EX LIBRIS William Healey Dall Division of Mollusks Sectional Library un e : H-c) T H Division of Mofiuske Secti TOry fection! 1 Lib: THE NATURALIST'S MISCELLANY or coloured figures of natural objects; drawn and described from . . . . nature by GEORGE SHAW Figures by F. P. Nodder (Mollusks from volumes 1 - 12) London 1790 - 1801 Index and dates of publication (Data from Sherborn: Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, vol. 15, 1895, pp. 375-376) Name Helix hortensis Voluta arausiaca Argonauta argo Limax ater Limax maximus Doris argo Clio limacina Venus dione Cypraea pardalis Conus marmoreus Doris radiata Dentalium elephantinum Veluta episcopalis Voluta papalis Bulla achatina Chiton squamosus Bulla virginea Alcyonium arenosum Bulla? occidua Mytilus camellii Pterotrachea coronata Sepi& octopodia Turbo petholatus Sepia loligo Helix ringens Helix carocolla Conus aulicus Bulla achatina Ostrea isdgonum Chama gigas Murex tribulus var. Buccinum tuberosum Murex tritonis Pinna muricata Murex haustellum Ostrea pallium Volume l «o OD O0 O0 OO -3 -3 -J -3 -3 O) O) O1 C1 Ci i PAD Date May 1790 Dec. 1790 April 1792 April 1793 April 1793 Aug. 1793 Sept. 1793 Jan, 1794 Dec. 1794 June 1795 Sept. 1795 Nov, 1795 May 1796 May 1796 June 1796 July 1796 Sept. 1796 Nov, 1796 June 1797 Sept. 1797 June 1798 Nov. 1798 Nov. 1798 Dec. 1798 Mareh 1799 Mareh 1799 July 1799 Augi. 1800 Auge 1800 Sept. 1800 Dec. 1800 Feb. 1801 May 1801 June 1801 July 1801 July 1801 tá E mucitosiqele, nuitafüsQ alfsqosslqe at ulo¥ ellsqaq stulov c . - 3 a = , "s DNE ^ 4 H "y "2 > 3. - "op N = Cis / : 3:3 » : x " Kr e m- . E d a T En LES Qu) ^. ] iri: + 5 J . - " du n . Z MO ny E E * "uA d Ju - ON x4 Vm ] a MALI M 4 , P e : ; - A EE -- dod i TOM K ( pL - a n" P : s A " ee, 1 t 1 wae , ^ d . : h : uU 4 T 7 " ( ? «e - L - d , : fh - M s a, 2 y DEW I0 S T- , ro > e, E 1 * y "v z^ E as J D , [ Hi R | 1 re a 2 - C C ^ p a! 4 3 he 7 a ue * ! R 3 7 ü 4 * - “a , : 3 ; ~ ut. - H V au Oe P on er | : 3:93 J 3 "" E ele t0 PPPERIISERRE LU ee ee ee ee ~——— UT Ed a ' $i E fie ME ee du E - ag , : '*» P. Y PX ge A Gs LI J E 1^7 * e " m. TT ‘coy WX COPPA. n^ 2 UN. d ] à Y bobus , | LE baie ei a F Lots "3 Mis Ne FN T» ; F1: (02. Kb tude a Wa Oi id a; ' Ob UD IO wore 414935 | aM us oon Nn Mir aa r$ Hte: e j Tay 1 una BAO S081, Rr MUDA TUREUT ; , ae | P JA Ci Oba IE ac ET ue pe : 3 C uec bp m j m * AN , f | "i 4 S p e vaio iia A "d i) na nat t. EUN NEU. "PT M Uu '"MUGuUouz Er. fy. Aeuapals dh. PN — D ve il UU" LI PN eig que 4 m e, , B n PUR AH as py Ph (Ce / ire ouf e pl ease | 3 D VE HOM MORAN. re » WM , [ "i "NAE a vk fuo Ae I itr sn wey £^. ANE eate) ; Lae | A x LU ha * L e RR : "3 T? [4 L] # » 4 ] a i ve : Y i VIRO ORNAITIISSIMO JOSEPHO BANKS, BARONZTTO, REGIE SOCIETATIS LONDINENSIS EXIMIO PRJESIDI: PEREGRINATORI CELEBERRIMO, INGENII ACUMINE, LABORUM PATIENTIA, PHYSICES PER OMNE A VUM COMMENDATISSIMO, SECUNDUM HUNC NATURJZBE Wl Nae FAS CICULU™M, IX-D. Ik GEORGIUS SHAW, FREDERICUS P. NODDER. A^ HELIX.HORTENSIS. —— RÉP PPP E ] ots CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Tefla univalvis, fpiralis, fubdiaphana, fragilis. Apertura coarétata, intus lunata, f. fubrotunda : fegmento circulo dempto. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1241. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, (c. HELIX tefta imperforata pallida, fafciis latis in- terruptis fufcis. COCHLEA vulgaris major pulla maculata et fafciata hortenfis. Ift. Angi. tab. 9. Bw. 9. AN HELIX LUCORUM9? . Lin. Militat omnis amans, et habet fua caftra Cupido: Attice, crede mihi; militat omnis amans. Ov. Helix vulgaris, feu ut communiter vocatur, Coch- lea, in numero eft animalium quz ob vilitatem, for- mamque fordidam et abjectam, a plerifque contemni et negligi folent; in quibus tamen plura fortafle dif- cernere cernere poteft phyficus que delectationem admiratio- nemque excitent, quam vel in majoribus animalibus. Cochlearum enim anatome adeo miraculis plena eft, ut de variis illarum partibus integrum volumen poffet componi. Cum vero longis ambagibus fpeciatim has minutias defcribere lectoribus plurimis moleftum fit, breviter tantum illa percurremus memoratu digniffima. Oculi Cochlearum in fummitatibus duorum longiorum tentaculorum, feu ut vulgo vocantur, cornuum fiti funt: quod licet a quibufdam phyficis dubitatum fit, ab experimentis tamen et accuratiffimis Swammer- damii inveftigationibus clare confirmatur: probatur quoque cos eofdem fere humores, tunicas, et vafa, qui- bus animalium majorum oculi inftruuntur, continere. Non defuere qui Cochlearum cornua pro veris telefco- piis naturalibus habuerunt, afferueruntque pofle illas ea vel extendere vel contrahere pro diftantia objecti ad quod oculos direxerint. Hac autem idea ftru&tu- ram magis multimodam arguit, quam revera his or- ganis tribuit Natura, et fortaffe inter plurimas fit haec hypothefis, quas ingenio fuo indulgere folent nonnulli Naturz fpeculatores. Dentes Cochleze funt validi et acuti ; omnefque cor- poris partes tam interiores quam exteriores ad anima- lis iftius mores habitufque egregie accommodantur. De miro generandi modo dicturus, lectores meos enixe orem necefie eft ut nec me fabulas philofophicas fingere exiftiment, nec fidem fuam deficere et immi- nul finant. Si quidem vera nobis referunt oculati Natura inter animalia inferiora inveftigatores, Cochlearum amores inufitato inufitato et fibi peculiari quodam more promoventur ; femperque ipfum complexum precedit mira formula, que pugnze ftatarize faciem omnino exhibet. Cochlez lafcivientes mutua vota telorum parvulo- rum ictibus, que peracuta funt et quafi cornea, fibi invicem communicant; illifque refertam pharetram exiguam, in dextro latere cervicis fitam, quamdiu per- manferit illis conjunctionis defiderium, intus geftant. Emiffo primo telo, illico refpondet Cochlea vulnerata, et fimile in amantem jaculatur; ab illa telum alterum emittitur, rurfufque ipfa invicem percutitur ; Cupidi- nifque fagittze, quas per omne zevum cecinit fervidum poetarum et amantium ingenium, in ipfa tandem Na- tura revera inveniuntur. Peracto hoc lepido prelio, coeunt Cochlez, et deinde locum idoneum ubi ova fua deponant follicite queritant ; humidum nempe et opa- cum receffum, vel fub terre gleba, vel cavo aliquo teg- mine. Rotunda funt hzc ova, magnitudine fere pifo- rum parvulorum, coloris albi fubpellucentis, et fub- ftantiz mollis. Ex his excluduntur Cochlez "plene formata, teftas fuas in dorfo ferentes, nec ullam aliam mutationem praeter naturale molis incrementum fube- unt. Hortis et pomariis damnum non leve inferre fo- lent Cochlez, et notatu dignum eft, illas, fi defecerit cibus fucculentus, fructus nempe aut folia, corpora etiam dura et ficca rodere: memini enim egomet He- licem hortenfem, (qualis eft illa quze hic depingitur,) fub vitro cujus diameter quatuor uncias fuperabat in- clufam, fubftratam chartam communem czruleam una nocte ufque. ad ipfius vitri marginem devorafle; circu- lo relicto velut ab ipfo circino defignato. Ab Ab experimentis Spallanzanii aliorumque probatur, Cochleas, abfciffa aliqua parte, repullulandi facultatem habere: ipfe enim Spallanzanius Cochleze caput abfci- dit, quod, elapfo certo tempore perfecte regerminabat. Hujus experimenti veritas, licet a nonnullis denegetur, ab aliorum tamen doctiffimorum phyficorum teftimo- nio fatis comprobatur. Quanquam variis intervallis fagittas fuas jaculentur Cochlez, fatendum tamen eft tabulam reprefentare il- las plus equo a fe invicem remotas. Plerumque pro- pius accedunt; immo interdum fit ut telum ipfum, gladii inftar, in corpore oppofito infixum ftet, dum Cochlea quz jaculum emiferit, recedit paululum, fa- gittam quafi commilitonis fui expectans. ^ tea 2 es ier a P AVIA P AP JL 4) oÓ ag, hoy 3? Pi auro dia aor OF 2 d E OWRD NSN ATR: detdeteteleteleteteletetotetetetetetetoteletele GENERIC CHARACTER. The Amma/ a Slug. Shell fpiral, fub-pellucid. Aperture femi-lunar. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cic. SNAIL with a fhell ofa pale colour, with broad interrupted bands of brown. The COMMON GARDEN SNAIL. — See to the fight the gentle warriors move, And dart with harmlefs force the fhafts of love ! The Snail is amongft the number of thofe animals which we are apt to overlook on account of their feem- ingly contemptible appearance, but which will per- haps open to our attentive furvey a greater variety of curious particularities than moft other creatures can exhibit. The anatomy of the fnail is full of wonders, and a volume might be written on its hiftory ; but, without defcending to a tedious narrative of all its parts, I fhall only mention a few of the moft remark- able ones. The eyes of Snails are fituated on the tips of the two longeft horns, and though their exiftence has has been queftioned by fome Naturalifts, yet the accu- rate refearch of SwamMerpam has fufficiently proved their real nature, and that they are furnifhed with near- ly the fame humours, coats, and veffels as in moft of the larger animals. Some authors have fuppofed the horns to be a kind of natural telefcopes, and that the animal fhortened or lengthened them according to the diftance of the objects to which it directed them; but this idea fcems to imply a more complicated ftructure than can be found in this organ, and, I believe, muft be given up as one of thofe ingenious hypothefes which are too frequently entertained by fpeculative enquirers. 'The teeth of the Snail are fharp and ftrong, and all the internal as well as external parts of the creature are admirably calculated by Nature for the mode of life to which it is deftined. But the moft wonderful part of the hiftory of the Snail, is its manner of breeding; and I muft requeft my readers to fummon all their philofophical faith to receive the furprifing particulars. If the obfervations of the moft profound enquirers into the operations of Nature amongft the lower orders of animals may be depended upon, the amours of Snails are conducted in a manner very different from thofe of moft other creatures, and are always preceded by a ve- ry extraordinary ceremonial, which has all the appear- ance of a regular combat. When thefe animals are difpofed to love, they figni- fy their mutual wifhes by launching feveral little darts at each other. Thefe darts are of a very fharp form, and of a horny fubftance, and the animals are provided with with a little quiver or refervoir of them during the breeding feafon: this internal quiver or repofitory of the darts is fituated within the neck, and opens exter- nally on the right fide. Upon the difcharge of the firft dart, the wounded Snail immediately retaliates upon the aggreffor, and difcharges a fimilar one; the other again renews the battle, and is again in its turn wounded; and thus the darts of Cupid, fo long and loudly celebrated by poets and lovers, and which are metaphorical with all the reft of the creation, are here completely realized. When the animals have continu- ed for fome time the combat juft defcribed, a reconci- liation takes place, and they unite; after which they are folicitous to depofit their eggs in a place of fafety. For this purpofe they choofe a moift, cool fituation, generally under fome little clod, or in fome fmall fhel- tered cavity, in which they place them: they are per- fectly round ; about the fize of very fmall peafe, of a femi-tranfparent white colour, and of a foft fubftance : from thefe the young are hatched completely formed, and with their fhells on their backs, and undergo no farther change than a gradual increafe of fize. The depredations which thefe animals commit in gardens and orchards is very confiderable, and it is re- markable that in defect of moift fucculent food, as fruit and tender leaves, they will even attack fubftances of a hard and dry nature. I have known the common garden Snail here figured, when confined for one night: under a glafs of more than four inches in diameter, which was placed on a fheet of common blue paper, entirely devour the whole paper contained in the inclu- 'ded ded fpace, to the very edge of the glafs, {fo that a cir- cular piece feemed almoft as accurately taken out, as if marked by a pair of compaffes. Erom the experiments of SPALLANZANI and others, it appears that Snails are poffeffed of a very confide- rable degree of reproductive power. SPALLANZANI in particular, has found that the whole head of a Snail may be cut off, and yet in a certain {pace of time will be reproduced. ‘This has been denied by fome, but its truth is eftablifhed by experiments conducted by the moft careful and accurate obfervers. It is neceffary to add, that the Snails in the annex- ed plate, are reprefented at fomewhat too great a dií- tance from each other; this is a circumftance which admits of great variation, but in general the animals make a nearer approach before they dart their fpicula ; and in fome particular inftances they have been known to approach fo near during this action, that the dart has been infixed in the manner of a fword, in which cafe the animal that difcharged it, withdraws again to fome little diftance, and feems to wait for a fimilar at- tack. WOT UT Adak J/AUSIACA. DARA IAA AIEEE O CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Tefa unilocularis, fpiralis. Apertura ecaudata, fubeffufa. Columella plicata: Labio Umbilicove nullo. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1186. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &ec. VOLUTA tefta alba fafciis tranfverfis fulvis, columella fex-plicata. VEXILLUM ARAUSIACUM. Rara hzc et perelegans concha generis Linn £ANI Volute nominati eft fpecies. Hanc ipfam ille nullibi defcripfit. Communiter illam appellaverunt phyfici Vexillum Avaufiacum. \ndica eft concha, et praecipue in infula Amboyna reperitur. Fig. 1. 