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SMITHSONIAN INST TUT — 3 oO rage oO y pa 8.9 TRG Une — o — / oO 2 Nye 5 : 5 Yo Sx WS a > - Yap *. 2 AS - 2 = OG KG 2 AO ie rn Z i BRARIES SMITHSONIAN NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS SA1YVus w Z z z E = Sr z = ate r S& w (a) same) Ca wo WAX, Oo 54 ruG ae 2) KS Fa Pai = = a > > y ie Ae ee a Se MINLILSNI _NVINOSHLINS Sa 1YVYSEIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTI a > Luin ; > Sul tu aN, , Ki ~NEW, B Ke S| = GYGZ SVG Vs AI - so la yd a |) Newer, 2 RS e a eS i ae wel ge : LLILSNI” NWINOSHLIWS Saiu¥vyudii LIBRARIES “INSTITUTION A 6 3) = BS oa nies = ow = w : > Na 5 2 E 2 | = eS OE a EE es | ao AN RS = a E ci m sXyy = m cf m : WM — w eo (op) ARI ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI _ NVINOSHIIWS (S33 tyYvuyudl Hi z= Z Cane z V2 z = 5: 2 Z 2 Gy? = g z 8 Yh 2 g 2 = Zara alc 2 > = >" = 5" > “” es as a Peal a ne }yYvag I7_ LIBRARI ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION = fa 2 Z a) a Y, = £ 2 = Ya, * a ee a < Wf ef 4 2 4 a . Y fos = ie) a fe) a oO Fad as Pa Be z= ARIES ae ewe On NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S31uVHSIT * = is z Oo pen S) = Si ‘o) oe s a eS WAS i =) ff > = a AS RY = aa “Gp = a ca VU = joyer hhh 23 = x ee > “if m 2 m ‘ @ poaat ; Ai a op) » a, Pee Ut INGS HONS (8 fYVvua Aes ep SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Te = we s z &. Vj, oi = Bip aie = 5 S : 7) oO ¥ LHe ” a) n : ao So GG am fe) Ea Yl? rE 2°GG = 2 i ae So eu nee ARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOJLONLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3IYVYSII e Z el 2 ~< on e Ww ye s Ror ae : ZN = " = Pa Zz ” ole Pon on = —NWINOSHLINS Sa 1YVYsIi LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Zz = wn ' z 1H) a = LEW ie >) id Loe v JS Ny = (Aa 5 GA) = BSS PT Ae t Ae ay" mn Warne vie Ley Oy Concerning Stimpson's Prodromus .,.27 ' One set of extras was issued in eiviale as published, and on the cover of part VIII appeared the following note or erreton: Doripps gexGentatsa changed to Etiusa sexden tats. Another edition of extras has all the parts in one cover and without the erratum. The cover of this edition has for a second title the following: Deseriptions/ of/ Invertebrate Animals/ (Turbelleria anda Crustacea)/ Collected by the U. S. 4 Expe-/ dition, Capts. Ringgold and/ Rodgers, 1855-56 The above taken from letter of S, I. Smith, Feb. 1, 1907. INVERTEBRATE \ ZOOLOGY / ‘ Crustacea Sh UA TH BUN, ‘(Froth the Proceedings of the Atadetny of Natural Sciences, May and June, 1855.) Descriptions of some of the new Marine Invertebrata from the Chinese and Japanese Seas. By Wm. Srimpson, Zoologist to the U. S. Surveying Hxpedition to Nortk Pacific, Jupan Seas, etc., Lt.. John Rodgers, Commander. {Communicated by the Smithsosian Institution» POLYPL -1. ANTHELIA LinEATA. Polypes elongated, slightly tapering towards the mouth, pale brownish with eightlongitudinal lead colored stripes; tentacula bright blue, half as long as the kody, with a single series‘ef obleng, somewhat irregular pa- pille: Length of 2 polype 1 mech. ‘ Hab. China. 2. Cornunania auRANTIACA. Large, branching, pale orange’; tubes straight, subcylindrical, (clavate when young); polypes transparent, with a few short linear spiculee on the sides; stomach crimson; tentacula with a single series of elongated, tuberculated papilla. Height -2 inches. Hab. ‘China. ‘3. ALCYONIUM AGARICUM. Mushroom~-shaped, upper surface only pelypiferous:; ‘pedicel central, one-third as thick as the disc is broad; disc orbicular, convex, Margin entire, revolute; polypi rather large, three-tenths of an inch long an@ ‘one-eighth of an inch distant, the surface between them covered with minute dots; disc above bluish-grey, polypes lighter, with sti! paler tentaonla-; inferior ‘surface and pedicel dark cream-colored. Diameter 4 inch. Hab. ‘Japan. 4, NEPHTHYA coccINEA. Lobulose, deep crimscen; spicule crowded and irregu- larly projecting around the bases of tke polypes, which are‘hyaline, with trian- gular, papillate tentacles. Beneath each tentaculum in the skin of the polype are two rows of minute, linear, crimson spicule, converging ‘toward each other ‘and forming a succession of V-shaped markings. dab. China. 