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MONTAGUE RHODES JAMES, Litt.D., F.B.A,, F.S.A. Hon. Litt.D. Dublin, Hon. LL.D. St Andrews,





(ffambiitigc :























In the present catalogue an attempt is made to give by means of both description and illustration a comprehensive idea of the two hundred manuscripts which form a part of the great benefac- tion of the late Mr Frank M'^Clean to the Fitzwilliam Museum. A part only, for in addition to the manuscripts he bequeathed early printed books, ivories, enamels, gems, and other objects of artistic interest. Nor must it pass unmentioned in this place that his magnificent collection of Greek coins, bequeathed by him to his eldest son, has by the generosity of that son become likewise the property of the Museum. The name of M^Clean must always hold a foremost place in the list of our benefactors.

The catalogue of the Fitzwilliam Museum manuscripts issued in 1895 describes 239 items. Acquisitions made between that year and the end of 1904 raised the number of manuscripts in the Museum to about 300. Then came the M'^Clean bequest of 203 volumes. As has been truly said, it almost doubled our possessions in this department. This was in itself a great matter. I had ventured, in the preface to the former catalogue, to appeal to the owners of illuminated manuscripts to think of our Museum as an appropriate place for their preservation, but I had hardly dared to hope that any single benefactor would make so magni- ficent a response as did Mr M^Clean.

As to the date of formation of the collection, and its sources, the particulars which it has been possible to collect will be found brought together in a table of the manuscripts which follows this Preface. A good many of the Horac, it appears, were bought as early as 1889 : but the bulk of the collection was formed between 1895 and 1903 or 1904. The names of some leading Italian booksellers figure largely in the list of sources, and so do those of the great English collectors. Sir Thomas Phillipps is foremost


of these : the collections of Ashburnham, Bateman, Libri, Goldsmid, Morris, are also represented. The earlier provenances of the books have of course been noted ; there are books from VVeissenau, Wein- garten, Tegernsee, Treves, Morimund, Clermont-Ferrand, Durham, Lincoln, Lanthony ; but, as is natural in the case of a collection largely composed of books of private devotion, we find that private individuals form the majority- of the original owners.

The Maclean Collection is especially valuable to us in regard of its variety. It contains examples of many styles of writing and of decoration of which we previously had no specimen. Very few of our manuscripts were earlier than the thirteenth century : we no\v^ have examples of all centuries from the ninth onwards. We have, besides, gained for the first time specimens of Greek calli- graphy, uncial and minuscule, of early German and Spanish book- decoration : beautiful examples of Italian and French work of several periods, and at least one very interesting unfinished English example, have been added to our former possessions. Moreover, the contents of the books are in many cases of high interest. This is especially true of the vernacular texts : already some of these have been examined by students with important results. One may hope that the publication of this catalogue will bring further elucidators of our treasures.

The arrangement and the scope of this catalogue demand some explanation.

I have classified the manuscripts according to their subject, as the annexed synopsis will show :

I. Biblical MSS. {Greek and Latin).

These include Evangelistaria, etc., and glossed books, as well as whole Bibles or portions of Bibles. The versified Bible of Petrus de Riga is also included.

II. Liturgical Books.

These are headed by the Psalters^ Then follow Missals (Bene- dictional. Processional, Episcopal Offices), Antiphoners, Breviaries, Horae. The last named (of which there are 34 specimens) are arranged under countries Italy, Spain, France, England, the Nether- lands. This division ends with three books which may be classed as Passionals.

^ No. 38, though containing the Pbalter, should more properly have been classed with the Breviaries.


III. Theology.

This large class I have arranged according to the language of the te.xts, thus : (<?) Latin, Patristic and Medieval, {h) French, (t) English.

IV. Laiu. Cano/i Laiu, Civil and Coiiiinon Latu.

To the legal texts I have subjoined a Confraternity Book and soine Patents of Nobility, and Diplomas.

V. Secular Likraiurc.

Divided again according to language : {a) Latin, {b) Italian, (t) French, {d) English, (<■) Spanish, (/) Irish.

VI. The Oriental manuscripts, an album of fragments, and a late Portolano

close the list.

Ill making the description of the manuscripts I have kept to the plan which I have ptirsucd in other cases, and have tried to give information about the following points in each case : material, size, number of leaves, and of columns and lines on the page : date, binding, provenance, collation (/.r. structure), contents, decoration.

The opening and closing words of each treatise are given except of course in the descriptions of Biblical and Liturgical books : printed editions are specified : all pictorial illustrations are described. My object, in short, has been to supply such particulars as will enable a student to judge if a particular manuscript contains matter of importance to his studies, whether textual or artistic. But at this point I must enter a plea which is none the less to be regarded because I have entered it before. Since the day when I began attempting to describe manuscripts (something more than twenty years ago) the number of specialists, and the available knowledge about the countless sources of manuscript lore, have increased far faster than my capacity for absorbing it or my leisure for collecting it. The only practical and practicable course for me has been to give what I could and not to pretend to myself or to anyone else that I had given everything.

In compiling the present volume I have received valuable help from several quarters. The biographical notice of Mr M^Clean which follows this Preface is the work of Professor Newall. It has already appeared in the Proceedings of the Royal Society for 1907 : permission to reproduce it here has been most kindly given by the writer and by the authorities of the Society. Mr S. C. Cockerell, the Director of the Museum, has not only taken upon himself the


whole burden of selecting and arranging for the illustrations, but has suggested many valuable additions and necessary corrections in the second half of the catalogue ; I wish that his assistance had been available to the same extent for the first half of it. Professor Browne and Professor Rapson have furnished descriptions of the Oriental manuscripts; Mr E. C. Quiggin has done the same for the single Irish volume. Two valuable Appendixes upon the Heraldry of the manuscripts, and upon Peter of Blois, have been contributed respectively by Mr A. Van de Put, of the Victoria and Albert Museum, and by the Rev. W. G. Searle, M.A., of Queens' College, who for many years has been an active helper and benefactor of the Fitzwilliam Museum. The Index is the work of the Benedictine Nuns of Stanbrook. Other obligations I trust are duly acknow- ledged in the relevant places. May I be allowed, on behalf of those who will use the catalogue, as well as on my own account, to offer cordial thanks to these kind helpers? The Syndics of the University Press, who have undertaken the printing of the volume, and the staff of the Press, who have had to read my " copy," are not to be forgotten in this expression of gratitude.

For all statements which I myself have made wrongly, or which I ought to have made and have omitted, and for any failures to correct misprints, I can but apologize.


King's College, Cambridge. December^ 191 1.

FRANK MACLEAN, 1837-1904.

Frank M'^CleaN, who died at Brussels on November 8, 1904, was born at Belfast on November 13, 1837. He was the only son, in a family of six, of John Robinson M^Clean. Mr M'-Clean, senior, was a civil engineer and Fellow of the Royal Society. His eminence in his profession and his reputation as a man of sound judgment are indicated by the fact that he was a member of several Royal Commissions. His advice was also sought by the Emperor Louis Napoleon about improvements in the City of Paris, and he was one of the English engineers who urged the completion of the Suez Canal at a time when the abandonment of that great work was contemplated by the Khedive.

Frank M^Clean was educated at Westminster School up to the age of sixteen, and went thence to Glasgow University, where he came under the influence of Lord Kelvin, then Sir William Thomson, In 1855 he entered at Trinity College, Cambridge ; he became a scholar of the College and was a Wrangler in the Mathe- matical Tripos of 1859. Immediately after taking his degree he became a pupil of Sir John Hawkshavv and was employed on the drainage works of the Fen Districts of the Eastern Counties. In 1862 he was made a partner in the firm of M^'Clean and Stileman and assisted his father in the survey made for the railways in Moldavia. Shortly afterwards he became resident engineer of the Barrow Docks and of the Furness and Midland Railway and acted in this capacity for about four years. In 1865 he married Ellen, the daughter of Mr John Greg, of Escowbeck, Lancaster, and for the next four or five years lived in London, working in the office of the firm ; but in 1870 he withdrew from the active pursuit of his profession and went to live at Ferncliffe, Tunbridgc Wells.


Here he found quiet and leisure for congenial studies and for scientific research, and he devoted himself quietly and methodically to work. As an example of his thoroughness, it may be mentioned that on finding his studies seriously impeded by his ignorance of foreign languages, he mastered both French and Italian in his thirty-fifth year, and he read widely in ancient and modern history. He travelled much on the Continent and knew the principal galleries and museums intimately. His own superb collections of ancient coins, manuscripts, early printed books, enamels and ivories were made methodically ; he did not collect in a haphazard way, he had an ordered plan and as far as he could he chose his speci- mens to illustrate evolution in art. He did not often talk of these matters, but now and then he would open out and let one see the value he attached to the humanizing influence of art, his delight in some finished piece of workmanship and his knowledge of its position and value in the history of artistic development. He thought that scientific men were often too much absorbed in their own special work. Perhaps he felt that his own method of research left him somewhat isolated ; for he never employed an assistant, but carried out all the laborious details of his scientific work with his own hands ; thus, for instance, in his very brief account of his study of the spectrum of high and low sun, he gives details of the methods he himself employed for the sensitisation of the photo- graphic plates. So, also, his many portfolios of photographic enlargements which he himself made from his original negatives of spectra show how systematically he carried out the tedious pro- cesses of manipulation for the sake of being able to put into the hands of other investigators the material which he had gathered together by his own industry. The same sort of activity and system are evidenced by the choice collections which he bequeathed to the University of Cambridge for preservation in the Fitzwilliam Museum. The manuscripts which he bequeathed are 200 in number and range in date from the eighth to the eighteenth century; and there are besides 230 early printed books. By his bequests the resources of the Museum have been nearly doubled in each of these departments.

Mr Maclean's earliest scientific paper is a note of two pages on the Equations of the Motion of the Moon, published in the


'Quarterly Journal of Mathematics' in i860; but he did not pursue this line of research, and it is in connection with spectroscopy that he made his mark in science. His first experimental work related to elcctricit}' ; in 1872 he spent much time in devising and making coils and other electrical appliances, and he made use of them later in his researches on the spectra of metals. Meanwhile, about 1875, he invented the simple and efficient star spectroscope which bears his name. He used it in connection with a 15-inch reflector in making visual observations of star spectra at Ferncliffe. This form of spectroscope is a direct-vision instrument; it is furnished with a slit, which, however, may be dispensed with in stellar obser- vations ; in place of the usual plano-convex lens a cylindrical lens is inserted between the slit and the prism, and thus a lengthened image of the slit is formed in its principal focal plane. The observer thus sees a broad spectrum in which the lines can be much more readily detected than in the linear spectrum of a star. Mr Maclean has not given any published account of this instru- ment, but he had it constructed b}' Browning ; and by reason of its compactness and efficiency, and the ease with which it could be manipulated, it was and still is widely used.

Mr Maclean's first published paper on spectroscopic matters is one relating to his photographs of the red end of the solar spectrum between the lines D and A (' Monthly Notices, Royal Astronomical Society,' 1889, vol. 49, 122 124). He had been for several years previously working at solar observations, and for three years at least, 1879-81, had made records of the positions and drawings of the forms of the notable prominences on the sun's limb. These records survive unpublished, but it is only from a question put to Father Perry at a meeting of the Ro)'al Astronomical Society in January, 1888, that we learn that he had paid attention to solar phenomena for nine years previously. He remarked at that same meeting that his observations afforded some evidence of the recur- rence of prominences at fi.xcd solar longitudes, and that there seemed to be indications that prominences were of a more per- manent character than sun-spots. The records, which are fairly numerous for 1879-81, seem hardly to be sufficient to establish this view ; the s}\stcmatic nature of the observations was no doubt interrupted by his building a new house at Rusthall, Tunbridge


Wells, whither he moved in 1884. He had arranged the spacious attics of the house, so as to serve as a laboratory, with electrical and other appliances. In the roof was fixed a polar heliostat which reflected sunlight down a telescope which pointed to the pole. By a second reflection the light passed into a diffraction grating spectroscope. This installation was designed for solar studies and for researches on the spectra of the metals. At the west end of the house he erected an observatory containing an equatorial of 8 inches aperture.

It was in 1887, very shortly after the completion of his new house and laboratory, that Rowland's map of the solar spectrum first appeared ; this map exhibited the spectrum from wave-length 3200 to 5790. Now Mr M^^Clean had worked much in the red region of the spectrum, and this part was not delineated in Row- land's first map. In fact, nearly one-half of the visible spectrum remained to be photographed. Mr M^Clean devoted himself to carrying out this work, and gave a brief description, in the paper of 1889 referred to above, of the photographic methods adopted, and issued a portfolio of enlargements of the solar spectrum from D to A in seven sections corresponding to those of Angstrom's normal solar spectrum. This work was completed in December, 1888, almost simultaneously with the publication of the final edition of Rowland's map, which covers the range 3100-6950. Mr Maclean's work was done with a Rutherford grating from 1879 until 1890. In 1890 he substituted a Rowland plane grating.

Mr Maclean next embarked upon a more extensive piece of work, part of which he carried out and published in the form of a portfolio of " Comparative Photographic Spectra of the Sun and the Metals." Series I relates to the platinum group of metals, and shows the solar spectrum and the spectra of iron, platinum, iridium, osmium, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, gold, and silver. The range of spectrum shown is from 3800 to 5750 ; it is divided into six sections corresponding to the sections of Angstrom's chart, the scale of the plates being i mm. per tenth-metre throughout. Series II deals in similar manner with the metals of the iron- copper group, viz. iron, manganese, cobalt, nickel, chromium, alu- minium, and copper. He had begun the work by taking com- parative photographs of the sun, iron, and iridium ; iridium was


chosen in order to get a full spark spectrum of air; iron was chosen " on account of its close correspondence with the solar spectrum, and its thus furnishing the best means of co-ordinating the spectra of the other metals with the solar spectrum."

In November, 1890, Mr M^Clean had completed his "Com- parative Photographs of High Sun and Low Sun Spectra," showing the absorption lines due to the earth's atmosphere. This paper is the last which he published dealing with solar phenomena.

In 1895, Mr Maclean set up in the observatory on the roof of Rusthall House a fine twin refractor made by Sir Howard Grubb. It was of the pattern used for the astrographic chart and consisted of a lo-inch visual telescope coupled with a 12-inch photographic ; it carried also an objective prism of 1 2 inches clear aperture with an angle of 20°. It was thus in his fifty-ninth year that Mr M^Clean embarked with this instrument on a systematic survey of the spectra of the stars brighter than 3^ magnitude in the northern heavens. This survey was completed in 1896, and the general results, together with 17 plates reproducing the spectra of 160 stars, were published in the ' Transactions' of the Royal Society in May, 1898. Meanwhile Mr M^^Clean had completed the survey of the whole sky by taking his objective prism to the Cape of Good Hope, where Sir David Gill put the astrographic telescope of the Royal Observatory at his disposal. With this he had in six months secured 292 photographs of the spectra of 116 stars. In the Northern Survey one of the results of interest was that the bright helium stars were more numerous, relatively to other stars, near the galactic plane than near its poles. This point was amply cor- roborated by the Southern Survey. A further result of interest in the latter survey was the discovery of the fact that oxygen is shown by the visibility of several characteristic lines in the spectrum to be present in many of the helium stars.

The Gold Medal of the Royal Astronomical Society was awarded to Mr M^Clean in 1899 for the achievement of this remarkable piece of work.

Among his other work may be noticed his researches on the spectrum of the variable star j3 Lyra;, published in 1896, and his work on Nova Persei, carried out in his sixty-fifth year, and pub- lished in 1905, after his death.


Of the inner history of the many munificent gifts and bequests which Mr M^Clean made for the advancement of science, it is not easy to speak, for he was reticent about such matters. He showed his affection for his Ahna Mater Cambridge by several endowments. First of all, in 1890, he founded the Isaac Newton Studentships; and it was characteristic of him that he declined to allow his own name to be attached to these endowments. The Isaac Newton Studentships were intended to encourage post- graduate study and research in astronomy (especially gravitational, but including other branches of astronomy and astrophysics) and physical optics. The studentships afford opportunities for men to devote themselves for three years to research at a time in their lives when, under ordinary circumstances, it would be necessary to search for other paid employment. The records of the holders of the studentships afford a remarkable testimony to the success of the endowment.

Again, it was Mr M^Clean who, as an anonymous donor, gave a considerable sum in 1903 for the augmentation of the stipends of two distinguished mathematical lecturers at Cambridge. By this endowment the Stokes and Cayley lectureships were founded.

In 1894 Mr Maclean proposed to Sir David Gill to provide a large photographic telescope fitted with very complete spectro- scopic appliances for the Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope, in order that the attack on celestial problems might be carried on with greater power in the Southern Hemisphere. This equatorial, with large circumpolar motion, is a twin refractor, by Grubb, consisting of an 18-inch visual telescope coupled with a 24-inch photographic telescope. The design embodies suggestions made by Mr M^Clean himself An excellent dome fitted with hydraulic appliances for raising the floor was also provided. At Mr Maclean's desire, the telescope was called the Victoria telescope; he was in hopes that it would be completed in the }'ear of the Diamond Jubilee of the late Queen ; but sundry alterations were found necessary in the instrument, and it was only formally installed a couple of years later. He had intended to accompany the British Association to South Africa in 1905, principally with the object of seeing his telescope in use. Unfortunately this intention was frustrated, for he was overtaken by illness at Brussels on his way home from abroad ; pneumonia unexpectedly developed, and he


died at Brussels on November 8, 1904, in the 67th year of his age.

It was not merely during his life-time that he was a generous benefactor of science. On his death it was found that he had left large bequests to be devoted to the improvement of the astro- physical equipment of the Cambridge Observatory: to the Univer- sit)^ of Birmingham (in which he had already shown his interest by liberal subscriptions during his life-time) for the department of physical science : to the Royal Society : to the Royal Astronomical Society: and to the Royal Institution.

Mr Maclean received the honorary degree of LL.D. from the University of Glasgow in 1894. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1895, and was for many years a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, and a member of the Institute of Civil Engineers.

H. F. N.

M. C.


Greek Manuscripts.

Bibles or parts of Bibles : Latin.



Evangelibtarium. Uncial





Henry White 846



Evv. Lucae et Johaiinis








Pars Bibliorum. St Illidius, Clermont

Phillipps 10210 (1898 lot 883)



,, Weissenau

Bateman 264

ix and xiv


Job, Sapientia, etc.

Libri 1895, lot 54



Prophets. Morimutid?



Bible. P. de Villars, Alip of Vienne




,, Italian, Dominican



,, Troyes

Quaritch 1902



,, Dominican

W. Morris, 1898, lot ^^




J. H. Middleton




Olschki (Florence)



,, English

Barnes, Glover



Missal, etc. English?

Gibson Craig



,, English

R. Buchanan Stewart

xiii late


Tobit, etc. Italian

Ashburnham, Appendix 6



Gospels. Cateau-Cambresis

,, Barrois 191



,, Eichstadt?




, , German

Ashburnham, Appendix 13

xii and xv


Evangeliarium. German, Salzburg?




,, N. French?

Bateman, 1893, lot 742



New Testament. Lodi

Ashburnham, Appendix 8



Acts and Epistles

Henry White, 1902, lot 2133



St John with gloss. Tournai

Duke of Sussex, Goldsmid 339



Epistles and Apocalypse glossed

Libri 1895, lot 60

xii 62


28. Epistles glossed

29. ,, ,, Italian

30. Epistolarium

31. P. de Riga Aurora. French 32.

Phillipps (PCelotti) 11621? Hoepli (Milan) Ashburnham, Barroia 189 Olschki (Florence) Bateman, 1893, lot 1489

Cent, xii xii

Lituro^ical. Psalters.

33. Psalter glossed

34. Psalter. Italian, Franciscan

35. ,, S. German ,,

36. ,, and Breviary. Italian, Cis-


37. ,, German

38. ,, and Breviary. Cologne

39. ,, Dominican, Bamberg?

40. ,, Cologne, Brigittine

41. ,, Flemish

42. ,, Anglo-Flemish

43. ,, Liege?

44. ,, Encflish

45. Wherwell

46. ,, Wigmore family

47. ,, Derby, Odyham, Welles

Libn 841, Bateman 141 1




E. L. Grange, Quaritch

xii and xiv




E. H. Lawrence 537






Sneyd 1903, lot 660




Bateman 131 1


Wentworth, W. Harte, Ed.

Browne, Sir W. Tite,

R. B. Stewart


Phillipps 2635

xiii, xiv

Henry White 1795


W. L. Adye



48. Missal. Tegernsee

49. ,, fragment. Italian

50. ,, Nevers

51. ,, Papal

Phillipps 3072 or 35238 xi-xii etc. Rome xii

Olschki (Florence) xii

E. H. Lawrence 435 xiv

Other Liturgical Books for public Use.

52. Benedictiones. Treviso Ashburnham, Barrois 54 Other fragments

53. Processional. Hieronyraite, Spanish

54. Episcopal Offices. Cardinal Pet.


55. Antiphoner. Arezzo

56. ,, Italy, Dominican

57. ,, Flanders, Cistercian

58. Collectarius. Morimund

59. Office for Corpus Christi. Italy

Gibson Craig




Bateman, 1893, lot 223





Hoepli (Milan)

xii etc.

Libri 735





60. Breviary. Italy, Franciscan

61. ,, Padua?

62. ,, Italy

63. Various Offices. Poissy

64. Diurnale. Strassburg?

65. Breviary. Saram (Cambridge?)


Phillilips 12288


Olschki (Florence)






Phillipps 6979



66. Ilorae. Ferrara,





, Florence ,,




, Siena





, Italy





, ,,





, Naples





1 >)










, Spain


Hamilton 1S89,

lot 46



, France,

Arras ?

Quaile 1901, lot




, 1.


Phillipps 13557



, ,,

,, (Amiens)

XV early


1) 11


E. H. Lawrence




, ,,

Paris (Rome)

Goldsmid 576



,, ,,


Hamilton 85



I) >>


S. Rogers, E. H. 1 Alex. Bain

Lawrence 302



,, ,,





,, ,,


XV late




XV late


1) »)

Paris, Rome



» )'




\i j>

France, Rome



,, ,,


Gibson Craig



,, England

1, Skipwith





E. H. Lawrence




,, Flander




Henry White i r







Baron Schraut W. Bragge 18

of Leyden, 76, lot 472,

Howell Wills

1894, lot 706




Ashburnham, Appendix 61



,, ,,

Gibson Craig



,, ,,

Goldsmid 366



11 .1



>5 >>

Qunile 1001, lot





Theology : Latin. Lives of Saints.

100. Passional

101. Lives of Saints. Weingarten

102. Passions of Apostles etc. Weissenau

Cent. Ashburnham, Appendix 90 x and xii Phillipps 4182 xii

Bateman 1479 xi-xii


103. Augustine on the Psalms. Italy

104. Augustine etc., Sermons. Pontigny

105. Rule of St Augustine etc. Italy

106. Chrysostom de Sacerdotio. Cologne,

St Pantaleon

107. Scintillarium etc. (Chartres)

108. Bede on Proverbs etc. Amorbach

109. Bede's History. Lincoln

110. Life of St Gregory. Murano

111. Dialogues of St Gregory. Italy

112. Jerome's Epistles

113. Jerome on Matthew. Morimund

114. Homiliary. Morimund

115. Lactantius. Italy. Cardinal N. Forti-


116. 117. Origen on the Old Testament.

Morimund 118. Sulpitius Severus etc. English

Duke of Sussex, Bateman 234 1336-7 Ashburnham, Barrois, lot 34 xii


Libri 545 Phillipps 255 Bateman 191 Phillipps 1 560 1 Phillipps 4559 Phillipps 286 Lil)ri 486

Hoepli (Milan)

xu xi-xii



1319 xii xii xiii


xn-xii Lord Somers, W. Morris 11 18 xii

119. Bernard on Canticles. Italy.

de Columba

120. Petrus Alphonsus. England

121. Sermons. Morimund?

122. Gul. de S. Amore etc. Germany


S. Maria

Bateman 1487 Kloss 2126






123. Bestiary, Apocalypse, etc. Nuneaton

124. Legende Doree. France

125. Passion of Christ in French

126. Isidore (French)


Ashburnham, Appendix 93

Phillipps 1246

Phillipps 4786

xui xiv




127. Bonaventure's Life of Christ

128. Festiall

129. Life of St Katherine

130. William of Nassington

131. Hampole's Prick of Conscience

132. Doctrine of the Heart etc.

133. Comment on Matthew and Apocalypse

W. Herbert, Phillipps 7201 Ashhurnham, Appendix 95 Ashburnham, Appendix 96 Fermor, Tite, Crawford Ashburnham, Appendix 1357 Quaritch

Herbert, Blomfield, Philli[ips 7219 and 10170



xiv XV


Canon Law.

134. Lateran Council. England

135. Gratian's Decretum. Wiblingen

136. Gregory IXth's Decretals

137. Gaufridus de Trano

138. Arnoldus de Augusta

Ashburnham, Appendix S2 Phillipps 1076 Olschki (Florence) R. How

xu xii xiv xiii xiv

CiVH. Law.

139. Justinian's Institutes etc. Italy Hoepli (Milan)

Common Law, English.

140. Statutes

141. Registrum Brevium etc.

142. Statutes

143. Breton

144. Frowyk's Lectures

145. Bracton. Lanthony. lleber 447

T. Martin, Phillipps 9236 M. Johnson


xiii xiv

Phillipps 3098 xiii-xiv

PhiUipps ri888 (1895 sale,

lot 379) xvi

Phillipps 8126 or 17554 xiii

Guild-Books, Diplomas etc

146. Confraternity-Book. Urbino

147. Diploma. Bologna

148. ,, Pisa

149. ,, Padua

150. Patent of Nobility. Spain 151.

Gibson Craig

1564 etc. 1619 1 66 1 1720

15.^7 .624



Classical Literature.



Aesop etc. Italy



R. Bacon on Ps.-Aristotle.



M. Johnson (Spalding)



Aristotle. French

Sneyd 1903, lot 49




W. Bragge 1876, lot r6,H White 1902, lot 67




Drury, Phillipps 4252



Cicero, Epistles. Italy

Olschki (Florence)



Juvenal and Persius. Italy

Phillipps 9180



Priscian. St Maximin, Treves

Gorres ?39



Quintilian, Declamations. Mario Maffei,

P. Jovius

Hoepli (Milan)



Seneca, Tragedies. Italy




Suetonius. Italy




Terence ,,

Askew, Parr, Phillipps .





Henry White 2239


Astronomy etc.

165. Astronomica. St Trond?

166. , , Verden ?

167. Tables. Germany

168. Euclid

Boncompagni 320

323 Phillipps 16382 Phillipps 10108

xu xiii xii xiii

Medieval Secular Literature. Latin.

169. Ps.-Boethius etc. Durham

170. Peter of Blois. Germany

171. Nic. Montanus. Italy

Phillipps 3547


Heber 874, Phillipps 9596



172. Petrarch

173. ,,

174. Boccaccio




Libri, Phillipps 1626 1 Libri, Phillipps 16258


xiv- XV



176. Sidrac. Yorkshire

177. Mandeville

178. Tales. Princesse de Guemene

179. Roman des Sept Sages, etc

Phillipps 9019 XV

Ashburnham, Appendix 174 xv

Seilliere, W. Morris 988 xiii



180. Orosius


Cent. 1442


181. Chaucer. Dalyson

182. Lytlgate and Hoccleve

183. Lye] gate

184. Walton, Boethius

185. Hoccleve

186. "Brute" Chronicle

Ashburnham, Appendix 127 Ashhurnham, Appendix 134 Ashburnham, Appendix 132 Chetwode

M. Johnson


187. Ulster tales etc.


Ashburnham, Appendix 293 1640


188 a, l>. Arabic. Parts of the Qur'an

189. Arabic. Kitabu '1-Qala'id \va '1-Fara'id

190. ,, Qala'idu 'l-'Iqyan wa Mahasinu


191. ,, Mughni '1-Labib 'an kutubi


192. ,, Treatises on Hadith etc.

193. ,, Kitabu '1-I'jaz fi '1-Qur'an etc.

194. Qur'an

195. Armenian Gospel Book

196. Ethiopic Psalter

197. Pali. Fragment of the Kammavaca

198. Persian. The Mawahib-i-Ilahi of


199. Persian. Fourth Divvan of Amir


200. Arnhic. Qur'an

200*. Arabic and Persian. Fragments

Henry White 843 E. H. Lawrence 536


xv(?) xix(?)

201. Album of Fragments

202. Portolano





Amiens, 77 Amor bach, 108 Arezzo, 55 Arras, 74

Bamberg, 39 Bologna, 147

Cambridge, 65 Cateau-Cambresis, 19 Chartres, 107 Clermont Ferrand, 5 Cologne, 38, 40, 106

Durham, 169

Eichstadt, 20 Evreux, 82

Faenza, no Ferrara, 66

Florence, 67

Lanthony (Glouc), 145 Liege, 43 Lincoln, 109 Lodi, 24, 73

Maria de Columba, 5, 119

Naples, 69, 70 Nevers, 50 Nuneaton 123

Padua, 61, 149 Paris, 76-81, 83-86 Pisa, 148 Poissy, 63 Pontigny, 104

Salzburg, 22 Siena, 68 Strassburg, 64

Tegernsee, 48 Tournai, 26 Treves, 159 Treviso, 52 Trond, St, 165 Troyes, 1 1

Urbino, 146

Verden, 166

Wililingen, 135 Weingarten, loi

Morimund, N. Italy, 8?, 58, 113, 116, 117, Weissenau, 6, 102

121 ? Wherwell, 45 Murano, no


Adye, W. L., 47 Barnesley, 176

Ashburnham (Appendix), 18, 21, 22, 24, Bateman, W. and T., 6, 23, 32, 33, 43,

95, 100, 104, 124, 128, 129, 134, 178, 55, 102, 103, 108, 120

181, 182, 183, 187 Bigny, 82

Ashburnham (Barrois), 19, 30, 52, 104 Blomfield, R., 134

Askew, 163 Bragge, W., 94, 155

Browne, Ed., 44

Bain, Alex., 81 Boncompagni, 165, 166 Barnes, 15



Celotti, Abbe, 28 Chetwode, Sir W., 184, 185 Clere, 82 Crawford, 130

Dalyson, 181 Derby, 47 Didot, 161, 172 Drury, 156

Fermor, W., 130 Fortiguerra, Cardinal N., 115

Gibson Craig, 16, 53, 88, 96, 151

Glover, 15

Goldsmid, 26, 79, 82, 97

Gorres, 159?

Grange, E. L., 35

Hamilton, Duke of, 74, So Harte, \V., Canon of Windsor, 44 Herbert, W., 127, 133 Hoepli, 29, 58, 115, 139, 160 How, R., 137

Illiers, ^3

Jackson, 54, 170

Johnson, Maur., 141, 153, 186

Jovius, P., 160

Kloss, 122

Lawrence, E. H., 38, 51, 78, 90, 196 Libri, 7, 27, 33, 59, 106, 112, 174, 175

Maffei, Mario, 160 Martin, T. , 140 Middleton, J. H., 13 Morris, W., 12, 118, 179 Mytton, 46

Odyhani, 47

Olschki, 14, 31, 50, 61, 136, 157, 162

Parr, 163

Pegge, 42

Philargi, Cardinal Pietro, 54

Phillipps, Sir Thomas, ■;, 28, 45, 48, 60, 65, 76, loi, 107, 109, 1 10, III, 125, 126, 127, 131, 133, 135, 140, 143, 144, 145, 156, 158, 163, 167, 168, 169, 171,

174. '75. 177 Piccolomini, 68

Quaile, Edward, 75, 99

Quaritch, 1, 11, 20, 35, 57, 123, 132

Rendlesham, Ld, 40

Rogers, S., 81

Rohan, Leonore de, 176

Schraut, Baron, 94

Seilliere, Baron, 179

Sheppard, 34, 84

Skipwith, 89

Sneyd, Rev. Walter, 41, 154

Somers, Ld, 118

Spannocchi, 68

Stewart, R. Buchanan, 17, 44

Strafford, Ld, 39, 89

Stretton, 9

Sussex, Duke of, 26, 103

Tite, Sir VV. , 44, 130

Villars, P. de, Abp of Vienne, 9

Welles, 47

Wentworth, Lady Alice, 44

White, Henry, 2, 3, 4, 25, 46,92, 155, 164,

195 Wigmore, 46 Willement, 64 Wills, Howell, 94


































































Evangelistarium Graece (f. 98) ; 9th or loth century.

(f. 80) ; 13th century?

Part of a Bible, etc. (ff. 27'' and 114); French, 9th century.

(f. 71) ; N. Italian, 12th century.

Latin Bible (fif. 13 and 168'') ; probably French, 13th century.

(f. 4^'); French, 13th century.

(f. 492"); (f. 299) ; English, c. 1300.

Latin Gospels (f. 91'') ; P^rench or Flemish, 9th-ioth century. (f. 1 10''); Bavarian, late nth century.

(f- 77);

,, ,, (f. loi'^); German, 12th century.

Evangeliarium (f. 64) ;

(f. 82); probably N. French, c. 1200.

New Testament (ff. 283, 294'', 303) ; Italian (Lodi), dated 1204. Acts and Epistles (f. 75); ? N.E. French, nth century. St John with gloss (f. i); from Tournay, 12th century. Epistles glossed (f. 103'^); probably French, 12th century.

(f. 198''); Italian, 12th century.

Epistolar (f 14); Reichenau, S. Germany, c. 960-90.

)) (f- 87) ; ?) yi »

Petri de Riga Aurora (f. 211); Italian, 13th century. Psalter glossed (f. 2); Italian, 12th century.

(ff. 65 and 120''); Psalter and Hours (f 66) ; Flemish decoration, 2nd half of

15th century. The same (f 167'') ; Italian (PFerrara), 2nd half of i qth century. Breviary (f. 129); Cologne, early 14th century. Brigittine Psalter (f. 10); Cologne, 15th century. Psalter (f i''); Flemish, 13th century.

(f. 158'*); Flemish (Liege), c. 1300.

(f. 51''); English, 13th century.

(f- 65*^);

(f i); English, early 15th century.





XXXV. 49






XLI. 54

XLII. 63

XLI 1 1. 64


XLIV. 67


XLV. 69


XLVI. 71




XLVI 1 1. 77

XLIX. 78,

L. 79,

LI. 80,





LV. 85

LVI. 86

LVII. 87
















LXI 1 1.





LXVI 1 1.



105 107 no

Psalter (f. i); English, 15th century.

Fragment of a Missal (f. 4''); Italian, 12th century.

Missal (f. 52'', reduced); French (Nevers), late 12th century.

(f- 53'', reduced) ;

Papal Missal (f. 64) ; ? Italian, c. 1320. Benedictiones (f. i) ; Italian (Treviso), 15th century. Tironian notes, etc. (f. 2'^ ; Italian, 9th century. Episcopal Offices (f. i, reduced); Spanish, 15th century. Various Offices (f. 84); French, c. 1500. Diurnale (f. 176''); German (? Strassburg), 15th century. Hours (ff. 94'', 95); Italian (Ferrara), 15th century.

(ff. 160,220); ,, (Naples), 15th century.

(ff i:

(Siena), 15th century.

(f. 119); Italian, 15th century.

(f. 109); (Florence), 15th century.

(f. 189); (Naples), 15th century.

(f. 62) ;

(f. 120''); Spanish, 15th century.

(f. 24''); French, c. 1400.

(f- 45); (f. 106);

(f- 144); (f. 187);

(f. n)\

(f. 68'0;

(f. 14/');

(f- 65);

(f. 71'');

(f- 51);

(f. 84);

(f. 13);

(? Amiens), 15th century.

c. 1400.

(Paris), 15th century.

15th century.

(Paris), late 15th century.

,, (Paris), early i6th century.

(? Tours)

late 15th century.

,, (Paris), 1 6th century. (f. 13); English, 15th century. (f. 92); Dutch, dated 1439. (ff. 2 1 ''-22); Flemish, late 15th century. (f. 128''); Dutch, 15th century.

n (f. I29'0;

(f- 35);

(f. 11''); Flemish, dated 1526. Passional (f. 32); ? German, loth century. Lives of Saints (f 4^); German (Weingarten), 12th century.


Rule of St Augustine (f i); Italian, late 15th century.

Scintillarium, etc. (f i) ; ? Spanish, 12th century.

Life of St Gregory (f 94'', reduced); Italian, 12th— 13th century.











































































CVI 1 1.


Jerome on Matthew (ff. 87, 114^'); N. Italian (Morimund),

late 1 2th century. Homiliary (f. 145); N. Italian, 13th century. Lactantius (f. 83'', reduced') ; Italian, dated 1460.

(f- 336'0 ; Origen on the Old Testament (ff. 28, 41'^); N. Italian (Morimund), 12th 13th century.

(ff. 76\ 91); Sulpitius Severus (f. 62); English, 12th century. Petrus Alphonsus (ff. 31, 60''); English, late 12th century. Gulielmus de S. Amore (f. 70'^); German, dated 1303. Bestiary, etc. (ff. 31, 39, 40''); English, late 13th century. Apocalypse, etc. (ff. 72, 103IO;

Legende doree (f. 3, reduced) ; French, 14th century. Life of St Katherine (f. 11); English, 15th century. Doctrine of the Heart, etc. (f. 117'^, reduced); English,

15th century. Gratiani decretum (f. 65); Italian, c. 1200. Gregory IX's Decretals (f. i); Italian (Bologna), c. 1300. Gaufridus de Trano (f i8o'^j ; Freach, 13th century. Statutes (f. 63); English, 15th century. Bracton (f. 6^); English, late 13th century. Aristotle (f. 199); French (Paris), late 13th century. ,, (ff. I, 51''); French, late 13th century.

(ff- 37, 73); Cicero, Epistles (f. 152); Italian, dated 1471. Priscian (f. 77^'); German (Treves), loth century. Quintilian (f. 116''); Italian, late 15th century. Suetonius (f. 178'') ; Italian (Milan), dated 1443.

>) (i- I) j ti )) )>

Virgil (f. 179'^); Italian, late 14th century. Astronomica (f. 48) ; French, late 13th century. Euclid (f. 5'\ reduced); French, 13th century. Petrarch (f. 14); Italian, late 15th century. Roman des Sept Sages, etc. (ff. 17^, 186); French, c. 1300. Orosius in Spanish (f i); Spanish, dated 1442. Chaucer (f. 15''); English, 15th century. Lydgate and Hoccleve (f 9, reduced); English, i5th

century. Walton's Boethius (f. i); English, 15th century. Ulster tales (f 6) ; Irish, dated 1640. Leaf from a Matricola (f. 15); Italian (Bologna), late

15th century.


No. 5 (p. 5) is clearly mentioned by Montfaucon [Bibliotheca Nova MStorutii 1739 II. 1262) as being at the Abbey of St Illicliu.s, near Clermont.

No. 21 (p. 40). Dom D. de Bruyne, in Rcvtie B^nidictim 1907, shows reason for attributing the Lection Dens fecit Adam etc., on f. 11 of the manuscript, to Winitharius of St Gall (cent. viii).

No. 30 (p. 53) should be described as an Epistolarium. Dr Arthur Haseloff has pointed out that it is of the school of Reichenau in S. Germany and Dr Adolf Merton, who agrees with him, has called attention to a closely allied Reichenau Evangeliar, no. cxc in the Stadtbibliothek at Leipzig.

No. 44 (p. 86) is described in an anonymous collector's Notes on the Contents and Collation of Illuminated A/SS., printed in 1858. W. Harte, a former owner of the manuscript, is there identified as a Canon of Windsor and friend of Alexander Pope.

p. no, 1. % from bottom, add On f. 182 b is the inscription Est convcntus scti Andree de Faventia orditiis predicatorxim (i.e. the Dominicans of Faenza).

p. 154, 1. i^from bottom, add In the initial on f. 24;^' is a crowned y in silver.

p. 220, 1. 5, add f. Iv.


p. 6, 1. 12, for libri reaci libros.

I. 23, for ron read xpm.

1. 3J, for 25 i> read 27 b. p. 7, 1. 25, for Ian read lam. p. 9, 1. 1 8, for del read dies.

p. 23, 11. 10 and Z from bottom^ for Hand read Head, p. 24, 1. 2, for pack read pails.

11. 21 and 27, for Hand read Head, p. 26, 1. 3 from bottom, for xii read xiii.

I. 4 from bottom, for 537 read 544.

II. 4 and \'],for Hand read Head. 1. 32, for Jesus read Jesse.


p. 27, 1,


40, 1.


42, 1.


46, 1.



48, I.


50, 1. 1.


55, 1-




68, 1.


72, 11.


76, 1. 1.


108, 1.


114, a


133, 1-


136, 1.


148, 1.


149, 1.


152, 1.


154, 1.


163, 1.


169, 1


172, 1


2I3> 1


215, 1.


220, 1.


222, 1


223, 1


224, 1


240, 1


270, 1

\2 from bottom, for Hand 7-cad Head.

10 from bottom, for Jesus read Jesse.

26, for 6 a read 62 a.

16 from bottom, for 2%b read 18 b.

ly, for f. I read f. 2951^.

30, for Johannos read Johannes.

16 fro7n bottom, oinit glosati.

1 8 from bottom, for 68 read 60.

15 from bottom, for Sotheby's read Christie's.

21 f7'om botto7n, for 260 read 266.

i(), for insuperatur read ui superatur.

10, for 167 e read i6~ b.

13 and 15, for no. 34 irad no. 35. 4, dele lead. <^, for xviii read 1627.

% from bottom, for 311 read 287. dele 1. 7.

7 from bottom, for diei read dies.

ij fjvjii bottom, 07)iitiJ) and {or vie).

20, for Florentine read Neapolitan.

19, read old Spanish binding. 1 1 fj-om bottom, for Omfri read Onufri. 5 from bottom, for Quintins read Quintin. i^, for Montaigu read Montaign. \6 fro 711 botto77i, for similes read sinister.

. 4 fro7/i bott0772, for Collem 7-ead Collen. II, for n 7-ead N.

5 f7'077i botto77i, for 2nd vostre read bien. 10 fro77i botto77i, for on 7-ead as.

\% f 7-07)1 bott07/t, 07711 1 " Lot 92."

17, for in 7-ead m.

I f7-077i bott077i, for sainct 7-ead simul.

23, for siti 7-ead si te, for andrie 7-ead audire.

I fro77i botto7)i, for Tascii (?) read eiusdem.

2\, for octobris 7-ead decembris.

\% for interiacenti read interiacente.

\2 fro7)i bott07}i, for Murbach (.'^) read Amorbach.

20, for bushel 7-ead basket.



Vellum, 12 X 9^, ff. 199, double columns of 20 lines. Cent, ix or X, in fine late uncials, narrow and upright, standing on ruled lines. Accents and breathings original : musical notes added in red. Headings of sections in gold uncials.

Bound by Zaehnsdorf in 1903.

Purchased from Quaritch.

Collation: i*'-6* (wants 3) 7*^ (wants i, 4, 5, 8) 8^ | gap | 9'" (wants 10) 10^ (wants i) 11^-13^ 14^ (wants 4) 15^ (wants i) i6« 17* (wants 6-8) i8» 19' | gap ] 20^ 218 22'» 23'« (wants 3-6) 24»-26'' (wants 8) 27*.

The old numbering of quires (on the R. upper corner of the first page of each) is generally cut off, but quire 21 is numbered KA (24) and quire 24 is numbered A . . , showing that there were originally over 30 quires in the volume.

The gaps occur after ff. 42, 47, 49, 51, 6"^, 102, 122, 138, 164, 166, 168 (a quire?), 191, 199.

Contents :

Begins with the Easter Gospel f. i

Tr\ ayla Kal fieydXr] KvpiaKr] toO Trderxa

'EvayyiXiov eK roO Kara 'ludvurjv K«pa. a . Ej* dpx'7 K.T.\.

Gospels after Whitsunday begin imperfectly .... 48

Gospels after New Year begin imperfectly ..... 69

Lenten Gospels begin imperfectly ...... 103

Passion Gospels begin imperfectly 139

£1)077^10 tCiv ihpuv . ........ 152

Menologium begins imperfectly 165

M. C. 1



There is a gap between Sept. i6 and Dec. i8 (about).

There is also a gap in April May. The Gospels end in August 29 (Decollation of St John Baptist), dKov(Ta<; Be HpwS?;?.

There have no doubt been frontispieces to all the principal divisions of the book, but these have been removed.

The surviving ornament consists of (<^) a fine arched heading on f. I, a good deal rubbed, surmounted by two peacocks, between which is a vessel, {d) a large number of handsome initials to the Gospels in gold and colour, (c) a band of ornament at the head of each month in the Menology. Those for Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec, May, are missing.


A table of the Gospels for the year as they are usually found in Greek Evangelistaria will be found in Scrivener's Introduction to the Criticism of the New Testament.

The main divisions are :

1. Easter and six weeks following. Whitsunday.

2. Seventeen Sundays after Whitsunday.

3. Seventeen (eighteen) Sundays after New Year.

4. Sunday, irpb ttjs airoKpiu (Septuagesima).

T^s a-rroKpiu} (Sexagesima).

r?5s Tvpo<pdyov (Quinquagesima). Lent and Holy W^eek up to Thursday.

5. Twelve Gospels of the Passion (£1)077^:0 tQv ayluv waOuiv T. X.)

6. Vigil of Good Friday. Good Friday. Easter Eve (Ei;a77Aia tQv wpwf).

7. Ei;a77Ata dfaaTdai/xa iwOivd (eleven).

8. Menology, from Sept. i to Aug. 29, ending with Dedication of the Church. In § I the Gospels are mostly from John, in § 2 from Matthew and Mark, in

§ 3 from Luke (and Mark).

None of the Greek MSS. here catalogued (nos. 1-4) appear to be mentioned in the comprehensive lists of MSS. in C. R. Gregory's Prolegomena {Novum Testamentum Graece, ed. C. Tischendorf, vol. III).


Vellum, 10 X y^, ff. 176, double columns of 19 lines. Cent, xii, in fine round minuscules hanging from ruled lines. An addition of cent, xiv (.-*) in very regular rounded black hand.


Binding probably Greek or Russian : dark leather of cent, xix with gold tooling.

Purchased at the White sale, Sotheby's, April 1902. Lot 846.

Collation: i^ 2^-48 (+2*) 5* (wants i, 8) [6 intrusive, consisting of 3 leaves, one double, one single] 7^-12^ [13^] 14"- 16'^ | 17" (wants 12) I i8»-24''.

Contents :

Evangelistarium beginning witli part of the Menology (Sun. before

Christmas to Jan. 7) f. i

KvpiaKTJ TTpb Trjs xp^c"''"^ yewTjO'eios tQiv aylwv Trar^pwc. (K rod Kara ^lard. (Heading in gold : the last four words in capitals.)

Prefixed to this is a frontispiece, of St Matthew.

At f. 20 {KVpiaKTj irpb twv (puiruv) a picture of St Mark.

Gospels after Whitsunday (3rd week), imperfect . . . . 27

Gospels after New Year ; handsome headpiece in gold and colour 56

Lenten Gospels : imperfect 86

Good Friday ........... 103

Supplement, with Gospels for Monday to Wednesday in Holy Week 1 10

This is in a round, small, very black hand.

^AKoXovdla tQiv ayluiv iraddv (Twelve Passion-gospels) . . . 121

Band of ornament.

' KKoKovdia Tov viTrriipos . . . . . . . . . 1 50 ^

On 152/', originally blank, a late coloured drawing of our Lord.

Menology Sept. i to Dec. 20 : June 24 to Aug. 6 . . . 153

Begins with a fine piece of ornament. Initials are in gold and colour.

On 154(5 between the columns is a small figure of the Virgin, very well done : edged with gold.

On 162 a, b (Oct. and Nov.) are bands of ornament : also on 165(5 (Dec).

After 168 (Dec. 20) is a gap extending to June i. Bands of orna- ment on 169 (June), 173 (5 (July), 175 (5 (Aug.).

Ends imperfectly in the Second Gospel for the Transfiguration (Aug. 6)

(pip^i avrovs els 6pos viprj-.

The two surviving paintings of the Evangelists, f. i b and f 20/;, have gold grounds. The names 6 a<yio<i MaTdato<; and 6 (i'yi.o'i MdpKo<; are written in red minuscules on the gold. Each Evangelist is seated facing 7?. and has a book box before him on the top of which is a desk on a shaft. They are of good normal style. The painting has flaked off to some extent.

The drawing of Christ on f. 152 (5 is quite late. Above his head is Tc Xc ewMANOYHA n^iiioN. He is represented as a boy seated full

I 2


face, draped in red, green, blue, and yellow, and holding an open book inscribed nNey/wA Kypioy oy eNeKeNe/expiceN e ne . aAk.

On a scroll on R. oat to Oekere tjSrjv avrov / to Se aevtov (= disegno) va ixov aifMiraOi/aeTaL Si otl afia6i<i v /J'Ovv/dKOfxl t»J<? T€xvt<; T?;? ^o}rypa(f)CKrj<;, meaning that ' Every one who sees this picture is requested to sympathize with the artist, who is quite inexperienced in the art of painting.'


Vellum, X 4J, ff, 157, 17 and 20 lines to a page. Cent, xi-xii, in a very pretty slightly sloping minuscule hanging from lines ruled with a dry point.

Binding, modern dark red velvet.

Purchased at Sotheby's, April 1902 (White sale, lot 842).

Collation: i^' 2^-58 (wants i, 8) 6«-8« (wants i, 8) 9* (wants I, 4, 5, 8) io« (wants 4, 5) 11' (wants 7, 8) 12I" 13^-218 22' (three).

Contents :

Gospels of SS. Luke and John in Greek. Beginning in the Capitula of Luke

X7'. irept Tov fxrj iwLTpewoiilvov dKoKovddv These end np'- Tr€pL...K\ednra. On {.2d full-page picture of Luke. Text with rough ornament at top. f. 3. Ends f. 81 a: HivayyiXiov Kara XovKaf €ypd(pri Kal avTe^\r)dr]

o/j-oiios eV CTTLX. jSxof ' K((f>. tJItj. + e^e56dT) 5i /xera xP^j'ous

Te T7J^ avoK-qipeois toD kv iv x'^' On f. 81 (5 full page picture of John. Ke(f)d\aia (20) in red . . . . . . . . . f. 82

a. irepl rod €V Kava. ydfiov.

Text, f. 83, with handsome panel of ornament, blue, red, green,

yellow, enclosing title in red capitals. e^d.ffeh\ov kata Too. The six lines of text on the page are in red. Ends f. 157 ^ in xxi. 13 {K€(p. (Tk5.), elddres '6ti 6 ks ianv epx^rai.

The subscription to Luke and K€(f)d\aia of John are in a worse hand than the rest.

The two full-page pictures are very much defaced ; that of Luke who is seated writing and faces R. is almost gone. In that of John the eagle stands on a chest on R. holding up a book or book-shaped desk in his beak. In both there is a building on L.



Vellum, I2| X 9|, fif. 165, double columns of 24 lines. Cent, xiii? in a fine bold black minuscule, hanging from ruled lines: headings in gold. Excellent initials to the Gospels in gold and colour.

Modern red velvet binding.

Purchased at Sotheby's, April 1902. White sale, lot 849.

On f I, cent, xviii :

KTrifxa rod 'A77eX^ k. 2Td/3a.

Collatioti: 1^(7, 8 transposed, and a leaf inserted between them) 2** (misbound: wants 4) (leaves lost or misbound after ii. 16, 17, 20, 22) 3 (four) 4 (four) 5^ 7^ (wants 3, 6, 8) 8** 9* (wants 8) loM i^ (+two after i) 12" I3'« (wants 2, 3) 14"' (wants 6) 15^ | gap | 16 (four) I gap I 17 (four) | gap | 18^ (wants 5, 6.?) 19 (six) | gap | 20« (wants 1-3) I gap | 21^ (wants i, 6) 22 (two) | gap | 23* (wants 6) 24^ (wants 2, 3) 25^ 2& (wants 5, 8) 27I

This collation shows the very mutilated condition of the book. It is an Evangelistarium, beginning imperfectly in the fifth week (after Easter) \

Contents :

iiv Tov X6yov t6v i/j.6v v/xeh iK tov irarpos vfj.Cov toO 8ta^6\ov ecrxf (Jo. viii. 43).

At f. 17, the Gospels after Whitsunday begin imperfectly.

The next division is at f. 59, beginning imperfectly (4th day of i st week of New Year)

'H/u^pais eV'eifais Kal avvTeKeadnadv avrQv varepov iweivaae (Lc. iv. 2).

The next, at f. 104 (Lenten Gospels)

Tw KaipCi iKiivo} iiropeijero 6 is tois adppa<n Ota tu>v airoplixwv (Matt. xii. 1).

Eiya77Ata rCiv wpQi/ (imperfect) f. 113.

The Menology begins (Sept. i) at 119. A beautiful piece of ornament heads it.

Some of the other months have headings in gold only : others have small bands

of gold and colour. At f. 157. Euayy^Xia iwOiva dvaardaifia ^vdcKa

also headed by a fine piece of ornament. Ending f. 165 (167) to. ypa(f>6/j.€i>a /3i|3X/a. aiXTjv.

5. Pars Bibliorum, etc. (Clermont }).

Vellum, 13^ X io|, ff. 214, two volumes, double columns of 29 and 23 lines. Cent, ix, in two haiids, the first a bold nearly upright minuscule, the second (and earlier) more sloping: bothof Carolingian type.

^ Quires i, 2 are much disordered : parts of the Lenten Gospels seem to be inserted.


Formerly PhilHpps MS. 102 lO. Sold at Sotheby's, 1 898, lot 883.

Purchased from Quaritch: described in his catalogue 180 (July 1898) no. 3.

Modern white stamped pigskin binding. 2 fo. iuncti erant.

Collation: i^^ (wants i, 2, 7) 2^-13^ (14-16 gone) \f-\(f 20« 218-258 (26-28 gone) 29^ 30^ 31* 1 32^" (10 cane.) 33^" (i cane.) 34® (6 cane).

Contents :

I. Title in capitals. Alternate lines (i, 3, 5) in red, filled in -with yellow, green, blue. Incipit pre/fatio Hie/ronimi de/ translatio/ne Greca. Tres libri Salomonis idest proverbia ecclesiastes canticum canti-

corum f. I

Large initial T in outline with fine panels of interlaced work.

Ends : semper peregrini memento. Expl. prephatio.

Inc. prologus S. Ilieronimi presbiteri in Salomone ... i b

lungat epistola.

Title in red and black capitals. Initial in outline with interlaced work.

Ends : saporem seruauerint. Expl. prologus.

Item inc. prologus beati Hieronimi '^xesbitey\ in libris Salomonis 1

Tribus nominibus uocatum fuisse.

Title and initial as before.

Ends : nescit esse se regem que omnia referuntur ad/ron/. Expl.

prefatio. Inc. Liber Proverbiorum (Salomonis added) .... 3

Title and initial as before. There are many marginal and interlinear notes, principally in hands

of the xiith and xiiith centuries. Headings are in red uncials

usually. The chapters are 59 in number. Ends f. 10 b, Expl. lib. proverbiorum. vers. num. i.dcc.xl. Inc. liber Eclesiastes. Titles and opening words in red and black

capitals lob

Ends 25^. Expl. lib. Ecclesiastes idest coeleth. vers. DCCC. Inc. canticum canticorum S(alomonis) quod ebraice dicitur sira

sirim ............ 25^

Osculetur. The initial O is square and filled with interlaced

ornament. Headings indicating the speakers in the text are in

red uncials. A note of cent, xv on 30(7. Primo die post natiuitatem B. M.

incipiunt l(ectiones) per ebdomadam. Dilectus mens. Ends 31^. Expl. surasyrim hoc est cant, canticorum (vers. num.

CCLXXX). Inc. liber Sapientie, fine initial in outline ..... 32

Ends f. 46. Expl. lib. Sap. vers, numero I.DCCC.


Inc. prol. in libro Ihesu filii Syrach f. 46

Multorum nobis uitam agere. Expl. prol.

Inc. liber Ecclesiasticus, good outline initial . . -id ^

Headings in red capitals.

Te.\t ends with lux dei uestigium eius est. Amen. (1. 31)

Expl. lib. Hiesu fill Syrach.

Incipit eiusdem oratio ( = Ecclus. li) . ^-"

Followed by Oratio Salomonis ^i ^

Et declinauit Salomon genua sua— et dixit (so far in red and

black capitals)

si peccauerit uir in te. Expl. [added early : Panaretos idest liber Ihesu filii Sirach. Versus num. ll.DCc]

Argumentum in Epistola ad Romanes 84

Epistole pauli ap. ad romanos causa haec est.

Initial in red and black outline. {E)pistole in red capitals filled

in with yellow. Ends— qui emendatus melior factus est. Expl. argumentum.

Item aliud argumentum °i

Primum queritur manentem substantiam. Expl. pref. S. Hieronimi presb.

Item de Romanis aliud argumentum 86

Romani qui ex iudeis

ad pacem et concordiam cohortatur. Expl. pref.

Versus Damasi Episcopi Hurbis Romae 87

Ian dudum saulus

monstrare triumphos. Expl. vers. S. Damasi. Inc. capitula ad Rom. i. De fide eorum quod Integra sit, etc. 87

XXX ends : et omnes in Christo salutantes. Expl. capitula. Inc. argumentum in Ep. ad Rom. Romani sunt partes italiae . 87 b

Expl. arg. Inc. Ep. ad Romanos. Text begins f. 88. Good initial in black and red, with interlaced

patterns in stem of P. Ends f. 98. Amen is in Greek capitals. Expl. Ep. ad Rom.

Inc. Capitula ad Corinthios (25) 9^

Inc. Argumentum in Ep. ad Corinthios. Corinthi(i) sunt achaici 98 b

Expl. prol. Inc. Ep. I. ad Corinthios.

Fine initial, with interlaced work : the stem partly filled in with

purple, dark slate-blue, and yellow. Ends imperfectly in vii. 5 nisi forte ex consensu ad tempus . 10 1 ^

Three quires are missing. Philippians, beginning imperfectly in iii. 15 tiamus et si quid

aliter sapitis' . 102

Ends 102 b Expl. Ep. ad Philip.

Inc. argumentum (in epistola) ad Colosenses. Colosenses et hii 102 b

Text on the same page, with a rather rougher initial.

The other Epistles are similarly given, viz. :

1 Thess. Argument. Thessalonicenses sunt machedones . . 105

2 Thess. Ad thess. secundam \o~i b



Good initial, with a beast in it.

1 Tim. Timotheum instruit .....

2 Tim. Item timotheo

Red and black initial.

Tit. Titum commonefacit ....

Initial a Greek 11 with similar decoration to the rest.

Phil. Philemon! familiares

Heb. Capitula (39) Prol. Imprimis dicendum est . . .

Initial in red and black.

Ends i24<5.

Inc. prol. Septem Aepistolarum Canonicarum ....

Non ita ordo.

Inc. VII. Epistolae Canonicae. Inc. Capitulatio in Ep. lacobi

Ap. (12)

Argument (Jacobus apostolus) added in margin by a hand of

cent, xiii (?) Text 12 s b.

1 Pet. Capit. (12). Argument added. Text

2 Pet. ,, (5). ,, plain red initial

1 Joh. (10). ,, ...

(i Jo. V. 7 added in margin in cent, xi-xii (?)

2 Joh. (3)

3 Joh. ,, (2) Jude ,, (4)

Expl. Ep. Judae Ap. fratris lacobi.

Inc. Praefatio S. Hieronimi in libro Dabreiamin id est Verb

dierum ..........

Si septuaginta interpraetum (partly in a fresh hand).

Inc. Liber Dabreiamin idest verba dierum quod est Paralipomeno:

Initial plain red and black : first words in uncials filled with red.

Inc. Paralypomenon liber secundus

Three quires are lost after p. 171. F. 171 ends in ix. 12

et quae postulauit multo plura quam.

F. 172 begins in xxxv. 27, prima et nouissima scripta sunt in

libro regum israel et iuda. Ends i-i2b: Expl. lib. Dabreiamin idest verba dierum quod est

Paralypomenon. [vers. II. centum.]

Inc. Praefatio S. Hieronimi in apocalypsi

lohannes apostolus.

Argumentum. Apocalipsis iohannis tot habet (added in a hand

of cent, xiii ? as before) .... , . . .

Capitula (38)

Inc. liber Apocalypsis .........

Ends 189. Expl. lib. Apocalypsis.

Inc. Commemoratio Basilicae Dedicationis S. Michaelis archangeli

quod est iii. Kal. Octobris

Memoriam beati michaelis archangeli toto orbe uenerandam. Decorative initial.

108^ III ^


115 116

124 ^


129 132





139 140 164 b






Ends 191 3, propter eos qui hereditatem capiunt salutis. auxiliante

d. n. I. C. qui cum patre et sp. s. uiuit et regnat deus in sec. sec. Added cent, x-xi ? Hec sunt ergo feriae domini sexte (sancte) quas celebrate debetis

temporibus suis Nullumque seruile opus facietis in eo. (Lev.

xxiii. 4-8.) After this is a gap supplied by two blank leaves, inserted at the

rebinding. n. End of the Apocalypse in a very rough minuscule: from xxii. 15

amat et facit mendacium . . . . . . . f. 191

Expl. Apocalypsin (corr. from -is).

In red and black capitals :

Inc. Sermo S. Ambrosii Ep. de assumcione beate et gloriose Virginis

Mariae que celebratur xviii kalendas semtembris . . . 192

Large initial with panels of interlaced work : partly filled with dark

blue, red, and yellow. The first words in red and black capitals

monogrammatized. Initial and first lines occupy a column. . 192 (5

Adest dilectissimi fratres/ dies valde venerabilis/ dei omnium

sanctorum/ sollemnitatem precellens. (Aug. Serm. App. 208.

/". Z. XXXIX. 2130.) Ends 199^, dignetur in caelis. quod ipse prestare, etc. Inc. sermo S. leronimi in assumpcione S. Marie ad Paulam et

Eustochium (/*. Z. XXX. 122.) i^gi

Cogitis me o Paula.

Late marginal notes divide this into lections.

The old hand ends f. 214 «

quam obumbrauit uirtus altissimi. (A late hand writes Finis (?) in lower margin.) A hand of cent, xii, xiii, writing closely in double columns, con- tinues on 2i4(^, probably over the older writing,

ut ultra omnem uirtutem angelicam sit. Ending

habens prole fecundam et uirginem perpetuam.

It seems to me that there is a distinct Celtic element in the ornamental letters. The book is stated to have come from the monastery of St Illidius at Clermont in Auvergne : but no record of this now remains in it.

6. Pars Bibliorum.

Vellum, 12J X 8|, ff. 154, 37-38 (and in the supplement 63) lines to a page. Cent, ix and xiv, the earlier writing a good Carolingian minuscule.

Modern pigskin binding.


Formerly in the Bateman collection (Middleton Hall, Derby- shire) no. 264. Mr Cockerell notes: "This book probably came from the collection sold at Sotheby's at the same time as the Savile collection (about 1856). There were several books from the same monastery in it."

The monastery in question is S. Peter's at Augia Minor (Minderow or Weissenau).

At the top of the last leaf (xiv) is :

Iste liber est s. petri in augia minoii.

On f. I (xvii) :

Minoraugiensis Bibliothecae.

Also the book plate of B. A. Z. W, (Bonaventura Abt zu Weissenau).

See also no. 102.

Collation: \^ (supplied xiv) | 3^ (wants i) 4^ 5^ (wants i, 8) 6^ vii^-ix^ x" xi^-xxi^ (wants 8) | 22- (supplement).

Contents :

The first quire replaces the first two of the original. It contains

Jerome's prologue to the Pentateuch : Desiderii mei . . . f. i

Gen. i— xxiv. 32, paleas et fenuni.

The original hand begins at f. 7.

Gen. xxiv. 32, et aquam ad lauandos pedes, ending 2\b. Expl.

primus liber Genesis idest Bresith (in capitals). A leaf missing

in Gen. xlv-xlvi. Inc. capitula libri Exodi (32) ....... 24 3

Expl. cap. libri Exodi (f. 25 iJ).

Followed by scribbles (x, xi?) : (a) erexit iacob lapidem in titulum,

with neumes .......... 25 (5

(h) Exodus quidem plagis cum deca loco(!) cum misticis diuinisque

preceptis in prumptum est. (t) In a very odd rough hand :

ferunt ofr(ofir) confe'^xse (conuexae) cimba per liquida R aca. Then the note b repeated.

(^) Joseph autem in egipto erat, and some neumes. (e) Claudit aquam pugno pluit ut uult numine summo. Inc. liber Exodi quod Ebraice dicitur Elesmoth (red rustic capitals) iG

Ends f. 50. Finit EUesmoth idest Exodus. A leaf is missing in Exod. ii, iii. Inc. capitula libri Leuitici (29). Finit ..... 50

Incipiunt (!) Leuiticum idest Vaieqra . . . . . . 50 3

Leuiticus liber in quo singula sacrificia caelestia sacramenta(2 lines) (On 58 a pencil sketch of a seated king, hie lent, probably of

cent, xiv.)


On 6c, a beginning of a prayer (xiii(?)),

Or. omnip. sempit. deus parce metuentibus adesto suplicantibus ut (nubiiim ?)

inter farios ignes milium (?) et procellas in... On 66 d part of the text is in a different hand. Ends 67 a. Expl. Leuit. Inc. capit. lib. Numeri (50) . . . . . . . f. 67

Inc. Uaiedaber idest numerorum ....... 68

Numeri uero nonne totius arte medicae.

(76 <^. Sketches of horses.)

80 d. quid regina boli faciat nunc die pater orbis, with neumes.

81. Ante quam nascerer nouisti me, etc., with neumes. (xi?)

Ends 95 a. Expl. lib. numerorum qui appellatur ebraice


(Capitula to Deuteronomy : 34.)

Inc. deuteronomium quod ebraice apellatur Elleat Dababim(!) . 95 ^

Deuteronomium quoque secunda lex.

Ends ii8(^: Expl. lib. Heleadabarim quod grece dicitur (blank).

Capitula to Joshua 2 1 , including Preface.

Inc. prefa. lib. losue Benun que latine lesus naue nuncupatus . 119

Tandem finita pente tuco.

Hiesus naue typum domini.

Text , iigl>

Ends 135^. Expl. lib. losue Benun.

Inc. capit. lib. ludicum (18).

Inc. vii. idest iudicum ......... 136

t [Added. ludicum liber quod principes populi tot figurae sunt.]

On 151 a, in the rough hand seen on 2^ l> :

ferunt ofir confexe cimbae.

The original hand ends 152 (J on xxi. 8.

Israel qui non ascendit ad dominum in maspha.

The supplement continues, et ecce inuenti sunt . . . . 153

Finishes Judges and adds Ruth, ending 154 a, verso blank.


Vellum, 8| X 6^, ff. 119, 24 lines to a page. In at least three hands of cent, xi? The second begins at f. 45, the third at 107/;. All are good minuscules, the second upright and large.

Binding, modern paper boards, leather back.

Purchased in Feb. 1895 at a Libri sale at Christie's (lot 54).

In the cover a note :

"No. II de la Vente de M. M^,^,,,,,^^ du B. 1830."

Collation: i«(wants 2)2»3''(vvants 8) [ 4- (supplied) | 5" (wants i)

68.. I ^8 J (34 1^4


Contents :

f. I is blank.

1. Jerome's Prologue to Job beginning imperfectly . . . {. 2 pretationem meam reprehensione

ending 3 d, maliuolum probet. Expl. prol. (red capitals).

Inc. liber lob ......... 3 15

Initials to verses are filled in with red.

End of xxii to middle of xxiv is supplied on two leaves in a

very good Italian-like hand of cent. xiii(?). Ends 39 i^. Expl. liber lob. Habet versus numero I. DCC.

lob quoque exemplar pacientiae 39 15

spes mea in sinu meo. Finit. Haec Hieronimus praesbiter de lob.

2. Added in lower margin. Inc. prol. libri sapientiae Salomonis 39^ Liber sapientie apud hebreos nusquam.

Inc. liber sapientiae Salomonis ...... 40

Ends f. 58. Expl. lib. sap. qui dicitur Salomonis.

3. Inc. prol. Libri lesu filii Sirach . . . . . . 58

Multorum nobis et magnorum.

Expl. prol. Inc. cap. lib. Ecclesiastici. .... 59

127 chapters in double columns divided by red line, with

grotesque heads, etc. at top and bottom. Cap. 127 is

Oratio Salomonis. Text begins 60 ^. Headings in red capitals to the chapters. Ends 107 a. Followed by a short extract. Cassiodorus de

ecclesiastico (cent. xv).

4. In small hand (a lamentation of one who has left the solitary

state) ........... 107 l>

O casta et munda solitude sedes pacis et repausationis

et tandem consortio pro pietate et bonitate tua feliciter copulari. Amen. Que quidem caritatis dulcedine pregustata nimis in domino

exultat anima mea (St Maiolus is mentioned) . . . 113^ Ends 116: Igitur pone scalam istam et Christo duce ascende per earn.

5. In a larger hand :

The poem known as Ovidius de Mirabilibus mundi^ . . ii6iJ Iacvlvs. Hie serpens uentis pernicior atque sagittis

Transfigit quosque iaculatus ab arbore sese. The name of the animal or other object described is in capitals

in the margin. Ends 119 a Hanc quasi permodicam grippes uehit ungue rapinam grippes


This last line is repeated in another hand. iigd is blank.

^ I do not find any notice of a printed edition of this poem : other copies are at Trinity College, Dublin (D. 4. 9), Bodley, Digby 100 and St John's Cambr., C. 12.

9] m^^clean collection. 1 3

8. Prophetae Latine.

Vellum, 20J X 13, ff. 188, double columns of 32 lines. Cent, xii, in a magnificent upright hand.

Binding of cent, xviii.

Traces of an old pattern on the fore edges.

Probably purchased at Milan, and possibly belonged to the Abbey of Morimund.

Collation : I gone ir (wants i) iii^-xi*^ (wants 2) xii'-xxiv^ XXV*.

Contents :

Begins imperfectly in Ezek. xiii. 7

estis. et dicitis ait dominus cum ego non sim locutiis . . f. i Ends f. 361^. Capitula to Daniel (30) ........ ^66

Prol. Danihelem prophetam ....... 37

Iiicipit Danihel propheta Anno tercio decimo loachim.

These words occupy a whole column (col. 2, f. 38 a). They are in

red, green and blue capitals. The initial A in blue, very large. Ends f. 57. Expl. Dan. propheta uersuum numero I Dccc L. Prologue to the xii Prophets. Non idem ordo (in red, green, blue

capitals) ........... 57

Each prophet has, or has had, a large initial. That to Amos is

cut out. That to Obadiah has fine white and green foliage and grotesque

heads on blue ground, f. 71. End of Jonah and beginning of Micah are gone after f. 72. Nahum, initial gone : also Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi. Inc. pref. S. Ilieronimi presb. in Ysaia propheta (in coloured

capitals) ^ . . 93 (5

Nemo cum prophetas. Initial has large nimbed-bearded figure with scroll, in red and green,

on blue ground. Initial to Isaiah gone. Ends 137 a.

Prol. to Jeremiah. Hieremias propheta cui hie prologus . . 137 Text 137 d, large blue initial. Lamentations ........... 185

Ending imperfectly in v. 18,

ideo contenebrati sunt oculi nostri. Propter.

9. BiBLIA.

Vellum, 13x8^, {{. 310+ I, double columns of 62 lines. Cent, xiii, finely written.


Old binding, white skin over boards, two clasps gone.

On the cover is an oval stamp in gold of Petrus de Villars Archiepiscopus Viennensis, with his arms.

He was Abp of Vienne from 1576 to 1588 and then retired to the Abbey of Montcalm in Piedmont.

In the cover is an inscription, the middle of which has been cut away :

Anthonius Bechetus Notarius re(-tri de Villars ) mense 1562.

It was owned in 1871 by Lt-Col. Stretton, A letter from W. Basevi Sanders (Deputy Keeper of the Records) to Col. Stretton is in the volume ; in this the facts about the ownership are duly recorded. Purchased at Christie's.

There are late erased inscriptions on f. i.

Collation: a- (i lining cover) | 1^-15^ 16^ 17^-37® (27 has a half- leaf supplied after 2) 38"' 39^

On the flyleaves are some modern notes about the age and value of the book.

Contents :

Prologues. Frater ambrosius .......

Desiderii mei.

Capitula to Genesis

On 5a a distich (xvi)

Dulcia lector amas? sunt hie dulcissima quaeque

Utile si quaeris, nihil legis utilius.

A long erasure on 5 iJ lower margin (a list of the books of the

Bible). Gen. Deut. with Capitula. Prol. Cap. Josue. Cap. Jud. Cap. Ruth. Prol. Capp. 1-4 Reg.

Prol. Si septuaginta. Capp. i Par. Capp. to 2 Par. added in margin. Prayer of Manasses follows 2 Par. without break. Prol. Capp. I Esd. ( = Ezra, Nehemiah), 2 Esd. (—1 Esd. of

Apocrypha). Tob., Jud., Esth. , Job with ProU. and Capp. Psalter Gallican with only 32 lines to column, leaving space for

gloss, which has only been inserted in a few places. A list of Cantica added at end.

Prov. Eccl. with Proll. and Capp. Cantica without. Sap. Ecclus. ... ... Ecclus. ends with oratio

Salomonis. Isa. Jer. ... ... Lam. Baruch (prol.).


Ezek. Dan. with Pioll. and Capp. half a leaf supplied in Ezek.

xvi, xvii. xii Propheta proll. The prologues are

Non item ordo. Hos, Temporibus ozie. Joel, a Sanctus ioel, b Joel fatuel filius. Amos, a Ozias rex cum, b Amos propheta et rusticus, c Ilic amos. Obad. Jacob patriarcha. Jon. a Sanctum ionam, b Jona columba. Mic. Temporibus ioathe. Nah. Naum prophetam. Hab. Quatuor prophete. Soph. Tradunt hebrei. Hag. Jeremias propheta. Zach. Anno secundo. J\Ial. Deus per moysen. I, 2 Mace, proll. of Rabanus. Capp. Evv. proll. capp. Paul. Epp. Rom. has capp. only, i, 2 Cor., i, 2 Thess., Col.,

I, 2 Tim., Tit., Philem., Heb. have proll. Col. follows Thess. Acts prol. capp. Cath. Epp. prol. Apoc. prol. of Gilbert. Capp. Ends p. 609.

610 blank. On 611 late list of the Books. 612 blank. List of Epistles and Gospels for the year, not in the hand of the

book P- 613

The Sanctoral includes Festum corone domini

Transl. b. Dominici

B. Dominici

Ludouici C.


Dyonisii sociorumque, which point, I suppose, to Paris and the Dominican order.

At the end (xv) :

Bis duo sunt que corde tenus sub pectore misi Mors mea mors Christi baratri nox lux paradisi Peccator propera ne sit conuersio sera Non est tuta mora cum mors sit certa sed hora Ipsius incerta nulla ratione reperta Quomodo uel quando ueniat ueniens pede blando Col. de bella (ui)Ila.

Some lithographed facsimiles of pages of the writing are in the volume.

There have been many annotations. In the Gospels a great many of these have been carefully erased, and throughout the book lower margins of leaves (mostly replaced in recent times) have been removed.

The initials to the books are large decorative ones, red and blue with good flourishing.


10. BiBLIA.

Vellum, lof X yl, ff. 582, double columns of 47 lines. Cent, xiii late, in a good Italian hand with fine ornaments. Written for a Dominican.

Modern morocco binding by Leighton (1901).

Collation : \^'-2\^'' 22" 23^2-4712 488 49s.

Contents :

Jerome's Prologues. Frater Ambrosius .....

Desiderii mei ......

Inc. uetiis testamentum. quod grece et hebrayce dicitur thorath. latine pentateuchus uel quinale uohimen .....

Inc. liber braesith qui genesis dicitur.

Prol. in Jos. Tandem finito. Jos. Jud. Ruth.

Prol. in Reg. Viginti duas. 1-4 Reg.

Prol. in Paral. Si septuaginta. i, 2 Par.

Prayer of Manasses follows without a break.

Prol. in Esdr. Utrum difficilius. Esdr. Neem. i, (3) Esdr.

(Et fecit). Prol., Tob., Prol., Judith, Prol., Hester. Proll. a. In terra quidem. h. Cogor. c. Si aut. Job. Proll. a. Dauid filius lesse (added), b. Eus. leron. sophronio.

c. Psalterium rome (added). Psalter (Romanum). Pss. cxlvi-cl added in lower margin. Proll. a. Cromacio. b. Tribus nominibus. c. Treslibros. Prov. Prol. Memini. Eccl., Cant.

Prol. Liber sapientie. Wisd., Ecclus. (with prol. INIultorum). Oratio Salomonis at end. Prol., Isa., Prol., Jer., Lam., Bar. (prol. added), Prol., Ezek.,

Prol., Dan. Proll. a. Non idem. b. Regule sunt. c. Osee crebro. Osee.

a. In hoc propheta. b. Sanctus iohel. c. lohel filius. Joel.

a. Ozias rex. b. Amos pastor. Amos.

a. lacob patriarcha. b. Abdias qui. Abdias.

a. Jonam sanctum. b. Jona columba. Jonas.

a. Temporibus. b. Micheas. Micheas.

a. Naum propheta. b. Naum consolator. Naum.

a. Quattuor. b. Abacuc luctator. Abacuc.

a. Tradunt. b. Sophonias speculator. Sophonias.

a. Jeremias. b. Aggeus festiuus. Aggeus.

Secundo anno. Zacharias.

a. Deus per moisen. b. Malachias aperte. Malachias. Proll. a. Machabeorum liber licet, b. Machabei vii. c. Machabeorum libri duo. i, 2 Mace.


In another hand .......... f. 433 b

Proll. of Rabanus to Maccabees.

Prol. of Jerome to Prov. Jungat epistola (aheady given), to Osee. Temporibus ozie. Jonas. lonas columba. Soph. losiam regem. Arguments to Rom., Phil., Col., Thess., Tim., Tit., Philem., Heb.

(usual). Original hand :

Evv. Proll. a. Matheus ex iudea. b. Matheus cum primo . . 435 Others as usual. Paul. Epp. Proll. a. Primum queritur, /'. Romani sunt qui ex

gentibus. Rom. I Cor. usual. 2 Cor. n. In secunda ad Cor. h. Post actam

penitentiam. Eph. Heb. have none. Laod. follows Philem. Acts. a. Canit psalmista. b. Lucas natione. Cath. Epp. a. Jacobus petrus etc. /'. Non ita ordo. I Pet. Simon petrus filius. 2 Pet. none. I Job. Rationem uerbi. 2, 3 Joh., Jude none. Apoc. Johannes apostolus. Added. Prol. of Gilbert. Omnes qui pie. Interpretationes nominum (triple columns), Aaz Zuzim.

The historiated initials and partial borders which form the decoration of this Bible are of good execution. They belong to what is loosely called the Giottesque school, and I know no obviously better name for them.

Gold appears on nimbi etc. and in small discs in the borders. The borders, in which dark blue, pink and vermilion are predomi- nant, contain heads, birds, etc.

Prol. f. I. Black monk seated writing.

,, f. 4. Nimbed half-length man with book.

Gen. 4 b. At top two medallions with busts of nimbed grey-bearded figures in grey mantles.

In the stem of the letter seven medallions (quatrefoil in circle) of the Days of Creation and the Sabbath. The Creator is half-length. In i, 2 He holds sphere. 3. Tree on R. 4. Sun, moon, etc. on R. 5. Birds on R., water on Z. 6. Creates Eve. 7. Sits full face.

In lower margin, a rectangular picture of the Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John.

Buildings like a three-sided court on R., L., C. Red ground.

R. and L., Medallion with busts of the Virgin and Christ.

Below, a Dominican friar in prayer.

Exodus. Moses horned leads a Jew to L. towards water (Red Sea).

Lev. Moses homed : a Jew holds Iamb over altar on R.

M. C. 2


Num. A man speaks to God (head in cloud on K.) : a dead man lies in front (Aaron, or Moses).

Dent. Moses horned, and a man with a roll, stand over a tomb (or ark). Jos. Very similar to Niii/i.

Jud. Two men in mailed shirts with shields. Head of God or angel in sky on R.

Ruth. Above, Elimelech ; below, Naomi, journeying.

I Reg. Two crowned figures seated talking.

I Par. Group of robed figures, all but one in pointed caps.

Esd}-. Above, mason with trowel : below, man with load on ladder ; at bottom Cyrus seated, ordering them.

Tolnt reclines : angel stands over him. Judith slays Holofernes, and holds up his head.

Esther, a. Ahasuerus with sceptre, b. Esther touching it. c. Haman hanging. Job reclining. Friends on R., tower falling behind.

Ps. i. Christ above, David with harp below, cix. Two small figures, of the Father and Son.

Prov. Solomon instructing Rehoboam.

Isa, Sawn in sunder at the shoulders by two men. Jer. A man stones him.

Lam. Jeremiah sits at the gate of the city. Baruch writing.

Ezek. In bed, the heads of the cherubim above.

Dan, seated among lions.

Has. Caresses Gomer. Joel on L. Locusts and tree in C. God's head on R.

Amos keeping sheep, addressed by God.

Obad. Three men at table, one looks up to clouds. Jonah. In fish's mouth. City above.

Micah. Looks at tower (of Bethlehem) on A'., God on it.

Nahum. FalHng city on A'.

Hab. Looks at Christ on the cross in C. (cf. Hab. iii. cornua in manibus eius).

Zeph. Looks at city gate with small fishes on the doors (the fish gate).

Hag. Looks up at Christ half-length.

Zech. The Entry into Jerusalem. Christ above, man with robes below.

Mai. Looks at priest in cap before altar raising chalice.

I Mace. Two horsemen with spears, meeting. Tree in C.

Mat. Prol. Matthew writing.

Text. Busts of Virgin and Child at bottom, bust of David above, and of Abraham at top.

Mc. Christ above, Mark in C, lion at bottom.

Luc. Zacharias kneels at altar. Below, human figure with ox's head.

/oh. John at top, seated. Human figure with eagle's head below.

Rom. Gal. Paul half length with sword and book.

Eph. Paul addresses messenger with scroll.

Phil. I Ti7n. addresses bishop.

•2 Tim. Laod. as Rom.

Heb. addresses two Jews.

Acts. Feet of ascending Christ above. Virgin and apostle (half-length) below.


James, a. Christ in cloud handing book to b, James in chasuble, pallium, mitre. c. Messenger with scroll. I Pet. Peter half-length. I Joh. John embracing a youth. Jude. Christ above hands a book to him. Apoc. John writing : seven candles on a bar above.

The Other initials are decorative.

11. BiBLIA.

Vellum, I of X 71^, ff. 341+2, double columns of 59 lines. Cent, xiii, in a beautiful delicate hand.

Modern red morocco binding.

Purchased from Quaritch, Jan. 6, 1902 (Catalogue no. 211, no. 44: also see Quaritch's Palaeography 1894, pi. 9).

Collation : a- (i lining cover) i'- (wants 12) 2'- (wants i) ^''--'J^" (wants 8) 8'--i3'- (wants 7) i4'--2i'^ (wants 6, 7) 22'- (wants 6, 7) 23 (wants 12) 24!" 251- (wants 7) 2&- 27^- (wants 3, 4) 28^'- 29* (wants 8) 30'- b^ (2 lines cover).

On the flyleaf:

Ego nicolaus dorigny asportaui banc bibliam a trecis (Troyes) quam mihi sua gratia dignata est dare mater mea propter certas causas a.d. cccc° iiij^'^. dominica iiij post pascha xxv* maij.

Continued in a larger hand :

et hanc dedi Pronepoti meo et legaui mense augusto anno ab Incarn. domini Mill" quing" trices" quarto.

N. Jartrier (J doubtful).

Contents :

On the verso an erased inscription of several lines, and a list of the

order of the books in this Bible. Interprelationes nominum ........ f. i

In triple columns with prologue.

Opusculi nostri laborem paterne gracie tue intitulata

ieiunamque discipuli. Aaron mons fortitudinis.

Ends 1 1 a : Zuthym preparati uel terribiles in acie. Appellius .i. fidelis. Amerus i. humilis. Damascus .i. misericors.

grece malgalath i. nuncius. galgalath i deuotus. Sarachym .i.

gratia. Aliter dicuntur etiam nomina eoruni Balthasar i capillus

capitis. Caspar .i. inquisitor. Melchior .i. rex. Aurum thus

mirram. regi deo homini tres tria dona ferunt.

2 2


List of names, Abigal Zoech f . 1 1 a

Jerome's Prologue (ad Paulinum) beginning imperfectly hec spes

mea ............ 12

Desiderii mei . . . . . 12/^

Genesis Deut.

Prol., Jos., Jud., Ruth (mut.). Prol. 1-4 Reg.

Prol., Isa., Prol., Jer., Lam., Ezek. (mut.). Prol., Dan., Hos.

Mai. (with proll.). Prol., Prov. Ecclus. Pro)., 1, 2 Par. (without Prayer of Manasses). Prol., Job (at end, another prol. Job quoque exemplar). Prol., Tob., Prol. Judith. Hester mut. Prol., I Mace, ^ Mace. mut. Proll., a. Nouum opus. b. Ammonius. c. Plures fuisse.

d. Matheus ex iudea. Mt. Mc. (mut.) Lc. Joh. (mut.). Acts (no prol.).

Cath. Epp. ending in 2 Peter. Paul. Epp. Rom. mut., some without proll. Apoc. with prol. (Johannes). Baruch with prol. (Liber iste qui baruch).

In another hand of ordinary xiiith cent, type .... 350 Prol. I Esdr. (Ezra) Neh. il Esdr. (Et fecit). In a later hand (xiv, xv) Prol., Rationem verbi, i Joh.

The initials are exceedingly fine. The grounds are normally of admirable burnished gold : outer grounds of blue or various reds, patterned, the initials themselves in colour, patterned. The drawing of figures very careful, with a great deal of modelling. The artist is fond of a red drapery paling into white (or white with folds in red). The initial to Genesis is edged with green.

Inferpretatioiies. Small decorative initial.

First prologue. Initial gone. Second. Decorative.

Genesis. The length of the page, outer ground of blue with fret-pattern in black and gold. It contains seven circular medallions, each with four nearly semicircular medallions surrounding it, which I shall call spandrels. Below each of these compositions except the last is a small quatrefoil.

a. (top) Creation of Light. Clouds in spandrels.

b. of Land. Globe, and clouds in spandrels.

c. of Trees. Trees, water and fire or cloud in spandrels.

d. of Sun, moon and stars which appear in spandrels.

e. of Birds. Large cock crowing on L. Other birds in spandrels. /. of Eve. Beasts in spandrels.

g. Christ seated with globe blessing. Evangelistic emblems in

spandrels. The small quatrefoils contain : a. Two dogs. b. Four rabbits, their heads in centre. c. Two birds, d. Cat and mouse, e. Four lions (?) with one head in centre, f. Centaur.


Exodus. Moses in hat with staff leads small Israelites to R. Lev. Christ speaks to Moses horned standing in doorway on R. Niint. Christ : Moses horned with tables. Both half-length. Dciit. Moses horned with scroll. Jews (two in peaked hats) on R. Jos. Joshua in hat with staff leads Israelites to R. Judges cut out. Ruth decorative.

I Reg. Elkanah beardless seated full-faced between Hannah and Peninnah. His robe is of blue and white, damaged.

■2 Reg. David seated crowned. Amalekite before him with red crown.

3 Reg. David in bed. A courtier presents a bishop.

4 Reg. Ahaziah reclining. Two men speak to Elijah in broad hat.

Isaiah. He sits cross-legged with arms bound behind him : two men saw his head.

Jeremiah in hat stands by tower on R. A hand on L. holds a jar. Damaged.

Lam. has not large initial. Ezek. gone.

Daniel. His bust seen in tower between lions' heads. Divine Hand above.

Hosea in hat holds the hand of Gomer on L.

In the lower margin, beautifully drawn in outline, are a dragon and a lion, referring perhaps to Daniel's dragon and the lions' den.

Joel addresses two men on R.

Amos in hat with curved stick looks at sheep on R.

Obadiah with scroll. Jonah emerges from red fish. Micah sits under arch (turrets R. and C) with scroll. These three are probably unfinished and are rubbed.

Nahiim seated with scroll under architecture. Habakkuk similar.

Zephaniah similar, damaged.

Haggai. Three quatrefoils : a bishop, a youth, a man pointing up.

In the lower margin, in rough outline, a hound pursuing a deer.

Zechariah. An irregular quatrefoil : a man pointing up.

Malachi seated with scroll.

Proverbs. -Solomon crowned seated with scroll. Eccl. gone.

Cant. The bridegroom crowned kisses the bride : damaged.

Sap. Solomon seated addresses group on R. : damaged.

Ecclus. Solomon seated addresses a youth on R.

1 Par. Two groups of busts, R. and L. : damaged.

2 Par. Christ speaks to Solomon on R. : damaged.

Job reclining, wife at his head on L. Three friends on R. : damaged.

Tobit gone. Judith cuts the throat of Holofeines crowned in bed. Esther gone.

I Mace. Alexander (?) seated : five men on R. i Mace. gone.

Matt. Jesse reclining. Tree springs from his body with four elliptical medallions of David, king with book, the Virgin (?) crowned, Christ (?) with halo : the dove at top.

Mark gone. Lttke writing : ox on R. John gone.

Acts. Luke writing : Theophilus on R.

James half quatrefoil. He addresses men on L.

1 Peter, seated with book. 2 Peter, seated. The rest gone.

Rom. gone, i Cor., Paul addresses man on R. 2 Cor., gives scroll. Gal. gone. Eph., addresses men. Phil, similar. Col., gives scroll, i Thess., addresses men.

2 Thess. similar : damaged. 1 Tim., speaks to Timothy : damaged. 2 Tiin. gone. Tit. Paul seated, the other figure gone. Philein. Paul seated speaks to Philemon

on R.


Heb. gone.

Apoc. John in chair, head on hand, desk before him : he holds a knife. Divine Hand above. Ba7-uch gone. By another hand :

1 Esdr. Above, a prophet ; below, a king. Neem. King, and Nehemiah with cup. 1 Esdr. (i Esdr. of Apocrypha). Man sprinkling altar.

Many of the prologues throughout the volume have very fine decorative initials.

The original division into chapters has been obliterated up to the middle of Numbers. This has Ixvii. Dent, cxlix. Jos. xxviii. Jud. defective, i Reg. xliv. 2 Reg. xlviii. 3 Reg. xxiii. 4 Reg. xvi. Isa. ci. Jer. {Lam.) li (.'').

12. BiBLIA.

Vellum (uterine), 6| x 3f, ff. 667 + 2, double columns of 41 lines. Cent, xiii, fine small rather narrow and pointed hand.

Binding modern, stamped vellum with gold tooling : lettered Biblia Sacra Anno 29,

Purchased from Leighton.

It has the book-plate of Mr William Morris, who acquired it in March 1895.

On f. I (xvi-xvii) is A. 29 (hence Anno 29 above) followed by an erased word which may be Scorialens.

On the last flyleaf (xv) :

Jo. ponsenot (?).

Collation: i--* 2-' t,""' 4''-io^ (+8 after i6th) 1 1=« I22« i32''-252^ 2622 2724 28" (wants 12-14), 2 flyleaves.

Contents :

Proll. : Erater Ambrosius. Desiderii mei.

Gen. 2 Paral. Prayer of Manasses follows without a break.

(Proll. to Jos., I Reg., i Par.)

Prol. Esdr., Neem. ; Prol., Job.

Tobit i is interrupted at the end of a leaf by the insertion of Esdr. 11 (Et fecit losias) occupying eight leaves in another very good hand. At the end, the prol. and beginning of Tobit are recopied, and the old hand continues on the next leaf.

Prol., Judith. Prol., Hester.


Proll. a. Cogor. b. Si aut fiscellam. Job.

Psalter, Gallican.

Prov. Ecclus. (proll. to Prov. EccL).

Isa. Dan. (proll., and prol. to Baruch).

Osee. Malachi (proll., none unusual).

I, 2 Mace, proll. of Rabanus.

Proll. Matheus cum priino. Matheus ex iudea. Evv. usual proll.

Paul Epp. (Arguments). Prol., Acts. Prol., Cath. Epp.

Prol. of Gilbert (Omnes qui). Apocalypse.

Kalendar in black, red, blue, 2 months on a page.

4 Feb. Anniversarium patrum et matrum. 30 Ap. Peter Martyr added.

24 May. Transl. b. Dominici in blue.

25 Transl. S. Francisci added.

5 Aug. B. Dominici in blue with octave.

5 Sept. Anniuersarium familiarium et benefactorum nostrorum.

4 Oct. Francis in red.

10 Annivers. omnium fratrum ordinis nostri.

f. 610 3 blank.

Interpretationes nominum. Aaz Zuzim . . . . . f. 611

Tables of Epistles and Gospels for the year.

Transl. of S. Dominic.

Festum b. Dominici.

Sancte Corone.


Dionisii cum soc. These entries serve to connect the book with the Dominicans of Paris.

After the Psalter is the beginning of a note ' ubi cantica in- ueniantur.'

Historiated initials :

Prol. Nimbed man writing.

Genesis. At bottom the Crucifixion with the \'irgin and St John. Seven elliptical medallions of the days of Creation, on grounds alternately blue and pink. Some draperies are gold.

Exodus. Moses leading Jews to R.

Lev. Moses horned and another offering Iamb at altar. Divine Hand above.

Num. Moses horned and a Jew seated. Divine Hand on R.

Dent. Moses horned addresses Jews on L.

Jos. Nimbed man seated. Divine Hand on A'.

Jud. Three Jews seated. ,, ,,

Ruth. Elimelech above, Naomi and her sons below, journeying.

1 Reg. Hannah kneels at altar. \i\\ on L.

2 Reg. Man beheads the Amalekite.

3 Reg. David reclines : courtier and Abishag.

4 Reg. Ahaziah falls from tower. I Par. Seated figures.


2 Par. Solomon kneels at altar.

Esdr. Mason building; below, man with pack on yoke; at bottom, Cyrus.

A^ehemjah presents cup to king.

Tobii reclining. Bird flies away.

Esdr. ii. Decorative. Judith beheads Holofernes.

Esther touches sceptre of Ahasuerus above : below, Haman hanging.

Job seated. Wife on R.

Psalter. i. David plays harp ; xxvi. Samuel anoints David : xxxviii. David kneels touching his mouth: Divine Head on K.; li. Decorative; lii. Fool with club and cake ; Ixviii. Christ above, David in water below ; Ixxx. David plays on bells, xcvii. Clerks sing at lectern ; cix. Father and Son seated. Dove between them, cxix. Decorative.

Prov. Solomon with rod. Rehoboam on R. with book.

Eccl. Solomon seated with flower, woman on R. with mirror : man with head on hand.

Cant. The Church seated crowned, with cross and chalice.

Sap. Solomon with sword: knight with shield.

Ecclus. Virgin and Child.

Isa. kneeling at post, sawn by two men.

Jer. seated : pot on R. Divine Hand above.

Lam. Jeremiah seated at gate of Jerusalem.

Baruch. Writing.

Ezek. reclines: four beasts above.

Dan. in den, his hands on the heads of two lions.

Hosea nimbed takes Gomer's hand.

Joel addresses a Jew on R. Amos with sheep : Divine Hand above.

Obadiah addresses two men. Jonah emerges from fish : city above.

Micah. Tower on R. Nahutn as Joel.

Habakkuk holding loaves and jug, a hand catches him by the hair.

Zeph. seated, Divine Head above. Haggai nimbed, king below.

Zech. with scroll, angel descends with scroll. Mai. addresses man on R.

1 Mace. Mattathias beheads Jew holding bowl with pig's head in it.

2 Mace. Man gives letter to messenger.

Matt. Jesse reclining, tree with three figures, of a king, the Virgin, and Christ.

Mark in dalmatic with book. Luke. Zacharias, angel behind altar.

John as Afark, eagle below.

Rom. Paul with cross, man on R. i Cor. Philemon. Single figures of Paul with sword, scabbard, scroll, etc. Heb. Paul with sword, men on R.

Acts. Virgin and Apostles: feet of ascending Christ above.

James. Single figure. i Peter. Peter takes the hand of a lame man on R. who supports himself on a small trestle (scabellum).

2 Peter seated with key. [ 3 John, Single figures seated.

Jude, Single figure standing.

Apoc. John sits writing. Towers of 7 churches above.


13. BiBLIA.

Vellum (uterine), 5f x 3|, ft*. 610 + 4, double columns of 41 lines. Cent, xiii, finely written. English or North-French.

Binding, modern purple velvet.

Has the book-plate of Robert Chambers the publisher, and in Aug. 1893 was purchased by J. Henry Middleton, late Slade Professor of Fine Art, and Fellow of King's College, Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, and later, of the South Kensington Museum : he has written a note descriptive of the book.

Purchased from Quaritch, Jan. 1904.

Collation: a^ i--* (wants 4) 2"^ f" (wants ii) ^ (wants 5, 22) 5^^ 6->4 p72« 82^_23^ 24>- (wants 12) 25^ 26-« (wants 28) b-.

On the 1st flyleaf a list of the books and number of chapters in each (xiv).

On the 2nd :

Ardua pampinei persoluam munera Bacchi si mihi reddatur perditus iste liber

lacobus Boneuentus

lacques Bienuenu 1651

Contents :

Prologues of Jerome. Prater Ambrosius. Desiderii mei (mut., and first leaf of Genesis gone). First leaves of Exodus, Levit., Num., Deut., Jos. gone.

Gen. 2 Paral. (Prayer of Manassas), Esdr., Neem., Esdr. 11 (Et fecit), Tob., Jud., Esth., Job (2 proll. Cogor and Si aut).

Psalter (Galilean).

Prov. Ecclus. (orat. Salomonis).

Isa. (2 proll.. Nemo and Isaias in ierusalem) Dan.

Hosea (3 proll., Non idem. Temporibus ozie. Duplex apud hebreos).

Amos. (Ozias. Amos propheta. Hie Amos.)

The others have the usual prologues.

J, 2 Mace, proll. of Rabanus.

Evv. (Mt. has no prol.), Paul. Epp. (arguments).

Acts (2 proll., Lucas and Actus apostolorum nudam).

Cath. Epp., Apoc.

Expl. lib. apochalipsis qui est ultimus in serie totius biblie.

Part of the office for Advent added in cent xv, without rubrics f. 558

Interpretationes nominum ........ 560

Aaz Zuzim.

On flyleaves at end, unimportant scribbles and

Ce liure a vi' xxxv feuill. histoires Ixviii (xv).


Historiated initials :

Prol. Man writing. Genesis^Joshua. Gone.

Jud. Youth in armour, with spear and shield. Divine Hand on R. Ruth. Elimelech above. Naomi and her sons below.

1 Reg. Hannah kneels. Peninnah on L. Elkanah (or Eli) and a building on R.

2 Reg. The Amalekite beheaded. 3 Reg. David and Abishag. 4 Reg. Ahaziah falling from tower.

I Par. Seated figures. 2 Par. Solomon kneels at altar: Head above.

Esdr. Builder above, Cyrus below : a good two-light window is shown.

Neh. Esdr. II. Seated figures with scrolls.

Tobit blinded. Judith and Holoft-rnes. Esther. Half-length figure above (not Ahasuerus). Esther crowned below, points up. (Probably a repetition of the Esdras- subject.)

Job and wife.

Psalter, i. David kills Goliath ; xxvi. is anointed ; xxxviii. points to his mouth : Divine hand above; Hi. Fool with club and cake; Ixviii. David in water; Ixxx. plays on bells; xcvii. Clerks at lectern; cix. Father, Son, and Dove.

Prov. Solomon with rod, and Rehoboam. Eccl. addresses a figure on R. Cant. Church crowned with cross and chalice. Sap. Solomon and warrior. Ecchis. the Virgin,

Isa. kneeling, sawn by one man. Jer. stoned by one man. Baruch writing.

Ezek. with scroll. Dan. Two lions' heads before him. Hosea with Gomer.

Joel yi'x'Ca. scroll. Amos with sheep. Obad. \i\\.)\ scroll. Jonah emerges from fish: Nineveh above. Micah, Nahniii with scrolls. Habakhik carrying loaves and jug caught up by angel.

Zeph. with scroll. Ilaggai. Ahasuerus above. Esther below touches his sceptre.

Zech. Decorative.

Mai. with scroll.

1 Mace. Mattathias kills the apostate Jew. 2 Mace. Man gives letter to messenger.

Matt. Jesus in bed. Tree, with figures of the Virgin and Christ. Mc. Single figure. Ic. writing. Jo. Decorative.

Rom.— Philemon. Single figures of Paul seated with sword. Hcb. Two nimbed figures.

Acts. Virgin and Apostles : feet of ascending Christ above.

James ijohn. Single figures. ^Jo.^Jude. Decorative.

Apoc. John writing, surrounded by towers.

14. BiBLIA.

Vellum (uterine), 5f x 3^, ff. 537 r 6, double columns of 49 lines. Cent, xii, finely written, probably in France.

Remains of a stamped leather binding of cent, xvi rebacked. Purchased from Olschki.


Collation: 1^-8^^ (one cane, in 7 or 8) 9-^ 10^ 11=^-20'" 21^8 (18 cane.) 22-^ 23'* (+ 2) b**. Modern foliation incorrect.

Contents :

Prologues of Jerome. Frater ambrosius. Desiderii.

Genesis 2 Par. Prayer of Manasses. Proll. to Jos., i Reg., i Par., Esdr.,

Neem., Esdr. 11 (Et fecit), Tob., Jud., Esth., Job (2 proll.). Psalter, Galilean.

Prov. Ecclus. (no Prayer of Solomon). Isa. Dan. Proll. usual. Osee Mai. (Amos 3 proll. as in 13.) I, 1 Mace. (Proll. of Rabanus and Machabeorum liljri.) Evv. (Proll. Matheus e.x iudea. Mc. Cum primo: others usual). Paul. Epp. (arguments), Acts, Cath. Epp. , Apoc. (Prol. of Gilbert). Hie liber est scriptus qui scripsit sit benedictus. Interpretationes. Aaz Zuzim. Hie liber est scriptus etc. After this, in another hand, is the ferial office with hymns, ending unfinished or

imperfect (3 pp.). Followed by six blank leaves.

Historiated initials :

Prol. Man writing.

Gen. Contained seven lozenge- shaped medallions of the days of Creation : tlie fifth and sixth are gone.

I Reg, Elkanah on L. Hannah kneeling. Eli at altar on A".

I Par. Group of seated figures.

Psalter. David stands playing fiddle : a harp at his feet.

Prov. Solomon with rod. Rehoboam with book.

Isa. kneels, bound to column : two men saw his head.

Hosea with Gomer facing R. Divine Hand on R.

I Mace. Two warriors on foot in front of a stone tower.

Matt. Jesus in bed (head to R.). At his feet a tree with three figures, a king, the Virgin, and Christ.

Rom. Paul seated, with sword.

Acts. Virgin and Apostles: feet of ascending Christ above.

Apoc. John writing, surrounded by towers.

These are very minutely executed.

The rest of the books have very beautiful initials in blue and red, with great variety of design. The only animal forms I have noted are eagles. Many of these initials are really most excellent examples.


15. BiBLIA.

Vellum, I5f x io|^, ff. 415, double columns of 53 lines. Cent, xiii late or xiv early, very finel)' written and illuminated, but much mutilated. English work.

Modern black morocco binding.

At the end of the Apocalypse was a record which would have

shown the (monastic) provenance of the book. All but two lines

have been cut off. These are :

impigiiorentur extra Prioratum ob instaiiciam alicuius persone seu necessitatis in futurum.

The name M(ichael) W(illiam) Barnes is in the book, and there is also a note to say that it belonged to Mr Richard Barnes. " On his death his son Mr Michael William Barnes became possessed of it, and he presented it to A(nthony) Glover."

There is further a note from Sir Charles Burrell to Mr Glover dated Mar. 6, 18 19.

Various papers of notes by Rich. Barnes are also preserved, which add nothing to the history of the book.

It was apparently purchased in Feb. 1903 by Mr M^Clean of Messrs J. and J. Leighton.

Collation: First quires gone, i^" (wants i) 2^- (wants 2) 3^- 4^^ (wants 5) 5'--7'- (wants 3, 5: one cane.) 8'- 9'- (wants 6) 10^- 11^- (wants 6) 12^^ (wants 4: leaves misplaced in 2nd half) 13^- 14^- (wants 9) 15^^ (wants 6) 16^" 17'- i8« (wants 4, 6) 19^- (wants 9, 11) 20'^ (wants I, 7) 2112 (wants 10) 22^--27i'- (wants 3) 28^* (wants 4, 5, 7, 8) 29I' (wants 1,6) 30^- 3 1^- (wants 2) 32'^ (wants 10) 33^^ (wants 10) 34^^ (wants II, 12) 351^ (wants 5, 11, 12) 36- (last three left) 37^^ (wants i) 38^- (wants 7, 8) 39- 40^-.

Contents :

Begins imperfectly in Exod. viii. 4, rum tuorum et ad te et ad populum tuum. Beginning of Lev. , Deut., Ruth, i Reg., 2 Reg., 3 Reg., i Par., 1 Par. gone. Prayer of Manasses is attached to 1 Par. Prol., Esdr., Neem., Esdr. n (Et fecit). First leaf of Tobit gone: also of Esther.

Job has 2 Proll., a. Cogor, b. Si aut fiscellam. Psalter, Galilean. At the beginning, in lower margin, a rubric :

Prologi scribuntur in fine psalterii. But the end of the Psalter is gone. Proverbs begins imperfectly in iv. First leaves of Eccl., Cant., Sap., Ecclus.



First leaves of Isaiah and Daniel gone. Obad., Jon., first leaf of Mich., all Nahum, Hab., Zeph., first leaves of Haggai and Malachi gone.

I, 2 Mace. Proll. of Rabanus.

Evv. First leaves of Matthew^, Luke, John gone.

Paul Epp. (arguments). First leaves of i Cor., 2 Cor., and all between Phil. iv. and Heb. iii. gone.

Acts, first leaf gone. Cath. Epp. ending in i Jo. v.

Apoc. First leaf gone.

Interpretationes. Aaz Zuzim in triple columns, ending imperfectly with Geraseni.

All the surviving prologues are quite normal.

The ornament is of admirable quality. Each page has at top (filling the head-line) a band of ornament, the backbone of gold, edged with "saw-pattern" in red and blue. Chapter-numbers have similar bands of ornament, vertical, attached to them. Chapters have beautiful decorative initials in gold and colour (foliage) with prolongations up and down. Prologues have larger initials. Few initials to Books have survived. Those which remain have large prolongations of ornament sometimes ending in grotesques.

Nuincri. L. Balaam in peaked hat on ass. R. Angel with raised sword. Ground blue, with tinge of white, and dots of red.

Jos. Initial cut out, but border-ornament left.

Jud. Samson, a youth in pink robe over dull green, astride the lion, rending it. Ground as above. Tree on L.

4 Keg. Ahaziah crowned, on couch (head to R.). Elijah stands over him, holding scroll inscribed elie.

Ezra. Cyrus, on gold ground, under trefoil arch, looks up. Above, a head seen in square aperture in wall, and above, two masons.

Nehemiah. He kneels on Z., holding cup with cover. Artaxerxes throned on R.

1 Esdr {\ Esdr. of Apocrypha). Ezra on L. with book. Christ stands on R. with book addressing him.

Judith. Holofernes, half-nude, in bed. Judith (Z.) beheads him. Job. Nude, with book, seated on Z. on green mound: his wife and two friends on R.

Psalter. Beatiis tiir. David, young, crowned and robed sits, face A'., playing harp. Ground blue, with network of red and white lines.

Domitiiis illiinimatio. Smaller. Unction of David, Samuel on Z. Gold ground.

Dixi ctistodiam. David kneels and points to mouth. Christ on R. Red ground.

Dixit insipieiis. King seated, transfixes himself with sword. Blue ground with network.

Salvum me fac. Above, Christ with orb: below, David in water, nude: both half- lengths. Gold ground.

Exultaie. David sits (full face), playing with two hammers on four bells. Ground as no. I.

Laudate. Two coped clerks sing at lectern on R. Gold ground.

Dixit dominiis cut out.


Jeremiah kneels on A'., in dark robe. Man in vermilion on L. stones him. Blue ground with white lines.

Lain. Jeremiah stands on L. City on R. Ground as no. i.

Baruch. Sits at desk writing, face R. Gold ground.

Ezek. Reclines below, head to R., blue ground patterned. Above, the four cherubs on gold ground. Note a gull in border of the preceding page.

Hosea on R. takes the hand of Gomer on Z. Ground as no. i.

Joel. Seated with scroll loliel.

Adios. Seated among sheep in dark robe, hood drawn up, on Z., looking up to head of Christ on R. and holding crook. Red ground patterned.

Zech. Tonsured, bearded, in blue chasuble over yellow robe : scroll zachari. Above, angel half-length with coloured wings.

2 Mace. Jew in peaked hat gives a letter, with seal dependent, to a messenger on R. Ground as no. i.

Mark stands holding book : lion below.

Ro?u. Paul holding sword by the point, and scroll IHESUS. Ground as no. i.

Gal. Paul with sword and book : same ground. Eph. holds sword by the point,

James holds scroll lACOBUS. 1 Pel. Peter as Pope throned with open book. 2 Peter similar, he has also keys. i Jo. John writing.


Vellum (uterine), 6^ x 4I, ff. 639 -1- 4, double columns of 49 lines. Cent, xiii, finely written, perhaps in England.

Modern binding.

Contains the book-plate of ? Gibson Craig with motto Deo et regi.

Purchased at Sotheby's.

Collation: a^ i-^'' 5" 6--'-i6-^ 17-" 182^-21^-' | 22-« | 23'' 24-^ 25='' (+sHp and one leaf) 26'" 27^^ 28**.

On f. ii an unfinished story in Latin of the origin of the Psalter of the Virgin.

On f. ii b (xvi) :

Sanguis X'' est Vita X''^"'.

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black, four months on a page . . . f. iii Sarum Saints have been inserted in red and black in a large hand

of cent. xvi. The original Kalendar is Dominican.

On iv l> is part of a sermon (?) in a very good xiiith cent. hand. Prologues. Frater Ambrosius. Desiderii mei. Genesis 2 Par. Prayer of Manasses. ProU. to Jos., i Reg., i Par.,

Ezra, Neem., Esdr. 11 (Et fecit), Tobit— Job (proll. to Ezra, Tob. ,

Jud., Esther, Job (two)).


Psalter, Galilean, in another hand. Only the beginning's of the verses are given, thus :

Beatus uir qui non abiit. Sed in lege domini uo. Et erit tanquam lig. etc.

There are sometimes four narrow columns on the page.

In a blank column at end (230;^) is an office for St Elizabeth of

Hungary, xiii-xiv, with hymn Diu sancta chorus canit. Prov. Ecclus., usual proll. Isa. Mai. Baruch i. i is underlined in red \.q Jilii tiiaasie filii [sedechie), and

in lower margin is written (xiii) an alternative beginning of the

book, Et factum est in anno decima mensis uenit nabuzardan

ante faciem eius omnibus diebus uite sue. Et scripsit librum Baruch filius neeri filius maasie filius (sedechie). In the prologues to the Minor Prophets I note : Amos. a. Ozias rex. b. Amos propheta. c. Hie Amos. Obad. a. Jacob patriarcha. b. Hebrei hunc dicunt. Micah. A later note : alius prologus in quibus(dam) libris

inuenitur qui inc. Sermo domini qui super (?) etc. I, 2 Mace. Proll. of Rabanus and Machabeorum libri. Evv. Proll. Matheus ex iudea. Mt. cum primo. Others usual. Paul. Epp. Arguments. The scribe gives a rubric in margin on

Rom. i to say that he has numbered in Arabic figures all the

occurrences of the names Jesus Christus. The total is 455. Acts ending iudicari. Cath. Epp. Apoc. a. Johannes ap. et euang. b. Beatus ioh. ap. post

passionem. Interpretationes nominum. Aaz Zuzim. Another hand, triple

columns. A supply of an omitted portion at the end. Prol. to 2 Paral. Eusebius ieronimus domnioni etc. Prol. of Gilbert to Apoc. Omnes qui pie. List of texts for sermons (as it seems) for feasts (including Dominic,

Francis, Eadmund M., Thomas M.) and for various classes (ad

magistros et scolares leprosos peregrinos mercatores). f. 520 blank. An abbreviated Missal. The S.anctoral begins 543^ and includes 521

Dominic and Francis. Among sequences at the end is one for

S. Dominic (In celesti ierarchia noua sonet armonia). Two prayers, Summe sacerdos and another, follow. Concordance in five columns to the page, in a minute hand, ending

f. 639 b. Expl. Concordantie.

There are no historiated initials, but good decorative ones in dark colours, some containing figures and heads.


The volume, containing as it does Bible, Kalendar, Missal, Notes for Sermons, and Concordance, would form a very complete equip- ment for a preaching friar in priests' orders.

17. BiBLIA.

Vellum, ii;| X 7^, fif. 335, double columns of 62 lines. Cent, xiii late, very well written. English work.

Modern binding.

Contains the book-plate of Robert Buchanan Stewart with the number 182 in red ink and 640 in pencil.

At I Reg. xxiv is the name Henry fifoUiott (xvi).

Collation: ii'^^-S^'-^ (wants 5-8) 9^^-15^'- (wants 5: one cane.) 16'"- 18^2 (one cane.) 19^2 20^^ 21"' (wants 2, 3, 9) 22^- (wants i) 23^- 24^" (wants 3) 251- 26>- 271" 28^" (wants 4, 7) 291^ 30^ (wants 7).

Contents :

Prologues. Frater Atnbrosius. Desiderii mei.

Gen. 2 Paral. Prayer of Manasses with title.

Gaps at end of 2 Reg.

Esdr. (prol.), Neem., Tob. (prol.), Judith, Esther (proll.), Job {a. Cogor. b. In

terra quidem). Proll. to Psalter. a. Dauid filius jesse. b. Psalterium rome. Psalter, Galilean with Ps. cli. Prov. Ecclus. Gap at end of Prov. Cant, (text written as dialogue). Gap at end of Cant.

Beginning of Sap. Isa. Mai. (The major prophets have proll., the minor none.) Gaps at end of Dan., from Hab. ii to Zech. vii, from Zech. xiii to i Mace.

i, med. I, 2 Mace.

Evv. (Mt. only has prol. Matheus ex iudea.) Paul. Epp. (arguments). Acts (prol.). Cath. Epp. (prol.). Gap at end of i Pet. ; most of 2 Pet. lost. Apoc. (prol., lohannes ap. et evang.).

Interpretationes nominum. Aaz Zuzim. Triple columns. Ending in Zaba. On verso of fly-leaf the prol. to John (Hie est lohannes) in a later hand.

The initials are good, in flat colours, red, green, brown-yellow. In the decorations springing from them are squirrels, rabbits, etc. The initial to Genesis seems designed for a series of lozenge-shaped pictures but is filled up with blue and red.

19] maclean collection. 33

18. Tobias, Judith, Hester, glosati.

Vellum, 9f X 6^., ff. 58, text and gloss, text 17 lines to a page. Cent, xii, well written, perhaps in North Italy.

Stamped leather binding.

Formerly in the Ashburnhani Collection, Appendix, no. 6. Sold at Sotheby's (lot 50) in 1899. 2 fo. est in escis.

Collation: (+ i*) 2^-f 8'.

Contents :

Added fly-leaf with title. Thobias Judith et hester contimii.

Prologue of Jerome to Tobit. Cromatio et heliodoro.

Tobias glosatus .......... f. i

A good initial in red, panelled with quatrefoils white on black. Gloss begins : L. Cum captus esset.

R, Beda. Liber tobie in superficie. Gloss ends : fraterna societate copulandi. Text ends : Expl. lib. Tobie. Versus Dcccc. Expl. lib. Tob. inc. lib. ludit. Prologue to Judith added. Apud hebreos . . . . . 19 ^

Judith glosatus.

Kabanus. Queritur quo tempore ....... 20

Text begins 20 /'. Initial omitted. Gloss ends : recordaremur tui syon.

or dum durat presens seculum. Text ends : Expl. lib. Judit Ver. I c.

Hester glosatus 43 3

Rabanus. Liber hester quern hebrei.

Text f. 44 without initial.

Ends 58 b. Obelo .i, ueru prenotauimus.


Vellum, 10 X 7! ff. 120+ I, 31 lines to a page. Cent, ix-x, in good Carolingian minuscule.

Elaborate modern morocco binding, inlaid with medallions of the Lamb, Evangelists and angels, copied from f 90 b etc. in the book and with appropriate lettering.

In the first cover is an ancient ivory carving (i5"4cm. x 13) of cent. X ?

Outer border of acanthus leaves : flat field (gilt) with emblems of Evangelists in relief Top L. angel at desk, R. lion. Below L. M. c. X


OX, R. eagle, all with books. Oval wreath of pointed leaves, inner wreath of acanthus. In C. Christ beardless, cross-nimbed, seated blessing and holding open book.

Formerly in the Barrois Collection, Ashburnham (no. 191). Sold at Sotheby's in June 1901.

On the flyleaf (xviii .'') Liber monasterii S" Andreae de castro cameracesio (i.e. Cateau-Cambresis in Hainault).

Collation: i^ 2^ f-\&, i flyleaf.

Contents :

Titles are usually in red uncials.

Inc. epistola leronimi presbiteri . . . . . . .Lib

Beato papae Damaso papa beatissime.

Inc. Pro!. S. Jeronimi presb. in quatuor euangelistis ... ^b

Plures fuisse qui.

Jeronimus Damaso Papae ........ 4

Sciendum etiam ne quern ignarum beatissime pater. The Canons under a series of very curiously and roughly painted arches, some round-headed, some angular. The shafts and arches are patterned and among the patterns occur many panels of Celtic interlaced ornament. Romanesque patterns and animal forms are also to be seen ........ 5

The prevailing colours are blue, pink, purple, brown-red, yellow. At the end on 10 a are these verses:

In primo certe canone quatuor concordant ordinate

In secundo cum queritur iohannis non repperitur

Marcumque non inuenio uersa nice in tertio

In quarto quoque numero at lucam non inuenio.

In quinto quippe matheus adest ac lucas medicus.

Sexto sane cum matheo marcum solum repperio

At iohannis in septimo indicatur cum matheo.

In octauo tam lucide lucam cum marco comite.

In nono lucam cum sone (1. canone) significari atque iohannem

domini quem amabat altissimus Singidorum in decimo significantur numero riorum scriptorum singula sanctissima atque piissima. The ninth line is made up of two, a word being lost after significari. The lines have a Celtic flavour about them. At the end of most of the Canons is Finit Canon... in quo etc. On 10 (^ a full-page picture. Frame of Celtic patterns, with foliage

at the corners. Purple ground above, blue at bottom. A nimbed woman on L. gives a purple scroll to Matthew (? Christ) seated in C. (or receives it from him). At her feet lies a bearded monk. On R. a tonsured ecclesiastic in chasuble, dalmatic (?), stole and alb, with book, blessing. Curtains above. Inc. argumentum sec. Matheum ....... 11


Matheus ex iudaea.

Inc. Breuiarium eiusdem (xxviii chapters) . . . . f. ii 5

On 12^ a full-page picture framed much as tlie last. Pale ground above, purple below ; pale red curtains at the sides. Matthew beardless writes in red capitals on scroll, Lider generadonis Daiiid. On the blue steps of his throne in red capitals, Hoc Matheus agens homineiii gcncraliUr iiiipkt. Angels seated on K.

13 a. Framed page with the beginning of the Gospel.

The L of Liber consists of two panels of interlaced work united by dragon's head and terminated at each end with ornament. Within it is a mass of conventional foliage, and round it are the words of the text (toy?//* Abraham) mostly in purple.

The text continues on 1 3 (5. There are various late notes in the margin of special Gospels, e.g. f. 25, Maxellendis V. M. (of Cambrai).

The sections are marked in the original hand.

At end, in red and black capitals :

Expl. Evang. sec. Math. In cuius certe canone quatuor concordant ordinate (see the verses on f. 10 a).

f. 41. Full-page picture framed, with purple ground. Mark holds pen and scroll (the tree on R. also holds it) inscribed in red capitals, Marcus ut alta fremit vox per deserta Iconis.

Inc. Praep. Euang. sec. marcum feliciter ..... 41 d

Marcus euangelista dei. Initial in colour.

Expl. Arg. Inc. Capit. (xii) 42

Text begins \2b with an initial the length of the page, mostly of interlaced pattern, with central medallion (purple ground) of Christ half-length holding book and blessing: cross-nimbed.

Ends 59 b. Ev. sec. Marc. Expl.

f. 60. Full-page picture, rougher than the last : frame of Celtic pattern : medallion of angels at the corner. No ground.

Luke dips his pen : he (and the ox) hold purple scroll inscribed on white, lura sacerdotii Lucas tenet ore iuvenci.

The drapery has a more Anglo-Saxon aspect than elsewhere.

Inc. Arg. sec. Lucam (yob

Lucus Syrus. Expl. Arg. Inc. Capit. (xx). . . . . 61

Expl. caplitula sec. Luc. Inc. textus euangelii eiusdem . . 62

Large initial in colour.

Ends 90a. Expl. Ev. sec. Luc.

90<J a full-page composition consisting of five medallions framed in an endless band of interlaced ornament. Angels at top and bottom, foliage on R. and Z. The medallions contain : C. the Agnus Dei with chalice. Top L. Angel, R. Eagle. Below L. Lion, R. Ox.

At top a scroll held by angel in medallion, angel outside, and eagle inscribed in red Quatuor hi proccrcs sunt muudi sceptra (?) tenentes. Similarly, a scroll passing through the lower medallions is inscribed

Matheus Marcus Lucas Sanctusque (lohannes).


gi a. Full-page picture by the artist of f. 60. John leaning some- what back receives the scroll from eagle flying down. It is inscribed A/ore volans aqnile verba petit astra Johannes in red and purple. On R. is a receptacle for two inkhorns, supported on the back of a lion. Pale ground above, purple below. 91 b. Full page with pale purple ground. Initial I in C. of inter- laced pattern. On L, in foliage, Initium Evangelii secundinn lohannem. On R. In principio erat verbutn. Four medallions of angels. Top Z. with cross-staff, R. with cross- staff and spiked shield. Below L. with cross-staff and shield, R. with cross-staff and trumpet. Text ends f. \12 a, Expl. ev. sec. loh.

Inc. capitulare euangeliorum de circulo anni . . . . L wib It seems quite Roman.

On the fly-leaf (121) is a diagram (in green outline) of a reliquary consisting of an octofoil, the top and bottom 'foils' being pointed, the rest circular. The names of the relics are in a hand of cent. xii. 121 fl. S. Nicholai.

S. Laurentii. Reliquie Regum. S. Petri Ap. Agathe.

S. Stephani et Pauli. Innocentum.

de ceruice Barnabe Ap. S. Benedicti.

S. Andree. S. Leodegarii.

Je calciamenlis S. Marie. S. Brigide.

S. Marie Egyptiace. S. Sansonis.

de vestimento S. Marie, de capillis S. Laurentii. dens S. Margarete. S" Mauront. 121 ^. ex parte imaginis S. Marie sunt he reliquie. At top. de sepulcro domini

de sepulcro S. Marie de candela quam tenuit angelus domini ad sepulcrum. At bottom. de caluarie loco dens S. Martini alius cuiusdam sancti cuius no men ignoramus. The other spaces are left blank.


Vellum, lof X 8^, ff. 144, 29-30 lines to a page. Cent, xi late, in a very fine, slightly sloping, narrow book-hand, doubtless German, with fine ornaments.


Stamped pigskin binding (xvi) with two metal clasps : a paper label on the back, MS. Pergam. um 1000.

Purchased from Quaritch : Catalogue no. 118, Dec. 1891.

Collation : i** (+ i) 2^-10^ (wants 4) 1 18-138 14^ 15* iQ*-ig\

f. I is blank but has on it (xvii ?) " Herbip (i.e. Wurzburg) 1273."

Contents :

Eusebian Canons under arches . . . . . . . f. ■a

Inc. Epistola b. Hieroninii presb. ad damasum papam . . 10

Beatissimo papa.

Title in red capitals (and so subsequently).

Inc. prologus b. Hieronimi presb. in librum iiii'^' evangeliorum. ir

Plures fuisse.

Item Hieron. ad damasum papam . . . . . . ill/

Sciendum etiam est.

Epistola b. Eusebii Ep. ad Carpianum . . . . . n^

Eusebius Carpiano fratri.

Inc. breuiarium secundum Matheum (red minuscules) . . . 136

I Natiuitas.

xxviii de baptismo.

Inc. explanatiuncula Sedulii Scotti de breuiariorum et capitulorum

canonumque differentia et conexione deque eorum et equalitate

et inequalitate speculatio ........ 15

Inc. breuiarium cata Matheum. Natiuitas christi etc. Perquirendum nobis est quid inter breuiarium quod a quibusdam

breuis causa noniinatur et capitulum atque canonem distet. Ends 1 7 d. spe erigimur caritate consummamur.

Inc. argumentum sec. Matheum 18

Matheus ex iudea.

Inc. capitula sec. Matheum (beginnings of 74 sections, not

numbered) .......... 18

Liber generationis.

Uespere autem sabbati. 20 a blank. 20/' Picture of Matthew. Text of Matthew beginning in red and black capitals. Ammonian

sections original : modern chapters added in cent, xiii ? Ends 49 b. Expl. Evang. sec. Math. Inc. breuiarium sec. Marcum ....... 50

i. de loh. baptista.

xiii ascensio eius in cells. Expl. brev. sec. Marc.

Inc. prol. in Marcum. Marcus euangelista . . . . 51

Inc. capitula sec. Marcum (46) 51

52 d, 53 a blank. 53 l> Picture of Mark. Text f. 54, ending 71^, Expl. Ev. sec. Marc


Inc. breuiarium sec. Lucam . . . . . . . . f. 71 ^

i. Zacharias uiso.

xxi. laudantes deum in templo.

Inc. prol. in Lucam. (Lucas syrus.) ...... 74 3

Inc. capitula sec. Lucam (77) 75

76 b blank. Leaf with picture of Luke gone. Text f. 77, ending 107. Expl. Ev. sec. Luc.

(Breuiarium sec. Johannem) 107

i. I'hariseorum Levite.

xiiii resurrectio eius.

Inc. argumentum sec. lohannem. Ilic est lohannes . . . 108

Inc. capitula sec. loh. (44) ........ 108/6

109^, wo a blank, wob Picture of John.

Text f. Ill, ending 133a Expl. ev. sec. loh.

Inc. breuiarium Lectionum Evangeliorum . . . . . 133'^

Ending (in agenda mortuorum) ....... 144*^

Followed by a note in a hand not much later than the text on the Four Rivers, comparing them to the Evangelists :

G(eon) interpretatur terre gratia = Matthew. Fison=John. Tigris = Mark. Eufrates=Luke.

The Sanctoral contains S. Vitus, SS. Sixtus and Sinicius and S. Willibald. The last occurs between the Four Crowned and Theodore M. (i.e. between Nov. 6 and 10). The feast of S. Willibr^rd is properly on Nov. 7. Willibald of Eichstadt should be on July 7. This mistake in the manuscript seems to exclude the possibility that it was written for Eichstadt. The late note of Wiirzburg on the flyleaf cannot help us : for in a Wiirzburg book there must have been surely some mention of St Kilian. I am compelled to leave the matter in doubt, but see below.

The Canons are very finely ornamented. Each page has a large round-headed arch with either three or four sub-arches. Arches, shafts and capitals in colour usually edged with gold or silver. The capitals are of very varied forms.

The tympana have grounds of gold and silver, often with a band of blue. In each is a group of the Evangelistic creatures varying in number with the number of the Gospels of which the sections are enumerated below. Thus Canon primus in quo quatuor (occupying three pages) has groups of all four creatures. Canon ii in cjuo III (Mt., Mc, Lc.) has man, lion, ox. Canon x, in quo Johannes proprie, has eagle only. There is great variety (and


some jocosity) in the arrangement of the creatures, who are usually grouped round a blank scroll.

Each prologue has an initial in mauve, gold and silver on blue or green or both. The initials to the Gospels are larger and have purple grounds.

The three pictures (to Mt., Mc, Jo. ; Lc. being lost) represent the Evangelists, Matthew writing, Mark meditating, John mending his pen. Each has an elaborate frame of conventional foliage in colour edged with gold outside and silver inside. The main ground is gold. Above each Evangelist is an architectural com- position, and in each, near the top, is the evangelistic emblem.

The colouring is bright, the drawing good average work of the time ; the silver noticeably well preserved.

Three coloured plates of the manuscript are in Quaritch, {Illustrations, pp. 170-172) and Examples of the art of book illiii)iination, Part vi, pis. 1-3, 1889. It is noticed by Swarzenski Die Regensbiirgcr Buchntalerei, p. 131 (and note), as resembling certain books from Freising executed by EUenhart and as being certainly from Eichstadt.

21. Evangell'l.

Vellum, 8 x 5|, ff. 199, 26 lines to a page. Cent, xii (and xv), in a fine clear German hand.

Red leather binding with gold tooling (xvii ?) over old boards : remarkable end papers.

Formerly in the Ashburnham collection, Appendix, no. 13. On the flyleaf in pencil the name of Rodd the bookseller : and a note dated Nov. 1857, Also a German note in pencil.

Collation : \* 2* \\ 3 (one) 4^-27^ (wants 7, 8).

On f. I a (otherwise blank) in red is a chronogram :

iLLe I.lber petrl WVLLffra(n?) reparatvs ab aere CVM paschae vago Lvx venerata soi.o.

This works out at 1603, which seems to me just about a cen- tury too late for the writing. I should prefer to omit the C at the beginning of the second line, and suppose the date meant to be 1503.


Contents :

The first eight leaves are suppHed by tlie same liand. They contain Epistola b. Iheronimi ad Damasum Papam . . . . (. i l>

Beatissimo pape.

Prol. quatuor euangeliorum. Plures fuisse 3 ^

Item Ep. Iheron. ad Damasum. Sciendum etiam ... 5 ^

Ep. Eusebii ad Carpianum .....••• 6

(Carpianus Eusebio.) Satis miror . * 7

At the end of this the end of Eusebius' letter is wrongly repeated. On 8 (!i has been pasted an early engraving, of which only the

merest fragments remain. With f. 9 the original hand of the manuscript begins. Inc. prol. in euang. Mathei. Matheus ex iudea .... 9

In capitula. i Natiuitas xxviii. de baptismo .... g l>

Inicium S. Evangelii sec. Matheum 1 1

Deus fecit adam. Adam genuit Seth Seth genuit enos. Caynan

malaleel iareth ^ enoch mathusalam lamech noe sem

arfaxat salath eber rogau seruch nachor thara. thara

genuit abraham.

