahlb. ). 6 Station 290. Havet midt mellem Beeren Eiland og Hammerfest. 216 Kiloin. fra Land (72° 27' N. B.. 20° 51' 0. L.) 7de Juli. Dybden 191 Favne (349 m). Bundtempe- raturen -\- 3.5° C. Bunden sandholdigt Ler. 4 Centridermichthys uncinatus. (Reinli.)'. 1 Cottuneulus inicrops, Coll. Station 295. Havet vestenfor Hammerfest. 453 Kiloin. fra Land (71" 59' N. B.. 11" 40' 0. L.). 14de Juli. Dybden 1110 Favne (2030'"). Bundtemperaturen — 1.3° C. Bunden Biloeulinti-hev. 5 Lycodes frigidus, n. sp. 3 Scopelus muUeri, (GmeL). Station 297. Havet midt mellem Nordcap. Jan Mayen og Spitsbergen. 465 Kilometer fra nærmeste Land (72o 36' N. B.. 5° 12' 0. L.). 16de Juli. Dybden 1280 Favne (2341'"). Bundtemperaturen — 1.4° C. Bunden gulbrun Biloculina-LeT. 1 Rlwdichthys regina, n. gen. & sp. Station 303. Havet vestenfor Beeren Eiland. 450 Kiloin. fra Land (75" 12' N. B.. 3" 2' 0. L.), 19de Juli. Dybden 1200 Favne (2195™). Bundtemperaturen — 1,6» C. Bunden brunt Ler. 1 Lycodes frigidus, Coll. Station 312. Havet vestenfor Beeren Eiland. 108 Kilom. fra Land (74» 54' N. B.. 14» 53' Ø.L.), 22de Juli. Dybden 658 Favne (1203'"). Bundtemperaturen — 1.2° C. Bunden brunt og grønt Ler. 1 Zdparis baihybii, n. sp. 2 Careproctu8 reinhardt, Kr. 2 thws reinhardt, (Kr.) 1 Lycodes mwraena, Coll. 5 Lycodes frigidus, Coll. Station 323. Havet midt mellem Nordcap og Beeren Eiland. 180 Kilom. fra Land (72» 53.5' N. B.. 21 o 51' 0. L.). 30te Juli. Dybden 223 Favne (408ra). Bundtempe- raturen -4- 1.5° C. Bunden brungraat Ler. 1 Centridermichthys uncinatus, (Reinh.). 1 Agoutis decagonus, Schn. 1 Hippoglossoides platessoides, (Fabr.). Station 326. Havet . midt mellem Spitsbergen og Beeren Eiland. 105 Kilom. fra Land (75° 31' N. B.. 17o 50' 0. L.). 3die August. Dybden 123 Favne (225™). Bundtemperaturen -f- 1.6° C. Bunden mørkt Ler. 1 Raja rad/iota, Donov. 2 Sebastes marinas, (Lin.). 3 ■ Centridermichthys uncinatus, (Reinli.). 6 Agonus decagonus, Sebu. 1 Gadus saida, Lepecb. 15 Hippoglossoides platessoides, (Fabr.). Station 290. — Tbe open sea. midway between Beeren Eiland and Hammerfest. 216 kilom. from land (lat. 70° 27' X., long. 20° 51' E.). 7th July; depth 191 fathoms (349 m); temperature at bottom + 3.5" C: bot- tom: sabulous clay. 4 Centridermichthys uncinatus, (Reinh.). 1 Cottuneulus microps, Coll. Station 295. — The open sea. west of Hammerfest, 453 kilom. from land (lat. 71» 59' N.. long. 11 o 40' E.). 14th July, depth 1110 fathoms (2030'"): temperature at bottom — 1.3° C; bottom: biloculimt-clay. 5 Lycodes frigidus, Coll. 3 Scopelus mutteri, (Gmel.). Station 297. — The open sea. midway between the North Cape. Jan Mayen and Spitzbergen. 465 kilom. from land (lat. 72" 36' N.. long. 5" 12' E.). 16th July; depth 1280 fathoms (2341 m): temperature at bottom — 1.4" C; bottom : yellowish brown biloculina-c\a.j. 1 Rhodichthys regina, n. gen. & sp. Station 303. — '- The open sea. west of Beeren Eiland. 450 kilom. from land (lat. 75° 12' N.. long. 3". 2' E.). 19th July; depth 1200 fathoms (2195'»); temperature at bottom — 1.6° C; bottom: brown clay. 1 Lycodes frigidus. Coll. Station 312. — The open sea. west of Beeren Eiland. 108 kilom. from land (lat, 74° 54' N.. long. 14° 53' E.). 22nd July; depth 658 fathoms (1203 "•); tempera- ture at bottom — 1.2° C; bottom: brown and green clay. 1 Liparis baihybii, n. sp. 2 Careproctus reinhardt, Kr. 2 Onos reinhardi, (Kr.). 1 Lycodes muroena, Coll. 5 Lycodes frigidus, Coll. Station 323. — The open sea, midway between the North Cape and Beeren Eiland. 180 kilom. from land (lat. 72° 53'. 5" N.. long. 31" 51' E.). 30th. July; depth 223 fathoms (408"1); temperature at bottom + 1.5° C; bottom: brownish grey clay. 1 Centridermichthys uncinatus, (Reinh.). 1 Agonus decagonus, Schn. 1 Hippoglossoides platessoides. (Fabr.). Station 326. — The open sea. midway between Spitzbergen and Beeren Eiland. 105 kilom. from land (lat. 75° 31' N.. long. 17° 50' E.). 3rd August; depth 123 fathoms (225M); temperature at bottom -f 1.6° C; bottom: dark clay. 1 Raja radiaia, Donov. 2 Sebastes marinus, (Lin.). 3 Centridermichthys uncinatus. (Reinh.). 6 Agonus decagonus, Schn. 1 Gadus saida, Lepech. 15 Hippoglossoides platessoides, (Fabr.). Station 338. Ddenfor Sydcap, Spitsbergen (76<> 22' N. B.. 17" L3' 0. L.j, (itc August. Dybden L46 Favne (267m). Bundtemperaturen-- 1.1" 0. Bunden Stenbund. 1 Agonus decagonus, Schn, Station 353. Eavet vestenfor Isfjorden, Vest-Spits- bergen, 230 Kilom. fra Land (77" 59' N. B., 5« LO' 0. It.), lode August. Dybden L333 Favne (2438™). Bund- temperaturen — 1,4" C. Bunden Biloculina-LeT og Smaa- stene. 3 Lycodes frigidus, Coll. Station 362. Havet vestenfor Norsk-Øerne, Nord- vesfc-Spitsbergen, 115 Kilom. fra Land (79° 59' N. B., 5° 40' 0. L.), 14de August. Dybden 459 Favne (839™). Bundtemperaturen - 1,0° * '. Bunden blaagraat Ler. 1 Raja hyperborea, n. sp. 2 Maja radiatai Donov. 1 < 'ottuncutus microps, Coll. 2 Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. 1 Lycodes lutkeni, n. sp. 1 Lycodes pallid/us, n. sp. 2 Lycodes muraena, Coll. Station 363. Havet vestenfor Norsk-Øerne, Nord- vest-Spitsbergen, 60 Kilom. fra Land (80» 3' N. B., 8" 28' 0. L.), 14de August. Dybden 260 Favne (475 m). Bund- temperaturen -4- 1.1" C. Bunden Blaaler. 1 Agonus decagonus, Schn. 1 Cottunculus mirrops. Coll. 1 Lycodes frigidus, Coll. 1 Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. 1 Lycodes pallidum, Coll. 1 Lycodes seminudus, Reinb. Norsk-Øerne, Nordvest-Spitsbergen (79" 51' N. B.. 11" 45' 0. L.), 15de August. Dybden ubetydelig. 1 Cottus scorpius, Lin. 3 Liparis lineatus, (Lepecb.). 1 Gadus saida, Lepecb. 3 Gymndis viridis, (Fabr.). Station 366. Magdalenebay, Nord-Spitsbergen (79 « 35' N. B.. 11" 17' 0. L.), 17de August. Dybden 37— 61 Favne (75— 112™). Bundtemperat. fra - 0,2° indtil — 2,1° C. Bunden mørkgraat Ler med løsrevne Alger og Smaasten. 1 Icelus hamatus, Kr. 1 Triglops pingelii, Reinb. 8 Gymnacanihus pistilliger, (Pall.). 1 Liparis lineatus, (Lepecb.). 1 Lumpenus maculatus, (Fries). 4 Lumpenus medius, Reinli. 1 Lumpenus lampetraeformis, (Walb.). 72 Gadus saida, Lepecb. Station 338. (W the South Cape, Spitsbergen (lat, 76" 22' N.. long. 17" 13' E.), 6th August; depth 146 fathoms (267"'): temperature at bottom — 1.1" C; rocky bottom. 1 Agonus decagonus, Schn. Station 353. — The open sea, west of the Isfjord. western coast of Spitsbergen, 230 kilom. from land (lat. 77" 59' N.. long. 5" 10' E.), fathoms (2438'"); temperature torn : biloculina-cl&y and shingh 3 Lycodes frigidus,' Coll. 10th August; depth 1333 at bottom — 1.4" C: bot- Station 362. — The open sea. west of the Norsk Islands, north-western coast of Spitsbergen, 115 kilom. from land (lat. 7H" 59' N., long. 5" 40' E.), 14th August; depth 459 fathoms (839'"); temperature at bottom — 1.0" C; bottom: bluish grey clay. 1 Raja hyperborea, n. sp. . 2 Raja radiata, Donov. 1 Cottunculus microps, Coll. 2 Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. 1 Lycodes lutkeni, n. sp. 1 Lycodes pallidus, n. sp. 2 muræna, Coll. Station 363. — The open sea, west of the Norsk Islands, north-western coast of Spitzbergen, 60 kilom. from land (lat. 80" 3'. N., long. 8" 28' E,), 14th August; depth 260 fathoms (475 m); temperature at bottom-)- 1.1" C; bot- torn: blue clay. 1 Agonus decagonus, Schn. 1 Cottunculus microps, Coll. 1 Lycodes frigidus, Coll. 1 Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. 1 Lycodes pallidus, Coll. 1 Lycodes seminudus, Reinh. Norsk Islands, north-western coast of Spitzbergen (lat. .79" 51' N., long. 11° 45' E.), 15th August; depth trifling. 1 Cottus scorpius (Lin.). 3 Liparis lineatus, (Lepech.). 1 Gadus saida, Lepech. 3 Gymnelis viridis, (Fabr.). Station 366. — Magdalena Bay, north coast of Spitzbergen (lat. 79" 35' N., long. 11" 17' E.), 17th Au- gust; depth37 — 61 fathoms(75 — 112"1); temperature at bottom as low as — 2.1" C; bottom: dark-grey clay and shingle. 1 Icelus hamatus, Kr. 1 Triglops pingelii, (Reinh.). 8 Gymnacanihus pistilliger, (Pall.). 1 Liparis liiiciiiiis, (Lepech.). 1 Lumpenus maculatus, (Fries). 4 Lumpenus medius, Reinh. 1 Lumpenus lampetrwformis. (Walb.). 72 Gadus saida, Lepech. Isfjorden, Vest-Spitsbergen (78° 9' N. B., 14° 12' 0. L.). 19de August. Dybden 129 Favne (236'»). Bund- temperaturen 4- 1,2° C. Bunden Stenbund. 1 Eumicrotremué spinosus, (MiilL). Station 374. Advent Bay. Isfjorden. Vest-Spits- bergen (78o 16' N. B.. 15° 38' 0. L.), 22de August. Dybden 60 Favne (110m). Bundtemperaturen 4- 0,7 o C. Bunden mørkt Ler. 3 Lumpenus medius. Reinh. Det samlede Antal har saaledes tilhørt følgende 32 Arter : Rajidae. Raja hyperborea, n. sp. 1878. Raja radiata, Donov. 1808. Seorpaenidae. Sebastes marinus, (Lin.) 1766. Cottidae. Cottunculus microps, ('oil. 1874. Cottus scorpius, Lin. 1766. Gymnacanihus pistilliger, (Pall.") 1811. Cen- tridermichthys u/ncinatus, (Reinli.) 1833 — 34. Icelus hamatus, Kr. 1844. Triglops pmgelii, Reinh. 1838. Agonidae. Agonus decagonus, Schn. 1801. Cyelopteridae. Eumicrotremus spinosus, (Mtill.) 1776. Liparididae. l Liparis lineatus, (Lepech.) 1774. Ldparis bathybii, n. sp. 1878. Careproctus reinhardi, Kr. 1862. Blenniidae- Lumpenus medius. Reinh. 1838. Lumpenus macular tus, (Fries) 1837. Lumpenus lampebraeformzs, (Wahlb.) 1792. Lycodidae. Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. 1874. Lycodes frigidus, n. sp. 1878. Lycodes luikeni, n. sp. 1880. Lycodes pal- lidas, n. sp. 1878. Lycodes serninudus, Reinh. 1838. Lycodes muraena, n. sp. 1878. Gymnelis viridis, (Fabr.) 1780. Gadidae. GaAus sniil, i. Lepech. 1774. Onos reinhardi, (Kr.) MS. 185?. Onos septemtrionalis. (Coll.) 1874. Pleuronectidae. / latysomaticJithys hippoglossoides. (Wahlb.) 1792. *Bippo- glossoiiles platessoides, (Fabr.) 1780. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, (Lin.) 1766. Ophidiidae. Rhodichthys regina, n. gen. & sp. 1878. Seopelidae. Scopelus mvlleri, (Grmel.) 1788. The Isfjord, western coast of Spitzbergen (lat. 78° 9' ST.', long. 14o 12' E.). 19th August; depth 129 fathoms (236™); temperature at bottom 4- 1.2° C; bottom rocky. 1 Eumicrotremus spinosus, (Mull.). Station 374. — Advent Bay, west coast of Spitz- bergen (lat. 78° 16' ST., long. 15° 38' E.). 22nd August; depth 60 fathoms (110m); temperature at bottom 4- 0.7° C; bottom: dark clay. 3 Lumpenus medius, Reinh. The individuals collected on the Expedition comprised accordingly the following species. 32 in number: — Rajidae. Raja hyperborea, n. sp. 1878. Raja radiata, Donov. 1808. Seorpaenidae. Sr/, astes marinus, (Lin.) 1766. Cottidae. Cottunculus microps, Coll. 1874. Cottus scorpius, Lin. 1766. Gymnacanihus pistUliger, (Pall.) 1811. Cen- Iridermichtkys iineimihis. (Reinh.) 1833 — 34. Tcelus hamatus, Kr. 1844. Triglops pingelii, Reinh. 1838. Agonidae. Ago/ne* decagonus, Schn. 1801. Cyelopteridæ. Eumicrotremus spinosus, (Mull.) 1776. Liparididae. Liparis lineatus, (Lepech.) 1774. Liparis bathybii, n. sp. 1878. Careproctus reinhardi, Kr. 1862. Blenniidae. Lumpenus medius, Reinh. 1838. Lumpenus macula- tus, "(Fries) 1837. Lumpenus lampetræformis, (Wahlb.) 1792. Lycodidae. Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. 1874. Lycodes frigidus. n. sp. 1878. Lycodes luikeni, n. sp. 1880. Lycodes pal- lid us. n. sp. 1878. Lycodes seminudus, Reinh. 1838. Lycodes murcena, n. sp. 1878. Gymnelis viridis, (Fabr.) 1780. Gadidae. Gadus saida, Lepech. 1774. Onos reinlvardi, (Kr.) MS. 185?. Onos septemtrionalis, (Coll.) 1874. Pleuronectidae. Ftatysomatichiliys hippoglossoides, (Wahlb.) 1792. Hippo- glossoides platessoides, (Fabr.) 1780. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, (Lin.) 1766. Ophidiidae. Rhodichthys regina, n. gen. & sp. 1878. Scopelidæ. Scopelus miilleri, (Gmel.) 1788. Sorske Nordhavs Expedition l'. Collett Fiske Jhn ttrioalt (htmaafuup hil- Anstalt . Knstia ni, -A-_ Subord. Plagiostomata. Fam. Rajidae. GJ-en. I Jii jn. Lin. Syst, Nat. ed. 12, torn. 1, p. 390 (1766). 1. Raja hyperborea, Coll. 1878 (n. sp.). PI. I., fig. 1 — 2. Raja hyperborea, Coll. Fork Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878. No. 14, p. 7. Diagn. Snuden tilspidset, af middels Længde; Snude- spidsens Afstand fra Øjet udgjør ikke fuldt det dobbelte af Interorbitalrummets Bredde. Legemet noget bredere, end dets Længde fra Snudespidsen til Enden af de accessoriske Oene- rationsorganer. Halen forholdsvis kort. indeholdes 3 Gange i Totallængden. Tænderne (hos Hannen) spidse og slanke, danne i Overkjæven omtrent 36, i Underkjæren 42 Tver- rækker. Oversiden er ru. samt beklædt med større Tome; Undersiden er glat. De større Rggtorne ere 6 i Antal; Haletornene, der danne en enkelt Række, ere 17. Mellem de 2 Dorsaler sidder en liden Torn. Farven oventil mørkt graabrun, Undersiden hvid med store, lateralt-symmetriske Felter af Oversidens Farve. Localit. fra Nordh.-Exped. Havet vestenfor Nord- Spitsbergen. Stat. 362. Beliggenhed. 1 1 5 Kilom. V. Norskøerne, Spitsbergen. Dybde. 4ii9 Favne (839-). Temp. paa Bunden. ' — 1,0° C. Bunden. Blaagraat Ler. Datum. 14de August 1878. Antal Individ* r. 1 Ind. (en Ham. Udmaalinger. Totallængde (Han) 518»"" Legemets Længde til Spidsen af Hjælpegenita- lierne 390 - Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. Collett: Fiske. -A__ ZPalæichthyes. Subord. Plagiostomata. Fam. Rajidæ. O-en. Raja, Lin. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, tom. 1, p. 395 (1766). 1. Raja hyperborea, Coll. 1878 (n. sp.). pi. i. fig. i— ■>. Raja hyperborea, Coll. Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 14, p. 7. Diagnosis. — Snout pointed, of moderate length : Aidomse from end of snout to the orbit not quite double the width oj the interorbital spare. The transverse diameter of the disk somewhat greater than its length from the snout to the ter- mination of the accessor g sexual appendages. TJie tail com- paratively short, one-third of the total length. Teeth (in the male) sharp and slender, about 36 transverse rotas in the upper and 42 in the lower jatv. The upper surface rough, and armed with spines; under surface smooth. The larger dorsal spines are 6 in number; the tail is furnished with 17. in a single voir ; and a small spine occurs between the 2 dorsal fins. The colour of the tipper surface is a dark greyish brown, that of the tinder plain white, with large, laterally-symmetrical brown patches. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): — The open sea. west of the northern coast of Spitzbergen. Stat. :ili'_'. Exact Locality. 1 1 ."> Kilom. W. of the Norsk Islands, Spitzbergen. Depth. 459 Fathoms (839™). Temp, at Bottom. — 1.0° C. Bottom. Bluish-grey Clay. Date. 14th August 1878. Numb, of Spcciw. 1 Indiv. la male). Measurements. Total length (male) . . 518" Length of body to the termination of the acces- sory sexnal appendages 390 2 10 Største Bredde mellem Pectoralerues Spidse . . 405 mm Halens Længde 168 - Snudespidsen til Øjets Forrand 90 - Bredden mellem Øjnene 49 - Snudespidsen til Pectoralens Spidse (Legemets for- reste Profil-Linie) 305 - Pectoralspidsen til Ventralens bagre Spidse (Lege- mets bagre Profil-Linie) 175 - Hjælpegenitaliernes Længde 48 - Snudespidsen til Næseborene 77 - Afstanden mellem Næseborene 64 - Bredden af Mundspalten 66 - Ventralernes Grundlinie 86 - Ventralernes største Længde 110 - Halens Bredde ved Boden 26 - Halens Bredde ved Begyn deisen af Iste Dorsal . 15 - Halens Hojde ved Boden 12 - Halens Hojde ved Begyndelsén af Iste Dorsal . . 5 - Fra Dorsalernes Begyndelse til Halespidsen ... 59 - Iste Dorsals Grundlinie 19 - Iste Dorsals Hojde 15 - 2den Dorsals Grundlinie 21 - 2den Dorsals Hojde 13 - Øjets Længdediameter 14 - Tverdiameter af Spiracula 11 - Snudespidsen til Iste Gjællespalte 148 - Bredden mellem Iste Gjællespalte paa bver Side . 110 - Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. Snuden er tilspidset, dog ikke særdeles uddragen ; dens Længde indtil Øjets forreste Band er knapt dobbelt saa stor, som Pandens Bredde mellem Øjnene. Legemets største Bredde mellem Pectoralerues Spidse er større, end Legemets Længde fra Snudespidsen til Enden af Hjælpegenitalierne. Legemets forreste Profillinie er næsten ret indtil i Hojde med Kjæverne; derpaa er den noget concav, indtil ud mod Spidsen af Pectoralerne. der paa bver Side danne en temmelig afrundet Vinkel. Lege- mets bagre Profillinie. der kun har noget over den forreste Linies halve Længde. er næsten ret, kun i sit bagre Hjørne noget afrundet, og idethele parallel med den modsatte forreste Linie, saaledes at Legemet næsten danner et Parallelogram. Halen er paa Undersiden fuldkommen Had, men bar oventil afrundede Sider; den er dog idethele rladtrykt, idet Bredden overalt er betydelig større, end Højden (ved Boden dobbelt, ved Begyndelsén af Iste Dorsal tredobbelt større). En distinct afsat Hudfold lober langs Halens hele Længde paa bver Side af Underfladen. I Forhold til Legemet er Halen kort, idet den blot udgjør 1 Trediedel af Total- længden. De accessoriske Grenerationsorganer ere bos det ene- ste uudersøgte Individ ikke særdeles lange; deres Længde omtrent lig Pandens Bredde mellem Øjnene. Tænderne ere forholdsvis lange og spinkle, med sær- deles liden Grundflade. Sandsynligvis har dog Hunnen kortere, og ved Granden bredere Tænder. I hver Kjæve- balvdel lindes oventil 18, nedentil 21 Tverrækker. saaledes Greatest distance between the pectorals .... 405 mm Length of tail 168 - From point of snout to the eye 90 - Interorbital space 49 - From point of snout to the extremity of the pec- toral fin 305 - From the extremity of the pectoral fin to the pos- • terior extremity of the ventral . . . . 175 - Length of sexual appendages 48 - From point of snout to nostrils 77 - Distance between the nostrils 64 - AVidth of mouth 66 - Ventrals at base 86 - Extreme length of ventrals . . 110 - Breadth of tail at base 26 - Breadth of tail at commencement of first dorsal fin 15 - Depth of tail at base 12 - Depth of tail at commencement of first dorsal fin 5 - From the first dorsal to the tip of the tail ... 59 - First dorsal at base 19 - Height of first dorsal- 15 - Second dorsal at base 21 - Height of second dorsal 13 - Longitudinal diameter of orbit 14 - Transverse diameter of spiracles 11- From point of snout to first branchial aperture . 148 - Width between first branchial aperture on each side 110 - Description. Structwre of the Both/. — The snout ter- minates in a point, without however being greatly produced. Length from tip to the anterior margin of the orbit a trifle less- than twice the interorbital space. The diameter of the disk across the pectorals exceeds the distance from the point of the snout to the termination of the sexual appendages. The anterior free margin almost straight up to the jaws ; from thence slightly concave to the tips of the pectorals, the extreme lateral angle of each being rather convex. The posterior free margin, but little more than half the length of the anterior marginal line, is almost straight — the hindmost part only being slightly convex — and running as it. does nearly parallel to the anterior margin, the disk closely resembles a rhomboid. The under surface of the tail is perfectly flat, the sides of the upper are rounded; its general appearance is depressed, the breadth greatly exceeding the vertical thick- ness (at the origin twice, at the commencement of the first dorsal three times as' great). A cutaneous flap, distinctly developed, extends along the entire length of the tail on each side of the under surface. Tail short in proportion to the body, being only one-third of the total length. The accessory sexual appendages are not particularly long in the specimen examined, their length being about equal to the width of the interorbital space. The teeth are comparatively long and slender, and exceedingly narrow at the base. Probably the females have shorter teeth with broader bases. The upper jaw is fur- nished with 18, the lower with 21 transverse rows in each 11 ialt |5 Tverrækker. Mundspaltens Bredde udgjor ikke fuldt Halvdelen at' Afstanden fra Snudespidsen til Lste ( ijadlespalte. Den forreste at' de 5 Gjællespalter ligger i en Afstand fra Mundvinkelen, der omtrent er lig dens egen Afstand fra den bagerste Gjællespalte. Spiracula er forholdsvis vid, idet dets Tverdia meter er omtrent lig den ubedækkede Del af Øjet; det er stillet ikke skraat bagenfor dette, men fuldkommen tvers mod Øjets Længdediameter. Finnerne. Ventralerne have henimod Spidsen et dybt Indsnit, der fortil lader frit et kegleformigt, noget udspær- ret Parti, der dog er af forholdsvis ringere Hojde. idet det blot udgjor Halvdelen af den hele Finnes Grundlinie, eller omtrent Trediedelen af Finnens hele Længde til den bagre Spidse. Iste Dorsal begynder i en Afstand fra Halespidsen, der indeholdes 25/c Gange i Halens hele Længde. Dens Grundlinie er ubetydelig større, end dens Hojde; den bagre Spidse er noget tilspidset. og den lodrette Eagrand lidt concav. 2den Dorsal er adskilt fra Iste gjennem et ubetyde- ligt Mellemrum (opfyldt af en mindre Torn). Den er lavere, end Iste Dorsal, idet Hojden er kun lidt over Halvdelen af Grundlinien. Dens bagre Spidse er stærkt nedadbojet, dog tilspidset, saaledes. at dens lodrette Bagrand er tem- melig kort, En Antydning til en Caudal tindes i Form af en kort og lav. vertical Hudflig, der rager ubetydeligt uden- for Halespidsen. og har paa Halespidsens Underside en kort Kjøl. Rudens Béklædning. Oversiden er ru. samt tildels beklædt med større Tome; Undersiden er glat. ■ De større Torne findes blot 1) over Øjnene, 2) paa Skulderpartiet, samt 3) midt nedad Ryggen og Halen ; de ere alle riflede fra. Granden udåd mod Spidsen. der er yderst skarp, og noget bagudbøjet; de ere ikke synderlig hoje. undtagen paa Halens øvre Del. Deres samlede Antal er hos det undersøgte Individ 37. Øjentornene ere ialt 6 i Antal. og danne paa hver Side en ruldkommen ret Linie (bestaaende af 3 Torne) indenfor Øjeranden. saaledes. at Afstanden mellem begge Linier bliver mindre, end Pandens Bredde mellem Øjnene. Iste Torn er stillet foran. 2den bagenfor Øjets øvre Band. 3die umiddelbart bagenfor Spiracula. Iste Torn ligger i en Afstand fra Snudespidsen. der omtrent er dobbelt saa stor. som Bækkernes indbyrdes Afstand; Iste og 3die Torn danne med de tilsvarende i den modsatte Bække et næ- sten fuldkomment Qvadrat. Skulderpartiet bærer i Midten en Bække af 3. og paa hver Side en Bække af 2. tilsammen 7 Torne. Side- tornene sidde tættere sammen, end Midtrækkens Tome. og have idethele samme Afstand indbyrdes, som mellem 2den og 3die Øjentorn (14""»). eller noget over en Øjendiameter. Den bagerste Torn i Midtrækken danner med den bagerste Torn i hver af Siderækkerne en næsten ret Linie. Afstan- den mellem Iste og 3die Torn i Midtrækken er næsten saa half, the total number of transverse series being thus Width of mouth lint quite e(|ii:il to half the distance li' point of snout to iirst branchial aperture. The foremost of the five branchial apertures is about the same distance from the angle of the mouth as it is from the hindmost aperture. The spiracles are comparatively large, their transverse diameter being uearly equal to the width of the uncovered portion of the eye; their position is not oblique, but strictly- vertical to the longitudinal diameter of the orbit. Fins. — Towards their extremity, the ventrals are distin- guished by a deep incision, exposing to view a cuneiform and somewhat expanded part, the height of which however is inconsiderable, being not more than half of the base of the tin. and but one-third of its entire length to the posterior extremity. The first dorsal commences at a distance from the tip of the tail which is to the entire length of the tail as 1 to 26/6; basal line a trifle longer than the vertical height; posterior extremity pointed, posterior perpendicular margin slightly concave. Second dorsal nearly contiguous to first, the inter- vening space being occupied by a diminutive spine. Height less than that of the first dorsal, hardly exceeding half the length of the basal line ; the posterior extremity directed downwards and terminating in a point; the posterior per- pendicular margin is consequently somewhat short. Caudal fin rudimentary, having the appearance of a ver- tical membraneous lappet, furnished on the under surface of the extremity of the tail with a keel-shaped ridge, project- ing but slightly beyond the tip. Armature of -the skin. — Upper surface rough and partially studded with powerful spines; under surface smooth. The large spines occur: — 1) above the eyes; 2) on the humeral region; 3) along the mesial line of the disk and the central ridge of the tail. All the spines are grooved from the base up to the point, which is exceedingly sharp and slightly hooked ; the longest are in the row on the upper part of the tail. Total number in the specimen examined 37. The spines about the eyes are 6 in number, arranged in two lines, perfectly straight (three spines in each), one on either side within the margin of the eye. making the distance between them a trifle less than the width of the interorbital space. The first spine is placed before, the second above the upper margin of the eye. the third immediately behind the spiracles. Distance of first spine from point of snout about double that between the rows; the first and third spines form with the correspond- ing spines on the opposite side an almost perfect square. The humeral region is furnished with 7 spines, a row of 3 along the dorsal ridge and 2 on either side. The lateral spines are more closely set than those disposed along the mesial line, their relative distance being nearly equal to that between the second and third spines in the series above the eyes (14"""). or slightly exceeding the longitudinal diameter of the eye. The hindmost spine in the central series is almost in a line with the hindmost spine in each 12 stor. som mellera Iste og 3die Øjentorn; noget større er derimod Afstanden mellein Midtrækken og hver af Side- rækkerne. Rygtornene ere 6 i Autal, der danne en enkelt Række, hvori Mellemrummet melleni hver Tom har omtrent samme Længde, som mellem Iste og 2den Torn i Øjenrækkerne (25"'"'), eller mellem Iste og 2den Torn i Skulderpartiets Midtrække. Rygtornenes Række ophører et kort Stykke foran Halen. Haletornene danne en enkelt Række. hestaaende af 17 Torne. der staa tættere sammen, end Rygtorneue, og tiltage i Størrelse indtil den 6te, men aftage dereffcer indtil den sidste, der er ganske liden og sidder tæt ind til Iste Dorsal. Rækken begynder i nogen Afstand fra sidste Rygtorn. Endelig findes en liden Torn mellem de 2 Dor- saler, den 18de. Hele Oversiden er forøvrigt ru af særdeles smaa og spidse Smaatorne, der intetsteds naa tilnærmelsesvis den samme Størrelse, som de større Torne. Dog er et Parti langs Legemets forreste Siderand (omtrent ret udenfor Øj- nene) beklædt med noget større Torne, end de øvrige Smaatorne; disse udgjøre de for Hannerne ejendommelige „Kardetorne-' (carmines maris, ifølge Fries). Ligeledes tindes enkelte noget længere Torne langs Midten af Snuden. Glat er blot den bagre Rand af Pectoralerne, hele Yen- tralerne, samt et Stykke af Ryggens Sider op imod Skul- derpartiets Sidetorne. Hele Undersiden af saavel Legemet, som Halen, er fuldkommen glat. Slimporer. Paa bestemte Steder af Oversiden, samt over den forreste Del af Legemets Underside findes Ræk- ker af Slimporer. der idethele ere symmetrisk stillede paa hver Side af Legemets Midtlinie. Paa Oversiden findes- en Række af onitr. 20 Porer, der strækker sig fra Spiracula hen under Øjet, og gaar derfra omtrent i ret Linie ud mod Snuden; denne Række løber parallelt med den til- svarende paa den anden Side. Fra Skulderbeltet udgaa endvidere 2 noget længere Rækker, der efter et noget buet Løb udmunde noget nedenfor Pectoralens Sidevinkel; en kortere tredie løber parallelt med Legemets bagre afrun- dede Hjørne. Endelig løber paa hver Side af Ryglinien en Række, der fortsætter sig uafbrudt langs Halens Overside til Halespidsen. Paa Skivens Underside findes talrige længere og kortere Rækker, men disse ere her tilsyneladende mindre ordnede. Paa hele Legemets bagre Del sees her ingen Porer ; paa den forreste løber en lang Række parallelt med Side- randen; kortere Rækker løbe fra hver Mundvige hen mod Snudespidsen, og andre kortere Rækker findes bagenfor Mundspalten. Farven er paa Oversiden temmelig jevnt mørkt graa- brun, medens Undersiden er hvid med store symmetriske Pletter og Felter af Oversidens Farve. Paa Oversiden ere Pectoralerne og Ventralerne især mørkt farvede ud mod of the lateral rows. The distance between the first and third spines in the central series nearly equals that between the first and third spines above the eyes; the distance be- tween the central series and each of the lateral rows is somewhat greater. The dorsal spines are b' in number, arranged in a single row, the distance between each spine being about equal to that between the first and second spines in the series above the eyes (25"""), or between the first and second spines in the central humeral row. This series te:-- minates in close proximity to the tail. The caudal spines, numbering 17, extend in a single row; they are more closely set than the dorsal spines, increasing in size down to the sixth; at this point they gradually decrease, the terminal spine being quite diminutive and close to the first dorsal fin. The caudal row commen- ces at some distance from the terminal dorsal spine. A small spine, the eighteenth, occurs between the two dorsals. The whole of the upper surface is rough, being everywhere studded with minute spines and denticles, none of which attain to a size approaching that of the large spines. Part of the anterior lateral margin of the disk (almost directly in front of the eyes) is however fur- nished with spinules somewhat larger than the other denticles ; a. few spines of greater length occur too along the ridge of the snout. The only smooth parts are the posterior margin of the pectorals, the entire surface of the ventrals, and a strip of skin extending along the sides of the back Up towards the lateral spines in the humeral region. The whole of the under surface, both of the body and of the tail, is perfectly smooth. Mucous fores. — On certain parts of the upper surface, and the anterior part of the lower, are numerous series of mucous pores, for the most part symmetrically arranged on either side of the mesial line. On the upper surface occurs a series of about 20 pores, extending from tin- spiracle to the eye, and from thence, nearly in a straight line, towards the snout; this series runs parallel to the corresponding series on the opposite side. Two series of somewhat greater length issue from the humeral zone, and. after a slightly inflected course, terminate a little below the lateral angle of the pectoral fin; a third and shorter series runs parallel to the posterior convex angle of the disk. On either side of the mesial line a series extends uninterruptedly to the tip of the tail. Numerous series of greater or less extent occur too on the under surface, their arrangement, however, being apparently less regular. On the posterior part of the disk pores are nowhere visible here, on the anterior division a. long row runs parallel to the lateral margin; several shorter series extend from each angle of the mouth towards the point of the snout, and short series also occur behind the mouth. Coloration. — Upper surface almost uniformly dark greyish brown ; under surface plain white, relieved with large symmetrical spots and patches. Upper surface of pectorals and ventrals darkest along the edges approximate 13 Randen, hvor Undersidens Pelt ai samme Farve støder til. Fremdeles er Snudespidsen mørkt brunsort, ligesom Hovedets hele forreste Eland. Paa Undersiden have de mørkfarvede Partier og den hvide Bundfarve omtrent ligestor Udstrfek- ning. Disse farvede Felter gaa, hen imod Randen af Lege- met (hos det i nogen Tid paa Spiritus opbevarede Exem- plar) over til næsten brunsort. Ingen at' disse Felter overskrider I ingens Midtlinie. Deres Udstrækning hos det forhaandenværende Indi- vid kan kortelig beskrives paa følgende Maade. Et stort sort Felt udbreder sig over den ydre Del at' Pectoralen; fra Pectoralvinkelen fortsætter dette sig langs hele den forreste Profilxand (men blot umiddelbart i selve Handen). lige hen til Snudespidsen. Bagtil forener dette Felt sig med et større Parti af samme Farve, der skyder sig op paa Bugens Sider. Foran Mundspalten tindes intet farvet Parti (undtagen Handen at' Smulen); men mellem Gjælle- spalterne tindes en mindre Samling runde, tildels sammen- flydende Pletter. Ventralerne have. ligesom Pectoralerne, brunsorte Bande ; de accessoriske Generationsorganer ere lige- ledes paa Undersiden sorte, hvilken Farve udbreder sig til en større Plet foran deres Rod. Hele Halens Underside er ensfarvet sort. Sandsynligvis vil denne Farvefordeling vise sig noget varierende hos Individerne. Føde. Yentrikelen var fuldproppet af Crustaceer og Fiske. Den væsentligste Del bestod af omkr. 50 kjæmpe- mæssige Individer af Themisto libéllula, tildels endnu ganske hele; fremdeles Stykker af den i 1874 af Buchholz i „2te Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt" beskrevne smuktfarvede Decapode Hymenodora glacial/.*1. F'iskene vare 3 i Antal. hvoraf idetmindste de '2 vare Lycoder. Den største af dem havde en Totallængde ai 185"m. og en Hovedlængde af 41"""; den yderste Halespids manglede, ligesom Huden og de fleste Finnestraaler. saa- ledes, at Individet ikke lod sig med Sikkerhed bestemme; men paa (irund af Tandbygningens Styrke, de lange og brede Pectoraler, samt det store Hoved, kan det maaske henføres under L. liitkeni. Den anden Unge af en Lycodes var stærkere angreben af Fordojelsen, og ganske ubestemmelig; af et tredie Individ fandtes blot Rygraden i Behold, og denne kan ligeledes liave tilhørt en ung Lycodes. Udbredelse. Hidtil er blot kjendt det eneste, oven- for beskrevne Individ, en Han. optaget omtrent under 80» X. B. i Havet vestenfor Xord-Spitsbergen ; dette er tillige det nordligste Punkt paa Jorden, hvor denne Slægt hidtil har været bemærket. 1 Pasiphaé glacialis, Buchholz is. 4; Hymenodora glacialis, ti. 0. Sårs 1*77. to the similarly coloured patch mi the under surface. Ex- tremity ut' the snout, t'"., and the entire anterior margin of the bead dark-brown, approaching tu black. On the under surface, the space occupied by the dark portions ol the skin and the white of the ground is about equal in extent. The dark symmetrical patches deepen in colour as they approach the margin of the disk, almost to a brownish black: none of them cross the centra] abdominal line. Their distribution in the example obtained may be briefly described as follows. A large black patch occurs on the lateral margin ol' the pectorals; from the angle of the pectorals it extends along the anterior line ol' the margin of the body (at the extreme edge however only) to the tip of the snout. Behind, this patch unites with another. similarly coloured, running up the sides of the belly. Anterior to the cleft (d' the mouth the skin is uniformly white, save the margin of the snout: between the branchial apertures occur a small cluster of round spots, some of which are confluent. Edges of ventrals brownish black like those of pectorals; the accessory sexual appendages' on the under surface black, this colour expanding to a large spot opposite their base. Under surface of tail entirely black. This distribution of colour will probably be found to vary in different individuals. Pood. — The stomach was full of crustaceans and divers fishes. The principal part of the contents consisted of about 50 enormous examples of the Hyperoid Themisto libellula, several of them quite entire; and of fragments of the Decapod Hymenodora glacialis1. described in 1874, by Buchholz, in -'Zweite Deutsche Nordpolarfahrt." The fishes were o in number, of which two at least were Lycodes. Total length of the largest 185"""; length of head 41""": the tip of the tail, the whole of the skin, and most of the tin-rays were gone ; hence this individual could not with certainty be determined; but the structure of the teeth however, the great length and breadth of the pectoral tins, and the size of the head gave reason to regard it as an example of L. liitkeni, afterwards described. Another young Lycodes was wholly indeterminable, being in still a more advanced stage of the digestive process; of the third, the vertebral column only remained — not improbably, too, that of a young Lycodes. Distribution. - ■ The only example hitherto met with is the male specimen now described, taken in lat. about 80° N., at sea, west of the northern coast of Spitzbergen, the most northerly locality, too, in which this genus is yet known to occur. 1 Pasiphae glacialis, Buchholz 1874; Hymenvdura glacialis, G. ( ). Sal's 1877. 14 2. Raja radiata, Donov. 1808. f Raja fuUonica, Fabr. Fauna Groenl. No. 87, p. 125 (1780). Raja radiata, Donov. Nat. Hist. Brit. Fish., vol. 5, tab. 114 ilSOR). Loealit. fra Nordh.-Exp. Tanafjord i Finmarken, samt Havet mellem Beeren Eiland og Spitsbergen. Stat. 201. Stett. 321 i. Stett. 362. Beliggenhed. Tanafjord, Finmarken. 105 Kilom. N. Beeren Eiland. 115 Kil. V. Norskøerne,Sptb. Dybde. li' 7 Favne (232m). 123 Favne (22:)m). 4."i!i Favne (839 "•) Temp. paa Bunden. + 2.8° C. + 1.6° C. — 1.0° C. Bunden. Ler. Mørkt Ler. Blaagraat Ler. Datum. 25de Juni 1878. 3die Aug. 1878. 14de Aug. 1878. Antal Individer. ."> Indiv. 1 yngre Ind. 2 yngre Ind. Alm. Bemærkninger. Ingen Forskjel kunde opdages mellem Individerne fra disse Localiteter. og andre fra Nor- ges sydlige Fjorde. Antallet af de lange Torne nedad Ryggen fra Skulderpartiet til Dorsalerne varierede mellem 12 og 14. Ved en tidligere Lejlighed1 har jeg gjort opmærksom paa. at naar der i Diagnoserne for denne Art opgives, at den mangler Torn mellem de 2 Dorsaler, er dette unøj- agtigt. idet et ikke ubetydeligt Antal Individer besidde en saadan, medens vistnok Flertallet mangler den. Blandt et stort Antal Individer, som jeg i 187G og 187-8 havde Lej- lighed til at imdersøge i Porsanger fj orden i Finmarken, havde idetmindste en Fjerdepart en saadan Torn mellem Dorsalerne. Af de under Nordbavs-Expeditionen erholdte 8 Individer fandtes denne Torn ogsaa netop hos de 2. Føde. I Yentrikelen af et af Individerne fra Tana- fjorden fandtes flere Amphipoder, hvoriblandt kunde nogen- lunde sikkert kjendes Arterne Anonyx lagena, Kr., og Ace- 7'os phyllonyx, (M. Sårs). Udbredelse. Raja radiata har en større geographisk Ddbredelse, end nogen anden a f de europæiske Arter, og forekommer lige fra de engelske Kyster gjennem Nordsøen og Kattegat til den. sydlige Del af Østersøen. fremdeles langs hele Norges Vestkyst op til ^Finmarken, i hvis Fjorde den er yderst talrig; derfra gaar den i Ishavet op til Spitsbergen, hvor den hidindtil ikke var iagttaget, men hvor den forekommer lige op til de nordligste Dele. ligesom den gjennem Faber er kjendt fra Island. Endelig opfores den og beskrives allerede af Fabricius i 1780 fra Grønland under Navn af Raja fullonica (Fauna Groenl. No. 87). Ved de amerikanske Kyster gaar den mod Syd idetmindste til New-England under 40° N. B. 2. Raja radiata, Donov. 1808. t Raja fullonica, Fabr. Fauna Grroenl. No. 87, p. 125 (1780.) Raja radiata, Donov. Nat. Hist. Brit. Fish., vol. 5, tab. 114(1808). Locality (North Atl. Exped.): — The Tana Fjord, in Finmark, and the sea between Beeren Eiland and Spitzbergen. Stat. 261. Stat. 326. Stat. 302. Exact Locality. The Tana Fjord, Finmark. lOr. Kil. N. of Beeren Eiland. 115 Kil. W. of N. Isl., Spitzb. Depth. 127 Fathoms (232"). 123 Fathoms 1 225 " i. 459 Fathoms (839'»). Ti mp. at Bottom. -f 2.8° O. + 1.6° C. — 1.0° c. Bottom . Clay. Dark Clay. Bluish-grey Clay. Date. 25th .Tune 1878. 3rd Aug. 1878. 18th Aug. 1878. Numb, of Sp'ecim. 5 Indiv. 1 Indiv. (young). 2 Indiv. (young). General Remarks. — No difference could be detected between the individuals taken in these localities and speci- mens obtained from the southern fjords of Norway. The number of long spines extending down the dorsal ridge was from 12 to 14. On a former occasion1 I called attention to the fact that, contrary to the diagnosis of this species given by some ichthyologists, a spine between the two dorsals does occur in a considerable number of individuals, though wanting in most. Opportunity was afforded me in 1876 and 1878 of examining numerous individuals from the Porsanger Fjord, in Finmark, and one-fourth had a spine between the dorsals. Of the 8 examples obtained on the North Atlantic Expedition, this spine occurred in 2. Food. — In the stomach of one of the specimens from the Tana Fjord were divers Amphipods. amongst which Anonyx lagena, Kr., and Aeeros phyllonyx, (M. Sars), could alone be determined with comparative certainty. Distribution. — Raja radiata (Starry Ray) has a wider geographical range than any other of the European species; it is met with on the British coast, in the North Sea. the Cattegat. and the South-Baltic; along the entire line of the coast of Norway, as far north as Finmark, being exceedingly numerous in the fjords of that province; from thence its range extends to the Arctic Ocean as far north as Spitzbergen (where it had not previously been observed); according to Faber, it occurs, too, on the coast of Iceland ; and the species was mentioned and described (as Raja fullonica) by Fabricius, as far back as 1780, among the fishes of Greenland. The range of this species on the North American coast certainly extends as far south as the New England States, in lat. 4.0° N. 1 Fork Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1879, No. 1. p. 10a Forh. Yid. Selsk. Chra. 187H. No. 1. p. lur,. IB- Teleostei. Subord. Acanthopterygii. Fam. Scorpaenidae. Gren. Sebastes, Cuv. Regne Animal, od. 2, torn. 2, p. 166 (1829). 3. Sebastes marinus, (Lin.) 1766. PI. I, Fig. 3—4.' Perca marina, Lin. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, tom. 1, p. 483 (1766). Perca norvegica, Ascan. Ic. Rer. Nat. pt. 2, p. 7, tab. Hi (1772). Holoc, nirus norvegicus, Lacép. Hist. Poiss., torn. 4, p. 327 (1789). Holocentrus sanguineus, Faber, Xaturg. Fisehe Isl. p. 126 (1829). Sebastes norvegicus, ( !uv. i Val. Hist. Nat. Poiss., tom. 4, p. 327 (1829). Sebastes marinus, Liitk. Vid. Med. Naturh. Poren. Kbhvn. 1876, p. 358 (1876). Localit. fra Nordh.-Exped. Yngel Indiv. fra Havet udenfor Beeren Eiland og Spitsbergen ; Unger fra Tana- fjorden i Finmarken, samt fra Havet mellem Beeren Eiland og Spitsbergen. Stat. 1*3. Stat. 24*. Stat. 286. stut. 261. Stat. 2 lb. Stat. 326. Bi U"™, var hele Legemets Dorsal- og Ventralside endnu omhyllet af Em- brvonalhinden; Finuestraalerne vare alene i Caudalen tyde- lige, men manglede i de øvrige Finner ; Ventralerne vare neppe antydede. De 2 parallele Kamme paa Baghovedet vare endnu ikke fremkomne, hvorimod Tænderne paa Præoper- culum vare tycleligt afsatte. Hos andre fra samme Station, hvis Totall. var 12""", vare Straalerne antydede i Pectoralen, ligesom Analens Pigstraaler. medens Dorsalen endnu udgjør en sammenhæn- gende Membran uden Straaler. Nakkekammen var nu ansat, og endte bagtil med en dobbelt Torn. Hos det største Yngel-Individ (Stat. 248). hvis To- tallængde var 19""". vare alle Finner og deres Straaler 1 Forh. Vid. Selsk. ('bra. 1879, X<>. 1. p. 7. - Nogen Distinction mellem de '2 Former kan saaledes ikke hentes fra dette Forhold, hvorfor Navnet viviparus ikke er synderligt be- tegnende. and the species may. perhaps, in common with other deep- sea forms, pass the earliest stages of its existence in the upper strata of the sea. On a former occasion1 I alluded to the fact, that S. marinus as well as S. viviparus brings forth its young^ alive; they are produced however at the same low stage of devel- opment that Krøyer has already pointed out as characteri- sing at birth those of the latter and smaller species.- Total length of the fry of 8. marinus extended in a straight line at moment of birth about 6"""; they are, however. immediately able to swim and provide for themselves. Off the Norwegian coast the spawning-season is in the spring months, and generally extends from the middle of April to the middle of May ; S. inviparus, on the contrary, does not. as a rule, produce its young earlier than July or August. Examples of S. marinas with fully developed ova are. how- ever, occasionally met with late in summer. During the season in which they bring forth, individuals are seldom taken at a depth less than 100 fathoms, the greater part probably produce their young in far greater depths. When a tish in that stage is taken, mature fry will frequently drui) out; au£l fishermen have observed fry swimming friskly about in the water at the bottom of the boat, which they will continue to do if transferred to a scoop for examination. It thus appears that the fry of this . species rise towards the surface shortly, or perhaps immediately, after they are produced, choosing for their haunts the upper strata of the sea. and do not descend to any considerable depth till they have attained a length of about 50-— 60""" and are of the colour, form, and general appearance of the adult tish. The number of ova in a large, full-grown indi- vidual (total length 550"'"'). may be computed at from 100.000 to 150,000 (in an example of 8. viviparus, total length 300»"". I found only 18—20.000). In the smallest specimens of the fry obtained on the Expedition (at station 183). total length 9.5""". the whole of the dorsal and ventral margin was still enveloped in the embryonic membrane ; the fin-rays were distinct in the caudal, but wanting in the other fins; of the ventrals there was hardly a rudiment; the two parallel combs on the occiput were not yet developed, but the teeth on the preopercu- lum were distinctly set. In other examples, taken at the same station, total length 12™"', the rays of the pectorals and the spines of anal were still rudimentary; the dorsal in this stage of growth still constituted a. membranous flap without a trace of rays ; the comb on the nape was now partially developed, and terminated behind in a douple spine. The largest individual in the fry stage of growth (sta- tion 248). total length 19»"". had all the fins and their 1 Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1879, No. 1. p. 7. '- This circumstance cannot therefore be regarded as a specific dis- tinction between the two forms, and hence the term viviparus does not furnish a very appropriate designation. 17 ansatte, og med aormalt Antal. Skjæl mangle endnu, og hele Legemet er transparent (paa Spiritus hvidagtigt) med en Etække sorte Pigmentpuncter langs Dorsalerne. Enkelte Tænder eve fremkomne paa Underkjæven; Nakkekammen er temmelig skarp og tydelig, og ender bagtil i en tre- dobbelt Pig. Foruden de nævnte Yngel-Individer erholdtes under Expeditionen tiere Unger, der optoges med Bundskraben eller Trawlnettet fra 120 indtil 150 Favnes Dyb paa til- dels iskcddt Vand. Hos den mindste af disse Inger, hvis Totall. er 62""" (Stat. 275), er Legemet allerede bleven livligt tarvet med 3 — 4 brunsorte Tverpletter over Ryggen; tydeligst og bre- dest er den næstsidste. der stiger ned paa begge Sider af Dorsalens bløde Del : den sidste staar over Haleroden. Dette er den samme Fordeling af Pletter, der er gjennem- gaaende hos de yngre Individer af de Heste cottoide Fiske. En Samling Pigmentpunkter danne en utydelig Plet paa Grjællelaagets ovre Del (en Character, der tilkommer de fuldt udvoxede Individer af deu deciderede Kystform Séb. viviparus, Kr.), men denne Pkt forsvinder efterhaanden bos de større Unger næsten ganske. Skjælbeklædningen var tuldt udviklet. Disse Unger havde følgende Maal. og Straaleantal i Straaler i A. 3.8. 3.8. 3.9. 3.8. 3.9. Udbredelse. 8. mariwus er en nordisk Art. der bar sit Tilhold ved Grønland. Island. Spitsbergen. Novaja Zemlja. samt ved Nord-Europas Kyster ned til Stavanger og Lindesnæs; paa den americanske Side gaar den sand- synligvis ned lige til New England, omtrent under 40° N. B. Som en ægte Dybvandsart synes den normalt ikke at trænge ind i Nordsøen, og er derfor blot sporadisk truffen ved Danmarks og Englands Kyster, og den gaar heller ikke ind i Kattegat og Østersøen. Ved Norges Kyster ostenfor Lindesnæs. og i de syd- ligste Fjorde, samt ved Bohuslen erstattes den af den meget nærstaaende Form S. viviparus, Kr., der tillige. ifølge Dr. Liitken. optræder ved Færøerne, men mangler ved Danmark. I Norge gaar denne op idetmindste til Trondhjemsfjorden. I Nord-America synes Forholdet mellem de 2 Arter endnu ikke at være bragt fuldkommen pan det rene. Medens Gill (Proc. Ac. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1863. p. 333) opfører den ved New Englands Kyster forekom- mende Form som S. viviparus, ganske med Udelukkelse Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. Collett: Fiske. Analen : Total- Hovedets Øjets længde. Længde. Diameter a. 62 18 (i mm b. 80 - 23 - 7.8 - c. 85 - 25 - 8 - d. 134 - 41 - 15 - e. 143 - 42 - 14 - rays developed, and the number of the Latter normal The scales were as yet wanting; the body was every where trans- parent (preserved in Spirits whitish), dotted along the dorsals with a series ol' black pigmentary points: a few teeth developed in the lower jaw; the comb on the nape was sharply defined, terminating behind in a fcrifurcate spike. Exclusive of the individuals described above, in the fry stage of growth, several young specimens were obtained on the Expedition; they were taken when dredging the bottom or trawling, at a deptli varying trom L20 to 150 fathoms, the water having in places the temperature of ice. In the smallest of these young examples (station 275). total length 62mra, the body was already brightly coloured with 3 — 4 brownish-black transverse spots in the dorsal region; the broadest and most distinct is the last but one. which descends down along the soft portion of the dorsal; the terminal spot is immediately above the origin of the tail. This is the common distribution of spots in young exam- ples of most Cottoid tishes. A cluster of pigmentary points gives the appearance of an indistinct spot on the upper portion of the operculum (a characteristic peculiar to full-grown indi- viduals of the coastal form 5186. wviparus, Kr.); but this spot gradually disappears with the growth of the fish, leav- ing hardly a vestige in adult examples. The scales were fully developed. Measurements of the young specimens, with number of rays in anal: — Total Length Diam. Length, of Head. of Eye. a. 62""" 18 6""" b. 80 - 23 - 7.8 - c. 85 - 25 - 8 - d. 134 - 41 - 15 - e. 143 - 42 - 14 - Ni of Rays in A. 3.8. 3.8. 3.9. 3.8. 3.9. Distribution. — (S', maritim is a northern species: it occurs off the coasts of Greenland. Iceland. Spitzbergen, Nova Zemlja. and the shores of northern Europe, at least as far south as Stavanger and the Naze ; in the western hemisphere its range probably extends along the coast of North America, as far south as the New England States. in lat, about 40° N. As a true deep-sea species, it can hardly pass the North Sea; hence it occurs, sporadic- ally, off the coasts of Denmark and Great Britain, and does not frequent the waters of the Oattegat or the Baltic. On the coast of Norway, east of the Naze, aiid in the most southern of the fjords, as well as off Bohuslen, this species is replaced by the closely allied 8. rir/pant.--. Kr., which, according to Dr. Liitken. also occurs off the Faroe Islands ; but it is not met with on the coast of Den- mark. In Norway it certainly extends as far north as the Trohdhjem Fjord. The distribution of the two species in North America does not appear to have been fully ascertained. Gill I Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1863. p. 333 1 describes the form occurring on the coast of New England as v and does not even mention S. marimts ; on the other hand. 18 af S. marinus, opgiver Bean og Goode i sin nyeste Catalog over samme Districts Fiske (Bull. Ess. Inst. vol. 9, 1879). at de af deni undersøgte Individer ..correspond most nearly with S. marinus". Fam. Cottidae. Gren. Oottixncnlns, Coll. Norges Fiske, Tillægsh. til Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1874, p. 20. Chra. 1875 (1874). Hovedet bredt ægformigt, forholdsvis stort og høji: Legemet kort og tgndt, bekhedt med cha- grinartede Bentornegrupper, men uden Skjæl. Gjælle- laagene uvæbnede, men med stumpe Knuder. Tæn- der i Kjæverne og paa Vomer. Sidelinie tilstede. Dorsaleme fuldstændigt sammenvoxede. Gjællehin- derne ere ikke indbgrdes sammenhængende paa Hovedets Underside. 4. Cottunculus microps, Coll. 1874. Pl. I, fig. :>—(). Cottunculus microps, Coll. „Norges Fiske'1, Tillægsh. til Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1874, p. 20, Pl. 1, Fig. 1—:', (1874). Diagn. Hovedet, Legemet og Finnerne teet chagrine- rede. Hovedets Længde indeholdes 23ji Gange i Totallæng- den. Øjnene forholdsvis smaa, med stor Lindse; Interorbi- talrummet særdeles bredt. Praeoperculum hur 4 stumpe Knu- der, men ingen Tome; Operculum er helrandet. Paa Pan- den 2 Par Tuberkler, der danne et Qvadrat. Gjællespalten rid. Sidelinien uvæbnet, har omtr. 10 Porer. Straalerne i Dorsalens forreste De! (Pigst rauter ne) særdeles luve, spinkle og svage, næsten 3 Gange kortere, end de bagre Straaler. Pedoralerne brede og lange, naa tilbage forbi Beg gndel sett af Analen. Ventralerne korte og spinkle, med stort Méllem- rum; Analen er ■uden Pigstraaler. Anus ligger midt méllem Snudespidsen og sidste Halehvirvel. Farven hvidagtig med 4 brunsorte Tverbaand, hvoraf det forreste guar tvers over Snudeu. Appendices pglorivae 2. Størrelsen iudtil 175 Bean and Goode, in their latest catalogue of the fishes of that region (Bull. Ess. Inst. vol. 9. 1879). state that all individuals examined by them -'correspond most nearly with (S', marinus." Fam. Cottidæ. GJ-en. CottixncviLti.!*, Coll. "Norges Fiske." Appendix to Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1874, p. 20 Chra. 1875 (1874). Head broad, ovate, size and height considerable; bodij short and thin, covered with clusters of rough granulations: scales wanting; gill-covers with obtuse knotty protuberances, but not armed: teeth in maxillaries and on vomer; lateral line obvious; dorsals continuous, forming a single fin; branchial membrane disconnected on the inferior surface of the head. 4. Cottunculus microps, Coll. 1874. Pi. I. fig. :>—<». Cottnmeulm microps, Coll. "Norges Fiske," App. to Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1S74, p. 20, PI. 1, Fig. 1—:', (1S74i. Diagnosis. — Head, body, arid fins thickly covered, with rough granulations; length, of head to total length as 1 to 23l4,; eyes comparatively small, with the lenses large; interorbital sjjace exceedingly wide; four obtuse knotty protuberances on the prcopcrculnm. but no spines; margin of operculum entire; two pairs of tubercles on the crown, arranged quadrangular! y : gill-openings wide; lateral line smooth, with about 10 pores; the anterior rays of the dorsal (the spiny portion) exceed- ingly short, slender, and feeble, the rays in the soft portion almost 3 times longer: pectorals broad and long, extending backwards beyond the origin of the anal; ventrals short and slender, far apart; anal without spiny rays. Vent midway between tip of snout and the last caudal vertebra. Colour whitish, with 4 brownishMack bands, the first of which tra- verses the snout ; pyloric appendages 2. Length reaching 175 """• M. B. 0; D. 6/13—6/15; A. 10; P. 15—19; V. 3; C. 4/12/4. M. B. 6; D. 6/13 or 6/15; A. 10; P. 15—19; V. 3; C. 4jl2ji. Loealit. fra Nordh. Exp ed. Havet sonden- og vesten- for Spitsbergen. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): — The open sea. south and west of Spitzbergen. 19 Stat 25)0. Stat. 362. Stat. 363. , /.' liggt nhi . Dybde. [fl] Favne • (34! 459 Favne (83! 260 Favne (4T."i"M. Temp, paa Bundi n. -I :\.:i. Sandholdigt Ler. Blaagraal Ler. Blaaler. Datum. 7dc Juli 1878. 1 4. Ir An- 1878. i Ide Amu. 1878. Antal Indiv. 1 yngre Indiv. 1 Indiv. 1 Indiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Skegten Cottini- culus er ikke nær beslægtet med nogen af de øvrige arc- tiske Cottoider. Dens enkelte (sammenvoxede) Dorsal, og de uvæbnede Grjællelaag skiller den vidt fra disse; men Bygningen af Ventraler og Pectoraler. Tandforholdene og Legemets almindelige Habitus, er saa overensstemmende med det cbaracteristiske for denne Familie, at den neppe kan udsondres herfra. Hidtil er blot en enkelt Art kjendt. der opstilledes i 1874 i ,. Norges Fiske- efter en 15""" lang Unge. optagen paa 200 Favnes Dyb ved Hammerfest i Yestfinmarken i Aug. s. A. Da den oprindelige Beskrivelse maatte affattes efter dette eneste og diminutive Specimen, er det en Selv- følge, at den i flere Puncter maatte blive ufuldstændig, hvad jeg ogsaa bar udtalt paa det ovenciterede Sted. Det bar derfor været af særdeles Interesse at faa Lejligbed til at undersøge af denne i flere Henseender mærkelige Form 3 større Individer, bvoraf det ene sandsynligvis er fuld- voxent eller nær derved: og skjønt den oprindelige Beskri- velse af det nys udklækkede Individ endnu i alle væsent- lige Dele passer paa de udvoxede. meddeles dog ber en ny. hvorved især Slægts- og Artsdiagnosen bedre har kunnet fixeres. Allerede Figurerne paa ovennævnte Sted gjengive ganske kjendeligt ogsaa de udvoxede Individer, om de end i flere Punkter have kunnet corrigeres. som det vil sees af de i nærværende Skrift meddelte Figurer. Udmaalinger. Totallængde Længde uden Caudalen .... Længde fra Snudespidsen t. Dorsalen Længde fra Snudespidsen til Anus Længde fra Snudespidsen til Analen Længde fra Anus til Analen . . Længde fra Anus a. li. c. (St. _'fii)). («.362). (St. 36 :>.. til sidste Hale- hvirvel Hovedets Længde Hovedets Bredde Legem, storste Hojde over Nakken Legem. Hojde over Beg. af Analen Grjællespaltens Hojde Længde fra Snudespidsen t. Lindsen 93 """ 136'"'" 175 73 - 103 - 145 34 - 45 - 65 37 - 51 - 69 •45 - 65 - 88 8,5 - 14 - 19 35 - 57 - 73 33 - 48 - 65 28 - 41 - 58 25 - 31 - 46 12 - 16 - 25 19 - 28 - 38 11 - 14 - 21 Stat. 290. Stat. :'.'Jli. Stat. 363. Exact Locality. 216 Kil. MY. ol' Hammerfest. 115 Kil. W. of Norsk [glands. mi Kil. W', of Norsk Islands, Depth. 191 Fathoms (34! 459 Fathoms (839»). 260 Fathoms (47."!»'. i limp, ul Bottom. 3.5» t'. - 1. '. I.I" ('. Bottom. Sabulous Clay. Bluish-grey Clay Blue Clay. Date. Ttli July ls7* 14th Aug. L878 14th Aug. 1*7* Number of Spi dm. 1 Indiv. (young). 1 Indiv. 1 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — The genus Cottihi- bulvs is not closely related to any of the Arctic Cottoids. The dorsals, occurring continuous as a single fin. together with the unarmed opercles. widely distinguish it from the other genera; but. on the other hand, the structure of the ventral and pectoral fins, the teeth, and the general struc- ture of the body correspond so closely with the salient characteristics of the latter family, that we can hardly venture to exclude it from the Cottzdæ. Up to the present time one species only has been met with, which was described in 1874. in ''Noi'ges Fiske." the specimen being a young fry-individual. 15""" in length. taken at a depth of 2(J0 fathoms, off Hammerfest, West Finmark, in August that year. The only specimen exam- ined having been a diminutive exanrple. it naturally follows that the description itself, to a certain extent, was defective, which I took occasion to point out in the paper cited above. Such being the case. I eagerly availed myself of an opportunity to examine three larger specimens of this, in many respects, remarkable form, one of which, probably, was a full-grown adult or. at least, not far short of maturity. The original description of the very young specimen does not materially differ from the new diagnosis here given, in which the generic and specific characters are. however, set forth with greater precision. As will be seen, the figures in the paper men- tioned above closely resemble those of the adult fish given in the present work. Measurements. Total length Length, exclusive of caudal . . . Length, from tip of snout to dorsal Length, from tip of snout to vent Length, from tip of snout to anal Length, from vent to anal . . . Length, from vent to last caudal vertebra Length of bead Breadth of bead Greatest height of body (at the nape) Height of body above origin of anal Height of gill-opening Length, from tip of snout to lens . a. b. (St. '-".ki.i (St. 362. 93'"'" 136""" c. 1 (St. 363.) 175""" 73 - 103 - 145 - 34 - 45 - 65 - 37 - 51 - 69 - 4r. - 65 - 88 - 8.5 - 14 - 19 - 35 - 57 - 73 - 33 - 48 - 65 - 28 - 41 - 58 - 25 - 31 - 46 - 12 - 16 - 25 - 19 - 28 - 38 - 11 - 14 - 21 - 20 29 - 39 13 - 16 22 - 25 23 - 28 12 - 14,r, 20 - 29 58 - 70 9 - 11 16 - 21 27 - 37 44 - 60 14 29 - 36 - 8 15 - 15 - 6 6 - 9 - 20 31 - 32 - 5,5 6 - 10 - Det egentlige Legeme Lindsens Længde 4 Længden fra Lindsen til Gjælle- spalten 20 Afstanden mellem Lindserne . . 9 Overkjævens Længde 13 Dnderkjævens Længde .... 15 Højden af Dorsalens første Afdeling ( Pigstraalerne) 3.5 Højden af Dorsalens anden Afdeling (den bløde Del) 8,6 Længste Dorsalstraale .... 12 Dorsalens Grundlinie 40 Højden af Analen 6 Længste Analstraale lu Analens Grnndlinie 22 Pectoralens Længde fra dens nedre Rand . 27 Pectoralens Længde fra dens ovre Raud Ventralens Længde .... Ventralernes indbyrdes Afstand ( 'audalens Længde Halerodens Hojde Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. er forholdsvis kort og svagt. medens Hovedet er uforholds- mæssigt stort. Den største Højde falder lige over Nakken, og indeholdes omtr. 3 Gange i Legemets Længde indtil Haleroden. Bagenfor Nakken aftager Højden hnrtigt, og har ved Haleroden. der er kun lidt over en Hovedlæugde fjernet fra Hovedet, omtrent Højden af en Øjendiameter. Samtidig bliver Legemet stærkt sammentrykt fra Siderne ; især er Halepartiet temmelig skarpt afsat fra Kroppen, og dets Tykkelse allerede ved Anus betydeligt mindre, end dets Højde. Legemets nedre Prorillinie er næsten ret. kim ubetydeligt indkneben bagenfor Anus ; den øvre er stærkt nedstigende fra Nakken af, og tildels noget concav. Anus ligger langt foran Analen, næsten ligesaa langt fra denne Finne, som fra Ventralernes Fæste, eller næsten midt mel- lem Snudespidsen og den sidste Halehvirvel ; hos den nv- klækkede Yngel (fra Hammerfest) ubetydeligt nærmere den sidste. Analpille er ikke tilstede hos noget af de under- søgte Individer, hvoraf idetmindste det ene var en Han. 2 Appendices pylorieae ere tilstede. Hovedet er særdeles stort, og seet ovenfra bredt æg- formigt; dets Lamgde indeholdes i Totallængden blot 23/4 (lange, og dets største Bredde er næsten lig dets Længde. Gjællelaagene ere uvæbnede, og dækkede af en fælles. tyk Hud. ligesom Gjællespaltens indre Bekla>dning er sær- deles blød og tyk. Praeoperculuni har ingen fri Torne. men Huden dækker paa dets nedre Rand 4 stumpe Knu- der. der hæve sig kun ubetydeligt. og som svare til de paa dette Sted optrædende Torne eller Pigge hos de fleste øv- rige cottoide Fiske. Mellem disse stumpe Knuder danner Huden rundagtige iordyl) ilinger, der ere Tuldstændig luk- kede i Bunden. 29 - 39 13 - 16 22 - 25 23 - 28 6 - 52 - 14.5 20 - 29 58 - 70 9 - 11 16 - 21 27 - 37 44 60 29 - 36 15 - 15 6 - 9 31 - 32 6 - 10 Longitudinal diameter of lens . . 4 "" Distance from lens to branchial aperture 20 Distance between lenses .... 9 Length of upper maxillary . ... 13 Length of lower maxillary ... 15 Height of first division of dorsal (spiny part) 3.5 Height of second division of dorsal (soft part) 8.6 Longest ray of dorsal 12 Base of dorsal 40 Height of anal I i Longest ray of anal 10 Base of anal 22 Length of pectorals from lower margin 27 Length ut' pectorals from upper margin 14 Length of ventrals 8 Distance between ventrals ... 0 Length of caudal 20 Height of tail at base 5.5 General description. Structure of the Body. — The body proper comparatively short and slender, head dispropor- tionately large. The greatest height is across the nape, being contained 3 times in the length of the body to the origin of the caudal. Posterior to the nape, the height rapidly decreases, being at the base of the tail, which is distant from the head but little more than its length, about equal to the diameter of the eye. At the nape, too. the body becomes much depressed ; the tail in particular is narrow and thin, projecting distinctly from the body ; its thickness even at the vent is considerably less than its height. Ventral line almost straight, but slightly deflected posterior to the vent; dorsal line rapidly descending, and somewhat concave. Vent considerably in advance of the anal, being distant from that tin almost as far as from the base of the ventrals. or nearly mid-way between the point of the snout and the terminal vertebra : in the very young specimen (taken off Hammerfest), a trifle nearer the latter. Anal papilla wanting in the individuals examined, one of which at least was a male. Pyloric appendages two. Head unusually large, and seen from above broadly ovate; its length is contained 2^/4 times in the total length, and its greatest breath is nearly equal to its length. The opercles are unarmed, and protected by a thick continuous membrane; the inner integument of the gill- openings, too. is exceedingly soft and thick. Preoperculum without true spines; under the skin however, along the margin, occur four knotty protuberances, but slightly prominent, corresponding with the osseous spines or spikes on that part of the cranium in most of the other Cottoid fishes. Between these obtuse tubercles, the skin exhibits circular depressions, which are completely closed at the bottom. 2] staa paa liver Side et ' til Spidsen ere klædte Øjnene der lig den ydre den mindste (hos det er den oæsten umærkelig). I bagenfor disse staa er af Højde og Form og Gjællespaltens ovre men have stor Lindse; vanskelig at drage, da Over Bagranden a Par kegleformige Kumler. af Hovedbilden : af disse ei mindre Ex. fra Stat. 362 omtrent en Orbitaldiameters Afstand paa liver Side en enkelt Knude. der som den største at' de forreste. Tilsammen danne disse 4 største Kunder et Qvadrat, hvis Bredde indeholdes omtr. l1/i Gang i deres Længde, og de repræsentere selvfølgelig den samme Anordning at Pandeknuderne, som hos de Heste øvrige Arter af denne Familie. Endelig rindes et Par Stumpere Kunder paa hver Side af Hovedet i den Linie. der strækker sig mellem Øjets Rand. Øjnene ere forholdsvis smaa dog er Øjets ydre Begrændsning < Iverlnulen er beklædt med de samme spidse Bcntorne. som ere stroede ud over hele Hovedet, lige hul mod Lindsen. Navnet microps er derfor kun forsaavidt betegnende, som aæsten hele Iris er skjult under denne farvede og ru Over- hud. Dog maa ( )rbitas Længde antages at indeholdes over 5 Gange i Hovedets Længde; Afstanden fra Lindse til Lindse indeholdes omtrent ålj.2 Gange i Hovedlængden, og Interorbitalrummet bliver paa Grnnd heraf temmelig bredt. Munden er bred og vid. og Mundspalten gaar tilbage til under Midten af Lindsen. Underkjæven rager ganske ubetydehgt frem foran Overkjæven. Xæseborene ere 2 Par. hvoraf de nederste ere rør- formigt forlængede. Overkjævens Rand. det forreste Næse- bor, det bagerste Næsebor, og Øjet, ligge fjernede i en indbyrdes Afstand fra hinanden af omtr. en Lindsediameter. Tungen er særdeles bred og tyk, og fortil fri. Gjadlehinderne have 6Straaler; de ere ikke sammen- voxede paa Hovedets Underside, saaledes at de danne en tvers over denne lobende fri old. saaledes som hos alle de øvrige Slægter af vore cottoide . iske (Cottus. Fhdbekor, Centridermicfdhys, Icdus, Triglops, etc A men ophører ved den nedre Ende af hver Gjadlcspalte. Den indbyrdes Afstand mellem Gjællespalterne paa Hovedets Underside er omtrent lig Hovedets postorhitale Del. saaledes forholdsvis betydelig. Gjællespalten er forholdsvis vid og strækker sig fra Pectoralens nedre Fæste op til ovenfor Legemets Midtlinie. Operculum er særdeles stort og bredt, og dækker et ikke ubetydeligt Parti af Legemet mellem Gjællespalten og Pec- toralen; den ovre fri Rand af Operculum danner derfor en næsten ret Linie af Længde som en Øjendiameter. Gjællerne ere af normal Bygning. Tænderue ere tilstede i Kjæverne og paa Vomer, men mangle paa PaJatinbenene. 1 < >ver- og Underkjæven danne de flere Rækker; paa Vomer sidde de i 2, neppe sammenhængende Felter. Finnerne. Straaleantallet i de forskjellige Finner viste sig at være følgende: a. • b. c. Dorsalen . . . . 20 (6 + 14) ; 21 (6 + 15) ; 20 (6+14). Above the posterior margin u( flic ryes. on either side, occur a couple of cuneiform protuberances or tuber- cles, enveloped up to the point in the skin of the head: the exterior is the smaller of the two (in the small example from Station 362 scarcely obvious). Posterior to these tubercles, OD either side, distant about the length of the orbital diameter, is an isolated tuberbcle, the same in shape and size as the larger of the two anterior ones. The four Largest tubercles form a quadrangle, the breadth being to the length as 1 to l1/^; hence the disposition of these protuberances is precisely the same as in most of the other species of Cottidce. On either side of the head 2 tuber- cles, somewhat more obtuse, occur along the line extending between the eye and the upper margin of the gill-opening. Eyes comparatively small, but with large lenses ; the exterior limit of the eye, however, is difficult to determine, the cuticle being studded, nearly to the edge of the lens, with sharp osseous prickles, similar to those dispersed over the entire surface of the head. Hence the name microps is not otherwise appropriate than from the circumstance of the iris being almost entirely hidden beneath the rough and coloured cuticle. The diameter of the orbit cannot, how- ever, be much less than one-fifth of the length of the head; the distance between the lenses is to the length of the head as 1 to 31/:,; interorbital space consequently broad. Mouth wide, the maxillary extending to the middle of the eye. The lower jaw slightly projecting beyond the upper. Nostrils double, each of the lower tubular. Distance between the margin of upper jaw. the anterior nostril, the posterior nostril, and the eye in each case about equal to the diameter of the lens. Tongue exceedingly broad and thick, the forepart detached. Brancheostegous rays 6 ; the gill membrane not con- tinuous across the isthmus and connecting the gill-openings by a detached cutaneous flap, as is the case in almost all the other genera of our Cottoid fishes (Cottus, Phobetor, CmtridermicMkys, Icdtis, Triglops, etc.), but attached to the isthmus, and terminating at the lower extremity of each opening. Distance between the lower margin of the gill- openings about equal to the length of the postorbital region of the head, and hence comparatively great. The gill-openings are comparatively wide, extending from the base of the pectorals to some distance above the mesian line of the body. Operculum very large and broad, covering a considerable portion of the body between the gill- openings and the pectorals; upper free margin of oper- culum, in length about equal to the diameter of the eye. consequently almost straight. Structure of gills normal. Teeth in jaws and on vomer, wanting on the palatine bones. Along the maxillaries they are regularly disposed in several well-defined series; on the vomer, the arrangement is in two quadrangular divisions, probably continuous. Fins. — The fin-ray formula in the 3 specimens was as follows: — a. b. c. Dorsal . '. . . 20 (6 + 14); 21 (6 + 15); 20 (6 + 14). 22 Analen . ... 10; 10; 10. Caudalen. ... 12; 12; 12. ' Pectoralerne . . 17—18; 19—19; 18—19. Dorsalerne ere fuklstændigt sammenvoxede til en en- kelt, iler udspringer allerede over den bagre Flig af Gjælle- laaget. og løber ned til omtrent i en Lindsediameters Af- stand fra Haleroden. Dens forreste Del. der svarer til Iste Dorsal, og som tæller 6 Straaler, er særdeles lav. og neppe over en Lindsediameter hævet over Legemet; Straa- lerne ere her Pigstraaler. men yderst svage og spinkle. Dorsalens bagre Del. der svarer til 2den Dorsal, er temme- lig skarpt afsat fra den første ved sine hengere Straaler. der dog ere skraat bagudrettede. saaledes. at de aldrig kunne rejse sig til sin fulde Hojde. Antallet er her 14 — 15; de ere leddede og klo vede. og deres storste Længde er omtr. lig Afstanden fra Snudespidsen til Øjets bagre Rand. Begge Partier ere Mdstændigt sammenvoxede. uden større Mellemrmn. end mellem de øvrige Straaler. og den forbindende Membran er ligesaa høj, som Finnens forreste Del. Straalerne, hvis samlede Anta! saaledes er 20 — 21, ere indhyllede i den fælles. tykke, med smaa Bentorne be- dækkede Hud. der beklæder Legemet; især er dette Til- faldet med Pigstraalerne, hvis Antal og Bygning blot ved Dissection kan undersøges. Analen er forholdsvis kort. udspringer et betydeligt Stykke bagenfor Anus. og bar 10 Straaler. der alle ere leddede, og hvoraf de første ere særdeles spinkle. Disse Straalers Længde naar ikke Længden af de tilsvarende Straaler i Dorsalen; ligesom i denne ere de rettede skrant bagover. Analen ophører i noget større Afstand fra Hale- roden. end Dorsalen (Afstanden er næsten 2 Lindsediame- tre); dens Grundlinie svarer omtrent til Længden af Hove- dets postorbitale Del. Pectoralerne ere i Forhold til det spinkle og korte Legeme forholdsvis lange og brede; de begynde paa Hove- dets Underside lidt nedenfor Grjællespaltens nedre Ende, og have en Grundlinie, der omtrent er saa stor, som Smulens Afstand fra Bagrariden af Lindsen. Straalernes Antal er 17^-19, hvoraf den nederste er temmelig kort. Alle have noget fri Spidser; hos de 4 — 5 nederste ere disse Spidser temmelig lange. Alle Pectoralstraaler ere leddede, men ikke klovede mod Spidsen. Finnens Længde, regnet fra dens nederste Band. indeholdes 3 — 3'/2 Gange i Totallængden ; Spidsen naar tilbage til den odie Straale i Analen. og med næsten Finnens halve Længde forbi Anus. Ventralerne have 3 Straaler. hvoraf den indre er længst. De ere smale og spinkle, samt temmelig korte, og alle i Spidserne fri. Deres Længde bos de undersøgte Individer er omtrent lig Afstanden mellem de forreste Næsebor; tilbageslaaede ere de en halv Finnelængde fjer- nede fra Anus. De ere skilte ved et forholdsvis betydeligt Mellemrum, der er omtr. ligt -/:) af Finnernes egen Længde. Caudalen er af middels Længde, eller noget derover; den er stumpt afrundet, og har 12 Straaler. der mod Spid- sen ere spaltede i 2 tætsluttende (irene. Anal . ... 10; 10; 10. Caudal .... 12; 12; 12. Pectorals . . . 17—18; 19—19; 18—19. Dorsals continuous, forming a single tin. which com- mences immediately above the posterior lappet of the gill- cover, terminating in close proximity to the root of the tail, from which it is distant about the length of the dia- meter of the lens. The anterior division, answering to the first dorsal, and furnished with 6 rays, is much depressed, the greatest height being not more than the length of the lens ; here the rays are spiny, but exceedingly slender and feeble. The posterior division, answering to the second dorsal, rather abruptly connected with the anterior part, from the greater length of the rays, which, however, incline back- wards, and do not admit of being raised to their full height ; they are cleft and articulated, the length of the longest being about equal to the distance from the point of the snout to the posterior margin of the eye; number 14 — 15. The space between the two divisions, which are con- tinuous, not greater than that between the rays, the connecting membrane being on a level with the anterior part of the tin. The rays (total number 20 — 21) are envel- oped in the thick skin — studded with minute granulations — that covers the body; this is more particularly the case with the spiny portion, for the examination of which dissec- tion is necessary. Anal comparatively short, commencing at a consider- able distance from the vent; it is furnished with 10 rays, all of them articulated, those on the anterior part ex- tremely slender. Length of anal rays less than that of the corresponding rays in the dorsal ; like the latter, they incline backwards. The anal terminates at a somewhat greater distance from the root of the tail than the dorsal (about twice the diameter of the lens); basal line nearly equal to the length of the postorbital region of the head. Pectorals loug and broad as compared with the short and slender body; they commence on the under surface of the head, a little below the inferior extremity of the bran- chial opening; basal line about equal to the distance from the snout to the posterior edge of the lens. Number of rays 17 — 19, the undermost rather short; all the points de- tached, and rather long in 4 or 5 of the undermost. All the rays articulated, but not cleft towards the points. The length of the fin, measured from the inferior margin, is to the total length as 1 to 3 — 3'/^ ; the point extends back- wards to the third ray of the anal, and nearly half the length of the fin beyond the vent. Ventrals furnished with 3 rays, the innermost of which is the longest; they are narrow and slender, rather short, with all the points detached ; length in the specimens examined about equal to the distance between the anterior nostrils ; their points are half the length of the tin from the vent. Space between these tins considerable, being about two-thirds of the whole length of the fin. Caudal of moderate length, obtusely convex ; it is fur- nished with 12 rays, cleft towards the points into two close branches. 23 Hos et noget mindre [ndivid, hvis Totallængde var 50 og som var optaget Hosten 1S7S fra ISO Favnes Dyb ved Rissen i Trondhjémsfjorden af Conserv. Storm, og som blev mig tilsendt til Undersøgelse, var Straale- antallet følgende: D. 19 ((i + 13); A. LO; l'. 15—17-, C. 12. Individet, som opbevares i Videnskabernes Selskabs Samling i Trondnjem, svaiede iøvrigt ganske til de øvrige Individer (med Undtagelse af den ringe Aivigelse i Straale- antallet), og er nærmere omtalt i Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1879. No. 1. p. 11. Sidelinie. Denne, der var usynlig hos det 15""" lange Typ-Exemplar, er tilstede hos de større, og fremhæver sig som en ophøjet Stribe mellem Hudens tætte Bekladning af Bentorne. Porerne, der blot er 10 i Antal. ere dog saa smaa. at de kun med nogen Vanskelighed lade sig forfølge i deres hele Række. Sidelinien udspringer ved G-jælle- laagets ovre Ende. stiger strax i skråa Retning ned mod Legemets Midtlinie. som den naar noget bagenfor Analens Begyndelse, og løber derfra uden yderligere Sænkning ud til Cauda len. Langs Roden af TJnderkjæven strækker sig paa hver Side en Række af 3 dybe Porer; en lignende Række løber langs Overranden af Overkjæven. ligesom enkelte Porer tindes laugs den nedre Rand af Praeopercuhim. Skjæg- traade paa Kjæverne mangle. Hudens Beklæduiiif/. Huden er næsten overalt tæt beklædt med Smaagrupper af yderst tine Bentorne, der især paa Legemets Overside sidde saa tæt, at de næsten ikke lade nogen glat Del af Huden tilsyne. Hver Gruppe har her en rundagtig Omkreds, og er sammensat af omtr. 10 Bentorne, der ere yderst lave, saa at Huden blot faar en ru Overfiade. Lige saa tætte og af samme Omfang ere Tornegrupperne paa Gjællelaagene. medens de paa den øv- rige Del af Hovedets Overside have mindre Omkreds. og staa mere spredte. Ligeledes ere de noget mindre paa Legemet nedenfor Sidelinien. Paa det egentlige Bugparti mangle disse Ben- tornegrupper næsten ganske bos det største Individ (c), saa- velsom paa hele Hovedets Underside; hos det næststørste Individ (b, Totall. 136'"'") vare de langt færre og mindre paa Bugsiden. og manglede ganske paa Hovedets Underside ; derimod vare Grupperne hos det mindste af de nyerboldte Individer (a, Totall. 93'"'") tilstede overalt paa disse Le- gemsdele lige ben til Underkjævespidsen. og lige saa tæt, som oventil. Hos det tidligere beskrevne Yngel-Exemplar (Totall. 15'""') vare Bentornene blot komne tilsyne paa Ho- vedets 'Overside, og vare i Prembrud paa Bugsiden. men endnu ikke fremkomne paa de øvrige Legemsdele. Herat' synes at kunne udledes, at Ujevnhederne paa Legemets Underside, der fremkomme tidligere, end paa Oversiden, afslides næsten ganske, inden Iudivideme have naaet sin fulde Størrelse. Paa Finnerne gaa Bentornene ud langs Straalerne lige til Randen af Dorsalen; paa Pectoralerne beklæde de hovedsagelig de øvre Straaler, ligesom paa Caudalen. Der- Ina comparatively small-sized example (total length 50"""), taken in the autumn of L878, at a, depth of 180 fathoms, near Rissen, in the Drontheim Fjord, by conservator Storm, and kindly sent me for examination, the fin-ray formula may he thus stated: I). 19 (6 f 13); A. LO; P. 15—17; C. 12. This individual, preserved in the collection of the Videnskabernes Selskab in Drontheim. corresponded in every respect with the other individuals (setting aside the slight disagreement in the number of fin-rays), and is more fully described in Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1879, No. 1. p. 11. Lateral Line — The lateral Line, of which there was not even a vestige in the typical and very yoimg specimen (total length 15"""). is distinctly obvious in the larger ex- amples, as an elevated series between the osseous den- ticles of the skin. The pores, not more than 10. are. however, so small that some difficulty is experienced in tracing them throughout the entire length of the series. The lateral line commences at the upper extremity of the gill-cover, strikes off in an oblique direction, and reaches the mesial line a short distance from the commencement of the anal, passing from thence straight to the caudal. Along the base of the lower jaw, on either side, is a row of three deep pores; a similar series extends along the superior margin of the upper jaw. and a few pores occur too along the inferior margin of the preoperculum. Cirri on jaws wanting. The Skin. — The skin is almost entirely covered with small clusters of granulations, so closely disposed, more particularly on the upper surface of the body, as hardly to leave any smooth portion visible. Each cluster is circular in form, and composed of about 10 spiculæ, exceedingly depressed, giving to the skin merely a rough, or slightly prickly feel. On the opercles. the clusters or groups are disposed in like manner; on the rest of the surface of the bead they present a more scattered appearance, the cir- cumference of each being considerably less. They are somewhat smaller, too, on the body below the lateral line. In the abdominal region, as well as on the entire surface of the head, there is scarce a vestige of these clusters in the largest specimen (c); in the specimen next in size (b, total length 136""") they were smaller and far less numer- ous in the abdominal region, and altogether wanting on the under surface of the head; on the other hand, in the smallest of the individuals newly obtained (a, total length 93""") they occurred everywhere on those parts of the body, extending to the extremity of the lower jaw. and as closely disposed as on the upper surface. The fry-specimen before described (total length 15""") had denticles on the upper surface of the head only, they were developing on the ab- dominal surface: on the rest of the body they bad not yet begun to appear. From these data may be inferred that the asperities on the under surface of the body, which develop earlier than on the upper, to a great extent get worn away before the fish has attained its lull size. ( )n the tins, the denticles extend along the rays to the upper margin of the dorsal; on the pectorals, they chiefly cover the rays of the upper part, as also on the caudal. The under 24 imod ere Pectoralernes Underside. Analen og Ventralerne nøgne. undtagen hos Expl. a, hvor ogsaa Analen var ru. Paa Hovedet gaa Beutorneue. som allerede nævnt. lige ud paa den Hud, der bedækker Cornea, saa at blot Partiet over Lindsen og en smal Ring omkring denne lades fri. Læberne ere ligeledes altid glatte, selv hos det mindste af de under Expeditionen erholdte Individer, der iøvrigt viser sig at vare beklædt med disse Bentorne saagodtsom overalt. Farven. Farven er hvidgraa. med mer eller mindre tydelige Pletter og brede Baand. Hos de mindre Exem- plarer ere disse Pletter skarpere begrændsede. end hos de større; hos Yngelen (fra Hammerfest) fandtes saaledes blot et enkelt bredt, sort Baand. der steg op fra Bagranden af Kjæverne gjenuem Øjnene. og udfyldte den mellemste Del af Hovedets Overside ; et andet, noget svagere farvet Baand gik over Dorsalens bagre Del tvers over Legemet ikke langt fra Haleroden. Hos det mindste af de nye Individer (a) er tilkommet paa det egentlige Legeme et bredt Baand, der gaar ud fra Roden af Pectoralerne op over Begyndelsen af Dorsalen, ligesom et smalere gaar tvers over Haleroden. Saaledes er den typiske cottoide Tegning med de 3 brede verticale Baand nedad Legemet, som fremtræder især hos de yngre Individer af et Flertal af denne Families Arter, ogsaa her tilstede. Hos de 2 største ere Baandene noget mere utydelige; hos b er saavel Hovedets. som Legemets første Tverbaand næsten ganske forsvundet. medens disse hos det største Individ vel ere tilstede, men opblandede med Felter af Bundfarven. Pectoralerne og Caudalen ere marmorerede af afbrudte Baand. Ventralerne ere ufarvede, ligesom hele Bugsiden hen til Underkjævespidsen. Derimod er Underkjæven selv, saavelsom Smulen, forsynet med uregelmæssige større Pletter. Levemaade og Føde. Denne Art har ojensynlig. lige- som de øvrige Cottoider. sit Tilhold umiddelbart paa eller ved Bunden. Den ringeste Dybde, hvori noget af de hidtil fundne Exemplarer ere erholdte, er 191 Favne, den største 459 Favne. Som allerede ovenfor nævnt, ere alle Pecto- ralens Straaler i Spidsen fri. og skjønt disse fri Spidser ikke ere synderlig lange, tjene de dog utvivlsomt til Under- støttelse under Krybningen om paa Bunden. Den Tempe- ratur, som Havbunden har havt paa de Steder, hvor de erholdtes, hav vexlet mellem -)- 3,5<> C. og - - 1,0" C. Det største af de erholdte Individer var en Han, hvis Testes dog vare for Tiden lidet udviklede. Hos de yngre Ind. vare Generationsorganerne endnu ganske utydelige. Ventrikelen af det største Individ, optaget paa 459 Favnes Dyb. fandtes fuldproppet af diverse Dyrelevninger, hvoraf kunde kjendes følgende: Smaastykker af Røret af den imerkelige Annelide Spiockaetopterus tiii>i:; . is:.:.,. Et yngre Individ med en Totall. af 81 en Hoved- længde af 27 """. erholdtes paa ringe Dyb ved Norsk-Øerne paa Spitsbergens Nordside den 16de Aug. 1878. Intet Luliv. optoges paa de øvrige fra Land mere fjernede Sta- tioner, og Arten er utvivlsomt en Kystform blandt Cottoiderne. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. Collett: Fiske. Spiochcetoptems typicus, M, Sårs (described in -Kanna Littoralis Norvegiæ," Part 2. L856), about 8 in length; the operculum, together with large fragments of the body. (if Buccimim hydrophamm, Hane. (no vestige could be detected id' the shell, wliich the lish must have crushed and ejected before proceeding to swallow the animal): small fragments of one of the golden haired Annelids, apparently Lætmonice jilicornis, Kinb. : an entire example of the Iso- pod Uyarachna hirticeps, is (1831). Acantliocottvs lahrathirictus. Oil-. Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. I>. p. '-'47. tab. 7. fis. :'. (1850). Acanthocottus ocellatus, H. R. Storer. Best. Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. (i. p. 253 (1850). Cottus glaciates, Rich. Last. Arct. Voy. Belch, vol. -J. p. 349, tal., -j:'. . 1855). A young individual, total length 81 """. length of bead 27""". was obtained off the Norsk Islands, northern coast. of Spitzbergen, Aug. 16th 1878. No example was taken at any of the other stations farther from land; the spe- cies is undoubtedly a littoral form of the family. 4 26 Straaleantallet var: 1 D. 9; 2 D. 16; A. 13. Udbredelse. I Europa forekommer denne Art omtrent uforandret fra Kanalen (48" N. B.) og Østersøen af, og langs Frankrigs. Storbritanniens. Danmarks. Færøernes. Norges og Sveriges Kyster lige op i Østersøen. fremdeles ved Nord-Rusland. Novaja Zemlja, Beeren Eiland og Spits- bergen, hvor den paa flere Stater hører til de hypjtigst forekommende littorale Fiske. Fremdeles er den mere eller mindre talrig ved Islands. Grønlands og det arctiske Ame- kas Kyster; dog ere de Former, der bebo disse Landsdele, af forskjellige Forfattere blevne udskilte under særegne Navne, hvoraf det tidligste er C. groenlandicus, opstillet i 1829 af Cuv. og Val. effcer den af Fabr. i lians Fauna Groenl. meddelte Beskrivelse. Disse Arter ere dog af Malmgren1, Liitken- o. fl. henviste til Synonymerues Række, idet de samtlige gaa ind under den nævnte vestlig-arctiske Form af denne Art, C. groenlandicus, der maaske vil med nogen Ret kunne opføres som eu constant Varietet af den normale C. scorvius. Ved Nordamerikas Kyster rindes, foruden den nævnte østlige Varietet, der er særdeles talrig, ogsaa Hovedarten. Den førstnævnte gaar ued til Cap Hatteras under 36° N. B. ; Hovedarten er fundet. ifolge Goode & Bean (Bull. Ess. ' Inst. vol. XI, 1879) ved New Englands Kyster (Maine), under 44" N. B. Gren. Gjmnacantlms, Swains. Nat. Hist. Fish. Amph. Bept. II, p. 181 og 271. (1839.) Hovedet fladtrykt og bredt, Kjæverne korte. Legemet trindt, uden Skjæl. Praeoperculum væbnet. Ta nder i Kjæverne (ingen paa Vomer og Palatin- benene). Sidelinie tilstede. 2 Dorsaler. Gjællehinderné sammenhængende paa Hovedets Underside. 6. G. pistilliger, (Pall.) 1811. f Cottus gobio, Fabr. Fauna Groenl. No. 115, p. 159 il 780). Cottus pistilliger, Pall. Zoogr. Ross. Asiat. tom. 3, p. 143, pl. 20, 1811, trykt 1831 (1811). Cottus ventralis, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Nat. Poiss. tom. 4, p. 104 (1829). Cottus tricuspis, Reinh. Overs. 1829 — 30, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. 5. Del, p. LII. Kbhvn. 1832 (1820— 30i. G-ymnocanthns ventralis, Sw. Nat. Hist. Fish. Amph. Rept. II, p. 271 (1839). Phobetor tricuspis, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 2. Række, 1. B. p. 263 (1844). ? Cottus intermedins, Temm. & Sehleg. Faima Jap. Poiss. p. 38 (1850). Aeantlweottus patris, H. R. Storer, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. vol. 0, p. 250, pl. 7 (1850). Cottus fabrieii. Gir. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sei. vol. 2, p. 411 (1850); Proe. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vol. 3, p. ISO (1850). 1 Ofv. Kgl. Vet. Ak. Forh. lS(i4, p. 405. 2 Vid. Medd. Nat. Foren. Kbhvn. 1876, \<. 370. Number of ravs: — 1 D. 9; 2 D. 16; A. 13. Distribution. — In Europe the range of this species, as an almost constant form, extends from the British Chan- nel (lat. 48" N.) along the coast of France, the entire coast of Great Britain, the coast of Denmark, the Faroe Islands, the coasts of Norway and Sweden, the shores of northern Russia, Novaja Zemlia, Beeren Eiland, and Spitsbergen, where it occurs, in divers localities, as one of the com- monest of the littoral fishes. It is abundant, too, more or less, on the coast of Iceland and Greenland, and the Arc- tic shores of North America. The forms inhabiting those regions have, by some authors, been excluded as distinct species, the earliest synonym being C. groenlandicus, Cuv. & Val. 1829, from the description given by Fabricius in his Fauna Grcenlandica. Malmgren1, Liitken2, however, and other ichthyologists regard these suppositious sjiecies as identical with the aforesaid west Arctic form of the spe- cies, C. groenlandicus, which, perhaps, with some reason may be regarded as a constant variety of the normal C. scorpius. On the shores of North America, exclusive of the aforesaid eastern variety, which occurs in great numbers, the principal species is also met with. The range of the former extends as far south as cape Hatteras. in lat. 36° N. ; the principal species, according to Goode and Bean, (Bull. Ess. Inst. Vol. XI, 1879) has been observed on the coast of New England (Maine), in lat. 44" N. Gren. Gymnacanthus, Swains. Nat. Hist... Fish. Amph. Rept. II, p. 181 and 271. (1839.) Head broad and depressed; jaws short; body without scales; preoperculum armed; teeth in jaws, wanting on vomer and palatine bones: lateral line obvious; two dorsals; branchial membrane continuous on under surface of head. 6. G. pistilliger, (Pall.) 1811. f Cottus gobio, Fabr. Fauna Grænl. No. 115, p. 150 il7sin. Cottus pistilliger, Pall. Zoogr. Ross. Asiat. tom. 3, p. 143, pl. 20, 1811, printed 18:11 (1811). Cottus ventralis, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Nat. Poiss. torn. 4, p. 104 (1829). Cottus tricuspis, Reinh. Overs. 1820 — 30, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. 5 Del, p. LII. Kbhvn. 1832 (1829—30). Gymnocanthus ventralis, Sw. Nat. Hist. Fish. Amph. Rept. II, p. 271 (1830). Fhobetor tricuspis, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 2. Række, 1. B. p. 203 (1844). f Cottus intermedins, .Temm. & Schleg. Fauna Jap. Poiss., p. 38(1850). Acanthocottns patris, H. R. Storer, Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. Vol. 6, p 250, pi. 7 (1850). Cottus fabrieii, Gir. Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci. vol. 2, p. 411 (1850); Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. vol. 3, p. 180 (1850). 1 Ofv. Kgl. Vet. Ak. Forh. 1864, p. 495. 2 Vid. Medd. Nat. Foren. Kbhvn., 1876, p. 370. 27 Gymnactmihtu patris, Qill, Proc. Å.C. Nat, Sci. Philad. 1861, Suppl, p. 12 (1861 l. Phobetor vtntra/is, Mulmgr. Sv. Exped. till Spetsb. och Jan Mayen 1863—64, p. 249 (1867). Oymnacanttaa tricnspis, Gill, Rep. Comm. Fish & Fisheries, 1871 72, p. sun | 1873). (Jj /.,;,; ,;, I.. 800 i 1873). Oymnacanthui pistilliger, Bean, Bull. 1". Sl. Nat Mus. No. 15, p. I-T (1879). Diagnosis. — Upper surface of head with groups of granulations; body almost smooth; lateral line smooth, passing straight to termination of second tlorsal, at that point slightly deflected, number of pores 35; length of head one- fourth oj total length: two obtuse protuberances above fht ei/es. none on the sinciput or occiput; preoperculum furnished with f our spines, the uppermost long a/ndpowerful, generally tridental, in younger examples broad, bidental; pectorals long; ventrals long, in the male; colour greyish-brown . with three large dorsal patches and numerous sjmfs down the sides; jins trurersed by transrerse hands: abdominal surf we spotted with white, in the male, which is furnished with nu anal papilla. Length reaching 200mm (mule) or 250mm (female). M. B. 6; 1 D. 11 (10 or 12); 2 D. 15—17: A. 16—18 (19); P. 18 (19): V. 4; C. 7/ /J/7. Liu. Int. 35. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): Spitzbergen. si„t. 366. Exact Locality. Magdalene Bay. Spitzbergen. Depth. .Mi Fathoms (91™). Temp, at Bottom. — 1.0° C. Bottom. Dark-grey Loam and Shingle. Date. 17th Aug. 1878. Numb, of Bpecim. 8 Indiv. a. 7o b. 76 c. 84 d. 99 e. 115 f. 116 £f 122 h. 123 D. 2 D. A. 10 15 17 10 16 16 11 17 18 11 16 18 11 16 18 11 16 18 11 15 17 11 15' 17 Descriptive Observations. — Dimensions of. and number of fin-rays in. specimens obtained. Total Length. Length of Head. 20 21 - 22.5 - 26.5 - 31 - 29 - 31 -' 32 - The number of fin-rays in the 8 examples varied accordingly: — 1st dorsal, between 10 and 11; 2nd dorsal, between 15 and 17; anal, between 16 and 18. In one or two of the specimens the dorsals were contiguous, in mOst however separated, the space between, though short, being distinctly obvious. Two only of the specimens obtained were males, and had a rather long anal papilla. In the two smallest individuals the head was as yet perfectly smooth; but the frontal region and the preoper- culum of the largest were furnished with a cluster of depressed 4* 28 det endnu fuldkommen uskadte Individ) af en Ring af Slim- porer. Disse Grupper af Bentorne, der omtrent have en Lindsediameters Størrelse, danne oprindelig blot et Par Rækker, hvoraf liver strækker sig fra Øjet skraat bagover til Grjællespalten ; men efterhaanden bliver Antallet større, Mellemrummet mellem de 2 Rækker opfyldes. og bos de største er en stor Del af Hovedets Overside beklædt paa denne Maade. Dog kan. ifølge Liitkens Undersogelser. denne Hovedets Beklædning mangle endog bos udvoxede Individer. Hos ganske unge Individer er den ovre Torn paa Praeoperculum forholdsvis hengere, end hos de ældre, idet den med sin Spidse næsten naar til den bagre Rand ai' Operculum. Hos Ind. med en TotaUængde af indtil 80 er den i Spidsen endnu blot grundt tvedelt, medens den tørst hos de ældre Individer er skarpt og tydeligt tretandet; et udvoxet Individ (fra Yadso i Finmarken, en Hun) har endog den hojre Torn 4-delt. den venstre med 5 tydelige Tænder1. Føde. Hos et af de erholdte Individer var Ventri- kelen udspamdt af Smaastykker af Annelider (Polynoé). De Individer, som jeg i 1874 bavde Lejlighed til at under- soge i Varangerfj orden i Øst-Finmarken. indeholdt blot Crustaceer, tilhørende forskjellige Arter Gammarider og Idotbeer. Udbredelse. G.pistilliger (bedre kj endt som Phobetor vmtralis eller Pli. tricuqpis) er sandsynligvis endnu den eneste sikkert bekjendte Art af sin Slægt, der iøvrigt kun ved Mangelen af Vomerintænder adskiller sig fra Slægten Cottus. Dens Synonymi er udtommende behandlet af Dr. Liitken i Vid. Medd. Naturh. Koren. Kbhvn. 1876. p. 363. I sin Udbredelse synes den at være næsten ganske circumpolær. og den vil neppe savnes paa noget nøjere undersogt Gebet af de til Europas. 'Asiens og Americas Kyster stødende Dele af Ishavet. Allerede i 1780 blev den af Fabricius be- skreven fra Grønland (under Navn af Cotfri* gobio); senere er den bleven bekjendt fra Kamtschatka og Beringshavet lige ned til Japan, samt vestover langs Asiens Nordkyst til Rysterne af Novaja Zemlja. Spitsbergen, Finmarken i Norge, fremdeles ved Island. Grønland og det arctiske America ned til Nova Scotia under 45° N. B. Paa flere af disse Localiteter. saaledes ved Spitsbergen, er den særdeles talrig. ..Norges Fiske", p. 30 (1874). osseous granulations, each (in the specimen exhibiting no trace of mutilation) surrounded by a ring of mucous pores. These clusters of granulations, in size about ei[iial to the diameter of the lens, are first arranged in two rows, extending from the edge of the eye to the branchial opening, but. gradually increasing in number, they encroach upon the intermediate space; and in the largest spec- imens a very considerable portion of the upper surface of the head is armed in this manner. According to Liit- ken. however, this spinous covering does not always occur even in full-grown individuals. Very young examples have the uppermost spine on the preoperculum proportionately longer than individuals in a more advanced stage of growth, the tip of the point almost reaching to the posterior margin of the operculum. In examples with a total length of 80"™, this spine, at the point, is still obtuse bipartite, maturer individuals only having it sharp and distinctly trifurcate; in an adult spec- imen (a female, from Yadso. in Finmark) the spine on the right side was furcated with four, that on the left with live well-defined denticles.1 Food. — In one of the specimens examined the stomach was distended with small fragments of Annelids (Polynoe). The ventricles of the individuals I had the opportunity of examining in 1874. in the Varanger Fjord, East Finmark, contained only remains of crustaceans. Gwmmaridæ ami Idothece. Distribution. — Up to the present time G. pistiUigqr (better known as Phobetor ventralis or Ph. tncuspis) is the only well determined species of its genus, the sole cha- racter distinguishing it from the genus Coitus being the absence of vomerine teeth. Its synononiy has been exhaustively treated of by Dr. Liitken. in Vid. Medd. Na- turh. Foren. Kbhvn. 1876. p. 363. In its distribution it would appear to lie almost circumpolar. and will hardly fail to be met with throughout any region of the Arctic Ocean off the shores of Europe, Asia, and America. As far back as 1780. Fabricius described the species (under the name of Cottus gobio) as occurring on the coast of Greenland: more recently it has been met with off Kam- tschatka and Bering's Straits, as far east as Japan, and. in a westerly direction, along the northern coast of Asia, as far as Novaja Zemlja. Spitzbergen. Finmark. Iceland. Greenland, and Arctic America, and southwards, off Nova Scotia, in lat. 45° N. In many of these localities, e. g. on the coast of Spitzbergen, it is exceedingly numerous. "Norges Fiske." p. 30 (.1874). 29 G^en. Centrid.exT3aich.thLyss Richards. Zool. Voy. Sulph. Pishes, p. 7:; i 1843). Tlnredei forholdsvis fladtryht og bredt, Legemet trindt, (/lot viler granuleret. Prasoperculura vcebnet. Tænder i Kjæveme, paa Vomer og pact Palatin- benene. Sidelinie tilstede. 2 Dorsaler. Gjællekin- derne samincidtooKjcnde poo Jlovedets Underside. 7. Centridermichthys uncinatus. (Reinh.) 1833—34. (PL I. fig. 7). Cottus uncinatus, Reinh. Overs. 1833—34, KgL D. Viil. Selsk. Xaturv. Math. Ath. 6. Del, p. XLIV. Khhvn. 1837 (1833—34). Tcelm uncinatus, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 2. Række, I. B., p. 263 (1844). Centridermichthys uncinatus, Griinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. Vol. 2, p. 172 1 1 sii(l). Diagn. Legemet overall (flat, ligesom Sidelinim : den sidste bestaaende af omtr. 18 Porer. Hovedet indeholdes 3l/j Gange i Totalt. Øjnene særdeles tætstaaende og store, indeholdes omtrent .;",;• Gange i Hovedleengden. Praeoperculum hur 2 Tome, den øvre Moformig krummet og særdeles skarp. Et Par stumpe Kumler paa Baghovedet. Bumdfarven hvidagtig mul graabrune Pletter, der Ims de Yngre oftest ere 3 nedad Ryggen . men mere urer/el 'nuessiye hos de .Eldre. Anal- papille mangler. Størrelsen i mit il 100m". M. B. 6. 1 D. 7—8; 2 D. 13 (12 riler 14); A. 11; P. 18—19 (20—21); V. 4; C. ijllji. Lin. lat. 18. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Havet mellem Nordcap og Spitsbergen. Stat. 262. Stat. 275. Stat. 290. Stat. 323. Stat. 326. Beliggi nht d. r>o Kil. ø. Vardø. 370 Kil. 0. Beeren Eiland. 210 Kil. NV. Ham- merfest. 180 Kil. SO. Beer. Eiland. 100 Kil. S. Spits- bergen. Dybde. 148 Favne (271 »). 147 Favne (269"1). 191 Favne (349»). 223 Favne (408»). 123 Favne (225"). 'l'' mp, p. /<'"<"/' a. -1- 1,9° C - (t,4° C. + 3,5» C. + 1,5° C. -i- 1,6» C. Bvmdi a. Ler. Grønligf Ler. Sandhol- digl Ler. Brungraat Ler. Morkt Ler. Datum. 27de Juni 1878. 2den Juli 1878. 7de Juli 1878. 30te Juli 1878. 3die Aug-. 1878. Anliil luilir. 1 lndiv. 3 lndiv. 4 lndiv. 1 lndiv. 3 lndiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Slægten Centriderm- ichthys, opstillet af Richardson i Zool. Voy. Sulph. Fishes p. 73 (1843) for et Antal cottoide Fiske fra det arctiske Nord-America samt Nordost-Asiens Kyster, adskiller sig alene ved Tilstedeværelsen af Tænder paa Palatinbenene fra den typiske Slægt Cottus. Hidtil er alene en enkelt Art. C. uncinatus, (Reinli.), fanden i Europa; denne op- stilledes af Reinhardt sen. fra Granland i 1833 under Nav- net Cottus uncinatus. Den korte Diagnose, hvormed Reinhardt ledsagede sin nye Art,- er indtil de seneste Aar bleven udeii Tillæg gjentaget, saaledes i 1844 af Krøyer (Naturh. Tidsskr. 2den (■en. < 'onlviclovmiolith.vs, Richards. Zool. Voy. Sulph. Pishes, p. 7:; 1 1843). Head comparatively depressed ond broad; body plumpa smooth or granulated; preoperculuyn armed; teeth III jaws, mi rower, and palatine bones. Lateral line obvious; tWO i/arsal fins: hranchiaj membrane continuous on the under surface of the head. 7. Centridermichthys uncinatus. (Reinli.) 1833—34. (PL I. He 7.) Cottua uncinatus, Reinh. Overs. 1833 34, KgL 1>. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. 8. Del p. XLIV, Kl.hvn. 1837 (1833—34). Icelus uncinatus, Kr. Naturh. Tidssk. 2. Række, i. B. p. 263 (1844). Centridermichthys uncinatus, (iiinth. Cat. Fish. Brit Mus. Vol.2, p. 172 (1860). Diagnosis. -- Body and lateral line smooth : fhelatter consisting of is pores: length of head to total length as 1 to 3l/8; eyes exceedingly close together, and large, longitudi- nal diameter to length of head as 1 to 2ij:.: two spines on preoperculum, the upper aric/aeal. hooked, and exceedingly sharp: two blunt obtuse protuberances on the occiput; ground colour whitish, with greyish brown spots, generally three in young examples, varying more in adults. Analpapitta mint- ing; length reaching 100""". M. B. 6. 1 D. 7—8; 2 D. 13 (12 or 14); A. 11; P. 18—19 (20—21); V. 4; C. 4/12/4. Lin. lot. 18. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): — The open sea, between the North Gape and Spitzbergen. sint. 262. Stat. 275. Stat. 29'0. Stat. 323. Stat. 326. Exact Locality. 50 Kil. E. of Vardø. 370 Kil. E. of Beeren Eiland. 210 Kil. NW.Ham- merfest. 180K.SE. Beeren Eiland. IQOKiLS. Spitz- bergen. Depth. 1 4-- Fath. (271'»). 147 Fath. (269»-). 191 Fath. (349"). 223 Fath. (408"). 123 Fath. (225'»). 'D inji. at Bottom. -f-1.9°C. — 0.4° C. + 3.5° C. + 1.5° C. -j- 1.6° C. Bottom. Clay. Greenish Clay. Sandy Clay. Brownish- grey < 'lay. Dark Clay. hull . 27th June 1 878. 2nd Julv 1878. 7th July 1878. 30th July 1878. 3rd Aug. 1878. Numb, of Sfii eim. 1 Imliv. 3 Indiv. 4 Indiv. 1 Indiv. 3 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — The genus Cent- ridermichthys. etablished by Richardson in Zool. Voy. Sulph. Fishes, p. 73 (1843) for divers Cottoid fishes occurring in ,the Arctic regions of North America and off the north- eastern shores of Asia, is distinguished from the typical genus Cottus solely by the presence of teeth on the palatine bones. Up to the present time, but a single species. C. uncinatus. (Reinh.). has been met with in Europe; it was first described by Reinhardt sen. from the coast of Green- land, in 1833. under the name of Cottus uncinatus. The brief diagnosis given by Reinhardt has been copied, till but a few years since, without addition, by Krøyer in 1841 (Xaturh. Tidsskr. 2. Række. 1. Bind), and by Gun- 30 Eække. Iste B.), og i 1860 af Gunther (Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 2). hvilke begge ikke kjendte Arten af Autopsi. .1 1868 anmeldtes den ai Professor Esmark fra Finmarkens Kyster (Forh. Skand. Naturf. 10de Møde), ligesom Dr. Liitken i 1876 gav en Del Bemærkninger om Arten i Medd. Nat. Foren. Khhvn. for samme Aar. Nogen udfør- ligere Beskrivelse er. saavidt vides, ikke fremkommet, uden i 1874 i Forfatterens Afhandling ..Norges Fiske" (efter Exemplarer å-a Norge), ligesom den hidtil ikke har været afbildet. .Jeg gjengirer derfor her Artens Beskrivelse, sam- menholdt med de nytilkomne og vel vedligeholdte Exem- plarer fra Nordhavs-Expeditionen. Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. Fra alle de øvrige nordatlantiske Cottoider kan C. uncinatus i Regelen let kjendes ved sin af faatallige og store Porer dannede Side- linie. der især hos yngre Individer er iøjnefaldende. i For- bindelse med hele Legemets Glathed, idet dette ikke viser Spor af Protuberantser eller Granulationer. Særdeles cha- racteristisk er fremdeles den krogformige Klo paa Praeo- perculum. medens Palatintænderne først blive tydelige hos de noget større Unger. Legemet har iøvrigt den for den nærstaaende Slægt Cottus almindelige Form. idet Hovedet er temmelig flad- trykt. og det egentlige Legeme er fortil næsten triudt, bagtil mere sammentrykt. Hovedet er bredt ægformigt. og indeholdes hos de udvoxede omkring 'dlj-j Gange i Totallængden. eller lidt over 21/2 Gange i Legemets Længde uden Caudal. Øjnene ere særdeles tætstaaende. saaledes, at Benhroen mellem Orbitae blot er en Brøkdel af Lindsens Diameter. De ere tillige overordentlig store; deres Længdediaineter er saaledes betydelig! større, eud Snudens Længde. og udgjør omtrent 24/3 af Hovedets Længde. Størrelsen af Crystallindsen er en mærkelig Variation underkastet, idet denne, som bekjendt. plejer at være con- stant af samme Størrelse hos ligestore Individer af samme Art. Medens saaledes hos det største af de under Expedi- tionen erholdte Individer, hvis Totall. var 83""". Lindsen havde en Diameter af 2. r. """. vrir den hos et yngre Individ, hvis Totall. var blot 68""". omtr. 3.5"""; andre udviste Overgange mellem begge. Nogen Forskjel i Legemsbyg- ningen forøvrigt kunde ikke opdages; heller ikke stod denue Variation i noget bestemt Forhold til Dybden, idet netop det største Individ var tåget paa det grundeste Vand (123 Favne), og det mindre paa en kun ubetydeligt større Dybde (148 Favne). Tænderne ere temmelig fine. og tilstede (foruden i Kjæverne) tillige paa Vomer og paa Palatiiibenene. Hos Unger med en Totall. af ander 20' ere Vomerin- og Pa- latintænderne endnu ikke fremkomne. Gjællehinderne ere sammenhængeude paa Hovedets Underside; Autallet af Gjællestraaler er 6. Kjæverne ere omtrent af samme Længde; dog bevir- ker den tykkere Overlæbe. at Overkjæven synes ubetydeligt Lengere, end Underkjæven. ther. in 1860 (Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. Vol. 2). neither of whom knew the fish from autopsy. In the year 1868 Professor Esmark gave notice of its occurrence on the coast of Finmark (Forh. Skand. Naturf. 10 Møde); and in 1876 Dr. Liitken communicated sundry observations on the species in Medd. Nat. Foren. Kbhvn. for that year. No full description however had. we believe, appeared previous to that given in "Xorges Fiske" (1874). from Norwegian specimens; nor has the species yet been figured. The detailed description, supplemented from an examination of the specimens — in an excellent state of preservation — obtained on the North Atlantic Expedition, is given below. General Description. Structure of the Body. — C. imcinatus may as a rule be readily distinguished from all other North Atlantic Cottoids by the large size and fewness of the pores constituting its lateral line, a conspicuous character, more particularly in young examples; moreover, by the smoothness of the skin, not a vestige of granula- tions or protuberances can be detected in any part of the body. Another salient feature is the ungueal spine on the preoperculum; the palatine teeth, on the contrary, are not developed in very young individuals. In other respects the form and structure of the body corresponds with that of the allied genus Cottus, the head being considerably depressed and the body roundish, the posterior part somewhat compressed. Head broad, ovate; length to total length, in adult examples, about as 1 to 31/- or, to length of body, exclu- sive of caudal, a trifle more than as 1 to 21/». Eyes set exceedingly close, the length of the osseous ridge between the orbits being but a fraction of the diameter of the lens; they are also remarkably large, the longitudinal diameter considerably exceeding the length of the snout and nearly equal to 24/3 of the length of the head. The size of the crystal lens, generally constant in individuals of equal dimensions belonging to the same species, varies remarkably in C. uncinatus. In the largest of the sjjecimens obtained on the Expedition, total length 83'"'". the diameter of the lens was 2.5""". whereas in a younger example, total length not more than 68'""'. it reached 3.5"""; others represented the transition stages. No other difference could be detected in the form and struc- ture of the body; nor was this characteristic peculiarity in any way dependent on depth, the largest, individual having beeu taken in the shallowest water (123 fathoms), and the small example at a depth but vei-y little greater (148 fathoms). Teeth — rather slender — on the vomer and palatine bones, aud in the jaws. In young examples, total length less than 20""", the vomerine and palatine teeth were not yet developed. Branchial membrane continuous ou under surface of head: brancheostegals 6. Jaws equal in length, the upper, however, appearing to be somewhat longer than the lower, from the thickness of the upper lip. 31 Praeoperculum har 2 Tome, den nederste kort, uedad- rettet, og Udel fremtrædende; den øverste lang og krog- formigt bøjet indad, overordentlig spids og stærk, samt fra oven og neden noget sammentrykt; med sin Spidse naar den ikke tilbage til den øvre Flig af Operculum. 1 fuld- konnnen uskadt !>t:nul ev denne kloformige Torn lige ud til Spidseu beklædt med Hud. der ganske udfylder dens indre concave Del. Ved Granden af den store Torn tindes paa Forsiden en mindre, der dog hos uskadte Individer neppe lader sig iagttage, uden ved Følelsen. Operculum har en enkelt Torn nedentil, men ender oventil i en blod og afrundet Flag, nedenfor hvilken der skjuler sig en lav, men skarp Tom. Mellem det forreste og hagre ParNæse- bor tindes et Par korte opstaaende Torne, og paa Bag- hovedet et Par lignende, der ere bagudrettede, men som alle ere. ligesom de øvrige Tome, lidet ' fremtrædende af Huden. Sidelinie, Porer og Hmltraade. En Række af 5 — 6 Porer strækker sig fra det forreste Par Næsebor paa hver Side bagover under Øjet, og standser omtrent ved Bag- kanten af Orbita. Lignende Rækker strække sig paa Undersiden af Underkjæven. Sidelinien er hos de yngre Ind. dannet af store og aabent- staaende Porer, hvis Antal sjelden overstiger 18, skjønt det ikke altid er det samme paa begge Sider. Hos de ældre Ind. ere Porerne mindre, men deres oprindelige Oinkreds kan endnu sees som afbrudte, lidt ophøjede Ringe. Hos Yngel med en Totall. af under 12'"'" er Sidelinien endnu usynlig, men allerede, hvor Legemet har naaet en Længde af 15""". ere omtrent 5 — 6 Porer fremkomne paa Legemets forreste Del. Af Hudtraade paa Hovedet tindes en yderst kort paa Bagranden af Overkjæven, umiddelbart foran Mundvinkelen, altsaa paa samme Punkt, hvor en lignende er tilstede bos Cottus bubalis og C. UUjéborgii. Hos alle uskadte Individer fmdes endvidere en enkelt Traad ved den ovre Baud af Orbita, der ikke (som hos leelus hamatus) er haandformig fladtrykt, men tilspidset; denne gaar let tabt ved Berøring. Finnerne. Straaleantallet synes idetbele at være en forboldsvis ringe Variation underkastet, sammenlignet med, bvad der tinder Sted hos leelus hamatus og flere andre Cottoider. Iste Dorsal har 7 eller 8 Straaler. der begynde umid- delbart over Pectoralernes øvre Fæste, og ende noget bagen- for Anus. Den har ingen betydelig Højde. idet denne sjeldent overstiger Hovedets halve Længde. 2den Dorsal har 13 Straaler, hos enkelte Individer 12 eller 14, og begynder uden Interdorsalrum bag Iste Dorsal; den har noget større Højde, end denne, og naar med Spidsen af sine længste Straaler i omtr. en halv Orbital- diameters Afstand fra Roden af Caudalen. eller undertiden kortere. Two spines on preoperculum, the lower short, inclin- ing downwards, and but slightly developed; the upper long, hooked, remarkably sharp and powerful, above and below slightly depressed; the point does not reach back to the upper edge ol' the operculum. Specimens in perfect preservation have this Strong hooked spine protected to the apes by the integument, which fills up and con- ceals the inner groove. At the base ol' the large Spine, on the anterior side, occurs a smaller one. which, however, in well-preserved examples can hardly be observed, save by the touch. Operculum furnished below with a single spine; above, it terminates in a soft, convex flap, concealing beneath a depressed, but sharp-pointed spine. Between the anterior and posterior pairs of nostrils occur two short spines, and. on the occiput, two others, all of which, however, in common with the other spines, are directed backwards, and project but slightly above the integument. Lateral Line, Mucous Pores, and ( 'irri. — A row of 5 or 6 pores extends from the anterior nostrils, on each side, backwards under the eye, terminating in close proximity to the posterior edge of the orbita. Similar series occur on the under surface of the lower jaw. In young examples, the lateral line is composed of large and open pores, seldom exceeding 18, which, however. are not always equal in number on both sides. In more mature individuals the pores are smaller; their original circumference being, however, distinctly obvious, as dis- rupted and slightly protuberant rings. In fry-speci- mens (having a total length of less than 12'"'"), the lateral line cannot yet he distinguished, but so soon as the body has attained a length of 15""", 5 or 6 pores are obvious in the anterior region. The head is furnished with one cirrus, exceed- ingly short, on the posterior margin of the upper jaw, im- mediately in front of the angle of the mouth, in the exact spot where a similar cirrus occurs in Cottus bubalis and C. UUjéborgii. In perfect specimens a cin-us is also observed on the superior margin of the orbits, tapering to a point (not thin and riband-shaped as in Icelus hamatus);' being very slenderly attached to the skin, great care must be taken to preserve it uninjured. Fins. — In C. uncinatus the number of fin-rays is apparently subjected to but slight variation as compared with this feature in leelus hamatus and divers other species of Cottoids. The first dorsal, furnished with 7 or 8 rays, com- mences immediately above the upper extremity of the hase of the pectorals, and terminates at a short distance behind the anus; its height is not considerable, rarely exceeding half the length of the head. The 2nd dorsal has 13. in some individuals 12 or 14 rays; it is contiguous to the 1st dorsal, exceeding it how- ever somewhat in height, the tip of the longest rays ex- tending to a distance of about half the diameter of the orbit from the base of the caudal, sometimes not quite so far. 32 Aualen har 1 1 Straaier, og begynder umiddelbart bag Anus; den har Hojde og Udstrækning omtr. som 2den Dor- sal, og slutter i en neppe kjendelig større Afstand fra Caiir dalens Rod, end denne. Pectoraleme, dertælle 18 Straaier. undertiden 19 — 21, ere bredt afrundede. som hos Slægten Cottus; i Spidsen ere de nedre Straaier fri og noget fortvkkede. Tilbage- slaaede naa de med Spidserne langt forbi Anus. eller (hos de udvoxede Individer) ved eller noget forbi Begyn- delsen af 2den Dorsal. Ventralerne ere forholdsvis lange, og naa med sine fri Spidser næsten til Anus. De have 4 Straaier. Caudalen har 11 leddede Straaier, der i sin ydre Fjerdedel ere kløvede. Paa hver Side af de leddede Straa- ier tindes 3 — 4 uleddede Støttestraaler. der dog kunne være næsten rudimentære. Farven. Denne viser hos de yngre Individer den sædvanlige Fordeling af 3 graabrune Tverbaand tversover Legemet, hvis Bundfarve er hvidagtig; det mellems.te af disse Tverbaand. der udgaar fra Granden af 2den Dorsal. er bredest, og har omtr. en Orbitaldiameters Bredde. Hos ældre Individer ere Tverbaandene ikke saa skarpt tegnede, idet de ofte indeslutte Felter af den lyse Bundfarve. lige- som ogsaa Mellemrummene mellem dem kunne være saa opfyldte af Smaapletter, at Tverbaandene blive ganske utydelige. Finnerne, hvis Grundfarve er hvid (især hos de ældre). ere forsynede med skarpttegnede. skraatlobende Tverbaand; svagest tegnet er Analen, hvis Tverbaand oftest ere utyde- lige Iovrigt er saavel Finnernes, som Legemets Farve- tegning ikke ubetydeligt varierende hos de forskjellige In- divider. Spæd Yngel, hvoraf jeg har et stort Antal fra Var- angerfjorden med en Totall. af indtil 10""". have en ret characteristisk Farvetegning, idet et sort Baand strækker sig rundt Nakken og Struben som et Halsbaand; paa ,Si- derne af Legemet gaar dette mørke Parti ud som en bred Stribe. Forplantning, ete. Yngletiden for denne Art falder sandsynligvis i Juli og August, da Here af de erholdte In- divider havde Bugen stærkt udspilet af Rogn. Et af disse (fra Stat. 275). der erholdtes den 2den Juli. og som havde en Totall. af 69""". havde omtr. 32 Rogn i hvert Ovarium; disse Rogn havde en forholdsvis betydelig Størrelse, idet deres Diameter var omtr. 2""". Foruden disse 64 Bogn. der alle vare jevnstore, og syntes at være fuldmodne. fandtes et Antal yderst fine Rognkorn. der vare forblevne uudviklede. Individernes Størrelse varierede hos de fleste mellem 66 og 83""". og de maa, da de viste sig forplantningsdygtige, have været fuldvoxne eller nær derved. Dr. Liitken har undersøgt et Exemplar fra Grønland (i Musæet i Kbhvn.). der havde en Totallængde af 100'"" ■ The anal. furnished with 1 1 rays, commences im- mediately behind the vent; height and extent about that of second dorsal: it terminates, too. very nearly at the same distance from the base of the caudal, as does that fin. The pectorals, furnished with 18 rays, sometimes 19 — 21. are broad and rounded, as in the genus Cottus; extremities of lower rays free and somewhat thick. Direc- ted backwards, the points extend some distance past the vent; or (in full-grown specimens) a short distance beyond the commencement of the second dorsal. The ventrals are comparatively long, the free points extending almost to the vent: number of rays 4. The caudal is furnished with 11 articulated rays, cleft in their outer fourth. On either side of the articulated rays occur 3 — 4 auxiliary rays without ar- ticulation, which, however, in some examples are almost rudimentary. Colour. — Young individuals exhibit the normal di- stribution: 3 greyish brown transverse bands across the body, ground-colour whitish: the middle band, commencing at the base of the second dorsal, is the broadest, having a breadth about equal to the diameter of the orbit. In maturer individuals the transverse bands are less distinctly traced, being broken up with patches of the ground-colour ; the intermediate space, too. is blurred with such a multi- tude of spots and macules as to be frequently almost con- fluent with the bands. The fins, the ground-colour of which is whitish, are (more particularly in mature examples) marked with well- defined, oblique transverse bands; marking of anal faint.' the transverse bands being frequently indistinct. For the rest, both the fins and the body generally display very considerable variation in the distribution of colour. Fry in the earliest stage of growth, of which I am in possession of a large number of specimens from the Varan- ger Fjord (total length 10"""). exhibit a most characteristic peculiarity of marking, a black band encircling the throat and nuchal region like a necklace; on the sides, this dark colour stretches posteriorly in the form of a broad stripe. Propagation &c. — The spawning season of this species is probably in the months of July and August, the abdomen in several of the specimens obtained having been found distended with roe. One (Station 275). taken July 2nd. total length 69""". had about 32 ova in each ovary; these ova were comparatively of large size, the diameter being about 2""". Exclusive of these ova. 64 in number, all of which were large and apparently mature, the ovaries contained a number of minute ovarious germs, which had remained undeveloped. The dimensions varied in most of the individuals between (J6 and 83""". and these specimens, seeing they were about to spawn, must have been full-grown, or very nearly so. Dr. Liitken has examined an individual from the coast of Greenland (preserved in the Zoological Mu- seum. Copenhagen) with a total length of 100 33 Ventrikelen indeholdt hos de undersøgte Individer føl- gende; Hos 3 Indvider fra en Dybde af 191 Favne (Stat. 290), hvor Bunden bestod af sandholdigt Ler, indeholdt Ven- trikelen hos det ene Anneliden Notomastus lateria us, BÆ. Sårs; hos det andet ligeledes en Åjmelide, Chloraema peUucidum, M. Sms: det tredie havde Ventrikelen fyldt med smaa Mollusker, som (ifølge Bestemmelse af Dr. Friele) vare Vetu- tina undata, Brown, og Yoldia intermedia, M. Surs. Et Individ fra Stat. 275 (fra 147 Favnes Dyb) havde Ventri- kelen fyldt med forskjellige smaa Annelider. bvoraf kunde kjendes en Clymene og en Iiden Polynoe, der dog ikke Lode sig nærmere bestemme. Samtlige disse Dyr ere Bunddyr. og Arten lever utvivlsomt, ligesom de øvrige cottoide Former, umiddelbart paa og ved Bunden, livad der ogsaa fremgaar af dens Le- gemsbygning. Udbredelse. Centrid. uncinatus er en arctisk Art, der sandsynligvis optræder paa den noget grundere Hav- bund paa de fleste Steder mellem Grønland, Spitsbergen, Novaja Zemlja og Norge. Oprindelig blev Arten beskreven af Reinh. sen. i 1833 — 34 efter Exemplarer fra Grønlands Sydkyst (Nennortalik i Julianehaabs Distrikt). Senere ei- den fra og til nedsendt til Musæet i Kjøbenhavn fra Grøn- land, men synes, ifølge Dr. Liitken. ikke at forekomme talrigt her. At den ikke indsamledes under den engelske Nordpol-Expedition i 1875 — 76 i de nordgrønlandske For- vande mellem 78" og 83". synes forklarligt, naar man be- tragter dens forholdsvis sydlige Udbredelse i Europas arctiske Egne. Den er nemlig hidtil ikke fundet under bogen af de talrige Expeditioner omkring Spitsbergen ; det nordligste Punkt, hvor den hidtil vides iagttagen, er paa den ovenfor nævnte Stat. 326. under 75" 31'. eller omtr. midtveis mel- lem Beeren Eilaud og Spitsbergen: imidlertid tor det med Sikkerhed forudsættes. at den naar op til de sydligste Dele af denne Øgruppe. Mellem Spitsbergen og Norges Kyster synes den at være jevnt udbredt over Havbunden, hvor denne hæver sig op til et Par Hundrede Favnes Dybde, hvorimod den ikke erholdtes paa de vestenfor liggende større Dyb: mod Øst gaar den idetmindste til Novaja Zemlja. hvor et Par Individer erholdtes ved Sælhundbug- ten, under Heuglins Expedition i 1871. hvilke afgaves til Universitetsmusæet i Christiania af Expeditionens Deltager, Cand. Aagaard. Ved Jan Mayen erholdtes intet Individ under Nord- havs-Expeditionens (vistnok ikke særdeles talrige) Skrab- ninger omkring denne 0 i 1877: heller ikke er den hidtil fundet ved Island. Langs Norges Kyster optræder den paa forskjellige Punkter fra Varangerfjorden og Nordkap af. og ned til Sta- vangerfjorden, som det synes, ikke særdeles sparsomt. Den sidstnævnte Loealitet (59°) er det sydligste Punkt, hvor Arten hidtil er observere! men den vil sandsynligvis ogsaa vise sig at bebo Bankerne udenfor Orknøerne og Shet- Den norske Nordhftrgexpedition. Collett : Fiske. The ventricles of the specimens examined were on dissection found to contain marine animals of the following species: - Of '■'> individuals taken at a depth of 191 fath- oms (Station 290), bottom argillaceous clay. I found a Notomastus latericeus, M. Sars, in the stomach of one; in that of the second, an example of another Annelid. Clilo- ræma pelluridum, M. Sars; that of the third was full of small mollusks, belonging (as determined by Dr. Friele) to the species Velutina undata, Brown, and Yoldia inter- media, M. Surs. An individual taken at Station 275 (depth 147 fathoms) had its ventricle full of divers small Anne- lids, among which a Clymene and a small Polynoe admitted of being determined. These animals are all of them bottom -species, and ('. unci unfits, in common with the other Cottoid forms, un- questionably has its habitat either directly on. or very near to, the bottom, a circumstance also explained by the structure of its body. Distribution. — Ccntr. uncinatus is an Arctic species, OCCuring, where the bottom is comparatively shallow, in most localities between Greenland. Spitzbergen, Nova Zemlja, and Norway. The species was first described by Beinhardt sen.. 1833 — 34. from specimens taken on the south coast of Greenland (Nennortalik, in the district of Julianehaab). More recently it has now and again been sent from Green- land to Copenhagen, but. according to Dr. Liitken. does not seem to be common there. Its not having been taken on the English Polar Expedition (1875—76) off North-Greenland, in lat. between 78° and 83° N., is hardly a matter of surprise, if we consider the comparatively south- ern range of the species in the Arctic regions of Europe. Hitherto no example has been obtained from the shores of Spitzbergen ; the most northerly point at which, up to the present time, it is known to have been observed, is Station 326. mentioned above, in lat. 75° 31' N.. or about mid- way between Beeren Eiland and Spitzbergen; we may however safely regard its range as extending to the south- ern part of that group of islands. Between Spitzbergen and the coast of Norway it would appear to be equably distributed over the surface of the bottom in all localities where the depth of the ocean does not exceed a couple of hundred fathoms: further west, at greater depths, it has not been met with. In an easterly direction the species occurs at least as far as Nova Zemlja. where two exam- ples were taken on Heuglin's Expedition in 1871. in Seal Bay. by Dr. Aagaard. Off the coast of Jan Mayen no individual of this spe- cies was obtained on the Expedition when dredging (not very frequently, it is true) round that island, nor has it as yet been observed on the coast of Iceland. On the Norwegian coast it occurs in divers localities. from the Varanger Fjord and the North Cape as far south as Stavanger: and apperently not as a rare species. The last-mentioned locality (in lat. 59" N.) is the most south- erly point at which the species has been observed: prob- ably, however, it will be found to inhabit the banks 34 landsøerne, saavel som Færøerne, Island, og mod Øst det kariske Hav. • Ved de amerikanske Kyster synes den atter at fore- komme talrigt, og at gaa særdeles langt mod Syd. Den optræder saaledes i stort Antal paa Dybderne i Massachu- setts Bay ved New England -Staterne under 41° N. B. (Goode & Bean. 1879). Gren. Icelxxs, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. '-' Række, 1 B. p. 261, Khhvn. 1844—45 (1S44). Hovedet forholdsvis sammentrykt. Legemet for- ti! trindt, hagtil stærkt sammentrykt. Huder/ tildels granuleret, og forsynet med en Rækhe Bentorne langs Ryggen; Sidelinien ligeledes med skarpe Bentorne. Trender (som hos Centridermichthys) tilstede i Kjce- verne, paa Vomer, og paa Palatinbenene. Praeoper- culum væbnet. 2 Dorsaler. Gjællehinderne sammen- hængende paa Hovedets Underside. 8. Icelus hamatus, Kr. 1844. Pl. I, Fiir. 8. ? Cottus hicornis, Reinh. Overs. 1830, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. ft' Del, p. LXXY, Kbhvn. 1841 (1839). Icelus hamatus, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 2 Række, 1 B. p. 253 Og 261 (1844). ? Centridermichthys hicornis, Griinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 2, p. 1 72 (1860). ? Icelus hicornis, Grill, Proc. Aead. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1861, Suppl. p. 42 (1861). Icelus f urciger, Malm, Fiirh. Skand. Naturf. 9 Mote 1863, p. 410(1863). Diagn. Legemet oventil t/et gnu/uhret, ligesom Hove- det. Tornene langs Ryggen og i Sidelinien fint tandede ; ofte findes tidige en kortere Tornerække langs Anoden, samt spredte Bentorne langs Siderne. Hovedet indéholdes 31/a — 4 Gange i Totall. Øjnetie store og tætstaaende, indéholdes omtr. 3 Gange i Hovedlængden. Praeopercidum har 4 Torne, den øverste med kløvet Spidse; 1 Par Knuder over Øjnene, 2 Par paa Panden. Sidelinien fortil hojtliggenile, men bojer skrant nedad over Pectoralen; senere ret. Iste Dorsal straale dobbelt. Far- ven hvidlig gul med uregelmæssige brunsorte Pletter paa Hovedet og Legemets Overside (hos de yngre 3 starve Ryy- pletter): en distinct mørk Plei under Ø/et. og en lignende ved Roden af Pectoralen. Hannen med Analpapille. Stør- relsen indtil 1P>""" (Hau). M. B. 6. 1 D. 8—9 (7); 2 D. 18—20 (17); A. 13—15(16); P. 17—19; V. 4; C. ',jl2jb. Lin. lat. i mit it 45. lying off the Orkney and Shetland Islands, also the shores of the Faroe Islands, the coast of Iceland, and the Kara Sea. On the coast of North America it would appear to be a common fish, occurring abundantly — and here too far south — in Massachusetts Bay, on the coast of New England, in lat. 41° N. (Goode and Bean, 1879). Gren- IceliTS, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 2 Række, 1 B. p. 261, Kbhvn. 1S44 — 4.". (1844). Head comparatively compressed; fore part of body plump, hind part compressed: skin granu- lated in places, armed along the dorsal ridge with a row of osseous spines: sharp spines, too, along the lateral line : teeth (as in Centridermichthys) in jaws, on the vomer, and on the palatine bones: preoper- culuiu armed; 'J dorsal fins; branchial membrane continuous on under surface of head. 8. Icelus hamatus, Kr. 1844. Pl. I, fig. 8. f Cottus hicornis, Reinh. Overs. 1839, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. s Del, p. LXXV, Kl.hvn. 1841 (1839). Icelus hamatus, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 2 Række, 1 B. p. 253 and 261 (1*44). t Centridermichthys hicornis, Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol 2, p. 172 (1860). ? Icelus hicornis, Oil], Proc. Aead. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1861, Suppl. p. 42 (1861), Icelus /urciger, Malm, Fork Skand. Naturf. 9 Mote 186.!, p. 410 (1863). Diagnosis. — Upper surface of body and head covered with rough granulations; spines along dorsal ridge andlateral line slightly denticulated; frequently a shorter row occurs along the anal, and spines, irregularly disposed on the sides. Length of head to total length as 1 to 3'l2—4, eyes large and closely set. longitudinal diameter 7/., of the length of the head. Preoperculum with 4 spines, point of uppermost bi- furcate. One pair of obtuse protuberances above the eyes, two pairs on the front. Lateral line in fore part of body high up the side, deflected downwards over the pectorals, from thence straight : first ray of first dorsal double. Colour whitish-yellow, on the head and upper surface of the body maculated with irregular brownish-black spots (in young examples 3 large dorsal spots): a distinct darkish spot under the eye, another at base of pectorals. The male with an anal papilla. Size reaching 115""" (female). M. B. 6 : 1 D. 8—9 (7) : 2 D. 18—20 (17) : A. 13—15 (16); P. 17—19: V. 4: C. bjl2J5. Lin. lat. up to 45. . 35 bergen. Localit. fra Nordli. Exped. Jan Mayen ; Spits- Loeality (North Atl. Exped.): — Jan Mayen and Spitzbergen. stat. 223. sim. 22 1. Stat. :;iifi. /.'. liggi nfti d. .lan Mayen. .lan Mayen. Magdalenebaj . Spitsbergen. Dybdt . ;n Favne (128"-). '!:• Favne .174'"!. ."■li Favne ei »). l', mp. paa Bundt n. -0,(i" ('. - 0,6° C. 1,0» C. Bund >'. Smi Saml og Ler. Sori Saml Og Ler. Mørkgraat Lev. 1 htt a in. Iste Aul:'. 1877. Iste Aug. 1877. 17de Aug. L878. Jutul Jinlir. i Endiv. 1 Indiv. 1 Indiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Slægten Icélus, opstillet i 1844 af Krøyer (Naturh. Tidsskr. 2 Række, Iste B.) for ovennævnte, bidtil eneste bekjendte Art. dan- ner ved sine Rækker af skarpe Bentorne langs Ryggen og i Sidelinien blandt de arctiske Cottoider en Tihuermelse til Slægten Triglops, med livenr den ogsaa bar tilfælles det noget sammentrykté Hoved ; i Tandbygning er den nærmest overensstemmende med Centridermichthys. Arten er udfør- ligt beskreven allerede af Kroyer paa ovennævnte Sted. og berefter er dens Diagnose i Giinthers Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. - (1860) affattet. Senere ere af flere Forfattere med- delte Bemærkninger vedrorende dens Optræden, saaledes ved Spitsbergen og de norske Kyster af Malmgren (OfV. Kgl. Vet. Ak. Forh.- 18G4). af Esmark (Forh. Skand. Xa- turf. 10de Møde 1868). og af Collett (Norges Fiske 1874). ligesom Dr. Liitken bar bebandlet dens Synonymi etc. i 1876 (Vid. Medd. Naturh. Forh. Kbhvn.. 1876. p. 380). Den er afbildet. (men ikke tilfredsstillende) i Gaimards Plan- cheværE til Corvetten la Reeherche's Reise (Voyage Scand. Lap. ete. pl. 1). Endelig har Malm i 1877 (Goteb. ocb Bob. Fauna. p. 393) givet udførlig Beskrivelse af sin i 1863 (Forh. Scand. Naturf. 9de Mote 1863. p. 410) un- der Navn af I. fwciger opstillede Art fra Bohuslen, der alene ved Tilstedeværelsen af en Række Bentorne ogsaa langs Analen adskiller sig fra i. hamatus, en Character, der dog ikke viser sig constant, men synes at være af ganske individuel Natur. Bemærkninger til Beskrivelsen. De under Nord- havs-Expeditionen erholdte Individer havde folgende Maal : a. (Hun). b. (Hun). c. (Han). Spitsbergen. Jan Mayen. Jan Mayen. 43 49 61 36 - 4ii - 50 - 11.:, - 15 - 19 - 4 - 5 - 6 - Totallængde .... Længde uden Caudal . Hovedets Længde . . Øjets Længdediameter Flere af de ydre Characterer ere hos denne Art i en mærkelig Grad varierende, saaledes Hudens mere eller mindre rigelige Beklædniug med Bentorne. de sidstes Byg- ning i Rækkerne langs Ryggen og i Sidelinien. ligesom ogsaa Sideliniens Længde; endelig er Straaleantallet temme- lig lidet constant. Stat. 223. st, it. 224. sint. :;iiii. . r Locality. .hui Mayen, .lau Mayen. Magdalene Bay, Spitzbergen. Depth. 7ii Fathoms. (12S™). 95 Kad is. (171 '»). ."in Fathoms. ((il™). '/'■ m/1, ul Bottom. - 0.6° 0. — 0.6° C. -1.0°C. Bottom. Black Saml ami Clay. Black Saml ami Clay. Dark-grej Loam. Ihiti . 1st Au- IS77. 1st Any. 1877. !7tb Aug. 1878. Numb. <;/' Spi eim. 1 Indiv. 1 Indiv! .1 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — Among the family of the Arctic Cottoids the genus Icelus, established, in 1844. by Kroyer. for the only species then and yet known, approximates the genus Triglops in the rows of sharp- pointed osseous spines extending along the dorsal ridge and lateral line, another salient character common to both being the somewhat compressed head. In the structure of the teeth it bears greatest resemblance to Centridermickthys. The first to give a full description of the species was Kroyer (vide list of synonyms), and from the aboye description Dr. Giinther has compiled a diagnosis in Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 2 (1860). Observations have been subsequently fur- nished by several authors on its occurrence, by Malmgren. off Spitzbergen and the shores of Norway (Ofv. Kgl. Vet. Ak. Fork. 1864); by Esmark (Forh. Skand. Naturf. 10de Mode 1868); and by Collett (Norges Fiske 1874): a. paper by Dr. Liitken. treating of the synonomy of the species &c. appeared, too. in 1876 (Yid. Medd. Naturh. For. Kbhvn.. 1876. p. 380). Icelus hamatus is figured, but somewhat imperfectly, in the series of plates to Gainiard's Narrative of the voyage of the "Recherche" (Voyage Scand. Lap. etc.. pi. 1). Finally. Malm furnished i 1877 (Goteb. och Boh. Fauna, p. 393) a detailed description of the form, from Bohuslen, described by him as I. furciger, which is distinguished from I. hamatus chiefly by a series of osseous • spines along the anal fin. a character, however, which has not shown itself constant, but would seem to be altogether individual. Descriptive Observations. — The individuals obtained on the Expedition measured as follows : — a. (female) b. (female) c. (male) Spitzb. Jan Mayen. Jan Mayen. 43 49'"'" 61 36 - 40 - 50 - 11.5 - 15 - 19 - 4 - 5 - 6 - Many of the external characters in this species vary to a remarkable extent in different individuals, for instance, the space furnished with osseous denticles; the form and structure of these spinules in the rows along the dorsal ridge and the lateral line ; the length of the lateral bne ; and the number of fin-rays. Total length Length exclusive of caudal Length of head .... Longitudinal diameter of eye 36 Medens saaledes den Række af disse Bentorne, der løber langs Ryglinien, altid synes at strække sig uafbrudt lige til Roden afCaudalen, og det saaledes ber er væsentlig de enkelte Tuberklers Bygning, der varierer med flere eller færre Tænder, med længere eller kortere Spidser. kan Si- delinien undertiden være manglende i sin sidste Del, nden at dette begrundes i Individets unge Alder. Medens 2 unge Hanner fra Stavangerfjorden i Norge (59°), optagne fra 100 Favnes Dyb i 1872. have Sidelinien fuldt udviklet lige til Haleroden med 35 — 37 Torne. skjønt Individernes Totallængde ikke er over 38""".' er Sidelinien ufuldstændig bos alle de 3 større, der erholdtes under Nordhavs-Expe- ditionen ; hos det mindste standser den henimod Slutningen af Analen, og har ialt 27 af disse benede Tuberkler; hos de 2 ældre. der have 33 Tuberkler, standser den noget bagenfor Analens Slutning. Det største Antal fandt Kroyer. der angiver 41 — 42 for sine Typ-Exemplarer. og Malm. som hos sin I. furciger, hvis Totallængde blot var 51""", fandt 45. I hvilken Grad disse benede Tuberkler selv variere i sin Bygning, har allerede Esmark gjort opmærk- som paa i sine ovennævnte Bemau-kninger i det 10de Natur- forsker-Mødes Forhandlinger. Intet af Nordhavs-Expeditionens 3 Individer havde Spor af den Række benede Tuberkler langs Analen, som ofte er tilstede hos Individer af Middelsstørrelse [ved ile scandinaviske Kyster, ligesom denne ogsaa fandtes (ifølge Dr. Liitken) hos det ene af Kroyers Typ-Exemplarer fra Grønland. En lignende Række udviste et Exemplar fra Spitsbergen, som jeg i 1879 havde Leilighed til at under- søge i Riks-Musæet i Stockholm. Disse Individer repræ- sentere Malms I. fwciger. At ligeledes den øvre gaffeldelte Torn paa Praeoper- eulum kan være ganske eller næsten udelt (hvilket er Re- gelen hos ganske unge Individer), har tidligere været gjort opmærksom paa. Dette var saaledes Tilfældét paa den ene Side af et af Nordhavs-Expeditionens større Individer. Straaleantallet findes ligeledes at variere ikke ubety- deligt, hvad der fremgaar af nedenstaaende Fremstilling af de forskjellige Forfatteres Angivelser. Grønland (Kr. 1844); Typ-Expl. Spitsbergen 1861 (Malmgr. 1864). Grønland (Malmgr. 1864). Norge 1866— 72(flereExpl.G1874). Norge 1866—72 (C. 1874). (flere Expl. Liitken 1876). Bohuslen 1861 (Malmgr. 1877).' Spitsbergen 1868 (C). Spitsbergen 1868 (C). Spitsbergen 1872 (C). Spitsbergen 1872 (C). ID. 2D. A. 9 20 16 8—9 19—20 15—16 8 18—19 14 9 17 13—14 8 19 13 9 19—20 14—15 9 20 15 8 18 13 8 20 15 7 19 13 8 19 15 The row of osseous spines along the mesial line in- variably appearing to exend as a continuous series to the origin of the caudal fin, and the exceptional character of the armature in this region being chiefly displayed in the structure of the individual tubercles, which vary in the number of the teetli and the length of the points, the terminal part of the lateral line is sometimes wanting altogether, which cannot be accounted for by the immaturity of the individual. Two young male examples from the Sta- vanger Fjord, in Norway (in lat. 59° N.), taken at a depth of 50(1 fathoms, in 1872. had the lateral line fully devel- oped to the root of the tail, number of spines 35 — 37 ; and yet the total length did not exceed 38 '"'". whereas in all three of the larger specimens, obtained on the Expe- dition, the lateral line is more or less imperfect; in the smallest, furnished with 27 osseous spines, it breaks off a short distance from the termination of the anal ; in the two maturer examples it has 33 tubercles, and terminates a little beyond the posterior extremity of the anal. The largest number of tubercles yet observed is 41 — 42, in Kriiyer's typical specimens, and 45 in Malm's l.fnrciger (total length only 51"""). The extent to which the tubercles vary in structure has been pointed out by Professor Esmark. in a paper read before the 10th General Meeting of Naturalists. No one of the three specimens taken on the Expe- dition exhibited traces of the series of osseous tubercles along the anal tin frequently observed in half-grown examples from the shores of Scandinavia, and which, ac- cording to Dr. Liitken. occurs in one of Kroyer's typical specimens from Greenland. An example from Spitzbergen which I had the oppertunely of examiuing in 1879, in the Riks Museum at Stockholm, was furnished with a similar series. These individuals represent I. fitrcic/er. Malm. That the upper spine' on the preoperculum. com- monly bifurcate, in some individuals occurs with little or no appearance of .furcation, more particularly in the early stage of growth, has been noticed before. This distinction was observed in a specimen taken on the Expedition. The very considerable variation in the nnmber of the fin-rays is apparent from the subjoined table, comparing the formulae given by the different authors. 1 D. 2 D. A. 9 20 16 8—9 19—20 15—16 8 18—19 14 9 17 13—14 8 19 13 9 19—20 14—15 9 20 15 8 18 13 8 20 15 7 19 13 8| 19 15 Greenland (Kr. 1844); typ. spec. Spitzbergen, 1861 (Malmgr. 1864). Greenland (Malmgr. 1864). Norw. 1 866— 72(sever. spec. C. 1874). Norway 1866—72 (C. 1874). (several specim. Liitken 1876). Bohuslen 1861 (Malmgr. 1877). Spitzbergen 1868 (C). Spitzbergen 1868 (C). Spitzbergen 1872 (C). Spitzbergen 1872 (C). 87 Nordhavs - Expeditionens [ndivider havde følgende StraaleantaJ : 1 D. 8; 2 I). 19; A. 15. Spitsbergen 1878. 1 - 8; 2 - 20; - 15. Jan Mayen 1877. 1 - 8; 2 ■ 20; - 15. Jan Mayen 1877. Iste Dorsal har saaledes 8 eller 9, sjelden 7 Stråa* ler; af disse er den første altid klovet til G runden, et Forhold, der er ganske mærkeligt, og som jeg ikke hidtil har rundet omtalt. De øvrige ere alle enkelte. 2den Dor- sal, der tæller 18 — 20, sjelden 17 Straaler, er linjere, end Iste Dorsal: omtrent den 6te Straale er den Iængste. Alle Straaler ere her enkelte. Analen. der har 13 — 15, eller hos enkelte Individer 16 Straaler. har omtrent den Sde Straale længst. Pectoralerne have alle noget fri Spidser, især de ne- derste, der tillide, som det er Regelen hos de cottoide Fiske, ere noget fortykkede; den 7de eller 8de Straale fra neden af er den Iængste. Caudalen er tydeligt emargineret. med afrundede Hjørner. Til Krovers og Malmgrens détaillerede Beskrivelser af Arten kan yderligere føjes. at der. hvad allerede af Es- mark er bemærket, hos uskadte Individer tindes o særdeles line Hudtrevler paa Hovedet. Den største af disse sidder ovenfor Øjets bagre Rand, og er fiadtrykt, samt haandfor- mig fryndset i Randen; de øvrige ere enkelte, korte Hud- trevler. Alle ere særdeles løstsiddende, og gaa tabte ved den mindste Berøring, hvorfor de i Regelen kun tindes hos forholdsvis særdeles faa af de i Musæerne opbevarede In- divider. Medens fremdeles Bundfarven hos Individet fra Spits- bergen var temmelig lys. næsten hvidagtig, og viste de re- gulære 4 Tverpletter over Ryggen særdeles tydeligt. vare de i 1878 ved .lau Mayen erholdte Individer oventil sau rigeligt forsyuede med brunsorte Smaapletter og Streger, at Bundfarven var næsten ganske skjult, og Tverpletterne kun utydeligt markerede. Dette tor maaske antages at staa i Forbindelse med de Buudforholde, under hvilke Iu- dividerne levede; ved Jan Mayen bestod Buudeu af vul- kansk sort Mudder, hovedsagelig af Lava; ved Spitsbergen var der Lerbund. Udbredelse. I. hamatus horer til de i den arctiske Zoue hyppigt optrædende Arter, og gaar (tilligemed Cottus quadricornis) saudsynligvis længere mod Nord. end nogen anden af de hidtil kjeudte Cottoider. Fra Grønland ei- den oftere nedsendt til Musæet i Kjøbenhavn; i Vest- Grønlaud er den afden engelske Nordpol-Exped. (1875 — 76) fondet at være en af de ahnindeligste Fiske mellem 80 og 82° N. B., og gydefærdige Individer fandtes her i August. I Fjordene i Øst-Grønland er den af Germania- og Hansa- Expeditiouen i 1869 fundet i 2 smaa Individer under 75° N. B. I et temmelig stort Antal er den fremdeles indsamlet under de svenske Polar-Expeditioner 1861 — 72 ved Spits- bergen, hvor den neppe har manglet paa noget under- Number of fin-rays in examples obtained on the North Atlantic Expedition : — 1 I). 8; 2 1). L9; A. L5. Spitzbergen 1878. 1 - 8; 2 - 20; - IT). Jan Mayen L877. I - 8; 2 - 20; - 15. .lan Mayen 1877. The first dorsal has accordingly, as a rule. 8 or 9 rays, rarely 7; the first ray is invariably furcate to the base, a feature truly remarkable, and which I have not met with mentioned in any description of the species; the rest are all simple. In the 2nd dorsal, the number of rays is 1H — 2<>. rarely 17; height greater than that of 1st; the 6th ray generally the longest; all rays in this fin simple. Anal furnished with 13 — 15. sometimes Hi rays; longest ray about the eighth. Points of pectoral rays all somewhat detached, in particular the undermost, which, too. as is mostly the ease witbCottoid fishes, are somewhat thick: the seventh or eighth counting from below, the longest. Caudal emarginate, with rounded edges. A specific character not found enumerated in the detailed descriptions by Kroyer and Malmgren, but men- tioned for the first time by Esmark. is the occurrence, on the head, of three exceedingly slender membranous filaments. or cirri. The largest of these, thin, compressed, and fringed along the edges, is located above the posterior margin of the eye; the rest are short, simple cirri. They are all of them most slenderly attached to the skin, the slightest touch sufficing to detach them, and hence but rarely observed on specimens preserved in museums. The ground-colour in the specimen obtained off Spitzbergen was rather light, nay almost whitish, exhibiting with great distinctness the 4 transverse bands across the back, whereas the individuals obtained in 1878 on the coast of Jan Mayen were streaked and maculated to that extent with interjacent brownish-black stripes aud spots as to con- ceal almost entirely the colour of the ground; and the transverse bauds were very indistinct. The character of the bottom may possibly have had something to do with this; off the coast of Jan Mayen the bottom consists of black eruptive mud; off Spitzbergen of clay. Distribution. — /. hamatus is a common species in the Arctic zone, and probably occurs (in company with Cottiix qnadricornis) further north than any other of the Cottidæ yet known. From Greenland specimens have been frequently sent to the Museum in Copenhagen ; off the coast of West Greenland it was found on the English North Pole Expedition (1875 — 76) to be one of the fishes occurring in greatest abundance between lat. 80" — 82" N, and individuals about to spawn were met with here in the month of August. On the eastern coast of Greenland it was taken ou the Germania and Hansa Expedition. 1869, in lat, 75" X. A considerable number, too. were obtained on the Swedish Expeditions in 1861 and 1872. off Spitzbei'gen ; indeed it can hardly fail to have been observed in every 38 søgt Punkt omkring denne Øgruppe. Ogsaa ber fandtes rognfulde Individer i August Maaned. Ved Jan Mayen er den hidtil blot erholdt under Nordhavs-Expeditionen. Den findes ikke omtalt fra Island, men optræder langs Norges Nord- og Vestkyst lige ned i Kattegat under 58° N. B.. altid paa det noget dybere Vand (ikke under 20 Favne). Et enkelt Individ (I. furciger. Malm) er fon- det paa den svenske Kyst (Gullmarfjården) ved Bohuslen i 1861. Ved Americas Kyster er den hidtil ikke omtalt søn- denfor Grønland. GJ-en. Triglops, Reinh. Overs. 1829—30. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 5 D. p. LIL Kbhvn. 1832 (1829—30). Hovedet af middels Størrelse, bedæhket af en granuler et Hud: Kjær erne spinkle. Praeoperculum svagt vcebnei, Operculum uden Torve. Sidelinien vied Benplader: Legemet nedenfor denne bedæhket af skraatløbende, baglil tandede Hudfolder. Toen- der i Kjæverne og paa Vomer. 2 adskilte Dorsaler. Pectoral ernes Straal er ere nedi il næstenfri, og noget forlcengede. 9. Triglops pingelii, Reinli. 1838. Pl. I, Pig. 9— 10. Triglops pingelii, Keinh. Kgl. D. "Vid. Selsk. Nat/Math. Afh. 7 Del p. 114 og p. Ils (1838). Triglops pleurostictus, Cope. Proc. Aead. Nat. Sci.| Phil. 1865, p. 81, Noten (1865). Diagn. Hovedet indéholdes omtr. 33jt Gange \i Total- lamgden. Snuden kurt: Øjnene store indéholdes ikke futilt 3 Gange i Hovedlcengden. Praeoperculum har 4 svage Tome. Legemet ovenfor Sidelinien gra nut er et. og med en Bække Ben- torne tungs Grwnden af Dorsalenie. Sidelinien højtliggende, med en Sænkning muter Iste Dorsal. Sidernes 'tandede Hud- folder særdeles talrige. Farven blegt hvidgul med brunsorte Tverpletter, hvoraf, 4 ere større, etler med afbrudie uregel- mæssige Længdepletter. Hannen har en tang .Analpapille. Størrelsen i nitti! 2Q0 (Hannen). M. B. 6. 1 D. 10— Di (13); 2 D. 24— 25 (2.1 ett. 26); A. 24—25 (23—26): P. 17—21; T'. 4: C. io/lS/10. Lin. lat. 47—4'.) (45—46). well investigated locality there. Examples having the ab- domen distended with roe also occurred there in August. Off the coast of Jan Mayen, the only individuals hitherto observed were those taken on the Expedition. The species is nowhere mentioned as occurring on the shores of Ice- land; it is met with, however, along the entire line of the Norwegian coast, extending as far south as the Cattegat. in lat. 58° N.. invariably at some depth (not less than 20 fathoms). A solitary example (I. furciger. Malm) was observed off Bohuslen in 1861. On the shores of North America, it is not mentioned as extending further south than Greenland. Gren. Triglops, Reinh. Overs. 1829—30, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. p. LII, Kbhvn. 1832 (1829—30). D. Head of moderate length, enveloped in a rough, granulated skin : jaws slender, unarmed. Preoper- culum slightly armed: operculum without spines. Lateral line with osseous plates. Body covered below with oblique membranous folds, dentate along the posterior margin ; dorsals 2, disconnected. Teeth in jaws and on vomer. Pectoral rays in lower part of fin almost free, and somewhat elongated. 9. Triglops pingelii. Reinh. 1838. PL I, fig. 9—10. Triglops pingeliirV&emh. ; Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 7 Del, p. 114 & p. 118 (1838). Tnglops pleurosticttis, Cope, Proc. Aead. Nat. Sei. Phil. 1865, p. 81, Note (18G5). Diagnosis. — Length of head to total length as 1 to 33jt: snout short. Eyes large, longitudinal diameter not quite 'Is of the length of the head. Preoperculum with four slender spines. Body above lateral line granulated, a series of osseus spines extending along base of dorsals. Lateral line high up the side, bending downwards under first dorsal. The dentate membra nons folds exceedingly numerous. Colour pale irhitish-ijellow, relieved with transverse spots of brownish- black, 4 larger than the rest, or with disrupted longitudinal patches, irregulary disposed. The male has a long anal papilla. Length reaching 200""" (male). M. B. 6. 1 D. 10—12 (13); 2 D. 24—25 (23—26); A. 24—25 (23—26); P. 17—21: V. 4: C. 10/lS/lo. Liu. lat. 47—49 (45—46). 39 Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Jan Maven; Spits- bergen. Stat. 223. Stat. 237. Stat. 366. Bt liggt i>f" d. .l:ni Mayen. Jas Mayen. Magdalenebay, Spitsbergen, Dybdi . Tu Favne (128-). 263 Favne (481 <*). "in Favne (91 "). 'J'' mp. paa Bundi n. 0,6»C. 0,3»C. 1,0° 0. Bund* n. Sorl Sand og Ler. Brunt Sand og Ler. Mørkgraat Ler. /latum. I'ste 1877. 3die Aug. 1877. I9de 1878. Antal fm/it-. 1 Indiv. 1 Indiv. 1 Indiv. Locality (North Atl. Expedition): and Spitzbergen, • lan Maven Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Slægten Triglops opstilledes at' Reinh. sen. allerede i Overs, lor 1829 — 30, Kgl. 1). Vid. Selsk. Nat, Math. Afh. 5 B. p. LII (Kbhvn. 1832) etter et Exemplar fra Grønland; men forst i 1838 blev den i samme Tidsskrifts 7de Bind meddelt sit Arts- navn. Den viser i flere Henseender en Tilnærmelse til Slægten Trigla, saaledes i Tandbygningen, Hovedets Form, de fintandede Skraalinier nedad Legemets Sider, og de nedtil stærkt fri Pectoralstraaler. T. pingdii er ilen eneste hidtil sikkert bekjendte Art af denne Slægt. Ligesom det var Tilfældet med Centrkl. uncinatus, blev den af Reinli, kun ganske kort characteri- seret: derimod gav Krøyer i 1844 (Naturli. Tidsskr. 2den R. Iste B.) eiter det i Kbhvns. Musæum foreliggende Ma- teriale en udforligere Diagnose af saavel Slægt. som Art. og efter disse ere Giinthers Diagnoser i Gat. Fishes Brit. Mus. vol. 2 ( 1 860) affattede. da endnu intet Indiv. forelaa i British Museum. I 1864 erholdt Malmgren et Individ ved Spitsbergen; senere er den gjentagne Gange bleven kortelig omtalt fra Norge, ligesom Dr. Liitken har nærmere omhandlet de i Mnsæet i Kbhvn. opbevarede' Exemplarer fra Grønland i Vid. Medd. Naturli. Foren. Kbhvn. for Aaret 1876. Af Kroyer er den bleven afbildet i Gaimards Plan- cheværk (Voy. Scaud. Lap. etc. 1838 — 40. Poiss. pl. 1), men denne Atbildning er i flere Henseender ufuldkommen. En udforligere Beskrivelse af T. pingdii er hidtil intet- steds bleven leveret. Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. Hele Legemet er oven- til, ligesom Hovedet, tæt beklædt med fine Granulationer, og nedenfor Sidelinjen med tandede Hudfolder ; blot Gjælle- membranen er nøgen. Pectoralerne og Øjnene ere forholdsvis særdeles store. Hannerne ere kjendelige ved sin overor- dentlig store Analpapille. der ved Granden omtrent har en Lindsediameters Tykkelse, og er rettet noget fremad; dens Længde udgjør omtrent en Orbitaldia meters Bredde. Halen er temmelig lang og uddragen, og Haleroden er forholds- vis lav. ■v..'. -1->X Stat. 237. Stat. .'.Hi i. Exact Locality. Jan Mayen .hm Mayen, Magdalene Baj . Spitzbergen. Depth. To Fathom [ 1 '-'S - ). •-'i;:; K:iil s | 181 »'). .'in Fathoms en ■»). Ti <"/>. ■'' Bottom. 0.6°C. -0.3°C. 1.0° C. Bottom. Black Sund and Clay. Brown Sand and Clay. Dark-grey Loam. \i,,i,. 1st lsTT. 3rd Ann. 1x77. imli An". 1878. Numb, of Specim. 1 Indiv. 1 Indiv. 1 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — The genus Triglops was first established by Reinhardt sen., in Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat, Math. Afh. Overs, for 1829—30, 5 B. p. LII (Kl)hvn. 1832), from a specimen taken on the coast of Green- land; it did not however receive its specific name before 1838, in the 7th voluinne of the said Journal. This genus approximates in many of its characters the genus Trigla; lor instance, in the dentition, the form of the head, the oblique serrate lines traversing the sides of the body, and in the pectoral rays being to a great extent free. T. pingdii is the only species of this genus with cer- tainty known to have been observed. As had been the case with Cmtrid. wncinodus, its generic characters were but briefly set forth by Reinhardt sen.; on the other hand. Kroyer. in 1844. from materials in the Zoological Museum at Copenhagen, gave a detailed diagnosis both of the genus and the species, which is the source whence Gunther has furnished his diagnosis in Cat. Fishes Brit. Mus. vol. 2 (1860). as the British Museum had no example of the species. In 1864 Malmgren obtained a specimen from the coast of Spitzbergen ; since then it has been repeatedly mentioned as occurring off the Norwegian coast; and in 1876 Dr. Liitken treated of the specimens preserved in the Zoo- logical Museum of Copenhagen in Vid. Medd. Naturli. Foren. Kbhvn. for that year. The species has been figured by Kroyer in one of the plates to Gainiard's work (Yoy. Scand. Lap. etc. 1838 — 40; Poiss. pi. 1); but this representation is in several respects faulty. A detailed description of T. pin- gdii has not as yet been furnished. General description. Stntrtitrr of the Both/. — Body, above, and head, closely studded with minute granula- tions; dentate membranous folds below the lateral line, branchial membrane only smooth. Pectorals and eyes com- paratively large. Male individuals easily distinguished by the remarkable size of the anal papilla, which projects slightly forward; its thickness at base about equal to the transverse diameter of the lens, and its length, to the diameter of the orbit. Tail rather long and elongate, slender at base. 40 Hovedet har en forholdsvis kort. men temmelig til- spidset Smule, og den tæt chagrinerede Hud er fast be- klædende Craniet; tykke 'Læber, som hos Cottus, Centriderm- ichthys og OymnacantJms, tindes ikke. og Kjæverne synes derfor temmelig spinkle. I Totallængden indeholdes Hove- dets Længde omtr. 33/4 Gauge. Øjnene ere særdeles store, og Orbita's Diameter læn- gere. end Smulens Længde. Hos det største af de onder Expeditionen erholdte Individer (Totall. 108'"'") indeholdes Smulen næsten 2 Gange i Længden af Orbita. men hos de yngre er Øjendiameteren noget mindre. I Hovedlængden indeholdes Øjet fra 23/4 til 3 Gange. Interorbitalrummet er distinct, og har en Bredde, der omtrent er lig Lindsens Diameter. Tænder ere tilstede i Mellem- og Underkjæven, samt paa Vomer, men ere yderst fine ; Palatinbenene er tandløse. • 2 Par Næsebor tindes; det øverste Par er beliggende temmelig nær Orbitalranden. det nederste omtrent midt mellem denne og Eaiulen af Overkj;even. Kjæverne ere omtr. af samme La'ngde: hos enkelte Ind. synes Underkjæ- ven at være ubetydelig! længere. end Overkjæven. Gjællestraalerne ere G. eller (ifolge Liitken og Kroyer) undtagelsesvis 7 i Antal. Huden. Hudtraade paa Hovedet, saaledes som hos flere af de øvrige Cottoider, har jeg ikke kunnet opdage hos denne Art. Derimod strækker sjg (tydeligst hos de yngre Individer) rundt Orbita en tæt Række smaa Hud- papiller (omtrent som hos Gobierne): nedtil stoder denne Kreds mod en horizontal Række. der strækker sig fra Næse- borene til den ovre Rand af Praeoperculum. Hovedets Yæbning er mindre stærkt udviklet. end hos de fleste øvrige beslægtede Former. Praeopercidum er tandet, men Tænderne ere lave. og ikke synderlig! frem- trædende af Huden. Deres Antal er 4. og deres Stilling- er den hos Cottoiderne almindelige, idet den øverste peger opad og bagud. de øvrige nedad. Operculum er uvæbnet. og ender med en afrundet Flig. Den skarpe og bagudrettede Torn. der hos de fleste cottoide Fiske tindes paa hver Side af Smulen, støttende sig til Na'sebenene. er ogsaa tilstede hos Trif/lops: hos en Fuge fra den norske Kyst var den ene af dem kløvet i Spidsen. Ungerne have fremdeles paa Panden de sædvan- lige 2 Par skarpe Bentorne. men disse ere næsten uniær- kelige hos de ældre. Hovedets chagrinartede Beklædning strækker sig hos ældre Individer ud over Øjets øvre Del. men mangler altid paa Hovedets Underside: hos smaa Unger, hvis Totallængde er under 30 ere dog endnu! Gjællelaagene næsten ganske glatte. I (et egentlige Legeme har alene det ubetydelige Parti af Bugen mellem Yentralerne og Anus glat; ovenfor Late- rallinien er Legemet granuleret. ligesom Hovedet, og neden- for denne, samt paa Struben. forsynet med de ejendømmelige skraatlobeude. bagtil tandede Hudfolder. Head furnished with a rather short, bnt compara- tively sharp- pointed snout, and the rough granulous skin firmly attached to the cranium; lips not thick and fleshy (as in Cottus, Centridermickthys, and Oymnacanthus) , giving to the jaws a somewhat slender appearance. Length of head to total length about as 1 to 33/4. Eyes remarkably large, the diameter of the orbit exceeding the length of the snout. In the largest specimens obtained on the Expedition (total length 108"""). the dia- meter of the orbit is to the length of the snout almost as 2 to 1. in the younger examples a trifle less. Diameter of eye to length of head as 1 to 23/4 — 3. Interorbital • space distinctly obvious, breadth about equal to diameter of lens. Teeth in intermaxillary and lower jaw. and on vomer, but exceedingly minute; none on the palatine bones. Two pairs of nostrils, the upper pair placed in close proximity to the margin of the orbit, the lower about mid- way between the margin of the orbit and that of the upper jaw. Length of jaws about equal ; in some examples the lower jaw appears to protrude slightly beyond the upper. Branchiostegals 6. or (according to Kroyer and Liit- ken) exceptionally 7. Skin. — Of membranous filaments, such as occur in divers of the other Cottidce, I have not been able to detect any vestige; but. encircling the orbits (and most conspieious in young individuals), is an annular series of minute warty protuberances (much the same as in the Gobioidsj; below, this ring is met by a horizontal series, extending from the nostrils to the upper margin of the preoper- culum. Armature of head less fully developed than in most of the other allied forms: preoperculum dentate, the teeth however depressed, and but slightly projecting above the skin ; number. 4. position and arrangement that common to the Cottoids. the uppermost oblique, pointing upwards and backwards, the rest downwards. No arming is obser- ved on the operculum, which terminates in a membran- ous flap. The sharp spine, inclining backwards, which in most Cottoid fishes occurs on either side of the snout, projecting from the nasal bones, is also observed in Triglops : a young example, taken on the Norwegian coast, had one of these spines furcated at the point. In young individuals the front is furnished with the normal number of osseous spines (2 pairs); these are hardly perceptible in adults. The rough, granulous skin of the head extends, in mature individuals, beyond the upper part of the eye. the under surface of the head is invariably smooth; in very young examples (total length under 30'"'"). however, the opercles occur as yet smooth. Of the body proper a very small portion comparatively is smooth — that on the abdomen, extending between the ventrals and the anus: above the lateral line, the whole of the body is rough with granulations, as also the head : the region below it. and the throat, furnished with the charac- teristic oblique and dentate membranous folds. 