5. VEREYILLUM CLAVATUM, Variegated, punctate with orange and spotted with brown ; foot white, with a pointed extremity ; polypes large, the tentacula long and slender, their papillz oblong; surface of the body between the polypes irregularly papiliose. ‘Leigth 2 inches: ‘Hab. China. 6. Acrinma rapiata. Smali, smooth, oblong, pale ‘brown, found attached te ‘slender univalves.; when contracted, depressed, radiated with gradually widening streaks of white; when ‘expanded, disc narrower than the base, spotted with ‘flake-white around ‘the mouth.; tentacula spotted with dark brown and white, tapering, pointed, arranged in an’alternating series near the’ margin. Length } ‘dnch. Hab. Japan, 7. ACTINIA NiGRoPUNCTATA. Siubcylindrical, smooth, pale ‘orange, base some~ what expanded ; body encircled by two lines of distant black puncte, ten in each line, alternating with the others ; tentacula rather numerous, long, pointed, dark at base ; those indicating the antero-posterior diameter larger than the others. flake-white at base. -Diameter # inch. Hab, Ousima. 8. Acrinia INORNATA. Body papillose, papilla oval, not very numerous; ten- tacula long, crowded in two or three rows; sulcus of the mouth indicated by protuberances at the margin ; space between mouth and tentacula ratber broad ; color dark olive, paler above, darkest in a circle around the mouth. Height two inches. Hab. China. 9, ACTINIA MULTICOLOR. Subcylindrical, brownish, with large purple papille and ten whitish stripes ; a smooth band just beneath the tentacula, crowded with vertical crimson lines; mouth large, flesh-colored, with a deep longitudinal sulcus; tentacula also flesh-colored, thick, short, suddenly tapering to a blunt point, rather few in number, crowded together in two rows between the mouth and the margin. Height 1 inch. Hab. China. 10. ACTINIA NAPENSIS. Smooth, lineated, olivaceous, greenish above and brownish below; upper margin crenulated ; disc not broader than the middle of the body ; tentacula placed in two rows near the margin, rather stout, pointed, dark-greenish, trimaculate with white on their inner sides ; mouth protuberant, much lobed, spotted with white without and streaked with yellow within. : mantle thick, cartilaginous, with nu- merous irregular protuberances, four of which are large and prominent ; siphon oblong, conical, projecting forward ; head small; tentacula stout, of moderate length ; foot much shorter than the mantle. Color pale brownish, spotted be- neath with sulphur-yellow. Length 2 inches. Fiab. China. 82. ApiysiA LEviGATA. Smooth, convex, oblong, samewhat produced ante- riorly ; lobes of the mantle rather short; siphon conical, foot with a blunt pos- terior termination ; dorsal tentacula cylindrical, orals dilated at their extremities ; color brownish above, sides with small dark grey spots and a few patches of white puncte ; head and foot green. Shell suboblong, very thin, membranaceous, ef a pale horn-color; areuated incision short but deep; summit triangular, small, thick and callous. Length 2 inches. Hab. Ousima. 33. Norarcuus crrrosus. Oblong, back rounded; foot short and pointed behind, somewhat acuminate ; body covered with numerous rather long appen- dages, much ramified on the back, but mostly simple on the head and tentacula ; dorsal tentacula short, tapering, with the upper half slit; orals large. Color bluish-grey, sprinkled with black dots; the appendages edged with sulphur- yellow ; a few clear green circular spots in different parts of the body. Length 3 inches. Has. China. 34. Notarcuws Lintozatus. Oblong-ovate, rather produced before, short and pointed behind ; a few small, scattered, ramose appendages on the back and sides ; color greenish, with minute, crowded, longitudinal black lines; a few small round nucleated spots on the sides; tentacles slender, the dorsal ones very long; eyes conspicuous, situated at a considerable distance in front of the dorsal ten- tacles. Length 2 inches. Hab. oo Choo. 35. Puacoprancuus cuTtTatus. Depressed, ovate; head and tentacula very large ; eyes small, placed together on a mammilla between and behind the tenta- eula; color dark olive, front brownish, mantle covered with circular greenish spots, and blotched with flake-white along the edges. Within, branchial striz prominent, of a dark green color. Length I inch. Hob. Loo Choo. 36. Honis numitis. Rather slender, wine-yellow; branchie dark brownish- grey, with pale yellowish tips, arranged in six clusters, the first two of which are biserial ; dorsal tentacula serrated, orals long; anterior angles of the foot greatly produced. Length 1 inch. Hab. China. 