'Tefta adulta. Fig. 2. Tefta junior. THE ORANGE’ FLAG, OR ORANGE-STRIPED VOLUTE. OMB fe fe Re a EES GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal relembling a Limax or Slug. Shell unilocular, fpiral. Pillar or Column twifted or plaited. — SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Se. WHITE VOLUTE, with orange- coloured tranfverfe bands, and (generally) fix plaits on the column. LE PAVILLON D'ORANGE. Argenv. Append. Knorr. part 5, 7. 1. f. 1. The elegant and rare fhell here figured, belongs to the Linnzan genus Voluta, but is not amongít the fpecies defcribed by Linnaus. Its general name a- mongft collectors is the'Orange-Flag. It is an Eaft- Indian fhell, and is principally found in the ffland of Amboyna. | Fig. 1. The adult thell, — Fig. 2. A fomewhat younger fhell, ee zx 12792? ER Later yt ear cher / ‘FTP : Ys ror 6, yo 4 e ^ * 2 5 \ gi €) > ae 25 b 177. : oA 0c A , eur, é e He ARGONAUTA ARGO. DEOMI eee" o CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Sepia. Jefa univalvis, fpiralis, involuta, membranacea, unilocularis. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1161. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. ARGONAUTA carina utrinque fubdentata. Gmel. Syf. Nat. p. 3367. NAUTILUS fulcatus. Kem. ofr. tet. £9. NAUTILUS tenuis. Rumpf. muf. t. 18. f. 1. 4. A. B. Utcunque inter animalia ejufdem familiz eadem fere fit forme partiumque fimilitudo, pauca tamen proferri poffunt exempla, in quibus a norma fua infigniter aberrare folet natura; precipue vero in claffe teftacea. Teftarum enim univalvium (ut dicuntur) incole, generi Limacis fimillimi funt; bivalvium contra generibus Tethyos et Afcidiz. Forme hujus anomale nullum notabilius argumentum poffit feligi quam in genere Argonautz ; vel Nautili qui papyraceus dicitur: ab omnibus enim aliis ejufdem divifionis adeo difcrepat animal animal hanc teftam inhabitans, ut illius verum effe et genuinum incolam non mirum fit fi egre credatur. Linneus igitur de hac re fcribit, ** Domunculam alie- nam, quemadmodum Cancer Diogenes feu Bernhar- dus, intraffe Sepiam, cum non connexa fit tefte, fibi adeo alienz, qui non crederet, nifi tot teftes nobis ob- firingerent, qui propriis oculis viderunt. Argonautam velificantem ?" Extra teftam vifus Argonaute habitator fepiz fpeciem, fepiam precipue oCtopodiam admodum refert: nec fane ab ea forma generali differt, nifi quod ad extremitates brachiorum duorum membranas ovatas habeat, quas cum fuper mare pacatum navigat, erigit, reliquis fex brachiis remigans. Fieri non potuit ut miranda res hominum oculos effugeret : ideoque a variis auctoribus defcriptam legimus ; nullis elegantius quam Plinio. * Inter precipua autem miracula eft, qui vocatur Nautilos, ab aliis Pompilos. Supinus in fumma zquo- rum pervenit, ita fe paulatim fubrigens, ut emiffa om- ni per fiftulam aqua, velut exoneratus fentina, facile naviget. Poftea prima duo brachia retorquens, mem- branam inter illa mire tenuitatis extendit; qua velifi- cante in aura, ceteris fubremigans brachiis, media cauda, ut gubernaculo, fe regit. Ita vadit alto, Libur- nicarum ludens imagine, et fi quid pavoris interveniat, haufta fe mergens aqua." Cavendum eft hanc teftam, que verus eft Argo- nauta, cum Nautilo communiter dico, feu Nautilo concamerato confundamus, qui generis eft omnino dif-- tinci. Crefcit Argonauta Argo ab una uncia ad fex vel etiam o&o. Mare Mediterraneum nec non Indi- cum incolit. THE. ARGONA U T, OR PAPER NAD TIL YS. DEEPER EEE EEE EEO GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal extremely refembling a Sepia. Shell univalve, {piral, extremely thin. , SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc. ARGONAUT with whitith furrowed fhell, with the keel dentated on each fide, THE PAPER NAUTILUS. NAUTILLE PAPIRACE. "Argen. t. 5. Notwithftanding the general fimilarity of ftructure which prevails amongft animals of the fame tribe, there are yet fome remarkable deviations from it. This is no where more confpicuous than in the teftaceous tribe, in which the inhabitants of moft of the Univalves bear a {trong affinity to the genus Limax, or Slug, while thofe of almoft all the Bivalves are diftinguifhed by a ftriking fimilarity to the genera of Tethys and Afcidia. Amongft the inftances of deviation from the general plan may be - be adduced the very remarkabie and curious genus Argonauta or Paper-Nautilus, which 1s inhabited by an animal of an appearance fo widely removed from thofe - of moft of the Univalves, as almoft to make doubtful the reality of its being the genuine and proper inhabi- tant of the fhell in which it refides. Linnzus accord- ingly has well obferved, that unlefs the evidence of fo many eye-witnefles had enforced belief, it might have been reafonably imagined that an animal fo unlike the reft of the tribe, was only a ufurper of the fhell; in the fame manner as the Cancer Diogenes and a few others, which take poffeffion of fuch vacant fhells as happen to fuit their convenience. The inhabitant of the Argonauta, if feen detached from its fhell, might pafs for a real Sepia, and bears fo great a refemblance to the Sepia octopodia or eight-armed Cuttle-fifh, that the principal difference confifts in its being furnifhed at the extremities of two of it arms with a pair of mem- branes of an oval form, which, during its occafional navigations on the furface of a calm fea, it raifes up- right and expands to the gale; while by the affiftance of the fix remaining arms it rows itfelf along. It feems impoffible that fo curious a fpe&acle could have efcaped the particular obfervation of mankind. Accordingly we find it defcribed by various authors: by none how- ever more elegantly than by Pliny, whofe fhort and beautiful defcription, has generally been quoted by mo- dern writers. ** But amongft the principal miracles of nature is the - animal called Nautilos or Pompilos. It afcends to the furface of the fea in a fupine pofture, and gradually raifing itfelf up, forces out by means of its tube all the | water water from the fhell, in order that it may fwim the more readily; then throwing back the two foremoft arms, it difplays between them a membrane of wonderful te- nuity, which acts as a fail, while with the remaining arms it rows itfelf along; the tail in the middle acung as a helm to dire its courfe ; and thus purfues its voy- age like a little fhip; and if alarmed by any appea- rance of danger, takes in the water and defcends.” We muft be careful not to confound this fhell, which is the real and proper Nautilus, with the chambered or pearly Nautilus, which belongs to a very diftin&t genus. ‘The Argonauta Argo is found of various fizes, from one to fix or cight inches in length, or even lager. [t is a native both of the Mediterranean and Indian feas. LEM ASXo00A To RoR. SPE EEE TES CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus oblongum, repens; fupra clypeo carnofo ; fubtus Difco longitudinali plano. Foramen \acerale dextrum pro genitalibus et excre- mentis. Tentacula quatuor, fupra os. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1081: CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, €Sc. LIMAX ATERRIMUS fubtus pallidus. LIMAX ATER. Lift. Angl. 131. LIMAX tota nigra. i Aldr. imf. 702. COCHLEA NUDA 3 tota nigra. Gen. aquat. 254. LIMAX ATER. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1081. boi M A Xo MAXIMUS. Het ht CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. LIMAX CINEREUS atro maculatus. LIMAX MAXIMUS cinereus ftriatus. Lift. anat. t. 3. f. 6—10. LIMAX MAXIMUS. Lin. Syf. Nat. p. 1081. LIMAX CINEREUS. f. Gmel. Syfl. Nat. p. 3100. Nudum Nudum eft genus Limax caretque tefta. De hoc differere fupervacaneum fortaffe nonnullis videatur, quippe quod vulgatiffimum non poffit ignorari. Dig- niffimum tamen eft genus quod fpeciatim defcribatur, cum exítet exemplum generale feu archetypum unde omnes fere teftarum univalvium incole formantur ; quorum nonnulli adeo Limaci fimiles, ut primo vifu in hoc tantum differre videantur quod fe ad libitum intra teftam poffint fubducere. Exemplo fit genus Helix dictum, in quo nempe continentur Helices vulgares teftacee. — Quinimo relique univalves (exceptis paucis que infigniter difcrepant) ad genus Limax plus minus appropinquant. Specierum Britannicarum notiores funt Limax ater, et Limax maximus: quorum prior ater- rimo colore facillime diftinguitur, in pratis et paícuis. fepiffime repertus; alter rarior, fufco-pallens, non fine maculis ftriifque inequalibus nigerrimis, in fylvis pre- cipue confpicitur, nec raro in hortis vere et autumno : in domos etiam irrepit. Convenit utrifque de victu, foliis fcilicet et radicibus plantarum. Limax maculatus, (ut et alii nonnulli,) acaris minimis fuper corpus tur- matim difcurrentibus, et in ipfum etiam foramen late- rale thoracis irrepentibus fepiffime folet infeftari. Vetat tamen torpidum ingenium, aut mucus quo obducitur corpus, ut figna det moleftiz et perturbationis, vel exeuntibus acaris, vel intrantibus. THE BE AC dX LDM:;AX. Qdototootetoteteterieoteteteteteteteieietetetet-o GENERIC CHARACTER. Body oblong; ‘Thorax convex or fhielded above, flat beneath; with a Foramen on the right fide. Four Tentacula, fituated above the mouth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. JET-BLACK LIMAX, pale beneath. THE BLACK SLUG. THE COMMON BLACK SNAIL. THE Open aes Ce oN ae, DOES SPECIFIC CHARACTER, ©c. GREYISH LIMAX, fpotted with black. THE GREAT SPOTTED SLUG. THE SPOTTED WOOD-SNAIL. THE SPOTTED HOUSE-SLUG, or CEL- LAR-SNAIL. The genus Limax or Slug, confifts of the naked or fhell-lefs Snails. As thefe animals are fo very common, it might feem almoft unneceffary to introduce them into into a work like the prefent. The genus however is in reality of very great importance, fince it flands, as it were, the general archetype or pattern on which the animals of almoft all the univalve fhells are formed : indeed fo very nearly are fome of them allied to this genus, that they feem, on a curfory view, to differ in fcarce any other circumftance than that of being fur- nifhed with fhells, into which they can at pleafure withdraw themfelves. Of this the genus Helix, which contains the common or fhell-fnails, is a convincing proof. The reft of the univalves, (with a few remark- able exceptions,) are more or lefs fimilar to the genus Limax. Two of the moft familiar fpecies of Limax which this country produces are the Limax ater and maximus: the one is diftinguifhed by its intenfe black- nefs, and is extremely common in fields and meadows ; the other, lefs common than the former, is of a pale brown, with irregular deep-black {pots and ftreaks : it is principally feen in woods and in garden-ground du- rng the vernal and autumnal feafons, and not unfre- quently creeps into houfes. Both agree in their mode of living; feeding on the leaves and roots of vegetables. The ibotted Slug, like fome others of its genus, is often infefted by a very fmall fpecies of acarus, which ap- pears in great numbers, running with much celerity over the animal, and frequently entering the lateral foramen of the body. The Limax however, either from its natural hebetude, or from being coated at all times by a quantity of mucus, feems to feel no parti- cular inconvenience from thefe little infects, and fhews no fymptoms of irritation even when they are running in and out of the orifice in its fide. onlin boat vrfpeeudl "gb ty p . : e V ap locator. bh" lw TL Strect, LI we, A DORIS ARGO. OH RHEE CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus repens, oblongum, fubtus planum. Os antice fubtus. Anus poftice, fupra cin&us ciliis. Tentacula duo, fupra corpus antice, intra foramina retractilia. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, €Sc. DORIS OVALIS, corpore levi, tentaculis duo- bus ad os, ano ciliato phrygio. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1083. ARGO. Bobadjch. mar. 65. t. 5. f. 45. . LEPUS MARINUS alter major. Column. ecbbr. t. 32. Plurima quz hoc genus amplectitur animalia limaci- bus valde afünia omnino in mari degunt. Oftendit tabula fpecierum Europearum maximam et formofiffi- mam. Color variat : interdum fcilicet flavus eft, plus minufve faturatus; interdum aurantius, feu etiam coc- . cineus. In multis Britannie littoribus non raro con- Ípicitur Doris Argo. THE be MON DOZRBETS OES GENERIC CHARACTER. Body repent, oblong, flat beneath. Mouth placed below, toward the anterior end. Vent behind, furrounded above by a fringe. Tentacula two, feated on the upper part of the body in front, retractile. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, €8c. OVAL DORIS with ímooth body; the vent furrounded by a ramified fringe. LEMON DORIS. Pennant Brit. Zool. 4. p. 36. THE SEA-LEMON. The animals of this genus are greatly allied to thofe of the genus Limax, but are entirely marine. The fpecies of Doris are numerous. The largeft as well as the moft elegant of the European kinds is that figured on the annexed plate. In colour it varies much; being fometimes of a yellow, more or lefs deep, and fome- times of a bright orange, or even fcarlet. It is not unfrequently found on feveral parts of the coafts of Britain. 7246 x n y" M ^ CLIO LIMACIN A. SCPE EEE ERE EES CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus natans, oblongum: A/s duabus, mem- branaceis, oppofitis. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1094. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. CLIO NUDA, corpore obconico. Gmel. Syft. Nat. p. 3149. Phipps. it. bor. p. 195. Mart. Spit: p. 169. t. P. f. 5. Soland. et Ellis. cor. tab. 15 f. 9. 