41 Sidelinien dannes ai en sammenhængende Rekke tan- dede Benplader, hvis Antal, der svarer til Hvirvelantallet, er 47—49. eller undertiden et Par færre; den ligger i sit hele Løb noget ovenfor Legemets Midtlinie. gjør en ube- tydelig Sænkning ned onder Iste Dorsal, men hæver sig atter, og lolier heretter Hge ud mod Caudalen. Fra Unger af ln his hamatus. hvor de 1'dvoxedes Charactercr endnu ikke ere fuldt udviklede, kunne ligestore Unger af Triglops kjendes ved Sideliniens Løb, idet denne hos Indus danner en opad convex, hos Trighps en opad concav Bue onder Iste Dorsal. Ovenfor Sidelinien strækker sig en Række Bentorne langs hele Granden af Dorsalerne, der taber sig omtrent ved Midten af 2den Dorsal. Hos de yngre Individer ere disse Bentorne hojere og skarpere, end hos de ældre. hvor de tildels ere lidet fremtrædende af Hudens chagrinerede Parti. De skraatlohende Hudfolder danne oprindelig jFort- sattelser af Sideliniens Benplader, og bedække fulclkommen Legemets Sider nedenfor denne. Ikke altid ibrtsætter den samme Hudfold sig uden Afbrydelse lige ned til Ventral- lmien. men nve af forskjellig Længde begynde og ophore næsten overalt, saaledes at deres Antal nedad bliver langt større, end Benpladernes i Sidelinien. Enhver af disse Hudfolde er i sin bagre Rand tint tandet; de gaa lige ud til Caudalen, og med lignende Hudfolder er ligeledes Stru- ben bekhedt. Det Tidspunkt, da disse characteristiske Tverstriber, samt Tornerækkerne udvikle sig hos Ungerne, synes at være noget varierende. Sandsynligvis blive Hannerne tidligere væbnede, end Hunnerne. Saaledes har jeg undersøgt Un- ger (fra Norge), der sandsynligvis have været Hanner, hvis Totallængde har været mellem 26 og 30""", og som allerede havde saavel Tverstriberne, som Tornerækkerne antydede eller i Frembrud; derimod var et andet Individ fra Spits. bergen (erholdt under den svenske Expedition i 18(34). hvis Totall. var 37'"'". og sorn jeg i 1879 havde Lejlighed til at undersoge. endnu glat overalt ; Sidelinien var her synlig som en Rfekke hvidagtige. parvis stillede Papiller, der stand- secle for Slutningen af 2den Dorsal, men intet Spor viste sig af Tverstriberne ; den øvre Tornenekke var ligeledes blot antydet ved bløde Papiller, der endnu knapt vare ossiiicerede eller væbnede. Dette sidste Individ var sand- synligvis en Hun. Finnerne. De 2 Dorsaler ere adskilte ved et Mel- lemrum. der dog ikke plejer at være større, end Lindsens Diameter. Alle Straaler ere spinkle og skjore som Glas. saaledes at Finnerne ofte ere mere eller mindre defecte. Iste Dorsal er hojere. end 2den. og har 10 til 13 Straaler; 2den' Dorsal har 23 til -2(5 Straaler. Analen. der har den samme Længde og Bygning, som 2den Dorsal, har det samme Straaleantal. som denne sidste Finne; hegge disse slutte i betydelig Afstand fra Caudalen. Pectoralernes Straaleantal ligger mellem 17 og 21. Caudalen. der næsten er ret afskaaret i sin bagre Rand. eller svagt emargineret. har, foruden paa hver Side et Antal korte Støttestraaler. Deu norske Nordlftiysexpedition. Collett : Fiske. The lateral line consists of a continuous series of dentate osseous plates, corresponding in number (47 — 49. sometimes one or two fewer) with the vertebrae; it extends, throughout its entire length, a little above the mesial line, hending slightly downwards onder the first dorsal, from whence, after regaining its original position, it passes straight to the caudal tin. Young individuals of Icelus hamatus, which have not as yet the adult characters fully developed, may he readily distinguished from young examples of 'fi/i/liips by the upward sweep of the lateral line under the first dorsal, which in Icelus is convex, in Trit/lopx concave. Above the lateral line is a series of osseous spines, extending along the base of both dorsals; about the middle of the second it ceases however to be obvious. In young examples these spines are longer and sharper than in adults, which have them in some cases but very sligtly elevated above the granulous surface of the skin. The oblique membranous folds are at first continua- tions of the osseous plates of the lateral line, covering the whole of both sides of the body beneath it. The same fold does not always extend uninterruptedly to the ventral line, others commencing and breaking pff almost everywhere, and hence the total number of folds greatly exceeds that of the osseous plates on the lateral line. Each of these membranous folds is dentate, or rather serrate along its posterior margin: they extend to the caudal tin; similar transverse folds cover the throat. The exact stage of growth at which these character- istic transverse stripes and series of osseous spines begin to develop would appear to vary. Probably males acquire armature earlier than females. I have examined young individuals (from Norway), most likely males, having a to- tal length of between 26 and 30""". in which both the transverse stripes and the series of spines were either rudimentary or in course of development, whereas an example from the coast of Spitzbergen (taken on the Swedish Expedition in 1864). total length 37'""'. which I had an opportunity of examining in 1879. was as yet per- fectly smooth. In that specimen, the lateral line was obvious as a row of whitish papillæ, terminating near the extremity of the 2nd dorsal; but of transverse stripes no vestige was perceptible ; also the upper row of spines in the rudimentary stage was marked out with soft and tumid papillæ. which as yet exhibited little or no trace of arming. This individual was probably a female. Fins. — The two dorsals separate; space between them generally not greater than the diameter of the lens; all the rays slender, and brittle as glass; hence the fins themselves, in the great majority; of examples, are in a more or less mutilated condition. Height of first dorsal exceeds that of second; number of rays in former 10 — 13. in latter 23 — '26. The anal tin. length and structure cor-- responding to that of second dorsal, also furnished with 23 — 26 rays; both these fins placed at a considerable di- stance from caudal; number of rays in pectorals varying from 17 to 21. Posterior margin of caudal square, fur- nished on either side with a number of short auxiliary 6 ' 42 11, eller oftest 12 ordinære Straaler, der i Spidserne ere klovede. Ventralstraalernes Tælling er forbunden med nogen Vanskelighed paa Grand af Straalernes Tætbed og dybe Kløvning; Antallet er 4. Hos det største af de un- der Expeditionen erholdte Han -Individer fortsætter Mem- branen 'sig som en bred Bræm langs Ydersiden af denne Finne. De under Nordhavs-Expeditionen erholdte Individer harde folgende Straaleantal : a. (Hun) 1D.12; 2 D.24; A.24; C. 10/12/10; P.21; l'. 4. b. (Han) — 10: — 24; - 24; - 10/12/6; - 18: - 4. c. (Hun) — 10; — 26; - 26; - lO/12/lu; - 21; - 4. Farvetegning. , Denne er temmelig varierende, og synes at forandre sig noget under Væxten. Medens de unge Individer oftest have paa den hvide eller svagt gul- agtige Bundfarve 4 større, skarptbegrændsede Pletter, hvor- til senere støde andre og mindre nedad Legemets Sider, blive disse Pletter hos de større Individer opløste til korte langsløbende eller skråa Baand, der kunne være afbrudte, og delte i mindre Pletter. Denne sidste Farvetegning have begge de under Expeditionen erholdte Hanner, medens ' Hunnen har den mere overensstemmende med Ungernes. Af Finnerne have Dorsalerne. Pectoralerne og Caudalen tydelige Tverbaand. Størrelse. De største Individer, der hidtil ere fundne af denne Art. opbevares i Musæet i Kjobenhavn, og ere fra Grønland. Ifølge Dr. Liitken (1. c. p. 378) har af disse en Han naaet en Totallængde af 145""", en Hun endog 200""", og denne Forskjel mellem Kjønnene synes at være gjennemgaaende. De 3 under Expeditionen erholdte Individer havde følgende Maal : . a. Hun. 6. Han, c. Hun, Jan Mayen. Spitsb. Jan Mayen. Totallængde. . . . 70""" 90'""' 108""" Længden uden Caudal 60 - 79 - 93 - Hovedets Længde . . 20 - 24 - 29 - Øjets Diameter. . . 7 - 7,5 - 11 - De ved de norske Kyster hidtil fundne Individer have i Regelen været smaa, og deres Totallængde aldrig overskredet 102""". Levemaade og Føde. Som alle Arter af denne Gruppe er Triglops pingelii henvist til at leve nærved eller umiddel- bart paa Bunden, hvilket allerede fremgaar af Pectoraler- nes Bygning, hvis nedre Straaler ere mere eller mindre fri. Hos unge Individer er det dog blot Straalernes yder- ste Spidser. der rage ud over Membranen; men Indsnittet mellem dem tiltager med Alderen, og hos de udvoxede ere de nederste Straaler skilte næsten til Granden, de nærmest paafølgende noget mindre. Ialt deltage 7 — 8 Straaler heri, og samtidig ere disse beklædte med en tykkere Hud. og tal- lige livligere farvede, end de øvrige 13 — 14, ligesom de øverste af dem ere noget længere, end de tilgrændsende normale Straaler. Herved fremkommer en Tilnærmelse til spines, exclusive of 11, or more frequently 12 ordinary spines, all of which are cleft at the points. The num- bering of the ventral rays is attended with some diticulty, in consequence of the extreme closeness and deep furcation of the rays ; they are 4 in number. In the largest of the male specimens obtained on the Expedition the membrane extends as a wide border along the outer margin of this fin. Number of rays in the specimens taken on the North Atlantic Expedition : — a. (female) ID. 12; 2D.24- .1.24; C.lO/12/iO; P.21: V. 4. b. (male) - 10; - 24; - 24; - 10/12/6; - 18; - 4. c. (female) — 10; — 26; - 24; - 10/12/10; - 21 ; - 4. Colour. — The marking is subject to considerable variation in different individuals, and changes, too. appa- rently, as the growth progresses. Young individuals are generally characterised by having on the whitish ground- colour, or rather whitish with a faint tinge of yellow. 4 comparatively large and well-defined spots, meeting other and smaller macules disposed down the sides of the body, whereas in more mature examples these spots break up, appearing as a number of horizontal or oblique bauds, sometimes disrupted into smaller spots. The latter marking distinguishes both of the male specimens taken on the Expedition ; the female bore in this respect a greater resemblance to the young individuals. Well-defined trans- verse bands on the dorsals, the pectorals, and the caudal. Dimensions. — The largest individuals of this species hitherto met witli are preserved in the Zoological Museum at Copenhagen ; they were sent from Greenland. Accord- ing to Dr. Liitken, one male has attained a total length of 145""", a female 200""" even; and this difference in size between the sexes would appear to be characteristic. Measurements of the three specimens obtained on the Expedition : — a. Female, h. Male. o. Female. Jan Mayen. Spitzb. Jan Mayen. Total length . . . 70""" 90'"'" 108""" Length excl. of caudal 60 - 79 - 93 - Length of head . . 20 - 24 - 29 - Diameter of eye . . 7 - 7.5 - 11- Most of the individuals hitherto observed on the Norwegian coast have been small, their total length not exceeding 102""". Habits and Food. - In common with all other species of this Arctic group, Triglops pingelii occurs immediately on, or in close proximity to, the bottom, a fact necessarily in- volved in the structure of the pectorals, the lower rays being to a greater or less extent free. In young indi- viduals, however, the extreme points only are found to have pierced the membranous integument; but the incision conti- nues to deepen with the growth, and in mature examples the lowermost rays are cleft almost to the base, those next above them to a somewhat less extent. This charac- teristic feature is shared by 7 — 8 of the rays, which have a thicker integument and a deeper colour than the rest (13 — 14); moreover, the uppermost are of somewhat 43 det Kry be- og Føleorgan, som er højest adviklet bosSlæg- tcii Triijhi. hvor Straalernes absolute Frihed tilsteder en Bevsegelse af denne Pinnede] i alle Retninger, saaledes at disse Fiske i Virkeligheden kunne krybe henad Havbunden, medens Straalernes Spidser under famlende Bevægelser ned- stikkes i (i ruset. Tr/i/ttijis pingelii forekommer blot paa [det noget dy- bere Vand, og gaar neppe højere op, end til 16 — 20 Favne. Den storste Dybde, hvor denne Art er fundet, beboe- des af den store Han fra Xordhavs-Expeditionen. der opto- ges paa 263 Favnes Dyb. Alle de under denne Expedition erholdte Individer bleve fundne i den iskolde Area. hvor Temperaturen paa Bunden var under 0" C. I Ventrikelen af det største Individ, en Han fra Jan Maven, fandtes blot et middelstort Exemplar af Tliemisto libellula, Mandt; hos den mindre Hun (fra Spitsbergen) Dele af en Annelide (Polyndé), samt af en Crustacé. En fuldt udviklet Hun fra Grjæsvær ved Nordcap, med en To- tallængde af 102™', det største Individ af denne Art. der hidtil er fundet ved Norges Kyster, indeholdt blot Levnin- ger af Crustaceer. nemlig Dele af en Hippolyte og af en Pandcdus. Legetiden foregaar maaske om Vinteren, idet Genera- tionsorganerne hos Expeditionens Individer ikke for Øje- blikket befandt sig i fuld Udvikling. Ovarierne hos Hun- nen indeholdt saaledes endnu uudviklede Æg; Antallet af disse var i hvert Ovarium mellem 250 og 300. saaledes ialt 5—600. Udbredelse. Tr. pingelii har Udbredelse fælles med de fleste øvrige europæisk-arctiske Cottoider, og forekom- mer sandsynligvis overalt paa passende Localiteter mellem Grønland, Novaja Zemlja, Island. Pærøerne, og Norges Kyster. Ved Grønland synes den ikke at være sjelden, og flere Exemplarer ere herfra indløbne til Musæet i Kjøben- havn. ligesom den i August 1876 erholdtes under den engelske Nordpol-Expedition i Vest-Grønland under 79° 29' N. B. I Nord-America gaar den. ligesom et Flertal af rent arctiske Fiske, forholdsvis langt længere mod Syd. end i Eu- ropa, og er saaledes erholdt i Massachusetts Bay udenfor New England under 42" N. B. Under de svenske Ex- peditioner til Spitsbergen er den funden ved denne1 Øgruppe allerede i 1861; ifølge Dr. Liitken er den ligeledes funden ved Færøerne og Island, og Nordhavs-Expeditionen har. som ovenfor nævnt, erholdt den ved Jan Mayen. Endelig forekommer den langs Norges Kyster fra Varangerfjorden ned til Stat eller Christiansund (IJl1/-»0)- men s)'nes mtet- steds her at forekomme i noget betydeligt Antal. greater length than the adjacent normal rays. In tin's peculiuriU of structure an approximation is shown to the motor} and sensory organ, developed most in the genus Trigla; the rays in that genus being entirely free, this part of the tin can be moved about in all directions, and. on the points of the rays being pressed into the gravel, the hsh appears to creep over the bottom. Tr. pingelii occurs in comparatively deep water only, never ascending nearer the surface than 16 — 20 fathoms. The greatest depth at which the species has hitherto been observed is that from which the large-sized male specimen was taken on the North Atlantic Expedition — 263 fath- oms. All the examples obtained on the Expedition in- habited the cold area, where the temperature at the bottom was below 0° C. In the ventricle of the largest specimen, a male from .Ian Mayen, was found only a moderate-sized example of Themisto libellula, Mandt; in that of the smallest, a female (from Spitzbergen), fragments of an Annelid (Polynoe) and of a crustacean. The stomach of a full-grown female, from Gjæsvær, near the North Cape, total length 102""». the largest example of this species hitherto taken in Norway, contained only fragments of crustaceans, viz. of a Hqipoli/te and of a Pandalus. The spawning-season is perhaps in winter, since the generative organs in the specimens taken on the Expedi- tion were not then in a fully developed condition. The ovaries, too, contained immature ova ; the number in each ovary was from 250 to 300. in both together from 500 to 600. Distribution. — Triglops pingelii has the range common to most of the other Arctic Cott/dæ in Europe, occurring prøbably in all favourable localities between Greenland. Novaja Zemlja. Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and the coast of Norway. On the coast of Greenland, it would appear to be not a rare species, and examples from that region have, repeatedly been sent to the Zoological Mus- eum in Copenhagen; it was taken, too. in 1876. on the English North Pole Expedition, off the west coast of Green- land, in lat. 79" 29' N. On the shores of western North America it occurs, in company with a large majority of true Arctic forms, comparatively farther south than in Europe, having been observed in Massachusetts Bay, off the coast of New England, in lat. 42" N. On the Swedish Expeditions to Spitzbergen. in 1861. it was obtained off that group of islands; according to Dr. Liitken. it has also been met with off the shores of the Faroe Islands and the coast of Iceland; and on the North Atlantic Expedition, as previ- ously stated, it was met with on the coast of Jan Mayen. Finally, it occurs along the Norwegian coast, from the Varanger Fjord as far south as Stat or Christiansund (lil" 30' N.), but nowhere, it seems, as a common species. 44 Fam. Agonidae. GJ-en. Agonus, Schneid. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., (ed. Schneid.), p. 104 (1801). 10. Agonus decagonus, Schneid. 1801. PI. II, Fig. 11 — 12. f C'ottns catapkractm, Fabr. Fauna Groerd. No. 112, p. 155 (1780). Agonus decagonus, Schneid. Bloch, Syst. Ichth. p. 105 (1801)'. Aspidophoiiis decagomis, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Nat. Poiss. torn. 4, p. 223 (1829). . Aspidophorus spinosissimus, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 2 Række, 1 B. p. 250 (1844). Aspidophoiiis malarmoides, Deslongch. Mem. Soc. Lin. Norm. torn. 9, p. 167 (1853). Leptagomas spinosissimus, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861, p. 167 (1861 1. Archagonus decagomis, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. (teste Liitk.) Diagn. Legemet smalt, dets største Bredde indeholdes 8, Hovedets Længde 5 Gange i Total!. Det gjennnnsnitlige Antal af Skjolde er: mellem Dorsalerne 4 Par ; fra Nakken til Iste Dorsal 5 Par, indtil 2dm Dorsal 17 Par; mellem Ventralerne og Analen 12 Par. Foran Ventralerne findes 23 — 25 Skjolde. Pectovalens Længde ubetgdeligt større, end Hovedets. STcjægtraadene 5 paa liver Side, (4 enkelte i Mund- rigrn, 1 kløvet fortil i Underkjceven). Sidelinien har 23 — 25 Porer. Et Par korte Tome paa Smulen, et Par Knuder over Øjnew, og et, Par større Knuder paa Panden. Farven graagul, med 2 — 3 større gradbrune Tverpletter ; Pectoralen og Caudalen henimod Spidsen brunsorte. Hannen har læn- gere Ventraler, end Hunnen., Størrelsen 'indtil 210mm. M. B. 6; 1 D. 6 (5 ell, 7); 2 D. 6—7(8); A. 7 (6 ell. 8); p. 14—16; V. 3; C. 2/IZ/2. Lin. lat. 23—25. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. : Havet mellem Nordcap og Spitsbergen. Stat. 323. Stut. 326. Stut. 338. stat. :)i\:\. }U ligg< fli' d. 180 Kil. S. O. Beeren Ei- land. 10r> Kil. N. Beeren Ei- land. Sydcap, Spitsbergen. (iO Kil. V. Norskøerne, Spitsb. Dybde. 223 Favne (40X'»>. 123 Favne (225'"). 14i i Favne (267">). 260 Favne (47.". "■). Ti iHfi.jK Bunden. + 1,.V'(\ + 1,0*0. -1,1°C. + 1,1-0. Bunden. Brungrå at Ler. Mørkt Ler. Strnbuud. Blaaler. Datn.m. 30te Juli 1878. 3die Aug. 1878 (iteAug. 1878. 14deAug.l878 Antal Fndiv. 1 Indiv. 0 Indiv. 1 Indiv. 1 Indiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. En udførlig Be- skrivelse er givet, foruden af Cuvier og Valene. (Hist. Nat. Poiss. tom. 4). af Krøyer i Naturh. Tidsskr. 2 Række 1 B., som i 1844 beskriver saavel det udvoxede Individ (Aspidophorus decagomis), som Ungen (Aspidophorus spi- nosissimus) som separate Arter, og afbilder begge i Gai- mards Reise-Værk (Voyage Scand. Lap. etc. 1838—40, Fam. Agonidæ. Gren. .A-gcrnxxs, Schneid. Bloch, Syst. Ichth., (ed. Schneid.), p. 104 (1801). 10. Agonus decagonus, Schneid. 1801. Pl. II, fig. 11 — 12. t Cottus cataphractus, Fabr. Fauna Grænl No. 112, p. 155 (1780). Agonus decagonus, Schneid. Bloch, Syst. Ichth. p. 105 (1801). Aspidophorus decagonus, Cuv. & Val. Hist. Nat. Poiss. tom. 4, p. 223 (1829). Aspidophorus spinosissimus, Ki\ Naturh. Tidsskr. 2 Række, 1 B. p. (1S44). Aspidophorus malarmoides, Destongeh. Mém. Soc. Lin. Norm. tom. 9, ' p. 167 (1853). Leptagonus spinosissimus, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861, p. 167 (isiii). Archagonus decagonus, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. (teste Liitk.) Diagnosis. — Body slender, greatest breadth to total length as 1 to 8, lenr/th oj' head as 1 to 5. Normal, number of shields: between the dorsals 4 pairs, from nuchal region to 1st dorsal 5 pairs ; to commencement of 2nd dorsal 17 pairs.; between the .ventrals and the anal 12 pairs. Anterior to ventrals 23 — 25 shields. Length of pectorals slightly exceeding tltat of head. Five cirri on either side (4 at the angle of the mouth, 1 cleft, out on the lower jaw). Lateral line with 23 — 25 mucous pores. One pair of short sjiiues on snout: above the eyes one pair of knotty protuber- ances, and a pair, of larger size, on the front. Colour greyish -yellow, relieved with 2 — 3 large transverse spots of greyish -brown; points of pectorals and caudal brownish- black; ventrals longest in male, Length reaching 2lOmm. M. B. 6. 1 D. 6 (5 or 7); 2 D. 6—7 (8); A. 7 (6 or 8); P. 14—16; V. 3; C. 2J11/2. Lin. lat. 23—25. Locality (Worth Atl. Exped.) : — The open sea. between the North Cape and Spitzbergen. Stat. 323. Stat, 326. Stat. 33s. Stat. 303. Exact Locality. 180 Kil. S. E. Beeren Ei- land. 10:> Kil. N. Beeren Ei- land. South Cape, Spitzbergen. 00 Kil. N. Norsk Isl. Spitzb. Depth. 223 Fathoms (408'»). 123 Fathoms (22.".'"). * 1 40 Fathoms (267™). 260 Fathoms (475™). Ti nip. at Bottom. + I..VC. + 1.6° C. — 1.1°C. 4- 1.1 " ('. Bottom. Brownish- grey Loam. Dark Clay. Rocky Bottom.. Bluish Clay. Date. 30th July 1878. 3rd Aug. 1878. OthAug.1878. 14thAug.l878 Kumh.of Specim. 1 Indiv. (i Indiv. 1 Indiv. 1 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — A full description of this species has been given by Cuvier and Valene. (Hist. Nat. Poiss. torn. 4) ; also by Kroyer (Naturh. Tidsskr. 2 Række. 1 B.). who. in 1844. described the full-grown nsh (Aspidophorus decagonus) and the immature form (Aspidophorus spinosissimus) as two species, both of which he subsequently figured for Gaimard's work (Voyage Scand. 45 pl. 5), Yngelen' er ytterligere beskreven (etter norske In- divider) ut' Fort', i 1874 i „Norges Fiske- p. 40. ligesom Dr. Liitken efker Materiale i Kjøbenhavns Musæum har givet værdifulde Bidrag til Kundskaben em denne og de nærstaaende Arters Synonymi og Variabilitet, i Vid. Medd. fra Naturh. Foren. Kbbvu L876, p. 382. Bemærkninger til Beskrivelsen. Straaleantallet i de verticale Finner var bos Nordhavs-Expeditionens Indi- vider en ikke ubetydelig Variation underkastet, idet dette vexlede i Iste Dorsal niellem 5 og 7. i 2den Dorsal og i Analen mellem 6 os; 8. a. b. c. d. e. i'. Total- længde. • 140""" 141 - 147 - 152 - 152 - 150 - 168 - 174 - . 178 - Hoyedets Længde. 97 5 """ 27 - 30 - 29,5 - 29 - 29 - 31 - 33 - 33 - ID. 2 D. A. o; 6; 5; ij; (i: 0: <3; 5; 7; i ; .7; ti; 5; 8; 7; 7; 6; 7; 7; 7: 7; 7; 1 ; 7 ; 6; P. 15—15. 14—14. 15—15. 14—14. 14—15. 15—15. 14—14. 14—14. 15—15. Hos grønlandske Individer bar Dr. Liitken, ifølge den ovenfor citerede Afbandling, fundet Straaleantallet at være: 1 D. 6 (5); 2 D. 6—7; A. 7 (5—8); P. 16 (15). Hos 3 Yngel-Individer fra Varangerfj orden fandt jeg: 1 D. 5—6; 2 D. 7; A. 7—8. Maaske'kave de grønlandske Individer regulært 1 Straale flere i Pectora- lerne, end de, der bebo de spitsbergenske Farvande. Antallet af Legemets Benskjolde yarierede bos de 9 Individer inden følgende Grændser: Langs Rygbnien fra Nakken til Halen var oftest 44, undertiden 41 — 43 Skjolde ; laugs Buglinien oftest 39- -40. undertiden 38 eller 41 Skjolde. Fra Nakken til Iste Dorsal fandtes i Regelen 5 Par Skjolde, fra Nakken til 2den Dorsal 17 Par. (2 Expl. bavde 6 Par indtil Iste Dorsal, saaledes • ialt 18 Par, og et Individ bavde paa den ene Side 5, paa den anden Side 6 Skjolde, saaledes indtil 2den Dorsal 17 — 18). Gruppen foran Ventralerne talte 22 — 25 Skjolde, bvoraf enkelte vare ganske smaa. Mellem begge Dorsaler vare 4 Par Skjolde. (Hos 1 Individ var der blot 3 Par. bos et andet 31/., Par, bos et tredie 5 Par). Mellem Ventralerne og Analen var somoftest Antallet 12 Par. (Hos 1 tindes 13 Par. bos et andet blot 10 Par). Sidelinien er ganske tydelig efter bele sin Længde. Porernes Antal varierede bos de 9 Individer mellem 23 og 25; i Begyrjdelsen sta a de forbolsvis tæt, omtrent ved bvert Skjold, men bagenfor Spidsen af Pectoralerne ere Af- standene længere. Lap. ete. 1838—40, pl. 5). The try of ibis fish (from the Norwegian coast)have been further treated of by the present author in 1874 ( ride -Norges Fiske," p. 40); and Dr. Liitken lias furnished valuable contributions to our knowledge of the synonomy and relative variability of tins and other nearly related speeies in Vid. Medd. fra Naturh. Floren. Kbbvn. L876, p. 382. Descriptive Observations. — The number of rays in the vertical tins varied considerably in the specimens obtained on the North Atlantic Expedition, ranging in 1st dorsal from 5 to 7. in 2nd dorsal from 5 to 8. and in the anal from 6 to 8. a. b. c. d. e. f. Total Length. 140""" 141 - 147 - 152 - 152 - 156 - 168 - 174 - 178 - Length of Head. 27 - 30 - 29.5 - 29 - 29 - 31 - 33 - 33 - ID. 2D. o; 6; 5; 6; 6; 6; 6; o; 7; 7; 7; 6; 5; 8; 7; 7 ; 6; 7; <; 7; 7; 7; 8; 7; 7; 7; 6; 15—15. 14—14. 15—15. 14—14'. 14—15. 15—15. 14—14. 14—14. 15—15. In examples from the coast of Greenland the num- ber of tin-rays, according to Dr. Liitken, was as follows : — 1 D. 6 (5); 2 D. 6—7; A. 7 (5—8); P. 16 (15). In three fry-specimens, from the Varanger Fjord, I found the tin-ray formula to be : 1 D. 5 — 6 ; 2 D. 7 ; A. 7 — 8 ; perhaps the additional ray in the pectorals is a peculiarity of structure in which the examples from Greenland differ from individuals inhabiting the shores of Spitzbergen. The number of osseous shields on the body was found to vary, in the 9 individuals examined, within the follow- ing limits: along the dorsal line, from nape to origin of tail, most frequently 44, sometimes 41 — 43 ; along the line of the abdomen most frequently 39 — 40, sometimes 38 — 41. From nape to 1st dorsal, in most of the specimens. 5 pairs of shields; from nape to 2nd dorsal 17 pairs (2 examples were furnished with 6 pairs from nape to 1st dorsal, or, in all, with 18 pairs, and one individual had 5 shields on one side and 6 on the other, or. in all, 17 — 18). The group situated in front of the ventrals comprised 22 — 25 shields, some of which were very small. Between the two dorsals occur 4 pairs of shields (in one individual only 3 pairs, in another 3 pairs and a half, in a third 5 pairs). Between the ventrals and the anal the number of pairs is commonly 12 (one individual bad 13, another only 10 pairs). Lateral line distinctly obvious in its entire length. The number of pores varied in the 9 individuals from 23 to 25 ; the first in the series were arranged comparatively close, one at every shield almost, but. posterior to the extremities of the pectorals the interspace is greater. 46 Legemet er betydelig! slankere og mere langstrakt, end hos A. cataphradus ; den største Bredde, der falder over Nakken, omtr. 8 Gange i Totallængden. Af Skjægtraade har denne Art paa hver Side 5; i Mundvigerne sidde 2 i Over-, og 2 i Underkjæven ; den 5te sidder langt fortil i Underkjæven. Den sidste er altid klovet, de øvrige ere enkelte. (1 Individ havde ogsaa den indre Traad i Overkjæven kløvet, et andet Individ havde Underkjævens forreste Traad ikke dobbelt, men endog 5-kløvet). Ligesom det er Tilfældet med flere Cottoider, synes ogsaa hos denne Art Kjønnene at være ganske ulige repræ- senterede i Antal. Af de 9 erholdte Individer var nemlig blot det ene (c) en Han. hvad der strax fremgik af de forlængede Ventraler. Medens de 2 Straaler, der danne denne Finne, hos alle de øvrige vare af lige Længde, og saa korte, at Finnens Længde ikke synderlig oversteg en Øjendiameter. havde hos dette ene Individ den ydre Stranle. der var betydeligt længere, end de indre, en Længde a f 17""". eller omtrent 2 Øjendiametre. Farven var i det væsentlige ens hos alle. Bundfar- ven er gulgraa. og forsynet med 2 — 3 større Tverpletter. der danne Antydning til Baand. men idethele ikke ere særdeles skarpt markerede. Det forreste af disse ligger over Roden af Pectoralen. det andet (ofte utydeligt) over Slutningen af Iste Dorsal, det 3die over Midten af 2den Dorsal. Mellem disse tindes mindre, utydeligt begramdsede Petter og Skygninger. Finnerne ere nd mod Spidsen brunsorte : især er dette Tilfældet med Pectoralen og Cau- dalen. Undersiden af Legemet er uplettet graagul. Paa Hovedet gaar en temmelig bred. sort Streg fra Spidsen af Smulen gjennem Øjet. og fortsætter sig bagover paa Prae- operculum. Levemaade og Føde. Den synes at være en afgjort Dybvandsart ; de under Expeditionen erholdte Individer opto- ges fra en Dybde, der laa mellem 123 og 260 Favne, medens et Par Yngel -Individer fra Varanger fjorden (1874) erholdtes fra det noget grundere Vand (50 — 120 Favne). Som oven- for nævnt. erholdtes et af Nordhavs-Expeditionens Indivi- fra den iskolde Area. hvor Våndets Temperatur var un- der 0" c. I Ventrikelen af et af Individerne fandtes Amphi- poder. væsentlig Themisto libellula, Mandt, og enkelte Indi- vider af Erythrops goésii, G. 0. Sårs. Udbredelse. A. decagonus er allerede af Fabricius omtalt fra Grønland i 1780 i hans Fauna Groenl. (under Navn af A. cataphradus), og den er senere gjentagne Gange nedsendt fra disse Landsdele til Musæet i Kjøbenhavn. Paa, samme Side af Atlanterhavet gaar den idetmindste ned til Newfoundland. Fremdeles er den. ifølge Dr. Liitken. er- holdt ved Island. Ved Spitsbergen er den niaaske ikke The body is much more slender and elongate in form than is the case with A. cataphradus; extreme breadth, across the nape, about one-eighth only of total length. The cirri in this species number 5 on each side, disposed as follows: 2 on the upper and 2 on the lower jaw. at the angle of the mouth, and the fifth far out on the lower jaw. This barbel is always cleft, the rest con- sist each of a single filament; in one specimen .the pos- terior barbel on the upper jaw was likewise cleft; an- other had the anterior cirrus on the lower jaw not doubly, but quintuply cleft. As is the case with several species of Cottoids. the sexes appear to be very unequally represented in A. decagonus with regard to number. ( )f the 9 individuals obtained, one only (c) was a male, a fact immediately apparent from the elongated ventrals. In all the other examples the 2 rays composing this fin were of equal length. and so short, that the length of the fin hardly exceeded the longitudinal diameter of the eye. whereas in this individual the exterior ray, which was considerably longer than the inner, had a length of 17'"'". about equal to twice the diameter of the eye. The colour was in all these specimens essentially the same. Ground -colour yellowish -grey, relieved with two or three comparatively large transverse spots or bands, not very clearly defined however. The first of these spots occurs immediately above the origin of the pec- torals, the second (in many individuals indistinct) above the termination of the 1st dorsal, the third above the central portion .of the 2nd dorsal. In between these patches are a number of small indistinct spots and cloud- ings. The fins brownish-black towards the points; this is the case more especially with the pectorals and the caudal. •The under surfaee of a uniform greyish-yellow. A black streak extends from the point of the snout through the eye, passing from thence backwards over the preoperculum. Habits and Pood. — This species decidedly appears to be a deep-sea fish ; the specimens obtained on the Expedition were brought up from a depth of 123 — 260 fathoms; three individuals in the fry stage of growth, from the Varanger Fjord (1874). • were taken in shallower water (50 — 120 fathoms). As before stated, one of the examples taken on the Expedition was brought up from the cold area, where the temperature was below that of ice. In the stomach of one of the individuals examined were divers Amphipods. chiefly Themisto libellula, Mandt, and examples of Erythrops goésii, G. 0. Sars. Distribution. — A. decagonus was mentioned, as occurring on the coast of Greenland, as far back as 1780. by Fabricius, in his Fauna Groenl. (the name given it being A. cataphradus), and since then specimens have been repeatedly sent from those regions to the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen. On the shores of North America its range extends at least as far south as Newfoundland. According 47 særdeles sjelden, idetmindste paa Dybderne udenfor denrie Øgruppe. Endelig er den rundet ved Finmarkens Kyster saavel østenfor Nordcap (i Vararigerfjorden), som i Vest- Finmarken (Lyngen); den er i Norge liidtil ikke fondet søndenfor 70° N. B. Fam. Cyclopteridae. Gren. Eunricrotremus, Grill. Proe. Ac. Nat. Sei. Philad. ,1864, p. 190 (1864). Legemet næsten hugleformigt, med kort Hale og béklædt med store, conish til&pidsede Bentuberh- ler. Iste Dorsal distinct, af Bygning som 2den Dorsal: de øvrige Finner, samt Sugeskiven, som hos Gyclopterus. Gjællespålten særdeles liden, dens Hø/de mindre, end Øjets Diameter, beliggende hø/t ovenfor Pectoral ernes Fæste. Sit/clinic tilstede. Virre Rækher fine Trender i Kjæverne. 11. Eumicrotremus spinosus, (Mull.) 1776. Pl. II. Fig-. Vi. Cyclopterus spinosus, Mull. Prodr. Zool. Dan. p. IX (1776). Enmicrvtmtnt.i spinostis, (lill, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. Sopt. lsi>4. p. 190 11864). Cyclopterus orbis, Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Bins. vol. :;. p. 158 (1861). Diagn. Hovedet sturt, indeholdes 2l\.2 — 3 Gange i Tofallængden. 2 Par tuheformige Ncesebor. Sugeskiven stor, indeholdes Hilt over 4 Gange i Totallamgden. Amis ligger 'nærmere Sugeskiven; end Anoden. Bentuberklerne have bredt rwndagtig Basis, ere tost chagrinerede, og danne 5 — 6 uregel- messige Længderækker ; Trakten am Anus, samt Finner nr ere nøgne. Sidelinien højtliggende, har omtrent 13 Porer. Haleroden lav, indeholdes blot 2/3 Gange i Øjets Diameter. Størrelsen indtil 160mm- 1 D. 6—7; 2 D. 10—12 (13); A. 10—12; P. 23—25; C. 10—11. Lin. Int. 13. Loealit. fra Nordh.-Exped. Spitsbergen. Beliggenhcd. Isfjorden, Spitsbergen. Dybde. 129 Favne (236 "■). Ti mp. paa Bunden. — 1,2° C. Bunden. Stenbund og Mudder. Dato w. 19de August 1878. Antal Individer. 1 Indiv. ln Dr. Lutken it bas also been met with off the const off [celand. On the const of Spitzbergen it is not. perhaps, very rare, at Least in deep water off that group ol' islands. It occurs, too. on the coast ol' Finmark, both cast of the North Cape (in the Varanger Fjord) and in West Finmark (Lyngen), but lias not hitherto been met with further south than 7(1" N. Fam. Cyclopteridæ. Gren. Eumicrotremus, Grill. Proe. Ae. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1864, p. \'M\ (1864). Bod// almost globular, studded with large osse- ous tubercles, cuneiform in shape and pointed. First dorsal distinct, similar in structure to second dorsal : the other fins and the ventral disk as in Cyclopterus. Branchial opening placed high above the base of the pectorals, exceedingly narrow, its depth being less than the diameter' of the eye. Lateral line obvious. Several series of minute teeth in the jaws. 11. Eumicrotremus spinosus, (Mull.) 1776. PI. II, fig. 13. Cyclopterus spinosus, Mull. Prodr. Zool. Dan. p. IX (177H). Eumicrotremus spinosus, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. Sept. lsi>4, p. inn (1864). Oyclopterus orbis, Grunth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. :!, p. 15s (1361). Diagnosis. — Head large, length, to total length as 1 to Sij2 — 3; 2 -pairs of tubular nostrils: rent ml disk large, its diameter slightly exceeding one-fourth of the extreme length of live body; vent nearer the disk than the anal: the osseous tubercles, disposed in 5 — 6 irregular longitudinal rows, are closely granulated, and broad at the base ; the region environing the vent and the fins is smooth; lateral line, consisting, of about 13 'pores, high up the side; root of tail slender, its height being tiro-thirds only of the diameter of the eye. Length reaching 160mm- 1 D. 6—7; 2 D. 10—12 (13): A. 10—12; P. 23—25; C'. 10—11. Lin. Int. 13. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): — Spitzbergen. Exact Locality. The Isfjord, Spitzbergen. Depth. 129 Fathoms (237™). Temp. at Bottom. — 1.2° C. Bottom. Kock and Mud. Date. 19th August 1878. Numb, of Specim. 1 Indiv. 48 Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Opførelsen af denne Art under en særegen Slægt synes tilstrækkeligt at kunne begrundes ved Bygningen af Gjællespalten. der er reduceret til en trang Aabning bøjt over Pectoralernes Rod. samt ved den normalt byggede, Iste Dorsal, der ikke er omhyllet af den tykke Beklædning. der. som bos Slægten Oyclopterus, bringer denne Finne til næsten at forsvinde under Lege- mets almindelige Omrids. Eumiarotremus danner en bestemt Overgang til Lipariderne. baade paa Gruud af Gjællespal- tens Form og Stilling, og fordi Tænderne danne tydelige Rækker i Kjæverne. Som en anden Art af samme Slægt har Dr. Gunther i 1861 opstillet Cydopterus orbis, beskreven efter et enkelt Individ med en Totallængde af 22 eng. Linier (omtr. 57""") fra Beringsbavet. Denne adskiller sig fra E. spinosus hovedsagelig blot ved et ringere Antal Straaler i 2den Dorsal og i Analen. idet dette bos Dr. Giintbers Individ (Cat. Fisb. Brit. Mus. vol. 2 p. 158) var blot 9 i begge de nævnte Finner. Da Universitets-Musæet i Christiania nylig har mod- taget et velconserveret Exemplar af denne Form fra samme Trakt (Kamtschatka). har jeg kunnet anstille en nøje Sam- menligning mellem begge Former, og tror efter denne ikke at kunne opføre C. orbis som en fra E. spinosus distinct Art. Totallængden af dette sidste Exemplar var 70""". hvoraf Hovedets Længde var 22"""; Øjets Diameter 7""". og udgjorde saaledes 1/3 af Hovedlængden1. Interorbital- rummet var 13""". Sugeskivens Længdediameter 15""". Straa- leantallet var følgende: 1 D. 7; 2 1). 10; A. 10; C. 11; P. 24. Da E. spinosus (ifølge Gunther) kan have 10 Straa- ler i Analen. •og 11 i 2den Dorsal, synes sikre Distinctions- Characterer ikke at kunne hentes af dette Forhold, og da heller ikke de øvrige Characterer kunne sees i nogen væ- sentlig Grad at være forskjellige fra E. spinosus, synes det rettest at henføre C. orbis som synonym under denne Art. der saaledes er den eneste hidtil kjendte i sin Slægt. Allerede i 1776 blev Arten af O. F. Muller tildelt sin første foreløbige Diagnose efter et Individ, nedsendt fra Grønland gjennem Fabricius. I 1780 blev den udfør- ligere beskreven af Fabricius selv i Fauna Groenland. (No. 93.. p. 134). og senere i 1798 af samme Forf. i Na- turhistorie-Selskabets Skrifter (4de B. 2 Afd. p. 77). Fuld- stændig Beskrivelse er endvidere givet i 1847 i Naturh. Tidsskrift (2 Række. 2 B. p. 262} af Krøyer. som ligele- des i 1851 har af bildet Arten i Gaimards Plancheværk (Voyage etc. 1838—40. Poiss. pl. 4). Senest er den i 1861 af Dr. Giinther beskrevet i Catal. Fish. Brit. Mus. (vol. 3. p. 157); samme Forf. har i 1877 i Proc. Zool. 1 Naar Dr. Gunther i sin Diagnose af E. sj>inoms anfører Øjet som udgjørende ' , af Hovedeta Længde, er dette ikke Tilfældet hos Nordhavs-Expeditionens Individ, hvis Hovedlængde er 25""", ogØjets Diameter SV""1, saaledes. at den sidste udgjør lidt over % af Hoved- længden. Remarks on the Synonymy. — For the esta- blishing of this species under a separate genus there would appear to be sufficient reason in the characteristic form of the branchial opening, reduced as it is to a narrow slit, placed high above the pectoral fin; also in the fact of the 1st dorsal being normal in structure, and not enveloped in the thick membranous integument which, in the genus ( h/clopterus, well nigh conceals this fin beneath the contour of the body. Eumicrotremus, both from the form and position of the branchial orifices, and from the teeth being arranged in distinct series in the jaws, may be regarded as a well- defined transition-genus, approximating the Liparididæ. As a second species of the same genus. Dr. Giintber, in 1861. etablished Cyclopterus orbis, describing it from a single specimen, having a total length of 22 English lines (about 57"""). taken in Bering's Straits. C. orbis is distinguished from E. spinosus chiefly by the smaller number of rays in the second dorsal and in the anal; the individual examined by Gunther had. for instance, only 9 rays in each of those fins. The University Museum in Christiania having lately come into possession of a well-preserved example of this form, taken in the same region (Kamtschatka). I have had an opportunity of closely comparing the two forms, and am of opinion that C. orbis can not be classed as a separate species, distinct from E. spinosus. The total length of this individual was 70™'"; length of head 22"""; diameter of eye 7""". or about one-third of the length of the head;1 inter- orbital space 13'""'; longitudinal diameter of ventral disk 15mra. The fin-ray, formula was as follows: — 1 D. 7 ; 2 D. 10; A. 10; C. 11: P. 24. E. spinosus, can. according to Dr. Giintber. have 10 rays in the anal and 1 1 in the 2nd dorsal fin, and hence the fin-ray formula is of itself hardly sufficient to furnish a dis- tinctive character; and not differing materially in other respects from E. spinosus, C. orbis may. it would seem, be safely regarded as identical with the former, which, in that case, is the only species hitherto observed of its genus. As for back as 1776. O. F. Midler gave the first preliminary diagnosis of the species, from a specimen sent from Greenland by Fabricius. In 1780 it was more fully described by Fabricius himself, in his Fauna Groenland. (No. 93. p. 134). and subsequently, in 1798. by the same author (Naturhistorie - Sekskabets Skrifter. 4 B. 2 Afd. p. 77). A full description also appeared in 1847, by Kroyer (Xaturh. Tidsskr.. 2 Række. 2 B. p. 262), who. in 1851. bkewise figured the species for the plates to Gaimard's work (Voyage etc. 1838 — 40, Poiss. pi. 4). The latest diagnosis is that by Dr. Gtinther. in 1861 (Catal. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 3.- p. 157): and in 1877 the same 1 In Dr. Giinther's diagnosis of E. spinosus, the diameter of the eye is stated to measure one-fourth of the length of the head; this was not the ease, however, in the individual obtained on the North Atlantic Expedition, the length of the head having been25"H"1 and the diameter of the eye !>""". or a fraction more than a third. 49 Soc. of London (p. 294) givet i Træsnit Afbildningér af Yngelen. Bemærkninger til Beskrivelsen. Totallængden af det under Expeditionen erholdte Individ var 79"™, bvoraf Hovedets Længde var 25""". De conisk tilspidsede Ben- tuberkler beklæde Legemet saa tæt, at deres Grundlinier paa Siderne af det egentlige Legeme i Regelen berøre hin- andeii: paa Halen ere de alle mindre. Paa de 5 første Straaler af Iste Dorsal sidder paa hver Side hen mod Spidserne en liden, cbagrineret Bentorn. Endvidere er Gran- den at' Pectoraleme paa Ydefsiden beklædt paa samme Maade, som Legemet og Hovedet. Straaleantallet var: 1 I). 7: 2 D. 12: A'. 12: P. 23; C. 10. Tilstedeværelsen af en Sidelmie synes ikke at være omtalt i noget at' de ovenfor anførte Skritter, og Kroyer nævner udtrykkelig, at den mangler. En Sidelinie er ikke- destomindre tilstede, og Porerne ere overalt tydelige, om end ikke særdeles store1. Den udspringer veil Gjællespal- tens øvre Ende. er i Begyndelsen temmelig højtliggende, men bøjer under 2den Dorsal skraat nedad mod Legemets Midtlinie. sum den naar i omtrent ll-i Hovedlængdes Af- stand fra Haleroden. og loher herfra ret ud mod Caudalen. Antallet af Porer er paa den ene Side 13. paa den anden 1-1. Udbredelse. I Modsætning til Cydoptertts lumpus synes denne at være en Dybvandsart, der blot forekommer paa 60 — 200 Favnes Dyb (eller derover). Den horer til de Arter Fiske, som • ere fundne længst mod Nord. Fra Grønland, hvor den er talrig. er den. som ovenfor nævnt, allerede kjeiult fra forrige Aarhundrede gjennem Muller og Fabricius, og fandtes sidst i 1ST") af den engelske Nord- pnl-Expedition paa tiere Punkter af. Vest-Grøiiland op til mellem 79 og 80° X. 11 Fremdeles er den. ifølge Faber. funden ved Island (Fische Isl. p. 54. 1829): ved Spitsber- gen er den ligeledes. som det synes, hyppig-, og er her funden af Kroyer allerede i 1838. og senere af alle de etterfølgende Expeditioner i disse Farvande. Den er hidtil ikke fundet ved det europajiske Continent, men forekommer sandsynligvis ogsaa her paa passende Dybder af Ishavet. Da. som ovenfor nævnt. Oyclopterus orbis fra Beringshavet neppe kan opfattes som en fra Ewmicrotremus spinosus skilt Art. er den saaledes i sin Udbredelse maaske circum- polær. . ' ' Sandsynligvis er den oftest utydelig hos Individer, der have ligget længr i Spiritus, men vil i Regelen atter vise sis;, om Individet op- blødes en Tid i Vand. Den norske Nordl>aVsexpediti«n. Collett: Fiske. author figured the fry of the species on wood. (Proc. Zool. Sue. of London, p. 294). Descriptive Observations. — The total length of the individual taken on the Expedition was 79"™; length of head 25"™. The cuneiform osseous tubercles are so closely disposed over the body that their liasal lines, in the lateral region, are as a rule contiguous: on the tail, these tubercles are all considerably smaller. The 5 first rays in the first dorsal are furnished on either side towards the point with a small granulated spine. Moreover, the base of the pectorals, exteriorly, is invested with a teg- ument similar to that covering the head and the body. Number of tin-rays: — 1 1). 7; 2 1). 12; A. 12; P. 23; C. 10. • The occurrence of a lateral line does .not appear to have been observed by any of the naturalists whose works are cited above; nay. Kroyer emphatically declares it to be wanting. A lateral line nevertheless there is. and the pores, though not particularly large, are distinctly percep- tible.1 It commeuces at the upper extremity of the branch- ial opening, extending from thence nearly straight till a little below the 2nd dorsal, where it suddenly bends down- wards, striking oif obliquely to the mesial line, whichit meets at a point distant about half the length of the head from the origin of. the tail, and then passing straight to "the caudal. Number of pores 13 — 14. Distribution. — Unlike Cydopt&rus lumpus, this would appear to he a deep-sea species, occurring at a depth of from '(30 to 200 fathoms (or still deeper), and is- one of the tishes whose range extends furthest north. On the coast of Greenland, where it is common, it was observed as far back as the last century, by Miiller and Fabricius, having been latest met with on the English North Pole, Expedition. 1875, in divers localities- on the western shores of Green- land, as far north as 79° and 80°. According to Faber. (Fische Isl. p. 54. 1829) it inhabits the coast of Iceland; off Spitsbergen it is likewise said to be numerous, having been observed in those regions by Kroyer. in 1838. and since then on all subsequent Arctic Expeditions. Up to the present time it has not been met with off the con- tinent ot Europe, but occurs probably here too at the right depth. OyclopterUS orbis, from Bering's Straits, being, as before observed, hardly entitled to rank as a species distinct from E. spinosus. it is perhaps circumpolar in its range. 1 Probably it is more or less obliterated in specimens preserved for any length of time in spirits, but will again In-come obvious if the skin be sufficiently moistened with water. 50 Fam. Liparididae. Gren. Liparis, Cuv. Regne Anim. éd. 1, tom. 2, p. 227 (1817). 12. Liparis lineatus, (Lepech.) 1774. Cydoptertu liparis, Lin. Sy'st. Nat. oil. 12, tom. 1, p. 114 (1766). Cyclopterus lineatus, Lepech. Nov. Coram. Acad. Petr. torn. 18, p. 522 (1771 1. t Cyclopterus muscuhts, Lacép. Hist. Poiss. torn. 4, p. 685 (1798). Liparis vulgaris, Hem. Hist. Brit. 'Anim.. p. 190 (1v2s,. Liparis barbatus, Ekstr. Kgl. Vet. Aka.l. Hamll. 1832, p. 168 (1832). Liparis lineata, Kr. Natnrh. Tidsskr. 2. Eække, 2. B., p. 284, 1846—49 (1847). ' • Liparis steUatus, .Malm. Fork Skand. Natorf. 9de Mote 1863, p. 112 (18.63). ! Liparis arctica, Gill, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864, p. 191 (1864). Diagn. Hovedet mindre, end Legemets største Højde, og indeholdes, 4 Gange i TotaM. Øjnene smaa, indéhol- des o (fange i Horedels Længde. Anatem, bedækker l/d (hos Ungeme lj.-,) af Caudalens Bod ; Dorsalen naar til (hos Un- gerne lidt udover) samme. Snuden laut/ere, end Ojets Dia- meter. Underkjceven kortere, end Overkjceven. Sugeskiven stor, udgjør x/8 (kos Ungerne '/;) af TotaU., eller Halvdelen af Hovedets Længde. Pectoralen med en dyb Indskjæring, og de nedre strimler alter forlcengede. Caudalen tvert af- rwndet, indeholdes 8 (hos Ungerne 7) Gange i TotaU. Anas beliggende midt mellen) Sugeskiven og Analen. 'Farven va- rierende; ens/arret, jileltel eller strittet. Lttitt/ilen indtil ]■>(>'""' (og derover). ■M. B. 7. D.32—42: A. 26—38; R 32— 42; CIO— W. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Spitsbergen. — Stat. 366. Bcliggt nht d. Norskøerne, Nord-Spitsbergen. Magdalenebay, Nord-Spi1 sbergen, Dijbd, . Ubetydelig. j)0 F;i- i (91»»): Temp. paa Hunden. — — 1,0" C. 1: a, id< a. — Mørkegraat Ler. lliltniu . lode Aug. 1878. 17de Aug. 1878. ,l/i tal Zndiv. 3 Indiv. 1 Indiv. Bemærkninger til Beskrivelsen. De 3 først er- holdte Individer tilhøre den Farve-\ arietet, som jeg i en tidligere Afhandling3 har benævnt var. i. arcticus, og som sandsynligvis gaar ind under den af Gill i Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864 opstillede L. arctica. Denne Farve- Østersøen: D. 32 35; A. 28 (Malmgr.). Norge: D. 34~:;s- A. 28 -31 (0.). Spitsbergen: I'. 36 -4(5; A. 29 -34 (Mahngr.). Spitsbergen: D. :!*— 42; A. :;i--:iK [Xur.lh.-Kxpeil.i. Grønland: D. Il 13; A. ! ! 37 Malmgr., Gill). Fork Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1879, No. 1. p. 44. Fam. Liparididæ. Gren- Liparis, Cuv. Regne Anim. éd. I. tom. 2. p. 227 (1817). 12. Liparis lineatus, (Lepech.) 1774. Cyclopterus liparis, Lin. Syst. Nat., ed. 12, tom. 1, p. 414 (1766). Cyclopterus lineatus, Lepech. Nov. Comm. Aead. Petr., tom. Is, p. .".22 (1774». > Cyclopterus muscuhts, Lacép. Hist. Poiss. tom 1. p. in:, [1798). Liparis vulgaris, Flom. Hist. Brit. Anim. p. 190 (1*2*). Liparis barbatus, Ekstr. Kgl. Vet. Akad. Handl. 1832, p. His (1832). Liparis lineata, Kr. Xaturh. Tidsskr. 2. Rsékke, 2. B. p. 2s4, 1846—49 <1M7i. .Lipans si, Unt, is. Malm, Forh. Skand. Naturf. '■> Mote, 1863, p. 112 (18Q3). » Liparis arcticOj Hill, Proc." Ac. Xat. Sri. Philad. 1864, p. 191 (1864). Diagnosis. — Length of head less than depth of body, mul equal to one-fourth of total length; eyes small, diameter one-fifth of the lent/lit <>/ tin- head; anal covering one-fourth (in young examples one-third) of thebaseof Hie caudal; dorsal extending back to litis point (in yotmg examples a little beyond it); lem/fli of snout greater titan diameter of eye; lower jaw shorter Ham upper; ventral-disk large, equalling one- eighth tin young examples one-seventh) if total length, or halt' the length of the head; pectorals with a incision, lower rays elongate; caudal slightly convex', length to total length as 1 to 8 tin young examples as 1 to i ,: rent pl a nil midway between ventral-disk anil anal. Qolour varying ; uni- form, spotted, or striped. Lun/f]/ reaching lot)"1"- M. B. 7; D. 32—42; A. 26—38; P.32 -42; ClO—ll.1 Locality (Worth Atl. Exped. Spitzbergen.. — Stat. 366. t Locality. . Norsk < fer, North Spitzbergen. Magdalene Hay. North Spitzbergen. Depth. Trifling. .mi Fathoms ill!»»). 'L', r ' .l'. — - 1.0° C. om. — Dark-gTey Clay. Date. 15th Au-. 1878. 17th Aug. 187S. Numb, of Spt dm. :! Indiv. I Indiv. Descriptive Observations. — The three of these individuals belong to the variety which 1 designated in ;i former paper,2 var. i. arcticus, and which probably is com- prised in Gill's L. arctica (Proc. Acad., Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864). This variety, more would appear off 1 The Baltic: D. 32 -35; A. 28 (Malmgr.). Norway: 1). 34—38; A. 28 -31 (C). Spitzbergen: D. 36— 40; A. 29—34 (Malmgr.). Spitzbergen: l'. 38 12; A. 31 -38 (North Atl. Exped. aland: D. 41—43; A. 33— 37 (Malmgr., Gill). ' !•' 'Hi. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1879, No. I. \>. 11. 51 a. 4.v h. 49 - c. 104 - varietet, der synes at være den paaSpil bergen, eller idet- hele i det rent arctåske G-ebet hyppigst optrædende Form af Arten, er næsten ensfarvet uden større Pletter riler Striber. Bondfaxven, sum er graagul. er næsten skjult af yderst fine, fcætstillede, brune Punkter; Ims de yngre ere diss,, isser udbredte over Finnerne og paa Legemets Sider. som derved erholde en brunb'g Aiskygnmg, ligesom hist og her, saaledes som paa Bugen, Bundfarven kan optræde tildettet. Disse Individers Maal og Straaleantal var følgende: Totallængde. Hovedets Længde. D. .A. li'" 41; 34. 13,5 - 38; 31. 24'- 40; 32. Det 4de Individ, der er det største, Og noget defect. idet Huden tildels er atrevet. ligesom Caudalen mangler, har jeg i min foreløbige Oversigtl troet at burde benføre under L. tunieatus, Reinh., væsentlig paa Grund af. et større Straaleantal i Analen og Pectoralen, samt den sidst- nævnte Finnes betydelige Længde, idet Spidsén naar lidt forbi Begyndelsen af" Analen. ' Sandsynligvis udgjør det dog blot et Stort Individ at' L. lineatus, og gaar blandt de i den ovenfor anførte Afhandling nævnte Varieteter nananest •ind under var. r. subfuscus. Af denne Varietet har Uni- versitets-Musæet allerede tiere mindre Exeinplarer fra Var- angerfjorden i Norge. Dette sidstnævnte Individ, der var en Hun med et overordentlig stort Anta] fine Rogn i Ovarierne, havde føl- gende Maal: Totall. 122"" (omtr.); Hovedets Længde 33 . Straaleantallet var: D. 42. A. 38. P. 39—42. Bundfarven, der er lysl graagul, er omtrent ligesaa stærkt fremtrædende, som de smaa uregelmæssige Pletter (under en Orbitaldiameters Størrelse), der er jevnt fordelte over den. Hist og her ere Pletterne lidt sammenhængende, uden dog at danne Linier; de horizontale Finner ere der- imod stribede paa tvers. Huden er overordentlig lost ved- hængende, skjønt Individet var vel conserveret. Paa Gjællerne af dette Individ snyltede et Exemplar af en stor Lernæide (sandsynligvis Eaæmobaphes cyclop- terina, Pabr.). Føde. Ventrikeleti af det ene Individ fandtes fyldt med smaa Crustaceer, nemlig en CapreUa septemtrionalis, Kr., samt flere Individer af Protomedeia fasciata, Kr.: den sidste Amphjpode fandtes ligeledes hos et af de unge Indi- vider. I Ventrikelen af det største Individ fandtes Dele 'af en større Annelide. Pedinaria auricoma, (Mull.). Spitzhergcn and throughout the Arctic regions generally than any other form of the species, is of an almost uniform colour, exhibiting no vestige of large spots or stripes. The ground-colour, greyish-yellow, nearly concealed by a mul- titude ol' closely disposed minute brown specks: in com- paratively young individuals these minute spots are dis- persed in particular over the tins and along the lateral region of the body, which they blur with a brownish tinge ; and here and there, too, -as on the abdominal surface, the ground-colour occurs unitornih spotless. Principal dimensions, and number of tin-rays: — Total Length. Length of Head. . D. A. a. 45 12 41: 34. It. 49 - 13.5 - 38; 31. c. . 104 - 24 - 4o; . 32. The fourth specimen is much the largest, but some- what mutilated, portions of the skin having been torn off: the caudal, too. is wanting; in my preliminary report1 I have referred it to L. tunicatus, Reinh.. chiefly by reason of the greater number of tin-rays in the anal and the pectorals, and from the very considerable length of the latter tin, the points of which extend a • short distance ] tst the origin of the ami. Probably, how- ever, this specimen was merely a large-sized individual of L. lineatus, and should in that case rank under var. C, svhfuscus, mentioned in the paper cited above. Of this variety the University Museum is already in possession of several smaller specimens from the Varanger Fjord. This, the last of the individuals. ;i female, having in the ovaries large quantities of minute ova. measured as follows: — Total length 122 ' (about); length of head 33 : number of fin-rays: — D. 42: A. 38; P. oil— 42. The ground-colour, a uniform light greyish-yellow, and the small irregularly disposed spots (somewhat less in diameter than the length of the orbit) cover about an equal extent of surface. In places, the spots exhibit a tendency to approximate, without however forming lines; the horizontal tins, on the other hand, are distinctly marked with transverse stripes. The skin is remarkably lax. not- withstanding the individual was in all respects a well-pre- served specimen. On the gills of this individual occurred a large example of a Lernæan parasite (possibly Hoemoba/phes ii/i-ltijitrf/iitt. Kahr.). Food. — The stomach of this one specimen was found distended with small crustaceans, viz. a CapreUa septemtrionalis, Kr.. and divers examples id' Protomedeia fasciata. Kr.: the latter Amphipod was likewise detected in the ventricle of one of the young specimens. The stomach of the largest individual contained fragments of a large Annelid. Pedinaria auricoma, (MM.). Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 14, p. 10 Fork. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 14, p. 30. 52 Udbredelse. Da Artsbegrændsningen lios denne Slægt endnu i tiere Henseender er usikker, kan Udbredel- sen af L. lineatus endnu ikke med Nøjagtighed opgives. Flere Omstændigheder tyde dog paa, at den har en for- holdsvis vid Udbredelse; foruden at den under en Mang- foldighed af Farvevarieteter forekommer fra Østersøen og England af, cg laugs den svensk-danske og hele den norske Kyst op til Spitsbergen, hvor den endnu under 80° N. B. naar en frodig Udvikling, forekommer den desuden ved Is- land, Grønland, og Nordamericas Kyster ned til New England-Staterne. idet den er fanden, ifølge Goode & Bean, i Massachusetts Bay. Mod Øst gaar den idetmindste ind i det hvide Hnv .(hvorfra den beskreves af Lepechin alle- rede i 1774). 13. Liparis bathybii, Coll. 1878, (u. sp.) Pl. II, Fig. 14. Liparis (Paraliparis) bathybii, Coll. Forh. Vid. Sclsk Chra. 1878, No. 14, p. 32 (1878). Diagn. Hovedet kort og rundt: dets Længde lig Le- gemets største Højde, og indéholdes o'/2 Gange i Totatt. Øjet (Orbita) stort; dets Længdediameter indéholdes 3l]i (lauge i Hocedets Længde. og omtrent P/s Gange i Interorbitalrummets Bredde. Dorsalen og Anoden bedække 2/3 af Caudalen. Smulen kort, uhétgdeligt hengere, end Orbita. Peetoralens øvre og nedre Parti adskilte ved et, Mellemrum, der er opfyldt af 3 — 4 rudimentære Straaler. (Øynene, Sugeskiven, og Beliggenlteden af Anus tdiekjendt). Farven sandsyn- ligvis overcdt hrunsort. Størrelsen hos det undersøgte Individ (en Hun) 208"""- M. B. 7. D. 59; A. 51; P. 13f.\(i)j3; C. S'. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Biland. Havet vestenfor Beeren Stat. 312. Beligyenhed. 108 Kilom. V. Beeren Biland. Dybde, 658 Favne (1203m). Temp. 2>aa Bunden. — 1,2° C. Bunden. Brunt og' grønt Ler. Data hk 22de Juli 1878. Anted Individer. 1 Iniliv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Det erholdte Indi- vid fandtes ved Trawlnettets Undersøgelse i en særdeles medtngen Tilstand indeklemt mellem Stene og Lat. saaledes, at det kun med den største Vanskelighed lod sig løsne. Huden, der sandsynlig vis har siddet ganske løst, var næsten overalt frareven, eller hængte i løse Fryndser; dette har i Distribution. — The specific limits of this genus being as yet in many respects undetermined, the exact range of Liparis lineatus cannot be given. Divers circum- stances lead us however to infer that the species is widely distributed; besides occurring — with regard to colour in numerous varieties — in the Baltic, on the shores of Great Britain, and on the Swedish. Danish, and Nor- wegian coasts, as far north as -Spitzbergen. where, in lat. 80° N., it attains a high degree of development, the species likewise inhabits the shores of Iceland and Greenland, its range extending from thence along the North American coast, as far south as New England, having been observed in Massachusetts Bay. L. lineatus has been met with as far east as the White Sea. the first to describe it as occurring there having been Lepecbin. in 1774. 13. Liparis bathybii. Coll. 1878, (n. sp.) PI. II, no-. 14. Liparis (ParaTipavis) bathybi 14. p. 32 (1878). Cull. Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. Diagnosis. — Head short and globular: equal in. length to the depth of the body, and is to total length as 1 to-51,-,: eyes (orbitce) large, their longitudinal diameter being to the length of the head as 1 to3lj->, and to width of inter- orbital space about as 1 to Pj--,: the dorsal aud anal fins covering two-thirds of the caudal; snout short, but slightly exceeding the diameter of the orbit: the upper and lower divisions of the pectorals are separated by a space fur- nished with 3 — 4 rudimentary rags (concerning the eyes, the ventral disk, and the position of the vent nothing isknown). Colour brownish-black. Length of body in the specimen e.camined (female) 208"""- M. B. 7: D. 59: A. 51; P. i3/3(4)/3; C. 8. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): — The open sea, west of Beeren Eiland. Stat. 312. Exaet Locality. 108 Kil. \V. of Beeren Eiland. Depth. (>5S Fathoms (1203™). T< in/>. at Bottom. — 1.2° C. Bottom. Brown :\m\ Green Clay. Date. 22th July 1878. Nmnb. of Special. 1 Indiv. Observations on the Synonymy. — The specimen obtained was brought up with the trawl-net in a very mutilated condition, being jammed in between stones and clay, in such a manner that the greatest difficulty was experienced in extricating it. The skin, which in all pro- liability was very lax:, had been torn off over the whole oo flere Henseender været uheldigt, fornemmelig, fordi Pecto- ralerne ere ai en særegen Bygning, somdet havde røret af særdeles [nteresse at komme til fuld Klarhed om. Frem- deles manglede hele "Sugeskiven, medens dog dens Plads sandsynligvis endnu kan sees: og da Bugen paa Siderne og Qærmest Ajialen var opreven, kan heller ikke Beliggen- heden at Anus med Sikkerhed angives. Endelig vare ( )j- neiie adfaldne; derimod vare saagodtsom alle Finnestraaler bibeholdte, ligesom Legemet iøvrigt paa intet Sted var af- brudt eller defect. 1 )en etterfølgende Beskrivelse tiltrænge* derfor i hoj Grad at suppleres, ihvorvel den maaske i det væsentlige \il vise sig at være correct. Endskjønt saaledes Individet mangler et af de for Familien væsentligste, OrganBr, nemlig Sugeskiven, kan det dog paa Grund af Legemets almindelige Bygning ikke be- tvivles, at det tilkorer Liparidernes Familie, .medens det ikke er klart, hvilken af de hidtil beskrevne Arter det kommer Qærmest. Til Underslægten Careprodus, . Kr., kan forhaanden- værendé Art ikke vel henregnes, uagtet den har det hos denne optrædende betydelige Antal Straaler i Dorsalen og Ana- len, samt det relativt lille Hoved. Hos Careprodus reinhardt ere de mellemste Rectoralstraaler vistnok korte, men dog fuldstændig normalt udviklede; Legemet aftager hos denne Art hnrtigt i rfojde bag Nakken, og ender i en lang og smal Hale. Hos L. bathybii ere de nederste Pectoral- straaler næsten af samme Længde, som de ovre, men ad- skilte fra disse ved et Mellemrum, der er opfyldt af nogle faa og ganske rudimentære Straaler. ' Legemshøjden er fremdeles den samme omtrent fra Nakken indtil Analens Begyndelse, og senere ligeledes forlioldsvis hoj lige til hen- hnod Halespidsen, der aftynder jevnt og hnrtigt. Endelig rindes intet Spor -af, at Analaabningen har siddet i kort Afstand fra Sugeskiven. idet Partiet bagenfor det Punkt, hvor denne sidste har siddet. er uskadt indtil henimod Analen; Analaabningen maa saaledes have ligget forholds- vis langt trlbage. maaske næsten henimod Analens Begyn- delse. Det er en Selvfølge, at Charactererne for den nye Art ikke med det forhaandenværende Materiale lade sig tilfreds- stillende udvikle. Dog synes Pectoralernes Bygning at være saa væsentlig afvigende fra. hvad der rinder Sted hos de øvrige kjendte Liparider, at ( )prettelsen af en ny Under- slægt vistnok alene af Hensynet hertil kunde forsvares; hertil komme andre mindre væsentlige Afvigelser. ligesom det er sandsynligt, at disse yderligere ville foroges med et fuld- stændigere Materiale. For det Tilfælde, at et nyt Slægts- navn skulde blive nødvendigt, har jeg allerede i den forelobige Oversigt over Expeditioneus Fiske (1878) som et saadant foreslaaet Navnet Paraliparis. surface almost, or depended in loose strips. This proved in several respects most unfortunate, chiefly, however, owing to the peculiar structure of the pectoral lins. which it would have been of considerable interest to have deter- mined. The 'ventral disk. too. was wanting, hut the spot where it occurs could. 1 think, lie detected: ;md the abdomen having been crushed, the position of the vent can- not he given. Both the eyes. too. were gone, whereas the fin-rays were nearly all perfect: nor did the hotly proper exhibit any other traces of mutilation. The following de- scription, therefore, stands greatly in need of supplementary revision, though, perhaps, in all essential particulars, it will he found correct.- One of the organs characteristic of the family, viz. the Ventral disk, is indeed wanting in the specimen acquired, yet from the general structure of the body there can he little doubt that it belongs to the family LiparididcB, whereas it is by no means clear to which of the species as yet described it presents the closest resemblance. Under the sub-genus Careprodus, Ivr., the species in question cannot be classed, notwithstanding it is charac- terised, in common with the species of the former, by a large number of rays in the dorsal and anal tins. and. a head proportionately small. In Careprodus reinhardt, the inter- mediate rays in the pectorals, though short, exhibit a devel- opment in every respect normal ; in this genus, too, the body posterior to the nape decreases, rapidly in height, termin- ating in a long and narrow tail. L. bathybii has the low- est of the. pectoral rays nearly equal in length with the uppermost, but separated from the latter by a space on which are disposed a few rays, quite rudimentary. More- over, the depth of the body is very nearly the same from the nuchal region to the commencement of the anal, the posterior portion likewise being proportionately deep almost to the- tip of the tail, which rapidly becomes slender and tenuous. Finally, there was no trace of the vent having been in close proximity to the ventral disk, the region posterior to the point where the latter was situated having been wholly uninjured to within a short distance from the anal fin; hence the vent must lie comparatively far behind, perhaps in close proximity to the anal. From a specimen in so mutilated a condition, it is obvious that the characters of the new species cannot all of them be accurately determined. Meanwhile, the struc- ture of the pectoral tins is to that extent divergent ' from that distinguishing the other known forms of the family of Suckers, that, for this renson alone, the •introduction of a new suh-genus may be defended; other less important deviations also occur, the number of which will doubtless be found to increase with further examination of perfect examples. To meet the case of a new generic designation becoming needful. I took occasion, in my preliminary report (1878). to suggest the name Paraliparis. 54 Udmaalinger. Totallængde. . .' 208'"'" Længde til Enden af sidste Halehvirvel . . . . 189 - Største Højde ved Begyndelsen ai' Dorsalen . 37 - Højde ved Begyndelsen af Analen ....'.. 33 - Hovedets Længde 37 - Ho vedets største Højde 30 - Hovedets Tykkelse over Kinderne 24 - Overkjævens Længde 17 - Mellemkj ævens Længde 13 - Snudens Længde .' 10 - LængdediaVneter af Orbita 11 - Hovedets postorbitale Del 17 - Interorbitalrummets Bredde 17 - Snudespidsen til Begyndelsen af Dorsalen ... 42 - Snudespidsen til Begyndelsen af Analen .... 70 - Analen til Halespidsen '..... 138 - Længste Straale i Dorsalen 22 - Længste Straale i Analen 22 - Pectoralstraalernes største Længde 27 - Oaudalens Længde ;..:.. H> - Halerodens Højde 2 - Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. Legemet er temmelig langstrakt, med kort og rundt Hoved, og særdeles bred Pande: dets Højde er storst over Nakken, hvor denne er lig Hovedlængden. Bagenfor Nakken vedbliver Højden omtrent uforandret, indtil over Begyndelsen af Analen; senere aftager den. især i Halepartiets ydre Dele. succes- sive til Halespidsen. Hovedet indeholdes i Totallængden 5'/o Gange. Fra Nakken af er Hovedets Profillinie stærkt bøjet, og skraaner jevnt nedad indtil foran Øjnene; herfra gaar Protillinien ste j It ned indtil Mundspalten. 5,54. 2,92. I Totallængden indeholdes: Legemets Højde, samt Hovedets Længde .' . . Snudespidsens Afstand fra Dorsalen . . . . Snudespidsens Afstand fra Analen Gjællelaagene ere uvæbnede; Bagranden af Praeoper- culum ender i en Had Spidse, der imidlertid neppe har været synlig over Huden. Operculum er yderst lidet. og bestaar (efterat Huden er forsvundet) væsentlig af et kurt. noget opadbøjet og krummet Benparti. der er sammensat af 3 smale Benstraaler. ( J-jæflespaltéh er beliggende, som hos de øvrige Lipa- rider. hojt oppe mod Nakken ovenfor Pectoralerne. og har et Tversnit, der er mindre, end en halv Orbitaldiameter. Gjællehindens Straaler ere (i. der med sine øvre Spidser naa op til Grjællelaagets nedre Knud. De ere forholdsvis lange og krumme, mod Spidsen særdeles tynde, og ende her med en næsten umærkelig Fortykkelse. Blot det ene Tar Nasebor kan bos det mutilerede Individ med Sikkerbed paavises. Dette er beliggende nær ved Øjets Band. i omtrent en halv Øjendiameters Afstand fra Mellemkjæven. Measurements. Total length 208' Length to termination of last caudal vertebra . . 18',» Greatest height at commencement of dorsal ... 37 Height at commencement of anal ...... 33 Length of bead 37 Greatest depth of head 30 Thickness of head across the cheeks 24 Length of upper- jaw 17 Length of intermaxillary . . . , ' . 13 Length of snout 10 Longitudinal diameter of orbit 11 Postorbital region of head 17' Interorbital space 17 From tip of snout to commencement of dorsal . . 42 From tip of snout to commencement of anal . . 70 From anal to tip of tail 138 Longest ray in dorsal 22 Longest ray in anal . 22 Greatest length of pectoral rays 27 Length of caudal '....." .19 Depth of tail at base ........... 2 General Description. Structure of the Body. — Body rather elongate; bead short and globular; front remark- ably wide; extreme depth at nape, where it is equal to the length of the head; posterior to the nape, the depth continues the same till a little above the anal, from thence steadily diminishing, more especially in the exterior caudal region., to the tip oi the tail. Length of head to total length as 1 to 51/2; from the nuchal region the marginal line of the head extends in a sharp 'curve, bending gradually downwards till a little in front of the eyes, and from thence striking off abruptly to the cleft of the mouth. The total length contains — Depth of body and length of bead 5.54. Distance of snout from dorsal 4.88 Distance of snout from anal 2.1 '2 No arming on gill-covers ; posterior margin of preoper- culum terminating in a fiat jjoint. which, however, could hardly have been observable above the skin; operculum exceedingly small, consisting (the skin being entirely gone) chiefly of a curved bony part, composed of three narrow osseous rays. The gill-opening, as in the other Suckers, placed high up towards the nape, its transverse diameter being less than half the length of the orbit. Brancheostegous rays 6. the uppermost points extending to the inferior margin of the gill-cover; these rays are comparatively long and curved, towards the points exceedingly slender, ter-, minating with a scarcely perceptible inspissation. One pair of nostrils only could be accurately deter- mined in this mutilated specimen ; their position is near the margin of the eye. and distant about half the diameter of the orbit from the intermaxillary. OD Pseudobranchier ore ikke tilstede. Gjællernes Anta! ei det normale .')' Det linieformige Lnfraorbitalben er normalt udviklet. Orbitae ere forholdsvis store, med Højdediameteren abetydeligt kortere, end Længden; den sidste indeboldes i Eovedlængden næsten 3l/'a Gange. Enterorbitalrummet er rladt eller svagt convext, og aæsten lig Hovedets halve Længde. (Øjnene ere. som ovenfor nævnt, hos det under- søgte Individ udfaldne). Tænderne ere tilstede i Mellemkjæverne og i Under- kjæven. De ere yderst fine, og ordnede i regelmæssige, skraatløbende Tverrækker; fortil i Underkjæven tindes om- trent- 10 Tænder i hver saadan Række. Skulderbeltet ender oventil i en temmelig. spids Torn, der maaske hos det uskadte Individ har vist sig som en lav Kunde over Nakken. Det til den indre Rand af Cora- coidbenet fæstede ribbenformede Benstykke (Atlas's Hæma- pophyse-Del) er elter sin hele Liængde smalt, særdeles langi og spidst, og strækker sig lige ned mod Bugranden, uden dog at danne nogen lukket Bue med det tilsvarende paa den anden Side. Anus's Beliggenhed kan. som tidligere nævnt, ikke med fuld Sikkerhed augives. da individet er skadet i Bugen. Dog er det sandsynligt, at det har ligget temmelig mer Analen, idet et forholdsvis langt Parti bagenfor (den mang- lende) Sugeskive er helt, og uden at vise Spor af Anal- aahning. Sugeskiven er, som ovenfor nævnt, afreven. Dog antydes dens Beliggenhed ved et Hul paa Bugen noget bagenfor de nedre Pectoralstraaler. Skiven har ikke været særdeles langt fremrykket (saaledes som hos Slægten Gare* prootus), men den nævnte Aabning er forholdsvis liden, og synes at antyde, at det samme har været Tilfældet med Sugeskiven. Finnerne. Dorsalen begynder lige bagenfor Nakken: dens Afstand fra Snudespidsen indeholdes hæsten 5 Gange i Totall. De forreste Straaler ere ufuldkomne Pigstraaler, og særdeles korte og svage,, samt have Ansats til at være dobbelte nedtil. Omtrent fra den 7de Straale af ere de alle kiøvede til Grunden, eller fuldkommen dobbelte, samt tydeligt articulerede etter hele sin Længde; midt paa Ryg- gen er Mellemrummet mellem liver Straales Halvdele saa distinct, at de næsten synes at være stillede parvis. Den største Hojde har Finnen paa Midten af Halepartiet, hvor Stsaalerne have en Længde, der er lig Hovedets Længde indtil Øjets Bagrand; dog har sandsynligvis aldrig Finnen kunnet hæve sig til. denne Hojde. Bagtil aftage" Straalerne kun ubetydeMgt i Hojde. og de ere ved Haleroden etter hele sin Længde tilvoxede Oaudalen, samt ere her tættere stillede. end længere fortil. Straalernes Anta] er 59, et Tal der ikke er naaet hos nogen hidtil nøjagtigt undersøgt Art af Liparidernes Familie. Analen. der tæller 51 Straaler, er i Bygning temme- lig overensstemmende med Dorsalen, og begynder, (som hos 'Pseudobranchiæ not present; normal number of gills ■ Vjy. the linear infraorbital hone normally developed. Orbitæ comparatively large, the vertical diameter somewhat less than the transverse: the latter is to the length of the head as 1 to ■'!' _• almost. LnterorbitaJ sur- face Hal or slightly convex, width nearly equal to halt the length ol' the head. (In the specimen examined both the eyes were gone). Teeth in intermaxillaries and in 'lower jaw: they are exceedingly slender and minute, regularly arranged in oblique transverse rows: each row in the anterior part of lower jaw composed of about in teeth. The scapulary arch terminates above in a rather sharp-pointed spine, which, in specimens not mutilated per- haps would appear as a depressed protuberance on the nape. The costal-shaped hone (the hæmapophysis ol' Atlas) attached to the inner margin of the coracoid is narrow- throughout its entire length, and very long and sharp at the point, extending straight down to the margin of the abdomen, without however meeting that on the opposite side and forming 8 perfect arch with it. As before observed, the exact position of the vent cannot he given, the specimen examined having been muti- lated in the abdominal region. Probably, however, it is in close proximity to the anal tin. a. comparatively extensive portion of the surface posterior to the ventral-disk (wanting in this individual) exhibiting no vestige whatever of an anus. The ventral disk, as mentioned above, had been torn oil'. Its position however was clearly indicated by an oritice in the abdominal surface somewhat posterior to the lower pectoral rays. The disk cannot therefore have been very far back (as in the genus Ccweprodus) ; hut the said oritice was comparatively small, denoting apparently that such, too, is the case with the ventral disk. Fins. — Dorsal commencing in close proximity to the nape; its distance from tip of snout is to total length nearly as 1 to 5. The foremost rays spinous, but exceed- ingly short and fragile, towards the base inclining to branch. From the 7th ray about, they are all of them double, being cleft "to the base, and distinctly articulated throughout their entire length: in the middle of the back the interspace between the halves of each ray is so conspicuous as almost to give these rays the appearance of being arranged in pairs. Greatest depth of the fin in the middle of the tail, where the length of the 'rays equals the length of the head measured to the posterior margin of the eve: it is notpro- bable however that the tin can lie elevated to that extent. The posterior rays, which diminish but slightly in height, are at the base of the tail attached to the caudal throughout their entire length; these terminal rays, too, are more closely arranged. Number of rays 59, — hence exceeding that in any accurately determined species of the family Liparidiclæ. The anal, furnished with 51 rays, very similar in structure to the' dorsal, having at the commencement (as 56 andre Liparider) med feengere Straaler, end de tilsvarende i den nævrite Finne. Straalerne have sin største Længde noget bagenfor Midten, hvor denne er lig de længste Dor- salstraalers. Alle Straaler ere klovede'til Granden, saa de næsten synes parvis stillede; i Begyndelsen ere de utyde- ligt, men senere tydeligt articnlerede. De ere bagtil tæt- stillede. samt efter hele sin Længde tilvoxede Caudalen. og ere her omtrent af samme Længde. som de tilsvarende Straaler i Dorsalen. Caudalen bestaar af 8 Straaler. hvoraf maaske det yderste Par ere enkelte, men alle de øvrige Møvede lige til Granden. De ere alle yderst spinkle, tætstillede, samt hut articulerede. Af Form er denne Finne noget tilspid- set: de mellemste Straaler. (der ere noget kortere, end de længste Dorsal- eller Analstraalei'). rage med omtrent J/3 af sin Længde ud over sin Forbindelse med Dorsalen og Analen. Pectoralens Bygning er ganske ejendommelig, idet dens øverste og nederste Parti, som tidligere ujevnt, ere ad- skilte ved et Mellénirum. der blot bærer nogle faa rudimen- tære Straaler. Øverst sidde 13 Straaler. der ere tætstillede, smale, dobbelte og articulerede; deres største Længde er ubetydeligt større, end de Længste Dorsalstraaler, men de tør maaske have været afbrudte i Spidsen, og have derfor havt større Længde. Efter disse Straaler folge 3, paa den anden Side 4. rudimentære Straaler. der ende som fine Traade, og hvis Længde ikke overskrider -'/;; af én Orbitaldiameter. Den indbyrdes Afstand mellem hver af disse Straaler er omtrent lig Halvdelen af deres Længde. Nedenfor disse føl- ger Pectoralens nederste Parti, der bestaar af 3 tætstillede, lange Straaler af flygning ganske som de øverste, og omtrent af disses Længde ; alene den nederste er noget kortere, end de øvrige. Overgange fra de rudimentære til de normalt byggede Straaler tindes ikke. ligesom Finnen idethele ikke bærer Spor af at være defect i anden Henseende, end at de lange Straaler maaske kunne have været afbrudte i Spidsen. Forbindelsen mellem disse 3 Partier kan paa Grand af den fuldkommen afrevne Membran ikke angives. Sand- synligvis have de mellemste rudimentære Straaler blot ved' Poden været særdeles kort forbundne indbyrdes. ligesom med det øvre og nedre Parti, saaledes at de fine og korte Traade have raget frem over Membranen. Pectoralen faar saaledes et 1'dseende af at være delt i 2 Dele. hvoraf dets nederste Del. der er nedadrettet og særdeles bevægelig i alle Retninger, har virket som et Par Ventraler, hvis Plads de næsten have indtaget. in all the other genera of the family) somewhat longer rays than the corresponding ones in the latter fin. Greatest length of rays occurring slightly posterior to the medial part, where it equals that of the longest in the dorsal. All the rays cleft to the base, giving them the appearance almost of being arranged in pairs; articulation, indistinct at first, becoming gradually obvious and well-defined. The terminal posterior rays attached to the caudal in their entire length, which is about equal to that of the corre- sponding rays in the dorsal. Caudal composed of 8 rays, the two outermost per- haps undivided, all the rest cleft to the base. They are exceedingly slender, close, and 'finely articulated. Form of the hu somewhat tapering; the medial rays (a trifle shorter than the longest in the dorsal or anal) project to a distance equalling about one-third of their length beyond the tips of the dorsal and anal. The structure of the pectorals is highly characteristic. the upper and lower parts of these tins, as mentioned above. being separated by a space over which are dispersed a few rudimentary rays only. The upper division furnished with 13 rays, closely arranged, slender, branched, and articulated: greatest length slightly exceeding that of the longest in the dorsal ; possibly, however, the points were broken off. in which case the actual length would be somewhat greater. Next to these rays occur 3 . — on the opposite side 4 — rudi- mentary, terminating in membranous filaments, their length not exceeding two-thirds of the diameter of the orbit. The relative distance between these rays about equal to half their length. Immediately beneath them extends the lower division of the pectoral. ' composed of 3 long and closely arranged rays, in structure precisely similar to the upper- most, and of about the same length, the lowest ray being a trifle shorter than the other two'. No transition stages from the rudimentary rays to those of normal structure, nor did the tin itself exhibit the slightest trace of mutila- tion other than that the points of the long rays might pos- sibly have been broken off. The exact connexion between these three divisions of. the tin could not be determined, the membrane uniting them having been torn off. Probably, however, the medial rudimentary rays are connected with one another, as also with the upper and lower divisions, at the base alone, in such manner that the short and slender connective filaments project beyond the membrane. Hence the pectorals have the appearance of being divided in two, of which the lower half, inclining downwards and having great freedom of motion, performs the office of ventrals, indeed almost sup- plying the place of those tins. Farve, etc. Legemet var særdeles blodt og halvt gjennemsigtigt: Huden overalt graasort. ligesom Mundhulen og Gjællespaltens indre Beklædning; Bughinden gjennem- skinnende blaasort. En Række af 3 — 4 dybe Porer kan sees at strækfce sin langs Underkjæven. Colour &c. — The body, in the specimen examined. was exceedingly soft, and semi-transparent; skin greyish- black, also that covering the cavity of the mouth, and the inner branchial . integument ; abdominal membrane a translucent bluish black. Three or four deep pores, dis- tinctlv obvious, extending along the lower jaw. 57 Individet var eD Hun. med Ovarierne fulde ai moden Rogn. Etognkornene. livis Anta] var omtr. L00. have en betydelig Størrelse, næsten som en Lindsediameter (derefe Tversnit er 4,5"""). Formlen disse Æg, der sandsynligvis vare gydefærdige, fandtes som sædvanligt et stort Antal, der vare forblevne uudviklede. Artens Grydetid falder saale- des i Sommermaanederne. Føde. \ entrikelen var særdeles stærk og muscuLøs, og indeholdt Levninger at' Themisto libéllula, Mandt, samt Dele ai en stor Myside; desuden fandtes Laaget og Dele af Kappen af en liden G-asteropode, der synes at have været en Nabicd. Udbredelse. Individet optoges. som ovenfor nævnt. fra det iskolde Vand (Temperaturen — 1,2° C), og fra en betydelig Dybde (658 Favne, eller 1203"1) i Havet vesten- for Beeren "Eiland, og er det eneste hidtil bekjendte Exem- plar af sin Art. Gren. Careproctns, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 R. 1 B. p. ■_':>:;, Kbhvn. lstii— n;; (isi>-2). Som Slægten Liparis, vie)) Legemet har langt og tyndt Haleparti, og særdeles spinkle Straaler. Sugeskiven særdeles lide», Ugger langt fortil, lige under Øjets forreste Del. Anus langt fremrykket, ligger i kort Afstand fra Sugeskiven. Pectoralerne strcekke sig fremad indtil hen imod Underhjæ- rens Trendertit danne uregelmæssige Brek- ker, ere- svdgt rummede, og uden Flige. l-t. Careproctus reinhardi, Kr. 18U2. Pl. II, Fig. r -in, Liparis gelatinosus, Reinli, (ex Pull.) Overs. 1S-P2, Kgl. I>. Vid, Selsk. Nat. Math. Aih. p. LXXVII, Kbhvn. 1843 (1842). i Liparis gelatinosus, Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. :',. p. 163(1861). Liparis (Careproctus) reinhardi, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. :'> Række, 1 B. p. 252, Kbhvn. 18(il— u:; (1862). Careproctus reinhardi, Grill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. Is(i4. p. 194 (1864). Diagn. Ho redet kort og rundt, indéholdes 4 — 5 Gange i Totallængden. Øjnene indéholdes hos yngre Individer 4 — 5, hos de ældre omtrent 6 Gange i Hovedets Længde. Cauda- len særdeles spinket, red Boden bedækket af Dorsalen og Analen. Ovérkjmven næsten af samme Længde, sum Vhder- kjæven. Sugeskiven har en Størrelse af blot lidt m-er en This individual was a female, with the ovaries full of mature roe: the ova. in number about loo. were of con- siderable size, their longitudinal diameter being equal to of the lens (transverse diameter 4.5"""). Exclusive of these ova — probably ready for depositing — the ovaries likewise contained a large quantity of undeveloped roe. Hence the species spawns in the summer months. Food. In the ventricle, exceedingly strong and muscular, were divers remains of Themisto libeUula, Mandt, together with fragments of a large Myside; also the oper- culum and parts of the mantle of a small (iasteropod. apparently belonging to the genus Natica. Distribution. — As before stated, this individual was taken at a considerable depth (658 fathoms = 1203'"), in the open sea. west of Beeren Eiland, the temperature of the water being — 1.2" C, and is the only example of its species yet obtained. Gren. Careproctus, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 R. t B. p. 2."»:;, Kbhvn. 1861—63 (1802). Closely resembling the genus Liparis, hut with the caudal region long attd tenuous, aud /he fin-rays exceedingly slender. The ventral disk exceedingly small, placed far in front, immediately beneath the anterior portion of the eye. TJie vent far in ad- en nee, in close proximity to the ventral disk. The pectorals extending forwards to the symphysis of the lower jau\ The teeth, arranged in irregular rows, are slightly curved, and simple. 14. Careproctus reinhardi, Kr. 1862. PI. II. tig. 15—16. Liparis gelatinosus, Reinh. (ex Pall.) Overs. 1842, Kgl. D. Vid. 'Selsk. Nat. Math. Aih. p. LXXVII. Kbhvn. 1843 (184'2). ? Lipa,-is gelatinosus, Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit, Mus. vol. :i, p. 163 (1861). Liparis (Careproctus) reinhardi, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 Række, 1 B. p. -.'.'.J. Kbhvn. is<;i — .;:; (1862). Careproctus reinhardi. Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. lsf>4. p. 194 (1864). Diagnosis. — Head short and globular, its length com- pared to total length being us 1 to 4 — •">. The dinnieter of the eye. in young individuals, is to the length of the head us 1 to 4 — o. in adults, about us 1 to 6. The caudal fin exceedingly slender, eoeered at the base by the dorsal and mud. The upper jute neurit/ equal in length to the lower. .s 58 Øjendiamder. Pectoralen nedtil indskaaren ; de nedre Strim- ler i Spidsen fri, og danne (hos yngre) korte, snoede Traade. Anus i en Øjendiameters Afstand (eller kortere) bag Stige- sMven. Huden slimet og gelatin»*. Legemet halvt gjennem- sigtigt. Farven rødgraa eller h r/dl ig. Størrelsen indtil 79mm (Nordli. Exped.), eller 150mm (Mas. Hafn.J. M. B. 6. D. o4—o5: A. 45— 46;. C. 11—14; P. 32-33. Localit. fra Nordh.- Exped. Jan Mayen; Havet vestenfor Beeren Ei laud. Stal. 'J.'.,. Stat. 312. Beliggehht d. Jan Mayen. li is Kil. mi. V. Beeren Eiland. Dybde. 263 Favne (-1*1 '"). 658 Favne (1203™). T< mp. paa Bundt n. _0,3°C: — 1,2° C. Bunden. . Vulcansk Grus, Lava. Brunt og grønt Ler. Datum, 3die Aug. 1*77. 22de Juli 1878. Antul Indiv. 1 Indiv. 2 Indiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Ihvorvel denne Art i sit ydre Habitus Lar den typiske Slægt Liparis' almindelige Bygning, vil den dog med nogeu Ret kunne udsondres fra denne paa Grand af Afvigelser saavel i den indre, som ydre Bygning. Dette har allerede Krøyer paa ovenanførte Sted (1862) antydet; og skjont ban ikke éndnu bar villet gjennemføre denne Forandring i sin Helbed. op- stiller ban dog det nye Slægtsnavn Careproetus som en Benævnelse, der vil kunne anvendes, naar senere Uridersø- gelser have fundet dette nodvendigt. Disse Afvigelser fra den typiske Slægt Liparis ere væsentlig, som ovenfor angivet. den stærkt reducerede Suge- skive og dennes Stilling. Pectoralernes Bygning, samt Be- liggenheden af Anus. Idethele vil C. reinhard! i de Sta- dier, hvori Arten bidtil er kjendt. ikke let kunne forvexles med nogen af de nordeuropæiske eller hidtil bekj endte grønlandske Liparider. Hvorvidt imidlertid forhaandenværende Art er speci- fik skilt fra den af Pallas allerede i forrige Aarhundrede beskrevne kjæmpemæssige Cyclopterus gelatinpsus fra Kamt- schatka, der, ifølge Beskrivelsen, har en lignende ubetyde- ligt udviklet Sugeskive, og langt fremrykket Anus, er endnu ikke bleven positivt bekræftet, men tiere Grunde tale for begge Formers Adskillelse. Da Reinhardt i 1842 for Videnskabs-Selskabet i Kjø- benbavn omtalte de fra Grønland nedsendte Individer, der udgjøre Typeme for den senere Careprodus reinhardi, og som efter hans Mening besad de af Pallas omtalte Ejeu- dommeligbeder. antog han dem for synonyme, og opførte Arten som Liparis gélatinosus, Pall.; men Kroyer har. som det synes med Rette, betvivlet deres Identitet, og opstillede The diameter of the ventral disk but slightly exceeding that of the eye. The pectorals deeply notched; their inferior rags free at tin: points, constituting (in young examples) a serie* if short, twisted filaments. The rent placed one eye- diameter (<>r less) behind the ventral disk. Skin viscid ami glutinous; body semi-transparent i Colour reddish-grey or whitish. Length reaching 79mm (North Atl.Exped.); 150™" ( Mus. Hafn. ). M. B. 6. D. 54—55; A. 45—46; C'. 11—14; P. 32—33. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): opien sea west of Beeren Eiland. Jan Mayen ; the Stat. '2'.) t . xt'tt. 312. ■ Exact Locality. .hm Mayen. 108 Kilom. W. Beeren Eiland. Depth. 263 Fathoms (4*1 »). 658 Fathoms (1203 m). Temp, at Bottom. 0.3° C. — 1.2° C. Bottom. Volcanic Rubble. Brown and Green Clay. Date. 3rd Aug. 1*77. 22nd July l*7s Numb, of Specim. 1 Indiv. 2 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — This species, not- withstanding its striking resemblance to the typical genus Liparis, may, by reason of divers peculiarities of structure, both external and internal, be safely regarded as distinct. To tins fact Kroyer, as stated above, has already drawn attention, in the Naturh. Tidsskr. 3rd Series (1862); he lias not. however, as yet wholly adopted the change, but suggests the generic name of Careprodus, which, when subsequent researches shall have shown the need of a new designation, will, he opines, prove appropriate. The salient characters distinguishing Careprodus from the typical genus Liparis are. as enumerated above, chiefly the' greatly reduced dimensions of the ventral disk, and its ■ position, the structure of the pectorals, and the position of the vent. Indeed there is little probability of confounding this species with any one of the various forms inhabiting the shores of Northern Europe, or of those as yet met with in the Greenland seas. Meanwhile, whether the form in question be specifi- cally distinct from the gigantic Cydopterus gélatinosus in- habiting the coast of Kamtsehatka. described in the last century by Pallas, according to whose diagnosis it is simi- larly characterised by the slight develojnnent of the ventral disk and the advanced position of the vent, has not yet been finally determined; but there is much to urge in favour of specific distinction. Reinhardt, who. in 1842. at a Meeting of the "Viden- skabs-Selskabet" of Copenhagen, called attention to the individuals sent from Greenland. — the types of Careproetus reinhardi, afterwards established, and which, as he conceived, exhibit the charact.eristic features mentioned by Pallas, — regarded them as identical, and referred the species to Liparis gélatinosus, Pall. ; but Kroyer has seen fit, and f,'.! derfor i 1862 de samme Cndivider, der iøvrigt vare yderst sirt vedligeholdte, som ovenfor Qævnt under Navnet Livaris (Careprodus) reinhardt. Endtil nve og authentiske Under- søgelser af Pallas' Art foreligge, vælger jeg derfor, ligesom Krøyer, at betegne vor Art med dm af den sidstnævnte Naturforsker givne Benævnelse, der er den førstej der utvivlsomt vedrøre denne Art. 1 >et kan i denne Forbindelse nævnes, at Prof. Peters i Pallas's Liparis gelatinosus, uler iøvrigt er bpstillet efter et slet og tørret Exemplar), ser blot dr senere Forfatteres L. fdbricii, og lian opstillede derfor aUe de under Germania- og Hansa-Expeditionen ved Øst-Grønland i 1870 og 71 ind- samlede Individer under denne Pallas's Art. muler hvilken som Synonym opføres baade L. tunicatus, Reinh., og L. fdbricii, Kr. (2te Deutsche Nord-Polarfahrt, II. Saiigéth. und Kischc p. 171 ). Blandt de atlantiske Liparider kommer idethele Slægten ( 'areproctus vistnok nærmest denne saakaldte Liparis fabricii, der synes at have tilfælles med Careprodus det høje og stumpe Hoved, og den i Størrelse noget reducerede Suge- skive. L. fabricii, der maaske blot vil vise sig at udgjøre Ungformen af de senere Forfatteres L. tunicatus, er imid- lertid fuldstændig adskilt ved sin forholdsvis korte og plumpe Form. og fremfor alt ved Stillingen af Anus. der hos denne Art ikke afviger væsentlig fra det typiske hos Slægten Liparis. (Denne Art erholdtes ikke under Nordhavs- Expeditionen). Bemærkninger til Beskrivelsen. Arten er af Krøyer (Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 Række, 1 B.1862) udførligt bleven beskrevet, saaledes at der nedenfor blot meddeles et Par supplerende Bemærkninger. Det charaeteristiske for denne mærkelige Form er Sugeskiven. der er saa overor- dentlig reduceret i Størrelse, at den kun bliver ubetydeligt større, end Øjendiameteren. Den er fremdeles saa langt fremrykket, at den har sit Leje lige mellenr Pectoralernes forreste Ende. og næsten skjult af disses Straaler. Umiddelbart bagenfor Sugeskiven. i neppe over en Øjen- diameters Afstand fra denne, ligger Analaabningen, der er tjernet omtrent ligesaa langt fra Analtinnen. som fra Snu- despidsen. Denne abnorme Stilling har selvfølgelig ogsaa sin Indriydelsepaa Anordningen aflndvoldenesLeje og deres Form. Halen er særdeles lang og tynd. Ved Sammenligning af alle Nordhavs-Expeditioiiens 3 Individer, hvis Størrelse ligger mellem 56 og 79fflra, fremgaar det, at Halepartiet til- tager stærkere under Legemets fremadskridende Væxt, end de øvrige Legemsdele. Saaledes indeholdes Hovedlængden bos det mindste Individ ikke fuldt 4 Gange. Ims det stør- ste næsten 5 Gange i Totallængden, Legemshojden hos det mindste noget over 41/* Gange, hos det største over 6 Gange i Totallængden. Øjnene ere forholdsvis store, og indeholdes knapt 4 Gange i Hovedets Længde. Blot 1 Par Xæsebor kan sees paa de foreliggende Exemplarer; disse ere ikke forsynede med Tuber. apparently with g I reason, to question their identity, and hence he classed, as previously stated, in 1862, the same specimens (in a had state) under the name of Liparis (Car- eprodus) reinhardt. Till new individuals of Pallas's species shall have been procured and carefully examined. 1 prefer, with Kroyer, to designate the species in question by the appel- lation that naturalist suggests. - - the first unquestionably referring to this species. In connexion with this subject it may not he out of place to remark that Professor Peters regards Pallas's Liparis gelatinosus (which was established from a dried and defective specimen) as identical with the L. fabricii of later authors, and he has therefore referred all of the in- dividuals collected on the "Germania" and -Hansa" Expe- ditions off the east coast of Greenland to that species, including both L. hmicatus, Reinh. and L. fabricii, Kr. as synonyms (Zweite Deutsche Nord-Polarfahrt. II. p. 171). Of the Atlantic Liparides, the genus Careprodus resembles on the whole the so-called Liparis fabricii, having in common with that species the head deep and obtuse and the ventral disk somewhat reduced in size. But L. fabricii, which possibly will prove to be merely the immature form of the L. tunicatus of subsequent authors, is nevertheless perfectly distinct, as seen by its comparatively short and clumsy body, more especially however by the position of the anus, which in this species deviates but little from that typically characteristic of the genus Liparis. (No specimen of this species was taken on the Expedition). Descriptive Observations. — Of this species, a detailed description has been furnished by Kroyer (Naturb. Tidsskr. 3 Række, 1 B. 1862), and hence but a few supplementary observations are here subjoined. The characteristic feature distinguishing this very peculiar form is the ventral disk, of so reduced dimensions that its diameter scarcely exceeds that of the eye. Moreover, it is placed so far in advance as to give it a position between the anterior extremities of the pectorals, by the rays of which it is almost bidden. Not more than an eye-diameter posterior to the ven- tral disk is the vent, at about the same distance from the anal fin as from the point of the snout. This abnormal position, too. cannot but influence the arrangement and form of the intestines. Tail very long and tenuous. On comparing together the three specimens obtained on the North Atlantic, Expe- dition, of dimensions ranging from 56'"'" to 79""". it was manifest that, as the growth of the body progresses, the caudal region develops more rapidly than do the other parts. Thus, the length of the head, in the smallest example, was not ipiite one-fourth, in the largest, nearly one-fifth of the total length: the proportion of the depth of the body to the total length, in the smallest example, slightly exceeded that of 1 to 41 ... in the largest that of 1 to 6. Eyes comparatively large, rather more than one-fourth of the length of the head. Only one pair of nostrils can be discerned in the specimens examined; they are not furnished with tubes. 60 De erholdte Individer Lavde følgende Maal: Total- L. uden Hovedets Legemets længde. Caudal. Længde. Hojde. a. (Stat. 237) 56""" 52"" 15""" 12""» b. (Stat. 312) 62 - 56 - 15 - 12,5 - c. (Stat. 312) 79 - 73 - 16 - 13 - I Totallængden indeholdes saaledes: a. Hovedets Længde 3,73; Legemets største Hojde 4. (id. b. — — 4,13; — 4. (Mi. & — — 4,93; — 6,07. Finnestraalerne ere særdeles blode og spinkle, temme- lig last nedtrykte mod Legemet, og kunne neppe nogen- sinde rejses til sin fulde Højde. De ere tillige saaledes indhyllede i den blode og slimede Hud. der bedækker Le- gemet, at de ikke. uden at Exemplaret delvis odelægges, kunne trelles, og selv da kun med Vanskelighed. Straale- antallet hos Individ a syntes at være følgende: D, 55; A. 45: P. 33; C. 14. Hos Individ c var der mindst 52 Straaler i Dorsalen. Analen og Dorsalen bedække bagtil omtrent det halve af den temmelig korte og spinke Caudal, og uden at Ana- len rager længere tilbage. end Dorsalen. Pectoralerne have sit Udspring lige loran paa Stru- ben. umiddelbart mellen) Dnderkjævernes Symphyse, og stode her ganske tæt sammen, uden dog. som det synes. at være helt sammenvoxne fortil. De forreste 8 — 10 Straa- ler ere lidt forlængede, og rage som korte snoede Traade ud over Membranen: herved dannes maaske et mere ud- viklet Føleorgan, end hos de øvrige Liparider. Finnens mellemste og største Del har lave Straaler. den ovre Del atter forlængede. Den hele Finne danner en halvcirkel- formig Bue langs Hovedets Underside, og følger næsten nøjagtigt den Linie. som den nedre Hand af Operculum og Suboperculum danne. Farven er blegt rodgraa ejler hvidagtig. uden Tegnin- ger eller Baand; under Forstørrelse viser den sig at være dannet af yderst smaa, sorte Punkter, der dog staa saa jevnt fordelte, at de blot tildels give Rygsiden en ubetyde- ligt mørkere Skygning, men ikke danne Pletter. Iris var i levende Live violet. Hele Legemet er iovrigt indhyllet i en los. klæbrig, næsten gelatinos Hud. ligesom hele Legemet er af en los og halvt transparent Consistents, skjont alle Individer bleve satte levende paa stærk Alcohol. Føde. I Ventrikelen af det mindste Exemplar (fra Jan Mayen) fandtes blot et Stykke af en Kalksvamp; sandsyn- ligvis har der paa det afbidte Stykke siddet et eller andet lidet Dyr. The examples measured as follows: — Total L. excl. Length of Depth of Length. Caudal. Head. Body. a. (Stat. 237) 56 52""" 15""" 12"'"' h. {Stat. 312 1 i '.2 - 5i i - 15 - 12.5 - c. (Stat. 312) 79 - 73 - 10 - 13 - Hence the total length contains — a. Length of Head 3.73; Greatest D. of Bdy. 4.6H. //. — - — 4.13: - - — 4.96. c. - — 4.93: - - — 6.07. Fin-rays exceedingly soft and slender, rather firmly pressed against the body, and rarely if ever admitting of being raised to their full height. Moreover, wholly envel- oped as they are in the soft and viscid membrane covering the body, they cannot be counted, except by mutilating the specimen, nor men then without difficulty. The number of tin-rays in example a was apparently as follows: — D..55; A. 45: P. 33: C. 14. In example c, the dorsal was furnished with at least 52 rays. The anterior half of the somewhat short and slender caudal is almost covered by the anal and dorsal, — and with- out the anal extending farther back than the latter tin. The pectorals commence far forwards on the throat, immediately between the symphysis of the lower jaw. approxi- mating, but without, it seems, being strictly contiguous at their origin. The foremost 8 or 10 rays slightly elongated, projecting beyond the membrane, as short, spiral-shaped filaments: by this peculiarity of structure the species, perhaps, is furnished with a more delicate organ of touch than are any of the other Liparides. The intermediate and largest portion of the tin has short rays, the upper is elongated. The entire fin, semi-circular in form, extends along the under surface of the head, and almost exactly in a line with the lower margin of the operculum and suboperculum. Colour pale reddish-grey or whitish, no bands or mark- ings of any kind: a microscopic examination shows it to be produced by a multitude of exceedingly minute black maculae, in distribution, however, so uniform as merely to give the upper surface a slightly darker shade : spots there are none. Irides, in the living specimen, violet. For the rest, the whole body is enveloped in a lax. viscid, almost glutinous membrane, the body itself being semi- transparent, and of a jelly-like consistency, notwithstanding the specimens were all of them, while yet living, immersed in proof-spirits. Food. — The ventricle of the smallest example (from Jan Mayen) contained only a small portion of a calcareous sponge: probably there had been some small animal on the fragment bitten off. Udbredelse. Idet vi altsaa gaa ud fra. at Nordhavs- Expeditionens Individer ere identiske med de 2 Typ-Exem- plarer fra Cronland. der ere beskrevne under Navnet CareproctHS n-inhardi . foreligger Arten, fraregnet alle usikre Synonymer, for det første fra de rent arctiske Distribution. — Assuming, therefore, the individuals taken on the North Atl. Expedition to be identical with the two typical specimens from Greenland, described under the name Careprødus reinhardt, this species — disregarding all doubtful synonyms — is known to inhabit the Arctic waters Cl Farvande, nemlig Grønland, Jan Maven, og Beeren Eiland. Men sandsynligvis er dens Udbredelse betydeligl større, end- skjønt den ]iaa Grund af sine Kinners Bygning maa anta- ges at have en ringe Bevægelighed, og saaledes idethele at være særdeles stationær, og den optræder derfor utvivl- somt ogsaa paaHavbunden overalt paa passende Localiteter imellem de nævnte Landsdele. 1 afvigte Host (1879) havde jeg, ved Prof. Smitts Imødekommen, Lejlighed til at undersøge de under „Gun- hild"s Expedition Sommeren 1879 udenfor Arendal i Norge optagne Fiske, der. aden endnn at være nøjere ondersøgte, opbevaredes i Riks-Musæum i Stockholm. Blandt disse fandtes 4 særdeles vel conserverede Exemplarer af denne Art. optagne fra 350—370 Favnes 'Dyb (under 58° N. B.); det maa derfor antages, at den heller ikke vil savnes paa Dybderne. udenfor den øvrige Del afden norske Kyst. De sidstnævnte Individer, hvis Totalhengde varierede mellem 56 og 63 . afvege i ingen Henseende fra Cndividerne fra .lau Mayen og Beeren Eiland (cfr. Korh. Vid. Selsk. ('lira. L880, No. 8). Arten er utvivlsoiut blandt Kipariderne en Dybvands- form, og kan. som ovenfor nævnt, trænge ned idetmindste til mellem 6 og 700 Favnes Dyb, hvor den i Regelen bebor det iskolde Vand. hvis Temperatur kan gaa ned til — 1°C. og derunder. Flere end de Individer, der ere omtalte i de ovennævnte Bemærkninger, synes ikke at være hidtil erholdte. Fam. Blenniidae. Gren- Liimpenus, Reinh. Overs. 183:")— 36, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Xat. Math. Åfh. 6te Del, p. CX. Klihvn. 1837 (1835—36). Legemet særdeles langstrakt, beklædt med smaa Skjæl. Sidelinie tilstede, men utydelig. lænder nitid i Kjæverne, undertiden tillige paa Vomer og paa Palatinbenene, riler paa et enkelt af disse Jim. Snuden kort. Dorsalen lang, ligesom Analen; den første >ln,inet udelukkende af Pigstraaler. ('andalen distinct (undertiden red en Membran delvis forenet med Dorsalen ,,g Analen). Ventralerne temmelig korte og spinkle, siddende foran Pectoralerne. Gjællespal- ten rid: Gjællehinderne ere sammenvoxede orer Isth- mus, uden dog at danne nogen fri Fold. Gjælle- straalerne b'. Pseudobranchier tilstede, ligesom Ap- pendices pyloricae; Svømmeblære mangler. ol' tin' globe, vi/, the coasts of Greenland, dan Mayen, and Beeren Kilaiid. Probably, however, it has a more extended range ol' distribution, although, by reason ol' the structure ol' the tins, it may he regarded as possessing hut limited powers ol' locomotion, and in consequence, on the whole, as stationary in its habits; it occurs; too. no doubl at the bottom of the ocean in all favourable Localities between the aforesaid regions. Kast autumn llST'.h Professor Smitt kindly afforded me an apportunity of examining the fishes taken on the "Guihild" Expedition, in the summer of L879, off Arendal, in Norway, which, without having been specially examined, were preserved in the Riks Museum at Stockholm. Amongst the fishes obtained on that occasion were 4 good examples of this species, brought up from a depth of 350 .'ITt* fathoms (lat. 58° A'.): and hence we may safely assume, that it will not he found wanting in the depths off the remainder of the Norwegian coast. The specimens in question, whose extreme length ranged between 56""™ and 73""", dift'ered in no wise from the individuals obtained from the shores of dan Mayen and Beeren Eiland. This species is unquestionably a deep-sea form of the Lipwrididæ, and. as stated above, can descend at least 600—700 fathoms below the surface, inhabiting as a rule the frigid depths, where the temperature of the water can he as low as. and even lower than. — 1" (_'. The specimens mentioned here would appear to he the only examples of the species as yet obtained. Fam. Blenniidæ. Gren. Lumpenus, Reinh. Overs. 1835— 36, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Alh. 6te Del, p. ('X. Kbhvn. 1837 (1835—36). Body exceedingly elongated, covered with minutt seides. Lateral line present, hut indistinct. Teeth in jaws; sometimes on the romm- and the palatine bora-s, or on one of these hones only. Snout short. Dorsal, like the anal, long: the former composed exclusively of spinous rags. ( audal distinct, some- times united to dorsal and anal hg a connective membrane. Yentrals short and slender, anterior to the pectorals. dill -aperture wide, branchial membranes continuous across the isthmus, without however producing a free fold. Branchiostegous rags (i. Pseudobranchiæ and 'pyloric appendages 'present; swimming-bladder wanting. 62 15. Lumpenus medius, Reinh. 1838. PI. II, Fig. it. Lumpenus medias, Reinh. Overs. 1835—36, Kal. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. 6. Del. p. CX (Klihvn. 1837). Uden Beskrivelse eller Diagnose. Glinus medias, Reinh. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. 7. Del, p. 114 og 121 (Kbhvn. 1838). Stichaeus medius, Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 2, p. 281 (1861). Anisarchus medias, Gill. Proc. Aead. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1864, p. 210 (1864). Lumpenus medius, Malmgr. Ofv. Kgl. Vet. Akad. Forh. 1864, p. 517 (1864). Diagn. Tænder i Kjmverne og pan Palatinbenene, ingen paa Vomer. Hovedel indéholdes hos de yngre B1^, hos de ældre indtU ti Gange i TotaU. Kjæverne omtrent lige lange, nau tilbage til Øjets Forrand. Pectoralerne af- rundede, kortere end Hovedet, indéholdes .s' Gange i TotaU. Caudalen ægformig afrundet, ved Boden forbundet ved en Membran med Analen og Dorsalen. Analen tiltager i Højde bagover. Legemets Længde foran Anus forholder sig til Halepartiet, som 1:1a. Far ren gulagtig, ncesten tiden Plet- ter, elter med enkelte svagtbegrændsede Pletter paa Legemet og paa Dorsalen. Appendices pyhricae 4. Størrelsen indtil 140 M. B. 6. D. 61— 62 (60 eller 63) ; A. 41—42 (4Q eller 43); P. 14 (13 riler 15); T'. 4; C'. 2/17 j2. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Spitsbergen. stat. :;ii(i. SI at. 374. Beliggenlu d. Magdalenebay, Nord-Spitsbergen, Adventbay, Vest-Spitsbergen. Iii/bde. 50 Favne 60 Favne (110"*). Tt mp. /'"" Banden. — 1,0° C. + 0,7° C. Bundt it. Mørkegraat Ler. Mørkt Ler. Datum. 17de Aug. 1878. 22de Aug. 1878. Antal Indiv. 4 Indiv. 3 Indiv. Bemærkniuger til Synonymien. I Aarsoversigten for 1835—31) af Forhandlingerne i Det kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. (affcrykt i 5te Del. 18o7) blev Slægtsnavnet Lumpenus til- delt en Gruppe al Blenniider fra de grønlandske Have. lov hvilken Midler's Blennius lumpenus (Zool. Han. Prodr. p. IX. 1 7 7 < 1 . senere af Fabricius nojagtigt beskreven i hans Fauna Groenl. 1780), var Typen, og som ai' Reinhardt paa det anførte Sted benævhedes Lumpenus fahricii; til samme Gruppe henførte han yderligere - nve. i Kjoben- havns Musæum opbevarede Arter, nemlig L. medius og L. aculeatus, dog uden paa dette Sted at anføre disse nye Arters Diagnoser. Den vigtigste at' de paa det anførte Sted meddelte ( 'liaracterer lor denne Slægt var den utydelige Sidelinie. den paa Struben ..fri- Gjællehud. hvori fandtes 6 Straaler, loruden Tilstedeværelsen al Tænder paa „Plovskjærbenet", lo. Lumpenus medius, Reinh. 1838. PL II. fig. 17. Lumpenus medius, Reinh. Overs. 1835 — 36, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. (i. Del p. CX (Kbhvn. 1837). No description or diagnosis. Olinus medias, Reinh. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. 7. Del, p. 114 and 121 i Kbhvn. 1838). Stirhims iiudtns. Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit, Mus. vol. 3, p. 281 (1861). Anisarehus medius, Gill, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 18li4, p. 210 (18041. Lumpenus medias, Malmgr. Ofv. Kgl. Vet. Akad. Forh. 18(i4, p. 517 (1864). Diagnosis. — Teeth in jans aud on palatine bones, minting on romer. Length of head to totallength, inyoung examples, as 1 to o1^, in adults, as 1 to 6. Jaas about equal in length, retailing burl- to the anterior margin of the eye. Pectorals rounded, shorter than head, length to total length as 1 to 8. Caudal truncate, at base united by a connective membrane to the anal and dorsal. The anal increases in depth towards the posterior eortremity. Length of body anterior to vent is to that of the tail as 1 to 1.4. Colour yellowish, almost without spots, a few only, faintly defined, occurring on tin- body and the dorsal fin. Pyloric appendages 4. Length reaching 140"""- M. B. (J. D. 61—62 (60 or 63); A. 41—42 (40 or 43); P. 14 (13 or 15); T'. 4:C. 2J17J2. Locality (North Atl. Exped. Spitsbergen. Stat. 366. Stat. 374. Exact Locality. Magdalene Bay, North Spitsbergen. Advent Bay, "West Spitzbergen. Depth. 50 Fathoms (91 «). 60 Fathoms (110™). Temp, at Bottom. - i.o° c. + 0.7° C. Bottom. Dark-grey Clay. Dark Clay. hat,. 17th Ana. 1878. 22th Aug. 1878. Numb, of Spec i in. 4 Indiv. 3 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — In the annual review of Danske Videnskabernes Selskab for 1835 — 36 (printed in Part 5. 1837). the generic name of Lumpenus was given to a group of Blenniidae occurring on the coast of Greenland and in the waters adjacent. Muller's Blennius lumpenus (Zool. Dan. Prodr. p. IX. 1776). of which Fa- bricius a few years afterwards (1780) furnished a full description, in his Fauna Grænlandica, serving as the typical form; by Reinhardt tbis species is designated Lumpenus fabrieii. In the same group he further comprised L. medius and L. aculeatus, two new species, examples of which were preserved in the Zoological Museum at Copenhagen, without however giving any diagnosis of the species. The chief generic characters enumerated by the au- thor were as follows: — lateral line indistinct; branchioste- gous membrane -free" on the throat, and furnished with 6 rays; teeth on the "Plovskjærbenet" (ploughshare-bone. i.e. 63 hvilket I'dtryk Reinhardt senere i sin Afhandling om de grønlandske Fiske (1838) rettede som enTryk- eller Skriv- tejl til „l iauohuerne". I *;i:i dette sidsto Sted omhandler han atter Grupperingen af denne Slægt, og samler Arterne i 3 Grupper eller Underslægter, der dog ikke gives sær- skilte Benævnelser, under Cuviers Slægtsnavn Clinus. Denne Gruppering, der er baseret udelukkende paa Tand- forholdene, kur vistnok ogsaa bibeholdes, saafremt man i Virkeligheden finder det fornødent yderligere at inddele denne Slægt. I den første Åfdeling sammenstiller Heink. (i 1838) fremdeles de 2 Arter CUnus lumpenus (o: Lumpenus f abri- cii), og ('linns medius; da det derimod kavde vist sig, at Clinus aculeatus tillige kavde Tæiwler paa Vomer, blev denne Art stillet i 2den Gruppe; den 3die Gruppe dannedes endelig af ('limts gracilis, en ny Art. der blot lunde Kjævetænder, men ingen Tænder paa Vomer og Palatin- benene. Udskillelsen af de til Z/itwpem*S-Gruppen henhorende Arter under særskilt bemevnede Slægter er forst bleven gjen- nemfort afGill. der i sin ( 'atal. over Piskene paa Nord-Ame- ricas Nordostkyst (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1861), og senere i sin < (versigt over Familien Stichaeidae (samme'Tidsskr. for lSti-t) henførte de ti af kam nævnte Arter fra dette Gebet under ikke mindre end 5 forskjellige Slægter. Af disse bor dog utvivlsomt idetmindste de 2, nemlig Ani- sarchus og Centroblennius, inddrages, da de Characterer, hvorpaa de er grundede, maa ansees for at være af ude- lukkende specink Natur. Det samme er Tilfældet med den af Ayres i 1855 opstillede Slægt Leptogunellus, for hvilken Pallas's ' Blennius anguillaris fra det Stille Hav er Typen (Proc. Acad. Calif. Nat, Sei. 1855). Disse Underslægter ville saaledes etter Tandforholdene kunne characteriseres saaledes: A. Subg. Lumpenus, Reinh. 1835 — 36. Tænder i Kjæveme og paa Palatinbenene. 1. L. fdbricii, Reinh. 1835 — 36. (Grønland, Spits- bergen). 2.' L. medius, Reinli. 1838. (Grønland, Spits- bergen). 3. L. anguillaris, (Rall.) 1811. (Nord -Americas Vestkyst). B. Subg. Leptoclinus, Gill (1861) 1864. Tcender i Kjæveme, paa Palatinbenene, og paa Vomer. 1. L. maculatus, (Fries) 1837. (Grønland, Nord- Americas Østkyst, Spitsbergen. Nord-Europas Vest- kyst). C. Subg. Leptoblennius, Gill I860. Tænder blot i Kjæveme, 1. L. lampetraeformis, (Walb.) 1792. (Grønland, Island. Spitsbergen. Nord-Europas Vestkyst). 2. L. nubilus, (Richards.) 1855. (Arctisk Nord-Ame- rica. Spitsbergen?). 3. L. serpentinus, (Storer) 1*4S— 51. (Nord-Americas Østkyst). vomer), corrected by Reinhardt in his treatise on the#fishes of Greenland (1838), as a misprint or an error in the manuscript, to "Ganebuerne" (palatine bones). In this paper tin' author again discusses the genus, distributing its several species among three groups or sub-genera — not however with a separate nomenclature under the common generic name of Clinus, given by Cuvier. This classification. based wholly on the arrangement of the teeth, should doubtless be retained, in the event of further sub-division of the genus proving needful. In the first group, or sub-genus. Reinhardt classes together (is:;s) the two spreies Clinus lumpenus (Lumpenus fabricii) and Clinus medius; whereas (linns aculeatus, since found to be furnished with teeth on- the vomer also, is assigned a. place in the second group; the third sub-division comprises (linns gracilis, a new species, having teeth in the jaws only, none on the vomer and the palatine bones. The first to arrange the different species of Lumpenus among distinct genera was Gill, who, in his catalogue of fishes occurring on the north-western shores of North America (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1861). and subse- quently in his synoptical review of the family Stichw- idæ (ibid 1864), refers the 6 species there mentioned as inhabiting that wide region to no less than 5 different genera. Of these, however. 2 at least, viz. Aiiisarrhns and Centroblennius, should unquestionably be excluded, the cha- racters .on which they are based being wholly specific. The same, too, is the case with the genus Leptogunellus, established by Ayres in 1855, typical form Pallas's Blennius anguilla- ris, inhabiting the Pacific Ocean ( Rroc. Acad. Calif. Nat. Sei. 1855). These sub-genera, based accordingly on peculiarities connected with the teeth, may be characterised as follows: — A. Subg. Lumpenus, Reinh. 1835 — 36. Teeth in jutes and on the palatine bones. 1. L. fdbricii, Reinh. 1835 — 36 (Greenland, Spitz- bergen). 2. L. medius, Reinh. 1838 (Greenland, Spitz- bergen). 3. L. anguillaris. (Pall.) 1811 (Western coast of North America ). B. Subg. Leptoclinus, Gill (1861) 1864. Teeth in jaws, on the palatine bones, and on the romer. 1. L. maculatus, (Fries) 1837 (Greenland, east coast of North America. Spitzbergen, west coast of Northern Europe). C. Subg. Leptoblennius, Gill (I860). Teeth in jaWS null/. 1. L. lampetræformis , (Walb.) 1792 (Greenland, Iceland, Spitzbergen. west coast of Northern Europe). 2. L. nubilus, (Richards) 1855. (Arctic regions of North America. Spitzbergen?). 3. L. serpentinus. (Storer) 1848 — 51 (Eastern shores of North America ). 64 ITagtet det maa erkjendes^ at en Optræden eller Man- gel af Tænder paa Craniets tandbærende Ben lios Fiskene i Regelen kunne aigive Characterer af en afgjørende Be- tydning ved Slægternes Adskillelse. maa dette Forhold hos Lrøwperøts-Gruppen utvivlsomt ansees for at være af mindre Vægt, idet Tandsættet idethele baade er lidet constant, og uden samtidig at være ledsaget af tilsvarende Forskjellig- heder i den øvrige Legemsbygning, der er særdeles over- ensstemmende hos alle Arter. Hertil kommer, at de Tiender, der kunne optræde paa Vomer og Palatinbeiiene. ere" uden Undtagelse yderst tine. og i mange Tilladde er det forst efter noje Underso- gelser muligt at paavise deres Tilstedeværelse, selv hos de større Individer. At de paa disse Ben forekommende Tænder ikke kunne være a f nogen sajrdeles Betydning for Individet, fremgaar alene af den Qmstændighed, at de forst udvikles læiige efter Kjævétænderne (iler aldrig mangle), saaledes at Characterer. hentede af dette Forhold, hos yngre Individer ganske tabe sin Anvendelse. Hos L. medius ere saaledes Palatintænderne enduu umærkelige hos Indi- vider, der ere halvvoxne (eller hvor Totalhengden er under 70"""); hos L. maculatus er netop det samme Tilfældet med Vomerin- og Palatintænderne. Det synes saaledes ikke hensigtsmæssigt at tillægge de paa disse Tandforholde hyggede Characterer hos denne Slægt en videre Vægt. end i det højeste til Adskillelse af Underslægter. L. medius tilkorer saaledes Slægten Lumpenus i be- grændset Forstand, ligesom L. fabricii fra Spitsbergen og Grønland, samt Pallas's Blennius anguiUaris fra det stille Hav. Overensstemmelsen mellem disse Arter et visselig saa gjennemgaaende. at det bliver ganske unaturligt at hen- føre dem under forskjellige Slægter, saaledes som af Gill og Ayres er forsøgt. For L. medius har (i ill. som oven- for nævnt, i 1864 opstillet Slægten Anisarchus; men den eneste af de Characterer. der skulde kunne have Værdi som Slægtsmærke, nemlig Antallet af Gjællestraaler. hvil- ket opgives at være 7 hos I/umpenus, 6 hos Anisarchus, er ikke fuldkommen constant. Vistnok har Kroyer altid hos sine Exemplarer af L. fabricii fundet 7 Grjællestraa- ler; derimod opgiver baade Fabricius (for sin Blennius lumpenus) 6, og Malmgren har fundet samme Antal idet- mindste hos 3 af sine 4 spitsbergenske Exemplarer. Hos denne Art synes saaledes Gjællestraalernes Antal at variere, og er følgelig ikke skikket til at opstilles som eneste Slægts- ch a ra eter. Den første korte Diagnose af L. medius meddeler Reinhardt i 1838 i sin ovennævnte Afhandling om Grøn- lands Fiskefauna. I Giinthers Diagnose i ('at. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 3 (1801). der var affattet efter et gronlandsk Individ i Leydner-Musæet. angaves Arten at mangle Palatin- tænder, hvilket sandsynHgvis har havt sin Grund deri. at det undersøgte Individ var ungt. og endnu ikke havde faaet disse udviklede. UdførMgere Beskrivelse er dog forst i L862 meddelt af Kroyer i Naturhistorisk Tidsskrift (3die Rekke. Iste Bind 1861 — 63), og til denne Beskrivelse fø jer Malmgren i sin Afhandling om Spitsbergens Fiske It cannot indeed be denied that, as a rule, the arran- gement of the teeth on the dental hones of the cranium does furnish characters of very great importance in distin- guishing between allied genera of fishes; but. in the case of the I/umpenus group, less weight must decidedly he attached to the dental characters, which, on 'the whole, prove any- thing but constant: nor does the structure of the body in other respects exhibit any corresponding distinction, being remarkably uniform in all the species. Besides, the teeth that can occur on the vomer and the palatine hones are without exception exceedingly small, so minute, indeed, that considerable difficulty is often experienced in detecting them, even in large-sized adults. Moreover, it is obvious that the teeth on these bones cannot he essential, or of much importance even, to the individual, seeing that they do not appear till long after those on the maxillaries (never «anting) are fully developed; and hence such distinctive dental characters do not apply to young individuals. In L. medius', the palatine teeth are therefore scarcely perceptihle in half-grown individuals (with a total length under 70"""); in L. maculatus, precisely the same is the case with the vomerine and palatine teeth. Hence it is hardly advisable to attach much weight to characters based on such dental divergences, otherwise than as a means of distinguishment between sub-genera. Accordingly L. medius belongs, in a limited sense, to the genus Lumpenus; also L. fabricii, occurring on the shores of Spitsbergen and Greenland, and Pallas's Blennius wnguiUaris, inhabiting the Pacific Ocean. These species exhibit inter se a uniformity so general and striking, that classification under separate genera, as suggested by Gill and Ayres. seems quite out of the question. For L. ninliiis. Gill, in 1864. established the genus Anisarchus, as mentioned above; but the sole character of any real value as a generic distinction, viz. the number of branchi- ostegous rays — 7 in Lumpenus, 6 in Anisarchus — is not strictly constant. True. Kroyer has found 7 branche- ostegals in all his specimens of Z. fabricii; hut Fabricius (in his description of Blennius lumpenus) gives 6. and Malm- gren observed the same number in at least 3 of the 4 specimens he obtained ou the coast of Spitzbergen. Thus, to. some extent the number of hranchiostegous rays does vary in this species, and cannot therefore be appropriately regarded as the sole generic character. The first brief diagnosis of L. medius was furnished by Reinhardt. 1838. in his treatise — cited above - - on the Fauna of Greenland. Giinther's diagnosis in Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 3 f 1861). from a Greenland specimen, pre- served in the Museum at Leyden, describes the species as not having palatine teeth; probably, however, the specimen examined was a young individual, and the teeth on the palatine bones accordingly as yet obsolete. The first de- tailed description was given in 1862, by Kroyer (Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 Række, 1 B. 1861 — 63): and this description has been since supplemented by Malmgren in his treatise (55 i 1864 Bere Tillas) blevei] afbildet. Saavidl vides, er Arten tidligere ikke Udmaalinger. At' de under Nordhavs-Expeditionen erholdte Individer var alene et enkelt Individ sandsyn- ligvis Dærved at være fuldyoxent (122""u); de øvrige vare mindre. a. (Advent Bay) b. (Advent Bay) c. (Stat. 366) . d. {Stat. 366) . e. (Advent Bay) /. (Stat. 366) . g. (Stai. ^' . '. i)6 - 12.5 - . '. 68 - I. 'i - . . 84 - 16 - . . 89 - L6.5 - . '. 89 - 16.5 - 122 - 22 - a. (Advenl Baj | b. (Advent Bay) c. (Stat 366) . (I. (Stat. 366) . c. (Advent Bay) ./'. (Stat. 366) . g. (Stat, 366) . General Description. Structure of the Hotly. — Depth of body at nape, in all the specimens obtained, is to total length about as 1 to 11; posterior to the nuchal region, the depth continues uniform as far as the vent. or. in. the smaller examples, slightly increases up to the commence- ment of the dorsal. The -vent placed comparatively far hack, the length of the body anterior to the orifice being to the length of the postanal region (the tail) as 1" to 1.4. Head somewhat smaller in adults than in young examples: in the latter, the length is to the total length as 1 to 5.2—5.4; in the former, as 1 to 5.5 — 5.9 (or even 6). .laws about equal in length, reaching back to the anterior margin of the eye. Eyes rather close and large; their longitudinal diame- ter, exceeding the length of snout, is to length of head as 1 to 31/.' — 4. Nostrils — one pair only - terminating in short tubes; in close proximity to each -occurs a large pore, which, perhaps, may be regarded as forming together a second "pair of nostsils. Branchial opening wide, extending forwards under the middle of the eye (farther accordingly than in any of the other Ltimpenus species). Branchipstegous mem- bra nes. each furnished with 6 rays, contiguous on the isthmus, without however producing a free fold on the throat. Teeth, small and feeble, in the jaws and on the palatine bones. In all the younger examples taken on the Expedition, the palatine teeth were as yet obsolete, and in the largest even, exceedingly feeble, though fully developed. Fins. — The number of tin-rays was comparatively constant in all the specimens obtained. fl. I). 61; A. 40; P. 14—14. b. - 61; - 40; - 14—14. c. - 62; - 40; - 14—14. d. - 63: - 41; - 14—15. e. - 61; - 41; - 15—15. /■ '- 60-, - 41: - 15— 15. !/■ - 61; - 41; - 14—15. lien norske Noidhavsexpedition. Collett: Fiske. 66 Dorsalen begynder over Pectoralernes Rod; dens Straaier, der ere 61 eller 62, sjeldnere 60 eller 63 i An- tal, ere i Begyndelsen korte, og 1 eller et Par af dem ere ved Roden næsten fri ; den har omtrent fra Midten af en jevn Højde bagover, og den sidste Straale er ved en Mem- bran forbunden med Caudalen. Analen har 41 — 42 Straaier (sjeldnere 4U eller 43); den første, der er ganske kort, er en Pigstraale, de øvrige leddede, og i Spidsen kløvede. Den er fortil lav. men til- tager i Højde bagtil, saaledes at dens sidste Straale er ljb Lengen', (1829). Centronotus lumpenus, Xilss. Prodr. Ichth. Scand. p. 104 (1832). OUmu nebulosus, Fries, Kgl. Vet. Ak. Handl. 1S37, p. 49 ils:i7). Clinus mohrii, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 1 R. 1 B. 1837, p. 32 (1837). immediately beneatb the 6tb dorsal rav. the terminal spot bein;; distant half the length of the head from the origin of the tail.- The disjunctive spaces sometimes almost spotless, for instance in some females, or covered with smaller spots, likewise extending below the mesial line, but all of them ol' a si/.e considerably less than that of the large transverse spots. The dorsal, in mature individuals, marked with about 14 oblique transverse bars; the caudal, too. is in- variably traversed by distinct transverse bands. In one individual, taken in the Christiania Fjord, which 1 had an opportunity of examining while still alive (an old male, total length 171"""), the colour of the head was bluish-green, freckled with brown spots; a narrow- yellowish band extended downwards in front of each eye. and another traversed the snout: enclosing together a triangular patch of brownish-black. A black spot occurs, too. on the gill-plate. Irides' of the colour of tarnished brass, almost black above. Food. The ventricle contained several perfect examples of Themisto libellula, and a testaceous Annelid (Lepidonote). Distribution. — Reinhardts specimens of L. aculeafus , were all from the coast of Greenland. From Spitsbergen; it had not previously been mentioned. But. exclusive of the specimen from Magdalene Bay. I have had an oppor- tunity, as before observed, of examining another indi- vidual taken on the coast of Spitzbergen. Moreover, the species occurs along the shores of Norway, but not. it would seem, as a common fish, from the extreme north to the Christiania Fjord: its range southwards e-xtends to Bohus- len (58"). the locality in which the specimen described by Fries in 1837 was taken, and several examples have been met with there of late years. ( >n the eastern coast of North America, according to Goode A: Bean (1^79). the range of the species extends as far south as the coast of New England, divers individuals having been obtained in Massachusetts Bay (42<'). 17. Lumpenus lampetraeformis, (Walb.) 1792. HI,,,,,,, is 'capiti hi,;. ,t<\ Mohr, Is]. Saturh. p. 84', tali. 4 (1786). Blennius lampetrceformis, Wall). Art. (Jen. Pise, p. 184 (1792). Centronotus islandicus, Bloch, Schneid. Syst. Ichth. p. 167 (1801). t:l< milas In, ii/ii mis. pt. Faber, Fische Isl. p. 79, (1829). Centronotus lumpenus, Nilss. Prodr. Ichth. Scand. p. 104 (1832). Clinus nebulosus, Fries, Kgl. Vet. Ak. Handl. 1>:'.T. p. 49 (1837). Clinus mohrii, Kr. Xaturh. Tidsskr. 1 R. 1 B. 1837, p. :V> (.1837). 72 Bletmius gracilis, Stuwitz, Nyt Mag. f. Naturv. 1 B., p. 40li (1838). Lumpenus (Climis) gracilis, Reinh. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. A th. T Del. p. KU (1838). Lumpenus nebul'esus, Nilss. Skaud. 'Fauna. 4 Del, p. 195 (1855). Stichaeus islandicus, Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus., vol. 3; p. 281 (186-1). Centroblennius ncbulosus, Grill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. I^iil.App. p. 45 (1861). iM/mpenus gracilis, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 R. 1 B.. p. 282, Kbhvn. 1861—63 (1862), Leptoblennius gracilis, Grill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1SU4, p. 210 (1864). Lumpenus lampetraeformis, Coll. Norges Fiske. Tillægsh. til Furh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. Is74, p. ~vl (1ST4i. Blennius gracilis, Stuwitz, Nyt Mag', f. Naturv. 1 B. p. 40li (1838). Lumpemts (Clinus) gracilis, Reinh. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. T Del, p. 1!>4 (1838). Lnmpenus ncbulosus, Nilss. Skand. Fauna, 4 Del, p. 195 (1855), Stiehtms istandicus, Grunth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus., vol. 3, p. 281(1861). Centroblennius ncbulosus, Gill, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1861, App. p. 45 (lfi(il). ' Lnmpenus gracilis, Kr. Naturh. Tidsskr. :i R. 1 B. p. 2S'J, Kbhvn. ism— u:; (1862). Leptoblennius gracilis, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864,'p. 210 (1SI14).' Lnmpenus lampetratformis, Coll. Norges Fiske, Tillægsh. til Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1ST4. p. 72 (1s74>. Diagn. Tænder i Kjceverne; ingen pact Vomer ulh>r Balatiubeueue. Hovedet huleholdes hos de gugre ■"> — 7, Itos de ældre indtiJ 10 Gange i Totallwugdeu. Ore'rkja-ven tibe- tydéligi hengere, end Underkjæven, naar tillage til Øjets Forvand. De 3 — 4 første Dorsal straaler horte, og reil Bo- den næsten fri. Pectoraleme jevnt afrundede, og kortere, end Hovedet, indeholdes 8 — 10, hos enkelte gamle Individer ind- tU 13 Gange i Totallængdeh. < 'anda/rn red ■Boden fri. hos ældre Individer stærkt, hos yngre svogere tilspidset. Anns forholdsvis fremrykket; Legemet foran Anas forholder sig til HaleparUet som 1:1.7: \hos aldre Individer er Forholdet sum 1 : 2. og derover. Farven gulagtig med talrige større og mindre graabrune Pletter, der ofte rn- delvis su.mmenln- bendé; Cauddlen mrd Tverbaandt Appendices pyloricae 2. Størrelsen indtil 350 (Norge), etter 412'""' (Island: Mus. Hafn.). M. B.6. D. 71—72 (68-^70, dirr 73—74)-; A. 49—52; B. lq (14): V. 4: ('. %\15\%. Localit. fra Nordh. -Exped. Lofoten i Norge; Spitsbergen. — Stat. 31 il i. Beliggenhed. Røst i Lofoten, Norge. Magdalénebay. N. Spitsbergen. Dybde. 'n Favne (!ll "'). 50 Favne (91 '"). Temp. i>tni Bunden. + 5,0" C. — 1,0° C. Bundi i'. Sandlmnd. Mjzirkegraat Ler. Ihitvni. 26de .luni is77. 17de Aug. 1878. Antal Tndiv. 1 ungt Indiy. 1 ungt Indiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Ved Adskillelsen at' den oprindelige Sbægt Dwmpenus angav Reinhardt i 1838 (Kgl. 1). Vid. Selsk. Nat, Math. Afh. 7 Del. p. 194) som Character for don 3die Gruppe Tilstedeværelse af Tænder blot i Kjæverne, medens saavel Palatihbenene, som Vomer manglede saadanne. Som Typus og eneste Art Under denne Gruppe opfører han en Form. som han netop harde mod- taget i et Par Exemplarer fra Grønland, og sem han fore- loliig identiticerede med don norske Blcunias gracilis. Stuw. Et specielt Slægtsnavn ved Siden af de øvrige Grupper, modtog denne Art forst i 1861 af Gill. der i sin Catalog over Fiskene paå Nord-Americas Nordostkyst opførte den Diagnosis. •-• Teeth in jaas. unne on vomer and palatine bones. Length of head to total length, in goang examples, 'as 1 to 5 — 7, in adults, as- 1 to 10. Upper jaw slightly longer than lower, extending bach- to the anterior margin «f the eye. The fist 3 or 4 dorsal rays short, and almost free at base. Pectorals uniform convex; length less than that of the head, being to total length as 1 to 8 — 10, in some old individuals as' 1 to 13. Caudal free at base, and acuminate, in at/alts considerably, in goang individuals lad slightly. The rent placed cam pund i relg fur in advance, the length of the body anterior to the rent being to thai of the caudal region as 1 to 1.7 ; in old individuals, as 1 to 2. and above. Colon v yellowish . mottled with numerous greyish-brown spots, (urge and small, confluent in places; caudal marked with transverse bauds. Pyloric appen- dages 2. Length reaching 350mm (Norway); 412""" (Ice- land: Mas. Hafn.). M. B. 6.' D. 71—72 (68—70 or 73—74): A. 49—52; P. 15 (14): V. 4: C. 3/15/3. Locality (North Atl. Exped.i: way: Spitzbergen. Lofoten, in Nor- — Stat. 366. Exact Locality. Rost, in Lofoten. Norway. Magdalene Bay. N. Spitzbergen. Depth. 50 Fathoms (91 '"). 50 Fathoms (01 »'). Temp, at Bottom. -|- 5.0" C. - 1.0° c. Bottom. , Sandy Bottom. Dark-grey Clay. ]>nt>. 26th June ls77. 17th Aug. 1878. Numb, of Spt •fm . 1 Young Indiv. 1 Young Indiv. Eemarks on the Synonymy. Reinhardt, in his classification of the genus Lnmpenus. in 1838 (Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 7 Del. p. 194). gave, as the salient character distinguishing the 3rd group, the occurrence of teeth in the jaws only, none on the vomer or on the palatine hones. As the typical and sole species of this group, he established a form, of which one or two examples had just been sent him from Greenland, regard- ing it, provisionally, as. identical with the Norwegian species Blennius gracilis* Stuw. No special generic appellation ranking with those of the other group was conferred' on this species, till (iill (1861) classed it in his Catalogue of 73 ander den (i I860) opstillede Slægl Leptoblennius,' hvilken han senere i 1864 chaxacteriserede væsentlig i Overens- stemmelse med Reinhardt. Paa det sidstnævnte Sted opfører han ved Siden ai Leptoblennius ydefligere en ny Slægt, Centroblennius, for hvilken Richai dson's Lumpenus nubilus (Last Aret. Voy. vol. 2, 1855) udgjorde Typen. Men Forskjellen mellem disse 2 Slægter, som væsentlig er grundet paa en ringe Ulighed i Straaleantallet, er af ganske specifik Natur, og Leptoblennius bør derfor neppe engang anerkjendes som Underslægt. Yed Undersøgelsen og Beskrivelsen ai' Individer fra de forskjellige vidt adskilte Localiteter, som denne Art bebor, er der jevnlig bleven lagt speciel Vægt paa Charac- terer. tier ere hentede fra Hovedets og Legemshøjdens Forhold til Totallængden, et Forhold, der hos denne Art er særdeles betydelige Forandringer underkastede under Individernes Væxt. L. lampetraeformis, der har været kjendt i næsten et Aarhundrede. har derfor hyppig været mis- kjendt, og modtaget et stort Anta! forskjellige Navne, idet de for den oprindelige L. lampetraeformis opgivne diame- terer blot passe ind paalndividerne af et bestemt Alders- trin ('nemlig det noget over halvt udvoxede). Jeg har alle- rede ved en tidligere Lejlighed berørt dette Forhold i „Norges Fiske- (Tillægshefte til Forh. Vid. Selsk. Ohra. 1874. p. 72). I 177() blev Arten første Gang kjendeligt beskrevet og afbildet af Mohr i hans „Islandske Naturhistorie" (p. 84) fra Island, dog uden paa dette Sted at erholde noget Arts. navn. At Mohr har havt denne Art for Øje. og ikke nogen anden af de grønlandske Former, synes bl. a. at fremgaa af hans Angivelse af Straaleantallet. Et Artsnavn (Blen- nius lampetraeformis) erholdt den først i 1792 afWalbaum i den nye Udgave af Artedi's Genera Piscium (tom. 3. p. 184), hvor Mohr's Beskrivelse og Tegning gjengives. I 1801 erholdt samme Mohr's Art yderligere et nyt Navn af Schneider, i lians Udgave af Bloch's Systema Ickthyologiae, og under dette Navn har Dr. Gunther op- taget Arten i sin Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. (Stichaeus islandicus). Den islandske Form blev fremdeles i 1837 gjort til Gjenstand for Behandling, nemlig af Kroyer, der (Nat. Tidsskr. 1 R. 1 B.) beskriver et fra Island nedsendt Individ under Navnet BLennius lam/petraeformis, men foreslaar til Slutning som en mere passende Benævnelse Cl inn* mohrii (et Navn. som dog Kroyer selv ikke senere har adopteret). I den Beskrivelse af „Elennius lumpenus", Lin., sum Faber giver i 1822 i sin ..Naturgesch. Fische Islands- (p. 79), sammenblandes saavel i Beskrivelsen, som i Synonymien Mohr's Art med Fabricius" Elennius lumpenus fra Grøn- land (= Lumpenus fabricii, Reinh.); dog kan det sees. at Faber neppe kau have kjendt nogen af Arterne af Autopsi. At Walbaum's BL lampetraeformis fra Island er iden- tisk med Stuwitz's Blennius gracilis fra Norges Vestkyst Opstillet for Storer's Blennius terpentinns. Deu uorske Nordbavsexpedition. Collett: Fiske. Fishes occurring on the north-eastern coast of North Ame- rica under the genus Leptoblennius (established I8601), which he afterwards (1864) characterized much the same as Reinhardt. Along with Leptoblennius, Prof. Gill introduced into his Catalogue a new allied genus, Centroblennius, Richard- son's Lumpenus nubilus (Last. Arct. Voy. L855) furnishing the type. The characteristic distinction between these two genera, founded principally on a slight inequality in the number of the tin -rays, is however strictly specific; and hence Leptoblennius can hardly he entitled to rank even as a sub-genus. Now. when examining and describing individuals from the numerous and widely distant localities inhabited by tin's species, particular importance lias usually been attached to characters resting on the proportion which the head and deptli of the body bear to the total length; and this pro- portion in the present species is found to vary very con- siderably with the growth of the fish. Hence L. lampetræ- formis, known to ichthyologists for the space of a century almost, has frequently been misapprehended, and lias been given a large number of synonyms, the characters originally believed to belong to L. lampetræformis being those of individuals arrived at a particular stage of growth (a little more than half-grown). On a former occasion I called attention to this fact. viz. in -Norges Fiske" (Tillægshefte til Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1874. p. 72). . In 1776, the species was first described and figured with comparative accuracy, by Mohr, in -'Islandske Na- turhistorie" (p. 84). but without bis assigning a specific name. That it was this species Mohr had before him. and not one of the other Greenland forms, seems evident from the fin-formula given. A specific name (Blennius lampetræfor- mis) was first suggested, in 1792, by Walbaum, in his edi- tion of Artedi's Genera Pisciwm (torn. o. p. 184), accom- panied by Mohr's diagnosis and representation. In 1801, Mohr's species bad a new synonym given it, by Schneider, in bis edition of Bloch's Systema Ichthyolo- giw; and this name Dr. Gunther has adopted in his Cata- logue Fish. Brit. Mus. (Stichæus islandicus). This Icelandic form was made the subject of further treatment by Kroyer, who (Nat. Tidsskr. 1 R. 1 B.) de- scribes an example sent from Iceland by the name of Blennius lampetræformis, proposing, however, at the close of his paper, as a more appropriate designation. Clinus mdhrii; but the latter synonym was' not afterwards adopted by Kroyer himself. . In the description of Blennius lumpenus, Lin., given by Faber (1822) in his "Naturgesch. Fische Islands" (p. 79). Mohr's species and Fabrieius's Blennius lumpenus from Greenland (i. e. Lumpenus fabricii, Reinh.) are confounded throughout, both as regards the description and the synon- ymy; it is evident, however, that Faber can have known nothing of either species from autopsy. That Walbaum's BI. lampetræformis, from Iceland, is identical with Stuwitz's El. gracilis, from the west coast of For Storer's Blennius serpentinus. 10 74 (1837), og at begge udgjøre rie næsten udvoxede Individer af Fries' Clinus nebulosus fra Bohuslen (1837). har jeg i den ovennævnte Afhandling (Norges Fiske) tidligere søgt at begrunde; og det kan neppe være nogen Tvivl under- kastet (hvad allerede Nilsson i 1855 har antydet), at den ligeledes er identisk med Beinhardts ovenfor nævnte Lum- penus i ( linus) gracilis fra Grønland, der omtaltes første Gang i 1838. Vistnok berøres denne af Reinhardt blot med nogle faa Ord; men Kroyer har senere (i 1862) givet en detailleret Beskrivelse af denne Form. der sees at have været et stort Individ med en Totallængde af omtr. 340""", og dette er i alle væsentlige Henseender overensstemmende med ligestore Individer fra de norske Kyster, saavel i den ydre, sum den indre Bygning. Foruden de Beskrivelser, der ere fremkomne gjennem Kroyer, Nilsson og Fries, haves allerede fra 1838 en sær- deles udførlig saadaii. forfattet af Stuwitz i Nyt Mag. f. Naturv., 1 B.. hvori et næsten udvoxet Individ med en Totall. af omtr. 265 fondet tilligemed et Par andre lig- nende i Christianiafjorden i 1835 og 1836 af Prof. Esmark, beskrives med den yderste Nøjagtighed. Der er saaledes ingen Mangel paa Beskrivelser af denne Art. men da de alle ere indbyrdes mere eller mindre uoverensstemmende. alt eiter Storrelsen og de ydre Variationer hos de fore- liggende Individer, har jeg troet det ikke overflødigt her at lade folge en ny og mere kortfattet, hvor der saavidt muligt er tåget Hensyn til alle disse individuelle Uoverens- stemmelser. Exeinplaret fra Magdalenebay havde en Totallængde af 62""". hvoraf Hovedets Længde udgjorde lo.:, Det var saaledes (ligesom Exemplaret fra Rost i Lofoten) blot en Unge. og svarede fuldkommen .til Unger af samme Stør- relse fra de norske Kyster. Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. Sammenlignet med de øvrige Arter er Legemet forholdsvis langstrakt, især hos de ældre Individer. Ligeledes er Hovedet betydeligt min- dre hos de ældre, end hos de yngre Individer, og hos ingen anden Art er den gradvise Forandring i denne Henseende saa betydelig. Hojden over Nakken indeholdes hos de yngre Indi- vider (omkr. 60 — 70 i omtr. 12 Gange i Totallængden, hos de ældre lige til 20 Gange og derover: bagenfor Nak- ken bliver Legemets Højde nbetydeligt større, men inde- holdes dog endnu hos et større Individ (Totall. 265""") 2<) Gange i Totallængden. Hovedet er forholdsvis lidet; dets Forhold til Totall. varierer fra 51/a lige til 10 og derover. Saaledes indeholdes Hovedlængden i Totallængden hos de forskjellige Individer elter folgende Forholde : Totallængde 50""»; Hovedets Forhold til Totall. 5,5 96 - 6,0 130 - _ _ 7,0 192 - — — ' _ 8,3 265 - — 9,8 320 - — 10,3 Norway (1*37). and that both represent the nearly full- grown examples of Fries's Clinus nebulosus, from Bohuslen (1837). I have sought to show in the treatise cited above ("Norges Fiske"): nor does there (as suggested by Nilsson in 1855) exist any valid reason for questioning its identity with Reinhardts Lwnpenus (Clinus) gracilis, from Green- land, mentioned for the first time in 1838. True. Rein- hardt alludes to the species in a few words only; but a. detailed description was furnished by Kroyer (in 1862) of this form; and the diagnosis of the specimen examined, a large individual, total length about 340""". corresponds in all essential particulars precisely with that of individuals of equal size from the coast of Norway, both as regards its outer and inner structure. Exclusive of the diagnoses by Kroyer, Nilsson, and Fries, an elaborate description was furnished by Stuwitz. as far back as 1838. and published in "Nyt Mag. f. Na- turv.", I B.. in which an individual, almost mature (total length about 265"""). found, together with one or two other examples of the same species, in the Christiania Fjord, in 1835 and 1836. by Prof. Esmark. is described with the greatest accuracy. There is accordingly no want of de- scriptions of this species; but all of them being, when com- pared together, more or less divergent, from the difference in size and external features generally characterising the specimens examined, 1 have not deemed it superfluous to annex a new and more compendious description, in which. so fir as possible, regard has been had to these individual incongruities. The example from Magdalene Bay had a total length of 62""". the length of the head being 10.5 This spec- imen (like' the example taken off Rost. in Lofoten) was accordingly a young individual, corresponding exactly with young individuals of equal size from the coast of Norway. General Description. Structure <>j tin' Body. — Compared with the other species, body rather elongated, more especially in mature examples. The head, too, con- siderably .smaller in adults than in young individuals; and in none of the "other species are the gradations during growth so considerable. Depth of body at nape, in young individuals (60 — 70"""), bears to total length the proportion of 1 to 12; in mature examples, of 1 to 20. and above; posterior to the nape, the depth of the body exhibits a slight increase, being never- theless to total length, in a comparatively large-sized indi- vidual (total length 265"""). as 1 to 20. Head comparatively small, its proportion to total length varying from that of 1 to blj2 to 1 to 10, and above. The length of the head, accordingly, in the several speci- mens, was to the total length as follows: — Total length 50"""; length of head to total length 5.5 _ 96 - — _ _ 6.0 _ 130 - — — 7.0 _ 192 ._ _ _ 8.3 265 - — — — 0.8 _ 320 — — — 10.3 : r, Overkjæven er tydelig! Længere, end Uhderkjæven, og Smulen krumbøjet; Mundspaltep naar tilbage til Øjets Forrand. Øjnene ere middels storr og tætstaaende, samt inde- holdes omtrent 4 Gange i Eovedlængden ; bos ældre Indi- vider blive Øjnene relativt mindre, og Forholdet er her omtrent som 1 : 5. Næseborene ere 1 Par, der bære kurte Tuber; lige- som Ims de øvrige Arter aabner sig loran og bag hvert af dem eu større Pore. Gjællespalterne ere vide. og naa paa Hovedets Under- side frem til under Øjets bagreBand. Gjællebinderne have 6 Straaler, der ikke ere bedækkede .-it Gjællelaaget (saa- ledes. sum det er Regelen Ims L. maculatus), og som derfor altid let kunne tadles. Tænderne ere tilstede hint i Kjæverne, og eie i en- hver Alder temmelig spinkle, hvilket staar i Overensstem- melse med de idethele spinkeltbyggede og kurte Kjæver. I Overkjæven danne de tiere tætte Bækker, i Underkjæven blot en enkelt, der forti! bliver dobbelt. Anus er, sammenlignet med hvad det er Tilfældet hos de foregaaende Arter. L. medius og L. maculatus, belig- gende langt tortil. saaledes at Halepartiet bliver relativt længere, end hos de 2 nævnte Arter, [sær er dette Til- taklet hos de ældre Individer, hvor Halen kliver over dobbelt saa lang. som Partiet foran Anus. Medens saa- ledes hos disse sidste Legemets Længde foran Anus forhol- der sig til Længden hag samme (Halen), som 1 : 2.1, er samme Forhold hos de yngre omtrent som 1 : 1.7. Finnerne. Dorsalen begynder ret over Pectoralemes Ovre Eod. og har de forste Par Straaler kortere, end de øvrige, og ved Roden næsten fri, dog aldrig saa distinct. som hos L. maculatus. Antallet af Straaler er nogen Variation underkastet, men er dog idethele højere, end bos nogen af de øvrige arctiske Arter1 af denne Slægt. Det hojeste Antal i Dorsalen synes at være 74. hvilket Kroyer kar tumlet hos et grønlandsk Individ, ligesom jeg kar fondet det samme kos et Individ fra Norge. 73 kar Stuwitz (i 1837) fundet bos 2 Individer, ligeledes fra Norge; de fleste norske Individer synes at kave 71 eller 72 Straaler i Dor- salen, de samme Tal. som Malmgren fandt kos et Par In- divider fra Spitsbergen, ligesom Xordhavs-Expeditionens Individ fra samme Localitet havde 71. Mohr opgiver lige- ledes 72 for sit Typ-Exemplar fra Island, og samme Tal fandt Malm kos et Individ fra Bohuslen i Sverige. Det laveste observerede Antal synes at have været 68 (bos 5 norske Individer). Sin største Højde har Pinnen noget foran Midten, uden dog at aftage i nogen s.ærdeles betyde- lig Grad bagtil. Analen har, som de øvrige Arter. 1 kort Pigstraale. og Pesten leddede, og i Spidsen kløvede Straaler. Denne Klovning tiltager med Alderen, saaledes at den kos ældre 1 1.. .sv ,/,. -iitiims. iSlnivri I'm XiinUiiiieneris I tstkyst har: D. 76, A. 55 (Gill 1864, etter i undersøgt Exj.l.i. Upper jaw perceptibly longer than lower; snoutaqui- line; clefl of mouth reaching hack to anterior margin of the eye. Eyes of moderate size, and closely set; longitudinal diameter is to total length about as 1 to 4; in mature specimens, the eyes relatively smaller, the proportion being nearly as I to 5. One pair of nostrils, furnished with short tubes; a large pore occurs, as in the other species, anterior and posterior to each nostril. Branchial opening wide, reaching forward on under surface of head to the posterior margin of the eye. Bran- chiostegous membranes furnished with ti rays, not covered by the gi'1-plate (as is generally the case with L. macula- tus), and hence easy to number. Teeth in jaws only, and at every stage of growth rather slender, a feature corresponding with the character of the jaws, which are feeble and skort. In the upper jaw. they constitute several closely arranged series; in the lower, a single row only, the fore part of which is double. Vent placed far in advance, as compared with its posi- tion in L. medius and L. maculatus, the caudal region being relatively of greater length than in either of the two latter species. This is more particularly the case with adults, which have the tail twice as long as the region anterior to the vent. Hence the length of the body anterior to the vent in mature individuals, is to the postanal region (the tail) as 1 to 2.1. whereas the proportion in compara- tively young examples is as 1 to 1.7. Fins. — Dorsal commencing immediately above the upper root of the pectorals, the two first rays shorter than the rest, and almost free at hase. hut never so distinct as in L. maculatus. The number of rays is found to vary somewhat, as a rule however exceeding that in any of the other Arctic species1 of this genus. The greatest number of dorsal rays would appear to be 74. observed by Kroyer in a Greenland specimen: and I kave myself met with the same number, in an individual taken on the coast of Nor- way. Stuwitz found (1837) 72 rays in two specimens obtained off the Norwegian coast: the majority of Norwe- gian individuals would appear to kave 71 or 72 rays. the number found by Malmgren in two specimen from Spitzbergen; the individual taken on the North Atlantic Expedition in the same locality kad also 71 rays. Mohr, too. gives 72 for kis typical specimen from Iceland, and' Malm observed 72 in an example taken on the coast of Swe- den. offBohuslen. The smallest number appears to be 68 (in 5 Norwegian individuals). Tke greatest depth of the fin occurs a little anterior to the medial point, dimin- ishing but very slightly throughout the posterior half. Anal, as in the other species, furnished with one short spinous ray; the other rays are all articulated and cleft at the points. This division, increasing with the growth 1 /.. scrpentinus, (Storer), occurring on the eastern shores of North America. Ikis: I). 76; A. 55 (Gill 1864; one specimen only examined). 10 76 Individer er tildels dobbelt, Straalernes Antal ligger mellem 49 og 52; na nr Molir for sit Typ-Exemplar opgiver 54, tør dette ansees som en individuel Afvigelse. hvis det ikke be- ror paa en fejlagtig Undersøgelse. Cnudnleu udmærker sig fremfor de øvrige Arters ved sin tilspidsede Form, der især bos de ældre Individer er stærkt udpræget. Den er fuldkonmien adskilt fra Dorsa- lens og Analens sidste Straaler, endskjont disse lægge sig ud over Haleroden. Hos yngre Individer er Finnen noget mindre tilspidset. Straalernes Antal er omtr. 15, hvortil kommer et Antal korte og uleddede Støttestraaler paa hver Side; de 11 — 12 mellemste er tydeligt articulerede, samt kløvede. Pectoralerne tælle lo. sjeldnere 14 Straaler. ere jevnt afrimdede, forholdsvis korte, samt indeholdes hos de yngre Individer 8 — 10, hos ældre lige til lo Gange og derover i Totallængden. Med Undtagelse af den øverste ere de alle kløvede. Ventralerne ere af middels Længde, have 1 særdeles kort, uleddet Straale, og 3 hengere leddede, tilsammen 4 Straaler. Hos yngre Individer indeholdes den endnu 17 Gange i Totallængden, men hos ældre lige til 29 Gange (og derover). Sitlelinieii er særdeles utydelig, udspringer over Gjælle- spalten, og følger efter sit hele Lob Legemets Midtfure. Porerne ere yderst smaa og tætsiddende. Farven er blegt gulbrun med et stort Antal dels større, dels mindre graabrune Pletter nedad Legemets Sider • alene Bugen er uden Pletter, og noget mere sølvfarvet. Størrelsen og Antallet af disse Pletter varierer betydeligt; hos de fleste middelsstore Exemplarer sees omtrent 8 større saadanne at strække sig henad Siderne under Midtlinien, og undertiden tillige en lignende Række over denne, hvis Pletter, der tildels gaa ud over Grunden af Dorsalerne, alternere med den nedre Rækkes. Mellem disse staa altid mindre Pletter og Skygninger, der ofte ere stærkt sam- menlobende. Dorsalen har skraatløbende Tverbaand, Caudalen like- ledes 3 — 4 (hos ældre Individer flere) Tverbaand, medens de øvrige Finner synes uden Tegninger. Hovedet er mere marmoreret, og har en messingfarvet Iris, hvis ovre Rand er sort. Udbredelse. L. lomvpdraeformis er for Tiden kjendt fra Crønland, Island. Spitsbergen, samt fra Europas Nord- vestkyst ned til Kattegat. Medens der endnu foreligge blot faa Individer fra Grønland og Island, er den flerr Gange erholdt ved Spitsbergen allerede under de svenske Expeditioner. og den gaar her op til idetmindste 80 N. B. Derimod synes den ikke at være sjelden paa de fleste Punkter langs den norske Kyst fra Finmarken af og ned til Christianiafjorden, og jeg har optaget indtil et Dusin Individer i et enkelt Kast med Torskegarn i Porsanger- fjorden i Vest-Finmnrken. Deus Sydgrændse synes at vær.e Bohuslen, hvor et Par Individer ere erholdte saa langt of the fish, sometimes becomes double in mature individuals. Number of rays varying between 49 and 52; it is true. Mohr gives 54 for his typical specimen, but this, if cor- rectly observed, must be a mere individual deviation. Caudal, more especially in adults, characterised by its acuminate form; it is separated from the terminal rays in the dorsal and anal, which extend notwithstanding beyond the base of the tail. Individuals comparatively young have this fin somewhat less acuminate. Number of rays about 15. exclusive of numerous short auxiliary rays on either side, without articulation; 11 or 12 of the middle ones distinctly articulated, and branched. Pectorals furnished with 15. more rarely with 14 rays ; uniform convex, comparatively short, their length, "in young individuals, being as 1 to 8 — 10, in mature indivi- duals as 1 to 13. and above. Pectoral rays all branched, with the exception of the uppermost. Ventrals of moderate length; have 1 short ray. not articulated, and 3 longer articulated rays. or. altogether. 4. Length of tin. in young individuals, is to total length as 1 to 17. but in adults the proportion becomes as 1 to 29 (and even above1). Lateral Line. — Very indistinct; commences immedi- ately above the branchial opening, passing from thence straight down the medial furrow of the body. The pores closely set, and extremely minute. Colour. — Colour pale yellowish-brown, relieved with a number of greyish-brown spots, extending laterally along the body ; the abdomen alone spotless, and of a somewhat more silvery appearance. These spots vary considerably in magnitude and number; most middle-sized examples are marked with a row of eight, stretching along the sides below the mesial line, and occasionally, too, with a similar series above, the spots composing it, which sometimes ex- tend beyond the base of the dorsals, alternating with those in the lower row. The interspace always exhibiting spots and cloudings, the former frequently confluent. Dorsal marked with oblique transverse bands; the caudal likewise has 3 or 4 transverse bands (in adults a greater number), whereas the other tins would appear to be without markings of any kind. Head to a greater ex- tent mottled; irides of a brassy yellow-, black above. Distribution. — Up to the present time. L. hnupe- træformis is known to occur on the coast of Greenland, Iceland. Spitzbergen. and the shores of north-western Eu- rope, as far south as the Cattegat, But few examples of the species have been hitherto obtained from Greenland and Iceland ; off Spitzbergen. however, it has been rejieatedly observed, individuals having been taken on each of the Swedish Expeditions to the Polar Sea. and its range ex- tends at least as far north as SO11. Along the coast of Norway, from Finmark to the Christiania Fjord, it would appear to be rather a common fish in most localities: I once took as a many as a dozen individuals at a single i I ned, som ved Gøtheborg under 58» X. 1!. (Malm, Gøtheb. Boh. Fauna, p. 47ot. Idethele er det ikke aden Interesse, at Arten fore- kommer fuldkommen uforandret under den forholdsvis høje Temperatur, sum Havvandet har ved Norges og Sveriges Sydkyst, og i den iskolde Area ved Nordspidsen at' Spits- bergen. Fam. Lycodidae. Gren. Lvoodes, Reinh. 0 rs. L830 — 31, Egl. I'. Vid. Selsk. tfTaturv. Math. Afh. 5te Del. p. LXXIV. Kbhvn. 1832 (1830—31). Legemet langstrakt, i Regelen skjælbeklædt ; Skjællene smaa, runde, nedtrykte i Huden. Sidelinie tilstede, ofte mindre tydelig, undertiden dobbelt. Øjet 't f middels Størrelse. Kjæverne uden Skjæg- traade; Overkjæven længere, end Underkjæven. Finnestraalerne bløde, articulerede; Caudalen utyde- 1'lh °fl '->' uden Overgang forenet med Dorsalen og Anal in. Ventraler tilstede, anbragte paa Struben, bestaaende aj faa, særdeles spinkle Straaler; deres Længde mindre, end Øjets Længdediameter, eller mindre, end ' t af Pectoralemes Længde. Gjælle- spalten temmelig trang: Gjællehinderne ikke indbyr- des sammt nvoxede paa Hovedets Underside. Tender i Kjæverne, samt i Regelen tillige paa Vomer og Palatinbenene. Pseudobranchier tilstede: Analpapille og Svømmeblære main/ler. Appendices pyloricae 2 eller ingen. Af denne i flere Henseender mærkelige Slægt have de seneste Aars Undersøgelser efterhaanden bragt for Dagen et ikke ringe Antal nye Former, saa ledes at den er kom- men til at udgjøre den artrigeste Slægt af alle hidtil be- kjendte arctiske Dybvandsfiske1. 1 Lyeodes-Slægtens Litteratur. Om Slægten Lyeodes foreligger for Tiden følgende Litteratur. ls-J4. Sabine. (Account of the) "Fish". Suppl. to Append. Capt Parry's Voy. for the Dise. of a MV. Passage, 1819—20, p. ('i 'X II -ITT. Lond. 1824. hau] with a net, in the Porsanger Fjord, West Finmark- The southern limit of its range is probably Bohuslen, in Sweden, one or two individuals having been obtained off Gothenburg (58° X.). 'It is an interesting fact, that individuals taken on the southern coast of Norway and Sweden, where the tempera- ture of the water is comparatively high, diller in no respect from those met with in the frigid expanse of ocean at the northern extremity of Spitzbergen. Fam. Lycodidæ. Gen. Lrveocles, Reinh. (tvers. 1830—31, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. 5 Del, p. LXXIV. Kbhvn. 1832 (1830—31). Body elongated, as a rule scaled. Scales small, circular, imbedded in the skin; lateral line present, frequently indistinct, sometimes double. Eyes mode- rate, jaws without fringes: 'upper jaw longer than lower. Fin-rays soft, articulated; caudal indistinct, continuous with the dorsal and anal. Ventrals pre- sent, placed on the throat, each furnished with a few exceedingly slender rays, of a length less than the longitudinal diameter oj the eye, or less than */4 oj the length of the pectorals. Gill-opening rather narrow; branchial membrane disconnected on the inferior surface of head. Teeth in the jams, and, as a rule, also on the vomer and palatine horn's. Pseu- dobranchiæ present: anal papilla and swimming- bladder wanting. Pyloric appendages 'J, or altogether wanting. Within the last few years the labours of ichthyolo- gists have brought to light a considerable number of new forms belonging to this, in many respects, remarkable genus, which is now shown to comprise a greater number of species than any of the other Arctic deep-sea yet known1. 1 Bibliography of the genus Lycodes. treated "t' in the following works: — The genus Lycodes is 1824, Sabine. (Account of the» "Fish," Suppl. to Append. Capt. Parry's Voy. for the Disc, of a XW. Passage, 1819—20, p. CCXH- -III. Lund. 1824. 78 Udredelsen af disse nyere Arter, og deres rette For- hold til de allerede bekjendte ældre Typer, frembyder imid- The working out of these new species and of their true relation to the types already established is. however. Under Navn af Blennius polaris beskrives en Fisk. der i Aaret 1819 fandtes opkastet paa Strandbredden i Arctisk America (North Georgia), og som synes at have været en Art af ilen senere opstillede Slægl Lycodes, ejendommelig ved sit nøgne Legeme, skjønt Total- længden var 7 eng. Tommer lomtr. 180"""), og med de for adskillige af denne Slægts Arter characteristiske Tverbaand over Legemet. Beskrivelsen er iovrigt saa ufuldstændig, at Arten maa siges at være ganske ubestemmelig, og den er aldrig senere med Sikkerhed gjen- funden. ila, L. polaris, | S:i 1 >.