37. GYMNODORIS, n. ge. Limaciformis, levis. Polycerz affinis,sed appen- dicibus branchiarum veloque carens, diversa. Branchiz etiam simplices. 38. Gymnoporis Macutata- Hlongated, obtusely rounded before, tapering posteriorly to a slender pointed extremity ; body smooth, translucent, of a pale brownish color, spotted with bright yellow; a ring of flake-white around the base of the branchiz. Tentacula short, with eight oblique, dark brown lamine ; branchiz consisting of nine slender, transparent, unbranched leaflets, with blunt, rounded, bright yellow extremities. Length # inch. Hab. Loo Choo. 39. PotyceraA? RAMULOSA. Large, higher than broad, swollen at the middle ; back with a row of small branching processes along each side, those opposite the branchiz bulbose; -head large, rounded above, subtruncate ; veil separated as far as the tentacula, with a pectinated margin; tentacula clavate, finely 25-laminate; branchiz small, ramose, with five principal trunks ; color greenish with blackish patches ; a few orange dots on the sides. Length 2 inches. Hab. China. 40. IDALIA TENTACULATA. Very small,suboblong, pointed behind ; having two large frontal cirri, and sixteen lateral ones, eight on each side, the posterior ones bifurcate; head produced at the sides ; tentacula very large, clavate; branchiz consisting of four thick tentaculiform processes, dentated along the inner sides, in front of which on the middle of the back arises a single, very long cirri- form appendage; color pale wine-yellow, with brownish spots along each side of the flake-white median line; tentacula and branchie chestnut-brown. Length 4 inch. Hab. China. 41. HEM:DORIS, n. g. Pallium postice adnatum. Reliqua ut in Doridibus. 42. HEMIDORIS CHRULEATA. Hlongated-ovate, broad in front, convex along the middle and depressed at the sides; foot concealed by the mantle except posterior- ly where they coalesce, the foot being produced for some distance beyond and tapering to a point; mantle smooth, light-blue, margined with yellow ; dorsal tentacula 10-laminate, dark reddish-brown ; orals oblong; branchiz consisting of nine slender, simply pinnate leaflets of a reddish color. Length 4 inch. Hab. China. 43. Doris 1npuRATA. Ovate, broadest posteriorly ; mantle covered with small hard tubercles, somewhat distantly arranged in quincunx; tentacula thick, pedunculate, 12-laminate ; branchie with five well-branched plumes; head very small, foot narrow in front and broadly rounded behind ; color lemon-yellow with flake-white spots; branchie dark orange. Length 1 inch. Hah. China. 44, Doris Gisperosa. Thick, slightly broadest before ; tubercles-of the mantle hard, rugose, very large along the middle of the back ; foot produced beyond the mantle behind; tentacula somewhat elongated, finely laminate, issuing from a pair of the larger tubercles ; branchize large, frondose, of five plumes ; color dark yellowish, tubercles purplish-brown, tentacula brownish-grey with white tips ; branchiee lemon-yeliow. Length 1} inch. Hab. China. 45. Doris obtvacea. Large, thick and strong, rugose, half as broad as long, dark olivaceous ; mantle with large greenish tubercles, largest about the middle ; dorsal tentacula smoothish, with conical 20-laminate extremities ; orals oblong ; branchial plumes largest. Length 3 inches. Hab. oo Choo. 46. Doris RoGERSU. Convex, oval, of a pale-brown color with darker clouds tidatie covered with minute crowded, siender papillx, like short hairs; foot tot teaching the edge of the mantle; tentacula short, blunt, broadly laminate, of a purplish-brown color; branchiz formed of nine small colorless leaflets project- ing but little beyond the margin of the cavity in which they are expanded ; anal papilla large, black. Length } inch. Hab. Kikaisima. 