10. Paucas ct exiguas continet fpecies genus Clio, quarum e corpore utrinque producitur, ut plurimum, membrana velut thecam efficiens, et a capite utrin- que expanditur quafi velum parvulum ovatum ; unde fit ut fepias minutas brachiis carentes non male re- ferant. Caret autem theca fpecies quam defcribi- mus, et limaci parvo non longe eft abfimilis. Fufco- albicat, longaque cft circiter unciam cum dimidio. Oceanum feptentrionalem inhabitat. Li | | i » ITA THE LIMACINE CLIO. DEEPENED GENERIC CHARACTER. Body oblong, nayant; with a pair of oppofite membranaceous Wings or expanded proceffes. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, £c. NAKED, or SHEATHLESS CLIO, with in. verfely conical body. SNAIL-SHAPED CLIO. LIMACINE or SLUG-SHAPED CLIO. NORTHERN CLIO. The genus Clio, which is far from a numerous one, confifts of animals of a fmall fize, and in ge- neral form not ill refembling minute Sepiz or Cut- tle-fifh without arms. ‘This appearance arifes from the body being edged, as it were, with a membrane on each fide, forming a kind of fheath; and on each fide the head is a fmall expanded oval procefs. The fpecies here exhibited is deftitute of the fheath- like membrane above-mentioned, and bears no very very diftant refemblance to a {mall flug. Its co- lour is a very pale or whitifh brown, and its length about an inch and half. It is an inhabitant of the Northern ocean. VENUS CDIONE. QE ooo oto odotetotedpetodedeteie o CHARACTER GENERICUS. A mmal Tethys. Teffa bivalvis equivalvis, altero latere complanato et velut duplicato. Cardo dentibus tribus: omnibus approximatis ; lateralibus apice divergentibus. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. VENUS SUBCORDATA, latere complanato fe- rie duplici fpinarum curvarum ciliato. PECTUNCULUS RUBER, fafciis acutis et ex altera parte muricatis exafperatus. Lift. Conch. t. 307. p. 140. CONCHA BRASILIANA CUSPIDATA. Bonanni Muf. Kirch. Cf. 2, n. 121. p. 448. CONCHA VENERIS ARMATA. “facobeus in Muf. Reg. Dan. PECTUNCULUS VENEREUS. Pet? gazopb; toa) fiv. 9. CONCHA ECHINATA. ‘alent. Muf. Mufeor. t. 35. n. 19. CONCHA VENERIS occidentalis cum fpinis. ' D' Argenville. t. 21. f. 1. Concham raram et elegantem oftendit tabula, qua nihil injuriarum pafla vix pretiofiorem continet ho- diernorum diernorum mufeorum fcrinia. At dificillimum eft fpecimina nancifci integra et illefa, ea precipue que ad plenam magnitudinem pervenerint. Venerem Dionem, quam generant maria Ameri- cana, primus defcripfit et depinxit Bonannus? Co- lor illi generalis eft leviffime incarnatus, feu fere albidus; valvula utraque zonis plurimis levatis et concentricis extrinfecus notata. Pars pofterior feu complanata in variis fpeciminibus plus minus eft .purpurea, et fpinarum curvarum utrinque ferie la- terali ciliata; unde fit, ut fi e tranfverfo teftam in- tuearis, non longe oculo abíimilis videatur, vel etiam ori ringenti quadrupedis. Cum fpecies numero- fiffimas contineat genus, multifque egregium fit decus, nomen ideo ci datum eft quod puchritudi- nem denotet. Venerem feu Dionem e mari anadyomenen toties celebrarunt poete, ut fupervacaneum forfan habea- tur de re notiffima quicquam dicere. Bellum tamen Aufonii epigramma liceat citare. : ** Emerfam pelagi nuper genialibus undis Cyprin Apellei cerne laboris opus. Ut complexa manu madidos falis sequore crines Humidulis fpumas ftringit utraque comis Jam tibi nos Cypri, Juno inquit et innuba Pallas Cedimus, et forma praemia deferimus."' At vel Aufonio felicius cecinit celeberrimus Dar- win, in eximio poemate cui titulus Hortus Bora- NICUS, cujus verfus in linguam Latinam eleganter adeo tranftulit eruditus quidam amicus, ut fi quod - Mlle ille fcripfit in {criniis ineditum fervem, perfuafiffi- mum habeam me a publica delectatione detracturum. Addidi et egomet arcttiorem, humiliorem, et quafi centonicam imitationem. ** Sic primum vitreum fugiens Erycina profundum; Nereidumque domos, patrio jam debita cxlo, Surgit ad zethereum folem pulcherrima rerum, . Ceruleis emerfa vadis: rutilante fedentem Hanc concha manibus tollunt fubmiffe inhiantes Semiviri, vifufque avidos pafcuntur amore. At leve fubridens falfam dea crine foluto Humorem, liquidas et gemmas exprimit ; illze Defiliunt niveis finuofo tramite mammis Protinus, et placide lambunt juvenilia membra. Prefentis valet interea vis vivida forme. Sternitur attonitum pacatis fluctibus zquor Immenfum, vix jamque tremit, metuitque moveri. Mollius afpirant zephyri, fimul zthera ftillant Ambrofiam, et toto nova regnat in orbe voluptas." INLUT A TIO CEN TONICA, Sic alto enata oceano, fi credere fas fit, Alma Venus quondam pelagi gratiflima nymphis, Mufcofos inter fcopulos cautefque profundas Lufit amabiliter ; vitreifque fedilibus haerens Dulcia fubridens immifcuit ofcula verbis, Et finxit vultum, et meruit formofa videri : Jam teneros experta jocos, nec egena leporum. At mox tota merum fal, plena et fulgida forma, "T ritonum manibus folio fubvecta virenti Sedibus ex imis, pacato in marmore ponti Inftitit, attonitas defpectans defuper undas : Qualis ubi e czlo radiis argenteus almis Lucifer Lucifer affurgit, ridentemque undique terram Vivificat, pictos revocans ad gaudia campos. Ut rofeis capit digitis ficcare capillos, Per caput errantes gutta et per eburnea colla Suave micant ; dein terga petunt, humerofque latufque Pectoraque, et falfis ftellantes roribus artus. Continuo natura Deam mirata falutat, Et manifefta Venus czlo terrifque renidet. Non yi i y ; ^ ! M LT " 5 E, ul , M. T E i. » 4 E $e : p * 5 j^ 7 " » M a " iu zx Vd m 3o uad pd i mr e z^ : ke j " n DJ y * P : 7 f yr vs Coen | MAX P uu ^ bw 2 eL "Jj / - AN e 2 i ' r^ ry In X Ad wn Tie al UJ " dies Nus b pia ds mnt DN d ee AUS NC ue HR. None D Md Hh? 9: " u MARE t ge da de^ 1 ee Rif i Otis. ALORS 464 Lenton Pal. fan typi by P DA ty" Nas Prover Somee. VENUS DIONE, OR THE | OCCIDENTAL VENUS-SHELL. DEE EEE EEE EFS | GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal xefembling a Tethys. Shell bivalve; Valves fimilar, flattened on one fide and furnifhed with a duplicature. Hinge confifting of three teeth, approximated, the outer ones diverging. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, €&c. SUBCORDATED VENUS, with a double row of incurvated {pines on the flat fide. THE OCCIDENTAL VENUS-SHELL. CONQUE DE VENUS occidentale. Encyclop. Recueil de planches. tom. 6. t. he. 8. CONQUE DE VENUS à pointes. Fav. D' Herbigny Did. vol. 1. p. 262. Tue VENUS SHELL or CONCHA VENE- RIS. Hills Hifl. of Animals. p. 158. The rare and curious fhell reprefented on the prefent plate is numbered amongft the moft valuable articles articles of the conchyliological cabinet, and is in- deed confidered, when in its complete and unble- mifhed ftate, as one of the cimelia of modern mu- feums. It is, however, not often that fpecimens can be obtained which have not fuffered fome acci- dental injuries, efpecially thofe which have attained their full fize. The Venus Dione is a native of the American feas, and was firft defcribed and fi- gured by Bonanni? Its general colour is a very pale or whitifh pink; each valve is marked externally by a great number of fharpened concentric zones or prominent ribs: the hinder or flattened part is of a purple tinge, more or lefs deep in different indivi- duals, and is ciliated on each fide with a row of curved fpines, fo as to give the fhell, when viewed in a tranfverfe direction, an appearance not ill re- fembling that of an eye, or even of the ringent mouth of a quadruped. As the genus to which it belongs is extremely extenfive, and contains feveral fpecies of uncommon beauty, it has therefore received a name appropri- .ated to the elegance of its form. - The birth of the younger Dione or Venus from the fea has fo often been commemorated by the poets of antiquity, that it would be fuperfluous to relate what muft be univerfally known. It may be fufficient therefore to quote on this fubject the ele- gant epigram of Aufonius on the celebrated picture of Venus anadyomene by the hand of Apelles. * Emerfam pelagi nuper genialibus undis Cyprin, Apellei cerne laboris opus. Ut Ut complexa manu madidos falis zequore crines Humidulis fpumas ftringit utraque comis Jam tibi nos Cypri, Juno inquit et innuba Pallas Cedimus, et formae praemia deferimus." Form'd in bold fancy by Apelles' hand, See Venus on her native ocean ftand. As from the wave in full-blown charms fhe fprings, And from her hair the dropping moifture wrings, Juno and Pallas view her with amaze : In filence on the lovely tablet gaze : No more at beauty’s envied prize repine, But to the pictur'd fair the willing palm refign. A ftill more beautiful defcription has, however, en given by Dr. Darwin in his celebrated poem [ur Botanic GARDEN. ** So young Dione, nurs'd beneath the waves, And rock'd by Nereids in their coral caves, Charm'd the blue fifterhood with playful wiles, Lifp'd her fweet tones, and tried her tender fmiles. Then on her beryl throne by Tritons borne, Bright rofe the Goddefs like the ftar of morn ; When with foft fires the milky dawn he leads, And wakes to life and love the laughing meads ; With rofy fingers, as uncurl’d they hung Round her fair brow, her golden locks fhe wrung ; O'er the finooth furge on filver fandals ftood, And look’d enchantment on the dazzled flood. The bright drops, rolling from her lifted arms, In flow meanders wander o’er her charms, Seek round her fnowy neck their lucid track, Pearl her white fhoulders, gem her ivory back, Round her fine waift and fwelling bofom fwim, And ftar with glitt'ring brine each cryftal limb. Th’ immortal form enamour'd Nature hail'd, And Beauty blaz'd to heaven and earth unveil’d.” Of Of this the reader will find in the correfponding - Latin part a free tranflation by the hand of a learned friend, fo highly elegant that I cannot refift the. pleafure of prefenting it to the public. I have alfo myfelf added, in the manner of a cento, a more clofe imitation of Dr. Darwin's lines. CY PRGA. PAR DALES. DIEPPE PES CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Tefta univalvis, involuta, fubovata, obtufa, levis. Apertura utrinque effufa, linearis, utrinque den- tata, longitudinalis. Line Sh Nat. p. 1172. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, £9c, CYPR/EA FERRUGINEA, fufco guttata, linea dorfi teftacea, fubtus alba. CYPRJEA tefta ovata, poftice obtufa, antice ro- tundata, linea longitudinali teftacea. Lin, Syft. Nat. p. 1176. PORCELLANA GUTTATA. Rumpb. muf. t. 38. f. A. CYPR/EA TIGRIS. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1176. CYPR/EA TIGRIS. Lin. Syfl. Nat. Gmel. p. 3408. L| Licet conche pretium augeat raritas, hac tamen zecre reperies pulchriorem qua fere abundat in mu- feorum fcriniis. Variat color, qui plus minus vivi- dus, dus, et incertus admodum eft macularum numerus; | ad fpeciei vero diftin&ionem note funt fatis charac- | teriftice. Nomen Cyprea huic generi datum eft, | quod antiquitus vocatum fit concha Veneris, quem titulum tranftulerunt hodierni phyfici ad aliam pe- nitus diverfam, bivalvem nempe, quz Venus Dione Linnzi, quamque in hoc opere jam defcripfimus. Concham de qua jam tractamus, infigniverunt anti- qui fcriptores nomine conche Veneris, quod graviter indignata Venus inftructam inimiciffime a Periandro navem contra Cnidi incolas, his ipfis conchis man- daffe fertur ut adhaerentes navi morarentur curfum. Notandum porro eft epidermide carere, ut pluri- mum, teftas quas continet hoc genus, et ab ipfa natura eximium nitorem ducere, qui aliis plurimis non nifi labore artificis comparatur. mw ve s Piura. q^ - 4 L] 12 gat OCA este 193 oe ea THE LEOPARD COWRY, DOTS GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Limax. Shell univalve, involute, obtufe, ovate. Aperture linear, longitudinal, toothed on both fides. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c, FERRUGINOUS CYPR/EA, fpotted with deep- brown, with a yellowifh dorfal line; white beneath. THE COMMON SPOTTED COWRY, THE TIGER OR LEOPARD COWRY. Common as is this fhell in every collection, and for that very reafon confidered as of little value, there fcarcely exifts a more beautiful fpecies. It varies much in intenfity of colour, as well as in the number of the fpots with which it is fo elegantly adorned, but the characteriftic marks of the fpecies are always readily afcertained. The name Cyprea is given given to this genus in compliance With its ancient title of Concha Veneris or Venuuss Shell; which in modern conchyliology belongs to a bivalve fhell which has already made its appearance in the prefent work, viz. the Venus Dione of Linnzeus. The name Concha Venevis applied to the prefent fhell by the ancient writers originated from its fuppofed efficacy in expediting the commands of the goddefs Venus, who, difpleafed at a voyage undertaken by order of the tyrant Periander againft the natives of Gnidos, is faid to have made ufe of this fhell to ftop the progrefs of the veffel. I fhould obferve that the Cyprac in general are unfurnifhed with any epi- dermis or exterior cuticle, and are found naturally adorned with that beautiful polifh which is given to many other fhells by artificial means. CONUS MARMOREUS. eee eee eee SSeS eee eee Hio CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal limax. Tefla univalvis, convoluta, turbinata, Apertura effufa, longitudinalis, linearis, edentula, bafi integra. Columella levis, CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, €2c. CONUS tefta conica fufca vel atra, maculis ova- ‘tis feu trigono-ovatis albis. CONUS tefta conica fufca, maculis ovatis albis, Ípirz anfractibus canaliculatis. Lin. Syf. Nat. p. 1165. STROMBUS PYRAMIDALIS, &c. Seb. Muf. ot. dO E. 3. H5. Exuberat, ut plurimum, fplendidorum colorum varietate Conorum genus: avidiffime arreptum a con- charum ftudiofis. Perrare enim funt multe fpe- cies, et pretiofiffimz: Conus fcilicet araufiacus, C. Ammiralis, praefertim Ammiralis fummus, A. occt- dentalis, pre czeteris autem lauta illa et magnifica varietas, (ni fpecies diverfa fit) titulo gaudens Cedo nulls ; nulli; cujus fpecimen conftitit interdum emptori centum aureis nummis. His omnibus cedit longe fpecies quam jam defcri- bimus: habet tamen fuam nec mediocrem elegan- tiam. Innafcitur in oceano Americano. Ante publicatum Syftema Linnzanum vocari fo- litum eft hoc genus nomine Volute ; quod Linnzus rectius, ut opinor, titulo Cozi diftinxit: fimilis enim eft major pars generis cono mathematico. TUM We "n " 3i NE 2u oreet. (Peer _Lablished June tgs. by T Maler E N15, Dos : pum 2e THE MARBLED CONE. DERE IE EEFO GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Limax or Slug. Sbe// more or lefs conic or pyramidal, Aperture longitudinal, linear, without teeth, en- tire at the bafe. Pillar {mooth, SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Ge, PYRAMIDAL BROWN or BLACK CONE, with ovate or trigonal-ovate white fpots. LE CORNET des COEURS, Kare 354 Boks 4-145. E. 2. The BLACK and WHITE MARBLED CONE. 