I do not know what the point of this so-called beginning of the Gospel is.

I I d. Picture of Matthew.

12 a. Beginning of text. Liber generationis in gold on purple,

within frame. Text with canons and sections in the margin. Ending f. 6 a. Prologue to Mark. Marcus euangelista . . . . . 62 3

Capitula (xiii) as in 20 ........ 63

Picture of Mark, 64 ^. Beginning of text (gold on purple) . 65

Ends 97 a.

Prol. to Luke. Lucas syrus ....... 97

Capitula (xxi) as in 20 98

Picture of Luke, loi A. Beginning of text (gold on purple) . 102

Ending 156^.

Prol. to John. Ilic est iohannes ...... 157

Capitula (xiv) as in 20 . . . . . . . . '57'''

Picture of John, 158/'. Beginning of text (gold on purple) . 159

Text ends 199 />.

No table of Gospels survives.

The initials to prologues arc without gold, in red outline on blue and green. The four pictures of the Evangelists are drawn with spirit. In each case the general composition shows the Evangelist seated under a round-headed arch. The evangelistic emblem appears in the spandrel above the arch (on R. in Mt., Mc, Lc, on L. in Jo.). The ground is gold, the frame in varied colours edged with gold inside and out.


The attitudes of the Evangelists are : Mt. (grey bearded) writing on scroll on desk. Mc. (black bearded) mending his pen. Lc. (brown bearded) meditating, leans the head on L. hand holding knife. Jo. (grey bearded) holds scroll on desk and looks up to Eagle on L.

The Lion of S. Mark is notably well done.

The four purple pages are very fine. They have patterned frames edged with gold. The purple is painted on, very thickly. The gold letters of the text are edged with vermilion, and have small grounds inside and about them of blue and green.


Vellum, 9I X 6f, ff. 161, 17-19 lines to a page. Cent, xii, in a large upright German hand. Perhaps Salzburg work.

Old wooden boards covered with red leather. The front board is noticeably thick. This is because it was originally covered with ornaments in metal (of which nail holes remain) requiring solid attachment.

Formerly in the Ashburnhani collection (Appendix, no. 16). Sold at Sotheby's in 1899. Lot 176.

Collation: i" 2^-21'* (8 cane).

Contents :

Gospels for the year.

p. I a is blank. On i b has been added, not much later, a Gospel

for the Vigil of the Epiphany, ff. "2, 3. Pictures.

Original text begins. In Vig. nativitatis Domini . . . f. 4

Neumes have been added in some places, e.g. the genealogy from

Luke, ff. 10, II. Text of 48 a re-written. On 59/' is Willibaldi Ep. (July.)

Transl. S. Benedict]. After S. Bartholomew on 65 b is the rubric, Super analogium in nocte

post nocturn. sec. Math. ... Audiuit herodes. Ad missam. sec. Marcum. Misit herodes. Both for Decollation

of John Bapt. After S. Matthew. De Mauricio. The Common of Saints begins at f. 77, followed by De S. Trinitate S. Cruce .S. Maria pro fidelibus defunctis. Collects ............ 100

In nat. domini.


Collects for Maurus, Blasius, Scolastica, Benedict, Pancras, Boniface, Vitus, Udalric, Willibald, Transl. S. Benedicti, Magnus Conf., Maurice, Remigius, Dionysius, Gallus, Othmar, Sola, Wun- nebald.

Sunday Gospels, from i Dom. in Advent to xxv Dom. after

Pentecost . . . . . . . . . . . f. 113

Sunday Collects . . . . . . . . . . 153

A second hand, whose beginning is not easily to be detected, has written a good deal of the latter portion of the book.

The combination of SS. Willibald, Sola and Wunnebald will suit the diocese of Eichstadt better than any other, as it seems.

The pictures are full page with burnished gold grounds. The

frames are most often in blue and green with faint patterns in

white. Others have portions in vermilion and lake. Many are

surmounted by battlements and turrets. The painting is bold,

features strongly marked in black : patches of red on the cheeks.

f. 2(7. I. Annunciation. Double arch above. Angel on L. blessing: one foot is off the ground. The Virgin stands on K., having just risen from a seat. The Angel's wings are blue and yellow, robe pink over green, nimbus pink. The Virgin in blue over pink, nimbus red.

2 /''. 2. The Virgin reclines (head to L.) on roughly oval mattress. The manger a pink stone erection, with two arched openings (gold ground) and green interior. The Child with black hair, swaddled. Heads of ox (pink) and ass (blue). Joseph in vermilion over green sits on R., leaning his face on his R. hand.

3 a. 3. The three Magi on L. holding up bowls containing round objects. The Virgin and Child (with green cross-nimbus) throned on R.

*},h. 4. Altar in C\, vermilion, with blue hatching and white pattern. The Virgin (Z.) holds the Child [over it. Joseph on L. with two doves. Synieon (red nimbus) on R. takes the hand of the Child.

*28^. 5. Entry. Christ in C. (blue nimbus), mounted on blue ass and holding palm, rides to R. One Apostle follows with palm. In R. lower corner a Jew in peaked cap and vermilion tunic crouches, spreading his pink garment. Above, a boy in ver- milion on a palm tree.

*^()b. 6. Entombment. The Sepulchre in green marble, with arched openings at top (with gold and black grounds). Two men, one bearded, in blue, the other beardless, in pink (both with caps), lay the body (head to Z.) in the tomb. They are seen half- length, and hold the two edges of the shroud gathered up in their hands. A pink corona hangs in C. Architecture above.

39^7. 7. Resurrection. Christ, with blue cross-nimbus, and in pink over green, steps upon the edge of the tomb (which is here blue with vermilion edge). He is turned to R., and holds up in both hands a long slender cross with red banner. In front, head to Z., lies a soldier in chain-mail, with red hose, pointed helmet, and gold kite-shaped shield.

*49^. 8. Ascension. Christ in gold niandorla with white stars. He holds the Resurrection banner, and looks and points downward. Outside the mandorla the


ground is blue. Two angels support the niandorla. At bottom two groups of busts: on Z. the Virgin and tliree apostles, on A', five apostles.

Frame in alternate triangles of lake and vermilion, with white fleurs-de-lys.

*5i b. 9. Pentecost. In front a pink wall with small turret in C. in which are two blue folding doois open, showing gold ground. The wall is three-sided, and has ver- milion coping. Over are seen, half-length, two groups of apostles (six on Z., five on A'.). Above, from a red and yellow cloud, the Dove descends, head downwards. White rays proceed from the cloud. Architecture above.

64 a. 10. Assumption. The Virgin lies dead on a bed in front (head to Z.), her arms by her sides. At her head stands John with blue nimbus, at her feet I'eter weeping and two other Apostles. Over her in C. stands Christ (body turned to A'., head to Z.) hokling her soul in both arms, in a blue niandorla. The soul is a small figure in red robe. Architecture above.

*G^b. II. Nativity of the Virgin. Anne reclines in front on a bed, covered with pink, patterned, blue-edged quilt. Beyond her stand two women holding between them (horizontally) the infant Virgin, swaddled. The woman on Z. is in red, the one on A*, in green. Both in net caps. In the top of the double arch above are white pendants drawn on the gold.

•77 a. 12. Illustrates the Gospel for St Andrew, " Ye shall see. ..the angels of God ascending and descending." In front reclines a beardless figure in red (head to L.), covered with blue quilt. In his A', hand he holds a blank scroll. On /i*., at his feet, is a pink patterned altar. On it, sloping to Z., is a ladder on which is an angel in ver- milion, pink and green, with blue and white wings; his body is behind some of the rungs of the ladder and in front of others.

Tfce paintings marked with asterisks have retained their red silk guards.

The initials are normally in plain red. But there are also many in gold. These have figures, animals, or birds, in gold, outlined in red, and placed on grounds half green, half blue. On 105 /' are two of a hare and a bird, which have a red silk guard.


Vellum, gl x 6\, ^(. 152, 21 lines to a page. Cent, xii-xiii, very well written ; probably in Northern France.

Modern dark purple morocco binding.

Formerly in the liateman collection (Middleton Hall, Youl- grave, Derby) : no. 742. The book-plate is in the volume.

Collation : i "- 1 9".

Contents :

Gospels for the year, Ijeginning In vigilia Natalis domini.

Feasts of Saints are inserted as far as the Annunciation. Then follow Sunday

and ferial gospels from Septuagesima to 25th (corr. to 24th) Sunday after

Pentecost. On f. cxxij Inc. de Aduentu. Gospels for five weeks are given. Expl. dominicales per totum annum cum suis feriis. Inc. de soUempnitatibus sanctorum, xviiii kal. feb. Nat. S. Felicis cxxviii iJ.


xiv kal. Feb. Nat. S. Marie et Martha.

(Gospels to each, w liich were given in the early part of the book, are repeated in their places.)

V id. Jul. Natiuitas (as throughout) S. Benedicti.

V kal. Aug. Nat. S. Sansonis.

Kal. Aug. Machabeorum et .S. Felicitatis.

vii id. Aug. Donati Ep.

vi . . . Cyriaci M.

xvii kal. oct. Nicomedis M.

Andrew has Octave.

Common of Saints begins cxivii /', ends cxlix Expl. de sanctorum.

Follow. In ordinatione diaconorum, presbiterorum, episcopi.

In ieiunio de natale pape.

Ad sponsas benedicendas.

In dedicacione ecclesie, oratorii.

Pro iter agentibus.

Ad missam uotiuam.

Pro infirmo. In agenda mortuorum.

De S. Cruce. Ending clii b et ego in ipsis. After this is a late inscription, erased :

Pour seinte (?) collegiale

St Andre de chaud...

ex dono Joannis pbr huius ^CQ\esie

prepositi die Veneris tercio Jullij anno domini ^

niill° quinguent. sexagesimo septuagesimo Gorle (?). ...pbres. The book then belonged in cent, xvi to a Collegiate Church of St Andrew in France or Flanders.


This consists of a certain number of large initials (mostly I's for In illo tempore).

These have gold grounds and contain figures and medallions.

f. I. Christmas Eve. a. Medallion of Joseph speaking to the Virgin (half-lengths). b. Nimbed Evangelist with book. c. Medallion, angel speaks to Joseph reclining R. d. Nimbed Evangelist with book. e. Two blue and white monsters embrace. Some- what rubbed.

f. 63. Epiphany. Small initial with dragon.

f. 69. Easter, a. Medallion : busts of the three Maries, b. Medallion : the angel and the Maries, one looks into the sepulchre (half-lengths).

f. 80. Ascension. Fine initial with three medallions of monsters.

f. 82. Pentecost. Initial with three medallions. a. Christ speaking to seated Apostles on R. b. Apostles in two groups : feet of ascending Christ above, c. Apostles in two groups : the dove descending. All the figures half-length.

f- I35' S. John Baptist. Fine decorative initial.

The quality of the gold, colour, and design is excellent.

The ordinary initials to the Gospels are in blue and red with flourishing counter- changed with the colour in the body of the letter.


24. Novum Testamentum (Lodi).

Vellum, 6 x 3|, ft 308, 33 lines to a page. Cent, xiii early (1204), in a good small Italian hand, with reminiscences of Lom- bardic. From Lodi.

Modern black leather binding.

Formerly in the Ashburnham collection, Appendix, no. 8. Sold at Sotheby's, May 1899 (^^^ 5). An older slip from a book- seller's catalogue is in it, where it is priced at £75.

Collation: \^'-f 8" 9''-38" 39^ (+ 3 : wants 7, 8).

Contents :

The Gospels without prologues, Canons and sections in margin . f. i

Matt. f. I. Marc. 37. Luc. 61. Joh. 102.

There is a curious marginal note at the beginning of St John :

Nota quod lohanne.s predicauit antequam scriberet euangeliuni quadraginta annis in asia, que asia uenit postea sorte diuina paulo. Tunc quidam pessimus rex erat rome nomine domitianus. Hie duxit iohannem in disputationem cum quodam suo iudice nomine metallus qui iusserunt eum iohannem mitti in carcerem cxilium .i. in captiuitatem in insulla qui dicitur pahtemos post mortem domiciani regnauit nerua filius eius qui liberauit iohannem ubique diuina indicatione scripsit apoccalibsim postea rogauerunt fratres ut scriberet quicquid uiderat a christo eo quod multi falsi aderant pars quorum dicebat christuni habuisse principium in maria alii dicebant spiritus sanctus qui nunquam fuit in celo sed alii dicebant bene fuit in celo sed non est deus sed angelus alii dicebant habuit principi(um) in deitate contra hec igitur scrips(it) euangeliuni uide(ns) et legens alia e(uan)gelia scilicet, etc.

Followed by Apocalypsis 131 3.

Acts 150, ending iudicari. Amen.

Cath. Epp. 190.

Paul. Epp. 208. Only i Cor. has argument in text, the others are added later in margins.

Laodiceans follows Colossians.

Heb. ends f. 294 b.

Then follows in red the colophon :

Finito libro arnoldinus pede saltat in uno. Benedicamus domino deo gratias Ad honorem dei et beatissime ecclesie Johannes serrabula fecit curios e

Istud opus fieri late studios e

Then in a rather rougher hand (the dates in red) :

mcxi captio de laude (Lodi destroyed by the Milanese).


mcxvii comotio terre.

mclxii destruxit F(redericus) imperatorem (!) ]M(edioIanum).

mclxvii redierunt m(ediolanenses) in urbem suam.

mcxxvii (so) capta est c(iuitas) cumaium.

mclxx castrum castelionis obsidebatur.

mclxxxv releuatio creme.

mclxxxvi facte sunt nuptie enrici regis in mense Ian.

mclxxvii (so) fiigauerunt in(ediolanenses) imperatorem de campo de

busti. mcc papienses capierunt m. in campo de roxate. Later notes on the page relate to the genealogy of the Virgin. On f. 295 sqq., in the same hand as the historical notes, is a table

of Epistles and Gospels for the year. The Sundays are thus

given : 1-4 Sun. after Easter. I, 2 Sun. after Ascension.

Whitsunday and 6 after f. i

1-6 Sun. after Peter and Paul.

1-7 Sun. after Laurence.

1-6 Sun. after Michaelmas.

5 Sun. before Christmas, i after.

5 Sun. after Theophania.

Septuag., Sexag., Quinquagesima.

1-3 Sun. in Lent. Mid-Lent Sun. 5th Sun. in Lent.

Sun. (in) ramis oliuarum.


On 302/', 303 are paschal tables and memorial verses for Easter.

Two of these are marked as referring to 120... and 1203. On 303 in red and black : Auno domini cc mill° ducenteximo quarto idus aprilcs incepit fieri

hie liber et quarto anno ix?i%\z.<::\.o Johantios positus fuit htiic facto. Initials in red. Ad festum stelle etc. Kalendar, two months on a page, dies egyptiaci and divisions

marked in red. Few Saints are entered ..... 303 b Jan. 13. ylarii Ep. Feb. I. seueri Ep. (Ravenna?).

15. faustini et iouite M. (Brescia).

16. luliane V. added. Mar. 5. Lucii pape.

Ap. 4. Ambrosii Ep.

6. Celestini Pape.

II. Leonis pape.

14. Valeriani M.

18. Caloceri Ep. (Brescia).

28. Vitalis M.

29. Pauli Ep. (Brescia). May 4. Floriani M. (Austria).

8. Victoris M. (Milan).




Syri Ep.


Julie V.



Viti ct modesli.


Gcruasii et protliasii M.





Apolliiiaris Ep. (Ravenna).


Nazari et celsi (Milan).



Gaudentii Ep. (Coire?).


Sixti pape.


Donati Ep. (Arezzo).


Alexandri M.



Domini Ep. (Boigo S. Donino).


Victoris M.


Gain Abb.


Gaudentii Ep. (Brescia).



Antonini ^L


Maximiani M.


Andree Apostoli Virg.



Ambrosii Ep.


Zenonis Ep. (Verona).


Anastasie V.

On 306 (^ sqq. (still in the hand of the historical notes) is a series of references to passages of the N.T. each with a rubric. These rubrics show that the passages were to be used in con- troversy with the Leonenses or Leonist heretics. They are as follows :

Ad leonenses qui dicunt non habere possessiones.

de operibus manuum.

de castitate.

de coniugio.

de potestate parcendi peccata.

de populo hysrael.

de pharisei(s) et ecclesia romana quia non est ecclesia dei.

de signis et prodigiis falsis.

de spiritu quia habet nianus et pedes etc.

de spiritu quia moritur et occiditur.

de paruulis quia non liabent fidem.

de lege quod non est tenenda.

de resurectione carnis.

de illo quod dicunt quia Christus non est locutus apostolis in persona omnium

qui saluaturi sunt, de doctrina Christi quia est abscondita a prudentibus et sapientibus. de illo quod dicunt nemo saluabitur nisi qui de celo descendit. de illo quod dicunt quod diabolus non ligat hominem. de cibis et corpore christi. de illo quod dicunt non debent adorare.


quia oportet habere una(m) doctiinam tantum.

quia non est alius qui daret saluationem prater cliristum.

de manuum impositione.

deus non habitat in domo manu facta.

de falsis religiosis qui mittunt scandalum post bonos.

quia paulus est datus gentibus et non petrus.

quia peccatum est nubere cum uxore.

quia corpus est sepulcrum.

Ad infideles. Ad credentes. Ad fratres.

Ad infideles mulieres.

Compare the account of the Leonist tenets given by Reinerius Saccho (1254, Bibl. Pair. IV. 2, 746) quoted by S. R. Maitland, Facts and Documents, pp. 407, 527.

On the last page in a hand of the same period is the poem

O regina gloriosa uirgo nimis speciosa sancta dei genitrix, in 23 h'nes, ending :

Natum tuum deprecare ut dignetur nobis dare paradisi gaudia.

Each book of the New Testament has a fine large initial in colours on gold ground. These are of a more northern aspect than is the writing : and are in extremely good style. Some contain heads and grotesque animals. There are also frequently in the lower margin vertical ornaments in blue and red penwork.

25. Actus et Epistolae glosati.

Vellum, 9I X 6^, ft". 78, 22 lines to a page. Cent, xi, very well written.

Modern binding.

Purchased Ap. 1902 at the White sale at Sotheby's. Lot 2133. Has the book-plate of Henry White, J. P., D.L., F.S.A.

Collation : The whole book is bound on guards, the leaves having suffered on the inner edges, and collation is impracticable.

Contents :

Prol. S. Hieronimi in libro actuum apostolorum (green and red

rustic capitals) .......... p. i

Lucas natione syrus, red initial with line of blue in stem.

Expl. prol. Inc. liber actuum apostolorum 2

First words in green and red capitals. Blue initial P with white and red zigzag in the stem, and red and white band in the loop; red flourishing within the letter.


In 64 sections, ending p. 103 prohibitione.

Prol. S. Hieronimi super septem Epistolas Canonicas (red and green

rustic capitals) .......... p. 104

Non ita ordo. Good initial.

Inc. prologus. Jacobus qui ajipellatur frater . . . . 105

quidam e nostris in monte oliueti cum conditum putant, sed falsa eorum opinio est. Inc. Ep. Apostoli lacobi i'^ . . . . . . . 107

Inc. Ep. Petri Ap. i^. Initial with bird in red outline on blue,

green, and red ground . . . . . . . , 118

Inc. argumentum ii<^. Ornamented S . . . . . . 120

Symon petrus filius iohannis ueneratione celebratur (Ilier. de

vir. ill.). Inc. Ep. petri Ap. 11. Green initial . . . . . . J31

Inc. Ep. Iohannis Ap. Red Q with green flourishing within . 138 Inc. prol. eiusdem 11. Vsque adeo ad sanctam feniinam . . 148 Inc. Ep. S. Johannis II. Elaborate initial . . . . . 149

Prol. in Ep. in. Gaium pietatis causa . . . . . 150

Inc. Ep. Ill 151

Inc. prol. in Ep. S. ludae. ludas ap. fratres de corruptoribus . 152

Inc. Ep. lude Ap. 153

Ending 155. p. 156 blank.

I consider the writing to be foreign. There are a {q\v marginal notes on Acts in what may be an English hand of cent, xiv-xv. Headlines in red to the Cath. Epp. in a similar hand.

26. Johannes glosatus.

Vellum, 9I X 6, ff. 98 + 5 ; text 15 lines to page, gloss varying. Cent, xii, in a fine pointed hand.

Modern binding with the Duke of Sussex's coronet and mono- gram on the back.

Purchased (10 Ap. 1889) at Puttick and Simpson's. (Goldsmid sale, lot 339.) Contains the book-plate of the Duke of Sussex : pressmark vi. 11. c. I2\

On the flyleaf in a large hand (xiii-xiv)

liber sancti martini tornacensis

i.e. from S. Martin's Abbey at Tournay. Many books from this library made their way to the Phillipps collection.

There is also (at each end) an old number, 44.

Collation : 2 flyleaves, I'-XI^ Xll^", 3 flyleaves.

' Apparently not described in Pettigrew's Bidl. Sttssexiatia. M. c. 4


Contents :

Johannes glosatus.

Prol. lohannes apostolus et euangelista f. i

Gloss. Omnibus diuine scripture paginis.

Text begins f. 3, ends f. 981^.

Gloss ends neque scribentur.

On the last fly-leaf but one (xv) the number clxxviii lined through

and replaced by Ixxxv. On the last fly-leaf (xii) : Rad /r/cet dedit mihi dimidietatem ecclesie sancte marie ueteris.

his testibus. Rad de Langefort. Thedorico magistro. Acone.

Alwina. Rad. de cornehella.

The prologue has a fine initial, the length of the text, with gold eagle in medallion at top, and a lozenge pattern of bands, blue within and red without, down the stem. First words of prologue are in green, red and blue capitals.

Text has a smaller initial in gold filled with foliage in blue, green, pink, red. Initials to sections are in blue, purple, etc., fairly plain. Verses have small initials in colour.

The condition is excellent.

27. Epistolae et Apocalypsis glosatae.

Vellum, 9J X 5|, ff. 68, 34 and 27 lines to page. Cent, xii, in two very good hands, possibly German.

Binding of cent, xviii.

Purchased at Sotheby's Feb. 1895, at a Libri sale in which it was lot 60.

Collation : II gone lll^-vill^ IX'*.

On the flyleaf:

In nomine patris etc. Amen. Septem Sancti P. Epistole.

Contents :

Prologues. Epistole ad Romanes causa . . . . .{.16

(Primum) queritur quare post euangelia ..... 2

ad pacem et concordiam cohortatur.

The Epistle to the Laodiceans, without title or initial ... ^d Epistle to the Romans. First words in good capitals . . 43

Ends imperfectly by the loss of a quire in Rom. vi. 7, Qui enim mortuus: i Cor. begins imperfectly in iv. 15, habetis in christo

sed non multos patres ........ 9

1 Cor. with argument. Post actam ab eisdem . . . . 17


Gal. with argument 22. Kph. (arg. added a little later) . . f. 25/-

Eph. ends 29 a. Most of the leaf and half of 30^1 is blank. The second hand begins on 30(7.

Phil, with argument

30 a

Col. with arg. .

33 -^

I Thess.


2 Thess. ,, . . .


I Tim. ,,


2 Tim. ,, . . .




Philem. ,,




Ending f. 60 a.

Prol. to Epp. Cath.


the glosser's hand). Epistole septem

canonice ab apostolis misse



Inc. Liber Apocalips

is. Large initial

mainly red and yellow


Apoc. to i. 6 et feci

t nos


There are marginal and interlinear glosses throughout, mainly by one hand, very beautifully written.


Vellum, io| X 6f, ff. 180, text (25 lines) and gloss. Cent, xii, in an excellent hand, probably French.

Modern binding by Leighton.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 11621. Sold at Sotheby's in 1898 {?), no. 108. If I am right in my identification, the volume belonged to the Abbe Celotti.

The inner edges of the earlier leaves have suffered from damp.

Collation: I* (wants i) ii^-xix* (+ i) xx»-xxii» xxiii^

Contents :

Epistolae Pauli glosatae.

Ad Romanos, without prologue. Beginning of the gloss mutilated . f. i ...gentiles modo iudeos docens eos humiliari.

1 Cor. with argument. Corinthii sunt achaici .... 23

Ysidorus. Corinthus est ciuitas. Ambrosius. Multe cause sunt.

2 Cor. with arg. Post achaia 45

Ambr. Sciens sanctus apostolus.

Gal. Galathe sunt greci 59*^

Primo querendum est.

leron. Rex bithinie. Eph. Ephesii sunt asiani 67

Ysid. Effesus est ciuitas. Phil. Philippenses sunt macedones 74 <J

Ysid. Grecia a diuersis regibus. Col, Colosenses sunt et hi . . . . . . . . ^ob



1 Thess. Thess. sunt macedones. . . . . . . f. 85 5

Ysid. Macedonia est prouincia.

2 Thess. Thess''"^ secundam ....... 90

Ysid. Thess. accipientes.

1 Tim. Thimotheum instruit 93

Ysid. Tim. fihus.

2 Tim. Timotheo scribit 97

Ysid. Secundam epistolam. Tit. Titum commonefacit ........ 103 b

Ysid. Transiens apostohis. Philem. Philemoni familiares . . . . . . . 106

Ysid. Beato apostolo. Heb. In primis dicendum ........ 107

Ysid. Transiens apostolus (arg. to Titus repeated). Ecclesiis hebreorum. Ending \2i,b.

Epp. Catholicae glosatae 125

Prologues. leron. ad Eustochium super epp. canonicis Non ita ordo. leron. Quia in circumcisione. Ysid. Occiso stephano. Jac. 125/^.

I Pet. Ysid. Tempore quo primum cepit . . . . . \},\ b

1 Pet. leron. Symon petrus filius lohannis . . . . 137 '''

1 Joh. i^\ b

2 Joh. 147 b. 3 Joh. 148.

Jude. Ysid. Iste uocatus est taddeus . . . . . 149

Ends \lob. Finiunt Epp. Canon, feliciter.

Inc. Apocalipsis lohannis Evangeliste . . . . . . 151

Apochalypsis. Hoc inter reliquos noui testamenti libros.

The preliminary matter (largely from Isidore) continues to J 53 a.

Text 153^, ending 180^ Expl. lib. Apocalipsis loh.

The initials to the books are of good average execution. The writing is very beautiful.


Vellum, lof X 7, ff 236, text (15 lines to page) and gloss. Cent, xii, in a fine Italian hand.

Binding of cent, xviii }

Purchased at Milan of U. Hoepli in 1892. It was no. 46 in one of his catalogues.

On 236 (^ (xvi): Liber sancte marie de morimundo ordinis cisterc. mediolanensis diocesis. (Lvij, Lvj° erased) xxxvi.


Collation: 1^-29** 30^ Contents :

Epistolae Pauli glosatae.

Rom. without prologue. f. i

1 Cor. Arg. in margin, as in most cases . . . . . 45 ^

2 Cor. 88^. Gal. 117 /^ Eph. 132. Phil 146^

Col. 157. I Thess. 166/'. 2 Thess. 175 (5'.

I Tim. 180. 1 Tim. 191. Tit. (arg. in text) 198 <^. Philem. (arg. in text) 203. Heb. 205. Ending 236 a.

The writing is very admirable throughout. That of the gloss is different from that of the text (pale and round).

Each Epistle has a very remarkable initial. That to Rom. is in gold on dark blue. The stalk is panelled with quatrefoils in red and blue (as often in this book). In the loop is a half-length figure of Paul holding scroll : roughly done.

The others are mainly in yellow and red on dark blue, and contain white foliage (conventional). They form a very good series.

30. Lectionarium.

Vellum, 10^ X 7f, ff. 152 + 2, 22 lines to a page. Cent, x, in an excellent clear minuscule, with a slight slope.

Elaborate modern morocco binding with gold tooling.

In the cover is inserted an ancient ivory (13-8 X9'8 cm.) of Byzantine work. At top and bottom but not at the sides is a band of conventional leaves. Christ half-length, bearded, blessing, hold- ing a book to His body with left arm. Behind Him a cross in low relief The surface of the cross and the cover of the book are divided into squares bordered with a sort of billet-pattern.

Formerly in the Barrois collection (Ashburnham), no. 189 in the sale (June 1901).

A note on the flyleaf in English in pencil as to the contents is signed D. P. Is this David Powell or D. Petit t

A note on p. 3: Manuscrit no. 353 du catalogue de M-" D. Petit, 153 feuillets, 10 grandes lettres et 9 peti(tes).

Collation : a (two) I^-XIX^


Contents :

I. f. ia blank. Title in red rustic capitals on lower half of ii. In nomine dei summi inc. prologus S. Hieronimi presbiteri

missus ad Constantinum Constantinopolitanum episcopum. Q(uam)quam licenter adsumatur in opere . . . . . f. ii Ends imperfect or unfinished ut>: Item in quadragesima remissione inimicitiarum uel alia multa. f. I is blank.

Title in red Roman capitals (last clause in rustic). In Christi nomi/ne inc. / Lectiones / per circulum / anni. in

vi/gilia natalis / Domini. Lectio Epistolae / b. Pauli ap. ad


1 d. Page framed with greenish and purple acanthus leaf between gold bands. Purple ground. Large F mainly in gold and silver with knot of interlaced work and fillings-in of colour (red, blue, green), ratres in gold capitals.

2 a. Similar page. Acanthus leaf in yellow-brown. Purple ground. Large initial P as before. AVLVS in gold capitals.

2 b. Text continues, seruus Christi Ihesu uocatus apostolus.

Titles in red rustic capitals.

In die natalis domini. Lectio Ep. b. Pauli Ap. ad Ileb.

4 b. Full page : framed with key-pattern in perspective in blue

and scarlet on black ground with white dots. Blue ground

above. FRS in gold capitals. In C. large M in gold and silver

and colour on purple and green grounds, with a good deal of

interlaced ornament. Below, ultifarie in gold caps. 6 a. Ep. for St Stephen. Neumes added. ^b. Octave of Christmas. Initial in gold and silver on yellow

and blue. 10 a. Theophania. Half-page: purple ground in gold frame.

Lectio Esaie prop. Hec dicit dominus : gold rustic. Large S

in gold, silver and colour, vrge gold caps. 14. Purification. Initial. 51. Palm Sunday. Initial. 56 b. In caena domini. Small initial. 73. Sabbato Sancto (Lect. Ep. ad Col.). Full-page, framed as

f. 4 b. Ground blue, pale purple, yellow. Large S in gold,

silver and colour. 73(5' framed in acanthus leaf (green-blue and purple). Purple

ground. Text in gold minuscules and gold rustic caps. 74 a (ad Cor. Expurgate uetus fermentum). Frame of coloured

lines and gold. Purple ground. Initial on blue and lilac ground.

Text in gold. 83 b. In ascensu domini. Initial. 86 b. Framed in rainbow band of colour with spiral of purple and

green. Blue ground. Text in gold capitals on bands of purple.

Die dominico Pentecost. Lect. Actuum Apostol. in diebus illis.


87 a. Frame of acanthus leaf (varied: purple and orange). Ground

blue with bands of purple. Large initial D. VM in gold. 100 a. S. John Bapt. Initial. 102 a. Peter. Larger initial. 112 a. Assumption. Frame of acanthus with double arch at top

of horseshoe form. Capitals and bases to shafts are of gold

interlaced work on scarlet. Ground purple. Title (Lect. lib.

Sap.) in gold rustic. Large initial I in gold on scarlet and

yellow, down the middle, passing through N, in gold and

silver, etc., on blue and lilac ground. 116. Nativ. B. V. M. Initial. 130 <^. All Saints. Framed in leaf pattern. Ground, purple

above and below, blue in C. On this a large initial E(t).

Title above (Lect. lib. Apoc. loh. Ap.) and Ecce below in gold. 131^. Dom. V. ante Nat. Dom. Initial. Common of Saints begins on 139. After Dedicatio Ecclesiae 150 follows Pro infirmo 1 50 d. In Nat. S. Mathei 151. In agenda mortuorum 151. In Nat. App. Symonis et Judae 152 (5. Domin. de S. Trinitate 1521^.

31. Petri de Riga Aurora,

Vellum, 10^ X 6^, ff. 260, single and double columns of 29 and 43 lines. Cent, xiii, in more than one good hand. Written in (Eastern P) France.

Old binding. Rough white skin over boards. Five plain metal bosses on each cover. Remains of strap and pin fastening. A number 63 in red on the first cover.

The covers are lined with parts of 4 leaves of a book of Sermons (.'') in double columns of cent. xiii.

Purchased from Olschki.

Collation: i" 2^-15^ (+ i) 16^ \f iS*^ | 19*^ 20^ 2i« 22'" 23" 24^ 25* 26" l']^ 28" (4 cane.) 29** 30^ 31^" 32^-34^ 35*: i flyleaf.

Contents :

Petri de Riga Aurora. The copies of the Aurora differ a good deal in contents. Tlie text has never been printed as a whole. Considerable extracts were given by Polycarp Leyser {Hist. poet, tiied. aei'i) and some particulars are to be found in Migne Patr. Lat. ccxii. The present copy is rather anomalous. It contains : (Prologue) Scire cupis lector quis codicis istius auctor . . f. i

Petrus et Egidius me conscripsere, sed ille Auctor, corrector ultimus iste fuit.


Ille prior Remis, hie Parisiensis alumpnus Hie leuita gradu presbyter ille fuit, etc. Ending

Scrutinio lector scire relinquo tibi.

The rest of this page is filled \vith miscellaneous verses, 22 of this type :

Natus casta rubens exultans perfidus emptus Rex uirgo sydus angelus hostis homo

Then four lines on the growth of the embryo. Then eight : De negligentibus prelatis

Terroris species (written sp^j-i-es) et custodis symulacrum

and other miscellaneous memorial verses.

Inc. prologus magistri Petri in Auroram f. i 3

In prose, with marginal notes : Omnis scriptura diuinitus inspirata

his dictis ad sequentia transeamus. Commendatio Roberti monachi in librum 2 b

Stringere pauca libet bona carminis huius et ipsum.

Ending : In trina declinat noxia uana fugat.

In the margin are extracts from the Ecloga of Theodulus.

Incipit aurora pro me rogo qui legis ora

Hanc qui compegi qui sic dispersa redegi coegi

Initium mundi quales ab origine primus 4

In sections : Inuocatio. Epilogus de luce, de firmamento. de

planetis. de polo, allegoria. de sole et luna. de homine. de

triplici nature(-a). de opere tercie, quinte, diei. misterium de

eodem, ending Cete notant reges qui magna etc. (sic). Two omissions, in Job and Genesis, supplied. On IT. 5 b 6 b the text is in double columns.

Inc. prol. in pentateuco moysi sec. Petrum Rigam ... 7

Frequens sodalium meorum petitio

patenter illuxit. Inc. primus liber de opere vi dierum ...... ^ b

Primo facta die duo. celum terra leguntur.

Lib. II, 12 b. Ill, 17. Diagrams of the ark on 17^. IV, f. lo.

Exodus f. 36. On 38 3 a sketch of a winged two-legged serpent

swallowing another. On 40 1 a demon on a horse, referring to the drowning of the

Egyptians. " Sessores et equos traxit in alta maris

Sessor equi demon, equus est elatio cordis." Diagrams of the world and the heavens on f. 51. Leviticus f. 61.

Numeri f. 76. Deut. f. 88. Josue 93. Jud. 97 b. Ruth 103. Regum (Samuel) 10^ b. 2 Regum 114.


From ii8<5 which is rewritten to 141 (136)/^ the text is in double

columns. 3 Reg. 120^. 4 Reg. 123, ending 12^6 Ut populo presint atque resurgat opus. Daniel propheta 125. Tobit 130. Judith 133*^. Hester 13415. Esdras propheta 136/^, after which a rubric Hie sequitur de hester regina et asuero rege.

Inc. liber Machabeorum . . . . . . f. 139 Ending 141 (wrongly numbered 136)/* De patre facturi Cesar in aure tua Expl. littera ueteris testamenti. (Nouum testamentum) 142 (137)

Post legem ueterem respira Petre, refulget

Lex noua. fac uersus de nouitate nouos

Currat ut historic littera more suo. Finit prol. Liber generationis J. C. etc.

Pro nobis christum sanctorum nomina patrum Signant de quorum carne fit ipse caro

Sed iam uirgineo de partu mentio facta est Restat ut euentus ulteriora loquar.

Epilogus 147 (142)

Matheus Christi iuxta carnem canit ortum

Sermo Mathei principiumque liliri. Item alius prol. sec. mag. Egidium.

Uerbi euangelici scriptores quatuor esse

Certior amplector ingrediorque uiam.

Inc. euangelium sec. descriptionem Marci ..... 147(142)

Marcus presentis euangelii nouus auctor.

We then proceed with the Gospel history. The next section is:

De misterio apparitionis domini.

Qui sacra uerba legis tria discite dona magorum.

From 155 (158) (ii the text is in double columns.

In this portion there is hardly anything about the Passion.

There are sections, De captione Ihesu, de seruo Pontificis, quomodo debet intelligi uespere sabbati, de descensu angeli mulieres allo- quentis, de .v. apparitionibus Ihesu (the last). The fact is that this portion is supplementary to the original work and may proVjably be by Egidius of Paris.

Thus the section de descensu angeli etc. ends

His dictis abeunt etc.

In the second poem on the Gospel History, on f. 253, is a section

Christus apparet mulieribus, which begins

His dictis abeunt quibus occurrentibus ille.


The same is the case with several other sections. The last section ends In celum dena sic uice uisus abit. On f. 169 (164) is a poem (headed Versus),

Crux alloquitur christianos negligentes propter earn signari ut redimatur de manu gentium.

Uocis in hac forma sancte crucis ecce querela

Prompta manus plangatque moras allata uoluntas.

De redemptione generis humani f. 165 (160)

Cur deus et nullus alius cur filius ipse (3 lines). Ciuibus angelicis celo nascente creatis

Tunc certans modo regna tenens (?) iudexque futurus. An omission supplied, or supplement 'de libro regum' . . 170(165) Inuoluit regem processu temporis error. Inc. prol. in librum Job 170 (165)*^

Librum lob moysi quidam tribuere magistri

Leuiathan pereunt iungendi iure sinistris. Hie sequitur Contra te sociosque tuos etc. This passage is supplied on 182 (177)*^, ending Quos domini seruus compleuit jure decenti. Finit.

Inc. moralitas super librum lob. Vir erat in terra . . . 179(174)3 lob doleo profert. hiis profert (?) consilium do. Ends 182 (177) 3: Pelli mee consumptis carnibus etc. Quod nil mollicie. Require superius scriptum ante hunc uersum.

Ad do»iinii>?i faciem sine fccc etc. Cantica ............ 178

Solus origenes doctos cum uicerit omnes.

Ends 186 3 de germine natus. Expl. cant. cant.

In nomine domini inc. cant, ad personam b. uirginis facta . 186 3

Sponsum cum sponsa salomonis cantica regis.

Ending. Et sol iusticie iustis sine fine patebit.

Finis canticorum.

Inc. Treni Jheremie. Prol. ....... 188 3

Sicut sunt cantica canticorum

deus in Syon. Aleph. quomodo sedet sola ciuitas.

Aleph doctrinam notat et doctrina uocatur

Quod recte dominus Ihesus alfa sit wque uocetur. Finis libri lament, iheremie. Premissis descriptionibus utriusque testamenti sequitur recapitulatio

libri 191 3

Hec de lege noua ueterique uolumina complens

Nostra rudimenti cura laborque tui.


Inc. recapitulatio tocius libii. Sine a.

(In sections, each of whicii successively leaves out one letter of the alphabet.)

Principio rerum post quinque dies homo prinuis

Te quocjue coniungat hac prece posse frui. Inc. Agnus paschalis secundum Egidium ..... f. 194^ Ut legis egyptum dominus percussit et eius

Sic etiam sese preheat ilia michi. Finit agnus Paschalis.

Exposition of the Mass. ........ 199

Four lines in red : LetUe est cliuo libri quid arundine priuo Carnotes Ivo quern pinxit carmine diuo Antistes uiuo tingens hausoria riuo Hunc flamen diuo sacrum perpendit oliuo.

Text. Scribere proposui quo mystica sacra priorum.

Sedibus ethereis angelicis manibus.

Ruhr. Laus tibi sit christe quoniam liber explicit iste.

Sit scriptor sanus. sit sua salua manus.

Six lines fill up the column.

Jus ubi calcatur sententia insuperatur etc.

ff. 203 b 205 b are filled with various poems.

Res mala res peior res pessima rerum (so)

O malum miserum malum miserabile malum.

(On the Fall, to exemplify various rhetorical figures which are

named in the margin, Repeticio, conuersio etc.) Ends Deposuit. mors uicta suos a morte redemit. Laudes b. Virginis Marie uel hester ...... -204

Virgineum iuuat hie plene formare decorem.

Sections. De uestitu hester. De conuiuio asweri regis persarum. Ending decent conuiuia regum.

Tropus. Unicus astringit duo pectora nodus amoris (6 lines) . 204 b Veri cedit hiemps. nebulas difllibulat aer (9 11.) quos nondum divisit amor disiungit amantes. Laudes alicuius sub alieno nomine

Anglia regnorum regina superstite rege

Richardo cuius pars est diffusio tanti

Nominis etc., ending

Hoc aliena docent sed te tua fata docebunt. Another hand. Lament over Richard's death .... ■205

Temporibus luctus his uerbis exprime luctum

Neu(s)tria sub clipeo regis defensa Richardi. Ending : Quam breuis est risus mundi quam longa est lacrima ( !)

for quam lacrima longa ?


Instructio uerborum qualiter eis utaris ...... f. 205 b

Si niti gravitate uelis, his utere uelis

Mos suus. in uerbis est iste probatior usus. Various verses (22) ending with a section on metre : last Hne

Nescit habere parem iocunda decentia metri. The original hand resumes, in single columns,

Inc. nouum testamentum. Initium euangelii sec. Lucam . . 206 Claruit herode ius regis agente sacerdos. References are added throughout to the supplementary version

which has been noticed. Ends 253 b

Dat finem. Petrus finit et ipse suum

Explicit Aurora liber Petri Rige. Inc. prol. in Actus Apostolorum ....... ■253 (^

Dixi me finisse librum sed rursus in actus

Poscor apostolicos continuare stilum

Tu petre tu paule quero fauete mihi. Finit prol. Inc. lib. Act. Apost. Tyberii nono decimo regnantis in anno. On and after 254 b the text is in double columns. Ends 265 (260) b :

Est data mors hisdem duce luce loco sub eisdem

Dux Nero. Roma locus. Sol manet equiuocus.

Finiunt Act. Apost. Amen. The rest of the page is occupied by

a. 18 lines on the number of the Biblical books

Isti terdeni libri sunt et duodeni

Ecclesie. plebi plebs, gregibusque greges ;

b. supplements to the version of Maccabees, referring to f. 1361^.

The order of the books, put shortly, is: Gen. 4 Reg., Dan., Job, Judith, Esther, Esdras, Mace, ist version (probably 2nd in time) of Gospel history. Job, Canticles, Lamentations [Recapi- tulation, Agnus paschalis, Exp. Missae. Various poems]. 2nd version of Gospel History. Acts of Apostles.

Ornament. There are certain very imposing initials in fine burnished gold and colour, viz.:

I b. Init. to prologue (small).

4a. Init. I, length of page: in gold with leaf-pattern on each side in colour on gold. Old red silk guard.

7. Init. Man in pink skull cap and pink gown over blue, writing. Pale colour on bright gold.

dib. Init. to Leviticus, pale colour on gold.

76. Init. to Numbers, similar.


88. Init. to Deut. 90. Init. to Joshua.

97 A. Init. to Judges. 10.5. Init. to Ruth with fine bearded head.

104 A. Init. to I Reguni.

157. Init. to Gospels (P) very large, a dragon forms the loop. This and the initial on 4 a are bold work by one and the same hand. The others are more delicate.

206. Init. to Gospels (2nd version). A throned king (Ilerod) full face with sceptre, in red mantle and blue robe, by the more refined artist.

Some of the other books have decorative initials without gold.

Marginal Notes. In the early part of the book at least these are of considerable interest. Several hands, all of cent, xiii, con- tribute them.

On ff. 2 /;, 3 (7 as noted are considerable extracts from Theodulus.

There are many passages in verse, perhaps by Egidius.

On f 14 a note de arbore crucis.

On f 14/; a passage from the Pseudo-Methodius: Adam et Eva uirgines egressi sunt de paradiso. This authority is often quoted subsequently by name.

On i^a begins an interesting series of quotations from the legendary Biblical Chronicle of the Pseudo-Philo (Philo de antiqui- tatibus Biblicis). The book exists in an old Latin version of a Greek text (possibly in its turn a version from Hebrew). It dates from the first century and is of Jewish origin. It was thrice printed in the sixteenth century, but was lost sight of until Dr Cohn called attention to it in an article in i\-\Q Jcivish Quarterly Reviciu for 1900. Only three manuscripts of it are known to exist. The earliest of these is of cent, xii, and is at Cheltenham in the Phillipps collection. The others are at Vienna and in the Vatican.

It is very seldom quoted by medieval writers : one solitary passage in the Historia Scholastica is known to me. The copious quotations in the book before us therefore have considerable interest'.

In the following notes a list of the passages is given with reference to the edition in the Micropresbytkon of Hen. Petri, Basel 1550. Other interesting notes not from Philo are included.

f. 15. Phylo ait. Chayn habitauit in terra tremens.

Citha et Maac. (somewhat shortened) . . . .p. 295 15;''. Enoch filius cayn accepit uxorem de filiabus seth.

sculptilia et adorabant ea 295

(Somewhat shortened.)

' See a note by the present writer in Journal of Theol. Studies, 1906, p. 564.


16 rt. Notes on Jabal, Tubal, Jubal, Lilith, and Lamech.



Philo on the descent of Goliath from Orpah, p. 338. Note on Ham's magical books concealed in the Ark. Philo sec. Non diiudicabit spiritus mens et in manibus eorum lex (text scelera) non extinguetur . p. ■296 1 8 a. Philo. Et ingressus est noe xl'^ noctibus .... '296 18/'. Philo. Facto diluuio erat annus millesimus etc. qui cum eo

erant in archa '^9^

Methodius. Jerome on the Fifteen Signs. 19. Philo. Exiuit noe aliud celum sempiternum (shortened) . ■296 Item. Et dixit deus. Hoc est testamentum habitantes in

terra 296-7

Idem. Et cum sitiret holocaustomata domino [et timuerunt

ualde propter nouitatem euentus] 297

]()/>. Philo. Ragau de posteris noe accepit sibi uxorem melcham et imaginari. Et ut ait Josephus Abram fuit instructor eorum. Item philo. Et inchoauerunt diuinationes non ambulauerunt secundum eos ...... 297-8

Venientes filii Cham— erat terra in pace 298

Et profecti ab oriente noluerunt eorum studiis acquiescere

(paraphrased) 298 fin., 299

Also a legend of Ham, otherwise unknown to me. Cham minor filiorum noe transgressor continentie quam noe indixerat in archa mulieribus seorsum et uiris similiter seorsum manentibus. Cham uero per magicam artem uocato demone transiuit ad uxorem suam dormiens cum ea. Ideo autem uehiculo demonis usus est quia noe cinerem sparserat in medio in quo notaret uestigia transeuntium ad uxores. Ceteris uero cum patre continentibus solus cham demonis ministerio simul et adiutorio mulieris amplexibus operam dedit. Noe uero precibus insistente demon cham reducere non ualuit nocturnis orationibus noe impeditus et effugatus. Unde cham ante lucem ad ceteros fratres redire compulsus est (et) per cinerem dispersum admissum facinus celare non potuit. Quo circa noe uestigia sua deprendens cham propter inobedien- tiam habere cepit exosum. Unde cham derisit cum post inebriationem. 20 rt. Methodius.

Philo. Cum cepissent edificare turrim

solus Abram a domino est conseruatus (abridged) . 300 Of the pieces of gold coined by Terah eventually paid as a price for our Lord's betrayal. 20 d. Philo. Abram cum suis xii™^ uiris nolens acquiescere

chaldaice Dely quod est deus (abridged) . . . 299, 300 21. De Melcha sorore sare dicit Philo quod prophetauerit de aduentu Christi et quod dominus de ea dixerit, Una petra erat

habitauerunt in unum trans flumen . . . . 312 (The prophecy of Melcha does not occur.)


Dominus dixit ad abram. Accipe iiitulum trimum.

exiret inde in manu forti. (Abridged) . , . . p. 312 21 b. rhilo. Abraham exiens a chaldeis et habitauit in terra chaiian.

genuit filios duodecim (et facliis est ferus homu) . . 300 Methodius. Continued on 22. 22. Esau accepit uxores ludin Bassemcn genuit ci Rugil . . 300 24/'. Jacob accepit duas uxores Gad et aser ..... 300-301

25. Passages from Theodulus.

25 b. Habitauit Jacob in terra chanaan sic ct nouissimorum . . 301

26. Theodulus.

Note that the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs and History of Asenath do not seem to have been known to the anno- tator. On 31 a is a note that Job married Dinah and Joseph's wife was their daughter.

32. A curious note that apes (simiae) are descended from Simeon.

32 b. The beginning of Theodulus' Ecloga with note : Istud opus fecit Johannes crisostomus contra fabulas hereticorum etc.

36. Note that in the O. T. period no one ever recovered from

sickness before Hezekiah, and that sneezing was fatal. 36 b. Igitur lacob in egiptum uenit cum personis septuaginta et surrexit alius rex

^genuit Moysen et Aaron ct Mariani. Spiritus dei incidit in IVIariam

adoptauit eum in filium. Both passages abridged . 301-302

37. Cum moyses proiceretur in llumen congregati seniores

^lelchiel autem uocatus est a matre (abridged) . . . 302 Maria autem soror pueri sec. Josephum erat in obsequio

Mereth filie regis etc. Story of Moses and the hot coals (Josephus). 41 b. Dicitur etiam quod soror moysi maria portabat petram in chades de Raphidin et ibi iterum percussa est a moysi. et semper uoluebatur in medium mullitudinis et ex ea fluxerunt aque largissime et bibit populus et iumenta. 58. Tradition of Moses convicting the worshippers of the golden calf. 60. Theodulus quoted (no name). 64-67. Astronomy and Geography. 86 b. Iste est phynees qui temporibus Ceniz iudicis Israel post mortem iosue prophetauit (p. 318) qui etiam traditur esse helyas qui corripuit achab regem israel quique creditur antichristum redarguturus et cum Enoch ante iudicium uenturus. Finees sacerdos...Iste est de quo dicit philo quod dum re-

clinaret se et in ore tuo aperietur . . . . . 331 Et hoc factum est in diebus achab regis israel. Ipse enim est qui in libro regum dicitur Helyas Thesbites que ciuitas est Indie cui forte uicinus erat mons Danaben. Nam idem philo sic addit ex persona dei dicentis. Et tunc eleuaberis precepit ei dominus. Erat autem sacerdos idem in sylo 331 97rt-98rt. Mortuo iosue filii israel afflicti a philisteis etc.


Abridgment of the story of Cenez. Ending Post hoc zebul

rexit populum P- 3'3~3'9

98 <5. Abridgment of Philo's story of Deborah .... 319-3^1

Also : Themech mater sysare misit in concubinas . . . 320 102 /'. Note on Hercules. Theodulus quoted (and often subsequently). 109. Philo. Ablatus est spiritus sanctus a Saule

parcebat spiritus malus Sauli (David's Hymn) . . 337 109/'. Venerunt Philistei pugnare aduersus israel. Et david reuersus est in heremum non erat qui cognosceret eum. (David and

Goliath, abridged) 337~8

(The Chronicle of Philo ends with the death of Saul.) 1 26. The two Elders in the story of Susanna are said to be Sedechias

et achab quos frixit rex Babilonis. 141 (^. (On the genealogy in Matthew.)

Philo. Vixit Enoch postquam genuit.

Lefeth. Laath (shortened) 295

Philo Alexandrinus disertissimus ludeorum dicit. Adam genuit duos fihos. (These are the first words of the Pseudo-Philo.)

Continued on 142 to genuit Matusalam 295

141/'. Vixit Matusalam Amuga 295

Vixit Lamech— operum malorum 295

143 /'. Dicitur quod cum herodes occidi iuberet innocentes quod mater Nathanahel abscondit eum sub foliis fici iuxta bethleem ne inueniretur ad occidendum et sic euasit. Unde Ihesus dixit, Nonne cum esses sub ficu uidi te. This legend also occurs in Solomon of Bassora's Book of the Bee (ed. Budge, Anecd. Oxon.), p. 86. 158 /5. On Dives and Lazarus.

Anionofis dicitur esse nomen diuitis et no(ta) historian! esse non parabolam. This name of the rich man is not else- where found. \fi\ b. Christ cleansing the Temple. In libris evangeliorum quibus utuntur nazareni legitur quod radii prodierunt ex oculis eius quibus territi fugabantur. \%ob. (Cantica.) Ovid, Phyllis Demophoonti, quoted. \%%h. Thomas of Canterbury is mentioned.

^1(ib. Syrus and Eucharia, parents of Mary, Martha and Lazarus, are mentioned.

230. In euangelio nazareorum superluminare (!) templi infinite mag-

nitudinis fractum esse legitur auditasque uoces in aere transeamus ex his sedibus. (Of those who were at the Crucifixion) sanctus scarioth unus eorum fuisse legitur perhibetur qui sepultus est in ierusalem.

231. (Of the man with the withered hand) iste homo dicitur cremen-

tum (caementarium) fuisse o^iiia manus cui sp^c/al/j edificii cura commissa fuit arid a erat usque ad tempus Christi. i},\b. Drawing of a virgin holding up a lamp hanging by chains in L. hand and a covered vessel in R. Also a lion.


248 h. Scribilur hairaljeus et sonat filiiis m.igistri. sciil)clur l)aral)a.s

et sonat filius patris.

249 /'. Tlie title on tlie cross: cbraice malcus iudeoium. ct grece basi-

leos exemoslcon { = e^o/j.o\oyovinei'U}v) latine rex confitentium. 25y. A story in the text (of the Acts) that Dionysius was converted at Athens by the cure of a blind man : this occurs also in the Lefrenda A urea.

32. Petri de Riga Aurora.

Vellum, 9;^ x 5,}, {{. 144, 49 lines to a page. Cent, xiv, in a rather ugly current hand. Initials mostly in plain red. A colophon in red, erased, at the end. Modern morocco binding by F. Bedford. Was no. 1489 in the Bateman sale, 1893. Collation: ii"-i2i" 1 3'- 15'.

Contents :

Petri de Riga Aurora.

Prol. Frequens sodalium nieorum petitio . . . . , f. i

patentes illuxit. Inc. aurora et primo agit de vi. duobus (diebus). epilogus breuis ad

quam sequitur naracio. Primo esse facta die duo celum et terra leguntur. Exodus f. 18. Levit. 33. Num. 41 /^ Deut. 48. Jos. 51.

Jud. 53 5. Ruth 57. Reg. 57^. Tobit 73,5. Expl. exp. bede super Thobiam, V. fuerunt anne dicte hoc nomine (3 11.). Daniel 78 <5. Judith 87. Esther 89. Mace. 91 /J.

Cesar in aure tua. Inc. prol. in nouo testamento ....... 96*^

Post legem ueterem Text. Claruit herode

petrus finit et ipse suum. Inc. uersus sine a et sine singulis aliis lilteris secundum abece-

dariura ordinem ad exercitium ....... 124

Principio rerum.

The last section differs from that in no. 31. It begins

Si tibi sine patre de christo mentio fiat

and ends tibi filii dei benedico.

The other (31) begins

His te petre tui studio mediante laboris

and ends hac prece posse frui.

Inc. prol. super cantica canticorum . . . . . . 1293

Doctus origenos cum doctos uicerit omnes

-M. c. 5


Ends 144*5 de germine natus.

Expl. lib. aurore deo gratias.

Finite libro referatur gratia christo.

The text seems to be very carelessly written.


Vellum, 9g X 6, fF. 166, text (19 lines to a page) and gloss. Cent, xi-xii, the text in a hand of Italian aspect. The gloss in a fine small script slightly sloping. Titles in red capitals, occasionally in blue.

Modern binding.

Formerly in the Libri collection. No. 841 in sale catalogue of 1859: subsequently Bateman 141 1 (sale of 1893).

Collatioji: i*-2i^ (wants 7, 8).

Contents :

Psalterium glosatum.

p. I in gloss-hand, double columns.

Ebraice liber iste intitulatur liber ymnorum.

Rex dauid cum prospere regnaret (i /').

Primus psalmus bipertitus (2).

Text begins p. 1.

Cantica begin on 156 (155) (5 and end 166 {165) « with Audite

celi. On the verso in another hand a paragraph beginning : Omne iuditium secundum sui naturam que sibi subiecta sunt com-


There is a very fine initial to Beatus uir on f. 2 (facsimiled in Libri catalogue pi. XIV). The ground is divided horizontally, blue (and red) above, red below. The letter B has gold interlacings of somewhat Celtic character at top and bottom of stem. In the upper loop is a horned dragon, in the lower a man grasping conventional foliage. In the stem of the letter is a panel of green.

The other initials are red and blue, usually with a faint wash of yellow about or within them. A few are decorated, e.g. Ixviii Salviun me fac, Ixxx Exultate, cix Dixit dominus, which has a half- length figure with curiously formal hair, and stiff mantle, in red outline on dark blue ground.


34. Psalter (Franciscan).

Vellum, 5| X 3^, ff. 210, 22 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in an Italian hand, well written.

Binding, old red velvet.

Purchased at Sotheby's, July, 1888. Lot 579 in the Shcppard sale.

Collation: 1'^ 2- 3«-2i« | 22"'-24^" 25^ 2G\ ^

Contents :

Kalendar, not full, in black and red f. i

Salue sancta facies •■....... 13

p. 14 blank.

Hymns. Prinio dierum. Nocte surgentes . . . . . ic

Psalter and Canticles with Hymns, Antiphons, etc, arranged for

church use 16

Ending with Lauda Jerusalem, Capitulum, Magnificat, Nunc

Dimittis, Litany. i6o/i

Cum inuocarem. Verba mea i66<5

Inc. cantica in dominicis diebus 167^

Domine miserere nostri te enim expectauimus.

Hymns 175

199 /', 200 blank.

Inc. offitium b. virginis (Roman use) 201

In the Kalendar :

Feb. 17. Gertrudis.

Ap. 17. Petri diaconi.

19. Victoris M.

May 20. Bernardini C. in led.

July 2. Visitacio Marie ,,

6. Syri Ep.

10. Amelberge V.

17. Alexii C.

Aug. 5. Dominici.

12. Clare V.

Sept. 5. Bertini Abb.

17. Lamberti.

Oct. I. Remigii.

4. Francisci.

16. Galli.

21. xi m uirginum.

Nov. 20. Elizabeth uidue.

Dec. I. Eligii Ep. in ;-.•(/.

8. Concepcio marie ,,

14. Nychasii Ep.

17. Lazarii M.



In the Litany. Monks. Nich. de Tollentino, Francis, Antony, Dominic. Virgins. Ursula, Anna, Elyzabeth, Monica.

The complexion of the Kalendar is Franciscan with a Flemish element.

The decoration up to f. 167 is in a rather ordinary Northern French style and consists mainly of framed borders of conventional foliage on dotted ground, and initials on gold ground.

At iGy b (Cantica) the hand changes, and with it the decoration, which now becomes distinctly Italian in character.

On 167^ is a border with two medallions of a goldfinch and a deer couchant, and also an initial with a bust of David in prayer.

On the verso of each subsequent leaf of text to the end is a very delicately drawn ornament in penwork in various coloured inks, purple, red, green, yellow. These border ornaments are especially rich in representations of little birds.

On 201 is another Italian border with medallion of the dove, a bird on a tree, a deer walking : and an initial with half-length figure of the Virgin in prayer.

35. Psalter (Franciscan, South German).

Vellum, '^ ^6,'ii. 6^ 164, 19 and 23 lines to a page. Cent, xii and xiv. The xiith cent, portion in a large stiff narrow upright German hand.

Modern vellum binding (label of Brockhausen and Brauer, Vienna).

Contains a large book-plate engraved by Martin Tyroff", Nuremberg, hand coloured : a monogram of two C's, two E's, and two F's, surmounted by coronet, and with an order dependent, a white eagle crowned, and St Hubert and the stag.

Subsequently owned by E. L. Grange of Grimsby.

Purchased from Ouaritch.

Collation: a" I'-S* & f-iy^ 18 (two) | \Q)'''-2\^'' (wants 9, 10).

Contents :

Kalendar (of cent, xiv) in red and black . . . . . f. i

Psalter. Title in German in red ....... 7

Hie hebet sich an dauides sailer des kunges.

Each Psalm has an almost contemporary note in German at the


beginning. Almost all have heen unfortunately nuililated by

the binder. A hand of cent, .w has atlded anti[)hons and musical notes in the

margin. The first four and part of the fifth section of Ps. cxviii (c.xi.x)

have a later interlinear (jcrman gloss. Cantica . . . . . . . . . . . . f. 125 ?>

Quicunque vult is followed by Later noster, ending imperfectly at

inducas. In the same hand as the Kalendar : Hymns for the week ......... 137

In hieme ad nocturnum ympnus. I'rimo dierum onmiuni. Litany 143. Office of the dead 145 b. Antiphon \j^()b. Hymns for the year 150^, including: In festo S. Anthonii ad vesp. En gratulemur hodie. ad noct. Laus regi plena gaudio. ad laud. lesu lux uera mencium. In festo S. Francisci in primis vesp. Proles de celo prodiit. ad noct. In celesti collegio. ad laud. Plaude turba paupercula. in sec. vesp. Decus morum dux minorum. On 163 (^ in a large untidy hand Oratio dicenda propter salutem pugnantium. Ps. Deus uenerunt.

Coll. Respice quesumus domine super familiam. Ecclesie tue ques. d. preces placatus adniitte. Omnip. sempit. deus. in cuius nianu. Hostium nostrorum q. d. elide. Pretende d. famulis tuis. Da q. d. ut et mundi cursus. Later : In prime noct. In secundo noct. (preces).

In the Kalendar.

Jan. I. Martine \. M. Red.

23. Emerenciane V. M. Red.

Feb. 4. Giliberti C.

Mar. 27. Rudberti Ep. C. Red. (Of Salzburg.)

Ap. 29. Petri M. ord. predic. Red.

May 5. Floriani M. Red.

19. Potenciane V. I\ed.

25. Transl. S. Francisci C. Red.

June 13. Anthoni Conf. ord. frat. min. Red.

15. Viti etc. Red.

July 4. Udalrici Ep. Red. (Of Augsburg.)

10. Rufme et Secunde. Red. (Of Trient.) 17. Allexi C. Red.

19. Symphorose cum vii filiis. Red.

11. Praxedis A'. Red.


July 24. Christine V. M. Red. Avg. 5. Dominici C. Red.

12. Clare V. Red.

19. Luduici Ep. C. ord. fiat. min. Red.

25. Luduici C. reg. francie. Black.

Sept. 26. Justine V. IVL Red.

Oct. 4. S. Francisci C. Red. With octave in red.

13. Cholomanni M. Red.

21. Hilariani Abb. xi Mil. Virg. Red.

25. Chrisante et Darie. (D in red.)

Nov. 10. Triphonis Respicii et NympJie V. et M. (in red).

19. Elizabeth regine. Red.

Dec. 2. Viuiane V. M. Red.

That this is Franciscan and South German is plain, but more than that I cannot determine. The Litany is absent.

The ornament is rough. The initials to the Psalms are in impure gold and silver on green and pink grounds. Each Psalm has one of these. The Nocturnes (exc. Dixit insipicns) and also Quid gloriaris (li) and Domine exaudi (ci) have larger initials. Very i&w contain animal forms, and I have not noticed any human figures.

The initials in the second part are in blue and red.

36. Psalter and Breviary (Itah'an : Cistercian).

Vellum, 5^ X 3f , iif. 366, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xiii, in Italian hand with rough ornaments. Modern binding. No trace of former owners. Collatioji: i«-7« 9«-ii« I2« | 13^ | i4'--23'- 24 (two) 2S'-~Z&-.

Contents :

Inc. psalterium (with Antiphons, Responds etc. added in margin) f. i Followed by Cantica, ending with Quicunque uult.

Lessons and Responds for Office of Dead ..... 84

(Later : Office for recoveiy of the Holy Land) .... 87

(Another hand : two collects. Ineffabilem misericordiam

Domine d. qui ad principium huius diei) . . . . 87 ^

Hymns. Quem terra (ad compl.).

Conditor alme.

Intende qui regis.

Illuminans altissimus.

Agathe sacre virginis (S. Agatha).


Ad Dom. de passione usque ad pasca : tlie last Deus creator omnium. 92 b blank. (Gap.)

Office for Agatha, Lucia, Magdalene (xii lessons) : beginning im- perfectly ......••••• '^^ 93

Hymns continued : Ad cenam agni ...... 95

After Hymns de tempore follow those for the Virgin, Inv. and Exalt, of Cross, Magdalene, Inv. of Stephen, Laurence, Michael, Luke, All Saints, Martin, Andrew, Common of Saints. Officium de tempore to Lent . . . . . 10 1

Sabbato ante aduentum domini ad uesp. Capitulum.

Ecce dies ueniunt . . . . . . 181

Inc. ordo de priuatis diebus in xl. usque ad querelam dominicam. A long undivided lection.

Dixit iniquis nolite loqui aduersus deum 209 b

Hie incipite benedicere ut perueniatis ad semper laudare (^15).

Office of Saints from Stephen to George 11 i

After Innocents. Guilhelmi Ep.

Ilarii et remigii.

Marcelli pape.

Speleusipi (?) eleusipi meleusipi.


Juliani Ep. added.

Vedasti et Amandi. Luciane V.

Coberti Ep. (Koberti). Ends imperfectly on S. George.

Office of Time from Easter Eve to Sabb. post Dom. xxviii . •235 Office of Saints continued (without break in page) . . . 302 In nat. S. Benedicti.

Roberti Abbatis 308

Bernardi 335

Geminianus. Sequanus 345 1>

Ends 362 b with Thomas Ap.

Common of Saints 362;^

Ends imperfectly 366 b (unius martyris).

The Lections (short) are twelve in number.

The occurrence of Robert and Bernard indicates Cistercian provenance. There are some showy initials to the division of the Psalter, on green and yellow ground : no gold is used.


37. Psalter (German).

Vellum, 6i X 4|, ff. 132, 20 lines to a page. Cent, xiii, roughly written and ornamented. German work. Vellum wrapper. Purchased in Florence (?). Collation: i^ (wants i) 2--178 (wants 6-8).

Contents :

Psalter beginning imperfectly in Ps. ii predicans preceptuni eius. Cantica . . . . . . . . . . . . {. \iob

Litany ending imperfectly in invocations of Apostles . . . i.l'z*^

The proper antiphons, and in some cases musical notes, have been added by two hands of cent. xv.

As in no. 34 most of the Psalms have notes in Gcrniau attached to their titles. All have been mutilated by the binder. They are of later date than those in no, 34, but are of very similar character.

Each Psalm has an initial in red with rough flourishing. The eightfold divisions and the threefold are marked by large initials in red and green on impure gold and silver. These are of exceedingly rough work. Those to Quid gloriaris (H) and Doniine exaiidi {c\) occupy almost the whole page. The Cantica are similarly marked by a moderate sized initial, and some of the Psalms of Degrees have smaller ones. The Kalendar is absent, and the Litany affords no clue to locality.

38. Psalter (Breviary: Cologne).

Vellum, 6^ X 4f , i{. 3124-7, double columns of 26 lines. Cent, xiv, very well written and ornamented. German work.

Binding, old stamped leather over boards. On the first cover above and below a central panel PARS HYEMA(lis) | 1577 | . In central panel very faint a figure of Christ with fleur-de-lys nimbus, holding orb and blessing. A large cross on His shoulder : a devil at His feet. Border of roll ornaments ivdidt., eva with skull, IVSTICIA, Virgin and child.

In centre panel of second cover has been the Sacrifice of Isaac with inscription DEVS TEMTAVIT ABR.


Purchased at Sotheby's. Lot 537 in the Lawrence sale, 1892.

Collation: (8 cane.) \^--f- 8'" 9'- lo^- ii'" i2'=-i6i- I7'"-I9'« 20" 21'- 22"^-24"' 25>--27'- 28^*. An old foliation, incorrect, is used so far as it goes.

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black . . . . . . . . f. ii

Psalter with Antiphons : music on four-line stave ... i

Cantica 98/'. Litany 108.

Hymns no. I'reces, ferial, etc., 123.

130, 131 blank.

Proper of Time . . 132

Ending with Easter Eve.

\\\ the Kalendar which has many additions (xv), here marked with asterisks, I note :

Jan. II. *Dies obitus tercii regis (i.e. the 3rd of the Magi), in ted. 28. Karoli in red. Aldegundis V.

Castoris C. Papie et mauri. Vedasti et Amandi. *Dorothee V. *Eucharii Ep. Swiberti C. *Maurini M. *Victorini I\L Here^;rti Archiep. Gertrudis. *Euergisli Ep. *Quirini et Victoris MM. Theodore V. IVL *Petri diaconi. Walpurgis. 2. Transl. SS. Cassii Florentis atque Mailusii.

4. Godehardi C. Floriani W. II. *Gengulfi AL /// red. 13. Seruatii C. *Gangolfi M. 20. *Saturnine V.

June 3. Erasmi Ep. RL *Juliane V.

5. Bonifacii Ep. M. cum aliis .\ii. 10. Maurini Abb. AL 13. P^elicule V. 16. Aurei et Justini C.

20. Albani M.

21. Albini M. *Agacii et soc, in red. July 2. *Visitacio b, M.

4. Odalrici Ep. C.

6. Goaris C.






20. I.






29. I.





/illy 7. Willibakli C.

8. Kyliani et soc.

9. Agilolfi Ep. M.

12. Felicis et Naboris M., duplex.

18. *Anulphi Ep. *Obiit angneta niory (?) mater mea.

23. Translacio trium regum. Felicis Naboris [duplex).

26. *Marthe.

27. *Transl. S. Karoli, in j-ed. Aug. 4. *Dominici (late).

5. Oswalde R. M. 7. Afre.

12. Epuli diac. M. *Clare V.

16. Arnolfi C.

18. *Helene regine in i-ed, with octave. 21. *Priuati M.

23. *Appollinaris M.

SepL 3. Remacli.

6. Magni C.

7. Regine V.

11. Prothi et Jacincti Felicis et Regule.

17. Materni Ep.

27. Dedicacio Ma(tris) Ecclesie.

28. Wenzelai M. et regis.

Oct. I. Remigii Germani atque Vedasti.

3. Duorum Ewaldorum.

4. Francisci C.

5. *Transl. S. Seuerini.

6. *Palmacii M. sociorumque.

10. Gereonis et soc. *Cassii Florentis Malliisii with octave.

12. *Quatuor millia mart.

15. SS. Maurorum ccclx'^.

16. Elyphii M.

21. Colonie. Undecim mil. virg. [*ix Lect. duplex].

22. Coidule V.

23. Seuerini Ep.

24. Euergisli Ep.

29. *Narcisci Ep. A^ov. I. Cesarii M. Red.

3. Dommini M. *Huperti Ep. ted. Obiit d. p. mory frater meus.

7. Willibrordi Ep. 12. Kuniberti Ep. 16. Othmari Abb.

19. *Elizabeth lantgrauie. Red. 24. *Commem. thebeorum. Red.

Dec. I. Candide V.

2. Leoniane V. M.

4. Annonis Ep. Colon. 31. Columbe V.


Hymns are given for SS. George (Martyr egrcgie), Gereon (Rex sempiterne lucis auctor unice), Karolus (O rex orbis trlum- phator terre regum imperator).

Among Preces and Suffrages " in summis festis " are collects de regibus and for SS. Felix, Nabor, and Gregorius.

In the Litany. Martyrs. Lambert, Blasius, Adrian... George, Maurice, Gereon. Confessors. Severinus, Kunibert. Virgins. Walpurgis, Ursula.

The connexion with Cologne is too plain to be insisted upon.

The decoration consists of, a historiated initials and partial borders which spread into rather thickly drawn conventional foliage; good grotesques are perched upon these: b gold initials filled with penwork, occasionally in purple, c some initials with designs left in white on black ground.

The historiated initials are :

I. Beatiis idr. Red ground with gold flourisliing. David phiying tlie harp.

17(5. Domitiits illnminatio. A man in tunic with hanging sleeves points to his eye. Gold ground.

^(tb. Dixi custodiam. A man with cloak on staff on shoulder walks to R. Cold ground.

34 b. Quid glon'aris. Gold ground. Seated king with sword and orb.

35 b. Dixit insipiens. Gold ground. Fool with club eating cake.

44. Salviim. Gold ground. Christ with orb. David below in centre. Both half length.

54 b. Extiltate. Gold ground. David plays on three bells hung on K.

64 b. Cantate. Gold ground. Two coped clerks. Book on lectern on A'.

65 b. Do/nine exaudi. Gold ground. Man in dark hal)it with hanging sleeves kneels by altar.

74 h. Dixit doiniiiiis. Gold ground. Christ sealed blessing, with orb.

no. Hymns {O lux). Gold ground. Italian Trinity. The Father seated, holds before Him the crucified Son above whose head is the Dove.

112. Cotiditor aline sidcruin. Christ seated. Stars in cloud, and tree on R.

119^. All SS. Under a gold canopy. Christ standing. In front of Ilim a group of five female saints.

120. De apostolis. Gi'oup of three apostles.

Other initials contain busts etc.

132. Proper of Time. Seated prophet with blank scroll.

165 b. Christmas. Virgin reclines, head to L. Above the manger with the Child, ox and ass. Joseph with staff sits on R.

193. Epiphany. Adoration of the Magi. Virgin and cliild on R. Two of the kings are outside the picture on L. Blue ground.


39. Psalter (Dominican: Bamberg?).

Vellum, 6| X 4^, fif. 265+7, ^^ lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a large clear German hand, with gold ornaments.

Binding, old stamped leather over boards ; lead clasps (one gone). The clasps have an inscription which seems to have been maria Jiilf.

Purchased at Christie's, July 28, 1885 (Lord Strafford's sale). Lot 53.

In the cover an erased inscription in German (xviii) beginning : Dass Buech ist aigentlich...

Collation: a^ (8 cane.) 1" (i cane.) 2''>-\^'' 6"-i9"' 20^- 2i'»-24" 2 51- I 26'" 27^.

Contents :

Kalendar in Latin in red and black . . . . . . f. ii

Paternoster, Ave, Credo ........ i

Invitatoria (Advent to Palm Sunday) ...... \b

Venite exultemus: text. Resp. Honor villus et pietas . . 2h

Venite, beginning only, with music on four-line stave.

Ilyntn. Nocte surgentes (noted). An Invitatory in later hand

added ........... ^b

Psalter, with antiphons noted ....... 5

Cantica 237. Litany (Letanie sec. ordinem predicatorum) . . 244 b

The Collects are: Protege domine (the Virgin).

Concede quaes, omnip. deus (S. Dominic).

Preces quas tibi (S. Peter Martyr).

Deus qui ecclesiam (S. Thomas Aquinas).

Deus qui gentium (S. Vincent Ferrer).

Ineffabilem misericordiam. Pretende domine.

Ecclesie tue quaesumus.

Deus a quo sancta.

In adventu domini y(m)nus ad noc. Uerbum supernum . . 251

Antiphons noted follow. Similarly for Septuagesima, Passion

Sunday, "in passione domini," and Easter. On 265/', in later hand, Ecce ancilla (part of the Office for


Various small papers (three) are loose in the book : one is printed : another has a prayer in German.

The Kalendar has the usual Dominican feasts, and also some German saints.


At the foot of f. ii arc six lines not much later than the text in German partly erased :

n (leni fienec raff unil snee

Tut den ha peen? und vil wee

1) uursten vnd prate;/

bau.. spcisen und bcraten

Vnd ..micli halten

So gesunthen alten.

Jan. 8. Erhardi Ep.

Feb. 4. Anniuersarium patrum et niatrum.

Mar. 3. Obitus S. Kunegundis, red.

7. Thome doctoris ,, with octave.

17. Gerdrudis V.

.-//. 5. Vincentii doctoris (S. Mncent Ferrer), red, with octave.

24. Adalbert! M.

29. Petri M., red. May 4. Corone domini.

7. Canonizacio S. petri M.

13. Seruacii Ep.

24. Transl. S. Dominici. June 1. Erasmi M.

14. Viti Modesti Crescentie, red.

15. Marcialis ill lect. July 4. Udalrici Ep.

9. Octave of Visitation. The Feast omitted.

12. Anniuers. in cimiteriis nostris sepultorum.

13. Ilainrici Imp.

20. Eberhardi.

27. Marthe.

Aug. 5. Dominici C, not red, but with octave.

25. Ludovici C, red. Sept. 4. Octave of Augustine.

5. Anniuers. benefactorum nostrorum. 9. Transl. S. Kunegundis.

16. Lamperti Ep.

28. Wenczeslai RL

30. Ottonis.

Oil. 10. Anniuers. fratrum et sororum.

13. Edwardi C.

16. Galli C.

21. Undecim mil. virg. Nov. 19. Elizabeth.

21. Presentacio Marie. Dec. 8. Concepcio Marie. 13. Ottilie.

In the Litaii)' : Martyrs^ Thomas, Peter; Confessors, Dominic


twice, Thomas (Aquinas), Vincent (Ferrer), Francis, Antony, Bernhard ; Virgins, Katherine twice, Ursula.

The Feast and Translation of S. Cunegunda may mean that the book has a connexion with Bamberg.

There is a fine initial (blue and red without gold) to Paternoster (f. i) and other good ones in the Psalter, viz. :

f. 5. Beaius uir. David roughly drawn playing harp. Gold ground. Partial border of rather thick conventional foliage in red, green, blue, with a little gold. Doniinus illiiminatio. Gold ground with pattern. Partial border.

Similar initials of characteristically German work adorn the beginnings of the other divisions of the Psalter.

40. Psalter (Cologne : Brigittine).

Vellum, 5;^ x 3I, ff. 224, 17 lines to a page. Cent, xv, not late : clearly written.

Old plain binding with gold tooling on the back (xvii ?).

Purchased at Sotheby's 5 Feb., 1899. Lord Rendlesham's sale. Lot 1759.

Contains the book-plate of Charles Robert des Ruffieres.

On f. I (xvi):

duses puchelin gehertt/... Johanna uon prantt/dus hatt mir min uatter/geben an miner hochzijtt.

Collation: i'^' (10 cane.) 2^-14- (one cane.) 15^-278 28^ | 29^ Contents :

Kalendar in red and black, not quite full : in a smaller hand than

the rest ........... f. 2

Tables of Sunday Letters etc. ....... 8

Psalter 10

Cantica ............ 205 b

Ending imperfectly in Qiiiainqtie villi 220 1>. The rest of this is supplied in a hand of cent. xvi.

In the Kalendar:

Jan. II. Obitus tercii regis.

15. Commem. b. Joseph nutritoris domini.

30. Aldegundis.

Fib. I. Brigide.

4. Castoris C.

6. Dorothee V. M. Vedasti et Amandi.


I\[ar. I. Swicberti Ep,

1 6. Hereberti Ep.

17. Gertrudis V. 26. Ludgcri Ep.

May I . Walburgis.

2. Transl. Cassii et Florencij.

13. Seruacii.

28. Translacio b. Brigilte, underlined in red.

June 3. Ilerasmi.

5. Bonefacii Ep. ^L

8. iMedardi.

10. Maximii Abb. ^L

21. Albani AL

22. Decern milium ]\L Albini M., underlined in red. luly 2. Visitacio Marie. Solci/ipiie festiiin in red.

4. Udalrici.

7. Willibaldi Ep.

8. Kyliani.

9. Agilolphus Ep. AL

10. Gondolphi et Monolphi. 18. Arnolphi Ep.

23. Natale brigitte solempne. Translacio trium reguni.

27. Ermolay presb. M.

28. Panlhaleonis M. Aug. 5. Oswaldi reg. ^L

12. Clare V.

16. Arnulphi Ep.

20. Bernardi. Malacliie. Sept. 3. Remacli Ep.

6. Magni C.

7. Regine V. 28. Wenzelai M.

Oct. 3. Duorum Ewaldorum.

7. Caiionizaeio brigitte with octave.

10. Victor is Gereonis et soc.

15. Eliphii M.

21. Undecim mil. Virg.

22. Cordule V.

23. Seller ini Ep.

24. Euergisli Ep. ^L Nov. 12. Kuniberti Ep.

16. Othmari.

19. Elyzabeth lantgrauie,

20. Regenfledis V.

21. Fresentacio gloriose V. M. 24. Commem. thebeorum.

This Kalendar is of Cologne, adapted for the Brigittine order.


The ornament of this book consists of borders and initials. They are of very fine bold quality, but have been cut by the binder's plough. Each Psalm has an initial of which the colours are gold, blue and pink, variously interchanged.

Bealus uir. A large initial on burnished gold, and a very fine border of green, gold, pink and blue foliage.

On \6 b 2i partial border in colour and penwork, and a niml^ed eagle. Dixi custoJiam (Ps. 38) has a very fine initial; the inner ground black. On 105/' a partial border with a fine deer scratching his nose with hind foot. Another deer at Ps. 103. Dixit dominus has as large an initial as Ps. i. At Ps. 136 a good plant forms a partial border.

The colours of the partial borders (of which there are many) are usually pale and light.

41. Psalter (Flemish).

Vellum, 7| x 5|, ff. 153 + 6, 18 lines to a page. Cent, xiii, well written, with interesting ornament. Flemish work.

Modern binding.

Formerly in the Sneyd collection : it has the book-plate of the Revd Walter Sneyd, of Keele Hall, Staffordshire. Purchased at Sotheby's (Dec. 1903. Lot 660).

Collation: 4 paper flyleaves, a' (8 cane.) i'^-4* (+ 5*) 5*-i2^ 13" 14* (wants 1)15^ 16" 17*' 1 8"^ 19® 20I i vellum flyleaf, 4 of paper.

Contents :

On the paper leaves :

I a. Sororis Marie Bechet Suppriorissae Carmelitissarum Leody

(Liege). lb. A lozenge-shaped shield in pen and ink, quarterly arg. and

sable, a bend or bar dexter of the second. Below : Soeur Marie Linerloz 1636 ii-iv. Officium S. Angeli custodis (xvii). On the added vellum leaves : Hymns and ferial office (xv). On f. I rt of the original MS. Part of the same in a similar hand

continued on margin of i ^.

Frontispiece to Psalter i. i b

Cantica ............ 138

Litany . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

In a hand of cent, xv,

Exurgat deus a facie eius 'SS*^


Deiis qui abundantia prouidencia (for the recovery of the Holy Land). The next leaf (vellum) has had Gospels on it (xv). Part of the text

is erased, and in the hand of f. i a is written Dum fluet unda Maris curretque per ethera phoebus Viuet Carmeli candidus ordo niihi. On the paper leaves is the continuation of the office of the Guardian


In the Litany we have: Martyrs, Lamberte, Foillane. Con- fessors, Seruati...Huberte, Wiberte. Virgins, Aldegundis, Ger- trudis, Walburgis. These go far to fix the provenance of the book as Flemish. Wibert, or Wigbert, was founder of the Abbey of Gemblours. Foillan, murdered in the forest of Soignies, was buried at Fosses.

Ornament :

The frontispiece to the Psalter is a full-page initial B in blue on gold ground within a fine frame, three sides of which consist of rich conventional foliage, while on the lower side is eatus uik in white on blue.

In the upper loop of the B is the Coronation of the Virgin (two figures only). Below is the Death and Assumption of the Virgin. Apostles (four at the head, six at the feet) lay her in a tomb : above two angels support a half-length figure of her.

On Z. of the letter is St Francis, in dark blue habit, exposing the wound in his side with his two pierced hands: a cord at his waist.

On R. St Clara in pink cloak and blue habit, with gold book: a cord at her waist.

Ps. ii has initial, David seated holding ring (?) and harp. The tail of the letter (Q) is a crowned half-length female figure, prolonged into a horizontal band of ornament. From this springs a gold rod surmounted by a gold cock filling the R. margin.

The text of the Psalter is written solid, i.e. verses do not begin lines.

Initials of Psalms are alternately blue and red filled with penwork.

Dominiis illuminatio, gold ground. Christ with scroll (respicite. fides iiestra saliios uos fecit) addresses two blind men with staves on A'., one in broad hat.

Antiphons are added in margin (cent. xv).

After f. 29 an added leaf (xv) with an omission in text supplied and Hymn for All Saints, Ihesti saluator seculi, the latter in a different hand.

Dixi ciistodiavi. Gold ground. Flight into Egypt. Joseph, in peaked hat with cloak on stick, precedes the ass to A'.

Quid gloriaris. Gold ground. Herod crowned seated on L. Two soldiers in tunics kill the Innocents on R.

Dixit insipiens. Gold ground. The Temptation. Christ (Z.) and the Devil, horned and red bodied, stand on a towered building. Each has a scroll, (i) Non temptabis dominum deum tuum, (2) Si filius dei {es) viitte te deorsum.

Saluum me fac. Gold ground. Boat with three apostles. Peter stepping out into the sea, John with scroll, doininus est, another with paddle. Outside the initial on Z. , Christ with scroll, confidite ego sum nolite tiiiiere.

Exultate. Gold ground. Christ, and behind Him Mary and Martha, standing over a tomb in which lies Lazarus in white habit. Christ has scroll, Lazare ueni foras.

M. C. (i


Cantate. Gold ground. Two coped clerks singing from book on lectern on R.

Doniine exaudi. Gold ground. The Agony in the Garden. Christ kneels on R. A hand above with two rays proceeding to His head. Three Apostles sleep on L.

Dixit dominus gone (very probably the Resurrection).

Cantica. Coiifitehor. Gold ground. Incredulity of Thomas. Christ, fully robed, stands on R. with raised arm. Thomas kneels touching His side ; he has scroll, dominus mens et dens mens. On Z. two apostles with gold books.

42. Psalter (Anglo-Flemish).

Vellum, 4 X 2f, fif. 230 + 9, 16 lines to a page. Cent, xiii, good pointed hand and good decoration.

Old stamped leather binding over boards (with fleurs de lys in lozenges), and metal clasp. In case resembling those made for H. G. Barnard. Lettered Psalterium, etc., and numbered 2.

On f. I, Given by Mrs Elizabeth Heathcote, 1779, Samuel Pegge.

Purchased at Sotheby's (no. 258 in a catalogue).

Collation: 2.^ (gap) ii<'-i3io 1412 1510-20^" (wants 7) 2i^» 22^^ 23^ (wants 8) j 3 flyleaves.

In the covers at each end are written prayers in English (xvi, xvii). On one of the flyleaves at end is a tag cut from an early printed Missal, with initial wood-cut of the Crucifixion and first words of the Canon.

Two bits of a xvth cent. MS. line the covers.

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black ........ f. i

Psalter, beginning imperfectly i. i qui non abiit .... i

Cantica ,, ,, Cant. Ezechie. Generatio mea ablata 199

Litany . . . . . . . . . . . . 218

Hie inc. uigilie animarum ........ ^^^b

Confiteor ........... 229 b

Alphabet ........... 229 3

The Kalendar has many insertions (xv late) of saints, English and others, and the beginnings of their Collects are added. The additions are asterisked here.

[an. *Wlstan.

31. Aldegundis.

Feb. 4. *Dep. S. Gileberti.

28. Transl. S. Augustini.



*Ed\vardi R. ^L *Cuthberti.


*Guthlace. *Elphegi. *Eikcnwaldi



Trans. S. Nicholai.


Seruasii Ep.


Potenciane V. *Bede.



Basilii Ep. red. *Botulph. *Alban.



Trans. S. Thome red. *Mildred. *Kenelm.













*Athelwaldi Ep.





Remigii, Germani red.






* Wilfrid.


Donatiani archiep.




Undecim mil. virg. red.





Winnoei abb.


Liuini Ep.


*Edmundi Ep. *Hugo. *Edmund R. M.





Nichasii sociorumque eius red.

In the Litany : Martyrs, Gereon, Quintin, Lambert, Livinus. Confessors, Audomar, Bertin,Winnoc,Vedast, Amandus, Gaugericus, Donatian, Lammescon, Remigius, Bavo, Eligius, Egidius. Virgins, W'alburgis, Gertrude, Amelberga.

The book was doubtless written in Flanders, and probably (cf. Donatian) at Bruges.

Its ornaments are : Medallions in the Kalendar and initials plain and historiated to the Psalms.

Jan. Warms his feet. Pot hangs over fire.

Feb. Carries two candles (for Candlemas Day).

Mar. Prunes a tree.

Ap. Holds a flower.



May. Hawk on hand.

June. Bears a green bundle.

July. Mows grass.

Aug. Two cut and carry corn.

Sept. Gathers grapes.

Oct. Sows.

Nov. Watches pig by tree.

Dec. Kills pig with back of axe.

Each Psalm has a gold initial with prolongation up and down in pink and blue with gold rib. The historiated initials remaining have gold grounds.

Domitms ilium. 7,1 b. Red-nimbed apostle bearded, seated, with blank scroll. In blue and scarlet.

Dixi custodiam. Andrew seated with green saltire cross. Good grotesques in border.

Quid gloriaris. Paul cross-legged seated with sword.

Dixit itisipietts. Peter cross-legged seated with silver key.

Salvum. Apostle standing with blank scroll.

Exultate. Apostle seated with head on hand.

Cantate. Beardless apostle seated with palm.

Domine exaudi. ,, pointing to himself with L. hand and downwards

with R.

Dixit dominus. Bartholomew, standing, with knife.

The drawing of these figures is very delicate and good.

43. Psalter (^ Liege).

Vellum, 6\ x 4|, ff. 188 + 5, 21 lines to a page. Cent, xiv, well written and ornamented. Flemish work. Parchment cover.

Formerly in the Bateman collection (no. 1 3 ii in the sale of 1 893). On flyleaf (xix) no. 4^: and a note in French. Also (xvi, xvii) :

Ce liure appartint a marie dupont de lion.

On another flyleaf an inscription in nine or ten lines crossed out, signed

Le Begue.

Collation: 2 flyleaves, gap, i^-io* (wants 2) Ii®-i6* (wants i) 17^-20* (wants 6) 21^-23^ (wants 6) 24I 3 flyleaves. I use the old foliation.


Contents :

Psalter beginning imperfectly with Dixit insipiens (xii).

Cantica ending imperfectly in Andite celi . . . f 113 3

Litany 120. Preces 122. Collects 123 (J.

Les ores de nostre dame ........ 124

Vigiles por les mors . . . . . . . . . 161

Li Ave {.\ue porta paradysi) . . . . . . . 182 3

Ending imperfectly 188 5.

In a bad hand of cent, xv,

Part of Commendationes animaruni . . . . . . 189

Rubric. Se tu as aucune tribulation mets ton cueur a la s* trinite et a la s^ crois et dire ces trois ps. Leuaui oculos, etc., une foys per xii dimenches po"' toute necessite ou tribulation et de certain obtie(n)dra(s) . . ........ 190

Sancta trinitas et inseparabilis ueritas. Matins of the Virgin have nine lessons : i. Uox optantis. ii. Ecclesia de suis pressurls. iii. Uox christi ad ecclesiam. iv. Uox ecclesie de christo. V. Uox christi Ego Acs. vi. ,, Adiuro uos.

vii. Liber generationis. Prefacio tocius. viii. Ideo initium libri. ix. Ipse autem I. C. Capitulum in Lauds. Ego sum radix. Memoria of St Lambert in Lauds. Antiphon on Psalms at Prime. Beata progenies. Capit. Ex ore

altissimi. Antiphon on Psalms at None. Sub tuam protectionem. Capit. gone.

Litany : Martyrs, Donatus, lereon, Lambert, Quintin, Foillan. Confessors, Seruatius, Remaclus, Severinus, Trudo, Vedastus, Aman- dus, Francis, Willebro(r)d. F/r^/;/i-,Gertrudis,Walburgis, Aldegundis, Monegundis,Oda,Odilia, Ursula, Concordia, CoIumba,Brigida,Begga.

The occurrence of St Lambert suggests Liege. SS. Oda (whichever of two is meant) and Begga are both Flemish.

There are many decorative initials in gold : a large number of these have a silver flower of five petals in the centre, and some a silver fleur de lys. The grounds pink and blue with white pattern. There are also historiated initials, viz. :

f. 12. Domimts ilhtminatio. Christ on L. touches the eye of a man kneeling on R. Faces rubbed. Gold ground highly embossed (as throughout).

24. Dixi ciistodiam. David, crowned, in blue ermine-lined mantle, stands facing R. under trefoil arch and points to his mouth.


34/'. Quid gloriaris. Saul, habited much like David, stands and transfixes his own waist with a sword in his L. hand, holding up his R. hand.

35. Dixit insipieiis. The fool wrapped in a mantle, facing A'., gnaws a cake and holds a green club.

46 b. Salvwii. Christ above with orb. David in water below : both half-length.

60 b. Extdtate. David sits cross-legged playing with hammers on 4 bells hung on a bar on R.

73. Cantate. Three coped clerks sing from book on lectern on R.

Domine exaudi gone.

85 b. Dixit domimis. The Father and Son on separate thrones. The Dove descends from cloud between them.

113 3. Cantica. Confitebor. Priest in chasuble with joined hands, altar on /?.

124. Hours. Matins. The Virgin crowned, and the Child in red robe, on a large chair. She holds an apple.

135^. Lauds. Betrayal. Peter on L. wounds Malchus on R. A man on R. behind Judas.

142. Prime. Christ bound before Pilate on R. Man with club on L.

148. Tierce. Scourging. Three figures. Christ bound to pillar stands behind it, full-face.

150^. Sext (jnidi). Christ crucified between the thieves (on tau-crosses). Sun and moon above. Rubbed.

153^. Nojie. Christ on the Cross. Sun and moon above. Longinus on Z. pierces His side and points to his eye. The man with the bucket of vinegar on R.

(Vespers gone.)

158/5. Compline. Christ laid in the tomb by two men, one of whom empties a vial upon His body. The ends of the shroud are round their necks.

161. Vigils of the Dead. Abraham, nimbed, seated, holds a cloth in ^\•hich are seen six heads of souls.

182/;. Ave. The Annunciation. Lily pot in C. The Virgin stands on R. The angel holds a palm (properly this should be only when he announces her death).

These initials are very good (especially the gold): and the whole book is an interestinsf one.

44. Psalter (English).

Vellum, 7| x 5|, ff. i + 85, double columns of 27 lines. Cent, xiii, very finely written : English work.

Binding of cent, xviii with gold tooling. Lettered Missale Romanum (!).

Has the book-plate of W. Harte (xviii), engr. by Bernigeroth, of Leipzig, and also that of Edward Browne.

Also that of Rob. Buchanan Stewart (no. 532). The number 640 is pencilled on it.


The name of (Sir) William Tite, 42 Lowndes Square, is on the flyleaf.

On the flyleaf: W. Harte. The gift of the Right Honourable the Lady Henrietta Alicia Wentworth, Oct. 16, 1764.

Purchased at Sotheby's, no. 1333 (Stewart sale ?).

Collation: i flyleaf, i^» 2»» (wants 3) 31" (wants 8) 41" (wants i) 510 610 (^vants 4) 7" (wants 4) S^" Q^".

Contents :

Psalterium ........... i

Cantica ........... 78

Litany (half a column only, erased except the initial).

This is a very charming book. The ornament consists of {a) an initial in gold and colour to each Psalm or Canticle, {b) initials alternately red and blue to each verse.

The initials to the Psalms are frequently prolonged. The prolongations are solid, not feathered or flourished, and generally consist of a rib of colour on gold, turned over or up at the end.

The following is a list of the most remarkable :

f. I. Beatus iiir. Possibly this had originally a picture on another piece of vellum pasted on. If so this has been removed. What remains is an outline drawing of David cross-legged playing his harp. The prolongation of the letter is in gold and colour and so are the letters eatvs vir.

On \b, lb are initials with busts or half-length figures, and there are many others of the kind in the book.

On 3 /' a bear.

After f. I, beginning of Domiiins illuviinatio gone.

f. 20. Dixi custodiam. David kneeling on one knee on Z., hand to mouth. Christ on A', with book, blessing. Gold ground. Grotesque figures in tail of initial.

After f. 26 a leaf gone with beginning oi Dixit insipiens (and Quidgloriaris?).

On 293 a cat.

f. 33. Salvum mefac. Above, Christ half-length with orb. Below, a ship with two men, one casting Jonah overboard, nude, head downwards. Gold ground with pattern.

f. 42 b. Exidtate. David sits on L. A beardless man before him plays a fiddle. Gold ground w'ith pattern.

After f. 50 a leaf gone, with beginning of Cantate.

f. 5 1 h. Domine exaiidi. David kneels on L. Stone altar on R. Angel or Christ seen in cloud above it. Gold ground with hatched lines.

After f. 58 a leaf gone with beginning of Dixit dominns.

f. 78. Cantica. Confitebor. Like that on f. 5 1 b, but here a prophet in cap kneels behind the king and only the face of the figure in cloud over the altar is seen.

I cannot discover any trace of ancient ownership or clue to locality.


45. Psalter (Wherwell).

Vellum, 6^ X 4f , fif. 24-22 + 71, double columns of 30 lines. Cent, xiii and xiv. Two volumes, both written in England.

Binding of cent, xviii.

Formerly belonged to Wherwell, a Benedictine nunnery in Hampshire, dedicated to the Holy Cross and St Peter, founded by Elfrida about 986.

It was subsequently Phillipps MS. 2635 : sold at Sotheby's in May 1897. Lot 622.

Purchased from Quaritch.

Collation: 2 flyleaves, a^ i* 2^ | 3^--5^- (wants 4) 6^- (wants 8) 7^- S'-* (wants 14).

On flyleaf (xv) :

Thys is symon choppares boke off oddyam and he that ffyndyd dessyiRyng that he will Re stor yt a gayne and he shall haue for the ffyndyng.

Contents :

\. Kalendar in Latin in black, red, blue (xiv).

A few French entries Gardez la primere prime apres la tiphaine etc.

Hours of the Virgin (use of Sarum) . . . . . f. i

IL Psalter (xiii) 17

Cantica ............ 80

Litany ............ 85 (^

At the end of the Litany in another hand is written : Maxi- mianus, Malcus, Martinianus, Dionisius, Johannes, Serapion, Constantinus. These are the names of the seven sleepers.

The Kalendar seems to me to be pure Sarum. The feasts of St Edward Martyr, who ought to have been honoured at Wherwell, are not distinguished.

Some Obits have been added.

1 4 Mar. Obiit Matild. de Littelton bone memorie Abb^ de \\Tiere\\ell.

3 July. In red. Ob. Mathei de Stawel

6 ,, ,, Ob. Joh'^ de Colu(mbers).

18 Sept. ,, Ob. Hegeline de Columbers.

19 Oct. Ob. d"' Johannis le Columber militis.

There are Memoriae in Lauds for SS. Thomas of Canterbury (crossed out), Edmund Conf, Edmund King, Richard of Chi- chester.


On f. \6b (end of Hours) in a xvth cent, hand :

Iste dominus ethel/redus rex fundator/es. Et alfiitha / regina fundatrices / huius monesteri / (d)e Wheruelle.

The Litany is very meagre. The only EngHsh Saints are Thomas and Eadmund (MM.). Francis and Dominic are among monks.

The Psalter is very beautifully written. The initials of the Psalms and also those of the verses are alternately blue and gold. The line fillings are varied in the same waj'.

The initials to the divisions (eightfold and threefold) are exceedingly good. They have gold grounds, and are in blue and red with white patterns, the blue and red arranged per pale or quarterly. Some contain grotesque heads or dragons.

The leaf with Dovivie exaiidi is lost.

There is another Psalter, once at W'herwell, at St John's College (C. 18).

46. Psalter (Sarum : "Wigmore").

Vellum, 7^x5, ff. 12 + 64 + 5, double columns of 32 lines. Cent. XV early, very well written.

Old binding, white skin over mended boards : two clasps gone.

Purchased at Sotheby's April 1902 : book-plate of Henry White, J. P., D.L., F.S.A. : was lot 1795 in his sale. Formerly in the hands of Mr Quaritch (in 1894).

Collatio7i : a" (i lines cover) b^ i^-8^ 5 flyleaves.

On f. 1 1 (xvi) :

Tende nianus Solyman, ego te de sterchore tollam

Sabbata nostra colo, de sterchore surgere nolo

Sabbata nostra quidem, nunc tu remanebis ibidem. J. L

Referring to the story of the Jew who fell into a cesspool on the Sabbath, and would not be drawn out, while the brutal Christian refused to draw him out on Sunday.

On ii^:

Viuit post funera uirlus / a" 1565 / Rychard Wygnior owythe this boke / Thomas Wygmor Richardi filius a" d"' 1565.

f. iii blank : ff. iv-vi have on each page a single coat of arms well blazoned.


f. iv a:

r. Sable three greyhounds courant arg., collared gules. (Wygmore.)

2. Ermine on a bend gii. three wheatsheaves (or faggots) or.

3. Per pale az. and gu. a double headed eagle displayed or (the heads and feet

counterchanged with the field gii. and az). Mytton.

4. Arg., three rams sa., horned or.

5. (Rubbed) gu. on a bend with two cotises arg., three ravens sa.

6. Composed of i and 1 quarterly impaling 3.


Kalendar in red, blue and black f. vii

Psalter with Antiphons, Versicles and Responds .... i

Cantica 57 A. Litany bib.

In the Kalendar :

Jan. Wlstan in red.

Mar. I. David in black. 1. S. Chedde Ep. C. in red. Edward, Cuthbert, Benedict : red.

Ap. Richard, Alphege in black. Vitalis red.

May 5. Ascencio domini in celum. 1=,. Descendit Sp. S. super apostolos.

19. Dunstan. Aldehn, Augustine red.

June. Transl. of Edmund, of Richard, Alban, in red. 23. Etheldreda. July. Transl. S. Thome erased. Anne in red.

Sept. 4. Trans. S. Cuthberti red. Edith red.

Oct. Wlframi red.

Nov. Wenefride. Hugonis et (!) Lincoln, red.

Dec. Thomas Cant, in blue erased.

I can see nothing here or in the Litany inconsistent with Sarum.

Each of the eight divisions of the Psalter has an extremely good full border of characteristically English work. Knots of blue, pink and gold are at the angles and in the centres of three sides, Featherwork springs from three or four points midway between them.

Ps. I has an initial with David in blue mantle (old) playing the harp, a red seat on L. Ground, gold flourishing on red.

The initials of ordinary Psalms are in gold on colour.

The text is written solid : the initials of verses are alternately gold with blue flourishing, and blue with red flourishing.

The condition is good in the main, and the whole book an interesting and characteristic specimen.


47. Psalter (English : Derby, Odyham, Welles).

Vellum (8 paper), ii:[ x 7|, ff. 9+ 154+ 14, double columns of 19 lines. Cent, xv, in a fine large English hand.

Massive modern olive morocco binding.

Contains the book-plate of Willett Lawrence Adye.

Purchased at Sotheby's ? No. 281.

Collation: a^ (wants i) b'' 1^-5* (wants 3) 6^ (wants 7) 7* 8' (wants 4) 9^ lo** (wants 3) 11^ (wants 8) I2»-I5* (wants 8) i6*-i9' (wants 8) 20'" (10 cane.) | c'" d^.

On the flyleaves are various tables and dials, viz. :

i b. Of primaciones and litere dominicales.

Note of the four patiiarche christianorum (Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, Jerusalem).

ii ^. Dial (pointer gone) of the points of the compass. South is at top. Over it, in red, 'sandwich, berwick'; at Soutli West is 'london brig' ; at East 'bristol.' All the names are in English.

iii a. Another dial (pointer gone).

At top on L. of page are these capital letters arranged in a vertical column. S. L M. S. U. M. L.

iii/'. Two small dials, one 'pro litera dominicali et anno bisextili'; the other ' Pro primacione et epactis.' Beside each in red is the date 1483.

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black with a good many Obits added . f. i

Psalter ............ 7

Cantica. After cjuicunque vult. Antiphon. Ne reminiscaris . 129

Litany ............ 142

Vigils of the dead . . . . . . . . . 146 ^

Ten leaves of paper containing in a late xv*'> cent, hand,

a. Titles and subjects of the Psalms, e.g. . . . . 155 i. Beatus uir. Psalmus Esdre prophete qui psalterium et biblio-

tecam a babiloniis combusta instinctu sp. sancti reformauit eodemque spiritu reuelante psalmos disposuit ita eisdemque titulos preposuit (altered later to exposuit). Materia huius psalmi est totus Christus caput et membra.

At the foot of 161 in another hand is written the Greek alphabet, the letters (fairly formed) above, the names below : alpha veta gama verta he zeta eta theta ro yota pe kapa o lavetha kse me ne sema tha e (= i/) phe qhe pse omega.

Another alphabet below cut off.

Titles and references for the Cantica follow the Psalter.

b. Prologue to the Psalter. Cum omnes prophetas . . . 163 Augustinus de uirtute psalmorum. Nullus mortalium potest uerbis 164

dicat Domine refrtgiiim etc.


Four leaves of vellum in hand or hands of similar character :

a. A form of confession, with rubric beginning

Hunc modum confitendi hie inuenis ut non dicatur omnino sicut scribitur sed ut peccator ante confessionem in illo diligenter aspiciat et consideret in quibus peccatis ipse culpabilis sit etc. f. 165

Confiteor etc. quia peccaui sepius per superbiam intus et exterius.

Ending 166 a.

Decem mandata veteris testamenti (with a metrical version, Sperne

deos alios unumque deum uenerare etc.) ..... 166

Seven works of mercy corporeal (spiritual on 165 i^).

Three Theological and Four Cardinal Virtues.

166 i^, 167 a blank.

167 /'. Benedictiones ante prandium, post prandium.

in die pasche ante et post prandium. ante et post cenam (at Easter and for the year). In another hand, faint : a list of battles.

Bellum apud pontem london contra kantagium die dominica v die Julii 1450. apud villam S. Albani primum die Jouis xxij die maii

1455- apud Bloecheth die dom. xxiij die Sept. a" 1459. apud Northampton die Jouis xvii die Jul. a" 1460. Wakfeld die Martis xxx die Dec. a" 1460. Mortymers crosse die Martis iii die Feb. 1460. secundum iuxta villam S. Albani die Martis xvij die Feb.

1460. iuxta Eboracum dom. palmarum xxix die Mart, a" 1461. apud Hedgecote die lune xxiiij die Jul. a" 1469. apud Barnett dom. pasche xiiij die Ap. 147 1. apud Tewkesburie die sabati iiij die Maii 1471- inter Algate et Mylende contra bastard', ffauconberge, Kant., Surr. , Sussex, Essex, et Nauigen'. die Mart, xiiij die M. 1471. An inventory of the goods of a chapel in English . . . 168 Ffurst a masse book the whyche after the kalender J)*^ iii leaf

begynneth w' videlicet ofificium misse. Item a chaleis gylt writen abowte \>^ cowpe calicem salutaris accipiam et nomen domini inuocabo. An(d) in a square on )>^ syde (?) ther of a crucifixe enamyled, undur writen ihc xpc. Item a patene ther to gilt and enamyled a trynyte with (the ?) crucifixe. writen in compace. gloria tibi trinitas equalis una deltas et ante omnia secula et nunc et in perpetuum. Item a corporas and the case jjerof red veluett. Item a pax bred of glas undur . . peynted. Item ij cruettes of pewter.

Item iij auter clothis for \>^ awter lynwen marked w' ID. Item an heire next the awter marked with J>° same marke. Item of canevas to couere J>^ awter a cloth of ]^^ same marke.


Item ij wypinge towellis with \>^ same marke.

Item a newe dext to rest upon the masse book.

Item a myssal vestyment complet for hali daies w' ouiif armes (?)

Item an o)jer myssal vestyment complet dymy soye for werke daies.

,, ,, ,, ,, of whyt for lente.

Item an awter cloth fruntel and curtenys of o sewte purpul peynted.

,, ,, ,, asurt- ,,

whyt ,,

Item a long chest joyned w' lokke and keye to leie ynne J>' seid

clothis. Item a braunche of latoun embowed for iii tajiris. Item iij roundellis of wykeris for to knele upon.... Item a reed pole with a crochett of yroun. Item ij curtens of whit steyned for )>^ ij imagis in tabernacles. Item a long pasc of wickeris for \>^ awter. Item in the north side of p^ same Chapell a joyned fourme.

Kalendar :

yan. 19. Wlstan in red. Added: 26. Obitus Margareta uxor mea in 15 11 and lyes in seynt thomas of akcone (?). 78. Obitus Edwardus Welles a. d. 1514 and he lyes in sayntt maiy butholfe cherche. Fed. II. desponsata anna uxor mea a" 1497.

15. Obitus Margareta derby a" 1449. A/ar. I, 2. David and Chad original, in red.

4. Obitus Mary Oddyam in 1514 \ and all thyes thre lyes in von pi ..

5. Obitus Elizabeth Welkj in a" 15 14 I at saynt Crystoffers Cherche a(t)

6. Obitus Johanna \We\\es in 15 14 J the stokw.

8. Natus VVyll'""^ Odyham die lunis (?) apud nouar (?) a" 1501.

20. Cuthbert original in red.

21. Natus Elysabethe iunior 1507 beyng passyon sonday. 30. Obitus Joh. Nankelly a" 1441.

j4p. 30. Erkenwaldi Ep. C. in red.

A/ay 6. Obitus Johanne derby de london 1479.

7. S. Joh. beverlaci orig. in red.

10. Obitus Thome Shrubbe d. 1449.

11. Natus Edwardus w(elles?) in an" 15 14.

12. Obitus Johanne derby de Rading 1460. Dunstan, Aldelm and Augustine in red.

yiffte 10. Disponsata Emma uxor mea die Jouis.

11. Ap<i Ashrige Professio Joh'^ Derby a" 1464.

[In margin on L. 1478. May be the end of a mutilated note.]

12. Desponc. Joh'^ Derby et Johanne 1450. 17. Late. Sancti Botolfe.

y«/)/ 7. Feast of Relics dominica proxima post hoc. Aug. 13. Ob. Joh'= Derby Aldermanni 1481.

14. Ob. Johanne Odyham minoris (?) a" 15 10.




Aug. 25.



29. Sept. 10.















Obitus Emma uxor mea a" 1495.

Obitus Maigareta herrys a" 1490.

Natus Johannes minor sP 1508.

Disponsata Anna in 15 13.

Nat. Joh's Derby a" 1445.

Natus Joh. Odyham in ylford die martis ante (?) post (?) nonam 150.

Obitus Elysabethe Odyham and lyethe in saynt botelles chyrcheyerd be

the crosse the thursday the xviij day of Sept. in 1505. Obytus Johannes Odyham die mere. 150. and he ys berryd in ylford

chyrche. Wulfran in red. Etheldrede added. Fridiswide added.

Obitus Will' derby de Rading a" 1437. Wenefrede orig. in red. Obitus Radulphi Silkeston 1434. Hugo in red.

Natus mari a" 1505 Monday. Obitus Elie Davy 1455. Natus Elysabethe Odyham 1498 dominica prima hora in mane.

The Litany seems pure Sarum, ending Prisca, Tecla, Affra, Editha.

The earliest owners of the book seem to have been the Derbys ; their entries are between 1437 and 148 1. The Odyhams and Welles families are in possession in the early years of the sixteenth century : the Odyhams' entries are more frequent than the Welles', so that I conjecture the Psalter was theirs.

Ashridge, where John Derby "professed" in 1464 (June 11), was one of the few houses of Bonshommes in England. The Museum already possesses a Psalter (no. 16) with the dedication of Ashridge entered in its Kalendar.

The ornament is fine English work of the time. The first page of the Psalter has an admirable border.

Initials of ordinary Psalms are in gold alternately with blue and red inner grounds and red and blue outer grounds : both patterned in white. Initials to verses are alternately blue and gold.

At f. 22 Doininns illuminatio is a large initial and partial border.

The other initials at the beginnings of the divisions have been removed, until we get to Dixit domiims (f 100). This is preceded by a blank leaf, on which something, probably a picture, was once pasted. The Psalm has good initial and partial border.


48. Mlssal (Tegernsee).

Vellum, 9 X 6|, ff. i6o, 26-27 etc. lines. Cent, xi-xii and xiii and later. The original hand very good.

Binding old : red skin over boards, clasps gone, a piece of black stuff fastened on to the first cover.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 3072 (or 35,238): sold at Sotheby's in 1899. Lot 876.

From the Abbey of Tegernsee, as will appear later.

Collation: (+7*) 2 (two) 3' 4^1 and 4 replaced) | 5«-i4« 15" \&-2\^ (wants 8).

Contents : Kalendar ........... f. i

Collect etc. for the 10,000 martyrs: later, with neumes . . 7

Dilexisti iusticiam ......... lb

Ego autem sicut oliua

Michi autem nimis honorati

Non uos me elegistis. All of xiii"' cent, music (neume-form) on

four-line stave. Another hand (xiii : music as above) ...... 9

Epistles and Gospels etc., de Trinitate (?), Whitsuntide, Michael- mas, De Sanctis Confessoribus. De S. Cruce, De domina nostra in sabbato.

Another hand, later: music on four-line stave . . . xib

Gloria in excelsis, grecum kyrie, Gloria (in primo gallicantu) and

office for Christmas, and for S. Lucy. Another hand (xiii, xiv) : without music . . . . 18 (^

Hymns for Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Common of .Saints. Two leaves in the original hand, beginning imperfectly . . 21

Prefaces, ordinary, for Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Apostles, the Trinity, the Cross.

A large hand (xiv early?) 23^

Preces. Oremus pro omni gradu ecclesie. Sacerdotes induantur etc.

24, 25 blank.

(xiii). Canon of the Mass and what follows, down to end of

Placeat tibi 26

xiv XV. Notes of Offices for Common of Saints . . . 271^

On 30 an obliterated passage.

xiii. Sequentia de S. Maria. Aue preclara maris stella in lucem 30 b

Item alia. Ave M. gratia plena Dominus tecum uirgo serena . 31

Probably in the same hand, without music

Aue del genitrix summi . . . . . . . . },\ b

With music. Gaude maria lemplum summe maiestatis . . 31 <^

Tracts for the office of the Virgin with music .... 32


Offices for the Annunciation and the Virgin in Advent . . f. 34

Two Missae sacerdotis (pro se ipso) ...... 38

Prefatio de S. Maria 39 3

In the original hand : Capitula added throughout in the margin

in a hand of cent, xiv (?).

Masses for the year 40

Proper of Time and of Saints. In vigilia nativitatis domini to

Sunday after Easter. Of Saints from S' Ambrose to Dedic. Mariae ad martyres . . "jo d

Of Time from 2"'^ Sunday after Easter to Sabbatum xii lectionum

(after Whitsunday) 74

Of Saints from S' Nicomede to S' Thomas Ap. . . . . 82 i

Common of Saints. ......... 110

Proper of Time from Dom. i post octav. Pentecostes to Dom. 10

de aduentu . . . . . . . . . 115^

Missae votivae : Dominica De S. Trinitate 126

At 129 in the masses of the Virgin is a leaf rewritten in cent.

xiii with Masses of the Virgin : an oratio generalis domini

Innocentii III pape. A cunctis nos domine quesumus mentis et corporis : followed by Officium de S. Elyzabeth : with music. The original hand continues with

In venerat. SS. Reliquiarum 130

The occasional masses continue to 151 (^ where a xiiith cent, hand

has rewritten about 3 pages with masses pro defunctis. The original hand resumes at 153 and ends 159^. The last mass

is pro omnibus fidelibus defunctis. p. 160 is blank : written on it in a small hand is Ph : de Monte... . The titles throughout are in red rustic capitals. All initials are

in plain red.

In the Kalendar :

Jan. 3. Genofeue. 8. Herhardi ep. 15. Bonitti Ep. 17. Speosippi et al.

29. Papie et Mauri. 30. Aldegundis. 31. Metrani M. A distich for each month at bottom : one line on dies aegyptiaci, the

other on the Zodiacal signs. /an. lani prima dies et septima fine timetur | Principium iani sancit

tropicus capricornus. Fell. I. Brigide, Seueri Ep. 4. Ingenuini Ep. (Brixen). 6. Auguli Ep. M.

7. Pauli Ep. M. 8. Altonis C. 20. Tiranni et Siluani Epp.

21. Secundini, Seruuli. 25. Warburgis V. A/ar. 8. Pontii diac. M. 14. Eufrosii et al. xlviii mm. 15. Matrone V.

17. Gertrudis. 20. Cuthberti Ep. 23. Theodorici presb. 24. Quirini M.

26. Castuli M. 27. Rotberti Ep. 30. Palatini M. Ap. I. Theodore V. 2. Theodosie V. 3. Burgundafore V. 5. Amphiani M.

7. Euapie V. 29. Agapii, Secundini Epp. May I. Sigismundi R. 4. Floriani M. 13. Gingolfi M. 26. Simmitrii



June I. Nicomede, Symeon. 3. Ilerasmi. 4. Quiiini Ep. M. ,^. Bonifacii

Ep. M. 8. Medardi Ep. C. i.s. Uiti etc. 16. Transl. Qttirini M.

21. Albani M. (added : in mogunt.). 22. Albini M. et al. 889. 23. Edil-

drudis V. 26. Vigilii Ep. 30. Erendrude V. July 4. Udalrici Ep. (added : Dedicacio). 6. Goaris. 7. Willibaldi Ep.

8. Kiliani et al. 14. Foci et Justi Epp. 16. Minulfi Ep. 17. Mai-

cialis et al. vii. 18. Mamnie Ep. 31. Tertulini M. Aug. 7. Afre. 16. Arnulfi Ep. 24. Audoeni Ep. Sept. I. Verene V. 7. Regine V. 17. Lamberti Ep. M. 19. Pulei et

Nili Epp. 20. Constantie V. 28. Venzlai M. Oct. I. Remigii Germani Vedasti. 2. Leodegarii. 10. Gereonis et soc

14. Burchardi Ep. 15. Speciose V. 16. Galli, Lulli Epp. 20. Dedic.

Ecclesie S. Qui7-ini. 2r. Colonic xi m' viig. 23. Theoderici presb. M.

26. Vedasti et Amandi. 30. Marcialis M. et al. 220. 31. Quintin. Nov. 4. Amantii Ep. 6. Willibrordi Ep. 16. Othmari Abb. 17. Florini C. Dec. 3. Sole C. 5. Humilii et al. xii. 9. Leocadie V. 16. Adonis Ep.

18. Wnnebaldi C. 19. Aviti Alib. 29. Dauid regis.

The distinctive points here are the Translation of S. Quirinus on June 16, which was to Tegernsee : and the dedication of the church on Oct. 20 (which is also that of Tegernsee).

Note that the prayer Infra actionem is here called Infra canoneni.

49. Missal (Italy).

Vellum, loi X 6\, ff. 14, 32 lines to a page. Cent, xii, exquisitely written and ornamented in Italy.

Binding, modern purple morocco by Zaehnsdorf.

Purchased at Rome in 1892.

Collation : the leaves are on guards : gaps occur after fif. 3, 6. Numbered in a hand of cent, xviii (?) from 70 to 83.

Contents :

A very beautiful fragment of a Missal beginning

Prephatio in annuntiatione S. Marie . . . . . . f. i

Followed by Prefaces for Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, in Coena

domini, in Sabbatu sancto, Easter, Ascension, Whitsuntide, The

Trinity, Apostles, Assumption and Nativity of the Virgin. Office de Commemoratione saluatoris ...... 3

Confessio coram altari dicenda. Suscipe confessionem ... ^i>

Or. S. Ambrosii Ep. Conscientia culpabilis uite. Imperfect . 3 d

Three leaves written in capitals, red and blue in alternate lines,

1 1 lines to a page, with splendid initials, containing part of the

Ordo missae.

M. C. 7


f. 4 a. Per omnia sec. sec. Amen. Dominus uobiscum etc. to Dignum et iustum est.

4 b. Vere dignum to aeterne deus per Christum d. n.

5 a. Per quem maiestatem to ac beata.

5 b. Seraphin to dicentes sanctus sanctus sanctus.

6 a. Et ideo cum angelis to sine fine dicentes sanctus.

6(5. Quem lau|dant ange|li atque ar|changeli cherubin | quo- que ac seraphin | qui non ces | sant clamare | cotidie una vo ] ce dicentes | scs. scs. scs. dns | ds (smudged) sabbaoht. Pie |-

7 a. The Canon beginning in capitals as before : after 7 lines, in

ordinary script. After Agnus dei (9 b'). quando mittit sancta in calicefn Or. ante quum communicet dicat.

D. sancte pater omnip. et. deus da michi hoc sacrosanctum. D. I. C. fili dei uiui qui ex uoluntate uiuificasti. adore et

ueneror. Deus pater fons et origo . . . . . . . f. 10

D. I. C. fili dei uiui uiuificasti. libera me.

Da mihi domine peccator.

Ave in eternum sanctissima caro.

Corpus domini mei.

Ave in eternum celestis potus ....... 10 ^

Sanguis d. n. I. C.

Corpus tuum domine.

Placeat tibi sancta trinitas.

Masses with music on four-line staves.

In sabbato sancto ......... \ob

In die sancto pasche . . . . . . . . . 11^

Feria li. i^b. III. 13. iv. \ib. v. 14. Ending imperfectly with the secret.

In the Prefaces at the beginning the rubric Infra actionem is written throughout Infractione.

The initials throughout are very fine, in blue, green or dark red (with white patterns) on unburnished gold, or vice versa.

Those to the Prefaces are a combination of the letters V D for Vere dignum usually enclosing a cross.

On fif. I, 3 are about 30 of these good initials, large and small.

On is a magnificent initial P the length of the text, in gold and colour on green ground. The stalk contains two human figures nude, with red and blue loin-cloths, the upper one thrusting at a dragon's head in the bulb of the letter, the lower one climb- ing up.

On 4(^ a panel of ornament at top, containing in colour on gold on blue ground a figure composed of two circles cutting each other.


In C. Christ (in purple over blue) three-quarter length, with extended arms, blessing: on R. and L. two angels with covered hands.

On 5 <7 a large P (length of the text) on purple ground : the prevailing colour blue, on gold. In the bulb, on gold, a seraph, a head surrounded by six wings mostly purple.

On 6 a a. smaller very richly coloured E.

On 6d a Q mostly blue and gold, on purple: in it a kneeling angel holding a red staff surmounted by a square plate also in red, marked with four Greek crosses in gold.

On y a a. large oblong panel containing a T in rich colours on gold. The field filled with conventional foliage and two beasts: a large dragon-head in red in the middle of the stem of the letter.

In the rest of the book are about sixty smaller initials.

On II a, lid are a D and an R of larger size.

Such figure drawing as occurs is of a markedly Greek (Byzan- tine) character.

50. Missal (Nevers).

Vellum, II X 7, ff. 117 + 8, 25 lines to a page. Cent, xii late, in a very fine hand.

Modern brown pigskin (?) by Zaehnsdorf.

Purchased from Olschki in 1893.

Collation: 5 flyleaves, i^'-ix* (wants 6) x*-xii^ (+slip) xiii^-xv* (wants 7, 8), 3 flyleaves.

On I b (xv) :

Vnum missale quod soleliat habere asseres argenti coopertum de albo.

ii-iv blank. On v, with notes on four-line stave (xiii): Laudes crucis attollamus.

Contents :

Proper of Time, i Sun. in Advent to Dom. xxvi after Pentecost . f. r Missa in die consecrationis ecclesle ...... 44

,, in anniuersario dedicationis basilice, the latter with Commem.

.S. Cyrici, who is also mentioned in the Benedictio super populum 45

(Ordo Missae) Dum sacerdos indutus uadit ad altare ... 46

Prefaces, etc. noted : four-line stave. The initial directions in a small hand in the margin.


A collect, D. I. C qui dixisti apostolis suis pacem, added . f. 57

Proper of Saints from Stephen to Thomas . . . . . ^b

A Mass for 8. Martin added on a slip : small hand : after p. 92

Common of Saints 9^^

Missae votivae 100 b

The last in the original hand is Missa communis pro uiuis atque

defunctis. Hand changes at 116, adding Missa contra paganos, Pro inuasione

gentium. Gospels de vS. Spiritu, de Cruce, de S. Maria.

In another hand : Missa pro patre et matre 118

Beginning of the Gospel of John (xiii?) 118 '

In another hand : Office of the Virgin. Omnip. deus qui omne

genus humanum . . . . . . . . iiSi^

Sequence, noted : Hodierne lux diei | Celebris in matris dei | agitur


Two blank leaves : on last flyleaf a faint inscription :

Missale quod solebat habere asseres copert. |

ex argento et nunc copertum de albo signat. litera (?) | d |

The dedication of the basilica to St Cyricus is an important indication. It points I think to Nevers as the source of the book : the Cathedral there is dedicated to S. Cyr.

The Sanctoral includes : SS. Columba V., Medard, Transl. S. Martini, Transl. S. Benedicti, Germanus, Nicodemus Gamaliel Abibas, Remigius Germanus Vedastus, Leodegar with Octave, Quintin, Anianus (of Orleans), Lazarus. Among the missae uotiuae at f. 102 is a Missa de S. Cyrico.

There is one miniature, several very fine initials with gold, others without gold, and a large number of handsome small initials.

On f. I. Fine initial in gold and colours: very bright.

f. 3. ,, in colours, on red, without gold.

3^. ,, ,, on blue ,, 4 3 smaller.

5. ,, on gold, in good colours.

Tb without gold, also •22, 25, 33, 34, 44, 45.

26 b on red, in gold and colours.

35 ,, ,, ,, with two white animals.

The Prefaces 47 b sqq. have as initials the combination of U and D, noted in no. 49, enclosing crosses.

On 52 (^ a large and magnificent P on blue ground, composed mainly of gold with light pink border ; the bulb filled with conventional foliage in several colours on gold. Combined with this is the initial to the Preface, on red, in gold and colours, containing a cross.


On 53 <^ a |-page picture of the Crucifixion: green frame edged with vermilion. Blue ground with red dots : central jianel of pink. The cross is green. Christ (the beard only just indicated) is nailed with four nails: He has blue and gold loin-cloth: His feet are on a gold suppeJaneu}ii. The title (very long) in red letters on white : at the top of the cross and ends of the arms are gold terminations projecting on each side. The sun and moon are busts on red ground in medallions. The Virgin is in pink and gold over green. St John (his hand to his face, and holding a book) in green and gold over pink. Christ has gold cross-nimbus. A very stiff and archaic picture.

57/'. Initial in gold and colours on dark blue.

62 h. Initial without gold,

91 (All Saints). Initial in gold and colours with double-bodied dragon.

51. Missal (Papal).

Vellum, I3|X9|, ff. 140, 15 lines to a page. Cent, xiv early, very finely written in a large hand. Modern binding, lettered :

In usuni SS. patris papae Romani.

Purchased at Sotheby's May 1892, at the Lawrence sale. Lot 435. The volume contains letters (Dec. 1871) from J. C. Jackson, H. O. Coxe, and E. Bond stating that no similar missal is in the British Museum. The peculiarity of the book is that the order of the Mass is repeated in full several times over, and that all the rubrics refer to the Pope as celebrant. It is natural to connect it with the Avignon popes. At the end of cent, xv it was evidently at Rome.

Collation : i^-;"^' 9^" io^» 11 1- (6, 7 added) I2'« 13" | 14"'.

Contents :

The text begins :

Indutus dominus papa omnibus pontificalibus dicit ante altare.

Introibo, etc. .......... f. i

Introit for S. Andrew 4 -

Preface, noted : music on 4-line stave.

Canon and remainder of the Mass ..... 12

Dom. prima de Adventu ........ 28

The whole Office is repeated, Preface, Canon, and all.

Dom. H. .......... . ^2 d

Dom. ni 79

Dom. IV. The full order is not given, for the first time . . 103^

Collects are added on 103 <^ (xiv, xv).

a. Deus qui de b. Marie V. utero.

d. Omnip. sempit. deus in cuius manu sunt.

c. D. omnium fidelium pastor et rector (for the Bishop).


Others on 105 b.

In Nativ. domini in prima missa. Full order . . . . f. 106 3

In secunda missa. Only the Introit and 3 lines now remain . \iob

In later hands :

Credo, 131. Preces, Collects, 131^. Alia manu, 132 16. In festo Visitationis B. V. M., 134.

Oratio SS. d. n. Sixti pape quarti quam fecit in eccl. S. Marie de populo in die Visit. B. V. M....a.d. m.cccc.lxxv (against the Turks) 135

Large hand: In publicatione pacis . . . . . . 136^

Another hand : Preces (against the Turks) 139

The ornament is excellent. It is the work of a northern hand, possibly Flemish, since it seems to combine both French and English characteristics.

It consists of, {a) initials in gold and colour sharply cusped, and spreading into sweeps of ornaments in the border, which have a few thick leaves and a bird or grotesque perched upon them. Between the leaves are set round gold studs (showing Italian influence), {b) historiated initials.

Of the decorative initials there are very many.

Historiated initials:

I. f. 4. Ground lozengy of gold and blue, white fleur-de-lys. St Andrew in white loin-cloth bound with cords to a cross set horizontally : his head to Z. He has red nimbus.

1. f. 14. Canon of the Mass. Ground red with pattern : above, gold. Christ on the Cross, between the Virgin and Si John, who are both in slate-coloured robes over gold. Above, in blue cloud, sun and moon. Christ is nailed with three nails and has crown of thorns (shown as a twisted fillet) and cross nimbus (cross green on brown-red ground).

3. f. 28. (ist Sun. in Advent. Introit, Ad te letiaui.) Ground gold. Bishop

in mitre and vermilion chasuble kneels holding up a small figure clothed in white in seated posture with joined hands (i.e. his soul : ad te leuaui animam meam) towards a beardless cross-nimbed head appearing in cloud on A'.

In margin below, huntsman with horn, hound, and hare.

On f. 30 is a specially fine combination of initials and ornament, including a small figure drinking from gold chalice.

33 b. Nimbed man in prayer in initial.

34 b. Grotesque with club. 36. Bust of Pope.

4. 39. Canon of the Mass. Ground blue with pattern and gold dots, and gold

above. Crucifixion as in no. 2. The Cross is green and has title. The Virgin and St John in scarlet : she turns to the cross.

40. Bust of priest in red chasuble.

40 3, 41. Busts of Popes.


47 (5 a good grotesque. 48. Nimbed bust ; also 50.