47, Doris ARECLATA. Small, convex, mantle tuberculated ; branchiz con- sisting of eight short leaflets, the superior one much the largest. Colors ; mantle bright green; with a rectangle defined in purple between the tentacula and the branchiz, from the corners of which yellow lines extend to the margin ; foot, branchié and tentacula of a pale lemon color: Length ? ineh. Hab. Boninsima. 48. Dorrs nrena. Small, subelliptic, somewhat elongated, depressed ; mantle smooth, the foot produced beyond it ; tentacula obliquely 9-laminated; branchial eluster small but produced and nearly erect, with eight simple pinnate leaflets. Color variable, usually black, always very dark ; mantle often dotted with white and margined with red; tentacvla always tipped with white. Length % inch. Hab. Loo Choo and Kikaisima: 49, Doris vaTENs. Oval, mantle covered with minute tubercles; foot pro- duced a little beyond the mantle; dorsul tentacula finely 20-laminate; orals slender; branchiw with six slender pinnate plumes, contractile into a large cavity, the lateral ones longest but not reaching the margin of the body ; anal fube with a white star-like extremity: Colors: body everywhere variegated with black, brown and white, and punctate above with flake white. Length 1 inch. Hab. Loo Choo. 50. OncHIS FRUTIiCoSA. Oval, thick; of a dark greenish color mottled with yellowish ; mantle covered with small papill# of different sizes, the larger ones with 1-3 oculiform black dots at their summits, those on the posterior half of the body elongated and covered with styliform branches ; the mouth-dis¢ large, bilo- bate; tentacula oblong, with the retractile eyes at their summit ; foot muck shorter than the mantle, of % pale yellowish color. Length I inch. Hab. Kikaisima: TURBELLARIA. 51. HurYLErra intERRUPTA. Oval; of a pale brown color, with a median line of black blotches ; margin ornamented with brown, orange, black and white, concentrically arranged, and interrupted at short intervals all around, except in front; tentacula prominent, marginal ; ocelli cervical, in two lurate patches, con- vex forward, one behind the other. Length #? inch. Hab. Loo Choo. 52. EURYLEPTA GUTTATO-MARGINATA. Oblong- J ; *, 2 IBRAR | ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNILILSNI BAe ere 1y Ve a z= = = = NX & D ow iD Wie WN 8 “ = a Soe SS = ea IOLLALILSNI NVINOSHLIWS S31YVYGIT LIBRARIES _INSTI A malls ow a mS 4 = W ee = oe 1 & S SN cw (ei Po (os a s . A : 4 re : \S ca rs) oa fe zx aot as Ay ; a -IBRAR TES _ SMITHSONIAN _ DN a Mea iC S31uyN ee ’ o-- ss e) = Or eg = tof hag as as ss = = By ‘Ly “Wy > ra ps > yy - ides rE NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLIWS Sa luvud rioul BRARI ES SMITHSONIAN _ ; = el) a wet = z hy S 2 iy al ae ro lp 2g 2 ie 2 ty z Gy iS Z = Vp = SB) ee = > S Ca, w = n” * = ” LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILNIILSNI NVINOSHLIWS S43 ] dp) z a eee fo «7 ea WS Ws cs w 4 a o “4 \ S oe iy =u) = Ruy) 2 OO = ac a ce a co = oo: . = ee ee a Z, fe) = ro) we ae te ae . ee NOILALILSNI” NVINOSHLIWS S3IYVYGIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN Ss S i = } Bg 3 : 2 5 29 a | a = > = pal is : ay = a rei a mama! 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Sat ete ed fp fA iE oN e = ee pe ay ce baa o Sige oa ) a i) a rs) Pad = Zz ay ‘ a ,RARIES INSTITUTION NOILNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S3I1uVUS z= t ruck er ! me : © fe 1@) rec 2) ‘ox i ra ow re > 1A a = fe = f=" WwW > ES aah ree w a ” eu: ” = O = is z JLNLILSNI NVINOSHLINS S31NVYUGIT LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTI = pas Zz we Y Zz xe = See iS ZK ; Bp : = + By a 8 za WANS —A = As Gp 3 IDM 2G § aN eg as oUF i \. fe) = IN lip = 2 “iy = 2 = SS BRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOILALILSNI_NVINO Saluvug 2 = bi ” “ 1G “ & & # ae a cc a, XX x cs im Ee Pg > 0 = 2 nua Ae 2 m YW) SE Tp kas ; mm dae 3 ek A ae enh eae et TO A ie aie ag? woe 3 nat ; ‘ v oe per yee are nates : a 3 ‘ ain eS fea Ss ee ee . i 2 : =e APE i heat Mer twee ke ea NN oa) SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES and Ooi am = Ae pide ten ty Ae. ee ma “— bert Pe Pe Ce eh Be See ww te ori wate areas a daue dtd ed nese ERE re ae ae Teds ee A re a aes ae ie PRAEDLELEE a Aa od Ae oft SEES ede wre Sk Yo Pa ange a een = AML D SE hey er et * Eee yes