-] ). Is2s, Ross, J. C. "Appendix Nat. Hist.". Parry, Narrat. Att, to reach the North Pole 1827, p. 200. Lond. 1828. Et Individ, der af Boss henførtes under Sabine's ovenfor nævnte Art. Blennius polaris, optoges under Parry's Nordpol-Expedition i Juni 1827 paa 80 Favnes Dyb nordenfor Spitsbergen, under 81° 6' N. B. Denne er utvivlsomt en Lycodes, men synes at afvige fra Sabine's Art ved Finnernes Straaleantal samt Farven, og ansees af Malmgren for at være synonym med hans i 1865 fra Spitsbergen be- skrevne L. rossi, (lb. L. polaris, [J. C. Ross.]). 1830—31. Reinhardt, sen. Overs. 1830—31, Kgl. I). Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 5 Del, p. LXNIV. Kbhvn. 1832. Slægten Lycodes opstilles, og dens Characteristik meddeles tem- melig! udførligt; som .Ims Typus opstilles /.. vahlii, efter et enkelt, omtrent 360""" langi Individ fra Grønland, udtaget af Ventrikelen af en Bomniosus microcephalus. Uddrag af denne Meddelelse findes i Okens ..Isis- for 1848, p. 124—125. (2. L. vahlii, Reinh.). 1834—35. Reinhardt. .sen. Overs. 1834—35, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. (i Del, p. LXXV. Kbhvn. 1837. Forfatteren giver en udførlig Diagnose af Slægten, saavelsom af Arterne L. vahlii, samt af den ny tilkomne L. reticulatus, den sidste opstillet efter 2 større Individer fra Grønland, erholdte i Aarenie 1833 og 34, "•_! ligeledes udtagne af Ventrikelen af «S', microcephalus. Ud- drag af denne Meddelelse findes i okens ..Isis-' for 1s4s. p. i;u — 135. (3. ].. reticulates, Reinh.). is:;;,. R,, ss. J. ('. «Account Nat. Hist. Fish", Sir .1. Ross, App. Narr. Sec. Voy. in Search North-West Passage ls2. 1.. nebulosus, Kr.). |s4? Krøyer. Voy. Comm. Sei. Scaud. Lap., Spitsb., Feroe, 1838 40, ('orv. -la Recherche". Zool. Pisc. pl. 7. Paris lsjy The name of Blennius polaris was given to a fish found stranded in the year 1sl9 on the coast of Arctic America (North Georgia), aud which would seem to have been a species of the subsequently established genus Lycodes, a salient feature being the naked body, although the total length of the specimen reached 7 English in (about ISO»»»»); it was marked, too, with the transverse bands across the body distinguishing several species of that genus. The description, however, is far too incomplete to admit of characterising the species, and it is not known to have been subsequently met with. (la. L. polaris, [Sab.]). 1828. Ross, J. C'. "Appendix Nat. Hist.," Parry, Narrat. Aft. to reach the North Pol,, 1*27, p. 200. Lond. l*2s. An individual, referred by Ross to Sabine's Blennius polaris, was taken on Parry's North Pole Expedition, in June ls-_!7, at a depth of so fathoms, north of Spitsbergen, lat. sl" 6' N. This spec- imen is unquestionably a Lycodes, but would seem to differ from Sa- bine's species in the number of fin-rays and in the colour: Malmgren regards it as identical with his L. rossi, also from Spitsbergen, des- cribed 1SC4. (111. L. polaris, [J. ( '. Ross]]. 1830—31. Reinhardt sen. Overs. 1 830— 31, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 5 Del. p. LXXIV. Kbhvn. 1832. The genus Lycodes is introduced, and ils characters enumerated somewhat at length; as the type. Reinhardt gives L. vahlii, determined from a single specimen from Greenland, total length about 300""", taken from the ventricle of a Somniosus microcephalus. Extracts from this paper will be found in Oken's "Isis" for 1848, p. 124 — 125. (2. L. vahlii, Reinh.). 1834—35. Reinhardt sen. Overs. 1834—35, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 6 Del, p. LXXV. Kbhvn. 1837. The author furnishes a detailed diagnosis of the genus, and of the species L. vahlii and L. reticulatus, the latter established from 2 large individuals obtained on the coast of Greenland, in the years 1833 and 1S3J: these specimens, I,",, were taken from the ventricle of a <*?. microcephalus. Extracts from this paper will be found in Oken's "Isis" for 1S4S: |». 134 — 135. (3. /.. reticulatus, Reinh.). 1835. Ross, J. C. "Account Nat. Hist. Fish.," Sir J. Ross, App. Narr. See. Voy. in. Search North-Vest Passage 1S29 — 3,3. p. LII. Lond. 1835. An individual, believed to have been Sabine's Blennius polaris, «as taken from the ventricle of a Guilus. at Boothia. Arctic America. Being greatly mutilated its determination is doubtful. 1838. Reinhardt sen. "Ichthyologiske Bidrag til den grøn- landske Fauna" (Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 7 Del. p. 123 — 124, 147—174, and 223—228. Kbhvn. 1838). A full description is furnished of L vahlii (PL .",) and of 'i. reticulatus PI. 6); also of a newly established species L. seminudus, of which a specimen — total length about 480?"" — had been obtained, in 1S37. on the coast of Greenland. Extracts from this treatise will be found in Oken's "Isis" 1848, p. 279 — 290. i4. L. seminudus, Reinh.). ls44. Krøyer. "Notice angaaende Forøgelse af den grøn- landske Fiskefortegnelse" [(Ivers. Kgl. D. V. Selsk. Forh. 1S4 4. p. 140. Kbhvn. 1845). A brief and preliminary diagnosis is furnished of 2 new species, L. perspicillum and L. nebulosus. both established from 2 examples taken on the coast of Greenland. The typical specimen of the latter species would appear to have been lost, and on account of the in- complete description will hardly admit of being identified; the former — from reasons to lie subsequently advanced — is perhaps a young example of L. reticulatus. (5. L. perspicilhim, Kr. 'i. /.. nebulosus, -Kr.), i ^ r.J Kroyer. Voy. Comm. Sci. Scand. Lap. Spitzb. Feroe, iy:;s_4o, Qorv. la "Recherche." Zool. Pise. pi. 7. Paris 184? 7!» Lertid særegne Vanskeligheder, il'""" Forst i isTii er denne Art gjenfundet i et stort Individ fra Cumberland Gulf, ligeledes i Aivtisk America. (7. L. mucosus, Rich.). 1857. Reinhardt, jun. „Portegnelse over Grønlands Patte- dyr, Pugle og Fiske.- Kink, (ironi. 2 i'>. App. p. 22 — 23. Kbhvn. 1857. Arierne /.. vahlii, /.. reticulatus, /,. seminudus, L. perspieillum, og 1.. nebulosus opregnes som tilhørende Grønlands Fauna. 1861. Grill. "Catalogue of Fishes of the Eastern Coast of North America, trom Greenland to Georgia" (Proc. Acad. Sci. Philad. 1861, Appendix p. 46. Philad. 1862). De hidtil kjendte 7 Arter, L.itihlii, Keinh., L. reticulatus, Reinh., L. seminudus, Reinli., /.. perspieillum, Kr., L. nebulosus, Kr., L. mucosas, Rich., og L. polaris, Sab., opregnes som tilhørende det nvennævnte Gebet. lsiij. Krøyer. „Nogle Bidrag til nordisk Ichthyologie" (Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 Række, 1 B. p. 288—294, Mai 1862. Kbhvn. 1861—63). Krøyer giver her Diagnoser og Beskrivelser af sine i ls44 opstillede 2 Arter, L. perspieillum og L. nebulosiis; af den sidstnævnte Art dog lidet udførligt. 1862. Gunther. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4, p. 319—326. LonoL lsiij. Fani. Lycodidae opføres her muler Ordenen Anacanthini, Under- ordenen Gadoidei, og stilles som dennes 2den Familie umiddelbart foran Gadidai saaledes vidt adskilt fra Familien Blenniidae). Familien indbefatter ;', Genera: 1. Ly codes, 2. Oymnelis, 3. Uronectes. TilSlægten Li/codes li egentlig Forstand) henregnes og gives Diagnoser af Ar- terne 1. L. vahlii, 2. /.. perspieillum, 3. L. reticulatus, 4. L. seminudus, 5. L. nm, 'usus, og 6. L. polaris, men ingen nye Arter opstilles. Den anden Gruppe indbefatter de antarctiske Arter, henhørende under (Under-) Slaegterne Iluocaetes og Phucoeaetes, Jen., samt den senere opstillede Paralycodes, Bleek. lsii:!. Gill. "Synopsis of the Family of Lycodoidae" (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1863, p. 254—261, Sept. 1863). Efter en almindelig Oversigt over Familien Lycodidae, gives en udførlig Characteristik af Slægten Lycodes, hvorpaa de i hans foreg nde Catalog (af 1861) opregnede 7 Arter gives sammenlignende Diagnoser, med Angivelse af Synonymer. Familien indbefatter efter hans Opfatning [Tnderfamilierne Zoarceinae, Lycodinae, og Gymnelinae, en Anskuelse, der synes at hav god Grund til at blive anerkjendt som naturlig'. 1864. Malmgren. "Om Spetsbergens Fiskfauna" (Ofv. Kgl. Vet. Akad. Forh. 1864, p. 516—517). •_' unge Individer af L. rossi, n. sp. beskrives, optagne i Nord- Spitsbergen i 1861 under den første svenske Polar-Expedition. Ar- ten ansees af Malmgren som synonym med Ross' Blermius polaris (fra 1828), og forskjellig fra Sabine's Art at' samme Navn (fra 1824); sandsynligvis falder den sammen med /,. perspieillum, Kr. Malmgrens Fund af L. rossi omtales atter, men uden videre Bemærkninger: 1) af Malmgren 1864 i -Svenska J2xp. till Spets- exceedinglj difficult, not merely owing to the defective state of the older typical specimens, but also to the fact, In the plates to Gaimard's work on the voyage with the cor- vette la "Recherche" to the Artie regions, Kroyer figured the 2 spec- imens of /,. perspieillum as yet obtained, There is no letter-press to this or any of tl thor ichthyological plates. 1855. Richardson. "Account of the Fish." Last. ArctVoy. Command of Sir Edw. Belcher, 1852 54, vol. 2, p. 362", Pl. XXVI. Lund. is:,;,. A new -| tes, /.. mucosus, from Arctic America (Northumber- land Sound), is fully described, and figured; it resembles Sabine's /,. polaris in in it liaviiiLj scales, but differs from that species in the number of pectoral rays, and in the number of transverse bands on the body. The total length of the largest of the 2 individuals ob- tained was about 176"""' Not till 1876 was this species again met with, in a large individual from Cumberland Gulf, also in Arctic Am- erica. (7. L. mucosus, Rich.), ls.',7. Reinhardt jun. "Fortegnelse over Grønlands Patte- dyr, Fugle og Fiske." Rink, (ironi. 2B. App. p. 22 — 23. Kbhvn. ls:,7. The species L. vahlii, L. reticulatus, L. aeminudus, L. perspieillum, and/,, nebulosus are enumerated as belonging to the Fauns of Greenland. 1861. Gill. -Catalogue of Fishes of the Eastern Coast of North America, from Greenland to Georgia" (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861, Appendix, p. 4. L. reti- culatus, I. /.. seminudus, .",. L. mucosus, and 6. L. polaris; but no new species are established. A second group compsises the Antarctic species, belonging to the (sub-)genera Iluocætes and Phucocettes, Jen. and the subsequently established Paralycodes, Bleek. 1863. (lill. "Synopsis ,,f the Family of Lycodoidæ" (Proc. Acad. Xat. Sci. Philad. 1863, p. 254—261, Sept. 1863). Alter a summary review of the family Lycodidm, the author gives in detail the characteristic features distinguishing the genus Lycodes, and then proceeds to furnish comparative diagnoses of the 7 species enumerated in his former Catalogue (1861), accompanied by a list of synonyms. The family comprises, according to his view, the sub-families Zoarceinæ, Lycodinæ, and Qymnelinæ, which there is g I reason to believe will prove correct. lsii4. Malmgren. "Om Spetsbergens Fiskfauna" (Ofv. Kgl. Vet. Akad. Forh. 1.864, p. 516—517). Descriptions are given of 2 young examples of [.. rossi, n. sp., taken on the oorth coast of Spitsbergen in 1861, on the first Swedish Polar Expedition. Malmgren regards the species as identical with IJoss's Blennius polaris ilsg's,. and differing from Sabine's species of the s: na (1824); probably it is identical with L. perspieillum, Kr. Malmgren's discovery of L. rossi is again referred to. but with no additional observations, li by Malmgren, 1864, in "Svenska Exp. 80 tinde sig, men ogsaa fordi der synes at kunne raade en ganske betydelig Variation inden Individerne af samme bergen Ar 1864", Bihang p. 249; 2) af Frisch 1865, i hans Bearbei- delse af Malmgrens foregaaende Afhandling i Petermann, Greogr. Mit- theill. 1865, Erg. Heft Nr. 16, p. 39; 3) af Heuglin 1*74 i -Reisen n. dem Nordpolar-Meer 1870 u. 1871", 3 Theil, p. 215, Braun- schweig 1874. (8. L. rossi, Malmgr.). 1866. Sårs. M. „Om Lycodes gracilis, en ny norsk Pisk" (Pork Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1866, p. 40—4:.. Pl. 1, Pig: 1—3). Lycodes gracilis, n. sp. beskrives og afbildes efter et ungt In- divid med en Totallængde af 4:'.""". fra 50 — 60 Favne i Drøbaksnnd i Norge. Dette Individ er doa' utvivlsomt synonymt med L. rossi, Malmåren, og saaledes, efter hvad jeg antager, ligeledes med L. per- spicillum, Kr. 1844, og udgjør ligesom disse sandsynKgvis den spæde Unge enten af L. reticulatus, eller maaske af en anden nærstaa- ende Art. (9. L, gracilis, M. Sårs). 1808. Esmark. ..Bidrag- til Finmarkens Fiskefauna" (Forh. Seand. Naturf. 10 Mode. Chra. 1868, p. 524). :i sture Individer at' en Lycodes, som Univ.-Musæet havde mod- taget fra Varangerfj orden (de 2 nedsendte i ls(>4. det .tredie med- bragt af Prof. Esmark fra en Reise i disse Egne i 1865), henføres uiidcr L. vahlii, Reinli. I (isse Individer ere senere (1874) af nærvæ- rende Forfatter erkjendte og nærmere beskrevne som en egen Art, L. esmarhii. 1871. Collett. ,, Lycodes sarsii, n. sp., ex online Anaeanthino- rum Gradoideorum" (Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1871, p. iiJ— 67, Pl. I. Chra, 1872). L. sarsii, n. sp. beskrives og afbildes efter et (Yngel-)Individ med en Totallængde af 44""". optaget i 1869 i Hardangerfjorden i Norge fra 100 — 150 Favnes Dyb. Den er ensfarvet, allerede fuldt piginenteret. men endiin uden Skjæl; den tilhører sandsynligvis de mest anguilliforme Arter, og udgjør den spæde Fuge af en maaske endnu ukjendt Art. (10. L. sarsii, Coll.). 1*72. Grill. "Arrangement of the Families of Pishes" (Smith- son. Misc. Coll. No. -J47. vol. XL Nov. 1 s72. Washingt. 1*74). Familien Lycodidat opføres her under Ordenen Teleocephali, Snbord. Anacanthini. Arter omtales ikke. 1*7J. (.Till. -Catalogue of the Fishes of the East Coast of North America" (U. S. Comm. Fish and Fisheries, Part 1, Report 1*71— 7J. p. 796—797. Wash. 1*7.;. I denne reviderede og supplerede Catalog (cfr. Catalogen af 1861), er Fam. Lycodidat opført va-sonth"/ i (Overensstemmelse med Anordningen i foregaaende Skrift, (Smiths. Misc. Cull. vol. XI, 1872). Af Shegten Lycodes opregnes de samme Arter fra Nord-Americas Østkyst, som i Catalogen af 1861, men uden Diagnoser eller Be- skrivelser. 1873. Fitzinger. "Versuch einer naturlichen Classification der Fische" (Sitz. Ber. Math. Nat. Cl. Akad. Wiss. 67 B. 1 Abth. .Jan. ist:;, p. 4:;. Wien 1873). Shegten Lycodes opfores her blandt Ser. II. Seterocormi; Ord. 'J. Arthropleri; Subord. 'J. Gastronecta; Fam. li. Zoarcat (den sidste ind- befatténde 1. "Zoarces, 'J. Lycodes). Arter omhandles ikke. 1874. Collett. ..Xnrges Fiske" (Tillægsh. Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1ST4, p. 95—103. Chra. 1ST.".). Som tilhørende Landets Fauna omhandles de 3 Arter L. gra- cilis, M. Sårs. fra Christianiafj orden, L. sarsii, Coll., fra Hardanger- fjorden, saint L. esmarhii, n. sp., den sidstnævnte opstillet efter de 3 sture Individer fra Finmarken (med en Totall. af 595 — ()50mm), der af Prof. Esmark tidligere (1868) vare opførte som tilhørende /.. oahlii, Reinli. (11. L. esmarhii, Coll.). 1874. Bleeker. "Typi nonnulli generiei piscinm negleeti" Versl. Med. Kon.' Akad. Wet. Amst. 2 R. 8 Del, p. 369. 1874). that individuals of the same species are found to vary very considerably inter se, resulting partly from sexual till Spetsbergen, Ar 1864," Bihang, p. 249; 2) by Frisch, 1865, in his revision of Malmgren's treatise in Petermanns Oeogr. Mittheill. 1865, Erg. Heft Nr. 16, p. 39; 3) by Heuglin. lsT4. in -'Reisen n. dem Nordpolar-Meer, 1870 u. 1871," 3 Theil. p. 215. Braunschweig 1*74. (8. L. rossi, Malmgr.). l*lili. Sars, M. "Om Lycodes gracilis, en ny norsk Fisk" i Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1866, p. 40— 4.">. Pl. I. Fig. 1—3). Lycodes gracilis, n. sp., is here described and figured from a young specimen (total length 4:!""") taken at a depth of 50 — 60 fathoms, in Drobaksund. Norway. This individual is unquestionably identical with L. rossi. Malmgr.. and therefore, as I conceive, also with L. perspiciUum, Kr. 1*44: hence it probably agrees with the two latter in being a very young example of L. reticulatus, or some closely related species. (9. L. gracilis, 31. Sars). 1868. Esmark. "Bidrag til Finmarkens Fiskefauna" (Forh. Seand. Naturf. 10 Mode. Chra. 1868, p. 524). Three large examples of a Lycodes, obtained by the University of Christiania from the Varanger Fjord (2 of the specimens wen- sent in l*f>4. the third was brought home, in 1865, by Professor Es- mark) are referred to L. vahlii, Reinh. Subsequently (1874) these specimens were recognised by the present author as a distinct species. /.. ■ smarhii. 1871. Collett. "Lycodes sarsii, n. sp., ex online Anacanthino- ruin Gradoideorum" (Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1871, p. (i-J— ii7. PL I. Chra. is; J). L. sarsii. n. sp.. is described and figured from a (fry-)specimen, total length 44""". taken, in 1869, in the Hardanger Fjord. Norway, at a depth of 100 — 150 fathoms. It is of a uniform colour, with the pigment fully developed, but exhibiting as yet no trace of scales; belongs probably to the. anguilliform species, being, perhaps, a very young example of an unknown species. (10. /.. sarsii, Coll.). 1*72. Grill. "Arrangement of the Families of Fishes" i Smith- son. Misc. Coll. No. 247, vol. XL Nov. 1872. Washingt. 1*7 1'. The family Lycodidcc is here classed under the order Teleoce- phali, sub-order Anacanthini. No species referred to. 1*72. Grill. "Catalogue of the Fishes of the East Coast of North America" (I'. S. Comm. Fish ami Fisheries, Part 1. Report 1871—1872, p. 796—797. Wash. 1873). In this revised and enlarged Catalogue (vidt Catalogue 1861), the author classes the family Lycodidce chiefly in accordance with the arrangement adopted in the foregoing work (Smithson. Misc. Coll. vol. XL 1872). Of the germs Lycodes, he enumerates the same species from the east coast of North America as in his Catalogue of 1861, but without furnishing any diagnoses or descriptions. I*7:i. Fitzinger. '■ Versuch einer naturlichen Classification der Fische" (Sitz. Ber. Math. Nat. CI. Akad. Wiss. 67 B. 1 Abth. Jan. 1873. p. 43. Wien 1873). The genus Lycodes is here classed among Ser. II. Heterocormi ; Ord. 'J. Arthropteri; Subord. 2. Gastronecta ; Fam. 6. Zoarcæ (comprising 1. Zoarecs, 'J. Lycodes). No species referred to. 1*74. Collett. "Norges Fiske" {Tillægsh. Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1874, p. 95—103. Chra. 1875). As comprised in the Norwegian fauna, the author enumerates tin' :; species: L. gracilis, M. Sars, from the Christianiafjord, L. sarsii, Coll., from the Hardangerfjord, and /.. esmarhii, n. sp.. the last-men- tioned being established from the 3 large spe. imens taken on the coast of Finmark (total length from595""!' to 650"""), which Prof. Es- mark, in 1868, had referred to L. vahlii, Reinh. (11. L. esmarhii, Coll.). 1874. Bleeker. "Typi nonnulli generiei piscium neglecti" (VersL Med. Kon. Akad. Wet. Amst. -J R. 8 Del, p. 369. 1*74>. 81 Art. baade grundet paa Forskjel i Kjøn, og med Hensyn til Farvetegning, Ddstrækning af Skjælbeklædning, og tildels Som nye Slaegter bland! Familien Lycodidat opfører Bleeker Lycodalepis for /.. mucosas, Rich., sn mi Paralyeodes for /.. variegatus, (iihith. Den siilst n a\ uti- Art tilhører vistnok en fra den typiske ides skih Slægt; derimod synes Opstillingen af en særskilt Slægt for Richardson's Art. grunde! paa Mangelen af Skjæl, at være over- flødig, naar man tager i Betragtning den sture Variation i Skjælbe- klædningens Udstrækning Ims de øvrige Arter. 1875. Lutken. "Revised Catalogue of the Fishes of Green- land" (Man. Nat. Hist. etc. of Greenl., prepared for the Året. Exped. of 1875, p. 118—119. Lond. 1875). Indeholder en Fortegnelse over de hidtil bekjøndte grønland- ske Arter, de samme, s..m i Grill's Catalog (af 1861), med en Angi- velse af Synonymi. 1876. Wallace. Geographical Distribution of Animals, vol. 2, p. 439 «Fond. 1876). Den geographiske Udbredelse af Familien Lycodidat angives (i Overenstemmelse med Giinthers Catalogue af 1862) til Arctisk Ame- rica og Grønland, samt de antarctiske Have omkring Falklandsøerne og Chiloe. i De antarctiske Arter udgjøre dog- utvivlsomt destincte Genera . IsTT. Goode & Bean. "Descriptions of two new Species of Fishes. Vacrurus bairdi and Lycodes verriUii" Amer. Jonrn. Sci. Arts, vol. XIV. p. 47:5 — 4Tii : Her. 1877 . L. verriUi, n. sp. opstilles og beskrives udførligt efter 6 Indi- vider, erholdte af TJ. S. Fish Commission paa 90 — 100 Favnes Dyb udenfor K ysterne af Nova Scotia Sommeren 1877. Arten tilhører de langstrakte Former af denne Slægt, og er bland! disse characteristisk ved at besidde Tverbaand. (12. L. verriUii, Goode & Bean). 1877. Malin. Gothehorgs och Bohuslans Fauna, p. 502 (Gotheb. 1877). L. gracilis, M. Sårs. omtales som maaske forekommende uden- for Bohuslan, en Antagelse, der blot er grundet paa Fundet af Indi- videt i Christ ianiafj orden. 1878. Collett ..Fiske, indsamlede under den norske Nord- havs-Expeditions 'J første Togter. ]s7li og 1877" iForh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 4. p. 11—20; Februar 1878). Under L. vahlii, Reiuh. . henføres og beskrives et Yngel-Individ af en Lycodes, ider dog sandsynligvis er skilt fra denne Art. og ud- gjør Yngelen af L. esmarkii,) samt et Par iligeledes Yngel-Individer) af den senere beskrevne L. frigidus. Som ny opstilles L. muraena, der er ensfarvet, skjælbeklædt, og tilhører de mest langstrakte Former af denne Slægt. Alle Individer vare optagne under Aarets 2det Togt. i 1877, paa Bankerne udenfor Nordland og Lofoten. (13. L. muraena, Coll.). 1878. Collett. ..Fiske fra Nordhavs - Expeditionens sidste Togt, Sommeren ls7s- (Porh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1s7s No. 14. p. 4"i— 77: Dec. 1878 . Af dette Togts righoldige Materiale henføres 15 Individer un- der en ny Art. L. frigidus, der er ensfarvet, skjælbeklædt, og tilhører BoWn-Typen, samt ■_> under L. paUidus, n. sp., der i det hele er over- ensstemmende med L. frigidus, men har characteristiske Tegiimger over Finnerne. Under L. vahlii henføres 3 Individer, der dog (sam- men med Yngel-Individet fra forrige Aar) uden Tviv-1 udgjøre de hidtil ukjendte yngre Stadier af L. esmarkii, som danner denne Arts Repræsentant i de europæiske Dele af Ishavet. Fremdeles angives 1 Individ at tilhøre L. semi,, mins, Reinh., :i Individer L. muraena, Coll., medens 1 med nogenTvivl henføres under L. retieulatus inær- værende Værk opstillet som distinct under Navn af L. Itttkeni). Alle vare erholdte Sommeren ls7s fra Havet omkring Beeren Eiland og Spitsbergen; af de fleste gives udførlige Beskrivelser. (14. L. frigidus, Coll. 15. L. paUidus, Coll.). Deu norske Nordhavsexpedition. Collett: Fiske. differences, and partly from variation in colour and extent of scaling, as well as in the proportions "l' the body. As new genera of the family Lycodida, Bleeker proposes l.yoda- lepit for /.. mucosus, Uieh.. and Paralycodes for /.. variegatus, GfUnth. The latter species belongs unquestionably to a genus distinct from the typical Lycodes; on the other hand, the establishment of a sepa- rate genus for Richardson's species on the ha^is of its ni,t having scales, would seem superfluous, if we call to mind the great variation in the extent of the scaled integument exhibited by the other species. 1875. Lutken. "Revised Catalogue of t lie Fishes of Green- land" i Man. N'at. Hist. etc. of Greenland, prepared for the Aret. Exped. of 1875, p. 118—119. Loud. 1875). Contains a list of the Greenland species known up to that time — the same as in Gill's Catalogue (1861) — with the synonyms annexed. Is7(i. Wallace. Geographical Distribution of Animals, vol. ■J. p. 4:'.!i i Loud. 1876). The geographical range of the family Lycodida- is given (in conformity with Giinther's Catalogue of 1861), as comprising Arctic America and Greenland, together with the Falkland Islands and Chiloe, in the Antarctic Ocean. iThe Antarctic species belong how- ever to distinct general. Is77. Goode & Beau. "Descriptions of two new Species of Fishes, Macrurus bardii and Lycodes verriUii" (Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts. vol. XIV, p. 47:1— 47ii: Dec, 1877). L. verriUii, n. sp., is established and fully desci bed from 6 specimens obtained by the U. S. Fish. Commission, at a depth of 90 — 100 fathoms, off the coast of Nova Scotia, in the summer of 1877. This species belongs to the elongated forms of the genus, among which it is distinguished by the transverse bands. 1 12. L, verrillii, Goode & Bean). 1877. Malm, Gothehorgs och Bohuslans Fauna, p. 502 (Gotheb. 1877). L. gracilis, M. Sars. is spoken of as possibly occurring on the coast of Bohuslan. a supposition which has nothing beyond the specimen from the Christiania Fjord to support it. 1878. Collett. "Fiske indsamlede under den norske Nordkavs- Expeditions 2 første Togter. 1876 og 1877" (Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 4. p. 11—20; Februar 1878). The author refers to L. vahlii, and describes a fry-specimen of a Lycodes, which, however, is doubtless distinct from that species, most likely the young of L. esmarkii; likewise two examples (both of them verv young) of /.. frigidus, afterwards described. As new, he estab- lishes L. murana, which is sealed, uniform in colour, and the most elongated form of the genus. The specimens were all taken during the second voyage, in 1877, on the banks off the coasts of Nordland and Lofoten. (13. L. murmna, Coll.). 1878. Collett. -Fiske fra Xordhavs-Expeditionens sidste Togt, ' Sommeren 1878" (Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, Xo. 14, p. 45— 77 ; Dec. 1878). No less than 1 5 individuals of the valuable collection made on this voyage are referred to a new species, L. frigidus, uniform in colour, sealed, and of the vahlii type; 2 to /.. paUidus, n. sp., which agrees in its chief characters with L. frigidus, but with distinctive markings on the fins. To L. vahlii are referred :'> individuals, which, however (along with the young specimen taken the year before), represent the earlier stages, unknown before, of L. • smarkii, the represen- tative of L. vahlii in the European tracts of the Arctic Ocean. More- over; 1 individual is referred to L. semmudus, Reinh.. 3 to L. murana, Coll.. and 1 individual, though somewhat doubtfully, to L. retieulatus lin this General Report established as distinct, under the name of L. liltkeni). t These specimens were all obtained in the summer of 1878, off Beeren Eiland and Spitsbergen; most of them are fully described, il4. L. frigidus, Coll. 15. L. paUidus, Coll. i. 11 82 ogsaa Legemspropftrtionerne. Endvidere ere flere af Arterne, saavel de ældre. som de nyere, opstillede efter ganske unge 1879. Groode & Bean. "Discoveries of the U. S. Fish Com- mission" (Am. Jonrn. Sei. Arts, vol. XVII, p. 42—43; .ran. 1869). L. verriUii, Goode & Bean, omtales som erholdt paa 73 — 114 Favnes Dyb udenfor Kysterne af Nova Seotia. IS79. Collett. ,.Medde)elser om Norges Fiske i Aarene 1875 — 78", (Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 187!), .No. 1, p. (i'-'; Febr. 1879). Identiteten af L. esmarkii og L. vahlii omhandles "'j' bekræftes fremdeles, efterat Forf. i 1878 havde medbragt fra Finmarken '2 nye, men atter fuldt udvoxede Individer af den førstnævnte Form til Uni- versitets-Musæet. Nordhavs-Expeditionens Yngel-Individer af L. fri- gidus fra Bankerne udenfor Lofoten anføres som gaaende Lad under Norges Fauna. Is7(). Bean. "Fishes collected in Cumberland gull' ami Disco Bay" (Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 1."., .p. 112—115: Contrib. to the Nat. Hist, of Arct. Am., by L. Kumlien; 23de Mai 1879). Af L. mucosus, Rich. 1855, hvoraf tidligere vare blot kj endte de 2 Typ-Individer fra Northumberland Sound, erholdtes et nyt In- divid i Cumberland Gulf i 1876. Totallængden var 430"""; Richard- sons originale Beskrivelse bliver i alle væsentlige Henseender be- kræfte.t. 1879. Collett. "On a new Fish of the Genus Lycodes from the Pacific" (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 18711, p. 381—382). L. pacificus, n. sp., angivelig fra Japan, og tilhørende Berliner- Musæet, beskrives og afbildes i et Træsnit. Paa Grund af de mang- lende Vomerin- og Palatintænder antages den maaske rettere at hen- føres under en egen Underslægt, for hvilken Navnet Lycodopsis er foreslaaet. (16. L. [Lycodopsis] pacificus, Coll.) 1879. Bean. "Description of a species of Lycodes tL. turneri) from Alaska" (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. I: 22:'>""" fra Kysterne af Nova Seotia. Som characteristiske Kjendetegn opgives det sær- deles korte Hoved, en ejendommelig Krumning af Overkjæven, den stærke Udvikling af Kjævernes Muskler, og de faatallige Pectoral- straaler. Den tilhører de langstrakte Former, og har et trindt, skjæl- beklædt, og ensfarvet Legeme. (18. L. paxillus, Goode & Beam. 18711. Goode & Bean. "On the occurrence of Lycodes vahlii. Reinhardt, on la Have and Grand Banks" (Proc. II. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 2, p. 209—210; 21de Maj [trykt lite Dec] 1879). 2 Individer af, hvad der antages at være L. vahlii. Reinhardt, optoges paa Bankerne søndenfor Nova Seotia i Løbet af 1879. To- tallængden af de erholdte Individer var .">40 og 632"™' Jeg skal senere vise, at disse Individer ere identiske med L. esmarMi, idet jeg har været sat istand til at anstille en directe Undersøgelse mellem et af disse Individer, og Typ-Ekemplarerne af den nævnte Art. Moreover, several of the species, both the old and the new, are established from specimens in a very early stage of 1879. Goode & Bean. "Discoveries of the U. S. Fish Com- mission" (Am. Joum. Sci. Arts, vol. XVII, p. 42 — 43; Jan. 1869). L. cerrillii, Goode & Bean, is mentioned as having been taken, at a depth of 73 — 114 fathoms, off the coast of Nova Scotia. 1 879. Collett. "Meddelelser om N' irgi :s Fiske i Aarene 1 875 — 7s" (Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 18711, No. 1, p. (12: Febr. 1879). Here too, the identity of L. esmarkii and L. vahlii is dwelt upon and maintained, the author having, in ls78, brought from Fin- mark to the University Museum two full-grown examples of the former. The fry-specimen of L. friyidus, taken on the North Atlantic Expedition in 187s, on the banks off the. Lofoten coast, is mentioned as comprised in the Norwegian Fauna. 1879. Bean. "Fishes collected in Cumberland Gulf and Disco Bay" (Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus. No. 1."., p. 112— IK' ; Contrib. to the. Nat. Hist, nf Aret. Am., by L. Kumlien; 23rd May ls7!>). Of L. mucosus, Rich. 1855, previously represented by the 2 typical specimens from Northumberland Sound, a new example was taken in Cumberland Gulf, in lsT(i. having a total length of 4; 10""". Richardson's original description is confirmed in all essen- tial particulars. Is7l). Collett. "On a new Fish of the Genus Lycodes from the Pacific" (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1879, i'. 381—382). L. pacificus, n. sp. (preserved in the Berlin Museum!, stated to be from Japan, is here described and figured. The species being without vomerine ami palatine teeth should, perhaps, be classed under a separate sub-genus, for which the name of Lycodopsis is suggested. il'». /.. [Lycodopsis] pacificus, Coll.). ls79. Bean. "Description of a species at Lycodes ' /.. turneri) from Alaska" (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. I: 22th April lsT'i; Wash. 1879). A new species, the second met with in the Pacific Ocean, is here established and fully described, from an individual having a total length "I 330""", under the name of L. turneri. It belongs to the scaleless species, of which, in a strict sense, but one other true species is known to exist, viz. L. mucosus, Rich. ; for, of tile remain- ing species stated to be scaleless, 1 is imperfectly described, and has not since been met with (L. polaris, Sab.); and 2, L. rossi, Malmgr., and L. gracilis, M. Sars, are other, scaled forms in the try stage of development, which, perhaps, is also the case with the fourth, L. sarsii, •Coll. The colour is dark, witli light transverse bands; body and structure of teeth typical. (17. L. turneri, Bean 1879). 1879. Goode & Bean. "Descr. of a species of Lycodes ( /.. paxillus) obtained by U. S. Fish. Comm." (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. II, p. 44— 46; 22nd March [printed 23rd May! 1879). The new species, L. paxillus, is described from a single indiv- idual, not wholly free from mutilation, with a total length of 363""", taken on the coast of Nova Scotia. Its characteristic features are stated to be the short head, a peculiar curvature of the upper jaw, the powerful development of the maxillary muscles, and the small number of pectoral rays. It belongs to the elongated forms, and has a plump, scaled body, uniform in colour. (is. /.. paxillus. Goode ci Bean). 1879. Goode & Bean. "On the occurrence of Lycodes vahlii, Reinhardt, on la Have and Grand Banks" (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 2, p. 209—210; 21st May [printed 6th Dec. 1879). Two individuals, believed to belong to Lycodes vahlii, Rein- hardt, — total length respectively 540""" and 632""", — were taken on the banks south of Nova Scotia, in 1879. I shall subsequently show that these individuals are identical with L. esmarkii, having had an opportunity of instituting a direct comparison between one of them and the typical specimens of that species. 83 Individer, tildels Yngel, hvoraf dor kan have foreligget blot et enkelt Individ til Undersøgelse, og det lader sig nu i Hero Tilladde divecte paavise, at Yngol-Individer al' denne Slægt kunne frembyde en betydelig Dlighed med de ældre at' samme Art. Med fdld Sikkerhed at benføre alle disse Yngel -Individer, der endnu opføres under sine særegne Navne i Musæer Og i Skrifter, til sin rette Plads, er der- for ofte vanskeligt idler endog umuligt, og denne Usikker- hed vil først forsvinde, naar der foreligger langt større Rækker at' tie forskjellige ddviklingsstadier, end det for Tiden er Tiltaddet. Det under Nordhavs-Expéditionen vundne Materiale maa vistnok kaldes forholdsvis betydeligt, idet der indsam- ledes ialt 29 Individer, henbørende efter min Antagelse under (5 forskjellige Arter, men som dog ikke er tilstræk- keligt til overalt at bringe fuld Klarhed i Forholdet mellem disse Arter og de allerede bekjendte. Yed den endelige Bearbejdelse af dette Materiale har jeg havt en værdifuld Bistand af Dr. Liitken. som samti- digt har underkastet de i Kjobenhavns Universitets-Musæum opbevarede Typer fra Grønland en nøjere Gjenneingaaelse ; fremdeles har jeg ved denne Naturforskers Velvilje været sat istand til under et Par Opbold i Kjobenhavn personlig at kunne undersøge disse Typexemplarer. Dette har havt til Folge, at jeg nu har troet at burde i enkelte Puncter moditicere min tidligere provisorisk givne Opfatning af de under Expeditionen og de øvrige ved de norske Kyster erholdte Former. Det hele Anta] af de hidtil under sær- egne Navne opstillede Arter af denne Slægt er 19. hvortil kommer den i nærværende Geueral-Beretning beskrevne nve Art. L. liMkenii. At forsøge paa at reducere til sit rette Antal alle disse 20 hidtil beskrevne Arter, hvoraf idetmindste et Par, efter min Opfatning, bestemt ikke kunne ansees for at lsTO. Goode & Bean. "List of the Fishes of Essex County, including those of Mass. Bay" i Bull. Ess. lust. vol. IX. p. 1 — Ms, Salem 1879). Som erholdte udenfor Kysterne af Maine og Nova Seotia i de senest forløbne Aar omtales af Lycoder Arterne L. serrillii, •■/.. ,■„),/;;". og L. paxillus. 1880. Liitken. „ Korte Bidrag til nordisk Ichthyographi. III. Grønlands og Islands Lycoder- (Vid. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kl. livn. 1880, p. 307—332; meddelt 6te Febr. 1880). Indeholder en critisk Gjennemgaaelse af det i Musæet i Kjo- benhavn opbevarede Materiale af Lycoder fra Grønland og Island, der indeholder Typerne tor .li' neste af Reinhardt og Krøyer beskrevne Ar- ter. Forfatteren characteriserer L. vahlii, l.. retieulatus og L. seminudus, og antager den førstnævnte skilt fra L.esmarhii. Som ny opstilles l,. lugubris fra Island, en Art, der i Legemsform, Skjælbeklædning og Sidelinie kommer L. vahlii nær, men skiller sig fra denne ved færre Pectoralstraaler, kortere Tandrække paa Palatinbenene, samt ensartet graabran Farve uden Baand eller Pletter. Fremdeles gjør Forfatte- rer Kede for sin Opfatning af flere af do øvrige Lycoder, og giver til Slutning en kort Oversigt over de grønlandske og islandske Arter tilligemed dom af de øvrige Arter, hvorom han har personlig Kund- skali (dog uden nærmere aj characterisere disse si, Uto,. 1 1(1. /,. lugubris, Liitk. ). growth, nav some from fry, of which, maybe, but a solitary individual was at hand fur examination; and in many cases it now admits of the clearest proof that fry and adult individuals of the same species exhibit a marked dissimilarity. Therefore, to classify aright the numerous fry-specimens, for which, in museums and ichthyological works, a specific name continues to he employed, is ex- ceedingly difficult, nr rather impossible; and this uncer- tainty will not cease to he felt till specimens representing the various stages of development shall have been obtained in greater number. The results of the North Atlantic Expedition, as af- fecting this question, must certainly be regarded as consid- erable. 29 individuals, belonging, I conceive, to 6 different species, having been collected. — though insufficient for fully elucidating the relation between these new species and those already known. When engaged in working up these materials, I received valuable assistance from Dr. Liitken. wdio also sub- mitted the typical specimens from Greenland, preserved in the Copenhagen University Museum to a critical examina- tion; and that naturalist having kindly permitted me to examine those specimens when, on one or two occasions, I visited Copenhagen. I have seen fit. in some respects, to modify my former, to a, certain extent preliminary, views concerning forms obtained on the Expedition and off the coasts -of Norway. The whole number of species hitherto instituted under special names is 19. exclusive of the new species. L. lutJcenii, established in this General Report. An attempt to reduce to their true number the 20 forms as yet described, some of which, in my opinion, cannot be regarded as distinct species, is hardly pos- 1879. Goode & Bean. "List of the Fishes of Essex County, including those of Mass. Hay" (Bull. Ess. Inst. vol. IX. pp. t— 38, Salem 1*79). Among the various species of Lycodes obtained of late years off the coasts of Maine and Nova Scotia are mentioned L. verrillii, "L. vahlii," and L. patcittus. 1880. Liitken. "Korte Bidrag til nordisk Ichthyographi. III. Grønlands og Islands Lycoder." (Vid. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn. 1880, pp. 307—232; read Feb. 6th 1880). In this Memoir are embodied thf results of a critical examina- tion of the specimens from Greenland and Iceland preserved in the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen, which comprise the types ofmost of the species described by Reinhardt and Kroyer. The author char- acterises L. vahlii, I., retieulatus, and L., and regards the first of these species as distinct from /-. esmarhii. As a new species, he establishes /.. lugubris, from Iceland, which, as regards the struc- ture of the body, the scaled integument, and the lateral line, bears considerable resemblance to L. vahlii, but is distinguished from it by having fewer pectoral rays, a shorter series of teeth on the palatine bones, and a uniform greyish-hrown colour, without either bands or s]iots. Moreover, the author explains hi- views c rnjng several of the other Lycodes, and gives in conclusion a summary of the Green- 1 1 and Iceland species, together with such of the re iningspecies as are known to him from autopsy, without however diagnosticating the latter. 19. L. lugubris, (Liitk.). 11' 84 repræsentere virkelige Arter, lader sig neppe iværksætte med det Materiale, der for Tiden staar til vor Raadighed. Den nedenstaaende Oversigt kan derfor blot ansees som et foreløbigt Forsøg paa deres Gruppering. A. Tænder i Kjæverne, paa Vomer og paa Palatinbenene (Lycodes, Reinh. 1830—31). I. Legemsbygningen typisk; Legemets Højde indebol- des 6 — 10 Gange i Totallæugden. a. Legemet bos de udvoxede belt el. delvis skjælbeklædt. 1. L. vahlii, Reinli. 1830—31. Grønland. 2. L. reticulatus, Reinli. 1834 — 35. Grønland. L. polaris, Ross inec Sab. i 1 s2s : Spitsbergen. L. pcr- spicilUim, Kr. 1*44: Grønland. L. rossi, Malmgr. 1864; Spitsbergen. L. gracilis, M. Sårs 1866; Christiania- f jorden (Norge). 3. L. semi inuitts, Reinli. 1838. Grønland; Spits- bergen. (4) L. nelndosus, Kr. 1844. Grønland. (Utilstrække- ligt beskreven, og ubestemmelig). 5. L. esmarkii, Coll. 1874. Finmarken; Spitsber- gen; Nova Scotia, 6. L. frigidus, Coll. 1878. Spitsbergen; Beeren Eiland; Norges NV.-Kyst. 7. L. pallidus, Coll. 1878. Spitsbergen. 8. L. lugubris, Liitk. 1880. Island. 9. L. lutkenii, n. sp. Spitsbergen. b. Legemet i alle Aldre nogent. (Lycodalepis, Bleek. 1874). (10) L. polaris, Sab. 1824. Arctisk America. ,utii- strækkeligt beskreven, og ubestemmelig). 11. L. mucosus, Ricb. 1855. Arctisk America. 12. L. turnert, Bean 1879. Alaska (Russisk N. America). II.' Legemsbygningen langstrakt; Legemets Højde inde- boldes 12 — 24 Gange i Totallæugden. 13. L. sarsii, Coll. 1871. Hardangerfjord (Norge). (Blot kjendt i et Yngel-Individ). 14. L. muraena, Coll. 1878. Spitsbergen; Beeren Eiland; Norges NV.-Kyst. 15. L. verrillii, Goode & Bean 1879. Nova Scotia (N. Americas Østkyst). 1(5. L. paxillus, Goode & Bean 1879. Nova Scotia (N. Americas Østkyst). B. Tænder i Kjæverne, ingen paa Vomer eller Palatinbe- nene (Lyeodopsis, Coll. 1870). 17. L. pacificits, Coll. 1879. Japan. 18. Lycodes esmarkii. Coll. 1874. Pl. II, Fig. 19—21; Pl. Ill, Pig. -1-1. Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. Norges Fiske, Tillægsh. til Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra, 1874, p. 95, Chra. 1875 (1874). Lycodes vahlii, Coll. (nee Reinh. i Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, .\T<>. I. p. 11, Febr. ls7x: No. 11. p. 54, Dee. |s7s: Chra. 1879(1878). Lycodes vahlii, Goode & Bean, Proc. IT. S. Nat. Mus. vol. L', p, 209 (1879). sible witb tbe comparatively meagre stock of materials now before us. The subjoined summary is therefore to be regarded merely as a preliminary attempt towards tbe grouping of this genus. A. Teeth in the jmrs. on the vomer, and the palatine bones ■ (Lycodes, Reinli. 1830—31). I. Structure of the body typical; height of tbe body contained from 6 to 10 times in the total length. a. The body in adults more or less scaled. 1. L. vahlii, Reinh. 1830—31. Greenland. 2. L. ivfiruliilns. Reinh. 1834 — 35. Greenland. L. polaris, Ross (nee Sab. i Is-JS; Spitsbergen. L. per- «piciUum, Kr. 1844; Greenland. L. rossi, Malmgr. 1864; Spitzbergen. L. gracilis, M. Sars 1866; the Christiania Fjord i Norway). 3. L. seminudus, Reinh. 1838. Greenland; Spitz- bergen. (4) L. nelndosus, Kr. 1844. .Greenland. (Insuffi- ciently described, and indeterminable i. 5. L. esmarkii. Coll. 1874. Finmark; Spitzbergen; Nova Scotia. 6. L. frigidus, Coll. 1878. Spitzbergen; Beeren Eiland; North-west coast of Norway. 7. L. pallidus. Coll. 1878. Spitzbergen. 8. L. lugulris, Liitk. 1880. Iceland. 9. L. lutkenii, n. sp. Spitzbergen. b. The body naked in all stages of growth (Lyco- dalepis, Bleek. 1874). (10) L. polaris. Sab. 1824. Arct. America, (insuf- ficiently described, and indeterminable). 11. L. mucosus. Rich. 1855. Arct. America. 12. L. tnrneri, Beau 1879. Alaska (Russian N. America). II.- The body elongate; height of the body contained from 12 to 24 times in the total length. 13. L. sarsii, Coll. 1871. The Hardanger Fjord (Norway). (Known only from a fry-specimen). 14. L. murama, Coll. 1878. Spitzbergen; Beeren Eiland; North-west coast of Norway. 15. L. rcrrillii. Goode & Bean 1879. Nova Scotia (N. America ). 16. L. paxillus, Goode &Bean 1879. Nova Scotia (N. America). B. Teeth, in the jaws; none on the vomer or the palatine bones. (Lyeodopsis, Coll. 1879). 17. L. pacificus, Coll. 1879. Japan. 18. Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. 1874. PI. II, fig. 19—21; Pl. ni, fig. 22. Lycodes esmarkii, Coll. Norges Fiske, Tillægsh. til Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1874, p. 95, Chra. 1875 (1874). Lycodes vahlii, Coll. (nee Reinh.) Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878 No. 4, p. 11, Feb. 1878; No. 14, p. 54, Dec. lS7s; Chra. 1879(1878). Lycodes vahlii, Goode & Bean, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus,, vol. '2, p. 209 (1879). 85 Diagn. Farven brunsori med hvidgul Nakkeplet, og med 5 8 hvidgule Tverbaand, der gau ml om- Dorsalen, bagtil ogsaa ud on r Analen; hos fuldi udvoxede Indivi- der ere Tverbaandene opløste i ringformige, af Bundfarven opfyldte fletter, der nedtil Jamne være utydelige, eller ogsaa indbyrdes sammenhængende. Skjællene béklæde hele Legemet indtil foran Dorsaleme, frenideles Dorsajen og Analen ind- iil henimod deres Rande; fiddt udvoxede Individer have Ob- lige Nakken og Roden af Pectoralerne skjælbéklædt, smul tildels spredte Skjæl paa Vanden. Legemets Møjde indehol- des 7 — 8, Ims smaa Unger 9—10 Gange i TotaUamgden. Hun ilrt hur stump Sniide, og indeholdes i'\t—4JltGange i To- tallængden; Tandrækken paa Palatinbenene kortere, end Mel- lemkjævens. og naar hos gamle Individer neppe dennes halve Længde. Overkjæven aldrig længere, end det huln- Hoved. Pectoralerne, der indeholdes hus yngre neppe 8 Gange, hus fuldt udvoxede Manner omtrent 9 Gange i Totallængden, ere Ims ilr første tydeligt indskaarne i Yderranden. Sidelinien dobbelt, lige bag Pectoralfæstet delt i en mediolateral og en ventral ann; Ims udvoxede utydelig. Appendices pylorieae mangle. Størrelsen indtil 595mm (Hunnen), eller 622™" (Hannen), og derover. t M. B. 6. D. + \J\ 102—118; A. + %'C. 8S—102; P. 20—23; V. 4. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Bankerne udenfor Lo- foten i Norge; Nordvestkysten af Spitsbergen. Stat. 124. Stat. 362. Stat. 363. Beli 8 transverse bands of the same colour across the dorsals, and, posteriorly, across, the anal; in full-grown individuals, the /minis are broken up into annular spots, filled with the ground colour; below, sometimes indistinct or contiguous. The scales cover the body In the region in front of the dorsals, also the dorsals and the anal, nearly to their margins; adults have the nape and the base of the pectorals scaled, and sometimes isolated scales mi the forehead'.' The height of the body is to the total length us 1 to 1 — s'; in very young individuals, as 1 In 9 — 10. Snout obtuse, length of head to total length as I to 4'lt — /';,: the dental series on the palatine hours are shorter than those on the intermaxillaries, and, in old indiv- iduals, scarcely attain half the length of the latter. The upper jaw never longer than half of the head. The pec- torals, in young examples scarcely '/,. in full-grown males about ' ,., of the total length, are in the former distinctly notched along their outer margin. Lateral line double, being divided immediately posterior to the origin of the pec- torals into a medio-lateral and a ventral branch : indistinct iu (ull-tjniin) specimens. Pyloric appendages wanting. Length reaching 595mm (female) or 622mm (male), and above. M. B. 6. _ D. + ',, C. 102—118; A. + '/, C'. 88—102; P. 20—23; V. 4. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): — The banks • off Lofoten, in Norway. The north-west coast of Spitzbergen. Stat. l'J4. Stat. 362. Stat. 363. Exact Locality, 325Kil.WSW.of Bodø, Norway. 115 Kil. W. of N*nrski)i'rne.S|itli. (iO Kil. W. of Norskøerne,Sptb. Depth. 350 Fathoms i Ii4ii'»i. 459 Fathoms (83! 260 Fathoms (475™)i T' "'i', at Bottom. — 0.0° c. — 1.0° C. + 1.1° C. Bottom. Clay. Bluish-grey Clay. Blue Clay. Date. 19th June 1877. 14th Aug. 1878. 14th Aug. 1878. Numb, of Specim. 1 Ind.(very young). ■J Iinliv. I tndiv. (young). Remarks on the Synonymy. — The question, as to which of the species of Lycodes hitherto known the 4 in- dividuals taken on the North Atlantic Expedition, which, in my previous, preliminary reports, are mentioned under the name L. vahlii, should be referred, has proved somewhat difficult to decide. In the said reports I have shown that, in all essential particulars, they agree with Reinhardt's description of L. vahlii; and hence I deemed they might be correctly referred to that species, notwithstanding the original specimens in the zoological museums of Copenha- gen and Berlin, which Dr. Liitken and Professor Peters kindly afforded me an opportunity of examining, with regard to certain features, exhibited a striking dissimilarity; none of these specimens, however, were in the same stage of growth as those taken on the Expedition; their state of • 86 ikke vel vedlikeholdte, saaledes at flere Oharacterer under den flyktige Gjennemgaaelse ikke lode sig med Sikkerhed erkjende. Dr. Ltitken kar imidlertid senere under Revisionen ai de Individer af denne Slægt, der opbevares i Kjøben- havner-Musæet, kleven opmærksom paa visse, af Beinhardt overseede eller lidet paaagtede Ejendommeligheder kos L. vahlii, Og det er i Overensstemmelse med disse sidst vundne Resultater, som kan har nedlagt i sit sidste. ovenfor nævnte Artikel om denne Slægts grønlandske og islandske Arter1. at jeg har troet det rettest at holde Nordhavs-Expeditio- . nens Individer ud fra den typiske L. vahlii, væsentlig paa Grund af Forskjel i Sideliniens Bygning, i Hovedets og Kjævernes relative Længde, i Tandbygningen, foruden i Farven. Medens L. vahlii typisk besidder 1 Sidelinie. der er ventral, har Nordhavs-Expeditionens Individer 2. nemlig tillage en medio-lateral; dog maa hertil bemærkes. at et af Typ-Exemplarerne af L. vahlii tillige viser Spor af en medio lateral Sidelinie. Medens Hovedets Længde hos L. vahlii indeholdes hos yngre Him-Individer 5,4 Gange i Totallængden, og saaledes er forholdsvis lidet. hos gamle Hanner derimod 4.:;. er For- holdet hos Nordhavs-Expeditionens Individer hos intet Kjøn over 4,6, selv hos smaa Unger. Fremdeles er Tandrækken paa Palatinbenene hos L. vahlii i Regelen længere, end Rækken i Mellemkjæven (ialfald ikke. eller kun lidet kor- tere, end denne), medens den kos Nordhavs-Expeditionens Individer altid er kortere, tildels naaende blot den sidstes halve Længde. Endelig er Farven hos begge ulige, hvor- ved dog maa erindres, at Typ-Exemplarerne af L. vahlii ikke ere fuldt ud skikkede til at oplyse dette Forhold, dels fordi de ere gamle i fra 40-aarene). dels fordi de i Regelen have været udtagne af Ventriklerne paa Hajer; enkelte ere dog forholdsvis vel vedligeholdte. Medens nemlig L. vahlii er forsynet med større mørke Tverfelter ned ad Le- gemet og de verticale kinner, mellem hvilke Felter tindes omtrent lige saa brede Partier af en lysere Bundfarve (der hos gande Individer synes ganske at forsvinde. saaledes, at Legemet her bliver næsten ensfarvet brunsort), have Expe- ditionens Individer paa brunsort Bundfarve et Antal skarpt begrændsede hvidgule Tverbaand. der ere forholdsvis smale, og paa Dorsalen ere næsten hvide, ligesom der hos alle de undersøgte Individer tindes en hvid Plet ovenfor hver < rjællespalte. Med Hensyn til Benævnelsen L. esmarhii, og de nye Individers Identification med denne Art, efterat jeg tidli- gere himle opført dem under Navnet L. vahlii, kan føl- gende bringes i Erindring. Da jeg i 1874 udarbejdede min Afhandling om ..Nor- ges Fiske-' (Tillægsh. til Forb. Vid. Selsk. Chra.), forelaa til Bestemmelse i Universitets-Musæet 3 store Individer af Vid. Medd. Nat. K. Kl.hvii. 1880, ]•. 307. preservation, too. is anything but good, so that several of the characters could not be accurately determined from a cursory examination. But Dr. Liitken. when re-examining the specimens of this genus preserved in the Copenhagen Museum, had his attention drawn to divers characteristics distinguishing L. vahlii, which Reinhardt must have either overlooked or thought undeserving of notice ; and in conformity with these results, which he has embodied in his latest Memoir, on the Greenland and Iceland species of this genus,1 I have seen tit to regard the individuals taken on the North At- lantic Expedition as distinct from the typical L. vahlii. chiefly by reason of differences in the character of the lateral line, in the relative length of the head and jaws, in the structure of the teeth, and in the colour. L. vahlii is typically distinguished by one lateral line, which is ventral, whereas the specimens from the Ex- pedition have two, a ventral and a medio-lateral; it must however be admitted, that one of the typical specimens of L. vahlii exhibits traces of a medio-lateral line. The length of the head in L. vahlii is in young female individuals 5.4 of the total length, and therefore compara- tively short, in old males 4.3; whereas in the sjjecimens from the North Atlantic Expedition, the proportion does not exceed in either sex 4.6. even in very young individ- uals; moreover, the row of teeth on the palatine bones in L. vahlii is as a rule longer than that on the inter-maxil- lary, and. when shorter, but very little, whereas it is invariably shorter in the specimens obtained on the North Atlantic Expedition, sometimes reaching not more than half the length of the latter. Finally, they differ in colour; it must, however, be borne in mind, that the typical specimens of L. vahlii are not in a condition fully calculated to elucid- ate this question, partly from their age (upwards of 40 years in the Museum), and partly from their having in the majority of cases been taken from the ventricles of sharks ; one or two are. however, comparatively well preserved. L. vahlii is distinguished by large, dark transverse quarterings down tke body and the vertical fins, with rather broad patches between, of a lightish ground-colour, which in old individuals would appear to become obsolete, the body here being almost uniformly brownish-black; the specimens of the Expedition have the brownish -black ground-colour marked with a number of sharply defined whitish -yellow (on the dorsal almost white) transverse bands; a white spot occurs too. above each of the gill-openings. As regard the name L. esmarkii, and the identifica- tion of the new individuals with that species (I had pre- viously referred them to L. vahlii). the following remarks should be borne in mind. In 1874. when I was occupied in writing my treatise on -Norges Fiske" (Tilkegsh. til Forh. Aid. Selsk. Chra.), the University Museum had 3 large specimens of a Lycodes. 1 Vid. Medd. Nat. Foren. Kbhvn. 1880, p. 307. 87 en Lycodes, fangne i Varangerfjorden i Finmarken, de 2 nedsendte af Lensmand Klerk i 1864, det 3die erhverVel i 1865 pas Stedet af Professor Esmark. Senere har jeg (1876) ander et Ophold i Finmarken erholdt 2 nye Indi- vider'fra denne Localitet; alle ere de fuldstændig overens- stemmende indbyrdes, og da deres Totallængde ligger mel- 575 og 622""», ndgjøre de Kjæmpe -Individer af denne Slægf. Da de nævnte Individer i tiere Eenseender frembøde en Uaverensstemmelse med Reinhardts Beskrivelse af L. vahlii, hvilket end niere bestyrkedes, etterat jeg gjennem Dr. Liitken havde erholdt et af Typ-Exemplarerne udlaant til umiddelbar Sammenligning, opstilledes de i den nævnte Afhandling som en ny Art. L. esmarkii. Senere har jeg dog, hulen Dr. Liitken har ivserksat sine nye Undersøkel- ser af L. rahlii. troet at burde opfatte disse Uoverens- stemmelser som mindre væsentlige, og at opføre L. esmarkii i Synonymernes Række, hvad jeg ved et Par Lejligheder, og sidst i den omtalte foreløbige Beretning om Nordhavs- Expeditionens Materiale, har gjennomført. Den ene af de Characterer. der adskilte L. esmarkii L. rahlii. var Farven, der nemlig var brunsort med et Antal smale, hvidagtige Tverbaand, som dels i Midten inde- sluttede Felter af den mørke Bundfarve. dels vare opløste i ringformige Tegninger, der nedtil kunde være indbyrdes forbundne med Bingene af meste Tverbaand1. Det er overvejende sandsynligt, at Nordhavs-Expedi- tionens nye Individer udgjøre de yngre Stadier af denne, som L. esmarkii beskrevne Form. Overensstemmelserne mellem dem ere gjennemgaaende ; i de samme Puncter, hvori Nord- havs-Expeditionens Individer afvige fra den typiske L. vahlii. stemme de overens med Typ-Exemplarerne af L. esmarkii, ihvorvel en mindre Forskjel hist og her kan iagttages, der dog vel kan tilskrives den store Forskjel i Alder og Størrelse. Dette er saaledes Tilfældet med Farvetegnin- gen : fremdeles har Skjælbekkedningen faaet en større Ud- strækning bos Typ-Exemplarne af L. esmarkii. idet der for- uden spredte Skjæl paa Panden og fuldt Skjælbelæg paa Nakken, ogsaa her vil tindes et lignende paa den indre Del af Pectoralerne; Det endelige Resultat bliver saaledes, at Xordhavs- Expeditionens Individer, der samtlige ere yngre, vistnok ere identiske med den hidtil blot i fuldt udvoxede Indivi- 1 Den anden Character, ifolge hvilken, jeg ved Opstillingen af den aye Art troede at burde adskilte den fra L. rahlii, og som var hentet fra Sjælbeklædningen, er af mindre Betydning, men maa her berøres, fordi den i den originale. Beskrivelse var Gjenstand for Mis- tydning. Naar L. esmarkii nemlig opgaves som skjælbeklædt lige ud til Snuden. medens /.. rahlii havde nøgent Hoved, var dette ucorrect, idet de som Skjæl antagne Dannelser hos den førstnævnte Art blot vare de tætstaaende, næsten cirkelrunde Indtryk i Huden, der vare fremkomne under dennes Sarnmentrækning. Blot efter en senere omhyggelig Undersogelse af de foreliggende 5 Individer har jeg kun- net opdage enkelte isolerede Skjæl paa Panden, der utvivlsomt ere tilkomne i den senere Alder. fr il"' Varanger Fjord, inPinmaxk; 1 of the individuals had I n presented by Lensmand Klerk, in L864, the third was obtained on the spot by Professor Esmark, in 1865. During 8 short stay in Finmark (1876), I succeeded in procuring l' new examples from the same locality. All of these specimens agree closely inter se, and their total length, ranging from 575fflm to 622 they must lie regarded as unusuallj large examples of the venns. These individuals differing, 1 conceived, in several respects from L. rahlii as described by Reinhardt, a sup- position still further confirmed by a direct comparison with one of the typical specimens, lent me for that pur- pose by Dr. Liitken, they were established as a new species, L. esmarkii, in the said treatise. Subsequently, however, before Dr. Liitken had completed his latest examination of the original specimens of L. vahlii, 1 was lead to regard these distinctive characteristics as comparatively unessential, and to include L. esmarkii in the list of synonyms, a view I continued to retain on one or two subsequent occasions, the last being that of the above-mentioned preliminary re- port of the North Atlantic Expedition. One of the characters distinguishing L. esmarkii from L. rahlii was the colour -- brownish -black, with a num- ber of narrow, whitish transverse bands, some of which had patches of the dark ground-colour enclosed in the middle, or were broken up into annular spots, continuous below with the rings of the next transverse hand1. It is in the highest degree probable, that the new individuals obtained on the North Atlantic Expedition re- present immature stages of the form described as L. es- markii. The resemblance between them is constant; in the same features that serve to distinguish the former from the typical L. rahlii they agree with the type-specimens of L. esmarkii, though here and there some minor distinction may be observed, doubtless arising from the great differ- ence in age and size. This applies, for instance, to the distribution of colour; the scaled surface, too. is of greater extent in_ the type-specimens of L. esmarkii. which, ex- clusive of isolated scales on the forehead, has also the nape fully scaled and the inner portion of the pectorals. The final conclusion, therefore, is this, that the indi- viduals from the North Atlantic Expedition, all of them com- paratively young, are certainly identical with L. esmarkii 1 The other character — derived from the scaling — which led me, when establishing the new species, to distinguish it from L. vahlii, is of minor importance; it must not however be passed by unnoticed, having in the original deseription given rise to misunder- standing. The scales in L. esmarkii were stated to extend as far as the snout, whereas //. vahlii had the head maked; this was incorrect, the closely set, almost circular impressions in the skin, resulting frem its contraction, having been mistaken, for scales. Not till the 5 indiv- iduals before me had been submitted to a close examination, did I succeed in dotoeling a few isolated true scales on the forehead, which had unquestionably developed in an advanced stage of growth. 88 der kjeudte L. esmarkii fra Finmarken, og at de tilsammen udgjøre en fra den grønlandske L. vahlii forskjellig Art. Men med det forholdsvis ringe Materiale, der for Tiden staar til vor Raadighed, er det umuligt at komme til Md Klaxhed i dette, saavelsom i flere andre Spørgsmaale ved- rørende denne Slægt. Ved Godhed af Dr. Tarleton Bean og Prof. Spencer Baird har jeg efter Anmodning erholdt tilsendt et fuldt udvoxet Exemplar af den store Lycodes-Art. som erholdtes under U. S. Fish Commission udenfor Rysterne af Nova Scotia paa Nord-Americas Østkyst, og som i 1879 er op- ført som L. vahlii i Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. 2, p. 209. Dette Exemplar (Smiths. Inst. No. 24. 239). har en Længde af 645""", en Hovedlængde af 152'""'. Exemplaret er ex- viscereret, saa Kjønnet ikke kan hestenimes, men ifølge Hovedlængdens Forhold til Totallængden (4,04), synes In- dividet at have været en Han. Jeg har nøje sammenlignet dette Exemplar med de omtrent ligestore Typ-Exemplarer af L. esmarkii fra Finmarken, og tinder dem i enhver Henseende overensstemmende. Farvetegningen er næsten fiildstændig den samme, alle Legemsproportioner ligeledes, og det samme er Tilfældet med det characteristiske For- hold mellem Tandrækken paa Palatinhenene og Melleinkjæ- ven. Jeg nærer derfor ingen Tvivl ved at identihcere begge, og Arten har herved faaet nn interessant Udvidelse i sin geographiske Udbredelse. a. b. c. Han. d.Hun. Udmaalinger. > Stat. 124. Stat. 363. Stat. 362. Stat. 3epth of the body ? 7.27 ? 7.26 ? Body (from snout 2.61 2.57 2.33 2.52 2.48 Tail (from vent to tip of tail) ... 1.59 1.60 1.70 1.62 1.65 Ovaries and testes single. Of the two largest in- dividuals obtained on the Expedition, one (total length 265 """) was a young male, with the testes not fully devel- oped, the other, of somewhat larger size (total length 295"""), a female, with mature ova in the single ovary. These ova. hardly more than 300 in number, were comparatively large, all of them uniformly developed, exclusive of which was a smaller number that in all probability would not have arrived at maturity. The ovary was single. t If the large specimens from Finmark, one. which had been dried, was a female, portions of the ovary, with (im- mature) ova. being still attached to the abdomen. This shows that females can attain as large a size as males; of the remaining examples, the 2 well preserved specimens were males, with well developed testes. That on the left side is so short as to be almost rudimentary (14 — 17"""). that on the right is long (70""»). No pyloric appendages. I 2 : 92 Finnerne. Straaleantallet hos de 4 under Expeditio- nen erholdte yngre Individer var følgende (Caudalen ind- befattet i Dorsalen og Analen): Dorsalen (+ */« Caudal) Analen (+ 1j2 Caudal ) Pectoralerne u. 103 88 20—21 103 91 22—23 103 92 d. 102 90 22—23 21—22 Hos de store Individer fra Finmarken lod Straalean- tallet sig kun hos de 2 med nogenlunde Sikkerhed tælle, og dette viste sig at være følgende: Dorsalen (+ 1/-2 Caudal) Analen (+ l/2 Caudal) Pectoralerne 118 102 23—23 0. 113 97 23—23 At Straaleantallet hos disse fuldt udvoxede Individer er større, end hos de yngre, maa forklares paa den Maade, at der har vedblevet at atsætte sig Hvirvler med tilhørende Straaler under hele' Opvæxten. Dorsalen, som udspringer i en Afstand fra Nakken, der er omtrent lig en halv Pectorallængde. indeholder saa- ledes 102 til 1<)3, eller hos særdeles gamle Individer lige til 118 Straaler. om den halve Caudal (6 Straaler) med- regnes. Dorsalstraalerne ere alle kløvede indtil Grunden, og fra Midten af rint articulerede ; hos de længste Straaler (paa Midten af Halepartiet) er ligeledes hver Halvdel atter kløvet. Den hele Finne er. ligesom Analen, indhyllet i en tyk og fedtholdig Hud, der meget ligner den. der rindes hos Anarrhichas-Arteme. Analen tiltager, ligesom Dorsalen, i Straaleantal med Alderen, og har hos yngre 88 — 92, hos fuldt udvoxede ind- til 102 Straaler. Caudalens nedre Halvdel (5 Straaler) iberegnet. Den er iovrigt bygget ligesom Dorsalen, og en Dobbeltkløvning rinder ogsaa her Sted hos de længste Straaler. Caudalen har sandsynligvis hos alle Lycoder den samme Bygning, og er dannet af et ovre Straaleknippe, bestaaende af 6, et nedre af 0 Straaler. alle korte, spinkle og særde- les tætstaaende, saa at de kun med \ anskelighed lade sig tælle. Pectoralerne tælle 20 til 23 Straaler, og Tallet er ofte ulige paa hver Side hos samme Individ. De ere forholds- vis længst hos yngre Individer; hos den mindste foreliggende Unge (hvis Totallængde er indeholdes de 6.7 Gange i Totallængden, hos et fuldt udvoxet omtrent 8,5 Gange i denne.- Fremdeles undergaar denne Finne en Forandring i sin Form under Opvæxten, hvortil jeg ikke har seet noget tilsvarende hos de øvrige Arter. Hos alle yngre ere de (i nederste Straaler noget forlængede, saaledes at de rage kjendeligt frem forbi de mellemste Straaler; derved bliver Finnens Band tydeligt indskaaret. Hos de ældre Individer ere derimod de nedre Straaler gradvis forkortede, og et- Fins. — The number of rays, inclusive of caudal, in the 4 young individuals obtained on the Expedition was as follows: — Dorsal (-4- \/2 caudal) Anal (+ r/g caudal) Pectorals a. b. c. 103 103 103 88 91 92 20—21 22—23 22—23 (I 102 90 21—22 In 2 only of the large individuals from Finmark could the number of fin-rays be determined with comparative ac- curacy; the formula was as follows: — A. C. Dorsal (4- l/a caudal) Anal (+ Va caudal) 118 102 23—23 113 97 23—23 The fact of the rays in these full-grown examples having been more numerous than in the young individuals may lie explained by assuming vertebrae to have succes- sively developed along with the rays throughout the whole period of growth. The dorsal, commencing at a distance from trie nape about equal to half the length of the pectorals, contains from 102 to 103. or. in very old examples, as many as 118 rays, including half of the caudal (6 rays). The dorsal rays are all cleft to the base, and from the middle finely articulated; moreover, in the longest rays (middle of caudal region) each half is cleft. As with the anal, the whole fin is enveloped in a thick adipous skin, closely resembling that observed in the genus Anarrhichas. As in the dorsal, the number of rays in the anal in- creases with the growth, being in young examples 88 — 92, and in adults reaching 102, inclusive of the lower half of the caudal (5 rays). The structure of the anal is similar to that of the dorsal; the longest rays of this fin, too, are double-cleft. The structure of the caudal is probably the same in all the Li/codes; there is an upper fascicle of rays, consisting of 6, and a lower one, consisting of 5 rays, all short, slender, and exceedingly close, which renders it a matter of no little difficulty to count them. The pectorals are furnished with from 20 to 23 rays, and the number is not infrequently different on each side in the same individual. They are relatively longest in young examples; in the smallest of the young specimens (total length 81"""), their length is to the total length as 1 to 6.7 ; in an adult, nearly as 1 to 8.5. This rin undergoes, too, a change in its form during the period of growth, to which I have observed nothing analogous in any of the other species. All young indivi- duals have the 6 lowest rays somewhat elongated, causing them to project perceptibly past the middle rays, which gives to the margin of the tin a notched appearance. In more mature examples, the inferior rays gradually decrease 93 avert Spor af denne Ejendommelighed forsvundet. Disse nedre Straaler ore beklædte med en tykkere Hud. end de øvrige, samt have fri Spidser, et tydeligt Bevis paa, at de tjene Dyret til Kryhe- .dier Føleorgan. Straalerne ere delte til (irunden. og ere i Spidserne, der ere fint articu- lerede, i Regelen tvedelte. Naar Pectoralerne bøjes frem- over, naa de til Lindsens Forrand eller Ims enkelte til dens Midte. Ventralerne ere korte, og indeholde 1 enkelt ogyderst ■spinkel Straale, samt derefter3 noget tykkere, der ere klo- rede til Grrunden. De ere samtlige indhyllede i en tyk Hud. og lade sig blot ved Dissection tælle ; den første udelte Straale har blot de øvriges halve Længde, og er yderst let at overse. Alle ere leddede. Hvirvlemes Antal var hos det ovennævnte Skeiet af et udvoxet Individ fra Finmarken 23 -f- 95, saaledes tilsam- men 118. Skja'lhckL f tin iit(/. Som hos alle Lycoder synes Skjæl- beklædningen at udbrede sig videre over Legemet under In- dividets hele Væxt, og er saaledes mindst udbredt hos Un- gerne. endskjøht Forskjellen er forholdsvis ikke stor. Hos Expeditionens 2 storste Individer (Totallængden 265 — 295""") er Skjælbeklædningen udbredt til et Stykke foran Begyn- delsen af Dorsalen, og paa Bugen hen til Ventralerne ; ligeledes er saavel Dorsalen som Analen skjælbeklædte lige ud imod Randen, eller i omtrent ;i/4 af Finnernes Højde. Derimod er Hovedet og Nakken nøgne, ligesom Pectora- lerne og Ventralerne. Hos de fuldt udvoxede Exemplarer fra Finmarken, hvor Totall. er 500 mm eller derover, strækker Skjælbeklæd- ningen sig frem over Nakken, hvorimod Hovedet regulært synes at være nogent; blot efter den omhyggeligste Under- søgelse har det været mig nniligt at opdage enkelte spredte Skjæl paa Siderne af Fanden, og disse synes ikke engang at være tilstede hos alle Individer. Dorsalen og Analen er tæt skjælbeklædte lige ud til deres yderste Rande, og Skjællene gaa paa Halen lige ud til Caudalens Spidse. Fremdeles ere Pectoralerne, der bidtil have været nøgne, skjælbeklædte paa sin indre Tredjedel. Hos de 2 Unger fra Expeditionen er Skjælbeklæd- ningen i det hovedsagelige allerede fremkommen i sin Hel- hed paa Legemet; hos det største Individ (6, Totall. 114'"'") ere Finnerne, saavelsom Grrunden langs disse, endnu nøgne ; hos det mindste (n, Totall. 81 """) er Skjælheklædningen paa hele Halepartiet endnu sparsom, og blot i sit Frembrud. Skjællene ere runde eller noget elliptiske, og ligge nedsænkede i Huden med saa stort Mellemrum, at deres Rande ikke berøre hinanden. Paa Bugen staa Skjællene mest spredte, paa Halen tættest. De Skjæl, der beklæde Finnerne, ere mindre, end Legemets. Skjællene ere be- klædte af en yderst fm, noget mørkfarvet Hud. Sidélinien er hos denne Art dobbelt, og hos vel con- serverede Exemplarer af Middelstørrelse ret tydelig. Den udspringer enkelt ved Gjællespaltens ovre Ende, gjør en liden skarp Bue over Gjællelaagets Flig, deler sig derpaa kort bagenfor denne i 2 Grene, hvoraf den øvre, medio- laterale, der er den tydeligste, løber langs hele Legemets in length till every trace of this peculiarity has disappeared. These inferior rays are enveloped in a thicker skin than the rest, and have free points, a sure sign that they serve the animal as a means of creeping or as an organ of sen- sation. The rays are cleft to the base, and, at the points. which are finely articulated, as a rule double-cleft. If pressed forwards, the pectorals extend to the anterior mar- gin or to the middle of the lens. The ventrals are short, and consist of one exceed- ingly slender ray and o somewhat thicker rays, cleft to the base. They are all enveloped in a thick skin, dissec- tion being necessary in order to count them ; the first simple ray is only half as long as the others, and may be easily overlooked; they are all articulated. The number of vertebra' in the above-mentioned skele- ton of a full-grown example from Finmark was 23 -f- 95 = 118. Scales. — As in all Ly codes, the scaled integument continues, it would seem, to spread over the body during the entire period of growth; and hence it covers a smaller surface in young specimens, though the absolute difference is comparatively but slight. In the 2 largest examples taken on the Expedition (total length respectively 265""" and 295'"'"). the scaling extends almost to the origin of the dor- sal, and on the belly as far as the ventrals; both the dorsal and anal, too, are scaled nearly to the margin, or about three quarters of the height of the tin. The head and nape, however, are naked, as also the pectorals and the ventrals. In the full-grown specimens from Finmark (total length exceeding 500 """), the scaled integument extends for- wards over the nape, the head being apparently as a rule naked; not till after a most careful examination did. I suc- ceed in detecting a few isolated scales on the sides of the forehead, and even these would seem not to occur in all individuals. The dorsal and anal are densely scaled to their extreme margin, and on the tail the scales extend to the tip of the caudal. The pectorals, too, previously naked'. are now scaled on their inner third. In the 2 young specimens taken on the Expedition, the scaled integument is for the most part fully developed on the body; in the largest individual (l>, total length 114 mm), both the fins and the skin along their base are still naked; in the smallest (a. total length 81"""), the scales on the tail are just beginning to develop. The scales are round or slightly elliptic, and lie em- bedded in the skin, the space between them being just suf- ficient to prevent contact. On the belly, the scales are most distant, densest on the tail. The scales covering the tins are smaller than those on the body ; all are invested with an exceedingly thin, darkish membrane. Lateral Line. — The lateral line in this species is double, and in well preserved specimens of moderate size distinctly perceptible. It originates single on the upjDer extremity of the branchial opening, makes a sharp bend above the tlap of the gill-cover, and then divides a short distance posterior to the latter into two branches, the su- 94 Micltlinie lige ud til Caudalen. Den nedre Gren, den v en- tr ale, lober skraat uedad mod Analen. og naar dennes Grund omtrent ved den 16de Straale, hvoretter den følger langs denne Finne henimod Caudalen. Paa Stykket fra Gjællespalten til det Sted. hvor den ovre (mediolaterale) Linie nanr Legemets Midtlinie (hvilket finder Sted omtrent ved Pectoralens indre Trediedel). tindes omtrent 24 Porer, idet de paa dette Stykke ere særdeles tætstaaende; paa det næste Stykke indtil Perpendiculæren over Anus staa om- trent 14 Porer. Hos de fuldt udvoxede Individer fra Finmarken, der henge have været opbevarede paa Spiritus, ere Sidelinierne idethele lidet synlige, og kunne blot efter omhyggelig Un- dersøgelse paavises. men ere dog ikke ganske ibrsvuiidne. Den mediolaterale er dog undertiden neppe til at paavise. og synes saaledes under Opvæxten efterhaanden ganske at forsvinde. Hos den mindste Unge (a, Totall. 81""") ere begge Linier endnu utydelige, men allerede synlige hos den større Unge (b, Totallængde 114"""/ Farven. Denne er hos alle Expeditionens Individer, ogsaa hos de smaa Unger, dyb brunsort med smale, skarpt- begrændsede. hvidgule Baand. hvis Antal varierer fra 5 — 8. løbende verticalt nedad Legemet. Desuden findes, som An- tydning til et yderligere Baand. en hvidgul Plet paa hver Side af Nakken, umiddelbart over Gjællespalten. Bugsiden er ubetydeligt lysere. Af Tverbaandene begynder det første noget bagenfor Begyndelsen af Dorsalen; det sidste kan bedække Hale- spidsen. eller ligge kort foran denne. De stige alle fra Dorsalens yderste Band ret nedover Legemet; de bagre gaa lige ud over Analen, de forreste naa blot til, eller noget over Midtlinjen. Baandenes Bredde er omtrent lig en Lindsediameter ; deres Farve er hvidgul, og da de ere temmelig skarpt begrændsede. staa de særdeles tydeligt mod den sorte Bundfarve. Hovedet er graabrunt, med mørkere Skygning paa Gjællelaagets Flig ; Skjællene ere noget lysere, end Bundfarven. og have paa de Partier af Legemet, hvor de lyse Tverbaand lindes, ligeledes disses hvidgule Farve. Den ovenfor beskrevne Farvetegning tilkommer sand- synligvis alle Individer, hvis Totallængde ikke overskrider 400""". eller der omkring, ligesom den allerede findes hos Ungerne, naar disse have naaet en Totall. af 80"™ (den spæde Yngel af denne Art er endnu ukjendt). Hos Expe- ditionens 2 Unger er imidlertid Nakkepletten endnu ikke fremkommen; men Baandene, hvis Antal hos begge er 8, ere alle tydeligt ansatte. Derimod har Farven hos de fuldt udvoxede (Fin- markske) Individer, som det vil sees af den medfølgende Figur, undergaaet en ret mærkelig Forandring, der synes at være constant, da den (blot med visse uvæsentlige Varia- tioner) har optraadt hos alle de hidtil paaviste 5 Individer. perior, mediolateral branch, which is the most distinct, running parallel to the mesial line of the body, and passing straight to the caudal. The inferior, ventral branch des- cends obliquely towards the anal, reaching the base of that tin at about the 16th ray, after which it accompanies the latter to the caudal. In the portion extending from the branchial opening to the point at which the mediolateral branch reaches the mesial line of the body (about at the inner third of the pectoral) there are about 24 pores, their arrangement here being exceedingly close; the succeeding portion, reaching to a point perpendicular to the vent, has 14 pores. In the full-grown specimens from Finmark, preserved a long time in sjfirits, the lateral lines are far less distinct, nay very considerable difficulty is experienced in tracing them ; but they are not wholly obliterated. Li some indiv- iduals the mediolateral branch can hardly be distinguished, and would seem therefore to disappear altogether during the progress of growth. In the smallest of the immature examples (ft, total length 81'"'"), both branches are as yet indistinct, but al- ready perceptible in the largest (b, total length 114"""/ Colour. — In all the specimens taken on the Expe- dition, including the immature examples, the colour is a deep brownish-black, with narrow, clearly defined whitish- yellow bands, from 5 to 8 in number, extending vertically down the body. Exclusive of these, there is a rudimentary indication of another band, in the shape of a whitish-yellow patch on either side of the nape, immediately above the branchial opening. The ventral surface is a trifle lighter. The first of the transverse bands commences a little posterior to the origin of the dorsal ; the terminal band sometimes covers the tip of the tail, or, if not, extends in close proximity to it. They descend all of them from the margin of the dorsal straight down the sides of the body; the posterior bands extend across the anal, the an- terior ones reaching only as far as, or a short distance above, the mesial line. The width of these bands is about equal to the diameter of the lens; they are whitish-yellow in colour, and being rather sharply defined form a strong contrast to the black ground-colour. The head is greyish- brown, with a darker clouding on the flap of the gill-cover ; the scales are a trifle lighter than the ground-colour, some- times of the same colour as the transverse bands. The coloration described above is probably common to all individuals with a total length not exceeding 400"™, or thereabouts ; it is characteristic, too. of young examples which have attained a total length of 80""" (the fry of this species is as yet unknown).. In the two young specimens taken on the Expedition, the nuchal patch, however, has not yet developed, but the bands, numbering 8. are all of them distinctly obvious. On the other hand, the colour in the full-grown (Finmark) specimens, as will be seen from the accompanying figure, has undergone a remarkable change, which would appear to be constant, seeing that it characterises (with but few and immaterial variations) each of the 5 indi- !»:• Hos disse ere de verticals bvidgule Tverbaand i sin Midle Opfyldte af (len sorte liundlarve. eller tildels opløste til hvidagtige, aflange Ringe; Baandenes Anta] og Beliggenhed ei- den samme, som hos Expeditionens Exemplarer, men undertiden kanne de være indbyrdes forenede nedtil, og danne lier sammenhængende, gnirlandeformige Tegninger. Deres Begrændsning er mindre skarp, end hos de yngre Individer. Hos et af l.ndividerne ere de paa det egentlige Legeme ganske utydelige, men endnu paa Dorsalerne skarpt begrændsede; lios dette er saaledes Legemet uæsten ens- farvet mørkt brunsort. Nakkepletterne kunne være sammen- hængende, og danne et tversover Nakken løbende distinct Baand. Føde. I Ventrikelen af det største af Expeditionens Individer, en Hun (fra 4o9 Favnes Dyb), fandt jeg Koret af en Annelide. maaske af en Terébetta, fremdeles adskillige Individer af Themisto libellula, Mandt, samt endelig en Del Grus fra Bunden, hvoriblandt saaes mange smukke Fora- miniferer, især af en af de V(f ///w-lignendo Shegter (Ra- tal hin Y). Hos det noget mindre Han-Individ fra samme Localitet og Dybde fandtes blot Levninger af Themisto libdlvla. Hos 2 gamle Hanner fra Finmarken, optagne paa et Par hundrede Favnes Dyb i Varangerfjorden, har jeg flui- det alene knuste Echinodermer. hvoriblandt kunde kjendes Ctenodiseus crispaius, (Retz.), Ophiacantha sphmlosa. Mull. & Tr.. samt Antedon sarsii (Diib. & Kor.). Endskjont disse Individer saaledes vare henviste til denne kalkholdige Føde. vare deres Tænder dog ikke synderlig slidte. Udbredelse. L. esmarkii foreligger allerede saavel fra den europæiske. som fra den americanske Side af At- lanterhavet. Af Expeditionens Individer erholdtes de 3 i Trakterne af Spitsbergen i 1878. det ene i faa Miles Af- stand fra denne Øgruppes Nordvestkant. Det 4de. en spæd Unge. optoges fra Bankerne udenfor Helgeland i Norge i 1877. Endelig foreligge 5 fuldt udvoxede Individer fra Fjordene i Finmarken, erholdte i Aareiie 1864 — 76; de 4 ere fangede paa Dybsagn (Line) i Varangerfjorden i Øst- finmarken, hvor jeg ligeledes har erfaret, at andre (ikke opbe vårede) Individer i de sidste Aar have været erholdte; det sidste erholdtes i Øxfjord søndenfor Hammerfest (Vest- Finmarken). Som tidligere bemærket, henhøre ligeledes de under Navn af L. vdhlii foreløbig opførte Individer fra Nord- Americas Østkyst under forhaandenværende Art. Paa den sidstnævnte Localitet erholdtes i Aarene 1878 — 79 4 fuld- voxne Individer udenfor Rysterne af Nova Scotia, hvor dog Havfaunaen endnu er ganske arctisk. Det ene af disse opbevares paa Univ. Mus. i Christiania. viduals. ln (hese specimens, the middle portion of the ver- tical whitish-yellow transverse bands is Idled up with the black ground-colour, or broken up into whitish elliptic rings; the number of these bands and their position is the same as in the specimens taken on the Expedition; some- times, however, they are united together and form contin- uous chaplet-shaped markings: they are Less sharply defined than in the younger examples. In one of the individuals they are quite indistinct on the body, but continue to be sharply denned on the dorsals; this specimen, therefore, has the body of an almost uniform brown ish-black. The nuchal patches are sometimes continuous, tonning a transverse band across the nape. Food. — In the ventricle of the largest specimen taken on the Expedition, a female (brought up from a. depth of 459 fathoms). I found the house of an Annelid, possibly a Terebdla, several examples of Themisto HJwUala, and a quantity of gravel from the bottom, in which were many fine Foraminifeni', belonging chiefly to one of the Nautilus-like genera (Rotalina?). The stomach of" the male. a. somewhat smaller individual, from the same locality. contained only fragments of Themisto libeJhiln. In the ventricles of two old males from Finmark, taken at a depth of a couple of hundred fathoms, in the Varanger Fjord, I found only crushed Echinodermata, amongst which could be determined Ctenodiseus crispaius, (Retz.). ()j)Jiiu. Head depressed, its length being to the total length as 1 to 4 — 41ji. Lateral line single, ventral. Width of ■iuterorbital, space equals x/io of the length of the head. Py- loric appendages wanting. Length reaching 510mm,and above. M. B. 6. D. + ' :, C. 99—104: A. + '/, C. 85—90; P. 20—21. Locality (North Atl. Exped.) : — Fifteen individuals, the greater part half grown, one probably an adult, were captured in the tract of ocean surrounding Beeren Eiland and Spitzbergen; and two (fry-specimens) on the banks off Helgeland and Lofoten, in Norway. Stat. 12 1. B, lig- ;!' "I" J. Dybdt . Tt i" i'. p. Bunden. Bunden Datum . Stat. It 525 Kil. V. Bodø. 350 Favne (640ra). 0,9°C. Ler. Stat. 295. 117 KU. V. Lofo ten. 457 Finne (836m). ■0,7°C. Graat Sandler. nide.luni 29deJuni 187 Ant"/ Individ. 1 Yngel- Indiv. 1877. 1 Yngel Indiv. Stat. 303. 453 Kil. V. Ham- merfest. 1110 Favne ,2(13,0'» i. 1,3° C Biloculi- na-Ler. 14de Juli 1878. ."> Indiv. (udvox.) Stat. 312. 4r,0 Kil. V. Bee- reii Fil. 12(10 Flin ne (21!»:.'» ). l,fl°C. Brant Ler. 19de Juli IST',. Stat. 353. 108 Kil. V. Bee- ren Eil. 658 Favne (1203"'). 1,2 °C. Brunt og grønt Ler. 22de Juli 1878. 1 Indiv. .i unge Indiv. Sta t. 363. 2:10 Kil. V. Isfj., Spitsb. lio Kil. V. Norskø. Spitsb. 1333 Favne I243S'»). 1,4°C Biloculi- na-Ler og Sten. lOdeAug, 1878. Indiv 260 Favne (475" 1. + M°C Blaaler. 14de Aug, 1878. 1 Indiv, Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Da jeg i Februar 1878 (Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. No. 4) afgav den foreløbige Beretning om de under de 2 første af Expeditionens Tog- ter indsnmlede Fiske (1876 — 77), forelaa- et Par Yngel- Individer af en Lycodes. som henførtes under L. vahlii, uagtet de ikke udviste Spor af de for denne Art eharacte- ristiske Tverbaand. Tilværelsen af en stor. skjælbeklædt. og i alle Aldre ensfarvet Lycodes var dengang endnu ukjendt. De nævnte 2 Yngel-Individer omtaltes derfor og beskreves (sammen med en samtidig erholdt Unge af L. es- mark/i) som L. vahlii. tla der i Legemsbygning og Straale- antal forekom mis intet at være til Hinder for en saadan Stat. 124 K.raet Local- ity. Depth. Te vip. at Bottom. Bottom. Date. Numb. of Spt enn. Stat. 1(14. 32:i Kil. w. Bodii. 350 Fathoms (640 "■). - 0.0° c. Clay. lOth.Tune 1877. 1 Indiv. I fry,. Stat. 295. 117 Kil. W. Lo- foten. 437 Fathoms (836™). ■0.7°C. Grey sabulous Clay. 29thJune 1x77 1 Indiv. (fry).' s',,'. 303. 4.-.:i Kil. W. Ham- merfest. 1110 Fathoms 1 203, 1. — 1.3°C. Bilocu- lina Clay 14th.Iuly 1878. ."1 Indiv. 1 1 adult 1. 450 Kil. W. Bee- ren Eil. 1200 Fathoms (2195™ ,. — 1.6°0. Brown Clay. HHhJulv 1878. 1 Indiv. Stat. 312. lux Kil. W. Bee- ren Eil. 658 Fathoms -12113»':. — 1.2°C Brown Lind Grey Clay. !2thJuly 1878. 3 Indiv. (young). stat. ."..".:;. 230 Kil. W. Isfj. Spifzb. 1:13:; Fathoms (2438*»). — 1.4°C. Bilocul. Clay and Slulir- lOthAug. 1878. 3 Indiv. Stat. 3G3. tiOKil.AV. Norskø. Spitzb. 21 ii 1 Fathoms (475 "0. 4-l.l°C. Blue Clay. UthAug. 1878. 1 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonomy. — When, in February 1878. I made a preliminary report of the fishes collected on the two first voyages of the Expedition (1870 — 77). a couple of fry - specimens of a Lycodes had been obtained, which, though exhibiting no traces of the transverse bands characteristic of that species, I referred to L. vahlii. The occurrence of a large, scaled Lycodes of a uniform colour in all stages of development was as yet unknown. Hence, the 2 fry-specimens were named and described along with the young example of L. esmarhii, taken at the same time, under the name L. vahlii. there being nothing in the struc- ture of the body and the fins to oppose the assumption of 97 Sammenstilling. Efterat del sidste Aars Togt (1878) har bragl /.. frigidus, dor ikke tidligere var beskrevet, for Da- gen i sin fuldt udvoxede Stand, henfører jeg uden Betenk- ning de nævnte 2 Yngel-Individer under denne Art. og afbilder det mindste af dem, sammen med et noget over halvvoxent Individ af Typ-Exemplarerne. Udmaalinger. De 2 Yngel-Individer fra Bankerne udenfor de norske Kyster (1877) havde følgende Maal: A. (Stat. 164) B. (Stat. 124) Total- længde, Hovedets Længde. Legemets Højde (ved Be- gyndelsen af Dors.) 37 mm 62 - ( ) ni ni 14 - Smulens Afstand fra ! lorsalen. _t r. mi)} (i.:. - 16 - Snudeus Afstand fra Anus. 13,5™ 24 De øvrige Individer fra Havet omkring Beeren Ei- land og Spitsbergen, erholdte under sidste Togt. 1878. havde følgende Maal : Total- længde. Huvedets Længde. Legemets Højde (ved Be- gyndelsen af Dors. i Snudens Afstand fra Dorsalen. Snudens Afstand fra Anus. a. (Stai. 312) ILS""" 98"'"' 1 0 mm ti 9 mm ÆQmrø b. (Stat. 312) 139 - 31 - . 14 - 36 - 55 - c. (Stat. 312) 161 - 36 - 17 - 42 - 61 - d. (Stat. 312) 179 - 38 - 20 - 42 - 70 - e. (Stat. 312) 182 - 40 - 21 - 44 - 70 - f. (Stat. 295) 238 - 53 - 28 - 67- 100 - g. (Stat. 363) 270 - 65 - 43 - 80 - 115 - li. [Stat. 303) 325 - 81 - 45 - . 103 - 148 - i. (Stat. 295) 332 - 82 - 42 - 103 - 146 - k. (Stat. 295) 339 - 85 - 46 - 108 - 157 - 1. (Stat. 295) 342 - 86 - 48 - 107 - 150 - m. (Stat. 353) 345 - 88 - 50 - 112 - 159 - ii. (Stat. 353) 372 - 90 - 48 - 114 - 162 - o. ( Stat. 353) 375 - 95 - 49 - 115 - 170 - p. (Stat. 295) 510 - 124 - ■ 79 - 165 - 220 - Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. Meil Lycodes esmarkii deler den nye Art omtrent Straaleantal og Skjælbeklæd- ning. ligesom Legemsproportionerne idethele ere næsten overensstemmende hos begge Arter. Derimod adskiller den sig ved første Øjekast fra denne ved sin enkelte, lavtlig- gende Sidelinie. samt fra saavel L. esmarkii, som fra de øvrige Arter af samme Gruppe ved sit i alle Aldre ens- farvede Legeme. Legemet er af typisk Z^cocfes-Bygning, saaledes hver- ken særdeles langstrakt, eller kort. Ungerne ere noget mere langstrakte, end de ældre, men selv Yngel af et Par Tom- mers Længde har en Legemshøjde, der er forholdsvis Den norske Nordhavsexpeditiou. Collett: Fiske. identity. But the last voyage of the Expedition having brought to light L. frigidus, not previously described, in the adult stage of growth, I feel no hesitation iu referring the said fry-specimens to that species; the smaller of the two 1 have figured, along with one of the typical spec- imens, rather more than half grown. Measurements. — The two fry -individuals from the banks off the Norwegian coast ( I S77 ) measured as follows : A. (Stat. 164) B. (Stat. 124) Total Length. Length of the Head. 37 mm 62 - Q mm 14 - Height ul Bodj (at t - mencem. of Dorsal i. J. T) mm 6.5 - Distance of Snout from Dorsal. Distam e di' Snout From Vent. 1 ( ) HUH 16 - 13.5""" 24 - The remaining individuals, taken in the tract of ocean surrounding Beeren Eiland and Spitsbergen (1878). mea- sured as follows: — Total Length. ' Length of the Head. Height ot Body i at com- mencem. of Dorsal i. Distance of Snout from Dorsal. Distance of Snout from Vent. a. (Stat. 312) 118""" Wm 1 '} mm 32'"'" 48""» b. (Stat. 312) 139 - 31 - 14 - 36 - 55 - c. (Stat. 312) 161 - 36 - 17 - 42 - 61 - d. (Stat. 312) 179 - 38 - 20 - 42 - 70 - e. (Stat. 312) 182 - 40 : 21 - 44 - 70 - f. (Stat. 295) 238 - 53 - 28 - 67 - 100 - g. (Stat. 363) 270 - 65 - 43 - 80 - 115 - h. (Slat. 303) 325 - 81 - 45 - 103 - 148 - i. (Stat. 295) 332 - 82 - 42 - 103 - 146 - k. (Stat. 295) 339 - 85 - 46 - 108 - 157 - 1. (Stat. 295) 342 - 86 - 48 - 107 - 150 - m. (Stat. 253) 345 - 88 - 50 - 112 - 159 - n. (Stat. 353) 372 - 90 - 48 - 114 - 162 - o. (Stat. 353) 375 - 95 - 49 - 115 - 170 - p. (Stat. 295) 510 - 124 - 79 - 165 - 220 - General Description. Structure of the Body. — The tin -ray formula and the scaled integument distinguishing the new species are very nearly the same as in Lycodes esmarkii; the dimensions of the body, too, correspond closely in the two species. On the other band, it is seen at a glance to be distinct from L. esmarkii, by reason of the lateral line, which is single and ventral, and also from this and the other species of the same group, by the uni- form colour of the body in all stages of growth. The body is of the typical Lycodes structure, neither particularly elongate nor short. The young specimens are somewhat more elongated than the older examples, but even fry an inch or two in length have a depth of body 13 98 større, end hos nogen af de anguilliforme Arter. Hos Un- gerne indeholdes Legemets Hojde mellem 8^ og 91/2 Gange i Totallængden. hos de fuldvoxne hlot 6'/a Gange. Hale- partiet er fra Siderne af temmelig stærkt sammentrykt (mindst hos Ungerne). Hovedet er bredt, oventil temmelig fladtrykt, har for- holdsvis lav Smule, og indeholdes i Totallængden 4 til 41/* Gange. Snudens Længde indtil Lindsen er omtrent lig Ho- vedets Hojde over Øjnene, og indeholdes i Hovedlængden 21 a til 3 Gange. Hovedets Længde bagenfor Lindsen er omtrent lig Hovedets største Bredde over Kinderne, og uhetydeligt større, end Hovedets største Hojde midt over Nakken. Underkjæven er betydeligt kortere, end Overkjæven, og denne sidste er kortere, end Hovedets halve Længde. Pan- den er forholdsvis bred; hos et Ex. (0). der er præpareret som Skeiet, viser Interorbitalrummets smaleste Parti sig at udgjore '-,, af Hovedets Længde. Som hos alle Lyco- der tindes langs begge Kjæver skaalformige Fordybninger. i hvis Bund der skjuler sig en Pore. Næseborene ere enkelte, rørfonnige, og sidde temme- lig nær Kjæveranden, og i en indbyrdes Afstand. der er omtrent lig Pectoralens Grundlinie. Øjnene ere forholdsvis smaa; deres rette Begrænds- ning er vanskelig at drage, da Cornea tildels er bedækket af Hovedets Hud, hvorfor alle Dimensionér bedst regnes til eller fra- Lindsen. De ere temmelig tætstaaende; Mel- lemrummet mellem Lindserne indeholdes næsten 2 Gange i deres Afstand fra Snudespidsen. Tænderne ere, som hos alle typiske Lycoder. tilstede paa Mellem- og Underkjæven. paa Vomer og paa Palatin- benene. De ere forholdsvis ikke store : hos udvoxede Indi- vider sidde de i Mellemkjæverne bagtil i en enkelt, paa Midten i en dobbelt, og fortil i en omtrent 3-dobbelt Række : paa Underkjæven danne de overalt tiere Eækker. Paa Palatinhenene, hvor Tandrækken strækker sig tilbage lige hen under Øjnene, sidde de ligeledes i en enkelt Række : paa Vomer danne de omtrent 3 Eækker. Hos de yngre Individer ere Eækkerne. som sædvanligt. færre ; hos de 2 Yngel- Individer ere ikke alle Tænder synlige over Tandkjodet. Anus er omgiven a f en hvidagtig. opsvulmet Hud. og ligger i en Afstand fra Snudespidsen. der "indeholdes om- trent 2' 2 Gange i Totallængden. Af Totallæng- den udgjør . . A. 37""" B. a. 118"»" c. Kil'"'" f. h. n. <■. :;■_!.■■ 372""" :;7.". l'- ."ilii""" Hovedets Længde . . 4,11 4,42 4,21 4.47 4.4!» 4.111 4.i:; 3,94 4.17 Legemets Hojde . . . 8,32 9,59 9,83 9.47 8,50 7,22 7.7.-, 7. r,;, 6,45 Snudens Af- stand fra D. 3.7<» 3.S7 3,68 3,83 3.55 3.1.-, 3,26 3.26 3.09 Smulens Af- stand fra A. 2.74 2,58 2.4.-, 2,63 2,38 2,19 2,20 2,20 2,31 relatively greater than any of the anguilliform species. In young examples, the depth of the body is to the total length as 1 to 81/;, — 91/;,: in full-grown specimens, as 1 to 6x/2. The tail is rather compressed (least so in imma- ture examples). Head broad, the upper part flatfish, with the snout depressed, and is contained in the total length from 4 to 41/2 times. The length of the snout, as compared with the diameter of the lens, is about equal to the height of the head above the eyes, and is contained in the length of the head from twice and a half to three times. The length of the head posterior to the lens about equals the greatest breadth of the head across the cheeks, and slightly exceeds the great- est height of the head above the nape. The mandible is considerably shorter than the upper jaw. the latter measuring less than half the length of the head. The forehead comparatively broad; in one spec- imen (0), preserved as a skeleton, the interorbital space measures where it is narrowest 1j.,l) of the length of the head. As in all the Li/codes, circular depressions extend along both jaws, each concealing at the bottom a pore. The nostrils are single, tubular, and placed in com- paratively close proximity to the margin of the jaw. the distance between them being about equal to the length of tlie pectorals at base. Eyes .comparatively small: their exact limits are dif- ficult to determine, the cornea being in part covered by the skin of the head: all dimensions should, therefore, be calculated to or from the lens. They are rather closely set. the space between the lenses being contained almost twice in their distance from the point of the snout. Teeth, as in all typical I/ycodes, on the inter-maxillary and in the lower jaw. the vomer, and the palatine bones : they are not large, comparatively. On the inter-maxillaries in adults, they are disposed, posteriorly in a single, mid- wards in a double, anteriorly in a triple series: in the lower jaw. they constitute several series. On the pala- tine bones, where the teeth extend back under the eyes, they are also arranged in a single series; on the vomer, they constitute as a rule three series. In immature ex- amples, the series are as a rule less numerous; in the 2 fry-specimens, the teeth are not all perceptible. The vent is surrounded by a whitish, tumid skin, its distance from the snout being to the total length as 1 to 2Vs. The T. Length contains .... A. B. 37 62""" a. , c. 1 is»»" Kil""" f. 238»"" li. n. 0. 32c 372""" 375 l'- 510""" Length of the head . . . .4.11 4.42 4.21 4.47 4.49 4.01 4:13 3.94 4.17 Depth of the bodv • . . 8.32 9.59 9.83 9.47 8.50 7.22 7.75 7.65 6.45 Dist. of snout fr. dorsal . . 3.70 3.87 3.68 3.83 3.55 3.15 3.26 3.26 3.09 Dist. of snout ' fr. anal . . . 2.74 2.58 2.45 2.63 2.38 2.19 2.20 2.20 2.31 99 Appendices pyloricae b'ar mauglel hos de af mig aab- aede Individer. Finnerne. — StraaleantaUet fandtes hos en Del un- dersøgte [ndivider ;it være følgende (i de verticale Finner er indbefattet den halve < laudal): Å. li. a. fe. t'. i. ln. o. l'- Dorsalen . . L02 103 99 103 104 102 L03 103 102 Analen . . . 88 85 87 88 90 87 87 87 87 Pectoralerne 19 19 20 i'ii 20 21 20 21 20 20 Dorsalen udspringer i en Afstand fra Gjællelaagets bagre Flig, der somoftest er lig Lindsens Afstand fra Snu- despidsen, eller ubetydeligt mindre. Dens Afstand fra Snudespidsen indeholdes hos de større Individer omtrent 3 Gauge, hos de mindre omtrent 3'/^ Gange i Totallængden : dog er dette Forhold aoget varierende,. Dens første Straale ligger omtrent lige langt mellem Anus og Øjets Bagrand. Af Bygning er Dorsalen ganske, som Ims de øvrige Lyco- der, med sin største Højde i den forreste Del. og svagt af- tagende bagtil. Straalerne, som hos de større individer ligge indhyl- lede i en fyk Hud. som ofte gjør dem vanskelige at tælle. ere mellem 93 og 98 i Antal. hvortil kommer Caudalens ovre Halvdel med 6 Straaler, tilsammen 99 til 104 Straa- ler. De ere alle (ogsaa den første) klovede til Grunden, men hegge Halvhele ere yderst spinkle og tætstaaende. ved Grunden nleddede, men udåd fint articulerede. og i Spid- serne divergerende. Analen. der udspringer et Stykke bagenfor Anus. er af Bygning som Dorsalen, og tæller mellem '80 og 85 (gjennemsnitlig 82) Straaler, som, tilligemed Candalens nedre Halvdel (der hestaar af 5 Straaler), udgjore tilsammen 85 til 90 Straaler. < laudalen danner 2 sammenbængende Straaleknipper, Dorsalsidens bestaaende af (i. Ventralsidens af 5 Straaler. der ere særdeles fiue og yderst tætstaaende, og derfor van- skelige at tælle. Dens hele Læugde er omtrent lig Læng- den af Ventralerne (eller hos de ældre Individer noget der- ,over). Pectoralerne have 19 — 21 Straaler. oftest 20. af hvilke de ovre ere de længste; hos enkelte Individer er Fiuneus nederste Del atter noget hengere, end den mellemste. saaledes at Randen hos disse bliver svagt concav. De nedre Straaler ere beklædte med en tykkere Hud. end de øvrige, og have fri Spidser. Straalerne ere forholdsvis korte, saaledes at Fiunen. naar den bøjes fremover, med sin Spidse blot hos de yngste Individer naar frem til Bagran- den af Lindsen, men er hos de større en halv. hos det største (et sandsynlig vis fuldt udvoxet Individ) endog eu hel Øjendiameter fjernet fra denne. Hos dette sidste opnaar Pectoralen blot Hovedets halve Længde, hos de yngre noget mere. end denne. Straalerne ere alle klovede til Koden, og tint articulerede. Pyloric appendages wanting in all the specimens examined. Fins. — The number of rays found in divers indiv- iduals examined \v:is as follows (half of the caudal in- cluded in the vertical tins) : — A. B. a. e. f. l. in. p. 102 103 99 103 104 102 103 103 102 Anal 88 85 87 88 90 87 87 87 87 Pectorals . . 19 l'.i 20 20 20 21 20 21 20 20 The dorsal commences at a distance from the post- erior flap of the opercle generally equal to the distance from the lens to the point of the snout, or a trifle less. Its distance from the snout, in the larger specimens, is to the total length about as 1 to 3: in the smaller, about as 1 to 31/.. : this proportion varies however to some extent. Its first ray is about equidistant from the vent and the posterior margin of the eye. The structure of the dorsal as in all species of I/ycodes, the greatest height of the tin being in its anterior portion. The rays, which in the larger individuals are envel- oped in a thick cutaneous integument, tendering them often difficult to count, number from 93 to 98. to which must be added those in the upper half of the caudal: so' that the total number is from 99 to 104. They are all (includ- ing the first) cleft to the base; but both halves are ex- ceedingly slender and close, simple at the base, but in the outer part finely articulated, and diverging at the points. The anal, commencing a short distance posterior to the vent, is of the same structure as the dorsal, and furnished with from 80 to 85 (generally 82) rays. or. including the 5 rays in the lower half of the caudal. 85 to 90. The caudal is comjrosed of 2 continuous bunches of rays, that on the dorsal side with 6. that on the ventral side with 5 rays, exceedingly slender and very closely set; therefore difficult to count. The length of this tin about equals that of the ventrals (in the older specimens it ex- ceeds it). The pectorals are furnished with from 19 to 21 rays, most frequently with 20. of which the upper ones are the longest: in some individuals, the inferior portion of the fin is a trifle longer than the middle part, and its margin there- fore slightly concave. The lower rays are enveloped in a thicker skin than the upper, and have free points. . The rays are comparatively short, their points reaching forward to the posterior margin of the lens in the youngest spec- imen only, being in the' larger examples distant from it one-half of the diameter of the eye, and in the largest in- dividual a whole eye-diameter: in the latter, the pectorals do not attain more than half the length of the head: in the younger specimens, the proportion is greater. Rays all cleft to the base, and finely articulated. 13* 100 Ventralerne ere korte, især hos de ældre, hvor de udgjøre 1/9 af Hovedets Længde; de ere altid kortere, end < fjets Læiigdediameter. Hver af dem er indhyllet i en tyk Hud, der gjør det umuligt uden ved Dissection at ad- skille de enkelte Straaler; disses Antal synes at være 2, der begge ere klovede til Grunden (idetmindste er dette Tilfældet hos de ældre). Skjælbeklædning. Denne har hos L. frigidvs en be- tydelig Udbredelse, og har allerede bos forholdsvis unge Individer opnaaet den største Del af sin Udvikling. Dog optrædé mindre, individuelle Afvigelser, idet enkelte mindre Partier kunne være nogne. som hos andre Ind. af samme Størrelse ere skjælbeklædte. Hos det største af de erholdte Individer (p) har Skjælbeklædningen naaet sin største' Ud- bredelse; bos alle de øvrige ned til Indiv. a (med en To- tallængde af 118"""). er den i det store tåget temmelig lige- ligt udvikle.t. Det Tidspunkt, da Skjælbeklædningen begynder at udvikle sig hos Yngelen, synes at være. naar denne har naaet en Længde af omtrent 50""". Hos det mindste af de erholdte Yngel-Indi vider, hvis Totallængde er blot 37""*, er Legemet endnu ganske nøgent; hos det noget større Individ, hvis ' Totallængde er, 62'"™. ere Skjællene fremspi- rende paa Legemets forreste Dele, medens Halen og Fin- nerne endnu ere nogne. Skjællene ere bos denne Art forholdsvis smaa og tæt- stillede. De ere størst paa den forreste Del af Halen og paa Legemets Sider; op imod Byg- og Buglinien blive de betydelig! mindre, og ere særdeles smaa. hvor de optræde paa selve Finnerne, ligesom de blive mindre ud mod Hale- spidsen. I sin fulde Udvikling er Legemet skjælbekhedt lige ben til Hovedet, og paa Bugsiden lige hen mod Grunden af Yentraleriie. Ligeledes er Skjælbeklædningen ber tilstede langs hele Grunden nærmest Dorsalen og Analen, og strek- ker sig ud over disse Finner indtil heuimod deres Midte, længst paa Dorsalens mellemste Del, men ophører ganske henimod Finnernes Slutning. Paa Hovedet kan aldrig op- dages Skjæl ; ligeledes ere Pectoraler og Yentraler altid nøgne. Hos de ikke fuldvoxne Exemplarer er i Begelen Nak- ken nøgen. ligesom Grunden langs Analen og Dorsalen, tilligemed disse Finner selv. Dog have enkelte mindre Individer ogsaa disse Partier skjælbeklædte, ligesom de ud- voxede. Bugen er bos enkelte af disse yngre Individer fuldt skjælbeklaedt, hos andre blot paa Siderne. ligesom Skjællene langs dennes Midte kunne delvis eller fuldkomnien mangle. For a.t vise Skjælbeklædningens Yarieren bos de for- skjellige Individer, meddeles kortelig dennes Fordeling hos alle de liidtil erholdte Exemplarer. 1. Fuld Skjælbeklædning lige ben mod Hovedet og paa Undersiden ai Ventralerne; paa Finnerne er Grunden af Dorsalen og Analen skjælbeklæiit (k, 1, p). 2. Fuld Skjælbeklædning, som foregaaende, men Skjæl- beklædningen str.ækker sig ikke ud over Analen (/). The ventrals are short, particularly in the older ex- amples, which have them one-ninth of the length of the head; they are invariably shorter than the longitudinal diameter of the eye. Each of them is enveloped in a thick cutaneous integument, dissection being necessary to disting- uish the separate rays. The number would appear to be 2. both cleft to the base (at least in the older specimens). Scales. — In L. frigidus the sealed integument is of considerable extent, and almost developed even in com- paratively immature individuals. The scaling.- h'owe ver. can- not be termed strictly constant, exhibiting as it does minor individual differences, some examples having a few small patches naked, which in others of the same size are scaled. In the largest of the individuals obtained (p). the scaled integument lias attained its greatest development: in all the others, including specimen a, total length 118'""', it is on the whole very nearly of uniform extent. The exact point of time at which the scales commence developing in the fry. would appear to be. when they have attained a length of about 50™™' In the smallest of the fry-specimens, total length only 37""". the entire body is as yet naked; in the other, somewhat larger individual, total length &2""". the scales have begun to appear on the anterior parts of the body, whereas both the tail and the tins are as yet naked. In this species, the scales are comparatively small, and closely set; the largest occur on the anterior portion of the tail, and down the siiles of the body; near the dorsal and ventral lines they diminish considerably in size, being exceedingly small on the fins, and towards the tip of the tail. When fully developed, the body is scaled up to the head. and. on the under surface, up to the base of the ven- trals. The- scaled integument extends, too, along the whole of the basal tract contiguous to the dorsal and anal, reaching nearly to the middle of those fins; it is longest on the middle of the dorsal, terminating near the extremity of the said tins. On the head, no scales can ever be detected; the pectorals ami ventrals, too, are both invari- ably naked. In the specimens not quite full-grown, the nape is as a rule scaleless, also the base of the body along the dorsal and anal, and the entire surface of those fins. < hie or two of the immature individuals, however, have these parts scaled, in common with the full-grown specimens. The belly in one or two of these immature examples scaled all. over; in others, the sides only; the scales covering the middle portion sometimes wanting, wholly or in part. The extent to which the scaling varies in the different specimens will be seen from the subjoined statement, briefly showing the distribution of the scales in all the individuals obtained. 1. Fully scaled to the head. and. on the under sur- face, within a short distance of the ventrals; the base of dorsal and anal scaled (/>'. /. p). 2. Fully scaled, as in the foregoing specimens; the scaled integument however not extending over the anal (/). 101 3. Næsten fuld Skjælbeklædning, men Nakken, Fin- nerne, samt Stykket mellem Anus og Analen ere nøgne(i). 4. Nakken. Finnerne, samt uttest tallige Grunden nærmest Dorsalen og Analen nøgen. Bugen er i Midten enten ganske aøgen, eller har blot en kort isoleret Skjæl- stribe fortil, medens Siderne af Bugen altid ere skjælbe- klædte (a, b, c, d, e, g, m, o), 5. Som fbregaaende; paa Legemets Sider strækkef Skjælbeklædningen sig blot noget indenfor Péctoralens Spidse (h. n). Sidelinien er enkelt, og særdeles lavtliggende (ventral). Den er Ims- de Heste Individer forholdsvis særdeles tydelig, og lader sig i Regelen med Lethed forfølge, ialfald i sin første Halvdel. Den udspringer ved Gjællespaltens øvfe Ende. løber derfra hurtigt og skraat nedover omtrent midt under Péctoralens Midte, hvorfra den bøjer næsten ret bagover, og lolier parallelt med Buglinien i ringe Højde over denne, i den har naaet omtrent over den 25de Straale af Analen (eller næsten Midten af denne Finne). Her synes den hos de fleste Individer at ophøre eller blive utydelig: hos enkelte lader den sig dog forfølge videre, idet den ved det nævnte Punkt gjør en liden Bøjriing næ- sten lige ned til Granden af Analen. og løber nu langs denne lige ud mod Halespidsen. Porerae i Sidelinien ere forholdsvis smaa, hvidagtige, og forbundne indbyrdes med en smalLinie af samme Farve; de ere overalt temmelig tætstaaende, og jeg har talt om- trent 53 Stykker indtil Sideliniens Bøjning over Analens Midte. Af Hovedets Slimporer kan mærkes eu Række, be- staaende af omtrent 7 Porer, der udspringer paa hver Side af Pandeii. omtrent i en Øjeiidiameters Afstand bag Øjnene. og løber bagover mod Nakken, hvor den møder en tvergaaende, kortere Række af omtrent 3 Porer paa hver Side. Paa Grjællelaagene staar en vertical Række af omtrent 6 Porer. Endelig løber en Rakke, der i Regelen kuri med Vanskelighed kan sees, fra Gjællespaltens øvre Ende bagover i ringe Afstand under Dorsalen : Mellemrummet mellem hver Pore er vexlende, men altid betydeligt større, end mellem Porerne i Sidelinien. Den ophører noget bagenfor Legemets Midte. Farven er hos alle Individer ensartet mørkt rødag- tig graa eller brungraa, uden Spor af Baand eller Pletter i nogen Alder. Skjællene ere ubetydeligt lysere, end Grund- farven. De yngre Individer ere noget lysere, end de ældre, og have brunligrod Dorsal og Anal. Bugsiden er kun ube- tydeligt lysere, end Oversiden; hos yngre Individer er den blaasorte Bughinde gjemiemskimiende. Alene. Hovedets Underside er noget lysere, end Legemets øvrige Del ; Anus' Rande ere hvidagtige. Mundhuleu er hvid. Etterat have været opbevarede paa Spiritus er Farven bleven noget mattere. • Geiwrutioitxorga neme vare hvilende. Det største In- divid {p\ var en Han; blot bøjre Testis var udviklet, medens den venstre var rudimenta')-, og havde en Negls Størrelse. '.',. Almost fully scaled, the nape, tins, and the space between the vent anil the anal only being naked (/'). 4. The nape, the tins, and generally too the basal traet next to the dorsal and anal naked. The belly either wholly naked in the middle or with a scaly strip, which is short and isolated: the sides of the belly invariable sealed {«. I'. <\ il. e, .'/. lit. <>). 5. Similar to the foregoing; on the sides ol' the hody. the scaled integument extends hut very little far- ther than the extremity of the pectorals (h, n'). ■ Lateral line single and low in position (ventral). In most of the individuals very distinct, comparatively, and may be easily traced, the first half at least. It commences at the upper extremity of the gill-opening, passing from thence obliquely downwards, about under the middle of the pec- torals, where it bends almost straight backwards, running parallel to the ventral line, at a slight elevation above it till about over the 25th ray of the anal (or nearly to the middle of that fin); here, in most of the specimens; it would appear to terminate, or to become obsolete; in some, how- ever, it may be traced some distance further; when such is the case, it makes at the said point a small bend, des- cending obliquely, almost to the base of the anal, and ac- companying that tin straight to the tip of the tail. The pores in the lateral line are comparatively small, whitish, and connected together by a narrow line of the same colour; they are rather closely set, and I have counted as many as 53 from the origin to the bend above the middle of the anal. Of the mucous pores of the head, may be mentioned a series consisting of 7 pores; it originates on each side of the forehead, distant about an eye-diameter from behind the eyes, extending backwards towards the nape, where it meets a transverse, shorter series of pores, mostly 3, on either side. On the opercles. there is a vertical series of about b' pores. Finally a» series, as a rule difficult to dis- tinguish, extends backwards from the upper extremity of the gill-opening, a short distance under the dorsal; the space between these pores varies in extent, but is always consid- erably greater than that between the pores in the lateral line. The series terminates a little posterior to the middle of the body. Colour, in all specimens a uniform dark reddish-grey or brownish-grey, without a trace of bauds or spots in any stage of development. Scales considerably lighter than, the ground-colour.- The younger individuals are somewhat lighter than the older, and have the dorsal and anal of a brownish-red. The under surface is but very little lighter than the upper; in the young specimens the bluish-black ventral membrane is translucent. The under surface of the head alone is somewhat lighter than the rest of the body; margin of vent whitish. Gape white. The action of spirits causes the colour to fade. Tin- generative organs were quiescent. The largest individual (p) (a male) had the right testis only developed; the left was rudimentary, and about half an inch in length. 102 Føde. Hos de Individer, der aabnedes for at under- Søge Yentrikelens Iudliold. fandtes dette at udgjøre i Re- gelen mindre Dyr. især Orustaceer. Individet /. optaget fra 1110 Favnes Dyb. indelioldt af bestembare Dele et Par Amphipoder, hvoriblandt en Phoxus crenulatus, (Boeck), samt en Dulichia, sp.; frem- deles et Exemplar af den blodrøde Decapode Hymenodora glacialis (Buchh.). et stort Individ af en Isopode, der tid- ligere var opført som Idothea sabini, Kr., men som afProf. G. 0. Sårs i 1880 er beskreven som en ny Art under Navn af Chiridothea megalura. Endelig fandtes eii -jDel Calanus finmarchicus, (Grunn.). Individet m, optaget fra 1333 Favne, bavde i Ven- trikelen et usædvanligt stort Individ af Themisto libeUula, (Mandt). et Exemplar af Eurycope cornuta, Gl. < >. Sårs, samt Dele af en Spongie. Individet o. optaget sammen med fofegaående fra 1333 Favne, indelioldt et Exemplar af Hymenodora glacia- lis. (Buchh.). et Exemplar af den samme 'nye Chiridothea vwyalara. G. O. Sårs. samt af Amphipoder Themisto libelr hda, (Mandt). samt en Stegocephalus, sp. Endelig fandtes Dele af Kappen af en Cephalopode, der maaske tilhørte den under Expeditionen fra et lignende Dyb optagne Art •af Slægten Cirrotheufhis. Individet g, optaget fra 260 Favnes Dyb, indelioldt af Amphipoder tiere Exemplarer af Themisto MbeMula, (Mandt). samt et Exemplar af en Anonyx; af Isopoder Eurycope cornuta. G. 0. Sårs; af Copepoder (Manus finmarchicus, (Gunn.) i adskillige Exemplarer. samt et Individ af en endnu ubestemt Slægt af Calanider. der af Prof. Sårs ansees for at staa nær Slægten Euchaeta : endelig af Cuma- ceer en Diastylis stygia, G. O. Sårs. Endelig fandtes i det største Individ (p), optagen fra 1110 Favnes Dyb. en stor Pasiphde tarda. Kr. Det fremgaar af disse Lycoders Næringsmidler, at de .fleste af de velbekjendte. ægte pelagiske Sodyr. der til visse Tider i enorme Masser ere udbredte i de alleroverste Vand- lag. ogsaa formåa at trænge ned til de allerstørste Dybder, hvor vi hidtil have kunnet granske Ishavets Dyreliv; og at Lycoderne maa opfattes som udprægede Bundhske. og derfor blot kunne hente sine Næringsmidler ved eller paa Bun- den, fremgaar bl. a. af den Omstændighed. at der blandt Næringsmidlerne lios L. frigidus indgaa Former, som den ovennævnte Chiridothea, der neppe er istand til at hæve sig synderligt op fra Bunden. Opbevarede levende i et Kar ombord, udviste Indivi- derne ringe Livligbed. men holdt sig gjerne stille i halvt sammenrullet Tilstand, omtrent saaledes. som man kan se hos Zoarces viviparus ; Svømningen skeede med stærke Svingninger af Legemet, Da de lagdes paa Spiritus, vare de dog yderst voldsomme, og viste sig. som de fleste Bund- hske. temmelig seiglivede. Udbredelse. Under den Forudsætniiig. at de oftere nævnte 2 spæde Yngel-lndivider. der optoges paa Havbro- ens ydre Skraaning udenfor Lofoten og Helgeland i Norge. ere identiske med L. frigidus, foreligger Arten fra den is- Food. - - In the individuals opened with the object of examining the contents of the ventricles, the food was found to consist chiefly of small animals, in particular crustaceans. Specimen I, taken at a depth of 1110 fathoms, had in its stomach determinable parts of Amphipods. amongst which were a Phoxus crenulatus, (Boeck)i and a Dulichia, sp. ; also an example of the crimson Decapod, Hymenodora glacialis, (Buchh.). a large Isopod. formerly mentioned as Idothea sabi'ni. Kr.. but which Prof. G. 0. Sars. in 1880. described as a new species under the name of Chiridothea megalura; Anally, divers examples of (Manus finmarchicus, (Gunn.). Specimen ;//. taken at a depth of 1333 fathoms, had in its ventricle an exceptionally large individual of Themisto libellula, (Mandt), an example of Eurycope ror nata. G. < >. Sars. and parts of a sponge. Specimen o. taken with the foregoing example at a depth of 1333 fathoms, had in its stomach an example of Hymenodora glacialis, (Buchh.), an individual of the new species Chiridothea megalura (G. 0. Sars). and of Amphipods. Themisto libellula, (Mandt), and a Stegocephalus, sp. ; finally, parts of a (Vphalopod. possibly belonging to the species of the genus drrotheuthis obtained on the Expedition from a similar depth. Specimen-//, taken at a depth of 260 fathoms, had in its stomach — of Amphipods : divers examples of Themisto t Hull ala. (Mandt). and an Anonyx; of Isopods: Eurycope cornuta, G. 0. Sars; of Copepods: Calauus fimiuirchicus, (Gunn.) divers examples, and an individual of a genus of Galanids, not yet determined, which Prof. Sars believes to be ;i near congener of the genus Euchoeta; finally, of Cuma- ceans: a Diastylis stygia. G. 0. Sars. The ventricle of the largest specimen (p), taken at a depth of 1110 fathoms, contained a large Pasiphae tarda. Kr. It is evident from the food on which these Lyco- des subsist, that most of the well known, true pelagic an- imals, which, at certain seasons, occur in vast quantities near the surface, can descend to the greatest depths in which we have as yet been able to investigate the Fauna of the Polar Seas : and that the Lycodes — which must un- questionably be regarded as strongly marked bottom-fishes — do seek means of subsistence on or near the bottom, is shown, for instance, by the circumstance, that the food of L. frigidus comprises forms such as the above-mentioned Chiridothea, which can hardly ascend far from the bottom. Preserved alive on board in a tub of water, the in- dividuals displayed but little vivacity, remaining the greater part of the time half rolled up and motionless, much the same as Zoarces viviparus; in swimming, the body is pow- erfully vibrated. On being immersed in spirits, the)- were exceedingly violent in their movements, and proved rather tenacious of life. Distribution. — Assuming the 2 fry-specimens (of which mention has been repeatedly made) that were taken on the outer slope of the great bank, or -sea -bridge." (Havbro). off Lofoten and Helgeland, in Norway, to be 103 kolde Åjea lige fra Spitsbergens Vestkyst, og ned forbi Finmarken imltil søndenfor Polarcirkelen. Da Trawluettet gjentagne Gange har bragt tirre Individer for Lyset i det samme Kast. synes de ikke at være sparsomt fordelte, mon hore maaske blandt de ægte Dybyandsarter til de hyppi- gere Bundfiske. Samtlige hulivider optoges fra en betydebg Dybde, 260 til 1330 Favne, og alle. paa en enkelt Undtagelse mer. fra det iskolde Vand. 20. Lycodes liitkenii, n. sp. Pl. III, Fig. 25. Lycodes reticulatus. Coll. (nee Reinh.) Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, Nu. 14, p. 59 (1878). Diagn. Nærmest beslægtet med L. reticulatus, Beinh. Farroi lyst graaagtig, med utydelige mørke Felter nedad Legemet, og hvidt Nakkebaand; disse Felter ere i Dorsalen mesten sorte. Hovedet iøvrigt uplettet. Skjællenebeklæde hele Legemet: til et Punkt lige under Pectoralens indre Trediedel ; Finnerne, Hovedet. Bugen. Nakken, samt Granden langs Analen og langs Begyndelsen af Dorsalen nøgen. Legemets Hojde indeholdes neppe ti' , Gange, Hovedets Længde ikke fahlt 4 (lange i Totalt. Sidelinien enkelt, medio-lgteral. Pandens Bredde indeltoldes 16 Gange 7 Hovedets Længde. Peatpralerne særdeles store, indeholdes -V ., Gange i Total- Itengden. 2 yderst korte Appendices pglorieae. !>torrélsen (af det eneste Individ, en Han) 370mm. M. B. c>. D. (A- % C.) !>4: A. (A- f. C) 76; P. 23. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Havet vestenfor Nord-. Spitsbe Stat. 362. Beliggt nht d. 115 Kil. V. Norskøeme, Spitsbergen. Dybde. 459 Favne (839™). Y'< mp. paa Bunden. — 1,0° C. Bunden. Blaagraat Ler. Datum. 14de August 187s. .[ittal Iitdif. 1 Iniliv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Forhaandenvæ- rende Individ, det eneste, der foreligger, henførte jeg ved den forelobige Beretning om Udbyttet af sidste Aars Togt under L. reticulatus, Reinli. (Forh, Vid.' Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 14). da Individet i alle Hovedtræk, saaledes i Tandbyg- ning, Straaleantal i de verticale Finner. Skjælbeklædning. identical with L. Jr/i/idus. the range of the species in the Cold area extends from the west coast of Spit/bergen past Finmark to some distance south of the Arctic circle. Several individuals having been frequently brought up at once in the trawl-net. it would not appear to he sparingly distributed, and of the true deep-sea forms it possibly be- longs to the commoner bottom-fishes. The specimens were all of them taken at a consider- able depth, from 260 to 1330 fathoms, and. with one ex- ception, all in water of a temperature below that of ice. 20. Lycodes liitkenii, n. sp. PI. Ill, fig. '-'-.. Lycodes reticulatus, Coll. mec Reinh. i Forh. Vid. Selsk. f 'lira. Is7s. Xo. 14, p. :.U (1878). Diagnosis. — Nearly related to L. reticulatus, Reinh. Colour a light grey, with indistinct dar/,- patches (almost black on the dorsal) down the body, and white nuchal bands; the rest of flu- head uniform. The entire body sealed to a point opposite the inner third of the pectorals ; the fins. head. hellg. napé, mul basal tract along the anal and commence- ment of the dorsal naked. The height of the body is con- tained not quite a';, times, the length of the head nearly 4 times. ,n flu total length. Lateral lim single, medio-lateral. Width of the frontal hone ' „ ' , times in the total length. Pyloric appendages two, verg short. Length (of the only specimen: n female) 370""". M. B. 6. D. (A- '/2 C.) 94: A. (A- ',. C.) 70: P. 23. Locality (North Atl. Exped. ) : of North Spitsbergen. The open sea. west si„t. :;<;-j. Exact Locality. 11. ". Kil. W. Norskøeme, Spitsbergen. Depth. 4."i!> Fathoms ,s;:i.). T' >np. at Bottom. — 1.0° c. Bottom. Bluish-grey Clay. Date. 14th August 1878. X"tiJt of $]>> dm. 1 Iudiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — The individual here described, the only specimen yet obtained. I referred in my preliminary report on the results of the last voyage of the Expedition to L. reticulatus, Reinh. (Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. L878, Xo. 14). agreeing as it did in all salient features, viz. the dentition, the number of rays in the vertical tins. 104 Sidelinie. samt tildels Legemsbygning stemmede overens raed den nævnte Art. medens det dog var indlysende, at der fandt enkelte Uoverensstemmelser Sted mellem dem. Den fornyede Undersøgelse, som jeg ved Dr. Liitkens og Prof. Steindachner's Yelvillie har været istand til at an- stille ogsaa i det sidst forløbne Aar over Typ-Exemplarerne af L. reticulatus fra Grønland i Kjobenhavner-Musæet og i Musæet i Wien, sammenholdt med de Resultater, hvortil Dr. Liitkens egne Undersogelser over disse Individer have ført (Vid. Medd. Nat. Foren. Kbhvn. 1880, p. 307), har dog bevirket, at jeg i Overensstemmelse med den nævnte Forsker anser det rettest at opføre det spitsbergenske Individ under en egen Art, for hvilken Navnet L. lutkenii foreslaaes. Sammenlignet med L. reticulatus udmærker den nye Art sig vajsentlig ved følgende : Medens Farven hos alle de i Kjobenhavner-Musæet opbevarede udvoxede Ind. af L. reticulatus, tilligemed et. lige- ledes udvoxet og udmærket vel bevaret Ind., der opbevares i Musæet i Wien. er characteristisk ved sine (oprindelig af mørke Felter fremgaaede) reticulerede sorte Linier, der omgive Felter af den lysere Bundfarve. og som ere stillede i mere eller mindre regelmæssig Række nedad Legemet, er hos det nye Individ (L. lutkenii) neppe Spor af disse sorte Linier, men Bundfarven er her lyst graaagtig. kun med yderst svage Antydninger til mørke Felter over Kroppen, medens derimod Dorsalen viser afvexlende sorte og lyse Partier; endvidere mangler Snuden de hvide, skarpt markerede ring- formige Tegninger, der tindes hos næsten alle Individer af L. reticulatus. Legemsbygningen er hos L. lutkenii mere undersætsig. Hos L. reticulatus indeholdes Legemets Højde 7 — 8 Gange i Totalhengden. hos L. lutkenii neppe 6Vs Gange i denne. Den, som det synes, mest paafahlende Ulighed mel- lem begge Arter frembyder Pectoralernes Bygning. Hos L. lutkenii ere nemlig disse' større og bredere, end hos uo- gen af de øvrige bekjendte Lycoder. og udbredes de vifte- formigt. rage de. uagtet Individets betydelige Legemshøjde, et godt Stykke udover Legemets Ryg- og Bugside. I To- talhengden indeholdes de blot 51/» Gange, medens de hos L. reticulatus indeholdes 7 — 9 Gange i denne. Fremdeles er Straaleantallet højere hos L. lutkenii, nemlig 23, medens Dr. Liitken hos den anden Art har kun sjeldent fundet 21. men i Regelen blot 19— 20. lovrigt ere. som ovenfor berørt, Overensstemmelsene mellem begge Arter ganske betydelige, og der tindes ingen væsentlig Forskjel i Sideliniens og Tændernes Bygning, eller i Skjælbeklædningens Udstrækning, ligesom de 2 Ar- ter idethele maa siges at være overensstemmende i sit al- mindelige ydre Habitus. Sandsynligvis bør de dog opfattes som 2 nærstaaende Arter, der i sin udvoxede Stand kunne adskilles ved de ovenfor paapegede Forskjelligheder i Far- vetegning. Legemshøjde, og i Pectoralernes Bygning; om de derimod i sine yngre Stadier vise en ligesaa paatagelig Forskjel, er os endnu ganske ubekjendt. men idethele min- dre sandsynligt. the lateral line, the scales, and to a certain extent the structure of the body, with that species, though several minor points of divergence evidently existed between them. The subse- quent examination which Dr. Liitken and Prof. Stein- dachner kindly enabled me to make last year of the typ- ical specimens from Greenland, preserved in the museums of Copenhagen and Vienna, tested by the results with which Dr. Liitkens own researches in connexion with the said individuals have been attended (Vid. Medd. Naturh. Foren. Kbhvn. 1880. p. 307). induces me to establish the Spitsbergen example, in accordance with the views of that naturalist, as a separate species, for which the name of L. Vit ken i i is suggested. Compared with L. reticulatus. the new species is chiefly distinguished by the following characteristics: — The coloration in all the full-grown examples of L. reti- culatus preserved in the Copenhagen museum, and in one. also an adult and in an excellent state of preservation, in the museum at Vienna, is characterised by reticular black lines (issuing from dark patches), which surround large patches of the lighter ground-colour, and are arranged in a more or less regular series extending down the body, whereas there is scarcely a trace of these black lines in the spec- imen of L. lutkenii : the ground-colour in this individual is a light grey, with but the faintest indications of dark patches over the body ; the dorsal, on the other hand, exhibits an alternation of dark and light patches ; moreover, the snout has none of the white annular markings observed in almost all individuals of L. reticulatus. The structure of the body in L. liitken i i is more thick- set. In L. reticulatus, the height of the body is contained 7 — 8 times in the total length ; in L. lutkenii, not quite 61/-- But the most striking dissimilarity between the two species is, I . think, exhibited in the structure of the pectorals. In L. liitkenii, these fins are larger and broader than in any of the other Lycodes, and. spreading like a fan, they project, notwithstanding the very considerable depth of body, some distance above and below the dorsal and ventral margins. They are contained only 5 times and a half in the total length, whereas in L. reticulatus they are contained 7 — 9 times. Moreover, the number of rays is greater in L. lutkenii. viz. 23, whereas in the other species Dr. Liitken has only once found 21. generally not more than 19—20. For the rest, the two species resemble each other closely, and there is no material difference in the lateral line, or in the structure of the teeth, or in the extent of the scaled integument; on the whole, too. they must be said to agree in their habitus. Probably, however, they should be regarded as nearly related species, which in the adult stage of growth may be distinguished by the differen- ces pointed out above in the coloration, the height of the body, and the structure of the pectorals; but whether they exhibit an equally obvious distinction in the earlier stages of development, is a question which we are as yet wholly unable to answer; that such should be the case is however not very probable. L05 Del bliver i denne Forbindelse nødvendigt kortelig al omtale et Par Xngelformer ai Lycoder, der hidtil ere blevne opførte som distincte Axter, medens de sandsynlig- vis biol udgjøre de ange Stadier af 1, eller maaske 2 Ar- ter, der i sin fuldl udvoxede Tilstand ere dem betydeligt olige i Farvetegning og Skjælbeklædning. Disse Former «■re: L. perspicillum, Kr. is44. fra Grønland, /.. rossi, Malmgr. 1864, fra Spitsbergen, samt L. gracilis, M. Sårs 1866, fra Norge; det er sandsynligt, at alle disse blot nd- gjøre Ungdomsstadiet enten alene af /.. reticulatus, eller tillige af en anden Art. iler staar denne nær, maaske L. liltkenii. I 1844 anmeldte Krøyer med en kort og foreløbig Diagnose en nv Lycodes fra Grønland under Navn af L. perspicillum, og afbildede den nve Art i Gaimards Voy. etc. Poiss., pl. 7. men gav den forst i 1863 i Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 K. 1 B. en udførlig Beskrivelse. Af denne Art forelaa 2 Individer med en Totallængde af 39 — 65""", af hvilke jeg ved Dr. Liitkens Imødekommen har kunnet un- dersøgé det største i Musæet i Kjobenhavn. Paa den brun- gule Bimdfarve har det 8 brede, i Midten lysere Felter. . ligesom et hvidagtigt Baand forbinder begge Gjællespalter ; denne Farvetegning viser en saa paafaldende Overensstem- melse med den. der tindes bos det mintlste af Typ-Indivi- derne af£. reticulatus, der ligeledes opbevares i Kjobenhavn. og hvis Totall. er 223 '. at der nødvendigvis maa opstaa en Formodning om begge Arters Identitet. Den væsent- ligste Forandring, der er foregaaet med det omhaudlede unge Individ af L. reticulatus er. at de mørke Felter, der tindes hos L. perspicillum, ere blevne mindre skarpt be- grændsede, ligesom de begynde at bære Spor af de mør- kere reticulerede Linier. der hos de mere udvoxede Indivi- der blive de mest fremtredende Trade i Farvetegningen hos denne Art. Finnestraalernes Antal, som hos L. reticulatus, ifølge Dr. Liitken. varierer i Dorsalen mellem 91 og 95, i Ana- len mellem 75 og 76 (eller en Gang 70). er hos L. per- spicillum, ifølge Krøyer, D. 80. A. 65; de ere saaledes vistnok noget færre, men Tallet tør maaske ikke være cor- rect, hvad Krøyer selv anfører tildels tor være Tilfældet1, eller man kunde antagé Muligheden af. at der yderligere under Væxten vilde udvikle sig et Par nye Hvirvler og tilsvarende Straaler. Derimod beror Uoverensstemmelsen i Skjælbeklæd- ningens TJdstrækning utvivlsomt paa Individets unge Alder. sammenlignet med de udvoxede Individer af L. reticulatus. Medens nemlig de sidste ere skjælbeklædte paa Legemet hen til Pectoralens ydre Trediedel, medens hele Bugen og den forreste Del af Ryggen er nøgen, ere Skjællene hos L. perspicillum, efter hvad jeg selv bar kunnet overbevise mig om. netop i sit første Frembrud paa Halepartiet, me- dens Skjælbeklædningen paa Legemets Sider strækker sig frem til Midten af Pectoralen. Det er saaledes klart. Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 R. 1 B. p. 'JIU. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. Collett: Fiske. Here it is necessary to make brief mention of cer- tain fry-specimens of one or two forms of Lycodes hitherto regarded as distinct species, though in all probability merelj representing 1. or possiblj 2, species in the early stages "I development, which, «ben full-grown, are found to have undergone a striking change in coloration and the extent of the scaled integument. The forms in ques- tion are as follows: — L. pi rspu ilium, Kr. 1*44. from Greenland; /-. rossi, Malmgr. isr.4. trom Spitzbergen; and /.. gracilis, M Sars. 1866, from Xor\\a\ : and they are probably all of them examples either ol' /.. reticulatus or of some other species nearly related to it. possibly L. liit- kenii in an early stage of development, ln 1S44 Kniver announced, with a preliminary diagnosis, the occurrence of a new Lycodes off the coast of Greenland, under the name of L. perspicillum, and figured it in Gai- mard's Voy. &c. Poiss, pi. 7. but did not furnish a detailed description till 1S63. in Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 R. IB. Oi this species two examples had been obtained, total length respectively 39 and 65""", the largest of which, preserved in tlie Copenhagen Museum. Dr. Liitken kindly per- mitted me to examine. Over the brownish-yellow ground- colour are distributed 8 broad patches, lighter in the middle; and a whitish band connects the gill-openings. Now. this peculiarity of coloration exhibits so striking a resemblance to that distinguishing the smallest of the typical specimens of L. reticulatus, also preserved in Copenhagen (total length 223"""). that the identity of the two species cannot but suggest itself. The principal change which this imma- ture exa ni] ile of L. reticulatus has undergone, consists in the dark patches characteristic of L. perspicillum having become less sharply defined, and in their commencing to show indications of the dark reticular lines, which, in a more advanced stage of development, are the most prom- inent characteristics of coloration in this species. The number of tin-rays, which in L. reticulatus, ac- cording to Dr. Liitken. varies in the dorsal between '.11 and 95, in the anal. bet\veen 75 and 76 (in one specimen 70), is in L. perspicillum, according to Kroyer, D. 80, A. 65: this is certainly a somewhat smaller number; but it may possibly be incorrectly given, which Kroyer himself suggests as not improbable, to a certain extent1; or the development during the further progress of growth of one or two additional vertebræ and rays might be assumed. On the other hand, the want of agreement in, the extent of the scaled integument, as compared with that distinguishing adults of L. reticulatus, must unquestionably be ascribed to the immaturity of the individual. The former are scaled on the body as far as the outer third of the pectorals, the whole of the belly and the anterior part of the back being naked, whereas in L. perspicillum, the scales, (a fact of which from my own examination I am convinced) are just beginning to develop over the caudal region, but on the sides of the body they extend to the middle of the Naturh. 3 R. 1 B. p. 291. 14 v 106 at Skjællene efterhaanden skulle beklæde et større Parti af Legemet, end det. som Krøyer i sin Beskrivelse angiver, idet kan ikke synes at kave iagttaget de fremspirende Skjæl paa Halen. L. perspicillum er med andre Ord en spæd Unge, som godt kan antages senere at ville forandre sin Farve- tegning, ligesom den endnu ikke havde faaet sin folde Skjælbeklædning. Da Legemsforholdene iøvrigt bos begge ere overensstemmende, er det ikke usandsynligt. at i de nærmest paafølgende Stadier af denne Forms Liv ville de niorke Tverfelter efterhaanden lysne, og blive forandrede til mindre Pletter eller reticulerede Linier, saaledes som det netop viser sig hos det ovenfor omtalte unge grønland- ske Individ af L. reticulatus med en Totallængde af 223""". Den næste i Rækken er L. ross/, opstillet af Malm- gren i 1864 i Ofv. Kgl. Vet. Akad. Fork, eiter et Individ fra Spitsbergen, erholdt under en af de første svenske Ex- peditioner til denne Øgruppe. Dette Individ havde en To- tallængde af blot 32""", og et Straaleantal af: D. 82. A. 63; i Farvetegning var det fuldkommen overensstemmende med L. perspicillum, men Individet var. i Modsætning til dette, helt nøgent. Det var. paa Grund af det sidstnævnte Forhold, at Malmgren troede at burde opstille det som en distinct Art, skilt fra L. perspicillum. Men da L. perspicillum. som ovenfor nævnt, netop befandt sig i det Stadium, da Skjællene vare i Frembrud, og Skjælbeklædningen endnu ikke var fuldt udviklet, skjont det beskrevne Individ havde en Totallængde af 65""", er det ikke uventet, at en spæd Unge med en Totallængde af blot 32""", som L. rossi, endnu intet Spor viser af nogen Skjælbeklædning. Ved velvillig Imødekommen af Prof. Smitt har jeg erholdt tij Undersøgelse dette Individ, og jeg kunde ingen væsentlig Forskjel opdage mellem dette og L. perspicillum. Da endelig Prof. M. Sårs i 1866 i Christiania Viden- skabs-Selskabs Fork, opstillede sin L. gracilis elter et i Drobaksund i Christianiafjorden erholdt Individ med en Totallængde af 43"""^ skeede dette alene af den Grund, at hans Exemplar havde 10 mørke Tverfelter over Legemet, medens L. rossi blot havde 8, og da fremdeles hans Exem- plar var nøgent. ligesom L. rossi, kunde det ikke henføres under L. perspicillum. Men allerede Krøyer har paavist, at hans 2 Typ-Exempla.rer af L. perspicitlwm ingenlunde vare fuldt overensstemmende i Tegningen af Kroppen; og hvad Skjælbeklædningen angaar, gjælder det samme, som ovenfor er anført under L. rossi. Dog maa paa dette Sted bemærkes, at Krøyers ene Typ-Exemplar blot var 39""" langt (saaledes mindre, end L. gracilis), og dog nævner han intet om. at der var nogen Forskjel mellem de 2 Individer med Hensyn til Skjælbe- klædningen; men selv om denne i Virkeligheden hos begge1 har været lige, haves der Exempler paa. at dennes Udvik- 1 Dette Forhold lader sig ikke længei plyse. IfølgeDr. Liitken er saavel det mindste Exemplar af L. perspiciUwm, som det eneste af L. nebulosus ikke til at tinde paa Musæet i Kjobenhavn, og sandsyn- ligvis ere de forsvundne. pectorals. Hence it is evident, that a larger part of the body will gradually become scaled than is stated by Krøyer, who does not appear to have observed these incipient scales on the tail. L. perspiciUum is. in short, a very young individual, in which a subsequent change of coloration may not un- reasonably be assumed : as we have seen, the scaled inte- gument had not yet attained its full development. The proportions of the body being in all respects the same in both, it does not appear un probable that, in the succeeding stages of growth, the dark transverse patches will gradu- ally become lighter, and change to smaller spots or reticular lines, as is seen to be the case with the smallest Green- land specimen of L. reticidabus, total length 223'"'". The next of the proposed forms is L. rossi, estab- lished by Malmgren. in 1864 (Ofv. Kgl. Vet. Akad. Fork.), from a specimen taken off Spitzbergen on one of the first Swedish expeditions to that group of islands. This indiv- idual had a length of only 32M"'. the number of fin-rays being: D. 82: A. 63; in coloration, it agreed precisely with L. perspicillum, but differed from that form in being naked. It was this feature which Malmgren deemed sufficient to warrant his establishing it as a separate species. But the specimen of L. perspicillwA, though with a total length of 65""". having, as stated above, not yet reached tke stage of growth in which the scales begin to form (of some of the scales, indications had only just begun to appear), it is not surprising that a very young indiv- idual such as L. rossi. having a total length of only 32""". should as yet be without the slightest trace of scales. On application to Prof. Smitt, this individual was kindly lent me for examination, but I failed to detect any essential feature 'distinguishing it from L. perspiciUum. Finally, when Prof. M. Sars in 1866 (Christiania Videnskabs Selskabs Forb.) described his L. gracilis, from an individual with a total length of 43""". taken in Drøbak Sound, in the Christiania Fjord, his sole reason for doing so lay in the said example having 10 dark transverse patches across the body, instead of 8, the number in L. rossi: and his specimen being, like the latter, naked, it could not be referred to L. perspicillum. But Kroyer had already shown that his two typical specimens of L. perspiciUum did not by any means exhibit perfect agree- ment in the marking of the body ; and with regard to the scaled integument, what has been said in connexion with L. rossi, will apply with equal force here. The fact, however, must not be passed by. that one of Kroyer's typical specimens was only 39""" long (accord- ingly of smaller dimensions than L. gracilis): and yet no mention whatever is made of any difference between the two individuals as regards the scaled integument; but even assuming it to have been the same in both,1 instances 1 Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to settle this question. Ac- cording to Dr. Liitken. the smallest specimen of L. perspicillum and the only one yet obtained of L. nebulosus, could not lie found in the Copenhagen Museum, and are no doubt both ol' them lost. 107 ling foregaar højst forskjelligt hos de forskjellige [ndivider Hir., hvad oedenfor anføres under L. mivrama). Denumid- delbare Sammenligning tnellem L. rossi og L. gracilis har desuden Euldstændigt overbevist mig om, at disse ere iden- tiske. are not wanting to show that its development can varj to a gTeat extent in different individuals (vide what is stated overleaf in connexion with /.. mwrama). A direct comparison of L. rossi with L. gracilis lias Pullj convinced me of their identity . Hovedsummen af de ovenfor anførte Bemærkninger er, at medens der er overvejende Sandsynlighed for, at /.. perspicillum, Kr. 1844, L. rossi, Malmgr. 1864, og L. gracilis, M. Sårs 1866, ere alle identiske, vil det først med et større Materiale, end det, som for Tiden forelig- ger i Musæerne, kunne afgjøres, om disse Ungdomsformer tilhøre den som mere udvoxet under Navnet L. reticulatus, Reinh. 1838, bekjendte Art. eller maaske tallige en- anden nærstaaende Art. der i dette Tilladde kunde være L. liit- Icenii. Udmaalinger. Totallængde (Hun) 370""" Legemets største Højde (ved Begyndelsen afDorsalen) 58 - Legemets Hojde ved Begyndelsen al' Analen . . 47 - Smulens Afstand fra Doi'salen Ill - Smulens Af stand fra Anus 175 - Anus' Afstand fra Halespidsen (Halens Længde) . 195 - Hovedets Længde 95 - Smulens Længde (til Lis) 31 - Øjets Længde (Iris' Længdedia meter) 13 - Hovedets postorbitale Del (fra Bagranden af Iris) 52 - Interorbitalrummet (niellem begge Lides) . . . 12 - Overkjævens Længde 42 - Hovedets Hojde over < fjnene 37 - Hovedets Hojde lige bag Ventralerne 48 - Ventralernes Afstand fra Amis 107 - Pectoraleus Grundlinie 28 - Pectoraleus største Længde 64 - Pectoraleus Afstand fra Anus 30 - M. Sårs. Christiaiiia-I^ord, Norge i-j-i. From tin' dnta set forth in the above observations there is. 1 opine, every reason to infer, that L. perspiciMumj Kr. 1H44; L. rossi, Malmgr. 1864; and L. gracilis, M. Sars 1866, are all thvee identical; hut whether the individuals representing these early stages ol' development belong to L. reticulatus, Reinh. ISoS. or possibly to some other nearly related species, which in that case might be L. lut- lii-iiii, must be left an open question till more extensive materials shall have been furnished us than our museums at present afford. Measurements. Total length (female) . 370""" Greatest height of body (at origin of dorsal) . . 58 - Height of body (at origin of anal) 47 - Distance of snout from dorsal Ill - Distance of snout from vent 175 - Distance of vent from tip of tail (length of tail) 195 - Length of the head 95 - Length of snout (to iris) • . 31 - Length of the eye (longitudinal diameter of iris) . 13 - Postorb. region of head (from post. marg. of iris.) 52 - Lnterorbital space (between, the brides) .... 12 - Length of upper jaw 42 - Height of head above the eyes 37 - Height of head immediately posterior to ventrals . 48 - Distance of ventrals from vent . . ' 107 - Base of pectorals 28 - Greatest length of pectorals 64 - Distance of pectorals from vent 30 -. Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. I det hovedsagelige stemmer L. lutkenii, som ovenfor under Bemærkningerne til Synonymieu er paapeget. i sin Skjælbeklædning, Legemsbyg- ning og Straaleantal overens med L. reticulatus, men den kan skilles fra denne bl. a. ved sit kortere og stærkere Legeme, ved Pectoralernes betydelige Storrelse. samt ved Farvetegningen. Legemet er forholdsvis særdeles undersætsigt og stærkt- bygget; dets Hojde indeholdes ikke fuldt 6x/2 Gange i To- tallængden (et Forhold, der blot er naaet af det største Individ af L. f rig/dus. en Han. hvis Totallængde var noget over 500"""). Hovedet er forholdsvis stort, skjønt Individet er en Hun. og indeholdes ikke fuldt 4 Gange i Totallængden. Smulen er temmelig (kultrykt; Øjnene ere relativt smaa. og indeholdes i Hovedlængden 91/,. Gange. Paa (Jraniet General Description. Structwre <;/' the Body. — As previously observed when treating of the synonomy. L. lUt- k'enii agrees in all essential particulars, viz. the development of the scaled integument, the structure of the body, and the number of tin-rays, with L. reticulatus, but may be distinguished from that species by its body, which is shorter and stronger, the very considerable size of the pectorals. and by the coloration. L. liitJcenii has comparatively a very thickset and strongly built body; its height is contained not quite Ou- tlines in the total length (a proportion met with in the largest specimen of L. frigidus alone, total length upwards of 5(1(1"""). Head comparatively large, though the individual des- cribed is a female, equalling not quite ]/j of the total length. Snout slightly depressed; eyes rather small, being contained 9'/L. times in the length of the head. Measured 14* 108 udgjør Pandens Bredde l/i« a* Hovedlængden, og dette Parti er saaledes forholdsvis bredt. ( Iverkjæven er kortere, end Hovedets halve Længde, og naar tilbage hen under Lindsens Bagrand. I Totållængden indeholdes : Hovedets Længde 3. mi Legemets storste Højde 6,37 Smulens Afstand fra Dorsalen 3,33 Smulens Afstand fra Anus 2,11 Halens Længde 1,89 A f Tiender tindes i Mellemkjæ verne en hengere Række af omtrent 15 paa hver Side. hvoraf de forreste ere de længste; hertil kommer en kortere Række i Spidsen bagenfor den første Række. Samtlige disse Tænder ere forholdsvis smaa, og blot de 2 allerforreste ere hengere, end cle ovrige. I Underkjæven, hvis tandbærende Del er længere. end den tilsvarende i » >verkjæven, tindes 12 hen- gere og grovere Tænder. ibruden et Antal tinere Tænder foran disse i Spidsen. Palatinbenene bære fremdeles i en enkelt Række 15, Vomer 5 Tiender, der alle ere forholds- vis grove. Finnerne. Dorsalen, som (fraregnet den halve Cau- dal) tæller 89 Strå aler. begyuder i en Afstand fra Snude- spidsen. der indeholdes o1/-, Gange i Totållængden. Ana- len har paa samme Maade 71 Straaler; og da Caudalen har paa sin dorsale Side 6. paa den ventrale 5 Straaler. bliver det samlede Antal Straaler i Dorsalen 95. i Ana- len 76. Pectoralerne ere overordentlig store og brede, og have paa begge Sider 23 Straaler. Udbredt optager Fin- nen en større Højde. end hele Legemshøjden og Dorsal- højden tilsammen ; fremslaaet naar den omtrent midt paa Øjet. tilbageslaaet i en Snudelængdes Afstand fra Anus. Dens Længde indeholdes i Totållængden blot ubetydeligt over 5'/o Gange. Straalerne ere i Spidsen særdeles brede. SkjælbÆædning. Skjælbekheduingen mangler, foruden paa Hovedet og Finnerne, paa hele Bugen, samt langs Granden af Analen indtil en halv Hovedlængde bag Anus; fremdeles er hele Nakken og G runden langs Dorsalen om- trent indtil Verticalen fra Anus nøgen. Skjælbeklædningen strækker sig saaledes paa. Legemets Midte frem indtil et Punkt under Pectoralens indre Trediedel. Skjællene ere forholdsvis ikke store. Finnerne ere nøgne; dog gaa paa Halens nedre Del enkelte Skjæl ud et kort Stykke over Finnernes Grand. Sidelinien. Denne er mediolateral og enkelt, samt udspringer, som hos de ovrige Arter, over Gjællespalten : i en skråa Retning gaar den med et Antal af omtrent 17 tætstillede Porer ned til Legemets Midtlinie. som den føl- ger til Halespidsen. Intet Spor af nogen lavere (ventral) Sidelinie kan opdages hos det foreliggende Individ ; derimod strækker sig en Række af 10 — 12 Porer fra Gjællesjjaltens ovre Ende langs Ryggen, og slutter omtrent ved Legemets 3die mørke Felt. Paa forskjellige af Hovedets Dele tindes spredte Slimporer. tildels forsynede .med en ophøjet Rand. Saale- on the cranium, the interorbital space equals '/m of the length of the head, and is therefore comparatively broad. Upper jaw shorter than the head by one half, and extending backwards under the posterior margin of the lens. The Total Length contains : — The length of the head 3.89 The greatest height of the body 6.37 Tin' distance of the snout from the dorsal .... 3.33 The distance of the snout from the vent . . . . 2.11 The length of the tail 1.89 The intermaxillaries are furnished with a row of 15 teeth on either side, the foremost being the longest; and a shorter series at the extremity, posterior to the first. All of these teeth are comparatively small, the two foremost only being somewhat longer than the rest. In the mandible, of which the part furnished with teeth is longer than the corresponding part in the upper jaw. occur 12 longer and stouter teeth, exclusive of a number of minute teeth anterior to them at the extremity. The palatine bones have 15 teeth, the vomer 5, all of which are rather strong. F/m. — The dorsal, which, exclusive of half of the caudal, is furnished with 89 rays, commences at a distance from the point of the snout contained 31/.; times in the total length. The anal is furnished in like manner with 71 rays, and the caudal having on the dorsal side 6. on the ventral 5 rays, the total number of rays in the dorsal amounts to 95; in the anal to 76. The pectorals are exceedingly large and broad, with 23 rays on either side ; when spread out, their height exceeds that of the body and of the dorsal put together : the spread forwards reaches almost to the middle of the eye; back- wards, within the length of the snout from the vent; its length compared to the total length slightly exceeds the pro- portion of 1 to 51/»; rays remarkably broad at the points. Scales. — Scales wanting on the head. tins, the entire belly, and the base along the anal to within half the length of the head posterior to the vent; the whole of the nape, too. and the base along the dorsal, naked to a point per- pendicular to the vent. Hence the scaled integument extends along the middle of the body to a point opposite to the inner third of the pectorals. The scales are not large, comparatively. Fins naked; on the inferior portion of the tail, however, a few scales cross their base. Lateral Line. — Single and medio-lateral, commencing, as in the other species, above the gill-opening; taking an oblique direction, it runs on to the mesial line of the body, accompanying it to the tip of the tail. There is no trace of a lower (ventral) lateral line in the spec- imen here described, but a series of 10 or 12 pores extends from the upper extremity of the gill-opening down along the back, terminating at about the third dark patch on the body. ( >n several parts of the head occur isolated mucous pores, some of them with an elevated margin. Thus, for 109 des staa paa Kinflerne hen mod den ovn' Haml af Oper- culum paa hver Side i en Triangel 3 Porer; bag Øjnene lindes 2 mindre, og atter nedenfor disse 3 større Porer. En stor Pore aabner sig ved den nedre Vinkel af Opercu- lum, ligesom den normale Række er tilstede langs Kjæ- verne. Farre. Legemets Bundfarve er blegt graaagtig brun; under passende Belysning kan skimtes, men højst utyde- ligt, 6 mørkere Felter, der i Midten ere lysere, og have enkelte sorte Smaapletter. sum danne en Tilnærmelse til de reticulerede Linier, der tindes kos L. reticulatus. Tyde- ligst ere disse mørke Felter henad Dorsalen, hvor deres Rande ere næsten sorte, og skarpt markerede. Mellemrum- met mellem Kelterne er paa Legemet kun lidet lysere, end Felterne selv. men næsten renhvidt paa Dorsalen otr Ha- lespidsen. Hovedet har ingen andre Tegninger, end et hvidt Baand, der strækker sig tvers over Nakken fra den ene Gjællespalte til den anden, og er begrændset af en utyde- lig sort Linie: iøvrigt er Hovedet hlegt rødlig graat, noget lysere, end Kroppen, hvilket ogsaa er Tilfældet med Pec- toralerne. med umodne Æg Føde, etc. Individet var en Hun i det eneste Ovarium. Ventrikelen, der var meget mus- culos. indeholdt et noget fordøjet Individ af Cottunculus microps, Coll. (med en Totallængde af 110™™), samt Dele af en anden mindre Fisk, der var sterkere fordøjet, og ubestemmelig. 2 afrundede Udvidelser af Tarmen ved Pylorus kunne opfattes som et Par rudimentære Appendices pyloricae. instance, on the cheeks, near the upper margin oftheoper- culum. a triangular figure is formed by pores, three in each (d' its sides: behind the eyes are two smaller ones, and below these pores three larger ones. A large pore occurs at the inferior angle of the operculum, and the normal series along the jaws is also present. Colow. The ground-colour of the body is a greyish-brown; in a good light, ('i dusky patches can he discerned, very indistinctly however; they are lighter in the middle, and marked with a few small black spots, an approximation to the network of lines in L. reticulatus. These dark patches show most distinct down the dorsal. their margins on that tin being almost black, and sharply defined. On the body, the space between the patches is very little lighter than are the patches themselves, hut on the dorsal and the tip of the tail, it is nearly pure white. The only marking on the head consists of a. white band stretching across the nape from one gill-opening to the other, and margined by an indistinct black line: the rest of the head is of a uniform pale reddish-grey, a shade lighter than the body, which is also the case with the pectorals. Pood, etc. — The individual here described was a female, with immature ova in its single ovary. The ventricle, which was very muscular, contained an example of Cottun- culus microps, Coll.. in a partially digested state (total length 110"""), together with parts of a smaller tish. which did not admit of being determined. Two globular swellings of the intestine at the pylorus may lie regarded as a pair of obtuse pyloric appendages. Udbredning. Det eneste hidtil bekjendte Exemplar af denne Art optoges fra betydeligt Dyh og iskoldt Vand i Havet nogle Mile vestenfor Nord-Spitshergen, omtrent under 80» N. B. Af den nærstaaende Art L. reticulatus tindes, som ovenfor nævnt. udvoxede Individer fra Grønland i Musæet i Kjobenhavn. samt et i Wiener -Musæet, alle erholdte i Aarene 1830 — 40. Af L. perspiriUum, Kr., fra, Grønland tindes ligeledes et Individ i Musæet i Kjobenhavn; af L. rossi, Malmgr.. fra Spitsbergen opbevares det eneste Indi- vid i Riks -Museum i Stockholm, og endelig tindes Indivi- det af L. gracilis, M-. Sårs, fra Christianiaf jorden, i Univer- sitets-Musæet i Christiania. Alle disse 3 sidstnævnte Arter maa. som ovenfor omhandlet, an tåges at udgjøre Ungdoms- formerne af L. reticulatus, eller af L. lutkenii (eller af bes ?) Distribution. — The only example of this species as yet obtained was brought up from a considerable depth in the frigid area of the ocean, a few leagues west of the north coast of Spitzbergen, in lat. about 80° N. Of its nearly related congener L. reticulatus, Reinh. full-grown specimens from Greenland are, as above stated, preserved in the Museum at Copenhagen and in the Vienna Museum, all of which were obtained in the decade from 1830 to 1840; of L. perspicUlum, Kr.. also from Green- land, there is, too., an example in the Museum at Copen- hagen; of L. rossi, Malmgr. from Spitzbergen, the only spec- imen taken' is preserved in the "Riks Museum" at Stockholm ; and finally, the specimen of L. gracilis, M. Sars. from' the Christiania Fjord, is in the Christiania University Museum. The three last- mentioned individuals must, as suggested above, be regarded as representing the early stages of development of L. reticulatus, or of L. UUkenii (or pos- sibly of both). 110 21. Lycodes pallidus, Coll. 1878 (n. sp.) PI. Ill, Fig-. 26— -27. Lyeodrs pallidus, Coll. Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 14. p. 70(1878). Diagn. Farven (hos yngre Individer) blegt gradbrun, med en Kalle (5 — 6) sorte Felter nedad Dorsalen, samt et enkelt, længere Felt af samme Farve paa Analen hen imod Spidsen. SkjæUene forholdsvis stun-, og beklæde Legemet indtil henimod PectoralernesOrwnd; Hovedet, Finnerne, samt Midten af Bugen ere nøgne. Legemets Højdé indéholdes 9'js Gange Hovedet næsten 4'., Gange i Totallængden (hos yngre Indiv.) Sidelinien enkelt, ventral, laber fra Ojællespattens øvre Ende skraat nedad mod Anas. Størrelsen hos de fore- liggende ange Individer indtil 164mm. M. B. 6. D. 98—101; A. S4—S6: P. 18—19. Loealit. fra Nordh. Exped. Spitsbergen. Havet udenfor NV Stat. 362. Stut. 363. Beliggenhed. 1 lo Kili >in. V. Norskøerne, Spitsb. 60 Kilom. V. Norskøerne, Spitsb. Dybdt . 4h9 Favne (839m). 260 Favne (47."."'). Temp. paa Bundt <>. -1,0°C. 4-l,l°C. Bundl >'. Blaagraat Ler.' Blaaler. Datum. 14de Aug. 1878. 14de Aug. 1878. Antal Indiv. 1 yngre Indiv. 1 Unge. Udmaalinger. a. b. iStat. 363). (Stat. 362,). Totallængde 93 nn 164""" Længde til sidste Haleh virvel . . . . 90 - ltil - Højde ved Begyndelsen af Dorsalen 10 - 17 - Hojde ved Begyndelsen af Analen . . •. 8.:, - 14 - Snudespidsen til Begyndelsen af Dorsalen 2;"") - 46 - Snudespidsen til Anus 37 - 64 - Anus til Halespidsen (Halens Længde) . • 56 - 100 - Hovedets Længde 21 - 37 - Smulens Længde (til Begyndelsen af Iris) 7 - 13 - Øjets Længde (Længde-Diameteren af Iris) 4 - 7 - Hovedets postorbitale Del It) - 17 - Underkjævespidsens Afstand fra Ventralen 16 - 27 - Ventralernes Afstand fra Anus 19 - 34 - Ventralernes Længde 3 - 4 - Pectoralernes Længde 13 - 16 - Beskrivelse. Legemshggning. I Legemsbygning. Si- delinje og Skjælbeklædning væsentlig overensstemmende med L. frigidas ; dug ere Skjællene forholdsvis større, Pectoraler og Ventraler noget kortere, og Øjnene (især Lindsen) min- dre, end bos denne Art.' Som cbaracteristisk for denne 21. Lycodes pallidus, Coll. 1878 (n. sp.) Pl. III, Fig. 26—27. Lycoéh i paUidus, Coll. Forh. Vid. Selsk. Clira. 1878, ISIo. 14, p. 70 ( 1878). Diagnosis. — Colour (in young examples) pale greyish- brown, with a series (5 — 6) of black patches extending down the dorsal, and a patch of greater length, but similar in colour, near the extremity of the anal. Scales relatively large, covering tin- body almost to the base of the pectorals; the head, flic fits, and the middle of the belly naked. Tlie height of the body is to the total length (in immature individ- uals) as 1 toll'/,; the length of tJ/e head, nearly aslto4'i2. Lateral line single, ventral, passing from the upper extrem- ity of the gill -opining ohliqmlg downwards to the rent. The length in Hie specimens obtained retailing 164mm. M. B. II. I). US— 101: A. 84—86: P. IS— lit. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): Spitsbergen. The sea off ^'W. Stat. 362. Stat. 363. / 'xact Locality. 115 Kilom. W. Norskøer, Spitzb. 60 Kilom. W. Norskøer, Spitzb. ll.jith. 4f>9 Fathoms («30 ™). 260 Fathoms (47:.'»). Temp, at Bottom. - l.o» C. + i.r><', Bottom. Bluish -green Clay. Blue Clay. Pot,. 14th Aug. 1878. 14th Aug. 1878. Numb, of Bpecim. 1 Indiv. (young). 1 Indiv. (young). Measurements. a. b. (Stat. 363). (Stat. 362). Total length 93""" 164""» Length to last caudal vertebra .... 90 - 161 - Height at origin of dorsal . . . . . 10- 17 - Height at origin of anal 8.5 - 14 - From point of snout to origin of dorsal 25 - 46 - From point of snout to vent .... 37 - 64 - From vent to tip of tail (length of tail) 56 - 100 - Length of head 21 - 37 - Length of snout (to origin of iris). . . 7 - 13 - Length of the eye (longit. diam. of iris) 4 - 7 - Postorbital region of head 10 - 17 - From extremity of mandible to ventrals . 16 - 27 - Distance of ventrals from vent .... 19 - 34 - Length of ventrals 3 - 4 - Length of pectorals 13 - 16 - General Description. Structure of the Body. — In the structure of the body, the lateral line, and the scales closely agreeing with L. f rigid its: the scales are however somewhat larger, the pectorals and ventrals somewhat shorter, and the eyes (particularly the lens) smaller than in Ill Arts 'N dre kan endvidere nævnes den med sorte Felter forsynede Dorsal og Anal. Legemet er, som hos alle de typiske Lycoder, om- trent jevnhøjt fra Nakken at' Og til forbi Anus. derfra at- smalnende. og efterhaanden løbende Ild i en tilspidset Hale- s]iids: hele Halepartiet sta-rkt saiumontrykt. Den storsti- Højde (ved Begyndelsen at' Dorsalen) indeholdes i Total- længden omtr. 91/a Grange; ved Begyndelsen at' Analen er Bøjden kun lidet aftaget, og indeholdes lier lidt over lu Gange i Totallængden. Afstanden fra Snudespidsen til Anus indeholdes 2*/^ Gange, Halen 16/10 Gange i Total- længden, Hovedet er temmelig fladtrykt, og indeholdes i Total- længden mesten 4' ,. Gange. Overkja'Veii naar tilbage lien under Midten at Lindsen; hos det mindre Exemplar er Snuden noget stumpere og højere, Overkjæven -er tillige aoget kortere, og naar lier blot hen under Landsens For- rand. De skaalformige Fordybninger langs Randen af Kjæ- verne ere særdeles fremtrædende, især hos det mindste Individ. Xæseborene sidde temmelig nær ved Mellemkjæve- randen, ere enkelte, og have, som bos de øvrige Arter, en lang hvidagtig Tube. Øjnene ere forholdsvis mindre, end hos L. frigidus. Sammenlignes det største Individ af L. pallidus med et ligestort (ungt) Ind. af L. frigidus, sees Lindserne hos den siclste at. være omtr. dobbelt saa store, som hos den første. I Totallængden indeholdes Hovedets Længde .... Legemets Højde Smulens Afstand fra Dorsalen Smulens Afstand fra Anns . Halens Længde Pectoralens Længde . . . a. b. Totallængde Totallængde 93 mm 104»"" 4,4-.' 