51^. Busts of the Father and Son: Dove above.

-)2b. The Three Children: angel's head above.

53 b. Bust of the Virgin.

59. Bust of priest, in green. Gob. Bust of Pope. 61 b. Of priest in red.

5. 64. Canon of the Mass. Similar to nos. 2, 3. Ground as in no. 2. Cross

is green and has title. The Virgin turns to it. She is in blue over

vermilion, John in vermilion over pink. 65. Bust of the Virgin. 71. Bust of King.

6. 72. Per omnia secula. Blue ground patterned, with gold dots. Priest in

red chasuble, green dalmatic, alb, at altar on which is chalice with

corporal, and open book. 72 b. Bust with red nimbus. 74, 75 b. 78 b. Three children as on ^2 b ; also bust of Cardinal. 79. Grotesque cleric.

7. 90. Canon of the Mass. Crucifixion, resembling no. 2 in colour and

composition. No title on Cross. On 103 /' to 105 the text is by another, possibly an Italian hand. The ornament, though of not dissimilar character to the rest, is also by another hand.

8. 106^. Christmas. \\\iro\\., Doniinus dixit ad ine. Ground blue with delicate

trellis on it and gold discs. On L. a pope in red cope and conical red mitre kneels. In C. a tree. On R. a black rock. Above in cloud a cross- nimbed beardless figure with book speaks. 1 10/'. Bust of Pope. 1 1 1 ^. Bust. 112. Figure swings censer.

9. 116. Canon of the Mass. Crucifixion not distinguishable from the others.

Ground partly blue, partly red, patterned. 124^. A most curious large bearded head with long hair, quite abnormal. 126b. Bust of Pope. 127. Of Christ, beardless. 129. Of mailed soldier.

130. Bird.

The Italian additions have some excellent penwork but no miniatures.

52. Benedictiones (Treviso).


Vellum, 8f X 5|, ff. 44 + 5, two volumes of 24 and 29 lines to the page. Cent, xv and ix. Vol. i, Italian hand ; II, possibly German.

Modern purple morocco binding.

Formerly in Lord Ashburnham's library (Barrois collection no. clxxxiii). Sold at Sotheby's June 1901. Lot 54.

Collation: a- i^''-^'' 5- || b*^ (wants 6).




Contents :

I. Benedictiones episcopales.

On f. i, ii is Tabula benediclionum que continentur in hoc

liljio per circulum anni. Et primo

Bened. in uigilia natiuitatis domini.J

in nocte sancta natiu. dom. v cart. i. ,, in primo mane. )

In double columns, very neatly done. f. ii^ blank. At foot of f. i : 43 mei i/i8 (?). Inc. pontificales benedictiones et primo Bened. in uig. natiu.

domini ..........

Deus qui filii sui d. n. I. C. huniilitate iacentem mundum. There is an initial of red and blue filled with admirable pen- work, and a partial border of pen work in red, blue and

green. In the lower margin in an octofoil (red and gold

frame, blue ground with white pattern) is a shield, now quite

blank, surmounted by a mitre. The Benedictiones include SS. Liberalis, Florentius and

Vindemialis, Vitus, Jerome, Zeno. Florentius and Vindemialis are of Treviso, Liberalis is also

honoured there. Zeno is not inconsistent. Treviso was

then probably the home of the book. The last of the Benedictions is Bened. sabbati de S. Maria, f. 39. This is followed by the offices for Benedictio fontis baptismatis,

39 b, and Confirmation (42 b), both probably in a different

hand from the rest, f. 42 is palimpsest : the older writing is not much older, and is

also, I think, liturgical. The book is full of small initials alternately red and blue, with

good penwork.

II. Five leaves of very much earlier date, probably of the ninth

century, bound the reverse way of Vol. i. They may have been used as flyleaves thereto. They are written in at least three hands and contain

1. Headed in capitals :

Aforismus siderum cuiusdam periti astronomiae Duo sunt extremi uertices mundi quos appellant polos Septem- / trionis et austri Quorum alter a nol)is semper uidetur Alter nunquam / In eo qui a nobis cernitur tria sunt signa constituta duo scilice'/' arc/turi et serpens circum atque Inter illos in morem fluminis means Helicae / Arcturus maior Cynosura minor appellatur (cf. Trin. Coll. MS. no. 945). Ends {.2a: In austronothius piscis magnus / conspicitur ulti- mum eorum quae uideri possunt signorum effu/sionem urnae aquarii quae ad ipsum usque decurrit accipiens.

2. Another hand : a paragraph containing the end of an interpre-

tation of the Hebrew alphabet, continued from some lost leaf V. Quinta conexione ex ipsis sempiternum adiutorium Hoc


explanatioiie / non Indigt'/' et oiiini luce manifestum est ex scripturis sanctis a^/erna subsidia / scribiinus ininistrari. Ain fons uel oculus Fe os ab ore non ab osse Intellige / ne Htterarum ainbiguitate fallaris Sade lustitig Sexta conexio est Fons siue / oculus oris iustitie secundum illud quod in nil capitulo [wa/'i;: numero] exposuimus Coph uocatio Res •/capitis Sen signa Tau dentium Septima conexio est qu^ habf/ qug et extrema / quo et in ipso quoque septenario numero sit mysticus Intellectus uocatio capi/tis dentium signa Per denies articulata uox promitur et his signis ad caput / omnium quod est Christus peruenitur.

3. A paragraph in twenty lines (the first somewhat mutilated by

the binder's plough) written in Tironian notes, with some

words in ordinary script at intervals {.2d

In 1. 9 the gaira?-(iinit occurs: in 1. 16 the words iiasallis and laiitherto. A full transcript of the text, which appears to be a letter, will be given, if possible, in an appendix.

4. In a fourth hand : a short Life of St Jerome ... 2 b 11 Kal. Oct. Apud bethleem iudg depositio sancti hieronimi

presbyteri Hie natus in oppido stridonis. {■ },a ends: de hebreo in latinam linguam uertit eaque

omnia pene commentatus est. f. 3 /'. Ut ergo opera eius ualde utiliter confecta breuiter com-

memoremus scripsit uitam Pauli monachi etc. Ending : Apud bethleem oppidum in pace quieuit. prid. kal.

oct. duodecimo honorii iniperatoris anno, libros suos per

L.ui. annt'^ confecit.

5. Perhaps in the same hand :....... 4

Ilrabanus de septuagesima et sexagesima et quinquagesima

et xl. De septuagesima quoque et sexag. et quinquag. et quadrag. cui dominici dies ante quadragesimale ieiunium sic appellentur peruenire ad proniissam sancti spiritus gratiam. Idem de die palmarum ....... 4 ^

Dies palmarum ideo celebratur ad unctionem accederent. De cena domini ......... 4 ^

Cena domini h^c est feria v'-^ ultime epdomadis

in remissionem omnium fusus est peccatorum.

6. Compendiosa disputatio de eo quod melius sit dicere sicut

ablactatus super matre sua quam sicut ablactatum . . 5

Omnis namque sententia uel inscripto uel in subauditione

sublectiuum. Ending 5 A. Quantum ad sani sensus intellectum nil repugnat.

Various scribbles and pen-trials follow, among them a rough diagram of the constellations (or heavens) and musical tones.


53. Processional (Hieronymite).

Vellum, 7| x 5, fC 85, five lines of text and music (five-line stave) to a page. Cent, xvi, very well written. Spanish work. Modern morocco binding.

Contains the book-plate of (?) Gibson Craig (Deo et regi). Purchased at Sotheby's: no. 552. Collation : i*-io^ 1 1* (wants 6).

Contents :

Inc. liber processionaris secundum consuetudinem ordinis sancti patris nostri Hieronymi cum suis addilamentis nouiter factis.

Inc. dominicale .......... f. i

Dominica in ramis palmarum ad processionem. Antiphona cum


Dom. in die resurrectionis domini ...... xii

In die ascensionis domini xx

In die sancto penthecostes ........ xxiii

In festiuitate corporis Christi . _ xxix

Antiphona b. Marie xxxvi

Inc. sancturale. In purificatione b. Marie V. . . . . xxxix

In annunciacione B. V. M xlv

In natiuitate S. Joh. Bapt 1

In festo App. Petri et Pauli liiii

In festo S. Jacobi Ap lix

In assumptione B. M. V Ixiii (5

In natiuitate B. M. V Ixvii b

In festiuitate beatiss. patris nostri Hieronymi .... Ixxiii b

In festiuitate omnium sanctorum Ixxviii

Ad recipiendum prelatum uel legatum Ixxxi h

,, regem uel principem ...... Ixxxii (^

,, reginam Ixxxiii (5

The book is most carefully and well written. The initials are partly in colour, red and blue patterned (gold occurs in the first) filled with elaborate penwork in red and purple, partly in rather imposing black-letter.

In the margins a large number of devices and border-ornaments have been inserted by a skilful but not very tasteful artist of, I think, the nineteenth century. Two angels who appear on f. iii^ must, it seems, be of that date. These added ornaments include among other things :

f. i. Book on desk, chalice, and cruets.

iii b. Angels. vii. Tiara and mitres. x b. Basket of flowers.

xii. Bust of sainted monk. xiv. Candlestick. xvi. Birds on branch.


xv'ui. Palm trees. xix. Lamb. xx. View of Chapel and cypresses, xxiii. Fruit. xxiv. Dove. xxv. Orb. ...xlix/;. Scythe and winged hour- glass L. Bird of paradise and nest. Ivii. Crocodile.

lix. Harp (very modern). \\id. Peter. Ixxvi. Caduceus and snakes. ...Ixxxii^. Angel. Ixxxiii <^. Faith, winged.

The Hieron)'mite order for which the book was written was founded in 1370. The Escurial Monastery was of this order.

54. Episcopal Offices (Philargi).

Vellum, lOg X /i, (i. 49 + 6, double columns of 21 lines. Cent, xv early, finely written. Spanish work.

Binding of cent, xv (.'') : brown stamped leather over boards with patterns, and punched work in central panel. Two velvet bands, renewed, with metal ends.

Purchased at the Jackson sale at Sotheby's, 13 Dec. 1895. Lot 195.

Contains the book-plate (xviii, engraved by Roy) of Dionys. Franc. Secousse, Eques, in Paris. Curia Patron, et e Reg. Human., Litter. Acad.

Collation : a" (i, 2 line cover) i"-5i" (wants 6).

Written for Cardinal Peter Philargi (a native of Candia) who in 1409 became Pope under the name of Alexander V. He had been Bishop of Vicenza and of Novara, and then Archbishop of Milan. His arms {az. a sun arg. rayed or surrounded by besants or stars of the second) occur several times in the borders, surmounted by a black hat and crozier.

On a flyleaf in the same hand probably as the rest of the book, but in paler ink, a full table of contents.

Contents :

Exorzismus salis [De prima aque bened. in dominicis diebus] . f. 1

Specialis benedictio cuiuslibet indumenti ..... ■>^b

Rubrica de crismandis in fronte pueris .....

(De prima tonsura) ......... 6

De barba tondenda ......... 8

De quatuor ordinibus ecclesiasticis ...... 8 ^

De ordinatione hostiarii 9. lectoris lo^. exorcistae 12. acolyti r.',.

De patene et calicis benedictione et consecratione . . . \^b

Benedictio sacerdotalium uestium ....... 17


De bened. mapparum seu linteaminum sacri altaris . . , f. 18

De bened. corporalium . . . . . . . . . 18 /^

De ecclesie ac cimniterii (!) reconciliatione ..... 19

De reconciliatione cimiterii per se sine ecclesie reconc. . . 30 (5

Ordo ad uisilandum parochiam ....... 32

In dedicatione ecclesie introitus ....... 35

Quando induitur pontifex ad celebrandum ..... 37

Benedictiones (for Christmas, Epiphany, Purification, Annunciation, Cena domini, Easter Eve, Easter, Ascension, Whit- sunday, Corpus Christi, Assumption, Nativity of

B. V. M., All Saints) ^ob

The decoration is effective : hard in style and fine in colour.

On f. I a. A full border of conventional foliage, gold birds in black setting, monsters, birds, human figures. A young man in gold tunic and high yellow cap holding a flower: a bald man in yellow doublet riding on a monster: a young man in red robe seated with book.

Initial : a black and white scallop on grey-black ground. Arms on the border.

f. 3 b. Full border, similar : Arms supported by angels : angel playing lute.

Two initials. i. Bishop in vermilion cope with crozier, blessing: half-length. 2. Bishop seated in white (alb?) and blue stole, white mitre anoints a boy kneeling before him: attendants on R. and Z., one with book the other with asperge(?).

8 b. Partial border. Initial of Bishop in red cope seated blessing, with crozier.

15. ,, ,, ,, Bust of Bishop.

19. ,, ,, ,, Church with red-tiled roof: bell turret on gable.

Angle turrets at west end.

28. ,, ,, ,, Bishop in vermilion chasuble, with crozier, blessing.


32. ,, ,, ,, Half-length Bishop in cope, blessing, with crozier.


In the Litany on f. 20b we have: Confessors, Illefonse... Francisce, Antonii ; Vh'gins, Eulalia, Leocadia... Marina.

55. Antiphoner (Arezzo).

Vellum, 17^ X I2i ff. 311, 10 lines (text and music, four-line stave) to page. Cent, xiv, finely written, Italian.

Modern binding.

Formerly in the Bateman collection : lot 223 in the sale of 1893.

The prominence of St Donatus points to Arezzo as the home of the book.

Collation: 2'"-4^- s^° 61--2512 (wants 6) 26'- (wants 12) 27" (wants 10).


Contents :


Begins imperfectly in the Office for Easter Day.

f. 16. Inc. Respons. In sanctorum a pascha usque pentecosten.

Mark has very full office.

31 b. Vigil of Ascension.

86. Hermagoras and Fortunatus to f. 94.

104^. S. Donatus. Large initial on 106, cut out: with octave.

Initial for Assumption (121) cut out.

132 <5. Euphemia, Dorothea, Tecla, and Erasma to f. 138.

152. Francis.

185. Commune Sanctorum.

Initial cut out f. 215.

221. In sollempnitate iili°'' doctorum ecclesie: half the leaf gone.

234. Dedicatio ecclesie: leaf mutilated.

239. Inc. Antyphone que dicuntur ad benedictiones et ad magnificat

in dominicis diebus a dom. prima post pentecosten usque ad

aduentum domini. 246 b. Inc. Responsoria de libro Regum. et cantantur a prima

dom. post pent, usque ad kal. Aug. 253. Resp. de libro sapientie. 259. ,, de libro lob. iddb. ,, de libro Tobie. 269. ,, de lib. Judith. 272. Hester (two parrots, and palm

in initial). 273. Ystoria machabeomm (a kal. Oct. usque ad kal. Nov.). 285 (268). Oflf. in agenda mortuorum. Ending on 295 (278). In another hand, suffrages to the Virgin, Peter and Paul, Mark,

Donatus ........... f. 295

In another : Commemoraciones SS. post vesperas (not noted),

B. V. M., Peter and Paul, Mark, Donatus, Gerard (qui in presenti

requiescit ecclesia) ......... 295 /;

A quire in another larger hand follows with supplements.

The decoration of the book is now confined to a number (about 40) of large and about 72 smaller painted initials in colour, without gold, mainly in various reds and blues.

56. Antiphoner (Italian, Dominican).

Vellum, 20 X I4f, ff. 183, 7 lines of text and music (four-line stave) to a page. Cent, xiv? Italian.

Binding, wooden boards with metal plates at the corners.


Collation : i gone iii"-vi" (wants 3) YiV' VTii'" (wants two) ix'" (wants i) X" XI'" (wants 10) Xll'» Xlll'" (wants i) xiv" (wants 4, 6) xv^o (wants 7) xvii^-xx'".

Contents :

Antiphons, Tracts etc. for Proprium Sanctorum . . . . f. i (Vigil of S. Andrew) Dominus secus mare galilce. Barbara, Damasus added in margin xvi 2 d. Mauriis Benedict.

In A/>osf. SS. Francis de Paula, Vincent (xv), Margaret of Cortona added late in margin. Also S. Agnes de Monte- pulciano. Adhelbert Ep. M. (xv). Peter Martyr has full office. Added. S. Katherine of Siena (and on f. 33). S. Antoninus, f. 30. S. Monica, 33. Corona domini, f. 33. Added : Athanasius, Gregory Nazianzen, Servatius.

(early) Transl. S. Dominici. ,, 10,000 Martyrs.

late : Visitation.

(xv) Procopii Abbatis.

late : Diuisio apostolorum.

(xv) Martha. Dominic. Added xv. Louis.

Eduard C, Ursula, 63. Common of Saints ......... 69

Commem. B. V. M. cxviii.

Masses, cxxiv.

Sequences, cxxxix.

Including S. Peter Martyr, Dominic, Augustine.

Versicles for Easter to Pentecost, clxxxiii, followed by Rubric.

In vig. S. Andree apostoli officium. A page of a Credo (paper xvi) lines the cover.

There can be no doubt that the book is Dominican.

The chief decoration consists of large historiated initials. The pages containing these are usually bordered, but the borders have a very late aspect and are certainly additions, though in some cases the point of juncture is not readily visible. They consist of massive conventional foliage, with birds and animals.

The paintings in the initials are not specially fine.


They represent :

f. i. Call of Andrew and Peter. Christ on Z., the two apostles in boat handling a net.

iii. Stephen stoned by two men. Saul on Z.

V. John Evangelist, old, bearded, with book.

xiv d. Presentation. Joseph nimbed on L. Symeon and Anna nimbed on A'.

XX. Annunciation. Virgin has risen from chair on yV.

xxxviiiiJ. Birth of John Baptist. Elizabeth seated with child on L. : two women. Zacharias writing and three men on A'.

xlviii. Dominic full length with book. In a panel below, a Dominican kneeling. Gable with rose window at top.

liv. The Virgin in bed, Apostles at each side. In C. Christ holding her soul.

Ivii. Birth of the Virgin. Anne reclines on L. Three women and Virgin in cradle on Z".

Ix. Michael with a curious jewelled stole or pall standing on dragon.

Ixiv. All SS. Christ throned: saints below on each side.

\x\\ d. All Souls. Man in bed. A Dominican with cross at his head. Coped priest and two Dominicans stand over him.

Ixix/^. Common of Saints. Four Apostles (Peter, Paul, and two others).

The grounds of these initials are uniformly blue.

Besides these there are a certain number of painted initials (decorative) and a large number of blue and red initials filled with penwork.

Parts of the book have suffered from use : but a good deal is very clean and fresh.

57. Antiphoner (Flemish, Cistercian).

Vellum, 21 X 14^, ff. 96, 10 lines of text and music (4-line stave) to a page. Cent, xv late, finely written. Flemish work.

Old stamped binding over boards (xvi ?), clasps gone.

Purchased in 1894 from Ouaritch.

Collation: 1^-58 (wants 6, 7) 68-8« (wants 8) 9* io« 1 1'^^ (wants 2) 12?- I i3?«(wants 7, 8).

Contents :

The first leaf is numbered cxxix and contains part of the Office for Christmas.

The second leaf is numbered i. On the verso : sequitur de Sanctis. In natali S. stephani prothomartiris. On \b marginal note of S. Thomas (Cant.) in Flemish (xvi). vii a. Willelmi Ep. ixa Flemish note of Name of Jesus. xi ,, Antony. Chair of Peter,

xviiia. Later note. Albericus.


XXV a. Thomas Aquinas.

XXV 3. Notes. Joachim, Joseph.

xxvii b. Francis de Paula.

xxviii a. Stephanus Abb.

George has large decorative initial.

XXX ^. Hugo. Peter Martyr.

xxxiiia. Note. Petri Ep.

xxxiiiia. Vvo.

xxxvi. Note. Lutgardis.

xlvi. Visitatio B. V. M.

xlix. Anne.

Y\b added. Dominic.

liii. Joachim.

Ix. Bernard. Large decorative initial.

Ix^ added. Louis.

Ixiiii. Lambert.

Ixvii b. Ursula.

Ixixa. Notice a small pen and ink sketch of dragon, man, and herd of deer.

Ixix b. Malachy. Added : Caroli Ep. C.

Ixxa. Edmund. Added: Omn. sanct. ordinis nostri and Presentation of

B. V. M. Ixxiii b added Conceptio B. V. M. Ixxiiii. Missae votivae.

Commem. S. Crucis. Ixxvi. In veneratione B. V. M.

b. Pen and ink sketches of monkeys dressed up, deer, etc.

Ixxviii. Pro defunctis.

Ixxx b. In festis sanctorum quibus non laboramus.

Ixxxv b. Visitation, Anne.

Ixxxvi. Corona domini.

b. Bernard.

Ixxxvii ^ 11,000 Virgins.

Ixxxviii. Common of SS.

Ixxxix b. Hymns. Proper of Time.

The original hand ends on xciii a.

On xciii b. Office for Guardian Angel.

xciv b. Transfiguration.

xcv. Francis.

b. Name of Jesus. Gap.

xcvi. An ofiice for S. Peter.

b. S. Thome martiris.

xcvii. Additions for Purification and Conv. of Paul. b. Tractus for S. Joachim.

The indications point to a Cistercian house in the Low Countries,

There are in the book :

a. Bordered large historiated initials.


b. Large and small initials in colour, with more and less elaborate flourishing.

c. Initials in black and white with penwork.

The historiated initials are by an artist whose masters at least were highly skilled. He has considerable powers of execution, but is not of the first order. His borders are commonly a solid band on three sides of the page : yellow ground with naturalistic flowers, fruit, insects and birds.

\b. Two men on Z. stone Stephen, who kneels in gold dalmatic facing A'., a basket of stones on Z. In background Saul, a boy, seated on clothes. Above him in sky the Father half-length in tiara, with orb.

iii a. John Evangelist in room blessing cup, with serpent on it. On Z. a curtained altar with retable, one figure visible on it.

xvi. Conv. of Paul. Large decorative initial with a band of flourishing projecting obliquely into lower margin.

xix. Purification. Joseph, maid and Virgin on Z. Altar in C. Symeon in yellow vestment takes the Child. A man behind him in dark gown : black hood over shoulder. Red arras behind the altar.

xxvi ^. Annunciation. Gabriel with sceptre in gold over pink enters on Z. The Virgin kneels at bench on R. and turns round.

xxviii. George. Large decorative initial.

xli. John Baptist seated full-face reading. Lamb and flag on R., a stream and grove behind.

xliiii. Red ground. Peter on Z. with keys, Paul with sword : both have books.

xlvi. V^isitation. Elizabeth (A'.) before house door meets the Virgin, who stands on a path leading from a wicket-gate to the house.

xlvii b. Magdalene in gold robe in room holds white casket, facing A'. Green cushion on window seat.

xlix. Anne throned, reading : red arras behind her. On the floor in front sits the Virgin with the Child, whose head Anne caresses with Z. hand.

liiii. Laurence in gold dalmatic with book and gridiron, in landscape.

Iviii. The Virgin borne up by four angels. Below, cliffs on R. and Z. Above, the Father, half-length, in tiara with orb.

Ix. Bernard. Large decorative initial. Ixv /'. Michael, ditto.

Ixviii^. Ursula sheltering a crowd of small virgins under her cloak. Pink curtains at sides : green ground in C.

Ixviii^. Simon and Jude. Large decorative initial.

Ixxi^. Katherine crowned with book and sword, wheel at her feet. Behind her a strip of red arras, and on R. and Z. low brick wall, grass and trees.

The border is pink and has in large gold letters : Virg(o) sancta Katherina / Grecie gemma Alexandrina / Costi Regis f(ilia) /.

Ixxvi. Veneratio B. V. M. The Virgin with the Child, on crescent, clouds on R. and Z. Two small angels in green with pink wings hold a crown over her head. Yellow ground.

M. C.


58. CoLLECTARius (Morimund).

Vellum, io| X 7, ff. i + 18+ 118+ i, mostly 17 lines to a page. Cent, xii late, in a very fine large hand, pointed : with additions of cents, xiii-xv.

Binding, old wooden boards recovered and rebacked : an old paper label on the back marked 6.

Purchased in Italy in 1904 (?).

From the Abbey of Morimund as will appear.

Purchased from Hoepli in 1892.

Collation: i flyleaf, a^ | i»-i4« j 15" | \6\ i flyleaf.

Contents :

The flyleaves are parts of leaves of a finely-written xiith cent, manuscript of Homilies on the Gospels.

A. A table of Epacts, Concurrents, Golden Numbers and Easter for

the years 1256 to 1274 (xiii) f. i

Verses on Golden Number, etc., written as prose ... \b

Aureus hac arte numerus formatus aperte

crede notabit. Litany (xiv) ........... ii

Collects added : a. Concede. ..ut intercessio nos sancte dei genetricis

b. for S. Edmund Confessor.

c. (xv, beautifully written) Letifica et adiuua . . . . \\b

d. (xv, Roman hand) Omnip. sempit. deus qui ex habundantia.

e. (xv, Italic) Pater noster.

(xiii.) Notes on Paschal cycle. List of benedictiones . . iii

(xii ?) Qualiter anni domini inueniendi sunt : and other Kalendar

notes \\\b

B. (xiii, hand of f. \a (?).) The nineteen-year cycle ... i Erased entry.

Collect for S. Ursula (xiv).

(xiii ?) Kalendar in red and black ...... \ b

Diagram of Ciclus solis and Regulares. Ciclus paschalis . . 71!^

Notes on Paschal calculations ....... 8

(xiv.) Kalendar in red and black, foliated i 6. Here begins the main hand of the book.

C. Collects and capitula for the year. Proper of Time ... i In adventu domini sabbato ante primam dominicam ad vesp.

Cap. Ecce diei veniunt. Good blue initial with red flourishing. Ends with Collects for Sundays (25) after Pentecost. Proper of Saints (Stephen to Thomas Ap. ) . . . . 45 /^

Common of Saints ......... 91

Names of Saints for whom various Capitula or Collects are to be

used are added in red in the margin.




In dedicatione ecclesie . . . . . . . . . f. 100

Or. super egredientes de coquina... super ingredientes . . . loi

Super fratres in uia dirigendos... super fr. redeuntes de uia . 102

Benedictio ignis in sabbato sancto . . . . . . 102 1^

Exorcismus salis et aque . . . . . . . . 103

Ordo ad inungendum infirmuni ....... 105^

Inserted on 109 :

Per dominuvi dicas patrem cum presbiter oras Principio natum memoras dicas pet- citndem Si loqueris Christo qui tiiuis fine memento Si memoras flamen eiusdcin die prope finem Si circa finem qui tecum dicere debes.

[The italics are mine.]

Litany 109.

Added : In electione confirmatione processione abbatum, et quando

nouus abbas ponitur in stallo suo, etc. . . . . . i\z b

(xv.) In solempnitate Corporis Christi.

In a beautiful upright hand (xv),

Inc. offitium beatiss. V. Marie sec. ord. Cisterciensem . . 113

Commem. de S. Roberto.

Commem. SS. Benedicti et Bernardi , . . . . . 114

In solempn. Corporis Christi 114;^.

In festin. Spinee Corone 115.

In nat. S. Anne 115^.

In uisitatione b. Marie 116.

In fest. S. Edmundi Ep.

In nat. undecim milium virginum.

(xv, Italic.) Visitation of B. V. M. \i6h.

Oratio pro Terra Sancta in auxilium cristianorum.

Original hand : Collects for the Dead. . . . . . 117

(xiii.) Quid fiet de corpore et sanguine domini quando excesserit ii8^

And other rules for accidents at the Mass.

The two Kalendars, the first in order of which seems to be also the earHer in date, have various ItaHan and Cistercian entries, and others proper to Morimund Abbey. I shall call them Kalendars A and B respectively in what follows.

fan. 3. Genouefe, added in both.

10. Wilhelmi Ep.

11. Hie fit ofificium episcoporum abbatum et familiai'ium defunctorum,

in red in B.

17. Anniuersarium Philippi comitis belonie, added in A only. Mar. 7. Thome de aquino, added in A, B.

19. Josep, late B.

•20. Cuthberti, A, B. Ap. 2. Francisci de Paula, late B.


Ap. 17. Stephani C. primi Abb. Cisterc, late B.

26. Francha V. xii lect. ,,

29. Roberti Abb., A, B.

30. Petri M., B.

May 1. Dedic. eccl. S. Marie de Morimuiido, red A, B.

4. Godardi Ep., added B.

8. Petri Ep. C, added in A, B (of Tarentaise ?).

13. Seruatii ,, ,,

19. Yuonis C, added late B.

20. Comm. personarum regiilarium ord. nostri, added late B. Jtuie 13. Antonii de padua, late B.

27. Anniuersaria comitis symonis uxoris eius et liberorum eius, added A. 30. Marcialis Ep., added A, B.

July II. Transl. S. Benedicti, added A.

12. Anniuersaria comitisse blesen., added A.

14. In isto die fit per ordinem anniuersaria, etc., red in A.

15. Bonauentura, late B. Aug. 5. Dominic, added A, B.

12. Anniuersaria theobaldi regis condam nauarrie(?), added A.

16. Rochns, late B. 26. Louis, (A), B.

Sept. 10. Nicolas of Tolentino, late B.

12. Missa de sp. s. pro capitulo generali in conuentu, added in A, in red in B.

17. Hac die fit absolutio fratrum ordinis sine familiarium, A, B red.

18. Sequani Abb. Januarii, late B.

28. Wenzelay M., added A. Oct. 4. Francisci, added A, B.

5. Placidi cum soc, added A, B.

6. In isto die pro Ildefonso rege castelle pie memorie regina uxor eius...

simil. celeb .. (or)jdinem

10. A.d. xxx° iiii° primitus venerunt monachi ad habitandum ad monasterium (habitare ad mon. B) de coronato situm in ualle ticini (added in A, red in B).

21. Undecim mil. virg., added A, B. Nov. 5. Malachie Ep. C, added A, B.

9. In hac die a. d. xxx° vi° uenerunt primitus monachi habitare in

(banc B) grangiam que uocatur morimundus, added in A, red in B.

12. Didaci C, late B.

16. Edmundi Ep., added A, B.

19. Elizabeth V.

20. In isto die fit semper off. generale patrum matrum fratmm sororum qui

sunt de ordine Cist., added in A, varied in B (red).

21. Present. B. V. M., late B. Dec. 3. Galgani C, late A, B.

4, 5. Anniuers. Guillielmi et Ferrandi condam comitum flandrie, added A.

7. Ordinatio S. Ambrosii, B red, added in A differently.

Hie fiat anniuers. Innocentii pape per ordinem universum, etc., added A.

23. Erased entry in red in A.


The Sanctoral has marginal notes of the majority of the added feasts noted above, and also of SS. Bernard and Cathelina (Katherine).

The Litanies: A (late) Martyrs: Thomas; Confessors: Peter, William, Benedict, E(d)mund, Malachy, Bernard, Robert.

B (in Order of Extreme \3x\c\\o\\) Martyrs : Irenaeus. Virgins end with Scolastica.

There are some handsome decorative initials in the book, but no ornament calling for special description.

59. Officium Corporis Christi (Italian).

Vellum, 4^ x 3^, ff. 4 + 28, 15 lines to a page. Cent, xv, hand- somely written and ornamented. Italian.

Binding, green velvet with metal corners and central ornament.

Formerly in the Libri collection. Lot 735 in the catalogue of 1859.

No. 250 in the later sale 1895.

Collation : a^ i^" 2^ 3 (two) 4^"' (wants 9, 10).

Contents :

Inc. officium sanctissimi corporis d. n. lesu Christi crucifixi . . f. 4 Compline is followed by : Ad matut. hymnus.

In passione domini qua datur salus homini. Ad laudes hymnus. Christum ducem qui per crucem. Prayers : D. I. C. qui uoluisti pro redemptione mundi a iudeis


Adoro te d. I. C. ascendenteni in cruce. Later (xvi). Doce ergo me Deus facere uoluntatem tuam. f. I d. Border in gold frame : no ground : conventional foliage

mostly in green and red. The borders are similar throughout. Dark red ground. Two genii support a shield which has been re- painted and now presents : ar^. a tree proper : on a chief aztire

a sun (?) 07'. At the bottom of the page is : figurate per me franciscum a libris

anno d. mcccclx. I could imagine this to have been added by

Libri (not that his name was Francis), f. 2 a. Border. Blue sky with scroll-like indications of clouds in gold. This sky

prevails throughout. The Agony. Christ in white kneels facing a rock on A'., on which

is a gold cup. An apostle sits sleeping in background. Behind

is seen a railing and landscape.


f. 4. Border.

Initial. Two nimbed figures, partly seen, in purple on /?. and Z.

Behind them a landscape. Lauds has no frontispiece. 10 3. Prime. Christ in white foremost of a group of soldiers. On

J?. Pilate in purple, on wooden throne, with sceptre. 13. Tierce. Christ full-face on throne, in red robe over white.

Two men clutch Him and press crown of thorns on His head

with two staves. 15. Sext. Christ bound to pillar in centre. Two men scourge

Him. Behind, a brick wall with forked battlements, and

archways. 17. None. Christ on Cross. On Z. the Virgin habited like a nun

in black with white face-cloth. John on Z*. 19 d. Vespers. Pieta. The body of Christ on the Virgin's knees.

Two nimbed women kneel beside her, Ji. and L. 22. Compline. The white tomb, closed, with gabled lid. The

Virgin, facing the spectators, throws herself over it. Four

nimbed men in a row behind. 24. Hymn at Matins. Christ with red-cross banner, steps out of

the tomb, blessing. The lid, and heads of soldiers, are seen over it.

These pictures are rather rough in execution, but very effective in colour. Each has a full border.

60. Breviary (Franciscan, Italian).

Vellum, 10 X 7|, ff. 281 -f 6, double columns of 23 lines. Cent. XV (early ?), in a fine large hand. Italian.

Stamped binding (xvii ?) over boards : vellum back.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 12288. Sold at Sotheby's in 1896. Lot 139.

Purchased by Sir T. Phillipps from Payne in 1848.

Collation: a'^ ii"-ii" 121" \f''-2S^'' (wants 7-10) 26io-28'« 29 (five).

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black ........ f. i

In nomine deo (domini) Amen. Inc. ordo breuiarii fratrum minorum secundum consuetudinem romane curie. In primo sabb. de aduentu. Ad uesp. Capitulum ..... i

Fratres. Scientes quia hora.

(Proper of Time.) Rubrics, 115. De specialibus antiphonis, 119.

Inc. festiuitates sanctorum per totum anni circulum . . . 123

In S. Saturnine.




Tlie only Sermons given in full either here or in the Proper of Time are those for the Invention and Exaltation of the Cross.

Common of Saints f. 204 d

Ordo officii b. et gloriose uirg. dei genitricis marie . . . 2 16 3

Officium in agenda defunctorum ....... 224^

Ordo ad benedicendam niensam per totum annum . . . 242

Additions in another hand to Common of Saints . . . 245

In another hand :

Inc. officium transfigurationis d. n. I. C. institutum per d. sanctiss.

Calistum papam 3'" sub celebratione maioris duplicis soiempnizande 245 d

248 /> blank.

In a hand like the first :

Inc. off. transfigurationis d. n. I. C 249

Inc. off. immaculate conceptionis V. M. editum per reu. patrem d. Leonardum Nogarolum prothonot. apostol. artium ac sacre theol. doctorem famosissimum ........ 250*!'

Inc. uigilia B. V. M., 259. Commem. b. Francisci, 261 (with a

late addition at end) ......... 259

Inc. ordo offitii tarn in festiuis quam in ferialibus diebus. Et prime

de pulsatione campane . . . . . . . . 262

Ad omnes boras canonicas prime pulsetur campana maior.

On 269 a list of major doubles including Antony, Clara, "utrumque festum S. Francisci." Marginal additions, xv, are Festum Visita- tienis, Niuis, Presentationis, Conceptionis, Trinitatis et Corporis Christi, Transfigurationis, SS. Ludouici Ep. , Bonauenture, Bernardini, Helysabeth, sanctorum quinque martirum de ord. minorum, Anne, Joseph.

The last rubric is : qualiter communicent fratres.

Ends. Prouideatur quod antiphonaria uniformiter corrigantur.

Inc. ordo agendorum et dicendorum a sacerdote in missa priuata

et feriali sec. consuet. s. Romane ecclesie .... 275

Indutus planeta sacerdo[te]s stet ante gradum altaris.

Ends imperfectly f 281 />: qua ablutione facta.

In the Kalendar :

yan. 15. Added. Festum nominis Yhesu.

16. ,, SS. MM. Petri et sotiorumque eius ord. min.

29. Red. Off. pro defunctis fratribus et benefactoribus.

/(?/'. 10. Added. Gulielmi C.

15. Red. Transl. S. Antonii.

A/ar. I. Added. Angelorum custodum.

7. Thome de aquino.

8. Added. Desponsatio V. M.

10. Aurelius ep. C. later Gabrielis.

19. Josephi C. sponsi B. V. M.

20. Added. Joachim C. patris V. M. ^p. 5. Vincentii C. de ord. pred.

20. Added in red and erased : an entry ending festum solempne senis.


Ap. 29. Peter Martyr in red.

May 4. Added in red. Katerine V. de senis [canonized in 1461 : usually Ap. 29 or 30].

15. Victoris M. festum solempne senis.

17. Added. Transl. S. Rernardini.

19. Petri de Morronis C.

10. Red. Bernardini.

■25. Red. Transl. S. Francisci.

June 13. Red. Antonii C. de ord. min. with octave in red.

July 1. Red. Visitatio with octave in red.

2, 3. Note in red in Italian added of S. Bonauentura.

14. Added red. Boneuenture ep. et chardinalis.

17. Sigismundi R. M.

21. Red. Off. pro defunctis fratribus et benefactoribus.

26. Red. Anne. 29. Marthe.

Aug. 2. Consecr. ecclesie portiuncule.

5. Marie ad niues : black, Dominic.

6. Added red. Transfiguration. 13. Red. Clare.

19. Ludouici Ep. C. de ord. fr. min. with octave.

25. Louis of France.

Sept. 10. Nicholai de Tolentino.

17. Red. Festum sacrorum stigmatum b. Francisci.

27. Eleazarii C.

28. Red. Off. pro def. frat. et benef. Oct. 2. Red. Transl. S. Clare V.

4. Natiuitas b. Francisci ord. frat. min. fundatoris et primi ministri with octave in red.

12. Crescentii M. festum solempne senis.

13. Added. SS. MM. Daniehs et soc. eius. 21. Red. Undecim mil. virg.

27. Yuonis.

Nov. 8. Red. Transl. S. Ludouici Ep.

19. Helysabeth.

20. Added. Angeli Raphaelis.

21. Added red. Present. S. Marie V.

27. Red. Off. pro def. fratribus et matribus omnium fratrum. (Ultima feria ante i dom. de aduentu.)

Dec. I. Red. Ansani M. festum solempne senis.

3. Added red. Galgani C. festum solempne senis.

7. Red. Ambrosii.

8. Conceptio V. gloriose (octave in red added).

In the Proper of Time :

Litany, f. 52. Confessors : Ludouicus, Bonauentura, added.

Doctors: Francis, Antony, Bernardinus (added), Dominic.

Virgins: Martha, Clara, Monica, Helysabeth (ist and 3rd lined through) at 96^.


Inc. off. lieatiss. trinitatis compositum et oidinalum a reu. patre domino et domino fr. loh. de picciano (Leckham) ord. fr. min. bone memorie archiep. Cantuar. et notabili magistro in sacra theologia. 99/', Office for Corpus Christi. loi, Rul)ric, an ordinance of John XXII as to the coincidence of the feast with others. Rubric on f. mi mentions Boniface IX (1389 1404).

In the Proper of Saints :

124. Ansanus.

1393. Inc. off. inuentionis s. crucis quam inuenit sanctiss. et beatiss. pater et

doniinus d. Gregorius papa xi"^ (1370-78) Per sanctiss. etc. Gregorium papam

a. d. m°. ccc°. Ixxvij". publicatum etc.

146/^. Monica. 147. Conuersio S. Augustini (not in Kalendar).

167. Late addition for S. Martha.

192. ,, ,, ,, S. Elzear.

195 <^. Reparata (not in Kalendar). 196. Minias (not in Kalendar).

The latest name of a Pope occurring in the original hand is that of Boniface IX. Calixtus III (1455-58) appears in a later addition.

The provenance is settled by Kalendar and Sanctoral as being a convent of Franciscans at Siena dedicated to the Holy Cross.

The ornament is confined to decorative initials of which there are a few large and many small, filled and surmounted with good penwork usually in red or green.

61. Breviary (Padua?: Franciscan).

Vellum, 5^ X 3f, ff. 6 + 613+ i, double columns of 26 lines. Cent. XV (1459), very well written. Italian.

Old binding, brown leather with gold tooling over wooden boards. Metal corners and central ornament, two clasps, and, at bottom, two staples and fragments of chain and strap for attach- ment to the girdle.

On f. I :

Ex Libris Familiae Linardelli Sacilensii, A. i). 1772.

Purchased from Olschki.

Collation: i'"- 13"' (wants 2) 14* i5'"-34i» 35^ 36* | 8 leaves of paper j 37'M4'" 45' +6'° 47' 48'°-53'" 54^ 55"'-57'" 58" 59^"-63'°. I flyleaf.


Contents :

Kalendar in red and black f. i

Psalter with Hymns and Antiphons, Cantica and Litany . . i

Ad honorem omnipotentis dei et beatissime marie v. Inc.

breuiarium ordinis minorum fratrum secundum consuetudinem

Romane curie. In primo sabbato de aduentu . . . . 91

(Proper of Time.) Historiae begin at f. 328. Rubrics at 350. After 353 is a gap,

filled by 8 leaves of paper. Inc. festiuitates sanctorum per anni circulum. In S. Saturnini 354

Ends 529^ with S. Katherine. Expl. sanctuarium. Rubrics: de specialibus antiphonis laudum que ponuntur ante

natiu. domini fiat sicut in subscriptis vii^'" tabulis continetur . 529 /' 533 blank. Inc. commune sanctorum ........ 534

Inc. ordo officii B. V. M 595 b

Ordo ad communicandum infirmum, 599. ad ungendum infir-

morum, 600, followed by Vigils of the Dead. Officium in agenda

pro defunctis, dwb. Ordo ad benedicendum mensam, 612, ending 613/^. Et sic est finis sit laus et gloria trinis. Amen. Scriptum et completum per me federicum de traiecto superiori.

Anno d"' m°. ccc°. 59° xvij die Junii. In dei nomine. Amen.

There is an indication that a 4th c in the date has existed, and it

is certain that 1459 must be the date, for S. Bernardinus who

died in 1444 is in the Kalendar. On flyleaf xv-xvi. Sanctus Clemens papa, qui audit missam hec

dona consequitur. Hymn. Eterna Christi munera et martirum uictorias. Verso. Oratio S. Jeronimi (5 II. faint).

In the Kalendar :



Constancii Ep. M.





Fusee V.


Transl. S. Antonii de padua,



Transl. S. Augustini.



Thome de Aquino.


Helarii Ep. et Taciani MM.



Archippi Ep.



Liberalis C.


Petri M.



Floriani M.


Gotardi Ep. C.


Cataldi Ep. C.


Bernardini C ord. min., red

with octave,


Transl. S. Francisci, red.




Antonii C. ord. br., red.



Visitatio S. M. V., red.


Odorici Ep.


Hermachore et Fortunati (Aquileia).



Dominici presb. C.


Clare V., red.


Ludouici Ep. C, red.


Bernard! Abb.


Ludouici reg. Franc, red.



Antonini M.


SS. VV. MM. Eufemie Dorothee Tecle : eras


Regine V. M.


Nycolai de Tolentino.


Bone V. (Treviso, Aquileia).


Festum sacrorum stigniatum S. Francisci, red,



Francisci C, red.


Gaudencii Ep. AL







Prosdocimi Ep. Padue.


Transl. S. Ludouici, red.




Columbani Abb., added.



Candida V.




Conceptio B. V. M., red. Zenonis.


Syri Ep. C

In the Litany: Confessors: Ludouicus ; Doctors: Francis, Antony, Bernardinus, Dominic ; Virgins : Clara, Elizabeth.

I will next note the decoration of the book : which has a number of historiated initials skilfully but not very delicately painted, and partial borders.

f. I. (Psalter.) Hymn. Privio dicriDii. Half-length bishop with book and crozier (Ambrose).

f. I b. Beatus vir. Above, God with orb. Below, David with psaltery, head bent down. Both half-length (as always, unless otherwise stated).

Dominus ilhiminatio. A man holding spectacles (?) to his eyes (or else his own eyes) and pointing to them.

Dixi citstodiam. Man standing full -face: trees on each side.

Dixit iiisipiens. Fool in shirt seated looks up.

Salvum. Nude man in water.

Extdtate. Man with lute.

Cantate. Group of friars, music-book on lectern on R.

Dixit (tomittus. Christ with orb.


Proper of Time :

f. 91. Border, arms, party per pale: dexter, party per bend dexter or and sable; sinister, party per chevron sable and argent.

Initial. Paul almost full-length with sword.

Chrishnas. Virgin and Child.

Epiphany. Small figure of Christ (?) in initial.

1st Sun. after Epiph. Paul (?) with book. 2nd Sun. Paul with sword.

f. 249. Easter. Christ stepping out of the tomb.

f. 276. Ascending Christ: rock below. f. 285 (^. Heads of Apostles: the Dove above.

f. 290;^. Italian Trinity : defaced. f. 296. Chalice and Host on altar.

Proper of Saints :

f. 354. Andrew half-length.

f. 379. Purification. Symeon and Child on L. Virgin on R.

f. 390^. Annunciation. Heads of the Angel and Virgin.

f. 409. Bernardinus as friar with open book and round object.

(f. 4133. Transl. of S. Francis.)

f. 420. Antony of Padua as friar with crutch-staff.

f. 430 (^. John Baptist holding up a round object.

f. 438^. Heads of Peter and Paul.

f. 446. Visitation : the two figures in green and vermilion embrace.

f. 465. Chains of Peter. His bust.

(470*^. Dominic.)

f. 479. Bust of Laurence.

f. 484. Clara in brown habit.

f. 489;^. Assumption: the Virgin in bed. Somewhat damaged.

f. 496 b. Louis (of Toulouse, Bp) half-length.

f. 500. Bust of Bartholomew.

f. 501. Augustine half-length.

f. 507. Anne in bed holds the infant Mary, a maid sits on the floor in front.

(f. 516. Feast of the stigmata.)

f. 528. Francis, with joined hands: the office ends on 538.

f. 543. All SS. Saint looking up.

(f. 552 f!-. Elizabeth.)

Common of Saints.

f. 564. Paul with sword and book.

There are a few painted initials without figures, and a vast number of bkie initials flourished with red, or red flourished with purple.

The Franciscan origin of the book is admitted. The Kalendar has a flavour of Aquileia and Padua. The mention of Prosdocimus as Bishop of Padua is to my mind specially significant.


62. Breviary (Italian : Franciscan).

Vellum, 5^ x 3^, ff. 413, double columns of 35 lines. Cent, xv, in an excellent small hand. Italian.

Vellum binding.

Probably purchased in Italy : no note is given.

Collation: i^ 2i"-4^" (wants 10) ^^"-il"^" (wants 4) i4"'-i8'° I9» 20* 2x1'^ (wants i) 22'''-24'*' 25^ 26'*'-30i° (wants 10) 3i"'-39"' (wants 4) 40^" 4ii» 42 (three) 43^" 44*^ (wants i).

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black f. i

[f. I a has January : on i /; is a prayer :

Adoro te piissime d. I. C. qui illam eximiam caritatem. Note in Italian.

Note of Indulgence by Sixtus IV (1473). Then follows the Kalendar, January being repeated.] Kalendar tables. Cycle of 19 years, apparently calculated for the years 143 1 and following. A note follows explaining it, beginning

Regula huius termini est ...... 8

This table is finished on 8 3.

Inc. ordo breuiarii nocturni officii sec. consueludinem romane curie

ac ordinis fratrum minorum 9

Dom. I* de aduentu. Ad mat. Inuitatorium. Regem uenturum.

Proper of Time ends 1201^ with beginning of Malachi.

Psalter (first leaf gone) with Antiphons, Capitula, Hymns, etc.,

arranged for the days of the week m

Hymns 170.

Office for St Anne 183.

Bulla canonizacionis S. Bernardini ordinis minorum 184.

Divided into sections. 187/', 188 blank.

Proper of Saints (first leaf gone) ...... 189

Office of the Conception of the Virgin 355 b. of the Visitation 360/'.

Common of Saints (beginning gone) 368

Office of the Virgin 392 d.

Collect for SS. Berardus, Otto, Acursius, Peter, Adiutus 396 l>. Rubrics 397, ending with Rubric of 1388 for Corpus Christi 404. Cum essem ego fr. Angelus de Clauasio vicarius generalis Cis- montanus fratrum de obseruantia et fr. Albertus de foroiulii socius mens mecum coram SS. d. n. Sixto papa 4'° a. d. 1480 19 nouembris hora terciarum supplicauimus quod religio nostra possit facere una die festum de fratribus martirizatis in marochio 405

Extract from Martyrology quoted. Further asked and granted : the feasts of SS. Anne and Joseph,




major doubles : various indulgences : feasts of Presentation,

Visitation, Conception of the Virgin. Indulgentie plenarie que sunt rome concesse fratribus tantum . f. 405 b

406 b 41 1 b blank.

Supplementary Offices for Chair of Peter and Conversion of Paul . 412 Two leaves in another hand with part of Lamentations (music on

4-line stave) . . . . . . . . . . 413

Inc. oratio Jeremie prophete. Recordare domine.

The Kalendar is Franciscan.

SS. MM. berardi et soc. de ord. fr. min. added.

Transl. S. Antonii C, red.

Juliane V. M. added.

Thomas Aquinas. Joseph.

Vincent (Ferrer). Peter Martyr.

Transl. S. Bernardini, red.

Petri Celestini.

Bernardini, red with octave.

Transl. S. Francisci, red.

Antonii C. ord. min., red with octave.

Visitation with oct., red.

Off. pro defunct, fr. et benef., red.


Festum portiuncule, red.

Festum niuis, red. Dominic.

Clara and Louis of Toulouse, red with octave.

Nicholas of Tolentino.

Feast of stigmata, red.

Elzarii C.

Off. pro defunct, fr. et benef., red.

Transl. Clare, red.

Festum b. patris nostri Francisci, red with oct.

luuonis C.

Transl. S. Ludouici C, red.

Helisabeth, red.























Nov. 8 19

Hymns include : Transfiguration, Antony of Padua, Clara, Stigmata, Francis.

The Sanctoral adds nothing so far as I see to the Kalendar.

There is a very nice series of historiated initials in a good hard style. Clouds are indicated by horizontal gold lines in the sky, turned upward at the end. The figures are half-length unless otherwise described.

1. f. 9. Paul with sword and book (it perhaps should be Isaiah). Blue ground with white pattern. Partial border.

2. f. 21. Christmas. The Virgin adoring. The Child, swaddled, lies on grass (?), a hill behind.


3. f. 30 (5. Epiphany. The Virgin and Child on L. Heads of kings on Ji.

4. f. 68. Easter. Christ with red-cross banner standing in the tomb.

5. f. 8r. Ascension. Heads of Apostles. Mount in C The feet of the ascending Christ above.

6. f. 87. Pentecost. Head of the Virgin and two others : gold ground. Dove above on blue ground.

7. Psalter, f. 128. Dominiis illiirniuatio. David in green points to his eye. f. 133. Dixi custodiam. Decorative.

8. f. 137. Dixit indpu'ns. Fool with stick : white bandage round his head.

9. f. 141. Salvutn. David nude, crowned. Gold ground.

10. f. 147. ExuUate. David with psaltery : effaced. f. 152. Cantate. Decorative. Dixit dominus gone.

11. f. 203 b. Purification. The Virgin going up a flight of steps : at top, two hands held out to her. (The Presentation of the Virgin.)

12. f. 212. Annunciation. Angel kneels on Z^., Virgin on R. Desk in C. Dove above.

13. f. 245(5. Busts of Peter and Paul.

14. f. 248 ^. Visitation. Elizabeth indicated as kneeling on i^.

15. f. 277 (5. Laurence in red with gridiron. Assumption gone.

16. f. 299 /5. Nativity of B. V. M. Anne and the Virgin, a swaddled child.

17. f. 321. Francis holding small cross.

18. f. 329 b. Francis holding small double cross, and showing the stigmata in hands and side.

19. f. 336(5. Busts of Simon and Jude, with palm and book.

20. f. 337. All Saints. Busts of six Saints.

21. f. 343. Martin with mitre and crosier blessing.

22. f. 348(5. Cecilia with hands joined.

23- f- 353- Katherine facing R., crowned, with palm and wheel.

There are other decorative initials in gold and colour. Quire 43 (397 406) is in a different hand from the rest.

63. Occasional Offices (Poissy: Dominican).

Vellum, 6| x 4-^, ff. 12 + 269, 21 and 27 lines to a page (text and text and music). Cent, xv-xvi, very well written and copiously ornamented. French work.

Modern binding : covers lined with pink silk : lettered : Diurnum xv saeculi.

Purchased at Sotheby's. Perhaps lot 480 in the Lawrence sale, 1892.

Collation: a^ b** 1^-6® (+ i) 7^-19* (8 cane.) [12 and 13 trans- posed] 20*-29* (wants 415) 30^-32* (one cane.) 33* 34®.

















Contents :

Kalendar in red and black ........ f. i

Occasional Offices for a convent of Dominican nuns at Poissy . i Purification. Benedictio candelarum (music throughout on four- line stave) I

Ash Wednesday. Bened. cinerum 6

Palm Sunday. Bened. ramorum 12

Kyrie etc. for Wednesday in Holy Week and Good Friday . 21b

Ordo altarium abluendorum 25 /5

Antiphons for S. Louis, the Trinity, Assumption, Augustine and Thomas, Maur and Anthony, Martin, Stephen, Angels, Denis, Peter and Paul, Blasius, Lupus and Eligius, Dominic and Peter, Sebastian and Yvo, the Cross, Annunciation, John Bapt., John and James, Katherine, Magdalene and INIartha, Anne . . i(>b

Maundy Thursday ......... 47 5

Good Friday 68 <J

Easter 83. Ascension 85 b. Corpus Christi 89 b, continues at 98 (quires 12 and 13 are transposed). John Baptist loi b. Dominic 105. Assumption 92. Louis 96. Nativity of B. V. M. Receptio legatorum 112. Secularium principum 113/'. In sollemni conuentus receptione 115 3. Ad nouiciam recipiendam 117. S. Agnes 118 (5. Pro capitulo generali \\()b. Missa contra pestem 121. De S. Vincentio C, Tractus, etc. 124. De S. Dominico 126. Sebastian 128 /^ Proses, noted, occupy the rest of the volume from f. 130. They are for Christmas, Purification, Easter, Ascension, Whitsun- tide, Trinity, Corpus Christi, Dedication, Agnes, Vincent, Paul, Thomas Aquinas, Annunc, Vincent Ferrer, Peter Martyr, Katherine of Siena, Antoninus, John Ev., Nicolas (of Tolentino), Dominic, John Bapt., Peter and Paul, Margaret, Magdalene, Anne, Assumption, Louis (2), Augustine, Decoll. of John Bapt., Nat. B. V. M., Cross, Maurice, Michael, 11,000 Virgins, All SS., Martin, Elizabeth, Katherine, Andrevi', Barbara, The Virgin (from 239 to end).

In the Kalendar :


Transl. S. Thome de aquino, red.

Dedic. eccl. b. Ludouici de pissiaco (Poissy), red.


Thome C. ord. pred., red.


Petri M. ord. pred., red.

Antonini ord. pred., red.

Corone domini.

Katherine de senis in prima dominica, red.



May 19. Yuonis C.

24. Tiaiisl. b. dominici ord. pied., red. 27. Vldeuerti Ep. C.

July 7. Anniuers. oniiiiuni sepultoium in cimiteriis nostris.

8. Procopii Abb.

26. Anne.

27. Marthe.

Aug. ■;. Dominici fratris ord. pred., red with octave.

25. Ludouici reg. francie, red. 30. Fiacrii.

Sept. 4. Octave of Augustine.

5. Anniuers. famiL et benef. ord. nostri.

28. Wanzelai M. Oct. 5. Francis.

9. Denis, red.

10. Anniuers. omnium fralrum ord. nostri, red.

Nov. 3. Huberti Ep. C.

19. Helyzabeth.

Dec. 8. Conceptio B. V. RL, red.

The book was very evidently written for a member of the Dominican Nunnery of St Louis at Poissy (near Paris) founded by PhiHppe le Bel in 1304. {Gall. Christ, vin. 1339.)

The exact identity of the owner ought to be discoverable. Arms occur in the book, and a device. The arms are (f t), quarterly

1 and 4 or annuly ^;//^j'. 2 and 3 gides a chief argejit : on f 84, party per pale : dexter or annuly gttlcs sinister sable bordured argent. In the picture on f 130 a small shield of the dexter part of the last. On the last leaf quarterly i and 4 of the same coat :

2 paly of or and gtiles : 3 or a lion rampant sable: over all an inescutcheon arg. a ch.\Q{ gules, a lion rampant sable with a cross pattee or {I) on his body.

On 129^^ are the following letters in black, red and gold, con- nected by red cords arranged in pattern.




On the last leaf, in gold connected by blue cords : the shield last described in the middle.



I— I I— I


M. C. Q


The decoration is of late type : especially the picture on f. 130, which is certainly of cent. xvi.

f. I. Border line and leaf-work in frame, uncoloured ground. Shield below. Initial. Candlemas. Priest in surplice blessing a table covered with candles. Server with book : boy in red on L.

f. 84. Similar border with arms.

Initial. Easter. Christ in pink mantle steps out of tomb in landscape. Soldiers sleep on R. and L.

{.%(ib. Border, ground partly gold.

Initial. Virgin and apostles kneel R. and L. Feet of ascending Christ seen above.

f. 96 b. Border has birds.

Initial. St Louis in landscape holding two sceptres.

f. 98. Border without frame.

Initial. Corpus Christi. Two angels kneeling on a pavement support a gold monstrance with the Host.

f. loi b. Partial border with dragon-fly.

Initial. John Baptist. Lamb and flag by him, grove behind.

f. 105. Internal border partly red on gold.

Initial. Dominic with book and long gold cross-staff. A Dominican nun kneels on R.

f. 10^ b. Border solid gold with birds and coloured foliage.

Initial. Anne in curtained bed. In front a nurse washes the infant Mary in a tub.

f. 130. (Prose for Christmas.) Gold border with birds and flowers.

Half-page picture. The Virgin kneels on Z., gold arras and red canopy behind and above her. Joseph kneels at back near C, sheltering a candle flame. Behind him a stone portico with small shield on entablature (as described above). The Child lies in C. The ox and ass breathe on it. On R. a Dominican nun kneels.

There is a very large number of smaller decorative initials, in gold with ornaments extending up and down from them.

64. DiURNALE (Strassburg.'*).

Vellum, 5 X 3f, ff. 317, 21 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a good hand. German work.

Blue velvet binding : gilt edges, gauffred, the illuminated pages interleaved with white paper.

At the beginning: Thos. Willement, 1834: and a note in the same hand.

No. 534 in a sale.

Collation: i^ 2" 3^ 58-8^ (one cane.) 9^-248 (6 cane.) 25^-40^ (wants 8).


Contents :

f. 1 blank.

Kalendar in red and black ........ f. 2

Table of Zodiacal signs as governing days ..... 8

Circular Table of Epacts, etc., 8 6. Rubric, explanatory, f. 9. Table shewing the mode ' inponendi historias sec. rubricam ordinis

nostri' ........... 10

Proper of Time .......... 11

Capitulum for ist Sun. in Advent. Ecce dies ueniunt.

Proper of Saints .......... 105

Common of Saints ......... 204 6

Office of St Dominic 230.

,, of St Mary Magdalene 231 6.

,, of the Virgin 233. Psalms and Ferial Office ........ 236

Litany 304 6. In collects, mention of SS. Dominic, Peter, Thomas,

Vincent, Katherine. Pro capitulo generali 309. In capit. conuentuali 309/'. Ad extremam unctionem 310. (Pro infirmo) 310 (^. Ad postulandam pluviam. Sequencia de B. M. V. 311. Aue preclara

maris Stella. Another. Aue maria gracia plena dominus tecum uirgo serena 312. De communi unius martiris et conf. Domine quis habitabit 313. In transl. S. Thome de aquino. Jubar celorum prodiens 313. 4 blank leaves follow.

The Kalendar is German and Dominican.

y^an. 8. Erhardi Ep.

28. Transl. S. Thome de Aquino, red. /if/'. 4. Anniuers. patrum et matrum. Afar. 7. Thome C. et Doct., red.

19. Transl. Marie Magd., red.

A/>. 5. Vincencii pred. ord., red.

24. Adalberti Ep. M.

29. Petri M., red.

30. Katherina de Senis, red. A/ay 4. Festum corone domini.

7. Transl. Petri, red.

13. Seruacii.

24. Transl. S. Dominici, red.

yiiiie 13. Anthonii C.

21. Albani Ep. M.

22. Decern milia MM., red. /iil}> 2. Visitacio, red.

4. Udalrici Ep. C, red.






















Anniuers. omnium sepultorum in cimiteriis nostris. 27. Anne and Martha, red. Dominici fratris nostri, red. Clare V.

Bernhardi Abb., red. Ludouici C.

Anniuers. famili. benef. ord. nostri. Wenzeslai M. Francisci C.

Anniuers. omn. fratr. et soror. ord. nostri. Aurelie V. Galli Abb.

Undecim mil. virg., red. Elisabeth Lantgrauie, red. 21. Presentacio Marie, red. Dec. 2. Attale V.

8. Concepcio Marie, red.

The Sanctoral adds Dorothea. Mary Magdalene is specially honoured with ornamentation.

In the Litany a number of Saints are written in red (here italicized).

Martyr's : Maurice, Peter, Lampert.

Confessoi's : Augustine, Dominic, Thomas, Vincent, Antony, Onnfrins.

Virgins, etc. : Anne, Magdalene, Martha, Katherine of Siena, Dorothea, Elizabeth, Ursula.

SS. Attala and Aurelia seem characteristic of Strassburg : Translation of Magdalene, Ten thousand martyrs point to Basel.

It is doubtless to this region that we must look for the provenance.

The ornamentation is extremely interesting and effective. It consists of (a) decorative initials often with a pattern of dull gold on burnished gold ; ib) partial borders, without grounds, commonly of bold branch-work among which are perched beasts and birds ; {c) bands of coloured silk, red, blue, green and yellow, which are sewn in a double-edged saw-pattern horizontally or vertically along the borders of a good many of the leaves.

Borders occur on :

f. 1 1 with peacock, deer, rabbits.

f. lib. Goldfinches.

f. 29. Parrot, green : also 78.

f. 65. Deer.

f. 82, 86 /^ 89, \o%b.


f. 105 (Andrew), no (John Ev.), conventional foliage turned round gold bar on two sides of page. 116 (Paul). 119 (Purification). 125 (Transl. of Thomas Aquinas). 128 (Transl. of Magd.), beasts. 130 (Vincent). 135 (Peter Martyr). 147 /' (John Bapt.). 152 (Peter and Paul). 156 (Visitation). 160 (5 (Magd.). 164 (Anne). 1 76*^ (Assumption). 1 79 <5 (Augustine). 183 <!■ (Nat. B. V. M.). 187 ^ (Michael). lyr /^ (Ursula). i94(All Saints). 201 (Clement), three flower-pots with strawberries, pinks, and columbines. 202^ (Katherine), peacock.

65. Brevl\rv (Sarum).

Vellum, 6g x 4I, ff. 407 + i, double columns of 38 (to 34) lines. Cent. XV, in a fair but rather scratchy hand : fair ornament. English.

Modern binding.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 6979. Sold at Sotheby's in 1896 (no. 172).

Collation : I flyleaf i (one) i** (wants i) 2^-20* 2 1'^" (wants 5) | 22« I 23* (wants i) 24^-26^ (wants i) 27^-34^ (wants 3) 35^-38^ 39® 40^-45* (wants 6) 46^ (wants 3) 47* (wants 2}) 48** 49^ (wants 2) 50* 51^ 52^ 53** (wants 6).

In the description I use a pencil foliation which reckons in fly- leaves and does not count the Kalendar.

On the flyleaf is this paragraph (xv) :

Hec habentur in ordinal! colegii Regalis cantabrig' in penultimo folio in rubrica de diuersis notabilibus secundum consuetudinarium in fine § (?) pie {or vie).

Pie recordacionis affectu ducti precipimus sub pena excommunicacionis quod sacerdotes quique seculares cotidie per annum dicant placebo et dirige nisi quando impediuntur per festa Duplicia in primis et secundis vesperis sz in aliis festis dominicis et octabis et qui... in quibus chorus regitur in primis vesperis tantum. Ita quod a uigilia natalis domini usque in crastinum Oct. Epiphanie et a fferia tertia proxima ante pascha usque in crastinum sancte Trinitatis et per o[hole] regimine chori non dicantur vigilie mortuorum nisi pro corpore present! vel pro anniuersar' et triginta// quod si non fuerit diligenter observatum ipsi sacerdotes usque ad condignam satisfaccionem suspendantur.

This shows at least an early connexion with Cambridge. Contents :

The present f. i is in a second hand which appears elsewhere in the book. It

contains part of the Benedictiones ad prandium. Proper of Time begins on the next leaf (numbered 3) : its front leaf is gone. The second hand adds Benedictions on f. 170. Kalendar in red and black, 170^-170/. Psalter (f. i gone): with Antiphons etc. Cantica, Litany.


Common of Saints, 226. 258/^ blank.

Proper of Saints, 259, first leaf gone.

In another hand : Lessons for SS. Cyprian and Justina, and S. Silvester, 395 b.

In the hand of f. i :

Hie inc. diuerse regule et lecciones que deficiimt in temporali, 395.

Lecciones in commem. b. Marie, 396 b.

in commem. S. Thome M. Cant., 397.

dom. infra oct. Corporis Christi, 398 imperfect.

S. Dauid, 399.

S. Cedde, 400.

de S. Edwardo reg. M., 401.

de S. Joh. de Beuirlacho, 401.

de transl. S. Joh. de Beu., 40 1 b.

de S. Wenefreda, 402. In the hand of 395 *5: Collect for S. Erkenwald, ^01 b, and for his translation (imperfect).

The Kalendar is Sarum. It has some additions and alterations.

David and Chad are added (I think), in red.

Erkynwaldi Ep. C. added.

Joh. de beuerlaco added in red.

Transl. S. Osmundi Ep. Sarum dupl. added in red.

Transl. S. Etheldrede Sarum ix lect. added.

Fredeswide added (I think) in red.

Mem. de S. Johanne Ep. C. added.

Wenefreda added (I think) in red.

Transl. S. Erkenwaldi added in red.

Dep. S. Osmundi Sarum in red transferred from Dec. 3.

It seems from the prominence of Erkenwald that a London man must have come into possession of the book : and, from the paragraph on the flyleaf, that another owner had some connexions with Cambridge. But it does not seem to me likely that the identity of either will be ascertainable. It is perhaps needless to say that the Ordinale of King's College Chapel is not now known or imagined to exist.

66. HoRAE (Ferrara: Dominican).

Vellum, 3^ x 2\, ff 176, 15 lines to a page. Cent, xv, beautifully written. Italian.

Black leather binding : old leather case. A sale label on the cover marked 83.

















On flyleaf:

Fiancisci de Bassis S. V. B. et S'' Baitholomei Rigii Pastoiis (?) 1665. nunc vero Congreg. S. Caioli 9.

On last leaf:

xliv. f. 41.

Purchased at Rome in 1892.

Collation : 3 flyleaves, i'- 2"-ii^" 12^ (5, 6 cane.) i3"-i8"' (wants 9, 10).

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black ........ f. i

Office of the Virgin ......... 13

Seven Psalms and Litany ........ 95

1 17 1>-I22a blank.

Office of the Dead . . . . . . . . . 122^

Officium crucifixi...a d. Johanne papa xxii . . . . . 172

Ending 175 a.

The Kalendar is Dominican and Ferrarese.

Jan. 31. Geminiani Ep. C.

Feb. I. Seueri Ep.

14. Lelii et Valentini.

Mar. 6. Thome de Aquino.

Ap. 4. Vincentii de ord. pred.

29. Petri M.

May 7. Maurelii Ep. M., red.

8. Victoria S. Michaelis et consecratio ecclesie maioris ferrarie, red.

20. Bernardini C.

June 13. Antonii de padua.

25. Alo Ep. C.

/illy 2. Visitatio, red.

Aug. 5. Dominice, red.

6. Transfig., red.

12. Clare \^

20. Bernardi, red.

Sept. 9. Nicolai de ord. S. Aug.

30. Hieronimi doctoris, red. Oct. 4. Francisi.

17. Galli Abb.

21. Ursoline cum xi mil. v. Nov. 4. Vitalis et Agricole.

19. llelisabeth. Dec. 6-8. Nicolas, Ambrose, Conception, red.

13. Lucie, red.


In Litany : Doctors, Francis, Antony, Dominic. Virgin, Clara. Ornament :

f, 13 has a border in gold frame, without ground, of delicate line-work and conventional flowers, and gold dots. It contains on R. a lozenge-shaped medallion of a bird, and in lower margin a medallion surrounded by a wreath, meant to contain a shield, but blank.

Initial. Annunciation. Desk in C. Angel on L., a scarlet curtain behind the Virgin on R. Gold ground outside the initial.

f. 29 /^ Lectio I. Partial border. Initial I the length of the text. On gold ground the Virgin full length holding the swaddled Child.

Each Hour has a good decorative initial on gold ground.

f. 95. Seveji Psahns, Border with a good deal of gold. Text framed. Initial. David half length with joined hands. Blue ground with gold pattern.

f. 122(5. Office of the Dead. Partial border. Initial. A skull lying on green grass. Blue ground with white pattern.

f. 172. Office of the Cross. Partial border. Initial. A gold cross with gold title- board, on blue ground, spear and reed lean against it.

67. HoRAE (Florence, Dominican).

Vellum, 3| x 2|f ff. 235, 14 lines to a page. Cent, xv, excel- lently written. In rather brown ink. Florentine.

Modern vellum binding with gold tooling.

? Purchased in Rome in 1892.

Collation: i^" 2" 3'''-io"' 11* 12^'- (wants 12) 13^" (wants i) 14* (-1- i) 15" i6i» i;^ i8"-23^» 241- 25-' (3, 4 modern).

Contents :

Kalendar, in blue and black f. i

Two leaves of purple vellum with writing in gold, Roman hand . 13

Offitium B. M. V, sec. consuetudinem Romane curie ... 15

Missa B. V. M \oob

104 b blank.

Obsecro te 105. Quicunque vult in a later hand no.

Hours of the Cross (ist leaf gone) 114

Prayer of Bede : D. I. C. qui septem uerba . . . . 123

O lesu. Illumina oculos \i()b. Qui habitat 128.

O D. I. C. fill dei uiui qui banc sacratissimam .... 130

131 (5 blank.

Septem Psalmi .......... 132

158 b, 159 blank.

Off. in legenda mortuorum ........ 160

2166-219 b blank.

Memoriae (Francis, Antony, Eouis of Toulouse, Bernardin, Dominic, Jerome, Prayer for a journey).


In the Kalendar :



Thomas Aquinas.



Peter ISLartyr.



Visitation in blue.



S. iSIarie ad niues in blue.


Transfiguration in lilue.





Antoninus M.


Jerome in blue.



Francis in blue.



Conception in blue.

In the Litany: Martyr: Donatus. Monks: Antony, Dominic, Benedict, Francis, Bernard. Virgins: Clara, HeHsabeth, Reparata (the last Florentine).

The owner's name occurs in the prayer Obsecro te :

" mihi famulo tuo ieronimo."

On the two purple leaves is a prayer :

Domine deus mens si feci ut essem reus.

The fourth page is blank. Ornament :

f. 18. Matins of the Virgin. Full border of fine work, full of genii : a good deal rubbed. An oval shield in the border party per pale argent and sable.

Initial. The Annunciation. The angel kneels on R. with a small scroll (a)ve


Lauds has decorative initial and partial border.

f. ^^b. Prime. Initial. The Virgin and Joseph (raising his cap) adore the Child. Cave, ox and ass on L.

f. 58. Tierce. Initial. Adoration of the Magi. Cave on A'., behind the Virgin.

f. 63/'. Scxt. Initial. Christ in air above the open tomb. Heads of soldiers R. and L.

f. 68 b. None. Initial. Christ in air with banner ascending. Below, Apostles on Z., Virgin and apostles on A".

f. 74. Vespers. Initial. Pentecost. The Virgin and Apostles seen over a wall with door in it. Dove above.

f. 83^. Compline. Initial. The Virgin in glory between two red cherubs. Two angels support her feet in air. Below is the open tomb.

i.\ool>. Mass. Initial. Visitation (larger). Elizabeth on Z. has gold mantle.

f. 115. Prime of the Cross. Pillar, rope and two scourges. Blue ground.

f. ii6/5. Tierce. Initial. Sudarium.

f. 1173. Sext. Initial. Three crosses. Blue starred ground.

f. 119. None. Initial. Cross, reed, and scourges.

f. \iob. Vespers. Initial. Cross, ladder, reed, and lance.

f. 121/'. Cotnpline. Initial. Closed tomb.




f. 13-2. Seven Psalms. Full border: very good, with genii.

Large initial. David in prayer, in landscape.

f. J 60. Office of the Dead. Full border.

Large initial. Funeral in choir. Coffin with green pall on R. Five clergy on L.

Full-page pictures : frames of arabesque in fluid gold without grounds.

f. 220. Francis receiving the stigmata. He kneels on L. and rays proceed to his hands, feet, and side from the crucifix-seraph figure of Christ in air above. Behind on L. a rock, on R. a friar reading, a church and buildings.

f. 222 3. Antony of Padua with lily branch and book under arch. Low wall and blue starred sky behind.

f. 224 i^. Louis of Toulouse in centre, blue cope with fleurs-de-lys and Franciscan habit, blessing, with book. Under arch, wall and sky behind. Head defaced.

f. 226 b. Bernardinus in friar's habit with open book. Rayed device of IHS in circle in air on L. Behind, a semicircular panelled marble recess.

f. 228 b. Dominic with open book and lily branch. Under arch : blue starred sky.

f. 230^. Jerome kneeling on L. before crucifix (at whose foot a lion crouches) beats his breast with a stone, peccavi in gold letters by his head. A cardinal's hat lies on the ground. Rocks behind.

f. 2^2 h. Adoration of the Magi. The Virgin and Child sit under rock on R. Star in sky : mountainous landscape. Damaged.

68. HoRAE (Sienese).

Vellum, 4I X 3, ff. 340, 13 lines to a page. Cent, xv (middle), well written and ornamented. Sienese.

Modern brown morocco binding with arms party per pale : dexter, a cross fleury between four stars : sinister, a chevron between 3 R. hands, palm outwards, couped ; and motto Carpe diem.

Purchased at Bologna.

Collation: i^^ 2i»-4io 5'- 6i"-i4i" 151- i6i» \f i8i"-20^" 21" (wants 14) 22i*'-33^" 34" (wants 6).

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black .... Offitium b. Marie V. sec. usum Romane curie Many of the rubrics are in Italian. Seguita la messa della vergine maria . Rubric in Italian on the Ember Days The Twelve Articles of Faith, in Italian Six Articles of Faith ,,

Ten Commandments of the Law ,,

Seven Sacraments ,,

Seven Deadly Sins ,,

Seven Gifts of the Spirit ,,

f. I

134 142 b

143* 144(5

145 '^ 146 b 14'j b 148




Seven Works of Mercy, Corporal, in Italian

,, ,, ,, Spiritual ,, ...

Seven Principal Virtues ,,

Oratio S. Sebastiani ad niorbum uel ad pestilentiani .

Signum thau in quo filii dei. Followed by other prayers for the same use. Inconiincia loffitio maggiore della sacratissima croce Questo e loffitio minore della sanctissima croce . Questa e loratione delle septe parole .

O D. I. C. fili dei uiui qui septem uerba. Questa e la oratione di sancta maria .

Sancta maria madre del nostro signore. The suppliant is described in the feminine gender. Off. mortuorum .......

Dies irae 285 ^>.

Or. contra la pestilentia. Ihesu nazarene respice

Questo sono li celo gaudii della V. Maria {sic) .

Gaude uirgo mater Christi. Seven Psalms and Litany ..... Rubric in Italian (mentioning Calixtus II) to prayers

O D. I. C. adoro te. Ten verses of St Bernard : rubric in Italian Questa oratione si dice inanzi a la comunione

Signore mio dolcissimo I. C. el quale di uolonta del tuo padre Questa or. si conuiene dire quando la persona e comunicata .

Signore e dio padre.

In the Kalendar :

Fel>. 6. Anniuers. parentum nostrorum, red. --//. 29. Petri M. Et S. Catherine de senis (the latter in red). J/aj 9. Transl. S. leronimi presb., red. 20. Bernardini C, red, added. Antonii C


/Htie 13.

yu/y 29.

Aa^. 5.


Se/>/. 30.

OcL 4.



Nov. 28.

Ddc. I.

Marthe V., red, Dominic. Lodouici C. Jerome in red. Francis.

Reparate V. M. Crescentii M. Jacobi intercisi M. Ansani M.



1 50 /^


154 202 d 206


296 322

327^ 330

334 '^

In the Litany : Martyrs : Sauine, Ansane, Crescenti, Victor, Decern MiHum Crucifixi (!). Monks: Bernard, Dominic, Louis, Antony, Hilary, Paul, Francis, Bernardine, " Nicholae de tollentine." Virgins: Martha, Doinitilla, Clara, Katerina de Senis, Monica, Helysabeth, Brigida.


Ansanus and Crescentius are specially Sienese, as well as Katherine of Siena. For the rest, the Kalendar has a Franciscan flavour.

Decoration :

f. 13 has a full border without ground : corner frame of gold : strawberries and con- ventional flowers. In the lower border two shields : (i) party per pale : dexter half arg. a cross asitre bearing five crescents or: sinister ^n/es a fess embattled o>- between three pairs of hooks adossed of the second. (2) party per fess chief ac?<;v a bull or running : below, arg. three annulets or.

Initial. The Virgin half-length in light-coloured robe touched with gold, kisses the Child. Landscape behind.

Each Hour has a large decorative initial and partial border.

f. 134. A/ass of tlie Virgin. Full border without shields.

Initial. The Virgin in white robe, with joined hands, borne up by three red cherubs. Background of sky.

f. 154. Greater Office of the Cross. Full border.

Initial. The Man of Sorrows, wounded, standing in the (green) tomb, with crossed hands. The Cross, with nails in it, behind.

In lower margin a note, la piela.

The Hours have decorative initials as before.

f. 198(5. Lower Office of the Cross. Partial border.

Initial. The Cross, rayed, on green mound. Blue ground.

f. 216. Office of the Dead. Full border.

Initial. A skull resting on a bit of wood on grass. Bones in front. Rays above.

f. 296. Seven Psalms. Full border.

Initial. David in prayer, half-length, crowned. Rays above, and landscape behind.

The penvvork of the smaller initials is very skilful.

69. HoRAE (Italian).

Vellum, 5 X 3|, ff 141, 14-15 lines to a page. Cent, xv, good hand and ornaments. Italian.

Black morocco binding with clasps. Purchased at Rome. Collation: i" 2^"-\2^'^ (wants 12). At the foot of f I :

Di Francesco Lampolonghi 1602.

Contents :

Title in gold. Inc. officium b. marie u. sec. consuetudinem

romane curie .......... f. i

Ends f. 69. Officium b. u. per totum anni circulum expl. feliciter per me michaelem de franchis etc.


Later: Oratio magne virtulis dicenda pro pesle . . . . f. 6y /'

O dulcissima et clemcntissima uirgo. Office of the Dead ......

Inc. deuotissimum officium v. crucis

Inc. officium S. Spiritus .....

Added: Oratio S. Raphaelis ....

Tro parentum defonloruni Inc. septem psalmi penitentiales sub una antiphona

1 10 Zi




Francis, Dominic, Bernard, occur in the Litany : also Clara. Ornament :

1. f. 1 a has a full border without ground or frame: flowers, genii, butterflies and birds occur. In the lower margin in a wreath quarterly green and pink, supported by genii is a circular shield, azure a flag oi- with cross gules, supported by two lions or, and dependent from a bar gules: in chief three fleur-de-Iys or.

Initial, the Virgin and Child. Her figure is half-length: she supports the Child with one hand and with the other winds a linen band round Mis body.

2. f. 13. Lauds. Initial, beardless figure half-length nimbed facing Z. and blessing.

3. f. 26. Prime. The Virgin half-length in prayer.

Tierce. Initial not filled in.

4. f. 34 b. Sext. Like 3, but facing L. and looking up.

5. f. 38. None. Half-figure facing L. speaking.

6. f. 41 h. Vespers. Aged female with book.

7. f. 4Q. Compline. Young nimbed figure with crossed arms looks to L.

8. f. 52/;. Friday psalms. Young figure in prayer.

9. f. 71. Office of the Dead. Full border as i: very good. Human eyes are inserted in the butterflies' wings.

Initial. Bust of bearded man looking up to K.

10. f. wob. Office of the Cross. Full border.

Initial. Christ standing in the tomb, wounded, with crossed arms.

11. f. 115/'. Office of the Holy Ghost. Full border.

Initial. Group of the Virgin and Apostles with red flames on their nimbi.

12. f. 119. Seven Psalms. Full border.

Initial. Bust of David in prayer, in crown and scarlet robe, faces R.

70. HoRAE (Italian).

Vellum, 5 X 3^, ff. 144 + 6, 12 lines to a page. Cent, xv, very- good hand. Italian.

Red morocco binding with gold tooling : clasps. In the cover :

Ko 'lof. ai/'i' (1750) Trapa Pati'ep/oi; KoXXapti'ioi;.

Purchased at Rome.


Collatioii ; a^ (i, 2 line cover) i^ 2i''-7i» 8^ 910-15'" \(f b- (2 lines cover).

Contents :

Inc. offitium mortuorum f- i

67-5, 68 blank.

Septem psalmi penitentiales ........ 69

Officium S. Crucis 100

106 /'-1 08 b blank.

Officium SS.passionis d. n. I.C. in quoomnes antiphone dupplicantur

et semper in principio horarum dicitur uersus . . . . 109

Ornament :

1. f. I. Office of the Dead. Full border without ground or frame. Conventional foliage pink, blue, green with gold dots. Genii (one only here) well painted.

Initial. Skeleton crowned (half-length as throughout), black ground.

2. f. 69. Seven Psalms. Full border.

Initial. David nimbed (not crowned) with psaltery.

3. f. 100. Office of the Cross. Full border.

Initial. Christ in red robe, crowned with thorns, the cross on His shoulder.

4. f. 109. Office of the Passion. Full border with gold cross. Initial. Christ facing K. nude, with crossed arms.

In the Litany: Confessors: Louis, Julian. Doctors: Benedict, Francis, Antony, Dominic. Virgins: Clara, Helysabeth.

71. HoRAE (Naples).

Vellum, 6 X 4^, ff. 217, 15 lines to a page. Cent xv. Italian hand.

Binding, blue velvet by Cape. Two clasps with two nielli on red enamel grounds, representing : a The Virgin crowned holding the Child and offering Him a fruit ; b John Evangelist blessing the poison-cup (with serpent).

Purchased at Sotheby's (no. 249 in a sale).

Collation : 2^ 3^" (wants i) 4" s'" 7i"-9i" io« ii^" (wants 10) 121" ij8 j_^8 i5io_iQio 20^ 21I" 22i» 23^ 24^ 251" (wants one) 2&.

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black ........ f. i

Hours of the Virgin (first leaf gone), 13. In Advent etc., 72.

One leaf of Memoriae (S. John Baptist) 89

Missa de B. V. M 90

Seven Psalms etc. ......... 97

i\ob-\i^ b blank.


Officium mortuorum . . . . . . . . . f. 1 1 3

172 blank. Hours of the Passion ......... 173

198 blank. Officium in honoie S. Crucis . . . . . 199

Memoriae ........... 207

Or. ad L C. : O d. L C. adoro te (four others follow) . . 209

Rubric: Indulgences of Gregory IX, Nicolas V, Calixtus III,

Pius II . . , 310

Or. deuota et ualde utilis . . . . . . . 2 1 1 A

Domine deus sabbaoth deus adonay.

Oratio. luste index Ihesu Christe rex regum et domine . . 215

217 blank.

The Kalendar is Neapolitan.

S. couult dei (quod vult dei) Ep. C neap. Thome de Aquino, red. Gertradis. Vidonis Abb.

Vincent (Ferrer) ord. pred. Peter Martyr ,, ,,

Siluerii Ep. Neap., red. Seruatii. 17. Restitute V. M. Neap., red. 20. Bernardini, red. 23. Euframi Ep. Neap., red. June 2. Herasmi M. 8. Medardi Ep. 13. Antonii de padua, red. July 1. Visitation, red.

15. Athanasii Ep. Neap., red. 29. Marthe, red. Aug. 3. Aspren Ep. Neap., red.

Dominic, Clara, Louis (both), black. Sept. 4. Candide Neap., red.

Nicholas of Tolentino, Lambert.














30- 13-


Januarii Ep. M. Neap., red.


Jerome, red.


Francis, red.


Galli pape.


Agrip|>ini Neap., red.




Ligorii Ep. M.


Annelli C. Neap., red.


Trium puerorum in babilonia.


Theodosie V.


David regis.


Litany : Martyr: Antonius. Confessor: Louis. Doctors: Francis, Antony, Bernardine, Dominic, Bernard, Leonard. Virgins: Gertrude, Restituta, Candida, Elizabeth.

The name of the owner erased in the prayer on f. 212 was mascuh'ne, possibly Albanum.

Ornament :

f. 23. Lauds. Full border : no ground, inner and outer frames of gold and blue. Dragon, bird and conventional flowers.

Initial. Half-length prophet with scroll, in turban and nimbus with external cusping.

The other Hours have similar borders and initials, both varied of course in details. Genii, birds and beasts occur in the borders.

f. 8y. Full page, bordered. St John Baptist in red mantle over gold beast's skin, holding slender gold cross and standing in landscape.

f. 90. Mass of ike Virgin. Full border. Half-page. The Virgin seated on the floor, the Child stands on her knee with a coral on His neck. Three small angels (one with lute) attend. Arch above, a purplish hanging behind.

f. 97. Seve>i Psalms. Full border. Shield azure a fess or: a chief verl bearing a pomegranate (or rose) leaved, of the second.

Half-page. David in torn robe with nimbus cusped externally kneels by cave on L. River, city and mountains on Ji.

f. 113. Office of the Dead. Full border. Shield rt2«;v with branch-pattern or.

Half-page. Death, a crowned skeleton-corpse riding to L. on black horse strikes with scythe at four corpses of king, queen, pope and bishop which lie on the ground in C. Buildings on R. and L.

f. 173. Matins of the Cross. Full border. Half-page. Betrayal. Judas (yellow nimbus) and Jesus in C. Peter and Malchus on R., Jews on L. Apostles on R. Hills R. and L.

f. 177. Prime. Full border. Half-page picture (and so for the other Hours). Pilate with orb throned on R. Two Jews A', and L. Christ between two rough men before him. More Jews on L. and a hill with trees.

f. 180. Tierce. The Scourging. Christ's arms are bound about a pillar in C. He falls with one knee on the base of it.

f. 183. Sext. He bears the Cross to R. Two soldiers drag Him. The Virgin and two other women follow out of a gate on L. The Virgin supports the Cross.

f. 186. None. Christ on Tau-Cross (with title). The Virgin and two women stand on L. Magdalene touches Christ's feet. John with book, and two Jews, on R.

f. 189. Vespers. The Deposition. The Virgin supports the body and kisses the side. Joseph and two women on R. Man on ladder and another Mary on L.

f. 193(5. Co7npline. Entombment. Two men lay the body in the tomb. In C. behind, the Virgin with a woman on each side, another woman on L. Behind is the Cross with two scourges hanging from the arms.

f. 199. Office of the Cross. In a vaulted Gothic apse. In C. altar with the Cross standing on it or behind it. In front kneel two groups, women on L. men on R. , each headed by a nimbed figure. The woman on L. might be the Virgin: the man is aged.

Shield in border. Azure a fess or between three stars of the second.




f. 207. Full i^age. Francis receiving the stigmata. Below the seraph-figure in air on A'., is a church, and, in front, a friar reading.

f. 208. Full page. Antony in black mantle over grey and white, stands reading in a curved recess lined with stone. Landscape seen behind. A staff with bell leans on his shoulder.

Fire in border.

f. 209. Initial. Pope, nimbed, in white tiara, and purple robe, half-length with joined hands.

72. HoRAE (Naples).

Vellum, 5| X 3^, ff. 130+2, 17 lines to a page. Cent, xv, well written in a rather peculiar Italian hand : narrower than is common.

Modern binding.

Collation: 2 flyleaves i'- 2* 3*^ (wants 5) 4"* S** & (wants 8) 7^-10* (wants 7, 8) ii« (wants i) 12^ 13^ 14"' 15 (three) 168 17* 18-.

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black ........ f. i

Ofificium B. V. M. sec. consuetud. Romane curie . . . 13

f. 6i blank.

Seven Psalms and Litany ........ 62

Hours of the Cross (imperfect) (78 b blank) .... 77

Office of the Dead ......... 79

In another hand; Ps. Ad te domine leuaui .... 108/'

Oratio. Gratias tibi ago domine qui me dignatus es custodire in

hac nocte. (1091^ blank) ........ 109

Memoriae no.

Prayers: Juste index Ihesu Christe 113.

D. I. C. qui septem uerba (of Bede) \\4^b. Obsecro te (with rubric) 116. Intenieniat pro nobis 118 (5. Dulcissime D. I. C uerus deus 119. (Or. de psalmis) Confitemini domino quoniam bonus 122. O clauis Dauid. Festina ne tardaueris . . . . . 1231^

Or. domini ad chananeam. Fiat tibi sicut credidisti . . 124

Pro ludicio. Terra terra accusa terram'. terra mea mea est. meum

consilium meum est iudicare. gordin. gordoon. sori. dux. agla. etc. 124 Pro inimicis (i) O Raphael, (2) O sancte Michael, (3) O sancte

Gabriel . . . . . . . . . . . i2\b

Pro aduersitate (i) O sancte tobiel et barachiel,

(2) O sancte lohel et raguel . . . . 125

S. Augustinus fecit banc or. Deus propicius esto . . . 125 <^ D. I. C. redemptor mundi 126^.

' These are the words which Christ is sometimes represented as writing on the ground when the woman taken in adultery was brought before Him.

M. C. TO


Ad V. M. Imperatrix reginarum 128.

Saliie mater saluatoris 1 29 b. Memoiia of S. Leonard 130.

The kalendar is Dominican and Neapolitan :

Mar. 7. Thome de Aquino. Peter M. ord. pred. Seuerii Ep, Neap. Festum corone domini, red. Restitute V. M. ,,

EfTremi Ep. Neap. Transl. b. Dominici. Antonii C, red. Athenasii Ep. Neap. Aspren Ep. Neap. Dominic, red. Clare V.

Bernardi Abb., red. Lodouici, red. Januarii Ep. Neap., red. Francis, red. Arpini Ep. Neap. Helisabeth. Anelli Abb. Neap., red.

In the Litany : Monk : Honufri.

The Memoriae are for the Virgin, Michael, George, James, Leonard.

The suppliant in Obsccro te is " indignus famulus tuus B."

Arms on f 1 3 are or a bend dexter engrailed aziwe.

Ornament :

The surviving pictures and borders are not bad : but the borders have been cropped. They contain genii, birds and beasts (peacocks etc.) on plain grounds.

f. 13. Matins. Annunciation. Dark ground with rays. The Virgin under stone canopy on R. The dove approaching her head. The angel kneeling on L.

Tierce. Shepherd on L. looks up. Another in a hole in the ground, his head only appearing. White sheep and goats on R. Demi-angel in air with scroll. Stag collared or in border.

None. Under vault : purple background diapered. Presentation. Virgin (and maid) on L. She supports the Child on altar. Symeon, nimbed, in mitre and dalmatic, and Joseph (?) on A'.

Vespers. Flight. Joseph leads the ass to R. A palm bends to the Virgin, who touches it.

Seven Psalms. David, nimbed, in a hole among hills praying. The Father surrounded by red cherubs with gold nimbi in a glory on R.






T 7.























O^cd of the Dead. Funeral. Coffin in front on A. Behind seven clerks in white at lectern. Mourners on R. Red ground. Angel in border, and parrots.

Memoriae. Full page. A different style of border, more sparse.

I \ob. Michael, in pink tunic, red and blue wings, green mantle, stands on black devil and holds spear, and scales with two souls in them. Gold ground.

III/'. George (defaced) in white tunic with red cross attacks green and yellow dragon. The Princess (and lamb) kneels in R. upper corner. George faces L. Text gone.

Pictures of SS. James and Leonard gone.

The style of the pictures is by no means distinctively Italian, but rather French.

73. HORAE (? Lodi).

Vellum, 5I X 3§, ff. 172 + 4, 16 lines to a page. Cent, xv, good clear Italian hand.

Old boards recovered in cent, xviii .''

Purchased at Rome.

Collation : a- i'- 2^-58 6'" 7^ 8" (wants 6) 9^ io« 1 1- 12^ 13^ (wants 2) i4«-i88 19* 20** (wants 2) 21^ 22* 23" (wants 12) bl

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black . . . . . . . . f, i

Officium sacratiss. V. M. sec. consuet. Romane curie . . 13

Seven Psalms .......... 86

In another hand : Introibo. ludica me, and Preces . . . 107 5

Office of the Dead, ist leaf gone . . . . . . no

Office of the Cross 157

In another hand : Grace before and after meat .... 168

The last two flyleaves are a part of a will. The name of the testator is mutilated. Among legatees are : D. Yeronimus de Mangiariis and his brother John Paul, and Ric. de Sachetis doctor of Laws and his brother Bartolinus. There is mention of " territorium Sayrani Scauiz..." and of the river Po. In the Kalendar : Fed. 8. Added S. Inuencii Ep. 15. Faustini et louite. 24. Transl. S. Aug. Ap. 29. Peter Martyr. A/ay 4. Added Monica.

20. ,, Theodori, Bernardini.

21. ,, Heulene. June 4. ,, Quirini Ep. M.

13. Antonii C. de ord. min.

10 2


Jime 16, Added Jullite,

Aug. Dominic, Clara.

Louis of Toulouse.

Sept. 10. Added Nicolay de Tollentino.

Oct. Francis.

Nov. 7. Prodoscimi Ep. M.

19. Helisabet.

Dec. 9. Siri Ep. C. , in red.

Litany: Confessors: Bassiane, Zeno, Lodouice, Sire, La(n)france, Alexi. Virgins: Helisabeth, Clara, lustina, Anastaxia, Cita, Helena, Iuleta...Ueronica, Ursula.

Bassianus was Bp. of Lodi.

The main divisions of the book have decorative initials and partial borders of fair execution, all of which have suffered a good deal from use.

74. HoRAE (Spanish).

Vellum, 6 x 41, ff 249+ 1,15 lines to a page. Cent, xv, late, in a curious thin upright Gothic hand. The scribe was a Spaniard.

Old binding with elaborate gold tooling : clasps gone.

Purchased of Ouaritch : bought by him at the Hamilton sale. Sotheby's, May 1889. Lot 46.

Collation: i^'- 2* (wants i, 2) 3^-17^ iS"* (4 cane.) 19* (i cane.) 20^-25* (one cane.) 26^-31^ (wants 7) 32^ 33^ (wants 2) i flyleaf.

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black f. 1

Hours of the Virgin (ist leaf gone) with Office in Advent . 13

Mass of the Virgin 92

Rubric lined through of the revelation of the following prayer to

Arnaldus ........... 99

Prayer: Missus est grabiel (!) 100

Te deprecor ergo 107 ^. O intemerata 108 b. Rubric. S.Johannes euang. composuit sequentes quinque orationes

etc i\\ b

Mediatrix. Auxiliatrix. Reparatrix. lUuminatrix. Alleuiatrix

(initials forming Maria). Ad sanctitatis tue pedes 116. Rubric. B. Gregorius papa (note of indulgence to prayers following) 1 20

O D. L C. adoro te. Commem. Aue cuius concepcio, and collect . . . 122/'

Rubric lined through: Bonifatius papa 123 (i

O D. I. C. qui hanc sacratissimam. Ad angelum custodem 12^ b.


Rubric lined through : Sequentem orat. composuit b. Augu.stinus . f. 126

Dulcissime d. L C. Rubric, part lined through : S. leo papa compilauit sequentem or. 131

On 132 b follows : Initium S. euang. sec. Johannem. On 134 the

prayer: Per quern hec omnia, ending 155 «: crucifixus et

sepultus. Deo gratias. i^^b-iidb blank. Septem psalmi, each followed by a prayer. The first begins . 157

qui tollis peccata mundi. The second, Doniine qui sedes super cherubin. Litany 175.

Officium mortuorum . 184

Hours of the Cross (first leaf gone) . . . . . . 233 (!i

Stabat mater 241.

Hours of the Holy Ghost (first leaf gone) ..... 244

Or. ad Sp. S. Spiritus sancte deus . . . . . . 247 ^

Ue santissima trinitate. Sancta trinitas unus deus . . . 248 b Colophon 249a: Rodericus de Auila : Don Fer° de Acuiia

Episcopo Pampilonensi Patrono benemer//o scripsit. Later : Vise et approbate m'' septembris 25 1573 D""^ heredia.

In the Kalendar :



Antony, /// r-ed.



Blasii Ep. AL, in red.


Giliberti C.


Barbati Ep. M, (Benevento).


Romani Abb.



Thomasii de Aquino C, red.


Macedonii M.


Sinionis Ep.


Patritii Ep. C.


Petri Martiri.



Peter de ordine predicatorum.



Apparitio S. Angeli, red.


Catalli C.


Bemardi C, red.


Marie lacobi, red.



Marcelli, Petri atque Herajwi, red.

1 1.

Bernabe Ap. Omfri C., red.


Antonii C. de ordine predicatorum, red.



Visit. S. Marie, red.


Brunonis Ep. C.



Clare V., red.



Nicolai de tolontino C.


Cipriani et lustine, red.



Candid i M.


Francisci C, red.


Placidi M.


Reparate V.




Theophili Ep.


Locadie V.


Florentinati Ep.


Zenobii presb. M.



Leonard! C, red.



Proculi M.

7* 9-

Ambrosii Ep. C, Locadie V.


In the Litany: Confessors: Francis (4th), end with Anthoni, Claudi, Dominice, Hylari. Virgins, etc. : Maria lacobi et Salome, end with Radegundis, Genouefa, Oportuna.

Ornament : A large number of decorative initials and partial borders growing out of them, without grounds, in the late Italian manner, but evidently not by an Italian hand.

f. 37. Prime of the Virgin. Full border : gold frame, inner and outer : strawberries and conventional foliage with much green, red and blue.

Initial : Joseph (?) and the Virgin adore the Child. Shed on R.

f. 43. Tierce. Full border. Initial. Shepherd looking up. Angel in air. Sheep

on R.

f. 48. Sext. ,, ,, Adoration of Magi. Virgin and Child on Z.

f. 53. Ahne. ,, ,, Presentation. Unusual. Symeon mitred

stands full-face holding the Child on altar. The Virgin, Joseph and another are behind him.

f. 58. Vespers. ,, ,, (Massacre of Innocents. ) A man striking at

a child on the ground : mother on L.

f. 67. Compliiie. ,, ,, Flight. Joseph follows the ass to L.

f. 92. Mass. ,, ,, Virgin and Child, half-length.

f. 120/' (ex). Prayers. In text. Mass of S. Gregory. He is in blue chasuble, back to the spectator, at altar. Server on L. On the altar, tiara and candles, and Christ standing, whose head is not seen. The altar is under a roof supported by arches, open to the air all round.

f. 124^. Initial. Angel in armour, half-length, with sword and orb.

f. 126 i>. ,, Augustine in mitre, and cope over black habit, with crosier.

f. 134. ,, Leo in tiara and red robe throned on A', blessing a crowned prince

who kneels on L.

f. 157. Seven Psalms. Full l)order. Initial. David half-length full-face with psaltery.

f. 184. Office of the Dead. Full border (ground partly silvered). Initial. A skull resting on a purple block of marble in landscape.

75. HoRAE (Arras?).

Vellum, 6j^y X 4^, ff. 151 + 2, 12 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in an unusually large hand, rather coarse.


Green velvet binding with Limoges enamels of cent, xiii, viz. Bordering the first cover four strips, of which those at top and bottom are divided into triangles by zigzag band. The alternate triangles are filled with four-petalled flowers on blue : the rest have at top three busts of angels on blue, at bottom a wolf (.''), a bird, a dragon.

The lateral strips have lozenges each bordered with red and containing a four-petalled flower in blue and green with red centre. Spandrels of small four-petalled flowers in gold on blue.

The middle is occupied by a pointed oval : ground blue with two narrow horizontal bands of paler blue. Six flowers on R. and L. of the central figure, four in blue with white edge, two in green with yellow edge : red centres. The centre is occupied by a beard- less saint holding scroll : he has green and yellow nimbus.

The enamels on the other cover are similar and similarly arranged.

In the top strip are two busts of angels, in that at bottom three dragons. The central oval has ground of gold lozenges on blue with two horizontal bands of blue and green. The Saint holds a book.

Formerly in the collection of E. Quaile. Purchased at Sotheby's May 1901 (no, 73).

On the flyleaf at top :

Henry de Cessoles (xviii?). Jean de Polignac (xviii-xix).

Collation: 1 flyleaf i" 2'' 3^ (with cancels) 4^-6^ (+ i) 7^ 8^ (-f- i) 9* (-f- i) 10* (+1) 11** (+2) I2« 138 (+ i) i4« (-1- I : one cane.) 15- 16^ (+ i) 17^-19* 20^ (+ 0 : I flyleaf.

Contents :

Kalendar, in French, in red and lilack, not full . . . . f. i

Beginning of St John's Gospel ....... 13

Hours of the Virgin ......... 16

Memoire de S. Quentin, added ....... 104;^

Stabat Mater . . . . . . . . . . 105

Aue barbara beata Christi Ihesu cara grata . . . . 109

Devotions at Mass. Aue uerum corpus etc. (another liantl) . . in/'

Seven Psalms and Litany . . . . . . . . 114

Les vij vers. S. Bernars . . . . . . . . i,','^/^

Salue regina 14 1. Veni creator 142/^. Ihesus Nazarenus rex

ludeorum crux uincit etc. 144.

Precor te piissime, with rubric in French ..... '44'''

Prayer of Bede on the seven words, with rubric in French . 146^!'


In the Kalendar :



Valeri Ep.


Aldegonde V.



Bride V.


Vaast in red with octave,



Vindicien Ep.



Medard Ep.


Eloy Ep.



Vincent Ep.


Vuast in red.


Vuillame Ep.



lury Ep.


lois rex in red.



Eloy Abb.






Aubert. Leu.





Vaast. Remi in red.






Denis in red.


Crespin, Crespinien.









Vinnoch Abb.











Fucien M.


Aubert. Lusce V.


Nichaise in red.


In the Litany : Angels: S. Cherubin, S. Seraphin.

The invocations are much mixed : Apostles end with Mark, Luke, Laurence, Gregory, Nicholas, Omnes sancti confessores. Then follow Magdalene, Felicitas, Perpetua, Agatha, Lucia, Katherina, Margaret, Agnes, Quintins, Omnes SS. virg., Omnes SS' et SS*" dei, Propicius esto, S. Elizabeth, Ab omni malo. Martyrs and Confessors are thus practically omitted.

The Saints point to Arras,

The Use is North Eastern French.


The pictures are fair: borders (without grounds) single and conventional.

I. /;/ pi-i)icipio. Chequered ground. St John in slate-coloured and gold robe stands on grass with purple wall (3-sides) behind, blessing cup with serpent in it.

I. Matins of the Virgin, Groimd in squares of blue and brown-red with gold dividing lines. The Virgin and Child (nude with coral necklace) on a seat : green-tiled floor.

3. Lauds. Betrayal. Cup on mount on L. Blue starry sky.

4. Prime. Gold ground. Christ before Pilate. Damaged.

5. Tierce. The Scourging. Three figures : in curiously-shaped room going back to an acute angle : red walls, green and black floor.

6. Sext. Christ bearing the Cross. One man precedes, one follows. Ground mostly silver.

7. None. Christ on the Cross with the Virgin and St John.

8. Vespers. The Deposition : one man detaches the feet, another supports the body : no other figures.

9. Compline. The body (head lo R. ) laid in a red tomb by two men. The Virgin kisses the R. hand : three other nimbed women.

10. Stabat Mater. Pink gnnmd with gold pattern. I'ieta (two figures only).

II. Sez'cn Psalms. Chequered ground. The Judge on the rainbow. Four nude figures (including a bishop and a woman) rise from graves.

12. Prayer of Fiede. The Crucifixion with the \'irgin and .St John (less good than no. 7)-

76. HoRAE (Paris).

Vellum, 6f X 4f , fif. 115 + 2, 15 lines to a page. Cent, xiv-xv early, in a plain hand, with fair ornaments.

Binding of cent, xviii ?

Formerly Phillipps MS. 13557. Sold at Sotheby's, June 1898, no. 661.

Collation: 2 flyleaves i'- 2^-14^ (wants 8).

Contents :

Kalendar in French in red and black . . . . . . f. i

Hours of the Virgin (Use of Paris) 13

(ii,b-(i%b blank.

Seven Psalms .......... 69

Litany (la quirielle): Biaux sire dieux poestis . . . . 79/'

Qui ciel et terre et mer fis

Fay nous par ta pitie tous estre

Auec tes eslis a ta destre. O intemerata (with rubric) ........ 85 (J

Credo, 89 b. Grace, 90.


Oracion sur la misele : Doulx dieu en qui ie croy, 90 <{'.

Morning prayers: Quand nous sommes leuez hers de nostre lit. f. 92

Les vii articles de la foy, 94 d. sept sacremens, 96 d

Followed by Virtues, Commandments : and a series of prayers and

salutations to God and the Virgin, ending 113/-'. On 114/^ in very good black-letter of cent, xvi is:

Thomas Wetherelt's Book. The next leaf is blank.

The text is throughout in French. Beginnings of prayers and psahns only are given in Latin.

The suppHant in O iiitevierata is feminine.

The names of Saints in the Kalendar are extremely corrupt. Denis and Nicaise (Dec. 14) are in red. On the whole the com- plexion seems North Eastern.

On Mar. 28 occurs Saint Montaigu.

The decoration is of a good type roughly done. The principal motive is the coloured ivy leaf growing out of a gold bar. This always occurs in connexion with initials.

The pictures are :

f. 13. Annunciation. Border of foliage on gold band with cusped edge. Red ground to picture. Angel kneels on L. with scroll. Lily-pot in C. Damaged.

Each Hour has a large initial with ivy-leaves on gold ground.

f. 69. Seven Psalms. Defaced figure of Christ as Jwdge. Altar on L. with chalice. Red and gold ground.

.Shield in border: parly per pale dexter half blank: similes arg. a lion rampant o;-(?). The shield is on a pink ground framed in a quatrefoil with right-angled projec- tions between the circular ones.

The Saints in the versified Litany are : Martyrs : Stephen, Laurence, Vincent, Gervais and Protais, Thomas (Becket), John and Paul. Confessors: Martin, Nicholas, Bernard (nostre bon maistre). Virgins : Magdalene, Agatha, Agnes, Katherine.

Rubric to O intcnierata has initial with bust of Pope in tiara (John XXII). The prayer itself has bust of the Virgin in the initial. One or two other heads occur in initials.

The Kalendar is so curiously careless that I give it in full.

The impression I derive from it is that the scribe wanted to fill up his Kalendar and had none at hand which furnished the requisite number of entries : so he filled up blanks as he thought fit at the moment. There is much misplacing even of important feasts, e.g. Conv. of St Paul, V^alentine, Thomas, Luke.



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Various names and groups of names recur most oddly in this Kalendar, e.g. :

Simeon, six times. Jan., Feb., Ap., July, Nov., Dec.

Sauueur, thrice. Jan., Feb., Dec.

Seurin, thrice. Jan., Feb., Dec.

Sire, seven times. Jan., Feb., Ap., Aug. (2), Sept., Nov.

Satur, five times. Jan., Ap., May, July, Nov.

Siste, six times. Jan., Ap., Aug., Oct., Nov., Dec.

Apollin. Jan., Ap., July.

Trine. )

, > Ian., Ap.

Gobert.f ■' ' ^

Romain. Jan., Ap., Oct. (2).

Custor. Feb., Mar.

Victor. Feb., May, Dec.

Vital. Feb., Aug., Dec.

Marcel. Feb., June, Nov.

Cecide. Feb., June.

Pantalin. Feb., Mar.


Lucien. > Mar., Dec.

Osible. I

Praxide. Mar., July, Nov.

Pan eras. )

. , \ Ap., June.


Sanson. Ap., May, July, Oct. (2).

Abondin.l » ,, t »

Rufin. ) '^■' ^^' ■^""^' ^^'

Modest. May, June, Aug.

Albain. Ap., May {2), Oct. (2).

Sabin. May, Sept., Dec.

Capinas. 1 ,. .y , \ June, Oct. Ahsandre



Felis. Jan., June, July, Nov.


Nicaise. \ Sept., Oct.

Venant. j

77. HoRAE (Paris).

Vellum, 8^ x 6, ff. 203 4- 2, 16 lines to a page. Cent, xv, early, beautifully written and ornamented.

Olive morocco binding of cent. xvi.

Collation: a^ (i lines cover) i'- 2* 3^ 4** 5'" &-\\^ (wants 4) 12^-21* 22'' 23* 24^ 25* 2&.


[• Mar., June, July.




Contents :

Kalendar in red, blue and gold

Oroison qui se doibt dire au matin : Mane cum surrexero Oroison deuole a la trinite : In manus tuas

,, ,, de nostre dame : Sancta uirgo maria que uerbum

,, ,, ces angeles : Sancti angeli et archangeli domini

Or. domine deus omnip. qui super cherubin sedes

,, ,, qui non habes dominum

O domina misericordissima .......

Deus qui es iustorum 20.

Or. a n''^ redempteurs I. C. : Domine deus meus prestes ut nichil 21 a dire au sacrement de la messe : D. I. C. tili dei uiui creator 21 b. Salua nos rex glorie 22. Aue redemptor mundi 23. Deus qui in

cruce pendens 23 b. Ecce Ihesu benignissime 24. Gracias ago

tibi omnip. 24 b. Oroison denote a son propre angele : O de-

siderabilis 24/^. Concede ques. mitissime deus ut qui sanctos

an gel OS 26 /'. Memoriae 27 (Michael, John Ev., Andrew, James, Apollonia,

Katherine). Collective Mcinoria for Denis, Eustace, George, Christopher, Blaise,

Victor, Giles, Katherine, Margaret, Barbara, Martha 30.

Nicholas, Maur, Antony, Anne, All SS. f. 34 blank. Sequences of the Gospels 35. Luke (Visitation : Collect). Then

Jo., Lc, Mc, Mt. I'assio sec. Johannein 41 /'. Collect. Seq. S. euang. sec. Luc. Surgens Ihesus de synagoga introiuit in

domum Symonis, with Collect .......

Hours of the Virgin (Use of Paris)

Seven Psalms and Litany ........

Hours of the Cross 124, of the Holy Ghost 128.

Office of the Dead .........

Salue regina 177. Memoria of St John Baptist 177/'. Commendationes animarum ........

Seven Verses of St Bernard : Illumina oculos . . . .

Memoria of St George

Obsecro te 190. O intemerata 193 (^.

Followed by two blank leaves unnumbered.

The Fifteen Joys 196. The Seven Requests 201. Both in French.

13 i\b



18/; 191^


4.5 108



The Kalendar is Parisian repetitions.

In gold.

















it seems to have several erroneous

(25. Conversation S. pol !)




Leu. Gille,







In the Litany: Martyrs: Quintin, Firmin, Nicasius (not Denis). Confessors: Honoratus, Firmin. Virgins: Brigida, Anna, luliana, Ulfia.

This points to Amiens.

The borders (of which there are many partial ones) are mainly of (black) line and (gold) leaf work with insertions in colour.

The pictures arc very good in colour : not specially fine in drawing : most have arched tops and full borders.

1. Matins. Annunciation in a fine Gothic building with pink and h\\\c dome. The Virgin at desk on L. (another behind her). The angel on A'.

Shield in border : party per pale or and azure : a cross ancre gules.

2. Lauds. Visitation in rocky landscape : the Virgin on L. Columbine-plants in the border.

3. Prime. Joseph and Mary adore the Child: in stable. Red hanging (on R.) and chequered ground.

4. ' Tierce.'' Two shepherds with dog and sheep, in landscape : angel in red in the sky. (Leaf with picture for Sext replaced by a blank.)

5. None. Presentation. Maid on L. Symeon on R. with gold cloth over his hands.

6. Vespers. Flight. Joseph leads the ass to R. Gold castle, as often, in the landscape.

7. Compline. Coronation. The Virgin kneels, two angels on L. hold her train. The Son seated on R. on a throne, of which the central portion facing the front is covered with striped red and green drapery. Chequered ground.

8. Seven Psalms. David praying in landscape. Gold castle.

y. Hours of the Cross. Christ crucified, with the Virgin and St John. Chequered ground.

10. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Pentecost. The Virgin throned in C"., the dove above her : blue and gold vaulted roof. Apostles, 5 on Z, 5 on R.

11. Office of the Dead. Funeral in Choir. Priest at altar on L. T\\o clerks at 6". end. Coffin on A', and three mourners beyond it.

Stork on nest in border.

78. HoRAE (Paris?).

Vellum, 9{ X 7, ff. 199, 12 lines to a page. Cent, xv, early or xiv late, in a most curious style. Much of the text in gold.

Modern binding by Zaehnsdorf.

Purchased May 1892, at E. H. Lawrence's sale at Sotheby's, No. 300.


Collation: \^ (wants i ?) 2^ 3* | 5" | 6**-8« 91" lo^ 1 1* (wants i) I2« 13^ 148 15»(+ i) i6»-i9*'(+ i)20''2i«-248 2 5«26«27^ I 28«(wants6).

Contents :

Table of Contents in French in coloured inks (modem Roman hand) f. i A number of leaves with pictures on one side only : verso of ist

leaf, recto of 2nd, and so on ...... . i

Kalendar in pink, blue and gold : names are written in couples in

the same colour, but gold is always preceded and followed by

pink. Thus :

April. I, 1 blue, 3, 4 pink, 5, 6 gold, 7, 8 pink, 9, 10 blue, II, 12 pink, 13, 14 gold. Notes of moon, etc. at end of each month in yellow and green . 24

Sequences of the Gospels : text in gold ...... 36

Aue uerum corpus in gold ........ 43 ii'

Hours of the Virgin ......... 44

Seven Psalms and Litany . ....... 106

Hours of the Cross 130, of the Holy Ghost 141.

Office of the Dead ......... 149

O intemerata .......... 179

Lez V Joies in Latin. Gaude uirgo mater xpristi . . . 182

Lez XV Joies in French. Douce dame de misericorde . . 183

Lez vii requestes ,, Quiconquez veult estre bien conseillie . 190^5

Ending imperfectly 194'''.

After a blank leaf:

Decem Praecepta Dei, Quinque Praecepta Ecclesiae, Tres virtutes

Theologicae, in Latin verse, in coloured inks, by the same hand

as the table on f. i.

The Use agrees generally with that of Paris : but the Hymn at Matins is Quein terra.

The Kalendar is Parisian, but the colours, as noted above, are not helpful since they are arranged for decorative effect.

In the Litany : Martyrs : Denis, Nicasius. Confessors : Johannes, Phillippe, Luppe, Fiacre, Marcelle, Francisce. Virgiiis : Genovefa (2nd), Batildis, Gertrudis, Thecla, Oportuna.

The book is therefore Parisian so far as the contents go, but in respect of its ornamentation it is singularly unlike most Parisian work. It combines elaboration in conception with roughness in execution in a most singular way.

The pictures are for the most part grotesquely unskilful in drawing.

Portions of the ornament are very good, other parts very rough indeed.


Every page of writing is bordered : normally at the sides and bottom with fleurs de lys (vertically divided) alternately blue and gold, projecting from a bar of gold or colour. From these borders springs a good deal of pen flourishing, in which the prominent feature is a peculiar spiral tendril : gold ivy-leaves also occur.

In the Kalendar and on pages which have large initials there is very good ivy-leaf work in gold and colour : and often, on patches of body colour in the margin, birds, insects, etc., have been rather roughly painted.

The pictured pages are most peculiar. The backgrounds are of chequer or plain gold. The frames are of colour with squares of gold at the angles.

Each picture is surmounted by a curious mass of gold architec- ture on a blue or magenta ground, usually enclosing a tympanum in which is a monster done in gold. The borders consist of a double line of blue-green or purple flowers, spaces between being filled with tendrils in penwork.

The Evangelistic emblems are treated like the tops of the pictures. The creature is in gold on blue patterned ground, surrounded by gold architecture on magenta ground patterned.

The pictures come first. Below each is a title in gold on a scroll.

1. Lez vii requestes. Christ seated full-faced showing his wounds.

2. Lez XV ioyis. The Virgin crowned, seated, suckling the Child.

3. La ternite. The Father seated holding the crucified Son before Him, above whose head is the Dove.

4. Vigiles. Gold-palled coffin in front. Beyond it on /,. two mourners, on R. two clerks at desk, all facing R.

5. Maiines. Annunciation. Kneeling angel on Z. with scroll rtz^t kcinii. Lily-pot in C. Virgin stands on A'. Dove in clouds on R.

6. Lattdes. Visitation. Two nimbed figures.

7. Prime. The Virgin in bed. Joseph sits on R. at her feet. Child, ox and ass above.

8. Tierce. Shepherd (damaged) on L. : shepherd, sheep, angel in air with scroll on R.

9. Midi. Adoration. Virgin and Child, and star in cloud, on R.

10. Nonne. Presentation. Virgin supports the Child on altar in C. Symeon on R.

11. Coinplie. Coronation: two figures. Mermaid in tympanum.

12. Vespres. Flight. Joseph leads the ass to R.

1 3. Matines (of the Cross) : Betrayal.

14. LMudes. Christ before Pilate. Soldiers in skirts of mail, cuirasses and helmets of plate : drawn in blue and white.

15. Privie- The Scourging.

M. C. 1 1


16. Tierce. Christ bearing the cross : the Virgin on Z. supports it. A man with adze on R.

17. Midi. Crucifixion. Title, sun and moon. Man kneels on L. with reed and sponge. Virgin and St John.

18. Nonne. Deposition. The Cross itself is obscured by the background. Two men are engaged with the body. The Virgin and John on L. and R.

19. Uespres. The Entombment. Three women with caskets stand over the body. The tomb has three arches in front.

20. Complie. The Resurrection. Three soldiers in the arches of the tomb. No angel.

The Kalendar has for each month an octofoil at top of right hand border (at the beginning) and a medalHon at bottom of R. hand border at end, illustrating the occupation and zodiacal sign respectively. Gold grounds.

21. Jan. at table. 22. Aquarius emptying flagon.

23. Feb. woman with ladle seated at fire, with pot in chimney. 24. Pisces.

25. Alar, with hook prunes a tree. 26. Aries.

27. Ap. man holding two flowers. 28. Taurus.

29. May., man rides to R. with hawk in hand. 30. Gemini with shield on which is drawn a cross with square at intersection, within engrailed bordure.

31. June mowing. 32. Cancer.

33. July reaping. 34. Leo.

35. Aug. threshing. 36. Virgo with distaff.

37. Sept. sowing. 38. Libra held by a woman. 39. Oct. holds vessel of wine over a cask. 40. Scorpius.

41. Nov. cuts bushes (?) with hook. 42. Sagittarius. Centaur shooting to L.

43. Dec. killing pig with axe. 44. Capricorn, half goat, half serpent. Sequences of the Gospels.

45. Eagle. Scroll sec. iohannem.

46. Kneeling angel with scroll sec. iiiatheuin (twice).

47. Lion, very grotesque, with scroll sec. 7?iarcum euangeliste.

48. Ox with scroll sec. lucavi (twice).

Matins of the Virgin. Below text, a row of trees and white dogs chasing white rabbits. Birds added in border.

Vespers. Below text, monkey keeping school, and nude harper.

Seven Psalms ,, two knights fighting : in border a woman in bearskin holding

a wreath.

Hours of the Cross. Text of first page of each Hour in gold capitals on blue and pink grounds.

None of the Holy Ghost (f. 145). Below text, cock and rabbit tilting : a rabbit trumpeter between them.


79. HoRAE (Paris Rome).

Vellum, 9I X 6^, ff. 146 + 6, 14 lines to a page. Cent, xv, finely written.

Modern binding- by Zaehnsdorf : the older covers inlaid inside the present ones.

Each has two arched panels one above the other within a broad border chiefly composed of ornaments like interlaced C's. On the first cover the subjects are the Crucifixion, legend illegible ; the Fall, legend : SICVT p(EK) iNOBE(dientiam) VNIVS PE(ccatum). The date 1561 has been stamped later on the cover.

On the 2nd cover the subjects are : Sacrifice of Abraham DEVS TEMTAVIT AURA and child Christ bearing cross and orb, and trampling on the serpent : ITA P(ER) VNIVS OBHOIEN (oboedien- tiam).

The initials G. I. (L.) O. G. D. (R.) have been added.

The book was written for a member of the Order of St Anthony, and belonged to a house of that order at Cologne in the xvith century (see below).

Purchased at Puttick and Simpson's, April 11, 1889. Sir J. L. Goldsmid's sale. No. 376.

Collation: a^' i'^ 2^ 38-9^ 10^ ii^^-i8« \^'' bl

Contents :

Four blank fly-leaves.

Kalendar, in French, in red and black . . . . . f. i

Sequences of the Gospels ........ 7

Hours of the Virgin. Sec. usum curie Romane (with Advent office) 1 1

69, 70 blank.

Seven Psalms and Litany. Sec. usum curie romane . . . 71

Collect for the Abbot, "miserere famulo tuo abbati nostro."

Hours of the Cross 89*^, of the Holy Ghost 95.

Office of the Dead 99 '^

136 b blank.

Obsecro te 137. O intemerata 140 <5.

Memoria of St Anthony i4.=5

Four blank leaves : on the last

Antonena closter Collem. i. 5. (heart) 8. 6.

In the Kalendar, which is of Paris complexion, we have in red :

Jan. Genevieve, Antony. May. Yves. June. Eloy. Aug. Louis. Oct. Denis. Nov. Marcel.


In the Litany : Monks : Antony, Paul, Benedict, Francis, Dominic, Yvo, Ludovicus.

There is a quantity of very good ivy-leaf ornament in the book : such borders as occur are composed of it.

The miniatures are in a charming soft style.

1. Matins of the Virgin. The Annunciation. Chequered ground. The angel kneels on L. in white, with red wings and scroll aue^plena. The Virgin in blue at desk, a lily-pot on the plinth of it. The Dove approaches her head. Behind, a gold curtain. The Father seen at upper L. corner.

The rest of the Hours are preceded by blank pages but have no pictures.

2. Seven Psalms. Lozengy ground. Christ throned full-face with orb, blessing. On L. altar with chalice and host. On A', table with red cloth, on which are the Tables of the Law. Christ is in blue over dark purplish robe.

3. Hours of the Cross. Vermilion ground with gold pattern. Christ on the cross (with title). The Virgin on L. faces R. with joined hands. John on K. distressed.

4. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Vermilion ground with gold rays. Pentecost. The Virgin seated in C, six apostles on Z., six on R. The Dove in blue cloud at top. Brilliant colour.

5. Office of the Dead. Pattern of blue squares and red rings. Funeral. Coffin covered with pale blue pall with red rings, candles and holy water flagon in front. Mourners (3) on R. On L. lectern with processional cross set up. Two clerks in black copes, one in white vestment.

6. Menioria. Blue ground with gold hatching. Antony, white bearded, in black, with Tau cross on his breast, stands on R. holding book and stick, iire about his feet, pig's head seen on A'. On L. kneels a monk with slight grey beard, in black habit with Tau cross on breast. This is perhaps the finest picture in the book.

80. HoRAE (Paris).

Vellum, 8 X 5^, ff. 200+4, 14 lines to a page. Cent, xv, exceedingly fine writing and ornament.

Modern brown-red velvet cover.

Formerly in the Hamilton collection. On the flyleaf HB no. 672. Lot 85 in the sale of May 1889.

Purchased from Bain.

Collation: a- i^- 2* 3- 4^-1 1^ 12'* 13^-22^ 23'' 24^-26^ b^

Contents :

Kalendar in French, in red, blue and gold . . . . . f. i

Sequences of the Gospels ........ 13

Passio secundum lohannem ........ 21

Hours of the Virgin (Use of Paris) 23

Seven Psalms and Litany ........ 91


Hours of the Cross, iio; of the Holy Ghost, 117.

Office of the Dead ......... f. 122/6

Obsecro te, 168/'; O intemerata, 172.

176 blank.

XV Joys in French . . . . . . . . . 177

viii Requests in French . . . . . . . . 183

Memoriae . . . . . . . . . . . 187

The Kalendar is Parisian. Dec. 22 gives S. Victor in gold.

In the Litany. Martyrs: Lucian (last). Cofifessors : Marcellus, Yvo, Maglorius, Louis, Bernard, Guillermus, Sampson, Paternus, Lambert. Virgins: Genovefa, Elizabeth.

The Memoriae include Denis, Eustace, Louis.

The decoration is admirable. Each page of text has a border down two sides, of gold ivy-leaf work, often with small coloured flowers and buds. The pictured pages have full borders springing from a band of gold and colour which surrounds the text at the sides and bottom. The paintings are the work of a highly skilled artist of the Parisian school ; soft, rich and brilliant in effect.

The Kalendar has at the bottom of the first page for every month an oblong picture in two compartments, on the L. the occupation of the month, on the R. the sign.

1-24. _/''«. on a wooden settle behind a table, drinking.

Aquarius in beard and tunic empties a flagon.

Feb. seated holds up his foot before a fire in white stone fireplace on A\ Pisces.

Maj; in scarlet prunes vines. Aries.

Ap. youth in scarlet bearing branch and flowers. Taurus.

May on white horse rides to R. bearing a flower. Gemini, with two bodies and one pair of legs, hold a gold shield before them.

/une mowing. Cancer, a scarlet crayfish.

July in shirt reaping. Leo.

Aug. threshing. Virgo with palm.

Sept. in tub treads grapes. Libra held by a woman,

Oct. sows. Scorpius.

Nov. holds up staff. Tree and two pigs on 7\. Sagittarius. Centaur with linen turban shoots back to J\.

Dec. about to kill two pigs with back of axe. Capricorn, white goat.

25. Sequences of the Gospels. John on island surrounded by silver sea writes on a scroll on his knee In prtttcipio etc. Eagle on L.

Luke in massive wooden chair, book on desk in C. Ox on /v . Chequered ground.

Matthew at desk. Angel in white holds scroll. Chequered ground.

Mark holds up his pen. Lion on R. with scroll in mouth. In illo tempore. Chequered ground.


26. Passio7j. The Agony. Christ in pink robe kneels facing L. : rock and gold cup on it : the Father in sky. Three Apostles sleep on A'. Railing behind. The border is very fine.

27. Matins of t lie Vif-giti. Annunciation. Chequered ground. The angel on L. with scroll a»e teciini. The Father above. Gold vase in C. The Virgin turning from desk on 7?.

28. Lauds. The Visitation. Joseph on L., aged. Background of rocks.

29. Pri?ne. In front sits a nimbed woman in red swaddling the Child. Ox and ass on R. The Virgin reclines beyond under stable roof. Joseph beyond, in C. Shepherds on K. approach. Chequered ground.

30. Tierce. Three shepherds. Small angel in air on L. Dog and sheep in front. One shepherd has a bagpipe. Background of rocks.

31. Sext. Chequered ground. Adoration. The Virgin and Child on Z., kings on R. Joseph nimbed sits on the ground on L. in front.

32. None. Presentation. Symeon nimbed behind altar on L. Maid on R. with candle and doves. Background a pink wall with five silver windows in it.

33. Vespers. Flight. Joseph leads the ass to R. Two idols fall from column on L. Background of rocks, and red ground with gold flourishing.

34. Compline. Ground: spandrels of orange red patterned, within this a blue sphere darkening towards the middle : within this, red ; in C. a gold sun, rayed. The Son and the Virgin (crowned) on one seat. He has orb and blesses her : she bows to Him.

35. Sez'en Psahns. Chequered ground. David in prayer in rocky landscape. K-^rp on L. Above, God in the sky. A tree on R. is particularly Parisian.

36. Hours of the Cross. A gold and jewelled cross pattee on hexagonal pierced gold base, censed by a kneeling angel on either side. A very uncommon subject. Chequered ground.

37. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Ground of red and gold wavy lines. On a pavement of red and green tiles sit the Virgin and twelve Apostles in a semicircle. The Dove above in C.

38. Office of the dead. Chequered ground. The Judge on the rainbow. His feet on a second bow. Two half-angels with trumpets at the sides. On earth kneel the Virgin and John Baptist. Three people rise from graves in C.

39. Fifteen Joys. Chequered ground. The Virgin (crowned) and Child (nude) in a gold chair. He plays with His feet, and stretches out an arm to R.

40. Seven Requests. Chequered ground. Christ, crowned with thorns, wounded, girt with linen-cloth, and dead, half-length supported upright by an angel in pink and scarlet with blue wings. In front is a rich cloth of vermilion with pattern in gold and colours. This is an especially beautiful picture.

41. Me?noriae. Chequered ground. The Father (Z.) and Son (with cross) in one blue mantle over gold, on a stone throne (pink and greenish). The Dove between them over a book on their knees inscribed Pater et filiiis et spiritus sanctus. The faces are damaged.

The rocks which appear in several of these pictures are very characteristic : so too are the dragon-forms which occur in the borders of the pictured pages.


81. HoRAE (Paris).

Vellum, 7^ X 5^, ff. 205 + 2, 13 lines to a page. Cent, xv, fine narrow hand, brown ink.

Binding, French brown morocco, divided by gold lines into lozenge-shaped compartments, each containing two C's interlaced (supposed by former owners to be the device of Charles II).

Purchased at Sotheby's July 1901 (late Alex. Bain), no. 1086.

It was once the property of Samuel Rogers, the poet. A paper in his handwriting is pasted on to the flyleaf. " Of the Fifteenth Century and executed at Paris, then celebrated for its illumina- tions." He then quotes the allusion of Dante to the Paris miniaturists {Piirg. Canto xi).