'The fhells of this genus are in general highly dif- tinguifhed by the richnefs and variety of their co- lors, and are confidered as conftituting the principal beauties of conchyliological cabinets. Many fpe- cies are alfo extremely rare and valuable, as the C. araufiacus, the C. Ammiralis, and its refpective varieties ; varieties; particularly the Ammiralis fummus, A. oc- cidentalis, and above all the fuperb variety, if not diftinct fpecies, known by the title of Cedo nulli, of _ which a fpecimen has been fometimes valued at the price of an hundred guineas. The prefent fpecies, though not comparable either in point of beauty or rarity to many others, is yet poffeffed of a very high degree of elegance. It is a native of the American ocean. 3 It fhould be obferved that this genus, before the Syftema Nature of Linnzus made its appearance, was diftinguifhed by the name of Voluta or Volute ; but Linnzus, with greater propriety, has applied the title of Conus; the outline of the fhell, in moft fpecies, approaching very nearly to the mathemati- cal figure of a cone. DORIS RADIATA. Se ee eee ee ee Se so CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus repens, oblongum, fubtus planum. Os antice fubtus. Anus poftice, fupra cinctus ciliis. Tentacu/a duo, fupra corpus antice, intra fora- mina retractilia. Lin, Syft. Nat. p. 1083. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &e. DORIS ex argenteo caerulea, fubtus alba, papillis lateralibus fafciculatq- radiatis. DORIS RADIATA. Lin. Syft. Nat. Gmel. p. 3105. Ad quam familiam revera pertineat marinum hoc animal difficile eft primo vifu pro certo ftatuere; mira adeo ei et ambigua eft facies. Generi tamen Doris conjunctius videtur quam alii alicui, in quo etiam ordinatur a Gmelinio, in auctiore fua editione Syftematis dtes Forme fingulari accedit co- lor pulcherrimus, fcilicet czruleo-pallens argento quafi obductus, margine corporis et apicibus omni- bus tentaculorum fummopere cyaneis. Magna eft magis, nunc minus, extenfum videatur. Longitudo communis unciam paulo fuperat. Oftenditur ani. mal in tabula paulo auctum microfcopio, ut varia partes dilucidius appareant. Ut folent pleraque hujus generis, vel innatat fummo mari, vel prope fuperficiem. Confpicitur pracipue in oceano Indie occidentalis. THE RADIATED DORIS. €»4lteldeteteleteteletetet-letMietetetetete eo GENERIC CHARACTER. Body repent, oblong, flat beneath. Moutb placed below, towards the anterior end. Vent behind, furrounded by a fringe. Tentacula two, feated on the upper part of the body in front, retractile. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, €. SILVER-BLUE DORIS, white beneath, with lateral extenfile radiato-fafciculated papille. DORIS RADIATA. Lin. Syft. Nat. Gmel. p. 3105. Phil. dranf. Vol. 53. p. 57. t. g. So very fingular is the appearance of this curious marine animal, that at firft view it is not eafy to guefs to what tribe of beings it fhould with the greateft propriety be referred. The genus, however, to which it feems moft nearly allied, and in which it is placed in the enlarged edition of the Syftema Nature, by Dr. Gmelin, is that of Doris. The fingularity of its form is equalled by the elegance | of its color, which is a beautiful pale blue, with a glofs of filver, while the margin of the whole body, and the tips of all the proceffes with which it is be- fet are of the richeft deep blue. It poffeffes a high degree of mufcular power, and appears occafionally in various ftates of contraction and extenfion. Its general length is fomewhat more than an inch, the figure being flightly magnified, in order to fhew the feveral parts with a greater degree of diftinctnefs. Like others of this genus it fwims principally on or near the furface of the fea, and is chiefly found in the Weft-Indian ocean. DENTALIUM ELEPHANTINUM. i a a ee i ee ee ee ed CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal 'Terebella. Jefa univalvis, tubulofa, recta, monothalamia, utraque extremitate pervia. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1263. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, 9c. DENTALIUM tefta decem-angulata fubarcuata ftriata. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1263. DENTICULUS ELEPHANTIS. Rumpb. muf. t. 41. f. 1. DENTALIS. Argenv, conch? t. 4. f. H. Licet alie fint leves, alie angulis ftriatze, per diverfas tamen Dentaliorum fpecies pervafit generalis quzdam fimilitudo. Speciem angulatam depinxi- mus, que maxima eft totius generis. Color com- munis viret. Maria Europza et Indica inhabitat Dentalium elephantinum. Dat nomen generi forma non longe abfimilis denti prominenti et elongato. EA! A 2^ T , P ^ * i Ld [ , / * L3 - LJ 3 ^. 4 B : CIARA WE M ; 3 ^ : rre E iN ; f if * ^. & » Mil 1 VOMJS YO V D i ^ ‘ a” t à E 4 * Li 4 ^ [ i 3 J pi : aap 1 , L i Y a ^ » re \ k ce - 4 * 3 , j A ^ d ? TRA aA NUT ny ¥ D LP ' * * IM 4 3 Ter ir * f * UIN ki x * Ts E ¥ r Xt ' , LI. * AM C ] m mu 3 8 fa aud La" es C 7 $n" 1 f Le bars % 4 ! . PEE Ue Nw : \ cae eee " "Beh ua " yo ‘ ‘ LI « " i L] Hi 1 H n | / Pads - á LU ^ e » ; H ‘a "T. £ L4 ala taU n poq em VIL " ys 4, . 1*7 v asc "2i " i ~ ‘ HY} fil =A RN LXX a. THE ELEPHANTINE DENTALIUM. i ee a ee i ee ed GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Terebella. Shell univalve, tubular, with undivided cavity, pervious at each extremity. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. SLIGHTLY CURVED GREENISH DEN- TALIUM with ten longitudinal ribs. The GREAT RIBBED TOOTH-SHELL. The LARGE GREEN DENTALIUM. In the genus Dentalium, fo named from its tooth- like form, there prevails a confiderable degree of general fimilarity between the different fpecies; of which, however, fome are fmooth, while others are marked by longitudinal angular proceffes. In this latter divifion ranks the fpecies reprefented on the plate, which is the largeft of the genus. Its gene- ral color is a dull green. It is found both in the European and Indian feas. 7M Arx & tod virt x V.OHnT^U-T-A; Qé9€9494 4 449 4*4 4464445 CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Tefta unilocularis, fpiralis. Apertura ecaudata fubeffufa. Columella plicata: Labio Umbilicove (ut pluri- mum) nullo. Lin. Syft Nat. Gmel. p. 3459. VOLUTA EPISCOPALIS. i i a i i a ek Ee ke CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. VOLUTA tefta levi, anfractuum margine inte- gro, columella quadriplicata. VOLUTA EPISCCPALIS. | Lin. Sy. Nat. Gmel. p. 3459. VOLUTA MITRA epifcopalis. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1194. MITRA EPISCOPI. Rumpb. muf. t. 99. f. K. Seb. muf. 3. t. 51. f. 8.— 106. I 2 VOLUTA PAPNLI& OULTTALEA LEAD EEE E ETERS CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &e. VOLUTA tefta tranfverfim ftriata, anfractuum margine labroque denticulatis, columella qua- driplicata. VOLUTA PAPALIS. Lin. Syft. Nat. Gmel. p. 3459. VOLUTA MITRA papalis. Lin, Syf. Nat. p. 1195. MITRA PAPALIS. Seb. muf. 3. t. 51. f. 1.—5. Rump. -t, 99. f. Adeo inter fe afünes funt conche in tabula de- picte, ut Linnzus in editione duodecima Syftema- tis Naturz dubitaffe omnino videtur, fintne fpecies revera diverfz ; cum ambas eodem nomine communi defignaverit, nempe Volute Mitre. Speciem le- vem, mitram fcilicet epi/copalem decorant plerum- que maculz pulchre rubentes, fed pallidula, forma fere quadrata. Mitra papalis e contrario maculis afpergitur, quarum forma inzqualior, colorque multo faturatior, et rubro-ferrugineus. Inveniun- tur tur ambz in mari Indico, et recentes cooperiuntur epidermide, feu pellicula tenui fufco-flavefcente. Quod incolit eas animal venenatum effe dicitur, et mucrone quodam feu probofcide acuminata tan- gentes vulnerare. THE MTTRHEHCOWVOLU'TES. SEES 29159494494 94914)1 4441) 4 H^) )4) 499 GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Limax or Slug. Shell unilocular, fpiral. Pillar or Column twifted or plaited. THE EPISCOPAL VOLU T E. EEE EEE EE EEE eite EEE edet SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cx. Smooth white Volute with fquarifh red fpots; the edges of the fpires entire; the pillar with four wreaths. The SMOOTH MITRE-SHELL. La MITRE. | Argenv. conch. pl 9. f. C. . La MITRE EPISCOPALE. | Knorr: 1. pl. 6. fia: 244 D “ F ex. ! " " " rd 1 "n; » * b . vu i FX ! A. ad Z ^" 3 * - p . D .- » d ^ . d Ng L * . 1 i ‘ ! ^ $4! & h kb , - B 1 =. * L M ve Y 7 n THE PAPAL» VOLU TE, SHH EEE PO SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Tranfverfely ftriated white Volute with irregular dark-red fpots; the edges of the fpires toothed ; the pillar with four wreaths. The ROUGH or TOOTHED MITRE-SHELL. 'The PAPAL MITRE. "La TIARE. Argenv. pl. 9g. f. E. La COURONNE PAPALE. Knorr; 1. pl 6. f. 1. The two fhells at prefent figured, are fo very nearly allied, that Linnzus, in the twelfth edition of the Syftema Nature, feems to have confidered them as fcarce fpecifically diftinct; and has there- fore included them both under the common title of Poluta Mitra. Yn the fmooth fort, or M. epifcopalis, the fpots are commonly of a bright, though fome- what pale red, and of a fhape much inclining to Íquare : fquare* on the contrary, in the M. papalis they are of a very deep or brownifh red, as well as much GN more irregular in their form. Both are natives of | the Indian ocean, and, when recent, are covered with a thin, yellowifh-brown epidermis or cuticle. The inhabiting animal is faid to be of a poifonous nature, and to wound thofe who touch.it with a kind of pointed trunk. BULLA ACHATINA. DEEP EERO CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Tefta univalvis, convoluta, inermis. Apertura fubcoarctata, oblonga, longitudinalis, bafi integerrima. Columella obliqua, levis. Lin. Syft Nat. p. 1181. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. BULLA tefta ovata, apertura obovata apiceque fanguineis, columella truncata. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1186. BULLA GALLICA. Sede. May ee to... 2/9. 8p 7. 8. BUCCINUM cauda brevi, ore expanfo. Zirgenv. t. 10. £. E. Perpulchram hanc concham parit America, et Americe adjacentes infulee. ^ Variat colore, qui in- terdum fufcus, undis obfcurioribus, interdum multo {plendore infignis quem cernere eft in tabula. Spe- cies cies hzc terreftris? eft et tenuis. Diftinguitur va- rietas depicta apertura late purpurea. Quod eam incolit animal limaci fimillimum eft. Non omnino perfuafum mihi habeo debere hanc teftam generi quod Bullam vocat Linnzus annumerari, cujus inter - formam generalem et characteres huic non plene convenit. 246 THE AGATE: BULL A. —————— EAR GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Limax or Slug. Shell univalve, convoluted. Aperture fomewhat ftraitened, oblong, longitu- dinal, entire at the bafe. Column oblique and {mooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. Ovate, pointed, wide-mouthed BULLA, with broad fafcie, crimfon mouth, and truncated column. The AGATE BULLA. The CRIMSON-MOUTHED BULLA. This moft elegant fhell is a native of America and the Weft Indian iflands. It varies confiderably in point of color, being fometimes of a dufky brown, with deeper variegations; at other times ornamented with the beautiful hues reprefented on the annexed | plate. This is commonly called the purple-mouthed variety. variety. It isa land? fhell, of a thin ftru&ure, and _ the inhabiting animal bears the moft ftriking refem- blance to the common fnail. It may be added that it feems fcarce allowable to rank this fhell under the Linnzan genus Bulla, with the general form and characters of which it does not perfectly agree. CHITON SQUAMOSUS. DEP HEE OED CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Doris. Tof plures, longitudinaliter digefte dorfo in- cumbentes. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1106. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. CHITON tefta octovalvi femiftriata, margine {quamulofo. CHITON tefta octovalvi femiftriata, corpore {quamulofo. Lin. Muf. Ulr. 465. CHITON fíquamofus, tefta feptemvalvi. Chemn. Chiton. t. 1. f. 4. Rupibus adhzret, ut plurimum, genus Chiton, patellarum more; continetque fpecies fatis numero- fas, quibus fi negarit natura pulchritudinem, miram certe conceífit conformationem, e plurimis quafi zonis teftaceis conftantem. Oras incolit America- nas fpecies quam depinximus, inter maximas babita fui fui generis: color ejus ceruleo-virefcens venulis atomifque obfcurioribus variatur. —— Suave eft philofopho contemplari generalem quan- dam fimilitudinem, quz interdum mira et manifefta eft in animalibus penitus diverfis, nec ulla affinitate inter fe conjunctis. In hoc ipfo fcilicet Chitonis ge- nere, tefta qua obducitur animal lorica fimillima eft qua muniuntur Da/ypodes. Quod contigit quo- que infectis quz continet Oz;/ci genus; quorum fpe- cies communis, quz et officinalis dicitur, hanc 'ip- fam ob caufam nomine Linnaano Oni/cus Armadillo nuncupatur. BAN THE SCALY CHITON. EEE EEE EEE EE Ek CEES GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Doris. Shell confifting of feveral fegments difpofed lon- gitudinally in the back. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. CHITON with the fhell commonly confifting of eight valves; the margin fcaly. The genus Chiton is generally found adhering to rocks, like fome of the Lepades. The fpecies, which are pretty numerous, are lefs remarkable for beauty than for fingularity of ftructure; being com- pofed of feveral diftinct fhelly bounds. The fpecies here reprefented is one of the largeft, and is a native of the American coafts. Its general color is a blue- ifh green, variegated with veins and fpecks of darker and lighter colors. It is curious to contem- plate the fimilarity in point of general form, which fometimes takes place between animals of the moft diftant tribes, and which have no real affinity to each other. Thus in the prefent genus, the inhabiting animals are covered with an armour refembling that of of the Dafypodes or Armadillos amongft quadru- peds; and the infects of the genus Onifcus are formed on a fimilar plan; the officinal or common Ípecies in particular, which has obtained its trivial name from this very circumftance. BULLA VIRGINEA. DEERE EES CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal limax. T: efla univalvis, convoluta, inermis. Apertura fubcoarctata, oblonga, longitudinalis, Columella obliqua, levis. Lin: Syft. Nat. p. 1181. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. BULLA ALBA, fafciis verficoloribus duplicatis, columella truncata purpurea. BULLA TESTA fubturrita erecta, columella truncata fanguinea. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1186. EL CCINUM VIRGINEUM. Lin. Muf. Lud. Ufr. n. 209. In Afiz fluviis precipue reperta fedem fibi vin. "dicat hec concha inter pulcherrimas fui generis. Colore interdum variat; notas tamen femper retinet certas adeo et conftantes, ut de fpecie non poffit dubitari. THE RIBBAND BULLA. ete See eee ee oe cod GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Limax or Slug. Shell univalve, convoluted. Aperture fomewhat ftraitened, oblong, longitudi- nal, entire at the bafe. Column oblique and fmooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Ge. WHITE BULLA, with particoloured double bands, and purple truncated column. The STRIPED BULLA. The PAINTED BULLA. This beautiful fhell, which is juftly confidered as one of the moft elegant of the genus, is principally found in the rivers of Afia. It varies fometimes in _ its colors, but always retains characters fufficiently elear to determine the fpecies. 266 ^ ALCYONIUM ARENOSUM, HSH eee CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal (plerumque) plantz forma crefcens. Stirps fixa, carnofa, gelatinofa, fpongiofa, vel coriacea, ofculis polypiferts obfita. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cic. ALCYONIUM fimplex femicirculare arenofo- lutofum. ESCHARA LUTOSA. Pall, el Zooph. p. 37. n. 5. Efchara MILLEPORA arenofa Anglica. Rar fyn. p. 31. FLUSTRA ARENOSA. | Lin. Syfl. Nat. Gmel. p. 3829. FLUSTRA ARENOSA. Soland. et Ell. Zooph. p. 17 Miram hanc fubftantiam, quam in E/charis nume- ravit Pallas, in Milleporis Ellifius? in Fluftris Gme- linus, qui fyftema nature Linnzeanum auctius edidit, nullus 4 nullus dubito in Alcyonit genere reponere. Adhzeret. plerumque radicibus fucorum majorum; circá littora Britannie feptentrionalis minime rara; femper re- tinens figuram femicircularem. Subftantia eft multo: leviori et magis friabili quam caetera pleraque Al- cyonia, et conftare videtur ex arena glutine animali connexa. Cellule polypos recipientes qui putantur maffam zdificaffe, majufcule funt, nec profunde, fed potius fuperficiariz. Color totius leviter fufco- flavet. Oftendit tabula veram magnitudinem. / . vieni PADS ipi d DO ^i. hj "t ^t T e Pu Man . MyrDN TAY pa n a Mra / i Um Hn i » Y ¥ 4 a if tg - SANDY ALCYONIUM. €doltelellteteteletettéetetettetitételelelete em GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal (commonly) growing in the form of a plant. Subflance more or lefs flefhy, gelatinous, fpongy, or coriaceous: befet with polype-cells. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. Flat fandy ALCYONIUM of a femi-circular form. Horfe-fhoe MILLEPORE. Englifh fandy MILLEPORA. Ells corallin. p. 74. I have not the flighteft hefitation in ranking this curious fubftance under the genus Alcyonium, rather than that of Efchara, in which it is placed by Pallas, of Millepora, in which it is ftationed by Ellis? or laftly, in that of Fluftra, in which it is arranged by Gmelin in his enlarged edition of the Syftema Nature of Linnzus. It is reprefented in its natural fize, and is generally found attached to the roots of the ^ the larger fuci: it is not uncommon about the | northern parts of the Britifh eoafts, and always pre- ferves its femicircular fhape. Its texture is much flighter than that of moft others of this genus, feem- ing to confift of fandy particles connected by an animal gluten: the cells or cavities, in which are fuppofed to refide the polypes, or fabricators of the maís, are rather large than fmall, and are not very deeply impreffed, but rather fuperficial. Its colour | is a pale yellowifh brown. BULLA! OCCIDUA. SPEER dH ero CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Tefia univalvis, convoluta, inermis. Apertura coarctata, oblonga, longitudinalis. Columella obliqua, levis. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1181. e CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, ec. BULLA? (Helix?) ovato-oblonga, crafia, al- bida, fpira obtufa, labio purpureo. HELIX oblonga. H. tefta perforata ovato-ob- longa, ftriata, labro columellaque rofeis. Mill. Hifl. Verm. p. 86. n. 284. PSEUDO-AURIS MIDZE, tefta ovali oblonga, fubumbilicata, tumida, craffa, anfractibus fex ventricofis, apice obtufo, labro et labio rofeis, apertura ovata Integerrima. Martini. Vol. 9g. p. 30. 7. 119. fig. 1022. 1093. BUCCINUM admodum craffum, &c. &c. LJ ceho1.93.-fg. 91:395. i. 1055. fig. 1. ‘COCHLEA COCHLEA terreftris Americana Plumieri. Lyi. it. Paropo 74-400 HELIX oblonga. Born. Muf. Ces. Vind, tefl. 1. 15. Jg. 931. 29 HELIX oblonga. Lin. Syfl. Nat. Gmel. p. 3637. COCHLEJ leva. Seb. Mf; 9. 0. 71. fe: 39535. Facie formaque generali affinis admodum eft Bulla Occidua perpulchre Bulle achatine, quam in hoc opere jam depinximus. Ab illa tamen facile dig- nofci poffit, quod craffior multo fit, labio non tenui, quale eft Bulla achatine, fed circa tefte hiatum folidam in marginem ducto. Differt quoque co- lore; nam alba paulatim fubflavet, labio pulchre rofeo, (quo etiam leviter inficitur interna tefte fu- perficies,) caretque omnino eleganti illa variatione qua decoratur Bulla achatina. Terreftris eft fpe- cies, et in varlis Americ meridionalis partibus non raro reperitur, nec non in infulis Americanis feu occiduis. Animal teftam incolens helici communi fimillimum eft. Color eft cinereus, umbris ftriifque huc illuc obfcurioribus et lucidioribus variatus, et in aliquibus partibus fub-caruleo et rofeo com- miftus. Viro celeberrimo Carolo Plumiero, quem circiter finem fzculi Jam elapfi merito infigniverunt Ícripta fcripta que congeffit de naturali novi orbis hiftoria, . de botanice precipue, figuram archetypam debemus, quam in tabula imitati fumus, quamque cum Liftero in Lutefia Parifiorum agente, communicavit Plu. mierus. Ova quz deponit Bulla occidua putamine calcario conteguntur, et tum forma tum magnitu- dine ad ovorum pafferis vulgaris fimilitudinem tam prope dicuntur accedere, ut ab iis vix ac ne vix poffint diftingui. THE OCCIDENTAL BULLA. | QI EEE EE EEE EEO GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Limax or Slug. Shell univalve, convoluted. Aperture fomewhat ftraitened, oblong, longitudi- nal, entire at the bafe. Column oblique and fmooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Se. Ovate-oblong thick BULLA? (Helix?) with obtufe fpire, and purple lip. The Rofe-lipped SNAIL. Rofe-mouthed BULLA. Surinam SNAIL. Oviparous SNAIL, Der Vu UL Vol. 9. p. 30. 7.119. Roodlip. f$. 1022..1029% FAUSSE Oreille de Midas. Davil. Cat. 1. p. 194. 7. 166. Der dr rg SCHNIRKEL. Born. Muf. Caf. p. 381. 7. 15. Jig. 21. 22. La voz La FAUSSE Oreille de Midas. | Favanne conch. t. 65. fig. 1. Surinam HELIX. | 05 "Gat. Muf. Port. p. 55. 2. 1299. ugs e io ose p. 62.0%, 1895. P. 174. 1. 3745. In its general appearance this fhell is very nearly allied to the beautiful fpecies called Bulla achatina, already figured in the prefent work : it is however readily diftinguifhed by its far thicker or more folid fubftance, by the lip or edge, which inftead of being thin, as in that fhell, forms a ftrong ridge or border round the opening, and by its total want of the beautiful variegations fo confpicuous on the furface of the Bulla achatina; being merely of a dull white, with the border or lip before-mentioned of an ele- gant purple or rofe-color: the infide of the fhell has alfo a flight tinge of the fame color. It isa terreftrial fpecies, and is not very uncommon in feveral parts of South America, as well as the Weft Indian Iflands. . The inhabiting animal, which bears the moft ftriking refemblance to the common {nail, is of a cinereous color, varied with lighter and darker fhades and ftreaks; with a tinge of blueifh and rofe-color on fome parts. It is to the celebra- ted Father Plumier, fo diftinguifhed towards the latter part of the laft century for his refearches into the the natural hiftory of the new world, and more par- ticularly in the botanical department, that we owe the original of the elegant reprefentation on the prefent plate; the drawing having been communi- cated by Plumier to Dr. Lifter during the time of his refidence in Paris. The eggs which this animal depofits are covered with a hard calcareous coating, and are faid to re- femble thofe of the common fparrow to fuch a de- gree as to be fcarce diftinguifhed from them. MYTILUS"CAMELLIA. edMeiiteieteeteeieieletetetetetetpeteteeo CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. MY'TILUS tefta oblonga, tenui, virefcente, fub- truncata, natibus acuminatis carinatis, valvis claufis. CONCHA caudata, &c. Camellii delin. rer. nat. tom. 4. Muf. Brit. In omnibus convenire videtur hzc fpecies Mytilo Roftro, nifi quod alarum arcte claufarum non hient extremitates, In Japonia generatur Mytilus Ca- mellii, et in Mufeo Britannico figure quaedam funt archetypae quas ipfe Camellus delineavit. Vidi quo- que interdum hunc Mytilum in chartis Sinenfibus depictum. Iconas autem quas oftendit tabula noftra, non modo teftas fed animal incolens exhibentes de- bemus ipfis fpeciminibus, quz fpiritu vini condita in Mufeo reponuntur Britannico. THE CAMELLIAN MUSCLE. TIE SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc. MUSCLE with oblong, thin, greenifh, truncated fhell, the beaks fharp and carinated ; the fhells completely clofing. The Clofe DUCK'S- BILL. This fpecies feems to agree in every refpe& with the Mytilus Roftrum, except that the valves fhut very exactly, without leaving any hiatus at either end as in that fhell. It is a native of Japan, and is reprefented in fome original drawings of Camelli (Kamel) in the Britifh Mufeum: I have alfo ob- ferved this fpecies in Chinefe drawings. The figures here reprefented, fhewing not only the fhell but likewife the inhabiting animal, are from fpecimens finely preferved in fpixits in the Britifh Mufeum. bx] "5 RIN po AIS c QUE S CURIAE 4 : p uq iX. d & d: r . 3 Fr * . ? 2 | | | &, = T : 9 | x : | | : n T fg : : | | ; | | i j » | - | | | | dia z - x | | | = | | AFINES 3 E. we ae so ees E | Ps ud. E 1 * D = m e : < : | N S d d E des EE NC d ‘ | | SP oT ia: : | : | OF ; | : k ? peo | : , | | | * a y ^ ^ 2 e e ; i | ! | | | - Sa : Ls ^ ; i E ' | ; | a cie | - - ee 5 r= * i * : | | | | P Y e fackaN » | | | | | | = 3 ea^. "wt ; | | | | " - 3 z | ! | s “ec : | | gU , * e E . : aec di | : ^ E ; ; - > , PTEROTRACHEA CORONATA. e deledeteteiete EEE EEE EEE EEE EES CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus liberum, gelatinofum, pinna gelatinofa mobili ad abdomen vel caudam. Ocul duo intra caput. Lin. Syft. Nat. Gmel. p. 3137. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, C3c. PTEROTRACHEA ventre caudaque pinniferis, capitis probofcide tereti perpendiculari, frontis coronula aculeis decem. Forfk. Fn. aeg. ar. p. 117. 7. 41. PTEROTRACHEA coronata. Lin. Syft. Nat. Gmel. p. 3137. Luculente et accurate explicuit hanc fpeciem ce- leberrimus Forfkal in opere cui titulus De/criptiones Animalium, &c. &c. que in itinere orientali, &c. &c. © Corpus fubteres: craffitie pollicis: longitudine fere fpithame. — Caput antice rotundatum ; coronula in fronte fpinis decem conicis : harum tres utrinque conftituunt lineas medias perpendiculares: extra illas illas fuperne utrinque duse, una fupra alteram. In- fra coronam Probofcis dependet, fere duos pollices longa, nervo medio et apice in capitulum incraffato, albido: ore terminali. Apex hyalinus : et tota pro- bofcis gelatina farta videtur: fub illa maculae al- bidze, parve, fparfz interdum. Oculus uterque ad nucham interne prope marginem ; hinc fatis ab in- vicem remoti; conftant macula ovali, tranfverfa, fufca; cui introrfum imponitur infundibulum, feu conus inverfus, obfcure teftaceus ; recipiens fphe- rulam hyalinam, fimilem bulle aeree. Truncus ab oculis ad caudam fere cylindricus; pone fuperne ro- tundatus, nec nifi bafi cum cauda conjunctus, levis, immaculatus : inferne juxta pinnam albo-maculatus: abdomen fubtus totum afperum. Ante pinnam Sacculus duplex, an gula? ovatus, pendulus, hya- lino-maculatus. Azus proxime fupra ligamentum caude. In quibufdam fupra anum in extremo trunco nucleus globofus, albidus, lente minor. Cauda verticalis, pollicaris; antice, fed inferius longo collo adnata trunco; catterum triangularis, utrinque lineis quatuor aculeatis ; angulato-fcabra, terminata pinnula utrinque horrizontali, femicor- data, cauda quater breviore, prominente ultra caudae apicem; ubi margine incumbit margini caudz. Pinna pone medium trunci, orbicularis, diametro pollicis, compreffa, bafi incraffata, laminifque trunci albis utrinque crenatis, affixa. Subtus in margine pinnula alia, campanulata, puncto medio affixa, hy- alina. Habitat in Mari Mediterraneo et Archipelago.”