4.4:; 9,30 9,64 3,72 3,:,ii 2.:,, 2,56 1,66 1,64 7,15 10,25 Tænder ere tilstede i Mellemkjæverne, i Underkjæven, paa Vomer, og paa Palatinbenene , som bos de øvrige nordiske Lycoder. De ere forholdsvis stærke. stillede i Mellemkjæven fortil i 2. bagtil i 1 eller 2 Rækker; i LTn- derkjæven danne de fortil flere Rækker. Da Individerne endnu ikke kunne antages at være fuldt udvoxede, har An- tallet af Tænderne og disses Rækker maaske endnu ikke naaet sin fulde Udvikling. Fiti uerne. Dorsalen, der hos det større Individ tel- ler omtrent 92. hos det mindre omtrent 95 Straaler, eller, sammenlagt end den halve Caudal, 98 — 101. begynder i en Afstand fra Snudespidsen. der indeholdes i Totallæng- den ikke fuldt 4 Gange. Analen har hos det større Individ omtrent 79, bos det mindre omtrent 81 Straaler, hvilket sammen med Cau- dalens nedre Halvdel udgjør 84— 80 Straaler. Straalerne ere hos de 2 undersøgte Individer vanskelige at telle, hvor- that species. As a conspicuous exterior feature character- ising /.. pallidus, ina\ be mentioned the black patches on the dorsal and anal. As in the typical Ly codes, the height of the body is \< r\ nearlj uniform Ironi the nape lill past the vent. at which point the body gradually tapers, terminating in a. pointed tail: the whole of the caudal region greatly com- pressed. Greatest height (at the origin of dorsal) is to the total length ahout as 1 to 9'/:>; at the origin of the anal the height is lint little diminished, equalling rather more than l/io of the total length. The distance from the point of Hie snout to the vent is to the total length as 1 to 21/;,; the length of the head, as 1 to l6/io- Head rather compressed; its length compared to the total length is nearly as I to 4'/3. Upper jaw extending backwards under the middle, of the lens; in the smaller specimen, the snout is somewhat more obtuse, and higher, the upper jaw not reaching further hack than under the anterior margin of the lens. The howl-shaped depressions extending along the mar- gin of the jaws are very distinct in the smaller specimen. Nostrils placed in close proximity to the margin of the inter-maxillary; they are single, and furnished with a whit- ish tube. Eyes relatively smaller than in L. frigidus. On com- paring the largest example of 'L. pallidus with a (young) specimen of equal size of L. frit/iritis, the lenses in the latter are found to be about twice as large as in the former. a. Total Length i.. Tet at Length 93 """ 164mm The length of the head .... 4.42 4.43 The height of the body .... 9.30 9.64 The (list, of the snout from the dors. 3.72 :;..">i; The dist. of the snout from the anus 2.51 2.56 The length of the tail .... 1.66 1.04 The length of the pectorals . . . 7.15 10.25 Teeth on the intermaxillaries, in the mandible, on the vomer, and on the palatine bones, as in the other northern species. Tbey are comparatively strong, arranged on the intermaxillary anteriorly in 2. posteriorly in 1 or 2 series; in the mandible they constitute several series. The individuals having none of them, it is conceived,' at- tained the adult stage of development, the number alike of the teeth and of their series is possibly not yet complete. Fins. — The dorsal which, in the larger individual, is furnished with ahout 92. in the smaller with about 95 rays, or. including half the caudal, with 98 and 101 respectively, commences at a distance from the point of the snout not quite equal to one-fourth of the total length. In the larger individual, the anal is furnished with ahout 79; in the smaller, with about 81 rays; or, including the lower half of the caudal, with 84 and 80 respectively. The rays in the two specimens examined cannot be accu- 112 for Antallet' maaske i hver af Finnerne ere et Par flere eller færre. Pectoralerne have hos det større Individ paa begge Sider 18, hos det mindre 19 Straaler. og ere forholdsvis korte, især hos det større Individ, hvor de fremlagte ere med sine Spidser fjernede miudst en Lindselængde fra Lindsen ; hos det mindre Exemplar naa de derimod frem til Lindsens Bagrand. I Totallængden indeholdes de hos det yngste Individ kun lidt over 7. hos det ældre endog over 10 Gange i Totalhengden. De nedre Straaler ere stærkt forkortede. Ventralerne ere ligeledes forholdsvis kortere, end hos de øvrige Arter, og synes at indeholde 2 yderst spinkle Straaler. Skjælbeklædning. Næsten hele Legemet er skjælbe- klædt; Hovedet. Nakken. Bugens Midte og Finnerne ere nøgne; Skjællene ere forholdsvis store, iovrigt af Bygning, som hos de øvrige Lycoder. Fortil stra?kker Skjælbeklæd- ningen sig frem mod Grunden af Pectoralerne : Bugen er derimod nogen i Midten, men skjælbeklædt paa Siderne. Finnerne ere ligeledes nøgne, men der er ingen nogen Rand langs deres Grundlinier ; paa Hovedet og Nakken hndes ingen Skjæl. Det mindre Exemplar er ligesaa stærkt beklædt, som det større, og Skjællene strække sig ber endog noget Len- gere frem. eller umiddelbart til Pectoralernes Grund. lige- som der blot lindes en smal Stribe langs Bugens Midtlinie. .der ikke er skjælbeklædt. Sidelinien er Ims de forhaandenværende (yngre) Indi- vider vanskelig at forfølge; dog er den utvivlsomt ven- tral, idet den udspririger ved Gjællespaltens ovre Ende. gjør en liden Bue over Gjællelaagets Flig, og gaar derpaa i skråa Retning, aden at have noget ret Parti, lige ned mod Anus; herfra er den paa begge de 2 Individer utyde- lig, men kan dog tildels øjnes som lobende langs Grunden af Analen ud mod Halespidsen. Porernes Antal indtil Anus er omtrent 34. Af nogen nlediolateral Sidelinie kan ikke sees Spor. Farven er paa selve Legemet blegt graabrun, uden Tegninger; Skjællene ere overalt lysere, end Bundfarven, der under Lupen sees at have forholdsvis store og skarpt farvede Pigmentpunkter. Derimod ere Dorsalen og Analen paa hvidagtig Grund forsynede med en Rekke sorte Fel- ter, der paa den førstnævnte Finne ere 5 — 6 i Antal. Det første af disse begynder umiddelbart ved Dorsalens første Straaler ; de øvrige ere stillede med omtrent lige langt Mellemrum, som det. de selv optage. henad hele Fin- nens Længde. I Lighed med. livad der huder Sted bos de med Tverbaand forsynede Lycoder. ere de dog noget for- skjellige bos begge Individer; saaledes er det sidste Felt utydeligt bos det større Individ, hvorved dette faar en længere hvid Halespids, end det mindre. Analen har et enkelt, meget langt sort- eller sortagtigt Felt henimod Spid- sen, men er forresten ensfarvet hyidagtig. rately counted, and hence the true number in each of the hus may lie greater or less by one or two rays. The pectorals in the larger individual have on both sides 18. in the smaller 19 rays, and are comparatively short, more especially in the larger individual, the tips, when the fin is spread forwards, being removed at least the length of the lens from the lens; in the smaller indi- vidual they reach to its posterior margin. In the youngest specimen, the length of the pectorals compared to the total length slightly exceeds the proportion of 1 to 7 ; in the older example, of 1 to 10. The inferior rays are much shortened. The ventrals. too. are relatively shorter than in any of the other species, and would seem to the composed of 2 rays. Scales. — Almost the whole of the body in this species scaled; the bead, the nape, the middle of the belly, and the fins naked. The scales are comparatively large, in other respects of the same structure as in the other species. Anteriorly, the scales extend towards the base of the pec- torals; the belly, however, is naked in the middle, but scaled mi the sides. Fins likewise naked, but there is no naked part along their basal lines; the head and nape are with- out scales. The smaller example as extensively scaled as the larger, the scales reaching even somewhat farther in ad- vance, or up to the base of the pectorals; indeed there is only a narrow strip along the mesial line of the belly that is scaleless. The lateral line can with difficulty be traced throughout in these young individuals: it is. however, unquestionably ven- tral, commencing as it does at the upper extremity of the gill- opening, and passing from thence, after a slight bend above the gill- cover, straight down to the vent: here, in both specimens, it begins to be indistinct, but can however be distinguished, taking a course along the base of the anal to the extremity of the tail. Number of pores from origin to vent about 84. No trace of a medio-lateral line can be detected. Colour on the body proper pale brownish -grey, with no markings whatever. The scales are everywhere of a lighter shade than the ground-colour, which, seen through a lens, appears dotted over with comparatively large ami sharply defined pigmentary spots. The dorsal and anal are. on the contrary, distinguished by a series of black patches extending over a whitish ground, on the former fin 5 or 6 in number. The first of these blackish i^atches covers the first rays of the dorsal, the rest are ar- ranged, with interspace about equal to their own breadth, down the whole extent of the fin. As is the case with the Lycodes that have transverse bands, they slightly differ, however, in the two individuals; thus, the last of the patches is indistinct in the larger specimen, giving greater length to the white termination of the tail. The anal has a solitary black or dusky elongated spot near its extremity ; with this exception it is uniformly whitish. 1 1 3 Disse mørke Felter ere hos det mindre Exemplar kulsortv og skarpe, Ims det større boget mindre tydelige ol' graasorte; de gaa lige ad fil Randen af Finnerne, men ikke ud,over Legemet, endskjønl der sees en næsten umær- kelig mørk Skygning under Inert ai' dem. lim edet har bogen Tegninger, undtagen forsaavidt, sum Grjsellelaagets Flig er ubetydelig! mørkere, end Hovedets øvrige Dele. Bugbinden er hos det mindre Exemplar blaasort gjennem-' skinnende. Det er sandsynligt, ut den ovenfor beskrevne Farve- tegning, der tilkommer de forholdsvis unge Individer, vil forandres, ettersom Individerne voxe til. og da sandsynlig- vis paa den Maade. at Dorsalens og Aualens sorte Felter blive end mere utydelige. Udbredelse. Hidtil foreligge blot de 2 under Nord- liavs-Expeditionen veil Spitsbergens Nordkyst fundne unge Individer, der optoges fra 2(>0 — 459 Favnes Dyb, og under en Temperatur paa Bunden, der i det ene Tilfælde var lidt over. i det andet lidt under 0° C. 22. Lycodes seminudus, Reinli. 1838. • Pl. IV, Fin-. 28. Lycoih s seminudus, Reinli. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. 7 Del. p. 221 (1838). Diagn. Farven i alle Aldre blegt graabrim, tiden Pletter eller Baand. Skjælbeklædningen mangler paa Lege- mets forreste Parti omtrent halt/1 Vertiealen fra Anus, samt paa Hovedel og Finnerne. Legemets Højde indeholdes hos et yngre Individ næsten *'/, (lange i TotaUængden, hos et æjdre fTyp-Individet) 7 Gange i denne. Hovedet forholdsvis stort, dets Længde indeholdes hos yngre Individer 4 Gange (hos et ældre neppe 32f2 Gange) i TotaUængden. Sidelinien medio-lateral, enkelt. Halepartiet og Pectoralerne forholdsvis korte. Appendices pylorioae 2 (Beinh.). Størrelsen indtil 450mm. M. B. 6. D. 91—92: A. 73— 7 o: P. 19-22. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Spitsbergen. Stat. 363. Beliggenhed. '(iO Kil. V. Norskøerne, Spitsbergen. Dybde. 260 Favne (475-). Tempi, paa Bunden. + 1,1° c. Bunden. .Blaaler. Datum. 14de Aug. 1878. .Intel Individer. 1 ungt Indiv. In the smaller specimen; these dark- patches are black and sharply defined; in the larger, less distinct and dusky. They extend to the .margin ol' the lins. hut do not encroach upon the body, though a scarcely perceptible clouding ol' a darker shade may he discerned under each ol' them. No markings on the head, save inasmuch as the flap ol' the gill-cover is a trille darker than any other part of it. Ventral membrane in the smaller specimen trans- lucent bluish- black. It is probable that the coloration above described, characteristic of comparatively young individuals, will un- dergo a change as the course of development progresses, the black patches on the dorsal and anal becoming more and more indistinct. Distribution. — The only individuals as yet met with, are the 2 young examples obtained on the North At- lantic Expedition off the northern shores of Spitsbergen. which were taken at a depth of 26U and 459 fathoms respectively, one in water a little below, the other in water a little above, the temperature of ice. 22. Lycodes seminudus, Reinli. 1838. PL IV, fig. 28. Lycodes seminudus, Reinh. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. .7 Del. p. 221 (1838). Diagnosis. - — Colour in all stages of development a pale gréyish-brown, destitute of s2>ots or bands. Scales want- ing on tlie anterior part of the body to a perpendicular from the rent, as also on tJte head and the fins. Tin- height of tin- body is to the total length in one young individual nearly as 1 to-S'\2: in a unitarer (typical) individual, as 1 to 7. Head comparatively large, its length in one young individual' being to the total length as 1 to 4; in an older- example the proportion was not quite as 1 to 3'j2. Lateral line single, medio-lateml. Caudal region and pectorals com- paratively slunt. Pyloric appendages 2 (Beinh.). Length reaching i50mm. M. B. ti. D. 91— 91: A. 73—75: P. 19—22. Locality (North Atl. Exped): — Spitzbergen. Stat. 363. Exact Locality. 60 Kil. AV. Morskoer. Spitzbergen. Depth. 260 Fathoms < 47." Temp. Ill Hettene 4- 1.1 °- C. Bottom. Blue Clay. Date. 14th Aug. 1878. Numb, of Specim. 1 Indiv. (young). Deu norske Nordhavsexpedition. Collett: Fiske. 15 114 Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Etterat denne Art i 1838 blev beskrevet af Reinhardt eiker et (fuldvoxent?) Individ med en Totall. af 445""" fra Grønland, synes den ikke at bave været gjenfunden ; den er ikke senere bleven omtalt a f nogen Forfatter efter Autopsi, idet Giintber's og Gill's Diagnoser ere affattede efter Reiuhardt's Beskrivelse. Det nye unge Individ fra Spitsbergen, der er udmærket vel vedligeboldt, stemmer, uagtet sin unge Alder, i alle væsent- lige Dele overens med Reinhardts Typ-Exemplar. som jeg i 1878 ved Dr. Lutken's Velvilje havde Lejlighed til at undersoge i Musæet i Kjobenbavn ; og de mindre væsentlige Afvigelser kunne neppe endnu begruude nogen Artsdistinc- tion mellem dem. saalænge blot disse 2 Individer foreligge. I sit Bidrag til Kundskabeu om de grønlandske og island- ske Lycoder i det zoologiske Musauim i Kjobenbavn. har Dr. Liitken (Vid. Medd. Nat. Foren. Kbbvn. 1880. p. 325) nærmere af handlet Artens Characteristik (efter det fore- liggende Typ-Exemplar), og paapeger der den store Over- ensstemmelse, der i det hele tinder Sted mellem L. semi- nudus og L. reticulata*. Udmaalinger. Totallængde 12* ' Hovedets Længde ' . . • . 32 - Legemets Højde over Beg. af Dorsalen .... 15 - Legemets Hojde over Beg. af Analen '..... 12.:. - Smulens Afstand fra Dorsalen 37 - Snudens Afstand fra Anus .'...'.... 57 - Halens Længde 71 - Snudens Afstand fra Øjets forreste Rand ... 9 - Lindsens Diameter 3,5 - Øjets Længde (Diameter af Iris) 7 - Afstanden fra Lindsen til Gjællelaagets Spidse . 18 - Afstanden mellem Lindserne 7 - Hovedets Hojde over Øjnene . . , 11 - Hovedets Bredde over Kinderne ...... 15 - Hovedets Højde hge bag Ventralerne 13.:. - Afstanden fra Ventralerne til Anus 34 - Pectoralernes største Længde 14 - Pectoralspidsens Afstand fra Anus 14 - Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. De mest characteri- stiske Kjendemærker for denne Art er. det blot halvt skjæl- beklædte Legeme, i Forbindelse med dettes ensartede graa- brune Farve uden ■Baand eller Pletter paa nogen af Lege- mets Dele, og den enkelte, nledio-laterale Sidelinie. Legemet er forholdsvis kort og noget bredt, med stort Hoved og stærkt sammentrykt Haleparti; det' er temmelig jevnbredt indtil noget bagenfor Anus. men lober derfra ud . i en hurtig tilspidset Spidse. Halen er relativt kort. idet den blot er en Pectoraltmnelængde længeiv. end det foran Anus liggende Parti af Legemet. Legemets Hojde inde- holdes omtr. 81/-.. Grange i Totallængden. medens Typ-Exem- plaret fra Grønland, der maaske var fuldt udvoxet. var forholdsvis kortere, idet Højden her blot indeholdtes 7 Gange i Totallængden. Remarks on the Synonymy. — Since 1838. the year in which Reinhardt described this species, from an (adult?)- individual — total length 445""" — taken on the coast of Greenland, no author has recorded it from au- topsy, both Giintber's and Gill's diagnoses having been com- piled from Reinhardts description. The new specimen, a young individual from Spitzbergen, exceedingly well pre- served. agrees in all essential features with Reinhardt's typical example, which, in 1878. Dr. Liitken kindly afforded me an opportunity of examining in the Zoological Museum at Copenhagen; and the minor points of difference can hardly be deemed sufficient to warrant our assuming a specific distinction with only these two specimens before us. In his contributions to our knowledge of the Green- land and Iceland Lycodes preserved in the Zoological Mu- seum at Copenhagen. Dr. Liitken (Vid. Medd. Nat. Foren. Kbbvn. 1880. p. 325) has treated of the species and its characteristics (from the typical specimen), and calls atten- tion to the great general resemblance existing between L. seminudus and L. reticidatus. Measurements. Total length . 128 ^ Length of head 32 - Height of the body above origin of dorsal ... 15 - Height of the body above origin of anal .... 12.5 - Distance of snout from dorsal 37 - Distance of snout from vent 57 - Length of the tail 71 - Distance of snout from the anterior margin of the eye 9 - Diameter of the lens 3.5 - Length of the eye (diameter of iris) 7 - Dist. from the lens to the extremity of the gill-cover 18 - Distance between the lenses 7 - Height of the head above the eyes 11- Breadth of the head across the cheeks .... 15 - Height of the head immediately posterior to ventrals . 13.5 - Distance from ventrals to vent 34 - Greatest length of pectorals 14- Distance from extremity of pectorals to vent . .. 14 - General Description. Structure of the Body. — The most salient characteristics of this species consist in one- half only of the body being scaled; in the uniform grey- brown colour, unmarked by bands or spots on any part of the body; and in the single, medio-lateral line. Body comparatively short, and somewhat broad ; head large, and the caudal region greatly compressed; the breadth of the body is nearly uniform till within a short distance posterior to the vent, from whence it gradually tapers; term- •inating in a pointed extremity. Tail comparatively short, being longer than the part of the body anterior to the vent by the length of the pectoral fin only. The height of the body is to the total length about as 1 to S1^; but the typical specimen Ironi Greenland, possibly an adult, was relatively shorter, the height equalling 1jj only of the total length. ■ • 115 Underkjæven er Forholdsvis kun lidet kortere, end Overkjæven; Snuden er flad, Øjnene forholdsvis sture, idet Diameteren af lvis uæsten er lig Snudens Længde. Eove- det indeholdes i Totallængden præcis 4,Gange, medens Typ- Exemplaret, der var-udvoxet, havde el større Hoved, der indeholdtes neppe 31/* Gange i* Totallængden. Spidsen af Gjællelaagets Flig er opadhøjet. Næsebofene bære temmelig lange Tuber, og sidde nær Kjæveranden.' Tænderne ere tilstede paa alle de hos de typiske Ly- coder tandbærende Ben (Mellem- og Underkjæven, Palatin- benene. og Vomer). De ere forholdsvis ikke store, men talrige. og danne blot en enkelt Række. undtagen fortil i Underkjæven og paa Vomer, hvor de danne en dobbelt Rakke. I Totallængden indeholdes : Hovedets Længde % 4.uo Legemets Hojde 8,53 Snudens Afstand fra Dorsalen 3.4.". Snudens Afstand fra Anus 2,24 Halens Længde 1,80 Pectoralens Længde 9.14 Finnen/e. Dorsalen tæller hos det foreliggende unge Individ 86 Straaler. hvortil kommer Caudalens Ovre Halv- del med omtr. 6 Straaler. tilsammen 92 Straaler. Analen havde 68 Straaler. eiler. sammen med de 5 nedre Caudal- straaler, ialt 73 Straaler. Dorsalen udspringer i en. Af- stand fra Snudespidsen. der indeholdes i Totallængden ikke fuldt 31/,, Gange. Pectoralerne ere særdeles korte, og tælle paa den ene Side 19, paa den anden 20 Straaler. hvis yderste Spidser ere fri ; de nederste Straaler ere hetydeligt kortere, end de øvrige. I Totallængden indeholdes de noget over 9 Gange ; fremslaaede ere de fjernede omtrent en Øjendiameter fra Lindsen. Hos Reinhardts Typ-Exemplar havde Dorsalen 91, Analen (ifølge Dr. Liitken) 75 Straaler, Caudalen medreg- net ; fradrages dennes Halvdel paa hver Side (med 5 neden- til, og 6 oventil), fremkommer I). 85. A. 70. eller meget nær det samme Tal. som hos Individet fra Nordhavs-Expe- ditionen. Pectoralerne havde 21. paa den anden Side 22 Straaler, og vare saaledes noget tiere. , end hos Ungen fra Nordhavs-Expeditionen. SkjælbeMædning. Ligesom hos Typ-Exemplaret. der mn a antages .at have været udvoxet. mangler hos den fore- liggende Unge Skjælbeklædningen paa hele. Legemets for- reste Parti, ligesom paa Finnerne. Hele Halen er skjæl- beklædt; fortil strækker. Skjælbeklædningen sig frem i en Spidse. der naar ubetydeligt frem foran Verticalen fra Anus. medens Grunden langs Dorsalen og Analen er nøgen et godt Stykke bagenfor denne Linie. Skjællene ere for- holdsvis smaa. størst paa det forreste Parti. Hos Typ- Exemplaret i ' Kjøbenhavn strækker Skjælbeklædningen sig knapt frem til Anus. saaledes at Forkroppens nøgne Parti her er noget større. SideUnie. Sidelinien. der er medio-lateral og enkelt, udspringer foran Spidsen af Gjællelaagets Flig, gjør en Mandible but little shorter comparatively than the upper jaw; snout depressed, eves rather large, thediameter of the iris nearly equalling the length of the snout. The bead measures exactly one-fourth of the total length, whereas the typical specimen, a full-grown individual, had a larger head, which was contained not quite 31,.. times in the total' length. Flap of gill-cover curving upwards. Nostrils — placed near the margin of the jaw — provided ■with longish tubes. Teeth on all the bones furnished with them in the typical Lycodes (the inter and inferior maxillaries. the pala- tine bones, and the vomer). They are not large compara- tively, but numerous, and constitute a single scries, .except on the anterior part of the inferior maxillary and on the vomer, where they are arranged in a double row. • The Total Length contains: — ■ The length of the head 4.00 The height of the body ' 8.53 The distance of the snout from the dorsal .... 3.45 The distance of the snout from the vent .... 2.24 The length of the tail 1.80 The length of the pectorals 9.14 Fins. — The dorsal in the immature example obtained. is furnished with 86 rays. or. including the rays in the upper half of the caudal — about 6 — in all with 92. The anal had 68 rays, or. including the 5 lower caudal rays, in all 73, The dorsal commences at a distance from the point of the snout contained not quite three times and a half in the total length. Pectorals exceedingly short, and furnished on one side with 19, on the other with 20 rays, the extreme points of which are free; the lowermost rays considerably shorter than the rest. The fin measures rather more than one- ninth of the total length; when spread forwards, they are removed an eye-diameter from the lens. In Reinhardts typical specimen, the dorsal bad 91. the anal (according to Dr. Liitken) 75 rays, including the caudal: now. deducting on each side half of that fin (the lower part with 5. the upper with 6 rays), we get — D. 85; A. 70. or very nearly the same number as in the specimen from the North Atlantic Expedition. The pectorals had 21 — 22 rays, accordingly a somewhat greater number than in the young example taken on the Expedition. Scales. — As in the typical . specimen (most probably an adult), scales wanting in this young example on. the whole of the anterior portion of the body, and on the tins. The tail scaled all over; anteriorly, the scaled integument extends forwards as an angle, to a point reaching but very little in advance of a perpendicular from the vent; the basal tract stretching along the dorsal and anal is naked for some distance posterior to that limit. Scales compara- tively small; largest on the anterior part. In the typical specimen preserved at Copenhagen, the scales hardly reach to the vent.- whereby greater length is given to the naked anterior part of the body. Lateral Line. — Medio-lateral. single, originating immediately anterior to the extremity of the flap of the la* 116 kort Bue over denne, gaar derpaa i skråa Retning nedover • indtil noget nedenfor Legemets Midtfure, men har omtrent ret over Anus atter naaet op til denne, og lober nu henad denne ud til Halespidsen. Indtil Anus er Antallet af Porer omtrent 35 ; paa Halens bagerste Parti ere Porerne temme- lig utydelige. En anden, næsten umærkelig Riekke Porer, der ere hetvdeligt mindre og mere fjerntstaaehde, lober fra Gjælle- tligen bagover noget ovenfor Legemets Midtlinie. Antallet af Porer i denne (dorsale) Sidelinie er indtil Anus blot 7 (Reinhardt fandt hos Typ-Exemplaret 11 i denne Linie); senere tabe de sig mellem Skjællene. Ogsaa hos enkelte andre Arter har jeg kunnet se Spor af denne supra- laterale Sidelinie. men paa Grand af Skjælbeklædningens større Udstrækning bos disse mindre tydeligt; sandsynlig vis maa den opfattes som en Fortsættelse af Hovedets Slim- pore-Net, men ikke som nogen egentlig Sidelinie. Paa Gjællelaaget lober eudvidere i en Halvkreds en Række Porer, ligesom en kort Række lober tvers over Snudespidsen lige ved Randen.. Farven: Farven er ensartet hvidagtig graabrun, uden Pletter og Baand. En utydelig mørkere Stribe lober langs henad Midtlinien. en anden langs den bagre Del af Dor- salens Grand. Paa Hovedet er der et mørkt Parti paa Gjællelaaget hen mod Spidsen. Pectoralerne ere hvid- agtige, ligesom Analen og Hovedets Underside ; Bugen blaa- sort. Randene omkring Anus hvide. Skjællene ere ligeledes.. lysere, end Bundfarven. . Udbredelse. Af denne Art har hidtil blot været omtalt det ene. Typ-Exemplaret. nedsendt til Musæet i Kjøbenhavn fra Omenak (Umanak) i Grønland i 1837. Dets Totallængde var omtrent 449 """, hvoraf Hovedets, Længde var, 123°"". Det nye Individ fra Spitsbergens Nordkyst er. som ovenfor nævnt, en Unge. der optoges fra den tempererede Area (Bundtemperatur -)- 1,1 ° C.) fra Ler- bund i August 1878. 23. Lycodes muraena, Coll. 1878 (n. sp.). Pl. IV, Fig. 29—31. Lycodes muraena, Coll. Porh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 187S, No. 4. p. 15; No. 14, p. 74 (1878). Diagn. Særdeles langstrakt. Farven ensartet graa- hnni. Skjælbeklædningen sildigt og wregehnæssigt frembry- ående; Skjællene i fuldt udviklet Stand udbredte over hele. Legemet, medens Hovedet og Nakken, samt Finnerne ere nøgne. Tændeme forholdsvis stærke; Rækken pga Palatin- benene særdeles kort. Legemets Højde indeholdes 20 — 22lj2 (-lauge i Totallængden. Hovedet er Jiadt med opadvendte gill-cover, above which it makes an abrupt bend, passing from thence obliquely , downwards till a little below the mesial furrow of the body, but reaching it again at a point almost straight above the vent, and running along it to the tip of the tail. Number of pores from origin to vent about 35; they are indistinct on the posterior por- tion of the tail. Another, almost imperceptible series of pores, consid- erably smaller and farther apart, extends from the branch- ial flap backwards, somewhat above the mesial line of the body. Number of pores in this (dorsal) line only 7 from origin to vent (Reinhardt counted 11 in his typical specimen); the remainder cannot be distinguished among the scales. In one -or two other species I have also found traces of this supra-lateral line, .but less distinct, owing to the greater extent of the scaled integument ; probably, how- ever, it must be regarded as a continuation of the mucous pores of the head, and not strictly as a lateral line. On the operculum, too. occurs a semicircular series of pores, and a short series extends straight across the point of the snout, close to the margin. Colour. — A uniform whity greyish-brown, without spots or bands. An indistinct dusky stripe extends along the mesial line, and another along the posterior portion of the base of the dorsal. On the head, there is a dark patch, near the extremity of the gill-plate. Pectorals whitish, as also the anal and the under surface of the head; belly bluish-black, margin .of vent white. The scales are ligliter than the ground-colour. Distribution. — The only individual of this species ever recorded, is the typical specimen sent to the Zoologi- cal Museum at Copenhagen, from Omenak (Umanak), in Greenland, 1837. Its total length is about 449""»; the length of the head 123""". The new specimen from the north coast of Spitzbergen — a young individual — was, as mentioned above, taken in the temperate area (temperature at bottom -|- 1.1° C.) on a clay bottom, in August 1878. 23. Lycodes muraena, Coll. 1878 (n. sp.). PI. IV. fig. 29—31. Lycod* murcena-, Coll. Fork. Vid. Selsk. Ckra. 1878, No. 4, p. 15, No. 14, p. 74 (18^78). Diagnosis. — Exceedingly elongate. Colour a uniform greyish-brown. The scales (they develop late and irregularly) cover in the fully developed stage the whole of the body, ivhereds the head, the nape, and the fins are naked. Teeth comparatively strong; the series on the palatine bones exceed- ingly short. The' height' oj_ the body is to the total length. as 1 to 20 — 22lj->. Head depressed,' with the eyes turned 1 17 Ojitr. og indéholdes i Totcdlcengden 8, hos Ungerm i Gange. Qjællehindens Straaler 5. Sidelihien ventral, gaar fra GjaiUespaUens øvre Ende skraai ned mad Aims, derfra langs Orunden of Analen ud mod Caudalen. Størrelsen (hos de foreliggende yngre Individer) indtil :'li . M. B. 5. D. 101— 118; A. 91 103; l'. 13—17. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Bankerne udenfor Helgeland i Norge; Havet udenfor Beereri Eiland og Spitsbergen. Stat. 124. ■V,;/. 312. Stat. 362. Bi liggt nh< d. 325 Kil. VSY. Bodn. Norge. His Kil. V. Beeren Liland. 1 15 Kilom. V. Norskøerne,Sptb. Ihlhd,. :;.~>o Favne (641 ii."is Favne (1203"). 4.".!) Favne (839 "O. 'I', mp. paa B — 0.9° C. — 1.2» ('. — 1.0" C. Bunden. Ler. Brunt og grønl Ler. Blaap-aat Ler. Dajiti.i. 1.9de Juni 18TT. 22de Juli 1878. 14de Aug. 1878. Aiittd l.idiriih >•. 1 Indiv. 1 s]>;ed Ullf>v. 2 Indiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Ved sin særdeles langstrakte Legemsbygning, i hvilken Henseende den næsten overgaar selv de større Individer af iMmpenus-Åxtetae, af- viger den betydeligt fra de øvrige i denne Afhandling om- handlede Lycoder. 3 andre Arter have imidlertid til- nærmelsesvis den samme langstrakte Legemsbygning, nemlig L. sarsii, Coll. 1871, fra Hardangerfjorden i Norge (Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1871, p. 62), L. verrillii, Goode & Bean 1877, fra Nova Scotia, Nord-America (Dana and Silliman, Am. Journ. Sei. Arts, 3 Ser. vol. 14. p. 470, Dec. 1877). samt L. paxUlus, Goode & Bean 1879. ligeledes fra Nova Scotia (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. II. p. 44.' 1879). Der bliver saaledes et Sporgsmaal, om nogen af alle disse Arter falder sammen. L. sarsii er beskreven efter en Unge med en Total- længde af blot 43 mm. optagen fra 100 — 150 Favnes Dyb i Hardangerfjorden i Sept. 1 SG9. Endskjønt denne ved sit upwards; its length is one-eighth <>)' the total length, inyowng individuals one-seventh. Branchiostegals 5. Lateral line ventral, descending from the upper extremity of the gill- opening obliquely to the vent, mul from thence passing along the base of Hu* mml in the caudal. Length (in the young specimens) reaching 21? . .1/. /.'. •-.. I). 101—118; A. 97—103; P. IS— 17. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): Banks Lying off Eelgeland, inNorway; the open sea. off Beeren Eiland and Spitzbergen. ■v.-/. 124. Stat. 312. Støt :;ii2. Exagt Locality. 325 Kil. W. Bodø, Norway. His KM. W. Beeren Liland. 115 Kil. W. of Norskdel-, S|>itzb. Depth. :i:.i) Fathoms (640»). 658 Fathoms (1203 •»). 459 Fathoms (839m). Temp, ul Bottom. — 0.9° C. — 1.2." G. - 1.0° C. Bottom. Clay. Brown and green Clay. Bluish-grey Clay. hull. 19th June 1877. 22th July 1878. 1 HJ, \u". 1*7*. Numb, of Specim, 1 Indiv. lInd.(veryyoune|. 2 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — The remarkably elongated form of the body, in which respect it almost sur- passes the largest individuals of the I/umpénus species, is a feature essentially distinguishing it from the other Lycods described in this Report. Three other species, however, have approximately a similar structure of body, viz. L. sarsii, Coll. 1871, from the Hardangerfjord, Norway (Forh. Vid. Selsk. Clira. 1871, p. 62);. L. verrillii, Goode & Bean 1877, from Nova Scotia, North America (Dana and Silliman, Am. Journ. Sci. Arts, 3 Ser. vol. 14. p. 470, Dec. ,1877); and L. paxillus, Goode & Bean 1879. likewise from Nova Scotia (Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. vol. II. p. 44, 1879): hence the epiestion arises, are any of these spe- cies identical. L. sarsii is described from a young specimen, total length only 43""", taken, at a depth of 100 — 150 fathoms in the Hardanger Fjord, Norway, in Sept. 1869. Though Lycvtb s sarsii, Coll. Hardan",'er-Fjord, Norge (4-). Udseende tydelig bærer Præget af at være en Unge, kan den ikke være identisk med L. muraena, dels paa Grund af de temmelig afvigende Legemsforholde, som det vil frem- gaa af nedenstaaende Sammenbgning mellem begge Arter, dels fordi L. sarsii. skjønt en Unge, dog øjensynbg er langt videre udviklet. end den mindste foreliggende Unge af L. muraena, hvis Totall. er 112""". Legemet er nemlig hos L. sarsii fuldstændig pigmenterét, som hos udvoxede Ly- coder, medens den 2 til 3 Gange større Unge af L. muraena endnu er halvt transparent, og Legemet næsten uden Pig- ment. Sandsynligvis udgjør L. smsii Ungen a f en i sin udvoxede Tilstand endnu ukjendt Art, der paa Grund af den foreliggende Unges forholdsvis langt fremskredne Ud- its general appearance plainly shows this specimen to have been a young individual, it cannot be identical with L. mu- ræna, partly by reason of its differing not immaterially in the proportions of the body (as will appear from the compari- son given below of the two species), and partly from the fact of the specimen of L. sarsii, though a young individual, having attained a lar more advanced . stage of development .than the smallest of the young specimens of L. imiræna, with a total length of 112mra. In L. sarsii, the coloration of the body is complete, as in full-grown Lycods, whereas the young' specimen of L. mur ana, of from double to treble its dimensions, was still semi-translucent, and the body almost without a trace of pigment. Probably L. sarsii is 118 vikling utvivlsomt niaa antages at være en af dé anguilli- forme Arter. L. verrillii er opstillet efter 5 Individer, hvoraf det beskrevne Typ-Exemplar kavde en Længde af 5 eng. Tommer (omtrent 127"""). og som vare optagne i August 1877 fra 90 — 100 Favnes Dyb udenfor Rysterne af Nova Scotia, i Nord-America. Fra L. muraena- afViger L. rerrillii. for- a young individual of a species as yet unknown in the adult stage, which, judging from its advanced development, must unquestionably belong to the anguilliform sjjeciés. L. verrillii is described from 5 individuals: the typ- ical specime'n. with a total length of 5. inches (about 127"""). was taken in August. 1877, at a depth of from 90 to 100 fathoms, off the coast of Nova Scotia. North America. L. rerrillii differs from L. mu/rcéna in having 6 L: vi rrillii, Croode & Bean. Nova Scotia (A). uden ved sine 6 Gjællestraaler. tillige ved sit med mørke Tverfelter forsynede Legeme, saavel som ved bestemte For- skjelligheder i Legemsbygningen. saaledes et større Hoved. sterkere Tænder, og større Legemshøjde ; med denne Art kan L. muraena aldrig falde sammen. Da jeg ved Pro- fessor Spencer Baird's Yelvillie har erholdt et authentisk Exemplar af L. rerrillii. har jeg kunnet anstille en fuld- kommen afgjørende Sammenligning mellem begge de om- handlede Arter. Af L. paaÆus foreligger blot et enkelt Individ med en Totallængde af 363 mm. optaget i mindre vel vedligeholdt Stand (maaske fra en Fiskemave) udenfor Rysterne afNova Scotia i 1879. Ifølge den af Forfatterne givne Beskrivelse er Arten kj endelig ved de overordentlig sterkt udviklede Rjævemuskler. der give det næsten Udseendet af en Gift- slanges; Legemets største Højde indeholdes over 16 Gange i Totallængden. Rjæverne ere ejendoninieligt krummede mod hinanden; blandt de øvrige -Uoverensstemmelser mel-'' lem begge Arter kunne nævnes de langt kortere Pectoraler hos L. paxiUus. L.imiraena, L. muraena. ]-. sarsi\ L. verrillii. L. paxilhts. jun. jun. Totall. Totall. Totall. Totall. Totall. Af Totall. udgjør. . . 1 12""" 217""" 43""" 1 1 5""" 363»"" Hovedets Længde . 7,00 8.34 - 5.97 5,77 — Legemets største uvei- Højde 22.40 21.70 14.:;:; 12.7H 16.00 Smulens Afstand fra Dorsalen . . . 5,09 5,56 3,90 3.S4 — Slindens Afstand fra Ventralerne . 8,61 10,85 6,61 6.04 Smulens 'Afstand fra Anus 3.7:i 4,01 3,07 3.09 — Da Legemsproportionerne hos L. rerrillii og L. sarsii synes at være temmelig overensstemmende, kunde det ten- kes, at disse Arter vare identiske. For Øjeblikket, saa- længe som de mellemliggende Stadier mangle, lader den sidstnævnte sig' med Lethed skille fra L.. sarsii bl. a. ved sine mørke Tverfelter ud over Legemet, og ved de sterkere Tænder. Det kan ligeledes nævnes. at Dr. Liitken i sin oven- branchiostegals. and the body flecked with dark transverse patches ; also by reason of differences in its general structure, viz. a "larger head, stronger teeth, and greater depth of body: hence L. muraena cannot, possibly agree with this species. Professor Spencer Baird having kindly sent me an authentic example of L. rerrillii. I have had the means of instituting a direct and conclusive comparison between the two species. Of L. paxiUus, but one individual has as yet been ob- tained, total length 363'"'"; it was met with, in rather a mutilated condition (having possibly been taken from a fish's stomach), off the coast of Nova Scotia, in 1879. ■Ac- cording to the description given of the species, it may be recognised by the remarkable development of the maxillary muscles, giving them almost the appearance of a venomous serpent's. Greatest height of the body slightly exceeding one-sixteenth of the total length; the jaws incurvating towards each other. Amongst other distinctive features in L. paxiUus, may be mentioned the shortness of the pectorals. /.. umrama, /.. vw.rona. L. sarsii, X. verrillii. L. paxilhts. jun. jun. Total L. Total L. Total L. Total L. Total L. The Total L. contains. 112""" 217""" 4:'.'"'" 11.".'.'"" : ;i ;:',""" The'L. of the head 7.00 8.34 5.97 5.77 — The greatest height upwards of of the body . . . 22.40 21.70 14.33 12.70 16.00 The dist. of the snout from the dorsal . . 5.09 5.56 3.90 3.84 The dist.of the snout from the ventrals . 8.61 10.85 6.61 6.04 — The dist.of the snout • from thevent . . '. 3.73 4.01 3.07 3.09 — • The dimensions of the body in L. rerrillii and L. sarsii agreeing, it appears, so closely, these two species might by some be regarded as identical. But. till specimens in the intermedial stages of development shall have been discovered, the former may be readily distinguished frøm L. sarsii by the dark transverse spots on the body, and by the strong teeth. It may likewise be observed, that Dr. Littken. in the 119 for ofte berørte Afhandling om de grønlandske og island- ske Lycoder angiver som en Mulighed, al L. verrillii iidgjør et yngre Trin af /.. nililii. eller en anden nær- staaende Fortn. Til denne Anskuelse har nærværende Forfatter vanskeligt I'm- at slutte sig paaGfund af den ud- prægede angulUifprme Habitus, der ddmærker L. verriUii, medens L. vaMii hører til de typiske Former, hvis Unger maa have den sannni' "relativt betydelige Legenisliojde. sorti t'. Ex. L. frigidus og L. esmarkii have i ( age-Stadiet. :l. b. 0. Him. .l.lliin. Udmaalinger. Stat. Stat. 124. Bot. 362. Stat. 362. 112""" 16 - 1 4 1 "'"' 18 - 198 25 - 217""" 26 - Legemets Højde over Begyndelsen af Dorsalen 5 - 7 - 9 - 10 - Legemets Hojde over Begyndelsen af Analen ;;.:■• - 6 - 8- 7.:. - Smulens Afstand fra Dorsalen Snudens Afstand fra Anus . 22 - 31 1 - LM - 39 - 41 - 55- 39 - 54- Halens Længde (Anus' Afstand fra Smulens Afstand fra Øjet . . . 82 - 5 - 112 - 5 - 143 - 8 - 163 - 9 - Øjets Diameter (Længden af Iris) Afstauden fra Lindsen til Gjælle- laagets Spidse Afstanden mellem Lindserne . 3,5- 7,r, - 2,5.- 4 - 9 - 3 - 5 - 12 - 3.s - 5 - 12 - 4 - Hovedets Hojde over Øjnene . Hovedets Bredde over Kinderne . 4,5 - 8- 6 - 8,5 - 8,5 - 14 - . 8 - 12- Hovedets Højde lige. bag Ven- 5 - 7 - 9,5 - 9,5 - Afstanden fra Ventralerne til Anus 17 - 25 - 33- 33- Pectoralens største Længde . . 10- 12 - 17,5-' 18 - Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. Legemet er overor- dentlig langstrakt og smalt, alene over Hovedet og Bugen trindere. men forresten stærkt sammentrykt fra Sidernel Da Anus er forholdsmæssig langt fremrykket, er det hoved- sakelig Halen, der har faaet denne betydelige Længde. Idethele er L. muraena den mest langstrakte af alle hidtil kjendte Arter. Legemets største Højde ved Begyn- delsen af Dorsalen indeholdes saavel hos Ungen, som de større Exemplarer 20 — 22^2 Gange i Totallængden; denne Højde aftager yderligere lige over Anus, og paa Midten af Halen er Forholdet omtrent, som 1 til 36 — 40. Hovedet er stort i Forhold til Legemshøjden, paafal- dende fladtrykt, og fortil temmelig bredt, med særdeles tykke og fremfaldeude Læber; dets Bredde over Kinderne er ikke synderlig større, end over Smiden. men dog bety- delig større, end dets største Højde. Overkjæven rager betydeligt frem over Underkjæyen. Hovedet indeholdes i Totaflajngden hos et Yngel-Individ 7. hos det største Indi- vid næsten 8.4- Gange, i Totallængden. Øjnene ere, paa Grund af det fladtrykte Hoved, næstøn ganske opadvendte ; deres Længdedia meter er, som hos de memoir frequently alluded to above, on the Greenland and Iceland Lycods, states that L. vejrilMi possibly represents an immature stage of L- vdhlii or some other-closely allied Species. This view, however, 1 Can hardly myself share, /.. nrr/ll/i being so decidedly anguilliforni in its habitus, whereas /,. //(////'/'belongs to the typical forms, the young ol' which must certainly he characterised by a height of hod-. as considerable, for instance, as that of L. frigidus and /.. esma/rlfii in the earlier stages of growth. a. i,. c.Male. Measurements. Stat. ,st,,t. Stat. 8tat. 312. 124. 362. 362. Total Length 1 1 2"!™ 1 4 1 '"' 198 21 7»».» Length of the head 16- 18 - 2.-. - 26 - Height of the body above origin 5 - 7 - 9- 10 - Height of the body above origin of anal 3.5- 6 - S - 7.5- Distance of snout from dorsal. .. 22 - 24- 41 - 39 - Distance of snout from vent . 30- 39 r 55 - 54 - Length of the tail ( distance of vent from tip of tail) 82 - 112 - 143- 163 - Dist. of the snout from the eye 5 - 5 - 8- 9 - Diameter of the eye (length of iris) 3.5- 4 - o - 5- Distance from the lens to the ex- tremity of the opercle . . . 7.5 ^ U - 12- 12 - Distance between the lenses . 2.5 - 3 - 3.8 - 4 - Height of head above the eyes . 4.5 - 6 - 8.5 - 8- Breadth of head across the cheeks 8- 8.5- 14 - 12- Height of the head immediately ' posterior to the ventrals ... . 5 - 7 - 9.5 - 9.5- Distance from ventrals to vent . 17- 25- 33- 33- Greatest length of pectorals . . 10 - 12- 17.5- 18 - Description. Structure of the Body. — The body is exceedingly narrow ami elongated, a trifle rounder across the head and belly only; at the sides very much com- pressed. The vent being far in advance, it is more espec- ially the tail that exhibits this very considerable elongation. L. mwrama is the most elongate in form of all the species yet known. The greatest height of the body at the origin of the dorsal, alike in the very young specimen and the maturer examples, is to the total length as 1 to 20 — 22.5; nay. even this height diminishes immediately above the vent, the proportion in the middle of the tail being about as 1 to 36 — 40. The head large compared to the height of the body, remarkably depressed, and rather broad anteriorly, with very thick and prociduous hps; its breadth across the cheeks not much greater than across the snout, though greatly exceeding its extreme height. The upper jaw considerably overlapping the lower. The length of the head in the fry-specimen is to the total length as 1 to 7 ; in the largest example, as 1 to 8.4. The eyes, owing to the depressed form of the body, directed almost straight upwards; their longitudinal diameter 120 øvrige Arter, større, end deres Højde, .og indeholdes 4^ — 5 Gange i Hovedlængden. Interorbitalrummet er ganske smalt, men Lindserne store. Næseborene ere enkelte og rørformige ; Tubens Længde er næsten lig en halv Lindsediameter. Gjællestraalerne ere hos denne Art blot 5 i Antal. Pseudobranchier ere tilstede: Gjællerne ere normale. Tænderne. der ikke mangle paa noget af de regulært tandbærende Ben. ere forholdsvis lange og noget cylindriske. (dog kortere, end hos L. verrillii). I Méllémkjæven danne de en enkelt Række af omtrent 1 0 Tænder paa hver Side ; i Underkjæven tindes hos de mindre Exempkirer blot en enkelt, hos de større flere Rækker. Mindre Tandsamlinger tindes paa. Vomer og paa Palatinbenene. Rækken Jpaa det sidstnævnte Ben er særdeles kort. De langs Over- og Underkjæven optrædende store og aabne Porer ere hos ingen anden Art saa distincte. som hos denne (maaske. fordi disse Individer samtlige ere for- holdsvis ganske unge). Især ere de- 5 langs Overkjæven. og de 6 langs Underkjæven særdeles dybe. og sidde i brede, skaalformige Fordybninger. svarende til Caviteterne i Infra- orbitalbenene og i Underkjæven. Paa Hovedets Overside, paa Gjællelaagene. samt paa Nakken nudes et stort Antal enkeltstaaende. eller i kortere Rækker fordelte smaa Slim- porer : enkelte af disse kunne sees at ende i særdeles korte Tuber. a. li. e. ■ d. Totall. Totall. Totall. Totall. I Totallængden indeholdes 112""" } _J ^ //i m 198""» 217 Hovedets Længde . . . 7.oo 7,83 7,92 8.34 Legemets Højde ved Beg. af Dorsalen . . 22,40 20.14 22,00 21.70 Legemets Højde ved Beg. af Analen . . . 32.00 23,50. 24.75 29.0-, Snudens Afstand fra Dorsalen 5,09 5.H7 4,82 5,56 Snudens Afstand fra 3.73 3,61 3.60 4,01 Halens Længde (Anus til Halespidsen) . . . 1,36 1,25. 1,38 1.;;:; Anus er længere fremrykket. end hos nogen a f de øvrige Lycoder. eller med andre Ord. Halepartiet er Jusæd- vauligt' langt, og udgjør omkring. 3/4 af Totallængden. Finnerne. Straaleantallet synes hos denne Art at være særdeles lidet constant, ligesom det Punkt, hvor Dor- salen tager sin Begyndelse, kan være forholdsvis længere fremrykket hos et Indidid. end hos et andet. Antallet af Straaler var hos de 4 foreliggende Indi- vider følgende (i de verticale Finner ere Caudalstraalerne medregnede) • a» b. c. d. • Totall. Totall. Totall. Totall. 1 1 2' 141»'"' 198»"" . ■>\ gwm 101 118 104 108 97 100 98 103 Pectoralerne . . . . 13—14 13—13 17—17 15—16 both in this and in the other species, is greater than the vertical, and compared to the length of the head, as 1 to 41/a — 5. Interorbital space narrow ; lenses large. Nostrils single and tubular. The length of the tube almos't equal to half the diameter of the lens. Branchiostegals in tliis species 5 only. Pseudobranchia? jiresent; gills normal. The teeth, wanting on none of the bones regularly furnished with them, are comparatively long (shorter, how- ever, than in L. rrrrilli-i), and somewhat cylindrical. On the intermaxillary, they constitute a single series of about 10 teeth on each side; in the lower jaw. the smaller examp- les have only a single row. the larger several series. Small patches of teeth occur on the vomer and the palatine bones ; ,the series on the latter is exceedingly short. The large pores disposed along the upper and lower jaws are in none of the other species so distinct as in this ' (possibly from the sjæcimens being all of them relatively young, individuals). The 5 extending . along the upper jaw, and the 6 along the lower, are in particular exceed- ingly deep, occupying broad, bowl- shaped depressions corresponding with the cavities in the infraorbital bones and in the lower jaw. On the. upper surface of the bead. on the opercles. and on the nape, are a large number of small mucous pores, either isolated or arranged in short rows, part of them terminating in exceedingly short tubes. a. b. c. d. Total L. Total L. Total L. Total L. The Total Length contains 1 1 2m "' 141»im 198""" 217""" The length of the head 7.00 7.83 7.92 8.34 The height of the body at origin of dorsal . 22.40 20.14 22.00 21.70 The height of the body at origin of anal . . 32.00 23.50 24.75 29.05 The dist. of the snout from the dorsal ... 5.09 5.87 4.82 5.56 The dist. of the snout from the vent . . . . 3.73 3.61 3.60 4.01 The length of tail ( from vent to tip of tail) . 1.36 1.25 1.38 1.33 The vent is farther in advance than in any of the other Lycods; hence the caudal region is exceptionally long, well nigh three-fourths of the total length. Fins. — The number of fin-rays in this species would appear to be anything but constant ; the point, too, at which the dorsal commences, lies farther in advance in some indi- viduals than in others. The fin-ray formula in the 4 specimens examined was as follows (caudal rays included in the vertical tins): — • a. Total L. 112""» b. Total L. 141""» c. Total L. ms».". d. Total L. 21 *»'»' 101 97 13—14 118 100 13—13 104 98 17—17 108 103 15—16 ll'l Dorsalstraalerne varierede saaledes i A fra U'l — 118; fradrages don øvre Halvdel ai Caudalen med ti Straaler, bliver don hele Række 9,r) - 112. et Stråaleantalj som blot de ældre Individer .'it' /,. vahlii og L. esmcurkii kave opnaaet. Hos et ai Endividerne (M ligger Dorsalens Begyndelse betydeligt nærmere ben mod Nakken, (■ml hos de andre. Dorsalens største Højde er omtrent lig '/.•, ai Legemshøjden ; . dog er Straalernes virkelige Læhgde, paa Grand at' deres skråa Stilling, aoget Større, eller omtrent lig Legemets halve Højde, men de kunne neppe nogensinde rejses til sin tukle Højde. Analens Straaler variere i Antal fra 97 — 103.; fra- drages den nedre Halvdel ai Caudalen, der sandsynHgvis tæller 5 Straaler. bliver Elækken 92 — 98, et Antal. som hidtil ikke er fondet hos nogen anden Art, Pectoralerne ere forholdsvis lange og slanke, noget • tilspidsede, og have faa Straaler. idet Antallet har vist sig at variere melleni 13 og 17. Yentralerne ere ligeledes temmelig lange (dog kor- tere, end Øjets Længdediameter). og indehokles i Hoved- Længdeta 6 — 6l/2 Gange. Straaleantallet kan ikke med Sik- kerhet! Opines. Skjælbekkedning. I én Henseende .frembød Skjæl- keklædningen kos Individerne ai denne Art en liojst mær- kelig Variation, nemlig med Hensyn til det Tidspiunct. da denne begynder at udvikle sig under Individernes Væxt. Typ-Exemplaret af denne Art. beskrevet i den første af de foreløbige Beretninger om Nordhavs-Expeditionens Fiske, og som kavde en Totall. af 141""". havde ta.'t Skjælbekked- ning paa keie Legemet, medens Hovedet med Nakken, samt Finnerne vare nogne. Af de 3 nyerholdte Exemplarer fra 1878 kavde den ene. en spæd Unge, intet Spor af Skjæl, kvad der keiler ikke var at vent", da Legemet endnii var halvt gjennemsigtigt., og næsteu uden Pigment. Det 2det. Exemplar, hvis Totallængde er 198""", stemmer i alle Dele overens med Typ-Exemplaret. og var. som dette, fuldt skjæl- beklædt. Det allerstorste Individ derimod. hvis Totallængde er næsten dobbelt saa stor. som Typ-Exempjarets. nemlig 217""". var. mærkeligt nok. endnu næsten ganske udén Skjæl. Blot enkelte Skjæl, der øjensynlig netop kefinde sig i Frem- brud, kunne opdages henad Halen, men paa hele den for- reste Del af Legemet er der ikke Spor af saadanne. I alle andre Henseender ere disse 2 største Individer, der begge erholdtes paa samme Localitet og ved samme Lejlighed, fuldstændig overensstemmende. Det maa saaledes antages. at Skjælbeklædningen baade anlægges paa et forholdsvis sildigt Stadium, og ganske uregelmæssigt. kos enkelte Individer langt sildigere, end kos andre. Saafremt man vil antage. at Hannerne kos denne Art. i Ligked med. kvad der er pa a vist kos andre Ly coder, kunne opnaa -en betydeligere Størrelse, end Hunnerne, val- det at vente, at Skjælbeklædningen anlagdes tidligere kos de sidste, end kos Hannerne. Men det største, og næsten ganske nøgne Individ er netop en Hun, medens det noget mindre, eler. er tæt skjælbeklædt, er en Han. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. Collett: Fiske. The number of the dorsal rays ranged accordingly from 101 to 118. If we deduct the 6 rays in the upper half of the caudal, the whole series will contain 95 — 112. a number greater than is met with in any of the other species, sine in maturer examples of L. rohlii and L. es- markii. One of the specimens (6) has the origin of the dorsal considerably nearer the nape than have the others. The greatest height of the dorsal about equals one-third of the height. of the body: but the true length of the rays, owing to their obliquity, is somewhat greater, or about equal to half the height of the body. The anal rays range in number from 97 to 108. If we deduct the rays in the lower half of the caudal, pro- babl\ "). this series will contain 92 — 98. a greater number than has yet been met with in any other species. The pectorals are comparatively long and slender. somewhat elongated, and with but few rays, the number kaving been found to vary between 13 and 17. The ventrals are also rather long (skorter however than the longitudinal diameter of the eye), being contained from G to 6l/a times in tké lengtk of the head. Tke number of rays cannot' be accurately stated. Scales. — In one respect, tke scaled integument in the specimens of this species exhibited a most remarkable variation, viz. as to tke exact point of time at wkick it begins to develop during tke growth of tke individual. Tke typical specimen of. this species, described in tke first of tke pre- liminary reports treating of tke fishes collected on tke Ex- . pedition, total lengtk 141""". kad tke whole body covered with scales; tke kead, tke nape, and tke fins were naked. Of tke 3 individuals newly obtained (1878). one. a fry- specimen, exkibited no trace of scales, as was indeed to be expected, tke body being still semi-translucent and almost colourless. Tke second example, total lengtk 198"""'. agrees. perfectly with tke typical specimen, being, like that, en- tirely scaled. The largest individual, on the contrary, with a total length twice as great as that -of tke typical specimen (217"""). was. strange to say, well nigh scaleless. A few scales only, and obviously in the first stage of development, could be detected along tke tail; on tke wkole of tke anterior part of tke body tkere was no trace of any. In all other respects, tkese two largest individuals, both of them taken in the same locality and at one time, agree perfectly. There is. accordingly, every reason to infer, that the scaled integument makes its appearance at a comparatively late stage of growth, and quite irregularly, muck earlier in some individuals than in others. Now assuming that tke males of tkis species, in common with what has been shown to hold good witk other Lycods. can attain a greater size than the females, the scaled integument would naturally develop' earlier in tke latter than in tke males. But tke largest and well nigh naked example, is a female, whereas tke smaller specimen, wkick is densely scaled, is a male. Hi 122 Det vil lieraf være indlysende. hvor vanskeligt det er efter et enkelt eller nogle faa Individer at fremsætte sikre Artscharacterer inden denne Slægt, hvorfor Arternes Be- grændsning endnu idethele er i flere Punkter usikker. Skjællene ere, som hos alle skjælbærende Lycoder, runde, adskilte, og nedtrykte i Huden, hvidagtige af Farve, samt overalt af temmelig lige Størrelse, 'blot ubetydeligt mindre paa Halen. Langs Ryglinien staa de ubetydeligt tættere, end paa andre Steder af Legemet: dog berøre Skjællenes Rande intetsteds hinanden. Sidelinien. En Sidelinie, der er ventral, er tilstede, om den end blot med Vanskelighed lader sig forfølge i sin Hellied. Fra GjæUespaltens ovre Ende nedlober i skråa Retning indtil et. kort Stykke bagenfor Anus en Række temmelig tætstaaende, særdeles smaa Porer, forbundne ind- byrdes ved en tin Linie; etterat have naaet ned næsten til Grunden af Analfinnen, løber Rækken langs med denne et Stykke ud mod Caudalen. aden at det med Nøjagtighed kan angives. hvor den ophører. Maaske vil den hos fuldt udvoxede Exemplarer lade sig forfølge lige til Halespidsen. Den er tydeligst hos det største Individ, hvis Skjælbeklæd- ning endnu blot er i sit Frembrud. Samtidig kan under gunstig Belysning spores hos et Par af Iudividerne en Række yderst smaa og fjerntstillede Porer langs Legemets Midtlinie, men uden at denne Række har Characteren af nogen Sidelinie. Farve. Farven er ensfarvet lyst graabruu; Skjællene overalt lysere, end Legemets Bundfarve. Nedenfor Midt- linien er Legemet hos et af Individerne ubetydeligt lysere, end ovenfor deiine. Bughinden er gjennemskinnende sort, selv hos de største Exemplarer. hvilket i Forbindelse med Skjælbeklædningeiis Udvikling antyder, at intet af dem har naaet sin fulde Udvikling. Størrelse. Flere Omstændigheder tyde saaledes hen paa, at intet af Individerne endog tilnærmelsesvis have naaet sin fulde Størrelse. Vi have i det foregaaende paa- vist, at Yngelen af L. frigidus er fuldkommen normalt ud- viklet og har fuld Pignientering, som de Udvoxede. med en Totallængde af 37 og 62""", og Arten kan dog opnaa en Størrelse af over 500"""; hos L. esmarkii, der kan opnaa en Størrelse af over 600""". var det samme Tilfældet hos en Unge med en Totallængde af 81'""'. Da det mindste Exemplar af L. muraena, hvis To- tallængde er 112""", endnu var transparent, og har fuld- kommen Characteren af en spæd Yngel, ligesom fremdeles Skjælbeklædningen hos et Individ med en Totallængde af 217'"'" endnu blot befandt sig i sit første Frembrud. er det sandsynligt, at man i Fremtiden vil lære at kjende Arten som en mærkelig. aalelignende Form af ganske betydelig Størrelse, naar. Apparaterne til Dybvandsfiskes Erhvervelse blive saa fuldkomne, at de ere istand til at ophente saa- danne Former, . (som det paa Grund af deres Legems- bygning maa antages ere særdeles hurtige), i sin fuldt ud- viklede Tilstand. Hence we see how difficult it is from a single speci- men, or several individuals even, to work out specific char- acters for this genus; and the limits of its species are. therefore in many respects as yet uncertain. As in all of the scaled Lycods. the scales are round, non-contiguous, and imbedded in the skin, . whitish in colour, and everywhere nearly equal in magnitude, those on the tail only being a trifle smaller. Down the dorsal line they lie a little closer than on the other parts of the body, the margins however coming nowhere in contact. Lateral Line. — A lateral line (ventral) is present, though difficult to trace throughout its entire length. From the upper extremity of the gill-opening, a series of small, and rather closely set, pores, passes obliquely downwards to within a short distance behind the vent; after descending nearly to the base of the anal, the series accompanies that tin a short distance in the direction of the caudal, the exact point at which it terminates not admitting how- ever of being determined. In full-grown examples, it will, perhaps, lie traceable to the tip of the tail. It is most distinct in the largest individual, on which* the scales are just beginning to appear. Exclusive of the above, a series of minute pores may be discerned, in a good light, in one or two of the specimens, extending along the mesial line of the body; but this series has not the character of a lateral line. Colour. — A uniform light greyish-brown^ the scales everywhere lighter than the ground-colour of the body. Below the mesial line, the body, in one of the specimens, is somewhat lighter than -above it. The ventral membrane a lustrous black, even in the largest individuals, from which, along with the peculiarities of development in the scales, we may infer that they have none of them attained maturity. Sige. — Several circumstances, therefore, give reason to infer that none of the individuals were full-grown. We have already shown, that the fry-specimens of L. Jri<( e1 mindre, fuldt skjælbekhedte Individ var en Ean. Ventrikelen af det største [ndivid indeholdt ttdeluk- kende Dele af Themisto libellula, Slandt; det aoget mindre ligeledes Levninger af Themisto, samt el Individ af den af (i. 0. Sars nylig beskrevne diminutive [sopodé Nannonis- cus bicuspis, hvoraf tidligere blot el Pax Individer vare fundne. Udbredelse. L. muraenø. foreligger for Tiden i 4 Individer, alle optagne fra betydelig! Dyb og iskoldt Vand Langt fra Land. Det første erholdtes under Nordhavs-Ex- peditionens 2det Togt, i 1877, paa Bankerne udenfor Helge1 land1 i Norge, saaledes søndenfor Polareirkelen ; de øvrige fra Expeditionens sidsteTogt, i 1878, fraDybderne tfdenfor Beeren Eiland og Spitsbergen op til 80" N. B.. eller i det Hele saa langt mod Nord. som hensigtsmæssige Dybvands- skrabninger bidtil ere foretagne. GJ-en. Grymnelis, Reinli. Overs. 1832—33, Kgl. D. "Vid. Sels.k. Nat. Math. Afh. 6 Del, p. XXI og XXII. 1837. „GymneUi8u (1832—33). Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat'urv. Math. Afh. 7 Del, p. 116 og 131. 1838. „Gymnelisu (1838). Legemet langstrakt, aalformigt, nøgent. Side- linie tilstede, tildels utydelig. Hovedet rundagtigt, med lige lange Kjæyer. Finnestraalerne bløde, ar- ticulercde og kl øvede: ('undulat utydelig, og er uden Overgang forenet med Dorsalen og Avalen. Ven- tralérne mangle. Gjællespalten temmelig trang og højtliggende; Gjællehinderné ikke indbyrdes sammen- voxede paa Hpvédets Underside. Tcender i K/ce- verne, paa Vomer, og paa Palatinbenené. Gyeélle- 'strddlerne f! : P.seudobranchier tilstede. Svømmeblære maia/ler: Appendices pyloricae rudimentære. 24. Gymnelis viridis, (Fabr.) 1780. Pl. IV. Fig. 32. Ophidium vinde, Fabr. Fauna Groenl., p. 141 (1780). 'Ophidium unemak, Lacép. Hist. Nat. Poiss. tom. 2, p. 280 (1800)8. Gym,,,!,:, viridis, Reinli. Overs. 1832—33, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat Math. Afh. 6 Del, p. XXI. Kbhvn. 1837 (1832 13 . 1 Allerede under det første Aara Expedition, i 1876, erholdtes omtrent paa samme Sted et Exemplar af eii Lydodes, der ved et Uheld blev bortkastet. Prof. Sars erklærer, at det utvivlsomt har tilhørt samme Art, som ovenfor er benævnt l. muraena. a L'an VIII de la République. Food etc. — The largest of the specimens was a female, with immature ova in the single ovary. The some- what smaller, fully sealed individual, was a male. The ventricle ol' the female contained exclusively parts ol' Themisto UbeUtda, Blandt; thai of the male con- tained likewise fragments nl' Themisto, and also an example of the diminutive [sopod Xniaioii/sriis bicuspis, lately described by Gr! < >. Sars. and ol' which one or two individuals md\ bad previously been known. Distribution. Of L. mureena 4 specimens have been obtained up to the present time, all ol' which were brought up from a considerable depth in the cold area, far from hind. The first was taken on the second voyage of the Expedition, in 1877. on the banks off Helgeland.1 in Nor- way, accordingly south of the Arctic circle: the remaining three were brought up. on the last cruize, in 1878. from the depths off Beeren Eiland and Spitzbergen, — as far north as deep-sea dredging has been undertaken (80°). Gren. Gymnelis, Reinh. Overs. 1832 33, Egl. O. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. (i Del. p. XXI og XXII. 1S37. "Glymneluii" (1832^33). •Kgl. I). Vid. Selsk. Natnrv. Math. Afh. 7 Del. p. 116 and 131. ls:;s. «Gh/mnelis" ( lsi'.s). Body elongate, anguilliform, naked; lateral line present, hut rather indistinct. Head r-oundish, with jaws equal in length.' Fin-rays soft, articulate, and branched; enn dal i ml ist i m-t, continuous with the dorsal and anal. Ventrals wanting. Gill-openings rather narrow, and elevated: the branchial membranes non-continuous on the inferior surface of the head. Teeth in the jams, on the romer, and on the pala- tini' hones. Brauchioster/als 6 : pseiidohrancliiie jires- ent. Air-bladder wanting; pyloric appendages rudi- mentary. 24. Gymnelis viridis, (Fabr.) 1780. PI. IV, fig. 32. Ophidium viride, Fabr. Fauna Grcenl., p. 141 (ITso,. Ophidium unernak, Lacép. Hist. Nat. Poiss. torn. 'J. p. '2*0 (1800).' Gymnelw viridis, Reinh. Overs. 1832-33, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math; Afh. 6 Del, p. XXI. Kbhvn. 1837 (1832—33). 1 On the first voyage of the Expedition, (1876), in the saine locality about, an example of a Lycodes had been obtained, which was afterwards unintentionally thrown away. Professor Sars states it to have been Unquestionably of the same species as that here termed/., mtinnm. '- L'an VIII de la République. 16* 124 Gymnelia niridis, Keinh. Kgl. I». Vid. Selsk. Xat. Math. Afli. 7 Del, p. 116 og 131 (1838). Cepolophis viridis, Kaup, Wieg.-Arch. CNaturg. 1856, 1.B., p. 96 (1856). Gymnelia pictus, Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. Vol. 4. p. :!24 (1862). Diagn. Farven varierende; ensfarvet, eller medruml- agtigé mørke Tverfélter; langs Qrwnden af Dorsalen staa i Regelen 1 eller flere sorie Øjenpletter. Dorsalen begynder orer Peetoralens bagre Tredjedel. Hovedet iu/hlmldes 6 — 7 Gange i Totallængden. Størrelsen indtil 300mm. M. B. 6. D. 90— 100; Å. 70—72; C. 8—11: P. 11—13. Loealit. fra Nordh.-Exped. hersen. Jan Maven : Spits- Stat. 237. — Beliggenhed. Jan Mayen. Norskøerne, N.V.rSpitsbergen. Dybde. 263 Favne (481 "•). Af yentrikelen T' mp. paa Bunden. - 0,3° C' af. • Bunden. GrovtGrusogSmaastene. Gadua morrhua. Datum. 3die Aug. 1877. lode Aug. 1878. At/tal Iitdiv. 1 Indiv. :; Indiv. Bemærkninger til Beskrivelsen En detailleret Be- skrivelse af denne Art er meddelt af Kroyer i 1862 (Na- turh. Tidsskr. 3 Række, 1 B. p. 258), hvorfor jeg her blot giver et Par Bemærkninger. vedrørende de foreliggende Specimina. Totallængden af det første Exemplar er 76""": heraf udgjorde Uovedets Længde 12""". og indeholdtes saaledes lidt over 6 Gange i Totallængden; hos de øvrige erholdte Exemplarer har Forholdet ligget mellem 5.7 (det største Individ) og 7,3 (det mindste). Bundfarven var hos Exemplaxet fra Jan Mayen (1877) graagul med talrige (17) noget lysere Tverbaand, der vare •smalere, end det mellemliggende Felt af Bundfarven. I Dorsalen stod, som vil sees af Figuren paa Pl. IV, Fig. 32, 3 Pletter, 2 tæt sammen noget bagenfor Finnens Udspring, og en enkelt omtrent paa dens Midte. Endskjønt Kroyer (Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 R. IB.) opstiller 33 forskjellige Farve- varieteter. gaar det forhaandenværendé Exemplar ikke ind under noget af disse, hvilket viser denne Arts næsten ube- grændsede Varieren. De 3 Exemplarer fra det sidste Aars Togt (1878), bleve alle udtagne af Ventrikelen af Gadus morrhua ved Norskøerne paa Spitsbergens Nordside. Alle ere noget angrebne af Fordojelsen. saaledes. at Farvetegningen blot paa, det ene er for en Del bibeholdt ; Finnerne ere hos alle fortærede. Torskene fangedes paa et Dyb af mellem 5 og 10 Favne. Totallængden af det mindste af disse Exemplarer er 78""", Hovedlængden lO.i:""". Hos dette og det næste Exem- plar, der begge ere yngre, ere Kjæverne relativt langt kor- tere, end hos de udvoxede Exemplarer, og naa blot hen under Midten af Øjet; Hovedet er ligeledes relativt større i Forhold tit Legemet, • og indeholdes blot 2^ Gange i Afstanden fra Snudespidsen til Anus. Gymnelia viridis, Reinli. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 7 Del, p. 116 og 131 (1838). I'epolophis ciridia, Kaup. AVieg. Arch. f. Naturg. 18">6,' 1 B. p. 96 (1856). Gymnelis pictvs. Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4. p. 324 (1862). Diagnosis. — Colour varying: uniform or with dark, roundish, transverse. patches; along the base of the dorsal, as a rule one or more black occelli. Dorsal commencing above the posterior third of the pectorals. Head contained from 6 to 7 times in flir total length. Length reaching 300mm. M. B. 6; D. 90— 100: A. 70—72: C. 8—11: P. 11—13. Locality (North Atl. Exped. Spitsbergen. Jan Maven : Stat. 237. — ' Exact Lo<-tilit}j. Jan Mayen. Norsk Islands. NW. Spitsbergen. Depth. 263 Fathoms (481 "'). From the Ventricles Temp, at Bottom. - 0.3° C. of Bottom. Coarse Sand and Shingle. Gadus morrhua. lint* . 3rd Aug. 1877. loth Aug. 187& Numb, of 8p< eim. 1 Indiv. :', Indiv. Descriptive Observations. — A detailed description of this species haying been furnished by Kroyer in 1862 (Naturh. Tidsskrift. 3 Bække, 1 B. p. 258), I shall con- fine myself to a few remarks on the- specimens obtained on the Expedition. Total length of the first individual 76"m: length of the head 12""". being accordingly to the former as 1 to 6; in the remaining examples, the proportion varies between 5.7 (the largest individual) and 7.3 (the smallest). The ground-colour in. the specimen from Jan Mayen (1877) was greyish-yellow, with numerous (17) transverse bands of a somewhat lighter shade, and narrower than the space between. The dorsal had. as will be seen in the figure (PI. IV, fig. 32), 3 spots: 2 close together, a little posterior to the origin of the fin. and 1 about in the middle. .Kroyer (Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 R. 1 B.) has established 33 differently coloured varieties: but this- specimen does not agree with any one of them : which shows the almost unlim- ited extent to which the species is found to vary. The 3 specimens obtained on the last voyage of the Expedition (1878) were all taken from the ventricles of Gadus morrhua, captured off the Norsk Islands, on the north coast of Spitsbergen. All three are in a partially digested state ; in one only can a few vestiges of the coloration be discerned, the fins are entirely gone in all. The cods were taken at a depth of from 5 to 10 fathoms. Total length of the smallest of tliese examples 78"""; length of the head 1U.6""". In this, and in the specimen next in size, both of them immature, the jaws are relatively much shorter than in the full-grown individuals, not reaching farther back than under the middle of the eve: the head, too; is relatively larger in proportion to the body, being contained only 2l/a times in the distance from the point of the snout to the vent. 125 Totallængden af det andel Individ er 80 . Boved- længden I2""\ Farven er nogenlunde vel bibeholdl paa Legemets Sider, og viser omtrent II brede brunsorte ring- formige Tverpletter, der i. .Midten ere lysere; dette Exem- plar svarer idethele til den Form, smil al' ( iiintlier (('at. Brit. Mus. vol. IV. p. 325) opføres sum en distinct Art under Navn al' Q. pidus, men som neppe kan ansees som skilt fra den typiske '■'. rir/flis. hvilket allerede Malm- åren tidligere har paavist (6fv. Kgl. Vet. Ak. Forh. L864, p. 514)1. At' de Kroyer-Keilihardt'ske \'arieteter gaar det nærmest ind under var. //. aden dog ganske at svare til denne. (Ofr. Naturh. Tidsskr. 3 Et. 1 1!.. p; 260, Kbhvn. .1861—63). Totallængden. af det største Individ er 143™", Hoved- længden 25""".; Kjæverne naa tilbage til Bagranden afØjet. Hovedet indeholdes 21/.; Gause i Alstandeii fra Snudespid- sen til Anus. . Ligesom hos Slægten Lycodes ere I forsal- og Anal- straaleme leddede, samt ved G runden delte med et ty de- list Mellemrum, hvorimbd hver Halvdel senere er sammen- hengende. Straaleantallot var hos det storste Individ': D. 92; C. ?; A. 10. I Munden af det sidste Individ fandtes et Exemplar at' Modiotaria laevigata, Gray. Udbredelse. Er maaske circumpblær, og er truffet saavel i Berings-Strædet, som ved Rysterne af det arctiske America og Europa. I størst Antal er den iudsamlet ved Grønlands Kyster, hvor den synes at maatte henregnes til de almindeligste Fiskearter. I Øst-Grønland blev den af den engelsk-arctiske Expedition indsamlet i 1875 — 76 mod Nord lige op til 81° 52' N. B. Allerede de svenske Polar- Expeditioner have fondet den. men først under det sidste Togt (1872) i nogen Mængde, ved Spitsbergen, og den gaar her op til de nordligste Punkter, der have været undersøgte; derimod er den endnu ikke paavist paa Ame- ricas Østkyst søndenfor Grønland, eller ved det europæiske Continent. 1 Næsteu alle unge Individer, optagne ved Spitsbergen muler de sidste Expedition,!- (1864—72), og sein opbevares i Hik --Museum i Stockholm, hvor jeg i 1ST!» ved Prof. Smitts Velvillie havde Lejlighed at undersøge dem, tilhøre Formen pictiis; idet Legemet er tegnet med sadelformige Tverbaand; enkelte Individer ere i Midten af Legemet næsten ganske sorte, og havde blot oventil Sper af lysere Tver- baand. Total length of the second specimen Si )■■""; length of the head li'""". The coloration is comparatively well re- tained on the sides, exhibiting about 1 1 broad, brownish- black, annular transverse spots, lighter in the middle; this specimen agrees in all essential features with the form re- ferred by Gtinther (Cat. Pishes Brit. Mus. vol.IV, p. 325) to a separate species, under the name of . 243 (1836). Gadus polaris, Richards. Fauna Bor.-Am. vol. :i. p, 247 (1836). Gadus agilis, Reinli. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Natur. Math. Afli. 7 Del. p'. 126 (1838). Pollachius polaris, Grill, Proc. Ariel. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1861, App. p. 48 i 1861). Gadus (Boreogadus) saida, Grunth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4, p. :'.:!7 (1862). • Gadus (Boreogadus) fabricii; Gmxth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4, p. 336 (1862). Boreogadus polaris, Grill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 18l>:;. p. 233 (1863). Gadus glacialis, Peters. 2te i >. Nordpol. -Exp. B. II, p. 172 (Leipz. IS, 4). Diagnosis. — The lower jan- longer than the upper, and bearing a rudimentary, barbel. Length of head to total length as 1 to 4; eyes large, the diameter being from 7.? t° 'U °f mr b;ngtli of the head. Body slender and elongated: peduncle of tail narrow. Omdal deeply forked; the fins separated, a distinct space intervening. Tlie vent placed under the 1st rag of the 2nd dorsal. Teeth extreme- ly initiate: in the upper jaw, those in the outer series are a trifle larger than the other teeth. The scales circu- lar, small, and non-contiguous. Lateral line colourless, the posterior part often indistinct, slightly inclining under the. second dorsal. On the head, a well-defined system of mucous pores. Colour above reddish-brown and grey, ander sur- face of a silrerg uliife : fins blackish. Length r -caching 220 '""' (and above). 1 D. 12 (13—14); 2 D. 12—15 (16); 3 D. 19—20 (17—18 or 21—23); 1 A. 17 (16 or 18); 2 A. 19—22 (23): P. 17—18; V. 6. 127 Localit. fra Nordh.-Exped. Havel melleni Beereil Eiland og Spitsbergen, smut Magdalene -Bay paa Spits- bergen. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): — The open sea, between Beeren Eiland and Spitsbergen: Magdalene Bay, on the coast of Spitsbergen. Stat. 226. Stat, 366. /.'< liggt ultr ,1. 105 Kil. N. Beeren Biland. Norsk-J (erne, . Spitsbergen. ilagdalenebaj . \. Spitsbergen. Hi/Mi . •} Ubetydelig. 1 rbetydélig. Ti nqi. paa Bumdt a. -j l,6°C. j i M' til 2,i°C. Datum. 3die Aue.. 1878. lnde Aug. 1878. I7de Aug. 1878. Antal lndiv. i yngre Lndiv. 1 Dnge. 72 ange Endiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Det kan neppe Længere være Tvivl underkastet, at alle de Former, som ere beskrevne under Navnene G-. polaris, (Sab.) 1824, G. fahririi, Richards. 1836, eller G. agilis, Reinli. 1838,, fra Spitsbergen, Island. Grønland og andre Punkter af det arctiske America, i Virkeligheden gaa ind under den af Lepechin i 1774 fra det hvideHay beskrevne Gaåus saida, hvilket allerede Malmgren i sin Fortegnelse -over Spitsber- gens Fiskefauna af 1864 har antaget for sandsynligt1, og Prof. Smitt har udtalt samme Anskuelse i en Meddelelse til Vetenskaps-Akademien i Stockholm i 1876. Vistnbk er Lepechins originale Beskrivelse ingenlunde udtommende, eller endog synderlig nøjagtig2. Men en umiddelbar Sam- menligning, som jeg har kunnet anstille mellem Exempla- rer af G. saida fra Archangel, afgivne til Universitets- Musæet af Lieutn. Sandeberg, og de Individer, som Musæet i de seneste Aar modtaget fra Gronland, Spitsbergen og Novaja Zemlja, har bestyrket den Antagelse, at de alle ere identiske. At Individerne fra Hvidehavet i Regelen have havt morkere Finner, kan vistnok alene tilskrives, at de tilfæl- digvis havde en betydeligere Størrelse, idet de Individer fra de øvrige Localiteter. hvortil jeg har havt Adgang. saagodtsoni alle have været mindre, end halvvoxne. Men iovrigt stemme de alle i sin Skjælbeklædning, Tandbygning, Stillingen af Anus og i ethvert Punkt af Legeiusbygningen saa fuldkommen overens, at nogen Adskillelse mellem dem som distincte Arter ikke er mulig. I Overensstemmelse hermed opføres Arten under det ældste Lepechin'ske Navn, Gaåus saida3. En- betydelig Lighed .udviser Arten med den af Peters i ..2te Deutsche Nordpolar-Exp.-'. B. II. p. 172 (Leipz. 1874) 1 aa dette Sted under Navnet Boreogadus polaris, iSali. ). - Det er saaledés sandsynligvis efter denne Tegning, at Gunther i Diagnosen for G. saida beskriver Stillingen af Anus i Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4. p. 337. 3 Navnet saida er dannet af det Trivialnavn, hvorunder Arten er kjendt paa den russiske Kyst, og da dette utvivlsomt er det samme, som Xnrdmændenes „Sei" (G, airens), antydes herved en Overens- stemmelse i det Ydre mellem disse 2 Arter. Denne Lighed er dog ikke større, end at Arterne allerede ved et hurtigt Blik kunne ad- skilles, saaledés ved Skjælbeklædningen, Legemsbygningen, Stillingen af Anus, etc. stut. 226. Stat. 366. 1 1 Lbeality, 105 Kil. N'. Beeren Biland. Norsk Islands. Spitzbergen. Magdalene Hav. \. Spitsbergen'. li, ril,. ••? Trifling. Trifling. Tt mp, ut Bottom. i.6°C. 9 0.2 to — 2.1°C. Date. 3rd Aug. 1877. loth Aug. 1878. ITth Aue-. 1878. X„iiifr. of Sj,> i i in. 1 Lndiv. (young). 1 Endiv, (young). 72 1 ndi\ . (j oung i. Remarks on the Synonymy. — There can be very little reason to doubt, that the divers forms occurring on the coast of Spitzbergen, Iceland. Greenland, and Arctic America, described as G. polaris, (Sab.) 1*24: G. fabri- <-ii. Richards., 1836;. or G. agilis, Reinh. 1838, are identical with Gadus saida, the species diagnosticated by Lepechin in 1774. from an example taken in the White Sea: an assumption supported by Malmgren1 in his List of Spitzbergen Fishes, published 1864: Professor Smitt, too, arrived at the same conclusion in 1876, as appears from his communication to the Swedish Vetenskaps Aka- demi. The diagnosis originally furnished by Lepechin is doubtless far from complete, and leaves, too, not a little to be desired in point of accuracy2; but direct, au- toptical comparison between examples of G. saida from Archangel, procured for the University Museum by Lieut. Sandeberg. and individuals sent to the Museum from Green- land. Spitzbergen, and Novaja Zemlja, has still further convinced me of the plausibility of this hypothesis. Tin' darker colour of the fins characterising the ma- jority of the White Sea specimens, must be. unquestionably ascribed to their having been of a larger size, since the in- dividuals from other localities that I have had opportunity of examining, were all of them in more or less early stages of growth. For the rest, however, they agree so closely, viz. in the arrangement of the scales, in the dental characters, the position of the vent, " and every feature connected with the structure of the body, as to preclude the possibility of distinction. Hence the species is classed here with Lepechin's original name, Gadus stada. '■''. This species bears a close resemblance to G. glacialis, diagnosticated by Peters in -Zweite Deutsche Nordpolar- 1 OfV. KgL Vet. Ak. Forh. lsiU, p. 531. The species is referred'. here, however, t.> Boreogadus polaris, (Sab.). 2 Probably, it was Lepeehin's representation from which GHinther determined the position of the vent in his diagnosis of G. saida, hi Cat. Fish. Brit Mus. vol. 4. p. 337. 3. The designation saida, is adopted from the trivial name by which the species is known on the Russian coast; and this term being ob- viously a corruption of the Norwegian L'Sei" ('r', virens), serves to indicate an external similarity in the two species. The resemblance, however, is not greater, but that a glance will suffice to distinguish them: viz. by reason of the deviation in the arrangement of the scales, the position of the vent, the general structure of the body, &c. 128 beskrevne G. glacialis, opstillet etter et enkelt i 1870 ved Sabine-Øen paa Grønlands Østkyst erholdt Individ, og det er sandsynligt, at denne ligeledes gaar ind under G. saida. Dette Individ havde Tænder ogsaa paa Palatinbenene. en Ejendommelighed, der dog sandsynligvis maa opfatfes som en blot individuel Variation, som ikke kan tillægges Vægt som Artscharacter, idet den samme Ejendommelighed. ifolge Dr. Liitkens Undersøgelser, nylig er bemærket und- tagelsesvis ogsaa hos den ægte Gadus saida. Iovrigt er dette Individ i alle Henseender overensstemmende med den sidstnævnte Art. Dr. Gunther har (18(32) henført G. saida under Un- derslægten Boreogadus, characteriseret (blandt Arterne med Underkjæven længst) ved, at Tænderne i Overkjævens ydre Række ere større, end i den indre Række (( 'at. Fish. vol. 4. p. 336). Imidlertid synes denne Character hos G. saida at være af temmelig underordnet Betydning, da baade Overkjævens Tænder samtlige ere ganske smaa. og Forskjellen mellem dem særdeles ringe. Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning . G. saida udmærker sig fremfor de øvrige europæiske Arter ved sit langstrakte og smækre Legeme, den tynde Halerod. der indeholdes omtrent 4 Gange i Underkjævens Længde. den langt til- bagetrukne Anus. de smaa og runde Skjæl, og ved det stærkt udviklede System af Slimporer og Papiller paa Ho- vedet : fremdeles ved den næsten farveløse og noget bøjede Sidelinje, de forholdsvis store Øjne. og ved den dybt kløf- tede Caudal. Det største af de under Expeditionen erholdte Individer har havt en Totallængde af'203mm. hvoraf Hovedlængden udgjorde 49""". Det mindste Exemplar havde en Total- længde af 65""". en Hovedlængde af 16.5""" ; de fleste Indi- vider i det store Stim. der optoges i et enkelt Kast med Trawlnettet i Magdalenebay. vare Unger, der havde en Længde af 90 til 1 10""". I Totallængden indeholdes Hovedets Længde saaledes næsten nøjagtigf 4 Gange, Legemets Højde omtr. 7 Gange. Underkjæven rager tydeligt frem foran ( tverkjæven. og Mundvinkelen naar ikke fuldt hen under Øjets Midte. Øjnene ere forholdsvis store, og udgjore hos Urigerne (med en Totall. af 70""") omtrent 1/3. hos de ældre næsten x/4 af Hovedlængden. Hos de første er Øjets Diameter omtrent af Snudens Længde, Ims ældre Individer betydeligt kortere. En liden Skjægtraad paa Hagen er altid tilstede; hos Ungerne er denne dog lidet fremtrædende, men naar hos de ældre en Længde af omtrent lL Øjendiameter. Tænderne ere tine. men yderst skarpe, krummede in dad. og danne en sammenhængende Eække i Mellemkjæ- verne og i' Underkjæven; indénfor denne kan spores en indre Række. bestaaende af yderst tine Tænder. der blot forti! ere nogenlunde tydelige. Disse sidstnævnte Tænder ere nbetydeligt lavere, end den ydre Rekkes. Vomer er lige- ledes tåndbærende, medens Palatinbenene ere regulært glatte, undtagelsesvis ( ifolge Dr. Liitken og Prof. Peters) tånd- bærende. Exped..'" B. II. p. 172. and described from one individual, taken in 1870. off Sabine Island, on the east coast of Green- land: G. glacialis. too. must probably be referred to G. saida. This example had also teeth on the palatine bones, a peculiarity of dentition that should probably be regarded as a mere individual featured and to which no weight can be attached as a specific character, seeing that the same peculiarity, according to the result of Dr. Liitkens exami- nation, has been lately observed even in the true Gadus sttida. . For the rest, the individual in question agrees in all respects with that species. Dr. Gunther has olassed (1862) G. saida under the sub-genus Boreogadus. characterised (amongst the species that have the lower jaw longer than the upper) by having the teeth in the outer series on the upper jaw larger than those in the inner series (Cat. Fish. vol. 4). But this character in 'G. saida would appear to be of minor importance, seeing that the whole of the teeth in the upper jaw are exceedingly small, and the difference between them very trifling. General Description. Structure of the Body. — This species is distinguished from its other congeners in Northern Europe as follows : — Body slender, elongated; peduncle of tail slender at the base, which is to the length of lower jaw nearly as 1 to 4 ; position of vent far behind : scales small, circular: head furnished with a well-developed system of mucous pores and papilke : lateral line almost colourless, and slightly bending : eyes comparatively large ; caudal fin deeply forked. The largest of the individuals taken on the Expedi- tion had a total length of 203""". the length of the head being 49'""'. Total length of the smallest example 65m"'; length of head 16.5""". Most of the individuals in the draught brought up with the trawl-net in Magdalene Bay, had a total length of from 90""" to 1 10""". Length of head equalling almost exactly 1ji of total length : depth of body about lj-{. Lower jaw projecting per- ceptibly beyond upper; angle of mouth reaching back very nearly under the middle of the eye. Eyes comparatively large: longitudinal diameter, in young examples (total length 70"""). about x/3; in adults, almost 1/1 of the length of the head. In the former, the diameter of the eye nearly corresponds with the length of the snout; in mature individuals, it is considerably less. A small cirrus on the chin, never wanting; in young examples almost rudimentary : it attains in adults a length about equal to x/i of the diameter of the eve. Teeth minute, but exceedingly sharp, curving inwards ; on the intermaxillaries and in the lower jaw constituting a continuous series; within this row extends another, com- posed of exceedingly minute teeth, .distinct in the forepart only; these inner teeth are a trifle shorter than those forming the exterior series. The vomer likewise dentiferous ; the palatine bones as a rule smooth; exceptionally, how- ever, according to Dr. Liitken and Prof. Peters, also dentiferous. i I'll Auns er forholdsvis Langl fcilbagerykket, saaledes, ut det er stillet verticalt enten under den første Straale af 2den Dorsal, eller ialfakl kun ubetydeh'gl foran denne. Mrineme. Finnestraalernes Antal er Ims denne Art. sum hos de fleste øvrige Gadidae, saa store Variationer underkastet, at det Ikke er skikket til at afgive bestemte Axtscharacterer. Mahngren har i sin „Spetsbergens Fisk- fauna" (1864) talt Straaleme bos 8 Individer, og fundet Antallet at variere mellom følgende Tal: 1 D. 12, undertiden 13 eller 14. 2 D. 12—15. 3 D. 19—20, hos et enkelt Individ 23. 1 A. 17. hos et enkelt Individ 16. 2 A. 19—22. P. 17—18. Hermod stemmer idetbele overens Angivelserne bos Fabricius („G. aeglefinus", Fauna Groenl.), og Richardson (Merlangus pul/ins); dog har den sidste fundet 16 Straaler i 2dén Dorsal, og 23 Straaler i 2den Anal. De Tællingef, som jeg bar foretaget hos Individer fra Spitsbergen, Novaja Zemlja og Archangel, have idethele ligget indenfor de oven- for nævnte Angivelser ; dog har jeg fundet Tallet i 3die Dorsal at gaa ned til 17. og i Iste Anal at gaa op til 18. Mellemrummet mellem hver Finne er distinct, og idet- bele storre. end bos de nærmest staaende Arter. Hos de ældre Individer er dette Mellemrum omtrent ligt en Øjen- dia meter, hos de yngre Individer kortere. Pectoralerne ere spinkle og tilspidsede; 2den Ventralstraale ender i et koi't Filament. Caudalen er dybt kløftet. Skjælbeklædning. Skjællene ere yderst smaa. ikke imbricate, men cirkelrunde, og have hos de ældre fuldstæn- digt fri Rande, idet de ere stillede med et tydeligt Mellem- rum indbyrdes; mere tætstaaende ere de bos Ungerne. Skjælbeklædningen er jevnt udbredt over Legemet, og stræk- ker sig fremover lige ud paa Snuden, ligesom ogsaa Gjælle- laagene ere skjælbeklædte. Sidélinie og Slimporer. Sidelinjen er farveløs, eller ubetydeligt lysere, end Bundfarven ; den strrekker sig fra Gjællespaltens øvre Ende hen til Slutningen af Iste Dor- sal, hvor den bojer skraat nedad til Legemets Midtlinie, som den nu følger ud til Caudalen. Hos yngre Individer er den. især i sin bagre Del, utydelig. Særdeles cbaracteristisk er det System af Slimporer, der bos friske og uskadte Individer danner et constant og regelmæssigt udbredt Net over Hovedet. Mellem disse storre Slimporer tindes talrige mindre omstrøede, ligesom der ogsaa tindes enkeltvis, eller (paa et Sted) en Eække af særdeles korte Hudtrevler eller Papiller, der altid paa uskadte Individer rage kjendeligt hengere frem. end Slim- porerne, og ikke synes at være perforerede, som disse. Skjønt disse Eækker ere noget varierende hos de for- skjellige Individer, lade sig i Regebm med Lethed gjen- finde følgende som de mest iøjnefaldende : Paa Hovedets Overside gaar en lang Eække Slimporer fra Snudespidsen bagover langs den ovre Rand a f Øjet, Den norske Nordhavsexpeditiou. Collett: Fiske. Vent comparatively tar behind, its position being either vertical under the lirsi raj of Hie second dorsal lin. nr but verj slighth anterior to it, Wins. ■ The number of fin-rays in ibis species, as in most ol' the other Gadidce, varies to so greal an extent, that the fin-ray formula is of hardly am value asa specific character. Malmgren gives in his "Spetsbergens Fiskfauna" (ISI>4) the number ol' tin-rays in 8 individuals: it varied as follows: — 1 1). 12; in some examples 13 14. 2 I). 12—15. 3 D. 19 — 20; in one specimen 23. 1 A. 17 : in one specimen 1G. 2 A. Ill— 22. I'. 17— IS. With these figures the tin-ray formula' given by Fabricius ("G. æglefinus," Fauna Greenly and by Richard- son (M&rlamgusfdlaris), very nearly correspond; Richardson, however, observed 10 rays in the second dorsal, and 23 rays in the second anal. In the specimens from Spitzber- gen, Novaja Zemlja, and Archangel examined by myself, the tin-ray formulae lay in the majority of cases within the limits cited above, the number of rays in 3 D. having, however, been as low as 17. aud in 1 A. as high as 18. The space between the several fins is distinctly defined, and as a, rule wider than in its nearest congeners. In mature individuals, the width of this space about equals the diameter of the eye ; in young examples it is less. Pecto- rals slender and elongated; the second ventral ray termin- ating in a short filament. The caudal fin deeply forked. Scales. — The scales exceedingly minute, not imbri- cate, but circular in form, and the margins perfectly free in adults, with a distinct space between ; more closely set in young individuals. The scaling uniform, covering the whole surface of tbe body, and extending forwards over the snput ; the gill-plates, too. covered with scales. Lateral Line and Mucous Pores. — Lateral line colourless, or perhaps a shade lighter than the colour of the ground ; it commences at the u]jper extremity of the branchial opening, extending from thence to the termination of the first dorsal, at which point it strikes off obliquely to the mesial line, passing straight along it to the caudal. Indistinct in young individuals, particularly throughout the posterior division. The system of mucous pores is highly characteristic, extending in healthy individuals over tbe surface of the head, like network. Dispersed between these pores, are num- erous smaller ones, together with minute cirri, or papillary warts, which occur either isolated or (in one place) ar- ranged as a regular series, and. in all perfect specimens, rising perceptibly higher than the mucous pores; unlike the latter, tbey show no traces of being perforate. These series of pores are found to vary in different individuals: but, as a rule, the most conspicuous among them admit of being determined without much difficulty. On tbe bead, a long series, extending from tbe point of tbe snout along the upper edge of the eyes, and ter- 17 130 og standser ved dettes bagre' Rand : en kortere Eække gaar fra Snudespidsen hen under forreste Næsebor til det bagre Næsebor. ligesom en anden Række gaar bueformigt under denne ben mod Øjets forreste Rand. Paa Kinderne strækker en Række sig fra Snudespid- sen langs Overranden af Overkjæveu. og bøjer ben under Øjet. Paa Underkjæven strækker en Række sig fra Sym- physis bagover, og standser i Regelen veil Underkjævens Led. Paa Gjællelaagene gaar en Række fra Underkjæve- leddet hen langs Gjællelaagets Rand. og en anden kortere næsten' parallelt indenfor denne. Mellem begge disse Ræk- ker strækker sig en Række af omtrent 4 yderst korte, hvidagtige Hudtrevler. Paa Panden sta ar en i Regelen V-formig (men ofte uregelmæssig) Samling af Slimporer. og paa Siderne og Nakken mindre Grupper, tilligemed enkelte spredte Slim- porer og Hudtrevler. Farve. Farven er hos de yngre Individer i levende Live mat solvglindsende, oventil mere rødlig, idet Lege- met ber er bestroet med talløse rødbrune Punkter, der paa Hovedet staa tættest: opbevarede paa Spiritus blive de lysere uden tydelige Pletter, og blot hos enkelte Individer tindes mørkere Skygninger henad Ryggen, ligesom Finnerne hos enkelte have tydelige mørke Rande. Bugen er stærkere sølvfarvet. Ældre Individer ere mørkere farvede: især ere Fin- nerne stærkt pigmenterede, og synes, naar de ere sammen- slaaede, næsten sorte i sin ydre Del. Ånalerne ere dug noget lysere. Føde. De under Nordkavs-Expeditionen erholdte Individer optoges, som det syntes, i de mellemliggende Vandlag. men observeredes ikke umiddelbart i eller ved Vandskorpen. saaledes som tidligere under andre Expedi- tioner. Yed én.Lejlighed ophentede Trawlen i et enkelt Kast 72 Stykker, alle Unger, med en jevn Størrelse af omkr. 1()()""". saaledes at de utvivlsomt gaa stimevis. som de øvrige Arter ; men de Dyrelevninger, som fandtes i deres Ventrikel. tilhørte hovedsagelig (tildels udelukkende) Cdlanus jmmourchicus, Gunn., eller hos et Individ Th&misto libellula, Mandt, blandet med dalaner, saaledes pelagiske Former. der færdes i enhver Dybde. Paa Gjællerne af et af Individerne snyltede en Lemæ (af Slægten Haemobaphes); et Par andre smaa Snyltekrebs vare fæstede til Huden af samme Individ. Udbredelse. Inder den Forudsætning, at de oven- for nævnte. under Navnene M&rlangus polaris, Gadus fa- bricii, Gadus agilis og Gadus glacialis opstillede Former ere identiske med Gadus sa/da fra Hvidehavet. optræder denne Art taJrigt i Europas og Americas Polartrakter. og hører til de Fiske, der ere observerede længst mod Nord. Den færdes helst mellem Drivisen, og tilhører udelukkende den kolde Area. minating at their posterior margin ; a shorter series, extend- ing from the point of the snout under the anterior nostril : and another, bending archwise beneath the latter to the anterior margin of the eye. On the cheeks, a series extending from the point of the snout along the superior margin of the upper jaw. passing from thence obliquely under the eye. On the lower jaw, a series commencing at the symphysis, and terminating at the articulation of the inferior maxillary hone. On the gill-plates, a series extending from the arti- culation of the inferior maxillary along the margin of the opercle; and a shorter, inner series running almost parallel to the former. Between these two series of pores, a row of about 4 whitish cirri, exceedingly short. On the forehead, too. there is a collection of mucous pores, having, as a rule, the shape of the letter Y; and on the sides of the bead and on the nape there occur smaller groups, together with a few isolated mucous pores and cutaneous filaments. CoIqw. — Live individuals, comparatively young, dis- tinguished by a silvery lustre: upper surface reddish, being freckled with innumerable points ol' reddish-brown, more especially on the bead: specimens preserved in spirits gradually fade, the spots becoming indistinct: darkish cloudings down the back are. however, observed in a few individuals, and the margin of the bus. too. keeps dark in some. The abdomen argenteous. Mature examples relatively darker, in particular on the tins, which, owing to the pigment secreted under the skin, have almost the appearance of being bordered with black. The anals somewhat lighter. Food. — The individuals obtained on the Expedition, contrary to the experience of former observers, were taken in the intermedial strata of the ocean, having on no occa- sion been met with at or near the surface. In Magdalene Bay. 72 individuals, all of them young, the total length averaging about 100""", were brought up together in the trawl-net. showing beyond doubt that this species, in common with its congeners, moves in shoals; but the animal remains found in the ventricles of the specimens examined, belonged chiefly (in some instances exclusively) to Calanus finmarchicus, or consisted of fragments of TJw- misto libdlula, along with Calani, accordingly pelagic forms, occurring at all depths, from the surface to the bottom. , On the gills of one specimen was found an example of a Hasmobaphes; two other small parasitic crustaceans had attached themselves to the skin of the same individual. Distribution. — Assuming the forms established as Merlangus polaris. Gadus fabridi, Gadus agilis, and Gadus glacialis to be identical with Gadus saida, inha- biting the White Sea. this species is common in the Polar tracts of Europe and America, and is one of the fishes observed farthest north. It is met with mostly between the drift-ice. its habitat being exclusively confined to the frigid area. 131 I Europa er den at' Parry fondet lige op til 82° 40', ovenfor Spitsbergen; den er idethele talrigt udbredl om- kring denne Øgruppe, og er observeret stimevis at svømme om mellem Isstykkerne i Fjordene. Kra Novaja Zemlja ejer Universitets-Musæet Exemplarer, indsamlede af en Sæl- fanger ved Barentz-Øerne ander 76" 2Q', ligesom den af Heuglin i 1871 fandtes nogel sydligere, i Matotskin Sharr ; men den er bidtil ikke tumlet ved Finmarkens Kyster. Derimod er den særdeles talrig i det hvide Hav. og fanges der i stort Antal. og bringes tiltorvs L Archangel. Den er fremdeles (ifølge Gunther, Cat. Fish. vol. 4. p. 337) erholdt ved Island. Endelig er den nier eller mindre talrig ved Grønland og i det arctiske America, hvor den er iagttaget ander de fleste Expeditioner; Exemplarer fra Baffinsbugten, der i 1876 ere hjembragte til Universitets-Musæet af Hvalfange- ren C. Brun. ere foldkommen overensstemmende med de spitsbergenske Individer. I Americas Polartrakter gaar den ligesaa langt mod Nord. som i Europa, og er i 1876 hjembragt at' den engelske Polar-Expedition fra Grinnell Land. under 82° 27' N. B. Gren. Onos, Bisso. Hist. Xat. de 1'Eur. Mér. tom 3, p. 214 (1826)1. 26. Onos reinhardi, (Kr.) Mscr. 1852. Pl. IV. Fig. 34. ? Motella argentata, Reinh. 1835—36, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. (i Del. p. CX. Kl .hvn. 1837 (1835—36). Motella mustela, Reinh. -nee Lin. i Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 7 Del, p. 115 I 1838). Uden Beskr. Motella reinhardti, Kr. (en skreven Etiket i Musæet i Kbhvn., omtr. 1852). Uden Beskr. f Couchia argentata, Giinth. Cat Fish. Brit. Mus. vol i, p. 363(1862). Onos reinhardti, Gill. Pro,'. Acad. Xat. Sei. Philad. 1863, p. 241 (1863). Uden Beskr. Mot, n„ reinhardi, Coll. Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No-. 14, p. - (1878). Diagn. 3 Skjægtraade < 2 ved Naseborene, 1 paa Hagen). Smalm temmelig kort, har en Længde aj' omtrent V , Øjendiameter. Tændeme danne flere Bekker, hvoraf en enkelt lan- linjere Tænder, end åe arrige. Hovedet indehol- des 5 Gauge i Totallmngden. Iste Straale i Iste Dorsal ln Europe, this spreies was taken by Parry, north of Spitzbergen (82° 40'); it is abundant in most localities on the shores of that group of islands, and lias been observed in shoals between the fragments of ice in the fjords. The Qniversitj Museum (Christiania) is in possesion of several specimens, taken off the Barentz Islands, in lat. 76°20'N.; and Heuglin met with it (in L871) a little farther south, at Matotskiu Sliarr: but it lias not as vet been observed on the coast of Finmark. In the White Sea. the species is exceedingly abundant, being captured there in great numbers, and sent for sale to the Archangel market. Ac- cording to Giinther, it has been met with on the shores of Iceland. Finally, it is a more or less common fish on the shores of Greenland and in the Artie regions of America, where it has been observed on most Expeditions. Specimens from Baffin's Bay. presented to the 1 Diversity Museum by the master ol' a whaler. ('. Brun. correspond in every respect with the examples obtained from the coast of Spitz- bergen. In America, the range ol' the species extends as far north as in Europe, specimens having been taken on the English Polar Expedition (1876), off Grinnel Land, in lat, 82" 27' X. GS-en. Onos, Bisso. Hist. Nat. de l'Eur. Mér. tom. 3, y>. 214 (1826)1. 26. Onos reinhardi, (Kr.) MS. 1852. Pl. IV. fig-. 34. f Motella argentata, Reinh. Overs. 1835—36, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Xat. Math. Afh. (i Del, p. CX. Kbhvn. 1837 (1835—36). Hotella mustela, Reinh. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nath. Math. Afh. 7 Del, p. 11". (1838). XTe description. Motella reinhardti, Kr. (from a manuscript label in the Zool. Mus. Copenh. about 1852). No description. ■ mehia argentata, CKinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4.].. 363 (l^ii'Ji. Onos reinhardti, Gill, Pi Acad. Xat. Sci. Philad. 1863, p. 241 (1863). No description. Motella reinhardi, Coll. Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 14. p. 83 (1878). Diagnosis. — Three barbels; 2 dose to the nostrils, 1 on the chin. Snout rather short; ils length is to the dia- mrfrr of the eye about as V , to 1. Teeth arranged in several rows, those in 'a, r of the series being longer thau the rest. Length of head ah/urt one-fifth of total length. First 1 Onos, opstillet af Risse i 1826, har Prioriteten for Motella, der førs! forekommer i 2den Udgave af Cuviers „Regne Animal-, som udkom i 1829. Slægter have de samme Arter som T i Onos, suggested by Kisso in 1826, is entitled to rank before the Mn Motella, applied fa' the first time in the 2nd Edition of Cuvier's "Regne Animal." published in 1829. Both genera have the «ame species as t\ pes. 17* 132 kort, kun ubetydeligt længere, end Smulen. Anus ligger ■luiilt meilet» Snndespidsett og sidste Hal eh virvel. Afstanden fra Snudespidsen til 2den Dorsal indeholdes 3,3 Gange i Totallamgden, Ens/arvet rødgraa, vied Skjcegtraadene og Finnernes Spidser røde. Længden indtil 31Smm. M. B. 7. D. 54—59; A. 45—46; P. 22—24; V. 8; C. 28. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. ren Eiland. Havet vestenfor Bee- Stat. 312. Beliggt nhi d. 108 Kil. V. Beeren Eiland. Dybdi . 65? Favne (12037). Temp. paa Bunden. — 1,2° C. Bundl i'. Brunt og grønt Ler. Datum . 22de Juli 1878. Jutul Tndiv. ■_' Indiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Denne Art, hvoraf Nordhavs-Expeditionen erholdt 2 Individer, kunde bidtil ikke opvise nogen Diagnose, og var ikke nogensinde bleven be- skreven, endskjont den allerede for omtr. 30 Aar siden erholdt det Navn. hvorunder den fremdeles opføres, og under hvil- ket den flere Gange er bleven omtalt. Henforelsen af Nordhavs -Expeditionens Individer under denne Art har derfor blot kunnet gjøres efter en umiddelbar Sammenlig- ning med Typ-Exemplarerne i Kjøbenbavn. Allerede i 1823 erholdt Musæet i Kjøbenbavn gjennem Holboll nedsendt et Exemplar af denne Art fra Grønland, og senere erholdtes yderligere 3, ligeledes fra Grønland. Det ene af disse, der er det største af alle, indsendtes den 24de Nov. 1836; af de øvrige bærer det ene Angivelsen 26de Aug. 1841, og det sidste er sandsynligvis indkommet omtrent samtidigt. Forst i 1838 lindes et (det første) af disse Individer omtalt, nemlig i Reinhardts Fortegnelse over Grønlands Fiske (Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 7 Del, p. 115), men er her blot opført uden videre Angivelse som „Motélla mustela, Lin. Holboll. Godthaab". Med Krøyer's Haand- skrift er Reinhardts Benævnelse paa det nævnte holbollske Exemplar senere rettet til M. reinhardti, hvilket Navn og- saa er tildelt de øvrige Individer: under dette Navn er den ogsaa af Krøyer opført i den haandskrevne Catalog over Musæets grønlandske Fiskesamling, men uden at han npgetsteds har meddelt den nye Arts Diagnose eller Be- skrivelse. Den næste Gang, Arten lindes omtalt, er i 1857 i Reinhardts (jun.) „Naturhistoriske- Tillæg til Rinks Grøn- lands Beskrivelse" (B. 2. Appendix p. 25), hvor den op- føres med det af Krøyer givne Navn uden videre Diagnose eller Beskrivelse. Det er øjensynlig efter dette Skrift, at Arten i 1861 omtales af Gill i hans „Catal. Fishes East ray in first dorsal short, being rer// little longer than snout.- Vent placed midway between the point of the snout and the last caudal veiiebra. Distance from snout to second dorsal is to ti'tal length as 1 to 3.3. Colour a uniform reddish- brown; cirri and fin-points red. Length, reaching 318mm. M. B. 7. 2 D. 54—59: A. 45—46: P. 22—24; V. 8; C. 28. Locality (North Atl. west of Beeren Eiland. Exped.): — The open sea Slat. 312. Exact Locality. 108 Kil. W. of Beeren Biland. Depth. 658 Fathoms (1203'»). T' in p. at Bottom. — 1.2° C. BotU"". Brown & green Clay. 22th July 1878. Numb, "t' 8pt dm. 2 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — This species, of which two examples were obtained on the North Atlantic Expedition, had not previously been diagnosticated at all, and never once described, notwithstanding it was given the name by which it is still known, and under which it has been repeatedly recorded, upwards of 3 Gauge i Totallængden. Skjælbeklædningen var endnu ikke fuld- stændig, idet den paa Legemets forreste I >el ojensynlig endnu blot var i Frembrud. At M. argentata blot er en Ungform, er især paa Grund af det sidgtnævnte Factum øjensynligt, og det ligger vistnok nærmest at antage den for Ingen af 0. " reinhardi. Dette Spørgsmaal kan ikke afgjøres, førend sikre Ungdomsstadier af de 2 nærstaaende Arter. 0. reinhardt og 0. ensis, blive kjendte. Viser det sig altsaa i Fremtiden, at Reinhardts Mo- tella argentata udgjør Ungformen af 0. reinhardi, vil Ar- tens rette Navn følgelig blive Onos argéntatus,, (Reinli.) 1838. . Deu uævnte anden Art, Onos ensis, er den. som 0. rein- ha/rdi i sin udvoxede Stand utvivlsomt staar nærmest. 0. ensis er ligeledes en grønlandsk Form. og opstilledes af Reinhardt (samtidigt med Motella argentata) i Overs. 1835 — 36 af det oftere nævnte Selskabs Forhandlinger, 6 Del. p. CX, og senere i 7de Del. p. 116 og 128 (Kbhvn. 1837), efter 2 Individer, der i noget beskadiget Stand i ] 834 vare udtagne af Ventrikelen af en Cystophora cristata ved Omenak (70° N. B.). Deu af Reinhardt paa de ovenanførte Steder givne korte Characteristik er dog saa ufuldkommen. at Dr. (Jiin- ther ikke deraf bar kunnet opstille nogen Diagnose, og Arten lindes derfor i 1862 i hans Cat, Fish. Brit. Mus. ikkeoptagen som selvstændig Art (vol. 4. p. 366). De 2 originale Exemplarer. der endnu opbevares i det zoologiske Musæum i Kjøbenhavn, ere fremdeles, saavidt vides, de eneste, som existere. og de have hidtil ikke været Gjenstand for nøjagtigere Undersøgelsé og BeskriTelse. Ingen af Ar- terne har hidtil været afbildet. Ved den flygtige Gjennemgaaelse af denue og de øv- rige nærstaaende Former, som jeg ved Dr. Liitkens Vel- villie havde Lejlighed til at foretage i October 1878, viste det sig strax. at 0. ensis og 0. reinhardi ere fuldkommen distincte, om end beslægtede Arter. De mest iojnefaldende Characterer hos . 0. ensis ligge i den stærkt forlængede Iste Straale i Iste Dorsal, det mindre Hoved, og den sva- gere Tandvæbning, Totallængden hos de 2 Individer var omtrent 310""" oe 392'""'.1 1 Onos ensis, (Reinh.) I83.'i — 36. Overs. 1835—36, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. STaturv. Math. Afh. 6 Del, p. CX. Kbhvn. 1837 ils;;;, 36). • , Skjægtraade; Hovedet indeholdes omtrent •<'' , Gang> i Totallæng- den. tstt striml: i 1st, Jhus,,/ lang, omtrent af Hovedet» Længde. Tova- demt forholdsvis svagt og ensartede. Anus ligger midt mellem Snudespidsen og Begyndelsen af Caudalen. Afstanden fra Snudespidsen til 2den Dorsal indeholdes -V. 7 Gang* i Totallængden. 2 1). 59; A. 45—46; P. 22—23. Til Sammenligning kan vedføjes følgende Maal af et Par om- trent lige store- Individer af de 2 Artei begge fra MSisæel i Kjøben- havn. length of the bead bears the proportion of 5 — 5x/o. First ray in first dorsal one-third of the length of the head. Distance from point of snout to second dorsal is to total length as 1 to 3.5. The scales not yet fully developed; on the anterior part of the body indeed almost incipi- ent. Hence, M. argentata must represent one of the earlier stages of growth, in which case it comes nearest to 0. reinhard/. This question cannot, however, be de- cided until the stages through which the two closely related species, 0. reinhardi and ' 0. ensis, pass before reaching maturity, have become known. Should future researches show that Reinhardts M. argentata is merely 0. reinhardi in an early stage of dev- elopment, the name of the species will be Onos argentatus, (Reiuh.) 1838. Onos ensis is unquestionably the species presenting the- closest resemblance to 0. reinliardi in its adult stage of development. 0. ensis is likewise a Greenland form; it was described by Reinhardt (along with Motella argen- tata) iu Overs. 1835—36, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Afh.' D. 6, p. CX. and subsequently in Part 7. pp. 116 and 128 (1837). his specimens being two individuals, in a some- what mutilated condition, which had been taken in 1834 from the stomach of a Oystophora cristata, near Omenak. in lat. 70° N. The brief characterisation furnished by Reinhardt is very imperfect however, so much so indeed that Dr. Gunther could not elaborate from it a diagnosis; and the species figures as undetermined in his "Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus." (vol. 4, p, 366). published 18(52. The two original individuals still preserved in the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen, are the only specimens known to exist, and up to the pres- ent time they have not been accurately examined aud de-' scribed. Neither of the species has hitherto been figured. The cursory examination of this and the other nearly related forms which, thanks to the kindness of Dr. Liitken, an • opportunity was afforded me of making in October 1878, conclusively proved the specific distinction existing betwreen the congeners 0. ensis and 0. reinhardi. The most conspicu- ous characters in O. ensis are the produced first ray in the first dorsal tin. the small size of the head, and the feeble dentition. Total length in the two specimens, respectively 310""" and 392""". ' 1 Onos ensis, (Reinli.) is:;:, — 36. Overs. 1835—36, Kyl. I). Vid. Selsk. Naturv. Math. Afh. 6 Del, p. ('X, Kbhvn. 1s:;t (1835—36). Threi barbels; length of head is to t>>tul length as 1 to -',i'4. First rati in 1st dorsal produced, its length equalling that af the load. Troth comparatively feeble, and uniform. Tin vent placed midway between the snarl and llo ram no no, no at of tin oaiolal fill. Jtista/irt from point of Snout to 2nd dorsal is to total l' nail/ os 1 la 3.7. 2 J>. M): A. 45—46; /'. 22—23. For comparison arr appended measurements of two individuals, aboul equal in size, of the two species — both specimens preserved in the Zoological Museum in Copenhagen. 13 r, Da 0. reinkardi saaledes hidtil ikke er bleven be- skreven, meddeles en Beskrivelse efter de 2 foreliggende Exemplarer, hvoraf det ene sandsynligvis er fuldvoxent, sammenholdte med de i Kjøbenhavner-Musæet opbevarede Typ-Exemplarer. Udmaalinger. il. h. Totallængde 254""" 293""" Ho vedets Længde 49 - 59 . ( Ijets Diameter 9- {[ . Snudens Længde 14 . 15 . Hovedets postorbitale Del 27 - 34 - Legemets Hojde 40 . 45 . Snudespidsen til Iste Dorsal 46 - 55 - Snudespidsen til 2den Dorsal .... 77 - 88 - Snudespidsen til Anus 117 - 142 - Anus til sidste Halehvirvel 117 - 130 - Anus til Spidsen af Caudalen . . . . 143 - 159 - Anus til Begy ndelsen af Caudalen. . . 109 - 113 - Halerodens Hojde . • 14 - 17 - Enterorbitalrummets Bredde 11 - 15 - Pectoralernes Længde 37 - 44 - Ventralernes Længde 49 - 49 - Længden af Iste Straale i Iste Dorsal . 16,5 - 18 - Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. Legemet er langstrakt ; dets Hojde. naar Bugen ikke er slap eller udspilet, er n.æsten, men ikke fuldt lig Hovedets Længde, og indehql- des omtrent 53/4 Gange i Totallængden. Hovedet er forholdsvis lidet, med temmelig jevnt af- rundet Profil, og stærke. muskuløse Kinder; dets Længde udgjør hos 4 Individer 4.s. bos 1 Individ 4,9, hos 1 (det mindste) 5,1 af Totallængden. Underkjæven er kortere, end Overkjæven; Mundspalten er af. middels Længde. idet Overkjæven strækker sig til- bage omtrent ret under Bagranden af Øjet (eller hos et yngre Individ ikke fuldt saa langt). Tænderne ere tilstede i Mellemkjæverne og i Under- kjæven. samt paa Vomer; overalt danne de flere Rækker, hvoraf en enkelt rager op over de øvrige; denne Række sidder i Mellemkjæven forrest, i Underkjæven inderst, paa Vomer omtrent i Midten. Smulen har paa hver Side 1 Skjægtraad, fæsteP til den bagre Band at det forreste Næsebor; en tredie Traad lindes paa Hagen. Gjællehindens Straaler ere 7 i Antal. Øjnene ere forholdsvis store, lateraltstillede ; Længde- dia meteren indeholdes ikke fuldt l1/^ Gang i Smulens Totallængden Hovedets Længde Overkjævens Længde Fra Snudespidsen til Beg. af 2den Dorsal Længden af Iste Straale i Iste Dorsal . 0. reinha-rdi. O. ensis 318""" 310 ' 66 - 52 - 30 - 96 - 83 - 20 - 45 - O. reinkardi having accordingly not as yet been diag- nosticated, adescription isgivenhere, from a careful examin- ation of the two specimens obtained, one of which, probably, is an adult (compared to the typical examples preserved in the I iopenhageu Museum). Measurements. a. h. Total length 254 293 Length of head \\\ . 59 . Diameter ol' eye '.I - 11 - Length of snout 14 - 15 - Postorhital region of head' 27 - 34 - Depth of body 40 - 4o - From point of snout to first dorsal . . 46 - 55 - From point of snout to second dorsal . 77 - 88 - From point of snout to Tent . . . . 117 - 142 - From vent to last caudal vertebra. . . 117 - 130 - From vent to extremity of caudal . . . 143 - 159 - From vent to commencement of caudal . 109 - 113 - Depth of tail at base 14- 17 - tnterorbital space 11 - 15 - Length of pectorals .• ' 37 - 44 - Length of ventrals 49 - 49 - Length of 1st ray in 1st dorsal . . . 16.5- 18 - General Description. Structure of the Body. — Body elongated; depth, when the abdomen is neither re- laxed nor distended, almost equal to the length of the head, being to total length about as 1 to 53 t. Head comparatively small, the upper profile line rounded; cheeks strong and muscular; length of head, in 4 individuals, is to total length as 1 to 4.8; iii 1 individual. as 1 to 4.9; in the smallest, as 1 to 5.1. Lover jaw shorter than upper; mouth of moderate length, the upper jaw extending backwards, almost under the posterior margin of the eye (in a younger example not quite so far). Teeth on intermaxillaries, in lower jaw. and on the vomer ; on each bone several rows, one with longer teeth than the rest; on the intermaxillaries this row is the outermost, in the lower jaw the innermost, on the vomer the medial series. t)n either side of the snout 1 barbel, attached to the posterior margin of the foremost nostril : a third bar- bel on the chin. Brancbeostegous rays 7. Eyes comparatively large, position lateral; the longitud- inal diameter of the eye is to the length of the snout very 0. ri inhardi. O. tlisi*. Total length 311.""" 66 - 30 - 96 - 20 - :;n 1 Length ei' upper jaw From point el' sn. .ut i. Length "l' 1st ray in •'■' :. - com. of 2nd dorsal 1 st dorsal 83 - • 4.". - 136 Længde, og omtrent b1^ Gange i Hovedlængden. Inter- orbitalrummet er forholdsvis smalt, eller ubetydeligt større, end Øjendiameteren. Anus ligger midt mellem Snudespidsen og sidste Hale- livirvel: Halerodens Højde er omtrent lig Smulens Længde (Hovedets præorbitale Del ). Finnerne. Iste Dorsals Grundlinie er forholdsvis lang^ omtrent lig Længden af Hovedets postorbita'e Del; dens Iste forlængede Straale er ubetydeligt større, end Halerodens Højde. eller Smulens Længde. og er næsten lig 2 Gauge Øjets Diameter. 2den Dorsal, der tæller hos det mindre Exemplar 54, hos det større 59 Straaler, udsprmger i næsten en Øjen- diameters Afstand fra Iste Dorsal, og i 'en Afstand fra Snudespidsen. der omtrent svarer til Gjællespaltens Afstand fra Anus. Den er omtrent jevnhøj ; dog ere de bagre Straaler noget længere, end de forreste. Afstanden fra den sidste Dorsalstraale til Hvirvelsøjlens Ende svarer omtrent til Afstanden fra Snudespidsen til Bagranden af Øjet. Analen, der tæller hos det mindre Exemplar 45, hos det større 46 Straaler, udspringer umiddelbart bag Anus, og ophører ubetydeligt foran Verticalen fra Slutningen af Iste Dorsal. Dens Bygning og Højde er ganske, som hos den sidstnævnte Finne. Pectoralerne tælle 22 — 24 Straaler, ere forholdsvis brede, og have de nedre Straaler kortest: deres Længde er noget større, end Afstanden fra Øjets forreste Band til Gjællespalten. Ventralerne tælle 8 Straaler: den anden fra oven er forhenget, saaledes at Finnens største Længde omtrent bli- ver lig Hovedlæugden, hos det mindre Exemplar endog større end denne. Den første Straale er omtrent 2/3 saa lang, som 2den. Tilbageslaaet naar Finnens Spidse hos det yngre Individ bagenfor Pectoralernes Spidse, og er her blot en halv Finnelængde tjernet fra Anus; hos det ældre Individ ere Straalerne forholdsvis kortere, naa ikke fuldt Pectoralernes Spidse, og ere næsten i en Finnelængdes Afstand fjernede fra Anus. Caudalen er svagt afrundet, og tæller omtrent 28 lange Straaler, foruden et Antal kortere Støttestraaler paa begge Sider af Boden. Dens største Længde, regnet fra sidste Halehvirvel. er omtrent lig Længden af Hovedets postorbitale Del. Sidélinien og Slimporer. En fuldstændig Sidelinie er tilstede, men Porerne ere. som hos alle Moteller, stillede med temmelig langt Mellemrum indbyrdes. Den strækker sig fra Gjællespaltens øvre Rand forst i noget skråa Ret- ning opad, men bøjer noget bag Begyndelsen af 2denDor- sal skrant nedad mod Legemets Midtlinie, som den naar omtrent ret over Begyndelsen af Analen; herfra følger den Midtlinjen ret ud til Caudalen. Antallet af Porer er om- trent 27; paa Legemets bagre Del ere Méllemrummene mellem disse større, end fortil. Af de Rækker Slimporer, som udbrede sig over Ho- nearly as 1 to D/a. to the length of the head about as 1 to 5'/2. Interorbital space but slightly exceeding the diam- eter of the eye. The vent midway between the point of the snout and the last caudal vertebra: depth of tail at base about equal to the length of the snout (preorbital region of the head). Fins. — Base of first dorsal long, about equal in length to the postorbital region of the head; the first elongated ray slightly exceeding in length the depth of the tail at base, or the length of the snout, or about equal to twice the diameter of the eye. Second dorsal — in the smaller specimen with 54, in the larger, with 511 rays - is distant at its commencement the length of the diameter of the eye from the first, its distance from the point of the snout being about equal to that between the branchial opening and the vent. Depth nearly uniform, the posterior rays however slightly exceed- ing in length those in the anterior part of the fin. The distance from the last dorsal ray to the termination of the vertebral column about equal to that between the snout and the posterior margin of the eye. The anal — in the smaller example with 45. in the larger with 4(3 rays — commences immediately behind the vent, terminating a little in advance of the last ray of first dorsal. Depth and structure as in that fin. The pectorals, furnished each with 22 — 24 rays, com- paratively broad; lower rays shortest: length slightly ex- ceeding the distance from the anterior margin of the eye to the branchial opening. The ventrals furnished with 8 rays; second anterior ray elongated, the length of the tin about equalling the length of the head; in the smaller specimen exceeding it even. The second ray longer than the first by about two- thirds. Spread backwards, the tip of the fin. in the younger specimen, reaching beyond the extremity of the pectorals, at which point it is removed not more than half the length of the fin from the vent : the rays in the older individual relatively somewhat shorter, not quite reaching the extremity of the pectorals, and removed almost the length of the fin from the vent. The caudal slightly convex, furnished with 28 long rays, exclusive of a number of shorter rays protending along both sides (if the base. Length, measured from the last caudal vertebra, about equal to that of the postorbital region of the head. Lateral Line ami Maroiis Pores. — A lateral line, distinct throughout its entire length, extends from the upper margin of the gill-opening, at first somewhat obliquely up- wards, but slants off at the commencement of the second dorsal in the direction of the mesial line, which it meets almost immediately above the origin of the anal, passing from thence straight along the said line to the caudal. Number of pores about 27; on the posterior part of the body, the spaces between are larger than in the anterior region. Of the several series of mucous pores disposed over w vedet, ore følgende de mest iøjnefaldende. En Række ad omtrent i» Porer strækker sig fra Snudespidfen langs Ran- den af Overkjæven indtil bagenfor Mundvinkelen. Kivi den sidste af.disse Porer stiger vertical! nedad en Række finere Porer, oftest 4 i Antal, indtil den nedre Rand ai Prae- operculum; herfra fortsætter sit; en Række ai omtreni 6 grovere Porer langs Handen ai Praeoperculum bagover og opover, indtil den standser omtrent i Eøjde med Grjælle- spaltens øvre Ende. Endelig strække sig Langs Ohderkjæven, 2 næsten parallelle Rækker, den indre med 5 mindre, den ydre med 3 grovere Porer. Mellom Ojneno danne 3 (like- ledes grovere) Porer en forti! aaben Vinkel. Paa Siderne af fanden strækker sig fraØjet lien til Gjællespaltens ovre Ende en Række af 4 Porer, lovrigt tindes spredte Porer paa ! 'anden, ligesom ogsaa Antallet i de normale Rækker viste sig at være noget varierende Ims de 2 undersøgte Individer. Skjælbeklædning. "Skjællene ere udbredte over hele Legemet. Paa Hovedet strækker Skjælbeklædningen sig frem indtil inellem de bagre Na-sebor. hvorimod selve Snu- den er nøgen; paa Hovedets Underside er Skjælbeklædnin- gen ligeledes udbredt overalt paa den ubedækkede Del af Grjællehinden indtil selve Spidsen af Dnderkjæven, der er riøgen. Paa Dorsalen og Analen strække Skjællene sig ud næsten lige til Spidsen af Straaleme; paa Pectoralerne tindes de blot ved Roden. Farve. Farven var i levende Live rødgraa, paa Ho- vedet og Bugen gaaende over i blaagraat; paa Hovedets Underside strækker denne Farve sig frem overalt paa Gjælle- hindens ubedækkede Dele. Spidsen af Dorsalen. Analen, og Ca uda len vare smukt røde; samme Farve kavde de 3 Skjægtraade, samt den første forlængede Straale i Iste Dorsal. Pectoraler og Ventraler vaie bos det ene Exein- plar i Spidsen rode. hos det andet I ila a lige med lysere Spid- ser. Muudbulen var bvid. Etterat Individerne have været opbevarede paa Spiritus, er Farven bleven mere ensfarvet rødgraa overalt: Hovedets Skjægtraade, samt Iste Dorsal- straale have tabt sin rode Farve, bvilket ogsaa er Tilfældet med Ventralerne og tildels med Pectoralerne. De sidste have derimod faaet lysere Pletter paa den rødlige eller blaalige Bund. Føde. I Yentrikelen af det ene Individ fandt jeg Skelettet af en liden Fisk. hvisLængde var omtrent 1 00"""; en sølvglindsende Svømmeblære var dog endnu tilstede, men Arten lod sig ikke bestemme, da Hovedet var næsten for- tæret. Desuden fandtes diverse Stykker af Deca poder, som det syntes, af Hip.polyter. Det andet Individ havde Yentrikelen fyldt af The- misto I/hrlhtla, en Amphipode a f Hyperiderues Familie, der saaledes trænger ned til eu anselig Dybde, skjønt den maa ansees for at have sit Hovedtilhold i de højere Vandlag; fremdeles en Anonyx, sandsynligvis A. \agma. Udbredelse. Formlen Nordhavs-Expeditionens 2 In- divider fra Havet mellem Spitsbergen og Beeren Eiland ere. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. Collett: Fi-I.< . the surface of the bead, the following are the mosl con- spicuous: — A row. composed ol' about '.I pores, extending Ironi the point of the snout along the margin of the upper jaw a little behind tin angle of the mouth. Branching vertically downwards from the last ol' these pores, a scries of about 4 smaller pores is seen extending to the lower margin of the preoperculum ; from this point a scries of about (i large pores runs along the margin of the preoper- culum, backwards and upwards, terminating in a line with the upper extremity of the gill-opening. On the lower jaw occur two rows almost parallel, the inner composed of 5 small, the outer of 3 large, pores. Between the eyes are 3 pores (these, too, comparatively large), marking off an angular space, open anteriorly. On either side of the fore- head, from the eye to the upper extremity of the branchial opening, extends a row of 4 pores. Moreover, isolated pores occur on the forehead: and the number in the nor- mal series varies somewhat in the 2 individuals examined. Scales. -^- The scales cover the entire surface of the body. On the head, they extend forwards between the posterior nostrils, leaving the snout naked; on the under surface of the head, they likewise envelop the whole of the uncovered portion of the branchial membrane, saving the extreme point of the lower jaw, v. kick is naked. On the dorsal and anal, the scales extend almost to the points of the rays; on the pectorals, they occur only on the base. Colour. — Colour in live examples reddish -grey, changing to bluish -grey on the head and abdomen; the latter shade extends, too, over the whole of the uncovered portion of the branchial membrane. Tips of dorsal, anal, and caudal of a fine red ; this colour likewise distinguishing the- barbels and the first elongated ray in first dorsal. Tips of pectorals and ventrals in one example red ; in the other, the tips were bluish. Cavity of the mouth white. The specimens having been preserved some time in spirits, the colour has changed to a more uniform reddish-grey : the barbels and the first dorsal ray have lost their brilliant red colour; this is the case too with the ventrals, and, to some extent, with the pectorals; in the latter, the reddish or bluish ground has become flecked with lighter spots. Food. — In the ventricle of one of the individuals was the skeleton of a small fish, length about LOO"""; the swimming-bladder, of a silvery lustre, was still present, but the head being very nearly digested, there was no means of determining the species; the stomach also contained divers fragments of Decapods, apparently of the genus H'ppoh/fe. The other individual had the ventricle distended with Themisto libellula, of the family Hyperidas, a species de- scending therefore to a considerable depth, though its true habitat has been held to be exclusively the upper strata of the ocean; an. Anonyx, probably A. lac/eiia, was also found. Distribution. — Exclusive of the two individuals taken on the North Atlantic Expedition between Spitzbérgen and 1S 138 som tidligere nævnt, blot kjendte 4 udvoxede Individer, der alle vare erholdte ved Rysterne af Grønland i Aarene mellem 1823 og 1841, og som ere opbevarede i Musæet i Kjøbenhavn. Nordhavs-Exjjeditionens nye Individer optoges fra be- tydeligt Dyb (mellem 600 og 700 Favne), og fra det iskolde Vand. Hertil kommer et Antal Ungdomsformer (Motella ar- geniata, Reinh.), der, efter hvad ovenfor er udviklet. med høj Grad af Sandsynligbed tilhøre denne Art, og som lige- ledes ere erholdte ved Grønland i Aarene 1830 — 1840. og hvoraf de fleste opbevares i Musæet i Kjøbenhavn, enkelte i Musæerne i Berlin oe Wien. 27. Onos septemtrionalis, (Coll.) 1874. Pl. IV, Fig. 35— 3\ a comparatively large head, very long jaws, and by a series of rudimentary barbels extending (besides the normal ones) along the upper jaw. I give here the de- scription originally furnished, together with supplementary data derived from the examination of later specimens, ami annex a new representation. The individuals examined, all from the coasts of Norway, are distinguished by the following dimensions and tin-formulæ. 1 Ami. Mag. Nat, Hist. Ser. 4. vol. 15, p. 82 : „Norges Fiske-, Tillægshefte til Porh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1874, i'. 117, Tal.. 2; Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 4. p. 20. a. Kost. b. Bo.lo, c. Florø, Aug. Aug. July 1877. 1ST). ist:;. Total length 69 100""" 173""" 16.8 - 24.5 - di' - Number of rays in 2 D. . . 49 - 49 - 52 - Number of rays in A. . . . 43 - 41 - 43 - Number of rays in P. . . '. 16 - 15 - 16 - Body comparatively short and compressed; its depth, considerably less than the length of the head, is to total length about as 1 to 52/3. The vent placed nearly midway between the extrem- ity of the lower jaw and the termination of the anal fin. Peduncle of tail about equal to the width of the interorbital space. Head large, depressed, and with thick, muscular cheeks ; its length is contained rather more .than 4 times in the total length. Lower jaw shorter than upper. The gape remarkably wide, more so indeed than in any other species, extending as it does, especially in large examples, far behind the eye. The upper jaw nearly as long as the postorbital part of the head, and the snout measuring accordingly a good deal less than the distance from the eye to the angle of the mouth. Teeth in the jaws and on the vomer. In the jaws, arranged in several rows, which, however, are of unequal length on the upper jaw. the teeth in the exterior series being the largest, and curving considerably inwards; the lower jaw has several stouter teeth (the teeth in this jaw being generally larger than those in the upper) in the interior row. On the fore part of the vomer extends a semicircu- lar patch of smaller teeth. 1 Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist. Ser. 4. vol. 15, p. S2 (1874); -Xorges Fiske," Appendix to Forh. Vid. S.4sk. Chra. is74. p. 117. PI. 2; Forh. Viil. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 4. p. 20. IS* 140 Øjuene ere forholdsvis smaa. og, paa Grand af Hove- dets fladtrykte Form, temmelig sterkt opadvendte; de inde- lioldes hos større Individer 2 Gange i Snudens Længde, og omtrent 7 1ji Gange i Hovedlængden. Hos de yngre ere Øjnene forholdsvis større; hos Nordhavs-Expeditionens In- divid, der har en Totallængde af blot 69 mm, er Øjets Længdediameter ikke langt fra lig Snudelængden, og inde- holdes blot 5 Gange i Hovedets Længde. Interorbital- rummet er forholdsvis bredt, og indeholdes l1/^ Gang i Øjets Højdediameter. Skjægtraadene oventil ere 2 lange, og en hel Række kortere langs Overlæben. De første sidde, som sædvanligt. ved den bagre Rand af det forreste Par Næsebor. De sidste ere 8 i Antal, hvoraf de yderste ere ganske rudimen- tære ; det mellemste Par ere de længste, uden dog at opnaa en Længde af en Øjendiameter. Paa Hagen tindes en enkelt, lang Traad, Gjællespalten er særdeles vid; Gjællehindeus Straaler ere 7 i Antal. Finnerne. Iste Dorsal er kort; dens Grundlinie er omtrent Hg Afstanden fra Snudespidsen til Øjets bagre Rand; dens forste forlængede Straale har samme Længde, som Finnens halve Grundlinie, eller 2 Gange Øjets Dia- meter. Den begynder ubetvdeligt foran Pectoralernes Rod, og ender ret over Begyndelsen af samme Finners ydre Trediedel. 2den Dorsal, der teller 49 — 52 Straaler, udspringer lige bag Iste i en Afstand fra Snudespidsen, der er ube- tydeligt længere, end Afstanden fra Anus til Kjævernes bagre Kant. Den er næsten jevnhoj overalt, og slutter i omtrent en Øjendiameter S Afstand fra Caudalens Rod. Dens største Højde er omtrent lig Grundlinien af Iste Dorsal. Analen, der tæller 41 — 43 Straaler. udspringer umid- delbart bag Anus, og ophører, som hos de fleste Alter. ubetydeligt før sidste Straale af 2den Dorsal. Dens Højde er næsten lig 2den Dorsals Hojde. Pectoralerne, der have 15 — 16 Straaler. ere brede, korte og afrundede, idet deres Længde neppe er støiTe. end Underkjævens. Yentralerne telle 7 (ikke 8) Straaler, og have den 2den Straale noget forlænget, længst hos de yngre Indivi- der, hvor den naar forbi Pectoralernes Spidse; hos de ældre er Spidsen fjernet næsten en Finnelængde fra Anus, og naar ikke Pectoralernes Spidse. Den første og sidste Straale ere enkelte, hvorimod de øvrige ere kløvede til Grunden. Caudalen tæller 28 — 30 Straaler, og er noget afrundet. skjønt Hjornerne ere tydeligt fremtrædende. Skjælhéklædning. Skjællene ere smaa og fastsiddende, samt beklæde hele Legemet lige ud paa Snuden, saavelsoin Grunden af Finnerne; mindst skjælbeklædte ere Yentralerne. Hos Xordhavs-Expeditionens Individ, hvis Totallængde blot er 69""", er Snuden og Hovedets Sider endnu nøgne, lige- som Skjælbeklædningen endnu ikke er fremkommet paa Eyes rather small, and directed, from the depressed form of the head, considerably upwards : the diameter, in comparatively large individuals, is to the length of the snout as 1 to 2, and to the length of the bead about as 1 to l1^. In young individuals, the eyes are relatively larger; in the specimen taken on the Expedition, total length not more than 69""". the longitudinal diameter of the eye very nearly equals the length of the snout, and is to the length of the head as 1 to 5 only. Interorbital sjtace comparatively wide, being to the vertical diameter of the eye as 1 to Vj->. Of the cirri on the upper jaw. 2 are long, and a whole series of shorter (partly rudimentary) barbels extends along the upper lip ; the former placed as usual at the poste- rior margin of the foremost pair of nostrils: the latter are 8 in number, the outermost quite rudimentary, the medial pair longest, their length, however, not equalling the diameter of the eye. One long barbule on the chin. Branchial opening exceedingly wide; brancheostegous rays 7. Fins. — First dorsal short, length about equalling the distance from the point of the snout to the posterior margin of the eye; the first elongated ray equal in length to half the tin. or to twice the diameter of the eye. It commences a little in advance of the pectorals, terminat- ing immediately above the exterior third of that fin. Second dorsal, furnished with from 49 to 52 rays, commencing immediately posterior to the first, at a dis- tance from the point of the snout slightly exceeding the distance from the vent to the posterior edge of the jaws. Depth nearly uniform throughout. The fin terminates at a distance about equal to the diameter of the eye from the base of the caudal. Greatest depth about equal to length of basal line of- first dorsal. The anal, furnished with from 41 to 43 rays, com- mences immediately posterior to the vent, terminating, as in most of the species, a little before the last ray of the 2nd dorsal. Depth nearly equal to that of 2nd dorsal. The pectorals, which have from 15 to 16 rays, are broad, short, and rounded ; length hardly exceeding that of lower jaw. The ventrals. furnished with 7 (not 8) rays, have the 2nd ray somewhat produced; it is longest in young indi- viduals, the poiut reaching beyond the extremity of the pectorals. In comparatively old individuals, the extrem- ity is distant almost the length of the fin from the vent. and does not reach the extremity of the pectorals. The first and last rays are simple, the rest cleft to the base. The caudal, furnished with from 28, to 30 rays, slightly convex, the angles however distinctly perceptible. Scales. — Scales small, and firmly attached to the skin; extending over the whole surface of the body out upon the snout, and also along the base of the fins; ven- trals furnished with fewest scales. In the specimen taken on the Expedition, total length not more than 69 mm, the snout and the sides of the head are as yet naked, and the 141 Finnerne; hos et aoget ældre Individ, med en Totallængde af LOO""', ereSkjællene blevne synlige paa Q-runden af Cau- dalen, medens de øvrige Finner endnu ere aøgne. Siddinie. Sidelinien er ikke overall tydelig, issa: paa Legemets 'mellemste og bagre Del; den bestaar af en Række af omtrent 20 Porer, der mrd forholdsvis lange Mellemrum strække sig fra G-jællespaltens owe Eland hen under Iste Dorsal, men bøje ved de første Straaler af 2den Dorsal (7de Pore) ned mod Legemets MMtlinie, som de nu følge ad mod Caudalen. Fane. Denne er mørkt graahrun uden Pletter, blot uhetydeligt lysere paa Undersiden; Iris er blaasort, Mund- huleu livid. Yngre Individer have forholdsvis lysere Far- ver oventil. Udbredelse. 0. septemtrionaJis er en nordisk, maaske aretisk Art. hvoraf 3 Individer (med en Totallængde af 69 til 173""") hidtil foreligge fra Norges Kyster, formlen 1 fra Grønland. De norske Individer ere alle optagne fra det noget grundere Vand (20 — 50 Favne); det mindste af dem var det, der erholdtes under Nordhavs-Expeditionen ved Røst. den yderste af Lofotøerne (06'/," N. B.). Den syd- ligste Localitet. Florø udenfor Søndfjord, ligger under 6 D/o" N. B. Det grønlandske Individ, der opbevares i Universitets- Musæet i Kjøbenhavn. har en Totall. af omtr. 170 mm. Det er sandsynlig vis allerede i Aarene omkring 1840 indsendt til det nævnte Musæuni fra Grønland ; en nojere Angivelse af Localiteten tindes ikke. Fam. Pleuronectidae. Gren. !F»lat;\ somatichtliys, Bleek. Versl. Med. Kon. Akad. Wet. Amsterd. D. 13, p. 126 (1862). Højrevendt. Tænderne stcerke, omtrent lige ud- viklede paa begge Sider; i Overkjæven danne de 2, i Underkjæven 1 Række. Vomerin- og Palatintænr der mangle. Mundaabningen vid; Overkjæven gaar tillage til Øjets Bagrand. De nedre Svælgtænder danne en enkelt Bækké. Analtorn mangler. Side- linien næsten ret. ' 'muldn, indskaaren. SkjæUene smaa og glatte. Blindsiden stærkt musculøs. scales have imt begun to develop oin the tins: in another individual, total length, I1"1""", the scales are perceptible along the base of the caudal, the other tins being still naked. Lateral Line. - Lateral line uot everywhere distinct; more especially, however, on the medial and posterior parts of the body, It is composed of a series of about 20 pores, and extends, with comparatively wide interstices, trom the upper margin of the branchial aperture beneath the hase of the first dmsal. hut strikes off obliquely at the first rays of the second dorsal (7th pore) to the mesial line, passing from thence straight along it to the caudal. Colour. — A uniform greyish-brown, without spots, somewhat lighter on the under surface; irides bluish- black; cavity of the mouth white. Young individuals com- paratively lighter. Distribution. — 0. septniitrioualiti is a northern, possibly an Arctic species, of which only 3 examples (total length ranging from 69""" to 173""") have as yet been ob- tained from the Norwegian coast, and 1 from Green- land. The Norwegian specimens were all taken in com- paratively shallow water (20 — 50 fathoms), the smallest being that obtained on the North Atlantic Expedition, off Lofoten, in lat. 66'/au N.; the most southerly locality, Florø, on the coast of Søndfjord, is in lat. 611,/ N. The Greenland specimen, pi-eserved in the University Museum. Copenhagen, has a total length of about 170"""; it was probably sent to the Museum from Greenland, cer- tainly not later than 1840; the exact Ideality is not given. Fam. Pleuronectidæ. GJ-eti. IPlatysomatichth.vs, Bleek. Versl. Med. Kon. Akad. Wet. Amsterd. D. 13, p. 426 (1862). Body dextral. Teeth strong^ near/// equal in development on both sides; in the upper jaw 2 series, in the lower 1; vomerine and palatine teeth wanting. Mouth wide, maxillary reaching back to the posterior margin of the eye. The lower pharyngeal teeth forming a single roio. Preanal spine absent. Lateral line nearly straight. Caudal fin emarginate. Scales small and smooth. The blind side very mus- cular. 142 28. Platysomatichthys hippoglossoides, (Walb.) 1792. PUuronectes cynoglossus, Fabr. (nee Lin.) Fauna Groenl. No. 118, p. 163 (17801. PUuronectes hippoglossoides, Walb. Art. Gen. Pise. Pars III. p. 115 • (1792). PUuronectes pinguis, Fabr. Kgi. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 1 D., p. 4:'. i 1824). Hippoglosaus pinguis, Remh, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 7 D., p. 116 1 183.8). Beinhardtius hippoglossoides, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861, App. p. 50 (1861 I. Platysomatichthys pinguis, Bleeker, Versl. Med. Kon. Akad. Wet. Am- sterd. D. 13, p. 426 (1862). Hippoglossus groenlandieus, Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4, p. 404 11862). Platysomatichthys hippoglossoides, Goode & Bean, Bull. Ess. Inst. vol. 11. p. 7 ( lsTOi. Diagn. Det øvre Øje ligger i Prof handen, og er halvt opadvendt. Dorsal- og Analstra etler ne ere alle udelte. Legemets Hojde indeholdes 51/-. Hovedeis Længde 4 Gange i Totallængden. Dorsalens Af stand fra Caudalen er større, end Halerodens Højde. Legemet skjælbeklædt hult il mellem Øjnene : Finnerne tæt skjælbeklædtc. Inter orb italrummet fladt. Ensj arvet mørkt graa- eller gulbrun: Elindsiden, der er ligesaa muskulos. sum Ojensiden. er kun nhetydeligt Igsere, end denne. D. 92—102: A. 71—75: V. 6: P. 14—15: C. 20. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Havet mellem Hammer- fest og Beereii Eiland. Stat.^ 286. Beliggenhed. 215 Kil. SV. Beeren Eiland. Dybd< . 447 Favne (81 7 "M. Temp. paa Bundl n . - 0,8° C. Bundt /i. GraagTønt Ler. Datum. 6te Juli 1878. Antal Individ* r 1 yngre Indiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Endskjønt denne Art er forholdsvis ikke særdeles nær beslægtet med nogen anden Form. idet den besidder flere udprægede Characte- rer, der baade ere lette at opfatte og beskrive, har den dog en Rækké Synonymer at opvise. og dens rette Benæv- nelse har lige til den sidste Tid ikke været endelig fastsat eller anerkjendt. Fabricius, der var den første, som i sin ..Fauna Groen- landica" (17SO) beskrev Arten, henførte den under Linnes Pleuronectés cynoglossus, hvilken Fejl han selv rettede i en Afhandling „Zoologiske Bidrag.-, der udkom i 1824 (i Iste Del .af Videnskabs-Selskabets Naturv. og Math. Avhand- linger), og hvor han kalder den Pleuronectés pinguis. Paa begge Steder er Arten kjendeligt beskreven. men den Af- bildning. der ledsagede hans sidstuævnte Afhandling, er fuldstændig fejlagtig. Denne slette Figur ledede Girnther til i sin Gat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4 (1862) ;it anse Fabricii Pl. cijno- 28. Platysomatichthys hippoglossoides, (Walb.) 1792. PUuronectes cynoglossus, Fabr. tnec Lin.) 'Fauna Grænl. No. Ils, p. 163 (1780). Pleuroneetcs hippoglossoides, Walb. Art. Gen. Pisc. Pars III, p. 115 (1792). Pleuroneetcs pinguis, Fabr. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Aih. 1 D., p. 43 ils-J4i. Eippoglossus pinguis, Reinh. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 7 D., p. I1ii (1838). Beinhardtius hippoglossoides, Gill, Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861, App. p. 50 i I si il). Platysomatichthys pinguis. Bleeker, Versl. Med. Kon. Akad. Wet. Am- sterd. D. 13, p. 426 (1862). Hippoglossus grcenlandicus, Giinth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4, p. 404 (1862). Platyaouiatichthgs hippoglossoides, Goode & Bean, Bull. Ess. Inst. vol. 11, p. 7 (1879). Diagnosis. — Tite upper eye on the marginal line. directed half upivards. Dorsal and anal rays simple. The depth of the body is to total length as 1 to 3lji} the length of the head as 1 to 4. Distance of dorsal fin from caudal greater than the depth of the tail at base. Scales extending hehreen the eyes; the fins closely scaled. Interorbital space flat. Colour a dark greyish- or yeUowish-brown ; the blind side, which is almost as muscular as the upper, only a shade lighter. D. 92—102; A. 71—75; Y. 6; P. 14—15; C. 20. Locality (North Atl. Exped): — The open sea, between Hammerfest and Beeren Eiland. Stat. 286. Exact Locality. 215 Kil. SW. Beeren Kiland. Depth. 447 Fathoms (817"). Temp, at Bottom. — 0.8° C. Bottom. Greyish green Clay. Date. 6th July 1878. Numb, of Specim. 1 Indiv. (young). • Remarks on the Synonymy. — This species, albeit in a comparative sense not very closely related to any other form of the genus, distinguished as it is by divers salient characters, easy alike to apprehend and describe, has never- theless received a number of synonyms, and even now its true designation has not been finally determined or agreed upon. Fabricius, who was the first to describe the species, in his "Fauna Grcenlandica" (1780). classed it under Lin- neus's Pleuroneetcs cynoglossus, an error which he corrected himself in a Memoir entitled "Zoologiske Bidrag." publish- ed 1824 (in Part I of ''Videnskabs-Selskabets Naturv. og Math. Afhandlinger"), giving it the new name of Pleuron. pinguis. In both of these papers recognisable descriptions are furnished of the species; hut a figure accompanying the last of the papers is a complete failure. This eminently defective representation induced Giin- ther. when compiling his Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4 (1862), 1 I.-. ghssus (hans senere pinguis) som identisk med Linnea /'/. cynoglossus, en Anskuelse, som gjendreves af Grill allerede i 1864 (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. L864). Gttnther havde imidlertid givet Axten, der efterhaanden ogsaa gjen- aem andre var bleven bekjendt, del aye Navn Hippoglossus groenlandicus, hvorhos Fabricii /'/. hippoglossus opføres som dens Synonym; dotte sidste var imidlertid iicorrect, da Pl. hippoglossus, abr., atvivlsomt er den rette Hippogl. vulgaris. Navnet Hippoglossus pinguis (TFabr.), under hvilket Ar- ten oftest er omtalt, er yngre, end Walbaum's Pleuronectes hippoglossoides (1792), der saaledes indeholder det ældste Artsnavn. Da forhaandenværende Art i tiere Henseender adr skiller sig fra Slægten Hippoglossus, med hvilken den i Regelen er slaaet sammen, har Gill allerede i 1861 henført den under en ny Slægt, Reinhardtms (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1861. App.), men da denne Slægt her. aden at være characteriseret, blot er nævnt i en Fortegnelse, vil Bleeker's Navn PlatysomaUcWvys, opstillet i 1862 fol- den samme Art (13de Bind af Med. Kon. Akad. Wet. i Amsterdam), blive at anvende. Bemærkninger til Beskrivelsen. Det under Nord- havs-Expeditionen erholdte Individ var yngre, og havde føl- gende Maal : • Totallængde 435""" Legemets Længde til sidste Halehvirvel .... 378 - Legemets Højde 120 - Halerodens Højde 34 - Hovedets Længde 104 - Pectoralens Længde paa Blindsiden 40 - Tænderne hos dette Individ vare paa Øjensiden oven- til 15. hvoraf de inderste vare meget smaa, nedentil 7, alle lange og naaispidse. Paa Blindsiden fandtes oventil 22. nedentil 6. samtlige af samme Bygning, som de tilsvarende paa Øjensiden. Straaleantallet var: D. 92; A. 71; C. 20; V. 6; P. 14. Farven paa Blindsiden var kun lidet lysere, end Øjen- sidens. Interorbitalrummet var hos dette yngre Individ for- holdsvis smalt, sammenlignet med Øjnenes Størrelse; dets Bredde var omtrent, som Øjets Tverdiameter, men mindre, end Længdediameteren. Udbredelse. Platysomatichthys hippoglossoides er en aretisk Art. der tidligst har været kjendt fra Grønland, ■ hvor den allerede er beskreven i 1780 af Fabricius; den synes her at være talrig paa det noget dybere Vand. Mod Syd gaar den i Nordamerica i ifølge Goode & Bean) lige ned til Dybderne udenfor Essex og Massachusetts i New England-Staterne (42° N. B.). I de europæiske Farvande har den hidtil blot været omtalt fra Finmarken, hvor enkelte Exemplarer i de senere Aar ere fundne og opbevarede, men neppe søndenfor 70° to regard Fabricii /V. cynoglossus (subsequently pinguis) as identical with Linneus's I'l. cynoglossus, an assumption oonfuted by Gill in L864 (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. L864), Gunther, however, had given the species (which håd meanwhile been also recorded by others) the new name. Hippoglossus groenlandicus, regarding Pabricius's /'/. hippoglos- sus'&s\\s synonym; but the latter was erroneous, and Pl.hip- poglossus Kahr. is unquestionably the true Eippogl. vulgaris, Hippoglossus pinguis, (Fabr.), the name under which this species has been most frequently mentioned, is antici- pated by Walbaum's I'lairoiiectes Itijipoglossoides (1792). the earliest Specific designation of the fish. The species described being in several respects es- sentially distinct from the genus Hippoglossus, to which it has generally been referred. Dr. Gill, so far hack as 1861, saw tit to class it as the ty] i' a, new genus, Eeinhardtius (Proc. 'Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861, App.); but the name of this genus being merely recorded in a Cata- logue, and no characters enumerated. Platysomatichthys, established by Bleeker in 1862 for the same type (Med. Kon. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, D. 13). must he the correct designation. Descriptive Observations. — The individual obtained on the Expedition was comparatively young, and measured as follows : ' — Total length 43." Length of body to last caudal vertebra .... 378 - Depth of body 120 - Depth of tail at base 34 - Length of head 104 -' Length of pectoral on blind side 4<> - The teeth on the coloured side, above, in this indiv- idual 15. the innermost exceedingly small; below 7. all long and acicular; on the blind side the number above was j'2, below 6, similar in structure to those corresponding with them on the coloured side. The fin-ray formula was as follows: — I). 02: A. 71: C. 20; V. 6; P. 14. The colour of the skin on the blind side but a shade lighter than on the upper. Interorhital space in this immature example rather narrow compared to the eyes, its width being about equal to the vertical diameter of the orbit, but less than the longitudinal diameter. Distribution. — Platysomatichthys Mppoglossoides is an Arctic species, tirst observed on the coast of Greenland, and described, so far back as 1780. by Fabricius; through- out that region it would appear to be a common fish at some depth. In .North America its range southwards (according to Goode & Bean) extends to the depths lying off the shores of Essex and Massachusetts, in New England (in lat. 42" N.). In the regions of Northern Europe, the species had been previously met with on the coast of Finmark only, where examples have in later years been taken and pre- 144 N. B. Af en Bemærkning i Leem's bekjendte Værk over Finmarkens Lapper (Kbhvn. 1767). p. 315, synes den alle- rede i forrige Aarh undrede at have været erholdt og kjendt af Fiskerne i disse Landsdele. Nordhavs-Expeditionens Individ var optaget paa Havet sydvest for Beeren Eiland, paa det betydelige Dyb af omtrent 450 Favne; sandsynlig- vis vil denne Art vise sig ikke at mangle paa nogen til- svarende Dybde i de arctiske Trakter mellem Europa og America. GJ-en. Hippoglossoicles, Gottsche. Wiegm. Arch. f. Naturg. 1 Jahrg. 2 B., p, ll>4 (1835). Højrevendt. Tænderne smaa: tilsjjidsede, paa begge Sider lige udviklede, og danhe i begge Kjæ- ver en enkelt Ttække; Vomerin- og Palatintænder mangle. De nedre Svælgtænder danne en enkelt Bække. Mundaabningen særdeles rid; Overkjæven guar tilbage til under Øjets Midte. Analtorn til- stede, Sidelinien næsien rei. (Vindalen af rundet. SkjælJene temmelig store, paa Øjensiden haartandede. Straaleaniallet beiydeligt. 29. Hippoglossoides platessoides, (Fabr.) 1780. A. Nearctiske Synonymer. 1'1,-ni-fnn -ti a platessoides, Fabr. Fauna Groen], p. ll>4 (1780). Ckharui platessoides, Reinh. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 7 I)., p. 116 og 130 (1838). Platessa dentata, D. H. Storer, (nee Mitch.) Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist, 1838—39, vol. 2, p. 480 (1839).; Hist. Fish. Mass. Camb: Bost. p. 197, pl. 30, Fig. 3 (1867), [teste Br. & Goode]. Drepanopsetta platessoides, Gill, Proe. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1861, App. p. 50 (1861). Hippoglossoides dentatus, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1861, App. p. 50 (1861); Gunth. Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4, p. 106 L862). Hippoglossoides platessoides, Gill, Brur. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1804, p. 217 (1864). Potamopsetta dentata, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sei. Philad. 1864, p. 217 i I siij,. Hippoglossoides limandoides, Goode & Bean, Am. Journ. Sei. Arts, vol. 17, 1879, p. 39 (1879). B. Palæarctiske Synonymer. Pleuronectes linguatula, Mull. (nee Lin.) Zool. Dau. Prodr. p. 45, No. 377 (1776). Pltnrom t-ttn liuittitihmi, s. Blucli, Naturg. Ausl. Fische, B. 3, p. 24 (1787). Hippoglossoides limanda, Gottsche, Wiegm. Arch. f. Natrttg. 1835, B. 2, p. 168 (1835). served, though hardly farther south than in lat. 70° N. From an observation in Leem's well-known work on the Lapps of Finmark (Copenhagen 17137). p. 315, it would appear to have been known and captured by fishermen in those localities as early as the last century. The example obtained ' on the Expedition was taken in the open sea, south-west of Beeren Eiland, at the very considerable depth of 450 fathoms; probably, the species is nowhere, wanting at corresponding depths in any of the Arctic tracts stretch- ing between Europe and America. Gren- Hippoglossoicies, Gottsche. AViegm. Arch. f. Naturg. 1 Jahrg. 2 B., v. 164 (1835). Body dextral. Teeth small and pointed; on either side equally dereloped; one row in each jaw; vomerine and palatine teeth wanting. Lower pharyn- geal teeth forming a single row. Mouth exceedingly wide; maxillary reaching back to the middle of the eye. Preanal spine present. Lateral Hue almost straight. Caudal rounded. Scales rather large, on the coloured- side ciliated. Number of fin- rays considerable. 29. Hippoglossoides platessoides, (Fabr.) 1780. A. Nearctic 'Synonyms. Pleuronectes platessoides, Fabr. Fauna Groenl. p. 164 il7sii). t 'itlitims platessoides, Reinh. Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. 7D., ]». 116 and 130 (1838). Platessa dentata, D. H. Storer. inec Mitch. i. Bust. Journ. Nat, Hist, 1838—39, vol. 2, p. A so (1839); Hist. Fish. Mass. Camb. Bost. 1». 197, pi. 30, fig. 3 (1867), [teste Br. & Goode]. Drepanopsetta platessoiths. (lill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861, App. p. 50 (1861). Hippoglossoides th ntatus, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861, App. p. 50 (1861); Gunther, Cat.' Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4, p. 406 (1862). Hippoglossoides platessoides, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1864, p. 217 (1864). Potamopsetta dentata, Gill, Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Philad. 1864, p. 217 (1864). Hippoglossoides limandoides, Goode & Bean, Am. Journ. Sci. Arts, vol. 17, 1879, p. 39 (1879). B. Palæarctic Synonyms. Pleuronectes linguatula, Miill. (nee Lin.) Zool. Dan. Prodr. p. 4.">, No. :;77 (1776). Pleuronectes limandoides, Bloch, Naturg. Ausl. Fische. B. 3, p. 24(1787). Hippoglossoides limanda, Gottsche, Wiegm. Arch. f. Naturg. 1835, B. 2, p', ltis (is:;:,,. i ir, oneetet limandanus, Parn. Edinb. \r\v Philos, Joum. 1835, p. 210 I ST, i. '''"'- •■<» lintandoides, Jen. Man. Kril. Vert. \nini. p. 159 (1835).' HtRpOj limandoidcs, Oiinth. ('al. l-'ish. Brit. Mus. vol. I. p. I1'"' (1862). Hippfiglossoides platessoides, Coll. Forh.^Vid, Sekk. ('Ina. 1878, No. 14, 1». '.i-J (1878). Diagn. Legemet glat. dets Højde indéholdes -'l' ,. hos aldre Individer 2i ... Hon ilds Lam/tir i /' , Gange i To- taUængden. Dorsalens Af stand fra Caudalen er betydeligt mindre, end Halerodpns Højde. Hovedet skjælbeklædt lige ud paa Kjævemé; Finnerne ligeledes skjælbéklædte. Inter- orbitcdrwmmet smult: Øjnene ligge fortil i sa/m/me Plan, og indéholdes 4. hos fuldt udvoxede Individer 4\. (lange i Hovedets Lcengde. Underkjceven hengsl. Rodgraa. ofte med enkelte (4 — 6) utydelige større Hetter langs Orundén af Dorsahm og Analen : Blmdsidem heia". M. B. 8. D. 76—92 (93—101); A. 04—72 (60—79); P. 10—11 (9—12); V. li. Loealit. fra NordL. Exped. Tanafjord i Finmar- ken: Havet mellem Nordcap og Beeren Eilancl. samt Havet søndenfor Spitsbergen. Stat. 261. Stat. 323. Stat. 3-2) large, indistinct spots along the hase of the dorsal ami anal. The blind side irhife. M. B. 8. D'. 76— 92 (93—101); A. 64—72 (60—79); P. 10—11 (9—12): V. 6. Locality (North Atl. Exped. i: - The Tana Fjord (Finmark); the open sea. between . the North Cape and Beeren Eiland; and the ocean tract south of Spitzber; sn. Stat. 261. Stat. 323. 'Stat. 326. Exact Locality. The Tana Fjord, Finmark. 180 Kil, SK. Beeren Eiland. 105 Kilom. S. of Spitsbergen. Depth. 1 27 Fathoms (2: 52»). 22:) Fathoms (408™). 123 Fathoms (2*25 m). I'* mp. ut Bottom. + 2.8° C. ■+ 1.5» C. + l.i." C. Bottom. Clay and Mud. Brownish-grej Clay. Dark Clay. Date. 25th June 1878. 30th July 1878. 3rd Aug. 1878. Numb, of 8p< cim. 6 Indiv. (half-grown). 1 Indiv. 15 Ind. ihalf- grnwjiandyoung). Remarks on the Synonymy. — In 1780, Fabricius established and described the species Pleuronectes platessoi- des in his "Fauna grænlandica" (No. .119); and in 1789 it was classed with this name in Gmelin's 13th Edition of Linneus's "Systema naturæ" (p. 1234). Once again Fabricius made PI-, platessoides the subject of a rather elaborate de- scription, in Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. Part 1. p. 40 (1824); and on this occasion he furnished a drawing. which is however exceedingly primitive in character. Under the name of PI. platessoides, the species has since been rarely recorded, and never once described fully or from autopsy ; nor has its true relation to the European form of Pl. Hmandoides, described by Bloch in 1787. been made the subject of comparative investigation.1 saving that Malmgren, who was in possession of 2 very young exam- ples (belonging, • in his opinion, to this species), from Spitz- 1 The a Pleuronectes platessoides, Eabr.," fromthe coasl of [celand, of which Falier gave a detailed description in his "Naturg. Eische Is- lands," p. 140 (Erankf. 1829), is not this speciej, but PI. limanda, Lin. 19 146 bergen til Undersøgelse i 1 864', troede iiititil videre at burde opfore den som en fra Pl. limamdoides distinct Art (OfV. Kgl. Vet. Akad. F6rb. 1864. p. 525). medens Gunther (1862) i sin Cat. Fish. Brit. Mus. vol. 4. p. 405 (iNoten) kan sees at have været tilbøjelig til .at betragte dem begge som identiske. De Oharacterer, hvorved denne østlig -arctiske Art angives at kunne boldes ud fra den europæiske Plewonec- tes limundoides, ere væsentlig et større Antal Straaler i de verticale Finner, samt en relativt større Legemsbojde. Jeg bar allerede i 1878 i den foréløbige Beretning om Nord- bavs-Expeditionens Fiske søgt at paavise. at disse Oharac- terer ikke ere af nogen afgjørende Betydning, og fremsat den Formodning, at begge disse Arter vare identiske. Efterat jeg i det sidstforlobne Aar. ved Dr. Liitken*s Velvillie, bar bavt Lejlighed til at undersoge den Række typiske Exemplarer af Fabricii Pleuronedes plnlessoides, alle fra Grønland, der opbevaresi Musæet i Kjøbenhavn, bar jeg fundet denne Formodning bekræftet. En directe Sammenligning mellem de nævnte Typ-Exemplarer og Nord- havs-Expeditionens Individer fra Havet søndenfor Spitsber- gen udviste, at de vart' fuldstændig overensstemmende ind- byrdes. ligesom disse spitsbergenske Individer i ingen væ- sentlig Henseende ere forskjellige fra ligestore Individer fra Christianiafjorden. som nedenfor skal udvikles. Af Slægten Æppoglossoides, opstillet af Gottsche i 1835 for Blocb's Pleuronedes, lindes der idet- hele blot 3 bekjendte Arter, nemlig foruden den nord- atlantiske H. platessoides, Fabr., tillige 2 Arter frå de nordlige Dele af det stille Hav (H. jordani, Lock. 1879, og H. exilis, Jord. & Gilb. 1880). Bemærkninger til Beskrivelsen. Dé under Expe- ditionen erholdte Individer havde følgende Maal og Stråale- antal : Stut. 326. (Søndenfor Spitsbergen). Totallængde. Legemets Højde. • Hovedets Længde. Straaler i Dorsalen. Straaler i Analen. a. .90""" O "-v 7/i m 20 """ 89 70 b. 105 - 30 - 23 - 93 75 c. 105 - 30 - 24 - 91 74 d. 110 - 32 - L'."! - 90 71 e. 149 - 43 - 33 - ■88' 71 f- 150 '- 47 - 36 - 91 73 fi- 172 - 55 - 39 - 84 68 ll, 181 - 55 - 42 - , 93 73 i. 182 - 56 -. 41 - 92 74 le. 185 - ' .61 - 43 - 89 . 71 1. 189 - 59 - 43 - 94 73 in. 223 - 74 - 52 - 91 73 n. 225 - ' 73 - r,l - 101 79 0. 227 - 69 - 54 - 85 69 P- 235 - . 75 - 59 - 94 74 bergen, saw fit to regard it preliminarily as distinct from Pl. limundoides (Ofv. Kgl. Yet. Akad. Forb. 1864, p. 525); and that Giintber (1862), in bis Cat. Fisb. Brit. Mus. vol. 4. p. 405 (as appears from the note), was inclined to regard them as identical. The characters which, as a rule, are said to distin- guish this East Arctic species from the European Pleuro- nedes limundoides, consist chiefly in the vertical fins having a greater number of rays, and in the depth of the body being relatively greater. In my preliminary Report (1878) on the fishes from the North Atlantic Expedition. I sought to show that these characters were of no essential importance, and ventured to suggest the identity of the two species. Since then, this view has received additional support, Dr. Liitken having kindly afforded me opportunity of ex- amining, last year, the specimens of Fabricius's typical FleUronedes platessoides (all from Greenland) preserved in the Zoological Museum at Copenhagen. On instituting a direct, comparison between these typical specimens and the individuals collected on the North Atlantic Expedition south of Spitzbergen. they were found to exhibit the closest agreement; nor did the Spitzbergen individuals differ ma- terially from examples of equal size taken in the Christiania Fjord, as will afterwards be shown. In the genus Hippof/lossoides, established by Gottsche, 1835, for Blocb's Pleuronedes limandoides, are comprised of known species only 3, viz: — the North Atlantic spe- eies H. 'platessoides, Fabr.. and 2 species occurring in the northern tracts of the Pacific (H. jordani, Lock. 1879, and //. ecdliS; Jord. & Gilb. 1880). Descriptive Observations. — Measurements of, and number of fin-rays in, the specimens obtained on the Ex- pedition: — •Station 326 (South of Spitzbergen). Tutal Length. Depth of Body. Length of Head. Rays in Dorsal. Rays in Anal. «. • 90 mm . 9;^ mm ^)( ) m»l 89 70 b. 105 - 30 - 23 - 93 75 C. 11)5 - 30 - 24 - 91 74 d. 110 - 32 - 25 - 90 71 e, 149 - 43 - 33 - 88 • 71 f- 150 - 47 - 36*- 91 73 fi- 172 - 55 - 39 - 84 68 ll. 181 - 55 - 42 - 93 73 i. 182 - 56 - 41 - 92 74 k. 185 - iil - 43 - 89 71 1. 189 - 59 - 43 - 94 73 m, 223 - . 74 - 52 - 91 73 n. 225 - 73 - 51 - 101 79 0. 227 - 69 - 54 - 85 69 P- 235 - 75 - 59 - 91 74 1 IT Stat. 323. (Sydost for Beeren Eilaiid). Station 323 (South-east of Beeren Eiland Totallswigde Legemets Højde. 1 [ovedeta Længde. 350- i 25 ' w Straaler i I )i iisnlin. S7 Straaler i A nalen. (il) Stat. 261. (Tanafjord, Øst-Fipmarken). Totallængdé. Legemets Højde. Hovedets Længdei Straaler i 1 dorsalen. Straaler i Analen. r. 1 ~j ~-j mm 45 """ 38 89 71 . s. 170 - 49 - 4(i - 89 69 t. 211 -. i;:; - 50 - 97 74 it. 214 - 61 - 48 - '.14 73 v. 245 - 71 - 57 - VIG 74 x. 254 - 7S - lid - 91 74 Til Sammenligning vedføjes en Angivelse af Straale- antallet hos en Del Individer at ..H. limandoides" fra et Par andre Punkter af dén norske Kyst, . hvoraf jeg person- lig har kunnet undersøge Individer. Totall. Legemets Hovedets Straaler i Straaler i Højde. Længde. Dorsalen. Analen. 0. Finmarken 66 """ 1.1) mm 11 mm 93 75 — 386 - 138 - 91 - 90 69 ■Tromsø 32 - ? p 91 7u — 215 - 66 - 44 - 85 66 — 285 - 88 - 65 - 85 69 Christianiaf jorden 185 - 57 - 42 - 86 64 — 210 - 66 - 49 - 87 64 — 218 - 64 -• 49 - 82 63 — 220 - 69 - 45 - 86 66 — 246 - 79 - 59 ■ - 82 62 — 258 - 75 - 59 - su 66 — 298 - 94 - 63 - ■79 64 Hvad først den almindelige Legemsbygning angaar. udgjor den gjennemsnitlige Højde af Legemet i Forhold til Totallængden hos et Autal omtrent ligestore Individer fra disse forskjejlige Localiteter følgende: Spitsbergen (9 Ind., Totall. 