Collation: 2 flyleaves, i^- 3^-22* 23- 24* (wants i) 25- 26" 27*.

Contents :

Kalendar in French in red, blue and gold . . . . . f. 1

Sequences of the Gospels ........ 13

Hours of the Virgin (Use of Paris) : rubrics in French . . 19

Seven Psalms and Litany ..... . . 91

Hours of the Cross, iii; of the Holy Ghost, 118.

Office of the Dead ...... . . 124

Obsecro te, 172/'. O intemerata, 176.

Fifteen Joys in P^rench (beginning gone) . . . . . 181

Cinq plaies nostre seigneur (Seven Requests) . . . . 186

Memoriae ........... 190

The Kalendar is Parisian. Marcel is not in gold. Denis in gold on Ap. 22 (the date of the Invention of his body).

In the Litany : Confessors : Armagilus, Yvo, Lambert.

The Memoriae include Denis but not Genevieve.

The book is most richly and beautifully decorated : every written page has a full border of line and leaf work with gold ivy-leaves and a few four-petalled flowers in red and blue. The borders of the pictured pages are framed in gold and contain insertions of conventional foliage in colour as well as the leaf-work.

The pictures are arched at the top. They are the work of a practised and skilful hand, who may probably be identifiable in the future. The colouring is exceedingly light and brilliant.




The subjects are :

1. Matins of the Virgin. Annunciation. Angel in cope on L. with scroll aite domimts. The Father above him, sending forth the Dove. Good architecture. Chequered ground.

In border, pheasant, peacock and owl.

2. Lauds. Visitation. Small angel on Z. by the Virgin carrying a square casket. Excellent landscape with spreading, gold-flowered trees. Water in the distance.

3. Prime. The Virgin and Joseph adore the Child, who lies apparently upon a mass of red cherubs. Ox and ass feeding on L. The Father and blue angels in the sky (half-length). Shepherds approaching. Fine landscape.

4. Tierce. Two shepherds on K. Woman sits on L. plaiting wreath of roses : a chaplet on her head. Angel in white in sky ; one has scroll, Piier natus est.

5. Sext (Midi). The Adoration: the kings on L. The Virgin and Child in C. seated on a red couch with white linen canopy. The stable behind her. Joseph on R. receiving his cup. Further to R. shepherds.

6. N'one. Presentation. Symeon in C. behind altar. Virgin, Child and maid on L.: two men on R., gold ground.

7. Vespers. Flight. Joseph leads the ass to L. A coped angel with sceptre and casket follows. Fine landscape with a man tilling his vineyard.

8. Coi?ipline. Coronation. The Son throned on R., the Virgin kneels to Him. Angels bear her train. A demi-angel in white above holds the crown. A reddish arras with gold flowers and gold border at top forms the background. Above it are blue angels against the starry sky, playing instruments. In front on R. and L. are small half- length saints: on L. Katherine, Agnes and others, on R. Stephen, Laurence, Vincent and some Apostles.

9. Seven Psalms. David facing L. in prayer : harp leans against circular desk on L. Canopied seat on R. Over a battlemented wall is a view of a river. Christ in sky with orb (a bust).

10. Hours of the Cross. The Crucifi.xion with the thieves. Title on the Cross, and sun and moon in the sky. Longinus pierces the side. Magdalene embraces the cross. John, the Virgin and two other women all stand on L. looking up. On R. are priest, man with reed, and another.

11. Hours of the Holy Ghost. The Virgin sits in C. facing R. The Dove above her in the midst of wavy red rays. Apostles R. and Z. and one prostrate in front. The scene an apsidal vaulted building.

12. Office of the Dead. In a churchyard on Z. two men lay a shrouded corpse in the grave. In C. and on R. group of clergy in black copes, and mourners. In air an angel in white thrusting with cross at a devil, and protecting a nude soul which flies upward to the Father in glory above. Buildings partly gold-roofed on R.

13. Seven Requests. The Judge in air on rainbow, feet on globe, a rainbow glory behind: trumpet-angels on R. and Z. The Virgin and John Baptist on clouds. On earth, on Z. an angel leads two souls to Z.: one rises from a grave in C: two go into hell-mouth on R.




82. HoRAE (? Evreux).

Vellum, 7^ x 5^, ff. 187 + 4, H li'i^^ to a page. Cent, xv, very well written.

Old stamped binding with stamps of (i) fleur-de-lys (hexagonal in square), (2) mermaid (round), (3) squirrel, (4) lion, (5) gryphon {?).

Purchased at Puttick and Simpson's, 10 Ap. 1889, from Sir J. L. Goldsmid's collection.

In cover (xviii .-') :

A : J : von Aussem. 12.

Also xv-xvi :

Telle M (knot) n la tien N de bar

On flyleaf: entries of births.

1. Lan Mil Cinq Cens nn"" et douze Le dix septieme jour du moys de Juillet le iour de Vendredi entre quatre et cinq du matin nasquit a Cueur Charles de Lorraine fils Aisne a Monseigneur le Comte de Chaligny.

2. 1593. 14 Dec. Tuesday between 3 and 4 a.m. nasquit a Moy /lerny de lorraine fils second a Mgr le C'^ de Chaligny.

3. 159.^. 9 Feb. between 11 and 12 p.m. nasquit au chasteau de Tugni Laj'se de lorraine fille a Mgr a C"^ de Chaligny.

4. 1598. le jour de .S' hylaire 13 Jan. at 7I a.m. nasquit francoys de Lorraine fils de Mgr le C"= de Chaligny en la ville de foulgeres en bretagne.

The names Henry and Loyse are added a little later in a space left for them.

The earliest name of owner that occurs is that of Bigny, which is written more than once in the book, as will appear.

Collation: a^ (i lines cover) (wants i) 2'* 3«-8* (wants 5) 9s_i^8 (wants 5) \&-2i^ (wants 1-4) 24^ 25^ (wants 7, 8) 26^ (4 lines cover).

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black, wanting January .... Sequences of the Gospels, with Collects ..... (Lc. Missus est Gabriel. Jo., Mt., Mc, Lc. apprehendit Pylatus.) On II /i. Plus e k(knot)b que mil (or nul)

Bigny \ostxt vos^re ame fiere. On igfi. (knot)l.

Vrre est mille (or nulle)

Ch lie bygny.

Hours of the Virgin ......•••

f. I


The subjects are :

I. Matins of the Virgitt. Annunciation. Angel in cope on L. with scroll aite— dominus. The Father above him, sending forth the Dove. Good architecture. Chequered ground.

In border, pheasant, peacock and owl.

■2. Latids. Visitation. Small angel on L. by the Virgin carrying a square casket. Excellent landscape with spreading, gold-flowered trees. Water in the distance.

:!,. Pritue. The Virgin and Joseph adore the Child, who lies apparently upon a mass of red cherubs. Ox and ass feeding on L. The Father and blue angels in the sky (half-length). Shepherds approaching. Fine landscape.

4. Tierce. Two shepherds on R. Woman sits on L. plaiting wreath of roses: a chaplet on her head. Angel in white in sky ; one has scroll, Pner natus est.

5. Sext (Midi). The Adoration: the kings on Z. The Virgin and Child in C. seated on a red couch with white linen canopy. The stable behind her. Joseph on R. receiving his cup. Further to R. shepherds.

6. None. Presentation. Symeon in C. behind altar. Virgin, Child and maid on L. : two men on /?., gold ground.

7. Vespers. Flight. Joseph leads the ass to Z. A coped angel with sceptre and casket follows. Fine landscape with a man tilling his vineyard.

8. Compline. Coronation. The Son throned on R., the Virgin kneels to Him. Angels bear her train. A demi-angel in white above holds the crown. A reddish arras with gold flowers and gold border at top forms the background. Above it are blue angels against the starry sky, playing instruments. In front on R. and Z. are small half- length saints: on Z. Katherine, Agnes and others, on R. Stephen, Laurence, Vincent and some Apostles.

9. Seven Psalms. David facing Z. in prayer: harp leans against circular desk on Z. Canopied seat on R. Over a battlemented wall is a view of a river. Christ in sky with orb (a bust).

10. Hours of the Cross. The Crucifixion with the thieves. Title on the Cross, and sun and moon in the sky. Longinus pierces the side. Magdalene embraces the cross. John, the Virgin and two other women all stand on Z. looking up. On R. are priest, man with reed, and another.

II. Hours of the Holy Ghost. The Virgin sits in C. facing R. The Dove above her in the midst of wavy red rays. Apostles R. and Z. and one prostrate in front. The scene an apsidal vaulted building.

12. Office of the Dead. In a churchyard on Z. two men lay a shrouded corpse in the grave. In C. and on R. group of clergy in black copes, and mourners. In air an angel in white thrusting with cross at a devil, and protecting a nude soul which flies upward to the Father in glory above. Buildings partly gold-roofed on R.

13. Seven Requests. The Judge in air on rainbow, feet on globe, a rainbow glory behind: trumpet-angels on R. and Z. The Virgin and John Baptist on clouds. On earth, on Z. an angel leads two souls to Z.: one rises from a grave in C: two go into hell-mouth on R.


82. HoRAE (? Evreux).

Vellum, 7^ X 5g, ff. 187 + 4, '4 l>"es to a page. Cent, xv, very well written.

Old stamped binding witli stamps of (i) fleur-de-lys (hexagonal in square), (2) mermaid (round), (3) squirrel, (4) lion, (5) gryphon {?).

Purchased at Puttick and Simpson's, 10 Ap. 1889, from Sir J. L. Goldsmid's collection.

In cover (xviii .-') :

A :J : von Aussem. 12.

Also xv-xvi :

Telle M (knot) n la tien N de bar

On flyleaf: entries of births.

1. Lan Mil Cinq Cens ini'^'^ et douze Le dix septieme jour du moys de Juillet le iour de Vendredi entre quatre et cinq du matin nasquit a Cueur Charles de Lorraine fils Aisne a Monseigneur le Comte de Chaligny.

2. 1593. 14 Dec. Tuesday between 3 and 4 a.m. nasquit a Moy henry de lorraine fils second a Mgr le C"^ de Chaligny.

3. 159.S. 9 Feb. between 11 and 12 p.m. nasquit au chasteau de Tugni Loyse de lorraine fille a Mgr a C"' de Chaligny.

4. 1598. le jour de S' hylaire 13 Jan. at 7I a.m. nasquit francoys de Lorraine fils de Mgr le C'*^ de Chaligny en la ville de foulgeres en bretagne.

The names Henry and Loyse are added a little later in a space left for them.

The earliest name of owner that occurs is that of Bigny, which is written more than once in the book, as will appear.

Collation: a^ (i lines cover) 1* (wants i) 2^ 3*-8* (wants 5) 9^-15** (wants 5) \&-2i^ (wants 1-4) 24^ 25^ (wants 7, 8) 26^ (4 lines cover).

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black, wanting January . . . . f. i Sequences of the Gospels, with Collects . . . . . 12

(Lc. Missus est Gabriel. Jo., Mt., Mc, Lc. apprehendit Pylatus.) On 1 1 b. Plus e k(knot)b que mil (or nul)

Bigny \ostre vostve ame fiere. On 19^. (knot)l.

Yrfe est mille (or nulle) Ch de bygny. Hours of the \'irgin ......... 20


Hours of the Cross 8i, of the Holy Ghost 851^. 89 /^ 90 blank.

Seven Psalms and Litany f. 91

Office of the Dead (begins imperfectly) in

Obsecro te 154. O intemerata 157 <^.

Salue (Stabat) mater 161 (^. Salue mater graciosa 163/^. Salue

regina . . 165 (^

(With collects.) Gaude felix maria. tota plena gratia, conceptus exordio . . 166 b

With collect. Septem gaudia B. V. M. spiritualia beato Thome martiri per

ipsam reuelata .......... 168

Gaude flore uirginali, with collect.

End of a prayer, in French verse, to St Christopher (followed by

Memoria) 17°

II na garde de mort soubite Ne de renommee despite. I. C. filii dei miserere mei 172. Benedicatur hora qua deus homo natus 173. Aue care 173/'. Aue principium 173/^. Saluator mundi salvam me fac 174. Memoriae of Maria lacobi and Maria Salome 174^!'.

of ApoUonia 175 (5. Seven verses of St Bernard 176, On 177/'. Monogram of A and E / ames sere / De Bar / H T /


Mass of the Holy Ghost 178

Mass of the Virgin 188 3

Pro defifunctis 182/'. 183^ blank.

Another hand : Aue preciosissimum et sanctissimum corpus 184.

Memoria of St Sebastian 184/^. Sancta maria mater d. n. L C.

dulcissima 185 b. In manus tuas 186. On last cover (xv) 1 1 1 / v^j-/re demeure / a flower.

In the Kalendar :

Feb. 9. Ausberti Ep. 15. Aquilini Ep. (Evreux).

Ap. 22. Oportune in red.

May 9. Trans. S. Nicholay in red.

23. Desiderii Ep. M.

25. Maximi et Uenerandi (Evreux).

June 19. Gervasii et Prothasi, red.

25. Eligii, red. 28. Leonis, red. Jzdy 4. Martial, red.

II. Transl. S. Benedicti, red.

13. Thuriani Ep.

17. Clari M.

18. Trans. S. Acquilini (Evreux).

26. Anne, red.

Atig. 3. Inu. S. Stephani, red. 5. Dominici, red. u. Taurini Ep. C, red (Evreux).


yiieg. 13. Landulphi Ep. , red.

25. Ludouici, red.

30. Fiacri.

Se/>L 5. Inu. S. Taurini, red (Evreux).

I-;. Firmini M.

Oct. 1. Remigii, Germaiii, Vedasti, red.

9. Denis, red. 11. Nigasii sociorumque.

22. Mellonis pape ( !) et C

23. Roniani Ep. C, red.

25. Crispini, Crispiniani.

26. Amandi. Nov. 1 7. Aniani Ep. C.

20. Eadmundi R.

21. Columbani. Dec. I. Eligii.

8. Conceptio B. V. M., red.

The Litany is careless : Martyrs include Remigius, Germanus, Coluniban. Confessors : Gervase, Prothase, George, Tyburcius, Christopher. Among Virgi?is I note Julia and Concordia.

Antiphon to Psalms at Prime. Quando natus es. Capit. Ah initio. Nones. Ecce maria genuit. Capit. Ego

quasi uitis.

Lessons at Matins as for Rouen. Also Capitulum in Lauds.

Ant. in Lauds. O admirabile commercium.

The Saints point very distinctly to Evreux.

Decoration : Most of the pages have a border down one side of line and leaf work, with insertions in colour : rather roughly done.

The pictures are very fair.

1. Matins. Annunciation. Virgin kneels on L. under stone loggia. The Dove near her head. Above, Gabriel (in gold cope on R.). Bust of the Father in air. Chequered ground.

Shield in border : party per pale, dexter half (dimidiated) arg. a fess azure bearing two roundels outlined in gold with lion rampant and eagle displayed : sinister az. a lion rampant argent.

2. Lauds. Visitation. Elizabeth kneels on A'., Joseph is seen between her and the Virgin. Landscape.

3. Prime. Joseph and the V^irgin (both on Z.) adore the Child, in stable. Ox and ass behind.

Shield, the dexter portion of that in no. i. Aig. a {q^^ azure bearing three roundels in gold, on which are L. and R. lions rampant, C. eagle displayed. Beginning of Tierce is gone.

4. Sext. Adoration of the Magi. The Virgin crowned and Child under porch on L. on canopied seat hung with red and gold.

Shield as in no. 3.


5. None. Presentation. The Virgin (kneeling), Joseph and maid on L. Symeon, mitred, nimbed and coped (in blue) on R.

6. Vespers. Fhght. Joseph leads the ass to R.

Shield. Quarterly, the dexter quarter in chief left blank, the others bear : or four eagles displayed azure, a cross gules separates them.

7. Compline. Coronation. The Virgin kneels, an angel holds her train ; another on Z. with harp. The Son, crowned and with orb, on a seat covered with red and gold, green footstool and curtain, crowns her : He is in gold mantle over blue. Behind, a low stone wall. Sky and portion of gold sphere above.

Shield : quarterly, i and 4 gules three bars aig. (or arg. two bars gules) : 2 and 3 gules semee of trefoils or two luces adossed of the second.

8. Hours of the Cross. Christ crucified (title, sun, moon and stars). Virgin and St John. Bones lie by the cross. Chequered ground below, sky above.

Shield : arg. a bend dexter gules bearing three hammers or.

9. Hours of the Holy Ghost. The Virgin seated on a cushion in stone loggia, book on knee. The Dove, rayed, in air. Peter and another behind on Z. : three apostles on R., a rich hanging behind.

Shield: sable three hands couped or (two right hands and one left).

10. Seven Psalms. David with harp by him in landscape. God in air. Shield : gules semee of trefoils or. Two men adossed of the second (cf. no. 7). The picture to the Office of the Dead is gone.

83. HoRAE (Paris).

Vellum, x 4^, ff. 208 + 6, 14 lines to a page. Cent, xv, late, in good Gothic hand.

Modern binding of wood, backed with leather : metal studs and clasp.

On flyleaf:

Ces heures appartiennent a Messire Pierre Sire et Baron de Tournebu 1706.

Modern half title in black letter :

Officium b. et gloriosae V. Mariae.

Inserted on frontispiece, but loose, is a miniature, bordered, of the adoration of the Magi, of late xvth cent. On the back in a late hand are some salutations to the Virgin.

Collation: i loose leaf, i^- 2^ 3" 4* 5^ (wants 3) 6^-25^ 26^" 27 (one) I 28 (paper and vellum : five).

Contents :

Kalendar, in French, in red, blue and gold . . . . f. i

Sequences of the Gospels ........ 13

Obsecro te 18 <^. O intemerata 22.

Aue cuius concepcio ......... 27


Prayers at Mass : rubrics in French . . . . . . f. 38

Memoriae . . . . . . . . . . . 31/;

Prayers for the Dead ......... 3,3 /i

f. 37 blank.

Hours of the Virgin : Use of Paris ...... 38

Seven Psalms and Litany 110

Hours of the Cross 131, of the Holy Ghost 140.

Office of the Dead 14?''^

Fifteen Joys, in French . i()8

Seven requests ,, (Uoulz dieu doulz pere) . . . 204

Later : Memoria of St Anne ....... 208

Table of Contents in coloured ink : Roman hand (cf. no. 78) . 20<;

On tliree paper flyleaves three ornaments in penwork : late.

In the Litany among Confessors are Yvo, Guillermus, Paternus: VirgtJis, Genovefa, Honorina.

Genevieve is not in gold in the Kalendar.

There are Memoriae for the Virgin, St James, Sebastian, Katherine, Genevieve, Margaret.

1. The miniature prefixed to the Kalendar is bordered, and is good in colour but of ordinary execution. It represents :

The Adoration of the Magi. Virgin and Child by the stable on L. The blue sky is rather good.

Each leaf has a border on one side of the text consisting of a narrow inner band of gold and colour and a broader band of foliage without ground.

2. Sequences of the Gospels. Full border divided into lozenge-shaped fields. John on island writing in a book on his knee. Eagle on L. with inkhorn. City in the distance.

3. f. 26^. Aiie ciiitis co7icepcio. The Flight. Joseph leads the ass to A'.

4. Matins of the Virgin. Annunciation. The angel on R. points up at the Father seen through a window. The \'irgin under red baldacchino on Z., the Dove on a ray. Gothic work above. Grotesques in the border.

5. Seven Psalms. David crowned kneels at a table on L. with a book-desk placed on it and harp leaning on the sill of a window, through which the Father is seen. A bed with red canopy behind.

6. Hours of the Cross. The Crucifixion. Mary and John on Z. Centurion, priest (!) and soldiers on R. with banner of double-headed eagle black on gold. Sun and moon in sky.

7. Hours of the Holy Ghost. The Virgin seated in C, the Dove above shedding flames. Apostles kneel R. and Z. Gothic canopy above.

8. Office of the Dead. In front a man astride a grave filling it up : in it lies a shrouded corpse. Coped priest with asperge and cross-bearer in alb. Behind, a young man, and mourners. A church porch on R. and a cloister at the back.

9. Fifteen Joys. The Virgin and Child (reading) seated under red tent-canopy, a small angel in dalmatic and alb with harp on R.


to. Seven Rajuests. The Father and Son in one gold mantle over white, on a gold Gothic throne. The Father has an orb, the Son a cross. They hold a book. The Dove between their heads. Sky of red angels.

By another hand :

II. Aleynoria. St Anne seated in a room, the Virghi on Z. reads at her knee. Behind her a bench with a book on it, under a window.

These are rather good pictures ; perhaps nos. 6 and 8 are the best.

84. HoRAE (Paris).

Vellum, 4| x 3|, fif. 182 + 10, 16 lines to a page. Cent, xv, late, well written.

Old red velvet binding.

Book-plate of J. L. Sheppard (and date 1857).

Purchased at Sotheby's, July 23-26, 1888. Lot 578.

Collation : a'* (i lines cover) i^'^ (+ i blank?) 2*- 3^ 4^ (wants i) 5^-7* (wants i) 8* (wants 4) 9* (wants 6) 10^ (wants 3) 1 1^ (wants 7) 12" I 1 3^-1 5M 6-* I 17* (wants i) 18^-24^ (4 cane.) (6 lines cover).

The collation is difficult and uncertain owing to the tightness of the binding.

Contents :

Kalendar in red, blue and gold in French . . . . . f. i

f. 13 blank.

Sequences of the Gospels ........ 14

Obsecro te 10 b. O intemerata ■24.

Hours of the Virgin. Use of Paris : beginning gone : nine Lessons

in Matins 28

89, 90 blank.

Seven Psalms and Litany 91

Hours of the Cross (beginning gone) 110, of the Holy Ghost 114;^.

Office of the Dead (beginning gone) . . . . . . 119

Memoriae ........... 165

XV Joys in French . . . . . . . . . 170^

vii Requests 177

The Kalendar is Parisian.

In the Litany: Martyrs: Denis, Quiriacus. Confessors: Mar- cellus, Medard, Eligius, Maglorius, Clodoald, Theobald, Louis, Maur. Virgins : Genovefa, Clotildis.

Each page has a border down one side : in the Kalendar these


are on grounds of dead gold or colour. In the body of the book they are of line and leaf work without ground. The pictured pages have full borders divided into geometrical fields. Grotesque and real flowers occur.

The paintings are of good average work : foliage is heightened with gold.

I. Sequences of the Gospels. John on island in landscape writing scroll on his knee. Eagle on L, holds inkhorn in its beak.

■2. Obsecro te. Initial. Bust of the Virgin.

3. O intemerata. ,, Pieta (two figures) in landscape. Pictures to Matins, Lauds and Prime gone.

4. Tierce. Two shepherds, with bagpipe and crook, dog and sheep, in landscape. Angel (half-length) on cloud with scroll. Gloria et in.

Pictures to Sext and None gone.

5. Vespers. Flight. Joseph leads the ass to A'. The Virgin holds an apple. In background on L. the husbandman by a field of ripe corn takes off his hat to Herod's soldiers: in C. an idol falls from a column.

Picture to Compline gone.

6. Seven Psalms. In a building David kneels at altar on A', (with diptych on it). Harp on L. The Father seen in air through a window.

Picture to Matins of the Cross gone.

7. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Pentecost. In an apsidal building, the Virgin seated in C, book on knee. Apostles on K. and L. (fifteen in all). The Dove seen in window in C.

Picture to Oftice of the Dead gone. Memoriae. In text.

8. vS. Michael with yellow wings tramples on a devil.

9. John Baptist with lamb. Trees K. and Z.

10. Sebastian shot at by two men on R.

II. Nicholas as bishop: three boys in tub on R.

12. Katherine in tower crowned with sword, book and wheel.

13. Genevieve with candle and book. Angel in air with lance (on Z.) lights the candle and thrusts down a devil with bellows.

14. Barbara with book. Tower on A'.

15. XV Joys. The Virgin crowned and Child, on gold throne canopied. Small angels on R. and Z. play harp and lute.

16. vii Requests. The Father in tiara on a mauve carved throne with high back holds before Him the crucified Son. The Dove joins His mouth to the head of the Son. Sky of red angels.

85. HoRAE (Rome Paris).

Vellum, 'j\ X 5^, ff. 1 16, 28 lines to a page. Cent, xvi, well written in a rather current Gothic hand. Red morocco binding of cent, xviii.


Purchased at Puttick and Simpson's, 4 April, 1889, from the Library of a "collector." Lot 137. At the end (xvi) :

Marguerite de Ponchier. ] statim consequetur qui vera crediderit.

Collation: 2»-5» & 7*-i3* 14- | 15^ i6» (wants 7, 8).

Contents :

Kalendar in French, in red, blue and gold f. i

Sequences of the Gospels ........ 7

Obsecro te, 10^. O intemerata, iih.

Hours of the Virgin (Use of Rome) 15

The Hours of the Cross and of the Holy Ghost are intermingled : the advent office of the Virgin follows.

Seven Psalms and Litany 61

Office of the Dead 68(5

Memoriae 95

A quire in another hand:

Passio sec. lohannem 103

Lofice de nostre dame de pitie, in French 107

Memoriae . . . \\\ b

The Kalendar is Parisian with Genevieve (twice), Louis, Denis, Marcel in gold.

In the Litany : Martyrs end with Paul, Julian, Christopher. Virgins : Valeria (3rd) : Genevieve does not occur.

Every page is bordered : the decorative portion has ground of fluid gold and real and conventional foliage and flowers. On the pages which have no large picture the outer margin has an oblong upright miniature with a scroll above and below, inscribed in red : on each are four lines of verse in French.

The frames of the large pictures have usually on the L. a parti- coloured renaissance column, and on the R. a pilaster with Gothic details.

The painting is very skilful. The colours used by the artist of the added quire are brighter than those in the rest of the book, and the general effect of his pages is perhaps more pleasing.

The Kalendar has two pictures in the outer border of each page, which together make a column as long as the text.

1. Jan. Man at table, back to fireplace: servant-man waits on him.

2. Aquarius nude empties pitcher into stream.

3. 4. Feb. Stands back to fire. Pisces. 5, 6. Mar. Prunes vines. Aries.


7, 8. Ap. Taurus. Two women gather flowers.

9, 10. May. Man carries tree. Gemini hold a gold shield before them. II, 12. June. Mows. Cancer, a crayfish. 13, 14. Jxly- Leo; two sheaves behind. Man reaps. 15, 16. Aug. \'irgo, by a sheaf, holds palm. ^L1n threshes. 17, iS. Sept. Man leaning on staff treads grapes. Libra, held by a woman. 19, 20. Oct. Sows. Scorpius.

21, 22. Nov. ALan beats oak for pigs. Sagittarius shoots backward to R. 23, 24. Dec. Man kills pig with mallet : sheaf behind. Capricorn, half a cornucopiae.

The illustrations in the text shall first be described.

25. Sequences of Gospels. Large. John writes scroll on his knee and looks at pen. Eagle on L. holds ink-horn in his beak. In background, beast with ten heads.

26-28. /// text. Luke, Matthew, Mark, each writing in a room with his appropriate emblem.

29. Obsccro te. Virgin and Child who takes fruit (?) from a dish offered by angel on R.

30. O intemc7-ata. Pieta with John on L. and Magdalene on R.

31. Large. Matins. Annunciation. Virgin at desk on Z. under hanging canopy. Dove in air in C. Gabriel kneels on R. with sceptre and points to scroll in air inscribed in red capitals : Ave plena. The Father seen through a w-indow above.

32. Lauds. Visitation. Virgin and Joseph on L. Elizabeth on R. Good buildings behind.

Alatins of the Cross. Crucifixion. John, the Virgin and other nimbed women on Z. Soldiers on A'.

33. Matins of the Holy Ghost. The Virgin kneels at desk under canopy on Z. John and other apostles kneel on R. turning towards her. Rays and tlames in air, but no Dove.

34. Fritiie of the Virgin. The Virgin (Z.) Joseph (C.) and ass on A", adore the Child. Stable on Z. with kneeling ox. Two shepherds look over wall behind.

35. Tierce. Two shepherds with dog and sheep. Two demi-angels in air with scroll. Landscape with tower.

36. Sext. Adoration of the Magi. Virgin and Child by stable on Z. Star on the gable.

37. None. Presentation. Virgin and maid kneel on A'., Joseph beyond. Symeon, mitred and nimbed on Z. behind altar, holds the Child.

38. Vespers. Flight, to Z. Joseph leads, maid follows. An idol falls from a column in C.

39. Compline. Coronation. The Father in tiara with orb throned on Z. The Virgin, presented by an angel, kneels on R., an angel bending over a partition holds the crown. Ground of red angels. Some unintelligible lettering is on the cornice of the partition, along which runs a seat hung with purplish fabric.

40. Seven Psalms. Saul throned on Z. before tent. David kneels on A', with the head of Goliath on his sword-point. Partition (with lettering and seat and red hanging) as in the last picture. Over it is seen the headless body of Goliath.

41. Office of the Dead. Death, a shrouded corpse on Z., smites with a dart a lady on R. Behind is an ossuary, a coped chest with crested roof on four blue pillars. In the sides are openings showing skulls. A wall Ijchind, a grave slab below.

M. C. 12


In text: Memoriae. 42. The Trinity. Father and Son seated, in one mantle,

holding one book. The Dove between them. Red angels on R. and Z.

43. Michael in landscape attacks devil.

44. John Baptist with lamb.

45. John Evang. with cup and dragon.

46. Peter in a loggia with key.

47. Paul in a room with sword.

48. James the Great seated in a room, garbed as a pilgrim.

49. Christopher crosses river to R. Hermit with lantern on Z.

50. Sebastian at tree on Z. Archer on R.

51. Laurence in room with gridiron.

52. Nicholas, as Bishop, in room. Children in tub on Z.

53. Claudius kneels at altar on Z. Woman, with dead child swaddled, kneels on R.

54. Anthony seated blessing: a devil on each side beats him.

55. Anne in room seated on Z. The Virgin standing reads a book on her knee.

56. Katherine kneels on Z. to be beheaded. Burning wheel on R.

57. Noli me tangere. Christ with banner. Magdalene kneels on R. in garden.

58. Margaret holding a small gold cross rises from the back of a dragon.

59. Barbara holding a tower.

60. Apollonia holding book and pincers with tooth.

The added quire :

61. Large. The Agony. The Apostles sleep in front. Christ kneels facing Z. in C An angel drawn in gold on a blue cloud on Z. holds up a cross. Judas and soldiers enter on R.

In the border a bust, in white on blue ground, of Judas (?).

62. In text. The Betrayal. Peter and Malchus on Z., soldiers on R.

63. Caiaphas throned on Z. in mitre. Christ before him. A man smites Him.

64. Christ brought to Pilate, who is seen half-length behind a desk (?).

65. Christ scourged by two men.

66. Pilate washes his hands. Christ on R. Men seen through windows.

67. Christ on the cross. The Virgin, John and another on Z. Soldiers on R.

68. The Deposition. The Virgin and others kneel on Z. Two men take down the body.

69. Large. Pieta. Two figures only. Behind are the Cross, with title and nails, the reed, ladder, scourges and lance leaning on it or hung to it. On R. the column with scourges and rope, and the cock on the top. A starry sky.

70. In text. Jerome, among trees, in a hair shirt (represented like a net) beating his breast with a stone. Lion on R. Cardinal's hat and crucifix on Z.

71. Louis, crowned and bearded, in royal mantle with book and sceptre. Red ground with gold flower.

72. Agnes with palm caressing a lamb, in landscape.

73. Denis in red chasuble holding his mitred head.

74. Genevieve with candle, reading in landscape. In air on Z. devil with bellows, on R. angel with taper.


The small pictures in the margins illustrate the lives of the Virgin and of our Lord.

The inscriptions on the scrolls are in French verse. In many cases the picture represents a prophet, probably because the description of the previous scene occupied more than four lines. These prophets will not be described in the following list, but the inscriptions will be given. The series begins on i. y b with a figure of a prophet.

7 b. Tous ceulx qui ont deuocion. A la doulce vierge marie

Honnourant sa conception. Ilz ont aide a mort et a vie. 8a. Joachim married to Anne.

louachiw espousa saincte anne. qui en sa vie eut ti^ois maris Produisant signes non prophane. Et tiges de fruitz non taris.

8 b. The Virgin and Child. Joachim on R.

De iouachim qui fut primier. Est yssue la vierge marie Portant ihesus fruit singulier. Qui nous a rachetez de vie.

9 a. Anne, Cleophas, and Mary Cleophae.

Du second mari cleophe. Saincte anne eut une autre marie Qui espousa le bon cleophe. dont yssit tres belle lignee. 9 b. Cleophas, Mary, and four little boys, nimbed.

Ces deux quattre beaux enfans eurent. S' iaques le mineur, saint jude Qui grans amis de dieu furent. Saint Symon et Joseph le iuste. 10 a. Mary Salome (? should be Anne) with casket, and Salome (the husband) : a girl in red (Mary Salome).

Puis du tiers mari salome. Anne eut une fille et non plus Dont mariage consumme. fut auecques zebedeus.

10 b. James as pilgrim. John with cup.

Deulx yssit une lignee mixte. qui porta grant fruit et saueur Primo saint lehan leuangeliste. et puis saint iaques le maieur.

1 1 a. Anna Ysmeria (or Elizabeth) and the child John Baptist.

Puis sainte anne une seur auoit. bismeram par son nom dicte Qui fut mere elizabeth. de quoy si vint saint iehan baptiste.

II ^ (prophet). Iouachim fut de galilee. Et de la cite nazareth.

Et sanccte anne de bethelee. Aimans lun lautre en dit et fait.

11a. Joachim and Anne kneel at altar on L.

Tous deux si iustement uiuerent. Seruans dieu suiuans les eglises Et de tous les biens quilz auoient. en faisoient troys pars et deuises.

\T,b. Joachim gives to a poor man. Anne puts coin on altar behind. Lune estoit a dieu et au temple, lautre a vefues et pelerins Et du surplus viuoient ensemble, ou donnoient aux poures voisins.

13 a (prophet). En cest estat ving(t) ans vesquirent. Priant dieu quilz eussent lignee Car tous deux doppinion furent. quelle seroit a dieu vouee.

12 2


iT,b (prophet). Or en ce temps les homme ou femnie. marie qui nauoit enfans Si estoit repute infame. et sans oser monstrer aux gens.

14 «. Priest with pax (?), back to altar on L. Joachim with lamb kneels at rail, Anne beyond.

Si aduint qua une grant feste Joachim allant a loffrande

Au deuant lui vit le grande prestre qui lui fist une iniure grande.

141^. The same scene. The priest holds up the I'ound gold pax (?) and speaks. Joachim and Anne come away.

Et en effect lui refusa. loblacion et lofTertoire.

Et lors tout chacun laduisa qui sut une infame notoire.

15 b. Joachim, shepherd and sheep.

De la vint en sa bergerie. Regarder ses gens et pastours Ou pour passer la mocquerie. louachim se tint aucuns iours.

16 a. Joachim kneels, angel in air, sheep.

Lui seulet estant en priere. lange a lui vint soubdainement En grande clarte et lumiere. luy donner resiouissement.

16 b. Joachim and angel.

louachim dist il tes prieres. Et les aumosnes que tu as faictes Sont deuant dieu tenues chieres. Exaulcees sont tes requestes.

17 rt similar. Anne ta femme si aura Une belle fille serie

Qui le doulx ihesus portera Et laquelle aura nom marie.

i"] b. Prophet. Outre dist lange a iouachim. en signe de chose asseuree Tu rencontreras en chemin. ta femme a la porte doree.

18 rt. Anne, angel in air.

Cela fait lange sen alia. A saincte anne tout droicte voye

En dire autant et reuela. le vueil de dieu dont eut grant ioye.

18 <^. They embrace. Golden gate behind.

Anne et iouachim dieu louerent. Et comme fust chose iuree Tous deux apres se rencontrerent. a la dicte porte doree.

19 a. Woman washes the child Mary. Behind, Anne in bed, and maid by her.

Cela fait saincte anne porta, larbre de ioye et fruit de vie Et neuf moys apres enfanta. la benoiste vierge marie.

193. Anne, Joachim, and the child Mary walk to A'.

En laage de troys ans la vierge. Fut conduite et menee au temple Pour donner son offrande et cierge. ses pere et mere estans ensemble.

20 a. Anne and Joachim at foot of steps. The Virgin on the steps. Priest by altar at top.

La sagenoilla humblement. soy presentant au sacrifice

et soy donnant entierement. toute a dieu et a son seruice.

20 b. Virgin kneels at top of steps. Anne and Joachim, at bottom, depart.

Ce fait les parens sen retournerent. Prenant de la vierge conge. Et au temple la delaisserent. Comme lange auoit encharge.


21 a. Virgin kneeling (in temple), Rays above.

Mais si tost ne sauoient venir. Quon ne la trouiiast en prieres Pies a toutes gens subuenir. Et faisant euures singulieres.

21 d. Three maidens. Altar behind on Z. with candles.

Les autres vierges du dit temple, si sesbaissoient grandement du train de la vie et exemple. que menoit tant notablenicnt.

22 a. The Virgin sits weaving at a loom, facing Z.

En besongnant en ses tissus. chantoit hynnes tres gracieuses Ayant tousiours le cueur lassus. et en choses tres fructueuses. 22^ (prophet). Quant de feste ou desbatement. Et dautres ieux dont len deuise Point ne si trouuoit nullement. Ains ne se bougeoit de leglise.

23 a. Virgin kneels at altar at top of steps : two maids at bottom, back to back.

Lors les vierges toutes ensemble, se departirent ca et la et sen allerent hors du temple, fors marie qui nen bouga. 233. Prophet. Toutes fois pour le cas douteux. et la difficulte soudaine II remist la chose aux gens vieulx. a la feste des iuifz prochaine.

24 a. Three men kneeling face Z. Rays above.

Et au dernier si fut conclud. quon se mectroit en oratoire affin que de par dieu on sceust. quon deuoit de la vierge faire.

24 i>. Two groups of Jews talk. Rays above.

Puis on ouyt soudainement. une voix du ciel qui vint dire quon mist les gens separement. de dauid pour la les eslire.

25 6. Prophet. Et ceulx qui nestoient mariez. si prindrent chacun une verge

pour estre a dieu sacrifiez. et sauoir qui auroit la vierge.

26 a. Priest and group of suitors with rods.

Si fut dit. celuy qui aura dentre vous la verge flourie Celuy la si espousera la vierge pucelle marie.

26 /'. Suitors with rods at altar on Z.

Ainsi ceulx de dauid ofifrirent. leurs verges a lautel et place et ny eut ame a qui fiourirent. quon aperceust de prime face.

27 fl. Priest. Joseph with budding rod and dove. Suitors.

Et pour plus grant chose euidente que cestoit le vouloir de dieu Sur la verge la florissante vint une cohuube au millieu. 2 7(5. Priest marries Mary to Joseph.

Non obstant fut delibere que ioseph a la robe fleurie Auoit et seroit marie auecques la vierge marie.

28 a. The Virgin kneels at desk in a room, facing Z.

Loue soit dieu de son plaisir qui ma voulu ainsi pourvoir Et soit acompli son desir en moy tout selon son vouloir.

28 d. Prophet. Ce ne sont pas de noz grans filles. qui veulent a leur auantage

estre mariees es villes. et sans demourer au village.

29 a. Two youths : a maid turns away from them.

Puis quant on leur bailie maris et quon donne assez de biens

Silz ne sont bien a leurs plaisirs Respondent quilz nen feront riens.


29 b. Joseph, with cloak on stick, and walking staff, goes to R.

Joseph les espousailles faictes Se sen alia en bethlee. Pour faire deuant les aprestes. des nopces at de lassemblee. 30(?. Joachim, Anne and the Virgin.

Cependant la vierge treschere se retira en nazareth

en lostel de ses pere et mere ou par auant et demouroit.

30 b. Virgin at desk on L. Angel in air.

Marie estant en nazareth priant dieu qui est son deduit. a elle si vint gabriel sur le point dhuit heures de nuyt. 31a. Similar. Angel with scroll, Aue ple(na).

Lors la vierge si salua et luy fist grande reuerence En disant aue maria dame de grace et excellence.

31 a. Prophet. De ceste salutacion. qui fut faicte soudainement

la vierge eut perturbacion. par forme desbaissement.

33 a (as 30 b). Pour te dire que conceuras. ung filz de par le createur

Lequel ihesus tu nommeras et sera de tous redempteur.

34 a. Similar. Cestui ihesus sera grant roy. et le sauueur de tout le monde

qui mectra les [les] gens en arroy et dont auras glorie parfonde. 343. Virgin and angel both stand.

Lors luy dist la vierge marie las comment se pourroit il faire Car nul homme ne congnois mie ne nay intencion de faire.

35 a. Angel kneels to Virgin.

Lange a ce lui fist responce. le saint esprit si ouurera en toy par vertu absconse et ton cueur enluminera.

35 b (like 30 b). Si tanonce bien en ce lieu que le filz que tu porteras

si sera le vray filz de dieu duquel la mere si seras.

36 ^i". Similar. Et elizabeth ta cousine iassoit ce quelle soit sterille

Conceura par euure divine ung filz qui sera fruit utile. 36/^. Similar. Lors la vierge remercia. dieu et lange de la nouuelle Plusieui's fois et regracia en faisant sa response telle.

37 (^. Similar. Dove in air.

Dieu me doint estre obediente en tout ce quil ordonnera Veci sa petite seruante soit fait ainsi quil lui plaira.

38 a. Prophet. Quelle parfonde humilite o quelle vraye obeissance

quel doulceur quel benignite et quelle grant beniuolence.

38 b. Joseph and Mary in country walk to R.

Apres la doulce vierge digne fut in montana visiter Icelle ysabel sa cousine quant elle fut preste denfanter.

39 a. Visitation. Et la arriue salua elizabeth qui estoit mendre

et lors saint iehan se remua en louant ihesus en son ventre.

39 b. Prophet. Cestoit le bon s' iehan baptiste qui grace receut en ce lieu

par lanunciacion dicte et fut le precurseur de dieu.

40 a. Elizabeth. Elizabeth faisoit sa plainte. Helas ie suis vieille sterile

et neant moins me voy ensainte cest ung cas tres fort dificile.


41 a. The Virgin. Marie disoit semblablement. et moy qui ay voue chastete

iay conceu en ung mouuement selon de dieu la voulente.

41/'. Eirth of John. Maid with basin. Elizabeth in bed. Virgin holds the child on L.

Si fut en son enfantement quant acoucha dc iehan baptiste et fut celle premierement. qui mist sur lui sa main beniste.

42 a. Prophet. Puis elizabeth releuee marie ches son pere se tint

et la durant sa demouree Joseph souuent la veoir vint.

42 b. Joseph. Angel in air.

Mais lange le vint conforter. lenortant quil ne sesbahist Sil veoit la vierge enfanter. car dieu vouloit quainsi se fist.

43 rt. Similar. Lors dist. dieu si ma la donnee en faisanl le commandement

et a ceste euure cy menee par lui soil faict lacheuement.

43 <5. Virgin and two men.

Si fut demande a ioseph. Par les parens sil vouloit bien que marie geust en nazareth. Car il ne lui cousteroit rien.

44 b. Prophet. Chascun en dit sa rathelee. mais ioseph dist quil la menroit

en sa ville de bethlee et que illec acoucheroit.

45 a. Virgin on ass, and Joseph, go to L.

Approuchant le temps denfanter. Ioseph print conge de saincte anne et puis fist la vierge monter pour la soulager sur ung asne.

45 b. They go to R. Ainsi de nazareth partirent. menant ioseph lasne en lien.

Et depuis si grant chemin firent quarriverent en bethleem.

46 fl. Joseph, Virgin, and ox enter stable.

les bonnes gens furent surprins et ne sauoient ou hebergier car tous les logis estoient prins. sansque nul les voulsist loger. ^6b. The Virgin seated, Joseph seated, ox and ass behind.

Si se mirent au lieu commun. entre deux tetz pres dune crache ou alors chacune ou chascun mectoit son bestiail en atache.

47 a. Joseph and Mary adore the Child. Ox and ass behind.

Illec la vierge glorieuse a mynuit comme il est escript Enfanta sans mal et ioyeuse nostre doulx sauueur ihesu crist.

48 a. Similar. Ox and ass adore.

Adonc les bestes se leuerent. et en signe de reuerence deuant lenfant sagenoillerent et luy firent obeissance.

48 b. Joseph with loaf and jug. Virgin seated with the Child.

Ioseph couroit par place et voye. selon cela necessite en plourant et riant de ioye quant la vierge eut enfante. 49 rt. Virgin, Child: two shepherds, one with loaf.

Et dicelle natiuite bergiers et pastoureaux chanterent en venant par humilite. veoir ihesus et le saluerent.

49 b. Two angels in air : scroll with music pax et gloria.

les anges du ciel si crierent. paix et gloire a dextre et senestre et par tous lieux si publierent. la natiuite de leur maistre.


50 a. Adoration of the Magi.

Les roys de tarce qui le sceurent. si le vindrent la adourer et de loing pays y coururent. pour le louer et honnorer. 50^. Prophet. Auecques ladoracion or encens et mirre donnerent pour present dexaltacion. et a luy se recommanderent.

5 1 a. Two priest-like men conversing.

Ou temps duquel aduenement le monde qui auoit este

per long temps et en dueil et tourment fut en paix et tranquillite.

51 l>. Prophet. O eureuse natiuite o tresioieulx aduenement

de ihesus par qui a este le monde mis en sauuement.

52 a. Prophet. En voulant estre ne comme homme et endurer tel pourete

pour le damnement de la pomme de quoy il nous a rachete.

52^. Prophet. Neantmoins ihesus voulut naistre sans pompe et en pourete a ffin que chacun peust congnoistre quil aymoit fort humilite.

53 /). Prophet. Helas ou sont noz acouchees et les dames de maintenant

qui font de si grans assemblees et fust pour karesme priuant.

54 «. Prophet. Que pleust adieu quil en print garde, a ce cas en plusieurs gesines

car dexces faire on nauroit garde ne mesdire de ses voisines.

54 d. Prophet. De boubans et de vanite len ne vit iamais bien venir.

Et nest tel que dhumilite et tousours le moyen tenir.

55 rt. The Circumcision. Virgin on Z.

Aduenant le huitiesme iour le doulx ihesus fut circoncis en receuant grande dolour pour son precieux sang incis.

553. Prophet. Et fut par tous nomme ihesus comme lange lauoit nomme Et nostre seigneur de lassus auant quau monde si fust ne.

56 rt. Presentation. Symeon on L.

Puis pour purificacion a nostre doctrine et exemple

la uierge pour oblacion porta le doulx ihesus au temple.

56 S. Prophet. Or le bon homme symeon auoit dit que point ne mourroit

lusques il eust la vision de ihesus et quil le tiendroit.

57 a. Presentation. Maid with doves. Virgin kneels.

Si print ihesus entre ses bras, damour ardant et singuliere et en criant ihesus helas dieu si lui rendit la lumiere.

57*5. Similar. Virgin kneeling holds the Child. Symeon takes the doves, oultre plus au temple donnerent. une paire de tourterelles de quoy lautel sacrifierent auecques deux coulombes belles.

58 rt. Joseph, Virgin and maid depart.

Cela fait ilz sen retournerent ensemble a lostel festier

et le lendemain commancerent a besongner de leur mestier.

58 d. Joseph carpentering. Virgin holds the Child (in robe).

Joseph si estoit charpentier et ouuroit de menuyserie telle fois quil estoit mestier pour aider a gaigner sa vie.


59a. The Virgin sews a purplish robe. Loom on L.

la vierge fasoit des tissus et ouuroit a robe desguille dont et fist celle de ihesus nomme la robe inconsutile.

59 b. Prophet. Cette robe la si croissoit en mesure que le sauueur

deuenoit grant ou accroissoit et estoit violee couleur. 60 rt. Herod. Two soldiers about to set off.

Herode si fist grant poursuite de trouuer marie et lenfant pour les mectre a mort subite comme fist de maint innocent.

60 (5. Joseph sits sleeping. Angel in air.

Si vint lange par reconfort en ung songe de ioseph dire

que ledit herode estoit mort neantmoins quil sen failloit fuire.

61 b. Flight. Joseph accompanies ass to R.

Car son successeur le queroit et auoit apres eulx grant fuite et alors la vierge et ioseph se misrent en chemin degipte.

62 a. Prophet. Si tirerent vers Israel et le doulx ihesus emporterent

qui deuenoit grant et moult bel et la certain temps demourerent.

62 h. Prophet. De la si furent en egipte en iudee et en plusieurs lieux

ou ihesus menoit vie beniste en prouffitant de bien en mielx.

63 a. Joseph, Mary and Jesus walk to K.

Elle et Ioseph ensamble eulx deux le suiuoient continuelment mais une fois se perdit deulx dont ils furent en grant tourment.

63 b. Joseph and Mary facing R.

La doulce vierge souspiroit sans sauoir que dire ne faire fors seulement que le queroit mais tout ce fasoit par mistere.

64 rt. Doctor in red robe.

De tous les fais de la jeunesse de sa vie miracle aussi et des biens quil fist a largesse est traicte en vita xpristi.

64 b. Prophet. Ces miracles cy se lerront en courant seulement sa vie

Et les faitz que toucher pourront La benoiste vierge marie.

65 a. Christ in pulpit. Two men and a woman.

Quant le doulx ihesus eut trente ans il se commenca a monstrer a prescher au peuple et aux gens pour la foy de dieu remonstrer.

651^. Feast of Cana. Virgin and Christ only at table. Man by waterpots in front. Et tout le fin premier miracle quil fist ce fut a la requeste de la vierge estant a table des nopces archedeclin et feste.

66 a. Virgin and Christ at table. In front, servant, waterpots, and architriclinus tasting wine.

Que il mua leaue en vin pour les gens qui nauoient que boire par ung grant ouurage diuin dont tout chascun luy donna gloire. 66 b. Christ in temple addresses three Jews in front.

II preschoit au peuple et au temple arguoit en la synagogue en leur demonstrant bel exemple et sur tous il auoit sa vogue.


67 a. Addresses two men : Jews behind.

Les faulx iuifz si murmuroient et quant ilz voient les miracles et ses euures qui prosperoient a peine estoient demoniacles.

67 3. Four Jews confer.

depuis sa fin ilz processerent par iniuste enuie a tort

et au dernier ilz ne cesserent tant quilz leussent faict mectre a mort.

68 a. Christ speaks to kneeling man with bound hands : a devil issues from his mouth.

Deux ans fut continuellement faisant miracles merueilleux

en guerissant entierement de tons maulx tant fussent perilleux.

68 d. Addresses kneeling man. Apostles on L. Men on J^.

Aux aueugles donnoit lumiere aux muetz rendoit le parler aux ladres guerison entiere les boiteux faisoit droit aller.

69 a. Christ. Two dead arise, one in shroud, one in ordinary habit.

II faisoit resusciter mors II guerissoit demoniacles II sauoit dedens et dehors en faisant infiniz miracles.

69 ^. Prophet. Or la benoiste doulce dame en la plus part diceulx estoit

Voyant la renommee et fame qua son filz ihesus on portoit.

70 a. The Virgin and two men, facing Ji.

Chacun luy enportoit honneur disant pour louange parfaicte vela la mere du sauueur et de ihesus le vray prophete.

70 d. Prophet. Ceste ioye bientost termina car quant vint a la passion tout en dueil et douleur tourna pour lexcessiue oppression.

"J I a. Entry into Jerusalem. Apostles follow. Two men in trees on 7^. La iournee de pasques flouries ihesus vint en iherusalem ou rameaux et herbes fleuries pour lonneur de luy getoit len.

72 a. Christ and apostle walk to Ji. Two men kneel.

Tons venoient en procession en criant o roy disrael

aies du peuple compassion qui puis luy fut honneur cruel.

72 I>. Judas with bag talks to two men.

Judas faisoit ses [ses] diligences comme soy monstrant plus habile et sauoit par ses congnoissances tousiours nouuelles de la ville.

73 a. He talks to the Virgin.

Si luy demandoit bien souuent la vierge marie des nouuelles car il en sauoit bien auant et dieu scet sen bailloit de belles.

73 i>. The Last Supper : round table. Judas, back turned, holds the bag behind him.

Depuis mesmes quil eut vendu le doulx ihesus sut en la cene sans estre effraye nesperdu de sa grant trayson vilaine.

74 a. Judas talks to the Virgin.

La doulce vierge glorieuse luy demandoit sil sauoit rien

de son filz par plaincte piteuse mais faignoit que tout alloit bien.

74 l>. Prophet. O quel faulx traistre desloyal quel pecheur de propre malice quel seruiteur franc et loyal de faire si horrible vice.


75 rt. Prophet. Plusieurs auiourdhui vous diront amy vostre besongne est faicte puis en apres vous trahiront ou vous ioueront de la retraicte.

75 b. The Agony. Apostles in front. Chalice and host on rock.

Or approchant la passion de nostre sauueur ihesu crist

la vierge eut grant oppression de douleur et beaucoup soufrit.

76 a. Betrayal. Malchus on L. Chalice and host on rock.

A mynuit ihesus si fut prins en iardin estant en priere

dont la vierge eut le cueur surprins quant ouyt dire la maniere.

76 iJ. Virgin, Magdalene with casket and two other women in a room.'

EUe estoit en iherusalem auec les maries demouree

et cependant la traictoit len son filz en piteuse trainee.

77 a. Prophet. Jamais chose plus doloureuse ne fut vnques ne plus cruelle

passion ignominieuse sans les playes ne sans la sequelle.

77 b. Christ before Pilate.

Des grandes allees et venues des renuoys dherode a pilate des formes qui furent tenues leuangille assez le relate.

78 a. The crown of thorns pressed down by two sticks.

Or pensons a la belle dame comment elle estoit si troublee et persecutee iusqua lame de veoir une telle assemble.

78 <5. The scourging.

Quant son filz si estoit es mains des iuifz qui sesiouissoient luy firent tourmens inhumains tant que pou le recongnoissoient.

79 a. Pilate washes his hands. Christ on K.

Or la condempnation faicte la vierge disant son seruice si ouyt tonner la trompette et quon crioit a la iustice.

79 b. Trumpeter on horseback : soldiers, view of street.

Le cry fait se print a marcher quant len lui donna a entendre que len alloit crucifier son filz et en la croix estandre.

80 a. The Virgin, John and women walk to H. Houses behind.

Si eut alors angoisse amere qui la tresperca iusquau cueur car nature de filz a mere luy represe(n)toit grant horreur. ^ob. Prophet. Mais icelle vierge pour voir en son maintienne contenance nul ne si peust apperceuoir ung seul semblant de inconstance.

81 a. A crowd of people going to K.

Chascun se partoit des ouurouers pour aller au mont de caluaire hommes femmes de tous mestiers pour la iustice veoir la faire.

81 b. Prophet. Hee dieu scet en passant comment la doulce vierge alat apres

auoit de dueil et de tourment des iuifz et de brocars diuers.

82 a. The Virgin and John walking to R. following men, who look back and point.

Lung fierement la regardoit en diant quoy velec sa mere lautre si la monstroit au doit sans quelle muast sa maniere. 82 b. Christ bears the Cross. Soldiers and the Virgin.

Si aduint en une recontre vers la croix terrible eternelle que ihesus venant a lencontre elle le vit aussi luy elle.


83 a. Prophet. Et des si tost quel laperceut tant estoit alors deuore que la vierge deuint ne sceut car estoit tout desfigure.

83 b. Christ bears the Cross, and is smitten by soldiers.

Depuis les piez iusques au chief sur toutes les parties du corps ny auoit nerf qui neust mechef et que sang ne saillist hors.

84 a. Two men elevate the Cross, one pulling a rope passing round Christ's legs.

Et puis la couronne despines le roseau les cloux et la croix ou ses precieux membres dignes furent estanduz comme croidz.

84 b. Christ on the Cross : the Virgin and John.

Si appella la vierge femme sans la vouloir nommer sa mere car leust couroucee iusqua lame et eust en trop douleur amere.

85 a. Similar. Disant femme veci ton filz Et a saint iehan veci ta mere

Comprenant en ces mots la ditz grant substance de la matiere.

85 b. Prophet. La verge mot ne respondit. tant estoit fort persecutee

car son cueur presque se fendit. comme mere desconfortee.

86 a as 85 a. Elle oyoit les illusions, que les iuifz si lui fasoient

les opprobres derisions, pendant quilz le crucifioient.

86 b. Similar : the Father above.

Nostre doulx sauueur ihesu crist. pour acomplir sa passion Rendit a son pere lesperit. en pitie et compassion.

87 a. Prophet. De quoy y estoit il tenu. ne qui luy auoit inuite

si non que ce blew soit venu. de grace et liberalite.

87 b. Sun obscured : lightning or comet in sky : rocks and trees.

Alors le soleil se obscursit. tenebres si furent sur terre le ciel et nue se noircit. et fist grant escler et tonnerre.

88 a. Lintel of temple breaking. Two tombs open, with lids off.

Le pieires du temple fendirent. par influence impetueuse plusieurs monuniens si ourirent. et y eut chose meruilleuse. 88i5i. John, the Virgin and holy women. He supports her.

Et puis la passion acomplie s' iehan et les maries leuerent la vierge (\nas\ la transie et en la maison la menerent.

89 a. Prophet. Quant ceust este le plus estrange qui neust sait bien ne reconfort

encore courage se change quant il est question de mort. 89/'. John, Virgin and women in a room (lamenting).

La vierge et maries arriuees avec s* iehan en la maison estoient toutes abruuees de pleurs et de larmes aussi.

90 a. Magdalene with casket.

La doulce marie magdelene disoit quen vie elle verroit et quapres tel tourment et peine ihesus si resusciteroit. qob. Four men looking to L.

Ainsi comme plusieurs des iuifz voyans lapparence certaine

quil estoit dieu estoient reduitz en frappant dessus leur poictrine.


91 a. Prophet. Helas bien auoit la puissance de les mectre en (a)bisme par fonde

mais tout a prins en pacience pour la saluation du monde. ()\l>. Pieta at foot of Cross. John and a woman on A', and L. Ainsi la vierge si passa le iour du vendredi aoure que son filz ihesus trespassa et fut en croix deshonnoure.

92 a. Entombment in garden.

Le samedi vindrent nouuclles reuelees par aduision

des fais de ihesus et merueilles dictes par les filz symeon.

92 (^. Two men in shrouds speak to men on L.

Carinus et leuterius estans trespassez sexhiberent

a ioseph et nichodemus et des fais de dieu leur compterent.

93 a. Christ threatens two demons before the gates of hell.

Cest assauoir comment ihesus si auoit contrainct lucifer et tous les diables ius et sus lui ouurir les portes denfer. 93/5. Christ with gold cross leads out souls: open gates behind.

Aussi conte Ion nen tenoit si non ceulx aymans le sauueur a qui le cas bien reuenoit au moins en auoient ioye au v...

94 a. Three women with caskets in garden. Closed tomb.

Les maries en ihesus ardantes acheterent de loignement et furent matin diligentes daler oyndre au monument.

94 b. Christ with gold cross meets three women in garden. Tomb with lid across it.

Au tombeau point ne le trouuerent dont furent coursees a merueilles mais au dernier tant le charcherent que ihesus sapparut a elles.

95 a. Prophet. Le dymenche estant tiers iour il resuscita puissamment

et sapparut six fois le iour diuerses fois et amplement.

95 <5. Christ with gold cross appears to the Virgin, in a room.

La premiere apparicion que leuangile ne dit mie dicelle resurrection ce fut a la vierge marie.

96 a. Prophet. La chose estoit bien condescente quelle estant mere naturelle

et qui laimoit damour ardente et eut la[«] premiere nouuelle. <)6b. Noli me tangere, in garden. Christ with gold cross and banner. La seconde apparicion fut a marie magdeleine qui ardoit en dilection et dont elle eut ioye souueraine.

97 rt. Christ with gold cross appears to three women in garden.

La tierce a toutes les maries come elles venoient du monument qui voient les piez et les cuisses de ihesus par atouchement.

97 b. Christ with golden cross. In front Peter in a bricked well or pit.

La quarte si fut a s' pierre qui plouroit pour son grant peche en la fosse ou dieu le vint querre dont fut ioieulx et depesche.

98 a. Journey to Emmaus : all three in hats and high boots.

La cinquiesme fut aux disciples ainsi quilz aloient a emaulx

ou il monstra par raisons triples quil deuoit souffrir tant de maulx.


98 b. He appears with gold cross to apostles in a room.

La vi'= notant grant choses fut aux apostres enfermez

ou ihesus entra portes closes disant paix a vous mes amez.

99 a. Prophet. Or recordons icy la ioye dicelle resurrection

et le bruit qui fut par la voye de sa venue lostension, 99(5. Christ with gold cross. John with cup, and Peter.

Le doulx ihesus resuscite si fut quarante iours sur terre soy monstrant a sa voulente aux apostres en diuerse erre. 100 a. Virgin and angel in room.

Durant lesquelz quarante iours la benoiste vierge sa mere

en auoit nouuelles tousiours comme la plus prochaine et chere.

100 b. The Virgin and apostles at table, out of doors.

Escheu le quarantiesme iour come les apostres estoient au moiit de syon a seiour avec la vierge et la mengoient.

1 01 a. Christ with gold cross seated at table. Apostles stand: in room.

Ihesus a eulx si sapparut et menga en leur compagnie en leur disant que chascun fust a oliuet vers bethanie. loi b. Fully robed, with gold cross. He speaks to John and others.

Aux apostres dist quilz preschassent au peuple et toute creature leuangile et quil enseignassent sa foy et la saincte escripture.

102 a. Prophet. Et que celuy qui y croiroit baptise et en la foy ne

a tousiourmais sauue seroit et lincredule condenipne. io2b. Christ with gold cross addresses apostles.

En oultre leur donna puissance de guerir tous demoniacles en la vertu et excellence de son nom et de faire miracles.

Here begins the added quire. The verses are in a worse hand : not on scrolls.

103 b. Christ with gold cross. Thomas kneels. Apostles behind.

A ses disciples sapanit Lors que sainct thomas y estoyt Demonstrant la voye de salut Et disant paix auec vous soyt.

104 a. Christ with scroll, bead qui non viderunt, and cross. Thomas kneels.

Et apres enseignemens mains. II va dire a sainct thomas Regarde mes piedz et mes mains. Et incredule ne soye pas. 1043. Christ on shore, with cross. Peter wading. Boat with apostles behind. Ainsi que pierre et aulcuns de eulx Peschoyt en mer thiberiade Ihesu crist saparut a eulx les confermant en foy durable.

105 a. Apostles in boat draw up net. Christ on shore with cross.

Pierre peschoyt ung aultre foys Auec aulcuns des compagnons Et ne pouoyent tirer leur roythz Pour la grand force des poissons. 105 b. In front, gridiron with fish, over fire. Christ stands among apostles, with cross. Vng aultre foys il saparut A eulx en oultre maniere Et auec eulx menger volut Pain et poisson par grand mistere.


106 a. In room. Christ on Z. with cross. Table with fish in C. Apostles behind it.

p:n la fin par correction Les resprint dincredulite Leur commandant que en union demourassent en la cite. 106/;. Virgin and Apostles kneel. Mount with footprints. Feet and robe of ascending Christ.

Apres maint bon enseignement Monta es cieulx par sa puissance Et la victorieusement demonstra sa noble excellence.

107 rt. The Trinity. Father and Son, on clouds, the Dove between.

Quant il fut a la dextre mys De son pere coste acoste Enuoya se quauoit promis Le iour sainct de la pentecost.

107 (5. Pentecost. Virgin in C.

Les apostres tons desoles de labsence de Ihesu crist

Du sainct esprit sont consoles qui toutes langues leur aprit.

108 a. Peter preaching, seated crowd in front.

Les apostres iointz a sainct pierre Remplis du benoist sainct esprit Aux iuifz pour les cieulx acquerre Preschoyent la foy de Ihesu crist.

108 (5. Peter in pulpit preaching.

Les juifz moult sesbahissoyent Des apostres comme est escript Car toutes langues ilz parloyent Par la vertu du sainct esprit.

109 a. Peter baptizing. Crowd behind.

Enuiron troys mil iuifz qui aux apostres faisoyent guerre furent tous a la foy reduitz Par lexortacion sainct pierre.

iiort. Lame man in front. Peter and John behind.

Ainsi que pierre au temple entroyt Auec iehain enuiron nonne Ung poure impotent la estoyt Ausquelz il demanda lausmone.

iioi^. Peter holds the man's hand. John behind.

Sainct pierre lors luy respondit Que or et argent point il nauoyt Mais limpotent par la main prist. Et le fist cheminer droit.

ma. Group of men kneeling in the temple.

De ce miracle conuertis Furent cinq mil par telle exemple Les scribes du fait auertis En murmuroyent dedans le temple.

111 b. Group of priests standing in the temple.

Allors comme gens inconstans Les seigneurs pr^jb/Vres de la loy Estoyent despitz et mal contens que de dieu se augmentoyt la foy.

112 a. Men push two apostles into gateway (of prison).

Les ^reshitres. en grand desarroy Ainsi que es actes nous lisons Les apostres par faulx desroy Bouter les firent es prisons.

112 b. In temple : Peter, an angel behind him, heals a kneeling demoniac : demon in

air above. r r ^

Le lendemain furent hors mys Preschans juifz faisans miracles

Et comme de dieu vrays amys Garissoyent les demoniacles.

113 a. Stephen stoned by two men. Saul seated above.

Sainct Pol de dieu persecuteur Persecutoyt grans et petis Qui de luy puis fut zelateur Et est le docteur des gentis.


ii3<^. Paul falls from horse in front. Christ in air. Soldiers behind. Comma en damas vouloit aller Persecuter les cristiens Ihesucrist le voult appeller Et le volut tenir des siens.

114 a. Simon Magus in air held by two black devils. Peter and Paul below in front. Crowd behind.

Symon Magus par art magicque Hault en laer se fit transporter Present neron peruers inique pour les faitz de dieu surmonter. 114(5. Simon lies on ground in front. Two devils in air hold his soul. Nero and crowd behind.

Sainct pierre au dyable commanda Qui le laissat choir en la place Au quel subit il sacorda Et monstra a tous sa fallace.

115 a. Paul kneels, about to be beheaded.

Plus incense que une beste Le mauldict et peruers neron

A tort sans cause et sans raison A sainct pol fit trencher la teste.

1 15 3. Domine quo uadis. Peter facing A', in front. Christ bears cross towards gate

on L.

Ihesucrist en forme dhomme Aussi de sa croix appuye

Dit a pierre je uais a Romme Pour y estre crucifie.

86. HoRAE (Rome Paris).

Vellum, 6| x 4^, ff. TJ, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xvi, elaborately- ornamented.

Old red morocco binding with good gold tooling, metal edges and clasp. A modern metal plaque of Christ bearing the cross is in the interior of the first cover.

Purchased at Sotheby's.

Collation : i^^ (wants 10-12) 2^-4* 5" 6^-9^ lOl

Contents :

Kalendar (two months to a page) in French, in red, blue and gold f. i

Sequences of the Gospels 7

Obsecro te 9

Hours of the Virgin (Use of Rome) 11

Seven Psalms and Litany ........ 40

Hours of the Cross 49, of the Holy Ghost 51.

Office of the Dead 53

Memoriae 73 '^

In the Kalendar in gold Sanson (July 28), Louis, Denis : not Genevieve.

The Litany is carelessly done. Among martyrs is Denis. Confessors: Gatian (3rd). After Maurus and Leonard we have


luda, Thoma, Mathia, Barnaba, Luca, Marce, Maure (again). Mathias and Barnabas were given among Apostles. Virgins : Genovefa.

Every page is bordered : the borders are solid, divided into geometrical panels in most cases : the ground of fluid gold, various reds, and dark brown : the ornament conventional foliage, largely in bright blue : animals sometimes occur.

The pictures are skilful : backgrounds either blue landscape or (when representing interiors) dark purplish Renaissance panelling. The figures in the full-page pictures are large : the text forms a patch near the bottom. The frames are gold ; a Renaissance cornice at top, plinth at bottom, and two columns.

The Kalendar pages are thus arranged. Two oblong pictures at top, in gold frames, of the Zodiacal signs : two at bottom of the occupations. A Renaissance column at the outer edge unites the two : and a plain gold band at the inner edge. All figures are half length.

yan. Aquarius, nude, empties pitcher into stream.

Man at table drinks. Fc'b. Pisces.

Man at fire warms his hands. Mar. Aries.

^Lln prunes vines. Ap. Taurus.

Youth holds up two sprays. A/ay. Gemini embrace.

Youth and maid converse. June. Cancer, crayfish.

Man in shirt mows. [uly. Leo.

Man reaps. Aug. Virgo with palm.

Man in room threshes. Sept. Libra.

Man treads grapes. Oct. Scorpius.

Man beats oaks for pigs. Nov. Sagittarius. Centaur shoots to R.

Man in room cuts throat of pig. Dec. Capricorn (half comucopiae).

Man puts bread into oven. Sequences of Gospels (John wanting). Three square pictures in text of Luke, Matthew, Mark, with emblems: each in room.

M. C. 13


Obsecro te. In text. Virgin, crowned, and Child in room.

Full page. Matins of the Virgin. Annunciation in panelled interior. Two figures. Dove above, angel on L.

Lauds. Visitation in landscape. Virgin on L. House on hill on R.

Prime. Virgin and Joseph (both on R.) adore the Child. Ox and ass on L. Three shepherds look over broken wall.

None. Two shepherds (one young) in rocky landscape : small angel in air with scroll, Gloria in excel sis.

Sext. Adoration of the Magi. Joseph behind the Virgin on R.

None. Presentation (with Joseph). Symeon in mitre and cope on R. under canopy.

Vespers. Flight. Joseph leads the ass to R.

Compline. Coronation. The Son on a rich gold throne on R. Angel leans over a panelled partition to crown the Virgin. Over this is a ground of red angels.

Seven Psalms. Bathsheba stands in hexagonal basin. David and two courtiers in loggia on L.

Hours of the Cross. Christ bears the cross to R,, led (by a cord about His waist) by a white-bearded soldier.

Hours of the Holy Ghost. Panelled interior. The apostles, the Virgin, John and Peter in front all face R. The Dove in air sheds rays.

Office of the Dead. Job lies in front, nude : ruined house on L. Friends approach on R.

Memoriae. Square pictures in text : all figures half-length.

The Trinity : the Father crowned with the dead Son on His knees. The Dove above: ground of red angels.

Michael with sword and shield.

John Baptist with lamb.

John Evang. with cup and dragon.

Peter and Paul in panelled room.

James the Great as pilgrim.

Christopher wading in river.

Sebastian, back to stake, pierced with arrows.

Magdalene with casket.

Katherine (in room), crowned, with sword and palm.

Genevieve with open book and candle : devil in air with bellows on L., angel with taper on R.

87. HoRAE (Rome France).

Vellum, 6ix4i fif. 99+1, 20 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in something like lettres batardes. Old red morocco binding.

Purchased at Sotheby's 20 June, 1900. Lot 57. Collation : i (two) 2^-48 (wants 8) 6'' f-^^ (7, 8 cane.) 108-138 I 14* I I5S I flyleaf.


Contents :

O intemerata .......... f. i

Hours of the Virgin (Use of Rome) 3

n b blank.

Hours of the Cross 38, of the Holy Ghost 41.

Or. a nostre seigneur. O beatissime D. L C. respicere digneris 44

Ad totam Christi passioncm or. : Deus qui voluisti pro rcdempcione 44 b

45 b blank.

Seven Psalms and Litany ........ 46

f,g b blank.

Office of the Dead ......... 60

Memoriae for Christopher (in French verse : Saint Christofle martir tres dous pries le roy des roys pour nous), Barbara,

Magdalene 84

Seven verses of St Bernard. Illumina oculos .... 88

In other hands :

Psalms for Office of the Virgin on special days of the week . 89

Pater noster, Ave, Credo, Salve regina in French ... 94

Benediction (of St Louis). Benoict soit le tres doulx nom etc. . 95 b

Office of the Virgin in Advent 96

Prayer, Sancta Maria regina celi 100

Orationes S. Gregorii pape. O. D. I. C. adoro te etc. . . 100 (In the initial is a small indecipherable shield.)

The loss of the Kalendar is unfortunate. In the Litany we have : Confessors : Louis, Stanislaus. Monks : Francis, Antony, Dominic. Virgins : Elizabeth, Ursula.

There are no borders. All the pictures are full page in plain frames.

The colours are fine and brilliant and the painting very interest- ing. Figures large and usually not full length. The style probably provincial.

f. I. O intemerata. Pieta with red angels standing behind, the Cross (T-shaped) in C. The Virgin and Child occupy the foreground.

3. Matins. Annunciation. The angel on L. has peacock wings and holds a posy of lilies, pansies, and blue flowers. Above, in air, the Father (red and gold) sends the Dove. The Virgin sits on E., book on knee, arms crossed on her breast. Vase of flowers, gold retable, and perhaps an altar behind.

Lauds. Visitation. Two large figures : and a great castle behind.

Prime has no picture.

Tierce. Group of shepherds, three men, a woman and a child ; half-length. In front lambs and sheep. In air angels with scroll (gloria deo). Rocks and buildings behind.

Sext. Picture gone.

None. Presentation. The Virgin, Child, maid on Z., three Jews (C). Symeon coped on R. Landscape seen through windows : large figures.

13 2


Vespers. The Virgin on a bed in front (head to Z.). Vase of flowers on the floor. John puts a candle into her hand. Peter, with book, blesses. Other apostles, one with bucket and asperge. In air, Christ (blue and gold) seated on a cloud of red cherubs.

Compline. The Virgin crowned by the Father (on R. in cope and tiara with orb). Ground of vermilion and gold angels. Large figures.

38. Hours of the Cross. The Agony. Christ on L. in front. Three apostles (damaged) on R. On rock stands a red angel with gold cross pointing to cup. On L. in distance soldiers approaching.

Hours of the Holy Ghost. The Virgin, Peter, Paul (?) on Z., John on R., other apostles filling up the front. The Dove on fiery cloud on R. Perspective of classical columns : landscape with sunset sky seen through the windows.

46. Sei^eti Psalms. Bathsheba nude (Z".). David with harp among bushes on Z.: both large figures. Garden and castle behind.

60. Office of the Dead. A lady on Z. with clasped hands facing Z. Behind her a shrouded corpse seizing her : a coffin and lid upright behind him : on Z. a bone-house with skulls and a churchyard cross. Sunset sky.

84. Memoriae. Christopher wading : the Child on his shoulders with orb. Land- scape with hermit in middle distance.

Barbara sits reading in garden. Tower on R.

Magdalene in red and blue mantle and gold hair prays by a rock : casket near her. In air on R. Christ (red and gold) on a group of red and gold angels.

88. HoRAE (Rome France).

Vellum, 6 x 3^, ff. 34, 24 lines to a page. Cent, xvi (late), in a fine Roman hand. Written at Paris.

Binding of cent, xviii. Annorial book-plate of (?) Gibson Craig, with motto, Deo et regi.

Collation : 18-38 52 52,

Contents :

A fragment of a Book of Hours, containing

Seven Psalms and Litany ........ f. i

Office of the Dead ......... 13

Sequuntur suffragia sanctorum et sanctarum alia quamplurima suis

queque locis solemnitatibus etiam festiuitatibus denote dicenda.

Et primo de sanctissima Trinitate . . . . . . 32 3

The Litany has Uriel among archangels, which is rare, and associated in my mind with German books.

Also Confessors: Louis. Monks: Bernardine, Bonaventura. Virgins : Ursula, Helizabet, Genouefa.

The ornamented pages are framed with gold, and bordered with large curtains or draperies looped and festooned.

I a. Seven Psalms. Border : blue and red curtain. Half-page picture. Bathsheba seated on a beautiful gold fountain. Two other figures on Z. : one is a youth running away.


\2 b, 13 rt are both framed and bordered with red curtains. On 13 « is a picture. On Z. two men support the body of Lazarus in a cave. Christ on A', speaks. Beside Him is Mary, and an apostle behind.

32 (J (Memoriae: frontispiece). Bordered with red and green curtain. A group of ten apostles, including Peter and Paul. The Dove above in yellow sky, surrounded by clouds.

33. Blue curtain, lieiijlitened with yellow.

The Trinity. Three human figures in blue and gold tiaras. The Son on Z. wounded. The Spirit in C. The Father with orb on A". All touch an open book in C. Clouds above, with red cherubs, and clouds below.

The work is extremely skilful. It may be compared with that in the Fitzwilliam MS. no 134.

89. HoRAE (Sarum : Skipwith family).

Vellum, 8 x 5|, ff. 134+ 3, 22 lines to a page. Cent, xv, late, clearly written, in Flemish hand, for English use.

Modern binding, inside which are pasted the old covers, each

consisting of four panels (3y*^ x 2) : these each bear a double panel

of ornament surrounded by the inscription :

Adoramus te xpe | et benedicimus tibi quia | per sanctam crucem | tuam redemisti mundum.

Purchased at Christie's at Lord Strafford's sale. Marks of ownership On the flyleaf:

Margarett Skipwithe (twice) Nee temere Nee timide.

My daughter Jane born 3 Nov. P"riday betvveene iii and iiij of the clocke in the after noune 1587.

My daughter Ann 24 Jan. Thurs. 1588.

Signed Will. Skipwith. My Sonne Henry 21 Mar. 1590. My Sonne Gorge 12 Feb. 1591. My daughter Elizabeth 11 Feb. 1592. My Sonne Thomas 6 Aug. Tuesd. 1594. Will. Skipwith.

Another hand :

My Sonne William Fri. 25 Feb. 1.15 p.m. 1613.

,, Henry Sat. 16 Dec. 8 9 a.m. 1615. My daughter Elizabeth Mon. 6 Oct. 10 11 p.m. 1617. My Sonne Thomas Tue. 30 Mar. 4—5 a.m. 1619. My daughter Diana Sun. 27 May 3 4 p.m. 162 1. Graye Skipwith my sonne Thurs. 23 Jan. i 2 a.m. 1622. Anne ,, my daughter Mon. 23 Feb. before 11 a.m. 1623.

Each of the above signed Henry Skipwitli.


In the Kalendar are these earlier entries in English and Latin.

Jan. 13. Elizabeth S. d. of Lyon S. esquyer 16 Feb. 1561.

to. Elizabeth S^- d. of Will. S. esq. de Ornysby 16 Hen. VIII.

Feb. 2. Brigida S. 1521.

6. Dorethea S. fil. Will. S. de Sowthormesby 1527.

A/ar. 7. Margaret d. of Lyon S. 1562.

15. Mary d. of Will. S. de Ormysby 1515. 6 Hen. 8.

20. Anna ,, ,, 15 18.

May 30. Ursula d. of Lyon S. 1563.

June 11. John and Margaret S. 15 19.

July 10. Katheryne d. of Lyon S. 1555.

Sept. I. Henry s. of Will. S. 24 Hen. 8.

12. William s. of Lyon S. 1566.

Oct. 26. Jane d. of Will. S. 8 Hen. 8.

JVov. 4. George s. of Lyon S. 1567.

30. George s. of Will. S. 1529.

Dec. 3. Leo (Lyon) s. of Will. S. 15 10.

6. Katryn d. of Will. S. 15 Hen. 8.

12. George s. of Will. S. de Ormysby. 18 Hen. 8. John s. of Leo S. 9 Mar. 1573.

Collation: 3 flyleaves, i^" 3^ 5^° &-Z^ 9^^ 108-158 i6« (wants 6) 17*^ ( I, 2 cane.) iS*^ | 19^ (i cane.).

Contents :

Prayers to the Trinity. D. d. omnip....da michi famulo tuo . f, 2

Libera me 2 b

Fifteen Oos 4

Oratio Bede 10

Alia. Precor te piissime 11

Omnibus confessis etc. D. I. C. qui banc sacratissimam . . 12

Anima Christi. Ave verum. Memoriae de S. Joh. Baptista, Georgio, Christophero, Anthonio, Erasmo, Nicholao, Egidio, Katherina, Margareta, Barbara, Maria

Magd., Ursula, Anna 13

f, 26 blank.

Kalendar in red and black 27

Hours of the Virgin ......... 33

Salutations : Has uideas laudes, etc. (The Sahie Rcgina, farced) . 65 Salue uirgo uirginum stella matutina.

Seven Psalms, Fifteen Psalms and Litany 6S b

Office of the Dead 81 3

Commendationes animarum ........ 97 3

Psalterium de passione domini ....... 107 b

Psalterium b. Iheronimi with long rubric to prefatory Collect . iii b

Obsecro te, 122. O intemerata, 124.

Memoria de quinque vulneribus: Salue ihesu flagellate . . 125 3


Records of Skipwith family (above) f. 128

In purplish ink, cent, xv 130^

Herafter followeth the niakyng of a Soueraygne water that doctor Steven physycyon and greate connyng man of long experyence dyd use.

On the last flyleaf two notes of accounts, xv:

M'^ Laurance Robertson of Beyssey debet to be payde at myghel- messe xiij=

and another of William Thagkker.

The Use is of Sarum. In the Kalendar :

23 Feb.

Milburge V.

17 Mar.


1 May.


20 June.

Edmundi regis.


Eligii Ep. in red.

2 July.

Visitacio Marie in red.


Transl. thome with octave, both in red,

4 Oct.



Transl. Hugonis in red.

12 Nov.

Livini Ep.


Hugonis Ep.

I Dec.

Eligii Ep. in red.

David, Chad., Winifred, do not occur.

In the Litany: Martyrs: Thoma, Edvvarde, Oswalde, Alane... Wallepaxde, Agapite, Firmine. Confessors: Gildarde, Medarde, Albine, Eusebi, Swichini, Vrine (Birine). Vh-gins : Editha, Brigida, Genofeva, Christina, Ursula, Eufemia, Elyzabeth,

There is a Memoria for S. Thomas of Canterbury.

The pictured pages and those facing them have borders of conventional foliage on dotted ground, framed. These and the pictures are of poor execution ; the book is a fair specimen of the large class written perhaps at Bruges for the English market.

1. Memoria de S. Trinitate. The Father crowned, throned, holds the crucified Son before Him: the scene is a paved room. An angel on each side of the throne.

2. Fifteen Oos. The Crucifixion with the thieves, the Virgin and John.

3. Prayer of Bede. A nimbed Pope in blue cope and blue tiara, holding patriarchal cross and book, a piece of wall behind, and landscape.

4. Omnibus confessis. Initial. Priest on R. in blue chasuble elevating the Host. Woman on L. kneels, with book on the floor.

5. Memoriae. Initial. John Baptist with book and lamb by him in landscape.

6. George on dark horse spearing the dragon. The princess

and lamb on R. City on L. : king and queen look over the wall.


7. Memoriae. Initial. Christopher wades to Z. The Child on his shoulder.

8. Anthony in black over red and high red cap : holds book

and staff: stands in fire: a jug on L.

9. Erasmus nude stretched on board, his entrails are wound

out by a windlass. A soldier turns it. A ruler and courtier stand full face. Mitre on paved floor.

10. Nicholas as Bishop in a paved room : boys in tub on L. ir. Giles in black with crosier stands reading: a deer leaps

up to him.

12. Katherine crowned with sword, wheel and book standing

on Maxentius.

13. Margaret rising from the back of a dragon.

14. Barbara with palm. Tower on R.

15. Magdalene with casket in landscape.

16. Ursula holds out two arrows.

17. Anne seated. The Virgin reading at her knee.

18. Matins of the Virgin. Annunciation. The angel enters from without on Z. with scroll, Aue tecum. The Father above : the Dove in air.

19. Lauds. Visitation. Elizabeth on R. comes out of house-door.

10. Prime. The Virgin and Joseph (sheltering candle-flame) adore the Child. Shepherds in C. approach.

11. Tierce. The Adoration. The kings on Z.

11. Sext. The Flight. The Virgin hands a bowl to Joseph, at the ass's head on JH.

23. None. The Resurrection. Christ steps out of the tomb. Two soldiers, one at each end.

24. Vespers. The Assumption. The Virgin borne up by four angels.

25. Coinpline. The Coronation. The Virgin kneels before a cushioned settle to the Son throned with orb on R. Above her head an angel with crown. Chequered background. On the canopy of the Son's throne in yellow letters is maria.

26. Salue uirgo. Initial. The Virgin stands in a room with altar on R. A small angel in white stands by her on Z.

27. Seven Psalms. The Judge on the rainbow, showing His wounds. Sword and lily on either side of His head. On earth kneel the Virgin and John Evangelist. The heads of three people are seen rising from graves.

28. Office of the Dead. Coffin in C. with blue pall, yellow patterned. Mourners on Z. Clerks on R.

29. Commendations. Two angels bear up a soul in a cloth. Above, Christ between two angels, half-length.

30. Psabns of the Passion. The Man of Sorrows standing in the tomb. Behind him cross, ladder, reed, lance, column, nails, hammer, pincers, centrebit, lantern, scourges.

31. Psalter of St Jerome. Jerome as cardinal stands by a desk with two sloping sides, in a room. Small lion on Z.

32. 0 intetnerata. Initial. The Virgin and Child, seated in a room. Angel in white on Z.

33. Salue Ihestt. Gregory in blue chasuble kneels at altar on R. on which stands the Man of Sorrows with the cross, tomb and other instruments of the Passion behind Him. On Z. two cardinals, one holding tiara and cross, the other a book.


90. HoRAE (Sarum).

Vellum, 8^ x sh ^- i^^, i6 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in English hand, upright and narrow.

Modern black morocco by Zaehnsdorf.

Purchased at Sotheby's in May, 1892, at the E. H. Lawrence sale : lot 301.

Collation: i" (wants i) 2^ (one cane.) 3" 4^-6^ 7* (wants 7, 8) 9" 10* (wants i) II* (wants 8) 12^-15* (wants i) i6'^(wants 7) 17^-19^ 20^ 21* 22* (wants 8) | 23* (+ i).

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black, wanting Jan., Feb. . . . f. i

Prayers on rising :......... 6

Gracias ago tibi...qui me hac nocte. Consingnacio corporis cinn ueneris mane in ecclesia : Me mundet

et illuminet .......... 6 b

Consignacio : Ecce signum domini ...... ^b

Memoriae ........... 9

John Bapt., Thomas of Canterbury, Christopher, George, Magdalene,

Katharine (gone except title), Ursula. Hours of the Virgin (sec. usum Sarum): with Hours ' de com-

passione b. Marie ' (of the Cross) ...... 17

Salue regina 60. Five Joys: Gaude uirgo mater Christi 61 b. Seven Joys : Gaude flore uirginali 63. Obsecro te 65. Antiphona uersus pestelenciam : Stella cell exterpauit 68, and other

antiphons to the Virgin. De profundis 69 b. Seven Psalms, Fifteen Psalms, and Litany .... 71

Prayers : Domine rex omnip. qui celum et terram . , . 90 ^

Deum patrem et filium etc.

D. I. C. qui hanc sacratissimam and 3 prayers following ending imperfectly. Psalms of the Passion ......... 95

Seven verses of .St Bernard (Illumina): and prayers ending im- perfectly lodb

Office of the Dead ......... 108

Prayers at Mass, ending imperfectly . . . . . . 134 <5

Commendationes animarum . . . . . . . , 137

Ad S. Trinitatem oracio : Deus pater omnip.... da michi Jolianne

famule tue... Salue sancta facies ......... 152

In another hand, very little later :

The Fifteen Oos (O D. I. C. eterna dulcedo) .... 154


The name Johanna, as the suppliant, occurs in Obsecro te as well as in the prayer to the Trinity.

The Kalendar begins with March. It has David, Chad, and Winifred, and seems to me to be purely Sarum,

In the Litany Confessors end with : Swithine, Berine, Erken- walde. Virgins with : Edytha, Wenefreda, Fredeswida, Ursula.

In Lauds is a Memoria of St Citha.

There is only one characteristically English border in the book, that at Matins of the Virgin. The rest are copied from foreign models. The pictures, which are rough, are probably English. In many lower margins of pages are skilful ornaments in penwork, black and red.

I. f. loa. In text. St Thomas of Canterbury in blue chasuble with pall, red dalmatic, and alb and mitre holds cross-headed staff, and blesses. A knife is stuck in his forehead. Red ground with gold flourisliing.

1. f. \\b. In text. Christopher wading to L. with the Child on his shoulders. Hermit with lantern at the door of a cell on K.

3. f. 13. Larger. George in plate armour with red cross on his breast stands on the dragon and pierces it with his lance. Behind, the pink city wall, with the king and queen over the gate. The princess and lamb on A'.

On 1 6 (5 a later hand has drawn, badly, three crowned demi-angels holding i Gloria in excelsis, 2 Te deum laudamus, 3 ihs, and also a circular device containing the five wounds, sun and moon, and a crown.

4. f. 45. In text. Christ before Pilate. Red flourished ground : gold frame. The

colour is bright.

5. f. 53/^. ,, Christ crucified: the Virgin and St John.

6. f. 56 b. ,, Christ taken down from the Cross by two men : no other figures.

7. f. 59 1^. ,, Christ laid in the tomb by two men : the Virgin in C.

91. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, 6i x 4|, ff. 295, 20 lines to a page. Cent, xv (1439), in a fine narrow upright hand.

Elaborate modern wooden binding, with a silver angel on one side.

Purchased at Sotheby's. Lot 578.

Collation: 1^(1 cane.) 2^-371

Contents :

Kalendar in Flemish, in red and black . . . . . {. i b

Hours of the Virgin ......... 8

Hier beghint dat ghetide vanden heihgen kerst (Christmas). Die

eerste vesper .......... 35




9^ 114

'43 160 206



257 (J 265-5


Dit is dat heilighe cruus ghetide ende den eersten so salmen dese nauolghende bedinghe iu)ir elken ghetide spreken Adoramus

Hier beghint die ghetide van paesschen (Easter). Die eerste vesper

Dit sijn die seuen ghetiden van den heiligen geest

Die seuen ghetiden van den heilighen sacrament

Die ghetiden der ewigher wijsheit ....

Dat ghetide van alien gods heilighen ....

Die vij salmen in duutsche (and Litany)

Prayers at Mass. Overste priestes ( = Summe sacerdos)

Prayers on the Pater Noster in honour of the Five Wounds O vater allre ontfermherticheit.

2713 blank.

The hand on 272 here appears different but soon recovers.

Dit sijn hondert articulen of ghedenckenissen vanden liden ons heren sonderlinghe deuoet .......

Prol. Soe wie begheert te ghedencken.

Narrates the composition by a Franciscan in Sweden.

Ends: dese voirscreuen manieren te houden. Hier endet dat prologus.

Ilier beghinnen die hondert articulen. Dat eerste artikel des sonnendaghes.

Ay ewighe wijsheit gods ghenadighe here L C.

Hier beghint alte sueten ghebet des heilighen sinte bernaerts etc. Ic sprecke tot dijnre herten .......

Seven verses of Bernard with rubric ......

Prayers to the Virgin ending with Aue regina and Regina celi .

Colophon in red : De tali opere completo. Benedicamus domino a.d. millesimo quadringentesimo tricesimo nono completus est liber iste septimo die octobris Orate pro scriptore. Aue Maria.

In red in the Kalendar : Jan. Ponciaen. May Pancraes, Seruaes. June Boniface, Adelf, Lebuijn. Aug. Ypolitus. Sept. Lambert, Mauwerijs (Maurice). Oct. Remigius, Bavo, Victor and Gereon. Nov. Willeboert, Lebujn.

The Litany resembles that of 95, etc.

The decoration is confined to a series of borders and initials. These are of excellent execution, mostly in blue, green, pink, vermilion and burnished gold : also penvvork. A few grotesque and animal forms and flowers occur, but most of the decoration is conventional.

On 224 (Hours of the Saints) is a bird with scroll: ydelhext ikr ydelheJen ende alle dinghen sijn ydelheit (i.e. Vanity of vanities etc.).

On 243 (Seven Psalms) are at top, bird with scroll : alle uogelen ghebenedijt den heer god: on R. rabbit with scroll: Ic wil di onhilien. die des oic plien ontgaen sijn stricke: below, dog with scroll : Des viants iiftxlangen is oin te uangen das ic oet niicke.

292 293




92. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, 7^ X 5, ff. 159, 19 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a good large hand.

Old black leather over boards, with clasps.

Purchased at Sotheby's Ap. 1902. Henry White sale no. 1140. Contains the book-plate of Henry White, J. P., D.L., F.S.A.

There is a stamp, P. H., on the flyleaves, and the entries £16. 16 and "No. i."

Collation: V" (wants 1) (+ i*) 3«-6« (+5*) (+2*) (+3*) io« 118 12^ (3 cane.) I3« (+1*) 14" I5« 168 (+2*) I7'-2I« (wants 3).

Contents :

Kalendar in Flemish in red and black. The months are not

confined as is usual to one page or leaf . . . . . f. i

The Flemish names of the months are given, viz.

(Jan.) Loumaent, Sulle, Meert, April, May, Weydemaent (June), Hoeymaent (July), Oestmaent (Aug.), Herfstmaent (Sept.), Piec- maent (Oct.), Slachmaent (Nov.), Hoernmaent (Dec).

ff. II, 12 a blank.

Hours of the Virgin i^ '^

Hours of the Cross, 50 3 ; of the Holy Ghost, 56.

Seven Psalms and Litany (89 5 91a blank) .... 74

Hours of the Eternal Wisdom 'j^b

Ii2i5, 113 (text erased: rubric of next article), 114a blank.

Vigils of the Dead 114*

Prayers at Mass 151

All in Flemish.

The decorative initials, in blue, green, red, are very good. In red in the Kalendar are :

Jan. 14. Ponciaen M.

Ma7: 19. Joseph onser vrouwen behuedev- underlined in red.

May 12. Pancraes M.

13. Seruaes Biscop.

June 5. Bonifaes mit sinen ghesellen.

12. Odulfus C.

25. Lebuijn C.

Sept. 16. Lambert B.M.

22. Mauricius mit sinen ghesellen.

Oct. I. Kemigius ende bauo.

10. Gereon ende uictor M.

Nov. 7. Willibrord B.

12. Lebuijn C.






In the Litany: Martyrs: Lambert, Ponciaen, Joseph, Boni- facius, Mauricius, Victor, Gereon. Coifessors : Seruaes, Willibrord, Gehjs, Lebuijn, Odulf. Virgins : Walburch, Gheertruud, Ursula, Elyzabeth, Anna.

The full-page pictures have borders with the ground varied ; gold, pink, etc., sometimes in panels : natural flowers, fruit and insects.

The painting is fairly skilful.

1. Hours of the Virgin. Annuiicialion. The Virgin at gold desk on L. The Dove above her head : the angel with blue and gold wings on J\. in a tile-paved hall with red arras.

2. Hours of the Cross. Gold ground. Christ on the Cross (with title : skull and bones on the ground). The Virgin and John.

3. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Gold ground. The Virgin seated in the midst of kneeling apostles. The Dove in red glory above.

4. Seven Psalms. St Barbara crowned with roses holding gold palm and book stands on Dioscorus (her father) with scymitar. She is in a stone porch ; above her head the Dove. A tower (also within the porch) is on R. A lamb is seen outside.

5. Hours of the Eternal Wisdom. Blue ground with white pattern. The Father in imperial crown throned supporting the body of the Son on whose shoulder is the Dove. A crystal orb at His feet.

6. Vigils of the Dead. The Judge on the rainbow. Sword and lily by His head. On earth kneel the Virgin and John Baptist. Graves in C. and six people rising. Blue sky, with red sunset colours above.

93. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, df\ X 31, ff. 196, 17 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a rather current hand (lettres batardes).

Old brown leather over boards : on each cover a panel in gold representing the Sacrifice of Isaac. Two clasps.

Collation : a" b^ i^ 2^ (+ i) 3^-17^ 18* 19* 20^ 21^" (10 cane.) 22* 23^ Foliation very incorrect.

Contents :

Kalendar in Flemish in red and black : not full

Hours of the Cross .........

Each Hour begins with a bordered page; and is preceded by a

blank page. Prayers. 15. At the sacrament, 31. On the Passion, 34. Of

Bede, 45. Summe sacerdos in Flemish, 66. Of Augustine, 80^.

On the Passion, 84 l>.

f. i


92. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, 7I X 5, ff. 159, 19 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a good large hand.

Old black leather over boards, with clasps.

Purchased at Sotheby's Ap. 1902, Henry White sale no. 1140. Contains the book-plate of Henry White, J. P., D.L., F.S.A.

There is a stamp, P. H., on the flyleaves, and the entries £16. \6 and " No. i."

Collation: V- (wants i) 2^ (+1*) f-& (+5*) 7' (+2*) 9^ (4-3*) 108 118 12^ (3 cane.) 138 (+1*) I4« I5« 168 (+2*) 17^-21^ (wants 3).

Contents :

Kalendar in Flemish in red and black. The months are not

confined as is usual to one page or leaf . . . . . f. i

The Flemish names of the months are given, viz.

(Jan.) Loumaent, Sulle, Meert, April, May, Weydemaent (June), Hoeymaent (July), Oestmaent (Aug.), Herfstmaent (Sept.), Piec- maent (Oct.), Slachmaent (Nov.), Hoernmaent (Dec).

ff. II, 12 a blank.

Hours of the Virgin n 3

Hours of the Cross, 50 3 ; of the Holy Ghost, 56.

Seven Psalms and Litany (Sgb 91 « blank) .... 74

Hours of the Eternal Wisdom . . . . . . . gi b

112b, 113 (text erased: rubric of next article), 114a blank.

Vigils of the Dead i\\b

Prayers at Mass .......... 151

All in Flemish.

The decorative initials, in blue, green, red, are very good. In red in the Kalendar are :

Jan. 14. Ponciaen M.

Ma?: 19. Joseph onser vrouwen behuediv- underlined in red.

May 12. Pancraes M.

13. Seruaes Biscop.

June 5. Bonifaes mit sinen ghesellen.

12. Odulfus C.

25. Lebuijn C.

Sept. 16. Lambert B.M.

22. Mauricius mit sinen ghesellen.

OlL I. Remigius ende bauo.

10. Gereon ende uictor M.

Nov. 7. Willibrord B.

12. Lebuijn C.


In the Litany: Martyrs: Lambert, Ponciaen, Joseph, Boni- facius, Mauricius, Victor, Gereon. Confessors : Seruaes, WilHbrord, GeHjs, Lebuijn, Odulf. Virgins: Walburch, Gheertruud, Ursula, Elyzabeth, Anna.

The full-page pictures have borders with the ground varied ; gold, pink, etc., sometimes in panels : natural flowers, fruit and insects.

The painting is fairly skilful.

I. Hours 0/ the Virgin. Annunciation. The Virgin at gold desk on L. The Dove above her head: the angel with blue and gold wings on A', in a tile-paved hall with red arras.

•2. Hours of the Cross. Gold ground. Christ on the Cross (with title : skidl and bones on the ground). The Virgin and John.

3. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Gold ground. The Virgin seated in the midst of kneeling apostles. The Dove in red glory above.

4. Seven Psalms. St Barbara crowned with roses holding gold palm and book stands on Dioscorus (her father) with scymitar. She is in a stone porch; above her head the Dove. A tower (also within the porch) is on R. A lamb is seen outside.

5. Hours of the Eternal Wisdom. Blue ground with white pattern. The Father in imperial crown throned supporting the body of the Son on whose shoulder is the Dove. A crystal orb at His feet.

6. Vigils of the Dead. The Judge on the rainbow. Sword and lily by His head. On earth kneel the Virgin and John Baptist. Graves in C. and six people rising. Blue sky, with red sunset colours above.

93. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, 4ix3i, ff. 196, 17 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a rather current hand (lettres batardes).

Old brown leather over boards : on each cover a panel in gold representing the Sacrifice of Isaac. Two clasps.

Collation : i* 2* (+ i) 3«-i7« i8« 19^ 20« 2ii« (10 cane.) 22» 23^ Foliation very incorrect.

Contents :

Kalendar in Flemish in red and black : not full . . . f. i

Hours of the Cross '

Each Hour begins with a bordered page; and is preceded by a

blank page. Prayers. 15. At the sacrament, 31. On the Passion, 34. Of

Bede, 45. Summe sacerdos in Flemish, 66. Of Augustine, 80^.

On the Passion, 843.


To the Virgin, 107. On the Ave Maria in verse, 120.

Memoriae of Saints f. 128

144 blank.

To the Virgin and Christ 145

Seven Psalms and Litany (without list of Saints) . . . 153 <^

In the Kalendar :

Feb. 6. Sinte amant in red.

Mar. Adrian, Gertrude.

Ap. 10. Gobert. 20. Victoor.

May. Brandaris (j-/r), Bernaerdin.

June. Herasmus, Bonifacius, (8) Modaert.

14. Baselis in red. 25. Loy in red.

July. Dominic. 21. Victoor.

Aug. Clare. 19. Lodewic.

Sept. 5. Bertraem. 10. Niclaeus van Tolentino.

Lambrecht, Fremin.

Oct. Baue in red, Fransoys. Denis in red. 14. Donees in red.

Nov. Hubrecht, Omaer, Elyzabeth.

Dec. 1. Loy in red. 14. Nicasius in red.

The book belongs to Southern Flanders and was probably made at Bruges.

Each of the Hours of the Cross has at the beginning a page with full border of natural flowers, insects, etc., on gold or white conventional foliage, on a ground of dead gold or of green-gray heightened with gold. These are of very delicate execution. Other such borders occur in the body of the book, and for each of the Memoriae towards the end.

There are two full-page pictures and a number of historiated initials to the Memoriae. These are interesting and well done, but perhaps are not so skilful as the borders.

I. None of the Cross. Full-page, bordered. The Crucifixion, with the thieves, the Virgin (swooning) with John and Magdalene and another Mary sealed on the ground to L. Soldiers, horsemen and Jews on R. The thieves are bound to T-shaped crosses. The title is on Christ's cross.

Memoriae. Initials f. 128 sqq. 8. John Baptist sits reading : lamb on R.

9. George in dark plate-armour on horse pierces dragon on R. He has red-cross shield and drapery.

10. Anthony in dark habit with T on R. shoulder sits reading.

II. Brandaris. Bishop in blue seated full-face holding before him three sticks, which join at top and end in a great hook.

12. Cornelius. Bishop facing Z. holding a horn.

13. Adrian. Soldier in red hat and mantle and blue surcoat over armour holding sword and anvil. Lion under his cloak on R.


14. Livinus. Bishop in blue facing A', holding pincers with a tongue in them.

15. Victor. Soldier with banner (white cross on pink) holding a windmill. t6. Michael in red robe smites a devil, whose leg he holds.

17. Magdalene in white headdress, red cloak, blue dress, seated, with casket.

18. Barbara reading : tower on /?.

19. Katherine with book : broken wheel on /v'.

20. Seven Psalms. Full page. David kneeling, face L. in landscape, crowned hat and harp on either side of him. City on L. God in the sky holding three arrows.

94. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, 7x4!, fif. 230 + 6, 20 lines to a page. Cent, xv, well written.

Old stamped leather over boards, with large panel having in C. medallion of Agnus dei, with banner and legends SIET . DAT. LAM . GODS . DET . OPBVAKT . DIE . ZOND. Above and below, smaller medallions of eagle displayed and lion rampant. The rest of the field filled with ornament.

Inside the cover a label with A. IV, 99. In pencil, Wills 706.

Collation: 4 flyleaves, i** 2" (+6*) 3^-10** (+5*) ii*'-i6* (+ i*) 17^-23* (wants 8) 24^-28*, 2 flyleaves.

Contents :

Kalendar in Flemish in red and black f. i

Hours of the Virgin ......... 13

,, of the Eternal Wisdom ....... 51

,, of the Holy Ghost ........ 74

,, of the Cross (long) ........ 103

Seven Psalms and Litany . . . . . . . . 128

Mass of the Virgin ......... 149

Prayers at Mass . . . . . . . . . . 155 (^

Short Hours of the Virgin . . . . . . . . 150

Three Pater Nosters and other prayers . . . . . 165

Memoriae (one of Elizabeth, mother of John Baptist) . . 173 '^

Various prayers . . . . . . . . . . 1 84 15

Vigils of the Dead 190

Prayer 227

In red in the Kalendar :

Jan. Ponciaen. Feb. Blasius. Mar. Gheertruut. May. Pancraes,

Seruaes. June. Bonifacius, Odulf. 25 Adelbrecht. Sept. Lambrecht, Mauricius.

Oct. Remigius etc., Victoer. Elf dusent magheden. Nov. Willibroert, Lebuijn. Dec. Lucia.


Litany. Martyrs as 95 ending with Yvo. Confessors, much as 95. Adelbrecht, Radbodus, Brictius, Arnulphus, FeHx, Ansbertus, Lodewyck, Baernaerdinus. Virgins, much as in 95.

The borders are confined to the important pages. They are without grounds and not bright in colour ; pink, green, blue are favourites. The execution is admirable. Exceedingly good grotesques occur in them. The pictures are also exceedingly good.

1. Matins of the Virgin. Full page, bordered. Christ in pink robe, with pierced hands and feet, stands blessing on a stone apse with green tiled floor : He has gold orb.

2. Opposite page. Border with music-playing angels. Initial : the Annunciation. Angel on Z. with scroll, atie—dominits. The Father above : the Virgin on Z., Dove above her head. Lily-pot in C.

3. Hours of the Eternal Wisdom. Initial: the Child Christ throned on A'.: doctors before Him, in a columned building. In the border more doctors with books.

There are specially fine borders on 59, 62 /', and the following leaves.

4. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Full page. The Virgin and apostles seated, on wooden chairs, in a circle. The Dove (small) above: in a vaulted apse.

5. Opposite page. Initial : gold ground. Veronica holding the sudarium with the Holy Face.

On 93 b, two wrestlers in the border.

On 98 b, a man bending a cross-bow in the border.

6. Hours of the Cross. Initial : the Man of Sorrows standing in the tomb. Behind are the instruments of the Passion, including six heads of Peter, Herod, Caiaphas, Annas, Pilate's wife(?), and Peter.

In border angels with cross, column, and reed.

The borders to the several Hours are exceedingly good.

7. Seven Psalms. The Judge on the rainbow, sword and lily by His mouth. Two trumpet-angels in air. On earth the Virgin and John Baptist. Small figures rising from graves.

8. Opposite. Initial. David in prayer, harp and crown by him. God in the sky. f. 165. Two wild men in the border. 171 ^. Man killing bear.

On 190 is a border of quite different work, much lighter and less full.

95. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, 7 X 5, ff. 184, 20 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a narrow upright hand.

Old red morocco binding.

Formerly in the Ashburnham collection, Appendix no. Ixi.

Purchased at Sotheby's in 1899. Lot 20.

Collation: i" (+ i) (+1) f-& (+7*) 7«-9' (+5*) 10^-13" (5 cane.) I4« (-f 6*) i5« (8 cane.) 16^ 178 (+ i*) i88-23».


Contents :

f. I blank except for rubric on verso Ilicr l)ct^liint <be \iou t;licti(lc

(misplaced). Kalendar in Flemish, in red and black . . . . . f. 2

Hours of the Virgin 14

Hours of the Cross (long) 46

Hours of the Holy Ghost 66

Hours of the Eternal Wisdom ....... 91

Seven Psalms and Litany . . . . . . . . 110

Vigils of the Dead 129

Agnus Dei: beginning of Gospel of St John (imperfect) . . 16 r Meditations and prayers on the Passion for the Hours . . 163 Dauid die propheet die die passi ende die pijn ons heren I. C. te

voren inden gheest heuet bescouwet. Ends 180^: Alsoe dat wi nymmermeer van hem verscheiden

moeten werden hier bouen in der glorien. Amen. Three blank leaves and flyleaf.

In red in the Kalendar are just the same saints as in no. 92, with the addition on Aug. 17 of S. leroen M.

In the Litany : Martyrs : Mourijs, Victoer, Geroen, Patrokel, Panthaleon, Pancraes, Servaes, Bonifaes, Lambert, Albaen, Kiliaen, Vici (?) last. Confessors : V^edast, Bavo, Maximijn, Wilboert, Gelijs, Francis, Dominic, Seuerijn, Gallus, Maternus, Hubert, Cunibert, Lebuijn, Ludger, Odulf, Robrecht, Lodewijc, Aelbert, Roboet, Arnulf, Simon, Felix, Ansbert. Virgins: Columba, Benedicta, Walburch, Gheertruut, Digna, Affra, Ursula, Brigida, Clara.

Every written page up to f. 160 has a partial border most commonly of green, feathered work with gold buds at top and bottom of text, united by a gold band. Blue and gold conventional foliage is also common.

The pictures are curious : roughly drawn and of very blotchy appearance, owing to the thick masses of blue and brownish red which stand for draperies.

The large decorative initials are the best things in the book.

I. Matins of the Virgin. Full page, bordered. The Annunciation. The Virgin kneeling on R. at desk. Angel behind on L. with scroll round sceptre. Lily-pot in front on L. Above the Virgin's head is the Dove, and behind, the Child flying in through a window.

There are figures in the border, (i) top A'., the Father between angels. (2) L., Gideon in gold armour kneeling. Fleece (gold) on L. (3) L. side, Moses at the burning bush, taking off his shoe. (4) Bottom A'., a maid facing A', holds a gold vase. A youth in tunic, top boots and spurs, approaches her : horse on R.

M. C.



2. Oppo.silc pag<-'. Inilial. 'Ihc \'irgin crowned (Dove above) and Child between angels. Gold ground.

The border is a Jesse tree. Jesse throned, sleeping. Twelve kings, mostly half-length, in foliage, and Christ between angels.

3. 15 /;. In border a woman (Sibyl?) full length.

4. 22. Joachim, angel and shepherd in border. 22 1^. Prophet in border.

5. Hours of the Cross. Christ crucified (with title). Virgin and John and Magdalene on L. Jews on R. with blank scroll.

6. Hours of the Holy Ghost. The Virgin in the centre of a ring of apostles. The Dove in gold and blue cloud on roof of a vaulted building with silvered windows. The nimbi are in burnished gold : a gold flame is on each head. The architecture is un- coloured.

7. Hours of the Eternal Wisdom. Initial. Christ with orb and book. Gold ground. Three angels in border.

8. Seven Psalms. Full page. The Judge on the rainbow, sword and lily by His head. Two angels with trumpets in air. The Virgin and John Baptist on earth. Small figures rising from graves on L. City behind.

9. Opposite page. Initial. David in prayer facing K. Harp and crown by him. God in the sky.

In border, (1) top, David between lion and liear attacking the latter. (2) A'., David crowned, with sling, stands over Goliath in gold armour. (3) Bottom, David with Goliath's head on his sword, crowned, is met by men and women in front of a city gate on L.

10. Vigils of the Dead. Full page. In a large vaulted church (uncoloured) with silvered windows, Abraham, nimbed on gold throne, holds three nimbed souls in a cloth on his lap. On L. stands a nimbed monk (or friar : perhaps St Francis) in a pale blue- grey habit. On R. an angel. Each has a candle.

96. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, 6| x 4|, ff. 167. 19 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in good Gothic hand.

Modern dark blue velvet binding.

Book plate with motto Deo et Regi.

Purchased at Sotheby's. Lot 691.

Collation: i flyleaf, (8 cane.) 3»-5« 6i'^ (i, 2 cane.) f 8^9^ 10^ II" (10 cane.) 12""' (i, 2 cane.) 13^ 14* 15*' 16** 17® (+2) i8'^-2i»


Contents :

On the flyleaf, late prayers in Flemish.

Kalendar in Flemish, in red and black, f. 13 blank . . f. i

Hours of the Virgin (4

Hours of the Eternal Wisdom ....... 48

followed by prayers at Mass, etc. (Summe sacerdos and others).


Hours of ilie Cross (lonj;) . . f. 76

Hours of the Holy Ghost (long) 95

Seven Psalms and Litany 117

Office of the Dead 135

Late note (prayer ?) in Flemish on the last page.

The whole text is in Flemish.

In red in the Kalendar the same saints as in no. 92, with Jeron M. on Aug. 17.

The Litany also resembles that of 92. Martyrs end \\'\\\\ Yudo, Valentijn, Yordijn, Eno. Confessors end with Adelbaer, Aernulf, Symeon, Felex, Ansbert, Allexciaen, Lodewijch. Virgins : Ursula, Cordeuael, Aldegont, Clara, besides those in 92.

There are many borders full and partial in which the principal feature is burnished gold : columbines, roses (.') and grotesques occur in the more elaborate borders. The only pictures are in initials, and these are exceedingly rough. They have gold grounds.

1. Alatins of the Virgin. The Virgin, crowned, and the Child, half-length. Angels in the border.

2. Hours of the Eternal Wisdom. Christ in priest's robe, half-length, holding orb and blessing.

3. Hours of the Cross. Christ on the Cross, with the Virgin and St John. Goats and grapes in the border.

4. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Pentecost. The Mrgin in C. of a crowd of apostles, all full face. The Dove above.

The figures are not full length.

5. Seven Psalms. Christ as Judge on the rainbow showing His wounds, orb at His feet. A small head below on A'.

Peacock in the border.

6. Office of the Dead. Two nude souls kneeling face to face in flames. A bear in the border.

The book is in very good condition.

97. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, 6^ x 4^, ff. 268, 20 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a clear black hand.

Stamped binding over boards : metal corners, rings at bottom, and clasps. On the first cover is the date 1588, stamped in gold, and an oval device of crucifix, IHS and nails: on the other a panel (oval) of the Coronation of the Virgin : both in gold.

14 2


Purchased at Puttick and Simpson's, ii Ap., 1889. Sir J. L. Goldsmid's sale, no. 366. On flyleaf xvii (?) :

Dit bouck hoert toe Cornelia van delft ut St Aechten (Agatha's) clooster.

Collation : i^ (i, 2 cane. : 3 lines cover) 2^-4* 5* 6** 7* 8^ 9^ 10® 1 12^-18' (wants 3, 4) i9*-2i'^ 22^ 23^-25** 26*' 27* (8 cane.) 28^-33^ 34- (+0 1 35^^-37* (i) 5 cane. : 8 lines cover).

Contents :

Kalendar in Flemish, in red and black . . . . . f. 3 Prologue to the Hours of the Eternal Wisdom . . . . 15

Mine siel heeft di begheert inder nachte. The Hours begin on 15/^

Hours of the Cross (long) 35

Hours of the Holy Ghost 55

Hours of the ^'irgin ......... 77

Seven Psalms and Litany . . . . . . . . 109

Prayers at the Sacrament, O ouerste priester, etc. . . . 126 1)

Hundred articles of meditation on the Passion (as in 96, l)ul witli-

out prologue) . . . . . . . . . . 131

Followed by prayers of Bernard, etc.

Ofifice of the Dead ..... .... 159

Followed by prayers.

Hours of All Saints ......... 196

Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . 216

The original hand ends (245 d) imperfectly in sequence for the

apostles. This is finished and other matter added by a hand of

cent, xvi from f. 246 onwards, viz. : Prayer to the Virgin . . . . . . . . . 246 (^

Hours of the Cross (short) ........ 247

Die guide Letanien ......... 253

Prayer to the Trinity 259/', to the Virgin 261 /', for the sick 263 d,

of the Five Wounds 264, of the Name of Jesus 264/', to St Anne

266 d, to Christ 267.

The same saints in red in the Kalendar as in 92 with: Ypolitus and Jeron in A no-., and the 11,000 in Oct.

There are sequences for SS. Ursula and Elizabeth.

The Litany also similar : Martj^rs : Victor, Gereon, Patrokel, etc., ending with Yeuo, Ponciaen. Confessors : Adelbaert, Rabbout, Seuerus, Arnulfus, Symon, Felix, Ansbaert, Lodewiic. Virgins end with Clara, Anna, Elisabeth, Cordula, Kunera.

The decoration consists of borders, initials and marginal figures


with scrolls. The borders are of blue and red penwork with gold buds and dots, and are ver}- good in effect. The marginal figures, etc., are :

1. f. I-;. Hours of Eternal Wisdom. Christ in brown-red rolie with orl) blessing. .Scroll : Veuite a{d) me quia mitis sum et humilis corde.

2. Hours of the Cross. The Five Wounds in initial. The Man of Sorrows, half- length, holding scourges. 0 mensch o\\ dijn misdaet ben ic geivowt ettde dus versmaet.

3. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Blue dove. Veni sancte spin'tus, etc. lucis tue radiuDt.

4. Hours of the Virgin. Angel half-length. Ave regina celorum.

5. Seven Psalms. Veronica face of Christ in initial. David half-length with harp by him: Die unscaet minrei^) \ ion | ger ioecht en wilt \\&re n{ichl) gedencken (Delicta iuventutis meae, etc.). On 126/^ gold monstrance with Host.

6. Hundred Articles. Pelican in piety : Christus factus est pro nobis obediens usque ad mortem mortem aulem crucis.

7. Office of the Dead. Ilell mouth with flames issuing : Ontfcrmt onser sondevlige ons vricndoi.

8. Hours of All Saints. Agnus Dei with banner : Vidi Agnum stantem super montem Sion ct cum eo sanctorum milia et habebant nomen eius.

98. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, 6| x 4I, ff. 80, 21 lines to a page. Cent, xvi, early, in Gothic hand.

Modern binding by Gruel and clasps : in a case.

" Lot 92."

Collation : (+ 2) 3** (+ i) 4' (+1) 5"-7» (+ i) (+ i) 9^0^ (+ i): all the added leaves are pictures except the last.

Contents :

Kalendar in red and black, not full . . . . . . f. i

Sequences of the Gospels ........ 7

Hours of the Cross 10, of the Holy Ghost 14 (Frontispiece trans- posed).

Prayers in Flemish added . . . . . . . . i"] b

Missa b. Marie 18 (J

Obsecro te 22, O intemerata 23/^.

Memoriae ........... 2^ b

Hours of the \'irgin ......... 28

Seven Psalms and Litany ........ 53

Office of the Dead ......... 64

\\\ another hand, in Flemish and Latin :

Notices of Indulgences of Urban I\' . . . . . . 78

Prayers at Mass and on the Passion . . . . . . 78 ^


In the Kalendar :











Gaudentius M.








Nicasius in red,

In the Litany : Martyrs : Quintus, Livinus, Denis, Gereon. Confessors: Amandus, Vedastus, Bavo. Virgins: Amelberga, Dympna.

There is a Memoria for St Dympna.

The book in general aspect resembles those done in Flanders for English use. I suppose it belongs to the neighbourhood of Bruges.

The borders are usually framed and on plain grounds, dotted.

The pictures suggest a practised hand, but are rather ugly and distinctly late in feeling.

1. Sequeuces of the Gospels. In text. John on island looks at his pen : Eagle on Z.

Euke in cap full face writing.

Matthew writing scroll on desk placed on

table. Mark in cap writes on desk in front of settle.

Each Evangelist has his symbol.

2. Ho2irs of the Cross. Full page (misplaced). Pentecost. Tiie \'irgin kneeling at a bench. Apostles variously placed, standing and kneeling. A double arch on L. shows a landscape. The Dove above. Not the conventional scheme.

3. Hours of the Holy Ghost. Full page (misplaced). Christ on the Cross. The Virgin supported by John and another Mary on the ground on L. Horseman and soldiers on R. Dark sky with a red break in it.

4. Mass of the Virgin. Full page. The \'irgin and Child on gold throne with red canopy. Angel in white on each side. Landscape behind.

In text. 5. Obsecro te. Pieta with John on R.

6. O inttmcrata. John Evangelist with cup and dragon facing K.

7. The Trinity. The Father in imperial crown (Z.) and Son standing on clouds hold an orb between them : over it is the Dove. Three angels below.

8. John Baptist with lamb on K. in landscape.

9. Peter with keys in columned building.

10. Dympna, a maid with book facing K. in room.

1 1. Barbara with palm and book. Tower on Z.

12. Margaret holding small cross emerges from back of dragon.

13. Anne seated, open book before her held by angel on R. The \'irgin, holding the swaddled Child, sits at her feet.

Full page. 14. Matins of the Virgin. Annunciation. The Virgin seated on the


floor on I\. in prayer. Gabriel in gold over white, with sceptre, enters behind her on L. Through arch on L. is seen landscape and the Father in the sky (drawn in gold). A large canopied bed is in the room.

15. Seven Psalms. David praying (face A'.). Turban, harp and sceptre lie in front. Landscape with plank bridge over stream : a good pigeon-house in background.

16. Office of the Dead. Raising of Lazarus. Peter bends over Lazarus on A*., who is standing up in his grave. Christ in purple. Mary, Martha and two Jews. Church in background.

99. HoRAE (Flemish).

Vellum, x 4|, ft". 119 + 7, 22 lines to a page. Cent, xvi (1526) in a good Gothic hand.

Old brown stamped leatiier over boards : clasps gone. A panel in C. with two classical heads in medallions : border of Renaissance ornament with small heads in medallions at the corners.

Purchased at Sotheby's May, 1901. Sale of E. Ouaile. Lot 85.

The colophons at the end give the date and home of the book.

Item dit boeck is geeyndet op sunte michaels auent. anno in (c)cccc ende xxvi van my suster geertrudt van doetinchem zelige engberts dochter.

The first c of the date has been fraudulently erased many years since.

Item dit boeck hoert toe Joffer Jutta van doetinchem willem van doetinchems dochter. Wie dat vint die brenct hoer an godes willen weder. enen drinck peninck sal hi toe hebben.

The scribe is Sister Gertrude van Doetinchem ; the owner, Jutta van Doetinchem. A drink-penny is promised to the finder and returner of the book if lost.

Collation: a^ (i lines cover) i^" 2^ (+ i*) 3^-15'' 16^ b^ (2 cane, 4 lines cover).

Contents :

Kalendar in Flemish in red and black, not full . . . . f. i

Hours of the Virgin ......... r i

Hours of the Cross ......... 35-

Seven Psalms and Litany ......;, 42

Prayers, ' Als die clocke slaet,' ' Totten naem Jesus in die sonne,'

' Tot maria in die sonne ' . . . . . . . , ;;2

Die nauolgende gel)et sal cen mensche Icsen de-; ninrgens aN 111

op staet ........... ;;j

One prayer (Cruce godes sy mit my, etc.) is headed Conine kaerlen

epistcl, 55. Exempel (of St Bridget of Sweden) 56 /'.


XV pater noster ons heren 57 b (Fifteen Oos).

Prayers at Mass d-^b, to Saints 71.

Een suucfHic cransken (rosary) onser vrouwen . . . . f. 76

Die gulden getyde onser lienor vrouwen ..... 82

Die V. droefenisse (sorrows) onser vrouwen . . . . 84 ^

Die soeuen psalme onser lieu<"r vrouwen ..... 86

Litany of the Virgin 91 /5.

Die coerte doemen croene .....•■• 9? '^

Totten hemelschen vader gebet ende bescreyen der sonden alsmen

totten h. sacrament guet ........ 104

Followed by other prayers at Communion. Commandments of God 117. Virtues of the Mass 118. Colophons \\%b.

In red in the Kalendar, the same saints as in 93 (not Hippo- lytus or Jeron). The Litany is shorter : Martyrs : Ponciaen, Lambert, Boniface, Maurice, Gereon. Confessors : Seruaes, Wille- brort, Lebuin, Odulphus. Virghis : Walburgis, Gertrudis, Ursula, Monica, Elizabet.

Prayers to saints include P"abian and Sebastian, Lebuin, Anthony, Rochus, Dorothea, Cunera.

Decoration :

I. Frontispiece to Hours of the Virgin. Border, yellow ground, framed, with natural flowers and insects in a hard clear style.

The Annunciation : symbolic. Within a circular walled enclosure with a gate, a tower, and a gold altar, veiled, with gold shrine and candles on it, the Virgin sits reading : a gold vessel by her. A white unicorn runs in through the gate and is about to place its head in her lap. Outside on R. is a coped angel blowing a horn and holding two hounds in leasli. On L. is seen God in the burning bush. Landscape.

Opposite page bordered as before. Initial, dead gold on brown ground, with blue flowers.

1. Hours of the Cross. Border with insects and birds, etc. The Agony. Three apostles sleep in front. Christ prays facing L. with arms spread : an angel in a gold cloud shows Him a cross. Judas and soldiers approach in C.

In the opposite border two boys on rams with beehives as helmets and shields tilt : one upsets the other.

3. Seven Psalms. David in prayer in a courtyard : building A', and L. : two pea- cocks : harp by him. Angel in a gold cloud holds three arrows.

In the opposite border a monkey nursing a kitten.

4. Morning Prayers. John on island : book on knee ; book by him : eagle on R. Angel with sceptre on Z. speaks to him.

In border monkey picking a flower: woman with distaff and shepherd with staff and dog. Opposite : a monkey breaking a musical instrument.

5. Rosary. In air a large rosary of red leaves and pink roses. Within it the Virgin and Child seated on the crescent. Two angels above hold a crown. Below on earth two groups kneel. Water in C. On L. are Pope, Emperor, Bishop, Cardinals : on R. women.


In border : a woman crowns a shepherd, who sits piping, with a wreath. Opposite : two ladies play lute and harp : an owl sits by.

6. Seven Psalms of the Virgin. Dead gold ground. The X'irgin sits at the foot f)f the Cross. Surrounding her are seven medallions in grisaille, on which are the Circum- cision, Flight, Christ and the Doctors, Bearing the Cross, Crucifixion, Pieta, Entombment (the Seven Sorrows).

The borders here have pink grounds.

7. Prayer at the Sacrament (104/^). Initial. Two angels support a monstrance with the Host. Blue ground. Green curtains.

There are numerous small initials. The work is all well done and characteristic of its late date.

100. Passionale.

\^ellum, I2i| X 9|, fif. 161 out of 236, double columns of 39 and 35 lines. Cent, x and xii, in several hands, the principal one being a good upright minuscule, probably German.

Modern purple velvet binding.

Formerly in the Ashburnham collection, Appendix no. xc. Sold at Sotheby's in 1899. Lot 41.

Collation: 1* 2^" (wants 10) | gap ] 3^-10* (four leaves left, mis- bound) 11^ I gap I 12 (three) 13 (one) I4*-I7- (wants 7) 18^ 19^ (wants 8) 20'" (wants 10) 21^ | 22" 23 (five).

Contents :

f. I is only of the breadth of a single column, the writing on

the lower part of the recto is much faded. Title in green capitals. I. Inc. Passio S. lacobi (Minoris) . . . . . . f. r

Tempore quo una annorum post passionem dominicam septimana completa est

qui extitit ueritatis testis iudeis et gentibus quia Iliesus est Christus filius dei uiui. qui cum patre etc. Fabricius, Cod. Apocr. N. 7\ i. 594 (Abdias, Hist. Apost. Lib. VI). 1. Inc. de S. Phylippo (red and green capitals) ... 2

Post ascensionem domini saluatoris beatus quidem phylippus per annos x

dextra leuaque sepulte sunt. Ubi prestantur beneficia multis orante apostolo phylippo. Per I. C. d. n. qui, etc. Abdias Lib. x (part). Mombritius 11. 211. 3. Inc. prologus in vita S. Florentii et Floriani (red capitals) . 2 b

Mirabilem deum in suorum sanctorum glorificatione domino propitio accingamur. Expl. prol.


Temporibus priscis sacrilega uel ignorantia . . . . f . 3 /'

Lib. II. Factum est autem post beati maityris Floriani

excessum .......... 5

cum magna diligentia sepultus est. Prestante d. n. L C. etc. Acta SS. Sept. vi. 428 (part). Le Cointe, ^ ;/«(//. irc/. Fr. 300 (part).

4. Inc. de inventione S. Crucis sub Constantino imperatore

(red caps.) .......... 6

Crispo et Constantino Cesaribus atque consulibus. BHL.i 4173, Catal. Paris (Bolland) 11. 207.

(At top of f. 7 scribbled (xvi (?)) frere iehein pcrcaul bensis mo) f. viii in another hand, inserted to supply omission,

cum letitia multa transiuit e seculo vocante cam d. n. I. C. etc. Gregorius Turonensis (red caps.).

Crux inquit dominica que ab Helena augusta . . . n

dominicum corpus vel contingere meruit vel uelare.

{Glor. Mart. 5.)

5. Eodem die Passio SS. MM. Alexandri Euentii et Theodoli 12 Quinto loco a beato Petro.

sanctorum autem ipsorum natalis est non. mai. Benedictus

d. d. n. etc. Expl. pass. SS. MM. Item de S. Alexandro Papa: Alexander natione Romanus . xd b

iiii. non. mai. Acta SS. Mali I. 371 (375).

6. Passio S. Quiriaci ep. et m. . . . . . . 16/^

Post uenerabilem Constantini imperatoris.

Ends imperfectly : qui tubis angelicis muros iericho destruxisti 17^!'

Acta SS. Mali i. 445 (450).

After this is a gap from xvii to xxvi.

7. Passio S. Pontii M., beginning imperfectly .... xxvi quis nesciat omnia ista esse sine anima et sine motu

Dominus autem suscepit martyrem suum in pace cui est, etc. Acta SS. Mali III. 274.

8. Inc. passio SS. Donatiani et Rogatiani in viii. Kal. Junii . xxvii Salubre est catholicis legibus de marlyrum triumphali certamine

ascendere per uulnera laureati ipso auxiliante cui, etc. Acta SS. Mail v. 280.

9. V. Kal. Jun. Inc. vita S. Germani Ep. Parisiace urbis edita a

Fortunato Ep. (red caps, lined through with green) . . xxx

Beatus igitur Germanus parisiorum pontifex

uictor euolauit ad celos. regnante d. n. I. C, etc. Acta SS. Maii vi. 778. P. L. lxxii. ~,i,, etc.

' BIiL. = the Bollanilist Bihiiotheca IIagioi:;rapliiia Latiua.


10. Inc. Passio S. Victoris f. xxxvii/'

In illo tempore cum persecutio christianorum ab antonino

plurimi crediderunt d. n. I. C. cui est. Af/a/. Boll. XVII. 6i. BIIL. 8560.

11. Id. Mai. Passio SS. MM. Petri at Andree, Pauli et Dionisie

virginis xxxix

Apud lamosacum (lampsacum) tempore iniquitatis.

tempore decii imperatoris optimo proconsule. Regnante d. n. I. C. etc. Acta SS. Maii ill. 4-; 2.

12. Inc. Passio SS. MM. Marcellini et Petri .... xl Benignitas saluatoris nostri martyrum perseuerantia comprol)ata

peruenit ad misericordiam d. n. I. C. cui, etc. Acta SS. lun. i. 171.

13. Inc. Passio S. Herasmi M xli /^

Facta est persecutio cliristianorum a diocletiano imperatore

martyr et ep. iierasmus iii non. lunii et migrauit ad dominum. Cui, etc. Acta SS. lun. i. 213.