* 3u$ i { ‘CORONATED PTEROTRACHEA. BEES EEE EEE GENERIC CHARACTER. Body nayant, gelatinous, furnifhed with a fin at the abdomen or tail. Eyes two, within the head. SPECIFIC CHARACTER. PTEROTRACHEA with abdomen and tail pin- nated, the head marked with aculeated lines in front, the probofcis columnar and perpen- dicular. It is to the celebrated Forfkal that we are indebted for an accurate defcription of this curious animal. Body fubcylindric; about an inch in diameter, and almoft a fpan in length. The head is rounded on the fore-part, and furnifhed in front with a co- ronet of ten conical fpines: of thefe three on each fide conftitute fo many perpendicular middle-lines : beyond and above which, on each fide, are two more; one above the other. Beneath the coronet hangs the probofcis, which is nearly two inches long, with a whitifh middle-nerve, and an incraffated, ca- pitulated, hyaline tip, and terminal mouth. The whole probofcis appears as if filled with jelly: be- | neath neath it are fometimes feen {mall fcattered whitifh fpots. The eyes are fituated on each fide the back of the neck, internally, near the margin; and are pretty remote from each other. Each confifts of a tranfverfe, oval brown fpot, on which is placed in- wards an infundibulum or inverted cone of an ob- Ícurely-teftaceous color, receiving a hyaline fpherule refembling an air-bubble. The trunk from the eyes to the tail is nearly cylindrical; rounded behind on the back-part, and only connected with the tail at its bafe: it is f{mooth and without fpots; but be- neath, near the fin, is fpotted with white. The whole abdomen is rough beneath: before the fin: is feated a double facculus, (perhaps the ftomach ?) it is ovate, pendulous, hyaline-fpotted. The vent is feated near the ligament of the tail. In fome fpe- cimens, near the vent, at the end of the body, is a globofe whitifh nucleus, fmaller than a lentil. The tail is vertical, an inch long, connected to the body in front, (but beneath it), byalong neck: it is tri- angular, with the angles rough, and has four acu- leated lines on each fide, and is terminated on each fide by a femi-cordate, horizontal pinnule four times fhorter than the tail, and projecting beyond its tip, where its edge refts on that of thetail. The fin is fituated beyond the middle of the body, and is orbicular, an inch in diameter, compreffed, thick- ened at the bafe, and affixed to the white laminz of the trunk, which are crenated on each fide. Be- neath, in the margin, is another pinnule, which is bell-fhaped, hyaline, and affixed by a middle point. It is a native of the Mediterranean and. Archi- pelago. TURBO PRTTHOLZATUS. diete edel CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. . Tefta univalvis, fpiralis, folida. Apertura coar&tata, orbiculata, integra. Lin. Syft. Nar. p. 1232. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Gcr. TURBO tefta imperforata ovata levi nitida, an- fractibus furfum fubangulatis. — Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1233. COCHLEA petholata. Rumpf. t. 19. f. n. & 5. 6. 7. COCHLEA variegata. Argenv. Conch. 1. 6. f. x. Tift. Conch. t. 594. f. 39. Gualt. tef. t. 64. f. F. Mie. ofr. £2. f^ 51. Maria Indica et Americana incolit Turbo petho- latus, magnitudine vera in tabula depictus, D THE VARIEGATED TURBO. e detedeotteteteteteeteteteteteleiedetetetetee o GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal {nail-fhaped. Shell univalve, fpiral, folid. Aperture orbicular. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Se. TURBO with ovate gloffy variegated fhell; the whirls inclining to an angular form on the upper part. The variegated TURBO. The ribband TURBO. The parti-coloured American SNAIL. This elegant fhell is a native of the Indian and American feas, and is reprefented on the plate in its natural fize. Jub xav 29/Y odde 85 by Pp D Rer ee all ’ T - BEPRRAGÁGQGIOPOD/IA. See beeen iit CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus carnofum : vagina excipiente pectus, ad cujus bafin tubus. Brachia (preter bina tentacula pedunculata in ple- rifque) octo interius adfperfa cirris verrucofis. Os inter brachia, terminale, corneum. Lin. Syft. Nat. Gmel. p. 3149. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Sc. SEPIA corpore ecaudato, tentaculis pedunculatis nullis. Lin. Syft. Naz. p. 1095. Lin. Syft. Nat. Gmel. p. 3149. POL YPUS octopus. Rondel. pifc. 519. OCTOPODIA. Haflelg. act. ups. 1759. p- 33: POLY PUS pelagius. Seb. muf. 9. p. 4. 2. 2. f. 1—7T- IMNNGEDEM MMC Ln cx DC Magna interdum huic animali moles eft; major nullibi quam in oceano Indico et Septentrionali. Narrat Narrat Dominus Pennantus fe ab hominibus fide dignis accepiffe, in certis maris Indici partibus vifa interdum fuiffe fpecimina, quorum fingula brachia longa effent novem orgyias; Indofque navigium fufcipere non audere, nifi prius latis fecuribus in- | ftructos, ut brachia fepie cymbam prenfantis poffint ab{cindere : quod ni faciant periclitari ipfam cym- bam ne fub aquis mergatur. Lepidam hiftoriam ex Trebio Nigro B LOMA Pli- nius de monftro hujufmodi *, quod immodicis in receptacula commiffis furtis, non levem pifcatorum iram in fe convertit. * Caetera, que idem retulit, monftro propiora poffunt videri. Carteiz in cetariis affuetus exire e mari in lacus eorum apertos, atque ibi falfamenta populari, (mire omnibus marinis expetentibus odorem quoque eo- rum: qua de caufa et naffis illinuntur:) convertit in fe cuftodum indignationem affiduitate furti. Im- modicz his fepes erant objecte: fed has tranfcende- bat per arborem: nec deprehendi potuit, nifi canum fagacitate. Hi redeuntem circumvafere noctu, con- citique cuftodes expavere novitatem. Primum om-. nium magnitudo inaudita erat: deinde color muria obliti; odore diri. Quis ibi polypum expectaffet, aut ita cognofceret ? cum monftro dimicare fibi vi- debantur. Namque et afllatu terribili canes agebat, nunc extremis crinibus flagellatos, nunc robuftiori- bus brachiis clavarum modo incuffos, zegreque multis * 5. Loligine E triden- tridentibus confici potuit. Oftendere Lucullo caput ejus, dolii magnitudine, amphorarum quindecim capax, atque, (ut ipfius Trebii verbis utar) barbas, quas vix utroque brachio complecti effet, clavarum modo torofas: longas pedum tricenüm : acetabulis, five caliculis urnalibus, pelvium modo: dentes mag- nitudini refpondentes. Reliquiz aflervatz miraculo pependere pondo pec.” Huc forfan referenda funt que vaga et incerta feribuntur de monftro Arctico, Kraken feu Korveun dicto; quod verifimile eft originem duxiffe ab in- gentibus aliquibus hujus fpeciei fpeciminibus, in mari feptentrionali vifis, et in majus, ut fit, cele- bratis. | THE EIGHT-ARMED CUTTLE-FISH. DEE EES GENERIC CHARACTER. Body flefhy, fheathing the breaft, which is fur- nifhed at its bafe with a tubular opening. Arms eight, (and in moft fpecies two peduncula- ted tentacula,) befet with numerous fuckers or acetabula. Head fhort; Eyes large; Mourh refembling a Parrot’s beak. | SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Short-bodied CUT'TLE-FISH, without any tail or appendage ; with eight arms and no ten- tacula or longer arms. The SEA POLYPUS. The eight-armed CUTTLE-FISH. | Penn. Br. Zool. 4. p. 44. pl. 28. The fize to which this animal fometimes grows is very great; but it is in the Indian and Northern feas _ that it feems to arrive at its fulleft magnitude. Mr. | Pennant tells us he has been well affured that in fome 239 Pubs ovr 98.by FPNoddev, ^ ^ m 4. tá fome parts of the Indian feas, fpecimens have been feen with each arm of the length of nine fathoms; and that in thofe feas the Indians never venture to navigate their canoesor boats without being provided with broad hatchets in order to cut off the arms of the cuttlefifh, fhould it happen to attack the veffel, which it fometimes does in fuch a manneras greatly to endanger its being drawn under water. A moft entertaining account is given by Pliny, from Trebius Niger, of an enormous monfter of this kind (perhaps a Loligo), near the coaft of Carteia, which ufed to rob the neighbouring refervoirs of falted fifh, and which continued its depredations in fo alarming a manner as to provoke the vengeance of the enraged proprietors. This tale, in the tranflation of honeft Philemon Holland, runs thus. * The reft which mine author hath related as touching this fifh, may feem rather monftrous lies and incredible, than otherwife: for he affirmed, that at Carteia there was one of thefe Polypi, which ufed commonly to go forth of the fea, and enter into fome of their open cefterns and vauts among their ponds and ftewes, wherein they kept great fea-fifhes, and otherwhiles would rob them of their falt-fith, and fo go his waies againe: which he practifed fo long, that in the end he gat himfelfe the anger and difpleafure of the mafters and keepers of the faid ponds and cefterns, with his continuall. and immeafurable fil- ching: wherupon they ftaked up the place and em- palled palled it round about, to ftop all paffage thither. But this thiefe gave not over his accuftomed haunt for all that, but made meanes by a certaine tree to clamber over and get to the fore-faid falt-fifh ; and never could he be taken in the manner nor difco- vered, but that the dogges by their quicke fent found: him out and bayed at him: for as he returned one night toward the fea, they affailed and fet upon him on all fides, and therewith raifed the forefaid keepers, . who were affrighted at this fo fodaine an alarme, but more at the ftraunge fight which they faw. For firft | and foremoft this Polype fifh was of an unmeafurable and incredible bigneffe: and befides, hee was be- Ímeared and beraied all over with the brine and pickle of the forefaid falt-fifh, which made him both hideous to fee to, and alfo to ftinke withall moft ftrongly. Who would ever have looked for a Polype there, or taken knowledge of him by fuch markes as thefe? Surely they thought no other, but that they had to deale and encounter with fome monfter: for with his terrible blowing and breathing that he kept, he drave away the dogges, and otherwhiles with the ends of his long ftringed winding feet, he would lafh and whip them; fometimes with his ftronger clawes like armes he rapped and knocked them well and furely, as it were with clubs. In fumme, he made fuch good fhift for himfelfe, that hardly and. with much adoe they could kill him, albeit he received many a wound by trout-fpeares which they launced at him. Well, in the end his. head was brought and fhewed to Lucullus for a won- der, der, and as bigge it was as a good round hogfhead or barrel that would take and containe rz Ampho- res: and his beards (for fo Trebius tearmed his clawes and long-ftringed feet) carried fuch a thick. nefs and bulke with them, that hardly a man could fathom one of them about with both his armes, fuch knockers they were, knobbed and knotted like clubs, and withall 30 foot long. The concavities within them, and hollow veiiels like great bafons, would hold four or five gallons apeece: and his teeth were anfwerable in proportion to the bignes of his bodie. The reft was faved for a wonder to be feen, and waighed 700 pound weight." It may be added that the vague and uncertain defcriptions of the northern animal called the Kra- ken or Korven, may perhaps owe their origin to ex- aggerated accounts of fome uncommonly large fpe- cimens of this animal feen in the northern feas. AN viia te Betis Jem H 1 " a $554 ! "e f M vc dd | MN pee b we 4 s Hi Ohta Gets y bn undi Hatt we, € e ax ai Ne) E oR jJ ^ dw N ds par^ gite hein " SEPIA LOLIGO. Se Ee Se oe eo ae CHARACTER GENERICUS. Corpus carnofum: vagina excipiente pectus, ad cujus bafin tubus. Brachia (preter bina tentacula pedunculata in ple- rifque) octo interius adfperfa cirris verrucofis. Os inter brachia, terminale, corneum. Lin. Syft, Nat. Gmel. p. 3149. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cic, SEPIA corpore fubcylindrico fubulato, cauda an- cipiti-rhombea. : Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1096. LOLIGO. Rond. pifc. 506. LOLIGINIS fpecies maxima. geb. Muf 9; p. Feta In magnam Interdum crefcit molem Sepia Loligo; minor tamen eft Sepia octopodia; a qua etiam facile fecernitur corpore magis elongato. Suppeditavit huic Natura nec non aliis nonnullis congeneribus receptaculum magnum internum, foramine extrin- fecus fecus aperto: continetur in hoc facculo fluidum quoddam nigrum et fpiffum, quo, fi turbata fit, ftatim emiffo, aquam infufcare, et e confpectu fugere dicitur. Utebantur antiqui hoc fucco, atramenti vice: putatque celeberrimus Swammerdamus atra- mentum Sinenfe feu quod Indicum vulgo dicitur, ex hoc ipfo liquore fpiffato concoqui, additis certis fuffimentis, aliifque ejufmodi. Affirmant contra nonnulli fuccum, quem emittit Loligo, in atramen- tum fcriptorium apte et utiliter non poffe converti; et ut aliquid ejus ope plane et probe literis mande- tur, fumma peritiaopus effe. Quibus fortaffe affen- tiendum fit, fi liquor recens fuerit extractus : fed fi prius fatis exficcatus, contritus fuerit et in aqua fo- lutus, de calamo facilius dilabetur; et probabile omnino videtur quod opinatur Swammerdamus ; przcipue cum certum fit atramenti Indici modicam quantitatem, fi poft folutionem in vafe aliquo fer- vetur, intra paucos dies foetorem non levem emittere; quod fatis indicare videtur animalem originem. Predatoria eft indole Sepia Loligo, ut et alize con- generes; vefciturque precipue teftaceis et mollufcis variis. Color generalis fufco-rubet, oculis lzte czruleis. Non prorfus fupervacaneum fit notare Sepias ab antiquis Polypos fuiffe dictas; polypofque parvulos aquaticos, quos Hydras hodie nuncupant phyfici, facie feu habitu generali fepiis quodammodo fimiles effe; confperguntur enim hydrarum tentacula verrucis pluribus quz vifibiles funt ope microfcopii, quafque verifimile eft eodem fungi munere quo fepi- arum acetabula. Addendum porro eft, vice offis quod fepia officinalis feu communis in corpore ha- bet, bet, inftrui hanc fpeciem cartilagine quadam enfi- formi, hyalina, longa; qua a quibufdam phyficis quafi fpecies Pennatulz defcripta et depicta eft; a Seba nempe in tertio volumine thefauri rerum natu- ralium p. 40. tab. 16. In editionibus quoque non- nullis prioribus fyftematis nature Linnzani, falfo reponebatur in genere Pennatulz. THE CALAMARY. / SEE EEE EEE ES GENERIC CHARACTER. Body flefhy, fheathing the breaft, which is furnifhed | at its bafe with a tubular opening. Arms eight, (and in moft fpecies two pedunculated tentacula,) befet with numerous fuckers or acetabula. Head íhort; Eyes large: Mouth refembling a Parrot’s beak. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Se. SEPIA with fubcylindric fubulate body and flattith fharp-edged rhomboid tail. The CALAMARY or Ink-Fifh. The INK-SEPIA or Loligo. The Ink CUTTLE-FISH. / This fpecies is readily diftinguifhed from the S. octopodia or eight-armed Cuttle-Fifh by its more elongated form : in fize it is inferior to that animal, though fometimes feen of a very confiderable mag- nitude. FP Nodder,Decr998 . Th ub", Ls 1 z nitude. It is provided, like fome others of this genus, with a large receptacle or internal pouch containing a peculiar fecretion or fluid of a black color and of a thickifh confiftence, and opening outwardly by a tubular foramen. When purfued it ejects a quantity of this fluid, which mixing with the furrounding water, is fuppofed to facilitate the efcape of the animal by concealing it from view. This liquor appears to have been ufed by the an- cients for the purpofe of ink. The fagacious Swam- merdam alfo declares himfelf of opinion that the celebrated compound formed by the Chinefe, and commonly termed Indian ink, 1s no other than the black fluid before mentioned in an infpiffated ftate, with the addition of certain perfumes, &c. By others however it is affirmed that the liquor of the Loligo is not very convenient for the purpofe of an ink, and requires a confiderable degree of dexterity in its ufe. This perhaps may be the cafe with the recent liquor, but when dried and again ground or diffolved in water, it may become much more eafily manageable, and it fhould feem that Swammerdam's theory may be highly probable; more efpecially as Indian ink diffolved in water and kept in any confide- rable quantity, in the fpace of a few days acquires a very high degree of foetor, which clearly feems to indicate an animal fubftance. Like the reft of the Sepiz, the Loligo is of a very predacious nature, and feeds on Shell-fifh and various Mollufca. Its ge- neral color is a reddifh brown: the eyes of a beau- tiful blue. It may not be improper to obferve that the different. fpecies of this genus were the Polypi of of theancients, and it is alfo highly probable that the fmall frefh- water animals called Hydre or Polypes in modern natural hiftory, are confiderably allied in general habit to the Sepiz, and their arms or ten- tacula when microfcopically examined, feem befet * with numerous verrucze which probably act in the fame manner as the acetabula or fuckers on thofe of the Sepiz. It may alfo be obferved that the Loligo, inftead of the friable calcarious bone with which the common or officinal Cuttle-Fifh is furnifhed, has on the contrary a long, lance-fhaped, tranfparent cartilage in place of the bone; and this cartilage has fometimes been defcribed and figured as a fpecies of pennatula, under which name it may be found in the third volume of Seba’s Thefaurus, p. 40. pl. 16. and even in fome of the earlier editions of the Syf- tema Nature of Linnzus it was erroneoufly placed under that genus. HELIX. Nee ee ee ho "CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Tefta univalvis, fpiralis, fubdiaphana, fragilis. Apertura coarctata, intus lunata, f. fubrotunda : . fegmento circulo dempto. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1241. HELIX RLINGENS debeo Eee EE CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. HELIX tefta fubcarinata imperforata convexa : ‘apertura refupinata ; labio pofterius quadru- plicato. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1243. Lift. conch. t. 99. f. 100. | Argenv. ed. 2. t. 28. f. 13. 14. HELIX CAROCOLLA. Se i i i Opp P[RIÁÉR CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Cc. HELIX fufca, tefta imperforata utrinque convexa, labro traníveiíali albo. HELIX HELIX Carocolla. H. tefta carinata imperforata utrinque convexa. Lin. Syff. Nat. P. 1243. LUCERNA antiqua. Argenv. ed 2. p. 214. £.'O, B. Knorr vergn. 4. t. 5. f. 2. 9. Cum incolat, ut plurimum, genus numerofum He- licis aquas dulces aut loca terreftria, eo fit, ut careat .craffa illa et polita fubftantia qua tefte marinz prae- cellunt. At quamvis non jactent pulchritudinem, multe tamen funt fpecies, quarum forma mira et inufitata abunde doceat, habere Naturam fere incre- dibilem et veluti luforiam varietatem. Inter fpecies maxime notabiles numerari poffunt Helix ringens, et Helix carocolla, quarum priorem denotant in ta- bula figure minores, pofteriorem figure gnigeros. Ambe in India innafcuntur. 374, SNAIL. Cedo eioiHel ote GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a flug. Shell f{piral, fub-pellucid. Aperture femilunar. RINGENT SNAIL. : FREI EE SEE SED SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Sc. Whitifh HELIX, with yellowifh-brown fpots, and inverted ringent mouth. INDIAN SNAIL with inverted ringent mouth. Toothed INDIAN SNAIL. LAMP SNAIL. PEPEEEE EE EEEE EEE EEE _ SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Gc. Brown imperforated HELIX, flightly convex on. . both fides, with white traníverfe lip. The Indian LAMP-SNAIL. La LAMPE antique. Zirgenv. ed. 2. p. 216. pl. 8. p. The genus Helix is more diftinguifhed by the number than the beauty of itsfpecies; which being moftly either land or frefh-water inhabitants, have not that thick and gloffy appearance which, in ge- neral, diftinguifhes thofe fhells which are natives of the fea. It is however marked in many fpecies by a high degree of fingularity in point of form; and ex- hibits ftriking examples of that ftrange variety of fhape into which Nature has arranged her produc. tions. Amongft the more remarkable fpecies may be numbered the Helix ringens, reprefented by the Ímaller figures, and the Helix Carocolla, reprefented by the larger figures on the prefent plate. Both thefe fhells are natives of India. ! CONUS AULICUS. ee aE ak aS CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Tefta univalvis, convoluta, turbinata. Apertura eftufa, longitudinalis, linearis, edentula, bafi integra. Columella levis. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. CONUS tefta venis reticulatis fafciifque longitu- dinalibus fufcis interruptis. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1171. Seb. Mur. t, 49. fig. 10=-12, Knorr. vergn. 2. t. 1. f. 1—3. et. 3. t. 19. f. 1. Regenf. conch. 1. t. 8. f. 25. Born. mus. Caes, Vind, teft. t. 7. £. 14. In mari Indico precipue reperta fedem fibi jure vindicat hzc cochlea inter pulcherrimas fui generis. Colore interdum variat ; notas tamen femper retinet certas adeo et conftantes, ut de fpecie vix poffit du- bitari. e "t D "d Wa ge! m 4 Y Ew 6. 39 THE PORPHYRY CONE. BROOD GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Limax or Slug. Shell more or lefs conic or pyramidal. Aperture longitudinal, linear, without teeth, en- tire at the bafe. Pillar {mooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc, White CONE, with brown reticular veins and longitudinal bands. Heart-fpotted CONE. |» Porphyry CONE. This fhell, ‘which is principally found in the In- dian ocean, may juftly be confidered as one of the moft beautiful of its genus: in color it fometimes varies, but commonly retains characters fo well marked as hardly to admit of a doubt as to the fpe- cies. “nh Pa it ut "dni oot Ati no. 18 ino VR ws Caine Jit: alui, sg PIS A3w e garde” etti (uu oan olf di an tee i i 1 Gs M eons T BULLA ACHATINA. Seer Hehe fete CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. fefa univalvis, convoluta, inermis. Apertum fubcoarctata, oblonga, longitudinalis, bafi integerrima. Columella obliqua, levis. Lin. Syff. Nat. p. 1186. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, &c. BULLA tefta ovata, apertura obovata apiceque fanguineis, columella truncata. . Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1186. BULLA Gallica. VEA mass Bot. "dU 1. 1.91 97 7. Sa Jampridem in opere hoc noftro Bullam achatinam ore purpureo depinximus. Rarior autem longe eft eximia hzc varietas, et colorum infignem jactat ele- gantiam. THE AGATE BULLA. BEEEEEEEEEE ES ESET PIRE GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal vefembling a Limax or Slug. She// univalve, convoluted. Aperture fomewhat ftraitened, oblong, longitu- dinal, entire at the bafe. Column oblique and {mooth. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc. Ovate, pointed, wide-mouthed BULLA, with broad fafcicze and truncated column. Var. With blue variegations and crimfon mouth, La Corne de pourpre. Knorr. vergn. 4. p» 44. pl. 24. f. 1. A purple-mouthed variety of the Bulla achatina has already been reprefented in the prefent work ; but the beautiful kind here figured is much lefs fre- quent, and is highly remarkable for the elegance and delicacy of its colors. > 2 E > : Porno dota « ty ^ n1 goo ty PS Nodder Newman Street E : OSTREA ISOGONUM. dsetetetopotetetepletetetetetetetetetetetetr CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal 'Yethys. Tefla bivalvis, (plurimis) inzquivalvis, fubaurita. Cardo edentulus, foffula cava ovata ftriifque late- ralibus tranfverfis. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Sc. OSTREA tefta zquivalvi, lobo laterali majore, cardine multoties fulcata. Lin. Syfl. Nat. p. 1149. Oftrearum genus, quo nomine eas folummodo in- telligimus quas titulo oftrearum rudium diftinxit Lin- neus, (exclufis iis qua peZines vocantur,) varias continet fpecies facie inter fe valde diffimiles. Ex iis que ob formam notatu digniflime funt, fpeciem naturali colore et magnitudine reprefentat tabula oceani Indici incolam. / a DONT e n ice ch PROCU HONO TUN D "f ao E p Dy SUE DT t i E ' n. i 2 . = 2 4" — -— / A London Aiblihed fe hs. 1I 1800, by FANodder, Maman aat: THE LONG OYSTER. DECREE EEE EEE EEE EEE EERE S GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Tethys. - Shell bivalve (in moft fpecies unequally), fubauri- culated. _ ; Hinge toothlefs, with an ovate foffule and lateral tranfverfe ftreaks. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Gc. Equal-valved OYSTER, with the right lobe largeft, and the hinge marked by numerous furrows. : The genus Oftrea, by which is here meant the affortment called by Linnaus Offree rudes, (exclud- ing the PeZiues or Efcallops,) contains feveral fpe- cies which differ confiderably in point of habit from each other. Among the moft ítriking as well as curious is that reprefented on the plate, which is a native of the Indian ocean. Its general fize and color are as expreffed in the figure. * te 9^ i Ea atr x an v8 AT " ay (oW Gi CHAMA GIGAS. Cd ibieteeeptieCIPIPIPIRPI|CIPRIEMKO CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal 'Tethys. Tv/la bivalvis, groffior. Cardo callo gibbo, oblique inferto foffulz obliqua. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, C. CHAMA tefta oblonga, plicata fornicato-fqua- mofa. CHAMA fquamata. : Rumpb. mus. t. 42. A. B. CHAMA GIGAS. Lin. Syft. Nat. p. 1197. Species, quam depinximus, non modo maxima eft fui generis, fed et omniumteftaceorum ; interdum nempe plufquam tripedalis ; oftreaque, five animal inclufum (idque non hyperbolice loquimur) centum convivis poffit fufficere. Carent: tamen permagna hzc fpecimina nitore & elegantia minorum. Color tum internus tum externus plerumquealbet. In ju- nioribus autem confpici interdum poffit ruboris rofa- cei leviffima quaedam miftura. In maribus Indicis generatur Chama Gigas : reperitur etiam circa littora infularum fere omnium quasalluit oceanus pacificus, London: Biblished August 1800 ty FPNedder, Newman Sireet ME — D THE GREAT CHAMA. FARE EEE GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal refembling a Tethys. Shell bivalve, thick. Hinge furnifhed with a gibbofe callus obliquely inferted into an oblique foffule. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Se. Great whitifh oblong plaited CHAMA, with arched fcales. The GREAT CHAMA, or Giant Clamp. The fhell reprefented on the plate is not only the largeft of the genus to which it belongs, but of the whole teftaceous tribe, having been fometimes feen of the length of more than three feet, with the in- cluded animal fufficient to afford a meal for upwards of an hundred perfons. Thefe large fpecimens how- ever are by far lefs regular and beautiful than the {maller ones. The coloris commonly white, both ' internally and externally ; but, when young, a flight tinge of rofe-color is fometimes vifible. It is a na- tive of the Indian feas, and is met with on the fhores of moft of the iflands in the great fouthern or paci- fic ocean. | En DENT MUREX TRIBULUS. VAR. Se ee tte e CHARACTER GENERICUS, Animal Limax. Testa univalvis, spiralis, exasperata suturis mem» branaceis. Apertura desinens in canalem integrum, rectum seu subascendentem. Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1213. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. MUREX TRIBULUS. M. testa ovata spinis setaceis trifariis, cauda elongata subulata recta similiter spinosa. Lin. Syst. Nat. 1214. Var. spinis longissimis. Quas genus Murer amplectitur numerosissimz sunt species. His, ut plurimum, insignis est sca- britie superficies, nunc in longas spinas excurrens, nunc in processus quosdam crispatos seu quasi fo- liatos. "Testam de qua jam agitur rarissimam alit mare Indicum et Atlanticum. Variant specimina quoad colorem, nec non rostri et spinarum longi- tudinem. LES (rg ety Les 2x Na A true “aed & igi aleniqueca P sid ; 4 "y er i NI i ee ears ny DET i RAE att uad venio ri ft uU ; ioe ee 3 M ded qul Aris Hh | EM Ue eco TR Mb eur ae i DC SLM d € hiRR ERO Us Qi a bou » Pim “a istoc E MP ^ 4 ads coh d auam. gaital ipud iz E 1 pum de. ¢ it Vio MU! [4 1 m" n DOW à n : LATIS i ] PT ' bn m » 1 r E * 1 D ip j i r " la " , i » 1 hd, ] En z; 3 " \ "o yf b= fi Y y t é * ‘ E ^ y rena d ij "- ype "yip ull ) AM UN cet t ph ' at heart VE " i pe 4 ji »t. wr Hit its E D. ccm PET To T " ¥ i pepe chy, pe art Din , , J 1 ' Ty , i j » n MUR ELT * , d AUNT HAE YT SY a adus MATT A SCORE ia, WU Ww, MM, ] «d, zu laahlp e lal ias ^n 5 1 i shit ul SAM uo Pob. / Lines 1 ND / Lg A i re eee : ^ D fte da mi " , M spt) D Nu M E URINE 1. 19 at iue a an | MM. EN Vir * Y j ' j t i | hy ;: e i \ ¢ j bea i L» ] , ) E ‘ ! " ] , l1 ^ ' LM L^ "n Uv Mo here. FNIT i | | á "T sie TORO uin do Py m viva A d h 4 hy i ihe , i - 5 I" * 4 ] "Ur ESTTEEPISI 1 A Mg Senden Lublished - Due Y12t7800, ty AA Nodder. Newman Street. " THE THORNY MUREX. VAR. SOR FH GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal allied to a Slug. Shell univalve, spiral, roughened with mem- branaceous sutures. Aperture ending in a strait or subascending channel. SPECIEIC CHARACTER, ©. Whitish MUREX, with a triple row of setaceous spines, and long beak with similar spines. Var. With extremely long spines. The Thorny Woodcock. | The genus Murex, of which the species are ex- tremely numerous, is distinguished, in general, by a peculiar roughness of surface, which either runs out into long spines, or into processes more or less crisped or foliated. The very rare shell exhibited on the present plate is principally found in the In- dian and American seas, and varies as to color and length of the beak and spines. BUCCINUM TUBEROSUM. DEEPEN SO CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Testa univalvis, spiralis, gibbosa. Apertura ovata, desinens in canaliculum (s. re- tusam lacunam) dextrum, cauda retusum, Labium interius explanatum. Lin. Svst. Nat. p. 1190. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, C3c. BUCCINUM testa cingulis duobus tuberculosis, cauda recurva. Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1198. Gualt. test. t. A1. £. A. Seb. mus. 3. t. 73. f. 5 15. Knorr. Vergn. 3. t. 16. £ 1:2. In Oceano Americano precipue innascitur Buc- cinum tuberosum, magnitudine et coloribus varians, et interdum fere in pedalem crescens longitudinem. INO Pi " Ae cue —— atl hn t MR e == ^. 467 " nS pt 3 London Laubleshed Feb.y I olon ly FhNodder Naaman Sree, € TUBEROUS BUCCINUM, Cre EES GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal allied to a Slug. Shell univalve, spiral, gibbous. Aperture ovate, ending in a channel pointing towards the right. Interior Lip expanded, SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c, Pale BUCCINUM with rufous and dusky varie- gations, two rows of tubercles, and re- curved tip. - | Knobbed BUCCINUM, The shell here represented isa native of the Ame- rican seas, and varies greatly both in size and co- lors, sometimes measuring almost twelve inches in length. , ^ aai jm Ae 4. 1 n ku 13 4 Robe MUREX TRITONIS. DRE ED CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. T'esta univalvis, spiralis, exasperata suturis meni- branaceis. Apertura desinens in canalem integrum, rectum seu subascendentem. Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1218. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Se. MUREX testa ventricosa oblonga levi, anfracti- busrotundatis, apertura dentata, cauda brevi. Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1222. Buccinum TRITONIS. Rumph. mus. t. 28. f. B. Magnificam hanc concham, magnitudineinterdum fere sesquipedali, generant precipue maria Indica. Corniformis cum sit, convertere eam dicuntur pas- tores Asiatici et Africani in tubam pecuariam ; bar- bareque nonuulle gentes in bellicam. Mihi sane persuasissimum est hanc ipsam testam in animo ha- buisse Ovidium, qui, simul atque audita sit grandi- sona Tritonis buccina, maris iram coercitam ct im- manes diluvii aquas recedentes cecinerit. ! Jupiter Jupiter ut liquidis stagnare paludibus orbeni, Et superesse videt de tot modo millibus unum ; Et superesse videt de tot modo millibus unam, Innocuos ambos, cultores numinis ambos ; Nubila disjecit: nimbisque Aquilone remotis, Et coelo terras ostendit, et «thera terris. Nec maris ira manet: positoque tricuspide telo Mulcet aquas rector pelagi: supraque profundum Extantem, atque humeros innato murice tectum Caeruleum Tritona vocat; concheque sonaci Inspirare jubet; fluctusque et flumina signo Jam revocare dato. Cava buccina sumitur illi Tortilis, in latum que turbine crescit ab imo: Buccina, quz medio coacepit ut aera ponto, Littora voce replet sub utroque Jacentia Phoebo. 'Tum quoque, ut ora Dei madida rorantia barba Contigit, et cecinit jussos inflata receptus, Omnibus audita est telluris et z2equoris undis : *t quibus est undis audita, coercuit omnes. Jam mare littus habet: plenos capit alveus amnes: Flumina subsidunt: colles exire videntur. Surgit humus: crescunt loca decrescentibus undis." Color illi generalis est albidus seu albo-flavescens, zonis transversis plus minus fuscis, ferrugineis, seu nigricantibus undulatus. Variant enim hujus nec non plerarumque concharum colores ob ztatem, et aliis multis de causis. rd zc nes moo { P P1 MO TEL Ro AS Um v DM N 4 dg d io We ; eh. fas BUE onde HALTUNG am 1 THE TRITONIAN MUREX. DERE oie 6669 GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal allied to a Slug. Shell univalve, spiral, roughened with membra- naceous sutures. Aperture ending in a strait or subascending chan- nel. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. MUREX with large, oblong, smooth, whitish shell, with transverse ferruginous undula- tions, toothed aperture, and short top. The Sea Trumpet, or great clouded MUREX. Triton's Trumpet. This superb shell, which is sometimes seen of near a foot and a half in length, is principally found in. the Indian seas. From its peculiar form it is well adapted for the purpose of a horn or trumpet, and is said to be often used as such by the African and Asiatic shepherds. It is satd to be occasionally used as a military trumpet among barbarous nations. We may also conclude it to have been the shell intended by by Ovid in his description of the retiring of the waters of the deluge on the sound of the trumpet of Triton. ; But when th' all-powerful ruler of the sky Saw earth in one wide waste of waters lie, While late of all its peopled realms contain'd . One only pair of human race remain d, Innocuous both, resign'd to Heawn’s decree, Celestial pity touch'd the Deity. | At his command, by winds resistless driv’n, Dispersing clouds to earth unveil the heav’n : And Neptune bids blue Triton sound amain His powerful trump, and bind the waves again. 'The sea-born herald at the call appears; High o'er the surge his scaly shoulders rears; And while the foaming billows round him swell Grasps with his bearded lip the spiral shell. With such a blast the sounding conch he blew O'er all the globe at once the thrilling signal flew. Back to their ancient bounds, from pole to pole Th' alarmed seas in refluent circles roll: The hills emerge; the woods their branches shew; And earth restor'd peeps slowly from below. This shell is generally of a whitish or yellowish colour, richly variegated with deep and pale ferru- ginous, brown, and blackish, transverse undula- tions; varying, like all other shells in the intensity and beauty of its colours, according to age or other circumstances. e IT. Published ane 1f (Bo) ug GRP Nodder, Newman Sire, A6. THE MURICATED PINNA. e deieleitet-eletdeletetMieieteiMdteteiMeieieiHro GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal allied to a Limax. Shell subbivalve, fragile, gaping at the upper part, emitting a beard or tuft of silken fila- ments. Hinge toothless, the valves coalescing together. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Cc. PINNA with striated shell, with acute, ovate, concave scales. Gualt. test. t. 79. f. D. Seb. 3. t. 92. Obs. Several of the Pinne are considered by Linneus as varieties rather than distinct species, The genus Pinna, of which some species grow to a very large size, is distinguished, among other cir- cumstances, by the remarkable power which the in- habiting animal possesses, of affixing itself at plea- sure to rocks, or other substances, by a vast number of fine silky threads or filaments, which it forms by extending L4 extending its tubular trunk or tongue, and dis- charging from its tip a minute drop of gluten, which, by the retraction of the same organ, is of course formed into asilken filament; and this opera- tion being several thousand times repeated, a thick and beautiful tuft of silky fibres is composed, by the help of which the animal is securely fastened or anchored in such places as it finds convenient. The Pinna muricata is among the smaller species of this genus; measuring about six or eight inches in length. In color, as well as in the degree of rough- ness of its external surface, it varies considerably. It is commonly of a deep brown externally, and of a reddish tinge, varied with a degree of pearly lustre internally. "The silk or byssus of the Pinnz is of a rich golden brown color, and is occasionally manu- factured into gloves, &c. by the inhabitants of those parts of the Mediterranean coasts where it most abounds, viz. on some of the coasts of Italy and Sicily. It should be added, that the power of ad- hering by means of silken filaments thus drawn from the inhabiting animal, is not entirely confined to the genus Pinna, but takes place, in a smaller de- gree, in some species of Mytilus, | MUREX HAUSTELLUM. - BREE EERE BEE EEE I M. CHARACTER GENERICUS. Animal Limax. Testa univalvis, spiralis, exasperata suturis membranaceis. Apertura desinens in canalem integrum rectum s. subascendentem. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Ge. MUREX testa ovata, tuberculata, cauda elon- gata subulata recta muricata. HAUSTELLUM. Rumph. mus. t. 26. f. r. Argenv. conch. t. 19. f. B. Muricem Haustellum magnitudine vera depictum ostendit tabula. In mari Asiatico precipue innas- citur. ET * LA SA i 1 , 4 "Sy vr iol ? Pf Ev. e Mi ; | MET " "nm f» t is 1 7 "el. t J i Ut i ub a? ; Ur E a " i JC a que a CUP) NE. SERRE Yn Ke ur: ed bd [cte iila du 4 E à * * "3 - ep Poe raid istum c ERES e AES m ET AOI t SEVA PILAE D da ] EN NN "aps, S i á dos Ds rhet i ay "dew d ; j Dp ape ex Py t: Mary Ln Te , - I dm xà A E wIT 22v 4 DU it I ES bade DN t P e af C wN Mira * 9 ted Sig MG y a by = - B —— ad wu JP LU e d ‘2 IA XUL Le ‘x "9 WC) SUN 2 E E P vi 21 Tu , P 468 AS reet. . THE PIPE MUREX. SHH leh hm GENERIC CHARACTER. Animal allied to a Slug. Shell univalve, spiral, roughened by membra- naceous sutures. Aperture ending in a strait or subascending channel. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. MUREX with ovate tuberculated shell, with an elongated tapering muricated tip. La Becasse. Argenv. p. 257. pl. 16. f. s. This shell is represented on the plate in its natural size. It is chiefly found in the Asiatic seas. i VS | | IA T m: dtd 7. ANO 499. OSTREA PALLIUM. EEE iret Animal Tethys. Testa bivalvis, (plurimisinzequivalvis, ) subaurita. Cardo edentulus, fossula cava ovata striisque- lateralibus transversis. Lin. Syst. Nat. CHARACTER SPECIFICUS, Sc. OSTREA testa zequivalvi, radiis duodecim con- vexis, striata, scabra, squamis imbricata. Lin. Syst. Nat. p. 1145. Pecten secundus. Rumph. mus. t. 44. B. PALLIUM Ducale. Argenv. t. 24. f. 1. Inter testas pulcherrimas hujus generis merito nu- meratur Ostrea Pallium, coloribus plurimum varians. In oris Indicis precipue conspicitur, et magnitudine vera in tabula exprimitur. THE MANTLE SCALLOP. | dedeletetoteteteteteteteteteteteteetotetetetete GENERIC CHARACTER. —— Animal resembling a Tethys. Shell bivalve, (in most species unequally,) sub- auriculated. | Hinge toothless, with an ovate or subtrigonal fossule and lateral transverse streaks. SPECIFIC CHARACTER, &c. Variegated SCALLOP with.equal valves, striped by twelve rough, imbricated, scaly rays. The Ducal MANTLE SCALLOP. — Le Manteau Ducal. Argenv. Knorr. &c. &c. This shell is very justly considered as one of the most beautiful of its tribe: it varies much in colour, and is principally found about the coasts of the In- dian seas: it is represented on the plate in its na- tural size. A i e" aati Sal) A ei B Aus D» y; UH An i