172—235'"'") . . 3,10 Øst-Finmarken- (5 Ind., Totall. .170—254""») . . 3,40 Tromsø (2 Ind.. Totall. 215—285""») . . 3,24 Christiania!] orden (7 Ind.. Totall. 185—298»"») . . 3,26 ■ Vistnok sees saaledes Individerne fra Spitsbergen at have havt en relativt noget større Legemshøjde, end Indi- viderne fra Øst-Finmarken, men dette er ganske tilfældigt, da Individerne fra disse Localiteter ere absolut identiske; men mellem de nordligste (fra .Spitsbergen) og de sydligste (fra Christianiafjorden) er Forskjellen atter ganske ubety- delig, saaledes at sikre Distinctionscharacterer ikke kunne hentes fra dette Forhold. Det maa. her bemærkes, at Legemshøjden er relativt større hos de fuldt udvoxede Individer, end den ovenfor anførte, der gjælder Individerne i et noget yngre Studium. Hos 4 af de undersogte Typ-Exemplarer fra Grønland. Total Length. Depth ul' Body. 350" 1 25 ' Lengl li of Head. 87' Rays in Dorsal, S7 Kavs in Anal. 69 Station 261 (The Tana Fjord, East Finmark). . Total Length. Depth of Body. Length of Head. Rays ill llursal. Rays in Anal. r. 1 55 """ 4 f) """ 38 """ Sl) 71 s. 170 - 49 - 40 - 89 69 f. 211 - j. 63 - 50 - 97 74 ii. 214 - 61 - 48 - 94 73 r. 245 - 71 - 57 - 96 74 x. 254 - 78 - 60 - 91 74 For comparison' is annexed a list of fin-formhlæ in divers examples of "S. limandoides" from other localities on the Norwegian coast which I have had an opportunity of examining. Total Depth Length of Rays in Rays in Length. of Body. Head. Dorsal. Anal. East Finmark 6li JQ mm ] _J. mm 93 75 — 386 - 138 - 91 - 90 69 Tromsi i 32 - 9 ? 91 ■ 70 — 215 - 66 - 44 - 85 66 — 285 - 88 - 65 - ■ 85 ■ 69 Christiania Fjord 185 - 57 - 42 - 86 64 — 210 - 66 - 49 - 87 64 — ' 218 - 64 - 49 - 82 63 — 220 - 69 - 45 - 86 66 — 246 - 79 - 59 - 82 62 — 25S . 75 - 59 - 80 66 — 298 - 94 - 63 - 79 64 First, as regards the general structure of the body. The proportion borne by the depth to the total length in a number of specimens, about equal in size, from the said localities is as follows: — Spitzbergen 9 Ind. (Total L. 172—235»'"') as 1 to 3.10. East Finmark 5 Ind. (Total L. 170—254'»"') as 1 to 3.40. Tromsø 2 Ind. (Total L. 215—285""") as 1 to 3.24. Christiania Fjord. 7 Ind. (Total L. 185—298'»"') as 1 to 3.26. The majority of the Spitzbergen individuals were, in- deed, distinguished by a depth of body relatively greater than those from East Finmark; this, however, is merely casual, the latter having been in the strictest sense identi- cal with the former ; but between the examples from the most • northerly locality (Spitzbergen) and those obtained farthest south (the Christiania Fjord), the difference is ven inconsiderable, far too slight indeed to admit of its furn- ishing distinctive characters. It may be noticed, that the depth of the body in full- grown individuals is relatively greater than that here given, which refers to examples in a somewhat earlier stage of growth. In 4 of the typical specimens from Greenland, i 'j 148 hvor TotaUængden laa mellera 350™" og 451""". var Le- gemshøjden gjennemsnitlig 2,73; omtrent samme Forholde udviste Nordhavs-Expeditioiieiis store Individ fra Beeren ' "EiLuid. hvis Totallængde var 350""", nemlig 2,80, og et stort Individ, som jeg erholdt i Juli 1878 i Yaranger- fj orden i Øst-Pinmarken, hvis TotaUængde var 386""", nem- lig 2,79. Derimod vil unegtelig Straaleantallet vise sig at være constant større hos Individerne fra de nordligste Localiteter (Grønland, Spitsbergen), end fra de sydligste (Cbristiania- fjorden). hvad der fremgaar af de nedenfor anførte Straale- antal hos Individer, hvoraf der fra nogen Localitet have . foreligget en Bække til Undersogelse, og denne Forskjel bliver endnu større, om man undersøger de forskjellige An- givelser, der foreligge fra endnu sydligere Landsdele, saa- som fra Sverige (Sundstrom1). ' Danmark (Gottsehe2 og Kroyer3), samt England (Yarrell4), og Skotland (Parnell5). Grønland (5 Ind.) D. 93—83; A. 70—68.- Spitsbergen (15 Ind.) D. 101 — 84: A. 79—68. Øst-Finmarken. Norge . (8 Ind.) D. 97—89; A. 75—69. Vest-Finmarken. Norge . (3 Ind.) D. 91 — 85; A. 70—66. Christianiafjord, Norge . (7 Ind.) D. 87—79; A. 66—62. Sverige . . D. 87—78; A. 66— 61. Danmark [Gottsehe] . . (6 Ind.) D. 87—81; A. 65—64. Danmark [Kroyer] . . (9 Ind.) D. 88—78; A. 68—60. Storbritannien D. 85—76; A. 69—64. Straalernes Middeltal i de ovennævnte Individ-Eækker har jeg randet at være følgende paa disse forskjellige Loca- liteter : 'Grønland ... . . D. 88; A. 69/ Spitsbergen D. .90; A. 72. .Øst-Finmarken. Norge D. 92; A. 72. Vest-Finmarken. Norge \ . D. 87; A. 68. Christianiafjbrdj Norge . . . . . . . D. 83; A. 64.' Sverige D. 82; A.656. Danmark [Gottsehe] D. 84; A. 65. Danmark [Kroyer] D. 82; A. 64. Storbritannien D. 80; A. 666. Mellem de Finmarken-Spitsbergenske Individer og In- dividerne fra Christianiafj orden er der saaledes en gjennem- snitlig Forskjel af omtrent 9 Straaler i Dorsalen, og 8 i Analen. og mellem de førstnævnte og. Individerne fra Stor- britannien for Dorsalens Vedkommende endog 12. Men Middeltallet fra de mellemliggende Stationer tidviser tyde- lige Overgange, og disse ville utvivlsomt blive endnu kla- rere, naar Individer blive undersøgte fra flere af disse mellemliggende Localiteter (saaledes f. Ex. fra Nordland i Norge). / Fauna ofrer Sveriges Etyggrafødjur, p. 255 il^TTi. -' Wiegm\ Arch. f. Naturg. 1835, B. ■_', p. los ils:;:.). 3 Danmarks Fiske, B. 2, p. :i:.s 1 1*4:5— 45). 4 British Fishes, cd. •_>, vol. '2, p. 312 (1841). 6 Mein. Wern. Nat. Hist.' Soc, vol. 7. p. 368 ils:'.*). 6 Da her intet Indi\ id-Antal kan opgives, har Middeltallet maattet uddrages direete af de angivne Ydero-nendsér. total length ranging from 350]™"' to 451"'"'. I found the proportional depth of the body to average 2.73. within a fraction that of the large individual taken on the Expedi- tion off Beeren Eiland. viz. 350""» (total length): 2.80; and of a large individual which I obtained in the Varanger Fjord. East Finmark, in July 1878, viz. 386""" (total length): 2.79. On the other hand, the number of tin-rays will be regularly greater, in specimens from the most northerly lo- calities (Greenland. Spitzbergen) tban from those farthest south (the Christiania Fjord), as is shown by the numbers (given below) for series of • individuals from several localities; and this difference becomes still more ap- parent on annexing the statements made for regions still farther south, for instance Sweden (by Sundstrom1). Den- mark (by Gottsehe2 and Kroyer3). England (by Yarrell).4 and Scotland (by Parnell5). Greenland ..... (5 Ind.) D. 93—83; A. 70—68. Spitzbergen ( 15 Ind.) D. 101—84; A. 79—68. East Finmark. Norway . (8 Ind.) D. 97—89.; A. 75— 69. West Finmark. Norway. (3 Ind.) D. 91—85: A. 70—66. Christiania Fjord, Norw. (7 Ind.) D. 87—79; A. 66—62. Sweden ..... . ... . . . D. ' 87—78; A. 66—64. Denmark [Gottsehe] . . (6 Ind.) D. 87—81; A. 65—64. Denmark [Kroyer] . . (9 Ind.) D. 88—78; A. 68—60. Great Britain D. 85 76; A. 69— 64. The mean number of rays in the said series of indiv- iduals from these localities I found to be as follows: — Greenland . . ' . . •. . D. 88; A. 69. Spitzbergen D. 90: A. 72. East Finmark. Norway . . . . . . . D. 92: A. 72. West Finmark. Norway D. 87 : A. US. Christiania Fjord, Norway. . . . . . D. 83; A. 64. Sweden D. 82; A.656. Denmark [Gottsehe] D. 84: A. 65. Denmark [Kroyer] D. 82: A. 64. Great Britain ■ . . D. 80: A.66.e Between the Finmark-Spitzbergen individuals and those from the Christiania Fjord, there is. accordingly, in the dor- sal an average difference of about 9 rays, in the anal of 8; and between the former individuals and those from Great Britain, of 12. even in the dorsal. But the mean number for the intervening stations exhibits a distinct transition tendency, 'which will unquestionably be found still more striking when individuals shall have been examined from more of these intermediate localities (Nordland, in Norway. for instance). 1 Fauna ofver Sveriges Ryggradsdjur, p. 255 its77). - Wiegm. Arch. t'. Naturg. 1835, B. '-'. i'. His (1835). 3 Danmarks Fiske, B. l', p. 358 (1843—45). British Fishes, ed. 2, vol. 315 I1S41). 5 Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. vol. 7. p. 368 (1838). 6 There being ao enumeration of the individuals,- the mean number has to be deduced from the two extremes. I 111 Desuden falde ikke sjelden de individuelle Variationer hos Individerne fra de nordligste og de sydligste Localiteter sammen, eller de kunne endog krydse hinanden. Saaledes udviste et .-il' Individerne fra Eavét mellem Beeren Eiland og Spitsbergen i Dorsalen 84, i Analen 68 Straaler, nu- llens KrSyér hos et af sine Individer fra Danmark talte i Dorsalen 88. i Analen i!7 Straaler. Nogen Artsdistinction mellem de nordlige og sydlige Former, der kunde begrundes ved Straaleantallet i Fin- nerne, vil derfor neppe kunne forsvares. I alle andre Forholde eve de arCtiske Individer af Arten ikke til at adskille fra de sydligere. Det er dog en Selvfølge, at i Sa/nmenhæhg med det forøgede Straale- antal staar en tilsvarende Forøgelse i Antal af Skjælrækker, Forer i Sidelinien, samt af Hvirvler. Men fuldkommen con- stants Afvigelser lade sig ligesaalidt paavise i disse For- holde, som i Antallet af Straalerne. Faa samme Maade altsaa, som Liparis lineatus (Le- pech.) i de arctiske Landsdele optræder med et constant større Antal Strajaler i de verticale Finner, end- ved Nor- ges og Sveriges Sydkyst, samt i Østersøen, og uden at her- paa kan begrundes en Adskillelse i Arter eller endog i constante Varieteter, er saaledes det samme Tilfældet med Hippoglossoides platessoides; og da Arten er beskreven under dette Navn allerede 7 Aar tidligere, end den sydligere, af • Bloch opstillede Pleuronedes limandoides, maa dette sidste Navn" vige for det ældre. Som en Særegenhed ved en Del af de under Expe- ditionen erholdte Individer kan anføres, at Pectoralens Straaler paa Blindsiden havde en ret afskaaren Rand,, og vare tillige kortere, end hos de øvrige Individer. Føde. Blandt de mellem Beeren Eiland og Spits- bergen fra . en Dybde af 123 Favne ophentede Individer blev Ventrikelen og dens Indliold undersogt hos 1 1 af for- skjellig Størrelse. Indholdet befandtes temmelig ensartet, hvad der ogsaa var at vente, da alle vare erholdte i det samme Kast med Trawlnettet. Foruden Themiste libéttida, Mandt, der neppe savne- des hos noget af de undersøgte Individer (hos enkelte fand* tes næsten udelukkende denne Art, og i stor Mængde), var særdeles hyppig tilstede Peden groenlandicus, Sow., tildels i talrige Exemplarer. og med fuldkommen hele Skaller. Andre Crustaceer, end den ovennævnte Hyperide, fandtes ikke i nogen Mængde: enkelte Exemplarer af en Anonyx fandtes hos Mere af Individerne. fremdeles tiere Mimnopsis typica, M. Sårs. samt enkeltvis Syrrhoe erenulata, Gfoés, en ung Pasiphae tarda, Kv., en Ampdisca, samt en Protome- deia faseidta, Kr. Endvidere fandtes af andre bestembare Dyr flere hele Exemplarer af en Nephthys, samt Stykker af Horene af andre Annelider, hvoriblaridt kunde kjendes (Moraema pellucidmn, M. Sårs: fremdeles et Par Exemplarer af Ophi- oden sericeum, Forb., en Yoldia frigida, Tor., en Pla- Moreover, such individua] differences in examples from the most northerly and examples from the most southerly Localities, are ooi infrequent!) found to meet, or congrue, naj even to pass the different ial limit. Thus, for instance, one of the specimens taken between Beeren Eiland and Spitsbergen has in the dorsal 84, in the anal 68 rays; and K rover counted in one of his Danish specimens 88 rays in the dorsal, and 67 in the anal. A specific distinction between the northern and south- ern forms derived from the number of tin-rays, there is. ■ accordingly, but little reason to assume. In all other respects, the Arctic individuals of 'the species are not to be distinguished from individuals occur- ring in southern localities. As a matter of course, how- ever., the increased number of tin-rays involves a propor- tionate augmentation in the number of scales, vertebrae, and pores in the lateral line; but the variation observed in these characters is not more constant than in the number of tin-rays. As is the case with Liparis lineatus, which in the Arctic regions has the vertical rins invariably furnished with a greater number of rays than when occurring on the coasts of ' Norway and Sweden and in the Baltic (this feature, however, not sufficing to warrant division into species or constant varieties even), so too with Hippoglos- soides platessoides. And the species having been diagnosti- cated under this name 7 years before the southern form Pleuronedes limandoides, established by Bloch, the latter- name must give way to the earlier designation. As a peculiar feature in some of the individuals taken on the Expedition, may be noticed the straight margin of the pectoral rays on the blind side; these rays wen- shorter, too, than in the other individuals. Food. — Of the numerous individuals collected be- tween Beeren Eiland and Spitsbergen, at a. depth of 123 fathoms, the stomach and its contents were examined in 11. of different dimensions. The contents exhibited very little disparity, as was indeed to be expected, all of the individuals having been brought up at one haul with the trawl-net. Exclusive of Themisto libellula, Mandt, which can hardly have been wanting in any one of the individuals examined (in some the ventricle was distended almost wholly with this species). Perten gr ænl audiens. Sow., frequently occurred ; and with the scales entire. The only crustacean observed in considerable numbers, was the above-mentioned Hyperid. In some of the ventricles were found a few specimens of an Anpnyx, also several examples of Munnop- sis typiea, M. Sårs. and isolated examples of Syrrhoe ere- nulata, Goes, a young Pasiphaie tarda. Kr., an Ampdisca, and a Protomedeia fasciata, Kr. Of other animals, occurred in one specimen several perfect examples of a Nephthys, also fragments of the tubes of other Annelids, amongst which Chloræma peMuci- dam. M. Sars, admitted of being determined: moreover, one or two examples of Ophiodm sericeum, Forb.. a Yoldia 150 narie. samt hos de fleste af Individerne en Del Grus og Mudder. Hos et af Individerne fra Tanafjord fandtes af Dyre- levninger intet aden Perten groenhiuil/rus. Sow., i flere Exemplarer. Udbredelse. Da Bloch's Pleuronectes limandoides, efter hvad ovenfor er udviklet. niaa antages blot "at udgjore den sydlige Stamme af Fabricii Pleuronectes platessoides, er Arten fundet fra Spitsbergen og Island ned langs Nord- vest-Europas Kyster til den britiske Canal, fremdeles ved Nord-Americas ( (stkyst fra Grønland af ned til New-England Staterne. Ved de scandinaviske Kyster bar den hidtil væsentlig været kjendt fra det noget grundere Vand i Nærheden af Land ; sandsynligvis er den dog udbredt paa passende Dyb- der overalt i de arctiske Have. men har hidtil paa Grund al' mangelfulde Apparater ikke været erholdte i nogeu be- tydelig Dybde, eller i nogen . Afstand fra Land. At den dog her maa forekomme tildels i Mængde. fremgaax deraf. at den baade erholdtes (paa Stai. 323) i omtrent 200 Kilo- metres Afstand fra nærmeste Land. og ved en enkelt Lej- lighed (paa Stat. 326) i et samlet Antal af 15 Individer, store og smaa. fra en Dybde af melleni 200 og 300 Favne. Gren- GrLvptoceplialris, Gottsche. Wiegm. Arch. f. Natura'. 1 Jahrg. 1835, B. l,p. 156 (1835). Legemet højrevendt, glat, særdeles langstrakt, med hort Haleroa. Tpenderné smaa, tætsiddende, mej- seldannede, talrigst paa Blindsiden, og danne, i begge Kjæver en enkelt sluttet Række; Vomérin- og Palatini ænder mangle. Mundaabningen særdeles Hilen: Kjære r ne inni rent lige lange, og naa hos de ud-, voxei/e nrjijie //en nniler 0 jets forreste Hand. Anal- torn i Regelen tilstede. Sidelinien næsten ret. Cau- dalen a/rundet. Skjællene sinna, af idige Størrelse, glatte. Hovedet Hilet, meil en Række Gruber paa Blindsiden; Øjnme iætsiddende. Straaleanialiet be- tydeligt. 30. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, (Lin.) 1766. Pleuronectes cynoglossus, Lin. Syst. Xat. ed. 12, tom. i. p. 456 ilTiio). Pleuronectes pola, Lacép. Hist. Nat. Poiss. suites a Buffon, tom. 4, p. 401 (1819) [teste Br. & C le], Pleuronectes saxicola, Faber, Tideskr. l'. Naturv. ."' 1!.. p. -21-1 iKbhvn. 1828); Isis L828, p. sTT (1828). frigida, Tor., a PJanaria. and. in most of the individuals, a little gravel or mud. In one of the Tana Fjord specimens. Perieu grcen- landieus — several examples — constituted the sole con- tents of the ventricle. Distribution. - - From what has been stated above. Bloch's Pleuroneiies limandoides must be regarded as the southern branch of Fabricius' s Pleuronectes platessoides; and the ranges therefore from Spitsbergen and Iceland along the north-western shores of Europe to the British ('hannel; and in America, from Greenland to the coasts of the New England States. On the coasts of Scandinavia, H. platessoides has here- tofore been chiefly taken in comparatively shallow water. a short distance from land ; probably, however, its range extends throughout all parts of the Arctic Ocean, though it. has not as yet. owing to the defective construction of the apparatus employed for capturing it, been met with at any considerable depth, or in the open sea. But that it does occur, and even abundantly, in such localities, may be inferred from its having been taken at Station 323. nearly 200 kilometres from the nearest land; nay. on one occasion (Station 326) as many as 15 individuals, large and small, were obtained at a depth of 200 — 300 fathoms. Gren. Grl^-ptocephalixs, Gottsche. Wiegm'. Arch. f. Natur-. 1 Jahr- is:;.".. B. 1, p. l.Mi (1835). Body .dextral, smooth, elongated, peduncle of tail short. Teeth small, closely set, incisorial, most numerous on the blind side, forming a continuous cutting' edge on either side: vomerine and palatine teeth wanting. Mouth very small; jaws about equal in length, iii adults scarcely reaching the anterior mar- gin of the eye. Preanal spine as a rule present. Lateral Hue almost straight. Caudal rounded. The smles small, varying in size, smooth. Head small, with a series of foveæ on 'the blind side. Eyes approximate. Fin-rays numerous. 30. Glyptocephalus cynoglossus. (Lin.) 1766. Pleuronectes cynoglossus, Lin. Syst. Nat, ed. 12, tom. 1. p. 4"'ii (1766). Pleuronectes pi,!,,. Lacép. Hist. Xat. Poiss. suites å Buffon, tom. 4. p. 401 (1819) [teste lir. & Goode]. Pleuronectes saxicola, Faber, Tidsskr. f. Naturv. ."> B.. ]>. 244 (Kbhvn. 1828); lsis ls28. p. sTT (1828). i:.i Pkurotuctei us, \ilss. Prodr. [ohth. Spand.. p, 55 fl 832). '"''/ phabu saxicola, Gottsche, Wiegm, 4.roh. l'. Naturg. 1835, I B.,> p. 156 - 1835). Platessa pold, Jen, Man. Brit. Vertebr. Anim.. p, i> (1835). Platessa elongata, Yatr. Suppl. to Brit. Pish., p. '.; (1839); Hist. Brit. Fish. oil. l'. v,.l. -j. p. :;is , is 1 1 ). Platessa saxicola, Kr. Danm. Fiske, '-' l>.. |>. .'.:'.s (1843 I".). glyptocephalus cynoglossus, Gill, Proc. A.cad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1873, p. 360 (1873). Glyptocephalus acadianus, Sill, Proc. A.cad. Nat Sci. Philad. 1ST 360 -is;.; i. Glyptocephalus elongates, (Jill. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1ST :ii>J (1873). .7,.s elongates, hav. Proc. Zool. Sue. Lond. 1879, p. 7"); LXI ("1879). P- l'- PI. Diagn. Legemet glost; detsEøjde indéholdes hos yngre Individer 4. hos ældre 3 Gange (eller derunder), Bovedets Længde .V , til .t1/. Gange i Totallwngden. Tænderue paa Øjensiden 6—13 i Over-. 7—14 i Underkjceven, paa Blindsiden 17—26 i Orer-, 19—28 i Underkjceven. Le- g&mt skjælbeklædt indtilØjnenes Forrand; Finnerne ligeledes mm- eller mindre skjælbeklædte. Interorbitalrummet smult. med ophøjd Kjøl. Øjnene store, indéholdes 3 — 3l/2 Gange i Howdets Længde; det ned ri' Øje ligger i/.i Øjenlamgde foran det owe. AnaUorn tilstede. Pedoralen paa Blindsiden ikke forhenget. Eusfurret mdagtig grua : Blindsiden hus de , eldre mer eller mindre mørkfarvet. Pedoralen pan Øjensiden i sin gdre Halvdel sort. M. B. 7. D. 110 (95— 120); 'A. 95 (87—102); P. 10—11 (9—14); C. 23 (18—26); Y. 6. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Lofoten; Tanafjord i Finmarken. — Stat. 261'. Bcliggi a/w d. Røst, Lofoten. Tanafjord, Finmarken. Dybde. 150 Favne (276">). 127 Favne (232*" l. 'f* hip. paa Bunden. + 5,0° C. + 2,8" C. Bund' n. Sandhund. Mudder og- Ler. Datum. 2fide Juni 1877. 25de Juni 1878. ■ Antal Indiv. 1 halvvoxont Imliv. 1 Indiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Glyptocephalus cy- noglossus or. som det synes, .Slægtens eneste Repræsehtant i de atlantiske Have. efterat Gl. ueadiui/us, Gil], fraNord- Americas Østkyst har vist sig ikke at være artsforskjellig fira Gl. cynoglossus. Forst i det stille Hav (California) op- træde 2 andre, i .afvigte.Aar (1880) af Lockington be- skrevne Arter. Det yngste af Nordhavs-Expeditionens Individer, hvis Totallængde var 212'""' (81/2 eng. Tomme), tilhører øjen- synlig det Stadium af Arten, hvori den af engelske Natur- forskere er opstillet som en egen Art under Navn af Pleu- ronedes elongatus (Yarr.). Efterat denne Form, hvoraf blot enkelte Individer hidtil have været omtalte, alle fra de PUwonectes nigromanus, Nilss. Prodr. [chth. So I., p, .V. (1832). Glyptocephalus saxieola, Gottsche, Wiegm. Atvli. I'. Nftturg. 1835, I li., p, 156 1 1835)., , -sa pola, Jen. Man. Brit. Vertebr. Aniin.. p. 158 (1835). Platessa elongata, Yarr, Suppl, to Brit. Fish., p. ? (1839); Hist. Brit. Fish. ed. 2, vol. 2, p. 318 (1841). Platessa saxicola, Kr. Damn. Piske, 2 l'>.. p. 338 (1843 15). Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, Grill, Proc. A.cad. Nat. Sri. Philad. 1873, p. 360 i 1873). Glyptocephalus acadianus, Gill, Proc. Aoa.l. Nat. Sei. Philad, 1873, p, 360 1 1873). Glyptocephalus elongatus, Gill, Proc. Lead. Nat. Soi. Philad. 1873, p. 362 (1873). Pleuronectes elongatus, Day, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1879, p. 755, Pl. LXI i 1879). Diagnosis. — "Body smooth: its depth, in young in- dividuals is to total length as 1 to 4. in adults as 1 to 3 (or less); length of head as J to 5r/4- -V ,. Teeth on Coloured side in the upper jaw 6 — 13. in the lower 7 — 14: on the blind side in the upper jaw 17 — 26, in the lower 1!) — 28. Body seeded to the- anterior margin of the eyes: the f us like/rise more or less covered with scales. Jnter- qrbifal space narrow, with a sharp ridge: the eyes large, their din meter .being to the length of the head us 1 to 3 — 'l' .: the lower ege about one-third of its diameter in advance of the upper. I'reaual spine present. The peetorul on the blind side not produced. < 'ulnar rufous brown: the blind side hi adults more or less tinged ivith the same colour. Outer half of peelond ou the coloured side black. M. B. 7. D. 110 (95—120); A. 95 (87—102); P. 10—11 (9—14); 'C. 23 (18— 26): V. 6. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): Tana Fjord (Finmark). — Lofoten ; the - Stat. 261. Exact Locality. Røst, Lofoten. The Tana Fjord. Finmark. Depth. 150 Fathoms (276">). 127 Fathoms (232*). 'J', mp. ul Bottom. + 5.0" C. + 2.8° C. Botn, in. • Sand. Mud and ('lay. Date. 26th June 1877. 25th .Tune 1878. Numb, of Spi '■,„,. 1 Indiv. (half-grown). 1 Indiv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — Glyptocephalus cyno- glossus is apparently the only species of the genus inhabit- ing the Atlantic Ocean. Gl. ueudiauus. Grill, from the oast coast of North America, having been shown to be Speci- fically distinct from Gl. cynoglossus. Two uthor species (described by Lockington in the current year [I860]) occur, however, in the Pacific (coast of California). The youngest of the specimens taken on the Expedi- tion, total length 212""" (81/2 English incites), obviously re- presents the stage of development in which Gl. cynoglossus has boon referred by English naturalists to a separate spe- cies, under the name of Pleurdnedes elongatus (Yarr.). This form, ut' which up to the present time a few specimens 152 engelske Kyster, i Regelen har været anseet som identisk med 61. cynoglossus, bnr Dr. Day i forrige Aar paany hævdet dens Artsberettigelse, efterat et nyt Individ var kommet ham i Hænde i 1879. ligeledes fra de engelske Kyster (Cornwall). I Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1879, p. 755. giver han en ny Beskrivelse og en correct Planene (Pl. LXI) af denne efter hans Mening distinete Art; In- dividets Længde var 9 eng. Tommer (omtr. 228"""). saa- ledes noget nær af samme Størrelse) som det mindste af Nordhavs-Expeditionens. Det fremgaar af Dr. Day's Beskrivelse af Pleuronec- tés élongatus, at den væsentligste Ejendommelighed. sam- menlignet med Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, ligger i Skjæl- beklædningens Udstrækning, idet denne hos den førstnævnte ikke strækker sig ud over Finnestraalerne (undtagen over Caudalen), hvilket derimod er Tilfældet hos den sidste. Undersøges dette Forhold hos det mindste af Expe- ditionens Individer, vil det sees. at ogsaa her strækker Skjæl- beklædningen sig blot til Grunden af de verticale Finner, og blot langs den nederste Del af enkelte Straaler ville de første .Spor af Skjæl vise sig. Det ældste Exemplar, hvis Totall. er 401""". har derimod Skjælbeklædning ud over Fin- nerne, dog ingenlunde særdeles rigeligt. men hovedsagelig blot langs Straalerne, og væsentlig paå disses nedre Del : et Par Unger fra Norges Vestkyst, hvis Totallængde dog ikke overstiger 05""". (de eneste Unger, som jeg har kunnet uudersøge). ere endnu ganske skjælløse'. De øvrige Forskjelligheder mellem Pleuronectés élon- gatus cg 6lyptocephdlus cynoglossus ere ganske uvæsentlige, og kunne samtlige begrundes ved den forstmevntes yngre Alderstrin1. Bemærkninger til Beskrivelsen. Ingen Forskjel kunde opdages mellem Individet fra Finmarken, og ligestore Individer fra Christianiafjorden. De 2 under Expeditionen erholdte Individer havde følgende Maal: Lofoten. 919 mm 401 170 - 325 37 - 69 52 - 141 største . "n div id Tanafj orden. Totallængde .• . ■ Længde uden Caudal .... Hovedets Længde Legemets Højde Tændernes Antal var iios det største Individ paa Øjeusiden oventil 10. nedentil 10. paa Blindsiden oventil 21. nedentil 19; hos det mindste paa Øjensiden oventil 10. nedentil 11. paa Blindsiden oventil 21. nedentil 23. Straaleantallet var: a. D. 113; A. 97; P. .11; C. 23; V. (i. b. D. 109.; A. 90; P. 10; C. 20: V. 0. Udbredelse. Arten er ildbredt fra Canalen op langs Europas Nordvestkyst, men var hidtil ikke fuuden længere 1 |,B. V.1- er sandsyriligvjs ei) Trykfejl foT li. VII (hvis B. skal være samme Tegn, som i Almhulelighed udtrykkea som M.B.). only have been taken — all from the English coasts — has been generally regarded as identical with 61. cynoglossus.; but in 1879 its supposed claim to specific distinction was again asserted, by Dr. Day, who in that year had obtained , a new specimen, and this one too from the English coast (Cornwall). In Proc. Zool. Soc. London. 1879. p. 755. that naturalist furnished a new description, with a good drawing (PI. LXI). of this, in his opinion, distinct species. The total length being 9 English inches (about 228"™). it is of very nearly the same dimensions as the smallest of the specimens collected on the Expedition. The chief distinctive feature in Pleuronectés élongatus, as compared with Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, is derived, ac- cording to Dr. Day. from the scaled integument, which in the former does not extend over the fin-rays (saving those of the caudal); in the latter, however, it does. But. on examining the smallest of the specimens ob- tained on the Expedition, the scaled integument is found to reach to the base of the vertical fins, a few rays only exhibiting on their lower part traces of scales. 'In the oldest example, total length 401 """. the scaling extends out on the fins; it is not dense however, the scales occurring, chiefly along the rays, and in particular on their lower part. Two very young specimens (from the west coast of Norway), with a total length of not more than 05 """, the only young examples I have had an opportunity of examin- ing, were still entirely scaleless. The other distinctive peculiarities supposed to dis- tinguish PL élongatus from Gl. cynoglossus. are none of them specific characters, but may all be referred to the immaturity of the former.1 Descriptive Observations. — No difference could be detected between the individual from Finmark and exam- ]>les of equal size taken in the Christiania Fjord. The specimens obtained on the Expedition, measured as follows: — Lpfoten. -Tana Fjord. Total Length Length exclusive of Caudal . . . Length of Head Depth of Body ...... Number of teeth on the coloured side in the largest indiv- idual K» above and 10 below, on the blind side. 21 above and 19 below ; in the smallest individual on the coloured side 10 above and 11 below, on the blind side 21 above and 23 below. The fin-rays were as follows: — ' a. D. 113; A. 97; P. 11; C. 23; V. 0. b. D. 109; A. 90; P. 10; ('. 26; V. 0. Distribution. — The range of <1. cynoglossus, which extends from the British Channel along the north-western 212 """ 401 "'" L70-- 325 - 37 - 09 - 52 - 141 - 1 "B. V" is probably a misprint for B. VII. assuming the signi- fication of B. to be that usually attached to M.B. ir.:; mod Nord, end til Trondhjemsfjorden i Norge. Ved de engelske Kyster er den ikke sjelden, men den forekommer tdethele sparsommere længere mod Nord; i Kattegat er den intetsteds talrig, og den gaar, saavidl bekjendt, ikke iinl i Østersøen, [ Norge er den fanden paa adskillige Localiteter, talrigst i Christianiafjorden, hvor den saagodtsom daglig i Høstmaanederne sees paa Fisketorvene ; undertiden kunne 20 — od Individer erholdes i det samme Dræt. Ved Lan- dets Vestkyst er den tdethele sparsom: først i 1875 blev den med Sikkerhed fundet ved Bergen, ligesom et Par In- divider ere erholdte ved Florø og ved Christiansund. Nord- havs-Expeditionens Individer vare. som ovenfor nævnt, fra Lofoten og Finmarken, og vare optagne fra en Dybde af indtil 150 Favne: disse ere de nordligste Punkter, fra hvilke Arten hidtil vides erholdt (71" N. B.), ligesom den hidtil ikke. saavidt vides, er observeret paa større Dybde, end den ovenfor anførte. Ved de egentlig arctiske (Hande er den endnu ikke paavist; derimod forekommer den atter paa Østkysten af Nord-America, hvor den i 1872 fandtes første Gang, og senere (i 1877) optoges i stort Antal udenfor Kysterne af Xew England-Staterne, af l". S. Fish-Oommission, paa en Dybde af indtil 90 Favne. Den horer saaledes blandt denne Families Dybvandsformer. Fam. Ophidiidae. GJ-en. I?liodiclitli.vs, Coll. 1878 (n. gen.). Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. U. p. 99 (1878). Legemet forholdsvis højt, uden Skjæl eller Side- linie, halvt gjennemsigtigt, bag Bughulen stærkt sam- mentrykt. Hovedet bredt og tykt; Caudalen distinct, blot ved Roden tilvoxet Analen og Dorsalen. Anus foran Pectoralerne, lige mi, Irr Gjællespalten. Ven- tralerne beståa af 2 lange Filamenter, fast \voxet i le til Tungebenet, og Uøvede i sin ydre Halvdel. Analen begynder langt bagenfor Anns: Dorsalen enkelt. Tiender tilstede paa Mellemkjæverne og i Underkjæven. Gjællelaagene uvcebnede. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. Collett: Fiske. shores ol' Kurope. but the species hail not previously been observed farther north than the Drontheim Fjord, On the English coast it is anything but a rare fish; in the Catte- gat it nowhere occurs abundantly, and it does not enter the Baltic. In Norway, it is met with in several localities, more particularly the Christiania Fjord: and may almost dayly during the autumn months be seen exposed for sale in the fish-markets; from 20 to 50 individuals are sometimes brought up at a single haul. Off the western shores of this country the species is on the whole but rarely met with; iml I its occurrence off Bergen was not ascertained with certainty till 1875; one or two individuals have like- wise been obtained near Floro and Christiansund. The specimens brought home by the North Atlantic Expedition — taken at a depth of 1 50 fathoms — were, as previously ob- served, from Lofoten and Finmark, the most northerly localities and the greatest depths in which the species is as yet known to have been met with (71" N'.). On the islands in the Polar Sea the species has not been shown to occur; it inhabits however the eastern shores of North America, where it was first observed in 1872, and subsequently ( 1877) captured, in large numbers, off the coast of the New England States, by the l'. S. Fish-Commission, at depths reaching 90 fathoms. Hence it must be classed among the deep-sea forms of this family. Fam. Ophidiidæ. G-en. PWioclicnth.vs, Coll. 1878 (n. gen.). Kuril. Viil. Selsk. Ohra. 1878, No. 14, p. 99 (1878). Body comparatively deep, without scales or lut- ein/ line, semi-translucent, posterior to the abdom- inal cavity much ' compressed. Head broad and thick; caudal fin distinct, at the base only connate with the anal and dorsal. The rent placed an- terior to the pectorals, immediately beneath the branch- ial opening. The ventrals consisting of two long filaments attached to the hyoid bone, the exterior half bifid. The anal originating a considerable distance posterior to the rent. The dorsal single. Teeth on the intermaxillary and the lower jaw. < ) perries unarmed. 154 31. Rhodichthys regina, Coll. 1878 (n. sp.). Pl. V, Fig. 37—39. Rhodichthys regina, Coll. Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 14. p. 99 (1878). Diagn. , Ensfarvet rod overalt. Hovedet indeholdes næsten 4 Qange, Legemets største JJøjde -i1/-, Gange i To- tallængden. Legemet fort/l højt, bagtil stærkt afsmalnende, med lang og smal Halerod. OverJcjceven hengere, end Undi r- kjæven. Dorsalen begynder umiddelbart orer Ojællespalten; Caudalen rager med de ydre 3 Femtedele ml over Dorsalen og Analen. Øjnene smaa, indeholdes 7 Qange i Hovedets Lcengde; Interorbitalrummet bredt. Tæhdeme yderst fine. stittede i flere Rækker. Næseborene dobbelte. Appendices pyloricae 10. Størrelsen of det eneste undersøgte Individ, en Han, 297mm. M. B. 6. D. 60; A. 57; C. 10; P. 11—12. Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Havet midt mellem Beeren Eiland, Jan Maven og Finmarken. Stat. 2U7. Bt liggenhed. Hi". Kil. NØ. Jan Mayen. Dybde. 1280 Favne ('2341 "■). /'< mp. paa Bunden. — 1.4" C. Banden. .Biloculina-Ler. Datum. lflde Juli 1878. Antal Indie. 1 Indiv. Alm. Bemærkninger. Rhodichthys regina er ikke nær beslægtet med nogen hidtil fundet nordeuropæisk Fiske- slægt. Hele Legemet er fuldstændig glat, uden Spor af Skjæl eller Sidelinje, og havde en intens rod Farve. Huden er særdeles tynd, og halvt gjennemsigtig ; oprindelig var den tilvoxet Legemet, men etterat Individet har været opbevaret paa Spiritus, har den overalt løsnet sig. og lader sig med Lethed forskyde med Fingeren. Individet, der endnu le- vede, ila det brautes op fra den store Dybde af 1230 Favne, holdtes en Tid levende, men viste sig herunder dorsk og lidet bevægeligt. Hele Legemet var af særdeles blød, eller næsten gelatines Consistens; det var oprindelig halvt gjennemsigtigt, saa at flere af de indre Organer kunde sees, saaledes Hvirvelsøjlen, Hjernens forskjellige Afdelin- ger, Høreapparatet, Grjællerne, og de Heste af Indvoldene; endnu efterat Individet i hengere Tid har været opbevaret paa Spiritus, har denne ({jennemsigtighed tildels vedligelioldt sig. Udmaalinger. Totallængde 297 ■'•" Legemets Længde til sidste Halehvirvel .... 267 - Legemets Hojde ved Begyndelsen af Dorsalen . . 63 - Legemets Hojde ved Begyndelsen af Analen • . 59 - Hovedets Længde 77 - Hovedets Højde lige bag Ventralerne 60 - Hovedets Tykkelse over K inderne 46 - 31. Rhodichthys regina, Coll. 1878 (n, sp). Pl. V, fig. 37—39. Rhodichthys regina, Coll. Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1878, No. 14, p. il!» 1 1878). Diagnosis. — Colour a uniform bright red. The length of the head is to the total length nearly as 1 to 4. the extreme depth of the hod*/ os 1 to 4ij-,,. Anterior part of body deep, in the posterior rei/ion rap/dig tapering: tail at base long and slender. Upper jaw longer than lower. Tin? dorsal fin originating immediate!// above the branchial aper- ture; the caudal projecting to the eoctent of three-fifths of its length beyond tin- dorsal and anal. Eges small, their dia- meter hein// to the length of the head as 1 to 1 : interorbital space wide. The teeth exceedingly minute, arranged in several series. Nostrils doable. Pyloric appendages 10. Length of the only individual obtained (a male) 297mm. M. B. 6. D. 60; A. 57; C. 10; P. 11—12. Locality (North Atl. Exped. j: — The open sea, between Beeren Eiland, Jan Maven, and Finmark. Stat. 297. Exact Locality. til.". Kil. \E. Jan Mayen. Depth. 1280 Fathoms (2341">). Temp, at Bottom. — -1.4° C. Bottom. Biloculina Clay. Date. lfith July 1878. X'nnh. of Specim. 1 Indiv. General Remarks. — Rhodichthys regina is not nearly related to any known genus of North European hshes. The body perfectly smooth, with no trace of scales or lateral line; colour a bright red. The skin exceedingly thin, and quite transparent; originally it was firmly at- tached to the body; but it has now, the individual having been preserved some time in spirits, become loose over the whole surface, and may be readily displaced with the fingers. The individual came up alive, from the great deptli of 1230 fathoms, and survived some time in a tub of sea-water; but its movements were sluggish. The whole of the body exceedingly soft; originally, it was semi- translucent, so that divers of the internal organs could be distinctly seen, for instance the gills, the vertebral column, the various divisions of the brain, the auditory apparatus and the greater part of the intestines. Even in the present state of preservation, this transparency is still obvious. Measurements. Total length . ' 297 "'»< Length of body to last caudal vertebra 267 - Depth of body at the origin of the dorsal ... 63 - Depth of body at the origin of the anal .... 59 - Length of head 77 - Depth of head immediately posterior to the ventrals 60 - Thickness of head across the cheeks 46 - 1 ."i 5 Snudens Længde 25 Øjets Diameter (Iris) 11- Hovedets postorbitale Del 42 - Lindsens Diameter 6 - Afstanden mellem Øjnene (Interorbitalruminet) . . 30 - Gjællespaltens Højde 46 - Overkjævens Længde ■ 39 - Snudespidsens Afstand Era Ventralerne .... 52 - l nderkjævespidsens Afstand fra Ventralerne . . 42 - Snudespidsens Afstand fra Anus 62 - Underkjævespidsens Afstand fra Anus 52 - Snudespidsens Afstand fra Beg. at' Dorsalen . . 7(J - Snudespidsens Afstand fra Beg. af Analen . . . 98 - Anus's Afstand fra Analen riii - Dorsalens største Højde Hl - Længdeu af sidste Dorsalstr&ale 10 - Ventralens Længde 97 - Pectoralens Grundlinie 16 - Pectoralens Længde 43 - Caudalens Længde 3U - Analens storste Hojde 18 - Længden af sidste Analstraale 11.5 - Halerodens Hojde 4 - Fra Anus til Halespidsen (Halepartiets Længde) . 235 - Beskrivelse. Legemsbygning. Legemet er bagénfor Hovedet hojt indtil Analens Begyndelse; herfra aftager hurtigt Hojden. og Legemet løber i sin sidste Del ud i en lang og jevn Spidse. der yderst er særdeles lav (kun lidt over Halvdelen af en Lindsediameter). Imidlertid ere de verticale Finner næsten overalt temmelig høje, saaledes at Individet ser forholdsvis hojt ud i den største Del af sin Længde. Bagénfor Nakken og den umiddelbart under Nakken liggende Bughule er Legemet overordentlig stærkt sammentrykt. Anus er særdeles langt fremrykket. og ligger lige under Gjællespalten, saaledes i en Afstand fra Snudespid- seu. der indeholdes ikke langt fra 5 Gange i Totallængden. Det ligger foran Pectoralerne, og i en betydelig Afstand fra Analens Begyndelse; veil dets bagre Kand tindes en kort. tyk og stiv Papille. Af Totallængden udgjør: Hovedets Længde 3.80 Smulens Afstand fra Anus -i.T«> Snudens Afstand fra Dorsalen 3. 7.". Snudens Afstand fra Analen 3,03 Halens Længde (fra Anus til Halespidsen) .... 1.21 Legemets Hojde (ved Beg. af Dorsalen) 4.71 Hovedet er bredt og tykt; dets Længde indeholdes ikke fuldt 4 Gange i Totallængden (eller. Caudalen fra- regnet, ikke fuldt 3' L. Gange). Dets Bredde over Kin- derne er ubetydeligt større, end dets postorbitale Del; Smulen er særdeles bred og stump. Panden og Xakken ere stærkt hvælvede, med under- liggende tykke Muskler: paa Hovedets øvrige Dele ere Knoglerne blot beklædte med en tynd og los Hud. Den ovre Profilrand er jevnt nedløbende, eller, hvor Huden Length of snout ' 25""" I diameter of eye (iris) 11- Postorbital region of head 42 - I (iameter of the lens (i - Distance between the eyes (interorbital space) . . 30 - Depth of branchial aperture 4ti - Length of upper jaw ii'.i - From point of snout to ventrals 52 - From extremity of lower jaw to ventrals .... 42 - From point of snout to vent 62 - From extremity of lower jaw to vent f>2 - From point of snout to origin of dorsal .... 79 - From point of snout to origin of anal .... 98 - Distance of vent from anal ;-Jii - Extreme depth of dorsal 19 - Length of last dorsal ray 1<) - Length of ventral lJ7 - Depth of pectoral at base 16 - Length of pectoral 4o - Length of caudal 30 - Extreme depth of anal 18 - Length of last aual ray 1 1.5 - Depth of tail at base 4 - From the vent to the tip of caudal (L. of tail) . 2o."i - General Description. Structure of the Body. — Depth of body considerable, as far as the origin of the anal fin ; from thence it rapidly diminishes, the body term- inating in a rather narrowish tail, the root very thin and slender, (the depth but slightly exceeding half the dia- meter of the lens); the vertical tins, however, are compara- tively deep, and hence the height of the individual is throughout the greater part of its length considerable. Posterior to the nape and the abdominal cavity, placed im- mediately beneath, the body is remarkably compressed. The vent far in front, immediately beneath the branch- ial aperture, the distance from the point of the snout being to the tota1 length [very nearly as 1 to 5. It is placed anterior to the pectorals, and at a considerable distance from the origin of the anal; at the posterior margin occurs a small papillary wart, thick and hard. The Total Length contains: — Length of head 3.85 Distance of snout from vent 4. 79 Distance of snout from dorsal 3.75 Distance of snout from anal 3.03 Length of tail (from vent to tip of the caudal) . . 1.21 Depth of body (at origin of dorsal) 4.71 The head broad ami thick: its length is to total length almost as 1 to 4. or. exclusive of the caudal, almost as 1 to 3'/j ; its breadth across the cheeks slightly exceed- ing the length of tlie postorbital region; snout extremely broad and obtuse. The front and nape vaulted, with thick subjacent muscles ; the hones in the other parts of the cranium merely invested witli a thin and lax skin The superior profile line sloping gently downwards, or slightly and 'JO 156 er indfalden mellem Knoglerne, svagt eller uregelmæssigt concav. Hovedet er uvæbnet; paa Praeoperculum kan der under Huden toles enkelte lavere Knuder og Kamme, lige- som lignende Knuder lindes over Øjnene, paa Siderne af Nakken, og paa hver Side af Snudespidsen. Gjællelaagene ere ligeledes beklædte med en løs Hud. og ende bagtil i en Flig. understøttet af en smal og krum- met Benknogrle; Suboperculum vager ud over Gjællehinden. Gjællespalten er særdeles vid; Afstanden mellem begge Spalters nedre Ende paa Hovedets Underside er blot lidt over en Øjendiameter. Snudespidsen rager noget frem foran Over- og Mellem- kjæven; Underkjæven er ikke ubetydeligt kortere, end Overkjæven, som strækker sig tilbage indtil forbi Øjets bagre Rand. Næseborene ere dobbelte; det bagre Par ligger i om- trent en Øjendiameters Afstand fra Øjet. det forreste om- trent midt mellem det bagre og Snudespidsen. Den ind- byrdes Afstand mellem det bagre Par Næsebor er lig Smulens Længde ; mellem det forreste Par omtrent det lialve. Øjnene ere forholdsvis smaa. og indeholdes 7 Gange i Hovedets Længde. Bredden mellem Øjnene (Interorbital- rummet) er næsten 3 Gange saa stor. som Øjendiameteren. Tænderne. der ere tilstede i Mellemkjæverne og Under- kjæven. ere yderst tine ; de danne ber Uere Rækker. og ere særdeles tætstaaende. Vomer og Palatinbenene ere glatte. Finnerne. Dorsalen, der er enkelt, tæller 60 Straa- ler. som overalt, især i dens forreste Del, ere indbyrdes forbundne med en tyk. fédtlignende Mellemsubstans, over hvilken den lose Hud ligger slapt og bevægeligt ; Straalernes Bygning er derfor vanskelig at angive med Sikkerhed. De forreste Straaler ere kløvede til Grunden; de bagre synes at være enkelte, men ere tydeligt articulerede. De første Straaler ere særdeles korte, og hæve sig næsten ikke op over Ryggen ; derpaa tiltage de successivt i Længde. indtil Fin- nen omtrent midt paa Halepartiet har naaet sin største Hojde. der omtrent er lig ( )verkjævens halve Længde. Paa Haleroden staa Straalerne temmelig tæt, men ere endnu forholdsvis lange; den sidste Straale paa Dorsalsiden er med hele sin Længde, der udgjør næsten en Øjendiameter. tilvoxet Caudalen. Dorsalen begynder umiddelbart over Gjællelaagets bagre Flig, saaledes. at dens Afstand fra Snude- spidsen indeholdes. ligesom Hovedet, omtrent o:1/.i Gange i Totallængden. Analen indeholder 57 Straaler. der ere af Bygning temmelig overensstemmende med Dorsalens. De forreste Straaler ere dog ikke fuldt saa korte, som de tilsvarende i Dorsalen, men de længste have næsten summe Højde, som disse; den ophører. ligesom Dorsalen, umiddelbart paa Haleroden, og da dens sidste Straale. der ogsaa ber med hele sin Længde er tilvoxet Caudalen. er ubetydeligt læn- gere, end den sidste Dorsalstraale, rager Analen noget læn- gere ud over Caudalen, end Dorsalen, saaledes at den be- dækker omtrent % :|f denne. Analen udspringer i en Af- irregularly concave between the bones where the skin is shrunk. The head unarmed ; on the preoperculum a few obtuse protuberances and ridges can be felt underneath the skin ; similar protuberances occur above the eyes, on both sides of the nape, and at the end of the snout. The gill-plates are likewise covered with a lax skin, and terminate at the posterior extremity in a rounded flap, supported by a slender and curved bone. The subopercu- lum extending beyond the branchial membrane. The gill- opening exceedingly wide: distance between its lower ex- tremities on the under surface of the bead but slightly ex- ceeding the diameter of the eye. . The point of the snout projecting beyond the supe- rior and the intermaxillaries; lower jawr shorter than upper, the latter extending backwards past the posterior margin of the eye. Nostrils double; the posterior pair distant about the diameter of the eye from the eye: the anterior situated nearly midway between the posterior and the point of the snout. Distance between the nostrils of the posterior pair equal to the length of the snout, between those of the anterior about half that length. The eyes comparatively small, their diameter being to the length of the bead as 1 to 7. Width of interorbital space almost three times the diameter of the eye. Teeth on the intermaxillaries and in the lower jaw, ex- ceedingly minute and arranged in several series; the vomer and the palatine bones smooth. Fin*. - One dorsal, furnished with 60 rays, which, more especially in the fore part of the tin, are all of them united together by means of thick adipous tissue, and enveloped in a lax and yielding membrane : hence the struc- ture of the rays is difficult to determine. The anterior rays are cleft to the base; those in the posterior part of the tin appear to lie simple, but are distinctly articula- ted. The foremost rays are exceedingly short, scarcely projecting above the surface of the back; the rest gradually increasing in length till the tin, about the middle of the caudal region, has attained its greatest height, which is about equal to half the length of the upper jaw. The rays at the base of the tail rather close, but here, too. compar- atively long; the terminal ray on the dorsal side through- out its entire length, which is nearly equal to the diameter of the eye. connate with the caudal. The dorsal tin orig- inates immediately above the flap of the, gill-cover, its distance from the tip of the snout being to the total length about as 1 to S3/^. The anal is furnished with 57 rays, in structure closely resembling those of the dorsal. The foremost ravs. however, not quite so short as the corresponding rays in the dorsal ; but the longest are almost equal in height with those of that fin; it terminates, like the dorsal, in immediate proximity to the caudal fin : and the last of its rays, also connate with the caudal throughout its entire length, being a trifle longer than the last dorsal ray. the anal extends somewhat farther beyond the caudal than docs the dorsal, coverine; about two-fifths of that tin. The anal ir. 7 stand at' næsten en halv Eovedlængde fra Aims, dog for- holdsvis langt fortil, idet dens Aistand fra Snudespidsen blot udgjør en Trediedel ai Totallængden, saaledes at det egentlige Ealeparti kommer til at udgjøre 2 Tredjedele af denne. Caudalen er særdeles smal og Langstrakt, smut ubety- deligt tilspidset. Den bestaar af 1" særdeles fine og tæt- stillede Straaler, hvoraf det yderste Par ere kortere, end de øvrige, der samtlige omtrent have samme Længde; de ere udelte, men fint articulerede. Caudalen, der, som oven- for nævnt, ved Roden er bed.-ekket a f den sidste Dorsal- og Analstraale, bar en Længde af omtr, ' ,,, af Totall. Pectoralerne udspringe uoget bagenfor Anus, lige bag Gjællespalten, saaledes, at deres Rod berøres af Gjælle- hinden. De tælle 11. paa den andenSide 12 Straaler, der ere delte omtrent fra Midten af. Pectoralens Grundlinie udgjør lidt over Halvdelen af [nterorbitalrummets Bredde. De øverste Straaler ere de længste, de følgende eiterhaan- den kortere; deres største Længde indeholdes i Totallængden næsten 7 Gange. Hele Finnen er yderst blød og bøjelig, samt halvt gjennemsigtig, og indhyllet i den samme lose Hud. som den øvrige Del af Legemet: Ventralerne ere tilstede som 2 lange Filamenter. hver indhyllet i en tyk Hud, og fæstede til Tungebenet, umid- delbart ved Gjællespaltens nedre Ende. 1 sin første Halv- del ere de udelte, men dele sig paa Midten i 2 Traade, hvoraf den ene er hengere, end den anden. Ventralens hele Længde udgjør hos det eneste undersøgte Individ om- trent 1/3 af Legemets Længde, men varierer sandsynligvis hos Individerne. Slimporer. Sidelinie eller Skjæl tindes ikke. Langs Underkjæven strækker sin en Række af 4 store, aabne Po- rer, hvoraf den første staar nærved Symphysen, den sidste paa Kjævens bagre Hand. Paa hver Side at Overkjæven, umiddelbart ved Randen, staa 3 lignende Porer, samt en enkelt paa hver Side hen under Øjet. Farven var overalt mørkt kjødrød med enkelte lysere Skygninger; den var yderst fint og jevnt fordelt, saaledes at tydelige Pigmentpunkter vare ikke synlige. Gjællehinden var intens carmosinrød; iris var ikke metalliskfarvet. men dybt blaasort. Denne smukke rode Farve er efterhaanden hos det paa Spiritus opbevarede Exemplar saagodtsom ganske forsvundet, saaledes at dette nu er bleven jevnt hvidagtigt overalt. Appendices pyloricae, hvis Antal var 10, vare tykke Og cylindriske; deres Længde varierede mellem 15""" og 18»,m. Bughinden var sort. Individet var en Han: Testes, der dog neppe for Tiden vare i sin fulde Udvikling, havde en Længde af 4." (den venstre), og 55""" (den højre). Føde. Ventrikeleii. der var særdeles musculøs, inde- holdt endnu gjenkj endelige Levninger af Crustaceer, skjønt Individet var opbentet fra den enorme I tvinle af næsten 1300 Favne, hvortil var medgaaet tiere Timer, og derpaa i en Tid holdt levende ombord. Disse vare 2 Individer commences nearly half the length of the head posterior to fche vent, bul comparative!) far in front, being distant not more than one-third of the total length from the tip of the snout; and henee the caudal portion of the body equals two-thirds of that length. The caudal is narrow, elongated, and very slightly pointed. It consists of lo exceedingly close and slender rays; the outermost pair shorter than the rest, which are nearly uniform in length; they are simple, but minutely articulated. The caudal, covered at the base las stated above) by the terminal ray in the dorsal and anal, is equal in length to about one-tentb of the total Length. The pectorals commence a short distance posterior to the vent, immediately behind the branchial opening, their hase in contact with the branchial membrane. They are furnished on one side with" 11. on the other with 12 rays, divided from about trie middle. The base of the pectorals measures rather more than half the width of the interorbital space. The uppermost rays are the longest, the rest be- coming gradually shorter: their length is to total length nearly as 1 to 7. The whole tin exceedingly soft and flexible, also semi-transparent, and. like the rest of the body, envel- oped in a lax integument. The ventrals occur as two long filaments, each invested with a thick membrane, and attached to the hyoid bone, close to the lower extremity of the ii ill-openings. In their first half simple, but divided about the middle of the tin into two cirri, one longer than the other. The length of the ventrals in this unicum equals about one-third of the length of the body, hut will probably he found to vary in different examples. Mucous Pores. — No scales or lateral line. Along the under surface, however, extends a row of 4 large, open pores, the first in close proximity to the symphysis, the last- on the posterior margin of the jaw. Oh either side of the upper jaw, contiguous with the margin, are three similar pores, and a solitary pore occurs under each eye. Colour. — The whole body of a bright red colour, here and there with lighter-tinted cloudings; and this ground-colour being remarkably uniform, no distinct pig- mentary specMets were observable. Branchial membrane the brightest of crimsons: irides a deep bluish-black, without metallic lustre. The beautiful red colour ha.s gradually faded, from the action of alcohol (the specimen is preserved in spirits), the fish being now uniformly whitish. Pyloric appendages 10, thick and cylindric, varying in length from 15""" to 18"""; ventral membrane black. This individual was a male: length of testes, which, .however, had hardly then attained their full development, l.V-"" (the left) and 55""" (the right). Food. — The ventricle - - exceedingly muscular contained still determinable fragments of crustaceans (and yet the specimen was brought up from the great deptli of 1300 fathoms, which took several hours: and it was kept. too. some time alive), viz. 2 examples of Bythocaris leucopis, 158 .■il' Bythocaris leucopis, samt 1 at' Pseudomysis abyssi, begge Artor beskrevne i 1880 af Gr. O. Sars fva Nordhavs-Expedi- tionens Indsamlinger. men ingeD af dem tidligere fundne i en saa betydelig Dybde. Endelig fandtes et Individ af en eiidnu ubestemt Hyperide. der saudsynligvis er ubeskreven. Udbredelse. Det eneste liidtil erholdte Exemplar af denne mærkelige Art havde en Længde af omtrent l/a Meter, og optoges. som ovenfor nævnt. fra det iskolde Vand paa næsten 1300 Favnes Dyb midt ude paa Havet, den l(3de Juli 1878. omtrent lige langt fra Spitsbergen. Jan Maven og Finmarken. Subord. Physostomi. Fam. Scopelidae. Gren. Scopelus, Cuv. Regne Anini. éd. 1. tom. 2. p. 169 (1817). 32. Scopelus miilleri. (Gmel.) 1788. Salmo miiUcri, Gmel. Lin. Syst. Nat. ed. 13, tom. I, p. 1378 (1788). Beopelus glacialis, Reinli. . Overs. 1835—36, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. li Del,'p. CX. Kbhvn. 1837 (183a— 36). Beopelus mull, ri. Coll. Norges Piske, Tillægsh. ti! Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1874, p. 152. Chra. 1st:. (1874). Diagn. Legemets Høj de nogei mindre, end Hovedlæng- den, der indéholdes 4 — 41,-, Gange i Totallængden. Over- kjæven gaar tilbage forbi Ojet, og ender triangulært afskaa- ret ved Bonden of Praeoperculmu. Dorsalen ligger over Mellemrummet méllem Ventrålerne og Analen. Øjet overor- dentlig stort, indéholdes ikke fuldt 3 Gange, i Hovedlængden, og er kon lidet mindre, end Hovedets postorbitale Del. 3 Skjælrækker ovenfor, 4 nedenfor Sidelinien. Skjællene glatte; Sideliniens Skjæl større, end de øvrige. 21 — S3 Par Pletter langs Buglinien (5 méllem St minn og Ventrålerne; 3 — 4 méllem Ventrålerne og Andlen; 7—8 langs Analen, 6 méllem Analen og Caudålen). Farven grønlig-brun oventil, paa Midten gulagtig sølvglindsende , paa Bugen mørkere olivengrøn. D. 12—14: A. 10—18: P. 11; V. 8; C. 7 ,/'', 7. Lin. lat. 36 (Gunth.), 38 (Kr.). and 1 of Pseudomysis abyssi, both species described (1880) by Ci. O. Sars from specimens collected on the North At- lantic Expedition, but not previously met with at so great a depth; finally, an example of a Hyperid. as yet undeterm- ined, and probably undescribed. Distribution. — The only example of this singular species yet obtained measured in length one-third of a metre, and. as previously mentioned, was taken in the frigid area at a depth of nearly 1300 fathoms, in mid-ocean, the locality being about equidistant from Spitzbergen, .Tan Mayen, and Finmark. July Kith 1878. Subord. Physostomi. Fam. Scopelidæ. Gren. Scopelus, Cuv. Regne Anim. éd. 1, turn. 2, p. 169 < is] 7). 32. Scopelus miilleri, (Gmel.) 1788. Batmo miilleri, G-mel. Lin. Syst. Nat. ed. 13, tom. 1, p. 1378 (1788). Scopelus glacialis, Reinli. Overs. 1835 — 36, Kgl. D. Vid. Selsk. Nat. Math. Afh. li Del, p. CX. Kbhvn. 1837 (1833— 36). Scopelus miiUiri. Coll. Norges Fiske. Tillægsh. til Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1874, p. 152. Chra. 1875 (1874). Diagnosis. — Depth of the bodg a 'trifle less than the length of the head, which is to total length as 1 to 4 — /',_■. The ma. ciliary e.i tending backimrtls past the eye, and term- inating in a triangular dilatation at the margin of the pre- operculum. Dorsal fin placed above the space between the centrals and the anal. Byes remarkably large: their longitudinal diameter being to the length of the head very nearly as 1 to 3. and a trifle less than the postqrbital region of the head. Above the lateral line 3 rows of scales, below 4. Scales smooth : those on the lateral line larger than the rest. Along the central line 21 — 23 pairs of spots (be- tween the throat and the centrals ~> ; between the ventrals and the anal 3 or 4: along the anal 7 — 8; between the anal and the caudal 6). Colour (dioce a greenish-brown; in the medial region yellowish, with a silvery lustre; on the abdo- men, a dark dice green. D. 12—14: A. 16—18: P. 11: V. 8; C. 7/19/7. Bin. lat. 36 (Gunth.), 38 (Kr.>. 1 59 Localit. fra Nordh. Exped. Storeggen lldenfor Aalesund (Norge); Havet vestenfor Finmarken. Locality (North Atl. Exped.): — The Storeggen bank, ofl Aalesund (Norway) ; the operi sea, wesl of Finmark. /: liggt nht d. Dybd, . 'J', mp. i. r.:; Kil. V. Hammerfest. inn Favne (2080 "J. 1.3° C. Biloculina-Ler. I lilr Juli 1878. 3 Indiv. Bemærkninger til Synonymien. Spørgsmaalet mn denne Arts Synonymi og rette Benævnelse kan blot løses efter en omhyggelig Prøvelse af en Del Data, hentede fra de af den lærde Præst og Naturforsker H. Strøm efter- ladte Dagbøger over hans naturhistoriske Observationer i Søndmør (paa Norges Vestkyst) i forrige Aarhundrede, hvilke Dagbøger, der opbevares paa Universitets-Bibliotheket i Christiania, endnu ere utrykte. I disse Dagbøger1, der omfatte Aarene 1756 — 1780, og som danne Grundlaget for de naturhistoriske Capitler i hans bekjendte Skritt. Søndmøres Beskrivelse (1762)2, med Supplement (1784),3, lindes under Aaret 1766, § 38 anført, at han havde fundet i Stranden en liden Fisk af 21/a Tom- mes Længde, hvilken han derpaa nøjere beskriver. Finne- straalernes Antal opgiver han at være: D. 9; A. 10; P. 15 — 16; V. S. I denne Beskrivelse, hvori han især om- handler Hovedets Bygning, gjenkjendes uden Vanskelighed den senere Mawrolicus borealis, (Nilss.) 1832. Dernæst tindes atter anført for Aaret 1774. § 4. at han den 3die Juni d. A. fangede en sjelden Fisk. der for- fulgtes af de andre Smaafiske ; ogsaa af denne giver han en temmelig udiorlig Beskrivelse, og opfører som dens Straaleantal følgende: 1). 11; A. 14; P. 11; V. 8. Han slutter Beskrivelsen med følgende Ord: ..Den er saaledes Coregonus mandibula hijrriorr uta jun'-, idet han altsaa troede at have den af Artedi som No. 1 beskrevne Core- gonus for sig. Da dette sidste Exemplar faldt levende i Strom's' Hænder, maa det antages at have været forholdsvis com- plet. hvorfor Finnestraalernes Antal sandsynligvis er nogen- lunde rigtigt angivet. Tåges endvidere i Betragtning. hvad han anfører om Hovedets og Tunge-Apparatets Bygning, samt Sølvpuncternes Antal og Stilling, er det klart, at Strom her har havt for sig en Scopelus, forskjellig fra den ovenfoi nævnte Mamvlinis hornilis. s/ut. 83. Stat. 29r>. Exact Locality. Depth. Storeggen, 1 74 "Kil. W. Aalesund. I'nuiiil floating. 13.-1 Kil. W. Hammerfest. 1 1 in Fathoms rjn:;ii'"i. Temp. ni Bottom. — - 1.3° ('. Bottom- Biloculina Clay. Date. 30th June 1876. 1 I ni liv. 14th July 1878. Numb, ut' Specim. 3 Imliv. Remarks on the Synonymy. — This species cannot he correctly designated without carefully considering cer- tain data from the posthumous Diaries of the Hev. H. Strom (a scholar, naturalist, and divine) in which he lias recorded his observations on natural history taken during the last century in the bailiwick of Søndmør, Norway. These Diaries, which are preserved in the University Li- brary at Christiania, have not yet appeared in print. In the. said Diaries.1 which extend from 1756 to 1780, and which form the substance of the chapters devoted to Natural History in Strom's descriptive work on the bailiwick of Søndmør (1762),2 with a Supplement (1784),3 the author records (Section 38, anno 1766) his having found on the beach a small fish, 2'/L, inches in length, of which he gives a description; the fin-ray formula was D. 9; A. 10; P. 15—16; V. 8. From this description, in which the author specially dwells upon the structure of the head, it is not difficult to recognise the species (afterwards established) Mttitrol/ftis hnmtlis, (Nilss.) 1832. Farther on (Section 4. anno 1774), it appeai-s that on the 3rd June Strom captured "a rare fish." which other fishes were in the act of pursuing. ( >f this specimen, in which the fin-ray formula is stated to have been-: D. 11: A. 14: P. 1 1 : V. 8, he also furnishes a comparatively detailed descrip- tion, his concluding words being as follows: — -'Hence it is Coregonus mandibula inferiore majore;" for he con- ceived the species before him to be identical with the Core- gonus described by Artedi as No. 1. Having been taken alive, this must in all pro- bability have been a perfect example; and hence the tin- ray formula given by Strøm is no doubt comparatively cor- rect. Assuming this to be the case, and regard being also had to the other salient characters, viz. the obtuse head, the large scales, the structure of the tongue, and the num- ber and disposition of the argenteous spots, it is evident that Strom had before him a Scopelus, essentially distinct from the above-mentioned Maurolicus borealis. 1 „Annotations-Bog over forefaldende Merkværdigheder i Natur- Historien pan Syndmør" >•> Dele. 1756—1780). - ..['hvsisk og Oeconomisk Beskrivelse over Fogderief Søndmør", Iste Part (Sorøe 1762). ■ Nye Saml. Kgl. 1». X. Vid. Selsk. Skr., I B., p. 103 iKl.hvn. 1784). 1 "Annotations-Bog over forefaldende Merkværdigheder i Natur- Historien paa Syndmør" (2 Dele. 1706 — 1780). - -1'hysisk og økonomisk Beskrivelse over Fogderiet Søndmør," Part I (Sorøe 1762). 3 STye Saml. Kgl. D. X. Vid. Selsk. Skr., 1 B., p. 103 (Kbhvn. 1784). 160 Strom har ikke omtalt nogen af disse Fiske i sin Sønd- møres Beskrivelse, eller i Supplementerne til denne. Der- imoil giver han i 17(.io i Naturhistorie-Selskabets Skrifter1 en Meddelelse om et Par sjeldnere norske Fiske, begge ledsagede af en kortfattet' Beskrivelse og Afbildning. Den sidste af disse kalder han ..en liden rar Fisk, som jeg tog med Haanden af Havstranden for mere end 20 Aar siden-; han nævner endvidere, at. han strax havde ladet en Beskri- velse og Afbildning nedsende til 0. F. Muller, tor at den kunde indtages i dennes „Zoologia Danica", der netop skulde udkomme. Dette var efter hans Vidende ikke skeet, og han giver derfor paany dens Afbildning og Beskrivelse. Afbildningen fremstiller, som Enhver ser. en Scopelus, og ikke Maurolicus, men Beskrivelsen gjentager omtrent ordret hans Bemærkninger i Dagbogen af 1766, vedrørende denne sidste Art. TJoverensstemmelserne mellem Tegning og Beskrivelse kan derfor blot forklares paa den Maade. at Strøm ganske har forglemt sin Observation af Scojwlits for Aaret 1774. men havde sin dengang udførte Tegning i Behold, som nu gjengives tilligemed den Maurolicus ved- rørende Text fra Aaret 1766. Muller havde i 177(1 i sin ..Zoologia Danica"2 ikke- destomindre omtalt Strom's Art. men. i Overensstemmelse med Strom's egne Antydninger, og uden at give den et spe- cielt Artsnavn, henført den hlandt Coregonerne som No. 415 med følgende Ord: „S.(almo) maxillis edentulis, inferiore longiore, ventre punctata. ('l. >stn>iu misit." Den første Del af 'denne Diagnose er. som det vil sees. Artedi's ord- lydende Diagnose af den senere Coregonus albula. I Overensstemmelse med Muller opfører endelig Gme- lin i 1788 i sin 13de Udgave af ..Systema Naturae" Arten som Salmo mulleri, men giver ingen anden Oplysning om den. end Midlers Diagnose, der ordret gjengives. Det kan efter det foranførte ansees for utvivlsomt. at Navnet Sal/mo mutten, Gmel., ikke kan tilkomme nogen anden, . end den af Strom under Aaret 1774 beskrevne Scopelus, men ikke Maurolicus oorealis, som Kroyer3 har villet. Denne Scopelus er uden Tvivl identisk med Rein- hardfs senere beskrevne Sc. glacialis fra. Grønland, paa hvilken Art Strom's første Beskrivelse og senere Afbildning i alle Dele synes at passe; sandsynligvis har Reinhardt ikke kjendt den sidste. og heller ikke ventet at gjentinde sin Art i Gmelin's Salmo mulleri. Neither in his descriptive work on Sondmor. nor in the Supplement, has Strom recorded these tishes. But in 1793 a paper by that author on two rare Norwe- gian fishes, both of which were briefly described, and figured, appeared in the Journal of the Danish Society of Natural History.1 One he terms "a singular little iish that I found more than 20 years ago on the sea-shore;" and goes on to mention his having forwarded without loss of time a description and drawing of the specimen to 0. F. Midler. for insertion in that distinguished naturalist's forthcoming work xZoologia Danica. " No notice having, however, to the best of his knowledge, been taken of this communica- tion, Strom described and figured the species anew. The representation, as may be seen at a glance, is that of a Scopelus, and not of a Maurolicus, — but the description an almost verbatim transcript of the observations on the latter species in his Diary for 1766. Now. the manifest discrepancy between the drawing and the description, can he accounted for solely by assuming Strom to have entirely overlooked his notice of Scopelus in 1774. and — the drawing executed on that occasion being still extant — to have an- nexed it to his diagnosis of Maurolicus from 1766. Muller nevertheless did record the species in his "Zoo- logia Danica" (1766). but classed it in accordance with Strom's views, and without assigning any special desig- nation, among the Coirgoni (No. 415). as follows: "S(almo) maocittis edentulis, inferiore longiore. ventre punc- tato. CI. Strøm misit." The first part of this diagnosis agrees, we see. word for word with Artedi's diagnosis of Coregonus albula, subsequently established. In conformity with Midler's description. . Gmelin records the species (1788) in his loth Edition of "Systema Natura?" as Salmo mulleri, but furnishes no additional information: his diagnosis is a verbatim copy of Midler's. From the data set forth above, it is obvious that the name Salmo mulleri should not, as proposed by Kroyer,3 be given to Maurolicus borealis, but to the Scopelus de- scribed by Strom in 1774: and doubtless that Scopelus is identical with Reinhardt's Sc. glacialis, from Greenland, afterwards diagnosticated. Strom's description corresponding in every respect with the characters of that species. Probably Reinhardt knew nothing of Strom's figure, and was not prepared to meet with his species in Gmelin's Salmo miitteri. Bemærkninger til Beskrivelsen. Da Kroyer i 1847 i Xaturh. Tidsskr.1 liar leveret en udførlig Beskrivelse af denne Art. og givet dens Afbildning i Gaimard's store Rejseværk, skal jeg nedenfor blot meddele et Par Bemærk- ninger vedrørende de nye Exemplarer, hvilke desuden ere samtlige i en saa slet Tilstand, at de ere ganske uskikkede til at beskrives i sin Helhed. 1 Skr. af Naturh. Selsk. 2 B. 'J H., p. li) (Kbhvn. 1793). 8 Zool. Dan. Prodr., p. 4(1 [Havn. 17T(i). ;' Damn. Fiske, :S B., p. 114 (Kbhvn. 1846—49). 4 Naturh. Tidsskr. 2 K. 2 It. 3 H.. p. 230 (Kbhvn. Is47i. Descriptive Observations. — Kroyer having furnished in 1847 a full description of this species in -Xaturh. Tidsskr.."1 and figured it for the plates accompanying Gai- mard's great work. I shall confine myself to a few obser- vations on the new specimens, which, besides, are one and all in so mutilated a condition as to render them wholly unfit to serve as subjects for a general description. Skr. af Naturh. Selsk. 2 B. -J H.. p. 15 (KMyn. 1793). Zool. Dan. Prodr., p. 49 (Havn. 1776). Danmarks Fiske. 3 B.. p. 114 (Kbhvn. 1846—49). Naturh. Tidsskr. 2 K. 2 B. 3 H., p. 230 (Kbhvn. 1847). 16] Det første Exemplar, fra Expeditionen i L876, dptoges mrd det fine Overfladenet fra Vandskorpen paa Fiskebanken Storeggen udenfor Christiansund (Norge), og \;ir øjensynlig udkastet i halvfordøjet Stand af en Fiskemave. Skjælbe- klædningen manglede saagodtsom overalt, Ugesom mindre Dele af Legemets Sider vare fortærede; derimod rare Fin- nerne forholdsvis vel vedligeholdte, ligesom de sølvgbndsende (phosphorescerende?) Petter langs Bugen næsten overalt vare i Behold. De 3 Exemplarer fra Expeditionen i 1S7S v&re alle DOget over halvt udvoxede, og optoges fra Havet langt vestenfor Hammerfest med Trawlnettet, der her naiede Bund paa 1110 Eavnes Dyb. Ogsaa ber mangler Skjælbeklæd- ningen saagodtsom fuldstændig, og flere Finner ere afbrudte ; især er Caudalen defect, saa at Individernes Totallængde ikke nøjagtigt.kan opgives. De langs Ventrallinien løbende sørVglindsende Pletter ere (forsaavidt de kunne sees. eller ere i Behold) fordelte paa følgende Maade: Mellem Struben og Ventralerne 5 Par; det øverste er bedækket af Grjællelaagene, naar disse ere helt tilsluttede. Mellem Ventralerne og Ana len 4 Par: dette Tal er constant bos alle de af mig hidtil undersøgte Exemplarer. (Kroyer angiver 3 i ovenfor anførte Beskrivelse). Langs Analen tindes 7 Par; hos et i Universitets- Musæet opbevaret nogenlunde fuldstændigt Exemplar fra Hasvig ved Hammerfest er der mellem den 5te og 6te Pl et ét noget større Mellemrum, end mellem de øvrige; hos de 2 af Exemplarerne fra Nordhavs-Expeditionen, hvor disse Pletter ere blevne bevarede, er der derimod et lignende Mellemrum mellem den 6te og 7de Plet. Mellem Analen og Caudalen tindes 6 Par. der alle staa tættere sammen, end i de foregaaende Rækker. Ved Roden af Caudalen nedenfor Midtlinien tindes 1 Par. De forskjellige enkeltstaaende Pletter eller kortere Rækker, der tindes hist og her paa Legemets Sider, kunne ikke eiter de forhaandeimerende Exemplarer beskrives. De erholdte Exemplarer havde følgende Maal og Straaleantal : The lirsi individual, obtained on the cruise in L876. was taken ln the fine-meshed surface-net, on «the Storeggen fishing-bank, off Christiansund (Norway), and bad evidently been ejected in a half-digested state from a fish's stomach, The scales were almost every where wanting; moreover-, small portions ol' the sides of the bodj had disappeared; the lins. on the other hand, were comparatively uninjured, as also the argenteous (phosphorescent r) spots extending along the abdomen. The -'i specimens taken on the last cruise of the Ex- pedition, in 1S7S. were all a little re than balf-grown; they were captured at sea. far west of Hammerfest, in the trawl-net. which had been sunk to the depth of 11 K' fathoms, (hi these specimens, too. hardly a scale remains. and several of the fins are broken, more especially the caudal: hence the total length cannot be accurately stated. The silvery spots along the ventral line were disposed (sq far as the condition of the individuals admitted of ob- serving them), in the following order. Between the throat and the ventrals 5 pairs, the upper- most covered by the gill-plates, when the latter are closed. Between the ventrals and the anal 4 pairs; this num- ber' is constant in all the examples I have hitherto exam-' ined (Kroyer gives 3 in "Naturh. Tidsskr."). Along the anal 7 pairs; in a specimen, comparatively perfect, preserved in the University Museum, from Hasvig near Hammerfest, the space between the 5th and 6tb spots is somewhat wider than that between the others; 2 of the individuals obtained on the North Atlantic Expedition in which these spots are visible, have a similar space between the 6th and 7th spots. Between the anal and the caudal G pairs, more closely arranged than in any of the foregoing series. At the origin of the caudal, below the mesial line. 1 pair. The various isolated spots or shorter series occurring here and there on the sides of the body cannot be determ- ined from the specimens taken on the Expedition. The measurements and tin-ray formula' in the specimens obtained, were as follows: — Totallængde (omtrent) Længde uden Caudalen Hovedets Længde . . a. Stat. 295. b. c. d. Stat. 295. Stat. 295. Scat. 33. 57 „.,„ 50 - 14 - Straaler i Dorsalen . 14 Stealer i Analen . . 17 (il ' 53 - 15 - (J-) 771771 54 - 15,2 - 13 v 14 9 T-S """ 70 - 18 - 12 16 Straaleantallet i Analen kan blot hos 2 af Individerne med nogenlunde Sikkerhed angives. Hos det ene Exem- plar er den sidste Analstraale dobbelt, hvilket er utydeligt bos det andet. Føde. I Ventrikelén af det ene ai de paa Stat. 295 erholdte Individer fandtes Dele af en Themisto libéllula, Mandt, samt flere Exemplarer af Concoecia boredlis, mm 53 - 54 - 15 - 15.2 - 13 14 ? 7 s ";' 70 - is . 12 16 The number of fin-rays in the anal could he determ- ined with comparative accuracy in hut two of the individuals: One of them had the terminal anal ray double.; in the other specimen this character is not distinct. Food. — The stomach of one of the individuals taken at Station 295 contained fragments of a Themisto libellvla, Mandt, together with several examples of Conccecia boredlis, 21 162 Sårs 1865 (en Ostracode, der bidtil kun er funden langs den norske Kyst paa en Dybde al' 300 Favne eller der- over). Udbredelse. Denne arctiske Repræsentant tor Slæg- ten var hidtil kjendt fra Grønland og fra de norske Kyster. Overalt er den kun sparsomt erholdt, enten som døde, iland- drevne Individer, eller * udtagne af Sælemes Maver. Af Nordhavs-Expeditionens Individer vare de 3 optagne fra Havet vestenfor Hammerfest; sandsynligvis er Arten ud- bredt paa gunstige Localiteter over bele Polarbavets Dyb, og vil med mere fuldkomne Redskaber oftere kunne er- holdes. Fra Grønland havde Musæet i Kjøbenhavn, ifølge Reinhardt sen., allerede i 1836 erholdt 6 Individer fra de nordligste Colonier Omenak (Umanak), Ritenbank og Ja- cobshavn. Senere er flere Exemplarer nedsendte til samme Musæum fra Syd-Gronland. Fra de norske Kyster kj endtes tidligere blot 3 Indi- vider, hvoraf det første var det, der al Strøm toges ved Volden i Søndmør i 1774; det andet hjembragtes til Ber- gens Musæum, angivelig fra Hardangerfjorden, af Stiftamt- mand Christie mellem Aarene 1830 og 1840. Det tredie, der opbevares paa, Universitets-Musæet i Christiania, er indsendt fra Handelspladsen Hasvig ved Hammerfest, og be- finder sig, ligesom foregaaende. i mindre god Stand, skjønt ulige bedre, end Nordhavs-Expeditionens Exemplar fra Stor- eggen; sandsynligvis* er ogsaa dette udtaget eller udkastet af en Fiskemave. En anden Art, Scopelus resplendens, Rich. 1845, op- rindeligt beskreven fra Guineakysten, har i de sidst forlobne Aar. 1879 og 1880, vist sig at være stationær i Trondhjems- fjorden (63° N. B.), og adskillige Exemplarer ere allerede fundne. hvoraf flere opbevares paa Musæerne i Trondhjem og Christiania1. Af en tredie nordisk Art, Sis. hroyeri, Malm 1860, er et enkelt Exemplar funden i Maven af en Gadus morrhua ndenfor Skagen i 18562. G.' O. Sårs 1865 (an Ostracod hitherto not met with on the Norwegian coast at a depth of less than 300 fathoms). Distribution. — The coast of Greenland and the northern shores of Norway were the only localities in which this Arctic representative of the genus had previously been met with.- and but sparingly, for instance floating dead or washed ashore, or found in the stomachs of seals. Of the individuals obtained on the Expedition, 3 were taken in the open sea west of Hammerfest. Probably the species occurs everywhere throughout the depths of the Polar Sea, and with improved apparatus will no doubt be more fre- quently captured. ' According to Reinhardt sen., tlie Zoological Museum in Copenhagen had obtained l> individuals so far back as .1836. from the most northerly, colonies in Greenland, viz. Omenak, Ritenbank, and Jacobshavn. Subsequently, divers examples were sent to the same Museum from South Greenland. On the shores of Norway, but 3 individuals had pre- viously been observed, one of which was the example taken by Strom at Volden in Søndmør, 1774; the second, stated to have been captured in the Hardanger Fjord, was presented to the Bergen Museum by the Stiftamtmand Christie, between 1830 and 1840. The third, preserved in the University Museum, Christiani;:, was sent from Hasvig near Hammerfest; its state of preservation is far from perfect, though better than that of the specimen obtained on the Expedition from the Storeggen fishing-bank; probably this individual too had been in a fish's stomach. Quite lately (1879 and 1880), another species, Scopelus resplendens, Rich. 1845, originally described from the Guinea coast, has been met with as stationary in the Trondhjem Fjord (lat. 63° N.), and several specimens, preserved in the Museums of Trondhjem and Christiania,1 have been already collected. A single example of a third Northern species, Sc. hroyeri, Malm i860, was found in the stomach of a Gadus morrhua, taken off the Scaw hi 1856.- Fovh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1880, No. 8, p. :!. Forh. Skaud. Naturf. SMødeKbhvn. 1860, p. 617 (fcbhvn. 1861). Forh. Vid. Selsk. Chra. 1880, No. 8, p.' 3. Forh. Skand. Naturf. SMødeKbhvn. 1860, p. 617 (Kbhvn. i861). Fie-. 1. •>. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. '8. i». 10. Fig. 11. — 12. — . 13. — 14. - 15. — 16. — 17. — *18. — 19. — 20. — 21. Fig. 22. — 23. 24. — 25. — 26. — 27. . Forklaring over Planenerne. pi. i. Raja hyperborea, Han. 'Oversiden; halv Størrelse. Raja hyperborea,~EaxL. Undersiden; lm 1 v Størrelse. Sébastes marinus, Yngel; 5 Gange forstørret. Sébastes marinus, Yngel; 3 Gange' forstørret. Gottunculus microps. Gottunculus microps. Oversiden. Centridermichthys uncinatus,- Icdus hamatus, Han. Triglops pingélii, Han. Triglops pingélii, Hun. PL II. Agonus decagonus, Hun. Ågonus decagonus, Han: Undersiden. Eumicrotremus spinosus. Liparis bathybii, Hun. Careproctus reinhardt, yngre Individ. Careproctus reinhardt, yngre Individ; Undersiden. Lumpenus medius. Lumpenus maculatus, Hun. Lycodes esmarkii, Unge. Lycodes esmarkii, yngre Han. Lycodes esmarkii, yngre Hun. Pl. III. Lycodes esmarkii, gammel Han: - , Størrelse. Lycodes frigidus, Yngel. Lycodes frigidus. Lycodes liiikenii, Hun. Lycodes pdllidus, Unge! Lycodes pallidus, yngre Individ. Fig. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Fic 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Fig. 22. — 23. — 24. — 2."). — 26. — 27. Explanation of the Plates. pl i. Raja hyperborea, male (from above); half size. Raja hyperborea, male (from beneath); half size. Sebastes marinus, fry; magnified 5 diameters. Sébastes marinus, fry; magnified 3 diameters. Cottunmlus microps. Gottunculus microps (from above). Centridermichthys uncinatus. Icelus hamatus, male. Triglops pingélii, male. Triglops pingélii, female. Pl. II. Agonus decagonus, female. Agonus decagonus, male (from beneath). Eumicrotremus spinosus. . Liparis bathybii, female. Careproctus reinhardi, young specimen. Careproctus reinhardi, young specim. (from beneath). Lumpenus medius. Lumpenus maculatus, female. Lycodes esmarkii, very young. Lycodes esmarkii, young male. Lycodes esmarkii, young female. Pl. III. Lycodes esmarkii, old male: two-thirds of nat. size. Lycodes frigidus, fry. Lycodes frigidus. Lycodes liitkenii, female. Lycodes palltdus, very young. Lycodes pallidus, young specimen. 164 Fig. 28. — 29. — 30. — 31. — 32. — 33. — 34. — 35. — 36. Pl. IV. Lycodes seminudus, yngre Individ. Lycodes mura&na, Yngel. Lycodes muraena, yngre Indiv. (Typ-Exemplaret). Lycodes muraena, yngre Hun. Gymnelis viridis, yngre Indiv. . Gadus saida. Onos reinhard/. Onos septemtrionalis, Unge. Onos septemtrionalis. (Typ-Exemplaret). Pl. V. Fig. 37. Bhodichthys regina. — 38. Bhodichthys regina. - 39; Bhodichthys regina. Han. Do. Oversiden. Do. Undersiden. Fig. 28. — 29. — 30. — 81. -r 32. — 33. — 34. — 35. — 36. Pl. IV. Lycodes seminudus, young specimen. Lyiodes muræna, Fry. Lycodes muræna, young specim. (type of the species). Lycodes muræna, young female. Gymnelis viridis, young specimen. Gadus saida. Onos reinhardi. Onos septemtrionalis, very young. Onos septemtrionalis, (type of the species). PL V. Fig. 37. Bhodichthys regina, male. — 38. Bhodichthys regina. .. (from above)! — 39. Bhodichthys regina, ,, (from beneath). Indhold. Pag. Agonus decagomis, Schneid. I sill 44 Careproctus, Kr. I*ii2 .".7 Careproctus reinhardt. Kr. 1862 ."i~ ' '- 'iilridi riiiichtliys, Kirhards. 1843 29 Centridermiehthys uncinates, (Reinh.) 1*33 — 34 29 Cottunadvs, Coll. 1 ST4 ...'....• 18 Cottunndus microps. Coll. 1*74 IS Cottns scorpius, Lin. lTlifi ' 2."> Eumicrotremus, Gill ]8(>4 47 Eumicrotremus spinosus, (Miill.) 177H . 47 Gadus saida, Lepech. 1774 126 Glyptocephalus, Gottsche 1 835 1 50 Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, (Lin.) 1 768 Errata. Page 5, line 4, from foot of page, for '349 "■' read '817.'"' — 5, line 3, from foot of page, for 'grey-green sand' read 'grey- green clay.' — '24. line 57 ithe last) for 'alimentary canal' read, 'tubif orm Louse.' Translated into English by John Hazeland. foKireriiigen af PI. V er efter en Originalskizze odfart efter det levende Individ af Sateret Behiertz. ■ PLAN 0 H E R. . I Nordh -Expi-J COLLET' 1 PISCES ' '' Carl Niel ■ ■.- ■ Exped I "A^^f^-f J&ki c &> V"^ ' -"lY^ < ', l'(.V V ' [' 't' c>'i(-^t,-LV1,'-1' "S',1. Nordh-Exped C0LLE1 — ■ Stockholm DEN NORSKE N ORDH A V8-BXPEDITION . 1876 — 1878. ZOOLOGI. ANNELIDA VED G. ARMAUER HANSEN. MED 7 PLANCHER OQ 1 KART. CHRISTIANIA. GKØNDA^L & SØN8 BOGTRYKKBRI. 1882. rw BE NORWEGIAN NORTH-ATLANTIC EXPEDITION ' 18-76.— 18 78. ZOOLOGY. ANNELI DA BY G. ARMAUER HANSEN. WITH 7 PLATES AND 1 MAP. CHRISTIANIA. PRINTED BY GR0NDAHD & SØN. 1882. V ril Bestemmelsen af Aimelider fra det af den norske Nordhavsexpedition afsøgte Felt er det selvfølgeligt hovedsageligt Malmgrens "Annulata polychæta", der maa benyttes. San værdifuldt som dette Arbeide er. saa van- skeligt og oftest umuligt er det at bringe et ukjendt Dyr, som man maatte træffe paa, ind under en af de mange af Malmgren opforte Slægter. Om denne Malmgrens Tilbøie- ligbed til at danne nye Slægter efter ofte meget uvæsent- lige Karakterer have allerede flere Forfattere udtalt sig og senest Dr. , Théel1, der nævner Polynoidæ, Syllidæ Nereidæ, Ampharetidæ og Terebellidæ som Familier, hvor der fornemmeligst tiltrænges en betydelig Reduktion eller ialfald Modification af de malmgrenske Slægter. Jeg har om de fleste af disse Familier ikke saa tal- rige selvstendige Undersøgelser og Erfaringer at stotte mig til. at jeg kan udtale mig ganske bestemt herom; men for Polynoidemes Vedkommende tor jeg med Sikkerbed. sige. at naar Malmgren har delt disse Dyr, der have en saa paafaldende Lighed med hinandeii indbyrdes, i ikke mindre end 18 Slægter. af hvilke flere kun ere repræsen- terede ved en enkelt Art. da er en saa vidtgaaende Son- dring ikke alene unødig, men ogsaa hoist uberettiget. For at overbevise sig herom behøver man blot at gjøre, som Mobius har gjort, idet han søger at vise at Harmothoe imbricata, Evarne impar, Lamilla glabra, Ant/noe Sarsi kun ere forskjellige Navne paa samme Dyr, nemlig stille ved Siden af binanden Malmgrens Diagnoser af de for- skjellige Slægter og bestræbe sig for at linde ud af. hvori Forskjellen mellem dem egentlig bestaar. Man vil strax komme i Forlegenhed hermed og man bliver ikke bedre stillet, om man specielt soger efter de Kjendetegn. som Malmgren selv siger at have benyttet foråt karaktisere Slægterne, nemlig Skællenes Antal og den Maade, paa hvilken di' bedække Ryggen. Hovedlappens Fonn og An- tennernes Befæstningsmaade, og endelig Børsterne; disse sidste synes Malmgren især at hegge Vægt paa. thi han siger: "De Genuskarakterer. som kunna hentas tran fot- '.Hj. Théel. Les annélides polychétes des mers de la Nouvelle- Zemble. Stockholm 1879. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. (i A Hansen: Annelida. In working out the Annelids collected on the Nor- wegian North-Atlantic Expedition, Malmgrens "Annu- lata polychæta" would of course be the chief book of reference. But. whatever the intrinsic value of this well-known work, it is difficult, nay. in the great majority of cases impos- sible, to class an unknown Annelid under one of the many genera instituted by Malmgren. The tendency in that distinguished zoologist to establish new genera from non-essential characters, has been previously noticed by several authors, the latest being Dr. Théel. ' who enumer- ates the families Polynoidæ, Syllidæ, Nereidæ, Ampharetidæ, and Terebellidæ as those in which the Malmgren genera are more particularly in need of being reduced in number, or at least diagnostically modified. My autoptical acquaintance with most of these fami- lies is indeed too limited to admit of pronouncing decisively ; but as regards the Polynoidæ. I do not hesitate to affirm that, in dividing these animals, which bear so striking a resemblance to one another, into no less than 18 genera. many of them represented by only a single species. Malm- gren has laid himself open to the charge of introducing needless and suppositious distinctions. And proof of this is readily furnished by instituting a comparison. — ■ as did Mobius. when seeking to show that Harmothoe imbricata, Evarne impar, Lænilla glabra, Ant/noe Sarsi are merely different names for the same animal. — between Malmgrens diagnoses of the numerous genera, with a view to discover wherein their alleged difference actually consists. But this is no easy matter: the perplexing nature of the attempt becomes at once apparent. Nor does it anyway avail to look for the various criteria selected by Malmgren for characte- rising the genera, viz. the number of the scales and their arrangement on the back, the form of the lobes of the head, the mode of attachment of the feelers, and finally, the bristles. To the latter Malmgren attaches, it would seem, special weight, as will appear from the following remarks: -'The distinctive features furnished by the structure of the pedal bristles are in my opinion the most ' Hi. Théel. Les annélides polychétes des mers de la Xonvelle- Zemhle. .Stockholm 1879. 1 horstens, bygnad, ;iro i min tanke de vigtigaste, och ega tvifvelsutan betydelsen af goda genuskarakterar. Deres gil- tighet som sådana anser jag tilfyllest ådagalagd iifven af den omstandigheten, att hos samtliga andra havs annulata ibtborsten iiro danade på samma silt eller efter sama typ hos arterna inom hvarje lor ett genus almant erkand grupp, ja stundom inom hele familjer. Med olikheten i horstens bygnad folje alltid olikheter i djurets hela utseende och organisation, åtminstone hvad de yttre anatomiske karak- tererna betraffer' . Etter de her citerede Ord skulde man vente, at der blandt Pohjnoerne fandtes en temmelig betydelig Forskjel- lighed. ikke alene med Hensyn til Borsternes Bygning, men også med Hensyn til Dyrenes ydre anatomiske Kjen- detegn. Og dog er dette ingenlunde Tilfældet. hvad man o^saa uden videre kan se af Malmgrens egne Figurer; Dyrene ere hinandeii saa lige, at man neppe uden en om- hyggelig detaljeret Undersøgelse er istand at skjelne dem fra hinandeu ; især gjælder dette Exemplarer opbevarede i Alkohol; ja Ligheden gaar saa vidt. at Mobilis, som oven- for nævnt, har ment, at ikke mindre end 4 Dyr, der af Malmgren ere opforte under !4 forskjellige Slægter, kun ere Varieteter af en og samme Form. en Opfatning, som P. Tauber ' ikke alene deler, men yderligere udvider der- hen, at han til de 4 Dyr ogsaa foier Lænilla mollis og Lænilla alba samt Lagisca rarispina — Lagisca propinqva. Medens Møbius, som allerede omtalt, til Vidnesbyrd om sin Opfatnings Rigtighed dog autorer Malmgrens egne Be- skrivelser af de omtalte Dyr. stiller Tauber uden Bemærk- niuger de af ham medtagne Dyr ind som Synonymer under Harmofhoe imbricata, medens det dog skulde synes at være en Undersogelse værd. om ikke de nævnte Dyr ialfald kunde opføres som selvstændige Arter, om de end ikke kunne henføres til egne Slægter. Men jeg maa antage, at Herr Tauber ikke har seet de Dyr, han saaledes slaar sammen med Harmothoe imbricata; thi den, der har seet f. Ex. Lagisca rarispina kan umuligt tro. at denne og Harmothoe imbricata ere samme Dyr. Man behøver ellers kun at se paa Malmgrens Figur af L. rarispina for at overbevise sig herom. Medens de af Møbius og Tauber sammenslaaede Dyr utvivlsomt ere vel karaktiserede Arter, kunne de der- med neppe med Rette henføres til særegne Slægter. Og allermindst kan hertil bruges Børsterne, der hos næ- sten samtlige Polynoer ere hinamlen saa lige, at det ofte kan have sin store Vanskelighed at kjende dem fra liinan- den. og om forskjellige Typer af Børster kan der paa ingensomhelst Maade være Tale. At de dorsale Borster hos somme Dyr ere tykkere eller kortere end de ventrale eller omvendt, samt at de ventrale Børster ere delte eller udelte i Spidsen kan ikke betragtes som forskjellige Typer for Bygningen, ligesom disse smaa Forskjelligheder i Bør- steformerne heller ikke give Dyrene liogen særegen Karak- ter. Typen for Børsterne er den samme for alle Polynoer med delvis Undtagelse kun for Mélænis Loveni og Polynoe scolopendrina's Vedkommende, nemlig for de dorsale en let important, and must unquestionably rank as true generic characters. Their validity as such is. I think, sufficiently manifest from the fact of the pedal bristles in all other marine Annulata having the same structure, or the same type, in the species of every group constituting, as gene- rally understood, a genus, nay sometimes throughout an entire family. Dissimilarity of structure in the bristles is invariably accompanied by general dissimilarity of appea- rance and organisation, as regards at least the external anatomical characters of the animal." From what is stated here, a considerable difference might be inferred to exist between the members of the family Polynoido3. and not. only as concerns the structure of the bristles, but also with regard to the external ana- tomical features of the animals. This, however, is not the case, as will at once appear from a glance, at Malmgrens own drawings. Indeed, unless carefully examined in de- tail, it is hardly possible to distinguish between them, so closely do the animals resemble one another. This ap- plies more particularly to specimens preserved in spirits, the resemblance in such being so great, that Mobius. as previously stated, held 4 animals, established by Malmgren as 4 new genera, to be merely varieties of one and the same form. — a view which P. Tauber ' not only shares, but found reason to extend, regarding as additional varie- ties Lænilla mollis, Lænilla alba: and Lagisca rarispina ( Lagisca propinqra). Mobius gives, as previously stated, in support of his construction. Malmgrens own diagno- ses; whereas Tauber simply refers as synonyms, with- out remark, the animals in question to Harmothoe imbricata. Meanwhile, admitting the establishment of sepa- rate genera for the said animals to be out of the question, they are possibly entitled to rank as distinct species. Tauber. however, can hardly know from autopsy the ani- mals he has thus confounded with Harmothoe imbricata : for no one who has seen, for instance, Lagisca rarispina, can possibly take that animal to be the same as Harmothoe imbricata. Indeed, this is sufficiently obvious from Malm- gren's drawing. Hence the animals confounded together by Mobius and Tauber are beyond a doubt specifically ' distinct. To the rank of genera, on the other hand, they can hardly pretend; and certainly the last feature to adduce as a generic character would be. if justly consi- dered, the structure of the bristles, which are so remar- kably alike in well-nigh all Polynoæ, that very considerable difficulty is frequently experienced in distinguishing between them: and as for types of bristles, there is nothing of the kind, characters founded on such an assumption being altogether spurious. The fact of the dorsal bristles being- shorter or thicker than the ventral, or vice-versa, and that of the ventral bristles being cleft or not cleft at the points, cannot be regarded as typical peculiarities of structure; nor do these minute differences in the form of the bristles furnish the animal with any true character, generic or specific. ■ The type of the bristles is the same in all 1 Annulata daniea. Annulata daniea. krammet bred og tyk Børste, hvis konvexe Kami eller Flade er besat med finere eller grovere Sagtænder i parallele Rader og for de ventrale en lidt svagere bøiet Børste, der paa et tyndere Skatt bærer en knivfbrmig bredere Endedel, der er sagtakket som de dorsale Børster, og hvis Spidse er let krummet, enkelt eller todelt, stundom ret (enkeltvis, Antinoi Sarsi og Melcmis Loveni, udtrukket i en lang, syl- formig Spids). Hyrenes ydre Karakterer influeres at' Bør- sterne alene ettersom disse ere kortere eller længere, ikke at de smaa Variationer i Formen, medens dog innen af Delene har Indflydelse paa Forknudernes Bygning, hvad iler sees tydeligt nok hos Melcmis Loveni, der har den mest afvigende Børsteform, idet de dorsale Børster ere mægtige, sylformige og de ventrale dels særdeles lange og tynde, dels kortere og tykkere med dybt, omtrentlig lige- lint todelt Spids: trods det er Dyrets hele ydre Habitus den almindelige hos de korte Polynoer. Polynoe scolopen- å/rina, Enipo Kinbergi, og Nemidia Torelli, der ved sin langstrakte Form og den af Skjælene ubedækkede forholds- vis betydelige Del af Kroppen, saa stærkt skille sig fra de korte Former, vise derimod en forholdsvis kun riuge Af- vigelse i Børsteformen, en Afvigelse, der nærmest synes at være afhængig af Børsternes større Spædbed i det Hide, idet den væsentligst bestaar i en manglende eller kun meget rin Sagtanding af de dorsale Børster. Lige saa lidt som jet; kan rinde, at Børsterne afgive noget menet heldigt Grundlag for en naturlig Sondring af Polynoerne i saa mange Slægter, ligesaa lidt rinder jeg dem skikkede til at lette Diagnosen af Arterne. I denne Hen- seende synes Skjællene, sjiecielt deres Ddseende under Mikroskopet at frembyde større Fordele, idet tieres Bygning synes at være aldeles karakteristisk for hver Art. og det er nærmest støttet paa Skjællenes Bygning, at jeg maa nedlægge bestemt Protest mod en saa omfattende Sammen- slaaen af Arter og Slægter til en enkelt Art som den af Mobius og efter ham af Tauber foretaene. Skulde man ville dele de nordiske Polynoer i for- skjellige Grupper, saa synes den mest naturlige at vaie den allerede af Ørsted foreslaaede Deling, nemlig at skjelne niellem de lange og de korte Former: men det forekommer mig tvivlsomt. om man er berettiget til at give dem sær- skilte Slægtsnavne; thi vil man lor en naturlig Inddeling tane noget Hensyn til Dyrenes indre anatomiske Bygning. saa vil man vistnok hos alle disve Dyr forgjæves lede efter snart sagt endog den mindste Forskjel i Bygning af Tarm- kanal. Nervesystem, Kjønsorganer og Muskelanordning. Nogen aldeles afgjørende Dom kan jeg ikke iidtale herom, da de tre ovennævnte Repræsentanter lor de lange Former ikke har staaet til min Raadighed til anatomisk Undersogelse ; Polynoæ, with the exception ol' Melænis Loveni and Polynoe SCOlopendrina, in which it is somewhat modified, those ani- mals having the dorsal bristles broad, thick, and slightly arcuate, with the convex margin or surface more or less minutety serrulated, the teeth being arranged in parallel rows: their ventral bristles, which are also curved, though very slightly, have a thinnish shaft, with a comparatively broad cultrate outer portion, serrate like the dorsal bristles, the point, simple or bipartite, being slightly arcuate, sometimes straight (in Ant/nor Sa/rsi und Melænis Loveni produced styliform). It is the relative length of the bristles, and not trilling variations in form, that is found to influence the external characters of the animals; but neither of these subordinate features has the slightest influence on the struc- ture of the pedal protuberances, a fact distinctly appa- rent on examining Melænis Loveni, in which the bristles are most aberrant in form, those on the dorsal surface consis- ting of powerful, styliform spikes, while those on the ventral are in part exceedingly long and thin, and in part com- paratively short and thick, with deeply cleft bipartite points: and yet the habitus of the animal does not differ from that distinguishing the other short Polynoæ. Even Polynoe scolopendrina, Enipo Kinbergi, and Nemidia Torelli, so easily distinguished from the short forms by reason of their elongate structure and the portion of the body, com- paratively considerable, that is scaleless, exhibit but very slight variation in the bristles, a variation chiefly dependent, it would seem, on greater delicacy of structure, the serra- ted margin, for instance, distinguishing in other Polynoæ the dorsal bristles, being altogether absent, or with the teeth exceedingly minute. And this, as I conceive, peculiar unfitness of the bristles to furnish a sure and obvious basis on which might be established a natural division of the PolynoidcB into numerous genera, extends. I think, with equal force to specific diagnoses. The scales, more especially their appearance under the microscope, afford, in my opinion, far greater distinctive facilities, their form and structure being, it seems, in each species characteristically constant; and it is indeed on grounds derived from a close examination of the scales, that I venture emphatically to oppose the wholesale hea- ping together by Mobius. and after him by Tauber, of proposed genera and species into a single specific group. Assuming the need of further classification for the northern Polynoæ. the most natural would surely be to distinguish, as suggested by Ørsted, between the long and the short forms. Meanwhile. I very much question whether such groups be entitled to generic rank: for if. in that case, any weight must be laid on anatomical structure, it would certainly be hard to rind in any of these animals the slightest difference in the stucture of the intestinal canal, the nervous system, the generative organs, or the muscular arrangement. A decided opinion on this sub- ject. I cannot, however, venture to pronounce, my ana- tomical investigations having been exclusively confined to representatives of the short forms; but after carefully 1* men efter en Døiagtig Undersøgelse af Leanira tetragonal Anatomi 1 at dømme, tror jeg at kunne antage, at de Dyr, der i ydre Udseende staa de korte Polynoer nærmere end Leanira, i anatomisk Henseende kun ville have yderst ringe om overkovedet nogen At'vigelse at frembyde, naar selv Leanira, der endog henregnes til en anden Familie, i næsten alle Henseender i sin anatomiske Bygning viser saa store Overensstemmelser med Polynoerne. Den anatomiske Undersøgelse af Leanira blev netop foreta gen for at undersøge med hvilken Ret den og Si gallon henførtes til en egen Familie, og Undersøgelsens Resultat blev det, at man neppe nok havde Ret at henføre den til en anden Slægt end Polynoerne, end sige til en anden Familie. Og efter en foreløbig Undersøgelse af Panthalis Ørstedi samt efter leilighedsvise Indblik i Aphrodite acideata's og Lætmonice JUicornis's Bygning skulde jeg være tilboielig til at antage. at samtlige elytrebærende Annelider rettest henføres under en Familie. Jeg giver nedenfor en Fortegnelse over de Stationer, paa hvilke der fangedes Annelider, samt over de Annelider, der ere fundne paa hver af dem tilligemed en Angivelse om Dyrenes øvrige bekjendte Forekomst, idet jeg med Hensyn til denne har holdt mig til de Opgivender, der hndes hos Anm/data pol geinet a. Annulata damica. Les annélides polychétes des mers de la Nouvelle-Zemble. A. I. Malmgren: P. Tauber: Hj. Théel: Som det vil sees af efterstaaende Fortegnelse er An- tallet af Annelider fra de store Dyb og fra den iskolde Area teml. betydeligt og hndes der blandt dem Repræsen- tanter fra næsten samtlige Annelidefamilier. For at dette bedre kan oversees, har jeg nedenfor sammenstillet alle de i den iskolde Area fundne Annelider ordnede efter de Fa- milier, de tilhøre. Det tør dog være hensigtsmæssigst, før jeg meddeler denne Liste og Betraktninger over Annelidernes Udbre- delse inden det undersøgte Havparti, at give en Beskri- velse af de nye Former, der ere fundne, samt nogle Op- lysninger om andre mindre kj endte Dyr. Polynoe globifera, G. 0. Sårs. 1 tenne Form er først fundet paa den ydre Afhæld- uing af den store Fiskebanke udenfor Christiansund af Herr Prof. G. O. Sårs og af ham beskrevet «i Christiania Videnskabsselskabs Forhandlinger 1872. Da Prof. Sars's Beski'ivelse ikke er ledsaget af Teg- ninger, meddeler jeg saadanne paa T. II Fig. 1 — 9. Om Elytrerne er at bemærke, at der paa hvert af dem hndes studying the anatomy oi Leanira tetragona,1 I am disposed to assume, that animals bearing in their -habitus a stronger resemblance than does Leanira to the Polgnoæ, will be found to exhibit very trifling, if any variation, in their ana- tomical structure, seeing that Leanira, which is even refer- red to another family, so closely approximates the Polgnoæ in its general organisation. My object in studying the anatomical structure of Leanira, was to learn on what grounds a separate family had been instituted for that animal and Sigalion; but I failed to discover any adequate reason for assigning it generic rank, let alone establishing a new family for its reception. And moreover. I feel disposed to infer from a cursory investigation of Panthalis Ørstedi and some acquaintance with the structural features in Aphrodite aculeata and Lætmonice filicornis, that all scale-bearing An- nelids should properly be referred to one family. Overleaf will lie found a List of the Stations at which Annelids were dredged, with a specification of the species brought up in each locality : the geographical distri- bution elsewhere throughout the seas of the globe has been also given, from statements in the following works: — A. I. Malmgren: Annulata polychceta. P. Tauber: Annidata danica. Hj. Théel: Les annélides polychétes des mers de la Nouvelle-Zemble. As will be seen from this List, the number of An- nelids obtained from great depths and in the cold area is considerable. Moreover, it comprises representatives from •well-nigh every known family: and I have therefore, with a view to facilitate reference, arranged all Annelids found in the cold area under the- families to which they belong. Meanwhile, it will perliaps be best, before giving the List, along with remarks on the distribution of the An- nelids throughout the tract of ocean investigated, first to describe the new forms brought to light on the Expedi- tion, and furnish some information respecting other, com- paratively little known animals. Polynoe globifera, G. O. Sars. This form was first met with on the outer slope of the great fishing-bank off Christiansund, by Professor G. 0. Sars. who described it in •'Christiania Videnskabsselskabets Forhandlinger." 1ST 2. No drawing of the animal being annexed to Professor Sars's diagnosis. I have furnished representations in PL II, figs. 1 — 9. As regards the elytræ, must be observed, that 1 Arkiv for Mathematik og Naturvidenskab. 1 Arkiv for Matheiuatik og Naturvidenskab. et blødt Parti udåd og bagtil for Stilken: dette Parti er altid indsunket ander det øvrige Niveau. Polynoe aspera. n. sp. Stat. 48. LængdeD ca. 2.5°" Bredden 8— i*'"'", med Horster. 15 Par Elytrer, der dække hele Ryggen. Kroppen flad- trykt. jævnt afsmalnende bagtil. Eovedlappen omtrenl lige lang som bred, adtrukket i to temmelig lange Spidser; bagre Par Øine belt bag paa Issen, forreste omtrent midl paa Bovedets ydre Rand (T. 11. Fig. 11). Palperne tykke, runde, glatte. Tentakelen og Tentakelcirerrne omtrent jævnlange med dem. tint cilierede ligesom de korte An- tenner, der udspringe under Tentakelens Basis, ogDorsalcir- rerne. der række noget udenfor Børsterne. Skjellene fol- det blotte Øie glatte; under Lupen sees fine smaa Punkter paa Fladen og en Krands a t' korte, tynde Cilier den bagre og ydre Rand. Ved stærkere Forstørrelse ser man først tydeligt de haarde Papiller, der dække hele Fladen undtagen enStribe langs den indre fordre Band; de ere smaa spidse, koniske Fremragninger, der mod den bagre Rand for en større Del tiltage i Størrelse, enkelte al' dem ganske betydeligt iT. II. Fig. 14 å 15); foruden i Randen (tættest udåd) tindes ogsaa Oilier spredte mellem de haarde Papil- ler indover Fladen (T. 11. Fig. 15) Fodknuderne ere delte i to temmelig spidst uddragne Børsteknuder (T. II, Fig. 12). Børsterne ere middels lange og smækre, de dorsale noget kortere og tykkere end de ventrale, begge Sorter som vanligt tværtandede, de ventrale dels med hel. dels med svagt todelt Spids (T. II. Fig. 13). Farven: Skjællene niere jævnt eller ujævnt bruntfarvede paa deres bagre Del; samtlige Hovedets Tilhæng bruntfarvede undtagen i Spidsen, der er farveløs. Leddenes Dorsalfladef med brune Baand. stærkest farvede udåd til Siderne. Denne Form er af Théel ' fundet i det Ka riske Mi. og af mig selv i 1876 ved Moldøen nordenfor Florø. Af Théel er ikke angi vet Våndets Temperatur fol- de forskjellige Stationer: og for Moldøens Vedkommende er Våndets Temperatur ikke maalt; men da Dyret fandtes paa 100 — 150 Favnes Dyb i en Fjord, der løber ud i Havet mellem Bremanger og Vaagsøen, er der ueppe Grand til at antage, at Temperaturen her har været under 0° P. aspera er saaledes ogsaa et Exempel paa et Dyr. der lever baade i den varme og kolde Area. Da jeg i 1878 skrallede paa akkurat de samme Lokaliteter ved Moldøen som i 1 -S 7 « > . landt jeg hverken dette Dyr eller Heri' andre. each of these organs has a soft section, extending out from and posterior to the pedicle; and this part is invariably depressed, or rather sunk, below the level of the surrounding surface. Polynoe aspera, n. sp. Stat. 48. The body, depressed and tapering posteriorly, with 15 pairs of elytra' covering the whole of the hack. Extreme length about 2.5™, breadth from 8 to '.»""". including the bristles. The lobe of the head, about as long as broad, produced anteriorly each way into ^comparatively Long poin- ted extremities. The posterior pair of eyes far behind on the crown, the anterior as near as may be in the middle of the outer margin of the head (PL II. tig. 11). The palps thick, round, and smooth; the tentacle and the tentacular cirri, about equalling them in length, are finely ciliated, as also the short antenna', springing from beneath the base of the tentacle, and the dorsal' cirri, protending a little beyond the points of the bristles. To the naked eye, scales, or elytra-, smooth: under a lens, their surface is found to lie dotted with minute points, and a cincture of short. delicate cilia appears encircling the posterior and outer margin. Kot till highly magnified do the hard papillae which cover the entire sm-face. saving a strip along the inner margin, become distinctly obvious; they consist of minute acuminate protuberances, increasing in magnitude to- wards the posterior margin, many of them considerably (PI. II. figs. 14. 15). Exclusive of those along the margin (densest outwards), are seen other cilia, dispersed between the hard papillae inwards over the surface, PI. II, fig. 15. The pedal protuberances occur as two compara- tively acuminate bristle-bearing warts. PL II. tig 12. The bristles of moderate length, and slender, the dorsal ones somewhat shorter and thicker than the ventral ; both, how- ever, transversely denticulated, and the ventral termina- ting in a point, sometimes simple, sometimes slightly cleft (PI. EI, tig. 13). The colour of the scales on their posterior portion a more or less uniform brown; the appendages of the. head all brown, except at the points, which are co- lourless. The dorsal surface of the segments marked with brown bands, deepest in colour towards the sides. This form has been found by Théel x in the Kara Sea. and by myself off Moldøen, north of Florø. Théel does not state the temperature of the water at the different observing-stations; as regards Moldø indeed, it was not taken: hut the animal having been captured at a depth of Bin — L50 fathoms, in a fjord disemboguing into the sea between Bremanger and Yaagso. the temperature can hardly have been lower than U". Hence P. aspera furnishes an instance of an animal inhabiting both areas, the warm and the cold. When dredging off Moldøen in 1878. in precisely the same localities as • in 187G, I met with neither this Annelid nor several other ani- Hj. Théel, I. e. 1 'ag. 10. Hj. Théel, I. c, p. 1". Oversikts tab el over de fundne Annelider og de Stationer hvor Dyrene ere fundne. Våndets Station. Nord li p' Bredde. Længde fra Greenwich. Dyl Engelske )ae. Bfeter, Tempera- tur ved Bunden. Bundens Beskaffenheil. Fundne Dyr. Øvrige Forekomst. Favne. C. "Varme Area. I 61° 13' 6°36'E. 650 1189 6.°6 Sandler (Sognefjorden). Lrmiini teragona, Ørst. ( 'irratulus cirratus, Muller. Bohuslehn og Norges Kyst, Grøn- land, Nord-Amerika. Grønland, Nowaja Semlja og Skan- dinaviens Kyster. IOI 65 36 8 32 E. 223 408 6.0 Sandler. Onuphis quadricuspis, M. Sårs. Serpula vermieularis, Lin. Skandinaviske Halvos Kyster. Skandinavien. England og Frank- 147 66 48 12 8 E. 142 260 6.2 Graat Ler. Aricia norvegica, M. Sårs. Nephtys Hombergi, A. & M. Edw. rige. Norges Kyster. Øresund. Bohus og sydlige Norge. Ziumbrinereis fragilis, Muller. Grønland, Novaja Semlja, Spits- bergen, Norge, Bohus. Ammotrypane auloqaster, Spitsbergen, Grønland, Island og Rathke. skandinaviske Halvøs Vestkyst. Serpvla vermieularis, Lin. Skandinavien, Frankrige og Eng- land. Hydroides norvegica, Gun. Bohus til Finmarken. Placostegus tridentatus, Fabr. Do. - Do. 149 67 52 13 57 E. 135 247 4.9 Ler. Sabella pavonia, Nav. England, tyske Nordsøkyst, Norge til Tromsø. * Clyment biceps, M. Sårs. 0 mi pli'** quadricuspis, M. Sårs. Hydroides norvegica, Gun. Island, Bohus til Finmarken. Skandiuaviens Vestkyst. Bohus til Finmarken. 173" 69 18 14 32 E. 300 549 4.6 Ler med Sten. Leodice norvegica, Sav. Sabella pavonia, Sav. Hydroides norvegica, Gun. Placosiegus tridentatus, Fabr. Bohus til Finmarken, Smeerenberg paa Spitsbergen. England, tyske Nordsøkyst, Norge til Tromsø. Bohus til Finmarken. Do. - Do. 175 69 17 14 34 E. 415 759 3-o . Ler. Filigrana implexa, Berk. Leodice norvegica, Sav. Glycera alba, Rathke. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sårs. Terebellides Strdmii, M. Sårs. England, Bohus til Finmarken. Bohus til Finmarken. Øresund til Finmarken, England. Spitsbergen. Novaja Semlja, Grøn- land, Norge. Spitsbergen, Novaja Semlja, Grøn- land, Island, Skandinavien, Eng- land, Østersøen, adriatiske Hav. 257 70 4 23 2 E. 160 293 3-9 Graat Ler. (Altenfjord). Polynoe cirrosa, Pal. — rarispinui M. Sårs. Leanira tetragona, Ørst. Nephtys eiliata, Muller. Pectinaria hyperborea, Mgrn. Spitsbergen. Grønland, Island, Bo- hus til Finmarken. Spitsbergen, Grønland, Island, Fin- marken. Holms til Finmarken. Spitsbergen, Finmarken, Island. Spitsbergen, Grønland, Finmarken. 260 70 55 26 11 E. 127 232 3-5 Ler. (Porsangerfj.). Troplionia borealis, n. sp. Nephtys eiliata, Muller. ( 'lymene biceps, M. Sårs. Praxilla prdtermissa, Mgrn. Pectinaria hyperborea, Mgrn. Spitsbergen, Finmarken. Island. Island, Bohus til Finmarken. Bohus til Finmarken. Spitsbergen, Grønland, Finmarken. List of tho Annelids collected. and of the Stations at which thoy were dredged. Station. North Latitude. Longitude from 1 h'pth. Tempera- ture at tin' Bottom. Bottom. Specimen. t Geographical Distribution. Greenwich. English t'.'l IB. Metres, ('. "SA7~a.rm Area. 1 61" 13' 6"36'E. 65O 1 189 6."6 Sabulous ( 'lay. (The Sogne Fj.) I.i'dnini letragona, Ørst. < 'irratulus cirratus, Muller. Bohuslehn and West ('oast of Nor- way, Greenland, North America. Greenland, Novaja Zemlja, and the ('oasts ol' Scandinavia. IOI 65 36 8 32 E. 223 408 6.0 Sabulous Clay. Onuphis quadricuspis,M.. Bars, SerpuLa vermicularis, Lin. Coasts of the Scandinavian Pen- insula. Scandinavia, England, and France. 147 66 48 12 8 E. 142 260 6.2 Grey Clay: Artcia norvegica, M. Sars. Nephtys Hombergi, A. & M. Edw. iMmbrinereia fragilis, Muller. Ammahrypane aulogaster, Rathke. Serpula vermicularis, Lin. Hydroides norvegica, Gun. Placostegus ttridentatus, Fabr. Coasts of Norway. The Sound, Bohus, and the South Coast of Norway. Greenland, Novaja Zemlja, Spitz- bergen, Norway, Bohus. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Iceland, and the Western Coast of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Scandinavia, France, and Eng- land. From Bohus to Finmark. Do. - Do. ■ 149 67 52 13 57 E. 135 247 4-9 Clay. Sabella pavonia, Sav. ( 'lymene biceps, M. Sars. < )nuphis quadricuspis, M. Sars. Hydroides norvegica, Gun. England, North-Sea Coast of Ger- many, Norway, as far north as Tromsø. Iceland, from Bohus to Finmark. West Coast of Scandinavia. From Bohus to Finmark. 173' 69 18 14 32 E. 300 549 4.6 Clay mixed with Stones. Leodice norvegica, Sav. Sabella pavonia, Sav. Hydroides norvegica, Gun. Placostegus tridentatus, Fabr. From Bohus to Finmark, Smeeren- berg, Spitzbergen. England, North-Sea Coast of Ger- many, Norway, as far north as Tromsø. From Bohus to Finmark. Do. - Do. 175 69 17 14 34 E. 4'5 759 3-o Clay. Filigrana implexa, Berk. Tjt'odirr iiorrt'tjicit, Sav. Glycera alba, Kathke. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sars. Terebellides Stromii, M. Sars. England, from Bohus to Finmark. From Bohus to Finmark. From the Sound to Finmark, England. Spitzbergen, Novaja Zemlja, Green- land, Norway. Spitzbergen, Novaja Zemlja. Green- land, Iceland, Scandinavia. Eng- land, the Baltic, the Adriatic Sea. 257 70 4 23 2 E. 160 293 3-9 Gray Clay. Polynoe cirrosa, Pal. Spitzbergen, Greenland. Iceland, • * (The Alten Fj.) — rarispina, M. Sars. Zieanira tetragona, Ørst. Nephtys /■/'Hutu, Muller. Pectinaria hyperborea, Mgrn. from Bohus to Finmark. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Iceland, Finmark. From Bohus to Finmark. Spitzbergen, Finmarken, Iceland. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Finmark. 260 70 55 26 11 E. 127 232 3-5 Clay. (The Porsanger Fj.) Trophon&a borealis, n. sp. Nephtys ciliata, Muller. Clymene biceps, M. Sars. Praxilla prdtermissa, Mgrn. Pectinaria hyperborea, Mgrn. Spitzbergen. Finmark. Iceland. Iceland, from Bohus to Finmark. From Bohus to Finmark. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Finmark. . Ni irdlig Station., Bredde. Længde fra Greenwich. Dybde. Engelske Favne, Meter. Våndets Tempera- tur ved Bunden C. Bundens Beskaftenhed. Fundne Dvr. Øvrige Forekomst. 261 70°47'. 28°30:E. 127 232 2.°8 262 1 70 36 i 32 35 E. i 148 270 , 72 27 271 273 73 25 35 1 E. 136 249 0.0 1.9 Onupkis conchylega, M. Sårs. Amphicteis Grunneri, M. Sårs. Aphrodite aculeata, Lin. Terebellides Strdmii, M. Sårs. Ler. , Clymene lunhricalis, Fabr. (Tanafjord). Clymene biceps, M. Sårs. Lfodicr iiurrroiro, Sav. Nephthys Mol muren!. ThéeL Ammotrypdne aulogaster, Rathke. Terebellides Stromii, M. Sårs. Sabellides octocirrata, M. Sårs, Polynoe imbricata, Liu. Pectinania hyperborea, Mgrn. ( 'eratocephale Lovéni, Mgrn. Goniada norvegica, Ørst. Amphicteis Gunneri, M. Sårs. Sandler. 31 30 E. 197 360 2.2 Ler. Ler. Limit ro trtrooono, Ørst. Nephtys Malmgreni, Théel. ( 'iijini in lumbricalis, Fabr. Scolecolepis cirrata, M. Sårs. Nephtys Hombergi, Å. & M. Edw. Immbrinereis fragilis, Muller. Brada granulosa, n. sp. Brada granulata, Mgrn. Trophonia borealis, n. sp. Amphicteis Grunneri, M. Sårs. Nephtys incisa, Mgrn. Terebellides Stromii, M. Sårs. Onyphis conchylega, M. Sårs. Spitsbergen, Novaja Semlja, Grøn- land. Norge. Bohus til Finmarken. Novaja Semlja. Grønland. Spitsbergen, England. Bohus til Finmarken, Engl., Frank- rige, Amerika, Middelhavet. Spitsbergen, Novaja Semlja, Grøn- land, Island. Skandiuavien, Eng- land. Østersøen, adriatiske Hav. Spitsbergen, Novaja Semlja, Grøn- land, Bohus til Finmarken. Island. Bohus til Finmarken. Bohus til Finmarken. Spitsbergen, Grønland, Finmarken. Spitsbergen, Grønland, Island. Skandinaviske Halvøs Vestkyst. Spitsbergen, Novaja Semlja, Grøn- land, Island, Skandiuavien, Eng- land. Østersøen, adriatiske Hav. Bohus til Finmarken. Spitsb.. Grønland. Island. Skaane til Finmarken. Belgien, England. Frankrige, Nord-Amerika. Mid- delhavet. Spitsbergen. Grønland. Finmarken. Bohus. Norges Syd- og Vestkyst. Bohus til Finmarken. Spitsbergen, Grønl., Engl.. Novaja Semlja. Bohus til Finmarken. S] åt sl 1., Grønland, Finmarken, No- vaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Bohus til Fin- marken, Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Grønland, Finmarken og sydover lige til Christianiafj or- den, Novaja Semlja. Øresund. Bohus, sydlige Norge, ■ Novaja Semlja, Grønland. Spitsb.. Grønland, Bohus til Fin- marken, Novaja Semlja. Stat. 323. Spitsb., Grønland. 'Finmarken. No- vaja Semlja. Spitsb., Novaja Semlja. Grønland. England, Bohus til Finmarken. Bohus. Spitsb., Novaja Semlja, Grønland, Island, England. Skandiuavien, Østersøen, adriatiske Hav. Spitsb., Grønland, Norge, Novaja Semlja. Station. North latitude. Longitude from Greenwich. Depth. Tempera- ture a1 the Bottom: C. English Fathoms, 261 70" 47' . 28" 30' E. Motoe 127 232 270 72 27.5 35 E. 273 37 25 li 30 E. 136 197 Bottom. Specimen, 2.°8 262 70 36 32 35 E. 148 271 1.9 249 0.0 360 2.2 Onuphis conchylega, M. Sars, Amphicteis Gunneri, tå Sars. Aphrodite aculeata, Lin. Terebellides Stnhiiii, M. Sars. Clay. Clymene lumbricalis, Fabr. (The Tana Fj.) ( 'lymene biceps, M. Sars. Leodice noroegica, Sav. Nehptys Malmgreni, Théel. Ammotrypane autogaster, Rathke. Terebilltdes Strondi, M. Sars. Sabellides octoeirrata, M. Sars. Polynoe imbricata, Lin. Pectinaria hyperborea, Mgrn. Geratocephale Tjméni, Mgrn. Goniada norvegica, ørst. Amphicteis Gunneri, M. Sars. Leanira letragona, Ørst. Clay. Nephtys Malmgreni, Théel. ( 'lymene lumbricalis, Fabr. Scolecolepis cirrata, M. Sars. Neplvtys Homberqi, A. & M. Edw. Z/umbrinereis fvagilis, Muller. Brownish Clay. Brada gramdosa, n. sp. Srada granulata, Mgrn. ( reographical Distribution. Greenish Clay. Trophonia borealis, n. sp. Amphicteis Gunneri, M. Sars. Sephtys incisa, Mgrn Terebellides Strdmii, M. Sars. ' Inuphis conchi/lega, M. Sars. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. G. A. Hansen: Annelida. Spitzbergen, Novaja Zemlja, Green- land, Norway. Krom Bohus to Finmark. Novaja Zemlja, Greenland, Spitzbergen, England. From Bohus to Finmark. England, Frame, America, the Mediter- ranean. Spitzbergen, Novaja Zemlja, Green- land, Iceland, Scandinavia, Eng- land, the Baltic, the Adriatic Sea. Spitzk. Novaja. Zemlja, Green- Land, trom Bohus to Finmark. Iceland, from Bohus to Finmark. From Bohus to Finmark. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Finmark. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Iceland. Western ('oast of Scandinavian Peninsula. Spitzb., Nova 'a Zemlja. Greenland, Iceland, Scandinavia, England, the Baltic, the Adriatic Sea. From Bohus to Finmark Spitzbergen. Greenland, Iceland, from Scania to Finmark, Bel- gium, England. France, North America, the Mediterranean. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Finmark. Bohus. South and West Coasts of Norway. From Bohus to Finmark, Spitz- bergen, Greenland. England, Novaja Zemlja. From Bohus to Finmark. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Novaja Zemlja, Finmark. Spitzbergen, Greenland, from Bo- hus to Finmark, Novaja Zemlja. Spitzbergen, Greenland, from Fin- mark southward to the Christi- ania Fjord, Novaja Zemlja. The Sound, Bohus. South Coast of Norway, Novaja Zemlja, ( Ireenland. Spitzbergen, Greenland, from Bo- hus to Finmark, Novaja Zemlja. Stat. 323. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Finmark. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzbergen, Novaja Zemlja. (-ireen- land, England, from Bohus to Finmark. Bohus. Spitzbergen, Novaja Zemlja. Green- land. Ireland. England, Scan- dinavia, the Baltic, the Adriatic- Sea. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Norway, Novaja Zemlja. 2 10 Station. Nordlig Bredde. Længde fra Greenwich. Dybde. Engelske Favne, Meter. Våndets Tempera- tur ved Bunden C. Bundens Beskaffenhed. Fundne Dyr. ( (vrige Forekomst. 280 74" 10' i8°5i' E JQO 72 27 323 72 53 326 . 75 31 357 78 3 36; 374 78 16 35 64 >o 51 E. 191 21 51 E. 225 17 50 E. 123 349 408 225 11 18 E. 125 03 8 28 E. 260 475 229 15 38 E. 60 1 10 1. "1 i-5 1.6 1.9 Haard (Beeren Eiland). Tltelepus oircinnatus, Fabr. ;\ i' reis pelagica, Lin. Polynoe seabra, Ørst. Polynoe imbricata, Lin. Novaja Semlja, Norges Kyster. Bo- hus. Spits]).. Grønland, England, Middelhavet. Island, England, Grønland, Øre- sund, Finm., Spitsb; (sjelden), Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Grønland, Island, Finmar- ken, N. -Amerika. Novaja Semlja. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb.. Grønland, Island, Skaane til Finm.. Bel- gien. England. Frankrige, Nord- Amerika. Middelhavet. 3.5 Brunt Sandler. ■ Lætmonice filicornis, Kabg. Bohus til Finmarken, Skotl., Fær- oetne, Island, Nord-Amerika. Graat Ler. Grøngraat Ler Graat Ler. Nephtys coca, Fabr. ( 'lymene lumbricalis, Fabr Brada granulata, Mgrn. 1 . 1 Blaagraat Ler. Brada granulata, Mgrn. Spitsbergen, Grønland, Finmarken, Novaja Semlja. Brada granulosa, n sp. Stat. '21^. Onuphis conchytega, M. Sms. Spitsbergen, Grønland, Norge, No- vaja Semlja. Nephtys ciliaia, Muller. Spitsbergen, Finmarken, Grønland, Island, Novaja Semlja. Finmarken, Grønland. Spitsb., Novaja Semlja. Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sårs. Spitsb., Grønland, Norge, Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken. No- vaja Semlja. Terebellides Stromii, M. Sårs. Spitsb., Novaja Semlja, Grønland, Island, England, Skandinavien, Østersøen, adriatiske Hav. Scolecolepis cirrata, M. Sårs. Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken, Nor- ges Vestkyst, Novaja Semlja. (Jlymene lumbricalis, Fabr. Spitsb.. Novaja Semlja, Grønland. Bohus til Finmarken. Lurnbrimreis fragilis, Muller. Spitsb., Novaja Semlja, Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. Artacama probosci/lea, Mgrn. Spitsb., Novaja Semlja, Grønland. Kattegat, Østersøen. Polynoe assimilis, n. sp. Polynoe spinulosn, a. sp. Thelepus eireinnatus, Fabr. Novaja Semlja, Norges Kyster, Bo- hus, Spitsb.. Grønland, England, Middelhavet. Bohus til Finmarken, Færø, Is- land, Nord Amerika. Grønland, Finmarken. Spitsbergen. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Grønland, Skandinavien, England. Nord- Amerika. Samme Udbredning. 0.7 Mørkgraat Ler. Brada inhabilis, Rathke. ( Adventbay). Pectinaria hyperborea, Mgrn. ! Neiiwlia lordli, Mgrn. Polynoe cirrosa, Pallas. Polynoe imbricata, Lin. 11 De ■tli. Tempera- ture :il ill'' North Longitude Station. Latitude. from Greenwich. Bnglish Motres. Bottom, Bottom. Specimen. < 'i ographical 1 distribution Fathoms. t'. 280 74" 10' is 51' E. 35 64 1." 1 Hard. (Beerer TJielepus circinnatus, Fabr. Eiland.) .\iri/s pelt ultra, Lin. Polynoe scabra, 1 Irsl . Polynoe imlmcata, Lin. Novaja Zemlja, Coasts of Norway, Bohus, Spitzbergon. (irccnkiml, England, the Mediterranean. Iceland, England, Greenland, the Sound, Finmark, Spitzbergen (rare), Novaja Zemlja. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzbergen, < 1 reen- land. Iceland. Finmark. North America. NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, Green- land, Iceland, from Seania to Finmark, Belgium, Englasd. France, North America, the Mediterranean. 290 72 27 20 51 E. 191 349 3-5 Brown Sabulous Clay. Lætmonive filicornis, Kabg. ■ From Bohus to Finmark, Scot- land, theFæroe Islands. Iceland, Ninth America. 323 72 53 2i 51 E. 223 408 1 5 Grey Clay. Brada granulata, Mgrn. Brada granulosa, n. sp. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sars. Spitzbergen, Greenland. Finmark, Novaja Zemlja. Stat. 270. . Spitzbergen, Greenland, Norway, Novaja Zemlja. 326 75 3i 17 50 E. 123 225 1.6 Greenish-grey Clay. Nephtys fil info. Muller. Neplvtys coca, Fabr. < 'lymene lumbricalis, Fabr. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sars. Brada granulata, Mgrn. Spitzbergen, Finmark, Greenland, Iceland, Novaja Zemlja. Finmark. Greenland. Spitzbergen, NovajaZemlja, Green- land, from Bohus to Finmark. Spitzbergen, Greenland. Norway. Novaja" Zemlja. Spitzbergen. Greenland. Finmark. Novaja Zemlja. 357 78 3 11 18 E. 125 229 1 Q Grey Clay. Terebellides Stromii, M. (Sars. Scolecolépis cirrata, M. Sars. < 'hum in lumbricalis, Fain-. Tjumbrinereis fragilis, Miiller. Artacama proboscidea, Mgrn. Spitzbergen, Novaja Zemlja, Green- land, Iceland, England, Scan- dinavia, the Baltic, the Adri- atic Sea. Spitzbergen, Greenland. Finmark, West Coast ol' Norway. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzbergen, Novaja Zemlja, Green- land, from Bohus to Finmark. Spitzbergen, NovajaZemlja. Green- land, from Bohus tu Finmark. Spitzbergen, Novaja Zemlja. Green- land, the Cattegat, the Baltic. 3(>3 80 3 8 28 E. 260 475 1.1 Bluish Clay. Polynoe assimilis, n. sp. Polynoe spinulosai n. s]j. Thelepus circinnatus, Fabr. Novaja Zemlja, Coasts of Norway, Bohus. Spitzbergen. Greenland, England the Mediterranean. 374 78 16 15 38 E. 60 1 10 0.7 Dark-grey Clay. (Advent Bay.) Brada inhabUis, Kathke. Pectinaria hyperborea, Mgrn. ? Nemidia Torelli, Mgrn. Polynoe cirrosa, Pallas. Polynoe imbricata, Lin. From Bohus to Finmark, the Faeroe Islands. North-America. Greenland, Finmark. Spitzbergen. NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, Green- land, Scandinavia. England, North America. Same Distribution. 12 Station. ^Nordlig Bredde. Længde fra Greenwich. Dybde. Knyrlske Favne. Meter. Våndets Tempera- tur ved Bunden C. Bundens Beskaffenhed. Fundne Dyr. Øvrige Forekomst. Røst . Sort- lands- sund . Skjær- stadfj. 263 lAimbrinereis fragUis, Muller. Ammotrypane aulotjaster, Rathke. Terebellides Sttromii, M. Sårs. Onuphis ccmchylega, M. Sårs Polynæ imbricata, Lin. Nep/dys ciliata, Muller. Phyllodoce teres, Mgrn. Nereis pelagica, Lin. Brada granulata, Mgrn. TropJwnia plumbsa, Muller. Cirratulus cirraius, Muller. Glycera capitata, Ørst. Chætopterus norvegicus, M. Sårs. Terebella debilis, Mgrn. Pomatocerus triqueter, Morch. Glycera setosa, Ørst. Jjeanira tetragona, .Ørst. 481 . 3-°2 Graagrønt Nepktys Hombergi, Ler. A. & M. Edw. I/umbrinereis- fragUis, Muller. Goniada innen/uta, Ørst. Sabettides octocirrata, M. Sårs. t hu 1 >hitriii- grgnlandica, Mgrn. Terebellides Strdmii, M. Sårs. Sabella crassicornis, M. Sårs. Peetinaria hyperborea, Mgrn. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken'. Spitsb., Grønland, Nord Amerika, England. Skandinavien. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Island, England, Skandinavien, Østersøen. Adria. Novaja Ssmlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Norge. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Skandinavien. England, Nord- Amerika. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Nord-Amerika, Island, Færøer- ne, Skotland, Skandinavien. Bohus til Finmarken. Okotske Hav, Novaja Semlja, Spits- bergen, Jan Mayen. Grønland, Nord-Amerika, Island, Færøer- ne, Storbrittanien, fra Finmar- ken til Helgoland. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Grønland. Færøeme, Engl.. Island, Frank- rige, Finmarken til Øresund. Novaja Semlja, Grønland, Nord- Amerika, Island, Færøeme, Eng- land, Finmarken til Bohus. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Island, Skandinavien. Øresund til Finmarken. Bohus. Finmarken til Østersøen, England, Skotland, Island, Nord-Amerika, Frankrige, Middelhavet. Grønland, Finmarken (?). Bohus til Finmarken, Grønland. Nord-Amerika. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland og lige ind i Middelhavet. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. Øresund til Finmarken, Skotland. Bohus til Finmarken. Grønland, Finmarken, Danmark. Novaja Semlja. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Island, England, Skandinavien, Østersøen, Adria. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Grønland, Finmarken til Molde. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken. 13 North l",',-in" Station. Latitude. Greenwich. English M| fathoms. Depth. Tempera- ture at the Bottom. ('. Bottom, Specimen. < reographical I distribution. Kost . Sort- lands- sund . The Skjær- stad Fj. 263 481 3°-2 Grey-green Clay. I/umbrinereis fragilis, Miiller. Ammotrypane aidogaster, Rathke. Terebi'llitli'.f Slrwiiii, M. Sars. Onuphis nonchylega, M. Sars Polynoe imbricata, Lin. Nephtys ciliata, Miiller. Phyllodoce teres, Mgrn. Nereis pelagica, Lin. Brarta granulata, Mgrn. Trophonia plumosa, Miiller. Cirratulus cirratiis, Miiller. Glycera capkata, Ørst. ( Twetopterus norvegicus, M. Sars. TerébeUa debilis, Mgrn. Pomatoceritx triqiieter, Mørch. Glycera setosa, Ørst. Lieardra tetrågona, Ørst. Nej >Jttys Uornbergi, A. & M. Edw. Lurnbrinereis fragilis, Miiller. Goniada maculata, Ørtet. Sabellides octocirrata, M. Sars. Amphibrite groiiiandica, Mgrn. Terebeltides Stroma, M. Sars. Sabella erassicornis, M. Sars. Pectinaria hyperborea, Mgrn. Novaja Zemlja, Spitsbergen, Green- land. from Bohus to Finmark. Spitzbergen, Greenland, North America, England, Scandinavia. NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, Green- laud, lcel , Engl.. Scandinavia, the Baltic, the Adriatic Sea. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Green- land, Norway. NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, Green- land, Scandinavia, England, North America. NovajaZemlja. Spitzbergen, Green- land, North America. Iceland, the Færoe Islands, Scotland, Scandinavia. From Bohus to Finmark. The Ochotsk Sea. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzbergen, Jan Mayen, Greenl., North America, Iceland, the Færoe Islands, Great Britain, from Finmark to Helgoland. NovajaZemlja. Spitzbergen, Green- land, Finmark. NovajaZemlja. Spitzbergen, Green- land, the Færoe Islands. Eng- land, Iceland, France, from Finmark to the Sound. Novaja Zemlja, Greenland, North America, Iceland, the Færoe Islands, England, from Finmark to Bohus. NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, Green- land. Iceland. Scandinavia. From the Sound to Finmark. Bohus. From Finmark to the Baltic, Eng- land, Scotland, Iceland, North America, France, the Mediter- ranean. Greenland, Finmark. (?) From Bohus to Finmark, Green- land, North America. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzbergen, from Greenland to the Mediterranean. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Green- land, from Bohus to Finmark. From the Sound to Finmark, Scotland. From Bohus to Finmark. Greenland. Finmark, Denmark, Novaja Zemlja. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzbergen, Green- land, Iceland, England, Scan- dinavia, the Baltic, the Adri- atic Sea. NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, Green- land, from Finmark to Molde. NovajaZemlja. Spitzbergen, Green- land, Finmark. 14 Nordlig Længde Våndets Tempera- tur ved Bunden 0. Bandens Beskaffenhet!. Fundne Dyr. Øvrige Forekomst. Station. Bredde- i Greenwich. Engelske Favne. Meter. strøm- ThélepuS cire/itaiiix, Fabr. Potamilla neglecta, M. Sårs. Glycera r-apitata, Ørst. Leodice norveqica, Sav. t Polvnoe semisculvta, Johnst. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Beeren- Eeykja- ' Eiland, Finmarken til Bohus. Grønland, England, Middelhavet. Florø til Finmarken. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Island, Skandinavien. Spitsb., Finmarken langs Nbrd- søens Kyster til s. l'. Irland, Skotland, Færøerne. Jan Mayen Beeren Eiland IO-I5 15 18-27 27 Polynoe imbrieata, Lin. Travisia forbesi, Johnst. Aricia arctica, n. sp. Travisia forlust, Johnst. Poli/noe Sarsi, Knbg. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Island, Skaane til Finmarken, England, Belglen, Frankrige, Nord- Amerika, Middelhavet. Spitsb., Fæ.røerne, Island, (iron- land. Østersøen. Nordsøen. Stat. 224. Spitsb , Grønland, Island. Fær- øerne, Østersøen, Nordsøen. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Stat. 31, 33, 35, Florø, Christi- aniafjord. 18 1 620 44' i°48'E. 412 753 ■1 .0 IKolde Area Ler. 3i 63 10 5 o E. 417 Polynoe giobifera, .... Specimen. ( reographicaj 1 listribution. Station. Latitude. [ 1 IMH Greenwich, English Fathoms. Metres. Bottom. C. XKPl 1 Mill. Salt- strøm- Thelepus ' circinnatus, Fabr. NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, Beeren Eiland, from Finmark to Holms. • Greenland, England, the Med- - iterranean. Potnmilla neglecta, M. Sara. From Florø to Finmark ■ Otycera capitata, Ørst. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzbergen, ( rreea- land, [celand, Scandinavia. Leodice norvegica, Sav. Spitzbergen, Finmark, along the North-S.ea coasts to the south of Iveland. Shetland, the Færoe Reykja- Islands. vik ? Polynoe semisculpta, Johnst. Polynoe imbricata, Lin. NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, Green- land, Iceland, from Scania to Finmark. England, Belgium, . France. North America, the .Ian Mediterranean. Ma vcu 10- I 'i iS-'-? Travisia forbesi, Johnst. Spitzbergen, the Færoe Islands. Iceland. Greenland, the Baltic, lu * 0 — - / the North Sea. Aricia arctica, n. sp. . Stat. 224. • Travisia forbesi, Johnst. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Iceland, the Færoe islands, the Baltic, Beeren the North Sea. Eiland I c 27 NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, Green- land, Stations 31. 33, 35, Florø, the Christiania Fjord 18 620 44' i" 48' E. 412 753 — i°.o Ooia Area Clay. 31 63 10 I 4 o E. 417 763 — 1.0 Sabulous Clay Polynoe globifera, G. 0. Sars. Nephtys ap'antica, n. sp. Lumbrinereis fragilis, Muller. OnupMs hyperborea, 11. sp. Scoloplos armiger, Muller. Scalibregma inflatum, Rathke. Sccdibregma abyssorum, n. sp. Scalibregma ? parvutn,n. sp. Trophonia hirswta, n. sp. Notomastus latericius, M. Sars. Samytlia sexcirrata, M. Sars. Thelepus circinnatus, Fabr. Terebellides Strdmii, M. Sars. Polynoe globifera, G. 0..'Sars villosa, Mgrn. Stats. 31. 4X. 124, 164, 192, 295. Stats. 31, 87. NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, Green- land, from Bohus to Finmark. Stat. 48. Spitzbergen, Greenland, Iceland, from the Sound to Finmark. Spitzbergen, Greenland, North America, Scotland, the Shet- land Islands, Jan Mayen, from Finmark to the Sound. Stat. 31. Stat. 31. . Novaja Zemlja. Greenland, from Bohus to Finmark. South Coast of Norway, the Cat- tegat, the Shetland Islands, Greenland, North America. Novaja Zemlja. N]>itzl>., Beeren Eiland. from Finmark to Bo- hus, Greenland, England, the Mediterranean. NovajaZemlja, Spitzbergen, < ireen- land, Iceland. England. Scan- dinavia, the Baltic, the Adri- atic Sea. Stat^. 18. 48. 124. 164, 192. 295. Bohus, the Christiania Fjord, 5 geographical miles off the mouth of the Sogne Fjord. ' 16 Nordlig Bredde. Længde fra Greenwich. Dybde. Våndets Tempera- tur ved Bunden Bundens Fundne Dyr. i ivrige Forekomst. Station. Engelske, Beskaffenked. Favne. Q I'ii] uii, 1, Sarai, Knbg. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Stat. 33, 35, Beeren Eiland, Florø, Christ ianiafj orden. Nepktys atlanuca, n. sp. Stat. 18. 87. L/umbrinereis fragilis, Muller. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. Scalibregtna parvum, n. sp. Stat. 18. Trophonia hirsuta, n. sp. Stat. 18. Cirratulus abranohiatus, 11. sp. Ammotrypane eylindricauda- Stat. 87. . tllS, n. sp. Epliesia gracilis, Rathke. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Grønland. Molde til Øresund. Vest-Frank- rige. England. Skotland. Shet- land, Stat. 161. Amphicteis Gunneri, M. Sårs, Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Grønland, England, Bohus til Finmarken. Tliélerpus circinnatiis, Fabr. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Beeren Eiland, Grønland, Finmarken til Bohus. England. Middel- havet. Chone Dunéri, Mgrn, Spitsbergen. 33 63°5 3° 0 I 525 960 -i°.i , Graat Ler. Polynoe Sarsi, Knbg. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Grønland, Stat. 31. 35. Beeren Eiland. Florø, Chrisianiafjord. Paramphinomi pulohella, Lofoten til Skagerak, Vest tor M. Sårs. Skotland og Irland, ( Porcupine). Stat. 87. 35 63 17 i 27 W. 1 08 1 1977 — I.O Biloculinler. Spita rodorum abyssorwm, n.sp. Polynoe Sarsi, Knbg. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Gronland, Stat. 31. 33. Beeren Eiland. Flom. ( 'hristianiafj orden. Notomastus laterwius, M. Sårs. Novaja Semlja, Grpnland, Bohus til Finmarken. Samytha sexcirrata, M. Sårs. Sydlige Norge. Kattegat. Shet- land, Grønland, Nord-Amerika. A. ucanste albicams, Mgrn. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Gronland, Finmarken. 40 63 22 5 29 W. 12 15 2222 —1.2 Biloculinler. Typlilonereis gracilis, n. sp. • • Lumbrinereis fragilis Muller. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. Mm iocheli Sarsi, n. sp. Stat. 104. 295, 57. Potamilla Malmgreni, n. sp. Stat. 51. 48 64 36 10 22 W. 299 547 -O.3 Sand og Slik. Polynoe glohiferå, G. 0. Sårs. Stat. 18. 31. 124. 104. 192.295. — aspera, n. sp. Moldoen. Novaja Semlja. — islahdica, n. sp. Lutnltrinereis fragilis, Muller. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. OnupMs hyperborea, n. sp. Stat. 18. Amphif/riM cirrata, ZNIiiller. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken til Øresund, Eng- land. Middelhavet.. Færøerne, Island. Nord-Amerika. Thelepus circimiaius) Fabr. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Beeren Eiland.- Finmarken til Bohus. Grønland, England, Middel- havet. 17 v ,, Longitude Station. Latitude. from Irreenwich. English Fathoms. Metres. Tempera- ture at the Bottom. C. Bottom, Specimen. ( Geographical Distribution. do «j o o' E. 525 960 — if,.i Polynoe Sarsi, Knbg. NepJtihys atlantica, 11. ap. I/u/mbrinereis fragUis, Muller. Scalibregma parvum, n. s-p. Troplumia hirstita, n. sp. ( Irratulus abranehiatus, n. sp. Ammotrypane cylindricauda- tus, n. sp. Ephesia gracilis, Rathke. Amphicteis Gunneri, M. Sars. Thelepus circinnatus, Fabr. Chone Dunéri, Mgrn, Clay. Polynot Sarsi, Knbg. Paramphinotne piilchetta, M. Sars. 35 63 l7 l 27 'W- 1081 ; 1977 — i.o Biloculina Clay. Sphcerodoriimabyssorum, n.sp Polyime Sm'si, Knbg. Notomaslus laterieius, M. Sars. Samyika-seæcirrata, M. Sars. 40 63 22 5 29 W. 12 15 2222 48 64 36 10 22 W. 299 547 Leucariste albicans, Mgrn. ■1.2 Biloculina Clay. Typhlonereis gracilis, n. sp. Lurnbrinereis fragilis, Muller. Myriochéle Sarsi, n. sp. PotamUla Malmgreni,, n. sp. -0.3 Sand and Oozé. Polynoe globifera, G. 0. Sars. — aspera, n. sp. — islandica, n. sp. Lmmbrinereis fragilis, Miillér. Onuphis hyperborea, n. sp. Ampkitrite cirrata, Muller. Tlvelepus circinnatus, Fabr. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Green- land. Stats. 33, 35, Beeren Eiland, Florø, the Christiania Fjord. Stats. 18, 87. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb.. Green- land, from Bohus 'to Finmark. Stat IS. Stat. IS. Stat. 87. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb.. Greenl., from Molde to the Sound. West Coast of France. Engl., Scot- land, the Shetland Islands, Stat. 164. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., Engl., from Bohus to Finmark. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb.. Beeren Eiland. Greenl., from Finmark to Bohus, England, the Mediter- ranean. Spitzbergen. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., Stats. 31, 35, Beeren Eiland, Floro. the Christiania Fjord. From Lofoten to the Skagerak, West of Scotland and Ireland ("Porcupine" Exped.), Stat. 87. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., Stats. 31, 33, Beeren Eiland. Florø, the Christiania Fjord. Novaja Zemlja, Greenland, "from Bohus to Finmark. South Coast of Norway, the ( 'atte- gat, the Shetland Islands. Green- land, North America. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl.. Finmark. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb.. Greenl., from Bohus to Finmark. Stats. 164, 295, 57. Stat. 51. Stats. 18..31, 124, 164, 192, 295. Moldo, Novaja Zemlja. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl.. from Bohus to Finmark. Stat. 18. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl.. from Finmark to the Sound. England, the Mediterranean, the Færoe Islands. Iceland. North America. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Beeren Eiland, from Finmark to Bohus, Greenland. England, the Med- iterranean. Den norske Kordhavsexpedition. G. A. Hansen: Annelida. 18 Våndets Nordlig Bredde. Længde fra Greenwich. DvDae. Tempera- tur ved Bunden C. Bundens Beskaffenhed. Fundne Dyr. Øvrige Forekomst. Station. Engelske Favne. Meter. Fotamilla Torelli, Mgrn. Berufjord paa Island. 51 65° 53' 7° 18' W. II63 2127 „ — 1 .1 Biloculinler. Myrwckele Sarsi, n. sp. PotamiUa Malmgreni, n. sp. JProtula arctica, n. sp. Slat. 40, 164, 295. Stat. 40. 87 64 2 5 35 E. 498 911 — 1. 1 Ler. Pnr/i/noiiif pulchella, M. Sårs. Ammotvypaw cylimlriruiiihi- tus, n. sp. Cirrattdus abyssorwm, 11. sp. Notomastus latericius, M. Sårs. C 'lymene Koreni, n. sp. Stat. 33, Lofoten til Skagerak, Vest for Skotland og Irland. Stat. 31. Novaja Semlja, Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. 96 66 8 3 0 E. 805 1472 — 1. 1 Biloculinler Lmnbrinereis fragilis, Muller. Novaja Semlja., Spitsb., Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. 124 66 41 6 59 E. 350 64O — 1.0 Ler. Poli/noc globifera, G. 0. Sårs. Nephihys Malmgreni, Théel. Onupkis conehylega, M. Sårs. Trophorda glauca, Mgrn. PotamiUa neglecta, M. Sårs. ( 'ln 'nr 1 hi m' li, Mgrn. Stat 18, 31, 48, 164, 192, 295. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken, Stat. 192, 312, 338. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Nord-Amerika, Finmarken til Bohus, England, Færøerne. Skotland, Shetland, Helgoland. Sydlige Norge, Kattegat, Store Belt Finmarken, Florø. Spitsbergen. 164 68 21 10 40 E. 457 836 —0.7 Graat Sand- ler. Polynoe globifera, G. 0. Sårs. (hm phis conehylega, M. Sårs. Stat.. 18, 31, 48, 124, 192, 295. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Nord-Amerika, Finmarken til Bohus, England, Færøerne. Glycera capitata, Ørst. Ephesia gracilis, Bathke. Eumeiim missa, Ørst. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Skaiidinavien, Britiske Øer, Is- land, Nord-Amerika. Stat. 31, Novaja Semlja, Spits- bergen, Grønland, Molde til Øresund, Vest-Frankrige, Eng- land, Skotland, Shetland. Spitsbergen, Norges Kyst og til Øresund, Skotland, Shetland, Hebriderne, Island, Nord-Ame- rika. Stat. 40, 51, 295. , ■ Myriochele Sarsi, n. sp. ■ Samytha sexeirrata, M. Sårs. Sydlige Norge, Kattegat, Shet- land, Grønland, Nord-Amerika. PotamiUa urt/leda, M. Sårs. Finmarken, Florø. 192 69 46 16 15 E. 649 II87 —0.7 Sandler. Polynoe globifera, G. 0. Sårs. Onuphis conehylega, M. Sårs. Glycera capitata, Ørst. Nephiliys Malmgreni, Théel. Myriochele Daniélsseni, n. sp. Stat, 18, 31. 48, 124, 164,295. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Nord-Amerika, Finmarken til Bohus, England, Færøerne. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb.,." Grønland, Skandinavien, Britiske Øer, Is- land, Nord-Amerika. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken, Stat, 124, 312, 358. 19 Stati North Latitude. Longitude DePth- Tempera- .• ture at the Bottom. Greenwich. English Fathoms. Bottom. MetlTs. Speci 11. Geographical I (istributior 5i 65" 53' 7" 18' W. 87 64 2 5 35 E. 96 66 8 3 o E. 124 66 41 6 59 E. IQ2 69 46 16 m E. 1163 498 2127 911 805 350 164 68 21 10 40 E. 457 649 1472 640 1". 1 Biloculina Clay Clay. ■I.I -I.I -1.0 Clay. Clay. 836 — 0.7 Grey Sabulous Clay. Potamdla Torelli, Mgrn. Myriochéle Sard, n. sp. Potamilla Malmgreni, a. sp. Protida arctica, n. sp. Paramphinome putcliella, M. Bars. Ammotrypanc eylivdricuiit^i- tUS, 1). sp. Cirratulus n/11/ssoriiw, 11. sp. Notomastus latericius, M. Sars. Clymene Koreni, n. sp. L/umbrinereis fragilis, Miiller. Polynoe globifera, G. 0. Sars. Nephthys McHmgreni, Théel. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sars. Trophonia glauca, Mgrn. Potamilla neglecia, M. Sars. ( %om« Dmu'ri, Mgrn. Polynoe globifera, G. 0. Sars. Onuphis' eonchylega, M. Sars. Glycera capitata, Ørst. Ephesia gracilis, Rathke. Eumenia crossa, Ørst. Myriochéle Sarsi, n. sp. Samyiha seæcirrata, M. Sars. Potamilla neglecia, M. Sars. 1 187 — 0.7 Sabulous Clay. Polynoe globifera, G. 0. Sars. (hmph/s i-mii-lif/li-iiii, M. Sars. Glycera capitata, Ørst. Nephthys Malmgreni, Théel. Myriochéle Danielsseni, a. sp. The Berufjord (Ireland). St;, is. 40. 1(14. 295. Stat. 40. Stat. 33, from Lofoten to the Skagerak. west of the Scotch and Irish coasts. Stat. 31. Novaja Zemlja, Greenland, from Bohus to Finmark. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greeul., from Bohus to Finmark. Stats. 18. 31, 48, 164, 192, 295. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., Finmark, Stats. 192, 312, 338. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb. Greenl., North America, from Finmark to Bohus. England, the Faroe Islands. Scotland, the Shetland Islands, Helgoland, South Coast of Nor- way, the Cattegat, Great Belt. Finmark, Florø. Spitzbergen. Stat-. 18, 31,48. 124. 192,295. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb.. Greenl., North America, from Finmark to Bohus, England, the Færoe Islands. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., Scandinavia, Great Britain, Ice- land. North America. Sta't. 31. Novaja Zemlja, Spitz- bergen, Greenl.. from Molde to the Sound. West Coast of France, England. Scotland, the Shetland Islands. Spitzbergen, along the coast of Norway to the Sound, Scotland, the Shetland Islands, the Heb- rides. Iceland, North America. Stats. 40, 51, 295. South Coast of Norway, the Cat- tegat. the Shetland Islands. Greenland. North America. Finmark. Florø. Stats. IS. 31, 48, 124, 164, 295. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., North" America, from Finmark to Bohus. England, the Færoe Islands. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl.. Scandinavia, British Islands. Iceland. North America. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb.. Greenl., Finmark, Stats. 124,312, 358. 20 Nordlig Bredde. Længde fra Greenwich. Dybde. Våndets Tempera- tur Ved Bunden Bundens Beskaffenhet!. Fiindne Dyr. Øvrige Forekomst. Station. Engelske ilt?ti'l". Favne. c. • ■ Terebellides Stromii, M. Sårs. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Kronland. Island. England. Skaudinavien, Østersoen. Adria. 223 70"54' 8" 24' AV. 70 128 — o°.6 Sort Sand og Polynoe arctica, n. sp. Ler (Østkysten iMmbrinereis fragilis, Muller. af Jan Mayen). Stat. 224. Novaja Semlja. Spitsli.. Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sårs. Xovaja Semlja. Spitsb . Grønland, Skaudinavien, Britiske Øer, Is- land. Nord-Amerika. 221 70 51 8 20 W. Q5 174 —0.6 Sort Sand og Polynoe arctica, n. sp. Ler (Østkysten JjUinbrinereis fragilis, Muller. af Jan Mayen). Stat. 223. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. Aricia arctica, n. sp. Ammochares assimilis, Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, M. Sårs. Finmarken til .Øresund, Helgo- land. Skotland, Porcupineexpe- ditionen 1869, Island. 225 70 58 8 4 W. IQ5 357 —0.6 Ler og Sand. TJainhrinen is fragilis, Muller. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sårs. Xovaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb.. Grønland, Skaudinavien. Britiske Øer. Is- land. Nord-Amerika Terebellides Str&tnii, M. Sårs. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Island, England, Skandinavien. Østersøen, Adria. 237 70 41 10 10 W. 263 481 -0.3 Brunt, sand- holdigt Ler. Polynoe. arctica, n. sp-. Stat. 223, 224. .248 67 56 4 11 E. 778 1423 — i-4 Biloculinler. Samytha sexcirrata, M. Sårs. Sydlige Norge. Kattegat. Shet- land, Porcupineexped. 1869, • ( i innland. Nord-Amerika. 251 68 6 9 44 E. 634 "59 —i-3 Saudier. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sårs. Potamilla neglecta, M. Sårs. Chone Dun/ri, Mgrn. Thelepus circinnatus, Fabr. • Novaja Semlja. Spitsb.. Grønland, Skaudinavien, Britiske Øer, Is- land. Nord-Amerika. Finmarken, Florø. Novaja Semlja, Spitsbergen. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Beeren Eiland. Finmarken til Bohus. Grønland, England. Middel- havet. 267 71 42 37 1 B. 148 271 — 1-4 Ler, Sten. Nepht/iys ril into. Muller. I/umbrinéreis fragilis, Muller. Si-ioim 1 obi (to, Mgrn. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sårs. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb.. Grønland, Nord-Amerika, Island, Færoer- ne, Skotland, Skandinavien. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland. Bohus til Finmarken. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grøn- land. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Nord-Amerika, Finmarken til Bohus, England, Færøerne. 275 74 8 31 12 E. 147 269 —0.4 Grønligt Ler. • Brada granulata, Mgrn. Srada granulosa, n. sp. Trophonia borealis, n. sp. Polynoe foraminifera, n. sp. IJumbrinereis fragilis, Muller. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken. Røst, Færøerne, Jylland. Stat". 338. Stat. 338. Novaja Semlja, Spitsli.. Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. 21 North Station. L.„it,„i,.. I longitude from Greenwich. English Depth. Tempera; ture at the Bottom, Fathoms. ('. Bottom. Specimen. aphical Distribution. Terebellides Stromii, M. Sara. 223 70"54' 8°24''AV. 70 128 — o".6 Black' Sand and Polynoe arctica, n. sp. Clay. 1 East Liimhriitcft ■/.< fragilis, Miiller. ( 'oast ut' Jan Mayen.) Onuphis conchylega, M. Sms. 224 70 51 8 20 AV. Q5 174 — 0.6 Black Sand and Polynoe arctica, n. sp. Clay. (East I/umbrinereis fragilis,M.iiller. ( \>ast of Jan Mayen.) , Avian arctica, n. sp. . Immochares assimilis, M. Sars. 225 70 58 84 \V. 195 357 — 0.6 Clay ami Sand. Liuuhriiifiris fragHis, Luller. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sars. TerebeUides Stromii, M. Sars. 237 70 41 10 10 W. 263 481 — 0.3 Brown sabulous Polynoe arctica, a. sp. Clay. 248 • 67 56 4 1 1 E. 778 1423 —1,4 Biloculina Clay. Samyiha sexcirraia, M. Sars. 251 68 6 9 44 E. 634 iisg —1.3 Sabulous Clay. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sars. PotamQla negjecta, M. Sars Cl/om' Dunéri, Mgrn. Thelepus circinnatus, Pabr. 267 71 42 37 1 E. 148 271 — 1.4 Clay. Stones. Nephthys ciliata, Miiller lAimbrinereis fragilis, Miiller. Scione lobata, Mgrn. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sars. -'75 74 12 E. 147 26Q — 0.4 Greenish Clay. Brada granulata, Mgrn. Brada granulosa, n. sp. Trophonia borealis, n. sp. Polynoe foraminifera, n. sp. Lumbrinereis fragilis, Miiller. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., Iceland, England, Scandinavia, tbe Baltic, the Adriatic Sea. Stat. 224. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Green] , from Bohus to Finmark. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., Scandinavia. Great Britain. Iceland. North America! Stat. 223. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., from Bohus to Finmark. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., trom Finmark to the Sound. Helgoland, Scotland, •'Porcup- ine'' Expedition. 18(39, Iceland. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., from Bohus to Finmark. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb.. Greenl., Scandinavia. Great Britain, Ice- land. North America. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb. . Greenl., Iceland, the Baltic, the Adri- atic Sea. Stats. 223. 224. South Coast ut' Norway, the Catte- gat. the Shetland. Islands. "Por- cupine" Exped.. 1869, Greenl., North America. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., Scandinavia. Great Britain Ice- land, North America. Finmark. Florø. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzbergen. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb.. Beeren Eiland, from Finmark to Bohus. Greenland, England, the Medi- terranean. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., North America, Iceland, the Færoe Islands. Scotland. Scan- dinavia. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., from Bohus to Finmark. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb.. Green- land. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., North America, from Finmark to Bohus. England, the Færoe Islands. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb. . Greenl., Finmark. Host, the Færoe Is- lands, Jutland. Stat. 338. Stat. 338. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb.. Greenl., from Bohus to Finmark. 22 „ . Nordlig Station. Bredde. Dybde. Lengde fra Greenwich. | Engelske Favne. Meter. Våndets Tempefa- rur ved Bunden c. Bundens Beskaffenhed. Fundne Dvr. Øvrige Forekomst. 295 312 7i° 59' n°4o'E. mo 74 54 14 53 E- 658 338 76 10. 18 1 E. 146 267 —1. 1 2030 1203 1 °-3 — 1.2 366 79 35 11 17 E. 61 37 1 12 68 — 2.1 — 0.2 Spinåier arcticus, M. Sårs. Biloeulinler. Polynoe globifera, G.'O. Sårs MyriocheU Sarai, n. sp. Potamilla neglectd, M. Sårs. Brunt og grunt TJielepua circinnatus, Fabr. Ler. Nephihya Malmgreni, Tbéel. Trophonia arctica, n. sp. Anaiiis WbJilbergi, Mgrn. Haard. Neplvthya ciliata, Muller. NepMhya Malmgreni, Théel. Anaitia Waldbergi, Mgrn. Brada granulosa, n. sp. Brada granulata, Mgrn. Polynoe foraminifera, n. sp. Mørkgraat Flabelligera affinis, M. Sårs. Ler. (Magdalenabay) Pista criatata, Muller. Brada inhabUis, Bathke. Nereia zonata, Mgrn. Mørkgraat Brada inkabilia, Rathke, Ler. (Magdalenabay) Tjwmbrinereia fragilis, Muller. Nephtfiya ciliata, Muller. Polynoe imbricata, Lin. — cirroaa, Pal. Trophonia rugoaa, n. sp. Eteone apetabergenaia, Mgrn. Terebellidea Stromii, M. Sårs. Ereutho Smitta, Mgrn. Jricliobranchu-a glacialis, Mgrn. Finmarken, sydlige Norge, Dan- mark, England. Stat. 18, 31, 48. 124, 164. 192. Stat. 40, 51, 164. Finmarken, Florø. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Beeren, Eiland. Finmarken til Bobus, Grønland, England, Middel- havet. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken, Stat. 124, 192, 338. Spitsbergens Vestkyst, Stat. 338. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Nord-Amerika, Island, Færøer- ne, Skotland, Skandinavien. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb.. Beeren Eiland, Finmarken til Bohus, Grønland. England, Middel- havet. Spitsbergens Nordkyst, Stat. 312. Stat. 275. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken, Rost. Færoerue, Jylland. Stat. 275. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Finmarken til Øresund. Finmarken til Lille Belt. Skot- land. Shetland. Irland, Island, Nord-Amerika. Spitsbergen, Finmarken til Bohus, Øresund, Store Belt, Færo. Is- land, Amerika. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland. Spitsbergen, Finmarken til Bohus, Øresund, Store Belt, Færoerne, Island, Amerika. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Island. Færoerne, Skotl.. Skan- dinavien. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb.. Grønland, Nord-Amerika. England. Skan- .dinavien. Spitsb.. Finmarken. Kattegat. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Island. England. Skandinavien. Østerspen, Adria. Spitsb.. Grønland, Novaja Semlja, Island. Færøerne, Lille Belt. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb., Grønland, Shetland. Skotland. Kattegat. 23 Static North Latitude Longitude from Uropiiwirh. Depth. Tempera- ture at the Bottom. Bottom, Fathoms. ' ' l'. Specimen. Geographical Distributioi 295 7l05Q' ii°4o'E. i ho 2030 312 74 74 14 53 E. 658 1203 Spiniher arcticus, M. Sars, i".$ Biloculina Clay. Polynoe globifera, G..O. Sars Myriochele Sarsi, n. s|>. loth mill, 1 neglecta, M. Sars. -1.2 Brown and Grey Clay. 338 76 iq 18 1 E. 146 267 1.1 Hard. 366 79 35 11 1 7 E'. 61 37 112 Thelepus circinnatus, Pabr. Nephihys Malmgreni, Thél. Trophonia arctica, n. sp. Anaitis Wahlbergi, Mgra. Nephtftys ciliata, Muller. Nephtliys Malmgreni, Théel. Anaitis 11 ahlbergi, Mgrn. Brada granulosa, a. sp. Brada granulata, Mgrn. Polynoe foraminifera, n. sp. — 2.1 Dark-grey Clay Flabelligera affinis, M. Sars. (Magdalene Bay). Pl'sfcl cr/stnlii. Muller. Brada inliabilis, Kathke. 68 — 0.2 Dark-grey Clay (Magdalene Bay). Nereis zonula, Mgrn. Brada inhabilis, Rathke. Ziumbvinereis fragilis, Muller. Mepkthys ciliata, Muller. Polynoe imbricata, Lin. — cirrosa, Pal. Trophonia rugosa, n. sp. EteoM spetsbergensis, Mgrn. TerebelUdes Stromii, M. Sars. E/reutho Stniiti, Mgrn. Trichobranchus qlucialis Mgrn. Finmark. South Coast of Norway, Denmark, England. Stats. 18. 31, 48, 124, L64, 192. stats. 40, 51, L64. Finmark. Florø. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Beeren Eiland. from Finmark to Bohus, Greenland, England, the Medi- terranean. . Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Creenl., Finmark. Stats. 124,192,338. North Coast of Spit/1... Stat. 338. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb.. Creenl., North America, Iceland, the Færoe Islands, Scotland, Scan- dinavia. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Beeren Eiland, from Finmark to Bohus, Greenland, England, the Medi- terranean. North Coast of Spitzb. Stat. 312. Stat. 275. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb.. Greenl., Finmark. Røst. the Færoe Is- lands. Jutland. Stat. 275. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., from Finmark to the Sound. From Finmark to the Little Belt, . Scotland, the Shetland Islands, Irel., Icel., North America. Spitzbergen , from Finmark to Bohus, the Sound, the Great Belt, the Færoe Islands, America, Iceland. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl. Spitzbergen, from Finmark to Bo- hus, the Great Belt, the Færoe Islands, Iceland, America. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., from Bohus to Finmark. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., Iceland, the Færoe Islands, Scotland, Scandinavia. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., North America, England, Scan- dinavia. Spitzb., Finmark, the Cattegat. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., Iceland. England, Scandinavia, the Baltic, the Adriatic. Spitzb., Greenl., Novaja Zemlja, Iceland, the Færoe Islands, the Little Belt. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzb., Greenl., the Shetland Islands, Scotland, the Cattegat 24 Station Nordlig 1 hedde. Længde fra Greenwich. I >ybde. Våndets Tempera- tur ved Bunden ('. Bandens Beskaffenhed. Funilne Dyr. Øvrige Forekomst. Engelske Favne. Meter; ( none infundibuliformis, Novaja Seinlja Spitsb.. Grønland, Kr oyer. Jan Mayen. Island. Færoerne, Shetland, Finmarken, sydover til Molde, Øresund. 20 37 — 0°.2 Mørkgraat Ler. (Magdalenabay) Polynoe glaberrima, n. sp. Rrada granulosa, n. sp. Bi-mlii inhabilis, Rathke. 1 Sahellides bdrealis, M. Sårs. Terebellides Stromii, M. Sårs. Troplwnia aTctica, n. sp. Lutnbrinereis fragVis, Muller. Spitsb.. Finmarken til Bohus. Øre- sund, Store Belt, Færøerne, Is- land. Amerika. Novaja Semlja, Spitsb.. Grønland, Island. Finmarken. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Island. England, Skandinavien, Øsfersøen, Adria. Novaja Semlja. Spitsb., Grønland, Bohus til Finmarken. saaledes Polynoe vina. M. Surs. og P. propinqva, Malm- gren, som forekom der i det første Aar; men da jeg hver- ken havde Thermometer eller andre Apparater til Under- søgelse af Våndets Forhold. Bund. Strom f. Ex.. saa har jeg ingen Formodning om Aarsagen til denne faunistiske Skitten, ligesaa lidt som til andre Eiendommeligheder fra samme Sted. som den f. Ex.. at nogne Mollusker, saaledes Eolis lineata, fandtes der i 1876 paa 100 Favnes Dyb, medens den ellers her ved Norges Kyster kun rindes i Tangbeltet. Imidlertid synes det, sum om hverken Dybden eller Temperaturen skulde være det egentlig bestemmende for Dyrenes Forekomst. Polynoe islandica. n. sp. Stat. 48. Et Exemplar, afbrukket noget bagenfor Midten. Det i Alcobol opbeyarede Dyr 8 Ctm. langt og omtrent 3.5 Ctm. bredt med Børster. 30 Led. 15 Far Elytrer, der dække hele Ryggen (Tab. I, Fig. 15). (Der medfulgte kun 14 Far. men af Fodknuderne kan det sees. at der maa have været 15 Far) Hovedlappen med to afstumpede Spidser fortil. noget hengere end bred; bagerste Par Øine paa Issen, forreste Par midt paa ydre Rand (Tab. I. mals belonging to the same family, for instance Polynoe nivea, M. Sårs. and P. propinqva, Malmgren. which had been found to occur there on the first cruise. But happen- ing not to have with me a thermometer, or any other in- strument necessary for investigating the physical conditions of the water of the ocean, nature of bottom, velocity and direction of currents. &C, I can suggest no reason whatever for this partial shifting of the Fauna, nor indeed for any of the other zoological phenomena observed in that region-; for instance, the occurrence of naked mollusca. such as Eolis lineata, at the depth of loo fathoms (1876), speci- mens of that species having never previously beeii taken on the coasts of Norway 'out of the wrack-zone. Mean- while, it would seem that neither depth nor temperature exerts with these animals an»y material influence on the choice of a habitat. Polynoe islandica. n. sp. Stat. 48. One specimen only, with hind part body broken off a little posterior to the middle. Extreme length S'", breadth about 3.5 m. This individual, preserved in alcohol, has 36 segments, and 15. pairs of elytra1 covering the whole of the back, PI. I. rig. 15. (Only 14 pairs were actually counted, but the pedal protuberances plainly show the ori- ginal number to have been 15). The lobe of the head, with two obtuse points anteriorly, somewhat longer than 9 r» ai .■ North Station. Latitudei Longitude Ironi Depth. Tempera- ture at the Rottom. Bottom. Specimen. t reographical Distribution. Ureeuwicli. English Fathoms. Metres. • Gtwne infundibuliformis. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb.. Greenl., Ivroyer. Jan Mayen, Iceland, the Færoe • Islands, the Shetland Islands, from Finmark southward to Molde, the Sound. 20 37 — 0".2 Dark grey Clay 1 Magdalene Bay) PoLynoe glaberrima, n. sp. Brada granulosa, n. sp. Brada inhabilis, Rathke. Spitzbergen. from Finmark to Bohus, the Sound, the Great Belt, the Færoe Islands, lee- land, America. Sabeltides borealis, M. Sars. Novaja Zemlja. Spitzh., Greenl., Iceland, Finmark. Terebellides Stromii, M. Sars. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb., Greenl., Iceland, England. Scandinavia. the Baltic, the Adriatic Sea. Trophonia arctica, n. sp. Lnimbrinereis fragUis, Muller. Novaja Zemlja, Spitzb.. Greenl., from Bohus to Finmark. Fig. 16). Palperue. med 6 Papillerader, omtrent 4 Gauge længere end Hovedet; Tentakelbasis tyk. Tentakelen selv tynd, ikke fuldt saa lang som Palperne: Tentakelcirreme af Tentakelens Længde; Anteiinerne af Hovedets Længde. Disse tynde Hovedtilhæng have en spindelformig Opdrivning nedenfor den tynde Spids og ere glatte, medens Dorsal- cirrerne. der rage noget udenfor Børsterne og have Form som Hovedtilhængene,. ere tæt cilierede. Skællene ere samtlige, ogsaa første Par. aflangt nyreformige, besatte ved den bagre Rand med 2 eller 3 store koniske mørke Papil- ler og langs ydre Rand med 5 — 8 lysegule (Tab. I. Fig. 17). Under Lupen opdager man sinaa haarde Knuder over hele Fladen af Skællet undtagen langs indre fordre Rand. Disse smaa Knuder ere kalvkugleformige eller noget aflange og' dels mørkebrune, dels lysegule, medens de store Papiller i Randen ere koniske og i Spidsen delte i et Bundt korte, jevntykke Takker (Tal). I. Fig. L8). Langs ydre Rand en Rad af tætstaaende. temmelig korte Oilier, der ogsaa åndes sparsomt langs bagre Rand samt indover den ydre bagre Del af Fladen. Fødderne med kort. tyk Dorsalknude og temmelig langt fremragende Ventralknude. samt med en kort Ventralcirre. der ikke naar hen til Spidsen af Fod- knuden (Tab. I. Fig. 19).