14. Inc. Passio S. Bonefacii M. ...... . xliii /'

Temporibus diocletiani impiissiini principis

annis tredecim et sic dormiuit in domino. Cui. Cr. BHL. 1415. Acta SS. Maii iii. 2S0. i.T. Inc. Passio SS. Primi et Feliciani ..... xlv

Temporibus Diocletiani et Maximiani imperatorum seua fuerat

ad laudem et gloriam nominis Chiristi. (^ui cum etc. Acta SS. lun. 11. 152.

16. Inc. Passio S. Viti M xlvi /;

In Prouintia Lucania sub tempore Diocletiani

et tantam gloriam prestat Sanctis suis regnans deus, etc. BHL. 8712. Anal. Boll. xvii. 66. Vmnus de S. Vito (24 lines).

Alma beati martyris uiti canamus trophea

Triumphator in gloria locatur christi gremio. Expl.

17. Inc. Passio SS. Cyrici et lulitte xlix

Temporibus Aurelii Alexandri imperatoris qui fuit ab octauiano

et ipsorum facial esse participes gloriae. Amen. Cf. Anal. Boll. viil. 146. BHL. 1807.

iS. Inc. Passio SS. Protasii et Gervasii 1

In diebus illis sanctus Nazarius secundum seculi dignitatem hominum desideria d. I. C. tribuente completa sunt. Cui, etc.

(Rubric in small characters, partly erased: post hec s

sermo b. ambrosii require in capite huius libri.) Anal. Boll. 11. 302 (Passio Nazarii et Celsi). 19. Inc. Passio SS. lohannis el I'auli \\\b


Sub Constantino Augusto gallicano duce

descripta est passio ista sanctorum. Ad laudem nominis d. n., etc. Mombritius I. 317. BIIL. 3236-8. 20. Prologus in passionem (later rubric). Inc. Passio S. Petri apostoli. Licet plurima de apostolorum signis

ab ipso principum principe petro sumamus exordium. Igitur post corporeum dominice natiuitatis adventum

multum eum instruens qualiter ecclesiam tibi com- missam regeret aut oues susceptas aleret. Tunc et paulus apostolus romam veniens Christum dominum predicabat. Expl. prologus.

Inc. passio scripta a S. Lino papa f. Iviii b

Tempore igitur Neronis cesaris erant rome salutiferi doctores

Quorum fides ac deuotio meritis S. Petri ex omni

parte confirmata est. in nomine d. n. I. C. et in sancti-

ficatione sp. s. Cui est honor et gl. in sec. sec. amen

(Abdias, Hist. Apost. lib. i. Lipsius, Apokr. Apostelg.

II. i. 387, etc.).

Gregorius Turonensis. Petrus inquit apostolus ad humililatem

cil)urium sepulchri sustinere dicuntur. Expl. {Glor.

Mart. 27) !>;'''

Rubric added : Post hec sermones sint lecti qui sunt in fine libri.

21. Inc. Passio S. Pauli Ixi

Fuit uir quidam de tribu Beniamin

baptizati sunt in nomine d. n. I. C. Cui, etc. (Abdias, lib. II.). Gregorius Turonensis. Paulus inquit apostolus (erasure) ipsa

die qua petrus ......... lxv(^

mortis precipitio fuisse saluatum. Expl. {G/or. Mart. 28).

22. Inc. passio SS. Process! et Martiniani ..... Ixvi Tempore quo Symon magus crepuit

beneficia eorum usque in hodiernum diem. Regnante, etc. Mombritius il. 220. BHL. 6947.

23. Inc. Passio VII. Fratrum Martyrum Ixvii

Temporibus Antonini imp. orta est sedicio

Christi amici facti sunt in regno celorum. qui cum. Acta SS. lul. III. 12.

24. Inc. Passio S. ApoUinaris Ep. et M Ixvii /'

In diebus Claudii Cesaris ueniens Petrus

in ciuitate rauenna sub uespasiano cesare x" kal. aug. regnante, etc. 1. c. V. 344.

25. Inc. Passio S. lacobi apostoli fratris lohannis Ewange/istc- . Wxid Apostolus d. n. I. C. lacobus frater b. iohannis ap. et euuang.

omnem iudeam

sainct martyr effectus perrexit ad dominum. Cui.


Abdias, lib. iv.

26. Eodem die I'assio S. Cucufatis M. ..... f. Ixxiii ($1

Beati igitur Cucufatis gloriosissimi

anno incarn. domin. octingentesimo xxx° v" die autem viiiuo x" leal. Sept. ueneratur humalum. Expl. BHL. 1998.

27. A larger hand ......... Ixxvi

P>odem die Passio S. Christofori.

In illo tempore regnante dagno impiissimo rcge in ciuilate licie fideliter orantes fidum leuamcn inveniunl. prestanle, etc. Expl. pass. S. Christof. M. Acta SS. lul. VI. 146.

28. A third hand, smaller.

Inc. Passio S. Pantaleonis M. ..... . iiii"^^ ( = lxxx)

Facta est persecutio christianorum temporibus maximiani. Ends imperfectly : quoniam et ipse mortificate erant pro

Christo. Audiens imperator. Cf. BHL. 6434. 29, 30. The next three leaves contain parts of the Passions of St

Margaret and the Seven Sleepers, viz. : f. iiii'^^vi. Seven Sleepers.

ierunt eum queessent locuti pretenta nocte principesdeeis to iiii^'^vi h. resurrectionem mortuorum credentibus per

omnia sec. sec. Amen. Cf. BHL. 2315.

Inc. Passio S. Margarite V. lxxxvii/'(i column).

Post passionem et resurrectionem to : iter antiochiam faciens secus. f. iiii'^^xi (misbound).

ueritate et castitate perseuerem ut in omnibus operibus meis to : credite Margaritam gloriose decertatam gloriosissime

coronatam. BHL. 5305.

31. Passio S. Christinae, beginning imperfectly .... iiii^^xv

autem aduenit alius index et ipse impius

viii Kal. Aug. v'^ feria in ciuitate tyro Regnante etc. Cf. BHL. 1748 sqq.

32. Another hand : Inc. Passio SS. MM. Simplicii Faustini et

Beatricis iiii'^^xvi

Temporibus diocleliani et maximiani

pax dabitur ecclesiis Christi. quod ita factum est domino auxiliante. Cui etc. Expl. Pass. SS. MM. Simpl. Faust, et Beati. Alia SS. lul. VII. 36 (47).

33. Gregorius Turonensis de S. Mitri ...... iiii'^'^xvii^

Aquinsibus inquit est concessus

—per athlete dei uirtutem. Expl. de S. Mitri. Glor. Mart. 70.




,^4. End of the rassion of ihe Qualuor Coronati . . . f. iiii'"^xvii

cedeie ad eos propter impetum ferarum

in cimiterio pontiani. Expl. Wattenbach, Passio SS. IV Coroiiatornm 1853 (Vienna Academy). 35. Inc. Passio SS. VV. Fidei Spei et Caritatis . . . iiii'^\\vii

Cum uerbi dei predicatio per totum orbem curreret

prima die mensis augusti. ad laudem et gloriam chri.sti qui cum etc. Expl. etc. Caritatis. BHL. 2971. }fi. Inc. Passio S. Stephani Papae aliorumque sanctorum . . iiii^^xix Temporibus Valerian! et Galieni

ualeriano et galieno apud nos autem I'egnante d. n. I. C. etc. Expl. Pass. S. Steph. P. et al. SS. Acta SS. Aug. I. 139.

37. Inc. Passio S. Xysti Papae et SS. Felicissimi et Agapiti

diaconorum . . . . . . cii /' In di^bus illis Decius Caesar et Valerianus. Part of a column, ending : Et uoce clara dixit. Venite nemo. 1. c. II. 140. A gap here to vii^'^xvii (147).

38. End of Life of St Radegund, by Baudonivia . . . vii'^^xvii est site delectat coniunctam religion! andrie odorem

explicare minime ualet. Sit tamen illi qui dedit gloria laus et imp. in sec. sec. Amen. Expl. vita S. Rade- gund is inis.

Inc. prol. Libri Secundi.

dominabus Sanctis meritorum gratia decoratis didimie ab-

batisse baudoniuia

uel miraculis complecti. Expl. prol.

Inc. capitula. De origine uel celsitudine

demonia de monasterio uisibiliter fugauit. Text beginning imperfectly ....... vii'"'xviii

ne diuina sicut ei in litteris fuerat intimatum.

Ending imperfectly on vii'"'xix b. At ubi se beata regina hoc

munus celeste accepisse cum omni. 1. c. Aug. III. 74. Script, rer. Merov. 11. 377. Gap to viii'"'i (161).

39. Passion of SS. Cyprian and Justina (Lib. i) . . . viii""!

multa pericula passi procellas scilicet et tempestates. Ending : quem sine profusione lacrimarum dicere non

possumus. f. 162 gone.

Continued on 163: Cumque hec dixisset abiit in ecclesiam Christi ad orationem

conuertebat ab omni heresi et augebat Christo cum quo deo patri etc. Inc. Confessio uel Poenitentia Tasccii (?) Cipriani. . . viii'^'^vi^


(^)uicuiujinj ill Cliii>ti nii>tciiis inolicilis

ilerluxil ad Christum Ihesum. cum quo etc. Expl. Conf. uel Poen. Cipriani niagi...Kal. Octobr. Inc. I'assio eiusdem Cipriani el lustinae Virginia . . . f. viii'^'^xii Tempore Claudii imperaloris niuUiplicabanlur

per orationes marlirum glorificantes patrem etc. Expl. Pass. SS. Cipriani Ep. et lustine. Cf. Martene and Durand, I'hes. itov. Aiiccd. iii. 1620; Fell, Cypi'iani opera etc.

40. Inc. Passiu S. Tecle Virginis ...... viii'^^xiii <5

Sub Nerone romanorum principc [laulus apostolus uerbuni

cum sonnio pacis migrauit atl dominum qui uiuit etc. Meminit beate istius S. Ambrosius etc. .... viii^'^^xv

Illi enim hominibus certauerunt isti dec. Gebhardt, Passio Tkeclae; Lipsius, Apokr. Apostelg. 11. i. 430.

41. Inc. Passio S. Eufemie V. ...... . viii'''^xvi <5i

Sub Diocletiano imp. proconsule prisco

cum hec dixisset quieuit in pace. Mombiitius 1. 255.

42. Inc. Passio SS. MM. Agricole el \'italis apud Bononiam

ciuitalem v. kal. octobris. ....... viii'^'^xix

Ambrosius seruus Christi Ihesu uocatus episcopus

seruare digneris. Per eundem d. n. I. C. qui etc. P. L. XVII. 747. 45. Gregorius Turonensis de S. Lusorio ..... ix""

In Dolense inquil biturigi

letus abscessit. Expl. Glor. Conf. 90.

44. Inc. Passio S. Marcelli M. ...... . ix'^" b

Poslquam filius dei carnem de uirgine

quinta sabbati hora nona. regnante etc. Expl. Pass. S. Marcelli M. Labbe, Bibl. MSS. 11. 427.

45. Inc. vita S. Egidii Abbatis ....... ix'^'^ii

Sanctorum quidem ac propensiori

uidendo cognoscat. Sanctus (erasure) Egidius natione grecus

tua sancta merita pater aegidi apud d. d. n. qui cum filio etc. Acta SS. Sept. i. 299.

46. xiii. kal. Octobris. Passio S. Januarii Ep. cum sociis suis . ix^^v Temporibus diocletiani imp. consulatu constantini

martyris basilicam condidenint prestante d. n. I. C. etc. Expl. pass. etc.

Added in a late hand Veni creator spiritus etc. ix^'^vi /'. 1. c. VI. 866.

47. Inc. Prol. de vita S. Mariae Magdalene[s] .... ix'^^^vii Quamquam per iiii""^ mundi climata

legere non recuset. Expl. Prol. Inc. vita.




Fuit igitur secundum seculi fastuni. Ac^a SS. lul. V. 218.

plus et clemens per infinita sec. sec. amen. Licet plerisque relationis series prolixioris . . . . f. ix'"^x />

querentibus hec nosse sufficiat. Post dominice igitur resurrectionis gloriam. (The Marseilles legend.) Corporis reportat beneficia. Cui etc. Faillon, ISIonttments inedils 11. 436. Inc. de translatione corporis eius ...... ix'"'xi b

Nunc ergo largiente domino aggrediemur. f. ix'^'xii (192) is gone.

Ends: miliario adhuc interiacenti consecutus est. Expl. de S. M. Magd.

48. Inc. Prol. in vita S. Audoeni Archiep. Rotom. . . . ix^^xiv^^ Conditor mundi ad enarranda diuina. Expl. prol.

Inc. vita. Temporibus Clotharii gloriosi principis

lothario et karolo anno primo. Expl. V. S. Aud. Rotom. arch. Acta SS. Aug. IV. 810.

49. Inc. Prefatio vite B. Maurilii ...... cciii

In Christi nomine ego Magnobodus amore fraterno. Expl.

Pref. Inc. prol. S. Magnobodi Ep. in vita b. Maurilii Ep. Eccl.

Andegauensis quicquid in religiosis metunt in gaudiis.

Expl. prol. Inc. Vita. Beatus igitur Maurilius sub iuliano

nomen domini dei uiui per d. n. C. cui est etc. Expl. vita S. Maurilii ep. cuius sacer transitus celebratur

idus Septembris. Acta SS. Sept. iv. 72.

50. Inc. Passio S. Mathei Ap. et Euang ccvij

Quoniam deo cura est de hominibus

...Erant itaque duo magi zaroes et arfaxat.

A leaf is gone after ccviii (not marked in the numeration), and

one after ccix. Ends : et missam suscepisset omnis ecclesia et unusquisque

ad domum propriam remearet matheum apo.... Mombritius 11. 140. Abdias, lib. vii. Lipsius, i. 147.

51. Prologue to the Passion of the Theban Legion . . . ccxi Begins : Miserabili lapsu deiectum atque humilium seruorum

dignatus est prerogare. Expl. prol. Inc. Passio. Sanctorum Christi martyrum passionem

canentes ore persoluunt illi cui etc. Acta SS. Sept. vi. 342. BHL. 5739. Inc. Miracula alia (?) SS. MM. Agaunensium. Sepe dominus arrogantiam contumacis ..... ccxiv

Ilaec ab ipso cognoui presbitero.




Sermo in Nat. S. Mauricii sociorumque eius . . . f. ccxiv b Ilodierna solempnitas fr. kariss. nos ammonet a presentis

premiorum in regno caelorum ipso adiuuante qui etc. Item alius sermo in nat. S. Maur. soc. que eius qui ita inc.

Sacra haec hodierna solempnitas f. k. etc. . . . ccxv b Require in omeliario.

52. Inc. exaltatio S. Crucis ccxv (J

Tempore illo postquam Constantino

miraculorum plurima incrementa donante d. n. I. C. etc. Ex pi. Mombiitius I. 213.

53. Eodem die inc. Passio S. Cornelii M ccxvij

Temporibus decii caesaris maxima persecutio

florent orationes eorum ad laudem et gl. d. n. I. C etc.

54. a. Inc. Passio S. Cipriani M ccxvij b

Tempore ualeriani et galieni

triumpho magno sepultum est. Regnante etc. BHL. 2040.

b. Gregorius Turonensis. Ciprianus beatissimus . . . ccxviij b

nisi uirtus martyris prestitisset. Expl. Glor. Mart. 93.

c. Inc. sermo b. Maximi de S. Cipriano .... ccxix S. Cipriani festiuitatem sicut omnibus

doctrina profecit. Expl. [Veni Creator in late hand added.]

55. A much smaller hand.

Sermons on SS. Peter and Paul ccxx

a. One imperfect, ending pertingere ad ueram aeternitatis requiem, auxiliante etc.

b. The next. Item cuius supra de eodem. Fr. kar. aut erroris est aut delicti.

c. Natalem beatissimorum app. Petri et pauli hodie celebrantes

est et mors lucrum, prestante etc.

56. De S. Martiale. miracula post eius transitum facta . ccxx b Igitur beatissimus marcialis quibus se uirtutibus publicauerit

paratum nobis regnum aconstitutione mundi. prestante etc. Expl. mirac. post transitum facta. Acta SS. Jun. V. 553. Gregorius Turonensis. Sanctus inquit marcialis ep. a romanis ccxxi

sepulchrum patuit. Expl. Glor. Conf. 27.

57. Larger hand resumed.

Sermo in Cathedra S. Petri apostolorum principis . . ccxxi b Huius solennii religio sic ecclesiis introducta est. Cum enim pertransiret apostolus petrus disseminans uerbum uite uel demonibus sanitaii reddidit prestante etc.

58. Inc. Vita S. Evvrtii Ep. ccxxii

Sicut mercedis est ad erudiendos animos

Ends imperfectly: erat suljdiaconus alius laicus... (The writing is rather damaged.) Acta SS. Sept. III. 52.

M. C.



Here the earlier hand ends : what follows is in a round black

hand of cent, xii ?. 59. Inc. passio beatissime katerine V. et M. . . . f. ccxxiv(i49) Cum sanctorum fortia gesta ad memoriam posterorum tran-

scribimus tale sumamus exordium. Tradunt annates historic quod constantinus. [At, top of ccxxx3 (156^) is scribbled the longest Latin word:

Inhonorificabilitudinitacionitatibus]. Ends ccxxxv^: ad passionem properauit. cui honor et laus

gloria et potestas sit per immortalia secula. Amen. Expl. Passio B. Katerine V. et M. See Einenkel Life of S. Kath. E.E.T.S. 1884.

There are many scribbles on the last page.

101. ViTAE Sanctorum (Weingarten).

Vellum, 15 X io|, ff. 1+ 180, double columns of 41 lines. Cent, xii, in a good upright German hand.

Old stamped leather binding (xv?) over boards, rebacked, metal bosses and clasps gone.

Formerly MS. Phillipps 4182. Sold at Sotheby's in June 1898, lot II 34.

From the Abbey of Weingarten in Bavaria. At the end (xiii) is :

liber sancti martini in Wingarten.

A later inscription (Monasterii Weingartensis 1628) erased is on f. I.

Collation: a* (4 cane.) 1^-14^ 15" 16^-22^ 23^ 24-.

Contents :

The first flyleaf originally lined the cover. On i is a list of

the contents (xii). On I (5 in a different hand from the I'est :

1. De Inventione sanguinis domini . . . . . . i. \b

Apud italiam mantue ciuitatis inuentio sanguinis d. n. I. C. a

quodam adilberto uiro religioso

sub altare S. Andree ubi prestantur beneficia eiusdem d. n. I. C. usque in hodiernum diem (2 b). MGH. Scriptores XV. 921. The main hand now begins.

2. Versus lohannis diaconi ad lohannem Papam de vita B.

Gregorii Pape ......... 3

Suscipe romuleos

posse iacere tuis. Inc. prefatio lohannis diac. eccl. Romane de uita S. Gregorii P.




Beatissimo ac fidelissimo d. iohanni misericorditer liberari.

Expl. pref.

Inc. capitula libri piimi (48) f 3 (^

Inc. liber primus de uita beatissimi atque preclarissimi Gregorii

pape urbis Rome (red capitals) ...... 4

Gregorius genere Romanus {P. L. LXXV. 59) ... ^ b

A very fine large initial G (5 inches high) principally in white

convoluted branch work on grey, yellow, green, red and

brown ground. Lib. II. f. 14, Similar initial on f. 15 with birds. Lib. III. f. ^i b. Initial on 32 <5 not so good. Lib. IV. f. 52. Initial on 53 iJ like the last. Ends f. 86: minime denegasse cognoscar. Expl. libri quatuor

de uita beatiss. atque preclariss. Greg. p. urbis rome. In a smaller hand : Explanations of various words . 86

Armonia est consonantia uocis et modulatio sonorum consona. Ending with :

Quinque modos morbi deus intulit arbiter orbi lob marie lazari pauli fit quintus herodi Insons iob sordet mariam lepra debita mordet Laus lazarus domino stimulus custodia paulo Quinta seua modi mors antiocho uel herodi.

Inc. Vita S. Ambrosii Mediolanensis Ep. (a Paulino) . . 86 3

Hortaris uenerabilis augustine.

Fine bold initial with animal forms.

sit mihi premium fugisse supplicium.

P. L. XIV. 27.

Inc. passio Sigismundi regis 94 (5

Temporibus tyberii senioris augusti.

Good initial. On L. a man seated holding a drinking vessel and clasping his stomach (as if in pain and taking medicine), on P. an ape-like creature apparently taking a pill.

ad pristinam redeant sanitatem adiuuante d. n. I. C. Cui etc.

(Sigismund is invoked for quartan fevers.)

MGH. Scriptt. rer. Merov. 11. 333.

Inc. Vita S. Waltpurge Virg. ...... 96

Aduenientibus scilicet quondam multis mercatoribus romam.

Good initial.

multorum attestatione uerum esse corroboratur.

Acta SS. Feb. ill, 548 (554) part. BHL. 8769.

Inc. Vita S. Athanasii Alexandrine ciuitatis Ep. . . . loi b

Igitur apud alexandriam defuncto alexandro.

Initial a bearded bare-legged man in green, brown and red looking P. and pointing L. participem et socium delegit.

Not noticed in BHL.







Inc. Passio S. Bonifacii qui de Roma missus est in Tharsum ibique martyrizatus est ......

Temporibus diocletiani quater et maximiani ter. Fine initial of branch work by the artist of the first initial in the book : man about to throw a stone at a monkey seated above.

coronam assumens in gloriam et laudem dei patris et unigeniti filii eius etc. Expl. pass. S. Bonif. M. Acta SS. Maii in. 280. Inc. Passio S. Victoris Martyris ....••

Regnante impiissimo maximiano in mediolanensium ciuitate.

Bold initial.

sub maximiano imperatore. regnante etc.

1. c. II. 288 (285).

Inc. prol. in uitani et Passionem S. Gangolfi

Veneranda commemoratio beatissimi Gangolfi

conabimur explicare. Expl. prol. Inc. Passio S. Gangolfi M. Uir itaque domini gangolfus .......

omnium pie uiuentium publicari. ad laudem et gloriam summe lucis et uie ueritatis et uite dei et d. n. I. C. etc. Expl. uita sanctiss. Gangolfi confessoris Christi. 1. c. II. 643.

Relatio S. Pastoris presb. de S. Pudentiana uirg. Omnia que a Sanctis gesta sunt. Good initial by the first hand.

sanctitatis eius usque in hodiernum diem per eum qui. Hie pater et nata pudens pudenquetiana. Mombritius 11. 213. Acta SS. Maii iv. 300 note.

Inc. Vita et Passio S. Bonifacii Ep

Beatus igitur Bonifacius genere anglus.

Good initial by the first hand.

martirii triumpho coronatus migrauit ad dominum. Cui.

Niirnberger, Anecd. Botiifatiana 8.

Inc. Passio S. Barnabe Ap

Redemptor et saluator noster d. I. C. Good initial.

collocatum est ad honorem et gl. d. Expl. actus et passio b. barnabe Ap. Mombritius i. 69. Acta SS. lun. Ii.

Boll. II. 301. Inc. Passio S. Albani sociorumque eius Temporibus impiissimi regis Honorii. Good initial.

omnipotens deus operatus miracula. Prestante etc. Expl. pass. S. Theonesti Ep. et Alljani. Canisius, Ant. Lcct. v. ii. 666. Acta SS. Oct. xiii. 345 Inc. passio S. Gallicani M. .

f. 106^

I. C


Qui etc. (part), Anal.



114 5







Sub Constantino gallicano (iuce romani cxercitus. Rougher initial, but good.

in ciuitate ostiensi uscjue in hodiernum diem. Amen. Acta SS. lun. v. 37 (vii. 33).

15. Passio Vn. dormientium ....... f. 127^

Temporibus decii imperatoris facta est persecutio.

Fine but rough initial.

nee clarius miraculum apparuit. Expl. vita et actus vii dormientium. Cf. BHL. 2315.

16. Inc. Vita S. Goaris C . . . 130 3

In diebus Childeberti regis francorum

ibidem petentibus manifestare dignatus est. Qui. Acta SS. lul. II. 333.

17. Inc. Passio S. Pantaleonis M. ..... , 134'^

Regnante impiissimo maximiano

coronam regni celestis a d. n. I. C. cui est. Expl. pass. S. pantaleonis. Mombr. 11. 191.

18. Passio S. Christofori Martyris Christi ..... 140 3 Tempore quo dagnus regnabat

legentibus passionem meam. Qui uiuis et regnas etc. Expl. pass. be. Chr. Anal. Boll. xvii. 72 etc.

19. Inc. Passio S. Pelagii H3 '^

Regnante numeriano imp.

euilasio iudice v^ kal. sept. Regnante etc. Acta SS. Aug. VI. 161.

20. Inc. de Vita S. Egidii C 145

Sanctorum quidem a propensiori cultu cognoscat.

Sanctus igitur Egidius natione grecus

pater egidi apud d. d. n. qui cum etc. Al:ta SS. Sept. i. 299.

21. Inc. de Vita S. Hieronimi presb. 148 <J

Hieronimus noster in oppido hystridonis (!)

hactenus asserendo narrantur. Expl. de uita et mirac. b. Hier. presb. P. L. XXII. 175.

22. Inc. Passio SS. XI. Milium Virginum et undecim . . 151 /' Regnante d. n. I. C. cum post passionem

municipatum capiamus. Prestante etc. Expl. pass. SS. VV. Acta SS. Oct. IX. 157.

23. Inc. prol. (vitae S. Pirminii) . ...... 156 3

In omni creaturarum multimoda diuersitate

quanta fuissent que precesserunt.

Inc. Vita S. Pirminii Ep 157

Igitur uir beatissimus Pirminius obtinuit.


Initial, a Bishop in red chasuble, green dalmatic with jewelled border, and red robe beneath : low mitre : green nimbus : crozier : blessing.

incomprehensibilis maiestas per infinita sec. Amen.

1. c. Nov. II. 33.

24. Inc. Vita SS. Episcoporum Treveris Eucharii Valerii Materni f. 164 Quamuis uita sanctorum apud oninip. deum eternaliter maneat

potiora se percepisse letatur. Prestante etc. 1. c. Ian. II. 918 (533).

25. Summa de diuinis officiis ....... 169

Legitur in ecclesiastica hystoria quod Nabuchodonosor rex


uidebitur deus facie ad faciem. Erit enim deus omnia in omnibus. Amen.

26. Verses . . . . . 179

Obsecro lectoris prudens me cura tuere

Nomine scriptoris qui potior sine re

Pagina limata minus est sed parcere debes

Neue sit ingrata penna precatur hebes

Quicquid in hac parte calamo posui phariseo

Si tamen ex arte defensare queo

Indulgere potes uirtusque fugit seriei

Ni per puncta notes que sit ymago rei

Comma colon punctum ceu concors regula uocum

lungunt disiunctum grammaticando locum

Commata conficiunt aptas partes rationum

Et cola perficiunt hunc per membra sonum

Ultima periodus in uersu clausula degit

s. ill! Nee patet iste modus qui sine lege legit

Ordine sanctorum uirtus hie intitulata Est quibus et quorum laus sine fine rata Istius auctorem libri uelit oro tueri Nee non scriptorem qui uolet hec fieri.

27. De translatione sanguinis xpi (see i).

Igitur sacrosancto sanguine dominico in urbe mantua inuento

relatione descendisse. Amen ..... 179^

102. Passiones Apostolorum etc. (Weissenau).

Vellum, 9| x 6|, ff. 102, 31 lines to a page. Cent, xi-xii, in a good clear slightly sloping German script : two hands at least are employed.

Old stamped white pig-skin binding over boards with a small round stamp of angel holding scroll. Two clasps. An illegible paper label on the cover. Chainmark at top of second cover in centre.


Has the bookplate of Bateman, no. 1479 at the sale in 1893.

Also the book-plate of an Abbot: party per fess arg. a lion supporting half a cogged wheel in chief az. a dove with olive branch, and rainbow. Crosier and sword in saltire, mitre above. The initials BAZW (Bonaventura Abt zu Weissenau). On f. i is pasted a printed slip, Bonaventura Abbas Minoraug. i.e. of Minderovv or Weissenau, cf. no. 6.

Collation : \^-f d,^ S^-\f.

Contents :

1. Title in red capitals.

Inc. Passio SS. Apostolorum Petri et Pauli . . . f. i

Tempore illo cum uenisset paulus romam.

The initial, in red, green and yellow, has busts of S. Petrus

pointing up, S. Paulus, and, on a tower above, Syvton.

On P. in air a devil, demon. Ends : miliario secundo. ubi prestantur beneficia orationum in

laude d. n. I. C. cui est gl. in sec. sec. Amen. Expl.

pass. SS. p. et p. Lipsius, Acta Apost. Apocr. 119 (Pseudo-Marcellus).

2. Inc. Passio S. Andree ap 7 3

Passionem S. Apostoli Andree quam oculis nostris uidimus

ad agnitionem ueritatis uenire. Ipsum enim decet gl. et potestas in sec. sec. Amen. Expl. pass. S. Andr. ap. Bonnet, Acta Apost. Apocr, 11. i. i.

3. Inc. uita S. lohannis ap. . . . . . . . 11^

Secundam post neronem persecutionem

precum suarum consequuntur effectum. prestante etc. Expl. uita S. loh. ap. = Mellitus, Fabric. Cod. Apocr. N. T. ni. 604.

4. Inc. passio S. lacobi ap. ....... 18

Apostolus d. n. I. c. lacobus omnem iudeam

martir effectus perrexit ad dominum. cui etc. Expl. pass. S. lac. = Abdias, lib. IV. Fabric. 11. 516.

5. Inc. passio S. Thome Ap. ....... 21

Cum apostolus Thomas qui et didimus esset apud cesaream

ad apostoli gaudia peruenire. prestante etc. Exp. pass. S. Thome Ap. Bonnet, Acta Thoinae 133 (1883).

6. Inc. passio S. bartholomei ap. ...... 29

In die tres esse

compositis migrauit ad dominum cui etc. Expl. pass, barth. = Abdias, lib. vni. Bonnet, Act. Apost. Apocr.

7. Inc. passio Mathei ........ 33


Quoniam deo cura est

in dei nomine sequens libellus ostendit. Expl. pass. S. M. Ap. = Abdias, lib. Vll. Lipsius, Apokr. Apostelg. I. 147.

8. Inc. passio Symonis et lude f- 39

Tempore illo symon chananeus

illuminatore animarum nostrarum et nunc et semper et per infinita sec. sec. amen. Expl. pass. Sym. et lude. = Abdias, lib. vi. Lipsius, I.e. i. 117.

9. Inc. passio Philippi 46

Tempore illo S. philippus apostolus d. n. 1. C.

orante philippo omnibus qui credunt in unum deum etc. etc. Expl. pass. phil. ap. = Abdias, lib. X.

10. Inc. passio lacobi ap 461^

Igitur iudei postea quam paulus.

In quo loco passio eius colitur usque in presentem diem. Expl.

passio S. lacobi. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. 11. 23, version of Rufinus.

11. Inc. Epistola Severi ad Desiderium de vita S. Martini Ep. . 48 Severus desiderio non loquatur auctorem. Expl. Ep.

Inc. prol. in uitam S. Martini. P. L. xx. 159 . . . 48 3

Plerique mortalium studio dicere maluissem.

Inc. vita S. Martini 49^

Igitur Martinus Sabarie Pannoniorum oppido

sed quicunque crediderit. Inc. Epistola Seueri ad eundem prespiterum postea episcopum 60 b

Hesterna die cum ad me. Inc. alia ep. eiusdem ad aurelium. Posteaquam a me mane . 62

prestaret carta solatium. Expl. Ep. Seu. ad Aur. Inc. Epistola Seueri sulpicii. Sulp. Seuerus basule parenti . 63 h

comperta participem.

De obitu S. Martini 64

Martinus igitur obitum suum te legentem.

Inc. dialogus seueri. Cum in unum locum . . . . 65 ^

Inc. liber secundus dialogi seueri ...... 78

(Lib. III.) Lucescit O Galle 863

dolore discessum est. Inc. de obitu sanctissimi Confessoris Christi Martini atque

pontificis .......... 96

Archadio uero et Honorio (Greg. Turon.).

quadringenti duodecim computantur. Item reuelatio S. Seuerini Ep. de transitu S. M. . . 97

Beatus autem Seuerinus coloniensis (Greg. Turon.)

fuisse reuelatum. Item alia b. ambrosii de obitu S. Martini . . . . 97 3 Eo nanque tempore b. ambrosius

possimus hystoriam explicare.


On the tomb of S. Martin 981^

Opere precium est etiam illud inserere (Greg. Turon.).

The verses : Uenimus en istuc 99 ^

laudari meruit iudicis ore. Confession of Martin ........ 100 3

Clemens trinitas est una diuinitas

in sancta ecclesia nunc et in (in)mortalia sec. sec. Amen. 12. Inc. Vita S. et beatiss. Brictii Ep. et Conf. . . . f. loi

Igitur post excessum b. Martini. (Greg. Turon.) Ends 102 b.

successit magnifice sanctitatis uir prestante d. n. I. C.cui est gl. honor laus et imp. una cum eterno patre et sp. s. in sec. sec. Amen. Added later : Expl. vita beatiss. brictii episcobi et conf. de uita eiusdem.


Vellum, 14 X 9I, fif. 267, double columns of 64 lines. Cent, xiv (1336-7) in a clear rather scratchy Italian hand. The edges of many leaves have been cut off.

Modern binding.

Bookplates of the Duke of Sussex (vi. H. m. 5) and Bateman (no. 234 in the sale of 1893).

Collatio}i: a-* (wants i) V^-22^"-.

Contents :

Inc. prol. magistri athanasii patriarche alexandrie super psalterio f. i Admiror tuam electionem in christo amice marcelle. Etenim pre- sentem temptationem

ista locuti sunt deum portantes uiri sancti. S. gregorius Nisius (Nyssen) de dyapsalma frater S. Basilii . 2 b

Oportet uero nee (?) dyapsalma precurrere sine contemplatione

nominatum est dyapsalma. In nomine s.etindiuidue trinitatis. Inc. prol. libri comitisS.Jeronimi

praesb. missus ad constantium constantinopolitanum Ep. . . 3

Quanquam licenter assumatur in opere congregationem celestium lectionum et ipsuni opusculum amantissime frater. Damasus Jeronimo. Dum multa corpora librorum. Versus damasi. ...damasi monitis aures prebete dig^s

dei ipse triumphus. Jeronimum Damaso. Legi litteras apostolatus uestri.

Dauid filius iesse. Verses. Psallere qui docuit dulci modulamine sanctus

dulcia mella. Oret pro nobis beatitudo tua beatissime papa.


Psalterium ita est quasi magna domus 3 3

inc. Beatus uir etc. Inc. tiact(at)us Aurelii Augustini ep. de psalmo primo {P.L. xxxvi). 4

Omnis scriplura diuinitus inspirata utilis est ad docendum

psalmorum indicent initia. Expl. prol. In nomine d. n. I. C. inc. expositio psalmorum b. Aug. Ep.

Beatus uir etc. De d. n. I. C. i. homine dominico. Ends f. 261 a : Et quia sapere secundum carnem mors est. Omnis

spiriltis laudet domirmm. Expl. lib. tractatus mirifice a b. Aug.

yponensi ep. in expos, psalmorum. Anno domini ccc° xxxvj die ij mensis octubris istum librum

scriptor scribere inchoauit et a. d. cccxxxvij die v. mensis

Junii auxilio diuine gratie consummauit. 261 b is blank. On 262 267 are, in the same hand, supplements of portions

omitted in the text.

Ornament :

f. 4 has a partial border of the usual Italian style of the time : some birds and grotesque figures, e.g. a nude tailed man leaning on a staff, with a crow on his shoulders pecking his head.

Init. to prologue. Gold ground with pattern. Augustine in red cope over black habit, and mitre, faces R. A desk and book cupboard on R. The head of Christ above.

Init. to text. Red ground. Above, Christ in blue seated blessing facing R. Below, David nimbed playing square stringed instrument (psaltery).

The following psalms have large initials in colour : 26, 38, 52, 68, 80, 97, 109, ri8, 119, 148.


Vellum, 10^x7, fif. 163, 27 and 31 lines to a page. Cent, xii, very finely written, seemingly by two hands.

Old green leather binding, rebacked.

Formerly in the Ashburnham (Barrois) collection; no. 34 in the sale, Sotheby's, June 1901.

At the end (xii) :

Liber S. Marie Pontiniacensis . quicunque ilium furatus fuerit anathema sit.

On f. I (xviii) :

L : Bibliothecae Pontiniacensis.

Pontigny was a Cistercian abbey near Auxerre : many books from it are in the public library there. Collation : 1^-20^ 21'* (wants 4).


Contents :

1. Sermo primus S. Augustini de Symbolo {P. L. xl) . . f. i Accipite regulam.

Sermo ii. Sacramentorum rationem 9. Sermo iii. Sacra- mentorum symboli 26. Sermo iv. Cum per sacratissi- mum 35. Sermo v. Celesti gratie 39. Sermo vi. Quoniam in proximo 46, ending : orationibus pascar.

Expl. sermo S. Aug. ep. ad cathecuminos.

2. Inc. capitula de sermonibus Aur. Augustini doctoris incom-

parabilis quos edidit ad ecclesie documentum . . . f. 52 (5 i. De lapsu mundi. Omnis homo in tribulatione. ii. De eo quod scriptum est in prouerbiis. Sunt qui se

diuites etc. Scriptura que modo 57,5

iii. de continentia et sustinentia. Duo sunt que in hac uita . 62

iv. de timore dei. Non dubito dilectissimi fr. . . . 65 d

V. De Abraham ubi temptatur a domino. Noti.ssima patris

nostri ........... 67

vi. de psalmo Ixvii". Audiuimus et contremuimus . . "job

vii. De iusticia que ex lege et ea que ex fide etc. Diuine

lectiones omnes ......... 74 (5

viii. quod dominus interrogat iudeos cuius filium dicerent

esse Christum. Interrogati iudei ..... 79

ix. de eo quod Christus in scripturis tribus modis inteliigatur.

D. n. I. C. quantum animaduertere ..... 82

X. De oratione dominica. Quoniam domino gubernante iam

estis 87

xi. De Ihesu in heremo pugnante et moyse orante. Ihesus

filius naue in heremo ........ 88

xii. ad mensam s. Cypriani martiris. Erudimini omnes . 90

xiii. die domin. de versu ps. ix. tibi derelictus est etc. Canta-

uimus domino ......... 93

xiv. habitus in regione terita in basilica petri carthagine.

Decorem domus ........ 95 (J

XV. in basilica celerine. Lectiones diuinorum eloquiorum . 99

xvi. in mensa S. Cypriani dominico die. Lectiones sanctas

plures loi b

xvii. die sabbati de eo... Petre amas me. Apostolum petrum

primum .......... 105 b

xviii. De apostolo ubi dicit : Non enim quod uolo facio etc.

Lectio diuma que de ap. pauli ...... 106 b

xix. de caritate uel dilectione. De caritate nobis pauIo ante 1 10 XX. de capit. euangelii ubi ait Ihesus : Si uis uenire ad uitam

etc. Euangelica lectio que. 112 3

xxi. de cap. euang. ubi iudei interrogant cuius filius sit

Christus. Questionem propositam . . . . . 11^ b xxii. de euang. de seruo qui talentum acceperat et noluit

erogare. Domini fratres 115^

xxiii. De auaricia. Qui deum timetis non dubito . . 116


xxiv. ad penitentes. Penitentes (fer) 118

XXV. de timore dei. Multa nobis fr. de timore dei . . 119 3 dolore fleuerunt. JVofe de hoc sermone deest. 3. Inc. omelie SS. patrum Aug. leronimi Ambr. de ueteri

testamento . . . . . . . . . . 121

Capitula (titles of 29 homilies).

i. Om. in uet. et nouo test. Sicut dicit euangelista abstinuisse

dominum . . . . . . . . . . f. 121 ^

il. de cain et abel. Retulit scriptura diuina de cain et abel . 122 3

iii. Aug. de Abraham. Modo cum diuina lectio legeretur . 123^ iv. de Abr. et ysaac filio eius. Lectionis illius fr. k. in

qua b. abraham ......... 125

V. De ysaac et coniunctione S. Rebecce. Isaac inquit

scriptura crescebat . . . . . 126 vi. De conceptione S. Rebecce. Expositiones sanctarum

scripturarum ......... 128

vii. De b. loseph. Quotiens nobis fr. k. lectiones de uet. test. 130 viii. de S. patriarcha lacob. In beato lacob. fr. dilectissimi 131 ^^ ix. de b. patriarcha loseph. De b. patr. loseph aliquanta nobis 133

X. quod morluo loseph creuerunt filii Israel. Audiuimus fr.

k. in lectione I34 ^

xi. de spirituali coUuctatione filiorum Israel. Quamuis fr. k.

uerbum dei omni tempore . . . . . . . 136

xii. Aug. de decern plagis. Quia sermo qui nobis recitatus est 137 xiii. de eo quod indurauit dominus cor pharaonis. Quotiens

lectio ilia recitatur ^59^

xiv. Aug. de uia trium dierum. In lectionibus diuinis que

nobis preteritis diebus . . . 141 ^

XV. De exploratoribus xii. Sicut in lectione que nobis modo

recitata est audiuimus 142 d

xvi. leronimi de turibulis chore et dathan. .Modo f. k. cum

diuina lectio legeretur 144*^

xvii. De uirga Aaron. Omnis princeps tribus populi . . 145 6 xviii. leromini de balaam et balac. Cum diuina lectio lege- retur f. k. audiuimus ........ 147 ^

xix. de raab meretrice et duobus nunciis. Lectio ista k. f.

que nobis .......... 149 ^

XX. quod dei iudicio de terra promissionis expulsi sunt. In

lectionibus que nobis recitate 151 '^

xxi. de eo quod parati essent transire iordanem, et de raab.

Sicut frequenter caritate 15^*^

xxii. S. Ambrosii de gedeon. Hesterna die audiuimus f. k.

quod cum sub arbore 154*^

xxiii. Aug. de Samson. Samson fr. dilectiss. fortitudinem . 156^ xxiv. De dauid et de patre suo et de golia. In scripturis

diuinis dilectiss. fr. una 159*^

XXV. Aug. de S. Helya. Dominus deus noster nolens aliquem

nostrum penre

161 d




xxvi. Aug. de Absalon. Solet fidem natura seruare

Ends 163 (^: per uicine silue secreta auctorem scelerum per-

dendo. A marginal note of the time says : Ue hoc sermone plurimum deest sed et quatuor sermones

desunt quorum capitula prenotata sunt scilicet sermo S.

Aug. de plaga dei. Sermo de iudicio Salomonis. Omelia

de beato heliseo et giezi puero eius. Omelia de heliseo et

securi gurgiti illapsa. [These are nos. xxvi xxix in the capitula on f. 121.]

162 b

105. Regula S, Augustini etc.

Vellum, 6J x 5, ff. 195, 23 and 25 lines to a page. Cent, xv late, in two or three very good Italic hands. Modern Italian binding. Probably bought in Italy. Collation : 2'" 3'° 4'' 5^'-24« (+ i).

Contents :

1. Inc. regula Beatissimi Patris Augustini Ep. Ecclesieque doctoris

eximii ........... f. i

Ante omnia fratres carissimi diligatur deus {F. L. xxxii. 1377)

in temptacionem non inducatur. Amen. Expl. regula beatiss. patris nostri Aug. Ep. eximiique doctoris.

2. Inc. Expositio secundum Ugonem de S. Victore super textum

regule S. Augustini ........ 7

Hec precepta que subscripta sunt

non indicatur (!) amen. Expl. exp. reg. S. Aug. Finis.

3. Prologue to the Constitutions of the Augustine Friars . . 58 Quoniam ex precepto regule habere debeat continetur. Expl.

Capitula (50) 58 3

Text. Audito primo signo ad matutinas festinent . . 60

Omissions, changes and additions are noted in the margin.

Ends i\ib: in opportunitate obediant et assistant.

Expl. const, ordinis fratrum heremitarum S. Aug.

Alphabetical Table in red from A to S . . . . 141 b

4. Additions to the Constitutions ...... 147

Ending on 179 b.

Further additions in another hand ..... 179^

Continuation of the Alphabetical Table .... 180 3

f. 182 blank.

Three notes relating to Confession . . . . . 183

5. List of Papal privileges to the order from Boniface VIII . 183 The last entry is that the brothers entered into possession of

their house at Pavia in the generalship of Gul. de Villana Bp of Cremona who obtained it from John XXII. The installa-


tion was in 1331 die Mercurii quinto mensis Junii circa horam vespertinam. Finis.

6. Inc. Admonitiones Capituli Cremone f. 187

Followed by ,, Brixie

,, Mediolani

,, ,, Mantua

,, Alexandria

,, Mediolani

,, Bononia

,, Cremone

,, ,, Annuntiate.

Ornament :

f. I has a border framed in gold, of flowers and gold ornament on white ground, with these medallions: at top. Virgin and Child, IHS rayed on red ground, S. Nicholas of Tolentino with book, lily, crucifix and IHS on his breast.

On R. nun (Monica) with crucifix and book.

Below. ARMA ORDINIS s. AVGVSTINI. party per fess sa. and arg. In pale a girdle of the first.

Initial. Lozenge background of green and red on gold. Augustine; a Bishop in red cope over black habit, and mitre, on a green throne on Z. gives an open book to group of kneeling friars on R.

A good initial in colour on gold on f. 7.

106. loH. Chrysostomus de Sacerdotio Latine.

Vellum, 8| x 6|, fif. 56, 24 lines to a page. Cent, x-xi, in a very- good round minuscule, doubtless written in Germany : apparently in two hands.

Formerly belonged to Libri. It was no. 545 in the Sale Catalogue of 1859. There is a facsimile of two lines from 5 i /^ in Plate II. of that Catalogue.

It was purchased at Christie's Feb. 1895, no. 55.

Formerly at the Monastery of St Pantaleon at Cologne. On f. I (otherwise blank) in large letters is :

liber Sci Pantaleonis Colonie. Collation : 1^-7^. Contents :

Inc. dialogus lohannis et Basilii episcoporum (red capitals) . i. 1 b

Mihi qUidem multi fuerunt amici certi.

Lib. u with capitula . . . . . . . . . n^

Lib. ni ,, 23

Lib. IV ,, ,, 48

Ending imperfectly ^6b: deridebit insidias atque inconcussi ciuitatis

istius habitatores manebunt. It is the Latin version of Chrysostom's dialogue de sacerdotio.



Vellum, 8f x sf, ff. 3 + 139, 27 lines to a page. Cent, xii, well written with gaudy ornament of a Southern aspect.

Old brown leather binding with curious end-papers.

Purchased at Sotheby's, June 1896. Phillipps Sale no. 86.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 255. There is also a pencil note (by Sir T. Phillipps?) i^y'J']']. Thorpe.

At top of f. I :

(xvii-xviii). J De fontenay Carnutensis ecclesiae canonicus.

On a flyleaf is a note of the contents (xviii). Collation: 3 flyleaves, I^-IO^ (+ i) 1 18-17" 18 (two).

Contents :

1. Inc. liber scintillarum uenerabilis Bede presb. {really Defen-

soris) Diuersarum sentenciaium Distinctus per Ixxx.i. csi^itula hie assignata Sic dictus eo quod sicut Multe scintille flamescunt et ualent ad incendium parandum Sic ad accendendas mentes fidelium ad amorem superne patrie hie coUecte sanctorum sentencie ualent et sunt utillime Inc. capitule ......•••'• ^

The capitula are arranged under round-headed arches with shafts gaily coloured and patterned.

Inc. liber sentenciarum de diuersis uoluminibus ... i b

Dominus dicit in euangelio Maiorem hac caritatem . . 2

The true author of the book is Defensor, monk of Liguge.

Each chapter has a gay initial, sometimes with dragon or other animal forms. No gold is used : reds and blues are very brilliant.

Ends 102: interior homo nutritur ac pascitur. Expl. lib. scint.

P. L. Lxxxviii. 585.

2. Ammonitio S. Augustini ep. per quam ostenditur quam boni

sit leccionem diuinam legere et quantum mali sit ab ilia uel

inquisitione desinere 102

Propicio Christo fratres karissimi ita lectionem diuinam.

sicut stelle in perpetuas eternitates. quod ipse nobis prestare dignetur qui cum etc.

3. Inc. liber (Aug.) de conflictu uiciorum atque uirtutum . . 104^ Apostolica uox clamat (Aug. P. L. XL. 1091)

uictor diaboli excites.

4. Inc. de iiii^"^ uirtutibus principalibus 121 ^

Sunt autem uirtutes quatuor

intellectus appellatur. Hec sunt octo uicia principalia 122


Primum castrimargia

coronari triumpho uoluerimus. De tribus que sunt in mundo . . . . . . f. 122 (5

Tria sunt omnia que in mundo sunt

possunt transferri partem. Aug. ad Macedonium de iteranda penitentia . . . 123

Aug. ad Maced. dicit inter alia. In tantum hominum

iniquitas omnes qui speratis in domino. Item Aug. de lapsu mundi et de incertitudine huius uite et de auaricia . . . . . . . . . . 123 (5

Omnis homo in tribulatione et dimitetur uobis. 5. Inc. excerptum de libro qui uocatur synonima b.ysidori Ep. . 131 '^ Audi anima que dico {P. L. LXXXlii). Ends 1393: bonorum societatem require. An erased word follows. Part of a late document has been used to mend the last leaf.

The book appears to me more like a Spanish than an Italian production, but I should be loth to fix its origin positively.

108. Beda super Parabolas etc. (Amorbach?).

Vellum, 9f x 6|, fif. 8 + i lO, 28-29 lines to a page. Cent, xi-xii, in a good black hand.

Old binding, skin over boards, rebacked, one clasp. There has been a press-mark on the cover.

Formerly in the Bateman collection (191 in the sale of 1893).

From Murbach Abbey (?). On f. i of Table (xvii) is:

Ex Bib. monasterii Amorb. Ord. S. Benedict!.

On the paper flyleaves are (i) an account of the MS., of cent, xix early, (2) an alphabetical table occupying 7 leaves dated at the end " 1455 profesto mauri," written in a German hand.

A bad English engraved portrait of Bede is stuck in.

There is a circular stamp :


HOF-(?) ...WINES.

Collation : a* 1^-14^ (wants 7, 8).


Contents :

1. Title in red.

Inc. liber primus expositionis Bede presb. super Parabolas

Salemonis . . . . . . . . f. i 6

Parabole Salomonis filii dauid regis Israhel. Parabole grece latine dicuntur similitudines.

Rough initial in red, with dragon.

Lib. II, ^od ; in, 71.

Ends 98a : coUaudare seruitiis. Amen. Expl. lib. tertius.

At bottom a note: "anno 1454. Crastino Concepcionis marie."

2. Inc. liber eiusdem expositionis in librum beati patris Tobie . 98 d Liber sancti patris Tobie et in superficie.

Ends 109a : in terra uiuentium. Expl. exp. Bede sup. lib. Tobie.

Then follow in another hand of cent, xii copies of two documents relating to an Abbey whose name is erased in both. The first is by Abbot Adelgerus telling how he spent 32 marks given by Reginhard Abbot of Sigiberg on buying a farm in Sunnesheim.

Reginhard seems to have died in 1105.

The other records an agreement to pay the Abbey of Lorsch twelve pence a year on lands in Zinzingen : in the 3rd year of Abbot Heinricus (he succeeded in 11 50),

109. Bedae Historia (Lincoln).

Paper, iif x 8f, ff. 40 + 3, double columns of 52, d^, etc. lines. Cent. XV, in a good small hand, brown ink, initials in blue and red. Paper of three makes with coarse wire lines and interesting water- marks.

Modern binding.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 1 5601, no. 85 in the sale at Sotheby's 1896.

On the second flyleaf:

Hunc librum legauit Willelmus Dadyngton quondam Vicarius de

Barton super humbre ecclesie lincoln ut esset sub custodia

Vicecancellarii (This is copied from the opposite page where the inscription, in another hand, is

somewhat mutilated. The later hand continues:) Script, per manus Nicholai Baytt Vicecancellarij iiii'" die mensis

Octobris a. d. millesimo quincentesimo decimoquinto et litera

dominicalis G et anno r. r. henrici octaui sexto.

M. C. l6


Then :

Nunc e libris Johannis Thoresby de Leedes empt : (ab) executo- ribus Tho : D"' Fairfax 1673.

It may be the manuscript in Cat. MSS. Angl. II. no. 7567 (Radulphi Thoresby) Ven. Bedae Eccl. Historiae de Gestis Anglorum Libri 5 (Latin, folio).

Collation: 3 flyleaves 1^-3^ 4'" 5 (six).

Contents :

Inc. prol. Ven. Bede in librum de gestis anglorum . . . f. i

Gloriosissimo regi mandate studuimus.

Capitula primi libri (followed by capitula of libb. ii-v).

Inc. liber ecclesiastice historic de gestis anglorum secundum ven.

Bedam presbr. .......... 3

De situ Britannic etc.

Britannia insula.

Lib. II \^b. in 18 <^. iv idb. v 37.

Ending imperfectly in c. xii

Solebat hoc crebris ob magnus.

110. Vita S. Gregorii (Murano).

Vellum, 10^ X 7^, ff. 151, 24 lines to a page. Cent, xii-xiii, in a good rather pointed hand, not of Italian type. The decorative initials have been added in Italy.

Elaborate modern binding by Zaehnsdorf

Formerly Phillipps MS. 4559, no. 654 in the sale of 1899.

On the flyleaf, erased (xv) :

Iste liber est monasterii S. Michaelis de Mariano ordinis Camaldulensis diocesis Torcellane.

The same on the last leaf, also erased. Collation: i^ (wants i) 2**- 16^ 17*^ 18® 19^".

Contents :

Versus in laude sanctissimi Gregorii pape . . . . . i. 2 Suscipe romuleos pastor uenerande triumphos

Da michi sub pedibus posse iacere tuis. Inc. pref. in vitam b. Gregorii Romani pont.

Beatissimo ac felicissimo d. Johanni Johannes ultimus leuitarum

misericorditer liberari. Expl. prol. Inc. capitula ^b.


Inc. vita S. Gregorii pape. {P. L. i.xxv. 59) . . . . i. \b Gregorius genere romanus arte philosophus. Capitula of lib. 11 22. Text 2315.

,, "I 53- ). 54^^-

>> IV 91. ,, <j4,b.

Ends 151 (5: denegasse cognoscar. Expl. uita b. Gregorii pape. Inscription of provenance (xv) follows. Then in a xvth cent.

Italian hand : Isti sunt libri quos edidit beatissimus papa Gregorius. (Moralia, Horn, super Euang., Horn, super Ezech., Dialogus, Registruni, Pastorale, Exp. super Cantica, Epistolae 680.)

The prologue and each book are provided with most unusually beautiful decorative initials, of Italian work, added I imagine in the xvth century.

Prologue : Gold letter, white branchwork on blue ground.

Lib. I ,, white and yellow branchwork on blue. Lib. n similar. The

blue ground has a gold ornament down one side. Lib. in similar, but with touches of blue and red in the foliage. The ground divided vertically into blue and scarlet. Lib. iv ground of gold, blue, scarlet, and green : gold letter, white branchwork with terminations in red, blue, and green.

111. S. Gregorii Dialogi.

Vellum, 9| X 6^, fif. 87+1, double columns of 31 lines. Cent, xiv (13 19), in a good round Italian hand. Modern binding by Thouvenin.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 286. Sold at Sotheby's in 1898, lot 619. Collation: i flyleaf, i^-ii^ (wants 8),

Contents :

Inc. liber dyalogorum exposito (!) a beato Gregorio papa Romano

{P. L. Lxxvii. 127) f. I

Inc. capitula libri primi. Quadani die dum nimis. Lib. II with capitula 16 5.

1" -> lib.

IV ,, 59*^.

Ending : hostia ipsi fuerimus.

Expl. liber dialogorum quartus beatissimi Gregorii papeurbis Rome. Feliciterdeo gratias. Amen. A.d. mcccxixdieueneris xii octobr.

Each book has a very handsome initial in colour on gold and coloured ground: each chapter, an initial in blue or red surrounded by penwork in red, green or purple.

16 2




112. ExcERPTA EX Epistolis Hieronymi.

Vellum, 8| x 5I, ff. 130, 39 lines to a page. Cent, xii early,

in small clear rather sloping minuscules. German. Two or three hands.

Modern binding.

A Libri MS., no. 486 in the catalogue of 1859, no. 52 in the sale of 1895 at Christie's.

On f I (xvii) : Bib. Hirs. followed by an erasure, possibly Collegii Jesu.

Collation: (wants) 2^ 3^ (4- i, and slip) 4^ (+ slip) 5^2 (11, 12 cane.) &■ 7M+ i> and slip) 8^-128 13'* 14^ 15^ \& ly^ (2, 3 cane).

Contents :

Inc. excerpta quedam de diuersis epistolis B. hieronimi [F. L. xxili)

Ex ep. eius ad damasum papam de seraphym . . . . f. i

Good initial in red.

Item ad damasum de fide cui in anthiochia communicare debeat . 2

Ad dam. de seraphim et de quis ibit nobis .... 2

Ex ep. ad dam. de prodigo filio 2 b

ad heriodorum exhort, ad contemptum mundi . . 3 ^

ad paulinum de omnibus diuinis hist, libris ... 4 5

ad nepotianum de instit. clericatus ..... 5 ^

Hier. ad matrem et filiam in gallia commanentes ... 8

Retulit michi^itineris longitudinem. Expl. pref.

Primum quidem scire uos cupio ....... 8 (5

ad marcellam de muneribus ........ u

Ep. sacre sententie Theodotii . 11 b

ad hominem qui se dicit penitentem in seculo conuersatum . \2 b

de carnis superbia ......... 14

ad paulinum de instit. clericorum uel monachorum . . . 16

Slip inserted ........... 16*

ad amandum de diuersis questionibus . . . . . . 17

Epistolaris responsio ad quem supra diximus . . . . li b

ad iulianum diaconum ......... ig

de epitaphio nepotiani ad eliodorum . . . . . . 19

ad Niceam ypodiac. Aquileie . . . . . . . 21 b

ad Crisocomam monachum . . . . . . . . 11 b

ad Antonium monachum ........ 22

ad Euangelum de melchisedech 22

ad Rusticum mon. ......... 22 b

ad Chomasium Eusebium et louinianum 25 15

ad Tirasium consol. de morte filie eius . . . . . 2^b

Slip inserted ........... 25*

ad Iulianum exhort, de pignoribus consulum .... 27


ad Vigilanlium in quo eius blasphemias arguit . . . . f. 29

Item. adu. Vigilantium ^gb

ad Oceanum de uita cleiicorum 29^

de unius uxoris uiro et de conuersatione clericorum 31 b

ad Castiinam materteram 32 (5

ad Furiam ........... 13

ad Saluuiam de morte Nebridii et de uiduitate seruanda . . 36

ad Marcellam ^8

ad Paulam de dormitione Blesille 38 iJ

ad Marcellam de detractoribus suis 42

ad A.sellam de fictis amicis qui sibi detraliebant . . . 42 (5

ad Florentinum de ortu amicitie 43(5

secunda ........ 43 (5

ad Marcellam de Onaso 44

ad uirgines demonenses 44^5

ad Magnum oratorem 45

ad Riparium contra Vigilantium 47

ad Chomasium louianum et Eusebium 48

ad lulianum diac. Aquileiae 49,5

ad lugaium (Abigaiim) spanum ad humilitatem et patientiam

prouocans 50

ad Fauiolam de ueste sacerdotali 50 .^

ad Oceanum de morte Fabiole 52

Slip inserted 5^*

ad auigavium spanum ad humil. et patient, prouocans (cf. f. 50) 54

Epitaphium S. Paule 54

(The sepulchral inscription in small capitals (>i,l).)

ad Eustochium .......... 65 3

ad Innocentium de muliere septies percussa .... 78

ad Vitalem de Achab 80

ad Marcum presb. Calcedonie 81

A series without titles :

Legimus quod fatuus fatua loquatur 81 1^

(Ad Quintilianum.) Inter omnia que mihi sancti fratres . . 82

Quod ignotus ad ignotum audeo scribere (ad Rusticum) . . 82 (5

Samuel quondam lugebat saulem (ad Rusticum) .... 86

Quam uellem nunc uestro interesse conuentui .... 90

Quod ad te hue usque non scripsi 90

Ad Ageruciam de monogamia 98

Slip inserted. On it beginning of: 102*

(Ad Lucinum?) Nee opinanti mihi subito littere tue. Change of hand :

Ad Paulum senem monachum concordie . . . - . 103 Ad Auitum in quo ea que in libris periarcon contra cathol. fidem

sunt pandet .......... 103 b

Ad Marcellam de exitu Leae 109

de uita Aselle no

Ad Ileliodorum exhort, ad contemptum mundi . . . . nob


Ad Damasum papam de Seraphim

f. 114

121 i2r b

Damasi ad Hieron. (de osanna) .

Hieron. ad Dam. de osanna in excelsis

Ad Damasum. Inportuna in euangelio mulier

Ad Paulinum de omnibus diuinis historic libris

Ending i^ob: regnis celestibus offerendam.

On the same page a receipt :

Ad curandum dolorem oculorum, ending

expertum est 1439 moguncie.

The Greek words in the text are written with some care, and there is occasionally a transliteration above.

113. HiERONYMUS SUPER Matphaeum (Morimund).

Vellum, 13^ X 8|, ff. 114+1, double columns of 32 lines. Cent, xii late, in a fine black hand. Old binding, paper over boards.

Purchased in Milan ; no. 61 in a bookseller's catalogue. On f. I (xv) :

Liber S. Marie de Morimundo mediolan. diocesis. siquis furatus eum fuerit anathema sit X. . viiij.

Collation: \^-\4 15^ i flyleaf. Contents :

(Hieronymus super Matthaeum.)

Initium est inchoatio uel alicuius rei principium . . . . L \ b

Pine large initial I mainly in blue and green, with band of quatre-

foils down the middle.

quasi ad fontem omnis doctrine. Quid sit liber. Liber est interior cortica corticis ... 4

figuram ueri ihesu gestabat qui missus est a deo patre. Inc. capitula S. Iheronimi presb. in euangelium S. Mathei Ap. (et

euangeliste lined throtigh). Primum cap. ..... 5

I Generationum nomina etc. {85 capp.)

Inc. pref. S. hyeronimi presb. in expositione b. Mathei euuangeliste

{P. L. XXVI. 15) 7

Plures fuisse scribenda concludat. Expl. pref.

Inc. exp. b. Yeronimi presb. super Matheum .... 9

Liber generationis I. C. In esaia legimus.

Lib. II, f. 36. Ill, 60 3. IV, 87, ending:

se scit futurum cum apostolis. Commentariorum b. yeronimi presb.

in matheo liber quartus expl. (A late erased inscription follows.) In large red letters : Liber S. Marie de Morimundo.


The flyleaf following is composed of part of two leaves of a Necrology (?). The month seems to be September. The entries consist of a series of names, apparently written at different times in cent, xii-xiii, e.g. Vlricus, Albericus, Nicholaus, Anselmus, Johannes, Leobaudus.

Across this has been written in red in a somewhat Lombardic hand :

Lib. S. Marie de Morimundo ord. Cysterciens. Mediol. diocesis. Each of the four books begins with an initial in two or more colours.


Vellum, 17I X 12^, ff 242, double columns of 25 lines. Cent, xiii second half, in a fine large Gothic Italian hand. Has sufifered from damp at the top.

Unbound. Probably from Morimund Abbey.

Purchased at Milan, no. 65 in bookseller's catalogue.

Collation: 1^-7^ 9*^ 10^ 1 1** 12" 13^-21^ 22^ 23^ 24^ 2%^ 26^-328.

Contents :

Inc. liber yemallis nocturnus lectionum sanctorum.

Imprimis. In natale sancti prothomartiris stephani lee. i.

Sermo S. Fulgentii ep. . . . . . . . . f. i

Heri celebrauinius temporalem.

Lect. V. Sermo b. Maximi Ep. ...... 4

Lectio actuum apostolorum que nobis hodie.

Dicebat Ihesus turbis Ecce ego mitto ...... 7

Om. lect. eiusd. b. yeronimi presb.

Hoc quod ante dixeramus (12 lections) ..... 9^

Collect, and Collect for Inv. of Stephen.

In nat. S. loh. euang. lect. ex omel. ven, bede presb. . . <^b

Quia in pectore ihesu.

Lect. ix. Om. ven. bede presb. Lectio S. euangelii que nobis . i^b

In nat. SS. innocentium. Sermo b. Severiani ep. . . . 15^

Zelus quo tendat.

Lect. V. Sermo b. lohannis ep. Dedicatur nouus ab infantibus 1 7 b

ix. Om. ven. bede presb. De morte preciosa . . . 19^

Thome ep. m. Gulielmi ep. Antonii C. Fab. et Seb. . . 2X

Inc. passio S. Agnetis V. Seruus christi ambrosius . . . ii b

In nat. S. Vincentii M. Serm. b. aug. In passione b. uincentii 27

Lect. V. Sermo b. leonis. Cunctorum licet dilectissimi . . 29

In conu. S. pauli ap. Sermo b. Aug. Uerba apostoli audiuimus 31

luliani Ep. 8 lect. ......... 34




Sermo b. Aug.

Sermo ex

In purif. beatiss. atque gloriosiss. V. Marie, Hodiernus dies magnum nobis .... iv. Sermo ex comm. S. Ambrosii V. Lect. ex Om. Ven. Bede. Magno metu fratres ix. Om. ven. bede. Sollempnitatem nobis

Agathe V. M. 8 lect

In Cathedra S. Petri ap. lect. ex om. ven. bede Dixit Ihesus petro. ix. Om. eiusdem.

Mathie. Gregorii. Thome de Aquino added Inc. uita S. benedicti edita a b. Gregorio (8 lect.) Fuit uir uite uenerabilis.

In annuntiatione b™^ atque gl"® dei genitricis V. M. comm. ven. bede. ......

Ingressus angelus.

ix. Om. b. Ambrosii. Latent diuina mysteria .

In nat. S. Ambrosii Ep. Sermo b. fulgentii Ep.

Magnum bonum est f. k.

ix. Om. eiusdem. Dominicus sermo quem debemus

Collects for Ambrose, Augustine, Ordinatio Ambrosii,

Expl. liber yemalis.

Inc. liber estiuus lectionum sanctorum

In nat. S. Marci euang. Sermo ex comm. b. Aug.

Ait dominus discipulis suis. Manete in me.

Two leaves gone after 63.

Roberti Abb. Petri martiris ....

In nat. app. Philippi et lacobi. Sermo ex comm. b.

Si cognouissetis me.

ix. Om. eiusd. Erigenda est nobis.

Alexander, Euentius, Theodulus. ix. Om. b. Aug

demus ...........

Joh. ante port, latin. Petri Ep. C. Barnabe, Gervasius and Prothasius added .........

In nat. S. loh. Bapt. Sermo B. Maximi. Sollempnitates nobis ix. Om. bede. Precursoris domini ......

Joh. et Pauli. In nat. Petri et Pauli. Sermo b. Maximi .

Apostolici natalis gaudio.

ix. Om. b. leronimi. Philippus est iste frater . . . .

Collects: Peter, Chains of Peter. Chair of Peter added.

In memoria b. pauli. Sermo b. lohannis ep

Beatus paulus apostolus.

In Oct. S. Joh. Bapt. Sermo b. Maximi. Cunctorum quidem prophetarum .......

iv. Sermo eiusd. Festiuitatem presentis diei

vii. Sermo Aug. Sancti lohannis cuius natiuitatem

In Oct. App. Sermo Aug. Natalem hodie

iv. Sermo Maximi. Beatissimorum app. .

ix. Om. Aug. Cum sanctum euangelium .


Iste Nicho-

34 35 <^ 36^ 38^ 41 b 42

47 47






65^ 653


71 b

72 74 <5 l6b

19 f> 82


87 <5

88 <^ 89-5 90 3 92 b




Ait dominus phariseo Digna quidem . (8 lect.)

In nat. S. M. Magd. Om. b. Gregorii.

ix. Om. eiusd. Cogitanti michi

In nat. S. lacobi Ap. ex om. ven. Bede.

ix. om. eiusd. Dominus ac redemptor

Nazarii et Celsi 104 <^. Ad uincula S. Petri

Petrus et lohannes ascendebant.

In V. Stephani. Sermo b. aug. de Mirac. protliom. Steph.

Ad aquas tybilitanas.

In nat. S. Dominici C. fiat per omnia sicut in S. Yeronimo

In nat. S. Laurentii. Sermo Maximi. Sanctum est

viii. Maximi. Beati laurentii f. k.

In Assumptione Sermo b. yeronimi. Cogitis me

In nat. beatiss. Bernardi. Sermo b. Ambrosii . . . .

Ad sancti ac beatissimi patris.

iv etc. Quatuor lectt. que secuntur ex dictis b. bernardi sumpte

Sanctorum uita et gloria.

Dom. infra Oct. assumpt. Sermo Yeronimi. Festiuitatem gloriose

In Oct. assump. Eiusd. Dilectissime uirgines .

ix. Om. b. Aug. Sanctum euangelium ....

S. Bartholomei. ix. Om. Bede. Sicut bonis esse mores .

Augustine Ep. 8 lect

In decoll. S. Job. Sermo b. Joh. Ep. Hodie nobis iohannis ix. Om. Bede. Uetus narrat hystoria ....

In Nativ. ... V. M. Sermo Aug. Adest nobis vii. Sermo Yeron. Omnes uirgines .....

Dom. infra Oct., In Oct. .

In exalt. S. Crucis. ix. Om. Aug. Multa sunt iuditia .

Lamberti. Mathei Ap. ex om. Bede. Factum est .

ix. Om. bede. Legimus apostolo dicente ....

Mauritii cum sotiis 150. Michaelis ex om. Greg. Nouem angelorum ......

ix. om. Maximi. Si diligenter audistis

Nat. S. leron. 8 lect. Remigii, Francisci, Dionisii .

In nat. Luce euang. ex om. Greg. Ait dominus. ..nolite portare

ix. om. Greg. Dominus et saluator.

Undecim mill. virg. In nat. Symonis et iude

ix. Om. Greg. Cum constet omnibus.

In fest. omn. SS. Legimus in ecclesiasticis hystoriis

Malachie Ep.

Inc. prol. Seueri in uitam S. Martini. Plerique mortalium

Edmundi Ep. C. Catherine, Cecilie, dementis .

In nat. b. Andree. Ex om. Bede. Stabat lohannes

ix. Om. Greg. Audistis f. k. quia ad unius

In nat. Nicholai Ep. ex om. Greg. Beati sunt serui

ix. eiusd. Sancti euangelii.

Ordinatio S. Ambrosii. Collect for Edmund C. added

In nat. S. Lucie V. M. Sermo Aug. Inter parabolas

ix. Om. Greg. Celorum regnum ....

f- 95 98 100 b

103 104 b

106 b

109 109

ii^b 119


122 b

125 128











JI50 154* 156* 156 (J

162 b








196 196 200




In nat. S. Thome ap. Sermo ex comm. Aug. Ait dominus

...Hoc est preceptum .... ix. Om. Greg. Iste unus discipulus In natale App. Om. Greg, ix. Om. Greg. Cum cuncta sacra In nat. unius M. Om. Greg. Si quis uult ix. Om. Aug. Se autem dicebat Collects (Vincent, Peter Martyr, Thomas M., Laurence, Lambert) In nat. plur. mm. Om. Aug. f. 218. ix. Om. Bede Collects (Fabian Sebastian, Gervasius Prothasius, John Paul) Item in nat. plur. mm. Om. Greg. 8 lect.

,, Sermo lohannis ep.

,, Leonis

Collect. Denis. In. nat. unius Conf.

Om. Aug.

Om. Greg. . ix. Om. Greg. . Collects. Julian, Silvester, Remigius, Clement, Gregory. Om. Yeronimi ..........

Collects. Conv. Paul, Benedict, Robert, Bernard, Jerome,

Dominic, Anthony, Francis. Unius Conf. non pontif. Om. Bede ......

In nat. Virginum. Om. Greg

Ends imperfect with Lect. vi

f. 202 206

208 <^ 211 b


11^ 226 b

230 231-5

233 236/5


240 241

242 b

There are a number of interesting historiated initials in rather heavy colouring, the drawing rude, and, I should have said, not by any means Italian in character.

f. 1. Below, red ground. Stephen in dark habit kneels on R. facing R. Two men in C. stone him. Saul seen on L. Above, gold ground mostly gone. The Father and Son seated side by side, the latter on Z. pointing down.

9^. Red ground. John seated writing at desk : beardless.

1 5 (5. Decorative.

22 (5. Agnes with book : blue ground.

31. Paul with sword looking upward : blue ground.

34. Presentation : Virgin supports the Child on altar, maid on L. Symeon on R, Blue ground.

47. Red ground. Benedict nimbed in black habit. Monks on R., one of whom holds up to him a red vessel (poison) : Benedict blesses it : it breaks and the liquor runs out.

52 (Annunciation). Initial I containing six pictures (six sided, with two long sides) framed in gold : grounds alternately red and blue, i (top). Annunciation : angel on L. 2. Nativity : Virgin reclines in front. Child in manger above. 3. Adoration of the Kings: Virgin and Child on R. 4. The Scourging : Christ full face in C. 5. The Crucifixion with the Virgin and S. John. 6. Magdalene with casket kneels on L. Christ blessing on R.

57. On R. Ambrose as Bishop at the altar, head on hand (sleeping). On Z. clerks at desk looking round at him. (Ilis vision of the death of St Martin.)


63. Decorative : good. 65 d. Decorative.

72. John Baptist seated holding red disc bearing a lamb. Red ground.

76 d. Peter with key, Paul with book. Red ground.

109. In front Laurence on the gridiron : a man at each side : on tower behind a young ruler, crowned, and others. Blue ground.

112 6. The Virgin in oval glory, which is supported by many angels whose nimbi, alternately red and blue, fill the background.

119. Bernard on A', in white with blue book addresses white monks in two rows on L. Pink ground.

1363. (Nativity B. V. M.) The Virgin with red crown stands full face blessing. Pink ground.

145. A table with blue vessel and two cakes. Behind it sits Christ (on Z.) with knife and Matthew. Blue ground.

165. All Saints. The top of the space within the letter (L) is filled with a mass of heads and nimbi (blue and red): below, on pink ground, the Virgin with her hands on her breast : an angel half-length on J?.

1753. Martin on foot, young, in red robe, divides a green cloak with sword for a nude beggar on A'. Blue ground.

185. Decorative.

202. Thomas, beardless, on L. touches the wound in the side of Christ, who raises His arm, through an opening in His robe. Pink ground.

208 A. Common of Apostles. Christ addresses Apostles on A'. Blue ground.

115. Lactantius.

Vellum, 13I X 8f, fif. 336, 30 lines to a page. Cent, xv (1460), in an exquisite Roman hand, written by Johannes Gobellini de Lins. Mr S. C. Cockerell informs me that he was the scribe of an Augustinus De Civitate Dei {^\h\. S'*' Genevieve, Paris, C. C. 1. 12) dated 1459. -^^ there describes himself as a clerk of Treves diocese, and "librarius et familiaris domesticus " to Nic. de Fortighueris de Pistorio Episc. Thianensis, Treasurer to Pius II (Cardinal in 1460, d. 1473).

Russia binding with gold tooling.

Purchased of Hoepli.

Collation: P (+1*) 2"-i3i» 14^ is^" 16" \f i8« i9"'-25i<' 2&^ 27"-34^' (wants 10).

Contents :

I. On \b, in a carefully drawn architectural frame of purple with a gold and brown band and stippled shading outside, is a passage from the Prologue in red (to be inserted after erroresque turpissimos sopiamus) viz. : Quod opus nunc nominis tui auspicio

per quem rebus humanis iustitia ac sapientia restituta est.




2 a. Bordered page of splendid white branchwork on grounds

of green, red and blue (dotted with white) and a gold frame

running through the white branches. In this border are

birds, genii, lion, dragon, and in a wreath at bottom, on

green ground, a shield, party per pale, dexter or, sinister vaire

oi argent (or sable) and azure : surmounted by a cardinal's hat.

Text : De his libris dici potest aliquid habere eos ut consonum

Quapropter eatenus diuinarum tractatoribus scrip-

turarum fides adhibenda est quoadusque eidem

fidei tenore ueritatis astipulatur.

nimis peruerse se ipsum amat qui et alios uult errare

poeniteat que cognouerit dicenda non fuisse Lactantius quasi quidam fluuius eloquentiae

facile aliena destruxit. Lactantium propter eruditionem

dialogum Ciceronis excerptum reperies.

Firmianus qui et Lactantius

qui postea a fratre interfectus est. Firmiani Lactantii de falsa religione Libri primi

Capitula inc. (xxiv capp.)

f. 4 b. Magnificent border of white branchwork and gold bars partly on punctured burnished gold, partly on varied grounds of blue, red, green, dotted with white. The border contains genii, birds and medallions. In these latter the northern artist appears : they are not Italian. At top in gold on blue is anno domini m.cccc.lx. On Z. Gideon in gold and silver armour and red cloak praying :

the fleece on R. At bottom on L. Samson in red, scarlet and blue, and

turbaned, kneels and rends the lion. In C. in a wreath a shield repainted. A chief gules, a fess arg.

with indistinct devices or, and a base or. On R. Judith with sword gives the head of Holofernes to her maid who kneels on L. with bag. Behind is the white tent with the headless body on bed. The initial, larger, shows Lactantius, grey bearded, in fine scarlet headdress and mantle over blue writing at a fixed desk in a wooden-vaulted room, with bookshelf at one end. Title in red :

LvTii CoDii Lactantii Firmiani DiviNARVM Institvtionvm adversvm Gentes Liber primvs inc.

Quanta sit et fuerit etc. Cap. i. Magno et excellent! ingenio. Lib. II. Capitula 44 3. Text 46. Border on three sides, of branchwork on red, blue, green grounds, with genius and lion. Lib. III. Capp. 8 1 (J. Text 83 (J. Similar border.

f. 2 b



Lib. IV. Capp. 125. Text 127. Similar border. Lib. V. Capp. 166 3. Text 168 <5 ,, ,,

Lib. VI. Capp. 202. Text 203 3 ,, ,,

Lib. VII. Capp. 246. Text 248 ,, ,,

Ending 283 : a domino consequamur. Vale. Finis. 283 d blank.

2. Capitula ........... f. 284

De Ira Dei. Animaduerti sepe Donate .... 284 3

Border, as before, on three sides.

Ends 311 : et nunquam uereamur iratum. Finis Lavs Deo.

3. Capitula 3H ^

Lact. Firmiani de Opificio dei 312

Quam minime sim quietus.

Ending 336 i : ad iter celeste direxerit.

Completum hoc uolumen per me lohannem g. de Lyns sub annis domini. 1460. die sabbati que fuit vii. lunii.

The Greek passages are added in a hand of cent, xv, closely- resembling that in the Suetonius, no. 161, and a Latin version of them is given in the margin.

116, 117. Origenes super Vetus Testamentum.

Vellum, i5;jX9f, fif. 185 + 2, double columns of 36 lines. Cent, xii-xiii early, in a good pointed hand, the inner edges of many leaves damaged by mice.

Old boards re-covered.

Flyleaves (two) from a large Homiliary of cent, xiii-xiv, in Italian hand.

Purchased in Milan.

From the Abbey of Morimund, as will appear.

Collation: a- 1^-8^ (3 cane.) 9^-2 3^ 24^

Contents :

In nomine dei summi incipiunt omelie adamantii senis qui et origenes interpretante s. Iheronimo presb. in genesi xvii. in exodo xiii. in leuitico xvi. in numero xxviii. in ihesu naue xxvi. in libro iudicum viiii. in regum i. in cantico canticorum ii. in ysaia ix. in iheremia xiiii. . . . . . . . f. i

In principio fecit terram (red and green capitals). Quod est principium nisi dominus noster {P. G. xii. 145).

Remains of a fine initial in red and green on blue ground : a com- plete one, very similar, is on Sb. On 13 3 a good one on a ground quarterly, i and 4 red, 2 blue, 3 green. The earlier initials show the beginnings of the white branchwork which was


so popular in cent. xv. Each homily has one : the quarterly

division of the ground is very common : a good panelled I occurs

on 34. Plainer initials follow. Horn, xvii in Gen. ends (unfinished) ^8 d, filios patris sui quasi in

morali loco. A note : lectae fuerunt he Homiliae a me D. Cirillo Saluagiani

Fauentino in Monasterio Morimundi anno 1665 die 6^ mensis

Maij. f. 59 blank. Inc. liber Origenis super Exodum. Capitula . . . . f. 60 Om. I. Uidetur michi unusquisque sermo (1. c. Xll. 297). xiii ends : tabernaculum deo [et] lacob per Chr. d. n. cuius est

gl. et imp. in sec. sec. Amen. Expl. om. terciadecima de exodo. Inc. exp. origenis in leuiticum omelie numero sedecim . . 107 Sicut in nouissimis diebus (1. c. xii. 405). xiii ends : sanctitatis imposuit. Ipsi gloria in eterna sec. sec. Amen.

Expl. origenis in leuiticum omelie numero sedecim (quas ego

D. Cirillus Saluagiani Fauentinus trium dierum circulo legi ad

emendos concionabiles conceptus. Anno 1665 die 8^ Maij). In red and blue capitals : Liber S. Marie de Morimundo [mediolan. dyocesis ordinis cist. 185

N°- VI (the number altered)]. On verso xv Iste liber est monasterii de morimondo.

The version of all these Homilies is by Rufinus.


Vellum, 14I X 9|, ff. 169, double columns of 40 lines. Cent, xii- xiii, in a similar hand to Ii6 but not the same throughout.

Old paper boards, the fore-edges coloured with red patterns. It is the continuation of 1 16 and was purchased with it. Collation: i«-2i8 21 (one).

Contents :

In nomine dei summi inc. omelie adamantii senis qui et origenes inter- pretante s. Iheronimo presb. in Ihesu naue xxvi. [Josua written over late] in libro iudicum viiii. in regum i. in ysaia ix. in iheremia xiiii.

Inc. prol. {P. G. xii. 823).

In diuinis uoluminibus refertur

expetis ab indoctis. Expl. prol.

Inc. opuscula adamantii

Donauit deus nomen quod est super omne nomen.

The initials to the prologue and first homily are very finely drawn in pen outline for subsequent colouring. Initials to subsequent homilies have been inserted in colour, in a very ordinary fashion.

xxvi ends : et ubi est uerus Israel in Chr. I. d. n. cui est etc.

Finit om. xxvi feliciter.

f. lb




Inc. om. prima in iudicum. et seruiuit populus etc. . . . f- 51 i5

Lector quidem presentis lectionis (1. c. xil. 951 : Rufinus).

Finely drawn outline initial. Others in colour.

Ends : consequi mereamur in Chr. I. d. n. cui etc.

Finit om. nona in iudicum feliciter.

Inc. omelia in regum de helcana et fenenna et anna etc. . . 69

Non tunc tantummodo deus plantauit (I. c. xii. 995).

Excellent outline initial.

in nouilate uite ambulem. in Chr. I. d. n. cui etc. Finit om. in regum.

Inc. in Esaya om. prima (1. c. xiii. 219: Jerome). ... 76 Quamdiu Ozias rex. Good outline initial.

et efficeris filius dei in Chr. I. cui etc. Finiunt in ysaiam nouem omelie feliciter in Chr. I. d. n. Inc. om. prima in Iheremia. List of Homilies .... 93 Deus ad benefaciendum promptus est (1. c. xiii. 255 : Jerome). Excellent outline initial.

magnificare omnip. deum cum Chr. I. cui etc. Finit om. xiiii.

Inc. prologus in Jezechiel propheta (!. c. xiii. 665 : Jerome) . . 135 Magnum est quidem amice quod postulas

ut ego uocem prebeam tu notarium. Expl. prol. Inc. om. I. Non omnis qui captiuus est ..... 135^

Very good outline initial.

At end of Horn. 2, erased, is Liber S. Marie de Morimundo. It was the original conclusion of the volume. But another hand

begins Hom. 3 on the next column as far as et ob banc causam prophetaturis primum iubetur ut faciem suam

obfirment. Ut nostram autem. 144^ is blank. Then follows the text of subsequent Homilies in

another hand, with a note at top, mostly cut off, beginning

Hi quaterniones

Itaque cum aliquis docuerit ea que mulceant populi aurem. Ends in Hom. xvi (Et ait dominus ad eum. Porta hec clausa)

with the words nonne stimulatur ut exurgat. The following leaf, the last, has been torn away and only fragments

of words are left.

On the text see Bardenhewer, Gesch. d. Altchristl. Litt. I, pp. 92 sq.

118. SuLPiTii Severi Vita S. Martini etc.

Vellum, \o\ X jh, ff. 146, double columns of 28 lines. Cent, xii, in tvvo(.'') fine hands, one of which is noticeably upright and narrow. English work, perhaps northern, very fine initials.

Old brown leather binding (xvii-xviii).


Has the bookplate of William Morris, printed at the Kelmscott Press, and inserted by his executors. Purchased at Sotheby's, Dec. 1898, no. 1 1 18.

On a flyleaf :

Sum E. Umfreville 1738 out of Lord Somers Collection

and list of contents.

Collation: 2^ 3^2 ^e ^10 ge -,10 (o^ig cane.) 8«-i I2i« | 138 (wants i) 14^-18^ (wants 7, 8).

Contents :

At top of f. I. (xvi) 10:1.

A note of the contents and a note on Sulp. Severus in an ugly hand

of cent. xvi. Title in red capitals. Inc. Epistola severi ad Desiderium de vita

sancti martini .......... f. i

Ego quidem loquatur auctorem. Expl. ep.

Inc. prefatio. Plerique mortalium dicere maluissem. Expl. prol.

Capitula libri primi ......... 2

Inc. uita S. Martini turonensis ciuitatis archiep. ... 2

Igitur Martinus Sabarie

sed quicunque crediderit. Expl. lib. {primtis erased). Inc. Ep. Seueri Sulpicii ad Eusebium presb. postea episcopum . lib

Hesterna die sed probatum. Expl. ep. seueri. Inc. alia eiusdem ad aurelium diac. Seuerus aurelio ... 14

carta solatium. Expl. ep. seu. sulp. ad aur. diac. Inc. ep. eiusd. ad socrum suam Basulam qualiter S. Martinus

de hoc mundo migrauerit. Sulp. seu. basule .... 16

te legentem. Expl. ep. S. S. ad socrum suam B. de transitu S. Martini. Inc. capitula libri primi dialogi Seueri sulpicii . . . . 18

Inc. dialogus seueri primus. Cum in unum locum . . . 18 (5

Lib. II, 30. Ill, 37 b. Ends 47 b, Expl. lib. tercius dialogi Seu.

Sulp. (/'. Z. XX). (De S. Britio) Igitur post excessum beati Martini . . . \1 b

societatem per eum qui ui. et reg. etc. Inc. tractatus de Translatione S. Martini . . . . 48^

Opere precium est etiam illud inserere

silere nequiuimus adiuuante d. n. I. C. etc. Inc. liber primus miraculoi-um b. Martini editus a b. Gregorio

turonorum episcopo ........ 49 3

Dominis Sanctis et in Christi amore dulcissimis.

Lib. IX, 62. Ill, 78. IV, 90.

Ending ()%b: protinus morbo caruit. Expl. lib. quartus miracu-

lorum b. Martini editus a b. Greg, turonorum ep. Inc. de dedicatione basilice S. Martini. ..... 99


Apud turonos monasteiium quod in honorem b. martini

multorum milium fiuclificaret redemptionem. See Kruscli's edition in MGIL Scriptt. Merov. p. 585. In a hand of cent, xv, lii)er beate (no more written)

Sciierlee hemyngforde. In the same hand on 101 b (otherwise blank) liber gloriose. On the same page is a little set-off of the red title of the next tract. (Vita S. Silvestri) beginning imperfectly . . . . . f. 102

cum gaudio magno educunt

d. n. I. C. pars accepit palmam. Expl. lib. i. Inc. secundus. I'riori libello hie finis occurrit . . . . 112

sit nobis premium effugisse supplicium per unigenitum coeter- numque dei patris filium regnantem cum eo sanctoque flamine ultra cunctorum uolumina seculorum. Amen. Expl. uita S. Siluestri pape. Mombritius II. 279. Inc. passio S. Agnetis uirginis duodecimo Kal. Feb. . . . 133

Seruus Christi ambrosius

ualeam inuenire prestante d. n. I. C. cui etc. Expl. passio S. Agnetis V. P. L. XVII. 735. Ada SS. Ian. 11. 351 (715).

Inc. passio S. Uincentii Martyris undecimo Kal. Feb. . . 138 <^ Probabile satis est

prestantur beneficia ad laudem et gloriam nominis Christi qui cum etc. Expl. passio S. Vincentii M. Acta SS. Ian. II. 394 (ill. 7). Inc. miraculum qualiter locus Sithiensis cenobii meritis ipsius

ereptus sit ab incendii discrimine . . . . . . 145

Veridicorum uirorum qui interfuerunt sedula compertum est

relatione. Ends imperfectly 1461^ : benignissimum dominum laudauerunt et

benedixerunt in canticis labiorum et cynaris qui sic pla. (Sithiu is St Bertin's Abbey, near St Omer.) Acta SS. Sept. Ii. 624. F. L. cxLVii. 11 24.


The initials throughout are very interesting. The most elaborate, in which several colours are employed, are on ff. 1,2. In these we have red outline, blue, and green. That on f. 2 is especially fine.

The smaller initials are usually in a single colour, red, blue or green. There are also large initials in single colour, e.g. f. 62.

There are notes in a hand of cent. xv.

M. c. 17


119. Bernardus super Cantica.

Vellum, io| X 7, ff, 182 + 3, double columns of 31 lines. Cent, xii- xiii, well written in Italian hand.


From the Cistercian Abbey of S. Maria de Columba, near Borgo S. Donnino.

Purchased in Milan ?

Collation : a" i*-3« 4^'^ S^-S^ 9^ lo^" (4 cane.) 11" (7 cane.) I2«-2I» 22^" (10 cane.) 232 (+0, I flyleaf.

Contents :

Table in Italian hand.

Inc. notule in sequentibus sermonibus S. Bernardi.

Notule in primo sermone. De duobus malis que militant

aduersus animam, carta prima columpna secunda. They go as far as Serm. Ixiiii.

Then follows a leaf of which the writing has been erased. The end is left on f. 2, in reliquis terribili tuba correctionis in-

fremuit. Canticum ei ne ipsi quidem inimici obicere. Inc. expositio b. bemardi abbatis super cantica canticorum . f. 2

Sermo primus de titulo et de diuersis canticis {F. L. CLXXXiii). Uobis fratres alia quam alii de seculo. Sermo Ixiv ends \l()b: figura substantie dei postremo super omnia

deus bened. in sec. Amen. The next column has writing in an irregular hand on penitence

continued on 183. At bottom : Liber S. Mar. de columba. f. 180 in Italian hand (xiii?) Sermo Ixv"^. Duos uobis super uno

ending 182 3 : gloriam nominis sponsi ecclesie I. C. d. n. qui

est super omnia deus bened. in sec. Amen. On 183 is continued the writing of 179/'.

120. Petrus Alphonsus.

Vellum, I if X 7|, ff. 132 + 2, 30 lines to a page. Cent, xii late, most beautifully written : English hand.

Modern binding by F. Bedford.

Formerly in the Bateman collection (1487).

There has been an erasure on the flyleaf, but the writing is not decipherable. On the same leaf is written (xv) :

ffulgencius...a principio mundi.


Collation: a^ 18-158 la^" \f-. Contents :

Title on fly-leaf in blue, red and green capitals.

Incipit prologus/in libro Petri al/funsi contra lu/deo.s. (/". Z. ci.vii.)

Uni et eterno prime.

Fine initial : blue ground : red, green, panels of gold, interlaced work.

cicius in illis inueniat. Expl. prol. Inc. capitula •••........ f, 2

Obsecro autem uos qui hoc opusculum lecturi sunt etc. quia

nullus homo caret omni uicio. Inc. liber primus. A tenera igitur etate. An extremely good initial, blue ground, red, green, gold, purple,

contains a beast with human head and a dragon. The initials of the interlocutors P(etrus) and M(oyses) are in blue

and green. Diagrams on ff. 11, \\ b. Marginal notes of cent. xvi.

Tit. II, f. 31. Fine initial mostly in gold : blue ground (scraped). Christ almost full length, seated : with book : silver cross on nimbus. A & co on the background: robes pink, green: red lining, gold border. Tit. Ill, f. 45^. Initial in gold etc., blue and green ground. Tit. IV, f. 561^. Fine initial. Tit. V, f. 60 b.

Tit. VI, f. 69^. VII, f. 75^. VIII, f. 79. Tit. IX, f. 85. Initial in another style: gold with blue, green,

red flourishing on white. Tit. X, f. 99 if^. Same style: also xi, f. no, and xii, f. ii6. Ends f. 129(5: finem meliorem quam principium tibi ptestet AMHN. In blue, red and green capitals : Expl. liber Petri Alfunsi contra

ludeos. f. 130 blank. On ff. 130/^ 131 a poem (50 lines) :

Non suus ille tuus. sibi uilis. sed tibi ca\ Transmittit tibi dona salutis non ut aua/ '^ Quid sis aut ubi sis quo tendas mente reuol\ Dum licet atque potes bene curre ligamina sol/ ^^

Quam nequit effari quis cernere uel medita\ Hanc posco dari qua possis rite bea/ Alterutrum fieri nos in bonitate iuua\ ,^^g,.| Nobis concedat qui secula condidit a/

The final leaf is blank except for ' et uocatum ' in a good set hand on last page.

17 2




121. Sermones.

Vellum, 5f x 3^, ff. 95, 32 lines to a page. Cent, xii late, in a very fine small hand, not of Italian type.

Old brown leather over paper boards. On a paper label on the back is the number ^j.

Purchased of Hoepli. A slip from his (?) catalogue is inserted ; the book is here numbered 143.

A Latin account of the book, of cent, xviii, occupies two paper flyleaves. It attributes the sermons to a Cistercian abbot living in the second half of cent, xii, before 1 173, because St Bernard who was canonized in that year is mentioned (in the sermon on St Benedict) as ' bone memorie patrem ' only. One of two added sermons is for the Council of Tours in 1 163. This, which appears in other copies, Mabillon is inclined to attribute to Gislebert, Abbot of Citeaux.

It is very possibly from the Abbey of Morimund.

Collation: 1^-12* (wants 8).

Contents :

1. Dom. I. aduentus domini de tribus septimanis . . . f. i Recte in tribus septimanis aduentum domini celebramus.

2. Item in adu. dom. de uiis eius et mansione. Felix quemuisitat Vig. nat. dom. de fermento abscondito. Omnia poma noua In die nat. dom. de iv fluminibus. Quis dabit mihi

,, de iusticia, pace, etc. Ecce annuncio

,, Dum medium silentium

Dedi te in lucem .... de oblatione magorum Suscepimus deus ..... ,, Nunc dimittis .....

In nut. S. Benedicti. Iste sanctus

,, Cum omnium nobis sanctorum

In Annunc. Multipliciter nobis .... In ramis palmarum. Cum appropinquasset . In pascha. Epulemur in azimis .... ,, Vespere sabbati .....

3- 4-

.5- 6.

7- 8.

9- 10. II. 11.

13- 14.



17- 18. 19. 20. 21. 1^.

23- 24.

In Epiph. In purif.

,, Expurgate uetus fermentum

Thomas unus de XII In ascens. dom. Gaudete in domino . Egrotauit Ezechias

Primum quidem sermonem (Whitsunday). Spiritus domini repleuit. Beati qui lauant stolas .


lb hb 83



14 b

17 b




26 b


30 3




38 3

40 3


453 48 51 3




■25. Petri et Pauli. Fidelis sermo

■26. Mulier gratiosa inueniet gloriam

27. Assumption. Tola pulchra es

28. In nat. b. m. Que est ista . ■29. Orietur stella. 30. Beata progenies


32. In fest. omn. SS. Gaudent in celis

33. O quam gloriosum est regnum

34- »

35. ? Da partes septem necnon et octo

36. ? Peccauit anima tua deus .

37. Introduxit me rex

38. Sanguissuge due sunt

39. Oritur sol et occidit .

40. In concilio Turonensi cui preerat Alexander papa III.

Omnes nos astare oportet.

41. Ad alibates pariter congregatos de uerbis ysaie : Vidi dominum

In anno quo mortuus est.

42. In another (rough) hand. On the Epiphany

Euangelice lectionis sacra prodit historia.

54-^ 57 60 b 62 b 643 66 3 6^b 71

78 78 <5

81 b

82 b 833 85 Z. 87


93 '^


Vellum, 9f x 6f , ff. 70, double columns (often of unequal breadth) of 33 lines. Cent, xiv (1303) in a curious large ugly hand, German.

Modern binding.

In the cover an old printed label :

Ex libris Van Vaernewyck.

On the flyleaf:

Henry Munster, Mechlin 1847 and Biblioth. Kloss. no. 2126.

Collation : 1^-8* 9". Contents :

1. Inc. libellus de pseudo apostolis (Gul. de S. Amore) . . f. i Ecce uidentes clamabunt foris.

(Against the mendicant orders, ed. Browne. Fasc. rer. expetend.)

non sunt ueri apostoli sed pseudo. On 12 b, 13 a are marginal verses and notes on the ages of the world.

2. Inc. prol. in pharetram fidei contra ludeos . . . . 35 3 In disputacione contra iudeos notate triplicem cautelam

studeat inuenire. Inc. pharetra fidei contra iudeos Telle arma tua pharetram et arcum.


Ends (De mutacione ueteris legis in nouam) : Ecce manifeste patet reprobacio iudeorum et commendacio gencium.

3. Excerpta de erroribus iudeorum in Tahnuth quos transtulit

fr. Theobaldus Supprior ordinis predicatorum ville parisiensis

sicut scribunt in sequentibus . . . . . . f. 46

Talmuth .1. doctrina iudeorum diuiditur in quatuor libros. See Wolf, Bibl. Hebr. ill. 1164, iv. 556. Fabricius calls this

author Th. de Saxonia and makes him present at the Council

of Constance in 1416. This is clearly a confusion. There is a curious initial to this tract in blue and red with a

dragon. Ends 54 : quod fere submerserat duodecim exploratores.

4. Inc. quedam disputacio ludei et Christiani .... 54 Pascalis de roma hoc opusculum disputacionis iudeorum contra

S. Anastasium ad honorem venerabilis patriarche Gradensis fideliter ac denote transtulit a. d. c°. 1. viij°. Interrogacio iudei. Interrogauit iudeus. Cum deus precepit ligna non esse adoranda

baptizati sunt Christum deum uerum et hominem con- fitentes. Cui gloria et imperium simul est cum patre et sp. s. in sec. sec. Amen.

5. Errores parisius apud quosdam doctores reperti et dampnati

inferius continentur . . . . . . . . 61 ^

G. permissione diuina Par. ecclesie minister indignus salutem

in filio uirginis gloriose. Magnarum et grauium personarum


datum a. d. cc° lxxvi° die dominica qua cantatur letare ierusalem. in curia par. Hii autem sunt articuli dampnati. 51 articles de deo are condemned, then follows Septimum

cap. de angelo and chapters run on to 22, ending Sextus

quod omne bonum quod homini possibile est consistit in

uirtutibus intellectualibus. Rubric : Iste liber est scriptus a hainrico de alsacia. a. d.

ccc° iij° in vigilia Gregorii.

Then follow a series of impressions of Hebrew letters from types.

123. The Nuneaton Book.

Vellum, io| X 7, ff. 122, single lines varying, double columns of 31 and 26 lines. Cent, xiii late, in a very fine clear black hand, English.

Old red skin over boards, mended, clasp gone.

On f I in pencil :

Gift of Mrs Lucy to John Gibson 8 Oct. 1853.


It appears in Mr B. Ouaritch's catalogue of Dec. 1893 under the name of the Nuneaton Codex, and was purchased from him by Mr M-^Clean.

On f I in red :

Iste liber constat Alici.! sscheynton et post ea{m) conventu

see also f. 9, where the convent of Nuneaton is mentioned.

Nuneaton in Warwickshire was a cell to the Abbey of Fontevraud, founded by Robert Bossu, Earl of Leicester, in Henry II's reign, according to Tanner. There is no account of it in the Monasticon : its name occurs there, vi. 1085.

Collation : i'- (wants 10-12) 2'- 3^ 4i2_5i2 | g^p | ys ^^_^ mut.) 8^ (all but 7 mut.) 9^ (all but 8 mut.) 10^ (wants i and 4-8 mut.) ii^" (2-5 mut., 6 gone, 9 mut.) | 12^ (wants 2) 13'" (wants 6-10) 14^- (wants 9- 11).

Contents :

1, Double columns, after the rubric.

The Chasteau d 'Amours of Robert Grosseteste, in French verse f. i Rubric : (T)ractatus in lingua romana secundum dominum Robertum grosseteste lincholiensem episcopum. de principio creacionis mundi. de medio et fine, de amissione mundi per peccatum. de restauracione eiusdem per misericordiam. de rege et filio suo unico patri suo equali. de quatuor filiabus suis. s. de misericordia et ueritate. pace et iusti- cia. de aduentu iesu christi quomodo intrauit in quoddam castellum quod fuit corpus uirginis marie intemerate et de proprietate castelli. Item de propheta ysaya dicente puer natus est nobis et filius datus est nobis et uocabitur nomen eius etc.princeps pacis. Item de fine seculi et die iudicii. Item de penis inferni et gaudiis celi. Et quoniam lingua romana coram clericis saporem sauauitatis non habeat. tamen pro laicis qui minus intelligunt opusculum istud aptum est quia prudens lector qui norit suggere mel de petra oleumque de saxo durissimo inueniet plenum dulce- dine in quo continentur omnes articuli fidei tam deitatis quam humanitatis.

Qui bien pence bien puet dire Sanz penser ne poet suffire.

Ends ( ■; l> with lines 810, 811 : La uerge porta la flur

La uerge sun creatur.

2. In another hand : Prose exposition of the Paternoster (see

also f. no). . . . . . . . . . 7 (J

Apres ceo deuez sauer quels sunt les set prieres ke ostent




touz maus et purchacent tuz bens. E ces set prieres sunt contenu en la pater noster.

de temporel byen vus serra done tut sanz demander.


In red (xiv, xv) : Iste liber constat domine margarete sylemon

et discipulas suas. Et post mortem suam. Couentu de

Nuneton ..........

f. 8/J is blank. Probably in the hand of i :

The Gospel of Nicodemus in French verse by Crestien (not Cr. de Troyes) .........

(E)nz le honor de la trinite Ai en corage e en pense De translater la seinte lettre E del latin en romanz mettre Ceo est lestorie de ihesu crist Si cum theodosius le nus dist etc. A space, perhaps for a picture, in col. 2. On 16 a a. space for a picture of the Crucifixion. Ends 2'j S (11. 2192, 3): Amen amen checuns en die

Deu le me otrie le fiz marie. Amen. Examined by M. Paul Meyer in 1895.

The text was published from a manuscript at Florence (Soc. des aiic. Textes Fran9ais 1885) by Gaston Paris and Alphonse Bos. ff. 28, 29 are blank. The Bestiary of William the Norman .....

Qui ben comence e ben define Co est uerite sewe e fine. The illustrations, in the text, are only sketches in pencil : they

will be described later. Ends (4299, 300) Deuant le iuge trembleront

E lur iugement attendrunt. Amen. At least 21 MSS. of this poem are known: 19 are enumerated by M. Paul Meyer in Notices et extraits xxxiv. i. 235. Arsenal MS. 2691 should be added to this list. See also Romania xxxii. on the Trinity College MS. O. 2. 14. See also MS. Fitzwilliam 20. The Apocalypse in Latin and French (probably originally a seperate volume) ........

Each page had an outline drawing in pen and ink occupying

the upper half, while the text was below. Six leaves seem to be gone at the beginning. Then follow six of which the upper halves have been cut off. Then : 2 complete leaves. 4 half leaves. 1 complete.




10 half leaves. I complete. I half. I complete. 5 half leaves. I complete. 4 half leaves.

1 gone.

2 complete. I half.

I complete (one side only written). There were thus originally about 92 or 93 drawings, of which

17 remain. The text begins : Et uenit et accepit de dextra sedentis in throno

regnabimus super terram. (written as prose) E vint li aignel e destre prist

Le liure de celui ki en la throne sist.

No more Latin occurs till f. 78 a.

Et post dies tres et dimidium spiritus uite a deo intravit in eos.

The next is at f. 85 a. Et uidi aliam bestiam ascendentem habet plagam gladii et uixit. f. 91 (5 has no text.

Latin occurs again on 97 a. Post hoc audiui quasi uocem magnam turbarum multarum

qui timetis eum pusilli et magni. The text of 103 is wholly Latin. Et uenit unus de vii angelis

qui scripti sunt in libro uite agni. The last Latin is on 104 /'. Et dixit mihi hec uerba fidelissima

omnis qui amat et facit mendacium. The Erench ends 105a: Jo uiene tost amen uien Ihesu sire La grace de ihesu crist nostre seignur Seit oue nous amen a tuziur. 105 3 is blank.

The text of this has been examined by M. Paul Meyer, vide Rotiiania 1896, p. 180 etc. He prints the version of the Apocalypse which it contains. This appears to be preserved in seven manuscripts altogether, of which ours is considered by M. Meyer to be as good as any. The drawings will be described later, 6. In a larger script : blue and red initials : music on a five-line stave.

Hie inc. officium beate uirginis f- 106

O beata uirgo maria quis tibi digne ualeat iura gratiarum

et iudicem nostrum excusa. Tu autem domine miserere. Sub tuum presidium. Admitte piissima (end gone).


A leaf gone.

Alma redemptoris f. 107

107/', 108 blank.

7. In the first hand :

Seint austin escrist cest oreisun. e cele ke la portera. ou la chantera. Nul enemi. ne li porra nure. en ice! iour. Ne perira de ewe ne de feu ne de venim mortal. Ne ne morra sodeneiment . . . . . . . . . 109

Deus propicius esto niichi peccatrici

crux christi defende me. In nomine patris et filius et sp. s. Amen. 109 b blank.

8. Exposition upon the Paternoster, a second copy of that of f 7^

in the original hand : longer . . . . . . no

Apres ceo deuez sauer etc, tot saunz demaunder. Ces byens et moz autres vus ad fet vostre douz espouz. In this portion occur the prayers, Gratias tibi ago d. I. C. qui

me indignam ancillam : and In manus tuas ending : deuez venir a la conisaunce de deu par la seynte

contemplation. On w^h, otherwise blank, is the name John Eyton (xvi). 1 14 a blank. On Wifb, probably in the original hand, is an explanation of

the old English letters, thus : jjorn

Jjanne \o j^ider }>e « \\x hauej' nauej? tej' go]?, pimman pepman ponie j>ende pele pope.

Williame 'I; Jon ^ thomas -T: symun •! J'u •! ich.



P ^ jef 3us 3er jender draj scla3 ar3 mar3.



Single lines: The Poema Morale 115

(p)e holi gostes mi3te us alle heipe 7 di3te us pissie 7 us teche y scilde us fram \q unpi3te bi dale 7 bi ni3te Jjat j^enche}? us

bij'eche Iche am elder jjane ich pas etc. Ending 1 20 a : pat pe mote to him come phane pe henna

pende. Amen. Erased : Salue fac seruum domine etc. . . . . 120

This text of the poem (first edited for E. E. T. S. by R. Moitis

in Old English Homilies) has been edited by Miss A. C.

Panes in Anglia, 1907. \iob and the following leaves have only a few scribbles: one

of cent, xvi is :

-y-s a rocke for 14 rockes comethe to 4" i8^


Illustrations :

The pencil sketches in the Bestiary are the following.

f. 30. I. Initial. Christ blessing beasts and birds (on A'.).

f. 31. 2. ISLin with shield charged with an escarbuncle pierces the neck of a lion on R. with spear.

f. 3?. 3. Man with sword about to slay an antelope whose horns are caught in a tree.

f. 33. 4. Man and woman standing in flames {lapides igniferi).

5. The Serre, a winged beast standing vertically on waves on L. Two men rowing in boat on A'.

f. 34. 6. Chaladrius, a bird, perched by the head of a sick man in bed and looking towards him : another chaladrius perched at his feet on R. looks away.

f. 34 b. 7. Pelican in piety.

f. 35. 8. Bird (ostrich) with two hoofs, between two tleurs-de-lys.

f. 355. 9. Eagle with fish in beak. This and the following pictures are out of place, and do not agree with the text.

10. Phoenix among flames, looking up.

f. 36 <J. II. Hoopoe plucked by its young.

f. 37. 12. An ant hill (text relates to the hoopoe).

f- n^- 13- Siren in water holds the stern of a boat on A', with two men in it (text relates to ants).

f. 39. 14. Tree (conventional), a hedgehog in the branches : another on its back below catching apples on its spines (text relates to Siren).

f. 39 A. 15. Bird (ibis) feeding in water. (Text ; the Hedgehog.)

f. 40. 16. Fox on his back feigning death : bird pecking in his mouth.

17. Unicorn lays his head in a maid's lap : hunter pierces him. (Text : Ibis.)

f. 41 (5. 18. Beaver biting off his glands. (Text : Fox.)

f. 42. 19. Hyena devouring corpse in stone tomb. (Text : Unicorn.)

f. 43. 20. Hydrus enters mouth of horned crocodile (Text : Beaver.)

f. 43 b. Blank. The artist here discovered his mistake.

f. 44*^. 21. Repetition of no. 20.

f. 45. 22. Hunter with horn : antelope? with horns caught in a tree.

f. 46. 23. Wild asses, one lying on its back bitten by another.

f. 47. 24. Ape with one young one in its arms and another on its back. 25. Halcyon on floating nest.

f. 47 b. 26. Panther, a crowned beast with wings and tail, in the midst of other beasts.

f. 4,()b. 27. Man in ship : another lands on the back of the whale (aspidochelone) on which poles are erected and a pot hung from them.

f. 50 b. 28. Nine partridges in three rows.

f. 51. 29. Three weasels, two of them nose to nose : a man on R. watches.

f. 52 (5. 30. Ostrich looking at the Pleiades, a young one on L.

f. 53. 31. Four doves in a tree.

f. 54. 32. Stag eating snake.

f, 54 /;. 33. Salamander (dragon-like) on L. : man (upper half only seen) : tree on A'., probably an apple tree which the beast has poisoned.

f. 55. 34. Dragon watching doves in a tree (Paradision).


f- 57 ^- 35- Elephant with castle on back.

f. 58 b. 36. Mandrakes : two human figures growing in the ground. Tree on L. f- 59- 37- Christ in C. with book: two saintly figures on L., one on R. Text relates to the Diamond, which typifies Christ.

Compare the series in MS. FitzwilHam 20.

The remaining pictures in the Apocalypse are drawn with the pen over previous pencil sketches. Features of faces are not inserted. Each picture has a plain frame of double lines forming small squares at the angles.

1. f. 72. John on Z. beardless, with book. The second angel blows trumpet. A ship sinks into sea on R. Cloud above.

2. f. 72 b. The third trumpet. Star on R. sinking into rivers (four wavy streams, horizontal, with circles at one end to represent springs).

3. f. 73. The fourth trumpet. Sun and moon in cloud on R. Fire falls on two seated figures.

4. f. 73 b. John with staff. Eagle with scroll in cloud.

E. f. y8. ,, >> The Two Witnesses lie side by side, their feet towards

a gate on R. Behind them a battlemented wall, over which two men (one with fiddle) look.

6. f. 78*^. One witness with staff lies dead. The feet of two, ascending, in cloud above. City falls on R. : figures among the ruins.

7. f. 89. Angel speaks from a gateway on Z. Crowned figure in cloud with sickle ; below. He reaps with the sickle.

8. f. 891^. Angel speaks from altar on L : angel gathers grapes with sickle : a wine- press with a horned devil on it. On R. two horses' heads, and above, an angel speaking from a building.

9. 10. f. goa, b. Fragments remain of feet and drapery.

11. f. 91. John on Z. with staff. Angel pours vial (bottle) on five rivers (as in no. 2).

12. f. 91/''. John on Z. Above him angel speaks out of cloud. On R. angel speaks out of altar with chalice upon it.

13. f. 97. In C. Christ in mandorla. Angel and eagle on R. and Z. at top. On Z. a group of kneeling figures : above them angel's head speaking out of a cloud. On R. a similar group, above them a long trumpet proceeding out of a cloud.

14. f. 97/'. John on Z. Four angels proceeding from clouds above blow trumpets.

15. f. 102. C. Christ in mandorla : three nude figures on Z., two on R.

16. f. 102 b. John on Z. Christ in mandorla set against a building. An angel proceeds from it on R. speaking.

17. f. 103. John writes at desk on Z. Christ in mandorla on A'.

18. f. 103 /a John on the back of an angel who carries a long-necked vial. On R. a hill with a tree on it.

19. f. 105. John with scroll kneels to nimbed beardless figure on a seat on R.

The following are the corresponding numbers in the table of Apocalypse pictures drawn up by M. Delisle in L Apocalypse en Franqais en XI IF Steele (Soc. d. anc. textes Fr. 1901).


1,2 = 24; 3, 4 = 25; 5> 6 = 36; 7 = 57; 8 = 58; 11=62; 12 = 63; 13 = 71 ; 14 = 72; 15 = 82 ; 16, 17 = 83, 18 = 84, 19 = 87.

It is fairly evident that the pictures of our MS. belong to the "second family" of those classified by M. Delisle.

124. Legende Doree.

Vellum, I2f X 9|, ff. 252, double columns of 48 lines. Cent, xiv, circ. 1360, in a good clear but rather irregular hand. French.

Modern binding.

Formerly Ashburnham Appendix, no. 93 (no. 44 in the sale at Sotheby's in 1899).

On the flyleaf: Thorpe and Sons (?) : and: 1847. ^2i.

Collation: i«-3i« 32^

Contents :

Le proesme du translateur (Jean de Vignay) . . . . f. i

Monseigneur Saint Jerome dist ceste auctoiile celles qui cest liure liront at orront.

Ci commence la legende doree en francois i

Tout le temps de ceste presente vie est deuisez en iiii parties

iusquez a lauent nostre seigneur, Ce sont les sains qui sont contenus en ce liure premierement.

De laue(ne)ment nostre seigneur i i ^

Ends : De s. balaam ix''''''iii. De s. iosaphat ix'^'iiij. De s. pellagien pape ix^^v. De la dedication de leglise ix^^vj.

Frontispiece (half-page picture) 3

Text : Laduenement de nostre seigneur est fait par iiij sepmainnes. Ends 252 a : habiter en dieu par gloire. La quelle chose cil nous veulle donner qui vit et regne p. touz les siecles des siecles. Amen. Ci fenist la vie des sains appelee legende doree en francois.

The pictures are good in colour and shew a practised hand:

but the execution is somewhat careless and suggests, what is

indeed the fact, that large numbers of these books were being turned out.

f. I has decorative initial, on gold, and marginal ornament of ivy leaf.

I. f. 3. Border, gold, red and blue ivy leaf.

Half-page picture frame, gold outside; then red and blue with wavy lines of white: gold corners. The picture itself is quatrefoil, set square with lozenge points : it is set on gold and framed in red, white, blue. Ground squares of red and blue patterned, with gold trellis dividing them.


The Coronation of the Virgin. R. Christ crowned full-face, blessing and holding orb. L. On the same seat the Virgin turning to Him with joined hands. A small demi-angel in air crowns her.

2. f. 6. In text. Ground red: pink network and black trellis. Andrew beardless with book holds light saltire cross.

3. f. 9. Ground blue, red, gold squares. Nicholas as Bishop faces /i'. Three nude figures (tonsured) on R. in tub on water.

4. f. 12. Blue with lozenge pattern. Thomas kneels and touches the side of Christ. Tree on mound on R.

5. f. 14. Gold. The Virgin reclines head to L. Joseph on R. sits with staff. Manger in C, with swaddled Child, ox, and ass.

6. f. 17. Green-blue with red lozenge pattern. Stephen kneeling in C. stoned by two men, whose heads have been defaced.

7. f. 27^. Blue with red foliage pattern. Adoration of the Magi. Virgin and Child (draped, standing on her knee with arm round her neck). The Star in L. corner.

8. f. 33 b. Red with black trellis and white pattern. Sebastian bound to column in C. shot by two men (defaced).

9. f. 40 b. Blue with black trellis and white pattern. Paul falling to R. over horse's head. Trees on Z. and R.

10. f. 47 3. Gold. Presentation. Maid nimbed on Z. with candle and bushel : the Virgin and Child. Altar in C. Symeon nimbed on R. with cloth over hands.

ir. f. 53<^. Chequer blue, red, gold (lozenges). Chair of Peter. He is throned full face in scarlet coped tiara, on gold lion-chair, holding keys and book : a striped cloth behind.

12. f. 55. Dark red with pattern of fylfot crosses in black, and black trellis. Matthias beardless with book.

13. f. 64 b. Dark red, pattern and trellis in black. Annunciation. The angel kneels on L. with scroll {Aue^plena). Lily-pot in C. Virgin stands on R.

14. f. ddb. Dark blue with pattern and trellis. Crucifixion, with the Virgin and St John : sun and moon in clouds.

15. f. 70/^. Blue with red and white dots, white network, black trellis. The Resurrection. Christ in white with slender cross steps out of the tomb. Three soldiers sleep in front.

16. f. lib. Red with black trellis. George on dappled horse with white cross, surcoat and shield, pierces dark green dragon on R. with spear.

17. f. 87. Red ground, blue pattern, vermilion trellis. Philip bearded with book and sword.

18. f. 87 b. Gold. James, in hat, apparently sliding forwards on hands and knees down a green slope. The head of Christ in sky on R. This may be meant for his pre- cipitation from the temple.

19. f. 90. Chequer gold and blue lozenges, white fleurs-de-lys on the blue. Inven- tion of the Cross. Helena, crowned, kneels on L.: face of Christ in the sky above. On R. a man digs with pick on a hill, on which stands a devil. Defaced.

20. f. 92 b. Red with black lozenge pattern. John (Port Latin). John with book and palm.

21. f. 94/^ Gold. Ascension. Two groups of Apostles seated. The feet of the ascending Christ in blue and white cloud above.

22. f. 97. Gold. Pentecost. Two groups of Apostles seated, with books. The Dove descends in C.


23. f. 102 h. Two shades of red quatrefoils and black lines (lozenge). Barnabas in white habit with book.

24. 105 /'. Chequer blue, red and gold. Elizabeth in bed on L. Zacharias beardless on R. writing on scroll. Nurse with the Child in C.

25. 109/5. Vermilion, patterned. Peter with book and key.

26. 113. Gold. Paul falling from horse. Christ's head in sky on R.

27. 121. Blue with vermilion lines. Mary Magdalene with casket.

28. 125(5. Red with black trellis and stars in blue and vermilion. James in scalloped hat holding book and staff.

29. f. 128. Chequer blue and gold. Christopher wades to L. The Child on his shoulders blessing.

30. f. 135(5. Blue patterned. Chains of Peter. He walks out of a red-roofed yellow castle on R., holding key and book.

31. f. 145. Red with black pattern. Laurence in blue dalmatic with book and gridiron.

32. f. 150. Gold. The Virgin in oval blue cloud carried up by four red-winged angels in white.

33. f. 161. Red with black pattern. Bartholomew with book and knife.

34. f. 163 /^ Red with black trellis. Augustine in black with book.

35. f. 168 (5. Herod and Herodias crowned at table on L. Salome in C. presents head of John on dish. On R. a man with raised sword. John's headless body leans out of window in tower.

36. f. 174. Chequer blue and gold. Anne in bed on Z. Striped curtains A', and Z. In front a nurse supports the Infant Virgin in a tub.

37. f. 179(5. Blue with white network and red dots. Exaltation of the Cross. An Emperor (Heraclius) kneels to gold cross standing on altar on R.

38. f. 185. Chequer blue and gold. Mark (should be Matthew) sits full face at desk. Nimbed lion on R.

39. f. 191. Blue patterned. Michael with red cross shield pierces vermilion dragon with cross-spear.

40. f. 1943. Ground as no. i. Jerome on canopied wooden seat reads book on vermilion desk.

41. f. 202 b. Same ground. Denis in blue chasuble holds his mitred head.

42. f. 206. Red and vermilion. Luke turns from desk in C. Nimbed ox comes from cloud on R. (A frame for a picture is on 205 b, but was perhaps found too small.)

43. f. 210. Chequer blue, red, gold. .Simon and Jude with books.

44. f. 213(5. Gold. All Saints. Group of nine Apostles and women.

45. f. 2i6<5. Gold. All Souls. Funeral. Coffin with blue pall. Mourners on L. Clerks on R. at desk.

46. f. 220/;. Red and black. Martin, young, divides cloak for beggar on R.

47. f. 229. Chequer blue and gold. Clement as Pope with black anchor.

48. f. 232 b. Gold trellis, blue and red lozenges. Katharine crowned, with book and wheel.

49. f 249. Red and black. Dedication. Surpliced boy on L. with gold bucket. Priest in alb kneeling with asperge. On R. altar with white curtain and gold cross, chalice and book.


125. Passion de Notre Seigneur etc.

Vellum, 8| x 5^^, fif. 98 + 3, 25 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a good clear black hand. Red initials, some with purple pen-work about them.

Bound by Bretherton in 1848.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 1246. Sold at Sotheby's in 1898, lot 1069.

The last flyleaf is a fragmentary document (xv) of Nicholaus... the Consides and Communitas de Fribiirgo and the Decanatiis of the same are mentioned.

Collation: a^ i^-ii^ I2i», i flyleaf

Contents :

1. Pater noster nomen tuum. O tres excessiue et immensuree

clemence. O inenerrable benignite . . . . f. i qui es le bien contraire a tous maulx. Amen.

2. Aultre deuote exposicion . . . . . . . \\b

Encores puet on les sept peticions exposer.

De ceste exposicion darreniere dit bonauenture . . . 12

Or mon ame encor uueil ie que tu saches . . . \^b

Notes bien le don de saincte paour 13

Septiemement le don de paour. Comment on puet aiicunement conte77ipler la inestimable gloire

de paradix .......... 19

O mon ame afin que tu soies tousiours plus amoureuse.

3. Cy commence la passion de nostre doulx sauueur Ihesucrist

depuis la resuscitation du ladre iusques a lafin auecques les lamentacions et les pleurs de la benoicte uierge marie sa tres doulce mere (by Christine de Pisan?) . . . 10b

A la louange de dieu de la uierge souuerainne etc. Et a la requeste de tres excellents...princesse Dame Ysabel de bauieres par la grace de dieu royne de france. Jay translate ceste passion. ..Lan mil ccciiii"" et xviii (1398). Prenant mon commencement de la suscitation du ladre etc.

Ends f. 98 a : destre prochainement consolee de la resurrection de son filz. De la quelle resurrection nous uueille faire participans le pere et le filz et le saint esperit ung dieu en trinite. Amen. Deo gracias.

08 b is blank.


126. Isidore.

Vellum, 6| x 4^, ff. 26, 23 lines to a page. Cent, xvi early, in Gothic hand.

Old red morocco binding: red and gold end-papers. Formerly Phillipps MS. 4786 : no. 744 in the sale of 1898. On the flyleaf (xvi) :

Translation des dieux payens selon ysodore. A. Qui ie suis on voit le nom et le prenom cydessoubz mys par quoy je vous prie mes amys que(?) aucun de vous ne my soil Larron. Je suis a geruaise barrier Leu des caues et forests en Touraine et Lucts. Ressorts diceluy Ainsi signe.

Geruaise barrier.

Collation : i* (i cane.) 2^ 3'* 4* (4 cane). Contents :

Title in red capitals :

Translacion sur le Pseal/me de Ysidore des dieux Paiens . . f. 2

La speculacion pratique scientique et office operative des poetes

proprement est ace congneue. This page has a rather coarse border of flowers and conventional

foliage on dead gold ground. Each section has an initial in dead gold on blue or red-brown

ground. ?-nds (section on Pileux) : que ce fust en toutes doulceurs. dont

dieu nous doint usufruicion et usance prouffitablement. Amen.


Vellum, 12 X 8|^, fif. 109, 30 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a good clear hand. Initials in blue with red pen-work.

Modern white stamped pigskin over boards by J. and J. Leighton, Brewer St.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 7201 : no. 131 in the sale of 1896.

On f. I is : John Peckham 1799. Other entries relate to James Raggett 1609 (f. 91 d), Rob. Rothe, mayor of Kilkenny (f 50/^: he died 1622), Th. Wetherby 1654 (f. 65 /^), Mary Wetherby 1686, Edw. Rotherham, f. 26, of xviith cent. It is stated in the sale cata- logue that the book belonged to William Herbert the author of TypograpJiical A ntiquities.

M. c. 18


Collation: a gone b^ (wants 8) d-g^ (wants 8) h^ i^ (wants 4) k«-p8.

Contents :

Meditations upon the Life of Christ, translated by Nicholas Love,

Prior of Mount Grace, into English from the Latin of Bonaventura f. i Begins imperfectly in Dies lune pars prima

and rightwysnes (my)ght drede hem of nott ful satisfaction. Capituhim ii. When she was thre yere oold she was offred in the

temple "i^b

Pars ii die Martis 23. iii die Mercurii }fib. iv Die Jouis (first

leaf gone) 47. v die Veneris 65. vi die Sabbati 85 b. vii die

dominica 87 b. On 106 a at the words : in the glorious blyssed cite of heuenly

Jerusalem where he is souerayn kyng with the fader and the holy

goost 00 god in trynite that lyueth and regnejj withouten ende

amen : is a note (xvii) Here the printed copies end. The text continues : Blessid be the name of oure lord jhesu and of

his moder marye now and euer amen. Thus endeth the con-

templacioun of the blessid lyf of Ihesu Crist. And by cause that

the processe here wryten etc.

and to shame and confusioun of all false lollardes and heretikes and vntrewe cristen men. Riibric. Of that excellent and moost worthi sacrament of cristes

blessid body and the miracles |>erof Cap. 64 . . . . 106 b Alemoriam fecit mirabiliitm siiortiin escam dedit timentibus se.

These wordes of dauid say'^ in the sauter. Ends imperfectly 109 b (Narracio de S. Edwardo Confessore) Stonde

leueriche stande for Y thou seest I se also. After this they bothe

of so ioyful a sight (catchword) goostly comfortid.

128. Festiall.

Vellum, lof X 7, ff. 43, 39 lines to a page. Cent, xiv, well written.

Modern calf binding.

Formerly Ashburnham Appendix no. 95, no. 46 in the sale at Sotheby's, May 1899.

Marked £^. 2,s. on flyleaf.

The name William Hinde scribbled on f. 24. Perhaps the divine who d. 1629.

Collation : i* (wants i) | gap | 2 (four) | gap | 3 (two) | gap | 4^ (wants 4) j gap | 5^ 6^ | gap | y^ (wants 8).


Contents :

Portion of a Festiall in English verse : imperfect and misbound. Begins :

1. Saint Martyn f. i

At a gret fest as he shuld the hegh masse sing

God gif us part of that joie ther in is he idoo. Amen.

2. Saint Brice w' saint Martin was his dekyn on erth her . i b

of the pyn of helle skere.

3. Saint Edmond the confessowr that lys at pounteney . . 2 b

Swart and derke and grislich and ouerkest alle the toun (catch- word) and blewe so grishch.

4. (Saynt cissill) 8

The queller hyr swete

that hir life con wynne.

5. Saynt Clement was iborn at Rome by old dawe ... 8 A gap (four leaves?) after f. 9, partly filled by ff. 12, 13, which

are continuous. Ends lib: Tho fond men this holy werke in a faire place stond (catchword) With this holy body.

6. Saynt Patrick 14

Cold it was and foul it stank him thojt that it him slogh.

After 16 a leaf gone. i6 b ends:

And rehetid of that li3t amendid him flesh and blode.

7. Saynt Edward ......... 17

Chast and wis of cousel bot pride he louyd lest

And at the mydde festene Saynt Edward the martir. Amen.

8. Saint Cuthbert was borne in englond ... i<) b

that we may com thereto. Amen.

9. Saint Benett had ful god lif (5 lines) . . . . . 20^ Catchword : Of holier lif then benett ladde.

10. Saint Nicolas .......... 21

Tho he herd of this sistren how wo that hem was

and fro dedly synne also. Amen.

11. Saynt Lucie that holy mayde in Cecile was bore . . 273

thider graunte us to wende.

12. Saynt Thomas the gode Apostle martired was in ynde . 30

to which our lord us boght. Amen.

13. Saynt Steven was a Jewe and of Jewes come . . ^6 b

31 lines: catchword: And for he couth do.

14. Head line Bannarer (usually Banna or B. sanctorum) . . 37 And thes o)>er martirs etc. that our lordes knyjtes wer

And from oon to other so on rew whil the jer wil lest.





15. jeres day ........

A holy fest is jeres day hegh fest it is and gode if je ben wise.

16. Twelfthe day hegh fest .....

- iiii miracles that day wold do.

1 7. Saynt hillarie that holy man of aquitaine he was .

was in our lady li3t.

18. Saynt Wolstan bishop of Wircetir

in the joye of heuen be. Amen.

19. Saynt Fabian xiij jer pope was in Rome

god grawnt us thider to wend. Amen.

20. Saynt Agnes the holy virgin ful soon she began Imperfect : ends : A hows that served for bordel ther was rijt


The true order of these articles is :

14 Banna (Prologue) to

f. lib




Patrick to




Martin to




Nicolas to



38 38




The collection is the Southern English Legendary of which Dr Horstmann has described the chief copies in his Altcnglisclie Legenden, Heilbronn, 1881. It is not yet printed. This manuscript seems to have been unknown to Dr Horstmann.

129. Life of S. Katherine.

Vellum, 7f X 5|, ff. 31, 19 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a good clear hand.

Binding of cent, xviii, panelled calf

Formerly Ashburnham Appendix no. 96 : no. 47 in the sale of May 1899.

On the cover: A. 1845, catal. K. 13. On flyleaf: May 30th, 1766, Bought out of Mr Mussells Collection.

A note by Mr J. Holmes of the British Museum says :

The Life of St Katherine is taken from the Golden Legend. It is the same version with that printed by Caxton in 1483. Caxton, however, has modernised it somewhat.

The MS. is imperfect, it wants four leaves of the first gathering. The missing portion is in Caxton ed. fol, ccclxxxiv col. 2, line 36 to ccclxxxv col. i, line 11.


Collation : 1* 2^-4^ 5 (three). Contents :

Rubric. Here begynneth the right excellent and most glorious life and passion of the right blessid virgyn seint kateryne (ascribing the life to Athanasius) : ending

a glorious piler of holi churche bi the grace of our lord, and by the holi meritcs of Seynt Kateryne the holy virgyne.

Text. As we finde be credeble cronycles that in the tyme of Dioclissian and Maximion so grete and cruell tyrony was shewed in the worlde . . . . . . . . . . {. i f>

The gap is after f. 2. Not long after

f. 3 begins : When the quene had endid hir tale.

Ends : Maxcencius was punysshed for his felonye. And for his cruelle tyranny and for other etc.

Here endith the life of holi virgyne seint kateryne etc.

The thorn letter occurs, not very often.

130. William of Nassington.

Vellum, 8| x 4|, ff. 199, 41 lines to a page, and headline. Cent. XV early, in a fine small current hand. Initials and section marks in blue and red.

Modern binding by J. and J. Leighton, Brewer St.

Has the bookplate of William Horatio Crawford, Lakelands, Cork.

Also on the flyleaf: Sotheby & Co., Singers MSS. Aug. 1858, William Tite (i.e. Sir W. T., died 1873). Also a monogram of W and two S's and "Buxetum MDCCCXXI."

An extract from a sale catalogue of Mr Quaritch records (Dec. 1893, 120. 50) that it had the engraved bookplate of Wm Fermor of Tusmore (Oxon.) about 1760.

Collation : a'- (wants i ) b''--p^- q" r^-.

Contents :

William of Nassington's Speculum Vitae.

Beginning imperfectly ......... f. i

but lered and lewed olde and 3onge alle understondes englys tonge. Ends f. 200 a:

To \>e whiche blis he us alle bring

f>' on ]>e croice for us wolde hing. Amen.


Expl. tractatus de oratione dominica s. de paternoster. In quo reprehenduntur multa vicia. Et in quo continentur omnes virtutes que in Iiac vita degentibus sunt necessarie. Et specialiter illiteratis docende. ad dei honorem.

Hie liber est scriptus qui scripsit sit benedictus.

On the verso in a contemporary hand is : Thomas.

In the Catalog. MSS. AngL Oxford 1697 Vol. III. nos. 9151-61, is a list of MSS. then belonging to Wm "Farmer" of Tusmor (Oxon.). The present volume does not appear to be amongst them.

131. Richard Hampole's Prick of Conscience.

Vellum, 8| x 51, ff. 113 + 2, 36 lines to a page. Cent, xiv late, in more than one clear hand.

Modern binding by Clyde of Newman St.

Formerly Ashburnham, Appendix no. 135 : no. 9 in sale at Sotheby's May 1899.

On the flyleaf xvi-xvii :

Mr Edward Copies booke which I haue in pawne for my booke of pp.

Collation: i flyleaf i^^ (wants i) 2^' 3^'^ 4^ 5"' (wants i, 2) 6^2_8i2 qio_jiio (^wants 9, 10: 8 a fragment), i flyleaf.

Contents :

Richard Hampole's Prick of Conscience.

Beginning imperfectly (1. 73)

Til his liknes in semely stature.

The lines of each couplet are connected by a red line, which some- times spreads into ornament, e.g. on f. 2.

The Latin passages are in a more formal hand than the English.

Catchwords are sometimes enclosed in red ornamental devices, a crown, a dragon, etc.

The hand changes on 43 b, and again at f. 74.

In the later quires various rough grotesques appear on the margins.

Only the lower part of the last leaf remains, ending : mekille herdende in wickidnes.

132. Doctrine of the Heart, etc.

Vellum, 8^ x 6i, ff. 199, 25 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a very good hand. Letters in the top line are carried up into the margin. Modern binding by Zaehnsdorf It appears as no. 83 in a catalogue of Mr Quaritch of Dec. 1893.


It then had a binding of about 1780 with a double eagle on the back. It had been no. 314 in an auction sale. Collation: 1^-25^" (wants 8).

Contents :

f. I

The doctrine of the Heart (the original Latin is attributed to

Grosseteste) .....••••

Rubric. Intelligile insipientes in populo et stulti aliquando

sapite. As seyut austyn sayth thes wordes ben vndirstonde

in this wise. Prologue ends : and of stable lyuyng. amen.

Rubrics of the seven chapters "^

Text, with a very pretty initial of characteristic English work

in gold, blue and pink '^"

Religious sister seuen informaciouns 1 rede in holy writ.

Ends : bringe vs he {>at bought vs on Jjc rode tre. Amen. Here begynneth a letter of religious gouernaunce sent to a

religious womman ......•• 94

Grace in {jis lif and joy withouten ende.— Religious sister for

as moche as Jjou art now plantid. With a very pretty small initial. Ends : be J^e help and gracious meditation of oure blissid

lady. Amen. Here bigynnyth a letter sent to a religious womman of \q

twelue frutes of J^e holy gost. and first of j^e frute of charite 117^ Religious sister it is now long a-gon J>at I wrot to }>e a pistell

of religious exortacion how |>ou shuldist grow in religion

vertuously as a gostly tre (i.e. the last preceding article in

this book). A good initial, as before. Ends : youre loving spouse here blissid sone endelesly. Amen. Here endeth a pistel mad and sent to a religious womman of

the twelve frutes of Jje holy gost.

Rubrics of the twelve chapters 198

On the last leaf (xv) :

ihesu make me pore off hart and meke off spret.

133. Wycliffite Commentary on Matthew and the Apocalypse.

Paper, iifx7f, ff. 252+1, double columns of 41 etc. lines. Cent, xvi early, in an ugly but fairly clear current hand.

Half-binding of cent, xix early.

Formerly MS. Phillipps 7219 and 10170: no. 112 in the sale of June 1896.


On f. I is the name of Tho. Montforte (or -th) and on the flyleaf a note in the same hand :

I take these Comentaries vpon St Mathew and y^ Reuelat(ion) to haue bene compiled and translated by Jhon Wicklefe in which beside y'' antiquity of y"^ English there are contayned manye vvorthie obseruations. So that although I bought it dearely yet would I not be w'out it for much more then it cost me.

On f I is also the name Wm Herbert.

On the flyleaf a note in the hand of Th. Martin of Palgrave. The book was also owned by Francis Blomefield. Collatioji :

Contents :

1. Commentary on St Matthew . . . . . . . f. i

Seynt austin sayth in y'= seconde booke of crysten doclryne in

y^ ende whateuer thinge a man fyndith in any scyence out

of holy wryte

and bate sone antycrists malyce ipocrisy and tyrany. Amen. Text: The booke of y'' generacyon of Ihesus Criste y^ sone of dauith

y* sone of abraham. y'= booke. ..... id

Close :

as in a riche mans shope eche man may fynde y' thynge y'

he desyreth. Ends 226 a : and to cast awaye antecrists errours and veyne

bondes y' taryeth many men fro feyth and charyte and

cumbren many men in endlis dispeyre. 226 d blank.

2. Commentary on the Apocalypse ...... 227

Seynt poule y*^ apostell seith y' all tho y' wille mekely lyue

in Jhesus Crist should suffer persecucyons. Gilbert's prologue much expanded : ending

so y' eche man maye by him sellfe only understonden and tellen. Text in larger and more set hand ..... 227^

loon youre brother and partener in tribulation. (Gloss) The vndoynge of saynte John bytokeneth prelates of

holy church. After 229 the text is in the same script as the gloss. Ends 252 a : and sende us grace for to beleue and dien in hym

y' we maye come with hym to blise in body and in soule

and dwelle w' hym w' oute ende. Amen.

There is a copy of both works in the Bodleian, MS. Laud. Misc. 235 of cent, xiv late. The Commentary on the Apocalypse is alternatively attributed to Hampole in the Catalogue. The Laudian MS. may be the parent of this copy.


134. Concilium Lateranense.

Vellum, 9^- X 6f , ff. i + 10, double columns of 27 lines. Cent, xii, in two very good large black hands, upright and round, of English origin.

Brown leather binding with gold tooling.

Formerly Ashburnham, Appendix no. 82: no. 35 in the sale May 1899.

On the flyleaf in pencil : S"" VV. Bethams sale 1854.

At the end (xvi early): edmunde tomlingsoun.

Also (xvi): anthony troughton is the Right owner of this book and I found it at Whityam hall fran(c)is (?). Under these are older scribbles in pencil (xiii).

Collation :

Contents :

The fly-leaf has the original table of contents of the book (xiii) Ista continentur in hoc uolumine.

Vita S. Wilfridi 2.

Dialogus Aug. cum Orosio 43 et in libro Vite Sancti 'Q. post. i.

Generate concilium 79.

Johannes glosatus 89.

Quidam tractatus de logica 147.

Quidam sermones 149.

Parcamenum uacuum 40 et 157.

Then follows in the same hand a full table of the chapters of the

Generale concilium. Generale concilium. The Canons of the Lateran Council of 1179- The first page single lines, the rest in double columns, foliated (on

the verso) 80-89. The numerals are Arabic of cent. xiii. The

Canons are also numbered with Arabic numerals of the same

date. Initials in green and red. I. Licet de uitanda discordia in electione romani pontificis. After Canon 22 (8^), Treugas autem a iiii feria

jiroprie dignitatis dampnum incurrat, follows :

23. Deus erat in Christo mundum reconcilians sibi. A sermon partly on the penitent thief, ending unfinished, Aperte rerum natura conspicitur commoueri uelud in uin-dictam. Some erased words follow.




The sections (compared with the Paris Concilia 17 14 VI. 1674) are :


1 Licet de uitanda ...... i

2 Sicut ait beatus leo 27

3 De brabentionibus et aragonensibus nauariis

basculis et coterellis qui tantam in christianos immanitatem exercent.

Nulla ecclesiastica misteria .... 8

Cum apostolus se et suos .... 4

Cum in ecclesie corpore ..... 7

Quoniam ecclesia dei . . . . 18

Clerici in subdiaconatu . . . . . 12

Monachi non precio . . . . . 10

Ita quorundam animos ..... 24

Reprehensibilis ualde ..... 6

\ia Quia in omnibus fere locis .... 25

I b ludei siue sarraceni ..... 26

\c Cum dicat apostolus ..... 23

1 d Clerici in sacris . . . . . . 1 1

2 Cum in cunctis ecclesiis . . . . 16

3 Cum et plantare 9

4 Non minus pro eorum . . . . . 19

5 Quia in tantum . . . . . . 14 a

6 Quia in tantum quorundam laicorum . . \^b

7 Quoniam in quibusdam locis . . . . 17

8 Cum in officiis . . . . . . 15

9 Innouamus autem ut 22

20 Quod a predecessore ..... 2

21 Felicis memorie pape . . . . . 20 "

22 Treugas autem . . . . . . 21

The chief difference is that no. 3 in our MS. has no equivalent in the Paris edition, and 3 in the Paris edition, Cum in sacris ordinibus, does not occur here.

135. Gratiani Decretum.

Vellum, 14I X 8|, fif. 252 + i, text, double columns of 49-58 lines, gloss varying. Cent, xii late, written in Italy? There are many initials and marginal monsters of a lough Lombardic type.

Binding of cent, xviii, conspicuously too large for the book.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 1076, no. 294 in the sale of 1903.

On f. I at top (xvii?) is: " Monasterii Wiblingensis," in pencil " 1137 anno" (i.e. Wiblingen O. S. B. in Wurtemberg).


Collation : i'^-xiv^ xv'" (3 cane.) xvi'^-xviii^ xix^ xx'^-xxviii'* xxix'" xxx^ xxxi gone xxxii'* xxxiii, xxxiv gone xxxv^ (wants 6-^).

Contents :

Gratiani Decretum.

Humanum genus duobus regitur.

A curious large rough initial in white, yellow and red on blue ground.

Gloss begins : Tractaturus gratianus de iure canonico.

There are two main strata of gloss, both perceptibly later than the text.

The loi Distinctiones end 6^b: per pecuniam hunt contineant.

The Causae (xxxvi) . . . . . . . . . f. 65

Quidam habens filium obtulit.

Initial with two dragons in white on red, yellow and green ground.

f. 119 is a later supply.

Each Causa was to have an initial similar to the first : but several have been omitted. There are throughout many detached gro- tesque ornaments on the margins in pen and ink and colour.

Causa xxxvi ends : detrahere uoluerit ...... 249 b

The following three leaves, De consecratione ecclesiarum, are later; they end imperfectly.

There are unimportant notes on the fly-leaf.

136. Gregorii IX Decretales Glosatae.

Vellum, i6f X9f, ff. 257 -f 2, double columns, text and gloss, both varying. Cent, xiv, in the regular Bologna hand. In beautiful condition.

Stamped pigskin over boards. ANNO 1749 stamped on the front cover : clasps.

Doubtless from a German monastery.

A slip has been cut out of the last leaf, leaving only the letter L in red, the first of the inscription. A name has also been clipped from the bottom of f i of text.

Purchased of Olschki in 1893.

Collation: i flyleaf, \^--\\^'^ 15" 16'" (10 cane.) I7'--2I'- 22^ 23^, I flyleaf

On the flyleaf is an unfinished circular diagram with astronomical notes which mention the years 1381 and 1383 (erased inscription on verso).

Also the title :

Decretales Gregorii ix cum glosa.


Contents :

Gregorii ix decretales.

Text. Giegorius episcopus seruus seruorum dei dilectis filiis

doctoribus. Gloss. In huius lihri principio quinque sunt piecipue prenotanda. Lib. II. f. 74.

III. f. 137-5. Ending 187 <5: Expl. lib. iii'"^ Decretalium Domini Vuillermi

de Kirkoi (?) (erased). Sum Robertus ego qui mea scripta rego. A Constitution of Urban V, 1367, is added in a blank space in a

French hand. Also a letter of Gregory IX to a bishop of Orleans. Lib. IV. 188, ends 204 «. 204^ blank.

V. 205, ending : facere quis omagium compellatus. Expl.

textus decretalium. Sum robertus ego qui mea scripta rogo. Gloss ends : inducit s. d. pact, pactiones. Expl. lib. quintus. An original list of tituli and later notes occupy the last leaf.

Two artists, both Italian, have been concerned with the decora- tion. One (A) is very much superior to the other, having an extraordinarily delicate touch : notice especially his white patterns on blue ground. The other (B) is quite a rough ordinary worker.

Lib. I (A). Pope Gregory seated in C. : on L. two bishops, a doctor, and monks: on R. a bearded Franciscan in brown kneeling with book : another friar in grey-green habit standing.

Panels of ornament are inserted after 11. 4, 6, 8 of text : these are very beautiful : one contains a shield arg.^ a lion rampant ^///gj crowned 07- within a bordure sable besanty. Near this shield is a tethered porcupine. These arms are identical with those of the earls of Cornwall.

Artist B makes his appearance, I think, in quire 2, and continues for some time. Subdivisions of the book have grotesque and decorative initials, often with human heads, often with monsters.

Lib. II (B). Under three arches : a doctor in C. in red over blue : doctors, etc. in red, blue, and pale purple on R. and L.

In lower margin in two roundels : a man blows two trumpets, and a man plays a harp.

Artist A has done some initials and grotesques in this book, but after f. 85 B reappears.

Lib. Ill (B). Priest in scarlet chasuble elevating the Host at altar on R. : figure in blue with white coif kneels: clerk in surplice pushes out man (intrusive layman) in scarlet with coif. Other figures fill the picture. Three arches above.

In lower margin two kneeling figures in roundels : both in coifs and with long hair. He on Z. is in scarlet over blue, the other in pale purple.

Lib. IV (A). Priest in C. in scarlet chasuble holds open book inscribed doininus uobiscwn and blesses bride and bridegroom kneeling before him on Z. A beautiful gold veil with red and black crosses is held up behind them by a youth (Z.) and a clerk (y?. behind the priest) : over it look three men and a woman. More figures on R. by the altar, on which is chalice and corporal.

There are bands of ornament after 11. i, 2, 4 of the text.


A continues with smaller initials up to quire 18 (p. 200).

Lib. V (B). Three arches. Pope in scarlet chasuble, with long cross, seated in C, groups of monks in dark habits on J?, and L.

Bands of ornament in pale colours follow 11. 2, 5, 7, 10 of text. B seems to continue to the end of the book. The use of gold is, I think, confined to A.

137. Gaufridus de Trano.

Vellum, 9^ x 6^, ff. 248 + i, double columns of 42 lines. Cent, xiii, very well written : probably Parisian. 2 fo. que in ecclesiarum.

Calf binding (xviii) lettered "Civil Law Manuscript."

Bookplate of R. How, Aspley, Beds.

A letter is enclosed from "Jacob Bell to his Cousin Rich<i How and hath sent him the Law Manuscript he mentioned when at Apsley (sic), wishes it may be worthy his acceptance ; it came from the Collection of the late S"" Julius Caesar Master of the Rolls, and has been esteemed Three or Four Hundred Years Old." Hertford 15. II. 1775.

It was lot 1 3 19 in the How sale, March 1890.

Collation: i^'^-io^*^ 11^- 12^- 13^*^- 16'", i flyleaf.

Contents :

Inc. summa super titulis decretalium...a mag. Gaufrido de Trano

domini pape subdiacono et capellano . . . . . f. i

Glosarum diuersitas intelligenciam textus.

There is a nice initial in gold and colour (principally blue) and partial border, Anglo-French style. Smaller initials are in blue and red and ornament extends from them down the columns in tailed pieces alternately blue and red.

Lib. n. -fib. Good initial in pink, blue and vermilion on gold.

Lib. III. \1^b. Good initial: stalk panelled in blue and gold.

Lib. IV. 168. Similar initial.

On f. 180/^ is a table of consanguinity occupying nearly the whole page. It is in coloured frame : the ground partly gold, with con- ventional foliage and two blue cranes. The table is held by a crowned figure standing on two human-headed dragons. On 182^ is a similar table, smaller, with four figures at the angles (man, wife, and two descendants).

Lib. V. \()2b. Similar with longer stalk.

Ends : malui repeti quam deesse.

Expl. summa mag. Galfridi de trano.

A patch of ink follows covering an early inscription.

On the last leaf is a list of the tituli of the work in a thirteenth century English (?) hand.

286 catalogue of manuscripts. [138-

138. Arnoldus de Augusta.

Vellum, II X 7^, ff. 64 + I, double columns of 39 lines. Cent, xiv, in a good clear hand, Italian.

In old boards, half-bound. Chainmark at top of first cover, clasps gone.

" Lot 42."

Collation : i^-8^ i flyleaf.

Contents :

Inc. prologus epistolaris in libro arengarum magistri Arnoldi de

Augusta f. I

Reuerendo in Christo patri ac domino suo d. Conrado sacrosancte ecclesie Salemburgensis archiepiscopo necnon apostolice sedis legato Arnoldus clericus augustensis etc.

Cum presentis opusculi prospicati correctione.

Partial border of rather rough Italian ornament. nupcie uero Ixxxi. di. in omnibus.

Inc. arenge iudiciales et extra iudiciales. et hie incohatur prima particula in qua site sunt arenge de inuocatione nominis Ihesu Christi et trium personarum in diuinis prime p*3 domini inuo- candam propter sufficienciam sapiencie et iusticie et multiformis gracie sapiencie increate ........ 2

Sufficiencia nostra ex deo est ii cor. iiij scribitur in canone.

The xivth particula ends : et inspiracio omnipotentis dedit mihi

intelligenciam . . ........ 63 i

Exempla (?Ex epistola) mag. Arnoldi de Augusta opusculi con- clusoria insuficiencie excusatoria suique commendatoria.

Reuerende pater et domine uestre beniuolencie tam preciosum quod non potest extimari.

Expl. Harenge Mag. Arnoldi de Augusta canonum professoris Canonici S Mauricij Augustensis, deo gracias. Amen.

Finis adest uere precium uult scriptor Habere.

I note another copy at Wolfenblittel (Cod. Helmst. 310 (277)).

139. lusTiNiANi Institutiones ETC. (Parvum Volumen).

Vellum, 1 5^ X 10, ff. 307 + 4, text double columns of 42 etc. lines, gloss varies. Cent, xiii, late, in good Italian hand.

Binding, Russia, with gold tooling.

Purchased of Hoepli.

Collation: a^ b- ii«-6" 7^- (+ i) 8i"-20i" (wants 2, 3) 2i"-24i" 251s 2510 2710 28« 29i« 30'" 31^


f. ia has notes in Italian hand, e.g.: H Dom. Nicholaus vopetrus da lichanagh. pro. m. Roncino pro xx flor...


H d. grimaldus libr. xxxiiij f xl.

and two inscriptions in Hebrew crossed out. Also :

dista per mi borbonio (?) bardelb s.. a di i6 de nouembre 1456.

On i /;, ii a are two framed tables divided into small squares each containing a medallion, blue, gold, or white, with inscription.

On each page is a figure holding the frame, one is crowned, has long red and gold robes and holds a branch, the other in red and gold tunic has a mace.

The tables contain (i) acciones pretorie, (ii) acciones ciuiles. F. ii d has a note only, iii a part of a column of text curiously set in the middle of the page, consisting of glosses on isolated phrases :

ai-gu>?ien(is .i. ex multis rebus uel negotiis que sunt argumenta.

An ornament representing a bunch of flowers and fruit, very coarse, has been attached to it, perhaps at a later date.

A similar fragment of text is on iv^^-. iii b, \\ a are blank.

Contents :

lustiniani Institutiones ......... f. i

In nomine d. n. I. C. lustiniani sacratissimi principis perpetui liber institutionum seu elementorum primus inc. Imperator cesar flauius iustinianus alamanicus gotticus francus germanicus uanda- licus affricanus pius felix inclitus uictor ac triumphator semper augustus cupide legum iuuentuti salutem.

Imperatoriam mayestatem non solum armis.

Gloss. In nomine d. n. I. C. ex hoc nota quod christianus fuit. II. f. 13, in. f. 37, IV. f. 56^, ending f. 73 a aduentura est.

Gloss : de appellatoribus, unfinished.

Collationes ........... 74

In nomine d. n. I. C de heredibus et falcidia etc.

Occupatis nobis.

Gloss. In nomine etc. Iustinianus opus suum laudabile.

Coll. ix ends 211 «: custodiri prouideat. Explicit aut.

Gloss: uidi. 1. duo. ac. Explicit. zMiem. Amen.

List of tituli added on 211 b.

Liber decimus de iure fisci 213

Si priusquam fisci.

Gloss: de iure fisci. occasione de quihus.

Coarse initial ornament added.


Lib. XI. 233, XII. 254 ending 283 a: uexatione quatietur.

Gloss : Cum et conduc. 1. ui. ac.

Opere finito pr(est)entur dona magistro. 283 d blank.

Inc. consuetudines feudi et primo de hiis (qui) feudum dare possunt

et qualiter acquiratur et teneatur. ...... f. 284

Quoniam de feudis tractaturi.

G/oss. Inctpit. quidam habent aliter.

Ends : nichilominus puniendus. No gloss.

On 303 d the writing is much faded.

On 304 a only a little bit of gloss and text has been written,

probably on account of the surface of the vellum.

Practically no ornament has been added to the book.

140. Statutes.

Vellum, 6| x 4f , ff. 130+ i, 37-39 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a very neat small current hand with a good partial border in feather- work, and a good characteristic English initial on f. i.

Original binding, white skin over boards, clasps gone. A number I low down on the cover.

Belonged to Th. Martin of Palgrave whose name is at each end, and also a note by him : " NB. These statutes begin y^ i^' of Hen. fourth and go no further than 23 Hen. 6''. So we may presume the Book was wrote at or about that Time. All in fifrench."

At the end (xvi) are the names F (?) Lavardus and Stephanus Brincklaius.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 9236: lot 21 in the sale of 1903.

Collation: i flyleaf, 1^-16^ 17 (two).

Contents :

Statutes from i Hen. IV to xxiii Hen. VI in French.

There is a good initial and partial border at the beginning of Hen. V (f. 37) and of Hen. VI (f. 63).

141. Registrum Brevium. Statutes.

Vellum, 9^ X 61 ff. 129, 37 lines to a page. Cent, xiii late, in ordinary law hand, English. Calf binding of cent, xviii. Bookplate of M. Johnson of Spalding 1735. Sold at Sotheby's, March 1898.




Collation: i''2--5^ (wants i?)6— 9*^ 10 (three) ii" | gap | 12 (three) 13^ (wants 5) 14 (two) 15 (three) 16 (ist and last only left) 17^ (wants 2?) 18" 19^ (wants 6) 20" 2 1*'.

Contents :

1. Registrum Breviuni.

Beginning imperfectly De recto and ending in De assoc. clans.

There are several gaps. Quire 2 is marked g in old

pencil. There is a gap after quire 4 (De record, et proc).

Quire 5 begins zvarr. cart. On the margin of 40 Pateat

etc. me Will™ White de Pine' recepisse de Joh. Chatt' de

eadem etc. A gap between 80 (De vasto) and Si (Quare impedit). On the margin of 89 Pateat etc. me Thomam fil. Rogeri

Arnald De S^'afeld recepisse de Joh. Hyngham de Redeling-

ton etc. ff. 91, 92 are worn and cut. They contain formulas oi causae.

Pone pro defcndente etc.

2. Statutes :

Marleberge, cap. i end to viii Westminster L XV to xxiii . Gloucester, iii to .xvii . Westminster II, i (part) to end Westminster III (two lines) . Expl. Stat, de Religiosis Inc. Stat. Wyntonys Stat, de Mercatoribus

de ponderibus et mensuris

de bigamis

de p.mendis in ass.

de gaueleto in Lond.

prohibicionum (i line) .

quo warranto II (imperfect)

quia fines

de homagio et fidel. faciend

Districciones Scaccarii .

de Scaccario .

de Justic. assignat (imperf. )

de coniunctim feoffatis .

Prerogatiua Regis (imperf) Dies communes in banco

in placito dotis Modus calumniandi essonia

f. 93 95 97 99 15^ 16 16 173 19


20 20 20 b










M. C.




142. Statutes.

Vellum, 8i x 5^, K 72+ 10, 40 lines to a page. Cent, xiv, well written : initials mostly cut out : those that remain have good pen ornament; they are in blue and red.

Calf binding, on flyleaf (xviii) : Statuta MSS. XLIX.

Collation: a'- (wants 10, 11) i^--6^l

Contents :

On \a pen-trials and the name Jon Byrch.

i b Mem. quod W. B. Cardemaker tenetur per obi. soluere Th. Stafford de

Couent{r)e Wiredrawer in xx" st. vi die augusti anno r. r. H. vj viii° (1429-30)

et pro V marc, vi^ viii'* et xx''. ii a miscellaneous notes and verses. \\b Tot statuta continentur in isto volumine. iii a Capitula of Magna Charta, etc. as far as Westminster II. ix blank, xrt List of shires, number of churches (45016) and vills (52088). x/' List of Affinitates.

Note of Obit of Henry V, Henry IV, Richard II, Edward III. Statutes :

Magna Carta i de foresta 3 b

Sentencia lata super cartas 5 Merton 8 b Marleberg ()b Westminster I 13 Gloucester 20/'

Articulus statuti Gloucestr. 22^ Westminster II 23 HI 37 de religiosis 37 de Mercatoribus 37 <5 Wyntonie 39 de finibus 40 3 de coniunctim feoffatis 41 b Articuli cleri 42 b de uocatis ad warantum 44 de superuenientibus ante indi- cium 44 b de cambii parte 45 de vasto facto tempore alieno 45 de consultacionibus concedendis

45/' de quo waranto 45 h de ponend. in assisis 46 de malefactoribus in parcis 46 b

de appellatis 47

Lincoln, de Escaetoribus 47

declaracio conspiratorum 47 (^

de protectionibus allocandis 48

de recognicionibus in finibus 48

Karliol. de appositis religiosorum 48 b

Prerogatiua Regis 49 /'

de bigamis 51

de frangentibus prisonam 5 1 b

de Scaccario 5 1 b

districciones Scaccarii 53

Hibernie de coheredibus 53 b

de wardis et releuiis 54

Extenta manerii 54 b

modus excepcionum 55

,, calumpniandi essonia 55 iuramentum Vicecomitis 55*5 modus leuandi fines 55 (5

,, faciendi homagium 56 capitula iteneris 56 b Visus franciplegii 57 de militibus faciendis 57 (^ de defensione portandi arma 58 armorum 58 de forstallariis 58 b composicio ulnarum et particarum 59


de ulnis et bussellis 59 Ebor. anno r. r. E. secundi 12" 64 d

comp. nionete et mensurarum 59 de iiiridi cera etc. 6^d

de moneta 59/; litera patens super prisisbonorumcleri 66

articuli eiusdem 60 de terris Templar. 67

assisa panis et ceruisic 60 de Justic. assign. 68

Stat, panis et ceruisie 61 expositio uocabulorum 68 3

iudicium pillorie 61 circumspecte agatis 69

addicio de foresta 62 Tract, de ponderibus et mensuris 69 1>

de inquisicionibus 63 de anno et die bisextili 70

de gaueletis 63 de quo waranto nouum 70

Exonie 63 (5 de quo waranto magnum 70/'

Lincoln, de vicccomilibus 64

yi/>. In a later hand a table in three columns headed respectively: Sacciis Petra Libra

beginning v marc. ii^ vj'' ob. ii''

ending xviii marc, x^ ix"^ vii<^ quart. viii^

72 3 blank.

The table at the beginning adds to the Statutes enumerated above:

Statutum come Hugh Articulus Norhampton

Al hon"" de dieu Stapule

Norhampton de prosecucione Hugonis le despenser

Seinte Katerine Statutum Ebor. de anno nono Seint Michel

143. Breton de Legibus Angliae.

Vellum, 8^ X 5|, ff. 138 old, 180 in all, double columns of 36 lines. Cent, xiii-xiv and xvi, in good law hand. Red and blue initials.

Modern dark green morocco binding.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 3098: "ex Bibliotheca Battlesden in Bibliothecam Phillippicani translatus. March 1827."

Lot loi in the sale of 1895.

Collation: 1^-14** 15" \& 17^ the rest modern.

Contents :

Bretton de Legibus Angliae f. 1

Edward par la grace deu Rey de engleterre.

Lib. II, 40 /^ III, 85 b.

The old hand ends 138/^ (de amesurement de doweir, c. 113).

A neat xvith cent, hand continues, ending c. 126, al retorne de

celuy. Finis . . . . . . . . 151

Le Primer Table conteynt les Chapt"^ en tout ceo Liuer. The table is on the smaller leaves of paper.

19 2

292 catalogue of manuscripts. [^44-

144. Frowyk Lectures.

Paper, 1 1 x 8, fif. 54 + 4, 26 lines to a page. Cent, xvi early, in good clear hand. Modern binding.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 11888 ; lot 379 in the sale of 1895. Collation: a" i^^-f"".

Contents :

Ffrowyk lector Autumpno anno X" H. vii.

super statutum de Praerogatiua Regis [17 Ed. 2]. Dominus Rex habebit custodiam. Deuaunt ceux heures diuers oppinions ount este. Ends on cap. xvi, p. 52 : ne poret prescriber dauer lenheritaiis deuaunt lez fitz. Expl.

Sir Thomas Frowyk died chief justice of the common pleas in 1506. See Diet. Nat. Biog., Cooper, A then. Cant. I. 10, ¥oss, Judges, V. 51 etc.

145. Bracton (Lanthony).

Vellum, loi X 6, ff. 144+ 5, double columnsof 76 lines. Cent, xiii late, the text in a wonderfully good minute hand on fine vellum. Much serrated ornament and many grotesques in outline on the margins.

Binding of cent, xviii.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 8126 (or 17554), no. 136 in sale of 1896.

In the cover are the following entries :

1. Baker & S. Dr John Campbells and Rich Blythe Esq's auct. of Bs and MSS... Lot 21 (with 20).

2. Leigh & Sotheby's at G. Scotts auct. of Books and MSS.

3. (pencil) 1810 Dr B.

4. J. Baynes Grey's Inn 1781.

A leaf of notes on the Lanthony Charters at the end headed no. 139, fo. 14.^ b. P'rom this it appears that G. Scott had the book before J. Baynes.

The deeds copied at the end show that the book belonged to the Priory of Lanthony near Gloucester ; many MSS. from this house are in Lambeth Palace Library. See my tract On the Manu- scripts in the Library of LambetJi Palace {CdiXVih. Ant. Soc. 1900).


Collation: (wants 1-3) i-" 2"^ 3-" 4'- S^" 6'-(i, 2 cane.) 71" S'" 9^1

Contents :

A Table of Chapters not in the same hand, perhaps, as the text . f. ii-v Bracton de Legibus Angliae ....... i

In Kege qui recte regit.

Ends f. 143 a (last nibric Si statim uenire debeat reus).

sine inde preceptum habuerint sine non.

Laus tibi sit Christe quoniam liber explicit iste

Premia scriptori reddantur de meliori.

On the next three pages, in other hands, follow copies of documents relating to Lanthony.

I. 2 Non. Jan. 131 3. John Prior of Lanthony to John Bp of Llandaff presenting John de Aku to the Vicarage of Caldecote.

1. XV Kal. Jan. 1313. The same to Richard Bp of Hereford asking him to ordain Will, de Lemestre, clerk, to the title of the Hospital of S. Mary Magdalene outside Gloucester.

3. 1 8 Oct., 4 Edw. II. The same acknowledging receipt of a mark due in Chardeleye confirmed to them by Aymer de Valence.

4. Pope John (XXII) setting forth the case of Thomas Bp of Meath whose deputies for visiting the church of St Kenan at Denelek (in Ireland) belonging to Lanthony had been refused admittance. 6 Kal. Mar. 3rd year of pontificate.

5. 5 Id. Mai. 1319. John Prior of Lanthony. Reply to above (?): badly written.

6. St Dunstan's Day. 12 Ed. II. The same appointing John Parage (Burgens. de Baldocke) bailiff of the manor of Henl....

The grotesques on the margins are exceedingly funny and very varied.

Note on f. i, two people in a caldron, v, a mermaid, viii, man on gallows.

They cease almost entirely after about fol. xx.

146. Confraternity Book (Urbino).

Vellum, 9 X 6^, ff. 35, 27 etc. lines to a page. Cent, xvi (1564), in Italian hand partly Roman,

Old binding, stamped skin over paper boards, metal bosses and clasps gone.

At the end an oval stamp :


Collatioti : i-» (i cane.) 2^-6-» 7'' 8''.


Contents :

Capitoli Ordini e Osseruanze clella deuota Compagnia di Maria

Gioseppe della magnifica citta d' Urbino. Bordered with conventional and real flowers and foliage. At bottom

in a wreath a shield az. three bends or. In the initial are busts

of the Father and Son, with the Dove above. In the initial of ch. ix is a date, 1564 Sept. 7 : similarly at ch. x

17 Sept. 1564: at xiii 21 Sept. 1564: at xiv 22 Sept. 1564: at

xvii 27 Sept. 1564: at xviii 1564 a di 8 de Ottobre. Finis.

The date 1564 occurs also in initials to earlier chapters. f. 23 ^ blank.

Regulations for discipline f. 24

Bordered page.

f. 25. Border, and miniature of the descent of the Holy Ghost.

The Virgin in C. f. 27. Border and miniature, a clerk in blue kneeling. Open

book on desk. On R. four more clerks. f. 28. Border, and miniature of a man (a penitent) kneeling to a

priest, who holds chalice. Other worshippers on L. On f. 28 b autograph confirmation of the Statutes etc. by ffelix

Tyrannius Calliensis, abp of Urbino, 7 Jan. 1565, with seal, and

signature of the secretary, Sansonettus de Sansonettis. f. 29. Another hand. Order of admission to the Confraternity.

Bordered. Ends f. 35 with Hymn : Joseph stirpis dauitice, sponse aime

theotoce. After each verse, in red : Ubi caritas et amor ibi deus est.

147. 147-149 Diplomas.

Vellum, 9x6i, ff. 8 + 2, 19 lines to a page. Cent, xvii (1619), in a fine italic hand. Signed on f. 8/;: Lo Spagnuolo scrittore. Original cover.

Diploma of Doctorate in Laws of the University of Bologna granted to Giac. Silva of Correggio 18 Dec. 1619, with autograph signatures and stamped notary's mark.

Frontispiece coarsely painted of the Virgin and Child throned, on clouds, adored by St Francis and a saint in red cape, surplice, and red robe. Three shields below.

Two full-page pictures of arms at the end.

In the book, on paper, is a captain's commission granted to Giuseppe Barbanti Silva by Rinaldo Duke of Modena in 1736.



Vellum, 8i X 6, ff. 4, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xvii (1661), italic hand.

Original cover.

Diploma of Doctorate of Laws given at Pisa 12 June 166 1 to Franc, de Lenzis of Pistoia. Autograph signatures.

A coat of arms (Lenzo) occupies most of p. i .


Vellum, 9| x 6i^, ff. 4, 37 lines to a page. Cent, xviii (1730). Cover like that of 148, seal attached.

Diploma of Doctorate in Laws granted at Padua 11 May 1720 to Ant. Scarduelli : with autograph signatures.

Frontispiece of arms coarsely painted, and border to first page of text.

150. Patent of Nobility (Spanish).

Vellum, 13I X 9I, ff. 48, 35 lines to a page. Cent, xvi (1537), in very good Gothic hand.

Vellum wrapper, sale ticket (no. 647), Purchased at Sotheby's. Collation: 1^-41" 5^

Contents ;

Title in red and yellow on f. \a in frame :

Preuilegio de Juan Sa;/ches Kendow v' de triana guarda et collacio« de seuilla

sacado cow abtoridad de jues de coino es del linaje de los Rendones. En la muy noble e muy leal cibdad de seuilla (26 July 1537).

There are a number of fine large initials in blue and red with penwork in red, blue, purple : also borders in penwork.

On f. 45 b there is a full page painting, within frame and border but on plain ground, of the shield and crest of Rendon.

The shield has red and green mantling hung with gold hawk- bells. This page has suffered from damp.

There is a marginal analysis in Spanish (as is all the text) of later date.


151. Patent of Nobility (Spanish).

Vellum, iif X 7|, ff. 82, 27 lines to a page. Cent, xvii (1624), in a fine Roman hand.

Original red morocco binding with very elaborate gold tooling.

From Mr Gibson Craig's collection according to a pencil note in the cover.

Bookplate of Gibson Craig with motto Deo et Regi.

Collation: i^^-5" 6^-.

Contents :

Carta de hidalguia granted to Pedro Burguete de Caramanchel dated at Valladolid 4 Sept. 1624.

Every page is framed in black, headings either in plain black capitals or in gold on a band of full red.

The heraldic decorations have not been inserted, but an elaborate frontispiece was evidently intended. The silk guards remain here and in other places.

The seal is gone. The writing is extremely fine and clear.

152. Aesopus.

Paper, 6 x 4^^, ft". 56, 20 lines to a page. Cent, xv (1461) in good Gothic Italian hand.

Old binding, brown leather stamped with cable pattern over wooden boards, one clasp remains.

Probably purchased at Milan.

An old pressmark (xviii) E II on cover.

Collation: i^^ 2'^ S'^-S'".

The hand changes more than once.

Contents :

I. Aesopi Fabulae Latine.

Prologue of Ognibene of Lonigo dedicating the version to

Johannes Franciscus (Gonzaga I, Marquis of Mantua

1407-1444) f. I

(R)espicienti mihi etatis pristine uiros.

Ends 2 b : Nunc autem libellum istum queso ita suscipias ut in

eo si quid forte dignum inueneris Uictorino (i.e. Vittorino

da Feltre) prestantissimo uiro id omne contribuas.


De uuipe et aquila Lib

Uulpes et aquila amicitiam inierant.

There are 1 24 Fables, the last two are :

Filias diues pater habebat geminas

Pecudes per neniora pascebantur.

Ending : F"abula docet. Non nullos homines ignotis et alienis

hominibus prodesse. familiaribus uero et benefactoribus suis

oflfendere uidemus. Deo gratias amen. In smaller hand : hoc opus perfectum fuit 1461 die 12 Octobris

hora 7a noctis. 54 b. Expl. esopus clarissimi ac prestantissimi oratoris Omnia-

beni leonicensis de greco in latinum traductus eloquium.

(Fabric. Bibl. Gr. i. 643 note.) 2. A dialogue between Virtue and Mercury . . . . 54 (5

Virtus decs per epistolas orauit modo ut ad se irem. eo ut

percuncter quidnam me uelit. allico ad iouem redibo. Ending 56 b : Eternum latitandum est ergo et immunda et

despecta habeor. Deo gratias amen.

153. Bacon super Secreta Secretorum.

Vellum, 8^ x 6, ff. 167+4, 2)7 lines to a page (text and comment in large and small hand). Cent, xv late, clearly written in somewhat current hand, very neat.

Old English red morocco binding of cent, xviii.

Contains the bookplate of Maurice Johnson of Spalding 1735 engraved by G. Vertue.

On f I of text :

Liber Johan. Vandernoott professus in


On the paper flyleaf a pencil copy of Bacon's portrait, see below.

Sold at Sotheby's March 1898 (no. 971).

Collation: a- i^'^-G^" f 8'" 9"^ (6 cane.) 10"' ii'" I2« i3"'-i6i" if i8« (wants 5-8) b-.

Two vellum flyleaves. The first has " no. cvi " and a title of cent, xviii beginning :

Liber Secreti Secretorum Aristotelis ad Regem Alexandrum (|ui intitulatur Liber decern Scientiarum, cum quibusdam declaracionibus ffratris doctissimi Angli Rogcri Bacon etc.

On ii a an account of Roger Bacon.

Cl. Rogeri Bacon patronus fuit Dn. Clemens IV. P. M. 1265. Ends :

um S'" Bonaventura Commercium habuit Epistolare.


On ii (^ is a circular portrait (under half-length) of Roger Bacon facing left in a black habit, blue ground. In gold in the spandrels at top (the portrait is set in a square) is FRYER BACON.

Below :

Ex Archetypo in Pinacotheca 111™' Principis D"' Lionelli Cranfield Sackville Ducis Dorsett apud Knowle in Com. Cant.

Delineauit G. Vertue Soc. Antiq. et Gen. Spald^. Sc. 1732. Pinxit W. Bogdani Ar. eaium et Socc. et Regiae Soc.

Bogdani was a Hungarian who worked in England early in cent, xviii. His father James Bogdani (d. 1720) was more celebrated.

Contents :

I. Inc. Tractatus breuis et utilis ad declarandum quedam obscure dicta in libro secreti secretorum Aiistotilis quem librum edidit aristotiles ad pieces Alexandri magni in sua senectute. quem tractatum fecit frater Rogeius Bacun de ordine minoruni intuitu caritatis ad instructionem quorundam sapientum. Quem tractatum si sapiens intueatur et bene omnia discuciat una cum notabilibus que ipsemet fr. Rogerus posuit supra textum in multis locis et diuersis inueniet ultima nature secreta. ad que homo siue humana inuencio in hac uita poterit peruenire. ad que quiscunque posset pertingere uere princeps mundi poterit nominari. nee desperet quisquis propter difificultatem quoniam si naturas rerum cognouerit scienciam perspectiue et astronomiam ista secreta non poterunt eum latere, et habet capitula (7) f. i

The initial has a bust (by Bogdani) of Aristotle in green robe, red tippet, red cap, long beard, facing R., on blue ground.

Capitula follow.

Text. Propter multa in hoc libro contenta qui liber dicitur secretum secretorum.

In cc. vi, vii are several diagrams.

Ends 13 rt: et ista cum dictis in litera intellectu uigentibus sufficiunt ad presens.

Expl. tract, fr. Rogeri Bacon declaratorius de libro secreti secretorum Arist.

Item capitulum extractum de quodam opere quod fecit idem fr. Rog. Bacon de ord. min. ad mandatum pape dementis. Et ualet ad exposicionem dictorum et dicendorum in textu . 13

Sequitur de sciencia experimentali que est dignior omnibus aliis et capiet omnes sicut aues inuiscatas. Expl.

Item bene post in eodem libro dicit . . . . . 17^

Deinde cogitaui opus aliud mittere uel pretermittere sanctitati uestre

Et sic terminatur intencio operis utriusque. Expl.


Item aliud capitulum eiusdcm fr. R. B. de ord. min. de potestate iieibi. et illud cap. est extractum de prima parte maioris operis quod fecit ad mandatum pape dementis . f. 18 Deiiule comparo linguarum utilitatem ad ecclesiam dei

et dracones de cauernis et fugare secundum libitum liominis et uti eis. De falscinatione . . . . ^9 "

Et hie oritur omne genus falscinationis

quia natura est instrumentum diuine operacionis. Item aliud capit. eiusdem R. B. de eadem materia . . 20 i>

Vestre peticioni respondeo diligenter quia licet nature potestas sit mirabilis

ut pellissalamandreet tale et huiusmodi que adiuncta (?) aliquo inflamma(n)lur et lucent. Item fr. R. B. in tercio opere sic dicit secundum quod hie scribitur usque ad perspectiuam, non est in maiori opere, sed tamen illud idem in secundo opere lacius continetur et aliter explicatur .....••••• '^5

Post hec sequatur compavacio mathematice ad rem publicam fidelium dirigendam

cum frequens est eclipsis lune in eadem regione non sic de sole. Quod per astronomiam possunt sciri presencia preterita et futura 28 i

Hec igitur et huiusmodi multa consideranda sunt in celestibus quatenus sciamus complexiones

—in centum annis ut uult Ariit. in libro secretorum. Quod constellaciones obseruande sunt in omnibus aclibus . 31

Posui igitur propter has causas loca mundi astronomice in scripto et figura

eligere ydoneum uel contrarium euitare. Quod res possunt fieri in temporibus electis que producant

bonum persone et rei publice 3' ^

Sed maiora sunt his. nam ultima secreta nature

ut parati sunt bella dare quandocunque ueniunt christiani. Expl. 2. Inc. primus prologus Philippi in libro moralium de Regimine regum principum ac dominorum qui dicitur secretum secre- torum ab Arist. philosopho editus (!) ad peticionem Alex, magni. In quo ultima secreta nature sub uelamine traduntur sicut in prologo patet et in Cap. tertio quem librum transtulit Philippus de lingua arabica in latinam ad peticionem guydonis de Valencia ciuitatis Napolis pontificis. Et intitulatur liber decem scientiarum a quibusdam sapientibus. Et diuiditur in partes quatuor siue libros 4. Et cuiuslibet partis siue libri sunt capitula plurima. Et notabilia que subscribuntur in locis certis et glosa interliniaris sunt Fratris Rogeri Bacon de ord. fr. minorum ....•••• 34

Domino suo excellentissimo feliciter peruenire.


Capitula . . . . . , . . . f- 35

Cap. I de prol. cuiusdam doctoris in commendatione Aristotilis 40

Deus omnipotens custodial regem. The text is in a larger script which now first appears : Bacon's

annotations are in small hand. The initial has a head of Alexander with lion's skin copied

from a coin, doubtless by Eogdani. Cap. 2, lohannis qui transtulit librum bis et de Inuencione libri 43

Cap. 3, et Epistola Arist. O fili gloriosissime ... 44

Pars II, de Regimine sanitatis ...... 68

Pars III, de consideracionibus et utiiibus rei publice et regnorum

siue naturalibus sine moralibus . . . . . . 113

Bust of beardless man in red cap facing L., blue ground, by

Bogdahi. Pars IV, in qua docet phisonomiam humani corporis etc, . 159

Ends f. 166 (5: ad meliorem et probabiliorem partem. Completus est tract, de signis et moribus naturalibus hominum

ad Regem Alex, magnificuni qui dominatus fuit toti orbi

dictusque monarcha in sept{ent)rione. (Bacon.) Non est hie liber completus in latinosed multa magnalia

deficiunt ut patet ex greco et arabico. Item cum in correctione

istius exemplaris habui quatuor exemplaria scio quod ablata

sunt ab eis quedam capitula per stulticiam aliquorum Et ideo

querantur cum aliis exemplaribus. solebam enim habere

integrum quantum fuit translatum. Expl. lib. secreti secretorum Arist. ad reg. Alex, qui intitulatur

liber decern scienciarum cum quibusdam declarationibus fr.

Rogeri Bacun de ordine minorum. Deo gracias. Cent, xvi: Dixisli foelix moriere beatior, I nunc

spes tibi uita fuit, mors tibi munus erit. On verso : Posterity

Crowns have y""^ periods Length of days its date Triumphs y'^ tombs Posterity its Fate.

Other copies of the Secreta Secretorum with Bacon's annota- tions are C.C.C.C. Oxon. 149, Trin. Coll. Camb. O. i. 12 etc.

154. Aristotle.

Vellum, ii|x8^, ff. 295, 33 lines to a page. Cent, xiii late, finely written with broad margins. Parisian, written by Johannes Gallensis.

Blue velvet binding.

From the Sneyd Collection (Keele Hall, Staffordshire), no. 49 in the sale catalogue (Sotheby's) Dec. 1903.


Collation: i'--io'- ii" i2'--i6'- i;^ i8'--24i- 25" (wants 14).

Contents :

Aristotelis opera varia.

1. Physicorum libri viii.

I. Quoniam quidem intelligere et scire . . . . f. i ii.f.8. ui. 15 (no initial), \\.^lb. v. 35. vi. 41. vu. 50.

VIII. 55. Ending 69 b : nullam habens magnitudinem. Expl. lib. phisicorum aristotelis et qui scripsit benedictus.

Amen 69;^

2. The first page of the Meleora, copied by mistake here. See

art. 5. De primis quidem igitur causis nature et de omni motu . 70

omnis ipsius uirtus gubernetur [inde].

3. De celo et mundo .......•• loo

De natura scientia fere plurima.

II. f. 84. III. 96. IV. 104.

determinatum sit nobis hoc modo. Expl. lib. de c. et m. arist. philosophi translatus de greco in

latinum 108 (^

4. De generatione et corruptione ...... 109

De generatione autem et corruptione.

II. f. 122.

qualis contingit non esse corruptibilius.

Expl. lib. de gen. et corr '3°

130^5 blank.

5. Metheororum libri '3i

De primis quidem igitur causis.

II. 143 h. III. 157 b. IV. 164.

uelud hominem plantam et alia talia. Expl. lib. metheororum de noua translacione. Amen . . 174

6. De anima . . . 174''

Bonorum honorabilium notiliam opinantes.

11. 182. Ill is wrongly marked and an initial given at 191 b

quod autem non sit sensus alius, but really begins 194^: De parte autem anime. This a corrector has noted. Ends : significet aliquid alteri. Expl. lib. tercius de anima. Scriptus per Johannem

Gall(ensem) iqS-^

7. De sensu et sensato . . . . ^99 Quoniam autem de anima secundum ipsam

et reminiscentia et sompno. Expl. lib. de s. et s. . 208

8. Inc. lib. de memoria et reminiscentia ..... 208 De memoria autem

—propter quam causam dictum est. Expl. de mem. et rem. 211 b

9. De .Sompno et Vigilia . . . 211^




De sompno autem et uigilia

diuinacione dictum est. Expl. lib. de s. et v. . . f. 219(5

10. Inc. de longitudine et breuitate uite 219 3

De eo autem quod est hec quidem esse longe uite . . 220 finem utique habebit. que de animalibus metodus. It. Hie inc. liber de iuuentute et senectute .... 222 De iuuentute autem et senectute . . . 221 b fere dictum est de omnibus. Expl.

12. Inc. phisionomia aristotelis 232

Quoniam (D is written instead of Q) et anime secuntur corpora

et sapientie plurime super apparentia fit. Expl. phision. arist. scripta per Johannen Galenssem.

13. Prologus in librum de porno siue de morte aristotelis perypa-

tetici philosophorum principis gloriorissimi hie inc. . . 240 b Cum homo creaturarum dignissima

qui causam hylaritatis sue mortis discere uol(uer)unt. Finito prologo Inc. liber de morte et uita aristotelis . . 241 b Cum clausa esset uia ueritatis sapientibus

animam hominis directi et perfecti sicut tu es. Expl. lib. de morte ar. siue de porno.

Inc. liber de bona fortuna 246

Habitum autem utique erit hiis dicere quoniam de felicitate est sermo de bona fortuna

ex hiis quam uocamus kalokagathiam etc. Expl. lib. de bona fortuna. De coloribus rubrica ........ 248 b

Simplices colorum sunt quicumque elementis

maxime utique aliquis que dicta sunt potest uidere.

Expl. lib. de col. et inc. lib. de nilo 254 b

De inundatione fluuii ........ 255

Propter quid aliis fluminibus in hyeme

de nilo quidem igitur hec dicta sunt. Explicit expliceat bibere scriptor eat.

Inc. liber de motu animalium 257

De motu autem eo qui

reliquum est de generatione dicere. Expl. Hb. de motibus animalium 262

18. Inc. liber de uegetabilibus et plantis 262 b

Quia enim ut ait empedocles

et erit fructus amarus. Expl. lib. de ueg. et plantis 276(5

19. De proprietatibus elementorum 277

Postquam premissus est sermo a nobis

illud cuius uolumus declarationem. Expl. lib. de causis proprietatum elementorum.

20. De causis (propositions in larger script) .... 286 Omuis causa primaria plus est influens etc.

non acquirens sicut ostendimus completus est sermo. Expl. lib. de causis ^95 ^






The decoration is of very good quality. Each treatise and book of a treatise (except Physica III) has an initial in gold and colour. On f i is a border on three sides of the page.

At top are two grotesques, and at bottom two hounds pursuing a hare to R. and three trees.

Headlines are in red and blue, small initials also in red and blue with tailed ornament in pieces alternately red and blue, bordering the whole side of the page on which they occur. There are good diagrams, e.g. on ff. 87, 152 d. The ruling of the pages is complicated and unusual.

155. Aristotle.

Vellum, 12^ X 8f, ff. 249 + 4, double columns of 33 lines. Cent, xiii, in a very fine black hand.

Parchment binding, lined with parts of two leaves of a large Italian Antjphoner of cent, xiv or xv with music on four-line stave.

Belonged to Henry White, J. P., D.L., F.S.A., no. 67 in the sale at Sotheby's April 1902.

Collation: a- i^'-;!- 8 9^2-1 31- (+ slip) 141- 15^ 16'^^- 18'- 19" 20^" 21^^ 22^ (4 cane.) 232 b-.

Contents :

Aristotelis quae sequuntur.

1. Physicorum libri viii ........ f. i

Quoniam quidem intelligere.

II. 7. III. 13. IV. 19. V. 3ii5. VI. 38. VII. 461^. VIII. 51(5. magnitudinem. Expl. octauus liber phisicorum Ar. Deo gratias.

2. De lineis indiuisibilibus ........ 661^

Utrum sunt indiuisibiles linee

puncta autem habet ....... 70

3. De celo et mundo. De natura scientia . . . . ^ob II. 83. III. 95(5. IV. 104.

De gen. autem et corr. eorum que natura fiunt et cetera.

4. De generatione et corruptione. De gen. autem . . . 109 II. 121. qualis contingit non esse. Expl. lib. de gen. et c.

Amen 128 />

5. Metheora. De primis quidem igitur causis . . . . 129 II. 141. III. 155. IV. 161.

plantam et alia talia. Expl. lib. methaurorum.

6. De inundatione Nili. Propter quid aliis fluminibus . . 171^

ex quibus aqua facta impletur nilus . . . . I73^

174 blank.


7. De aninia. Bonorum honorabilium noticiam . . . f. 175 II. 182. in. 191 (begins Quod autem non sit, as in 154)

significet aliquid alteri.

8. De sensu et sensato. Quoniam autem de anima . . . 198

et sompno.

9. De memoria et reminiscentia. De mem. autem . . . 206

dictum est.

10. De sompno et uigilia. De sompno autem .... 209

in sompniis est deriuacione (sc. divinacione) . . 217

11. De longitudine et breuitate uite. De eo autem quod est . ■217 i5

de animalibus metodus.

12. De iuuentute et senectute. De iuuent. autem . . . 220

dictum est de omnibus ...... 232

13. De progressu animalium. De partibus autem oportunis . T-},''-b

consequens est de anima contemplari.

14. De motu animalium. De motu autem eo . . . . 24 1 ^

de geneiatione dicere.

Doubtless a Parisian book. Each treatise and book has a most beautiful decorative initial recalling those in the small Paris Bibles. The red and blue 'tailed ' ornament is here as In 154.

The one historiated initial is the first, which shows Aristotle in pointed hat seated in a chair with hand to head thinking. The ground is light red.

Marginal notes are principally on the Physica and Meteora.

156. Aristotle.

Vellum, I2| X 6|, ff. 'j'j, double columns of 32 lines. Cent, xiii, in a very good hand, probably Parisian.

Olive calf by Lewis.

Formerly MS. Phillipps 4252, once in the collection of the Rev. H. Drury of Harrow ; no. 28 in the sale at Sotheby's March 1895.

It is of curious dimensions, tall and narrow, possibly broad outer margins have been cut off.

Collation: i (six) 2 (one) 3^'- (wants i, 12) 4^' (wants 8) 51--8'- 9 (five).

Contents :

Aristotelis quae sequuntur.

1. Metheora, beginning in Lib. iv. . . . . . . f. i

interiori caliditate aut exteriori

alia talia. Expl. lib. metheororum.

2. One leaf of Lib. i. of the Metaphysics .... 7


3. De generatione ct corruptione, beginning imperfectly . . f. 8 Lib. II. \']h. contingit non esse. Expl. lib. de gen. Attached to this leaf (24 (^) is a bit of a vellum printed book

with printer's mark (white on red) B. T. (Baptista de Tortis, Venice, 1481-15 14).

4. De celo et mundo. De natura scientia .... 25 II. 37. III. 48.

que natura hunt. Expl. liber cell et mundi.

5. De sensu et sensato. Quoniam autem de anima ... 60

et sompno. Expl. lib. de s. et s.

6. Inc. liber de memoria et reminiscentia. De memoria autem . 69

dictum est. Expl. lib. de mem. et rem.

7. De causis (large and small script). Omnis causa primaria . 73 Ending imperfectly : Omnis substantia destructibilis non

About one leaf of text is missing.

Nos. 4-7 have each a very fine decorative initial mainly in dark blue, pink and punctured gold. There are also initials in blue and red and serrated blue and red border-ornaments.

157. M. T. CiCERONis Epistolae Familiares.

Paper, 8i x 5f, ff. 152, 38 lines to a page. Cent, xv (1471), in a good Florentine hand : the ink has run somewhat. Modern green morocco by Zaehnsdorf. Purchased of Olschki in 1892. Collation: i^'^-i^"' I5'l

Contents :

Marci TuUii Ciceronis Epistolarum familiarium liber primus feliciterad Lenlulum. Marcus TuUius Cicero Salutem dicit Lentulo proconsuli. Diligenter lege. Ego omni officio ac potius pietate. Partial border and initial of good execution. An ornament in the lower border

with a space for a shield within a wreath, blacked over. Lib. II, f. 10 <^. Ill, 17*^. IV, 26 ^. V, 35. VI, 46. VII, 55*^. viii,65. ix, 69.

X, 83^. XI, 973. Xll, Io6(^. XIII, 117. XIV, 133. XV, 137 rt. XVI, 146.

Ending 152 Q. Cicero Tironi...Miriticam

Me ama. Vale. The order of letters at the begiiming of lib. xvi (compared wiih C. F. A. Nobbe's

text) is V, VII, i-iv, VI, VIII, etc. In red :

Extat Epistolarum liber hie expletus in Anno Mille quater centum turn septuaginta per orbem Uno cum Thoma Baldinocto instar at ignis Tempore quo tandem \'ergini ardebat Amore.

M. C. 20





Vellum and paper, 6| x 4f, ff. 108, 21 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a good small Italic hand.

Modern binding.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 9180, no. 923 in the sale of 1898.

On f. I at bottom in a wreath is a shield : g-u/es two swords in saltire argent, in base a mountain sable : on a chief az. three fleurs de lis or with a label of four points gules.

A red stamp of an oval shield bearing three letters C. O. G. (?) and surmounted by a coronet, of late date, occurs twice on the same page.

Collation: i^'^-cj^", the outer and middle sheets of each quire are vellum.

Contents :

I. Junii Juuenalis aquinatis satyrarum poetae clarissimi prime

satyrae initium lege foeliciter. Materiam et causas satyrarum hac inspice prima Semper ego auditor. There are marginal names in red, and short scholia (on Satires

i vi). The first of these is on reponain. i. describam ut

uulteranus persius ait. nee ponere lucum, etc., et ut oratius

Scriptor honoratum si forte reponis achillem. Codru?,. Codrus fuit poeta pauperrimus ut habebimus infra. Each satire has an argument in one or two lines. The first

has a pretty initial. Satire xvi precedes xv, which ends : omne legumen. Deo

gratias reXos. 1. A. persii uulterani satyrarum initium lege feliciter . . f. 93

Nee fonte labra etc. Pretty initial : gold on blue. Ends : finitor acerui. Deo gratias immortales.

159. Priscianus.

Vellum, i2|xio^, ff. 144 + 2, double columns of 30 lines. Cent. X in a fine minuscule.

Binding of cent, xv (?), pigskin over wooden boards, stamped with two roll stamps (one a frieze of figures and shields, the other of foliage) which form nine parallel vertical bands on each cover. Clasps gone.


Flyleaves at each end from a fine tenth century Missal (with neumes) being parts of two leaves at the beginning and three at the end, containing offices for Sundays after Pentecost.

Formerly belonged to the monastery of St Maximin at Treves.

On f I of text (xvii) is N. 83 and Ex libris Imperialis Monasterii

S. Maximini.

Purchased in 1902 of Hirsch of Munich, no. 39 in " Catalogus

? librorum nianuscriptorum e Bibliotheca G(orres)iana."

Collation : a} A^-s* b^ Contents :

On f. I is a series of very faint notes on the Greelt letters. On {.id (later than the text, but early) are other notes.

a. Quis. Priscianus Persona

Quid Grammaticam Rem


d. In libris autenticis vii periochie i. circumstantie requirende sunt .i. quis etc.

c. pos id est quomodo Pu id est ubi. topos idest locus pope quomodo Cronos tempus Paten unde and other scribbles.

Also the title in rustic capitals, initial filled with red, Ars Prisciani uiri elo/quentissimi grammatici/ Caesariensis incip. feliciter/

Scripsi ego Theodorus Dyoni/sius VD memorialis sacri/ scrinii Epistolarum et ad/iutor UM questoris in ur/ be Roma Constantinopolitana/ME. kl. octob. Indictione V/ Olibrio v. c. Cons/ (uncials) Priscianus Gramat. Caesar (rustic) luliano Consu/ari ac Patricio. Cum omnis eloquentia ......... f. 2

The initial, in bold black outline, has a distinctly Celtic aspect.

possit locis Inueniri. Primus liber continet de uoce ....... 2 /?

(Lib. i) Phylosophi definiunt uocem 3

Bold Celtic initial, one letter filled with green.

Lib. n small initial 13

Another small initial on 1 5 d.

Lib. Ill, 23/^.

On 25 3 at top a passage in simple cipher explaining a Greek

passage in the text. Lib. IV. 30 (5. V. 37. Ends : id est per lumen. Expl. Lib. v. de generibus de numeris

de figura de casu. Hoc penum peni hoc penus penoris, etc. : Scholium says, Ab


aliquo studioso additum et a prisciano lequisitum et responsum

credimus istud. Ends: MH exoNxec ton AikoN(Npi6mon. Lib. VI, 48. VII, 62/'. ^'iii, 77 /a Elaborate initial with green

and dark red filling, ff. 84, 85 are at least in part by another scribe. Lib. IX, 95. X, 1033. XI, 113^, pretty initial, xii, iic)b, good

initial, xiii, 124. xiv, 129, initial filled M'ith purple. An appendix after the explicit : Paulisper, tantisper...perniciter. XV, 136/;, fine initial, xvi, 143, good initial. Ends imperfectly i44<^:

constructione rationis possumus intellegere. Nam equidem

There are many scholia, interlinear and marginal, of a date probably contemporary with the text. Another hand appears in the latter part of the book. A few notes belong to cent. xv. I have not detected any vernacular words.

The Greek portions, of course in capitals, are copied with care but were not understood by the scribe.


Vellum, 1 1 X 7f , ff. 209+14, 24 lines to a page. Cent, xv late, in a very beautiful hand imitated from Lombardic cursive, but simplified into something like a Roman hand.

Modern binding by Zaehnsdorf.

Purchased of Hoepli in 1892.

Collation : a- b (twelve, blank) A"'- (wants i, 10) b^'-P^" R^- S^"- X'" Y (three).

Contents :

On a flyleaf is a handsome label framed in gold, with ornamental projections also framed in gold, with blue ground. The ground of the oblong label itself is purple and on it in gold capitals is :

Marius Maffeus Volaterran / Hunc Librum Paullo lovio / historiarum scrip . illustri / D.D./

On the same page are these notes :

Ad Marium hunc ^L1ffeum Bernardini Cardinalis fratrem Pierius Valerianus xvi Hieroglyphicorum librum dicavit. Paulo autem lovio Nucerinorum Episcopo librum xxx.

Haec libuit annotare Joaniii Baptistae comiti lovio Francisci comitis filio, Jo. Bap. Nepoti, cui Jo. Bap. avo pater fuit Julius, avus




Franciscus, Proavus Octavius, abavus Franciscus alter, atavus Benedictus celeberiinius vir frater huius Pauli Jovii, cui volumen dicavit Marius Maffeus. Maiius Maffeus qui hunc Gentili meo librum dono dedit, anno obiit 1537, ut ex Tiraboschio milii coni- pertum est ejus Historiam Italicae litteraturae volventi. Consule hujus operis paginam 115 Tomi vii Partis I ab ilia etiam habes quod ISIarius Maffeus Aquinas primum episcopus, dein Cabel- lionensis(Cavaillon)apud sehaberetRomae ingeniosorumhominum conventum, quos etiam saepe ad coenam excipiebat, in hac festiva urbanitate Colreli(?) Aesinatis ac Corycii Germano aemulus. Eleven blank leaves follow, (^uintiliani Declamationes Beginning imperfectly in II. 19. domus tota turbatur. Illam seruilis negligentie quietem

moriturus absolui. Expl. Cecus in limine. Paries palmatus inc. (l) . . . . . . . . f. 3

A leaf is gone after f. 8.

Gemini languentes. (viii) ........ 22

Cadaveribus pasti (xii) 35;^

Apes pauperis (xiil) 53 /^

Odii potio (xiv) 6^d

De eodem sequitur (xv) ........ 71

Amici vades (xvi) ......... 79

Venenum effusum (xvii) ........ 85/'

Infamis in matrem ......... 97

Bene infamis in matrem expl. (xviii). Eiusdem pars altera inc. (.\ix) 107

Miles Marianus (ill) ii6i^

Matheniaticus (iv) 126

Eger redemptus (\) ......... 139

Inc. Corporis proiecti ipsa est manus cece (vi) . . . . 153^

Tormenta pauperis (vii) ........ 167

Gladiator (ix) . . . . . . . . . . 175'''

Sepulchrum incantatum (.\) . . . . . . . . 189 3

Dives accusatus proditionis (xi) ....... 200/'

Ends: et fortiter et quasi uindicatus.

After this there has been a long inscription in red capitals, which has unfortunately been carefully erased.

Each Declamation (except of course the first, whose beginning is gone) has either one or two initials, according as there is or is not an Argument prefixed.

These initials are in fluid gold, or gold with bands of colour, or colour only, set upon a ground which represents a square bas-relief with moulded classical frame, and is coloured purple, green or red. The relief represents most commonly a trophy of arms, or a flower, or other decorative design.


From the initials depends a band of conventional foliage, urns etc. in colour ; the ground on which this is, is delicately shaded with purple (or red) lines.

On f. 22 b in the band a bucranium, and green gem with head. 53 <^. gem with head, and sea-horse. 64 <^, eagle. 71, three

figures in initial. 107, figure in initial. \\6h, sea-horses in

initial. 139, boy on a dolphin. 200 b, sea-horses.

The execution of these is very charming, especially in the earlier part of the book.

161. Senecae Tragoediae.

Vellum, lof X 7§, tf. 217 -H 2, 27 lines to a page. Cent, xiv late, in a good Italian hand.

Old red leather over boards : small metal bosses, and clasps.

Formerly in the Didot collection, contains the book-plate of Ambrose Firmin Didot.


The first cover is lined with a leaf of a xivth cent. MS. of a medieval prose treatise (by Petrarch ?) : the page exposed deals with the names of Apollo.

On the flyleaf are notes.

On the verso a late sketch of a head, ' Te fortuna sequor ' and other scribbles.

Collation: a^ 18-58 (+ i) 68-271

Contents :

Senecae Tragoediae.

1. Hercules furens ......... f. i

Sunt in hoc libro tragedie x quarum prima est de hercule

furente, etc. Hercules filius fuit Alchmene uxoris Amphytrionis

nouo latratu terruit agros. Scholia, on margin, begin : Augustinus narrat 3=* genera theologie. Text. Soror tonantis

superos solet.

2. Thyestes. Argument as before. Secunda tragedia . . 26 Quis me furor

trado tuis.

3. Thebais. Argument 47

Ceci parentis

constant bene. Expl. thebays.


4. Inc. Phedra (Hippolytus) f- 59*^

Ite umbrosas

capiti incubet. Expl. quarta s. phedia. Inc. Edippus uel Jocasta quinta tragedia.

5. locasta (Oedipus) 82 ^

lam nocte pulsa

uti libet. Expl. quinta T. Inc. vi"heccul)a slue Troas.

6. Troas (Hecuba) 102

Quicunque regno

classis mouet. Expl. sexta tragedia Troas.

7. Inc. septima Medea 124

Di: coniugales

ueheris deos. Expl. septima tragedia Medea.

8. Inc. Octaua que dicitur Agamenon . . . . . 144 Opaca linquens

et uobis furor. Expl. octaua tragedia Agamenon.

9. Inc. nona Octauia 163

lam uaga celo

roma cruore. Expl. octauia trag. nona. 10. Inc. Hercules qui dicitur oetheus Trag. x^ . . . . 181

Sator deorum

fulmina mictes Deo gratias Amen. An erasure of two lines follows.

At the top of the page f. 218 is a scribbled inscription in Hebrew.

On the verso and second cover various late sketches of heads (Italian xvi) and a copy of a legal document, erased.

The decoration is curious.

f. 2. Argument. The initial has been scraped oft' and a pen and ink drawing substituted (xv) of Hercules shooting at his wife, who leads one child and carries another on J\. Behind, a loggia.

The initial of the play is scraped off.

On 4 ^, 8 a, 1 1 rt, 12 a, 12 b, 13 a, \-] b, 35, 58 are good pen drawings of heads, etc.

26 b. Thyestes. Initial partly scraped away. A nude figure in the initial, drawn with pen and coloured, wearing a large mask.

47. Argument. Coarse initial and ornament repainted.

47 b. Thebais. Initial partly scraped off. Bust drawn in initial.

59^,60. Phedra. Ornament very coarsely repainted.

171/'. Pen-drawing. The other tragedies have had their initial ornaments re- painted.

Agamemnon (f. 144) has a late sketch in the initial, perhaps meant for Clytemnestra stabbing Agamemnon.


162. Suetonius.

Vellum, 8| x 5|, fif. 189 + 2, 29 lines to a page. Cent, xv (1443), in a very good Italian hand. Probably Milanese.

Modern dark blue morocco binding by Zaehnsdorf.

Purchased of Olschki in 1892.

There is an erasure of three lines on the flyleaf apparently irrecoverable.

Collation : i* (wants i) 2* 3^ 4*^ 5^-9^ (wants 3) 10^-12* (wants 4, 5) 13^-15* (wants 2) i6« 17* (wants 4) i8»-2o8 (wants 2) 2i« (wants 8) 22^-24^ (wants i) 25^ 2 flyleaves.

Contents :

Title ill red capitals.

Versus Sidonii in librum Gai Suetonii Tranquilli de Vita Duo-

dicini Caesariim ......... f. i

Caesareos proceres in quorum regna secundis.

Five lines ending : Nomina res gestas uitamque obitumque peregit.

G. Suetonii Tranquilli de Vita i. Caesaris lib. inc. 1"'.

Annum lulius Caesar agens.

Ends 25 b : distrahere perseuerauit (end of § 85 ed. Teubner).

Augustus ........... ■26

Ends 62 d : exigi posset (complete).

Tiberius ........... 63

Ends 86 6: pars terram matrem deosque (in § 75).

Caligula begins imperfectly in § 4: (favora)bilis ut plurimi tradunt 87

Ends 106/^: G. Suetonii Tranquilli de vita G. Caligulae Caesaris

liber expl. Eiusdem de Vita Claudii Caesaris Liber inc. 5"^. Claudius ........... 107

Ends 123/': et in senatu cui nouissime inter (in last section).

Nero 124

Ends 144^: in die sacrificiis colere perseuerauit Volebatque 56). Suspended barrel in initial. Galba ...... 145

Ends 152 3: Expl. de Galba. Inc. de Ottone 8"=.

Otho 153

Ends 157 A: foribus adopertis artissimo 11).

Vitellius ........... 158

Ends 164 : Expl. de Vitelio. Inc. de Vespasiano Imp. feliciter IO"^ Vespasian ........... 164 3

Ends fj^b: Expl. de Vesp. Imp. Inc. de Tito Imp. 11"^.

Titus 174

Ends 178. Expl. de Tito. Inc. de domitiano Imp. I2"^

Doniitian 178 3


Ends 188 d: insequentium principum. Laus Deo per Milanuni Burrum 1443.

G. Suetonii Tianquilli de vita ducxlecim Caesaruni liber ultinuis de Domitiano Imp. expl. feliciter.

There was originally a full-page picture of each Caesar as a frontispiece to his Life : all but three of these are gone, and have carried with them the closing words of several of the Lives.

Blanks were left by the original scribe for the Greek words, most of which have been filled by a later hand of cent, xv, and a marginal rendering in Latin added.

Of the decoration there remain an ornamented first page, a large number of initials of gold or colour surrounded by square panels of red or purple pen-work, very well done, a large initial in gold and colour at the beginning of each Life, and three full-page paintings of Emperors.

The first page is in a very fine style closely resembling that of the Milanese Pontifical in the Fitzwilliam collection (no. 28).

At top is IHC crowned in gold : a border of flowers real and conventional on R. and L. ; that on L. springs from the initial, in which is a pair of green and blue compasses and a silver scroll inscribed NECESSE SIC EST (forming the letter a).

Below the text a gold I and gold M, each crowned.

In lower margin R. and L. two trees, on each a genius blowing a trumpet: the banners on the trumpets have armorial bearings now barely decipherable. In C a defaced shield with mantling and helmet, the latter having for crest a figure half woman half dragon, holding compasses and scroll as in the initial.

The initials to the Lives, on gold ground, are very good.

The three pictures represent :

1. f. 153. Oi/io. A youth walking A', and holding wand. lie has a laurel wreath ; his tunic, hose and cloak (short and covered with vandyked pendants) are all pink. He stands on green ground. The background, blue semee with white crosses, dotted, is partly scraped off.

2. f. 16^ d. Vespasian, beardless, in plate armour, laurel wreath, looking to R. holding sword and city (Jerusalem), consisting mostly of a large building with central tower (the Temple). He stands on red : the background is blue with white dots : cloak and surcoat are green.

3. f. 178/'. Domitian, young, beardless, with laurel wreath and longhair, facing R. holding sword : in plate armour and green cloak (chasuble-shaped) with light yellow lining. He stands on red, the background is pink, with white dotted crosses.

These are excellent pictures : the recovery of the other nine would be very desirable.

314 catalogue of manuscripts. [^63-

163. Terence.

Vellum, 9 X 61, ff. 60, 34 lines to a page. Cent, x'lv} in good Italian hand. Written as prose. Wormed at beginning and end. Initials in red.

Brown leather of cent, xviii.

Formerly in the collections of Dr Askew, of Samuel Parr, and of Sir Th. Phillipps (no. 3895, no. 11 15 in the sale of June 1898).

An erasure of a 17th century name at top of f. i.

Collation : 1^-6' f (wants 7, 8).

Contents :

Epitaphium Terentii. Natus in excelsis cautus erat. . . f. i

Argumentum Andrie. Soiorem falso.

Prol. super Andriam. Poeta cum primuni.

Text : Uos istec intio ......... i

Calliopius lecensui. Expl. Andria.

Inc. Eunuchus. Acta ludis megalensibus etc. . . . . 11

Arg. Meretrix adolescentem.

Arg. aliud. Sororem falso . . . . . . . . 11 ^

Prol. Si quisquam est.

Text 12

Calliopius recensui. Finit Eunuchus.

Inc. heautontumerumenos. Acta ludis etc. . . . . 22

Arg. In militiam. Prol. Ne cui sit. Text .... 11

Calliopius recensui. Finit heautontumerumenos.

Inc. Adelphus. Acta ludis etc. Arg. Duos cum haberet. . 32

Prol. Postquam poeta. Text. ....... 32 ^

Calliopius recensui. Finit Adelphus.

Inc. Hechira. Acta hechira etc. Arg. Uxorem duxit . . \\b

Prol. Echira est huic. Text 42

Calliopius recensui. Finit hechira.

Inc. Phormio. Acta est ludis etc. Arg. Cremetis pater . . 50^

Prol. Poeta postquam ^ob. Text ...... 51

Ends imperfectly : neque promitto quicquam. Note : deficiunt xi versus.

164. Virgil.

Vellum, I if X 8f, ff i -t- 179 + 2, 28 lines to a page. Cent, xiv, second half, in a good Italian Gothic hand.

Red morocco binding by Zaehnsdorf.

Purchased at the Henry White sale, Sotheby's, April 1902, no. 2239.




On 2 a the stamp :

Di Casa Minutoli Tegrimi (of Lucca).

Collation : i flyleaf, i- 2^-23* 24 (one), 2 flyleaves.

Contents :

On flyleaf, in the handwriting of G. A. Vespucci (see f. 179),

Surge age. Crede. Pios vocat ad sua gaudia Christus Factus homo ut facial te deus ipse deum.

Octaui(a)ni Cesaris in eneyde uirgilii uersus ....

Ergone supremis potuit uox improba uerbis Tarn dirum mandare nephas : ergo ibit in ignes

Laudetiir. uigeat. placeat. relegatur. ametur. Hec sunt epigramata ouidii supra totum libruni .... Eneas libicis primo compellitur undis

Duodecimo turnus diuinis occidit armis. In istis xii uersibus continetur materia xii librorum eneydos Primus habet libicam ueniant ut trees ad urbeni

Ultimus imponit bello turni nece finem. Inc. prefatio siue argumentum ouidii supra primum librum eneydos Eneas primo libie depelletur oris

Excidium troye iussus narrare parabat.

Publii uirgilii maronis eneydos liber inc.

Ille ego qui quondam etc. at nunc horrentia martis Arma uirumque cano.

Glosses interlinear and marginal : the latter begin : Virgilius

triplici stilo sua tria opera tractauit. Lib. II, f. 16. Ill, 30. IV, 42^. V, 55//. VI, 71.

VII, 87. VIII, loi ^. IX, 115. X, 129;^. XI, 146.

XII, 162 b. Ending 179: Uitaque cum gemitu fugit indingnata sub umbras.

Amen. Colophon 179*^ : Hie expl. liber duodecimus Ceterique alii Uirgilii

Eneydos scripta per me Guidonem Jacobi de Pratoueteri qui

est . Quos deus gratiarum dator

omnium et possessor dingnetur in fine cum triumphantibus coreys

angelorum in supernis sedibus collocare. Amen. The same scribe wrote in 1378 a Uante, stated by Bradley

{Dictionary of Miniaturists il 79) to be no. 1365 in the Corsini

Library, Rome.

f. \b




Added, late 15th century: Georgii Antonii Vespucii liber, kowo. to,

(p'CKuv. Quisquis hec perlegis apes imitans serua D. Basilii preceptum vt undique profutura tibi colligas ad bene uiuendum in Ihesu d.n. Verses at top, in the same hand : ihs xps.

Surge viator abi. Reuocat Deus. Vnde fuisti In Cruce quere Deum Crede precare cole Lux hinc Vita Salus Pax et Surrectio vera est Tolle banc, teque negans me cole Christus ait. Stamp : Ui Casa Minutoli Tegrimi, as on f. 2.

The above verses with a variation in the third Hne occur in a Livy that belonged to G. A. Vespucci (Bradley's Dictionary of Miniaturists III 378). He was a member of the same family as Amerigo Vespucci, and was a Dominican author living at Florence towards the end of the fifteenth century.

Each book of the Aeneid has the "O vidian" argument in small script prefixed or in the margin, and each has a very handsome initial in blue and red with penwork in red and purple.


Vellum, 9:^x61, ff, i^g^ 44^ 37^ 32 lines to a page. Cent, xii (before 1175), in various hands, all good.

Modern half-binding in vellum. Various labels and numbers are pasted on it, 7 MS. vii. On the back a red number 360 with a printed label over it (more complete in no. 166) B. Boncompagni (3)20. The owner was Prince Baldassarre Boncompagni, See the catalogue of his MSS. compiled by Enrico Narducci (2nd ed. Rome 1892) no. 320 (360). Previously in the collection of Prof. A. C. Naumann of Freiberg, no. 16 in his sale catalogue (Leipsic, June 1854).

The book seems to have been at St Trond in Belgium at the end of cent, xiii (see on f. (>6), and for anything I can see may well have been written in that region. It affords a remarkably early set of Arabic numerals.

Purchased from Wesley.

Collation : i'*-4^ 5''-7"' 8^ 9** | 10'* (one cane.) 1 1" (+ i) | 12* | 13^- 16'' (wants 5-8) I I7« iS^ (wants 7, 8) ig" (wants 5,6) 20^ (wants 6-8).


Contents :

1. Inc. lilier Vparchi suinmi astrologi . . . . f. i Terra fundata est super stabilitatem suani. Sicut enim igniuni

sedes non est nisi in ignibus aquarum nisi in aquis spiritus enim nisi in spiritu. sic terre coercentibus cunctis nisi in se locus non est natura cohibente.

Ends f. \6b: omnibus supradictis imporlal radius solis affulgens qui eas percutiens aut in sublime tollit aut in profundum deprimit aut in latitudine declinare aut retrogradari facit.

The rest of the page (after 3 lines of text) is blank.

I cannot find that this has been printed. Other copies of it are in Bodley MS. Ravvlinson G. 40 and Hatton 112 ( = Auct. F. I. 9), the latter imperfect. Both are of similar date to the copy before us. The text is identical in ])arl with that of Martianus Capella, lib. vili.

2. Inc. liber Hygini de astronomia . . . . . . 17

Hyginus M. Fabio plurimam salutem.

Etsi te studio grammatice artis— demonstraljimus.

De Mundo. Mundus appellatur is qui constat . . . i"] b

corporum deformationem dicere instituimus. Formatio signorum. Igitur incipiemus a polo boreo . . 2() b

Ends 3812: Mensem autem quandiu luna zodiacum circulum perducat uoluerunt esse, cum sol ab estiuo circulo redit.

3. Martiani Minei Felicis Capelle Astrologia Inc. . . . 38 1^ Mundus igitur ex iiii°'' constans dementis

declinare aut retrogradi facit. Expl. astrologia Martiani.

4. Inc. Liber cursuum planetarum vii super Massiliam . . 44 Cum multos indorum seu caldeonmi atque arabum

Attamen siquis prouidus fuerit premissa satis emendare poterit. Expl. liber cursuum planetarum vij. ? By Raymundus Massiliensis.

5. Paragraphs without title.

Cum mars solus est almucaz ....... 47

Res experte ab albimasar.

Dixit alm/sius. Sapientes indie secundum lunam . . . 47 (5

Interrogatus ab aliquo an uincet an uincetur.

Respondit albimasar sechem interroganti.

loue existente almucaz.

Alphabet with Arabic numerals (not in order) above the letters,

forming a system of divination. Ex predictis collige numerum

nominis rei abscondite etc.

6. No title.

Artem artium uidelicet astronomiam ingredientibus . . 48

et habebis residuum idest distantiam ab auge.

7. De Circulis Planetarum ........ 49

Est quedam celestis machine spera.

De compositione tabularum ....... 50


Uolenti igitur medii cursus tabulas componere

static secunda locus ei oppositus. Diagram. Tabulae medii cursus . . . . . . . . f. 51

In black, red and green, beautifully written, in three main

columns on a page, much subdivided. A band of ornament

in red and green on 64 b. On 66 a in a vacant space are some notes of cent, xiii late. Nota quod a.d. m°286... Nota quod a.d. 1287, 12 die oct. media nocte secundum istas

tabulas erat eclipsis messilie visa tamen est apud sanctum

trudonem ante mediam noctem per duas (?) horas uel circiter

et fuerunt tunc elapsi anni arabum 685 menses 814 dies cum

horis 9 in media eclipsi. Item solis eclipsis fuit a.d. 1285 quartadieiunii hora vesperarum

apud s. trudonem visa. A.d. 1288 apud s. Trudonem post crastinum b. dionisii hora

artificiali ante ortum solis vidi eclipsim mediam. The tables end 66 b.

8. No title.

Ptolomeus et multi sapientum annum solarem metiuntur

secundum reditum solis a iunctura circulorum ... 67

Arabic numerals are employed in the text.

Ends with tables of eras, and a calculation about the year a.d. 1 1 75 then future or at least not past.

9. Inc. libellus mag. Alardi battoniensis de opera astrolapsus . 81 Quod regalis generis nobilitas artium liberalium studio se

applicat ualde assentio...Intelligo iam te heynrice cum sis regis nepos a philosophia id plena percepisse nota. Another copy of this in Arundel MS. 377 Brit. Mus. does not

begin in the same way. Ends : Velle autem tamdiu debebis ut ait tullius quandiu te

proficere non penitebit (86/^). ff. 87, 88 are occupied with four extremely good and careful diagrams of the astrolabe, of which i and 2 only have text : 3 and 4 seem unfinished. II. A quite different hand, less close, begins here. 10. Super Porphyrii Isagogen.

Cum res omnes que digne expetuntur propter aliquam trium

causarum quas docet tullius in genere deliberatiuo sint expetende 89

The initials to the sections are in pen and ink.

ergo proprium et accidens differunt. Sunt quidem alia, sed hec sufficiunt De praedicamentis. Subtilis indagator rerum aristotiles de decern generibus que

pro excellentis continentie causa predicamenta uocauit . 102 ut fecimus. a partibus. Habitudines H(autem) et dis- positiones. The rest of \\6 b blank.


Boethius de differentiis : another hand or hands . . . f. 1 1 7 Omnis racio disserendi quam loicen peripalhetice ueteres

appellauerunt. Lib. II, i2id. Ill, 128. IV, 134, ending : quia quadam ratione subiecta sunt ipsi quod gestum

est negotio. in. 135 rt blank, with pencil diagrams. Another hand, closer than the last.

Aristotelis Equivoca . . . '35 '^ Equivoca dicuntur quorum nomen solum commune est. Ending 139a: Dubilare aulem de singulis non erit inutile.

There follow notes and predictions of eclipses calculated for Marseilles in the hand which appears above (f 66) for the years 1289, 1290, 1292.

On the verso two short notes about 1247, 1241.

In the first portion (ff. 1-88) are several effective initials at the be- ginning of treatises, mostly in red or red and green ; no. 4 has gold.


Vellum, 8| x 6|, fif. yy, mostly 26 lines to a page. Cent, xiii late, in a pointed hand much resembling the ordinary Parisian (?) Aristotles and grammatical books.

Modern binding.

On the cover, the numbers 4, MS. iv, 324. On the back a printed label B. Boncompagni 323. Inside is an indistinct seal of a coat of arms. On f. i no. 70. See Boncompagni Catalogue (by E. Narducci) no. 323 (324), and sale catalogue of Prof. A. C. Naumann of Freiberg, MS. 14 (Leipsic, June 1854).

Purchased from Wesley.

Collation : i'- (wants 5) 2'" 3'- 4"^' 5^2 6'- 7'".

Contents :

Verses in red (5). lunius aprilis September necne nouember etc. f. i Text. Ad noticiam istius kalendarii primo sciendum (?) est quod xix litere

horam illius diei inportans. Annus ab origine mundi vi"'. cccc. Ixxix.

Annus ab incarnacione ( ) m. cc. Ixxix (has been erased).

Annus a passione do', m. cc. xlvii.

Annus cicli Solaris etc. follow.

Tabula terminorum ......... i i

Geometrie due sunt species ........ 3


Ends imperfectly : ascendit sol in zodiaco et (one leaf gone)

De utilitatibus et operacionibus quadrantis . . . . . f. 5

Dicto de composicione quadrantis.

There are very neat marginal diagrams of buildings, casks, etc.

ductum dabit capacitatem Expl. quadrans. Erased note and diagram. Tables ad inueniendum locum solis etc. ..... 9

On ii<J are notes. One begins: Anno ab incarn. domini m. cc.

lxxiiii° incipit hec tabula. Another : a. d. 788 bremensem fundauit ecclesiam mittens Wille- hadum omnium doctorum primum uersus maritimas et boreales Saxonie partes qui continuo falcem predicationis illius loci misit in botros infidelitatis vindemians. ad fidem catholicam trans- albinos populos et frisones peruocauit. Also a list of years with memoria technica from 1274 (?) to 1386. Algorismus mag. lohannis de sacro busco . . . . . 12

Omnia que a primeua rerum origine

Initial in gold and colour : marginal notes in a minute hand.

quam cubicis. Expl. alg. de sacrob. Idem de sphaera .......... •20

Tractatum de spera 4 capitulis

(on margins of 25 are notes on zodiacal signs).

machina dissoluetur. Expl. spera. Neat diagrams. On 39 a (otherwise blank) is a peacock. Inc. Compotus lohannis de sacrobusco . . . . . 39 ^

Conpotus est scientia considerans tempera.

Very good diagrams : ends 7 1 b with verses.

M. christi bis cc quarto deno quater anno

De sacrobusco discreuit tempora ramis

Gratia cui nomen dederat diuina Johannes

Annuat hoc nobis huius sit carpere fructum

Ecclesie christi quod nos hinc fructificemur. Amen.

Kalendar in red and black, with later additions . . 72

Original, [an. 31. Aldegundis V.


Albini C. Donati M.



Quintini M.

Liudgeri Ep.

Egressio noe de archa.

Walpurgis, red.

Trans. S. Godehardi.

Godehardi Ep. deposicio.

Victoris M.

Trans. S. Nicholai.


Sophie V.


















[une 25. Seueie V. ^L Eligii.

[illy 4. Odelrici.

8. Kiliani.

13. Margarete.

28. Pamhaleonis.

Aug. 5. Dominici. Oswaldi.

Sept. I. Egidii. Lupi.

2. Anthonii.

8. Adriani. 28. Wenceslai.

Oct. 3. duorum Ewaldorum. 4. Francisci.

9. Gereonis Victoris etc.

21. Undecim mill. virg.

22. Seueri Ep.

23. Seuerini Archiep. Nov. 7. Willibrordi.

19. Elizabeth. 26. Genouefe.

The additions are very numerous. They include :

Gilbert. 6. Vedast and Amand. 7. Augulus Ep. M,

Joseph. 20. Cunibert.

Florian. 9. Swipert. 13. Gingulf.

Ob. berrald longi. 22. loooo MM.

Visitacio Marie late. 14. Hinrici regis. 17. Sperati et soc.

Amulfi M. 23*. Reliquie fabiani et cecilie. liborii. 30. Olawi.

Speciose V.

Willehadi Ep.

Godehardi Ep.

The feasts marked with an asterisk are specially characteristic of Verden.

There is an old foliation from 1-68 beginning with the folio now numbered 13. fif. 69-80 are now ff. 1-12 : 73 is gone.

167. Tabulae Epactarum etc.

Vellum, 10x7, ff. 12, varying numbers of lines to a page. Cent, xii (1140.''), finely written, very probably German, but conceivably English.

Modern binding.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 16382. Sold at Sotheby's June 1898, no. 765.

Collation : i* 2^. M. c. 21



















Contents :

An absurd Gothic title-page has been inserted.

1. A Kalendar in red and black, four months to a page . . f. i There are few entries and none of any local significance.

2. Tables of Epacts with explanations ib

Paragraph : Gerlandus de controuersia trium embolismorum 3

Table with years marked at top 987 to 1491 and exposition . 3 b

Another Table ......... 4

Tabula Dionisii 1063-1576, with explanation . . . \h

Two tables from 11 40 to 11 58 and 1 159 to 11 76 . . 5 <J

3. Ratio de anno solari et bissexto ...... 6

Annus Solaris absque bissexto.

Tables on 5 (5, 6 a. The latter has Greek numerals.

4. Dialogus de ratione cycli xix et de annis communibus cum (?)

embolismis .......... -^ b

Cyclus quid est. Grecum nomen.

De numero. Si crescunt numeri ab atonio in unciam,

Himnus Dom. bede presbiteri.

Annus Solaris continetur iiii°'' temporibus Ac deinde adimpletur xii mensibus Quinquaginta et duabus currit ebdomadibus Trecenta Ix atque v^ diebus. Ending

Altum celum qui creauit terras atque equora Doxa regi per eterna deo soli secula amen. Further tables on 8 a. On 8 b Cursus lune per xii signa etc. Ciclus iste magnus duobus diuersis cyclis lunari uedelicet et solari (Cycle of 532 years) with table .... 9

9<5 Table.

\oa. Kal. Martii concurrentes mutantur Kal. sept, epacte mutantur. Various paragraphs, de embolismis, Argumentum bissexti etc.

1 1 b. Table of Termini.

Pachomius' Paschal rule: Legimus in scriptis Grecorum.

12 a. Hanc paginam Beda composuit : a Lunar table. Pronostica ad egros : diagram with numbers :

Collige per numeros quicquid cupis esse probandum lunge simul nomen feriam lunamque diei Collectamque una summam partire trigenos Quodque superfuerit rotulus discernit uterque Quos retinet uite necnon et mortis imago Si supra fuerit vivet morietur et infra. On 1 2 3 is only the legend for a circular diagram which has not been drawn : in capitals :

Hec rota si queris quid conferat utilitatis Ter tribus et denis quod circuit indicat annis Terminus et pasca cyclum claues et epacta.

169] m"=clean collection. 323

168. Euclid.

Vellum, II X 7|, fif. 6, double columns of 48 etc. lines. Cent, xiii, very well written, with very neat figures in the margin.

Paper boards.

Formerly PhilHpps MS. 10108, no. 455 in the sale of 1903 at Sotheby's.

Contents :

Six consecutive leaves out of a quire whose original size cannot be determined.

They contain parts of the xth and xith books of Euclid's Elements in Latin.

The last 22 propositions of Book x remain.

Book XI begins on p. 6: the initial is cut out.

Corpus est quod longitudinem et latitudinem habel ; it ends in Prop. xvii.

The enunciations are in large hand, the props, in small.

The figures are very neatly drawn in the margin.


Vellum, 7| x 4|, ff. 283 4- 3, 51 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in the peculiar small hand of Robert Emylton a Durham scribe.

White skin over boards, clasps. 2 fo. fimbriis.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 3547. Sold at Sotheby's, March 1895, no. 92.

It may very well have been in the Library of Durham Priory, but I cannot find it in the old catalogues. On the flyleaf ii b is P. and on f. i, P. i.

There is also a partial list of contents, most of it in Emylton's hand.

Collation: 3 flyleaves, i^^-iS'^ (wants 4) \(^^'-22^'^ 23 (two)

24'2 25«.

Contents :

1. Pseudo-Boethius de disciplina scholarium . . . . f. i Uestra nouit intencio.

Lib. II. f. 4. \\\. db.

inquinamenta pernianebunt. Expl. liber 3"^ boecii et sic

completur totus liber intitulatus de disciplina scolarium

Deo gratias quod R. Emylton. 9/' and 10 are blank.

2. Expositio Nicholai Trivet super eodem . . . . . 10 A Hominu7ii natura tnultipliciter etc. Ista proposicio scripta est

a philosopho.


Lib. II. 42. III. j8.

auctor dulcedinis et fragrancie per omnia sec. sec. Amen. Expl. exp. mag. Nich. Tryuette super boecium de disc. scol.

Deo gr. quod Robertas Emylton. Boecius de natura dei . . . . . . . . f. 67

Inuestigatam diutissime questionem uota supplebunt. Anicii Manlii Seuerini ordinarii patricii exconsularis boecii de

natura dei ad Simachum libellus expl. Idem de trinitate ......... 69

At uero an pater et filius rationemque coniunge. Deo gr. Expl. ep. b. Seuerini ad Joh. diaconem utrum hec nomina pater

ffilius sp. s. substantialiter de deo predicentur. que etiam ep.

de trinitate intitulatur. Sequitur Ep. boecii contra eutichen et nestorium ... 70

Anxie quidem in quocunque prescribit. Amen. Expl. ep. b.

Boecii contra Eut. et Nest. Deo gr. quod Robertus Emylton. Propositiones dementis de fide (or de arte fidei catholice) . 75 b

Clemens papa cuius rem nominis.

15 propositiones, 3 peticiones, 8 communes concepciones. Quicquid est causa cause est causa causati. Lib. II. 78. in. 80. IV. 81. V. %\b.

puniendi etc. quod propositum. Expl. lib. quintus de resurreccione mortuorum et completus est totus liber intit. Clemens de arte fidei catholice. Sequitur tamen libellus quidam continens certa theoreumata

essenciam (?) Trinitatis exprimencia. quorum probacio ex

theoreumatibus dependet precedentibus . . . . 82

Potencia est sui facilis homo iudex. Et sic finitur libellus

D. g. quod R. E. 84 b blank.

Timaeus Platonis 85

Prol. Ysocrates in exortacionibus maiorem fiduciam. Expl.

prol. calcidii translatoris. Inc. liber. Unus. duo. tres. Lib. II. 92 b ex leui admonicione perspicuo. Expl. liber

platonis qui intit. Thimeus. D. g. quod R. E.

Commentum Chalcidii 98 ^

(Prol.) Timeus platonis etiam a ueteribus difficilis.

With neat diagrams. Ends 164: ad effeccionem institucionis

ingenue. Expl. comm. calcidii super 2"" lib. Thimei platonis

D. g. quod R. E. Boethius de fide ......... 164^

Christianam fidem noui laus perpetua creatoris. Amen. Expl. libellus de fide S. Seuerini boecii etc. que est christia-

norum catholica. Idem de ebdomadibus . . . . . . . . 166 (^

Postulas ut ex ebdomadibus— omnia igitur bona.

Expl. ep. b. Seuerini ad Joh. diaconem utrum bona sint sub-

stancialia an non.


12. Argunieiitum Trismegisti ad Asclepium . . . . . f. 168 Trismegistus qui et mercurius perhenniter conseruare. Expl.

arg. sequilur liber. Asclepius. Asclepius iste pro sole mihi est . . . . 169 sine animalibus cenam. epMoy TpiCMepiCTOY BiBAoc- lepA npoc ACKAHnion(-N) <n>poc (Jj'^nhGhca. E(x)plicit. Expl. lib. hermogenis sine hermetis mercurii triplicis trimegisti triplicis in philosophia ter maximi regis egipti philosophi et prophete ad asclepium de helera .i. de uerbo eterno. D. g. quod R, E.

13. Tullius de questionibus Tusculanis . . . . . 179 Cum defensionum laboribus.

Lib. II. 192. III. 199 />. IV. 20"] I). V. 216.

inueniri leuacio. Expl. lib. quintus et sic completur totus liber qui intit. Tullius de quest, tusc. D. g. quod R. E.

14. Apuleius de deo Socratis 228/^

Qui me uoluistis dicere nee accessit.

Expl. libellus Apulei de deo Socratis. D. g. quod R. E. 1=,. Ysaac de diffinicionibus . . . . . . . . 234 <^

Collecciones ex dictis philosophorum illius contrarium. Expl. libellus ysaac medici filii salomonis de descripcionibus et diffinicionibus rerum. d. g. quod R. E.

16. Alpharabius de diuisione scientiarum ..... 240 Cum plures essent olim philosophi et alia in accionibus.

Expl. libellus Alph. de diu. sci. D. g. quod R. E.

17. Lincolniensis de ortu philosophorum ..... 246 Philosophantes famosi primi fuerunt caldei

crebrius factum esse uel fieri poterunt. Expl. libellus mag. Roberti Grostehede quondam Lincoln, ep. qui intit. de ortu philosophorum. et est primus liber sue summe que diuiditur in libros decem et nouem. d. g. quod R. E.

18. Prophecia Sibille ......... 251 b

Cum autem creuisset sibilla nomine tiburtina in greco in latino

nomine albunea predicauit in orbem terrarum. eritque reg- num sanctorum in eternum cum Christo in sec. sec. Amen. Versus de eadem prophecia (the acrostich) . . . . 'i^?,l> ludicii signum tellus sudore madescet

et sulphuris amnis. Expl. proph. Sib. D. g. quod R. E.

19. Bradwardine de memoria artificiali ..... 254 Ad artificialem memoriam duo necessaria requiruntur

perfcccionem attinget. Expl. tract, mag. Thome bradwardyn de mem. artif. adquirenda. D. g. quod R. E.

20. Practica geometric Campani ....... 256/'


Geometrie due sunt species partes principales.

aliter se habencia similia corpora. Expl. pract. geom. sec. mag. Campanum Nouariensem. D. g. quod R. E. With very neat marginal figures. ■21. De praxi geometrorum ........ f. 260

Adhuc autem antequam in cauillacionibus arithmeticorum

sed mirabili complexu congaudent. Expl. tract, quidam breuis et utilis de practica geometric. D. g. quod R. E.

22. Propositiones philosophorum magistrates de deo . . . 262 b Deus est monas monadem gignens in se unum reflectens

ardorem. A space after each proposition: there are 24: the last is Deus est lex que fraccione non clarescit. transiit. sed sola dei

formitas in re. Expl. prop, philos. magistr. de deo. D. g. quod R. E.

23. De historiographis quo tempore scripserunt (from Radulphus

de Diceto) 264

Trogus pompeius a tempore Nini regis assiriorum usque ad

annum 29"' hircani principis iudeorum cronica sua scripsit. The last is Radulphus londoniensis ecclesie decanus...

perduxit usque ad annum 1195. Hec ex cronica quadam ecclesie Christi cantuarie patent. In two columns ......... 265

Eboracenses archiepiscopi.

Primus paulinus fuit eboraci archiep. quo expulso scoti viz.


Thurstanus Willelmus Henricus Rogerus Galfridus. Hec patent ex cronica predicta s. ecclesie Chr. cant.

Dunelmenses episcopi. lindisfarne est insula exigua que nomine a prouincialibus halig

eland uocatur in qua Aydanus primus Gaufridus Willelmus Hugo Philippus. Hec similiter in eadem cronica s. eccl. Chr. cant, patent. 265^ blank. 24. Mythologia Fulgentii ........ 266

ffabii planciadis fulgencii v. c. metologiarum id est fabularum

liber inc. primus. Ab annis inefficax petat

prepositis tamen titulis fabularum (titles follow) sunt tituli omnium trium librorum 50 numero. Diophantus lacedaemonum auctor ...... 269

Lib. II. 272. III. 276<5, ends 280^.

obliuionem semper importat. Amen. Expl. mithologie

ffulgencii ad catum presb. Cartaginis philosophice exposite.

Deo gratias quod R. Emylton. Three blank leaves follow.


Other books known to me written by Robert Emylton are York Cathedral Library XVL i. i, w^hich belonged to a Durham monk, and Jesus Coll. Cambr. 70 (in my Catalogue), Sidney Sussex no. 56 may be of the same family ; it was actually in Durham Library.

170. Epistolae p. Blesensis.

Paper, 11^x8, ff 163, double columns of 41 etc. lines. Cent, xv late, in a clear hand, very probably German.

Vellum binding over boards.

Purchased at Sotheby's 13 Dec. 1895 at the Jackson sale, no. 280 in the sale catalogue.

Collation: i" (one cane.) 2^2-13^'- 14^ (wants 7, 8).

Contents :

On f. I a note of the number of Distinctions in the several

books of the Sentences. A list of contents headed Registrum huius libri.

191 items are noted. Epistole magistri Petri Blesensis ....... f. 2

Henrico dei gratia Illustrissimo...Rogatus a uobis.

A series of tables has been drawn up by the Rev. W. G. Searle, who has made an exhaustive study of the writings attributed to Peter of Blois, showing the contents of the manuscript as compared with the printed edition of J. A. Giles (1847),


Vellum and paper, y\ x 4^, ff. 235, 32 etc. lines to a page. Cent. XV, in a very pretty Roman hand with gaily coloured initials.

Modern binding.

Formerly Heber MS. 874, and subsequently Phillipps MS. 9596. Sale of June 1898, no. 873.

Collation: \^'^-^- (one cane.) 5^- 6'- (one cane.) 7'--ii'- 12^" (wants I, 9) i3"'-i8'" (wants 9, 10) k^^'^-ii^'' (wants 10).


Contents :

1. Opus editum per fratrem Nicholaum Montanum ex sententia

et textu facundissimi prisciani . . . . . . f. i

Quia Solent non nulli breuitate maxima gaudere et tu frater barnaba presertim

et auditus prestat assensum. Inc. de generibus quintus liber. Genera igitur nominum principalia sunt duo. Liber VI. de nominatiuo et genetiuo singulari 8 h. vn. de ceteris obliquis casibus 171^'. VIII.

IX. de preteritis 28.

X. ,, tertie coniugationis 31 b.

Ends 38 /; : potest igitur etiam ait presens pro preterito

accipi. Frater Nicholaus Montanus fratri barnabe sal. Expletum est

dei gratia opusculum ........ 39

nouum tractare libellum. Vale. Datum in loco S. Marie de angelis quartodecimo Kal. Martii. Finit feliciter opus eloquentissimi prisciani cesariensis de generibus declinatione atque preteritis per me fr. Nich. Montanum in paruum uolumen de grandi librorum copia uersum. d. g. 39(5 blank. 1. Opus de accentibus conditum per fr. Nich. Montanum qui

prisciani aliorumque autoritatem est secutus ... 40

Vellem serenissime mi frater benedicte reddidit sibi testes.

Accentus est certa lex \ob

Ends 64 b : alie coniunctiones applicantur. Scires uellem quanta ego uidear conatus

plurima omisisse. Vale. Datum in loco S. M. de angelis quarto id. Ottobris. Finis. A scrawl 65 : go vigilius ciceronis finis placeat ergo ubi. 3. Hoc N de orthographia opus editum est Nicholao Montano autoritate eloquentiss. prisciani et eorum qui in scientie studio nimium floruerunt ....... G^^b

Nihil est quod me hucusque magis impediuerit Antoni quam

pestis quotidiane morbus (Written at a time of plague.)

sed prisciani opinionem esse. Littera (ut in primo libro priscianus ait) est pars minima . 66

Ends 91^: Zizania lolium sine mala herba uel discordia. Finis huic. Nicholaus Montanus Antonio sal. Non enim quorundam tibi

scientia confirmatur. Vale. Finis orthographic . 92


4. He sunt exornationes et constructiones edite per me Nich.

Montanum ut in dicendo exornatiores esse ualeamus . . f. 92 (5 Si cuiquam petenti donum (to Statiiius)

saepius audio impediri. A singularly pretty initial ....... 93

Dicendo .N. in fronte litteraruni esse ab oratoribusponere usiiatuni

uelis penitus abhorrere. Nic. Montanus Statilio sal. Scires nunc uellem quo studio

vitiosum niihi fore (catchword) cogito 130 /a A gap here.

5. Tract on Salutations r3i

Begins imperfectly: Hie mos et consuetude nostra est de mane

proprio cum lux diei prope manet sedulo dicere bona dies aut bonas dies. Ends imperfectly 137 <5: Mei sit officium commendandi.

6. Nich. Montani opus de fragilitate hominis et contemptu mundi

ad Fabritium 138

Non sine maxima permutatione animi

et flagitiis debeas remoueri. Finis huius operis ad Fabritium.

7. N. Montani opus ad consolationis genera (?) cuiusque in-

fortunati hominis qui non debeat lacrimis etdolore contristari sed ad consolationis genus laetitiamque venire . . . 152 Quid ad me gratius scribere potuisti mariane dolo fraudeque iactantur. Finis.

8. Nich. Montanus fratri Mariano 165 (5

Fuerunt sane occupationes.

Datum Montis 4. Kal. sept.

9. Oratio quam habuit fr. N. M. coram populo nursinati quando

sumpsit habitum fratrum minorum . . . . . 167 <^

Facienti mihi patres conscripti vestros filios docuissem.

Finis. 10. A collection of letters :

(i) fr. Marco et P'r. Bernardino. Spinetis 6 Kal. Dec. . 169 b

(2) D. Antonio in loco S. Damiani 5 Kal. Jun. 171

(3) eidem 174

(4) Marco 175

(5) Lucae 175 (i

(6) ad Fr. Marcum de Bononia Vicarium generalem quando

uolebat ut legeret fratribus et ipse legere recusabat . 177 In loco S. M. de angelis 8 Non. Oct.

(7) Lucae ibid. 4 Non. Nov. 178*5 (S) D. Nardo ,79

(9) D. Amico x%ob

(10) Fr. Bernardino S. M. de angelis 6 Kal. Ap. 182 b

(11) Fr- A 184^

(12) Fr. lohanni 185^

(13) Fr. Bartholomeo S. M. de ang. 4 Kal. Feb. \'&6b

4 Non. Feb.

f. 187

5 Non. Mart.

187 <J

2 Id. Mart.


12 Kal. Ap.


2 Non. Aug.


6 Id. Sept.


1 8 Kal. Ian.


8 Kal, Mai.


5 Kal. Nov.



195 ^


(14) Fr. Benedicto

(15) Fr. Jacobo

(16) Fr. Constantino

(17) Fr. lacobo Penisino

(18) Fr. Bartolomeo

(19) Fr. lunipero

(20) Fr. Baptiste Perusino

(21) Fr. Bernardino

(22) Fr. Baptiste

11. In another hand. A further tract De accentibus Fr. N. M. fratri Benedicto. Licet satis supra dixerim de accentibus. Ends imperfectly igGl/.

12. In the former hand. N. Montani regule per priscianum et aliorum sententiam con-

firmate ut omnia harum partium confidentius habeantur . 197 Actiua quidem species ut in octauo libro

anthithesis querit casum pro casu. Finis.

13. Fr. N. Montanus fr. benedicto sal. Mihi enim placuit tua

petitione alia declaratione contexam 214

Inc. opus vocabulorum (in double columns).

Abadir lapis quem pro ioue deuorauit Saturnus et deus esse

dicitur. Ends 235/^: Yronice irrisorie (Y follows Z). Expleui numerum uocabulorum..,Scias enim festum pompeium

et papiam esse illos quorum in exponendo mihi placuit

studium frequentius immitari. Vale. Finis.

I have not hitherto been able to gather any information as to author of these writin celebrated Cola Montano.

the author of these writings. It is not clear that he is the rather

172. Petrarcha, Trionfi.

Vellum, 8f x 5f, ff. 42, 27 lines to a page. Cent, xv late, very beautifully written in a Roman hand, with some borrowings from Lombardic.

Old red leather over boards, gold tooling, principally cable pattern.

Formerly in the collection of Ambroise Firmin Didot, whose bookplate it contains.

Collation: ii»-4^« 5^.




Contents :

Title in gold and blue capitals.

TrionfidelloegregioM./F. Petrarca.Trionfo/delloAmore. Felicime

Nel tempo che rinnova imie sospiri.

A band of classical ornament on L. on stippled blue ground.

Initial in bronze-gold on l>lue, framed in gold. In lower margin two genii flying support within a wreath a shield azure a crayfish gules, cusped externally, the interstices in silver. This seems to be over another erased coat. Titles of capitoli in gold and coloured capitals. Initials in gold on

colour. Trionfo secondo della Pudicicia .......

Quando aungiogo et in un tempo quiui. Trio(n)fo terzo della morte ........

Questa leggiadra et gloriosa donna. Trionfo quarto della Fama ........

La nocte che segui lorribil caso. Trionfo quinto delo tempo ........

Nellaureo albergo con laurora inanzi. Trionfo sesto dela etternita ........

Da poi che sotto ilciel cosa non uidi. Ends 41 b :

Ilor che fia dunque adriuederla in celo. 42 blank.


i\ b



173. Petrarcha, Canzone.

Vellum, io| X 7f, ff. 78 + 6, 27-28 lines to a page. Cent, xiv {} Bologna), very well written, two lines of verse usually forming a single long line : good ornaments. It is much stained with damp but is quite sound.

Modern binding by Zaehnsdorf.

Purchased in Milan, no. no in bookseller's catalogue.

Collation : a^ ii»-7'» b".

Contents :

Four flyleaves are prefixed : five pages of these are occupied with a very well written alphabetical index of the poems. Of cent, xv in double columns.

A pie de colli i.

Zephiro torna Iviiij".

Late title : Manoscritto delle Rime dell' immortale Petrarca.

Text f. /

Uoi chascoltate in rime sparse il suono.

The initial has a half-length figure of the Poet, in black with white coif under black hood, holding an open book : he is beardless.


The border, of broad-leaved conventional foliage in blue, red, green with gold dots, contains various busts on gold grounds.

At top from L. female in red, facing her a bearded man in blue: a Dominican nun, facing her a beardless friar in black.

At bottom from L. half-length, bearded man in scarlet: looking at him, lady in blue with scroll : man and woman conversing.

Dominican nun and friar joining hands. On R. a winged Love coloured red shooting at them.

On xxvij a is a late note (to the Canzone Donna mi uene spesso ne la mente) Questa canzone non e fralle stampate, which says the bookseller's catalogue, "si trova solo nella prima edizione Venezia 1470, in quella Firenze 1552, e fu dal Volpi riportata nella Cominiana edizione del 1722 tratta da un ms. dal P. P. A. Zeno e nelle Rime antiche poste in fine della Bella Mano di Giusto de' Conti."

After Sonetto 224 (ed. Stagnino, \'en. 1513) Qual dona attende, two sonetti 225, 226 Cara la vita and Arbor uittoriosa are omitted (but occur later on).

f. li. luo pensando (canzone xxxvii) is bordered in the same style as f. I.

The initial shows the poet (as before) writing at a desk, full face.

Li the upper border are four busts, two of men, two of women.

In the lower border three groups, one of aged men and doctors, the next of women, the third (damaged) perhaps of youths, in con- sternation. Above them in the border on R. Death as a skeleton emerging from a cloud threatens them with his dart.

The text ends with the Laude a la Vergine Maria . . . f. 71

Ending Ixxii a : Chaccolgal mio spirto ultimo in pace.

This ends the Parte Seconda of the poems in other editions e.g. Venice 1547 (Giolito).

Ixxii /J is blank. On Ixxiiia the Sonnets 225, 226 are copied in the original hand. The verso is blank.

On the flyleaves at the end are some beginnings of poems in Italian (xvi) and the names Jo. Franciscus. Jo. Ant. peregrinus.

A monogram Ludovich

and other scribbles.

174. Boccaccio de mulieribus Claris.

Paper, SI x 6, ff. 140, 23 lines to a page. Cent, xv, clearly written in italic hand. Paper boards. Formerly Phillipps MS. 16261, no. 128 in the sale of 1896.


It appears as no. i68 in Libri sale catalogue of 1859. Collation: i^- (wants r) 2'-- 10'- (wants 9-12) 11 (four) 12'- 13 (three) 14''.

Contents :

1. Title of cent, xvii followed hy an erased line.

lohannis Boccatii de Certhaldo de mulieribus claris . . f. 1 Begins imperfectly (ten leaves wanting)

phum qui Egiptiis postca prefiiit et suis ex ea filius(I) exterminatus est. De Europa Cretensium Regina. Ends 112: dentibus iniiidorum depereat. Expl. \\^b blank.

loh. Bocchatii de Certaldo de niul. clar. rubrica inc. . . 113 Ending \iib.

2. Title as before : Commemoratio summaria gestorum Roma-

norum sive Compendium Romanae historiae loh. Boccatii de Certhaldo 116

This tract is in another hand.

Commemoratio quorundam gestorum summarie Romanorum ii6<5

Mundi regna fuerunt iiii°'' primum tempore Nini.

Ends (on Julius Caesar)

demum incisis cordis tende sub ea captus fuit Igneus sicut auis sub rete et mortuus est. quod uidens de pallio.

175. Boccaccio, II Corbaccio.

Vellum and paper, /f x 4|, fif. yy, 24 lines to a page. 1467, in a good italic hand.

Parchment binding.

Formerly Phillipps MS. 16258, no. 129 in the sale of 1896, appears as no. 163 in the Libri catalogue of 1859.

Collation : ii«-7i» 8^ (wants 8).

Contents :

The first leaf is a later supplement.

Opus D. loannis bochatij ad Corbatium f. i

Qualunque persona tacendo i beneficii riceuuti cio legeranno et altri no.

Non e ancora molto tempo passato i b

Ends: non temendo li si fara in contro.

Completum Corbatium istud per Joannem Franciscum veronenseni / de Braida Die vigesimo quarto mensis / Decembris m°.cccc.lxvii.


176. SiDRAC.

Vellum, 8| x 5f, fif. 165, 33 lines to a page. Cent, xiv early, in an English charter-like hand.

Binding, old boards re-covered.

Belonged to William Barnesley (xvi) of East Ketforth : his name is on an inserted slip.

On f. I : Solus deus protector meus W. (B.''): and Ex dono ingeniosissimi Cognati Johannis West de Ferbeck in Com. Ebor. Armig. 1653.

There is a pretty monogram of WB on f. 139: his name on f 119.

No. 113 in a sale.

Collation: i^ 2^'^-\^'^ (+a slip) 15 (one).

Contents :

Ceo est le lyure de sidrac le philosophe lequel home apeele lyure

de la fontaygne de totes sciences f. i

La purueiaunce de dieu le piere tut puissant.

A pretty initial in red and two blues.

e mettre la en oeure al sauacion del corps e del alme Amen.

Icy finist le prologe del lyuere de Sydrac.

Icy comencent les argumentz de cest liure ..... ib

Byen auez oy la misericorde de dieu

car tant come tu le lirras plus le ameras. Ici finissent les argumentz de ceste liure de Sydrac le noble philosophe.

En Ian nostre seigneur I. C. fureunt faitz les prologes e les argumentz de cest liure a toloite

qe ount este deuant nous e p"" lart dastronomie.

Ore auez oy le prologe... e des questions e lour noumbre.

Ici comencent les chapitres e les questions de cest liure les queles

le Roy Boctus requist al sage philosophe Sidrac primes ly requist 3

Ffut deus tons iours e serra. Cap. I.

Capitula from 3<5 in double columns. They run first from i to 477 (478 in text). Then

Quelle uertu serra quant le fiz dieu naistra (ii in table i in text) i-xxix 12

On virtues of stones and herbs i-xlv table (xliii text) . . izb

Quel est le plus digne lieu del mounde i-xxx. Text ends imper- fectly in xxvii .......... 13

Ici finissent les chapitres del liure de Sydrac les queux le Roy Boctus ly requist.

Icy comence le lyure dul Roy Boctus le quel il fist escrire de totes sciences Sydrac e ly mist noun le liure de Sydrac cest a dire le lyuere de totes sciences . . . . . . . . 13^

En le temps dul Roy Boctus enleua un Roy.


e comencea demaunder les chapitres des questions auant nomez al comencement del lyure [witch William barnesley of est Ketfforth ded oft reade but not all vnderstond acordyng to his mynde anno domini ml qntgso qaito (1504)]. The date seems too early for the writing.

Ici comencent les chapitres des questions etc. . . . . f. 2 1

Text. Dieux ne out unqe comencement ne fyn nc auera.

A pencil sketch of a bust (clerical) on f. 103.

On 143 a note by Barnesley, y*= planete mars 1570.

After 154 is a contemporary slip with the omitted text of a chapter.

On the back is a neat drawing of a wooden structure.

The last leaf is gone : the text ends imperfectly in c. xxvii of the last section (Serront il nudz ou vestuz) : plus qe nous auoms de nos oils.

The initials throughout are in blue with red penwork. For an account of the Romance see H. L. D. Ward's Catalogue of Romances in the Brit. Mus. L 903.

177. J. Mandeville.

Vellum, ii| X %\, ff. 83, 27 etc. lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a somewhat current hand with blue, green and red initials and penwork.

Old vellum binding (xvi .-').

Formerly Phillipps MS. 9019 : no. 835 in the sale of 1898.

An erased inscription (xvii .-') at the foot of f i reads :

Ex libris CI. F. Mar. (ra?) cher.

Collation: \^ 2^- (wants i, 2, 7, 8) 3^-11* (wants 8). Contents :

Voyage du sieur Jean de Mandeville.

Comme il soil auis que la Terre doultre mer soit la Terre sainte

parler de la saincte Terre dessusdicte. Ge Jehan de mandeuille cht'uaUev nez du Royaulme dengleterre.

The text is divided into numerous paragraphs each of which begins with large script and has a decorative initial. Ends :

Quil leur plaise dieu prier pour moy Et ge prieray dieu pour eulx. Amen. alia.

On the verso of the last flyleaf but one (xv-xvi) f. 82 ^ : Nobilis Vir Jacobus bodueler (or bourueler) pocessor est huius voluminis.


In another hand :

Ultima cum venierit prolixis tempora methis Due animam ad superos virgo serena thronos.

On the French MSS. of Jean de Mandeville Dr Vogels' forth- coming' edition must be consulted.

178. Fabliaux.

Vellum, iif X 8{, ff 185+3, double columns of 40 lines. Cent. XV, in two hands, one rather current.

Red morocco binding.

Formerly Ashburnham Appendix no. 174. No. 112 in the sale of 1899.

On f . I : Ce libure est a leonor de Rohan princesse de Guemene (monogram below).

In a modern hand : nommee dame du palais par Catherine de Medicis reine de France le 29 mai 1588. Rangeard Archipretre. Cotte 5. Contes et fabliaux.

Collation : i flyleaf, i* 2^ (4, 5 of i and 4, 5 of 2 have changed places) 38 51" 71"- 1 1^' i2« i3"-20i° (+ 0, 2 flyleaves.

Contents :

A collection of Fabliaux.

1. Without title: of a hermit who sinned and was saved from

desperation .......... f. 1

Adsit in principio sancta maria meo. I de dex rois ihesu crist Peres et filz et saint escript (!) Deus qui tout pues et tout creas Qui en la sainte crois huchas

Pour son frere tant i ieuna Que de son pechie le geta.

2. Du iuif qui ieta son tilz au four 3

Qui verges esparge se het.

3. De celui qui troua larbre sech et la fontaine que couroit

centre mont ......... ^ d

Qui de loing garde et de pr^-s iot.

4. Dun bouriois qui ama une bourioise tant quil lie pot durer . 9

De fol auoir a grant talent.

5. De lermite qui vout amer la sarracine . . . . . 13 ^

De sa franchise se de mest.




6. De thays la domoisele que lermite connerti . . . . f. 15

II nest pas our quant que reluist.

7. Du preudome qui disoit touziours miserere tui . . . 19

Qui oreilles a pour oir.

8. Du roy qui mist a lescole le filz au senscal . . . 21 b

Vilains est qui fet a autrui.

9. De iii clers compaignons qui se rendirent . . . . 27 <^

Si come la terre de brehangne.

10. De iamperes que sou sororge pria . . . . 34 <5

Foux est que acret sur ses piax.

11. De lermite qui conuerti le mutrier qui fust sauue et lui fust

dampne .......... 39 /;

Pierre volaige ne queut moust.

12. De la nonain qui lessa labeie et nostre dame serui pour le . 42

Assez vaut miex amis en voie.

13. Du poure clerc qui disoit touziours ave maria . . . 45^

Encore ne pues ie tere.

14. De saint ierome qui vit le diable sur la cue de la robe dune

fame 47

Celui qui len veut resembler.

15. De cellui qui le boterel prist par la lieure .... 49

Deu de qui toutez bontez ist.

16. Dun bouriois qui espousa limaige de pierre . . . . 51

Salomon nous dist que tant est.

17. De celui qui ne pot emplir son baril deaue .... 55

Voirs est que checun cuer se proue.

18. De labesse grosse que nostre dame deliura . . . . 57/'

Si come le soulaux aeuure.

19. Dun prestre qui iuist a une fame la veille de nouel . . 60/'

Tant grace chieure que mal gist.

20. De la pucelle qui vit son pere et sa mere lun en paradis et

lautre en enfer 63

Fromage fres et pierre dure.

21. De lermite qui conuerti le due malaquin .... 66

Autresi comme la quintaine.

22. Du moine qui vit le diable sur la ville et sur labeie . . 69

Qui a deux seigneurs veult seruir.

23. Dun sarrasin qui lermite resuscita et le baptiza de trois de ses

larmes "ji b

Lescriture nous dist pour voir.

24. Dun clerc qui se rendist en une abeie pour la rober et puis

fust abe . . . . . . . . . . "jt, b

An tans que Salomon viuoit.

25. De iiij clers dont les plus vies orent enuie des ij ioines a qui

dieu fesoit grace ......... 76

Gil qui dieu crient rien ne li faut.

26. Du roy esgare pour lorage ....... 78

Qui sens et raison a ensemble.

M. C.





28. 29.

30- 31- 32. 33- 34- 35- 36. 37- 38- 39- 40.

41. 42. 43-


45- 46.

47- 48.

De la domoisele qui mist sus a lermite quil lauoit engrosse f. 82 b

Deux qui le repestaille volt. Dun hermite qui fu tenipte dune fame qui mist sa main

u feu . 84 /'

Qui talent a de bien aprendre. De lermite qui requint nostre seignour quil saroit qui seroit son

compaignon en paradis ....... 87

Quant dame dieu le monde fist. De Saint Paulin 90

Dieu qui ses biens nous abandone. De lermite qui retourna sa mere de folic . . . . 92 (^

Bien trouue qui a bien se tient. De lermite qui seniura ........ 96

Viez pechiez fet nouele honte. Du marcheant qui se rendist 98 3

Mout est cil poure qui ne voit. De lusurier qui se repentit ....... loi

Qui na que vn ceil souent le tret. De la nonain qui enraige pource que elle ne seigna sa viande . 103

Mauues est qui ne guerre done. Dun bouriois qui fist esprouer a son filz ses amis . . 104

Uaut as tant pues et tant ie taim. De la dame de rome qui de son filz engrossa . . . lodb

Bien est garde cil que dieu gart. Dun crucifis que un iuif trouua en la maison vn crestien . no

Des bons ist li biens par droiture. Du segrestain qui roba sabeie . . . . . . iiib

Es vies de peres trouons. [Change of hand]. Du vilain asinier a qui la vois parla et la

multiplia . . . . . . . . . . 115

Bien seshaute qui sumilie. De lermite qui sala son pain . - . . . . . \iob

En mai quant herbes de terre issent. De lenfant qui le diable tolli de son pere . . . . 1221^

Lescripture si nous enseigne. Dun hermite qui depucella la fille dun cheualier et puis

la tua 125 /;

Apres vous conte dun saint hermite. Dun enfant que la mere dieu sauua de pandre . . . 132

Ca en arriere a Rome auint. Dun hermite qui plantoit poreax . . . . . .134

Jadis en hermitage auoit. Dun riche home qui depucella sa mere . . . . 136

Nuns mame que ne pete bien. Dun hermite qui tendist las pour prendre le diable . . 139 '^

Dun saint pere apres vous diroi. Dun cheualier qui deuint hermite pour le miracle que il vist . 143

Jadis vn cheualier estoit.


49. Dun hermite que larions roberent . . . . . . f. 145^

Fox est qui au siecle se fie.

50. Dun moine qui fist vne ymaige a nostre dame . . . 148

Jadis estoit vne abeie.

51. Dun hermite qui vout esprouer le monde . . . 150

Un saint pere en egipte estoit.

52. De lenfant clerc a qui limaige de nostre dame paria . . 154

Mai semer fet sur pierre dure.

53. (The first hand.) De lermite qui vout lerre son hermitaige et

puis sen repenti 155 <5 *

En egipte .i. saint pere auoit.

54. Dun enfant qui creanca a limaige nostre dame quil nauroit

iamais aultre mari ........ 158

Un miracle briefment vous di.

55. De ii freres qui larrons roberent et naurerent et lun mistrent en

la chartre .......... t6o<5

Un essample vous veil retraire.

56. Dun hermite qui parla a la teste dun sarrasin . . . 163

ladis en la terre degipte.

57. Dun escuier qui fist omage au diable pour auoir richesse . 164 b

En france auint ce mest auis.

58. Dun hermite que un leu emmena de son hermitaige . . 166

II ot en vn desert degipte.

59. Dun chastalain qui desherita trois freres gentilz homes et

deuindrent larrons u bois . . . . . . . 168

Or vous courans le primier.

60. Dun enfant a qui nostre dame parla . . . . 169 ('^

Ancors dire quiquil auint.

61. De lange qui geta le brandon de feu ardent . . . \iob

Assez puet len trouer matire.

62. Dun prestre que larceuesque de cambre suspendi pour sa

luxure . . . . . . . . 172

En angleterre vn prestre ala.

63. Dun feure qui donoit pour dieu tout ce que il gaignoit fors

pourement sa vie de pain et de eaue . . . . '73'^

Apres du feure vous recort.

64. Dun clerc escolier a paris qui disoit touziours aue maria . 176/'

Un petit conte vous ueil fere.

65. Dun enfant qui le diable fist choir dune tour et nostre dame le

receut . . . . . . . '77'^

Qui voudroit enquerre et cercher.

66. Dune gentil fame a qui nostre dame rendist la veue . . 1781^

Un nouel conte ai empris.

67. Dun conte qui guarda le pucellage sauue pour ce quelle ot non

maria . . . . . . 180/'

Tant ai quis et tant ai cerche.

68. Dun preudome a qui nostre dame enuoia le poisson . . 182

De la mere dieu honorer.

22 2


69. Du bouiiois qui empresta deniers dun [dun] iuif et se il ne li

rendoit au terme quil reniroit dieu f- 183

Dun preudome de bone vie.

70. De celui qui fist son pie trachier qui nostre dame garist . 184

Un miracle qui est petit.

71. De ij escoliers qui estoient compaignons . . . . 1841^

Le cuer encoire me flaile. Ends 185 (^:

Quant les felons iuis toccirent E en la sainte croiz te mistrent, Cement ie moi roi glorieus.

On the flyleaf: passe par nioy with a device and other scribbles.

179. Roman des Sept Sages. Roman de Marques. Roman de Lorin.

Vellum, I2i X 9, ff. 215, double columns of 41 lines. Cent, xiii (near 1300), in a fine clear upright black hand.

Modern brown morocco by Belz-Niedree. Purchased by Mr William Morris at Baron Seilliere's sale March 1887 at Sotheby's (lot 933), and by Mr M^Clean at Mr Morris's sale Dec. 1898 (lot 988).