- De dorsale Børster noget kor- tere end, men omtrent ligesaa tykke som de ventrale Bør- ster, der have en udelt Spids og ere noget grovere tver- taudede end de dorsale, der ere meget tæt og fint landede (Tab. I, Fig. 20 og 21). Farven paa Skællene er brun midt paa den bagre Del af Fladen og gaar til begge Sider over i lysegult. Kroppen er farveløs. Paa Dorsalcirrerne og de tynde Hovedtilhæng et brunt Baand nedenfor Spidsen. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. G. A. Hansen: Annelida, broad. The posterior pair of eyes on the crown, the an- terior pair in the middle of the outer margin. PI. I. fig. 16. The palps, with 6 rows of papillæ. about 4 times as long as the head; base of tentacle thick, the tentacle itself slender, not quite so long as the palps; the tentacular cirri of. the same length as the tentacle, the antennæ as the bead. These delicate appendages are distinguished by a fusiform swelling below the slender extremity; they have a smooth surface, whereas the dorsal cirri, of the same form as the said appendages, and projecting a little beyond the bristles, are densely ciliated. The scales (including the first pair) are all ovato-renifonn. furnished down the posterior margin with 2 or 3 large, conical, dark-coloured papillæ. and along the outer margin, with from 5 to 8 of a lightish yellow (PI. I, fig. 17). Viewed through a lens, the entire surface of the scales, excepting only the inner anterior margin, is found to be covered with minute hard protube- rances. These minute protuberances are in form either semi-globose or somewhat oblong, and in colour partly dark-brown, partly light-yellow; whereas the large papillæ on the margin are conical, and divided at the point, which consists of a fascicle of short spikes, uniform in thickness (PI. I. fig. 18). Along the outer margin is seen a series of closely set. comparatively short cilia, which occur, too. sparingly distributed, along the posterior margin, and. ex- tending inwards, also over the outer posterior portion of the surface. The parapodia have short, thick dorsal and com- paratively long ventral protuberances, together with a short ventral cirrus, which does not reach to the extremity of the pedal protuberance (PI. I. fig. 19). The dorsal bristles somewhat shorter than, but nearly equal in thickness to, the ventral, which have the points simple, and are much more coarsely dentated than the dorsal, the latter being exceed- 4 26 Denne Polynoe har megen Lighed med Eunoe Oer- stedi, Malmgren, og Eunoe nodosa. M. Sårs. men skiller sig fra begge derved, at Hovedets tynde Tilliæng ere ucilierede og ved Skællenes Form. idet ogsaa første Par Skæl ere nyreformigt aflange, samt ved Skællenes Bygning. Polynoe semisculpta, Johnston (?). Reykjavik. Da jeg ikke er ganske sikker paa Diagnosen hidsætter jeg en Beskrivelse af Dyret. 40 Led. 15 Par Elytrer. de bagerste Led ubedæk- kede. Hovedlappen ligesaa bred som lang. Bagre Par Øine paa Issen, forreste Par midt paa ydre Rand. Pal- perne ligesom Tentakelen og Tentakelcirrerne omtrent 2'/2 Gange saa lange som Hovedet, Antennerne l/2 Gang saa lange som Palperne (Tab. III. Fig. 16). Tentakel. Anten- ner og Tentakelcirrer ere ligesom Dorsalcirreme tæt cilie- rede. Fodderne. delte i to omtrent lige lange Børsteknu- der, med en kort Ventralcirre (Tab. III, Fig. 17). De dorsale Børster kun lidt mere end halvt saa lange som de ventrale. lidt tykkere end disse, samt lint tværtandéde. De ventrale Børster med todelt Spids og meget grovere tvær- tandéde (Tab. III. Fig. 18). Elytrerne for det blotte Øie glatte med endel sniaa. mørke, aflange Kunder langs bagre Rand; første Par runde, de derpaa følgende nyreformige, deretter aflange. og de bagerste ægformige med deu længste Axe rettet forfra bagtil. Under Mikroskopet vise Skællene over hele Fladeu undtagen fortil og indad en Besætning af smaa i Spidsen todelte haarde Knuder (Tab. III, Fig. 19 og 20). De større Papiller i Randen ere kølleformige og sidde paa en blød Stilk (Fig. 20). Langs ydre Rand sta ar der tæt, langs bagre Rand sparsomt Oilier. Farven er paa Skællene brun, Hovedet farveløst. Tilhængene brune, Ryg- gen farveløs. iugly dense and minutely serrate (Pl. I, tigs. 20. 21). The colour of the scales is brown in the middle of the posterior portion ol' the surface, changing to light-yellow along the sides. The body itself colourless.. On the dorsal cirri and the delicate appendages of the head a brown band below the points. This Polynoe bears a close resemblance to Eunoe Oer- sted!. Malmgren, and to Eunoe nodosa, M. Sars, but differs from both in not having the delicate appendages to the head ciliated, — also in the form of the scales (the first pair beiug like the rest ovato-reniforin) and in their general structure. Polynoe semisculpta, Johnston (?)'. Reykjavik. As it is not quite clear from the diagnosis whether this Annelid be strictly identical with Johnston's species, I will briefly describe it. Forty segments. 15 pairs "t' elytra': the posterior seg- ments naked. The lobe of the head as broad as long. The posterior pair of eyes on the crown, the anterior pair in the middle of the outer margin. The length of the palps, the tentacles, and the tentacular cirri is to that of the head about as 21 ._. to I; the antennæ half as long as the palps (PI. III. tig. 10). The tentacles, the antennæ, and the tentacular cirri are. like the dorsal cirri, densely ciliated. The feet, divided into two bristle-bearing protu- berances, about equal in length, with a. short ventral cirrus (PI. III. fig. 17). The dorsal bristles but little more than half as long as the ventral, a trifle thicker, and trans- versely serrulate. The ventral bristles with bipartite points, and much more coarsely serrate (PI. HI, fig. 18). The elytræ, to the naked eye, smooth, and studded with a num- ber of dark minute oblong nodules along the posterior margin: the first pair round, the remaining pairs succes- sively reniform. oblong, and — those farthest behind — ovate, with their longitudinal axis parallel to the line of the body. Under a magnifier, the whole surface of the scales, saving the anterior portion, is found to be studded with minute nodules, cleft at the points (PI. Ill, figs. 19, 2 Par Eh trer. der dække hele Ryggen. Hovedlappen (Tab. III. Fig. 1) Doget længere end bred, udtrukket i to afstumpede Spidser. Tentakelbasis meget tyk; Tentakelen selv tynd, omtrent 3 Gange saa lang som Hovedet. Pålperne af samme Længde, middels tykke, besatte med 6 Kader smaa Papiller. An- tennerne omtrent halvt saa lange som Tentakelen. Tenta- kelcirrerne at' samme Længde som Pålperne. Disse ligesom Tentakelen og Antennerne med en liden spindeltbrmig Op- drivning nedenfor Spidsen og med en brun Ring omkring samme, besatte med meget korte og ikke meget talrige Oilier. Dorsalcirreme af samme Form. men med ulige tal- rikere og bængere Oilier, række kun ubetydeligt udenfor Enden at' Børsterne. Skællene (Tab. III. Fig. 2) langs ydre Rand tæt cilierede; Oilier tindes ogsaa spredte langs bagre Rand og over den ydre Del af Fladen. Skællene forresten besatte meil talrige. tætstaaende. smaa. runde og koniske, haarde Kunder over hele Fladen undtagen langs indre fordre Rand. Knuderne ere farveløse eller gult far- vede, mod den bagre og ydre Rand blive de mere spar- somme, men storre og mestendels brunt til sortfarvede. og ved den bagre Rand rindes desuden 3 — -1 store, koniske, haarde Knuder. og langs den ydre cilierede Rand nogle storre lysgule Knuder. Disse storre Knuder have dels en glat, afrundet Spids, dels er denne spaltet i talrige mindre Knuder. Fodkimderne (Tab. III. Fig. 3) ere delte i to tem- melig jævnstore og spidse Børsteknuder: Yentralcirren ræk- ker hen til Spidsen af Fodknuden : de dorsale Børster noget kortere og tykkere end de ventrale (Tab. III. Fig. 3). begge tværtandede. de ventrale med enkel Spids (Tab. III. Fig. 4 og 5). Polynoe assimilis, n. sp. Stat. 363. Kroppen fladtrykt. 34 Led. 15 Par Elytrer. Hoved- lappen fortil stærkt indskaareil. noget længere end bred (Tab. I. Fig. 22). Tentakelbasis temmelig tyk. Tentakelen selv tynd. omtrent 2 Gange saa lang som Hovedet; Pål- perne runde, glatte, lidt længere end Tentakelen. Tentakel- cirrerne af Længde som Tentakelen. Antennerne halvt saa lange som denne. De tyude Tilhæng tæt cilierede. Ely- trerne af vanlig Form. overalt besatte med smaa haarde Polynoe arctica, n. sp. Stats. 223. 224. 237. The body comparatively broad; 36 segments. 15 pairs of elytra' covering the whole of the back. The lube of the head (PI. 111. tig. 1). somewhat longer than broad, produced in two obtuse points. Base of tentacle ex- ceedingly thick, the tentacle itself slender, about 3 times as lung as the head. The palps of the same length, mode- rately thick, and furnished with (i rows of minute papillæ. The antenna' about half as long as the tentacle. The ten- tacular cirri equal in length to the palps. The latter, as also the tentacle and the antennae, which are furnished with exceedingly short and not very numerous cilia, have a small fusiform process, encircled by a brown ring projec- ting from below the point. The dorsal cirri, similar in form, but with longer and far greater numbers of cilia, project but very little beyond the extremities of the bris- tles. The scales (PI. III. tig. 2) densely ciliated along the outer margin: cilia occur, too. sparingly dispersed, along the posterior margin, and over the outer portion of the surface. The scales covered, besides, over the whole sur- face, except along the inner anterior margin, with numbers of small, hard, closely set. round and conic, nodules. These nodules are either colourless or yellow, towards the outer posterior margin more sparingly distributed, but larger, and mostly brown or black; on the posterior margin occur, too. 3 or 4 large, conic, hard nodules, and along the outer ciliated margin a few more, light-yellow in colour and com- paratively large. The latter have either a smooth, rounded or a cleft, bipartite point. Many smaller nodules. The pedal protuberances (PI. Ill, tig. 3) are divided into two acuminate bristle-bearing nodules: the ventral cirrus reaches to the summit of the ventral protuberances; the dorsal bristles somewhat shorter and thicker than the ventral (PI. III. tig. 3); both transversely serrate, the ven- tral with simple points (PI. Ill, figs. 4. 5). Polynoe assimilis, n. sp. Stat. 363. Body depressed; 34 segments. 15 pairs of elytræ. The lobe of the head somewhat longer than broad; ante- riorly, very emarginate (PL I. tig. 22). Base of tentacle comparatively thick; the tentacle itself slender, about twice the length of the head : the palps round, smooth, a trifle longer than the tentacle. The tentacular cirri of the same length as the tentacle: the antennæ 'half as long. The slender appendages densely ciliated. The elytræ of the usual . 4* 28 Enuder undtagen langs indre fordre Raud (Tab. I, Fig. 24). Knuderne (Tab. I. Fig. 25) tiltage i Størrelse inod den bagre og ydre Rand. og mod den bagre Rand tindes to større halykugleformige Knuder, der ere sammensatte af et stort Antal Smaaknuder. Tætte og lange Cilier langs ydre Rand, kortere saadanne langs den bagre Rand. Paa disse Skæl tindes ligesom hos P. globifera ved den ydre Rand et Parti, der er blodere end Resten af Skællet og derfor indsunket under dettes Niveau. Fodknuderne med en meget kort dorsal Gren og en temmelig lang ventral Gren. Ventralcirren temmelig kort, rækker ei lien til Spidsen af Fodknuden (Tab. I. Fig. 23). De dorsale Børster noget kortere og tykkere end de ven- trale; Børsterne forresten af den sædvanlige Bygning (Tab. I. Fig. 26). Polynoe spinulosa, n. sp. Stat. 363. Kroppen stor, Had, 7 Ctm. lang, 3 Ctm. bred med Børster, 36 Led. 15 Par Elytrer. der dække hele Ryggen. Hovedlappen liden, lidt længere end bred (Tab. I, Fig. 6). Tentakelen tynd, omtrent 4 Gange saa lang som Hovedet; Palperne runde, længere end Tentakelen, besatte med 6 Rader sinaa Papiller, alene synlige under Mikroskopet. Antennerne halvt saa lange som Tentakelen. Tentakelcir- rerne af samme Længde som Tentakelen. De tynde Til- hæng ligesom Dorsalcirrerne, der. kun række ganske lidt udenfor Børsterne, tæt cilierede. Elytrerne af vanlig Form, tæt besatte med smaa, koniske, haarde Knuder, undtagen langs fordre indre Rand (Tab. I, Fig. 8). Mod den bagre Rand blive Knuderne større og for en stor Del sortfarvede, og ved den bagre Rand tindes en Gruppe af 3 meget lange koniske Knuder med kløftede Spidser og mørke (Tab. I. Fig. 8 og 9). Langs ydre Rand 2 til 3 mindre saadanne og lyse (Fig. 8). Skællene ere langs ydre Rand tæt cilie- rede, og spredte Cilier tindes langs bagre Rand. Fodknuderne (Tab. I, Fig. 7) korte og tykke; den ventral e Gren tvert afskaaren og længere end den dorsale. De dorsale Børster noget kortere end de ventrale, der nedenfor den glatte, enkle, let krummede Spids ere meget form, everywhere studded, save along the inner anterior margin (PI. I. tig. 24). with minute hard nodules. The nodules (PL I, fig. 25) increase in magnitude towards the posterior and outer margins; arid at the posterior margin occur two comparatively large semi-globular protuberances, composed of numerous smaller ones. Long and closely set cilia on the outer margin; shorter cilia disposed along the whole of the posterior margin. On the scales, occurs at the outer margin, as in P. globifera, a section softer than the remaining part of the scale, and therefore sunk below the level, of the surrounding surface. The pedal protuberances with an exceedingly short dorsal and a comparatively long ventral branch. The ven- tral cirrus, comparatively short, does not reach to the ex- tremity of the pedal protuberance (PI. I. tig. 23). The dorsal bristles a trifle shorter and thicker than the ven- tral ; both of the usual structure ( PI. 1. tig. 26). Polynoe spinulosa. n. sp. Stat. 363. Body large, flat, 7"" long, o'" broad, witli bristles; 36 segments, and 15 pairs of elytra' covering the whole of the back. The lobe of the head small, a trifle longer than broad (PL I. tig. 6); the tentacle slender, its length com- pared to the length of the head as 4 to 1 ; the palps round, longer than the tentacles, and furnished with 6 rows of, minute papillae, invisible to the naked eye. The antennæ half the length of the tentacle : the tentacular cirri of the same length as the tentacle. The slender appendages, as also the dorsal cirri, reaching but a very little beyond the points of the bristles, densely ciliated. The elytra? normal in form, thickly covered, except along the anterior inner mar- gin, with small, hard, conical nodules (PL I. tig. 8). To- wards the posterior margin, the nodules, mostly black, increase in magnitude, and on the posterior margin is seen a group of 3 exceedingly long, dark-coloured coni- cal protuberances, cleft at the points (PL I. tigs. 8, 9). Along the outer margin, occur 2 or 3 light-coloured smaller ones (tig. 8). The scales densely ciliated on the outer mar- gin; the posterior margin likewise furnished with cilia, but sparingly. The pedal protuberances short and thick (PL I, tig. 7). the ventral branch truncate, and longer than the dorsal. The dorsal bristles somewhat shorter than the ventral, which, below the smooth, simple, slightly arcuate points, are 29 grovere tvertandede end de tvertandede (Tab. 1. Fig. LO) der ere meget tint Polynoe foraminifera. n. sp. Stat. 338. Kroppen cm. (> Ctm. lang. Hovedet noget bredere end langt, ender forti] i to afrundede Prominentser (Tab. I, Fig. 11). Tentakelbasis meget lang, Tentakelen selv tynd. omtrent 4 Gange Hovedets Længde, Antennerue halvt saa lange som Tentakelen. Tentakelcirrerne af Tentakelens Længde; disse ligesom Tentakelen og Antennerue tæt cilie- rede. Palperne noget længere end Tentakelen, tykke, runde, med 6 Rader smaa Papiller. 15 Par Elytrer, der dække hele Ryggen. Skællene forsynede med en enkel lang, ko- nisk, haard Knude ved den bagre Rand (Tab. I. Fig. 13) og forresten besatte med t;etstaaende sniaa haarde Knuder, der ere lyse, men mod den bagre Rand blive lidt større og sorttarvede. Cilier langs ydre Rand ta>tstaaende. spar- somme langs bagre Raud. Desuden paa alle Skæl tiere Foraminiferer, der imponere som hvide, skinnende Knuder (Tab. 1, Fig. 14). Fodkuuderne med to korte Lapper, Ventralcirren rækker ikke ben til Spidsen al' Knudeu (rrab. I. Fig. 12). Borsterne at' vanlig Form. de dorsale kortere end de ven- trale, der nedenfor den enkle krummede Spids ere grovere tvertandede end hine (Tab. I,- Fig. 12. a). Polynoe glaberrima, n. sp. Stat. 366. Dyret har megen Lighed med Lænilla glabra, Mahn- gren. Tentakelen mangler. Antennerue yderst korte. Pal- perne temmelig lauge, ikke meget tykke og fuldstændigt glatte, ogsaa under Mikroskopet. Tentakelcirrerne lidt kor- tere end Palperne. sparsomt eilierede (Tab. III. Fig. 6). I dens Basalstykke tindes ikke som hos Lænilla glabra to Bolster, men derimod en Acicula (Tab. III, Fig. it). Skællene fuldstændigt glatte uden Spor at haarde Knuder (Tab. III, Fig. 7); langs ydre Rand nogle faa og tynde Cilier; enkelte ogsaa indover Fladen et Stykke (Tab. III. Fig. 8). Fodknudernes (Tab. III, Fig. 10) dorsale Gren forholdsvis temmelig stor og langt fremragende; Yen- mueli more coarsely dentate than the dorsal. tb,e latter being minutely serrulate (Pl. I. hg. 10). Polynoe foraminifera, n. sp. Stat. 338. ' Body about !>"" in length. Head somewhat broader than long, terminating anteriorly in two rounded prominen- ces (PI. I, tig. 11). Base of tentacle exceedingly long; the tentacle itself slender, about 4 times the length of the head; the antenna' half as long as the tentacle. The ten- tacular cirri of the same length as the tentacle, and both, together with the antenme, closely ciliated. The palps, somewhat longer than the tentacle, thick, round, with 6 row's of minute papilhe; 15 pairs of elytra', covering the whole of the back. The scales with a long, simple, coni- cal, hard protuberance on the posterior margin (PI. I. fig. 13), and studded besides with small, closely set nodules, light in colour, but changing to black and somewhat larger towards the posterior margin. The outer and the posterior margin furnished with cilia, the former densely, the latter sparingly. Moreover, on all the scales occur divers Foraminifera, having the apjjearauce of white, lust- rous granules (PL I, tig. 14). The pedal protuberances with two short lobes; the ventral cirrus not reaching to the summit of the protuber- ance (PI. I. fig. 12). The bristles normal in form, the dor- sal shorter than the ventral, which, a little below the simple arcuate point, are much more coarsely transverse- serrate than the former (PI. I. tig. 12, a). Polynoe glaberrima, n. sp. Stat. 3t;ii. This animal bears a close resemblance to Lænilla' glabra, Malmgren. Tentacle wanting ; antennæ exceedingly short. The palps comparatively long, not very thick, and — even under a lens — quite smooth. The tentacular cirri, sparingly ciliated, somewhat shorter than the palps (PI. III. tig. 6). Their basal portion not furnished, as in Lænilla glabra, with two bristles, but with one acicula (PI. Ill,' tig. 9). The scales completely smooth, without a trace of hard protuberances (PI. III. rig. 7); along the outer margin some few delicate cilia, and also, a little inwards, on the surface (PI. Ill, rig. 8). The dorsal branch of the pedal protube- rances comparatively large, and much produced ; the ventral 30 tralcirren naar ikke hen til Spidsen af den ventrale Gren. De dorsale Børster kortere og tykkere end de ventrale; hine tint og tæt tvertandede (Tab. III. Fig. 11. a); de ventrale med en lang sylformig Spids. og forst temmelig langt nedenfor Spidsen begynde Takkerne. der ere temme- lig lange og faa (Fig. 11. b. r). Nemidia Torelli (?), Mgrn. Stat. 374. Det er kun med Usikkerhed. at jeg henfører 2 Brud- stykker af en Polynoe til denne af Malmgren opstillede Form. Det ene Exemplar var 2 Otm. langt og 0.8 Ctm. bredt med Børster, havde 20 Segmenter og 2 Elytrer. 1 af Iste og 1 af 2det Par paa den ene Side. Hovedlappen noget længere end bred. ender i to spidst uddragne Pro- minentser (Tab. III. Fig. 12) uden tydelige Øine. Ten- takelen tynd. omtrent 3 Gange saa lang som Hovedet. Palperne glatte, middels tykke, noget længere end Tenta- kelen; Tentakelcirrerne glatte, af Tentakelens Længde. Antennerne ere meget korte. 1/4 af Hovedets Længde. Elvtrerne glatte uden Spor af haarde Knuder eller Cilier. Dorsalcirrerne ra-kke til Spidsen af Børsterne, glatte. Fod- knuderne delte i to meget spidse Grene (Tab. III. Fig. 13); de dorsale Børster faa i Anta] og meget kortere end de ventrale. Begge Sorter yderst tynde og med sylformige Spidser (Tab. III. Fig. 14. a Dorsal, b Ventral). Det andet Exemplar havde ogsaa 20 Segmenter, men er 3 Ctm. langt og 1.5 Ctm. bredt med Børster. Iste Par Skæl sidder fast og der medfølger flere affaldne Ely- trer. Børsterne ere meget tykkere end hos hine. især de dorsale, der som vanligt have en afrundet Spids. men ud- mærke sig ved sin yderst line Tvertanding ligesom hos det andet Exemplar. De ventrale Børster af aldeles samme Bygning som hos det andet Exemplar med en lang sylfor- mig Spids (Tali. III. Fig. 15). Ørnene ere hos dette Exem- plar lidt mere fremtrædeude end hos det andet. Elytrerne ere farveløse. enkelte af de større med nogle brunlige Flek- ker og langs ydre Rand samt paa den ydre Del af Fladen med et ringe Antal yderst korte Cilier. cirrus not reaching to the extremity of the ventral branch. The dorsal bristles shorter and thicker than the~ventral ; the former minutely 'transverse-serrate (PI. III. tig. 11. a); in the latter, the spikes, few in number and comparatively long (fig. 3. 6, r). commence some distance below the long, styliform point. Nemidia Torelli (?), Mgrn. Stat. 374. It is with considerable hesitation that I refer two fragments of a Polynoe to this form, established by Malm- gren. One of the mutilated specimens, measuring 2"" in length and 0.8 '"' in breadth, including the bristles, was furnished with 2< I segments and 2 elytræ on either side. 1 belonging to the 1st and 1 to the 2nd pair. The lobe ' of the head, somewhat longer than broad, ter- minating in 2 acuminate prominences (PL III. fig. 12); eyes not distinctly obvious. Tentacle slender, about thrice the length of the head. The palps smooth and moderately thick, somewhat longer than the tentacle: the tentacular cirri, of the same length as the tentacle, smooth. The antennæ exceedingly short, their length being to the length of the head as 1 to 4. The elytra' smooth, without a trace of hard knotty protuberances, or of cilia. The dorsal cirri, reaching to the points of the bristles, smooth. The pedal protuberances bearing two exceedingly acuminate branches (PI. III. fig. 13); the dorsal bristles much shorter than the ventral, and few in number; both exceedingly slender, and with styliform points (PI. Ill, fig. 14; a dorsal. 6 ventral). The other specimen, too. had 20 segments, but did not measure more than 3"" in length and 1.5™ in breadth, with the bristles. The first pair of scales was still in situ, and there were several detached elytræ. The bristles much thicker than in the first specimen, particularly the dorsal, which have, as usual, a rounded point, but are distinguish- ed, like those in the first specimen, by their exceedingly minute transverse serration. The ventral bristles, of. pre- cisely the same structure as those in the first specimen, have a long styliform point (PI. Ill, fig. 15). The eyes in this example a trifle more conspicuous than in the other. The elytræ are mostly colourless; some of the larger ones, however, exhibit a few brownish spots : and along the outer margin, as also over the outer portion of the surface, occur a limited number of exceedingly short cilia. 31 Phyllodoce arctica. n. sp. Stat. 321. Hovedlappen, med hjerteformig Basis, lidt bredere cud lang (Tab. 111. Fig. 21). Den udkrængede Proboscis cylindriskj paa den bagre Del forsynet med 12 Bader smaa Papiller, 6 paa liver Side, med omtrent 15 Papiller i bver Kad. Den forreste Del noget tykkere end den bagre, for- synet med Tverrvnker. Fodknudernes (ivre Blad afrundet firkantet (Tab. III. Fig. 2'2): det nedre Blad aflangt til spidst, rækker lidt udenfor Enden af Børsteknuderne. Bør- sterne sammensatte. Endeledet svagt bøiet og langs den konkave Band tint tandet (Tab. III. Fig. 23). Dyret har mest Lighed med Ph. mucosa, fra hvilken det hovedsake- ligst skiller sig ved Antallet af Papiller paa Snabelen. Nephthys atlantica. n. sp. Stat. IS. 31, 87. Et lidet Stykke fra bver Station, det længste 5 Ctm. langt. Hos det ene Exemplar er Snabelen delvis udstrakt og den udkrængede Del er tæt besat med Papiller i Længderader; den nærmest Hovedet liggende Del er glat. Ved at klippe op Snabelen sees den besat med Papiller lige til Mundingen, om hvilken der tindes en Krands af sti irre Papiller. Branchier tindes kun paa 13de til 35te Led. mangler baade foran og bag disse Led (Tab. IA', Fis. 1. 2). Typhlonereis gracilis, n. g. & n. sp. Stat. 40. To Forender, den Lengste 4 Ctm. lang og 2""" bred. Legemet fortil lidt smalere end bageafor. Hovedet meget længere end bredt (Tab. IV. Fig. 15), to Tentakler. halvt saa lange som Hovedet; Palperne store med halv- kugleformigt Endeled. Tentakelcirrerne korte, kun lidt længere end Hovedet. Ingen Øine. De lire første børste- bærende Segmenter have kun et Børstebimdt og mangle Dorsal- og Ventralcirre (Tab. IV. Fig. 17): de følgende Led have 2 Borstebtmdter samt begge ('irrer (Tab. IV, Fig. 16). I hvert Børstebundt en tynd, kort Acicula, i ovre Bundt kun faa Børster, i nedre to separate Bundter. Phyllodoce arctica. n. sp. Stat. 321. The lobe of the bead, a trifle broader than long, with oordiform base (PI. III. fig. 21). The evaginated proboscis cylindrical, furnished along its posterior portion with 12 rows of small papilhe (about 15 papilbe in each row), li On either side. The anterior portion, somewhat thicker than the posterior, transverse rugose. The pedal protube- rances have the upper lamella convexo-quadrangular (PI. 111. fie. 22): the lower lamella, ovato-acuminate, reaches a little beyond the extremity of the bristle-bearing protube- rance. The bristles compound, slightly curved, and finely serrate along the concave margin (PL III. fig. 23). This animal bears closest resemblance to Ph. mucosa, from which it is distinguished chiefly by the number of papillæ on the proboscis. Nephthys atlantica. n. sp. Stats. 18. 31, ST. A small fragment from each Station, the largest measuring 5"". In one of the mutilated specimens, the proboscis is partially exserted. and the evaginated portion appears densely studded with papillæ, arranged in longitu- dinal series; the part nearest the head is smooth. On opening the proboscis, the papilla- may be traced to the oral aperture, which is encircled by a cincture of larger papillæ. Branchiae occur from the 13th to the 35th seg- ment, but are wanting on the others (PL IV. tigs. 1. 2). Typhlonereis gracilis, n. g., n. sp. Stat. 40. Two anterior portions, the largest measuring 4"" in length and 2""" in breadth. The body a trifle more attenuate anteriorly than posteri- orly. The head much longer than broad (PL IV, fig. 15) ; two tentacles half the length of the head; the palps large, with semi-orbicular terminal articulations. The tentacular cirri short, but very little longer than the head. No eyes. The four first bristle-bearing «segments have each a fascicle of bris- tles, but neither dorsal nor ventral cirri (PL IV. tig. 17): the succeeding segments are furnished with two fascicles of bristles, and have both dorsal and ventral cirri (PL IV. tig. 16 ). In each fascicle is seen a slender, short acicula: the supe- 32 I det øverste Buudt samme Sort Børster som de dorsale, sammensatte med en temmelig lang. lige og tynd Spids (Tab. IV. Fig. 19, a); i nedre Bundt ogsaa sammensatte Børster, men med en kortere og tykkere samt svagt krum- met Spids (Fig. 19. 6). Kjæverne temmelig stærkt krum- mede med en lang Spids og langs indre Rand forsynede med lo afstumpede Tænder (Tab. IV. Fig. 18). Mangelen paa Øine ligesom de manglende dorsale Børsteknuder i de 4 forreste Fodknuder have bevæget mig til at opføre dette Dyr som Repræsentant for en ny Slægt. Onuphis hyperborea, n. sp. Stat. 18. 48. Flere Exemplarer i sine Rør, der ere flade og besatte med Smaasten. 5 til 6 Ctm. lange. Dyrene rage med Forenden ud af Rørene. Det længste Exemplar paa 58 Led 5 Ctm. langt med en største Bredde af 0.5 Ctm. Legemet er langstrakt, smalere fortil. tiltager jævnt i Bredde indtil det 15de Led. holder sig dernæst af ja? vu Bredde til henimod Bagenden. hvor det atter afsmalner. Hovedlappen temmelig stærkt hvælvet: Antennerne korte, aflange. Palperne tykkere og længere. under Hovedet (Tab. IV, Fig. 5 og 6). Tentakleme med korte tværrynkede Basalled. meget lauge; den midtre naar tilbageboiet til bagre Rand af 5te Segment; de to derpaa følgende ere omtrent dobbelt saa lange; de to forreste og yderste igjen kortere end den midtre. To Øine. et paa hver Side. udåd og bagtil for det længste Par Tentakler. Første Segment, omtrent dobbelt san bredt som langt, bærer paa hver Side en kort Følercirre. er uden Fodder. 2det Segment ogsaa dobbelt saa bredt som langt, de følgende Segmenter tiltage i Bredde og aftage i Længde. De to første Par Fødder større end de følgende, forsynede med Dorsal- og Ventral- cirre og i Spidsen med to cirreformige Vedhæng (Labier). et øvre kortere og tykkere og et nedre længere og tyndere (Tab. IV. Fig. Kl. 11). I disse 'to Knuder tindes kun aciculære Børster, todelte i Spidsen. med en lang krum Ydertand og en liden Antydning til en Tand nedenfor denne ( Pig. 10). Børsterne række kun med sine Spidser ud mellem de to cirreformige Vedhæng. 3die til 10de Fodkuude med noget længere Dorsalcirre. men uden Ven- tralcirre, istedetfor hvilken der optræder en halvkugleformig lvnude ved Basis af Fodkmiden (Tab. IV. Fig. 12). Der tindes paa Spidsen to cirreformige Vedhæng, det nedre længere end det øvre. længst paa 3die Segment. Børsterne. rior fascicle consisting of but few bristles, the interior of two separate fascicles. The bristles in the superior fascicle similar to the compound dorsal bristles, and terminating in a comparatively long, straight, and slender point (PI. IV. fig. 19, a); the inferior fascicle likewise consisting of com- pound bristles, which have however a shorter, thicker, and slightly arcuate point (fig. 19. b). The jaws a good deal curved, with an elongated point, and furnished along the inner margin with 10 obtuse teeth (PL IV, fig. 18). As both the eyes and the fascicles of dorsal bristles in the 4 anterior pedal protuberances are wanting in this form. I have thought proper to constitute a new genus for its reception. Onuphis hyperborea, n. sp. Stats. 18. 48. Several specimens in their tubes (bcm or 6 ™ in length), which are flat and studded with minute pebbles. The an- terior portion of the animal projects out of the tube. The largest example, with 58 segments, measured 5OT in length and 0.5"" in breadth. Body elongate, anterior extremity narrow ; the breadth, however, gradually increases up to the 15th segment, from thence continuing uniform almost to the posterior extrem- ity, where it again diminishes. The lobe of the head arcuate; the antennæ short, oblong; the palps thicker and shorter under the head (PI. IV, figs. 5. 6). The tentacles exceedingly long, with short, transversely corrugated basal articulations; the medial ten- tacle reaches, when bent back, to the posterior margin of the 5th segment; the two succeeding tentacles are about twice as long, and the outermost anterior pair shorter than the medial tentacle. Two eyes, one on either side, with- out and posterior to the longest pair of tentacles. The first segment, without feet, about as broad as long, having on either side a short cirrhiferous feeler: the second seg- ment likewise as broad as long, whereas the remaining seg- ments increase in breadth and diminish in length. The two ' first pairs of parapodia larger than the rest, furnished with dorsal and ventral cirri, and bearing at the extremity two cirrhiferous appendages (labia?), one above, short and thick, and one below, long and slender (PI. IV. figs. 10, 11). These two protuberances are only furnished with acicular bristles, cleft at the points, with a long, curved outer tooth, and a little below it a dental rudiment (fig. 10). The points of the bristles reach only between the cirrhiferous appendages. The pedal protuberances, from the 3rd to tlie loth inclusive, with somewhat longer dorsal cirri, but no ventral cirri, in place of which occurs a semi-globular 33 der kun rage ubetydeligt frem. ere 3 Slags: aciculøse Bør- ster af samme Form som i to forreste Led, men med en meget kortere ydre Tand og med Spidsen ligesom (hekket af en Sætte; haarformige, svagt gule Børster med en Lang bredbræmmet S]iiils. der staar lidt skraat mod Stilken, og endelig meget tynde, farveløse Horster, der i Enden ere udbredte til en vifteformig, tint stribet (foldet?) Membran (Fig. 12). At disse Horster ikke ere infundibuliforme. som Malmgren kakler dem. men meiselformige, som de betegnes af Ehlers, sees let. naar man faar dem halvt i Profil. Paa Ilte Kod. der forresten er udstyret som de foran liggende, tindes indenfor Dorsalcirren en kort Brancbie (Tab. IV, Fig. 13). Dorsalcirrerne blive bagover mindre og mindre, indtil de ganske forsvinde ved det 21de Led; Branchier tindes mindst til det 8de Led bagfra, kanske endnu læn- gere. Fodknuderne forresten uforandrede, kun aftagende i Størrelse lige til Analleddet. der er forsynet med to meget lange Analcirrer (Tab. IV, Fig. 9). Farven: Hovedets Forende blaagrøn. Iste Led brunt, de følgende Led med en. jo længere bau. desto smalere brun Bræm langs fordre Rand; de bagerste Led farveløse; her skinner Tarmen igjennem. Denne Onuphis har mest Lighed med 0. conchylega, M. Sårs. hvis Kor ikke altid er dækket med Conchylie- fragmenter, men oftere tindes dækket med Smaasten som hos den her beskrevne Art. Rørene have hos begge Arter deu samme nadtrykt firkantede Form. 0. conchylega har derimod i 2det Par Fodknuder 3 Slags Børster, denne Art kun aciculøse. Kjæverne ere ens af Bygning, men Tæn- derne have hos 0. roii'-hylrga 9 Takker, hos denne Art kun s 'i Tab. IV. Fig. 7), og Tændeme ere hos 0. conchy- lega i det hele lysere, kun langs de takkede Render morktfarvede. skjønt der i denne Henseende tindes mange Modifikationer. Glycera capitata. Ørst. Af Exemplarer indfangede i Saltstrømmen havde et en tvedelt Bagende med Forlængelse af Tarmkanalen ud i begge Grene (Tab. V. Fig. 27 ). Den nnrske Nordharsexpedition. G. A. Hausen: Annelida. prominence at the base of the pedal protuberance (PI, IV. fig. 12). At the summit are seen two cirrhiferous appen- dages, the lower longer than the upper, and longest on the 3rd segment. The bristles — but slightly projecting — are of three kinds, viz.: — 1) acicular bristles, similar to those on the two anterior segments but with a much shorter outer tooth, and having the point, as it were, covered with a mantlet; 2) capilliform, pale yellow bristles, with an elon- gate, broad-bordered point, inclining towards the pedicle; and 3) exceedingly delicate, colourless bristles, spreading out at the extremity into a finely striate (folded?) flabelli- form membrane (fig. 12). That these bristles are not. as termed by Malmgren, mfundibuliform, but. as Ehlers calls them, chisel-shaped, is seen at a glance when regarding them obliquely. The 11th foot, in other respects precisely similar to those preceding it, bears, inside the dorsal cirrus, a short branchia (PI. IV. fig. 13). Posteriorly, the dorsal cirri become smaller and smaller, till, at the 21st segment, they disappear altogether. Branchiae occur at least, coun- ting backwards, to the 8th segment, possibly still farther. The pedal protuberances, continuing in other respects uni- form, diminish gradually in magnitude out to the anal orifice, which has two exceedingly long anal cirri (PI. IV. fig. 9). Colour: — The anterior extremity of the head bluish- green ; 1st segment brown : the following segments distinguished by a brown edge along the anterior margin, becoming narrower at each successive segment: the posterior seg- ments colourless. Here the intestine shines through the skin. This Onuphis bears most resemblance to 0. conchy- lega, M. Sars, in which the tube is not always covered with conchilious fragments, but frequently with minute pebbles, as is the case with the species here described. In both species the tubes have the same depressed, quadrang- ular form. 0. condiylega is. on the other hand, distinguished by three kinds of bristles on the 2nd pair of pedal protu- berances; this species has only one — the acicular. The maxillæ are in both species similar as to structure: but the teeth in 0. conchylega have 9 jags, in this species only 8 (PI. TV. fig. 7); moreover, the teeth in 0. conchy- lega are lighter in colour, being dark only along the jagged margins, though in this respect numerous modifications are observed. Glycera capitata, Ørst. Among the specimens of this form brought up at Saltstrømmen. one had the posterior extremity bipartite. with the intestinal canal produced into both branches. (PI. V. fig. 27,. 34 Aricia arctica, n. sp. Stat, 224. Jan Maven, KJ — 15 Favne. To Exemplarer ca. 3 Ctm. lange og 1 — l1/*"" brede. Bagenden mangler hos begge. Kropslbrmen (Tab. V, Fig. 20 & 25) den samme som hos A. Cuvieri og norregica, Forkroppen dog stærkere fladtrykt. Hovedet konisk til- spidset uden Tilhæng og Øine; Mundsegmentet halvt saa hi nat som Hovedet, men dobbelt saa bredt som dette. Forkroppens dorsale Børstebundter (Tab. V. Fig. 21) sidde paa Randen mellem Ryg og Sideflader, og ere forsynede med en yderst kort Cirre eller Labie ; de ventrale Børster sidde i lange Rader paa Kroppens Sidedel (Tab. V. Fig. 21, 25); Fodknuden er ikke som hos de to andre Arter forsynet med et tandet Blad. I begge Børstebundter tynde, ringede Haarborster og i den ventrale Kimde desuden et større Antal kortere og tykkere Børster mellem hine. af en ganske anden Form end hos begge de andre Arter, med en afrundet, bøiet Spids og nedenfor denne svagt sagtan- dede langs den ene Rand (Tab. Y, Fig. 26). Brancbierne begynde som yderst smaa Fremragninger først paa det 12te Segment (Fig. 20) og tiltage bagover i Størrelse, ind- til de paa det 17de Segment naa sin falde Størrelse som tilspidsede Blade, der sidde temmelig nær Midtlinien paa den her flade Ryg. Fra dette Segment faa ogsaa Fod- knuderne en anden Form (Tab. V. Fig. 22) og Stilling, idet den dorsale nu sidder et Stykke inde paa Ryggen og har et Labium, der kun er lidet kortere end Branchien. og den ventrale Knude sidder paa Randen mellem Ryg og Sidellade og er forsynet med et Læbeblad, der sidder udåd og nedad for Knuden. I begge Knuder tindes fra nu af kun tynde. ringede Haarbørste». i den ventrale kun et ringe Antal. Af Billeder, jeg flere Gange har seet, fremgaar det, at de som ringede udseende Børster i Virkeligheden kun ere sagtakkede paa den ene Side og, naar denne Side vender til Beskueren, se ud som ringede (Tab. V, Fig. 23, 24). Scalibregma (?) abyssorum, n. sp. Stat. 18. Kun Forenden. 8""" lang og 1""" bred, noget afsmal- nende fortil. med udkrænget Snabel (Tab. V. Fig. 1 og 2). Hovedet er en firkantet Lap, bredere fortil end bagtil, uden Øine og uden Tentakler (Tab. V. Fig. 3). Mund- segmentet børsteløst. de tire følgende Led med to vifte- formige Bundter meget tynde Haarborster paa hver Side. Paa 3die til 5te Led sidder der paa hver Side bag det dorsale Børstcbundt en Branchie, den paa 4de Led størst. Aricia arctica, n. sp. Stat. 224. Jan Mayen 10—15 fathoms. Two specimens. 3"" long and 1 — l1/./""' broad; the posterior extremity wanting in both. The form of the body (PI. V, figs. 20, 25) the same as in A. Cuvieri and A. norvec/ica, but the anterior portion more depressed. The head acuminate, without either appendages or eyes; the oral segment half the length of the head and double its breadth. The dorsal fascicle of bristles (PI. V, tig. 21) disposed along the margin between the dorsal and lateral surfaces, and furnished with an exceedingly short cirrus, or labium; the ventral bristles arranged in long rows on the lateral portion of the body (PI. V. figs. 21, 25); the pedal protuberances not provided as in the other two species with a dentate lamella. In both fascicles of bristles slender annulated capillary bristles; and in the ventral protuber- ance, besides, a considerable number of shorter and thicker bristles, dispersed between the latter and of a totally different form from that in both the other species. — having an arcuate point, and. a little below it, one of the margins slightly dentate (PL V. rig. 2(3). The branchiae, commen- cing on the 12th segment (tig. 20) as minute projections, increase in magnitude posteriorly, the largest, occurring as acuminate lamellae in comparatively close proximity to the mesial line of the flat dorsal surface, being those on the 17th segment. From this segment, too. the pedal protu- berances are characterized by a different form (PI. V, fig. 22) and position: the dorsal protuberance, which has a labium but little shorter than the branchia, placed on the back a little inwards: and the ventral protuberance, with a labiate lamella beyond and below it. occurring on the margin between the dorsal and lateral surfaces. From here, in both protuberances, exclusively slender, annulated. capilliform bristles. Judging from several representations I have seen, these "annulated" bristles are serrate, but on one side only, which, when that side is turned towards the observer, gives them an annulated appearance (PI. V. figs. 23, 24). Scalibregma (?) abyssorum, n. sp. Stat. 18. The anterior extremity only, measuring 8""" in length and 1 """ in breadth, a trifle narrower anteriorly ; proboscis exserted (PI. V, figs. 1, 2). The head constituting a quad- rangular lobe, broader anteriorly than posteriorly, without either eyes or tentacles (PI. V, fig. 3). Bristles wanting on the oral segment, the four succeeding segments with two flabelliform fascicles of exceedingly thin capillary brist- les on either side. The 3rd, 4th. and 5th segments are 35 der fra en temmelig tyk Stilk løber ml i talrige smaa Ende- grene (PL A'. Fig. 4). Disse 5 Lcd ere ganske glatte uden nogen Fure mellem Leddene paa Rygfladen. De bagen- forbggende Lcd ere Inert ved dybe Purer delt i fire Binge og paa den bagerste af disse Ringe sidde paa bver Sule to Børstebundter i to smau koniske Kumler ('P. V. Fig. 5). Børsterne ere Haarbørster som i de forreste Led. men kortere og færre end paa disse; desuden findes i det ventrale Børstebundt paa alle Led et Antal kortere gaffelformede Børster, der sidde i en egen Sæk. med to lidt udadbøiede Tænder (T. V. Fig. ti). Den udkrængede Snabel er foldet. men glat. uden Tiender (Fig. 2). Scalibregma (?) parvum, n. sp. Stat. 18, 31. Af dette Dyr var' der et Exemplar fra Stat. 18. der var iturevet paa Midten, og fra Stat. 31 tire Exemplarer. af hvilke de .-> vare hele og liavde en Længde af 12""" og en Bredde af 1""". Kroppen er pølseformig (T. V, Fig. 12); hos et Exemplar Forenden noget opdrevet (T. Y. Fig. 11). Hovedlappen firkantet, bredere fortil end bagtil; de to forreste Hjorner udtrukne i en kort Papille. ved Basis en Grrube paa hver Side. i hvilken der sidder en liden rund Papille (T. V, Fig. 8). Iste Led børsteløst, i de folge nde Led sidde paa hver Side to vifte formige Borste- hundter i smaa mamilla-artige Knuder (T. V, Fig. 13), der efterhaanden blive større bagover. indtil der fra det 1 2te børstebærende Segment optræder ordentlige Fodknu- der, der ere delte i en dorsal og en ventral Gren, der hver have en spidst fremragende Del, af hvilke Bor- sterne komme frem, og, den dorsale opad, den ventrale nedad, indenfor Spidsen et lidt fremragende Blad. der er storst paa den dorsale Gren (T. V. Fig. 14). Leddene ere paa Forkroppen ved dybe Furer mere eller mindre fuldstændigt afdelte i to Ringe; paa Bagkroppen ere Led- dene delte i 3 Ringe. Furerne paa og mellem Leddene blive paa Bagenden utydelige: denne smalner jævnt af og ender med et lidt opdrevet Analled, Anus terminal (T. V, Fig. 10); Forknuderne aftage i Størrelse paa de 4 — 5 sidste Led og Børsterne blive kortere. Paa et Exemplar var Snabelen udkrænget og stod som en kugleformig Blære frem under Hovedet, fuldkommen furnished on either side, posterior to the dorsal fascicle of bristles, with a brancbia, which from a thickish stem sends off numerous terminal hranchlets. that on the 4th being the largest (PI. V, fig. 4). The five anterior seg- ments quite smooth on the dorsal surface, without a trace of intervening grooves or furrows. The posterior segments are each deeply sulcated, constituting four ring-shaped sec- tions, the posterior of which is furnished on eitber side with two fascicles of bristles composing two small conical protuberances (PL V. fig. 5). These bristles are capiUiform, as in the anterior segments, but shorter and less numerous; moreover, the ventral fascicle has on all the segments a number of comparatively short, furcate bristles, in a peculiar sac, each with two teeth bent slightly outwards (PL V, fig. 6). The evaginated proboscis folded, but quite smooth, without a trace of teeth (fig. 2). Scalibregma (?) parvum. n. sp. Stats. 18, 31. A specimen of this animal, mutilated in the middle, came up at Station 18, and 4 specimens, 3 of them perfect, measuring 12""" in length and 1'""' in breadth, were obtained at Station 31. Body cylindrical (PL V. tig. 12); in one of the specimens the anterior extremity was somewhat tumid (PL Y. tig. 11). The lobe of the head quadrangular, broader anteriorly than posteriorly: the two anterior angles produced, forming a wart-like prominence, with foveæ at the base, one on either side, in which is seen a small round papilla (PL V, fig. 8). Bristles wanting on the first segment; the succeeding segments furnished on either side with two flabelliform fascicles of bristles, placed in small mammillary protuberances (PL V, fig. 13). which, posteriorly, continue to increase in magnitude till, from the 12th bristle-hearing segment, they form true pedal protuberances, with a dorsal and a ventral branch, each having a pointed protrusive portion, from which the bristles on the dorsal branch project upwards, on the ventral, downwards; a little below the point is seen a slightly projecting lamella, largest on the dorsal branch (PL V. tig. 14). On the anterior portion of the body, the segments are more or less bisulcated. forming each two ring-shaped sections; on the posterior portion, the segments constitute three sectional rings. The furrows on and between the segments indistinct at the posterior extremity, which gradually narrows, terminating in a somewhat tumescent anal segment (anus terminal) (PL V, fig. 10); the last four or five pedal protuberances diminish in magnitude, the bristles, too, becoming shorter. In one of the specimens the proboscis was evaginated, and had the appearance of a globular vesicle protruding 5* 36 glat uden Tænder (T. V, Fig. 9). Børsterne ere som hos den foregaaende Art ens i alle Led, nemlig lange og tynde glatte Haarbørster (T. V, Fig. 17) og desuden i hver af de ventrale Knuder et Bundt gaffelformede Borster (T. V, Fig. 15. ft), af samme Form. men noget storre end de til- svarende hos foregaaende Art (T. V. Fig. 16). Gaffelformede Borster omtales af Malmgren som fore- kommende hos Ewmenia crossa. De rindes ikke alene hos denne, men ogsaa hos Scalibregma inflatum. De hos Eu- menia forekommende ere dog meget tykkere og have længere, i Spidsen stærkt udadbøiede Tænder. og dertil er den ene Tand rint sagtandet et Stykke langs den indre Rand ved Basis (T. V, Fig. 18). Hos Scalibregma inflatum ere de tyndere og Tænderne ikke saa lange, samt glatte (T. V, Fig. 19). Hos begge disse Dyr sidde disse Borster i et eget Blindt og kun den gaffelformige Spids rager udenfor Fodknuden. Alene Forekomsten af denne eiendommelige Børste- form hos de to beskrevne Dyr vikle være nok til at vise. at de henhørte til Scalibregmidæ. Kropsformen hos begge Arter stemmer mest med den hos Scalibregma og fornem- melig Hovedlappens Form og hos den sidste tillige For- knudernes paa Bagkroppen; den mangler rigtignok Branchier, men da vi vide. at disse ogsaa mangle hos unge Individer af Ewmenia crossa, saa tor vel det samme kunne være Til- fældet hos unge Exemplarer af Scalibregma. Og for den første Arts vedkommende tor det vel være. at de mang- lende Fodknuder har fondets paa den manglende Del af Dyret; her fandtes kun 13 Led og hos den anden optraadte Fodknuderne første paa 12te børsteførende Segment. Ammotrypane cylindricaudatus, n. sp. Stat. 31, 87. 2 Exemplarer, 5 ctm. lange og 1""" brede (T. VI. Fig. 20). Hovedlappen spids med to Grruber paa Over- fladen, mellem hvilke Huden rager frem 'som en Kol (T. VI, Fig. 21). Mundaabningen paa Undertladen. Ved forste Borstebundt ingen Branchie; derimod rindes en Branchie paa hver Side af de følgende 6 Led; paa de derpaa fol. gende 2). kortere og tykkere (Fig. 27) end de paa den øvrige Del af Kroppen (Fig. 25) og tillige let bruntfarvede, medens disse ere farveløse. Bag disse fire Led kommer et 3 — 4""" langt, glat Rør, som mod Enden er lidt opdrevet paa Dorsalsiden og her ender med en liden Tap. der hænger udover den kortere, brede Underlæbe for Analaab- ningen (T. VI. Fig. 22). Korets Overflade er tværfuret over Rygfladen og begge Sideflader; paa Bugfladen deri- mod tindes der to longitudinale Folder som Fortsættelse af Bugvalkene (T. VI. Fig. "23). Ved at komprimere denne Del og undersoge den under Mikroskopet sees den at være beklædt af en Chitinhud, der gaar i et med Kroppens; den er desuden forsynet med et Lag King- og et Lag Længde. muskler og inde i Roret kan Tarmkanalen skimtes. Hos det ene Exemplar manglede dette Ror (T. VI, Fig. 2*). Hvad enten nu dette er en udkrængbar Analtrakt, der kan trækkes ind i Kroppen eller den altid er ude. saa er den tilligemed de 4 fodknudebærende Led saa mærkelig, at Dyret kanske rigtigst burde henføres til en ny Slægt- men da det forresten viser saa stor Overensstemmelse med Ammotrypane aulogaster, har jeg foretrukket at henføre det til samme Slægt. Sphærodorum abyssorum, n. sp. Stat. do. Et mindre vel bevaret Exemplar, ca. 1 ctm. langt. tilspjdset i begge Ender (T. VI. Fig. 16). Chitinhuden er losnet over hele Bagenden. og ogsaa hist og her ellers. Dyret har mest Lighed med Ephesia gracilis. Det har som denne smaa klare Papiller paa Ryg- og Bugfladen; tiere saadanne tindes ogsaa paa hver af de kugleformige Rygcirrer (T. VI. Fig. 18), der ere fy kite med Celler, fuld- komment afgræudsede fra det øvrige Hypoderm. men hvis nærmere Anordning paa Grund af Præparatets Tilstand ei kan udredes. Ogsaa paa Enden af Fodknuderne tindes Papiller, og disses Børster række noget længere frem end hos Ephesia gracilis; der er som hos denne en Acicula i hvert Børstebundt. De 4 — 5 andre Horster ere sammen- satte: paa den bredere skraat afskaame Ende sidder en liden tvnd. krammet Spids (T. VI. Fig. 19). Lignende Borster rindes hos den af Graff i Ann. & Mag. of Natural History Vol. XX beskrevne Sphærodorum Claparedi. with true pedal protuberances (Pl. VI, rig. 22), bearing two fascicles of bristles. The pedal protuberances may be regarded as a. continuation of the ventral prominences; their bristles are exceedingly numerous (PI. VI, tig. 26), shorter and thicker (tig. 27) than those occurring elsewhere on the bodj i tig. 25), and of a lightish brown, whereas the latter are colourless. Posterior to these 4 segments is seen a smooth lobe, o'""' — 4""" long, somewhat raised at the extremity on the dorsal side, and terminating there in a slender spigot- shaped projection reaching out over the broad and com- paratively short nether lappet of the anal opening (PI. VI. rig. 22). The lobe is transversely striated both on the doi'sal and the lateral surfaces, whereas on the ventral surface occur two longitudinal folds, protending from the ventral prominences (PI. VI. Fig. 23). On compressing this tube and examining it under the microscope, it is found to be invested with a chitinous integument coalescing with that of the body; moreover, it has a layer of annular and a layer of longitudinal muscles, and within the tube can be discerned the intestinal canal. In one of the specimens the tube was wanting (PI. VI, rig. 28). Xow, whether this tube be an exserted anal tract admitting of being invaginated into the body, or whether it be non-retractile, it certainly constitutes, along with the 4 pedal protuberances, so remarkable a character, that a new genus should, perhaps, be established for the reception of the animal; but. possessing as it does, so much in common with Ammotrypane aulogaster, I have nevertheless referred it to the same genus. Sphærodorum abyssorum, n. sp. Stat. 33. A somewhat mutilated specimen, L'" in length, with acuminate extremities iPl. VI, rig. lti). The chitinous integument was detached over the whole of the posterior part, and here and there also in other places. This animal hears most resemblance to Ephesia gracilis, and is. in common with that form, furnished with small, transparent papillæ on the dorsal and ventral surfaces; several papillæ of the same kind occur, too, on each of the globular dorsal cirri (PI. VI, tig. 18), which are composed of cells, per- fectly distinct from those in the remaining portion of the matrix; their arrangement could not. however, be distin- guished owing to the bad state of the specimen. Papillæ also occur at the extremity of the pedal protuberances, whose bristles reach a trifle farther out than do those in Ephesia gracilis : as in that form, each fascicle is furnished with an acicula. The remaining bristles (4 or 5) compound ; at the broad, obliquely truncate extremity is seen a small, slender, arcuate point (PL VI, rig. 19). Similar bristles occur, according to Graff (Ann. & Mag. of Natural History, Vol. XX). in Sphærodorum Claparedi. 38 Trophonia hirsuta, n. sp. Stat. 18, 31. 3 ufuldstændige Exemplarer, det længste vel 1 ctm. langt med 21 Led. Kroppen aflang, tilspidset fortil med 8 — KJ lange fortil rettede Børster paa hver Side af Iste Segment (T. VII, Fig. 5). Huden besat med lange tynde Villi, der ere længst omkring Borsterne og paa Ryggen, kortest paa Bugfladen (T. VII, Fig. 6); paa Villi ligger et tyndt brunligt Slamlag (T. VII, Fig. 8, a). De dorsale Børster ere rette, lange, de ventrale kortere, brune med opadboiede Spidser (Fig. 6). Begge Sorter ere leddede, de tykkere ventrale (T. VII, Fig. 8) med længere og tydeligere fremtrædende Led end de dorsale (T. VII, Fig. 7). I den indtrukne Siphon ligge to korte, brede, bladlbrmige Tentakler og bag dem 8 sylformige Branchier. Trophonia borealis, n. sp. Stat. 270, 275. 3 ctm. lang, afrundet for begge Ender,; fortil lange fremadrettede Børster, der have Dyrets halve Længde (T. VII, Fig. 13); bagenfor dem 17 Led. Hele Overdåden tint grynet; de dorsale Børster temlig lange og let synlige, de ventrale korte, kun at opdage under Lupen. Farven brunlig, skyldes et Overtræk af Slam imprægneret med Sand og Smaasten; naar dette afskrabes er Huden farveløs og besat med Villi jævntæt paa Ryg og Bug. I øvre Børste- bundt 12 — 14 lange tynde Haarborster, der ere leddede (T. VII. Fig. 14. 15). I nedre Bundt 5—6 korte, svagt Sformigt krummede, tykke Børster, der nedenfor den glatte Spids have tynde Tværstriber og en skraat gaaende Længde- stribning (T. VII. Fig. 14. 16). Trophonia rugosa. n. sp. Magdalenabay, 30—50 F. 31/-- ctm. lang. 7'""' tyk, afsnialncnde mod den bagre Ende (T. VII, Fig. 9). Huden paa Rygfladen tværrynket, paa Bugfladen med smaa Gryn. Paa Iste Segment fortil Trophonia hirsuta, n. sp. Stats. 18, 31. ments, measuring 1 Three imperfect specimens, the largest, with 21 seg- in length. Body oblong, acuminate anteriorly, with from 8 to 10 long bristles, directed forwards, on either side of the 1st segment (PI. VII. fig. 5). The skin furnished with long slender villi, those round the bristles and on the back longest, those on the ventral surface shortest (PI. VII. tig. li); over the villi extends a thin layer of brownish mud (PI. VII, fig. 8. a). The dorsal bristles are long and straight, the ventral shorter, with brown points, curving upwards (fig. 6). Both articulated, and comparatively thick ( PI. VII. fig. 8 ), having the segments longer and more distinctly prominent than have the dorsal ones (PI. VII. fig. 7). Within the retracted siphon occur two short, broad, petaloid tentacula. posterior to which are seen 8 stvliform branchiæ. Trophonia borealis, n. sp. Stats. 270. 275. Length 3'"'. rounded at both extremities. Anteriorly long bristles, directed forwards, half the length of the animal. (PI. VII. fig. 13); posterior to them. 17 segments. The whole surface minutely granulated. The .dorsal bristles comparatively long, and distinctly perceptible: the ventral short, and invisible to the naked eye. Colour brownish, derived from a thin covering of mud, mixed with sand and minute pebbles; on scraping away this deposit, the skin is found to be colourless, and covered with villi uniform in height alike on the back and the belly. In the upper fascicle from 12 to 14 long, slender, articulated capillary bristles (PI. VII. figs. 14. 15); in the lower fascicle. 5 or (I short, thick, slightly arcuate bristles, in shape presenting some resemblance to the letter S. and. a little below the smooth point, finely striate, with transverse and obliquely longitudinal striæ (Pl. VII. figs. 14. 16). Trophonia rugosa. n, sp. Magdalena Bay. 30 — 50 fms. Length 31/.,"". thickness 7""". tapering towards the posterior extremity (Pl. VIT, fig. 9). The skin on the dorsal surface transversely rugose, on the ventral surface 39 rettede Børster af ringe Længde (T. VII, Pig. 9). Bagen- for 25 Led. Paa disse Led tindes en ventral Borsteknude, modens de dorsale Børster ingen Knude have. Disse sidste 4—5 i hvert Bundt. ere tynde Og leddede (T. VII. Fig. lu. 11): de ventrale, "i — li i Inert Bundt ere tykke, brune med en smal lang farveløs Spids og nedenfor denne temlig tæt tværstribede (T. VII, Fig. LO, 12). Trophonia arctica, n. sp. Magdalenabay, 20 F. 2 ctm. lang. 4"'" bred med afrundet Forende og af- smalnende mod Bagenden (T. VII, Fig. 17). '21 børste- Inerende Segmenter. Rygfladen jævnt smaagrynet, Bugtla- den med færre og mindre Papiller. De to forreste Leds Børster rettede fremad, kun temlig korte, af samme Byg- ning som de dorsale Borster bagenfor, lange, tynde, led- dede (T. VII. Fig. 19), de ventrale Borster 4—5 i en liden Knude (T. VII. Fig. 18) betydeligt tykkere, med en lang klar Spids og nedenfor denne temlig tint tværstribede (T. VII, Fig. 20). Brada granulosa, n. sp. Stat. 337. Det længste Exemplar 5 ctm. langt l1/^ ctm. bredt. Pølseformig, tilspidset i begge Ender ('T. VII, fig. 21). Kroppen overalt besat med Villi, der ere længere paa Ryg- end paa Bugtladen; denne plan, hin hvælvet. Over Villi et Slimo verdrag med Smaasten. Børsterne 6 — 8 i hvert Bundt. temlig tykke, tværstribede og med en krummet klar Spids (T. VII, fig. 22). Ingen dorsale Borster kunne opdages. finely granulated. On the first segment, bristles ut' trilling Length, directed tin-wards (PI. VII. tig. 19). Posterior to the former, 25 segments, with a, ventral, bristle-bearing protuberance; the dorsal bristles, which have no protu- berance, slender and articulated (PI. VII. ligs. LO, 11). 4 or 5 in each fascicle; the ventral, i"i or li in eacli fascicle, thick, and brown in colour, with a rather long, colourless point, below which they .-ire striated transversely (PI. VII, figs. Kl, L2). Trophonia arctica, n. sp. Magdalena Bay. 20 fins. Length 2OT, breadth 4""". with the anterior extremity rounded, and tapering posteriorly (PI. VII, fig. 17); 21 bristle- bearing segments. The dorsal surface uniformly granulated ; the papillæ on the ventral surface fewer and smaller. The bristles on the two foremost articulations directed forwards, comparatively short, but similar in structure to the posterior dorsal bristles, which are long, slender, and articulated (PI. VII. tig. 19); the ventral bristles. 4 or 5 arranged in a small protuberance (PI. VII. fig. 18). considerably thicker, with a long transparent point, below which they are finely and transversely striate (PI. VII, fig. 20). Brada granulosa, n. sp. Stat. 337. The largest specimen measuring 5™" in length and l1/2cm in breadth. Body cylindrical, pointed at the ex- tremities (PI. VII, fig. 21), and everywhere studded with villi, those on the dorsal surface (convex) longer than those on the ventral (plane). Over the villi extends a thin covering of mud interspersed with pebbles. The bristles, from b' to 8 in each fascicle, thickish, transversely striate, and with a bent, transparent point (PL VII, tig. 22). No dorsal bristles could be detected. 40 Cirratulus abyssorum, n. sp. Stat. 87. 3 Exemplarer, alle ufuldstændige. uden Bagende. Det mindste Exemplar har ingen Branchier; at' de to andre har det største fortiden paa forreste Led ogsaa enkelte Branchier fasthængende paa de bagenforliggende Led. saa langt som til 30te Led. Hovedlappen konisk ; ingen borste- lose Segmenter bag samme (T. Vil, Fig. 33). Leddene ere meget smale og bære paa hver Side 2 Bundter temlig lange og meget tynde Haarborster, der sidde i to meget smaa Knuder (T. VII, Fig. 34). Farven er ved den gjen. nemskinnende Tarmkanal gronlig; Huden selv er farvelos. Cirratulus (?) abranchiatus, n. sp. Stat, 31. 3 Exemplarer. 1 4*"m lang. 3""" bred. Kroppen aflang, tilspidset i begge Ender, sammensat af smale Led med lange, tynde Børster (T. VII. Fig. 1). Hovedet en liden afstumpet Kegle unden Tilhreng og Øine; bag dette et bredt og 2 smale borstelose Segmenter, der sammen med Hovedet danne en konisk Fremragning paa de bagenfor liggende bredere, børsteførende Segmenter (T. VII. Fig. 2). Munden paa Undersiden af Hovedet, Hvert borsteforende Segment bærer paa hver Side en langagtig Fremragning med en liden Mamille paa den ovre og nedre Ende. i hvilke sidde de to Bundter meget lange og tynde. fuldkomment glatte Kapillærbørster (T. VII. Fig. 4). Der er intet særligt afgrændset Svrelg; Tarmen gaar hge gjennem Krop- pen, fastheftet med tynde Dissepimenter. Blodkar kunde ei opdages, heller ikke Segmental-Organer. Trods den fuldstændinge Mangel paa de for Oirratu- liderne karakteristiske Branchier. synes dette Dyr dog ved sin Bygning forresten at staa denne Slægt nærmest. Clymene Koreni, n. sp. Stat. 87. 1 Exemplar, vel 2 ctm. langt og lmm tykt. 18 borste- bærende Segmenter, ingen nogne anteanale Segmenter. Hovedet hvælvet. med en smal paa begge Sider indskaaret Cirratulus abyssorum, n. sp. Stat. 87. Three defective specimens, the posterior extremity gone in each. The smallest specimen has no branchiæ; in the largest of the two other examples, a few branchiæ are still attached to the segments, as far as the 30th seg- ment. The lobe of the head conical; no naked segments behind it (PI. VII. tig. 33). The segments exceedingly slender, bearing on either side 2 fascicles of comparatively long and exceedingly delicate capilliform bristles, arranged in two very small protuberances (PI. VII. fig. 34). Colour greenish white, the intestinal canal shining through the skin; the skin itself is colourless. Cirratulus (?) abranchiatus, n. sp. Stat. 31. Three specimens, measuring 14""" in length and •">""" in breadth. Body, oblong and pointed at the extremities, built up of slender segments, bearing long, delicate bristles (PL VII. fig. 1). The head a small obtuse cone, without either eyes or appendages; posterior to the head. 1 broad and 2 narrow, naked segments, which, along with the head, constitute an acuminate projection on the posterior broader bristle -bearing segments (PI. VII, fig. 2). The buccal aperture on under surface of head. Each bristle-bearing segment having on either side ati elongate projection, fur- nished with a small mammilliform tubercle both at the upper and the lower extremity, in which are seen the two fasci- cles of exceedingly long, slender, and perfectly smooth cap- illary bristles (PI. VII. fig. 4). There is no separate pharynx; the intestine passes straight through the body, to which it is attached by slender membranous filaments. No blood-vessels were detected, or segmental organs. Of the branchiæ distinguishing this genus, there is indeed not a trace in the animal here described; but its general structure nevertheless brings it nearest to the Cirrutiilidæ. Clymene Koreni, n. sp. Stat. 87. One specimen, a trifle over 2"" in length and 1""" in thickness. Furnished with 18 bristle-bearing segments; no naked pre-anal segments. Head convex, with a narrow 11 Bram (T. VI. Pig. 2). AnaUeddet tragtformigl adenCilier i Randen (T. VI, Fig. 3); Anus i Bunden af Tragten. Haarbørsterne ere temmelig lange, lidt udvidede og smalt brammede red Begyndelsen af den lange Spids (T. VI, Pig. 5). Iste børstebærende Segment aden Eagebørster, af hvilke der tindes 4 paa det følgende Led og temmelig talrige paa alle de følgende Led. Hagebørsterne bare e1 Rostrum med 3 Tagger og et kort Haarbundt nedenfor samme (T. VI. Fig. 4). Myriochele Sarsii, n. sp. Stat, 38, 40, 51, 164, 183. Dyrene ligge indesluttede i Bor af 2l/2 til 3 Ctm. Længde og 1.5"" Bredde. Borene ere tæt besatte med Biloculiner. tilsynelatende noget forskellige, idet somme ere tyndere og ikke besatte saa tæt med Biloculiner som Besten ; men de indeslutte samme Dyr. Kroppen er •22""" lang og 1 IN I» tyk, rund (T. VI, Fig. 6). Hovedlappen er ægformig med Mundaabningen paa Undersiden, uden Tilhæng og Øine (T. VI, Fig. 8). Bag Hovedet komme 3 korte Led, der alene have Haar- borster; de folgende Led have foruden Haarbørstebundter ogsaa Hagebørster i lange Tori paa Ventralfladen. de for- reste Led noget kortere, de midterste de længste, mod Bagenden igjen kortere, og de sidste 10 Led yderligt korte; Analleddet noget opclrevet og teml. langt, anus terminal (T. VI, Fig. 9). De dorsalt stillede Haarbørster have ingen Fodknude og danne to Bundter (T. VI, Fig. 10); det ovre bestaar af lange, tynde, fuldkomment glatte Haarbørster (T. VI, Fig. 7. a), det nedre af glatte, men kortere, lidt bredere og svagt krummede Bor- ster (Fig. 7. b). Hagebørsterne sidde i lange Tori, der ere noget hævede over Kroppens Niveau; Børsterne have i Spidsen to fortil krummede spidse Hager paa et øvre svagt S-krummet Stykke, der sidder fast paa en tynd, i den ovre Ende lidt opdreven Stilk (T. VI, Fig. 12). Børsterne sidde 4 — 5 jævnsides i Tori (T. VI. Fig. 11). Tarmen gaar lige gennem Kroppen, er beklædt med Cylin- derceller fyldte med grønne Korn. I hvert af de lange Segmenter hildes der paa hver Side en lang Sæk, der indvendigt er beklædt med Flimmerceller med meget lange Flimmerhaar, og som synes at udmunde mellem de dor- sale Haarborster og Tori. Jeg har ei været istand til at opdage nogen indrendig Aabning paa dem; men de maa dog vel antages at være Segmentalorganer. Ingen Blod- kar kunde opdages. emarginate border on cither side (Pl. VI. fig. 2). The anal articulation funnel-shaped, without cilia, along the margin (PL VI. fig. 3); the anus a1 the bottom of the funnel-shaped segment. The capilliform setae comparatively Long, a trifle enlarged, dilated, and with a narrow border at the commencement of the point (PI. VI, fig. 5). The first setigerous segment without ungueal setæ, of which there are 4 on the following articulation and a good many comparatively on the others. The uncini furnished with a tridentate rostrum, below which occurs a capillary fas- cicle (PI. VI. fig. 4). Myriochele Sarsii, n. sp. Stats. 38, 4n. 51, 164, 183. These animals inhabit tubiform buildings, from 21//"1 to 3™' in length and 1.5"™ in breadth. The tubes, which are densely studded with bilocnlinæ. would appear to vary in form and appearance, some being narrower and less closely covered with biloculinos than others. Body cylindrical, measuring 22""" in length and ' „""" in thickness (PL VI, fig. 6). The lobe of the head ovate, with the buccal aperture, on the under surface, without either eyes or appendages (PL VI, fig. 8). Posterior to the head are seen 3 short segments, furnished only with capillary setæ; the succeeding segments have, besides capillary setæ, also ungueal setæ. arranged in long rows on the ventral surface. The anterior segments somewhat shorter than the others, the medial longest, those near the posterior extremity diminishing in length, and the 10 terminal segments exceedingly short; the anal segment somewhat enlarged, and rather long (PL VI, fig. 9), the anal opening at its extremity. The dorsally placed capil- lary setæ have no pedal protuberance; they constitute two fascicles (PL VI, fig. 10), the upper fascicle composed of long, slender, perfectly smooth capillary setæ (PL VI, fig. 7, a), the lower of smooth, but shorter, a trifle broa- der, and slightly curved setæ (tig. 7, It). The uncini arranged in long rows, slightly projecting above the surface of the body; these setæ have at the extremity two sharp, anteriorly curved hooks, issuing from a lamella, resembling above the letter S, attached to a slender stem (PL VI, fig. 12) slightly enlarged at the upper extremity. The uncini are arranged in rows, 4 or 5 side by side (PL VI, fig. 11). The intestine, passing straight through the body, is furnished with' cylindrical cells, full of green granules. Each of the long segments has, on either side, an elongate sac, having a layer of cells, with exceedingly long, vibra- tile cilia, and apparently disemboguing between the dorsal capillary setæ and the row of uncini. I failed indeed to detect any opening on its inner end; but it probably must be regarded as the segmental organ. No trace of blood-vessels. l>en norske Nordhavsexp edition G. A. Hansen: Annelida. 42 Denne Annelide har stor Lighed med Myriochele Heeri, Mgrn. ; den ei- dog betydeligt tyndere end denne og har ei som denne tine Tagger henimod Spidsen af Haarbørsterne. Malmgrens Tegning af Hageborsterne mangler ogsaa den Fortykkelse i Enden af Stilken, der bærer den orre Ende, som tindes hos det ovenfor beskrevne Dyrs Hageborster. Jeg har derfor troet at burde opfore den som en ny Art af den samme Slægt. Myriochele Danielsseni, n. sp. Stat. L92. Rorene vel '/.'""" tykke, beståa af Slam, besat med Smaasten og lange Kiselnaale som af en Svamp (T. Yl, Fig. lo). Intet Dyr kunde faaes helt ad; paa et saaes en afrundet Ende og bag denne 3 Segmenter med Kapil- lnrborster alene (T. VI, Fig. 13); dette har formodentlig været en Forende, skont Mundens Beliggenhed ei kunde opdages. Paa alle de følgende Led ogsaa Hageborster, der sidde 8 — 10 jævnsides i Tori; disse ere meget lange og naa næsten sammen paa Bugfladen. Hageborsterne have to Tagger i Spidsen (T. VI, Fig. 14), og denne er svagt krummet som hos M. Sarsii; men Borsterne vare ikke sammensatte som hos denne. Ligesom hos M. Sarsii tindes der i hvert af de hengere Segmenter to Sække, der synes at udmunde mellem Torus og Kapillærborstebundtet (T. VI, Fig. 13, a). Patamilla Malmgreni, n. sp. Stat. 40. 51. cleraf Branchierne 1 Ctm., Længden vel 3 Ctm., Bredden vel 1""". Legemet rundt, Bagkroppen lidt fladtrykt, ender spidst, Anus terminal (T. VII, Fig. 23). Bugfuren kun synlig paa Bagkroppen. Kraven nedboiet i hele Sidepartiet med fortil og bagtil opretstaaende Flige, mellem hvilke der tindes temmelig dybe Indsnit. Paa Iste Segment kun kapillære Børster, paa de 7 følgende ogsaa Hagebørster ventralt stillede. De kapillære Børster 2 Slags: lange, tynde med en smalt bræmmet Spids (T. VII, Fig. 25) og korte subspathulerede (T. VII, Fig. 24), ligeligt bredt bræmmede nedenfor den korte Spids. Hageborsterne bise- riale, forreste Rad med en lang, tynd Spids paa en lang krummet Stilk (T. VII, Fig. 26, a) anden Rad avicu- lære, ligeledes siddende paa en lang Stilk (Fig. 26, b). This Annelid bears great resemblance to Myriochele Heeri, Mgrn., though the body is considerably narrower, and the capilliform setæ not, as in that form, finely toothed towards the points. Moreover, Malmgren's drawing of the ungueal setæ in 21. Heeri shows no trace of the inspissation at the end of the stem distinguished in the uncini of the animal described above; and hence I have established it as a new species of the same genus. Myriochele Danielsseni, n. sp. Stat. 192. The tubes, lj2""'1 in thickness, consist of hard mud. studded with minute pebbles and long siliceous needles, apparently sponge-needles (PI. VI. tig. 15). None of the specimens could be got out of the tubes entire; one had a rounded extremity, posterior to which were 3 segments with setæ, all capilliform (PI. VI, tig. 13); this was prob- ably the anterior part of the animal, though I failed to tind any trace": of a buccal aperture. The following seg- ments had all of them ungueal setæ, arranged side by side, 8 or 10 together; the tori are exceedingly long, reaching almost on to the ventral surface. The uncini furnished with 2 jags at the point (PI. VI. tig. 14). which is slightly curved, as in 31. Sarsii: the setæ are not compound. As in 31. Sarsii. each of the longer segments has 2 internal sacs, apparently disemboguing between the torus and the fascicle of capilliform setæ (Pl. VI, tig. 1 3, ft). Patamilla Malmgreni. n. sp. Stats. 40, 51. Length a fraction over 3cm — including the branchiæ l'™; breadth slightly exceeding 1""". Body round; posterior portion somewhat depressed, with a- pointed extremity; anus terminal (PI. VII. tig. 23). The ventral furrow can lie distinguished only on the posterior portion of the body. The collar curving down- wards in the lateral region; anteriorly and posteriorly with erected lobules, between which are seen compara- tively deep incisions. On the 1st segment none but capil- lary setæ; on the succeeding segments also ungueal setæ, ventrally situated. Two kinds of capillary setæ, the one long and slender with a narrow bordered extremity (Pl. VII, fig. 25), and the other short, subspatulate, uni- formly broad-bordered, and belted below the short pointed extremity. The ungueal setæ biserial, those in the first 43 Paa Bagkroppen findes i Bugknuden 2 Slags Eaarbørster, lange, tynde og kortere, tykkere med small bræmmel Spids. Eagebørsteme uniseriale, aviculære (T. VII. Fig. 27). Branchieme lo — 12 paa hver Side med lange Radioler lige til Spidsen. Protula arctica. n. sp. Stat. 51. To Exemplarer, fra Stat. 40 to tomme Ror. Rorene err hvide, af Kalk. forsynede med mere og mindre tyde- ligt fremtrædende Tværstriber (T. VII, Fig. 28). Dyret uden Brancbier 1.5 Otm. langt, Branchieme 1 Ctm. lange; Tykkelsen ca. 1""". Kruppen er rund. lidt fladtrykt, For- kroppen bestaar af 7 Segmenter: Kraven opret med et dybt Indsnit fortil og et paa hver Side (T. VII, Fig. 29), aaben bagtil, hvor den paa begge Sider gaar over i Bryst- membranen, hvis tvende Bræmme ligge over binanden og dække hele Rygtladen af Forkroppen. Paa Siderne skinner den skældannende Kjertel gennem Huden. Paa første Seg- ment tindes almindelige Haarborster med en lang. krum- met Spids og nedenfor denne en kort. temmelig bred, tandet Bræm (T. VII, Fig. 31). Paa de 6 følgende Led tindes ogsaa Hagebørstetori. De kapillære Børster ere talrige i hvert Led og korte, nedenfor den lange Spids forsynede med en temmelig lang. smal. fint tandet Bræm (T. VII. Fig. o-l). Hagebørsterne have ti Tænder, af hvilke den nederste er dobbelt saa fyk som de øvrige (T. VLT. Fig. 30). Bagkroppens samtlige Led ere for- synede med dorsalt stillede Hagebørster og ventrale Haar- børstebundter. Hagebørsterne have samme Form som de paa Forkroppen, men ere kun omtrent halvt saa store som disse. Haarbørsterne ere fuldkommen glatte (T. VII, Fig. 33) og paa den forreste Del temmelig korte, paa de sidste ca. 30 Led derimod meget lange. Branchieme ere besatte med temmelig lange Radiolei'. have en kort nogen Spids. nedenfor hvilken de første Radioler ere korte, tiltagende i Længde nedover. Branchieme. 18 — 20 paa hver Side. sidde paa et Blad. der hæver sig frit op fortil med en Begyndelse til Spiraldreining. series having a long slender point protending from a long arcuate stem (Pl. Vil, 6g. 26, a); those in the second. which are avicular, likewise issuing from a long stem (fig. 26, l>). On the posterior portion of the body, 2 kinds of capillary seta' in the ventral protuberance, the one long and slender, the other comparatively slunt and thick, with broad-belted points. The uncini uniserial. avicular (PI. VII, tig. 27). From 10 to 12 branchiæ on either side, with long radiokc from the base to the point of the upper extremity. Protula arctica. n. sp. Stat. 51. Two specimens-, from Station 40 two empty tubes. The tubes, more or less distinctly marked with transverse striæ. white, consisting of calcareous deposit (PI. VII. tig. 28). Length 1.5"" without the branchiæ, which are lcm long; thickness about 1""". Body round, slightly cempressed; the anterior portion consisting of 7 segments; the collar erect, with a deep incision anteriorly, one on either side (PI. VII, fig. 29); open posteriorly, where it coalesces on both sides with the thoracic membrane; the two folds of which lie one upon the other, covering the whole surface of the back on the anterior portion of the body. On the sides, the shell-producing gland is seen shining through the integument. The 1st segment lias only the usual capilli- form setæ with long arcuate points, below which is seen a short, comparatively broad dentated border (PL VII, fig. :J1). On the 6 following segments also uncini. The capilliform seta», numerous on each segment, are short, and have below the elongate point a comparatively long. narrow, finely toothed border (PI. VII, fig. 32). The ungueal seta? with 6 teeth, the lowermost twice as thick as the others (PL VII. tig. 30). The segments on the posterior portion of the body all furnished with ungueal setæ. dorsally situated. and with fascicles of ventral capilliform setæ. The ungueal setæ are similar in form to those on the anterior part of the body, but not more than about half as long. The capilliform setæ perfectly smooth (PL VII. tig. 33). and on the anterior part of the body compara- tively short: but on the terminal segments — about 30 — they are. on the other hand, exceedingly long. The bran- chiæ, studded with comparatively long radiolæ, have a short, naked point: the first radiolæ. a. little below the point, are short, the remainder increasing in length down- wards. The branchiæ, from IS to 20 on either side, attached to a free lamella, rise anteriorly, commencing with a spiral twist. 0* -14 Spinther arcticus, M. Sars. Stat. 275. Det indtangede Exemplar var usædvanligt stort. Sars angiver Længden til 8""" og Bredden til 4rara, medens dette Exemplar, stærkt sammentrukket i Alcohol, maalte 15"™ i Længden og 8""" i Bredden. Da der ingen Tegninger tiiides af dette Dyr, leverer jeg saadanne paa T. I, Fig. 1 til 5. Etter Sars's Beskrivelse ere Bosterne forsynede apice furcata sea bieaspide; dette er ikke Tilfældet hos det paa Stat. 275 indtangede Exemplar; hos dette have Børsterne en enkel, hist og her lidt krummet Spids (T. I, Fig. 5). Jeg meddeler hernæst den ovenfor nævnte Fortegnelse over de i den kolde Area fundne Annelider, ordnede efter de Familier de tilhøre. Spinther arcticus, M. Sars. Stat. 275. The specimen obtained was unusually large. Sars states the length of his Norwegian specimens to have been 8ram and the breadth 4"""; but this specimen, though much shrunk from the action of the alcohol in which it was preserved, measured 15™'" in length and 8""" in breadth. The animal not having previously been figured, represen- tations are given here, in PI. I, figs. 1 — 5. According to Sars, the setæ are furnished apice furcata sen bicuspide : this, however, is not the case with the specimen brought up at Station 275, its setæ having a simple, straight, and here and there very slightly arcuate point (PI. I, fig. 5). I will now annex a List of the Annelids collected in the Cold Area, arranged under the families to which they belong. 1876. 1877. 1878. Euphrosynidæ. Spinther arcticus, M. Sars. Stat. 278 (— 0°.4). Amphinomidæ. Paramphinome pulchella, M. Sars. Stat. 18 (— 1".0) 33(— I'M) 87(— I'M). Polynoe globifera, 11. 0. Sars. Stat. 18(— 1".U) 31(— 1°.0)48(— 0°.5). Polyime islandica, n. sp. Stat. 48 (— 0°.5). Polynoe aspera, n. sp. Stat. 48 (—01.5). Poh/noe Sarsii, Kubg. Stat. 31 (— P.O), 33 (— I'M), 35 (— 0°.8). Polynoe villosa, Mgrn. Stat. 31 (— 1°.0). Polynoidæ. Polynoe globifera, G. O. Sars. Stat, 124 (— 0°.9) 164 (— 0°.7) 192 (-00.7). Polynoe arctica, n. sp. Stat. 223 (— 0°.0) 224 (— 0°.6). Aeoetidæ. Sigalionidæ. Polynoe globifera, G. 0. Sars. Stat. 293 (— 1°.3). Polynoe yhtherr'nna, n. sp. Stat. 366. Polynoe foraminifera, n. sp. Stat. 275 (— 0°.7), 338 (— 1°.0). Nephthys atlantica, n. sp. Stat. 18(— 1°.0), 31(— P.O) 87(— l°.l). Nephthydidæ. Nephthys Malmgreni, Théel. Stat. 124 (— 0°.9). Nephthys ciliata, Midler. Stat. 267 (— 1°.4), 338 (— l°.l), 366 (— 0°.2). Nephthys Malmgreni, Théel. Stat. 312 (— 1°.2). 15 IS TC. L877. 1878. Typhi nereis gracilis, a. sp. Stat. 4(i (— 1°.2). Dumbrinereis fragilis, MiiUer. Stat. 18 (— 1°.0), 31 (— 1°.0), 40 (- L°.2), 48 (— 0°.5). Onuphis hyperborea, n. sp. Stat. IS (— 1°.0), 48 (— 0°.5). Phyllodocidæ. Ncreidæ. Scoloplos armiger, Mliller. Stat. 18 (— 1°.0). Scalibregma inflatum, Eathke. Stat. 18 (— Ru). Scalibregma dbyssorv/m, u. sp. Stat, 18 (— 10.0). Scalibregma parvum, u. sp. Stat. 18 (— 1°.0), 31 (— 1°.0). Ammotrypane cylindricaudatus, n. sp. Stat. 31 (— lo.O), 87 ( — l°.l). Ephesia gracilis, Eathke. Stat. 31 (— P.O). Sphærodorum abyssorum, n. sp. Stat. 33 (— l°.l). Trophonia Mrsuta, a. sp. Stat. 8 (— 1°.0), 31 (— 1°.0). XiUmbrinereidæ. Lwribrinereis fragilis, Muller. Stat. 223 (— 0°.0), 2:>4 (— 0°.6), 225 (— 0°.6), 248 (— 1".4). Onuphididæ. Onuphis conchylega, M. Sars. Stat. ll>4 (— l>o.9), 164 (— 0°.7), 192 (—(jo.7), 223 (— 0°.0), 225(— 0°.6), 251 (— lo.3). Glyceridæ. Olycera capitata, Ørsted. Stat. 164 (—0°.7), 192 (— 0°.7). Ariciidæ. Ar/rin arct/ru. n. sp. Stat. 224 (—00.6). Scalibregmidæ. Ophelidæ. Sphærodoridæ. EjjJiesia gracilis, Eathke. Stat. 164 (—00.7). Chloræmidæ. Trophonia glauca, Mgrn. Stat. 124 (— 0°.9). Nereis zonata, Mgrn. Stat. 366 (—2°. I). l/wmbrinereis fragilis, Mliller. Stat. 267 (—10.4). 275 (— 0°.4), 366 (-00.2). Onuphis conchylega, M. Sars. Stat. 267 (— 1°.4). Flabelligera affinis, M. Sars. Stat. 366 (—2n.l). Trophonia arctica, n. sp. Magdalenbay, 20 l'. Brada granulosa, n. sp. Stat. 275 (— 0°.4), 338 (— l°.l), 366 (-20.1). 46 is TC. 1877. Oirratulus abyssorum, n. sp. Stat. 87 (— l°.l). Oirratulus dbranchiatus, n. sp. Stat. 31 (— 1°.0). Clymene Koreni, n. sp. Stat. 87 (— lo.l). Myriochele Sarsii, n. sp. Stat. 40 (— 1°.2), 51 (— l°.l). Amphictets Gunneri, M. Sars. Stat. 31 (— 1°.0). Samytha sexeirrata, M. Sars. Stat. 18 (— 1°.0), 33 (— l°.l). Amphitrite cirrata, Muller. Stat. 48 (— 0°.5). Thelepus circinnatus, Fabr. Stat. 18 (— 1°.0), 31 (— P.0), 48 (— 0°.5). Leucariste albicans, Mgrn. Stat. 33 (—I'M). Terebellides Strømii, M. Sars. Stat, 1* (— 1°.0). PotamiUa ToreUi, Mgrn. Stat. 48 (— 0°.5). PotamiUa Malmgreni, n. sp. Stat. 40 (— 1«.2), 51 (— l°.l). f '/*«//(< Dunéri, Mgrn. Stat. 31 (— 1°.0). Profuhi a/rdica, n. sp. Stat. 51 (— P.l). Cirratulidæ. Maldanidæ. Ammocharidæ. Ammochares assimilis, M. Sars. Stat. 224 (—0°.6). Myriochele Sars//. n. sj>. Stat. 164 (— 0°.7). Myriochele Danielsseni, n. sp. Stat. 192 (— 0°.7). Ampharetidæ. Samytha sexeirrata, M. Sars. Stat. 164 (—0°.7), 248 (—1".4). Terebellidse. Thelepus circinnatus, Fabr. Stat. 251 (— 1°.3). Terebellides Strømii, M. Sars. Stat. 192 (— 0°.7), 225 (— 0°.6). Sabellidæ. PatamMa neglecta, M. Sars. Stat. 124 (— 0°.9), 164 (— 0°.6), 251 (-10.3). ( hone Dunéri, Mgrn. Stat. 124 (—0°.9), 251 (— 1°.3). Serpulidæ. 1878. Brada inhabilis, Rathke. Stat. 36(3 (— 2°.l, 0°.2). Brada granulata, Mgrn. Stat.' 275 (—0°.4), 338 (- -I'M). Myriochele Sarsii, n. sp. Stat. 295 (— 1°.3). Sabellides borealis, M. Sars. Magdalenebay 2d f. Thelepus circinnatus, Fabr. Stat. 312 (—0°.2). Scione lobata, Mgrn. Stat. 207 (— 1°.4). Pista cristata, Miiller. Stat. 366 (— 2°.l). Terebellides Strømii, M. Sars. Stat. 366 (— 0°.2). Ereutho Smitti, Mgrn. Stat. 366 (—0°.2). Trichobra/nchus glacialis, Mgrn. Stat. 366 (— 0°.2). Chone infundibuliformis, Kroyer. Stat.' 366 (— 0°.2). Potamilla neglecta, M. Sars. Stat. 295 (— 1».3). !7 At' denne Liste vil del mts. al det kun er fas Anne- lidefamilier, der ei ere repræsenterede i den iskolde Ares og ili' forskjellige Familiers Repræsentanter ere mestendels Arter, der ere vel kendte fra Eavstnekninger og Kjonle med temperere! Vand. Der er kun enkelte Antydninger til. at den dybe Bundstrøm udenfor Norge, hvis Temperatur er ander 0°, skulde indeholde en særlig, for den karakteristisk Fauna. For Mesteparten af de nve Fonners Vedkommende er del omtrent umuligt at vide. om de ikke ogsaa ville tindes udenfor eller ovenfor den iskolde Area i teiupereret Vand. Der er kun et Dyr. om hvilket det med nogenlunde Sik- kerhed kan antages, at det ialfald fortrinsvis, om ikke udelukkende er eu Koldtyandsbeboer, nemlig Polynoe glo- bifera, G. 0. Sårs. Den er fonden af Sårs paa den ydre Skraaning af Storeggen eller den store Fiskebanke udenfor Kristiansund og Prof. Sårs meddeler, at han ogsaa kender denne Form fra Lofoten. Dette kunde antyde, at den ogsaa fore- kommer i tempereret Vand; ellers er den kun kendt fra den iskolde Area: thi der kan neppe være Tvivl om. at jo Prof. Sårs paa Udsiden af Storeggen har skrabet i iskoldt Vand; dette tindes nemlig overalt ved den store Bankes Afheldning mod Atlanterhavsdybet og overalt langs eller paa denne Afheldning synes den ovennævnte Form at leve og, som det synes, i ikke saa ringe Mængde, thi Antallet af indfangede Exemplarer er ingenlunde saa lidet. Der er nu intet særligt at opdage ved dette Dyrs Byg- ning, der kunde karakterisere det fremfor andre som en udelukkende Beboer af iskoldt Vand eller det store Dyb. Og naar Elders1) fremsætter den Formodning, at Dyb- vandets Beboere stadigt rekruteres ved Afkom af Dyr. der leve paa grundere Vand og at man i denne Omstændighed kunde soge Granden til. at disse Dybvandets Annelider ikke ere farve- og øienløse ligesom Huleboere. — saa synes en saadan Antagelse neppe at kunne opretboldes, naar der tindes om og kun et eneste Exempel paa et Dyr. der er forsynet med Øine og Farve og som maa antages udelukkende at tilhøre de store Dyb. Om der nu for- uden den her omtalte Form ogsaa tindes andre Dyr. der udelukkende tilhøre den kolde Area, lader sig neppe med nogensomhelst Sikkerhed afgore. Mesteparten af de i den kolde Area fundne Dyr ere. som allerede ovenfor bemærket, Former, der ere vel kendte fra Egne med tem- pereret Vand. og ingen andre af de i den kolde Area fundne nve Former ere fundne i saa stort Antal og saa gennemgaaende paa ensartede Lokaliteter udenfor vor hele Kyst, at vi om dem kunne antage med samme Ret som om Polynoe globifera, at de ere udelukkende Koldtvands- beboere; snarere tværtom; en Form Polynoe aspera, der fandtes i 1876 paa Stat. 48 ved Island i den kolde Area, fandtes samme Aar af mig ved Moldøen, og en anden Ehlers: Beitrage zur Centniss der Vertioalverbreitung der Bor- stenwiirmer im Meere. Zeitschrift fur wiss. Zoologie, Bd. 55. As will be seen from the above List, there are hut few families of Annelids not represented in the frigid area.: and the members of the various families occurring there consist chiefly of species also met with in fjords and tracts of ocean belonging to the temperate area. There are few indications of any such fact, as that the deep bottom-current off the coast of Norway, in which the temperature of the water is below zero, should be characterized by a fauna of its own. As regards the great majority of new fonns, it is indeed well-nigh impossible to tell whether they may not likewise be found both without and above the frigid area in water of a higher temperature than zero. Of one Annelid only. viz. Polynoe globifera, G. 0. Sars, can we infer with comparative certainty, that its favourite, if not its sole habitat, is confined to the cold bottom-strata. This animal was taken by Professor Sars on 'the outer slope of Storeggen — the great fishing-bank lying off Christiansund in Norway; and he states his having met with it. too, near the Lofoten Islands. Now, some might infer from this, that it also inhabits water of a higher temperature than zero; but in all other localities from which it is known, the animal has been invariably found to occur in the cold area only; and it will hardly admit of doubt, that Sars, on the outer slope of Storeggen, dredged in ice-cold water, since the cold area extends to where the base of the declivity meets the bottom-water of the Atlantic; and either on or along this slope the form in question would seem to occur, and in some plenty, for the number of specimens collected there was by no means inconsiderable. There is nothing, however, in the structure of this animal from which it might be regarded as exclu- sively inhabiting the frigid area, or indeed great depths; and when Ehlers1 ventures to assume, that the inhabitants of the great depths have their numbers constantly recruited from the offspring of animals living in shallower water, and that in this circumstance lies the reason of deep-water Annelids not being colourless and without eyes like the inhabitants of caves (Hohlenbewohnern), such an assumption must certainly give way before the occurrence of even a single form both coloured and furnished with eyes, and whose habitat we must regard as exclusively confined to the great depths. Whether there be other animals, besides the said form, inhabiting the cold area alone, can hardly be stated with certainty. Most of the animals collected in the cold area belong to forms which, as previously stated, are well known from water of a higher tempera- ture than zero, and none of the new forms found in the frigid area were met with off the Norwegian coast in such considerable numbers and such uniform localities as to warrant our assuming that, like Polynoe globifera, they exclusively inhabit the cold-water strata. Another form, Polynoe aspera, obtained at Stat. 48; off the coast of Ice- Ehlers: Beitrage sur Kentniss der Vertioalverbreitung derBor- stenwiirmer im Meere. Zeitschrift fur wiss. Zoologie, Bd, 55' 48 Form Polijnoe islandica angives af V. Storm1 af ham at være fundet i Trondhjemsfjorden. Og under de Omstæn- digheder er det selvfolgeligt umuligt, al den Stund Dyrene fra den kolde Area ingen Eiendonmieligheder frembyde i sin Bygning, at have nogen begrundet Formening om, hvorvidt en ny Form, der lindes i den kolde Area, ude- lukkende tilhører denne eller ei. Foruden det om Pohjnoe globifera anførte tindes der kun nogle enkelte Antydninger til, at den kolde Area muligens har en tildels særegen Annelidefauna. De Dyr. der henhøre til Slægten Myrio- chéle Mgrn.. maa vel antages at være rent arktiske; der kendtes hidtil kun en Art. M. Heeri, Mgrn, fra Østsiden af Spitsbergen og Grønland, der ogsaa er fundet paa Por- cupineexpeditionen paa Stat. 30 i en Dybde af 1 380 Favne, Temp. 2°,86; og nu er der paa den norske Expedition fundet 2 nye Arter Myriochéle paa 6 Stationer i iskoldt Vand. medens M. Heeri ikke er paatruffet; Polijnoe Sarsii, Kubg.. der forekommer i det kariske Hav og paa Østsiden af Spitsbergen, er fundet paa Stationerne 31, 33 og 35, alle tre tilhørende den kolde Bundstrom mellem Island og Norge; den er ogsaa funden paa Porcupineexpeditionen vestenfor Irland paa Stat. 28, 1215 Favnes Dyb, Temp. -f- 2", 80. Formodentlig vikle baade \Myriochde Heeri og Polynoe Sarsii ved en noiere Eftersogen tindes paa flere mellemliggende Steder i den kolde Bundstrom og det maa antages at være det rimeligste, at disse arktiske Dyr gen- nem den kolde Bundstrom ere vandrede sydover. At bemærke er ogsaa Forekomsten af en Serpula: Protnla ardica paa Stat. 51. 1163 Favnes Dyb og Temp. — I'M, Bunden bestaaende af Biloculinler. Dette viser, at Serpulaerne ikke nødvendigtvis behøve faste Genstande, paa hvilke de kunne bygge sine Skaller. , Det samme har jeg tidligere erfaret. med Hensyn til Hydroides norvegica, som jeg ogsaa har fundet j>aa Slambund, og var Røret i dette Tilfælde ikke si mi vanligt snoet, men ret, saa det maa antages, at Rorene under disse Omstændigheder staa nede i Mudderen ligesom Rorene for mange andre tubi- cole Annelider. der leve paa blod Bund. Jeg har ovenfor bemærket, at det ikke har været mig muligt at tinde noget, hvorved Beboerne af den kolde Area kunde kendes fra Beboere af tempereret Vand. Dette gælder saavel Farverne som Dyrenes Størrelse. Onuphis hyperborea viser dette tilfulde; dette Dyr er kun fundet paa Stat. 18. 412 Favne og Stat, 48. 299 Favne, altsaa paa begge Steder paa større Dyb end de, hvortil Plantevæxt og Lys antages at trænge ned. Ikke desto mindre har Dyret en anselig Størrelse og ogsaa en meget stærk Farve, samt Øine. Fra Stat. 48 tindes ogsaa et andet Dyr, Pohjnoe islandica, der udmærker sig ved en for en Polynoe usæd- vanlige Størrelse af 80""». Der kunde endnu nævnes flere Exempler paa, at hverken Dybden eller Våndets Tempe- ratur synes at betinge en mindre Udvikling af Dyrene. Det Norske Videnskabsselskabets Skrifter 1878. land in the cold area, was taken the same year by myself, off Moldoen. and a form designated Polynoe islandica is stated by V. Storm1 to occur in the Trondhjem Fjord. Hence, it is impossible, since the Annelids from the cold area present no peculiarities of structure, to pronounce with certainty whether a new form met with in the cold area is exclusively confined to that depth or not. If we except what has been stated concerning Polynoe gldbifera, little remains to add in support of the inference, that a peculiar Annelid Fauna inhabits the frigid depths of the ocean. The Annelids belonging to the genus Myrio- chéle, Mgrn., must be regarded as true arctic animals. As yet, but one species — M. Heeri, Mgrn. — has been met with, from the eastern shores of Spitsbergen and Greenland, — also found on the Porcupine Expedition, Station 30, at a depth of 1380 fathoms, temperature 2° 86; and 2 new species of 3fyriodiele were taken at 6 Stations on the Norwegian Expedition, in ice-cold water, whereas M. Heeri did not occur. Polynoe Sarsii, Knbg.. which inhabits the Kara Sea and the eastern shores of Spitz- bergen, was met with at Stations 31. 33. and 35. — all three in the cold bottom-current flowing between Iceland and Norway; it also occurred on -the Porcupine Expe- dition, west of Ireland, at Station l'S. depth 1215 fathoms. temperature -f- 2°. 80. Probably, careful dredging would bring to light both Myriochéle Heeri and Polynoe Sarsii in several intermediate parts of the cold bottom-current; and hence these arctic animals may with good reason be assum- ed to have drifted southwards. In conclusion, we must notice the occurrence of a Serpida: Profnht tintitv, at Station 51; depth 1 163 fathoms, temperature — 1". 1; bottom, biloculina clay. This shows that the Serpvlidce are not absolutely in need of solid matter on which to construct their shells. This is also the case with norvegica, which I have met with on a muddy bottom; and the tube was not twisted — the usual form — but straight, whence may be inferred that under such circumstances the tubes penetrate the mud, as is the case with those of many other tube-buil- ding Annelids that live on a soft bottom. As stated above,, I have failed to detect any criterion whatever whereby the inhabitants of the cold area may be distinguished from those of the temperate; and this applies both to colour and to magnitude. Onuphis hyper- borea is an instance in point. This animal was brought up at Station 18 (depth 412 fathoms) and Station 48 (depth 299 fathoms), in both localities, accordingly, at a greater depth than that to which light and vegetable life are supposed to penetrate. But the animal is neverthe- less of very considerable dimensions, vividly coloured, and moreover furnished with eyes. At Station 48 was brought up another animal, Polynoe islandica, which, for a Polynoe, is remarkably large: length 80""". Many other instances might be adduced to show that neither depth nor temperature has apparently any influence on the devel- opment of these animals. Det Norske Videnskabsselskabets Skrifter, lsTs. Forklaring af Figurerne. Explanation of the Plates. Tab. I. Fig. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Spinther ardicus fra Rygfladen, noget forstørret. Do. do.. Forenden underfra med ud- krænget Snabel. Do. do. af et Tværsnit af Kroppen. Do. do.; den sammensatte Borste i den ventrale Fodknude. Do. do.; to dorsale Børster. Polynoe spinulosa, n. sp.; Forenden. Do. do.; en Fodknude. Do. do.; en Elytre. Do. do.; de tre store Knuder ved Ely- treus bagre Band. Do. do.; Børster. Polynoe foraminifera, n. sp.: Forenden. — 12. Do. do.; en Fodknude. — 12a. Do. do.; Borster. — 13. Do. do.; en Elytre. — 14. Do. do.; Foraminiferer fra Elytren. — 15. — 16. — 17. — 18. — 20. — 21. — 22. — 23. — 24. — 25. — 26. Tab. II. Fig. 1. — 2. — 3. — 4. — 5. — 6. Polynoe islandica : naturlig Størrelse. Do. do.; Hovedet. Do. do.; en Elytre. Do. do.; et Stykke af Elytrens bagre Band. stærkere forstorret. Polynoe islandica; dorsal Borste. Do. do.; ventral Børste. Polynoe assimilis; Forenden. Do. do.: en Fodknude. Do. do.; en Elytre. Do. do.: en haard Knude paa Elytren. Do. do.; Borster. Polynoe globifera. Do. do. Do. do.; en Fodknude. Do. do.; en dorsal Børste. Do. do.; en ventral Borste. Do. do.; en Elytre. Pl. Pl. II. rg. 1. Spinther ardicus: dorsal aspect, slightly magnified. — 2. S. ardicus: anterior extremity, with ex- serted proboscis, seen from below. — 3. 8. ardicus; transverse section of the body. — 4. S. ardicus: the compound arrangement of bristles in the ventral pedal protuberance. — 5. S. ardicus; two dorsal bristles. — 6. Polynoe spinulosa, n. sp. ; anterior extremity. — 7. P. spinulosa; an anterior protuberance. — 8. an elytre. — 9. — the three large protuberances on the posterior margin of the elytre. — 10. P. spinulosa; bristles. — 11. Polynoe foraminifera, n. sp.; anterior ex- tremity. — 12. P. foraminifera : a pedal protuberance. - Il' a bristles. — 13. an elytre. — 14. Foraminifera from the elytre. — 15. Polynoe islandica; natural size. — 16. the head. — 17. an elytre. — 18. a piece of the back margin of the elytre. magnified. — 20. Polynoe islandica; dorsal bristle. — 21. — ventral bristle, — 22. P. assimilis; anterior extremity. - - 23. — a pedal protuberance. — 24. an elytre. — 25. a hard protuberance on the elytre. — 26. P. assimilis: bristles. fig. 1. Polynoe' globifera. — 2. P. globifera. — 3. — a pedal protuberance. — 4. — a dorsal bristle. — 5. — a ventral bristle. — 6. — an elytre. Den uovske Nordhavsexpedition. G. A. Hansen: Annelida. 50 Tab. II. Fig. 7- Polynoe globifera; en liden haard Knude fra Elytmi. — 8. Do. do. fra Elytrens bagre Rand. — 9. Do. do.; at' Randen af en af de store Knuder paa Elytrens bagre Rand. — 10. Polynoe aspera. — 11. Do. do.; Hovedet. — 12. Do. do.; en Fodknude. — 13. Do. do.; Borster. — 14. Do. do.;' en Elytre. — 15. Do. do.; Ira den bagre Rand af en Elytre. Tab. Ill, Fig. 1. Polynoe a/rctica; Korenden. — 2. Do. do.; en Elytre. — 3. Do. do.; en Fodknude. — -1. Do. do.; dorsal Børste. — 5. Do. do.; ventral Børste. — 6. Polynoe glaberrima; Forenden. — 7. Do. do.; en Elytre. — 8. Do. do.; en Del af Elytrens ydre Rand. — 9. Do. do.; Tentakelcirrernes Basalled eller Iste Fodknude med sin Acicula. — 10. Do. do.; en Fodknude. — 11. Do. do.; Borster; a dorsal, c ventral Børste, b Spidsen af en ventral Børste. — 12?. Poly nor (Nemidia) Torelli; Forenden. — 13. Do. do.; en Fodknude. — 14. Do. do.; a dorsal og & ventral Børste. — 15. Do. do.; Borster af et større Individ. — 16?. Polynoe (Lay/sea) semisculpta; Hoved- lappen. — 17. Do. do.; en Fodknude. — 18. Do. do.; Borster. — 19. Do. do.; en Elytre. — 20. Do. do.; et Stykke af Elytrens bagre Rand. Tab. IV, Fig. 1. Nephthys atlantica; en Fodknude, ca. den lOde. — 2. Do. do.; en Fodknude niellem 13de og 25de Led. — 3. Do. do.; en Børste af det bagre Bundt. — 4. Do. do.; en Børste af det forreste Bundt. — 5. Onuphis hyperborea; Forenden. — 6. Do. do.; Forenden underfra. — 7. Do. do.; Overkjæve. — 8. Do. do.; Fnderkjæve. Pl. II. fig. 7. Polynoé globifera; a small bard protube- rance on the elytre — 8. P. globifera; another, from the posterior margin of the elytre. — 9. P. globifera; another, from the margin of one of the large protubeiances on the pos- terior margin of the elytre. — 10. Polynoe aspera. — 11. the head. — 12. a pedal protuberance. — 13. the bristles. — 14. an elytre. — 15. parts from the posterior margin of an elytre. PI. Ill, fig. 1. Polynoe ardica; anterior extremity. — 2. an elytre. — 3. a pedal protuberance. — 4. a dorsal bristle. — 5. a ventral bristle. — 6. Polynoe glaberrima; anterior extremity. — 7. an elytre. — 8. — part of the exterior margin of an elytre. — 9. P. glaberrima; basal articulation of the tentacular cirris, or the 1st pedal protu- berance with its acicula. — 10. P. glaberrima; a pedal protuberance. — 11. bristles; a a dorsal bristle; c a ventral bristle; b point of a ventral bristle. — 12?. Polynoé (Nemidia) Torelli: anterior ex- tremity. — 13. P. (Nemidia) Torelli: a pedal protuberance. — 14. — — a a dorsal, b a ventral bristle. — 15. P. (Nemidia) Torelli; bristles of a larger specimen. — 16?. Polynoe (Lagisca) semisculpta; chief lobe. — 17. P. (Lagisca) semisculpta; a pedal protube- rance. - 18. P. (Lagisca) semisculpta; bristles. — 19. — an elytre. — 20. — — a piece of the posterior margin of the elytre. PI. IV, fig. 1 . Nephthys atlantica: a pedal protuberance, about the 10th. — 2. N. atlantica; a pedal protuberance, between the 13th and the 25th segments. — 3. N. atlantica: a bristle from the posterior fascicle. — 4. N. atlantica: a bristle from the anterior fascicle. — 5. Onuphis hyperborea: anterior extremity. — 6. ant. extrem. from below. — 7. — upper jaw. — 8. lower jaw. 51 Tab. IV. Pig 9. 10. 11. li'. — 13. — 14. — 15. — 16. — 17. — 18. — 19. Tab. V. Fig. 1. 2. 3. 4. — o. — 6. — 7. — 8. — 9. — 10. Fig. 11 & 12. — 13. Onuphis hyperborea; Bagenden. Do. do; Iste Fodknude med en acicu- lær Børste fra samme. Do. du.; 2deii Podknude. Do. do.; 3die Podknude med dens I '.oy- ster. Do. do.; lite Podknude med en acicu- laer Børste fra samme. Typhlonereis gracilis; Porenden fra Siden. Do. do ; ovenfra. Do. do.; en Podknude. Do. do.; en do. Do. do.; Kjærer. !><>. do.; Børster. Scalibregma abyssorwn. Do. do.; Forenden underfra med ud. krænget Snabel. Do. do.; Hovedlappen. Do. do.: af etTværsnit af et af de for- reste Led. Do. do.; Bagkroppons Børsteknuder. Do. do.: en gaffelformet Børste. Do. do.; en capillær Børste. Scalibregma parvum. Do. do.; Forenden ovenfra. Do. do.; Bagenden. Do. do.; to Exempl. i naturlig Størrelse. Do. do.; Forkroppens Børstebundter. — 14. Do. do.; en Fodknude fra Bagkroppen. — 15. Do. do.: de gaffelformige Børster i et Børstebundt. — 16. Do. do.; en gaffelformet Børste. — 17. Do. do.; en capillær Børste. — 18. Eumenia crossa; en gaffelformet Børste. — 19. Scalibregma inflakim; en cio. do. — 20. Aricia arctica; Forenden. — 21. Do. do.: et Tværsnit af Forkroppen. — 22. 1 o. do.; Tværsnit af Bagkroppen. — 23. Do. do.; Spidsen af en Børste. — 24. Do. do : Børstens Fortsættelse. — 25. Do. do.; Forenden fra Siden. — 26. Do. do.; de korte Børster i Forkroppens Led. — 27. Glycera capitata; en tvedelt Bagende. Tab. VI. Fig. 1. Clyrnene Koreni. — 2. Do. do.: Forenden. — 3. Do. do.: Bagenden. — 4. Do. do.; en Hagebørste. Pl.rV, fig. 9. Onwphis hyperborea; posterior extremity. ■ — LO. — Lstpedalprotuberance, with an acicular bristle. — 11. 0. hyperborea; 2nd pedal protuberance. - 12. 3rd pedal protuberance, with the bristles. — 13. 0. ^hyperborea; 11th pedal protuberance, with an acicular bristle. - 14. Typhlonereis gracilis; anterior extremity, lateral aspect. — 15. T. gracilis; seen from above. — 16. T. gracilis; a pedal protuberance. — 17. a pedal protuberance. — 18. — jaws. — 19. — bristles. PL V, tig. 1. Scalibregma abyssorwn. — 2. S. abyssorwn; anterior extremity, with ex- serted proboscis. — 3. lobe of the, head. — 4. — part of transverse section of one of the foremost segments. — 5. S. abyssorwn; fascicles of bristles of poste- rior part of body. — 6. S. abyssorum; a furcate bristle. 7. — a capillary bristle. — 8. Scalibregma parvum. — 9. S. parvum; seen from above. — 10. — posterior extremity. fig. 1 life 12. — two specimens, natural size. — 13. bristles on anterior part of body. — 14. *S'. parvum : a pedal protuberance from posterior part of body. — 15. S. parvum; the furcate bristles; a fascicle of the latter. — 16. S. parvum; a furcate bristle. — 17. — a capillary bristle. — 18. Eumenia crossa; a furcate bristle. — 19. Scalibregma inflatum; a furcate bristle. — 20. Aricia arctica; anterior extremity. — 21. a transverse section of the anterior part of the body. — 22. A. arctica; a transverse section of the posterior part of the body. — 23. A. arctica; point of a bristle. — 24. part of the bristle below the point. — 25. A. a dica; anterior extremity, lateral as- pect. — 26. A. arctica: the short bristles in the anterior part of the body. — 27. Glycera capitata; a posterior extremity, cleft. PI. VI, fig. 1. Clymene Koreni. — 2. anterior extremity. — 3. — posterior extremity. — 4. — an uncinate bristle. 52 Tab. Yl. Fig. 8. 9. 10. — 11. Clymene Koren/: en Kapillærbørste. Myriochde Sarsii. Do. do.; Kapillærbørster; a de lange, b de korte; svarer til de samme Bog- staver Fig. 10. Do. do.; Forenden. Do. do.; Baeenden. Do. do.; af et Tværsnit af Kroppen: a de lange, b de korte Kapillærbørster, c Hagebørsterne. Do. do.; Enden af en Hageborstetorus. PI. VI. fig. — 12. Do. do.; Hageborster. — 13. Myriochde Danidsseni; Forenden. — 14. Do. do.; en Hagebørste. — 15. Et Stykke af Koret. — 16. Sphærodorwn abyssomm; naturlig Stør- relse. —i 17. Do. do.: Forenden ovenfra, forstørret. — 18. Do. do.; af et Tværsnit af Kroppen; den dorsale runde Cirre og Fodknuden. — 19. Do. do.: en Børste — 20. Ammotrypane cylindricaudatus. — 21. Do. do.; Forenden. — 22. Do. do.; Bagenden. — 23. Do. do.; Bagenden underfra. — 24. Do. do.: Tværsnit af Kroppen. — 25. Do. do.; tilbørende Børste. — 26. Do. do.; en af de 4 bagerste Fodknuder. — 27. Do. do.: en Børste fra samme. — 28. Do. do.: Bagenden af et Dyr uden det lange cylinderlormede Analstykke. Tab. VII. Fig. 1. — 2. < irratulus ahranchiatus. Do. do.: Forenden. — 3. Do. do.; Bagenden. — 4. Do. do.; Borstebundter. — 5. — 6. Trophonia hirsuta. Do. do.; Borstebundter. — 7. Do. do.; dorsal Børste. — 8. Do. do.; ventral Borste. — 9. — 10. Trophonia rugosa. Do. do.; Borstebundter. — 11. Do. do.; dorsal Børste — 12. Do. do.; ventral Borste. — 13. — 14. Trophonia borealis. Do. do.; Borstebundter. — 15. Do. do.; dorsal Borste. — 16. Do. do.; ventral Borste. 8. 9. 10. — 11. — 12. — 13. — 14. — 15. Clymene Korerii: a capillary bristle. Myriochde Sarsii. M. Sarsii; capillary bristles: « the long, b the short, corresponding to the same letters in fig. 10. M. Sarsii; the anterior extremity. — the posterior extremity. — part of a transverse section of the body: a, the long, b, the short capillary bristles; c, the uncinate bristles. M. Sarsii: termination of a torus (unci- nate bristles). M. Sarsii: uncinate bristles. My r iodide Danidsseni; anterior extrem- ity. M. Danidsseni: an uncinate bristle. — a piece of the tube. 16. Sphasrodorum abyssorum; natural size. — : i. — 18. — 19. — 20. — 21. 22. — 23. — 24. — 25. — 26. — 28. PI. VII. fig. — 4. — 5. — 6. — 7. — 8. — 9. — 10. — 11. — 12. — 13. — 14. — 15. — 16. 8. abyssorum; anterior extremity, seen from above, magnified. S. abyssorum: part of a transverse sec- tion of the body, the round dorsal part and a pedal protuberance. S. abyssorwm; a bristle. Ammotrypane cylindricaudatus. A. cylindricaudatus; anterior extremity. — posterior extremity. — posterior extremity, seeii from below. A. cylindricaudatus; transverse section of the body. A. cylindricaudatus; bristles. one of the 4 hind- most pedal protuberances. A. cylindricaudatus; a bristle from one of the same protuberances. A. cylindricaudatus; posterior extremity of a specimen without the long cylindrical shaped anal part. ( irratulus dbra/nchiatus. C. ahranchiatus; anterior extremity. posterior extremity. — fascicles of bristles. Trophonia hirsuta. T. hirsuta; fascicles of bristles. dorsal bristle, ventral bristle. Trophonia rugosa. T. rugosa: fascicles of bristles, dorsal bristle. ventral bristle. Trophonia borealis. T. borealis: fascicles of bristles, dorsal bristle. — ventral bristle. 53 Tab. VIT, Fig. 17. Trophonia ardica. - 18. Do. do.; Børstebundter. — 19. Do. do.; dorsal I Hiistc. — 20. Do. do.; ventral Børste. — 21. Brada granulosa. — 22. Do. do.; ventral Børste. — 23. Potuhiilhi Malmgreni. — 24. Do. do.; Forkroppens spatelformige Bør- ster. — 25. Do. do.; Forkroppens Kapillærbørster. 26. Do. do.; Forkroppens Hagebørster. — 27. Do. do.: Bagkroppens do. — 28. Prof ula ardica; Skal og Dyr i naturlig Størrelse. — 2U. Do. do.: Forenden forstørret. — 30. Do. do.: Bagenden. — 31. Do. do.: første Leds Børste. — 32. Do. do.: Kapillærbørste fra Forkroppens andet Led. — 33. Do. do.; Kapillærbørste fra Bagkroppen. — 34. Do. do ; Hagebørster. Pl. "N' 1 1. fig. 17. Trophonia ardica — 18. fascicles of bristles. — .19. — dorsal bristle. — 20. — ventral bristle. — 21. Brada granulosa. — 22. ventral bristle. — 23. PotamiUa Malmgreni. — 24. — spatulate bristles from fore part of body. — 2.*>. /'. Malmgreni; capillary bristles from fore part of body. — 20. l'. Malmgreni; uncinate bristles from fore part of Ik ulv. — 27. P. Malmgreni; uncinate bristles from bind part of body. — 28. Probata ardica; shell ami animal, na- tural size. — 2\). P. ardica; anterior extremity, magnified. — 30. posterior extremity. — 31. bristle of first segment. — 32. — capillary bristle from tbe second segment of the fore part of the body. — 33. P. ardica; capillary bristles from bind part of body. — 34. P. ardica; uncinate bristles. hull- oi ret i Jvui 1880. //. ct ivt d J"'u 1880, Translated into English by John Hazelarid. G. A. Ha ist Tab. /. n I //. 13. r to. 19 IS lb. t 20. / ?(>. ■b • Nordh. Exprd. G. . I. Hansen, . In Tab, II 6. "^— --^^ .;. 13 iff 12. 15. P £) & A A' ord h G . I Hansen, . \nnelida ^S i 10 t a II \ ib. a. IS i') lfl^ 'I t;y / * irø X i' r Jli. Exped li. I, Ha isi i \nnelida. 8. 10. #> (A \ 16. ■ (ij ^ 18. in. „ G. A.Hansen, An ti. 1A-. id. & 20 1Q. 26 23. U. Nordh. Exped. G. . !. Hansen, \nnelida. Tab. VI. — /* iw-^ os 16. 10. 15. II. 14. 12. 2) f >?■ irø ?/. ^ i"6. 25. 28 27. rendd. .Nordh. Exped ('■.. I. Hansen. . \nnelida. , :,. - 54 10. ii. IS. lb. 28. Tab. S*. 19. N 20 55. , , m 21. ' Norske UoriUiaYs- Eixpediti Den jmvate Ojanadtirup htKAmtalt .. Kristiania. BEN NORSKE N 0 P. I) B A V 8 - E X P E I) 1 T 1 0 N 18 7 6 — 187 8. ZOOLOGI. 8 P O N G I A D Æ, VED G. ARMAUER HANSEN. MED 7 PLANGHEH OG 1 KART. CHRISTIANIA. GRØNDAHL & SØNS BOGTRYKKEKI. 1885. THE NORWEGIAN NORTH-ATLANTIC EXPEDITION 1876 — 1878. ZOOLOGY. S P O N G I A II Æ BY G. ARMAUER HANSEN, M. D. WITH 7 PLATES AND 1 MAP. CHBISTIANIA. PRINTED BY GRØNDAHL & SUN. 1885. Samtlige Svampe vare opbevarede paa Alkohol; aogle faa vare indtørrede pan Grand af Karrenes mindre fuld- stændige Lukning og Alkoholens deraf følgende Fordamp- ning. Paa en hel Del Etiketter er Paaskriften skeet med Anilin-Blæk, saa den for Tiden er ulæselig, og det er for- gjæves forsøgt at fremkalde denne igjen ved forskjellige Midler. Følgen heraf er. at Findestedet ikke kan angives for en hel Del af de beskrevne Svampe. Hvorvel Svampene i det Hele er vel konserverede, har det dog ikke været mig muligt af en eneste at faa Prepa- rater, paa hvilke jeg kunde faa Rede paa Kanalsystem, eller overhovedet paa Bløddelenes Struktur. Det eneste Holdepunkt for Svampenes Bestemmelse har derfor været Kiselnaalenes Form og Anordning. Den ydre Formgiver, som bekjendt hos disse Dyr. kun i ganske faa Tilfælde mere eller mindre paalidelige Holdepunkter. Kiselnaalenes Form og Anordning synes derimod at maatte kunne bruges som GJTundlag for en systematisk Inddeling. Det her be- handlede Antal Svampe er imidlertid for lidet til at grund- lægge et System paa. og jeg indskrænker mig derfor til at oidne Materialet efter Kiselnaalenes Form. og vil jeg, hvor det har lykkets mig at identificere en Form med en allerede tidligere beskrevet, benytte dennes Navn. Det er ellers i Regelen yderst vanskeligt, for ikke at sige umuligt. at kunne henføre noget af de undersøgte Dyr til en allerede beskreven Form. speeielt gjælder dette de af Bowerbank beskrevne; indenfor den samme Slægt fore- kommer hos ham saa forskjellige Kiselnaaleformer. og samme Naaleformer rindes hos forskjellige Slægter. saa det bliver aldeles umuligt efter Naaleformerne alene at finde frem i Bowerbanks System. Og heller ikke er Bowerbanks øvrige Karakteristik af Slægterne af den Beskaffenhed, at man kan tinde sig tilrette ved Hjælp af samme, og jeg har derfor ganske maattet opgive at finde Rede i Bower- banks System. Om to Svampe har sine ens spids-spidse N~aale ens anordnede, men der hos den ene af dem til disse Naale kommer en anden Sort. saa bliver det et Sporgsmaal. om Anordningen eller Naaleformerne skal an- sees som det væsentligste til at karakterisere Slægten, og IJen norske Nordhavsexpedition. ". A. Hanssen: Spongiadæ. All of the sponges wen' preserved in alchohol; a small number of them were shrunk, however, owing to the incomplete closing of the vessel that contained them, and consequent evaporation of the alchohol. The superscrip- tion on a large number of the distinguishing labels had been effected with Aniline ink, and these labels show, now, no trace of superscription, although several means have, subsequently, been attempted, in vain, to recall the writing. In consequence of this, it has become impossible, now, to state the habitat of a large number of the sponges. Although, upon the whole, the sponges have been well preserved, it has not been possible, for me, to obtain preparations from a single one of them, in which I could trace out the canal system or, generally, the structure of the soft parts. The only definite feature, therefore, for the discrimination of the sponges, has been the form and arrangement of the siliceous .spicules. As is known, the external form of these animals gives, in only quite a few cases, more or less trustworthy distinguishing characteristics. Upon the other hand, the form and arrangement of the siliceous spicules appear as if they might be used as a basis for a systematic classification. The number of sponges treated of in this report is too small, however, to establish a system upon, and I confine myself, therefore, to arranging the material according to the form of the siliceous spicules. and where it has been possible, for me, to identify a form with one already previously described. I will make use of the designation of that one. It is, usually, however, extremely difficult, if not absol- utely impossible, to assign any of the animals investigated, to a. form previously described, and this is specially the case in regard to those described by Bowerbank. In his works we meet, included in the same genus, such divergent forms of spicules; whilst, also, we find the same spicular form in different genera ; that it becomes quite impossible to trace out a path in Bowerbank's system, solely, by the spicular form. Neither are Bowerbank's other generic characteristics of such a nature, that we can see our way by the aid they afford, and I have, therefore, been obliged to relinquish the hope of assistance from Bowerbank's system. When two sponges have their uniform acuate spic- ules similarly disposed, and when to these spicules there is, in one of them, added, also, another kind, it becomes, then, a question, whether the disposition of the spicules, or l i denne Henseende har Bowerbank, saavidt jeg kan skjønne, neppe nok ladet Naaleformenie faa en tilstrækkelig Vægt. Oskar Schmidt forekommer mig ogsaa at hegge for megen Vægt paa Svampenes Bløddele og øvrige Bygning i Forhold til Naalenes Form; jeg har nemlig ikke kunnet rinde noget karakteristisk i de undersøgte Svampes Bloddele; Sarkoden har jeg fundet dels aden enhver Antydning til Differentiering, dels tilsyneladende traadet. meget lignende et fibrillært Bindevæv; ved Hjælp af Karniin rinder man i Sarkoden temmelig tallige smaa runde Kjerner, der imid- lertid ikke bidrager til at give Sarkoden nogen bestemt Karakter, og det har derfor været mig umuligt i Sarko- dens Beskaffenhed at kunne rinde noget, der kunde tjene til at karakterisere Svampene. Jeg er derfor kommet til det Resultat, at alene Naaleformerne kan bruges til at karakterisere Svampene; og det forekommer mig. ;it man i Hæekels Behandling af Kalksvampene har did Forbillede. hvorefter man burde rette siii ved Inddelingen af Kisel- svampene. Kiselnaalene er det eneste ialfald nogenledes konstante Formelement, der kan tjene til et Grundlag for en systematisk Inddeling. Om man, ved at benytte den, ogsaa vilde faa et naturligt System, derom tor jeg ingen Mening have; men jeg tror for sikkert at kunne antage, at man ved deres Hjælp vilde kunne faa et System, i hvil- ket det lod sig gjøre at rinde sig tilrette med nogenledes Lethed; og dette maa, efter min Mening, ansees som det foreløbige Desideratum. Som allerede nævnt er det Ma- teriale, jeg har havt under Behandling, neppe stort nok til at danne Grundlag for en systematisk Ordning af disse mangfoldigtformede Dyr. og jeg indskrænker mig derfor til at ordne dem og beskrive dem efter deres Naaleformer, det eneste, hvori jeg har fundet et Holdepunkt. Det tor vel hænde, at jeg kommer til at beskrive allerede kj endte Former under nye Navne; men da det Gebet, hvorfra disse Svampe er opfisket, er et hidtil saa- godtsom aldeles uudforsket, saa tor det vel ogsaa hænde, at Mesteparten af de fundne Dyr virkelig ere nye for Vi- denskaben. Til Betegnelse af Naaleformerne benytter jeg mig af di' af Dr. Vosmaer angivne Formler1. Svampenes ydre Form kan neppe spille nogen Rolle for deres systematiske Inddeling, men kan kanske delvis benyttes til Adskillelse af Arterne. Spiklernes Anordning forekommer mig ogsaa mestendels at spille en underordnet Rolle, hvorvel den for visse Formers vedkommende synes :it være temmelig gjennemgaaende ens. Jeg begynder med Svampe med Naaleformel ac ■ 1 Dr. a. ('. T. Vosmaer: Versuch einer spongiologischen Si mographie i Tijdsschrift der nederlandsche dierkundige vereinigung. Deel V. 1881. their form, should be considered as tin: most material, in the characterisation of the genus, aud in this respect Bower- bank has, so far as I can gather, scarcely laid sufficient stress upon the form of the spicules. It also appears to me, that Oskar Schmidt lays too much stress upon the soft parts, and the other structure of the sponges, in relation to the spicular form. I have, for instance, not been able to rind any characteristics in the soft parts of the sponges investigated; but have found the sarcode to be, partly, without any indications of differ- entiation, and partly, apparently, very similar to a fibril- lous connective-tissue. With the assistance of carmine, there is found in the sarcode, rather numerous, small round nuclei, which do not, however, contribute to give the sarcode any definite character, and it has been impossible, for me. therefore, to find in the nature of the sarcode. anything which would serve to characterise the sponges. I have come to the conclusion, therefore, that the form of the spicules can. alone, be used to characterise the sponges; and it appears to me, that in Hæckel's treatment of the calcareous sponges we have, the prototype upon which we ought to proceed in the classification of the siliceous sponges. The siliceous spicules are, at all events, the only, somewhat constant form-element, which can serve as a basis for a systematic classification. Whether, by its use, we would also obtain a natural system; I cannot venture to express an opinion upon; but I think, I may, certainly, assume, that with its aid. we might obtain a system, in which it was possible to find our way with some degree of ease, and in my opinion this must be considered to be the preliminary desideratum. As already mentioned, the material which I have had under investigation is scarcely sufficient to form the basis of a systematic arrangement of these, so multitudinously formed, animals, and I confine myself, therefore, to classify and describe them, according to the form of the spicules, this being the only point which I have found to be charac- teristic. It may happen, perhaps, that I come to describe, under new designations, forms already known, tint as the field from which these sponges have been obtained, is one that, hitherto, has been almost entirely uninvestigated, it may also, therefore, well happen, that the greater part of the animals found, are really new to science. To indicate the spicular form, I make use of the formula- given by Dr. Vosmaer1. The external form of the sponges can scarcely play any part in their systematic arrangement, but can perhaps be used. partially, in the distinguishing of the species. The arrange- ment of the spicules appears, to me, also, to play, principally, a secondary part, although, in regard to certain forms, it appears to be tolerably uniform throughout. I commence with sponges having spicules of the form 1 Dr. (t. C. T. Vosmaer: Versuch einer spongiologischen Stenographic i Tijdsschrift der nederlandsche dierkundige vereinigung. Deel V. 1881. eller nr- sp. Da jeg nu i den seldre Svampeliteratur ikke kan tinde Svampe med denne Naaleforniel samlede under et Navn og heller ikke anser mig berettigel til ;it danne et nyt Navn, samler jeg dem under Navnet Reniera, < ). Schmidt, der synes mig at være den Slægt, hvorunder de med størsl Bet kan indordnes. Den forst omhandlede har imidlertid allerede faaet el eget Slægtnavn og er saa vel kjendt under dette, at jeg opfører den under samme Navn. Stylocordyle boreale, Loven. Exemplarerne er af meget forskjellig Størrelse; Stil- ken er paa nogle Exemplarer 1,5""" tyk og Hovedet 1,5"" langt og 1"" i Gjennemsnit; de mindste, fra Station 18, har en 1,5 til 2,0CT lang Stilk og et 3—4""" langt Hoved. Der forekommer baade den af Loven som Hyalonema boreal/s opførte Form med et Osculum midt paa Hovedets øvre Flade. og den af Gr. 0. Sårs som Hyalonema longissima beskrevne Form med Osculum i Randen af samme Flade: men jeg er ikke istand til at tinde nogen Forskjel mellem dem. Jeg har ikke hos nogen tundet den af Sårs beskrevne og afbildede Opdrivning midt paa Naalen med Forgrening af Axekanalen. og jeg antager derfor, at denne Naaleform neppe kan være andet end Udtryk for en lokal Variation og ikke tilstnekkelig til at begrunde en Artsforskjel. Findested. Station 18, .'53. 40. 283. 312. Reniera simplex, n. sp. En pæreformig Sæk paa en temmelig lang Stilk ; blod og los i sin Struktur. Sarkoden bestaar af grøn- ligtfarvede Klumper, i hvilken der i alle Retninger gaar Naalebundter ; samtlige Naale er ar-, let krummede. Tab. I, Fig. 't og Tab. VI. Fig. 1. Findested. Station 255. 2 Exemplarer. ar - or ar- sji. As. however, I have not found in the older works relating to sponges; sponges with this spicular formula, collected under one designation; and I do not consider myself entitled to form a new designation ; 1 have collected them under the designation Reniera (((.Schmidt) which appears, to me. to be the genus to which they can with most show of reason be assigned. The first one treated of has. however, already, obtained a generic designation of its own. and is so well known by it. that I present it under the same name. Stylocordyle boreale, Loven. The specimens are of very various size; in a few of them, the stem is 1.5""" thick, and the head is 1.5"" long and 1.0'"' in diameter. The smallest specimen ; (from station No. 18) has a stem 1.5"" to 2.0"" in length, and a head 3 to 4™'" in length. Both, the form specified by Loven as Hyalonema borealis. with an osculum in the mesial part of the superior surface of the head; and the form described by G. 0. Sars, as Hyalonema longissima, with an osculum in the margin of the same surface; occur, but I am unable to find any difference between them. I have not been able to find, in any of them, the bulbous tumefaction in the middle of the spicule, with the ramification of the axis-canal, which has been described and illustrated by Sars ; and I. therefore, presume, that this spicular form can scarcely be anything else than the expression of a local variety; and insufficient to form the basis of a specific variety. Habitat. Stations No. 18. 33. 40. 283. 312. Reniera simplex, n. sp. A pyriform bag. seated on a rather long stem; in structure, very soft and loose. The sarcode consists of greenish coloured lumps, in which, spicular fasciculi proceed in all directions. All of the spicules are ar-. slightly curved. (PL I. fig. 9. PI. VI. fig. 1). Habitat. Station No. 255. 2 specimens. l* Reniera oblonga, n. sp. Svagt gultfarvede pølseformige Svampe med en ujevn hullet og toppet Overflade, der kun indeholder ne'2, let krummede Naale, der krydse hinanden i alle Retninger. Tali. IL Fig. 5 og Tab. VI, Fig. 2. Findested. Station ukjendt. Reniera velamentosa, n. sp. En aflang, brun Svamp, meget los i sin Bygning, med en Axe al' noget fastere Konsistents. fra hvilken der udgaar Bjelker til en meget tynd Overtladehinde, i hvilken der lindes talrige Aabninger i et Net af ac 2 Naale. Der findes i hele Svampen kun saadanne Naale. Tab. I, Fig. 10 og Tab. VI, Fig. 3. Findested. Station 2(32. Reniera tubulosa, n. sp. Et Brudstykke af en Svamp, en Plade, paa hvilken der sidder 5 Ror af 2 — 3"" Længde; da disse Ror aabne sig paa Underfladen af Pladen, ser det ud, som om denne kun var en Del af en større Væg, der kunde have om- sluttet en større Hulhed, ind i hvilken Rørene har havt sin LTdmunding, idet disse sidste rimeligvis har været Svam- pens Oscula. Det bringer en til at tænke paa Rev. Nor- manns Beskrivelse af Oceanapia Jeffreys!/'1; men der findes i vort Brudstykke ingen bihamate Spikier, kun ac2 Naale. Tab. I, Fig. 12 og Tab. VI, Fig. 4. Findested. Station 1. Reniera membranacea, n. sp. Et temmelig stort, tyndt, gjennemskinnende Blad med hvidlige, toppede Fortykkelser. Det dannes af ac2 sp. Naale, der ligger temmelig tæt pakkede og krydser hinanden i 1 A Monograph oi' the British Spongiadæ, Bowerbank. Vol. IV, pag. 171. Reniera oblonga. n. sp. Faint-yellow coloured, sausage shaped sponge, with an uneven, conically pitted surface, which contains only, ac - spicules, slightly curved, and intersecting each other in all directions. (PI. II, tig. 5, PL VI, tig. 2). Habitat. No record. Reniera velamentosa, n. sp. An oblong, brown coloured sponge; very loose in structure, and having an axis of somewhat firmer consistency, from which rods proceed to a very thin superficial mem- brane, in which numerous apertures forming a reticulation composed of ac 2 spicules occur. Only such spicules are to be found in the entire sponge. (PI. I. tig. 10, PI. VI. fig. 3). Habitat. Station No. 262. Reniera tubulosa, n. sp. A fragment of a sponge, consisting of a plate upon which there are seated 5 tubes, measuring 2 to 3"" in length. As these tubes debouch on the inferior surface of the plate, it appears, as if the fragment was only a portion of a larger wall which may have enclosed a larger cavity in which the tubes have had their discharge ; as they have, presumably, been the oscula of the sponge. This causes one to reflect on the Rev. A. M. Norman's description of Oceanapia Jeffreysii ' ; but in our fragment, no bihamate spicules are found, only ac'2 spicules being visible (PI. I, fig. 12, PI, VI. tig. -4). Habitat. Station No. 1. Reniera membranacea. n. sp. A rather large, thin, translucent and soft sponge, with whitish conical tumefactions. It is formed of ac2 sp. spicules, which are placed, pretty closely packed together, and inter- ' A Monograph of the British Spongiadæ, Bowerbank. Vol IV, pag- 171. alle Retninger; de hvidlige Fort} kkelser ere sniaa Pyramider, der er opbyggede at" samme Sort Naale og paa hvis Spidse der ingen Aabning kan opdages; muligens har Svampen ved Bjælp at' disNc værel festet til sit Underlag. Tal). I, Pig. 11 og Tab. Yl. Fig. 12. secting each other in all directions. The whitish tume- factions arc small pyramids, constructed til' the same kind ul' spicules, and upon whose points no aperture can be detected. The sponge has. possibly, been attached by means of these to its original support. (PI. I, fig, || PL VI. fig. 12). Findested. Habitat. Statio ii iikjciu It. De følgende Dyr har istedetfor Naale af Formelen id - saadanne med Formelen trac, altsaa stumpe i den ene Ende og spidse i den anden. De burde derfor kanske rettest opføres under et andet Slægtnavn end de foregaaende ; men da der blandt de af Oskar Schmidt under Reniera beskrevne Dyr tindes Former med stump-spidse saavelsom med spids-spidse Naale, saa beholder jeg dette Slægtsnavn oiisaa tor disse Former. Reniera digitata. n. sp. En Svamp med fem lappeformige Forgreninger fra en felles Stilk, temmelig blod og los i Strukturen, har kun trac Naale, dels rette, dels krummede, enkelte dobbelt krummede. Tal). I, Fig. 5. Findested. Station 260. Reniera nivea, n. sp. Dels enkle Personer, dels Samlinger af saadanne paa tynde Plader; de enkelte Svampe er utlange, tildels pære- formige, dels cylinderformede, nogle aabenmundede, andre lukkede for Enden. Sækkens Vægge har en Tykkelse af omtrent 0,5mm, og inde i en af dem fandtes en kornet Masse, i hvilken der forekom spredte Kiselnaale. medens de andre var tomine. Væggene dannes af parallelt gaaende tykkere Naalebundter, udenpaa hvilke der tindes tvertgaaende Naalebundter i nogenledes regelmæssige Afstande fra hin- anden, men forresten krydsende hinanden under mere eller mindre spidse Vinkler. I de af disse Naale dannede Ma- sker tindes Huller, der gjennenibore hele Væggen. Ytterst tindes et Lag af korte Naale. der staar perpendikulær! No record. Thi' following animals, instead of having spicules resembling the formula ac2, have spicules according to the formula trac, or blunt at the one extremity and acuate at the other extremity. They ought, therefore, perhaps, with mostshow of reason, to he classified under another generic designation than the preceeding ones, but, as amongst those animals described by Oskar Schmidt under the designation Beniera, there are found forms of spicules with blunted points, as well as with acuate points, I have retained this generic designation, also, for these animals. Reniera digitata, n. sp. A sponge having five lobate branches proceeding from one common stem; rather soft and loose in its struc- ture. It has spicules of the formula trac only: partly straight, partly, in single curves, and partly, with a few spicules having double curves (PI. I, fig. 5). Habitat. Station No. 26U. Reniera nivea, n. sp. Occasionally, isolated individuals, occasionally, collec- tions of them, upon thin plates. The isolated sponges are oblong, partly, pyriform, and partly, cylindrical: a few are open-mouthed, whilst others, again, are closed at the extrem- ities. The walls of the bag have a, thickness of about 0.5""", and contained in one of the bags was found, agranular mass, in which scattered siliceous spicules appeared, whilst the others were empty. The walls are formed of parallel, thickish spicular fasciculi, outside of which, transversal spic- ular fasciculi are found, placed at somewhat regular inter- vals from each other, but, otherwise, intersecting each other at more or less acute angles. In the reticulation formed by these spicules; perforations occur, which completely pene- paa de underliggende. Samtlige Naale er trac eller tr{'ac; disse sidste findes doe kun i ringe Antal. Tab. I. Fin. 6. Findested. Station ukjendt. Reniera palescens, n. sp. En vifteformig, lysgraa, liden Svamp, i hvilken der kun findes trac Naale. Mesteparten mere eller mindre krummede, enkelte rent bueformige. Tal). I. Fig. 2. Findested. Station 8. Reniera dubia, n. sp. En brun, klumpet, blød Svamp, der sidder paa en Oculinastok. Den indeholder kun trac, tr°2 og enkelte ac - Naale. De afstumpede Ender af Naalene er dels afrun- dede, dels tvert afskaarne og i begge Tilfælde forsynede Tab. II, Fig. 1 og Tab. VI. Fig. 7. med smaa Tagger Findested. Station 270. Reniera infundibiliformis, n. sp. Tragtformige Bægere, der sidder fæstede paa en Algestilk. meget løse i Bygningen, bestaar af et aabent Net af trac Naale, dels rette, dels svagt krummede. Der fandtes en enkelt fr 2 og en tr°ac Naal. Tab. I. Fig. 7 og Tab. VI. Fig. 11. Findested. Station 201. trate the walls of the meshes. Quite on the outside, there is found, a layer of short spicules, which is placed, per- pendicularly, upon the subjacent one. All the spicules are according to the formula trac or tr°ac. The last, however, are onlv found in small numbers (PI. I. fie. 6). Habitat. No record. Reniera palescens, n. sp. A fan-shaped, light-grey coloured, sponge; in which, spicules according to the formula trac are alone found, the greater part of them being, more or less curved; a few purely arcuate (PI. I. fig. 2). Habitat. Station No. 8. Reniera dubia. n. sp. A brown coloured, lumpy, soft sponge, seated on an oculina stalk. It contains only trac. tr°2, and a few ac2 spicules. The blunted extremities of the spicules are partly rounded, and partly, truncated, and in both cases, they are furnished with small aculeæ (Pl. II. fig. 1. PL VI, fig. 7). Habitat. Station No. 270. Reniera infundibiliformis, n. sp. Funnel-shaped chalices, situated upon an alga stem; very loose in structure, and consisting of an open reticula- tion of trac spicules, partly, straight, partly, gently curved. A solitary tr2 and a traac spicule was found (PI. I, fig. 7, PL VI. fig. 11). Habitat. Station No. 201. Reniera complicata. a. sp. En lysgraa Svamp, tilsyneladende grenet, men snarere bladet, en sammenhængende Had Masse, paa hvilken der lindes fremstaaende Kanter eller Hladc paa begge Flader. Naalene er samtlige Stavnaale, men af temmelig forskjellig Fonn: dels ac* tynde rette, bøiede eller mangfoldigt krum- mede, dels trac, temmelig tykke og svagl bøiede, dels !r-, 'ligeledes tykke og svagl bøiede og endelig traac og trac, tynde. rette og almindeligt forsynede med en idler to kugle- eller halvkugleformige Opdrivninger. Tab. I, Fig. 8 og Tab. VI. Fig. 8. Findested. Station 84. Reniera inflata. sp. En liden hvid Svamp, der danner en Blære paa en hul Stilk ; Blæren ved sin øvre Ende besat med flere koniske, hule Papiller, lukkede for Enden. Blærens saavelsom Stil- kens og Papillernes Vægge opbyggede af ir'z Naale, der krydse hinanden under omtrent rette Vinkler. Tal). I. Fig. 4. Findested. Station ukiendt. De nu følgende Svampe, som jeg henregner til 8ub- eritidæ, har samtlige Spikier af Formelen tr°ac og kun saadanne. Jeg begynder med før beskrevne Former. Radiella sol. < >. Schmidt. Trichostemma hemispbåricum, . Sars. Halicnemia hemispherica, Marenz. Oscar Schmidt has. already, called attention to the fact, that his Radiella sol is identical with Sar's Trichostemma hciinsjiI/iT/rinu. According to Schmidt's description, and the illustration given in his „Atlant. Spongien-', this seems scarcely credible; but the Bergen Museum has obtained a specimen of Radiella sol from the Smithsonian Institution, and after investigating it. I have been able to satisfy my- self that both of these forms are, really, identical. During the Norwegian North-Atlantic Expedition, one specimen was obtained, which in size, quite corresponds med Bowerbanks Halicnemia, som Marenzeller gjør, gaar derimod ikke an, hvis jeg skal dømme efter et Præparat af Spiklerne af Halicnemia patera, som jeg har faaet af Revd. a. M. Normann. Findested. Station 29. 260, 323. Rinalda uberrima. 0. Schmidt. Af denne Form er der fanget en Masse Exemplarer af meget forskjellig Størrelse, som det kan sees af Tab. VI. Fig. 19. Jeg henfører til denne Form en Svamp, som er afbildet Tab. VI. Fig. 10. skjønt den ikke besidder saa store Papiller som de øvrige Exemplarer, men dens Byg- ning forresten er ganske den samme som hos Rinalda, idet den hai- en tynd, 1 — 2""" tyk Skorpe af lysere Farve end Resten af Svampen, og som dannes af tætstaaende korte og tynde trac Naale (se Tab. I. Fig. 1). Naalene ere for Størstedelen trac. ikke 1r°ac som hos de øvrige Exemplarer af Rinalda ; men der tindes dog Overgangsformer til lr"ac. som det kan sees af Tab. I, Fig. 1. ligesom der hos Rinalda tindes trac Naale og lignende Overgangsformer, som det kan sees af Tab. II. Fig. 8. Findested. Station 286. Thecophora semisuberites. 0. Schmidt. Thecophora elongata, Marenz. ibla. AV. Thomson. Af denne Form er der ogsaa fanget en stor Mængde, og der tindes alle Overgange mellem den al Marenzeller som Th. elongata opførte Form og den sædvanlige Tli. semisuberites. I de mindste Exemplarer, der ere konisk tilspidsede. rindes kun en Antydning til en Pudedannelse, idet der oppe i Spidsen tindes en Del smaa Naale. der dog ikke danne noget sammenhængende Lag, men ligge spredt inde mellem de spidse Ender af de lange Naale. I lidt større Exemplarer findes allerede et tydeligt Lag af smaa Naale for Enden af Svampen. W. Thomsons Tit. ibla skiller sig fra Th. semisuberites kun derved, at de smaa Naale. der danne Puden. staar with the American specimen, whilst, the others are much larger. To identify Radiella sol with Bowerbank's Halic- nemia as Maranzeller has done, is however, not possible, if I may judge from a preparation of the spicules of Halic* nemia patera which I have obtained from the Re Norman. Habitat. Stations No. 29. 260. 323. A. M. Rinalda uberrima, 0. Schmidt. Of this form, there has been obtained a large number of specimens, of very various size, as may be seen from PI. VI. Fig. 19. To this form I. also, assign a sponge which is illustrated PI. VI. fig. 10. although it does not possess such large papillæ as the other specimens, but its structure, otherwise, is the same as in Rinalda. in so far, that it lias a thin 1 — 2mm thick crust of lighter colour than the rest of the sponge, formed of closely-set. short, thin spicules of the trac formula (vide PL I. fig. ]). Most of the spicules are trac, and not tr°ac as in the rest of the specimens of Rinalda; but there are, also, found transition-forms towards the tr°ac formula, as may bo seen in PI. I, fig. 1; whilst, also, in Rinalda, there are found trac spicules and similar transition-forms, as may lie seen in Pl. II. fis. 8. Habitat. Station No. 286. Thecophora semisuberites, O. Schmidt. Thecophora elongata, Marenz. ibla, W. Thomson. Of this form, a large number lias also been obtained, and there are found, all transition-forms between the form Th. elongata, established by Marenzeller, and the usual form of Th. semisuberites. In the smallest specimens, which also, arc conically acuminated, there is found, only an indi- cation of a terminal cortical layer, in as much as. that up at the point, there is found a number of small spicules, which do not, however, form a continuous layer, but are found situated, dispersed between the acuate extremities of the long spicules. In the larger specimens, there is already found, a distinct layer of small spicules at the extremity of the sponge. W. Thomson^ Th. ibla differs from Th. semisuberites. only, in this. viz. that the small spicules which form the sammen i Bundter, hvad der foranlediger, at Puden ser ud, som om den var dannet :it' smaa Papiller, medens den hos Tli. semisuherites, er glat. Findested. Station 29, 35, 125, 205, i;">7. 290, 292. Polymastia penicillus. (Mont) Vosni. Vosmaer bar i „Niederl. Archiv fur Zoologi, Supple- mentband I" givet « -n udførlig Beskrivelse af denne Art mrd Figurer, hvorfor jeg ikke indlader mig paa nærmere at karakterisere den. De indfangede Exemplarer er meget store, 7 — 8"" i Gjennemsnit. Findested. Station I'll. ? Spikelanordningen hos denne Art er nu akkurat den samme som hos de ovenfor nævnte Arter, størst er imid- lertid Ligheden vaeåBadiella sol. og det er visselig urigtigt at give disse Dyr forskjellige Slægtsnavne. Vilde man til- dele Konsistentsen tiogen Vægt som Slægtskarakter, kunde man henføre Polymastia penicillus og Bad/ella sol til en Slægt, Rinaldtt uberrima og Thecophora semisuberites til en anden. Men alle har de som fælles Kjendemærker, at de kun besidde tr°ac Xaale og at disse ei saaledes anordnede, at der i den ydre Skorpe tindes kortere og tyndere Xaale palisadeformigt anordnede og indenfor tindes di' længere Xaale i radiært udstraalende Bundter. der kun naar ud til Skorpens indre Begrændsning eller som hos Polymastia tildels gjennembore denne. Der tindes endnu nogle Svampe, der kun har tr°OC Xaale. men hos hvem Naalenes Anordning er en anden end hos de ovenfor opregnede og som jeg opfører under Navnet Suberites. Suberites alveus, n. sp. En lid en Svamp af Form som en Bikube, med en Xaalekrands rundt Basis (Tab. II, Fig. 3, fl). Paa Gjen- nemsnittet sees en lysere Oorticalmasse at omgive en brunt- farvet Centralmasse og midt paa Basalfladen sees en lys- farvet Tap (Fig. 3, b). Denne Tap og hele Corticalmassen forresten er dannet af lange tr°ac Xaale. Disse Xaale ligger langs hele den konvexe Flade tæt pakkede og til- nærmelsesvis parallele; dog er hele Overfladen tint bustet hen norske Nordhavsexpedition. G. A. Hanssen: Spongiadæ. cortical layer are plaeed together in fasciculi, and this imparts to it. the appearance of being formed of small papilla' whilst, in Th. semisuherites it is smooth. Habitat. Stations Nos. 29, 35, 125, 205, 257, 2(10. 292. Polymastia penicillus. (Mont) Vosm. ln ..Xiederl. Archiv frir Zoologi. Supplementband I". Vosmaer has given a detailed description of this species, accompanied by illustrations; and for this reason. T do not. here, more minutely, characterise it. The specimens col- lected are verv large, being 7 — 8"" in diameter. Habitat. Station Xo. 267? In this species, the spicular arrangement is verv similar to that of the previously named species; the sim- ilarity is, however, greatest in the case of Iiadiella sol, and it is. certainly, incorrect to assign to these animals different generic designations. If we place reliance upon the con- sistency as a generic characteristic, we might assign Poly- mastia penicillus and Radiélla sol to one genus, and Rinalda uberrima and Thecophora semisuberites to another. But, all of them have, as a common distinguishing feature, only. tr°ac spicules, and these arranged in such manner. that in the exterior crust, [snorter and slenderer spicules are arranged in form of a palisade, and inside these again. the longer spicules are found, placed in radiating fasciculi which extend, only, to the inner margin of the crust, or, partially, penetrate it. as in Polymastia. There are also found, yet, a few sponges which have only tr°ac spicules, but in which the arrangement of the spicules is dissimilar from that found in the above-named : and these. I have ranked under the designation Suberites. Suberites alveus, n. sp. A small sponge of bee-hive shape, having a spicular wreath around the base (PI. II. fig. 3. a). The sectional aspect shows, a light coloured cortical mass, surrounding a brown coloured central substance, anil in the middle of the basal surface, a light-coloured prominence (PI. II. tig. 3, b). This prominence as well as. also, the whole of the cortical mass, otherwise, is formed of long tr"ac spicules. These spicules are placed along the entire convex surface. ■> 10 ved fremragende Spidser af Naalene (Tab. II, Fig. 3. c). Paa Basis er Naalene anordnede i Bundter, der med sine Baser rage ind i den centrale grøntfarvede Sarkodemasse, medens Naalene divergere og rage frit frem paa Underfladen ; mel- lem disse Naalebundter rindes smækrere Naale, der udfylde Rummene mellem Bundterne (Tab. II, Fig. 3, c). Naalens Funn sees af Tab. II, Fig. 3, d. Findested. Station 205. Suberites conica. n. sp. En liden hvid Svamp, der sidder fastvoxet paa et Brudstykke af en Serpulaskal; den har samme Funn som den foregaaende, men ingen Spikelkrands omkring Basis. Dens Oentralmasse er gulbrun og skinner igjennem det farveløse Oorticallag. Denne dannes udelukkende af tr°ac f Spikier med temmelig varierende Form af Naalenes Hoveder (Tab. II, Fig. 6). Den gulbrune Oentralmasse er gjeniiemsat af lignende Naale. and are. closely, set together, nearly parallel; but still, the surface has a finely hispid appearance, caused by the projecting points of the spicules (PI. II, rig. 3, c). At the base, the spicules are placed in fasciculi, and their bases project into the central green-coloured sarcodal substance, whilst the spicules become divergent, and project, freely, forward on the inferior surface. Between these spic- ular fasciculi, thinner spicules are also found, occupying the spaces between the fasciculi (PI. II, fig. 3, e). The form of the spicules is seen in PI. IT. tin. 3. d. Habitat. Station No. 2ii5. Suberites conica, n. sp. A small white sponge, which is seated upon and is firmly adherent to a. fragment of the shell of a serpula It has the same form as the preceding one, but without the spicular wreath around the base. It's central sub- stanee. or mass, is yellowish-brown in colour, and appears visible through the colourless cortical layer. This is formed, exclusively, of tr°ac f spicules, with rather varying forms of spicular heads (PI. II. rig. ). Findested. Station ukjendt. surface, ami at the base, there is found a layer of shorter spicules, whose points, freely, project on the inferior surface and along the margin, in which last named situation they are longer than on the inferior surface, otherwise, and produce, tlins. spicular wreaths along the margin (PI. II. Fig. 7). Habitat. No record. Suberites glabra, n. sp. An elongate, round stem, which is composed, exclus- ively, of fr"m- spicules, forming a reticulation without any definite regularity of the meshes. On the surface, short spicules appear, placed perpendicularly in it (PI. II. Fig. 9). Habitat. No record. Desmacidinæ. Ligeoverfor disse Svampe ei- jeg i stor Forlegenhed, da jeg ikke med Sikkerhed ved at henføre de forskjellige Former til de af Vosmaer ' opstillede Genera. Jeg be- gynder med nogle Svampe, sum jeg antager horer til Myxilla. Myxilla exigua. n. sp. Et tyndt, hvidligi Lag paa Skallen af en bivalv (Terebratula?); det bestaar af et forvirret Net af trac og trac sp. Naale. mellem hvilke der tindes talrige anc-anc, '■'< (Tah. II. Fig. 2). Findested. Station ukjendt. Desmacidinæ. In regard to these sponges. I find myself in a great difficulty: because, I do not see my way. clearly, to assign with certainty, the various forms, to the genera established by Vosmaer '. I commence with a few sponges which I suppose to pertain to Myxilla. Myxilla exigua, n. sp. A thin, whitish layer, on the shell of a bivalve (Tere- bratula?). It consists of a confused reticulation øf trac and true sp. spicules, between which numerous anc-anc 3, spicules appear (PI. II. fig. 2). Habitat. No record. 1 Vosmaer: The family of the Desmacidinæ. — Notes from the Levden Museum. Vol. Tf. 1K79. 1 Vosmaer. The family of the Desmacidinæ. — Notes from tin- Leyden Museum. Vol. TI. 1879. 12 Myxilla grisea, n. sp. En flad, grenet, lysegraa Svamp (Tab. VI. Fig. 9), der foruden anc2 3 Spilder kun har glatte Spikier, dels tvinle fr'2, dels tykke, tr'2 og trac Spikier. De to sidst- nævnte Fonner er lidt krummede (Tab. I, Fig. 3). Findested. Station 84. Myxilla brunnea, n. sp. En stor, bladdannet Svamp af brun Farve (Tab. VI, Fig. 5), der har en hul Overilade. Den har ingen taste Fibre (keratode Fibre). Saavidt det kunde iagttages, be- stod dens Spilder af ac'2 sp. og tr2 sp. svagt krummede, desuden ane- 3 (Tab. III, Fig. 1 A). Findested. Station 275. Myxilla flabelliformis, n. sp. Ogsaa et stort, vifteformigt Blad, men af graa Farve (Tal). VI, Fig. 6). Heller ikke det har nogen faste (keratode) Fibre. Dets Spikler ere ac2 og ane2 3 (Tab. II. Fig. 14). Findested. Station 359. Jeg har betegnet de to følgende Svampe Sclerilla, og ved at gjøre dette lagt Vægt paa Spiklerne alene uden at skjænke Schmidts Sarkode-Membran og Fibre nogen Op- mærksomhed. Sclerilla arctica, n. sp. En graafarvet, flad Kage med runde Kanter, noget afiang og forsynet i den ene Ende med en fragmentær Overflade, der kunde synes at vise, at den har siddet paa en tynd Stilk (Tab. VI, Fig. 15). Den bestaar af Bundter af ac'2 Spikler, og imellem disse Bundter tinder man en farveløs Sarkode, hvori man opdager ane- 3 Spikler. I Periferien er der et Lag af kortere ac2 sp. Spikler, som ere tæt sammenpakkede og skjære hinanden i alle Retninger Myxilla grisea, n. sp. A flat, branchy light-grey sponge (Pl. VI. tig. 9) which has, besides anc2 3 spicules, only, smooth spicules, partly, thin tr2, partly, thick tr'2 and trac spicules ; both the last named forms being slightly curved (PI. I, fig. 3). Habitat. Station No. 84. Myxilla brunnea. a. sp. A large, leaf-shaped, brown coloured sponge (PL VI, fig. 5) having a cavernous surface. It has no solid fibres (keratode fibres). As far as could be observed, its spicules consisted of ne'2 sp. and tr2 sp. gently curved. besides anc2 3. (PI. Ill, fig. 1 .4). Habitat. Station No. 275. Myxilla flabelliformis, a. sp. Also a large leaf, of fan-shape, but grey in colour (PI. VI, fig. 6). Neither does it contain any keratode fibres. Its spicules are ac2 anil anc2 3, (PI. II. tig. 14). Habitat. Station No. 359. I have designated tin' two following sponges, Sclerilla, and in doing so, lay stress upon the spicules only, without paying any attention to Schmidt's sarcode membrane and fibres. Sclerilla arctica. d. sp. A grey-coloured, flat, cake |with rounded margins, somewhat oblong, and furnished at the one extremity, with a fragmentary surface, which would appear to show, that it had been seated on a thin stem (PI. VI, fig. 15). It consists of fasciculi of ac2 spicules, and between these fasciculi, there is found a colourless sarcode, in which anc'2 3 spic- ules appeal-. In the periphery, there is a layer of shortish ac2 sp. spicules, which are closely packed, and intersect each 13 (Tab. II. Pig. I). Lignende Spikier lindes ogsaa paa den indvondige Side af Svampen siddende mellemde glatte ac* Spikier. Findested. Station !S. 27o. Sclerilla dura. n. sp. En ailang, pæreformig, haard Svamp med en kort. krummet Stilk og med en Liden Ophøining Spaa den øvre Ende, som er aden nogen Aabning. Den it dannet ligesom det foregaaende Exemplar. ar- Spikier udspringe efter Længden langs Axen, parallele i Midten og udstraalende i Bundter henimod Periferien, der ogsaa ligner den sidst omtalte, dannet at' m'2 sp. Spikler, hvilken Funn af Spikler man imidlertid ogsaa rinder paa den indvendige Side af Svampen imellem de glatte ac- Spikler; og endelig tinder man wnc2 3 Spikler i Sarkoden. l>isse sidste tinder man hyppigst i aflange og runde Sar- kode-Klumper, stærkt farvede med Karmin. og som paa nogle Steder næsten har Udseende af at beståa af Celler, skjont det ikke er innlimt med Vished at opdage Kjerner eller Cellerande (Tab. II. Pig. 5). Findested. Station 25;"i. Ved at henføre disse to Former til særegne Arter gjør jeg det Mot paa Grund af det afvigende Udseende. Sandsynligvis vikle det være mere nøiagtigt at henføre dem til een Art. Desmacidon. Ti' denne Slægt maa de Svampe, der nu følger, for- modentlig henregnes, omendskjønt Spiklerne ikke ere ganske lige i dem alle. Med Hensyn til disse Svampe er jei: ogsaa i stor Tvivl om. hvorvidt nogle bør stilles sammen under en Art. eller om de bor henføres til individuelle og personlige Arter. Da deres ydre Udseende imidlertid er saa forskjelligt som vel muligt, saa tror jeg, det er rettest foreløbigt at skjelne mellem Arter og som Artsmærker alene al bruge deres ydre Udseende, idet det er umuligt at rinde nogen Forskjel i deres Bygning eller Naaleformerne other in all directions (Pl. II. rig. 4). Similar spicules are, also, found on the internal side the sponge, situated between the smooth m-- spicules. Habitat. Stations Nos. 8, 275. Sclerilla dura. n. sp. An oblong, pyriform, hard sponge, with a, short curved stein, and a small protuberance, on the superior extrem- ity, without any aperture. It is formed like the preceeding specimen, or- spic- ules proceed longitudinally along the axis; being parallel in the middle; and radiating in fasciculi towards the periphery, which is. also, like the last mentioned, formed of : in so far. that in all of them. rays of spicules are found, which shoot outwards from a common root, partly, in the form of slender spicules, and partly, in the form of letnes. All of these spicules are trac in form, and in the thin layer of sarcode which is found outside of these spicular fasciculi, and partly, also, between the spicules of the root, there are found rid-nit spicules. of somewhat different size in the different animal's, bul still having the stime form in all of them. In a solitary one. there are. also, found S-formed spicules (PI. IV, rig. 2). It appears to me. from this, that it is best to assign the whole of them to one species, and this I will desig- nate Esperia bihamatifera (Carter). Vosmaer1. As remarked above, S-formed spicules are foundonly 1 Vosmaer. The family of the Desmacidinæ. Xetes from the Leyden Museum. Vol. 11. 1R79. 16 hos et Exemplar, og det er heller ikke hos alle. at der findes rut-rut af to Størrelser, men disses Forskjel synes mig dog at være for liden til derpaa at begrunde Arts- forskjel. Skulde man benytte den ydre Form til en saadan, saa maatte helst den. der er fremstillet. Tab. III, Fig. 6, opføres som en egen Art, da den synes at afvige fra de andre derved, at der paa den tilsyneladende ikke tindes Naalebundter eller Blade som hos de andre; den er skin- nende hvid af Farve og har Form af et lidet elegant Bæ- ger paa en lang, tynd Stilk. Under Mikroskopet viser det sig imidlertid, at saavel Stilken som den udvendige Flade af Bægeret er besat med korte Naalebundter. Den i Tab. IV, Fig. 2 fremstillede Form er i sin nedre Ende spindel- formet opdreven og her findes udenom Axen ophobet en hel Del hvide, kugleformige Legemer, der rimeligvis er Embryoner; ialfald ser de ud, som vare de Ansamlinger af Rundceller. Embryoner i Morulastadiet. Pindested. Et af de indfangede Dyr er fra Station 267. for de Øvriges vedkommende er Findestederne ubekjendt. Cladorhiza abyssicola. M. Sårs. Af denne Form er der indfanget en Mængde Exem- plarer. og disse er ogsaa af meget forskjelligt Udseende. som det vil sees af Tab. VII. Fig. 7, 9. lu. 11, 12 og 13, men hos alle er Spiklerne ens paa sniaa Afvigelser nær, som det kan sees af Tal». IV. Fig. 3. 4. 5. (i, 7. 8. 9. 10, 11, 12 og 16. De smau anc-anc er hos alle ens. idet de for begge Ender har 5 Tender, ikke •"> og 3. som det almindeligvis angives. Buernes Form er noget afvi- gende hos de forskjellige Exemplarer, som det kan sees af Figurerne, speeielt Fig. 6 og 10. hvor de ei' smækrere og de ombøiede Ender ligesom udtrukne i hengere Spidser, men dette er for ubetydelige Afvigelser til at begrunde en Artsforskjel, og heller ikke kan hertil bruges det For- hold, at hos nogle Stavnaalene er forsynede med Opdriv- ninger paa Midten som i Tab. IV. Fig. 4, 5 og 11. Hos et Exemplar har jeg ikke kunnet linde Buer, Tal). IV. Fig. 3, men Ankerne har den samme Form og 5 Tænder for hver Ende som ellers. Habitat. Findestederne er for de Heste Exemplarers vedkom- mende ukjendt; de kjendte Findesteder er Station 31. 35, 40, 84, 359. in one specimen; and neither are there found in all of them, rut-rid spicules of two sizes ; but these divergencies, however, seem to me. to lie too small, to establish from them, a difference of species. If the external habit is made use of for this purpose, then, the form illustrated in PI. III. fig. 6, is the one which would, preferably, be presented as an individual species, as it appears to differ from the others in this, that upon it. there are. apparently, not found any spicular fasciculi, nor leaves, as in the others. It is lust- rously white in colour, and is shaped like a small, handsome chalice, seated on a long slender stem. Viewed under the microscope, it is. however, seen, that both, the stem and the external leaves of the chalice, are beset with short spicular fasciculi. The form illustrated in PI. IV, fig. 2 is fusi- form at the inferior extremity, and in this situation there is seen, collected together around the axis, a large number of white spherical corpuscles ; these are, presumably, embrvons, at all events, they appear as if they are collections of round cells}; embrvons in the morular stage. Habitat. Station No. 267. One specimen. The record of the stations, at which the remainder of the specimens were obtained, has been lost. Cladorhiza abyssicola, M. Sars. Of this form, a multitude of specimens were obtained ; and they are of very varying appearance, as will be evident on referring to PI. VII. tig-. 7. 9. 10, 11. 12 and 13; but in all of them, the spicules are alike, except as regards a few trifling divergencies : as may be seen in PL IV. figs. 3, 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, lit, 11. 12 and 16. The small anc-anc spicules, are similar in all of the specimens, in so far. that they have at both extremities 5 teeth, and not 5. and 3 teeth, as is, usually, stated. The form of the bows is somewhat various in the different specimens, as may be observed from the illustrations, especially figs. 6 and 10, where they are seen to be more slender, and the bent extremities to be. as it were, attenuated into long points, but this divergency is too trifling to establish a variety of species; neither can we. in addition, make use of the fact, that in some of them, the rod spicules are furnished with bulbous tumefactions in the middle, as seen in PI. IV. figs. 4, 5 and 11. In one of the specimens. I have not been able to observe bows (PL IV. fig. 3). but the anchors have the same form, and 5 teeth on each extremity, as usual. Habitat. Stations Nos. 31, 35. 40. 84. 359. The greater part of the specimens are. however, dredged, at stations the record of which has been lost. 17 Geotlia parva. a. sp. En tiden, oa. I lang, haard Svamp med lidt knudet og ujevn Overflade. Skorpen dannes af Geodiakugler af det sædvanlige Udseende; nogel Osculum kan ei opdages; Svampens Centralmasse dannes af en traadet Sarkode, der næsten har Udseende af fibrillært Bindevæv, og i denne tindes et ringe Antal trac Naale uden uogen bestemt An ordning, af hvilke enkelte rager ind i den af Kiselkugler dannede Skorpe, og desuden spredte Kiselkugler og gist Naale (Tab. V. Fig. I). Findested. Station ukiend Geodia parva. d. sp. A small, hard sponge about 4""" in length, with a somewhat knotted and uneven surface. The crust is funned ol' (ItDilia spheres, of the usual appearance. No osculum can be seen. The central substance, or mass of the sponge, is formed of a filamentous sarcode, that lias almost the appearance of fibrillous eonucotive-t issue ; a small number of trac spicules are found in it. but without anj definite arrangement, anda few of these spicules project into the crust formed by the siliceous spheres; and further, also, of scattered siliceous spheres, and gl st spicules (PL Y. fig. I). Habitat. No record. Pachymatisma Johnstonia. Bowerbank. Der er fundet formlen nogle smaa Exemplarer, der i det Ydre har megen Lighed med tie af Vosmaer ' som Isops spharoides og Isojis pallida beskrevne Svampe, ogsaa meget store Exemplarer. 5 — li"" i Grjennemsnit. Ingen af dem viser imidlertid det for Isops karakteristiske Forhold af I )scula og Porer. Der findes talrige Oscula paa hele < >verfladen, hvert Osculum omgivet af en Uden Vold (Tab. IV. Fig. 15. a). Den ydre Skorpe er dannet af et jevn- tykt Lai; af Kiselkugler (Fig. 15, b) op i hvilket der rager Naale af forskjellig Form. dels Mta (qf) = 90°), enkeltvis Mtabij (Fig. 15. r), dels ac 2f (Fig. 15, d). Melleni Kisel- kuglerne tindes i Overfladen smaa gist (Fig. 15. ei; saa- danne tiiules ogsaa inde i Svampen ved Siden af større st iYvj.. 15,/) og Kiselkugler i forskjellige Utviklingsstadier (Fig. 15, g), paa hvilke man tildels tydeligt kan se disses Opbygning af prismatiske Naale. der med Spidserne støde sammen i Centrum og vende de brede Ender uti mod Periferien (Fig. 15. A). Disse ydre Ender er ikke hos alle Kiselkuglerne afstumpede; paa en Del ser de afstum- pede ud. naar man ser dem en face. men ved at betragte Randen ser man. at de ere tilspidsede (Fig. 15, i). For- mlen de hengere «r- f Xaale tindes inde i Svampen korte trac og tr°tr Naale (Fig. 15, Tc). Findested. Station ukjendt og 359. 1 Vosmaer: Reporton the Sponges dredged up in the Arctic Sea by the ..AVilleui Barents" in the years IsTs and 1879. Nieder- låndisches Archiv fur Zoologie. Supplementband I. 1S81 — 82. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. t;. A. Hanssen: Spongiadæ. Pachymatisma Johnstonia, Bowerbank. Besitles a few small specimens of sponges, which in external appearance have much similarity to those described by Vosmaer ', as Isops spheroides and Isops pallida, some very large specimens were. also, found, measuring 5 — 6a" in diameter. None of them, however, exhibit the peculiar condition of oscula, and pores, characteristic of Isops. Numerous oscula are found on the entire surface, each osculum being surrounded by an elevated margin (PI. TV fig. 15, «). The externa] crust is formed, of a uniformly thick layer of siliceous spheres (fig. 15. 6), in which spic- ules of various forms project ; partly Mta (rf = 90"). occasion- ally Mtabif (fig. 15, c) and partly ac'-f (fig. 15, ft"). Between the siliceous spheres in the surface there are found, small gl at spicules (fig. 15, e). These are also found, inside the sponge, along with larger st spicules (fig. 15,/}, and siliceous spheres in various stages of development (fig. 15. g) upon which, sometimes, may be, distinctly, seen, their structure of prismatic spicules, meeting together in the centre with their apices, and turning their broad extremities towards the periphery (fig. 15. h). These outer extremities are not blunted in all the siliceous spheres. In a number of them they appear blunted, if viewed en face, but on investigation, of the margin, they are seen to be. in reality, acuate (fig. 15, /). Besides the long ac- f spicules, short trac and tr" tr spic- ules are also found (fig. 15. k). inside the sponse. Station No. 359. which has been lost. Habitat. other am stations, the record of 1 Vosmaer. Report on the Sponges dredged up in the Arctic Sea, by the „Willem Barents--, in the yr.n* 1878 and 1879. Nieder- li'i'i.lisclies Arcliiv fiir Zonlno-je. Supplementband I. 1881 — 82. 3 18 Tethya cranium, Lamarck. Flere Exemplarer, alle runde, Overfladen besat med talrige Papiller (Tab. VII. Fig. 16). Naalene tindes frem- stillede Tab. V. Fig. 3 og 4. Findested. Station 8, 323. Tethya cranium, var. infrequens, Carter. Den stemmer i sit Udseende og sin Rygning t'uld- kommen overens med Th. craniwm (Tab. VII. Fig. 17 og 18). Den afvigende Form at' Mta {» 90°) og Mtn (q>^>90°) bar, som det vil sees, en noget af- vigende Form fra de samme Xaale bos den voxne Svamp (Fig. 5, d), idet Armene er meget mere divergerende. Findested. Station 286. Thenea muricata. (Bowerbank) Gray. Af denne Svamp, der bar faaet saa mange Navne '. er der fanget en Masse Exemplarer og af meget forskjellig Størrelse bge fra omtrent knappenaalsbovedstore til saa- danne. der er 5—6™' i Gjennemsnit (Tab. VII, Fig. 19). Næsten alle de større har et tydeligt Osculum af 3 — 4""'s Gjennemsnit paa den ovre Flade. Den eneste Forskjel. der kan lindes mellem alle disse Exemplarer, er tildels Farven, idet nogle, især de mindre, er lysere af Farve, medens de større er brungraa, og desuden Størrelsen og Taggetbeden af de store st Naale, som det vil sees af Tab. V, Fig. 6, 7, 8 og 9. Findested. Stat. 1, 29, 262 286, 303, 323, og andre ukjendte. Se \rosmaer: Report etc. Pag. •'■. Tethya cranium, Lamarck. Several specimens; all of which are round. The surface is beset with numerous papillae (PI. VII. fig. 16). The spicules will be found illustrated on PL V, figs. 3, 4. Habitat. Stations No.s 8. 