In the book is a description in manuscript by Paulin Paris which I reprint here, adding a collation, and description of the miniatures.




Manuscrit du XIII"^ Siecle, tres bien ecrit sur velin et orne de huit petites miniatures curieuses. Grand in de 212 feuillets a deux colonnes.

II n'est pas aise de reconnaitre tout ce qu'il y a dans ce volume. On pourrait dire que le commencement est a la fin, ou plus exactement encore qu'il n'a pas de tete et que les pieds n'y sont pas a leur place. Apres I'avoir bien tourne et retourne, on est tente de le comparer a quelque recueil de bonnes feuilles de trois ou quatre ouvrages, tirees et reliees sans ordre par un prote d'imprimerie. Ce qu'il y a de plus singulier, c'est que le volume ne semble pas avoir ete prive d'un seul des feuillets qu'il possedait quand on lui donna la reliure qu'il conserve encore; et cette reliure est elle-meme ancienne. Pour expliquer un tel assemblage, il faut supposer que dans le magasin du copiste ou libraire qui ecrivit ou fit ecrire les trois romans des Sept Sages, de Marques et de Loiin, plusieurs feuillets n'avaient pas ete employes et n'avaient pas servi a completer un exemplaire.


Cetle hypotliese n"a lien d'excessif: avant I'usage de I'imprinierie, les libraires, entre- presseurs de manuscrits, faisaient executer en meme temps un certain nombre de copies du meme oiivrage, comme aujourd'hui les imprimeurs. De ces exemplaires, il en etait souvent plusieurs qu'on ne parvenait pas a completer, ou qu'on gardait avec intention, pour les vendre en parcelles, a ceux qui avaient a completer leurs exemplaires. Mais ce que je tiens a constater ici, c'est que notre volume, tel qu'il est, ne fut jamais complet et n'a jamais possede les feuilles qu'on regrette de ne pas y trouver.

Ajoutons qu'il serait permis de preferer les longs fragments qu'il renferme de trois grands romans, a I'un de ces trois romans complet. L'interet de la lecture s'accroit, en effet, par la variete des recits, et les longs morceaux conserves suffisent pour donner una idee tres exacte de I'ensemble des trois ouvrages.

On doit au savant et judicieux orientaliste, M. Loiseleur des Longchamps, un excellent Essai sttr les Fables indiemics, et sur letcr introduction en Europe (Paris, 1838). A la suite de cet ouvrage, on trouve un texte en prose du Roman des Sept Sages, public par les soins de M. E. Roux de Lincy. Apres avoir lu le travail de M. Loiseleur des Longchamps, il est impossible de douter que la grande source de legendes qui connnence au Roman des Sept Sages ne soit descendue de I'lnde et de la Perse en Europe. Or cette premiere donnee pourra bien un jour faire reconnaitre un autre genre d'analogie entre les origines de nos romans de la table ronde et la litterature orientale. Qui salt? les philologues n'ont pas eu besoin des souvenirs positifs de I'histoire pour afifirmer que les Celtes, les Germains etaient venus a une epoque tres indecise, des bords de I'Indus et du Gange sur ceux du Rhone, de la Meuse, de la Seine et du Rhin; je ne discute pas, je constate une opinion maintenant admise. Si elle est fondee sur quelque chose de reel, serait-il impossible que des traditions de I'antiquite la plus reculee se soient transmises, et, tout en changeant sur la route autant que la jument Alfana, aient cependant garde des signes frappants de leur origine? Ce qu'on peut au moins assurer, c'est que rien dans les recits, dans les caracteres, dans les descriptions, dans les tableaux de moeurs du cycle des romans des Sept Sages, et du cycle des romans de la table ronde, ne s'accorde avec les caracteres, les moeiirs ou les souvenirs historiques des peuples chretiens de I'Europe, a aucune epoque de leur histoire. J'efBeure cette grande question litteraire, dans I'espoir de donner a quelque autre I'envie de I'approfondir, et j'arrive a notre volume.

Si Ton veut en trouver le commencement, il faut sauter tout de suite au f'' 142. On y trouvera, a defaut de preamljule, au moins le second feuillet du Roman des Sept Sages, et, des la premiere colonne, en lui comparant le texte de M. de Lincy, on remarquera de grandes et importantes differences, a I'avantage du manuscrit. Le recit est ici plus ample, plus clair et plus complet. Les histoires racontees alternativement par I'lmperatrice pour decider I'Empereur a faire mourir son fils, et par les Sept Sages pour le detourner de cette mauvaise pensee, sont ici bien plus nettement exposees. Je vais transcrire ici non pas le recit que le texte imprime a le plus maltraite, mais la fin de I'un de ceux dont la lecture peut sembler le plus agreable; et j'aurai soin de mettre en italique tous les mots qui sont omis dans I'imprime, ou remplaces par d'autres qui ne les valent pas. Je m'attache done a I'histoire, racontee par le Sage Malcuidans, de la jeune femme qui, voulant devenir amoureuse, consulte sa mere et se decide a eprouver d'abord quelle serait la vengeance de son vieux mari s'il venait a reconnaitre qu'il a ete trompe. Elle commence par couper dans le jardin Vente, la tige de I'arbre que le vieillard avait plante ; le vieillard pardonne; elle tue le beau levrier que son maitre aimait le mieux et qui avait le privilege de s'entendre sur les tapis et meme sur les lits; le vieillard reflechit, et pardonne encore. A partir de la va courir ma citation, p. 150.



' L'en demain s'aparella la dawe; si s'en ala au mostier. Elk trouva sa mere, 'si s' assist Joste li. Sa mere lui demanda comment li estoit avenu. " Dame bien," dist-elle, "or saves, pour voir, que je wel amer. Ha! biele fille," dist la mere, "si, ne ten pnes tenir?— Ciertes," fait-elle, "non. Ha! biele fille, je m'en sui tenue toute ma vie ; otiques puis que Je ving en la compaigttie voire pere, ne fis folic, ne talent n'oi d'anier. Dame," dist-elle, "il ne vous convient pas amer ainsi qu'il fait moi; car mes peresfu jouenes horn quant il vous prist, Id ou vous recouvrates moult de deduit et de soulas; mais je n'ai ne deduit ne soulas de mon seigneur; si me convient pour chacier. Et cui ameras-tu?" dist la mere; "Chiertes, dame, jou le vou dirai; jou amerai le provoire de ceste ville ki m'en a proie viaintes fois. Le provoire?" dist la mere.— "Voire, dame; car je n'aimerois pas volentiers un chevalier, pour 90U qu'il se gaberait de moi et si m'engageroit mes reubes et mes joiaitx'^ : si en morroie de duel. Diva!" fait sa mere, "fai encor par mon consel: car tu ne verras ja si male vengance ne si cruel, com est de viel homme. Dame," dist-elle, "volentiers en ouverrai par vostre consel. Biele fille, assaie le done encore. Or, te dirai de coi tu Vassaieras. II sera demain juesdis, si sera la velle dou Nouel, et tes sires tenra grent cort; car tuit li vavassor de ceste ville et de chi entor i seront, car il i sont semons et mande; et tu sieras en une caiere^ autor de la table. Quant li premiers mes sera assis, tu melleras tes cles es filembres'^ de la nape; si te leveras, si trairas tot a toi, et si averas ton seigneur assaie par trois fois. Or va ; si fai ensi que je fai dit, et Deus te laist joir et venir a bon cief."

'La dame se parti de sa mere, si vint a sa maison, si siervi son seigneur bien et biel, tant que la veille del Nouel vint. Li vavasour de la vile furent venu et tot cil d^entour vinrent a Postel del sire vavasour. Les tables furent mises, puis si s'asirent au mangier. La dame sist sur une caiere au tor de la table; li servant aportent le premier met*, si I'asisent sur la table. La dame ne vot plus atargier; ains prist ses cles, si les mist es filenbres de la nape ; lors salit sus et, si come elle passa avant, totes les escuielles qui sour le table estoient espandirent. Li sires en fu moult courecies, et la dame traist a soi les des Ki furent entorteillies ks, filenbres de la nape. " Dame," dist li sires, " vilainement aves ouvret. Sire," dient li baron a la table, " ne vous caille, elle ne le fist mie de gret, si le soffres atant pour P amour de nous, par vostre grace. Sire," dist la dame, " par ma foi, je devoie aler pour vostre boti coutel, en ma kuce, que n'estoit mie aportes a table, si m'en anvioit moult. Dame," dist-il, " de por Dieu ! or tost aportes-nous autres napes'^

' La dame les fist aporter ; lors vinrent mes a plente, si mangierent a grant joie et li sires ne fist oncques semblant que il fust courecies, et nanporquant si I'estoit-il durement, mais bien s'en pensoit k vengier procainement. Quant on at mangie, si osta-on les napes ; si laverent et burent apres. Li sires les ot moult honeres et bien fais siervir, si qt^il s'en loerent. Lors prisrent congie, si s'en partirent et alerent a lor osteus et li sires demoura, si couvri son corage de si au matin que il fu leves.

' Lors apiela la dame, si lui dit : " Vous m'aves faites trois males entraites^ et vilanies ; mais si je puis, vous ne feres pas la quarte. Ce vous fait faire mauvais sans, il vous convient sainnier." Lors fist mander un sainneur, si fist faire un grand Jii. Quant la

^ L'imprime porte: et me demanderoient mes gages a engajer; ce qui n'a pas de sens. ^ Chaire ou siege eleve.

3 Ou filandres, excellent mot venu du latin fimbria, et qu'on ne trouve pas dans les glossaires.

* C'est a dire le premier service.

^ Cette expression repond assez bien a la notre: vous m'ave-fait des traits.


dame vit foii, si li demanda : " Sire, que voles-vous faire? Dame, enne^ Caves vous v'i? je vous ferai sainnier Je vos deux bras. Sirel''^ dit-elk, "y^ tie fus oncques sainnie en toute ma vie, si morroie de pauor se je veois iiion sane. Par Dieu ! dame, faire le vous convient ; car les entraites vilaines que vous m'aves faites, ce vous fait faire malvais sans."

'Lors fist la dame despoullier, volitist oti non, le diestre bras: puis li tist caufer au fu iongemeiit, el li sainnieres le fiert en une des vainnes del brae si que li sans en vole a grans randons ; et puis prist li sainnieres le seniestre bras si que une fleume eu issi et une grande betumee'- tant que vermaus sans en issi. Lors fist li sires bras estancier^ et puis loicr et porter en sa cambre, et li fist couchier; puis cria et braist, et puis manda sa mere.

'Et quant ele fu venue, si li dist : " Dame, morte sui sans recouvrier. Coment, biele fille.'' dit la dame. Dame, mes sires m'a fait sainnier de deux bras. Ore, biele tille, as tu talent d'amer? Chiertes, dame, je non ; dont par seroie-je morte ensi. Fille, je le te disoie bien, tu ne verras ja si cruel vengance come es de viel homme. Par ma foi, dame, se jou pooie respasser jamais n'aroie pensee ne talent d'amer. Par mon chief, biele fille, droit ares."

'"Or sire," dist maistre Malcuidans a I'Empereur, "dont n'esploita bien li vieus sages de sa femme qui li fist ces trois entraites laides et vilaines ? La premiere fu de sa boine ente ; la seconde de son levrier ; la tierce de la viande espandre sour la table ; la quarle fust encore plus vilainne, car elle eust ame le prestre de la vile. Autretel vous dis-je, de votre femme ; elle vous encite que vous destruisies vostre fil a tort." '

II ne manque a notre ancienne et excellente lecon de cet excellent roman que le preambule et les deniieres lignes. Le reste, sans lacune, est compris entre les ff. 142 et 158.

Le 159 nous transporte au second feuillet conserve du roman de Marques de Rome, fils de Caton. C'est a proprement parler la seconde branche de ce cycle des Sept Sages, translate en Europe vers le XI I^ siecle, du livre persan de Syntypas, lui-meme traduit ou iniite d'un texte Sanscrit. Marques, nom qui parait avoir ete forme en souvenir de Marcus Cato, n'est pas moins sage que son pere ; il se laisse pourtant quelquefois tromper dans sa jeunesse, mais c'est afin d'avoir I'experience complete de la vie humaine. Devenu a son tour I'objet particulier de la haine d'une seconde Imperatrice, il est enfin accuse d'avoir mis a mal la fille de I'Empereur. II n'en etait rien, le coupable etait un jeune varlet nourri par I'Imperatrice, et dont personne ne prenait defiance. Je ne puis resister au plaisir de citer cet endroit, qui n'est pas depourvu de naivete et qui peindra mieux que tout ce que je saurais dire la singularite des mceurs dont ce roman ofTre le tableau. C'est au 198, v°:

'Que vous iroi-jou coutaut La puciele fu en sage, et mout caude de nature; elle s'acointa au valiet et li vallet a li, et toules les fois que il povient trouver lieu, il s'entre- baisoient et acoloient. Apres le petit gieu vint li grans. La puciele fu enceinte de vif enfant, si perdi sa coulour et fu dangereuse* de viandes. L'empereur s'empier^ut, et la avoit des demoisieles qui bien sceureut que ce avoit fait li nourissons ; mais bien le celerent.

^ Enne, c'est I'interrogation anne des latins.

- Texte imprime : Et une Jlamme en oissi, covime une bisiuiiies.

^ Arreter, epuiser.

■* Elle sentit un grand degout de viandes.


' Et quand I'impereris sit que ele ut si mauvaisement garde sa fille, si en fu en moult dolente....Ele apiela sa fille et li dist : "Fille, mes nourris t'a engrossie. Ciertes, dame, dist-elle, voir est. Fille," dist I'impereris, " tu ne diras mie que 90U ait il fait, car jou et tu seriemes arses ; mais tu diras que 90U a fait li seneschaus qui es chambre venoit ; et garde que tu reconnoisses ne pour mort ne pour vie que autre t'ait 90U fait. Dame," dist la fille, " volentiers." '

Marques est accuse par I'lmperatrice et a grand'peine a se defendre ; alors commence une nouvelle serie de contes que I'Empereur ecoute alternativement de la bouche de I'lmperatrice et de celle des Sept Sages. Ces histoires sont en general d'une erudite d'expressions qui n'a guere ete surpassee. Dans la troisieme que raconte un des Sept Sages, on voit un jouvenceau, amoureux de la fille d'un chevalier, et qui, pour se debarrasser d'un surveillant incommode, tue le pere de sa maitresse. La femme du chevalier rejette le crime sur son fiUatre qui en etait parfaitement innocent ; et le Sage conteur en conclut que I'Empereur ne doit pas ajouter foi aux calomnies de sa femme.

' II ne demoura gueres que li amis a la fille vint el pourpris parler a s'amie, et entra el vergier par dessus les murs, et portoit o lui un arc tendu et saietes barbees, tant que il vint viers la cambre au seigneur, et vit en une arciere', la damoisiele qui se despouilloit et le segnour qui se gratoit. Si Ten anoia moult; car il pensa que ele ne venroit a pieces'- a lui. Et la damoisiele savoit bien que ses amis I'atendoit, si queroit ocoison pour soi despartir de la couche. Mais li sires ne voloit, ains se voloit aaisier et degrater tout par loisir, et faisoit sa cemise revierser sour sa tieste, et puis se tournoit de I'un coste sour lautre ; et puis a enviers et puis as dens. Cette cause anuia mout a la damoisiele qui le degratoit, et encor anuioit-il plus a son ami, qui I'atendoit el vergie, et tant que une partie de la mit fu alee. Li amis a la damoisiele ne pot plus souffrir, ains entesa une des saietes pour ferir le chevalier, et I'assena parmi le col si droit que il le feri el ventre, si com il estoit descouviers ; li chevalier gieta un cri, et cil qui fera I'avoit s'en fui '

Apres une longue et curieuse serie d'exemples de ce genre. Marques, sur le point d'etre convaincu du crime qu'il n'a pas commis, demande a passer en revue toutes les demoiselles qui etaient chargees de servir la jeune princesse mise a mal. II demande que Ton verifie publiquement le sexe de chacune ; I'lmperatrice s'y oppose, mais ne peut empecher que I'Empereur ne soumette a cette epreuve celle que Marques soup9onne le plus. ' " La demoisiele, dit-il, sera descouvierte voiant mes ieus ; mais nus ne le verra, se je non ; tant que je saurai que ce sera. Adont la prist par la main et I'emmena en une cambre. Li empereres seul a seul de la demoisiele, des couvrit toute sa reube et i trouva tel signe qui ne li plot mie, et vit tout plainement que 90U estoit un home viestus de reube de femme. Si fu moult iries et se pier9ut del tort que il avait enviers Marque. Si prist celui et I'amensa en plainne Sale tout descouviert et dist : Segnour voz-ci biel joiel a dames et a damoisieles. Et quant il of cou dit si s'agenouilla devant Marke et li cria merci " '

Au moins nous avons la fin du roman de Marques. II n'en est pas de meme de celui de Lorin, son fils, qui rappelle mieux les recits de la table rotide et qui offre le meme genre d'amusement. Ce qui le distingue surtout, c'est le charme des peintures amoureuses dont la singuliere erudite d 'expression est rachetee par la naivete des declarations et la purete reelle des sentiments de chacun des personnages. Ici, comme dans les chansons de geste, les princesses Galienne, Cassidore, Diogene, se chargent des

^ Une embrasure de fenetre. ^ A piices, synonyme de picfa.


premieres avances, et tout le tort des chevaliers, quand ils en ont, c'est de ne pas toujours faire une assez longue resistance aux soUicitations passionnees de ces aimables princesses. Men Dieu, que les temps sont changes, et comme aujourd'hui les roles semblent intervertis? N'est ce pas, apr^s tout, le cas de regretter le bon vieux temps?

Ainsi, pour nous resumer, le precieux manuscrit que nous avonssous les yeux contient: le roman des Sept Sages, complet a I'exception du premier et du dernier feuillet; la plus grande partie du roman de Marques de Rome; des fragments tres considerables, formant a peu pres la moitie de tout le volume du roviati de Loriu, empereiir de Con- stantinople. Je crois que Marques et Lorin n'ont jamais ete imprimes; ils meriteraient assurement de I'etre a meilleur titre qu'une foule d'insipides remans de chevalerie depourvus d'invention, de naturel et d'esprit ; ce qui n'empeche pas qu'on ne les recherche d'une ardeur sans pareille.

Collation : i (two) 28-6S (wants i) (wants 3, 6) 9^ io« (wants i) 1 18-138 (wants i) 148 158 (wants 4, 5) 168-188 (wants 2, 7) 198 208 (wants 3, 6) 218 (but gaps marked before and after i) 228 238 (wants 3) 248 (wants 6) 258 (wants 4, 5) 268-298 30*.

Another copy of Marques is C. C. C. Oxford 252. See La Valliere, Catalogue ii. 634.

The following pictures occur. They are oblong, in text with gold grounds, and framed in pink and blue with white patterns on the colour. The drawing is skilful and rather hasty.

1. f. I. Si com laurin rescoust bandemagu.

L. a helmeted knight in mail on horse with trappers coloured scarlet. A knight in mail (Laurin) on horse with blue trappings and white double eagle: his sword is raised. Bandemagus in linen drawers, with bound hands, bleeding, on horse led by a mailed man on horse on R.

2. f. 10. Si com laurin dort a le Fontaine.

He lies in mail with vermilion surcoat, by a green well-head on a brown mound with two trees. A woman carrying a vessel approaches on A*.

3. f. I'j d. Si com laurins se combat a desriet.

Two knights tilt at each other. Laurin's(?) horse on Z. has red trappings, the other's blue: Laurin's surcoat is blue, the other's brown. The shields are respectively red and blue with white bend. A third knight on A'.

4. f. 40 d. Si com mordres et si compaignon vinrent a .i. castel.

Three knights ride into a gate on R. One horse has red trappings, and another blue with white eagle, as in no. i. A lady's head seen at a window.

5. f. 68. No rubric.

On L. a city with mailed men's heads seen over wall. In C. a fire. On A', four people, one of whom is a crowned lady with bound hands. These people are threatening to burn the city unless it is suiTendered.


6. f. 89 <J. Two knights riding to R., horses with red and blue trappings. They

seem to be tilting at a shield gules three bars arg. on a post on R.

7. f. 98. Cest si con li sires de gorre fu en prison, et li sires de malpertuis et Gal(ienne) vinrent a lui.

Under two trefoil arches. On L. a man in blue gown (Maupertuis) and a maid in pink stand speaking to the Sieur de Gorre on R. He is in blue gown and is seated on a vermilion mattress. His legs are passed through the shaft dividing the two arches. The prison-stocks are thus indicated.

8. f. 135. Si com markes acola diogene.

They are seated side by side on a red bed. White curtains R. and Z.

9. f. 186. Si com laurine troua marques.

Under a red tent on R. a boy and girl seated side by side at table, a woman (Laurine) approaches from L. Tree on L.

180. Orosius in Spanish.

Vellum, 14^ X II, ff. 70, double columns of 55 lines. Cent, xv (1442), in a good hand and with very fine ornaments. Spanish.

Vellum wrapper.

Purchased at Sotheby's, lot 746 in a sale of manuscripts and printed books.

Collation: \^'>-7'\

Contents :

I. Rubric apparently rewritten over erasure.

Aqui comienca el primero libro de las ystorias de roma de paulo orosio el qual fizolo trasladar don Fernan alvarez de toledo senor della villa de salvatiera et de valdecorneja conde de alva segendo alferez en la frontera del andalucia contra granada por el seresisimo (!) rey don Johan de castilla.

A si como plaze a muchos de saber el primero Rey que regno en ytalia ouo nonbre Jano.

A fine full border of line work and colour with border between the columns.

At bottom two wild men with hats, shields and clubs. Between them a shield in plain burnished gold ; some painted charge may have been removed.

The initial is most delicately painted, representing a half-length doctor in lake skull cap, gown of blue and lake, collared with ermine and lined with green over purple robe. He is shaven and holds a crinkled scroll. The background is a most delicate and minute landscape.

The initials of sections are in blue, red and green with penwork.


Lib. II. 6b, decorative initial, in. 11. iv. 15. v. 19. vi. 21. VII. -26. VIII. 31. IX. 35. X. 38^^. Another good initial on 40a. XI. 41. Bust of man in cap with scroll in white on ground coloured (horizontally) half red, half blue. xii. 43. xiii. ^^b. Half of 48 a and all 48 b blank. XIV. 49. XV. 5 1 b bust drawn in gold on red ground, xvi. 54 b.

Ends f. 60 a with a notice of the three continents, ending

E proenca es dicha gallia olrossi ytalia.

Aqui son acabados de escriuir los xvi libros de las ystorias de roma de paulo orosio sacacados de nueuo agora los compendios e los comentarios en romance. E son los dichos libros en un uolumen los quales son escriptos dentro en doze quadernos e dos cartas de paper e ha encada uno quaderno doze cartas. E el presente libro fizolo Pero diaz de la torre cibdadano de aragon. el qual libro fizo trasladar estando en la cibdat de segouia (rewritten) E fue comencado de trasladar luned primero die de setiembre Ano de la natividat de n""" seiior de mill, ccccxlij. anos. E fue acabado de escriuir sabado .iiij. dias del nies de octubre del ano suso dicho.

Aqui es acabado el xvi libro de las ystorias romanas deo gratias.

Below this are traces of a considerable erasure. 2. Amostramiento del malicioso e del nescio e daiio e provecho de

entramos (over erasure) . . . . . . . . f. 61

Por tirar occio sidat et non perder tienpo que es cosa repronada... conuiene de tractar de una obra bestial.

Stories of " Asdranapolus Rey de siria et agensal et aderbal et agalliffa de baldaque et al rey don pedro de castilla" followed by a section on Aristotle and others including two short citations of Dante (f. 66) and three larger extracts from the 'libro del regimiento de los principes. '

On 68 b : En este capitulo siguiente se contiene las uirtudes de la yerua del pico.

Descripcion de la yerua martegon

with the ' oraciones ' to be used when gathering it.

O yerua santa martegon coniuro te per el secreto de dios, etc., and directions.

Lastly on 69 a in red a list of the planets and the metals to which they correspond.

181. Chaucer, Canterbury Tales,

Vellum, 9^ X 6f, ff. 305, 36 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in a good small current hand.

Modern morocco binding.

Formerly Ashburnham Appendix 127, no. 1 13 in the sale of 1899.

On the flyleaf (xvi) :

On f. 2 (xviii .'') : Max Dalyson (also on f. 159).


Collation : i"-!/** (i cane.) i8**-27^ (i cane.) 28" 29^-31^ (i cane.) 32«-38« 39«. Contents :

Here bigynneth the Talys of Canterbury compiled by Gefifrei

Chaucers. (Prol.) Whan that Aprile. The knyghtes Tale . . . . . . . . . f. 1 5 ^

The Prolog of the Mylner ........ 46 3

The Mylners Tale ^-, b

The prolog of \^ Carpenter 57

The Carpenter's Tale ......... 58

The Cook's Prologue. The Coke of London while \q Reve spake 64

The Coke's Tale .......... 64 ;>

Gamelyn ........... 65

The prolog of J^e man of Lawe . . . . . . . 11 b

The tale of \q man of lawe. ....... 78 <^

The prolog of )>e Squyer ......... 93

The tale of }>e Squyer 93 <^

Ends : Tyll jjat J^e god mercuryus howse j^e slye.

An erased Rubric, \o^b blank.

The prolog off J'e marchaunde . . . . 103

The tale of J^e marchaunt io.3 '^

The prolog of J'e ffrancleyn . . . . . . . . 118

The tale of J'e ffrancleyn. 129;^ blank . . . . . 118

The prolog of Jje wyfe of Bath 130

The tale \\^b

The prolog of }>e ffrere . . . . . . . 146^

The tale ,, .. '47

The prolog of j'e Sompnour . . . . . . . 152

The tale 152 <5

(f. 159 blank: on it, Max: Dallisson.)

The prolog of \e. clerk of Oxenford 160

The Clerk of Oxenford tale 160 3

Lenuoye de Chaucers. 175 i^. Here endeth j'e tale of griseldis . 176

The prolog of j'e secund nonne 116 b

The tale 177 (5

The prolog of j'e chanouns yeman . . . . . . 183 3

The tale 186

The prolog of j'e doctour of phisik ...... 195 b

The tale 195 ^

The prolog of j'e pardoner ........ '99^

The tale 200

The prolog of Schipman 208

The tale 208

The prolog of j'e Prioresse 214^

The tale 215

The prolog of Chausers . . . . . 218^


The Tale of Thopas ......... f. 218/'

The prolog of Mellibe 220

Chausers tale (Melibeus). 242 iJ blank 22:

The prolog of jjc Monk 243

The tale , , ,

■**•■• ■"++

The prolog of J>e Nonnes preste 2s6

The tale <j_.6^

The prolog of J^e mauncypul 263

The tale 26^ b

The prolog of j^e person 267

(The tale) State super uias et uidete etc 268

Here endeth the Persons Tale 303 b

Here taketh the maker his leve. Now pray y to alle

schall be saued. Qui cum patre. Here endeth the Boke of the Talys of Caunterbury compiled bi

Geffrey Chaucers on whose soule Jhesu haue mercy. Amen. . 304

On the flyleaf:

Je suy george d' am hois trente six mil qui fe pois quiquoque me pesera quarante mil il me trouuera.

(being a motto inscribed on the great bell of Rouen (?)). Scribbles on the last flyleaf:

M. Thomas Kent

Dounton. Mastres the wyf of T. (?) Kent.

The MS. is mentioned but not used by Professor Skeat in his edition.

The order of the Tales conforms nearly but not exactly to that called the D-type by Professor Skeat.

182. Lydgate and Hoccleve.

Vellum, 8f x6|, fl". 139, 36, 28 etc. lines to a page. Cent, xv, very clearly written, the penmanship rather thick and black.

Green velvet binding.

Formerly Ashburnham Appendix no. 134: no. 82 in the sale of May 1899.

Various names are scribbled in the volume : see below.

Collation : (wants i) 2* (wants 5) 3*'-6^ 7" 8** (but i replaced.^) 9*-ii®(wants 2) 12* (wants 4) 13^-15* (wants 4) 16* (wants 2.?) 17' (wants 4?) 18 (four) 19*.




In the following descriptions I have used notes kindly given to me by Dr H. N. MacCracken.

Contents :

1. Lydgate's Serpent of Division . . . . . . f. i

Beginning imperfectly : folio i gone.

a corde stode vndefowlid and vndevidid in the bondis of Bretayne ]>e my3ti conquerowre Julius was vnable and im- potente to venquische hem. Ending g d: bi commaundemente of my most worschipfull maistere and souereyne I toke vpon me Y'ls litill and {?= com- pendious translacion and of entente to don him plesaunce after my litill connynge I haue put in remembrawnce. Two ballades follow. The first is an envoy to the above piece.

This litill prose declarith in figure gd

The grete damage and distrucczbn.

The refrain is : Of Pompey and Cesar Julius.

It is continued (from 9 i^) on f. 11. The true order of the leaves

is II, 12, 13, 10, 14. A prophecy :

M. simplex .c. ter .1. bis sic continet .v. ter (1415) Fran fflan consurgent simul hispan viribus urgent Scoti vastabunt Walenses arma parabunt Nor Vas expellent britones sortesque repellent Sani consurgent albani lumina lingent. The second ballade (taken from Lydgate's Fall of Prhues vi. 11) 11

This tragedie of duke Pompey Declarith in grece f>e chefe occasion. Refrain : Possession takith no force of wronge nor ri3t. Last line : No cleyme is worthe w' oute titill of ri3t. Latin verses on the nine worthies etc. . . . . . 11 b

Quatuor ecce viri tibi sint tantummodo magni Constantinus Alexander Karolus quoque Pompeus. Alexan Pompen constantinum Karolumque Quatuor hos magnos dicito quisque viros. Hector alex Julius dauid Josue Machabeus Arthurus Karolus nobilis nee non Godefridus Hi trini ter tres in mundo non meliores. Clerus eques cheridon sermonibus ense iumento Instruit armat alit hec tria regna regunt. Other MSS. of the prose tract no. i are Pepys 2006, Harvard College Qr. 5, Lord Calthorpe's Velverton MS. 350. It was printed by Trevenys, O. Rogers 1559, E. Allde 1592 (with Gorboduc).

2. Lydgate and another's Boke of the Governance of Kynges and

Prynces (being a metrical version of the Pseudo-Aristoteles Secreta Secretorum).


Prosiegel has written on it (Munich, 1903) : he had not seen this copy. It was printed by R. Steele, 1892, for E. E. T. S. The first remaining leaf is that now numbered 12. was fully sent w' entiere diligence

Continuing, f. 13 (1. 4). Of his epistill whiche )?' folowith here. Here is the forme of \e firste epistill that Kynge Alisaunder sente to his maister Aristotiles.

Reuerent fadir doctowre of disciplyne. Answere of Aristotiles i^b. Continue with f. 10. That fynally Y\ roiall excellens

After his fadir was Kynge of Macedony. This rubrissche rehersith Name of the Philosofer callid Phelip

borne in parise whiche was translatoiure oj ^is boke . f. 10

This Philosofer famous and notable. Continued on f. 1 4. From this point the text seems continuous, ending f. 49.

Whiche \& mote graunte \q. lorde moste imperiall

Aboue all heuenes supra celestiall. Amen. Then follows : Lenuoy.

Goo litill boke and mekely me excuse

Where thow failist that men schall the correcte. Expl.

This is taken from Lydgate's Fifteen Joys of Mary i. 1. 193. 3. On f. 49 <5 sqq. are ballades or envoys from Lydgate's Fall of Princes il. 2, IV. 15, in. 20, I. 13, in. 9, in. 14.

a. Philosofers conclude and deuise (4 stanzas) refrain : myschefe and diffame.

b. This tregedie schewith a figure (6 stanzas) . . . 49 <^ refrain : linage.

c. Oute of pouerte came firste thes Emperours (4 stanzas) 50 b a. Rede and considere this seide tregedie (6 stanzas) . 50 b

refrain : ire aswage. e. Princes considere in euery age (4 stanzas) . . . •)\ b

refrain : w' owte aduisement.

f. The stormy truste of euery commente (6 stanzas) . . ^i b refrain : change of princis newe.

g. This litill tregedye dothe schortly here deuise (4 stanzas) . 52 refrain : mede.

Ending f. 52 3.

A blank leaf, f. 53, follows, of old vellum, ruled. On the verso in a round boy's hand is : W^illiam Cuff His Book April the 5 Mr Lambert his givft unto William Cuff of Athlone in the year of on thousant 1709.

This name, with various dates, is often scribbled on the margin.


4. Hoccleve's Regiment of Princes (a version from Egidius de Colonna) beginning imperfectly in the Prologue (1. 66, ed. E.E.T.S., p. 3)

So flittynge is sche and so variaunt . . . f. 54

Vn to mylorde j^e prince j^is I wrote.

High noble and my3ti prince excellent (I.e. p. 73) . 84 <^

O maister maistere God \>i sovvle then rest.

Now to my matere as |jat I began (p. 77) 86

The cros of Crist my worke spede and auaunce. Expl. Prologus.

A leaf gone : continues . 87

And kynges of here Sogetis bene obeied (p. 80, 1. ■2212). After f. no (modern numbering) a leaf is lost containing

11- 3515 to 3570 114 ,, 3851 to 3906

,, 124 ,, 4467 to 4529

,, 128 ,, 4747 to 4802

,, 129 ,, 4859 to 4914

On i^ii is a marginal rubric: the figure of Chaucere. After 131 two leaves gone containing 11. 5013 to 5124. After this the text is complete to the end.

That knowith he whome no J^inge is hid froo. Expl. liber Egidii de regimine Principum translatum per

Occlyff^. An erasure and scribbles of cent, xvi follow. On the verso are many scribbles.

Hewe Mariate owythe this Boke.

Verses : Derae as you list I am content

So as you deme not wrongfully A wrongfull dome thou must repent Yf prudent iudges do it trye.

This is written thrice, the last time with the name W. Coullicke(?)

appended. In another hand two stanzas from Hoccleve (?).

Whan that in old tym by awnsyent antyquety trubulis of wares than wer in exersie.

On the last page are verses and the name

Richard Jaques. Also : mi amado hermano Antono mazuello and : Anthonius Vdallus (?).


183. Lydgate.

Vellum, 9 X 6|, ff. 47, 23 etc. lines to a page. Cent, xv (earlier than 180) in good upright hand.

Red velvet binding.

Formerly Ashburnham Appendix no. 132: no. 80 in the sale of May 1899.

In pencil on the cover: Mr Utterson's (Edward Vernon Utterson, 1 777-1 856, editor and book-collector, whose library was dispersed in April 1852 and March 1857).

Collation: (wants i, 2, 4) 2^ 38 (one cane, or 8 with three cane.) (wants 3) 6" (wants i, 2) y\

Contents :

Lydgate (and another's) Book of Governance (Ps. Aristotle's

Secretum Secretorum), see above on no. 182. 2. Two leaves gone at the beginning.

Bookys recorde an aungel was doun sen . . . . f. 1 ffro god aboue brought hym this present.

A leaf gone after f. i (iii) : f. 2 (v) has part of the answer of

Aristotle beginning at 1. 4. The section ends : aftir his fadir was kyng of macedonye. This rubriche rehersith name of the philosoffre callid phelip born

in paris which was translatour of this book .... 3 (vi)

This philisoffre famous and notable. Partial border (and initial) in gold, blue, pink, green and feather ornament.

fro greek into chalde.

Rubric to another prologue 5 (viii)

I gan remembre and muse in my resoun. Border and initial as before.

In his Epistyl to Alysaundre kyng 5

- Here is the secunde Epistil that Kyng Alisaundre sent to Aristotiles. Whan Alysaundre as is rehersid heer. Border etc.

Rubr. To telle of hym the genalogie which translatyd this book . 12

He that first this labour undirtok.

Rubr. Here the Epistil of the translatour 12 b

In the name of aristotiles ...... 13

Leaves are gone after 22, 23, 28, t,^ (two).

Ends in the section of the gonernaunce of bataylle.

M. C. 23


The last stanza begins :

and 3if thyn enemyes gynne for to fle (1. 5) enginys to haue is special remedi. Catchword : jif.

The following pages besides those specified have decorative borders: 12, 13, 15, 20, 21 b-2'^, 30-35. 11 b, 38(^,45, 46.

184. Walton's Boethius.


Vellum, 8 X 5|, ff. 119 and 83, 33 and 34 lines to a page. Cent. XV, in a rather current hand. Originally one volume.

184 is bound in variegated velvet, 185 in dark velvet with gold spots, both done in 1783.

Each has these inscriptions :

I. Liber domini Joannis Chetwode de Oakley in Comitatu Staffordiensi Baronetti.

1783. ■2. Liber domini Augusti L. Chetwode D.D. 1861. 3. Geo. Chetwode.

Each has also a title-page with the Chetwode arms, neatly painted. Motto, corona mea Christus.

In 184, This Book originally bound in wood was newly bound : and the pages were marked with modern figures A.D. MDCCLXXXIIL

In 185, Newly bound and paged A.D. MDCCLXXXIIL

No. 221, 1 212 in Chetwode sale at Sotheby's.

Collation (184) ; a^-p^ (wants 8). (185) : a«-k« 1^ (wants 4). 184.

Contents :

Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy translated into English Verse

in 1410 by John Walton? f. I has a good partial border of English ornament.

Prol. Insufficience of connynge and witte . . . . p. i

Defaute of langage and of eloquence

In willc to do you seruyce and plesaunce. Expl. pref.


Inc. prol. While J^at Rome was reynyng in his flowres

And of all }>= world helde \>'^ monarchic . . . p. -2

mi selfe I am insufficient ywys

ffor yef I couj^e hafe betttv done I wold.

Carmina que quondam etc. . 4 <i

Alias I wrecche Jj' whilom was in wclthe. Marginalia in Latin. Ends f. 119: Vnto ^'^ presence of )'<= Juge on hyc

I?' alle j'ing^ beholdef) plenerlye. Expl. liber Boecii de consolacionc philosophic translatus de latino

in Anglicum 1410 A". Another hand.

Explysyth quod Wyll.

The translator was Canon of Oseney and his work was dedicated to EHzabeth Berkeley. It was printed at Tavistock in 1525. There seem to be a good many MSS., e.g. Balliol 316, 317, New Coll. 319, Trin. Oxf. 21, St John's Coll. Camb.


Contents :

Hoccleve's Regement of Princes (cf. no. 182).

Musyng vpon the restles besynesse P- i

Prologue ends f. 33 ^ : spede and avaunce. Expl. prol.

Now gracious prince. Marginal note on f. 76; The ffigur^ of Chaucer. Ends f. 83 : That knowej? he whom nojjing is hid fro. The lower part of this leaf is cut off aad replaced. Such ornament as there is is in blue and red.

186. Brute Chronicle.

Vellum, iiix7f, fif. 198+ i, 32-33 lines to a page. Cent, xv, in two clear hands, both somewhat current.

Binding of cent, xviii.

Book-plateof Maurice Johnson of Spalding 1735. See Ouaritch's Dictionary of English Book Collector's, Part XIII, for an account of the Johnsons of Spalding.

At the end the name Martha Cholmely (xvi).

Purchased at Christie's. Another copy from the Johnson sale much resembling this is described in Quaritch's catalogue no. 180 ('July 1898) no. 6.



Collation : i flyleaf, i^--i6^2 17^ (wants 4, 8).

By way of frontispiece is inserted a portrait of Henry V (but facing Z., copied from the traditional portraits) : the background a red arras with pomegranates. Above, the Royal arms and supporters, below, the arms of Johnson (?) quarterly i and 4 or a water bouget sa., 2 and 3 vert three lioncels rampant ai'g., two and one : crest, two wings : supporters, two eagles or vultures.

Above and below the portrait in gold on blue :

Clementissimi Regis Henrici V Rebellium gallorum et Scotorum Victoris Ob Honorabilem D. Johannam Fil. Johannis Eq. ab illo in Banerettum creatum.

At the sides are flags and weapons.

The painting I think must be by Bogdani the younger, see p. 298.

An old flyleaf remains covered with pen-trials and scribbles.

Contents :

The Brute Chronicle in English.

Beginning imperfectly in the Prologue : and vnto hem he seide that if thei wolde

not be chastised thei shulde his loue lose for euermore. f. I is mutilated.

Cap. I begins f. 2. In the noble Cite of Troy \er was a noble kni3t. The chapters are numbered as far as ch. 182 (Defeat of Robert Bruce). At 188 b there is a change of hand, one scribe leaving off at the death of Henry IV :

a. m'. iiii. c. & xiii. on whoos soule god haue mercy. A continuator proceeds: And after Kyng Harry the fourthe regned Kyng Harry

the V that was born in Monmouth etc. Ends with the siege of Rouen (Jan. 19, 1418, according to a note by Johnson?) :

and restyd hym yn the castell tyll J'e towne was sett yn rewle and gode


187. Collection of Irish Tales belonging chiefly to THE Ulster Cycle, with other matter.

Vellum, Qi X 8, ff. 62, 1640. Beautifully written in the Irish character.

Thick leather binding, leather joints and loop with button.

Formerly Ashburnham Appendix, no. 203. No. 135 in the sale of May 1899.

Mentioned in Dr C. O'Conor's Bibliotheca MSS. Stowensis, Vol. I, pp. 155, 156 and 165.


Contents :

f. I a. ImclitJecht >ia Tromdhaimhe ina bfoilhighther cioniis do fuarus in tain ar tus. An imperfect copy of the I'roceedings of the Great Bardic Institution edited by Connellan for the Ossianic Society (Dublin i<S6o). This copy extends as far as "ja ( = pp. 2-40 of the printed text), wliere it breaks off in the middle of a sentence. 7 h. An imperfect copy of the Tain B6 Chiialnge. It begins in the middle of a sentence (? bfhaindi affailgeda i nornasga i nordiiisi ocus inedghadlia corre- sponding to 1. 65 of Windisch's edition). The Book of Leinster version is followed pretty closely. The story breaks off abruptly in the middle of Cuchulinn's third boy-feat (Windisch 1. 1217). A portion of the beginning of this passage is wrongly placed at the end, after which stands f ore/tend (finis).

28 /'. A poem in 4 stanzas attributed to Cailte mac Ronain on the death of Berrach Brec. Begins : Berrach brec on berrach brec. A somewhat different copy occurs in Acallamh na SenSrach (Stokes's ed., p. 61). ib. Another poem in 3 stanzas attributed to the same on the death of Cu Becc. Commences: Truagh lim oighde Conbici. Publ. from another copy in Gaelic Journal, p. 328. See also Stokes, Acallamh na Sen6rach, p. 63.

•29 a. Betha Brcnainn tnac Finnlogha or Life of Brendan son of Finnlug (St Brendan the voyager). This is identical with the life published by Whitley Stokes in the Lives of Saints from the Book of Lismore. For other copies v. p. 349 of that work.

4 1 a. Blogha do crtithiignd in dotnhain indsa or ' Fragments of the Creation of the World.' Begins with calculations of the ages of the world. On \^a commences the account of the creation of heaven and earth with a number of curious medieval notions with regard to Adam and Eve.

44 b. Aisin iarneistechl in chet aifnnd do 7 mar do fhiafraigh Pattraic de ciomis do thaitnigh seinnini na psalm lais, ' Ossian after hearing his first mass and how Patrick asked him how he liked the singing of the psalms.' Poem in 3 stanzas beginning: BadA handamh le ho jno chind. Contained in Acallamh na Senorach (Stokes's ed., p. 82).

45a to 49 /^ Bloga do gapaltns Eirend, 'Fragments of the conquest of Ireland.' These correspond closely to portions of the Book of Fenagh. A moralising poem in 2 stanzas at the foot of 47a (begins: Nocha ?niatiachadh aoibhe) is also found in the margin of the Book of Fenagh (p. 17).

50 rt. Sei eachtra bas Concobair righ Ulad, Adventures and death of Conchobar King of Ulster, v. K. Meyer, Death tales of Ulster Heroes, p. 2.

52 />. Air bas Ceit mic Magach, 'On the death of Get mac Magach,' cp. I.e., p. 36.

53 b. Bas Fhercuis mic Roigh, 'The death of Fergus mac Roigh,' cp. I.e., p. 32.

54 /'. In fath fa ttainic bas Laogairi Bhiiadaig, ' The cause of the death of

Laogaire Buadach,' cp. I.e. p. 22. Bas Mhcidbhe Chruachan, 'The death of Medb of Cruachu.' Another copy in the Book of Leinster 124 b 34. 56 «. Air bas Connlaoch mic Conchiilaind siind, 'On the tleath of Conlaech son of Cuchulinn,' cp. Jtrin vol. i p. i 13.


57 a. Bas Conridh niic Daire, 'The death of Ci'iroi son of Daire,' cp. £.riii vol. II p. 18.

59 a 62 b. Air Flaithius Tiiathail Techtmar, ' On the rule of Tuathal Techtmar.' Describes his birth, the fortresses he built and the origin of the Leinster tribute.

On 62 b there is a colophon Scriobhta limsa Domnal mac Taidhg oic hi Shuilleamhain as in priomhlebhar cianaosda eadhon lebhar duph Thighmolaige do thuc ma charruit occus mo chaem aite fein dam air iasacht sesin Diarmait mac Cartha isin b. do aes mhic de 1640, i.e. copied by Domhnal son of Tadhg junior O'Sullivan out of an old book called the Black Book of Timoleague (co. Cork) lent to him by his friend and preceptor Dermot mac Carthy in 1640.

188a, 188b. (Arabic.) ^^i^i ^^ ^uj.^

Two small volumes in one case containing respectively the sixteenth and twenty-third of the thirty sections (*!>«^0 into which, for purposes of reading, the Qur'an is divided.

The first volume (188 a) comprises ff. 94 of 5^^ x 3| and 5 lines to the page, and is written in a fine, large, bold, Kufic hand, with vowel-points in red and punctuation in yellow. It contains the whole oi jiiz xvi, beginning with silra xviii, verse 74, and ending at the end (verse 135) oi sura xx.

The second volume (188 b) comprises ff. 73 of 6 x 4 and 5 lines to the page, and is written in a similar but less archaic hand, and in the same style. It contains the greater part oi jiiz xxiii, but the beginning of the juz' (verses 27-47 of silra xxxvi) are missing, the first words in the MS. being from the middle of verse 47 :

» > ' f t i <A f

There is also at least one other lacuna, comprising verses 10-32 of siira xxxix, immediately before the last 3 words of \h&JHz\

189. (Arabic.) ' ^^Jlyb^^3 j^l^lj jJ^UJI v^^

A beautifully written copy of the Kitdbii'l-Qalaid wa'l-Fawaid of Abu 'All al-Hasan b. 'Ali b. Ibrdhi'm b. Yazddd b. Hurmuz al-Ahwazi, a work mentioned (without citation) in H^jji Khalifa's great Bibliographical Dictionary (ed. Flligel, no. 9572), but evidently of great rarity. The author was born in A.ll. 362 (A.D. 972) and


died in A.IL 446 (A.D. 1055). See Brockelmann's Gesch. d. arab. Litt., vol. I, p. 407, and Rieu's Arabic Supplement, no. 85. Begins :

^II '^^--aJI ^«Jl«JI j9i^\ vi^iUI '^^1 ^JbiJI aJU jL«aJI The work is divided into 8 chapters {ii, lob-i 1 b) as follows :

'^^^tj JiaJI ^Jlf^ Aj o^*^ "-^^ * J^"^' VM'

'd^UxJIj jkAjJI ^JU Aj ^IaLmo l<^ ' iyU)t w.»Ut

'^jLJJI w>.>l jJU Aj ^jlau^^j U.*i ' wJl^l w^W

' (3*i^'^t >ojliC« ^JU Aj |jU.r,....j lo-j* 'v.^-«UJI vW

The title of the book is here given (f lib, end) as above, but Hajji Khalifa (/oe. cit.) substitutes Faraid for Faivaid.

Ff. yZ of 6| X 4| and 7 lines. Written in excellent naskh, fully vocalized, within gold borders. Scribe, Husayn b. Bahram. Not dated.

190. (Arabic.) 'oW*^*^' o-^^-^i 0^s**Ji J^'i'^

The Qalaidii 'l-Iqydn wa Mahdshiu H-A'ydn, a well-known Biography and Anthology of Spanish Arabian poets etc., by the wazir Abii Nasr al-Fath " Ibn Khdqdn," a native of the province of Granada, who was executed in A.H. 528 or 529. See Hajji Khalifa, no. 9563 ; Rieu's Arabic Catalogue, p. 175 and Arabic Supplement, no. 664 etc. The text has been printed at Paris (A.H. 1277) and Bulaq (A.H. 1283).

Ff. 120 of T^ X 5^ and 21 lines to the page. It is written in a poor but legible naskh, with rubrications, and is dated A.H. 1049 (A.D. 1639-40).


191. (Arabic.) '^ij^'^J\ wi^ O^ w.Jl)I ^iJ

The MiigJmi ^l-Labib ^an hitubi 'l-a^drib, a well-known treatise on Arabic Grammar by Jamalu 'd-Din Abii Muhammad 'Abdu 'IMh b. Yusuf b. Hisham, who died in A.H. 791 (A.D. 1389). See Rieu's Arabic Suppleniejit, nos, 976-978, where other references are given. The work has been printed.

Ff. 377 of 7| X 6 and 19 lines ; good, clear naskJi, with rubrica- tions ; dated Rabi' ii, A.H. 1078 (Sept.-Oct., 1667). Scribe, Muhammad b. Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Najmu 'd-Di'n.. al-'Iraqi.

192. (Arabic.) <^i ^^s)^ ^^ ^j-ci-x^l l^j^' w^yCJl

A volume containing acephalous fragments of seven different treatises on Hadith (traditions) and kindred subjects.

The first (ff. 1-20) has apparently lost only a small portion of the doxology at the beginning, and its title, al-Kawkibu \i-diirri, is mentioned in 1. 9 of f. i a. This work is by Abu 'l-'Abbas Ahmad b. Ma'add al-Iqlishi, who died in A.H. 549 (A.D, 11 54-5), and is mentioned by Hajji Khah'fa, no. 10972. See also Rieu's Arabic Supplement and references there given.

The second fragment (ff. 21-28 of present pagination, I ^ I ( ^ a of original) contains traditions relating to the visitation of the sick, prayers for the sick and dead, etc.

The tJiird fragment (ff. 29-69 of present pagination 1^^ a"^ of original) contains part of a work on Traditions wherein these are grouped according to subject, the subjects being arranged alphabetically. This fragment contains the end of the letter o ; the whole of J (ff. 'i^\b-6\a) comprising nine books (ojj^l 'apUaJI 'pUxaJI 'JJiJI '(^UiiJI 'i«L^I '^1^1 '^^a^aJI 'i«UJI); the whole of J (ff. 6i«-67rt) comprising four books (wwJ^I '^jSi\ 'j.JOI '^UOI), and part of J (ff. 6'ja-6(^a) comprising six books (,j-Ubl ' ikaJLJI '0^1 'Ja-iljl '^1 '4-^13 o*^)l).

Th&foiirth fragment (ff. 70-99) contains traditions on Fasting.

The fifth fragment (ff. 100-107) contains part of a running commentary on a work on Traditions.


The sixth fragment (ff. 108-138) contains the sections on eating and drinking, clothing and courtesy from a work on Traditions.

The seventh fragment (ff. 139-177) is similar to the fifth.

Ff 177 (the last numbered Tl v in Arabic) of 9; x 7 and 27 lines. Various handwritings, the oldest and best being in the first and sixth fragments.

193. (Arabic.) ^.JjoOI J\js^\ ^^jU^'i)! v^^

The Kitdbn 'l-Pjdz fi 'l-Qurdni 'l-Adhini, a work on the miraculous eloquence of the Our'an, by Muhammad b. at-Tayyib al-Baqilani, followed by another work on the same subject

'Indyatn 'l-Ijdz fi Dirdyati'l-I'jdz, by Fakhru 'd-Din ar-Razi.

Al-Baqilani, a disciple of al-Ash'ari, died in A.H. 403 (A.D. 1012). See Brockelmann, I, p. 197. The work occupies ff. 1-85 a of the MS. The colophon is dated A.H. 681 (A.D. 1282-3).

Fakhru 'd-Din ar-Razi died in A.H. 606 (A.D. 1209-12 10). The work, which follows on immediately after al-Baqilani's (ff 85 <^-i39), ends with a colophon having the same date as the previous one.

Ff 139 of lOg X 7^ and 21 lines. Both works are written in the same cursive and somewhat illegible naskh.

194. (Arabic.) J\^\

A manuscript of the Our'an, not dated but modern. Written in a minute naskh within crudely illuminated margins.

Ff 30 of 1 23^5 X y\ and 42 lines.

Purchased in May 1892 at the E. H. Lawrence sale, lot 358. It contains the name of Ch. Young (Lt H. M. 62nd Regt, Lahore, 26 Feb. 1846).

195. Armenian Gospel Book.

Paper (vellum flyleaves), y\ x 5, ff, 6 + 338 + 4, double columns of 19 lines. Cent. xvi.

Original stamped leather binding, brown and red, witii flap.

CollatioJi : a- (i vellum leaf folded) b'' (paper) i'^ (i a slip) 2'- 3''^ 4'« 5 '2 512 (wants one) 7i'''-26'' 27'" 28'- 29^ | c^ d- (as a).


The first and last flyleaves are two leaves of a vellum MS. with 25 lines to a page containing part of the Acts of SS. Probus, Tarachus and Andronicus.

Contents :

Four blank leaves of paper follow, then five pairs of leaves of which the outer sides are blank : on the inner sides are prologues and Canons of the Gospels, decorated ...... ff. 2-1 1

Capitula and prologue to Matthew 12

ff. 14, 15a blank.

Picture of Matthew 14 'J

Text of his Gospel 15

Capitula and prol. to Mark, 108^, no/', iit« blank.

Picture of Mark, rii<^. Text 112

Capitula and prol. to Luke, 170. 172 « blank.

Picture of Luke, i-f^b. Text 173

263*^ blank.

Capitula and prol. to John, 264. 265 a blank.

Picture of John (standing on R.) and Prochorus writing on L. . 265 <^

Text 266

Ending 333 (^.

The decoration is in fine gay colours and gold. Besides the four pictures of the Evangelists it includes :

a. Headings to the Canons : pointed or round-headed arches: set in square frame:

the tympana are sometimes filled in and contain figures of Evangelists (two) or beasts: in other cases they are left blank. Birds, candlesticks, conventional trees are set about these pages.

b. Headings to the Gospels of the usual Eastern kind. The first lines of the text

are written in particoloured capitals.

c. Small ornaments in the margins to mark the beginnings of sections.

The execution is very rough.

Mr N. M'^Lean of Christ's College has kindly examined the manuscript, and reports that there appears to be nothing of special interest in the written contents. It was lot 843 at the Henry White sale at Sotheby's, April 1902.

196. (? Aethiopic.)

" Psalterium, preces propheticae et orationes ad B. Mariam Virginem, Coptice {sic). Fine manuscript on vellum... in old stamped binding... S/EC. XV."

Ff 138 of 7 X 5 and 24 lines.

Purchased at the E. H. Lawrence sale (May 1892), lot 536.

200*] maclean collection. 363

197. Fragment of the Kammavaca, the ordination

SERVICE OF Buddhist priests.

Pali, in Burmese characters on five <jilt palm leaves with the two covering boards, painted with thirteen shrines, a tree, Buddha and his footprint and patterns principally in yellow on a red ground. There are five lines of writing on each "page." Probably of cent. xix.

198. (Persian.) ^i ^^^^^

The Mawdhib-i-Ildhi^ a history of the Mudhaffari dynasty and especially of Shah Shujd', by Mu'in-i-Yazdi. The initial words, which differ somewhat from those of the British Museum manuscript (see Rieu's Persian Catalogue, vol. I, pp. 168-9), ^re :

Ff. 98 of 9-j^ X 6 and 2 1 lines, written in an old nasta'li'g hand with rubrications, and dated 15 Ramadan, A.ll. 778 (=A.D. \T)y6-j).

199. (Persian.) ^3^^ ir-^ ^ 0^^.>

The fourth of Amir Khusraw's Dhvdtis, entitled Baqiyya-i- Naqiyya, wanting one or two pages at the beginning of the Preface. See Ethe's Bodleian Catalogue, col. 693.

Ff. 222 of 10 X 6\ and 17 lines. As far as f. loi a the margins are also written in, and contain 30 to 32 half-verses (15 or 16 bayts) each. Good archaic ta^liq with rubrications ; ninth century of the hijra; the colophon is almost illegible, but A.ii. 800 (=a.d. 1397-8) appears to be the date of the transcription.

200. (Arabic) ^j^l

Another copy of the Qur'dn, written in a good clear naskh with rubrications, and dated 15 Dhu '1-Qa'da, a.h. 1074 (=A.D. 1663-4). Ff. 272 of 71 X 4| and 1 5 lines.

200". (Arabic and Persian.)

A scrap-book of 20 leaves of 11 x ']\, containing specimens of writing and fragments of old MSS. in various naskh hands.



A folio Album 21^ x 14J, containing cuttings from manuscripts.

r. f I. Two leaves of a large oblong Cufic Koran on vellum, with 14 lines on a page. About A.H. 100.

2. f 2. Two leaves of a large Koran on vellum, 13 lines to a page, containing verses 108-121 and 175-188 of Sura III in semi- Cufic characters. About A.H. 550.

3. ff. 3, 4. Three miniatures from Armenian MSS. of cent, xiii ?

a. Gold ground. The Evangelist Luke seated on Z. with open book. On A'. Theophilus in red over blue hands him a book or letter : a woman on R. Buildings A', and L.

b, c from one book, perhaps earlier than a. Gold grounds.

d. The Evangelist Matthew writing.

e. The Evangelist Luke mending his pen.

The draperies have folds marked in gold. The buildings, desks, etc. are remarkable : colour and ornament good.

4. f 5. Italian miniature, cent. xiv. St Mary Magdalene brought by two angels to receive the Communion from St Maximin, who stands vested in scarlet in an open chapel.

Text in Italian on the back.

5. ff 5<^ to 8^. A series of forty-three decorative letters in rather coarse style. Italian, cent. xiv. The first 41 are all in one style and from one set of books. The last two are better in style.

6. ff. 9-11. Three leaves from Italian Choir-books of cent. xiv. The first, from a Franciscan Antiphoner, has a large decorative initial to Aspiciens a /c;/^^ (Advent). The second (similar) has part of initial for St Michael, the third a large pen-work initial for Francisci pia pla}itiila.

7. f II b. Leaf from a copy of Gratian's decretum, with the beginning of Causa VIII. Italian writing of xiii-xiv. Ornament probably French. Miniature of dying bishop appointing his successor, and appeal to the Pope.

8. f. 12. Leaf from a copy of the Decretals. Italian, xiii-xiv. Miniature, Italian, for the beginning of Lib. V. Judge receiving scrolls from two parties in an action.


9. fif, 12 ^-14. A series of 13 initials from Italian Choir-books : mostly rough work.

a. St Peter.

b. The Nativity.

c. The Ascension.

d. The Resurrection : the Angel and Women.

e. The Call of Peter and Andrew.

/. Group of men on cloud looking up. Good work. g. St Augustine with book inscribed with the first words of the Rule : Ante omnia fratres carissimi diligatur deus etc. An Austin-friar below. h. Half-length figure of Christ : stiff archaic work. i. Italian Trinity : a Dominican friar and nun kneel on L. and K. k. An Apostle (? Paul). Above, an angel speaks to him: below, he crouches. /. Decorative, with bust of Christ. VI. The Bearing of the Cross. n. An Apostle full-length with scroll.

10. f. 15 (numbered xx). Leaf from a Matricola of a guild of Shoemakers ? Bolognese, xiv c.

Headed : de (jiiarterio po-te R. De cap. S. Blasij D. Gerardus Francisci etc.

The text consists entirely of names inscribed at different times in cent, xv, xvi. Border on three sides containing at bottom a shield, argent a knife, a shoe, and another shoe (.-').

There is an upright miniature of St Petronius, in red cope over alb, holding the city of Bologna with its leaning towers, and blessing. The morse of his cope bears the arms : arg. a cross gules; on a chief az. three fleur-de-lys or, a label of four points gules.

On the verso are further lists of names, headed :

De cap. S. Marie de castro britonum De cap. S. Marie de templo.

11. ff. 15/^-17. Four leaves from a fine Missal of cent. XV early. Italian, double columns of 26 lines.

The leaves have good initials of

1. St Andrew holding a small cross.

2. The Presentation.

3. (St Peter ad Vincula.) Decorative.

4. Passio sec. Alatheum : a beardless apostle.

There are seven leaves from this Missal in the Victoria and Albert Museum, nos. 936-942 in the Catalogue of Illutninated Manuscripts, Part II, in which one of them is reproduced.


12. K iyd-24.. A series of fragments of leaves from several books, with decorative initials ; thirty in all, the first 5 painted, the rest flourished. Those on f. 22 d to 24 are Spanish.

13. ff. 25 to 2yd. A series of historiated initials and other figured cuttings.

a. Boys singing at lectern.

d. Moses at the burning bush. Good Dutch or Low German work.

c. Two beardless saints beheaded.

(/. The Annunciation.

£. SS. Peter and Paul : a trumpeter.

/. The Nativity.

^. St Philip with cross and book.

k, A virgin in red praying (St Cecilia) : outside, a youth playing an organ, and

others singing.

z. A sick man in bed (nimbed) visited by three friends. (Job ?)

/i, I. St James with stafif and book. St Peter.

m. A beardless tonsured saint, nude, hung up by the arms : two executioners torment him with pincers.

n. Group of three apostles, half-length.

0. Birth of John Baptist (or of the Virgin).

/. Mary Magdalene carried up by four angels.

q. King issuing a command to two youthful soldiers.

r. David on water : God above.

s. St Dominic. Late.

/. A man with a palm. Very bad.

14. f. 28. Five late initials from one book : one has a cross.

15. f. 2Zb. Leaf from a Spanish Patent of Nobility: the text cut out. A crucifix in a landscape : inscribed


The text begins in gold capitals on coloured ground


In the border are IHS, mar, and motto Beritas Vincit.

16. f. 29. Four figured initials:

a. David seated with large book on his knees and hand to lip.

b. Half-length of David. Careful late work.

c. Half-length of prophet. ,,

d. David, richly robed, seated playing a psaltery : in landscape : fine work, damaged. Below is pencilled : Monte de giovanni miniatore.

17. f. 30. Leaf from an Italian Choir-book, cent. xv. The Last Supper.



12 maps on vellum, 17 by 23 inches, painted on one side of the skin, the other side being now laid down on thick boards.

Mr H. Y. Oldham has kindly examined this book, and remarks ' The chief feature is the large scale maps of the Mediterranean islands. The workmanship is crude in colour and rough in execu- tion, but on an unusually large scale. The first seven maps have bold and interesting drawings of ships. The subjects are:

(7) Cyprus.

(8) Western Part of Mediterranean.

(9) Central ,, ,,

(10) Eastern ,, ,,

(11) Mediterranean.

(12) West Africa and W. Europe from

Cape Blanco to British Isles.

On no. 6 is a signature pn'. giacomo a lagnia. trapani 1739*. On no. 12 par Nicolas iszoard a m.\rseille copia. All the maps are by the same hand, that of Nicholas Iszoard.

* The 7 may be the copyist's misunderstanding of a 5 in his archetype.


Balearic Isles.












The following notes respecting the previous owners of some of the manuscripts, as indicated by the heraldic charges in them, are contributed by Mr A. Van de Put of the Victoria and Albert Museum :

46. The greyhounds for Wigniorc, the three coml)s on a bend for Combe, th# double- headed eagle for Mylton, the three rams for Sydenham, the three martlets sal>le on a bend argent coU&cd upon giiks for Hilton, Hinton or Ilynton. I have been unable to trace the marriage of Wigmore— Mytton of which the sixth coat is evidence.

54. Azure a sun or, charged in the centre with a lion rampant gules. The shield is ensigned with an abbot's hat sable and is placed upon a crozier or, and is perhaps that of Bilches or Vilches, of the Jaen district of Andalusia.

63. f. I. Or i,\\ annulets ^<. (Illiers) quartering _f7<. a chxti arg.

(f. 84.) Or six annulets ,5«. dimidiated with sa/ile a bordure arg.

(f. 268.) Quarterly: 1-4, or six annulets gu. (Illiers) ; 2, paley of six or and gu. : 3, or a lion rampant sa. (Coutes), charged upon the shoulder with a (label?) /«.; over all, arg. a chief ^<. and a lion rampant az. (Vendume), charged upon the shoulder with a fleur-de-lys or.

The principal coat, or six annulets gu., was borne by two families of the Beauce or Chartres district, Caillebot de la Salle and Illiers, but the letters which accompany the shield on f. 268 leave no room for doubt that the arms exemplify a member of the latter family. Three Miles d'llliers occur in the pedigree given by the Abbe Marquis ('Archives historiques du diocese de Chartres' 1904-7) :

Miles d'llliers, bishop of Chartres, 1459-93.

A woodcut in the ' Manuale Carnotense' (Paris, 1490) shows his arms: the six annulets only).

Miles d'llliers, bishop of Luyon (Vendee), 1526-52. The arms would appear to be those of the bishop of Lui,on who d. 1553. He became dean of Chartres in 1509.

A third Miles d'llliers belonged to the junior branch of IIliers-Radrets. He was cure of N.-D. de Bonneval in 1460; archdeacon of Vendome until 1473; a canon of Chartres, and d. 1501.

With regard to the arms of Vendome borne in the shield upon f. 268, P. Anselme states that the house of Illiers claimed descent from the counts of Vendome; and they were allied with the house of Bourbon-Vendonie, heirs and successors of the latter.

M. C. 24

' I



L E !






The arms of Coutes in the third quarter of the same shield were inherited by the elder branch of Illiers; the second quarter appears to be the arms of Amboise-Chaumont. Considerable uncertainty exists with regard to details and family alliances in the pedigree as given by Marquis. A drawing in the Bibliotheque Nationale, Cabinet des Estampes, shows Florent d'llliers and his wife Jeanne de Coutes, the latter's skirt emblazoned quarterly of Illiers and a lion. (Reproduced in Marquis, op. cit., p. 240.)

Geoflfroy IV d'llliers

Guill. V= Jeanne de

I Beaumont

Pierre = (2) M. de Taillecoul

V r:n

1 (Radrets)

Geoffroy= Jeanne d'fichelles

Florent 1424-75 = 1422 Jeanne de Coutes d. 1462


Jean = Marg. de Chaources or Sources


bp of



:(i) Cath. d'Echelles

Louis = R. de Saintre

I Jean = F. de Bigars



lord of Fumesson

dean of Chartres

1509, bp of



Yves living

1508 = Marg. de Beauvilliers

(2) Cath. de Maille

(by 2)

Jeanne = Jean bastard

of Bourbon Vendome


Miles d. 1501 arch- deacon

of Vendome

The younger branch is stated to have differenced their arms with a mullet.

68. f. 13. Argent on a cross azure five crescents or (Piccolomini) impaling ^?</<'j a fesse counter-embattled between three pairs of wheat-heads, 2 and i, or (Spannocchi). Argent three annulets gules on a chief azure an ox courant or (Trecerchi).

The Spannocchi of Siena were granted the Piccolomini arms in augmentation by Pope Pius II (1458-64). No pedigree of the Spannocchi, nor of the Trecerchi, also of Siena, appears to have been published.

72. Or a bend engrailed azure was borne in France by the family of Thomas de la Coulnelaye of Brittany. Or a bend engrailed azure bordered sable are the arms of Thomas de la Villegratien, also of Brittany. It is possible that the original owner of the book was a member of one of those families resident in Italy.

77. Per pale or and azure a cross ancree gules, placed on a crozier or. These are the arms of Peychin or Du Peschin of Flanders.

82. f. 20. Argent on a fesse azure a lion and an eagle within circles or (Cl^re), impaling azure a lion rampant argent langued and armed gules (for Bigny?).

Notes, (i) The arms of the barons de Clere (otherwise Claires), who took their name from Cleres (Seine-Infer., Normandy), are given in La Chesnaye- Desbois : Argent a fesse azure charged with two lions and a double-headed eagle or.

The diapering seen upon the fesse in the above MS. (82) is found upon the shield attributed to Clere among the shields of Normandy in the ' Armorial de la Toison d'Or' (xvth century) (ed. Larchey, p. 186): Argent on a fesse vert three fleurs-de-lys within circles, and a diaper, or. The following note is however appended :

"Sur d'autres armoriaux, d'argent a la fasce d'azur paillee or, ou chargee de deux lions et d'une aigle a deux tetes au lieu de medaillons fleurdelises. Au dix-septieme siecle, un armorial donne seulement la fasce comme etant de sinople. Elle est ici diapree ou paillee de or sur sinople "


Tj v U- —•

^ o £

"^'^ . ^ " ^^ a "51

m II

c S


:^ U


s o o .22

-^ £

c «■-

£ £

1) "O O 10

S J^ '^


/2 ■— - C U










1— ( u tfl o





























24 2


(2) The arms of Bigny or Chevenon de Bigny, to which family the wife of Georges III, baron de Clere, belonged, are given as: Azure five fish hauriant and a lion rampant argent. The fish which are blazoned semy are wanting in the arms upon the MS., but I think there is no doubt that the Bigny coat was intended, as the name is entered in writing. Moreover the clue to the insertion of the arms of Hellande and of Chartres the latter very remotely allied to Clere is found in the fact that the guardians of George III de Clere ( = Marg. de Bigny) were Renaud de Chartres, archbishop of Reims, Chancellor of France, and Guillaume de Hellande bishop of Beauvais. f. 50. Argent a fesse azure diapered with an eagle displayed between two lions rampant, or (CLfcRE).

f. 60. The same but fesse charged with lion between two eagles (Clere). f. 68 v. Or a cross gules with four eagles azure in each of the second, third and fourth quarters, and the first blank (for Montmorency-Beausault).

The Beausault branch of the Montmorency bore, for difference, a star (5) sable in the first quarter argent.

f. 75 V. Argent two barsi gu/es (Chartres) impaling gu/es semy of trefoils and two barbels hauriant addorsed or (Nesle).

f. 81. Argent on a bend g/e/es three hammers or (Hellande). f. 85 V. Sa/>/e three hands couped or (Malmains). f. 91. Nesle again.

Authorities: La Chesnaye-Desbois, 'Armorial de la Toison d'Or,' Pere Anselme, Moreri, etc.

115. Per pale or and vair (azure and argent), ensigned by a cardinal's hat. These were the arms of Niccolo Fortiguerra of Pistoja between 1460 and 1473. He was bishop of Teano 1459, cardinal 1460, d. 1473.

180. A shield or was borne by the family of Meneses or Menezes, Spain and Portugal.


The following notes on MS. 170, Epistolae Petri Blesensis, and the reputed author, are contributed by the Rev. W. G. Searle, M.A. :

The MSS. bearing the title ' Epistolje Petri Blesensis ' are very numerous, and are found in libraries right across Europe from St Petersburg to Lisbon. Lists of MSS. preserved in different continental libraries are registered in the Archiv (8° Frankfurt and Hannover 1820-58) vii (1839) P- 3^ ff, viii (1843) p. 284 ff, and number about 125, distributed as follows:

Portugal 1

Spain 10

Italy 8

France 45

Switzerland 6

Holland and Belgium 6

Prussia 14

Bavaria 16

Germany 2

Austria 16

Russia I


To these must be added the 42 MSS, in English Hbraries:

British Museum 14

Lambeth Library i

Gray's Inn Library 1

Alnwick Castle Library i

Worcester Cathedral Library 1

Cambridge :

University Library 3

Trinity College Library r

Corpus Chrisii College Library 3

St John's College (formerly Peterhouse) Library i

Sidney Sussex College Library 2

Trinity Hall Library r

Fitzwilliam Museum i

Oxford :

Bodleian Liljrary 8

Exeter College Library i

New College Library i

Oriel College Library •2

The ' Epistolae Petri Rlesensis ' have been printed several times in nearly the same order, viz. :

I. Editio princeps. Small fo. Brussels, c. 1480. -2. The edition of J. Merlin, fo. Paris, 1519.

3. The edition of J. Busdeus. 4°. Mentz, 1600.

Reprinted in 'Magna Bibliotheca Patrum' xii. (fo. Ciiln, 1618 ff.)

4. The edition of P. Goussainville. fo. Paris, 1667.

Reprinted in 'Maxima Bibliotheca Patrum' xxiv. (fo. Lyon, 1677 ff.)

5. The edition of Dr J. A. Giles. 8°. Oxford, 1847. Reprinted in Migne 'Patrol. Latina' 207. (fo. Paris, 1855.)

The number of epistles given by Giles is apparently 249, but the last number in Goussainville is misprinted CLVXXXlii (for CLXXXill), which Giles corrected to CLXXXVIII, following on with ep. CLXXXIX, so that in Giles there are no epp. 184-188. This gap Migne has filled up, numbering the letters continuously from no. 183 onwards, Giles nos. 189-248 being Migne nos. 184-243. As Giles and Migne are the two most available editions, this double numbering causes much trouble.

Similar lists of the MSS. will be found in T. Dufifus Hardy ' Descr. Cat. of Materials of English History ' [R. S.] ii 553 ff., and Giles' ' Opp. Pet. Bles.' ii 283 ff.



The MSS. in England have all passed through the present writer's hands, and have been calendared. The result of this has been to find, that no two MSS. have the same arrangement of the epistles after the first ten. It is therefore impossible to verify at once any reference to an epistle by an early writer, as there is naturally no sufficient description supplied of the MS. used in the quotation.

The Magdeburg centuriators (vol. vii [fo. Basel 1569] cent. 12, cap, 10, col. 1573-5) make Peter of Blois provost of Chartres, arch- deacon of Canterbury, physician to the Archbishop, and finally Archbishop of Rouen, quoting as a proof of this last statement " Ep. 20" ; not from the editio princeps of 1480 or Merlin's edition of 1 5 19, but from some MS. in which the Epistles are differently arranged. There are, however, letters from the Archbishop of Rouen among those of Peter of Blois, and this has probably given rise to the mistake.

A specimen of the disarrangement of the epistles may be seen from the following table of the numbers in M^Clean MS. 170 and Dr Giles' edition.

















































1 1





































102 B.

























Dio 123













D5 81


















































De 98



































D- 36




D, 36

















fidei, opus-







cula : 3



























D3 13




















D9 158



























































Di 24


Dg 144







1 3.=^













De Hierosol
















cula : 2








De confess.







sacr., opus-







cula : 4









De poeni-








tentia, opus-







cula: 5





MS. M'^Clean 170 is complete, but has no colophon. The true numbers are those in pencil.

There are 10 pairs of duplicates marked here Dj to Djq.

The three references to Wolverhampton occur, the name being variously misspelt.

"Tacitus" is mentioned Ep. loi no. 65.

There seems no possibility of finding the original number of the epistles, or the original arrangement, or any reason for the strange disarrangement found in all the MSS. The order of the epistles so found is absolutely chaotic.

In addition to this, there is a further confusion introduced by the frequent repetition of many epistles, as may be seen in the present MS., where Giles 11 is given as nos. 15 and 85, Giles 13 as


17 and 124, Giles 36 as nos. 117 and 174, etc., there being in it 10 pairs of duplicates.

Besides all this, in different MSS. there are found large additions to Giles' text ; and again an epistle may begin as in Giles and very soon offer a text very different to his.

Now there was a certain Petrus Blesensis, who appears in charters and documents of very different sorts, but mostly only as a witness.

A few works may be mentioned, where reference is made to him :

Calendar of documents preserved in France, ed. J. H. Round. 8°. Lond. 1899.

Ancient charters... prior to A.D. 1200 (Pipe Roll Soc, Vol. x).

Charters of Cumbwell Priory, Kent, in ' Archreologia Cantiana,' Vols, v, vi.

MS. Chartulary of Eynsham at Christ Church, Oxford.

Chron. W. Thorn (Twysden, ' Scriptores decern.' fo. Lond. 1652).

Benedictus Abbas (Rolls Series).

Hoveden (Rolls Series).

Giraldus Cambrensis (Rolls Series) iii 21.

Oliver (G.), Monasticon dioc. Exoniensis.

Potthast, Registrum pontificum Romanorum i.

Dugdale-Ellis, 'St Paul's' (fo. Lond. 1818).

In the 9th report of the Hist. MSS. Commission, Sir Maxwell Lyte's report on the MSS. at St Paul's Cathedral (fo. Lond. 1883) has two references to Peter of Blois as Archdeacon of London. In ' Archzeologia,' vol. L, Dr W. S. Sitnpson, in an inventory of the "Jocalia" of the Cathedral, has mention of some vestments which had belonged to Peter of Blois.

In these he appears first simply as Petrus Blesensis, then as Archdeacon of Bath from 1 182, and later of London from 1204.

He died before 30 May, 14 John 12 12 (' Rot. litt. claus.' fo. Lond. 1833, ed. Hardy i, 1 17 Z^, when his executor is mentioned.

The existence of a historical Petrus Blesensis is thus abso- lutely certain.

Some trouble is caused by the frequency of the Archdeacon's name, and there is ground for believing that Petrus Blesensis had a successor Peter at Bath, and also a predecessor Peter at London.

In Giraldus Cambrensis is found an account of a little criticism by the archbishop of Canterbury of a sermon preached by P. B. before him.


W'c may now turn to those statements regarding contemporary history which are furnished by the epistles.

The first cause of the present writer's investigation of the historical notices contained in the epistles was Peter's claim to have been the third personage in the kingdom of Sicily, and at last elected Archbishop of Naples (Giles ' Epp.' 72, 131). This, if true, would have been easily verified by the almost contemporary writers such as Hugo Falcandus and Romualdus, Archbishop of Salerno, and by the later ecclesiastical histories, such as Ughelli (' Italia Sacra' fo. Rome 1659). Hut in 25 Italian works on the history of Naples and Sicily consulted for this purpose, there is no corroboration whatever of the above statements to be found.

In the ' Epistolse Petri Blescnsis ' there are very many (ap- parently) historical allusions to himself and to the personages and events of his time, but not one of them has it been possible to verify; so that it is necessary to distinguish very carefully between the historical Peter of Blois and the epistolary Peter of Blois, whose supposed writings are found in so many MSS. and so many editions. This has never been done in the case of Peter himself, and the result is, that the notices in the epistles have been pieced together into a life, which is utterly unreal both in fact and date.

The references also to contemporary history found in the epistles are probably all wrong.

Erroneous statements are copied from John of Salisbury with further errors : biblical statements and quotations from the Fathers are very frequently incorrect.

The 'Opera Petri Blesensis,' as published in their most extensive form by Giles, consist of four parts :

' EpistoLne.' ' Sermones.'

' Opuscula.' ' Pocmata.'

His name is prefixed to the second part of the ' Historia Croylandensis,' published by W. P'ulman, in the ' Rerum anglicarum scriptorum veterum Vol. i,' fo. Oxford 1684.

The ' Epistola,' Petri Blesensis' are described, in their headings, as being written not only by P. B., but also by a multitude of other persons.

Some of the MSS. are evidently of English origin, as the word


Wulfrunehamton (Wolverhampton) is written fairly correctly as Wlfrunehamton, Wulurunehantune (Giles ' Epp,' io8, 147, 152) in such. MSS. as Brit. Mus. Reg. 10 A. xviii, Cambr. Univ. Libr. L. 6. 27, while in MSS. of continental writing the same name mostly appears in very fantastical forms, such as : volrench, Wultirunphant, Wliermehamt', Wuberunchamt'.

In this MS. the word is written Giles 'Epp.' 108 (no. 147, fo. 137 a, col. i) " Wultus" ; 147 (no. 130, fo. \\2a, col. 2) " Wultunehamtien " ; 152 (no. 81, fo. 79 <^, col. 2), " Bolurehamutis [in dyoc. Celestren]." In Giles 88 (no. 121, fo. 106^', col. i) " Theokesberie" is written Theoliberie.

The name Wallingford has been more fortunate, but in this MS. it is found as Waltrigefordus, and in the editio princeps, which follows some MS., as Weralingeford'.

The date of the first compilation can hardly at all be fixed. The historical Peter of Blois died in 12 12, and a copy of the ' Epistolse Petri Blesensis ' was bequeathed to St Paul's Cathedral by Ralph Baldock Bishop of London in 13 13.

The Epistles contain a vast number of quotations from Latin poets, largely taken from John of Salisbury's ' Policraticus.' From the same work is copied, with much improvement, a reference to Tacitus the historian (Giles loi).

There are a very few epistles of Peter of Blois found in Hoveden [R. S.], in the ' Epistolae Cantuarienses ' [R. S.], etc., and one work of his seems genuine. It is published in ' Theoph. Aug. Reimarus, Petri Blesensis opusculum de distinctionibus in canonum interpretatione adhibendis,' Berl. 1837.


Historical Scenes and Persons.

(N.B. The Saints here indexed are Kalendars, etc. will

Aaron, 104 3

death of, 10 Abishag, 12, 13 Abraham ,

bosom of, 43 161, 95 10

homily on, 104

sacrifice of, 79 Absalom, 104 3 Adam and Eve,

Creation of Eve, 10 4 1^

Fall of, 79 Adoration of Kings, see/esiis Christ, Magi Adrian, 93 13 Agnes, St,

caressing a lamb, 85 72

with a book, 114 21 b Ahasuerus and Esther, 10, 12 Ahaziah, 15

Alexander, 153, 182 i, 183 Alexander V, Pope, 54 Amalekite, death of, 12, 13 Ambrose, 61 f. i, 114 57 Amos, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 Andrew, St, 42, 51, 61 f. 354, 124 2, 201 r i

call of, 56 f. 1 , 201 9 c Angel, 10, 15, 23 ff. i, 69, 49 6/^, 54 f. },b, 72, 74 f. \^4^b, 80 38, 81 3, 7, 8, 83 9, 84 4, 85 35, 74, 16 b, 18 a, lob, 31 a, 33a, 34a, 34/5, 35a, iz,b, 36 a, 36 b, 37 b, 42 b, 43 a, 60 b, looa, 112b, 86, 89 i, 26, 29, 32,

those occurring in pictures. Saints in be found in Index II.)

90 16 b, 95 4, 10, 97 4, 98 4, 13, 99 3, 4, 123 1, 7, 8, II, 12, 13, 16, 18, 124 I, 201 gk, 13/ with raised sword, 15 Angels, 19, 22 49 <J, 49 4^, 53 ff. mb, Ixxxii, 54 f. ib, 63, 71 f. 90, 81 8, 13, 83 10, 84 15, 16, 85 49^, 86, 87, 94 6, 7, 95 I, 2, 7, 8, 99 5, 7, 114 \i2b, 123 14, 124 32 names of, 72 124/', 125 playing music, 94 2 Anna, 56, f. ydx b Anne, St, 86 w a, 18 a, igb

Story of SS. Joachim and Anne, 85 teaching Blessed Virgin to read, 83 1 1,

85 55, 89 17 with the Blessed Virgin and Child, 57 xlix, 98 13 Anthony, St, 79 6

bell, stick, hog, 71 f. 208, 89 8, 93 10 blessing, 85 54 Anthony of Padua, St, 61 f. 420, 67 i.222b Apollonia, St, 85 60 Apostle, 42, 201 9 k, n, 1 1 Apostles,

calling of, 56 f. i

group of, 38 120, 41, 56 liv, Ixix^, 88 12 h, 114 20^ b, 124 21, 22, 44, 201 1 3 n heads of, 61 f. 285 (5 Aristotle, 153



Artaxerxes, 15 Athanasius, St, 101 6

Augustine, St, 61 f. 501, 74 f. 126 /^ 103 f. 4, 105 f. I, 124 34 with his rule, 201 ()g

Bacon, Roger, portrait, 153

Balaam and ass, 15

Barbara, St, 84 14, 85 59, 87, 89 14, 92 4,

93 18, 98 II Barnabas, St, 124 23 Bartholomew, St, 42, 61 f. 500, 124 33 Baruch, 10, 12, 13, 15 Benedict, St, 114 47 Bernard, St, 57 Ix, 114 119 Bernardinus, St, 61 f. 409, 67 f. 226 b Brandan, "Brandaris," 93 ir Bridegroom and Bride, 11

Candlemas, 63 f. i

Cecilia, St, 62 22, 201 13 h

Charinus and Leucius, appearance of, 85

92^ Christopher, St, 85 49, 86, 87, 89 7, 90

f. lib, 124 29 Church personified, 12, 13 Churches, the Seven, 12 Clara, St, 41, 61 f. 484 Claudius, St, 85 53 Clement, Pope, 124 47, 153 Clytemnestra, 161 f. 144 Cornelius 93 12 Creation, days of, 10 4 b, 12, 14

story of, 11 Cyrus, 10, 12, 13, 15

Daniel, in den, 10, 11, 12, 13

David and Goliath, 13, 31 109 /', 85 40, 95 9

and Bathsheba, 86, 87 46, 88 i a

and Abishag, 13

anointed, 12, 13, 15

points to his eye, 38 1 7 /', 62 7

points to his mouth, 12, 13, 15, 43 f. 24, 44 f. 20

and fool, 12, 13

in water, 13

and Christ, 10, 11, 12, 15, 38 44, 43 46 <^, 44 f. 20, 81 9, 103 f. 4


plays on harp and fiddle, 10, 12, 14, 15,

38 I, 39 f. 5, 41, 44 f. i, 46, 82 10 plays on bells, 12, 13, 15, 38 54 b,

43 Gob bust of, 34 167(^,69 12,778,8035,819 figure of, 12, 13, 44 ff. 42 3, 51 A, Ida, 71 f. 97, 72, 74 f. 157, 201 13 a, b, d Death-bed, 56 Ixiv b Demon on a horse, 31 40 c Denis, St, 85 73, 124 41 Devil, 38, 41, 72 wob, 81 12, 84 8, 13, 85 43> 54) 74' 114^1 114'^! 86, 93 16, 124 19 Dominic, St, 63, 67 f. 228(5 Domitian, 162 f. 178 A Dympna, St, 98 10

Elizabeth, St, 57 xlvi, 62 14, 67 f. xooh and St John the Baptist, 56 f. xxxviij b, 85 32, 1 1 a, 124 24 Elijah, 15

Elkanah, Hannah and Peninnah, 11, 13, 14 Erasmus, 89 9 Esther, 13

and Ahasuerus, 10, 12 Evangelist, nimbed, 23 f. ib,d Evangelistic emblems, 10, 11^, 12, 15, 20, 21, 78 45-48, 80 25, 85 25-28, 86, 98 I, 124 38, 42 Evangelists, the four, 2, 11, 20, 21, 80 25, 85 25-28, 86, 98 I, 124 38, 42 medallions of, 19 Ezekiel, 13, 15

vision of, 10, 12 Ezra, 15

Fleece, Gideon's, 95 i, 115 f. 4A Francis, St, 41, 61 f. 528, 62 17, 18, 67 f. 220, 95 10, 147 receiving the stigmata, 71 f. 207

Gabriel, St, as huntsman, 99 i Genevieve, St, 84 13, 85 74, 86 George, St, 57 xxviii, 72 f \\\b, 89 6,

90 f. 13, 93 9, 124 16 Gideon, 104 3

fleece of, 95 i, 115 f. \b



Giles, St, 89 11

God the Father, 57 \l>, Iviii, 61 f. i />, 72

f. 13, 80 35, 82 10, 83 5, 84 6, 93 20,

94 8, 95 I, 9, 201 13 r holding the Universe, 10 ^b, 11 God the Father and Son, 114 f. r Gratian, 201 7

Gregory, St, 74 f. 120/', 89 33, 136 Lib. 1 Gregory IX, 71, 136

Habakkuk, 10, 11, 12, 13 Haggai, 10, 11, 12, 13 Haman hung, 10, 12 Hannah, 12, 14 Helena, St, 124 19 Hell, 81 13, 97 7

harrowing of, 85 93 a, 93 I) Henry V, portrait, 186 Hercules, 31 102 /', 161 f. 2 Herod, 31 206 Holofernes, see Juditli

Hosea and Gomer, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 Hubert, St, 35

Innocents, massacre of, 41, 74 f. 58 Isaac, 104 3

sacrifice of, 38 Isaiah, martyrdom of, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

Jacob, 104 3

ladder of, 22 *i-]a James, St, 10, 13, 15, 85 4S, 86, 124 18, 201 II k, I as pilgrim, 85 10/', 86 Jeremiah, 11, 12, 13, 15 lamenting, 10, 15 martyrdom of, 10 Jerome, St, 67 f. 230 /^ 124 40 as cardinal, 89 31 beating his breast, 85 70 Jesse tree, 11, 12, 95 2 Jesus Christ:

Nativity, 22 ib, 38 165/', 62 f. 21, 63, 67 f. 52 l>, 74 f. 37, 77 3, 78 7, 80 29, 81 3, 82 3, 86 34, 47rt-49a, 86, 89 20, 114 52, 124 5, 201 ()l>, 13/ Signs at Nativity, 72, 74 f. 43, 77 4, 78 8, 80 30, 81 4, 84 4, 85 35, 49/', 86, 87 3

Jesus Christ :

Circumcision, 85 55 a Magi, adoration of, 22 3 «, 38 193, 62 f. 30/;, 67 ff. 58, 232 (fi, 74 f. 48, 78 9, 80 31, 81 5, 82 4, 85 36, .^O;;, 86, 89 21, 114 52, 124 7 Presentation, 22 3 A, 56 xiv/;, 57 xix, 61 f. 379, 72, 74 f. j;3, 77 5, 78 10, 80 32, 81 6, 82 5, 85 37, 56 a-58 (Z, 86, 87, 114 34, 124, 10, 201 1 1 Flight, 41, 72, 74 f. 67, 77 6, 78 12, 80 ii, 81 7, 82 6, 83 f. 26/-, 84 5, 85 38, dib, 86, 89 22 Sower, miracle of the, 84 5 With Doctors, 94 3 As a boy, 2 f. 152*^, 14, 85 63 <; Temptation, 41 and Apostles, 41, 56 f. 1, 85 72 a, 73/',

114 208 /' Healing, 41, 43 f. 12, 85 68^-69 a Public Ministry, 85 6^a-6()a Lazarus, raising of, 41, 88 ]^a, 98 16 Entry into Jerusalem, 10, 22 *28(^,

85 71 rt Last Supper, 85 73/', 201 17 Agony, 41, 59, 80 26, 85 61, 75;!',

87 38, 99 2 Betrayal, 43 135 <^, 71 f. 173, 75 3,

78 13, 85 62, 76a Before Caiaphas, 85 63 Before Pilate, 43 142, 59 io/>, 71 f. 1 77, 75 4, 78 14, 85 64, 66, 77/', 79 «, 90 f. 45 Scourged, 43 148, 59 15, 71 f. 180,

75 5, 78 15, 85 65, 78 /^ 114 52 Crowned with thorns, 59 13, 85 78 « Bearing the Cross, 71 f. 183, 75 6,

78 16, 85 82 <^, 83 <^, 86, 201 9W Christ on the Cross, 10, 42, 43 1 50 /',

153^, 79 Crucifixion with the Blessed Virgin and St John, 10, 12, 50 53 />, 51 ft". 14, 39, 64, 90, 116, 59 17, 71 f. 1S6, 75 7, 12, 77 9, 78 17, 79 3, 81 10, 82 8, 83 6, 85 32, 67, 84^, 85 a, 86 a, 86 /', 87 b, 89 2, 90 f. 53 /', 92 2, 93 I, 95 5, 96 3, 98 3, 114 52, 124 14 Crucifixion, Scenes at, 85 H^a-SHb



Jesus Christ :

Deposition, 71 f. i8y, 75 8, 78 i8, 85 68, 90 f. 566

Entombment, 22 *2g/>, 43 I58/^ 59 22, 71 f. 193^, 78 19, 85 92(7, 90 f. 59^

Resurrection, 22 39 a, 59 24, 61 f. 249, 62 f. 68, 63, 67 f. 63/', 69 nod, 78 20, 89 23, 124 15, 201 gd

Resurrection, appearances after, 41, 85 57, 94 <^, 953, 96 ^ 97 «, g^d, gSa, 98(^, 99/', loi a, loi /', 102/', 103 (J, 104 a, 104/', 105 rt, 10^ b, 106 (Z, 124 4

Ascension, 10, 12, 13, 14, 22 *49'^, 23 f. 82, 61 f. 276, 62 f. 81, 63, 67 f. 68 3, 85 io6b, 124 21

Christ and all Saints, 56 Ixiv

Bust of, 51 127, 201 9/

Head of, 103 f. 4

As Judge, 75 1 1, 76 f. 69, 80 38, 81 13, 89 27, 92 6, 94 7, 95 8, 96 5

and Blessed Virgin, 10, 13, 38

Christ Child bearing cross and orb, 79

Man of Sorrows, 68, 80 40, 89 30, 33, 94 6, 97 2

Christ showing Wounds, 78 i, 96 5

Christ standing or seated, 10, 11, 38 112, 44 f. 33, 61, 69 iiOi^, 70 ff. 100, 109, 76 f. 69, 87 84, 89 29, 95 2, 7,

123 13, 15, 16, 17, 124 18, 19, 26 Christ standing or seated, blessing, 15,

19, 30, 38, 49, 79 2, 94 i, 96 2, 97 f. 15, 103 f. 4, 114 52, 123 I,

124 29

Christ in a cloud, with a book, 10 Joachim, St, 85 %b, 95 f. 22

and Anne, St, story of, 85 ff. 11 b-iib marriage of, 85 f. 8 a Job 11, 12, 13, 15, 86, 201 13 i Joel, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 John XXII, 145 4

John, St, the Baptist, 23 f. 135, 57 xli,

61 f. 430/;, 71 f. 89, 81 13, 84 9, 85

44, 86, 89 5, 92 6, 95 8, 98 8, 114 72

birth of, 56 f. xxxviii/', 63, 71 f. 89,

124 24, 201 130 decollation of, 124 35

John, St, the Evangelist, 3 f . Sib, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19 91a, 20 nob, 21 1581^, 41, 56 f. V, 57 iiia, 71, 75 f. i, 78 f. 45, 80 25, 83 2, 84, 85 25, 30, 45, 1 10 a, nob, 86, 89 27, 98 6, 99 4, 114 gb, 123 i, 4, if, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 124 20, 195 265 (J

Jonah and fish, 10, 11, 12, 13 cast overboard, 44 f. 33

Joseph, St, husband of Mary, 23 f. i, 86

Joseph, 104 3

Joshua, 11

Judas, 85 72 /', 73 a, 73 b, 74 a, 99 2

Jude, 10, 12, 13

Judith, 13

beheads Holofernes, 10, 11, 12, 15, 115 f. 4<5

Katherine, St, 57 Ixxi*^, 62 23, 84 12, 85

56, 86, 89 12, 93 \g, 124 48 Kings, the three, 19, 38, 40

Laurence, St, 57 liii, 61 f. 479, 62 15, 85

51, 114 109, 124 31 Laurin, 179 Lazarus, 41

raising of, 98 16 Leo, St, Pope, 74 f. 134 Livinus, 93 14 Longinus, St, 81 10 Louis, Bishop, St, 61 f. 496 b, 67 f. 224 b

King, St, 63, 85 71 Luke, St, 3 f. 2 b, 10, 11, 12, 13, 19, 21 loi b, 78 f. 48, 80, 85 26, 86, 124 42, 195 173, 201 ia,e

Maccabees, illustrations to Book of, 10, 11,

12, 13, 14, 15 Magdalene, St, 57 xlvii/', 81 10, 85 30, 57,

86, 87, 89 15, 93 17, 114 52, 124 27,

201 4, 13/ Malachi, 10, 11, 12, 13 Margaret, St, 85 58, 89 13, 98 12 Maries, the three, 23 f. 69, 85 g"] a

the four, 85 f. 81^, ga, 9 b, 10 a Mark, St, 2 f. 20, 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20,

21 6\b, 78 f. 47, 80, 85 28, 86,

124 38, 195 112



Martin, St, 62 21, 114 57, 175/', 124 46 Mary and Martha, SS., 41, 98 16 Mattathias kills Jew, 12, 13 Matthew, St, 2, 11, 19, 20 20 /', 21 1 1 /',

78 f. 46, 80, 85 27, 86, 114 145,

195 14/', 201 id Matthias, St, 124 12 Maxentius, 129 Maximin, St, 201 4 Micah, 10, 11, 12, 13 Michael, St, 56 Ix, 57 Ixv, 72 f. no/', 84 8,

85 43, 86, 93 16, 124 39, 201 6 Miriam, sister of Moses, 31 36;^ Monica, St, 105 f. r Moses, 10, 11, 12

and burning hush, 95 (3)

Nahum, 10, 11, 12, 13 Naomi and her family, 10, 12, 13 Nehemiah, 11, 12, 13, 15 Nicholas, St, 84 11, 85 52, 89 10, 105 f. i, 124 3

Obadiah, 10, 11, 12, 13 Otho, 162 f. 153

Passion, instruments of, 66 f. r 7 2, 67 H. 1 1 5- 121 /', 68, 89 30, 33, 94 6

Paul, St, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 42, 57 xvi, xliiii, 61 f. 564, 62 i, 85 47, 113^7, 113^, 114a, 115^,86, 114 31, 76 /', 124 9, 26, 201 i3f

Pentecost, 22 *5i d, 23 f. 82, 62 f. 87, 67 f. 74, 69 f. us/;, 77, 80 37, 81 11, 82 9, 83 7, 84 7, 85 ^-i,, 86, 92 3, 94 4, 95 6, 96 4, 98 2, 124 22

Peter, St, 10, 11, 12, 41, 42, 57 xliiii, 85 46, io8a-iio^, 112(5, 114a, ii5<5, 86, 98 9, 16, 114 76(6, 124 25, 30, 201 ga, e, 1 3 e, /■:, I call of, 56 f. I Domine quo vadis, 85 115/' as Pope, 15, 124 1 1

Peter and Paul, SS., 57 xliii, 61 f. 438/;, 62 13, 85 \\\a, 86, 201 13 ^

Petrarch, picture of, 173

Petronius, St, 201 10

Philemon, 5 1151^

Philip, St, 124 17, 201 i3i'

I'ieta, sec Virgin

Pirminius, 101 23

Prophet, 11, 38 132, 71 f. 23, 85 1 1 A, 13(7,

13/', et passim Prophets :

the four major, 10, 11, 12, 13

Baruch, 10, 12, 13, 15

llosea, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15

Joel, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15

Amos, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15

Obadiah, 10, 11, 12, 13

Jonah, 10, 11, 12, 13

Micah, 10, 11, 12, 13

Nahum, 10, 11, 12, 13

Habakkuk, 10, 11, 12, 13

Zephaniah, 10, 11, 12, 13

Haggai, 10, 11, 12, 13

Zechariah, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15

Malachi, 10, 11, 12, 13

Rebecca, 104 3 Reliquary, diagram of, 19

Saints, female, 38 119/' Samson, 15, 104 3, 115 {. \b

slaying lion, 15 Saul, 43 34 b, 85 40 Sebastian, St, 84 10, 85 ;o, 86, 124 8 Seraph, a, 49 5 a Sibyl, a, 95 3 Sigismund, St, 101 4 Simon and Jude, SS., 57 Ixviii //, 62 19,

124 43 Simon Magus, 85 114^,/' Solomon, 104 3, 108 1

throned, 11, 12

teaching Rehoboam, 10, 13, 14

and a warrior, 13

and Christ, 11 Stephen, St, 85 113'?, 124 6

stoning of, 56 f. iii, 57 i /;

Theophilus, 11

Thomas, St, of Canterbury, 90 f. lo-?

Three children, 51 52/'

Tiberius, 162 f. 63

Tobit, blinded, 12, 13



Trinity, the, 13, 43 S-,/>, 51 ^i d, 80 41, 83 10, 85 42, 107^7, 86, 88 33 Italian, 38 no, 61 f. 290, 78 3, 84 16, 89 I, 92 5, 201 9/

Ursula, St, 57 Ixvii (^, 89 16

Veronica, St, 94 5, 97 5 Vespasian, 162 f. 164/^ Victor, St, 93 15 Virgin, the blessed:

birth of, 22 *68(5, 56 Ivii, 61 f. 507, 62 f. 299^, 63 f. 108/', 85 19 fl, igd, 201 13^7

presentation, 62, 85 20 a, d

weaving, 85 22 a, 59 a

in the Temple, 85 2irt-23rt

marriage of, 85 2:^a~2-jb

annunciation, 22 f. 2 a, 43 182 b, 56 xx, 57 xxvi<5, 61 f. 390/', 62 f. 212, 66 f. 13, 67 f. 18, 72 f. 13, 76 f. 13, 77 I, 78 5, 79 I, 80 27, 81 i, 82 i, 83 4, 85 31, 31^-37/;, 86, 87 f. 3, 89 18, 92 1, 95 I, 98 14, 99 i, 114 52, 124 13, 201 \^d

visitation, 57 xlvi, 61 f. 446, 62 f. 248/', 77 2, 78 6, 80 28, 81 2, 82 2, 85 32, 39 rt, 86, 87 f. 3, 89 19

and St John the Baptist, 85 41 /'

journey to Bethlehem, 85 43 ^5-46 b

at Cana, 85 6^b, 66 a

Virgin, the blessed :

at the Cross, see Jesus Christ, Cruci- fixion

and St John, 85 82 a, 88 b, 8gb

Pieta, 59 19/', 75 10, 84 3, 85 30, 69, gib, 87 f. I, 98 5

and 7 Dolours, 99 6

death of, 41, 56 liv, 87 3

Assumption, 22 64 a, 41, 57 Iviii, 61 f. 489, 67 f. 83 b, 68 f. 134, 89 24

Coronation, 41, 57 Ixxvi, 77, 78 11, 80 34, 81 8, 82 7, 85 39, 86, 87 3, 89 25, 124 1

and Child, 10, 12, 13, 14, 38, 43 124, 57 xlix, Ixxvi, 61, 66 f. 2gb, 68, 69 i a, 71 f. 90, 74 f. 92, 75 2, 78 2, 80 39, 83 9, 84 15, 85 58 b, 86, 89 32, 95 2, 96 I, 98 4, 13, 99 5, 105 f i, 147

standing or sitting, 11, 69 ff. 26, 346, 85 looa, 100b, 89 26, 114 112^, 165, 124 32, 146 f. 25

blessing, 114 136 5

and Judas, 85 73 (?, 74 a

and Maries, 85 76 b

and the rosary, 99 5

bust of, 76, 84 2

Zacharias, father of St John the Baptist,

10, 12, 56 f. xxxviii b, 124 24 Zechariah, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 Zephaniah, 10, 11, 12, 13


Of Saints occurring in Kalendars, etc.

(N.B. An asterisk attached to an entry

occurs in

Abibas, 50

Acuisius, 62

Adalbert or Adhelbert, .M., 39, 56, 64

Adelbaert, C, 96, 97

Adelbrecht, 94

Adelf, 91

Adjutus, 62

Ado, 48

Adrian, 38, 93, 166

Aelbert, 95

Affra, 38, 47, 48, 95

Agacius, 38

Agapitus, 89

Agapius, 48

Agatha, 19 121a, 36, 75, 76

Agilof, 38, 40

Agnes, 75, 76, 114 f. 21 b*, 118 20*

de Montepulciano, 56 Agricola et Vitalis, 100 42* Agripinus, 71 Alan us, 89 Alban, lip and M., 64

M., 48, 95

and companions, 101 i_^*

translation of, 46 Alberic, 57 18 a Albinus, C, 89, 166

M., 38, 40, 48

M. and companions, 48 Aldegundis, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 75, 96,

166 Aldhelm, Bp, 46. 47 Alexander, EventiusandTheodulus,100 5*,

114 f. 6^b Alexciaen, 96 Alexius, 73 Alo, 66

M. C.

signifies that a Life or Passion of the Saint that place.)

Alphege, 46

Alto, 48

Amandus, 42, 43, 75, 82, 93, 98

Amantius, 48

Amelberga, 34, 42, 98

Ambrose, 48, 58, 66, 74, 101 3*, 102 11,

104 3, 114 f. 61 Ame, 77 Amphianus, 48 Anastaxia, 73 Andrew, 19 m a, 2,2 *-i-ia, 23, 36, 56,

102 2* Anellus or Annellus, 71, 72 Angel Guardians, 41, 60 Anian, 50, 75, 82 Anna, 89, 92, 97 Anne, 34, 46, 57, 58, 60, 63, 77, 82, 83

and Martha, 64 Anno, 38

Ansanus, 60 1 24, 68 Ansbert, 94, 95, 96, 97 Antoninus, C, 56, 63

M., 24, 61, 67 Antonius, M., 71, 166 Antony, hermit, 57, 63, 74, 77, 79, 89, 114 f. 21

of Padua, 34, 35, 39, 54, 58, 60. 61. 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 87 Anulphus, 38 Apollinaris, 24, 100 24* Apostles, division of, 56 Afiuilinus, 82 Archippus, 61 Armagilus, 81

Arnulphus, 38, 40, 94, 95, 96. 97. 166 Arpinus, 72 Aspren, 71, 72




Athanasius, 56, 71, 72, 101 6* Athelwald, 42 Attala, 64 Aubert (Sept.), 75

(in Dec), 75 Audoen, 48, 100 48* Audomar, 42 Augulus, 48, 166

Augustine, 39, 46, 47, 56, 63, 103, 104 i, 3, 105, 107 2, 3, 4, 114, 133

conversion of, 60 147

translation of, 42, 61, 73 Aurelia, 64 Aurelius, 60 Aureus, 38 Ausbert, 82 Avitus, 48

Barbara, 56, 77, 89

Barbatus, 74

Barnabas, 74, 86, 101 12*, 114 f. -jib

(relic), 19 121 a Bartholomew, 102 6* Basil, 42, 93, 103, 106 Bassianus, 73 Batildis, 78

Bavo, 42, 91, 93, 95, 98 Bade, 42, 67, 75, 89, 107 i , 108 i, 2, 109, 114 Begga, 43 Benedict, 22, 50, 58 114, 70, 79, 114 f. 47,

128 9* translation of, 58, 82 Benedicta, 95

Berardus and companions, 62 Bernard, 36 335, 39, 40, 57, 58, 61, 64, 66,

67, 68 f. 327/^, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77,

80, 90, 91, 97, 119 Bernardine, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 68, 88, 93, 94

translation of, 60, 62 Bertin, 34, 42 Bertraem, 93 Birinus, 89, 90 Blase, 22, 38, 63, 74, 77, 94 Bona, 61

Bonaventure, 58, 60, 88, 127 Bonet, 48 Boniface, 22, 38, 40, 48, 91, 92, 93, 94, 99,

100 14*, 101 7*, 1 1*

Bonittus (Bonet), 48 Botulf, 42, 47 Brendan, 93, 187 29 a* Brice, 94, 102 12*, 128 2* Bride, 75

Bridget, 19 121 «, 36, 40, 43, 48, 68, 77, 89, 95, 99, 166 translation of, 40 Brothers, the seven, 100 23* Bruno, 74 Burchard, 48 Burgundafora (Fare), 48

Calocerius, 24 f. 303 1> Candida, 38, 61, 71 Candidus, 74 Cassius, 38

translation of, 38 Castor, 38, 40 Castulus, 48

Cataldus or Catallus, 61, 74 Cecilia, 128 4* Cesarius, 38

Chad, 46, 47, 65, 89, 90 Charles, 38, 57

translation of, 38 Cherubin, the, 75 Children, The three, 71 Cholomannus, 35 Christina, 89, 100 31* Christopher, 77, 82, 85, 89, 90, 100 27*,

101 18* Cita or Citha, 73, 90 Clare, 38, 40, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70,

71, 72, 73, 74, 93, 95, 96, 97 Clarus, 82 Claudus, 74 Clement, 128 5* Clodoald, 84 Clotildis, 84 Cobert (Robert), 36 Columba, 43, 50, 95 Columban, 61, 82 Concordia, 43, 82 Constantia, 48 Constantius, 61 Cordeuael, 96 Cordula, 38, 40, 97



Cornelius, 100 ■,_^* Corona, 98

Domini, 9, 12, 39, 56, 57, 58, 63, 64, 72 Covult Dei, 71 Crescentius, 60, 68 Crispin and Crispinian, 75, 82 Crowned, four, 20, 100 54* Crucified, 10,000, 68 Cucufas, 100 26* Cunibert, 95, 166 Cuthbert, 42, 47, 48, 58, 128 8*

translation of, 46 Cyprian, 100 54*, 104 2

and Justina, 65, 74, 100 39* Cyriacus, 23, 50 Cyricus and Julitla, 100 17* Cunegundis, sed Kunegundis

Damasus, 56

Daniel and his companions, 60 David, King, 48, 71 David, 46, 47, 65, 89, 90 Denis, 63, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 93, 98

invention of, 81 Desiderius, 82 Didacus, 58 Digna, 95

Dionysius, 22, 31 259

Dominic, 9, 12, 16, 34, 38, 39, 45, 57, 58, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 79, 82, 87, 93, 95, 114 f. 109, 166

translation of, 12, 39, 56, 63, 64, 72 Dominus, 24 303 l> Domitilla, 68 Doni minus, 38 Donatian, 42, 100 8* Donatus, Bp, 23, 24, 42, 55

M., 43, 67, 166 Donees, 93 Dorothy, 55, 64, 99 Dunstan, 46, 47, 145 6 Dyonisius, 9, 12 Dympna, 98

Eberhard, 39

Ediltrudis, 48 Ed it ha, 46, 47, 89, 90

Edmund, C, 42, 45, 57, 58 2 /^ 114 f 185, 128 3*

M., 16, 42, 45, 82, 89

translation of, 46 lidward, C, 39, 56

M., 42, 45, 46, 65, 89, 128 7* Effremus, 72

Egidius, 42, 77, 89, 100 45, 101 20, 166 Eleazar, 60

Eligius or Eloy, 34, 42, 63, 75, 82, 84, 89, 166 Elizaljctli, 16, 34, 39, 48, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 70. 71, 72, 73, 75, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 97, 99, 166

mother of St John Baptist, 94 Elphege, 42 Eiyphius, 38, 40 Elzarius, 62 Elzear, 60 192 Eno, 96 Epulus, 38 Erasma, 55 Erasmus or Herasmus, 39, 40, 48, 71. 89,

93, 100 13* Erendruda, 48 Erhard, 39, 48, 64 Erkenwald, 42, 47, 65, 90

translation of, 65 Ermolay, 40 Etheldreda, 46, 47

translation of, 65 Euapia, 48

Eucharius, 38, 101 24* Euframus, 71

Eufrosius and companions, 48 Eulalia, 54 Euphemia, 55, 89, 100 41*

Dorothy and Thecla, 61 Eusebius, 89 Eustace, 77, 80 Evergislus, 38, 40 Evurtius, 100 58 Ewaldi, The two, 38, 40, 166

Fabian, 128 19*, 166

and Sebastian, 99, 114 f. 21 Fare, 48




Faustinus and Jovita, 73 Felicitas, 23, 75 Felicula, 38

Felix, 23, 38, 94, 95, 96, 97 Fiacre, 63, 78, 82 Fides, Spes, Caritas, 100 35* Firmin, C, 75, 77 M., 77, 82, 89 Florentinatus. 74 Florentius, 52 i

and Florian, 100 3* Florianus, 24 303 /i, 35, 38, 48, 61, 166 Florinus, C, 48 Focus and Justus, 48 Foillan, 41, 43 Francha, 58

Francis, 9, 12, 16, 34, 35, 42, 43, 45, 54, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 79, 87, 89, 93, 95, 166 stigmata, 60, 61, 62 translation of, 12, 35, 60, 61, 62 of Paula, 56, 57, 58 Fremin (Firmin), 93 Frideswide or Fredeswide, 42, 47, 65, 90 Fulgentius, 114 f. i Fusca, 61 Fuscien, 75

Gabriel, 60 Galganus, 58, 60 Gallicanus, 101 14* Gallus, 22, 39, 61, 64, 71, 95

Lullus, Bp, 48 Gamaliel, 50 Gangolfus, 101 9* Gatian, 86

Gaudentius, 24 303 /^ 61, 98 Gaugericus, 42 Gelijs, 92, 95

Geminianus, 36 345 h, 61, 66 Gengulfus, 38

Genovefa or Genevieve, 48, 58, 63, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89, 166 George, 38, 72, 77, 82, 89 Gerard, 55 295 b Gereon, 42, 43, 91, 92, 95, 97, 98, 99

and companions, 38, 48, 166 Germanus, 42, 50, 100 9*

Gertrude, Gheertrued, Gerdrudis, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 48, 63, 71, 78, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 99, 166 Gervase and Protase, 76, 82, 114 f. 71 <) Gilbert, 166 Gildardus, 89

Giles, 42, 77, 89, 100 45*, 101 20*, 166 Gilibert or Gilebert, 35, 42, 74 Gingulf, 48, 166 Gear, 38, 48, 101 16* Gobert, 93

Godard, Godehard or Gotard, 38, 58, 61, 166

translation of, 166 Gondulf and Monulf, 40 Gregory Nazianzen, 56

of Nyssa, 103 Gregory of Tours, 100 54, 56, 102 11, 12 Gregory the Great, 38, 75, 101 2*, 110, 111 Guthlac, 42

Helene, 38, 73

Henry, 39, 166

Herasmus, see Erasmus

Ilerebert, 38, 40

Hermachora or Hermagoras and Fortu-

natus, 55 86, 61 Heulene, 73

Hilary, 36, 61, 74, 128 17* Hilda, 42 Hildevert, 63 Flonoratus, 77 Honorina, 83 Honufrius, 72 Hubert, 38, 41, 63, 75, 95 Hubrecht, 93 Hugo, 42, 46, 47, 57, 89

translation of, 89 Humilius and companions, 48

Ildefonsus, 54 Ingenuinus, 48

Innocents, the ht)ly, 19 121a: Invencius, 73 Irenaeus, 58 Isidore, 107 5, 126

Ives, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 79. 80, 81, 83, 94, 97



James, 63, 68, 72, 83, 100 i*, 25*, 102

4*. 10* Januarius, 71, 72, 100 46* Jeroen, 95, 96, 97, 98 Jerome, 52 ff. i, 4, 66, 67, 68, 71, 101 21% 104 3, 112, 113, 114 f. 7, 124

translation of, 68 Joachim, 57, 60 John, ap., 63, 74, 77, 102 .',*, 114 L ()l>

Baptist, 63, 71, 77, 89, 90, 114 f. 86

Chrysostoni, 106

of Beverley, 47, 65, 78 John and Paul, 76, 100 n/ Joseph. 40, 58, 60, 92, 166 Julia, 82 Julian, ('., 36, 70, 114 f. 34

M., 85 Juliana, 62, 77 Jullita, 73 Juslina, 73 Juslinus, 38

Katherine, of Alexandria, 39, 58, 63, 75, 76, 77, 83, 90, 100 59*, 129* of Siena, 56, 60, 63, 64, 68 Kenan, 145 4 Kenelm, 42 Kilian or Kiliaen, Kyllan, 20, 38, 40, ^8,

95, 166 Kunegundis, 39 Kunera, 97 Kunibert, 38, 40

Lambert, Lanibrecht, Lampert, 34, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 48. 57 Ixiiii, 64, 71, 75, 80, 81, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 99, 114 f. 14.^

Lammescon, 42

Landulf, 82

Lan franc, 73

Laurence, 19 1 2 1 a, 24, 36. 75, 76

Lazarus, 34, 50

Lebuin, 91, 92, 94, 95, 99

Lelius and Valentine, 66

Leo, 82, 114 f. 29

Leocadia, 48, 54, 74

Leodegar, 19 121 a, 48, 50

Leonard, 71, 72, 74, 86

Lconiana, 38

Leu, Sir Loup

Liberalis, 52, 61

Liborius, 166

I.igorius, 71

Linus, 100 20

Livinus, 42, 89, 98

Louis, Bp, 35, 60, 61, 62, 67, 73

King, 9, 35, 39, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 68, 70, 71, 72, 75, 77, 79, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97

dedication of the Church of, 63

translation of, 61, 62 Loup, 75, 77 Lucian, 80 Luciana, 36

Lucy, 36 f. 93, 48, 66, 75, 94, 128 11* Ludger or Liudger, 40, 95, 166 Luke, 36, 75, 76, 77, 86 Luppus or Lupus, 63, 78, 166 Lusorius, 100 43* Lutgartle, 57 Lury, 75

Macedonius, 74

Magiorius, 80, 84

Magnus, 22, 38, 40

Maiolus, 7 113 /'

Malachy, 40, 57, 58, 114 f. 1751^

Malo, 75

Mammes, 48

Marcellinus, 100 12*

Marcellus, C, 74, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84. 85

M., 36, 100 44* Marcial or Martial, 39, 48, 58, 77, 82,

100 56* Margaret, 19 121 rt, 63, 75, 77, 83, 89, 100 30*, 166

of Cortona, 56 Maiina, 54 Mark, 55, 75, 86

Martha, 56, 60, 62, 63. 68, 71, 77 Martin, 19 121/', 36,50,63, 76,102 11*, 12*,

118*, 128 I* Martyrs, 5, 60

4000, 38

10.000, 40, 56. 64, 166



Mary, blessed Virgin :

conception of, 34, 39, 57, 60, 61. 62. 63, 64, 66, 67, 82

nativity, 63

presentation, 39. 40, 58, 60, 62, 64

espousals, 60

annunciation, 63, 114 f. 52

visitation, 34, 38, 39, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 64, 66, 67, 71, 74, 77, 89. 166

purification, 57, 64, 114 f. 34

assumption, 63, 114 f. 112/'

of snow, 60, 62, 67

feasts of, 56, 57, 63, 64, 65, 72

relics of, 19 12 1 <?, 1211^ Mary Magdalen, 23, 36 93, 63, 64, 75, 76, 89, 90, 100 47*

translation of, 64

of Egypt, 19 121 a

of James, 74 Maternus, 38, 95 Matrona, 48

Matthew, 30 151, 100 50*, 102 7*, 133 Maurelius or Maurilius, 66, 100 49* Maurice, 22, 63, 64, 91, 92, 94, 95, 99,

100 51*, 114 f. 150 Maurinus, abb., 38

M., 38 Mauront, 19 121 <? Maurus, 22, 63, 77, 84, 86 Maxellendis, 19 (p. 35) Maximien, 75 Maximus, 82, 114 f. 4 Medard, C, 48, 50, 71, 75, 89

M., 84 Mellon, 82 Metranus, 48 Michael, 5, 36, 63, 72

apparition of, 74

victory of, 66 Milburga, 89 Mildred, 42 Minias, 60 196 Minulf, 48 Mitrius, 100 33* Modaert, 93 Monegundis, 43 Monica, 34, 56, 60 146(5, 73, 99

Montaigu, 76

Moors, three hundred and sixty, 38

Nabor, 38

Narciscus, 38

Nicasius, Nigasius, Nichasius, 34, 42, 75,

77, 82, 93, 98 Nicholas, 19, 66, 75, 76, 77, 89, 128 10*

translation of, 82, 166 Nicholas of ToUentino, 34, 58, 61, 63, 66,

68, 71, 73, 74, 93 Nicodemus, 50 Nicomedes, 23, 48 Noe going out of the Ark, 166

Oda, 43

Odalricus or Odelricus, 38, 166

Odilia, Ottilia, 39, 43

Odoricus, 61

Odulf, 92, 94, 95, 99

Olave, 166

Omaer, 93

Onufrius, 64, 74

Oportuna, 74, 78, 82

Osmund, 65

Oswald, 38, 40, 42, 89, 166

Othmar, 22, 38, 40, 48

Otto, 39, 62

Ouen, 48, 100 48*

Palatinus, 48

Palmacius and companions, 38

Pancras, 22, 91, 94, 95

Panthaleon or Pantaleon, 40, 95, 100 28*,

101 17*, 166 Papia and Maurus, 48 Pastor, 101 10 Paternus, 80, 83 Patrick, 74, 128 6*, 187 44 Patrokel, 95, 97 Paul, 63, 79, 85, 100 21*

conversion of, 57, 62, 76

Bp, 24 303 d

Bp and M., 48 Pelagius, 101 19* Perpetua, 75 Peter, 100 20*

chains of, 114 f. 79^



Peter :

cliair of, 57, 62, 100 57*

and Paul, 24, 100 55, 102 i* Peter, Bp C, 57, 58, 60, 62

deacon, 38

martyr, 12, 39, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 71, 72, 73, 74, 100 II*

martyr, canonization of, 39

translation of, 64 Philip, 78, 100 2*, 102 9* Pirniinius, 101 2.^* Placid, 58, 74

Ponciaen, 91, 92, 94, 97, 99 Pontius, 48, 100 7* Portiuncula, feast of, 60, 62 Potenciana, 35, 42 Primus and Felicianus, 100 15* Prisca, 47 Privatus, 38

Probus and companions, 195 Processus and Martinianus, 100 22* Procopius, 56, 63 Proculus, 74 Prosdocimus, 61, 73 Protasius and Gervasius, 100 18* Prothus and Hyacinth, 38 Pudentiana, 101 10* Puleus and Nilus, 48

Quintin, 42, 43, 48, 50, 75, 77, 98, 166 Quiriacus, 84, 100 6* Quirinus, Bp and M., 48, 73 M., 48

Raljbout, 97

Radhodus, 94

Radegund, 74, 100 38*

Raphael, 60

Regenfledis, 40

Regina, 38, 40, 48, 61

Relics, feast of, 47

Remaclus, 38, 40, 43

Remigius, 22, 34, 36, 42, 50, 91, 94, 114 1 56(6

Remigius, Germanus and Vedast, 38, 48, 82

Reparata, 60 195 b, 67, 74

Restituta, 71, 72

Richard, 45, 46

Robert, 36 308, 48. 58 Roboet, 95 Robrecht, 95 Roch, 58, 99 Rogatian, 100 8 Romanus, AM)., 74

Bp, 82 Rotbert, see Robert Rudbert, 35

Saint (unknown), 19 \ii b

Saints, All, 36, 63, 77

Salome, 74

Sampson, 80

Sanson, 86

Saturnina, 38

Saturninus, 60

Savine, 68

Scolastica, 22, 58

Sebastian, 63, 68 1 = 1, 82, 83

Secundinus, 48

Sequanus, 36, 68

Seraphin, 75

Servacius, Servatius or Servaes, 38, 39, 42,

43, 56, 58, 63, 64, 71, 91, 92, 94, 95,

99, 166 Servulus, 48 Severa, 166 Severianus, 114 f. 15/' Severin, 95

Severinus, 38, 43, 102 1 1 , 166 Severius, 72

Severus, 48, 66, 97, 166 Sigismund, 48, 60, 101 4* Silvanus, 48 Silverius, 71

Silvester, 65, 118 f. 102* Simmitrius, 48 Simon, 74, 95, 96, 97

and Jude, 30 15: /', 102 8* Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrice, 100 32* Sirus or Syrus, Bp and C, 34, 61, 73 Sixtus and Sinicius, 20 Sleepers, The Seven, 45, 100 29*, 101 15* Sola, 22, 48 Sophia, 166 Speciosa, 48, 166 Speratus and companions, 166



Speusippus and companions, 36, 48 Stanislaus, 87 Stephen, Abb., 57, 58

M., 19 121 a, 36, 63, 76, 77, 82, 114 ff. I a, gb, 128 13*

Pope, 100 36* Swibert, Swicbert o>- Swipert, 38, 40, 166 Swithin, 89, 90

Tacianus, 61

Taurinus, 82

Theban legion, 38, 40

Thecla, 47, 55, 78, 100 40*

Theobald, 84

Theodora, V. M., 38, 48

Theodore, 20, 73

Theodoricus, 48

Theodosia, 48, 71

Theophilus, 74

Thomas, Apostle, 48, 86, 102 5*, 128 12*

translation of, 63, 64 Thomas Aquinas, 39, 57, 68, 60, 61, 62, 63,

64, 66, 67, 71, 72, 74, 114 f. 47 Thomas, Martyr, 16, 31 |S8/', 39, 45, 57, 58, 76, 82, 89, 90, 114 f. 21

translation of, 42, 46, 89 Thurian, 82 Tiburtius, 82 Tirannus, 48

Trinity, feast of holy, 60, 63 Trudo, 43

Udalric, 22, 35, 39, 40, 48, 64

Ulfia, 77

Uriel, 88

Ursmar, 98

Ursula oj- Ursoline, 34, 38, 39, 43, 56, 57,

58, 64, 66, 73, 87, 88, 89, 90, 92, 95,

96, 97, 99

Valentine, 76, 96

Valeria, 85, 98

Valery, 75

Vedast, 42, 43, 50, 75, 95, 98

and Amandus, 38, 40, 48, 75, 166 Verena, 48 Veronica, 63, 73

Victor, 24 303/', 40, 60, 77, 80, 91, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 100 10*, 101 8*, 105 2, 166

Victorinus, 38

Vido, 71

Vigilius, 48

Vincent, Bp, 75

Ferrer, 39, 56, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 71 Martyr, 76, 114 f. 27, 118 f. 138/^*

Vindemialis, 52 i

Vindicien, 75

Vinnoch, 75

Virgins, 11,000, 34, 39, 40, 42, 48, 67, 58, 60, 63, 64, 97, 101 22*, 114 f. 162/', 166

Vitalis, 46, 100 42

Vitus OJ- Vicus, 20, 22, 48, 52 i, 96, 100 16*

Viviana, 35

Vuiliame, 75

Walburga, Walburch, Waltpurga or Wal- purg, 38,41,48, 92,95,99,101 5*, 166

Wallepaxde, 89

Wenceslaus, Wenzeslaus or Wanzelas, 48, 58, 63, 64, 166

Wigbert or Wibert, 41

Wilfred, 42, 134

Willehad, 166

William, 36, 67, 58, 60, 80, 83, 114 f. 21

Willibald, 20, 22, 38, 40, 48

Willibrord, 20, 38, 43, 48, 91, 92, 94, 95, 99, 166

Winifred, 46, 47, 66, 89, 90

Winnoe, 42, 98

Wlfram, 46

Wulfran, 47

Wulstan,Wolstan, Ulstan,42,46,47, 128 18*

Wunnebald, 22, 48

Xystus and companions, 100 37*

Vldevert, 63 Vordijn, 96 Vpolitus, 91, 97 Vudo, 96 Vvo, see Ives

Zeno, 24 303 b, 52, 61, 73 Zenobius, 74


Of Objects.