323. Tethya cranium, var. infregueus, Carter. In external appearance, and structure, this specimen quite corresponds with 77/. craniwm (PI. VII, tigs. 17, 18). The divergent form (if spicules. Mta (qn ^> 90 u) and Mta (f/<^9u"). is seen illustrated in PI. V, figs. 5, a, b). In one specimen an embryon was found (PI. V, tig. 5, c), in which the radiating arrangement (if the spicules, and their form, are, distinctly, visible. The Mta k/<^90"i lias, as will be seen, a very different form from the same spicule in the adult sponge (fig. 5. '/). in so far as. that the arms are much mure divergent. Habitat. Station No. 286. Thenea muricata. (Bowerbank) Gray. Of this sponge, to which a number of designations ' has been applied ; a large number of specimens has been obtained; and of very various sizes, ranging from about a pin's head in size, up to specimens measuring 5 — 6"" in diameter (PI. VII, fig. 19 1. Almost all the large ones have, a distinct osculum of 3 — 4""" diameter, seated on the superior surface. The only difference which can be found, between all these specimens is, partly, in colour, in as much as, that a few. especially the smaller ones, are lighter in colour, whilst the large ones are brownish grey, and partly, also, in the size and aculeation of the large st. spicules ; as will be apparent on referring to the illustration PI. V. figs. 6, 7, 8, 9. Habitat. Stations No.s 1. 29. 262. 286, 303. .".23. and other stations, the record of which is lost. ' Vide. Vosmaer's Report ete. Pag. 19 Clavellomorpha minima, n. g. n. sp. Denne Svamp kan jeg ikke henføre til aogen besteml Slægl og jeg maa derfor give den et egei Navn. Det er et lidet •"> "' langt kølleformigl Dyr af ln id Farve, eller vel rettere farveløst; dets Bygning kan sees af Tab. V. Fig. 2. Der tindes ganske faa <«■- Naale, der ligger longitudi- nelt anordnede saavel i den tynde Stilk som i den kølle- formige Opdrivning, der er 0,5""" tyk; desuden frides i denne nogle Mta (<^ = 90"i. der ligge inde i den køllefor- mige Opdrivning, og endeligt er denne saavelsom Stilken fyldt af en Masse s*8. Clavellomorpha minima. II. li'. II. sp. Findested. Station 303. Hyalonema arcticum, n. sp. Denne Svamp var tør ved Fordampningen af Alko- holen paa Grand af ofuldstændig Lukning af Karret, hvori den fandtes. Der er tiere Exemplarer, indtil 20°™ lange, hule. runde Stilke af unget forskjellig Tykkelse, der i den ene Ende sidder ligesom indsænkede i en meget løs, næsten bomuldlignende Masse, se Tab. VII. Fig. 20, der frem- stiller denne Ende af et af Exemplarerne, og Fig. 21, der fremstiller et Brudstykke af den bomuldlignende Masse; Farven af de tørre Exemplarer er lysgraa, temmelig nøi- agtigt som Tegningens. Den haarde Stamme eller Stilk bestaar udelukkende af lange Naale som Tab. V. Fig. 10, a og a1; mange af disse har en Opdrivning paa Midten, i hvilken der fcydeligt sees en Deling af Axekanalen (Fig. 10, fl). Begge Ender af disse Naale er tr sp (Fig. 10, b). I den bomuldlignende Masse tindes foruden saadanne Naale ogsaa 1) meget store hartrsjp (Fig. 10. r). 2) har0 sp (Fig. 10. d) og 3) ha (-5 r + R sp) (Fig. 10, e). Efter disse Naaleformer maa Svampen were en Hyalonema. Findested. Station 35. Kalksvampe. At saadanne er der ogsaa indsaiulet en Del Exem- plarer. og tildels fra temmelig betydelige Dybder. I am unable to assign this sponge to any known genus, and must, therefore, establish tor it a. personal desig- nation. It is a small animal, club-shape in form, and meas- uring o""" long. It is whitish in colour or. more correctly speaking, may be said to be colourless. Its structure is illustrated PI. V. tig. 2. Only a very few Kr'- spicules are seen, and these are arranged longitudinally, both in the slender stem, and the club-shaped enlargement, which latter is 0.5""" thick. Besides these, a few Mta ( = 90°) spicules are also found, which are placed, inside the club-shaped enlargement, and finally, both it and the stem are occupied by a multitude of st- spicules. Habitat. Station No. 303. Hyalonema arcticum. a. sp. This specimen was shrivelled, owing to the evapora- tion of the alcohol, by reason of an imperfect closing of the vessel in which it was contained. There are several specimens with hollow, round stems, of somewhat variable thickness, measuring up to 3°" in length, and which at the one extremity are seated, as if depressed in a very loose, almost cotton-like substance. PL VII, fig. 20 illustrates this extrem- ity in one of the specimens, and fig. 21 illustrates a frag- ment of the cotton-like substance. The colour of the shriv- elled specimens is light-grey, and the colour is, pretty exactly, repeated in the illustration. The shrivelled trunk or stem is composed, exclusively, of long spicules, such as are illustrated in Pl. V. fig. 10. fl and a1. Many of them have an enlargement in the middle, in which a division of the canal of the axis is. distinctly, seen (fig. 10. a). Both extremities of these spicules are tr sp (fig. 10, b). In the cotton-like substance there is. in addition to these spicules, also, found ; 1) very large ha r tr up spicules (fig. 10, c); 2) har°sp spicules (fig. 10, d); and S)ha(5r-\-R. sp) (fig. 10, e). Judged by the form of these spicules, the specimen must be a Hyalonema. Habitat. Station No. 35. Calcareous sponges. Of these sponges, there has, also, been collected a number of specimens, and. in some cases, from rather con- siderable depths. 20 Ascetta primordialis, Haeckel. Denne Svamp er fondet paa Station 35 i et mindre og et større Exemplar og paa Station 275 et stort Nar- dorusexemplar fastsiddende paa Roret fra Onuphis conchy- lega. Ascetta blanca, Haeckel. Fra en ukjendt Station 2 Exemplarer, det ene 3™ langt og 1,4™ bredt, det andet 1,4"" langt. Naalene er større end de af Haeckel opgivne Maal, saaledes fandt jeg Basalstraalen paa en Naal 0,308""" lang og de to orale Straaler 0.244""", og Naalene er kun enkeltvis stumpe for Enderne, Mesteparten har spidse Straaler. Leucandra Egetiii ?. Haeckel. •Bestemmelsen af denne Svamp er usikker. Findested. Station 303. Sycandra arctica, Haeckel. Exemplarer af denne Svamp er fondet i Saltstrommen paa 90 Favnes Dyb og paa en ukjendt Station, samt paa Station 40 og 283. Sycandra raphanus, Haeckel. Findested. Station 35. Ascetta primordialis, Haeckel. One small, and one larger, specimen of this sponge was found, at station No. 35; and at station No. 275. a large Nardorus specimen was found, seated, firmly, on the tube of an Onuphis conchylega. Ascetta blanca, Haeckel. Of this sponge, 2 specimens were obtained at a sta- tion the record of which has been lost. The one specimen measures, 3™ in length, and 1.4™ in breadth; and the other specimen 1.4'"' in length. The spicules are larger than those mentioned by Haeckel. I found, for instance, the basal ray in a spicule, to measure 0.308""" in length, and the two oral rays to measure 0.244'"'" in length. The spicules are. only, occasionally, blunt at the extremities, and the greater number have acuate rays. Leucandra Egedii?, Haeckel. The classification of this sponge is uncertain. Habitat. Station No. 303. Sycandra arctica. Haeckel. The specimens of this sponge were collected, in Saltstrommen l, at a depth of 90 fathoms, and, also, at stations No.s 40 and 283, as also at another station, the record of which has been lost. Sycandra raphanus, Haeckel. Habitat. Station No. 35. A local purrent confined to the middle ol' the Salten-fjord. Forklaring over Figurerne. i. ■). 3. 4. 5. H. Tab. 1. Fig. 1. Rinalda uberrima. Beniera palescens. Myxilla grisea. Beniera inflata. Beniera digitata. Beniera nivea. a. et enkelt Exemplar ; 6, flere Exemplarer sammen paa et tyndt Blad; r. V æggen af et Exemplar, svagt forstørret; d, samme, stærkere forstør- ret; e, en trac Naal; e', en tr°ac Naal; e", to smaa trac Naale fra Overfladen; /. af et Længdesnit af Væggen. 7. Beniera infundibuliformis. 8. Reniera complicata. 9. Beniera simplex. . 10. Beniera velamentosa. 11. Reniera membranacea. 12. Beniera tnhnlosa. 1. Reniera 'labia. 2. Myxilla exigua. 3. Suberites alveus. 4. Scleritta arctica. 5. Sclerilla dura. bA. Reniera oblonga. ti. Suberites conica. 7. Suberites radians. Binalda uberrima. Suberites glabra. Suberites incrustans. Desmacidon clavatum. Desmacidon giganteum. Desmacidon giganteum. Desmacidon nucleus. I A. ili/i Ula brunnea. 2. Desmacidon arcticum. 3. Esperia bikamatifera. 4. do. i i era in f a ml ibuliformis. 8. Reniera complicata. 9. Reniera simplex. 10. Beniera velamentosa. 11. Beniera membranacea. 12. Reniera tubulosa. 1. Reniera dubia. 2. Myxilla exigua. 3. Suberites ulceus. 4. Sclerilla arctica. 5. Sclerilla Jura. 5. . Reniera ohloni/a. 6. Suberites conica. 7. Suberites radians. 8. Rinalda uberrima. \K Sabi' rites glabra. lo. Submytes incrustans. 11. Desmacidon clavatum. 12. Desmacidon giganteum. 13. Desmacidon giganteum. 1. Desmacidon nucleus. lA.Myxilla brunnea. 2. Desmacidon arcticum. 3. Esperia bikamatifera. do. du. 22 Tab. III. Fig. 5. Esperia bihamatifera. — 6. do. do. — 7. do. do. Tab. IV. Fig. 1. Esperia bihamatifera. — 2. do. do. — 3. Cladorhiza abyss/cola. — 4. do. do. — 5. do. do. — 6. do. do. — ' 7. do. do. — 8. do. do. — 9. do. do. — 10. do. do. — 11. do. do. — 12. do. do. — 13. do. do. — 14. do. do. — 15. Pachymatisma Johnstonii. a. To smaa Exemplarer; b. af et Snit, Kiselkugle- skorpen med deri opragende Naale ; c, c, to Mia ((/- = 90°); d, en ac2 sp; e,glst; f, større st; g, to gl fra det indre af Svampen; /;. Kiselprisinerne, der danner gl; i, et Stykke af Overdåden ai en gl. — 16. Cladorhiza abyssicola fra Hardangerfjord, begge Ender a f et Anker. Tab. V. Fig. 1. Geodia parra. 2. Clavellomorpha minima. — 3. Tethya cranium. — 4. do. do. 5, do. do. var. infrequens. a, Mia (^<90°); b, Mta (» 90°); c, et Embryo; d, Mta (Vf>90°) fraEmbryo- net; e. et formodentligt yngre Stadium af den samme Naaleform. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Tab. VI, Fig. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Thenea muricatu. do. do. do. do. do. do. Hyalonema arcticum. a og a', to Naale fra Stilken ; 6, Enden af en saadan Naal ; c, ha r tr sp ; d, har0 sjjJ; e. ha [5r-\- R sp ). Reniera simplex. Reniera oblonga. Reniera relamentosa. Reniera tubulosa. Myxilla brunnea. Myxilla jlabelliformis. Reniera dubia. Rei iler a < vt > iplicata . Pl. III, fig. 5. Esperia bihamatifera. — 6. du. do. — 7. do. do. Pl. IV. fig. 1. Esperia bihamatifera — 2. do. do. • — 3. Cladorhiza abyssicola. — 4. do. do. — 5. do. do. — 6. do. do. — 7. do. do. — 8. do. do. — 9. do. do. — 10. do. do. — 11. do. do. — 12. do. do. — 13. do. do. — 14. do. do. — 15. Pachymatisma Johnstonii. a. Two small specimens, b, Aspect of a section; the siliceous spherical crust with the pro- jecting spicules, c, c, Two Mta (rf = 90°) spicules, d, An ac2 sp spicule, e, A gl st spicule. /, A large st spicule, g, Two gl spicules from the interior of the sponge, h, The siliceous prisms form- ing the gl spicules, i, A portion of the surface of a gl spicule. — 16. Cladorhiza abyssicola. from the Har- danger fjord. Both extremities of an anchor. PI. V. fig. 1. Geodia parra. — 2. Clavellomorpha minima. — 3. Tethya cranium. — 4. do. do. — 5. do. do. Vår. infrequens. a, A Mta ( 90") spicule, c. An embryon. d, A Mta ((f ^> 9!0°) spicule on the embryon. e, A, presumably, earlier stage of devel- opment of the same spicular form. — 6. Thenea muricata. ' — 7. do. do. — 8. do. do. — 9. do. do. 10. Hyalonema arcticum. a and a', Two spicules from the stem. />, The extrem- ity of such a spicule, c, A ha r tr sp spicule, d. ha r" sp spicule, e, A ha (5 r -f- R sp) spicule Pl. VI. fig. 1. Reniera simplex. . — 2. Reniera oblonga. — 3. Reniera relamentosa. — 4. Reniera tubulosa. — 5. Myxilla brunnea. — 6. Myxilla Jiabelliformis, — 7. Reniera dubia. — 8. Reniera complicata. 23 Tab. VI. Fig. 9. Ki. — II. li'. 1:3. — 14. — L5. — Hi. — 17. — 18. Tab. VII. Pig. 1. 2. :s. — 4. — 5. — ti. 1 . 8. 9. HI. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. My 1 /Mn grisea. Rinalda uberrima. Reniera infundibuliformis. Reniera membranacea. Suberites inencstans. SderiUa arctica. Sclerillq dura. Desmacidon ardicum. Desmacidon nucleus. Rinalda uberrima. Esperia bikamatifera. il<>. do. do. du. du. du. du. du. Thecophora semisuberites. a,b,c. Over- gangsformer fra Th. rin 1 1< /i it a. Marenz, til Th. semisuberites de. Apparat. (Depth). B undens Tempe- ratur. (Apparatus). Station Datum. Nordlig Bredde. Lsengde Greenw: fra eh. Engl. Bunden. Bottom. S. Skrabe. ( Dredge 1. No. (Date). Wort* jotitude). (Longitude). Favne. Meter. (Temperature, at Bottom). T. Trawl. (Fathoms). (Metres). a s. S\ abere. (Saabs). 1876 I Juni 3 6i° 53' 6° 36' E. 650 H89 6.°6 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. s. 2 (June) 3 61 10 6 32 E. 672 1229 6. 7 . Sandler. Sabulous Clay. T. 4 „ 8 61 5 5 l4 E. 566 I035 6. 6 Sandler, Grus, Singel. SabulousClay, Pebbles. T. 8 » 9 61 0 4 49 E. 200 366 6. 6 Ler. Sand, Sten. Clay, Sand. Stones. S. q „ 20 61 30 3 37 E. 206 377 5. 9 Ler. Clay. T. 10 » 2 1 61 41 3 19 E. 220 402 6. 0 Slik, Ler. Ooze, Clay. T. 18 1) 2 1 62 44 1 48 E. 412 753 — 1. 0 Ler. Clay. S. T. 23 » 23 62 52 5 50 E. T. 25 ,. 28 63 10 5 25 E. 98 179 6. 9 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. T. S. 26 „ 28 63 10 5 16 E. 237 433 7. 1 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. S. 31 n 2Q 63 10 5 0 E. 417 703 — 1. 0 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. S. T. 33 ;■ 30 63 5 3 0 E. 525 960 — i. 1 Ler. Clay. T. S. 34 Juli 1 63 5 0 53 E. 587 1073 — 1. 0 Ler. Clay. T. 35 (July) 5 63 17 1 27 W. 1081 1977 — 1. 0 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S. 40 „ 18 63 22 5 29 W. 1215 2222 — 1. 2 , Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S. T. 48 Aug. 6 64 36 10 22 W. 299 547 — 0. 3 Morkgraat Ler. Dark-grey Clay. s. 5i » 7 65 53 7 18 W. 1 163 2 127 — 1. 1 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S. 52 * 8 65 47 3 7 W. 1861 3403 — 1. 2 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 53 „ 10 65 13 0 33 E. 1539 2814 — 1. 3 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S&T. 54 ,7 I2 64 47 4 24 E. 601 1099 — 1. 2 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S&T. 79 „ 21 64 48 6 32 E. 155 283 6. 9 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. S. 87 „ 22 64 2 5 35 E. 498 911 — 1. 1 Ler. Clay. S. 92 ,, 22 64 0 6 42 E. 178 326 7. 2 Sandholdigt Ler. Sabulous Clay. T. 93 » 24 62- 41 7 8 E. 158 289 6. 4 Blod Ler.' Soft Clay. T. (Romsdalsfjord). 1877 96 Juni 16 66 8 3 0 E. 805 1472 — 1. 1 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S. 101 (June) 17 65 36 8 32 E. 223 408 6. 0 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. S. 124 „ 19 66 4i 6 59 E. 350 640 —0. 9 Grovkornet Ler. ( ioarse Clay. S. T. 137 „ 21 67 24 8 58 E. 452 827 — 1. 0 Ler. Clay. S. T. 147 H 22 66 49 12 8 E. 142 260 6. 2 Graat Ler. Grey Clay. S. 149 » 23 67 52 (Vest! 13 58 jord). E. 135 247 4. 9 Ler. Clay. T. S. 164 „ 29 68 21 10 40 E. 457 836 —0. 7 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. S. T. 175 Juli 2 69 17 14 35 E. 415 759 3- 0 Ler. Smaasten. Clay. Pebbles. S. 176 f JtrfyJ 3 69 18 14 33 E. 536 980 — 0. 2 Ler. Clay. s. 177 » 3 69 25 13 49 E. 1443 2639 — 1. 2 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S&T. 183 5 69 59 6 15 E. 1710 3127 —1. 3 Biloculinler. Biloculina. Clay. S & T. 190 7 69 4i 15 5i E. 870 I59I — 1. 2 Sandholdig Ler. Sabulous Clay. T. 192 7 69 46 16 15 E. 649 1187 — 0. 7 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. S. 195 „ 16 70 55 18 38 E. 107 196 5- 1 Sten. Ler. Stones. Clay. S. 200 » 17 7i 25 15 4i E. 620 II34 — 1. 0 Ler. Clay. S. T. 205 „ 18 70 5i 13 3 E. 1287 2354 — 1. 2 ' Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S. 213 „ 26 70 23 2 30 E. 1760 3219 — 1. 2 ' Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. s. 223 Aug. 1 70 54 Jan R 8 24 iayen). W. 70 128 —0. 6 Graasort Sandler. Dark-grey sa bulousClay s. 224 1 70 5i 8 20 w. 95 174 —0. 6 Graasort Sandler. Dark-grey sabulousClay s. 225 2 70 58 8 4 w. 195 357 -0. 6 Graasort Sandler. I >ark-grey sabulousClay s. 237 n 3 70 41 10 10 w. 263 481 —0. 3 Brunt Ler, Stene. Brown Clay, Stones. s. 240 4 69 2 1 1 26 \Y. 1004 1836 — 1. 1 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. s. 248 „ 8 67 56 4 11 E. 778 1423 ! -1. 4 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. s. 251 9 68 6 9 44 E. 634 "59 —i- 3 Ler. Clay. s. 252 » " Vestfjord. Ler. Clay. s. 253 n '5 Skjersti idfjord. 263 481 3- 2 Ler. Clay. s. 25 Dybde. Apparat. Depth). Bundena (Apparatus). Station No. Datum. Nordlig Længde fra Bredde. Greenwich. 1 Vo ' a itude.) < Longitude). Tempe- ratur. f Temperature at Bottom). Bunden. Bottom. S. Skrabe. (J)reUge). T. Trawl. Engl. Favne. Meter. ( Fathoms). (Metres). ('. s. Svabere. (Swabs), 2 53° Aug. 17 Salts trømmen. 90 I65 Sten. Stones. s. 255 187 Juni 1. 10 68" 12' 15" 40' ( Vestfjord). E. 341 624 6.<>5 Ler. Clay. s. 257 (June 21 70 4 23 2 (Altenfjord). E. 160 2Q3 3-9 Ler. Clay. s. 25« » 2 I 70 13 23 3 (Altenfjord). E. 230 42 1 4. O Ler. Clay. T. 260 !) 24 70 55 26 1 1 (Porsangerfjord). E. 127 232 3- 5 Ler. Clay. S. T. 261 n 25 70 47 28 30 (Tanafjord). E. 127 232 2. 8 Ler. Clay. S. T. 262 n 27 70 36 32 35 E. 148 271 1. 9 Ler. Clay. T. S. 267 « 29 71 42 37 1 E. 148 27 I —1.4 Ler, Sten. Clay, Stones. S. 270 H 30 72 27 35 1 E. 136 249 — 0. 0 Ler. Clay. s. 273 Juli 1 73 25 31 30 E. 197 360 2. 2 Ler. Clay. s. 275 (July 2 74 8 31 12 E. ■47 269 — 0. 4 Ler. Clay. T. 280 H 4 74 10 18 51 (Boeren Eiland). E. 35 64 1. 1 Sten. Stones. s. 283 „ 5 73 47 14 21 E. 767 1403 -1. 4 Ler. ( !lay. s. 286 6 72 57 14 32 E. 447 817 —0. 8 Ler. Clay. T. 2 go •* 7 12 27 20 51 E. 191 349 3- 5 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. T. 2Q5 » 14 7159 11 40 E. 1 1 10 2030 -i- 3 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 2g7 n 16 72 36 5 12 E. 1280 2341 — 1. 4 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 303 n 19 75 12 32 E. 1200 2195 — 1. 6 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clav. T. 312 n 22 74 54 14 53 E. 658 1203 — 1.2 Ler. Clay. T. 315 22 74 53 15 55 E. 180 329 2. 5 Ler, Sand. Clay, Sand. T. 322 n 23 74 57 19 52 E. 2 1 38 0. 2 Haard. Hard. S. 323 V 30 72 53 21 51 E. 223 408 i- 5 Ler. Clay. T. 326 Aug. 3 75 3i 17 5o E. 123 225 1. 6 Ler. Clay. T. 333 ]? 4 76 6 1 3 ' 1 0 E. 748 1368 — i- 3 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 336 H 5 76 19 15 , 42 E. 70 128 0. 4 Ler, Haard B. Clav. Hard Bottom. S. 338 « 6 76 IQ l8 I E. 146 267 — 1.1 Haard. Hard. S. 343 J? 7 76 34 12 51 E. 743 1359 — 1.2 Ler. Clay. T. 350 W 8 76 26 O 2Q W. 1686 3083 — 1. 5 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T'. 353 )7 10 77 58 5 10 E. x333 2438 -i- 4 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clav. T. 357 71 12 78 3 I! 18 E. 125 229 1. 9 Ler. Clay. S. 359 ;• 12 78 2 Q 25 E. 416 761 0. 8 Ler. Clay. S. 362 )? 14 79 59 5 40 E. 459 839 — 1. 0 Ler. Clav. T. 363 M 14 80 3 8 28 E. 260 475 1. 1 Ler. Clay. T. (366 n 17 79 35 11 17 Magdalena Bay. E. 61 37 1 12 68 — 2. 1 — 0. 2 Ler. ( )la3 . T. 370 n 18 78 48 8 37 E. 109 199 1. 1 Ler. Clav. T. 372 n 19 78 9 14 7 (Isfjord). E. 129 236 1. 2 Ler. Clay. T. .=174 57 22 78 16 15 2,3 (Advent Bay). E. 60 1 10 0. 7 Ler. Clav. T. Uen norske Nord havsexp edition. O A. Han; Spongiadæ PLANCHEE, PLATE 8. .Yqrs/>'f .Yiinl/miis Expedition Tub. /. Norshe Nordhavs Expedition . Tab. II. \ ' d- /o. A3. . / orski • . I un//ni vs-Expeditzon . Tai. 111. Tw /./ r\ U ■ G.A.Hansen del. Norske Nordhavs Expedition Tab.IF. •./r fførdhaos Ijcpeditwit. Tab. V. Norske tfordhcovs Expedition 1. 2. Tub. VI. 6. *. Norske Nordhavs- tlxpedition . ..'.(■.',■ DEN NORSKE NORDH A VS-EXPEDITI 0 N 1876 — 1878. ZOOLOGI. MOLLUSCA. i. BUCCINIBÆ VED HERMAN FRIELE. MED 6 PLANCHER OG 1 KART. CHRISTIANIA. GRØNDAHL & SØNS BOGTRYKKERI. 1882. THE NORWEGIAN NORTH-ATLANTIC EXPEDITION 1870-1878. ZOOLOGY. M 0 L L U S C A. I. B U 0 C 1 N I D Æ, BY HERMAN FRIELE. WITH 6 PLATES AND 1 MAP. CHRISTIANIA. PRINTED BY GRØNDAHL & SØN. 1882. Indlevcret i Jamn 1881. Received January 1881. "Flor jeg gaar over til Behandlingen af det mig overdragne -i- Materiale, skal jeg forudskikke en kort Bemærkning over den Form hvori det vil fremkomme. Arbeidet vil blive delt i to Afdelinger. I den første behandles Alt, hvortil der kan knytte sig mere Interesse og give Anledning til tiere Bemærkninger end den vertikale og horisontale Udbredelse; ber vil saaledes alle de nye Former blive beskrevne og afbildede og nogle Slægter vil for de aretiske Representanters Vedkommende faa en mono- grafisk Behandling. Den anden Afdeling kommer at inde- holde en katalogisk Fortegnelse over samtlige under Expe- ditionens 3 Togter i 1876. 1877 og 1878 fundne Mollusk- arter med Angivelse af Findesteder og Dybdeforholde. En Liste over Skrabestationerne med Stedsangivelse. Dybde og Temperatur ved Havbunden vedføies og hertil refererer de ved Arterne angivne Stations Nummere. Foruden disse Skrabe-Stationer, der alle foregik fra Skibet, blev der gjort Baadskrabninger ved Reykjavik (Island). Jan Mayen, Bodø. Tromsø, Hammerfest, Norskøerne (Spitsbergen). Magda- lenabay (Spitsbergen) og Adventbay (Spitsbergen). Before recording the results of his labours in working up the materials collected on the Norwegian North- Atlantic Expedition, the author will briefly notice the form he has selected for their arrangement. The present Memoir will consist of two sections. In the first, is comprised everything of interest not directly connected with the phenomena of vertical and horizontal distribution. There, accordingly, all the new torms have been described and figured, and a few genera, with respect to their Arctic representatives, made the subject of mono- graphic treatment. The other section contains a Cata- logue of all the Mollusca obtained on the three cruises of the Expedition, in 1876, 1877, and 1878, along with a statement of the locality and the depth in which each species was met with. A List of Dredging-Stations, with the latitude and longitude annexed, as also the depth and temperature at the bottom, is likewise given; and the numbers of Stations, noted for all the species, refer to this List. Exclusive of the zoological work prosecute'd at the dredging-stations. all of which was undertaken in the open sea, dredging was also carried on from boat — at Rey- kjavik (Iceland), Jan Mayen, Bodø, Tromsø, Hammerfest, the Norway Islands (Spitzbergen), Magdalena Bay (Spitz- bergen), and Advent Bay (Spitzbergen). Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. Herman Friele: Mollusca. 1. Zoologiske Stationer. (Zoological Stations. ) Dybde. Bundena Apparat. Station Datum. No rdlisj Længde fra (Depth) Tempe- ratur. (Apparatus). S Skrahp Bredde. Greenwich. Eno-1. Bunden. Bottom. (Dredge). No. ' (Date). ATeter (Temperature (North Latitude). {Longitude). Favne. at Bottom). T. Trawl. (Metres). c. s. Svabere. (Fathoms). (Swabs). 1876 I Juni 3 6i° 13' : 6" 36' E. 65O 1189 6.°6 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. s. 2 (June) 3 61 10 6 32 E. 672 1229 6.7 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. T. 4 „ 8 61 5 5 14 E. 566 1035 6.6 Sandler, Grus, Singel. Sabulous Clay. Pebbles. T. 8 9 61 0 4 49 E. 200 366 6.6 Ler, Sand, Sten. Clav, Sand, Stones. S. 9 » 20 61 30 3 37 E. 206 377 5- 9 Ler. Clay. T. IO „ 21 61 4i 3 19 E. 220 402 6.0 Slik, Ler. Ooze, Clay. T. 18 n 21 62 44 i 1 48 E. 412 753 — 1. 0 Ler. Clay. S. T. 23 „ 23 62 52 5 5o E. T. 25 „ 28 63 10 5 25 E. 98 179 6.9 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. T. S. 2b n 28 63 10 5 16 E. 237 433 7- 1 Sandler. S;ibulous Clay. S. 3i » 29 63 10 5 0 E. 417 763 — 1. 0 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. S. T. 33 ,1 30 63 5 i 3 0 E. 525 960 — 1.1 Ler. Clay. T. S. 34 Juli 1 63 5 ' 0 53 E. 587 1073 — 1. 0 Ler. Clay. T. 35 (July) 5 63 17 1 1 27 W. I08l 1977 — 1. 0 ' Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S. 40 „ 18 63 22 5 29 w. I2I5 2222 — 1.2 i Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S. T. 48 Aug. 6 64 36 10 22 w. 299 547 — 0. 3 i Mørkgraat Ler. Dark-grey Clav. s. 5i 7 65 53 | 7 18 w. I 163 2127 — 1. 1 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S. 52 „ 8 65 47 1 3 7 w. l86l 3403 — 1.2 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 53 „ 10 65 13 0 33 E. 1539 2814 — 1.3 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S & T. 54 ,. 12 64 47 4 24 E. 6oi 1099 — 1.2 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S & T. 79 » 21 64 48 6 32 E. , 155 283 6.9 Sandler. Sabulous Clav. S. 87 „ 22 64 2 5 35 E. 498 91T — 1.1 Ler Clay. s. ■92 „ 22 64 0 ; 6 42 E. 178 326 7- 2 Sandboldist Ler. Sabulous ("lav. T. 93 n 24 62 4i -7 8 E. 158 289 6.4 Blod Ler!" Soft Clay. T. (Romsdalsfjord). 1877 96 Juni 1 6 66 8 3 0 E. 805 1472 — 1. 1 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S. IOI (June) 17 65 36 8 32 E. 223 408 6.0 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. s. 124 „ 19 66 4i 6 59 E. 350 640 —0. 9 Grovkornet Ler. Coarse Clay. S. T. 137 » 2 1 67 24 8 58 E. 452 827 — 1. 0 Ler. Clav. S. T. 147 v 22 66 49 12 8 E. 142 260 6. 2 Graat Ler. 1 rrey Clay. S. ?49 ,1 23 67 52 (Vest: 13 58 jord). E. 135 247 4. g Ler. Clay. T. S. 164 ,7 29 68 21 10 40 E. 457 836 — 0. 7 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. S. T. 173b Juli 3 69 18 14 32 E. 300 549 4. 6 Ler. Sten. Clay, Stones. S. 175 (July) 2 69 •7 14 35 E. 415 759 3. 0 Ler, Smaasten. Clav. Pebbles. s. 177 » 3 69 25 13 49 E. 1443 2639 — 1.2 : Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S & T. 183 5 69 59 6 15 E. 1710 3127 — 1.3 : Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S & T. 190 » 7 69 4i 15 5i E. 870 I59I — 1.2 Sandboldig Ler. Sabulous Clay. T. IQ2 .» 7 69 46 16 15 E. 649 1187 — 0. 7 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. S. 195 „ 16 70 55 18 38 E. 107 196 5. 1 Sten. Ler. Stones, Clay. s. 200 » 17 7i 25 15 4i E. 620 "34 — 1. 0 Ler. Clay. S. T. 205 „ 18 70 5i 13 3 E. 1287 2354 — 1. 2 Biloculinler. Biloculina ( 'lay. S. 213 „ 26 70 23 2 30 E. 1760 3219 — 1. 2 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. S. 223 Aug. 1 70 54 8 24 Man Mayen). W. 70 128 —0.6 Graasort Sandler. Dark-grey, sabulous Clay S. 224 » 1 70 5i 8 20 W. 95 174 —0.6 Graasort Sandler. I >ark-grey, sabulous Clay s. 225 H 2 70 58 8 4 w. 195 357 —0.6 Graasort Sandler. 1 )ark-grey, sabulous Clay s. 237 n 3 70 4i 10 10 w. 263 481 — o-3 Brunt Ler. Stene. Brown Clay, Stones. s. 240 » 4 69 2 1 1 26 w. 1004 1836 — 1. 1 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. s 248 „ 8 67 56 4 11 E. 778 1423 — 1. 4 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. s. 251 9 68 6 9 44 E. 034 1159 — i- 3 Ler. Clay. s. 252 » 11 Vesti "jord. Ler. < 'lav. s. 253 H 15 Skjerst ulfjord. 263 481 3- 2 Ler. Clay. s. Dvl nle. Humlens Apparat, (Depth). Tempe- (Apparatus). Station ! )., t , 1 Nordlig Længde fra ratur. S. Skrålte. l ';uu 11. Bredde. Greenwich. Engl. Favne. Bunden. Bottom. (Dredge). No. {Dot* >• (North latitude). 1 Longitude). Meter. ( Temperature at Bottom). T. Trawl. < Fathoms). (Metres). c. s. Svabere. (Swabs). 253b Aue. 187 17 3. Saltstrømmen. 90 I65 Sten. Stones. S. 255 Juni 19 68° 12' 1 50 40' E. 341 624 6.°5 Clay. s. (Vestfjord). 257 (June, 21 70 4 23 2 (Altenfjord). E 160 293 3- 9 Ler. Clay. s. 258 n 21 70 13 23 3 (Altenfjord). E. 230 42 1 4. 0 Ler. ■ Clay. T. 260 24 70 55 26 11 (Porsangerfjord) E. 127 232 3- 5 Ler. Clay. S. T. 261 *• 25 70 47 28 30 (Tanafjord). E. 127 232 2. 8 Ler. ( Hay. S. T. 262 V 27 70 36 32 35 E. 148 2-1 1. 9 Ler. Clay. T. S. 267 J. 29 71 42 37 1 E 148 271 — i- 4 Ler. Sten. Clay, Stones. S. 270 " 30 72 27 35 1 E 136 249 — 0. 0 Ler. Clay. s. 273 Juli 1 73 25 31 30 E. 197 360 2' 2 Ler. Clay. s. 275 (July 1 74 8 31 12 E 147 269 — 0.4 Ler. Clay. T. 280 J? 4 74 10 18 51 (Beeren Eiland) E 35 64 ..I Sten. Stones. s. 283 J* 5 73 47 :4 21 E. 767 I403 — 1-4 Ler. Clay. s. 286 r 6 72 57 14 32 E. 447 8l7 -0. 8 Ler. Clay. T. 290 5? 7 72 27 20 51 E. 191 349 3- 5 Sandler. Sabulous Clay. T. 295 ■• 14 71 59 11 40 E. 1 1 10 2030 — i-3 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 297 *• 16 72 36 5 12 E. 1280 2341 — i-4 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 303 V 19 75 12 -3 2 E 1200 2195 — 1. 6 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 312 n 22 74 54 14 53 E 658 1203 — 1.2 Ler. Clay. T. 315 •• 22 7 4 53 l5 55 E 180 329 2-5 Ler. Sand. Clay, Sand. T. 322 V 23 74 57 l9 52 E 2 1 38 0. 2 Ha ard. Hard. S. 323 r 30 72 53 21 51 E 223 408 i-5 Ler. Clay. T. 326 Aug. 3 75 3i 17 50 E 123 225 1.6 Ler. Clay. T. 333 *• 4 76 6 13 10 E 748 1368 — i- 3 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 336 V 5 76 19 15 42 E. 70 128 0. 4 Ler. Haard B. Clay. Hard Bottom. S. 338 „ 6 76 19 18 1 E. 146 267 — 1. 1 Haard.. Hard. s. 343 11 7 76 34 12 51 E. 743 1359 — 1.2 Ler. • Clay. T.. 350 r 8 76 26 0 29 W. 1686 3083 — !• 5 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 353 *• 10 77 58 5 10 E 1333 2438 — 1. 4 Biloculinler. Biloculina Clay. T. 357 » 12 78 3 11 18 E. 125 229 1. 9 Ler. Clay. S. 359 r 12 78 2 9 25 E. 416 761 0.8 Ler. Clay. S. 362 )) 14 79 59 5 40 E. 459 839 — 1. 0 Ler. Clay. T. 3<>3 11 M 80 3 8 28 E 260 475 1. 1 Ler. ( lay. T. ^366 v 17 79 35 11 17 E 61 1 12 — 2. 1 Ler. Clay. T. ' •• » V Masdalena Bay. 37 68 — 0. 2 370 *• 18 78 48 8 37 E 109 199 1. 1 Lei'. Clay. T. 372 >? 19 78 9 14 7 (Isfjord). E 129 236 1. 2 Ler. Clay. T. 374 r 22 78 16 15 33 E 60 1 10 0.7 Ler. Clay. T. (Advent Bay). Buccinidæ. Af denne Familje har Expeditionen bragt tilveie et Materiale af en ganske betydelig Størrelse, og da det er samlet under en gradvis Fremtrængen fra 60de til 8Ude Breddegrad og ligeledes under en stor Vidde fra Øst til Vest (fra Jan Mayen til heuimod Novaja Semlja), kaster det et Lys over Arternes Variation under de forskjellige geografiske Forholde, der er af stor Interesse. De talrige levende Exemplarer har ogsaa givet en rig Anledning at undersøge den saa meget paaagtede Tandstrukturs Stabilitet. I en lille Atbandling -'Ueber die Varia tionen der Zahnstructur hei dem Genus Buccinum" (Jabb. d. Mal. Grgsell. 1879) paaviste jeg. at der hos Buccinum ikke tør tillægges land- formerne stor Betydning som Artskar akter. I det følgende vil det ogsaa vise sig. at inden Neptio/cti yder denne Karakter lidet tilfredsstillende Holdepunkter, men saa slemt som hos den anden Slægt er det dog ikke. Uagtet det saaledes temmelig negative Resultat, som Undersøgelserne af Tandstrukturen har bragt til Gunst for Arterne, saa maa jeg dog indrømme denne Karakter den største Betydning for Classificationen, men før man kan gjennemføre en frugtbringende Revision med Tandstruk- turen som væsentligt Grundlag, er det nødvendig at have fold Oversigt over Formerne. Hos Familjen Buccinidæ er der endnu neppe nok gjort tilfredsstillende Undersøgelser til, at man med fuld Tryghed kan bevæge sig. Der er vistnok al Sandsynlighed for at flere Slægter, saasom Troschelia (Mørch) og Jumala n. gen. ikke vil beholde sin Plads under Buccinidæ, (hvad den første Slægt angaar, da har ogsaa Prof. Gr. 0. Sårs o. fl. tidskilt den og placeret den under Fassiolariderne ; den sidste burde da med samme Ret sættes under Columbella eller Buccinopsis), men for- uden disse to er der ogsaa Pyrolofusus, Volutopsis, Mohnia samt en Art af Siphonorbis, der ikke lader sig indordne under den Ramme, som Troschel har draget for Familjen Buccinina, nemlig: Centralpladen 4 til 7 og Sidepladen 4 eller 3 Tænder (Gebiss d. Schuecken Vol. 2, Pg. 69); thi de har alle kun 2 Tænder paa Sidepladen og for Mohnias Buccinidæ. For the study of this family of mollusca. the Nor- wegian North-Atlantic Expedition has been fortunate in securing a rich collection of materials, which, obtained as it was by the gradual exploration of a tract stretching from the GUtli to the 8(Jth parallel of latitude, and east and west from the island of Jan Mayen almost to Novaja. Zemlja. cannot fail, by the disclosure of many interesting data, to throw light on the varying character of the species under different biological conditions. The numerous living specimens have also furnished ample opportunity of investi- gating the stability of the dentition, to wj*ich attention has been so largely directed. In a brief Memoir, be- aring title: — -'Heber die Variationen der Zahnstructur bei dem Genus Bucciniwi" (Jahrb. d. Mal. Gesell. 1879), I have pointed out. that but little weight, in Buccinum, can be attached to the structure of the teetb as n specific character. In Neptunea, too, as will afterwards appear, diversity of dentition affords anything but a trustworthy guide, though certainly less deceptive than in the foregoing genus. But, negative, accordingly, upon the whole, as is the result of research touching the value of dentition in fur- nishing a distinct specific feature, I readily grant to that character the greatest importance in facilitating classi- fication. Meanwhile, a thoroughgoing revision, specially founded on the structure of the teeth, implies an intimate knowledge of the forms. Now. the family Buccinidæ can hardly as yet have been sufficiently investigated to give a safe footing for systematical arrangement to clear up every doubt- ful point. Several genera, such as Troschelia (Morcb) and Jumala, n. g., will, most probably, in future, cease to rank under Buccinidæ; indeed, Professor G. O. Sars and other naturalists have already excluded the former, placing it under Fassiolaridæ, and the latter may with equal reason be classed under Columbella or Buccinopsis. Exclusive, however, of the two aforesaid genera, those of Pi/rolofusus, Volutopsis, Mohnia, and a species of Siphonorbis, cannot be brought within the limits defined by Troschel for the family of Buccinina, viz : — the central plate with from 4 to 7 cusps, and the laterals with 4 or 3 cusps (Gebiss d. Schnecken, Vol. 2, p. 69); for they have all 2 cusps on the lateral Vedkommedde kun 1 Tand paa Centralpladen. Slægterne Pyrolofusus og Volutopsis kunne med en vis Ret sættes ander Fhotina, men derimod vil det være arimeligt at bort- tage Mohnia og Siphonorbis undulatus n. sp. fra Neptunea, thi ikke alene slutter disse sig i ydere l''nnn til denne Slægt, men Tandstrukturen er kun en lille Modification af Slægtens Normalform, hvilket man ved at se Neptunea (Sipho) turgidula Tandvariationer [Tab. IV, Fig. li -I8i let kan overbevise si^ om. At Familjen trænger til mere udvidede Grændser, maa være øinsynlig, men hvor disse med Etinielighed bør sættes, skal man med det for Haanden værende Materiale vanskelig kunne sige, thi det er kun de nordlige Arters Tandbygning man kjender nogenlunde til- fredsstillende. De ægte Neptunea Arters Tandformer lade sig samle i 4 Grupper, nemlig: Despeda Gruppen med Centralpladen med :i lige store og Sidepladen med ligeledes 3 omtrent lige store Tænder. Herunder kommer A", despeda, latericea og lachesis. Islandica Gruppen med Centralpladens Tænder vel adskilte og Sidepladen har yderste Tand størst og mel- leinste mindst. Herunder horer: N. islandica, virgata, Kroyeri-, curta, turrita, fusiformis og Daniélsseni. Den sidste gaar dog nær over til følgende. Turgidula Gruppen med Centralpladens Tænder tæt sammenstillede, undertiden sammeuvoksne, Midtanden længst, Sidepladen er som hos foregaaende. Herhen hører N. tur- gidula og ébur. Mohnia Gruppen med en entandet Centralplade og totalitet Sideplade. Herunder horer N. undulata og N. (Mohnia) Mohni. Denne Gruppering er dog nærmest at betragte som en Rekapitulation at Neptuneas Tandformer. For den engere Inddeling af Slægten vil den ikke være hensigtsmæs- sig: thi i den Retning maa de ydre Karakterer have For- trinet og Apex særlig og Operculum for en Del hyder meget paalidelige Holdepunkter. Hvad Apex angaar, da har Dr. Mørcb givet følgende Beskrivelse af Forholdet imellem Siphonorbis og Sipho (Journ. de Conch. XXV Pg. 268): "Quand la coquille est regardée en haut, la spire formant le centre, ['ensemble de cette coquille offre 1'apparence dun Planorbe, chez les Siphonorbis, tandis qu'elle ressemble å une vessie, chez les Sipho." Med denne Karakteristik vil Sipho kun komme at indeslutte Neptunea islandica og turgidula, hvorimod Siphonorbis optager A', gracilis, virgata, carta. Kroyeri, latericea, propinqua, tar rita. lachesis, audalata. char, fusi- formis og Daniélsseni. I ethvert Fald vil ikke Apex hos nogen af disse sidst nævnte Arter kunne opfattes som "une vessie." Fuldstændig regelmæssig hygget er Apex kun hos A', propinqua (der er Typen for Siphonorbis), turrita, lachesis, audalata, ebur, fusiformis og Daniélsseni; alle de øvrige derimod er mere eller mindre uregelmæssig, og jeg har plate, and in Mohnia the central plate has only I cusp. The genera Pyrolofusus and Volutopsis may, with some show of reason, lie classed under Photina. whereas to exclude Mohnia and Siphonorbis undulatus, n. sp., trom Neptunea, would be preposterous; for not only do both species agree in all external features with this genus, the structure of (lie teeth, too, is hut slightly modified, as a glance at the varying character of the dentition in Neptunea (Sipho) tur- gidula (PI, IV. figs. M is, will show. That some exten- sion is needed of the limits set down for the family, must he obvious; hut where exactly the line should he drawn, is at present difficult to decide, seeing that what compara- tively accurate knowledge we have as yet obtained of the structure of the teeth refers exclusively to the northern species. The dentition of the true Neptunea, may lie arranged in 4 groups, viz : — The despeda group, having the central plate furnished with 3 cusps of equal size, and the laterals also with .'!, nearly equal in size. To this group belong N. despeda, latericea. and lachesis. The islandica group, having the cusps on the central plate distinctly separate, and the laterals with the outermost cusp largest and the median smallest. To this group belong A', islandica. virgata, Kroyeri, curta,turrita, / nsiformis, and Da- nielsseni. The latter merges, however, alinostinto the following. The turgidula group having the cusps on the central plate, of which the median is the longest, closely ar- ranged, sometimes grown together; the laterals as in the foregoing group. To this group belong N. turgidula and N. ebur. The Mohnia group, having the central plate unidentate and the laterals bidentate. To this group belong N. un- dulata and AT. (Mohnia) Mohni. Such grouping, however, as the above, must be re- garded chiefly as a recapitulation of the different varieties of dentition occurring in the genus Neptunea. They will not serve as a basis of more restricted subdivision, for which the external characters are better adapted, the operculum, and, in particular, the apex, furnishing an ex- cellent guide. With regard to the apex. Dr. Morch has given the following comparative description of that character in Siphonorbis and Sipho (Journ. de Oonch. XXV. p. 268: — •'Quand la coquille est regardée en haut, la spire formant le centre, l'ensemble de cette coquille offre l'apparence d'un Planorbe, chez les Siphonorbis, tandis qu'elle ressemble å une vessie, chez les Sipho." Thus characterized. Sipho will comprise only Neptunea islandica and turgidula, whereas N. gracilis, virgata, curia. Kroyeri, latericea. propinqua, turrita, lachesis, undulata, ebur, fusiformis, and Daniéls- seni must be referred to Siphonorbis. At least, the apex in none of the latter can be regarded as -'une vessie." A perfectly regular-formed apex is found only in N. propinqua (the type of Siphonorbis), turrita, lachesis, undulata. ebur. fusiformis, and Daniélsseni; that of all the rest is more or less irregular, and hence 1 have not felt warranted in derfor ikke kunnet udskille disse fra Sipho. En ikke uvæ- sentlig Ledetraad til Forstaaelsen af Apex vil man finde i Skallens Embryonal- og Ungdomsstadie. Jumala,1 n. gen. (Chrysodomus, G. 0. Sårs non Swaison). Type Fusas Turtoni Bean. "Lamellæ radidæ medianæ parræ, quadrangulares , inermes, laterales in hamulum magnum ad marginem posti- cum dentibus (2) parvis armatum excurrente". (Sårs). Jumala Turtoni, Bean. Tab. IV, Fig. 4—7. Fusus Turtoni, Bean. Ann. & Mag. N. H. Yol VIII, Pg. 491, Fig. 61. Chrysodomus Turtoni, G. O. Sårs -Moll. reg. aret norv." Pg. 269. Forekomst: St. 255. 257. 260. 2G1. 290, 323 fra 127 til 341 Favne. Prof. G. 0. Sårs har i ovenciterte Værk gjort op- mærksom paa Radulas eiendommelige Bygning og foreslaar at optage Swainsons Chrysodomus som Slægtsnavn med nær- værende Art som Type. Jeg er enig med Sårs i den ( )p- fatning. at en fra Neptunea saa afvigende Tandbygning bør have sit selvstændige Slægtsnavn, men da Chrysodomus er i fuld Anvendelse hinsides Atlanterhavet synonym med Nep- tunea (Bolt), vil det neppe gaa an at benytte det og jeg foreslaar derfor Jumala. Arctiske Exemplarer synes at afvige fra engelske ved en forholdsvis kortere Spir og en større mere opblæst Hovedvinding, Arten naar ikke Spitsbergen, men dens yderste kjendte Nordgrændse Ugger mellem Norge og Beeren Eiland (St. 323). Tænderne (Tab. IV, Fig. 4—7) Centralpladen afrundet firkantet, Sidepladerne kloformede med 2 eller '■'> Tænder paa indvendige Side og af disse er den inderste afstumpet og bredest. Fig. 4 og G er etter forskjellige Exemplarer, der viser smaa AfVigelser i Sidepladernes Form. Fig. 7 er Sideblik af Fig. 4's Sideplade. Jumala er Navne* paa en lappisk Gud. excluding them from Sipho. In judging of the apex, an accurate knowledge of the early and embryonic stages of the shell will materially assist. Jumala,1 n. g. (Chrysodomus, G. O. Sårs, non Swaison). Type Fusus Turtoni, Bean. " Lamellæ radidæ medianæ parvæ, quadrangulares, inermes, laterales in hamulum magnum ad marginem posti- cum dentibus (2) parvis armatum excurrente." (Sårs). Jumala Turtoni, Bean. Pl. IV, figB. 4—7. Fusus Turtoni, Bean, Ann. & Mag. N. H., Vol. VIII, p. 491, figs. 61. Chrysodomus Turtoni, G. O. Sårs. "Moll. reg. aret. Norv." p. 269. Habitat: — Stats. 255, 257, 260, 261, 290, and 323; from 127 to 341 fathoms. Professor G. 0. Sårs draws attention in the above- mentioned work to the singular structure of the Radula, and suggests establishing Swainson's Chrysodomus as the generic name, witli Fusus Tuiioni as the type. I quite agree with Sars, that a dentition so widely differing from that in Neptunea has need of a special generic appellation; but Chrysodomus being universally accepted by American zool- ogists as synonymal with Neptunea (Bolt.), it will hardly do to adopt that name, in lieu of which I would propose, therefore, Jumala. Arctic specimens would appear to differ from English in having a relatively shorter spire, and in the body-whorl being larger and more swollen. This species does not reach Spitzbergen; it was met with, however, between Norway and Beeren Eiland. (Stat. 323). Dentition (Pi. IV. figs. 4—7). Central plate rounded quadrangular; laterals ungueal, with 2 or 3 cusps on the inner side, the innermost broadest and truncate. Figs. 4 and 6 are the laterals, from two different specimens. Fig. 7 gives a side-view of the lateral plate represented in Fig. 4. ' The name of a Lappish Deity. Den at" Prof. Sms ,1. c. Pl, X Pig. Hi) afbildede Kadula tilhører ikke denne Art. men mrstfolgende. Saavel Sårs som jeg holdt Demlig -/. Ossiani for kun en Varietel ai' Turtoni. da den første Gang i 1 S77 blev funden paa St. i24 og den at' dette Exemplar iidtagne Kadula er det Sårs har tegnet. Jumala Ossiani,2 Friele. Tal.. I. Fig. I— ii og Tab. IV, Fiff. 1— :i. Neptunea Ossiani, Fr, Jahrb. Mal. Gesellsch 1879 Pag. 279. Testa •/. Turtoni sim/lis. tenuis, epidcrmide flarescente, scabro-hispida, sutnra profunda, anfradibus 7 vel 7l/2 tumi- dis, spira producla, suprema parte cylindrica, apice retuso laevi, subdepresso, apertura onda, medio expansa, dimidiam testae lorigitudinem fere aequante, labro hviter sinuoso, colu- mella flexuosa, canali brevi et peramplo. Superficies costis (10 12) tenuibus, elevatis, in anfradibus primariis densis, drill sensim magis distantibus, in anfractu ultimo obscuris sculpta, operculo magno, tenui élongato-pyriformi, infra sat incurvato. Magn. long. 88 lat. 44mm, apert. long. 45, diam. max. 24mm. Forekomst St. 124, 164. 237 (Fragm.) og 362 fra 380 til 459 Favne. Fra J. Turtoni adskiller den sig ved en mindre solid Skal. en haaret Epidermis, en mere regelmæssig formet Mundaabning, en mere gradvis Aftagen af Vindingerne og en stump nedtrykt Apex (Tab. I. Fig. 3). Scnlpturen be- staar hos J. Turtoni af flade Kibber: bos vor Art er disse derimod skarpe og mere fremtrædende. Operculum (Fig. 2) er i sin nedre Ende bøiet. Paa St. 164 blev en Ægkapsel med fuldt udviklet Embryon og et ungt Exemplar fundet. Ægkapslen (Fig, 5) viser en fra foregaaende Art for- skjellig Form. Den er citrongul. lang oval, noget opsvul- met og indeholder kun 1 Embryon. Embrgomt , Ki^r- 'i ». '■> \'iser siv ogsaa afvigeude fra sin Slægtning. I Ann. & Mag. o. X. Hist. XIX Pg. 163 Pl. X Fig. 9 bar Mr. Rich. Howse beskrevet Ægkapslen og Em- bryonet af J. (Fusns) Turtoni. Heretter indeholder Ægkaps- len indtil 6 Embryoner af en slank cy lindr isk Form. Ungdonisstadiet (Fig. i) er paafaldende afyigende fra -' Efter min Ven Prof. Dr. G. Ossian Sårs. I "Jahrbiicher,1 staar ved en Trykfej] Neptunea <>.i.. Fusus (Pyrolofusus) deformis, Mørch, Cat. d. Mol. du Spits- berg Pg. 16. Forekomst: St. 366 — 61 F.. 2 levende Exemplarer. Det største maaler 100""" lan.- og 66""" bred; Mund- aabningen 72*"'" lang og 38m"' bred. from that of J. Turtoni, by reason of its greater breadth and regularity of form, and sharper sculpture. The Dentition (Pi. IV, figs. 1— :i is similar in structure to those of the foregoing species; but the laterals have comparatively a slender appearance, and the cusps on the inner side are less developed. The number of rows in the full-grown specimen were about 150. This species occurs as far north at the 80th parallel of latitude, and its southern limit of distribution reaches down to W. Volutopsis norvegicus, Chemn. Btrombus norvegicus, ( 'hemn.. Conch. Cab. Mart, and Chemn., p. 218, tigs. 1497—98. Volutopsis norvegicus, Morch. SbrombeUa, gen. Gray (non Schlut). Eabitat: -- Stations 323 (223 fathoms); 333 (147 f.) The Arctic specimens would appear to be somewhat smaller than those from the North Sea; there is, however, no dissimilarity in form. An egg-capsule, containing only one embryo, was brought up at Station 323. Mr. Howse states in his "Notes on a dredging Ex- cursion oft' the coast of Durham." (1. c. p. 162), that the capsule of V. norvegicus contains from 2 to 3 embryos, in which he is confirmed by Dr. Jeffreys in -'Brit. Conch." The limits . of fecundity in this species seem accordingly to be very indefinite; we are, however, hardly warranted to infer from a solitary instance, that the species is less fecund in the Arctic Ocean than in the warmer waters of the North Sen. Pyrolofusus deformis. Reeve. PI. I. tig. 8 and PI. IV. figs. 11 — 13. Fusus deformis, Reeve. Conch, icon. 1847, Vol. IV. PI. 12, fig. 45 a. b. Fusus (Pyrolofusus) deformis, Morch. Cal. d. Mol. du. Spits- berg, p. 16. Habitat: — Station 366 in 61 fathoms; 2 living specimens. The larger of the two individuals measured 100""" in length and 66mm in breadth; the aperture was 72""" long and 38'""' wide. Operculum (Tab. i. Fig. B) brungult hornagtig. Vækst- linjerne er utvekslende finere og grovere Furer, og disse krydses igjen af meget fine, uregelmæssige Striæ. Dets Størrelse er kun l/a Del af Mundaabningens Længde. Tcenderne (Tab. IV. Fig. il— 13) viser i sin Fonn størst Tilnærmelse til Plint hia Troschel, ("Gebiss d. Seim." 11 Pag. »3 Tab. S'). Centralpladen er bred. firkantet med 3 noget fjernt fra binanden staaende Tiender paa Skjæreranden ; Sidepladerne brede, bar to omtrent lige store Tanuler. Fig. 11 og 12 er efter to forskjellige Eksemplarer. Hos Fig. 11 (eller Fig. 13 i en større Maalestok) staar Centralpladens 3 Tænder regelmæssig stillet paa Skjære- randen og Mellemtanden er paafaldende mindre; hos Fig. 12 staar Tænderne derimod asymmetriske og er omtret lige store. Rækkernes Antal er omtrent 80. Neptunea despecta, Lin. PI. I, Fig. 7 a, b og Pl. IV. Fig. s— lo. Murer despectus, Lin. Syst. nat. Pg. 1222. Fusus tornatus, Gid. Invrt. o. Massa. Pg. 28(3 Fig. 201. Forekomst: St. 10. Bodø (10 F.). Tromsø (20 F.). St. 255. 261, 312. 323. 326. 357 fra 10 til 658 Favne. var fasciata. nob. Neptunea antiqua rar? Kobelt. Conch. Cab. Mart, og Chmn. Vol. 3 Heft. XLIV. Pg. 104 Pl. 35 Fig. 3. St, 286—447 Favne. Et ungt 37""" stort Exemplar. De øvre Vindinger bar 3 opbøiede mørkere farvede Baand. Herr Verkriizen bar først bragt denne smukke Varietet fra Nyfoundland. var fornicata. Fabr. (non Peeve). Tritoniwm fornicatum, Fabr. Fauna groenl. Pg. 399. Reykjavik 10-20 F. I Lium'-s Samling (Lin. Society, London) er der blandt Mnri.r despectus et Exemplar af denne Varietet fra Island. Dr. Kobelt bar i Monografien over Neptunea (System. < 'mick. Cab. Martini i' Cbmn.) Tab. 36 Fig. 1 givet en meget god Tegning af denne Varietet under Navn N. an- tiqua var bicarinata kun er Længdestriberne som Revd skarpere. Den norske Nordliavsexpedition. Herman Friele. Mollusca. 1. Operculum (Pl. T. fig. 8) yellowish-brown, horny. The lines of growth occur as more or less coarse grooves, inter- sected by exceedingly fine, irregular stria1. It measures one-third of the length of the aperture. The dentition (PI, IV, figs. 11— ;13) approximates closest that in Fhotina Troschel, ("Gebiss d. Schn." II. Pl. VIII. p. 83). ( Jentral plate broad, quadrangular, with three cusps somewhat distant from one other; the laterals are broad, with 2 cusps about equal in size. Figs. 11 and 12 are of two different specimens. In fig. 11 (or fig. 13. more highly magnified) the cen- tral plate has its 3 cusps regularly arranged, and the me- dian cusp is much the smallest; whereas in fig. 12, the cusps are asymmetrically disposed, and almost equal in size. Number of series about 80. Neptunea despecta, Lin. PI. 1, fig. 7 a, b and PI. IV, figs. 8—10. Murex despectus, Lin. Syst. nat., p. 1222. Fusus tornatus, Gld. Invrt. o. Massa.. p. 286, fig. 207. Habitat: — Stats. 10. Bodø (10 t'). Tromsø (20 f.). Stats. 255, 261. 312. 323. 326, and 357 ; from 20 to 658 faths. var fasciata, nob. Neptunea ant/qua rar? Kobelt. Conch. Cab. Mart, and Chmn. Vol. 3. Part. XLIV. p. 104. PI. 35. fig. 3. Habitat: — Stat. 286 (447 f.). A young specimen. measuring 37""". The upper whorls have 3 darkish coloured prominent bands or ribs. Herr Verkriizen was the first to bring over this beautiful variety from Newfoundland. var fornicata. Fabr. (non Reeve). Tritonium fornicaium, Fabr. Fauna groenl.. p. 399. Reykjavik, in 1.0 — 20 fathoms. In the Linnean Collection (Lin. Society London), there is a specimen of this variety from Iceland, labelled Murex despectus. Dr. Kobelt has given in his Monograph of the genus Neptunea I System. Conch. Cab. Martini and Chmn.). PI. 36. tig. 1. an excellent drawing of this variety, under the name of V. ant/quit var. bicarinata, except that the longi- tudinal lines are as a rule more distinct. 10 var. borealis, Phil. Fusas borealis, Phil. Abb. und Beschr. III 1850 Pg. 118, Fig. 5. Fusus fornicatus, Reeve IV 1847 Pl. 16, Fig. 63. Tritonium antiquum var. communis. Midd. Beitr. Malaco Eos. Pg. 131, Fig. 3—6. Forekomst: St. 366—60 F., St. 373—30 F. Paa St. 366 (Magdalenabay, Spitsbergen) forekom saavel den glatte knudede, som alle Overgange baade til foregaaende Varietet og til den ved den norske Kyst al- mindelige carinerede Form. Middendorf har i „Beitråge Mal. Ros." og Dr. Leche i -'Øfersigt oter Novaja Semlja och Jenissej Hafsmollusker" tilfulde med Illustrationer paavist at N&ptunea borealis Ph. gaar over i despecfa Lin. Ægkapslerne er vel kj endte. Fmbryonet (Tab. I, Kg. 7 a. b) udtaget at' Ægkapsler, funden paa St. 366 og sandsynligvis tilhørende Formen borealis ligner N. antiquas. I Kapslerne faudtes fra 3 til 7 Embryoner, men som Regel var flere deforme, hvor det større Antal var tilstede. Tænderne tTab. IV, Fig. 8—10) er vel kjendte fra Loven, Troschel, Sårs o. fl. De Variationer, som jeg har obser- veret, er gjengivet i Fig. 8, 9 og 10. Af 7 undersøgte Exemplarer fandtes hos; 1 Explr. 3 Tænder paa Centralpladen 3 Tænder paa Side- pladerne. 2 ,. 3 „ - — 3 paa den ene do. og 4 ,, „ anden do. 2 „ 3 „ 4 Tænder paa do. 2 „ 4 — 4 — „ do. Hos Fig. 10 viser Centralpladen sig af en ualminde- lig Bredde. Apex uregelmæssig. Subgen Sipho, (Klein) Apex uregelmæssig. Neptunea (Sipho ) islandica, Chmn. Tab. 1, Kg. 9—12 og Tab. VI, Kg. 1—2. Fusus islandicus, Chmn. Conch. Cab. IV Pg. IV Pg. 141, Fig. 1312, 1313. Forekomst: St. 10, 25, 124, 192, 237, 261, 286, 312, 323 og 326 fra 90 til 658 Favne. Arten gaar saaledes ned til en Dybde af over 650 Favne (St. 312) hvorfra 2 levende, men meget tyndskallede Exemplarer blev optaget. Dens Nordgrændse er Spits- bergen, i hvis Fauna den nu for første Gang indføres. var. borealis, Phil. Fusus borealis, Phil., Abb. und Beschr. III. 1850. p. 118. fig. 5. Fusus fornicatus, Reeve IV, 1847, Pl. 16, fig. 63. Tritonium antiquum var. communis, Midd. Beitr. Malaco Ros., p. 131, figs. 3 — 6. Habitat: — Stats. 366 (60 fathoms) and 373 (40 f.). At Station 366 (Magdalena Bay, Spitzbergen) occurred not only the smooth, protuberant,' but all the other transi- tion-forms, leading up alike to the foregoing and to the carinated variety common on the ^Norwegian coast. Middendorf. in his "Beitrage Mal. Ros.," and Dr. Leche, in his "Øfersigt øfer Novaja Semlja och Jenissej Hafsmollusker." have shown that Neptunea borealis, Ph. is merged in desy>ecta Lin. The egg-capsules are well known. The embryos (Pi. I. fig. 7 a, 5) taken from the capsu- les brought up at Station 366, and most likely belonging to the variety borealis, resemble those of N. antiqua. Each capsule contained from 3 to 7 embryos; but frequently some were deformed when the larger number were present. The teeth (Tab. IV. fig. s_ 10) are well known from Loven's, Troschel's, Sars's, and other zoologists' drawings. The variations observed by myself are represented in figs. 8, 9, and 10. Of 7 individuals examined — 1 had 3 cusps on the central plate and 3 on both of the laterals. 2 „ 3 - - - - - - 3 on one of the lat., the other having 4. 2„3--- - - -4 on each of the lat. 2 „ 4 4 - - - - - In fig. 10, the central plate exhibits unusual breadth. Apex irregular. Subgen. Sipho. (Klein). Apex irregular. Neptunea (Sipho) islandica, Chmn. PI. I, figs. 0—12 and PL VI, figs. 1—2. Fusus islandicus, Chmn., Conch. Cab. IV, p. 141, figs. 1312, 1313. Habitat: — Stats. 10. 25. 124, 192, 237, 261. 286, 312, 323, and 326; from 90 to 658 fathoms. This species occurs, accordingly, in upwards of 650 fathoms (Stat. 312), 2 living, but exceedingly thin-shelled specimens having been brought up from that depth. Its northern limit of distribution is Spitzbergen, in whose fauna, this species now appears for the first time. 11 Apex ,Fig. 12 a, i>, a) er som Regel mammilliform og Nucleus dreiet til Side. men hos et Exemplar fra St. 312 er Apexdannelsen ualmindelig reglmæssig (Fig. 12 <•). uden at det dog er synlig, at der tidligere har været en Læsion af Skallen. Et ungt omtrent 10"" stort Exemplar er afbildet i Fig. il ,i, l>. Ægkapslen (Fig. ;ii er halvkugleformig noget fladtrykt, rund oval. med en bred Margin, 18 til 20""" lang: Farven er uul og skinnende. Embryonerne (Fig, in «. j) o til 4 i hver Kapsel, er gjennemsigtige, glindsende, kun Apex er opak hvid; Apex- dannelsens Uregelmæssighed aabenbarer sig allerede her tydelig. Tcendeme (Tab. VI, Fig. I— 2) har været undersøgt hos 6 Exemplarer; men viser ingen paafaldende Variationer. Hos Sidepladerne synes Mellemtanden som Regel at staa trykket nær op mod den indre Tand. Neptunea (Sipho) turgidula, Jeffr. (M. S). Tab. 1, Fig. 13—18 og Tab. IV, Fig. 14—18. Fusus turgidulus, (Jeff. M. S.) Friele. "Prelim. Report" Nyt. Mag. f. Naturvidenskab 1877 Pg. 8. Kobelt, Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. IV Pg. 278 T. IX, Fig. 2, 3. Forekomst: St. 18, 33, 87. 192. 286 og 323 fra 223 649 Favne. Paa "Porcupim" Exped.. hvor den først blev funden, laa dens Dybdeforekomst imellem 155 og 345 F. Det er en vel udpræget Form, der let adskiller sig fra de nærstaaende Sipho-Arter (islandica og gracilis) ved mere hugede Vindinger, dybere Sutur, kortere Canal og en mere bøiet Columelle. Sculpturen er ogsaa eiendommelig. Paa den 2den eller 3die Vinding begynder fine, tætte Spi- ralstriæ, der atter paa næstsidste Vinding gaar over til grove, obsure Folde. Epidermis er glat, gul, undertiden gronlitr. Apex (Fig. \:< «, b) er opsvullmet og skjævbøiet, bygget noget nær som hos JV. islandica; dog er i Regelen ikke Apex paafaldende større end den underliggende Vinding. Opercidum (Fig. 16) triangulært, hornagtig og tyndt. Allerede som ganske Unge (Fig. 17. a. S) adskiller denne Art sig fra N. islandica ved en kortere, mere tumid Form og Apex er mere fladtrykt. Dyret (Fig. 18) er rent hvidt. Sipho lang, Tentaklerne ligeledes lange og tilBpidsede, henimod Basis sidde et Par smaa Øine. Foden er meget stor og baade længere og bredere end Skallen, foran truncat med airundede Spidse paa Siderne, bagtil bredt afrundet. Dyret er i det Hele tåget stort i Forhold til Skallen. Tænderne Tab. I\'. Fig. 14—18): Centralpladen er læn- The apex (fig, 12 a, i, e) is as a rule mammilliform, and the nucleus has a lateral twist; but in a specimen from Station 312. the structure of the apex is exception- ally regular (fig. 12 ,■,, without however the shell exhibiting any trace of previous mutilation. A young specimen, measuring about 10""". is represented in fig. 11 n, b. The egg-capsule (fig. shows how closely the dentition approximates that in Mohnia, the 3 cusps on the central plate uniting into a single elongated point, and the median cusp of the laterals growing together with the inner one. Number of rows from 90 to upwards of 100. Neptunea (Sipho) gracilis, d'Cost. PI. I, fig. 19, a, b. e. Buccinum gracilis, da, Cost. Br. Conch, p. 124. Sipho glaber, Verkr. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1876, p. 174, PL 3. Habitat: — Stats. 9. 23. Bodø (20 f.), 255, and 261-, from 20 to 341 fathoms. The difference between the form Sipho glaber and B. gracilis is so trifling, that the brownish-green epidermis constitutes about the only feature on which to found a di- stinction. As regards the sculpture. I cannot detect the slightest diversity on comparing specimens from Bergen with others collected on the coast of Finmark. The apex (fig. 19 a, b, o may as a rule be readily- distinguished from that in N. islandica; but, though one of the safest of specific characters, it does not prove more absolutely constant than any other character. Fig. 19 c represents a close approximation to N. is- landica; indeed, examples of gracilis can give rise to con- siderable doubt. Thus, for instance, a specimen was taken at Station 261 (Tauafjord). which, owing to its slender form and a stronger, more distinct sculpturing than in gracilis. has been referred to islandica, although the apex presents greater resemblance to that in the former species. Mean- while, this is a rare case, nay the only one I have met with. The dentition is not to be distinguished from that in N. islandica. 13 Neptunes i Siphoi Hanseni. Friele. Tab. 1. Fig. 20. "Catalog Spitsb. Moll." Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. L879, Pg. 281. Testa tenuis, conico-fusiformis, anfradibus 5 parum convexis, fere planulatis, ml suturam angulatis, spira brevi (apice decollator, sutura parum impressa, apertura pyriformi, subexpansa, supra acuminata, columella valde //<■. cuosa, canali brevi, aperto, reflexo. Superficies costis spiralibus, parum conspicuis, striisque incrementi numerosis scutpta, epidermide laevi, e flavescenti-brunnea, tenui nitidaque, Magn. long, til lat. 35™*; apert. long. 4i.~>, diam. max. -/.'>""". Forekomst:' St. 374 (Adventbay) 60 Favne. Der blev kun tumlet et dødt, men vel vedligeboldt Exemplar. Dens nærmeste Slægtning er sandsynbgvis X. turgidula, hvilken den hgner hvad den korte Canal angaar, og maaske vil den vise sig at være en Varietet af denne, men med det forhaanden værende Materiale kan jeg ingen Tegn til Overgange se. I Sculptur adskiller vor Art sig ved vel grunde, men sammenlignet med turgidula, grove Spiral- ribber, der ogsaa paa Hovedvindingen kommer frem med usvækket Styrke; hos turgidula er de her saagodtsom for- svundne dier er gaaede over til obscure Folde; rundt den grunde Sutur gaar paa Undersiden af Vindingerne et eien- dommeligt noget bredt indknebet Baand, der dog pan Hovedvindingen forsvinder. Vindingerne ere dertil flade og ikke tumide som hos turgidula. Den decollerede Apex tor neppe tillægges nogen Be- tydning da det er det hyppigste Tilfælde, hos de arctiske Mollusker at de har Apex mere eller mindre mutileret. 1 tiere Tilfælde har jeg observeret, at det er en omspæn- dende Actinia, der eroderer Skallen. Neptunea Siphoi virgata. Friele. Tal,. I. Fig. 21— 2a og Tab. VI. Fig. 3—4. "Catalog Spitzb. Moll." .Jahrb. Moll. Gesell. 1879, Pg. 281. Testa fusiformirturrita, <■ rubescenti flava, anfradibus 1 regulanter crescentibus, parum convexis, sutura parum impressa, apertura dimidiam testae longitudinem aequante, ovata, acuminata, columella fere reda. canali brerissimo, dilatato, apice retuso, laevi et paulum Superficies angustis linds impressis e.njnrfa. anfradu primario laevi, circum supremam partem anfraduum mediorum (Sti, uti. i mo plicis longitudinal ibus haud conspicuis. epidermide laeri. operculo duk/ho. pyriformi, aperturam praecludente. Neptunea i Siphoi Hanseni, Friele. Pl. I. fig. 20. "Catalog Spitzb. Moll.," Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. L879, p. 281. Testa tenuis, conico-fusiformis, anfradibus 5 parum convexis, fere planulatis ad suturam angulatis, spira brevi (apice decollato). sutura parum impressa. apertura pyriformi, subexpansa, supra acuminata, columella valde flexuosa, canali brevi, aperto, reflexo. Supi rficies rost/s spiralibus, parum conspicuis, striisque incrementi numerosis sculpta, epidermide luret, e flavescenti-brunnea, tenui nitidaque. Mag. long. 61 ', lat. 35 '. apert. long. 47.5mm, diam. max. ID""". Habitat: — Stat. 374 (Advent Hay), at a depth of 60 fathoms. Only one specimen was obtained, and that dead, but in a good state The nearest congener of Neptunea Hanseni is probably .A', turgidula, which it resembles in having a short canal: and it may perhaps turn out to be a variety of that species, though as yet I have tailed to detect any transition forms. The sculpturing in N. Hanseni consists of depressed, but, as compared with that in turgidula, coarse spiral ribs, which are equally well detined on the body-whorl, whereas in N. turgidula they have either almost wholly disappeared on that part of the shell, or, if not. occur as obscure folds; round the shallow suture on the lower part of the whorls, passes a peculiar angulated band, rather broad and constricted, which, however, disappears on the body-whorl. Moreover, the whorls ara flattened, and not tumid as in turgidula. Little, if any. importance can be attached to the decollated apex, since the great majority of arctic mollusks have the apex more or less mutilated. In several cases, I found the erosion to be the work of an Actinia, encom- passing the shell. Neptunea (Sipho) virgata, Friele. Pl. I, figs. 21— 2r> and PI. VI. figs. 3, 4. "Catalog Spitzb. Moll." Jahrb. Moll. Gesell. L879, p. 281. Testa fusiform i-furrita, e rubescenti fara. anfradibus 7 regulariter crescentibus, parum convexis, sutura parum impressa. apertura dimidiam testae lougitudiuem aequante, ovata, acuminata, columella fere reda, canal i brevissimo, dilatato, apice rdnso, lueei et paulum Superficies angustis liucis impressis exarata, anfradu primario laevi, circum supremam partem anfraduum mediorum (5ti, 6ti, 7mi) plicis longitudinalibus haud conspicuis, epidermide laevi, operculo magno, pyriformi, aperturam praecludente. 14 Magn. long. 30 lat. 13mm, apeti. long. 15 drain, max. f)m17 Forekomst: St. 124—350 F.. St. 326—123 F. Dyret (Fig. 23 1 er hvidt. kim Sipho og Teutaklerne blaagraa. Foden har omtrent Skallens Længde. fortil truncat. bagtil bredt afrundet. Sipho middelmaadig lang, Teutaklerne lange og spidse og Øjnene sidde noget frem paa disse paa en svag Forhøming. Apex (Tig. 24 a. b) ligner nærmest N. gracilis. Operculum (Fig. 2n) er stort, lukker for Mundaab- ningeu. piriform og noget bøiet for nedre Ende. Denne Art staar Sipho Yerkruzeni, Kobelt (Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1876 Pg. 70 Taf. 2 Fig. 1) nær. men foruden at Spiret hos den sidste er betydelig hengere, saa er og- saa Sculpturen og Operculum væsentlig afvigende. Mr. Robert Bell i London har havt den Godhed at sende mig en Crag Fossil under Navn Fusus alius S. Wood, der ligner vor Art i den Grad. at Fig. 22 næsten er et correct Billede deraf. Der tindes den samme fine Spiral- sti'ieriug. de ejendommelige Længdefolde og den korte Canal (Apex er desværre brudt), kun er Vindingerne noget mere tumide. S. Woods Beskrivelse af Trophon altum (Crag. Moll. I Pg. 47) passer godt paa "volutions convex" nær. baade paa Mr. Bells Fossil og vor recente Form. men derimod ligner hans Tegninger (1. c. T. VI Fig. 13 a, b og endnu mindre Supp. T. II Fig. 17 a. 6) meget lidet. Dersom Mr. Bells Cragfossil virkelig er S. Woods Trophon altum, hvad jeg ikke tor have nogen afgjørende Mening om. da jeg ikke kjender Woods Typeexemplarer. tvivler jeg ikke paa. at det af mig givne Navn virgata kommer at vige Plads for Woods. Tænderne .Tab. V. Fig. 3— 4> synes ikke i nogen særlig Grad at adskille sig fra N. islandica. Hos det ene Exemplar (Fig. 4) var der paa Centralpladen snart 2 snart 3 Tænder. Rækkernes Antal er omkring 70. Neptunea ( Sipho ) curta. Jeffr. Tab. I. Fig. 20, Tab. II. Fig. 1 — 11 og Tab. VI. Fig. fi— 10. Fusus curtus, Jeffr. Br. Conch. IV (1867) Pg. 336. ,, Stimpsoni, Mørch. Moll. Færøensis (1867) Pg. 83. „ corneus, Say (non Lin.). ,, islandicus, Gid. (non Gml.). ,. Sabinii. (Gray) Jeffr.. Friele. Leche. tortuosus. E. A. Smith. togatus, Morch. Friele. Kobelt. .. Pfaff. Mørch. Magn. long. 30"'m. lat. 13mm. apert. long. lomm diam. max. 6mm. Habitat: — Stats. 124 (350 fathoms) and 326 (123 f.). The animal (fig. 23) is white, the siphon and tentacles only being of a blue-grey tint. Foot about equal in length to shell, anterior extremity truncate, posterior extremity broadly rounded; siphon of moderate length, tentacles long and acuminate, with the eyes some distance out on a slight prominence. The apex (fig. 24 «. ><< has most resemblance to K. gracilis. Opercxdum (fig. 2.">) large, closing the aperture, piri- form, and slightly bent at the lower extremity. This species is nearly allied to Sipho Yerlriizeni. Kobelt (Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1876. p. 70, PI. 2. fig. L); but the spire in the latter is considerably longer, and the sculp- ture and the operculum exhibit essential deviations. Mr. Robert Bell of London has had the kindness to send me a crag-fossil, named Fusus altas. S. Wood, so closely resembling virgata, that fig. 22 might almost serve as an accurate representation of both. The delicate stria- ture. the peculiar longitudinal folds, and the short cannl (the apex is unfortunately broken) are no less characteristic of the fossil than of the recent shell; the only difference lies in the whorls of the former being a trifle more tumes- cent. S. Wood's description of Trophon altum (Crag. Moll. I. p. 47) agrees closely, save in "volutions convex." alike with the characters of Mr. Bell's fossil and those of our recent form: his drawings, on the other hand (1. c. PL VI. fig. 13 a. b. and more especially in Supp. PI. II. fig. 17 a, b). present very little resemblance to either. Should Mi-. Bell's crag-fossil really prove to be S. Wood's Trophon altum. on the probability of which I cannot venture to pronounce, having never seen Wood's type- specimen, the name of virgata. which I have given to the form, will doubtless be dropped, and that given by Wood retained in preference. The dentition (Pi. VI, figs. ;;. 4i would not appear to differ essentially from that in N. islandica. In one Radula (fig. 4). the central plate had now 2. now 3 cusps. Is umber of series about 70. Neptunea (Sipho i curta, Jeffr. PI. I. fig. 211, PI. II. figs. 1 — 11, and PI. VI. figs. i>— 10. lusus curtus. Jeffr. Br. Conch. IV (1867). p. 336. Stimpsoni. Morch, Moll. Færøensis (1867). p. 83. corneus, Say (non Lin.;. ,. islandicus, Gid. (non Gml.). „ Sabinii, (Gray), Jeffr.. Friele. Leche. ,, tortuosus, E. A. Smith. ,. togatus, Morch. Friele. Kobelt. .. Pfaffi, Morch. 15 Forekomst: St. 33, 124. 137, 267, 270, 312, 323, 326. 363, 370 og .'174 Era 60 til'658 Favne. Synonomien er her gjort noget vidtloftig. men neppe foldstændig, for at vise don Ramme, indenfor hvilken jeg vil have Arten forstaaet Hvad angaar det Navn. der bør have Præceduncen, da kan jeg med Sikkerhed ikke afgjøre dette, tin baade Morchs og Jeffreys Forfatterskab skriver sig fra 1867. I "Catalog der auf dor Norweg. Nordmeer Exped. boi Spitzbergen gefundenen Mollusken" Pg. 280 fremsatte jeg den Paastand, at der findes alle Overgange imellom N. togata Mørch i Sabinii Jeffr. | og cwrta Jeffr. | Stimpsoni Mørch). De 5 Exemplarer, dor er illustreret Tab. II. Fig. i— .">, vil antagelig bevise det berettigede i denne Paastand. Ved i Frankfurt at' Main at faa Anledning at se en smuk Blekke af N. curia, som Herr Verkrttzen havde hjembragt fra Ny- fundland, faldt den store Overensstemmelse imellem begge Former mig straks i Ojnene. og ila jeg for Sammenlignings Skyld havde medbragt flere af mine Spitsbergen Exemplarer blev ogsaa Dr. Kobelt opmerksom paa at lier neppe kunde foreligge 2 distincte Arter. Fig. 5 er saaledes meget lig den i System. Concli. Cabin HI Pg. 1U5 Tat'. 35 Fig. 4 og 5 afbildede A". Stimpsoni rar. der er etter et af Ver- kriizens Exemplarer. Fig. 4 (fra St. 326 imellem Beeren Island og Spits- bergen! er en grovribbet Form. der. hvad Sculptur angaar, kommer N. Spitzbergensis Reeve nær, men don hos denne eiendommelig udvidede Mundaabning mangler. Fig. 6 synes at antyde en Tilnærmelse til Ar. rentri- cosa Gray. Det storste Exemplar ('fra St. 374 Spitzbergen) maaler 77""1 lang og dog er de 3 øverste Tophvirvler borte. Den arctiske Form opnaar saaledes en Størrelse, som ikke staar tilliage for den nordamerikanske. Dr. Jeffreys har opført som Fusus Sabinii Synony- mer: F. Spitzbergensis og turtuosus Reeve, samt ebtir, togatus og Pfaffi Morcb. Hvad de to sidste angaar. da er jeg enig i at slaa dom sammen med F. Sabinii, Jeffr., men min Opfatning af X. (Siphonorbis) ebur. Mørch er derimod be- tydelig afvigende, dog derom senere. Overfor Reeves Arter er jeg mere ubestemt. Dr. Jeffrys har havt den Venlighed at sende mig Reeves Type af Fusus turtuosus til Sammen- ligning, men den Karakter, som jeg havde haabet skulde give den mest paalidelige Oplysning. nemlig Apex, er des- værre i en mutileret Tilstand, saa det lader sig ikke med Sikkerhed afgjøre, hvor den hører hjemme, men etter Formen af Skallen at dømme, skulde jeg nærmest tro at den til- hører N. (Siphonorbis) twrrita, Sårs og især tyder den ind- knebne dybe Canal herpaa. Dgret iTah. I. Fig. 26) er stort, hvidt; Foden længer og noget bredere end Skallen; Sipho lang og tyk: Ten- t;iklerne middelniaadig lauge, ooniske. noget tykke ved Basis, hvor et Par smaa Øine sidde. Apex ,Tab. II. Fig. 7 a, b, c, di er i Regelen en Smule skjævbøiet, ophøiet og første Enihryonalvinding sterkt af- smallende. Dr. Morell opfører N. togata og Pfaffii under Siphonorbis sammen mod ebur. Men i Apexbygningen imel- Babitat: Stats. 33. 124. 137. 267. 270,312, 323, 326, 363, 37(>. and 374: from 60 to «58 fathoms. The synonymy is hero given somewhat at length, tin nigh not exhaustively, to indicate the limits I would assign for the species. As to which name has the right of priority, I have no certain moans of deciding, since the authorship of both Morch and Jeffreys dates from L867. \ In -Catalog der auf der Norweg. Nordmeer Exped. bei Spitzbergen gefundenen Mollusken." p. 280. I confidently asserted that all transition-forms between N. togata. Morch, (Sabinii, Jeffr.) and curia, Jeffr. (Stimpsoni, Morch), are met with. The 5 specimens represented in Pi. n, tigs, l— .".. will, it is believed, show this to have been a well-founded statement. Having had. during a stay at Frankfurt on the Maine, oppor- tunity of examining a beautiful collection of N. CUrta, which HeiT Verkriizen had brought home from Newfoundland. I was immediately struck with the remarkable agreement exhibited by the two forms, and on producing several of my Spitzbergen examples, taken with me for comparison, Dr. Kobelt felt disposed to share my views concerning the probable identity of the species, which, in his opinion too, could hardly be distinct. F'ig. 4 represents a thick-ribbed form (from Stat. 236, between Beeren Eiland and Spitzbergen). which, with regard to the sculpturing, approximates N. Spitzbergensis, Reeve; but the expanded mouth, peculiar to that species, is wanting. The form represented in tig. 6 would appear to approx- imate N. rentricosa, Gray. The largest specimen (from Stat. 374. Spitzbergen) measures 77""" in length, and yet the 3 top whorls are gone. The Arctic form attains, accordingly, a size fully equal to that of the North American. Dr. Jeffreys has given the following synonomy of Fusus Sabinii. viz. F. Spitzbergensis and turtuosus, of Reeve, and F. ebur, togatus, and Pfaffi. of Morch. Regarding the two latter. I. too, am quite willing to unite them with F. Sabinii. Jeffr.; but my opinion of N. (Siphonorbis) ebur is very different, respecting which I shall have more to say. As to the two species of Reeve. I am more doubtful. Dr. Jeffreys has had the kindness to send me Reeve's type-spec- imen of Fusus turtuosus for comparison; but as the ,apex is broken, the most reliable character is lost, and its deter- mination must be a matter of doubt, though judging from the form of the shell and the deep, constricted canal, I am disposed to refer it to N. (Siphonorbis) turritu. M. Sars. Animal (PI. I. tig. 26) large and white: foot longer and somewhat broader than the shell; siphon long and thick; ten- tacles of moderate length, conical, and bearing at the base, which is rather thick, a pair of small eyes. Apex (Pl. II. fig. 7 a, b. e, ,i) as a rule slightly ob- lique, prominent, and with the first embryonic whorl rapidly diminishing. Dr. Morch has referred A. togata and Pfaffi to Siphonorbis, along with ebur. In the structure of the 16 lem de første og den sidste er der en meget væsentlig Af- vigelse, hvilket viser sig bedst ved at sammenligne Detalje- tegningerne af Apex hos begge Former. Operculum (Fig. 8) er langt ovalt. Et ganske ungt 7""" stort Exemplar er gjengi vet i Fig. 9 o. b. Ægkapslen (Fig. 10) er gul. halvkugleformig med smal Rand. 9 ;i 10°"" bred og indeholder 2 Embryoner. Embryonet (Fig. 11 o, s) er rødligt. halvgjennemsig- tig, glindsende. Apex er en smule oblique. Tænderne Tab. VI, Fig. 5—10): Den normale Tandform (Fig. 5) har en noget bred firkantet. 3-tandet Centralplade ; de 3 Tænder staa tjernet fra hinanden og den midterste er længst; Sidepladerne har 3 Tænder. hvoraf den yderste størst og den midterste mindst og staar omtrent centralt. Af denne Art er undersøgt ikke mindre end 16 levende Exemplarer og det viser sig at særlig er Centralpladeu underkastet de største Variationer (Fig. 6, 7, 8 og 9). Fig. 10 er saaledes en Radula med ualmindelig fantastiske Former. Uregelmæssigheder fore- kommer i det Hele tåget hyppig. Rækkernes Antal varierer fra 70 til 110. ja et stort Exemplar fra Adventbay har endog 130. Denne Art er ikke funden ved den norske Kyst. apex, however, the two first differ very considerably from the last. Neptunea (Sipho) Kroyeri, Moll.1 Tab. II. Fig. 12—1:.. Tab. VI, Fig. 11—15. Fusus Kroyeri, Møll. Ind. Moll. Groenl. (Kroyers Naturh. Tidskr.) IV: 1842—43 Pg. 88. aniicus. Philippi Abb. og Beschr. Ill Pg. 119. Tab. 5 Fig. 5. Forekomst: Norskøerne (paa Stranden) St. 3(36—01 F., St. 374—60 F. Paa St. 366 (Magdalenebay Spitsbergen) forekom den i stor Mængde og ikke mindre end henimod et halvt hun- drede Exemplarer kom op i en Trawl. Alle disse hører til Varieteten ;', pumila (60 til 70""" lang), (Mørch. Cat. Moll. Spitzb.). Et Par Exemplarer fra St. 374 (Ad- ventbay) horer derimod til Var. a major. Mørch (l. c). Det største Exemplar maaler 104""", men Toph virvlerne er brudt. Operculum (Fig. 12) piriform: den indre Side næsten ret, den ydre stærkt krummet nedad og indad. Apex (Fig. 13 ». b) er tilspidset. Embryonalvindingen stærkt aftagende og hævet. Det unge Exemplar ,Fig-. 15 «. j) har Apex mere stump. 1 Septwua ■.■■hi,;,,. Reeve ev utvivlsoin en god Art. De Heste Forfattere forener den vistnok med N. Kroyeri. ited Operculum (fig. P) ovato-elongate. A very young specimen, measuring 7""\ is represent in fig. 0 «. i. The egg-capsule (fig-. 10) is yellow, semi-globose, with a narrow margin. 9""" or 10""" broad: it contains 2 embryos. Embryo (fig, n 0, J) reddish, glistening, semi-trans- lucent. The apex is slightly oblique. The variations of the teeth are represented in Pi. VI. figs. 5— in : — The normal dentition (fig. 5) is a somewhat broad, quad- rangular, tri-cuspid central plate, with the 3 cusps — of which the median is the longest — some distance apart ; the laterals also are tri-cuspid. the outermost cusp being the largest and the median, about centrally placed, the smallest. The dentition of this species has been examined in no less than 16 specimens, and it appears that the central plate is most given to vary (figs. 6, 7. 8, 9). Thus. fig. 10 represents a radula remarkably fantastic in form. Irregu- larities are on the whole of frequent occurrence. Number of rows varying from 70 to 110; one large specimen from Advent Bay had even as many as 130. This species has not been met with on the Norwe- gian coast. Neptunea (Sipho) Kroyeri, Moll.1 PL II, figs. 12—15, PL VI. figs. 11 — 15. Fusus Kroyeri. Moll. Ind. Moll. Groenl. (Kroyers Naturh. Tidskr.) IV; 1842—43. p. 88. ,. arctiats, Philippi. Abb. and Beschr. Ill, p. 119. PI. V. fig. 5. Habitat: — Norway Islands (on the beach); Stats. 366 (61 fathoms) and 374 (60 f.). At Station 366 (Magdalena Bay, Spitsbergen) this species occurred in great abundance, as many as 50 speci- mens having been brought up at once in the trawl-bag. They all belong to the variety (i pumila. from 60""" to 70""" in length (Miirch, Cat. Moll. Spitz.). One or two speci- mens from Station 374 (Advent Bay) belong to var. « major. Morch (7. c). The largest specimen measures 104""", but the top whorls are broken off. Operculum (fig. 12) pyriform. with the inner line almost straight, the outer much curved, downwards and inwards. Apex (fig. 13 a, b) pointed, embryonic whorl rapidly diminishing and raised. TJie young specimen (fig. i;. tt, b) has the apex more obtuse. 1 Neptunea cretacea, Reeve, is no doubt a distinct species, though most authors unite it with N. Kroyeri. 17 ZEigkapsleo har Mørch beskrevet i Cat. Moll. Spitzb. Pag. 15. Hertil kan kun tilføies, a< den er paafaldende li:ul og Lndeholder fira 3 til ."> Embryoner. Eknbryonet (Fig. i-i „. S) ligner nærmest A', curta, men Apex staar ret paa Asen og Eovedvindingen er noget mindre tumid. Tændeme (Tab. VI, Fig. n— i:.i: Centralpladen er bred, firkantet med ret Skjærerand; de •') Tænder er om- trent lige store og staa vel adskilte. Sidepladerne ligne foregaaende Arts. Radula er undersøgt Ims et meget stort Anta] Exem- plarer, men i Modsætning til foregaaende synes bos denne Art særlig Sidepladerne .-it være underkastet Variationer, dog ikke san hyppige, naar Antallet (over 20) tåges i Be- tragtning. l>e Afændringer, som er fundne, er nedlagt i Fis:. 12. 13 Å' 14. Centralpladerne er derimod mærkelig constante og kun hos et Exemplar (Fig. 15) er der fondet Afrigelser. Rækkernes Antal er omkring 100. Neptunea (Sipho) latericea, Møll. Tab. II. Fig. 16, 17, Tab. VI, Fig. 16. Fusus hit, rin, is. Møll. Ind. Moll. Groenl. 1842. Pag. 88. — pdlucidus, Hanck. Ann. & Mag. 1846, Pag. 330. Pl. V, Fig. 3. Tritonium incarnatum, M. Sårs. Nyt Mag. for Naturv. 1850, Pag. 191. Forekomst: St. 192, 326, 338, 357 og Hammerfest fra 20 til 649 Favne. Aar. læois, Mørch, forekom paa Stat. 192 og 338; paa det første Sted (649 Favne) i et gammelt, dødt Expl. . i»j repræsenterer et ungt Exemplar. Apex (Fig. it a, b) ligner N. Kroyeri, men er noget mere stump. Tændeme pi. vi, Fig. 16) ligne Neptunea despectas, kun er Centralpladens Skjærerand niere bøiet. Hos 8 undersøgte Exemplarer fandtes ingen Afvigelser. Rækker- nes Antal er fra 12») til 130. Subgen. Siphonorbis, Mørch. Apex nedtrykt. Embryonalvindingerne regelmæssig af- ude, angigyr. The egg-capsule lias been described by Mdrch in Cat. Moll. Spitzb., p. 15. It is. I may add, remarkably Sat, and contains from 3 to 5 embryos. The embryo (fig. m ,,. t) resembles most that of N. curta; the apex, however, is straight and the body-whorl a little less tumid. Dentition (Pl. vi. figs, n 15): Central plate broad. quadrangular, with straight incisory margin, its 3 cusps about equal in size and distinctly separated: laterals as in preceding species. The radula has been examined in a great many speci- mens (upwards of 20); in this species, however, it would appear to he more especially the laterals that exhibit modi- fications of structure, though not with frequence considering the number of specimens. The diversity observed is shown in figs. 12. 13, 14. The central plate, on the other hand, proves remarkably constant; in one specimen only (fig. 15) could any modification be detected. Number of series about 100. Neptunea ( Sipho ) latericea. Moll. PI. II. figs. 16, 17, PL VI. fig. 16. Fusus latericeus, Moll., Ind. Moll. Groenl. 1842. p. 88. — pellucidus, Hanck.. Ann. & Map. 1846, p. 330, PL V, fig. 3. Tritonium incarnation, M. Sårs, Nyt Mag. for Naturv. 1850, p. 191. Habitat: — Stats. 192. 326, 338, 357. and Hammerfest; from 20 to 649 fathoms. Var. Iceris. Morch, occurred at Stations 192 and 338: but in the first locality (649 laths. ) only an old, dead specimen. Fig. 16 represents the young one. Apex (fig. it „. i) resembling that in K. Kroyeri. but somewhat more obtuse. Structure of Teeth (Pi. vi. fig. 16) as in Neptunea despeda, saving that the incisory margin of the central plate is a little more bent. In 8 specimens examined there, were no modifications. Number of series from 120 to 130. Subgen. Siphonorbis, Morch. Apex depressed, embryonic whorls gradually diminish- ing: angigyrous. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. Herman Friele: Hollusca. 1. 18 Neptunea (Siphonorbis) ebur, Mørch. Pl. II, Fig. 20—23, Pl. V, Fig. 1—3. Fusus (Siphonorbis) ebur, Mørch. Journ. d. Conch. 1869, Pag. 398. Trophon Sarsii, Jeffr., S. Wood. Supp. to the Crag Moll. (1872) Pag. 25, PL I. Fig. 9. Fusus Moebi Duncker & Metzger. Exped. zur Unters. d. Nordsee, 1875, -Pag. 260, Tab. VI, Fig. I. Fisus ebur, (Mørch), Friele, Prelim. Rep. Nyt Mag. XXIII, 1877, Pag. 7. Forekomst: St. 25. 261. 290 og 323; Ira 90 til 223 Favne. Denne Mørchs Art har været meget omdisputeret, og Dr. Jeffreys holder den for at være en af N. curias (Fusus Sabinii) mange Synonymer. Ved direkte Sammenligninger med Mørchs Type, som Prof. Dr. Steenstrup godhedsfuldt har laant mig, har jeg overtydet mig om. at disse to Arter har intet med hinanden at gjøre, og Fig. 20 er meget nan' den typiske Form af Siphonorbis ebur (Typen har et noget hen- gere Spir). Foruden den for Underslægten eiendommelig nedtrykte, fuldstændig regelmæssige Apex (-'Spira apice angigyro, im- presso," Mørch) saa er den korte brede Kanal, der giver Skallen mere Udseende af en Buccinum. en iøinefaldende Karakter for Arten. At der er opstaaet Sammenblandin- ger af denne og den dog saa fjernt staaende N. curia har Mørch selv Skyld i; thi hans samtidige Diagnoser af N. ebur og togata adskiller sig saa lidet fra hinanden, at man har Grund at tro, at det kun er to smaa Formafvigelser, man har for sig. Det Exemplar af N. ebur, hvoretter Mørch har givet Beskrivelsen, er udtaget af en Fiskemave, er derfor slidt og har Læben temmelig beskadiget. Man skulde tro, at det er Forsigtighed, der har dikteret den saa lidet tilfreds- stillende Diagnose. Og dog er der ved Sammenligning et Par Karakterer, der kun kan passe for den ene, men alde- les ikke for den anden Art. Der er først den ovennævnte Apexform: -apice angigyro impresso" og dernæst "labro crasso, candissimo obtecta". N. cu/rta har ikke nedtrykt Apex og Læben er aldrig tyk, men bestandig skarp. Fig. 21 (Stat. 261, Tanafjord) repræsenterer Varie- teten Sarsi, Jeffr. Den har et forholdsvis kortere Spir og mere tumide Vindinger. Apex (Fig. 22) byder inden denne Undefslægt saa smaa Afvigelser at en nærmere Karakteristik for hver Art vil i de fleste Tilfælde være overflødig. Embryonalvindin- dingerne er hos de fleste glatte. Operculum (Fig. 23 a, b) er hos den voxne tykt. sortbrunt, hornagtig, Formen afrundet triangulær med nedre Ende truncat. Hos ikke udviklede Exemplarer (Fig. 23 6) er nedre Ende tilspidset. Denne sidste Operculum-Form er det Duncker & Metzger har afbildet for Fusus Moebi (1. c. Tab. VI, Fig. 1) og tilkjendegiver, at det er et ungt Exemplar. Neptunea (Siphonorbis) ebur, Morch. Pl. II, figs. 20—23, Pl. V, figs. 1—3. Fusus (Siphonorbis) ebur, Morch. Journ. d. ( !onch. 1 869, p. 398. Trophon Sarsii. Jeffr.. S. Wood. Supp. to the Crag Moll. (1872). p. 25, Pl. I. fig. 9. Fisus Moebi, Duncker & Metzger. Exped. zur Unters. d. Nordsee. 1875. p. 260, Pl. VI. fig. 1. Fusus ebur. (Morch). Friele. Prelim. Rep. Nyt Mag. XXIII. 1877. p. 7. Habitat: — Stats. 25. 261. 29U. and 323; from 90 to 223 fathoms. Respecting this species there lias been much difference of opinion. Dr. Jeffreys, as mentioned above, regards it as one of the many synonyms of V. curia (Fusus Sabinii); but direct comparison with Morch's type, which Prof. Dr. Steenstrup kindly lent me. has convinced me that these two species are widely different. The specimen represented in fig. 20 conies very near the typical form of Siphonorbis ebur (the type has a somewhat longer spire). Exclusive of the depressed and perfectly regular apex peculiar to the subgenus ("spira apice angigyro. impresso,'' Morch). the short, broad canal, giving to the shell the ap- pearance of a Buccinum, constitutes a salient specific char- acter. Dr. Morch hns himself led to the frequent con- founding of this species with its distant congener N. curia; for his simultaneously published diagnoses of N. ebur and V. togata have so much in common that one naturally regards them as referring to trifling modifications of form. The specimen of V. ebur described by Morch had been taken from a fish's stomach: hence it is a good deal worn: the lip, too, is damaged. One would imagine that a desire to be guarded, must have induced Morch to furnish so incomplete a diagnosis. And yet, on comparison, one or two characters only are found to distinguish the species in question, characters altogether wanting in the other. First, there is the form of the apex mentioned above: — ;'apice angigyro im- presso." and then: — "labro crasso. candissimo obtecta." Mow. in N. curia the apex is not depressed, nor the lip thick, but invariably sharp. Fig. 21 (Stat. 261. in the Tanafjord) represents the variety Sarsi, Jeffr. It has a relatively shorter spire and more tumid whorls. The apex (fig. 22) exhibits such trifling variations within this subgenus, that a more detailed characteristic for each species will in most cases be superfluous. The embryonic whorls are as a rule smooth. Operculum (fig. 23 ". 5) in the adult thick, dark- brown, horny; form rounded, triangular, with lower end truncate. In immature specimens (fig-. 23 b) the lower end pointed. This last form of the operculum is figured by Duncker and Metzger for Fusus Moebi (1. c.. PI. VI. tig. 1 i. showing the specimen represented to have been a young one. 19 Tcendeme (Tab. v, Pig. i— 3) er i den Grad uregel- msessige. at ingen af de af mig undersøgte 4 Exemplarer lige saa lidt som Duncker & Metzgers (1. c. Fig. 1 a) falder sammen. Centralpladen er bred, Skjæreranden uddraget og dens 3 Tænder tæt sammenstillede, undertiden sammenvoxne, Dorsalranden stærkt indbugtet. Sidepladerne har yderste Tand lang, men forøvrigt er Antallet af Tænder yderst variabelt. Rækkernes Antal er omkring L00. Artens geografiske Ddbredelse, saa vidt som endnu kjendt, er langs den aorske Kyst fra Bergen til Havet imellem Norge og Novaja Semlja (72" 31' N, B. 014 21° 51' 0. L.i. Shetland ("Porcupine" Exp., Jeffr.) og Grønland (Morell). Fossil er den fanden i den engelske Crag. I "Supp. to the Crag Moll." har S. Wood i Add. Pl. Fig. 11 afbildet Buccinum Tomelinei Canham, M. S. A ed at sammenligne denne Tegning med vor. Fig. 23. vil man tinde en paafaldende Lighed imellem disse to. I Be- skrivelsen Pag. 17:"> siger rigtignok Mr. Wood, at Skallen lianer B. Dale/, men det gjør ikke Tegningen, og er denne korrekt, skulde det undre mig om det ikke er et udviklet Exemplar at' A ebur Mr. Wood har havt tor sig. Neptunea Siphonorbisi fusiformis, Brod. Buccinum fusiforme, Broderip. Zool. Journ. V. Pag. 45. Pl. III. Fig. 3. Fusus fenestrates. Turton. Ann. & Mag. VII. Pag. 351. Forekomst: St. 79, 195 og 290; fra 107 til 191 Favne. Den er kjendt lancs den hele norske Kyst til Yadsø (Sårs) og dens Nordgrændse er Stat. 290 (72° 27' X. B.. 20° 51' Ø.L. c Sydgrændsen er den britiske Canal (Jeffr.). Dr. Jeffreys har anført den fra Grønland. Tænderne horer ifølge Sårs il. c. Pl. X. Fig. 25) til A. islandica Gruppen. Neptunea Siphonorbisi Da 11 i . n. sp. Tal.. II. Fig. 1 '- — 1 *». Testa twrrita, fusiformis, anfradibus 7' . convexis, supeme planulatis, stttura profunda, apertiwa pyriformi, dimidiam testae longitudinern aeguante, candli longo, pro- Tbe dentition (p|. y. \\gs, i_:;j varies exceedingly. sn much so indeed, that each ol' the four specimens examined by myself, as also Duncker and Metzger's specimen (1. c. tig. 1 a), present numerous points ol' difference. Central plate broad, incisory margin prolonged, with its 3 cusps closely arranged, sometimes grown together; dorsal margin much incurved. Laterals with the outermost cusp long; lor the rest, the number of cusps very incon- stant. Rows about 100. The geographical distribution of this species up to the present time, is known to range from Bergen to the tract of ocean between Norway and Novaja Zemlja (lat. 72° 31' N., long. 21° 51' E.). off the Shetland Islands ("Porcupine" Expd . Jeffr.), and the coast of Greenland (Miirch). In a fossil state it has been met with in the English crag. In "Supp. to the Crag Moll," Add. PI., fig. 11, S. Wood has given a drawing of Buccinum Tomelinei, Can- bam. M. S. On comparing Wood's drawing with that given in fig. 23, there will be found a striking resem- blance. In bis description on page 175, Mr. Wood cer- tainly states that the shell approximates in appearance B. Dalei; but such is not the case in his drawing, and, assu- ming the latter to be correct, I feel pretty sure Mr. Wood must have had before him an adult specimen of AT. ebur. Neptunea (Siphonorbis) fusiformis, Brod. Buccinum fusiforme. Broderip. Zool. Journ. V, p. 45. PI. Ill, tig. 3. Fusus fenestratus, Turton. Ann. & Mag. VII, p. 351. Habitat : — Stats. 79, 1 95. and 290 ; from 1 07 to 1 9 1 faths. This species occurs along the whole of the Norwegian coast, from the extreme south to Vadsø. It was met with as far north as Stat. 290 (lat. 72° 27' N., long. 20° 51' E.): the British Channel is the southern limit of its distri- bution (Jéffr.). Dr. Jeffreys has recorded the species from Greenland. The dentition, according to Sars (1. c. PI. X. fig. 25). is that of the N. islandica group. Neptunea (Siphonorbisj Dalli, n. sp. PI. II. figs. is. 1!'. Testa tvxrita, fusiformis, anfraetibus 7x\-> convexis, supeme planulatis, sutura profunda, apertura pyriformi. dimidiam testar longitudinern aeguante, canali l<>ar/o, pro- 20 fundo, angustato, inferne arcuato, apice angigyro, depresso. Superficies eostis crassis funiformibus (in anfradibus penid- timis 4 vel 3), una m i mis prominula interposita, striis lon- gitudinalibus densis. distinctis, obliquis sculpta. Magn. long. 26. lot. 12""", Apert. long. 13mm, diam. max. 5lj.2mm. Forekomst: St. 290 og 323; fra 191 til 223 Favne. I sin ydre Form kommer denne Art N. turrita, Sars, nærmest, men Scnlpturen er væsentlig forskjellig. De kraf- tige Spiralribber nærme sig til Kjole, saaledes at Spirets Tindinger faar Udseende af at være 3-carineret, og Længde- striberne ere kraftigere og regelmæssigere end almindelige Væxtstriber. Ovenpaa de afplattede Vindinger lindes ogsaa 1 til 3 Spiralribber. men af secundær Styrke. Apex (Kg. 19) er regelmæssig, fladtrykt og Embryo- nalvindingen glat. Af Fig. 19 vil man faa et bedre Indtryk af Sculp- turens Detaljer paa Spiret. De 4 Exemplarer. der er fundne. var alle døde, saa- ledes at ingen Oplysning kan gives om Ojjerculum og Radula. Professor Gr. 0. Sars har fundet et ligeledes dodt Exemplar i Varangerfjorden, og Dr. Jeffreys bar den, ifølge brevlig Meddelelse fra "Porcupine'' Expeditionen (St. 64 640 Favne). Neptunea (Siphonorbis) turrita, M. Sars. PL II, Fig. -li— 21, Pl. V, Fig. 4—.'). Tritonium turritum, M.- Sars. Forb. Vidensk. Selsk. 1858, Pag. 39. Sipho tortuosus, Kobelt. Jabrb. Mal. Gesell. 1870, Pag. 72, Pl. II, Fig. 2. Si2)ho tortuosus, G. 0. Sars. Moll. Reg. Aret. Norv. Pag. 272, Pl. 15. Fig. 4—5. og Pl. 25, Fig. 10. ( lirtjsodomus turriius, Dall. Alaska. Buccinidæ, Pl. III, Fig. 4. Forekomst: Stat. IS. 124. 147. 164. 192. 260, 261. 273. 323 og 363: fra 127 til 649 Favne. Hvad Valget af Navn angaar. da bar jeg boldt mig til afdøde Prof. M. Sars's. Baade Dr. Kobelt og Prof G. 0 Sars har derimod fundet Grund at foretrække Reeves Navn tortuosus for at betegne nærværende Form, og om end jeg tror, at denne Opfatning af Reeves Art er correct, saa har jeg dog den Betænkeligbed ved at benytte et om- tvistet Navn, at det kan give Anledning til Misforstaaelse. Mr. E. A. Smith har saaledes benyttet dette Reeves Navn for at betegne N. curta dog "with considerable doubt" (Ann. & Mag. 1877, Pag. 132) og er ikke Tegning eller tilfredsstillende Synonomi vedføiet, kan man let komme i Tvivl om, hvad der menes. Som før nævnt mangler Type- exemplaret en meget vigtig Karakter for en fuldt betryg- gende Bestemmelse, nemlig Apex, og uden denne vil man altid komme at tvistes om, hvor Reeves totiuosus bører hjemme. Prof. G. 0. Sars bar i sit ovenciterte Arbeide fuldt tilfredsstillende gjengivet nærværende Arts vigtigste Af- fundo, angustato, inferne arcuato, apice angigyro, depresso. Superficies costis crassis funiformibus (in anfradibus penul- timis 4 vel 3), una minus prominula interposita, striis lou- gitudinalibus dens/s, distinctis, obliquis sculpta. Magn. long. 26mm, lat. 12mm, aped. long. 13""", diam. mux. ;>'/,""». Habitat: — Stats. 290 and 323; from 191 to 223 faths. In its habitus, this species comes nearest to N. tur- rita, Sars, but the sculpture is essentially different. The prominent spiral costæ give to the whorls a triply carinated appearance, and the longitudinal striae are more prominent and regular than is commonly the case with the lines of growth. Upon the angulated part of the whorls are from 1 to 3 spiral ribs, but of secondary prominence. Apex ifi turrita, M. Sars PI. II, figs. -24—27. PI. V. figs. 4, ;,. Tritonium turritum, M. Savs. Forb. Vidensk. Selsk. 1858. p. 39. S/jJio tortuosus, Kobelt, Jabrb. Mal. Gesell. 1876. p. 72. PI. II. fig. 2. Sipho tortuosus, G. O. Sars. Moll. Reg. Arct. Norv.. p. 272, PI. 15, tigs. 4. 5. PI. 25. tig. 10. Chrysodomus turritus, Dall. Alaska Buccinidæ, Pl. Ill, tig. 4. Habitat: — Stats. 18. 124. 147. 164. 192. 260. 261. 273. 323. and 363; from 127 to 649 fathoms. As to the name for this species. I have retained that given by the late Professor M. Sars. Dr. Kobelt and Pro- fessor G. 0. Sars have, indeed, both seen fit to prefer the name tortuosus, proposed by Reeve: but yet, though sharing their views concerning his species. I hesitate to adopt a contested appelation, which may not improbably give rise to confusion. Thus, for instance, Mr. E. A. Smith has selected this name of Reeve to designate Neptunea curta, though "with considerable doubt" (Ann. & Mag., 1877, p. 132); and, unless a drawing or a sufficiently ex- tensive synonymy be appended, it may be doubtful which species is meant. As previously stated, a most important character is wanting in the type-specimen of Peeve, viz. the apex, and without this character there will always be some uncertainty where to refer the species. Professor G. 0. Sars has accurately represented in the work cited above. PI. 15, tigs. 4. 5. PI. 25. tig. 21 ændringer i Tab 15, Fig. 4, .">. og Tab. 25, Fig. 11. At alle disse '■> Former kun er Varieteter at samme Art har ogsaa jeg havt Anledning at overbevise mig mn. thi den smukke Etække al ikke mindre end mor 5(> Kxoiuplaror fra 1" forskjellige Stationer giver en rig Leilighed at lære Grændserne for Artens Foranderlighed at kjende. Dr. Jeffreys har holdt den for en Varietet al' Nep- tunea propinqua, Alder, men nogen Overgang til denne Art hav jei: ikke havt Anledning at se. Saa langt som min Erfaring strækker, vil altid .V. turrita udmærke sig ved en længere og mere indkneben Kanal og som Regel meretumide Vindinger. N. propinqua forekommer ikke ved den norske Kyst1 Sai's angiver, at Dr. Jeffreys bar selv identificeret Varieteten attenuata (1. c. Pl. 15. Fig. .">). der er den hyppigst forekommende, med Fusus attenuatus, Jeffr. (Ann. cv- Mag. 1876. •■Valorous' Exped. Tag. 326). Hos Dr. Jeffreys har jeg havt Anledning at gjure mig bekjendt med denne Form. men paa mig gjorde Fusus attenuatus det Ind- tryk, at det var en fra A', turrita vel adskilt Art. Som Differentialmærker har jeg noteret mig. at Kanalen er mere ret og aaben og Vindingerne fladere. Den horer forovrigt som i unifil under Siphonorbis, og er ikke lunden paa den norske Expedition. A', turrita forekommer langs den norske Kyst fra Bergen lige til 80.° N. B.: i Kjøbenhavner-Musæet har jeg seet den fra Grønland og Mr. Dall har den fra Alaska. Apex Tal.. II. Fit;. 25) er nedtrykt og glat. Operculum (Fig. -.'4 er langt oval og nedre Ende indadbøiet. Unge Exemplarer (Fig. 26 ». &) viser allerede paa det tidligste Stadium den fuldstændig regelmæssig byggede Apex. Paa Stat. 261 (Tauafjord) fandtes to Ægkapsler fæ- stede paa den indvendige Side af Asta/rte crenata (Fig. -27). De ere smaa (5"'"' Diam.), halvkugleformige. citrongule. Ingen a f dem indeholdt udviklede Embryoner. Tamdeme [Tab. v. Fig. j -5 ligner A' curtas. Rækkernes Antal er fra 95 til Ilt». Neptunea (Siphonorbis; lachesis. Mørch. Tal.. IT. Fig. 28 -32, Tal.. V. Fig. 6— 7. Fusus i Siphonorbis) lachesis, Mørch. Journ. d. Conch. XVII (1869) Pag. 397. Tritoniwm terebrale, M. Sårs, M. S. 11. the chief modifications of this species. That all 3 forms are mere varieties of the same species, I. too, have satisfied myself, the rich collection of close upon 50 specimens from 10 different Stations having afforded ample opportunity of determining the limits within which the species is found to vary. Dr. Jeffreys regards it as a variety of Neptunea pro- pinqua, Alder: but 1 have not met with any transition to this species. So far as my experience goes, A', turrita is always distinguished by a longer and more constricted canal, and it has. too, as a rule, more tumid whorls. A', propinr qua does not occur on the coast ol' Norway.1 Sars states, that Dr. Jeffreys has himself identified the variety attenuata (1. c. PI. 15. tig. 5) as Fusus uttniuiitus, Jeffr. (Ann. & Mag. L876. "Valorous" Expd., p. 326). Ihad opportu- nity of examining this form in Dr. Jeffreys's Collection ; but Fusus attenuatus, it appeared to me, was a species per- fectly distinct from A', turrita. The canal. I observed, was comparatively more open and straight, and the whorls datter. For the rest, attenuatus must, like turrita. be referred to Siphonorbis. Neptunea attenuata was not met with on the Norwegian Expedition. A', turrita occurs along the Norwegian coast, from Ber- gen to as far north as 80 °. In the Copenhagen Zoological Museum I saw specimens from Greenland, and Mr. Dall records it from Alaska. Apex ,|'|. II. fig. 25) depressed, smooth. Operculum (fig. 24) ovato-oblong, with the lower ex- tremity bent inwards. The you w/ ones .%. '_'i> „. /,,. have the apex perfectly regular. At Station 261 (in the Tanafjordj two egg-capsules came up. attached to the inner side of Astarte crenata (fig. 27). They are small (5""" in diameter), semi-globose, and citron-yellow in colour. Neither of them contained fully developed embryos. Dentition i pi. v. figs. 4, 5) as in A', curta. Number of rows varying from 95 to 110. 1 Fumt thw, Knbelt. fra Finmarken har været berifrtijo't til />..*,..- propinquut, var., men det er vist tvivlsomt, om den hører denne Art til. Dr. Kobelf meddeler mig. al Embryo .al vindingen er borte. Neptunea ( Siphonorbis i lachesis, Morch. Pl. II, tigs. 'Js_:;2. Pl. V. figs. (i. 7. Fusus (SipJionorbis) lachesis, Morch, Journ. d. Gonch. XVII (1869), p. 397. Tritoniwm terebrale, M. Sars. M.S. 1 fusus ebar, Kobolt, frem Finmark, has been corrected te /'«i//.,' propinquua, var.: but it is doubtful whether this shell really belongs to that pecies. Dr Kobelt informs me that the embryonic whorl is gone 22 Forekomst: Stat. 18. 124. 137. 164. 192. 323. 326 og 338; fra 123 til 649 Favne. Paa alle disse Stationer forekom den typiske Form (Fig. 28). Var. bicarinata. Fig. 29. Neptunea lachesis. var. bicarinata, Fr. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1879. Pag. 282. St, 312 (658 Favne). Varieteten adskiller sig fra Typeformen ved en skar- pere Sculptor og særlig har de øvre Vindinger 2 Ribber stærkt fremtrædende ; Epidermis er haaret, og de frem- trådende Ribber er beklædt med længere stive Hanr. hvil- ket yderligere bidrager til at give Skallen Udseende af at være bicarineret. Det største Exemplar har 13 Vindinger og maaler 61""" lang. 18""" bred, hvorimod Typeformen kun opnaar en Længde af 45'""' og Bredde 15""" og har høist 11 Vindinger. Apex (Fig. 30) nedtrykt, svagt decusseret. og kun første Embryonal vinding er ganske glat. Operculum (Fig. 31) er langt, fusiform og bøiet for nedre Ende. De unge (Fig. 32 a. &) har en forholdsvis grovere, mere kjølet Sculptur. og Mundaabningens Forhold til Spiret er ganske forskjellig fra den Voxnes. Tænderne (Tab. Y. Fig. 6—7) ligne meget Neptunea despectas. Rækkernes Antal omkring 100. Neptunea (Siphonorbis) undulata, n. sp. Tab. II. Fig. 33—35, Tab. V. Fig. 8. Testa turrita, fusiformis, alba, anfractibus 9 convexis, leritvr cresceritibus, sutura profunda, apice angigyro, depresso. apertura pyriformi, testa breviore, cancdi sat longo, angusto, profunda, columella parmn fe.ruosn. Siqicrjicics l/neis spira- l/Ims Uratis, quarwm nonnullae minus conspicuae, plicisque longitudinalibus 14 — 15 crassis, in primariis tamen anfrac- tibus nullis sculpta, epidermide tenui, hirta, flavescente, oper- eulo aurito, Magn. long. 18l /■/"•', lat. 8mm, Apert. long. 8lj-f"". Forekomst: St. 290 (190 Favne). Foruden det her beskrevne og Fig. 33 afbildede Exem- plar fandtes sammesteds et friskt Fragment, der viser, at Arten kan antage betydelig større Dimensioner. Epidermis er hos det yngre Exemplar tint haaret. men synes hos den Voxne at være glat. Apex (Fig. 34) er ligesom hos foregaaende Art de- cusseret med glat Embryonalvinding. Habitat: — Stats. 18. 124, 137, 164. 192. 323, 326, and 338; from 123 to 649 fathoms. The typical form (fig. 28) occurred at all these Sta- tions. Var. bicarinata. Fig. 29. Neptunea lachesis. var. bicarinata, Fr., Jahrb. Mali. Gesell. 1879. p. 282. Habitat: — Stat. 312 (658 fathoms). This variety is distinguished from the typical form by its well-defined sculpturing, and in particular by having two of the ribs on the upper whorls more prominent. Epidermis hispid, and the prominent ribs bearing long stiff bristles, which still further contributes to give the shell a bicarmate appearance. The largest specimen has 13 whorls, and measures 61'"'" in length and 18""" in breadth, whereas the type-form does not exceed 45""" in length and 15""" in breadth, and has only 11 whorls. Apex (fig. :!0) depressed, slightly decussated, and with only the first embryonic whorl quite smooth. Operculum (fig. :;ii elongate-fusiform, bent at the lower extremity. Young individuals (tig. ;;■_' «. 5) have the sculpture coarser and more carinated, and the relation between the aper- ture and the spire is wholly different from that in adults. Dentition (Pi. V, figs. 6, 7) closely resembling that in Neptunea despecta. Number of series about 100. Neptunea (Siphonorbis) undulata, n. sp PI. II, figs. ?>?,— 35, Pi. v, fig. a Testa turrita, fusiformis, alba, anfractibus 9 converts, Icritrr (rescentibus, sutura profunda, apice angigyro, depresso, aperiura pyriformi, testa breviore, canali sat longo. angusto, profunda, columella parwm flexuosa. Superficies lineis spira- libus liratis, quant»! nonnullae minus conspicuae, plicisque longitudinalibus 14 — 15 crassis. in primariis tamen anfrac- tibus nullis sculpta, epidermide tenui, hirta, flavescente, oper- culo aurito. Magn. long. iS1/,""", lot. 8mm, apert. long. 81/.,""". Habitat: — Stat. 290 (190 fathoms). Exclusive of the specimen here described, and repre- sented in tig. 33. a recent fragment was brought up in the same trawl, the size of which indicates that the species can at- tain considerably larger dimensions. The epidermis is in the younger specimen velvety: in the adult, it appears to be smooth. Apex (fig. :',4i decussated, as in the preceding species, with smooth embryonic whorl. 2 3 Operculum (Tig, 35) er øredannet og nederste Entlo er ikke saa indadbøiet som hos foregaaende Art. For at faa fat paa Operculum og Etadula var jeg nødt at bløde SkalleD i Kalioplosning. Derved kom Operculum frem i en noget oplost Tilstand, og maaske viser derfor 'regningen en bredere Form end det oprindelig har. Nærmesl vor Art staar A', laclicsis. Morell, fra hvil- ken den dog let adskiller sig ved Lauigdefolderne. Disses Anta] ei- bos det ene Exemplar 14. hos det andet 15. Tændeme (Tab. v. Fig. 8). Centralpladen er fir- kantet og forsynet kun med en Tand paa Skjæreranden ; Sideplademe har 2 omtrent lige store Tiender. Der har kun været Anledning at undersøge et Exemplar, og dette viser en fra de øvrige Neptunea afvigende Tandstructur, som kun tinder noget tilsvarende hos Mohnia. Hos X. turi/idulu er der paavist en Tandvariation, som gaar meget nær ind paa den her beskrevne, og hvad man derfor i dette Til- fælde har for sig, enten en Normalform eller en tilfældig Varietet, er vanskelig at sige efter en saa utilstrækkelig Tndersøgelse. Neptunea (Siphonorbis) Danielsseni, Friele. Tab. III, Fig. 1— li. Tab. V, Fig. 9—13. Xi jitiinea (Sipho) Danielsseni, Fr. 1879, Pag. 282. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. Testa tenuis, albida, fusiformi4urrita, anfradibus 7 valde twmidis, sat crescentibus, sutwra profunda, fere canali- eulata, apice åepresso, vegidari, apertura pyriformi, 3/7 testae longitudinis occupante, columella leviter flexuosa, ca- nali brevi et lato, callo sat crasso. Superficies costis spi- ralibus crassis, tamen in anfraciu primario evanescent /bus, striis longitudinalibus nvmerosis sculpta, epidermide tenui, flavescente, hispida, operculo oralt, nucleo subterminali, sub- laterali. Magn. long, 39mm, lat. 22mm; apert. long. 20' HUI, r. Umm. ilinm. Forekomst: Stat. 51 (Fragmenter), 295, 303 og 353; fra LI 10 til 1333 Favne. Sculpturen har meget tilfælles med N. Dalli, men Ribberne er ikke afrundede. derimod skarpe. Ribbernes Antal er paa næstsidste Vinding 5, men undertiden fore- kommer imellem disse svagere Ribber. Ape (Eig. 3) er stump, og kun første Embryonal- vinding er glat. Operculum (Fig. J er ovalt. Nucleus subterminal, og Operculum iiig. :r.) auriculate. the lower end not so much bent as in the preceding spceies. To gel at the operculum and the radula, 1 had to soak the shell in a solution of caustic potash, thereby partially dissolving the operculum: and hence its breadth, as shown in the figure, is perhaps a trille in excess of what it should be. This species bears closest resemblance to X. lachesis, Morch. from which, however, it is easily distinguished by the longitudinal folds. The number of folds is in the one specimen 14. in the other 15. Dentition (PI. Y, ti<_r. 8j: — Central plate quadran- gular, and furnished with only one cusp; laterals with 2 cusps, about equal in size. '1 here has not been opportunity of examining more than one specimen, and that differs widely in the structure of the teeth from all other species of Neptunea, saving Mohnia, which exhibits features anal- ogous. A variety of dentition closely approximating that here described, occurs, as mentioned above, in X. twgir dula; and whether indeed, in a case like the present, one has to do with a distinct normal form or a mere casual variety, it is difficult to decide from the results of so inadequate an examination. Neptunea (Siphonorbis) Danielsseni, Friele. PI. Ill, figs. 1—li, PL V. figs. 9—13. Neptunea (Sipho) Danielsseni, Fr., Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1879, p. 282. Testa tenuis, albida, fusiformi-turrita, anfractibus 7 rahle tumidis, sat crrscrntihus, si dura profunda, fere canali- cidata, apice depresso, regidari, apertura pyriformi, ; 7 testae longitudinis occupante, columella leviter flexuosa, ca- nali brevi et lato, callo sat crasso. Superficies costis spi- ralibus crassis, tamen in uufrurfn primario evanescent ibus, striis longitudinalibus numerosis sculpta, epidermide tenui, flaresccute, hispida, operculo ovali, nucleo subterminali. sub- laterali. Magn. long. 39'"'", lat. 22mm; apert. long. 20 '. diam. max. 11""". Habitat: — Stats. 51 (fragm.), 295, 303, and 353; from 1110 to 1333 fathoms. The sculpturing has much in common with that in N. Dalli; the ribs, however, are not rounded, but sharp. Number of ribs on penultimate whorl 5. between which, however, now and then, occur less prominent ribs. Apex (fig. :; obtuse, with only the first embryonic whorl smooth. Operculum (ifig, li oval, the nucleus subterminal. with 24 der er en svag Antydning til Spiral. Den danner saaledes en Overgang til Mohnia. I ''Zoology of Kerguelen Island" har Mr. E. A. Smith beskrevet en ny Slægt Neobuccinum, der, efter Radulakarak- teren at dømme, er en ægte Neptunea, da baacle Central- plade og er "tricuspidate". Operculum hos denne Slægt har "nucleo laterali. vix terminali". deg har været i nogen Tvivl om vor Art ikke burde udsondres af Siphon- orbis og enten placeres under Smiths Neobuccinum eller Mohnia, men da Karakteren i den Grad falder i det minu- tiøse, at den grændser ind paa det mikroskopiske, har prak- tiske Grunde bevæget mig at lade den staa under Siphonorbis. Dyret tik jeg desværre ikke Anledning at tegne, men har kun observeret, at det er uden Øine. Af 8 levende Exemplarer mangle de 2 Operculum. Ægkapslen (Fig. er hoi kuppelformig, 6""" bred med noget smal Rand og indeholder kun et Embryon. En Ægkapsel blev fanden frestet til et Sabellaror. Embryonet , Fig-. :> a, b) er skinnende hvid, gjennem- sigtig og glat: kun langs yderste Læberand begynder den grove Sculptur at komme frem. Tænderne (Tab. V, Fig. 9—13) har Centralpladen fir- kantet med 3 noget tætstaaende Tænder paa Skjæreran- den. den midterste længst; Sidepladerne ligeledes 3-tandet, den midterste Tand mindst. Dette er Normalformen, men der forekommer hyppige og betydelige Afvigelser herfra. Fig. 10 har saaledes en Centralplade med kun en Tand. og den ene Sideplade er firetandet. Alle de Arter af Neptunea, som har Centralpladens 3 Tænder tæt sammen- stillede. saasom A. turgidula, char og nærværende Art. har Tilbøielighed at variere over til en entandet Central- plade. Fig. 11 og 12 har Sidepladerne meget uregelmæs- sige, og bos den første er Centralpladen firetandet. Rsekkernes Autal varierer fra omtrent 90 til noget over 100. Subgen. Mohnia, Friele. ( >perculum spiraldreiet. Neptunea (Mohnia) Mohni, Friele. 'I'M,. III. Fig. T— 11. Tal.. V. Fig. ll-i:». Fusus Mohni, Fr. "Prelim. Rep." NytMagaz. for Naturv. 1877, Pag. i'.. Sipho Mohni (Mohnia), Kobelt. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1878, Pag. 282, Tah. IX. Fig. 5 & 5 a. Neptunea (Mohnia) Mohni, Kr. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1S7U. Pag. 283. a faint indication of a spiral. This is accordingly a transition form approximating Mohnia. In "Zoology of Kerguelen Island." Mr. E. A. Smith has described a new genus. Neobuccinum, which, to judge from the character of the radula. must be a true Nep- tunea, both the central and the lateral plate being "tricus- pidate." Operculum in this genus has "nucleo laterali. vix terminali." I have been in doubt whether A. Danielsseni ought not to be excluded from Siphonorbis, and either refer- red to Neobuccinum or Mohnia; but the character being of well-nigh microscopic minuteness, practical reasons have induced me to leave it under Siphonorbis. Unfortunately. I did not get an opportunity of figuring the animal, but I have observed that it is without eyes. Of 8 bving specimens, the operculum is wanting in two. The egg-capsule (fig. 6) is high, cupola-shaped, li""" broad, and contains only one embryo. A capsule came up attached to the tube of a Sabella. Embryo (fig. :. a, h\ lustrous white, semi-translucent and smooth ; nothing to be seen of the coarse sculpturing. save along the extreme edge of the lip, where it has just begun to appear. Dentition (Pi. V. fir.?. 9— 13): — Central plate quad- rangular, with 3 rather closely arranged cusps, the median being the longest: the laterals likewise furnished with 3 cusps. of which the median is the smallest. This is the normal struc- ture, but frequent and considerable modifications occur. The radula represented in tig. 10 has. for instance, the central plate furnished with a single cusj) only, and one of the laterals has 4 cusps. All the species of Neptunea that have the cusps of the central plate closely set together, such as N. turgidula, N. ebur, and the present one display a tendency of passing into a unicuspidate central plate. The radulas represented in figs. 11 and 12 have the laterals very irregular: and in the former, the central plate is four-toothed. Number of rows varying from about 90 to upwards of 100. Subgen. Mohnia. Friele. Operculum spirally twisted. Neptunea fMohnia) Mohni, Friele. Pl. Ill, figs. 7—11, Pl. V, figs. 14—15. Fusus Mohni, Fr.. -Prelim. Rep." NytMagaz. for Naturv., 1877, p. 6. Sipho Mohni (Mohnia), Kobelt. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1878, p. 282, Pl. IN. tigs. 5, 5 a, Neptunea (Mohnia) Mohni, Fr.. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell, 1879, p. 283. 25 Testa fusiformis, alba, subpellucida, epidermide tenui, nunc laevi, tunn- hispidula indiUa, anfradibus 7 tumidis, non rapide crescentibus, sutura profunda scjiaratis, superi- oribus 8 regulanter decussatis, sequentibus costis spiralibus atis, subtilibus, subconfertis, lineisque incrementi numer- osis, sculptis, apici regulari, laevi, depresso. Aperturå pyri- fortnis, medio subdilatata, columella subarcuata, callo tenui obtecta, canali sat brevi, latiusculo, operculo tenuiusculo, bispirato. Magn. long. 22™m, lat. 12""": Apert. long. 11""". lat. /.' mn Forekomst: Stat. 51, 54, 205, 251, 283, 295, 303, 312 og 353; fra 601 til 1333 Favne. I sin ydre Habitus kommer denne Art N. Danielsseni nærmest. Voxne Exemplarer ai begge Arter er let at ad- skilte paa Grund ai den forskjelligartede Sculptur, men derimod kommer ofte de unge hinanden nær; dog vil Apex altid adskille dem. Ape.r .,Y\^. 9) er hos Mohni glat, hvorimod den hos den anden Art er sculpteret lige til Embryonalvindingen. Operculum (Pig. lOi er tvndt. temmelig stort, har 2 Spiralsnoninger, hvoraf den første er stor og naar nær ind paa Midtpartiet: den anden Snoning er ganske lille. Ægkapslerne ligne i Form foregaaende Arts og inde- holder ligeiedes kun 1 Embryon. Embryonet (Fig. n ». 6) er fuldstændig glat. hvid, opak. Tænderne .Tab V, Fig. u— 15) har Centralpladen fir- kantet, entandet, Sidepladen er totandet. Af K' under- soute Exemplarer viser kun en eneste Kadula en ubetydelig Aivigelse (Fig. ioi, idet der paa den ene Sideplade er Tegn til en 3die Tand. Rækkernes Antal er lia 70 til omtrent 90. Arten forekommer over hele den kolde Area imellem (inn og 1300 Favne, og er ogsaa af Dr. Jeffreys fundet paa "Porcupine" Expeditionen paa de større Dyb. Troschelia Berniciensis, King. Fusus Berniciensis, King. Ann. & Mag. XVIII, Pag. 246. Troschelia (Gen.). Morch. Journ. d. Conch. XXIV (1876), Pag. 370. Boreofusus Berniciensis, G. < >. Sårs. 1. c. Pag. 278. Forekomst: St. 9, 10. 23. 79 og 255; fra 80 til 341 Favne. Paa Stat. ln forekom mange Exemplarer alle tilhø- rende Varieteten inf uta, Jeffr., i en huget tyndskallet Form. Testa fusiformis, n. subpellucida, epidermide tenui, nunc laevi, nunc hispidula induta, anfractibus i tumidis, mm rapide crescentibus, sutura profunda separatis, superi- oribus 2 regulariter decussatis, sequentibus costis spiral/hut élevatis, subtilibus, subconfertis, lineisque incrementi numer- us/*, sculptis, n pin regulari, huri. depresso. Aperturå pyri- Jormis, medio subdilatata, <-<>lii>urll4. 205, 251, 283, 21»:.. 303, 312. and 353; from 601 to 1333 fathoms. In its habitus, this species approximates closest N. Danielsseni. The two forms may be readily distinguished in full-grown examples by reason of diversity in the sculp- turing, but young specimens often bear very considerable. resemblance to each other: the apex, however, will always serve to identify them. Apex (fig. 9) in Mohni smooth: in the other species, sculptured up to the embryonic whorl. Operculum (fig. lO) thin, rather large, and with 2 spiral twists: the first turn readies almost in to the central part, the other is very small. The egg-capsules similar in form to those of the species. and containing likewise one em- perfectly smooth . white. foregoing bryo. The embryo (fig. n opaque. Dentition (PL V. figs. 14: 15) ■ - Central plate quad- rangular, with one cusp; laterals two-cusped. Of 10 spec- imens examined, only one had the radula slightly modified (fig. 15), a rudimentary third tooth occurring on one of the lateral plates. Number of series varying from 70 to about 90. This species inhabits the cold area at a depth of from 600 to 13()() fathoms. It was also met with by Dr. Jef- freys on the -'Porcupine'" Expedition, throughout the deeper strata. Troschelia Berniciensis, King. Fusus Berniciensis, King. Ann. & Mag. XVIII. p. 246. Troschelia (Gen.), March. Journ. d. Conch. XXIV (1876), p. 370. Boreofusus Berniciensis, G. 0. Sars. 1. c. p. 278. Habitat: — Stats 9, 10, 23. 79. and 255; from 80 to 341 fathoms. At Station H). the trawl brought up numerous speci- mens, all belonging to the variety inflata, Jeffr., a thin- shelled, tumid form. Den norske N'-rdhavseapedition. Herman Friele: MoUusca. 1. 26 Var. élegans fandtes paa Stat. 23. Vestfjorden (Lofoten) er det nordligste Punkt Expe- ditionen paatraf denne Art. men Prof. Sårs har den fra Finmarken. Dr. Jeffreys angiver den fra -Porcupine" Ex- peditioneu nordenfor Skotland (155 — 632 Favne) og fra -Valorous" Exped. (690 Favne) imellem Britiske Øer og Grønland. Fra Stat, 124 (350 Favne) haves en Ægkapsel, halv- kugleformig med smal Rand og indeholdende kun 1 Em- bryon. Jeg skulde tro. at denne tilhører Troschelia Berni- ciensis, uagtet fuldt udviklede Exemplarer ikke her forekom. Enten maa den tilhore Troschelia eller Neptunea ebur. Som ganske unge ligne disse to Arter hinanden ikke sas lidet. men den første har en noget grovere Spiralsculptur og en eiendommelig skarp Længdestriering. Embryonet er af bildet Tab. III, Fig. 12 a, >■: det er stærkt opsvulmet, Spiret nedtrykt og næsten i Niveau med Hovedvindingen. Apex fuldstændig regelmæssig. Sculpturen spiralribbet og forsynet med stive Haar rundt Ribberne; rundt den grunde Sutur gaar ligeledes en Krands af Haar: Længdestriæ regelmæssig og skarpe. Jeg havde haabet at tinde frem Radula, hvad der nere Gange har lykkes mig med Embryoner paa et lig- nende Udviklingstrin, for derved at faa Arten konstateret, men desværre uden Held, saa fuld Sikkerhed for Bestem- melsen kan ikke gives. De grove distaucerede Spira lribber og den regelmæssige Længdestriering synes dog at pege mere mod Troschdia Berniciensis end mod Neptunea ebur. Buccinum. Hvad der er Art og hvad der er Varietet inden denne Slægts polymorpbe Former er vanskelig at afgjore, og Van- skeligheden bliver ikke mindre, jo storre Materiale man har for sig. Flere hundrede Specimina fra en Mængde Lokali- teter ligger for mig, og naar hertil kommer de mange For- inn-, som jeg har seet omkring i de europæiske Museer og private Samlinger, lober det saaledes sammen, at jeg kunde være fristet til kun at erkjende en Art for de nordiske Buccina. Men om end der synes at være Overgange imel- lem de fleste Arter, saa vil en saadan Sammenslaaen af Former neppe være heldig; thi mange af disse have en speciel lokal Interesse, og deres Forekomst er indenfor be- stemte geografiske Grændser. Saa.ledes optræder B. groen- landicum paa denne Side af Atlanterhavet forst nordenfor Var. elegans came up at Station 23. The Vestfjord (Lofoten) was the most northerly point at which the North-Atlantic Expedition obtained specimens of this species; but Professor Sars has taken it in Finmark. Dr. Jeffreys (•' Porcupine" Exped.) records it from the north of Scotland (155 — 632 faths.). and also (" Valorous" Exped.) between Great Britain and Greenland, at a depth of 690 fathoms. At Station 124, depth 350 fathoms, was obtained an egg-capsule, semi-globose, with a narrow margin, and con- taining only one embryo. The Expedition did not meet with Troschelia Berniciensis in this locality, but yet I have reason to believe the capsule belongs to that spe- cies; any other known form, saving possibly Neptunea ébur, is at all events out of the question. In the ear- liest stages of development these two species resemble each other not a little ; but the former has a somewhat coarser sculpturing and a peculiar well-defined longitudinal striature. The embryo, represented in PI, III. fig. 12 a, b, is much inflated; spire depressed and almost .on a level with the body-whorl. The apex perfectly regular. The spi- ral ribs of the sculpturing are furnished with stiff bristles ; the shallow suture having likewise a fringe of hairs, the longitudinal stria' are regular and distinct. I had hopes to extract the radula, — which I have several times succeeded in doing with embryos in the same early stage of development. — and thus identify the species, but failed. I am sorry to say. in the at- tempt; and hence a conclusive determination is impossible. Meanwhile, the distant and coarse-ribbed spiral sculpture, idling with the regular longitudinal striature. would seem rather to be in favour of Troschelia Berniciensis than of Neptunea ebur. Buccinum. To decide what are species and what varieties within the polymorphous forms of this genus is indeed a delicate question to adjust; and the difficulty does not tend to diminish in proportion as the subjects of examination increase. Seve- ral hundreds of specimens from a number of localities lie before me: and adding to these all the forms I have seen in the Museums of Europe and in private Collec- tions, the confusion is such, that I am tempted to acknow- ledge only one species of the northern Buccina. But, though transition-forms, apparently do occur in most of the species, a general heaping together of these congeners can hardly be either practical or advisable, seeing that to many of the forms attaches special local interest, their dis- tribution being strictly confined within certain geographical 27 Polarcirkelen ; forekommer i Begyndelsen sammen med />'. undatum, men i de rent arktiske Have afløser den denne fuldstændigt; li. finmarchianum afløser den sydligere B. Humphreysianum for atter igjen i [shavel at hine afløst at li. hydrophanum. I min foran nævnte Afhandling "Ueber die Varia- tionen der Zahnstructur bei Buccinum" fremsatte jeg den Formodning, at tirre Arter sandsynligvis hybridiserer og begrundede dette i den Omstændighed, at Overgangsformerne just er at tinde der. hvor Uere Arter forekommer talrig sammen. />'. undatum og groenlandicum tindes saaledes i stur Mengde littoral ved Hammerfest, og her lobe ogsaa begge Former fuldstændig i hinanden; ved Spitsbergen, hvor tiere Aiier. saasom li. groenla ndicum . undulatum, glaciate og Tim/ Novce forekommer sammen, vil man ligeledes tinde Former, overfor hvilke man vil staa mettet tvivlsom, og som gjør bestemt Indtryk af blandet Herkomst. Et lignende Forhold, som her er nævnt, tinder ogsaa Sted paa den amerikanske Side. Der modes de nordlige og arktiske Former under en langt sydligere Breddegrad, og at dømme etter hvad jeg har seet, er Forvirringen mel- lem Arterne der end større. Herr Verkriizen har bragt smukke Svitter af Buccina med sig fra.Nyfundland og der- imellem har han fundet ikke mindre end 5 nye Arter. hvoraf dog en eller to maaske endnu ikke er beskrevet. De 3 af disse har jeg havt Anledning at se. men omend de neppe vil blive erkjendt for gode Arter, saa er de dog interessante Mellomformer. De store og flittige Skrabnihger, som U. S. Fish Commission foretager, vil rimeligvis bringe et stort Materiale sammen, og utvivlsomt kan man vente sig værdifulde Bidrag til denne Slægt derfra, naar det en Gang bliver offentliggjort. At Tandstrukturen ingen Betydning har som Arts- karakter inden Buccinum er før nævnt. Der er kun to Tandformer, nemlig B.undatums og B. groerilandicums, den teiste med en Centralplade, med 5 til 7 Tænder og Side- pladerne dum! -i. Tænder: den sidste med en 3- til 5-tandet Centralplade og 3-tandet Sideplade, men forøvrigt gaa begge Tandformer hyppig over i hinanden og er i det Hele tåget underkastet stor Foranderligbed. Paa pi. v. Fig. 16 & it, er fremstillet 2 Variationer af B. undatums Tænder, og dette maa være nok tor at vise, hvor liden Støtte der ligger i denne Karakter. Fi^r. Hi er i den Grad afvigende fra hele Familiens Tandtype, at den gaar ind paa Jfhsciolaridernes Grændser; Fig. it viser, at Tændernes Anta] paa Centralpladen hos det selvsamme In- divid kan voxe fra lj i den forreste til 8 i den hageste Del af Hadula. B. groenlandicum frembyder lige store Variationer i sin Tandbvgnine. limits. Tims. tor instance, 11. groenlandicum is first met with north of tlie Polar Circle in the European waters of tlie Atlantic, and here it occurs at first in company with />. undatum . but in the true Arctic Seas it wholly supplants that species. And again, />'. finmarchianum takes the place of the more southerly form. li. Humphrey sia/num, to be in turn succeeded h\ /;. hydrcphanum. In the above-mentioned paper, "Ueber die Variationen der Zahnstructur bei Buccinum" I ventured to assume that some of the species are hybrids, and founded my assump- tion on the fact, that transition -forms are found in lo- calities where several species frequently occur together. To give an example: — B. undatum and B. groenlandicum are both numerous in the littoral zone at Hammerfest, and here the1 two forms pass completely over into each other. At Spitsbergen, too. a locality in which several species, such as /;. groenlandicum, undulatum, glaciale, and Terra Novæ occur together, forms will be met with that convey the im- pression of specific mixture. The same is the case on the American side. There, the northern and Arctic forms meet much farther south, and. to judge from what I have seen, the confusion of spe- cies must be still greater. Mr. Verkriizen brought home from Newfoundland a rich collection of Buccina,, compri- sing among them as many as 5 new species, one or two of which are possibly still undescribed. Three of these new species I have had opportunity of examining, and though their rank as true species may be doubted, they must still be regarded as interesting transition-forms. The frequent and extensive dredging operations carried on by the U. S. Fish Commission, will in all probability bring to light a rich material, and valuable information concerning this genus may unquestionably be expected from that quarter. That no importance can be attached to the dentition as a specific character in the genus Buccinum, has been already stated. There are only two forms of teeth, viz. that in II. undatum and in B. groenlandicum : the former has the central plate with from 5 to 7 cusps and the laterals with 4 each; the latter has from 3 to 5 cusps on the central plate and 3 on the laterals: for the rest, however, both forms frequently merge into each other, and on the whole the character is exceedingly liable to vary. In Pi. V. figs. 16, 17. are represented two cases of structural diversity occurring in the teeth of B. undatum, amply sufficient to show the untrustworthiness of this char- acter. In ti^-. Hi. the structure differs to that extent from the typical dentition of the family, as to have features in common with those of the Fasciolaridoe. Fig. n shows that, in one and the same individual the number of cusps on the central plate can increase from 6 at the anterior, to 8 at the posterior, end of the radula. B. groenlandicum exhibits as great a structural variation. 28 Buccinum undatum, Liu. Syst. Nat., Pag. 1204. For Varieteternes Vedkommende vil jeg i det Væsent- lige holde mig til Prof. G. 0. Sårs "Moll regionis ardicae norregiae", da hans fortrinlige Ulustrationer ikke lader nogen Tvivl om, hvilke Former der menes. Forma typica. Gr. 0. Sårs. (1. c. Tab. 24. Fig. 2). Var. pelagica, G. 0. Sårs. (1. c. Tab. 24, Fig. 4). Forekomst: Bodo, Tromsø, Hammerfest, Vardø fra 20 til 40 Favne. A" ar. coerulea, G. 0. Sårs. (1. c. Tab. 24. Fig. 3). Var. NttoraSis, G. (J. Sårs. (1. c. Tab. 13, Fig. 12). Forekomst: Tromso, Hammerfest og Vardo littoral, samt i Skjærstadfjord. 30 Favne. Var. zetlandica, Forb. Forekomst: Stat. 10, 23, 255 og 261. Fra 80 til 341 Favne. Fra Stat. 23 er 2 Exemplarer; den ene er en typisk zetlandica, men den anden har mere hugede Vindinger og nærmer sig til Hovedformen. Exemplarerue fra Stat. 255 er i en semifossil Tilstand og temmelig tykskallede. Buccinum ciliatum, Fabr. Tritonium ciliatum, Fabr. Fauna Groenl. Pag. 401. Forekomst: Stat. 322 paa 21 Favne og Norskoerne (opkastede paa Stranden). Var. lævior. Morch. Prod. Fauna Groenl. Tritonium flavulum (Beck, M. S.), Morch (Gat. Moll. Spitzb., Pag. 13). Forekomst: Norskøerne paa 10 — 20 Favne. Denne glatte Varietet med udslettede Længdefolde er temmelig afvigende fra Typeformen og synes at nærme sig til B. groenlandicum, var. sericatum, men Sculptur og Epi- dermis er forskjellig. Fra Morch har jeg i sin Tid faaet var. Icevior, og dermed stemmer Exemplaret fra Norskøerne, kun er Mund- aabningen mere udvidet nedad og faar derved en paafal- dende Lighed med Buccinopsis, men da baade Operculum og Tænder er undersogte kan der ikke være Tale om nogen Feiltagelse. Buccinum undatum, Lin. Syst. Nat., p. 1204. As regards the varieties of this species, I shall in the main be guided by Professor G. 0. Sars in his aMoll. regionis ardicae norregiae." since, with the excellent illus- trations to that work, there can be no risk of confounding the forms. Forma typica, G. 0. Sars. (1. c. PI. 24. fig. 2). Var. pelagica. G. O. Sars. (1. c. PI. 24, fig. 4). Habitat: — Bodo, Tromso, Hammerfest, Vardo; from 20 to 40 fathoms. Var. coerulea, G. 0. Sars. (I c. PI. 24. fig. 3) Habitat : Var. littoralis, G. 0. Sars. (1. c. PI. 13. tig. 12). - Littoral at Tromso, Hammerfest, and Vardo, and in the Skjærstadfjord: 30 fathoms. Var. zetlandica. Foil). Habitat: — Stats. 10, 23. 255. and 261; from 80 to 341 fathoms. Two specimens came up at Stat. 23: one is a typical Zetlandica, the other has more tumid whorls and approxi- mates the typical form. The specimens from Station 255 are all in a semi-fossil state, and thick-shelled. Buccinum ciliatum, Fabr. Tritonium ciliatum, Fabr. Fauna Groenl. p. 401. Habitat: — Stat. 322, at a depth of 21 fathoms, and the Norway Islands (found on the beach). Var. lævior, Morch. Prod. Fauna Groenl. Tritonium flavulum (Beck, M. S.), Morch (Cat. Moll. Spitzb., p. 13). Habitat : — The Norway Islands, at a depth of from 10 to 20 fathoms. This smooth variety, with obliterated longitudinal folds, differs considerably from the typical form, and would ap- pear to approximate B. groenlandicum, var. sericatum. trom which however it is in turn distinguished by the character of the sculpturing and the epidermis. Dr. Morch kindly sent me a specimen of var. herior, which agrees well with our specimen from the Norway Is- lands, save in so far a* the latter has the aperture more expanded below, giving it a close resemblance to Buccinop- sis; but as the operculum and the teeth were both exam- ined, no mistake can be made. 29 Dr. Leches Buccinopsis ovum (Novaja Semlja & Jeni- sej Hafsmoll. Pag. 59) maa utvivlsomt komme ind under denne Varietet, uagtet han vistnok ogsaa har opført B. ciliatum, var. tørøør, men Tegningerne ai Tænderne viser noksom, al han ikke har havl en Buccinopsis for sig. Buccinum groeniandicum. ('lunn. ig- Conch. Cab. X. Pag. 177. Fig. U-L Forekomst: Tromsø, Hammerfest, Vardø (littoral); Norskøerne, Adventbay, Magdalenbay; fra lo til 60 Favne- Paa de '.' sidste Lokaliteter (Spitzbergen) forekom en snnik. baandet Varietet. Var. acuta, nob. Pl. III. Fig. 17 langl uddraget, konisk Spir og rinde Vindinger. Et Exemplar fra Hammerfest (littoral). Det er maaske nærmere en Monstrositet end Varietet og er noget lignende for B. groeniandicum som accuminatum lor B. undatum. Var. hybrida. nob. Formen konisk, har i Regelen Længdefolde, men min- dre stærkt ndviklet end hos B. undatum. Spiralribberne er paa Tophvirvlerne kraftige, men gaar paa Hovedvindingen som oftest over til obscure Folde; Epidermis haaret. Hammerfest ( litti >ral ). Denne Form opfatter jeg som en Hybrid imellem B. undatum og groeniandicum. To Exemplarer fra Hammer- fest har Spiret fra B. undatum, men Hovedvindingen fra B. grocnUiutlicum. nogle andre mangle igjen fuldstændig Længdefolderne, men har dog i sin Sculptur en større Til- nærmelse til B. undatum. Der er i det Hele tåget den fuldstændigste < )vergang imellem begge Arter. Buccinum conoideum, Sårs (1. c. Tab. 2-4, Fig. 7) holder jeg lor at tilhøre den hybride Form. men ligger B. u/ndatum nærmest. Var. sericata (?), Tab. til Fig. 19. Buccinum sericatum, Hancock. Ann. & Mag. XVIII, Pl. V. F, ii. Stat. 192, 267 og 270; fra 136 til 649 Favne. Skallen er tynri. halv gjennemsigtig. hvid med stærkt bugede Vindinger. Sculptnren bestaar af tætte. svage Spi- ral- og Længdestriæ, der danne et tint Netværk over hele Skallen. Epidermis er tæt haaret, næsten ulden. Dette er ikke Hancocks typiske B. sericatum, men adskiller sig fra denne baade i Form og Sculptur. Jeg er forøvrigt aldeles ikke sikker paa. om vi ikke her har en Di'. Leche's Buccinopsis onnn (Novaja Semlja & Jeni- sej Hafsmoll., p. 59) should unquestionably he referred lo this variety, notwithstanding his having also noted B. cilia- turn, vsx.lcevior; but his drawings ol' the teeth plainly show lie lias not bad a Buccinopsis before him. Buccinum groeniandicum. Chmn. Conch. Cab. X. pag. 177. tig. I -14. Habitat: — ■ Tromsø, Hammerfest, Vardø (littoral); the Norway Islands, Advent Bay. Magrialena Hay: Iron) 10 to lin fathoms. In the 3 last-mentioned localities occurred a finely banded variety. Var. acuta, nob. pi. in. rig. it. verv elongate, with a, conical spire and flat whorls. Only one specimen was obtained at Hammerfest (littoral). This form should perhaps be regarded rather as a monstrosity than a variety: it bears about the same relation to B. groeniandicum as does B. accuminatum to B. undatum. Var. hybrida, nob. Conical in form, and as a rule with longitudinal folds, though less developed than in B. undatum : the spiral ribs prominent on the top whorls, but on the body-whorl gene- rally passing into obscure folds; epidermis hispid. Hammerfest (littoral). This form I conceive to be a hybrid between B. un- datum and B. groeniandicum. Two specimens from Hammer- fest have the spire as in B. undatum, but the head-whorl as in B. groeniandicum : in some others the longitudinal folds are wanting altogether, but the sculpture on the shell denotes a nearer approach to B. undatum. On the whole, there is an undoubted transition between the two species. Buccinum conoideum, Sars (1. c. PI. 24. tig. 7). I re- gard as a hybrid, approximating closest B. undatum. Var. sericata (?), pj. in. tig. 19. Buccinum sericatum, Hancock. Ann. & Mag. XVIII. PL V. lig. 6. Habitat: — Stats. 192, 267, 270; from L36 to ii4'.i fathoms. Shell thin, semi-translucent, white, with tumid whorls. The sculpture occurs as faint and closely disposed spiral and longitudinal striæ. which give to the shell the appearance of a tine network. Epidermis thickly covered with hairs, almost woolly. This is not Hancock's typical B. sericatum, from which it differs alike in form and in the character of the sculpture. For the rest. 1 am by no means sure it is not a form per- 30 fra B. groenlandicwm og Varieteten sericata distinct Form, men da der kun er funden 3 døde Exemplarer. kan intet oplyses om Operculum, og det faar derfor stua hen til senere Undersogelse at afgjore. hvorvidt den fortjener at separeres. Buccinum undulatum, Moll. Ind. Moll. GroeuL. Pag. 84. Buccinum fragile (Verkr. M. S.), G. 0. Sårs 1. c. Pag. 257, Tab. 24, Fig. (i. Forekomst: St. 224. 2(51. 321 og 326; fra 21 til 127 Favne; Norskoerne 10 — 15 F. Flere Forfattere og deriblandt Dr. Jeffreys holder Mollers Form for en Varietet af B. groenlandicwm : derimod anser han B. fragile for en Varietet af B. Belcheri, Reeve (Last aret. Voy.. Pag. 394. Tab. XXXII. Fig. 7 a, b). At B. undulatum kan nærme sig stærkt til B. groen- landicwm, har jeg havt Anledning at se. men lige hyppig kan man komme i Trivl om det ikke er en B. undatum Form man har for sig. Undersøgelsen ni' et stort Antal Exemplarer viser dog. at Tandstrukturen tilhører Groen- landica Gruppen. A^erkriizens Art adskiller sig i intet væsentlig fra Mollers Typeform. som Prof. Steenstrup har havt den God- hed at laane mig til Sammenligning. Reeves Belcheri er en glat Form med fjernede ind- skaarne Stria?, hvorimod undulatum har talrige grove Spi- ralribber og undertiden imellem disse en tin. samt grove Længdefolder. B. undulatum er en ægte arktisk Form. der forst be- gynder at optrsede i Finmarkens Fjorde østenfor Nordkap. Buccinum Finmarchianum, Verr. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1875, Pag. 237. Fig. 1—3. G. 0. Sårs. 1. c. Pl. 13. Fig. 10, Pl. 25. Fig. 3—4. Forekomst: St. 261 paa 127 Favne. Dette er en for Finmarkens Fjorde eiendommelig Form. der visselig fortjener at erkj endes for Art. Tilnærmelser til B. groenlandicwm forekommer vistnok, men i dette Stykke deler den Skjæbne med de Heste øvrige ai' Skvgtens Arter. B. pulchellum, G. O. Sårs (1. c. Pag. 261. Pl. 24. Fig. 9) er en Varietet af Finmarchianum, men passer i alle Dele vel til Morchs korte Beskrivelse al' />'. perdix, fectly distinct from B. groenlandicwm and the var. sericata: but 3 examples only having been found, and those dead, there is nothing to record concerning the operculum; and hence subsequent research must decide if this shell has claims to specific distinctness. Buccinum undulatum, Moll. Ind. Moll. Groenl. p. 84. Buccinum fragile (Verkr. M. S.), G. O. Sars, 1. c, p. 257, PL 24. fig. 6. Habitat: — Stats. 224, 261, 321, 326 from 21 to 127 fathoms"; the Norway Islands from 10 to 15 f. Dr. Jeffreys and several other authors regard Moller's B. undulatum as a mere variety of B. groenlandicwm; B. fra- gile, on the other hand. Dr. Jeffreys conceives to be a variety of B. Belcheri, Reeve (Last Arctic Voy., p. 394, PL XXXII. tig. 7 a, b). B. wndulatwm often approximates very closely B. groenlandicwm, hut also as frequently B. undatum. Mean- while, the examination of a large number of specimens has shown the dentition to be that of the groenlandica group. In Verkriizen's species there is no essential difference from Moller's type, which Professor Steenstrup has had the kindness to lend me for comparison. Reeve's Belcheri is a smooth form, with distant striæ, whereas undulatum has numerous coarse spiral ribs, or, not infrequently, alternately one coarse and one fine rib, and broad longitudinal folds. B. undulatum is a true Arctic form, which is first met with in the Finmark Fjords, east of the North Cape. Buccinum Finmarchianum, Ven. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1875, p. 237, figs. 1—3. G. 0. Sars. 1. c. PL 13. fig. 10. PL 25, figs. 3—4. Habitat: — Station 261; 127 fathoms. This is a form peculiar to the fjords of Finmark, which should unquestionably rank as a species. Approxi- mations to B. groenlandicwm do indeed occur, but the same is the case with most other species of the genus. B. pulchelhnn, G. 0. Sars (1. c. p. 261, PL 24, fig. 9). is a variety of FiiiwarchicoiiDi). agreeing however in all respects with Morch's brief description of B. perdix, :;i (Brek) Mørch(Cat. Moll. Spitzb., Pag. 14). Hvorvidt imid- Lertid denne er identisk med Verkriizens Art har jeg ikke lmvt Anledning tilfredsstillende at faa undersøgt. Dr. W'. Lecho (1. c. Pag. 64) holder dem tor Synonymer. Fra B. Humphreysianum adskiller den sig ved on grovere Sculptur paa Tophvirvlerne Arten ikke med Sikkerlied kiendt. Ddenfor Norge er Buccinum Humphreysianum, Bennett. Zool. Journ. I. Pag. 2: is. Pl. 30. Forekomst: Station 195. 107 Favne. Et ungt dødt, men vel vedlikeholdt Exemplar. Prof. Sårs har fundet denne Art i Finmarken, dog kun i smaa, ikke udviklede Exemplarer. Ovennævnte Station ligger nær under 71de Bredde- grad, er Artens yderste kjendte Xordgrændse. Buccinum hydrophanum, Hancock. Tab. III. Fig-. '.'O— 23. Buccinum hydrophanum, Hanck. Ann. & Mag. N. H. XVIII, 1846, Pag. 325, Pl. V, Fig. 7. Forekomst: Stat. 18. 124, 164. 192. 200, 223, 251, 267, 326, 338, 357, 363, 366. Fra 30 til 649 Favne Den typiske Form er forholdsvis sjelden og forekom kun paa Stat. 251 — 634 Favne og 366 (Magdalenebay, Spitsbergen) 60 Favne. \ Var. tumidula, Fig. 21. B. tumidulum, Gr. 0. Sårs. 1. c. Pag. 263, Pl. 25, Fig. 5, 6, og Var. elata, nob., Fig. 20. er de almindeligste Former og tindes meget talrig sammen paa de middelmaadige Dyb over hele Ishavet. Formen elata har et langt uddraget Spir og Mund- aabningen meget kortere end Spiret. Var. Mørchi, Kg. 22. B. Mørchi, Friele. "Prelim. Pep." Pag. 4. Formen konisk, flade Vindinger, violet farvet. Denne Varietet synes særlig at høre de større Dyb til og forekom paa Stationerne is. 124. 200, 164 og 192, alt- saa imellem .'<.">" og 650 Favne. (Beck) Miirch (Cat. Moll. Spitzb., p. 14); hut whether identical with Verkriizens species. 1 have not had sufficient opportunity of deciding. Dr. W'. Leche (1. c, p. 64) re- gards them as synonyms. From /.'. Humphreysianum it is distinguished by the coarser sculpturing ol' the top whorls. Elsewhere than on the coast of Norway, this species has not been recorded with certainty. Buccinum Humphreysianum. Bennett. Zool. Journ. I. p. 298, PI. 30. Habitat: — Station 195. at a depth of 107 fathoms. A young specimen, dead, hut in a good state of pres- ervation. Professor GL 0. Sars has met with this species in Fin- mark, but only represented by small and immature examples. Station 195 lies but a short distance from the 71st parallel of latitude, which constitutes the extreme northern limit of distribution for this species. Buccinum hydrophanum. Hancock. PI. III. figs. 20 -23. Buccinum hydrophanum, Hanck. Ann. & Mag. N. H. XVIII, 1846. p. 325. PL V, fig. 7. Habitat: — Stats. 18, 124. 164. 192, 200, 223. 251, 267, 326, 338, 357. 363, 366; from 30 to 649 fathoms. The typical form is comparatively rare; it was met with only at Station 25 L , in 634 fathoms, and at Stat. 366 (Magdalena Bay, Spitzbergen), in 60 fathoms. Var. tumidula, rig. 21, B. tumidulum, G. O. Sars, 1. c. p. 263, PL 25, figs. 5, 6, and Var. elata, nob., fig. 20, are the most frequent forms ; they occur abundantly together at moderate depths throughout the whole of the Arctic Ocean. The form elata has a long, produced spire, than which the aperture is much shorter. Var. Mbrchi. tig. 22. B. Mbrchi, Friele. "Prelim. Rep.," p. 4. Form conical, flat whorls, violet-coloured. This variety would appear to occur chiefly in the deeper strata: it was brought up at Stats. 18, 124. 200, L64, and 192. from depths varying between 350 and 650 fathoms. 32 Fra Stat. 366 (Magdalenebay) haves 2 Exemplarer. der er afvigende paa en høist eiendommelig Maade. Oper- culum er hos hydrophanum rundt, lidet og dets Gjennem- snit i Regelen mindre, men aldrig større end halve Mund- aabningens; Nucleus er central eller ubetydelig til Siden. Hos hine to er derimod Operculum paafaldende storre end det normale, og for det ene Exemplars Vedkommende ei- det et ægte B. groenlandicum Operculum. Et af Exempla- rerne har en Kjol rundt sidste Vinding noget nedenfor Periferien. Ægfotpxlcrne iFig-. 2:>) ere enten enkelte eller nogle faa sammenvoxne. Overdåden er fint punkteret og ligner nærmest Appelsinens Ydre. Tænderne ligne B. groenlandicwms. Buccinum nivale. n. sp. Tab. III. Pig. 24. 25 „. h. Testa orata. tenuis, nivea, anfradibus 5 (?) tumidis, ultimo magno et rentricoso. apertura magna, orata. epider- mide laevi. Superficies uMque striis spiralibus densis tenui- bus striisque incrernenti numerosis, irregularibus seulpta, oper- culo parvo, oral/, nucleo subterminali. Magn. long. 11""". lat. 9mm. Station 164 — 457 Favne. Der er kun fundet et ungt, men levende Exemplar af denne Form. Skallen adskiller sig ikke i noget væsentlig fra B. hydrophanum, naar undtages den snehvide Farve, og maaske er det kun en Varietet af denne. Men hoist eiendommelig er Operculum (Fig. 2."> ... b); det er ovalt, har Nucleus henimod nedre Ende, Undersiden (Fis. -i:> b\ har en bred, noget fortykket Rand og Væxtlinierne er kun synlig igjennem Midtpartiet. Tænderne give som sædvanlig ingen Oplysninger; de ligne B. groenlandicwms. Buccinum sulcatum, n. sp. Tnh. III. Fig. IS. Testa temas, nitida, riolacea, conica, anfradibus 6 planis, aequaliter crescentibus, sn/ura minn* conspicua, aper- tura orata, utrinque acuminata, dimidiam fere testae longir tudinem aequante, columella reda, plicis 2 leviter impressis'. Sttperficies costis spiral/has crassis, in anfradu penultimo 4, una vel in superiore anfradus parte plurib&s tenuioribus interposiiis, striisque incrernenti densis, sed obsohtis seulpta, epiåermide laevi. From Stat. 366 there are 2 specimens differing re- markably from the typical form. The operculum in hydro- phanum is round and small, with a diameter as a rule less, never greater, than half the length of the opening of the mouth, the nucleus being central, or nearly so. In the two aforesaid specimens, the operculum is. on the other hand, very considerably larger than that of the normal form. nay. in one of them, it cannot be distinguished from the oper- culum in B. groenlandicum. The other specimen is keeled round the last whorl, a little below the peripheral line. The egg-capstiles (fig. ■_':;, cither simple or a few only grown together. Surface delicately punctured, causing it to resemble the rind of an orange. Dentition as in B. groenlandicum. Buccinum nivale, n. sp. PI. III. figs. 24. 25 ». /-. Testa orata. tenuis nivea, anfradibus ~> (?) tumidis, ultimo magno d rcufr/<-<>st>. apertura magna, orata, epider- mide laevi. Superficies ubique striis spiralibus densis tenui- bus striisque incrernenti numerosis, irregularibus seulpta, oper- calo parvo ovali, nucleo subterminali. Magn. long. 11""". lat. 9mm. Habitat: — Station 164. in 4o7 fathoms. Only one specimen, young but living, was obtained. The shell does not exhibit any material difference from that in B. hydrophanum, of which B. nivale is perhaps a mere variety. But the operculum (fig. 2'. ... 5) has very peculiar features; it is oval in form, with the nucleus near the lower extremity, the under surface (fig. 25 '>< furnished with a broad, somewhat inspissated margin, and the lines of growth visible through the medial portion only. Nothing, as usual, to be learnt from the structure of the teeth, which is similar to that in B. groenlandicum. Buccinum sulcatum, n. sp. Pl. III. fis. 18. Testa tenuis, nitida, riolacea, conica, anfradibus 6 planis, aequaliter crescentibus, sntnra minus conspicua, aper- tura orata, utrinque acuminata, dimidiam fere testae longi- tudinem aequante, columella reda, plicis 2 leviter impressis. Superficies costis spiralibus crassis, in anfradu penultimo 4, una vel in superiore anfradus parte pluribus tenuioribus interpositis, striisque incrernenti densis, sed obsoletis seulpta, epidermide laevi. 33 Magn. long, :J1 lot. li '. apart, long. li', diem. max. 6' Forekomst: Stat. L92 — 649 Favne. Der er kun fundet el større og el ganske lidet Exem- plar, men begge døde. Evorvidt man her har en ny Art for sig eller en Varietet af en af de bekjendte, er vanskelig at sige. Dens nærmeste Slægtning maatte vel være .R Mn- marchianum eller hydrophanum, idet den glatte, glindsende Epidermis og koniske Form ligne paa Varieteter af disse Arter, men Sculpturen er saa væsentlig afvigende, at den har ingen Sammenligningspunkter. Dr. Jeffreys skriver til mig, at han har denne Form fra •• Porcupine" Exped.. 1869 Stat. i >r> — 345 Favne, "mit consider it B. groerdandicum, var. i perhaps Mnmarchianum)." Det forekommer mig dog at være en Støtte for Formens Artsberettigelse, at den optræder uforandret paa saa for- skjellige Punkter. Buccinum Terræ Novæ. Beck. Tab. III, Fin-. 13—16. Tritoniwm Terræ Novæ (Beck) Mørch. Gat. Moll. Spitzb. Pag. 14. Buccinum Donovani, Reeve. Conch, icon. Fig. 2. B. undatum, var. clathratum, S. Wood. Supp. to the Crag. Moll. Pag. 18. Tab. II. Fig. 3 a, b. B. Terræ Novæ, Leche. 1. c. Pag. 61, Tab. II. Fig. 33. B. Toften?. Friele. Cat. cl. Spitzb. Moll. Fag. 278. Forekomst: Stat. 366 og 37-4. Fra 20 til 60 Favne. I min -'Catalog d. Spitzb. Moll." har jeg opført denne Form under Stimpson's B. Totteni. Jeg er vistnok ikke bleven overbevist om. at dette er feilagtig, men eiter at have seet en Del mere af den nordamerikanske Form, er jeg bleven tvivlende om det er praktisk heldigt at slaa disse to sammen. At de kan gaa over i hinanden, derom har jeg overbevist mig. men saa tindes der ogsaa Overgange til groenlandicum, og skal man være streng i Artsbegrebet inden denne Slægt, bliver der ikke mange Arter tilbage. Neppe nogenArt er saa stærkt varierende som denne, hvad man ogsaa kan domme efter de 3 afbildede Exempl. Fig. 13, 14 og 15. der alle er tåget paa samme Lokalitet, nemlig Adventbay (Spitsbergen). Som Regel har den grove Spiralribber og imellem disse ligge talrige finere; hos alle mine Exemplarer tindes der Længdefolde paa Tophvirvlerne, der igjen forsvinde paa Hovedvindingen. Den secundære Striering bestaar af yderst fine, meget tætte Spiralstriæ, der er svagt bølgende eller næsten chagraineret, fremkommen ved at krydses af talrige fine Væxtlinier. Denne mikroskopiske Sculptor hndes ogsaa Den norske Nordhavsespedition. Herman Friele: Mollusea. I. Magn. long. 27am, lat. 1 i ■•• ■■'. wpert. long, li diam. max. 6l/amm. Eabital : Station 192, in 649 fathoms. ( )nl\ two specimens were obtained, one a compara- tively large and the other a very small individual, and both dead. Whether this form represent a, new species, or merely a variety of one of those already known, is difficult to de- cide. It resembles some varieties of B. Finmarchianum or hydrophanum in the conical form and smooth, glistening epidermis; but the sculpture is wholly different, with not a single approximating feature. Dr. Jeffreys writes me, that he has B. sulcatum from the "Porcupine" Expedition, 1869, Station 65, .at 345 fathoms, "but regards it as II. groenlandicum, var. (pos- sibly B. F/iniKinlnttiiinii)." The occurrence in so different localities seems to me to be a proof in favour of the spe- cific distinctness of this form. Buccinum Terræ Novæ, Beck. Pl. III. tigs. 13—16. Tritoniwm Terræ Novæ (Bech) Morch. Cat. Moll. Spitzb., p. 14. Buccinum Donovani, Reeve. Conch, icon., fig. 2. B. undatum, var. clathrabwm, S. Wood. Supp. to the Crag. Moll., p. 18, Pl. H, fig. 3 a, b. B. Terræ Novæ, Leche, 1. c, p. 61, Pl. II, fig. 33. B. Totteni, Friele. Cat. d. Spitzb. Moll., p. 278. Habitat : — Stats. 366, 374 ; from 20 to 60 fathoms. In my -'Catalog d. Spitzb. Moll.," this form is refer- red to Stimpson's B. Totteni, and I am not as yet convin- ced that in so doing I was mistaken; but having since seen a good many more North American specimens. I think it most practical to leave these two forms, B. Terræ Novæ and B. Totteni, specifically separated. That they do sometimes merge into each other, I have satisfied myself; but there are also transition-forms to groenlandicum; and if a searching criticism be applied to the species of this genus, few would indeed be left. There is not. perhaps, another species of the genus that varies to such an extent, as a glance at the 3 speci- mens represented in tigs. 13. 14. and 15 — all of them from the same locality (Advent Bay. Spitzbergen) — will suffice to show. As a rule, the shell is sculptured with coarse spiral ribs, or carina, between which are numerous tiner ours. All of my specimens have the top whorls with longitudinal folds, which disappear on the body-whorl. The secondary striation consists of exceedingly delicate, closely disposed spiral stria', which, being intersected by numbers of delicate lines of growth, give an almost shagreened appearance to 34 hos B. Totteni, men er Epidermis borte, lader den sig vanskelig iagttage. Mr. R. Bell har havt den Godhed at overlade mig et Exemplar af B. undatum, var. clathratum, S. Wood, fra den engelske Crag, og der kan ikke være Tvivl om, at denne maa henføres under nærværende Art. Ægkapslerne (Fig. 16 «, V) er omtalte af Mørch i "Cat. des Moll. du Spitzb.", Pag. 16 (OothecaNo. 1). uden dog at være henført til nogen bestemt Art. Oothecas Form er lang, cylindrisk, snart som en enkelt Stamme, snart med en paa Siden udskydende Gren. Længden er omtrent 100""" og Bredden 1(5— 20""". Kapslernes Form er oval med nedhængende bred Rand (Formen kan bedst lignes med Sømandens "Sydvest"): er sammenvoxne langs Siderne og staa arraugerede i Spiral rundt en Axe. Arten er kun kjendt fra Grønland og Ishavet. Buccinum glaciale, Lin. B. carinatum, Phipps Vov. Pag. 201, Tab. XIII. Fig. 2. B. polare, Gray. Beechey's Voy. Pag. 128. B. Donorani, ,. — „ „ „ Forekomst: Jan Mayen, Stat. 322, 366, 374. Norsk- øerne. Fra 10 til 60 Favne. Alle Varieteter, saasom unicarinata. bicarinata, tri- car inata, Hancocki (Mørch) og Donovani forekomme om binanden. Formen angulosum. Gray (Beechey's Voy. Pag. 127, Tab. XXXVI, Fig. 6) blev ikke lunden paa den norske Expedition. Flere Forfattere vil opretholde denne som en god Art. men efterat have gjort mig bekjendt med Type- exemplaret i British Museum, maa jeg samstemme med Dr. Jeffreys, at den kun kan ansees for en Varietet af glaciale; thi hos begge gjenfinder man den samme fine mikroskopiske Sculptur, nemlig yderst tætte fine Spiralstriæ. B. angulo- sum synes at være en lignende Afart af glaciale som Nep- tunea borealis af despeeta. Ægkapslerne ere samlede i uregelmæssig formede Kla- ser, er mindre end undatums og har et rynket Udseende. Embryonerne ere glatte og kun sjelden ser man en svag Antydning til Carina.; Spiralstrieringen er yderst fin, kun synlig under en vis Belysning. the surface of the shell. The same microscopic sculpturing occurs, too, in B. Totteni, but is difficult to detect should the epidermis be gone. Mr. R. Bell has had the kindness to present me with a specimen of B. undatwn, var. clathratum, S. Wood, from the English Crstg. which is unquestionably identical with the present species. The egg -capsules (fig. ie «, b) have been described by Morch in "Catal. des Moll, du Spitzb.," p. 16 (Ootheca No. 1). without however his referring them to any particu- lar species. Ootheca is long and cylindrical in form, oc- curring now as a naked stein, now with a projecting branch. Length about 100""". breadth from 16""" to 20""". The capsules are of an oval form, with a broad pen- dent margin, and may be best likened to a sailor's sou' wester. They are grown together at the sides, and spirally arranged round an axis. The species is known only from Greenland and the Polar Sea. Buccinum glaciale, Lin. B. carinatum, Phipps's Voy.. p. 201, Pl. XIII, fig. 2. B. polare, Gray. Beechey's Voy., p. 128. B. Donovani, „ „ „ ,, Habitat: — Jan Mayen. Stats. 322, 366. 374. Nor- way Islands; trom 10 to 60 fathoms. All the varieties, viz. unicarinata, bicarinata, fricari- nata, Hancocki (Morch), and Donovani, occur in the same localities. The form angulosum, Gray (Beechey's Voy., p. 127, Pl. XXXVI. fig. 6), was not met with on the Norwegian Expedition. Some authors maintain this to be a distinct species, but having examined the typical specimen in the British Museum, I cannot but agree with Dr. Jeffreys in regarding it as a variety of glaciale; for in both forms oc- curs precisely the same microscopic sculpture — delicate and exceedingly close spiral striæ. B. angulosum appears to bear the same relation to glaciale as does Neptunea borealis to AT. despecia. The egg-capsides — arranged in irregular clusters — are smaller than those ofnndatum. and have a wrinkled appearance. The embryos smooth, but rarely with any faint indication of a carina; spiral striature exceedingly delicate, and visible only under a certain light. 85 Buccinum tenue. (i rav. Beechey*s Voy. is.",'.). Pag. L28, Pl. XXXVI. Fig. 19. B. scdariforme(Beck) Møller, [nd. Moll. Groenl. 1842, Pag. 84. Forekomst: Stat. 326, 357, Xorskoerne (20—30 Favne), 366, 374. Kra 20 til 125 Favne. I sin ydre Form er ogsaa denne Art stærkt varierende og Forholdet imellem Spiret og Mundaabningen vexler, fra Mundaabningen 8/s af Spiret til over Spirets Længde. I Regelen er Vindinnrrnc sta-rkt tumide med dvli Sutur. men fra Magdalenebay (Stat. 366) haves et Exemplar, der i ydre Form ligner den almindelige />'. groenlandicum, og Længdefoldene er kun svagt udviklet, men den eiendommelig tine chagrainerede Sculptur kommer dog tydelig frem. Dr. Leche omtaler derimod i sit oftere citerede Arbeide (Pag. 65) en Varietet med "tydelig udviklet Kjøl" og tilleier: "Saavel paa Grund af denne Karakter som ogsaa ved hele sin Form synes denne Varietet at danne Overgang til B. undulatum, Møll." (B. Donovani?). Om end denne Art utvivlsomt horer til de bedste Bucciuum-Arter, saa synes ogsaa her imellem at forekomme Former, der tyder paa en ikke ganske ren Herkomst. Da nærværende Afhandhng i Januar 1881 blev ind- leveret til Redaktionskomiteen, betragtede jeg den som afsluttet fra min Haand, og de mange større og mindre Arbeider over Buccinidæ, som senere er bleven offentlig- gjort, har jeg derfor ikke kunnet tåge Hensyn til. I intet væsentlig har disse dog forandret mine Anskuelser saaledes, at jeg har fundet noget Omarbeide nødvendig, og lige saa lidt er de af mig opstillede nye Arter, saavidt mig bekjendt, beskrevet af senere Forfattere. Her skal forøvrigt oplyses, at Separataftryk af Plancherne allerede i Anglist 1880 blev sendt til malacologiske Venner i Europa og Amerika. Buccinum tenue, < i rav. Beechev's Vov. L839, p. L28, Pl. XXXVI, Bg. L9. /.'. scalariforme (Beck) Mtøller, [nd. Moll. Groenl. 1842, p. 84. Habitat: Stats. 326, 357, Norway Islands (20— 30 laths.). 366, :i74 (20—125 laths.). This form varies, too. very considerably in its outer characters. The proportions between the spire and the aperture, for instance, vary from the aperture being two-thirds to more than the length of the spire. The whorls are as a rule very tumid, with a deep suture: but a specimen from Magdalena Bay (Stat, 366) resembles in its habitus the normal form of /.'. i/n>citl((>tdirni)i. the longitudinal folds being but slightly developed, whereas the delicate granulous secondary sculp- turing is distinctly perceptible. Dr. Leche mentions in his aforecited work, p. 65, a variety with "a distinctly devel- oped keel." -'Both by reason of this character and of its general form, the said species would appear to approximate B. undulatum, Moll." (B. Donovani?). Even in this, though unquestionably one of the best- defined species of the genus, forms do, it seems, occasionally occur indicating a spurious descent. The present Memoir having been forwarded to the Editorial Committee in January 1881, I considered it as finished from my pen, and to the numerous works on the Buccinidæ, as well extensive as brief, that have since appeared, I cannot therefore have due regard. None of these, however, have affected my views to such extent, that I have seen fit to re-write any portion of the Memoir ; nor have the new species I have established, so far as I am aware, been described by any subsequent author. For the rest, I can state here, that copies of the plates were distributed among malacological friends in Europe and America as early as August 1880. Tran id into English b> John Hazeland. Forklaring over Tavlerne. Tab. I. Fig. 1. Jumdla Ossiana, Friele. — 2. Operculum.. — 3. Apex. ■ — 4. ungt Individ — 5. — Ægkapsel. — 6 a, b. — Embryo. — 7 a, fr. Neptunea despecta, L.. Embryo. — 8. Neptunea( Pyrolofusus)deformis,R,ee\e, Operculum. — y. Neptunea (Sipho) islandica, Chemn., Ægkapsel. — 10 a, fr. — — Embryo. — 11 a, b. — ungt Individ. — 12a,b,c. Apex. 13—14. N. (Sipho) twrgidula, Jeffr. — 15 a,b,c. — Apex. — 16. — — Operculum. — 17 a, b. — ungt Individ. — 18. . — — Dyret. — I9a,b,c. N. (Sipho) gracilis, da Cost. Apex. — 20. N. (Sipho) Hanseni, Friele. — 21, 22. N. (Sipho) riri/afa, Friele. — 23. — Dyret. — 24 a, b. Apex. — 25. < (perculum. — 26. X. {Sipho) curta, Jeffr., Dyret. Tab. II. Fig. 1 til 6. Neptwnea (Sipho) curta, Jeffr. — — — Apex. — 8. — Operculum. — '■•. — uugt Individ. 10. — ■ Ægkapsel. — It «. fr. — Embryo. — ■ 12. N. ( Sipho i Kroyeri, Møll., Operculum. — 13 «. b. — Apex. — 14 a, b. — — Embryo. ■ — 15 a. — ungt Individ. — 15 b. — Apex af samme. — 16 a, b. N. (Sipho) latericea, Moll., ungt In- divid. — 1 7 a, b. — Apex. Explanation of the Plates. PI. I. figs. 1. J it mala Ossiana, Friele. — 2. — operculum. — 3. apex. — 4. a young individual. — 5. egg-capsule. — 6 a, b. — embryo. — 7 a, b. Neptunea despecta , L.. embryo. — 8. Neptunea ( Pyrolofusus) deformis, Reeve, operculum. — 9. N. (Sipho) islandica, Chemn., egg- capsule. — 10 a, b. X. (Sipho) islandica, embryo. — 11 «. fr. — a young individual. — 12 r. — apex. — 13 — 14. N. (Sipho) turgidula, Jeffr. — 15 c. — — apex. — 16. — — operculum. — 17 fl. fr. — a young individual. — 18. — — the animal. — A*. (Sipho) gracilis, da Cost. apex. — 20. A7. (Sipho) Hanseni, Friele. — 21—22. N. (Sipho) virgata, Friele. — 23. — — the animal. — 24 a. fr. — — apex. — 25. — operculum. — 26. N. (Sipho) curta, Jeffr., the animal. PI. II, figs, ltotj. Neptunea (Sipho) curta, Jeffr. — la.b.r.d. — — apex. — 8. operculum. — 9. — a young individual. — 10. — — egg-capsule. — 11 a, fr. — ■ — embryo. — 12. N. (Sipho) Kroyeri. Moll., operculum. — 13 a, fr. — — apex. — 14 a, fr. — embryo. 15 a. — ■ a young individual. — 15 fr. — apex of same spec. — 16 a. fr. N. (Sipln:>) latericea, Moll., a young in- dividual. 17 a. fr. — — apex. 37 Tab. 11. Pig .IS. Neptunea (Siphonorbis) Dull'/, n. sp. Tl. 11. titf- is. Neiiiiiiini (Siphonorbis) Dalli. n. sp. — 19. — Apex. — Hi. apex. — 20. A. i Siphonorbis) ébw, Møi-ch. — 20. N. (Siphonorbis) ebur, M6rch. — 21. vax.Sarsi, Jeffr. — 21. var. Surs/. Jeffr — 22. . — Apex. — 22. apex. — 23 a. — Operculum. — 23 a. — operculum. 23 b. do. af et ikke fuldt udviklel Exemplar. — 23 b. do. ol' an imma- ture specimen. 24. N. ( Siphonorbis) turrita, M . Sars, t Oper- culum. — 24. K. (Siphonorbis) twrrita, J\I. Sars. oper- culum. — 25. — — Apex. — 25. — — apex. 26 a, b. et meget ungt Individ. — 26 a. h. — — a very youug individual. 27. — Ægkapsler fæ- stet til Astarte crenata, Or. — 27. — eg:g-capsules attached to Aziitrli crenata, Gr. — 28. N. (Sipiioiu/rli/s) lurhesis, Mørch. — 28. N. (Siphonorbis) lachesis, Morch. 29. — var. bicarinata, Friele. — 29. — var. bicarinata, Friele. — 30. Apex. — 30. — apex. — 31. Operculum. — 31. — — operculum. — 32 a, b. unge Individer. — 32 a, b. — — young individuals. — 33. N. (Siphonorbis) undulata, n. sp. — 33. N. (Siphonorbis) undulata, n. sp. — 34. Apex. — 34. — — apex. — 35. — Operculum. — 35. — operculum. Tab. III. Fig . 1. 2. Nept iiiifii (Siphonorb is ) Danielsseni, Friele. Pl. III. figs . 1. 2. Neptunea t Siphonorbis) Danielsseni, Fr. — 3. — Apex. — 3. — apex. — 4. — Operculum. — 4. . — operculum. — 5 a, b. — Embryo. — 5 a, b. — — embryo. — 6. — Æg kapsel fæstet til et Sabellarør. — 6. egg-capsule attached to the tube of a Sabella. — 7. 