Acanthus, 19, 30 i (^, 2 a Adze, 78 16 Agnus Dei, 19

with lianner, 97 iS with chalice, 19 90 /' Alb, 19, 51 6, 54, 83 y, 90 f. \oa, 124 49,

201 10 Ahar, 51 6, 57 xix, 61 f. 296, 71 f. 199,

74 f. 1 20 (6, 76 f. 69, 77 11, 79 2,

85 14 a, 21 1>, 26/', 87 ;„ 99 1, 123 8,

12, 124 49 stone, 44 f. 51 /; with retable, 57 iii a Anchor, 124 47 Animals, 7, 22, 35, 50, 56, 91 Antelope, 123 3, 2 2 Ant-hill, 123 f. 37 Apes, 101 4, 123 f. 47

descent of, 31 32 Appearance in sky, 52 f. 2 a Apse, Gothic, 71 f. 199 Arabic writing, 189-191, 193, 194, 198,

199, 200, 201 Arch, 11, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 30 112 a, 43,

71 f. 90, 74 f. \2ob, 77, 81, 98, 195 a Architecture, 11, 22, 81, 95 6 Armour, 115 f. 4 />, 162 Arms, coat of, 46, 54 f. 3/', 59, 61 f. 91,

63, 68 f. 13, 69 f. I a, 72 f. 13, 147,

148, 149, 151, 158, 160, 162, 166,

184, 185, 186, 201 10 Arras, gold, 63

red, 57 xix, xlix, Ixxi. 81 8, 186 Asperge, 54 f. 3 b, 83, 87 Ass, 15, 82 6, 123 f. 46 Astrolabe, 165 ff. 87, 88 * Astronomy, 31 64, 67, 52

Austin friar, 201 9^^'-

Autograph signatures, 147, 148, 149

Barrel, 162 f. 145

Battlements, 22

Bear, 44 3 b, 82 6, 94 1 7 1 /', 95 9

Beasts, 5, 64, 85 25

four, vision of, 12 Beaver, 123 f. 4 1 A Bed, 11, 13, 14, 15, 22 10, 11, 56 \k\\ b,

61 ff. 489 ^ 507, 63, 83 5, 98 14,

124 24, 179 8 Beehives, 99 2 Bell, 181 Binding, noteworthy, 9, 19, 21, 22, 30, 33,

38, 39, 42, 48, 54, 57. 61, 68, 71,

74, 75, 77, 79, 81, 82, 86, 89, 93, 94, 97, 99, 101, 102. 107, 108, 136, 138, 140, 146, 151, 152, 159, 172, 184 5, 187, 195

Birds, 11, 12, 22, 25, 34, 51, 53 f. xvi, 64 f. HI, 56, 57, 63 {{. 96/;, 108 (^, 64,

75, 78, 99, 103 f. 4, 115 2 rt, 4 /-> Bishop, 10, 11, 51 3, 54, 61 f. 1, 71, 75 11,

99 5, 101 23, 105, 201 7 bust of, 54 15 Boat, 123, 5, 13 Bone-house, 87 60

Book, 146 f. 27, 173, 201 3, i},g,k, I, iG a box, 2

cu[jboar(l, 103 f. 4 plate, 6, 12, 13, 16, 17, 23, 25, 26, 35, 40, 41, 44, 46, 47, 53, 54. 84, 88, 92, 96, 102, 103, 118, 130, 137, 141, 151, 153, 172, 186 shelf, 115 f. 4/' stamp, 9, 82, 92



Borders, 10, 15, 19, 34, 38, 39, 40, 47, 52 r. I, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 66 f. 13, 67, 68, 69-75, 77-82, 84, 85, 86, 88, 89-99, 105 f. r, 115, 120 f. 31, 124, 125 f. 2, 183, 184

Bosses, metal, 161

Bowl, 12, 22

Boy on a dolphin, 160

surpliced, 124 49, 136

Boys, singing, 201 i.V?,/^

]3ucket, gold, 124 49

Bucranium 160

Buddha and his footprint, 197

Buildings, 3, 10, 13, 41, 67 f. 220, 71, 81 II, 87 3, 162 2, 166, 201 3

Burmese characters, 197

Burning bush, 201 13/;

Busts, 173

Butterflies, 69

Byzantine style, 49

Caldron, 145 Calf, golden, 31 58 Candlestick, 53 f. xiv, 195 a Canopy, Gothic, 83 7

tent, 83 9 Cape, 147

Capitals, 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 19, 20, 25, 27, 30, 33, 48, 49, 52, 100, 116, 118, 119, 125, 159, 160, 167, 172, 195/^, 201 15 Caps, net, 22 i r

pointed, 10, 22 Cardinal, 51 6, 99 5

crucifix of, 85 70

hat of, 67 f. 230/', 85 70, 115 2 a Casks, 166 Castle, 124 30 Cat and mouse, 11 Celtic element, 5, 19, 33 Censer, 51 8 Centaur, 11

Chaladrius (a bird), 123 6 Chalice, 12, 13, 19, 51 6, 53, 76 f. 69, 123 12, 124 49, 136

elevated, 10

and host, 61 f. 296, 79 2 Chapel, view of, 53 xx, 201 4 Chasuble, 10, 19, 43 n^d, 51 3, 4, 54 28,

Chasuble :

74 f. iiob, 85 73, 89 4, 33, 90 f. io«, 101 23, 124 41, 136, Lib. Ill, iv, V -shaped cloak, 162 Choir-books, 201 6, 9, 17 Church, 54 19, 67 f. 220, 71 f. 207, 98 16,

142 Churchyard cross, 87 60 City, 201 10

Clasps, 39, 42, 46, 48, 70, 71, 74, 86, 92, 93, 97, 98, 101, 102, 108, 123, 138, 140, 146, 152, 161, 169 Cleric, grotesque, 51 6 Clerks, 15, 79 5, 146

at lectern, 12, 13, 15, 38 64/', 41, 43 73, 72 Cloak, 115 f. 4^ 162

chasuble-shaped, 162 Cock, 41

and rabbit tilting, 78 Coif, 136, 173 Compasses, 162 Cope, 15, 51 8, 54, 56 Ixiv;^, 74 f. 126 b, 86,

87, 89 3, 103, 105, 201 10 Coronet, 26, 35 Corporal, 51 6, 136 Couch, 15 Courtier, 11, 89 9 Crayfish, 172 Crest, 150, 186 Crocodile, 123 f. 43

Cross, 12, 13, 42, 56 \\ix b, 62 17, 70 4, 71, 87 60, 120 f. 31, 124 15, 16, 49, 136, 201 II, 13^' bow, 94, 98/' double, 62 18 headed staff, 90 i pattee, 80 36 processional, 79 5 shield, 124 39 spear, 124 39 tau, 43 150/^ Crozier, 54, 61 f. i, 62 21, 74 f. 126b,

89 II, 101 23 Crucifix, 201 15 Cruets, 53 f. i Crutch-staff, 61 f. 420 Cufic hand, 201



Cuirasses, 78 14 Cup, 12, 15, 81 5, 85 45, 86 Curtains, 19, 57 iii«, lxvii/^ 88 Cultin<;s, 201 13

Dalmalic, 12, 19, 51 6, 57 i A, liiii, 72,

83 y, 90 f. 10 <r, 101 2.:;, 124 31 Death, corpse, 85 41, 87 Ao

of a lady, 87 60

skeleton, 71 f. 113, 79 .^, 173 Deer couchant, 34 1671^ Demon, 85 112/'

on a horse, 31 40 r Desk, 11, 15, 19, 21, 53 f. 1, 103, 114. 115, 123 17, 124 40, 42, 45, 201 3

book-shaped, 3

on a shaft, 2 Devices, 53, 63, 178 Diagrams, 166, 167 1 2 i>, 169 y

of a reliquary, 19

of the astrolabe, 165 ff. 87, 88

of the constellations, 52

of the world, etc., 31 Dial, 47 ii /', iii a, iii /' Diamond, 123 f. 59

Doctor, 85 64 r?, 94 3, 136 Lib. II, 180 Dog, 11 Dolphin, 160

Dominican friar, 10, 56 xlviii, Ixiv, 173, 201 9 /

nun, 63, 173, 201 9/ Doves, 34 201, 123 fl". 53, 55 Dragon, 11, 23 f. 6l>, 31 f. 142, 33, 45, 57 lxix(?, 72 I I I. 75, 80, 85 45, 58, 90 3, 107, 108, 115 2 a, 120. 123 f. 55, 137

head, 19, 49 Drawers, linen, 179 i

Eagles, 14, 19, 26. 40, 82 1, 3, 6, 94, 123 f. ^$b, 4, 160, 186 double, 132, 179 i white, 35, 179 i, 4 Ecclesiastic, tonsured, 19 Eclipses, 165 Elephant, 123 f. 57;^ . Emperor, 99 5 Enamels, 75

Engraving, early, 21 8 1>

End-papers, 107

Eyes, human in butterflies' wings, 69 y

Facsimiles, lithographed, 9 Faith, winged, 53 Ixxxiii b Female figure, 179 2, 9 Fish gate, 10

red, 11 Flags, 186

Flowers, naturalistic, 57, 92, 93, 96, 99 i Fox, 123 f. 40

Frame, 21, 22, 30 10 a, 73, 73 A, 74(7, 86 A, 87*/, ii2«, 34, 50 53 /^ 59, 63, 66 f. 13, 67, 78, 85, 86, 88, 89, 90 4, 115 I, 123, 124, 137, 139 Friars, 61, 67 f. 220, 71 f. 207, 95 10, 105, 136 Lib. I Austin, 201 9,;^' Dominican, 10, 56 xlviii, Ixiv, 173,

201 9 ?' preaching, 16 Fruit, 92

Funeral, 72, 78 4, 79 5, 89 28, 124 45 in choir, 67 f. ifo, 77 11 in churchyard, 81 12, 83 8

Gallows, 145

Gateway, 123 7

Gem, 160

Genii, 115 2 a, 4/', 162, 172

Goldfinch, 34 167/', 64 f. 22 b

Gown, 180

Greek (modern) inscription, 2

Gridiron, 57 liiii, 62 15

Grotesque figures, 103 f. 4, 131, 135, 136

Gryphon, 82

Guards, 25, 49

silk, 22 105/', 151 Gull, 15

Habit, a, 124 23, 136 Lib. i, V

black, 74 f. 126/', 103 f. 4, 105 Halcyon, 123 f. 47 Hand, Divine, 12, 13, 14. 41 Hare, 22, 51 Harp, 53 lix, 83 9, 136 Hal, 11, 155



Hat, peaked, 11, 15, 41

scalloped, 124 28 Head, curious, large bearded, 51 9

Divine, 12, 13

dress, 115 Hedgehog, 123 f. 39 Helmets, 78 14 Hermit, 178 Hood, black, 173 Hoopoe, 123 f. 36 b Horse, 71 f. 113, 179 i, 4

men, 10, 98 3 Hose, 162 I

Host, elevation of, 89 4, 136 Lib. in Hounds, 11, 51 3, 154 Hour-glass, winged, 53 xlix b Hunter w^ith horn, 123 f. 45 Huntsman, 51 3 Hydrus, 123 f. 43 Hyena, 123 f. 42

Ibis, 123 f. 39^

Initials, decorative, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28-58,« 60-66, 68, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 79, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7,8, 10, II, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 115-120, 123 6-127, 130, 132, 134, 136, 137, 143, 146, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 159, 160, 162-166, 171, 172, 173, 176, 177, 180, 183, 201 5, 6, 9, II, 13, 14, 16 historiated, 10-15, 19, 29, 31, 34, 38, 42, 43, 44, 46, 51, 56, 57, 61, 62, 68, 89, 93, 94, 96, 102, 105, 114

Ink-horn, 19

Insects, 57, 78, 92, 93, 99 i

Ivories, ancient, 19, 30

Jar, 11 Judge, 201 8

King, 6, 11, 71, 201 13^

bust of, 51 71

seated with sword and orb, 38 34 b

throned, 31 206 Knife, 21

Knights, 179 2, 3, 4, 6 fighting, 78 helmeted, 179 i

Label, 66, 94, 122, 158, 165, 166 Ladder of Jacob, 22 12 Lady, crowned, 179 5 Lamb, 19

and flag, 57 xli, 63 Laurel wreath, 162 Lectern, 15, 201 130: Lintel of temple breaks, 85 88 a Lion, 11, 15, 31 234/', 82, 94, 95 9, 115 Lioncels, rampant, 186 Love, a winged, 173 Lute, 61

Man and woman in flames, 123 f. 33

Mandorla, 22 8, 10, 123 13, 15, r6, 17

Mandrakes, 123 f. 56

Mantle, 115

Maps, 202

Marginal figures, 168, 169, 172

ornament, 145, 194 Martyrdoms, unknown, 201 13 r, vi Medallions, 10, 11, 12, 14, 19, 23, 26, 34,

42, 66 f. 13, 78, 94, 99 6, 105 f. i, 139 Mermaid, 78 11, 145 Mitre, 10, 51 8, 52 f. i, 53 f. vii, 54, 62 21,

72, 74 f. xidb, 86, 89 9, 90 f. 10 «,

101 23, 103, 105, 124 41 Monkeys, 57 Ixxvi, 99 3, 4, 101 7 Monks, 53 xii, 79 6, 95 10, 136 Lib. i, v Monogram, 35, 176

Monsters, 23 ff. i, 80, 54 f. i a, 135, 136 Monstrance with sacred Host, 63 f. 98, 99 7 Months, illustrations of, 42, 78 21 etc., 80

1-24, 85 1-24, 86 Morse, 201 10 Motto, 151, 181, 184, 185

Naskh writing, 189, 190, 191, 193, 194,

200, 201 Nimbi, 101 23, 114 112/', 120 f. 31, 124 10 Nimbus-cross, 51 2 Numerals, arable, 165 Nun, Dominican, 63, 173, 201 9/ with a crucifix, 105



Organ, 201 1 3 h Ornament,

branchwork, 110, 115 2 a, 4/', 116, 117

Celtic, 19

renaissance, 99 Ostrich, 123 ff. 35, 52 (^ Owl, 81 I, 99 5

Pack on yoke, 12

Palimpsest, 52 f. 42

Pall, 56 Ix

Pallium, 10

Palm leaves, 197

Panels, 38, 79, 86, 89, 92, 93, 94, 97,

99 Panther, 123 f. 47/^ Parrots, 55 269, 64 f. 29 Partridges, 123 f. 50/^ Patriarchal cross, 89 3, >,}, Pattern, billet, 30

fret, 11

key, 30

leaf, 30, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84

on fore-edges, 8, 117

saw, 15, 64 Patterns, 197 Peacock, If. i, 64 ff. 11, 202 b, 81 1, 99 3,

166 Pelican, 97 6, 123 7 Pen, 21

work, 51, 52, 53, 57, 68, 78, 83, 90, 91, 97, 111, 123, 125, 127, 135, 142, 150, 161, 162, 164, 165. 176, 180 Pheasant, 81 i Phoenix, 123 f. 35^ Pigeon-house, 98 15 Pig's head, 12 Planets, 165 7 Pomegranates, 186 Pope, 51 8, 71 ft'. 113, 209, 76, 89 3, 99 i,

136 Lib. V, 201 7 Porcupine tethered, 136 Press-mark, 26, 108, 152 Priest, 56 \\\\b, 63 f. i, 81 10, 83 6, 85 14^, 14/', 26a, 11 a, 2~t b, 89 4, 124 49, 136, 146 f. 28

bust of, 51 59

in cap, 10

Priest :

in chasuble, 43 113^^, 51 4, 6 Printer's mark, 156 3 Prison, 85 wia Processional cross, 79 5 Prophet in cap, 44 f. 78 Psaltery, 103, 201 \b d Purple vellum, 21, 67

Queen, 71 f. 113 Quilt, 22 11,12

Rabbit and cock tilting, 78 Rabbits, 11, 17 Reliquary, 19 Robe, 147, 153, 180 Rocks, 80 Roundels, 136

Sacraments, the seven, 68 146 <J

Sacrifice, 10, 12, 38, 79

Saints, 201 13 c, m

Salamander, 123 54/'

Scribe, 169, 186, 189, 190, 191

Scrolls, 123 4, 19, 162, 180, 201 8, 9^/ in Flemish, 91 224, 243

Sea horses, 160

Seal, 149, 151, 166

Seat canopied, 124 40

Seraph, 49 5 a

Serre (a winged beast), 123 5

Shafts and capitals, 20, 30 112a

Shepherd, 99 4, 5

Shields, 10, 12, 13, 19, 41, 52 f. i, 59. 63. 67, 71 'iL 97, I 13, 76, 82 i, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 87, 102, 115 2 rt, f. j,b, 136, 150, 158, 172, 179 3, 6, 180

Ship, 123, f. 49/^

Shrines, 197

Sibyl, a, 95 3

Sickle, 123 8

Siren, 123 f. 37 (^

Sketches, 6, 7, 57 Ixxv, 78, 123

grotestjues, 38, 42, 44 f. 20, 51 34^,

47 b, 83 4, 96 winged two-legged serpent, 31

Skull, 68, 85 41, 87 60, 92 2 cap, 180



Snake, 123 f. 54

Soldiers, 83 6, 84 5, 85 60 a, 79*^, 83^,

89 9, 23, 98 3, 201 13,7 mailed, 51 9, 78 14 Soul in human form, 22 10, 51 3, 81 12, 13,

89 29, 95 10, 96 6 Spandrels, 11, 21, 75 Spear, 10, 13, 123 2 Spectacles, 61 Squirrel, 17 Staff, 11, 123 4, 6, II, 124 5, 28, 201 13/&, /

cross-headed, 90 Stag, 123 f. 54 Stamp, 108, 146, 159 Stick, curved, 11 Stocks, 179 Stole, 19, 54, 56 Ix Surcoat, 124 16, 162, 179 2, 3 Surplice, 147 Sword, 10, 14, 15, 102, 114 175*, 115 f. ^b,

123 3, 124 16, 35, 162 2, 3 in saltire, 102

Tent, 179 9

Throne, 19, 83 10, 89 25 Tiara, 53 f. vii, 57 i /;, Iviii, 71 f. 209, 74 ff. 120 b, 134, 76, 87, 88 i^, 89 3 Tippet, 153 Title on the Cross, 31 249-^, 50 -^^b, 81 10,

85 69, 93 I, 95 5 Title page, 167 Towers, 12, 13, 14, 92 4

leaning, 201 10

of seven churches, 12, 13, 14

Trestle, 12

Trumpet, 19, 123 t, 2, 3, 13, 14, 136,

162 Trumpeter, 201 13 e Tunic, 162

Turban, 71, 115 f . 4 ^ Turrets, 22 Tympana, 20, 78 1 1 , 195 a

Uncials, 1

Unicorn, 99 i, 123 17

Vessel, 1, 114 47, 145

Virgin holding a lamp, 31 234 b

Warrior, 13, 14 Water bouget, 186 Water-marks, 109 Weasels, 123 f. 51 Wedding, a, 136 Lib. iv Well-head, a, 179 2 Whale, 123 f. 49 /5 Wild men, 94 f. 165 Window (two lights), 13 Winepress, 123 8 Witnesses, two, 123 5, 6 Wood-cut, 42 Wrestler, 94 93/;

Youth, 162

Zodiacal signs, table of, 64, 78 21 etc., 80 1-24, 85 1-24, 86


Names of Owners, Scribes, Places, etc., excluding


Acuna, don Fer° de, 74

Adelgerus, abbot, 108

Adye, \V. L., 47

Africa, map of, 202

Agatha, monastery of St, 97

Aku, John de, 145 i

Akcombe Church, 47

Albans, St, 47

Albanus, 71

Albericus, 113

Aldgatc, 47

Alexander V, 54

Alexandria, 47, 105 6

AUde, E., 182 i

Alvarez, Fernan de, 180

Amorbach, 108

Amiens, 77

Andrew, St, collegiate Church of, 23

Anna, 47

Annunziata, 105 6

Anselm, 113

Antioch, 47

Apollo, 161

Aquileia, 61

Arenillas, Chr. de, 201 15

Arezzo, 55

Arras, 75

Ashburnhani, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 30, 52, 95,

100, 104, 124, 128, 129, 131, 134,

178, 181, 182, 183, 187 Ashridge, 47 Askew, Dr, 163 Aspley, 137 Athlone, 182 3 Aussem, A. J. von, 82 Auxerre, 104 Avignon, 51 Avila, Roderic de, scribe, 74

Bacon, Roger, 153 Bain, 80, 81

Baker and Sons, 145 Baldinoclus, Thomas, 157 Balearic Isles (map of), 202 Bamberg, 39 Barnard, II. G., 42 Barnes, Richard, 15

M. W., 15 Barnesley, William, 176 Barnett, 47 Barrier, Gervaisc, 126 Barrois, 19, 30, 52, 104 Barton, 109 Basel, 64

Bassis, Franciscus de, 66 Bateman, 6, 23, 32, 33, 43, 55, 102, 103,

108, 120 Battlesden, 143 Bavieres, Isabel de, 125 3 Baynes, J. 145 Bechet, Sister .Mary, 41 Bechetus, Antlionius, 9 Bedford, F., 32, 120 Belgium, 165 Bell, Jacob, 137 Belonia, Count of, 58 Belz-Niedree, 179 Benevento, 74 Berkeley, Elizabeth, 184 Bernigeroth, 44 Berrach Brec, 187 28/^ Bertin, Abbey of St, 118 Berwick, 47

Betham, Sir William, 134 Bigny, 82, p. ,^70 Bloecheth, 47 Blois, Countess of, 58 Blomefield, Francis, 133 Blythe, Richard, 145 Bogdani, James and \V., 153 (186) Bodley, 7, 165 i Boduelcr [or Bourueler), James, 177



Bologna, 68, 147, 201 lo

Bonaventura, Abb. of Weissenau, p. lo

Boncompagni, Prince Baldassarre, 165,

166 Bond, E., 51 Boneventus, James, 13 Boniface VIII and IX, 60, 74 Bonshommes, 47 Bossu, Robert, 123 Braida, Jo. Fr. de, scribe, 175 Bretherton, 125 Brincklaius, Stephanus, 140 Bristol, 47

Brockhausen and Brauer, 35 Browne, Edward, 44 Bruges, 42, 89, 93, 98 Brunati, Di Filippo, 146 Buadach, Laogaire, 187 541^ Burrell, C, 15 Bulaq, 190

Caldecote 145 i

Calixtus II, III, 60, 68, 71

Calliensis, Tyrannius, 146

Cambridge, 7, 65

Campbell, Dr John, 145

Candia, 54

Cape, 71

Caramanchal, Pedro Burguete de, 151

Cardemaker, W. B., 142

Castilla, I Jon Johan de, 180 i

Cateau-Cambresis, Monastery of, 19

Celotti, Abbe, 28

Cessoles, Henry de, 75

Chaligny, Count of, 82

Chambers, Robert, 13

Chardeleye, 145 3

Chartres family, p. 372

Canon of, 107 Chetwode, Augustus, George and John,

184, 185 Cholmely, Martha, 186 Choppares, Symon, 45 Christie, 7, 9, 39, 89, 106, 112, 186 Christopher-le-Stocks, church of St, 47 Clavasio, Angelus de, 62 Clere family, p. 370 Clermont, 5

Clyde, 131

Collarini, Rainerio, 70 Cologne, 38, 40, 79 Columba, St Maria de, 119 Columbers, Hegeline de, 45

John de, 45 Conchobar, 187 50 a Conlaech, 187 56^ Copies, Edward, 131 Corsica, map of, 202 Corsini Library, 164 Coxe, H. O., 81 Craig, Gibson, 16, 53, 88, 151 Crawford, W. H., 130 Crete, map of, 202 Cruachu, 187 54;^ Cu Bee, 187 28*^ Cuchulinn, 187 ~t b, ^6 a Cuff, William, 182 3 Curoi, 187 57 a Cyprus, map of, 202

Dadyngton, William, 109

Daire, 187 57 a

Dalyson, Max, 181

Davy, Elie, 47

De Bar, 82

Delft, Cornelia van, 97

Denelek, 145 4

Derby, John, Margaret and William, 47

Didot, Ambrose Firmin, 161, 172

Digby, 7

Diogenes, 179

Doetinchem, Gertrude van, 99

Donnino, Borgo S., 119

Dorsett, 153

Drury, H., 156

Dublin, 7

Dupont, Marie de Lion, 43

Durham Priory, 169

Eichstiidt, 20, 22 Einenkel, 100 59 Ellenhart, 20

Emylton, Roliert, scribe, 169 Escurial Monastery, 53 Evreux, 82



Fairfax, 109

Farmer, William, 130

Federicus de Traiecto, scribe, 61

Feltre, Vittorino da, 152

Ferbeck, John West de, 176

Fermor, W., 130

Ferrara, 66

FfollioU, Henry, 17

Finnlug, 187 29 a

Fitzwilliani, 13, 123, 162

Flanders, 93, 98

Flanders, Counts of, 58

Florence, 37, 67, 123

Fontenay, J. de, 107

F'ontevraud, Abbey of, 123

Foioiulii, Albertus de, 62

Fortighueris, Nic. de, 115, p. 372

Foss, 144

Franchis, Michael de, scribe, 69

Francisci, D. Gerardus, 201 10

Franciscus, Johannes, 152, 173

Freising, p. 39

Fribourg, 125

Gairardum, 52 3

Gallensis, Johannes, scribe, 154

Genevieve, St, 115

Gibson, John, 123

Giles, J. A., 170

Gislebert, abbot, 121

Gloucester, 141 2, 142, 145 2

Glover, Anthony, 15

Gobellini, scribe, 115

Goldsniid, 26, 79, 82, 97

Gonzaga I, 152

Gorboduc, 182 i

Gorres, 159

Grace, Mount, 127 i

Granada, 190

Grange, E. L., 35

Gregory, C. R., 1

Grimsby, 35

Gruel, 98

Guemene, Princesse de, 178

Hamilton, 74, 80 Harrow, 156

M. C.

Harte, W., 44 and xxvi

Hatton, 165 i

H. de Alsacia, scribe, 122

Heathcote, Mrs Elizabeth, 42

Heber, 171

Hedgecote, 47

Hellande family, p. 372

Heinricus, Abb. of Lorsch, 108

Henry IV, 186

Henry V, 186

Ileraclius, 124 37

Herrys, Margaret, 47

Ilinde, William, 128

Ilirsch, 159

Iloepli, 29, 58, 115, 121, 139, 160

Holmes, J., 129

Ilorstmann, Dr, 128

How, Richard, 137

Ilyngham, Joh., de Redelington, 141

leronimus, p. 137 Ildefonsus, king of Castile, 58 Ilford, 47, p. 94 Illiers family, App. I. Ireland, 145 4, 187

Jackson, 51, 54, 170 Johanna, 90

de London, 47

de Radini,^ 47 Johannes, 113

Johnson, M., 141, 153, 186 Jovius, P., 160

Keele Hall, 154

Kelmscott Press, 118

Kenan, Church of St, 145 4

Kent, Th., 181

Ketforth, 176

Kilkenny, 127

King's College, Cambridge, 13, 65

Knowle, 153

Lagnia, Giac, 202

Lahore, 194

Lakelands Cork, 130

Lambert, 182 3

Lambeth Palace Library, 145




Lampolonghi, F., 69 Lanthony priory, 145

prior of, 145 i, 5 Lavardus, F., 140 Lawrence, E. H., 38, 51, 63, 78, 90, 194.

196 Le Begue, 43 Leigh and Sotheby, 145 Leighton, 10, 15, 28, 127, 130 Leipsic, 44, 165, 166 Lemestre, W. de, 145 2 I-enzo, 148 Leobaudus, 113 Leonist heretics, 24 Lewis, 156 Libri, 7, 27, 33, 59, 106, 112, 175

Franciscus a, 59 Liege, 41, 43 Limoges, 75

Lincy, M. E. Roux de, 179 Linerloz, Sister Mary, 41 Lipsius :

Acta Apost. Apocr., 102 i

Apokr. Apostelg., 102 7 Lismore, 187 29 a Littleton, Matilda de, 45 Llandaff, Joh., Bp of, 145 Lodi, 24, 73 London, 47, 65 Lorraine, Charles de, 82

Francis de, 82

Henry de, 82

Louis de, 82 Lorsch, Abbey of, 108 Louis, St, Nunnery of, 63 Lucca, 164 Ludovich, 173

MacCarthy, Dermot, 187 62 b MacMagach, Get, 187 i,2 b MacRoigh, Fergus, 187 53 <5 Maffeus, 160 Malmains family, p. 372 Malta (map of), 202 Mangiariis, D. Jeronimus de, 73

John Paul de, 73 Mantua, 105 6, 152 Mariate, Hugh, 182 4

Marseilles, 165 Martin, Th., 133, 140 Maximin, St, monastery of, 159 Maclean, F., pp. vii, xi sqq. Medici, Catherine de, 178 Mediterranean, 202 Michael, Monastery of St, 110 Middleton Hall, 6, 23

Henry J., 13 Milan, 29, 54, 113, 114, 116, 117, 119,

152, 173 Modena, 147 Monmouth, 186 Montforte, 133 Morimund Abbey, 8, 29, 58, 113, 114, 116,

117, 121 Morris, William, 12, 118, 179 Mortimer's Cross, 47 Mory, 38 Munich, 159 Munster, Henry, 122 Murano, 110 Mussels, 129 Mytton, 46

Nankelly, John, 47

Naples, 71, 72

Navarre, Theobald of, 58

Nesle family, p. 372

Nevers, 50

Nicholaus, 113, 139

Nogarolus, Leonard, 60 2;;o (5

Northampton, 47, 142

Novara, 54

Nuneaton, 123

Nuremberg, 35

Oakley, 184, 185

Odyhams, the, 45, 47

Oedipus, 161

Olschki, 14, 31, 50, 61, 136, 157, 162

Omar, St, 118

d'Origny, Nic, 11

Ormsby, 89

O'Sullivan, D., scribe, 187 62 b

Ossian, 187 44/^

Padua, 61, 149



Pampeluna, 74

Pantaleon, St, monastery of, Cologne,

106 Parage, John, 145 6 Paris, 54, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85,

86, 88, 155, 190 Parr, Samuel, 163 Paulinus, 169 Payne, 60

Peckham, J., 60, 127 Pegge, Samuel, 42 Peregrinus, Jo. Ant., 173 Petit, D., 30 Peychin arms, p. 370 Philargi, Cardinal Peter, 54 Philip, 153 2, 169 23 Phillipps, 5, 28. 45, 48, 60, 76, 101, 107,

109, 111, 125, 126, 127, 133, 135, 140,

143, 144. 145, 156, 158, 163. 167, 168,

169, 171, 174, 175, 177 Pistoia, 148 Poissy, 63

Polignac, Jean de, 75 Pouchier, Marguerite dc, 85 Ponsenot, Jo., 12 Pontigny, Abbey of, 104 Powel, David, 30 Pranttdus, Johanna von, 40 Pratoveteri, Guido de, scribe, 164 Puttick and Simp.son, 26, 79, 82, 85, 97

Quaile, E., 75, 99

Quaritch, 1, 5, 11, 13, 20, 35, 45, 46. 57, 74, 123, 130, 132, 186

Raggett, James, 127 Rangeard, 178 Reginhard, Abbot, 108 Rendlesham, Lord, 40 Rention, Juan Sanches, 150 Richard, bp of Hereford, 145 2 Rinaldo, duke of Modena, 147 Robert, monk, 31

scribe, 136 Robertson of Beyssey, 89 Rodd, 21 Rogers, S., 81 Rohan, Leonore, 178

Rome, 49, 51, 66, 67, 69, 70, 73, 79, 85, 86,

87, 88, 159, 164 Rothe, Rob., 127 Rothcrham, E., 127 Rouen, 181 Roy, 54 Ruffieres, Charles Robert des, 40

.Sachetis, Ric. and I'artolinus de, 73

Sacilensius, Linardellus, 61

Sackville, Dominus Lionellus Cranfield,153

Salvagiani, Cir. , 116

Salzburg, 22

Sanders, Basevi \V., 9

Sandwich, 47

Sansonettus de .Sansoneltis, 146

.Sardinia, map of, 202

Sarum, 45, 46, 47, 65, 89, 90

Sayranus Scaviz, 73

Scarduelli, Ant., 149

Scott, G., 145

Scribes, 61, 69, 74, 115, 122, 136, 154, 164, 169, 175, 180, 187, 202

Secou.sse, D. F., 54

Seilliere, Baron, 179

Sheppard, 34, 84

Shrubbe, Thomas, 47

Sicily, map of, 202

Siena, 60

Sigiberg, 108

Silkeston, Radulph, 47

Silva, Giuseppe Barbanti, 147 Giac. of Correggio, 147

Singers MSS., 130

Sithiu, 118

Skipwilhs, the, 89

Sneyd, 41, 154

Somers, Lord, 118

Solheby, 16, 18, 24, 27, 28, 34, 38, 40, 41, 42, 44 48, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 63, 65, 71, 74 78, 81, 84, 86, 87, 90. 91, 92, 95, 96, 99, 101, 104, 107, 109, 111, 125, 128, 130, 131, 141, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 164, 167 170, 179, 180, 185, 195

Spalding, 153, 186

Spannochi, p. 370

Stafford, Th. de Covent(r)e, 142

26 2



Staftbrdshii-e, 41, 154, 184, 185

Stawel, Mathew de, 45

Steele, R., 182 2

Stewart, Robert Buchanan, 17, 44

Strafford, Lord, 39, 89

Strassburg, 64

Stretton, Col., 9

Sunnesheim, 108

Sussex, Duke of, 26, 103

Swafeld, Arnald de, 141

Symon, cour.t, 58

Tarentaise, 58

Tegernsee, 48

Tegrimi, Minutoli, 164

Tewkesbury, 47

Thagkker, William, 89

Theobald, king, 58

Thomas, bp of Meath, 145 4

Thovesbys, the, 109

Thorpe and Sons, 124

Thouvenin, 111

Timoleague, 187 dib

Tischendorf, 1

Tite, William, Sir, 44, 130

Tomlingsoun, Edmunde, 134

Torre, Pero Diaz de la, scribe, 180

Tortis, Baptista de, 156

Tournai, St Martin's Abbey, 26

Tournebu, Pierre de, 83

Touraine, 126

Tours, 121

Trevenys, 182 t

Treves, 115, 159

Treviso, 52

Trinity College, Dublin, 7

Trond, St, 165

Troughton, Anthony, 134

Troyes, 11

Tuathal Techtmar, 187 59 a-62 b

Tugni, 82

Tusmore, 130

Tyroff, 35

Udallus, Anthonius, 182 4

Ulricus, 113

Urbino, 146

Utterson, Edward Vernon, 183

Valence, Aymer de, 145 3

Valladolid, 151

Vandernoott, J., 153

Van Vaernewyck, 122

Venice, 156

Verden, 166

Vertue, G., 153

Vespuccis, the, 164

Vicenza, 54

Vienna, 35

Villana, bp of Cremona, 105 5

Villars, Petrus de, 9

Volaterran, 160

Wakfield, 47 Weingarten Abbey, 101 Weissenau, 6

abbot, 6, 102 Welles, the, 47 Went worth, Lady, 44 Wesley, 165, 166 Wetherbys, the, 127 Wetherelt, Thomas, 76 Wherwell, 45 White, Henry, 25, 46, 92, 155, 164, 195

William, 141 White sale, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 25 Whityam, 134

Wiblingen, monastery of, 135 Willement, T., 64 William and Ferrandus, Counts of Flanders,

58 Wills, 94 Wolfenbiittel, 138 Wullffran, Petrus, 21 Wurzburg, 20 Wygmores, the, 46, App. I

York, 47

Abps of, 169 23

Cathedral Library, 169 Youlgrave, 23 Young, C, 194

Zaehnsdorf, 1, 49, 50, 78, 79, 90. 110, 132,

157, 160, 162, 164, 173 Zinzingen, 108


Literary Contents.

Abdias, 102

Ablactatus (disputatio), 52 ii, 6

Acta Sanctoiuni, 100, 101, 118

Acts and Epistles glossed, 25

Aesop's fables, 152

Aethiopic Psalter, 196

Adelardus ( Alardus) Bathoniensis, De opere

astrolapsus, 165 9 Alphabet and Arabic numerals, 165 5

Greek, 47

Hebrew, interpretation of, 52 Alpharabius, de divisione scientiarum, 169

16 Alvarez, Don Fernan, 180 i Ambrose, St, 59 36

Sermones, 5 II, 114 Amore, Gulielmus de S., 122 Angels, names of seven, 72 Antiphoner, 55, 56, 57, 155

Franciscan, 201 6 Antiphons (noted), 39 Apocalypse, in Latin and French, 123 Apocryphal works, 24, 27, 31, 72 124, 157 Apuleius de Deo Socratis, 169 14 Arabic, 188 rt, 188/;, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 194, 200

and Persian, 200* Aristotle, 153 i, 182

Equivoca, 165 10

Opera varia, 154, 155, 156 Armenian Gospel Book, 195, 201 3 Arnoldus de Augusta, 138 Asclepius, 169 12 Astronomica, 52, 165, 166 Athanasius, Prologus super Psalterio, 103

f. I Augustine, St,

Expositio psalmoruni, 103

Sermones, 104, 114

Regula, 105 i

Prologue to the Constitutions of the Augustinian friars, 105 3

Augustine, St,

Additions to the Constitutions, 105 4 List of Papal privileges to the order,

105 5 Admonitiones Capituli, etc., 105 6 Notes relating to Confession, 105 4 Admonitiones S. Augustini, 107 2 De vitiis et virtutibus, 107 3, 4 De civitate Dei, 115 Dialogus, 134

Aurora, 31, 32

Bacon, Roger, super Secreta Secretorum,

153 Ballads, 182

Banna or Bannarer, 128 14 Battles, list of, 47

Baudonivia, Life of St Radegund, 100 38 Bede, Venerable,

Liber Scintillarum, 107 i

Super Parabolas Salomonis, etc., 108

Historia, 109

Homeliae, 114

Hymnus, 167 Benedictiones episcopales, 52, 54 Bernard, St, Sermones super Canlica, 119 Bestiary, 123 f. 30 Bibles: Latin, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 18

Latin-French, 11, 13, 14

English, 13, 15, 16, 17

interpretation of the names in, 11, 15, 16, 17

list of books of, 11

see also Acts, Epistles, Gospels, etc. Blesensis, P., Epistolae, 170, App. II Blood, Holy, Invention of, 101 i, 27 Boccaccio,

De mulieribus claris, 174

II Corbaccio, 175 Boethius,

De differentiis, 165 10

De natura Dei, 169 3





De Trinitate, 169 4

Contra Eutichen, etc., 169 5

De fide, 169 10

De ebdomadibus, 169 11

Consolatio in English, 184 Boethius, Pseudo, de disciplina Scholarium,

169 I Bogdani, 186

Bologna Univ., Diploma, 147 Bonaventure, St, Meditations, 127 Bracton, de legibus Angliae, 145 Bradwardine, de memoria artificiali,

169 19 Bretton, de legibus Angliae, 143 Breviary, 38

Franciscan, 60, 61, 62

Sarum, 65 Browne, Professor, p. x, 188 sqq. Brute Chronicle, 186 Bull of canonization, 62

Campani, Practica geometriae, 169 20

Canticles, list of, 9

Cassiodorus, 7

Caxton, 129

Cesar, 31, 137

Chalcidius in Timaeum, 169 9

Charm in Spanish, 180 fiti.

Charters, Lanthony, 145

Chaucer, 185

Canterbury Tales, 181 Choir-books, Italian, 201 6 Chronogram, p. 39 Chrysostom, St John, de Sacerdotio

Latine, 106 Cicero, Marcus Tullius,

Epistolae Familiares, 157

De Tusculanis quaestionibus, 169 13 Clement, Propositiones de fide, 169 6 Collectarius (Morimund), 58 Collects for recovery of Holy Land, 41

proper, 22, 39, 51, 58, 62, 64

Sunday, 22

with neumes, 48 Colonna, Egidius de, 182 4 Concordance, 16 Confession, form of, 47

Confession, notes on, 105 4

Crestien, Gospel of Nicodemus, 123 f 10

Cross, Invention of, 100 4

Exaltation, 100 52

Title, p. 65 Cyprian, M., Confessio, 100 39

Dante, 81, 164

Decretals, 136, 201 8

Decretum, Gratian, 135, 201 7

Defensor, monk of Liguge, 107 1

Delisle, M., 123

Dial, 47

Dialogus de ratione cycli xix, etc., 167 4

Diploma of Doctorate in Laws, 147, 148, 149

Diurnal, German, 64

Dives and Lazarus, 31 1581^

Doctrine of the Heart, 132

Eclipses, notes on, 165

Egidius, supplements to Ai&ora, 31

Embryo, growth of, 31

Epacts, table of, 167

Episcopal blessings, 52

offices, 54 Epistles, 20, 21, 25, 27-30

the Canonical, 5 f. 125

to the Laodiceans, 10, 24, 27 Epistles and Gospels, tables of, 12 f. 61 1, 24 Errores Parisius condemnati, 122 5 Euclid, Elements in Latin, 168 Eusebius, Canons, 20, 21

Hist. Eccle. 11. 23, 102 Evangelia SS. Lucae et Joh. Graece, 3 Evangelistarium Graece, 1, 2, 4

Fabliaux, collection of, 178

Festial, portion of a, 128

Fitzwilliam MS., 123

Flemish, 91-99

French, see Table of MSS. pp. xxii, xxiv :

also 76, 85, etc. Frowyk, Lectures, 144 Fulgentius, Mythologia, 169 24

Sermo, 114

Gaufridus de Trano, 137 Geography, 31 64, 67



Geometrorum, De praxi, 169 21 German notes and verses, 36, 37, 39 Gislehert, Abbot of Citeaux, 121 Gospel-books, 1-4, 19-24, 26, 195 Grace before and after meals, 47, 73 Gratian, Decretum, 135, 201 7 Greek, 1-4, 47, 159, 162, 169 (iregory, St, Life of, 110

List of his works, 110

Dialogues of. 111

Homilies of, 114 Gregory, St, of Nyssa, De Dyapsalma,

103 f. 2 b Gregory of Tours, extracts, 100 4 etc., 102

II, 12 Gregory L\, Pope, Decretaks, 136 Grosseteste, Robert, De ortu pliiloso- phorum, 169 17

Chateau d'Amour, 123 f. i

Doctrine of the heart, 132

Hadith (traditions), 192 Ham, Legend of, 31 Hampole, Richard, 133

Prick of Conscience, 131 Hebrew inscriptions, 161

letters, impressions of, 122 Heraldry, App. L p. 369 Herbert, William, 127, 133 Hercules, 161 f. 2 Hermes Trismegistus, 169 1 2 Hipparchus, 165 i Historia Scholastica, 31 Hoccleve, Regiment of Princes, 182 4, 185 Honorius de disciplina scolarium, 169 i Horae, Dominican, 66, 67

Dutch, 94, 97

Flemish, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99

French, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88

Italian, 69, 70, 73

Naples, 71, 72

Sarum, 89, 90

Sienese, 68 Horae of the Blessed V'irgin, 75 f. 16, 82 f. 20, 91 f. 8, 92 f. I 2 l>, 95 f. 14, 96 f. 14, 97 f. 77, 98 f. 28, 99 f. 11

Paris use, 76 13, 80, 81, 83, 84

Horae of the Blessed Virgin :

Roman, 34 f. 201, 68, 79, 85, 86, 87 Sarum, 46, 89, 90 of Eternal Wisdom, 92, 94-97 of the Cross, 67, 69-74, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 86, 87, 93, 95-99

Hrabanus, de LXX., etc., 52 11 5

Hyginus, de Aslronomia, 165 2

Hymns, 14, 34, 35, 36, 38, 41, 48, 59, 61, 62

Indulgences, 71, 98 Inventory, an, 47 Invitatoria, noted, 39 Irish tales, collection of, 187 Isaac de diffinicionibus, 169 15 Isidore, St, 107 5, 126 Iszoard, Nicholas, 202 Italian rubrics, etc., 68

Jean de Mandeville, Voyage du Sieui 177 Jean de Vignay, Legende Dorec, 124 Jerome, St, 103 f. 3, 116, 117

Excerpta ex Epistolis, 112

Life of, 52 il, 4

On the 15 signs, 31

Prologues, 6 f. 1, 7 i, 8-16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25, 27, 28

On St Matthew, 113

Homilies, 114

Sermons, 5 II, 6 Johannes diaconus, Vita Gregorii, 101 2,

110 John, St, glossed, 26

note on Gospel, 24

prayer of, 74 Joseph, St, Hymn to, 146 Josephus, story of .Moses and the hot coals,

31 37

Justinianus, Institutiones, etc., 139 Juvenalis, 158

Kalendars, 23, 24, 38, 42, 48, 58, 71, 73, 74,

75-86, 91-99 Brigittino, 40 Dominican, 1, 12, 16, 39, 63, 64, 66,

67, 72 Franci.scan, 34, 35, 60, 61, 62, 68 Sarum, 45, 46, 47, 65, 89, 90



Kalendar Tables, 62 Kammavaca, fragment of the, 197 Katherine, St, life of, 129 Koran, 201 i, 2 Krusch, 118 Kufic hand, 188 a Koran, 201

Lactantius, 115

Lamentation, a, 7 4

Laodiceans, Ep. to, 10, 24, 27

Lateran Council, 134

La Valliere, 179

Lectionary, 30

Legenda Aurea in French, 124

Leo, St, Sermones, 114

Leonicenus, Ognibene, 152

Leonist sect, 24

Letter, old English, 123 8

with seal, 15 Leyser, Polycarp, 31 Lincolniensis, see Grosseteste Linus, Ps.-, 100 20, 21 List of battles, 47

years, 166, 167 Litanies, 37, 38, 41-47, 54, 58, 65, 69-86, 88-92, 94-99

Dominican, 39, 64, 66, 67

Franciscan, 34, 61, 68 Lodi, Chronicle of, 24 Logic, tract on, 134 147 Loiseleur des Longchainps, 179 Love (Nicholas), 127 Lydgate, Serpent of Division, 182 i

Fall of Princes, 182 i, 3

Boke of the governance of Kings, etc., 182 2, 183

15 joys of ALary, 182 2

MacCracken, Dr, 182

Magi, names of, 11

Magnobodus, Life of S. Maurilius, 100 49

Maitland, 24

Mandeville, J-, 177

Martianus, M. F. Capella, Astrologia,165 3

Martyrology, extracts from, 62 405

Mass, Exposition of, 31 f. 199

Masses, votive, 48, 50

Masses, with music, 49

Matricola, 201 10

Maximus, St, of Turin, Sermones, 114

M'=Clean, F., Memoir of, xi

Mellitus, 102 3

Memoriae, 45, 55, 67, 71, 72, 75, 79-87, 89,

90, 93, 94, 98 Menology, 1, 2 Methodius, Pseudo, 31 Meyer, M. P., 123 Michael de Franchis, 69 Missal, 48, 49, 50, 201 11

abbreviated, 16

Papal, 51 Montanus, Nicholaus, opera et litterae, 171 Mombritius, 100, 101, 118 Morris, R., 123

Music on 4 lines, 38, 48, 49 2, 50, 54, 56, 57, 62 413, 63

on 5 lines, 53, 123 6 Musical Notes, 1, 35, 37

tones, 52

Nassington, William of, Speculum Vitae, 130

Nathanael, legend of, 31 143 /'

Naumann, Professor, 165, 166

Necrology (part of a), 113

Neumes, 6, 22, 30, 48

New Testament, 24

Newall, Prof. H. F., Memoir of Mr F.

M<^Clean, xi Nicholaus Trivet, De disciplina scholarium,

169 Nine worthies, the, 182 i Notation, Tironian, 52 3 Notes, 20, 21, 24, 40, 105 4, 117 144/^ 118,

129, 142, 145, 151, 153, 159, 160,

161, 166 astronomical, 136 German, 35, 37 Italian, 62 marginal, 5, 19, 25, 27, 31, 50. 58, 104,

105, 122 ff \ib, \ia, 150, 155, 166,

182, 184 on flyleaves, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20,

21, 26, 27, 30, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50,

54, 57, 61, 65, 66, 69, 75, 80, 81, 82,

83, 89, 92, 96, 97, 107, 108, 109, 110,



Notes :

113, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 139, 140

on the wood of the true Cross, 31 f. 14 on various subjects, 20, 24, 31 pencil, 107

Numerals, arable, 165

Nurnberger, 101

Obits, 45, 47 O'Conor, Dr, 187 Offices, ferial, 14, 41

for B. V. M., see Horae

proper, 36, 48, 56, 57, 60, 63, 64, 66, 70, 71

for All Saints, 97

for recovery of II. Land, 36

for the 4 doctors, 55

for Corpus Christi, 59

for commem. of our Saviour, 49

with music, 48 Ognibene, version of Aesop, 152 Oldham, H. Y., 202 Oos, the fifteen, 89, 90 Ordinale, Extracts from, 65 Otigen super Vetus Testamentum, 116, 117 Orosius in Spanish, 180 Ovid, 31

De mirabilibus mundi, 7

Epigramniata, 164

Pachomius' Paschal Rule, 167 Padua Univ., Diploma, 149 Pali text, 197 Paris, Paulin, 179 Pascalis, disputatio ludaei, 122 4 Passion of our Lord, 125 Passionale, 100 Passiones Apostolorum, 102 Patent of Nobility, 150, 151, 201 15 Pater Noster, Exposition upon, 123 2, 8, 125 Patriarchates, 47 Paulinus, Vita Ambrosii, 101 3 Persian treatises, 198, 199 Persius, 158 ^ Petrarch, Canzone, 173 Prose treatise, 161

Petrarch, Trionfi, 172 Petrus Alphonsus, 120 I'etrus Blesensis, 170, App. II Petrus de Riga, Aurora, 31, 32 Petrus, H., 31 Pettigrew, 26 Pharetra fidei, 122 2 Philo, Ps.-, Chronicle of, 31 Pisa Univ., Diploma, 148 Pisan, Christine de, 125 3 Plato, Timaeus, 169 8 Poem, 7, 24, 31, 120 ff. 130/', 131, 123 Poema Morale, 123 9 Pontifical, 162 Porphyrius, 165 Portulano, 202

Pratoveteri, Guido Jacobus de, 164 Prayers, 49, 51, 59, 67, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 82, 83, 84, 87, 89 95, 97, 98, 99 Prefaces, noted, 50, 51

proper, 49 Priscianus, Grammatica, 159 Processional, Ilieronymite, 53 Prophecy, 182 Prophetae Latino, 8

Propositiones philosophorum, etc., 169 22 Proses noted, 63 f. 130 Prosiegel, 182

Psalms, titles and subjects of, 47 Psalter of B. V. M., origin of, 16 f. ii

and Breviary, 36, 38

glossed, 33 Psalters, Anglo-Flemish, 42

Cologne, Brigiltiae, 40

Dominican, 39

English, 44-47

Flemish, 41, 43

Franciscan, 34, 35

German, 37

Ethiopic, 196

Quiggin, E. C, p. x, 187 Quintilian, Declamationes, 160

Radulphus de Diceto, De historiographis,

169 23 Rapson, Professor, p. x, 197 Ratio de anno solari et bissexto, 167 3



Raymundus Massiliensis, Liber cursuum

planetarum, 165 4 Reginhard, abbot, 108 Registrum Brevium, 141 Reineiius Saccho, 24 Relics, list of, 19 121 a Responsories, 55

Richard, King, elegy on, 31 205 Rogers, Samuel, 81 Roman de Lorin, 179

de Marques, 179

des 7 sages de Rome, 179 Romans de la table ronde, 179 Rufinus, 102 10, 116, 117

Sacrobosco, loh. de, 166

Salutations to B. V. M., 89, 90, 91

Sanctoral, 9, 16, 20, 50, 58, 60, 62, 64

Scrivener, 1

Searle, W. G., 170, App. II, p. 372

Sedulius Scottus, 20

Seneca, Tragoediae, 161

Sequences, 16, 56, 97

with music, 48, 50 Sermons, 104, 114, 121

texts for, 16 Severianus, b., 114 Sibyllae prophetia, 169 18 Sidrac, 176 Skeat, Professor, 181 Sneezing, 31 36 Solomon of Bassora, 31 Stanbrook, Nuns of, p. x Statutes, 140, 141, 142 Suetonius, 115, 162 Suffrages, 55, 88 Sulpicius Severus, 102 11 Summa de diuinis officiis, 101 25 Susanna, 31 126 Swarzenski, 20 Syntipas, 179

Tables :

of Epacts, 167

of Epistles and Gospels, 1, 12 f. 61 1, 24

of Termini, 167 1 1 />

Paschal, 24, 58

Series of, 170 Tain Bo, 187 "j 6 Terah, 31 10 a Terence, 163 Texts for sermons, 16 Theobaldus de erroribus ludaeoium 122 3 Theodulus, 31 ff. 2 (^, 3 a, 32 d Thorn, letter, 129 Timaeus Platonis, 169 8 Tracts for Office of B. V. M. with music, 48 Trismegistus, 169 12 Trivet, Nicholaus, 169

Van de Put, A., App. I, p. 369 Vendome family, p. 369 Verses, 9, 16, 19, 24, 31, 46, 91 292, 101 26, 122, 142, 164, 167, 173, 181, 182

French, 76 79/', 85, 123 f. i

on the Golden number, 58 Vespucci, verses, 164 Victore, Hugo de S., Expositio super

textum Regulae S. Aug., 105 2 Virgilii Aeneis, 164

Virgin, the blessed, genealogy of, notes on, 24

poems to, 24 Virtue and Mercury, dialogue of, 152 2 Vitae Sanctorum, 100-102, 124, 128, 129 Vogels, Dr, 177

Walton, John, translation of Boethius, 184 Wilfrid, St, Life of, mentioned, 134 Will, part of a, 73

William the Norman. Bestiary, 123 f. 30 Winitharius of St Gall, p. xxvi Wyclifiite Commentary, 133

Tables, 49, 139

Ysaac, De ditifinicionibus, 169 15


Plate I



S * '





mTri^o^;HAYTx w'ro^Tfiaei cyNA;N:0HCONTii8



I Evangelistarium Crraece (f. 98); 9th or loth century



S=r.i«r>«ii ri^^"^Sji

PI,-.1r IT

"~X~H 'T^


nr 2^-



yoy -TO yXi Q oy cruXf

OU K C3LJL ^ 60 <f-K C^ J/ CXJ > C/3 H "TD U (J OL a/p^E

9 c^cr f<ajL o t rp oLynjLsu

e '(JU I ^IT)(J f (J TTXjCT VTj

g cxxr > &y ouLfTH ^-^r^tC

Q H cTQLfj nro y \ajj y

■(JU p o cr ojLrru ixr ^rxuc

rtJ-4- KQU -/I uypQLTrt^ 9 H cra^ T-E cr ajTrx c^

4. Evangelistariuni Graecc (f. 80); 13th century?

Plate II

o ok:

CJU KOJL^ £ <^T<C^ jyCXJ^

9 <[ cr hcojL o £ rp gljjlixou

g CXjCT > 0~|L/ GLLTTH T~(>U CXJ p O/ K OJL 6 ^ O UJUC

e n/ cxj cnoLf/ rayp ? o Tn "Tir^ o cr ojLrra i^ TCLC


4. Evangelistarium Graece (f. 80); 13th century?

Plate III


IIH'^I Colliin-yii

iu 4:4,4:;



],,^"^ln.C\ IVRStRA

tl«?<1*« fl***"'

.. Ij'**>»^





mc\korxfattt Cibeyvc Tu^tmno <


curcthttpcPi' ficandamficle


\yeni -cum cum

ftJei pear- com

cntr attt*

5. Part of a Bible, etc. (fif. 27^ and 114); French. 9th century

Plate IV



mnnti prm>m

8. Part of a Bible (f. 71); N. Italian, 12th century

Plate V


|j^||1ltn^ll»^t^fC'toll * «i»iV^«*tti(

■iVitOtiitnlotno rr^rmn fr »w a

wottf cr*ritvwn


5^1 r'o£ A-fCwlimitt


O ^td'tTncttr. Av

"CtT.UT.ttmtJCI tittUIUCOdt"

■.'irH'ctwfttumi tnltt. VAa[Ui

'cct- UwuinAM [tvittCTfjnctit

-^»(trttafii ifcmcnttu'Wjci



1 o!r.-:nt/l*ft-ct a»f u^» mfam- (Jwbrrgr

Btvtt ixx-huitWlj (Ciar

x?f ' Jiv »r- tuJit fr ^ ' |»tf ft*. ia}«t- yaxtv-

c< t«ttN Ccec •{» * a>lcwi»rn 0'a6rfct«» tt!^fflt.ratt :«ttrffrtti aJ>ufnT« ix fitja e^'cx• i>cl fiffiru '-f.i (ll«t?>w:«W erctVrr-

[utn faiTt ctcatttftc rf tv- fl£.' rnWrn- cu in

fttt-fitrrr- dPfcc <diira

^ tn pktctDtC

uti^s^ f.i»Ci'' '^"i* r>?»tf- que c/i>iij fanhoxa

ti ^fertti* in t«tt/i>. fti t aJif <?o3 nsni6

•ptr •idiifc.tnttn* «9 co ip'^ ^' ' - *'

Jnjc ciics-lt ^? j5 ftjt-.:'

tt< ^itcd tna(uK>{o. rfcrtvcMicffioitb; -

fM'loncJutitK'It qiu e

fatutn Mcfffo. Ttau.^ t>tfi rttutt« c?. tttti m avptiio. p»fiittm

DiiotefcTJicctis-iyoMi q>*miftf -jr^S- fare uCcsvni inct'd»rfib

' ttjgrtrr 'i.tnt(>ete inmtitV i?5<f ttofc ma.

3 tlfag <jtii^ntorttfei* tntdt' TiataiaxtfattT-

rftiTCcC ? uuiuft c-Ci ^ f^ii'ttl'a-Ativr- >fttnc^

utn icqttmbt htic tn ofcc \ Aivtv d-l\tza> ofcc.*Wi» li ttnc t- nto2£-tn fosntcxaotm

nicibtf rrti di Jvtio *1 j«c^ir gomcr-fir

t di-ittrciuf j:l> cti -^vca «<«?» «ttf tcnatvl jm aohui tnobteii -i uXt-alt) tnij^ttmc

r/rtl ifi-t'iTiuAflc tf>c:miM -^tvaptrzi^ ^ttc rt jvprt- ftrtam t Jnvtt- n /Snxa nimi ei aMq; imicb'tn. a.itl a>ten-nfera txii (crevttxmmi tf; tft ^(tftmonc otrtrnfor

»w* tti^nb >e0 -ftto 1 1\ f.iluato cog tti JLtew'ittldftto 'ii«li«/fo 1 luoquif •^iiti

j>\2'- <i--


II. Latin Bil)le {([. 13 and 168'^), probably French, 13th century

Plate V


"tmcttr. 4V« antt^ttccc

[reie Cubu-cfcafl


■ijtttt«ptOtt.i ^itH-ctttf tt»4ni

"byaiba. VAt^i mhtntu^uttft n\nmtrAbbrf< DrfactuettaJV







, ty mfam - ^cct^tr gr

Bivitt iw?>."«^»<?'» 71 c t^'^i uiijcnf 'iJto

ti«.T«a« vpi^^s* micfci

xpc-Jbctr- tttixt fir *5 ' ptfcf*. tcfjjcrt- vxnv

bit \tloa'bVACCni^^'^^i_^

&v«rtr. Coec ^Mc cot^MrT

rf.-i Ck«A>*« embtr- iTftw sib rtf^C'Xisite. ;«»«. f Wfracaxttf tc cr roi" 'i/S ii-rttcfcttf in

ritv- dt' -mtfcrt- cti in ftr"** AtiWnttn* ets CO J»j?"-J

Sea it^v t^xnifir ^i *=

r-fffrfW'tiicflVwtD; - ab a 6tvett-f(» .-fw* p mn

<ttr atucMf 6 iNfc t>a ftirtttti Mcfcfo. T[a|p z»fu lutmcce*. ntwi 'm aa^Uo. ^vittaj ^ ta«j vn ttnirtt* te:; b.i«if6'5tcc«s-jbaMi

rifcd ejii> wri'i^ -nib fS^trtva TC'^ invrctr/i

< int<«» (*«o.S^«tti ap

inraiit^ t^ fjofc ftiA J f (ra &nc ad Aans fecfi^

tnr&t' TT dettAiatx -(tMrr- a «♦• rile fc^' JUr-- yfl '

rittrecC f uuvuQi c-ci '- qtti'M'a-fttiir- >ihnc^

' t*« a|y«>l>tf

J;_i d>fcc tfStna

-•■ 1: >S^^' ■■? : .'.-^a in phcam'-

"^1«fnsf o6f«mo. ntxK|/ai>tt»afcatT»ia vafceno fnc^ti ?>iicit"'?^^^ f>u^- que c£&»a -fcrtbaiti

li ^^/cfciW mtttttt'o {uh iiit(f03 rcqit; ^,tt^«ltTc- i«6<jtii(»/ 1 lit <jtn aft cos \\rxf '

ftLu tort





. J^i— —I"

4fcc-*Wixf fume t-' uroictn {mntcatxonzl he fiUas frutueoTtonti ^f'a-fointftMif foj ntaihtf rrtt 4 Jv»''o *t jwcjrtr gmtier^ Ira &ciciatini.iajttfcprt' -t«?|»rtr fitttii« Y <{t*«"<fef '^^ «' '^'jva ««nij «\tf tcnahcl qxn athut tTJoittti -"i urfTihito iaiijcwinp lUezxahet itxj^'batnu theu "xqcfcettfcicca rqs:tu\^bomttiit{rV.*iui'i>tc itlaeotttcra rxtl ifii'ttiiKiflc tfKiii'iIv'J ■\c,eeftrd'i> hue -1 jvptt- ftftam tZnvtt- n S^^aea ncrtn ei abCtji MiitCdVn.. gail al»Jmn-nfera tnt Cftcit zmnxti liA'u hbttttrmc ohttxa£e^tr

«** tii^tib'bco fiw \ -n CxUtabo cot; in xreu tojlabto v. uthelto i m cqutf n in

II. Laiin Bible (ff. 13 and 168''); probably French, 13th century

Plate VI

I c



QiflmDticiTtMiiitat&tattrrttrii liCnnD^^nn^EuimWdinifteaft''

T)afflim?flnaB«>f^tiatire fttflttnr n8,^fl^^^^ttlft^tgg^ldlfil^l]|^c'

cc tttrptcf^lvt f^tttMBp^td^Y^ ctvMtw^ItttitopiaMaitmnieir t^arfbfitecputanb <naiiW utnunMtutGinuflplAiiMuftnBi ^p2flnt<T dcraoiRfn^' tpcdiontcttt

yat^^n^tamiiomattamiUP ({i'tuitaaum'bu fivnlc^'inanf^

QcmttcfottttlimiS anD tntn ttv ^tnd?ttm!niB»m'miaiiilt*n fi^fUnt^tniiiitrfnra(«irpfiao* 1«gz>-1n(|i9l7i>termiZ pncdiaAil


ttuncrmfias-ttia '

({ilirn&tinaii^imo j>l(nirR^<t>mt)kttiiiM

corttain^rwuint ^ hl^nniqo^tintnr'tib

linnuffta jctttr iimii tnOTtiflma'''Tt8 nn I ntSbzsetanrlimfiuii Ml t


tm.Aan4s«ucftnr(4ba mcttiQ-mtiicMoaqn^'7


tih»firfmi?uit.ViMamtq) « u^x/TtiMiieMtQfithM


12. Latin Bible (f. 4^); French, 13th century

Plate VII

* ^-^



TiiijiUiiicfvni.iaufru-t74inimK[ ttriuloqiiic.tmfiun^luKn.uii.i. qiitt,i4litpi.?jiu,.'.osj,„flctau- 0?,\\ panauumi -?finic, wit-M tux warr^ilunio ftncu-^Ulov'fcf niJn- j\ >r^ic.fc iiair.ttriiu Strtinmwt*!

.nuimctlcdtiaT.niT uilrfifjjfffto 1 1 J<»>HUtruv< ytitvt^ttr.TvlJgiititJi tvntUtttcrrdlttKu ttrctrtuonrail /y)c"»«'.lvoon«^iriliui-(^)a«JiC.?

.iV OATitfiottn tucincurocaeC'Vi&ir fill.* ^dc^jmuTJ K^nuaAnoTcxiTio

«iwui-asoiriia..'ioTi)tMimonrt l)»illu\ArntiT-..trmiiii5lrii»n' tun | lWtttJil'i_Jutittcfxiniiiu-^iriiirtc

(ill t^jrtVgutr ^n«l«■.^nln1Ql>lJ c inT-i»Inai»-n'Hxx-Ul'2J?!>if>aii1>t

mqiiiji.1 ocun vv^isc xninUSnii .tu ii nc2»Hi JriWiivixixi 'T y Utojc no'A mm cfiiil niiIt^i^4ni.ltB.'ClXW

^^^ >:^f>ii ■pnnyiiii n cc t tiiicAnj f'OUCitli mr no cri-fonn.ltnc>r ^ ^isft nw lie crtr . T cccun y rvti nviui •n-fl-rinan n.>Oinc rc#p<\at

Iw.riof ff-viii -crfiif afvc.Yasj.bii- cuivi tsar ludiiioir-irciinw

<uiavtw<»£ ca«-iicnJ3T»oiir

<ixiui-« TCa^TjUd ttr •■'intetM •»«

^v ti 1 1 n tf. Virii irubn tmn c^ pic\mvim TTUffi\u'<"'>'i<"f»i«tt ji-an"- \Aii-v\^ pSjwttTw^bfiuM 1 CUvaTtnoril-uVirWSip AvOtic

niuTo J otorr.O nJt\Rttten»- Jii KaiuuB-'uiiUi oftcii>tr tSnicc



TtwtOTr|)crAlW^ - pK^iii-K&momir

?3imtreil»:« Ttctiirtiamullin i-mtnis-4a3i lujnr.&cmifijut icgTr-tqm4iiirtptibAUiS,cr?.-i(^

A. 6r5iioe-riiuf.Rico£imctJ'-faiu< iitr-nqiu iiattm-"'c'-"r-Vb)c<^3i ipu r coii(v«ai -drom auCv?-i4*i

iti^ioi: wgu»%wrc <5uWa noc-rutiir»w<-jBarrtivTC«i«' uc (Uo T frcnof o^titn < C4»w-

fdav Aiii5.<?ccoxiicmr'tt»nn»t ijib) T luiftir «U afrcK&.-rqii iCUW pu.Tpnuir -luiic ^JUHjcurftC'c 1 m? oms-mtiif tai<.-?i4i5i. fto fii4>vKl -{• vj'- ^novm-tftoif Mttb

ilni tiu \\\ iitCttU que a^ptiltMf •pwtn I! >>r^ t flju i»i Ki •( •rodtttwni tiniifiiii-aiiiiii^m ^moiJiet

ui Ul)i7 -r m.wtr>»>n -oairnueftfr m .u'iii'«i>iwbTCun«ttc-^ga»» -itV*'u*T<'-»vii<'"' VtrtUfa&Viirt, UoAor- «■ CDtti'iftif xrr uiSan f"**

14. Latin Bible (f. 492!^); French, 13th century

juttur itcft mmo ikct





10 lilt



ittttt ttttlO

(tr c mtit qSfcp

Innl hcl):r l^nor (S.bic


tiltu aittr

ilrth itrift



dttfftm'tnriicb^c^ctr jifimhi^ctmdreb^int) toiimfiitff0.isiC5i^ift1-r finttriiioCiintKXtitttto 6,£tdtrttd!istt(5f^d ittjtcr/ttlctmhitnbituantiftt^m ct itttmitit firnofi^ piftorrctttftctatiis c tittt mzmtltl^cr dtntdtiSigrtrtbf frrt't b:fem*ifa ctff ffniont coiuitim cittti CO c(6 tnttimutntitipbntfhis fctin<g;i lii*id ct tnirtiim t^tinii m tDtiiM»i:;icl*rt' tttto:iJbittottiortetiiitab.<£ffOtnvimtit rttm lnm»ifn*ctdif]ptani Httito:f trr4ni ^p ttoli et rnicntt ffcpml Utomo itoui ptmi 9 et lurtf ttc ct tmfftttturpgfe (r mtncntn dintdfis^bcrdfcitdti^r ttibifcrtibjg-iirc-ctffqtttotti coniitiitiir tttn tocfb tntttfhflitirciipttutnittpftmr tttfottfUtltrcam mHmwcliStmmS t^tictti iitmiim g[inc/ctlttioMbitrtc<c tits* ctdtfptom bfcito^cs te^zoto/cttntf ttfccptttl te^fthiiotit<etcotiitfc^mnt^ mma^tn{vciuMi^on:ctp\bunt\x^\Cjiin cpbf Itfhtior dtotdflfi tctts^fecrdtnt dti$ ltu&^i'ttib?fccltb^t)Ut*ctff $tti(K 11 fotiittim ctttti' CO qt con r Utfatc^pt! uttatrpfttbini in f dtttnca ctn fttnt \t coitnti fcdtsftin.igttnmitttini tgncni iiiiintt'trnt;cttttio:iJbttcte9nuS'licc dintdns^f'tnb^fcd'tb^ctom ctffcfk o: 11 contom ctttn co qii pftrtitus fititi $liidto firm ftttttn ct itio;Q^i?ftmkiii cttir I ct tcttuit liUmfitmi fttft ctihdign^ttnt

15. Latin Bible (f. 299); English, c. 1300

Plate IX

19. Latin Gospels (f. 91'^); French or Flemish, 9th loth century

Plate X

20. Latin (Gospels (f. no''); Bavarian, late nth century

Plate XI


qai D a


ri ,^^,


ordiruTv mrtmond a^o innobis complete^ iunt i*cruni - fic rmdidcrurw nobif qui .ibinruo ipfi mdtrmW'ikrmniiln fntnim farmoms -' nifam i($:m difccmo apnapio ommo: dtligem? cxonhnc vbi fvnbctc oywnt Tfjcopbilo - 'ut/ ax^ nofas corn utrbarn dtqmb; cnidmif cs ncmm/'

Fixrt indteb; htrodif rms mdcc Uwrdof quicti Twmmc rachi TXif dt luco 4bu /cf uxor lUi dofilab; aaron -d- tioth cmi; ^

20. Latin Gospels (f. 77); Bavarian, late nth century

Plate XII






21. Latin Gospels (f. loi''); German, 12th century

Plate XIII

21. Latin Gospels (f. 102); German, 12th century

Plate XIV





;, ;!

\ \

22. Evangeliarium (f. 64) ; German, 12th century

Plate X V

Ijofaittctn ccgitofenf aimcp^apmruof

tmnd)tr^tnuobif aipjlcmt^mqm uof

Q2pt)aitof f umum*tDuol^^l)ucmdt)i


M uilmftnc io^^ uuioruoCttuimf Jn

Xj^lb dieuofcc^ttofcmf qii^ofumtnpv^

^|-attneoauoftnttie*r^muobiC tlui

diUgtcur-^protttKO €r ^ dtU^am eumfrnmntftlblx) eimctpn- ^omtm catndtc f a^Tcccoff* 5 c6m tol)

3iqiit5 diltgrrtnt^fetTOoncmtnot fer uabm C^^^TO^^mcuf dili^cr&im rz^ aunumiatiufi7nt^ftonaii a^^ub eu feiaatuit CUiitTdilt^rrttteifmnonef meofftftmOT^ Crfmnoncm qti?au di% t! eft-meuf f f^ atif qtumiftrtne pjcm^^ecbatmf fum uobtfrapub


23. Evangeliarium (f. 82) ; probably N. French, c. 1 200

Plate XVI




-2 '£^1 o

J Hrf

Id o





X r. 5 -■ & r 9^1.

1 i. 5 5 ^


-s =


> K V w »•


^^^^o;^"'* :«?:


Plate XV! I


eisfio K

6 te CT§




J>OA^.I Hf

non coj^f? foluffccii qp

ucvxaccxxn que vniAnerr muobtf <^twhifcu anT xtifTn^vum ' ftc uobifciwr ^^ vnfcAiA fAvddo

cAvrcxcc ' ^utfuffumudlde qminueni drftbifrxiif

cefimuf ap^irr^r f r nutir ro^^^domina^naw^ zHvc^uJ^m^nd^ojiutiouutnfcrtbcnfTibvfcd c[i Ujd)mmufdhintaxf'itcddt^tmifdixetnttriini




25. Acts and Epistles (f. 75); ?N.E. French, iith century







eu^ngplt^ea . titntscxdUct yixU$ da* c\in lutup dcc^

noknwn nubctr uccoutr M^aiimr^niauis xnboc

IT d5 urutr^rnem

cww »t^ otmwcr in4mmoium mif^oiwn

imipnnr. <^m.x^ rtfj nun^w fittt& nc^a

itm 4tfMUriu>Uiin «mip4Kmu-. <^iw uot<jr •tlmi^orcnc AU f b,- .7 (i)f , fmaiof mmuHf

^vtBHir-TdecbiHttuiut fvw6i4ummr. <^u^f; iintmAluop'rtfiViUn >.-inn^>omt«04/nt»uUnr-

t»nmfa?nttmpla«f.c wmbotmtio aiaium ctunnr. csrtcftUVurthwntA^Cfffi^ccecnfcx l-^wimr fmitiem nwjia -mm eti^xdiai'

«r«>.«mnJvrt,r4^.amiiKrc|5^ •\^


26. St John with gloss (f. i); from 'rournay, 12th century

Plate XIX


rui m .

- pbat cfomum.^mlW rmianfo ^rWii»'^opbimum Awxm'rdicfi -fitmum tiiitea. leftitia ana htcmc lumrt. SaUitarrt/buluf. .^ pudens.

8omtn«f xgc^c aim f^uruo. ^m

I sum cotntrtiJncpJCTr vitiftmttr ^cctfn<lin.jrK>ne pf eflrtnK-^&eiptrtn-tU i^rwranowe ^ihereauf utcandul

^ ivfcn fnit^i" lu&aiaf £«^imr. SmpTrr J nifcofoU . ^j^^TOOtC- /^~ V ^ S^jnfjenf apoftef <atma tn fuli

vi^ilU^f nano«^.7cnijriaruin trii^taO't'cli^m^ ryn-im dticvpixUxtn. u«im <rt«£tgr «tcc fttj-.itr tiAb#tmr'

tt»^ 42> lT>etit ttcnunctfj^nx^CTn <■ ne force tutfaium ^^vmUtaxx:. aur hcttnc^l*mam-''a^icit t^<^ fi^fi

, MftTcrieKtHt*^.'^; ttr jdum ioUi^wrein l*e^b«t*ec.pferanI cum CA^^^gaao fiuecz^no trngtAvotwI^^

.p trjii ri- cp { fc- ^TOO In'!! ntK. •• ' .tnf ctprr

rpi « fetim tidaxi d&S^ \

xmxrtx Si. S^3usp\no. \

iiem «cntan$.cfUjpfcrfmpiecatmi ^^ . ^ k

eft tnfpcti! mtr/tertie. qtimn p- '^<^*^^fK<t«nV^^^^ mifir qmnon mennmt-' deuf ati - wTI^in" '7?^^


rctnpoja fclkcmK ttiattift-fbmtr


28. Epistles glossed (f. 103''); probably French, 12th century

^ }ijlicc»rc -rKnTiiltcitrnimir

Plate XX

^mfcprun iiidaici crcdfe anicopoUfcnbtt. fc^pUc


f innn ilin**«criT»Uir



f r tntn nil itvilibtara

tr c^mfpcrutctxtrue. qm

cnon* tnntotTimiftrr ^dvcrft'Ulo^£^^


29. Epistles glossed (f. 198'^); Italian, 12th century


Plate XXI


AilXTo ancbU/aaj^a^iT' "^^Z* cjuiprrpanuirtruuiman

xim irenierr axfronpliim /Sum^ quLon nofq iip:'n:i Pangrdf -rc/fca/nerrncyucTnaoruutnr- ^c^euenrr- dicrrdnrcszcrcinium ■^^uifpacrraico (TTranr cf ic/n aducrrniraur* <^<^ui fftab rrr Admdcndam cum Jpfccnim quAfiimilf

Jebrrcon/LinrdemuncIanranp'nTii* cr pun^brr filiofleui -^xroLtbrr eort/uA/Z Aiirum d^u^ildratTnum (^crurrc dno

offcrcrnxfOijirifici^ iniaihnx '^tpldxc brr dnoQicnfxcxum ind^' cricriifklaniicin:: dicffcU d^f/caxanniajTagu/ '^icrcdnr^ omprJ) OivVl t^lCA. '^-Pthpoph-

ncfiirrr aorficuxreLctxidr/cTderfilttn -uif

ccra mifbncordi^ B cnignir^axm humili

xirrrm moc/cftiam - p^xncnxiiim Sjuppor

30. Epistolar (f. 14); Reichenau, S. Germany, c. 960-90

Plate XXII

30. Epistolar (f. 87); Reichenau, S. Germany, c. 960-90



■'^ 'fW«a«^^i4tvv^'V\ni'f •'^^aiinwVicttrK.niTC '"'Virttl-MloY-W-'^tT^ ,,^^ -. . V"^

"ri»«t4ini<A"c. ^1jfti«nn iimilt ^A al e^no H'4?^»ru TclxMitir. *jTuttuU vfl^wr^ y n>u>v mtri "imo'.i:! O^joa. \;-.rr ^ « '^ - ,



C , C V _ yc>•"^»^H'U•Cn«.lr^«^l.^»lMrf/vn^u\.<VOotvc

. . •.' .!• nicnw:>m. ' Z. i

Mu* >i<rl''<ir ^»«m>c iVfwrCT, rttnai' rtrV,*ln*ir cv

ev^i4tt» ojrrmic iMtinr

Jp -pri' -w

niAtn »yiro# ylcn.x

J _,.. .J nitr i\te fen cr .


««..Hi;;'n:,7x>w ,;., ^ nt-pi ixKfHniclcr iimo dam beni

I arj7t.i%ad pmtiun uciif aitar ciur V riad>ai*uie» tnomtu potiAnurtntivn <f uin pee mtii?1a fuc-pofhilArcucloiiiri^

^luT^i;^ mtr. ^ iK<^bct^ :puciii patter t. cui m «t\^

<n o^cUTt-. ti4C'>«i _^ '^y "5 P^t-Ti rron mtrv ,-% «3 1 .V l-.Tr Tern i w


-;m5-.t; oo^.u „..n ^^ Aitdia mund agen *i dolct cvtil cmr H'Gvw.f ..Hp.vnr ^ uc ciiUttriiciucroctnim.tobiSlianom J*;*

m«».-r»-. >..r. _ -^ ^ _ .■»»^/'j .-ut.i.ivV'i ■'' . 1

WM 4 TWOr i JlTItW-

5 ti^VM^'ctiorJwMtrrtaTinicaff. i»i ccurotm

31. Petri de Riga Aurora (f. 211); Italian, 13th century

Plate XXIV

ir^ '


V i


#b ec cu-n hezao xxan-f; folw cum-

7 h icafiEndiaxr mmtthifAbdi malo-

33. Psalter glossed (f. 2); Italian, 12th century

Plate XXV

I 4man»mftrnmmt ■>i^ itadtatta ftm

matf' •ncinfirtnf- ff-


chnon pkbi^f bencdiaiirds.

V«er cm rffntpw <twm *' f »«n> . cHmitwr- fcrviitr'nrtnAcnal

Xis/%/M.mcficds qfn muicfdq'itlcfi


afmtntuimii'- coimnjuit- Se rruHe fvAsUf

l''^^1 qdcfiatda^cofqm imixitr- cf^i fafehs IQjvoTpf'<nn Ua Ae y-rfTumt rtfuriY" cauOi comwjmmr'f ^xCRoc Jir.ftirnw ftx -

Tl/Ufi- 3^ thisfapr (nxi^rty ^ In <i- aw^ mat m^iymtAsmtp/t*? mtft^ nt«mf':p

maze-rmattf'ittt^nhra nuh-^e^ffs




in n%cAio muVcoii iauAiho cum *

J ^Jbd .idexrtifjade-- cfut aiuautf /tu^t* ueUar uetultw

tri>dnrj?dtmtjryM,j>,^Ataac t>utf^CuiCtuiTi'^

trr /pirr tmealufii tHut

f Sc4c miicsr f cv" luamrtm OttxaCjliq tu font an<f jntcif "im ^wi-a^ry-nhw

ur QUiam Bjcoxc x pieqwrnVb iiK^-af^^w t.


f Dvetamcae nfo-i

iftrtu^Airf'd \ptcn

f^trtic ca-i.tlf. If. fi'

yTUDV* .ctvAAttCmvii-(^(

da- •TSaic*^t,-ih'. qtae6x^' •i i- r-^iy^ cfhd-t pTTTc- 1 1- "tn I

af'tti,'i>€drrc-ii,il oxti'^ ttttw ^f6t rTt


^cnccpotum mimicofttwCicJAyri Utm pedum nuxnim/

I retain romuic trutprr ju'rf'rn*'^ GcAiufitf tmrtbr.u''

33. Psalter glossed (ff. 65 and 120'^); Italian, 12th century

Plate XXVI

-n C c S ~ O

i^ Z *i 5 o s

f '■ H iJ 'i* 2 =



I ^

























■H .2

^ o


Plate XX VII

<x fhnct iu6tm't ct ut Ai

jn oJjwcimi dttt<$ai3 .*<f-^

batoJU) \)i$.i?^n6». t nam in ba ct Ivk clVno ttti -t^ itttctt quoft ttombfif cu .

IttT^ "^' IUKtiiififaUiaintui-Mtla ^

dtm ^^ \ ct tlHY>ittUjtfr confttoit.

bits ,^j!«ii>mn'arondttoj.v^

|wimitsmoit«Smf J^ yij^f-a>3;c;if ;«cno

UntStttmcemottbtt* ^1 imndmttentitc'toti^tn CtCUtt^llUltr ivofX ijiuo etrirmms eui0 tcpkr

COlU&C^ftttmt&at^^v^pjmlimi tmanim. ajsHa-

llJlimtittictduc^itc !'V\^ iittmft^ mtea(bmdamtt0a5^ I^t^rt^'ttrdttttm oyms

tmtmiicti^b*nt9 ^^v qttmtesititcmtisttte

ctrnttbtttajimf^ttfe : pmit^^.^me fiifl^ trntteemdiqa^ffd ^ !;ti5.0ii>cotnpr.vmtm

tt8tt«btrttrifejii6ctbJj;tt<atprd!'feUtatwnf. A









38. Breviary (f. 129); Cologne, early 14th century


40. Brigittine Psalter (f. 10); Cologne, 15th century

Plate XXIX

fit «i«r«iit-ii't Ua

Vf MiHWM utroi*

« .rAaift ''^■^'^^^? ft-.-'.'-.. W'.^Y'^^' '^'^

rCTtt ii ttotti.} teilu^Hitr ' :j;i«^ ii4iicii»c<nt» v»»i^

41. Psalter (f. jb); Flemish, rsth century



P/ale XXX




ctt5ttiadttttoutt tiictitutntcti&:- 0imncri5a5 utit^ti6ittn tnc

'fttntti ttcdrc


^"Jcm utYhac tucif''

ttixtiviflanoucdtimammtd^jticmx tnc t cccj:ati6t(K^ttoncmmcam2' Ut5 i>)ttit imm tt^ttcciuo o^mtttcoi^- trrautO dtit ittuf* timtimtctn >clttmtt1^tnctt^^atm^ Q^ fcttott ciuoittmit tnu tttcatttr ocmttti Tmithim ftttun tommui^ufticrtnc ctttn damaucto a^ctttm*] Immtntiucr

ittcttijmu," utxi> cotnvttn^tniwt^amft cmc mcctfictum utmac cr l^^ntc in eo iniuo itttixtt diatnt ci^ oaatatrttouti



43. Psalter (f. 158''); Flemish (Lie'ge), c. 1300

Plate XXXI

'T^ti^nctaiti mrtcorti ttmrfertttiatncmatne

piqjTX) oatlo^mfAnabilt

Oi«tniaa^toic3Tmt> tirfcccmirtncaimrftm "biflmT^lntiianinimai laxatjtcttutmiutmiar,

X)[mi>abim"Utrtnr)icdio ^TOtntte mcc qutf^ctr


^X'ntnftntmio mtcffitciciaf


T»intniomncB o^tuc^


mcmmmm: ^'flamoitnatg^Dtetictiitm ' ^ onanermr^cicmnmm ame.1nc|[tianntiO[^dtc wibuiOitmlimaDjn^ aumnutatn. Tnc^ i ti cttmritm3<dietini(ya tta\>tr.ii(filoarci*j:mttdt ^ utaTX!ft<n'ttnrftmrfii mu^ du»ma'(V»oirainea _ fiaircttttutianta'tittr .- ttntfTtis^frnti ttr ftttum (^ ai'ttir cm mcitm; qttta oMtntefttni coimncaic _ innctnttiettm. itocc$ct«tnifrnci:ad!ie {trcemctnnmrntmce. $ tmtue^aiieiitin^ciuca

44. Psalter (f. 51'^); English, 13th century

imnti^txjmmom«>: fcit

once pn.initwmicDfi mo$:

rmlvaum-pedttm moinm.

J( Titgnni uimme mc anitnr

m mfcUo immlcenmi rap. 3f >coim inmayium wrlxruT)'

cvtttno antsUwfeum ctmij

^ JLuBttur tommuf cr non pctii tdnrcuw: uicftfaccrtDf tn crcmutn.' fcamdmn oid\\{c

1. i' oim'ttttf amtn5mi6: cmtftc 5tt7 mdwMurluc nyc^.r f^ 1 udimlnr in luinoiiibufim

5tr dpttamtcnn inutasu.

/^/^/^ XXXII

^^^^B^^ton rwtiine^mtoto itVi»(tei\ico."m amfOto mfto .'*^ mm crani^ir^aiumte^?,




^H<ttU)2 au-tttTauiumttflamc a(iu: tutmtanopaurafiu) mm mimmnatnrpDimtofijo

^V^ ^ iUi^ltttdirnmn^Sttm wnr'of.^ nvmmmimi&uC wnfcriiuUmmT, ST* Ht> OtJ^aomnwttUnmmmtf

' <Dttfmiwmmrcailttw fmi U/fiirtii imicttnitccrcquttajti R ^^"ixwmotitmlirtomi'

ftucawitn tdbmietrmmih

M Can ccmaiWklMmiaimj^ j mftumiCipicnKetmwcWii.

45- Psalter (f. 65^^); English, 13th centu




nupionuu:imum4zh»> ttott (hlif uti mtdrtrm^

wA ni itgt iDimin noliutta^ , y erne : \ m lege rm$ nirtn iJUJrtiirtnCtirnottt t cnt tniiqfn hguiim tiuoti

.iri"^«w:fiiu)iiiiiima« fuimi tnUitm ttuipe fu

"fliirt": 1 omma Qionmicjt

fir uttpii non fir: fcb ttu (pmmimlut^ fintiu^itif itmtu$ ♦ifenr imt i^ tco nmi wfttrjiiwt mi|inmi nibmo : iitrj; 4iincu« iron ftUO luOoium ^ til iio mttotrami^ ntom mfttw*: iritrioqnomm imijrt- ~ ^|mr ittiimcmuT

" ' ' fittitUiim-

'|}Mtm|c^ foimmmuitin nmnu r.^tFUtrrudtJuimAtJ ufiidrpmfiiiBL^ mim ^xivcA muflila n^i rxnuiud .niiobi^ lii^ra f |x4JU)«tm' III Ij'itntintt >^ Ii^ imltbif rtd : i ^tjuuu** Cutji^uurattrco^ f J tmr loniictiir ab m m lia fun :

ttwiitfw fmirtwm fiii^.'^nt Ti tJimitd 4ttttqrtiim mis* / cmimu$lrmt'.HUtiie I iiUiid«rcudcdtii:fgol|0 1 Dif gttun1fr:_ offiilu ^:? amcitnto6fli0titf«tjt ^ tvtiitnitmiiiBmn^awfl "I oimutuamtfnmiit)$tr(.

Ji: mnqmiifl$fi0iih(o fhiigc^cod-l^vtmmf wrt? «ttrihgr(r ; cnitjnm m j]m urtJinitid ttrmm*

mirtf ixjtmuo Ttmoif ; t mitttitt ct mm htmmp

ucqmmJn imfmtjirtin^:

crartVrttmlKmt iriciti$:




; •)!

46. Psalter (f. 1); p:nglish, early 15th century


ftr;ffdtaiu|ii umtiisafea

' &^ V

0mt impii

mMnmnt nmn \n1inp impio^mnj

47. Psalter (f. i); English, r5th century



Plate XXXV







49. Fragment of a Missal (f. 4^>) ; Italian. 12th century



fcnila fcculonim* ^v^xxl



IPommnf iiobiftrnn* r

ainifpimutiio^ gur

ftim corrfa. Abmnif ADcfDminiinn \Bvx^

n a

" J. /


naf4£gmu^oniino dcD rttO) ignum en

dignumerm ^xm tft: cqfimm er fiOuta

*r ••

n J

irr nof Tibi fcmpcr cr «biq; gmttif agtrr:

tjotiiitie Cmrtt.patn* omm

^ ^

'^ 2


DmS ptrjirpm dommtim tinnTp tc<\\\tm

50. Missal (f. 52'', reduced); French (Nevers). late 12th centur)'



patrr per i^tnxpm ftlmm tuum crpOTmuCim Aca^ liabcrC er

50. Missal (f. 53^ reduced); French (Nevers), late 12th century


^ ^ ^ ^



51. Papal Missal (f. 64) ; PItalian, c. 1320



\ir r"

P^^pi]3fi-VS cjui fiUj liii commi

uetaxan i5qx>nctc^ao.^m aii^ iTiui^ iUuied)tieilatioiK«uiati0.c|ia tn-emn ci^c^me dl- m mllim 7 Cinctuja

^^ Ab ct> /:»dur(clficatu>nc/ noaramt t qtuttnue lutmimtc lUmtomTyic aafiim cocbimiin ccniiauottibii^ tUt oWcqiui5> ailhd^ accepaCp&ien "^tcd ijx p-clhit: pignctur cum^ ixmiv rmiixnum line firu^pnuttcr tn ieaiU^- /

SnicdiictioxJcipAm^ ctfili] ct (pintti0 (4

^limiim lit fcm^ iiclujcum .






52. Benedictiones (f. i); Italian (Trcviso), 15th century

Plate XL

.5 MilUJ,,' ^^ ^..^Ci^.i/jj

; tn

lue^i&t^r^-. otnnmq-itf dtcfd-aicpi ^^e -m^/ncfS^t^rdinPc Je-cer-a^t^'fl


1 s ^^^rriaf^'mofriu/^t^ui*oirdwi^m'VP


52. 1"ironian notes, etc. (f. 2^); Italian, 9th century

Plate XLI


ccluin cr nf.iin,^r awPifccairaii co lo

mmcvm bmcoml co QuoarjuTllun fiic

(Vii|(r /jof nurcruft? vio omwginufu a\

'AOiiB uo(ufmni ncr.Qtnno a DLlUUirC flllUDl^ l




'03150 tr }iT cum qui ucmiir'|J^ fa'atii^ift cft-uioicoit luiio^ a> ^fiB]XT 0111 mojniof^ cricaiUnn

\lKiim umnrufvumii loir oininir nn moo)^ ^aitjiTitmn qui trp i^vycinm^, oi4no.ti ^^iKafcum^lpliim nia^p^nimniCim clc litimnutniufliturf^g^ incuaun nu] muxmifkviim$A onipBcriico^lmimli


;qHc:urrftia.iml4l ^c^oiFUvmim 111 Cilu itnnatacnnmmur

tiTiin}iloz.umio:ur )luiicaii:inuuin l^iUo





54. Episcopal Offices (f. i, reduced), Spanish, 15th century

Plate XL If

63. Various Offices (f. 84); French, c. 1500






' \H* t irp t*^ »tti '




ii' ;)



64. Diurnale (f. 176''); (jerman (PStrassburg), 15th century

cj'iTniciiimnircmpow m;ui Mitc luctoiiiccdo '

66. Hours (IT. 94'\ 95); Italian (Ferrara), 15th century


__ Plate XLIV


67. Hours (tif. 160, 220); Italian (Naples), 15th century


A x\nu^a igtiatii ctptfcc\>t noi^,



ait bf ^Digiiia b\nni:r nauintae*cbtr:>tiv\>t c\niUf Sdte>bani,vtix>o:» x>V| bf Gdiomeciu^cliik cv t:r 6cd:;:inTiocctinmi.



68. Hours (ff. 12'^ 13): Italian (Siena), 15th century

Plate XLV

3 C


On -

o rz



- c

o ^

o ^

3 O


Plate XL VII

%f. ^Itf^

'^^^StftWM* ''^'^ '*'

V^v— o

3 C *- £ 3 -<\vt.












^ i.K


1 * ■- « i




Ifr t

■r^ c







u. V




o R. p


?^ CJ








'<> <i


















77. Hours (f. 45); French (PAmiens), 15th century

Plate XL IX

78. Hours (f. 106); French, c. 1400

Plate L


79. Hours (f. 144); French (Paris), 15th century

Plate LI



80. Hours (f. 187); French (Paris), 15th century

Plat, LI I



8i. Hours (f. 77); French (Paris), 15th century

Plate LI 11

82. Hours (f. 68''); French, 15th century

Plate LTV

3 O

00 ^^

Plate L V

8s. Hours (f. 71''); French (Paris), early 1 6th rentury

Plate L



v ,


•' I

. \ N




86. Hours (f 51); French (PTours), early i6th century

Plate L VII

Plate L VIII

90. Hours (f. 13); English, 15th century

Plate LIX

,^, feiriB mr iieitifltie mm^j^ierUr ditmtciftf ,^

maniuccruoim 1


aculieCruDUietnlK irfceuar^iieiiettt

rv^ U^^aielDUfrc(m|t|cu


91. Hours (f. 92); Dutch, dated 1439

Plate LX


.V I' . >.^f, t^-^N /-"JIL.-^- #-'^*^-»^- --^^it^^-^



if] 1

3 O

Plate LXI


94. Hours (f. 128'^); Dutch, 15th century


Plate LXII


95- Hours (f. 129''); Dutch, 15th century


nin'lieglmmmlrirlftwjtjegmlniUHu ,; wf


/ obtiii ,

buelaUia ^ ? i


0 O ^-x



97. Hours (f. 35); Dutch, 15th century

Plate LXIV


Hours (f. ii''); Flemish, dated 1526

Plate LXV


niic^r eo^- ^* tpfiftn _ . \/trc>rum ctAitftriferu

mifftxf^ifTet inoUf

itrmidttfc'^IJt^^Eu. e. m cuilofcsrcenf nomine^ Armani uniCAin f^AoecfiU^m uircinefn

nomine p^^ttiSTc^ux vrnico AmdJbAC A^^^ecca*

fiml fxtiudftum diiTn iHm XptnTorjui^, tpfe

iienau* St uere credtcfertfT^tncx f^tiiAlnr |iliA TUA' Cut At*Tetni' cDtron impnwien




Itifir quo: ittif

xeff uiric

Aiti tne-i CTuf


certr ttArr




loo. Passional (f. 32) ; POerman, loth century

Plate LXVI

G 3 TH ^ Jl. 15 X O >itt X IV T ^.

nflimi 4^ bmcfitmcfiimf'prtfiitr

rorrumtficdi anmr^^nhmctiilbj-vv

ditbhjC' ^cnip onb; xybtnhx^fnn cti*irpboctaugurtmi^ fftrrqnpiiond


({ncdoa ddimpUr uigtUlTe fhacbat







Taitcerfu GL^ cdc


loi. I.ives of Saints (f. 4'') J German (Weingarten), 12th century




7 /







l>} ^^ C 1 r I T- ^ 7 T ^' T 1 K 0)^ 1


miiTobrinmr fedcmcpmif tnatftettomel^

tempore qii0

etoqunij; dtUcG[itneacrrnmf^

am mimmr crnnvimcnomf rfj^c^-r'^f'^C^t ro^dcbnaPddnddmddfte Tmfmmmx ef^icer^ftamd^


loi. Lives of Saints (f. 157); German (Weingarten), 12th century


'he ^erA^ bicpLnrm^:cn, [ r^r.'i ^Md. {w}M: H^c «^f

1^ ^^/f- rtHf M/t oifi^tU^ti

,H<t M'^it T COX mmfn tn "^vnnni}- ft no



(vciAAr tM^<L hbtM fvumt: %vc cjj UptU ynA/cl\i)vi4 ^^t-M OA/iAxn^ miuivuui hdowamt mfecu(« ejMOlWo.w^^

th fo-ti/yi^ yrufnyyM^ 0; cpU6 ffi t^U'UMMX etuOni ${ '• ^ f / ^ -^


105. Rule of St Augustint (f. i): Italian, late 15th century

Plate LXIX

re %nr patrtc4tt o^w tc^ ietw^

Mt^ cfccarmttt



107. Scintillarium etc. (f. 1); PSpanish. 12th century

^ ^yt'

Plate LXX

^fetnbtr.l)(>(^x)i>pditta dubmtti^nrttiK^r'ija fir iiS^ id[<*fimfirm< ttJifintftif i^uiU^q; tTdtjffii^i titta fcinum < no? bJtkrfeitmtr^'^ -iilri!(m iti«w ttni3ii<« wuXlx h^c c^(m

!$ ^nm mpii> ^S t^: ftttcte^ 1i<>««i^ fm^f fttI*Mt' AH

j^l^j^rdnnd A/ <iiMifeifi<> AnT})i<)cim<) ^Jdmi'rf^if fei^tbtr rlt iemC C^pctimt« cgn\^ qntrfm qutdf fiT^ntiu

nptj ' miinl^tiTtii^a V^^*^'^^^^ ' <l^i mirfitf aluf tlicctif- feA^ rum V'^wi'i^l^^" inedw -uvmcxttm^Xnj^cixXAvikiO ii*tnf

no. Life of St Gregory (f. 94^ reduced); Italian, 12th— 13th century

erltnfttmUmdtttcm 0)^ttrtfeo.

mm . noticjiuft difaputtt5^ . fed cjuAft vmv^timt acccdir .

Plate LXXI

enjm (jui conftmitttt; uenttimm r1)0tntt^€n Of' fern utnim dlTeratt re im)di .Jntertv^cm docn4d(niijtio ftfttr

mododAatdtiocctm ftmm . notiertxnt^ tti jpptiA twtttntme . fed Teftitnonjam mxtr^cfi tt^dtcmt^tmo nono t^ihlmo .^ omtnuf t m* ttocmur . mm fectt i|ttod dreo mmfhicd cfuot^ namf p: l^mrt fer pttcnjmf tpfttm cAtmi mn ludet 4{> MvuHm^


mimci;inmwmt i)xtt credidennt.cjm

*«^^ '.-v'

R] 9iaM^ 0 ; I

113. Jerome on Matthew (flf. 87, 114''); N. Italian (Morimund), late 12th century



dht lucr



flctum dt tn"* cuTnbQrilHi

iiilapubU cam ctjJo^CB^^ iienv cntt^ Difaimhclidr mm CO cr difaplte ^ S>nf pubUcmv weft



114. Homiliary (f. 145): N. Italian, 13th century







^tLL£yV\ mtbi ciuoniaiTi I iitTttirin obfairo latere adhur fxiiliTnatijr ud fiTorf uel impentia nul m ii.inii'tt"in eohf fnc fhttontbnfferHicnnr: lie; pTnrpramtaK m qtntonim titrKintitnjr earn potiuf H lUnftranti biifet fi non ciiiahf in ilhofijit cliuaptxcipiin eradmirabiliffutf alicim tamen cxuTtatii doaueiiticcontinqrre fecultttent iit-onttitn iientaftnf»att>naualeat.t3ntUTninq«iu c|uoci;tunbufnixiiocfiTfrft feahrtndo etdtfrnffif conxiirn(ci;tain pnbltnrfifoniTn tiin (anifntHpirtt tiirt'iTonbtir'bnmaiio qir\tx\ clanfVn-ntiTn Inmm iiifeit-etfUiofl oindem dtiaburfxcatififfieriuHleni dcTmamrpofTcntcrecit'ie boiefoiTiate uerttati om ttianimnidnciocreduntcapn otanonifomatii le nocnnoa: utfboif -uri ur cntt itMpft pb'i finfannil potiil'inntin cjnibnf plactTf fibiftconfiderf folrnt o^irtninTritatiobir>ed am denrfianCffinoltur elTf nantrnni . ut fitnplex ft nnda nnitaf dTrt- luni lenttpr mna (atiromata L>ffredV. Idfpqjcn-nanif tilVxtnnreniraddinrfaicata comunpit mfiidarm uetr fptric placet ahfna qma ^.er ff rornipttun ua iiefcir ac diffltttt/infi ornatti altnnde qnf ftto rirdi hnuTi fiierir acpotmim. .fcinoammotcfoinqfnia


\^^^^ i




115. Lactantius (f. 83'', reduced): Italian, dated 1460


cauram uiuett optaitentrt ctutalioind effiaatn mod dionumiitta {ir etquod iinlitarcm Ifotntibt^

cjuoaaiOTuimiittaitretqi . et ft non addocjoctitiatn citta ■Ktiuifin nobtrfaotn diarnmifad luu endttm tatnei^aifeatr ciuod eftr tmnmc necdTanxtra . CUiopetitcto fanfine uixtf fe ad->itrabor eroflFiatim bomimfinipkiTc fi labor meiifaliauorbomiiierab Iter ./ cdefedirtxettr :


omptftum boc uoliiTmrn per vnt loSc^oAw.tra -G de Lyns (lib annifj drii-ij«<5o- dteiafeiti qii^ fnirvn Innn

11^. Lactantius (f. 336'') ; Italian, dated 1460

- ^^ma-

Plate LXXV




*^ ii^ ^

^ ^ i . ^ >^ ri 5^ ^

^ :^ S '"* t* *!e ^ ^ II ii « <5r ^ ^ ^ii



2 ^


e g.^

^ ^. I


r- :^ ^ S ^ ts c? 1

e i ^''^

^ ^ g p,

^5 C n 5


14 if



H g ^^


tJ 1^ *^ ^



^ Ci -^. ^ Z>





§ls §^ g'g Lia s s

^3 V «»A

B^ ^ s s

^1 S ? i-

C5 S '* * <

#. s ^ s

O 1)




) paatjarao ,

n camutis.y:prpTog'.




noun timcfti^ mmoiiftthm

tdottPtuM wmum pit)




ibtuucmt 'eitilaudera


turamnn Vr quod

tnpagjtitT m ^)ccenditr



foundop najifimm

fiflimo ti^ duodeomo antio najnanct- p^cceffmn fa ettpTnmiiTepi.non tneo tnento- cum fim tmrfaenua S^mtmif Sc pcccaaf cibuoluntf * :f , 5menct ftddi dco » qm viocar ca que turn ftinctan^ ca que funr*^ onuf cpar^ actepv M^cnfe aint l3o otdimtumif mc?^ com effcm in mlla •'mcum diffemtnam cum ftbre tiaUda.E r cailtter agiKpr uc immmcrar morcr umcct onS. tnodif dc^atem^mtarf^am amr affidur^ di^ftiomCoftna^que tu)n\a£q[ge pocctam m S3>mta £r cmcWtoiobi cum ab^^a dcfomc utn?ft)mafl)itfenfimi"^ mm crac mcaif coipi.tjamtmaa- mutf aoolcbar (Dnfonaioo 4^^



ii8. Sulpitius Severus (f. 62) ; English, 12th century


,>^ dmrfiufmdfiibiUburprjmiiis. t3 c coqnofcciula nulco>nni>\\|»nniraaf cans, i v^\juaiufiu iinrarc Ucbear. i uTilnr(cai| - 4diis»v

o I rvr

ctorcfdiuinc^ mmcftaam

di^c appUcan'


pugnaMattiTuSmnonmn necfaipait5:atir^ onuait' net mmCUbcrmuomf uiq^

mn.urapiid deitm ulUiifltrrc pttnt<I|ift quia mt Jl^ccoium/Uborautc amic ddbiraf ago^;nmaCi^ ux: ct: mam Ubei^ec daiouifejroio. irnej i .

^^^^^'^^'^^da o:- coittm <Htlnav\ cotifttratula

LCreNVJ^tudaicegm Tiffidef (\uamtnamf

dnnconftanftnotntnb; :eo2umq; obfcquium quam ttrauonabitt deo c|; in^ramm ^lOtrcr uf cur abea6an fidr tccSfcnOci^ e mdcnnfllmtfcdtdifti^baftiq; mnomburd^m mcjuauro ^mantmm baccctiuf crroiemonftm

I20. Petrus Alphonsus (ff. 31, 60'^); English, late 12th century


II m5 fcfinmtc (III bcanm - r^

tent tmi eriTahtTcfh

c^inmts lentil HbT aihn crHiJrmfinir -prcfR^lIiflftfictircr

Jiinitc6 fn fnatalc5

(Ii«iaettr^tr}j5tcu6 A^ ©;rni6 Q^fi3tntaS

rnimr onie^inium*

122. Gulielmus de S. Aniore (f. 70'^); German, dated 1303

Plate LXXX


..4 h

vDcu^ntrftti ti^al-jxtttfennt






[J tfigTitftttimti'mm

I k.imji^I)t 5:11V c rne ' (^ wilcfm IK ctttrnt

, ; Jl ft^ltitmil^d^^

f _. . ,. Ti <nto tft ivn^r^^^ ; cg rui nits titt txtdf

i ' . lietnUnngtbmtrtybgt | Wtus fomMtW

tni wm nttavcvivommtB mtt j p git fa gitc-tnlt^tem

123. Bestiary etc. (ff. 31, 39, 40^); English, late 13th century

Plate LXXXl

V 1

,(f utiemtt mitmeme rufltmtfttt*



fnmle ttitn) nriUo ftrntrnnemtmuimittae 5mi^le^

123. Apocalypse, etc. (ff. 72, 103'^; English, late 13th century

Plate LXXXIl

^i| ClldMi- tflMUffttCllfKIIKV T


pfiu'dinuTon Cckuicimdtt tli^neiit UtK'iinc eft &ia::c .

!,U^(c dhiticc namt: uunui /uTm^aucnr *5t Ut xwvwac f«j7itwiiic 4m J^. f cfcriw a:wic s «ft pjittlrtucnaiicm fc »i»irt 1 fon amtta* }wur(Vf)]itfiji^ttvdiV<iim0 ^^y„ <«k»\ «cccaimdi<mc»i » w o.l. .• it ..dwm* qui (cto'lcm iOmtcc ou ic&vinc ;*i»wiKnncut J^ t «xft )»m; liii«t<itcincttt itia awcl iufh« x

9U dmtcncc i>; l49uciic tlomtcr Ufjlonti yean amoAic nil \i3&; afiu aefi^ufici' lCi> <niac dt0 lit) noticnottaid t&ia(iMtA\)ui;t((St .tilt iidiuiu3uent> t6wedi»A cTpscutntitAicIc

lunt' (Vafiuchcltnr t :tmu)$cit& ficpifacil ^ ciito(fi(r iuvbii rciup^ <& fctu* nr cfi: ii «) WKltlli.* A'lduaic eft jXltnc 2CI01C i|!OC Klflc* U^ii'p;nf!ti9tu;nonciic cndnii'MicutK c/t

!c})Icui'-^ ctibtiani«ntrut cudimr {.vucntcrbv VCUO.V noi^dtffc;- csSt l/><DiiiicttiUr2c(r dti xvuu' % tnncMilwc cclitlctuK 1 lcp:oftt -Xix t,l»iiiiciiai;U'n: diiUniu'CflrctinMidiu: u:cinu* unicut :«iit)iutif rck^nc qtufu )>.vtractv ra«nt vantniciilaloi* »\nttniu' ^'Ctilimu *^*(Ut$iu*iil<i. (c ^.-imtc '£av iiAiiir il<f«ci en nv? ttbiiiitffc; cttvum 9uvintn»-tpautcvnt il^rtjiiniiinit tiOnc 4^« ciilmiiirn' inoi> icr »^ (txt)^ uiiic kiiovitfniaiinimciiliiijKi

iltll Vitlliru .\ 1.V /iOWi. 1 I llillulllt nic

124. Legende doree (f. 3, reduced); French, 14th century


to 3 iTiifimi * M fas f^af t^i6 i^unfl^ Cafii i3mf l^e ^cue among' l^ifhr fiejti^* J^oD^e W^x^ ftiJn (Jefye noi^e fm H am afEe mopt m fiif lime* anil affc m^ Jb;ol^e le fb;? tfjie i^ong- queue anft Pa&i ^at fo nic6f6> 8aif fejit and fba fa&e affc t§at ni jSc ^aile and o6e)i et^l>oute flomautttemeot. Mnb a6 t}c|b

je))ncb l))>m anb a/Ri& l]))m \^^at Q^eiiTefi tijat: ^e jToioViJCD fo. ^1 tia Ijc aa|\viTe5 t)u- and feih! trcl^fi fail l]ir lO fb;} j>ou anfe |^ no ti^F^g' ^'ffi^^ fba and y j1)ol>tr ftie ] ranue ttotj^nte wxp €^^t- ua2 3"l\50t! notfU^iJcjV f (Jane Bvoug^t jtsw , anft ii^ljat 5 |l]aP tou afa^ );ltoot| notJ ij?Ukrjlie|eih: ficcri^of gDole r^rrcanft comfb^tr, and IJanct^trelB fept^tfo^ rnijlc^ jiilUt^at t^at&Di pat 10 jo goole fente um^ fijn V)^ to ijcnj|5c fim\

129. Life of St Katherine (f. ii); English, 15th century


cttcr* fcttt-tc ^ m^miO ai?<>n\an


jr^t- ) Wwt tp fc ay i(K^ of rcft^U<wi6

/ f ihn^^ S>c mit%i0i»of iBfi<>^H jkRvJ^ rt^ofkr ton fi^iie ejl, ^iTdnt^e.iFftti^^mvpfl^^ajfiacur^

TsHJat- i^,ycput^ iifyc ^ofy ^ft. m ^ jfcfe tivc0

Doctrine of the Heart, etc. (f. 117'', reduced); English, 15th century



\ C414 A I-


^ "^y^w^^l'^^^^o Vnc-mt^Tttnir^S ♦ynT^lft-tnS^nhtf ato^

•^•^^l^ww^f <tm^ «EJU?*^**'*^*^"«^ ^;=* 4<irr»iiw>\^m»r W.inttrVdn^uml

ttitj ttttftli

(fhtuhr cutn^winif ccm^hif.

nnvf«c>mvi ;^ M'tf^mr. w^emr mnw aoJ^ v SSS Vlrr, rtv.<* "jr^. m ":>. mwt It

^(1^ niticn tctln Acum fxatt-tucnti

^:^^^JitP ^y^i^ n fnVl AT^Iilnnf fMttirttf fill?

nrtmffid . tn-- v«-i

rt»m ^ >yvivi -aX". "i^Xtjttittl' litf5tp

"5* pntWnn* . ). c uimtno

tnanlt; oir:^.

€Uo^urt^.m i^ftrPT €mm/c^^ u;tuf

4^r.<.yxot ^ „... . •«.;>M...>

^.ttrr^i.vwn- ^unvtn 7"<w»i?J \n

ikcdaf n <^\ i} itiamt^ -cmr

cr<i»«W'-i^>trt fcrrv utu h<^<ii (hninc ciiu cc £

w line ^;n<t0 fnctti^'tTilc ^ |?4ttr T A<w|nojt^' 4nnipti

intnir ^m linwiiiACi' ♦n-di Ij ticUc ai;mm iyfi'ci.dttm


135. Gratiani decretum (f. 65): Italian, c. 1200






I"' ^ -.Hi/? at a : "t- iccnifbic

f ' -

il, b'



17 V




f ccvitoai^cffiauuaipioi g 00 fminig;ip,Ti6 cmiiu 4^ niin4i 11111 11 una nni^ loi i twam'mcncnuimatiir f a'ur-iitnifaiimai(Wiur

W ooiicnpmeimplmnScf puaimufiniiiwiiiftoif I imgntonTmamifiKtaBii

11110^^4: f^; I plUICtnita ; fiiOoiii'iiiDiurmaUin

wiionnyniJftnxt:Vtincn* - nil iiiiidrfittinriiiiihoi 8 ; iaisJiuaiuaiiitfTocomn 1

I iiaiviiTUvniKmicrtiiirrT

i imnttciupDiraTifmini] X fitiiiiniiiuiiDiiiiiu:pcUi] \ ipiiUTiniii nivj umiinii V , : iiOluifiTCfcan^ffflina-:^ ^ Jr' a:>Higiimt5,pmdiiii7:i^ j f ;,^

coj aiiiiiaid^iaairrtiuum / 01 mar5iii;i0^arniufcpu3 / "^ poiutJiimiiLiqiumpn / ^J

- onb:>aiiiriluDiacatiiarV

Cilo l(xvr\(xx\t\xtm o?mv 7

nlr nnnm uuiininiimD'^


ni imtnwv^TiMXiiic^piv

r^^n f.^lliipmiiiTCfcon^frflina^ «

o:ib:>aiiiriluDiacatiiar^ iti


niia'U'v.giun_ ifarfutrumni oniiii4H<Tt:at>rfia: pnafa>iifc;it1x>U

11!^ uufco'^criuitJir rnnifiiicimiutiinroi v>i aiji6nma>iiipi\i^D






^\ TD



136. Gregory IX's Decretals (f. i); Italian (Bologna), c. 1300



tiim*ifft|feiftnnTectta5^iro cnm

137. Gaufridus de Trano (f. 180''): French, 13th century



IS«£mnr-&p fe>ftS<9.5am+-<i>flt4m ^ffii*^ Sep

't<vl[<o«.f»cr- •'^^2J2?~C ^*/^'*''***^*<^^^-^=^*'^'^'^'^'^^'»"** fat-*- a ^e





140. Statutes (f. 63); English, 15th century



. IGpjyp, -^ f<*^-^ ^)8,«>»«^. <^^drr^ ivStoitrr' 6t ircW'


fti 1>gft:&<C^ -tglUMt^tt^ VM iowSSc vttSbui 'liO'^


r- ^ e^u^Jf »»t&»W* qT^»Vi ^"P^^ ffr? c»' ^m'L

-eflctArti 1 9i Wlnt rMOT»'©tT- -(nioamo: ^-^-cA*^

■^ ^ e^TTubi wt?^ i^gxcJic f?<»*vji (^*T- %J\ilX &>m^

1 t^tt^Vii >*it»^^nt- T>tj<&e4 ^ Mtt- TO»T^ -c5>r".

»<W-*»W? atStytt- aw-f' £^ \<5 ^tr- .^TtM. CDr -fir/ ^ oJflMo aAV: ./^t? »MSk? c^^ ^

CMC- trt^rM^ftf^ aS>^o(P;V^St'3t»n

tjccfibrtcC' •"" ^ ctT 01 « ^cwo e^w-Kt- »»toS>''- ©1 <3mSi^"c«3. eft*

V»«fl ^i«t« Ti^ g^^ . ^ (^.i^ |^2f 4



145. Bracton (f. 6'') ; English, late 13th century

Plate XC

il^o.H>^„ .|g/(|t^. ^'•p^jw'fltj^i^o



im TTcfu^w ?^^mnmo ^tfctrntg ^ arm Vttg StMom^ntStma' ^ hcc atv-fac tnfttw cmni?; o^ftUb; 4l£^wwl;ii0 our t? qmt>£ ofmitttir iitta^tio^fwmi4col<il/tto 4Muwncviub;mm ^Jhlr^

pl;m oh ccttjfe-mtrare tiimirnvz ^nui t ucttiiv |Jnavi** **«^ ^ ittftrmmwtTttcc iimtnit£ p^^ftai cmcnab; lum qf* |*l/ta>>' 1% mm -itnc^Jux^ttm qm tnafi?i^ ^^^ 4ttctti ^nt>{<wiinnu*.1>ti^' tcitt flmur <5J> ca our ccmctJunnA* Vu «o 9:l;ti^ i xcncmm \m{

wiJiufeihtm eft-' ^wmSi cnfl/ cumfoifti <«^l^uo^ftrtl«tii»<f itf itiif' Xy qmtf |ml2^tcd if cmcB qamiitr»l> lio iTlmmncd ♦!? awe

qm^ cc^ue fir oCc wmm <«h ^Ji'-twiicmiai^ fmotidij; tcihi <ut<htm:cqtttD<^^<ir odraM;!) lafDiV'tcm cft^ )^ue mV^^ cC 'Semum^aidlmir(^au0&ai/atmcibmiii^l^<ct^^ ^

mi<X|mrmmiuitimi»'mctu6quaf If ztmn otitOim yxii^ue cCtiui j aus> Jaumt0 lio ^ €fizmt«::Delci!hit^ilc^ciil ^ tnrtnbae vtSSnvc tp j <r dbim^ wrj? qWiitguir I; mir^cqunr ^ou> (bpft: tVt tutcn

154. Aristotle (f. 199): French (Paris), late r3th century

Plate XCI


optti aurpi^'hfi imil*ii iudlMlcftcurmnrir^iiclBcf

ttott^ltt^tapnnpttlj'ii aU pH lauite ml iftmcui^ft ftnm p iimtmio-^^iamiD-'mlnin'^mii


i^^iittii^^j^ our ifboii; our

m) ci^^ttm*m^<r^wc filrcf |j:j

<^qtl% ivfUrqiicfuw*'<{tit


auraiigmettfi mmmo mi^

iioailrefcpzui^ Komimpimr

m^^our t^ Wcft-ticip cm

liaamcBmmumiptr ttcic^H ocoic^nupiiiiniraii^ mora quuj-u flle imirimiU^ crtOrtm

mooua itott trtccUitumn^ j^Baafc/urflfcmpcaxlrtfiiutt

mtrvrnmoa^ct mianf fen

155. Aristotle (ff. i, 51'^; French, late 13th century


Plate XCII


otmieor tttrtum«»q3lhtm»atm.^tatt U tiamtttt?ljaitti8tttdw2a(mn






T56. Aristotle (ff. 37, 7,0; Krench, 13th century


cswm fxautti fcrt W; rt o heUT-iccvVtwrn nt flirHimccfTi^njmyr

i\ J^pctvn^tf fritrer prtvii»r*iivr ucrccunJin uitititcefa? «pa*u>l.

jru otU* cflJrmma^KlTwTn* antmt ptcnof.Cjfuv mft ci'^^trr,«cii.lir

T>c.cJpmr.-m«;Ktmi* * "

clvQiTc «{V <jne^ coo

fcci(Tc;«ji*i^adi - - ,. ^„ ^

mumcnj<v.h^ Am if>i c]uo aivTe CtmfclaonV.&iiUntr eUwrt C^r n*Tn;Alteri Co(ruta«,n*i(itttterT«fliA^ A/ittel»Tn<mttv creJoT' Teur

- V^Ti't- Ej? ^V.CiV-JJv-M ^Ct\ f ^C * P.*

\/ no cum "Ti^c-ri* r'«c?c^7 ;r.<>nr A^ t{^r'.t•

0 dr.' o *. p *-iTi « £ •''^

157. Cicero, Epistles (f. 152): Italian, dated 147 1

Plate XCIV

cam 51 tin

:- mompceC TnwAtrn

J/DiCi * ^an^ sJbXo

., ■- 4 !

i4i£i ii^X;:*f'"''^ ''^^^''-J^ff' '^ir-.€t>'^A.



4^ XTZip-7~ltrf-(-'X'


a uAm mf\u€rbcrxm ^jsnCJiuiix^ aac/^rnt^^ X fj nil ! freoii cnaufxxam inomnt ontctPne"' VicA^t^tn

159. Priscian (f. 77^); German (Treves), loth century

Plate XCV

ia,<7a' permeilo5 petiatcf amnu/ ctfcumr.Tomgsr alicjtur UTiacnnem luuentfoccifi-. p'nai: mfuiu mac5 ^ illaf uefW qiufe? ipfa luiierietn tmjet^a/ comSscc . Ca. - nuif ad tumulum: mifceamu^ rupia' bufla. lacnmaa- Jbt aut tacefjimuf oantzr' axw miiiccm ccnfLrebimm:' iam 'tatn tnifer'tnon oofTum . BxrliC'tur tx^(oihatxx - duo I pictas: >iCn(cnbo tabvdae ts^i^amento fapremo uei-fea noacrecfo; <5c ^ monar' tntormcntis mei5. lliud tantam noxxtmrtm preab^ate caiitafphbc^ roB ferfe cormiatf vatertiC atr uxor' perocafl :tt - uenif umbram pto / a'tr mater ueaLud amp[mf ofue- rai*' tufeniam ne^cUcaS;

EX PL! C IT I1V5I)IMPATL5.- 1 NlCi TIT MIL£5 M_Ar^iAMV5. ^ £LLO cytnbnco MiLef /wiananuf tnbu - nam - i^upnim fiSi rnferre- conatitctn pro - pmcjiuim Marii occidir. "R^eufei'^c^-^ Af apuct Imperatoretn. A7l5 dedtcans am fiagitii caft^acepet^ cum /^^c furentl tnfcuno mettf (uhte£bi' cfb urin xncdxo beiii Cyrnbnoi ftrccntu. ante fiona^ tuiif bano5 (tc habituf fan£b^ (tmif aurib? uiSerdb profba-n^ ofadio cinilumtdtc lum turpifTimam ac ndaiTam tzmtrtardi tnfrrr:''^

1 60. Quintilian (f. 116''); Italian, late 15th century


Plate XCVI

162. Suetonius (f. 178*^): Italian (Milan), dated 1443


^VfLLI cE vn.4 DVOdfCfM atrSA/^VM

Oxl'^'t'H- CifnHi\ibnC >^l^^•>.^■^^^ i'C>^r^^■t\.\ f^rchn.'i j./'ifi

(•/./A fcipc iiiffcnt^f' ^11.1 »:j«CT7t|: ^non.tfha

N *.'»T77i7i.i 7-cr crrfhif* n7r.i77j<T . obtnnnq -.<?,' ;r

n777-'.y.vifrjjj^77 p.!trcm .ji—iVfr. 'c>.-jncnnhitf"q- i\yn fut .':. A^imm uUrciclhn.ittif: ciivntV. corfnn '■he tinmlui :cyici.rri.(':d .'.Jrnc 11777 c{ihel'i^n:cccUAt'^ c/e/^tm.'.! 1 ccrncli.D-t-i cvj-incair.}





cy l|!7.i il/i 7-'70Y 7n/z.i f. Ma];.jir crpiiW?.i j'cr. co777pc//i .1 ciichivorc Ull.\ nllt' TJtodo p-.tzut

^l ■<- t'iccvcicn'c ■<■ nsonf'cioK .<' t^'^ntilth'iY Uc rcdir.mb: r>uiL-}.mirciii\f!iriini priuin h.ihcB.ti-

. hr .<\itfccdcrc c mcciw. \' ijtj'777c».''/v c^ii.trr.nic

re l.itchr.u'ci>i^a'cnir. t'ccf: .ib inniu'tirortb: fLcn

771.1 rcclnncrcr dcnecip ninrmci'iicfhilcl'vci-q:

' jii.tmercn cmilthm " '


^^ i'>T> .V\^^ V



162. Suetonius (f. i); Italian (Milan), dated 1443

Plate XCVriT



Plate XCTX

?^ Si





1 66. Astronomira (f. 48); French, late 13th century

Plate C

TrntTt* cr Will'.- cop ttigwnmwOc fi-ftdr jc i'rtiiatV.rnir- auuCTtuc*- fwytuc Cmjtlif finr miwr-iuxtrttt-

^in 1 tim <a)V- anfrtimln nSfJw

ftnfOiu fmjtuV'Hlif- «• w^^tcitl cc at

rtii^tn ^-i ■a> . cv- v-iyj iW'm tcCrt

It- ? a (Tiin-o A^ Aittn^fumi trtx

Rtf n«t imec migiihtr- <c- 1- m -nttW*

tiotcnr «ini noTC ft-- aVtp.^jfttox»'Ai <oiw^^tlW-- ir (c- mui T i*-fitir t^V -HOter"*-?! noic ficVOicri ^r qitim/i «?■ I dtiiiJ «-n.'tb/ d (mn» ««> anjtfm »ucW nunw f qmimffl Wl- 1- gm qU-v^-jrtlHOtitfiU'ftnjj&f^ttof. rp- ivf nuhOJ tw ornat' n at tqutit' tmr-viii ^4 . ftn^'i aui a*) cwnru oiiinr «irit«H'-4-rtn^ alif IC-^t'SCnr

rt* cena-iL-ulnr- (}■ fM^fe'cmnr-ii: ttTsC rtn^'i HlvC- It^tti -mtTKHtO ^• rerW-O dwf ft'fltAiorttrnni firt- nitw T aw. d Off -1^ iv. cc (^ ttaar mi

qm tttnrqnt itthtwi'"^-*'? (U ccntxiun wuciiVciinUj qwoa tHfcf tirorirttetrtjtont-^.ittfqT

(f-inpHt-Qinrinqm imnwcft'At t«(? fiffliur i-rptic

T«r- tirtMr.U»f t \t- »-<? icctiiqj rtj^ •f4»if>*l' ^cjm' que dOairtni'-j near ftfutrfrtuhUUn cqiitf 'Jftmm- tfi im f unn ininoi-"lni£JivTffc ■fe n aoirttiurfU«im ittHWc = <tot^ir viiitfiou minor, cuin ^"iin<afc-' firtnittoi tf tcl crip«irur<Ktoi£p

tUnjjf jM- nt' Tm<a ttdd qiimita <^ qu^OJtto luii'acciltr-;DtCiinJl qili

cRftupninTcvcrtc itnaniocar'-e't {c rt pitmh> rt^ i^ V'ni*W «c I •»! «Ttf runttuUc itroU)iinr'o,i-{CttIii y . V iiina. tK6»ii'tmA^ cay «qt'«f- lic od-imicl>fq^rt<iC ctn^ fidnof <<n^-. rolwtf •ftUiivnttr qtief otriT Cue utCtr rmrlH**! nwni jr- 1- 'V

atmirtVawnf. f-AW -*ip- vre. i-v »

•fiitt tmia?«ttii£Ueftuiu

lOtrwiMs'Jltuuat cum ticictir tnos tttsan^uwr 4itvmi0rttmrfcintmj«r

til« ■rtca?'V*-i>i<»ur^loiDno-iv(.

.«euirttm. Dun ^ vmutf^iw-efty ^tiiW emudjcntty-fiftlil

tqinotftHincf<!c- 6icm «nt«ttOr »- -nnnf ct«m»uun i\S: piitn tirtflo TtBl pmam <if v j C i*fuu-^~a«f<*(

TTOMir ftttof rt ng^j c toUtof r- Otmi« tttimtuMdfl:ivnu^tnfotiOiO*t IllUlfV ojjwtnr .iir \rtk: e\-. nrj- p

f li «--rv( pttnof fqr tmertf ■mncmrc emt^ pVmorffi^i 6H[*inro«pttaCVi»irtfbiwf^«iiu JMfhmras'.O nuceraxninjiinii ftjftnn binrtritiuvtrbtciracnf'. <»u 4r t- Atotnf opOietn mTCruuf pjd rtof ttbi m mof c5 Mi«rtwr-ahjr 9ri^<T(pinvrtu$fif cqtuHCfCp- aHii'b'nr Jiifliif crfivdlef rif tuunto tqiunuii 'Jirnttr MhJr^rCiifpMi^

j niyfinetectn»cyi(hi

oifOCnt^i^ccqitcnbi in i\ictm mdtff ^wnanter.

Iv' tutctufWipCtHCbWfutnnu ^TivuHf itfilHuf t^umim tWiwhr Tmetf iW-nUuBUn Itnwvfmtruinu

i68. Euclid (f. 5'', reduced); French, 13th century

Plate CI

N cm boUtmai uulcan lioan oifclTia, Strcmg^t omcmpT-bcl itirantra ratbiA- Poco ama fecfyin cal qxoco famfcJna

1 ncolt tcnelnvfa. 4" ^etca, p-batoa p^incouid flrmo ouclepcnc ufate^ Alutat perretnpo 4- larma pnirra [ai>bia.

1 ntantopvrr'ropntaTKlo lilsertare

c onfotai corj uccier' lecofr an dare' "B^vtrnt-an Jo cno fa Ao alfol <ivneue'

Tanai (mt-tt 4 fi cJ?ian incarcer- cctro

<^afi lim era piAura. mt:emc)ol7ret»e Chelovtiix mnartrt 4 loccbio tx>rna ackecm ;

Tt^ ^OKFD SfCONDO ^M■L•^ tvdi

jvANDO xunoxoQt3<^iun tcpoainui

Er tiep^uotmni utm almonaodiUL 1 o trreCi e^enrtolo Aciov Oat^ rev

"FaccenJo rmo profiito iaivmi m%ic^

Inccmloiar-tcad cf^ dolor- met CheCi uepvio <iunxrco<^auno (hralc

Ththo pcrcofCo ciaiouacnC ciahtao

Lun c(c<fto deo: laitro bucnttpuro ^tnortsiUr'


172. Petrarch (f. 14) : Italian, late 15th century

Plate Cn

flrmiQVjn frQQtm$8iF

Quilauoir UU9 nuhif

er^moirr f^aurmiir

TeiQU auoir eneatet^



Sifotit latu*it't^ot?a:{T «^5drter^

iUR9Tnmiba hj^es renalaifTenr cau^aeuoloipf arfw^aufoialier ^

aconfetl£>t(P-laimncTi\>tia uui a

nr feumcenr koptini^

lfmrf€«iafeulfir6fe81F ■^a fcun IciMicreoiiri-f e

img-eniwaiiciftm inar4*defe


plaifi 1 ftmr e

taflf^'f i^rrbii uo«r €1

179. Roman des Sept Sages, etc. (ff. 17'', 186); French, c. 1300

centra gvQXvxvaVct el ecrefi-

nntcKcrtcfahcr :\\xc fCffiic en rm

mvnc-clqual ftacprmtcrAwc re be {jrcaa nuU fiiC a'fn:VnKt»

cue ncnbvc ^cix^*

fitc x'cr ^ Ci'^r t jTiOnitv fabio otnc i*r }Vaal mcntt en wzkM* ii\^'\ny lUl'iMlc^ ai'tr^ t aitui unA ritcna |?.n nnif|tr qttc ^ucnmtbrc ^4t*:(iic muvivlUi nmir- (libux jftiitanrt* liimvnc fvn (Ti afar Ic^fia iiuclxvuiii iiiutTViai^iicffn mufjtr ^^iiiint* fi]^ •• cl 11 no Tt 4iiVtcfn»t» tiitnnv l<? Tvniia cchav zcfn rfrrnc cfmnrc* fn

aei'tr t]iK ttuvii; muHiV^ i\\c^ ti^tc ficl ftia-ifficnuA' mj? Hi i't* rtcfc^ en n>H: "XxXoi: mf. cUnuntrf f I «?rir i^iic uiincric Tvfvnf^ jCl (ci'iait fcnoi-c^TV trtrcbmio* TMV4 fi^^ny^rc x |\avic nrr I »\ fii nui^' c I v*

l^ c! fccftnn? j\?i» l^ crhar CiiUl mat' cl cci*ravTi5<?lc»«nnci'iMr bmo en nniitntciITt "jv vix^c Tt ntK'ViX . la ' \\\\ nc£fjtni »iuc fa luiirrc (iK* rfivft ^ utnc»az»ui^rr >Mt*tv- |a?o jcarrn mcnrcfhrcv iina a-ianu-aap ^roxi\ re ml fwma *Tn\> ^Mtric|]c ftiUiv re la itantrart imamu^- cnpinfprcnmni cj?nte» luifcrn lai5»<:»ti'at*a'janti'a^ ?iiua? cl fi]i» na(a<> ella li' jiK» (cavm meucttr



mno^ i

ante U

mln-a a


an(i cl r»tdv<

"TicCf^ t

re \C\\<

a»^itcl 5 efK fet'

a ^.yX^\c^

cnH<?T rna Ic t (J fhn*


eiitcna iicmi' 1

cK ice 11 ii«n!a r

mcne>^ cl ntnii

i8o. Orosius in Spanish (f. i); Spanish, dated 1442


Plate CIV



i8i. Chaucer (f. 15''); English, 15th century

Plate CV

Pit E«;' sTvj«».M»8*^ ?&»* i.>»uM^%«'«'V xk»» wrax^ nifv >»c?|l« v rssimv *»''*^»*s'--

^ti^ tM^J^ '^-C fe it<tsttf m(S^ ttdfT m Uie^m^im^ -^r^ t^it»fltt<c

'*.C"Ty--^i>yt- tc «^- Vi ^*ttsii€ du& toVii i^i &?»i ^ ^%JCtiHcafiS» mi^a ffiotrntefe^^trtf te ma^ Mh!j? teS^ «it> il^ttM* U1if A<lir f^ ^if>

i mew my mdt^ t^Butait <Vfc>^c a^mp»l^l«uf^ tw;;0*tf \{ M< vf -^ nn>5ti *fi»q?^ li^cuctc m ^t^^^vt|} .\S Rn^e^m^ <^v^ tifStt <M'^

^^ ^»r|» alt^ ^wk^aiwjWlbwc ^^ta^ttd^'^im^nA* ^»i|<?

182. Lydgate and Hoccleve (f. 9. reduced): English, i5tli century

Plate CVI





^^ 'i\ldt5-^tiipeT\ "So 'ww^u^c^ce-T

^" i v\ "tft^r-tDfo cf ant ^t^oi ovT" - j^nf p»^ ^fe^ l^^ytt '^Mx jicvimr^

rSF^^^ r«^ cm^H^fe -to ^i '] -F^^ '

-^^ -^ ir v^ '^i f^.n fe'^^^. 'f^jcfo Aw-a ■fe')'^

(^ ^jt -^ fete iiT ,'< ^^ie^>d»net 1^ -Tjrf^mr 'c^M^ |,ejWlii'a ^ys\y^ to ^-^^ '


184. Walton's Boethius (f. i); English, 15th century

Plate CVII


tkt ccu-mittj nicli f;in t^ofn fi^-n-o 111 jo^r A]\\r\ )\oil.oc pi •|irinie Slnc^rji-i -Wv^privf! a-vnl^fo.

' -J

[87. Ulster tales (f. 6); Irish, dated 1640



i>rt:nitbn$bcnucnun nrn; 4 X>J5iC^o:i'uQoUm gmtoni

^X>ilicolajii& i>t)Xttnicl'rcbii (t^jcBiintdx>lai?5.TmuclTrc

H^ Dt^lamcoificuoDio gt CO tozgagn^maiobie gm

C^ t)aiiid

f?v6 7 ^h\ ^o/vilsiiKp/a;' o >anic/tt



20I. Leaf from a Matricola (f. 15): Italian (Bologna), late 15th century


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