8. Neptunea (Mohnia) Mohni, Friele. — 7, 8. Neptunea (Alohuiu) Mohni. Friele. — 9. Apex. — 9. — — apex. — 10. — Operculum. — 10. — operculum. — 11 a. h. Embryo. — 11 a, b. — — embryo. — 12 a, b. Trosclielia Berniciensis, King(?) Em- bryo. — 12 «, b. Trosclielia Berniciencis, King (?), em- bryo. — 13,14,15 . Buccinwm Terræ-Novæ, Mørcli. — 13.14,15 . Buccinwm Terræ Novæ, Morch. — 16 a. b. — Ootheca, — 16 a. h. — Ootheca. — 17. B. groenlandicwm var. acuta, Friele. — 17. B. groenlandicwm, var. acuta, Friele. — 18. B. sulcatum, n. sp. — 18. B. sulcatum, n. sp. ■ — lit. B.groiithunln inux-AY. sm'cata,Hanc.(?). — 19. B. groenlai/il/vinii var. sericata, Hauck.(?) — 20. B. hyårophanum, var. data, Friele. — 20. B. hydrophanwm var. élata, Friele. — 21. var. tumidula, < r. ' >.Sars. — 21. — var. tumidula, G. 0. Sårs. — 22. — var. Morchi, Friele. — 22. var. Morchi, Friele. — 23. — Ægkapslrr. — 23. — egg-capsules. — 24. B. nivale, n. sp. — 24. B. ninde. n. sp. — 25 a. b. — Operculum. — 25 (». b. operculum. Tab. IV, Fig . 1 til 3. Tandformer hos Jinimlu Ossimii. Fr. Pl. IV. figs lto3. Dentition in Jumala Ossiani, Fr. — 4til7. — ,. J. Twrtoni, Bean. — 4 to 7. — .. J. Twrtoni, Bean. — 8till0. .. Neptunea despeda,Jj. — sto 10. — .. Neptunea despecta, L. — 11 til 13. — ,. A'. (Pyrolofusus) de- formis, Reeye. — lltol3. — .. N.( Pyr oloj iisus )deformis, Reeve. — 14till8. — .. N.(Sipho)turgidulus, .Jeffr. — 14tol8. .. N.( Sipho)tu/rgidulus,Je&r. Tab. Y. Fig Itil3. N. (Siphonorbis) ébw, Morch. Pl. V, litis lto3. .. A'. (Siphonorbis) rim r. Morch. 38 Tab. V, Fig. 4, 5. Tandformer hos N. (Siphonorbis) tur- rita, M. Sars. — 6, 7. — „ N. (Siphonorbis) la- chesis, Morch. — 8. — „ N. (Siphonorbis) un- dulafa, n. sp. — 9 til 13. — „ iV. (Siphonorbis) Da- nidsseni, Fr. — 14, 15. — „ N. (Mohnia) Mohni, Fr. — 16, 17. — ,. Buccinum midatum,li. Tab. VI, Fig. 1, 2. „ N&ptvma (Sipho) is- landica, Chmn. — 3. 4. — „ N.(Sipho)vir /a. 76 ^ #6 ~} 9a 1 01. if a ,.!i ^ St. o « I* ^ fj^ ?J,S. > ■ ■ r' / ..' figures jflf. S' ' 'A »* . ■ ■ ■ ■ X i > r 1 1 li. Exped II Friele, Mollasca, Tak 111. Prinsipal 'v- w afu ■ . . :' Nordh. lisped. II. Friele Møllusca Tak Ji: "JL i. ':'■ ■ —ILT g ,oo 6. W S S . W. '■;' /v "X i 9 10 i V r , i Y lb. U v IS 15. f '//. Exped. II Friele Mollusca ■ V\ if V \ \ i w ^ l 4. &e 12. ']" j r i ,. 7a ' Lithfazt v Werner i Winter, Frankfurt *M Tab. X luh AnsL vr Werner k Wittier, Frankfurt &f . '/ Ccj 10. 1J. 19. 6. 11. 11.a &mJ 16. 13. 12. 1¥. 1 14-* \ 17. 18. 18." 9.0. 2/. 2.2 *») 23. T,i/>.\7/ ' DEN NORSKE NO RDH A VS- EXPEDITION 18 7 6 — 1878. ZOOLOGI. M 0 L L U S " C A. IL VED HERMAN FRIELE. MED 6 PLANCHEE, CHRISTIANIA. GRØNDAHL & SØNS BOGTEYKKBKI. 1386. THE NORWEGIAN NORTH-ATLANTIC EXPEDITION 1876 — 1878. ZOOLOGY. MOLLUSC A. II. BY HERMAN FRIELE. WITH 6 PLATES. CHRISTIANIA. PRINTED BY GRØNDAHL & SJØN. 1886. Ploui'otomidii Gen. Bela Leach. Ved Bestemmelsen af Arterne inden denne Slægt maa man uundgaaelig Iægge til Grundlag Prof. G. 0. Sars's Værk „Mollusca regionis arcticæ Norvegiæ"; thi der er intet tidligere Arbeide, hvori disse nærstaaende Arter saa noir er gransket og hvori er givet saa omhyggelige Tegninger. der gjør en Identificeren mulig. Prof. Sårs har lagt en afgjørende Vægt for Artsbe- stemmelsen i Piltændernes Struktur og omend jeg maa ind- rømme, at enhver Karakter, der er konstant, den være tåget fra Dyrets indre eller ydre, er berettiget som Arts- mærke, saa er det paa den anden Side lidet tilfredsstillende for Oonchologen kun at have med indre anatomiske Karak- terer at gjøre og man kan ikke være tjent med at lade et dodt. men velbevaret Exemplar henligge ubestemt, fordi Tandbygningen ikke har været undersøgt. Ensidig indre Karakterer er ikke praktiske. Tandstrukturens Stabilitet maa man ogsaa kunne overse før man kan indrømme en Arts Berettigelse, hvor der er Brist paa tilfredsstillende ydre Skillemærke. Jeg har gjort mig til Opgave at skaffe saa god Over- sigt som muligt over Tændernes Variationer og til den Hensigt havt et meget stort Materiale af Slægten Bela til min Raadighed. Ikke alene har jeg disponeret over de rige Fund fra Expeditionen, Bergens Museum og min pri- vate Samling, men min Ven Conservator Schneider har været saa genereux at stille Tromsø Museums meget rig- holdige Materiale af Belaarter til min Disposition. Inden Familien Buccinidæ har jeg paavist. at Tæn- derne er en lidet paalidelig Karakter og at de er under- kastet store Variationer inden Arterne. Hos Pleurotomidæ synes det ikke at være saa slemt, men Karakteren er langtfra constant og der er al Grund at være varsom med Artsdannelser, der har Piltændernes Struktur som væsentlig Grundlag. Uden at ville fastslaa det sum fuldt ud constateret, skal jeg her dog nævne, at det synes sum ora de geografiske og de bathymetriske Forholde, eller med andre Ord de klimatiske Forholde og et paa Grund heraf forandret Levesæt har nogen Indflydelse paa Tainl- strukturen. Ganske paafaldende er det, naar man tager Den norske tfordhavsexpedition. Herman Friele: Mollusca. II. Pleurotomid.M Gen. Bela Leach. In distinguishing the species included in this genus. we must, of necessity, take as the basis. Prof. G. 0. Sar's work — Mollusca regionis arcticæ Norwegiæ — because there is no earlier work in which these closely related species are so precisely investigated, and in which such careful illustrations are given to enable their indentification to become possible. In arriving at a determination of the species. Prof. Sars has laid a vital stress upon the structure ol' the arrow- -teeth. and whilst I must admit that every characteristic which is constant — whether pertaining to the interior or exterior of the animal - - is entitled to consideration as a specific feature, it is. yet. on the other hand, little satis- factory to the malacologist to have to do with the internal anatomical characteristics only, and we can not be satisfied with permitting a dead, but well-preserved, specimen to remain undetermined because the dental structure has not been examined. Restricted internal characteristics are not practical. We must. also, have a complete survey of the stability of the dental structure, before we can admit the title of a species where there is a deficiency in satisfac- tory external distinguishing features. 1 have made it my study to obtain the widest pos- sible survey over the variations of the teeth and. for this purpose, have had a very abundant material of the genus Bela at ray disposal. Not only have I had the rich col- lection from the Expedition. Bergens Museum, and my pri- vate collection, but my friend Mr. Schneider. Curator of the Tromsø Museum, has been so kind as to place Tromso Museum's very rich collection of Bela species at my disposal. In the family of Buccinidæ, I have shown that the teeth are a little reliable characteristic, and that they experience great variations in the different species. In the Pleurotomidæ this does not appear to lie so grave, but the dental characteristic is tar from constant and there is every reason to lie careful in the formation of species having the structure of the arrow-teeth as their material basis. Without affirming that it is fully determined, I will, here, however, state, that it appears as if the geographical and the bathymetrical conditions or. in other words, the climatic conditions, and a consequent changed habitus, have some influence mi the dental structure. It is quite remark- 1 Bela rugulata, Trosch. for sig at se, at den typiske brede, coniske Tandform (Tab. IX, Fig. 1) forekommer langs Kysten indtil Tromsø. I Finmarksfjordene afløses den, af Formerne, afbildet i Fig. 3 — -4, der danner Overgangen til B. assimilis G. 0. Sårs (Fig. 9, 10). Denne sidste er ikke funden sønden- for Lofoten. Og saa kommer den rent arctiske Form spitz- bergensis nob. (Fig. til med en temmelig afvigende Tand- bygning. Alle disse Former horer de mindre Dyb til. Dette var den horisontale Udbredning. I de større Dyb i vore sydligere Fjorde træffe vi Formen bergensis nob, (Tab. IX, Fig. 8) der afviger i sin Tandstruktur fra alle de foregaaende. Af Arten B. scalaris Moll. har jeg lige- ledes i de større Dyb fun det en Form, der har Tænder væsentlig forskjellige fra den i de hoiere Vandlag (sammenlign. Tab. IX. Fig. 17 den typiske scalaris med Fig. 21, 22 var. abyssicola). Den i Tab. IX, Fig. t— 5 af hildede Række Tænder til- hører alle Bela rugulata forma typica; herfra til var. assimilis Fig. 9 — 10 er kort Vei og ligesaa til bergensis Fig. 7 — 8. Formen spitzbergensis staar eiendommelig isoleret. Tænderne kan ogsaa variere hos det enkelte Individ, men. maa jeg tilfoie, kun en Gang har jeg fundet dette i en paafaldende Grad. De 3 Tænder Tab. IX, 9, 9 a og 9 b tilhører samme Individ (B. assimilis) og, som en lille Dværg laa Fig. 9 a imellem de ovrige Tænder; den var dog fuldt udviklet i Form. Bela nobilis Moll. og scalaris Moll nærmer sig ogsaa saa stærkt til rugulata hvad Tandstrukturen angaar, at de med denne Karakter alene neppe fortjener hoierer Rang end de foran nævnte Former, men her tror jeg ligesom .Sars og tiere andre Forfattere^ at der er ganske paalidelige ydre Karak- ter, der til enhver Tid vil ådskille dem. En Gruppe, som baade i ydre Former og Tandstruk- tur synes at gaa lige nær over i hinanden som den netop nævnte er B. Trerelyana, decussata. Kobelti, tenuicostata og oralis. Tænderne byder her saagodtsom ingen paalidelige Skillemærker, og der forekommer ogsaa imellem flere af disse Arters Skalformer meget nære Overgange. Efter mine Erfaringer vil Belaformerne lade sig rangere i følgende Grupper, som, hvad ydre Form og Piltændernes Struktur angaar, viser nærmest Slægtskab. Rugulata Gruppen: Som fælles ydre Karakter kan fremhæves: Vindin- gerne kjølede, de axiale Ribber rette (ikke sigmabøiede). Tæn- derne varierer fra bred conisk til bred lansefonnig. Arterne er: Bela rugulata Trosch. „ scalaris Moll. „ nobilis — Cancellata Gruppen : Skallen har de axiale Ribber sigmabøiede; Tænderne er sværdformige. Arterne er: Bela cancellata Moll. cinerea — able that when we examine Bela rugulata, Trosch. we see that the typical, broad, conical dental form (PL IX, fig. 1) occurs along the coast as far North as Tromsø. The forms illustrated in figs. 3 — 4 replace it. however, in the Finmark fjords, and form the transition to B. assimilis G. 0. Sars (figs. 9. 10). The latter is not found south of the Lofoden Isles. And now, we have the purely arctic form, spitzbergensis nob. (fig. (>) with a considerably diver- gent dental structure. All of these forms pertain to the shallow depths. This is their horizontal distribution. In the great depths of our Southern fjords, we meet with the variety bergensis nob. (PI. IX, fig. 8), which, in its dental structure, varies from all the preceding ones. Of the species B. sca- laris Moll. I have, also, in the greater depths, found a variety having teeth materially different from that of the shallow waters (compare the typical scalaris PI. IX, fig. 17 with var. abyssicola figs. 21, 22). The series of teeth illustrated in PL IX, figs. I — 5 pertains to Bela rugulata, forma typica; thence, to var. as- similis, is only a short step, and likewise, also, to bergensis (figs. 7. 8). The variety spitzbergensis stands peculiarly isolated. The teeth can, also, vary in the individual animal but, I must add that, only once have I found this to be the case in a remarkable degree. The 3 teeth, (PL IX, figs. 9. 9 a and 9 b) pertain to one individual ( B. assimilis), and that shown in tig. 9« lay, like a little dwarf, between the other teeth; its form was, however, fully developed. Bela nobilis Moll, and scalaris Moll, approach, also, so closely to rugulata in regard to dental structure, that they, from this characteristic only, scarcely merit higher rank than the previously mentioned forms but. here, I believe, in accor- dance with Sars and several other writers, that there are quite reliable external characteristics, sufficient, at all times, to distinguish them. A group which appears, both in external form and dental structure, to pass as much over into one another as that just mentioned is, B. Trerelyana,, decussata, Kobelti, tenuicostata and oralis. Here, the teeth present almost no reliable distinguishing features, and there occur, also, be- tween the shells of several of these species very close transitions. According to my experience, the Bela species may be arranged in the following groups, which, both in regard to external form and structure of the arrow-teeth, show the closest relationship. The rugulata group: The whorls are angulated; the axial ribs straight, and not sigmoid. The teeth vary in form from broad-conical, to broad-lanceolate. The species are : Bela rugulata. Trosch. „ scalaris Moll. ,. )iobilis „ The cancellata group: The shell has its axial ribs curved sigmoidally. The teeth are ensiform. The species are: Bela cancellata Moll. „ cinerea Bela obliqua <1. ( >. Sårs. Schmidti Friele. (plicifera Stinn.). Trevelyana Gruppen : Vindingerne snart svagt kjølede, snart afrundede, har sinn Regel talrigere axiale Ribber end foregaaende og disse er snart rette, snart bøiede. Tænderne er sværdformige og ligne foregaaende Gruppes. Arterne er: Bela Tvevélyana Turt. deeussata Couth. ,. KobelM Verk. tenuicostata M. Sårs. oralis Friele. At' de øvrige Arter viser kun B. bicwrinata Couth. simplex Midd. og schantaricum Midd. samt B. impressa Bech og B. Sarsii Verril] en vis Affinitet, særlig hvad Tandfor- merne angaar. Bela exarata Moll.. Koreni n. sp., harpu- laria Couth, pyramidalis Strom og Pingéli Moll. har derimod saa lidet SJægtskab med hinanden idler de foregaaende, at de maa staa isolerede. Bela rugulata. Troschel. Tab. VII Fig-. 1—7, Tal. IX Fig. 1 — 1 'i. Bela rugulata, (Møll.) Trosch. "Gebis d. Schnecken- Band 2. Pag. 44. PI. IV. Fig. 6. B rugulata. G. 0. Sårs. ,.Moll. reg. are, Norw.". Pag 230. Tab. 23. Fig. 6. B. assimilis, G. 0. Sårs. op. cit. Tab. 23. Fig. 8. B. Gouldii, Verrill, (..Cat. o. mar. Moll.-) Trans. Conn. Acad. 1882, Pag 465, Pl. LVII, Fig. 6. 6 a. Forma typica. Tab. VII Fig 1 og I a ': Tab. IX. Fig. 1—.".. Mundaabningen omtrent at samme Længde som Spiret. Kjolen rundt sidste Vinding er skarp (Fig. lb). Apex Fil;. 1 a) noget fladtrykt, første Vinding har to fremtrædende Spiralribber. Tænderne varierer fra bred conisk til langstrakt conisk (Tab. IX Fig. 1— 5). Forekomst: Station 224. 260, 267, 270. 273. Bodø, Tromsø og Hammerfest fra ln til 197 Favne. Den fore- kommer forøvrigt langs hele den norske Kyst. Bela obliqua G. < >. Sårs. ,. Schmidti Friele. (jalicifera Schm.). The Trevelyana group: The whorls, sometimes faintly angulatcd, sometimes rounded, have, as a rule, more numerous axial ribs than the preceding, and these are. sometimes straight, sometimes bent. The teeth are eiisitbrm. and resemble those of the preceding group. The species are: Bela Trevelyana Turt. ,. deeussata Couth. ,. Kobelti Verk. ,. tenuicostata M. Sars. oralis Friele. Of the remaining species, B. bicarinata, Couth; sim- plex, Midd. ; and schantaricum, Midd. ; also B. impressa, Bech, and B. Sarsii. Verrill, alone, show a certain extent of affinity, especially in regard to the dental forms. Bela exarata. Moll.. Koreni n. sp., harpula/ria, Couth, pyramidalis, Strom, and Pingéli, Moll., have, on the other hand, so little rela- tionship to each other or to the preceding species, that they must stand isolated. Bela rugulata. Troschel. PI. VII. figs. 1—7. PI. IX. figs. 1—12. Bela rugulata (Møll.) Trosch. „Gebiss d. Schnecken- Band 2, pag. 44. PI. IV. fig. 6. B. rugulata, G. 0. Sars. ,.Moll. reg. arc. Norw." Pag. 230 PI. 23. fig. 6. B. assimilis, G. 0. Sars. op. cit, PI. 23, fig. 8. B. Gouldii, Verrill. (Cat. of mar. Moll.) Trans. Conn. Acad. 1882, pag. 465, PL LVII, fig. 6, 6a. Forma typica. PI. Ml, tig. 1 and la, h. PI. IX. fig. 1—".. The length of the aperture is about the same as that id' the spire. The angulated part of the ultimate whorl is sharp (fig. 1 b). Apex itig. la) has a somewhat flattened nucleus; the first whorl has two prominent spiral ribs. The teeth vary, from broad-coniform to elongate-coni- form (PI. IX figs. 1 — 5). Habitat: Stations. No. 224. 2C(). 267, 270, 273. Bodo. Tromsø and Hammerfest, in from 10 to 197 fathoms. It occurs, also, along the entire Norwegian coast. Var clathratus. nub. Tab. VII Fig. J. Rundt Vindingernes Midte gaar en fremtrædende List hvorved en stormasket gitret Sculptur fremkommer. Forekomst: Station 270—136 Favne. Operculum (Fig 2 6) er typisk lang oval. Var spitzbergensis. nob. Tab. VII Fig. 3, ;U, 4 og Tab. IX Fig. (i, Oa. Formen og Forholdet imellem Spir og Mundaabning er typisk. I Skulpturen afviger nærværende Varietet ved en stærkere fremtrædende Kjøl, der kan gaa over til en skarp fremstaaende Kant (Fig. 4i og en noget kraftigere Spiral striering. Operculum Fig. >> a synes at være noget bredere end det typiske. Størrelse. Axiallængde 19"" Diameter 10""°. Tænderne (Pl. IX Fig. 6, 6 a) har en eiendommelig Indskjæring paa den ene Side; Formen forøvrigt er den brede typiske. Af 6 undersøgte Exempl. viste alle ufor- andret den samme Struktur. Forekomst: Magdalenebay (Spitzbergen) 40 til 50 Favne. Dr. A. Krause, som forleden Sommer besogte mig. har fundet denne Form i Beringshavet og hans Tegninger af Tænderne stemme aldeles overens med mine. Han var tilbøielig at holde den for en god Art væsentlig paa Grund af dens udprægede Tandstructur. ' Var bergensis, nob. Tab. VII Fig. o a b o, >'. Tab. IX Fig. 7. 8. Spiret noget længere end Mundaabningen; axiale Ribber talrigere end hos den typiske. Apex (Fig. o a !>) afrundet, første Vinding har 3 — 4 Spiralribber. operculum (Fig. 5 c) er ikke væsentlig afvigende fra det typiske. Tænderne (Tab. IX Fig. 7. 8) har jeg hyppigst fun- det som afbildet i Fig. 8 med det dybe Indsnit i Siden. men den derfra væsentlig afvigende Form i Fig. 7 er imel- lem forekommen. Forekomst: Under Expeditionen fandtes den ved Sognefjordens Munding. Forøvrigt har jeg oftere fundet den ved Bergen paa omkring 100 Favne, og Dr. Daniels- sen har den fra Molde. Nordenfor dette Sted har jeg ikke observeret den. Min afdøde Ven Dr. Jeffreys holdt den for en god Art. 1 Efteral na rværende Arbeide var færdig skrevet, har Ur. Arth. Kran-.' været gaa venlig at send.' mig e1 Separataftryk af: nEin Beitrag zur Kenntnisz 'l. MoU. Fauna Beringsmeeres" , og jeg ser deraf, al han har bibeholdt det af mig givne Navn for Formen. Var. clathratus, nob. Pl. VII flg. _'. Round the middle of the whorls, a projecting fillet occurs, producing a coarsely cancellated sculpture. Habitat: Station No. 270. Depth 136 Fathoms. The operculum (Fig. 26) is typically elongato-ovate. Var. spitzbergensis. nob. PI. VII figs. 3, :!«, 4 and PI. IX figs, fi, da. Shell, and the relations between the spire and the aperture, are typical. This variety differs, in its sculpture, in having a more protectant angle, which may occasionally pass into a sharp protuberant edge (tig. 4), and in a some- what more marked spiral striation. The open iilum (fig. 3a) appears to be somewhat broader than the typical one. Size. The axial length 19 '; the diameter 10 The teeth (PI IX tig. 6, 6 a) have a peculiar recess- ment upon the one side; the form, otherwise, is the broad typical one. Out of • > specimens examined, all showed the same uniform structure. Habitat: Magdalene Bay (Spitzbergen). Depth, 40 — 50 fathoms. Dr. A. Krause, who visited me last summer, has found this form in Behring's sea ; and his illustrations of the teeth accord completely with mine. He was inclined to regard it as a separate species, principally, on account of its distinct dental structure. ' Var. bergensis, nob. Pl. VII fig. 5 a h c, l>, PI. IX fig. 7. R. The spire is somewhat longer than the aperture, and the axial ribs are more numerous than in the typical form. Apex (fig. 5 a 6) obtusely rounded. The first whorl has 3 — 4 spiral ribs. The operculum (fig. 5 c) is not materially different from the typical one. The teeth (PI. IX fig. 7, 8), which I have most fre- quently found, are like those illustrated in fig. 8, with the deep recessment in the side, but the structure differing materially from it, shown in fig. 7, occasionally appears. Habitat: It was found by the Expedition at the mouth of the Sognefjord. 1 have, otherwise, frequently found it near Bergen, in about 100 fathoms, and Dr. Dan- ielssen has found it at Molde. To the North of that place I have not observed it. My lamented friend Dr. Jeffreys regarded it as a distinct species. 1 Since the present work was written, Dr. Arth. Krause has been so kind as to send me a copy "t' „Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnisz d. Mull. Fauna Beringmeeres", and I see, from it. that he lias retained Hi'' appelation which I have given to the form. Var assimilis. Sårs. Tab. IX (fig. Sl ./. a. 10 (Tændérne). Bela assimilis, Gr. ( ). Sårs, Moll. reg. are Norw., Pag 231, Tab. 23, Pig. 8. Jeg har flere Gange laudet frem Tandformer i Exem- plarer fra Tromsø lignende dem af Prof. Sårs for, li. assi- milis fremstillede, men i ydre Porm kan jeg ikke finde nogen Afvigelse fra den typiske. Hus et Exemplar fandt jeg den Eiendommelighed, at der imellem de forøvrigt fuldt udviklede Tænder forekom en enkel en af kun halve Stør- relse mod de øvrige, men forresten regelmæssig i Porm (Kg. 9 a Og '-1 l>. alle 3 fra samme Individ). Vai scalaroides. Sårs. Tab. VII Fig. 7 a, b, Tab. IX Fig. II, 12. Bela scalaroides, G. 0. Sårs, Moll. reg are. Norw.. Pag. 231, Tab. 23, Fig. 7. Formen langstrakt; Spiret hengere end Mundaabningen. Apex ' Fig. 7 a) ligesom Operculum (Pig. 7 b) ligner de typiske. Tændérne (Tab. IX, Fig. 11. 12) har den brede ty- piske Form. Forekomst: St. 261, 290 fra 127—191 Favne. Kun 2 Explr. blev fundne. Efter de faa Individer, som endnu er kjendte af denne Form, vil det efter min Mening være forhastet at erkjende dens Berettigelse som Art og Tandstrukturen viser paa det tydeligste dens Familie- skab med B. rugulata. Skallens Sculptur afviger heller ikke fra denne, men derimod er Skallens langstrakte Form hos scalaroides iøienfaldende. Bela nobilis. Møll. Tab. VII, Fig. - ... b, Tab. IX, Fig. 13— lo. Defrancia nobilis, Moller, Kroyers Tidsskrift („Ind. Moll. (iroenl.-i 1842-43, Pag. 85. Bela nobilis, G. O. Sårs, Moll. reg. are. Norw., Pag. 228, Tab. 16, Fig. 19—20. Formen som hos B. rugulata; Spiret er i Regelen kortere end Mundaabningen; axiale Ribber stærkt frem- trædende og imellem disse er rundt den kjølede Del af sidst Vinding en dybere Indskjæring og i denne Fordyb- ning viser den transverse Sculptur sig tydelig (Fig. 8 a). Operculum (Fig 8 b) ligner B. rugulata. Var, assimilis. Sårs. Pl. IX tigs, 'i a, 5, 10 (The teeth). Bela assimilis, (i. ( >. Sårs. Moll. reg. are. Norw.. pag. 231, Pl. 23. fig. s. I have frequently discovered, in specimens from Tromsø, denial forms resembling those given by Prof. Sars for B. assimilis; bul externally 1 can find no divergence from the typical form. In one specimen, I noticed the peculi- arity that, between the otherwise fullj developed teeth, there occurred a single one ol' only half the size of the others. but regular in form otherwise, (figs. 9 a and 9 6 all the 3 from the same individual . Var. scalaroides. Sars. PI. VII fig. 7 a, b, PI. IX fig. 11, I -J. Bela scalaroides, G. 0. Sars, Moll. reg. are. Norw. pag. 231, PI. 23, rig. 7. Shell elongate; the spire longer than the aperture. Apex (fig. 7 a) resembles the typical one, and the same is the case with the operculum (fig. 7 6). TJie teeth (PL IX. tigs. 11, 12) have the broad typi- cal form. Habitat: Stations No. 261, 2.H.). Depth 127 — 191 fathoms. Only two specimens were found. From the few specimens of this form which have as yet been found, it is, in my opinion, premature to acknowledge its title to be a distinct species. The dental structure shows, distinctly, its family relationship to B. rugulata; and neither can I in the sculpture of the shell find divergencies, but, on the other hand, the elongate form of the shell in scalaroides is conspicuous. Bela nobilis, Møll. Pl. VII fig. 8 a, ',. Pl. IX fig. 13—15. Defrancia nobilis, Moller, Kroyers Tidskrift i..Ind. Moll. G-roenl.") 1842—43, pag. 85. Bela nobilis, G. O. Sars. Moll. reg. arc. Norw., pag. 228, PL 16, tigs. 19, 20. Shell resembles that of B. rugulata; the spire, as a rule, is shorter than the aperture; the axial ribs strongly protectant, and between them, round the angulated ultimate part of the whorl, a deepish concavity occurs, in which the transversal sculpture distinctly appears (fig. 8 a). The opcn-iil u in (fig. 8 h) resembles that of B. rugulata. 6 Tænderue (Tab. IX. Fig. 13. 14 og lo) er smalere end foregaaende Formers, men varierer. Forekomst: Tromsø og Hammerfest, Udenfor Kysten blev den ikke fanden. Den angives af Prof. Leche1 fra Novaja Semblja og Kariske Havet.2 Bela scalaris. Møll. Tab. VII. Fig. 'J— 14. Tab. IX. Fig. 16—22. Defrancia scalaris. Moll. Kroyers Tidsskrift 1842. Pag 85. Bela scalaris. G. 0. Sårs. op. c, Pag. 229. Tab. 1(3. Fig. 6, og Tal). 23, Fig. 5. Bela scalaris, Verrill, Catal of Marine Moll. 1882, Pag. 471. Formen langstrakt. Spiret lrengere end Mundaabnin- gen, Spiralstieringen tættere og mere regelmæssig end hos B. rngulata. Apex (Fig. 14 «. b) afrundet tilspidset; paa første Vin- ding er kun svage (2—3) Spiralribber synlige. Operculum afViger hos almindelig store Exemplarer ikke fra foregaaende Arters. Det i Fig. 10 a afbildede tilhører det store Exemplar Fig. lo og holder jeg denne Operculumform for at viere anomal. Fig. 10 er Sars's forma typica og ,. 9 hans var. ecarinata. Var abyssicola. nob. Tab. VIL Fig. 12—13, Tab. IX, Fig-. 21—22. Store Exemplarer har en finere Spiralsculptur end Typeformen og en kortere Cauda, men unge afviger ikke aoget væsentlig. De axiale Ribbers Antal er stærkt vexlende. Tænderne hos forma typica og var. ecarinata (Tal). IX, Fig. 16 — 20) kommer nærmest B. rugulata var. assi- milis, hvorimod de hos rar. abyssicola (Tab. IX, Fig. 21 — 22) ligner noget B. rugulata rar. spitzbergensis. Forekomst: forma typica: St. 18, 79, 260. 261, 290, 323. 357 fra 123 til 223 Favne. 1 Svenska Vetenskb. Akad. Handl. B 16 „Oversigt over N. S i ■ 1 1 1 1 > 1 i a og Jenisei Hafsmolluskeiv a Herzenstein „Beitr. Fauna Murman Kiiste und des Weiss Meeres" har angivet den fra Murmanske Kyst. Jeg beklager, at Dr. Herzensteins Arbeide, der for mig og alle, der behandler de arctiske Mollusker vilde være af største Interesse, ikke er skrevet paa et af de europæiske Kultursprog. Dr. Krause (op. c.) angiver den fra Beringshavet. The teeth (Pl. IX. figs. 13. 14 and 15) are more slender than in the preceding forms, but vary. Habitat: Tromsø and Hammerfest. It was not found away from the coast. It is stated by Prof. Leche i to pertain to Nova Zembla and the Kara Sea.2 Bela scalaris. Moll. PL VII. tigs. 0—14, PL IX, tigs. 10— 22. Defrancia scalaris, Møll. Kroyers Tidsskrift 1842, pag. 85. Bela scalaris. G. 0. Sars, op. c, pag. ^29, PL 16, fig. 6 and PL 23. fig. 5. Bela scalaris, Verrill, Catal. of Marine Moll. 1882. pag. 471. Shell elongate; the spire longer than the aperture; the spiral striation closer, and more uniform than in B. rugulata. Apex (fig. 14 a. I» rounded acuminate; on the first whorl, only faint spiral ribs (2—3) are visible. The operculum, in specimens of ordinary size, does not differ from that of the preceding species. That illus- trated in fig. 10 a pertains to the very large specimen illustrated in fig. 10. and I consider this operculum to be anomalous. Fig. 10, is Sars Jorma typica, anil ,. 9. is Sar's var. ecarinata. Var. abyssicola. nob. PL VII. fig. 12—13, PL IX. fig. 21—22. Large specimens have a finer spiral sculpture than the typical form, and a shorter cauda. but young ones do not materially differ from it. The number of axial ribs is greatly variable. The teeth in forma typica and rar. ecarinata (PL IX, fig. 16—20) approach most to those of B. rugulata rar. assimilis, whilst invar, abyssicola (PI. IX, fig. 21 — 22) they somewhat resemble those of B. rugulata rar. bergensis. Habitat: forma typica: Stats. No. 18, 79. 260. 261, 290, 323. 357 in from 123 to 223 fathoms. 1 Svenska Vetenskb. Akad. Handl B Hi ..Oversigt over N. Semblja og .Teuesei Hafsmollusker." - Herzenstein (..Beitr. Fauna Murman Kiiste und des Weiss Meeres") has stated it as pertaining to the Murman coast. I regret that Dr. Herzensteins work, which would be forme, and all who treat of the arctic mollusca. of the greatest interest, is not written in one of the European popular languages. Dr. Krause (op. c.) states it as pertaining to Behrings Sea. Var abyssicola: St. 124, 192, 200, 2M, 312, fra 350 til 658 Favne. Den er af Møller fundet ved Grønland, af Verril1 ved New-Englands Kyster pg af Leche8 fra Kariske Eavet.3 Efter Tandstrukturen burde Varieteten abyssicola være anført muler B. ruauluta. men uden Anledning til at undersøge denne Karakter, vilde man absolut være henvist til at bestemme Formen for B. scalaris. Dette viser kun, hvor overordentlig inert Familieskalt. der er imellem alle de forannævnte Former. Dr. Jeffreys4 slaar alle disse sammen med B. turri- cula Mont. og Prof. Leche5 slutter sig hertil, gaar kun et Skridt videre og føier B. exa/rata, Møll. til. At Montagues Art er noget ganske forskjelligt fra de her i Spørgsmaal værende Former har baade Troschel'; og Sårs7 paavist, og ligesaalidt kan med Rimelighed B. exarata sammenblandes med disse, men at slaa Resten sammen under Hovedformen B. ruyulata har jeg ikke saa liden Sympathi for. Naar jeg ikke har fulgt denne Fremgangsmaade, saa er det for en Del for at skafte Lys over et Par mere udprægede For- mers geografiske Udbredelse. Bela obliqua, Gr. 0. Sårs. Tab. VII, Fig. 15, 10, 17, Tab. X, Fig-. 1, 2. B. obliqua, Sårs, op. c. Pag. 226, Tab. 16, Fig. 6. Dette er en utvivlsom god Art, der ved sin cylindri- ske Form, sin korte, aabne Canal og sine sigmaboiede axiale Ribber er let kjendelig. Apex (Fig. 15 a b) er som sædvanlig hos alle Bela- arter vanskelig at finde i ubeskadiget Stand og af en hel Mængde Exemplarer har jeg kun fundet 2 unge Individer med hel Apex. Paa det ene var Embryonaltoppen flad- trvkt, glat og paa det andet mere hævet; første Vinding har 2 til 3 stærke Spiralribber. Operculum (Fig. 15 c) er langt, ovalt. Tændeme (Pl. X, Fig. 1 — 2) er, som hos alle i denne Gruppe, langstrakte, sværdlignende med en noget langt Manubrium, og de talrige Exemplarer. jeg har undersøgt, har ikke i nogen paafaldende Grad varieret. Forekomst: Salten, Tromsø, Hammerfest 10 til 20 Favne. Den er endnu ikke fonden søndenfor Bodø og hellere ikke er den lunden udenfor den norske Kyst. 1 Verril! ^Catalog of marine Moll.- iss-.'. Pas. 171. 2 Leche, Vetenskb. Acad. Handl. ..Hafsmolluskei-, Pag'. ">-'. ' Angives fra Murman Kysten af Herzensteiu. 4 Ann. & Mag. 1^7ii ..Valorous Exp.-' Pag. 332. 5 Leche op. c. Pag. 52. Gebiss d. Schnechen B _'. Pag- 44, Tab. IV. T Sårs. ..Moll. reg. are. Norw." Var abyssicola: Stats. No. L24, 192, 200, 251. 312 in from 350 lu 658 Fathoms. It has also been found, by Møller, off Greenland; by Verril 1 ', off the coast (if New England; and by Leche-'. in the Kara Sea. ; According to the dental structure, the variety abys- sicola ought to lie classed under B. rugulata, but without having an opportunity of examining the dental character, we would necessarily be obliged to determine the form as L'. scalaris. This just shews what an extremely close family relationship exists between all of the before-named forms. Dr. Jeffreys4 includes them all. along with Jl. Curri- cula Mont, and Prof. Leche'' concurs in this, but proceeds a step further, and adds B. exarata, Moll. Both Troschel6 and Sars7 have shown, that Montague's species is something perfectly different from the forms in question here, and just as little can B. exarata be, reasonably, mixed up with them; but to include the rest under the parent form B. ru- gulata, is a proceeding against which I have little objection to urge. That I have not adopted this course arises, in a measure, from a desire to elucidate the geographical distribution of a couple of more distinctly marked forms. Bela obliqua, G. O. Sars. PI. VII, figs. 1."., l(i, 17, PI. X, figs. 1, 'J. B. obliqua. Sars. op. c. Pag. 226, PI. 16, fig. 6. This is an indubitably distinct species which is easily distinguished by its cylindrical form, its short open canal, and its sigmoidal axial ribs. Apex (fig. 15 a. b), as is usually the case in all the Bela species, is difficult to obtain in an undamaged con- dition, and, out of a large number of specimens, I have only found two young ones with entire apex. In the one the nucleus was flattened and smooth, whilst in the other it was more elevated ; the first whorl has 2 to 3 strong spiral-ribs. The operculum (fig. 15 c) is ovo-elongate. The teeth (PI. X, fig. 1 — 2) are, like all pertaining to this group, elongate, and ensiform. with a somewhat long manubrium; and the numerous specimens which I have ex- amined have not. in any remarkable way, differed. Habitat: Salten, Tromsø, Hammerfest. Depth 10 to 20 fathoms. It has not, yet, been found South of Bodø, and neither has it been found away from the Norwegian coast. 1 Verrill. Catalogue of Marine Moll. 1882, pag. -171. 2 Leche, Vetenskb. Akad. Handl. „Hafsmollusker", pag. 52. ; Eerzenstein also states that it pertains to the Murman coast. 4 Ann. & Mag. 1876 „ Valorous Exp." pag. 332. 5 Leche op. c, pag. 52. 6 Gebiss d. Schneeken P. 2, pag. 44, PI. IV. 7 Sars „Moll. reg. arc. Nbrw." Den eneste Art. som denne skulde kunne forvexles med. maatte være unge Exeniplarer af Bela canecllata. De har aemlig tilfælles de sigmaboiede axiale Ribber og- at Partiet mellem Suturen og Kjolen er fri tor Spiralsculptur, men den cylindriske Form og aabne Canal hos B. oblicpta vil altid adskille dem. Bela cancellata. Migh. Tal.. VII. Pig. ls_22. Tab. X. Fig 3—5. Fusus cancellatus, Migh. Pro. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. I (184U). Pag. 50. Defrancia elegans. Moll. Kroyers Tidskr. 1842. (Ind. Moll. Groenl.), Pag. 8(3. Bela eler/aus. G. 0. Sårs, op. c. Pag. 225. Pl. 16. Fig. 15. B. cancellata, Verrill, Cat. of marine Moll. 1882, Pag. 475. Pl. XLIII. Fig. 10. 11. Tritonia declivis. Loven. Oversigt Vet. Acad. !Forh. 1846, Pag. 145. Bela declivis, G. 0. Sårs. op. c. Pag. 224. Tab. 16. Fig. 10. Forma typica. Tab. T. Fig-. 18—19. Formen clathrat fusiform, de øverste Vindinger kjølede ; de axiale Ribber sigmahoiede og Partiet imellem Suturen og Kjolen ei- paa Hovedvindingen uden eller med meget svag Spiralsculptur. Apex er undertiden tilspidset (Fig. 18 a), men gaar ofte over til afrundet (Fig. 20 a. b). Tcenderne (Tab. X. Fig. 3 — 5) langtstrakte, sværdfor- mige med et noget kort Manubrium. Fig. 5 tilhører et meget stort Exemplar af var. derliris. Lov., men forøvrigt afviger ikke denue Varietet i sin Tandbygning fra Typeformen. Forekomst: St. 101. 200, 261. 262. 267. 290, 312 og 359 fra 127 til 658 Favne. Var declivis, Lov. Tab. VII. Fis-. 20—22. Formen mere langstrakt og Vindingerne uden Kjøl. Forekomst: St. 164, 192. 200, 323. Tromso og Ham- merfest fra 20 til 650 Favne. Denne Varietets sydligste Forekomst er Molde, hvor- fra Dr. Danielssen har den.1 The only species with which this one might possibly he confused, would be young specimens of Bela cancellata. They have, for instance, these features in common; the sig- moidal axial ribs, and also, that the part between the suture and the ridge is devoid of spiral sculpture; but the cylindrical form and open canal of B. dbliqua will always serve to distinguish them. : Herzensteiu (op. c.) angiver den fra Murmankysten. Bela cancellata, Migh. PI. VII. fig. 18—22, PL X tips. 3—5. Fusus cancellatus, Migh. Pro. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. I (1840), Pag. 50. Dejrancia elegans, Moll. Kroyers Tidskr. 1842. (Ind. Moll. Groenl.). pag. 86. Bela elegans, G. 0. Sars, op. c. pag. 225, PI. 16. fig. 15. B. cancellata. Verrill. Cat, of Marine Moll. 1882. pag. 475. PI. XLIII. tig. Hi. 11. Tritonia declivis, Loven, Oversigt Vet. Akad. Forh. 1846, pag. 145. Bela declivis, G. 0. Sars. op. c. pag. 224. PI. 16. fig. 10. Forma typica. PI. VII, fig. 18—19. Shell clathri-fusiform ; the primary whorls angulated, the axial ribs sigmoidal, and the part between the suture and the ridge is, in the Body-whorl, devoid of, or only has a very faint, spiral sculpture. The Apex is sometimes acuminated (fig. 18 a) but often assumes a rounded form (fig. 20 a, b). The teeth (PI. X, figs. 3 — 5) elongate, and ensiform, with a somewhat short manubrium. Fig. 5 pertains to a very large specimen of var. derliris Lov. but this variety does not, otherwise, differ in its dental structure from the typical form. Habitat: Stat. No. 101. 20(1, 261, 262. 267, 290. 312 and 359. in from 127 to 658 fathoms. Var. declivis, Lov. Pl. VII, fig. 20—22. Shell more elongate, and the whorls are rounded. Habitat: Stat. No. 164, 192, 200, 323. Tromso, and Hammerfest, in from 20 to 650 fathoms. The most Southerly occurrence of this variety is at Molde, at which place it has been found by Dr. Danielssen.1 Herzenstein (op. c') states that it pertains to the Murman coast. Jeg har længe staaet usikker ora begge de her nævnte Former burde have Re1 at opføres som selvsten- dige Arter, men efteral min Ven Conservator Schneider forrige Aar havde sendi mig ny stor Suite med talrige Exemplarer i alle Størrelser, er jeg ikke længere i Tvivl om. al declivis kun er en Varietet at' cancéllata. I Dng- domsstadiet ligner begge hinanden fuldkommen og det vil være umuligt at udpege, hvad der vil udvikle sig til declivis eller til cancéllata. Selv imellem voxne Explr. er eler alle Overgange. Dog har jeg aldrig seet saa sture Explr. at' B. cancéllata sum at' declivis, og jeg har derfor en Mistanke om. at alle cancéllata, naar di- fan Levetid, vil udvikle sig til Formen declivis. Prof. Verrill og flere andre Venner har hrivt den Godhed at sende mig Exemplarer af B. cancéllata fra Amerika og jeg kan ingen anden Forskjel se imellem For- men paa denne Side Atlanterhavet den og paa hin Side. end at Skallen hos os er som Regel hvid (enkeltvis har jeg truffet den med et svagt Rosenskjan-) og der rodagtig til brun. Ifølge Verrill' skal den ogsaa paa den amerikanske Side kunne forekomme hvid og lysrød (pale rosy). Den er kanske ogsaa noget mere solid. Men den Smule Parve- afvigelse kan ikke berettige en Artsadskillelse og ligesaa lidt en svageiv eller stærkere Skaldannelse. Bela rit ren. Verrill2 synes, efter et Typeexenipl., som Prof. Verrill har havt den Venlighed at sende mig. ikke at adskille sig fra B. cancéllata uden ved niere afrundede Vindinger. Dr. Jeffreys :; opretholdt B. elegdns, Moll. og declivis, Lov. som gode Arter og Prof. G. 0. Sårs4 har fulgt ham i dette Stykke, men med ..nogen Tvivl." Med et lidet Material for sig er det ikke saa let at faa Overblik over en Arts Variationsomraade. Bela cinerea, Moll. Tab. VII. tig. '-r; o, Tab. X. Fig. 6. Defrancia cinerea, Moller. Krøyers Tidskr. 1*42. Pag. 86. Bela cinerea, G. 0. Sårs. op. c. Pag. '221. Tab. 23. Fig. 4. Formen lig B. cancéllata, forma typiea, kun Hoved- vindingen større, Vindingerne afrundede: de axiale Ribber er talrigere end hos foregaaende Art og Spirallinierne er furedannede. En vel bevaret Apex er det ikke lykkes mig at finde. 1 Verril] ..('utal. of mar, Moll." 1882, Pag. 476 - V. pMoll. of the New England Cast- 1884, Pag. 160. 3 Ane. og Mag. 1876 (Valorous Expl.) Pa^. 331. 4 Moll. reg. are. Pag. 226. Oi ; rske Nordhavsexoedition. Herman Friele: Mollusca. 11. I have long been in a stale of uncertainty whether the two forms named, here, are entitled to he established as independent species; hut subsequent to the reception of a new. large and numerous suite of specimens oi all sizes, sent me. last year, by my friend Mr. Schneider. 1 have no longer any doubt that declivis is simply a. variety of Cancéllata. Ill the juvenile stage they resemble each other. completely, and it would be impossible to point out what will develope into declivis, Or what into cancéllata. Even in adult specimens there is every form of transition. 1 have however never seen such large specimens of />'. cancéllata as of declivis, and I have, therefore, a suspicion that all the cancéllata develope into the form declivis when their life is sufficiently prolonged. Prof. Verrill and several other friends have had the kindness to send me specimens of B. cancéllata from America, and I can discover no other variation between the form from that side of the Atlantic Ocean and that from this side of it. than that the shell in ours is. as a rule, white (occasionally I have met with it having a faint rose tinge) whilst in theirs it is reddish to brown. According to Verrill1 it may also be met with on the American side, white and pale rosy. It is, also, perhaps, somewhat more solid. The trifle of variation in colour does not warrant a separation of species, and just as little does a thinner, or thicker, shell. Bela vitrea, Verrill- appears, from a typical specimen which Prof. Verrill has had the kindness to send me. not to differ from B. cancéllata except in its having more rounded whorls. Dr. Jeffreys- affirmed B. elegans, Moll, and declivis, Lov. to be distinct species, and Prof. G. 0. Sars1 has followed him in this, but ..with dubiety." With a small material at disposal, it is not easy to obtain a, survey over the complete field of the variations of a species. Bela cinerea, Moll. Pl. VII. fig. 23 a, PI. X. fig. 6. Defrancia cinerea, Moller. Krøyer's Tidskrift 1842, pag. 86. Bela cinerea, G. 0. Sars, op. c. pag. 227, Pl. XXIII, fig. 4. The shell resembles that of B. cancéllata, forma t;/- pica, except that the Body whorl is larger and the whorls rounded; the axial ribs more numerous than in the preced- ing species, and the spiral striatums are imprinted. I have not been fortunate enough to meet with a well preserved apex. 1 Verril] ..('atal. of Marine Moll.- 1882, pag. 476. -' Verrill ..Moll, of the Xew England Coast" 1884, pas. 160. 8 Ann. ami Mag. 1876 (..Valorous Exp.") pag. 331. 4 ..Moll. reg. arc. Norv., pag. 226. 10 Operculum Fig. 23 a. Tcenderne (Tab. X. Fig. 6, 6 a) afviger ikke fra fore- gaaende Arts. Forekomst: St. 262, 273. 337, 359, 3G3 fra 146 til 416 Favne. Uagtet denne Fonn staar meget nær B. cancellata, saa vil den dog i alle Aldersstadier kunne lade sig udskille. Bela Schmidti, nob. Tab. VIII. Fig. 6. Mangelia? plicifera, Schmidt (non S. Wood), Mem. l'acad. de sciences (Result, d. Mamuthexped.) St. Petersb. 1872, Pag. 57. Tab. IV, Fig. 4. 5. Pleurotoma plicifera, Leche, Overs. Vet. Akadm. Handl. (,, Novaja Semblja og Jenisey Hafs mollusker") Pag. 58. Kun et voxent Exemplar med en no-get mutileret Læbe blev fundet i Magdalenebay (Spitzbergen) 30 Favne og et ganske lidet i Adventbay 20 Favne. Schmidts Tegning af Mangelia plicifera ligner saa lidet Woods Clavatula plicifera*, at jeg neppe kan tro, at dette er den engelske Cragform. Jeg vover derfor at foreslaa Navnet Schmidti for den recente arktiske Art. Den har nogen Lighed i Form med li. cancellata; men Sculpturen er væsentlig forskjellig. Axialribberne er sigmadannede og meget stærkt frem- trædende; Spiralsculpturen tæt og meget tin. kun paa Hovedvindingens nederste Del er mere skarpt indskaarne Linier. Vindingerne er afrundede. Farven er rødlig. Det unge Exemplar fra Adventbay, som med sine udprægede stærke Axialribber henviser den til denne Art, har kjølede Vindinger. Dr. Schmidts Tegninger stemmer godt overens med mit Exemplar og Prof. Leche har havt den Velvillie at sende mig hans Pl. plicifera fra det Kariske Hav og jeg har saaledes overbevist mig om, at min Bestemmelse er overensstemmende med Leches. Hr. Arth. Krause har meddelt mig at han har Arten fra Beringshavet.- 1 Wood „MoU. from the Crag-' Vol. 1, Pag. 64, Pl. VII. Fig. 15. - I Krauses „Beitrag zur Kentnisz Moll. Fauna Berino-smeeres-' Tab. XVIII, Fig. 1 er en fuldstsendigere Tegning af Hela Schmidti end min og i lians Fig. T er Tandformen fremstillet. Hr. Kranse gjør opmærksom paa, atTænderue er paafaldende store, nemlig] mm. lang. Han njor likeledes npnia-rksora paa at Bela turpa, Dall sandsynligvis er denne Art og jes skal indrømme, at Dalls Beskrivelse (Pro. U. S. Nat. Museum 1 885, Pag. 523,) passer vel, men uden Tegning kan man vanskeligt med Sikkerhed identificere Arten. Open ulum, fig. 23 a. The teeth (Pl. X. fig. 6, 6 a) do not differ from those of the preceding species. Habitat: Stats. Nos. 262, 273, 337, 359, 363 in from 146 to 416 fathoms. Although this form stands closely related to B. can- cellata, it is. however, distinguishable in all stases of its growth. Bela Schmidti, nob. Pl. VIII, fig. (i. Mangelia? plicifera, Schmidt (non S. Wood), Mem. l'acad. de sciences. (Result, d. Mamuthexped.) St. Petersb. 1872, pag. 57, PI. IV, figs. 4. 5. Pleurotoma plicif ra, Leche, Overs. Vet. Akad. Handl. (Novaja Semblja and Jenesey Hafsmollusker) pag, 58. Only one adult specimen with a somewhat mutilated lip was found at Magdalene Bay (Spitzbergen) in 30 fa- thoms; and quite a small one, at Advent Bay. in 20 fathoms. Schmidt's illustration of Mangelia plicifera so little resembles Woods Clavatula plicifera l, that I can scarcely believe it to be the English crag-form. I venture there- fore to propose the appellation Schmidti for this recent arctic species. Its form lias some resemblance to that of B. cancellata, but the sculpture is materially different. The axial ribs are sigmoidal. and very strongly pro- minent. The spiral structure very fine and close, and it is only in the lower part of the Body whorl that the striatums appear more strongly imprinted. The whorls are rounded. The colour is reddish. The young specimen from Advent Bay; which from its distinct strong axial ribs plainly refers itself to this species; has angulated whorls. Dr. Schmidt's illustrations coincide, well, with my specimen, and Prof. Leche has had the kindness to send me his B. plicifera from the Kara Sea; I have, thus, convinced myself that my determination is in accord with Leches. Dr. Arth. Krause has informed me that lie has the species from Behrings Sea. - ' Wood „Moll. from the Crag" Vol. 1. pag. 64. PI. VII. fig. 15. - In Krauses „Beitrag zurKentniss Moll. Fauna Beringsmeeres" Pl. XVIII, tig. 1 there is a more complete illustration oi Bela Schmidti than mine: and in his fig. 7 tin- dental form is given. Dr. Krause calls attention to the fact that the teeth are remarkably large, namely 1 mm. in length. He further remarks that /■'mend jeg fastholder B. Trevelyana og efterfolgende B. de< ussata for distincte Arter, saa er der dog et meget mert Slægtskab imellem dem og der forekommer Former, som man vil have Vanskelighed for med Sikkerhed at anvise Plads. Under B. decussata har jeg optaget en Varietet fin- marchia. Denne var jeg usikker, hvor den burde anbringes, men jeg tror den er kommen paa rette Sted, og en Be- kræftelse herpaa har jeg faaet i Exemplarer. præcis af denne Form. sendt mig fra Prof. Verrill under Bestemmel- sen 11. decussata, Couth. Der er et Par Karakterer, som synes constant at ndskille B. Trevelyana fra decussata. Apex er hos den første temmelig fladtrykt, hvorimod den hos den sidste er mammilleformet. Dernæst er de axiale Ribber hos Tre- velyana rette og mindre fremtrædende end hos decussata, hvor de. foruden at være mere hævede, nitid er mere eller mindre hoiede, dog i denne sidste Karakter gaa de over i hinanden. Og saa kommer endelig Tænderne. Ved Under- søgelse nf et meget stort Antal har jeg fundet den kon- stante Afvigelse, at Trevelyana har et kort Manubrium. hvorimod dette hos decussata er langt poseformet. Bela Trevelyana. Turt. Pi. vin, figs, t— in. pi, x, figs. lO—ii. Fleurotoma Trevéllianum, Turton. Ann. & Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. VII. pag. 351. Mangélia Trevélliana, Forb. & Haul. Brit. Moll. Vol. III. pag. 452. Pl. CXII. Hg. 1. 2. Fleurotoma Trevelyana, Jeffreys, Br. Conch. Vol. IV. pag. 398. Bela Trevelyana, G. 0. Sårs. op. c. pag. 235. Pl. XVI. fig. 13. This speeies is in a high degree variable in form. and just as it attains its greatest si/e in the arctic regions does it, also, there, undergo its greatest variation. As a rule, the spire is as long, or longer than the aperture: the whorls angulated; the axial ribs numerous, not very prominent, and straight; the spiral lines numerous, but irregular in strength. Aper (fig. \) h. c) obtusely rounded, and. on the first whorlj a double-ribbed spiral sculpture makes its appea- rance. The axial sculpture very faint. Operculum. Fig. 9 a. The typical arctic form is illustrated in fig. 7 and 8. Fig. 9 is a peculiar, short-spired form from Tromsø, where it is not rare, and Fig 10 is a form from the same place, having un- commonly few ribs. The teeth (PL X. tig. 10—11) are dagger-shaped. with a pretty short manubrium. Habitat: Stats. Xos. 223, 224, 261. 267, 270, 273. 326. 357. Bodo, Tromsø and Hammerfest, in from 10 — 1117 fathoms deep. Although I affirm B. Trevelyana and the following B. decussata. to be distinct species, there is, yet, a very close relationship between them, and forms occur to which we can with difficulty assign a place. Under B. decussata I have included a variety finmar- chia. I was for a long time uncertain where it should be placed, but I think it has found its true position now. Prof. Verrill has sent me from America, as B. decussata, Couth, this variety precisely, which has given confirmation to my view of it. A few characteristics are apparent, which will always serve to destinguish B. Trevelyana from decussata. First. there is the apex. This is. in the first named, rather flattened, whilst in the last named, it is mammiform. Xext, the axial ribs in Trevelyana, are straight, and less promi- nent than in decussata where they, besides being more elevated, are always more or less curved, but in this last characteristic they are however interchangeable. Finally we have the teeth. After the investigation of a very large number. I have found the constant difference, that Trev- elyana has a short manubrium, whilst in decussata it is lung bag-shaped. 12 Bela Trevélyana er af Dr. Jeffreys og Verkrusen an- givet fra Nord Amerikas Østkyst, men Verrill1 opforer den blandt de tvivlsomme Arter og tilføier, at han har ikke seet noget amerikansk Exemplar, som lian med Sikkerhed kunde henføre til denne Art2. Blandt Verrills Varieteter af B. decussata er en „pusiUa",3 hvorom han siger, at den ligner der europæiske B. Trevélyana, „but is shorter and less decidedly cancellated-, ligesom Ribberne er mindre fremtrædende og mindre hoiede. Dette synes at minde stærkt om den af miu; i Fig. 9 afbildede korte Form af Trevélyana. Bela decussata, Couth. Pl. VIII, Fig. 11—14, Pl. X, Fig. 12—13. Fleurotoma decussata, Oouthouy, Boston Journ, Nat. Hist. II 1839, Pag. 1S3, Pl. 4. Fig. 8. Gould, Invert, of Mass. Pag. 280, Fig. 1&5. Defrancia viridula, Moll. Krøyers Tidsskr. 1842. Pag. 87. Bela decussata, Verrill, Cat. mar. Moll. 1882, Pag. 479, Pl. XLIII, Fig. 13. Bela con&idea, G. 0. Sårs, Moll. reg. Are. Pag. 236, Tal.. 16, Fig. 14. Formen varierer fra kort oval til langtstrakt fusiform, Vindingerne afrundede eller . kun svagt kjølede, de axiale Ribber hoiede og stærkt fremtrædende rundt den ovre Del ai Vindingerne, Spirallinierne fine. indskaarne. Apex Fig. 12 «, b glat, Mammilliform, den første Vinding har kun en svag, utydelig Spiralsculptur, hvorimod de axiale Folde er overveiende stærkest. Fig. 12 og 13 er, hvad jeg holder for typiske Former. Den første er fra Tromso og den sidste fra St. 267 — 148 Favne. Var. finmarchia, nob. Pl. VIII, Fig, 11 Formen kort oval fusiform. Vindingerne svagt kjolede, de stærkt fremtrædende axiale Ribber ikke meget bøiede*. Forekomst: Tromso, 20 Favne. 1 Cat, of marine Moll. 1882, Pag. 484. 2 Herzenstein anfører den (op. o. Pag. 690) fra Murmankysten. 3 Cat. of marine Mull. 1882. Pag. 481. 4 Ribbernes Bøining er dog noget starkere end angivet paa Fig 11; dette gjælder og Fig. 12. Bela Trerelyaua is stated by Dr. Jeffreys, and Ver- kriizen, to pertain to the East coast of North America, but Verrillj1 classes it amongst the doubtful species, and adds that be has not seen any American specimens which he could with certainty assign to this species-. Amongst Verrill's varieties of B. decussata, there is a „pusilla" 3 of which he says, that it resembles the European B. Trev- élyana, ..but is shorter, and less decidedly cancellated" whilst the ril is, also, are less prominent, and less curved. That appears to point strongly to the short form of Trev- elyana I have illustrated in fig. 9. Bela decussata, Couth. PI. VIII. tig. 11—14, PI. X, fig. 12, 13. Fleurotoma decussata, Couthouy, Boston Journ. Nat, Hist. Vol. II, 1839. pag. is;;.' PI. IX, tig. 8. Gould. Invert, of Mass. pag. 280, fig. 185. Defrancia viridula, Moll. Krover's Tidsskrift 1842, pag. 87. Bela decussata, Verrill, Cat. Marine Moll. 1882, pag. 479, PI. XLIII, fig. 13. Bela conoidea, G. 0. Sårs, Moll. reg. Arc, pag. 236, PI. XVI, fig. 14. The shell varies, from short-ovate to elongate-fusiform. The whorls rounded, or 'only faintly angulated; the axial ribs curved, and strongly prominent round the upper part of the whorls. The spiral lines fine and imprinted. Apex (fig. 12 a, b) smooth, mammiform; the first whorl has only a faint, indistinct, spiral sculpture; whilst the axial ribs are by far the strongest, Fig. 12 and 13 are, what I consider to be, typical forms. The former is from Tromso, and the latter from Station 267. Depth 148 fathoms. Var. finmarchia, nob. Pl. VIII, fig. 11. The form short ovo-fusiform ; the whorls faintly angu- lated; the strongly prominent axial ribs not much curved1. Habitat: Tromso. - - Depth. 20 fathoms. 1 Cat, of Marine Moll. iss_>, pag. 4s4. 2 Herzenstein states fop. c. pag. 690) that it pertains to the Mnnnau Coast. 3 Cat. et' Marine Moll, lssi', pag. 481. 4 The curving of the ribs is however, somewhat greater than shown in tig. 11. The same remark applies to fig. 12. 13 Var. conoidea, Sårs. Tab. VIII, Fig. 14. Htht conoidea. (i. 0. Sårs. op. C. 1'ag. 236. Formen langtstrakt fusiform, Vindingerne lidet con- vexe, de axiale Ribber stærkt bøiede; Soulpturen er forøv- rigt finere end den typiske. Apex Fig. 14 a adskiller sig ikke ooget væsentlig fra den typiske. Forekomst: 323. 363 fra 223 til 259 Favne1 Tomderne (Pl. X, Kg. 12—13) adskiller sig fra fore- gaaende Arts ved et hengere Manubrium. At B. decussata og virdula, Moll. er samme Art, har jeg havt Anledning til at overbevise mig om ved at sam- menligne Exemplarér ai' Mollers Typesamling og amerikan- ske fra Prof. Verrill. Overgangen til B. conoidea, Sårs har min Ven Schneider sendt mig saa fuldstændig, at dens Stilling som Varietet hos mig ikke efterlader Spor af Tvivl. Ogsaa Dr. Jeffreys havde samme Opfatning. Bela ririilala, G. 0. Sårs er efterfølgende Art. Bela Kobelti, Verk. Pl. VIII, Fig. 15 f Apex). Bela Kobelti, Verkriizen, Naehrichtsbl. 1876, No. 2, Pag 17. Bela ESbelti (Verkriizen) Kobelt, Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1876, Pag. 178, Pl. 4, Fig. 5. Bela riridula, G. 0. Sårs, op. c. Pag. 235, Pl. 16, Fig. 7, 8. I Form ligner denne Art meget B. Trevélyana, men sidste Vinding er forholdsvis større. Sculpturen, der af Dr. Kobelt paa ovenciterte Sted (Fig. 5 a) er godt gjengivet i sine Detaljer, er hos Kobelti let adskillelig ved Spi- ralliniernes hoist uregelmæssige Styrke og Kanalen er mere aaben end hos Trevélyana. Apex (Fig. 15) er glat, mammilleformig og første Vinding har 2 Spiralribber. Forekomst: St. 283— 7u7 Favne, 2 døde Exempl. Jeg har kun havt Anledning til at se faa Exemplarér af denne Art, men jeg skulde tro, at den vil vise sig at være god. Den forholdsvis store Hovedvinding og den aabne Kanal er karakteristisk. Tcenclerne har jeg ikke faaet Anledning til at under- søge, men efter Sårs raaa de staa nær B. decussata. Arten er forøvrigt kun kjendt fra Finmarken. Den ovenfor angivne Lokalitet er Vest af Bereneiland. Herzenstein angiver deu fra Murmankysten. Var. conoidea. Sms. Pl. VIII. fig. 1 1. Bela conoidea, <>. < >. Sårs, op. c. pag. 236. The form elongate-fusiform; the whorls little convex; the axial ribs strongly curved; the sculpture, otherwise, is finer than in the typical form. Apex (tig. 14 a) does not materially differ from the typical one. Habitat: Stats. Xos. 323, 363 in from 223 to 259 fathoms '. The teeth (PL X. fig. 12, 13) differ, from those of the preceding species, in having a longer manubrium. I have had an opportunity of convincing myself that B. decussata and viritltda, Moll, are the same species, by comparison of specimens from Mollers typical collection, and American ones from Prof. Verrill. My friend Mr. Schneider has sent me such complete transitions, that the position of B. conoidea as a variety remains, for me, no longer doubtful. Dr. Jeffreys arrived at the same conclusion. Bela riiidala, G. 0. Sars is the following species. Bela Kobelti, Verk. Pl. VIII, fig. 15 (Apex). Bela Kobelti, Verkriizen, Naehrichtsbl. 1876, No. 2, pag. 17. Bela Kobelti (Verkriizen) Kobelt. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1876, pag. 178, PI. IV, fig. 5. Bela eir id ala. G. 0. Sars, op. c. pag. 235, PI. XVI, tig. 7. 8. The shell much resembles that of B. Trerelyana. but the ultimate whorl is relatively larger. The sculpture — whose details are well represented by Dr. Kobelt, in the above op. cit. (tig. 5 a) — is, in Kobelti, easily distinguished by the very irregular strength of the spiral lines, and the canal is also more open than in Trereh/ana. Apex (tig. 15) is smooth and mammiform, and the first whorl has two spiral ribs. Habitat: Stats. Nos. 283. in 7(57 fathoms. 2 dead specimens. I have only had an opportunity of seeing a few spe- cimens of this species, but I rather think it will prove to lie a distinct one. The relatively large Body whorl, and the open canal are characteristic. The teeth; I have not had an opportunity of examining these, but, according to Sars. they must be allied to B. decussata. The species is, otherwise, only known from Finmark. The locality above named is to the west of Beeren Island. 1 Herzenstein states that it pertains to the Murmau Coast. 14 Bela tenuicostata, M. Sårs. Tab. VIII. Fig. 16—17, Tal». X. Fig. 14. Pleurotoma tunuicostata, M. Sårs. Vid. Selskb. Forh. 1868, Pai:. 259. Bela tenuicostata, G. 0. Sårs. op. c. Pag. 237. Pl. 17. Fig. 1 a, b. Formen oval. Vindingerne tumide, do axiale Ribber, der hos den typiske Form er svage og talrige, kan variere meget baade i Antal og Styrke, men er altid stærkt boiede. Spirallinierne overordentlig tine: i Mundaabningens øvre Ende er en dyb og bred Sinus1. Ape.r (Fig. 17 a, b) ligner B. decussata. Operculum (Fig. 17 r) ovalt. Var. Willei, Fr. Pl. VIII, Fig. 16, 17. Pleurotoma (Bela) Willei. Friele. Prelim. Rep. on Moll. (Nyt Mag. Bd. XXIII) 1877. Pag. 9. De axiale Ribber baade færre og kraftigere end hos den typiske. Begge Former forekommer ofte sammen, men paa de store Dyb er Varieteten ulige hyppigst. Tændeme, Tab. X. Fig. 14. er ikke væsentlig for- • skjellig fra B. decussata. Forekomst: St. 18. 40, 79, 87. 124. 137. 164, 192, 195, 200, 22r>. 251, 259, 273. 312. 323 & 362 fra 100 til 121.") Favne. Af Jeffreys angi ves den fra Biscay er-Bugten 717 Favne (..Lightning Fxped.") og 1450 Favne ..Valorous"' Exped. Prof. Verrill2 angiver den fra Ny Englands Kyst til 1290 Favne. Bela ovalis, Friele. Pl. VIII, Fig. 21, 22, Pl. X, Fig. 19. Pleurotoma (Bela) oralis. Friele. Prelim. Rep. Moll. (Nyt Mag. XXIII) 1877. Pag. 9. Fig. 5. Pleurotoma exigua, Jeffreys. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883 („Tri- ton" Exped.) Pag. 399. Pl. XLIV. Fig. 10. Bela pygmæa, Verrill. Cat. mar. Moll. 1882, Pag. 460, Pl. LVII. Fig. 8. Formen fusiform oval. Spiret kortere end Mundaab- ningen, Vindingerne tumide. Kanalen kort og meget aaben ; 1 Sinus forekommer hos alle Bela Arter med sigmalbøiede Axialribber og hvor Bøklingen er stærkest, or ogsaa Sinus mest fremtrædende. ! Third Cat. of Mull. 1885, Pag. 410. Bela tenuicostata. M. Sårs. Pl. VIII. fig. 16, 17, Pl. X, fig. 14. Pleurotoma tenuicostata, M. Sårs, Vid. Selskb. Forh. 1868 pag. 2.")'.'. Bela tenuicostata. G. O. Sårs. op. c. pag. 237. Pl. XVII. fig. 1 «. b. The shell oval: the whorls tumid: the axial ribs — which, in the typical form are faint and numerous — may vary, both in number and strength, but are always strongly curved; the spiral lines extraordinarily fine: in the upper part of the aperture there is a dee]) and wide sinus1. Apex (tig. 17 a. b) resembles that of B. decussata. Operculum (fig. 17 c) oval. Var. Willei, Friele. Pl. VIII, fig. 16, 17. Pleurotoma ( Bela) Willei. Friele. Prelim. Rep. on Moll. (Nyt Mag. Pd. XXIII i 1877, pag. 9. The axial ribs, both fewer and stronger than in the typical form. Both forms occur, often together, but in the vast depths the variety occurs by far the most frequently. The teeth (PI. X. fig. 14) do not materially differ from those of B. decussata. Habitat: Stats. Nos. 18, 40, 79, 87, 124. 137. 164, 192, 19.".. 200, 22."). 251, 259, 273. 312. 323 and 362 in from KM» to 1215 fathoms. It is stated by Jeffreys to pertain to the Bay of Biscay — 717 fathoms (Lightning Exped.) and 1450 fathoms (Valorous Exped. |. Prof. Verrill2 states it as pertaining to the coast of New England in 1290 fathoms. Bela ovalis. Friele. Pl. VIII. fig. 21, 22, Pl. X. fig. 10. Pleurotoma (Bela) oralis. Friele. Prelim. Rep. Moll. (Nyt Mag. XXIII) 1877, pag. 9. fig. 5. Pleurotoma exigua, Jeffreys. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1883 (,. Tri- ton" Exped.) pag. 399. Pl. XLIV. fig. 10. Bela pygmæa, Verril. Cat. Mar. Moll. 1882. pag. 460. Pl. LVII. fig. 8. The form ovo-fusiform. the spire shorter than the aperture; the whorls tumid; the canal short and very 1 The sinus occurs in all tin- Bela species with sigmoidal axial rihs. and where the curve is greatest, the sinus is also, there, most prominent. 2 Third Cat. ol' Moll. 1885, pag. 410. 15 Sculptures bestaar af meget fine Spirallinier og talrige, lidet bøiede, svage axiale Ribber, der ofte gaar over til fine Linier eller Vækststriber hvorved dannes et lint Netværk. Apex: Fig. 22 a, stump og glat. Første Vinding har omtrent samme Sculptur som de øvrige. Operculum ovalt. Tændeme, Tab. X. Fig. 19, ligne Bela Trevelyana. Forekomst: St. 35, 40, 240, 295, 283, 312 og 353 fra 658 til L333 Favne. Dr. Jeffreys sendte mig med sin sædvanlige Imøde- kommenhed Fleurotoma exigua fra „Triton" Exped. til Sammenligning, men naar undtages, at den axiale Sculptur lios denne var unget kraftigere end paa mine Exemplarer fra de større Dyl> i Nordhavet, fandt jeg ingen nævneværdig Afvigelse, og jeg kan derfor ikke betragte dem som arts- afvigende. Jeg skylder dog at tilføie, at min afdøde Ven var ikke enig med mig i denne Opfatning. Prof. Verrill har ligeledes været saa venlig at sende mig tiere Exemplarer af Bela pygmæa. Disse stemme fuldstændig med vor Art. Verrill angiver Dybdeforholdene for B. pygmæa i „2d Catalog" 1883 fra 312 til 1290 Favne. Bela bicarinata, Couth. Pl. VIII, Fig. 18, 19, Pl. X. Fig. i:., ir,. Pleurotoma bicarinata, Couthouy, Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. II 18311. Pag. 104, Pl. 1, Fig. 11. Fleurotoma violacea, Migh. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. I 1841, Pag. 50. Defrancia cylindracea, livida & Beckii, Møller, Krøyers . Tidsskr. 1842, Pag. 86 & 87. Bela bicarinata & violacea, (4. O. Sårs. Moll. reg. are. Pag. 237, Tab. lb\ Fig. 11. 12 Oe Tab. 17. Fig. 2. 3. „ bicarinata, Verrill, Cat. mar. Moll. 1882. Pag. 482, Pl. LVII, Fig. li', At karakterisere denne Art er hoist vanskeligt. thi baade Form og Sculptur er mer,' vexlende end i nogen anden af hele Shegten. Snart er Formen 'nal med Spiret omtrent af samme Længde som Mundaabningen, snart fusi- form med et hengere stærkt tilspidset Spir; Vindingerne er snart kjølede, snart afrundede cylindriske; Sculpturen er snart overveiende kraftigst i den axiale Retning, snart i den transversale. Den typiske bicarinata hai' saaledes meget stærke Spiralribber uden anden axial Sculptur end Væxtstriber, hvorimod Varieteterne violacea og ci/liailra, 312, 353, in from 658 to 1333 fathoms. Dr. Jeffreys with his usual amiability sent me. for comparison. Pleurotoma exigua from the ..Triton- Expedi- tion, hut. with exec], tinn that the axial sculpture was somewhat stronger than in my specimens from the vast depths of the North Atlantic ocean, I found no variation worthy of notice, between it and />'. oralis, and I cannot, therefore, consider them as distinguishable species. I ought, however, to add that my friend did not concur in this conclusion with me. Prof. Verrill has, also, been so kind as to send me several specimens ,,f Bela pygmæa. Tics,. accord, completely, with our species. Verrill gives the Soundings for /;. pygmæa in -'2nd Catalogue- 1884, as. from 312 to 1290 fathoms. Bela bicarinata, Couth. PI. VIII, figs. 18, in, PI. X, figs. 15, 16. Pleurotoma bicarinata, Couthouy. Boston Journal Nat. Hist. II 1839, pag. 105, PI. I, tig. 11. Pleurotoma violacea, Migh. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. I 1841. pag. fill. Defrancia n/liuihwea, livida cO Beckii, Moller, Krøyer's Tidskr. 1842, Pl. 86, 87. Bela bicarinata & violacea, Gr. O. Sårs, Moll. reg. are. pag. 237, Pl. XVI. tig. 1 f. 12 and Pl. XVII, tigs. 2. 3. ., bicarinata, Verrill, Cat, mar. Moll. 18s2, pag. 482, Pl. LVII, fig. 16. It is extremely difficult to characterise this species, because both its form and sculpture are more variable than in any other of the whole genus. Sometimes the form is oval, with the spire about the same length as the aperture, and sometimes it is fusiform, with a. long, strongly acu- minate spire. The whorls are sometimes angulated and sometimes cylindrical^ rounded. The sculpture is, often, by far the most prominent in the axial direction, and often, it is so transversally. The typical bicarinata has. thus, very prominent spiral ribs devoid of other sculp- ture than lines of growth, whilst the varieties violacea and cylindracea, frequently, have quite prominent axial ribs, and 16 karakteristisk er den ikke meget lange Kauda og dybe, brede Kanal. Apex hyder ingen Støtte som Artsmærke, da den varierer etter Skallens Sculpturkarakter. Tab. VIII. fig. IS er en trekarineret Varietet fra 658 Favne iSt. 312). der synes at staa nær den af Verrill i ovenciterte Arbeide afbildede. Jeg kan bekræfte Dr. Jef- freys Iagttagelse, at Dybvandsformerne af denne Art er hvide. hvorimod de fra grandt Vand er rodagtig eller rust- farvede. Tænderne, Pl. X. Fig. 1"). 16, er sværdformede med et noget langt Manubrium. Forekomst: 79. 124. 164, 173 &, 192, 200, 251, 260, 290, 312. 359. Magdalenebay (Spitsbergen) fra 30 til 658 Favne. Var. geminolineata. Fr. Tab. VIII. Fig. 19. ..Catalog d. Spitzbergen Moll." (Jahrbiicher Mal. Gesell.) 1879, Pag. 277. Formen fusiform. Spiret stærkt tilspidset og længere end Mundaabningen. Den axiale Sculptur bestaar kun af svage Vækststriber, Spiralsculpturen derimod af parvis op- trædende Linier: paa næstsidste Vinding er der 4 saadanne Liniepar. Der blev kun fundet et Exemplar paa 5 Favne. Ad- ventbay (Spitsbergen). Denne hoist eiendommelig tegnede Varietet kommer Varieteten lævior nærmest. Overgangen fra den typiske bicarinata til Formerne cylindracea violacea og lævior ligger fuldstændig foran mig. Fra St. 192 og 312. 650 og 658 Favne, altsaa Artens dybeste Forekomst, haves Formerne: bicarinata, cylindracea og lævior. Jeg opfatter her violacea i Overensstemmelse med Prof. G. O. Sårs1. I begge disse Tilladde viser det sig. at unge Indivi- der har den skarpeste og stærkest udprægede Sclulptur, hvorimod de ældre, omend fuldstændig vel bevarede, har Tilbøielighed kun at bevare den underordnede Spiralskulp- tur. Dette stemmer i sine Principer overens med Prof. Verrills Iagttagelser2. 1 Moll. reg. are. Pl. 17. Fig. 2. - Cat. of Mar. Moll. 1882, Pag. Is::. these are invariably — even if they only occur as lines of growth — curved. The most characteristic feature is the, not very long, cauda, and the deep wide canal. Apex gives no assistance as a specific feature, because it varies according to the sculptural character of the shell. PI. VIII. fig. 18 is a triply carinated variety, from 658 fathoms (station 312). which appears to he allied to that illustrated by Verrill, in the above cited work.* I can confirm Dr. Jeffreys observation that the deep-water forms of this species are white, whilst those from the shal- low-water are reddish, or rusty, in colour. The teetli. PI. X, fig. 15. 16. are ensiform, with a somewhat long manubrium. Habitat: Stats. Xos. 79, 124. 164. 173?*. 192. 200, 251. 260, -2^K 312. 359. Magdalene Bay (Spitzbergen) in from 30—658 fathoms. Var. gemminolineata, Friele. Pl. VTII. fig. in. Catalog d. Spitzbergen Moll. (Jahrbiicher Mal. Gesell) 1879. Pag. 277. The shell fusiform; the spire strongly acuminate. and longer than the aperture. The axial sculpture consists of, only faint lines of growth, whilst the spiral sculpture consists of lines occurring in pair's; in the penultimate whorl there are 4 pairs of such lines. There was found, only one specimen, in 5 fathoms depth, at Advent Bay (Spitzbergen). This highly remarkably distinguished variety approaches most to the variety lævior. The transition, from the typical bicarinata to the forms ri/liinhrtrea violacea and lævior. lies completely before me. From Stations 192 and 312. in 650 and 658 fathoms. consequently its deepest occurrence, we have the forms bicarinata, cylindracea and lævior. I regard violacea in accordance with Prof. G. O. Sars1 In both these cases, it is apparent that young indi- viduals have the sharpest, and most distinctly marked, sculpture, whilst the older ones, although perfectly well preserved, have a tendency to retain only the subordinate spiral sculpture. This accords, in its principles, with Prof. Verrills observations2. 1 ..Moll. reg. arc." Pl. XVII. fig. 2. - Cat. el' Mar. Mull. 1882, pag. 4s3. Bela Schantarica. Midd. Pl. VIII. Pig. 20 ... 6, Pl, x. Fig. i:, is. Fleurotoma Schantaricum, Middendorff. Beitr. Mull. Koss. Pag. l is. ..Sibir. Beise"- Pag. 223, Pl. XII. Pig. 17— l1.). Fleurotoma violacea, var. gigantea (Mørch) Leche, „Hafs- 111011." Sv. Vet. A.kad. Handl.. Bd. 16, Pag. 57, Tal). 1. Pig. 19. Fonnen oval fusiform, Vindingerne tumide, underti- den svagt kjølede, undertiden afrundede (det sidstc hyppigst i, Mundaabningen længere end Spiret og ikke meget udvidet, Kanalen kort og bred; Sculpturen, tine, tætte undulerede Spirallinier og axiale Folde, der hos udvoxne Exemplarer paa sidste Vinding ofte næsten forsvinde; hvorimod de altid vil gjenfindes paa de ovre Vindinger. Om Apex kan jeg intet oplyse. da alle mine Exem- plarer har denne Del at' Skallen eroderet. Operculum, Fig. 20 U. Tænderne, Tab. X. Fig. 17 — 18. sværdformede med et kort Manubrium. • Forekomst : Spitzbergen ( Magdalenebay) 30 — 50 Favne. Dr. Jeffreys holdt denne Form for kun en Varietet at' B. simplex, Midd. Jeg tor ikke paastaa, at man maaske ikke skulde finde Mellemformer imellem disse to. men uag- tet jeg har ganske vakre Svitter af hegge for mig. har jeg dog ikke seet nogen Tilnærmelser. Bela simplex er altid glat med en fin chagrineret Spiralsculptur og et meget kort Spir. B. Schantarica mangler derimod aldrig Længdefolde paa de ovre Vindin- ger, og hos unge Individer (Fig. 2» > a) er disse ogsaa paa Hovedvindingen stærkt fremtrædende, og Spiret, naar det ikke er for stærkt eroderet. forholdsvis hengere. Prof. Leche1 kommer til samme Resultat, at begge disse Former ikke godt kau sammenblandes, og fremhæver yderligére, hvad ogsaa er noteret i ovenstaaende Diagnose, at Vindingerne er svagt vinklede hos sidstnævnte Art. Leche holder imidlertid begge Former for Varieteter af Bela violacea, Migh. I Proc. of F. S. Xat. Museum Pag. 1)24. Pl. II. Fig. 8 har Prof. W. H. Dall beskrevet en Bela murdochiana, som staar Middendorffs Art meget nær. Sculpturen kan passe og det meget korte Spir synes efter Tegningen at dømme, at skyldes en stærk Erodering. Da jeg imidlertid ikke- har seet Exemplaret, tor jeg ikke udtale mig afgjørende. ■ . Pag "- Bela Schantarica. Midd. Pl. VIII. figs, '-'o a, /.. l'). X. fig. 17. 18. Fleurotoma Schantaricum, Middendorff, Beitr. Mali. Ross pag. US. ..Sibir. Reise" pag. 223, Pl. XII. fig. 17 — 1U. Fleurotoma violacea, var. gigantea (Mørch) Leche. „Hafs- moll." Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl.. VA. XVI, pag. 57, Pl. I, hg. 19. The shell ovo-fusiform ; the whorls tumid, occasionally faintly angulated, occasionally rounded (most frequently the last |. The aperture longer than the spire and not much dilated; the canal short and wide; the sculpture consists of tine, close, undulated spiral striatums and axial folds, which, in adult specimens, often, almost disappear on the ultimate whorl, whilst they, invariably, are recognised on the upper whorls. Apex. Regarding it I can say nothing, as in all my specimens this part of the shell was eroded. Operculum, fig. 'in h. The teeth (PI. X. tigs. L7 — 18) ensiform, with a short manubrium. Habitat: Spitzbergen i Magdalene Bay) 30-50 fathoms. Dr. Jeffreys considered this form to be only a var- iety of />'. simplex, Midd. I dare not affirm that we may not. perhaps, be able to discover forms intermediate between these two. but although I have before me very complete consecutive sets of both of them. I have been unable to detect any approaches to each other. Bela simple. r is always smooth, with a hue chagreen- like spiral sculpture, and a very short spire. B. SchantOr rica, on the other hand, is never without longitudinal folds on the upper whorls, and in young individuals (fig. 20 «) these are prominent on the body whorl, and the spire is. when not too greatly eroded, relatively longer. Prof. Leche1 arrives at the same conclusion, viz. that these two forms cannot well be placed together, and accent- uates, further, what has also been stated in the above diagnosis; that the whorls are faintly angular in the last named species. Leche. however, considers both forms to be varieties of Bela violacea, Migh. In the Proceedings of the F. S. Xat. Museum, p. r>24. PI. II. fig. 8. Prof. W. H. Dall has described a Bela mur- dochiana which is closely allied to Middendorffs species. The sculpture accords, and the very short spire appears, to judge from the illustration, to be due to a strong ero- sion. As I have, however, not seen the specimen I can- not speak definitely. 1 Op. c. pag. " -. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition. Herman Friele: Mollusca. II. is Bela impressa, Beck. Tab. VIII, Fig. 1—2, Tab. X, Fig. 9. Pleurotoma (Ischnula) impressa (Beck) March, Cat. Moll. Spitzberg. L869, Pag. 17. Pleurotoma impressa, Leche, Sv. Akad. Handl. (Hafsmollu- sker) B. 16, No. 2. Pag. 54. Tab. 1, Fig. 16. Denne Arts Eiendommelighed ligger væsentlig i Skulp- turen, der bestaar af 16 til 20 dybe axiale Purer paa sidste Vinding og de 7 til 10 indskaarne Spirallinier staa især paa den ovre Del af Hovedvindingen temmelig fjer- nede fra hinaiiden. Vindingerne ere stærkt vinklede. Far- ven er brun eller rødlig. Apex, Fig. 1 6, er mamilleformig, ophøiet og første Vinding har skarpe Spiralribber. Operculum Fig. 1, ovalt piriform. Tcenderne Tab. X, Fig. 9 a—d, er smalle, sværdfor- mede med et kort Manubrium. Forekomst: Spitzbergen (Magdalenebay og Advent- bay) fra 30 til 60 Favne. Leche angiver den fra Novaja Semblia og det Kariske Hav1. Bela Sarsi, Verrill. Tab. VIII, Fig. :;—:., Tab. X, Fig. 7— s. Bela cancéUata, Gr. O. Sårs (non Migh.), Moll. reg. Are. Pag. 224, Tab. 23, Fig. 3. Bela Sarsi, Verrill, Proc. U. S. Nat. Museum Vol. III 1880, Pag. 3(54. Imellom denne og forcgaaende Form er der et meget nært Familieskab. Den væsentligste Forskjel er: Bela Sarsi har et forholdsvis længere Spir, de axiale Furer er bredere og Bibberne bliver derved mere afrundede; Spiral- linierne har præcis samme Karakter som B. impressas, men staar som Regel tættere. Apex, Fig. 3 a, har en lidet udviklet Sculptur paa første Vinding, men denne Karakter maa ikke tillægges stor Betydning, da den er lidet konstant og dertil er Apex sjelden at tinde i tilfredsstillende, velbevaret Stand. Operculum, Fig. 3 b, piriform. Tænderne, Tab. X, Fig. 7, 8 er ikke afvigende fra foregaaende Arts. Forekomst: Tromsø 10 — 20 Favne. 1 Krause („Moll. Behringsmeeres") har fun det den i Behrings- havet og S. Bertzenstein (..Fauna der Murmankiiste" etc.) angiver den fra Murmankysten. Bela impressa, Beck. Pl. VIII, ngs. 1—2, Pl. x, fig. 9. Pleurotoma (Ischnula) impressa. (Beck) Mørch, Cat. Moll. Spitzberg. 1869, p. 17. Pleurotoma impressa, Leche, Sv. Akad. Handl. (Hafsmollu- sker) B. 16. No. 2, pag. 52, Pl. I, fig. 1.6. The peculiarity of this species lies, principally, in the sculpture, which consists of 16 to 20 axial furrows on the ultimate whorl, and in the 7 to 10, impressed, spiral, striations being placed — especially in the upper part of the Body whorl — pretty far apart from each other. The whorls are strongly angular. The colour is brown, or reddish. Apex (fig. 1 h) is mammiform, elevated, and the pri- mary whorl lias two strong spiral ribs. Operculum (fig. 1) oval-piriform. The teeth (PI. X, tig. 9 a — d) are slender, ensiform, with a short manubrium. Habitat: Spitzbergen (Magdalene Bay and Advent Bay) from 30 to 60 fathoms. Leche states it as pertain- ing to Nova Zembla, and the Kara sea.1 Bela Sarsi, Verrill. Pl. VIII, figs. :;—:.. Pl. X, figs. 7— R. Bela cancellata, G. 0. Sårs (non Migh.), ..Moll. reg. are.-' pag. 224, Pl. XXIII, fig. 3. Bela Sarsi, Verrill, Proc. TJ. S. Nat. Museum Vol. III 1880. pag. 364. Between this and the preceding form there is a very intimate family relationship. The chief divergence is, that Bela Sarsi has a relatively longer spire; the axial grooves are broader, and the ribs become, thus, more rounded. The spiral striations have precisely the same character as those of B. impressa, but are placed, as a rule, closer together. Apex, (fig. 3 «) has a little-developed sculpture on the first whorl, but no great stress can be laid on this feature as it is very inconstant, besides which, the Apex is rarely obtained in a satisfactorily well-preserved condition. Operculum, (fig. 3 6) piriform. The teeth, (PI. X, fig. 7, 8) do not differ from those of the preceding species. Habitat: Tromsø, 10—20 fathoms. 1 Kranse (Moll. Behringsmeeres) has found it in Behrings sea and S. Eertzenstein (Fauna der Murmankiiste etc.) states it as per- taining to the Murman coast. 19 Det er hoist paafaldende al Tromsø og rimeligvis Finmarken, er del eneste Sted. denne Art er paatruffen paa europæisk Side. Fra don amerikanske Side angives den ai Miss Bush (Troe TJ. S. Nat. Mus. L883, Pg. '-'.'17) fra Labrador 10 — l.r> Farne. Jeg er ikke utilbøielig at holde den for en Lokalvarietet af />'. impressa1. Bela Koreni, n. sp. Tab. YI1I. Fig. 23, o. Formeii cyhndrisk fus i funn. Vindingerne 4. afrundede, noget tumide, Suturen er grund. Mundaabningen ikke meget aaben, og omtrent halve Skallens Længde, Canalen ret, kort og vid. forneden ret afskaaren ; Skulpturen bestaar af saa godt som rette axiale Ribber (10 paa sidste Vin- ding) der kun paa øverste Del af Vindingen er tydelig fremtredende, og temmelig svage, men noget tætstaaende Spirallinier. Læben, der er noget brudt, synes at have tydelig Tegn til Sinus. Apex, Fig. 23 a, stump; paa første Vinding er 3 svage Spiralribber synlige. Sførrélse: 5""" Axiallængde. 2. ■lmm Diameter. Forekomst: St. 192 — G49 Favne. Kun et Exemplar. Det gjor Indtrykket af at viere et ungt Individ, men jeg kan ikke henføre den til nogen af de bekjendte Arter. Skulpturen er hos alle de nordiske Belaarter meget kraf- tig udviklet hos unge Individer, men hos vor Art er den svag og utydelig. Skal man derfor drage Analogi fra det almindelige. saa vil B. Koreni som udviklet være nær glat, kun vil rimeligvis en svag Spiralstriering være synlig. Bela exarata, Moll. Tab. VIII. Fig. 24 (Operculum). Defrantia exarata, Moller, Krøyers Tidsskr. 1842, Pag. 85. Tritonium rnitriila, Loven. „Oversigt Vetsk. Acad." (..Index Moll.") 1846, Pag. 145. 1 Krause (Moll. Fauna Bcringsmeeres Pag. 279) udtaler sig ogsaa om det paafaldende Familieskab imellem disse to Fonner. Ganske mærkeligt er det ogsaa, at Herzenstein ikke har fundet B. Sarsi ved Murmanske Kysten eller Hvidehavet. men kun B. impressa. It is very remarkable thai Tromsø (and probably Finmark) is the only locality on the European side where tins species is mel with. From the American side, it is stuted by .Miss Bush (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 1883 p. 237) to pertain to. Labrador — 10 — 15 fathoms I am not in- disposed to consider it as a lucid variety of II. iiiijinssa1. Bela Koreni. n. sp. Pl. vin, fig. 23, a. Shell cylindrical, fusiform; whorls 4, rounded, some- what tumid. The suture shallow; the aperture not very open and about half the length of the shell; the canal straight short and wide, and at the extremity truncately transsected. The sculpture consists of nearly straight axial ribs (10 on the ultimate volution) which are. on the upper part of the volution, alone, distinctly visible, and of pretty faint, but somewhat close-set, spiral striatums. The lip, which is somewhat broken, appears to bear distinct trace of a sinus. Apex. (fig. 23 cd obtuse; on the primary whorl there are 3 faint spiral striations visible. Size. Axial length 5""". Diameter 2.2'"'". Habitat: Stats. No. 192. Depth (349 fathoms. One specimen only. This specimen gives the impression of being an im- mature one. but I can not assign it to any of the known species. The sculpture in all the Northern Belas, is very strongly developed in the still young specimens, but in this species it is faint and indistinct. If we, therefore, reason from analogy with the general species. B. Koreni. when mature, should be almost smooth, with only, proba- bly, a faint spiral striation visible. Bela exarata, Moll. Pl. VIII. hv '.'4 (Operculum). Defrantia exarata. Moller, Kroyer's Tidsskr. 1842. pag. 85. Tritonium mitrula, Loven, Oversigt Vetsk. Acad. (Index Moll.) 1846, pag. 145. 1 Krause (.Moll. Fauna Beringsmeeres pag. 279) speaks, also, of tin- striking family relationship between these two forms. It is a striking fait. also, that Herzenstein has not found B. Sar.g frembringer paa disse et knu- det Ydre. Operculum Fig. 24 er ovalt piriform. Tænderne har jeg undersøgt hos et sturt Antal Exem- plarer, men har ikke fundet dem noget nævneværdig varie- rende eller afvigende fra Sars's Tegninger. Forekomst: Tromsø, Hammerfest oll' Altenfjord fra lu til 30 Favne. Udenfor Kysten forekom den ikke. Prof. Leche angiver den -fra det kariske Hav indtil 30 Favne og Prof. Verrill har den fra Xew Englands Kyst indtil 487 Favne. Moller og Dr. Jeffreys angiver den fra Grønland. Den sidste noterer tien fra „Porcupine" Exped. 123U Favne, men der nævnes intet om den forekom levende paa dette Dyli. Den horer neppe nok saa stort Dyb til. Nye Tegninger af denne og etterfølgende Belaarter har jeg fundet overflødige, da. de baade af Sårs og for en Del af Verrill er fortrinlige illustrerede. dertil er Formerne i og for sig saa karakteristiske, at nogen Confusion er vanskelig. Bela harpularia. Couth. Tab. IV. Fig. 23, 24 (Tænder). Fusus harpularius, Couthouy, Boston Journ. Xat. Hist. 1838, Pag. 106, Pl. 1, Fig. lo. Defrancia Woodiana, Moller. Krøyers Tidsskr. 1842, Pg. 86. Tritonivm roseum (M. Sårs) Loven, Overs. Vet. Forh. 1846, Pag. 144. l'» In Innpilla ria. Verrill, Cat. Mar. Moll. 1882, Pag. 473, Pl. XLIII, Fig, 14 & Pl. LVII. Fig. 9. Bela harpularia, G. 0. Sårs. Moll. reg. are. Pag. 234, Tab. 16, Fig. 17 å Tab. 23, Fig. ln. Under Expeditionen blev den kun fundet i Havnene ved Hammerfest. Tromsø og Boda, — Kl til 30 Favne. Med Prof. G. O. Sårs maa jeg være enig i. at i alt væsentligt er vor Form overensstemmende med den ameri- kanske B. harpularia, kun er den paa denne Side Oceanet af mindre Størrelse. Prof. Verrill holder Sars"s B. harpularia og Variete- ten rosea for specifik afvigende fra den amerikanske og Bela exarata. G. 0. Sårs, Moll. reg. are. pag. 232. Pl. XVI. rig. 18. Bela mitrula, G. 0. Sårs. 1. c. pag. 233, Pl. XXIII, fig. 9. Bela concinnula, Verrill. Cat. Mar. Moll. 1882, pag. 468, Pl. XLIII, fig. 15, Pl. LVII, fig. 11. The spire is longer than the aperture, and the sculp- tural peculiarity consists in the strong spiral striatums, which traverse the axial ribs and produce with these, a nodulous appearance. Operculum, (rig. 24) is ovo-piriform. I have examined the teeth in a great many specimens. but have not found them, in any noteworthy degree, vary- ing, or diverging, from Sar's illustrations. Habitat: Tromsø, Hammerfest, and Alten Fjord, in from 10 to 30 fathoms. Away from the coast, it was not found. Prof. Leche states it as pertaining to the Kara Sea, up to 3d fathoms deep, and Prof. Verrill has it from the Xew England coast, up to 487 fathoms. Moller and Dr. Jeffreys state it as pertaining to Greenland. The latter notices it from the ..Porcupine-' Exped. 1230 faths. but it is not stated whether it occurred living. It can scareely pertain to such great depths. I have considered it superfluous to provide new illustrations of this, or the succeeding Bela species. because they are by. both. Sars and. to a certain extent, by Verrill. splendidly illustrated, besides, the forms are in themselves so characteristic, that any confusion is not to be feared. Bela harpularia. Couth. Pl. IV, % 23, 24 (teeth). Fusus harpularius, Couthouy, Boston Journ. Xat. Hist. 1838, pag. MC. PI. I. fig. 10. Defrancia Woodiana, Møller, Krøyer's Tidssk. 1842. pag. 86. Tritonium roseum (M. Sars) Loven, Overs. Vet. Forh. 1846, pag. 144. Bela harpularia, Verrill. Cat. Mar. Moll. 1882, pag. 473, PL XLIII. fig. 14. PI. LVII. fig. 9. Bela harpularia, G. 0. Sars. Moll. reg. arc, pag. 234. PI. XVI. fig. 17 & Pl. XXIII, fig. 10. During the expedition, it was only found in the harbours of Hammerfest. Tromsø, and Bodø. 10 to 30 fathoms. I agree with Prof. G. O. Sars in regarding this form as, in all essentials, coincident with the American B. har- pularia, with the difference, only, that on this side of the ocean it is less in size. Prof. Verrill considers B. harpulari . Sars. and the variety rosea, to be specifically divergent from the Ameri- 2] frembæver, at hin har en forskjellig formel Mundaabning, mere vinklede Vindinger og Ribbeme færre og mere fjer- nede. Ved Sammenligninger af norske og amerikanske Eksemplarer finder jeg ingen nævneværdig Difference i Mundaabningens Fonn og hvad de ovrige Karakterer a.ngaar, da er disse stærkt vexlende. Sum Regel er Ribbernes Antal 14 — l(i. men jeg har Exemplarer for mig med indtil 2n. Farven er altid rød eller brunlig. Hos Bela nobilis hav jeg gjort opmærksom paa, at der imellem Ribberne er en dyb Indskjæring rundt den vinklede Del af Hoved- vindingen og at den transverse Sculptur her viser sig uden at være afbrudt af Kjolen. Hos B. harpularia er dette ligeledes Tilfælde. Noget andet Slægtskab er der forøvrigt ikke imellem disse to Arter. Hvad angaar det berettigede i specifik at adskille nærværende Fonn fra Montagues B. turricula, da er jeg ikke utilbøielig at tro, at vor nordlige Form kun er en lokal Varietet og at det maaske vikle være korrektest at opføre den som saadan under Montagues Art, Allerede Prof. Troschel1 har gjort opmærksom paa den fra de øvrige Belaer hoist afvigende Piltand hos B. turricula og Sårs2 paaviser en lignende Tand hos harpularia. Jeg har undersøgt en hel Del Exemplarer baade af den hos os forekommende Form og af den sydligere, og har i Tab. IX. Fig. 23 og 24 givet en Række Tegninger af B. harpularia og i 25 a, b af B. turricula. Tænderne er yderst tynde, bladformede og synes at veksle betydelig i Form. Muligens er dette dog mere tilsyneladende ; thi paa Grund af Tændernes Tyndhed vil det mindste Tryk af Dækglasset have Indflydelse paa Formen og Tændernes vexlende Stillinger giver ligeledes forskjellige Billeder. Den Afvigelse, som der derfor viser sig imellem begge Arters Tiender, kan ikke tillæggesj nogen Betydning i specifik Retning. Udenfor N. Europa er Arten kjendt fra Grønland og >«". Amerika, men derimod kan man ikke med Sikkerhed notere den under Spitzbergens Fauna. Den norske Exped. fandt den ikke der, men vistnok anfører Dr. Jeffreys den derfra, dog maa den desuagtet staa tvivlsom. da denne For- fatter slaar flere Arter sammen under sin Fleurotoma tur- ricula. Prof. Leche angiver den ikke med tilstrækkelig Tydelighed fra det Kariske Hav3. 1 Gebiss d. Schnecken Bd. _'. Pag. 44, Tab. IV. Fig. 8. - Moll. reg. are. Radula Tab. IX. Fig. 3. 3 Herzenstein (op. c. pag. I|VV) angiver den derimod fra Mur- manske Kysten. can species, and points out thai the former lias a differentl] shaped aperture, more angular volutions aud fewer ribs, placed also wider apart. On comparing Norwegian and American specimens, I do not find anj noteworthy difference in the form of the aperture, and as regards the other characters, they are very variable. Usually, the ribs are 14 — 16 in number, but 1 have specimens before me with as many as 20. The colour is always red, or brownish. In Bela nobilis, T have pointed out that the interspaces between the ribs, round the angulatad part of the Body whorl, are concavely excavated and that, there, the trans- verse sculpture appears without being interrupted by the carina. In B. harpularia this is also the case. Any other relationship, however, between these two species does not exist. As regards the title to separate, specifically, the [ire- sent form from Montagues B. turricula, I am not indis- posed to believe that our Northern form is only a local variety, and that it would he. perhaps, most correct to retain it as belonging to Montague's species. Prof. Troschel1 has pointed out the arrow-tooth in B. turricula, which is so different from that of the other Belas, and Sars- has shown a similar tooth in harpularia. I have examined a large number of specimens, both, of the form occurring with us and of the Southern one, and in Plate IX, figs. 23, 24 have given a series of illu- strations of B. harpularia, and in Fig. 25 a, h of B. tur- ricula. The teeth are extremely thin, laminate, and appear to vary considerably in form. Possibly, however, that is more apparent than real, because owing to the thinness of the teeth, the least pressure of the cover-glass will have an influence on the form, and different positions of the teeth give, also, different impressions. The divergence which, therefore, appears between the teeth of both species, cannot be treated as of any importance in specific consideration. Beyond Northern Europe, the species is known from Greenland and North America but, on the other hand, we cannot state with certainty that it pertains to the fauna of Spitzbergen. The Norwegian Expedition did not find it there but it is the case that Dr. Jeffreys cites it from that locality; it must nevertheless remain doubtful, as that Writer includes several species in his Pleurotoma turricula. Prof. Leche states, but not which sufficient distinctness, that it pertains to the Kara sea3. 1 Gebiss d. Schnecken Bd. 2, p. 44, PI. IV. fig. B. 1 Moll. reg. arc Radula PI. IX, fig. :;. n Herzenstein (op. «•. p. fiS8) cites it. from the Murman coast. 22 Bela Pingeli, Beck. Tali. VIII, Fig. 26 a (Operculum) Tal.. X. Fig. 20 « (Tænder). Defraneia Pingelii i Beck) Moller. Krøyers Tidsskr. Pag. 86. Bela ,.' G. 0. Sårs. op. c. Pag. 223. Pl. 16, Fig. 5. „ Verrill, Cat, mar. Moll. 1882, Pag. 464. Af alle Belaarter er denne konstantest i Form og Sculptur. Prof. Verrill giver den følgende gode Karakteristik : „Den er vor slankeste, mest uddragne Art med vel afrun- dede Vindinger og stærkt cancelleret." Operculum, Fig. 26, 26 a, er hos unge og middelstore Exemplarer piriform med nedre Del stærkt tilspidset og tilsideboiet (Fig. 26), hvorimod gamle Individer har en stump Spids (Fig. 26 a). Det er forøvrigt en oftere iagt- taget Foreteelse, at den nederste Del af Operculum bliver afslidt. Tænderue, Tab. X, Fig. 20, 20 a. sværdformige med et noget langt Manubrium. Forekomst: Hammerfest, St. 262 fra 10 til 147 Favne. Arten er ikke fnnden sondenfor Tromso. Ifolge Jeffreys er den af Torrell fundet ved Spitzhergen; forovrigt er den kjendt Grenland og N'. Amerika. Bela pyramidalis, Strom. Pl. VIII, Fig. 25 (Operculum) Tab. X, Fig. 21 (Tænder). Buccinum pyramidale, Strom. Nov. act. Dan. TIL Pag. 296, Fig. 22. Defraneia Vdhlii (Beck) Moll., op. c. Pag. si i. Bela pyramidalis, G. 0. Sårs. op. c. Pag. 222, Pl. 16, Fig. 3 & 4. De to hos os forekommende Varieteter af denne Art er af Sårs fuldt tilfredsstillende illustreret, og noget jnyt hertil kan jeg ikke tilfoie. Formen semiplicata, Sårs, med et Spir, der er lige langt eller kortere end Mundaabningen, synes at være den ahnindeligste, og Formen typica, Sårs. med et uddraget Spir Lengere end Mundaabningen er sjeldnere. Vindingerne er ved afrundede og aldrig vinklede. De axiale Ribber, der er stærkt sigmabøiede, er vexlende i Antal fra 12 til 18 og Spiralstrieringen er hos gamle Exem- plarer meget fin og tæt, medens den hos yngre er uregel- mressig i Styrke. Farven varierer fra brun violet til gul. Operculum (Tal). VIII, Fig. 25) er ovalt. Tænderne ( Tab. X, Fig. 21, a, b) er knivformige med et middelmaadig langt Manubrium. Forekomst: 262. 270. 323. Lofoten. Tromso, Ham- merfest og Reykjavik (Island) ln til 223 Favne. Bela Pingeli, Beck. Pl. VIII, fig. 26 a (operculum) Pl. X, fig. 20 a (teeth i. Defraneia Pingelii (Beck) Moller. Krøyer's Tidsskr. pag. 86. Bela Pingelii, G. 0. Sårs. op. c. pag. 223, Pl. 16. fig. 5. Bela Pingelii. Verrill, Cat. mar. Moll. 1882, pag. 464. This is the most constant, in funn and sculpture, of all the Bela species. Prof. Verrill characterizes it well in the following words „It is our most slender and elongated species, with broadly rounded whorls and strongly cancellated." Operculum, fig. 26, 26 a is, in young and average- sized specimens, piriform, with the lower part strongly acuminated and curved laterally (fig. 26) whilst old indi- viduals have an obtuse [mint (fig. 26 a). It is, otherwise, a frequently remarked occurrence that the lowest part of the operculum is more or less worn. The teeth, PI. X, fig. 20, 20 a ensiform, with a some- what long manubrium. Habitat: Hammerfest. Station Xo. 262. Depth. 10 to 147 fathoms. The species is not found South of Tromso. Accord- ing to Jeffreys, it has been found by Torrell off Spitzbergen ; it is kuown, besides, from Greenland and Xorth America. Bela pyramidalis, Strom. PI. VIII, fig. 2.". i operculum) PI. X. fig. 21 (teeth). Buccinum pyramidale, Strom. Nov. oct. Dan. III. pag. 296, fig. 22. Defraneia Vahlii (Beck) Moll. op. c. pag. 86. Bela pi/ramidalis, G. < >. Sars, op. c. pag. 222, PI. XVI. fig. 3. 4. The two varieties of this species which occur with us, are illustrated, by Sars. in a perfectly satisfactory manner, and I can add nothing new. The variety semiplicata, Sars. with a spire of the same length, or shorter, than the aperture, appears to be the most frequent one, and forma typica, Sars, with an atte- nuated elongate spire, longer than the aperture, is more rare. The whorls are broadly rounded and never angular. The axial ribs, which are strongly curved sigmoidally. are variable in number, from 12 to 18, and the spiral striation is, in mature specimens, very fine and close, whilst, in younger ones, it is irregular in strength. The colour varies from brown-violet to yellow.- Operculum, (Pl. VIII, fig. 25) is oval. The teeth (PL X, fig. 21. a, b) are scalpriform, with a manubrium of average length. Habitat: Stats. 262. 270. 323, Lofoten. Tromsø, Hammerfest, and Reykjavik (Iceland) in 10 to 223 fathoms. 23 Paa Dybderne mellem 147 og 223 Favne blev kun døde Exemplarer fundne. Heller ikke denne Art er Ims os funden søndenfor Polarcirkelen. Forøvrigt er den kjendt fra Spitzbergen, Novaja Semlja og Grønland. Hvorvidt vor Art er identisk med Fusus pleurotomaria, Couth.1, rufus Gould*, tør jeg ikke have nogen bestemt Mening om, da jeg ikke har havt gode amerikanske Exemplarer til Sammenligning, i non at den grønlandske, Defrancia Vahlii, Møller, takler sammen med vor, har jeg overbevist mig om. Baade Jeffreys og Sårs holder D. pyramidalis og pleurotomaria for synonyme og der er meget, som taler for dette; t hi naar den første tindes baade ved Island og Grønland, synes der at være al Sandsynlighed for at den ogsaa gaar længere syd paa den amerikanske Side. Goulds Afbildning af Fusus rufus i luv. Mar. Fig. 192) ligner ogsaa meget vor Art. De øvrige nordiske Pleurotomidæ agter jeg ikke her at gaa nærmere inde ind paa. Kun skal jeg nævne: Defrancia amoena, G. 0. Sårs. Tab. X, Fig. -22 (Tænderne). Raphitoma amoena, G. 0. Sårs, Moll. reg. are. Pag. 220, Pl. 17, Fig. 10. Tænderne, Pl. X, Fig. 22, er sværdformige, næsten rette med et spadeformigt Manubrium. De ligne meget paa Thesbia nana, Loven. Tandstrukturen hai tidligere ikke været kjendt. Forekomst: St. 192, 195, 223, 260, 261, 270, 273, 290 og 357 — fra 70 til 649 Favne. Denne lille smukke Art synes at være meget udbredt overalt i det arctiske Hav. 1 Boston Juorn. Nat. Hist. 1838, Pag. 107. Pl. 1, Fig. 9. " Invert. Mas.. 1841, Pag. 290, Fig. 192. At depths between 147 and 223 fathoms, onlj dead specimens were found. Neither is this species found with us south of the Polar circle. It is known, however, from Spitzbergen, Nova Zembla, and Greenland. In how far this species is iden- tical with Fusus Pleurotomaria, Couth1, rufus Gould* I am not able to express any decided opinion, as I have hail no good American specimens for comparison, but 1 have satisfied myself that the Greenland Defrancia Vahlii, Moller. coincides with it. Both Jeffreys and Sars, consider II pyram- idalis and pleurotomaria to be synonymous, and there is much to support this; because when the former is round both at Iceland and Greenland, there appeals to be everj probability that it occurs, also, further south on the Amer- ican side. Goulds illustration of Fusus rufus i Inv. Mar. Fig. 192) also, much resembles this species. The remaining Northern Pleurotomidæ 1 do not pro- pose to discuss, here, but will only refer to Defrancia amoena, G. 0. Sars. PI. X, fig. 22 (the teeth). Eaphitoma amoena, G-. 0. Sars, „Moll. reg. arc.-' pag. 220, PI. 17. tig. 10. The teeth, PI. X, fig. 22, are ensiform, almost straight, with a spade-formed manubrium. They much resemble those of Thesbia nana, Loven. The dental structure has not previously been known. Habitat: Stats. Nos. 192, 195, 223, 260, 201, 270, 273, 290 and 357. -- Depth from 70 to 649 fathoms. This small and beautiful species appears to be widely distributed all over the Arctic Ocean. 1 Boston Journ. Nat. Hi-t. 1838, pag. 107, PI. I. fig. 9. - Invert. Mass. 1841, pap'. 290, lip. 192. 24 Cancellaria. Admete viridula, Fabr. Tab. VI IT. Fig, 27—30. Tritoniwm viridulwm, Fabricius, Fauna Groenl. 1780, P. 4n2. Cancellaria Couthouyi, Jay. Cat. 1839. Admete crista, Møll. Krøyers Tidsskr., Pag. 88. Cancellaria viridula, Midd. „Beitr. Malaco. Ross." Pag. 110, PI. IX, Fig. 13. 14 og PL X. Fig. 1-4. Admete Middendorffiana, Dall, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1885, Pag. 524. Middendorff og senere Prof. Leche ' har henledet < )pmærksomheden paa denne Arts mærkelige Variations- evne i de arctiske Have. Under Spitzsbergen forekommer ogsaa en Række Varieteter og deres Størrelse overgaar betydelig den, der opnaaes ved den norske Kyst. Fig. 27 og 28 er en meget kortspiret Varietet, der snart har svagt ubviklede axiale Folde paa overste Del af Hovedvindingen (Fig. 27 ). snart mangle disse ~ fuldstændig (Fig. 28). Spiralstrieriugen er ogsaa svag. Denne Varietet holder jeg for at være Middendorffs var. III [1. e. Pl. IX. Fig. i:!. 14). Det er Leches var. lævior og Dalls Admete Midden- dorffiana. Fig. 20. 30 er Mørchs var. grandis (Cat. Moll. Spitzb. Pag. 18). Denne opnaar en Størrelse af 18""". Begge disse Varieteter fandtes i Adventbay (Spits- bergen) 20 — 40 Favne. Over det hele arctiske Hav er Arten almindelig udbredt ned til 200 Favne. Fra St. 192 — 649 Favne haves vistnok ogsaa et Exemplar, men dodt og jeg trivler paa. at den horer dette Dyl> til. Prof. Verrill angiver B. Couthouyi som forekommende ned til en Dvlule af 1255 Favne. Admete contabulata. Friele. Pl. VIII. Fig. 31, 3-2. Admete contabulata, Friele, ..Cat. Spitzb. Moll." Mali. Jahrb. 1879, Pag. 276. Skallen hvid. med 5 raskt tiltagende stærkt angulære Vindinger. Spiret omtrent af Mundaabningens Længde, Suturen grund, Apex glat, stump og mamilleformig; Mund- aabningen udvidet, nedad noget tilspidset, Columellen ret 1 Nov. Sembl. & Jenissey Hafsmollusker Pag. 4,. Cancellaria, Admete viridula, Fabr. Pl. VIII, fig. 27—30. Tritoniwm viridulum, Fabricius, Fauna Groenl. 1780, p. 402. ( \ancellaria Couthouyi. Jay, Cat. 1839. Admete crista, Moll. Kroyer's Tidskr. pug. ss, Cancellaria viridula, Midd. „Beitr. Malaco. Ross" pag. 110, Pl. IX. fig. 13, 14 and Pl. X. fig. 1—4. Admete Middendorffiana, Dall. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1885, pag. 524. Middendorff and. subsequently. Prof. Leche1 have called attention to the remarkable variations of this spreies in the Arctic Ocean. Off Spitzbergen, a series of varieties occurs, and their size considerably exceeds what is attained on the Norwegian coast. Figs. 27 und 28 are a very short-spired variety, that, sometimes, has faintly developed axial folds on the upper part of the Body-whorl (fi.^. 27). and sometimes, is com- pletely devoid of them (fig. 28). The spiral striation, also. is faint. I consider this variety to be Middendorffs var. Ill (1. c. PI. IX. fig. 13. 14). ' It is Leches var. lævior, and Dalls Admete Midden- dorffiana. Figs. 29, 30 shew Mørchs var. grandis (Cat. Moll. Spitzb. pag. IS) which attains a size of 18""". Both of these varieties were found in Advent Bay (Spitzbergen), in 20— 40 fathoms. The species is distri- buted, generally, over the Arctic seas, at a depth not exceeding 2nd fathoms. From Station No. 192 in 649 fathoms we have, indeed, one specimen, but a dead one. and I doubt whether it pertains to that depth. Prof. Verrill states B. Couthouyi as occurring down to a depth of 1255 fathoms. Admete contabulata, Friele. Pl. Vill. figs. 31, 32. Admete contabulata, Friele. ..Cat. Spitzb. Moll." Mall. Jahrb. 1S79. pag. 276. The shell white, with 5 rapidly increasing, strongly angular, whorls; the spire of about the same length as the aperture; the suture shallow; apex smooth, obtuse, and mammiform; the aperture dilated, somewhat pointed 1 Nov, Sembl. & Jenissey Hafsmollusker pag. 47. 25 med 2 svage Folde Canalen kort. Sculpturen bestaar af talrige hævede Spirallinier, der naar til den rundt Vindin- gerne gaaende Kjøl, ovenpaa denne er der enten svage Antydninger til Spiralsculptur, eller er denne forsvunden; paa 3die og 4de Vinding er skjævtliggende, kraftige axiale Fedde, der forsvinde imod sidste Halvdel af Hovedvindingen. Størrelse: 8"" Axiallængde 4 Diameter. Porevomst: 124. L92, 328 — fra L46 til 649 Favne. adskillelig Funn Det er en fra Admete viridula let ved de stærkt vinklede Vindinger, de skjæve axiale Ribber, der rundt Kjolen næsten er knudeformige og den glatte mamilleformige Apex. Admete inflata. Friele. Tab, VIII. Fig. 33. Trichitropis inflata, Friele. ..Gat. d. Spitsbrg. Moll." 1879, Pag. 275. Trichitropis inflata, Verrill, 2d Cat. Moll. 1884, Pag. 178. Skallen hvid, semitransparent, tynd, oval, med 5 tumide, raskt tiltagende Vindinger, hvoraf den sidste er 2/3 Dele af Skallens Længde. Suturen tydelig og ofte dyb; Mund- aabningen halvmaaneformig, noget udvidet nedad; ydre Læbe skarp, den indre udbredt og tilbagekastet over Colu- mellen; denne er ret med en eller to svage Folde; Umbi- licus delvis dækket, men dog tydelig og dyb. Sculpturen hestaar af fine tætte Spirallinier, der snart viser sig som indskaarne Striæ, snart som hævede fine Cinguli, samt meget svage, bøiede Vækststriber, der især er synlig hen- imod Mundaabningen. Størrelse: 8""" Axiallængde 4.:>""" Diameter. Forekomst: St. 192, 312, 323 -- fra 223 til 658 Favne. I „Cat. der Spitzberg. Moll." er denne Art af mig opført under Trichitropis; den bor henføres til Admete, hvilket ogsaa Verrill i sin ,.2d Catalogue of Moll." gjør opmærksom paa. Den er af Verrill angivet fra 1290 Favne udenfor New Englands Kyster (40° 16' 50" N. Br.. 67° 5' 15" V. L.i. below, The column straight, with two lainl folds; the canal short. The sculpture consists of numerous, raised. spiral cinguli, which extend to the carina. Between it and the suture there are. either, faint indications of a spiral sculpture, or it has altogether disappeared. On the 3rd and 4th volutions, there are slanting, strong, axial folds, which disappear towards the ultimate half-portion of the Body whorl. Size: Axial length, 8 Diameter, 4 Habitat: Stats. Nos. 124. L92, 328. Depth. 146 to 649 fathoms. This form is easily distinguishable from Admete viri- dula, by its strongly angular whorls, its slanting axial ribs which, round the carina, are almost aodiform, and by its smooth mammiform apex. Admete inflata, Friele. Pl. VIII. 6g. Trichitropis inflata, Friele, „Cat. d. Spitzbrg. Moll." 1879, pag. 275. Trichitropis inflata, Verrill, 2nd Cat, Moll. 1884, pag. 178. The shell white, semi-transparent, thin, oval, with 5 tumid, rapidly increasing whorls, the ultimate one of which is two-thirds of the length of the shell. The suture distinct, and frequently deep. The aperture crescent shaped, some- what expanded below; the exterior lip sharp, the interior lip spread out and doubled back over the column. The last named straight, with one or two faint folds. The umbilicus partly covered but, still, distinct and deep. The sculpture consists of fine, close, spiral lines, which some- times appear as impressed striæ, sometimes as elevated fine cinguli, and of very faint, curved, lines of growth which are especially visible in the proximity of the aperture. Size. Axial length, 8'"'". Diameter. 4.:.""". Habitatj: Stats. Nos. 192, 312. 323. Depth, 223 to 668 Fathoms. In ..Cat. der Spitzberg. Moll." I have placed this species under Trichitropis: it ought to be assigned to Ad- mete, as Verrill, also, has pointed out in his ..2nd Cata- logue of Moll." It is stated by Verrill as pertaining to the New England coast, in 1290 fathoms (4<)n 16' 50" N. L.. 67° 5' 15" W. L.i. ti.-n norske Nordhavsexpedition. Herman Friele: Mollusca. II. 26 Nathica bathybii, Fr. Pl. XL Fig. 1, 2. Natica bathybii, Friele, „Cat. Spitsb. Moll." 1879, Pag. 272. Skallen solid, livid, globos mod 5 tumide Vindinger, Spiret svagt hævet og afrundet, Mundaabningen oval, 2/3 Del til :!/4 af Skallens Længde, Callo tyndt udbredt og Columellen tilbagekastet saaledes, at Umilieus for største Delen er dækket og der viser sig kun en dyb. men smal Ombilicalsplit. Skallen er glat og blot svage og uregel- mæssige Vækststriber er synlige. Af Spiralsculptur viser der sig paa yngre Exemplarer nogle s.vage Spor til Stria'. der dog kun er synlig i en bestemt Belysning. Operculum hvidt. kalkagtig, middelmaadig tykt med svage, skyg'geagtige Vækststriber. Størrelse: 15°"" Axiallængde, 13""" Diam.. Mundaab- ningen 10'"m. Var. oblonga. Tab. XI. Fig. 2. Spiret mere hævet. Forekomst: St, 51, 240, 251, 303. 312, 353 fra 650 til 1333 Favne. Baade den typiske Form og Varieteten oblonga fore- kommer imellem hinanden. Denne Art har stor Lighed med N. affinis, Gml. og synes i Skalform at variere omtrent indenfor de samme G-rændser som denne, idet Formen occlusa, Wood, er en tilsvarende Varietet af affinis som oblonga af bathybii. Fra N. affinis vil dog vor Art let adskille sig ved den tydelige Navlesplit, der ligner den hos Lunatia groenlandica Moll. Tændeme ligner N. affinis. Velutina Schneideri, n. sp. Tab. XI, Fig. 3, 4. Skallen oval. tynd, mørkebrun; Vindingerne 2lj-, til 3 hvoraf sidste udgjor den væsentligste Del af Skallen, Spiret hæver sig kun ubetydelig, Mundaabningen vid oval; Sculp- turen bestaar af tætte Vækststriber og svage, utydelige, noget fjernede og ubetydelig hævede Spiralribber; hvor Epidermis er tjernet, fremkommer et fint chagrineret Ydre over Skallen, Epidermis hudagtig, brun og tæt rynket. Størrelse: 10""" Axial, 9""" Diam. Forekomst: Tromsø 20 Favne. Nathica bathybii. Fr. Pl. XL figs. 1, 2. Natica bathybii, Friele, Cat. Spitzb. Moll. 1879, pag. 272. The shell solid, white, globular, with 5 tumid whorls; the spire slightly elevated, and rounded; the aperture oval, measuring two-thirds to three-fourths of the length of the shell; the eallo thinly spread out, and the column doubled back so that the umbilicus is, for the most part, covered, and there appears only a deep, but narrow, umbilical split, The shell is smooth, and only faint irregular lines of growth are visible. In young specimens, the spiral sculp- ture appears in a few faint traces of striæ, which are, however, only visible in a certain light. Operculum, white, calcareous, moderately thick, with faint, shadowy, lines of growth. Size: Axial length, 15'"'". Diam., 13""". Aperture, K)""". Var. oblonga. PI. XI, fig. 2.' The spiral considerably elevated. Habitat: Stats. Nos. 51, 240, 251, 303, 312, 353. Depth, (350 to 1333 fathoms. Both, the typical form and the variety oblonga, occur together. This Jspecies has a great resemblance to N. affinis, Gml. and its shell-form appears to differ, within about similar limits to that, because the form occlusa. Wood, is a corresponding variety of affinis, just as oblonga is of bathybii. Our species is, however, distinguishable from N. affinis by its distinct umbilical split, which resembles that of Lunatia groenlandica, Moll. The teeth resemble those of N. affinis. Velutina Schneideri, n. sp. PI XL fig. :s, 4. The shell oval, thin, dark-brown. ' 21)-, to 3 whorls, the ultimate one ot which forms the largest part of the shell. The spire is only slightly elevated. The aperture wide, ovate. The sculpture consists of close-set lines of growth, and of faint, indistinct, somewhat separated, and only slightly elevated, spiral ribs ; where the epidermis is removed, a fine shagreen-like exterior appears on the shell: the epidermis coriaceous, brown, and closely puckered. Size: Axial length, 10""". Diameter, 9""". Habitat: Tromso. Depth, 20 fathoms. 27 Denne for Norges Kystfauna aye Ail adskiller sig fra VéluMna laevigata, Tenn. ved sin mørkere Farve, der i Skallens Indre ofte spiller river i det violette Og ved den væsentlig afvigende Sculptur. Den synes at være temmelig sjelden. Rissoa Verrilli, n. sp. Tali. XI, Fig. :.. a. Skallen lang oval. hvid. solid. Vindingerne 5, convexe, Apex stump, glat, Suturen dyb, Mundaabningen rund oval; Sculpturen bestaar at omtrent 20 stærkt fremtrædende axiale Ribber og en microscopisk rin og tæt Spiralstriering. Der er ingen Navle, men kun en fin Navlesplit; den ydre Læbe er fortykket. Størrelse: 3""" Axiall. I1/.,»"" Diam. Forekomst: St. ll>2 — 649 Favne. Den eiendommelige fine Spiralsculptur, der i Fig. 5 a er gjengiret, gjør denne Art let gjenkjendelig. Den forekom kun paa en eneste Station, men var her temmelig talrig. dog alle dode Exemplarer. Rissoa (Alvania) Jan Mayeni. Fr. Tab XI, Fig. (i. 7. Rissoa Jan Mayeni, Friele. Nyt. Mag. 1878, Pag. 224. Pl. 1. Fig. 4 a, b. R. sibirica, Leche, Sv.j Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd. 16 (..Hafs- mollusker") Pag.' 38, Tab. 1, Fig. 10. Skallen oval conisk, solid. brun. Vindingerne 5 tumide, vinklede rundt de to sidste eller kun sidste Vinding. Sutu- ren dyb og ofte furelignende ; Mundaabningen rund oval. unget udvidet nedad og noget vinklet hvor den ydre Lrebe støder sammen med Columellen; Columellen lidet bøiet, der er ingen Navle, men kun en mere eller mindre dyb Navlesplit. Sculpturen bestaar af 5 til 8 stærkt fremtræ- dende axiale Ribber, hvilke rundt de sidste Vindingers Periferi er knudformige, samt 8 til 10 Spiralfurer. De axiale Ribber gaa sjelden hengere end halvt ned paa. Ho- vedvindingen og imellem forsvinde de fuldstændig ud mod Mundaabningen. Størrelse: bmm Axiall.. 2""" Diam. Forekomst : 223. 224. 225, 267, 270, 273. 326, 336, 357 fra 70 til 197 Favne. This species- a new one In the fauna of Norway — is distinguishable from Velutina laevigata, Penn. by its darker colour which, in the interior ut' the shell, frequently merges iiitu violet, and by its materially divergent sculp- ture. It appears to occur rather rarely. Rissoa Verrilli. n. sp. PI. XI. fig. .\ a. The shell ovo-elongate. white, solid; 5 convex whorls; apex obtuse, smooth: the suture deep; the aperture sub- circular. The sculpture consists of, about. 20 strongly prominent axial ribs, and a microscopically minute and close spiral striation. There is no umbilicus but only a minute umbilical split. 'The miter lip is thickened. Size: Axial length. 3""», Diam. I1/,.""". Habitat:- Stat. No. 192. Depth. 649 fathoms. The peculiar fine spiral sculpture, which is illustrated in fig. 5, a, causes this species to lie readily distinguishable. It occurred at only one station, hut it was. there, pretty abundant; all the specimens were, however, dead. Rissoa i Alvania i Jan Mayeni. Fr. PI. XI. figs. 6, 7. Rissoa Jan Mayeni , Friele. Nyt. Mag. 1878, pag. 224. PL I. fig. 4 a. b. R. sibirica. Leche. Sv. Vet. Akad. Handl. Bd. 16 („Hafs- mollusker") pag. 38, PI. I. fig. 10. The shell oval-coniform, solid, brown; 5 tumid whorls, angulated round the penultimate and ultimate, or ultimate whorl only; the suture deep and frequently groove-like. The aperture subcircular, somewhat dilated below, and some- what angulated at the point where the outer lip unites with the column: the column inconsiderably curved. No umbilicus but, only, a more or less deep umbilical fissure. The sculpture consists of 5 to 8 strongly prominent axial ribs which are. round the periphery ut' the ultimate whorls. nodiform, and also of 8 to 10 spiral grooves.. The axial ribs seldom proceed further than half down the Body whorl, and sometimes completely disappear towards the aperture. Size: Axial length. 5""", Diam. 2""». Habitat: Stats. Nos. 223. 224. 22.".. 267, 270, 273. 326. 336. 357. Depth. 70 to 197 fathoms. 4* 2S Over deo hele arktiske Zone synes denne Art at vaie talrig udbredt i de middelmaadige Dyb. Prof. Leche angiver den fra det Kariske Hav1. Hvorvidt Cingula Jan Mayeni, Verrill er vor Art, betvivler jeg. Prof. Verrill har været saa venlig at sende mig Exemplarer af den amerikanske Form, men disse adskiller sig fra vor ved en paafaldende grovere Sculptur. Spiralribberne er saaledes kun 3 til 4 og af betydelig Styrke, hvorved Skallen faar Udseendet af at være 3 — 4 carineret. Ved at sammenligne Verrills Tegning (Cat. Mar. Moll. 1882, Pl. XLII, Fig. 8) med, vor, vil denne Afvigelse være ioinefaldende. For at adskille disse to For- mer vil jeg derfor foreslaa Rissoa americana for den ameri- kanske Form. Rissoa (Cingulai islandica, n. sp. Tab. XI. Fig. 8, 9. Skallen gjennemsigtig hvid, svag glindsende, eylindrisk conisk, Vindingerne 5 svagt convexe. Suturen dyb; Mund- aabningen omtrent 3/7 Del af Skallens Længde, rund oval. unget udvidet nedad og noget skjæv; ydre Læbe noget for- tvkket. den indre vel udviklet og sammenhængende ; der er en tydelig Umbilicalsplit. Sculpturen bestaar af yderst tine. næsten microscopiske Spiralstriæ og svage, men tætte Vækststriber; Apex er stump, glat og glindsende. Størrelse: 21//"" Axiall.. I1,.,""" Diam. Forekomst: St. 48— 299 Favne. 1 levende Expl. Dr. Jeffreys antog vor Art for muligens at være en Dybvandsvarietet af Rissoa a/renaria, men denne Anskuelse kan jeg ikke dele, da den forekommer mig altfor afvigende baade i Form og Sculptur. Cingula l&ptalea, Verr., synes at stan den meget nær, men Mundaabningeus Form er afvigende. Rissoa (Setia) Griegi, Fr. Tab. XI. Fig. 10. Bissoa Griegi, Kri. 'le. Jahr!). Mal. Gesell. 1879, Pg. 274. Skallen rund oval. næsten globos, gulagtig, Vindin- gerne 4 tumide. raskt tiltagende. Spiret kort. Suturen dyb; 1 Herzenstein (op. c. Pag. 682) angiver .len fra det hvide Hav. This species appears to lie abundantly distributed over the whole arctic zone, in moderate depths. Prof. Leche states it as pertaining to the Kara sea1. I have some doubt whether Cingula Jan Mayeni, Verrill, is our species. Prof. Verrill has kindly sent me specimens of the American shell, but it is distinguishable from ours by a strikingly coarser sculpture. The spiral ribs are, for instance, only 3 to 4 in number and of consider- able strength, owing to which fact the shell acquires the appearance of being triply to quadruply carinated. On comparison of Verrills illustration (Cat. Mar. Moll. 1882, PI. XLII, fig. 8) with ours, this divergence becomes im- mediately apparent. In order to distinguish these two forms I would, therefore, propose as an appellation for the American form. Rissoa americana. Rissoa (Cingula) islandica, n. sp. PI. XI, figs. 8, 9. The shell translucently white, faintly lustrous, cylin- dric-conical; 5 faintly convex whorls; the suture deep; the aperture measuring about three-sevenths of the length of the shell, subcircular, somewhat dilated outwards and a little oblique; the outer lip somewhat thickened; the inner lip well developed and continuous: there is a distinct umbili- cal fissure. The sculpture consists of extremely tine, almost microscopical, spiral striæ, and of faint, but close lines, of growth. Apex, obtuse, smooth and lustrous. Size: Axial length. 2..V"'", Diam. 1 .5 Habitat: Stat, No. 48. Depth, 299 fathoms. One living specimen. Dr. Jeffreys considered our species to be, probably, a deep-water variety of Rissoa arenaria, but I cannot share that opinion, as it appears to me to be too divergent both in form and sculpture. Cingula leptalea, Verr. appears to be related to it, but the form of the aperture differs. Rissoa (Setia) Griegi, Fr. PI. XI, Fii--. 10. Rissoa Griegi, Friele. Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1879. pag. 274. The shell subcircular, almost globular, yellowish; 4 tumid, rapidly increasing, whorls; the spire short; Suture 1 Herzenstein (Op. o. pag. 682) states that it pertains to the White Sea. 29 Mundaabningen er omtrent halve Skallens Længde, rund oval, noget angulær i ovre Ende: ydre Læbe skarp; Umbi- licus liden, men dyb. Sculpturen bestaar af tætte, over- ordentlig fine Spiralstriæ; Apex er glat og nedtryt. Størrelse: 1.5""" Axiall.. l.2mm Diam. Forekomst: St. 353—1333 Favne. Et levende Exemplar. Hvorvidt man her har et fuldt udviklet Individ for sig, eller et Ungdoinsstadie, vil være vanskeligt at afgjøre. Samtidig med Rissoa Oriegi beskrev jeg i ..Mal. Jahr- biicher,, 1879 Rissoa semvpellucida fra samme Station. Ved nærmere Sammenligninger er jeg imidlertid kommen til det Resultat, at denne er en Dybvandsform af Rissoa turgida, Jeffreys og den raaa saaledes udgaa som selvstændig Art. Odostomia sublustris, n. sp. Tal.. XI. Fig. 11. a. Skallen conisk oval, hvid glindsende, Vindingerne 5 con- vexe, jevnt tiltagende, Suturen dyb; Apex glat, stump og Nucleus nedtrykt og noget tilsidebøiet; Mundaabningen oval, afrumlet vinklet i nedre Ende; Columellen er ubetyde- lig boiet og der er en svag Antydning til Fold: Umbilicus liden. men tydelig. Sculpturen bestaar af lb' til 18 grove Axialribber; Iste Vinding er glat, v Størrelse: 2..".""" Axiall., 1.2""" Diam. Forekomst: St. 124, 192, 251 fra 350 til 649 Favne. Odostomia Normani, n. sp. Tab. XI. Fig. 12. Skallen aflang, noget tynd, hvid opak. glindsende; Vin- dingerne 41 , svagt convexe og raskt tiltagende, sidste Vinding er omtrent halve Skallens Længde, Apex stump med nedtrykt Nucleus (ligner foregaaende Arts), Suturen grand; Mundaabningen piriform, tilspidset opad; Columel- len næsten ret med en meget svag, foldlignende Tand øverst, Umbilicus meget liden; Sculptur ingen; den er fuldstændig glat, kun enkelte Exemplarer vise Tegn til mikroscopisk fine Vækststriber. Størrelse: 2mm Axiall.. 1""" Diam. deep; the aperture measures alum! half the length of the shell, subcircular, somewhat angular in the upper extremity; the outer lip sharp; umbilicus small, but deep. The sculp- ture consists ol' elose. extremely minutr. spiral stria'; apes smooth and flattened. Size. Axial length, I.". , Diam., 1.2""». Habitat: Stat. No. 353. Depth 1333 fathoms. One living specimen. Whether we have before us, here, a, mature, or. only, an immature stage, is difficult to determine. Along with li/ss,„( Oriegi I described, in „Mal. Jahrbucher1' 1ST'.'. Rissoa semipellucida, obtained at the same station. Upon further comparative examination I have, however, arrived at the opinion that the latter is a deep-water form of Rissoa turgida, Jeffreys, and it must therefore be struck out as an independent species. Odostomia sublustris, n. sp. PL XI. tig. 11, a. The shell oval, coniform, lustrous white, 5 convex, regularly increasing, whorls; suture deep; apex smooth, obtuse, with nucleus depressed and somewhat laterally twisted; the aperture oval, rounded angularly in the lower extremity; the column is only slightly curved, and there is a faint indication of a fold; umbilicus small, but distinct. The sculpture consists of lb to 18 coarse axial ribs. The first whorl is smooth. Size. Axial length, 2.:.»"", Diam., 1.-."""'. Habitat: Stats. Nos. 124, 192. 251. Depth, 350 to 649 fathoms. Odostomia Normani, n. sp. PL XI. tig. 12. Shell oblong, some what thin, opaque white, lustrous; 4^2 faintly convex, and rapidly increasing, whorls; the ultimate whorl is about half of the length of the shell. Apex obtuse, with depressed nucleus (similar to that of the preceding species); suture shallow; aperture piriform, acuminated upwards; the column almost straight, with a \ei\ faint fold-like tooth at the upper extremity; umbilicus very small. It is perfectly smooth; only occasional spec- imens shew traces of, microscopically minute, lines of growth. Size. Axial length, 2 . Diam., 1'"'". 30 For en l-t — 15 Aar siden har jeg fundet denne, som jeg tror nye Art for vor Fauna ved Bergen. Under Ex- peditionen med ..Voringen" forekom den ved Sognefjordens Munding og ligeledes har jeg tåget den ved Floro. Dens hathymetriske Forekomst er imellem 30 og 50 Favne. Dens nærmeste Slægtning maa antagelig være 0. diaphana, Jeff. men denne har en meget hengere sidste Vinding, ligesom den er mere hyalin. Jeg har dedicert denne Art til min Yen Mr. A. M. Norman. Eulima Lauræ, n. sp. Tab. XI, Fig. 13, 14, «. Skallen eylindrisk, hvid. glindsende, solid, fuldstændig glat; Vindingerne 8 svagt tiltagende og noget convexe. Suturen grund, men tydelig; Apex afrundet stump; Mund- aabningen er omtrent 1/4 Del af Skallen, piriform; den ydre Læbe flexuos og danner en bred Sinus i ovre Ende, den indre Læbe noget fortykket; Columellen hoiet og til— bagekastet, hvorved Umbilicus fuldstændig lukkes. Størrelse: 4.2""" Axiall.. 1""" Diam. Forekomst: St. 192—649 Favne. 3 Exeinpl. Denne lille vakre Art ligner noget paa smaa Exem- plarer af Eulimella ventrirom. Forh. Solariella lævis. n. sp. Tab. XII. Fig. 4. :.. (i. Gen. Solariella, Wood 1842. „ Machæroplax, Friele 1876. Skallen tynd, lys kjødfarvet med et svagt Anstrog af perlemorglindsende, bred konisk; Vindingerne 5 tumide, den siilstc er dog ofte noget fladtrykt paa Undersiden, hvorved fremkommer en svag angulær Kant nedenfor Periferien, Spiret kort. men tilspidset, Suturen dyb; Mundaabningen skjæv oval. ydre Læbe skarp; Umbilicus noget vid og dyb. Sculpturen viser snart kun svage Vækststriber, forovrigt fuldstændig glat. snart er der utydelige Antydninger til Spiralfurer. Størrelse: G'""' Axiall.. li.:.""" Diam. Forekomst: St. 12-4 og 173 b — fra 300 til 350 Favne. About 14 or 15 years ago I found this — I believe, new species in our Fauna — near Bergen. On the exped- ition with the ,, Voringen," it occurred at the mouth of the Sognefjord, and I have, also, found it near Floro. Its bathymetrical occurrence is between 30 and 50 fathoms. Its nearest relative is, presumably, O. diaphana, Jeff., but that has a much longer ultimate whorl, and it is also more hyaline. I have dedicated this species to my friend the Revd. A. M. Norman. Eulima Lauræ, n. sp. PI. XI. figs. 13, 14, a. The shell cylindrical, white, lustrous, solid, perfectly smooth; 8 slowly increasing, and somewhat convex, whorls; the suture shallow, but distinct; Apex obtusely rounded; the aperture measures about one-fourth part of the length of the shell, piriform; the outer lip flexuous, and forms a broad sinus in the upper extremity ; the inner lip some- what thickened ;| the column bent and doubled back, caus- ing the umbilicus to be perfectly closed. Size. Axial length, 4.'2'"'", Diam., 1""". Habitat: Stat. No. 192. Depth, 649 fathoms. Three specimens. This small and beautiful species somewhat resembles small specimens of Eulimella ventricosa, Forb. Solariella lævis, n. sp. PI. XII, figs. 4, r>. ii. Gen. Solariella, Wood 1842. „ Machæroplax, Friele 1876. The shell thin, light flesh-coloured, having a faint tinge of mother-of-pearl lustre, broad coniform; 5 tumid whorls, of which, the ultimate one is frequently somewhat flattened on the lower surface, forming, thus, a faint angu- lar margin below the periphery; the spire short, but pointed; suture deep; the aperture oblique oval; the outer lip sharp; umbilicus somewhat wide, and deep. The sculpture some- times shows only faint lines of growth, and is, otherwise, perfectly smooth, sometimes there are indistinct indications of spiral grooves. Size. Axial length, 6""", Diam. 6.5""". Habitat: Stats., 124 and 173, b. Depth, 300 to 350 fathoms. 31 Arterne inden denne Slægt synes a1 være i høi Grad polymorfe og «nu end denne smukke glatte Form er saa hoist ulige alle de øvrige kjendte af Slægten, er jeg dop: ikke sikker paa, at der vil vise sip Overgange til Solariélla obscurus, Couth. De paa et Par Exemplarer af S. lævis forekommende Spor af Spiralsculptur synes at antyde dette. Typen for Solariélla, Wood er 8. mandata. Wood1 og denne er ifølge Jeffreys3 Trochus cinctus, Philippi z= Machæ- roplax amdbilis (Jeff.) Friele3 = Machceroplax affinis (Jeff.) Friele3. Hvis dette er correct, hvilket jeg ikke har havt Anledning at forvisse mig om, saa maa Machærqplax vipe Plads for Solar/ella, uagtet Wood selv senere i Crag Moll. Pag. 135 inddrager Slægten under Margarita. Jeffreys feiler imidlertid, naar han henfører Margarita cinerea, Couth og Margarita groenlandica, Ohm. under Machæroplax.1 Margarita umbilicalis, Br. & Sowb. Tab. XI, Fig. 22, 23. M. umbilicalis, Brod. & Sowb. Zool. Journ. IV, Pg. 371. Trochus umbilicalis, Phil. Conch. Cab. Martini & Chm. af Kuster, Pag. 245, Tab. 37, Fig. 2. Som Regel er M. umbilicalis mere rladtrykt end M. groenlandica, Chm. Sculpturen er snart glat paa Oversiden af Skallen, snart forsynet med nogle faa, ofte parvis op- trædende Spiralstriæ og paa Undersiden tæt, fint spiral- strieret. Størrelse: Mine største Exemplarer maaler 1U""" Axiall. og 16""" Diam. Eadula viser ingen Afvigelse fra M. groenlandica. Forekomst: Den forekom talrig paa omkring 20 Favne Magdalenebay (Spitzbergen). Margarita striata, Br. & Sowb.5 Pl. XII, Fig. i. M. striata, Brod. & Sowb. Beechys Voy. Pag. 143, Pl. 34, Fig. 11. 1 Ann. & Mag. Vol. IX 1842, Pag. 531, Pl. 5, Fig. 7, 10. - Mull. ..Lightning & Porcupine Exped." Part Yl 1883, Pg. 97. 3 Tungebevælmg. hos de norske Rhipidoglosa 1876, Pag. 313. 4 Jeffreys 1. c. Pag. 96. 5 Hvis M. striata. Br. & Sowb. ikke kan beholde sit specitike Navn, da der allerede er en Trochus striates, Lin. maa SI. polaris, Phil. rykke op istedenfor, men jeg tror ikke, at denne Forandring er nød- vendig, thi man resikerer neppe Misforstaaelse. The species included in this genus appear to be, in a very great degree, polymorphous, and although this beautiful, smooth, form is so verv unlike all the others of the genus known, yet, I am mil certain that transitions to Solariélla obscurus, Couth, will be traceable. The traces of spiral sculpture appearing on a couple of specimens of S. lævis would appear to indicate this. The type for Sola- riélla, Wood, is S. maculata, Wood1 aud that is according to Jeffreys2 Trochus cinctus, I'hilippi = Marine ropla.r amabilis (Jeff.) Friele3 — Machceroplax affinis (Jeff.) Friele8. If that is the case, but of which I have had no opportunity of satisfying myself, Machæroplax must give way for Sola- ririla, although Wood himself, subsequently, in Crag Moll. (p. 135), includes the genus under Margarita. Jeffreys errs, however, when he assigns Margarita cinerea, Couth, and Margarita groenlandica, Chm. to Machceroplax4: Margarita umbilicalis, Br. & Sowb. PL XI, tigs. 22, 23. M. umbilicalis, Brocl. & Sowb., Zool. Journ. IV, pag. 371. Trochus umbilicalis, Phil.. Conch. Cab. Martini & Chm. by Kuster, pag. 245, PL XXXVII, fig. 2. As a rule, M. umbilicalis is more flattened than M. groenlandica, Chm. The sculpture is sometimes smooth on the upper surface of the shell, sometimes it is furnished with only a few spiral stria- appearing, frequently, in pairs; and on the lower surface it is compactly and minutely spir- ally striated. Size. My largest specimen measures: Axial length, 10""", Diam. 16""". The Radula does not differ from that of M. groen- landica. Habitat: It occurred abundantly in Magdalene Bay (Spitzbergen); Depth, 20 fathoms. Margarita striata, Br. & Sowb.-' Pl. XII, flg. I. M. striata, Brod. & Sowb., Beechys Voy. pag. 143, PI. XXXIV, fig. 11. 1 Ann. & Mag. Vol. IX 1842, pag. 531, PI. V, fig. 7, 10. - Moll. „Lightning" & „Porcupine-' Exped. Part VI 1883, pag. 97. 3 Tungebevæbng. hos de Norske Rhipidoglosa 1876, pag. 313. 4 Jeffreys Op. c. pag. 96. 5 If 31. striata, Br. & Sow. can not retain its specific designa- tion owing to there being a Trochus striatus, Lin. already, then M. polaris, Phil, must be substituted, but I do not think this change is necessary as there is scarcely room for misunderstanding. 32 Trochus polaris (Beck) Phil. Conch. Call. Mart & Chm., Kuster, Pag. 249. Tab. 37, Fig. 9. Margarita sordida, Hanck. Ann. & Mag. XVIII 1846. Pag. .324. Dr. Jeffreys Og flere andre Forfattere vil ikke aner- kjende denne Form for andet end en Varietet af M. cinerea, Couthouy. Mm vil man være stræng i Artsbegrebet, saa vil neppe 'foregaaende være mere berettiget at hæves til Art end denne ; begge holder jeg for eiendommelige arctiske Formudviklinger. der som saadanne har sin Berettigelse at benævnes med Artsnavn. M. striata adskiller sig fra il/, cinerea ved mere af- rundede og ikke saa stærkt kjølede Vindinger; idet Spiral- ribberne ikke er saa kraftig fremtrædende og den axiale Sculp- tur hos il/, striata bestaar kun af tætte, uregelmæssige Vækststriber. Hos M. cinerea er paa Spirets øvre Vindin- ger en gitret Seulptur. men denne savnes hos nærværende Art. Tandstrukturen er hos hegge ens. Størrelse: Mit største Exempl. maaler 13.5""" Axial- Iængde og 18""" Diam. Forekomst: Magdalenebay (Spitsbergen) 60 Favne temmelig hyppig. Hvorvidt il/, cinerea var. r/raml is, Mørch, er nærvæ- rende Art, kan jeg ikke bestemt udtale mig om, men den af Sårs i „Moll. reg. are." Tab. 24. Fig. 4 afbildede M. cinerea var. striata er ikke il/, striata. Brod. å Sowb. M. striata var. margaritifera, nob. Tab. XII, Fig. 2—3. Skallen bred conisk. temmelig tynd, stærkt perlemor- glindsende, Vindingerne 5, forbundne med en grund Sutur. Skulpturen bestaar af 4 til 5 vinklede Spiralribber paa sidste og 2 til 3 paa Spirets Vindinger; Apex er glat; paa Undersiden af Skallen, der er temmelig fladtrykt, er tætte Spiralstriæ; forøvrigt er Skallen glat, kun ud mod Mund- aabningen er nogle Vækststriber. Umbilicus trang. Størrelse,: 5.5""" Axiall. 5.5""" Diam. Forekomst: St. 124. 350 Favne. 2 levende Exempl. Dette er den smukkeste Snekke i de arctiske Have; den har en Glands som den pragtfuldeste Perle. Umbili- cus er paafaldende trangere end hos Typeformen. Radula viser ingen Afvigelse fra il7. striata fra grun- dere Vand. Trochus polaris (Beck) Phil. Conch. Cab. Mart. & Chm. Kuster, pag. 249, Pl. XXXVII, fig. 9. Margarita sordida, Hanck. Ann. & Mag. XVIII, 1846, pag. 324. - Dr. Jeffreys, and several other Authors, will not recognise this form as anything else than a variety of M. chierea, Couthouy. But, if we are strict in specific definition, the preceding species will scarcely be more entitled to be elevated to specific rank than this one. I consider both, however, to be peculiar Arctic developments of form and, as such, to be deserving of specific designations. M. striata is distinguished from M. cinerea. by more rounded and not so strongly carinated whorls; whilst the spiral ribs are not so strongly prominent, the axial sculp- ture in M. striata, consists, only, of compact irregular lines of growth. In M. cinerea. the upper whorls of the spire, have a cancellated sculpture, but this is absent in the pre- sent species. The dental structure is alike in both. Size. My largest specimen measures: Axial length. 13.5»"». Diam., 18""". Habitat: Magdalene Bay (Spitzbergen). Depth, 60 fathoms. Occurrence frequent. Whether M. cinerea, var. grandis, Morck, is identical with the present species I am unable to definitely say, but the M. cinerea var. striata illustrated by Sars. in ,.Moll. reg. Arc." PL XXIV. fig. 4, is not M. striata. Brod. A Sowb. M. striata var. margaritifera, nob. PI. XII. tigs. ■!. :■. The shell broad coniform, rather thin, with a strong mother-of-pearl lustre; 5 whorls, connected by a shallow suture. The sculpture consists of 4 to 5 angular spiral ribs on the ultimate whorl, and 2 to 3 whorls on the spire; apex smooth; on the lower surface of the shell, which is rather flattened, close spiral striæ occur; the shell, otherwise, is smooth, except that towards the aper- ture there are some faint lines of growth ; umbilicus narrow. Size. Axial length, 5.5"»", Diam. 5.5""". Habitat: Stat, Xo. 124. Depth. 350 fathoms. Two living specimens. This is the most beautiful shell found in the Arctic Ocean. It has a lustre equal to the most brilliant pearl. The umbilicus is strikingly narrower than in the typical form. The radula shows no divergence from that of ili. striata from shallow depths. 33 Cyclostrema Petterseni, Fr. Tab. SI, figs. In, 16, C. Petterseni, Friele, ..Prelim. Rep. Moll." Nyt Mag. XXm, !*77. Pag. :;. Pig. 3. ('. trochoide (Jeff. M. S.) var. Peftersém, Sms. Moll. reg. air. Pag. 344. Tab. 33, Pig. 5. Skallen skjæv oval, livid solid, med 4 bugede Vindin- ger, Spiret noget ophøiet, afrundet, Suturen dyb; Mund- aabningen rund, - ,; Del at' Skallens Længde; indenfor Læberanden gaar en sammenhængende fbrtykket Rand. Der er ingen egentlig Umbihcus, men en mere eller mindre tydelig Split. Skallen er fuldstændig glat. Størrelse: 2 :,»"•> Axiall. l'.:; ' Diam. Forekomst: St. 31, 17.", h. 192, 195, fra 107 til 650 Favne. I Videnskb. Selskbs. Forhandlinger („Bidr. til Vestl. Molluskfauna") 1875, Pag. 60 har jeg. efter Dr. Jeffreys egen Bestemmelse, nævnl ( yclostrema trochoide Jeff. M. S. og opgiver følgende Maal for den ved Bergen fundne: 1""" hoi og 1.7'""' bred.. Ved senere Dndersøgelser er jeg kom- meii til det Resultat, at Exemplaret fra Bergen er Oyclo- strema lævigatvm (Jeff. M. S.) Gr. 0. Sårs og ikke C trochoide, G. 0. Sårs. hvilket ogsaa tydelig vil fremgaa at' de angivne Maal. Prof. G. O. Sårs er den Første, der i sitVærk, ..Moll. reg. aret." 1878, Pag. 131, Pl. 8, Fig. 9. har givet en Beskrivelse og Tegning at' C', trochoide. Jeg er med Prof. Sårs tilbøielig at tro, at denne og C'. Petter- seni kun er Varieteter, men i saa Fald maa sidste Navn have Prioritetsret, da Beskrivelsen er af 1877. hvorimod hin er af 1878. Cyclostrema millipunctatum, n. sp. Tab. XT. Fig. 17. 18, a. Skallen liden, fladtrykt, næsten skiveformig, hvid glind- sende; Vindingerne 3. hvoraf sidste stærkt buget, Spiret hæver sig kun ubetydelig over sidste Vinding og Apex ligger i Niveau med første Vinding: Mundaabningen rund. Læben sammenhængende og indenfor Aabningen gaar. lige- som hos foregaaende Art, en Fortykkelse, dog ligger denne noget dybere inde; Umbilicus (vid og dyb. Sculpturen er tilsyneladende glat. men under stærk Forstørrelse viser der sig over hele Skallen en lin. tæt og regelmæssig Punktering (Fig. 18 a). Størrelse: 0.8""" Axiall.. 1.2""" Diam. Forekomst: St. 192—649 Favne. I Habitus kommer denne Art nær C', areolatum, G. O. Sårs, men Skulpturen er væsentlig forskjellig. Cyclostrema Petterseni. Fr. Pl. SI, figs. IS, 10. t'. Peførseni', Fri. .le. „Prelim. Rep. Moll." Nyt. Mag. XXIII. 1877, pag. 3, fig. 3. C. trochoide (Jeff. M. S.) var. Petterseni, Sårs, Moll. reg. Are. pag. 344, Pl. 33, 8g. 5. The shell slantingly oval. white, solid, with 4 swollen whorls; the. spire somewhat elevated, rounded; suture deep: aperture circular, measuring two-third parts of the length of the shell: inside of the lip-edge a continuous tumification occurs. There is no umbibcus-proper, but a more or less distinct umbilical fissure. The shell is perfectly smooth. Size. Axial length 2.5""", Diam. 2.:;""". Habitat: Stats. Nos. 31. 173 h. 192, L95. Depth, 107 to !)."><) fathoms. I Vidensk. Selskbs. Forhandlinger „Bidr. til Vestl. Molluskfauna--. 1875, pag. 60, I have, in accordance with Dr. Jeffrey's own determination, referred to Cyclostrema trochoide (Jeff. 31. S.) and stated the size ol' the specimen found near Bergen as follows. Height. 1""\ Breadth. 1.7 On subsequent examination I have, however, arrived at the opinion, that this Bergen specimen is Cyclostrema lævigatum (Jeff. M. S.) G. 0. Sars, and not C. trochoide, G. 0. Sars, which will also be clearly seen from the dimensions stated. Prof. G. 0. Sars is the first wdio — in his work „Moll. reg. arc." 1878 pag. 131, Pl. VIII, fig. 9 — has given a de- scription and illustration of C', trochoide. I am disposed to believe, along with Prof. Sars. that it and C'. Petterseni are only varieties, and in that ease the latter designation has the right of priority, as its description dates from 1S77. whilst the first named dates from 1*7*. Cyclostrema millipunctatum, n. sp. PI. XI, figs. 17. 1S, a. Shell small, compressed, almost discoidal, lustrous white: 3 whorls, the ultimate one of which is strongly swollen'; the spire is only inconsiderably raised above the ultimate whorl, and the apex lies level with the first whorl. The aperture circular; the lip continuous, and inside of the aperture there occurs, as in the preceding species, a tumifica- tion. but lying somewhat further in. Umbilicus wide, ami deep. The sculpture is. apparently, smooth, but under powerful magnification, a minute, compact, regular, stippling appears visible over tic entire shell (fig. 1* u i. Size. Axial length. 0.8 Diam., 1.2""". Habitat: Stat. Xo. 192. Depth. 649 fathoms. In habitus this species approaches to ('. areolatum, G. 0. Sars, but the sculpture is essentially different. i '. rsexpedition. Herman Friele: Mollusca. II. 34 Cyclostrema Willei, n: sp. PI. XI, fig. 19. Skallen livid solid, nedtrykt, Vindingerne 3, sidste stærkt buget, Spiret svagt hævet; Mundaabningen rund, Læben sammenhængende og aden nogen indvendig Fortyk- kelse; Umbilicus vid og dyb omtrent som hos foregaaende Art. Skulpturen bestaar af middelmaadig tætte Spiralstriæ iiver hele Skallen; paa den ovre Side er de dog svagere end paa Undersiden. Størrelse: 1""" Axiall., 1.3' Diam. Forekomst: St, 1 7-S b, 192 fra 300 til 649 Favne. I ydre Form ligner denne foregaaende Art, kun er Spiret noget mere hævet. Cyclostrema profundum, Fr. Tab. XI, Fig. 20, 21, 22. C. profundum, Friele, „Cat. Spitzb. Moll." Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1879, Pag. 272. Skallen skjæv oval. noget solid, opac hvid. Vindin- gerne 4 raskt tiltagende, tumide. Spiret noget hævet, Sutu- ren dyb; Mundaabningen rund, Læberanden skarp og indenfor denne gaar en svag Fortykkelse. Sculpturen bestaar af tætte fine Spiralstriæ, kun Apex er glat; Umbi- licus dyb, men halvt dækket. Sftnreke: 2. Axiall., 8""" Diam. Forekomst: St. 192, 353, 357 fra 120 til 1333 Favne. Dr. Jeffreys holder nærværende Form for en Varietet af C', basistriatum, Jeff., men denne Opfatning kan jeg [ikke dele. Den ligner vistnok denne nærmest, men ved at sam- manholde begge Arter, vil der vise sig en ikke uvæsentlig Forskjel baade i Form og Sculptur. Spiret er nemlig hos C. basistriatum mere hrevet, Mundaabningen ikke saa ud- videt og Sculpturen er aldrig saa regelmæssig og distinkt strieret over hele Skallen som hos C', profundum. Paa den dyheste Station 1333 forekom den temme- lig talrig i et Stykke Træ, der var stærkt gjennemboret af en Teredo. Den laa skjult dvbt inde i Gangene. Cyclostrema Willei, n. sp. Pl. XI, fig. 19. Shell white, solid, compressed; 3 whorls, of which the ultimate one strongly tumid; the spire slightly elevated; the aperture circular, the lip continuous, and without any internal tumification ; umbilicus wide, and deep, about the same as in the preceding species. The sculpture consists of moderately close spiral striæ over the entire shell; on the upper surface the striæ are, however, more faint than on the lower surface. Size. Axial length, 1""", Diam., 1.:!""". Habitat: Stats. Nos. 173 6, 192. Depth, 300 to 649 fathoms. In Habitus it resembles the preceding species, except that the spire is somewhat more elevated. Cyclostrema profundum, Fr. PI. XI, figs. 20, 21, 22. C. profundum, Friele, „Oat. Spitzb. Moll.-' Jahrb. Mai. Gesell. 1879, pag. 272. The shell obliquely oval, somewhat solid, opaque white; 4 tumid, rapidly increasing, whorls; spire somewhat elevated ; suture deep; aperture circular; lip-edge sharp, and inside of it a slight tumification occurs. The sculpture consists of close, minute, spiral striæ, the apex alone being smooth. Umbilicus deep, but half covered. Size. Axial length. 2.5""", Diam.. 3""". Habitat: Stats. Nos. 192, 353, 357. Depth. 120 to 1333 fathoms. Dr. Jeffreys considers this form to be a variety of C. basistriatum, Jeff., but I cannot share that opinion. It, indeed, resembles it most, but on comparison of both species it will be apparent, that there is a not immate- rial difference both in form and sculpture. The spire is, for instance, in C. basistriatum more elevated, the aper- ture not so dilated and tin/ sculpture is never so regular and distinctly striated over the whole shell as in C. pro- fundum. In the deepest locality — 1333 fathoms — it occur- red pretty abundantly in a piece of wood that was much perforated by a Teredo. It lay deeply concealed in the parages. 35 Amphisphyra hiemalis. Couth. Var. Loveni. nob. PI. £11, Fig. T. s. Spiret er om end noget nedsunket dog tydeligt i 2 Vindinger. Paa St. 240 — 1000 Favne forekom 5 Exemplarer, der alle har tydeligt Spir. hvorimod et 6te har dette skjult. saaledes som regelmæssig er Tilfælde hos den udviklede Amphisphyra hiemalis, Couth. Størrelsen var dog omtrent den samme hos alle. nemlig omkring o.r.""". Dr. Jeffreys har gjort opmærksom paa, at det af Loven observerede Spir hos Amphisphyra rjlobosa kun er et Ungdomsstadie, men at det fuldstændig fbrsvinder senere, naar Skallen udvikler sig. I dette Tilfælde beholder imid- lertid det overveiende Antal igjennem sin hele Udvikling Spiret. Amphisphyra globosa, Loven = Utriculopsis vitrea, Sårs = Balla hiemalis, Couth. Philine Ossian Sarsi, Fr. Tab. XII, Fig. 9, 10 a. P. Ossian-Sarsi, Friele. „Prelim. Rep.- Nyt Mag. XVIII 1877. Pag. 9. Fig. 19 a, b, r. Skallen hvid. tynd, oval. oventil truncat ; Vindingerne 21 , — 3 er synlige paa Spiret, eler ligger i Niveau med Hovedvindingen; Suturen er grund rundt den apicale Vin- ding, men tiltager senere i Dybde og ender i en fin Split; Ventralvindingen har omtrent halve Mundaabningens Stør- relse; Mundaabningen er piriform, meget udvidet forneden, og sammenknebet, dog ikke tilspidset oventil; Læben er sinuos, er forst udgaaende i en stump Vinkel og boier saa i en noget indbugtet Liuie nedad, den nedre Ende er bredt afrundet. Sculpturen (Fig. 10 «) bestaar af talrige fine Spiral- stria', der ser ud som Dobbellinier, idet en s vagere og en sterkere stadig vexler; Linierne er under stærk Forstørrelse fint saugtakkede fremkommen derved, at de krydses af talrige fine Væxtstriber. Tændeme ligne Philine finmarchia's. Kroens 2 Kalkplader er ualmindelig store; de er ikke mindre end 2/3 Dele af Skallens Længde. Størrelse: 9'"'" Axiall.. 6.5 Diam. Forekomst: St. 18—400 Favn.'. Paa St. 87 og 295 — 488 og 1100 Favne — fandtes nogle Fragmenter af en Philine, som synes at tilhøre denne Art. Amphisphyra hiemalis. Couth. Var. Lovéni, nob. Pl. XII, figs. t. -. The spire although somewhat depressed is. yet, distinct in 2 whorls. At station No. 24o. Depth 1000 fathoms, 5 specimens were obtained, all of them having a distinct spire, whilst a sixth specimen has it concealed, as is uniformly the case with the developed Amphisphyra hiemalis, Couth. The size was, however, nearly uniform in all. viz. about3. :>""". Dr. Jeffreys has pointed out that the spire in Am- phisphyra i/lobosa observed by Loven, relates to an imma- ture stage, and that it. subsequently, completelj disappears when the shell is developed. In the present case, however, the larger number retain the spire throughout the entire development. Amphisphyra rjlobosa. Loven = Utriculopsis vitrea, Sars = Bulla hiemalis. Couth. Philine Ossian-Sarsi, Fr. PL XII, Figs. 9, 10 a. P. Ossian-Sarsi. Friele. ,.Prelim. Re])." Nyt Mag. XVIII 1877, pag. 9, fig. 19 a, b. c. Shell white, thin, oval, truncate superiorly. 21 L. — 3 whorls visible on the spire, which lies level with the Body- whorl; suture 'shallow round the apicial whorl, but increases in depth subsequently, andj terminates in a minute fissure. The ventral whorl is about half the size of the aperture. The aperture is piriform, much dilated below, contracted above but not acuminated. The lip is sinuous, proceeding first at an obtuse angle, then curving in a somewhat concave line down-wards; the lower extremity is well rounded. The sculpture (fig. 10 a) consists of numerous, line. spiral striæ appearing as double lines, owing to a faint one and a more distinct one constantly alternating. Under powerful magnification the lines appear minutely serrated, from there being traversed by numerous fine lines of growth. The teeth resemble those of Philine finmarchia. The 2 calcareous plates of the gizzard are unconi- monlv large, and measure, not less than, two-third parts of the length of the shell. Size. Axial length, 9""". Diam., 6.5""". Habitat: Stat, No. 18. Depth, 400 fathoms. At stations Nos. 87 and 295 (Depth 4SS and 1100 fathoms) a few fragments of a Philine were found, which appear to pertain to this species. 36 Det er paa Tegningen angivet, at det afbildede Exem- plar har været brudt. Dyret kom levende op. men under Contraktionen paa. Spiritus er den fragile Skal brudt, dog ikke værre, end at den med største Nøiagtighed senere er sammensat, saa jeg tror min Tegning er fuldt korrekt, hvad Form angaar. Asbjørnsenia, n. Gen. Skallen oval. inæqvilateral, Laasen svag, har i hoire Skal en enkel centralstillet Cardinaltand og i venstre en dobbel, ved hvis Basis sidder en mindre, svag Bitand. Asbjørnsenia striata, n. sp. Pl. XII, Fig. 14 a, b. Skallen hvid, halv gjeiinenisigtig aflang oval, noget sammentrykt, inæqvilateral, fortil kort, truncat, bagtil ud- dragen afrundet; Umbonerne er langt foranstillede, men ikke stærkt fremtrædende ; Dorsalranden bøier foran i en skjæv Retning ned mod den truncate anterior Rand, bagtil synker den langsomt og ubetydelig boiet mod den skarpt afrundede posterior Rand, Ventralranden svagt boiet; Laasen svag, i hoire Skal er en centralstillet, noget bagudbøiel Cardinaltand og en stumpvinklet Lateraltand, i venstre en dobbel Cardinaltand og ved sanimes Basis en mindre Bitand. Muskelindtrykkene lader sig ikke med Sikkerhed ndrede. Sculpturen betaar af talrige og tætte concentriske Striæ, kun Umbonerne er næsten glat. Størrelse: 3""" anteroposterior og 1.6"™ umboventral Diameter. ' Forekomst: St. 173 6—300 Favne. Der forekom kun et dødt, men vel vedligeholdt Exem- plar. Hvorvidt man her har et udviklet Individ eller en Unge for sig er vanskeligt at afgjøre. Laasbygningen er mig i ethvert Fald fuldstændig fremmed, saa jeg har fundet det nodvendigt at danne en ny Skegt for den. Vor mage- 1 Jeg anvender Marqs. dr Gregorios Terminæ lur Maalangi- velsen (..Nomenclature des Coquilles" iss;',), da jeg holder disse fol- de korrekteste og vil ikke give Anledning til Misforstaaelser. De er ogsaa anvendt under Gasterodoperne. It is stated in the illustration that the specimen illustrated has been injured. The animal was brought up alive, but the fragile shell was broken by its shrivelling in alcohol,- but not more so than permitted it to be put toge- ther with perfect accuracy subsequently, so that, I believe, my illustration is quite reliable as regards the form. Asbjørnsenia, n. gen. Shell oval, inequilateral, the hinge faint; lias, in the right-valve, a central cardinal tooth, and in the left-valve. a double one. at whose base a small indistinct secondary tooth is placed. Asbjørnsenia striata, n PI. XII, tig. 14 «, b. sp. Shell white, semi-transparent, elongate oval, somewhat compressed, inequilateral, short anteriorly, truncate, poster- iorly attenuated, rounded. The umboes are placed well forward, but not strongly prominent. The dorsal margin cur- ves forward in a slanting direction down towards the truncate anterior margin, and. posteriorly, it sinks slowly and only slightly curved towards the sharply rounded posterior margin. Ventral margin faintly rounded ; the hinge delicate, in the right-valve there is a centrally placed, somewhat posteriorly bent, cardinal tooth, and an obtuse angulated lateral tooth; in the left-valve, there is a double cardinal tooth and, at its base, a small secondary one. The muscular impressions cannot with certainty be elucidated. The sculpture consists of numerous, and compact, concentric striæ. the umboes, alone, being almost smooth. Size. Anterioposterior diameter, 3""", and umbo-ven- tral diameter, 1.6™". 1 Habitat: Station, No. 173 h. Depth, 300 fathoms. One dead, hut well preserved, specimen, only, was obtained. Whether we have before us. here, an adult, or a juvenile specimen is difficult to determine. The hinge is, at any rate, quite strange to me, so that I have found it necessary to establish a new genus for it. I have 1 I make use of Marqs. de Gregorios terms for the measure- ments (..Nomenclature des Coquilles" L883) as 1 consider them to be the most accurate, aud as unlikely to occasion misunderstanding. They are. also, used with reference to the Gastopods. 37 Kis,. Eventyrfortæller og Zoolog Peter Chr. Asbjørnsen har desired to remember our inimitable fairy-talewriter and jag villet mindes ved Valgel af Slægtsnavnet. zoologisl Peter Chr. Asbjørnsen in the choice of an ap- pellation. Efter min Ven Dr. Jeffreys Anvisning placerer jeg In accordance with Dr. Jeffrey's direction, 1 include Asbjørnsenia under Familien Tellimdce. Asbjørnsenia in the family of Tellinidce. Montacuta Vøringi, Fr. Tab. XII, Fig. 11, 12 a. Montacuta Vøringi, Friele, „ Prelim. Rep." Nyt Mag. XXIII 1877, Pag. 1, Fig. 1, 1 a. Montacuta Vøringi, Jeffreys, „Ligthning & Porcupine Exped." Part III. Pag. 697. Skallen livid, oval, noget convex, inæqvilateral, Urn- bonerne fremstaaende og anterior stillede, Laasen forholds- vis; stærk og Tænderne fremtrædende. Sculpturen bestaar at' uregelmæssige mere eller mindre distinkte Vækststriber, men forøvrigt glat. Farven er hvid, men en tyk brun Kruste bedækker en stor Del at' Skallen. Størrelse: 3""" arterioposterior og 2. (i""" umboventral Diameter. Forekomst: St. 1 (Sognefjorden) 630 Favne. Kun en enkel, hvad jeg holder for Venstreskal blev funden. Prof. Minister liar havt den Godhed at sende mig en hoire Skal fra Glacialleierne. Den har den dobbelte Størrelse af ovenfor beskrevne, er mere irregulær oval, har anterior Ende mere udtraget og noget tilspidset og poste- rior mere truncat. Dmbonerne er ikke saa fremtrædende. I Fig. 12 har jeg givet en Afbildning deraf. Ifolge Jeffreys er den fundet paa ..Porcupine" Exped., og af Monterosato ved Palermo 87 Favne. Lasæa pumila, Wood. Pl. XII. Fig. 13 a, b. Kellia pumila, S. Wood. Crag. Moll. Pag. 124, Tab. XII, Fig. Lo a. (i. Zoe pumila, Monterosato, „Conch. Mediter" Palermo, 1878, Pag. '.i. Lasæa pumila, Jeffreys, „Lightuing & Porcupine Exped." Part III. Pag. 699. S. Wood giver følgende Diagnose af Arten : ..Testa minima transversa, ovata obliqua, tuinida," ..valde inæqvilaterab, lævigata, polita; antice majiore et" ivfontacuta Vøringi, Fr. Pl. XII figs. II, 12 a. Montacuta Vøringi, Friele, „Prelim. Rep." Nyt Mag. XXIII 1*77, pag. 1. tig. 1, 1 a. Montacuta Vøringi, Jeffreys ..Lightning it Porcupine Exped. Part III, pag. 697. Shell white, oval, somewhat convex, inequilateral; umboes projecting, and placed anteriorly; the hinge rela- tively strong, and the teeth prominent. The sculpture consists of irregular, more or less distinct, lines of growth : otherwise smooth. Colour white, but a thick brown crust clothes a large part of the shell. Size. Anterioposterior diameter, 3""", diameter, 2.ii""". Habitat: Stat. No. 1 (Sogne Fjord), fathoms. A single one. only, was obtained, sider to be a left-valve. Prof. Minister has had the kindness to send me a right-valve from the glacial beds. It is double the size oi the one described above, is less regularly oval, and has its anterior extremity more exserted and somewhat acuminate, and its posterior extremity more truncate. The umboes are not so prominent. I have illustrated it in fig. 12. According to Jeffreys, it was obtained on the „Por- cupine" Expedition, and by Monterosato near Palermo, depth 87 fathoms. umbo-ventral Depth. 630 which I con- Lasæa pumila, Wood. PI. XII. fig. 13 «, b. Kellia pumila, S. Wood, ('rag. Moll., pag. 124. PI. XII. tig. 15 a, b. Zoe pumila, Monterosato, „Conch. Mediter.", Palermo, L878 pag. 9. Lasæa pumila, Jeffreys, „Lightning & Porcupine" Exped. Part III. pag. 699. S. Wood gives the following diagnosis of the species: ..Testa minima transversa, ovata obliqua, tumida," „valde inæquilaterali, lævigata, polita; antice majore et" 38 „longiore,, utrinque rotundata; dente cardinali unico, den-" „tibus lateralibus niacins." Fra Cragformen synes vor at afvige ved en mere regelmæssig rund oval Form. Størrelsen er 2'""' anteriopost. 1.0""" umboventr. Diam. Forekomst: Den forekom kun paa St. 192 — 649 Favne. Dr. Jeffreys og Monterosata har nævnt den fra Korea, Biscaybugten og Sicilien. Lyonciella Jeffreysi, Fr. Pl. XII, Fig. 15, 16. Lyonciella Jeffreys), Friele, „Cat. Spitzberg. Moll." Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1879, Pag. 269. Skallen noget solid, hvid, oval trapezoideformig; po- sterior Dorsalrand næsten ret, anterior kort fremspringende og i en nær ret Vinkel boier den ned mod Ventralranden, der atter krummer stærkt op mod den svagt afrundede posterior Rand. Unibonerne fremtrædende. foranbøiet og incurvat; Partiet fra Unibonerne og ned til bågeste Ven- tralrand er opsvulmet, Dorsalpartiet er derimod nedtrykt og paa Skallens indvendige Side viser sig her en Fold. Sculpturen bestaar af talrige, svagt hævede Linier, der radierer ud fra Umbonerne mod Skallens Periferi, samt tætte, men uregelmæssig stærke Vækstlinier. Laaslinien er uden Tiender. Muskelindtrykkene tydelig. Indvendig er Skallen perlemorglindsende. Størrelse: 23""" anteriopost. 26""" umboventr. Diam. Forekomst: St. 295, 312 fra 656 til 1100 Favne. I ,.Keport on the scientific Results of the voy of Challenger" Zool. Vol. XIII Lamellibranchiata 1885, Pag. 73, Pl. XXV, Fig. 1, 1 6 har Mr. Edgar A. Smith ogsaa beskrevet en Lyonciella Jeffreysi. Der synes ikke at være saa liden Lighed imellem disse to. der tilfældigvis har faaet samme Navn, men de er dog neppe nok samme Art. Mr. Smiths Jeffreysi er nemlig foran mere truncat og ikke saa fremspringende og posterior mere afrundet. For ikke at faa Confusion vil jeg foreslaa Lyonciella Smidti for Challenger- Arten. Det er mig en Tilfredsstillelse at se, at ogsaa Mr. Smith (1. c. Pag. 165) under de kritiske Bemærkninger over Slæg- ten Verticordia, Wood, kommer til de samme Resultater, som jeg allerede i 1879 (,.Cat. Spitzb. Moll." Jahrb. Mal. „longiore, utrinque rotundata; dente cardinali unico, den-" ,.tibus lateralibus magnis." Ours appears to differ from the Crag-form in having a more regular rounded oval form. Size. Anterio-posterior diameter. 2""". umbo-ventral diameter, 1 .(>""". Habitat: It occurred, only, at station No. 192. Depth 649 fathoms. Dr. Jeffreys and Monterosata have cited it from the Corea, Bay of Biscay, and Sicily. Lyonciella Jeffreysi, Fr. PI. XII, tigs. 15, l(i. Lyonciella Jeffreysi. Friele ..Cat. Spitzberg. Moll.'- Jahrb. Mal. Gesell. 1879, pag. 269. Shell somewhat solid, white, oval-trapezoidal, posterio- dorsal margin almost straight, anterio-dorsal margin short and projectant, and curving at a nearly right angle, down towards the ventral margin, which, again, bends sharply upwards towards the slightly rounded posterior margin. The umboes prominent, bent forward and incurvate. The portion of the shell, from the umboes clown to the poster- ior ventral margin is dilated. The dorsal portion is. on the contrary, flattened, and upon the interior side of the shell a fold is, here, visible. The sculpture consists of numerous, slightly elevated, lines, which radiate from the umboes towards the periphery of the shell, and. also, of close lint irregular, strong, lines of growth. The hinge line is devoid of teeth. The muscular impressions distinct. The shell has. interiorly, a mother-of-pearl lustre. Size. Anterio-posterior diameter, 23""", umbo-ventral diameter. 26""". Habitat: Stats. Nos. 295. 312. Depth, 656 to 1100 fathoms. In ..Report on the scientific Results of the Voy. of Challenger" Zool. Vol. XIII. Lamellibranchiata. 1885, pag. 73, PL XXV. figs. 1. 1 h. Mr. Edgar A. Smith has, also, described a Lyonciella Jeffreysi. There appears to be no inconsiderable resemblance between these two. which have accidentally obtained the same designation, but they pertain, however, barely enough to the same species. Mr. Smith's Jeffreysi is. for instance, more truncate anter- iorly and not so protuberant, anil its posterior is more rounded. To prevent confusion, I would suggest Tjyonciella Smidti as a designation for the Challenger species. It is with much satisfaction I observe that Mr. Smith, also, (1. c. pag. 165) in his critical remarks upon the genus Verticordia, Wood, arrives at the same results as I, already in 1879. had expressed (,.Cat, Spitzb. Moll." Jahrb. 39 Gesell. 1ST'.', Pag. 209) har udtaH nemlig, at Slægten Jjyon- cidla, M. Sårs bør opretholdes og at Dr. Jeffreys med urette sammendrog denne Slægl med Pecchiolia, Menegh. Brachiopoda. Terebratula (Liothyris) arctica, Fr. Tab. XII, Fig. 17, 1s a, b. T. arctica, Friele, ,.Jan Mayen Moll." Nyt Mag. XXIV, 1878, Pag. 221, Fig. 1 a—c. . Skallen oval, lig T. minor, dog forholdsvis kortere, Rostrum kort. Foramen complet, men svagt. Deltidium bliver næsten skjult under den hoemale Skals Umbo. Apo- physis svag. Størrelse: 14""" lang, 12.5""" bred, 8""" tyk. Forekomst: St, 237 (Jan Mayen) 263 Favne. Fra Terebratula vitrea rar. minor, Phil. adskiller vor Art sig ved at være forholdsvis kortere, mere kantet af- rundet og mere globos. Dertil er Rostrum kortere og Lokken svagere. Dr. Jeffreys reducerte denne Form til en Varietet af Terebratula vitrea, men den fortrinlige Brachiopodekjender Dr. Ths. Davidson tinder, at den bør opretholdes som god Art. Strax for sin Dod skriver han til mig: „I deter- mine, contrary to Dr. Jeffrey's opinion, to retain your species as distinct.-' Mall. Gesdl. L879, pag. 269) viz. (hat the genus Lyonciella, M. Sars, might to he maintained, and that Dr. Jeffreys, erroneously includes that, genus with Pecchiolia, Menegh. Brachiopoda, Terebratula, (Liothyris) arctica, Fr. PI. XII, figs. 17, is a, h. T. arctica, Friele, „Jan Mayen Moll.-' Nyt Mag. XXIV, 1878, pag. 221, fig. 1 a—c. Shell oval, resembling that of T. minor, but relatively shorter; rostrum short; foramen complete, but faint. The deltidium is nearly concealed under the hæmal shell's, umbo ; apophysis faint. Size. Length, 14""", Breadth, 12.5™", Thickness, 8 Habitat: Station, No. 237 (Jan Mayen). Depth. 263 fathoms. Our species differs from Terebratula vitrea, rar. minor, Phil, in being, relatively, shorter, more squarely rounded and more globular. Further, the rostrum is shorter and the loop fainter. Dr. Jeffreys reduced this 'form to a variety of Trrr- bratula vitrea, but the eminent Brachiopodist Dr. Thos. Davidson considered that it ought to lie maintained as an independent species. Immediately prior to his death, he wrote to me in these words „I determine, contrary to Dr. Jeffrey's opinion, to retain your species as distinct." Forklaring over Tavlerne. Pl. VII, Fig. 1. - 1 a. — 1 6. 2. 2-b. 3. 4. 3 «. 5. 6. 5 a. /'. :> c. — i. Bela rugulata, Troschel. — — Apex. Et Stykke af den vink- lede Del paa sidste Vinding, forstorret. — — var. clafhratus, nob. — — Operculum. — var! Spitsbergensis, nob. Operculum, var. bergensis, nob. Apex. — — .. Opercu- lum. — var. scalarohles. G. 0. Sårs. — — .. — Apex. Oper- culum. — ndbilis, Moll. _ _ Et Stykke af den vinklede Del paa sidste Vinding, for- storret. — . — . Operculum. — scalaris, Moll. var. ecarinata, Sårs, — scalaris. Moll. Operculum. — var. dbyssicola, nob. Apex. — 15,16,17— obliqua, G. 0. Sårs. - 15 fl, b. Apex. — 15 c — — Operculum. — 18. 19. — cancéllata, Migh. — is a. Apex. 20.21,22 — — var. declivis, Loven. Den norske Nnrdhavsexpedition. Herman Friele: Mollusca. II. I fl. lb. 8. 8 fl. — 8 6. — 9. — 10. 11. — 10 a. — 12. 13. — 14 fl./-. Explanation of the Plates. Pl. VII, figs. 1. — lfl. — 16. Bela rugidata, Troschel. — — apex. a fragment of the shouldered part of the ultimate whorl; magni- fied. _ 2. — — var. cl ail trains, nob. — 2 6. — — operculum. — 3. 4. — — var. Spitzbergensis. nob. — 3 «. — — v operculum. — 5, 6. — — var. bergensis, nob. — 5 a. 6. — — ,. apex. — 5 r. — — — opercu- lum. — 7. — — var. scalar aides, G. 0. Sars. — 7 a. — — apex. — lb. — — oper- culum. — 8. — nobilis, Moll. — 8 a. , a fragment of the shouldered part of the ultimate whorl: magnified. — 8 6. — — operculum. — 9. — scalaris . Midl., var. entr/nata. Sars. — 10. 11. — scalaris . Moll. — 10 a. — — operculum. - 12. 13. — — var. dbyssicola, noli. — 14 a, i. — — apex. — 15,1(U 7 — obliqua, G. 0. Sars. — 15 fl. b. — — apex. — 15 c. — — operculum. — 18. 19. — cancéllata, Migh. — 18 a. — — apex — 2<>— 22 — — var. declivis, Luven. ii 42 Pl. VII. Fig. 20 a, b. Bela cancellata, var. deeliris. Apex. — 23 — ciiierea. Moll. — 23 a: — — Operculum. Pl. VIII, — 1, 2. — impressed, Beck. — 1 a. — — Operculum- — lb. — — Apex. — 3, 4, 5. — Sarsi. Verrill. — 3 a. — — Apex. — 'db. — — Operculum. — 6. — Schmidti, Fr. — 7 til KJ — Trevelyana, Turt. — 9 a. — — Operculum. — 9 b, c. — Apex. — 11. — decussata, Couth, var. finmar- chia, nob. — 12. 13. — decussata, Couth. — 12 a, b. — -- Apex. — 14. — — var. conoidea, G. 0. Sårs. — 14 «. — Apex. — 15. — Kobelti. Verkr. Apex. — 1U, 17. — tenuicostata, M. Sårs, var. Willei, Fr. 17 a, b. — — Apex. — 17 c. — — Operculum. — 18. — bicarinata, Couth. — 19. — — var. geminolineata, Friele. — 20. — Schantaricum, Midd. — 20 «. — — juv. — 20 b. Operculum. — 21. 22. — oralis, Friele. — 22 a. — — Apex. — 23. — Koreni, n. sp. — 23 «. — Apex. — 24. , — exarata Moll. Operculum. — ■ 25. — pyramidalis, Strom, Operculum. — 26,26 a. — Pin//eli. Moll. Operculum. — 27 til 30. Admete viridula, Fabr. — 31, 32. — contabuJata. Friele. — 33. — inflata, „ PI. IX, — 1 til 5. Tænder af Bela rugulata, Trosch. — 0. — „ — — var. spitz- bergensis. — 7, 8. — ,. — — var. ber- gensis. — 9, 10. — „ — — var. assi- milis, Sars. — 11, 12. — .. — — var \scdla- roides. Sars. — 13, 14, 15. — „ — nobilis, Moll. — Ri til 20. — „ — scdlaris, „ — 21, 22. — ,, — — var. abys- sicola. — 23, 24. — „ — harpularia, Couth. 25. — turriada, Mont. PL VII. figs. 20 «, b. Bela cancellata, var. detiivis, apex. — 23. — cinerea, Moll. — 23 «. — operculum. Pl. VIII. — 1, 2. — imprcssa, Beck. 1 a. — operculum. — 1 b. apex. — 3 — 5 — Sarsi, Verrill. — 3 «. — apex. — 'db. — operculum. 6. — Schmidti, Fr. — 7 — 10. — Trevelyana, Turt. — 9 rt. — operculum. — 9 b, c. — ■ — apex. — 11. — decussata, Couth, var. finmar- eliia. nob. 12. 13. — decussata. Couth. — 12 a, b. — apex. — 14. — var. conoidea, G. O. Sars. — 14 a. — — apex. — 15. — Kobelti. Verkr, apex. — 10, 17. — tenuiscostata, M. Sars, var. Wilei, Fr. — 17 rt, b. — apex. — 17 c. operculum. — 18. — bicarinata. Couth. — 19. — var. geminolineata, Friele. — 20. — Schantaricum, Midd. — 20 «. — juv. — 20 b. operculum. 21, 22. oralis, Friele. — 22 a. apex. — 23. — Koreni, n. sp. — 23 rt. — apex. 24. — exarata, Moll, operculum. — 25. — pyramidalis, Strom, operculum. — 26, 26 «. — Pingeli, Moll., operculum. — 27 — 30. Admeté viridula, Fabr. — 31, 32. — contabulata, Friele. — 33. — inflata, Friele. PL IX, — 1 —5 Dentation of Bela rugulata, Trosch. — 6. — ,, — var. spitz- bergensis. — 7. 8. n — — var. ber- gensis. — 9, 10. — „ — — var. assi- milis, Sars. — 11,12. — ,, — — var. scala- roides, Sars. 13, 14, 15. — ,, - nobilis, Møll. — 16—20. — ,. — scdlaris. — 21, 22. — „ — scdlaris, var. dbys- sicola. — 23, 24. — .. — harpularia, Couth. — 25. — „ — Curricula, Mont, I.", Pl. X. Fi-. 1.2. Tænder af Bela obliqua, GL .0. Sårs. Pl. XI. Pl. XII. 3. 4. — „ — cancéllata, Migh. 5. — .. — var. decli- vis, Loven. 6. — „ — cinerea, Møll. 7, 8. — „ — Sarsi, Verrill. 9, :»«*r: ' - - >1